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PSALM I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4 The man is blest that hath not lent To wicked men his ear, Nor led his life as sinners do, Nor sat in scorners' chair ; But in the law of God the Lord Doth set his whole delight, And in the same doth exercise Himself both day and night. He shall be like a tree that is Planted the rivers nigh, Which in due season bringeth forth Its fruit abundantly ; Whose leaf shall never fade nor fall^ But flourishing shall stand : E'en so all things shall prosper well That this man takes in hand. OLD VERSION PSALM IV.— Ver. 6, 7, 8, 9. Otter to God the sacrifice Of righteousness and praise; And look that in the living Lord Ye put your trust always. The greater sort crave worldly goods, And riches do embrace; But, Lord, grant us Thy countenance, Thy favour and Thy grace : For Thou thereby shalt make my heart More joyful and more glad, Than they that of their corn and wine Full great increase have had. In peace therefore lie down will I, Taking my rest and sleep; For Thou only dost me, O Lord, Preserve and safely keep. PSALM V.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 10. Incline Thine ears, O Lord, and let My words have free access To Thee, who art my God and Kin^-, From whom I seek redress. Hear me betimes, Lord, tarry not, For I will have respect, My supplication in the morn To Thee for to direct. And I will patiently still trust In Thee, my God, alone ; Thou art not pleas'd with wickedness, And ill with Thee dwells none. But those that put their trust in Thee, Let them be glad always ; And render thanks for Thy defence, And give Thy Name the praise. OF THE PSALMS. PSALM VIII,— Ver. 1, 3, 4,8. O God our Lord, how wonderful Are Thy works ev'ry where ! Thy fame surmounts in dignity The highest heavens that are. And when I see the heav'ns above, The work of Thine own hand, The sun, the moon, and all the stars, In order as they stand ; Lord, what is man, that Thou of him Tak'st such abundant care ! Or what the son of man, whom Thou To visit dost not spare ! God our Lord, how excellent Is Thy most glorious Name In all the earth ! therefore do we Praise and adore the same. PSALM IX.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 7. With Gloria Patri. "With heart and mouth to Thee, O Lord, Will I sing, land, and praise ; And speak of all Thy wondrous works, And them declare always. 1 will be glad and much rejoice In Thee, O God most high, And make my songs extol Thy Name Above the starry sky. Know thou, that He who is above, For evermore shall reign, And in the seat of equity True judgment will maintain. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. ' b 2 OLD VERSION PSALM IX.— Part II.— Ver. 14, 16, IS. With Gloria Patri. In Sion that I may set forth Thy praise with heart and voice ; And that in Thy salvation great My soul may still rejoice. By judgments great the Lord is known, Whilst wicked men are caught, And fast entangled in the work Which their own hands have wrought. But sure the Lord will not forget The poor man's grief and pain ; The patient people never look For help of Him in vain. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. PSALM X III.— Ver. 1, 3, 4, 5. How long wilt Thou forget me, Lord? Shall it for ever be ? How long dost Thou intend to hide Thy face away from me ? Behold me now, O Lord my God, And hear me sore op press 'd ; Lighten my eyes, lest I do sleep As one by death possess'd : Lest that mine enemy do say, Behold, I do prevail ; Lest they also that hate my soul, Rejoice to see me fail. But from Thy mercy and goodness My hope shall not depart ; In Thy relief and saving health Right glad shall be my heart. OF THE PSALMS. PSALM XV.— Ver. 1, 2,3,4. Within Thy tabernacle, Lord, Who shall inhabit still? Or whom wilt Thou receive to dwell In Thy most holy hill ? The man whose life is uncorrupr, Whose works are just and straight, Whose heart doth think the very truth, And tongue speaks no deceit ; That to his neighbour doth no ill, In body, goods, or name ; Nor willingly doth slanders raise, Which might impair the same : That in his heart regardeth not Malicious wicked men ; But those that love and fear the Lord, He maketh much of them. PSALM XVI.— Ver. 8, 9,10, 11. I set the Lord still in my sight, And trust Him over all ; For He doth stand on my right hand, Therefore I shall not fall. Wherefore my heart and tongue also Rejoice exceedingly ; My flesh likewise doth rest in hope To rise again : for why 1 Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell Because Thou West me ; Nor yet wilt give Thy Holy One Corruption for to see : But wilt me show the way to life, Where there is joy in store; And where at Thy right hand there are Pleasures for evermore, OLD VERSION PSALM XVII.— Ver. 1, 5, 6. O Lord, give ear to my just cause, Attend unto my cry, And hear the pray'r I offer up To Thee unfeignedly. Then in Thy paths that be most pure, Lord, guide me, and preserve, That from the way wherein I walk My steps may never swerve. For I do call to Thee, O Lord; Surely Thou wilt me aid ; Then hear my pray'r, and weigh right well The words that I have said. PSALM XVIII.— Part L— Ver. 1, 2, 30. With Gloria Patri. O God, my strength and fortitude, Of force I must love Thee ; Thou art my castle and defence In my necessity : My God, my rock, in whom I trust, The worker of my wealth ; My refuge, buckler, and my shield, The horn of all my health. For who is God, except the Lord ? For other there is none : Or else who is omnipotent, Saving our God alone? To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. OF THE PSALMS. 7 PSALM XVIII.— Part II.— Ver. 9, 10, 11, 12. The Lord descended from above, And bow'd the heav'ns most high ; And underneath His feet He cast The darkness of the sky : On cherubs and on cherubims Full royally He rode, And on the wings of mighty winds Came flying all abroad. And like a den most dark He made His hid and secret place ; With waters black and airy clouds Encompassed He was. At His bright presence did thick clouds In haste away retire ; And in the stead thereof did come Hailstones and coals of fire. PSALM XIX.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3. With Gloria Patri. The heav'ns and firmament on high Do wondrously declare Gods glory and omnipotence, His works, and what they are. The wondrous works of God appear By ev'ry day's success, The nights likewise which their race run The self-same thing express. There is no language, tongue, or speech, Where their sound is not heard ; In all the earth and coasts thereof Their knowledge is conferr'd. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. S OLD VERSION PSALM XIX.— Part II.— Ver. 9, 10, 11, 14. The fear of God is excellent, And ever doth endure ; The judgments of the Lord also, Most righteous are and pure ; And more to be desired are Than much fine gold alway ; The honey and the honeycomb Are not so sweet as they. By them Thy servant is forewarn'd To have God in regard ; And in performance of the same There shall be great reward. Accept my mouth and heart also, My words and thoughts each one ; For my Redeemer and my strength, Lord, Thou art alone. PSALM XXIL— Ver. 23,24, 25. With Gloria Patri. All ye that fear Him, praise the Lord, Thou, Jacob, Him adore, And all ye seed of Israel, Fear Him for evermore. For He despiseth not the poor; He hideth not away His countenance when they do call, But hears them when they pray. Among the folk that fear the Lord, 1 will therefore proclaim Thy praise, and keep my promise xnade For setting forth Thy name. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. OF THE PSALMS. PSALM XXIII.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 5. My Shepherd is the living Lord, Nothing therefore I need: In pastures fair, near pleasant streams. He setteth me to feed. He shall convert and glad my soul, And bring my mind in frame, To walk in paths of righteousness, For His most holy Name. Yea, though I walk in vale of death, Yet will I fear no ill : Thy rod and staff do comfort me, And Thou art with me still. Through all my life Thy favour is So frankly show'd to me, That in Thy house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. PSALM XXIV.— Part I.— Ver. 3, 4, 5. Who is the man, O Lord, that shall Ascend unto Thy hill ? Or pass into Thy holy place, There to continue still I E'en he whose hands and heart are pure, Which nothing doth defile, His soul not set on vanity, And hath not sworn to guile. Him that is such a one, the Lord Most highly will regard, And from his God and Saviour shall Receive a just reward. B3 .0 OLD VERSION PSALM XXIV.— Part IL— Ver. 7, 8 ; 9, 10. Ye gates and everlasting doors, Lift up your heads on high ; Then shall the King of glorious state Come in triumphantly. Who is the King of glorious state ? The great and mighty Lord ; The mighty Lord in hattle strong, And trial of the sword. Ye gates and everlasting doors, Lift up your heads on high ; Then shall the King of glorious state Come in triumphantly : Who is the King of glorious state? The Lord of Hosts it is ; The kingdom and the royalty Of glorious state is His. PSALM XXV.— Ver. 4, 5, 6, 7. Direct me in Thy truth, And teach me, I Thee pray : Thou art my Saviour and my God^ On Thee I wait alway. Thy mercies manifold Rememher, Lord, I pray : In pity Thou art plentiful, And so hast been alway. Rememher not the faults And frailty of my youth ; Call not to mind how ignorant I have been of Thy truth : Nor after my deserts Let me Thy mercy find ; But of Thine own benignity, Lord, have me in Thy mind. OF THE PSALMS. 11 PSALM XXVI I.— Ver. 9, 10, 11. With Gloria Patri. Lord, hear the voice of my request, For which to Thee I cry ; Have mercy, Lord, on me oppress'd, And help me speedily. My heart confesseth unto Thee, I sue to have Thy grace : Then seek my face, saidst Thou to me ; Lord, I will seek Thy face. In wrath turn not Thy face away, Nor suffer me to slide ; My help Thou hast been to this day, Be still my God and guide. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, All glory be therefore ; As in beginning was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM XXVIII.— Ver. 6, 7, 9. To render thanks unto the Lord, How great a cause have I, My voice, my prayer, and my complaint, That heard so willingly ! He is my shield and fortitude, My buckler in distress ; My heart rejoiceth greatly, and My song shall Him confess. Thy people and Thy heritage, Lord, bless, guide, and preserve ; Increase them, Lord, and rule their hearts, That they may never swerve. 12 OLD VERSION PSALM XXXL— Ver. 5, 16, 23, 24. Into Thy hands, Lord, I commit My soul, which is Thy due ; Because Thou hast redeemed it, O Lord my God most true. To me, Thy servant, Lord, express And show Thy joyful face, And save me, Lord, for Thy goodness, Thy mercy, and Thy grace. Ye saints, love ye the Lord alway, The faithful He doth guide ; And to the proud He doth repay According to their pride. Be of good courage, all ye just, On God your strength depend ; For those in Him that put their trust He ever will defend. PSALM XXXIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice ; It is a seemly sight, That upright men with thankful voice Should praise the Lord of might. Praise ye the Lord with harp, and sing To Him with psaltery ; With ten-string'd instrument sounding, Praise ye the Lord most high. Sing to the Lord a song most new, With courage give Him praise ; For why ? His word is ever true, His works and all His ways : Both judgment, equity, and right, He ever lov'd and will : And with His gifts Fie doth delight The earth throughout to fill. OF THE PSALMS. 1J PSALM XXXIV.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3. With Gloria Patri. I will give laud and honour both Unto the Lord always ; My mouth also for evermore Shall speak unto His praise. I do delight to praise the Lord, In soul, in heart, and voice, That humble men may hear thereof, And heartily rejoice. Therefore see that ye magnify With me the living Lord ; Let us exalt His holy Name Always with one accord. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. PSALM XXXIV.— Part II. Ver. 11, 12, 13,14. Come near to me, my children, and Unto my words give ear ; I will you teach the perfect way, How ye the Lord shall fear. Who is the man that would live long, And lead a happy life ? See thou refrain thy tongue and lips From all deceit and strife. Turn back thy face from doing ill, And do the godly deed : Inquire for peace and quietness, And follow it with speed. For why 1 the eyes of God above Upon the just are bent; His ears likewise do hear the cry Of the poor innocent. 14 OLD VERSION PSALM XXX VI.— Ver. 7, 8, 9, 10. Thy mercy is above all things, O God, it doth excel ; In trust whereof, as in Thy wings, The sons of men shall dwell. Within Thy house they shall be fed With plenty at their will ; Of all delights they shall be sped, And take thereof their fill : Because the well of life most pure Doth ever flow from Thee; And in Thy light we are full sure Eternal light to see. From such as Thee desire to know, Let not Thy grace depart ; Thy righteousness declare and show To men of upright heart. PSALM XXXVII.— Part L— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 5. Grudge not to see the wicked men In wealth to flourish still ; Nor envy such as ill to do Have bent and set their will. For as the grass and the green herbs Do wither and decay, So shall their great prosperity Soon fade and pass away. Trust thou therefore in God alone, To do well give thy mind ; So shalt thou have the land as thine, And there sure food shalt find. Cast both thyself and thy affairs On God with perfect trust ; And then thou shalt with patience see Th' effect both sure and just. OF THE PSALMS. 15 PSALM XXXVII.— Part II. Ver. 23, 24, 27, 28. The Lord the just man's steps doth guide, And all his ways doth hless ; To every thing he takes in hand He giveth good success. Though he doth fall, yet he is sure Not utterly to sink ; For God upholds him with His hand, And from him will not shrink. Therefore flee vice and wickedness, And virtue do embrace ; So God shall grant thee long to have On earth a dwelling-place. For God so loveth equity, And shows to His such grace, That Hepreserveth them, but doth Cut off the wicked race. PSALM XXXIX.— Ver. 5, 6, 7, 8. Lord, number out my life and days, Which yet I have not past; So that I may be certifTd How long my life shall last. For Thou hast pointed out my life, In length much like a span : My age is nothing unto Thee ; So vain is ev'ry man ! Man walketh like a shade, and doth In vain himself annoy, In getting goods, and cannot tell Who shall the same enjoy. Therefore, O Lord, what wait I for? What help do I desire? Truly my hope is e'en in Thee, I nothing else require. 16 OLD VERSION PSALM XLT.-Ver. 1,2,3. With Gloria Patri. The man is blest that doth provide For such as needy be ; For in the season perilous The Lord will set him free; And He will keep him safe, and make Him happy in the land, And not deliver him info His enemies' strong hand. And from his bed of languishing The Lord will him restore ; For Thou, O Lord, wilt turn to health His sickness and his sore. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. PSALM XLIIL— Ver. 3, 4, 5, 6. O Lord, send out Thy light and truth, And lead me with Thy grace, Which may conduct me to Thy lull, And to Thy dwelling-place. Then shall I to Thy altar go, With joy to worship there ; And on my harp give thanks to Thee, God, my God most dear. Why art thou then so sad, my soul, And frett'st thus in my breast ? Still trust in God, for Him to praise 1 hold it always best. By Him I have deliverance From all my pain and grief; He is my God, who doth alway At need send me relief. OF THE PSALMS. 17 PSALM XLVIL— Ver. 1, 2, 6. With Gloria Patri. Ye people all, with one accord, Clap hands, shout, and rejoice, Be glad, and sing unto the Lord With sweet and pleasant voice. For high the Lord and dreadful is, His wonders manifold; A mighty King He is likewise In all the earth extoll'd. Sing praises to our God, sing praise, Sing praises to cur King ; For God is King of all the earth, All skilful praises sing. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, All glory be therefore; As in beginning was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM LL— Ver. 10, 11, 12. With Gloria Patri. Make new my heart within my breast, And frame it to Thy holy will ; And let Thy Spirit in me rest, Which may my soul with comfort fill. Cast me not, Lord, out from Thy sight, But speedily my torments end ; Take not from me Thy Holy Sp'rit, Which may from dangers me defend. Restore me to those joys again, Which I was wont in Thee to find; Let me Thy free Spirit retain, Which unto Thee may draw my mind. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom earth and heav'n adore, Be glory as it was of old, Is now, and shall be evermore. 18 OLD VERSION PSALM LVII.—Ver. 9, 10, 11, 12. My heart is set to praise the Lord, In Him to joy always ; My heart doth ever well accord To sing His laud and praise. Awake, my joy, awake, I say, My lute, my harp, and string ; And I myself before the day Will rise, rejoice, and sing. Among the people I will tell The goodness of my God, And show His praise that doth excel In heathen lands abroad. His mercy doth extend as far As heavens all are high, His truth as high as any star That shineth in the sky. PSALM LXL— Ver. 1, 3, 4, 8. Regard, O Lord, for I complain, And make my suit to Thee ; Let not my words return in vain, But give an ear to me. Upon the rock of Thy great pow'r My woeful mind repose ; Thou art my hope, my fort, and tow'r, My fence against my foes. Within Thy tent I long to dwell, There ever to abide ; Under Thy wings I know right well I shall me safely hide. And then, O Lord, I ever will Sing praise unto Thy Name, That all my vows I may fulfil, And dailv pav the same. OF THE PSALMS. 19 PSALM LXIL— Yer. 1, 2, 7, 8. My soul to God shall give good heed, And Him alone attend ; Because my health and hope to speed Doth whole on Him depend. For He alone is my defence,' My rock, my health, and aid ; He is my stay, and no pretence Shall make me much dismay 'd. My glory and salvation doth On Him alone depend ; He is my strength, my stay, my wealth, And still doth me defend. O put your trust in Him alway, Ye folk, with one accord ; Pour out your hearts to Him, and say, Our trust is in the Lord. PSALM LXIIL— Ver. 1, 4, 5, 7. O God, my God, I early seek To come to Thee in haste ; For why ? my soul and body both Do thirst of Thee to taste. For why? Thy mercies far surmount This life and wretched days; My lips therefore shall give to Thee Due honour, laud, and praise. And whilst I live I will not fail To worship Thee alway ; And in Thy name I will lift up My hands when I do pray. When in my bed I think of Thee, And in the wakeful night, J under covert of Thy wings Rejoice with great delight, 20 OLD VERSION PSALM LXV.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Thy praise alone, O Lord, doth reign In Sion, Thine own hill ; Their vows to Thee they do maintain, And promises fulfil. For that Thou dost their pray'rs still hear, And dost thereto agree, The people all hoth far and near With trust shall come to Thee. Our wicked life so far exceeds, That we shall fall therein ; But, Lord, forgive our great misdeeds, And purge us from our sin. The man is blest whom Thou dost choose Within Thy courts to dwell, Thy house and temple he shall use With pleasures that excel. PSALM LXV1L— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 1. Have mercy on us, Lord, And grant to us Thy grace; To show to us do Thou accord The brightness of Thy face ; That all the earth may know The way to godly wealth ; And all the nations here below May see Thy saving health. Let all the world, O God, Give praise unto Thy Name; And let the people all abroad Extol and laud the same. Throughout the world so wide Let all rejoice with mirth ; For Thou with truth and right dost guide The nations of the earth. OF THE PSALMS. 21 PSALM LXVIL— Part II.— Ver. 5, G, 7. With Gloria Patri. Let all the world, O God, Give praise unto Thy Name ; And let the people all abroad Extol and laud the same. Then shall the earth increase, Great store of fruit shall fall ; And then our God, the God of peace, Shall ever bless us all. God shall us greatly bless, And then both far and near The folk which all the earth possess Of Him shall stand in fear. To God the Father, Son, And Spirit, glory be ; As 'twas, and is, and shall be so To ail eternity. PSALM LX VIII.— Ver. 4, 18, 19, 20. Sing praise, sing praise unto the Lord, Who rideth on the sky: Extol the great Jehovah's Name, And Him still magnify. Thou didst, O Lord, ascend on high, And captive led'st them all ; Who in times past Thy chosen flock In bondage did enthral. Thou hast received gifts for men, E'en for Thine enemies, Unto the end that God the Lord Might dwell with them likewise. Now praised be the Lord, for that He pours on us such grace; From day to day He is the God Both of our health and peace. 22 OLD VERSION PSALM LXXL— Ver. 1,2,5. My Lord, my God, in all distress My hope is whole in Thee ; Then let no shame my soul oppress, Nor once take hold on me. As Thou art just, defend me, Lord, And rid me out of dread ; J Give ear, and to my suit accord, And send me help at need. Thou art my stay whereon I rest, Thou, Lord of Host?, art He ; E'en from my youth I thought it best Still to depend on Thee. PSALM LXXIIL— Ver. 23, 24, 25, 2G. What thing is there that I can wish But Thee in heav'n above? And in the earth there nothing is Like Thee that I can love. My flesh and spirit both do fail, But God will me restore; For of my heart He is the strength And portion evermore. But lo, all such as Thee forsake Thou shalt destroy each one ; And those that trust in any thing, Saving in Thee alone. Therefore will I draw near to God, And ever with Him dwell ; In God alone I put my trust, His wonders I will tell. OF THE PSALMS. 23 PSALM LXXXL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Be light and glad, in God rejoice, Who is our strength and stay : Be joyful, and lift up your voice To Jacob's God alway. Prepare your instruments most meet Some joyful psalm to sing : Strike up with harp and lute so sweet, On ev'ry pleasant string. Blow as it were in the new moon, With trumpets of the best ; As it is used to be done At any solemn feast. For this is unto Israel A statute which was made By Jacob's God, and must full well Be evermore obey'd. PSALM LXXXIV.— Ver. 1, 2, 5, G. How pleasant is Thy dwelling-place, O Lord of Hosts, to me ! The tabernacles of Thy grace, How pleasant, Lord, they be ! My soul doth long full sore to go Into Thy courts abroad ; My heart and flesh cry out also For Thee the living God. O, they be blessed that may dwell Within Thv house always ! For they all times Thy facts do tell, And ever give Thee praise : Yea, happy sure likewise are they Whose stay and strength Thou art, Wlio to Thy house do mind the way, And seek it in their heart. 24 OLD VERSION PSALM LXXXIX.— Ver. 8, 13, 14. With Gloria Patri. Lord God of Hosts, in all the world What one is like to Thee? On every side, most mighty Lord, Thy truth is seen to be. Thine arm is strong and full of pow'r, All might therein doth lie ; The strength of Thy right hand each In Thou liftest up on high : In righteousness and equity Thou hast Thy seat and place ; Mercy and truth are still with Thee, And go before Thy face. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, All glory be therefore ; As in beginning was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM XC.— Ver. 13, 14, 17, 18. Instruct us, Lord, to know and try How long our days remain ; That so we may our hearts apply True wisdom to attain. Return, O Lord, how long wilt Thou In Thy great wrath proceed 1 Show favour to Thy servants now, And help them at their need. O let Thy work and pow'r appear, And on Thy servants light, And shew unto Thy children dear Thy glory and Thy might. Lord, let Thy grace and glory stand On us Thy servants thus ; Confirm the works we take in hand, And prosper them to us. OF THE PSALMS. PSALM XCL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. He that within the secret place Of God most high doth dwell, Under the shadow of His grace He shall be safe and weii. Thou art my hope and my strong hold, I to the Lord will say ; My God He is, in Him will I My whole affiance stay. He shall defend thee from the snare, The which the hunter laid ; And from the deadly plague and care "Whereof thou art afraid : And with His wings shall cover thee, And keep thee safely there ; His faith and truth thy fence shall be, As sure as shield and spear. PSALM XCIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. It is a thing both good and meet To praise the highest Lord. And to Thy Name, O Thou Most High, To sing with one accord : To show the kindness of the Lord, Before the day be light, And to declare His truth abroad, "When it doth draw to night; On a ten-stringed instrument, On lute and harp so sweet, With all the mirth you can invent Of instruments most meet. For Thou hast made me to rejoice In things so wrought by Thee, That I have joy in heart and voice Thy handy works to see. 26 OLD VERSION PSALM XCIII.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 6. The Lord doth reign, and clothed is With majesty most bright, And to declare His strength likewise Hath girt Himself with might. The Lord also the earth hath made, And shaped it most sure, No might can make it move or fade, At stay it doth endure. Before the world was made or wrought, Thy seat was set before ; Beyond all time that can be thought Thou hast been evermore. O Lord, Thy testimonies great Are very sure : therefore Doth holiness become Thy seat And house for evermore. PSALM XCIV.-— Ver. 9, 10, II, 12. The Lord who made the ear of man, He needs of right must hear ; He made the eye, all things must then Before His sight appear. The Lord doth all the world correct. And make them understand ; Shall He not then your deeds detect? How can ye 'scape His hand ? The Lord doth know the heart of man, And sees the same full plain, And He his very thoughts doth scan, And fmdeth them but vain. But, Lord, that man is happy sure, Whom Thou dost keep in awe, And through correction dost procure To teach him in Thy law. OF THE PSALMS. 27 PSALM XCV.— Ver. 1, 2, 6, 7. O come, let us lift up our voice, And sing unto the Lord; In Him our rock of help rejoice Let us with one accord : Yea, let us come before His face, To give Him thanks and praise : In singing psalms unto His grace Let us be glad always. Come, let us bow and praise the Lord, Before Him let us fall, And kneel to Him with one accord, For He hath made us all. For why? He is the Lord our God, For us He doth provide ; We are His flock, He doth us feed; His sheep, and He our guide. PSALM XC VI.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 7, 8. Sing ye with praise unto the Lord New songs with joy and mirth ; Sing unto Him with one accord, All people on the earth. Yea, sing unto the Lord alway, Praise ye His holy Name ; Declare and show from day to day Salvation by the same. Ascribe unto the Lord therefore, All men with one accord, All might and worship evermore Ascrib.^unto the Lord : Ascribe unto the Lord also The glory of His Name ; Into His courts with presents go r And offer there the same. c 2 28 OLD VERSION PSALM XCVL— Part II.— Ver. 9, 12, 13. With Gloria Patri. Fall down and worship ye the Lord, Within His temple bright ; Let all the people of the world Be fearful at His sight. The heav'ns shall joyfully begin, The earth likewise rejoice, The sea with all that is therein Shall shout and make a noise ; The fields shall joy, and ev'ry thing That springeth on the earth, The wood and ev'ry tree shall sing With gladness and with mirth. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. PSALM XCVI I.— Ver. 1, 2, 4, 5. The Lord doth reign, for which the earth May sing with pleasant voice, The isles also with joyful mirth May triumph and rejoice. Both clouds and darkness likewise swell, And round about Him beat, Yea, right and justice ever dwell And 'bide about His seat ; His lightnings great full bright did blaze, And to the world appear ; Whereat the earth did look and gaze With dread and deadly fear : The hills like wax did melt in sight And presence of the Lord, They fled before that Ruler's might, Who guide th all the world. OF THE PSALMS. 29 PSALM C.— Y r er. I, 2, 3, 4. All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. The Lord, ye know, is God indeed, Without our aid He did us make; We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless His Name always, For it is seemly so to do. For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. PSALM CI.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 6. 1 mercy will and judgment sing, O Lord God, unto Thee ; let me understand the ways That good and holy be. "Within my house I daily will Walk with an heart upright, And I no kind of wicked thing Will set before my sight. 1 hate their works that fall awa} r , They shall not cleave to me ; From me shall go the froward heart, No evil will I see. I will no guileful person have Within my house to dwell ; And in my presence he shall not Remain that lies doth tell. 30 OLD VERSION PSALM C1L— Fart I.— Ver. 1, 2, 9, 10. Hear Thou my pray'r, O Lord, and let My cry come unto Thee, In time of trouble do not hide Thy face away from me : Incline Thine ear to me, make haste To hear me when I call ; For as the smoke doth fade, so do My days consume and fall. The days wherein I pass my life Are like the fleeting shade ; And I am withe r'd like the grass, That soon away doth fade : But Thou, O Lord, for ever dost Remain in steady place, And Thy remembrance ever doth Abide from race to race. PSALM CII.— Part II.— Ver. 23, 24, 25, 26, Thou the foundations of the earth Before all time hast laid ; The heav'ns also, they are the work Which Thy own hands have made : They all shall perish and decay, But Thou remainest still; And they shall all in time wax old E'en as a garment will : Thou as a vesture shalt them change, And changed shall they be ; But Thou dost still abide the same, Thy years do never flee. The children of Thy servants shall Continue and endure, And in Thy sight their happy seed For ever shall stand sure. OF THE PSALMS. 31 PSALM CIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3,4. My soul, give praise unto the Lord, My spirit, do the same; And all the secrets of my heart, Praise ye His holy Name : Praise thou the Lord, my soul, who hath To thee been very kind ; And suffer not His benefits To slip out of thy mind : That gave thee pardon for thy faults, And thee restor'd again From all thy weak and frail disease, And heal'd thee of thy pain ; That did redeem thy life from death, From which thou couldst not flee, His mercy and compassion both He did extend to thee. PSALM CIV.— Ver. 1,2, 3, 4. Mr soul, praise the Lord, speak good ofHisName; O Lord our great God, how dost Thou appear ! So passing in glory, that great is Thy fame, Honour and majesty in Thee shine most clear. With light as a robe Thou hast Thyself clad, Whereby all the earth Thy greatness may see: The heav'ns in such sort Thou also hast spread, That they to a curtain compared may be. His chamber beams lie in the clouds full sure, Which as His chariots are made Him to bear; And there with much swiftness His course doth endure, Upon the wings riding of winds in the air. He maketh His spirits as heralds to go, And lightnings to serve we see also prest ; His will to accomplish they run to and fro, To save or consume things as seemeth Him best. 32 OLD VERSION PSALM CV.— Ver. 2, 3, 4, 5, Sing joyfully unto the Lord, Yea, sing unto Him praise; And talk of all His wondrous works, That He hath wrought always. In honour of His holy Name, Rejoice with one accord ; And let the heart also be glad Of them that seek the Lord. Seek ye the Lord, and seek the strength Of His eternal might; Yea, seek His face incessantly, And presence of His sight. The wondrous works which He hath done, Keep still in mindful heart ; Let not the judgments of His mouth Out of your mind depart. PSALM C VI.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Praise ye the Lord, for He is good, His mercy lasts alway : Who can express His noble acts, Or all His praise display ? They blessed are that judgment keep, And justly do alway : With favour of Thy people, Lord, Remember me, I pray ; And with Thy saving health, O Lord,' Vouchsafe to visit me, That I the great felicity Of Thine elect may see ; And with Thy people's joy I may A joyful mind possess, And may with Thine inheritance A cheerful heart express. OF THE PSALMS. 33 PSALM CVIL— Ver. 1, 2, 21, 22. Give thanks unto the Lord our God, For very kind is He ; And that His mercy hath no end, All mortal men may see. Such as the Lord redeemed hath With thanks shall praise His Name, And show how they from foes were freed, And how He wrought the same. Let men therefore hefore the Lord Confess His goodness then, And show the wonders that He doth Before the sons of men : And let them offer sacrifice To Him most thankfully, And speak of all His wondrous works With gladness and with joy. PSALM CVIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. God, my heart prepared is, My tongue is likewise so ; 1 will advance my voice in song, That I Thy praise may show. Awake, my viol and my harp, Sweet melody to make; And in the morning I myself Right early will awake. By me, among the people, Lord, Still praised shalt Thou he ; And I among the heathen folk Will praises sing to Thee : Because Thy mercy doth ascend Above the heav'ns most high ; Also Thy truth doth reach the clouds Within the lofty sky. c 3 34 OLD VERSION PSALM CXI.— Ver. 6, 7. Redemption great He gave, His people for to save, It also hath appear'd : His promise doth not fail, But evermore prevail : His holy Name be fear'd. Whoso with heart full fain True wisdom would attain, The Lord fear and obey : Such as His laws do keep, Shall knowledge have full deep; His praise shall last alway. PSALM CXIIL— Ver. 1, 2. Ye children which do serve the Lord, Praise ye His Name with one accord ; Yea, blessed be alway His Name, Who from the rising of the sun, Till it return where it begun, Is to be praised with great fame. The Lord all people doth surmount, As for His glory we may count, Above the heavens high to be. With God the Lord who can compare, Whose dwellings in the heavens are? -, Of such great pow'r and force is He. OF THE PSALMS. Sj PSALM CXVL— Ver. 4, 5, 10, 11. The Lord is very merciful, And just He is also, And in our God compassion doth Most plentifully flow. The Lord in safety doth preserve All those that simple be ; I was in woeful misery, And He deliver'd me. The wholesome cup of saving health I thankfully will take ; And on the Name of God will call, When I my pray'rs do make. I to the Lord will pay my vows With joy and great delight, Now at this very present time In all His people's sight. PSALM CXVIIL— Part I.— Yer. 17, 18, 24. With Gloria Patri. Set open unto me the gates Of truth and righteousness, That I may enter into them His praise for to express. This is the gate of God the Lord Which open shall be set, That good and righteous men always May enter into it. God is the Lord that shows us light, Bind ye therefore with cord Your sacrifice to the altar, And give thanks to the Lord. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. 36 OLD VERSION PSALM CXVIII.— Part IL Ver. 19, 20, 21, 22. I will give thanks to Thee, Lord, And ever will praise Thee, Who hast me heard, and art become A Saviour unto me. The stone which formerly among The builders was refus'd, Is now become the corner-stone, And chiefly to be us'd. This was the mighty work of God, It was the Lord's own fact; And it is wondrous to behold That great and noble act. This is the joyful day indeed, Which God Himself hath wrought; Let us be glad and joy therein In heart, in mind, and thought. PSALM CXIX.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Blessed are they that perfect are, And pure in mind and heart; Whose lives and conversations do From God's laws ne'er depart. Blessed are they that give themselves His statutes to observe, Seeking the Lord with all their heart, And never from him swerve. Doubtless such men go not astray," Nor do a wicked thing; But steadfastly walk in His way Without any wand'ring. 'Tis Thy commandment and Thy will, That with attentive heed, Thy precepts, which are most divine, We learn and keep indeed. OF THE PSALMS 39 PSALM CXIX.— Part II. Ver. 9, 10, 11,12. By what means may a young man best His life learn to amend? If that he mark and keep Thy word, And therein his time spend. Unfeignedly I have Thee sought, And thus seeking abide : O never suffer me, O Lord, From Thy commands to slide. Within my heart and secret thoughts Thy words I have hid still, That I might not at any time Offend Thy holy will. We magnify Thy Name, O Lord, And praise Thee evermore ; Thy statutes of most worthy fame, O Lord, teach me therefore. PSALM CXIX.— Part III.— Ver. 14, 15, 16. Thy testimonies and Thy ways Much more my heart rejoice, Than all the treasures of the earth Which worldlings make their choice. Upon Thy precepts I will muse, And thereto frame my talk ; As at a mark, so will I aim How I Thy ways may walk. My only joy shall be so fix'd, And on Thy laws so set, That nothing shall me so far blind, That I Thy words forget. 36 °~OLD VERSION fSALM CXIX.— Part I V.— Ver. 26, 27, 28, 32. My ways when I acknowledged, With mercy Thou didst hear; Hear now also, and me instruct Thy laws to love and fear. Make me, O Lord, to understand Thy precepts evermore ; Then on Thy works I'll meditate, And lay them up in store. My soul I feel so sore oppress'd, That it doth melt for grief: According to Thy word therefore Haste, Lord, to send relief. Then will I run most joyfully Where Thy word doth me call, When Thou enlarged hast my heart, And rid me out of thrall. PSALM CXIX.— Part V.— Ver. 41, 43, 44,43. Thy mercies great and manifold Let me obtain, O Lord ; Thy saving health let me enjoy, According to Thy word : The word of truth within my mouth Let evermore be prest, For in Thy judgments wonderful My hope doth always rest. And whilst that breath within me doth This mortal life preserve, Yea, till this world shall be dissolv'd, Thy law will I observe. My hands I will lift to Thy laws, Which I have dearly sought; And practise Thy commandments all, In word, in deed, and thought. OF THE PSALMS. 39 PSALM CX1X.— Part VI.— Ver.49, 50, 55, 56. Thy promise which Thou mad'st to me, Rememher, Lord, I pray ; For therein have 1 put my trust And confidence alway. It is my comfort and my joy, When troubles me assail : For were my life not by Thy word, It suddenly would fail. I thought upon Thy Name, O Lord, By night when others sleep; Thy law also I kept always, And ever will it keep. This grace I did obtain, because Thy covenants most dear I did embrace, and also keep With reverence and fear. PSALM CXIX.— Part VII.— Ver. 57, 58, 63, 64, God, who art my part and lot, My comfort and my stay, 1 have decreed and promised Thy laws to keep alway. With my whole heart I humbly su'd In presence of Thy face; As Thou therefore hast promised, Lord, grant to me Thy grace, I am companion of all them Who fear Thee in their heart ,' O therefore grant I never may From Thy commandments start. Thy mercies, Lord, most plenteously The earth throughout to fill : O teach me how I may obey Thy statutes and Thy will. 40 OLD VERSION PSALM CXIX.— Part VIII. Ver. 65, 66, 67, 68, 71. According to Thy promise, Lord, So hast Thou with me dealt : For of Thy grace" in sundry sorts Have I Thy servant felt. Teach me to judge always aright And give me knowledge sure For steadfastly I do believe Thy precepts are most pure. Before that I afflicted was, I err'd and went astray; But now I keep Thy holy word, And make it all my stay. Thou art both good and gracious, Lord, And in Thy gifts most free, Thy ordinances how to keep Therefore, O Lord, teach me. O happy time, may I well say, When Thou didst me correct; That I thereby might learn Thy laws, And never them reject. PSALM CXIX.— Part IX.— Ver. 97, 103, 104. What great desire and fervent love Unto Thy law I bear ! On it my daily study is, That so I may Thee fear. O Lord, how sweet unto my taste- I find Thy words alway ! Doubtless no honey in my mouth Doth taste so sweet as they. Thy laws have me such wisdom learn 'd, That I do hate therefore All wicked and ungodly ways, And will do evermore. OF THE PSALMS. 41 PSALM CXIX.— Part X. Ver. 165, 166, 167, 1C8. Great peace and rest shall all such have As do Thy statutes love; No danger shall their quiet state Impair or once remove. My only health and comfort Lord, I look for at Thy hand; And therefore have I done those things Which Thou didst me command. Thy laws have "been my exercise. Which my soul most desir'd; So much to them my love was hent, That nought else I requir'd. Thy statutes and commandments I Have kept with heart upright ; For ail my doings and my ways Are present in Thy sight. PSALM CXXX.— Ver. 2, 3, 4, 5. Hearken, O Lord, to my request, Unto my suit incline ; And let Thine ears, O Lord, be prest To hear this pray'r of mine. O Lord our God, if Thou survey Our sins, and them peruse, Who shall escape? or who dare say, I can myself excuse 1 But Thou art merciful and free, And houndless in Thy grace, That we might always careful be To fear before Thy face. In God the Lord I put my trust, My soul waits on His will ; His promise is for ever just, And I hope therein still. 42 OLD VERSION PSALM CXXXTL— Ver. 11, 12, 13. With Gloria Patri. The Lord Himself hath Sion chose, And loves therein to dwell, Saying, This is my resting-place, I love and like it well: And I will bless w r ith great increase Her victuals every where ; And also satisfy with bread The needy that be there. With my salvation I will clothe Her priests for evermore, And all her saints likewise shall sing And shout for joy therefore. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. PSALM CXXXIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. O what a happy thing it is, And joyful for to see, Brethren to dwell together in Friendship and unity ! 'Tis like the precious ointment that Was pour'd on Aaron's head, Which from his beard down to the skirts Of his rich garments spread. And as the lower ground doth drink The dew of Hermon hill, And Sion with his silver drops The fields with fruit doth fill ; E'en so the Lord doth pour on them His blessings manifold, Whose hearts and minds sincerely do This knot fast keep and hold. OF THE PSALMS. PSALM CXXXIV.— Ver. 1, 2, 3. With Gloria Patri. Behold, and liave regard, Ye servants of the Lord, Who in His house by night do watch, Praise Him with one accord. Lift up your hands on high L'nto His holy place, And give the Lord His praises due, His benefits embrace. For why? the Lord our God "Who heav 'n and earth did frame, Doth Sion bless, and will preserve For evermore the same. To God the Father, Son, And Spirit, glory be ; As 'twas, and is, and shall be so To all eternity. PSALM CXXXVIII.— Ver. 2, 3, 7, S. Towards Thy holy temple I Will look and worship Thee ; And praised in my thankful mouth Thy holy Name shall be. E'en for Thy loving-kindness' sake, And for Thy truth withal : For Thou Thy Name hast by Thy word Advanced over all. The Lord is high, but yet He doth The lowly man respect ; The proud He knows far off, and them "With scorn He doth reject. Although in midst of trouble I Do walk, yet shall I stand Reviv'd by Thee; for Thou, O Lord, Wilt stretch out Thv right hand. 44 OLD VERSION PSALM CXXXIX.— Ver. 1, 2, 3. With Gloria Patri. O Lord, Thou hast me tri'd and known, My sitting down dost know, My rising up and thoughts far off Thou understands also. My path, yea, and my hed likewise Thou art about always, And by familiar custom art Acquainted with my ways : No word is in my tongue, O Lord, That is not known to Thee ; Thou hast beset me round about, And laid Thy hand on me. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. PSALM CXLI.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 9. O Lord, upon Thee do I call, Then haste Thee unto me, And hearken Thou unto my voice When I do cry to Thee : As incense let my pray'rs still be Directed in Thy eyes, And the uplifting of my hands An evening sacrifice. For guiding of my mouth, O Lord, Set Thou a watch before ; And also of my moving lips, O Lord, keep Thou the door. But, O my Lord and God, my eyes Do look up unto Thee ; In Thee is all my trust, let not My soul forsaken be. OF THE PSALMS. 45 PSALM CXLIII.— Ver. 1,2, 10. With Gloria Patri. Lord, hear my prny'r and my complaint "Which I do make to Thee, And in Thy native {ruth, and in Thy justice answer me. In judgment with thy servant, Lord, O enter not at all : For justified be in Thy sight Not one that liveth shall. Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou, Thou art my God alway, Let Thy good Spirit to the land Of mercy me convey. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be still To all eternity. PSALM CXLIV.— -Ver. 1, 2, 8, 9. Blest be the Lord my strength, that doth Instruct my hands to fight; The Lord that doth my fingers frame To battle by His might. He is my hope, my fort, and tow'r, Deliverer and shield; In Him I trust, my people He Subdues to me to yield. A new song will I sing to Thee, O God the Lord most high, And on a ten-string'd lute also Praise Thee most joyfully. E'en He it is that only gives Deliverance to kings; Unto His servant David help From hurtful sword He brings. 46 OLD VERSION PSALM CXLV.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Thee will I laud, my God and King, And bless Thy Name alway ; For ever will I praise the same, And bless Thee day by day. Great is the Lord, most worthy praise, His greatness none can reach ; From race to race they shall Thy works Praise, and Thy power preach. I of Thy glorious majesty The beauty will record, And meditate upon Thy works Most wonderful, O Lord. And they shall of Thy pow'r, and of Thy faithful acts declare ; And I to publish all abroad Thy greatness will not spare. PSALM CXLV.— Part II. Ver. 11, 12, 13, 16. The eyes of all do wait on Thee, Thou dost them all relieve ; And Thou to each sufficing food In season due dost give. Thou openest Thy plenteous hand, And bounteously dost fill All things whatever that do live With gifts of Thy good will. The Lord is just in all His ways, His works are holy all, And He is near all those that do In truth upon Him call. My thankful mouth shall gladly speak The praises of the Lord : All flesh to praise His holy Name For ever shall accord. OF THE PSALMS. 47 PSALM CXLVL— Ver. 1, 4, 5, P. My soul, praise thou the Lord always ; My God I will confess ; While breath and life prolong my days My tongue no time shall cease. Blessed and happy are all they Whom Jacob's God doth aid, And he whose hope doth not decay, But on the Lord is staid : Who made the earth and waters deep, The heav'ns most high withal; Who doth His word and promise keep In truth, and ever shall. The Lord thy God eternally, O Sion, still shall reign, In time of all posterity For ever to remain. PSALM CXLVII.— Ver. 1, 3, 4, 5. Praise ye the Lord, for it is good Unto our God to sing ; For it is pleasant, and to praise It is a comely thing. He heals the broken in their heart, Their sores up doth He bind : He counts the number of the stars, And names them in their kind. Great is the Lord, great is His pow'r, His wisdom infinite ; The Lord relieves the meek, and throws To ground the wicked wight. Sing unto God the Lord with praise, Unto the Lord rejoice, And to our God upon the harp Advance your singing voice. 48 OLD VERSION OF THE PSALMS. PSALM CXLIX.— Ver. 1, 2. 3, 4. Sing ye unto the Lord our God A new rejoicing song, And let the praise of Him be heard His holy saints among. Let Israel rejoice in God, And praises to Him sing ; And let the seed of Zion be Most joyful in their King : Let them sound praise with voice of lute Unto His holy name, And with the timbrel and the harp Sing praises to the same. For wh}' ? the Lord His pleasure all Hath in His people set, And by deliv'rance He will raise The meek to glory great. PSALM CL.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Yield unto God the mighty Lord Praise in His holiness ; And in the firmament of His Great pow'r praise Him no less. Advance His Name, and praise Him in His mighty acts always ; According to His excellence And greatness give Him praise. His praises with the princely noise Of sounding trumpets blow ; Praise Him upon the viol, and Upon the harp also : Praise Him with timbrel and with lute, Organs and virginals ; With sounding cymbals praise ye Him, Praise Him wfth loud cymbals. Whatever hath the benefit Of breathing, praise the Lord": To praise His great and holy Name Agree with one accord. A NEW VERSION PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 6. How blest is he who ne'er consents By ill advice to walk ; Nor stands in sinners' ways, nor sits Where men profanely talk. But makes the perfect law of God His business and delight ; Devoutly reads therein by day, And meditates by night. Like some fair tree, which, fed by streams, With timely fruit does bend, He still shall flourish, and success All his designs attend. For God approves the just man's ways ; To happiness they tend ; But sinners, and the paths they tread, Shall both in ruin end. D 50 NEW VERSION PSALM III.— Yer. 3, 4, 5. But Thou, O Lord, art my defence ; On Thee my hopes rely ; Thou art my glory, and shall yet Lift up my head on high. Since whensoe'er in like distress To God I made my pray'r. He heard me from His holy hill, Why should I now despair '( Guarded by Him, I laid me down My sweet repose to take ; For I through Him securely sleep, Through Him in safety wake. PSALM IV.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 3, 4. O Lord, that art my righteous Judge, To my complaint give ear : Thou still redeem'st me from distress ; Have mercy, Lord, and hear. Consider that the righteous man Is God's peculiar choice ; And when to Him I make my pray'r, He always hears my voice. Then stand in awe of His commands, Flee ev'ry thing that's ill ; Commune in private with your hearts, And bend them to His will. OF THE PSALMS. 5 PSALM IV.— Part II.— Ver. 0, 7, 8. While worldly minds impatient grow More prosp'rous times to see, Still let the glories of Thy face Shine brightly, Lord, on me. So shall my heart o'erflow with joy, More lasting and more true, Than theirs, whose stores of corn and wine Successively renew. Then down in peace I'll lay my head, And take my needful rest; No other guard, O Loud, I crave, Of Thy defence possest. PSALM V.— Ver. 1, 3, 7, 12. Lord, hear the voice of my complaint, Accept my secret pray 'r; To Thee alone, my King, my God, Will I for help repair. Thou in the morn my voice shalt hear; And with the dawning day To Thee devoutly I'll look up, To Thee devoutly pray. But when Thy boundless grace shall me To Thy lov'd courts restore, On Thee I'll fix my longing eyes, And. humbly there adore. To righteous men the righteous Lord His blessing will extend, And with His favour all His saints, As with a shield, defend. d 2 52 NEW VERSION PSALM VIII.— Ver. 1, 3, 4. With Gloria Patri. O Thou, to whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art Thou ! How glorious is Thy Name ! When heav'n, Thy beauteous work on high, Employs my wond'ring sight; The moon that nightly rules the sky, With stars of feebler light ; What's man, say I, that, Lord, Thou lov'st To keep him in Thy mind ? Or what his offspring, that Thou prov'st To them so wondrous kind? To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM IX.— Ver. 1,2, 10,11. To celebrate Thy praise, O Lord, I will my heart prepare; To all the list ning world Thy works, Thy wondrous works declare. The thought of them shall to my soul Exalted pleasure bring; Whilst to Thy Name, O Thou Most High, Triumphant praise I sing. All those who have His goodness prov'd Will in His truth confide ; Whose mercy ne'er forsook the man That on His help relied. Sing praises, therefore, to the Lord, From Sion, His abode ; Proclaim His deeds, till all the world ' Confess no other God. OF THE PSALMS. 53 PSALM XIII.— Ver. 1, 2,5, 6. How long wilt Thou forget me, Lord ? Must I for ever mourn? Uow long wilt Thou withdraw from me, Oh ! never to return I How long shall anxious thoughts my soul, And grief my heart oppress? How long my enemies insult, And I have no redress? Since I have always placed my trust Beneath Thy mercy's wing, Thy saving health will come, and then My heart with joy shall spring : Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd, To Thee, my God, ascend ; Who to Thy servant in distress Such bounty didst extend. PSALM XV.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 7. Lord, who's the happy man that may To thy blest courts repair ? Not, stranger-like, to visit them, But to inhabit there ? 'Tis he, whose every thought and deed By rules of virtue moves : Whose gen'rous tongue disdains to speak The thing his heart disproves. Who never did a slander forge His neighbour's fame to wound ; Nor hearken to a false report, By malice whisper'd round. The man, who by this steady course Has happiness insur'd, When earth's foundation shakes, shall stand, By Providence secur'd. 54 NEW VERSION PSALM XVI.— Ver. 8, 9, 11. With Gloria Patri. I strive each action to approve To His all-seeing eye ; No danger shall my hopes remove, Because He still is nigh. Therefore my heart all grief defies, My glory does rejoice ; My flesh shall rest in hope to rise, Wak'd by His powerful voice. Thou shalt the paths of life display. That to Thy presence lead ; Where pleasures dwell without allay, And joys that never fade. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM XIX.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord, Which that alone can fill ; The firmament and stars express Their great Creator's skill. The dawn of each returning day Fresh beams of knowledge brings ; And from the dark returns of night Divine instruction springs. Their pow'rful language to no realm Or region is confm'd ; 'Tis nature's voice, and understood Alike by all mankind. Their doctrine does its sacred sense Through earth's extent display ; Whose bright contents the circling sun Does round the world convey. OF THE PSALMS. 55 PSALM XIX.— Part II.— Ver. 7, 8, 9, 10. God's perfect law converts the soul, Reclaims from false desires ; With sacred wisdom His sure word The ignorant inspires. The statutes of the Lord are just, And bring sincere delight ; His pure commands, in search of truth, Assist the feeblest sight. His perfect worship here is flx'd, On sure foundations laid ; His equal laws are in the scales Of truth and justice weigh'd. Of more esteem than golden mines, Or gold refln'd with skill ; More sweet than honey, or the drops That from the comb distil. PSALM XIX.— Part III.— Ver. 12, 13, 14. But what frail man observes how oft He does from virtue fall ? O cleanse me from my secret faults, Thou God, that know'st them all ! Let no presumptuous sin, O Lord, Dominion have o'er me ; That, by Thy grace preserv'd, I may The great transgression flee. So shall my prayer and praises be With Thy acceptance blest ; And I secure on Thy defence, My strength and Saviour, rest. 56 NEW VERSION PSALM XX.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The Lord to thy request attend, And hear thee in distress ; The Name of Jacob's God defend, And grant thy arms success. To aid thee from on high repair, And strength from Sion give ; Remember all thy dff'rings there, Thy sacrifice receive. To compass thy own heart's desire, Thy counsels still direct ; Make kindly all events conspire To bring them to effect. To Thy salvation, Lord, for aid We cheerfully repair, With banners in Thy Name display'd, " The Lord accept thy pray'r." PSALM XXL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 7. The King, O Lord, with songs of praise Shall in Thy strength rejoice ; With Thy salvation crown'd, shall raise To heav'n his cheerful voice. For Thou, whate'er his lips request, Not only dost impart ; But hast with Thy acceptance blest The wishes of his heart. Thy goodness and Thy tender care Have all his hopes outgone ; A crown of gold Thou mak'st him wear, And sett'st it firmly on. Because the King on God alone For timely aid relies ; His mercy still supports his throne, And all his wants supplies. OF THE PSALMS. 5t PSALM XXII.— Ver. 23, 24, 25, 27. Ye worshippers of Jacob's God, All you of Israel's line, praise the Lord, and to your praise Sincere obedience join. He ne'er disdain'd on low distress To cast a gracious eye ; Nor turn'd from poverty His face, But hears its humble cry. Tims in Thy sacred courts will I My cheerful thanks express ; In presence of Thy saints perform The vows of my distress. Then shall the glad converted world To God their homage pay; And scatter'd nations of the earth One Sov'reign Lord obey. PSALM XXIII.— Ver. 1, 3,4, 6. The Lord Himself, the mighty Lord, Vouchsafes to be my guide ; The Shepherd by whose constant care My wants are all supplied. He does my wand'ring soul reclaim, And, to His endless praise, Instruct with humble zeal to walk In His most righteous ways. I pass the gloomy vale of death, From fear and danger free ; For there His aiding rod and staff Defend and comfort me. Since God does thus His wondrous love Through all my life extend, That life to Him I will devote, And in His temple spend. d3 58 NEW VERSION PSALM XXIV.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 3, 4, 5. This spacious earth is all the Lord's, The Lord's her fulness is ; The world, and they that dwell therein, By so v 'reign right are His. But for Himself this Lord of all One chosen seat design'd ; Oh ! who shall to that sacred hill Desir'd admittance find? The man whose hands and heart are pure, Whose thoughts from pride are free; Who honest poverty prefers To gainful perjury. This, this is he on whom the Lord Shall show'r His blessings down ; Whom God his Saviour shall vouchsafe With righteousness to crown. PSALM XXIV.— Part II.— Ver. 7, S, 9, 10. Erect your heads, eternal gates, Unfold to entertain The King of Glory : See ! He comes With His celestial train. Who is this King of Glory ? Who ? The Lord, for strength renown 'd ; In battle mighty, o'er His foes Eternal victor crown 'd. Erect your heads, ye gates, unfold In state to entertain The King of Glory : See ! He comes With all His shining train. Who is this King of Glory ? Who ? The Lord of hosts renown'd; Of glory He alone is King, Who is with glory crown 'd. OF THE PSALMS. 51 PSALM XXV.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0. To God, in whom I trust, I lift my heart and voice ; Oh ! let me not be put to shame, Nor let my foes rejoice. Those who on Thee rely, Let no disgrace attend ; Be that the shameful lot of such As wilfully offend. To me Thy truth impart, And lead me in Thy way ; For Thou art He that brings me help, On Thee I wait all day. Thy mercies and Thy love, O Lord, recall to mind ; And graciously continue still, As Thou wert ever, kind. PSALM XXVII.— Part I.— Ver. 7, 8, 9, 10. Continue, Lord, to hear my voice, "Whene'er to Thee I cry ; In mercy, my complaints receive, Nor my requests deny. When us to seek Thy glorious face Thou kindly dost advise ; M Thy glorious face I'll always seek," My grateful heart replies. Then hide not Thou Thy face, O Lord, Nor me in wrath reject ; My God and Saviour, leave not him Thou didst so oft protect. Though all my friends and kindred too Their helpless charge forsake, Yet Thou, whose love excels them all, Wilt care and pity take. 60 NEW VERSION PSALM XXVIL— Part II— Ver. II, 13, 14. With Gloria Patri. Instruct me in Thy paths, O Lord, My ways directly guide ; Lest envious men, who watch my steps, Should see me tread aside. I trusted that my future life Should with Thy love be crown'd, Or else my fainting soul had sunk, With sorrow compass'd round. God's time with patient faith expect, Who will inspire thy breast With inward strength ; do thou thy part, And leave to Him the rest. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM XXVIII.— Ver. 7, 8, 9. My heart its confidence repos'd In God, my strength and shield ; In Him I trusted, and return'd Triumphant from the field. As He hath made my joys complete, 'Tis just that I should raise The cheerful tribute of my thanks, And thus resound His praise : " His aiding pow'r supports the troops " That my just cause maintain ; " 'Twas He advanc'd me to the throne, " 'Tis He secures my reign." Preserve Thy chosen, and proceed Thine heritage to bless; With plenty prosper them in peace, Jn battle with success. OF THE PSALMS, 61 "PSALM XXX.— Ver. 1, 2, 3,4, 5. I'll celebrate Thy praises, Lord, Who didst Thy pow'r employ To raise my drooping head, and check My foes' insulting joy. In my distress I cried to Thee, Who kindly didst relieve ; And from the grave's expecting jaws My hopeless life retrieve. Thus to His courts, ye saints of His, With songs of praise repair ; With me commemorate His truth, And providential care His wrath has hut a moment's reign, His favour no decay ; Your night of grief is recompens'd With joy's returning day. PSALM XXXIIL— Part I. Ver. 1, 6, 8, 9, 11. Let all the just to God with joy Their cheerful voices raise ; For well the righteous it becomes To sing glad songs of praise. By His Almighty word, at first, The heav'nly arch was rear'd ; And all the beauteous hosts of light At His command appear 'd. Let earth, and all that dwell therein, Before Him trembling stand ; For when He spake the word 'twas made, ' Twas fixed at His command. Whate'er the mighty Lord decrees, Shall stand for ever sure ; The settled purpose of His heart To ages shall endure. 62 NEW VERSION PSALM XXXIII.— Part II. Ver. 1, 18, 19,20, 21,22. Let all the just to God with joy Their cheerful voices raise ; For well the righteous it becomes To sing glad songs of praise. 'Tis God who those that trust in Him Beholds with gracious eyes ; He frees their soul from death, their want In time of dearth supplies. Our soul on God with patience waits ; Our help and shield is He ; Then, Lord, let still our hearts rejoice, Because we trust in Thee. The riches of Thy mercy, Lord, Do Thou to us extend ; Since we for all we want or wish On Thee alone depend. PSALM XXXIV.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9. Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. Of His deliv'rance I will boast, Till all that are distress'd From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt His Name ; When in distress to Him I call'd, He to my rescue came. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear ; Make you His service your delight, Your wants shall be His care. OF THE PSALMS. 03 PSALM XXXI V.— Part II. Ver. 15, 16, 17, 18, 22. The Lord from heav'n beholds the just With favourable eves ; And when distress'd, His gracious ear Is open to their cries. But turns His wrathful look on those Whom mercy can't reclaim, To cut them off, and from the earth Blot out their hated name. Deliv'rance to His saints He gives, When His relief they crave ; He's nigh to heal the broken heart, And contrite spirit save. For God preserves the souls of those Who on His truth depend, To them and their posterity His blessings shall descend. PSALM XXXVL— Ver. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Thy justice, like the hills, remains; Unfathom'd depths Thy judgments are; Thy providence the world sustains ; The whole creation is Thy care. Since of Thy goodness all partake, With what assurance should the just Thy shelt'ring wings their refuge make, And saints to Thy protection trust ! Such guests shall to Thy courts be led, To banquet on Thy love's repast; And drink, as from a fountain's head, Of joys that shall for ever last. With Thee the springs of life remain; Thy presence is eternal day: O ! let Thy saints Thy favour gain ; To upright hearts Thy truth display. 64 NEW VERSION PSALM XXXVII. Ver. 23, 24,25, 26, 29, 30, 31. The good man's way is God's delight, He orders all the steps aright Of him that moves by His command ; Though he sometimes may be distress'd, Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppress'd, For God upholds him with His hand. From my first youth till age prevail'd, I never saw the righteous fail'd, Or want o'ertake his numerous race; Because compassion fill'd his heart, And he did cheerfully impart, God made his offspring's wealth increase. The upright shall possess the land, His portion shall for ages stand ; His mouth with wisdom is supplied ; His tongue by rules of judgment moves, His heart the law of God approves, Therefore his footsteps never slide. PSALM XXXVIII.— Ver. 1, 2, 17, 18, 21, 22. Thy chast'ning wrath, O Lord, restrain, Though I deserve it all ; Nor let at once on me the storm Of Thy displeasure fall. In ev'ry wretched part of me Thy arrows deep remain ; Thy heavy hand's afflicting weight I can no more sustain. And with continual grief oppress'd, To sink I now begin ; To Thee, O Lord, I will confess, To Thee bewail rny sin. Forsake me not, O Lord, my God, Nor far from me depart : Make haste to my relief, O Thou, Who my salvation art. OF THE PSALMS. 65 PSALM XXXIX.— Part I.— Ver. 4, 5, 6, 7. Lord, let me know my term of days, How soon my life will end ; The num'rous train of ills disclose, Which this frail state attend. My life, Thou know'st, is but a span, A cypher sums my years ; And ev'ry man in best estate But vanity appears. Man like a shadow vainly walks, With fruitless cares oppress'd, He heaps up wealth, but cannot tell By whom 'twill be possess 'd. Why then should I on worthless toys With anxious care attend? On Thee alone my steadfast hope Shall ever, Lord, depend. PSALM XXXIX.— Part II. Ver. 11, 12, 13. For, when Thou chast'nest man for sin, Thou mak'st his beauty fade, (So vain a thing is he,) like cloth By fretting moths decay'd. Lord, hear my cry, accept my tears, And listen to my pray'r; Who sojourn like a stranger here, As all my fathers were. Oh ! spare me yet a little time, My wasted strength restore ; Before I vanish quite from hence, And shall be seen no more. 66 NEW version; PSALM XL.— Ver. 5, 6, 7, 8, Who can the wondrous works recount. Which Thou, O God, for us hast wrought? The treasures of Thy love surmount The pow'r of numbers, speech, and thought. I've learnt, that Thou hast not desir'd OfFrings and sacrifice alone ; Nor blood of guiltless beasts requir'd For man's transgression to atone. I therefore come — come to fulfil The oracles Thy books impart ; 'Tis my delight to do Thy will ; Thy law is written in my heart. PSALM XLI.— Ver. 1, 2, 12, 13. Happy the man whose tender care Relieves the poor distress'd ; When troubles compass him around, The Lord shall give him rest. The Lord his life, with blessings crown'd, In safety shall prolong ; And disappoint the will of those That seek to do him wrong. Thy tender care secures my life From danger and disgrace ; And Thou vouchsaf st to set me still Before Thy glorious face. Let therefore Israel's Lord and God From age to age be bless'd ; And all the people's glad applause With loud Am ens express'd, OF THE PSALMS. 67 PSALM XLIL— Vcr. 1, 2, 11. As pants the hart for cooling streams, When heated in the chase ; So longs my soul, O God, for Thee, And Thy refreshing grace. For Thee, my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine ; Oh ! "when shall I behold Thy face, Thou Majesty divine? Why restless, why cast down, my soul ? Hope still, and thou shalt sing The praise of Him who is thy God, Thy health's eternal spring. PSALM XLIIL— Ver. 3, 4, 5. With Gloria Patri. Let me with light and truth be blest, Be these mv guides, to lead the way; Till on Thy holy hill I rest, And in Thy sacred temple pray. Then will I there fresh altars raise To God, who is my only joy ; And well-tun'd harps, with songs of praise, Shall all my grateful hours employ. Why, then, cast down, my soul? and why So much oppress'd with anxious care ? On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who will thy ruin'd state repair. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heav'n and earth adore ; Be glory, as it was of old, Is now, and shall be evermore. 68 NEW VERSION PSALM XLIV.—Ver. 1, 3, 8. O Lord, our fathers oft have told In our attentive ears, Thy wonders in their days perform'd, And elder times than theirs ; For not their courage, nor their sword, To them possession gave ; Nor strength, that from unequal force Their fainting troops could save ; But Thy right hand and pow'rful arm, Whose succour they implor'd ; Thy presence with the chosen race, Who Thy great Name ador'd. j To Thee the triumph we ascribe, From whom the conquest came ; In God we will rejoice all day, And ever bless His Name. PSALM XLVIIL— Ver. 1, 9, 10, 14. The Lord, the only God, is great, And greatly to be prais'd In Sion, on whose happy mount His sacred throne is rais'd. Not in our fortresses and walls Did we, O God, confide ; But on the temple fix'd our hopes, In which Thou dost reside. According to Thy sov'reign Name, Thy praise through earth extends ; Thy powerful arm, as justice guides, Chastises or defends. This God is ours, and will be ours, Whilst we in Him confide ; Who, as He has preserv'd us now, Till death will be our guide. OF THE PSALMS. 09 PSALM LI.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 11, 12. Have mercy, Loud, on me, As Thou wert ever kind ; Let me, oppress'd with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. Wash off my foul offence, And cleanse me from my sin ; For I confess my crime, and see How great my guilt has been. Withdraw not Thou Thy help, Nor cast me from Thy sight; Nor let Thy Holy Spirit take Its everlasting flight. The joy Thy favour gives Let me again obtain ; And Thy free Spirit's firm support My fainting soul sustain. PSALM LIV.— Ver. 1, 2, 6, 7. With Gloria Patri. Lord, save me, for Thy glorious Name, And in Thy strength appear, To judge my cause, accept my pray'r, And to my words give ear ; While I my grateful offering bring, And sacrifice with joy ; And in His praise my time to come Delightfully employ. From dreadful danger and distress The Lord hath set me free ; Through Him shall I of all my foes The just destruction see. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. ro NEW VERSION PSALM LV.— Ver. 1, 2, 4, 5, 1G, 17. Give ear, thou Judge of all the earth, And listen when I pray : Nor from Thy humble suppliant turn Thy glorious face away. Attend to this my sad complaint, And hear my grievous moans ; Whilst I my mournful case declare With artless sighs and groans. My heart is rack'd with pain, my soul With deadly frights distress'd; With fear and trembling compass'd round, With horror quite oppress 'd. But I will call on God, who still Shall in my aid appear; At morn, and noon, and night, I'll pray, And He my voice shall hear. PSALM LVL— Ver. 10, 11, 12, 13. With Gloria Patri. I'll trust God's word, and so despise The force that man can raise ; To Thee, O God, my vows are due ; To Thee I '11 render praise. Thou hast retrieved my soul from death, And Thou wilt still secure The life Thou hast so oft preserv'd, And make my footsteps sure ; • That thus protected by Thy pow'r I may this light enjoy, And in the service of my God My length en 'd days employ. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. OF THE PSALMS. 71 PSALM LVII.—Ver. 7,8,9, 10, 11. O God, my heart is fix'd, 'tis bent, Its thankful tribute to present; And with my heart, my voice I '11 raise To Thee, my God, in songs of praise. Awake, my glory ; harp and lute, No longer let your strings be mute ; And I, my tuneful part to take, Will with the early dawn awake. Thy praises, Lord, I will resound To all the listening nations round ; Thy mercy highest heav'n transcends, Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. Be Thou, O God, exalted high ; And, as Thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth display 'd, Till Thou art here, as there, obey'd. PSALM LXVI.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4,5. Let all the lands with shouts of joy To God their voices raise ; Sing psalms in honour of His Name, And spread His glorious praise. And let them say, How dreadful, Lord, In all Thy works art Thou ! To Thy great pow'r Thy stubborn foes Shall all be forced to bow. Through all the earth the nations round Shall Thee their God confess ; And with glad hymns their awful dread Of Thy great Name express. Oh, come, behold the works of God, And then with me you'll own, That He to all the sons of men Has wondrous judgments shown. 72 NEW VERSION PSALM LXVII.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. To bless Thy chosen race, In mercy, Lord, incline ; And canse the brightness of Thy face On all Thy saints to shine. That so Thy wondrous ways May through the world be known, Whilst distant lands their tribute pay, And Thy salvation own. Let diff'ring nations join To celebrate Thy fame ; Let all the world, O Loud, combine To praise Thy glorious Name. O let them shout and sing, With joy and pious mirth, For Thou, the righteous Judge and King, Shalt govern all the earth. PSALM LXXI.— Parti.-— 1,2/3,6,9. In Thee I put my steadfast trust, Defend me, Lord, from shame : Incline Thine ear, and save my soul, For righteous is Thy Name. Be Thou my strong abiding place, To which I may resort ; 'Tis Thy decree that keeps me safe ; Thou art my rock and fort. Thy constant care did safely guard My tender infant days ; Thou took'st me from my mother's womb To sing Thy constant praise. Reject not then Thy servant, Lord, When I with age decay ; Forsake me not, when, worn with years, My vigour fades away. OF THE PSALMS. 73 PSALM LXXL— Part II.— Ver. 17, 19,20, 21. Thou, Lord, hast taught me from my youth To praise thy glorious Name ; And ever since Thy wondrous works Have been my constant theme. How high Thy justice soars, O God : How great and wondrous are The mighty works which Thou hast done ! Who may with Thee compare ? Me, whom Thy hand has sorely press'd, Thy grace shall yet relieve, And from the lowest depth of woe With tender care retrieve. Through Thee, my time to come shall be With power and greatness crown 'd? And me, who dismal years have pass'd, Thy comforts shall surround. PSALM LXXIL— Ver. 17, 18, 19, The mem'ry of His glorious Name Through endless years shall run ; His spotless fame shall shine as bright And lasting as the sun. In Him the nations of the world Shall be completely bless'd, And His unbounded happiness By every tongue confess 'd. Then bless'd be God, the mighty Lord, The God whom Israel fears ; Who only wondrous in his works Beyond compare appears. Let earth be with His glory fill'd, And ever bless His Name ; Whilst to His praise the list'ning world Their glad assent proclaim. 74 NEW VERSION PSALM LXXIIL— Ver. 25, 26, 27, 28. Whom then in heav'n but Thee alone, Have I, whose favour I require? Throughout the spacious earth there's none That I besides Thee can desire. My trembling flesh and aching heart May often fail to succour me, But God shall inward strength impart, And my eternal portion be. For they that far from Thee remove Shall into sudden ruin fall ; If after other gods they rove, Thy vengeance shall destroy them all. But as for me, 'tis good and just That I should still to God repair : In Him I always put my trust, And will His wondrous works declare. PSALM LXXXI.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. To God, our never-failing strength, With loud applauses sing : And jointly make a cheerful noise To Jacob's awful King. Compose a hymn of praise, and touch Your instruments of joy, Let psalteries and pleasant harps Your grateful skill employ. Let trumpets at the great new moon Their joyful voices raise, To celebrate tli" appointed time, The solemn day of praise. For this a statute was of old, Which Jacob's God decreed To be with pious care observ'd By Israel's chosen seed. OF THE PSALMS. 75 PSALM LXXXIV.— Ver. 1, 2, 5, 10. O God of Hosts, the mighty Lord, How lovely is the place "Where Thou, enthron'd in glory, shew'st The brightness of Thy face ! My longing soul faints with desire To view Thy blest abode; My panting heart and flesh cry out For Thee the living God. Thrice happy they, whose choice has Thee Their sure protection made : Who long to tread the sacred ways That to Thy dwelling lead !J For in Thy courts one single day Tis better to attend, Than, Lord, in any place besides A thousand days to spend. PSALM LXXXV.— Ver. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. To all that fear His holy Name His sure salvation's near ; And in its former happy state Our nation shall appear. For mercy now with truth is join'd ; And righteousness with peace, Like kind companions absent long, With friendly arms embrace. Truth from the earth shall spring, whilst heav*n Shall streams of justice pour ; And God, from whom all goodness flows, Shall endless plenty show'r. Before Him righteousness shall march, And His just paths prepare ; Whilst we His holy steps pursue With constant zeal and care. e 2 76 NEW VERSION PSALM LXXXVL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. To my complaint, O Lord, my God, Thy gracious ear incline ; Hear me, distress'd and destitute Of all relief but Thine. Do Thou, O God, preserve my soul, That does Thy Name adore ; Thy servant keep, and him, whose trust Relies on Thee, restore. To me, who daily Thee invoke, Thy mercy, Lord, extend ; Refresh Thy servant's soul, whose hopes On Thee alone depend. To my repeated humble pray'r O Lord, attentive be ; When troubled I on Thee will call ; For Thou wilt answer me. PSALM XC.— Ver. 3, 4, 5, 6. Thou turnest man, O Lord, to dust, Of which he first was made ; And when Thou speak'st the word " Return/' 'Tis instantly obey'd. For in Thy sight a thousand years Are like a day that's past, Or like a watch in dead of night, Whose hours unminded waste. Thou sweep'st us off as with a flood, We vanish hence like dreams ; At first we grow like grass that feels The sun's reviving beams. But howsoever fresh and fair Its morning beauty shews ; 'Tis all cut down, and wither 'd quite Before the ev'ning close. OF THE PSALMS. 7? PSALM XCIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. How good and pleasant must it be To thank the Lord most high ; And with repeated hymns of praise His Name to magnify. With every morning's early dawn His goodness to relate ; And of His constant truth each night The glad effects repeat. To ten-stringed instruments we'll sing With tuneful psalteries join'd; And to the harp with solemn sounds For sacred use design'd. For through Thy wondrous works, O Lord, Thou mak'st my heart rejoice; The thoughts of them shall make me glad, And shout with cheerful voice. PSALM XCIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. With glory clad, with strength array'd, The Lord, that o'er all nature reigns, The world's foundations strongly laid, And the vast fabric still sustains. How surely 'stablish'd is Thy throne, "Which shall no change or period see ! For Thou, O Lord, and Thou alone, Art God from all eternity. The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice, And toss the troubled waves on high; But God above can still their noise, And make the angry sea comply. Thy promise, Lord, is ever sure, And they that in Thy house would dwell, That happy station to secure, Must still in holiness excel. 78 NEW VERSION PSALM XCV.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, G. Oh, come, loud anthems let us sing, Loud thanks to our Almighty King: For we our voices high should raise, When our salvation's Rock we praise. Into His presence let us haste, To thank Him for His favours past : To Him address, in joyful songs, The praise that to His name belongs. For God, the Lord, enthron'd in state, Is with unrivall'd glory great ; A King, superior far to all, Whom gods the heathen falsely call. Oh, let us to His courts repair, And bow with adoration there; Down on our knees devoutly all Before the Lord our Maker fall. PSALM XCVIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Sing to the Lord a new-made song, Who wondrous things has done ; With His right hand and holy arm The conquest He has won. The Lord has through th' astonish'd world Display'd His saving might ; And made His righteous acts appear In all the heathen's sight. Of Israel's house His love and truth Have ever mindful been ; Wide earth's remotest parts the pow'r Of Israel's God have seen. Let therefore earth's inhabitants Their cheerful voices raise, And all with universal joy Resound their Maker's praise. OF THE PSALMS. PSALM C.— Ver. 1, 2, 3,4, 3. With one consent let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise ; Glad homage pay with awful mirth, And sing before Him songs of praise : Convinc'd that He is God alone, From whom both we and all proceed ; We, whom He chooses for His own, The flock that He vouchsafes to feed. Oh, enter, then, His temple gate, Thence to His courts devoutly press, And still your grateful hymns repeat, And still His Name with praises bless. For He's the Lord, supremely good; His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth, which always firmly stood, To endless ages shall endure. PSALM CIL— Ver. 1, 2, 28. When I pour out my soul in pray'r, Do Thou, O Lord, attend; To Thy eternal throne of grace Let my sad cry ascend. Oh, hide not Thou Thy glorious face, In times of deep distress ; Incline Thine ear, and when I call, My sorrows soon redress. Thou to the children of Thy saints Shalt lasting quiet give ; Whose happy race, securely fix'd, Shall in Thy presence live. 80 NEW VERSION o in PSALM CIII.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2,3,4,8,9,10. My soul, inspir'd with sacred love, God's holy Name for ever bless ; Of all His favours mindful prove, And still Thy grateful thanks express. Tis he that all thy sins forgives, And after sickness makes thee sound : From danger He thy life retrieves, By Him with grace and mercy crown'd. The Lord abounds with tender love, And unexampled acts of grace ; His waken 'd wrath doth slowly move, His willing mercy flows apace. God will not always harshly chide, But with His anger quickly part ; And loves His punishments to guide More by His love than our desert. PSALM CIII.— Part II.— Ver. 1,2, 11, 12, 13. With Gloria Patri. My soul inspir'd with sacred love, God's holy Name for ever bless ; Of all His favours mindful prove, And still thy grateful thanks express. As high as heav'n its arch extends Above this little spot of clay, So much His boundless love transcends The small respects that we can pay. As far as 'tis from east to west, So far has He our sins remov'd, Who with a father's tender breast Has such as fear Him always lov'd. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom earth and heav'n adore ; Be glory, as it was of old, Is now, and shall be evermore. OF THE PSALMS. PSALM CIV.— Ver. 1, 2, 33,34. With Gloria Patri. Bless God, my soul; thou, Lord, alone Possessest empire without bounds ; With honour Thou art crown a, Thy throne Eternal majesty surrounds. With light Thou dost Thyself enrobe, And glory for a garment take ; Heav'n's curtains stretch beyond the globe, Thy canopy of state to make. In praising God, while He prolongs My breath, I will that breath employ : And join devotion to my songs, Sincere as is in Him my joy. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom earth and heav'n adore ; Be glory, as it was of old, Is now, and shall be evermore. PSALM CV.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Oh, render thanks, and bless the Lord; Invoke His sacred Name ; Acquaint the nations with His deeds, His matchless deeds proclaim. Sing to His praise in lofty hymns, His wondrous works rehearse ; Make them the theme of your discourse, And subject of your verse. Rejoice in His Almighty Name, Alone to be ador'd ; And let their heart o'ernow with joy That humbly seek the Lord. Seek ye the Lord, His saving strength Devoutly still implore ; And where He's ever present, seek His face for evermore. e3 82 NEW VERSION PSALM CVIII.— Ver. 1, 3, 4, 5- O God, my heart is fully bent To magnify Thy Name ; My tongue with cheerful songs of praise Shall celebrate Thy fame. To all the list'ning tribes, O Lord, Thy wonders I will tell ; And to those nations sing Thy praise That round about us dwell : Because Thy mercy's boundless height The highest heaven transcends, And far beyond th' aspiring clouds, Thy faithful truth extends. Be Thou, O God, exalted high Above the starry frame ; And let the world with one consent Confess Thy glorious Name. PSALM CXI.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 10. Praise ye the Lord-; our God to praise My soul her utmost powers shall raise ; With private friends, and in the throng Of saints, His praise shall be my song. His works for greatness though renown 'd, His wondrous works with ease are found By those who seek for them aright, And in the pious search delight. His works are all of matchless fame, And universal glory claim ; His truth, confirm'd through ages past, Shall to eternal ages last. Who wisdom's sacred prize would win Must with the fear of God begin; Immortal praise and heav'nly skill Have they who know and do His will. OF THE PSALMS. 83 PSALM CXIIL— Ver. 1, 2, S, 4, 5. With Gloria Patri. Ye saints and servants of the Lord, The triumphs of His Xame record ; His sacred Name for ever bless ; Where'er the circling sun displays His rising beams, or setting rays, Due praise to His great Name address. God through the world extends His sway ; The regions of eternal day But shadows of His glory are : With Him, whose Majesty excels, Who made the heav'n in which He dwells, Let no created power compare. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heav'n's triumphant host, And suff 'ring saints on earth adore ; Be glory, as in ages past, As now it is, and so shall last, When time itself must be no more. PSALM CXV.—Ver. 1, 11. With Gloria Patri. Lord, not to us, we claim no share, But to Thy sacred Name Give glory for Thy mercy's sake, And truth's eternal fame. Let all who truly fear the Lord, On Him they fear rely ; Who them in danger can defend, And all their wants supply. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. 84 NEW VERSION PSALM CXVL— Ver. 1,2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18. My soul with grateful thoughts of love Entirely is possest, Because the Lord vouchsaf 'd to hear The voice of my request. Since He has now His ear inclin'd, I never will despair ; But still in all the straits of life To Him address my pray'r. How just and merciful is God! How gracious is the Lord ! Who saves the harmless, and to me Does timely help afford. Then what return to Him shall I For all His goodness make ? I'll praise His Name, and with glad zeal The cup of blessing take. To Thee I'll ofF'rings bring of praise ; And whilst I bless Thy Name, The just performance of my vows To all Thy saints proclaim. PSALM CXVIL— Ver. 1, 2. With Gloria Patri. With cheerful notes let all the earth To heav'n their voices raise; Let all, inspir'd with godly mirth, Sing solemn hymns of praise. God's tender mercy knows no bound, His truth shall ne'er decay ; Then let the willing nations round Their grateful tribute pay. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. OF THE PSALMS. S3 PSALM CXVIII. Ver. 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Oh, praise the Lord, for He is good, His mercies ne'er decay ; That His kind favours ever last, Let thankful Israel say. Within those gates of God's abode, To which the righteous press; Since Thou hast heard, and set me safe, Thy holy Name I'll bless. That which the builders once refus'd Is now the corner-stone ; This is the wondrous work of God, The work of God alone. This day is God's; let all the land Exalt their cheerful voice ; Lord, we beseech Thee, save us now, And make us still rejoice. PSALM CXIX.— Part I.—Ver. 4, 5, 6, 7. Thou strictly hast enjoin'd us, Lord, To learn Thy sacred will : And all our diligence employ Thy statutes to fulfil. Oh, then, that Thy most holy will Might o'er my ways preside ! And I the course of all my life By Thy direction guide ! Then with assurance should I walk, From all confusion free ; Convinc'd, with joy, that all my ways With Thy commands agree. My upright heart shall my glad mouth With cheerful praises fill ; When, by Thy righteous judgments taught, I shall have learnt Thy will. 86 NEW VERSION PSALM CXIX.— Part II.— Ver. 9, 10, 11, 12. How shall the young preserve their ways From all pollution free ? By making still their course of life With Thy commands agree. With hearty zeal for Thee I seek, To Thee for succour pray; Oh, suffer not my careless steps From Thy right paths to stray. Safe in my heart, and closely hid, Thy word my treasure lies ; To succour me with timely aid, When sinful thoughts arise. Secur'd by that, my grateful soul Shall ever bless Thy Name ; Oh, teach me, then, by Thy just laws My future life to frame. PSALM CXIX.— Part III.— Ver. 33,34,35,37. Instruct me in Thy statutes, Lord, Thy righteous paths display ; And I from them through all my life Will never go astray. If Thou true wisdom from above Wilt graciously impart, To keep Thy perfect laws I will Devote my zealous heart. Direct me in the sacred ways To which Thy precepts lead ; Because my chief delight has been Thy righteous paths to tread. From those vain objects turn my eyes Which this false world displays ; Put give me lively power and strength To keep Thy righteous ways. OF THE PSALMS. 87 PSALM CXIX.— Part IV.— Ver. 57,58, .39. With Gloria Patri. O Lord, my God, my portion Thou And sure possession art ; Thy words I steadfastly resolve To treasure in my heart. With all the strength of warm desires I did Thy grace implore ; Disclose, according to Thy word, Thy mercy's houndless store. With due reflection and strict care On all my ways I thought ; And so, reclaim'd to Thy just paths, My wand'ring steps I brought. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM CXIX.— Part V. Ver. 169, 170, 171, 172. To my request and earnest cry Attend, O gracious Lord ; Inspire my heart with heav'nly skill According to Thy word. Let my repeated pray'r at last Before Thy throne appear ; According to Thy plighted word, For my relief draw near. Then shall my grateful lips return The tribute of their praise, When Thou Thy counsels hast reveal'd, And taught me Thy just ways. My tongue the praises of Thy word Shall thankfully resound, Because Thy promises are all With truth and justice crown'd. 88 NEW VERSION PSALM CXXI.— Ver. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9. With Gloria Patri. To Sion'shill I lift my eyes, From thence expecting aid; From Sion's hill and Sion's God, Who heav'n and earth has made. From common accidents of life His care shall guard thee still ; From the blind strokes of chance, and foes That lie in wait to kill. At home, abroad, in peace, in war, Thy God shall thee defend ; Conduct thee through life's pilgrimage, Safe to thy journey's end. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM CXXV.~Ver. 1, 2, 4. With Gloria Patri. Who place on Sion's God their trust, Like Sion's rock shall stand; Like her immovably be fixed By His Almighty hand. Look how the hills on every side Jerusalem enclose ; So stands the Lord around His saints, To guard them from their foes. Be good, O righteous God, to those Who righteous deeds affect ; The heart that innocence retains Let innocence protect. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. OF THE PSALMS. 89 PSALM CXXX.— Ver. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8. From lowest depths of woe To God I send my cry ; Lord, hear my supplicating voice, And graciously reply. My soul with patience waits For Thee, the living Lord ; My hopes are on Thy promise built, Thy never-failing word. Let Israel trust in God, No bounds His mercy knows; The plenteous source and spring from whence Eternal succour flows. Whose friendly streams to us Supplies in want convey ; A healing spring, a spring to cleanse, And wash our guilt away. PSALM CXXXIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. Plow vast must their advantage be, How great their pleasure prove, Who live like brethren, and consent In offices of love ! True love is like that precious oil Which, pour'd on Aaron's head, Ran down his beard, and o'er his robes Its costly moisture shed. 'Tis like refreshing dew, which does On Hermon's top distil ; Or like the early drops that fall On Sion's fruitful hill. For Sion is the chosen seat, Where the Almighty King The promis'd blessing has ordain'd, And life's eternal spring. 90 NEW VERSION PSALM CXXXIV.— Ver. 1, 2, 3. With Gloria Patri. Bless God, ye servants' that attend Upon His solemn state, That in His temple, night by night, With humble reverence wait. Within His house lift up your hands, And bless His holy Name ; From Sion bless Thy Israel, Lord, Who earth and heav'n didst frame. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM CXXXV.— Ver. 1, 2,3, 4. Oh, praise the Lord with one consent, And magnify His Name : Let all the servants of the Lord His worthy praise proclaim. Praise Him all ye that in His house Attend with constant care ; With those that to His outmost courts With humble zeal repair. For this our truest int'rest is, Glad hymns of praise to sing ; And with loud songs to bless His Name, A most delightful thing. For God His own peculiar choice The sons of Jacob makes ; And Israel's offspring for His own Most valued treasure takes. OF THE PSALMS. 91 PSALM CXXXVIIL— Ver. 1, 2, 3. With Gloria Patri. With my whole heart, my God and King, Thy praise T will proclaim : Before the gods with joy I'll sing, And bless Thy holy Name. I'll worship at Thy sacred seat ; And, with Thy love inspir'd, The praises of Thy truth repeat, O'er all Thy works admir'd. Thou graciously inclin'dst Thine ear When I to Thee did cry ; And when my soul was press'd with fear, Didst inward strength supply. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. PSALM CXXXIX.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Thou, Lord, by strictest search hast known My rising up and lying down ; My secret thoughts are known to Thee, Known long before conceiv'd by me. Thine eye my bed and path surveys, My public haunts and private ways ; Thou know'st what 'tis my lips would vent, My yet unuttered words' intent. Surrounded by Thy pow'r I stand, On ev'ry side I find Thy hand ; Oh, skill for human reach too high ! Too dazzling bright for mortal eye ! Oh, could I so perfidious be, To think of once deserting Thee, Where, Lord, could I Thy influence shun ? Or whither from Thy presence run ? 92 NEW VERSION PSALM CXLIII.— Ver. 1, 2, 10, 11. Lord, hear my pray'r, and to my cry Thy wonted audience lend ; In Thy accustom 'd faith and truth A gracious answer send. Nor at Thy strict tribunal bring Thy servant to be tried ; For in Thy sight no living man Can e'er be justified. Thou art my God, Thy righteous will Instruct me to obey; Let Thy good Spirit lead and keep My soul in Thy right way. Oh ! for the sake of Thy great Name, Revive my drooping heart; For Thy truth's sake, to me, distress'd, Thy promis'd aid impart. PSALM CXLV.— Part I.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G. Thee I'll extol, my God and King, Thy endless praise proclaim ; This tribute daily I will bring, And ever bless Thy Name. Thou, Lord, beyond compare art great. And highly to be prais'd; Thy Majesty, with boundless height, Above our knowledge rais'd. Renown'd for mighty acts, Thy fame To future times extends ; From age to age Thy glorious Name Successively descends. Whilst I Thy glory and renown, And wondrous w T orks express; 1 The world with me Thy might shall own, And Thy great power confess. OF THE PSALMS. 93 PSALM CXLV.— Part II. Ver. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. How holy is the Lord, how just, How righteous all His ways! How nigh to him, who with firm trust For His assistance prays ! He grants the full desires of those Who Him with fear adore ; And will their troubles soon compose When they His aid implore. The Lord preserves all those with care Whom grateful love employs ; But sinners, who His vengeance dare, With furious rage destroys. My time to come, in praises spent, Shall still advance His fame ; And all mankind, with one consent, For ever bless His Name. PSALM CXLVI.— Ver. 6, 7, 8, 10. The Lord, who made both heav'n and earth, And all that they contain, Will never quit His steadfast truth, Nor make His promise vain. The poor opprest, from all their wrongs Are eas'd by His decree ; He gives the hungry needful food, And sets the pris'ners free. By Him the blind receive their sight, The weak and fall'n He rears ; With kind regard and tender love He for the righteous cares. The God that does in Sion dwell Is our eternal King : From age to age His reign endures ; Let all His praises sing. 94 NEW VERSION PSALM CXLVIL— Ver. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11. Oh, praise the Lord with hymns of joy, And celebrate His fame : For pleasant, good, and comely 'tis To praise His holy Name. He kindly heals the broken hearts, And all their wounds doth close ; He tells the number of the stars, Their sev'ral names He knows. Great is the Lord, and great His pow'r, His wisdom has no bound ; The meek He raises, but throws down The wicked to the ground. But He, to him that fears His Name, His tender love extends ; To him that on His boundless grace. With steadfast hope depends. PSALM CXLVIII.-Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G Ye boundless realms of joy, Exalt your Maker's fame ; His praise your song employ Above the starry frame : Your voices raise, Ye Cherubim, And Seraphim, To sing His praise. Thou moon, that ruTst the night, And sun, that guid'st the day, Ye glitt'ring stars of light, To Him your homage pay ; His praise declare, Ye heav'ns above, And clouds that move In liquid air. OF THE PSALMS. 95 Let them adore the Lord, And praise His holy Name, By whose Almighty word They all from nothing came : And all shall last From changes free ; His firm decree Stands ever fast. PSALM CXLIX.— Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. With Gloria Patri. Oh, praise ye the Lord ; Prepare your glad voice, His praise in the great Assembly to sing : In our great Creator Let Israel rejoice; And children of Sion Be glad in their King. Let them His great Name Extol in the dance ; With timbrel and harp His praises express : Who always takes pleasure His saints to advance, And with His salvation The humble to bless. By angels in heav'n Of ev'ry degree, And saints upon earth All praise be address'd, To God, in Three Persons, One God ever blest; As it has been, now is, And always shall be. 96 NEW VERSION OF THE PSALMS. PSALM CL.— Ver. 1,2,6. With Gloria Patri. Oh, praise the Lord in that bless'd place, From whence His goodness largely flows; Praise Him in heav'n, where He His face Unveil'd in perfect glory shews. Praise Him for all the mighty acts, Which He in our behalf has done; His kindness this return exacts, With which our praise should equal run. Let all that vital breath enjoy, The breath He does to them afford, In just returns of praise employ : Let ev'ry creature praise the Lord. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heav'n and earth adore ; Be glory, as it was of old, Is now, and shall be evermore. THE END OF THE NEW VERSION. HYMNS. HYMNS. VENI CREATOR. First Metre. Come, Holy Ghost; Creator, come, And visit all the souls of Thine : Thou hast inspir'd our hearts with life ; Inspire them now with life divine. Thou art the Comforter, the gift Of God most high; the fire of love, The everlasting spring of joy, And holy unction from above. Thy gifts are manifold ; Thou writ'st God's laws in ev'ry faithful heart; The promise of the Father, Thou Dost heav'nly eloquence impart. Enlighten our dark souls, till they Thy love, Thy heav'nly love, embrace ; And (since we are by nature frail) Assist us with Thy saving grace. Drive far from us the mortal foe, And grant us to have peace within ; That, with Thy light and guidance blest, We may escape the snares of sin. Teach us the Father to confess, And Son, who from the grave reviv'd ; And, with the Father and the Son, Thee, Holy Ghost, from both deriv'd. With Thee, O Father, therefore, may The Son, who was from death restor'd, And sacred Comforter, one God, To endless ages be ador'd ! f 2 100 HYMNS. Second Metre. Come, Holy Ghost ; Creator, come, Inspire the souls of Thine ; Till every heart which Thou hast made Is fill'd with grace divine. Thou art the Comforter, the gift Of God, and fire of love ; The everlasting spring of joy, And unction from above. Thy gifts are manifold, Thou writ'st God's laws in each true heart ; The promise of the Father, Thou Dost heav'nly speech impart. Enlighten our dark souls, till they Thy sacred love embrace ; Assist our minds, by nature frail, With Thy celestial grace. Drive far from us the mortal foe, And give us peace within : That, by Thy guidance bless'd, we may Escape the snares of sin. Teach us the Father to confess, And Son, from death reviv'd ; And, with them both, Thee, Holy Ghost, Who art from both deriv'd. With Thee, O Father, therefore, may The Son, from death restor'd, And sacred Comforter, One God, Devoutly be ador'd : As in all ages heretofore Has constantly been done, As now it is, and shall be so When Time his course has'run. HYMNS. 101 TE DEUM LAUD AM US. The First Part. O God, we praise Thee, and confess That Thou the only Lord And everlasting Father art, By all the earth ador'd. To Thee all Angels cry aloud ; To Thee the Powers on high, Both Cherubim and Seraphim, Continually do cry, O holy, holy, holy Lord, Whom heav'nly hosts obey ; The world is with the glory fill'd Of Thy majestic ray. TV Apostles' glorious company, And Prophets crown'd with light, With all the Martyrs' noble host, Thy constant praise recite. The holy Church throughout the world, O Lord, confesses Thee ; That Thou eternal Father art, Of boundless majesty. Thy honour'd, true, and only Son, And Holy Ghost, the spring Of never-ceasing joy : O Christ, Of glory Thou art King. The Father's everlasting Son, Thou from on high didst come To save mankind, and didst not then ; y Disdain the Virgin's womb. And, having overcome the sting Of death, Thou open'dst wide The gates of heav'n to all, who firm In Thy belief abide. 102 HYMNS. The Second Part. Crown 'd with the Father's glory, Thou At God's right hand dost sit ; Whence Thou shalt come to be our Judge, To sentence or acquit. O therefore save Thy servants, Lord, Whose souls so dearly cost ; Nor let the purchase of Thy blood, Thy precious blood, be lost. We magnify Thee day by day, And ever worship Thee : Vouchsafe to keep us, Lord, this day From sin and danger free. Have mercy, mercy on us, Lord, To us Thy grace extend ; According as for mercy we On Thee alone depend! In Thee I have repos'd my trust, And ever shall do so ; Preserve me then from ruin here, And from eternal woe. BENEDICTUS; Or, The SONG of Zacharias. Luke i. G8. Now bless'd be Israel's Lord and God, Whose mercy at our need Has visited his people's grief, And them from bondage freed ; And rais'd in faithful David's house Salvation, which of old, E'er since the world itself began, His prophets had foretold. HYMNS. 103 To save us from our spiteful foes, And keep His oath in mind, Which he to Abr'am heretofore,. And to our fathers sign'd ; That we, from fear and danger freed, His temple may frequent; And all our days, as in His sight, In holy life be spent. And thou, O child, shalt then be call'd God's prophet, to declare His message, and before his face His passage to prepare : To give them light, who now in shades Of night and death abide ; And in the way that leads to peace Our footsteps safely guide. MAGNIFICAT ; Or, The SONG of the Blessed Virgin* Luke i. 46. My soul and spirit, mTd with joy, My God and Saviour praise, Whose goodness did from poor estate His humble handmaid raise. Me bless'd of God, the God of pow'r, All ages shall confess ; Whose Name is holy, and whose love His saints shall ever bless. The proud, and all their vain designs, He quickly did confound ; He cast the mighty from their seat, The meek and humble crown 'd. 101 HYMNS. The hungry with good things were fill'l The rich with hunger pin'd; He sent His servant Israel help, And call'd his love to mind; Which to our fathers heretofore By oath He did ensure, To Abr'am and his chosen seed For ever to endure. NUNC DIMITTIS ; Or, The SONG of Simeon. Luke ii. 29. Lord, let Thy servant now depart Into Thy pro mis 'd rest, Since my expecting eyes have been With Thy salvation blest : Which till this time Thy favour'd saints And prophets only knew; Long since prepar'd, but now set forth In all the people's view. A light to show the heathen world The way to saving grace ; But, oh! the light and glory both Of Israel's chosen race. THE CREED. I steadfastly believe in God, The Father of all might ; Who made this lower w r orld, and all The glorious worlds of light : And I believe in Jesus Christ, The everlasting Word ; Th' Almighty Father's only Son, And our most gracious Lord. j HYMNS. 105 Conceiv'd by th' Holy Ghost, and of The Virgin Mary born ; By Pontius Pilate doom'd to bear Most bitter pains and scorn ; Was crucified, and for a time, Both dead and buried lay ; Descended into hell ; and rose To life on the third day ; Ascended up to heav'n ; and there At God's right hand is plac'd ; From whence he shall return to judge The quick and dead at last. I likewise firmly do believe, O Holy Ghost, in thee ; The holy universal Church, And saints' community. Forgiveness of repented sins, (Through Christ, our sacrifice,) The resurrection of the dead, And life that never dies. THE LORD'S PRAYER. First Metre, Our Father, who in heaven art, Thy Name be hallow'd in each heart. Thy kingdom come : may we fulfil, Who dwell on earth, Thy heav'n ly will, With equal cheerfulness and love, As saints and angels do above. Give us this day our daily bread : Us into no temptation lead : But with Thy grace preserve us still From sin, and ev'ry thing that's ill ; For Thine the kingdom, and the pow'r, And glory are for evermore. f 3 106 HYMNS. Second Metre, Our Father, who in heaven art, All hallow 'd be thy Name ; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done Throughout this earthly frame, As cheerfully as 'tis by those Who dwell with Thee on high ; Lord, let Thy bounty day by day Our daily food supply. As we forgive our enemies, Thy pardon, Lord, we crave ; Into temptation lead us not, But us from evil save. For kingdom, pow'r, and glory, all Belong, O Lord, to Thee; Thine from eternity they were, And Thine shall ever be, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. God spake these words : O Israel, hear What I shall now command, Thy Lord and only God am I, Who with almighty hand From Egypt's land, and from the house Of bondage set thee free : And therefore, Israel, thou shalt have No other God but me. Thou shalt no graven image make, Nor likeness shalt thou feign, Of any thing that heav'n or earth, Or wat'ry deeps contain. Thou shalt not bow thyself to them, Nor outward worship pay ; Much less shalt thou, in heart, adore, And to an idol pray. HYMNS. 107 For I thy God, a jealous God, The father's sin chastise To third and fourth descent, of all Who are my enemies : Cut mercy do to thousands show, And bounteously repay All those who me sincerely love, And my commands obey. The sacred name of God, thy Lord, Thou never shalt profane, For God will them not guiltless hold Who take His Name in vain. Remember thou the sabbath day To keep with holy care ; Six days to labour thou shalt take, To finish each affair : But God, thy Lord, the seventh day His sabbath did ordain, In which thou shalt from ev'ry kind Of worldly work refrain, r Thyself, thy children, servants, then From labour shall be free, Thy cattle, and the stranger, whom Thou tak'st to dwell with Thee : For God 5 thy Lord, the solemn space Of six whole days did take, The heavens, earth, and seas, and all Therein contain'd to make ; But rested on the seventh day, Which for that cause He blest, And sanctified it to be kept A day of holy rest. Honour thy parents, that thou may'st Both long and happy live, In that blest land which God, thy Lord, Did for thy dwelling give. 108 * HYMNS. From murder; from adultery; And theft thou shalt forbear *: Nor falsely shalt in any case Against thy neighbour swear. Thou shalt not covet house or wife, Or man, or maid of his, Or ox, or ass, or aught whereof He rightful owner is. Have mercy therefore on us, Lord, And all our hearts incline With diligence and care to keep These righteous laws of Thine. FOR CHRISTMAS DAY. \ Morning Service. HiGH^let us swell our tuneful notes, And join th' angelic throng, For angels no such love have known, T' awake a cheerful song. Good- will to sinful men is shown, And peace on earth is given; For, lo ! th' incarnate Saviour come9 With messages from heaven. Justice and grace, with sweet accord, His rising beams adorn ; Let heav'n and earth in concert join, To us a Child is born. 3 Glory to God, in highest strains, In highest worlds be paid; His glory by our lips proclaim'd And by our lives display 'd. When shall we reach those blissful realms Where Christ exalted reigns ; And learn of the celestial choir Their own immortal strains ? HYMNS. 109 Evening Service, Hark, the herald angels sing, Glory to the new-born King, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconcil'd! Joyful all ye nations rise, Join the triumph of the skies, With th' angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem. Hark, the herald angels sing/ Glory to the new-born King ! Christ, by highest heav'n ador'd, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold him come, Offspring of a virgin's womb : Veil'd in flesh the Godhead he, Hail th' incarnate Deity : Pleas'd as man with man appear, Jesus our Immanuel here. Hark, the herald angels, &c. Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace ! Hail the Sun of Righteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Ris'n with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die : Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Hark, the herald angels, &c. 110 HYMNS. SONG OF THE ANGELS, At the Nativity of our Blessed Saviour, Luke ii. 8 — 15. While shepherds watch 'd their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. Fear not, said he, (for mighty dread Had seiz'd their troubled mind,) Glad tidings of great joy 1 bring To you and all mankind. To you, in David's town, this day Is born of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ; — And this shall be the sign : The heav'nly Babe you there shall find To human view display 'd, All meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a manger laid. Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith Appear'd a shining throng Of angels, praising God, and thus Address'd their joyful song : All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace ; Good- will henceforth from heav'n to men Begin, and never cease. FOR EASTER DAY. First Hymn. Since Christ, our passover, is slain A sacrifice for all ; Let all with thankful hearts agree To keep the festival : HYMtyS. Ill Not with the leaven, as of old, Of sin and malice fed ; But with unfeign'd sincerity, And truth's unleaven'd bread. Christ, being rais'd by pow'r divine, And rescu'd from the grave, Shall die no more; death shall on Him No more dominion have. For that He died, 'twas for our sins He once vouchsaf 'd to die ; But that He lives, He lives to God For all eternity. So count yourselves as dead to sin, But graciously restor'd, And made henceforth alive to God, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Second Hymn. Christ from the dead is rais'd, and made The first fruits of the tomb ; For, as by man came death, by man Did resurrection come. For as in Adam all mankind Did guilt and death derive, So by the righteousness of Christ Shall all be made alive. If then ye risen are with Christ, Seek only how to get The things that are above, where Christ At God's right hand doth sit. Third Hymn. Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Our triumphant holy day ; Who did once, upon the cross, Suffer to redeem our loss. Hallelujah. 112 HYMNS. Hymns of praise then let us sing Unto Christ our heav'nly King; Who endur'd the cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. Hallelujah. But the pains which He endur'd \] Our salvation hath procur'd ; Now above the sky He's King, Where the angels ever sing. Hallelujah. FOUR HYMNS FOR THE HOLY j COMMUNION. HYMN I." My God, and is Thy table spread, ' And doth Thy cup with love o'erflow ? Thither be all Thy children led, And let them all Thy sweetness know. Hail, sacred feast, which Jesus makes, Rich banquet of His flesh and blood? Thrice happy he who here partakes That sacred stream, that heav'nly Tood. Why are its dainties all in vain Before unwilling hearts display M? Was not for you the victim slain ? Are you forbid the children's bread? Oh ! let Thy table honour'd be, And furnish'd well with joyful guests ; And may each soul salvation see, That here its sacred pledges tastes ! Let crowds approach, with hearts prepar'd, With hearts inflam'd let all attend ; Nor, when we leave our Father's board, The pleasure or the profit end. HYMNS. 113 Revive Thy dying churches, Loud, And bid our drooping graces live ; And more, that energy afford, A Saviour's blood alone can give. HYMN II. Out of the Revelation of St. John. Tuou, God, all glory, honour, pow'r, Art worthy to receive ; Since all things by Thy pow'r were made, And by Thy bounty live. And worthy is the Lamb, all pow'r, Honour, and wealth to gain, Glory and strength ; who for our sins A sacrifice was slain. All worthy Thou, who hast redeem 'd And ransom'd us to God, From ev'ry nation, every coast, By Thy most precious blood. Blessing and honour, glory, pow'r By all in earth and heav'n, To Him that sits upon the throne, And to the Lamb be giv'n. HYMN III. Revelation, Chap. xix. All ye who faithful servants are Of our Almighty King, Both high and low, and small and great, His praise devoutly sing ! Let us rejoice, and render thanks To His most holy Name ; Rejoice, rejoice ! for now is come The marriage of the Lamb. . 114 HYMNS. His bride herself has ready made, How pure and white her dress ! Which is her saints' integrity, And spotless holiness. O therefore bless'd is every one, Who to the marriage feast, And holy supper of the Lamb, Is made a welcome guest ! HYMN IV. The Thanksgiving in the Church Communion Service. To God be glory, peace on earth, To all mankind good- will ; We bless, we praise, we worship Thee, And glorify Thee still. And thanks for Thy great glory give, That fills our souls with light ; O Lord ! God ! heav'nly King ! the God And Father of all might. And Thou, begotten Son of God, Before all time begun ; O Jesu Christ! God, Lamb of God! The Father's only Son ! Have mercy, Thou that tak'st the sins Of all the world away ! Have mercy, Saviour of mankind, And hear us when we pray ! O Thou, who sitt'st at God's right hand, Upon the Father's throne, Have mercy on us, Thou, O Christ, AVho art the Holy One! Thou, Lord, — who with the Holy Ghost, Whom earth and heav'n adore, In glory of the Father art Most High for evermore. HYMNS. 115 THE LAMENTATION OF A SINNER. Lord, turn not Thy face from me, Who lie in woful state, Lamenting all my sinful life Before Thy mercy-gate ; A gate which opens wide to those That do lament their sin : Shut not that gate against me, Lord, But let me enter in. And call me not to strict account, How I have sojourn'd here; For then my guilty conscience knows How vile I shall appear. 1 need not to confess my life To Thee, who best can tell What I have been, and what I am ; I know Thou know'st it well. The circumstances of my crimes, Their number and their kind, Thou know'st them all ; and more, much more, Than I can call to mind ; Therefore, with tears, I come to beg Of my offended God, For pardon, like a child that dreads His angry parent's rod. So come I to Thy mercy-gate, Where mercy doth abound, Imploring pardon for my sin, To heal my deadly wound. O Lord, I need not to repeat The comfort I would have : Thou know'st, O Lord, before I ask, The blessing I do crave. 116 HYMNS. Mercy, good Lord, mercy I ask, This is the total sum ; For mercy, Lord, is all my suit Lord, let Thy mercy come. FOR THE MORNING. Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. Redeem thy misspent moments past, And live this day as if the last ; Thy talents to improve take care ; For the great day thyself prepare. Let all thy converse be sincere, Thy conscience as the noon-day clear ; For God's all-seeing eye surveys Thy secret thoughts, thy works and ways. Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels bear thy part ; Who all night long unwearied sing High glory to th' eternal King ! FOR THE EVENING. Glory to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath Thy own almighty wings ! Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. HYMNS. 117 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my hed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day. let my soul on Thee repose ; And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close; Sleep, that shall me more vig'rous make, To serve my God when T awake. t If in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heav'nly thoughts supply ; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, angelic host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 119 ©Iti Ftrston. A COURSE OF SINGING PSALMS FOR HALF A YEAR. In the Morning before the Communion Service. $ragcr antr SEfjanfcsgtbtng. Sunday Psalm Page I. viii. O God, our Lord, how wonderful 3 II. ix. "With heart and mouth to Thee . 3 III. xviii O God, my strength and, Par* i. 6 IV. xix. The heavens and firmament, Pt. i. 7 V. xxxiii. Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice 12 VI. xxxiv. I will give laud and honour,Par£ i. 13 VII. xlvii. Ye people all, with one accord . 17 VIII. lvii. My heart is set to praise the Lord 18 IX. lxv. Thy praise alone, O Lord, doth . 20 X. lxvii. Have mercy on us, Lord, Part i. 20 XI. lxviii. Sing praise unto the Lord . .21 XII. Ixxxix. Lord God of hosts, in all the world 24 XIII. xcii. It is a thing both good and meet 25 XIV. xciii. The Lord doth reign, and clothed 26' XV. xcv. O come, let us lift up our voice . 27 XVI. xcvi. Sing ye with praise unto, Part i. 27 XVII. xcvi. Fall down and worship, Part it. 28 XVIII. c. All people that on earth do dwell 29 XIX. cii. Thou, the foundations of, Part ii. 30 XX. ciii. My soul, give praise unto the Lord 31 XXI. civ. My soul, praise the Lord . .31 XXII. cviii. O God, my heart prepared is . 33 XXIII. cxxxiv. Behold and have regard ... 43 XXIV. cxlv. Thee will I laud, my God, Part L 46' XXV. cxlvii. Praise ye the Lord, for it is good 47 i&XVI. cl. Yield unto God, the mighty Lord 48 120 A Course of Singing Psalms IN THE MORNING, BEFORE SERMON. $raj)er to <£otr, antr Crust in jfyim. Sunday Psalm Page I. iv. Offer to God the sacrifice . . 2 II. v. Incline thine ear, O Lord, and let 2 HI. ix. In judgments great the, Part ii. 4 IV. xiii. How long wilt Thou forget me . 4 V. xvii. O Lord, give ear to my just cause 6 VI. xxiii. My shepherd is the living Lord . 9 VII. xxv. Direct me in Thy truth . . .10 VIII. xxviii. To render thanks unto the Lord 1 1 IX. xxxvi. Thy mercy is above all things . 14 X. Ii. Make new my heart within my . 17 XI. lxi. Regard, O Lord, for I complain 18 XII. lxii. My soul to God shall give good 19 XIII. Ixiii. O God, my God, I early seek . 19 XIV. lxxi. My Lord, my God, in all distress 22 XV. lxxiii. What thing is there that I can . 22 XVI. xci. He that within the sacred place . 25 XVII. xciii. The Lorddoth reign, and clothed 26 XVIII. xcv. O come, let us lift up our voice . 27 XIX. cii. Hear Thou my prayer, Part i. . 30 XX. cvi. Praise ye the Lord, for he is good 32 XXI. cxix. My ways when I, Part iv. . . 38 XXII. cxix. Thy mercies great and, Part v. 38 XXIII. cxix. Thypromise which Thou, Partvi. 39 XXIV. cxxx. Hearken, O Lord, to my request 41 XXV. cxliii. Lord, hear my prayer, and my . 45 XXVI. cxlvi. My soul, praise thou the Lord . 47 for half a Year. 121 IN THE AFTERNOON*. Vwtqptfi antr Jfflotibes to a Gobly Htfr. Sunday I. II. III. i T . * v! VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVIT. XVIII. XIX. XX. xxr. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. Fsalm Paje i. The man is blest thathath not lent xv. Within Thy Tabernacle, Lord . x'x. The heavens and firmament on . xxiv. Who is the man, O Lord, Part i. xxiv. Ye gates and everlasting-, Part i'>. xxxiv. Come near to me, my, Part ii. . xxxv i. Thy mercy is above aU things . xxxvii. Fret not to see the wicked, Part i. xxxvii. The Lord, the just man's, Partil. 15 lxxiii. What thing is there that I can . 22 lxxxiv. How pleasant is thy dwelling . 23 xci. He that within the sacred place 2o xciv. The Lord, who made the ear of 26 ci. I mercy will and judgment sing 29 cxi. Redemption great He gave. . . 34 cxix. Blessed are they that, Part i. . . 3(3 cxix. By what means may a, Part ii. . 37 cxix. Thy testimonies andThy,Pa;7///. 37 cxix. O God, who art my, Part vii, . . 39 cxix. According to Thy, Part vii'. . . 40 cxix. What great desire and, Part i.e. 40 cxix. Great peace and rest, Part x. . 41 exxxii. The Lord himself hath Sion chose 42 exxxiii. O what a happy thing it is . . . 42 exxxix. O Lord, thou hast me tried and 44 cxliv. Blest be the Lord, my strength 45 ©to Frafoii. Psalms for particular Days and Occasions. CHRISTMAS DAY. Psalm Page ciii 31 cvi 32 cxviii. Part ii 36 LENT. xiii 4 xxv 10 xciv 26 cii. Part i 30 cxix. Part iv 38 cxxx 41 cxliii 45 EASTER DAY. ix. Part i 3 rxi 34 cxviii. Partii 36 ASCENSION. lxvii 21 xciii 26 cxiii 34 WHITSUNDAY. xxiii 9 11 17 xcvi. Part i 27 civ 31 cvii 33 cxlv. Parti 46 FUNERAL. xvi 5 xxxii 12 xxxix 15 xc 24 cii. Part i 30 HARVEST. xxxii 12 lxvii. Parti 21 xcvi. Part ii 28 cxlv. Partii 46 BEFORE SACRAMENT. xxv 10 xxvii 11 xxxvi 14 xxxvii ib. xliii 16 lxi 18 lxiii 19 Ixxiii 22 lxxxiv 23 xci 25 cvii 33 Page 35 ib. 38 39 Psalm cxvi cxviii. Part i. . cxix. Part v .... Part vii . cxxxix 44 cxli ib. cxliii 45 AFTER SACRAMENT. xxviii 11 ciii 31 cxix. Partii 37 Part vi 39 Part viii 43 Part ix ib. Part x 41 WHEN CHARITY SER- MONS ARE PREACHED. i 1 ix. Partii 4 xv 5 xix. Partii 8 xxxiv. Partii 13 xxxvii. Parti 14 xli 16 lxxxiv 23 cxiii ••• 34 cxix. Parti o» Part ii 37 cxxxii 42 ON DAYS OF THANKS- GIVING. xlvii 17 lxxxi 23 xci 25 xcv... 27 xcvi. Parti ib. cv.. 32 cxliv 45 cxlvii ." 47 cxlix 48 cl ib. ON GOING INTO CHURCH. xcv 27 xcvi. Partii 2S c 29 cxviii. Parti 33 cxxxii 43 cxxx viii ib. BENEFIT SOCIETY. cxxxiii 42 123 A COURSE OF SINGING PSALMS FOR HALF A YEAR. In the Morning before the Communion Service. praise antr Ojanftsgtbtng. Sunday Psalm Page I. viii. O Thou, to whom all creatures . 52 II. ix. To celebrate Thy praise, O Lord 52 III. xix. The heavens declare Thy, Part i. 54< IV. xxiv. Lift up your heads, Part it. . . 58 V. xxx. I'll celebrate Thy prais&s, Lord 61 VI. xxxiii. Let all the just to God, Part i. . 62 VII. xxxiv. Through all the changing, Part i. 62 VII I. xliii. Let me with light and truth be . 67 IX. Ivii. O God, my heart is fix'd, 'tis bent 71 X. Ixvi. Let all the land with shouts of joy 71 XL xcii. How good and pleasant must it be 77 XII. xciii. With glory clad, with strength . 77 XIII. xcv. O come, loud anthems let us sing 78 XIV. xcviii. Sing to the Lord a new made song 78 XV. c. With one consent let all the earth 79 XVI. civ. Bless God, my soul : Thou Lord 81 XVII. cv. O render thanks, and bless the . 81 XVIII. cviii. O God, my heart is fully bent . 82 XIX. cxi. Praise ye the Lord; our God to 82 XX. cxiii. Ye saints and servants of theLord 83 XXI. cxvii. With cheerful notes let all the . 84? XXII. cxxxv. O praise the Lord with one consent 90 XXIII. cxlv. Thee I'll extol, my God, Part i. 92 XXIV. cxlviii. Ye boundless realms of joy . . 9± XXV. cxlix. O praise ye the Lord .... 95 VI. cl. O praise the Lord in that blest . 96 124 A Course of Singing Psalms IN THE MORNING, BEFORE SERMON. $rafier to QUotr, antr Crust in $im. Sunday Psalm Page I. iii. But Thou, O Lord, art my . . 50 II. v. Lord, hear the voice of my . .51 III. xxv. To God, in whom I trust . . 59 IV. xxvii. Continue, Lord, to hear, Part i. 59 V. xxxiii. Let all the just to God, Part ii. 62 VI. xxxiv. Thy justice like the hills remains 63 VII. xxxviii. Thy chastening wrath, O Lord . 64 VIII. xlii. As pants the hart for cooling . 67 IX. liv. Lord, save me for Thy glorious 69 X. lvi. I'll trust God's word, and so . 70 XI. lxxi. In Thee I'll putmy stedfast,Par*?'.72 XII. lxxi. Thou, Lord, hast taught, Part ii. 73 XIII. lxxiii. Lord, whom in heaven but Thee 74 XIV. Ixxxiv. O God of hosts, the mighty Lord 75 XV. lxxxvi. To my complaint, O Lord, my . 76 XVI. cii. When I pour out my soul in . . 79 XVII. cxv. Lord, not to us, we claim no . .83 XVIII. cxvi. My soul with grateful thoughts. 84 XIX. cxix. Instruct me in Thy, Part iii. . 86 XX. cxix. O Lord, my God, my, Part iv. . 87 XXI. cxix. To my request and, Part v. . .87 XXII. cxxi. To Sion's hill I lift my eyes . . 88 XXIII. cxxxviii. With my whole heart, my God . 91 XXIV. cxxxix. Thou, Lord, by strictest search 91 XXV. cxliii. Lord, hear my prayer and to my 92 XXVI. cxlvii.O praise the Lord with hymns of 94 for half a Year. 12c IN THE AFTERNOON. ©rm-pts antr ftfotibrs to a