HYMNS O F Petition and Thankfgiving FOR THE PROM I S E O F T H E FATHER. The Third Edition. DUBLIN: Printed by S. Powell, And Sold at Mr. Verney's in Little Ship J net, by Mrs. Crump in Marlborougb-ftreet ', oppofite to the Society-Houfe, and Mr. Watts in Parljreit, near the Comb, Mdccxlvu. \ [3 ] HYMNS FOR WHIT-SUNDAY. i- TT-* AT HER of everlafting Grace, md Thy Goodnek and thy Truth we praffe, JL Thy Goodnefs and thy Truth we prove : Thou haft in Honour oflthy Son The Gift unfpeakable fent down* The Spir't of Life, and Power, and Love : 2 Thou haft The Prophecy fulfuTd, The grand Original Compact feal'd, For which thy Word and Oath were join'd : The Promise to our Fallen Head, To ev'ry Child of Adam made, Is now pour'd out on all Mankind. 3 The pwrchas'd Comforter is given, For Jesus is return'd to Heaven, To claim, and then The Grace impart : Our Day of Pentecoft is come, And God vouchfafes to fix his Home In every poor expecting Heart. A 2 4 Father, [4] 4 Father, on Thee whoever call, Confefs thy Promife is for All, While every one that a&s receives, Receives the Gift, and Giver too, And witneffes that Thou art true, And in thy Spirit walks, and lives. 5 Not to a fingle Age confin*d, For every Soul of Man dengn'd, O God, we now That Spirit claim : To us the Holy Ghoft impart, Breathe Him into our panting Heart, Thou hear'ft us afk in Jesu's Name. 6 Send us the Spirit of thy Son, To make the Depths of Godhead known, To make us ftiare the Life Divine ; Send Him the fprinkled Blood t'apply, Send Him, our Souls to fan&ify, And mew, and Seal us ever Thine. 7 So mall we pray, and never ceafe, So fhall we thankfully confefs Thy Wifdom, Truth, and Power, and Love,' With Joy unfpeakable adore, And blel>, and praife Thee evermore, ' And ferve Thee like thy Hoik above : 8 Till added to that Heavenly Quire, We raife our Songs of Triumph higher, And praife Thee in a bolder Strain, Out-foar the firft-born Seraph's Flight, And fing with all our Friends in Light Thine everlafting Love to Man. HYMN II. E S U S, Lord, in Pity hear us, O Return, While we mourn, By thy Spirit chear us. 2 Swal- t 5] % Swallow'd up in Sin and Sadne/s O Relieve Us that grieve, Turn our Grief to Gladnefs. 3 Send the Comforter to raife us, Let us fee God in Thee Merciful and gracious. 4 Him the Purchafe of thy Paflion O impart, Cleanfe our Heart By his Jnfpiration. 5 By the Earned of thy Spirit Let us know Heaven below, Heaven above inherit. 6 Perfeft when we walk before Thee, Fill'd with Love then remove To our Thrones of Glory. E HYMN III. TERNAL Spirit, come Into thy meaneft Home, From thine High and Holy Place Where Thou doft in Glory reign, Stoop in condefcending Grace. Stoop to tKe poor Heart of Man. 2 For Thee our Hearts we lift, And wait the Heavenly Gift : Giver, Lord, of Life Divine, To our dying Souls appear, Grant the Grace for which we pine, Give Thyfelf The Comforter. 3 No Gift or Comfort we Would have diftinft from Thee, Spirit, Principle of Grace, Sum cf our Defires Thou art, Fill us with thy Holinef?, Breathe Thyielf into our Heart. A3 4 Oar Our ruin'd Souls repair, And fix thy Manfion there, Claim us for thy conftant Shrine, All thy Glorious Self reveal, Life, and Power, and Love Divine, God in us for ever dwell. HYMN IV. j Q I N N E R S, lift up your Hearts* ^ The promife to receive ! Jesus Himfelf imparts, He comes in Man to live ; The Holy Ghoft to Man is given ; Rejoice in Go d fent down from Heaven. Z Jesus is Glorify 'd, And gives the Comforter, His Spirit, to refide In all his Members here : The Holy Ghoft to Man is given ; Rejoice in God fent down from Heaven. 3 To make an End of Sin, And Satan's Works deftroy, He brings his Kingdom in, Peace, Righteoufnefs, and Joy, The Holy Ghoft to Man is given ; Rejoice in God fent down from Heaven* 4 The cleaning Blood t'apply, The Heavenly Life difplay, And wholly fanftify, And feal us to that Day, The Holy Ghoft to Man is given ; Rejoice in God fent down from Heaven. g^. Sent down to make us meet To fee his Glorious Face, And grant us each a Seat In that thrice happy Place, The ' L / J The Holy Ghoft to Man is given ; Rejoice in God fen* down from Heaven. From Heaven he fhall once more Triumphantly defcend, And all his Saints reftore To Joys that never end, Then, then, when all our Joys are given, Rejoice in God, rejoice in Heaven. HYMN V. i T7» A T H E R, admit our lawful Claim, JT Let Us that aflc receive : To Us that afk in Jesus' Name Thou Jbalt thy Spirit give. 2 Jesus hath fpoke the faithful Word On Them that ail: Him here, Thou (halt, in Honour of our Lord, The Holy Ghoil confer. 3 If evil We, by Nature know- To give our Children Food, Much more Thou wilt on Us beftow The Soul-fuftaining Good. 4 Our Holy Heavenly Father Thou Regard Ti thy Children's Prayer : Anfvver, and fend, O fend us Now The Promis'd Comforter. 5 We feek, Thou know'lt, we feek thy Face ; Let us the Eleffing find : Open the Dcor of Faith and Grace To Us, and all Mankind. 6 Surely Thou wilt, we dare believe, For Jesus' Sake alone, Thou wilt to Us the Spirit give, Give all Good Gifts iu One. HYMN [8] HYMN VI. John vii. 37, 38, 39; HEAR all the Saviour's Cry On this great Feftal Day, ft The Man that would on me rely, '* That would be happy, may ; " If any of all Mankind " Is now athirfl: for God, " Now let him come to me, and find " And drink the Living Flood. " He that believes on Me, « The Word of Truth lhall feel, " The Wildernefs a Pool fhall be, M The Heath a'fpringing Well : " Forth from that faithful Soul " Rivers of Life fhall flow, •* And Streams of Grace eternal roll '* O'er all the Earth below. Lord, we with Joy embrace (What all may find fulfill'd,) The Promife made to all our Race,. And to Believers feal'd: Who in thy Merit truft, Thy Spirit JIM receive, And Temples of the Holy Ghoft, And fill'd with God they live. The Spirit of their God, Doth in the Saints abide, He is, He is by Thee beftow'd, For Thou art Glorify'd ; Thy Blood's effectual Prayer, And ftrong prevailing Plea Hath now obtained the Comforter For all Mankind, and me. Lord l y j Lord, I believe the fare Irrevocable Word, And come to Thee diltreft and poor, To Thee my faithful Lord 3 I come athirll and faint spirit to receive, Give me the Gift for which I pant, Thyfelf the Giver give. In this accepted Hour The Promis'd God impart, Open a Spring of Life and Power Eternal in my Heart ; To all the World below So fhall my Bowels move, So fhall my Heart like thine o'erflow With everlalling Love. HYMN VII. John xiv. 16. 1 T E S U, we hang upon the Word J Our faithful Souls have heard from Thee, Be mindful of thy Promife, Lord, Thy Promife made to AH, and me, Thy Followers who thy Steps purfue, And dare believe that God is true. 2 Thou faidfl, I will the Father pray. And He the Paraclete * fhall give, Shall give Him in your Hearts to ftay, And never more his Temple leave j Myfelf will to my Orphans come, And make you my Eternal Home. * /'. e. Pleader, Advocate, or Comforttr> ? Come [ 10] 5 Come, then, dear Lord, Thyfelf revet], And let the Promife now take place, Be it according to thy Will, According to thy Word of Grace, Thy forrowful Difciples chear, And fend us down the Comforter. 4 He vifits now the troubled Breaft, And oft relieve* our fad Complaint, But foon we lofe the tranfient Gueft, But foon we droop again, and faint, Repeat the melancholy "Moap, Our Joy is fled, our Comfort gone. 5 Haften Him, Lord, into our Heart, Our fure infeparable Guide ; O might we meet and never part, O might He in our Heart mbub, And keep his Houfe of Praife and Prayer, And reft and reign for ever there. HYMN Vni. John xiv. 16. i T E S U S, «hy Word we dare believe ! ,J To Us the Father in thy Name Another Paraclete (hall give, Another, yet with Thee the fame^ 3 The Father fhall thy Spirit fend, Send Him no more to take away, Send Him to guide us to the End, And always in his Temple ftay. 3 The Comforter fhall furely come, And all the Heirs of Glory feal, And GOD in us fhall fix his Home, And in his Church for ever dwell. He [ " ] 4 He doth in all his Saints refide, The promis'd Paraclete is given, The Saviour's Word is verified, The Holy Ghojl fenc down from Heaven. 5 We for thy flefhly Prefenca here ThePrefence of chy spirit receive, That everlafting Comforter Doth hill in all his People live. 6 The Promise of our God and Lord In vain doth Antichrift deny. And feoff the Everlafting Word, And give The Truth Himfelf the Lie. 7 In vain the World as Madnefs brands Our Gofpel-Hope which cannot fail, The Promise of the Father Hands, And mocks the Rage of Earth and Hell. % Th' Apoftates toil with fruitlefs \ am The Word of none Eflfecl to pr.>ve, T' exclude Thee from the Heart of Man, And drive Thee to thy Saints above. J " The Spirit Himfelf Thou wilt not give," Thy Truth and Mercy they blafphenie, Without his Infpirauon live, And call it all a Madman's Dream. io The Grace, but nor the Spirit of Grace, Their Learned Fools vouchlafe t' allow, He might be given in Antient Days, But God, they teach, is needlefs Now. But God. nue inoav, is giv'n indeed, And ftill doth in his People dwell, And Him we every Moment need, And Him we every Moment feel. 12 The Life of our IndwellingGoD We feel by Faith's internal Senfe, Our Heart He makes his Bleft Abode,' And who lball force the Saviour thence ? ; 3 Believing [ 12 ] 13 Believing ftill in Jesu's Name The Witnefs in ourfelves we know, And tell the World, they all may claim The Gift, and dwell with God below.' 14 The Holy Ghost, whom we partake, To all that afk is freely given ; And lo ! on this great Truth we ftake Our prefent and eternal Heaven. HYMN IX. John xiv. 16, 17. 1 T? At her, glorify thy Son, J£* Anfwer his prevailing Prayer, Send that In. . ffor down, Send that othei Comforter Whom believingl)? we claim, Whom we afk in Jesu's Name. 2 Him the World cannot receive, Him they neither fee nor know, Blind in Unbelief they live, All .his Inward Work below, All his Infpirations deem Foolifh as a Madman's Dream. 3 But we know by Faith and feel Him the Spirit of Truth and Grace, With us He vouchfafes to dwell, With us, when unfeen, He flays ; All our Help and Good we own Freely flows from Him alone. 4 Yet, alas, we cannot reft Help'd with an External Guide,' Till the tranfitory Gueft Enter, and in us abide : Give Him, Lord, thy Spirit give, in us Qonjlantly to Jive. 5 Wilt [ '3 ] Wilt Thou not the Promife feal, True and gracious as Thou art, Send the Comforter to dwell Every Moment in our Heart ? Yes, Thou mujl the Grace beftow, Jesus faid, It fhall be fo ! HYMN X. John xiv. 18, 19, 20, 21. 1 OAviour, and Prince of Peace, O Thy Saying we receive ; Thou wilt not leave us Comfortlefs, Thine own Thou wilt not leave : Poor helplefs Orphans we A while thine Abfence mourn, But we thy Face again mail fee, But Thou wilt foon return. 2 No longer vifible To Eyes of Flefh and Blood, Come, Lord, to us Thyfelf reveal, O come, and (hew us God : Becaufe Thou liv'ft above Let us thy Spirit know, And in the glorious Knowledge prove Eternal Life below. 5 Haften the Day when we Shall furely know and feel Thou art in God, and God in Thee, And Thou in us doft dwell : To Us, who keep thy Word Thou with thy Father come, And love, and make us, deareft Lord, Thine everlafting Home. B HYMN [ '4 ] HYMN XL John, xiv, 21, zi, 23. O Happy ^tate of Grace In which by Faith we ftand I Who Jesu'-s Word obeys, And keeps his kind Command, Communion defer ftdl fhall know, And dwell with God in Him, below. The Man whofe Heart approves The Precepts of his Lord, The Path of Duty lover, And praclifes the Word, To Jesus and his Father dear Shall entertain the Godhead here. Not to thofe earlieft Days The Promife was confin'd, The Spirit of his Grace Extends to all Mankind, And all who love the Lord, receive The Lord within their Hearts to live. O Son of Gop, to Thee We make our bold Appeal ; WoukPft Thou the Deity To all the World reveal ? Thou, Lord, the faithful Witnefs art; Return the Anfwer in our Heart. Come quickly from Above, And bring the Father down, Infufe the perfect Love, Make all the Godhead known, Come. Father, Son, and Spirit, come, And fed us thine Eternal Home. H Y M N [ 15] HYMN XII. John xiv. 2,, 26, 27. 1 TESUS, we on thy Word depend Spoken by Thee while prefent here, 1'he Father in my Name (hail fend The Holy Ghost, The Comforter. 2 That Promise made to Adar\ Race, Now, Lord, in us, ev'n us fulfil, And give the Spirit of thy Grace, To teach us all thy perfect Will. 3 That Heavenly Teacher of Mankind, That Guide Infallible- impart, To bring thy Sayiags to our Mind, And write them on our faithful Heart. 4 He only can the Words apply Thro 1 which we endlefs Life poflefs, And deal to each his Legacy, His Lord's unutterable Peace. 5 That Peace of God, that Peace of Thine O might He now to Us bring in, And fill our Souls with Power Divine, And make am Eiid of Fear and Sin ; 6 The Length and Breadth of Love reveal, The Heigth and Depth of Deity, And all the Sons of Glory feal, And change, and make us all like Thee ! 'S HYMN XIII. John xvi. 1, 2, 3, 4. Aviour, Lord, who at thy Death Peace didlt to thy Church bequeath, B 2 Now r «n Now confer the Peace on me, Bring me now my Legacy. 2 Grant me (not as Mortals give Hoping Better to receive) That, for which I figh and mourn, Give, and look for no Return. 3 Grant me for thy Mercy's Sake, Me, who no Return can make, That which I can never buy, Save, and freely juftify. 4 Grant me, (not as childim Men Grant, and afk their Gifts again) Peace, which none can take away. Peace which fhall for ever ftay. 5 Now the Benefit impart, Speak it to my troubled Heart, Comfort, and Thyfelf reftore, Come, and bid me fin no more. 6 Come, and wipe away my Tears, Come, and fcatter all my Fears, Come, and take me to thy Bread, Lull me to Eternal Reft. HYMN XIV. John xv. 26, 27. JESUS, our exalted Head, Regard thy People's Prayer, Send us in thy Body's Stead Th' Abiding Comforter, From thy dazling Throne above, From thy Father's glorious Seat Send the Spirit of Trjth and Love, Th' Eternal Paraclete. IlTuing r >/] 2 lifting forth from Him and Thee O lee the Ble:sino flow, Pour the Streaming Deity On all thy Church below j Him to teflify thy Grace, Him to teach how Good Thou arr> Him to vouch thy Godhead, place In every faithful Heart. 3 God of God, and Light of Light, Thee let Him now reveal, Juftify us by thy Right, And (ramp us with thy Seal, Fill our Souls with Joy and Peace, Wifdom, Grace, and Utterance give, Conftitute thy Witnefles, And in thy Members live. 4 By the Holy Ghost we wait To fay Thou art The Lord, Sav'd, and to our Firft EUate In perfect Love reftor'd, Then we lhall in every Breath Teitify the Power we prove, Publifli Thee in Life and Death The God of Truth and Love. HYMN XV. John xvi. 6. 7. SON of GOD, for Th«e we languifh, Still thy Abfence we bemoan, Overwhelm'd with Grief and Anguifli, Poor, forfaken, and alone : Thou art to thy Heaven departed ; See us thence with Pity fee, Comfortlefs and broken-i ear ted Drooping, dead for Want of a hee. B 1 Once [ is ] 2 Once thy blifsful Love we tafted, Cnear'd by Thee with Living Bread; O how fhort a Time it lafted, O how foon the Joy is fled ! Where is now our boafted Saviour, Where our Rapture of Delight ! Thou haft, Lord, withdrawn thy Favour, Thou art vanifli'd from our Sight. 3 Yet Thou haft the Caufe unfolded, Could we but the Truth receive, Thou in Humbling Love haft told it, Needful 'tis for us to grieve : Stript of that Excejfwe Pleafure, Fondly we the Lofs deplore, 'Till we find again our Treafure, Find, and never lofe Thee more. 4 That we may Thyfelf inherit, Us Thou doft a while forfake, That we may receive thy Spirit, Thou haft took his Comforts back : After a fhorf: Night of Mourning We again (hall fee thy Face, Triumph in thy Full Returning, Glory in thy perfect Grace. 5 For thy tranfient Outward Prefence We thine endlefs Love fhall feel, Seated in our imnofl: EfTence Thou fhalt by thy Spirit dwell : Jesus come ! Thyfelf the Giver Let us for the Gift receive, Let us live in God for ever, God in us for ever live ! HYMN o [ 19 ] HYMN XVI. John xvi. 7. Thou who by thy Blood Haft brought a World to God, Thou who to thy Father gone Dolt in our Behalf appear, Hear thy des'late Servants groan, Send qs down The Comforter. Hadft Thou not purg'd our Stain, And gone to God again, None of ddatns helplefs Race Could that blefled Spirit find ; But Thou hail obtain'd The Grace, PurchasM Him for all Mankind. Didft Thou not plead above For Us thy dying Love, Never could we hope thine \id, Never for thy Spirit call : But Thou haft the Father prav'd, Haft receiv'd The Gift for' All. " And if I go away (By Faith we hear Thee fay) I the Comforter will fei.d, Comforter of you thai grieve, All your Going; ro attend, Ever in your Hearts to live. Amen our Hearts reply Uplifted to the 5ky, Pant to be thy bJ.it Abode, Swell to be pofleft by Thee, Fill'd with the Indwelling God, Fill'd to ali Eternity. HYMN 11 Y M N XVII. John xvi. 18. i T7 TERNAL Paraclete, defcend, Jlj Thou Gift and Promife of our Lord, To every Soul, till Time fhal! end, Thy Succour, and Thyfelf afford, . Convince, convert us, and Inipire; Come, and baptize the World v-ith Fire. 2 Come, and difplay thy Fower below, And work thy Threefold Work of Grace Compel Mankind Themfelves to know, Convince of Sin th' Apoflate Race, Brood o'er the Deep of Nature's Night, And fpeak again, Let there be Light. 3 Thou only know'ft the Fallen Man, Thou only can'ft his Fall reveal, The Mom er to Himfelf explain, And make his C arknels vifible, Pierce all the Folds of hellilh Art, And rent the Covering from his Heart 4 Come then, Thou Soul-dividing S.vord, That doft from Jesu's Mouth proceed, The Foes and Haters of their Lord Find out, o'erturn, and flrike them dead.. Deftroy the Sin that keeps them blind, And flay the Pride of all Mankind. 5 Spirit of Truth, in ALL begin That Work of thir.e a\*ak'ning Power, Convince the Cbrifiian World of Sin, Who Satan and not Christ adore j Who Jesus flight, reject, difclaim, And never knew his Saving Name- 6 Shew [ 2. ] 6 Shew them they never yet recelvM In Truth whom they in Words profcfs, They never yet in Christ Believ'd, Or own'd The Lord thtiv Righteoufnefs, Still in the Damning Sik they lie, As pleas'd in Unbelief to die. 7 People and Prieft are doubly dead, Are Aliens from the Life Divine, Grofs Darknefs o'er the Earth is fpread, Till Thou into the Confcience fhine, The powerful quick Conviction dart, And found the Unbelieving Heart. I Oh would Thou now in All reveal The Righteous Wrath of hortile Heaven, Becaufe The Blood they will not feel, The Blood that fhews their Sins forgiven i They will not Him, their Lord, receive, They will not come to Christ, and live. HYMN XVIII. i A RM of the Lord, awake, awake, jt\ The Terrors of the Lort> difplay. Out of their Sins the Nations fhake, Tear their vain Confidence away, Conclude them all in Unbelief, And fill their Hearts with facred Grief. 2 Impart the Salutary Pain, The fudden Soul -condemning Power, Blow on the Goodlinefs of Man, Wither the Grafs, and blait the Flower, That, when their Works are all o'erthrown, The Word of Grace may (land alone. 3 Trouble the Souls who know not God, Their carelefs, Chrifilefs Spirits wound, O'erwhelm with their own finful Load, And all their Virtuous Pride confound, Their [ *J ] Their Depth of Wickednefs reveal, And fliake them o'er the Mouth of Hell. Naked, and deftitute, and blind Themfelves let the poor Wretches fee, Their total Fall lament to find ; Till every Mouth is ftopt by Thee, And all the World with confcious Fear Guilty before their God appear. Guilty becr.ufe they know not Him, . Who liv'd and dy'd, their Souls to fave, Who came Kis People to redeem : No Part or Lot in Christ they have. Till Thou the Painful Veil remove, And fhew their Hearts His Dying Love. HYMN XIX. John xvi. 10. i |T"lOME the-! <-o thore who want thine Aid, V_> Who now beneath their Burthen groan, Bird up the Wound Thyfelf haft made, The Righteoufnefs of Faith make known, (OfFer'd to All of Mams Line,) The perfect Righteoufnefs Divine 2 Convince the Souls, who feel their Sin, There is, there is a Ranfom found, A Eerer Righteoufnels brought in, And Grace doth more than Sin abound, Pardon to All is freely given, For Jesus is return'd to Heaven. 3 He dy'd to purge our guilty Stain, He rofe the World to juftify, And while the Heavens our Lord contain, No longer feen by Mortal Eye, He reigns our Advocate Above, And pleads for All his Bleeding Love. 4 Hi*. E 1C 1 4 His Bleeding Love 'tis Thine to I With Pardon on the contrite Heart : To Us, to Us the Grace reveal, The Righteoufnefs impute, impart, Difcharge thy fecond Fundion h And now deicend 1 he Comforter. 5 The Righteoufnefs of Christ our Lord, For Pardon of our Sins, declare, Infpeak the Everlafting Word That freely juftify'd we are, By Grace receiv'd, and brought to God, And fav'd thro 1 Faith in Jesu's Blood. HYMN XX. i Q P I R I T of Faith, on Thee we call, •3 The Merits of our Lord apply, Convince, and then convert us all, Condemn, and freely Juftify, Set forth the All-atoning Lamb, And fpread the Powers of Jesu's Name. 2 Jesus the Merciful and Juil To every Heart of Man reveal, In Him enable us to truft, Forgivenefs thro' his Blood to {eel, Let all in Him Redemption find ; Sprinkle the Blood on all Mankind. 3 Is He not to His Father gone, That We His Righteoufnefs might (hare ! And art Thou not on Earth fent down, The Fruit of his Prevailing Prayer, The Witnei's of Eis G;ace. and Seal, The Heavenly Gi r c Unfpeakable ! 4 O might we each receive the Grace B, hee to call the Saviour mine t Come, rioLv Ghust, to all our Race, Bring in the Righteoufaeis Divine, Infpire [ 22 ] Their T)enth of WicfHneT'j Infpire the Senfe of Sin forgiven, And give our Earth a Tafte of Heaven. HYMN XXI. i AGAIN, Thou Spirit of Burning come, /\ Thy laft great Office to fulfil, 'Yojhe-M the Hellifh Tyrant's Doom, The Hellifh Tyrant's Doom to Seal, To drive him from thy facred Shrine, And fill our Souls with Life Divine. 2 Of Judgment now the World convince, The End of Jesu's Coming fhew, To fentence their ufurping Prince, Him and his Works deftroy below, To finifh, end, abolifh Sin, And bring the Heavenly Nature in. 3 Who gauls the Nations with his Yoke, And bruifes with an Iron-Rod, And fmites with a continual Stroke, The World's fierce Ruler and its God, Wilt Thou not, Lord, from Earth expel, And chafe the Fiend to his own Hell ? 4 Yes, Thou fhalt foon pronounce his Doom, Who rules in Wrath the Realms below, That Wicked One reveal, confume, Avenge the Nations of their Foe, In bright vindictive Lightning fhine, And flay him with the Breath Divine. HYMN [*5l HYMN XXII. i r T^ HEN the whole Earth again fhall reft, _I_ And fee its Paradife reftor'd, Then every Soul in Jesus bleft Shall bear the Image of its Lord, In finifh'd Holinefs renew'd, Immeafurably fill'd with God. 2 Spirit of Sanctifying Grace, Haflen that happy Gofpel-Day, Come and reftore the Fallen Race, Purge all our Filth and Blood away, Our inmoft Soul redeem, repair, And fix thy Seat of Judgment there. 3 Judgment to execute is Thine, To kill and fave is Thine alone ; I *ert that Energy Divine, Set up the Everlaftiug Throne, The Inward Kingdom from above, The Glorious Power of Perfect Love. 4 O wou'd'lt Thou bring the Final Scene, Accomplifh the Redeeming Plan, Thy great Millenia. Reign begin, That every ranfom'd Child of Man, That every Soul may bow the Knee, And rife, to reign with God in Thee. s HYMN XXTII. John xvi. 13, 14, 15. And with thy Cnurch abide, Our Guardian to the End, Our fure unerring Guide, Us into the whole Counfel lead Of God Reveal'd below, And teach us all the Truth we need To Life Eternal know. C 2 What- Whate'er Thou hear'ft above To Us with Power impart, And ftied abroad the Love Of Jesus in our Heart: One with the Father and the Son, Thy Record is the fame, O make to Us the Godhead known Thro' Faith in Jesu's Name. To all our Souls apply The Doctrine of our Lo r d, Our Confcience certify, And witnefs with the Word, Thy realizing Light difplay, And fhew us Things to come, The After-State, the Final Day, And Man's Eternal Doom. The Judge of Quick and Dead The God of Truth and Love*, Who doth for Sinners plead, Our Advocate above ; Exalted by his Father there Thou d-oft exalt below, And all his Grace on Earth declare, And all his Glory fhew. Sent in his Name Thou art, His Work to carry on, His Godhead to affert, And make his Mercy known : Thou fearcheft the deep Things of God, Thou know'ft the Saviour's Mind, And tak'ft of his Atoning Blood, TO fprinkieall Mankind. Now then of His receive, And fhew to Us the Grace, And all his Fulnefs pve To all the ranfom'd Rac«, Whate'er [ »7 1 Whate'er He did for Sinners buy With liis expiring Groan, By Faith, in Us reveal, apply, And make it all our own. Dcfcending from above, Into our Souls convey His Comfort, Joy and Love, Which nont can take away, Hi? Merit, and His Righteoufncfs, Which makes an End of Sin, Apply to every Heart his Peace, And bring his Kingdom in. The Plenitude of God That doth in Jesus dwell, On Us thro' Him beftow'd, To Us fecure and feal : Now let us tafte our Matter's Blifs, he glorious Heavenly Powers, For all tiie Father hath is His, And all He hath is Ours, HYMN XXIV, John xvi. 20, 21, 22. 1 TESU, dear departed Lord, J True and gracious is thy Word, We in part have found it true ; All thy faithful Mercies fhew. 2 Thou art to thy Father gone, Thou haft lefc us here alone, Left us a long Fait to keep, Left us for thy Lofs to weep. 3 Laugh the World, fecure and glad, They rejoice, but we are fad, We alas ! lament and grieve, Comibrtlefs till Thou relieve. C 2 4 As [ 28 ] -f As a Woman in her Throes Sinks nt helmd with Fears and Woes, Sink- our Soul thro" Grief and Pain, Stru bo lir : g to be born again : 5 As fli. focn forgets to mourn, * Clad, that a Man-child is born, I et os, lighten'd of our Load, Fmd R.elief in Thee oui Got. 6 Jesus, vifit us again, Look us out of Sin and Pain, Kindly comfort us aud mourn, Into Joy our Sorrow turn. 7 Thy own Joy to Us impart, Root it deeply in our Heart, Joy which none can take away> Joy which fhall for ever itay : 8 All the Kingdom from above, All the Happinefs of Love, Be it to thy Servants given, Pardon, Holinefs, and Heaven. HYMN XXV. For toe Fruits of the Spirit, i TESUS, God of Peace and Love, J Send thy Blefling from above, Take, and feal us for 7'hine own, Touch our Hearts, and make them One. 2 By the Senfe of Sin forgiven Purge out all the Former Leaven, Malice, Guile, and proud Offence ; Take the Stone of Stumbling hence. 3 Root up every bitter Root, Multiply the Spirit's Fruit, Love, and Joy, and quiet Peace, Meek long-iurTering Gentlenefs ; Stria [ 29] 4 Strict and general Temperance, Boundlefs, pure Benevolence, Cordial firm Fidelity ; All the Mind which was in Thee. HYMN XXVI. i pOME, Holy Celeftial Dove, \_j To vifit a forrowful Breaft, My Burthen of Guilt to remove, And bring me Aflurance and Reft : Thou only haft Power to relieve A Sinner o'erwhelm'd with his Load, The Senfe of Acceptance to give, And fprinkle his Heart with The Blood. 2 With mc if of old Thou haft ftrove, And ftrangely Avith-held from my Sin, And try'd by the Lure of thy Love My worthlefs Affections to win ; The Work of thy Mercy revive, Thine utterrhoft Mercy exert,. And kindly continue to ftrive, And hold, "till I yield Thee, my Heart. 3 Thy Call if I ever have known, And figh'd from Myfelf to get free, And groan'd the unfpeakable Groan, And long'd to be happy in Thee ; Fulfil the imperfect Defire, Thy Peace to my Confcience reveal, The Senfe of thy Favour infpire, And give me my Pardon to feel. 4 If, when I had put Thee to Grief, And madly to Folly return'd, Thy Pity hath been my Relief, And lifted me up as I mourn'd ; Mod pitiful Spirit of Grace, Relieve me again, and reftore, My Spirit in Holinefs raife, To fall, and to fuffer no more. c 3 y £ 3© J 5 If now I lament after God, And gafp for a Drop of thy Love, If Jesus hath bought Thee with Blood, For me to receive from Above ; Come, heavenly Comforter, come, True Witnefs of Mercy Divine, And make me thy permanent Home, And feal me eternally Thine. HYMN XXVII. i Q P I R I T of Faith, come down* i^ Reveal the Things of God, And make to Us the Godhead known, And witnefs with the Blood : 'Tis Thine the Blood t' apply, And give Us Eyes to fee, Who did for every Sinner die, Hath furely dy'd for me. 2 No Man can truly fay That Jesus is the Lord, Unlefs Thou take the Veil away, And breathe the Living Word : Then, only then we feel Our Jntereft in his Blood, And cry with Joy unfpeakable Thou art my Lord my God .' 3 I know my Saviour lives, He lives, who dy'd for Me, My inmoft Soul his Voice receives Who hangs on yonder Tree : Set forth before my Eyes Ev'n Now I fee Him bleed, And hear his Mortal Groans, and Crie*, While fuffering in my Stead. 4 O that the World might know My dear Atoning Lamb ! Spirit of Faith, defcerd, and fhew The Virtue of his Name ; The [3' J The Grace which All may find, The faving Power impart, And certify to all Mankind, And fpeak in every Heart, 5 Infpire the Living Faith, (Which whofoe'er receives The Witnefs in Himfeif He hath, And confcioufly believes) The Faith that conquers all, And doth the Mountain move, And faves whoe'er on Jesus call, And perfects them in Love. HYMN XXVIII. 1 A UTHORof every Work Divine , ./^ Who dole thro' both Creations mine, The God of Nature, and of Grace, Thy glorious Steps in all we fee, And Wifdom attribute to thee, And Power, and Mzjefty, and Praife. z Thou didil thy mighty Wings out-fpread. And brooding o'er the Chaos, fhed Thy Life into th' impregn'd Abyfs, The Vital Principle infufe, And oat of Nothing's Womb produce The Earth and Heaven, and all that Is. 3 That All-informing Breath Thou art Who doll continued Life impart, And bidft. the World perfnl to Be i GarninYd by Thee yon azure Sky, And all thofe beauteous Orbs on high Depend in Golden Chains from Thee. 4 Thou doft create the Earth anew, (Its Maker and Preferver too) By thine Almighty Arm fuftain ; Nature perco'ves thy fecret Force, And ftill holds on her even Courfe, And owns thy Providential Reign. 5 Thoa [ 32 ] 5 Thou art the Univerfal Soul, The Plaftick Power that fills the Whole, And governs Earth, Air, Sea, and Sky, The Creatures all thy Breath receive, And who by thy Infpiring live, Without thy Infpiration die. 6 Spirit immenfe, Eternal Mind, Thou on the Souls of loft Mankind Doft with benigneft Influence move, Pleas'd to reftore the ruin'd Race, And new- create a World of Grace In all the Image of thy Love. HYMN XXIX. i QPirit of Grace, we blefs thy Name, »J Thy Works and Offices proclaim, Thy Fruits, and Properties and Powers : Thou doft with kind intendring Care The Godlefs Heart of Man prepare, That God may yet again be Ours- 2 Thou didft thy Fallen Creature fee, Fallen from Happinefs and Thee, And fwiftly to our refcue come, Well pleas'd amongft the Sons of Men To fix thy Refidence again, And make them thy Eternal Home. 5 Thou doft the firft Good Thought infpire, The firft faint Spark of pure Defire Is kindled by thy gracious Breath, By Thee made confcious of his Fall, The Sinner hears thy fudden Call, And ftarts out of the Sleep of Death. 4 Convinc'd of Sin and Unbelief, He finks o'erwhelm'd with facred Grief, And pines dikonfblate for God, Till Thou the Healing Balm apply, The Sinner freely Juftify In Jesu's Name, and Jesvs' Blood. HYMN [33 ] HYMN XXX. i QPirit of Power, 'tis Thine alone O To finiih what Thyfelf begun, And crown thy Work with full Succef?. To them that groan beneath their Sin, Thou bring'fl the fweet Refrefhment in, The Everlailing Righteoufnefs. 2 Thou doft by thine Almighty Grace Again the abject Sinner raife, Again our flefhly Souls refine, Spirit of Spirit born, we love, And only feek, the Things above, And live on Earth the Life Divine. 3 Thou doft the Vital Seed infufe, Thou doll the Creature New produce In all its glorious Parts compleat, The Subjects of thy Kingdom here Thou makeft, e'er the Judge appear, For all thy Heavenly Kingdom meet. 4 Thou that Revealing Spirit art Who doft the Hearing Ear impart, The clear illuminated Sight, Spirit of Wifdom from on high, Of Knowledge that fhall never die, Of holy, true, eternal Light. 5 Thou art the End of doubtful Care, The Antidote of fad Defpair, We feel in that fweet Power of Thine, Thro' Thee, who lift'ft the Fallen up, We rife, rejoice, abound in H>pe, And blefs thine Energy Divine, 6 Author of never-faiiing Peace, Whene'er we languifh in Diftrefs, O'erwhelm'd with Sin and Mifery, Thy Prefence brings us fare Relief, TcuGladnsfs turns our every Grief j And Joy in God is Joy in Thee. 7 Spirit L Ot J 7 Spirit of meek and Godly Fear, The Children taught of Thee, revere, And do their Heavenly Father's Will, Pierc'd with an humble Filial Awe, They love to keep his blefled Law, And all his kind Commands fulfil. 8 Spirit of pure and holy Love, We feel Thee itreaming from above In calm unutterable Peace, The Love by Thee diffus'd abroad Unites our happy Hearts to God, And ieals our everlailing Biils. HYMN XXXI. i QPirit of Holinefs. and Root, i3 hy gracious Gon delighting FruiC" Is Joy, Fidelity and Peace, Meek.ief?, wnich .10 Affront can move, Truth, Temperance, Long fuflferiugj Love,. And Univerfal Righteouihefs. 2 Reitorer of the . v in-fick Mind, Our Souls a perfect Soundnefs find Thro' all their Powers in Thee renew 'd, Spirit of Life and Might Divine, By Thee we in the Image mine, In all the Strength and Life of God. 3 Thou doft the living Power exert T'invig'rate and confirm the Heart Of thofe who feel thy Work begun, To exercife our every Grace, Quicken us in the glorious Race, Till all the glorious Race is ran. 4 Thro' Thee the Flefh we mortify. A daily Death rejoice to die, To live from Sin for ever free : An holy fmlefs Life to lead Is only in thy Track to tread, To. walk in Love, in God, in Thee. Thro' The Worfhip Spiritual and True With loving Hearts rejoice to pay : Him, while we find thy prefent Power, In Truth and Spirit we adore, f And pray whene'er in Thee we pray. 6 Thoa pleaded in the Living Stones With fpecchlefs Eloquence of Groans, Which pierce our pitying Father's Ear; The Anfwer of thy Prayer we feel, The Glorious Joy unfpeakable, And triumph in The Comforter. 7 True Witnefs of our Sonfhip Thee We feel, from Fear and Sorrow free, And Father, Abba Father, cry, Seal of our endlefs Blifs Thou art, Foretafte, and Earneft in our Heart Of Pleafures that fhalt never die. 8 Frrft-fruits of yonder Land Above, Celeftial Joy, Ser2phick Love To Us, to Us in Thee is given : And all that to the Spirit fow, Shall of the Spirit reap, and know The ripefl Happinefs of Heaven. HYMN XXXII. AWAY with our Fears Our Troubles and Tears! The Spirit is come, The Witnefs of Jesus Return'd to his Home The Pledge of our Lord To his Heaven reftor'd, Is fent from the Sky, And tells us our Head is exalted on high. Our Advocate there By his Blood and his Prayer The [ 36 1 The Gift hath obtain'd, For Us he hath pray'd, and the Comforter gain'd: Our Glorified Head His $ pilar, hath Ihed, With (^People to ftay, And never again will He take Him awi 3 Our Heavenly Guide With us fhall abide ; His Comfort impart, And fet up his Kingdom of Love in the Herr. The Heart that Believes His Kingdom receives, His Power and his Peace, His Life, and his Joy's everlafling Increafe. ' 4 The Prefence Divine Doth inwardly mine The Shecbinab refts On all our Afiemblics, and glows in our Breads. By Day and by Night The Pillar of Light Our Steps fhall attend, And convoy us fafe to our Profperous Era!. 5 Then let us rejoice In Heart and in Voice, Our Leader purfue, And fhout as we travel the Wildernefs thro' ; With the Spirit remove To Sion above, Triumphant arife, And walk in our Gop, 'till we fly to the Skies. F I N I S.