'^X>;i^ <»^ #' CL ^ •■$' .!5 ^ « 13 J5 '^^^ IE 5 ^ CL i 1 *fe ^ M— O j ^ ^ 1 ^ 5 CD c W o bi) .S &H <: ■ t^ § 3 iz; £ § s ^ ^ M CO ■t; .s -a ^ « CO .s ■§ § ^^ P4 I.! Q '-^ ^ v»-* ^ 1 o >> o ^ -o \ C een introduced into very many of our churches, and holds a high place in public estimation. Spu- rious editions of it ba\TQg lately appeared, and the materiails for an improved selection of hvmns having greatly increased, a new edition has been strongly urged bv many gentlemen^ whose judgment is entitled to respectftil consideration. A new edition of •* Watts' and Select Hymns'" is therefore now oftered to the public. The Selection "has been enlarged by the addition of 240 hymns and 30 " Occasional Pieces."' The whole number of -' Select H^-mns'' is now 474. The hymns selected by the present Editor are numbered in con- tinuation of those in the former editions, and commence with " Hymn 2-37,'' p. 655. For the convenience of the numerous churches in which the former editions are used, it has been thought best to add the new h>-nms, rather than destroy the existing arrangement, by making a classification of the whole. If such a classification had been made, it is obvious that the new edition could not be used in connection \\-ith any of the previous editions. The evil which arises from the heterogeneous arransrcment of the Psalms and H\Tnns in all the common editions of Watts, has lon^ been very seriously felt. To diminish it as much as possible, without making a new book, — very special attention has now been given to the " Index of Subjects." 4 EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE. The Editor will be much disappointed, if it shall not appear that he has greatly improved the work in this particular. The references throughout are made to pages , and will bear ex- amination in respect to general accuracy and precision. There is also but one '' Table of first lines 3" and each line is referred to the page upon which the corresponding psalm or hymn may be found. In enlarging the Selection, the Editor has aimed to increase the variety of good hymns, which are more directly suited to the circumstances of the times, and are also likely to be of per- manent value. It was, however, impossible for him to obtain hymns of high character, for all the special occasions, which the diversified movements of the age have called into exist- ence. He has endeavored to pass by productions which are merely ephemeral j so that the new Select Hymns may more nearly correspond with those, which have received the seal of public approbation. High authority could be given to confirm his decision, in regard to almost every hymn, which has been added. Want of room compelled him to omit many hymns, which otherwise would have had a place in the Selection. — Tkis edition will be found to be specially enriched ivitk hymns, which relate to the life and glory of Christ, — the alarming condition of the unconverted, — the feelings of the convicted and the penitent, — the diversities of Christian experience, — the benevolent operations of tlie church, — the institutions and ordinances of the gospel, — to times and seasons, — more particularly, the solemn periods of sickness and death, eternity and judgment. Very seldom has the Editor allowed himself to make any alteration in the phraseology of the hjmns. In almost every instance of material change, an intimation is given of the fact — as on p. 676. The designation of tunes, and the application of the "Key of Expression'' to the new Select Hymns, have, with a few exceptions, been made by an experienced teacher of sacred music. SAMUEL M. WORCESTER. Amherst College, Jan. 20, 1834. J\. T A B L E-^, % Li i ^Y3IN BY THE FIRST LINE. Page. ACCORDING to thy 664 ■* charge to keep I liave. . 705 V .s ! what hourly 542 AH hail the power 521 AH ye who feel 689 Although the vine 5G5 Am I a soldier 5u3 And is the gospel 513 And let this feeble 644 And will the great 594 Angels 1 from the realms.. 653 Angels, roll the rock 520 Arm of the Lord 618 As birds their inf'int 616 Asleep in Jesus, blessed.. 759 Assembled at thy great... 734 At every motion of our — 678 Attend, my soul 507 Awake, and sing 571 Awake, awake, each 681 Awake, my soul 630 Awake, ve saints 640 BEHOLD the man! how. 662 Behold the Saviour at 684 Behold, v\-here in a mortal 669 Being of beings, God of. .. 692 Beneath our feet, and o'er 760 Bestow, dear Lord, upon.. 608 Blessed are the sons 568 Blest be the lie that 627 Blest Comforter divine — 673 Blow ye the trumpet 583 Bread of heaven ! on 740 Bread of the world ! 740 Brightest and best of 659 By thy Spirit, Lord 706 By whom was David 552 CAN sinners Iiope for. . . . 678 Children of God, awake I. 735 Children of the heavenly.. 702 Come, condescending 628 Come, every pious heart.. 666 Come, gracious Spirit 673 Come, Holy Ghost, descend 738 Come, Holy Spirit, come.. 527 Come, humble sinner 529 Come in, thou blessed.... 741 Come, let our songs 743 Come, let us anew 749 1* Page. Come, let us join our 740 Come on, my partners 7J9 Come, thou Almighty 574 Come, thou condescending C23 Come, thou Fount 556 Come, thou lon:i-expected. 602 Come to Calvary's holy . . . 689 Come, tune, ye saints 519 Come, ye sinners, poor... 686 Come, ye weary sinners.. 688 Come, ye weary souls. .. . 577 Command thv blessing 737 DARK was the nightTand 661 Daughter of Zion,liwake. 770 Daughter of Zion, from. . . 727 Day of judgment, day 653 Dear as thou wert, and... 757 Dear Jesus, when 541 Dear Lord, and shall 531 Dear Saviour, we are thine 699 Did Christ o'er sinners 660 Descend, Holy Spirit 540 Didst thou, dear Jesus 550 Dismiss us with thy 587 EARTHLY joys no longer 704 Encompass'd with clouds. 538 Eternal God, enthroned.. . 642 Eternal Lord, from land.. 733 Eternal source of every. .. 593 Eternal Spirit, God of 673 Eternal Wisdom, thee 506 Exert thy pow'r, thy 619 FAITH adds new charms 701 Faith, 'tis a precious 532 Far from the world 745 Far from these narrow... . 751 Father, how wide thy.... 523 Father of all, we bow 589 Father of men, thy care. . . 629 Father of raerci*:*, God of. 713 Father of mercif 3 in 597 Father of mercies, send... 624 Father, whate'er of. 709 Few are thy days, and .... 676 Fierce passions discompose 551 Frequent the day of 736 From every earthly 702 From Greenland's icy 725 From wlience these 516 TABLE FOR THE SELECT HYMNS. Page. From year to year in 742 Full of trombling 714 GENTLY, Lord, O gently 7]0 Glorious things of thee are 616 Glory to God on high 524 Glory to thee, my God. ... 631 God, in the gospel of 675 God is gone up on high... 665 God moves in a mysterious 548 Go to dark Gethsemane... 669 Go, ye heralds of salvation 732 Go, ye messengers of God. 731 Grace! 'tis a charming... 694 Gracious Lord, our children 610 Grateful notes and 571 Great God, now 607 Great God, the nations 620 Great God, we sing 638 Great God, what do I see. 766 Great Lord of angels 595 Guide me, O thou great... 563 HAIL, everlasting Spring. 614 Hail, hail, sweet cherub.. 771 Hail, mighty Jesus 579 Hail the day that saw 518 Hail, thou once despised.. 525 Hail to the Lord's anointed 728 Happy soul, thy days 756 Hark ! that shout of 766 Hark I the glad sound.... 512 Hark I the herald angels.. 518 Hark ! the herald angels.. 509 Hark ! the song of Jubilee 729 Hark! the voice of love... 613 Hark! what mean those.. 657 Hark! what mean those.. 720 Hasten, O sinner, to be... 681 Heal us, Emmanuel, here. 553 Hear, O sinner, mercy.... 687 Hear what God the Lord.. 617 Hear what the Lord the. . 605 Heaven has confirm'd the. 643 Heavenly Spirit, may 736 He comes ! he comes ! the 762 He comes ! the conqueror. 761 He dies ! tlie friend of. . . . 517 He lives — the great 525 Here, at thy table, Lord... 611 Here let us see thy face. . . 739 He who on earth as man.. 600 His master taken from. . . . 598 Holy Ghost, dispel our.... 672 Honour and happines3.... 572 House of our God, with. . . 639 How are thy servants 565 How blest is our Friend.. . 649 How blest the righteous.. . 757 How helpless guilty nature 527 How oft, alas ! this 528 How precious is tlie book. 674 Page, How rich thy bounty .597 How rich thy gifts 748 How shall I'my Saviour.. 556 How shall mv soul find... 694 How soft the words 608 How sweet, how heavenly 697 How sweetly along the... 635 How sweetly flowed the.. 659 How sweet the name of. . 670 How sweet to leave the.. . 745 How swift the torrent rolls 749 How vain is all beneath.. 677 How will my heart 680 I ASKED the Lord that I. 540 If human kindness meets. 663 If 'tis sweet to mingle. . . . 745 I know that my Redeemer 560 I long to behold him 753 I love thy kingdom, Lord. 742 In all my Lord's appointed 692 Indulgent Sovereign 617 In sin by blinded passions 531 Inspirer and hearer of . . . . 631 In sweet exalted strains.. 594 In the floods of tribulation 712 In themselves as weak as. 590 In this world of sin and.. 642 In vain our fancy strives.. 755 In vain we seek for peace 667 I saw beyond the tomb... 680 Israel in ancient days.... 508 It is the Lord, enthron'd. . 550 I was a grov'ling creature. 544 JERUSALEM, my happy. 752 Jesus, and shall it ever be. 536 Jesus, at thy command... 559 Jesus, full of all compassion 578 Jesus, harmonious name.. 671 Jesus, I knovi^, has died for 544 Jesus, immortal King, arise 7;i3 Jesus, I my cross have 700 Jesus, lover of my soul... 559 Jesus, my all to heaven... 693 Jesus, my Lord, how rich. 625 Jesus, thy blood and 562 Jesus, to thy dear wounds 764 Jesus, we lift our souls. . . 738 Jesus, whose blood so freely 554 Joy is a fruit that will. . . . 547 KEEP silence, all created. 506 Kindred in Christ, for 627 LAMB of God, whose. . . . 739 Let me dwell on Golgotha 614 Let party names no more. 698 Let songs of praises fill... 672 Let the beasts their 685 Let those who bear the... 703 Let us av/ake our joys. . . . 522 Let Zion's watchmen 746 Lilt up your lieaUs 511 TABLE FOR THE SELECT HYMXS. Pare. Lift up to God the 7(36 Light of life, seraphic 747 Listen, ye hills, ye oO^ Lo ! he comes, the King.. r>52 Lo ! he comes, with 702 Look down, O Lord, with 578 Look up, my soul, with... 622 Look up to yonder world. 716 Lo I on a narrow neck of. 641 Lord, at thy table 739 Lord, dismiss us with 733 Lord of all worlds 621 Lord of life, all praise. . . . 620 Lord, send thy word 619 Lord, we come before thee 535 Lord, what our ears 606 Lo, round the throne at... 716 Lo, the prisoner is 758 Love divine, all love 586 MAJESTIC sweetness sits 671 Manna to Israel well 540 Many woes had Christ.... 515 May I remember, Lord. ... 711 Men of God, go take 730 Mercy alone can meet.... 690 Mercy, O thou Son of. 695 Mighty God ! while angels 52) Morning breaks upon 664 Mortals, awake, with G5S My faith shall triumph 764 My gracious Redeemer.... 569 My song shall bless the. . . 551 My soul, be on thy 705 NOW beL'in the heavenly. 526 Now" for a hymn of praise. 001 Now is th' accepted time.. 685 Now let a true ambition.. 677 Now let our mourning 599 Now let our souls, on wings 7O0 Now may fervent prayer.. 609 Now may the God of peace 58S Now may the Lord of. 636 Now the shades of night. . 630 O CHARITY, thou 624 O'er mountain tops the. . . 622 O'er the realms of pagan.. 721 O for a closer walk with.. 517 O for a principle within... 704 O for a thousand seraph.. 767 O for that tenderness of.. . 707 O from the world's vile... 701 Oft as the bell with 750 O God, we praise thee.... 654 O God, whose fiivorable.. 534 O happy day that fix'd 600 O happy soul that lives... 696 O help us, Lord ! each hour 693 O how divine, how sweet 696 O how I love thy holy 548 Oil love, beyond conceptiou two O Lord, my best desires.. 549 O Lord, our languid 584 O my soul, what means... 543 One there is above all 545 On Judah's plain 769 On man in his own 508 On Tabor's top the GGO On thee, each morning... 032 On the mountain's top.. . . 72G On wings of faith, mount. 568 O righteous God, thou 592 O sight of anguish ! view. 512 O Spirit of the living God. 724 O that my load of sin were 528 O thou, before whose .... 598 O thou, from whom ail... 713 O thou, whose power 770 O time, how few thy value 6-10 Our Saviour alone 570 O where shall rest be found 679 O Zion, afflicted with 601 O Zion, tune thv voice... 72^8 PEOPLE of the living God 091 Perpetual source of light,. 530 Praise the Lord, who reigns 768 Praise to the Lord on 59d Prayer is the soul's sincere 744 Prostrate, Jesus, at thy... 690 RAISE, thoughtless sinner 575 Rejoice, the Lord is King. 52:5 Reliffion bids all sin depart 675 Religion is the chief 634 j Remark, my soul, the 638 Renounce thy sins, the... 683 Repent 1 the voice celestial 082 lteturn,0 wanderer, return 688 Rise, gracious God, and... 72;^ Rise, my soul, and stretch 507 Rise, O my soul, pursue.. 533 Rise, sun of g!or>' 724 Rock of ages, cleft for. . . . 668 Roll on, thou michtv 731 SAFELY through another 582 Saviour, breathe at evening 747 Saviour, visit thy 747 See,Gabrielswiti descends 564 See, gracious Lord 591 See, how brown autumn.. 637 See Israel's gentle 606 Send forth thy word and.. 726 Servant of God, well done 760 Serwants of God, awake I. 719 Sliepherds, rejoice, lift. . . . 510 Shout the glad tidings.... 770 Sin enslav'd me many.... 530 Since Jesus freelv did. . . . 628 Sing, for the blest 730 Sing we the song of those. 698 Sinir, ye redeemed of the. 615 Sinner, art lliou still 57^ TABLE FOR THE SELECT HYMNS Page. Sinner, rouse thee from... 685 Sinners of Adam's fallen. 691 Sinners, the voice of God. 576 Sinners, turn, wliy will... 684 Sinners, will you scorn... 576 Soldiers of Christ, arise !.. 718 Son of God, thy blessing.. 561 Songs of praise, the 767 Sovereign of worlds above 7*24 Sovereign of worlds 722 S{)irit of power and 725 Stand the omnipotent 765 Stand up and bless the... 720 Stay, thou insulted Spirit. 689 Stern winter throws his.. 637 Stop, poor sinner, stop. . . . 683 Sweet is the last, the 735 Sweet peace of conscience 709 Sweet the moments, rich. 663 Sweet was the time when 537 TAKE comfort. Christians 648 Teach us, OLord, the great 675 The billows swell, the 558 The day of wrath, that. . . 761 The deluge at the 545 The earth, the ocean, and 698 Thee will I love, my 708 The heathen perish day by 721 The hill of Zion yields.. . . 771 The Lord my pasture 564 The Lord of Sabbath let us 583 The Lord on mortal 580 The Lord our God is 655 The Lord will happiness.. 707 The message first to 603 The mighty conqueror. . . . 665 The moment a sinner 532 Tlie morning dawns 662 The new born child 533 Tlie peace which God alone 587 There is a fountain filled.. 667 There is a God, all nature 505 There is a glorious world. 743 There is an hour of peaceful 752 The saints should never.. 552 The Saviour ! oh what. . . . 668 The Saviour — what a 613 The Spirit breathes upon. 582 The voice of free grace... 687 Thine earthly sabbaths. . . 736 Think, O ye who fondly.. 757 This God is the God we.. 767 This is the feast of 61 1 Thou art the way, to thee. 668 Thou dear Redeemer 566 Thou great Physician of the 580 Thou Judge of quick and. 761 Thou only Sovereign of my 557 Thrice happy souls, who.. 697 Through all the chcaigin^. 555 Pag«. Through sorrow's night.. . 763 Thus saith the Holy One. 604 Thus saith the Lord to 602 Thy bounties, gracious 623 Thy life I read, my dearest 646 Time is winging us away. 771 'Tis a point I long to know 539 'Tis finished: — so the 516 'Tis finished, the conflict. 758 'Tis midnight, and on 661 'Tis my happiness below. 701 To-morrow, Lord, is thine 676 To praise the ever 636 UNGRATEFUL man ! oh 679 Unveil thy bosom, faithful 650 VAIN man ! thy fond. . . . 643 Vital spark of heavenly... 756 WAKED by the trumpet's 751 Wake the song of Jubilee. 730 Wait, O my soul, thy 711 Watchman I tell us of the. 656 Weary of struggling with. 529 We bid thee welcome in.. 746 We bow before thy gracious 737 Welcome, delightful morn 583 We've no abiding city. . . . 703 What are these in bright.. 717 What is the thing of 674 What jarring natures dwell 541 What scenes of horror. . . . 645 What various hindrances. 590 What venerable sight 514 When Abraham, full of. . . 591 Wlien Adam sinned 655 When all thy mercies, O.. 554 When any turn from Zion's 535 When at this distance .... 514 When bending o'er the. . . 754 When blooming youth is.. 647 When darkness long has.. 708 When from the glorious. .. 734 When frowning death. . . . 679 When gathering clouds... 712 When I view my Saviour. 610 When languor and disease 715 When marshalled on the.. 657 When musing sorrow 714 When on Sinai's top I see 663 When on the cross my... . 612 When rising from the bed. 751 When shall I hear the 706 When streaming from the. 633 When the last trumpet's.. 650 When the vale of death.. . 754 When verdure clothes.... 634 When wild confusion.... 651 Where are the dead in. . . . 755 While I to grief my soul. . 579 While on the verge of life. 644 While shepherds watched. 510 TABLE FOR THE SELECT HYMNS. Pag-e. While with ceaseless 748 Whilst thee 1 seek 584 Who but thou, Almighty.. 725 With darkness whelmed.. 7G9 Within these walls be.... 743 With my substance 623 With rev'rend awe 581 With tears of anguish I. . . 705 Witness, ye men and 741 World, adieu, thou real... 566 Write to Sardis, saith 604 YE dying sons of men. . . . 682 Ye golden lamps of 648 Pag'c. Ye hearts, with youthful.. 607 Ye humble souls 505 Ye mourning saints 646 Ye saints, assist me 695 Ye servants of God 573 Yes, I will bless thee 768 Yes, my native land 732 Ye sons of earth 587 Yes, we trust the day is.. 727 Y^our happy voices join... 718 Your harps, ye trembling. 715 ZEAL is that pure and... 535 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 0:^THE FIGURES DIRECT TO PAGES. If the Index does not give you the word which you seek, look for one of the same meaning 5 or seek it under the more general words, such as God, Christ, Church, Grace, Gospel, Saints, Sin, Sinners, Prayer, Praise, ^ffiiction, Death, &c. (See. ACCEPTED time, 685. jldam, fall of, 655 ; corrupt na- ture from, 653. Adoption, 568. Afflictions, hope in, 714 ; sanc- tified, 548, 701 ; submission to, 711,550; sweet, 712. Jxvarm to sinners, 575, 678 — 685, 751, 761. Angels, guardian, 555 ; at the judgment, 652; ministers of Christ, 564; song of, 510, 518, 657. Ark of believers, 545. Ashamed of Christ, not, 536. Assurance, 544, 562. Atonement, 667. Autumn, 637. BACKSLIDER, penitent, 537. Bapthm, 738, 606. Bartimeus, 695. Beatific vision, 719. Being of God, 505. Believers, Christ the ark of, 545; promise to, 606; song of, 566. See Christian, Saints. Benevolence in imitation of Christ, 734. Bethlehem, song at, 657 ; star of, 657. Blessing, humbly requested, 585; of Father, Son, &c., 737. See Holy Spirit. Blood of Christ, 667, 516. See Christ. Bones, the dry, 578. Bread of heaven, 740 ; of the world, 740. Brotherlv love, 627, 697. CALVARY, 663, 689, 739. Charity, 62 1— 5. Children devoted to God in baptism, 606, 738 ; death of, 646 J invited to Christ, 607 ; piety of, 608 ; praising Christ, 520 ; prayer for, 610 ; prom- ises to, 60S ; regard of Christ for, 606. Choosing the heritage of God's people, 691. Christ, address to, 559, 562, 586, 625, 693, 700, 738, 764 ; addresses of, to churches, 602—605; advent of, 509, 657; advocate, 525; agony of, in the gar^len, 515, 661 ; all-sufficiency, 561, 562; as- cension, 518, 520, 665; ashamed of, not, 536; as- pired after, 559 ; atonement by, 667 ; blood of, 516, 667 ; Bread of heaven, 740 ; Bread of the world, 740 ; care of the young, 606; chief among ten thousand, 671 ; and his church, 600—602; coming to judgment, 652, 761; compassion of, 514; coronation of, 521 ; covenant with, 601 ; cross of, 516, 662, 663; crucified,517,612; death of, 516, — caused by sin, 516 ; and resurrection, 517 — 519; and sufferings, 516 ; desire to be with, 644; dominion of, 600, 662; exalted, 520— 522, 665 ; example, 513, 669, 734; excellencies, 556, 671; faithfulness of him, 712; flesh and blood our food, 740 ; finishing his work, 516, 613; forerunner, 693 ; forsaking all for, 700 ; fountain, 667,— of life, 614; friend, 545, 600 ; glory of, 522, 665, 730 ; all good in, 557; go not away from, 535 ; Guest, 684 ; Head, 602; humanity, 662; incar- INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 11 nation, 510 ; infancy of, 512, 659 J intercession. 5*25 3 Isra- el's consolation, 602 ; invi- tation to sinners, 577, 686 — 689 5 invitation answered, 690 J Jehovah, 561; judge, 652, 761 ; king, 522, — of glory, 665; kingdom, 523, 730 3 Lamb of God, 524 ; life, 668 ; life in, 561; lives, 5ii0; love, supreme, to, 569 ; memorial of, 663 ; Messiah, 506; mighty God, 561 : ministry of, 512, 659; physician, 5^0; pilot, 559 ; praised, 520 — 522, 666, 671,767; precious, 670 : pro- I'ider, 552 ; Redeemer, 520, 525, 569; refuge. 559, 600; reign of, 523, "m, 728-30 (See also Kingdom of; ; re- lieved in his members, 625 ; remembrance of, 664 ; resur- rection, 518-20, 664; Right- eousness, 562 ; rock of ages, 668 ; sacrince i^See Blood, Atonement., &cc.) ; safety in, 658; Saviour, 668; sleeping in, 759; sulferings, 516, 662; sun of glory, 724; teaching of, 659 ; transfiguration, 514, 660; triumph of, 522, 665, 730; types of. 508; union to, 699; way, truth, '— Christ, 724. T.iBLE, the Lord's, 611. See Sacramental. Teaching of Christ, 659. Te Deum, 654. Temptations, hope in, 543 ; sup- port in, ooS ; watchfulness in, 542. Thankfulness, 554, 556. Thanksgiving, 593, 748. Time, the accepted, 685; im- portance of, 640, 678 ; swift- ness of, 638. To-day, 576, 643, 681. Transfiguration, 660, 514. Trinity praised, 574. Trust, in Christ, 532, 536, 543, 545, 561 ; in God, 565, 552. Txipes of Christ, 508. UlXIO.X, and peace, 697; to Christ, 699; of saints on earth and in heaven, 698. Unity of iY>'u\\., 698. Unregenerate state, 527. V.aXITY, of man, 643 j of the world, 677. Victory over death, 756. Vision, beatific, 719. Voics, fervent, 708. WALKLXG with God, 547. Wanderer entreated, 688. Warfare, spiritual, 541, 563, 718. Warning to sinners, 575, 679. Watchfulness, 704-5, 542. Watchful servants, 681, 704. Way, Truth, ', Between the folded leaves.) t 7 My God, I would not long to see My fate, with curious eyes ; What g-loomy lines are writ for me, Or what bright scenes may rise. — 8 In thy fair book of life and grace, O may I find my name, Recorded in some humble place. Beneath my Lord — the Lamb. Watts. HYMN 5. L. P. M. St. Helleivs. [*] God''s Xame proclaimed, Ex. xxxiv, 6—8. 1 A TTEND, my soul, the voice divine jLJl And mark what beaming glories shine, Around thy condescending God I To us — to us, he still proclaims, e His awful, his endearing names ; o Attend, and sound them all abroad. 4 2" Jehovah I, the sovereign Lord, " The mighty God, by heav'n ador'd, • '' Down to the earth my footsteps bend: e '' My heart the tenderest pity knows, " Goodness, full-streaming v\'ide overflows " And grace and trath shall never end. 3 " My patience long can crimes endure, " My pard^'ning love is ever sure, " When penitential sorrow mourns ; *' To millions, thro' unnumberM years, *' New hope and new delight it bears ; " Yet wrath against the sinner burns." 508 HYMN 6, 7. Select. o 4 Make haste, my soul, the vision meet, e All prostrate at thy Sovereign's feet, — And drink the tuneful accents in : o Speak on, my Lord, repeat the voice, Diifuse these heart-expanding" joys. Till heav'n repeat the rapt'rous scene. DoDDRIDGr HYMN 6. C. M. Colchester, [*] ^dam : or^ the Fall of Man, Gen. iii. 1 ^^N man, in his own image made, \J How much did God bestow ! The whole creation homage paid, And o"vvnM him Lord below. o 2 He dwelt in Eden's garden, stored With sweets for erVy sense ; And there, with his descending Lord, He walkM in confidence. e 3 But oh ! by sin how quickly changM ! His honour forfeited ; His heart from God and truth, estranged, His conscience, filPd with dread. — 4 Now from his Maker's voice he flies, Which was before his joy : And thinks to hide amidst the trees, From an all-seeing eye. 5 Compelled to answer to his name ; With stubbornness and pride. He cast on God himself the blame. Nor once for mercy cried. d 6 But grace, unask'd, his heart subdu'd, And all his guilt forgave : By faith the promised Seed he view'd, And felt the power to save. Newtoh, ' HYMN 7. H.M. Allerton, [*] Types of the Messiah, Heb. iv, 2. 1 XSRAEL in ancient days, JL Not only had a view Of Sinai in a blaze. But learnM the gospel too : The types ami f.gures were a glass, In which they saw the Savioui-'s face. Select. HYMN 8. 509 2 The paschal sacrifice, And blood-besprinkled door, — Seen with enli»hten*d eyes, And once applyM with pow'r, Would teach the need of other blood. To reconcile an an^ry God. 3 The lamb, the dove, set forth His perfect innocence, Whose blood of matchless worth Should be the souPs defence : For he who can for sin atone, Must have no failings of his own, 4 The scape-goat on his head, The people's trespass bore ; And to the desert led, Was to be seen no more : In him our Surety seem'd to say, d " Behold, I bear your sins away.^ — 5 DippM in his fellow's blood, The living bird went free : The type, well understood, ExpressM the sinner's plea^ e Describ'd a guilty soul enlarged, And by a Saviour's death discharged. o 6 Jesus, I love to trace, Throughout the saoved page, The footsteps of thy grace, The same in ev'ry age I — O grant that I may faithful be. To clearer light vouchsafed to me ! CowPEiu HYMN 8. 7's. Redeeming Love, [*] Birth of the Saviour, 1 TTJTARKI the herald angels sing, Jd " Glory to the new-born King I '^ Peace on earth, and mercy mild, *' God and sinners reconciPd I" 2 Joyful, all ye nations, rise. Join the triumph of the skies ; With th' angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem. 4 VeiPd in flesh — the Godhead see, iJail th' incarnate Deity ; 510 HYMN 9, 10. Select PleasM as man with men t' appear, Jesus our Emmanuel here. 5 Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace ! Hail the Sun of Righteousness ! Lig-ht and life to all he brings, Ris^n with healing in his wings. e 6 Mild, he lays his glory by ; Born, that man no more may die ; Born, to raise the sons of earth ; Born, to give them second birth. Rippoiv's Coi., ■ HYMN 9. C. M. Bethlehem, [*] Joy of %Rngcls at the Saviour'^s Birth. 1 "^J^THILE shepherds watch'd their flocks by V T All seated on the ground, [night, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around, c 2 " Fear not," said he, for mighty dread Kad seizM their troubled mind, o '' Glad tidings of great joy I bring, " To you and all mankind. b 3 " To you in David''s town, this day, " Is born of David's line, " The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, '^ And this shall be the sign : — 4 " The heav'nly Babe^ you there shall find, '' To human view displayed, e " All meanly wrappM in swaddling bands, *' And in a manger laid.'' —5 Thus spake the seraph ; and forthwith Appear'd a shining throng Of angels, praising God, who thus Address'd their joyful song : — 8 6" All glory be to God on high, '^ And to the earth be peace ; g "Good will henceforth from heav'n to men, ^' Begin, and never cease." Patrick or Tate. HYMN 10. C. M. Devizes. [*] JlngcVs Song. Luke ii, 8 — 14. o 1 " ^HEPHERDS, rejoice ; lift up your eyes, I^C/ " And send your fears away ; " News from the region of the skies — u " Salvation's born to-day ! Select HYMN II. 511 « 2 '' Jesus, the God, whom angels fear, '' Comes dovm. to dwell with you ; . — " To-day he makes his entrance here, e '^ But not as monarchs do. 3 " No gold, nor purple swaddling bands, " Nor royal shining things ; " A manger for his cradle stands, a "■ And holds the King of kings ! o 4 " Go, shepherds, where the Infant lies, '' And see his humble throne ; p *' With tears of joy in all your eyes, " Go, shepherds, kiss the Son." — 5 Thus Gabriel sang — and straight around, The heavenly armies throng : They tune their harps to lofty sound. And tlius conclude the song : — s 6 ^'' Glory to God who reigns above, '' Let peace surround the earth ; '• Mortals shall know their Maker's love, '^ At their Redeemer's birth.'' Watts's Lyr, HYMN 11. 8, 6^5. Christmas. [*] Christmas Mom, o 1 T IFT up your heads in joyful hope, jLi Salute the happy morn : — Each heav'nly pow'r, o Proclaim the glad hour ; s Lo, Jesus the Saviour is bom ! o 2 All glory be to God on high, To him all praise is due ; o The promise is seal'd — The Saviour's reveal'd — And proves that the record is true, s 3 Let joy around like rivers flow ; Flow on, and still increase ; Spread o'er the glad earth, At Emmanuel's birth — For heaven and earth are at peace c 4 Now the good will of Grod is shewn Towards Adam's helpless race ; o Messiah is come — To ransom his own — To save them by infmite grace. 512 HYMN 12, 13. Select o 5 Then let us join the heav'ns above, Where hymnmg- seraphs siii^ ; s Join all the g-lad powers — For their Lord is ours — Our Prophet, our Priest, and our King. Maden's Cou HYMN 12. C. P. M. Pilgrim, [b] Infancy of the Saviour. p 1 £^ SIGHT of ang-uishl view it near, — \J^ What weeping; innocence is here— A manger for his bed ! — The brutes yield refuge to his wo — e Men, worse than brutes, no pity show, Nor give him friendly aid I o 2 Why do no rapid thunders roll? Why do not tempests rock the pole ? e O miracle of grace! o Or why no angels on the wing. Warm for the honour of their King, e To punish all the race I e 3 Tho' now an Jjn^fant bathM in tears, o He callM to form the rolling spheres ; g And seraphs ownM his nod 1 c Helpless he calls, but men delay: — e Ungrateful sinners disobey The first-born Son of God ! — 4 Say, radiant seraph?, thronM in light, o Did love e'er tow'r so high a flight ? — e Or glory sink so low? — This wonder angels scarce declare ; Angels the rapture scarce can hear, Or equal praise bestow. e 5 Redemption ! 'tis a boundless theme; Thou boundless Mind, our hearts inflame,— W^ith ardour from above : d Words are but faint, let joy express — Vain is mere joy — let actions bless — This prodigy of love. HYMN 13. C. M. Arundel [*] ChrisPs Ministry. Luke iv, 18, 19. d 1 |@ ARK, — the glad sound I — the Saviour comesl li The Saviour promisM long I — Let ev''ry heart prepare a throne — And evVy voice a song. Select. HYMN 14. 513 2 On him the Spirit, largly pour'd, Exerts its sacred fire ; Wisdom and might, and zeal and love^ His holy breast inspire. o 3 He comes — the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before him burst — The iron fetters yield I o 4 He comes — from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray ; And on the eye-balls of the blind^. To pour celestial day. e 5 He comes — the broken heart to bind — The bleeding soul to cure ; o And, with the treasures of his grace, T' enrich the humble poor. e 6 Our glad hosannas. Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And heav'n's eternal arches ring With thy beloved name. Doddridge, HYMN 14. L. M. Islington, [*] Chrisf^s Example, 1 A ND is the gospel peace and love ? JljL Such let our conversation be ; The serpent blended with the dove, — Wisdom and meek simplicity. 2 \\Tiene'er the angry passions rise. And tempt our thoughts or tongues to strife ; To Jesus let us lift our eyes. Bright pattern of the Christian hfe. 3 O how benevolent and kind ! How mild — how ready to forgive I Be this the temper of our mind, And these the rules by which we live. 4 To do his heav'nly Father's will. Was his employment and delight ; Humility and holy zeal Shone through his life divinely bright. 5 Dispensing good where'er he came, The labours of his life were love ; Then, if we bear the Saviour's name, By his example let us move. Steele. Select. "^ 514 HYMN 15, 16. Select ' HYMN 15. L. M. Weldon. [*] ' ClirisPs Transfiguration. Matt, xvii, 4. 1 "lOrrHEN at this distance, Lord, we trace f V The various g-lories of thy face, What transport pours o'er all our breast, And charms our cares and woes to rest 1 2 With thee, in the obscurest cell, On some bleak mountain would I dwell ; Rather than pompous courts behold, And share their grandeur and their gold. d 3 Away, ye charms of mortal joy ! Raptures divine my thoughts employ 1 o I see the King of glory shine ; — e I feel his love, and call him mine. — 4 On Tabor thus his servants viewM His lustre, when transform^ he stood ; And, bidding earthly scenes farewell. Cried, "Lord, His pleasant here to dwell." — 5 Yet still our elevated eyes To nobler visions long to rise ; o That grand assembly would we join, Where all thy saints around thee shine. d 6 That mount — ^how bright ! those forms — how hi? i o 'Tis good to dwell forever there : — Come, death, dear envoy of our God, And bear me to that blest abode. Doddrid^js, " HYMN 16. L. M. Dresden. [*] " Christ weeping over Jerusalem. Luke xix, 41, 42. p 1 ^yffTHAT venerable sight appears I — ? T The Son of God — dissolved in tears !— Trace, my soul, with sad surprise. The sorrows of a Saviour's eyes. e 2 For whom, bless'd Jesus, we would know, Doth such a sacred torrent flow ? — What brother, or what friend of thine. Is grac'd and moumM with drops divine ? — 3 Nor brother, there, nor friend I see — d But sons of pride and cruelty ; Who like rapacious tigers stood, Impatient, panting for thy blood. P 4 Dear Lord, and did thy gushing eyea Thus stream o'er dying enemies ? Select HYMN 17. 515 ' And can thy tenderness forget The sinner humbled at thy feet ^ e 5 With deep remorse our bowels move, — ITiat we have wrong; 'd such matchless lore; e Thy gentle pity, Lord, display, And smile these trembling fears away. —6 Give us to shine before thy face, Eternal trophies of thy grace ; o Where songs of praise thy saints employ, And mingle with a Saviour's joy. Doddridge. HYMN 17. 7s. St John's, [b] Gethsemane : or. Agony in the Garden. Matt. xxvi,36 — 45. 1 T^^ANY woes had Clirist endur'd, lY_i. Many sore temptations met, Patient and to pains inurM i e But the sorest trial yet Was to be sustainM in thee, — a Gloomy — sad — Gethsemane ! e 2 Came at length the dreadful night I d Vengeance, with its iron rod. Stood, and with collected might, Eruis'dthe harmless Lamb of God: p See, my soul, the Saviour see — Prostrate in Gethsemane. e 3 There my God bore all my guilt ; — This, through grace, can be belie v'di e But the torments which he felt. Are too vast to be conceivM : Kone can penetrate through thee — a Doleful — dark — Gethsemane. 4 All my sins against my God — € All my sins against his laws — All my sins against his blood — All my sins against his cause :— € Sins as boundless as the sea I Hide me, O Gethsemane I — 5 Here's my claim, and here alone; None a Saviour more can need ; Deeds of righteousness Pve none; Not a work that I can plead : Not a glimpse of hope for me, Only in G<^Uiseinaiie 516 HYMN 18, 1 9. Select 6 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One almighty God of love, PraisM by all the heav'nly host, In thy shining courts above — We poor sinners, gracious Three ; Praise thee for Gethsemane. Hart. ' HYMN 18. C. M. China, [b] The Saviour''s Death, e 1 ij^ROM whence these direful omens round, _l_ Which heav'n and earth amaze I Wherefore do earthquakes cleave the ground? Why hides the sun his rays ? — 2 Well may the earth astonished shake, And nature sympathize : The sun as darkest night be black— a Their Maker Jesus — dies, p 3 ]3ehold, fast streaming from the tree His all atoning blood ! d Is this the Ijvfinite ? — 'tis he — My Saviour and my God. p 4 For me — these pangs his soul assail, For me — this death is borne ; My sins gave sharpness to the nail, And pointed ev'ry thorn. — 5 Let sin no more my soul enslave ; d Break, Lord, its tyrant chain ; e O save me, whom thou cam'st to save, Nor bleed — nor die in vain. HYMN 19. L. M. jCarthage. Munich, [b*f // is finished. John xix, 30. 1 Tills finished : — so the Saviour cried; i And meekly bow'd his head, and died 5 'Tis fmisliM : — yes, the race is run, — The battle fought, the vict'ry won. 2 "^Tis finished — all that Heav'n decreed. And all that ancient prophets said. Is now fulfillM, as was designM, In m6, the Saviour of mankind. 3 'Tis finished : — Aaron now no more Must stain his robes with purple gore ; The sacred veil is rent in twain. The Jewish rites no more remain. Select. HYMN 20. .>17 4 'Tis finished : — this my dyiii^ groan Shall bins oi'ev^iy kind atone ; o Millions shall be redeemed from death, — By this my last expiring breath. 3 'Tis finishM : — Heav'n is reconcilVl, And all the powers of darkness spoilM: o Peace, love, and happiness, again Return and dwell with sinful men. 6 'Tis finished: — let the joyful sound Be heard thro' all the nations round : « 'Tis finish'd : — let the echo Ciy^ Thro' heav'n and hell, thro' earth and sky. Dr. Stenxet. HYMN 20. L, M. Dresden [b*] Christ's Dyings Rising^ and Reigning, p 1 "¥"TE dies I — the Friend of sinners dies I ii Lo I Salem's daughters weep around! a A solemn darkness veils the skies I d A sudden trembling shakes the ground I e 2 Come, saints, and drop a tear or two, For him who groan'd beneath your load ; p He shed a thousand drops for you — A thousand drops of richer blood. 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree — a The Lord of glory dies for men I o But, lo ! what sudden joys we see I d Jesus the dead — revives again I 4 The rising God forsakes the tomb I Up to his Father's court he flies I g Cherubic legions guard him home. And shout him welcome to the skies I u 5 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell How hiirh our ^reat Deliv'ror r«^ien<« ; o Sing how he spoil'd ihe iiosis of heii, d And led the tyrant death — in chains. s 6 Say, " Live forever glorious King, " Born to redeem, and strong to save I" d Then ask — '^ O death, where is thy sting" " And ',vhcre thy vict'ry boasting ^ravo V* 518 HYMN 21, 22. Select HYMN 21. 7s. Redeeming Love. [*] ChrisPs Resurrection, Matt, xxviii, 6. d 1 "FT ARK ! the herald angels say, _BIIi_ Christ, the Lord, is ris'n to-day ! Kaise your joys and triumphs high. Let the glorious tidings fly. e 2 Love's redeeming work is done ! Th' battle's fought, the vict'ry won I Lo I the sun's eclipse is o'er; Lo I he sits in blood no more. — 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal — Christ has burst the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids his rise ,• Christ has open'd Paradise. o 4 Lives again our glorious king, d " Where, O death, is now thy sting ?" e Once he died our souls to save, d " Where's thy vict'ry, boasting grave ?" — 5 What though once. we perish' d all, Partners of our parents fall ; — o Second life we shall receive. And in Christ forever live. Cudworth HYMN 22. 7s. Epiphany, [*] ChrisPs Ascension, s 1 "g2!5"AlL, the day that saw him rise, jn Ravish'd from our wishful eyes e Christ awhile to mortals giv'n, o Reascends his native heaven : — There the pompous triumph waits ; e Lift your heads, eternal gates ! ■ " Wide unfold the radiant scene, " Take the King of glory in I" — ^ Him the' highest heav'n receives, Still he loves the earth be leaves ; Tho' returning to his throne. Still he calls mankind his *>wn. Still for us he intercedes. Prevalent his death he pie SrAs ; Next himself prepares a p<; V^^ Harbinger of human race Select. HYMN 23. 510 6 3 Master, (may we ever say,) Taken from the world away, See thy faithful serTa.nts, see, Ever gazing up to thee. Grant, though parted from our sight, — High above yon azure height, — Grant our souls may thither rise — FolPwing thee beyond the skies. o 4 Ever upward let us move. Wafted on the v/ings of love ; Looking when our Lord shall come — Looking for a happier home. There we shall with thee remain, Partners of thy endless reign ; Thers thy face unclouded see — Find a heav'n of heavens in thee. HYMN 23. L. M. Oporto. [*] ' Christ's Death^ Resurrection.^ and Jlscension, Acta ii, 32—36. 1 ^^OME tune, ye saints, your noblest strains, %^ Your dying, rising Lord to sing ; And echo, to the heavenly plains, l^he. triumphs of your Saviour King. 2 In songs of grateful rapture tell, How he subdu'd your potent foes ; SubduM the powers of death and hell, And, dying, finishM all your woes. 3 Then to his glorious throne on high, ReturnM ; while hymning angels round, Thro' the bright arches of the sky. The God, the conquering God, resound. 4 Almighty love, victorious pow'r ! Not angel tongues can e'er display The wonders of that dreadful hour — The joys of that illustrious day. 5 Then well may mortals try in vain, In vain their feeble voices raise ; Yet Jesus hears the humble strain, And kindly owns our wish to praise. 6 Dear Saviour, let thy wondrous grace, Fill ev'ry heart, and every tongue ; Till the full glories of thy face. Inspire a sweeter, nobler soDg. Steele 52Q HYMN 24, 25. Select HYMN 24. 7s. Redeeming Love. [*] Christ's Resurrection and Ascension, Matt, xxviii, ^. d 1 A NG ELS, roll the rock away I J\. Death, yield up the mighty prey I 8 See, the Saviour quits the tomb — Glowing with immortal bloom. V 2 Shout, ye seraphs ; Gabriel, raise Fame's eternal trump of praise ; • — Let the earth's remotest bound Echo to the blissful sound. o 3 Now, ye saints, lift up your eyes ; See the Conqueror mount the skies ; Troops of angels on the road, Hail and sing th' incarnate God. g 4 Heav'n unfolds her portals wide — Glorious Hero, thro' them ride ; King of glory, mount thy throne, Boundless empire is thine own. s b Praise him, ye celestial choirs, Praise, and sweep your golden lyres ; Praise him in the noblest songs. From ten thousand thousa.nd tongues. — 6 Let Emmanuel be ador'd — d Ransom, Mediator, Lord ; o To creation's utmost bound. Let th' immortal praise resound. Gibbons- HYMN 25. 8, 7, k. 4. Tamworih. [*] Praise to the Redeemer. 1 *]%,1'IGHTY God, while angels bless thee, c J- V-i- May an infant lisp thy name : — Lord of man, as well as angels. Thou art every creature's theme. C Hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Amen. —2 Lord of every land and nation, Ancient of eternal days I o Sounded through the wide creation, Be thy just, exalted praise. g" 3 For the grandeur of thy nature- Grand beyond a seraph's thought — For created works of power. Works "with skill and kindness wrought. Select. HYMN 26. 521 4 For thy providence that g-overns, Thro' thine empire's wide domain ; e Wings an angel — guides a sparrow — Blessed be thy gentle reign. Hal. e 5 But thy rich, thy free redemption, Dark thro"* brightness all along ! e Thought is poor, and poor expression, a Who dare sing that awful song? Hal — 6 Brightness of the Father's glory, c Shall thy praise, unutter'd lie ? d Fly, my tongue, such guilty silence ! Sing the Lord who came to die. Hal e 7 Did archangels sing thy coming ? Did the shepherds learn their lays ? — Shame would cover me, ungrateful, Should my tongue refuse to praise. HaL 8 From the highest throne in glory, a To the cross of deepest wo — All to ransom guilty captives I s Flow my praise, for ever flow. Hal. o 9 Go, return, immortal Saviour ; Leave thy footstool, take thy throne ^ Thence return, and reign for ever ; Be the kingdom all thine own. Hallelujah, kc. Roeinsojt, HYMN 26. C. M. Marlborough. ]-*] Coronation of Christ, Cant, iii, 11. 1 A LL bail the power -of Jesus' name I JLjL Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him— Lord of all. 2 Crown him, ye morning stars of light. Who fix'd this floating ball ; Now hail the strength of Israel's might, And crown him — Lord of all. 3 Crown him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from his altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown him — Lord of all. — 4 Hail him, ye heirs of David's line, Whom David, Lord, did call . The God incarnate ! Man Divine ! And crown him — Lord of all. 52Q HYMN 24, 25. Select HYMN 24. 7s. Redeeming Love. [*] Christ's Resurrection and Ascension. Matt, xxviii, •?. d 1 .4 NGELS, roll the rock away I j3l Death, yield up the mighty prey I e See, the Saviour quits the tomb — Olowing with immortal bloom. u 2 Shout, ye seraphs ; Gabriel, raise Fame's eternal trump of praise ; — Let the earth's remotest bound Echo to the blissful sound. o 3 Now, ye saints, lift up your eyes ; See the Conqueror mount the skies ; Troops of angels on the road, Hail and sing th' incarnate God. g 4 Heav'n unfolds her portals wide — Glorious Hero, thro' them ride ; King of glory, mount thy throne, Boundless empire is thine own. s b Praise him, ye celestial choirs, Praise, and sweep your golden lyres ; Praise him in the noblest songs. From ten thousand thousand tongues. — 6 Let Emmanuel be ador'd — d Ransom, Mediator, Lord ; o To creation's utmost bound. Let th' immortal praise resound. GiiiBONS^ HYMN 25. 8, 7, k. 4. Tamworlh, [*] Praise to the Redeemer. 1 Tl^flGHTY God, while angels bless thee, c .i?-i- May an infant lisp thy name : — Lord of man, as well as angels, Thou art every creature's theme. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Amen. -^2 Lord of every land and nation, Ancient of eternal days I o Sounded through the wide creation, Be thy just, exalted praise. g" 3 For the grandeur of thy nature- Grand beyond a seraph's thought — For created works of power. Works with skill and kindness wrought. Select. HYxMN 26. 521 4 For thy providence that governs, Thro' tnine empire's wide domain ; e Wings an angel — guides a sparrow — Blessed be thy gentle reign. Ha!, e 5 But thy rich, thy free redemption, Dark thro* brightness all along ! e Thought is poor, and poor expression, a Who dare sing that awful song? Hal — 6 Brightness of the Father's glory, c Shall thy praise, unutter'd lie ? d Fly, my tongue, such guilty silence I Sing the Lord who came to die. Hal e 7 Did archangels sing thy coming ? Did the shepherds learn their lays ? — Shame would cover me, ungrateful, Should my tongue refuse to praise. HaL 8 From the highest throne in glory, a To the cross of deepest wo — All to ransom guilty captives I s Flow my praise, for ever flow. Hal. o 9 Go, return, immortal Saviour ; Leave thy footstool, take thy throne ^ Thence return, and reign for ever ; Be the kingdom all thine own. Hallelujah, kc. Robijj-soj?, HYMN 26. C. M. Marlborough, f*] Coronation of Christ. Cant, iii, 11. 1 A LL bail the power -of Jesus' name I XjL Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him— Lord of all. 2 Crown him, ye morning stars of light, Who fix'd this floating ball ; Now hail the strength of Israel's might, And crown him — Lord of all. 3 Crown him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from his altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown him — Lord of all. — 4 Hail him, ye heirs of David's line, Whom David, Lord, did call . The God incarnate ! JMan Divine ! And crown him — Lord of all. 522 HYMN 27. Select. — 5 Ye clwsen seed ot Israel's race, Ye ransom"'d from the fall, Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him — Lord of all. c 6 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget, The wormwood and the gall ; — Go spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him — Lord of all. 7 Let every kindred, every tribe. On this terrestrial ball, §!^ To him all majesty ascribe. And crov/n him — Lord of all. DuirAW. *"" HYMN 27. 6 & 4. Trinity, [*] Jesus IS King. Rev. xiv, 3. 1 T ET ns awake onr joys, JLj Strike up with cheerful voice-^ Each creature sing ; Angels — begin the song, Mortals — the strains prolong. In accents, sweet and strong,— » " Jesus is King." — ^ Proclaim abroad his name, Tell of his matchless fame — What wonders done ; Shout through helPs dark profound, Let the whole earth resound, Till the high heav'iis rebound — '^ The vict^-y''s won." — 3 He vanquishM sin and hell, And the last foe will quell ; e Mourners rajoi<:e I His dying love adore : o Praise him now raisM in power, And triumph ever more. With a glad voice. 4 All hail the gl ofious day, When thro'' the iieavijly w^ay, g Lo, he shall come ! e While they who piercM him wai;, Hi« promise shall not fail ; o Saints, see your King prevail ; d G;me, dear Lord, come ! Kingsbury Select. HY3IN 28, 29. o23 HYMN 28, H. M. Triumph, [*] The Kingdom of Christ. Phil, iv, 4. s 1 'OEJOICE— the Lord is King: J^ Your God and King- adore ; Mortals give thanks and smg", And triumph evermore : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints rejoice. 2 R.ejoice — the Saviour reig-ns I The God of truth and love ; When he had purg'd our stains, He took his seat above ; Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints rejoice. — 3 His kingdom cannot fail. He rules air, earth, and heaven : The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus giv'n : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints rejoice. — 5 He all his foes shall quell, Shall all our sins destroy ; And every bosom swell, With pure seraphic joy ; o Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints rejoice. 6 Rejoice in glorious hope, Jesus the Judge shall come — And take his servants up To their eternal home : g We soon shall hear the archangel's voice : Tlie trump of God shall sound — rejoice ! Rippoit, HYxMN 29. C. M. S-jcanwick, [*] ' Glories of God in Redemption. Isai. xliv, 23, g 1 XjlATHER — how -^vide thy glory shines I JL? How high thy wonders rise ! Known thro' the earth by thousand signs, By thousands thro' the skies. d 2 But when we view thy strange design, To save rebellious worms ; p Where vengeance and compassion join, In their divinest forms j — 524 HYMN 30. Select. g 3 Here the whole Deity is known ; e Nor dares a creature g-uess — e Which of the glories brightest shone— d The justice or the grace. b 4 Now the full glories of the Lamb, Adorn the heav'nly plains : Bright seraphs learn Emmanuel's name, And try their choicest strains. o 5 O may I bear some humble part, In that immortal song ! s Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue; Watts's Lyr. HYMN 30. 6 & 4. C. M. Bermondsey [*] Worthy the Lamb. Rev. v, 12. o 1 1^ LORY to God on high: \jr Let heaven and earth reply — o Praise ye his Name ! — His love and grace adore, e Who all our sorrows bore ; — And sing for evermore — o> Worthy the Lamb. — 2 All they around the throne o Cheerfully join in one. Praising his Name ; We, who have felt his blood. Sealing our peace with God, Sound his dear name abroad — Worthy the Lamb. — 3 Join all ye ransomM race. Our Lord and God to bless ; Praise ye his name : o In him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice — u Worthy the Lamb. e 4 What tho' we change our place— — Yet we shall never cease Praising his name : o To him our songs we bring — 8 Hail him our gracious King, And without ceasing sing, Worthy the Lamb. Hill's Coll. Select. HYMN 31,32. 525 HYMN 31. L. M. Munich. Moreion. [*] ChrisC^s Intercession, Heb. vii, 25. 1 TTE lives — the great Ptedeemer lives ; o JLJL What joy the blest assurance gives ; — And new before his Father God, Pleads the full merits of his blood. € 2 Repeated crimes awake our fears, And justice, armVl with frovvns, appears ; — But in the Saviour's lovely fa.ce, o Sweet mercy smiles — and ail is peace I — 3 Hence, then, ye black, despairing thoughts- Above our fears, above our faults, o His powerful intercessions rise ; And guilt recedes, and terrour dies. e 4 In ev'ry dark distressful hour, W hen sin and Satan join their powT, — Let this dear hope repel the dart — That Jesus bears us on his heart. 5 Great Advocate, almighty Friend I On him our humble hopes depend ; o Our cause can never, never fail. For Jesus pleads, and must prevail. Stekle, HYMN 32. 8 & 7. Calvary, [*] Praise to the Redeemer, 1 "JHTAIL, tho'j once despised Jesus ! jLjL Thou didst free sahation brings Ey thy Jeath thou didst release us, Fr«.m the tyraut's deadly sting. 2 Ppschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our SU13 on thee were laid ; Great High Priest, by God anointed, Ti.cu hast full atonement made. 3 Contrite sinners are forgiven, Through the virtue of thy blood : Open'd is the gate of heaven, Peace i? made for man with God. g 4 Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glory: There for ever to abide ; All the heav"'nly hosts adore thee, Seated at thy Father's side, Select. 3 526 HYMN 33, Select e 5 There for Finners tftoii art pleading", 'J'here thou cii>st our place prepare ; Ever lor us interceding, Till in heaven we appear. o 6 Glory, honour, powV and hlessing, Tliou art worth/ to receive ; Loudest praises, without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. Rippok's Coii. HYxMN 33. 7s. Redeeming Love. [*] Hedtcraing Love, o 1 l^OW begin the heavVJy theme, jj% Sing aloud in Jesus' name ; —Ye who Jesus' kindness prove. Triumph in redeeming love. 2 Ye who see the Father's ^race. Beaming in the Saviour's face, o As to Canaan on ye move. Praise and bless redeeming lore. e 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Banish all your guilty fears ; See your guilt and curse remove, Cancell'd by redeeming love. e 4 Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing slaves of death and sin ! — Now from bliss no longer rove. Stop, and taste redeeming love. o 5 Welcome, all by sin oppressM — Welcome to his sacred rest : d Nothing brought him from above, Notlung — but redeeming love. 6 He subdu'd th' infernal powers ; His tremendous fees and ours. From their cursed empire drove. Mighty in redeeming love. o 7 Hither, then, your music bring, u Strike aloud each joyful string ; — Moilals, join the hosts above — g Join to praise redeeming love. MadAn's Ccl. Select HYMN 34, 35. 527 HYMN. 34. C. M. Windsor, Plymouth. [*] The Ktcessily of Rtneviug Grace* t 1 TJOW helpltss guilty nature liei, jn Unconscious of its load I e The heart, unchangM, can never rise To happiness and God. p 2 The will perverse, the passions blind, In paths of ruin stray ; Reason, debp-sM, can never find The safe, the narrow way. t 3 Can ouofht, beneath a pow'r divine, The stubborn will subdue ? 'Tis thine, almighty Sa\'iour, thine, To form the heart anew. — 4 ^Ti3 thine the passions to recall, And upward bid them rise ; A.nd make the scales of errour fall, From reason's darkenM eyes. 5 To chase the shades of death away, And bid the sinner live ; A beam of heaven, a vital ray — 'Tis thine alone to give. p 6 O change these wretched hearts of ours, And give them life divine I o Then shall our passions and our powVs, Amighty Lord, be thine ! HYMN 35. S. IL Watchman, [*] Prai/erfor the Spirit, John xiv, 2G. 1 ^^OME, Holy Spirit, come, H^ Lft thy I)ri5i;ht ))eHins arise; Dispel the sorrow from our minds — The darkness from our eyes. 2 Convince us of our sin ; Then h-ad to Jesus' blood ; And to our wondering view reveal The secret love of God. 3 Revive our drooping faitli ; Our doubts and fears remove ; And kiixdle in our breasts the dante Of never-dying love. 528 HYMN 36, 37. Select 4 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart — To sanctify the soul — To pour fresh life in evVy part, And new-create the whole. o 5 Dwell, Spirit, in our hearts ; Our minds from bondage free ; o Then shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Son, and Thee. Hart, HYMN 36. L. M. Carthage, [b] ' Sorrow for Sin, p 1 £^ THAT my load of sin were g;one I \y O that 1 could at last submit » At Jesus' feet to lay me down- To lay my soul at Jesus' feet. e 2 Rest for my soul 1 long to find : Saviour of all, if mine tuou art — Give me thy meek, thy lowly mind. And stamp thine image on my heart. — 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free, I cannot rest till pure within, Till ! am wholly lost in thee. 4 Fain would 1 learn of thee, my God ; Thy light and easy burden prove — The cros-s, all stain'd with hallowM blood — The labour of thy dying love. d 5 I would — but thou must give the pow'r, My heart from ev'ry sin release ; Bring near, bring near the joyful hour, And fdl me with thy perfect peace. 6 Come, iiord, the drooping sinner cheer, ^or let thy chariot wheels delay; Appear, in my poor heart nppear ; My God, my Saviour, come away. HYMN 37. C. M. Canterbury. Wantage, [b] Repenftmce. 1 TTfOW oft, alas' this wretched heart jn Has wanderM from th*^ i^ord ! How oft m)r roving thoughts depart, FcTgetful of his word I 2 Yet Sovereign mercy calls — '' Return ;"*' Dear Lord, and may I come ! Select. HYMN 38, 39. 529 My vile ingratitude I mourn : O take the wanderer home. 3 And canst thou — vrilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove ? And shall a pardon\l rebel live, To speak thy won-^.^aus love. 4 Almighty grace, thy healing pow*^, How glorious — how divine ! That can to life and bliss restore, So vile a heart as mine. 5 Thy pardViing love — so free — so srveet — ]^^ear Saviour, I adore ; keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more. Steele. " HYMN 33. L. ?>I. Jrm%. [b] Sinner submilling to God, 1 "VJCTEARY of struggling with my pain, T T Hopeless to burst this sinful chain, At k^ngth I give the contest o^er, And set.k to free myself no more. 2 From my own works at last I cease — God, who creates, must seal my peace ; Fruitless my toil, and vain my care, Unless thy sovereign grace I share. € 3 Lord, I despair myself to heal, I see my sin, but cannot leel ; I cannot, till thy Spirit blow, And bid th' obedient waters flow. - -4 'Tis thine a heart of flesh to give, Thy gifts I only can receive ; Here then to thee I all resign, To draw, redeem, and seal is thine. .0 5 Speak, gracious Lord, my sickness cure. Make my infected nature pure ; Peace, righteousness, and joy, impart, And pour thyself into my heart. ' HYMN 39. C. M. Reading, [b *] ' Sinner resolving to go to Christ. Esth. iv, 16« 1 /^OME, humble sinner, in whose breaiat Vy A thousand thoughts revolve ; Come with your guilt and fear oppressed And make this last resolve ;— 3* 530 HYMN 40. Select o 2 '^ V\\ g-o to Jesus, though my sia '^ flath like a mountain rose ; "I know his courts, Pli enter in, " Whatever may oppose. e 3 " Prostrate Pll lie before his throne, ^^ And there my g-uilt confess ; \t " I'll tell him Pm a wretch undone, " Without his soverei«^n g^race. o 4 '^ I'll to the gracious King approach, " Whose sceptre pardon «;ives ; — " Perhaps he may command my touch— ''• Aud then the suppliant lives, 5 " Perhaps he will admit my plea, " Perhaps will hear my prayer ; e " But if I perish, I will pray, ^^ And perish only there. -^6 " 1 can but perish if I go, " 1 am resolv'd to try ; '' Fur if I stay av/ay, I know " I must for ever die." JorwES. HYJVIN 40. 7&6. ClarJc's. [b*] " The Heart healed by Mercy, 1 CJIN enslavM me many years, |k3 And led me bound and blind; Till at leng-th a thousand fears Came swarming o'er my mind. Where, (I said in deep distress,) Will these sinful pleasures end ? How shall I secure my peace. And make the Lord my friend ? — 2 Friends and ministers said much, The gospel to enforce ; e But my bhndness still was such, I chose a legal course : Much 1 fasted, watcb'd, and strore, Scarce would shew my face abroad 5 c Fear'd, almost, to speak or move — A stranger still to God. — ^3 Thus afraid to trust his grace, Long time did I rebel ; e Till despairing of my case, Down at his feet I fell c Select. HYMN 41, 42. 5.31 Then my stu])born heart he broke, And buhduM me to his sway ; By a simple v/ord he spoke — d '' Thy sins are done away.'" CowPER. HYMJNT 41. L. i\I. hlington. [*] The happy Change, e 1 TN" sin, by blinded passions led, X ^n search of fancitd good we range ; The paths of disappointment tread, To nothing fixM — but love of change. — 2 But when the Holy Ghost imparts A knowled»-e o( the Savioar''s love ; Our wandVing, v/eary, restless hearts, Are then renew 'd, no more to rove. o 3 Xow a new principle takes place, "Which guides anfl animates the will ; — This love, another name for grace, Constrains to good, and bars from ill, 4 By love's pure light we soon perceive Our noblest bliss and proper end ; And gladly evVy idol leave, To love and serve our Lord and Friend. HYMN 42. L. M. Portugal [b *] The hijiveaccs ofths Spirit experienced. John xiv, 16, 17. e 1 TPkElAR Lord — and shall thy Spirit rest, _B_-r In such a wretched heart as mine ? d Unworthy dwelling I — glorious Guest! Favours astonishing — divine. e 2 When sin prevails, and gloomy fear, And hope almost expires in night ; Lord, can thy Spirit then be here — Great spring of comfort, life, and light? o 3 Sure the blest Comforter is nigh; 'Tis he sustains my fainting heart ; Else would my hopes forevtr die. And evVy cheering ray depart. —4 ^Vhen some kin^l promise glads my soul, Do I not find his healing voice The tempest of my fears control, And bid jav drooping vowVs rejoice. 532 HYMN 43, 44. Select, 5 WhcneVr to call the Saviour mine, With ardent wish my heart aspires ; Can it be less than powV Divine, Which animates these stron«^ desires? 6 And when my cheerful hope can say, d ^^ I love my God, and taste his grace," c Lord, is it not thy blissful ray. Which bring^s this dawn of sacred peace? —7 Let thy kind Sjiirit in my heart Forever dwell, O God of love ; And light, and heavenly peace impart — Sweet earnests of the joys above. Steele. ' HYMN 43. 8s. Bethany. [*] " Power of Fail h. Rom. i, 17. 1 r jlHE moment a sinner believes, JL And trusts in his crucified God, o His pardon at once he receives — Redemption in full through his blood. o 2 Tho** thousands and thousands of foes, Against liim in malice unite — Their lage he, thro' Christ, can oppose, Led forth by the Spirit to fight. -^ — 3 The faith that unites to the Lamb, And brings such salvation as this, Is more than mere fancy, or name — d Ihe work of God's Spirit it is. 4 It treads on the world, and on hell, It vanquishes death and despair, c And what is still stranger to tell, d It overcomes heav'n by prayer. 5 It snys to the mountains, ^^ Depart," That stand betwixt God and the soul ; e It binds up the broken in heart. And makes wounded consciences whole^ —6 Bids sins of a crimson-like dye Be spotless as snow and a"5 v/hite : o And raises the sinner on high. To dwell with the angels of light. Hart. " HYMN 44. S. M. Beckham. [*] ' Preciouiutss of Fadh, Eph. ii, 8. 2 Pet. i, 1* 1 JTlAlTH — His a precious grace, Sj Where'er it is bestow'd; Select HYMN 45, 46. ^3 It boasts of a celestial birtli, And is the gift of God. 2 Jesus it oi^^ns as King-, And all-atonin«2: Priest ; It claims no merit of its own, But looks for all in Christ. 3 To him it leads the soul, When fiird with de'^p distress ; Fiies to the fountain of his blood. And trusts his righteousness. 4 Since His thy work alone, And that divinely free ; Lord, send the Spirit of thy Son, To work this faith in me. Bepome, ' HYMN 45. C. M. AntndeL [*] Faiih encouraged by Ancient Example, Heb. xi, 13. o 1 13 ISK, O my soul, pursue the path, iV By ancient worthies trod ; Aspiring, view those holy men. Who livM and walkM with God. — 2 Tho' dead, they speak iri reason's ear. And in example live ; Tlieir faith, and hope, and mighty deeds, Still fresh instruction give. 3 'Twas thro' the Lamb's most precious blood, They conquerM ev'ry foe ; And to his powT and matchless grace, Their crowns of life they owe. —4 Lord, may I ever keep in view. The patterns thou hast giv'n — And ne'er tbrsake the blessed road. That led them safe to heav'n. Neediiam HYxMN 4G. L. M. Oporto, [*] The new Convert, 1 r 1 1 HE new-born child of gospel grace, JL Like some fair tree when summer's nig;h, Beneath Lmmanuel's shining face, Lifts up his blooming branch on high. 2 Nor fears he feels — he sees no foes- No conflict yet his faith employs ; 534 HYMN 47. Select Nor has he l^arnM to whom he owes The strength and peace his soul enjoys, e 3 But sin soon darts its cruel slin^; And, comforts sinking day by day, What seemM his own, a self-led spring", Proves but a brook that glides away. — ^ When Gideon armM his numerous host, The Lord soon made his numbers less ; Arid said, " Lest Israel vainly boast, d " My arm securM me this success." € 5 Thus will he bring our spirits down, And draw our ebbing comforts low; —That, savM by grace, but not our own, We may not claim the praise we owe. CowPER, HYMN 47. C. M. Canterbury. [*] Coinforts^ Tnie and False. 1 £^ GOD, whose favourable eye \J The ain-sick soul revives ; Holy and heav'^nly is the joy. Thy shining presence gives. e 2 Not such as hypocrites suppose, Who with a graceless heart, Taste not cf thee, but drink a dose, PreparM by Satan"'s art. — 3 Intoxicating joys are theirs, Who, while they boast their light, And seem-d to soar above the stars, Are plunging into night. e 4 Luird in a soft and fatal sleep. They sin, and yet rejoice ; c Were they indeed the Saviour's sheep, Would they not hear his voice ? — 5 Be mine the comforts that reclaim The soul from Satan's pow'r ; e That make me blush for what I am, And hate my sin the more. —6 'Tis joy enough, my All in All, At thy dear feet to lie ; Thou wilt not let me lower fall, And none can higher fly. CowPEIU Sekct. HYMN 48, 49. 535 HYMN 48. C. M Mear, [*] Zeal^ True and Falst, 1 r^EAL is that pure and heav''nly flame, iii The fire of love supplies ; e Whik that which often bears the name, Is self in a diso;ui?e. e 2 True zeal is merciful and mild, Can pity and forbear ; d The false is headstroni^, fierce and wild ; And breathes reveng^e and war. — 3 While zeal for truth tlje Christian warms, He knows the worth of peace ; But self contends for names and forms, Its party to increase. 4 Zeal has attained its highest aim, Its end is satisfyM, If sinners love the Saviour's name; iSor seeks it oug;ht beside. (1 5 But self, however well employed, Has its own ends in view ; And says, as boastino; Jehu cry'd, "Come, see what I can do." -6 Self may its poor reward obtain, And be applauded hers ; But zeal the best applause will ^in. When Jesus shall appear. 7 Dear Lord, the idol sell" dethrone. And from our hearts remove ; And let no zeal by us be shown. But that which springs from love. Newtow, HYMN 49. C. M. Abridge, [b] Xot ^0 away from Christ, John vi, 67 — 69. 1 ''5^^^7'HEN any turn from Zion's way, t TV (Alas, what numbers do !) — Methinks I hear my Saviour say, d " Wilt thou forsake me too ?" e 2 Ah, Lord ! with such a heart as mine^ Unless thou hold me fast, I feel I must, I shall decline, And prove like them at last. 536 HYMN 50,51. Select. — 3 Yet thou alone hast powV, I know, To sav'e a wretch like me ; c To whom, or whither could I go, If i should turn from thee? •~~4 Beyond a douht, I rest assur'd. Thou art the Christ of God ; Who hast eternal life sccurM, By promise and by blood, — 5 No voice but thine can give me rest, And bid my fears depart ; o No love but thine can make me blest. And satisfy my heart. c 6 What angui&h has this question stirr'd, a ' If I will also go?' — Yet, Lord, relying on thy word, d 1 humbly answer — no ! HVMN 50. L. M. Carthage, [b *] jVot ashamed of Jesus, Mark viii, 38. 1 TTESUS, and shall it ever be, ^ A mortal man ashamM of thee ! ScornM be the thoH, by rich and poor, O may I scorn it more and more. 2 AshftraM of ^esus ! — sooner far Let evening biush to own a star ; He sheds the beams of light divine. O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Asham'd of Jesus I — that dear Friend, In whom my hopes of heav'n depend ! No I when 1 blush, be this my shame. That 1 no more rt^vere his name. p 4 Ashamd of Jesus 1 — yes I may — When Pve no sins to wash away ; No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fear to quell, no soul to save. -5 Till then, (nor is my boasting vain,) Till then 1 boast a Saviour slain i And, O may this my glory be, That Christ is not asham'd of me ! Grigo. HYMN 51. C. M. Colchester, [*] Inconstancy in Religion, Rosea vi, 4. ERPETUAL Source of light and grace, 'Ye hail thy sacred Name : 1 "pEIV Select. i HYMN 52. 537 Through ev'*y year's revolving round, 1 hy goud)ess is the same. 2 On u?, alhvorlhless as we are, It wondice mercy pours ; ■0 Sure as the l^av'i/s establishM course, And pleotbus as the show'rs. e 3 Inconstant?ervice we repay, And treacTrous vows renew ; False as the norning"'s scattering; cloud, And transint as the dew. p 4 In ilowino^tears our guilt we mourn, \nd loud .nplore thy grace, To bear oureeble footsteps on, n all thy ighteous ways. o ^ ^rmM wit( this energy divine, Dur souls |hall steadfast move ; -o Aid with in^-easing transports press, )n to thy;ourts above. — 6 50 by thypcwV the morning sun ^ursues hi radiant way ; t) Brghtens eath moment in his race, ■0 Lnd shine to perfect day. Doddridge. HYMiS 52. C. M. Canterbury, [b] ) that I ure as in months past. Job xxix, 2. i 1 ^ WEE" was the time, when first I felt 3 The javiour''s pardoning blood, AplyM to deanse my soul from guilt, kud bringnie home to God. c 2 oon as th morn the light reveal'd, Jis praise tunM my tongue ; Ari when tie evening shades prevaiPd, lis love uas ail my song. — 3 (n vain tie tempter spread his wiles, "he work no more could charm ; I li'd upon iny Saviour's smiles, ^d leant upon his arm.) o 4 Ii prayV lay soul drew near the Lord, Aid saw lis glory shine ; Andwhen I read his holy word, I alPd eich promise mine, ^£L£C1. 4 538 HYMN 53. Select e 5 But now — when ev'ning- shade pevails, My soul in darkness mourns: And when the morn the li«;ht reveas, No light to me returns. 6 My pray'rs are now a chatt'ring; loise, For Jesus hides his face ; I read — the promise meets my eyes— But will not reach my case. — 7 Rise, Lord, and help me to preval— O make my soul thy care ; o 1 know thy mercy cannot fail, — Let me that mercy share. Newton HYMN 53. 8s. Bethan, [b] Faith fainting, e 1 TjlNCOMPASS'D with clouds o distress, I X_J Just ready all hope to resig^n, j I pant for the light oi thy face, And fear it will never be mine: p Disheartened with waiting so long, I sink at thy feet with my load; All-plaintive I pour out my song. And stretch forth my hands unto Gd. — 2 Shine, Lord, and my terrour shall :ease ; The blood of atonement apply ; And lead me to Jesus for peace, The rock that is higher than I : o Speak, Saviour, for sweet is thy voicj Thy presence is fair to behold ; — Attend to my sorrows and cries, e My groanings that cannot be told. . — 3 If sometimes I strive, as I mourn, My hold on thy promise to keep ; Q The billows more fiercely return. And plunge me again in the deep. — While harassVl and cast from thy si^ht, The tempter suggests with a roar, d " The l^ord has forsaken thee quite " Thy God will be gracious no mort" e 4 Yet, Lord, if thy love has design\ No covenant blessing for me. Ah, tell me, how is it 1 fmd Some [)leasure in waiting for thee ? Select. HYMN 54. 539 o Almighty to resciK thou art ; Thy ^race is mj saield and my lowV : o Come succour aid g^laddt^n my heart, Let this be the lay of thy power. Rippon^s Col. ' HYMN 54. 7s. Fairfax, [b] &elf Examination. 1 'rillS a point 1 long to know, JL Oft it causes anxious thought :— € Do I love the Lord, or no ? Am I his, or am I aot ^ 2 If I love, why aji I thus ? Why this dull, tiis lifeless frame? Hardly, sure, can :hey be worse ; Whc have never h^ard his name. 3 Could my hea-t so hard remain, PrayV a task and burden prove-— Ev'r}' trifle «five ne pain — If I knew a Savbur"*s love ? c 4 When I turn nr.y eyes within, All is dark, and ran, and wild ; Filld with unbel.ef and sin — Can I deem myse.f i child ? 5 If I pray, or hear, or read, Sin !s mixM with al". I do ; d You who love the Lord indeed, Tell me — is it so \vi h you. o G Yet I mourn my stubborn will. Find my sin a grief and thrall ; Shoud I grieve for A'hat I feel, If I d.d not love at all I */ Coild I joy his sants to meet, Choose the ways 1 cnce abhurrM — Find, at limes, the promise sweet, If 1 did not love the Lord ? —8 Lord, decide the doubtful case I Thou who art thy people'*s sun ; Srune upon thy work of grace, If tl be indeed begun. 9 Let me love thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray; If I have not lovM before. Help me to begin to-day. Newtow. 540 HYMN 55, 56. Select. HYMN 55. 8s. Comolation, [*] Tkt Holy Spirit addressed unlet darkness • 1 y\ESCEND, Koly Spirit, the Dove^ JL^ And visit a sorrowful breast ; e My burden of g^uilt to remove, And bring- me assurance and rest; — Thou only hast power to relieve A sinnrr overvvhelmM with his load; Tiie sense of redemption to give. And sprinkle his heart with the blood. 2 With me, if of old thou hast strove, And kindly withheld me from sir ; ResolvM by the strength of thy love, My worthless affections to win; The work of thy mercy revive, Invincible mercy exert, And keep my weak graces alire. And set up thy rest in my heart. 3 If when 1 have put thee to ^rief, And madly to folly returned, Thy goodness has been my relief, And lifted me up as I mournM ] Spirit of pity and grace. Relieve me again and restore ; "^ly spirit in holiness raise, To fall, and to grieve thee, no more : e 4 If now I lament after God, And pant for a taste of his lore — e If Jesus, who poured out his blood, ObtainM me a mansion above; — o Come, heavenly Comforter, come. Sweet witness of mercy divine I And make me thy permanent home. And seal me eternally thine. RiFPON* HYMN 56. L. M. Sicilian. [* b] Prayer answered by Crosses. 1 1 ASK'D the Lord that I m-ght grow Jl In faith, and love, and every grace ; Might more of his salvation know. And seek more earnestly his face. 2 'Twas he who taught me thus to pray, And he, I trust, has answerM prayer ; Select. HYMN 57, 58 541 But it has been in such a way, As almost drove rae to despair. 3 I hopM that in some favoiir'*d hour, At once he^d answer my request ; And by his love's constraining pow'r, Subdue my sins, and ^'ive me rest. G 4 Instead of this, he made me feel The hidden evils of my heait ; And let the ansrry powers of hell Assault my soul in evVy part, a 5 Yea, more — with his own hand he seemM Intent to aggravate my wo ; CrossM all the fair designs 1 schemM, Blasted my gourds, and laid me low^ e 6 Lord, why is this? I trembling cryM, Wilt thou pursue thy worm to death ? d " 'Tis in this way (the Lord replyM,) " I -answer pray^'r for grace and faith. 7 " These inward trials I employ, " From self and pride, to set thee free, - '' And break thy schemes of earthly joy, " That thou may''st seek thy all in me." Newtox, HYMN 57. L. M. PleyePs. [*] Inconstancy lamented. 1 TTkEAR Jesus, when, when shall it be, JL-r That I no more shall break with thee ? When will this war of passion cease, And \ enjoy a lasting peace ? e 2 H'^re I repent, and sin again. Sometimes revive, sometimes am slain ; Slain with the same malignant dart. Which, oh I too often wounds my heart. — 3 When, gracious Lord, when shall it be, That I shall find my all in thee — The fulness of thy promise prove, And feast on thine eternal love ? Dorrixgton. HYMN 58. L. M. Bath, [b *] Conjiict between Sin and Holiness. Gal. v, 17. 1 "W^TTH AT jarring natures dwell within—* T f Imperfect grace, remaining sin ! 4* 542 HYMN 59. Select Not this car) rei^n, nor that prevail, Tlio"* each by turns my heart assail. ij 6 2 Now I complain, and sfroan, and die— Now raise my sonsfs of triumph hi^h ; Sino- a rebellious passion slain, e Or mourn to feel it live a^a.in. o 3 One happy hour beholds me rise. Borne u})wards to my native skies: When faith assists my soaring" flight. To realms of joy, and worlds of lio^hL e 4 Scarce a few hours or minutes roll, Ere earth reclaims my captive soul ; — 1 feel its sympathetic force, And headlong; urge my downward course. e 5 Flow short the joys thy visits ^\ve ! How long" thine absence, Lord, I grieve ! What clouds obscure my rising sun, Or interrupt its rays at noon I — 6 Great God, assist me through the fight, JVlake me to triumph in thy might ; Thou the desponding- heart canst raise. The victory mine, and thine the praise. Cruttexk>»i. HYMN 59. C. M. Tunbridge. [*] Watchfulness and Prayer, e 1 A LAS, what hourly dangers rise ! J\. What snares beset n)y way! — To heaven then let me lift my eyes, And hourly watch and pray. p 2 How oft my mournful thoHs complain, And melt in flowing' tears I e My weak resistance, ah, how vain I e How strong; my foes and fears ! — 3 O gracious God, in whom I live, My feeble efforts aid ; Help me to watch, and pray, and strive, C Though tremblin* and afraid. —4 Increase my faith, increase my hope. When foes and fears prevail ; And bear my fainting; spirit up, 6 Or sooa my strength will fail. Select HYMN 60. 543 —5 U'hen slrono: temptp.tions fright my heart. Or lure my feet aside ; My God, thy powerful aid impart — My guardian and my guide. —6 Still kepp me in thy heavenly w^y^ o And hid the tempter flee ; — And never let me go astray, From happiness and thee. Steele HYMN 60. 8, 7 &c 4. Helmsky. [*1 Hope encouraged. Ps. xlii, 5. e 1 f\ MY soul, what means this sadness ? v^ Wherefore art thou thus cast down,^ O Let thy griefs be turn''d to gladness ; Bid thy restless fears be gone : Look to Jesus, And rejoice in his dear name. —2 What though Satan's strong temptations, Vex and grieve thee day by day ; And thy sinful inclinations Often fill thee with dismay ; Thou shalt conquer — Thro' the Lamb"*s redeeming blood. —3 Tho' ten thousand ills beset thee, From without and from within ; Jesus saith licMl ne'er forget thee, But will save from hell and sin : He is faithful To perform his gracious word. —4 Tho' distresses now attend thee, And thou tread'st the thorny road ; His right hand shall still defend thee ; Soon he'll bring thee home to God ! Therefore praise him — Praise the gre*t Redeemer's name, —6 O that I could now adore him, Like the hcavcijly host above, c Who forever bow before him. And unctasing sing his love I d Happy songsters I Whea shall I your choru3 join I FawcstTi 544 HYMN 61, 62. Select HYMN 61. CM. Bedford. [*] Livtly Hope and gracious Fear, e 1 T WAS a grov'ling^ creature once, X And basely cleavM to earth ; I wanted spirit to renounce The clod that gave me birth. — 2 But God has breathM upon a worm, And sent me from above, Wingfs such as clothe an angePs form, The wings of joy and love. 3 With these, to Pisgah's top I fly, And there delighted stand ; To view, beneath a shining sky. The spacious promisM land. 4 The Lord of all the vast domain. Has promisM it to me : The length and breadth of all the plain, As far as faith can see. — 5 How glorious is my privilege ! To thee for help 1 call ; e I stand upon a mountain's edge, O save me, lest I fall ! 6 Tho' much exalted in the J^ord, My strength is not my own ; e Then let me tremble at his word, And none shall cast me down. Cowper. HYMN 62. L. P. M. Sheffield, [*] Assurance. Jer. xxxi, 3. 1 TTESUS, I know, hath died for me, — CF This is my hope, my joy, my rest I Hither when hell assails, I flee. And look into my Saviour''s breast : Away, sad doubts, and anxious fear — c Mercy is all that's written there. 2 Tho' v/aves and storms go o'er my head, 6 Tho' strength, and health, and friends, be gone Tho' joys be withered all, and dead, And every comfort be withdrr.wn ; g Steadfast on this my soul relies — Father thy mercy never dies. Select HYMN 63, 64. 545 — 3 Fix'd on this rock will I remain, e When heart shall fail, and flesh decay ; g" A rock which sh'iU my soul sustain, When earth^s foundations melt away ! s Mercy^s full power 1 then shall prove, LovM with an everlasting love I Lyndall, HYMN 63. L. M Psalm d^th. [b] Christ, the Btlievers Ark, 1 Pet. iii, 20, 2) 1 rpHE delude, at the Almighty's call, A In what impetuous streams it fell ' Swaliow'd the mountains in its ra^e. And swept a guilty world to hell. 2 In vain the tallest sons of pride Fled from the close pursuing wave ; Nor could their mig^htiest towers defend, Nor swiftness 'scape, nor courage save. e 3 How dire the wreck I how loud the roar! How shrill the universal cry — Of millions in tne last despair — Re-cchoM from the lowVing sky. e 4 Yet Noah, humble, happy saint, Surrounded with the chosen few, Sat in his ark, secure from fear, And sang the grace that steerM him through* o 5 So may I sing, in Jesus safe. While storms of vengeance round me fall ; Conscious how hi^h my hopes are fix'd. Beyond what shakes this earthly ball. —6 Entrr thine ark, while patience waits, Nor ever quit that sure retreat ; o Then the wirle fi-'od that buries earth, Shall waft thee to a fairer seat. ff 7 Nor wreck nor ruin there is seen ; There not a wave v»f trouble roll.- ; But the bright rainbow round the throne. Seals endless life to all tlieir souls. Doddridge. HYMX 64. 8 & 7. FAnmaus. [*] CItrisf, ri Friend closer than a Rroflier. Prov. xviii,24. 1 /^ "^^^ there is, above all others, v^ \N'ell deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's. Costly, free, and knows no end : 546 HYMN 65. Select They v/ho once his kindness prove, Fmcl it everlasting love. e 2 Which of all our friends, to save us Could, or would have shed their blood ? o But our Jesus died to have us, ReconciPd in him to God : o This is boundless love indeed ! Jesus is a friend in need. e 3 WTien he livM on earth abased, Friend of sinners was his name ; — Now above all glory raised. He rejoices in the same : Still he calls them brethren, friends, And to all their wants attends. « 4 Oh for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us. Lord, at length to love ; We, alas ! forget too often, What a Friend we have above : O But when home our souls are bro't. We will love thee as we ought. Newtow. HYMN 65. C. M. Si Ann's. Alear, [h] Manna^ or Daily Supply, Exod. xvi, 18. 1 "jVTANNA to Israel well supplyM 1 tX The want of other bread ; While God is able to provide. His people will be fed. 2 Of his kind care, how sweet a proof! It suited every taste : "UTio gatherVl most had just enough. Enough who gathered least. o 3 'Tis still our gracious Lord provides, Our comforts and our cares ; His own unerring hand provides. And gives us each our shares. e 4 He knows how much the weak can beai, And helps them when they cry ; The strongest have no strength to spare, For such he''ll strongly try. —5 Daily they saw the manna come, And caver all the ground ; But what they try'd to keep at home, Corrupted soon was found* Select. HYMN 66, 67. 547 e 6 V'aiQ Lheir attempts to store it up ; This was to tempt the Lord : o Israel must live by faith aud hope, And not upon a hoard. Neavtow. HYMN 66. C. M. York. [*] Joys of Saints, Neh, ix, 10* 1 TOY is a fruit that will not g^row, Cr In nature's barren soil ; e All we can boaist, till Christ we know, Is vanity and toil. — 2 But where the Lord has plantnd grace, And made his glories knov/u ; — o There fruits of heavenly joy and peace, Are found — and there alone. c 3 A bleciino: Saviour seen by faith, — A sense of pard'nin^ love, — A hope that triumphs over death, o Gives joys like those above. —4 To take a glimpse within the vail, To know that God is mine — Are springs of joy that never fail, Unspeakable, divine ! — 5 These are the joys which satisfy, And sanctify the mind ; Which make the spirit mount on high. And leave the world behind. Newton. HYMN 67. C. M. Hymn 2d. [*] Walking wiifi God. Gen. v, 24, 1 ^^H I for a closer walk with God, \Jf A calm and heavenly frame ; And light to shine upon the road. That leads me to the Lamb ! e 2 \Vhere is the blessedness I knew, When first I saw the Lord ^ Where is the soul refreshing view Of Jesus, and his word ? —3 What peaceful hours I once enjoy'd ! How 3weet their mem'ry stiil ! e But they have ]eft an aching void, The world can never fill. 548 HYMN 68, 69. Select. —4 Return* O lioly Dove, return, Rweet messenger of rest ; 1 hate the sins that made thee mourn) And drove thee from my breast. 6 The dearest idol 1 have known, Whatever that idol be — Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; o And purer light shall mark the road. That leads me to the Lamb. CowPEB. HYMN 68. CM. Abridge. [*] Light Shining out of Darkness, 1 4^ 01) moves in a mysterious way, xjr His wonders to perform ; He plants his footsteps in the sea. And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines, Of never-failing skill ; He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread. Are b.'g with mercy, and shall break With blessings on your head. —4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace ; e Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face. — 5 His purposes will ripen fast. Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the flow'r. c 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err. And scan his work in vain ; o God is his own interpreter. And he will make it plain. CowPER. HYMN 69. L. M. PlryeVs, [b] •^Afflictions sanctijied t\i/ the Word, I 1^ HOW I love thy holy word, \J Thy gracious covenant, O l^ord J t?elect. RYUN 70. 549 It ^urde? me in the peaceful way ; 1 think upon it all the day. 2 \V hat are the mines of shining wealth ? The strength of youth, the bluom of health? — What are all joys, compared with those, Thine everlasting word bestows ? e 3 Long" unafflicted, undismayM, In pleasure's path, secure I stray'd : — Thou mad'st me feel thy chastening rod, o And straight I turnM unto my God. c 4 What tho' it piercM my fainting heart — o I bless thine hand that causM the smart ; c (t taught my tears a while to flow, Put sav'd me from eternal wo. e 5 Oh I hadst thou left me unchastisM, Thy precepts I had still despisM ; And still the snare in secret laid. Had my unwary feet betrayM. o 6 I love thee, therefore, O my God, And breathe tov/ards thy dear abode ; Where, in thy presence, fully blest, Thy chosen saints for ever rest. Cowper. HYMN 70. C. M. Barby. [*] Submission, 1 1^ LORD, my best desire fulfil, \J And help me to resign. Life, health, and comfort to thy will, And make thy pleasure mine. e 2 Why should I shrink at thy command, Whose love forbids my fears ? Or tremble at the gracious hand, That wipes away my tears ? — 3 No, let me rather freely yield What most I prize, to thee ; Who never hast a good withheld. Or wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favour, all my journey through^ Thou art engaged to grant ; What else I want, or think I do, 'Tis better still to waut- • 5 Wisdom and mercy guide my way ;- i Shall I resist them both ? A poor blind creature of a day .^ And crushM before the moth' 550 HYMN 71, 72. Select. — 6 Bat ah I my inward spirit cries, Still bind me to thy sway ; Else the next cloud that veils my skies, Drives all these thoughts away. Cowper. HYMN 71. CM. Bedford, [''h] Resignation, It is the Lord, 1 Sam. iii, 18. 1 "ff T is the Lord — enthroned in light, JL Whose claims are all divine ; Who has an undisputed right. To govern me and mine. 2 It is the Lord — who governs all — My wealth, my friends, my ease ; And of his bounties may recall Whatever part he please, e 3 It is the Lord — should I distrust, Or contradict his will ? — Who cannot do but what is just, And must be righteous still. 4 It is the Lord — who can sustain Beneath the heaviest load, o From whom assistance I obtain. To tread the thorny road. — 5 It is the Lord — whose matchless skill Can from afflictions raise — o Matter, eternity to fill With ever growing praise. — 6 It is the Lord — my covenant God, o Thrice blessed be his Name, W^hose gracious promise, seaPd with blood, Must ever be the same. 7 His covenant will my soul defend. Should nature's self expire ; g And the great Judge of all descend In awful flaming fire. Greeit. HYMN 72. C. M. Tunbridge. [*] Self-denial : or^ Bearing the Cross. Mark viii, 38. e 1 TP^IDST thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame, 3J And bear the cross for mc ? And shall I fear to own thy name, Or thy disciple be ? Select. HYMN 73. 551 —2 Inspire my soul with life divine. And make me truly bold ; Let knowledge, faith, and meekness shine, Nor love, nor zeal ^row cold. 3 Let mockers scoff, the world defame, And treat me with disdain ; Still may I glory in thy name, And count reproach my gain. o 4 To thee I cheerfully submit, And all my pow'rs resign ; Let \Visdom point out what is fit, And VU no more repine. Kirham. HYMN 73. C. M. Reading. [*] Contentment, Phil, iv, IL 1 TTIIERCE passions discompose the mind, Jo As tempests vex the sea ; But calm content and peace we find, When, Lord, we trust in thee, 2 In vain by reason, and by rule. We try to bend the will ; For none but in the Saviour's school. Can learn the heavenly skill. 3 Since at his feet my soul has sat. His gracious words to hear ; Contented with my present state, I cast on him my care. 4 " Art thou a sinner, soul ?'' he said, " Then how canst thou complain ? '' How light thy troubles here, if weight '' With everlasting pain I 5 " If thou of murmVing wouldst be curM, " Compare thy griefs with mine ; '' Think what my love for thee endur'd — " And thou wilt not repine. 6 " 'Tis I appoint thy daily lot, " And I do all things well ; *^ Thou soon shalt leave this wretched spot, " And rise with me to dwell. 7 ^' In life my grace shall strength supply, '' ProportionM to thy day ; *' At death thou still shalt find me nigh, '*• To Avipe thy tears away." 552 HYMN 74, 75. Select 8 Thus I, who on e my wretched days, In vain repining spent ; Taught in my Savio ir^s school of grace. Have learn'd to bt content. CowPER. HYMN 74. C. M. St. Aim's, [*] The Lord will Provide, Gen. xxii, 14. 1 rilHE saints should never be dismay'd, JL Nor sink in hopeless fear ; For when they least expect his aid, The Saviour will appear. 2 This Abraham found : he raised the knife, d God saw, and said, ' Forbear ; — ' Yon ram shall yield his meaner life : ' Behold the victim there.' —3 Once David seeniM Saul's certain prey ; d But hark ! the foe's at hand : —Saul turns his arms another way. To save the invaded land. 4 When Jonah sunk beneath the wave^ He thought to rise no more ; o But God prepar'd a fish, to save. And bear him to the shore. — 5 Rlest proofs of pow'r and grace divine, That meet us in his word ! May ev'ry deep felt care of mine. Be trusted with the Lord. 6 Wait for his seasonable aid, And though it tarry, wait : The promise may be long delay'd ; But cannot come too late. CowPER. " HYMN 75. H. M. Allerton. [*] The Lord my Banner, Exod. xvii, 15. e 1 "Wy Y whom was David taught m To aim the dreadful blow. When he Goliah fought. And laid the Gittite low? — No sword nor spear the stripling took. But chose a pebble from the brook. 2 'Twas Israel's God and King, Who sent him to the fight ; Who gave him strength to sling, And skill to aim arisrht : Select. HYMN 76. — Ye feeble saints, your strength endures, Because young David's God is yours, e 3 WhoorderM Gideon forth, To storm the invader's camp, — With arms of little worth, A pitcher and a lamp ? Tlie trumpets made his coming known ; And all the host was overthrown. o 4 Oh ! I have seen the day, ^Vhen with a single word — God helping me to say, e ^ My trust is in the Lord,' — My soul has quelPd a thousand foes, Fearless of all that could oppose, e 5 But unbelief, self-will. Self-righteousness and pride — How often do they steal My weapons from my side I Yet David's Lord, and Gideon's Friend, Will help his servant to the end. CowrEH, HYMN 76. C. M. York. [*] 77/ e Lord that healeth, Exod. xv. 1 TXEAL us, Em^iaxuei- ; — here we are, JLJL Waiting to feel thy touch : Deep wounded souls to thee repair ; e And, Saviour, we are such. — 2 Oui faith is feeble, we confess, We faintly trust thy word; c But wilt thou pity us the less ? — d Be that far from thee. Lord I — 3 Ptemember him who once applied, With trembling for relief; d " Lord, I believe.*' with tears he ciied j '^ O help my unbelief." —4 She too who touch'd thee m the prase, And healing virtues stole, d Was answer'd ^^ Daughter, go in peace ; '^Thy faith hath made thee whole." —5 Conceal'd amidst the gath'rlng throngs, She would have shunn'd thy view; And if her iaith was firm and strong. Had some misgivrngs too. 5» 554 HYMN 77, 78." Select 6 Like her with hopes and fears w€ come, To touch thee if we may ; € Oh ! send us not despairing home — Send none unheaPd away. Cowper. HYMN 77. L. M. Armley. [*] ' TTie Lord send Peace, Judsf. vi, 24, e 1 TESUS, whose blood so freely streamed cF To satisfy the law's demand — o By thee from guilt and wrath redeemed, Before the Father's face we stand. — 2 To reconcile ofiending man, Make justice drop her ano;ry rod I « What creature would have formed the plan ? Or who fulfil it, but— a God? — 3 No drop remains of all the curse. For wretches who deserv'd the whole ; No arrows dipt in wrath to pierce The g^uilty, but returning soul. t 4 Peace, by such means, so dearly bought, What rebel could have hopM to see ? p Peace — by his injured Sovereign wrought — His Sovereign fastened to the tree ! — 5 Now, Lord, thy feeble worm prepare ; For strife with earth and hell begins ; Confirm and gird me for the war ; They hate the soul who hates his sins. e 6 Let them in horrid league agree ! They may assault, they may distress ; But cannot quench thy love to me. Nor rob me of the Lord my peace. Cowper. HYMN 78. C. M. Hymn 2d. Sunday. [*] Thankfulness for Providential Goodness, 1 "^t^TIIEN all thy mercies, O my God, T T My rising soul surveys ; o Transported with the view, I'm lost 111 wonder, love, and praise. —2 Thy providence my life sustained And all my wants redress'd. When in the silent womb I lay ; Or kuDg; upon the breast. f^elect HY3IN 79. 555 3 To all my weak complaints and cries, Thy mercy lent an ear; Kre yet my feeble thou2:hts had learnM To form themselves in prayer. -e 4 When in the si ipp''ry paths of youth, With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyM me safe, And led me up to man. 5 When worn with sickness, oft hast thou With health renev/M my face ; e And when in sin and sorrow sunk, o RevivM my soul with o;race. o 6 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; c Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. —7 Through ev''ry period of my life. Thy goodness I'll pursue ; o And after death, in distant worlds, The glorious theme renew. X) 8 Through all eternity — to thee A ;j:ratcful song 1*11 raise ; e For O, eternity''s too short, To utter all thy praise. Atidison", " HY:MN 79. C. i\L Sxjianzvick. [*] £ncnurao;emtni io trust and love God. Ps. xxxiv. 1 fTlHROUGH all the changing scenes of life^ _l_ In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 Of his deliverance I will boast. Till ail who are distress^, From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest. o 3 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just ; Protection he affords to all, Who make his Name their trust. —4 O make but trial of his love, Experience will decide. How bless 'd are they, and only they, Wlio ia iiis troth coii£de. 556 HYMN 80, 81. Select. c 5 Fear him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear: o Make you his service your delight, Your wants shall be his care. Tate HYMN 80. 8 & 7. Love Divine, [*] Grateful Recollection, 1 Sam.,vii, 12. 1 ^^OME, thou Fount of evVy blessing", \^ Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. o Teach me some melodious sonnet. Sung by flaming tongues above : Praise the mount. — Pm tlxM upon it — u Mount of God's unchanging love. — 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer, ^.j Hither by thine help I'm comfe ;• „ - And I hope, by thy good pleasure, S-^.fely to arrive at home. e Jesus sought me when a stranger, WandVing from the fold of God ; o He to rescue me from danger, InterposM with precious blood. e 3 O ! to grace how great a debtor. Daily Pm constrained to be ! —Let that grace now, like a fetter, Bind my wand' ring heart to thee : e Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it— . Prone to leave the God 1 love — .^ d Here's my heart — O take and seal it ; Seal it from thy courts above. Robinsojv, HYMN 81. 8s. Consolation, [*] ^ Excellencies of Christ, 1 TTOW shall I my Saviour set forth ? JlI How shall I his beauties declare ? O how shall ( speak of his worth, Or what his chief dignities are i* o His angels can never express. Nor saints who sit nearest his throne, , How rich are his treasures of grace : -^ e No I this is a myst'ry unknown. Select HYMN 82. 557 »" 2 In him all the fulness of God For ever transcendently shines ; e Though once like a mortal he stood, To finish his gracious designs : p Though once he was naiPd to the cross, Vile rebels like me to set free ; -—His glory sustained no loss, g Eternal his kingdom shall be. — 3 His -vrisdom, his love, and his pow'r, SeemM then, with each other to vie ; € When sinners he stoopM to restore, p Poor sinners condemned to die I iend, May these thy servants me -attend, Thro^ life ; and when i quit this t^lay, « Safe to thine -arms my soul convey. Needham HYMN 94, C, M. Devizes. [*] Scrranljf of God always safe^ I TTOW are thy servants bless^'d, O Lord, JlJL How sure is their defence ' • Eternal v/isdom is their guide, Their help, Omnipotence. —2 In foneign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care ; Thro^ burniiig climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. e 3 When by the dreadful tempest borne ; High on the broken wave, ^ They know thou art not slow to hear^ Nor impotent to save. —4 The storm is laid — the winds retire^ Obedient to thy will : The sea that roars at thy command, At thy command is still. e 5 In 'midst of dangers, fears, and deaths, T*hy goodness weUl adore ; 40 We''ll i)raise thee for thy mercies past ; e And humbly hope for more. — 6 Our life, while thou preserv'st that life^ Thy sacrifice shall be ; And death, when death shall be our lot, c Shall join our souls to thee. Addisoit, HYMN 95. C. M. PleyeCs. [*] Confidence and joy in God. Ilab. iii, 17, 18. LTHC the vine its fruit deny, A! (ho' the olive yield no oil ; •'A 566 HYMN 96, 97. Select The withVing' fisf-tree droop and die, The field delude the tiller's toil ; — 2 Altho' the stall no herd iifford, p And perish all the bleating^ race ; 1 Yet will I triumph in the Lord, s The God of my salvation praise. « 3 Tho^ comfortless my soul remain, And not a gleam of li'^ht a]>pear ; a Tho' joy be sought, and sought in vain, And tho' despair itself be near ; — p 4 Altho' assurance all be lost, And blooming hopes cut oif I see ; Yet will I in my Saviour trust, g And glory that he died for me. WE8i*.Ey» HYMN 96. C. M. Zion. [*] Christ the BtlUver^s Song, e 1 r j^HOU dear Redeemer, dying Lamb, JL "We love to hear of thee ; — No musick's like thy charming name, Nor half so sweet can be. e 2 O may we ever hear thy voice, In mercy to us speak ; And in our Priest will we rejoice. Thou great Melchisedeck. — 3 Our Jesus shall be still our theme, While in this world we stay ; o We''ll sing our Jesus' lovely name, Wl>en all things else decay. —4 When v/e appear in yonder cloud, W^ith all the favourM throng; s Then will we sing more sweet, more loud, And Christ shall be our song. Madan's Col. HYMN 97. 7s. St. John's. [*] Adieu to the rain World. d 1 XTrroRLD, adieu 1 thou real cheat ; T f Oft have thy deceitful charms FillM my heart with fond conceit, Foolish hopes and false alarms : •.-Now I see as clear as day, liow thy fuilies pass away. Select. HYMN 98. 567 e 2 Vain, thy cntcrtainitiof sights: False, thy promises rene"w*d ; All the pomp of thy delights Does but flatter and delude : Thee I quit for heav'n above, Object of the noblest love. ^3 Let not, Lord, my wandVinj mind Follow after fleeting toys ; Since in thee alone 1 find, Solid and .mbstantial joys : — Joys that never overpast, Through eternity shall last. e 4 Lord, how happy is a heart, After thee while it aspires ! — True and faithful as thou art, Thou shalt answer its desires : g It shall see the glorious scene Of thine everlasting reign. MadAn'sCol. HYMN 98. 7 & 6. Aiasterdam, [*] T/t.e Pilu:rini''s Song, o 1 "13 ^^^1 ^y soul, and stretch thy wings, XV Thy better portion trace ; Rise from transitory thiiigs, Towards heaven thy native place : p Sun, and moon, and stars decay ; Time shall soon this earth remove : 8 Rise, me soul, and haste away, To scats prf parM above. - 2 Ptivers to the ocean run. Nor stay in all their course ; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun ; Both speed them to their source : c So a soul thafs born of God, Pants to view his glorious face ; Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace, d 3 Cease ye pilgrims, cease tomouni; Press onward to the prize ; o Soon our Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies. e Yet a season, and you know, Happy entrance will be giv'n; o All our sorrows left below. And earth exchaag^M for heav'n. Madan'8 Ccl* 568 HYMN 99, lOO. Select HYMN 99. lO&n. Walworth. [*] View of Hear tn. Rev. xxii, 1 — 5. 1 /^N wing;s ol* failh mount up, my soul, and rise, V^ View thine inheritr\nce beyond the skies ; Nor heart can think, nor mortal tong^ue can tell, "U'hat endless pleasure in those mansions dwell : There my Redeemer lives, all bright and g^lorious, OVr sin, and death, and hell, he rei^jns victoriou? 2 No o^nawin^ grief, no sad heart-i ending" pain, In that bless^'d country can admission g^ain ; No sorrow there, no soul-tormenting fear, For God^s own hand shall wipe the falUng tear: There my Redeemer lives, &;c. 3 Before the throne a crystal river g^lides, Immortal verdure decks its cheerful sides ; There the fair tree of life majestic rears Us blooming head, and sovereign virtue bears S There my Redeemer lives, &c. 4 No risirtg sun his transient beams displays, No sickly moon emits her feeble rays ; The Godhead there celestial glory sheds, Th' exalted Lamb eternal radiance spreads: There my Redeemer lives, &c. 5 One distant glimpse my eager passion fires ! Jesus, to thee my longing soul aspires ! When shall I at my heavenly borne arrive — When leave this earth, and v/hen begin to live ? For there my Saviour is all bright and glorious, O'er sin, and death, and hell, he reigns victorious. Straphan" HYiVIN 100. 7s. SU John's, [*] Pririltges of Adoption, 1 John iii, 1, 2. 1 T> LESSEl) are the sons of God ; X> Thsy are bought with Christ's own blood. They are ranscmM from the grave ; Life eternal they shall have : With them number'd may we be, Here, and in eternity. 2 God did love them In his Son, Long before the world begun ; They the seal of this receive, When on Jesus they believe . Select. HYMN 101. 569 ^Vith them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. 3 They are justifiVl by grace ; They enjoy a solid peace ; All their sins are washM away ; They shall stand in God's great day: With them numberM may we be, Here, and in eternity. 4 They produce the fruits of grace, In the works of righteousness ; They are harmless, meek, and mild. Holy, blameless, undefilM : With them numberM may we be. Here, and in eternity. 5 They are lights upon the earth, Children of an heavenly birth ; One with God, with Jesus one ; Glory is in them begun : g With them numberM may we be. Here, and in eternity. HcrMPHREYS« HYMN 101. Ss. Consolation. [*] Supreme Lore to Christ, 1 TV/fY gracious Redeemer I love, 11 JL His praises aloud Til proclaim; And join with the armies above. To shout his adorable name. To gaze on his glories divine, Shall be my eternal employ — To feel them incessantly shine. My boundless ineffable joy. c ^ He freely redeemM with his blood, My soul from the confines of hell, — To live on the smiles of my God, And in his sweet presence to dwell ; To shine with the angels of light, W'ith saints and with seraphs to sing; g To view with eternal delight, — My Jesus, my Saviour, my King. € 3 In Mesech as yet I reside — A darksome and restless abode ! Molested with foes on each side, And longing to dwell with my God. 570 HYMN 102. Select c O when shall my spirit exchr.ng^e This cell of corruptiDle clay, For mansions celestial, and rang-e Through realms of ineffable day I 4 My g;lorious Redeemer, I long" To see thee descend on the cloud, Amidst the brio;ht numberless throng^. And mix with the triumphant crowd. c O when wilt thou bid me ascend, To join in thy praises above — To ^aze on thee — world without end, And feast on thy ravishing love ? —5 Nor sorrow, nor sickness, nor pain, Nor sin, nor temptation, nor fear, Shall ever molest me again, o Perfection of glory reigns there, — This soul and this body shall shine, In robes of salvation and praise ; i^nd banquet on pleasures divine, Where God his lull beauty displays. d 6 Ye palaces, sceptres, and crowns. Your pride with disdain 1 survey ,• Your pomps are but shadows and sounds. And pass in a moment away : The crown that my Saviour bestows, Yon permanent sun shall outshine ; gr My joy everlastingly flows — My God, my Redeemer is mine. FnAivcis. HYxMN 102. 5 & 6. KewcasiU. ['] Praise for Salvation. 1 ^^UR Saviour alone, \J The Lord let us bless, Who reigns on his throne, The Prince of our peace ; Who evermore saves us. By shedding his blood : All hail, holy Jesus, Our Lord and our Cfod ! — 2 We thankfully sing Thy glory and praise, Thou merciful Spring Of pity and grace • Select. HYMN 103, 104. 571 — Thy kindness lor ever 'I'o men we will iell ; And say, our dear Saviour RedeemM us from hell. — 3 Preserve us in love, \Vhile here we abide: never remove Thy presence, nor hide 1 hy o^lorious salvation ; o Till each of us see, With joy, the blessM vision. Completed in thee ! m'MN 103. S. M. Xativity. [*] Sovg of Mosts and the Lamb, Rev. xv, 3, 1 A WAKf^, and sini^ the song jLJL Of Mo?es and the I.amb ; C Wake, cv''ry heart and nvVy tong;ue, To praise the Saviours name, e 2 Sing of his dying love ; Sing of his rising power ; —Sing how he intercedes above, « For those whose sins he bore. — 3 Sing, till we feel our heart Ascending with our tongue ; Sing, till the love of sin deparc, And grace inspires our song. O 4 Sing on your heavenly way, Ye ransomM sinners, sing ; U Sing on, rejoicing ev''ry day. In Christ, th^ eternal King, e 5 Soon shall we hear him say, d ^^ Ye blessed children come f .^-Soon will he rail us hence away. And take his wanderers home. o 6 Soon shall our rapturM tongue His endless praise proclaim ; gr And sv/eeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. Hammojtd. HYMN 104. 7s. Redeeming Love. [*] T/it Christianas smig. 1 y^ RATKFU[. notes and numbers brin«;, VJT While Jehovah^s praise we sing; 572 HYMN 105. Select g" Holy, holy, holy Lord, Be thy glorious Name ador'd. — 2 Men on earth, and saints above. Sing the great Redeemer"'s love : Lord, thy mercies never fail ; Hail, Celestial Goodness, hail I c 3 Though unworthy. Lord, thine ear — Our humble hallelujahs hear ; Purer praise we hope to bring-, When with saints we stand and sing, — 4 Lead us to that blissful slate, Where thou reign'st supremely great: c Look with pity from thy throne, Send the Holy Spirit down. — 5 While on earth ordainHl to stay, Guide oui footsteps in thy way ; Till we come to reign with thee, And thy glorious greatness see. 6 Then with angels we'll ag?an u Wake a louder, louder strain ; s There in joyful songs of praise, We'll our grateful voices raise. — 7 There no tongue shall silent be, All shall join sweet harmony ; g That thro' heav'n'^s all spacious round, Praise to God, may ever sound. Lord thy mercies never fail ; Hail, Celestial Goodness, hail 1 HYMN 105. L. M. Oporto, [*] Dignily^ and Happiness of the Christian. 1 XTTONOUR and happiness unite, JLjL To make the Christian's name a praise . Hov/ fair the scene, how clear the light, That fills the remnant of his days ! 2 A kingly character he bears ; No change his priestly office knows ; Unfading is the crown he wears ; His joys can never reach a close. 3 Adorn*d with glory from on high. Salvation shines upon his face ; Select. HYMN 106. His robe is cf th'' elherlal dye, His steps are (.lio;niiy and grace. 4 Inferior honours he disdains, ?«()r stt>ps to take applause from earth; The King" of kings iiiniself maintains, Tbt expenses oi' his hcav'nly birth. 5 The noblest creature seen below, OrdainM to fill a throre abo\e I God gives him all he can bestow — His kingdom of eternal love I 6 My soul is ravishM at the thought — Methinks from earth 1 see him lise ; Angels congratulate his lot, And shout him welcome to the skies ! Cou'PEP.# H YMN lOG. b kG. Wesley. [*] God^s StTvants should praise and txlol him* 1 "VT"^'^ servants of God, JL Your Muster procliam, And publish abroad His wonderful Name ; The name ail victorious Of Jesus extol ; His kingdom is glorious, Aud rules over all. 2 God ruleth on high, Almi2;hty to save ; And still he is nigh, Hij presence we have : The great congregation His triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation To Jesus our King. 3 Salvation to (Jod \\ ho sits on the throne- Let all cry aloud And hououi tiie Son: Our Jc^us's praises The angels proclaim ; Fall down on their faces And worship the Lamb* 4 Then let us adore, And give him his right ; Select. 7 576 HYMN 110, 111. Select c 4 Who his advent may abide ? —You who glory in your shame, Will you rind a place to hide, When the world is wrappM in flame? 5 liOrd, prepare us by thy gfrace, Soon we must resio^n our breath; And our souls be calPd to pass Throuvash in Jesus^ blood: To the Son of David cry, la his word he^s passing by. 578 HYMN 113, 114. Select. 3 Naked, o:uiUy, poor, and blind, All your warts in Jesus find ; This the day of mercy is, Nov/ accept the profl'erM bliss. DrxouRcr HYMN 113. 8s & 7s. Calvary, [b] Supj'linnt ^^ddress to Iht Sari our, Mark x, 43. 1 TF.SUS, full of all compassion, C? Hear thy humble suppliant's cry; Let me know thy great salvation ; p See, I lang-ulsh, faint, and die. e 2 Guilty, but with heart relenting", OverwhelmVi with helpless gfrief — Prostrate at thy feet repenting- — Send, O send me quick relief I c 3 Whither should a wretch be flying", But to him who comfort gfives ? Whither, from the dread of dying", But to him who ever lives? — 8 On the word thy blood hath sealed, Hang's my everlastings all ; Let thine arm be now revealed, Stay, O stay me, lest I fall I e 9 In the world of endless ruin. Let it never. Lord, be said, d " Here"'s the soul that perishM, suing" '^ For the boasted Saviour^s aid !'' o 10 Sav''d — the deed shall spread new glory Thro"* the shining" realms above ; s Angfeis sing; the })Ieasing; story, AH enrapturM with thy love. Turnkr. ' HYMN 114. L. M. Geneva, [b *] Vision of the Dry Bones. Ezek. xxxiv, 3, 1 f OOK down, O Lord, witii pitying eye, Jk-J See Adams's race in ruin lie ; Sin spreads its trophies o'*er the ground, And scatters slaughterM millions round. e 2 And can these mouldVing corpses live, Anil can these perishM bone? revive ? "•—That, mig"hty God, to thoe is known; That wondrous work is all thy own. 3 Thy ministers are sent in vain, To prophecy upoa the slain — Select HYMN 115, 116. 579 e In vain they call, in vain they cry, — Till thine aJaii^hly aid is ni^h. o 4 But if thy Spirit deigrn to breathe, Life spreads throiii^h all the realms of death ; Dry bones ol)ey thy powerful voice ; They move, they v/aken, they rejoice. o 5 So when thy trumpefs awful sound Shall shake the heavens, and rend the ground, Dead saints shall from their tombs arise, And sprino^ to life beyond the skies. Doddridge. ' HYMN 115. CM. Mcar. [*] CunitrfiriQ; Grace, Ps. xlv. 3 — 5. 1 'T'l'AlL, mi^^hty Jesus, how divine, JLIB. Is thy victorious sword I The stoutest reb 1 must resign, At thy commanding word. e 2 Deep are the wounds thine arrows give. They pierce he hardest heart ; O Thy smiles of race the slain revive, And joy succeeds to smart. g 3 Still gird thy sword upon thy thigh. Ride with majestic sway; Go forth, great Prince, triumphantly, And make thy foes obey. - — i And when thy victVies are complete, And all the chosen race Shall round the throne of mercy meet, To sing thy conquering grace — e 5 O may my humble soul be found. Among that favourVl band ; And I with them thy praise will sound. Throughout Emmanuel's land. Walli». HYMN 116. L. M. Bath, [*] Ren'rat of Religion hoped for, e 1 'VlT'l-IlLE I to grief my soul give way, ▼ ? To see the work of God decline, — Methought I heard the Saviour say, g Dismiss thy fears, the ark is mine. —2 ^^ Tho' for a time 1 hide my face, *' Rely upon my love and power, *' Still wrestle at the throne of grace, " Ind wait for a reviving: hour. 580 HYMN 117, 118. Select o 3 " Take down thy lon^ neglected harp, '' V\e seen thy tears, and heard thy prayer, e " The whiter season has been sharp, o " But sprins: shall all its wastes repair." — 4 Lord, I obey— my hopes revive ; o Come, join with nie, ye saints, and sing, Our foes in vain against us strive, For God will help and triumph bring. HYMN 117. C. M. Plymouth, [b*] God\i Tpsard to the acfirdy Pious. Mul. iii, 16, 17. 1 rilF^E Lord on mortal worms looks down, JL From his celestial throne ; And when the wicked swarm around, He well discerns his own. « 2 He sees the tender hearts, that mourn The scandals of the times ; And join their eflbrts to oppose. The wide prevailing crimes. — 3 Low in the social band he bows His siill attentive ear ; And, while his angels sing around, Delights their voice to hear. o 4 The chronicles of heaven shall keep Their words in transcript fair; In the Redeemer"'s book of life, Their names recorded are. d 5 '*• Yes," saiih the Lord, " the world shall know " These humble souls are mine : ''These, when my jewels I produce, '^ Shall in full lustre shine. 8 " When deluges of fiery wrath " My foes away shall bear ; " That hand which strikes the wicked thro', "Shall all my children spare." l)(U)DRiJUiB. HYMN 118. C. m. Windsor, [b] Prayer for ajjiritual Hcalino;, \ fTHHOU great Physician of the soul, .1. To thee 1 bring my case ; My racing malady control. And heal me by thy grace. 2 Help me to state my whole complaint ; But where shall I begin ? Select. HYMN 119. 581 Nor words, nor thoiisrhts can fully paint, This worse distemper — sin. 3 It lies not in a sinorle part, But throuafh my frame is spread ; A burninsT fever in my heart, A palsy in my head. 4 It makes me draf, and dnmb, and blind. And impotent, and lame ; It overclouds, and fills mv mind, "With folly, fear, and shame. 5 (^ thousand evil thouofhts intrude, Tumultuous in my breast; Which indispose me for my food, And rob me of my rest.) G Lor^.y which ♦hey die. o 4 Then clear the dark tem[)P«luous day, And • \(iiaiit beams of love display. Each prostrate soul let mercy raise ; e So shall the bleeding- cautives fori, 582 HYMN 120,121. Select Thy word, that gave the wound, can heal, And change their notes to songs of praise. DorJDKIDGE HYMN 120. C. M. Mridge, Barby. [*] Light and Glory of the Word, 1 fXlIIE Spirit hreathes upon the word, JL And brings the truth to light ; Precepts and promises atford A sanctifying light. 2 A glory gilds the sacred page, g" Majestic like the sun ; — It gives a light to every age, d It gives — but borrows none. — 3 The hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat ; o His truths upon the nations ritsc, They rise but never set. 4 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display ; As makes a world of darkness shine, With beams of heav"'nly day. — 6 My soul rejoices <^o pursue The steps of Him I love ; ^ Till glory breaks upon my view. In brighter worlds above. Cow per HYMN 121. 7s. St: John's, f*] Sabbath Morning, 1 ^AFEIiY through another week, J3 God has brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek. Waiting in his courts to-day: Day of all the week the best ; Emblem of eternal rest ; — 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name ; 8 Shew thy reconciling face — Take away our sin and shame : From our worldly cares set free. May we rest this day in th&e. Select. HYMN 122, 123. 583 —3 Here we come thy Name to praise ; Let us feel thy presence near : May thy glory meet -jur eyes, While we in thy house appear: Here afford us Lord, a taste Of our everlastinof feast. 4 May the Gospels joyful sound, Conquer sinners, comfort saints ; Make the fruits of g^race abound; Bring- relief from all complaints: 'J'hus let ail our Sabbaths prove, Till v,'e join the church above. Newton. HYMN 122. H. M. Bethesda. [*] Sabbath Morning. 1 XITELCOME, delightful morn, f ▼ Thou day of sacred rest ; I hail thy kind return, e Lord make these moments blest. —From the low train of mortal toys, I soar to reach immortal joys. -2 Now may the King descend, And fill his throne of grace ; Thy sceptre, Lord, extend. While saints address thy face : Let sinners feel thy quickening word. And learn to know and fear the Lord. 3 Descend, celestial Dove, With all thy quick"'ning powers ; Dij^close a Saviour's love, And bless the sacred hours : Then shall my soul new life obtain. Nor Sabbaths be indulgM in vain. Hayward. HYMN 123. C. M. Sunday, [*] The Lor(Ps Day, 1 rilHE Lord of Sabbath let us praise, JL In concert with the blest. Who, joyful, in harmonious lays, Employ in endless rest. 2 Lord, may we still remember thee, And more in knowledge ijrow ; 584 HYMN 124, 125. Select — And may we more of ^\ory see, While waiting here below. o 3 On this glad day a brighter scene Of glory was displayed, g" By God the Eternal Word, than when This universe was made. o 4 He rises, who our souls hath bought, e With grief and pain extreme : ^ 'Twas great — to speak the world from nought— ''I'was c^reater — to redeem. DECorRCY''s CoL» HYMN 124. C. M. Hymn 2c/. [* b] Derolio'n, e 1 T^FHT.ST thee I seek, protecting Power! T T PiC my vain wishes stillM ; — And may this consecrated hour With belter hopes be filPd. e 2 Thy love the power of thoH ^-.pstow'd, To thee my thoughts would soar : Thy mercy o'er my life has (low'd ; That mercy I adore. — 3 hi each event of life, how clear e Thy ruling hand I see I e Each blessing to my soul most dear, — Because conferred by thee, o 4 In every jcy that crowns my days, e In every pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, c Or seek relief in prayer. o 5 When gladness wings my favoured hour, Thy love my though lb shall (ill ; e Re«ign'd, when storms of sorrow low'r, My soul shall meet thy will. — 6 My lifted eye, without a tear, The gathering storm shall see t My steadfast heart shall know no fear ; That heart will rest on thee. WilliaMS HYMN 125. CM. Sl Ann's, [* b] Social IVorship, 1 f^ LORD, our languid souls inspire, \J For here we trust thou art I Select. HYMN 126. 585 Seiid down a coal of hcav^ily fire, To warm each waiting heart. 2 Shew us some token of thy \ove^ Our fainting hope to raise ; And pour thy blessins: from above, 1 i\at we may render praise. 3 Within these walls 'et holy praise. And love and concord dwell ; e Here g"ive the troubled conscience peace, The wounded spirit heal. 4 The feelins: hoait, the melting eye, The humble mind bestow ; e And shine upon us from on high. To make our traces grow. — 5 May we in failh receive thy word, In faith present our prayers ; e And, in the presence of our Lord, Unbosom all our cares. 6 And may the gospePs joyful sound, EnforcVl by mio:lity grace, Awaken many sinners round, To come and fill the place. Ne\vtow HYMN 126. 7s. Fairfax, \h] A Blessing Juimbly requested, 1 TT ORD, we come before thee now, JLi At tby feet we humbly bow ; t O do not our suit disdain I Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain ? 2 Lord, on thee our souls depend ; In compassio 1, now deicpnd ; — Fill our hearts vv-ith thy rich grace ; o Tune our lips to sing thy praise. — 3 In thine own appointed ivay, a Now we seek thee, here we stay ; Lord we know not how to go ; Till a blessing thou bestow. —4 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace aJforci ; Let thy Spirit now impart, Full salvation to each heart. Select. U 586 HYMN 127. Select e 5 Comfort those who weep and mourn, Let the time of joy return ; Tho?e who are cast down, lift up, Make them strong in faith and hope. —6 Grant that all may seek, and lind Thee a God supremely kind : Heal the sick, the captive free ; Let us all rejoice in thee. RipPOR. HYMN 127. 8 &. 7. Love Divine. ["»] Love Dirine, 1 IT OVE divine, all love excelling. JLi Joy of heaven, to earth come down* Fix in us thy humble dwelling: All thy faithful mercies crown. e Jesus, thou art all compassion I Pjire, unbounded love, thou art ! Visit us with thy sa.lvation, Enter evVy trembling heart. St Breathe, O breathe, thy loving Spirit Into evVy troubled breast ! e Let us all in thee inherit. Let us find thy promisM rest. — ^Take away the power of sinning, Alpha and Omega be ; o End of faith, as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. — 3 Come, Almighty to deliver Let us all thy life receive I Suddenly return — and never — e Never more thy temples leave ! —Then we would be always blessing, Serve thee as thy hosts above ; o Pray, and praise thee without ceasing, Glory in thy precious love. —4 Finish then thy new creation ; Fure, unspotted may we be ; Let us see thy great salvation. Perfectly restorM by thee : g ChangM from glory unto glory, rill in heaven we take our place ; z Till we cast our crowns before thee, a Lost iu wonder, love, and praise I Madak^sCol* Select HYMN 128, 129, 130. 587 HYiMN 128. C. M. Rending, [b *] Seed in different Grounds, Matt, xili, 3. 1 "VTE sons of earth, prepare the ploug^h, X Break up your fallow g^round : The sower is gone forth to sow, And scatter blessings round. 2 The seed that finds a stony soil, Shoots forth a hasty blade ; But ill repays the sower"'3 toil, Soon withered, scorchM, and dead, 3 The thorny ground is sure to balk All hopes of harvest there ; We find a tall and sickly stalk. But not the fruitful ear. 4 The beaten path and highway side Receive the trust in vain ; The watchful birds the prey divide, And pick up ail the grain. o 5 But were the Lord of grace and power, Has blessM the happy field ; How plenteous is the golden store. The deep wrought furrows yield I e 6 Father of mercies, we have neea Of thy preparing grace ; — Let the «ame hand that gives the seed, Provide a fruitful place. CowPER, HYMN 129. L. M. Sicilian, [*] Close of Worship, 1 "pklSMISS us with thy blessing, Lord, .wJ Help us to feed upon thy word ; All that has been amiss, forgive, And let thy tiuth within us live. 2 Though we are guilty thou art good ; Wash all our works in Jcsus^ blood ; Give every fettered soul release. And bid us all depart in peace. Hart* ' ImiN 130. L. M. Portugal, [*] Close of Worship. 1 rjIHE peace which God alone reveals, JL And by his word of grace impart?, ^^''hi^h only the believer feels, Direct, and keep, and cheer our hearts. 588 HYIVIN 131, 132. Select 2 And inay the holy Three in One, The Father, Word, and Comforter, Pour an abundant blessing; down, On ev'ry soul assenrbied here. Neivtojw HYxMN 131. C. M. Hymn 2d. [*] Close of Worship. 1 T^OW may the God of peace and love, Jl^ Who from th' imprisonM ^rave, RcstorVi the Shepherd of the sheep, Omnipotent to save ; — 2 Thro'jg^h the rich merits of that blood, Which he on CalvVy spilt. To make th' eternal covenant eure, On which our hopes are built ; — 3 Perfect our souls in evVy grace, T' arcomplish all his will ; And all that's pleasing in his sight, Inspire us tc fulfil ! 4 For the grent Med iator"'s sake We every blessing pray ; g With glory let his name be crownM, Through heav'n's eternal day. Gibbons. HYMN 132. H.M. Allerion, \^' b] Jubilee . 1 "13 "LOW ye the trumpet, blew, .J3 The gladly solemn sound ; Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound : o The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ransoniM sinners, home ! — 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, c The sin-atoning Lamb ; — Redemption by his blood. Through all the world proclaim: o The year, &;c. e 3 Ye who have sold for nought, The heritage above, — Come taKe it buck unbought. The gift of Jesus' love : o The year, &c. Select HYMN 133. 5-9 — 4 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive ; And safe in Jesus dwell, And bleit in Jesus live: O The year, &c. — 5 The ^o=pe] trumpet hear The news of pardoning ^race ; Ye happy souls, draw near, Pehold your Saviour"'s face : The year, &c. — 6 Jesus, our ^reat hi^h priest, Has full atonement made ; Ye weary spirits, rest ; Ye mourning; souls, be glad: 1 The year of Jubilee is come. Return, ye ransomM sinners, home ! Topladt. HYxMN 133. C. M. Zioju Hymn ^d. [*h] The Lord^s Prayer, 1 THIATHER of all, we bow to thee, Jl Who dwell'st in heav'n adorM ; But present still through all thy works, The universal Lord. £ F^orever hallowed be thy name, By all below the skies ; And may thy kingdom still advance, Till grace to glory rise. 3 Thy glorious purpose, Lord, fulfil ; Let all thy glory see : And, as in heaven thy will is done. On earth so let it be. 4 Our wants with every morning grow^ \^^ith food these wants supply ; And on our souls the Bread bestow To eat — and never die I 5 Our sins before thee we confess ; O may they be forgiven I Afl ue to others mercy shew, We mercy beg of heaven. 6 Still let thy ^Tace our life direct; From evil guard our way ; And in temptation's fatal path, Permit us not to stray. 8» I 590 HYMN 134, 135. Select 7 P"or thine^s the power, the kingdom thine, All gloj-y^s due to thee : Thine from eternity they were, And thine shall ever be. HYMN 134. L.M. Armley, [h*] J Exhortation to Prayer, ^ 1 "\^^7'^^''^'r various hindrances we meet^ f ? In coming- to a mercy seat f Yet who that knows the worth ol' prayer, But wishes to be often there ? 2 Prayer makes the dark'^ned cloud withdraw ; Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw; Gives exercise to faith and love, Brings every blessing from above, 3 Restraining- prayer, we cease to fig-ht , Prayer makes the Chrlstian'^s armour brig-ht ; And Sal-^n trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. e 4 While Moses stood with arms spread wide, Success was found on Israelis side ; But when through weariness they faiPd, That moment Amalek prevaiPd. 5 Have you no words? Ah, think again, Words tlow apace when you complain ; And fill a feilovz-crcjature^s ear, With the sad tale of all your care. 6 Were half the breath thus vainly spent, To heaven in supplication sent, Your cheerful song would ofthier be, *' Hear what the Lord hath done forme." Cowper. HYMN 135. 7s. Fairfax, [*] Power of Prayer, 1 TN themselves as weak as worms, A How can poor believers stand. When temptations, foes, and storms, Press them close on every hand ? 2 Weak indeed they feel they are. But they know the throne of grace ; And the God, who answers prayer. Helps them when they seek his face. 3 Though the Lord awhile delay, Succour they at length obtain ; Select HYMN 133, 137. 591 He who taught their hearts to pray, Will not let them cry in vain. 4 Wrestlin;^ prayer can wonders do, Bring relief in deepest straits; Prayer can force a passage through Iron bars and brazen gates, Nkwtok, HYMN 136. C. iU Baytgor. [b] Public Fast. Joel i, 14. 1 C1EK, gracious Lord, before thy throne, ►^ Thy mourning people bend 1 ''Tis on thy sovVeign grace alone, Cur humble hopes depend. 5 2 Tremendous judgments, from thy hand Thy dreadful powVs display ; Yet mercy spp.i'es thl^ guilty land. And still we live to pray. p 3 ITow changM, alas I are truths diviae, P'or errour, guilt, and shame I What impious numbers, bold in sio, Disgrace the Christian mime. — 4 O turn us, turn n?, mighty Lord, By thy retfistlc«s grace ; Then, shnll our hearts obey thy word, And humbly seek thy face. D 5 Then, should insulting foes invade, We shall not sink in fear ; D Secure oi never-failing aid, When God, our God, is near. SxEEt ii. ~HYMN 137, C. M. Wantage, [b] Public Fast, Gen. xviii, 23—32. 1 '^^^fT'HEN Abraham full of sacred awe, T T Before Jehovah stood ; And with a. humble fervent prayer. For guilty Sodom sued : — 2 With what success, what wondrous grace — Was his petition crownM ! The Lord would spare, if in that place. Ten righteous men we* found. 5 And could a single holy soul, So rich a boon obtain ? Creat God, and shall a nation pray. And plead with thee in vain ? 592 HYMN 138, 139. Selecl o 4 Still we are thine — we bear thy name ; A Here yet is thine aboHe ; ■ Lon^ has thy ])reseiire blessM our land— e forsake us not, O God I Scott. HYMN 138. L. BI. IVorship. [b] Public FaM. E/ek. ix, 4—6. e 1 /^ RKrH'f'KOUS God, thou jud^e supremo, vJ' V»'e treinhle at thy L. > HYMN 141. L. M. Green's. [*] Dedication of a House for Worship, Pa. lxxxvii,5* el A ND will the great eternal God, XjL On earth establish his abode? And will he, from his radiant throne, Avow our temple for his own ? o 2 We bring the tribute of our praise; And sing that condescending grace, Which to our notes will lend an ear, And call us sinful mortals near. — 3 Our Fathcr"'s watchful care we bless, Which guards onr synagogues in peace ! That no tumultuous foes invade, To fill our worshippers with "Iread. e 4 These walls we to thy honour raise ; Long may they echo to thy praise ; And thou, descending, fill the place. With choicest tokens of thy grace. — 5 Here let the great Redeemer reign. With all the glories of his train ; While power divine his words attends, To conquer foes, and cheer his friends, g^ 6 And in the great dei is've day, When God the nations shall survey, May it before the world a})pear. That crowds were born to glory here. Doddridgb* HYMN 142. hTm. Allerton, [*] Dedication of a House for Worship, 1 "¥ N sweet exalted strains, J. The King of glory praise ; O^cr heaven and earth he reigns, Through everlasting days ; Select. HYMN 143. 59,^ g He, with a nod, the world controls, Sustains, or sinks, the distant poles. e 2 To earth he bends his throne — His throne of §^race divine ; « Wide is his bounty known, And wide his glories shine : o Fair Salem, still his chosen rest : Is with his smiles and presence blest. — 3 Great King of «-lory, come, And with thy favour, crown This temple as thy dome — This people as thy own : Beneath this roof, dei;2:n to show. How God can dwell with men below. 4 Here may thine ears attend Thy people's humble cries ; And g^ratctful praise ascend, All frag-rant, to the skies : o Here may thy word melodious sound, And spread celestial joys around. — 5 Here may th' attentive throngs, Imbibe thy truth and love ; And converts join the song Of seraphim above : o And willing crowds surround thy board. With sacred joy, and sweet accord. —6 Here may our unborn sons And daughters sound thy praise; And shine like polishM stones, Through long succeeding days: g Here, Lord, display thy saving power. While temples stand, and men adore. Francis. HYxMN 143. L. M. Old Hundred. [*] Ofdinalion: Joahua the Jiigh Priest. Zech. iii, 6, 7. 1 /^ ilEAT Lord of angels, we adore VT The grace that builds thy courts below 5 And thro' ten thousands sons r^i light. Stoops to regard what mortals do. e 2 Amidst the wastes of time and death, — Sucessive pastors thou dost raise. Thy charge to keep, thy house to guide, And form a people for thy praise. 596 HYMN 144. Select O 3 The heavenly natives with delight Hover around the sacred place ; K^r scorn to learn from mortal tongues The wonders of redeeming grace. —4 At length, dismissM from feeble clay^ Thy servants join th' angelic band ; o "With them, thro' distant worlds they fly ; e With them, before thy presence stand. 5 O glorious hope I O blest employ ! $ Sweet lenitive of grief and care! When shall we reach those radiant courts, And all their joy and honour share ? —6 Yet while these labours we pursue, Thus distant from thy heavenly throne, Give us a zeal and love like theirs, g And half their heaven shall here be known. DODDRIDGK HYMN 144. H. M. Whitchurch. [*] Ordination. Ministers a sweet savour to Gorf.2 Cor. ii, 15,16 1 T>RAISE to the Lo^-d on high, JL Who spreads his triumphs wide ! • W^iile J esus\ fragrant name Is breathM on every side : —Balmy and rich the odours rise, o And fdl the earth, and reach the skies, — 2 Ten thousand dying souls. Its influence feel — and live ; Sweeter than vital air The incense they receive : o They breathe anew, and rise and sing — o Jesus the Lord, their conquering King, e 3 But sinners scorn the grace. That brings salvation nigh : They turn away their face. a And faint, and fall, and die. p So sad a doom, ye saints, deplore, a For O ! they fall to rise no more. — 4 Yet, wise and mighty God, Shall all thy servants be, In those who live or die, A savour sweet to thee ; o Supremely bright thy grace shall shine, • Guarded with flames of wrath divine. DoDDRiBes. Select. HYMN 145, 146. 597 HYMN 145. L. M. Leeds. Oporto, [*] fiosfd Ministry insiituttd by Christ, Eph. iv, 11, 12« 1 "fT^ATHFP. of mercies, in thy house, SJ Smile on our homage und onr vows; "While, with a g:rateful heart, we share These pledges of our Savioui's care. 2 The Saviour, when to heaven ho rose In splendid triumph o'er his foes, Scattered his gifts on men below. And wide his royal bounties flow. 3 Hence sprung th*" apostles'* honoured name. Sacred beyond heroic fame ; Hence dictates the prophetic sage, And hence tne evangelic page. 4 In lov^^er forms, to bless our eyes, Pastors from hence and teachers ri«e ; Who, tho' with feebler ray^ they shine, Still gild a Jong — extended line. 5 From Christ their varied gifts derive. And fed by Christ taeir graces live : o While guarded by his potent hand, 'Midst all the rage of hell they stand. o 6 So shall the bright succession run. Through the last courses of the sun ; While unborn churches, by their care, Shall rise and flourish, "large and fair. —7 Jesus our Lord their hearts shall know, The spring whence all these blessings flow : o Pastors and people shout his praise, g Thio' the long round of endless days. Doddricgs, HYMN 146. C. M. Sunday, [*] Gospel Treasure in earthen vessels. -. "tr^^"^' ^^^^ t^V bounty. King of kin^si JlJL Thy favours, how divine I The blessings which thy gospel brings. How splendidly they shine I 2 Gold is but dross, and gems but toys ; Should gold and gems compare. How mean ! when set against those joys, Thy poorest servants share ? Select. 9 598 HYMN 1 47, 148. Select- e 3 Yet all these treasures oC thy grace, Are lo wheel* of nature guide, \\ ith an unerring skill ; And countless worlds extended wide. Obey his sovereign will. 3 "While harps unnumberM sound his praise^ In yonder world above ; o Hi? saints on earth admire his ways,' And glory in his love. — 4 His righteousness to faith revepdM, Wrought out for guilty worms ; Affords a biding place, and shield. From enemies and storms. -—5 When troubles, like a burning sun, Beat heavy on their head ; To this high rock his people run, And find a pleasing shade. e 6 How glorious he I — how happy they ; — In such a glorious friend ! o Whose love secures them ail the way, And crowMis them -it the end. HYMN 151. ~L. ?.I. Morcto^^K [^^h] Covennv t engasremenfs joyfvlly recog-riised. 2 Chnni. xv, 13 o 1 ^^ HAPPY day, that fixM my choice, \J On thee, my Saviour, and my God I Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. c 2 O happy bond, that seals my vows To him, who merits all my love ! c Let cheerful anthoms fill his house. While to that sacred shrine I move. d 3 'Tis done : — the great transaction's done % I am my Lord''s, and he is mine : He drew me — and I followM on — Charm VI to confess tlie voice divine. — 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart, FixM on this blissful centre, rest ; W^ith vishes who would grudge to part, When calPd on angels' bread to feast? Select. HYMN 152, 153. 601 5 High heav'n, that hoard the sclemn vow, That vow renewM shall daily hear: e Till in lifers latest hour i bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. Doddridge. HYMN 152. C. P. ]\l. Bradbury, [*] Covtnanl Ertrlaxthig, o 1 1^0' W for a hymn of praise to God I Xi Ye trophies of a Saviour^s blood, Join the sweet choir aho\ e ; All yoiir harmonious accents bring, Wake every high, celestial string, To chant redeeming love. —2 Ere God pronouiic'd creation good, Or bade the vast, unbounded flood Through fixed channels run ; Ere light from ancient chaos sprung, Or angers earth^s formation sung, fie chose us in his Son. g 3 Then was the cov''nant orderM sure, Through endless ages to endure, By IsraeTs triune God : — That none his covenant might evade, With oaths and promis'^.s 'twas made, e And ratifyM in blood. o 4 God is the refuge of nij sonl, Tho' tempests rage, tho* billows roll, And hellish powers assail : ^ Eternal walls are my defence, EnvironM with Omnipotence— What foe can e'er prevail ? —5 Then let infernal legions roar, And waste their cursed, vengeful pow^r; d My soul their wrath disdains: g In God, my refuge^ i^ji secure, While covenant piom.ises endure. Or my Pv.cdeemer reigns. HYMN 153. lis. Idvwen,. [^] Church in ^'ijiiciwn, fsa. xlix, 14 — 17. ^1 /^ ZIO\ afflicted vith wave upon wave, V^ V\ honi n(.ninn<;niic(n)iff)rr.uli.,ni udinaiu an««;«^«; V\ ith darkness surrounded, by leirouis dji-ijiay'd, in toiling and rowiB"^, thy strength k decayed. 602 HYMN 154, 155. Select "Z Loud roaring, the billows now ni^h overwhelm, — But skilful's the Mlot who sits at the ho^ni ; O His wisdom coii(hirts thee, liis power thee defends j In safely and quiet thy warfare ho ends. d 3 '^ O fearful I O faithless! in mercy he crie«; "My promise, my truth, are they l!<^ht in thine eyes? "Still, still ! am with thee, my promise shall stand ; "Through tempest and tossing I'll hrnig ihee to lanr^et thee I will not — 1 cannot ; tiiy name, '^ EngravM on my heart doth forever rcniain ; "The palms of my hands while 1 look on I see, "The wounds I receivM when sulf'iin^ for thee< 5 " 1 feel at my heart all thy si^hs and my g-roans, " Foi thou art most near me, my flesh and my huucs ; ^* In all thy distresses thy Hkad feels the paiti — '^ Yet all are most needful, not one is in vain. 6 " Then trust me, and fear not ; thy life is secure, '^ My wisdojn is perfect, supreme is my | ower ; " In love I correct thee, thy soul to reanc, '^ To make thee at length in my likeness to shine." Jav-s ('ou HYMN 154. 8 & 7. L^^57i}I^/I^pj Consolation of Israel. Luke ii, 25. 1 /^OME, thou Ions: expected Jesus, Vy Born to set thy pecf le free ; FroQi our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee : IsraePs Strcng-th and Consolation, Hope of all the saints thou art ; Dear Desire of evVy nation, J->y of evVy longing heart. 2 Born, thy people to deliver ; Born a child — and yet a King; Born to reign in us forever. Now thy precious Kingdom bring. By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By thine alNsufficient merit, Raise us to thy glorious throne. Madan's Col. H Y M N 155. L. M. hlingt^^Z^] Chrisrs^^ddress to /htChurcIi at Epkcsus. Rev.ii,! — 7. 1 rjlHUS saiih the Lord to Ephesus, JL Aud thus he speaks to some of us | Select. HYMN 156. 603 d '• Aniid?t my churches, lo, I stand, And huui the pastors in my hand. 2 ''^ Thv ^vorks to me are I'ully known, Thy patience, and thy toil I own ; Thy views of g^ospel truth are clear, PJor canst thou other doctrine bear. 3 ^^ Yet I must blame, while I approve: V/here is thy first, thy fervent love ? Dost thou forget my love to thee. That thine is grown so faint to me ? 4 '■'' R-ecail to mind the happy days, AVhen thou wast filPci with joy and praise ; Repent— thy former works renew. Then Pll restore thy comforts too. 5 ^* Return at once, when I reprove. Lest I thy candlestick remove ; And thou, too late, thy loss lament, I warn before I strike : — R epent.'^ e 6 Hearken to what the Spirit saith, To him who overcomes by faith ; " 71ie fruit of life's unfading tree. In Parctdise his food «hall be." NETrrox. ■ HYMN 156. C. M. York. [*] ' ChrisPs Address to the Church at Smyrna, Rev.ii.ll. 1 ri^^HE message first to Smyrna sent, A A message full of grace ; To all the Saviour's liock is meant, In every age and place. 2 Thus to his church, hii- chosen bride, Saitli the great First and Last, "VYho ever lives — though once he died I d ^^ Hold thy profession fast. 3 " Thy works and sorrow well I know PerformM and borne for me ; Poor though thou art, despis'd and low, Yet who is rich like thee .' 4 '• I know thy foes, and what they say How long they have blasphem'd ; The synas^oirue of Satan, they, Though they would Jews be deemM. 5 " Though Satau for a season rage, And pi isons be your lot : I am your friend, and 1 engage You shall not be forgot. 604 HYMN 157, 158. Select 6 '' Bo faithful unto death, nor fear A few short days of strife ; Behold the prize you soon shall wear, A crown of endless life." c 7 Hear what the Holy Spirit saith Of all who overcome ; " They shall escape the second death, c The slnner''s awful doom !" Newton. H Y^IN157. 7 & G. Clark's. Hymn hlL [b *] Ckrisrs , /Address to lite Church at Sardis. Rev, iii, i-^. d 1 '<- "l^RITE to Sardis, saith the Lord, T f And write what he declares ; He whose S])irit, and whose Word, Upholds the seven stars ; All thy works and ways I search. Find thy zeal and love decayed ; Thou art callM a living church, But thou art cold and dead. 2 " Watch — remember — seek, and strive, Exert thy former pains : Let thy timely care revive, And strengthen what remains : Cleanse thy heart, Jhy works amend. Former times to mind recall ; Lest my sudden stroke descend. And smite thee once for all. 3 Yet 1 number now in thee, A few who are upright ; These my Father's face shall see, And walk with me in white : When in judgment I appear, They for mine shall stand confessM: Let 111} jaithful servants hear, And wo be to the rest." CoivPER. HYMN 158. L. M. Oporto. [*] Christ^ s Address to the Churcliat Ptiiladtlphia, Rev. iii, 7—13. 1 rjlHUS saith the Holy One, and true i To his beloved faithful (e\v \ "Of heav'n and hell I hold the keys. To sliut or open as 1 please. 2 '"'' I know thy works, and I approve, Though smaii thy strena^th, sincere thy love \ Select. ■ HYMN 159. G05 Go on my word and name to ov/n, For none shall rob thee of thy crown. 3 '' Before ihee see my mercy^s door Stands open T^-ide to shut no more ; Fear not temptation^s fiery day, For 1 will be thy siren^j^th and stay. 4 ^' Thoa hast my promise, hold it fast; Thy tryini^ hoar will soon be pa'jt: Rejoice — for lo I I quickly come, To take thee to my heavenly home. g 5 ^' A pillar there no more to move, Inscribed with all my names of love : A monument of mighty grace. Thou shalt forever have a place." — 5 Such is the conqueror's reward, PreparM and promisM by the Lord ; Let him who hath the ear of faith, Attend to -svhat the Spirit saith. Newtcx. H YMX 159. L. M. Ke-o.^courL [b] ChrisPs Jlddrtss to iJie Church at Laodicea, Rev. iii, 14—20. d 1 "tjrEAR, what the Lord, the great Amen, JlJL The true and faithful Witness, says He formM the vas^ creation's plan. And searches all our hearts and ways, 2 To some he speaks as once of old, d '' I know thee — thy profession's vain ; Since thou r.rt neither hot nor cold, V\[ spit thee from me with disdain. 3 " Thou boastest ' I am wise and rich, Increased in goods, and nothing need ;' And dost not know thou art a wretch. Naked, and poor, and blind, and dead. 4 " Yet while I thus rebuke, I love, My message is in mercy sent ; That thou may'st my compassion prove, I can forgive if thou repent. 5 '' Would'st thou be truly rich and wise, Come buy my gold in fire well try'd ; My ointment, to anoint thmo eyes. My robe, thy nakedness to hide. 6 " See, at thy door I stand and knock ; Poor sinner, shall I wait in vain : 606 HYMN 160, 161. Select. Quickly thy stubborn heart unlock, That 1 may enter with my train. 7 '■' Thou canst not entertain a king". Unworthy thou of such a g-uest ! But 1 my own provision bring", To make thy soul a heav'nly feast. Nkwto¥ ' HYMxN" 160. S. M. N^Mon, [*] Promise to Believers and their children, 1 ~Jf ORD, what our ears have heard, JLi Our eyes delighted trace ; Thy love in long^ succession sho-wn To Zion''s chosen race. 2 Our children thou dost claim. And mark them out for thine : Ten thousand blessings to thy name, For g;oodness so divine. 3 Thee let the fathers own. And thee, the sons adore ; JoinM to the Lord in solemn vows. To be forgot no more. 4 Thy covenant may they keep. And bless the happy bands, — Which closer still engage their hearts, To honour thy commands, e 5 How great thy mercies, Lord I How plenteous is thy grace ! Wliich, in the promise of thy love, Includes our rising race. o 6 Our offspring still thy care. Shall own their fathers' God ; To latest times thy blessings share, And sound thy praise abroad. Salisbury Col HYMN 161. CM. St, Ann's. [*] Chrisf^s condescending Regard to Little Children* Mark x, 14. 1 ^EE Israel's gentle Shepherd stand J5 With all engaging charms ; e Hark, how he calls the tender Lambs, And folds them in his arms. d 2 '''' Permit them to approach," he cries, " Nor scorn their humble name ; " For Hwas to bless such souls as these, " The Lord of angels came." Select. HYMN 162, 163. 607 o 3 We brin^ them, Lord, in thankful hands, And yield them up to thee ; Joyful that we oui selves are thine, Tnine let our ofTstiring be. —4 Ye little fleck with pleasure hear; Ye children seek his face ; And fly with transports to receive The blessing-s of hib grace, e 5 If orplians they are left behind, — Thy guardian care we trust ; c That care shall heal our bleeding heart, a If weeping o^er their dust. Doddridge* inTlK 162. S. m' Bingham. [*] In/ants giveji f.o God in Baptism, Isa. Ixv, 23. 1 i^S REAT God, now condescend vJT To bless our rising race ; Soon may their willing spirits bend To thy victorious grace, e 2 what a vast delight. Their happiness to see I Our warmest wishes al) unite To lead their souls to thee. — 3 Now bless, tliou God of love. This ordinance divine ; Send thy good Spirit from above, Ajid make these children thine. Fellows. HYMN 163. cm' York. ["*=] Young Persons invUed to seek and love Chnsi. Prov, viiiJ7, 1 "VTE hearts with youthful vigour warm, JL In smiling crowds drav/ near; And turn from evVy mortal charm, A Saviour^s voice to hear. 2 He, Lord of all the worlds on high, Stoops to converse wiih you ; And lays his radiant glories by. Your welfare to pursue. d 3 '^ The soul who longs to see my face, " Is sure my love to gain ; *' And those who early seek my grace, " Shall never seek in vain." e 4 What object, Lord, my soul should move, If once compared with thee ? 608 HYMN 104, 165. Select \^'hat beauty should comnrand my love, IJke what in Chribt I see ^ d 5 Away, ye false delusive toys, Vain tempters of the mh)d I 'Ti3 here I fix my lastino^ choice. And here true bliss 1 find. DoDDRiDr.K. HYMN'T647 "ETm. Gloucester. [*] Eadii/ Piety, Matt, xii, 20. 1 flirOW soft the words my iSaviour speaks! JnL How kind the promises he makes I A bruised reed he never breaks, Nor will he quench the smoking- flax. 2 The humble poor he wont despise. Nor on the contrite sinner frown; His ear is open to their cries. He quickly tends salvation down. 3 When piety in early minds. Like tender buds begems to shoot. He g-uarvls the plants from threafning" winds, And ripens blossoms into fruit. 4 With huinble souls he bears a part, In all the sorrows Uiey endure ; Teivler and g^racious is his heart, His promise is for ever sure. 5 He sees the stru^^^les tliat prevail, Between the powTs of grace and sin; He kindly listens v/hile they tell The bitter pang^s they feel within. 6 Tho' pressM with fears on evVy side. They know not how the strife may end ; Yet he will soon the cause decide. And judgment unto victVy send. Stexnet. HYMN 165. C. M. Wareham. [b~*]~^ Young Persons entreated, e 1 "I^ESTOW, dear Lord, upon our youth, JlJ The gift of saving g-race ; And let the seed of sacred truth Fall in a fruitful place. —2 Grace is a plant, where'^er it g^ows^ Of pure and heav'nly root ; But fairest in the youngest shows, And yields the sweetest fruit. Select HYMN 166. 609 d 3 Ye careless ones, O hear betimes, The voice of sovereign love 1 e Your youth is stained with many crimes, o But mercy reigns above. d 4 True you are youn^, but there's a stone Within the youngest breast, Or half the crimes which you have done, Wouhi ro'o you of your rest. —3 For you the public prayer is made, Oh, join the public prayer ! p For you the secret tear is shed, O shed yourselves a tear. — 6 We pray that you may early prove, The Spirif's power to teach ; You cannot be too youn^ to love That Jesus* whom we preaxh. CowPEa HYiMN 166. 7s. Redeeming Love, [b *] Prayer for young Persons. 1 "^fOW may fervent prayer arise, JJ^ Winged with faith, and pierce the skies* Fervent prayer will bring us down Gracious answers from the throne. e 2 Shepherd of thy blood-bought sheep, Teach the stony heart to weep; Let the blind have eyea to see — e See themselves — and look on thee. — 3 Let the mJnds of all our youtV Feel the force of sarred truth; While the gospel call they hear. May they learn to love and fear. 4 Show them what their ways have been ; Show them the desert of sin; e Then thy dying love reveal ; This shall melt a heart of steel. — 5 Where thou ha.st thy work begun. Give new strength the race to run; k matter darkness, clouds, and fears, Wipe away the mourner's tears. — 6 Bless us all, both old and young: Call forth praise from ev'ry tongue ; Let the whole assembly prove All thy power, and all thy love. Newtox. Select. 10 610 HYMN 167, 168. Select HYMN 167. 7s. Fairfax, [b] Praijerfoi Children, 1 ^r^ RACIOUS Lord, our children see 5 V^ By thy mercy we are free ; But shall these, alas I remain Subjects still of Satan's reign ? 2 IsrafPs infants, when of old, Pharaoh threatenM to withhold ; d Then thy Messenger, said ^' No : '^ Let the children also go.'' e 3 When the angel of the Lord, Drawing forth his dreadful sword, Slew with an avenging hand. All the first-born of the land ; — 4 Then thy people's doors he pass'd, V/here the bloody sign was plac'd: e Hear us now upon our knees. Plead the blood of Christ for these. e 5 Lord, we tremble, for we know How the fierce malicious foe. Wheeling round his watchful flight, Kee])s thorn ever in his sight. -—6 Spread thy pinions. King of kings I Hieople, faint and few ; Comfortless, afflicted, broken, o Fair abodes I build for you : — Scenes of heartfelt tribulation Shall no more perplex your ways : d You shall name your walls Salvatioji, — — And your grates shall all be praise." b 2 There like streams that feed the garden, Pleasures, without end, shall flow; For the Lord, your faith rewarding, All his bounty shall bestow: Still in undisturbed possession, Peace and righteousness shall reign ; Never shall you feel oppression — Hear the voice of war again. 3 Ye, no more your sans declining. Waning moons no more shall see ; But, yrur p-piefs forever ending. Find eternal noon in me. o God will rise, ai.d shining o'er you. Change to day the gloom of night ; g He the Lord will be your glory, God your everlasting light. Cowper, HYMN 180. L. M. Worship, [b] Prayer for Zion. 1 TNDULGEXT SovVeign of the skies, X And wilt thou bow thy gracious ear ? While feeble mortals raise their cries. Wilt thou, the great Jehovah, hear? A 2 Plow shall thy servants give thee rest, Till Zion's mouldering: walls thou raise ; 618 HYMN 181. Select. — Till thy own power shall stand confessM, And make Jerusalem a praise ? c 3 For this, a lowly suppliant crowd, Here iu thy sacred temple wait : — For this we lift our voices loud, And call, and knock at mercy's g^ate. « 4 Look down, O God, with pitying" eye^ And view the desolations round ; e See what wide realms in darkness lie, — And hurl their idols to the ground. o 5 Loud let the gospel trumpet blow, And call the nations from afar ; Let all the Isles their Saviour know, And earth's remotest ends draw near, Doddridge* HYMN 181. L. M. Bhndon. [b*] Prayer for ZiorOs Increase, Isa. li, 9. d 1 A RM of the Lord, awake, awake ! XjL Put on thy strength — the nations shake ! — And let the world, adoring, see Triumphs of mercy wrought by thee. 2 Say to the heathen from thy throne, d " I am Jehovah — God alone !" — ^Thy voice their idols shall confound. And cast their altars to the ground. e 3 No more let human blood be spilt — Vain sacrifice for human guilt I But to each conscience be applied c The blood that flowM from Jesus' side, 4 Arm of the Lord, thy power extend, Let Mahomet's impostures end ; Break superstition's Papal chain. And the proud scoffer's rage restrain. o 5 Let Zion's time of favour come ; O bring the tribes of Israel home : And let our wondering eyes behold, Gentiles and Jews in Christ's one fold, g 6 Almighty God, thy grace proclaim, In every land of every name ; Let adverse powers before thee fall, And crown the Saviour — Lord of all. Miss. Coiu Select HYMN 182, 183. 619 HYMN 182. L. M. Leeds. [*] Longing for the promised Spread of the Gospel. Dan. ii, 45. 1 TFIXERT thy power, thy rights maintain, e ^^ Insulted — everlasting" King I — The iniluence of thy crown increase, And strangers to thy footstool bring. e 2 We long to see that happy time, That dear, expected, blessed day I When countless myriads of our race The second Adam shall obey. — 3 The prophecies must be fulfilPd, Tho' earth and hell should dare oppose ; The Stone cut from the mounl?\in^s side, Tho' unobservM, to empire grows. 4 Soon shall the blended Image fall, Brass, silver, iron, gold, and clay; And snperstition^s gloomy reign, To light and liberty give way. 5 In one sweet symphony of praise, o Gentile and Jew shall then unite ; And Infidelity ashamM, Sink in the abyss of endless night, 6 Soon Afric^s long enslaved sons. Shall join with Europe's polishM race, To celebrate, in differenl tongues, The glories of redeeming grace. g 7 From east to west, from north to south, Emmanuel's kingdom shall extend ; —And every man, in every face. Shall meet a brother and a friend. Voke. HYMN 183. C. M. Miicham. [*] Prayer for the Success of Missions, Ps. Ixxii, 7, 8. 1 1" ORD, send thy word, and let it fly, JLi ArmM with thy Spirit's power ; o Ten thousand shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour. o 2 Beneath the influence of thy grace, The barren wastes snail rise. With sudden greens, and fruits array*d— g A blooming Paradise, 620 HYMN 184. Select, — 3 True holiness shall strike its root, In each rcgenVate heart ; Shall in a o^rowth divine arise, And heav"'n]y fruits impart. c 4 Peace, with her olives crown'd, shall stretch Her wirijrs from shore to shore ; No trump shall rouse the rao;e of war, Nor murdVous cannon T-oar. — 5 Lord, for those days we v/ait — those days Are in thy word foretold ; Fly swifter, sun, and stars, and bring- This promisVi ag-e of ^old. e 6 Amen — with joy divine, let earth's Unnumbered n)yriad* v-ry ; g Amen — with joy divine, let lieav^n'^s Unnumber^l choirs leply. Gibbons* HYMN 184. C. M. Canterbury. [*] Frai/tr for Missionaries, 1 dHi RE AT God, the nations of the earth \yr Are by creation thine ; And in (by works, by all beheld, Thy radiant glories shine. o 2 But, Lord, thy greater love has sent Thy gospel to mankind ; Unveiling what rich stores of grace Are treaaur'd in thy mind, gj 3 Lord, when shall these glad tidings spread — The spacious earth uround; Till every tribe and every soul Shall hear the joyful sound, p 4 when shall Afric's sable sons £njoy the heavenly word ? And vassals long enslav'd become The freemen of the Lord! e 5 When shall th' untutor'd Heathen tribes, A dai-k bewilder'd race, Sit down ?X our Emmanuel's feet. And learn and see his grace ? 6 Haste, sovereign Mercy, and transform Their cruelty to love : Soften the tiger to the lamb. The vulture to a dove. Select. HYMN 105. 621 7 Smile, JiOrd, on each divine attempt, To spread the gospel's rays I gf And build, on sin's demolish^ throne, The temples of thy praise. Rippow. HYMN 185. 10s. Walworth. [*J Prayer for the Laifer Day Glory, 1 T ORD of all worlds, incline thy bounteous ear, X^ Thy children''s voice, in tender mercy hear. Bear thy blest promise, fix'd as hills, in mind, And shed renewing- grace on lost mankind : let thy Spirit like soft dews descend ; Thy gospel run to earth'b remotest end. 2 Let Zion'3 walls before thee ceaseless stand, Dear as thine eye, and graven on thy hand ; From earth's far region's Jacob's sons restore, Oppress'd by mar«, and scourg'd by thee, no mort EnrichM with gold, adorn'd with heavenly grace, Truth their sole guide, and all their pleasure praise. 3 Then Satan's kingdom shall from earth retire, Dead forms dissolve, and furious zeal expire, The Beast's fell throne shall darkness dire surround, Mohammed's empire tumble to the ground ; The dreams of Infidels in cmoke decay. And all the foes of heaven shall fleet away. 4 In barren wilds shall living" waters spring-. Fair temples rise, and song^s of transport ring; The savage mind with sweet affection warm. And li^ht and love the yieldinof bosom charm: From sin's oblivious sleep the soul ari«e. And grace and g-oodness, show'r from balmy skies 5 Then shall mankind no mors in darkness mourn^ Then happy nations in a day be born ; From east to wset thy glorious Name be one, And one pure worship hail th' eternal Son : Remotest realm? one spotless faith unite, And o'er all regions beam the Gospel's light. 6 Then shall thy saints exult with joy divine ; Their virtues quicken, and their li\'es refine ; Their souls improve, their sorgs more grateful rise. And sweeter incense cheer the morning skies: Heaven o'er the world unfold a brighter day, And Jesus spread hi3 reign from sea to sea. DwigdT. Select. 11 m2 HYMN 186, 187. Select. HYMN 186. CM. Bethlehem, [*] Zion exalted above the Hills, Isa. xxii, 4. 1 /^'ER mountain tops the mount of God, \J In latter days shall rise — Above the summit of the hilis, And draw the wondering eyes. O 2 To thh the joyful nations roimd, All tribes and tongues shall flow ; Up to the mount of God, they say, And to his house weMl go. 3 The beamr that shine from Zion's hill, Shall lighten every land ; The King- who reigns in Salem"'s tow'rs, Shall the whole world command, e 4 Among the nations he shall judge, His judgments truth shall guide ; o His sceptre shall protect the just. And crush the pinner ""s pride. e 5 No war shall rage, no hostile feuds Disturb those peaceful years ; —To ploughshares men shall beat their swords, To pruning-liooks their spears. o 6 Come then, O house of Jacob, come, And worship at h's shrine ; g And, walking in the light of God, With holy beauties shine. Scotch Paraphrasr, HYMN 187. L. M. Castle Street. [*] Millennium. Isa. xi, 5 — 9. Rev. xx, 4 — 10. 1 f OOK up, my soul, with glad surprise, JL^ Towards the joyful, coming day ; When Jesus shall descend the skies, And form a bright, a glorious day. o 2 Nations shall in a day be born. And swift, like doves, to Jesus fly ; — The saints shall know no clouds return, Nor sorrows mingled with their joy. b 3 The lion and the lamb shall feed Together, in his peaceful re-ign ; —And Zion, blest with heavenly bread, Of pinching wants uo more complain. Select. HYMN 188, 189. 62S 4 The Jew, the Greek, the bond, the free, Shall boast their several rights no more ; o But join in sweetest harmoDy, Their Lord, their Sov'reio;n to adore. — 5 Thus, till a thousand years are pass'd, And Satan must be loosM again ; Short is the time his reign shall last, a Ere he's confin'd in endless pain. o 6 But the blest saints shall mount on high, Where their delivering Prince is gone ; s Angels at God's command shall fly, To bless them with a conqueror's crown. Ajj-oh. " HYMN lo8. 8 &7. Sicilian. [*] Collection for the Spread of the Gospel, 1 "¥7|7ITH my substance I will honour T T IMy Redeemer and my Lord ; Were ten thousand worlds my manor, All were nothing to his word. 2 While the heralds of salvation His abounding grace proclaim ; Let his friends of every station, Gladly join to spread his fame. —3 May his kingdom be promoted, May the world the Saviour know ; Be my all to him devoted. To my Lord my all I owe. 4 Praise the Saviour, all ye nations ; Praise him all ye hosts above ; s Shout with joyful acclamations, His divine — victorious love. Francis. HYMN 189. S. M. Newton, [*] C harif oMe Collection, 1 Chron. xxix, 14. 1 r j^HY bounties, gracious Lord, JL With gratitude we own ; We praise thy providential grace, That showers its blessings down, o 2 With joy the people bring Their offerings round thy throne , With thankful souls, behold, we pay A tribute of thine own. e 3 Accept this humble mite. Great sovereign Lord of all ; Nor let our numerous mingling sin3 The sacred ointment spoil 624 ' HYMN 190, 191. Select. — 4 Let the iledeemer's blood Diffuse its virtue's wide : Hallow and cleanse our every ^ift, And all our follies hide. e 5 O may this sacrifice To thee the Lord ascend, —An odour oi'a sweet perfume, Presented by his hand. o 6 Well pleasM our God shall view The products of his grace ; And, in a plentiful reward. Fulfil his promises. Scott HYMN 190. CM. Hymn M. [*] The Good Samaritan* Luke x, 30 — 37, 1 TTjlATHER of mercies, send thy grace, JO Ail powerful from above. To form in our obedient souls The image of thy love. b 2 O may our sympathizing breasts That generous pleasure know; Kindly to share in others' joy. And weep for others' wo. e 3 When the most helpless sons of grief, In low distress are laid ; p Soft be our hearts their pains to feel, o And swift our hands to aid. - 4 So Jesus lookM on dying men. When throned above the skies ; And midst the embraces of thy love. He felt compassion rise. c 5 On wings of love the Saviour flew, To raise us from the ground ; e And gave the richest of hin blood, A balm for every wound. Doddridoe. HYMN 191. C. M. Devizes. [*] J^ature and Fruits of Charity, 1 f\ CHARITY, thou heavenly grace I V^ All tender, soft and kind 1 A friend to all the human race. To all that's good inclined I Select. HYMN 192. 665 2 The man of charity extends To all his libVal hand ; His kindred, neighbours, foes and friends His pity may command. e 3 He aids thft poor in their distress ; He hears when they complain ; With tender heart delights to bless, And lessen all their pain. 4 The sick, the prisoner, poor and blind, And all the sons of grief, In him a benefactor find — He loves to give relief. o 5 'Tis love that makes religion sweet ; ''Ti=; love that makes us rise. With willing minds and ardent feet. To yonder happy skies. — 6 Then let us all in love abound. And charity pursue ; o Thus shall we be with glory crownM, e And love as angels do. Proud. HYMN 192. C. M. Sl Ann's. [*] Relieving Christ in his Members, Matt, xxv, 40. e 1 TESUS, my Lord, how rich thy grace ! tJ Thy bounties ! how complete I How shall I count the matchless sum ? How pay the mighty debt ? g 2 High on a throne of radiant light Dost thou exalted shine ; e W^hat can ^.y poverty bestow — When all the worlds are thine ? — 3 But thou hast brethren here below; The partners of thy grace ; And wilt confess their humble uames, Before thy Father's face, e 4 In them thou mayst be cloth'd and fed, And visited and cheerM, And in their accents of distress. My Saviour's voice is heard. — ^ Thy face with rev'rence and with love, I, in the poor would see ; O rather let me beg my bread, Than hold it back from thee. Doddridge. 626 HYMN 193. Select HYMN 193. 8&7. [*] A Charity Hymn, 1 IT ORD of life, all praise excelling', JLi Thou, in ^lory, unconfin'd, Delg'n"'sl to make thy humble dwelling", With the poor of humble mind. 2 As thy love thro' all creation, Beams like thy dilFusive lig'ht. So the scornM and humble station. Shrinks before thine equal sight. 3 Thus thy care, for all providing, WarmM thy faithful prophets tongue ; Who, the lot of all deciding, To thy chosen Israel sung : — 4 " W^hen thy harvest yields thee pleasure, '' Thou the golden sheaf shalt bind, " To the poor belongs the treasure '' Of the scatterM ears behind." *^ These thy God ordains to bless, " The widow and the fatherless." 5 " When thine olive plants increasing", '^ Pcur their plenty oVr thy plain ; *' Grateful thou shalt take the blessing, '' But not search the bough again." CHORUS. — '^ These, &c." ^ '' When thy farourM vintage flowing", '^ Gladdens thy autumnal scene ; " Own the bounteous hand bestowing, *^ But thy vines the poor shall glean." CHORUS. — '^ These, &;c." 7 Still we read thy word declaring" Mrrcy^ Lord, thine own decree ; Mercy, every sorrow sharing. Warms the heart resembling thee. 8 Still (he orphan and the stranger, Still the widow owns thy rare ; Screen'd by thee in every danger. Heard by thee in every prayer. Select. HYMN 194, 195. 627 ' HY31N 194. L, M. Sicilian, [*] Meeting of Christian Friends, 1 T7"L\DRED in Christ, for his dear sake, J^k. A hearty welcome here receive.; May we to2:ether now partake The joys which only he can g"ive. o 2 To you and us by grace is giv^'n, To know the Saviour's precious name; And shortly we shall meet in heaven, Our hope, our way, our end the same. -3 May he by whose kind care we meet, Send his good spirit from above ; Make our communications svv'eet, And cause our hearts to burn with love. 4 Forgotten be each earthly theme, "When christians see each other thus ; « We on-y wish to speak of fH3T, a Who lived — and died — and reigns — for U£o € 5 We^l talk of all he did and said, And snlTcrVi for us here below ; The path he mark'd for us to tread^ And what he's doing for us now. — 6 Thus, as the moments pass away, We'll love, and wonder, and adore ; "O And hasten on the glorious day, \\'hen we shall meet — to part no more. Newtoj?, HYMN 195. S. M. Bingham, ['^j Parting of Christian Friends, 1 1>LEST be the tie that binds -13 Our hearts in christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. -5 2 Before our Father's throne. We pour our ardent prayers ; Out fears, our hope^, our aims are one. Our comforts and our cares. — 3 We share our mutual woes. Our mutual burdens bear; •e And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 628 HYMN 196, 197. Selects e 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain ; — But we shall still be joitiM in heart, And hope to meet again. o 5 This g-lorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. — 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain. And sin we shall be free ; g And perfect love and friendship reign. Through all eternity, Fawcett. HYMN 196. C. M. Hymii 2d. St Ann's. [*] ^ Marriage Hymn. 1 ^INCE Jesus freely did appear ►3 To grace a marriage feast. Dear Lord, we ask thy presence here, To make a wedding guest. e 2 Upon the bridal pair look down. Who now have plighted iiands ; Their union with thy favour crown. And bless the nuptial bands. —3 W^Ith gifts of grace their hearts endow, Of all rich dowries best ; Their substance bless and peace bestow, To sweeten all the rest. e 4 In purest love their souls unite. That they with christian care, May make domestic burthens light, By taking mutual share. — 5 As Isaac and Rebecca gave A pattern chaste and kind ; So may this married couple live, e And die in friendship joinM. 6 And when that solemn hoar shall come^ And life's short space be o'er ; o May they in triumph reach that home, Where they shall part no more. HYMN 197. 8 & 7. Sicilian. [*] A Marriage Hymn, OME, thou condescending Jesus ! Thou hast blest a marriage feast ; ■(c Select HYMN 198. 6'29 Come, and with thy presence hlcss us, Deii|:n to be an honourVl j^uest. 2 Once at Cana"'s happy vina2;e, Thou didst hravenly joy nnjart ; Though unseen, may thy blest imag^e Be inscribe on ev-ry heart.) e 3 Lord, we come to ask thy blessing- On the happy pair to rest ; - May thy ^-oodness, never ceasing, Make them now and ever blest, 4 Thou can''st change the course of nature, Turnings water into wine ; t But we ask a greater favour — May they be forever thine. —5 Thine by cov^'nant and adoption, Thine by free and sovVeiii^n Sfrace ; May they, in each word and action, Do thy v/ill and speak thy praise. 6 Gracious Lord, from thy free bounty, Fill their basket and their store ; Give them, with their health and plenty Hearts thy goodness to adore. € 7 Often from their happy dwelling-, May the voice of prayer ascend, For thy mercies still increasing, To their best, their kindest Friend. —8 Through this life's tempestuous ocean. Storms are thick and dangers nigh ; O may ♦"onstant pure devofion, Guide them safe to realms on high.. e 9 When by death''s cold hand divided, Which dissolves the tenderest ties; — By thy grace a^ain united. May they in thy image rise, o 10 Come, thou condercending Jesus, Fill our hearts with songs of praise ; Come and with thy presence bless us, Make us subjects of thygra^e. Codman^sOol, HYMN 198. L. M. Green'Z^] •^ Family Hymn. 2 a.lA^TIER of men, thy care we bless, MJ Which crowns our families with peace. 630 HYMN 199, 200. Select From thee they sprung-, and by thy hand Their root and branches are sustained. e 2 To God, most worthy to be prais'd, Be our domestic altars rais'd ; Who, Lord of Heaven, scorns not to dwell With saints in their obscurest cell. — 3 To thee may each united House, Morning" and night, present its vows ; Our servants here, and rising race, Be taught thy precepts, and thy grace. o 4 O may each future age proclaim The honours of thy glorious name ; §• Wliile pleased, and thankful, we remove To join the family above. Doddridge* HYMN 199. L. M. FortvgaL[^] A Morning Hymn, 1 A WAKE, my soul, and with the sun, XjL Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise. To pay thy morning sacrifice. e 2 Lord, I my vows to thee renew I Scatter my sins like morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with thyself my spirit fill. — 3 Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design, or do, or say ; That all my powers, with all their might, In thy sole glory may unite. o 4 Praise God from whom all blessings flow ; Praise him all creatures here below: Praise him above, angelic host ; — g Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Keitb HYMN 200. ~7s. PleyeVs, [*] •^2 Morning Hymn, 1 l^OW the shades of night are gone ; JL^ Now the morning light is come ; Lord, may we be thine to-day, Drive the shades of sin away. 2 Fill our souls with heavenly light, Banish doubt, and cleanse our sight ; In thy service. Lord, to-day. Help us laboui^ help us pray. Select. HYMN 201, 902. 631 3 Keep our haughty passions bound ; Save us from our foes ai^^und; Goingf out, and coming in, Keep us safe from every sin, 4 When our work of life is past, receive us then at last I 9 Night of sin wi" be no more, When we reach the heavenly shore. Hart. Col. HYMN 201. L. M. Worship. Sicilian, [*] An Evening Hyjnn. 1 1^ LORY to thee, my God, this night, \IK For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath thine own Almighty wings. 2 Forgive me. Lord, for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself and thee, i, ere 1 sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed : Teach me to die, that so I may, Rise, glorious, at the awful day. 4 O let my soul on thee repose, And may sweet sleep my eyelids close : Sleep that shall me more vigorous make, To serve my God, when 1 awake. 5 If in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply ; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest ; No powers of darkness me molest. 6 Praise God from whence ail blessings flow; Praise him all creatures here below ; Praise hira above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, aad Holy Ghost. Kenst HYMN 202. 8s. Bethany. \^] An Ever.ing Hymn. 1 TNSPIRER and Hearer of Prayer, X Thou Feeder and Guardian of thine ; My all to thy covenant care, I, sleeping or waking, resign. 632 HYMN 203. Select o 2 If thou art my shield and my sun, Tho night is no darkness to me ; And fast as my moments roll on, Tliey brhig me but nearer to thee, e 3 A sovereign Protector I have. Unseen, yet forever at hand ; Unehang-eably i'aithful to save, Almighty to rule and command. -4 From evil secure, and its dread; I rest, if my Saviour be nigh ; And songs his kind presence indeed, Shall in the night season supply. o 5 His smiles and his comforts abound, His grace as the dew shall descend ; And wells of salvation surround. The soul he delights to defend. ToplAIXY, HYMN 203. C. M. Barby, [''■] j1 Hymn for Morning or Evening. 1 i^^N thee, each morning, O my God, \^ My waking thoughts attend ; In whom are founded all my hopes, In whom my wishes envi. e 2 My soul in pleasing wonder lost. Thy boundless love surveys ; —And flr'd with grateful zeal, prepares The sacrifice of praise. e 3 When evening slumbers press my eyes^ With thy protection blest ; b In peace and safety I commit My weary limbs to rest. 4 My spirit in thy hands secure, Fears no approaching ill ; For whether waking, or asleep, Thou, Lord, art with me stilL o 5 Then will I daily to the world Thy wondrous acts proclaim ; Whilst all with me shall praise and sing, And bless the Sacred Name. e 6 At morn, at noon, at night Pll still Thy growing work pursue ; s And thee alone will praise, to whom Eternal praise is due, Liv, CoL. Select HYMN 204. 633 HYMN 204. L. P. M. Devotion. [*] Daily Duties, Dependence and Enjoyment, Rom, xiv, 8. — Morning or Evening, 1 7M[7'-^^^i streaming from the eastern skica T f The morning- light salutes my eyes, O Sun of Rig-hteousness divine, On me with beams of mercy shine ; Chase the dark clouds of guilt away, And turn my darkness into day. 2 When, to heaven's great and glorious King-, My morning sacrifice 1 bring ; And mourning o'er my guilt and shame, Ask mercy in my Saviour's name : Then, Jesus, sprinkle with thy blood, And be my Advocate with God. 3 As every day thy mercy spares Will bring its trials and its cares ; Saviour, till my life shall end, Be thou my counsellor and friend: Teach me thy precepts, all divine. And be thy great example mine. 4 When pain transfixes every part. And languor settles at the heart ; When on my bed, diseased, oppress'd, 1 turn, and sigh, and long for rest; O great Physician ! see my grief. And grant thy servant sweet relief. 5 Should poverty's consuming blow Lay all my worldly comforts low; And neither help, nor hope appear. My steps to guide, my heart to cheer; Lord, pity, and supply my need, For thou on earth wast poor indeed. 6 Should Providence profusely poiff Its various blessings in my store ; O keep me from the ills, that wait Ou such a seeming prosperoui? state ; From huitful passions set me free, And humbly may I walk with thee. 7 When each day's scenes and labours clo8t. And wearied nature seeks repose. With pardoning mercy ri'jhly bless'd, Guard me, my Saviour, while I rest; Select. 12 634 HYMN 205, 206. Select And as each monntig; aun sliall rise, lead me cuward to the skies. 8 And at my life-s last settin«: sun, My conl'icts ©""er, my labours done, Jesus, thine heavenly radiance shed, To cheer and bless my dyin« bed : And from death^s gloom my spirit raise, ''To see thy face, and sing thy praise." HYMN 205. C. M. Barby, St. Jinn's. [^ b] Religion the One Thing needful, 1 Tr> ELIGION is the chief concern, J\/ Of mortals here below ; May I its great importance learn. Its sov'reign virtue know. 2 More needful this than glitfring wealth. Or aught the world bestows ; Not reputation, food, or health, Can give us snch repose. 3 Religion should our thoughts engage, Amidst our youthful bloom; ^wi*il fit lis for declining age. And for the awiul tomb. 4 O may my heart by grace renew'd, Be my R,edeemer's throne ; And be my stubborn will subdu'd. His government to own. 5 Let deep repentance, faith and love. Be joined with godly fear ; And all my conversation prove My heart to be sincere. 6 Preserve me from the snares of sin, Through my remaining days ; And in me let each virtue shine. To my Redeemer's praise* 7 Let liv ly hope my soul inspire ; Let warm affections rise ; And may I wait with strong desire. To mount above the skies. FAwcETf *w HYMN 206. C. M. Devizes, [*] Spring. HEN verdure clothes the fertile vale^ And blossoms deck the spray \ Select. HYMN 207. 635 And frag^rance breathes in every gale, How sweet the vernal day ! € 2 Hark ! liow the featherM warblers sing;! — 'Tis nature^'s cheerful voice ; e Soft music hails the lovely spring", o And Vv'cods and fields rejoice. — 3 How kind the influence of the skies! » The showers, with blessings fraught, Bid virtue, beauty, fragrance rise, And fix the roving thought. ^ 4 Then let my wondering heart confess, \\'ith gratitude and love, The bounteous fland that deigns to bless The garden, field, and grove, g 5 That bounteous Hand my thoughts adore. Beyond expression kind, Hath better, nobler gifts in store, To bless the craving mind. €60 God of nature and of grac€, Thy heavenly gifts impart ; *— Then shall my meditation trace Spring, blooming in Diy heart. o 7 InspiT-ed to praise, I thsn shall join Glad nature^s cheerful song ; s And love and gratitude divine Attune my joyful song. SteBLK. HYMN 207. 8s. Uxbridge. [*] Springs 1 "tfOV/ sweetly along the gay mead, JLJL The daisies and cowslips are seen ! The fiocks as they carelessly feed, Rejoice in the beautiful green I 2 The vinos that encircle the bowers, The herbage that sp.rings from the sod, — Trees, plants, cooling fruits, and sweet flowers, All rise to the praise of my God. e 3 Shall man the great master of all, The only insensible prove ? d Forbid it, fair gratitude's call — Forbid it, devotion and love. g; 4 The Lord, who such wonders can raise, And still can destroy with a nod, 636 HYMN 208, 209. Select My lips shall incessantly praise — My soul shall rejoice in my God. ^ HYMN 208. C. M. Doxology, [♦] Sufnmer : Jl Harvest Hymn* 1 rinO praise the ever bounteous Lord-^ JL My soul, wake all thy powers : He calls — and at his voice come forth The smiling harvest hours. g 2 His covenant with the earth he keeps, My tongue, his goodness sing ; Summer and winter know their time, His harvest crowns the spring. o 3 Well pleas'd the toiling swains behold The waving yellow crop ; With joy they bear the sheaves away, And sow again in hope. € 4 Thus teach me, gracious God, to sow The seeds of righteousness ; Smile on my soul, and with thy beams, 'I'he ripening harvest bless. Q 5 Then in the last great harvest, I Shall reap a glorious crop ; The harvest shall by far exceed What I have sowM in hope. Rippon HYMN 209. C. M. Abridge, [b] Prayer for Rain* 1 T^OW may the Lord of ear^h and skies JL^ Regard us when we call ; 'Tis he who bids the vapours rise And showers abundant fall. 2 On thee, our God, we all depend, For life, and health, and food ? O make refreshing showers descend, And crown the year with good. 3 The evil and the just partake. These bounties of thy hand ; Nor will a God of love forsake, This long indulged land. 4 Let grace come down, like copious rainSi On Zion's drooping field ? So shall our souls revive again, And fruit abundant yield. 1 QEEhow bro k3 Mark — hov Select. HYMN 210, 211. 687 o 5 Then smiling- nature shall express Her mighty Maker''s praise ; And we, the children of thy g^race, Join her harmonious lays. Iiup.DEK''s Col, HYMN 210. L. M. P^lm dlik. [* b] Aulumn, Drown autumn spreads the field, jw the whitening hills are turnM I Beh.old them to the reapers yield, — The wheat is savVl — the tares are burnM. € 2 Thus the ^eat Judge with glory crowu'd Descends to reap the ripen'd tarth ; g Angelic guaids attend him dov/n. The same who sang his humble birth. 3 In sounds of glory hear him speak, d '^ Go search arouuvl the flaming Avorld ; " Haste — call my saints to rise, and take *^ The seats from which their foes were hurlM. 4 ^' Go, burn the chaif in endless fire, 'Mn tlames, unquenciiVi consume each tare ; '^Sinners must feel my holy ire, '^ And sink in guilt — to deep despair.'" a 5 Thus ends the harvest of the eai th : — — Angels obey the awful voice ; d They save the wheat — they b'jrn the chafi'; — g All heaven approves the sov^'eign choice, HYMN 211. C. M. Hymn 2. [b *] Jfl?iter, 1 ^TT.RX winter throws his icy chains, |k3 Encirling nature round ; p How bleak, bow comfortless the plains, Late with gay verdure crownVi I e £ The sun withdraws his vital beams, And light and v/armth deparJ. ; And drooping, lifeless nature seenas An emblem of my heart. 3 My heart, wViere mental winter re'gpi^ In night's dark mantle clad ; p Confin'd in cold inactive chains — How desolate and sad I 12* 638 HYMN 212, 213. Select —4 Return, O blissful Sun, and brings Thy soul reviving ray ; This mental winter shall be spring, This darkness cheerful day, 5 O happy state — divine abode, Where spring eternal reigns And perfect day, the smile of God, Fills all the heavenly plains. g 6 Great Source of light, thy beams display. My drooping joys restore ; And guide me to the seats of day. Where winters frown no more. HYMN 212. C. M. Canterbury, [b*] Swiflness of Time, J^cw Year, 1 TJ EMARK, my soul, the narrow bound, Xm/ Of the revolving year j e How swift the v/eeks complete their round ! How short the months appear. d 2 So fast eternity comes on — And that important day. When all that mortal life hath done, God's judgment shall survey, e 3 Yet, like an idle tale, we pass The swift revolving year ; And study artful ways t' increase The speed of its career. —4 Waken, O God, my careless heart, Its great concerns to see ; That I may act the Christian part. And give the year to thee. o 6 So shall their course more grateful roll, If future years arise ; Or this shall bear my waiting soul To joy beyond the skies. Doddridge* HYMN 213. L. M. Castle Street. [*J Help obtained of God. JVetv Year, 1 ^ REAT God, we sing that mighty hand, vJT By which supported still we stand ! ^ opening year thy mercy shews ; N^rcy crown it till it close. Select. HYMN 214. 639 e 2 By day, by night, at home, abroad, Still we are guarded by our God ; By his incessant bounty fed, By his unerring counselled. —3 With grateful hearts the past we own ; The future — all to us unknown. We to thy guardian care commit, And peaceful leave before thy feet. 4 In scenes exalted or depressed, Be thou our joy, and thou our rest; Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Ador'd through all our changing days. t 5 When death shall interrupt our song^, A.nd seal in silence mortal tongues, g Our Helper^ God, in v/hom we trust. In better worlds our souls shall boast. Rippon's Col. HVMN 214. lO&ll. WahvoriL [*] Goodness of God. Kew Year, 1 TTOUSE of our God. with cheerful anthems ring B I While all our lips and hearts his graces sing ; Tlie opening year his graces shall proclaim, And all its days be vocal with his name ; The Lord is good — his mercy never ending ; His blessings in perpetual showers descending. 2 The heaven of heavens he with his bounty fills: Ye sera})hs bright, on ever blooming hills. His honours sound ; you to whom good alone, Unmingled, ever-growing, has been known: ITirough your immortal life, with love increasing, Proclaim your Maker"'s goodness — never ceasing. 3 Thou earth, enlightened by his rays divine, Pregnant with grass, and corn, and oil and wine, CrownM v/ith his goodness, let thy nations meet, And lay their crowns at his paternal feet ; With grateful love that libVal hand confessmg, Which through each heart dilfuses ev'ry blessing. e 4 Zion, enrichM with his distinguished grace. Blest with the rays of thine Emmanuel's face — Zion, Jehovah's portion and delight, Grav-a on his hands, and hourly in his sight, O In sacred strains, exalt th:^t grace excelling. Which makes thy humble bill his chosen dwellin*. 640 HYMN 215, 216. Select — 5 [lis mercy never ends — the dawn, the sJiade Still see new beauties thro' new scones display'dj Succeeding ages bless this sure abode. And childien lean upon their father's God. e The deathless soul through its immense diiratioEy Driiiks from this source iinmorta) consclation. s 6 Burst Into praise, my soul, all nature join ; Angels and men, in harmony combine . e While human years are measur'd by the sun. And while ErKKNiTy its course shall run — g His goodness, in perpetual showers descending, Exalt in songs and raptures never ending. Doddridge I HYMN 215. C. M. Sunda7/r[*] Close of the Year. 1 A WAKE, yo saints, and raise your eyes, r\ And raise your voices high ; o Awake and praise thi^t sovereign love That shews salvation nigh. — 2 On all the wings of time it flies, Each moment brings it near ; o Then welcome, each declining day! Welcome, each closing year ! J — 3 Not many years their rounds shall run, | Nor many mornings rise , Ere all its glories stand reveal'd, To our admiring eyes. o 4 Ye wheels of nature, speed your course, e Yc mortal powers decay } — Fast as ye bring the night of death, Ye bring ettrnal day. Doddridge. HYMN 216. L. M. Carthage [b] -f Importance of Time. e 1 /^ TIME, how few thy value weigh . \J How few \^'ill estimate a day ' e Days, months, and yeors, are rolling on, a The soul neglected — and undone. — 2 In painful cares, or empty joys, Our life its precious hours destroys ; M-hilst death stands watching at our side, Eager to stop the living tide. Select. HYMN 217. 641 c 3 Was it for this, ye mortal race, Your Maker gave you here a place ? Was it for this his thoughts designed The frame of your immortal mind ? d 4 For nobler cares, for joys sublime, He fashionM all the sons of time ; Pilgrims on earth ; but soon to be — The heirs of immortality. —5 This season of your being, know, Is given to you your seeds to sow ; Wisdom"'s and folly's differing grain, In future worlds, is bliss, and pain, e 6 Then let me every day review, Idle or busy, search it through ; And whilst probation's minutes last. Let ev'ry day amend the past. Scott. HYMN 217. C. P. M. Pilgrim, [b] Serious prospect of Eternity* el IT O ! on a narrow neck of land, JLi 'Twixt two unbounded seas I stand— p Yet how insensible ! — A point of time — a moment's space — o Removes me to yon heavenly place, c Or — shuts me up in hell ! —2 O God, my inmost soul convert, And deeply in my thoughtless heart, Eternal things impress ; Give me to feel their solemn weight, And sa-ve me, ere it be too late — Wake me to righteousness. — 3 Before me place, in bright array, The pomp of that tremendous day ; When thou with clouds shalt come. To judge the nations at thy bar; — € And tell me. Lord, shall 1 be there. To meet a joyful doom ? — 4 Be this my one great business here, With holy trembling, holy fear, To make my calling sure ! Thine utmost counsel to fulfil, And suffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure I A S4^ HYMN 218, 219. Select. o 5 Then, Saviour, tJicn my soul receive, Transported from tliis vale, to live, And reign with thee above; g Where faith is sweetly lost in sight, And hope, in full, supreme delight. And everlastinfT love. Rtppon's Col. HYMN 218. 8 & 7. Sicilian, [*] Eternity joyfully anticipated, 1 ITN this world of sin and sorrow, i Compass'd round with many a care, Fior^ eternity we borrow Hope that can exclude despair. 2 Thee, triumphant God and Saviour, In the glass of faith we see ! assist each laint endeavour ! Kaiye our earth-born souls to thee. e 3 Place that awful scene before us, Of the last tremendous day, — •^When to life thou wilt restore us : o Lingering ages haste away. 4 When this vile and sinful nature Incorruption shall put on : —Life renewing, glorious Saviour, Let thy glorious will be done. Madan's Col HYMN 219. C. M. Plymouth, fb] Of Age approaching. 1 THTERNAL God, enthroned on high ■ Mi Wnom angel hosts adore ; Who yet to suppliant dust art nigh, Thy presence I implore. 2 O guide me down the steep of age, And keep my passions cool ; Teach me to scan the sacred page, And practise every rule. 3 My lying years time urges on. What's human must decay: e My friends, my young companions gone — Can I expect to stay ? 6 4 Can 1 exemption plead, when death projects his awful dart .^ Select. HYxMN 220, 221. (343 Can medicines then prolong my breath, Or virtue shield my heart ? —5 Ah, no I — then smooth the mortal hour; On thee my hope depends : Support me with almighty pow'r, "VVhile dust to dust descends. o 6 Then shall my soul, O gracious God ! (AVhile angels join the lay,) Admitted to the blest abode, Us endless anthems pay : — 7 Through heaven, howe''er remote the bound, Thy matchless love proclaim ; g And join the choir of saints, who sound Their great Redeemer's name. Rippon's Col, HYMN 220. C. M. Bishopsgaie. [b] Warning to prtparefor Death, 1 "^"TAIN man, thy fond pursuits forbear — V Repent 1 — thy end is nigh I Death, at the farthest, canH be far. Oh, thinK before thou die I 2 Reflect — thou hast a soul to save : Thy sins — hoAv high they mount ! What are thy hopes beyond the grave ? IIow stands that dread account ? 3 Death enters — and there's no defence i His time, there's none can tell : He'U in a moment call thee hence, To heaven — or to hell ! 4 Thy flebh, peiliaps thy chiefest care, ShaJl crawling worms consume ; But, ah I destruction stops not there — Sin kills beyond the tomb. 5 To-day the gospel calls ; — to-day. Sinner?, it speaks to you : Let ev'ry oiie iorsuke his way, And mercy will ensue. Hart. ' HYMN 221. C. M. WfaLhor, [b] Death and Judgment appoinied to All. Heb. ix, 27. 1 'IjrEA.V'N has confirm'd the dread decree, XX. That Adam's race must die : 644 HYMN 222, 223. Select. One gen'ral ruin sweeps them down — And low in dust they lie. 2 Ye living men, the tomb survey, Where you must shortly dwell ; e Hark ! liow the awful summons sounds, In ev'ry luneral knell ! 3 Once you must die — and once for all ; The solemn purport weigh : For know, that heav'n or hell are hung, On that important day ! 4 Those eyes so long in darkness veil'd, Must wake the Judge to see ; And ev'ry word — and ev'ry thought — Must pass his scrutiny. — 5 O may I in the Judge behold My Saviour and my Friend ; And, far beyond the reach of death, With all his saints ascend. Doddridge, HYMN 222. L. M. Islington. [*] Desiring to depart and he tcith Christ, Phil, i, 23. 1 "VIRILE on the verge of life I stand, ¥ T And view the scenes on either hand, My spirit struggles with my clay ; And longs to wing its flight away, o 2 Come, ye angelic guardians, come, And lead the w*illing pilgrim honje ; —Ye know the way to Jesus' throne, Source of my joys and of your own. e 3 The blissful interview, how sweet, To fall transported at his feet ; o Rais'd in his arms to view his face, Through the fall beamings of his grace. —4 Yet, with these prospects full in sight, I'll wait thy signal for my flight; For, while thy service I pursue, I find my heaven begun below. Doddridge. "^ HYMN 223. C. M. SL PauVs. [b *] Death welcomed : Heaven anticipated, 1 A ND let this feeble body fail, J\. And let it faint and die : My soul shall quit the mournful vail, And soar to worlds on high : — Select. HYMN 224. 645 2 Shall join the disembodied saints, And find its lon^^ sought rest, (That only blis? for which it pants,) In the Redeemer's breast. o 3 In hope of that immortal crown, I now the cross sustain ; And ofladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain. 4 1 suflfer on my threescore years, Till my DelivVer come ; And wipe away his servant's tears, And take his exile home. e 5 O, what hath Jesus bought for me J Before my ravishM eyes, Rivers of life divine 1 see, And trees of Paradise. o 6 I see a world of spi'its bright. Who taste the pleasures there ; o They all are robM in spotless white, Anil conquering palms they bear. —7 O what are all my sufTrings here, If, Lord, thou coun'w me meet, With that enraptured host t' appear, And worship at thy feet ! 8 Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life and friends away ; But let me find them all again. In that eternal day. HYMN 224. L. M. Carthage, [b *] Death of the Sinner and Saint. 1 "^CTT^HAT scene? of horrour and of dread f ? Await the sinner's dying bed I Death's terrours all appear in sight. Presages of eternal night I e ? His sins in dreadful order rise. And fill his soul witn ?%d surprise ; Mount Sinai's thunders stun his ears. And not one ray of hope appears. 3 Tormenting pangs district his breast ; Where'er he turns he finds no rest: o Death strikes the blow — he groans and crie&— And, in despair and horrour — dies. Select. 13 646 HYMN 225, 226. Select — 4 Not so the heir of heav'nly bliss : His soul is filPd with conscious peace ; A steady iaith subdues his fear; He sees the happy Canaan near, b 5 His mind is tranquil and serene, No terrours in his looks are seen ; Hi? Saviour"'s smile dispels the g^loom, And smooths his passage to the tomb. — 6 Lord make my faith and love sincere, My judgment sound, my con^xience clear ; And when the toils of life are past, May I be found in peace at last. Fawcett. HYMN 225, C. M. St, Ann's. [*1 Infants^ living or dj/irig^ in the Arms of Christ 1 rilHY life I read, my dearest Lord, JL With transport all divine ; Thine image trace in evVy word. Thy love in evVy line. 2 With joy I see a thousand charms, Spread o'er thy lovely face ; While infants in thy tender arras, Receive the smiling grace. d 3 " I take these little lambs," said he, '' And lay them in my breast ; '' Protection they shall find in me — '^ In me be ever blest. 4 '' Death may the bands of life unloose, '^ But can't dissolve ni)^ love ; *' Millions of infant souls compose '' The family above. 5 "Their feeble frames my power shall raise, "And mould with heavenly skill • " ni give them tongue3 to sing my praise, " And hands to do my wili.'' O 6 His words, ye happy parents, hear. And shout, with joys divi)«e, d Dear Saviour, all we have anci are, Shall be forever thine. Stennett. HYMN 226. C. M. CtuUerbury. [b *] On /he Dyath of Childmi. Isa. iv, 5. 1 "VTE mourning saints, whose streaming tear* JL Flow O'er your children dead, Select. HYMN 227. 647 Say not in transports of despair, That all your hopes are fled. 2 ^Miile cleaving" to that darling dust, In fond distress ye lie ; Rise, and with joy, and reverence, view, A heavenly Parent nigh. e 3 Tho', your young branches torn away, Like witherM trunk? ye btand ; o With fairer verdure shall ye bloom, TouchM by the Almighty^s hand. d 4 " PU give the mourner,*^ saith the Lord, " In my own house a place ; "No name of daughters and of sons, " Could yield so high a grace. 5 " Transient and vain is every hope ^' A rising race can give ; " In endless honour and delight, ^^ JSIy childftn all shall live.'^ —-6 We welcome, Lord, those rising tears. Thro' which thy face we see ; o And bless those wounds which, thro"* our hearts, Prepare a way to thee. Doddridge. HYMN 227. C. M. Isle of Wight [""^ Death of a Young Person, 1 TKTST'^J^^ blooming youth is snatch'd away, T f By death''s resistless hand. Our heart? the mournful tribute pay. Which pity must demand. 2 While pity prompts the rising" sigh, O may this truth, imprest t With awful power — I too must die — Sink deep in every breast. c 3 Let this vain world engage no more : Behold the gaping tomo ! — It bids us seize the present hour I To-morrow death may come. 4 The voice of this alarming scene May every li^art obey; Nor be the heavenly warning vain. Which calls to watch and pray. 648 HYMN 228, 229. Select o 5 O let us fly, to Jesus fly, Whose powerful arm can save ; Then shall our hopes ascend on high, And triumph o'er the grave. —6 Great God, thy sovereign grace impart, With cleansing, healing power; This only can prepare the heart For death's surprising hour. Steele, FmiN 228. C. M. Zion. [*] Death of Pious Friends. 1 Thess. iv, 13, 14. 1 rilAKE comfort, christians, when your friends JL In Jesus fall asleep ; Their befter being never ends ; Then why dejected weep ? 2 Why inconsolable, as those To whom no hope is given ? Death is the messenger of pr^ace, And calis the soul to heav'n. 3 Ad Jesus died, and rose again, Victorious from the dead ; o So his disciples rise and reign, With their triumphant head. e 4 The time draws nigh, when from the clouds Christ shall with shouts descend ; g And the last trumpet's awful voice The heavens and earth shall rend. —5 Then they who live shall changed be, And they who sleep shall wake ; The graves, shall yield their ancient charge ; And earth's foundation shake. 6 The saints of God, from death set free, With jcy shall mount on high ; —The heavenly hosts, with praises loud, Shall meet them in the sky. 7 A few short years of evil past, We reach the happy shore ; o Where death-divided friends, at last, Shall meet to part no more. Scotc h Par. HYMN 229. C. M. Sl PauVs, [b *] Tilt Christian? s FarexcdL 1 TST^E golden Ipjnps of heaven, farewell, JL With all your feeble light ; Farewell, thou ever-changing moon, ?ale empress of the night. Select. HYMX 230. 649 S And thou, refulgent orb of day, In brighter flames arrayM ; My soul, that spring-s beyond thy sphere No more demands thy aid. 3 Ye stars are but the shining- dust Of my divine abode ; The pavement of those heavenly courts, Where 1 shall see my God. o 4 The Fi^ther of eternal lig-ht Shall there his beams display ; Nor shall one momenfs darkness mix, With that unvaried day. 5 No more the drops of piercing grief, Shall swell into my eyes ; Nor the meridian sim decline, Amidst those brighter skies. ^ 6 There all the millions of his saints Shall in one song unite ; And each the bliss of all shall view, AVith inlinite delight. Doddridge, HYMN 230. 8s. Consolation. [*] Death Gain to a Btlievcr. 1 TTTTOW^ blest is our friend — now bereft JlJL Of all that could burden his mind ! How easy his soul — that has left This wearisome body behind ? Of evil incapable thou. Whose relics with envy I see ; No longer in misery now — No longer a sinner like me. 2 This earth is affected no more With sickness, or shaken with pain ; The war with the members is o'er, And never shall vex him again. No anger henceforward, nor shame, Shall redden his innocent clay ; Extinct is the animal flame, And pp.ssion is vanishM away. 3 This languishing head is at rest, It? thinking and aching are o"'er ; This quiet immoveable breast, Is heav'd by affliction ao more. 13* 650 H YMN 231,232. Select This heart is no longer the seat Of trouble and torturing" pain ; It ceases to flutter and beat — It never shall flutter again. 4 The lids he so seldom could close, By sorrow forbidden to sleep, Sealed up in eternal repose, Have strangely forgotten to weep. The fountains can yield no supplies, These hollows from water are free ; The tears are all wipM from these eyes, And evil they never shall see. 5 To mourn and to suffer is mine, While bound in a prison I breathe ; And still for deliverance pine, And press to the issues of death. What now with my tears I bedew, Oh, sh?Jl 1 not ere long become, My spirit created anew — My body consIgnM to the tomb I Whitefield. HYMN 231. L. M. Sicilian, [b*] A Funeral Hymn. 1 yTNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb, %J Take this new treasure to thy trust ; And give these sacred relics room, To seek a slumber in the dust. 2 Nor pair, nor grief, nor anxious fear Invade thy bounds. No mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here. While angels watch the soft repose. e 3 So Jesus slept ; — God's dying Son Pass'd through the grave, and blest the bed ; Rest here, blest saint, till from his throne The morning break, and pierce the shade. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn ; Attend, O earth ! his sov"'reign word ; o Restore thy trust — a glorious form — CallM to ascend and meet the Lord. Watts, w HYMN 232. C. M. Simday. [*] 77' c Resurrection, 1 Cor. xv, 52 — 58. HEN the last trumpet's 3wful voice This reading earth shall shake-r- Select. HYMN 233. 651 When op'nin^ graves shall yield their charge, And dust to life awake ; — o 2 Those bodies, that corrupted fell, Shall iiicorrupted rise ; And mortal forms shall spring to life, Immortal in the skies. — 3 Behold, what heay"'nly prophets sung", Is now at last fulftlPd — o That death should yield his ancient reign, And, vanquished quit the tieid. o 4 Let faith exalt her joyful voice, And thus begin to sing ; d '' Oh grave I where is thy triumph now ? And where, O Death I thy sting I 5 " Thy sting was sin, and conscious guilt ; 'Twas this that armM thy dart ; The law gave sin its strength, and force, To pierce the sinner's heart. 6 " But God, whose name be ever blest ! Disarms that foe we dread ; And makes us conquerors, when we die. Through Christ our living head." —7 (Then steadfast let us still remain, Though dangers rise around ; And in the work prescribM by God, Yet more and more abound. o 8 AssurM, that though we labour now. We labour not in vain ; But through the grace of h-oav'ns great Lord, The eternal crown shall gain.) Scotch Par. HYMN 233. C. M. ArundeL [*] The Last Tempest. « 1 "V¥7'HEN wild confusion wrecks the air, T ▼ And tempests rend the skies ; Whilst blended ruin, clouds and fire In harsh disorder rise ; — o 2 Safe in my Saviour's love Til stand, And strike a tuneful song; « My harp all trembling in my hand, o And all iii3pir'd my toague. 652 HYMN 234. Select. d 3 Pll shout aloud, '' Ye thunders roll, '' And shake the sullen sky ; " Your sounding- voice, from pole to pole, " In angry murmurs try. 4 " Let the earth totter on her base, " And clouds the heavens deform ; " Blow, all ye winds, from every place, ^' And rush the final storm I" — 5 Come quickly, blessed PTope, appear — Bid thy swift chariot fly ; Let angels tell thy coming near, And snatch me to the sky. o 6 Around thy wheels, in the glad throng", Td bear a joyful part ; g; All hallelujah on my tongue — All rapture in my heart. Byl£8« HYMN 234. 8, 7, k 4. Littleton. ['^'J Christ coming to Judgment, 1 TT O, he comes — the King of glory ! ■ J With his chosen tribes to reigu ; Countless hosts of saints and angels Swell the mighty conqueror's train ; Now in triumpVi, Sin and death are captive led. g^ 2 See the rocks and mountains rending^ All the nations fiiPd with dread ! 6 Hark! the trump of God — proclaiming Througii the mansions of the dead — d *^ Come to judgment — Stand before the Son of Man I" — 3 Now behold the dead awaking ; Great and small before him stand ; Not one soul forgot, or missing ; None his orders countermand : a All stand waiting — For their last decisive doom ! —4 Hear the Chief among ten thousand Thus address his faithful few ; d " Come ye blessed of my Feather, '* Heaven is prepared for you ; " 1 was hungry — I was thirsty — 1 was naked— " And ye ministerM to me.'' Select HYMN 235. 6o3 € 5 But how a"'.vful is the sentence, d *' Go from me, ye cursed rare — ** To that place of endless torment, " Never more to see my face : " I was hungry — I w?s thirsty — I was naked- '^ Ye to me no mercy shewM.^' -^ Now awake ye slumhering' virg-ins. Trim your lamps ; the bridea:room''s near, Let ycur loins with truth be g-irded, Si^ns proclaim, heMl soon appear; Mark ! the fig-tree, Budding-, shows the summer's near. € 7 Jesus, save a trembling sinner, Though thy wrath o'er sinners roil; In this general wreck of nature. Be the refuge of my soul : d Jesus, save me ! Jesu.«, save me ! when the light'ningi Blaze around from pole to pole. HYxMN 235. 8, 7, & 4. Helmsley. [b *] The Day cf Judgment, • 1 I \ AY of jud^'ment, day of wonders I d MJ Hark I the trumpet's awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders. Shakes the vast creation round ! e How the summons Will the sinner's heart confound ! g 2 See the Judge our nature wearing, Cloth'd in majesty divine ! —You who long for his appearing, d Then shall say, ^^ This God is mine.'* e Gracious Saviour, Own me in that day for thine I ^ 3 At Ivis call, the dead awaken, Pvise to life from earth and sea, All the powers of nature, shaken By his looks prepare to Hee : p Careless sinner. What then will become of thee ? e 4 Horrours past imagination. Will surprise your trembling heart. When you hear your condemnation, d " Hence, accursed wretch, depart ! 654 HYMN 236. Select " Thou with Satan ^' And his angels, have thy part I" — 5 But to those who have confessed, I'Ov'd and servVl (he Lord below ; d He will say, '^ Come near, ye blessed, " See the kingfdom I bestow : '' You forever " Shall my love and glory know." —6 Under sorrows and reproaches. May this thought our courage raise : Swiff ly God''s great day approaches — Sighs shall then be changM to praise : We shall triumph — g" When the world is in a blaze ! Nev/TOBT HYMN 236. C. M. Mitcham. [*] Te Deum. Ji General Hymn of Praise. 1 ^^ GOD, we praise thee, and confess, \J That thou the only Lord, And everlasting Father art, By all on earth adcrM. 2 To thee all angels cry aloud, To thee the powers on high. Both cherubim, and seraphim. Continually do cry, — 3 "O holy, holy,holy Lord, " Whom heavenly hosts obey ; ^' The world is with the glory fiUM ''Of thy majestic sway."" 4 The apostles' glorious company. And prophets crown'd with light. With all the martyrs' noble host, Thy constant praise recite. 5 The holy church, throughout the world, O Lord, confesses thee ; That thou eternal Father art. Of boundless majesty. 6 Thy honoured, true, and only Son, And Holy Ghost the spring Of never ceasing joy ; O Christy Of glory thou art King. Patrick. Select. HYMN 237--239. 655 HYMN 237. C. M. >SV. Ann's. [*] Alimghty Poicer and Majesty of God. u 1 rriHE Lord our God is clothed with might, JL The winds obey his will ; He speaks and in his heavenly height, The rolling sun stands still. 2 Rebel, ye waves — and o'er the land With threatening aspect roar I The Lord uplifts his awful hand, And chains you to the shore. 3 Howl, winds of night ! your force combine ! Without his high behest, p Ye shall not, in the mountain pine, Disturb the sparrow's nest. 4 His voice suMime is heard afar. In distant peals it dies ; u He yokes the whirlwinds to his car, And sweeps the howling skies. 5 Ye nations, bend — in reverence bend ; Ye monarchs, ,vait his nod, 9 And bid the choral song ascend To celebrate our God. H. K. White. HYMN 238. C. M. Canterbury, [b] The Fall and its Effects. p 1 "\'¥7"HEN Adam sinned, through all his race ▼ T The dire contagion spread ; — Sickness "and death, and deep disgrace Sprang from our fallen head. 2 From God and happiness we fly. To earth and sense confined ; Lost in a maze of misery. Yet to our misery blind. 3 Corruption flows through all our veins. Our moral beauty's gone : The gold is fled, the dross remains : O sin, what hast thou done .' 4 Jesus, reveal thy pardoning grace, And draw our souls to Thee : Thou art the only hiding-place Where ruined souls can flee. Beddome. HYMN 239. L. U. Ellenthorpe. [*] Just'ce glorified in the Display of Mercy. p 1 /^ H love ! beyond conception great, V-^ That formed the vast stupendous plan ; 656 HYMN 240. Select Where all divine perfections meet To reconcile rebellious man. g 2 There wisdom shines in fullest blaze. And justice all her right maintains — p Astonished angels stoop to gaze, While mercy o'er the guilty reigns. 3 Yes, mercy reigns, and justice too, In Christ they both harmonious meet; He paid to justice all her due, And now he fills the mercy-seat. 4 Such are the wonders of our God ; And such th' amazing depths of grace, To save from wrath's vindictive rod The chosen sons of Adam's race. s 5 With grateful songs, then let our souls Surround our gracious Father's throne ; And all between the distant poles His truth and mercy ever own. Tucker* HYMN 240. 7s. Evening Hymn. [*] p 1 "V¥7"ATCHM AN ! tell us of the night, YT What its signs of promise are. — Traveller ! o'er yon mountain's height, o See that glory-beaming star ! — p Watchman I does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell ? — o Traveller ! yes ; it brings the day — Promised day of Israel. 2 Watchman ! tell us of the night. Higher yet that star ascends. — Traveller ! blessedness and light, e Peace and truth its course portends !— Watchman ! will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? — Traveller ! ages are its own, s See, it bursts o'er all the earth. p 3 Watchman ! tell us of the night. For the morning seems to dawn. — Traveller ! darkness takes its flight, Doubt and terror are withdrawn. — Watchman ! let thy wanderings cease ; Hie thee to thy quiet home. — g Traveller ! lo ! the Prince of Peace, Lo ! the Son of God is come. Bowrino. Select. HYxAIN 241,242. 657 HYMN 241. L. M. Atlantic, [*] Star of Bet III diem. e 1 TTTHEN marshalled on the nightly plain, V T The glittering host bestud the sky j One star alone of all the train, Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. o 2 Hark ! hark ! to God the chorus breaks. From every host, from every gem ; But one alone the Saviour speaks, It is the Star of Bethlehem, g 3 Once on the raging seas I rode, The storm was loud, — the night was dark, The ocean yawn'd — and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my foundering bark. a 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze ; Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem ; s When suddenly a star arose, It was the Star of Bethlehem. b .5 It was my guide, my light, my all, It bade my dark foreboding cease ; And through the storm and danger's thrall. It led me to the port of peace. s 6 Now safely moor'd — my perils o'er, I'll sing, first in night's diadem. For ever and for evermore, The Star !— the Star of Bethlehem ! H. K. White HYMN 242. 8 &, 7. Sicilian Hymn, [*] Song of the Angels at Bethlehem, p 1 TTARK, what mean those holy voices, JLJL Sweetly sounding through the skies? s Lo ! the angelic host rejoices ; Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Listen to the wondrous story, Which they chant in hymns of joy; g " Glory in the highest, glory I Glory be to God most high." e 3 " Peace on earth, good will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found . Souls redeem'd, and sins forgiven ; — U Loud our golden harps shall sound. 4 *• Christ is born, the Great Anointed; Heaven and earth his praises sing 1 O receive whom God appointed, For your Prophet, Priest, and King SiXZCT 14 658 HYMN 243, 244. Select. s 5 Hasten, mortals, to adore Him ; Learn his name, and taste his joy; Till in heaven ye sing before Him, Glory be to God most high !" Cawood. HYMN 243. C. M. Victory. [*] JSativlty of Christ. Luke ii, 14. 1 "]Vi~ORTALS, awake, with angels join, _LT_L And chant the solemn lay : Joy, love, and gratitude, combine To hail th' auspicious day. 8 2 In heaven the rapturous song began, And sweet seraphic fire Through all the shining legions ran, And swept the sounding lyre. 3 The theme, the song, the joy was new To each angelic tongue : Swift through the realms of light it flew, And loud the echo rung. 4 Down, through the portals of the sky, The pealing anthem ran ; And angels flew, with eager joy, To bear the news to man. 5 Hark ! the cherubic armies shout. And Glory leads the song : Peace and salvation swell the note Of all the heavenly throng. 6 With joy the chorus we repeat — " Glory to God on high!" Good will and peace are now complete ; Jesus is born to die. Medley. HYMN 244. 8, 7, & 4. Tamworth. [*] Good Tidings of great Joy to all People, o 1 A NGELS ! from the realms of glory, JTJL Wing your flight o'er all the earth ; Ye, who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth : Come and worship — Worship Christ, the new-born King. —2 Shepherds ! in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night j God with man is now residing. Yonder shines the infant-light : Come, &c. Select. HYMN ^45, 246. 659 — 3 Sages I leave your contemplations ; s Brighter visions beam afar ; Seek the Great Desire of nations ; Ye have seen his natal star : Come, &c. p 4 Saints ! before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending, In his temple shall appear : Come, *fcc. 5 Sinners I wrung with true repentance, Doom'd for guilt to endless pains, Justice now revokes the sentence, Mercy calls you — break your chains : Come, &c. Montgomery. HYMN 245. P. M. Mernj, [*] Epiphany. s 1 "ORIGHTEST and best of the sons of the -13 morning, Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid ; Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our Infant Redeemer is laid. p 2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining, Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall; Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, — g Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all. b 3 Say, shall we yield Him. in costly devotion, Odours of Edom, and offerings divine, Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean. Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, . Vainly with gold would his favour secure ; Richer by far is the hearts adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. s 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the mornmg, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid ; Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our Infant Redeemer is laid. Bishop Heber. HYxMN 246. L. M. Bo2ven, [*] Tlie Teaching of Jesus. p 1 TTOW sweetly flow'd the gospel's sound XjL From lips of gentleness and grace, 660 HYMN 247, 248. Select. When list'ning thousands gather'd round, g And joy and rev'rence filled the place. 2 From heav'n he came — of heav'n he spoke, To heav'n he led his followers' way; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day. 3 *' Come, wanderers, to my Father's home, Come, all ye weary ones, and rest !" Yes ! sacred Teacher — we will come — Obey thee, — love thee, and be blest ! e 4 Decay, then, tenements of dust! Pillars of earthly pride, decay ! A nobler mansion waits the just, s And Jesus has prepar'd the way. Bowring. HYMN 247. L. M. AngeU Hymn. [*] Transfiguration. Luke ix, 28 — 31. —1 /^N Tabor's top the Saviour stands, \J His alter'd face resplendent shines : And while he elevates his hands, Lo, glory marks its gentle lines. 2 Two heavenly forms descend to wait Upon their suffering Prince below j But while they worship at his feet. They talk of fast-approaching wo. 3 Amid the lustre of the scene. To Calvary he turns his eyes : And with submission, all serene, He marks the future tempest rise. o 4 Then let us climb the mount of pray'r, Where all his beaming glories shine : And gazing on his brightness there, Our woes forget in joys divine. 5 Oh, that on yonder heav'nly hills, Where now the risen Saviour stands, e And peace, like softest dew, distils — g I too may elevate my hands. Collyer. HYMN 248. S. M. Norwalh. [b] He beheld the City, and wept over it. Luke xix, 41. p 1 TP\ID Christ o'er sinners weep ? I J And shall our cheeks be dry .'' Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. Select. HYMN 249, 250. 661 2 The Son of God in tears, Angels with wonder see ! Be thou astonish'd. O my soul; He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept, that we might weep, Each sin demands a tear ; In heav"n alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. Beddome. HYMN 249. L. M. Windham, [b] Geihsemane. p 1 'f I lis midnight — and on Olive's brow, JL The star is dimm'd that lately shone; 'Tis midnight — in the garden now, The sufF'ring Saviour prays alone. 2 'Tis midnight — and from all remov'd, Immanuel wrestles lone, with fears; E'en the disciple that he lov'd Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. 3 'Tis midnight — and for others' guilt The man of sorrows weeps in blood ; Yet he that hath in anguish knelt, Is not forsaken by his God. 4 'Tis midnight — and from ether plains, g Is borne the song that angels know; Unheard by mortals are the strains, p That sweetly soothe the Saviour's wo. Tappax. HYMN 250. C. M. Canterbunj. [b] Christ's .^gony in the Garden. Matt.xxvi,33 — 44, p 1 I XARK was the night, and cold the ground -L^ On which th* Lord was laid : His sweat like drops of blood ran down, In agony he pra^^'d — 2 '• Father ! remove this bitter cup, If such thy sacred will; If not. content to drink it up. Thy pleasure I fulfill I" — 3 Go to the Garden, sinner ! see Those precious drops that flow : The heavy load he bore for thee — For thee, he lies so low ! ^^ Then learn of Him the cross to bear, Thy Father's will obey ; 662 HYMN 251, 252. Select And when temptations press thee near, Awake, to watch and pray. HYMN 251. L. M. Stonejield. [*orb] ^^ Behold the Man r' e 1 "OEHOLD the Man ! how glorious he ! -13 Before his foes he stands unaw'd, And, without wrong or blasphemy, He claims equality with God. 2 Behold the Man ! by all condemn'd, Assaulted by a host of foes ; His person and his claims contemn'd, A man of sufferings and of woes. 3 Behold the Man ! He stands alone, His foes are ready to devour ; Not one of all his friends will own Their Master in this trying hour. 4 Behold the Man ! He knew no sin, Yet Justice smites him with her sword : He bears the stroke that else had been The sinner's portion from the Lord. 5 Behold the Man ! though scorn 'd below, He bears the greatest name above ; The angels at his footstool bow, And all his royal claims approve. Christian Psalmist. HYMN 252. L. M. Brentford. [*] Christ's Passion. 1 r I iHE morning dawns upon the place _L Where Jesus spent the night in prayer ; Through j'jelding glooms behold his face, Nor form, nor comeliness is there. 2 Last eve, by those he call'd his own Betray 'd, forsaken or denied. He met his enemies alone. In all their malice, rage and pride. b 3 Brought forth to judgment, now He stands Arraigned, condemn'd, at Pilate's bar ; Here spurn'd by fierce praetorian bands, There mock'd by Herod's men of war. 4 He bears their buffeting and scorn, Mock-homage of the lip, the knee. The purple robe, the crown of thorn. The scourge, the nail, th' accursed tree. Select. HYMN 2.53—255. 663 5 Truly this was tlie Son of God ! Though in a servants mean disguise, And bruis'd beneath the Father's rod, Not for Himself, — for man He dies. Montgomeit, HYMN 253. 8s &l 7, Greenville, [b* Rejoicing before th^ Cross, p 1 O WEET the moments, rich in blessing, O Which before the cross I spend ; Life and health, and peace possessing, From the sinner's dying Friend, 2 Truly blessed is this station, Low before his cross to lie ; While I see divine compassion Beaming in his gracious eye, 3 Love and grief my heart dividing. With my tears His feet Til bathe ; Constant still, in faith abiding, Life deriving from his death. 4 May I still enjoy this feeling, In all need to Jesus go ; Prove his wounds each day more healing, And himself more fully know. Robinsok, HYMN 254. 7s. Telemann's Chant. [*j The Three Mountains. a 1 '^TTHEN on Sinai's top I see ▼ T God descend in majesty, To proclaim his holy law, p All my spirit sinks with awe. g 2 When in ecstasy sublime, Tabor's glorious height I climb. In the too transporting light, p Darkness rushes o er my sight, — 3 When on Calvary 1 rest, God in flesh made manifest, o Shines in my Redeemer's face, Full of beauty, truth, and grace. p 4 Here I would for ever stay, Weep and gaze my soul away : Thou art heav'n on earth to me, Lovely, mournful Calvary. MoNTGOMERr. HYMN 255, C. M. Stephens, [bj ^' This do in Remembrance of Me^ p 1 TF human kindness meets reborn, X And owns the grateful tie ; 664 HYMN 256, 257. Select. If tender thoughts within us burn, To feel a friend is nigh : 2 O shall not warmer accents tell The gratitude we owe To him who died, our fears to quell. Our more than orphan's wo ! 3 While yet his anguish'd soul survey 'd Those pangs he would not flee; What love his latest words display 'd, " Meet and remember me !" 4 Remember Thee ! thy death, thy shame, Our sinful hearts to share ! O memory, leave no other name But his recorded there. Noel. HYMN 256. C. M. York. Mentz. [b] " This do in Remembrance of Me.'* e 1 A CCORDING to thy gracious word, J\. In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember Thee, g 2 Thy body, broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be ; Thy testamental cup I take. And thus remember Thee. —3 Gethsemane can I forget ? Or there thy conflict see, Thine agony and bloody sweat. And not remember Thee ? 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice ! I must remember Thee : — 5 Remember Thee, and all thy pains And all thy love to me ; Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember Thee. 6 And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind and memory flee, When Thou shalt in thy kingdom come, Jesus, remember me. Montgomery. HYMN 257. 7s. Sudbury. [*] Resttrr^'ction of Christ. Matt, xxviii, 6. s 1 ly^'^^^iyJNG breaks upon the tomb, ^, ^rX Jesus scatters all its gloom • Select HYMN 258, 259. 665 Day of triumph through the skies — See the glorious Saviour rise. — 2 Christians ! dry your flowing tears, Chase tliose unbelieving fears ; Look on his deserted grave, Doubt no more his power to save, 3 Ye who are of death afraid. Triumph in the scatter'd shade : Drive your anxious cares away, See the place where Jesus lay. Collyir. HYxMN 25a L. M. Arnheim. [*] The Ascension. Acts i, 9. s 1 nriHE mighty Conqu'ror leaves the dead, — X Jesus the Lord ascends on high; The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 2 There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay : ^•' Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ; Ye everlasting doors, give way. 3 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold the radiant scene ; He claims these mansions as his right, Receive the King of Glory in." g 4 u Who is the K'mcr of Glory, who .?" s ^* The Lord, that all our foes o'ercame, The world, sin, death, and hell o'erthrew; Jesus is the conqueror's name," 5 Lo ! his triumphal chariot wtiits, And angels chant the solemn lay : ** Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates; Ye everlasting doors, give way," g 6 *•' Who is the King of Glory, who ?" s '• The Lord, of boundless power possess'd, The King of saints and angels too, God over all, for ever blessd." C. Wesle! HYMN 259. H. M. Haddam. [*] Christ the King of Glory. 6 1 /^ OD is gone up on high^ vX With a triumphant noise : The anthems of the sky Proclaim th' angelic joys ! Join all on earth, rejoice and sing — Glory ascribe to Glory's King. 666 HYMN 260. Select 2 God in the flesh below, For us he reigns above : Let all the nations know The Saviour's conqu'ring love ! Join all on earth, rejoice and sing — Glory ascribe to Glory's King. 3 All power to our great Lord Is by the Father given : By angel hosts ador'd He reigns supreme in heaven. Join all on earth, rejoice and sing, — Glory ascribe to Glory's King. 4 Till all the earth renew'd In righteousness divine. With all the hosts of God In one great chorus join, — Join all on earth, rejoice and sing — Glory ascribe to Glory's King. HYMN 260. H. M. Haddam. [*] s 1 ^^OME, every pious heart \y Tliat loves the Saviour's name, Your noblest power exert To celebrate his fame ; Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to him you owe. p 2 He left his starry crown. And laid his robes aside ; On vv^ings of love came down, a And wept, and bled, and died : What he endured, oh, who can tell ! To save our souls from death and hell. s 3 From the dark grave he rose, The mansion of tlie dead ; u And thence his mighty foes In glorious triumph led ; Up through the sky the conqu'ror rode, And reigns on high the Savio^r God. e 4 Jesus, we ne'er can pay The debt we owe thy love ; Yet tell us how we may Our gratitude approve : Our hearts — our all — to thee we give : The gift though small, do thou receive. Stennett Select. HYMN 261, 262. 067 HYMN 261. C. xM. Lanesboro'. [b or *] Foujitain. Zech. xiii, 1. e 1 r I iHERE is a fountain filled with blood, J_ Drawn from Imraanuel's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dpng thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, as vile as he, Wash all my sins away. p 3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, — to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream, Thy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be, — till I die. s 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save ; g When thic poor, lisping, falt'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave. Cowper. HYMN 262. C. M. Stephens. [*] The Atonement of Christ. 1 XN vain we seek for peace with God _L By methods of our own : Jesus, there "s nothing bur thy blood Can bring us near the throne. 2 The threatenings of thy broken law Impress our souls with dread : If God his sword of vengeance draw, It strikes our spirits dead. 3 But thine illustrious sacrifice, Hath answered these de:nands, And peace and pardon from the skies Come down by J'^sus' hands. 4 Here all the ancient types agree, — The altar and the lamb ; And prophp^s in their visions see Salvation through his name. 5 'Tis by thy death we live, O Lord ) 'Tis on thy cross we rc^t ; For ever be thy love adored, " Thy name for ever blest. Watts's ScRMOifs. 668 HYMN 263—265. Select, HYMN 263. C. M. St. Ann's. [*] Christ a Saviour. 1 FTIHE Saviour ! oh, what endless charms JL Dwell in the blissful sound I Its influence every fear disarms, e And spreads sweet peace around. d 2 Here pardon, life, and joys divine, In rich effusion flow. For guilty rebels, lost in sin, And doom'd to endless wo. 3 Oh, the rich depths of love divine, Of bliss, a boundless store ! Dear Saviour, let me call thee mine j I cannot wish for more. 4 On thee alone my hope relies, Beneath thy cross I fall ; My Lord, my life, my sacrifice, My Saviour, and my all. Steelk, HYMN 264. C, M. Peterhoro\ [*] Christ '' the tVay^ the Truth, and the Life.'' John xiVyG. 1 rpHOU art the Way— to Thee alone JL From sin and death we flee ; And he, who would the Father seek, — Must seek Him, Lord, in Thee. 2 Thou art the Truth — ^thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou only canst instruct the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the Life — the rending tomb Proclaims thy conqu'ring arm ; And those who put their trust in Thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life — Grant us to know that Way, That Truth to keep, that Life to win. Which lead to endless day. ' HYMN 265. 7s. Hotham. [b] Christ J the Rock of Agew. p 1 XJ OCK of Ages, cleft for me, XV Let me hide myself in thee ; Let the water and the blood. From thy wounded side which flow'd, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. Select, HYMN 26(j, 267. 669 — 2 Could my tears for ever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, These for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and thou alone : In my hand no price I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling. — 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold thee on thy throne, Rock of Agesj cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee. Wesley's Col, ' HYMN 266, C. M. 3Ientz. [b] Christ our Example. p 1 T3EH0LD where, in a mortal form, -1-3 Appears each grace divine ! The virtues, ail in Jesus met, With mildest radiance shine. o 2 To spread the rays of heavenly light, To give the mourner joy, To preach glad tidings to the poor, Was his divine employ. p 3 Lowly in heart, to all his friends A friend and servant found, He wash'd their feet, he wip"d their tears, And heal'd each bleeding wound. 4 Midst keen reproach and cruel scorn. Patient and meek he stood ; His foes, ungrateful, sought his life : He labour 'd for their good. 5 In the last hour of deep distress, Before his Father's throne, With soul resign'd, he bow'd, and said, •• Thy will, not mine, be done !" 6 Be Christ our pattern and our guide, His image may we bear I Oh may we tread his holy steps, o His joy and glory share. HY^ilN 267. P. M. Greenville, [b] Christ our Example in Suffering. p 1 /^ O to dark Getlisemane, \j^ Ye v.-ho feel the Tempter's power: Your Redeemer's conflict see ; Watch with him one bitter hour : SiiLLci. i: 670 HYMN 263. Select. Turn not from his griefs away ; Learn from Him to watch and pray, 2 See him at the judgment-hall, Beaten, bound, reviled, arraigned : See him meekly bearing all ! Love to man his soul sustained ! Shun not suffering, shame, or loss ; Learn of Christ to bear the cross. 3 Calvary's mournful mountain view^ There the Lord of Glory see, Made a sacrifice for you, Dying on th' accursed tree : " It is finished," hear him cry ; Trust in Christ and learn to die. 4 Early to the tomb repair. Where they laid his breathless clay ; Angels kept their vigils there : Who hath taken him away ? *' Christ is risen !" he seeks the skies ; Saviour ! teach us so to riie. Montgomert. HYMN 263. C. M. Woodstock, [b] Chvist precious. 1 Pet. ii, 7. P 1 TTOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds _i-i In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul. And to the weary, rest. 3 By him, my pray'rs acceptance gain^ Although with sin defil'd ; Satan accuses me in vain, And I am own'd a child. 4 Weak is the eflfort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought; But when I see thee, as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. 5 Till then, I would thy love proclaim, With every fleeting breath : And may the music of thy name Kefresh my soul in death. NewtoK'. i Select. HYMN 269, 270. 671 HYMN 269. H. M. Haddwn, [*] b 1 1~ESUS, harmonious Name ! ei* It charms the hosts above : They evermore proclaim And wonder at his love ; *Tis all tlieir happii-css to gaze ; 'Tis heaven to see our Jesus' face. 2 His name the sinner heara, And is from sin set free : *Tis music in his ears, « 'Tis life ^nd victory : New songs -do PiOW his lips employ, And dances his glad heart for joy. 3 Stung by the monster sin, p My poor expiring soul The balmy sound drinks in, And is at once made whole : See th re my Lord upon the tree! I hear, I feel, he died for me. 4 O unexampled lore ! O all-redeeming grace 1 How swiftlv didst thou move To save a fallen race ! What shall I do to make it known What thou for all mankind hast done ^ s 5 for ? trumpet- voice, On all the world to call ! To bid their hearts rejoice In him who died for all ! For all my Lord was crucified : For all, for all, my Saviour died. Wesley's Col. HYMN 270. C. M. Abridge. [*] {^hicf among TenTliousand ; or the Excellencies of Christ 1 ~jlTAJESTIC svreetness sits enthron'd J-Tl. Upon the Saviour's brow; His head with radiant glories crown'd, His lips with grace o'erfijw. 2 To him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have : o He makes me triumph over death, And jsare? me from tlie grave. 672 HYMN 271, 272. Select 3 To heaven, the place of his abode, He brings my weary feet \ o Shows me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete. 4 Since from his bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be thine. HYMN 271. C. M. St. Martin's. [*] Tlie Day of Pen ^st. o 1 "1" ET songs of praises fill the sky! ■ § J Christ, our ascended Lord, Sends down his Spirit from on high, According to his word. o 2 The Spiri*. by his heavenly breathy New life creates within : He quickens sinners from the death Of trespasses and sin. — 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes. And shows them unto men ; The fallen soul his temple makes, God's image stamps again. s 4 Come, Holy Spirit, from above. With thy celestial fire : Come, and with flames of zeal and love Our hearts and tongues inspire. Cotterils, HYMN 272. 8 & 7. Siciliaji. [*] 1 y_TOLY GHOST ! dispel our sadness, JLJ- Pierce the clouds of nature's night: Come, thou source of joy and gladness. Breathe thy life and spread thy light. e 2 Hear, oh \ hear our supplication, Blessed Spirit ! God of Peace \ Rest upon this congreg-ation, With th' abundance of thy grace. 3 Author of our new creation ! Bid us all thine influence prove : Make our souls thy habitation ; Shed abroad the Saviour's love. Geo. Burder's Col. Select. HYMN 273—275. 67^3 HYMN 273. S. M. Ltshon. [*] o 1 13 LEST Comforter Divine ! -13 Let rays of heavenly love Amidst our gloom and darkness shine, And ^uide otir souls above. 2 DraW; with thy •'• still siiiall voice^" From every sinful way ; And bid the mourning saint rejoice. Though earthly joys decay. 3 By thine inspiring breath Make every cloud of care. And e'en the gloomy vale of d^ath, A smile of glory wear. 4 Oh fill thou every heart With love to all our race 1 Great Comforter 1 to us impart These blessings of thy grace. HYMN 274. L. :.I. Alfreton. [*] o 1 ^^OME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, \-y \Vitli light and comfort from above ; Be thou our Guardian, thou our Guide ; O'er every thought and step preside. 2 The light of truth to us display, And make us know and choose thy way * Plant holy fear in every heart, That we from God may not depart. 3 Lead us to holiness, — the road That we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his precepts stray ; — S 4 Lead us to God, our final rest. In his enjojvTnent to be blest ; Lead us to heaven, the seat of bliss, Where pleasure in perfection is. Brownt:. HYMN 275. C. M. Broomsgrove. [b or *] To the Holy Spirit. e 1 "INTERNAL Spirit! God of truth ' S-J Our contrite hearts inspire; Kindle the flame of heavenly love, And feed the pure desire. p 2 'Tis thine to soothe the sorrowing mind With fifuilt and fear opprest; 'Tis thine to bid the dying live, And give the weary rest. 15* 674 HYMN 276, 277. Select — 3 Subdue the power of every sin, Whate'er that sin may be j That we, in singleness of heart, May worship only Thee. — 4 Then with our spirits witness bear, That we are sons of God ; Redeem'd from sin, and death, and hell, Through Christ's atoning blood. HYMN 276. C. M. Arundel [*] Value of the Scriptures. o 1 TXOW precious is the book divine, JLX By inspiration given ! o Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. e 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts. In this dark vale of tears ; o Life, light, and joy, it still imparts. And quells our rising fears. e 3 This lamp, through all the tedious night — Of life, shall guide our way, o Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. Rippon's Col.. HYMN 277. C. M. Dundee, [b or *] The Soul. 6 1 "^"^rHAT is the thing of greatest price, Y V The whole creation round ? — That, which was lost in paradise, That, which in Christ is found. 2 The soul of man, — Jehovah's breath ! That keeps two worlds at strife ; Hell moves beneath to work its death, Heaven stoops to give it life. 3 God to reclaim it, did not spare His well-beloved Son ; Jesus, to save it, deign'd to bear The sins of all in one. 4 And is this treasure borne below, In earthly vessels frail ? Can none its utmost value know, Till flesh and spirit fail ? 5 Then let us gather round the cross. This knowledge to obtain. Not by the soul's eternal loss, But everlasting gain. MoNTGOMERr. Select. HYMN 278—280. 675 HYMN 278. L. M. Wijichehea. [*] The Blessings of the J^'eio Covenant. 1 /^ OD. in the gospel of his Son, v2S~ INIakes his eternal counsels known : Wher love in all its glory shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. 2 Here, sinners, of an humble frame, May taste his grace, and learn his name; May read in chaiacters of blood, The wisdom, power, and grace of God. 3 The pris'ner here may break his chains ; The weary rest from all his pains ; The captive feel his bondage cease ; The mourner find the way of peace. 4 Here faith reveals to mortal eyes A brighter world beyond the skies ; Here shines the light which guides our way From earth to realms of endless day. 5 O grant us grace, Almighty Lord ! To read and mark thy holy word : Its truths with meekness to receive, And by its holy precepts live. Beddome. HYMN 279. L. M. Nazareth, [b] Religion. Prov. iv, 7. e 1 npEACH us, O Lord, the great concern, JL To know thy will, thy name to love ; Our duty from thy word to learn, And gain the wisdom from above. 2 Religion must be all in all. Would we th' immortal prize obtain, Retrieve the ruins of the fall. And 'scape the death of endless pain. | 3 Send thy good Spirit, Lord, we pray, To sanctify and cleanse our heart ; May we repent, believe, obey. And from thy service ne'er depart. Lee. HYMN 2S0. L. M. Angels' Hymn. [*] Value of Religion. 1 "O ELIGIOX bids all sin depart, J_V And folly flies her chast'ning rod; She makes the humble, contrite heart A temple of the living God. 670 HYMN 281, 282. Select. e 2 Beyond the narrow vale of time, Where bright celestial ages roll, To scenes eternal, scenes sublime, She points the way, and leads the soul. 3 At her approach, the grave appears p The gate of paradise restor'd ; Her voice the watching cherub hears, And drops his double flaming sword. 4 Baptized with her renewing fire, g We shall the crown of glory gain ; Rise when the host^ of heaven expire. And reign with God, for ever reign. Montgomery altered. HYMN 281. C. M. Bangor, [b] Frallhj of Life. p 1 i,lEW are thy days, and full of wo, -fi- O man, of woman born ! Thy doom is written — '' Dust thou art. And shalt to dust return !" 2 Determiri'd are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing. Which lays thee with the dead. 3 Gay is thy morning : flatt'ring hope Thy sprightly steps attends ; But soon the tempest howls behind, And the dark night descends ! 4 Before its splendid hour, the cloud Comes o'er the beam of light ; A pilgrim in a weary land, Man tarries but a night. HYMN 282. S. M. Olmutz, [*] Uncertainty of Life. a 1 rpO-MORROW, Lord, is thine ! JL Lodg'd in thy sov'reign hand; And if its sun arise and shine,. It shines by thy command. — 2 The present moment flies, And bears our life away ; Oh make thy servants truly wise, That they may live to-day. — 3 Since on this fleeting hour Eternity is hung, Select. HYMN 283, 284. 677 Awaken, by thy mighty power, The aged and the young. — 4 One thing demands our care — Be that one thing pursued ; Lest, slighted once, the season fair Should never be renew'd. b 5 To Jesus may we fly. Swift as the morning light, Lest life's young golden beams should die In sudden, endless night. Doddridge altered. HYMN 2S3. L. M. Dresden, [b] Vanity of the Worldy and Happiness of Heaven, p 1 "I" TOW vain is all beneath the skies ! Xi How transient erery earthly bliss ! How slender all the fondest ties, That bind us to a world like this. 2 The ev'ning cloud, the morning dew, The with'ring grass, the fading flower, Of earthly hopes are emblems true — The glory of a passing hour ! 3 But, though earth's fairest blossoms die, And all beneath the skies is vain. There is a land whose confines lie Beyond the reach of care and pain, b 4 Then let the hope of joys to come Dispel our cares, and chase our fears : If God be ours, we're trav'ling home, Though passing through a vale of tears. HYMN 284. C. M. Tolland. [*] Seek first tJie Kingdom of God. 8 1 "TVPOW let a true ambition rise, _L 1 And ardour fire our breast. To reign in worlds above the skies, In heavenly glories drest. 2 Behold Jehovah's royal hand A radiant crown display, Whose gems with vivid lustre shine, While stars and suns decay. 3 Away, each grov'ling. anxious care, Beneath a Christian's aim; We sprincr to seize immortal joys, In our Redeemer's name. 678 HYMN 285, 286, Select. 4 Ye hearts, with youthful vigour warm, The glorious prize pursue ; Nor fear the want of earthly good, While heaven is kept in view. HYMN 285. S. M. Lishon. [*] The Unrighteous excluded from Heaven. e 1 /^AN sinners hope for heaven, \j Who love this world so well ; Or dream of future happiness, While in the road to hell ? 2 Shall they hosannas sing, With an unhallow'd tongue ; Shall palms adorn the JTuilty hand Which does its neighbour wrong ? 3 Can sin's deceitful way Conduct to Zion's hill ; Or those expect with God to reign Who disregard his will ? o 4 Thy grace, O God, alone Can a good hope afford ! The pardon'd and renew'd shall see The glory of the Lord. Pratt's Col, HYMN 286. L. M. Munich, [b] The Value of a Moment. el AT every motion of our breath, j\. Life trembles on the brink of death, A taper's flame that upward turns. While downward to the dust it burns. 2 A rr.oment usher'd us to birth, Heirs of the commonwealth of earth; Moment by moment, years are past, And one ere long will be our last. 3 'Twixt that, long-fled, which gave us light, And that which soon shall end in night, There is a point no eye can see, Yet on it hangs eternity. 4 This is that moment, — who shall tell Whether it leads to heav'n or hell .'' This is that moment, — as we choose, Th' immortal soul we save or lose. 5 Time past and time to come are not. Time present is our only lot ; O God, henceforth our hearts incline To seek no other love than thine ! Montgomery. Select. HYMN 287—289. GTO HYMN 287. S. M. Canterhury. [b] The Issues of Life and Death. p 1 r^ WHERE shallrest be found, V^ Rest for the weary soul ? 'Twere vain the ocean depths to sound, Or pierce to either pole : 2 The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh ; 'Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. 3 Beyond this vale of tears, There is a life above, Unmeasur'd by the flight of years, And all that life is love : — 4 There is a death, whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath ) Oh what eternal horrors hang Around ^' the second death !" g 5 Lord God of truth and grace, Tcacn us tnat aeatn to shun, Lest we be banish'd from thy face. And evermore undone. MoyxGOMERf HYMN 288. C. M. Dundee, [bj Treasuring up Wrath. e 1 "I" "pN GRATEFUL man ! Oh whence this scorn ^U Of long-extended grace ? And whence this madness, that insults Th' Almighty to his face i 2 Is all the treasur'd wrath so small. You labour still for more ; Though not eternal rolling years Can e'er exhaust tliat store ? 8 3 Swift will the day cf vengreance come Which must your sentence seal ; g And rig^hteous judgment, now unknown, In all its wrath reveal, p 4 Alarm'd and melted at his voice, Your conquer'd heart shall bow ; g But, to escape tlr' vengeance then. Embrace the Saviour now. HYMN 289. H. M. Haddam. [b or *] e 1 "TTS/"^^^ frowning death appears, T V And points his fatal dart, 680 HYMN 290, 291. Sele ct What dark foreboding fears Distract the sinner's heart ! The dreadful blow I But torn away No arm can stay, | He sinks to wo. 2 Now every hope denied, Bereft of every good, g He must the wrath abide Of an avenging God : No mercy there I Nor wipe the tear Will greet his ear, j Of black despair, s 3 Sinners, awake, attend. And flee the wrath to come ; Make Christ, the Judge, your friend, And heaven shall be your home. His m-'^rcy nigli, I That leads from death Now points the path, | To joys on high. Lee. HYMN 290, S. M, Norwalk, [b] Anticipation of the Judgment, g 1 "|"TOW will my heart endure JLI. The terrors of that day ; When earth and heaven, before the Judge, Astonish'd shrink away ! — 2 But ere that trumpet shakes The mansions of the dead ; Hark ! from the gospel's cheering sound, What joyful tidings spread ! 3 Ye sinners, seek his grace, Whose wrath ye cannot bear j Fly to the shelter of his cross, And find salvation there. 4 So shall that curse remove By which the Saviour bled ; And the last awful day shall pour His blessings on our head. Doddridge. HYMN 291. S. M. Yarmouth [b] The Harvest past. g 1 X ^^^ beyond the tomb, i The awful Judge appear, Prepar'd to scan with strict account My blessings wasted here. a 2 His wrath like flaming nre, Burn'd to the lowest hell — And in that hopeless world of wo He bade my spirit dwell. Select. HYMN 292, 293. 681 3 Ye sinners, fear the Lord, While yet 'tis call'd to-day ; Soon will the awful voice of death, Command your souls away. 4 Soon will the harvest close — The summer soon he o'er — And soon your injur'd, angry God Will hear your prayers no more. Dwtght HYMN 292. L. M. Wi?ichelsea. [b or *] Tie IVatchfal Servant. Luke xii, 38, 39. s 1 A WAKE, awake, each slugofish soul ! J\. Awake, and view the setting sun ! See how the shades of death advance, Ere half the task of life is done. e 2 Death ! 'tis an awful, solemn sound ! Oh may it wake the slumbering ear ! Apace the dreadful conqu'ror comes, W^ith all his pale companions near. 3 Soon will he close all drowsy eyes, Nor shall we hear these warnings more ; Soon will the mighty Judge approach ) E'en now lie stands before the door, g 4 To-day, attend his gracious voice ! This is the summons which he sends — '' Awake ! for on this passing hour, Thy long eternity depends." Hegi^botham, HYMN 293. L. M. Nazareth. [* or b] The Sinner hastened. b 1 TTASTEN, O sinner ! to be wise, XjL And stay not for the morrow's sun ; The longer wisdom you despise, The harder is it to be won. 2 Oh hasten, mercy to im^plore, And stay not for the morrow's sun ; For fear thy season should be o'er, Before this ev'ning stage be run. 3 Hasten, O sinner! to return, And stay not for the morrow's sun ; For fear thy lamp should cease to burn, Before the needful work is done. 4 Hasten, O sinner ! to be blest, And stay not for the morrov/'s sun ; For fear the curse should thee arrest, fjpfor" the morroTi'^ is V^onmn Pc.att*s (^ot. 682 HYMN 294, 295. Se lect. HYMN 294. H. M. Haddam, [b] " ^^ Yet there is Room.'' Luke xiv, 22. e 1 "\7^E dying sons of men, -1- Inirnerged in sin and wo, o The gospel's voice attend, While Jesus sends to you : Ye perishing and guilty, come; In Jesus' arms there yet is room. — • 2 No longer now delay, Nor vain excuses frame : Pie bids you come to-day, Though poor, and blind, and lame : All things are ready, sinner, come, For every trembling soul there's room. 3 Believe the heavenly word His messengers proclaim; He is a gracious Lord, And faithful is his name : Backsliding souls, return and come, Cast off despair, there yet is room. 4 Compelled by bleeding love, Ye wandering souls, draw near, Christ calls you from above. His charming accents hear ' Let whosoever will now come : In mercy's breast there still is room. Boden. HYMN 295. C. M. Canterbury, [b or *] GoiVs Commnnd to all Men to repent. Luke xiii, 3. e 1 "O EPENT, the voice celestial cries, _i_V No longer dare delay : The wretch that scorns the mandate dies, — And meets a fiery day. 2 Together in his presence bow, And all your guilt confess ; Accept the offered Saviour now, Nor trifle with the grace. g 3 Bow, ere the awful trumpet sound. And call you to his bar : For mercy knows th' appointed bound, And turns to vengeance there. p 4 Amazing love, — that yet will call, And yet prolong our days ! Our hearts subdued by goodness fall, And weep, and love, and praise 9^ Select. HY:\L\ 296, 29T. 0S3 HYMN 296. C/uqjlin. Amsterdam, [b] A arm. "ts <^' Gs. e 1 CJTOP. poor sinner ! stop and think, k3 Before you farther go ! Will you sport upon the brink Of everlasting wo ! Once again I charge you, step I For unless you warning take, Ere you pre nware, you drop Into the burning lake ! g 2 Say, have you an arm like God, That you his will oppose ? Fear you not that iron rod "\Vi i which he breaks his foes ? Can you stand in that dread day When his judgment shall proclaim, And the earth shall melt away Like wax before; the flame r 3 Though your heart be made of steel, Your forehead lined with brass, God at length will make you feel. He will not let you pass. Sinners then in vain will call, (Though they now despise his grace,) '•' Rocks and mountains on us fall, And hide us from his face." Newto5. HYMN 297. L. M. Germ ani/, [h or ''] '• Renounce thy Sins." o 1 •• ~|3 ENOUNCE thy sins," the gospel cries, _irV And pant t'embrace a fairer prize ; A heaven of joys before theo waits. Then take the road to Zion's gates, p 2 '• Renounce thy sins," the watchmen cry, Believe — and you shall never die ; g Fair robes of glory wait above For all the heirs of bleeding love. 3 '• Renounce thy sins," God"s children cry, Repent — and soar to worlds on high, Wh^re strea.n»5 of living waters roll. And ceaseless bliss absorbs the soul. 4 " Renounce thy sins," thy reason cries, Break from your heart these hateful ties. Enlist a soldi-r of the Lamb. And joy t' exalt the Saviour's name. 684 HYMN 298, 299. Select HYMN 298. L. M. Boiven. [b or *] Jesus a Guest. Rev. iii, 20. e 1 "OEHOLD the Saviour at thy door, -13 He gently knocks, has knocked before ; Has waited long, is waiting still, You treat no other friend so ill. a 2 O lovely attitude ! — he stands With melting heart, and outstretched hands ' matchless kindness ! and he shows This matchless kindness to his foes. b 3 Admit him ; — for the human breast, Ne'er entertained so kind a guest ; Admit him ; — or the hour's at hand. When at his door denied you'll stand. — 4 '^ Open my heart, Lord, enter in, Slay every foe, and conquer sin : 1 now to thee my all resign, My body, soul, and all are thine." HYMN 299. 7s. Evening Hymn, [b] " Why icill ye die ? House of Israel .'" Ezek. xviii, 31 e 1 O INNERS ! turn— why will ye die ? k? God, your Maker, asks you why : God, who did your being give — Made you with himself to live : He the fatal cause demands, Asks the work of his own hands : Why, O thankless creatures ! why Will ye spurn his love, and die ? o 2 Sinners ! turn — why will ye die ? God, your Saviour, asks you why : He who his own life did give, That ye might for ever live : Will you let him die in vain, Crucify your Lord again ? Why, O ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight his grace, and die .'' b 3 Sinners ! turn — why will ye die ? God, the Spirit, asks you why : He who all your lives hath strove — Moved you to embrace his love — Will ye not his love receive ? Will ye still refuse to live ? Why, O long-sought sinners, why Will ye grieve your God and die ? Wesley. Select. HYMN 300— 39C!. GS.5 IIYMX 300. 7s. Evening Hymn, [b or *] e 1 "jT ET the beasts their breath resign, a i Strangers to the life divine ; Who their God can never know, Let their spirit downward go. o You for higlier ends were born : You may all to God return : Dwell with him above the sky : Why will ye for ever die r e 2 What could your K-edeemer do, ^lore than he hath done for you ? To procure your peace with God, Could he more than shed his blood ? After all his flow of love. All his drawings from above, Why will ye your Lord deny ? Why will ye for ever die ? Wesley's Col. HYMN 30L 7s. Pilgrim, [b or *] s 1 QLXXER! rouse thee from thy sleep, k3 Wake — and o'er thy foily weep; Raise thy spirit dark and dead ; Jesus waits his light to shed. 2 Wake from sleep, arise from death, See the bright and livinor path : Watchful tread that path : be wise ; — Leave thy folly, seek the skies. 3 Leave thy folly, cease from crime. From this hour redeem thy time ; Life secure without dela}',' Evil is the mortal day. 4 Be not blind, and foolish still. Called of Jesus, learn his will : Jesus calls from death and night, Jesus waits to shed his light. ° Epis. Col HYMN 302. S. U. St. Thomas, [b] The accepted Time. 2 Cor. vi, 2. 1 IVrO^^ is th' accepted time, -L 1 Now is the day of grace ; Now, sinners, come without delay, And seek the Saviours face. 2 Now is th' accepted time, The Saviour calls to-day ; 16* 80 HYMN 303. Select. To-morrow it may be loo late — Then why should you delay r 3 iNow is til' accepted time, Tiie gospel bids you come ; And every promise in his word Declares there yet is room. Dobell. HYMN 303. 8, 7, & 4. TanuvortL [bor*] Sunn's invited to Christ. Mat. xi, 2d — 30. o 1 if' iOME, ye sinners, poor and wretched; Vy This is your accepted iioar ; Jesus ready stands to save you, e Full of pity, love, and power ; He is able, He is willing : doubt no more ! o 2 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Lost and ruined by the fall ! If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all : Not the righteous — Sinners Jesus came to call. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth, Is to feel the need of Him ; This he gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam, e 4 Agonizing in the garden, Lo, your Saviour prostrate lies ! On the bloody tree behold him, Hear him cry before he dies, ^' It is finished!" Sinners, will not this suffice ? 5 Lo, th' incarnate God ascended, Pleads the merit of his blood : Venture on Him, venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. 6 6 Saints and angels, joined in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb ; While the blissful seats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name. Hallelujah ! Sinners here may sing Jh© same. Hart. Select. HYMN 304, 305. 6S7 HYMN 304. 8, 7 & 4. Calvary, ['*] o 1 TT"EAR, O sinner ! mercy hails you, e _Li Now with sweetest voice she calls j Bids you haste to seek the Saviour, Ere the hand of justice falls : Trust in Jesus, 'Tis the voice of mercy calls. o 2 Haste, O sinner ! to the Saviour, — Seek his mercy while jou may ; Soon the day of grace is over ; Soon your life will pass away ! Haste to Jesus, You must perish, if you stay. HYMN 305. 12s. Neic Jerusalem. [*] Free Grace. o 1 fTlHE voice of free grace cries, '' Escape to the JL mountain :" For Adam's lost race, Christ hath opened a fountain : For sin and uncleanness, and every transgression, His blood flows so freely in streams of salvation. CHORUS. 6 Hallelujah to the Lamb, who has bought us a pardon. We'll praise him again, when we pass over Jordan. 2 Ye souls that ore wounded, to the Saviour repair, Now he calls you in mercy — and can you forbear? Thouo^h your sins are increased as high as a moun- tain, His blood can remore them — it flows from the foun- tain. 3 Now Jesus, our King, reigns triumphantly glo- rious ; O'er sin, death, and hell, he is more than victorious : With shouting proclaim it — oh trust in his passion, — He saves us most freely — oh precious salvation 1 4 Our Jesus his name now proclaims all victorious. He reigns over all, and his kingdom is glorious ; To Jesus we'll join with the great congregation, And triumph, ascribing to him our salvation. 5 With joy shall we itand, when escaped to the shore ; With harps in our hands, we'll praise him the more ; We'll range the sweet plains on the bank of the river, And sing of salvation for ever and ever. Thorkby. 688 HYMN 306, 307. Select. HYMN 308. 7s. Evenin:r llij.na. [bor*] Matt, xi, 23. o 1 /^OME,ye weary sinners, come, Vv All, who feel your heavy load : Jesus calls the wand'rers hoaie ; Hasten to yonr pard'ning God : Come, ye guilty souls oppressed, Answer to the Saviour's call : *' Co.ne, and I will give you re^t : Come, and I will save you all." e 2 Jesus, — full of truth and love, We thy kindest call obey, Faithful let thy mercies prove, Take our load of guilt away : Weary of this war within, Weary of this endless strife, Weary of ourselves and sin. Weary of a wretched life. p 3 Burdened with a world of grief, Burdened with our sinful load. Burdened with this unbelief, Burdened witli the wrath of God, o Lo, we come to thee for ease, True and gracious as thou art ; Now our weary souls release, Write forgiveness on our heart. Village Hvmns. HYMN 307. L. M. Park Street, [b]"" '' Return unto me." o 1 "O ETURN, O wanderer, return ! S\j And seek thine injured Father's face: Those new desires which in thee burn. Were kindled by reclaiming grace. 2 Return, O wanderer, return I e He hears thy deep repentant sigh : He sees thy softened spirit mourn, When no intruding ear is nigh. 3 Return, O wanderer, return ! Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live : Go to his feet ; and grateful, learn How freely Jesus can forgive. a 4 Return, O wanderer, return ! And wipe away the falling tear : Thy Father calls — ^' No longer mourn !" *Tis mercy's voice invites thee near. Collyer. Select. HYMN 308—310. 689 HYMN 30S. C. M. Dundee, [b] ' Mat. xi, 28. 1 A LL ye who feel distressed for sin, J\. And fear eternal wo, You Christ invites to enter in — This hour to Jesus ^o ! 2 He by his own almighty word, Will all your fears remove : For every wound his precious blood * A sovereign balm shall prove. o 3 His conquering grace shall set you free From sin's oppressive chains, From Satan's hateful tyranny, And everlasting pains. b 4 Come, then, ye heavy laden — come ! His inrtant help implore : e Millions have found a peaceful home — s There's room for millions more. Pratt's Col. HYMN 309. 8 & 7. Sicilian Hymn, [*] A Fountain opened for Sin and Uncleanness* g 1 /^OME to Calvary's holy mountain^ v_y Sinners, ruined by the fall; Here a pure and healing fountain Flows to you, to me, to all. e 2 Come, in sorrow and contrition, VVoundedj impotent, and blind ; Hare the guilty, free remission. Here the troubled, peace may find. 3 He that drinks shall live for ever; 'Tis a soul-renewing flood : God is faithful ; — God will never Break his covenant in blood. MoyrcoMERy. HYMN 310. L. M. Angels' Hymn. [*] '• Take not. thy HoJij Spirit,'' &c. Ps. li, 11. e 1 CJTAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay, k5 Thougli I have done thee such despite, Cast not the sinner quite away, Nor take thine everlasting flight. —2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all. whoe'er thy grace received, Ten thousand times thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved, — 690 HYMN 311, 312. Select. p 3 Yet oh, the chief of sinners spare, In honour of my great High Priest j Nor in thy righteous anger swear, I shall not see thy people's rest. — 4 If yet thou canst my sins forgive. E'en now. O Lord, relieve my woes ; Into thy rest of love receive. And hless me with the calm repose. — 5 E'en now my weary soul release, And raise me by thy gracious hand ! Guide me into thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promised land. C. Wesley. HYMN 311. C. M. Canterbury, [b] The Penitent. p 1 "PROSTRATE, O Jesus, at thy feet, -ir A guilty rebel lies, And upwards to the mercy-seat Presumes to lift his eyes. 2 If tears of sorrow would suffice To pay the debt I owe. Tears should from both my weeping eyes In ceaseless torrents flow. 3 But no such sacrifice I plead. To expiate my guilt ; No tears but those which thou hast shed. No blood but thou hast spilt. 4 Think of thy sorrows, dearest Lord, And all my sins forgive ; Then Justice will approve the word That bids the sinner live. Stennett. HYMN 312. CM. Dedham. [b or *] *' save me for thy Mercies' Sake.'' — Ps. vi, 4. ? 1 l^/TEHCY alone can meet my case : _LT_L For mercy. Lord, I cry : Jesus. Redeemer, show thy face In mercy, or I die. 2 Save me, — for none beside can save; At thy command I tread. With failing steps, life's stormy wave, — The wave goes o'er my head. 3 I perish, and my doom were just; But vrilt thou leave me .^ J^o : Select. HYMN 313, 314. 691 I hold thee fast, my hope, ray trust : I will not let thee go. g 4 Still sure to me thy promise stands, And ever must abide : Behold it written on thy hands, And graven in thy side. 5 To this, this only will I cleave : Thy word is all my plea : That word is truth, and I believe : — Have mercy, Lord, on me ! Moxtgomery. HYMN 313. C. M. Funeral Hymn, [b] For Pardon, Holiness, and Heaven. pi OINNERS of Adam's fallen race, ^ Sinners by practice too, In prayer, G(/d, we seek thy face, In prayer for mercy sue. — 2 No trembling penitent to Thee E'er turned, and was denied : Accept, O Lord I our only plea; For us thy Son hath died. o 3 For Him, thy gift, thy name we bless : To us. for whom He died. Through faith impute his righteousness, And v/e are justified. — 4 Nor rest we here, thou God of love ! May we. for whom He died, Receive thy Spirit from above. And thus be sanctified. 5 At lencfth made holy, just, forgiven, Through Christ who for us died, May we. exchanging earth for heaven, With him be glorified. Alexander's Col. HYMN 314. 7s. Hotham. [*] Choosing the Heritage, of God's People. o 1 T>EOPLE of the living God, JT I have sought the world around. Paths of sin and sorrow trod. Peace and comfort nowhere found. N'jw to you my spirit turns, Turns, a fugitive unblessed ; Brethren, where your altar burns, O receive me into rest ! 692 HYMN 315, 316. Select. 2 Lonely I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave, Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave ; Mine the God whom you adore, - Your Redeemer shall be mine ; Earth can fill my heart no more, Every idol I resign. Montgomery. HYMN 315. C. M. Broomsgrove. [*] Social Dedication to God. s 1 "OEING of beings, God of love! -13 To thee our hearts we raise ; Thy all-sustaining power we prove, And gladly sing thy praise. e 2 Thine, wholly thine, we want to be. Our sacrifice receive ; Made, and preserved, and saved by thee. To thee ourselves we give. s 3 Come, Holy Ghost ! the Saviour's love Shed in our hearts abroad ; So shall we ever live and move. And be with Christ, in God. C. Weslet. HYMN 316. C. M. Arundel [*] '^ Hinder me not.'' Gen. xxiv, 56. b 1 TN all my Lord's appointed ways A My journey I'll pursue ; ^' Hinder me not," ye much-loved saints. For T must go with you. 2 Through floods and flames, if Jesus lead, I'll follow where he goes ; " Hinder me not," shall be my cry. Though earth and hell oppose. 3 Through duty, and through trials too, I'll go at his command : " Hinder me not," for I am bound To my Immanuel's land. o 4 And when my Saviour calls me home, My joyful cry shall be, *' Hinder me not ;" come, welcome death ; I'll gladlv Sfo with th^e. T)r. Ryt,aici>. Select. HYMN 317, 318. 693 HYMN 317. L. M. -Bkndon. [*] Following Jesus as the Forerunner. o 1 rESUS, my all, to heaven is gone, J He whom I fix my hopes upon ; His track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow way till him I view. — 2 The way the holy prophets went, The way that leads from banishment; The Kinor's highway of holiness, I'll go, fc7r all his pa'!is are peace. — 3 This is the way I long had sought, And mourned because 1 found it not; My grief a burden long had been, Oppressed with unbelief and sin. — 4 The more I strove against their power, 1 sinned and stumbled but the more; Till late I heard my Saviour say, '' Come hither, soul, I am the way." 5 Lo ! glad I come, and thou, blest Lamb, Shah take me to thee as I am : Nothing but sin I thee can give ; Nothing but love shall I receive. s 6 Then will I tell to sinners round, What a dear Saviour I have found ; I'll point to thv redeeming blood, And say, - Behold the way to God." CEy.vics. HYMN 318. C. M. Stephens. [*] ^' Help, Lord.'' 1 /^H help us, Lord ! each hour of need V>^ Thy heavenly succour give ; Help us in thought, and word, and deed. Each hour on earth we live. 2 Oh help us, through the prayer of faith, More firmly to believe ; For still the more thy servant hath, The more shall he receive. 3 If, strangers to thy fold, we call. Imploring at thy feet, The crumbs that from thy table fall, 'Tis all we dare entreat. 4 But be it, Lord of rnercy, all, So thou wilt grant but this ■, The crumbs that from thy table fall; Are light, and life, and bliss. Select. 17 694 HYMN 319, 320. Select. 5 Oh help us, Jesus ! from on high j We know no help but thee : Oh help us so to live and die As thine in heaven to be. Milman HYMN 319. C. M. Woodstock, [b] The Fulness of Redemption. 1 T"|"OW shall my soul find rest in heaven, ii Th' eternal, blest abode ? When, '• without holiness, no man Shall see the holy God." 2 Though I have nothing of my own. To form that heavenly dress ; Jesus has v/rought, and gives to me. The robe of righteousness. 6 3 Hear thou, my soul, his teaching voice ; With wise endeavour, still, Observe the guiding of his eye, And precepts of his will. 4 Then shall the robe thy Saviour wrought, The ransom he has given, Be made thy title to the rest Prepared for saints in heaven. HYMN 320. S. M. Tolland. [*] Salvation by Grace, from the first to the last. H 1 /^ RACE ! 'tis a charming sound ; \IW Harmonious to the ear ! u Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. s 2 Grace first contrived the way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display. Which drev*'^ the wondrous plan. — 3 Grace led my roving feet To tread the heavenly road ; And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to God. 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; u It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. Doddridge. Select. HYxMiN 321, 322. 695 HYMN 321. P. M. Bingham, [b or *] Bartimeus. Mark x, 47, 48. p 1 ''I^TERCY, O thou Son of David !" _LT_1- Thus blind Bartimeus prayed; Others by the word are saved, o Now to me afford thine aid : Many for his crying chid him, o But he called the louder still ; e Till the gracious Saviour bid him o '^ Come and ask me what you will, e 2 Money was not what he wanted. Though by begging used to live ; But he asked, and Jesus granted, Alms, which none but he could give : o '• Lord, remove this grievous blindness, '• Let my eyes behold the day ;" Straight he saw. and, won by kindness, Followed Jesus in the way. B 3 Oh ! methinks 1 hear him praising, Publishing to all around ; '^ Friend, is not my case amazing? '• What a Saviour I have found : ^' Oh ! that all the blind but knew him; ^^ And would be advised by me ! '• Surely would they hasten to him, '• He would cause them all to see." Newtoh HYMN 322. C. M. Warwick. [*] '' Herein is Love.'' 1 John iv, 10. s 1 "\7"E saints, assist me in my song — JL Let all your passions move : To Jesus all the notes belong — I sing redeeming love. e 2 Around the circle of his friends, His tender passions move : And while he lived, his constant theme o Was still redeeming love, p 3 Gently he raised his sacred hands. Before his last remove : And the last whispers of his tongue Sighed forth redeeming love. 4 Through life's wide waste, with weary feet, In darkness I may rove ; But never can my heart forget Redeeming, dying love. 696 HYMN 323, 324. Select. < — 5 Oh that before his sacred throne, I all its sweets may prove : Still as my pleasures rise, my song Shall be redeeming love. Collyer. HYMN 323. C. M. Stamford. [*] Luke XV, 10. p 1 /^H, hov^r divine, how sweet the joy, \J When but one sinner turns. And with an humble, broken heart, His sins and errors mourns ! s 2 Pleased with the news, the saints below In songs their tongues employ; Beyond the skies the tidings go, And heaven is filled with joy. o 3 Well pleased the Father sees and hears The conscious sinner's moan j Jesus receives him in his arms. And claims him for his own. s 4 Nor angels can their joys contain. But kindle with new fire : " The sinner lost is found," they sing, And strike the sounding lyre. Needham. HYMN 324. C. M. Abridge, [*] 6 1 f\ HAPPY soul that lives on high, \y While men lie grov'ling here ! His hopes are fixed above the sky. And faith forbids his fear. 2 His conscience knows no secret stings. While grace and joy combine To form a life whose holy springs Are hidden and divine. e 3 He waits in secret on his God, His God in secret sees ; s Let earth be all in arms abroad. He dwells in heavenly peace. 4 His pleasures rise from things unseen. Beyond this world of time, Where neither eyes nor ears have been, Nor thoughts of mortals climb. 5 He wants no pomp nor royal throne, To raise his figure here, Content and pleased to live alone, Till Christ his life *ppear. Watts. Select. HYMN 325, 326. 697 HYMN 325. C. M. Laneshoro\ [*] The Fear of God. o 1 FTIHRTCE happy souls, who, born of heaven, X While yet they sojourn here, e Humbly begin their days with God, And spend them in his fear. 2 So may our eyes with holy zeal Prevent the dawning day ; And turn the sacred pages o'er, ' And praise thy name and pray, e 3 Midst hourly cares may love present Its incense to thy throne ; And, while the world our hands employs, Our hearts be thine alone. 4 At night we lean our weary heads On thy paternal breast ; And. safely folded in thine arms. Resign our powers to rest, o 5 In solid, pure delights, like these, Let all my days be past ; Nor shall I then impatient wish, Nor shall I fear the last. Doddridge. HYMN 326. C. M. Broomsgrove. [*] Christian Love. p 1 "FTOW sweet, how heavenly is the sight, JLJ- When those who love the Lord, In one another's peace delight, And so fulfill his word ; — — 2 When each can feel his brother's sigh. And with him bear a part; When sorrows flow from eye to eye, And joy from heart to heart : — 3 When, free from envy, scorn, and pride, Our wishes all above, Each can his brother's failings hide. And show a brother's love, b 4 Let love, in one delightful stream. Through every bosom flow ; And union sweet, and dear esteem, In every action glow. 5 Love is the golden chain that binds The happy souls above ; And he's an heir of heaven, who finds His bosom glow with love. Swai5. 17* 698 HYMN 327—329. Select. HYMN 327. S. M. Lishon. [*] Exhortation against Sectarian Spirit. 1 nr ET party names no more ■ 1 A The Christian world o'erspread : Gentile and Jew, and bond and free, Are one in Christ their Head. 2 Among the saints on earth Let mutual love be found ; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crowned. 3 Let envy and ill will Be banished far away ; And all in Christian bonds unite, Who the same Lord obey. 4 Thus will the church below Resemble that above ; Where no discordant sounds are heard, p But all is peace and love. Beddome. HYMN 328. C. M. Arclidale. [*] The Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, g 1 T n IHE earth, the ocean, and the sky, -L To form one world agree ; Where all that walk, or swim, or fly. Compose one family. — 2 God in creation thus displays His wisdom and his might, While all his works with all his ways Harmoniously unite. p 3 In one fraternal bond of love, One fellowship of mind, o The saints below and saints above, Their bliss and glory find. 4 Here, in their house of pilgrimage, Thy statutes are their song , There, through one bright eternal age, Thy praises they prolong. Montgomery. HYMN 329. C. M. Tolland. [*] The Church Militant learning the Church TriumphanCs Song. o 1 OING we the song of those who stand )3 Around th' eternal throne, Select. HYMN 330. 699 Of every kindred, clime, and land, A multitude unknown. 2 Life's poor distinctions vanish here; To-day, the young, the old, Our Saviour and his flock appear One Shepherd and one fold, p 3 Toil, trial, suff 'ring, still await On earth the pilgrim's throng; Yet learn we, in our low estate, The church triumphant's song. s 4 Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain, Cry the redeemed above. Blessing and honour to obtain, And everlasting love. 5 Worthy the Lamb, on earth we sing. Who died our souls to save : Henceforth, O Death ! where is thy sting ? Thy victory , O Grave ? <3 Then, hallelujah ! power and praise To God in Christ be given ; May all who now this anthem raise. Renew the strain in heaven. Montgomery, HYMN 330. S. M. Shirland. [*] Vital Union to Christ in Regeneration. e 1 ~B~^EAR Saviour, we are thine _fi-^ By everlasting bonds ; Our names, our hearts, we w^ouid resign ; Our souls are in thy hands. 2 To thee we still would cleave, With ever-growing zeal ; If millions tempt us Christ to leave. Oh, let them ne'er prevail, o 3 Thy Spirit shall unite Our souls to thee, our Head ; Shall form us to thy image bright. That we thy paths may tread, 4 Death may our souls divide From these abodes of clay ; But love shall keep us near thy side Through ail the gloomy way. 5 Since Christ and we are one, Why should we doubt and fear ? If he in heaven hath fixed his throne, He'll &jl his members there. ^. Doooiuxxzfi 700 HYMN 331, 332. Select. HYMN 331. L. M. Atlantic, [*] Rising to God. o 1 "IVrOW let our souls, on wings sublime, _L 1 Rise from the vanities of time ; Draw back the parting veil, and see The glories of eternity. 2 Born by a new, celestial birth, Why should we grovel here on earth ? Why grasp at transitory toys. So near to heaven's eternal joys ? 3 Shall aught beguile us on the road. When we are walking back to God ? For strangers into life w^e come. And dying is but going home. s 4 Welcome, sweet hour of full discharge, That sets our longing souls at large ; Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell. And gives us with our God to dwell. 5 To dwell with God, to feel his love, Is the full heaven enjoyed above; And the sweet expectation now Is the young dawn of heaven below. Gibbons. HYMN 332. 7s. Hotham, [b or *] Forsaking all for Christ. p 1 "I'ESUS, I my cross have taken, e/ All to leave, and follow thee ; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shalt be ; Perish every fond ambition. All I've sought, or hoped, or known, Yet how rich is my condition ! God and heaven are still my own. o 2 Soul, then know thy full salvation. Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care, Joy to find in every station Something still to do or bear; e Think what spirit dwells within thee ; Think what Father's smiles are thine ; Think that Jesus died to win thee • Child of heaven, canst thou repine.'' s 3 Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, and winged by prayer; Heaven's eternal days before thee, God's own hand shall guide theo there. i Select. HYMN 333—335. TOl Soon shall close thy earthly missioii, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days ; Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. MoNTGOMERr. HYMxN 333. 7s. Pilgrim, [bor*] Welcoming the Cross. ol 'r I lis ray happiness below, i Not to love witiiout the cross ; But the Saviour's power to know^ Sanctifying every loss. 2 Trials must and will befall; But with humble faith to see Love inscribed upon them ail, This is happiness to nie. 3 Trials make the promise sweet, Trials give new life to prayer; Trials bring rae to his feet, Lay me low, and keep me there. Cowpta. HYMN 334. L. M. Brentford, [b] The Influence of the World deplored, e 1 /^H ! fijtn the world's vile slavery, \J Almighty Saviour, set me free , And as my treasure is above, Be there my thoughts and there my love, p 2 But ofl, alas ! too well I know. My thoughts, my love, are fixed below; In every lifeless prayer I find The heart unmoved, the absent mind. 3 Oh ! what that frozen heart can move. Which melts not at a Saviour's love .'' What can that sluggish spirit raise, Which will not sing the Saviour's praise? 4 Lord, draw my best affections hence, Above this world of sin and sense ; s Cause them to soar beyond the skies, And rest not, till to thee they rise. Cotterill. HYMN 335. C. M. Canterbury/, [b] The Power of Faith, o 1 TTIAITH adds new charms to earthly blisa, J- And saves us from its snares ; Its aid in every duty brings, p And softens all our cares; 702 HYMN 336, 337. Select 2 Extinguishes tlie thirst of sin, And hglits the sacred fire Of love to God and heavenly things, And feeds the pure desire. 3 The wounded conscience knows its power The healing balm to give j That balm the saddest heart can cheer, And make the dying live, s 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign; And bids us seek our portion there. Nor bids us seek in vain. Turner. HYMN 336. 7s &l 6s. Margate, [b or *] Looking forioard. p 1 "jTIROM every earthly pleasure, Jl From every transient joy, From every mortal treasure, That soon will fade and die; No longer these desiring, Upward our wishes tend, To nobler bliss aspiring, And joys that never endi. 2 From every piercing sorrow That heaves our breast to-day, — Or threatens us to-morrow, Hope turns our eyes away : s On wings of faith ascending. We see the land of light, And feel our sorrows ending In infinite delight. p 3 What though we are but strangers And sojourners below ; And countless snares and dangers Surround the path we go; Though painful and distressing. Yet there's a rest above ; s And onward still we're pressing, To reach that land of love. HYMN 337. 7s. German Hymn. [*] The Pilgrim's Song. o 1 ^"^HILDREN of the heavenly King'. Vy As ye journey, sweetly sing : Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, o Glorious in his works and ways 1 Se lect. HYMN 338, 339. 7(« o 2 Ye are travelling home to God, In the way the fathers trod : They are happy now. — and ye Soon their happiness shall see. u 3 Shout, ye ransomed flock, and blest ! Ye on Jesus' throne shall rest : There your seat is now prepared ; There your kingdom and reward. 8 4 Fear not, brethren ! joyful stand On the borders of your land : Jesus Christ, God's only Son, Bids you undismayed go on. p 5 Lord, submissive make us go, o Gladly leaving all below : Only thou our Leader be-, And we still will follow^ thee. Cennick. HYMN 33S. L. M. Eaton. [*] Heb. xiii, 14. e 1 ''"\'^7"E'VE no abiding city here" — e W This may distress the worldly mindj o But should not cost the saint a tear, Who hopes a better rest to find. e 2 ^' We've no abiding city here" — e Sad truth, were this to be our home : o But let this thought our spirits cheer, ■" We seek a city yet to come." 3 '^ We've no abiding city here" — Then let us live as pilgrims do; Let not the world our rest appear, But let us haste from all below. e 4 '• We've no abiding city here" — s We seek a city out of sight; Zion its name — the Lord is there, It shines with everlasting light. Kelly. HYMN 339. C, M, St Ann's. [*] Sincerity and Truth. e 1 T ET those who bear the Christian name, _I_J Their holy vows fulfill : The saints, the followers of the Lamb, Are men of honour still. 2 True to the solemn oaths they take, Though to their hurt they swear, Constant and just to all they speak, For God and angels hear. 704 HYMN 340, 341. Select. 3 Still with their hps tlieir hearts agree, Nor flattering words devise ; They know the God of truth can see Through every false disguise. 4 They hate th' appearance of a lie, ^ In all the shapes it v/ears, Firm to their truth ; and when they die, Eternal life is theirs. Watts. HYMN 340. C. M. Dedham, [b] Watchfulness. 1 £^ FOR a principle within \J Of jealous, godly fear ) A sensibility to sin, A pain to feel it near ; \ 2 O for the first approach to feel Of pride, or fond desire ; To catch the wandering of my will, And quench the kindling fire. ^ From Thee that I no more may party No more thy goodness grieve, The filial awe, the fleshly heart, The tender conscience, give. 4 Quick as the apple of an eye, O God, my conscience make ! Awake my soul when sin is nigh. And keep it still awake. C. Wesley. HYMN 341. 8 & 7. Bavaria. [*] The watch fid Servants. e 1 nri ARTHLY joys no longer please us, i i Here would we renounce them all, Seek our only rest in Jesus — Plim our Lord and Master call, s Faith, our languid spirits cheering. Points to brighter worlds above. Bids us look for his appearing — Bids us triumph in his love. lii May our lights be always burning. And our loins be girded round, Waiting for our Lord's returning — Longing for the welcome sound ! Thus the Christian life adorning, Never will we be afraid ; Should he come at night or morning — Early dawn or evening shade. Cong. Mag-. Select. HYMN 342—344. 705 HYxMN 342. S. M. M^atchman. [* or b] e 1 4 CHARGE to keep I have, J\. A God to glorify ; A never-dying soul to save, And tit it for the sky ; 2 To serve the present age, My calUng to fulfill ; O may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live ; And oh ! thy servant. Lord, prepare A strict account to give ! 4 Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely ! Assured if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die Wesley, HYMN 343. S. M. Olmutz, [*] Watch and pray. Matt, xxvi, 41. p 1 IVTY soul, be on thy guard, — _LtX. Ten thousand foes arise : And hosts of sins are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies. 2 Oh ' watch, and fight, and pray, The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boWly every day, And help divine implore, 3 Ne'er think the victory won, Nor once at ease sit down : The arduous work will not be done, Till thou hast got thy crown. Heath, HYxAIN 344. C. M. Windsor, [b] Indwelling Sin lamented. p 1 'TTT'ITH tears of anguish I lament, W Here at thy feet, my God, My passion, pride, and discontent, And vile ingratitude. 2 Sure there was ne'er a heart so base, So false as mine has been, So faithless to its promises, So prone to every sin. 3 My reason tells me thy commands Are holy, just, and true, Seuect. is 706 HYMN 345, 346. Selecrt, Tells me vvhate'er my God demands^ Is hiTS most righteous due. 4 Reason I hear, her counsels weigh, And all her words approve ; But still I find it hard t' obey, And harder yet to love. 5 How long, dear Saviour, shall I feel These strugglings in my breast ^ When wilt thou bow my stubborn will, And give my conscience rest .'' Stennett, HYMN 345. 7s. Calvary, [b] I 13 Y thy Spirit, Lord, reprove,. J3 All my inmost sins reveal, Sins against thy light and love Let me see, and let me feel ; Sins that crucified my Lord, Sins against thy precious blood. p 2 Jesus, seek thy wandering sheep, Make me restless to return ; Bid me look on thee, and weep, Bitterly, as Feter^ mourn ; — Till I say, by grace restored, *^ Now, thou know'st I love thee. Lord." 3 O remember me for good, Passing through the mortal vale ; Show me the atoning blood, When my strength and spirit fail ; Give my fainting soul to see Jesus crucified for me. Wesley's Coi,, HYMN 346. L. P. M. St. Helen's, [b^ For Power over Sin. 1 '^'TT'REN shall Ihear the inward voice, T ▼ Which only faithful souls can hear ? Pardon, and peace, and heavenly joysy Attend the promised Comforter : O come, and righteousness divine, And Christ, and all with Christ, are mine ! 2 O that the Comforter would come. Nor visit as a transient guest, But fix in me his constant home, And keep possession of my breast : And make my soul his loved abode, The temple of indwelling God. C. Wesli».> Select. HYMN 347, 348. 707 HYMN 347. C. M. Funeral Hymn, [h] The Contrite Heart. p 1 fTlHE Lord will happiness divine _L On contrite hearts bestow : Then tell me, gracious God, is mine A contrite heart, or no ? 2 I hear, but seem to hear in vaia, Insensible as steel ; If aught is feit, 'tis only pain To find I cannot feel. — 3 I sometimes think myself inclined To love thee, if I could; But often feel another mind Averse to all that's good. —4 My best desires are faint and few ; Fain would I strive for more ; But, when 1 cry, '' My strength renew," Seem weaker than before. — 5 Thy saints are comforted, I know^ And love the house of prayer; 1 therefore go where others go, But find no comfort there, 6 Oh ! make this heart rejoice or ache; Decide this doubt for me; And if it be not broken, break, — And heal it, if it be. Cowpkeu HYMN 348, C. M, Poland, [h] Tor a Contrite Heart. e 1 /^ FOR that tenderness of heart, x_/ Wiiich bows before the Lord ; Acknowledging how just thou art., And trembling at thy word. 2 O for those humble, contrite tears. Which from repf ntanee flow ; That consciousness of guilt, which fears The long-suspended blow. 3 Saviour, to me., in pity, give The sensible distress ; The pledge thou wilt at last receive, And bid me die in peace ; — g 4 Wilt from the dreadful day remove, Before the evil come ; 3Iy spirit hide with saints above, My body in the tomb. C. Wesley. 708^ HYMN 349, 850. Select HYMN 349. L. M. Dresden, [b] Return of Joy. e 1 "^"llirHEN darkness long has veiled my mind, o V T And smiling- day once more appears^ Then, my Redeemer, then I find Tne folly of liiy doubts and fears. 2 I chide my unbelieving hearty And blush that 1 should ever be Thus prone to act so base a part, Or harbour one hard thought of thee. 3 O, let me, then, at length be taught (What 1 am still so slow to learn) That God is Love, and changes not, Nor knows the shadow of a turn. 4 Sweet truth, and easy to repeat ! But. when my faith is sharply tried, J find myself a learner yet, — Unskilful, weak, and apt to slide. 5 But, O my Lord, one look from thee Subdues the disobedient will, Drives doubt and discontent avp'ay, And thy rebellious worm is still. 6 Thou art as ready to forgive, As 1 am ready to repine ; Thou therefore all the praise receive ; Be shame and self-abhorrence mine. CowprR, HYMN 350. L. P. M. St. Helen's. [*] Fervent Voios and Petitions. o 1 rfflHEE will I love, my strength and tower, jL Thee will I love, my joy and crown; Thee will 1 love with all my power, In all my works, and thee alone ! Thee will 1 love, till that pure fire Fill my v/hole soul with chaste desire. — 2 In darkness willingly I strayed ; I sought thee, yet from thee I roved : For wide my wandering thoughts were spread^ Thy creatures more than thee I loved ', And now, if more at length I see, 'Tis through thy light, and comes from thee. — 3 T thank thee, uncreated sun, That thy bright beams on me have shined • I thank thee, who hast overthrown My foes, and healed my wounded mind * Select. HYMN 351, 35->. 7TO I thank thee, whose enlivening voice Bids my freed heart in thee rejoice. 4 Give to mv eyes refreshing tears ; Give to my heart chaste, hallowed fires; Give to my soul, with filial fears, The love that all heaven's host inspires; That all my powers, with all their mighty In thy sole glory muy unite. — 5 Thee will I love, my joy, my crown 1 Thee will I love, my Lord, my God ! Thee will I love, though all may frown, And thorns and briers perplex my road} Yea, when my flesh and heart decay, Thee shall 1 love in endless day. Moraviax. HYMN 351. L. M, Nazareth, [b or *] A Good Conscience. p 1 OWEET peace of conscience, heavenly guest! O Come, fix thy mansion in my breast; Dispel my doubts, my fears control ; And heal the angaish of my soul. o 2 Come, smiling hope, and joy sincere ; Come, make your -constant dwelling here^ Still let your presence cheer my heart. Nor sin compel you to depart. 3 Thou God of hope and peace divine, Oh ! make these sacred pleasures mine ! Forgive my sins, my fears remove, And send the tokens of thy love. s 4 Then should my eyes, without a tear, See death, with all its terrors, near : My heart should then in death rejoice, And raptures tune my faltering voice, g 5 Nay, should the frame of nature fall. And flames surround this earthly ball; Ev'n then, my soul without dismay The mighty ruin would survey, s 6 Yes, for beyond these lower skies New worlds salute my longfing eyes ; Blest worlds ! where peace her throne maintains. And everlasting glory reigns. Hegixbotham. HYMN 352. C. M. Lanesboro\ [b or *] The Request. I LEATHER, whate'er of earthly blisg JC Thy sovereign will denies, ' 18* ° 710 HYMN 353. Select. Accepted at thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise : — 2 " Give me a calm, a thankful heart, From every murmur free ; The blessings of thy grace impart. And make me live to thee. 3 '' Let the sweet hope that I am thine, My life and death attend ; Thy presence through my journey shine. And crown my journey's end." Steele. HYMN 353. 8 & 7. Smyrna. [*] * Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death f 1 will fear no Evil.'^ Ps. xxiii, 4. p 1 1^ ENTLY, Lord, O gently lead us \IW Through this gloomy vale of tears, Through the changes thou'st decreed us, Till our last great change appears, s O refresh us with thy blessing, O refresh us with thy grace, May thy mercies, never ceasing. Fit us for thy dwelling-place, p 2 When temptation's darts assail us. When in devious paths we stray. Let thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in thy perfect way. s O refresh us with thy blessing, &c. p 3 In the hour of pain and anguish, In the hour when death draws near. Suffer not our hearts to languish. Suffer not our souls to fear. s — O refresh us with thy blessing, &c. e 4 When this mortal life is ended. Bid us in thine arms to rest, o Till by angel bands attended, We awake among the blest, s O refresh us with thy blessing, &c s 5 Then, O crown us with thy blessing, Throuo-h the triumphs of thy grace ; Then shill praises never ceasing Lcho through thy dwelling-place. O refresh us with Uiy blessing, &o. Select. HYMN 354, 355. 711 HYMN 354. L. M. Dresden, [b] Suhmission. p 1 TTTTAIT, O my soul, thy Maker's will ! f T Tumultuous passions, all be still ! Nor let a murmuring thought arise ; His ways are just, his counsels wise. e 2 He in the thickest darkness dwells, Performs his work, the cause conceals ; But though his methods are unknown, Judgment and truth support his throne. 3 In hearen. and earth, and air, and seas, He eiecutes his firm decrees ; And by his saints it stands confessed, That what he does is ever best. 4 Wait, then, mj soul, submissive wait, Prostrate before bis cwful seat: And 'midst tliG t.jrors of his rod, Trust in a wiso w^id gracious God. Beddome, HYMN 355. C. M. Dundee. [* or b] Resignation. 1 "[YTAY I remember. Lord, to thee, _LtJ_ Whate'er I hare I owe ; And back, in gratitude, from me, May all thy bounties flow. 2 Thy gifts are only then enjoyed, When used as talents lent ; Those talents only v/ell employed. When in thy serTice spent. 3 And though thy wisdom takes away, Shall I arraign thy will ^ o No, let me bless thy name, and say, '• The Lord is gracious still." 4 A pilgrim through the earth I roam, Of nothing long possessed. And all must fail when I go home, For tliis is not my rest. 5 Write but my name upon the roll Of thy redeemed above ; Then, heart, and mind, and strength, and soul, rU love thee for thy love. Momgomeri 712 HYMN 356, 357. Select. HYxMN 356. L. P. M. Dresden, [b] *' For ice have not an High Priest who cannot he touched with the feeling of our infirmities ; hut was in all points tempted Like as we are, yet without sin.'' Heb. iv, 15. e 1 "^"ITHEN gathering clouds around I view, ▼ V And days are dark, and friends are few, On him I lean, who, not in vain. Experienced every human pain ; He sees my wants, allays my fears. And counts and treasures up my tears. —2 If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly virtue's narrow way, To fly the good I Vv^ould pursue, Or do the sin I would not do. Still he who felt temptation's power Shall guard me in that dangerous hour. — 3 When sorrowing o'er some stone I bend, Which covers all that was a friend ; And from his voice, his hand, his smile, Divides me — for a little while, — Thou, Saviour, seest the tears I shed, For thou didst weep o'er Lazarus dead. — 4 And O, when I have safely past Through every conflict — but the last. Still, still unchanging, watch beside My painful bed, — for thou hast died; Then point to realms of cloudless day, And wipe the latest tear away. Grant. HYMN 357. 8, 7 & 4. Tamworth. [*] Divine Faithfulness. e 1 XN the floods of tribulation, X While the billows o'er me roll, e Jesus whispers consolation, o And supports my fainting soul ; s Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord. e 2 In his darkest dispensations, o Faithful doth the Lord appear, With his richest consolations, u To reanimate and cheer : e Sweet affliction, Thus to bring my Saviour near. Select. HYMN 358, 359. 713 3 In the sacred page recorded Thus his word securely stands ; ^ Fear not, I'm in trouble near thee, ' Nought shall pluck you from my hands :' Sweet affliction, Every word my love demands. S. Pearce. HYMN 358. L. P. M. >S'^ Helen's, [b] Prckyer for Divine Consolation. p 1 TjlATHER of mercies, God of love, L. O ! hear a humble suppliant's cry; o Bend from thy lofty seat above, g Thy throne of glorious majesty: O deign to listen to my voice, And bid my drooping heart rejoice. 2 I urge no merits of my ow^n, -So worth to claim thy gracious smile; And when I bow before thy throne, Dare to converse with God awhile, Thy name, blest Jesus, is my plea, Dearest and sweetest name to me ! p 3 Father of mercies, God of love, Then hear thy humble suppliant's cry ; Bend from thy lofty seat above, g Thy throne of glorious majf^sty : One pardoning word can make me whole, And soothe the anguish of my soul. Rafflt.s. HYMN 359. C. M. Funeral Hymn, [b] IJiink upon Me. Neh. v, 19. p 1 /^ THOU, fiOiA wriom all goodness flows, V^ I li^'X r .y her.rt to thee ; In all my tr>ik, «o-:^iets, w^oes. Dear Lord, remember me. 2 When groaning, on my burdened heart My sins lie heavily : My pardon speak, new peace impart, In love, remember me. 3 If on my face, for thy dear name. Shame and reproaches be ; o I'll hail reproach, and welcome shame If thou remember me^ 714 HYMN 360, 361. Select. p 4 The hour is near — consigned to death, I own the just decree ; Saviour, with my last parting breath, I'll cry — Remember me. Haweis. HYMN 360. 8&7. Smyrna, [b] In deep Affliction. p 1 TT^ULL of trembling expectation, 3- Feeling much, and fearing more, Mighty God of my salvation, I thy timely aid implore : Suffering Son of Man, be near me, All my sufferings to sustain. By thy sorer griefs to cheer me, By thy more than mortal pain. — 2 By thy most severe temptation, In that dark, Satanic hour ; By thy last mysterious passion, Screen me from the adverse power ; By thy fainting in the garden. By thy bloody sweat, I pray. Write upon my heart the pardon, Take my sins and fears away. 3 By the travail of thy spirit. By thine outcry on the tree. By thine agonizing merit, In my pangs remember me ! By thy death I thee conjure, A weak, dying soul befriend ; Make me patient to endure ; Make me faithful to the end. C. Wesley. HYMN 361. C. M. Dedham. [b] Hope in Trouble. 1 "^~¥7"HEN musing sorrow weeps the past, V ? And mourns the present pain, 'Tis sweet to think of peace at last. And feel that death is gain. 2 'Tis not that murmuring thoughts arise, And dread a Father's will, *Tis not that meek submission flies, And would not suffer still : — Select. HYMN 362, 363. 715 3 It is that heaven-born faith surveys The path that leads to hght, And longs her eagle plumes to raise, And lose herself in sight. — 4 It is that hope with ardor glows, To see him face to face, Whose dying love no language knows Sufficient art to trace. 5 It is that harassed conscience feels The pangs of struggling sin ; And sees, tTiough far, "the hand that heals, And ends the strife within. s 6 O let me wing my hallowed flight From earth-born wo and care, And soar above these clouds of night, My Saviour's bliss to share ! Noel HYMN 362. C. M. Abridge. [*] Gospel Comforts. p 1 "XT'rHEN languor and disease invade Y V This trembling house of clay, 'Tis sweet to look beyond our cage, And long to fly away. e 2 Sweet to look inward, and attend The whispers of his love ; Sweet to look upward to the place Where Jesus pleads above. 3 Sweet on his faithfulness to rest. Whose love can never end ; Sweet on his covenant of grace. For all things to depend. 4 Sweet in the confidence of faith. To trust his firm decrees ; Sweet to lie passive in his hands. And know no will but his. 5 If such the sweetness of the streams, What must the fountain be. Where saints and angrels draw their bliss Immediately from thee ? Toplidy. HYMN 3G3. S. M. Olmutz. [*] ly OUR harps, ye trembling saints, Down from the willows take ; 716 HYMN 364, &65. Select. u Loud to the praise of love divine, Bid every string awake. o 2 Though in a foreign land, We are not f^r from home, And nearer to oinr house above, We every moment come. 3 His grace will to the end, Stronger and brighter shine ; Nor present things, nor things to come, Shall quench the love divine. 4 Blest is the man, O God, That stays himself on thee ! Who waits for thy salvation, Lord, Shall thy salvation see. Topladv. HYMN 364. P. M. Haddam, [*] The Cross the Way to the Crown, s 1 nr OOK up to yonder world, ■ i A See myriads round the throne ! Each bears a golden harp. And wears a sacred crown : s With zeal they strike I And strive to raise The sacred lyre, | Their praises higher. 2 Believing in his Name, They in his footsteps trod ; His righteousness their hope. Their only plea his blood ; Lo, now they reign 1 Behold his face With him above, | And sing his love. 3 And shall we not aspire. Like them our course to run ? The crovm if we would wear. That crown must first be won : Divinely taught, I First to believe They shewed the way, ] And then obey. HYMN 365. L. M. Luton. [*] The Redeemed round the Throne. Rev. vii, 9 — 17. o 1 T" O ! round the throne, at God's right hand, i i The saints, in countless myriads, stand ; Of every tongue, redeemed to God, Arrayed in garments washed in blood. Select. HYMN 366. 717 2 Through tribulation great they came ; They bore the cross, despised the shame : From all their labors now they rest, In God's eternal glory blest. 3 Hunger and thirst they feel no more ; Nor sin. nor pain, nor death, deplore : The tears are wiped from every eye, And sorrow^ yields to endless joy. 4 They see their Saviour face to face, And sing the triumphs of his grace : Him day and night they ceaseless praise, o To him their loud hosannas raise. — 8 5 Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain. Through endless years to live and reign ! Thou hast redeemed us by thy blood, And made us kings and priests to God ! HYMN 366 7s. Evening Hymn. [*] The Redeemed in Heaven. ^W"i AT are these in bright array. This innumerable throng-, Round the altar night and day, Hymning one triumphant song : <• Worthy is the Lamb once slain, Blessing, honour, glory, power, Wisdom, riches, to obtain, New dominion, every hour." 2 These through fiery trials trod. These from great affliction came ; Now before the throne of God, Sealed with his almighty name ; Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor-palms in every hand. Through their dear Redeemer's might, More than conquerors they stand. 3 Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed ; Them, the Lamb amidst the throne, Shall to livincr fountains lead : Joy and g!;idness banish sighs, Perfect love dispels all fears, And forever from their eyes, God shall wipe away the tears. Moxtgomlrt. Select. 19 718 HYMN 367, 368. Select. " HYMN 367. S. M. Lisbon. [*] The Ransomed of the Lord shall return,&c. Isa. xxxv,10. s 1 \/"OUR happy voices join, Jl And strike the heavenly song ; Ye pilgrims, in Jehovah's ways With music pass along, e 2 How straight the path appears ! How open and how fair ! No lurking gins t'entrap our feet — No fierce destroyer there, b 3 But flowers of paradise In rich profusion spring; The sun of glory gilds the path And dear companions sing, s 4 See Salem's golden spires, In beauteous prospect rise ; And brighter crowns than mortals wear, Far sparkle through the skies. u 5 All honour to his name, Who marks the shining way ; To him, who leads the pilgrims on To realms of endless day. Doddridge altered. HYMN 368. S. M. >S:^. TJwmas. [*] The Christian s Warfare. o 1 OOLDIERS of Christ, arise, k3 And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplies Through his eternal Son; 2 Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in his mighty power. Who in the strength of Jesus trusts. Is more than conqueror. u 3 Stand then in his great might. With all his strength endued ; But take to arm you for the fight. The pano*ply of God : — 4 That having all things done, And all your conflicts past. Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone. And stand entire at last. B 5 From strength to strength go on. Wrestle, and fight, and pray, Tread all the powers of darkness down, And win the well-fought day. Se.ec HYMN 369, 370. 719 G Still let the Spirit cry In all his soldiers, •• Come," Till Christ the Lord descend from high, x^iid talie the conquerors home. C. Wesley. HYMN 369. C. P. M. Rapture, [*]"" Tlic hcat'fic Vision. 1 /^OME on, my partners in distress, Vy Companions tliruugh the wilderness, Who still your bodies feel ; Awhile forget your griefs and fears, And look beyond this vale of tears, To that celestial hill. s 2 Beyond the bounds of time and space Look forward to that heavenly place. The saints' secure abode ; On faith's strong eagle pinions rise, And force your passage to the skies, And scale the mount of God. p 3 We sutfer with our Master here — s But shall before his face appear. And by his side sit down ; To patient faith the prize is sure ; And all that to the end endure The cross, shall wear the crown. 4 The great mysterious Deity, We soon with open face shall see : The beatific sight a Shall fill heaven's sounding courts with praise, And wide ditfuse the golden blaze Of everlasting light. 5 The Father shininor on his throne. The glorious co-eternal Son, The Spirit, one and seven, o Conspire our rapture to complete ; And lo I we fall before his feet, e And silence heightens heaven, d G In hope of that ecstatic pause, Jesus, we now sustain the cross. And at thy footstool fall ; Till thou our hidden life reveal. Till tliou our ravished spirits fill, o And God be all in all ! C. Wesley. '^S HYMN 370. C. M. Braij. [*] The luur Approach of Salvation. ERVANTS of God. awake ! arise I And lift your voices high : 720 HYMN 371, 372. Select Praise and adore that boundless love, Which brings salvation nigh. 2 Swift on the vikings of time it flies, Each moment brings it near ; Then gladly viev^^ ea>ch closing day, Gladly each closing year. e 3 For i'ew, indeed, their round shall run, Few future mornings rise ; Ere all its glories stand revealed To our admiring eyes s 4 Ye wheels of nature, speed your course : Ye mortal powers, decay : Fast as ye bring the night of death, Ye bring eternal day. Pratt's Col HYMN 371. S. M. Tolland, [*] Exhortat'on to Pra'se and Thanksgiving. u 1 QTAND up and bless the Lord, k5 Ye people of his choice : Stand up and bless the Lord your God, With heart and soul and voice. 2 Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, Who would not fear his holy name, And laud, and magnify ? 3 O for the living flame From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our souls inspire. And wing to heaven our thought, b 4 There with benign regard Our hymns he deigns to hear ; Thouofh unrt-vealed to mortal sense, The spirit feels them near, u 5 God is our strength and song, And his salvation ours ; Then be his love in Christ proclaimed Witli all our ransomed powers. 6 Stand up and bless the Lord, The Lord your God adore; Stand up and bless his glorious Name, Henceforth, for evermore. Montgomery HYMN 372. 8 &l7~ 'o^viUe. [*] "" Cnrnr and help us. g ^ Tf ARK ! what mean thf)st' Imiu ntntions, jL\ Rolling sadly through the sky ? 'Tis the cry of heathen nations — ** Come and help us, or we die !*' Select. HYMN 373, 374. 721 2 Hear the heathens" sad complaining. Christians ! hear their dying cry . And, the love of Christ constraining, Haste to help them, ere they die. Cawccd. HYMN 373. 8, 7 &. 4. Tamicorth. [*j Prayer for the Heathen. p 1 /f^ER the realms of pagan darkness, \^^ Let the eye of pity gaze; See the kindreds of the people, Lost in sin's bewildering maze : Darkness brooding — On the face of all the earth, s 2 Light of them who sit in error ! Rise and shine, thy blessings bring; Light, to lighten all the Gentiles I Rise with healing in thy wing. To thy brightness — Let all kings and nations come. — 3 Let the heathen, now adoring Idol-gods of wood and stone, Come, and, worshipping before Him, Serve the living God alone. Let thy glory — Fill the e.irth as floods the sea. s 4 Thon ' to whom all power is given, Speaxi the word 1 at thy command. Let the company of preachers Spread thy name from land to land : Lord ! be vrith them — Always, till time's latest end ! HYMN 374. L. M. Angels' Hymn, [b or *] The Gathering of the Gentiles. o 1 rriHE heathen perish: day by day, .1- Thousands on thousands pass away ' O Christians 1 to their rescue fly, Preach Jesus to them ere they die. — 2 Wealth, labour, talents, freely give, Yea. life itself, that they may live ; What hath your Saviour done for you? And what for him will ye not do .-* u 3 Thou Spirit of the Lord, go forth, Call in the south, wake up The north ; Of every clime, from sun to sun, Gather God's children into one. Montgojierv. 19 * 722 HYMN 375, 376. Select HYMN 375. 7 & 6. Missionary Hymn. [*] Come over and help us. 1 TTIROM Greenland's icy mountains, X; From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand, From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain. They call us to deiiv^er Their land from error's chain. p 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile ; In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen, in his blindness, Bows down to wood and stone. — 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? s Salvation ! O Salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story. And you, ye waters, roll. Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransomed nature. The Lamb for sinners slain. Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. Bishop Heber. HYMN 376. L. M. Winchelsea. [*] u 1 SOVEREIGN of worlds ! display thy power, k3 Be this thy Zion's favoured hour: Bid the bright morning star arise. And point the nations to the skies. 2 Set up thy throne where Satan reigns, On Afric's shore, in India's plains. On wilds and continents unknown ; And make the universe thine own. Select. HYMN 377, 378. 723 3 Speak ! and the world shall hear thy voice, Speak I and the desert shall rejoice : Scatter the gloom of heathen night, And bid all nations hail the light. HYMN 377. P. M. Haddam. [*] Increase cf the Church. g 1 i> ISE. gracious God I and shine _irV In all thy saving might: And prosper each design, To sprt ad thy glorious light : Let healing streams of mercy flow. That all the earth thy truth may know. u 2 Put forth thy glorious power I The nations then will see, And earth present her store In converts born of thee : God. our own God, his church will bless. And earth shall yield her full increase. HYMN 378. C. M. Westmoreland, [*] Praijer for the Re/'gn cf Christ. g 1 TESUS, Immortal King, arise ! *^ Rise and assert thy sway ; Till earth, subdued, its tribute brings, Arui distant lands obey. u 2 Ride forth, victorious Conqueror, ride, Till all thy foes submit, And all the powers of hell resign Their trophies at thy feet I 3 Send forth thy word, and let it fly, This spacious earth around ; Till every soul beneath the sun Shall hear the joyful sound ! — 4 Oh may the great Redeemer's name Through every clime be known ' And heathen gods, like Dagon, fall, And Jesus reign alone. 8 5 From sea to sea, from shore to shore, May Jesus be adored ! And earth, with all her millions shout, Hosanaas to the I^ord. Fkatt's Cot. 724 HYMN 379—381. Select. HYMN 379. P. M. Haddam, [*] Prmjer for the Comir^ of the Kingdom of God, s 1 "OISE. Sun of Glory, rise! _ir^ And chase those shades of night Which now obscure the skies, And hide the sacred light : Oh chase those dismal shades away, And bring the bright millennial day. — 2 Send now thy Spirit down On all the nations, Lord ! With great success to crown The preaching of thy word : That heathen lands may own thy sway, And cast their idol-gods away. — 3 Then shall thy kingdom come Among our fallen race. And the whole earth become The temple of thy grace ; Whence pure devotion shall ascend And songs of praise, till time shall end. Pratt's Col. HYMN 380. H. M. DanvelVs, [=^] Prayer for the Conversion of the World. g 1 SOVEREIGN of worlds above, k3 And Lord of all below, Thy faithfulness and love, Thy power and mercy show : Fulfil thy word, I Let heathens live, Thy Spirit give ; | And praise the Lord. — 2 Few be the years that roll. Ere all shall worship thee ; The travail of his soul Soon let the Saviour see : s O God of grace ! I Fill earth with joy, Thy power employ; | And heaven with praise. HYMN 331. L. M. Luton. [*] For the Influence of the Spirit on the Word. 1 f\ SPIRIT of the living God ! ^ / In all the fulness of thy grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race. Select. HYMN 382, 333^ 725 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love To preach the reconciling word : Give power and unction from above, Whene'er the joyful sound is heard. — 3 Be darkness, at thy coming, light; Confusion, order, in thy path ; o Souls without strength, inspire with might, Bid mercy triumph over wrath 1 — 4 Baptize the nations ! far and nigh, The triumphs of the cross record; The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call him Lord. 5 God from eternity hath willed — *• All flesh shall my salvation see :" So be the Father's love fulfilled, The Saviour's sufferings crowned by thee ! Montgomery. HYxMiN 382. C. M. Broomsgrove. [*]"" To the Holy Spirit. —1 CJPIRIT of power and might, behold 1^ X world by sin destroyed : Creator Spirit, as of old, Move on the formless void, g 2 Give thou the word : that healing sound Shall quell the deadly strife, And earth again, like Eden crowned. Bring forth the Tree of Life, s 3 If sang the morning stars for joy, When nature rose to view, What strains will angel-harps employ. When thou shalt all renew ! HYMN 383. 8, 7, &l 4. Tamicorth [*] 1 T T^HO, but thou, almighty Spirit, ▼ T Can the heathen world reclaim ? Men may preach, but till thou favour, Pagans will be still the same. Mighty Spirit I Witness to the Saviour's name. 2 Thou hast promised, by the prophets. Glorious liixht in latter days : Come and bless bewildered nations. Change our prayers and tears to praise. Promised Spirit ! Round the world diflfuse thy rays. 726 HYMN 884, 385. Select 3 All our hopes, and prayers, and labours, Must be vain without thine aid ; But thou wilt not disappoint us — All is true that thou hast said : Faithful Spirit ! O'er the world thine influence shed. HYMN 384. C. M. Tolland, [*] For Millennial Days. s 1 OEND forth thy word, and let it fly, k3 Armed with thy Spirit's power ; Ten thousands shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour ! 2 Beneath the influence of thy grace The barren waste shall rise : With sudden green and fruits arrayed — A blooming paradise. 3 Peace, with her olive crown, shall stretch Her wings from shore to shore ; The nations of the earth shall hear The sound of war no more. 4 Lord ! for those days we wait : those days Are in thy word foretold : Fly swifter, sun and stars, and bring This promised age of gold. o 5 Amen ! with joy divine, let earth's Unnumbered myriads cry ! Amen ! with jny divine, let heaven's Unnumbered choirs reply. HYMN 385. 8, 7, & 4. Tannvorth. [*] Restoration and Glory of the Church, g 1 iT^N the mountain's top app'-aring, X^ Lo ! the sacred herald stands; Welcoine news to Zion bearing, Zion long in hostile la^ids. Drooping captive ! — God himself will loose thy bands. — 2 God, thy God, will now restore thee : He himself appears thy friend : All thy foes shall flee before thee ; Her? their boasts and triumphs end : Great deliverance — Zion's Kinff vouchsafes to send. Select. HYMN 336, 337. 727 3 Enemies no more shall trouble, All thy wrongs shall be redressed : ^•' For thy shame thou shalt have double," in thy Maker's favour blessed : All thy conflicts — End in one eternal rest. Kelly. HYMN 386. C. M. Christmas. [*] Restoration of Israel. 8 1 y^AUGHTEPc of Zion! from the dust -L/ Exalt thy fallen head ; Again in thy Redeemer trust ; He calls thee from the dead, 9 2 Awake, awake, put on thy strength, Thy beautiful array : The day of freedom dawns at length, •The Lords appointed day. — 3 Rebuild thy walls, thy bounds enlarge, And send thy heralds forth : Say to the south, -^ Give up thy charge, And keep not back, O north/' s 4 They come, they come — thine exiled bands, Where'er they rest or roam, Have heard thy voice in distant lands. And hasten to their home. Montgomery. HYMN 387. 8, 7, & 4. Tamworth. [*] Spread of the Gospel. 1 "X^E^ • ^6 l^rust the day is breaking; JL Joyful times are near at hand; ^ God — the mighty God is speaking hy his Word, in every land; When he chooses. Darkness flies at his command, 2 While the foe becomes more daring, While he enters like a flood, God, the Saviour, is preparing Means to spread his truth abroad : Every langruage Soon shall u/ll the love of God. 3 God of Jacob, high and glorious, Let thy people see thy hand : 728 HYMN 388, 389. Select." Let the gospel be victorious, Through the world — in every land ; Then shall idols Perish, Lord — at thy command. Kelly. HYMN 388. H. M. DarweWs, [*] s 1 ^^ ZION, tune thy voice, \y And raise thy hands on high ; Tell all the earth thy joys, And boast salvation nigh. Cheerful in God, Arise and shine, While rays divine Stream all abroad. —2 He gilds thy mourning face With beams that cannot fade ; His all-resplendent grace He pours around thy head. The nations round Thy form shall view, With lustre new Divinely crowned. u 3 In honour to his name, Reflect that sacred light ; And loud that grace proclaim, Which makes thy darkness bright: Pursue his praise. Till sovereign love In worlds above The glory raise. 4 There on his holy hill A brighter sun shall rise, And with his radiance fill Those lairer, purer skies ; While round his throne, Ten thousand stars. In nobler spheres, His influence own. Doddridge. HYMN 389. 7 & 6. Romaine, [*] o 1 XTAIL to the Lord's anointed ! XJ- Great David's greater Son; Hail in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free, Select. HYxAIN 390. 729 To take away transgression, And rule in equity. — 2 He comes, with succour speedy To those who suffer wrong ; To help the poor and needvj And bid the weak be strong; To give them songs for sighing, Their daikness turn to Tight, Whose souls, condemned and dying, Were precious in his sight. 3 For him shall prayer unceasing, And daily vows ascend : His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end : The mountain-dews shall nourish A seed in weakness sown, Whose fruit shall spread and flourish, And shade like Lebanon, s 4 0"er every foe victorious. He on his throne shall rest, From age to age more orlorious, All-bfessing nnd all-bles. : The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall staiid forever ; That name to us is — Love. 3Joxtgomeky. HYMN 390. ,s. Pilgrim. [*] Jesus shaU reign. S 1 TTARK! the Song of Jub'Iee, _irX Loud — as mighty thunders roar : Or the fulness of the sea, tJ'Vhen it breaks upon tiie shore — 2 Hallelujah ! for the Lord, God Omnipotent, shu.ll reign : Hnllelujah 1 let the word Echo round tL earth and main. 3 Hallelujah 1 hark ! the sound, From the centre to the skies, Wakes, above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies I 4 See Jehovah's banners furled, Sheathed his sword ! He speaks — 'tis done^ And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdom of his Son. Select. 20 7^0 HYMN 391—393. Select. 5 He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway : g He shall reign, when, like a scroll, Yonder heavens have passed av^^ay ! Jj — 6 Then the end — beneath his rod, •" Man's last enemy shall fall: s Hallelujah ! Christ in God, God in Christ, is All in All. Montgomery. HYMN 391. L. M. Park Street. [*] The Redeemer reigns. u 1 OING, for the blest Redeemer reigns, k3 Through distant lands his triumphs spread; And sinners, freed from endless pains, Own him their Saviour and their Head. — 2 His sons and daughters from afar, Daily at Zion's gates arrive ; Those who were dead in sin bpfore, By sovereign grace are made alive, u 3 Oh may his conquests still increase, And every foe his arm subdue ; While angels celebrate his praise, And saints his glowing glories shew, s 4 Loud hallelujahs to the Lamb, From all below and all above ; In lofty songs exalt his name, In songs as lasting as his love. " HYMN 392. Ts. Aicester, [*] Jesus reigns. s 1 ^T^rAKE the song of jubilee, Y V Let it echo o'er the sea ! Now is come the promised hour ; Jesus reigns with sovereign power ! 2 All ye nations, join and sing, Christ, of lords and kings, is King ; Let it sound from shore to shore, Jesus reigns for evermore. 3 Now the desert lands rejoice ; And the islands join their voice ; Yea, the whole creation sings, Jesus is the King of kings. HYMN 393. 8, 7, tfel Tamicorth. [*] Encouragement to Missionaries. 1 11/rEN of God ! go take your stations ! JlY-L Darkness reigns throughout the earth, Select. HYxMN 394, 395. 731 o Go, proclaim among the nations Joyful news of heavenly birth : Bear the tidings — Of the Saviour's matchless worth ! 2 When exposed to fears and dangers, Jesus will his own defend ; Boine afar midst foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your Friend; And his presence — Shall be with you to the end. Kelly. HYMN 394. 7 & 6. Romaine. [^] 1 T3 OLL on, thou mighty ocean ! _I_V And as thy billows riow, Bear messengers of mercy To every land below. Arise, ye gales ! and w^aft them Safe to the destined shore ; That man may sit in darl^vuess, And death's black shade, no more. 2 O thou Eternal Ruler ! Who boldest in thine arm The tempests of the ocean, Protect them from all harrh ! Thy presence e'er be with them, Wherever they may be ; Though far from us who love them, Still let them be with thee. HYxMN 395. 7s. Pilgrim. [*] u 1 /^ O ! ye messengers of God, vX Like the beams of morning, fly ; Take the wonder-working rod, W^ave the Banner-Cross on high 1 2 Where th' aspirant minaret Gleams along the morning skies, Wave it till the crescent set. And the *• Star of Jacob" rise. — 3 Go ! to many a tropic isle, In the bosom of the deep, W^here the skies for ever smile, And th' oppressed forever weep ! — 4 O'er the negro's night of care Pour the living light of heaven; Chase away the fiend despair, Bid him hope to be forgiven 1 732 HYMN 398, 397. Select. s 5 When the golden gates of* day Open on the pahny east. Wide the bleeding cross display, Spread the gospel's richest feast. — 6 Circumnavigate the ball, Visit every soil and sea: Preach the cross of Christ i^) all — Jesus' love is full and free. J. Marsden. HYMN 396. 8, 7, &. 4. Tamworth. [*] Farewell to Mlsnonaries. s 1 ^^ O, ye heralds of salvation, VJT Go, proclaim redeeming blood ; Publish to that barb'rous nation. Peace and pardon from our God; Tell the heathen. None but Christ can do them good. — 2 While the gospel trump y<^u're sounding, May the Spirit seal the word, And, through sovereign grace abounding, Heathen bow and own the Lord ; Idolcj leaving, God alone shall be adored. — 3 Distant though our souls are blending, Still our hearts are warm and true ; In our prayers to heaven ascending, Brethren — we'll remember you ; Heaven preserve you, Safely all your journey through. 4 When your mission here is finished, And your work on earth is done, May your souls, by grace replenished, Find acceptance through the Son ; Thence admitted, Dwell for ever near his throne. u 5 Loud hosannas now resounding, — Make the heavenly arches ring : Grace to sinful men abound: ig, Ransomed millions sweetly sing ; While with rapture, All adore their heavenly King. Baldwin. HYMN 397. 8, 7, & 4. Smyrna, [b] Missionaries' Farewell. p 1 "^/"ES, my native? land, I love thee ; JL All thy sceiics I love them well. Select. HYMN 398. 733 Friends, connexions, happy country ! Can I bid you all farewell? Can i leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell ? 2 Home ! thy joys are passing lovely ; Joys no stranger-heart can tell ! Happy home ! lis sure 1 love thee ! Can I — can I say — Farewell ? Can I leave thee. Far in heathen lands to dwell ? 3 Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure, Holy days and Sabbath-bell, d Pvichest. brightest, sweetest treasure ! Can I say a last farewell ? Can I leave you. Far in heathen lands to dwell ? s 4 Yes I I hasten from you gladly, From the scenes I love so well ! Far away, ye billows, bear me ; Lovely native land, farevrell 1 Pleased I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell. 5 In the deserts let me labour, On the mountains let me tell. How he died — the blessed Saviour — To redeem a world from hell • Let me hasten. Far in heathen lands to dwell, 6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean Let the winds my canvass sw^ell — Heaves my heart with warm emotion, While I go far hence to dwell, o Glad 1 bid thee, Native land 1 — Farewell — Farew^ell ! S. F. Smith HYMN 393. L. M. WincJielsea. [*] Glory aicaiting faithful Missionaries. g 1 Tjl TERNAL Lord ! from land to land, 1 i Shall echo thine all-glorious name, Till kingdoms bow at thy command, And every lip thy praise proclaim. 2 Exalted high, on every shore, The banner of the cross, unfurled, Shall summon thousands to adore The Saviour of a ransomed worici. 20^ 734 HYMN 399, 400. Select. s 3 Thousands shall join thy pilgrim band And, by that sacred standard led. Press ibrward to Imnianuers land, Nor fear the thorny path to tread. 4 Triumphant over every foe, Their ransomed numbers shall move on, To that blest world where sin and woe Shall never mingle with their song. HYM-N 399. L. M. Angels' Hymn, [b or *] For Missionary Associations. g 1 A SSEMBLED at thy great command, jlIl Before thy face, dread King, we stand; The voice that marshalled every star. Has called thy people from afar. . — 2 We meet through distant lands to spread The truth for which the martyrs bled ) Along the line — to either pole — The thunder of thy praise to roll. 3 First bow our hearts beneath thy sway ; Then give thy growing empire v/ay, O'er wastes of sin — o'er fields of blood — Till all mankind shall be subdued. 4 Our prayers assist — accept our praise — Our hopes revive — our courage raise — Our counsels aid — and oh ! impart, The single eye — the faithful heart. Collyer. HYMN 400. L, M. Duke Street. [^J"" Active, Benevolence in Imitation of Christ. o 1 "^7t7"^E^ ^roTCi the glorious realms of day, v V On wings of love, the Saviour flew, He walked through mercy's heavenly way. And bade the world his steps pursue. p 2 The blind, the lame, his power confessed; The dumb broke forth in grateful strains ; He gave the wearied spirit rest, And loosed the prisoner from his chains. — 3 And shall not they whose lips resound The matchless deeds the Saviour wrought, Like him in charity abound. And practise what his goodness taught.^ — 4 Ye who his grace so freely share, Your willing aid as freely give ; Your lively faith and love declare, And in his sacred precepts live. Select. HYMN 401, 402. 735 u 5 Honour youi' Savioiir, speak his pruise : By acts of lovo his graco -proclaim; Sweet antiieins to his glory raise. And in hosannas sonnd his name, HYMX 401. L. P. Al. Pahstine, [b] Saturday Evening. € 1 O WEET is the last, the parting ray, ^^ Tliit ushers placid evening in ; When witli the still, expiring day, The Sabbilh's peaceful hours begin ; Ho'vV grateful to the anxious breast The sacred hours of holy rest ! — 2 Kushea is the tumult of the day, And worldly caics and business cease; While soft the vesper breezes play. To hymn the glad return of peace : Delightful seison • kindly given To turn the v/anderin-- thoughts to heaven. — 3 Oft as this peaceful hour shall come. Lord, raise my thoughts from earthly things, And bear them to my heavenly home. On faith and hope's celestial vrings, — Ti-1 the last gleam of life decay. In one eternal Sabbath-day. HYMN 402. P. M. Haddam. [*] Lord's Djy. s 1 .f^iHILDREN of God. a^vake, 'V7 And hail this sacred day ; In loftiest songs of praise Your grateful homage pay; Come, bless the day that God hath blest, The type of heavens eternal rest. 2 On this auspicious morn The Lord of lifo arose ; M He burst the bars of death. And vanquished all our foes ; — And now he pleads our cause above, And reaps the fruit of all his love. 6 3 All hail, triumphant Lord ! Heaven with hosannas rings; — And earth with humbler strains s Thy praise responsive sings — '• Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, Through endless years to live and reign i 736 HYMN 403—405. Select. HYMN 403. L. M. Blmdon. [*] " There remaineth a Rest to the People of God* 1 rriHINE earthly Sabbaths, Lord! we love, s i But there's a nobler rest above j — Oh that we might that rest attain From sin. from sorrow, and from pain, s 2 In thy blest kingdom we shall be From every mortal trouble free ; No sighs shall mingle with the songs Resounding from immortal tongues, p 3 No rude alarms of raging foes, No cares to break the long repose. No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon, s 4 Oh long-expected day, begin ! Dawn on this world of wo and sin : Fain would we leave this weary road. And sleep in death, to rest in God. Doddridge. HYMN 404. C. M. Broomsgrove. [*] Jl H jmn for the Evening of the Lord's Day. 1 T^REQUENT the day of God returns, JL To shed its quickening beams ; p And yet how slow devotion burns ! How languid are its flames ! 2 Accept our faint attempts to love, Our frailties. Lord, forgive ; — We would be like thy saints above, o And praise thee while we live. — 3 Increase, O Lord, our faith and hope. And fit us to ascend, Where the assembly ne'er breaks up. The Sabbath ne'er shall end ; — 4 Where we shall breathe in heavenly air, With heavenly lustre shine ; Before the throne of God appear, And feast on love divine. Brown, HYMN 405. 7s. Pilgrim. [*] S:ihhath Morning Prayer Meeting. —1 "rTE/WENLY Spirit! may each heart Jn Through these sacred hours be ihine; May we from the world depart, Breathing after things divine. Select. HYMN 406, 407. 737 o 2 Lead us forth with joy and peace To thy temple, in thy ways ; e And when this sweet day shall cease, g May its sun go down with praise ! — 3 May thy ministers declare All thy word of truth with power, Till the sinner bend in prayer. Conquered in that mighty hour. 4 So nay we, who worship here, Profit by thy word to-day ; And more love, and peace, and fear Carry from thy house away. HYMN 406. L. M, Stonefield. [*] Fi./- the BiLS^ing cf FitJcr. Son, and Spirit. 1 ^OMMAND thy blessing from above, x_y O God I on all assembled here ; Behold us with a Fathers love, While we look up with filial fear. 2 Command thy blessing, Jesus, I'Ord ! May we thy true disciples be : Speak to each heart the mighty word. Say to the weakest, '• Follow me." 3 Command thy blessing in this hour, Spirit of Truth ! and fill this place With humbling and exalting power, With quickening and confirming grace. 4 O thou, our Maker, Saviour, Guide, One ti ^e Eternal God confest ; May nought in life or death divide The saints in thy communion blest. Montgomery. HYMN 407. C. M. Stephens. [* or b] -e 1 ~\J%TE bovv^ before thy gracious throne, V ¥ And think ourselves sincere ; But show us, Lord, is every one Thy real worshipper ? — 2 Is here a soul that knows thee not. Nor feels his want of thee ? A stranger to the blood which bought His pardon on the tree ? 3 Speak with that voice which wakes the deaxl, And bid th" sleeper rise ! And bid his guilty conscience dread The death that never dies. 738 HYMN 408—410. Select. e 4 Call forth the cry, ^' What must be done '^ To save a wretch like me ? e " How shall a trembling sinner shun ^' That endless misery?" Wesley's Col. HYMN 408. 8, 7, &, 4. Tamworth. [*] After Sermon. 1 ~W ORD ! dismiss us with thy blessing ; H i Fill our hearts with joy and peace : Let us all, thy love possessing, u Triumph in redeeming grace ! Oh refresh us — Travelling through this wilderness, s 2 Thanks we give and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound : Let the fruits of thy salvation In our he;irt3 and lives abound: May thy presence — With us evermore be found. RippaN. HYMN 409. L. M. Alfreton. [*] Baptism. 1 I^OME, Holy Ghost^ descend from high; Vy Baptizer of our spirits, thou i The sacramental seal apply, And witness with the water now. 2 Pour forth thy energy divine, And sprinkle the atoning blood : May Father, Son, and Spirit join. To seal this child a child of God ! HYMN 410. C. M. Stephens. [*] Baptism. 1 yESUS, we lift our souls to thee ! «! Thy Holy S]:)irit breathe ; And let this little infant be Baptized into thy death. 2 Oh let thine unction on it rest. Thy grace its soul renew ; And write within its tender breast Thy name and nature too. 3 If thou shouldst quickly end its days, Its place with thee prepare ; And if thou lengthen out its race, Continue still thy care. Select. HYMN 411—413. 739 HYxMN 411. L. M. Costellow. [^] The Lord's Supper. 1 TTERE let us see thy face, O Lord, JlJL And view salvation with our eyes, And taste and feel the living Word, The Bread descending from the skies. 2 Thou hast prepared this dying Lamb, Hast set his blood before our face, To teach the terrors of thy name, And show the wonders of thy grace. s 3 Jesus ! our light ! our morning star ! Shine thou on nations yet unknown; The glory of thy people here, And joy of spirits near thy throne. Pratt's Col, HYMN 412. 7^6. Chaplin, [b] The Lord's Supper. 1 f AMBofGod! whose l3leeding love JLi We now recall to mind, Send the answer from above. And let us mercy find ; Think on us, who think on thee, And every burdened soul release ; Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace ! 2 By thine agonizing pain. And bloody sweat, we pray ; By thy dying love to man, Take all our sins away : Burst our bonds, and set us free. From all iniquity release ; Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace ! 3 Through thy blood, by faith applied. Let sinners pardon feel : Speak us freely justified, And all our sickness heal ; By thy passion on the tree, Let all our griefs and troubles cease ; Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. Wesley's Col. L HYMN 413. C. M. Tolland. [*] The Lord's Supper. ORD I at thy table we behold The wonders of thy grace ; r4a HYMN 414—416. Select. But most of all admire that we Should find a welcome place — 2 Wc, who were all defiled with sin, And rebels to our God ! We, who have crucified thy Son, And trample ri on liis blood ! 3 What strange, surprising grice is this. That we, so lost, have room ! Jesus our weary souls invites, And freely bids us come. 11 4 Ye saints below, and hosts above I Join all your sacred powers; No theme is like redeeming love, No Saviour is like ours. Stennett. HYMN 414. 7s. Pilgrim, [b] 1 ~|3READ of heaven! on thee we ^eeiij J3 For thy licoh is meat indeed : Ever let our souls be fed With this true nnd living bread ! 2 Vin-' of heaven ! thy blood supplies This blest cup of sp.crifice : Lord ! thy wouxids our healing give,. To thy cross we look and live. 3 Day by doy with strength supplied, Through the life of him who died: Loi J of life ! O let us be R.ooted, grafted, built on thee ! P.iatt'& Col. HYMN 415. 9 & 8. Boiocry. [*] 1 I^READ of the world, in mercy broken ! -13 Wine of the soul, in mercy shed ! By whom the words of life were spoken, And in whose death our sins are dead ! 2 Look on the heart by sorrow broken, Look on the tears by sinners shed ; And be thy feast to us the token, That by thy grace our souls are fed. Bishop Heber. HYMN 416. C. M. Archdak. [*] Joining in Covenant with God. Is. xliv, 5. !> 1 ^^OME, let us join our souls to God, Vy In everlasting bands ; And seize the blessings he bestows, With eager hearts and hands. Select, HYMN 417, 418. 741 o 2 Come, let us to his temple haste, And seek his favour there ) Before his footstool humbly bow. And pour our fervent prayer. '——3 Come, let us seal, without delay, The covenant of his grace ; Nor shall the years of distant life Its memory efface- 4 Thus may our rising offspring haste To seek their fathers' God ; Nor e'er forsake the happy path Their fathers' feet have trod. Pratt's Cc«« HYMN 417. C. M. Stephens. [*] Joining the Chvrch of Christ. g 1 TIJT'ITNESS, ye men and angels, now, Y T Before the Lord we speak j To him we make our solemn vow, A vow we dare not bre^k — —2 That long as life itself shall last. Ourselves to Christ we yield ; Nor from his cause will we depart, Or ever quit the field. 3 We trust not in our native strength, But on his grace rely, That, with returning wants, the Lord Will all our need supply. 4 O guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep us in thy ways ; And while we turn our vows to prayers, g Turn thou our prayers to praise. Beddomx. HYMN 418. L. M. Costellow. [*] Reception into Christian Fellowship. 1 /^OME in, thou blessed of the Lord, \j Enter in Jesus' precious name, We welcome thee with one accord, And trust the Saviour does the same. 2 Those joys which earth cannot afford, We'll seek in fellowship to prove, Joined in one spirit to our Lord, Together bound by mutual love. 3 And while we pass this vale of tears, We'll make our joys and sorrows known ; We'll share each other's hopes and fears.^ And count a brother's cares our own. Select. 21 742 HYMN 419, 420. Select. 4 Once more our welcome we repeat, Receive assurance of our love : may we all together meet Around the throne of God above ! HYMN 419. S. M. Shirland, [* or b] Love to the Church. o 1 "I" LOVE thy kingdom, Lord, A The house of thine abode, The church our blest Redeemer saved,. With his own precious blood. — 2 If e'er to bless thy sons, My voice or hands deny, These hands let useful skill forsake, This voice in silence die. 3 If e'er my heart forget Her welfare or her wo. Let every joy this heart forsake, And every grief o'erflow. 4 For her my tears shall fall ; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. Dwight, HYMN 420. L. M. Munich, [b] " For a Sunday School Union Anniversary Meeting. 1 "17^ ROM year to year in love we meet, _l_ From year to year in peace we part ) u The tongues of thousands uttering sweet The bosom-joy of every heart. e 2 But time rolls on, and year by year. We change, grow up, or pass away 3 Not twice the same assembly here Have hailed the children's festal day. p 3 Death, ere another spring, shall strike Some in our union, marked to fall ; Be young and old prepared alike. The warning is to each, to all. —4 Our times, our lives, are in thy hand 3 On thee for all things we rely ; Assured, while in thy grace we stand. To live is Christ, and gain to die. 5 Meanwhile our falling ranks renew ; Send children, teachers, in our place, More humble, docile, faithful, true. More like thy Son, from race to race. Montgomeri^. Select. HYxMN 421—423. 743 HYMN 421. S. M. Olmutz, [*] For Sunday Schools. 1 XTTITHIN these walls be peace, ▼ T Love through our borders found ; In all our litUe palaces Prosperity abound, p 2 God scorns not humble things ; Here, though the proud despise, g The children of the King of kings Are training for the skies. — 3 May none who thus are taught, From glory be cast down, But all through faith and patience brought u To an immortal crown. Montgomery HYMN 422. C. M. Laneshoro\ [*] For Sunday Schools. g 1 r I iHERE is a glorious world of light, JL Above the starry sky ; Where saints departed, clothed in white, Adore the Lord most high. 2 And hark ! amid the sacred songs Those heavenly voices raise, Ten thousand, thousand infant tongues Unite and perfect praise. —3 Those are the hymns that we shall know, If Jesus we obey : That is the place wliere we shall go, If found in wisdom's way. 4 This is the joy we ought to seek, And make our chief concern ; For this we come, from week to week, To read, and hear, and learn. p 5 Soon will our earthly race be run, Our mortal frame decay ', Children and teachers, one by one, Must droop, and pass away, e 6 Great God ! impress the serious thought, This day, on every breast ; That both the teachers and the taught May enter to thy rest. Jane Taylor. ^C HYMN 423. C. M. Abridge. [*] For Sunday Schools. OME, let our songs resound Within these peaceful walls ; 744 HYMN 424. Select. — The light of knowledge shines around, And e'en on us it falls. 2 Through God our Father's care. Though we deserved it not, - Our lives in pleasant places are, And goodly is our lot. s 3 This cheerful morning sun. That lights our happy plains, Shines, ere its daily course is run. Where heathen darkness reigns. — 4 He sees the savage wild Some idol's help implore ; He sees the untaught Indian child His painted gods adore. 5 Lord, let thy light, we pray. On them — on us arise : For we are foolish, blind as they. Till Jesus make us wise. 6 We learn thy blessed will, We read thy holy word, Then may we thy commands fulfill, Which others never heard. Jane Taylor. HYMN 424. C. M. Dundee, [*] What is Prayer f 1 TTJR-AYER is the soul's sincere desire _t Uttered, or unexpressed ; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast, 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear ; The upward glancing of an eye. When none but God is near, 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. 4 Prayer is the Chiistian's vital breath, The Christian's native air; His watchword at the gates of death ; He enters heaven with prayer. 5 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice. Returning from his ways ; U While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry, '* Behold, he prays I" Montgomkrt Select HYMN 425— 4-27. 745 HYxMN 425. C. M. Dcdham, [b or *] Retirement and Meditation. p 1 TT^AR from the world, O Lord, I flee, J_ From strife and tumult far ; From scenes where Satan wages still His most successful war. ■2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With prayer and praise agree ; And seem by thy sweet bounty made For those who follow thee. 3 There, if thy Spirit touch the soul, And grace her mean abode, Oh, with what peace, and joy, and love, She communes with her God ! — 4 Author and Guardian of my life, Sweet source of light divine, And (all harmonious names in one) My Saviour, thou art mine, s 5 What thanks I owe thee, and what love, A boundless, endless store, Shall echo through the realms above When time shall be no more. Cowper. HYMN 426. L. M. Nazareth. [^- or b] ^' JVJiere tico or three are met in mij name, there am /." Matt, xviii, 20. — 1 TT"QW sweet to leave the world awhile, XJ- And seek the presence of our Lord ! Dear Saviour, on thy people smile, And come according to thy word. 2 From busy scenes we now retreat. That we may here converse with thee : Ah, Lord, behold us at thy feet ! Let this the *• gate of heaven" be. 3 '^ Chief of ten thousand," now appear, That we by faith may see thy face ! Oh speak, that we thy Toice may hear. And let thy presence fill this place. Kelly. HYxMN 427. 7s. 3It. Calvary. [*] The Close of a Meeting for Prayer. 1 XF 'tis sweet to mingle where A Christians meet for social prayer ; If 'tis sweet with them to raise g Songs of holy joy and praise ^ — T46 HYMN 428, 429. Select. — O how sweet that state must be Where they meet eternally ! 2 Saviour^ may these meetings prove Preparations for above ; While we worship in this place, May we go from grace to grace ', Till we each, in his degree, Fit for endless glory be. ' HYMN 428. L. M. Wells. [*] On the Appointment of a Minister. 1 "\7t7"-^ ^^^ ^^^® welcome in the name T ▼ Of Jesus, our Exalted Head ; Come as a servant ; so he came ; And we receive thee in his stead. 2 Come as a shepherd : guard and keep This fold from hell, and earth, and sin; Nourish the lambs, and feed the sheep, The wounded heal, the lost bring in. 3 Come as an angel, hence to guide A band of pilgrims on their way ; That, safely walking at thy side, We fail not, faint not, turn nor stray. 4 Come as a teacher sent from God, Charged his whole counsel to declare : Lift o'er our ranks the prophet's rod, While we uphold thy hands with prayer. s 5 Come as a messenger of peace. Filled with the Spirit, fired with love : Live to behold our large increase. And die to meet us all above. HYMN 429. C. M. >S^^. Ann's. [*] Ministers watching for Souls. o 1 T ET Zion's watchmen all awake, JLi And take th' alarm they give : g Now let them from the mouth of God Their awful charge receive. — 2 'Tis not a cause of small import The pastor's care demands; But what might fill an angel's heart. And filled a Saviour's hands. 3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heavenly bliss forego ; For souls, which must forever live In happiness or wo. Select. HYMxN 430—432. 747 4 May they thai Jesus whom they preach j Their own Redeemer see I And watch thou daily o'er their souls. That they may watch for thee. Doddridge. HYMN 430. 8 & 7. Sicilian Hymn, [b] For a Revival . ;j 1 OAVIOUR, visit thy plantation; fj O Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain ! All will come to desolation. Unless thou return again. s 2 Keep no longer at a distance ; j Shine upon us from on high, j Lest, for want of thine assistance, \i p Every plant should droop and die. i 1 — 3 Let our mutual love be fervent, \\ Make us prevalent in prayers ; '^ Let each one esteemed thy servant i Shun the world's bewitching snares. • * 4 Break the tempter's fatal power; Turn the stony heart to flesh ; And begin from this good hour To revive thy work afresh. Newton HYMN 43L 7s. Hotliam. [*] six IGHT of life, seraphic fire, a i Love divine, thyself impart ; ' Every fainting soul inspire : Shine in every drooping heart : Every mournful sinner cheer, Scatter all our guilty gloom : Son of God, appear ! appear ! To thy human temples come. 2 Come in this accepted hour ; Bring thy heavenly kingdom in : Fill us with thy glorious power. Take away the love of sin : Nothing more can we require, We will covet nothing less ; Be thou all our hearts desire, All our joy, and all our peace. C. Wesley. HYMN 432. 7s. Evening Hymn, [b] Evening Hymn. 1 CJAVIOUR, breathe an evening blessing, O Ere repose our spirits seal : 748 HYMN 433, 434. Select. Sin and want we come confessing, Thou canst save and thou canst heal. Though destruction walk around us, Though the arrow near us fly, Angel-guards from thee surround us, We are safe, if thou art nigh. e 2 Though the night be dark and dreary, — Darkness cannot hide from thee ; Thou art he who, never weary, Watchest where thy people be ; Should swift death this night o'ertake us. And our couch become our tomb, May the morn, in heaven awake us, 6 Clad in light and deathless bloom. HYMN 433. L. P. M. St. Helen's. [*J" Tlianksglvlng for JVational Prosperity. 1 TXOW rich thy gifts, Almighty King ! JL JL From thee our public blessings spring ; The extended trade, the fruitful skies, The treasures liberty bestows, s The eternal joys the gospel shows, — All from thy boundless goodness rise. — 2 Here commerce spreads the wealthy store, Which pours from every foreign shore j Science and art their charms display ; Religion teaches us to raise s Our voices to our Maker's praise. As truth and conscience point the way. u 3 With grateful hearts, with joyful tongues, To God we raise united songs ; Here still may God in mercy reign ; Crown our just counsels Vv^ith success. With peace and joy our borders bless. And all our sacred rights maintain. Kippis. HYMN 434. 7s. Benevcnto. [b or *] New-year' s Day. p 1 "^"TTHILE, with ceaseless course, the sun W Hasted through the former year, Many souls their race have run, Never more to meet us here : Fixed in an eternal state, They have done with all below ; We a little longer wait — JBut how little, none can know. Select. HYMN 435,436. 749 o 2 As the winged arrow flies Speedily the mark to find ; As the licrhtning from the skies Darts and leaves no trace behind. — Swiftly thus our fleeting days Bear us down life's rapid stream; Lord, our expectations raise — All below is but a dream, g 3 Thanks for mercies past receive ; Former kindnesses renew : From this moment may we live Witti eternity in view : Bless the word to young and old : Shed abroad a Saviour's love ; And when life's short tale is told, May we dwell with thee above. Newton. HYMN 435. P. M. Ameshurij. [* or b] o 1 /^OME, let us anew our journey pursue, V-^ Roll round with the year, And never stand still, till the Master appear. 2 His adorable will let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve, By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. — 3 Our life is a dream ; our time, as a stream. Glides swiftly away ; And the fugitive moment refuses to stay. 4 The arrow is flown ; the moment is gone ', The millennial year Rushes on to our view, and eternity's here. s 5 O that each in the day of his coming may say, " I have fought my way through ; I have finished the work thou didst give me to do." 6 O that each, from his Lord, may receive the glad word, '• Well and faithfully done ; " Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne." HYMN 436. C. M. Canterbury, [b] Reflections on the State of our Fathers. e 1 TTQW swift the torrent rolls, XX Which bears us to the sea ! The tide which hurries thoughtless souls To vast eternity ! 750 HYMN 437. Select. 2 Our fathers, where are they, With all they called their own ? Their joys and griefs, and hopes and cares, And wealth and honour gone. 3 But joy or grief succeeds Beyond our mortal thought, While the poor remnant of their dust Lies in the grave forgot. e 4 There, where the fathers lie Must all the children dwell ; No other heritage possess, But such a gloomy cell. — 5 God of our fathers, hear, Thou everlasting Friend ! While we, as on life's utmost verge, Our souls to thee commend. 6 Of all the pious dead May we the footsteps trace, s Till with them, in the land of light. We dwell before thy face. Alexander's Col. HYMN 437. L. M. Dresden, [b or *i The Knell p 1 /^FT as the bell, with solemn toll, \J Speaks the departure of a soul, Let each from every trifle fly. And ask, ^' Am I prepared to die ?'' e 2 Soon, leaving all I love below, To God's tribunal I must go ; Must hear the Judge pronounce my fate. And fix my everlasting state. 3 O could I bear to hear him say, " Depart, accursed, far away ; " With Satan, midst the flames of hell, <^ Thou art forever doomed to dwell !" 4 Saviour ! O help me now to see And place my hope alone in thee ; Thy cleansing blood, thy spirit give. Subdue my sins, and bid me live ! 5 Then when the solemn bell I hear, If saved from guilt, I need not fear; Nor would the thought alarming be, <^ Perhaps it next may toll for me." ' , Select HYMN 438—440. 751 s 6 Rather my spirit would rejoice, And wish and long to hear thy voice ; Glad, when it bids me earth resign, Secure of heaven, if thou art mine ! Newton. HYMN 43S. C. M. Funeral Hymn, [b] A Thought of Eternity. p 1 "XXTHEN, rising from the bed of death, \ T O'ervrhelmed with guilt and fear, I see my Maker face to face, O, how shall I appear ? — 2 If yet^ while pardon may be found, And mercy may be sought, My heart with inward horror shrinks, And trembles at the thought ) g 3 When thou, O Lord, shalt stand disclosed In majesty severe, And sit in judgment on my soul, O, how shall I appear ? Addison. HYMN 439. S. M. Olmutz. [*] 1 "^TyAKED by tlie trumpet's sound, T T I from my grave shall rise, And see the Judge with glory crowned, And see the flaming skies. p 2 Who can resolve the doubt, That tears my anxious breast ? Shall I be with the lost cast out. Or numbered with the blest ? — 3 O thou that wouldst not have One wretched sinner die ; Who diedst thyself, my soul to save From endless misery ; — 4 Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe ! That when thou comest on thy throne, I may with joy appear. Wesley's Cor,, HYMN 440. C. M. Dumke. [*] Heaven, g 1 li^AR from these narrow scenes of night, J_ Unbounded glories rise, And realms of infinite delight, Unknown to mortal eyes. 752 HYMN 441, 44 2. Select — 2 Fair distant land ! could mortal eyes But half its charms explore, HoAv would our spirits long to rise, And dwell on earth no more ! 3 No cloud those blissful regions know, Realms ever bright and fair ! For sin, the source of mortal wo, Can never enter there, s 4 Oh may the heavenly prospect fire Our hearts with ardent love, Till wings of faith and strong desire Bear every thought above. 5 Prepare us, Lord ! by grace divine, For thy bright courts on high ; Then bid our spirits rise and join The chorus of the sky. Steele, HYMN 441. Laneshoro\ [b or *J The Heavenly Rest. p 1 r I iHERE is an hour of peaceful rest, JL To mourning wanderers given ; There is a joy for souls distrest, A balm for every wounded breast, 'Tis found above — in heaven. 2 There is a home for weary souls, By sin and sorrow driven ; When tossed on life's tempestuous shoals, Where storms arise, and ocean rolls, And all is drear but heaven. s 3 There, faith lifts up her cheerful eye, To brighter prospects given ; And views the tempest passing by, The evening shadows quickly fly, p And all serene in heaven, s 4 There, fragrant flowers, immortal, bloom, And joys supreme are given ; There, rays divine disperse the gloom : — Beyond the confines of the tomb Appears the dawn of heaven. Union Cot. HYMN 442. C. M. Tolland. [*] ' The Heavenly Jerusalem. Rev. xxi, 22. 1 TERUSALEM, my happy home ! V Name ever dear to me ! When shall my labours have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee ? Select. HYMN 443. 755 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls And pearly gates behold r Thy bulwarks, with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold ? 3 O when, thou city of my God, Shall I thy courts ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths have no end? 4 There happier bowers than Eden's bloom, Nor sin nor sorrow know : Blest seats I through rude and stormy scenes I onward press to you. 6 Why should I shrink at pain and wo ? Oi feel at death dismay .' I've Canaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. 6 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there, Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below, Will join Ihe glorious band. 7 Jerusalem ! my happy home ' My soul still pants for thee ; Then shall my labours have an end, When I thy joys shall see. C Weslet. HYMN 443. 8s. Goshen. [*] Earnest Desire of Heaven. U 1 X LONG to behold him arrayed A. With glory and light from above,— The King in his beauty displayed, His beauty of holiest love : p I languish and sigh to be there. Where Jesus has nxed his abode : O when shall we meet in the air B And fly to the mountain of God. — 2 With him I on Zion shall stand, (For Jesus hath spoken the word.) The breadth of Immanuel's land Survey by the light of my Lord ; But when on thy bosom reclined. Thy face I am strengthened to see. My fulness of rapture I find, My heaven of heavens, in thee. 3 How happy the people that dwell Secure in the city above ! Select. 22 / 754 HYMN 444, 445. Select. No pain the inhabitants feel, No sickness or sorrow shall prove. Physician of souls, unto me Forgiveness and holiness give ; And then from the body set free, And then to the city receive. Wesley's Col, HYMN 444. C. M. Dundee. [*] e 1 *\1^7HEN bending o'er the brink of life v ¥ My trembling soul shall stand, Waiting to pass death's awful flood, Great God, at thy command; p 2 When every long-loved scene of life Stands ready to depart ; When the last sigh that shakes the frame Shall rend this bursting heart ) 3 O thou great source of joy supreme, Whose arm alone can save. Dispel the darkness that surrounds The entrance to the grave ! 4 Lay thy supporting, gentle hand Beneath my sinking head ; s And with a ray of love divine, Illume my dying bed ! p 5 Leaning on thy dear faithful breast. May I resign my breath ! And in thy fond embraces lose '^ The bitterness of death." Collyer. HYMN 445. 8, 7, & 4. Greenville, [b or *] p 1 "^T7"HEN the vale of death appears, ¥ T (Faint and cold this mortal clay,) Kind forerunner, soothe my fears, Light me through the darksome way . Break the shadows, g Usher in eternal day. 8 2 Starting from this dying state, Upward bid my soul aspire ; Open thou the crystal gate. To thy praise attune my lyre ; Dwell for ever, Dwell on each immortal wire. 3 From the sparkling turrets there, Oft I'll trace my pilgrim way, Select. HYMN 446, 447. 755 Often bless thy guardian care, Fire by night and cloud by day, While my triumphs At my Leader's feet I lay. 4 And when mighty trumpets blown, Shall the judgment dawn proclaim, From the central burning throne, 'Mid creation's final flame, With the ransomed, Judge and Saviour, own my name ! Mrs. Gilbert. HYMN 446. L. M. Dresden, [b] The Living and the Dead. e 1 "^T7HERE are the dead ? In heavei^r hell Y T Their disembodied spirits dwell; Their buried forms in bonds of clay. Reserved until the judgment-day. — 2 Who were the dead? The sons of time, In every age, and state, and clime ; Renowned, dishonoured, or forgot, The place that knew them knows them not. 3 Where are the living ? On the ground. Where prayer is heard, and mercy found ; Where in the period of a span, The mortal makes th' immortal man. 4 Who are the living ? They whose breath Draws every moment nigh to death ; Of bliss or wo the eternal heirs ; O what an awful choice is theirs ! 5 Then, timely warned, may we begin. To follow Christ, and flee from sin, Daily grow up in him our Head, Lord of the living and the dead. Montgomery. HYMN 447. C. M. Laneshoro'. [b or *] The Dead icho die in the Lord. p 1 XN vain our fancy strives to paint JL The moment after death, The glories that surround the saint, When he resigns his breath. 2 One gentle sigh his fetters breaks ; We scarce can say, " He's gone," Before the willing spirit takes , Her mansion near the throne. 756 HYMN 448, 449. Select. — 3 Faith strives, but all its efforts fail, To trace her heavenward flight; No eye can pierce within the veil, Which hides that world of light. 4 Thus much (and this is all) we know, They are supremely blest ; Have done with sin, and care, and wo, And with their Saviour rest. s 5 On harps of gold his name they praise. His presence always view ; — And if v/e here their footsteps trace, There we shall praise him too. Newton. HYMN 448. 7s. Sabbath, [b or *] ^I'he dying Christian to Ids Soul. a 1 "^T^ITAL spark of heavenly flame ! p ? Quit, O quit this mortal frame ! TremblinfTj hoping, lingering, flying ; Oh the pain, the bliss of dying ! Cease, fond nature ! cease thy strife, And let me languish into life ! e 2 Hark, they whisper — angels say, o *' S'ster spirit, come away !" p What is this absorbs me quite, Steals my senses, shuts my sight, Drowns my spirits, draws my breath ? Tell me, my soul — can this be death .'* a 3 The world recedes ! — it disappears ! o Heaven opens on my eyes ! — my ears u With sounds seraphic ring ! s Lend, lend your wings ! I mount ! I fly ! O grave ! where is thy victory ? death ! where is thy sting ? Pope. HYMN 449. 8 & 7. Greenville. [*] The departing Saint. 1 XXAPPY soul, thy days are ended, _1_X All thy mourning days below; Go, by angel-guards attended, To the sight of Jesus go ! 2 Waiting to receive thy spirit, Lo ! the Saviour stands above, Shows the glory of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love. Select. HYMN 450—452. 757 3 Struggle through thy latest passion, To thy dear P^edeemer's breast, To his uttermost salvation, To his everlasting rest. 4 For the joy he sets before thee, Bear a momentary pain ; Die, to live the life of glory — Suffer, with thy Lord to reign. C. Wesley HYMN 450. L. M. Munich, [b] The Death of the Righteous. p 1 TTOW blest the righteous when they die, iX When holy souls retire to rest ! How mildly beams the closing eye ! How gently heaves th' expiring breast ! 2 So fades a summer cloud away : So sinks the gale when storms are o'er : So gently shuts the eye of day : So dies a wave along the shore. 3 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears. Where lights and shades alternate dwell ! s How bright th' unchanging morn appears ! p Farewell, inconstant world, farewell ! Barbauld. HYMN 451. C. M. Lanesboro\ [b] Happy Death of a Christian. p 1 "j~^EAR as thou wert, and justly dear, _L>^ We would not weep for thee ; One thought shall check tlie starting tear, — It is — that thou art free. 2 And thus shall faith's consoling power The tears of love restrain ; Oh 1 who that saw thy parting hour Could wish thee here again ! 3 Gently the passing spirit fled. Sustained by grace divine : Oh may such grace on us be shed, And make our end like thine. Dale. HYMN 452. 8 & 7. Greenville, [bor*] Happiness of departed Saints the Consolation of Sur- vivors. 1 rpHINK, O ye who fondly languish JL O'er fhe grave of those you love : While your bosoms swell with anguish, They are warbling hymns above. 2*2^ 758 HYMN 453, 454. Select. p 2 While our silent steps are straying, Lonely through night's deepening shade, u Glory's brightest beams are playing Round the happy Christian's head. 6 3 Light and peace at once deriving From the hand of God most high, In his glorious presence living, They shall never — never die ! 4 Endless pleasure, pain excluding. Sickness, there, no more can come; There, no fear of wo, intruding. Sheds o'er heaven a moment's gloom. COLLYER ALTERED. HYMN 453. 7s. Hotham. [*] 1 ~|~ O ! the prisoner is released, M A Lightened of his fleshly load; Where the weary are at rest. He is gathered unto God ! Lo ! the pain of life is past. All his warfare now is o'er ; Death and hell behind are cast, Grief and suifering are no more, g 2 Yes, the Christian's course is run, Ended is the glorious strife ; u Fought the fight, the work is done, Death is swallowed up of life ! s Borne by angels on their wings, Far from earth the spirit flies, Finds his God, and sits and sings. Triumphing in Paradise. — 3 Let the world bewail their dead, Fondly of their loss complain ; Brother, friend, by Jesus freed. Death to thee, to us, is gain : s Thou art entered into joy : Let the unbelievers mourn ; We in songs our lives employ, Till we all to God return. Wesley's Col. HYMN 454. 8s. Goshen, [b or *] Death of a Sister. e 1 'r I IIS finished ! the conflict is past, JL The heaven-born spirit is fled ; Her wish is accomplished at last. And now she's entombed with the dead. Select. HYMN 455. 759 The months of affliction are o'er. The days and the nights of distress 3 We see her in anguish no more — She has found a happy release. —2 No sickness, or sorrow, or pain, Shall ever disquiet her now ; For death to her spirit was gain, Since Christ was her life when below. 6 Her soul has now taken its flight To mansions of glory above, To mingle with angels of light, And dwell in the kingdom of love. 3 The victory now is obtained ; She's gone her Redeemer to see ; Her wishes she fully has gained — She's now where she panted to be. Then let us forbear to complain That she has now" gone from our sight ; We soon shall behold her again. With new and redoubled delight. Alexander's Col. HYMN 455. L. M. Bowm. [b or *] Sleeping in Jesus. 1 A SLEEP in Jesus ! blessed sleep ! _ZjL From which none ever Vv'akes to weep ! A calm and undisturbed repose. Unbroken by the last of foes ! p 2 Asleep in Jesus ! oh ! how sweet To be for such a slumber meet : g With holy confidence to sing That death hath Lost its venomed sting ! p 3 Asleep in Jesus ! peaceful rest ! Whose waking is supremely blest ; No fear — no wo, shall dim that hour, That manifests the Saviour's power. — 4 Asleep in Jesus i oh, for me May such a blissful refuge be : Securely shall my ashes lie, Waiting the summons from on high. 5 Asleep in Jesus ! time nor space Dobirs this precious '• hiding place:" On Indian plains, or Lapland snows, Believers find the same repose. 760 HYMN 45j5, 457. Select, 6 Asleep in Jesus ! far from thee Thy kindred and their graves may be ; But there is still a blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep. HYMN 456. S. M. Olmutz. [*] On the Death of an aged Minister. p 1 QERVANTof God, well done! k9 Rest from thy loved employ ; s The battle fought, the victory won, Enter thy Master's joy. 2 The voice at midnight came, He started up to hear ; A mortal arrow pierced his frame. He fell, — but felt no fear. p 3 The pains of death are past, Labour and sorrow cease ; And, life's long warfare closed at last, His soul is found in peace, s 4 Soldier of Christ, well done ! Praise be thy new employ, And while eternal ages run, Rest in thy Saviour's joy. Montgomery. HYMN 457. C. M. Funeral Hymn, [b] Funeral. p 1 "OENEATH our feet and o'er our head J3 Is equal warning given : Beneath us lie the countless dead. Above us is the heaven ! 2 Their names are graven on the stone, Their bones are in the clay : And ere another day is gone, Ourselves may be as they. 3 Death rides on every passing breeze, And lurks in every flower : Each season has its own disease. Its peril every hour ! 4 Our eyes have seen the rosy light Of youth's soft cheek decay, And fate descend in sudden night On manhood's middle day. 5 Our eyes have seen the steps of age Halt feebly to the tomb ) Select. HYMN 458—460. 761 And yet shcill earth our hearts engage, And dreams of days to come ? 6 Turn, mortal, turn ! thy danger know : Wiiere'er tliy foot can tread, The earth rings hollow from below, And .vdrns thee of her dead ! —7 Turn. Christian, turn ! thy soul apply To truths divinely given t The forms which underneath thee lie, Shall hve, for hell or heaven ! Pratt's Col. HYMN 458. L. M. Monmouth, [b or *] The Day of Judgment, g 1 npHE day of wrath ! that dreadful day, _L When heaven and earth shall pass away ! —What power shall be the sinner's stay .'' How shall he meet that dreadful day — 2 When, shrivelling like a parched scroll, The flaming heavens together roll ; And, louder yet, and yet more dread. Swells the high trump that wakes the dead ? a 3 Oh ! on that day, that wrathful day, When man to judgment wakes from clay, Be thou, O Christ! the sinner's stay, p Though heaven and earth shall pass away. Scott. HYMN 459. S. M. Olmutz, [*] Christ's Second Coming. o 1 TTE comes ! the Conqueror comes ! XX Death falls beneath his sword; The joyful prisoners burst the tombs, And rise to meet their Lord. 2 The trumpet sounds, '' Awake ! *• Ye dead, to judgment come 1" The pillars of creation shake, While man receives his doom. 3 Thrice happy morn for those Who love the ways of peace : No night of sorrow e'er shall close. Or shade their perfect bliss. HYMN 460. S. M. Watchman, [b or *] e 1 rilHOU Judge of quick and dead, X Before whose bar severe. 762 HYMN 461,462. Select. With holy joy, or guilty dread, We all shall soon appear j 2 Our cautioned souls prepare For that tremendous day ; And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray. 3 O may we all be found Obedient to thy word ; Attentive to the trumpet's sound, ' And looking for our Lord 1 4 O may we all ensure A lot among the blest ; And watch a moment to secure An everlasting rest. Wesley's Col. HYMN 461. 8s. Goshen. [*] g 1 T"XE comes ! he comes ! the Judge severe ! -S-Jl The sever»th trumpet speaks him near: His hghtnings flash ; his thunders roll ', How welcome to the faithful soul ! u 2 From heaven angelic voices sound ; See the Almighty Jesus crowned ! Girt with omnipotence and grace ; And glory decks the Saviour's face. 3 Descending on his azure throne, He claims the kingdoms for his own : The kingdoms all obey his word. And hail him their triumphant Lord. s 4 Shout, all the people of the sky ! And all the saints of the Most High: Our Lord, who now his right obtains, Forever and forever reigns. Wesley's Col. HYMN 462. 8, 7, & 4. Tamivorth. [*] g 1 T O ! he comes ! with clouds descending, 1 I Once for favoured sinners slain ; Thousand, thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of his train : Hallelujah ! — Jesus comes, — he comes to reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold him, Robed in dreadful majesty ; Those who set at nought and sold him, Select. HYMN 463. 763 Pierced and nailed him to the tree, Deeply wailing — Shall the true Messiah see. 3 Every island, sea, and mountain, Heaven and earth shall flee away ; All who hate him must, confounded, Hear the trump proclaim the day ; Come to judgment ! Come to judgment ' come away ! 4 Yea, Amen ! let all adore thee, High on thine eternal throne ! Saviour ! take the power and glory ; Claim the kingdom for thine own ! s Oh come quickly — Hallelujah I Come, Lord, come ! Oliver. HYMN 463. C. M. Lanesboro\ [b] Prospect of the Resurrection unto Life. e 1 npHROUGH sorrow's night, and danger's path, A- Amid the deepening gloom, We, soldiers of an injured King, Are marching to the tomb. 2 There, when the turmoil is no more, And all our powers decay, p Our cold remains in solitude Shall sleep the years away. 3 Our labours done, securely laid In this our last retreat, Unheeded, o'er our silent dust. The storms of life shall beat. — 4 Yet not thus lifeless, thus inane. The vital spark shall lie ; For o'er life's wreck that spark shall rise To seek its kindred sky. 5 These ashes too, this little dust, Our Father's care shall keep, Till the last angel rise and break The long and dreary sleep. p 6 Then love's soft dew o'er every eye Shall shed its mildest rays, And the long silent dust shall burst u With shouts of endleso praise. H. K. White. J 764 HYMN 464, 465. Select HYMN 464. C. M. Archdale. [*] Hie Resurrection of the Christian. s 1 IVFY faith shall triumph o'er the grave^ J_T_i_ And trample on the tombs : My Jesus, my Redeemer lives, My God. my Saviour comes ; Ere long I know he shall appear, In power and glory great; And death, the last of all his foes. Lie vanquished at his feet. e 2 Then though the worms my flesh devour. And makt' my form their prey, I know I shall arise with power, On the last judgment day : When God shall stand upon the earth, Him there mine eyes shall see ; My flesh shall feel a second birth, And ever with him be. p 3 Then his own hand shall wipe the tears From every weeping eye ; And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears, Shall cease eternally. o How long, dear Saviour ! O, how long Shall this bright hour delay ! s O, hasten thy appearance, Lord, And bring the welcome day. Watts, HYMN 465. C. M. St Ann's. [* or b] e 1 "FESUS, to thy dear wounds we flee, «/ We seek thy bleeding side ; — Assured that all who trust in thee Shall evermore abide. u 2 Then let the thundering trumpet souna, The latest lightning glare ; e The mountains melt ; the solid ground e Dissolve as liquid air ; o 3 The huge celestial bodies roll, Amidst that general fire, And shrivel as a parchment scroll, And all in smoke expire ! w-4 Yet still the Lord, the Saviour reigns^ When nature is destroyed, And no created thing remains Throughout the flaming void. Select. HYMN 466. 765 g 5 Sublime upon his azure throne, He speaks, — th' Almighty Word : His fiat is obeyed ! 'tis done ; And paradise restored. 6 So be it ! let this system end, This ruined earth and skies ; s The New Jerusalem descend. The New Creation rise. 7 Thy power omnipotent assume ; Thy brightest majesty ! And when thou dost in glory come, My Lord, remember me. We iey's Col, HYMN 466. 7 & 8. Amsterdam. [*] g 1 OTi\ND th' omnipotent decree; k3 Jehovah's will be done ! Nature's end, we wait to see. And hear her final groan : Let this earth dissolve, and blend In death the wicked and the just : Let those ponderous orbs descend, And grind us into dust. — 2 Rests secure the righteous man, At his Redeemer's beck, Sure to emerge, and rise again, s And mount above the vrreck : Lo ! the heavenly spirit towers. Like flames o'er nature's funeral pyre } Triumphs in immortal powers, And claps his wings of f^re ! o 3 Notliing hath the just to lose, By worlds on '"orlds destroyed ; Far beneath his feet he views. With smiles, the Naming void ; Sees this universe renewed ; The grand millennial reigrn begun, Shouts with all the sons of God, Around th' eternal throne ! 4 Resting in this glorious hope. To be at last restored. Yield we now our bodies up. To earthquake, plague, or sword ; Listening for tiie call divine, The last trumpet of the seven : Soon our t>ouls and dust shall join, And both fly up to heaven. C. Weslet* Select. 23 I T60 HYMN 467—469. Select. HYMN 467. P. M. Luther's Hymn, [*] £^ PcEAT God ! what do I see and hear ! \IW The end of things created ! The Judge of man 1 see appear, On clouds of glory seated ! Beneath his cross I view the day, When heaven and earth shall pass away, And thus prepare to meet him. Luther. HYMN 468. 7s. Lincoln, P] 1 T"1"ARK ! that shout of rapturous joy, JLI. Bursting forth from yonder cloud 1 Jesus comes ! — and through the sky, Angels tell their joy aloud. 2 Hark ! the trumpet's awful voice Sounds abroad, through sea and land : Let his people now rejoice ! Their redemption is at hand. 3 See ! the Lord appears in view : Heaven and earth before him fly ! Rise, ye saints, he comes for you— Rise to meet him in the sky. 4 Go, and dwell with him above, Where no foe can e'er molest: Happy in the Saviour's love ! Ever blessing, ever blest. Kelly. HYMN 469. C. M. Marlow. [*] Praise to God. 1 "T IFT up to God the voice of praise, i i Whose breath our souls inspired : Loud and more loud the anthems raise, With grateful ardor fired ! 2 Lift up to God the voice of praise. Whose goodness, passing thought, Loads every moment, as it flies. With benefits unsought ! 3 Lift up to God the voice of praise. From whom salvation flows. Who sent his Son our souls to save From everlasting woes. 4 Lift up to God the voice of praise. For hope's tra,Rsporting ray, Which lights through darkest shades of death. To realms of endless dav • Ree d ' 3 C ^ l. Select. HYMN 470—472. 767 HYMN 470. 7s. Sudhury. [*] Glory to God in the Highest. 8 1 OOXGS of praise the angels sang, k? Heaven with haliehijaas rang, When Jehovah's work begun. When he spake and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn, When the Prince of Peace was born ; Songs of praise arose, when he Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away, Songs of praise shall crown that day : God will make new heavens and earth, Songs of praise shall hail their birth. p 4 And shall man alone be dumb. Till that glorious morning come ? s No ! the church delights to raise Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice, Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. 6 Borne upon their latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death ) Then, amidst eternal joy. Songs of praise their powers employ. Pratt's Col. HYMN 471. 8s. Drummond. [*] Our God for ever and ever. 1 f I IIIIS Gud is tiic God \vc adore, X. Our faithful, unchangeable Friend ; Whose love is as large as his power. And neither knows measure nor end. 2 'Tis Jesus, the First and the Last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home ; We'll praise him for all that is past. And trust him for all that's to come. HYMN 472. C. M. Amherst. [*] ] ^~\ YOK a thousand seraph tongues V>F To bless th' incarnate Word ! O for a thousand thankful songg In honour of my Lord ! 768 HYMN 473, 474. Select 2 Come, tune afresh your golden lyres, Ye angels round the throne ; Ye saints, in all your sacred choirs, Adore the eternal Son. HYMN 473. C. M. St Ann's. [*] 1 "^ES— I will bless thee, O my God ! JL Through all my mortal days, And to eternity prolong Thy vast, thy boundless praise. 2 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim The honours of my God ! My life, with all its active powers. Shall spread thy praise abroad. 3 Not death itself shall stop my song. Though death will close my eyes : My thoughts shall then to nobler heights And sweeter raptures rise. 4 There shall my lips in endless praise Their grateful tribute pay : The theme demands an angel's tongue. And an eternal day. Heginbotham, HYMN 474. 7s & 6s. Amsterdam. [ * ] Universal Praise. 1 13RAISE the Lord, who reigns above, JL And keeps his courts below : Praise him for his boundless love. And all his greatness show. 2 Praise him for his noble deeds, Praise him for his matchless power : Him, from whom all good proceeds, Let earth and heaven adore. 3 Publish, spread to all around The great Immanuel's name ; Let the gospel- trumpet sound. Him, Prince of Peace proclaim. 4 Praise him, every tuneful string: All the reach of heavenly art, All the power of music bring, The music of the heart. 5 Him, in whom they move and live, Let every creature sing; Glory to our Saviour give, And homage to our king. Select. OCCASIONAL PIECES. 769 G Hallowed be his name beneath, As in heaven on earth adored ; Praise the Lord in every breath, Let all things praise the Lord. Pratt's Col. OCCASIONAL PIECES. I, 1 ON Judah's plain, the minstrel lyre Is hushed, for mirth has winged her flight; In Zion's courts the holy fire Is quenched, and sorrow veils the night; — No lamp illumes yon vaulted way. Save one pale orb that burns alone. 2 'Tis Bethlehem's star ; the holy gem That hailed the Godhead from the skies ; 'Tis Bethlehem's star ! the diadem That tells the conqueror shall rise : He rises — and the golden cboir Of angel minstrels wakes the song. Gould's Church Harmony II. Select Hymn, p. 657 HARK ! what mean those holy voices, &c. Ancient Lyre, ni. WITH darkness whelmed, in error lost, On sin's tempestuous ocean tossed, While hope withdrew her cheering ray, Despairing nature sunk away :— When lo ! to raise a drooping earth. Behold, behold, a wondrous birth : To calm the mind and dry your tears The holy babe of life appears. The voice of joy let nature raise, And pour the grateful song of praise, — Hail with a loud acclaim the morn. The Saviour of the earth is born. Gould's Ch. Harm 770 OCCASIONAL PIECES. Select. SHOUT the glad tidings, exultingly sing, Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is king. Zion, the marvellous story be telling, The Son of the Highest how lowly his birth ; The brightest archangel in glory excelling. He stoops to redeem thee, he reigns upon earth. Ancient Lyre. V- 1 DAUGHTER of Zion, awake from thy sadness ! Awake ! for thy foes shall oppress thee no more ; Bright o'er thy hills dawns the day-star of gladness. Arise ! for the night of thy sorrow is o'er. 2 Strong were thy foes, but the arm that subdued them. And scattered their legions, was mightier far ; They fled like the chaff from the scourge that pursued them, Vain were their steeds and their chariots of war. 3 Daughter of Zion, the power that hath saved thee. Extolled with the harp and the timbrel should be : Shout ! for the foe is destroyed that enslaved thee ; The oppressor is vanquished, and Zion is free. Handel and Haydn and Anc. Lyre. VI. Select Hymn, p. 729. HARK, the song of jubilee, &c. Anc. Lyre. VII. O THOU, whose power o'er moving worlds presides, Whose voice created, and whose wisdom guides; On darkling man in full effulgence shine. And cheer his clouded mind with light divine. 'Tis thine alone to calm the pious breast. With silent confidence and holy rest : From thee. Great God, we spring, to thee we bend; Pathj Motive, Guide, Original, and End. Gould's Ch. Harm. Select. OCCASIONAL PIECES, i /I YIII. HAIL, hail, sweet cherub, charity, Hail, hail, sweet cherub, charity, Thou first of virtues, hail : 'Tis thou canst blend in misery's cup, The soft, the balmy cordial, hope, When other comforts fail. Great God of love and light and day, We humbly here our offerings lay, Before the footstool of thy throne : All that we have. C Lord, is thine, And should we all to thee resign. We only render back thine own. To soothe and mitigate distress, O make us ever free ; And may our hearts in lowliness, The glory giv-e to thee. Ibid. IX. 1 TIME is winging us away To our eternal home ; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb. 2 Youth and vigour soon will flee, Blooming beauty lose its charms ; All that's mortal soon shall be Enclosed in death's cold arms. 3 But the Christian shull enjoy Health and beauty soon, above, F&x beyond the world's alloy. Secure in Jesus' love. Anc. Lyre. X. 1 THE hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets. 2 Then let our songs abound. And every tear be dry ; We're marching through Emmanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high. Anc. Lyre, 772 . OCCASIONAL PIECES, SeiecL XI. TH E Lord is in his holy temple ; let the earth keep silence before him. Handel and Haydn Col. XII. SALVATION belongeth unto the Lord, and thy blessing is among thy people. Ibid. XIII. I WAS glad when they said unto me, We will go into the house of the Lord. Peace be within thy walls, and plenteousness within thy palaces. Amen. Ibid. XIY. PRAISE ye the Lord, glorify him for ever. Sons of Zion, come before him ; bring the cymbal, bring the harp. High in glory, lo ! he's seated ; see the King, he telu in tjtatc. '"^-^r..; of Zi-jn, come before Lira; sound the lute and strike the harp. Ibid. XV. HOLY, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth ; heaven and earth are mil of the majesty of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High. Ibid. XVI. ONE tiling have I desired of the Lord, which I will require ; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord, and to visit his temple. Ibid. XYII. O SING unto the Lord a new song; let the con- gregation of the saints praise him. Ibid. xvm. O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy en- dureth for ever. Ibid. Select. OCCASIONAL PIECES. 773 XIX. LORD cf all power and might, thou art the giver of all good things. Graft in our hearts the love of thy name. Increase in us true religion. Lord of all power and might, nourish us in all goodness, and of thy great mercy keep us in the same, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Ibid. XX. GREAT is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Ibid. XXI. O GIVE thanks unto tha Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people — Glory ye in his holy name. O give thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy endureth. Ch. Har. XXII. OUR help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth, for evermore ; and let all the peo- ple say, Amea, Ibid. xxni. BEHOLD, God is my salvation ; I will trust in him : for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song ; he also is my salvation. Praise the Lord and call upon his name : for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song ; he also is my salvation. Praise the Lord, and call upon his name ; sing unto the Lord ; for he hath done excellent things : this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion; for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. Behold, God is my salvation ; I will trust in him : for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and song ; he also is my salvation. Ibid. XXIY. THE Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel. The Lord hath put on glorious apparel, and girded himself with strength. He hath made the rouad ^774 . OCCASIONAL PIECES. Select world so sure that it cannot be moved. Thy testi- monies, O Lordj are sure, very sure , holiness be- cometh thine house for ever and ever. Amen, t Ibid. WITH angels and archangels, and v^^ith all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising thee, and saying. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts ; heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord, Most High. Amen. Ibid. XXYI. WE praise thee, O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee, the Fa- ther everlasting. To thee all angels cry aloud, the heavens and all the powers therein. To thee cherubim and seraphim continually do cry. Holy, ^loly. Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth 3 heaven and earth are full of thy great glory. Handel and Haydn Col. XXVII. THE Lord will comfort Zion ; he will comfort her waste places, and make her like Eden, the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody. Ibid. XXVIII. HOW beautiful upon the mountains are the fe^t of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace ; that bringeth good tidings of good, that pub- lisheth salvation ; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth ! Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice ; with the voice together shall they sing ; for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion. Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem : for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem. Tlie Lord hath made bare his holy arm, in the eyes of all nations. And all the ends of the eartli shall see the salvation of our Lord. Choir. Select. ASCRIPTIONS. 775 XXIX. I HEARD a T'-^-icf^ ^^<^ i>^c,Tr.-ri c?yin^ unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead wiiicu die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that tliey may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them. Ch. Harm. XXX. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all for evermore. Handel and Haydn Col. ASCRIPTIONS. GLORY to the Father's name ; Jesus' excellence proclaim ; Sing the blessed Spirit's praise ; Ancrels, swell the notes we raise ! SING we to our God above, Praise eternal as his love ; Praise him ail ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done : Praise by all to thee be given. Glorious Lord of earth and heaven. 8, 7, & 4. GLORY be to God the Father, Glory to th' eternal Son ; Sound aloud the Spirit's praises : Joia the elders round the throne ; Hallelujah, Hail the gJoriou3 Three in One- '^ 776 ASCRIPTIONS, Select, C. P. M. TO Father, Som, and Holy Ghost, Be praise amid the heavenly host, And in the church below ] From whom all creatures draw their breath. By whom redemption blessed the earth. From whom all comforts flow. 8 & 7. GLORY, honour, praise and power To the Lamb be ever paid : Let new blessings every hour Rest on his adored head. 5 6i. 6. BY angels in heaven Of every degree, And saints upon earth, All praise be addressed To God in Three Persons, One God ever blessed : As it has been, now is. And always shall be. L. M. PRATSE God from whom all blessings fibw^ Praise him all creatures here bt 'jw ; Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 8&7. MAY the grace of Clirist our Saviour^. And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favour. Rest upon us from above ! Thus may we abide in union With each other in the Lord ; And possess, in sweet communion^ Joys which earth cannot afford. W--