£ h Dp * 1 '^9 s r^ Rj ^^^^ IJ VM t^ PRINOET ON. N. J. I'art of the f, ADDCSON ALEXANTDER LIBRARY, li'l which was pies'jiited by \j Messks. R. L. ^xi) a. Stuabt. %T7~^^ ^i^^^Sr '^"^^''^'^ p.^:rr:jaQ A£rp5ai3Cg:p=;u^ ^ Ut/is.f SU('Jf\ Secti-or r»i)oh\ No,..., . . . ^*m. *& BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN, WITH ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, BY THOMAS C. UPHAM, A. Ml ASSISTANT TEACHER OF HEBREW AND GREEK IN THE THEOLi SEM., ANDOVER. ANDOVER : PUBLISHED BY FLAGG AND GOULD. 1 823. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO WIT : L. S. District Clerk's Office. Be it remembered, that on the fourth day of January, A. d. 1823, in the forty seventh year of the Independence of the United States of America, Thomas C. IJPHAM, A r,i. of the said district has deposited in this office the title of a booK the right whereof he claims as Proprietor in the words following, to tvit — "Jahn's Biblical Archaeology, translated from the Latin, with additions and corrections. By Thomas C. Upham, A. M. Assistant Teacher of Hebrew and Greek in the Theol. Sem. Andover."— In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, '' An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, 1o the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned :" and also to an Act enti- tled, '' An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled. An Act for the encourage- ment of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the au- thors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits (hereof to the arts of Designing, Engraving and Etching historical and other prints." JOHN VV. DAVIS, Clerk of the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE. The following Translation was undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Stuart of the Theological Seminary in this place. His feelings on the subject, it was found, were seconded by many theo- logical students, with whom it has been the happiness of the Trans- lator to be associated. Although he would otherwise have gladly declined the attempt, he did not feel himself at hberty to hesitate to do all in his power, to gratify those, whom he so highly respected, and to subserve, if possible, the general interests of theological knowledge. For the encouragement and aid, which Professor Stuaut has af- forded, and for the assistance, which he has received in rarious ways from many of the Students above alluded to, he takes this opportu- nity to present his sincere and grateful acknowledgments. The author of this book is Dr. John Jahn, who was formerly Professor of oriental languages in the University of Vienna. It was originally written in German, and extended through five octavo vol- umes. Being of such extent, and accompanied with numerous plates, it was found too expensive for common use, and, after numerous so- licitations to that effect, was abridged by the author himself, translat- ed into Latin, and printed in a single octavo volume. The Transla- tion into English, which is now offered to the public, is made from the second edition of the Latin Abridgment, printed at Vienna in 1814. The Translator, in fulfilling his task, has constantly had before him the original German edition, and it is necessary for him to re- mark, that where he noticed an observation in the German, which seemed to be important, and which promised to instruct and interest the English reader, but which, nevertheless, was not in the Latin, he has ventured, in a considerable number of instances, to translate and insert it. In doing this, he has considerably increased the la- bour and responsibility, which devolved upon him, but it is believ- ed, the work has thereby been rendered more valuable, and all, that is asked in return, is, that any person, who compares it with the Lat- IV PREFACE. in, in order to ascertain its merits, as a translation, will, at the same timp, compare it with the German for the purpose of learning the additions and alterations, and the grounds, on which they have been made. The NOTKs, which have been occasionallj^ inserted, and the ex- tracts, which, in order to render some Articles more complete, than they would otherwise have been, it has been thought proper to make, are distinguished from the text of Jahn, as the reader will ob- serve, by being enclosed with brackets. Many errors, which had crept into the references, have been corrected ; but it is necessary for the Translator of this Work to repeat an observation of the Translator o{ Commentaries on the Laws o/Moses^ viz. " That the read- er must not be surprised, when he recurs to the English version, to remark occasionally the difference of an unit in the numeration of chapters and verses ; which proceeds from the division adopted in the German and Hebrew Bibles being in some places difl'erent from ours." When, however, the variation was considerable, it has gen- erally been attended to, and altered so as to agree with the division of verses in the English version. The value of Dr. Jahn's Work, as it exists both in the Latin and German, is too well known and too generally admitted, to re- quire from the Translator, at the present time, any thing in defence of its merits; and he thinks he can say with truth, it is not owing to want of care and labour, if, as it is now exhibited to the public, it should be found to fall short of its original worth and spirit. One of the greatest dithculties in interpreting the Scriptures, will be found, it is apprehended, in the want of fjicility in throwing one's self back into the age, in which the writers lived, and into the situation of those, for whom they wrote. To remove this difficulty in some degree, as the reader will observe by consulting the second section, is one of the prominent objects of the present Work. It is thought, that the object will be found to be, in a good measure, se- cured, and that the person, who has carefully studied it, will no lon- ger find himself at a loss in forming a conception of the once splen- did scenery of Judea, nor in understanding and estimating the nature and the worth of the domestick, religious, and civil practices and in- stitutions of its inhabitants. THOMAS C. UPHAM. Andover, Theol, Sem. February 5, 1823. CONTENTS. Sect. 1. Biblical x\rchaeology. 2. Its importance to a theologian. 3. The sources of Biblical Archaeology. PART I. Chap. I. ON DOMESTICK ANTIQUITIES. Sect. 4. Biblical Geography. 5. Aramea. 6. Phenicia. 7. Media. 8. Persia, Susiana, Elyraais. 9. Babylonia, Chaldea. 10. Arabia. 11. Egypt. 12. Gessen or Goshen, and the river of Egypt. 13. Extent and boundaries of the Hebrew territories. 14. Face of the country, mountains. 15. Plains. 16. Forests. 17. Deserts. 18. The Jordan, Lake Merom, and Gennesareth. 19. The Dead Sea. 20. Other Rivers. 21. On the climate of Palestine. 22. Fertility of the soil. 93. Calamities to which Palestine is subject. 24. Division of Palestine among the Israelites. 25. Division of Palestine in the time of Christ. Chap. II. OF DWELLINGS. Sect. 26. The earliest shelters were shady trees and caves. 27. The more recent Troglodytes or dwellers in caves. 28. Tabernacles. VI CONTENTS. Sect. 29. On Tents. 30. Formation of Tents. 31. Internal structure of Tents. 32. Houses. 33. Size of Houses. 34. Form and roof of Houses. 35. The Gate, Porch, Area or open court, female apart- ments. 3G. Chambers and other Apartments. 37. Doors and methods of securing them. 38. Windows. 39. Materials for building. 40. Household furniture and utensils. 41. Villages, Towns, Cities. Chap. III. OF THE NOMADES. ;SeCT. 42. Antiquity &c. of the Nomades, 43. Of PasttH'es. 44. Emigrations of the Nomades. 45. Fountains and Cisterns. 46. Flocks of the Nomades. 47. Animals of the Ox-kind. 48. Of Asses and mules. 49. Of Camels. 50. Horses. 51. Dogs. 52. Of Hunting. 53. Of Robberies committed on Travellers. Chap. IV. ON AGRICULTURE. Sect. 54. Its value and importance. 55. Laws of Moses in regard to Agriculture. 50. Estimation in which Agriculture was held. 67. Means of increasing Fertility. 58. Different kinds of Grain. 59. Instruments of Agriculture. 60. Animals used in Agriculture. 61. Preparation of the Land. (52. Harvest. 63. Threshing Floor. 64. Threshing. 65. Ventilation. 66. Of Vines and Vineyards. CONTENTS. VU Sect. 67. Situation and arrangement of Vineyards. 68. Culture of Vineyards. 69. Vintage and Winepress. 70. Gardens. 71. Of Olive-Trees. 72. The Fig-Tree. 73. The Pomegranate. 74. The Balsam. 75. The Palm. 76. Terebinths and Pistacias. 77. Bees and Honey. 78. Fishing. 79. The Fallow Year. Chap. V. OF THE ARTS. Sect. 80. On the Origin of the Arts. 81. State of the Arts from the Deluge till Moses. 82. The Arts among the Hebrews in the time of Moses. 83. Arts among the Hebrews in Palestine. 84. State of the Arts after the Captivity. 85. Antiquity of the Art of writing. 86. The extension of alphabetical writing. 87. Materials and Instruments of writing. 88. Respecting Books. 89. Of Epistles. 90. On Poetry. 91. Character of the Hebrew Poetry. 92. On Musick. 93. Uses of Musick among the Hebrews. 94. Stringed Instruments. 95. Wind Instruments. 96. Different sorts of Drums. 97. On Dancing. Chap. VI. ON THE SCIENCES. Sect. 98. The origin of the Sciences. 99. History, Genealogy, and Chronology. 100. Arithmetick, Mathematicks, Astronomy, and Astrology. 101 Division of Day and Night. 102. Of Weeks. 103. Of the Months and the Year. 104. Surveymg, the Mechanick Arts, and Geography. 105. Of Medicine. 106. iPhysicks, Natural History, and Philosophy. Note. Academical Degree. Vlll CONTENTS. Chap. VII. OF COMMERCE. Sect. 107. Antiquity of Commerce. 108. Commerce of the Pheaicians, Arabians, and Egyptians. 109. Mercantile Routs. 1 10. Method of carrying goods by land. 111. The Commerce of the Hebrews. 112. Weights and Measures. 113. Measures of length. 114. Hollow Measures. 115. Of Weights and Money. 116. Of Weights and Money before the Captivity. 117. Weights and Money after the Captivity. Chap. VIII. ON CLOTHING. Sect. 118. Materials of which clothes were made. 119. Colours of Cloths. 120. The Tunick. 121. The Girdle. 122. Of Upper Garments. 123. Sandals and Shoes. 124. Of the Beard. 125. Of the Hair. 126. Coverings for the Head. 127. Of the Veil. 128. Staff, Seal, and Rings. 129. Ladies' Rings and Pendants. 130. Necklaces, Bracelets, &c. 131. Amulets. 132. Mirrors. 133. Purse and Napkins. 134. Painting and Branding or Sealing. 133. Dress at Festivals and on occasions of Mourning. Chap. IX. CONCERNING FOOD AND FEASTS. Sect. 136. Of Food in general. 137. Preparation of Food by Fire. 138. Of Mills. 139. Grinding. 140. Baking bread in an oven. 141. On the different kinds of Food. 142. Of Roasting. CONTENTS. iX Sect. 143. Interdicted Food. 144. Beverag'e. 145. Time and circumstances of taking Refreshment. 14tj. Table and method of Sitting. 147. Mode of Eating. 148. On Feasts. 149. Hospitality of the Orientals. Chap. X. ON THE STATE OF DOMESTICK SOCIETY. Sect. 130. Precautions against Fornication. 151. Polygamy. 152. The choice of a Wife. 153. The Marriage Vow and Dowry. 154. Celebration of Nuptials. 155. Concubines. 156. Fruitfulness in the Marriage state. 157. Marriage of a Childless Brother's Widow. 158. Concerning Adultery. 159. The Suspected Wife. 160. Bill of Divorce. 161. Child Birth. 162. Circumcision. 163. Antiquity of Circumcision. 164. On the Naming of Children. 165. Concerning the First-Born. 166. The Nurture of Children. 167. Thepower of the Father. 168. Of the Testament or Will. 169. Respecting Slaves. 170. Ways in which men became Slaves. 171. Condition of slaves among the Hebrews. 172. Condition of slaves among other Nations. Chap. XI. CHARACTER AND SOCIAL INTERCOURSE OF THE HEBREWS. Sect. 173. Character of the Hebrews. 174. Propriety and refinement of Manners. 175. Mode of Salutation. 176. On Visiting. 177. Of Gifts. 178. Kinds of presents and methods of bringing them. 179. Publick Honours. 180. Conversation and Bathing. X CONTENTS. Sect. 181. Treatment of the Jews to strangers. 182. The Poor and Beggars. 183. Levitical Defilements. Chap. XII. OF DISEASES. Sect. 184. Of Diseases generally. 185. Disease of the Philistines mentioned in 1 Sam. 5 — 6. 186. Disease of King Jehoram. 187. False Conceptions. 188. Countries where the Leprosy prevails. 189. Beginnings and progress of Leprosy. JN'oTE. I. On Bohak as distinct from infectious Leprosy. II. On the Leprosy of Gaudaloupe. 190. On the Pestilence. 191. The disease of Saul and Nebuchadnezzar. 19'^. Respecting Demoniacks. 193. Demoniacks were possessed with a Devil. 194. General view of the opposite Argument. 196. Symptoms in Demoniacks, the same with those in dis- eased persons. 196. The Apostles, Evangelists, and Christ regarded Demo- niacks as diseased persons. 197. Real possessions inconsistent with the doctrine of Je- sus and his Apostles. 198. The Pool near the Sheep-Market at Jerusalem. 199. Concerning Paraly ticks. 200. The death of Judas Iscariot. 201. Blindness of the Sorcerer Bar-Jesus. 202. Disease of Herod Agrippa. Chap. XIII. CONCERNING DEATH, BURIALS, AND MOURNING. Sect. 203. On Death. 204. Treatment of the Corpse, Embalming. 205. Of Funerals. ' 206. Situation of Sepulchres. 207. Sepulchres. Note I. Maundrell on the Sepulchres of the Kings. II. Harmer on the White-washing of Sepulchres, 208. Articles, which were buried with the dead. 206. Sepulchral Monuments. 210. Burning of the Corpse. 211. Of Mourning. 212. Other causes of Mourning. CONTENTS. XI PART II. ON POLITICAL ANTIQUITIES. Chap. I. ON THE HEBREW COMMONWEALTH. Sect. 213. Patriarchal Government. ^, . 214. The Fundamental Law of the Mosaic Institutions. J I - 215. Condition of the Hebrews, as respected other Nations. , ■"_ 216. Principal Officers in the Hebrew State. 217. Connection of the Tribes with each other, 218. The CoMiTiA or Legislative Assemblies. 219 Form of Government a mixed one. 220. The Ruler of the Israelitish Community. 221. The Theocracy. 222. Historical Tables. Chap. II. OF KINGS, OFFICERS OF STATE, AND OTHER MAGIS- TRATES. Sect. 223. The Anointing* of Kings. 224. Royal Robe, Diadem, and Crown. 225. The Throne. 226. The Sceptre. 227. The Royal Table. 228. Seclusion of Kings, Journeys, etc. 229. Royal Palace and Gardens. 230. Veneration paid to Kings, and Titles, which were be- stowed upon them. 231. The duties of the Hebrew Monarcbs. 232* Extent of the Royal power and prerogatives, 233. Methods of promulgating Laws, etc. 234. On the Royal Revenues. 235. Magistrates under the Monarchy. 236. Officers of the Palace. 237. The King's Harem. 238. The method, in which the Officers and others held in- tercourse with the King. 239. Magistrates during and after the Captivity. 240. Tetrarchs. 241. Roman Procurators. 242. Of the Tribute and Half Shekel of the Temple. XU CONTENTS. Chap. III. OF TRIALS AND PUNISHMENTS. Sect. 243. Of Judges. 244. The Sanhedrin. Note. Ol" the Sanhedrin, instituted by Moses. 245. Other Tribunals in the time of Christ. 246. The time of Trials. 247. The Forum or phice of Trials. 243. Form of Trial. 249. Prisons and Tortures. 250. Regulations, etc. in respect to Debtors* 251. On'Usury. 252. The smallest Punishment. 253. Fines and Indemnifications. 254. Punishment of Theft. 255. Corporal punishments. 256. On Retaliation. 257. Mosaic Punishments. 258. Excision from the people. Excommunication. 259. Of punishments, which consist of Posthumous insults. 21:0. Punishments, introduced from other Nations. 261 Crucifixion, as practised among the Romans. 262 The cruelties of Crucifixion. 263. The Pubiick Executioner. 264. 01" the Blood-Avenger, and Cities of Refuge. 265. Of the unknown Murderer. Chap. IV. ON MILITARY AFFAIRS. Siv:;t. 266. General view of Military Science. 267. General Military Enrolment. 268. Of the Levy for Actual Service. 269. Divisions etc. introduced into Armies. 270. Military Reviews and Inspections. 271. Of Shields. 272. The Helmet. 273. Cuirass, Breastplate, or coat of Mail. 274. Greaves and Military Frock. . 275. On Fortifications. 276. Arms, with which the Soldiers fought hand to hand. 277. Of Javelins. 278. Of the Bow, Arrow, and Quiver. 279. Of the Sling. 280. Of Engines, used in war. 281. Battering Rams. 282. Respecting the Cavalry. CONTENTS. XI 11 Sect. 283. Of Chariots of war. 284. Sports and Exercises preparatory to war. 285. Gymnastick Sports. 286. Of Encampments. 287. On Military Marches. 288. Military Standards. 289. Respecting war. 290. Preparations for Battle. 291. Of the Battle. 292. On Sieges. 293. Circumvallation. 294. The Besieger's mound. 265. Consequences of victory. 296. Severities of ancient warfare. 297. Justice of the war against the Canaanites. Note. Right of the Israelites to Palestine. 298. On the division of the Spoils. 299. Respecting the Spoils, which the Hebrews took away from the Egyptians. 300. Periods, when there was a cessation from Hostilities. PART III. ON SACRED ANTIQUITIES. Chap. I. HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE RELIGION OF THE BIBLE. Sect. SOL Religi-on down to the Deluge. 302. from the Deluge to Abraham. 303. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 304. Respecting the religion of the Patriarchs. 305. Respecting Moses. 306. On the question, " Whether Moses taught the exis- tence of a merely national God?" 307. On the question, " Whether the character of Jehovah as represented by Moses is merely that of a being inexorably just ?" 308. Respecting the regulations, which were made in order to preserve the true Religion. 309. On the Moral tendency of the instructions and institu- tions of Moses. 310. On the question, "Whether there are Types in the Laws of Moses?" 311. Sketch of Religion from Moses till after the Babylo- nish Captivity. 312. Perseverance of the Hebrews in their Religion after the Captivity. XIV CONTENTS. Sect. 313. Respecting the knowledg-e of God before the time of Christ, as developed by Philosophy. 314. On the condition of man after Death. 315. Respecting' the propagation of Judaism. 316. General state of Jewish affairs. 317. On the antiquity of the Jewish Religious sects. 318. On the doctrine of the Pharisees. 319. Defects in the Moral principles and practice of the Pharisees. 320. On the traditions of the Pharisees. 321. Galileans and Zealots. 322. liespecting the Sadducees. 323. Essenes and Therapeutae. 324. Concerning the Hellenists. 325. Concerning Proselytes. 326. Concerning the Samaritans. Chap. II. OF SACRED PLACES. Sect. 327. Of Sacred Places in general. 328. Of the Tabernacle. 329. The Altar and Brazen Laver. 330. The Golden Candlestick. 331. Of the Table of Shew-Bread. 332. The Altar of Incense. 333. Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. 334. Respecting the Holy Land. 335. Of Jerusalem, the Holy City. 336. Mount Moriah. 337. Of the Temple of Solomon. 338. The Sanctuary of Solomon's Temple. 339. Of the Temple of Zerubbabel. 340. Of the Temple of Herod. 341. Of the Gates of Herod's Temple. 342. Porches in the Temple of Herod. 343. Of the Sanctuary. 344. Origin of Synagogues. 345. Of the Structure etc. of Synagogues. Chap. III. OF SACRED SEASONS. Sect. 346. On the Antiquity of the Sabbath. 347. On the design of the Sabbath. 348. Concerning those things, which were to be omitted on the Sabbath. CONTENTS. XV Sect. 349. Concemiog those things, which were permitted to be done on the Sabbath. 350. Concerning the Sabbatick Year. 351. Of the Year of Jubilee. 352. New Moons and Feast of the New Year. 353. Of the great Festivals in general. 354. Concerning the Passover. 355. Concerning the Pentecost. 35d. Of the Feast of Tabernacles. 357. On the Day of Propitiation. 358. Concerning other Fasts. 359. Of the Feas< of Purim. 360. On the Festival Encaenia, otherwise called the Festi- val of the purilication of the Temple. Chap. IV. OF SACRED PERSONS. Sect. 361. Of the Jews, as considered a Holy people. 362. Of persons officially employed in discharging Religious duties. 363. Of the servants, who were allotted to the Sanctuary. 364. Of the consecration of the Levites. 365. Of the duties of the Levites. 366. Of the Priests. 367. The consecration of the Priests and of the High-Priest. 368. Concerning the dress of the Priests. 369. Of the duties of the Priests. 370. Dress of the High-Priest. I Some account of Urim and Thummim. \ Note. Remarks of Michaelis on Urfm and Thummim. 371. On the question. Whether Priests and fievites were Publick Teachers? 372. Officers in the Synagogues. CiTAP. y. OF SACRED THINGS. Sect. 373. On the question, What is a Sacrifice ? 374. On the Origin of Sacrifices. 375. On the division or kinds of Sacrifices. 37B. The place of Sacrifices. 377. Of Bloody Sacrifices. 378. Ceremonies at the offering of Sacrifices. 379. Concerning Holocausts or whole bTirnt-ofTe rings, 380. Of Sin-offerings. 381. Of Trespass-Offerings. XVI CONTENTS. Sect. 382. Peace and Thank Offerings. 383. Ol'Covenant-Sacritices. 384. Of the meaning of Sacrifices. 385. Of Biooiiless Sacrifices. 386. Of the Purification of the Unclean. Of the Red Heifer. 3ii7. Purification of Leprous Persons. 388. Concerning the First-Born. 389. Of the First-fruits. 390. Of Tjthes. 391. Of the Sacred Oil. , 39'^. Concerning Oaths. 393. Concerning Vows. 394. Of Alfirmative Vows. Of the Vow called Cherem. 395. Of Negative vows, the Nazarite, etc. 396. Concerning Prayers. 397. Of the Worship in the Synagogues. 398. The language in which the service was performed in the Synagogues. 399. Mode of worship practised by the Apostles. Chap. VI. CONCERNING IDOLATRY. Sect. 400. Of Idol Deities. 4U1. Altars, Statues, Temples, Groves. 402. Sacrifices, prayers, festivals, purifications, mysteries- 403. Concerning divinations, &c. 404. State of Idolatry in the time of Christ. 405. Of images made for sacred purposes. 406. Of the Host or army of Heaven. 407. Of the Sun, and the god Baal. 408. Of other Baals or Baalim. 409. Of Astarte, Ashtaroth, or the Moon, as an object of worship. 410. Of Tammuz and Adonis. 411. Moioc, Molec, Malcom, Milcom. 412. Concerning Chiun and Remphan. 413. OfTeraphim. 414. OfDagon. 415. Of other deities. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. § I. BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. Archaeology, aQ)[aiokoyia, considered subjectively or in refer- ence to the mind, is the knowledge of whatever in antiquity is worthy of remembrance, but objectively is that knowledge reduced to a system. In its widest sense, therefore, it embraces achieve- ments of a historical nature, and every thing else, important to be transmitted to subsequent ages ; but, in a limited sense, has special reference to religious and civil institutions and ceremonies, to opinions, manners and customs, and the like. As there are cir- cumstance \ worthy of being noticed and remembered, not only in the religious and civil, but also in the domestic concerns of the ancients, so Archaeology may be divided into sacred, political, and domestic. Biblical Archaeology embraces every thing in the Bible wor- thy of notice and remembrance, whether it be merely alluded to, or treated as something well known. § 2. ITS IMPORTANCE TO A THEOLOGIAN. I. It enables him to throw himself back more fully into the age, the country, and the situation of the sacred writers and their co- temporaries, and to understand and estimate the nature and the tendencies of the object?, which are there presented to him. II. 1 2 rRELlMINARY REMARKS. It puts Iiini in a better situation to detect allusions to ceremonies, customs, laws, peculiarities in the face ot" the country, &,c, and to make himself sure of the precise import of the passages, where such allusions occur. III. It proffers him new ability in answer- ing the objections of the opposers of Revelation, the greater part of which originate in ignorance of antiquity. IV. It presents to his view distinctly and impressively the adaptation of the different dispensations, the object of which was to preserve and transmit religion, to the character and situation of the age. V, It shows him, where to separate moral precept and religious truth from the drapery of the figurative language, in which they are clothed ; since language, considered as the medium of thought, takes its character in a measure fiom that of the times. VI. It enables him to enter into the nature and spirit of the arguments in favour of the authenticity of the sacred books. VII. That an acquaintance with Biblical Archaeology is of great importance is evident from this also, that all, who have undertaken to explain the Scriptures, while ignorant of it, have committed very great and very numer- ous mistakes. § 3, THE SOURCES OF BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. It is necessary, in order that the student may derive real profit from a book of sacred antiquities, not only that he should make a right use of it by studying it in a proper manner, but that the book or system itself should be drawn from genuine and undoubt- ed sources. These sources are I. The Scriptures ; which are very weighty, because they are in fact the testimony of the people themselves in regard to events and customs, in which they were the agents. II. Ancient Monuments. These are in a manner living testi- monies. Such are Ihe triumphal arch of Titus, a representation of which has been given by Reland in his De spoliis templi Jerosohj' miuini in arcu Titiano Romne conspicuis ; the ruins of Fersepolis ; the subterranean vaults or sepulchres in Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, countries, where pyramids also, obelisks, and the ruins of various edifices bear testimony both to the perfection and the anti- quity of the arts ; and the ruins of Baalbec and Palmyra, engravings of which In copper have been furnished by Wood. They are of >. PRELIiMlNARY REMARKS. 3 a more recent age, but they illustrate what occurs in the Bible, relative to the edifices of Herod, and the temple of Jerusalem in the ^ime of our Saviour. III. Ancient Greek, Phenician, Egyptian, and Roman coins, Jewish coins with inscriptions in the old Samaritan character, and those of a few other nations. IV. The works of Philo the Jew and of Josephus, the former of whom resided in Egypt, the latter at first in Judea and subse- quently at Rome ; both were cotemporaries with the Apostles. V. Ancient Greek and Latin authors, who sometimes give a more full account of events and customs, which are merely men- tioned or alluded to in the Bible, particularly Herodotus, also Xenophon, Arrian, Strabo, Plutarch, Diodorus Siculus, and almost all the others. But it is the dictate of soimd criticism, that the authority of the biblical writers, who were indigenous, and for the raost part coteraporary with the events they relate, should super- sede, when there is any disagreement, that of these profane writ- ers, who were of another country and a later age, VI. The Mishna or the text of the Talmud, which is a collection of traditions, made very nearl}^ between the year 190 and 220, and was accompanied after a time by the ex- planations of the two Gemaras ; the one of which, called the Je- rusalem, was written about the year 280 ; the other, called the Bab- ylonian, was begun in 427 and completed about the year 500. la making use of the information, which this work supplies, there is need of much caution, as there are many modern interpolations in it. VII. Certain ecclesiastical writers, who lived in Syria or other oriental countries, particularly Jerome and Ephraem Syrus ; also some Syriac and Arabian books, especially the most an- cient. Finally, the Journals of modern travellers, who have vis- ited the east, marked the appearances of the country, and given an account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants. In making use of the last mentioned works, there is also need of cau- tion, lest we assign to antiquity what belongs to a more recent period, although it ought at the same time to be kept in mind, that the inhabitants of the east are not fond of innovations, and re- tain to this day customs, which throw light on many things men- tioned in the Bible. The people who have retained with most constancy and exactness their ancient habits, arc the wandering 4 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. Arabs, who live in Uie Arabian desarts ; next to these are the itin- erant shepherds of Pale-tine, Syria, ]\Tesopotamia, Babylonia or Ef ak, Ei..ypt and the norlh part of Africa. Other nations come into the account, on the subject of biblical antiquities, in propor- tion to the nearness of their situation to the Hebrews. Further- more, we should make a distinction between what these writers liave seen and heard, and their conjectures and opinions ; for in «4« the one case they are witnesses, and in the other they assume the functions of a judge, a part which may be sustained by any person, provided he has the facts in the first place upon which he may build his judgirient. BIBLICAL ^ '^m PART FIRST. ON" DOMESTIC ANTIQUITIES. CHAPTER I. § 4. BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY. As it seems necessary, that something should be know^i re- specting the theatre of the memorable events in the Bible, be- fore proceeding further we shall give a concise view of biblical or sacred geography. Lest we should delay too long in the thresh- old, we shall not now discuss the situation of the countries, men- tioned Gen. 10:5 — 10, &,c, shall say nothing respecting the origin of the Tigris and Euphrates, and shall omit the geography of Asia Minor and Greece. We proceed, therefore, to state in a few words the situation of those countries, which occur most frequent- ly in the Bible. §. 5. Aramea., The region, which in the Bible is denominated Aram, is a vast tract, extending from mount Taurus south as far as Da- tjiascus and Babylonia, and from the Mediterranean sea in an 6 § 5. AKAMEA. eastern direction beyond the Tigris into Assyria. Different parts of it are called by different names. I. Aram beth Rechob, aini IT'S Q'^N, otherwise called Assyria ; in the most limited meaning olthe term, it was a small province or peninsula surrounded by the Tigris, and the less and greater Zab. Its extent was increased in the progress of time by the ad- dition of seven other provinces, and in the age of Isaiah and Ahaz, it became, by the accession of other territories still which extend- ed into Syria and Palestine, the very large empire of Assyria. Its metropolis, Nineveh, was situated on the eastern shore of the Ty- gris, nearly opposite the site of Mosul at the present day. It was laid waste in the year 877 before Christ by Arbaces and Belysis, but was rebuilt; it was laid waste again by Cyasares I. and Na- bopolassarin the year 625 before Christ, and ever afterwards re- mained desolate. II. Aram Naharaim, Mesopotamia, now called by the Arabic name al-Gezira or the island, for it is almost sur- rounded by the Tygris and Euphrates. The provinces, into which it was divided were 1. the Mesopotamian plains, CnN "J^C, orJi'i"!) DIN, and 2. the province ofNesibene, 'n'2V^ 'D~\H. HI. Aram with- out any epithet attached to it, is Syria, now called by the Arabick name, Al-sham or the country to the left, because, when the Arab's face was turned towards the east, Aram or Syria lay upon the left, i. e. to the north. Its most celebrated cities, the ruins of which still remain, were Baalbec or Baal-Gad, 15 ^^'5, otherwise called Heliopolis; Tadmor, '^^73^n, or Palmyra; Aleppo, now called Haleb, 'Jla^H, and Antioch. Its minor divisions were 1. the kingdom of Damascus, p-L'73"5; 2. the kingdom of Maacha, Hiya ; 3. the kingdom of Tob, laia ; 4. the kingdom of Hamath, nail ; and 5. the kingdom of Geshur, 'ni^3, on the Orontes. !NoTr;. The orientals, when undertaking to designate the sever- al quartei's of the heavens, turn their face to the east. Hence Clp., which properlj' means in front or before means also the East ; bStt'iT, on the left hand means also the North ; pn^.^?) '^'inN, behind, and d"i the sea because it is in that direction, mean likewise the Wpst ; and 'j'^a^ the right hand means the South. § 6. phenicia. 7 §. 6. Phenicia. It is that part of Syria and Palestine, which borders on the shores of the Mediterranean, extending front the river Eleutherus, which empties between Orthosia and Tripoli, lat. 34° 26', to Achziba or Ecdippa, lat. 32° 50', or, as some say, to Acco or Ptolemais at the mouth of the river Belus. It is a coun- try small in extent, though once celebrated for its arts and its commerce. Its principal cities were the celebrated Sidon and Tyre, the last of which was the most recent in point of origin, but eventually rose to the greatest distinction. It was overthrown by Nebuchad- nezzar, and afterwards rebuilt on a neighbouring island. It was again overthrown by Alexander the great, and was rebuilt, but never recovered its ancient greatness. §. 7. Media. Media, ^'^'i, between the 32d°and the 40th° of lat. is bound- T -~ ed on the west by Assyria and Armenia, on the north by the Caspian sea, on the east by Hyrcania and Parthia, and on the south by Persia. The metropolis was Echatana, Nn?2nN, now called Hamdan. ^. 8. Persia, Susiana, Elymais. Persia is a tract of country, which extends from'Media, lat. 34°, to the Persian gulf, lat. 27°, and embraces Susiana and Ely- mais, In a more restricted sense, it had Susiana on the west and Caramania on the east. In the latter sense, Susiana, whose me- tropolis was Shushan^ y^^'i^i was situated between Persia and Ba- bylonia, and was bounded on the south by the Persian gulf It is now called Chuzistan. Elymais, db^^i occurs in ancient books for the whole of Persia, but in a more limited signification it is that district, which is situated to the north of Susiana and the north-east of Babylonia, and is bounded in other directions by Media. Its limits, however, cannot be very accurately defined. § 9 BABYLONIA, CHALDEA. §. 9. Babylonia, Chaldea. Babylonia was so denominated from its celebrated capital Babylon. In its greatest extent, it was bounded on the north by Armenia, and was then anciently called Shinar or Singar ; but when the limited meaning was attached to the word, it de- signated the tract bounded on the north by Mesopotamia, by Arabia Deserta on the west, and by the Persian gulf on the south. A section of the southern division of this country, situated on the western shore of the Euphrates, was ceded by the kings of As- syria to certain tribes of Chaldeans. Their original residence was not, as Michaelis supposes, the south eastern shore of the Eu- xine, but, as we learn from Xenophon, the southern and eastern part of Armenia. § 10. Arabia. Arabia was called by the inhabitants of Palestine the eastern, and by the Babylonians the western country ; by the former yy^ii □"Ip. ai'aroh], and by the latter S'li^ or ^Qa^ta. Hence the Arabians were sometimes denominated D"lj?. "'^s or orientals, sometimes D'SJ^.i? or the people of the west, 2 Chron. ix. 14. Jer. iii. 2. The Arabs anciently denominated themselves, and do to this day by either of these names, with this peculiarity, however, in regard to the latter word, that they call the Bedouin Arabs or the dwellers in tents collectively Il'^y, but the inhabitants of cities, n'-i2?, comp. Jer. 35: 24. The division into Arabia the happy, the stony, and the deserted, which was made by Megas- thenes and Ptolemy, was unknown to the inhabitants of the east, and is not observed in the Bible. Arabia Felix is the name of that peninsula, which is so bordered by the Red Sea, more properly called the Arabian gulf, by the southern ocean, which was formerly in this part called the Red Sea, and by the Persian gulf, that it would be perfectly surround- ed, were a line drawn from the inland extremity of the Persian gulf to port Ailan or Aelan, situated near the eastern end of the Red Sea. That region, which is bounded on the east bv Arabia Deserta. § 11. EGYPT. 9 on the west by Egj'pt and the Mcrliterranean, on the south by the Red Sea, which here divides and rnns north in two branches, and on the north by Palestine, is called Arabia Petrea or the stony from the city Petrea, y^t?.. Idumea, otherwise called Seir, ^"^rir, is the north eastern part of Arabia Petrea. Finally, the tract, which has Arabia Felix on the south, Babylonia and the Euphra- tes on the east, the Euphrates and Syria on the north, and Gilead on the west, is called Arabia Deserta. There are large tracts in these regions, especially in Arabia Deserta, covered with rolling sands ; barren as they are, thej-^, nevertheless, occasionally supply pasturage to the wandering shepherds. J. § 1 1. Egypt. Egypt, tS^.'^ii^q, "nili?:, tn y^i.X, extending from lat. 31° 27' to 23° 45', is bounded on the east b}^ Arabia Petrea and the Red Sea, on the south by Ethiopia or rather Nubia, on the west by the deserts of Africa or Lybia, and on the north by the Mediterranean. It has been divided into two parts, the lower or northern, which is called the Delta, and the upper or southern, which in Ara- bick is called 0'l''^"''3. The most celebrated are, I. The shore of the Mediterra- nean from the river of Egypt to mount Carmel. The tract from Gaza to Joppa is simply called !-i5:D"*yn, the plain. In this plain were the five principal cities of the Philistines, viz. Gaza, Askelon, Azotus, Gath, and Ekron or Accaron. The region reaching from Joppa to Carmel, which is somewhat hilly, was called Sharon. This is to be distinguished from a place, likewise called Sharon, situated between Tabor and lake Gennesareth ; and from a third place also of the same name, east of the Jordan in the tribe of Gad, celebrated for its pastures. II. The plain of Jezreel, bNy'^T'^i E^dQrjkoi^, f^ieya nidiov^ ex- tends from west to east, through the middle of Palestine, beginning at the Mediterranean and the mountain Carmel, and terminating at the egress of the Jordan from lake Gennesareth. Its length is from twenty-three to twenty-eight, and its breadth from nine to thirteen miles. The eastern part is called Sharon ; the western, the plain of Megiddo, ll.\73 ri^p2. See Judges 5: 33. 1 Sam. 29: 1-: 11. 2 Kings, 2.J: 29. 2'Ciiron. 35: 22. 1 Macab. 4: 49. III. The region or district of Jordan. 'J^"^"?! 'l'S'3 or J^S^y ne- QiyiMQog Tov Jooduvov or fifya nfdiov, includes the shore on both sides of the Jordan, from tne lake Gennesareth to the Dead Sea. Its breadth from west to east is thirteen miles, its length from north to south, according to the corrected reading of Josephus, Bell. Jud. L. IV. c. 8. § 2, is 138 miles, which is too great a length to correspond with the distance between lake Gennesareth and the Dead Sea. Modern travellers make the length about 56 miles. This region may be divided, I. Into the plain of Jericho, irrn". n^"p3, 16 ^ IG. FORESTS. which is watered and fertihzed by a small river, and is eight miles in length, and two and a quarter in breadth. II. The Valley of salt, reaching to the Dead Sea. 2 Kings 14: 7. 1 Chron. 18: 12. 2 Chron, 25: II. III. The Plains of Moab beyond Jordan, aNl?3 '''lip, also iNl'a m'2'n^", in which the Hebrews pitch- ed their tents, Num. xxvi. 3. These plains are called, Num. 25: 1, and .Tosh. 2: 1, 3: 1, Shittim, d'^D'Oiri Vns, or the val- ley of Acacia. A variety of words are applied to level plac- es or vallies, whose dilTerent shades of meaning cannot now be accurately determined, ^n;, however, is a valley, which has a torrent flowing through it in the winter: "a, ia, i<"i.n is a valley without any such torrent ; p/pi| is perhaps a deep valley, as ^i'P3 is a broad valley or plain. Of these vallies, that of Hinnom 'DtiTi "^a or disn 1!5. "'.?., near the southern wall of Jerusalem, is par- ticularly worthy of mention for tivo reasons. The one, that it sej)arated Judah from the tribe of Benjamin ; the other, because in a certain part of it was n5n Topheth 2 Kings 23: 10, where infants were burnt to the idol Moloch, Jer. 7: 31. § 16. Forests. D'^n""'. Forests are mentioned in Joshua 17: 15, and in many other passages. They are mentioned so frequently as to convince us, that the Hebrews anciently were not often compelled, like the modern inhabitants of Palestine, to burn the excrements of animals for fuel ; although it may have sometimes been the case, as is probable from Ezech. iv. 18. The forests which are spoken of with the great- est praise in the Bible are, I. The cedar forest on mount Leba- non, see § 11. 1. also 1 Kgs. 7: 2. 2 Kgs. 19: 23. Hos. 14: 6 — 8. II. The forest of pines and firs on Mntilibanus, which was first re- duced into the possession of the Hebrews by David. 2 Sam. 8: 5, 6. 1 Chron. 18: 4. III. The forest of oaks on mount Bashan. Zech. xi. 2. IV. The forest oj Ephraim, which the Ephraimites began to cut down so early as tlie time of Joshua, see ch. 17: 15, but of which there were some remains as late as the time of David, 2 Sam. 18: 6, 8, 17. A part of it seems to have been the wood near the city of Bethel, mentioned 2 Kgs. 2: 24. V. A forest on the boundary line between Judah and Benjamin, near the city Baala, which was thence called Kirjath Jcarim, § 17. DESERTS. 17 ^""1^. "-"^R^ or the city of the forest, Jos, 15: 9, 10. GO. Ezra 2: 25, N:U.'l:29. VI. The forest Chareth rTin, and the forest Chorsha rtuj"^n. The latter was very hirge, in the tribe of Judah and the wilderness of Ziph, 1 Sam. 22: 5, 23: 14—16. Vll, The shrub fields on the shores of lake Merom and the Jordan, called y\i^^ ll"'-'^ . 19", Mark 2: 4. The back part of the house is allotted to the women, called in Arabick the Harem, and in Hebrew by way of eminence '}i^'n^ or 'jTH'^ti the palace. The door is almost always kept locked, and is opened only to the master of the house, 2 Kings 15: 25, Prov. 18: 19. White eunuchs guard the door externally, but maids and black eunuchs only are permitted to serve within. The latter are great favourites with their masters, Isa. 32: 14, Jer. 13 : 23, 2 Kings 15: 25. The Harem of the more powerful is often a separate building, 1 Kings 7: 8, 2 Chron. 8: 11. Behind the Ha- rem there is a garden, into which the women enjoy the pleasure of looking from their small but lofty apartments. In the smal- ler houses, which are not made in a quadrangular form, the fe- males occupy the upper story. This is the place assigned them also by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey. § 36. Chambers and other apartments. The chambers are large and spacious, and so constructed, as to extend round the whole of the open court or area. The doors of the chambers, D'^nnD, nns, open in the first story into the clois- ters, in the second into the gallery. The ceiling is flat ; some say arched, but arches do not appear to have been known at a very early period. We search in vain for arches among the ruins of ancient edifices ; perhaps they have perished with years, but they do not remain. We infer therefore, that Si in Ezekiel 16: 24, 31, 39, cannot with certainty be translated, arch or vault. The Hebrews at a very ancient date had not only summer and winter rooms, hat palaces, Judges 3; 20, 1 Kings 7 : 2 — 6, Amos 3: 15, Jeremiah 36:^^ The houses, or palaces so called, express- ly made for summer, were very large, and in point of altitude did not yield much to our churches. The lower stories were frequently under ground. The front of these buildings faced the north, so as to secure the advantage of the breezes, which in summer blow from that direction. They were paved with marble, and when it could be done, had a foun- tain in the centre of the court, in order to render them still more cool. They were supplied with a current of fresh air by means 40 § 36. CHAMBERS AND OTHER APARTMENTS. of ventilators, which consisted of perforations made through the upper part of the northern wall, of considerable diameter ex- ternally, but diminishing-, in size, as they approached the inside of the wall. There was another kind of ventilator, which arose from the centre of the roof, was 10 cubits broad, and looked like a turret. It was hoHow and open to the north, and so constructed as to con- vey the cool air into the chambers and rooms below. Summer houses and chambers are called in Scripture, D*'Ji^'^>3 t)'V\^_ and r7^I?.>3 n^by, Jud. 3: 20, 24, Jer. 22: 14. One apartment worthy of notice extends from the interiour of the front side into the court, sometimes a considerable distance beyond the galleries and cloisters. Its roof is supported by two columns onl}^, and the front of it has no wall, in order to leave the prospect more free. In this apartment princes receive ambassa- dors, transact business, and dispense justice. The temple of Da- gon, which was destroyed by Sampson, was similar, as far as con- cerned the columns, in its construction. It was here that the Sa- viour seems to have had his trial, Jud. 16:26, Matt. 26:69, Luke 22: 61, 62. compare also 1 Kings 7: 7, Esther 5: 1. In the winter rooms and houses, the windows face the south, in order to render them more warm. They are not furnished with stoves and fire-places as among us. The coals and wood are heaped into a pot, which is placed in a hollow place left for that purpose in the centre of the paved floor. The smoke escapes through the win- dows. This method of keeping fires is still practised in the East, Isa. 44: 16, 47: 14. Sometimes the fire is placed directly in the hollow place or hearth in the middle of the floor, Jer. 36: 22. All the rooms of the upper story may be called tl^by and vne- flofof, but these words apply more appropriately to the chamber over the porch. It opens by a door directly upon the roof, being commonly a story higher than the rest part of, the house. It is a place for retirement, devotion, &c. Strangers are frequently lodged in it, 1 Kings 17: 19, 2 Kings 4: 10, 23: 12, Acts 9: 37—39. Note. There is no mention made of kitchens, or places for cook- ing, Heb. niir^n'J, except in Ezek. 46: 23 — 24. Chimneys, for the emission of smoke, were not known to the Hebrews. Those of modern construction are the invention of the 14th century. The Hebrews, however, like the modern orientals, had openings § 37. DOORS AND METHODS OF SECURING THEM. 41 in their houses, by which the smoke might escape. The word nznN is rightly explained by Jerome, in Hosea 13: 3, as an open- ing m the walls for letting out stn-'ke^ although, in other passages, it signifies an opening of any kind whatever, and especially a win- dow. § 37. Doors and methods of securing them. The doors were valves, Heb. nri- d';!]!:"}. They were sus- pended and moved by means of pivots ot wood, which projected from the ends of the two folds both above and below. The upper pivots, which were the longest, were inserted in sockets sutHciently large to receive them in the lintel, the lower ones were secured, in a correspondent manner, in the tlireshold. The pivots or ax- les are called niric; the sockets, in which they are inserted, Q-'^J-'S, Prov. 26: 14. The doors were fastened by a lock, b^2':72, Sol. Song 5: 5, or by a bar, Job 38: 10, Deut. 3:5. Judges 16: 3. The bars were commonly of wood. Those made of iron and brass were not used, except as a security to the gates of fortified places, or of valuable repositories, Isa. 45 : 2. The lock was nothing more than a wood slide, attached to one of the folds, which enter- ed into a hole in the door-post, and was secured there by teeth cut into it, or catches. Two strings passed through an orifice leading to the external side of the door. A man going out by the aid of one of these strings moved the slide into its place in the post, where it was fastened so among the teeth or catches, as not to be drawn back. The one coming in, who wished to unlock, had a wooden key, sufficiently large, and crooked, like a sickle. It was called ririDa, Judges 3: 25. He thrust the key through the ori- fice of the door, or key-hole, lifted up the slide so as to extricate it from the catches, and taking hold of the other string, drew it back, and thus entered. Keys were not made of metal except for the rich and powerful, and these were sometimes adorned with an ivory handle. A key of this kind, in the days of the Hebrew mon- archs, was assigned to the steward of the royal palace, as a mark of his office ; he carried it on his shoulder, Isa. 22: 22. The key-hole was sometimes so large as to admit a person's finger through it and enable him to lift the slide ; in that case he stood in no absolute need of a key to enter, Sol. Song 5: 4. 6 V 42 § 39. MATERIALS FOR BUILDING. §38. Wlvdows. D"^2Vn, niDVn.'iiVn. They look from the front chambers into the court, from the female apartments into the garden behind the house. Occasional- ly the traveller sees a window, which looks towards the street, but it is guarded by a trellis, and is thrown open only on the pub- lic festivities, Judges 5: 28, Prov. 7: 6, 2 Jvings 9: oO, riol. Song 2: 9. The windows are large, extending almost to the tloor. Persons sitting on the floor can lo^k out at them. They are wide, not set with glass, but latticed, '^ao. tlDnii:, C^'^n. In the winter they are protected by very thin veils, or by valves, through which the light is admitted by means of an oritice, 2 Kings 13: 17, 1 Kings 7: 17, Sol. Song 2: 9. Over the windows are nails fastened into the walls. They are adorned with beautiful heads, and not only sustain curtains by the aid of a rod extended from one to the oth- er, but are of themselves considered a great ornament. Hence the propriety of those illustrations drawn from nails, Isa. 22: 23, Zech. 10: 4, Eccles. 12: 11. § 39. Materials for building. Although the materials for the construction of edifices were originally stone and mud, the inhabitants of the east at a very ear- ly period made use of tiles, and do to this day. They are called in scripture D'csb- J^^^i; ^i'om the white clay, of which they were made. They were of different sizes, somewhat larger than those among us. Commonly they were hardened by the heat of the sun merely, but when intended for splendid edifices, as in Gen. 11: 3, they were burnt by fire. I??^, a brick-kiln^ occurs 2 Sam. 12: 31, Nahum 3: 14, Jer. 43: $. ^.The walls of the common dwell- ing houses were erected of tiles dried in the sun upon a founda- tion of stone, but where the ground was solid, a basement of this kind was sometimes omitted, Matt. 7:25. Dwelling houses, made of tiles dried in the sun, seldom endure longer than one generation. They fill the streets with mud in wet weather, and with dust, when it is dry, Isa. 5: 24, 10:6, Zech.9:3. Vehement storms, especially, injure them very much, Matt. 7: 25, Ezek. 12: 6 — 7, 13: 11, 14. § 39. MATERIALS FOR BUILDING. 43 In Palestine the houses were every where built of stones, of which there were gre;it numbers in that region. Hence Moses, Lev. 14: 33 — 57, enacted his law in respect to the leprosy of hous- es. From the indicitioii*; of it, which are mentioned, and also from the name ni.NQ'O .ny"^:£, or the. corrosive leprosy., it would seem, that it could oe no otlier, than nitrous acid, which dissolves stones, and communicates its corrosive action to those which are contiguous. Wherever this disease makes its appearance, its de- structive effects are discovered upon the surface of the wall, it renders the air of the room corrupt, and is injurious both to the dress and the health of the inhabitants. The Hebrews probably supposed it to be contagious, and hence in their view the necessity of those severe laws, which were enacted in reference to it. Palaces were constructed of hewn stones, rT^Ti ■'s^^i sometimes with stones sawed, ri^a732 DiT^iiTa Q'^ISN, sometimes with polished marble. Tiiey were ail called, rT'U "'ni, 1 Kings 6: 36, 7: 9, 11, 12. Ezek. 40: 42, 1 Chron. 22:2, Isa. 9: 10, Amos 5: II, Sol. Song. 5:15. The Persians took great delight in marble.- To this not oiijy • the ruins of Persepolis testify, but the book of Esther, where mention is made of white marble, "^Ui or UJ"'T2J. of red marble, "Tn, of black marble, rT^inb. of the party-coloured or veined marble, I2tl2. The splendour and magniticence of an edifice seems to have been estimated in a measure, by the size of the square stones of which it was constructed, 1 Kings 7 : 9 — 12. The foundation stone, which was probably placed at the corner and thence called the corner stone, was an object of particular regard, and was se- lected with great care from among the others, Ps. 118: 22, Isa. 28: 16, Matt. 21: 42, Acts 4: 11, 2 Tim. 2: 19, 1 Pet. 2: 6, Rev. 21: 14. The square stones in buildings, as far as we can ascertain from the ruins, which yet remain, were held together, not by mortar or cement of any kind, except indeed a very little might have been used, but by cramp-irons. The tiles di'ied in the sun were at first united by mud placed between them, ^T^y^, afterwards by lime T'ip^ mixed with sand, ^in, to iorm mortar, tO^.Q The last sort of cement was used with burnt tiles, Lev. 14: 41 — 42, Jer. 43; 0. The walls even in the time of Moses were commonlv incrust- 44 § 40. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND UTENSILS. ed with a coat of plaster. Lev. 14 : 41, 42,45, and at the present day in the East, the incrustations of this kind are of the tinest ex- ecution ; such was that in the palace of the Babylonian king, Dan. 5; 5. Wood was used in the construction of doors and gates, of the folds and lattices of windows, of the Hat roofs, and of the wainscoting-, with which the walls were ornamented. Beams were inlaid in the walls, to which the wainscoting was fastened by nails to render it more secure, Ezra G: 4. Houses finished in this man- ner uere called cr-iCp D"^n3. Hagg. 1: 4, Jer. 22; 14, ceiled hou- ses and ceiled cliami>t:r3. They were adorned with figures in stucco, with gold, silver, gems, and ivorj'. Hence the expressions, "ICJ-T "^02, ]■*; "'-^s'^rti *' ivory houses,'" " ivory palaces," and *'cham- bcrs ornamented with ivory," 1 Kings 22: 39, 2 Chron. 3: 6, Ps. 45; 8, Amos 3; 15. The wood, which was most commonly used, was the sycamore, Q'^TapUJ ; (it will last a thousand years ;) the acacia, Ctsuj ; the paim, "i^n, for columns and transverse beams; the fir, D''\iJ'i'^3 ; the ojive tree, ■jTS/^i •'lijiS' ; cedars, CT^N, which were peculiarly esteemed, 1 Kings G: 18, 7; 3, 7, II. The most precious of all was the Almug tree, so called by an Arabian name, though the wood it- self seems to have been brought through Arabia from India^ 1 Kings 10: 11 — 12, 2 Chron. 2; 8,9; 10, 21.V^Trees not well known, per- haps a species of the oak, in Heb. '^Jl'in, ^n'JSNn, and nT'^n, oc- cur, Isa. 41; 19, 44: 14, GO: lO.N § 40. Household FuiiNrruRE and utensils. These in the most ancient periods were both few and simple. A hand-mill, and some sort of an oven to bake in, could not of course be dispensed with, Levit. 26:26. Deut. 24:6. Subsequent- ly domestick utensils were multiplied in the lorm of pots, ket- tles, leathern bottles, plates, cups, and pitchers. The floors were covered with mats or carpets, and supplied also for the purposes of rest with a sort of mattresses of thick, coarse materials, called nD'^ttip, Jud. 4: 18. The bolsters, ni!ncp73, which were more valuable, were stuff- ed with wool or some soft substance, Ezek. 1^ 18, 21. The poorer class made use of skins merely, for the purposes to which these mattresses and bolsters were applied. The mattresses ■§ 40, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND UTENSILS. 45 were deposited during the day in a box beside the wall. Beds supported by posts are not known in the east, the beds or mattress- es being- thrown upon the floor. It is commoni however, in ■pillages, if we may credit Aryda, to see a gallery in one end of the room, three or four feet high, where the beds are placed. What is now called the Divan^ and in Scripture, !il2J3, tJ'^y, and 33",U^ is an elevation running round three sides of the room, three leet broad, and nine inches high. In the bottom of it is a stuffed cushion throughout ; on the back against the wall are placed bolsters, covered with elegant cloth. Here the peo- j)le sit crosslegged, or with their knees bent, on account of the small elevation of the Divan. At the corners commonly, at one al- waj's, there are placed two or three of the bolsters mentioned, made of the richest and softest materials. This is accounted the most honourable position, and is occupied by the master of the house, except when he yields it to a stranger of distinction. The Hebrews appear to have had another sort of beds, which occur sometimes under the names, i2;"lij, nt273. iDip^s, and are said to have been adorned with ivory, an ornament ol which the Divans just described were not susceptible. These beds resembled the Persian settees, (sophas so called,) having a back and sides, six feet long, three broad, and like the Divans about nine inches high. They were furnished also with bolsters. The sophas, as will be readily imagined, were susceptible of ornamental ivory on the sides and back, and also on the legs by which they were sup- ported, and although those who sat in them were under the ne- cessity of sitting crosslegged or with their knees bent, they were of such a length as to answer all the purposes of beds, Amos, 6: 4. Ps.41:3, rJ2:3. Those, who were more delicate, had a veil or caul "naDig, noyvoiniiov^ which when disposed to sleep, they spread over the face to prevent the gnats from infesting them, 2 Kgs. 8: 15. The poor, as is common in Asia at this day, and in the older and more simple times, the powerful as well as the poor, when travel- ling, slept at night with their heads supported by a rock, and with their cloaks folded up and placed under them for a pillow. Gen. 28: II, 18, 22. To prevent as much as possible the mats and carpets from be- ing soiled, it was not lawful to wear shoes or sandals into the room. They were left at the door. Hence it was not necessary, that the room should often be swept. Matt. 12: 44. Lamps, "r^i, Xvxvog, 46 § 41, VILLAGES, TOWNS, CITIES. were fed with the oil of olives, and were kept burning- all night, Job 18: 5—6, 21: 17, Prov. 13: 9, 20: 20, 24: 20, 31: 18. We may infer from the golden lamp of the Tabernacle, that those of the opulent were rich and splendid. Flambeaus, tl"'T'sb, were of two kinds. The one were piece* of old linen twjsted firmly to- gether and dipped in oil or bitumen, which were sometimes whol- ly consumed by the llame, Jud. 15: 4. The others were small bars of iron or brass, inserted into a stick, to which pieces of linen dipped in oil were fastened. But, lest the oil should flow down up- on the hand of him, who carried them, a small vessel of brass or iron surrounded the bottom of the stick, Matt. 26: 3. § 41. Villages, Towns, Cities. A number of tents or cottages, collected together, were called vili.i^GS. D^ISIS. "153, "T^SS, also towns and cities D''"iy, '12J. n"'y, j-;">'-ip. When a number of families saw that their situation was not secure, they began to fortify themselves. Cain set the ex- ample ; who surrounded with a ditch, or a sort of hedge a few cottages situated perhaps on a hill, and raised a sort of scaffold- ing within, in order to aid him in reaching his enemies with stones. However this may be, undoubtedly something of this kind was the origin of fortified cities. In process of time the hedge was converted into a wall, the ditch became both wider and deeper, and the scaiTold increased into a tower. Great advancement was made in the art of fortification even in the time of Moses, Numb. 13: 25 — 33. But still greater at a subsequent age. It seems that the cities in Palestine in the time of Joshua were large, since 12,000 men were slain in the city of Ai, which is said to have been a small city. The Hebrews in the time of David, who were exceedingly increased in point of numbers, must have had large cities. Jerusalem in particular could not have been other- wise than extensive, since such myriads of people assembled there on festival days. For, though many dwelt in tents and many met with a hospitable reception in the neighbouring villages, yet vast multitudes were received into the city. The extent of the cities of Galilee in the time of Christ is made known to us by Josephus, J. WarB. III. 3, 2 ; and at that period, as we may gather from the number of the Paschal lambs, slain at one time, 3,000,000 people § 41. VILLAGES, TOWNS, CITIES. 47 were wont to assemble at Jerusalem at the feast of the Passover. It is clear from this, that the site of Jerusalem, which at this lime occupied an extent of 33 stadia, was crowded with houses, and those of many stories. It is worthy of remark, that towns are called ni")'':^ and D^S:? and fortitied cities, Q'^^'^S in the Talmud, answering to the distinctions in the New Test, of nolfig and Koj^ionolecg. The streets, Wprp p^Mi., V^n, ni2£^n, in the Cities of Asia are merely from three to six feet broad; the ob- ject of this is, that the shades, which they cast may counteract in some degree the heat of the sun. That many of them formerly were much larger, is evident from the fact, that chariots were driven through them, which is not done at the present day. Josephus also makes a division, both of streets and gates, into larger and smaller. The larger streets are distinguished by a separate name, an"i and nillTn. A paved street is a rare sight in the east at the present day, although for- merly, at least in the time of Herod, they were by no means un- common. The market places were near the gates of the city, sometimes within, sometimes without, where the different kinds of goods were exposed to sale, sometimes under the open sky, sometimes in tents, 2 Chron. 18: 9. 32: 6. Neh. 8: 1, 3. 2 Kgs. 7: 18. Job 29: 7. This was the case at a very early period, but Josephus teaches us, that later down in the time of Christ, they were similar to those, which at the present day are common in the east, being large streets, covered with an arch, through which the light was admitted by the means of orifices. These large streets or Bazars, as they are termed, which are furnished with gates, and shut up during the night, are occupied on both sides with the storehouses of merchants. In the large cities there are many broad streets of this kind, and commonly a separate one for each different species of merchandize ; in these streets also are the shops ofartificers. The houses in oriental cities are rarely contiguous to each oth- er, and for the most part have large gardens attached to them. If, therefore, Nineveh and Babylon are said to have occupied an al- most incredible space, we must not suppose, that it was occupied thi'oughout by contiguous houses. Indeed it is the testimony of ancient historians, that nearly a third part of Babylon was taken up with fields and gardens. 4§ § 42. OF THE N03IADES. /.queducts are verv ancient in oriental cities, Josephus, Aotiq. B. IX. 14. § 2. We tind mention made of aqueducts at Jerusa- lem, 2Cbron. 32: 30. 2 Kgs. 20: 20. Isa. 7: 3, especially of one called Mji'^lryn nD"7.a nbrn, the aqueduct of the upper pool or ditch, which imphe*, thai there was another one more known, probably the one, whose distinguished ruins are seen to this day from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. The one first mentioned, some of the ruins of which still remain, conveyed the waters from the river Gihon into Jerusalem. These, as well as all the other aque- ducts of Asia, were erected above the surface of the earth and were carried through rallies, over arches and columns. From this circumstance it appears, that the ancients did not know, that water enclosed in this manner will of itself gain the elevation from which it falls. Aqueducts were not unfrequent, but cisterns were found every where. CHAPTER III. § 42. Of the Nomades. The Nomades are a very ancient people, Gen, 3: 18, 21. 4: 2, 19, 20. 11: 2. They are numerous even at this day and occupy large tracts of land. Nor is it wonderful ; for their mode of life has many things to recommend it, especially freedom, and facili- ties for the acquisition of riches. These shepherds of the des- ert wander about without any fixed habitation. They despise and neglect all other business, but that of tending their flocks. Still they are not mean and uncultivated, but are polite, power- ful, and magnanimous. Such were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their posterity also, till they conquered the land of Canaan. They possess vast flocks and a great number of servants. The masters always go armed, and spend their time in hunting, in the over- sight of their affairs, in wars and predatory excursions. Part of the servants are armed, in order to keep from the flocks robbers and wild beasts. Part have only a staff f^aa, "?J^.^, and a pouch, which were anciently the whole property of travellers, and § 43. PASTURES. 49 those who were not rich, except that instead of a pouch they earned a somewhat larger sack, "Jirpx, 2 Kgs. 4: 42. 1 Sam. 17: 40 — i3. Ps. 23: 4. iMic. 7: 14. Math. 10: 10, Luke 9: 3. 10: 4. Note. It' in the Bible kings are called shepherds^ we are not to conclude, that the title is degrading to them ; on the con- trary it is sublime and honourable. For the same reason, that it was applied to earthly monarchs, it was applied to God, who was the king of the Hebrews, and as the shepherd is to his flock, so was He the guide and protector to his children Israel, see Ps. 23: 1—4. Isa. 40; 11. 63.- 11. Jer. 10: 21, 23: 1. 31: 10. 50: 6. 51:23. Mic. 5: 5. Nahum, 3; 18. Ezech. 34; 2—28. 37:24. Zech. 11: 15. In the Old Testament this tropical expression, viz. a shepherd, constantly indicates kings, but in the New Testament the teachers of the Jews, those, who presided in the synagogues, were denominated shepherds. The notions of the Jews in this instance seem to have coincided with those of the Stoicks, who would have it. that wise men alone, those qualided to be teachers, were true kings. The appellation of shepherds, however, used by the former, is the more modest of the two, though the same in significancy. The use of the word to denote religious teachers was received and transmitted in the Christian Church, and to this day we speak of the pastors or shepherds of a religious society, Ephes. 4: 11. Matth. 9; 36. John 10; 12—14. Heb. 13; 20. 1 Pet. 2: 25. 5; 4. § 43. Pastures. The pastures of the JS'oinades were the deserts or wilder- nesses, which have already been mentioned, mx:, ~iz, n"'Xnn, y^n, '-\z-]->2 sioi. Job 5: 10. Mark 1: 45. These vast tracts of land could not be monopolized by any individual, but were open to all the shepherds alike, unless some one had by some means acquir- ed in them a peculiar right. Such an unappropriated pasture was the part of Canaan, where Abraham dwelt, and where Isaac and Jacob succeeded him. The Israelites from E^ypt appear al- so to have gone there with their flocks, till they were debarred by the increased number of the Canaanites. The pastures, which were the property of separate nations, came in the progress of 7 /^ 50 § 44. EMIGRATIONS OP THE NOMADES. time occasionally into contention. This was the case in regard to Canaan, which the Hebrews were eventually under the necessity of reoccupying by arms. After the occupation of Palestine, there lay open to the Hebrews not only the vast desert of Judah, but many other deserts or uncultivated places of this kind. This ac- counts for what we may gather from Scripture, that the Hebrews were among the richest of the Nomades, or people, who kept flocks in the wilderness, 2 Sam. 17: 27, et seq. 19: 32. 1 Sam. 25: 1 Chron. 27: 29—31. § 44. Emigrations of the Nomades. These shepherds occupy almost the same positions in the de- serts every year, nill^n. In the summer they go to the north, or on to the mountains^ in the winter to the south, or the vallies. When about to emigrate, they pluck up their tents, pile them up- on the beasts of burden, and go with them to the place, destined for their subsequent erection. The flocks live both night and day under the open sky. Hence their wool, being unexposed to the exhalations of sheepcotes, but always being in the open air, is finer than usual. The flocks become acquainted with the path, which they yearly travel, and afford but little trouble to those, who con- duct them. Still they are guarded by hired servants, and by the sons and daughters of their owners, even by the daughters of the Emirs or chie,fs, who to this day perform for strangers those friend- ly offices, which are mentioned. Gen. 24: 17 — 20. comp. Gen. 29: 9. Exod. 2: 16. The servants are subject to the steward, who is himself a dependent, though he has the title of D'^a'JJ^T, the senior of the house. He numbers the sheep at evening, perhaps also in the morning, Gen. 24: 2. Jer. 33: 13. If animals or their young are lost, the steward is obligated to make compensation. Some limitations, however, are assigned. Gen. 31: 38, Exodus 22: 12, comp. Amos 3: 12. The hired servants sometimes received a portion of the young of the flock, as their reward, Gen. 30. The servants, who, as well as the cattle, are sometimes comprehend- ed under the word, m|:jP^i inhabited tents in the winter, but often dwelt in tabernacles in the summer. The masters on the contra- ry dwelt in tents the whole year, except when occasionally they retreated into the neighbouring cities, Gen. 19: 1, 26: 1. 12: 10, § 45. FOUNTAINS AND CISTERNS. 51 20. 33: 17. Lev. 23: 43. In the vicinity of the tents, was erected a sort of watch tower, irt'T'D, Tii? bl^Ta, from which the approach of enemies could be discerned afar off. § 45. Fountains and Cisterns. Water, which was very scanty in the deserts, and yet was very necessary to large flocks, was very highly vahied and very frugal- ly imparted. Job. 22: 7. Num. 20: 17—19. Deut. 2: 6—28. Hence the Nomades, in those tracts, through which they yearly travel, dig wells and cisterns at certain distances, which the}' have the art of concealing in such a manner, that another, who travels the same way, will not discover them, nor steal away the waters. In this way perhaps they may be said to take possession of certain districts and to render them their own property, as was done by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in respect to Palestine. Hence the contentions respecting wells were of great moment, Gen. 21: 25. 26: 13 — 22. Different receptacles of water are mentioned. I. Fountains, D'^.W "^l.^^^i l"^.?- These are the source of running waters, and are common to all. If they flow all the year round, they are called by the orientals, D"^^ D^^n^N , or d"*373Nl, never- failing or faithful fountains; if they dry upm the summer they are denominated, ClnTS or deceitful. Job 6:15 — 22. Isa. 33: 16. Jer. 15: 18. Welh\ "^NS, ni'nNa, are receptacles of water, from which there is no stream issuing. They belong to those persons, who found or dug them first. Sometimes they are owned by a number of shepherds in common, who come to them on appointed days with their flocks, in an order previously settled upon, descend a number of steps, which lead to the surface of the water, receive the water into small buckets, ••b'^, and pour it into troughs, D'^iN'^lia, for the flock. The flocks are admitted to drink in a regular or- der. Gen. 29: 3—12. 24: 11—15. Exod. 2: 16. Jud. 5: 11. The waters of wells and fountains are called living waters, ti^'^Ti D*?3, and are very much esteemed. Lev. 14: 5, 50. Num. 19: 17. Hence they are made a symbol of prosperity, and God himself is compar- ed to a fountain of living waters. Is. 43: 19, 20. 49: 10. Jer. 2: 13. 17:13. Ps. 87:7. Joel 3: 18. Ezek. 47: 1. et seq, Zech. 14: 18. II. Cisterns^ m'lia, m*ni<2, '^'12 , 'nN2. They were the property of those by whom they were made, Num. 21:22. Under this name 52 § 46. THE FLOCKS OF THE NOMADES. occur large subterranean vaults, often occupying an acre in extent, but which open by a small mouth. They are filled with rain wa- ter and snow during the winter, and are then closed at the mouth by large flat stones, over which sand is spread m such a way, as to prevent its being easily discovered. In cities the cisterns were works of much labour, for they were either hewn into rocks or surrounded with subterranean walls, and covered with a firm in- crustation. We gather this from their ruins, and not a few of them remain. But if by chance the waters, which the shepherd has treasured up in cisterns, are lost by means of an earthquake or some other casualty, or are plundered by a thief, both he and his llocks are exposed to destruction ; an event, which happens not unfrequently to travellers, who hasten to a fountain, but find its waters gone. For this reason a failure of water is used in Scripture, as an image of any great' calamity, Isa. 41: 17 — 18. 44: 3. There is a large deposition of mud at the bottom of these cis- terns, so that he who fails into them, when they are empty of wa- ter, perishes by a miserable death. Gen. 37: 22. ff. Jer. 38: 6. Lam. 3: 53. Ps. 40: 2, 69: 15. Cisterns, notwithstanding, were used, when empty, as prisons ; prisons indeed, which were constructed under ground, received the same name, Gen. 39: 20. 40: 15. § 46. The Flocks of the Nomades, These are goats and sheep, and they have great numbers of them. They are called by the Hebrews, colleclivehj, "ji^ic, but, separately^ rtU3, Jer. 49: 29. Ezek. 25: 5. The sheep are horn- ed, and commonly white, Ps. 147: 16. Isa. 1: 18. Dan. 7: 9. Black ones are very rare, D^n ; some are covered with small spots, d'^Tlp:, some with larger ones, CNrt^, others are streaked, d'^T^l'^S, and others again, called D'^'l^py, are distinguished by variegated hoofs, or, as some say, by circular streaks round the body, like rings. Gen. 30: 32 — 34. 31: 10—12. The sheep, mentioned in Ezek. 27: 18, whose wool is of a bright brown, inclining to a grey, iJii '^^.1?., are found in Caramania. Further; there are three different breeds of sheep in the East. I. The common, of which we have specimens every day among ourselves. II. The deformed breed, with short legs, macerated body, and rough wool, called in Arabick nakad, and in Hebrew ^jP^^. § 46. THE FLOCKS OF THE NOMADES. 53 in. A breed larger than ours ^ and of very fine wool. Of this class of sheep, there are two kinds, the one, having- immense tails, about four feet long, and live inches thick, ^"'^N, the other, having short tails, and large clutnps of fat on the haunches, She'^-p are profi- table to their owners for their milk, l'::^, their flesh '^iua, and par- ' T T T T ' * ticularly for the wool, "^7?.::^, which is shorn twice a year. A sheep hardly worth a florin will return a thousand to its owner, and many thousands of them are owned by a suigle shepherd in the vast deserts of the East, Job 1: 3. 1 Sam. 25: 3 — 4. 1 Chron. 5: 18 — 21. The annual increase of the flock is the greater on this account, that the sheep frequently bear twins. Cant. 6: 6. They bring forth twice a year, viz. in the spring and autumn, going with young only five months, but the spring lambs are esteemed pre- ferable to those of the autumn. The lambs of a year old are called &''"i!3, "^5, D'^iUis, UJiS. We may infer from what has been slated, which indeed is the fact, that their sheep, which are the source of so much emolument to the Nomades, are very dear to them. They give them titles of endearment, and the ram, that is called out by its master, marches before the flock ; hence the rul- ers of the people are every where called leaders of the flocks Jer. 25:34, 35. 50:8, Isa. 14: 9. Zech. 10:3. The Arabians have certain terms, bj' which they can call the sheep, either to drink or to be milked. The sheep know the voice of the shepherd, and go at his bidding, John 10: 3, 14. Sometimes a lamb is taken in- to the tent, and tended and brought up like a dog. Such an one is called in Heb. Vl^i^N ^5.3.1 and in Arabick by a word which means an inmate, 2 Sam. 12: 3. Jer. 11: 19. Before the shearing, the sheep are collected into an uncovered enclosure, surrounded by a wall, ITi'ia, ri'l."l>, also ^p, flijji «i»- Xtj, John 10: 11, 16. The object of this is, that the wool may be rendered finer by the sweating and evaporation, which necessarily result from the flock's being thus crowded together. These are the sheepfoids mentioned in the following as well as in other pla- ces, Num. 32: 16. 24: 36, 2 Sam. 7: 8, Zeph. 2: 6. There is no other kind than this, used in the East. Sheepshearings were great festivals, 1 Sam. 25:2, 4, 18, 36. 2 Sam. 13: 23. Goals, as well as sheep, are comprehended under the collective noun, ^j<:i, but are properly called a'^TS' from t2>, a she-goat. The he-goat is called •w';n, D''T1;m n^i'.ip, and I^Cli. They are of a 54 § 47. ANIMALS OF THE OX-KIND. black color, sometimes particoloured. They live under the open sky, with this exception only, that the kids are sometimes taken into the tent, to keep them from sucking the dam. They com- pensate their owners with their milk, more precious than any other, Prov. 27: 27 ; with their flesh, which in the East is highly esteemed, and with their hair, of which the Arabian women make cloth to cover thoir tents with. Of the skins bottles are made, nini<, D"'irnD, i::: Ti?;, ri^an. When they are used to hold water or other liquids, the hairy side of the skin is external, with the ex- ception, that in wine bottles, the hairy side is always turned in and the other out. From the skins of kids small bottles are made, which answer the purpose of flasks. It is uncevtain what that preparation by the means of smoke was, which is mentioned, Ps. 119:83. Perhaps it was the same with what, the Ambassador from Vienna informs us, is practised at this day among the Calmucks, who, by means of smoke, prepare very durable and transparent skins, and make from them small, but elegant flasks and bottles. The goats of Ancyra with hair resembling silk, commonly called Camel's hair, appear, to have been known to the ancient Hebrews, and Schultz, ia Paulus' Collection of Travels, VII. 108—110, says, that he saw flocks of these goats descending from the mountains in the vicinity of Acco and Ptolemais, which exemplified the descriptions in Cant. 4: 1, 2, 6: 5. Note. It is not necessary to enumerate the different species of wild goats. It is worthy of remark, that geese, hens, and swine were not knoivn among the domestick animals of the Nomades. At a somewhat recent period hens in some places were raised by the Hebrews ; for ^31, a hen, ' that does not hatch its eggs,' is spok- en of by Jeremiah, 17: 11, and in the time of Christ, when Peter denied his master, the cock crew in Jerusalem. No hearing is to be given to those Talmudists, who, though they lived nearly 200 years after Christ, took it upon themselves to deny the existence at any time of fowls of this kind in that city. § 47. Animals of the Ox-kind. These animals are called collectively 'nj"?2, but separately PlV?^?, "'TilJ, □■'CV?N , D'nr.;:;, those under three years nilra?, C^ba^ § 47. ANIMALS OF THE OX-KIND. 55 Jib^!?. and those, over three years, "is, JTJD» l^'^ID, ni'^Q, also t2'"n"^2N, which last however, is properly an epithet of strength. These aniraals are smaller in oriental countries, than among us, and have certain protuberances on the back directly over the fore- feet. They are useful chiefly in agriculture, but they are not ex- cluded from the possessions of the Nomades, Gen. 24: 25, Job 1: 3. Herdsmen were held in lower estimation, than the keepers ' of flocks, but they possessed the richest pastures in Bashan, Sha- ron, and Achior. Hence the oxen and bulls of Bashan, which were not only well fed, but strong and ferocious, are used as the symbols of ferocious enemies, Ps. 22: 12, 68: 31, Isa 34: 7. Deut. 33: 17. Pro v. 14: 14. Heifers were symbolic of matrons, Amos 4: 1. Hosea 4: 15, 16, 10: 11, Jer. 46: 20. The horns of oxen and bulls, also of goats, are used tropically to express power, Ps. 75: 10, 89: 17, 24, 92: 10. Amos 6: 13, Jer. 48: 25, Lam. 2: 3, Ezek. 29: 21, Dan. 7: 7, 8, 24. 8: 3—5, Luke 1: 69. If the horns are represented as made of brass or iron, they indicate very great, as it were, insuperable power, 1 Kings 22: 11. 1 Chron. 18: 10. Mic. 4: 13 — i€. Hence the ancient coins represent kings with horns, and one of the titles which the Arabians attach to the great, especially to the warlike son of Philip, is, horned. Oxen not only submitted to the yoke, and were employed ia drawing carts and ploughs ; but the Nomades frequently made use of them to transport goods on their backs, as they did on camels. The milk of the cows- was found a nutritive drink. Gen. 18: 8. Of this the people made cheese, ^I^'^pa, D"'';C"^, ni's'O;. 2 Sam. 17: 29. What is called Sbn ''i*"''}!!, 1 Sam. 17: 18, were slices of coagulated milk, which had been strained through a leathern strain- er, and, after it had grown hard, cut into pieces, as it was found ne- cessary to use them. Anciently butter was not much used, but instead of it, oil of olives, which was applied not only to vegeta- bles, but also to other kinds of food. In the Bible there is no men- tion made of butter. !^^??2^, which in the Vulgate and other trans- lations is rendered butter, was used as a drink, Jud. 5: 25, and, therefore, must have been milk in some shape or other. Honey and milk were accounted great dainties, but a great plenty of them was an indication, that a wide destruction of the people had preceded. On account of which diminution of the inhabitants,- large and rich pastures were every where to be found; so that 56 § 48. OF ASSES, abundance ofmilk was the natural consequence, and swarms of bees, more numerous than usual, enjoyed a more free and undisturbed opportunity to gather their honey, comp. Isa. 7: \b.*tft. Note. fFr'/d animals of the ox-kind are not mentioned in the Bible. The animals, which are called ^ivon^ , and ai<"^. d"^, are a species of the Gazelle or wild goat, which, because tliey bear some resemblance to them, are called by the Arabs, wild oxen. § 48, Of Asses. Asses^ tD'^'n'i'jri, ^iXDn. She Asses, nfainJiti p'ni*. The latter are considered the most valuable on account of the colts, ^']y, D""^"'?^, and in the enumerations of animals, they are mentioned separately. The Nomades possess great numbers of these animals, and, in the East, if rightly trained up, they are not only patient and diligent, but active, beautiful in appearance, and ignoble in no respect. They are esteemed very highly, and are used tropically in the Scriptures, for active and industrious men. Gen. 49: 14. Their colour is red, inclining to a brown, to which the name, TiMn, is an allusion. Some are party-coloured, Judg. 5, 10. nimniZ, unless, perchance, such are painted^ for the orientals to this clay are in the habit of painting their horses and oxen. They are em- ployed in ploughing, in drawing carts, and in turning mills, to which Mat. 18: 6, is an allusion. Moses, Deut. 22: 10, passed a law, that the ass and ox should not be used together in ploughing. Com- monly the asses bear their burden, whether men or packages, on their backs; a mode of service to which they are peculiarly fitted. Anciently princes and great men rode on asses, Gen. 22: 3, 5. Num. 22: 21, 30, Jos. 15, 18, Jud. 1: 14, 5: 10, 10: 4, 12: 14. 1 Sam. 25: 20, 23, 2 Sam. 17:23. 19: 26, 1 Kgs. 2: 40. 13: 13. 2 Kgs. 4: 22, 24, Zech. 9: 9, Mat. 21: 1—7. Luke 19: 29—36, John 12: 12 — 16. Horses were destined almost exlusively for war^ and all classes, in time of peace^ made use of asses for the purposes of conveyance, the great as well as those in obscure life. They were guided by a rein placed in the mouth, Heb. uilln '^^^3^!1 ^^" so F|N u;^iin, in the Eng. vers, translated a saddle, Gen. 22: 3. Num. 22: 21. Jud. 19: 10. 2 Sam. 16: 1. 17: 23. The saddle was merely a piece of cloth, thrown over the back of the animal, § 49. OF CAMELS. 67 on which the rider sat. The servant followed after with a staff, when the ass had no rider, and appUed it, when there was necessi- ty, to quicken the celerity of his movements, Jud. 19: 3.2 Kgs. 4: 24. Prov. 2 i: 3. Note. I. Mules, d'^n'iB n'lS, are spoken of in the age of David, 1 Chron. 12: 40. Ps. 32:'y. 2 Sam. 18: 9—10. 13: 29. 1 Kgs. 1:33. Probably they were known much earlier, even in the time of Moses. The word, Q"?:;;, Gen. 36 : 24, is not to be trans- lated mules, as is commonly done, but " wctrOT baths.^^ Mules ap- pear to have been brought to the Hebrews from other nations, and in the recent periods of their historj', we fmd, that the more valuable ones came from Thogarma or Armenia, Ezek. 27: 14. The a'^D'^nuinN, or great mules of Persia, celebrated for their swiftness, the mothers of which were mares, are mentioned, Esth. 8: 10, Note. II. There are great numbers of wild asses in the East. Two species are worthy of observation, the one called Dsigetai ; the other, Kulan, Tho latter are supposed to have sprung from domestick asses, who, as occasions had presented, acquired their freedom. They are a fearful animal, and swift in flight, but can be tamed, if taken when young, Job. 11: 12. 24: 5. 39: 5 — 8. Dan. 5: 21. That the Heb. word i<-iD means the Dsigetai, and the word, "ITiy, the Kulan class, can neither be reconciled with the use of the Arabick, nor with Job 39: 5. They must be consider- ed merely as separate names for the same species. These ani- mals are of fine figure and rapid in motion ; they frequent desert pla- ces and flee far from the abodes of men. The females herd together, and are headed by a male. When the latter is slain, the former are scattered and wander about separately, Hos. 8: 9. They feed on the mountains and in salt vallies. Job 39: 8. Their organs of smelling, which are very acute, enable them to scent waters at a great distance. Hence travellers, who are destitute of water, are accustomed to follow them, Ps. 104: 11. Isa. 32: 14. Jer. 14: 6. § 49. Camels. C^^a, if^^. They are of two kinds. The one is the Turkish or Bactrian, dis<- tinguished by two protuberances on the back. This kind is large and strong, carrying from eight to fifteen hundred pounds, 8 53 § 49. CAMELS. but is impatient of the heat. The other kind, called the dro- medary or Arabian camel, has but one bunch on the back, is more rapid in its movement;, and endures the heat better, than the large camel. It is denominated in Heb. ^52, iTn^s, and n'i'nD*)3, Isa. 60: 6. 66: 20. Jer. 2: 23. Camels require but little food, and endure thirst from sixteen to forty days. They are particularly fitted for those vast de- serts, which are destitute of water; are kept in great numbers by the Nomades, and the Arab is esteemed of a secondary rank, who is not the possessor of them. Gen. 24: 10,64. 31: 17. 1 Chron. 5: 19—21. Jer. 49: 29. comp. I Sam. 30: 17, 1 Kgs. 10: 2, Isa. 50: 6, Ezek. 25: 4. They are used for the transportation of every description of packages, and burdens of every sort, Gen. 37: 25- Jud. 6: 5. 1 Chron. 12: 40. 2 Chron. 14: 15. 2 Kgs. 8: 9. Isa. 30: 6. Men rode upon them very often. 1 Sam. 30: 17. When they are loaded, and set out upon a journey, they follow one after another, seven together. The second is fastened to the first by a woollen string, the fourth to the third, ai>J so on. The servant leads the first one, and is informed by the tinkling of a bell, at- tached to the neck of the last one, whether they all continue their march. The seven camels thus connected together, are called D'Voi n2;C"i3, which is badly rendered by the Vulgate, '■^ inunda- tio Camelorum,^^ Isa. 60: 6. The riders either ride as on a horse, with the feet suspended, the one on one side and the other on the other; or, when two go together, sit upo^ baskets, which are thrown across the animal, so as to balance each other. Some- s' times they travel in a covered vehicle, ^3, _^^==3, which is se- cured on the back of the camel, and answers the purpose of a small house. It is often divided into two apartments, and the tra- veller, who can sit in either of them, is enabled also to carry some little furniture with him. These conveyances are protect- ed by veils, which are not rolled up, except in front; so that the person within has the privilege of looking out, while he is him- self concealed. They are used chiefly by the women, rarely by the men. Gen. 31 : 17. If the rider wishes to descend, the cam- el does not kneel as on other occasions, but the rider takes hold of the servant's staff and by the aid of it alights, Gen. 24: 64. The camels, on which the rich are carried, are adorned with splendid chains and crescents, fi'SHi^^, Jud. 8: 21, 26. § 50. HORSES. 59 The Nomades understand how to turn to profitable purpose all the parts of animals of this kind. They drink the milk, though it is thick. When it has become acid, it inebriates, Jud. 4: 19. 5: 25. They feed upon the flesh, a privilege, which was interdicted to the Hebrews, Lev. 11:4. The hair, which is shed every year, was manufactured into coarse cloth, and constituted the clothing of the poorer class of people, Mat. 3: 4. In the Arabick language, there are many allusions made to Camels, and tropes drawn tVom this source, possess as much dignity, as those drawn from oxen do in the Hebrew. Proverbs, founded in the qualities of the camel, occur in Matt. 19: 24, 23: 24. § 50. Horses. D!)D, '^D'n, ^^o'l., yi'iD or UJ'nQ., sometimes, ri*^., 1 Sam. 8:11, 2 Sam. 1: 6, 8: 4, 10: 13,"" 1 Chron. 18: 4, Isa. 2l": 7, 28: 28. The word D"^'n"'aN, when applied to horses, is merely an epithet of strength. It is applied in the same way to oxen also. The Noma- des of recent ages place much more value on these animals, than those did of an earlier period. We find horses first in Egypt, Gen. 47: 17. 49: 17. Exod. 9: 3. 14: 6—28. Job 39: 19. That country was always celebrated for them, 1 Kgs. 10: 28. Isa. 31: 1. 36: 9. Ezek. 17: 15. Joshua encountered chariots and horsemen in the north of Palestine, chap. 11: 4 — 9. He rendered the horses use- less, which he took, by cutting the hamstrings; since they would have been but of little profit in the mountains of Palestine, comp. Jud. 4:15. 5 : 22, 28. Not long after, the Philistines conducted chariots into battle, Jud. 1:19. 1 Sam. 13: 5. Anciently horses were used exclusively for the purposes of war, Prov. 21 : 31. Hence they are opposed to asses, which were used in times of peace, Zech. 9: 9. The Hebrews first attended to the raising of horses, in the reign of Solomon. The hinidred, which were reserved, 2 Sam. 8:4, 1 Chron. !8: 4, were destined for the use of David himself, whose example was imitated by Absalom, 2 Sam. 15: 1. The Psalmist frequently alludes to the mode of governing horses and to equestrian armies, Ps. 32: 9, 66: 12. 33: 17. 76: 6. 147: 10. Solomon carried on a great trade in Egyptian horses. They were brought from Egypt and from Nlj?, !^^p, perhaps Kua, situated in Africa, 1 Kgs. 10: 28. 60 § ^1- DOGS. 2 Chron. 1: 16 — 17. A horse was estimated at about 150, and a chariot at 600 shekels. In the tiaie of Ezekiel, the Tjrians purchased horses in Thogarma or Armenia. The He- brews, after the time of Solomon, were never destitute of cha- riots and Cc^val^3^ The rider used neither stirrup nor saddle, but sat upon a piece of cloth, thrown over the back of the horse. The women rarely rode horses, but whenever they had occa- sion to, the\' rode in the same manner with the men. Horses were not shod with iron before the ninth century ; hence solid hoofs were esteemed of great consequence, Amos 6: 12. Isa. 5; 28. The bridle, ^riJ2_, and the cavesson, "jD^., were used both for horses and mules, Ps. 32: 9. § 61. Dogs. C-'abs, n!?3. The Nomades found use for them in guarding and in driving their flocks. Frequent as these animals are in oriental cit- ies, they are universally abhorred with the exception of the hunting dogs. Hence to be called a dog is a cutting reproach, full of bitter contempt, Job. 30: 1. 1 Sam. 17 : 43. 2 Sam. 3: 8. 2 Kgs. 8: 13. Prov. 26: 11. comp. Luke 16: 21. 2 Peter 2: 22. The appellation of dead dog indicates imbecility, 1 Sam. 24; 14. 2 Sam. 9: 8. 16: 9. The reward of prostitution is called by way of contGm|)t, (?o»-"s Aire, :3i.D l^n^J, Deut. 23: 18. The Jews in the time of Christ were accustomed to call the Gentiles dogs. The Saviour in order to abate the severity of the appellation used the diminutive, kvvuqiu^ Mat. 15:22—^28. Impudent and con- tontiotis men are sometimes called dogs, Mat. 7: 6. Philip. 3: 2. Gal. 5: 16: In the East, dogs, with the exception of those employed in hunting, have no masters, wander free in the streets, and live upon the offals, which are cast into the gutters. Being often at the point of starvation, the}'^ devour corpses, and in the night attack even the living men, Ps. 22: 16, 20. 69: 6, 14—15. 1 Kgs. 14; 11. 16:4. 21:23. 22: 38.2 Kgs. 9; 36. Jer. 16:3. They herd together in vast numbers; whenever any tumult arises in the night, they commence a terrilick barking, and when the people mourn through the streets for the dead, they respond to them with their howls. Hence may be explained Exod. 11; 7. *y5\Ub n!:.5 y":\n; Nb ; corap. also Jos. 10: 21. § 52. OF HUNTING. 61 Jackals. The wild or yellow dog, (so called by Hasselquist,) is denominated in Persian .V^*^, in Turkish J^=^-. in Hebrew ^y^'ij or ihefox^ in Syriack, NV^n, in Arab. v^^X^^'i ^v^'i. Jud. 15: 14. Foxes, however, properly so called the Hebrews distin- guish by the name, tr^'^^^ D^-.'^p.' o'' '^^'^^ jackals, Cant. 2: 15. The jackals they call also a-^^iN and D'^in, the former of which words is commonly translated dragons in the ting, version. These animals are three and a half feet long, have yellow hair, a tail al- so of yellow, with the tip of brown. They go together in herds, lie in caves through the day, and wander about howling through the night. They make their way into houses for the purpose of stealing food. They have so little cunning, that when thieving in a house, if they hear one of the herd howling out in the fields, they immediately set up a responsive cry, and thus betray to the mas- ter of the house their predatory visitation. They are also taken easily in other ways, Jud. 15: 4. They de- vour dead bodies, Ps. 63: 10. They are ferocious, but can be kept off with a cane. There arc vast numbers of these animals in Palestine, particularly in Galilee, near Gaza, Jaffa, and Joppa, Jud. 15: 4. They do much injury to the vines, though less than the foxes, Cant. 2: 15. . § 52. Of Hunting. Although the Nomades have many hunting dogs, the dogs are not always able to keep off the wild beasts from the flock, unless aided by the shepherds themselves. Hence arose hunting or the chace, which is practised the more readily from the circumstance, that the meat of wild animals is considered a great delicacj'. The earliest inhabitants of the world were compelled to hunt in order to secure themselves from the attacks of wild beasts, and a great hunter, T:£, was accounted a benefactor of mankind. Such a benefactor some inaccurately suppose N^imrod to have been, not taking into consideration all the circumstances, Gen. 10: 9. A different state of things existed in the lime of Moses, who enacted two laws on the subject of hunting, the object of which was to preserve the wild animals of Palestine, Exod. 23: 11. Lev. 25: 6, 7. Deut. 22: 6, 7. Hunting in ancient times required both speed 62 § 52. OF ROBBERIES. and bravery. Some have slain lions without any armour, which is sometimes done in the east at the present day. The implerapnts of hunting- were usually the same with those of war; viz. rTipp., the bow ; yn, the arrow ; (hence the hunter Ishmael was called an archer, Gen. 21: 20 ;) also, n73hi a spear or lance ; rfSn, a javelin; a'nn, a sword. Hunters made use of various arts to secure their object. They employed nets, n\a"l. '^^ii^. in which lions were taken, Ezek. 19: 8 ; likewise, gins, ■iTj^.'iTO. snares, DTlD: HD, and pitfalls, nrp, which were excavated especially for lions, in such a way, that there was an elevation of solid ground in the centre. In this elevation a pole was fastened, and a lamb was confined to the pole. The lion, excited by the prospect of a vic- tim, rushed upon the lamb, but plunged headlong through the light covering, which concealed the intervening pitfall^ Ezek. 19: 4. Birds were taken in snares or gins. These instruments and modes of warfare are used tropically, to indicate the wiles of an adversary, great danger, or impending destruction, Ps.9: 16. 57: 6. 94: 13. 119: 85. Prov. 26: 27. Isa. 24: 17. 42: 22. Jer. 5: 27. 6: 21. 18: 22. 48: 44. Luke 21: 35. Rom. 11: 9. Death is represented as a hunter, armed with his net, javelin, or sting, with which he takes and slajs men, Ps. 91: 3. Hos. 13: 14. 1 Cor- 15: 55. Note. — For information respecting other animals, mentioned in the Bible, see Bochart's f/ieroroicon, Rosenmiiller's edition, pub- lished at Leipsic 1793 — 1796, and Oedmann's Sammbingen aus jV*a- iurkande zur Erklarung der heiligen Schrift, 1786 — 96. § 53. Of Robberies, committed on Travellers. Probably from the hunting of wild beasts^ the Nomades turn- ed their attention to the plundering of travellers; an occupation, which they follow to this day in the vast deserts, nearly in the- same way that pirates practise a similar vocation on the ocean. Their skill at plundering was predicted of Ishmael and his posteri- ty, and they have ever remarkably fulfilled the prediction, Gen. 16: 12. Still they do not surpass many others of the Nomadic tribes; who lie hid behind hills of sand, and wait for travellers, and then plunder them to the skin, comp. Jer. 3: 2. They do not slay any one, unless some one or a number of their own party per- ishes first. Having robbed them of all they possess, they common- ON AGRICULTURE. 63 ]y return a garment to the persons plundered, in order that they ma\' conceal their nakedness. They also permit the countrymen or friends of the captives, to redeem them. All the Nomades are polite and hospitable. They receive strangers into their tents, and, without any expectation of a return, exhibit to them every office of kindness. But they are different men, if they meet stran- gers in the wilderness. There are now, and there always have been Nomades, who have disapproved of the proceedings, of which we have spoken. Such were Abraham, Isaac, .Jacob, and the Isra- elites; some of whom, however, were at times guilty of plunder*^ ing, Jud. 9: 25. Mic. 2: 8. CHAPTER IV. ON AGRICULTURE. § 54. Its value and importance. In the primitive ages of the world, agriculUtre, as well as the keeping of flocks, was a principal employment among men, Gen. 2: 15. 3: 17 — 19. 4: 2. It is an art, which has ever been a prominent source, both of the necessaries and the conveniences of life. Those nations, which practised it at an early period, learnt its value, not only from their own experience, but also from observing the con- dition of the neighbouring countries, that were destitute of a knowledge of it,'see Xenophon's oohovo/hikco, V. §. 1, 2. p. 299-305. (T. IV. ed. Thicme.) Impressed with the importance of agriculture, Noah, after he had escaped from the deluge, once more bestow- ed upon it his attention ; and there were some of the Nomades, who were far from neglecting it. Gen. 26; 12 — 14. 25: 34. 37: 7. Job 1:3. Those states and nations, especially Babylon and Egypt, which made the cultivation of the soil their chief business, arose in a short period to wealth and power. To these communities just 64 § 55, LAWS OF MOSES IN REGARD TO AGRICULTURE. mentioned, which excelled in this particular all the others of an- tiquity, may be added that of the Hebrews, who learned the value of the art while remaining" in Egypt, and ever after that time were famous for their industry in the cultivation of the earth. § 55. Laws of Moses in regap.d to Agriculture. I. Moses, following the example of the Egyptians, made agri- culture the basis of the state. He, accordingly, apportioned to eve- ry citizen a certain quantity of land, and gave him the right of tilling it himself and of transmitting it to his heirs. The person, who had thus come into possession, could not alienate the proper- ty for any longer period than the year of the coming jubilee ; a regulation, which prevented the rich from coming into possession of large tracts of land, and then leasing them out in small parcels to the poor; a practice which anciently prevailed, and does to this day, in the East. 11. It was another law of Moses, that the vender of a piece of land or his nearest relative, had a right to redeem the land sold, whenever they chose, by paying the amount of pro- ilts up to the year of jubilee, Ruth 4: 4. Jer. 32: 7. Ill Another law enacted by Moses on this subject, was, that the Hebrews, as was the case among the Egyptians after the time of Joseph, Gen. 37: 18, etseq., should pay a tax of two tenths of their income unto God, whose servants they were to consider themselves, and whom they were to obej' as their king. Lev. 27: 30. Deut. 12: 17 — 19. 14: 22 — 29, com}). Gen. 28: 22. IV. The custom of marking the boundaries of lands by stones, although it prevailed a long time be- fore, Job 21: 2, was confirmed and perpetuated, in the time of Moses, by an express law ; and a curse was pronounced against him, who without authority removed them. These regulations having been made in respect to the tenure, incumbrances, &c. of landed property, Joshua divided the whole country, which he had occupied, ^r5<, among the respective tribes, and, then, among individual Hebrews, running it out with the aid of a measuring line, Jos. 17: 5, 14. comp. Amos 7: 17, Mic. 2: 5, Ps. 78: 55, Ezek. 40: 3. The word ^nn, a line, is accordingly used by a figure of speech for the heritage itself, Ps. 16: 6. Jos. 17: 5, 14. 19: 9. Though Moses was the friend of the agriculturist, he by no means discouraged the keeper of the flock. § 56. ESTIMATION IN WHICH AGRICULTURE WAS HELD. 65 §, 56. Estimation in which Agriculture was held. The occupation of the husbandmim was held in honour, not only for the profits which it brought, but from the circumstance, that it was supported and protected by the fundamental laws of the state. All who were not set apart for religious duties, such as the priests and the Levites, whether inhabitants of the country, or of towns and cities, were considered by the laws, and were in fact agriculturists. The rich and the noble, it is true, in the cultivation of the soil, did not always put themselves on a level with their servants, but none were so rich or so noble, as to dis- dain to put their hand to the plough, 1 Sam. 11: 7. 1 Kgs. 19: 19. comp. 2 Chron. 26: 10. The priests and Levites were indeed en- gaged in other employments, yet they coiild not withhold their honour from an occupation, which supplied them with their in- come. The esteem in which agriculture was held, diminished, as lux- ury increased ; but it never wholly came to an end. Even after the captivity, when many of the Jews had become merchants and mechanics, the esteem and honour attached to this occupation still continued, especially under the dynasty of the Persians, who were agriculturists from motives of religion. §. 57. Means of increasing Fertility. The soil of Palestine is very fruitful, if the dews and vernal and autumnal rains are not withheld. The country, in opposition to Egypt, is eulogized for its rains in Deut. ll: 10. The He- brews, notwithstanding the richness of the soil, endeavoured to increase its fertility in various ways. They not only divested it of stones, but watered it by means of canals, d'^l^lrS, communicating with the rivers or brooks ; and thereby imparted to their fields the richness of gardens, Ps. 1; 3. 65: 10. Prov. 21: 1. Isa. 30: 25. 32: 2, 20. Springs, therefore, fountains, and rivulets, were held in as much honour and worth by husbandmen as by shepherds, Jos. 15: 9. Jud. 1: 15 ; and we accordingly find, that the land of Canaan was extolled for those fountains of water, of which Egypt was desti- tute. The soil was enriched also, in addition to the method just 9 66 § 58. DIFFERENT KINDS OF GRAIN. mentioned, by moans of ashes; to which the straw, p.ri. the stub- ble, -Ijp , the husks, yi70, the brambles and g-rass, that overspread the land during the sabbatical year, were reduced by fire. The burning over the surface of the land had also another good»effect, viz. that of destroying the seeds of the noxious herbs, Isa. 7: 23. 32: 13. Prov. 24: 31. Finally, the soil was manured with dung, Ps. 83: 10. 2 Kgs. 9: 37. Isa. 25: 10. Jer. 8: 2. 9: 22. 16: 4. 25: 33. Luke 14: 34—35. § 58. DiFFEREXT KINDS OF GrAIN. The Hebrew word, 15'^, which is translated variously by the English words, grain, corn, &.c, is of general signification, and com- prehends in itself different kinds of grain and pulse, such as wheat, ^Itari ; millet, "jap? ; spelt, n73S3 ; wall-barley, ^Tn ; barley, ?Tli>t5; beans, bic , ientils, fi"idl>; meadow-cumin. •'ji725 ; pepper- worl, "l^p. ; fiax. ^iri;2;3; cotton, ys>-Sin\z:3 ; to these miiybe add- ed various species of the cucumber, and perhaps rice rTniUJ. Rye and oats do not grow in the warmer climates, but their place is, in a manner, supplied by barle}'. Barley, mixed with broken straw affords the fodder for beasts of burden, which is called ^'^^2. Wheat, Mun, which by way of eminence is also called pi, .grew in Egypt in the time of Joseph, as it now does in Africa, on stalks or branches, D^:i"jpVi each one of which produced an ear. Gen. 41:47. This sori of wheat does not flourish in Palestine; the wheat of Palestine is of a much better kind. Cotton, V^^ innUJB, grows not only on trees of a large size, which endure for u num- ^, ber of years, but also on shrubs, which are annually reproduced. ' It is enclosed in the nuts of the tree, if they may so be called from iheir resemblance to nuts. The nuts, when they are ripe, fall off; they are then gathered and exposed to the sun, which causes them to increase to the size of an apple. When opened, they exhibit the cotton. There are a few seeds found in each of these nuts, which are sown again the following year. The cotton of the shrub, called yw, ^vaaog, is celebrated for its whiteness. § 59. instruIents of agriculture. 67 § 59> Instruments of Agriculture. The culture of the soil was at first very simple, being perform- ed by no other instruments than sharp sticks. By these the ground was loosened, until spades and shovels, 'in'', and not long after ploughs, n^ira, were invented. All these implements were well known m liie time of Moses, Deut. 23: 13. Gen. 45: 6, Job 1: 14. The first plough was doubtless nothing more than a stout limb of a tree, from which projected another shortened and point- ed limb. This being turned into the ground made the furrows ; while at the further end of the longer branch was fastened a trans- verse yok'e, to which the oxen were harnessed. At last a handle was added, by which the plough might be guided. So that the plough was composed of four parts; the beam; the yoke, nt3173, ^5>, which was attached to the beam ; the handle, and what we should call the coulter, nN, D'^nN, ri'ijj'nna, 1 Sam. 13:20,21. Micah 4: 3.. (Pliny, N. H. xviii. 47, speaks of ploughs constructed with wheels, which in his day were of recent invention.) It was necessary for the ploughman constantly and firmly to hold the handle of the plough, which had no wheels, and, that no spot might remain untouched, to lean forward and fix his eyes steadily upon it, Luke 9: 62. Pliny, N. H. xviii. 49, nro. 2. The stafiF by which the coulter was cleared served for an ox-goad. In the East at the present day, they use a pole about eight feet in length ; at the largest end of which is fixed a fiat piece of iron for clearing the plough, and at the other end a spike "32'!% Kivrgov, for spur- ring the oxen. Hence it appears that a goad might answer the purpose of a spear, which indeed, had the same name 'ja'^'ij^ 1 Sara. 13: 21. Jud. 3:31. Sometimes a scourge t2T2;,was applied to the oxen, Isa. 10: 26. Nah. 3: 2. There seems to have been no other harrow than a thick clump of wood, borne down by a weight, or a man sitting upon it, and drawn over the ploughed field by ox- en ; the same which the Egytians use at the present time. In this way Ihe turfs were broken in pieces, and the field levelled ; an operation which the word 'niii; seems properly to signify, viz, to level, since, in Isa. 28: 24, 25, it is interchanged with !^^•ij. At a later period wicker-drags came into use, which Pliny mentions IN". H. xviii.' 43. 68 § 60. ANIMALS USED IN AGRICULTURE. The modern orientals, except in India, are unacquainted with the cart ; but formerly, not only waggons m';:;??, nVa?, Gen. 45: 19, 27. Num. 7: 3, 6, 7. 1 Sam. 6: 7,8, 10, llVu. Amos 2: 13, Isa. 5: 18. 28: 23, and warlike char'ots, D"^nD-\ ^IDT 53-1, but al- so pleasure carriages 53"} a , tl53")73, n33-j73 , were used, Gen. 41: 43. 45: 19, 21. 2 Kmgs 5: 9'. 2 Sam/ 15: 1. Acts Ap. 8: 28. All the ancient vehicles were moved upon two wheels on- ly. Covered coaches are known to have been used by ladies of distinction ; though this circumstance is not mentioned in the Bible. § 60. Animals used in agfjcultuhe. The beasts of burden, that endured the toils of agriculture, were bulls and cows, he-asses and she-asses, Job 1:14. 1 Sam. 6: 7. Isa. 30: 24. 32: 20. But it was forbidden to yoke an ass with an ox, Deut. 22: 10. Those animals which in the scriptures are called oxen, were bulls, tor the Hebrews were prohibited from castrating, although the law was sometimes violated, Mai. 1: 14. Bulls in the warmer climates, especially if they are not greatly pampered, are not so ungovernable, but that they may be har- nessed to the plough. If indeed any became obstinate by rich pas- turage, their nostrils were perforated, and a ring, made of iron or twisted cord, was thrust through, to which was fastened a rope; which impeded his respiration to such a degree, that the most turbulent one might easily be managed, 2 Kings 19. '28.- Isa. 37: 29. Ezek. 19: 4. Job 40: 24. By this ring also camels, ele- phants, and lions, taken alive, were rendered manageable. When bulls became old, their flesh was unsuitable for aliment ; for which reason they were left to die a natural death. For the old age of these animals, who had been their companions in labour, was treated by the Hebrews with kindness. Whence it is said, that, in the golden age, the slaughter of an ox will be equally criminal with the slaughter of a man, Isa. G6: 3. Pliny, N. H. vii. 45, 56. Hence too among the Hebrews bulls possessed their appropriate dignity, so that tropes were drawn from them, by no means desti- tute of elegance. Num. 22: 4. Deut. 33: 17. § 61. PREPARATION OF THE LAND, 69 § 61. Preparation of the Land. Sowing commenced in the latter part of October ; at which time, as well as in the months of November and December following, the wheat was committed to the earth. Barley was sown in January and February. The land was ploughed, "^'iH, Plbs, and the quan- tity which was ploughed by a yoke of oxen, T?3S, in one day, was called ll^X a yoke, or an acre, 1 Sam. 14: 14. The yoke, Ti'oi'D, V3>, was laid upon the necks and shoulders of the labouring animals, and with ropes, d'^iriani b^H, was made fast to the beam of the plough. The ox beneath the yoke afforded metaphors expres- sive of subjugation, Hosea 10: 11. Isa. 9: 4. 10: 27. Jer. 5: 5. 27: 2, 8—12. 30: 8. Nahum 1: 13. Ps. 129: 3,4. Math. 11: 29, 30. The Syriins, according to Phny xviii. 3. ploughed shallow. The furrows^ d'^'i^'ia, and the ridges between them were harrowed and levelled, nVi?^ Jo^ 39: 10. Isa. 28: 24,25. Hosea 10: 11. The seed was most probably committed to the soil in the harrowing, as Pliny relates. Yet it seems to have been customary in some cases formerly, as it is at present, to scatter the seed upon the field once ploughed, and cover it by a cross furrow. When it was prohibited by law to sow, either in field or vineyard, seed of a mixed kind, and crops of this nature became sacred, i.e. were giv- en to the priests, without doubt the seed-grain was carefully cleansed from all mixture of tares so often spoken of, and which we find denominated in the New Testament ^i^uviov^ in Arabick, (jUi-' in Syriack Nbrt, in the Talmud D^a^jT, and in Hebrew '(li^il and tlii'^. This law by no means referred to a poorer sort of grain, as the Talmudic writers suppose, but to what may be called the intoxicating tare, from which the bread and the water in which it was boiled received an inebriating quality, and became very injurious to soundness of mind. The beverage formed by boiling tares and water was called ^i<'"i "^^s, water of tares, also poison water, Deut. 29: 18, 19. Ps. 69: 21. Jerem. 8: 14. 23: 15. Hos. 10: 4. The tares then, such were their injurious qualities, are very properly said to have been sown by an enemy, while the labourers were indulging sleep at noon, Matt. 13: 25 — 40. Consult, in reference to the law mentioned in this section, Lev. 19: 19, and Deut. 22:9. 70 § 62. HARVEST. § 62. Harvest. In Palestine the crops are as far advanced in the month of February, as they are in this country in the month of May. At that time, when the grain has reached about a cubit in height, it is frequently so injured by cold winds and frost, that it does not ear. The effect, thus produced upon the grain, is called "jis'^'ip UJ or blasting. The common name for it in Arabick is not (^■^.(■■^t as Niebuhr declares, but (^J-AO, Gen. 41: 6. Deut. 28: 22. 2 Kgs. 19: 26. Somelimes, even in November, the crops are so an- noyed by easterly winds, as to turn jellow, and never to come to maturity. This calamity is denominated 'J'ip^.', jnildew, Deut. 28: 22. Amos 4: 9. Hag. 2: 17. 1 Kgs. 8: 37. 2 Chron. 6: 28. But whether the opinion of the orientals, that these effects are occa- sioned by winds, is founded in truth, cannot, as it seems, be deter- mined. The crops, in the southern parts of Palestine and in the plains, come to maturity about the middle of April; but in the northern and the mountainous sections, they do not become ripe, till three weeks after, or even later. The cultivated fields are guarded by watchmen, who sit upon a seat hung in a tree, or on a watch tower made of planks, and keep off birds, quadrupeds, and thieves, Jer. 4: 16, 17. Isa. 24: 20. It was lawful for travellers, Deut. 23: 25, to strip ears from anoth- er's field and to eat ; but they were not to use a sickle. The sec- ond day of the passover, i. e. the sixteenth from the first new moon of April, the first handful of ripe barley was carried to the altar, and then the harvest ^""i^p, commenced, comp. John 4: 35. The barley was first gathered; then the wheat, spelt, millet, &c. Exod. 9: 31, 32. Ruth 1: 22. 2: 23. The time of harvest was a festival. It continued from the passover until Pentecost, seven weeks ; and accordingly went by the name ^"'^p^ ^''^V: ^'^'^r^'^i Deut. 16: 9 — 12. Jer. 5: 24. — The reapers were masters, chil- dren, men-servants, maidens and mercenaries, Ruth 2: 4, 8, 21, 23. John 4: 36. James 5: 4. Merry and cheerful, they were intent upon their labour, and the song of joy might be heard on every § 63. THRESHING FLOOR. tl side, Isa. 9: 3. 61: 7. Ps. 126: 6. Travellers congratulated thetn oa the rich harvest; which was attributed to the beneticence of De- ity and considered a great honour; while on the other hand, steril- ity of the soil was supposed to be a divine punishment and a dis- grace, Lev. 26: 4. Deut. 11: 14. 28: 12—24. Isa. 4: 2. Hagg. 1: 5 — 11. Malac. 3: 10, 11. Anciently the ears were plucked oft", or the stalks pulled up by the roots, which is still the custom in some eastern countries. It was esteemed servile labour by the Phari- sees, and a profanation of the sabbath, when done on that day, Matt. 12: 1 — 5. The Hebrews used the sickle, u:7;."nn- -^'^i Deut. 16: 9. Joel 3: 13. Jer. 50: 16 ; so that the stubble u^i?, rt^mained in the earth. The crops when reaped were gathered up by the arms, and bound in bundles. Gen. 37: 7. Levit. 23: 10 — 15. Job 24: 10. Ruth 2: 7, 15, 16. Amos 2: 13. Mic, 4: 12. Jer. 9: 21, 22. At length the bundles were collected into a heap, In!^"}:?,, or conveyed away on a waggon, Amos 2: 13. Ps. 126: 6. But the corners of the field ;i"it5 nNS, and the gleanings tOJ^b, were re- quired to be left lor the poor, Levit. 19: 9. Deut. 24: 19. Ruth 2: 2, 23. The land in the East generally yields ten fold, rarely, twenty or thirty ; but, Matt. 13: 8, the land yielded thirty, sixty and an hundred fold, and. Gen. 26: 12, an hundred fold. Herodotus, Strabo, and Piiny mention the increase of crops at the rate of one hundred and fifty, two hundred, and even three hundred fold. This great increase is owing to the circumstance of the kernels being put into the soil at a distance from each other, so as to send out several stalks, Gen. 41: 5, 47, some of which, (according to Pliny, N. H. xviii. 21, 55,) have from three to four hundred ears ; and in Africa at the present time, they bear at least ten and fifteen. § 63. Threshing Floor, 'j'n.i. The bundles were transported into the threshing floor either by hand, or beasts of burden, or in waggons, Amos 2: 13, and piled in a heap, Exod. 22: 6. Jud. 15: 5. A bundle left in the field, even though discovered, was not to be taken up, but left to the poor, Deut. 24: 19. The threshing floor was in the field, in some ele- vated part of it; it was destitute of walls and covering; and in- deed was nothing more than a circular space thirty or forty paces in diameter, where the ground had been levelled and beaten down, T2 § 64. THRESHING. Gen. 50: 10. 2 Sam. 24: 16, 24. Jud. 6: 37. etc. The assemblage of bundles in the floor for threshing, was used figuratively to de- note reservation for future destruction, Mic. 4: 13. Isa. 21: 10. Jer. 61: 33. § 64. Tur.ESHiNG. At first the grain was beaten out with cudgels. Afterwards this method was retained only in respect to the smaller kinds of grain and in threshing small quantities, Ruth 2: 17. Isa. 28: 27. At a later period, it was trodden out by the hoofs of oxen, Isa. 28: 28. Deut. 25: 4, or beaten out with machines of the same kind, that are used in the east at the present day. All these modes of threshing are called 11:^1. Three kinds of instruments, however, are mentioned. The iirst, called t3"'Dp'na, is not well known. Per- haps it was a square piece of wood, armed on the lower side with sharp stones. The second, called S'lia, was composed of four beams joined so as to form a square, between which were set three revolving cylinders, each one of which was furnished with three iron wheels, having teeth like a saw ; (see Archaeol. Germ. P. 1. T. 1. tab. IV. nro. VII.) The third, yn'^H, was formed like the preceding, except that the cylinders were not furnished with iron wheels, but with sharp pieces of iron six inches long and three broad. Possibly this ma}'^ be the same kind with the first. These machine?^ upon which the driver sat, were fastened to the oxen, and were driven round upon the bundles, which were brok- en open and were deposited in the circle of the area six or eight feet in height. In this manner the grain was beaten out of the ears, and the. straw itself broken in pieces, which in this state was called "jin. Another man followed the machine with a wooden instrument, and placed the grain in order. Threshing frequently stands figuratively for a great slaughter; and if the machine is said to be new, when it is usually the sharpest, it denotes a slaugh- ter proportionably greater. The victorious people are some- times represented, as a huge machine, that threshes and crumbles even mountains and hills, like straw. But the conquered are al- Wcxys prostrated upon the earth, like the bundles on the threshing floor, and ground to powder by the instruments, Jud. 8: 7. 2 Sam. 12: 31. Amos 1: 3. Micah 4: 12, 13. In Deut. 25: 4, it was foF- § 65. VENTILATION. 73 bidden to muzzle the ox, that was treading out the corn, comp. 1 Cor. 9: 9—12. 1 Tim. 5: 18, and the cattle which drew the threshing machine, were allowed to eat of it to the full. In reference to this circumstance, threshing denoted figuratively a splendid manner of life. §. 65. VE^T1LATI0N. The grain being threshed, was thrown into the middle of the threshing floor; it was then exposed with a fork to a gentle wind, Jer. 4: II, 12, which separated the broken straw, pn, and chaff, yiW ; so that the kernels and clods of earth with grain cleaving to them, and the ears not yet thoroughly threshed, fell upon the ground. The clods of earth, as is customary in the East at the present day, were collected, broken in pieces, and separated from the grain by a sieve, In*^i3 • Sifting was accordingly used as a symbol of misfortune and overthrows, Amos. 9: 9. Luke 22: 31. The heap thus winnowed which still contained many ears, that were broken, but not fully threshed out, was again exposed in the threshing floor, and several yoke of oxen driven over it for the purpose of treading out the remainder of the grain. At length the grain, mingled with the chaff, was again exposed to the wind by a fan which was called rTnfiq, tttvov ; which bore off the chaff yna, so that the pure wheat fell upon the floor, Ruth 3: 2. Is. 30: 24. This operation was symbolical of the dispersion of a van- quished people ; also of the separation between the righteous and the wicked. Is. 41: 15, 16. Jer. 13: 24. 15: 7. 51: 2. Job. 21: 18. Ps. 1: 4. 35: 5. 83: 13. Matt. 3: 12. Luke 3: 17. The scattered straw, as much at least as was required for the manufacturing of bricks, and the fodder of cattle, was collected, but the residue, with the chaff and stubble, as has been stated above, was reduced to ashes by fire ; which afforded a figurative illustration to denote the destruction of wicked men, Is. 5: 24. 47: 14. Joel 2: 5. Obad. 18. Nahum 1: 10. Jer. 15: 7. Malach. 4: 1. Matt. 3: 12. Original- ly the gram thus obtained from the earth was kept in subterra- nean storehouses, and even caverns, but in progress of time grana- ries above the earth were built, both in Egypt and Palestine, see Gen. 41: 35. Exod. 1: 11. 1 Chron. 27: 28. 10 74 §66. OF VINES AND VINEYARDS. § 66. Of Vines and Vineyards. Among other objects of agriculture, the vine may justly be considered worthy of particular attention. Vines^ d^jSa, in some parts of the East, for instance, on the southern shore of the Caspian sea, grow spontaneously, produc- ing grapes of a pleasant taste, which, m the very first ages of the world, could not but have invited the attention of men to their cul- tivation. Hence mention is made of wine at an early period. Gen. 9:21. IJ: 18. 19:32—35. 27:25. 49: 11,12. The Hebrews were no less diligent in the culture of vineyards, than of fields for grain ; and the soil of Palestine yielded in great quantities the best of wine. The mountains of Engedi in particular, the valley of salt- pits, and the vallies of Eshkol and Sorek were celebrated for their grapes. Sorek indeed, was not only the proper name of a valley, but also of a very fruitful vine, which bore small, but uncommonly sweet and pleasant grapes. In the kingdom of Morocco at the present time, the same vine is called Serki, the name being slightly alter- ed, see Pliny xvii. 35, no, 5. In a few instances the wine of mount Libanus and Helbon is extolled in the scriptures, Hos. 14: 7. Ezek. 27: 18. In Palestine even at the present day, the clus- ters of the vine grow to the weight of 12 pounds ; they have large grapes, and cannot be carried lar by one man, without being injur- ed, Num. 13: 24, 25. The grapes of Palestine are mostly red or black; whence originated the phrase, '•'• blood of grapeS^'''' U'^I'l^U^ Gen. 49: 11. Deut. 32: 14. Isa. 27: 2. Some vines in eastern countries, when supported by trees, grow to a great height and magnitude; of such are made the staves and sceptres of kings. The vine growing spontaneously, of which we have spoken, is not that, which in 2 Kings 4: 39, is called the "wild vine," Ini'Ji:! "jsa, for that, (as the Vulgate rightly translates,) is the colo- cyniis or wild gourd, which in .Terem. 2: 21, is called ^^"IDS "jS-l, the degenerate or strange vine. The vine of Sodom Dip ]?.3 is the solanem melangenae, the fruit of which, as was said above, is called "iJi^n "^S-^i or the poisonous clusters. §67. SITUATION AND ARRANGEMENT OF VINEYARDS. 73 § 67. Situation and Arrangement of Vineyards. Vineyards^ I3'?q"l3. D15, were generally planted on the declivi- ty of hills and mountains. They were sometimes planted in pla- ces, where the soil had been heaped by art upon the naked rocks, and was supported there merely by a wall, Isa. 5: 1. Jerem. 31: 6. Joel 3: 18. Amos 9: 13. Micah 1: 6. According- to Strabo and Pliny, there were also very fine vineyards in moors and wet lands, in which the vines grew to a very great height. Of the vines, that grew upon such a kind of soil, were fabricated the scep- tre, &c. spoken of above, whilst the branches of other vines were destined to be fuel for the flames, Ezek. 17.- 1—8, 19: 10, 11. 15: 1—5. 19: 12. Vines were commonly propagated by means of suckers, U^^^'Zp^. Pliny, (xvii. 35, no. 6.) says, vines were of four kinds; viz, those that ran on the ground; those that grew upright of themselves ; those that adhered to a single prop ; and those that covered a square frame. It is not my design to treat of all these ; it may suffice merely to mention, that Pliny is by no means correct, when he saj'S, the custom prevailed in Syria and all Asia, of letting the vines run on the ground. This indeed accords with Ezekiel 17: 6, 7; but that vines frequently grew to a great height, being supported by trees and props, or standing upright of themselves, the prover- "bial phrase, which so often occurs, of sitting under one's own vine and fig-tree, i. e. enjoying a prosperous and happy life, is sufficient proof, Jer. 5: 17. 8: 13. Hos. 2: 12. Mic. 4: 4. Zech. 3: 10. The prohibition, Deut. 22: 9, to sow vineyards with divers seeds, and the command, that what was thus sown should be given to the priests, are not to be understood of the vines, but of herbs, which were sown in the intervals between them. Vineyards were defend- ed by a hedge or wall, Inrint:?^, "1^3, Num. 22: 24. Ps. 80: 12. Prov. 24: 31. Isa. 5: 5. 27: 2, 3. 'Jer."49: 3. Nahum 4: 3 Matt. 21: 33. In the vineyards were erected towers, Isa. 5: 2. Matt. 21: 33 ; which, at the present time in eastern countries, are thirty feet square, and eighty feet high. These towers were for keep- ers, who defended the vineyards from thieves, and from animals, especially dogs and foxes. Cant. 1: 6. 2: 15. By the law in Deut. 23: 25, the keeper was commanded not to prohibit the passing tra- 76 § 69. VINTAGE AND WINE PRESS, veller from plucking' the grapes, which he wished to eat on his way, provided he did not carry them off in a vessel. § 68. Culture of Vineyards, The manner of trimming the vine, "nJjT. and also the sinocular instrument of the vine-dresser, rT^527Q, were well known ev^n in the time of Moses, Lev. 26:3,4. comp. Isa. 2:4. 5:0. 18:5. Mich. 4: .3. Joel 3: 10. A vintage from new vineyards was for- bidden for the first three years, Exod. 31: 2ij. and Num. 18: 11. and the grapes also of the fourth year were consecrated to sacred pur- poses ; the vines therefore, without dou!)t, during these first years, were so pruned, as that few sprouts remaiised. On the fifth year when the}' were first profaned, '^"rn i. e. put to common use, they had become sturdy and exuberant. Pruning at three several times, viz, in iVIarch, April and May, is mentioned not only by IJoc- hart, but by Plinj'; and Homer speaks of it as a thing well known, Odyss. vii. 120. The Hebrews, dug, pi'j. their vinevards and gathered out the stones, bPD. The young vines, unless trees were at hand, were wound around stakes; and around those vines which ran on the ground were dug narrow trenches in a circular form, to prevent the wandering shoots from mmgling with each other. These practices in the cultivation of the vine are to be duly con- sidered in those allegories, which are drawn from vineyards, Isa. 5: 1—7. 27: 2—6. Ps. 80: 9—13. Matt. 21: 33— 4G. § 69. Vintage and Wine-press. The vintage, T'^cs, in Sijria, commences about the middle of September, and continues till the middle of Novemher. P>ut grapes in Palestine, we are informed, were ripe sometimes even in June and July; which arose perhaps from a tripj»le pruning, in which case there was also a third vintage. The first vintage was in August, which month in Num. 13: 20, is called D'a:y ""^.^^S ■^;c'> ; the second in September and the third in October. The grapes when not gathered were sometimes found on the vines, until November and December. The Hebrews were requir- ed to leave gleanings for the poor, Levit. 10; 10. The season of vintage was a most joyful one, Jud: 9: 27. § 69. VINTAGE AND WINE PRESS. 77 Isa. 16: 10. Jer. 25: 30. 48: 33. With shoutings on all sides, the grnpos were plucked off and carried to the wine-press ni^lS, !Tnw\p, hjvt}, which was in the vineyard, Is. 5: 2. Zech. 14: 10. liJg'j;. 2: IG. Matt. 21:33. llev. 14: 10, 20. The presses consisted of two receptacles, which were either built of stones and covered with plaster, or hewn out of a large rock. The upper recepta- cle called n.Ti as it is constructed at the present time in Persia, is nearly eis^at leet square and four feet high. Into this the grapes are thrown and trodden out by live men. The juice, uiilTi, flows out into tlic lower receptacle, called '2p2i through a grated aper- ture, which is made in the side near the bottom of the upper one. The treading of the wine-press was laborious and not very fa- vourable to cleanliness; the garments of the persons thus employ- ed were stained with the red juice, and yet the employment was a joyful one. It was performed with singing, accompanied with mus'cal instruments ; and the treaders, as they jumped, exclaimed, ^Vri, {ho up,) Isa. 16: 9, 10. Jer. 25: 30. 48: 32, 33. Figurative- ly, vintage, gleaning, and treadmg the wine- press, signified battles and great slaughters. Is. 17: 6. 63: 1 — 3. Jer. 49: 9. Lam. 1:15. The must, as is customary in the East at the present day, was pre- served in large tirkins, which were buried in the earth. The wine-cellars were not subterranean, but built upon the earth. When deposited in these, the firkins, as is done at the present time in Persia, were sometimes buried in the ground, and sometimes left standing upon it. Formerly also new wine or must was pre- served in leathern-bottles ; and lest they should be broken by fer- mentation, the people were careful that the bottles should be new, Job 32: 19. Matt. 9: 17. Mark 2; 22. Sometimes the must was boiled and made into syrup, which is comprehended under the term "vlJil. although it is commonly rendered honey, Gen. 43: 11. 2 Chron. 31: 5. Sometimes the grapes vvere dried in the sun and preserved in masses, which were called D'^i;2> ■^'^i'^'iJN and d'^j^n^iC, 1 Sam. 25: 18. 2 Sam. 16: 1. 1 Chron. 12: 40. Hosea 3: 1. From these dried grapes, when soaked in wine and pressed a second time, ■was manufactured sweet wine, which is .nlso called new wine, '^ii"^ n, yXevAog, Acts 2: 13. 78 ^. 70, GARDENS. § 70, Gardens. Culinary plants and fruit-trees were among the first objects of Agriculture. Gardens, accordingly, were very ancient, and have always been numerous. By the Hebrews they were called fi'^iS, nisa. "j-l, Mi-H ; afterwards, the Persian name D"?.")!, naQadnoog, paradiae, was introduced. The later Hebrews were invited the more to the cultivation of Gardens by the example of the Syrians, whono Pliny extols for this species of agriculture, above all other nations. — Trees were multiplied by seeds and shoots ; they were transplanted, dug around, manured, and pruned, Job 8: 16. Is. 17: 10. Grafting occurs figuratively, Fiom. 11: 17, 24. — The gardens in Persia at the present day are disposed in good order ; those in the Ottoman empire are very rude, displaying hardly any indica- tions of art, except a fountain or receptacle of waters, which is never wanting. In the scriptures, gardens are denominated from the preval- ence of certain trees; as the the garden of nuts, T'l^N ns^, and the garden of Carthaginian apples or pomegranates, D"'3'i73'^ '2'7."^2 ; Cant. 6: 11. The forest of palms also, in the plain of Jericho, was only a large garden, in which other trees were interspersed among the palms, Strabo, p. 768. The modern Orientals are no less fond of gardens than were the ancient Hebrews ; not only be- cause they yield the richest fruits, but because the shade is very refreshing, and the air is cooled by the waters, of which their gardens are never allowed to be destitute, 1 Kings 21: 2. 2 Kings 25: 4. Hos. 9: 13. Sol. Song 4: 13, 6: 11. Eccles. 2: 5, John 18: 1. 19: 41. 20: 15. The Hebrews had an attanchment to gardens as a place of burial ; hence the}' frequently built sepulchres in them, 2 Kgs. 9: 27. 21.- 18. Mark 15: 46. Matt. 26: 36. John 18: 1, 2. A pleasant region is called " a garden of God," i. e. a region ex- tremely pleasant. The trees which the gardens constantly dis- played are often used figuratively for men. Those which are flourishing and fruitful denote good men ; the unfruitful and bar- ren, xvicked men, and loftj' cedars in particular are the emblems of kings, Job. 29; 19. Ps. 1: 3. 92: 12—14. Hos. 14: 6, 7. Jer. 17: 8. Dan. 4: 10—16. Luke 23: 31. Matt. 3: 10. 7: 17—20. 12:33. Ezek. 17; 3, 4. 31: 3, 13. Indeed an assembh' of men is com- § 71. OLIVE TREES. 79 pared to r forest^ and a multitude of wicked men to briers, Is. 9: 10, 10: 19, 33, 34. 11: 1. Several trees, which are often men- tioned in the scriptures, but not very well known, we shall now describe in a few words. ^.71. Olive-Trees. Olive trees, t3'^r).li M'^L were a very ancient and profitable ob- ject of agriculture. Its branches as early as Gen. 8: 11, and since that time among all nations, have been a symbol of peace and prosperity. Oil is first mentioned, Gen. 28: 18. Job. 24: 11, which proves the cultivation of this tree to have been very ancient. Olives in Palestine are of the best growth and afford the best oil; hence this region is often extolled on account of this tree, and es- pecially in opposition to Egypt, which is destitute of good olives, Num. 18: 12. Deut. 7: 13. 1 1: 14. 12: 17. 18: 4. Land that is bar- ren, sandy, dry and mountainous, is favourable to the production of the olive. The mount of Olives derives its name from this tree. The olive is pleasant to the view, having widely extended branches, and remaining green in winter. Its multiplied branches entitled it to become the symbol of a numerous progeny, a bless- ing which was attributed to the peculiar favour of God, Ps. 52: 8. 128: 3. Hos. 14: 6. Jer. 11: 16, 17. It flourishes about two hun- dred years, and even while it is living, young olives spring up around it which occupy its place when dead ; the young sprouts are called n*T ''Ib/r!'',:;, Ps. 128:3. It was customary, notvvithstand- ing, to raise the tree from suckers, which were transplanted. It requires no other cultivation than digging the ground and pruning the branches. The fruit is very pleasant to the palate, but near- ly all of it is thrown into the oil press, for the purpose of procur- ing the oil, of which there are sometimes one thousand pounds ob- tained from one tree. By means of this article, the Hebrews car- ried on an extensive commerce with the Tyrians, Ezek. 27: 17. comp. 1 Kings 5: 1 1 ; they also sent presents of oil to the kmgs of Egypt, Hos. 12: 1. The berries of the olive tree were some- times plucked or carefully shaken off by the hand, before they were ripe, Isa. 17: 6. 24: 13. Deut. 24: 20. If, while they were yet green, instead of being cast into the press, they were only beaten and squeezed, they yielded the best kind of oil j it was call- 80 § 72. FIG TREES. eel omphacinum^ or the oil of unripe olives, and also beaten or fresh oil, rr^ns 'ra n^l 'Jii^'n ']^."l3, Exod. 27, 20. There were presses of a peculiar make for pressing oil, called "^Ty^Ti n^, (from which is derived the name Gethsemane, Matt. 26: 36. John 18: 1,) in which the oil was trodden out by the feet, Micah 6: 15. The first expression of the oil was better than the second, and the second than the third. Ripe olives yielded oil of a less valuable kind. The best sort of oil was mixed with spices and used for ointment ; the inferior sort was used with food. In Sacrifices, ac- cordingly, which were in a certain sense the feasts of God, the king and ruler of the people, the use of oil was commanded. Lev. 2: 1; 5, 7, 15. 6: 15. Note. — The cotiniis, v.orivoq, and the oleaster^ uyQieXaios, are both called wild Olive-trees. They are nevertheless of ditferent kinds, though they are sometimes confounded by the Greeks them- selves. The fruit of the cotinus is used for no other purpose than colouring; but the oleaster, the agrippa elaeagnus of Linnaeus, It'ij y^i is that species of wild olive, whose branches, (see Schulz, in Fauius' collection of Travels, VI. 290.) are grafted into barren olive-trees, that are in a state of cultivation, in order that fruitful- ness may be produced, comp. Rom. 1 1: 17, 24. §. 72. The Fig-tree. Fig-trees, f D5^n, n;J^&)3 "ilii"}, Deut. 32 : 13. Ps. ai:^- Nor was it the liquid manna, called terengabin^ although this man- na was formerly comprehended under the common word for hon- ey. It is what has been called the honey dew, i, e. the excre- ments, which certain little insects, called by Linnaeus, Aphides, emit very copiously upon the leaves of trees, so much that it flows down upon the ground, 1 Sam. 14: 15 — 27. The ancients used honey instead of sugar, and loved it much; it is hence used tropically as an image of pleasure and happiness, Ps. 119:103. Prov. 24: 13, 14. Cant. 4:11. When taken in great quantities it catises vomiting, and is consequently used by a figure to express fastidiousness, or any nauseating sensation, Prov. 26: 16, 17. § 79. THE FALLOW YEAR, § 78, Fishing. Fish were esteemed by the Hebrews, as by all the orientals, a great delicacy, Num. 11:5. Inconsequence of being held in such estimation, they were taken in great numbers from the river Jordan and the lake Gennessareth. Those only, which were des- titute of scales or fins, were interdicted, Lev. 11:9. Hence men- tion is made of the fish-gate at Jerusalem, so called from the cir- cumstance of fish being sold there, 2 Chr. 33: 14. Neh.3:3. 12:39. Is. 19:8. Ezek. 26: 5, 14. 47: 10. Fishermen are used tropically for enemies, Is. 19: 8. Hab. 1:15. Strabo says, there was a great trade carried on in fish at the lake Gennessareth. Some of the apostles living near the lake were fishermen, and this class of men were in general active, experienced, and apt, Luke 5: 1. et seq. comp. Matt. 4: 19. The instruments used in fishing, were a hook, nsn Job 41: 1. Is. 19: 8. Hab. 1: 16; an iron spear, n'^^T ^i£b2£. Job 41:7. and a net, 1?33^, iniitt, Job 19: 6. Is. 51: 20. § 79. The Fallow Year. Agriculture on every seventh year came to an end. Nothing was sown and nothing reaped ; the vines and the olives were not pruned ; there was no vintage and no gathering of fruits, even of what grew wild ; but whatever spontaneous productions there were, were left to the poor, the traveller, and the wild beast. Lev. 25: 1 — 7. Deut, 15: 1 — 10. The object of this regulation seems to have been, to secure the preservation of wild beasts, to let the ground recover its strength, and to teach the Hebrews to be provident of their income, and to look out for the future. It is true, that extraordinary fruitfulness was promised on the sixth year, but in such a way as not to exclude care and foresight, Levit. 25: 20 — 24. We are not to suppose, however, that the Hebrews spent the seventh year in absolute idleness. They could fish, hunt, take care of their bees and flocks, repair their buildings and furniture, manufacture cloths of wool, linen, and of the hair of goals and camels, and carry on commerce. Finally, they were obliged to remain longer in the tabernacle or temple this year, during which (he whole Mosaic law was read, in order to be instruct- § 80. THE ORIGIN OF THE ARTS. 87 ed in religious and moral duties and the history of their nation, and the wonderful works and blessings of God, Deut. 31: 10 — 13. This seventh year's rest, as Moses predicted, Lev. 26: 34, 36, was for a long time neglected, 2 Chron. 36: 21 ; after the captivity it was more scrupulously observed. CHAPTER V. OF THE ARTS. §. 80. The origin of the Arts. They originated, no doubt, partly in necessity, partly in accident. At first they must have been very imperfect and very limited, but the inquisitive and active mind of man, seconded by his wants, soon secur- ed to them a greater extent and fewer imperfections. Accordingly, in the fourth generation after the creation of man, we find men- tion made of artificers in brass and iron, and also of musical in- struments, Gen. 4: 21 — 23. Those communities, which from lo- cal or other causes, could not flourish by means of agriculture, of course directed their attention to and encouraged the arts. The arts, consequently, advanced with great rapidity, and were carri- ed to a high pitch as far back as the time of Noah ; as we may learn from the very large vessel, which was built under his di- rection. §.81. State of the Arts from the Deluge till Moses. Noah, together with his sons and servants, who were engaged with him in the construction of the ark, must, as above intimated, have been well acquainted, at least with certain of the mechanic arts. They had also without doubt seen the operations of artific- ers in other ways besides that of building, and after the deluge imitated their works as well as. they could. Hence not long after 88 § 82. ARTS AMONG THE HEBREWS. this period, viz. the deluge, we find mention of many things, such as edifices, utensils, and ornaments, which imply a knowledge of the arts, Gen. 9: 21. 11: 1—9. 14: 1—16. 12: 7, 8. 15: 10. 17: 10. 18: 4, 5, 6. 19:32. 21: 14. 22: 10. 23:13—16.21:22. 26: 12, 15, 18. 27: 3, 4, 11. 31: 19. 27, 34. Traces and intimations of which occur continually, as the attentive reader will find, down to the time of Moses. §. 82. The Arts among the Hebrews in the time of Moses. Eg3''pt in the early age of the world excelled all other nations in a knowledge of the arts. The Hebrews, in consequence of re- maining four handred years with the Egyptians, must have become initiated to a considerable degree into that knowledge, which their masters possessed. Hence we find among them men, who were sufficiently skilful and informed to frame, erect, and orna- ment the tabernacle. Moses, it is true, did not enact any special laws in favour of the arts, nor did he interdict them or lessen them in the estimation of the people ; on the contrary he speaks in the praise of artificers, Exod. 35: 30—35. 36: 1. et seq. 38: 22, 23, &c. The grand object of Moses, I mean in a temporal point of view, was to promote agriculture, and he thought it best, as was done in other nations, to leave the arts to the ingenuity and industry of the people. §. 83. Arts among the Hebrews in Palestine. Soon after the death of Joshua, a place was expressly allotted by Joab of the tribe of Judah to artificers. It was called the val- ley of craftsmen, D'^ui'-in ":> 1 Chron. 4: 14. comp. Neh. 11:35. About this time mention is made also of artificers in gold and silver, Jud. 17: 3 — 5. The arts could not, however, be said to flourish much, although it was a fact that those utensils and instruments, which were absolutely necessary, were to be obtained from the shops of craftsmen, except when they were carried away captives in war, .Tud. 3:31. 5:8. 1 Sam. 13: 19. Some of the less complicated and difficult instruments, used in agriculture, each one made for him- self. The women spun, wove, and embroidered ; they made clothing not onlv for their families, but for sale, Exod. 35: 25- § 84. STATE OF THE ARTS AFTER THE CAPTIVITY. 89 1 Sam. 2: 19. Prov. 31: 18—31. Acts 9: 39. Employment, conse- quently, as far as the arts were concerned, was limited chiefly to those who engaged in the more difficult performances ; for in- stance, those who built chariots, hewed stones, sculptured idols or cast them of metal, made instruments of gold, silver, and brass, and vessels of clay and the like, Jud. 17: 4. Isa. 29: 16. 30: 14. Jer. 28: 13. Artificers among the Hebrews were not, as among the Greeks and Romans, servants and slaves, but men of some rank, and as luxury and wealth increased they became quite numerous, Jer. 24: 1. 29: 2. 2 Kgs. 24: 14. In the time of David and Solo- mon, there were Israelites, who understood the construction of temples and palaces, but they were inferior to the Tyrians, and were willing to take lessons from them, 1 Chron. 14: 1 22: 15. From the frequent mention made, in the history of the Hebrews, of numerous instruments, and of various operations in metals, we may infer as well as from other sources, that quite a number of the arts were understood among them. §. 84. State of the Arts after the Captivity'. During the captivity many Hebrews, (most commonly those, to whom a barren tract of the soil had been assigned,) applied them- selves to the arts and merchandize. Subsequently, when they were scattered abroad ^mong different nations, a knowledge of the arts became so popular, that the Talmudists taught, that all I parents ought to 4i»tMrn- their children some art or handicral't. They indeed mention many learned men of their nation, who practised some kind of manual labour, or as we should say, followed some trade. Accordingly, we find in the New Testament, that Joseph, the husband of Mary, was a carpenter, and that he was assisted by no less a personage than our Saviour in his labours, Matt. 13: 55. Mark 6: 3. Simon is mentioned as a tanner in the city of Joppa, Acts 9: 43. 10: 32. Alexander, a learned Jew, was a cop- per-smith, 2 Tim. 4: 14; Paul and Aquila were tent-makers, (JXTjj/OTTOtot. Not only the Greeks, but the Jews also, esteemed certain trades infamous. At any rate the Rabbins reckoned the ^ drivers of asses and camels, barbers, sailors.y^hepherds^nd inn- keepers in the same class with robbers. Those Ephesians and Cretans, who were lovers of gain, aiGiQ0Y.SQdii9f 1 Tim. 3: 8. 12 90 § 85. ANTIQUITY OF THE ART OF WRITING. Tit. 1: '7, were men, as we may learn from ancient writers, who were determined to get money in however base a manner. The more eminent Greek tradesmen were united together in the time of the Apostles in a society, Acts 19: 25. comp. Xenophon, Cyrop. viii. 2, 4. or some of the arts we must say something separately. § 85. Antiquity of the Art of Writing. Whether symbolick representations were first used, afterwards hieroglyphicks, then alphabetick writing, is not very clear, nor is it a point necessary to be determined in this place. In regard to alphabetick writing all the ancient writers attribute the inven- tion of it to some very early age, and some country of the East ; but they do not pretend to designate precisely either the age or the country. They say, further, that Cadmus introduced letters from Phenicia into Greece in the year, if we may credit the Par- isian chronicle, 1519 before Christ, i. e. forty five years after the death of Moses. Jlnticlides, (see Pliny's Natural History, vii. 57.) asserts and at- tempts to prove, that letters were invented in Egypt fifteen years before Phoroneus, the most ancient king of Greece, i. e. four hun- dred and nine years after the deluge, and in the one hundred and seventeenth year of Abraham. On this I remark, that they might have been introduced into Egypt at this time ; but they had been previously invented by the Phenicians. Epigenes, who in the estima- tion of Pliny, is weighty authority, informs us,' that observations, made upon the heavenly bodies for seven hundred and twenty years at Babylon, were written down upon baked tiles, but Bero- sus and Critodemus, also referred to by Pliny, make the number of years, four hundred and eighty. Pliny from these statements draws the conclusion, that the use of letters, as he expresses it, must have been eternal, i. e. extremely ancient. Simplicius, who lived in the fifth century, states on the authority of Porphyry, an acute historian, that Calisthenes^the companion of Alexander, found at Babylon a record of observations on the heavenly bodies for one thousand nine hundred and three years. Of course the re- cord must have been begun in the year two thousand two hundred and thirty four before Christ, i. e. the eighty ninth year of Abra- ham. Thisstuteaient receives some confirmation from the fact, that y § 85. ANTIQUITY OF THE ART OF WRITING. 91 the month of J^/arcA is called ^"lij, j3(Zor, in the Chaldaick dialect; and at the time mentioned, viz. the eighty ninth year of Abraham, the sun, during the whole month of March, was in the sign of the Zodiac, called Aries or the ram. The word, n^tj, Mcifi means the same with Aries. But, as letters were un(}uestionabljf invented for the purposes of commercial intercourse, they must have been known long before they were employed, to transmit the motions of the stars. Of this we have an evidence in the Bill of Sale^ which as we have reason to suppose from the expres- sions used in Gen. 23: 20, was given to Abraham by the sons of Heth. Hence it is not at all wonderful, that books and writings are spoken of in the time of Moses, as if well known, Exod. 17: 14. 24:4. 28:9—11. 32:32. 34:27,28. Num. 33: 2. Deut. 27: 8. Nor is it a matter of surprise, tj^at long before his time, there had been public scribes, who kept written genealogies ; they were called by the Hebrews, n"*")t:vr, Exod.*l\14. Deut. 20: 5 — 9. 1^' Eten in the time of Jacob, seals, upon which names are engraved in the East, were in use, see Gen. 38: 18. 41:42 ; which is anoth- er probable testimony to the great antiquity of letters. Note. I. Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus mention the exist- ence in antiquity of two kinds of writing, the one sacred^ the oth- er profane. Clemens Alesandrinus and Porphyry mention three kinds, viz. the sacred, the profane, and the hieroglyphical. Some interpreters suppose, that the phrase \1:t3N ^"^n. a man^s pen^ Isa. 8: 1. means the mode of writing which is denominated profane. Hieroglyphicks were inscribed by the Egyptians, among whom they were used, upon stones. The phrase n"'3Tl)^ liN, a pictured or engraven stone^ Lev. 2G: 1. Num. 33: 52, means a stone, engraven with hieroglyphical figures, which, in that age of idolatry, was lia- ble to be worshipped. Those persons, who understood how to read hieroglyphicks, D''72t2'^n magicians, were held in high estima- tion and much honoured among the Egyptians, Exod. 8:3. Gen. 41:8. Note II. Gesenius renders the word Cj'^'ipvj overseers, rulers, or officers. In support of his rendering, he collates the Arabick word ^liAAw, to preside, and ^i2.AA*MC an overseer. But the 92 § 86. THE EXTENSION OF ALPHABETICAL WRITING. Arabick word ,jOlim to write, and ^jO-h^jc a scribe, and t'ne Syriack "nUilJ. a writing, are nearer as reg'ards form to the Hebrew, than those which are collated by Gesenius. § 86. THE EXTENSION OF ALPHABKTICAI, WRITING. Letters, which had thus become known at the earhest period, were communicated by means of the Phenician merchants and colonies, and subsequently by Egyptian emigrants, through all the East and the West. A strong evidence of this is to be found in the diflferent alphabets themselves, which betray by their resem- blance a common origin. The Hebrew patriarchs received their alphabet from the Phenicians or, what is the same thing, from the Canaanites ; and that their posterity preserved a knowledge of alphabetical writing durmg their abode in Egypt, where essen- tially the same alphabet was in use, is evident from the fact, that the Hebrews while remaining there always had public gene;;!o- gists. The Law also was ordered to be inscribed on stones; a fact, which implies a knowledge of alphabetical writing. The writing thus engraven upon stones is designated by its appropriate name, viz. nmn, comp. Exod. 32: 16, 32. Not a few of the Hebrews were able to read and write, Judg. 8; 14 ; yet very many were very illiterate. Hence those, who were capable of writing, wrote for others, when necessary. Such persons were commonly priests, who, as they do to this day in the East, bear an inkhorn in their girdle, Ezek. 9: 2, 3, 1 1. In the inkhorn were the materials for writing, and a knife for sharpening the pen, Jer. 36:23. The rich and noble had scribes of their own, and readers also; whence there is more frequent mention made of hearing, than of reading, 1 Kgs. 4: 3. 2 Kgs. 12: 11. Is. 29: 18. Jer. 36: 4. Rom. 2: 13. James 5: 11. Rev. 1 : 3. The scribes took youth under their care, who learnt from them the art of writing. Some of the scribes seem to have held public schools for instruction ; some of which under the care of Samuel and other prophets became in time quite illustrious, and were called the schools of the prophets, 1 Sam. 19:16. et seq. 2 Kgs. 2:3, 5. 4:38. 6:1. The disciples in these schools were not children or boys, but young men, who inhabited separate edifices, ,as is the case in the Persian Academies. They were' taught rau- ]>>*;.> I p - 1 »*■> * / ji § 87. MATERIALS AND INSTRUMENTS OF WRITING, 93 sic and singing, without doubt writing also, the Mosaic law and poetry. They were denominated in reference to their instruct- ors the sons of the prophets, teachers and prophets being some- times called /a, Luke 4: 17 — 20 ; whence the name SiV^^., « volume, or thing roiled up, Ps. 40:7. Isa. 34: 4. Ezek. 2: 9. '2kgs. 19: 14. Ezra 6: 2. The leaves thus rolled round the stick, which has been mentioned, and bound with a string, could be easily sealed, Isa. 29: 11. Dan. 12: 4. Rev. 5:1. 6: 7. Those books, which were inscribed on tablets of wood, lead. 96 § 90. ON POETRY. brnss, or ivory, were connecterl together by rings at the back, through which a rod was passed to carry them by. Note. The orientals appear to take a pleasure in giving trop- ical or enigmatical titles to their books. The titles, prefixed to the fifty sixth, sixtieth, and eightieth psalms appear to be of" this description. And there can be no doubt, th;it David's elegy upon San! and Jonathan, \,Sam. 1:18. is called D'g\?. or the bow, in con- formity with this peculiarity of taste. %. § 89. Concerning Epistles. Epistles, which occur under the same Hebrew word with books, viz. 'nCD are mentioned the more rarely, the further you go back into antiquity. An epistle is first mentioned, 2 Sam. 11: 14. et seq Afterwards there is more frequent mention of them, and sometimes an epistle is meant, when literally a messenger is spok- en of, as in Ezra 4: 15 — 17. In the East letters are commonly sent unsealed. In case, however, they are sent to persons of dis- tinction, they are placed in a valuable purse, which is tied, closed over with ciay or wax, and then stamped with a signet, see Is. 29: 11. Neh.6:5. Job38:14. The most ancient epistles begin and end without either salutation or farewell, but under the Persian monarchy the salutation was very prolix. It is given in an abridg- ed form, in Ezra 4: 7 — 10. 5:7. The apostles in their epistles used the salutation customary among the Greeks, but they omit- ted the usual tarewell at the close, viz. ^aiQitv, and adopted a benediction more conformable to the spirit of the christian relig- ion. Paul, when he dictated his letters, wrote the benediction at the close with, his own hand, 2 Thes. .3: 17. He was more accus- tomed to dictate his letters than to write them himself. § 90. On Poetry. Poetry had its origin in the first ages of the world, when un- disciplined feelings and a lively imagination naturally supplied strong expressions, gave an expressive modulation to the voice, and motion to the limbs ; hence poetry, music, and dancing were cotemporaneous in origin. As far back as the time of Moses, po- Jiir\. When the camps were to move forward or the people to march to war, it was sounded with a deeper note ; this was expressed by the Hebrew verb ^"^"i;i and by the phrase, n^T-in ypn. § 96. Different sorts of Drums. I. ?]h, CBn, [rendered in the English version,] tabret and tim- brel, Gen. 31: 27. It consisted of a circular hoop either of wood or brass, three inches and six tenths wide, was covered with a skin tensely drawn, and hung round with small bells. It was held in the left hand, and beaten to notes of musick with the right. The ladies through all the East, even to this day, dance to the sound of this instrument, Exod. 15: 20. Job. 17: 6. 21: 12. 2 Sam. 6: 5. II. The cymbal cirl^bi?! rii!ri;:53. There were two kinds of cymbals formerly, as there are to this day, in the East. The cym- bal, called ns^^'in -'^ill^lE, consisted of two flat pieces of metal or plates ; the musician held one of them in his right hand, the oth- er in his left, and smote them together, as an accompaniment to other instruments. This cymbal and the mode of using it may be often seen in modern armies and military trainings. The second kind of cymbals, "JQ'tp "'b^biZ, Ps. 150: 5, consisted of four small plates attached, two to each hand, which the ladies, as they danc- ed, smote together. But niVi:'3, Zech. 14: 20. [Eng. vers, bells,] are not musical instruments, as some suppose, nor indeed bells. § 96. DIFFERENT SORTS OF DRUMS. 103 but concave pieces or plates of brass, which were sometimes at- tached to horses for the sake of ornament. 111. d'-yiyaa, Menaaneim, 2 Sara. 6: 5 ; the word is derived from y?D, to move or to be shaken. We may suppose, therefore, it was an instrument corresponding- to the sistrum, by which word Jerome in his Latin version has rendered it. If this were the case we may suppose also, that like the swy, Almufh Laben, Ps. 9: 1 ; a better reading of the Hebrew would be 'j^b m'73b.^, for Ben was the name of a musician in the time of David, 1 Chron. 15: 18. What the meaning of the word n^Tob?) is, is not very clear; perhaps it was a kind of harp, and hence, 1 Chron. 15: 20, is interchanged with n"':"'^\a, a harp of eight strings. IV. "jTri^l^i Jeduthun^ Ps, 39: 1. 67: 1, an instrument thus de- nominated from some musician of that name. V. ribnio. Mahalath. Ps. 88: 1. 53: 1, perhaps an instrument like the shepherds pipe ; comp. the Ethiopick word maldet, which in Gen. 4: 21, answers to the Greek xi&aga. Some other words and phrases, such as shushan-eduth, Ps. 60: 1. appear to be enig- matical inscriptions of the psalms, to which they are prefixed. 104 § 97. ON DANCING. § 97. On Dancing. The Mohammedans esteem dancing a sport unworthy the dignity of a man, and accordingly leave it to the women. It is practised in such an indecorous manner among the modern orientals, that they would be still nearer the truth, if they should pronounce it an art unworthy to be indulged in by either sex. It was different anciently. AiTiong the Greeks it was a sort of pantomime^ a mimick representation of the common actions of life, and, in some instan- ces, of deeds of war. It was accordingly admitted among the gymnastick sports. The dancers danced to the notes of the tim- brel; they exhibited many inflexions of the body and many ges- ticulations with the hands ; they danced, beating the floor in a circle, following the one, they had chosen for a leader, with reg- ular and artificial pulsations of the feet, Exod. 15: 20. Jud. 11. 34. 1 Sam. 18: 6 — 7. Jer. 31: 4, 13. Sometimes men, who were singers or musicians, took a part in these dances ; in this case the singers went forward, those who played on instruments followed, and the dancing women girded them on both sides, Ps. 68: 26. The dance was called in Hebrew bin^j; it was practised on the national fes- tivals, and made part of the sacred worship. The nobles and the princes of the people engaged in this ceremony, but did not min- gle in it with the common multitude. This was the ground of the reproach, which Michal threw out against David, who danced be- fore the ark in company with the rest of the people, 2 Sam. 6: 16 — 23. In the later periods of the Jewish history, the kings and great men appear to have been rather the spectators, than the parties in dances, see Matt. 6: 21 — 25. Note. — The art of oratory never flourished in the East. Paul, accordingly, when he appeared among the Greeks, who estimated eloquence very highly, although it was at that time degenerate and declining, was not listened to with that interest, with whicK he might otherwise have been. Paul, however, displays, in his speeches recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, a good arrange- ment and no little skill in the art of persuasion. 105 CHAPTER VI. ON THE SCIENCES. § 98. The Origin of the Sciences. Wren the arts had been reduced by long practice and medita- tion to fixed and definite rules, they were succeeded by the sci- ences ; which in fact are nothing more than the reduction, into a more regular and philosophick form, of those rules and theories, which have been ascertained and approved by inquiry and prac- tice. We are able to discover the beginnings, the indistinct ves- tiges of the sciences in very remote periods ; and in some nations more strikingly, than in others. The Egyptians and Babylonians excelled in scientitick knowledge all others. The Arabians also are favourably mentioned in this respect, 1 Kgs. 4: 30 ; also the Edoraites, Jer. 49: 7. The Hebrews became renowned for their intellectual culture in the time of David, and especially, of Solo- mon, who is said to have surpassed all others in wisdom; a cir- cumstance, which wa^ the ground of the many visits, which were paid to him by distinguished foreigners, 1 Kgs. 5: 9 — 14. His ex- ample, which was truly an illustrious one, was beyond question imitated by other kings. The literature of the Hebrews was lim- ited chiefly to ethicks, religion, the history of their nation, and nat- ural history ; on which last subject, Solomon wrote many treatises, no longer extant. The Hebrews made but little progress in sci- ence and literature after the time of Solomon. During their cap- tivity, it is true, they acquired many foreign notions, with which they had not been previously acquainted ; and they, subsequent- ly, borrowed much both of truth and of falsehood, from the phi- losophy of the Greeks. The author of the book of Wisdom, with some others of the Jewish writers, has made pretty good use of the Greek philosophy. It is clear, notwithstanding this, that the Jews after the captivity fell below their ancestors in respect to History ; as the published Annals of that period are not of a kin- dred character, with those of the primitive ages of their cotmtry. 14 106 § 99. HISTORY, GENEALOGY, AND CHRONOLOGY. § 99. History, Genealogy, and Chronology. That the art of historical writing was anciently much cultivated in the East, the Bible itself is an ample testimony; for it not only relates the prominent events, from the creation down to the fifth century before Christ, but speaks of many historical books, which have now perished ; and also of many monuments, erected in com- memoration of remarkable achievements and furnished with ap- propriate inscriptions. These monuments are denominated by va- rious names, as tl3i^, *^"^, '}i"l3T The Babj'lonians also, the As- syrians, the Persians, and Tynans had their Historical Annals. Among the Egyptians, there was a separate order, viz, the Priests, one part of whose duty it was, to write the history of their coun- try. In the primitive ages the task of composing annals fell in most nations upon the priests, but at a later period, the king had his own secretaries, whose special business it was to record the royal sayings and achievements. The prophets among the He- brews recorded the events of their own times, and, in the earliest periods, the genealogists interwove many historical events with their accounts of the succession of families. Indeed, it should not be forgotten, that ancient history generally partakes more of a genealogical, than a chronological character. Hence the Hebrew phrase for genealogies, n^^b^n "^?.D( is used also for history. Gen. 6: 9. 10: 1 ; and hence no Epoch., more ancient than that of Na- bonassar, is any where found. In the Bible, however, this defect, in regard to a regular chronological system, is in a manner com- pensated by the insertion in various places of definite periods of time, and by chronological genealogies. In giving a concise ac- count of the genealogy of a person, the Hebrews^ as well as the Arabs, took the liberty to omit, according to their own pleasure, one or more generations, Ruth 18: 22. Ezra 7: 1 — 5. Matt. 1:8. It was considered so much of an honour, to have a name and a place in these family Annals^ that the Hebrews, from their first exis- tence as a nation, had public genealogists, denominated LD''Tt:ittJ, Not only the Hebrews, but, if we may credit flerodotus and Diodorus Siculus, the Egyptians also, assigned a certain period to a generation. According to their estimation, three generations § 100. ARITHMETICK, JtfATHEMAtrCKS, ETC. 107 made an hundred years. In the time of Abraham, however, when men lived to a greater age, an hundred years made a generation. This is clear from Gen. 15: 13, 16, and from the circumstance, that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob dwelt two hundred and tifteen years in the land of Canaan, and yet there were only two generations. § 100. Arithmetick, Mathematicks, Astronomy, and Astrology, I. Arithmetick. The more simple methods of arithmetical cal- culation are spoken of in the Pentateuch, as if they were well known. The merchants of that early period must, for their own convenience, have been possessed of some method of operating by numbers. And that they were able to do it, to some consider- able extent, may be argued from the fact, that they had separate words, viz. na'^ and "31'^., for so large a number, as 10,000. II. Mathematicks. By this we understand Geometry, Mensura- tions, Navigation, &,c. As far as a knowledge of them was abso- lutely required by the condition and employments of the people, we may well suppose, that knowledge actually existed ; although no express mention is made of them. III. Astronomy. The interests of agriculture and navigation re- quired some knowledge of astronomy. An evidence, that an at- tempt was made at a very early period, to regulate the year by the annual revolution of the sun, may be found in the fact, that the Jewish months were divided into thirty days each, see Gen. 7: 11. 8: 4. In astronomy, the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Phe- nicians exhibited great superiority. We are informed, there were magicians or enchanters in Egypt, Exod. 7: 11. Lev. 20:27. 19:31, Deut. 18: 20, denominated in Hebrew D'^D^S^, because they com- puted eclipses of the sun and moon, and pretended to the people, that they produced them, by the efficacy of their own enchant- ments. Some of the constellations are mentioned by name, Job 9: 9. 38: 31, 32. Isa. 13: 10. Amos 5: 8. 2 Kgs. 23: 5. IV. Astrology. It is by no means a matter of wonder, that the Hebrews did not devote greater attention to astronomy, since the study o( astrology., which was intimately connected with that of as- tronomy, and was very highly estimated among the neighbouring nations, Isa. 47: 9. Jer. 27: 9. 50: 35. Dan. 2: 13, 48, was interdict- t, from three o'clock till day-break. The assertions of the Talmudists in opposition to this state- ment are not to be regarded. § 102. Of Weeks. A period of seven days, under the usual name of a week, y!ir'>y, is mentioned as far back as the time of the deluge, Gen. 7: 4, 10. 8: 10, 12, also Gen. 29: 27, 28. It must, therefore, be considered a very ancient division of time, especially, as the various nations, among whom it has been noticed, for instance the Nigri in Africa, (see Oldendorp's Gesch* der Mission I. 308.) appear to have re- ceived it from the sons of Noah. The enumeration of the days of the week commenced at Sunday. Saturday was the last or seventh, and was the Hebrew sabbath, or day of rest. The Egyp- tians gave to the days of the week the same names, that they assigned to the planets. From the circumstance, that the Sabbath was the principal day of the week, the whole period of seven days was likewise called nzp, Syriack Nna]p, in the New Testa- ment, aa^l^uTOv and gu/jj^utu The Jews, accordingly, in desig- nating the successive days of the week, were accustomed to say, the first day of the sabbath, i.e. of the week, the second day of the sabbath, viz. Sunday, Monday, fee. Mark 16 : 2, 9. Luke 24 : 1. John 20: 1,19. In addition to the week of days, the Jews had three other seasons, denominated weeks, Lev. 2S: 1 — 17. Deut. 16: 9—10. ^103. OF THE MONTHS, AND THE YEAR. Ill I. The •ayeefc of weeks. It was a period of seven weeks or forty ■ine days, which was succeeded on the fiftieth day by the feast of Pentecost, Greek nifrfHOGrr], fifty, Deut, 16: 9, 10. II. The week of years. This was a period of seven years, during- the last of which, the land remained untilled, and the people en- joyed a sabbath or season of rest. III. The week of seven sabbatical years. It was a period of forty nine years, and was succeeded by the year of Jubilee, Lev. 25: 1 — 22, 26: 34. § 103. Of the Months, and the Year. The lunar changes without doubt were first employed in the measurement of time. Weeks, however, were not, as some sup- pose, suggested by these changes, since four weeks make only twenty-eight days, while the lunar period is twenty-nine and a half. Nor is it rational to suppose, that the changes of the moon first suggested the method of computation by years. Years were regulated at first by the return of summer or autumn. But when in the progress of time, it was discovered, that the ripe fruits, by which the year had been previously limited, statedly returned af- ter about twelve lunar months, or three hundred and fifty-four days, the year was regulated by those months, and restricted to that number of days. In -the course of seventeen years, however, it was seen, that, on the return of the same month, all the appear- ances of nature were reversed. Hence, as is evident from the history of the deluge, an attempt was made to regulate the months by the motion of the sun, and to assign to each of them thirty days; but it was, nevertheless, observed, after ten or twen- ty years, that there was still a defect of five days. Moses did not make any new arrangement in regard to the lu- nar months of the Hebrews, nor the year, which was solar, but in order to secure a proper reduction of the lunar to the solar year, he obligated the priests, to present at the altar on the second day of the Passover, or the sixteenth day after the first new moon in April, a ripe sheaf. For if they saw on the last month of the year, that the grain would not be ripe, as expected, they were compelled to make an intercalation, which common'y happened on the third year. After their departure from Egypt, there existed among the ^ 112 § i03. OF THE MONTHS, AND THE YEAR, Hebrews two modes of reckoning the months of the year; the one civil, the other sacred. The beginning of the civil year was reckoned from the seventh month, or Tishri, i. e. the first new- moon in October. The commencement of the sacred year was reckoned from the month Nisan, or the first new-moon of April, because the Hebrews departed from Egypt on the fifteenth day of that month, Exod. 12:2. The prophets use this reckoning. The civil ye^r^ which was the more ancient, was used only in civil and agricultural concerns. The Jewish Rabbins say, that March and September, instead of April and October, were the initial months, of these two years. That they were so at a hite period is admit- ed, but the change was probably owing to the example of the Romans, who began their year with the month of March. The Jews, being pleased with their example in this respect, or over- ruled by their authority, adopted the same practice. That this is the most probable statement, is evident also from the fact, that the position of the Rabbins is opposed not only by Josephiis, but by the usage of the Syriack and Arabick languages ; from the fact also, that the prescribed observances of the three great festival days will not agree with the months of March and September, as has been shown by Michaelis, see Commentat. de Mensibus Heb- raeorum in rioc. R.eg. Cioett. 17G3 — 17G8, p 10 et seq, JV/ovi/As, n"'n"l"', sometimes also called d'^yiH, from the circum- stance of their commencing with the new moon, anciently had no separate names, with the exception of the Jirst, which was called Abib, i. e. ••' the month of the young ears of corn," Exod. 13: 4. 23: 15. 34: 18. Deut. 16: 1'. During the Captivity, the Hebrews adopted the Babylonian names for their months. They were as follows. I. 'JD"'3 — NisAN, reckoned from new-moon of April, Neh. 2: 1. II. T"; — ZiF or Ziv, also called "^^''i^, — of May, 1 Kgs. 6: 1 III. "jTp — SiVAN, of June, Est. 8: 9. IV. Iv^Ti — Tammuz, of July. V. nN — Ab, of August. VI. bn>N — Elul, of Sept. Neh. 6: 15. VII. ■^i;J:n — Tishri, also a^:n\Xn nn^ of Oct, 1 Kgs. 8: 2. VIII. ^ni: — BrL, also ^iu:inn7j" " of Nov. 1 Kgs. 6: 38. IX. l^iDlS — KiSLEV, * " of Dec. Neh. 1: 1. X. n;id — Tebeth, of Jan. Est. 2: 16. § 104. SURVEYING, THE MECHANICK ARTS, ETC. 113 XL til'i; — Shebat, of February, Zech. 1: 7. - • XII. mJt — Adar, of March, Est. 3:7. ** The first month here mentioned, Nisan, was originally called Abib. The intercalary month is denominated in Hebrew, "^^N. Note. The division of the year into six parts has already been mentioned, § 19. and need not be repeated here; but we cannot avoid saying a few words on a subject, connected with the present one, viz. the longevity of the antediluvians. Certain criticks have put their skill into requisition to convert the hundreds of their years into tens^ or into quarters of years, or into months, or into sum- mers and winters. Certainly they forget, that the orientals of the earliest period, as well as the modern Arabs, not only had a knowledge of the proper solar year, but divided it both into months, and into six periods of two months each. Clearly then, if the author of the first part of Genesis had meant to say, that the antediluvians lived so many months or other less periods of time, instead of so many years, he would have said so, in the terms commonly used to express those minor divisions. Besides, the attempt, to reduce the years of the antediluvians to months especially, will make them, in some instances, the fathers of chil- dren at five years of age. What some of the ancients say, in regard to a year much shorter, than the solar one, is, as Diodorus Sicu- lus expressly assures us, nothing more than a mere conjecture, originated, to account for the great number of years, which the Egyptians and other nations attributed to their ancestry. § 104. Surveying, the Mechanick Arts, and Geography. I. Measures of length are mentioned, Gen. 6: 15, 16. A knowl- edge of the method of measuring lands is implied in the account given. Gen. 47: 20 — 27. Mention is made, in the books of Job and Joshua, of a line or rope for the purpose of taking measurements, IJ^, ^Sri- It was brought by the Hebrews out of Egypt, where, according to the unanimous testimony of antiquity, surveying first had its origin, and, in consequence of the inundations of the Nile, was carried to the greatest height. It was here, as we may well conclude, that the Hebrews acquired so much knowledge of the principles of that science, as to enable them, with the aid of the 15 114 § 105. OF MEDICINE. measuring line abovementioned, to partition and set off geograph- ically the whole land of Canaan. The weights used in weighing solid bodies, Gen. 23: 15, 16, provided they were similar to each other in form, imply a knowledge of the rudiments of stereometry. II. The Alechanick arts. No express mention is made of the me- chanick arts ; but that a knowledge of them, notwithstanding, ex- isted, may be inferred from the erection of Noah's Ark, and the tower of Babel ; also from what is said of the Egyptian chariots, Gen. 41:43. 45:19.50:9. Exod. 14:6, 7; and from the instruments used by the Egyptians in irrigating their lands, Deut. 1 1: 10. It is implied in the mention of these, and subsequently of many other instruments, that other instruments still, not expressly named, but which were of course necessary for the formation of those which are named, were in existence. III. Geography. Geographical notices occur so frequently in the Bible, that it is not necessary to say much on this point, see Gen. 10: 1—30. 12: 4—15. 14: 1—16. 28: 2—9. 49: 13, &z.c. Per- haps, however, it deserv'es to be repeated, that, in the time of Joshua, the whole of Palestine was subjected to a geographical division. Josh. 18: 9. It is evident then, from their geographical knowledge, as well as from other circumstances already mention- ed, that there must have existed among the Hebrews, the rudi- ments, if nothing more, of mathematical science. § 105. Of Medicine. At Babylon the sick, when they were first attacked with a dis- ease, were left in the streets, for the purpose of learning from those, who might pass them, what practices, or what medicines had been of assistance to i/ie/n, when atflicled with a similar disease. This was perhaps done also in other countries. The Egyptians carried their sick into the temples of Sera pis ; the Greeks carried theirs into those of Esculapius. In both of these temples, there were preserved written receipts of the means by which vari- ous cures had been effected. With the aid of these recorded remedies, the art of healing assumed in the progress of time the aspect of a science. It assumed such a form, first, in Egypt, and^ at a much more recent period, in Greece ; but it was not long be- fore those of the former were surpassed in excelleuce by the phy- § 105. OF MEDICINE. 115 sicians of the latter country. That the Egyptians, however, had no little skill in medicine, may be gathered from what is said in the Pentateuch, respecting the marks of leprosy. That some of the medical prescriptions should fail of bringing the expected re- lief is nothing strange, since Pliny himself mentions some, which are far from producing the effects, he ascribes to them. Physicians, t3''4, a lo^, the twelfth part of a Hin. IX. n-\^C, p/t«ra. The connexion in Isa. 63: 2, requires this word to be rendered winevat^ but in Hag. 2: 16, it appears to be the name of an unknown Persian measure. X. Afoii]g^ the Roman sextarius^ containing the fortyeighth part of an Amphora. XI. Modbog^ the Roman bushel, used for dry articles, contain- taining a peck in English measure. XII. 3IfTQi]Tijg, a Greek measure, a third part larger than the Roman Amphora, being a Roman foot and a half in length, breadth and height. § 11 5. Of Weights and Money. In oriental countries, as far back as the time of Abraham, the value of goods was estimated at a certain quantity of silver, the puri- ty of which was taken into account by the merchant, Gen. 23: 16. But there is no trace of stamped silver or coin, previous to the Captivity. Nor indeed was it at that early period divided into pieces of a certain size. It was commonly weighed out in bal- ances., D^:"i or L-^1 rlO a king ; a word, which was ap- plied to the coin in question in order to signify, that it was stamp- ed by the royal authorit}', and to distinguish it from any coin, that might he stamped and put in circulation by private merchants. The impression on this coin exhibits on one side of it the repre- sentation of a king; on the reverse an archer, holding in his left hand a bow and in his right hand an arrow, and having upon his head an acuminated tiara. Suidas, the scholiast of Aristophanes, cuxXtjq, V. 598, and Harpocration represent the Darick as equal in weight to twenty drachms. [" According to Dr. Bernard, the Darick weighed two grains more than the English guinea ; but as it was very fine and contained little alloy, it may be reckoned worth about twenty five shillings English money," Ree's Cyclo- paed. Art. Darick.] A coin, very much in circulation among the Greeks, was the Stater, GTaTi]Q, Matt. 17: 26, equal in weight to the shekel of the Hebrews. It was otherwise called Tetradrachraon, T^TQudQayjAOv, because it weighed four drachms ; it amounted to two shillings, .seven pence English. This coin exhibits on one side the head of § 117. WEIGHTS AND MONEY. 129 Minerra, and on the reverse, an owl together with a short in- scription. It appears, therefore, from the above, that a Drachma, dQa)[iAi]^ was the fourth part of the Stater. It was, however, of different value in different places ; the Alexandrian, for instance, be- ing of double the amount of the Grecian. The drachma, although it was in real value about a seventh part more was, nevertheless, considered, in common mercantile exchange, as equal to the Ro- man denarius, i. e. seven pence two farthings English. This coin exhibited on one side the Koman goddess of victory, and on the reverse a chariot drawn by four horses. At a recent period the reverse exhibited the head of Caesar, Matt. 22: 19. The Jewish prince, Simon, 1 Mace. 15: 16, struck off a curren- cy under the denomination of shekels, which weighed a stater each, or, according to F. Mersenne's estimate, two hundred and sixty eight grains. The value of this shekel in English money was two shillings, three pence and three farthings. When it was coined in gold, its value was£l: 16s. 6d. Of those Shekels which remain, those only are considered genuine, which have in- scriptions upon them in the Samnritan character. Some, that have such inscriptions, may have been struck off at comparatively a recent period in imitation of those, that were really ancient. The inscriptions on them are various. The Roman as, aooaQiov, weighed nine pennyweights and three grains ; its value was three farthings and one tenth. It was a brass coin and anciently exhibited on one side a figure of Janus, but latterly the head of Caesar. The representation on the re- verse was the stern of a ship. Matt. 10: 29. Luke 12: 6. A quar- ter part of an as was called quadrans, Kodgavrtig. The Greek coin, called Aenrov, was of very small value, being the fourth part of a quadrans. Matt. 5: 26. Mark 12: 42. The weight, denominated Anga, varied in different countries Many kinds of Merchandize were sold according to the litra of the particular country, from which they were brought. Its amount, therefore, cannot be stated, John 12: 3. 19: 39. Note. — It ought to be remarked, that silver and gold ancient- ly were more scarce than at present, and consequently of greater value. Its value in the fourth century before Christ was to its value in England in the year 1130, as ten to one. So that 17 130 § 117. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. four huodred and forty grains of silver would purchase as much at the [astjnentioned pei'iod, as four thousand four hundred would at the first^ Note. — [The translator has thought it best, in a number of the last sections, to substitute the English modes of reckoning weights and measures, &c. instead of the German and Parisian, which are so frequently referred to by Dr Jahn. This, which he was bound to do in justice to the English reader, will account for the peculiar aspect, which the translation wears, in the sections mentioned, in comparison with the original. The following ta- bles, which are not in the original, are taken from the third volume of Home's Introduction to the Scriptures, App. p, 59. We are there informed, that they are extracted chiefly from Dr. Arbuthnot''s "Tables of ancient Qoins, Weights, and Measures."] TABLES OF WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MONEY, MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE. 1. Jewish weights reduced to English troy weight. The gerab, one-twentieth of a shekel Bekah, half a shekel The shekel The maneh, 60 shekels The talent, 50 manehs or 3000 shekels Jbs. 0 oz. 0 pen. 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 2 6 0 0 125 0 0 0 2. Scripture measures of length reduced to English measure. Eng. feet. inch. A digit 0 0-912 4 I A palm 0 3'648 ~T2 I 3 I A span 0 10-944 24 I 6 I 37 A cubit 1 9-888 96 I 24 I 6 I 2 I A fathom .7 3-552 144 I 36 I 12 I 6 I 1^1 Ezekiel's reed .... 10 11-328 192 I 4H] i6~j W] 2 ! 1-3 i An Arabian pole . . 14 7-104 1920 I 480 I 160 I aO j 20 j 13-3 | 10 | A schoeous or meas. line 145 11-04 §117. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 131 3. The long Scripture measures. A cubit 400 I A stadium or furlong 2000 I 5 I A sabbath day's journey "4000 I 10 ; ITj An eastern mile 1-2000 I 30 I 6\ 3 I A parasang 96000 I 240 I 48 I 24 I 8 I A day's journey Eng.tniles. paces, feet 0 0 0 1 4 33 0 145 729 403 153 172 1-824 4-6 3 0 1-0 30 4-0 4. Scripture measures of capacity for liquids.) reduced to English wine measure. Gal. A. caph 0 1-3 1 A log 0 pints, 0-625 0-833 5-3 1 4 1 A cab 0 3-333 16 1 12 1 3| A bin 1 32 1 24 1 6 1 2 1 A seah 2 2 4 96 ! 72 1 18 1 6 1 T 1 A bath or ephah .... 7 4 960 1 720 1 180 ! 60 | 20 | 10 | A kor or choros,chomeror homer 75 5 . 5. Scripture measures of capacity for things dry, reduced to English corn measure. k gachal 20 1 A cab Pecks. 0 0 An oraer or gomer ..... 0 gal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . pints. 0-1416 2-8333 36 1 1-8 5-1 120 1 6 1 3-3 1 A scab ,1 1 360 1 18 1800 1 90 10 i 3 1 An ephah .... 3 50 1 15 1 5 1 A ietech .... 16 3 0 3600 1 180 1 100 1 30 1 10 1 2 1 A chomer, homer, or kor 32 1 A gerah 6. Jewish money reduced to the English standard. bekah ~2] A shekel 1200 I 120 I 50 I A maneh, or mina Hebraica 60000 I 6000 I 3000 I 60 I A talent . 10 I A bekah 20 I A solidus aureus, or sextu'a, was worth . A siclus aureus, or gold shekel, was worth A talent of gold was worth .... In the preceding table, silver is valued at 5.'. and gold at £4 per ounce. £ s. d. 0 0 1-2687 0 1 1-6875 0 2 3-375 5 14 0-75 342 3 9 0 12 0-5 1 16 6 5475 0 0 132 § 118. MATERIALS OF CLOTH. 7* Roman money^ mentioned in the New Testament^ reduced to the English standard. A mite, {Aitttov ov Aoguqiov) . ... A farthing {Aodgavrfjg) about .... A penny or denarius {ArivaQiov) A pound or mina ...... £ s. d. far. 0 0 0 Of 0 0 0 H 0 0 7 2 3 2 6 0 CHAPTER VIII. ON CLOTHING. § 1 1 8. Materials of which clothes were made. Our first parents in the first instance protected themselves with the leaves of the fig-tree ; afterwards, with the skins of ani- mals. Subsequently some method, as we may suppose, was dis- covered for matting- together the hair of animals and making a sort of felt cloth. Later still the art of weaving was introduced, and a web was formed by combining the hair of animals with threads drawn from wool, cotton, or flax. At any rate the art of manufacturing cloths by spinning and weaving is of very great an- tiquity. Gen. 14: 23. 31: 18—19. 37: 3. 38; 28. 41: 42. 45: 22. Job 7: 6. 31: 20. The Egyptians were very celebrated for such man- ufactures. The Israelites, while living among them, learnt the art, and even excelled their teachers, 1 Chron. 4: 21. While wandering in the Arabian wilderness, they prepared the materi- als for covering the tabernacle, and wrought some of them with embroidery. Cotton cloth was esteemed most valuable, next to that, woollen and linen. That, which was manufactured from the hair of animals, was esteemed of least value. Of silk there is no mention made at a very early period, unless perchance it be in Ezeki^l 16: 10, 13, under the word ""ipa. This, however, is § 119. COLOURS OF CLOTHS. 133 clear, that Alexander found silks in Persia, and it is more than probable, that the Median dress, which we find was adopted by the Persians under Cyrus, was silk. Silk was not introduced among- the nations of Europe, till a late period. § 119. CoLouKs OF Cloths. White was esteemed the most appropriate colour for cotton cloth, and purple for the others. On festival days the rich and powerful robed themselves in white cotton, which was consider- ed the most splendid dress. It ivas denominated in the earlier Hebrew by the synonymous words 113*23 and "ir, and after the cap- tivity by another synonym, viz. Via, the Greek (3vaaog. The ful- lers, B'^DziD, had discovered the art, a singular one, it is true, of communicating a very splendid white to cloth by the aid of alkali and urine. Hence, lest their shops should communicate a fetid- ness to the atmosphere, where it might be of injury, they lived out of the city, Isa. 7: 3. Cotton cloth coloured purple was de- nominated in Hebrew, 'j?2.>;'lJ< and i-!'2!i'-i and in Chaldaick T'l-'^^N. It was coloured by the blood taken from a vein in the throat of a certain shell-fish. This colour was very highly esteemed, seem- ed to be a medium hue between brown and pure red, and was very bright; it was essentially the same with the celebrated Tyrian purple. Kings and princes were clothed with this purple, Luke 16: 19. Rev. 18: 12. The scarlet colour so called, first mentioned in Gen. 38: 28, and occurring frequently afterwards was very much admired. It was a different colour from the shell-fish purple, and was extract- ed from the insects or their egg«, found on a species of oak ; and thence in Hebrew it is called nybin, which means a worm or in- sect. The cotton cloth was dipped into this colour twice ; hence the application of the Hebrew word' ""JUJ and "^y:^ n^'bin, t-wice- dyed. This colour is sometimes called ^"iTSlD, 2 Chron. 2: 14. 3: 14, from the Persian word bN72n3, which is the origin of the French word, carinoisin. The hyacinth or dark blue colour^ ^^.'^.'^i ^^s extracted from the cuttle-fish, which bears in Hebrew the same name with the colour itself, and was highly esteemed, especially among the As- syrians, Ezek. to: 6. 134 § 120. THE TUNICK. Black colour was used for common wear, and particularly on occasions of mourning. Party-coloured cloths, D'DS ri:ii3, were highly esteemed, Gen. 37: 3, 23. 2 Sam. 13: 18. As far back as the time of Moses we find, that cloths were em- broidered, sometimes with the coloured threads of cotton and linen, and sometimes with threads of gold. When the work was em- broidered on both sides, the Hebrew word for fabricks of that kind appears in the dual form, viz. d'^nT:^'^. Some of the pas- sages in relation to embroiderers and eajbroidery are as follows, Exod. 25: 36, 35: 35. Jud. 5: 30. Ps. 45: 9. Ezek. 16: 10. What the nature of that garment was, which is interdicted to the Hebrews in Lev. 19: 19, and Deut. 22: 11, is uncertain. It is said to be a mixed garment of wool and linen, but that does not decide the point. Josephus says, an opinion prevailed in his time, that the garments in question were embroidered ones, which be- longed to the priests, but the fact is, the law was universal, and in- terdicted them not only to priests, but to all others. Perhaps the warp was of wool and the woof of linen, a common mode of man- ufacturing in the East even to this day according to the testimony of Aryda. The garments may have been interdicted to the He- brews on account of their being so common a dress among the heathen. § 1 20. The Tunick. This was the most simple, and, as we may conjecture from that circumstance, the most ancient garment. It is a common ar- ticle of dress in the East to this day, and is called in Arabick Mihram, CDN^HN. It was a piece of cloth, commonly linen, which encircled the whole body, was hour i with a girdle, and descend- ed to the knees. It occurs in the Bible first, under the Hebrew word np,n3, afterrn'ards, under the word tTni:in, which usually means a girdle. Those, who are clothed with a tunick merely, are sometimes said to be naked, Job 24: 7, 10. Isa. 20: 2 — 4. Mic. 1: 8. John 21:7. As the fore-part of the tunick was liable to be elevated with the wind, the wearer had on also an under garment called in Hebrew ti-;0:3tt, which in the time of Moses reached only from the loins to the knees, Exod 28: 42 ; but in progress of § 121. THE GIRDLE. 135 lime it was extended down to the ankle?. Moses in Exod. 28: 42 commands the priests to wear under g-arments of this description, on account of their convenience in performing- the sacritices. Hence it may be inferred, that they were not used by the people generally, which is found to be the state of the case at this day in various countries of the East. If Strabo in page 734 means to say, that the Persians wore three pair of them, he certainly speaks of a recent period in their history. Mention is made of an upper pair of this garment in Dan. 3: 21, called in Hebrew bz'^D, in Persian 'nitVpp, schalvary in Syriack n';:3T*:, in Arabick i'"'TNni!3. The orientals, whether clad in the garment in ques- tion or not, when they find it necessary to emit urine, seek an ob- scure place and in a sitting posture discharge themselves upon the earth ; with this exception, that the meanest and lowest of the populace defile the walls. Hence the peculiar, proverbial ex- pressions, which occur in 1 Sam. 25: 22, 34, &c, are to be consid- ered, as denoting the very lowest class of people. The tunick, which at first only covered the body, was extended afterwards up round the neck, was supplied with short sleeves, and eventually with long ones, covering the whole arm. At first it set close" to the body, was afterwards made loose and flowing. The Babylo- nians, Egyptians, and Persians were clad with another tunick ex- ternally to the one described, and commonly more precious, which we learn was worn also by the Jews, Matt. 10: 10. Luke 9: 3. § 121. The Girdle, ^i:in. The tunick, when it was not girded, impeded the person, who wore it in walking. Those, consequently, who perhaps at home were ungirded, went forth girded, 2 Kgs. 4:29. 9: 1. Isa.5: 27. Jer. 1; 17. John 21:7. Acts 12:8. There were formerly and are to this day two sorts of girdles in Asia ; the one, a common one of leather, six inches broad and furnished with clasps, with which it is fasten- ed round the body, Cmpij dtginaTivt], 2 Kgs. 1; 8. Matt. 3: 4. Mark 1:6; the other, a valuable one of cotton or flax, and sometimes indeed of silk or some embroidered fabrick, a hand's breadth broad, and supplied likewise with clasps, by which it was fastened over the fore-part of the body, Jer. 13: 1. The girdle was bound round the loins, whence the expressions, " The girdle of the loins, and 136 § 122. OF UPPER GARMENTS. gird up your loins," 1 Kg-s. 18: 46. Prov. 21: 17. Isa. 11:5. Jer. 1: 17. The girdle, worn by females, was sometimes ornamented with bosses ; they wore stomachers also for ornament, Hebrew, ^"^■^ns. The Arabians carry a knife or poniard in the girdle. This was the custom likewise among the Hebrews, 2 Sam. 20: 8 — 10 ; a fact, which admits of confirmation from the ruins of Perse- polis. The girdle also answered the purpose of a pouch, to car- ry money and other necessary things, 1 Sam. 25: 13. 2 Sam. 18:11. Matt. 10:9, Mark G: 8. §122. Of Upper Garments. The garment immediately over the tunick was denominated inr^ip, also 1^2, Greek ifiartov; it was very simple, and of course we may suppose very ancient. It was a piece of cloth nearly square, of different sizes, five or six cubits long and five or six feet broad, and was wrapped round the body. When the weather was serene, it was more conveniently worn over the shoulders than by being wrapped round the body. The two corners, which were drawn over the shoulders, were called the skirls, or as it is in the Hebrew, the wings of the garment, Hagg. 2:12. Zech. 8: 23. Frequently this garment was hung over the left shoulder, where it accordingly hung lengthwise, partly over the back and partly over the breast, and was fastened by the two corners under the right cheek. While it answered the purposes of a cloak, it was so large, that burdens, if necessary, might be carried in it, Exod. 12: 34. 2 Kgs, 4: 39. The poor wrapped them- selves up wholly in this garment at night, spread their leathern girdle upon a rock and rested their head upon it, as is customary to this day in Asia. Moses, therefore, enacted as a law what had before existed as a custom, that the upper garment, when given as a pledge, should -not be retained over night, Job 22 : 6. 24:. 7. Exod. 22 : 25, 28. Deut. 24 : 13. In the time of Christ the creditors did not take the upper garment or cloak, which it was not lawful for them to retain, but the coat or tunick, which agrees with the representation of .Jesus in Matt. 5: 40, There having occurred an instance of the violation of the sabbath. Num. 15: 32— 41, Moses enacted a law, that there should be a fringe upon the four corners of this garment together with a blue rib- baud, to remind the people of his statutes. Matt. 9: 20. Luke 8: 44, § 122. OF UPPER GARMENTS. 137 There were other upper garments worn among the Hebrews as follows, I. b''i"3, Meil, a garment of cotton, which extended below the knees, open at the top so as to be drawn over the head, and hav- ing holes for the insertion of the arms, II. ^^DN, Ephod. It consisted of two parts, the one of which was suspended over the back, the other over the fore part of the body, both pieces being united by a clasp or buckle on the should- ers. In the time of Josephus the Ephod had sleeves, a circum- stance, which is not mentioned by Moses, Exod. 28: 6, 7. Antiq. Bk. III. ch. 7. 5. According to the Mosaic law the Ephod and Meil were appropriately garments of the high priest^ but we learn that they were sometimes worn by other illustrious men, Job 29: 14. 1 Sam. 18: 4. 2 Sam. 6: 14. Ezek. 26: 16. We mav infer from 2 Sam. 6: 14. and 1 Chron, 15: 27. that irTiONand y:i3 byTJ, [ren- » dered in the English version, a fine linen robe, and a linen Ephod^l were convertible expressions for the same thing, still there is no doubt, that there were two kinds of Ephods. III. "ii'^iss, A HAT OR TURBAN, as may be seen to this day on the ruins of Persepolis. Garments of fur appear to have been used in the East, although the climate was warm. We undoubtedly hear of them under the word, n'l'iN. The phrase, iyii5 n~\T:i<, means a garment of hair, worn commonly by poor people and prophets, 2Kgs. 1:8. 2:8. 13:14. Zech. 13: 4. Heb. 11:37. There were certain garments of hair, which were precious and were worn by the rich, and princes. Josh. 7: 21, 24. 1 Kgs. 19: 13, 19. Jonah 3: 6. The words "j'^'iD and aivdwv, though the same, signified differ- ent things; y\o was a precious tunick of cotton, Jud. 14: 12, 13, 19. Prov. 31: 24. Isa. 3: 23, but oivdwv was a sort of coverlet, un- der which the people slept at night, Mark 14: 51, 52. 15: 46. Luke 23: 53. Xlufivg is the name of a robe, common among the Greeks, which extended down to the knees, and was fastened over the breast, but the jfAaMt? xoxxivrj^ which is mentioned Matt. 27: 28, and Mark 15: 17, called in common speech noQqvQa or the pur- ple, was a red robe of the Roman military nearly of the same length with the Greek robe. The word )[laf.tvq is not to be collat- ed in this case with the Heb. ni^a, for the n!:Dr) "''5"'^^ mentioned in Ezek. 27: 24, were not Grecian robes, but blue cloths, brought from Arabia. The cloak, mentioned 2 Tim. 4 : 13, in Greek qcfAo- 18 138 § 123. SANDALS AND SHOES. vtjQ or q^civohjg, was a Roman garment, meant for protection against the rain, and to be worn on journies. It was closed throughout except an open neck, by which it was admitted over the head and supported on the shoulders. § 123. Sandals and Shof.s. At first in order to prevent the feet from being cut by sharp rocks, or burnt by the hot sand, or injured by pinching cold, small pieces of wood or leather were bound to the bottom of the feet. Sandals of this kind are still seen in the east; afterwards shoes were made, and greaves, as may be seen on the ruins of Persepo- lis, and as is related by Strabo. Originally no covering of the foot was used at all, but sandals, D'^b?3, Gui>da).iu^ VTCodrjfiura; which were bound round the feet with leather thongs, 'Tjinip, (fiag, Ifiav- Tfs, Gen. 14: 23. Exod. 12: 11. Isa. 5: 27. Judith 10: 4. Matt. 3: II. 10:10. Mark 1 : 7. 6:9. .John 1:27. These sandals were held at a very low price, Amos 2: 6. 8: 6. Matrons sometimes wore elegant ones, Judith 10 : 3. 16: 11. How precious the sandal was, mentioned in Ezek. 16: 10, of badger's skin, is not clear. The people put off their sandals, when they entered a house, and put them on when they left it. Whence the phrases, to loose owe's sandals off from his feet ^ &c. Exod. 3: 5. Dent. 25: 9. Isa. 20:4. Ruth 4: 7, 8. Ezek. 24: 7. To loose and to bind on sandals was the business of the lowest servants. Disciples performed this of- fice, however, lor their teachers ; but the Rabbins advised them not to d-1 it before strangers, lest they should be mistaken for ser- vants. The business of a servant recently purchased was to loose and carry about his master's sandals; whence the expressions ill Mark 1:7, and Mat. 3: 1 1, to "loose one's shoes, and to bear them" are proverbial, .and mean the same thing. As the wearers did not have on stockings, their feet became dusty and soiled; according- ly when they had laid aside their sandals and entered a house, they washed their feet; which also was the office of the lowest servants. In some instances where the guests were very distinguished men, the master of the family performed this office. The poor some- times went barefoot; the more rich and honoured never, except in case of mourning, 2 Sara. 15: 30. Jer. 2: 25. In contracts the sel- ler gave his sandals to the buyer in confirmation of the bargain. § 125. OF HAIR, 139 Hence, '•'" Aman whhout sandals^'''' became proverbial expressions, implying the reproach of prodigality, Deut. 25: 9. Ruth 4:7. § 124. The Bearp. ^pj. The beard was considered a great ornament among the He- brews, as it is to this day, among oriental nations. No one was allowed to touch it except for the purpose of |:issing it. To pluck or to shave the beard, or to mar it any way, was consider- ed a great disgrace, 1 Chron. 19: 3 — 5. 2 Sam. 10: 4 — 10. Hence the beard is used tropically for the distinguished men of any peo- ple, and the shaving of the beard was considered a mark, and us- ed tropically, as a representation of servitude, Isa. 7: 20. The beard was preserved in different ways by different people, 2 Sam. 19: 24. The Hebrews alone were forbidden to shave the beard, i. e. as the phrase is to be interpreted, to round the corners of the beard where it joins the hair of the head. Lev. 19: 27; because the Arabian tribes by shaving off or rather rounding the beard, where it connects with the hair of the head, devoted themselves to a certain deity, who held the place among them^ that Bacchus did among the Greeks, Herod. 111. 8. Jer. 9 : 26. 25: 23. 49: 32. To pull out or cut off the beard was an indication of great grief, and mourning ; every ornament whatever at such a time being laid aside. This, however, must be done by the person himself. If a stran- ger should undertake to pull out his beard, it would be the greatest insult. § 125. Of Hair. '■^'J^. Anciently the Egyptians alone, and some of the Arabians were m the habit of shaving their beards ; the Hebrews and other nations let them grow. Sometimes indeed they applied the razor, with the exception of the Nazariies, to whom shaving was absolutely interdicted, Num. 6:5. Jud.l3:7. 16:17. 1 Sam. 1 : 1 1. 2 Sam. 14:26. Isa. 7: 20. Ezek. 5: 1. Baldness was a source of contempt, 2 Kgs. 23 ; a heavy head of hair was esteemed a great ornament, 2 Sam. 14: 26. Cant. 5: 11; the hair was combed and set in order, Isa. 3: 24, and anointed, especially on festival occasions, Ps. 23: 5. 92:10.133:2. 2 Sam. 14: 2. Ruth 3:3. Prov.21:17. The oint- ment used, was the very precious oil of olives, mixed with spices, 140 § 126, COVERINGS FOR THE HEAD. particularly spikenard, which was brought from India, but was commonly adulterated. The spikenard, mentioned, Mark 14: 3, vui)dti :iiarix/?, seems to have been pure. The colour of the hair of the people of the East, is commonly black, rarely red, which was esteemed a favourite colour. Females, as is commonly the case, let the hair grow long, Luke 7. 36. 1 Cor. 11.6 — 12, and braided it, Num. 5: 18. Judith 10: 3, 1 Peter 3: 3; which is clear also from the Talmud. They interwove into their hair gems and gold, 2 Kgs. 9: 30. § 126. Coverings for the Head. At first the hair of "the head was its only covering. To pre- vent its being dishevelled by the wind, it was at length bound round the head by a tillet, as is now customary among the servants in the East, and as may be seen on the ruins of Persepolis. Sub- sequently a piece of cloth was worn upon the head, which was afterwards converted into mitres of different forms. There were two kmds of mitres among the ancients ; the one mentioned in Esther 8: 13, of fine linen, purple in colour, and enriched with gold ; the other resembled a triangle in form, being pointed at the top, though not always made in the same way ; it is denomin- ated in Dan. 3:21, Nb2"}5 and in the Greek yivQ^aai^g and yiVQ- ^aaiu. Jose[)hus speaks of a piece of cloth, which was rolled round the head exterior to the mitre, Antiq. Bk. III. ch. 7. §3. and 7; but of this article of head-dress it is not clear, that there is any express mention made in Scripture. We must suppose, therefore, it was introduced at a late period, certainly after the Captivity. The Hebrew word P)"i:ii: was applied to the mitres in common use worn by both sexes; t!ie word ^1^2^73 to the mitres of priests, which were of greater height, Exod. 2^: -10. 29: 9. 39: 28. The mitre of the high priest, called nSDi2X3 was distinguished from that of the priests by a plate of gold bound in front of it. The mitres worn by princes and illustrious men, were the same with those of the priests and the high priests, Exod. 28: 4, 37. 29: 6. 39: 31. Lev. 8: 9. 16:4. In the progress of time new and more elegant head- dresses, called IND, wftr-Q introduced, and were common to both sexes. The phrase nnNSn nn";p:£ and the word niy';s:£ mean a head dress or turban of much splendour ; the words -\T3 and JT^13? § 127. OF THE VEIL. 141 mean a diadem, and not a mitre. Both men and women, as is now common in the East, remained with their heads covered both at prayers and in the temple. § 127. Of the Veil. The difference between the dress of the men and the women was small. It consisted chiefly in the fineness of the materials and in the length of the garment. The dress of the hair in the two sexes was different, as already observed, and another mark of distinction was, that the women wore a veil. This distinction of dress, small as it was, was the ground of the command, pro- hibiting the assumption by one sex of the dress, which was appro- priate to the other, Deut. 22: 5. All females, excepting maid- servants and others in a low condition in life, wore the veil, nor did they ever lay it aside, except in the presence of servants and those relations, with whom nuptials were interdicted. Lev. 18 ch. comp. Koran 24: 34: 33: 54. This custom in regard to the veil still prevails in the East. When journeying, the ladies threw the veil over the hinder part of the head, but if they saw a man ap- proaching they restored it to its original position. Gen. 24: 65. When at home they did not speak with a guest, without being veiled and in the presence of maids. They never entered the guest's chamber, but standing at the door, made known to the ser- vant what they wante'd, 2 Kgs. 4: 13. This is observed to be the case in Homer. It scarcely needs to be observed, that prostitutes went unveiled. Tamar, who was one of that class, assumed a veil merely for the purpose of concealing herself from her father in law, Judah. The position, which some maintain from Gen. 20: 16. viz. that virgins did not wear the veil, is not clear from that passage and is the less so, when the fact is taken into considera- tion, that the custom of modern orientals is an evidence, that they did. In Asia there are various kinds of veils in use, which cor- respond with those mentioned in the Bible. Like the matrons of the East at the present day, those of antiquity used veils of four kinds. I. T^*!")- It somewhat resembled the hood of the French coun- try women, covering the top of the head and extending down be- hind the back, Cant. 5: 7. Isa. 3: 23. 142 § 128. STAFF, SEAL, AND RINGS. II. !17=3^. This covered the breast, neck, and chin to the nose, Cant. 4: 1^3. 6: 7. Isa. 47:2. III. intm. It hung down from the eyes over the fiice, [called in the English version mufl^ers.] Isa. 3: 19. IV. The fourth kind of veil rf'ceived differpnt names, viz. Jl5i2i;0 for the fashion of the winter, and rrrStD'O for that of the summer. It covered the whole body fron» the top of the head to the sole of the foot, Isa. 3:22. Ruth 3: 15. Gen. 38: 14. V. fl'^yii, or the double veil, in as much as it fultilied the otKce of two other veils, covering both the top of the head and the countenance. It was so large, that in many countries the matrons who wore it dispensed with any other. VI. D"D"^^"^, a thin gauze-like fabrick, [denominated in the English version a caul,] which was used as a veil, comp. the cor- responding Arabick. The phrase, D'',:"'^ n^D3, Gen. 20: 16. prob- ably does not mean a veil ; perhaps the reading as Michaelis con- jectures, should be D'';"'^; mos, that is, the fine or punishment of the eyes, viz. of Abimelech. W hat sort of a veil it is, called in the Greek of the New Test, i'iaaiu em rijg y.f(fot.hig^ iS uot known. § 123. Staff, Skal, and Ri.vgs. The Hebrews bore a staff, rrn^. bjv.'O, he. not only the traveller, as a help to him on bis journoj', but others also, who, Lke the Baby- lonians, must necessarily have carried one merely for ornament, and not lor any positive benefit, Exod. 12:11. Gen. 38: 18, 25. The Hebrews wore also in imitation of the Babylonians a seal or signet, cnin, which was suspended from the neck over the breast, Gen. 38: 18. Cant. 8: 6. Hag. 2 : 23. Sometimes merely the name of the owner, and sometimes an additional sentence was engraved upon the signet. If a door or box was to be sealed, it was first fastened with some ligament, over which was placed some clay or wax, which then received an impression from the seal or signet. Frequently a ring, with some inscription upon it, was used as a seal, by a delivery or transfer of which, from a mon- arch, the highest officers of the kingdom were created. Gen. 41: 42. Est.3:10, 12. 8:2. Jer.22:24. Dan. 6: 10. 13:17. Rings from the circumstance of their being employed at the same time as seals, were called niyzD, which is derived from a verb, signify- § 135. NECKLACES, BRACELETS, ETC. 143 ing to imprint, and also to seal ; they were worn commonly as an ornament on a tinger of the right hand, Is. 22:24. Exod. 35: 22. Luke 15: 22. James 2:2. § 129. Ladies' Rings and Pendants, niysD, Q'^OTo The ladies wore a number of rings upon their ting-ers, also pendants in the ear and nose, Gen. 24: 22. Exod. 32: 2, 3. 35: 22. Isa. 3: 21. Ezek. 16: 12. The rings were made of silver, gold, or other metal according to the person's property ; the pendants also, which sometimes, however, consisted of pearls merely, suspended by a thread. When the pendants were of gold, they were denom- inated T»!i3i when of precious stones, niD'a:, Num. 31 : 50. Ezek, 16: 12. Ear pendants maj' be seen sculptured out on the ruins of Persepolis, for they were worn by men as well as women, among other nations. But this was not often the case among the He- brews, Pliny II. 50. Jud. 8 : 24. The women also wore rings of silver and gold and other materials around the ankles, Hebrew D"^a35>. The rings of the two ankles were sometimes connected Willi each other by a chain, called rmy:i; perhaps the chain was comprehended also under the name above given for the rings, Isa. 3:13. § 130. Necklaces, Bracelets, etc. The dress of the ladies in the East was always expensive. Gen. 24:22,23,53. Num. 31:50. Isa.3:16— 26. Ezek. 16; 10. et seq. They wear at the present day, as formerly, not only rings and pendants, but necklaces, bracelets, &c. These ornaments were worn also in some cases by distinguished men., as a present from the monarch, as may be seen on the Persepolitan figures, Gen. 41: 42. Prov.3:3,22. 6:21. Cant. 1:11. Dan. 5: 7. Necklaces and bracelets were made, sometimes of silver and gold, sometimes of a series of jewels, sometimes of coral, a''2"';2, Num. 31: 50. Exo.l. 35: 22. Three necklaces were commonly worn, one reach- ing lower thnn the other; from the one, that was suspended to the waist, there was hung a bottle of perfume, filled with amber and musk, called in Isa. 3: 20. •:j'DZ "'nn. Hulf-moons also of silver and gold were suspended in this way, as may be inferred from the 144 ^ 133. ruRSF, and nafkin. 5 o >* word d'';hlriil5 itself, comp. /•• Q **^- With these the Arabians ornamented the necks of their cannels, Isa. 3: 18. Jud. 8: 21, 26. § 131. Amulets. m'£t2"iD. The orientals from the earliest ages have believed in the in- fluence of the stars, in incantations, and other magick arts. To defend themselves against them, they wore amulets, which con- sisted of precious stones, gems, gold, and sometimes of pieces of parchment, written over with some inscription. The small gold effigies of serpents, D"'"*jrib, which the Hebrew women carried about in their hands were amulets, and like the others, while they served to keep off incantations, served none the less for ornament, Isa. 3: 20. §132. Mirrors, nij^'nw, ■*}<> Mirrors were made of molten brass polished ; hence they were called i3"'D'i'^!:a or shijiing. In Job 37: 18, the heavens are compared to a molten mirror. The ladies carried their mirrors in their hands. Their chambers were not ornamented with them, but the chamber doors latterly were made of a polished stone, in which objects might be obscurely seen, 1 Cor. 13: 12. § 133. Purse and Napkin. A man's girdle fultilled for him all the purposes of a purse. The purse of a lady, which was made of solid metal, sometimes of pure gold, and fashioned like a cone with a border of rich cloth at the top, was suspended from the girdle which she wore ; these purses were called in Hebrew C'ti'^'n^n, Isa. 3: 22. 2 Kgs. 5: 23. Both sexes either wore napkins attached to their girdle, or bore them upon the hand or left arm : those of the rich and powerful were valuable and ornamented with embroidery. They were frequently employed to carry things in, and were wrapped around the heads of those, who had departed from life. The aprons so called in Acts 19: 12, were a sort of napkin, which were placed round the neck for the purpose of receiving the sweat. § 135. DRESS AT FESTIVALS, ETC. 145 § 134. Painting and Branding or Sealing. Various kinds of painting have been practised by all nations in all ages. It is our object, however, at the present time, only to speak of that mode of painting, u'hich in the Bible is denominated ^^D, and in the Arabick bHD kohl. The principal material used in this mode of painting, the object of which is to communicate a dark tint to the eyebrows, is a sort of black lead, which is found to be used throughout all the East as far as India. It is applied to the eyebrows by a silver instrument, so as to give them the appear- ance of being very long, which is esteemed a great ornament, 2 Kgs. 9: 30. Jer. 4 : 30. Ezek. 23: 40. The paint, which is pre- pared from the ashes of the plant Alkanet, and which is used by oriental matrons to communicate a yellow colour to the arms and feet, and a tint of redness to the nails, though very ancient, is not mentioned in the Bible ; a mere allusion to it occurs in Jer. 2: 22, under the word DniaD. The red paint in use among the Roman matrons, which was spread upon the idols on festival days, is men- tioned in the Book of Wisdom, 13: 14. Acustom, which prevailed in the East, ancienth', and which is connected with this subject, has been perpetuated in that region even to our day ; viz. that whoever visited a temple should either devote himself to some god, or brand the image of the temple or the name of the god on his right arm. This custom as far as concerned the Hebrews was interdicted in Lev. 19: 28, but the words ' branding,' ' marking,' and 'sealing,' frequently occur with a tropical signification, Gal. 6: 17. Ephes. 1: 13. Rev. 7: 4, 8. 14: 1—5. 13: 17, 18. Ezek. 9: 2—12. § 135. Dress at Festivals and on Occasions of Mourning. The festival dress was very splendid, it was white, and as of- ten as the festival returned, was newly washed and perfumed with myrrh, cassia, and aloes. Gen. 27: 27. Ps. 45: 8. Cant 4: 11. It was worn on the festivals of the family, of the state and of religion, but when the festival was over, it was laid aside. The splendid garments of festivals were denominated in Hebrew n^rtin tltS^'O, '::'rp "'^."jn, &c. Vast expense was bestowed upon them both as respected their quality and number. 2 Kgs. 5: 5. Matt. 10:10. James 19 146 § 135. DRESS AT FESTIVALS, ETC. 5: 2. The mourning dress, Hebrew pp or sackcloth, is well known. It was in truth a sack, which was thrown over the person and extended down to the knees, but which, nevertheless, had arm- holes for the admission of the arms. It derives its name from the Arabick word, L-A^ meaning to tear asunder, because in the mo- ment of the person's grief it was torn from the neck down to the breast, and sometimes as far as the girdle. The materials were a coarse dark cloth of goat's hair, Job 16: 15. Jonah 3: 5. Note. In the book of Leviticus, 13: 47 — 59, we are informed of the leprosy of garments in the following terms ; '■^ the garment al- so, that the plague of leprosy is in, whether it be a woollen garment or a linen garment, whether it be in the warp or woof, whether in a skin, or any thing made of «A:in," &:c. The marks or indications of the existence and nature of this leprosy are also stated with some par- ticularity in the verses referred to. What this plague, as it is termed, was, it is difficult to state with much certainty, since the conjectures, which the learned have hazarded in regard to it, are by no means satisfactory. Without doubt the Hebrews had ob- served certain destructive effects wrought upon clothing, whether made of wool and cotton, or leather, and not understanding their origin or their nature, they choose to call them from certain re- semblances as much apparent as real, the corroding plague or leprosy, rTi^N^q^j ri^""\:i. Altogether the most probable conjec- ture in regard to these effects is, that they were merely the dep- redations of certain little insects, which could not be seen by the naked eye. The Hebrews without doubt, considered the clothes' leprosy, as they termed it, contagious, and consequently a serious and fearful evil. This opinion was the ground of the rigid laws, which are laid down in respect to it in Leviticus 12: 47 — 59. 147 CHAPTER IX. CONCERNING FOOD AND FEASTS. § 136. Of Food in general. At first, men lived upon the fruits of trees, upon herbs, roots, and seeds, and whatever else they could find in the vegetable king- dom, that might conduce to the support of life, all which was ex- pressed in Hebrew by the word Dn'?., used in the broadest sense, Gen. 1:29. 2:16. Afterwards a method was invented to bruise grain, and to reduce it to a mass, to ferment it and bake it, and thus to make bread, which is also expressed by DDb. in the more limited sense of the word. Still later, not only water, but milk, oil, and honey were mingled with the meal, and bread was made of a richer and more valuable kind. Even so early as the time of Abraham, the art of preparing bread was carried to some degree of perfection. Before the deluge the flesh of animals was convert- ed into food, as may be inferred from the division of animals into clean and unclean. Gen. 7: 2, 8 ; after the deluge animals are ex- pressly mentioned, as being slain for food. Gen. 9: 3 — 6. But meat is not so palatable and nutritious in warm climates as others, and fruits, consequently, bread, olives, and milk are the customary food. § 137. Preparation of Food by Fire. Originally food of every kind was eaten without being cooked, because there was no fire. If there had been fire, it would have been of no consequence in this case, seeing that its use in the preparation of food was unknown. Men were undoubtedly taught by chance to roast flesh and eventually to boil it. It was found so much more agreeable, when prepared in this ivay, that men were careful not to let the fire, which they had now found, be- come extinguished. Their method of obtaining fire was, to elicit sparks by the collision of stone and flint, or by the friction of piec- 148 § 138. OF MILLS. es of wood, and afterwards to excite a blaze. This method of obtaining fire was very ancient, as we may learn from the ety- mology of the word rrnj^, Isa. 60: II. 64: 1. § 138. Of Mills. Corn was eaten at first without any preparation of it at all ; the custom of thus eating it had not gone into total desuetude in the time of Christ, Matt. 12: 1. Levit. 2: 12. Deut. 23: 25. After the uses of fire were known, it was parched. Parching it became so common, that the words ""^p, "^bp and N";bp which properly mean parched, mean also corn or meal, 2 Sam. 17: 28. Lev. 2: 12, 14. Ruth 2: 14, 18. Some, who found a ditficulty in mastication, broke to pieces the kernels of corn with stones or pieces of wood ; this suggested the idea of mortars, and eventually of mills. The mor- tar !n3T"i73,U;nDa, was used in the time of Moses for bruising corn, also the mill, Ina, Num. 1 1: 8. Fine meal, i. e. corn or grain ground or beaten fine, is spoken of as far back as the time of Abra- ham, Gen. 18: 6 | hence mills and mortars must have been knows before his time. The mill, common among the Hebrews, scarce- ly differed at all from that, which is used at this day in Egypt and the East. It consisted of two circular stones, two feet in diame- ter and half a foot thick. The lower one was called Tilnn and n'^S, Deut. 24: 6. Job. 41: 16, 16 ; it exhibited a slight rise or ele- vation on the centre, and was fixed in the floor. The upper one was called Sp."^, Jud. 9: 53 ; was moveable, and in order to make it fit precisely to the nether one, was slightly hollowed. In the middle of it was a hole, through which the corn to be ground was admitted. The upper stone had a handle attached to it, by which it was moved upon the lower, and the corn and grain were in this way broken. There were sieves attached to the mill, which separated the flour from the bran ; the bran was put into the mill again and ground over. The sieves were made of reeds; those made of horse hair were a later invention, not earlier than *.he time of Pliny. § 139. GRINDING. 149 § 139. Grinding. Since there were neither publick mills nor bakers, except the king's, Gen. 40:2. Hos. 7: 4 — 10, each one by consequence owned a mill himself; hence it was made an infringement of the law, for a person to take another's mill or millstone, as a pledge, Deut. 24: 6, for without his mill, there being no publick ones, he would have been in a bad situation. At first barley alone was ground, but af- terwards wheat more commonly, as the poor alone used barley. Barley bread answers better in the warm climate of the East^ than among us. On the second day it becomes insipid and rough to the palate ; and this is the case also in warm climates with wheat bread. Hence the necessity of baking every day, and hence also the daily grinding at the mills about evening. The sound of the millstones, probably at this time, is spoken of by the Prophet, Jer. 25: 10. The mill was commonly turned by two persons, the low- est maid-servants. They sat opposite to each other, facing, the one on one side, the other, on the other side. One took hold of the mill handle and impelled it half way round ; the other then seized it and completed its revolution, Exod. 11: 5. Job 31: 10, 11. Isa. 47: 2. Matt. 24: 41. The labour was severe and menial ; fre- quently enemies, taken in war, were condemned to perform it, Jud. 16: 21. Lara. 5: 13.. § 140. Baking Bread in an Oven. The business of baking was performed anciently by women, however high their stations. Gen. 18: 6. Lev. 26: 26. 2 Sam. 13: 6, 8. Jer. 7: 18, 19. When luxury afterwards prevailed among them, the matrons and their daughters gave it up to their maids, 1 Sam. 8: 13. These maids were so numerous in the palace of David, that a portion of bread, &c. was distributed to them, the same as to a large multitude of men, 2 Sam. 6: 19. In Egypt there were king's bakers very early ; they make their appear- ance in Palestine also, but at a much later period, Hos. 7: 4 — 7. Jer. 37: 21. Knea Jing troughs were a sort of wooden trays, in which the flour, being mingled with water was reduced to a solid mass, and 160 § 140. UAKING BREAD lH AN OVEN. after remaining a little time, was kneaded, some leaven being add- ed to it, Exod. 12: 34. Deut. 28: 5, 17. In case it was necessary to prepare the bread very hastily, the leaven was let^t out, Gen. 18:6. 19: 3. Jud. 6: 19. 1 Kgs. 17: 12. Exod. 12: 15, 34. 13: 3, 7. Lev. 2: 11. Deut. 16; 3. Amos i'. 5. The cakes when made were round, and nine or ten inches in diameter. The unleavened cakes were not thicker than a knife, but the leavened were as thick as a man's little finger. The bread was not cut with a knife but brok- en, Hebrew 0^^. Isa. 58: 7. Lam. 4: 4. Matt. 14: 19. 15: 36. 26: 26. Of ovens or places for baking there are four kinds. I. The sand, warmed by the influence of the sun. The raw cakes were placed upon it ; in a little while they were turned, and afterwards to complete the process were covered with warm ash- es and coals. Unless they were turned, they were not thoroughly baked. This explains Hos. 7: 8. The ashes or coal-baked cakes so called, Hebrew Mi.l?', were prepared in this way, Gen. IS: 6. 19: 3. 1 Kgs. 19: 6. IL The second sort of oven was an excavation in the earth, two and a half feel in diameter, of dififerent depths from five to six feet, as we may suppose from those, which still exist in Persia. This sort of oven occurs under the word Q';'^''3, and in Lev. 11: 35, is mentioned in connexion with the word "n^in. The bottom is paved with stones ; when the oven is sufficiently warmed, the fire is taken awa}^, the cakes are placed upon the warm stones, and the mouth of the oven is shut. in. A moveable oven, called ^^-n, which was besmeared within and without with clay, being constructed of brick. A fire was kindled within it, and the dough was placed upon the side, where it baked, and was called, ^^Sn nsN'Q, Lev. 2: 4. IV". A plate of iron, placed upon three stones ; the fire was kindled beneath it, and the raw cakes placed on the upper sur- face. The cake baked in this way is perhaps the n5n?3> men- tioned in Lev. 2: 5. 6: 14. Not only leavened, and unleavened cakes were baked in these ovens, but other kinds, which it is not nec- essary to mention. We shall have to pass by the rest of the cu- linary apparatus. § 141. ON THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FOOD. 151 § 141, On the different kinds of Food. Cooking, ^'^2, was done by the matron of the family, unless when intent on the adorning of her person, she thought proper, to commit it to the maid. Vegetables, lentils especially, which are greatly esteemed even to this day among the Orientals, were the principal food, Gen. 25: 30, 34 ; cakes also mixed with honey, Ezek. 16: 13, were frequently used. Flesh was not served up, except when a stranger was present, and on the occasion of a feast, Gen. 18: 7. Dent. 15: 20. Luke 15: 23. The orientals at the present day are very sparing in the use of flesh ; too long an abstinence from it, however, produces a great appetite for it, and generates a disease also, which is known among the Arabians un- 5 ,< der the word f*r^ 5 Num. 11: 4, 12. As luxury increased, the flesh of animals began to be more used for food; venison and the meat of the "fatted calf" were peculiarly esteemed, also of fat- ted oxen, Gen. 18: 7. 41: 2. 1 Sam 16: 20. 28: 24. 2 Sam. 6: 13. The flesh of the sheep and goat kind, particularly of lambs and kids, was esteemed the choicest dish of any, and it was for the es- timation, in which they were held on this account, that they were so much used in sacrifices. In the most ancient ages the animal to be slain was taken by 'the master of the family himself, although he were a prince, and was slain. The cooking also was done by his wife, though she were a princess, Gen. 18: 2 — 6. Jud. 6: 19. The process of cooking seems to have been very expeditiously performed, Gen. 27: 3, 4, 9, 10. All the flesh of the slain ani- mal, owing to the difficulty of preserving it in a warm climate un- corrupted, was commonly cooked at once. This is the custom at the present day, although the art of drying and preserving it by the sun is known among the Nomades. The flesh when cooked, was divided into small pieces, and a sauce was prepared for it of broth and vegetables, in Hebrew, p^^T:, JuJ. 6: 19, 20. Isa. 65: 4. J52 142. OF ROASTINO. § 142. Of Roasting, JiVij; i^SJ*. Roasting was the earliest method of preparing the flesh of an- imals ; it seems to have been discovered at fir^t by chance, as al- ready observed, and became in time a favourite method of cook- ing. The Nomades of the present day, following a very ancient custom, divide the flesh to be roasted into small pieces, salt it, and fix it upon a wooden spit. They turn one part of it to the fire, and when this is roasted, turn the other. Fowls are roasted whole on a spit, which revolves in two or more crotched sticks, placed in the ground on each side of the fire. When sheep and lambs are to be roasted whole, they thrust a sharp stick through from the tail to the head of the animal, another transversely through the forefeet, and roast it in the oven described in section 140, No. II ; which mode of roasting is expressed in Arabick by the verb, v.^Xao , meaning to crucifj'. In the countries of the East, locusts are frequently roasted for the use of the common people. Their wings and feet are taken off and their intestines extracted; they are salted, fixed upon a sharp piece of wood, placed over the fire and at length eaten. They are likewise prepared by boiling tliera. In summer they are dried and ground, and bread is made of them. Sometimes they are salted and preserved in bottles, and, as occasion requires, are cut in pieces and eaten, Lev. 11: 22. Matt. 3: 4. Some species of locusts are esteemed noxious and are, therefore, reckoned among the unclean animals, Lev. 11: 22. The Heb. word, tD^li:U5, [rendered in the English version quails,] is not to be regarded as a name for any species of locusts, for T^IJ is to this day in the East the name of a migratory bird of the quail kind. They come over the waters of the ocean, and being weary descend in great numbers on Arabia Petrea, so as to be easily tak- en by the hands, Diod. Sic. I. Gl. Niebuhr's Travels, Part I. p; 1 76. The flesh of these birds is less esteemed on account of their living in a measure upon grasshoppers. Num. 11: 32. Note. The use of salt is very ancient, see Num. 18: 19, com- pared with 2 Chron. 13: 5. In Exod. 30: 35, a kind of salt called pure salt is distinguished from common salt. Among the orientals § 143. INTERDICTED FOOD. 153 Salt is the symbol of inviolable friendship ; a covenant of salt, ac- cordingly, means an everlasting or perpetual covenant. It is used tropically for wisdom, and for preservation, Mark 9: 49, 50. Coloss. 4: 6, and salt, that has lost its savour on the contrar}', for folly, Matt. 5: 13. § 143. Interdicted Food. Some sorts of food were interdicted to the Hebrews; some an- imals being unclean according to the Mosaic law, such, for in- stance as were actually impure and abominable, or were esteemed so ; others being set apart for the altar, certain parts of which it was consequently not lawful to eat. The object of interdicting so many sorts of food was to prevent the Hebrews from eating with the Gentiles, or frequenting their idolatrous feasts, by means of which they might and probably would have been se- duced to idolatry. There are reckoned unclean, I. Quadrupeds, which do not ruminate, or have cloven feet. II. Serpents, and creeping insects ; also certain insects which sometimes fly and sometimes advance upon their feet. III. Certain species of birds, many of the names of which are obscure. IV. Fishes without scales; also those without fins. V. All food, all liquids standing in a vessel, and all wet seed, into which the dead body of any unclean insect had fallen. Wa- ter in cisterns, wells, and fountains could not be contaminated iu this way. Lev. 1 1 : 1 — 38. VI. All food and liquids, which stood in the tent or chamber: of a dying or dead man, remaining meanwhile in an uncovered vessel, Num. 19: 15. VII. Every thing, which was consecrated by any one to idols or gods, Exod. 34: 15. It was this prohibition which in the primi- tive church occasioned certain dissentions, which Paul frequently remarks upon, especially in 1 Cor. 8: 10. VIII. The kid boiled in the milk of its mother, Exod. 23: 19. 34:26. Deut. 14:21. The reason of this law is somewhat obscure, Whether there was some superstition on the subject, or whether it was meant as a lesson on humanity to animais, or whether it is to be understood as a tacit commendation of oil in preference to 20 154 § 144. BEVERAGE. butter and milk, is not clear. The consecrated animal substance which it was not lawful to eat, was I. Blood, Lev. 3:9, 10, 17. 7:26,27. 17: 10—14. 19:26.,Deut. 12: 16,23,25. 15:23. II. An animal, which died of itself, or was torn to pieces by wild beasts, in as much as the blood remained in the bodj', Exod. 22:31. Deut. 14:21. III. The fat covering the intestines, the large lobe of the liver, the kidneys and the fat upon them, Exod. 29: 13, 22. Lev. 3: 4. 10: 15. 4: 9. 9: 10, 19 ; also the fat tail of a certain class of sheep, in Heb. n;bN, Exod. 19: 22. Lev. 3: 9. 7: 3. 8: 26. 9: 19 ; all of which were devoted and set apart for the altar. The Hebrews abstain- ed also from the haunches of animals; the later Jews extended this abstinence to the whole hind quarter. The custom origina- ted from the account given in Gen. 32: 25, 32. § 144. Bev^erage. The commonalty among the Mohammedans drink water ; the rich and noble drink a beverage called Sherbet, which was for- merly used only in Egypt, Gen. 40 : 11, where ale or beer, fftfo?, oivog y.Qi-&i,vog, was also used, though probably not so far back as the time of Moses. The orientals frequently used wine to such an extent as to occasion ebriety, from which circumstance many tropes are drawn, Isa. 5: 1 1-22. 28: 1-11. 49: 26. Jer. 8: 1 4. 9: 1 4. 16:48. Deut. 32:42. Ps.78:65, &c. Wine, although in Eastern climates it is very rich, was at times mixed with spices, espe- cially myrrh, and this mixture Vv'as sometimes denominated from a Hebrew word, which signifies mixed. But the word in question, viz. i^lT- , for the most part, means a wine diluted with water, which was given to the buyer instead of good wine, and was con- sequently used tropically for any kind of adulteration, Isa. 1: 22. 2 Cor. 2: 17. Wine in the East was frequently diluted after it was bought, as we may infer from the fact, that two Arabick words still remain to indicate the beverage, when thus diluted. The words are, y^rStM and ^■*2.3, There is a sort ol wine called "nlDU:, sikera, or strong drink. It was made of dates, and of vari- ous sorts of seeds and roots, and was sufficiently powerful at any § 145. THE TIME OF TAKING REFRESHMENT. 155 rate, tb occasion intoxication. It was drunk, mixed with water. From the pure wine and silcera^ there was made an artificial drink, y53n, which was taken at meals with vegetables and bread, Ruth 2: 14. It was also a common drink, Num. 6: 3, and was used by the Roman soldiers, Matt. 27: 48. Further, there is a wine called by the Talmudists vinegar^ whence the passage in Matt. 27: 34, may be explained. The vessels used for drinking were at first horns ; but the Hebrews used horns only for the purpose of performing the ceremony of anointing. The other drinking vessels were, I. A cup of brass covered with tin, in form resembling a lily, though sometimes circular ; it is used by travellers to this day, and may be seen in both shapes on the ruins of Persepolis, comp. 1 Kgs. 7: 26, II. The bowl, Hebrew i'^i-V It resembled a lily, Exod. 25: 33 ; although it seems to have varied in form, for it had many names, as DT3, ^b3, ny2|5. Those called, ^^2^5, nTTiyp, nViTJ? had no cover, and probably were of a circular form, as the names seem to indicate. The bowls of this kind, which belonged to the rich were, in the time of Moses, made of silver and gold, as appears from Num. 7: 12 — 83. comp. 1 Kgs. 10: 21. The larger vessels, from which wine was poured out into cups, were called urns, m'"!?:?: ; bottles, nan, D/an, 'ni*:, bs; ; small bottles, '^'^y ; and a bottle of shell, ns, with a small orifice. § 145. The Time and Circumstances of taking Refreshment. Not only the inhabitants of the East generally, but the Greeks and Romans also, were in the habit of taking a slight dinner about ten or eleven o'clock of our time, which consisted chiefly of fruits, milk, cheese, Sic. Their principal meal was about six or seven in the afternoon ; their feasts were always appointed at supper-time, for the burning heat of noon in Eastern climates diminishes the appetite for food, and suppresses the disposition to cheerful- ness, Eccles. 5: 16. Matt. 3: 26. Mark 6: 21. Luke 14: 24. John 12: 2. The hands were washed before meals, as was rendered ne- cessary from the method of eating ; prayers also were offered, 1 Sam. 9: 13. The form of the short prayer, which in the time of Christ, was uttered before and after meals, has been preserved by the Talmudists. It is as follows, " Blessed be Thou, 0 Lord, our l56 § iAQ, TABLE AND METHOD OF SITTING. God, the king of the world, who hast produced this food, or this drink, (as the case m"rT^, having three prongs, belonged to the cooking apparatus, and not to the table, and was employed to take the flesh out of the pot. In ancient times a separate portion seems to have been assigned to each guest, and he was considered as much hon- oured, who received two or more portions, 1 Sam, 1: 4, 5. 9: 22 — 24. At a more recent period, all the guests sitting or reclining at the table ate from a common dish. Drink was handed to each one of the guests, in the cups and bowls already described, and at a very ancient period in a separate cup to each one, A cup, therefore, is frequently used tropically for a man's lot or destiny, Ps. IT: 6. 75: 8. Isa. 51: 22. Jer. 25: 15, 27. 36:5. 49: 12. Ezek. 23:31— o4. Matt. 26: 39. The Egyptians, like the modern orien- tals, drank after supper. The servants standing by observed the nod of their master and obej'edit; hence the phrases, "to stand before or to walk before the master," are the same as to serve him. These phrases are used tropically also in respect to God, Gen. 5: 22, 24. 17: 1. 24: 40. 1 Sam. 2: 35. § 148. On feasts. When men are prospered, they are disposed to indulge their joyful feelings in the company of jovial companions. Hence feasts are mentioned at an early period. Gen. 21:8. 29:22, 3J: 27, 54. 40: 20. In respect to the second tythes, which originated from the vow of Jacob, Gen. 28: 22, and which were set apart not only as a sacrifice but a feast, Moses was very particular in his laws, Deut. 12:4— 18. 14:22—29. 16:10,11. 26:10,11. Heal- so enacted, that at the festival of the second sort of flrst fruits, [denominated by Michaelis the second first fruits,] servants and wid- ows, orphans and Levitcs should be made free partakers, Deut, 16: 11 — II. 12:12—18, Jesus alludes to this festival, which was de- 158 § 14S. OF FEASTS. signed for the poor, and which received its reward t>om God, in Luke 14: 13. The guests were invited by the servants, and were requested to come at a particular time, Matt. 22:4. Luke 14:7. The guests were anointed with precious oil, Ps. 23: 5.45: 7. Amos C: 6. Eccles. 9: 8. Luke 7: 37, 38. Anciently, (and the same is the custom now in Asia,) the persons invited, before their departure, were perfumed, especially upon the beard, as we may gather from Exod. 30: 37, 38. We are hardly at liberty to conclude, as some have done, from Isa. 28 : 1, and Wisdom, 2:7, that the Hebrews were sometimes crowned with flowers at their festivals in the man- ner of the Greeks. They appeared on such occasions in white robes. Ecclesiastes, 9: 8. They gratified their taste by the exhibition of large quantities of provisions of the same kind. Gen. 18: 6. 27: 9. .Job 36: 16 ; and also by a diversit}'^ in the kinds, Amos 6: 4, 5. Est. 1: 5 — 8. Neh. 5: 18. Flesh and wine were the principal articles; hence a feast is sometimes called the season of drinking, nS'li^J, Isa. 22: 13. As luxury increased, drinking on festival occasions was carried to great excess ; it was continued from evening till morning. Such riotous meetings were called more recently in the Greek tongue y.(0[.iot, and are deservedly condemned, Rom. 13: 13. Gal. 5:21. 1 Pet. 4: 3. As the feasts were always held towards evening, the room or rooms, where they were held, were lighted up, and the fact, that in the climate of Palestine, the night, at least as it approached towards the morning, was cold, will afford a clew to the explanation of Matt. 8: 12. 22: 13. 25: 30, &c. From feasts, jests, rausick, and riddles were not excluded; feasts, therefore, were symbolick of a state of prosperity, and exclusion from them was symbolick of sorrow and misery, Prov. 9: 2. et seq. Amos 6: 4, 5. Isa. 5: 12. 24:7,9. Hence also the kingdom of the Messiah is represented under the image or symbol of a feast. This metaphorical representation was so common, and so well understood, that the ancient interpreters use the words, joy and rejoice, feast and feasting, as interchangeable terms, compare Ps. 68: 4. and Esther 9: 18, 19, with the Alexandrine version and Vulgate. In the New Testament, the word xaget or joj/, is some- times put for a feast, Matt. 25: 21, 23. As many of the Hebrew feasts were the remains of sacrifices, the guests were required to be pure or clean, to which a reference is made in various allego- ries and tropes, Ezek. 39: 16, 20. Isa. 34: 4. Rev. 19: 17, 18. § 149. HOSPITALITY OF THE ORIENTALS. [159 § 149. Hospitality of the Orientals. In the primitive ages of the world there were no publick inns, or taverns. In those days the voluntary exhibition of hospitality to one, who stood in need of it, was highly honourable. The glo- ry of an openhearted and generous hospitality continued even af- ter publick inns were erected, and continues even to this day in the East, Job 22: 7. 31:17. Gen. 18:3—9. 19:2—10. Exod. 2: 20. Jud. 19:2—10. Acts 16: 15. 17:7. 28:7. Matt. 25:35. Mark 9:41. Rom. 12: 13. 1 Tim. 3: 2. 5: 10. Heb. 13:2. Hence not on- ly the Nomades or wandering shepherds hospitably receive among themselves strangers, but there are also persons in cities, who go about the streets and offer to each one, whom they mee t. water free- ly, which is a great favour in the hot countries of the East; this liber- ality customarily meets with some little reward, Matt. 10:42. Mark 9: 41. The high spirit of honour, that is characteristick of the orien- tals, is exhibited in a custom, which prevails to this day. If a man receive another,though he be a robber, into his house, if he eat with him even a crust of bread, he is bound to treat him as a friend, to defend him even at the hazard of his own life, unless he is willing to meet with the scorn and contempt of all his countrymen, Gen. 19t1— 9. Jos. 2: 1—6. 9:19. Judg. 4: 17—22. An allusion is made to this custom in Ps. 41: 9. 91: 1. 119: 19. 2 Sam. 12: 3. Luke 7:34. John 13: 18. comp. Iliad. VI. 210—231. The feet of the guests, as before observed, were washed ;- whence washing of feet also is used as a symbol of hospitality. Gen. 18: 4. John 13:5. 1 Tim. 5: 10. 160 CHAPTER X. ON THE STATE OF DOMESTICK SOCIETY. § 150. Precautions against Fornication. Both polygamy and fornication were condemned by that pri- meval institution, which, in order to secure the propagation of the species, joined in marriage one man and one woman, Gen. 1: 27, 28. The old and pious patriarchs religiously observed this institution. But before the time of Moses, morals had become very much corrupted, and not only the prostitution of females, but of boys, was very common among many nations, and even made a part of the divine worship ; as indeed may be inferred from the words, 'iii'i.p^ a prostitute boy, and irrui'ip, the feminine of it, which properly and originally mean a person religiously set apart and consecrated to the flagitious vice in question. To pre- vent these evils, to which the Greek and Roman philosophers re- fused in progress of time to oppose any decided resistance, Moses made the following regulations. I. That among the Israelites no prostitute, neither male nor female, should be tolerated, and that if the daughter of a priest especially were guilty of whoredom, she should be stoned and her body burnt, Lev. 21: 9 ; because these things, as Moses observes in Lev. 19: 29. Deut. 23: 18, 19, were a great abomination in the sight of God. Further, for fear, that some priests of low and av- aricious minds, should, in imitation of other nations, make crimes of this kind a part of the divine worship, he enacted, H. That the price of whoredom, though presented in return for a vow, should not be received at the sanctuary, Deut. 23: 19. This law it seems was sometimes violated in the times of the kings, 2 Kgs. 23: 6, 7. To stop the evil at the commencement, he enacted likewise, III. That the man, who had seduced a female, should marry her, and in case the father would not consent, should pay the cus- tomarj^ dowry, viz, thirty shekels ; in case violence had been of- § 151. POLYOAMY. 161 fered, fifty shekels, Exod. 22: 16. Deut. 22: 23—29. This law seems to have originated in an ancient custom, alluded to in Gen. 34.- 1 — 12. Finally, to secure the great object, he enacted, IV. That a person, who when married was not found to be a virgin, as she professed before marriage, should be stoned before her father's house, Deut. 22: 20, 21. These laws, it must be ad- mitted, were severe, but prostitutes of both sexes, notwithstanding their severity, were set apart in the time of the kings for the ser- vice of idols, Prov. 2: 16—19. 5: 3—6. 7: 5—27. Amos 2: 7. 7: 17. Jer. 3: 2. 5: 7. 1 Kgs. 14: 24. 15: 12, &c. § 151. Polygamy. By the same primeval institution, just now referred to, polyg- amy was also forbidden. Lamech is the first mentioned, as having two wives, and the example which he set, found no lack of imita- tors, see Gen. 4: 19, compared with Matt. 19:4 — 8. After the deluge the example of Noah and his sons was a good one, but it was not followed. Polygamy very much prevailed among the Hebrews in the time of Moses, as we may gather from the fact, that the first born of six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty men above twenty years of age amounted merely to the number of twenty two thousand, three hundred and seventy three, Num. 3: 42. That this evil might in progress of time be dimin- ished, Moses gave a narration, how the institution originally stood, Gen. 1: 27, 28. 2: 23, 24, stated the first transgression of it. Gen. 4: 29, and the inconveniences, which had subsequently I'esulted from having a plurality of wives. Gen. 16: 4 — 10. 30: 1 — 3, 15, evils, which travellers in eastern countries assure us are very great. II. He interdicted to the kings, whom the Hebrews should thereafter elect, a multiplicity of wives. It is true he did not say precisely how many they should have, but probably meant the number should be limited by the custom of his time. Perhaps, therefore, the number was four, which is the exposition, advanc- ed by the Rabbins and Mohammedans, and is in a measure support- ed by the example of Jacob, Deut. 17: 17. III. He obligated the husband to bestow himself at certain times upon each one of his wives, Exod. 21: 10, 11, compared with Gen. 30: 1 1-— 16, perhaps a week at a time upon each, as is 21 162 § 152. THE CHOICE OF A WIFE. the custom to tliis day in the East. He excepted, however, the season of the menses^ when sexual intercourse was prohibited on penalty of punishment with death, either because the olTspring- of such intercourse were supposed to be leprous, or for some other reason it was deemed injurious. iV. The uncleanness, contracted by sexual connection con- tinued through a whole day, Lev. 15: 18. Under these circum- stances a man could not well have more than four ^vives ; and in progress of time polygamy was much diminished. § 152. The choice of a Wife. The father of a family selected wives for his sons, and husbands for his daughters, Gen. 21: 21. 24: 31. Exod. 21: 9. Deut. 22: 16. Jud. 14: 1 — 4. If a son had a preference for any person as his wife, he asked his father to obtain her from her father, Geo. 34: 2 — 5. Jud. 14.- 1, 2. We may, therefore, well conclude, that the expressions in Jer. 31: 22, and Isa. 4: 1, 2, are descriptive of a very great scarcity of men. But the father could not marry the daughter without the consent of the brothers. Gen. 24: 60, 34: 11—27. 2 Sam. 13:20—29. comp. Gen. 12:11 — 13. 20:2—6. 26: 7 — 17. The restraints, by which the fathers of families were limited in making choice of wives for their children, are mention- ed in Lev. 10:7 — 18. 20; 11 — 20. Intermarriages, moreover, were prohibited with the Canaanites, for fear that the Hebrews should be seduced to idolatry, Exod. 34: 15, 16. Deut. 7: 3. The law was extended by Ezra and Nehemiah to intermarriages with all foreigners, on the ground that there was as much danger of contamination from other nations in their time, as there was from the Canaanites anciently, Ezra 9: 2—12. 10: 3. IVeh. 13: 23. It was not lawful for a priest to marry a prostitute, a divorced, or a profane woman, and in the case of a high priest the interdiction was extended to widows, and to women of foreign extraction. Lev. 21: 7, 13, 14. Daughters, who through a want of brothers were heiresses to an estate, were commanded to marrj some one of their own tribe, and indeed some kinsman, if possible, of more or less remote relationship, lest the estate should go to another tribe or family. Num. 27: 1 — 11. 36: 1 — 12. § 153. THE MARRIAGE VOW AND DOWRY. 163 § 153. The Marriage Vow and Dowry. The marriage vow, iT'^N, was a covenant between the father and the brothers of the bride, and the father of the bridegroom, made in the presence of witnesses. At a somewhat recent peri- od, the covenant was committed to writing, and was sometimes confirmed by the additional precaution of an oath, Prov. 2: 17. Ezek. 16: 8. Matt. 2: 14. A reference seems to have been had to this oath in the nuptial sacritices, of which mention is made by Josephus, Antiq. IV. 8: 23. By the marriage vow or covenant, not only the wedlock was confirmed, but the amount of presents was determined, which was to be given to the brothers ; and also the dowry, "inb, which went to the father, for the bride former- ly was estimated at a certain price. Gen. 29-. 18, 27. 34: 11, 12. Jos. 13: 16. 1 Sam. 18: 23 — 26, which varied according to circum- stances. In the time of Moses the medium estimation was thirty shekels, and the highest fifty, Deut. 22: 29, comp. Hos. 3: 1,2. Wives, who were thus purchased, were too apt to be regarded as mere servants by their husbands, though there are not wanting instances, where they obtained the ascendency and reduced their husbands to subjection, 1 Sam: 23: 19 — 30. 1 Kgs. 11: 2 — 5. 19: 1, 2. 21: 7, 8. The honour, which is now rendered to the female sex, originates from the instructions of the Apostles, and the only fear is, lest it should become too great, Eph. 5: 23 — 33'. 1 Pe- ter 3: 7. The wile, who was freely given up by her father, without his receiving for her any pecuniary compensation, was the more highly esteemed, and being herself conscious of her dignity, she arrogated not a little in her own behalf, Gen. 16: 3, 6. 21: 9 — 11, comp. 31: 15. Some obtained a wife, as the reward of their brave- ry, Jos. 15: 15—19. Jud. 1: 15. 1 Sam. 18: 24—27; and it was sometimes, though rarely the case, that the bride, instead of being purchased by the bridegroom, received a dowry from her father, Jos. 13: 18, 19. Jud. 1: 16, 17. 1 Kg?. 9: 16. 1G4 § 154. CELEBaATlON OF NUPTIALS. 154. Celebration of Nuptials. There was commonly an interval often or twelve months be- tween the time, when the agreement to marry was made and the time when the marriage was celebrated, Gen. 24: 55. Jud. 14: 8. From the time of the agreement, till its consummation by mar- riage, although there was no intercourse between the bride and bridegroom, not even so much as an interchange of conversation, they were, nevertheless, considered and spoken of as man and wife. If at the close of this probationary period, the bridegroom were unwilling for any cause to solemnize his engagements by the marriage of the bride, he was bound to give her a bill of di- vorce, the same as if she had been his wife. If the bride on the contrary could be convicted of having had any illicit intercourse with any person between the period of the promise and its con- summation, she was condemned to be stoned, the same as if she had been married. Matt. 1: 18 — 20. Luke 2: 5. When the day of marriage had arrived, the bride, having pre- viously visited the bath, adorned herself very richly with the choicest of those ornaments, which are considered appropriate to the women. Her head was encircled with a crown ; a fact, which is a sutlicient reason of itself, why ln^3, which primarily means a person that is crowned^ should possess the secondary signification of a bride. It was the duty of the bridegroom to see, that a feast was made readv on the occasion, and in case he was a person of wealth, it was customarily prolonged through the week, Jud. 14: 17. About evening, the bridegroom, clothed in the festival robe. Is. 61: 10, attended with a company of young men of about the same age, vioig rov vvf-iqcoiog, and cheered with songs and instrumen- tal musick, conducted from her tiither's house the bride, who was in like manner surrounded with virgins of her own age, to his lather's house, Jud. 14: 11 — IG. 1 Mace. 9: 37—47. John 3: 29, comp. Jer. 7: 34. 25: 10, 33: 11. In the time of Christ, whenev- er tiie bride was conducted by the bridegroom and his attendants to the house of the bridegroom's father, in case it was evening, the way before them was lighted by the second sort of ilambeaux, that are mentioned in the fortieth section ; as we learn not only from the statement in the Talmud, but also from intimations in § 155. CONCUBINES. 165 JMatt. 25: 1 — 10. Having- arrived at the place, where the nup- tials were to be celebrated, the men began to indulge themselves in feasting and conviviality ; while the women, who were assem- bled in an apartment appropriated to themselves, were equally prompt in partaking of the feast, and in the exhibition of their gaiety and cheerfulness. At length the nuptial blessing, viz. a nu- merous offspring, was implored upon the parties concerned, Gen. 24: 60. Ruth 4: 11, 12 ; a ceremony, which, simple and concise as it was, appears anciently to have been the only one, that was performed at the consummation of the marriage. At a later period, there were probably some additional ceremonies, for we read in Tobit 7: 15, that the father took the right hand of his beautiful daugh- ter, and placed it in the right hand of the young Tobias, before he uttered his solemn and impressive blessing. The spouse, who to this time had been veiled from head to foot, was at last led in- to the bed chamber, inEW- § 155. CoxccBiNEs, t2''U3ab'^D, uJ{;"!:"'D. The ceremonies, mentioned in the preceding section, took place only in case of the marriage of a wife properly so called. Concubines, (some of whom had previously acted in the humble capacit}' of maid servants and others were females, who had pos- sessed their freedom,) were sometimes permanently associated by mutual consent with individuals of the other sex; but, although this connexion was in fact a marriage^ and a legitimate one, it was not, nevertheless, celebrated and confirmed by the ceremonies above related. The concubine thus associated had a right to claim the privileges of a -wife ; and it was no longer in the power of her husband to dispose of her by publick sale, even if she had previously been his slave, Beut. 20: 10 — 12. In order to pre- vent worse consequences, fathers frequently gave concubines to their sons ; and, whenever this was the case, they were bound by the laws of the state to treat them with the same tenderness, that they would a daughter or daughter in law, Exod. 21: 9 — 12. It a woman were made captive in war, she was allowed a month, as a period in which she v/as at liberty to mourn the loss of her pa- rents and friends ; and neither father nor son was permitted to take her as a concubine, till the expiration of that time, Deut 20: 10—14. 166 § 157. MARRIAGE, EtC. § 156. Fruitfulness in the Marriage State. This was greatly desired. A large number of offspring was considered an instance of the divine favour of the highest kind. Sons were generally more desired than daughters, because they transmitted the name of the father in genealogies. Sterility was looked upon, not only as a ground of great reproach especially to wives, but as a punishment from God, iSam. 1:6, 7. Ps. 127: 3—5. 128:4. Hos. 8: 14. Prov. 17:6. Eccles.6:3. Hardly less reproach was attached to a state of celibacy, and no prospect, accordingly, was more unpropitious and forbidding to virgins, than that of living and dying unwed and childless. Gen. 16: 2—14. 13:30—32. 30:13. Isa. 4: 1. 47:9. In such a state of things, barren wives thought it expedient to make use of various means to produce or to increase fruitfulness, Gen. 30: 15, 16. Cant. 7: 18. They even offered their maids to their husbands, whose offspring they adopted. Gen. 16: 1—3. 30: 1—18. § 157. Marriage of a childless ergther's Widow. There was an ancient law, existing prior to the time of Moses,. Gen. 38:8-12, to this effect. If in any case the husband died with- out issue, leaving a widow, the brother of the deceased or the nearest male relation, "^Na, was bound to marry, Qs^, the widow, to give to the first-born son the name of the deceased kinsman, to insert his name in the genealogical register, and to deliver into his possession the estate of the deceased. This peculiar law is technically denominated the Levirate law, and had its origin without doubt in that strong desire of offspring, which has been mentioned in the preceding section. Moses was aware, that the Levirate Law was in some respects pernicious, but when he recollected the feeling which was at the bottom of it, and the importance of that feeling being cherished, he did not think proper to abolish it. While, therefore, he did not withhold from it his sanction, and thought proper to make it one of the permanent laws of the Jew- ish state, he reduced it within certain limits, and thereb}' rendered the injurious consequences as small as possible. lie, accordingly, enacted, that whoever was unwilling to marry the wife of his deccas- § 158. CONCERNING ADULTERY. 167 ed kinsman, might decline it in the presence of judges, in case he would allow the woman the privilege of taking off his shoes, of spitting in his face and of addressing him with the discreditable- salutation of M/is/ioJ, an appellation, which in effect would be the same with stigmatizing him^ as the destroyer of his brother^ house, Deut. 25: 5 — 10. The disgrace, which would be the consequence of such treatment from (he widow, was not so great, but a person, who was determined not to marry, would dare to encounter it, Ruth 4: 7, 8. Matt. 22: 23—28. § 158. Concerning Adultert. In those countries, where polygamy prevails, the sentiment in respect to the perpetration of adultery is this. If a married mai» has criminal intercourse with a married woman, or with one prom- ised in marriage, or with a widow expecting to be married with a brother in law, it is accounted adultery. If he is guilty of such in- tercourse with a woman, who is unmarried, it is considered /or- nication^ D^3n3T. Adultery, even before the time of Moses, Gen. 38: 24, was reckoned a crime of a very heinous nature, and was accordingly punished. In Egypt the nose of the adulteress, in Persia the nose and ears were cut off, Ezek. 23: 25. In the penal code of Moses the punishment annexed to this crime was that of death, but the mode of being put to death is not particularly men- tioned, because it was known from custom, Lev. 20: 10. It was not, however, as the Talmudists coniend, strangulation, hut stoning^ as we may learn from various parts of scripture, for instance, Ezek. IG: 38, 40. John 8:5, and as in fact Moses himself testifies, if we compare Exod. 31:14. 35:2, with Numbers 15:35, 36. If the adulteress were a slave, the persons guilty were both scourged with a leather whip, n'^fps, the number of the blows not exceed- ing forty. The adulterer in this instance, in addition to the scourging, was subjected to the further penalty of bringing a tres- pass offering, viz. a ram, to the door of the tabernacle of the con- gregation, to be offered in his behalf by the priest. Lev. 19:20 168 § 160. BILL OF DIVORCE. § 159. The srspECTED Wife. The power was given to the husband, who suspected his wife of infidelity, of exacting from her in the temple or tabernacle, what may be termed the ordeal oath^ Num. 5: 11 — 31. To this oath were attached such dreadful penalties, that a person really guilty certainly could not take it without betraying her criminality by some indications, unless she possessed the extremity of hardi- hood. Moses appears to have substituted this oath and the cere- monies attending it, instead of an ancient and pernicious custom, of which some traces still remain in Africa ; see Oldendorp's Ges- chichte der Mission, S. 266, 267. Dreadful as it was, there were not wanting wives, who set it at defiance ; licentiousness increased, and adulteries were multiplied, especially in the later periods of the Jew- ish state. The Talmudists themselves state, Sota c. 9, that the law in regard to the suspected wife was abrogated as much as forty years before the destruction of Jerusalem. The reason they assign for it, is, that the men themselves were at that period generally adulter- ers, and that God would not fulfil the horrid imprecations of the or- deal oath upon the wife alone, while the husband was guilty of the same crime, comp. John 8; 1 — 8. ^ 160. Bill of Divorce. As the ancient Hebrews paid a stipulated price for the privi- lege of marrving, thej' seemed to consider it the natural conse- quence of making a payment of that kind, that they should be at liberty to exorcise a very arbitrary power over their wives, and to renounce or divorce them, whenever they chose. This state of things, as Moses himself very clearly saw, was not equita- ble as respected the woman, and was very often injurious to both parties. Finding himself, however, unable to overrule feelings and practices of very ancient standing, he merely annexed to the original insJitution of marriage a very serious admonition to this etfect, viz. that it would be less criminal for a man to desert his father and mother, than without adequate cause to desert his wife, Gen. 2:24, compared with Mich. 2: 9. and Malachi 2: 1 1 — 14. He also laid a restriction upon the power of the husband as far as this, § 160. BILL OF DIVORCE. 169 that he would not permit him to repudiate the wife without g'iv- ing her a hill of divorce. He further enacted in reference to this subject, that the husband might receive the repudiated wife back, in case she had not in the meanwhile been married to another person; but if she had been thus married, she could never after- wards become the wife of her first husband ; a law, which the faith due to the second husband clearly required, Deut. 24: 1 — 4. , comp. Jer. 3: 1, and Matt. 1: 19. 19: 8. The inquiry, " What should be considered an adequate cause of divorce," was left by Moses to be determined by the husband him- self. He had liberty to divorce her, if he saw in her any thing na- ked, *^ST n2'n2>, i. e. any thing displeasing or improper, as may be learnt by comparing the same expressions in Deut. 23: 14, 15 ; any thing so much at war with propriety, and a source of so much dissatisfaction as to be, in the estimation of the husband, sufficient ground for separation, These expressions, however, were sharp- ly contested as to their meaning in the later times of the Jewish nation. The school of Hillel contended, that the husband might lawfully put away the wife for any cause, even the smallest. The mistake committed by the school of Hillel in taking this ground was, that they confounded moral and civil Law. It is true, as far as the Mosaic statute or the civil Law was concerned, the hus- band had a right thus to do ; but it is equally clear, that, the ground of legal separation must have been, not a trivial, but a prominent and important one, when it is considered, that he was bound to consult the rights of the woman, and was amenable to his conscience and his God. The school of Shammai explained the phrase, nakedness of a thing, to mean actual adultery. This interpretation of the phrase gives to the law a moral aspect, and assigns a reason, as the ground of divorce, of the truest moral na- ture ; but the truth is, that the phrase, in itself considered, will not bear this interpretation, and the law beyond question was de- signed to be merely a civil, and not a moral one. Jesus, who did not so much explain, as till up the deficiencies of the Mosaic institutes, agreed with the school of Shammai as far as this, that the ground of divorce should be one of a moral nature, but he does not appear to have agreed with them in their opinion in respect to the Mosaic statute. On the contrary he denied the equity, the moral correctness of that statute, and in justification of 170 § 161. CHILD-BIRtH. Moses maintained, that he suffered it to be sanctioned by his au- thority, only inconsequence of the hardness of the people's hearts, Matt. 5: 31,32. 18:1—9. Mark 10: 2— 12. Luke 16: 18. Wives, who were considered tiie property of their husbands, did not en- joy by the Mosaic statutes a reciprocal right, and were not at lib- erty to dissolve (he matrimonial alliance by giving a bill of di- vorce to that etTect. In the later periods, however, of the Jew- ish state, the Jewish matrons, the more powerful of them at least, appear to have imbibed the spirit of the ladies of Rome, and to have exercised in their own behalf the same power, that was granted by the Mosaic law to their husbands, Josephus, Antiq. XV. 7, 10. Mark 6: 17—29. 10: 12. In case the wife felt herself in- jured and aggrieved, we may infer, from the fact of the concubine's possessing that right, who had previously been a maid-servant, that the wife also possessed the right of obtaining a bill of divorce from a judge, Exod. 21: 10. § 161. Child-Birth. In oriental countries child-birth is not an event of much diffi- culty, and mothers at such a season were originally the only as- sistants of their daughters, as any further aid was deemed unne- cessary, Exod. 1: 19. In cases of more than ordinary difficulty, those matrons, who had acquired some celebrity for skill and ex- pertness on occasions of this kind, were invited in ; and in this Vv-ay there eventually rose into notice that class of women denom- inated midwives. Tiie child was no sooner born, than it was wash- ed in a bath, rubbed vvilh salt, and wrapped in swaddling clothes, br.!!?! , Ezek. 16:4. It was the custom at a very ancient period, for the father, while musick in the mean while was heard to sound, to clasp the new-born child to his bosom, and by this ceremony was understood to declare it to be his own, Gen. 60: 23. Job 3: 12. Ps. 22: 11. This practice was imitated by those wives, who adopt- ed the children of their maids. Gen. 16: 2. 30: 3 — 5. The birth day of a son, especially, was made a festival, and on each successive year was celebrated with renewed demon- strations of festivity and joy. Gen. 40: 20. Job 1: 4, Matt. 14:6. Herodot. I. 133. Cyropaed. I. 3. 9. The messenger, who brought the news of the birth of a son, was received with pleasure, and § 163. ANTIQUITY OF CIRCUMCISION. 171 rewarded with presents, Job 3: 3. Jer. 20:15. This is the case at the present day in Persia. The MOTHER at^ter the birth of a son was unclean for seven days, and during the thirty three days succeeding the seven of un- cleanness remained at home. If a daughter were born, the num- ber of the days of uncleanness and sechision at home was doubled. After the expiration of this period, she went into the tabernacle or temple, and offered a lamb of a year old ; or, if she were poor, two turtle doves, and two young pigeons, for a sacrifice of purifi- cation, Levit. 12: 1—8. Luke 2: 22. § 162. Circumcision. The son, on the eighth day after its birth, was circumcised. By the fulfilment of this rite, it was consecrated to the service of the true God, Gen. 17: 10. comp. Rom. 4: 11. This, no doubt, was the principal end of circumcision, but there do not appear to have been wanting other subsidiary objects, comp. John 7: 23. I. Circumcision was a preventive of the disease called the an- thrax or carbuncle. This disease originates from the impurities, which collect under the prepuce, and is fatal in its effects. Hero- dot. II. 45, Josephus against Apion, U. 13, Philo on Circumcision. II. Circumcision may have had the beneficial tendency of in- creasing the population, for when the prepuce, in such a climate as that of Palestine, is long, it is an obstacle to fruitfulness. The pains, resulting from circumcision, if we may believe the Moham- medans, are severest on the third day, Gen. 34: 25. § 163. Antiquity of Circumcision. The command, given in Gen. 17: 10 — 14, to practise circum- cision, is expressed in such terms, as to leave it quite evident, that the rite in question was known previous to the time of Abraham. We learn from Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Sirabo, and from the prophet Jeremiah, 9: 25, 26, that in Egypt all the priests and not a few of the laity, were circumcised. No one certainly will un- dertake to say, that the Egyptians borrowed the rite from the He- brews ; and. if this were not the case, it seems to be a very plain 172 § 164. ON THE NAMING OF CHILDREN. and natural conclusion, that Abraham himself first learnt it in Egypt, Gen. 12: 10 — 15. Hit be objected to this statement, that uncircuimcision is de- nominated in Joshua 6: 9, the reproach of Egypt, (expressions, which imply that the Egyptians were not circumcised,) the answer is, those expressions might be very naturally and very properly used, provided only a part of the Egyptians, as above stated, were circumcised ; inasmuch as the Hebrews esteemed circumcision an honour of such a high and indispensable nature, that it could not be withheld from a single individual, without discredit and disgrace. Gen. 34: 14. Josh. 5: 9. Jer. 9 : 24, 25. It ought to be remarked, however, that notwithstanding the high estima- tion in which the Hebrews held this rite, the numbers of them, who in the age of the Maccabees, took a part in the Gym- nastick exercises of the Greeks and of course appeared naked on such occasions, considered circumcision a discredit to them ; and, by an operation, described in Celsus Lib. VII. c. 25, and designat- ed by the Greek verb enianccGdcci, they contrived to restore the prepuce to its original form, 1 Mace. 1: 15. 1 Cor. 7: 18. § 164. On the Naming of Children. A Nj\me was given to the male child at the time of its circum- cision, but it is probable previous to the introduction of that rite, that the name was given immediately after its birth. Among the orientals the appellations given as names are always significant. In the Old Testament, we find that the child was named in many in- stances from the circumstances of its birth, or from some peculi- arities in the history of the family, to which it belonged. Gen. 16: 11. 19:37. 25:25, 26. Exod. 2: 10. 18:3, 4. Frequently the name was a compound one, one part being the name of the Deity, and among idolatrous nations the name of an idol. The following in- stances may be mentioned among others, and may stand as speci- mens of the whole, viz. blSJ^JSTiJ, Samuel, hear God ; fll^'ShN, Adoni- .lAH, God is lord ; p^iriii';!, Josedech, God is just ; ^y2riN. Ethbaal, a Canaanilish name, the latter part of the compound being the name of the idol deity, Baal ; "i^N^liba, Belshazzar, Bel, (a Baby- lonish deity,) is ruler and ki7ig. Sometimes the name had a pro- § 165. CONCERNING THE FIRST BORN. 173 phetick meaning, Gen. 17: 15. Isa. 7: 14. 8:3. Hos. 1:4, 6,9. Matt. 1:21. Luke 1: 13,60,63. In the later times names were selected from those of the pro- genitors of a family ; hence in the New Testament, hardly any other than ancient names occur. Matt. 1: 12. Luke 1:61. 3: 23. et seq. The inhabitants of the East very frequently change their names, and sometimes do it for very slight reasons. This ac- counts tor the fact of so many persons having two names in Scrip- ture, consult Ruth 1: 20, 21. 1 Sam. 14: 49. 31: 2. 1 Chron. 10: 2. Jud. 6: 32. 7: 1. 2 Sam. 23 : 8. Kings and princes very often changed the names of those, who held offices under them, partic- ularly when they tirst attracted their notice and were taken into their employ, and when subsequently they were elevated to some new station and crowned with additional honours, Gen. 41: 45. 17: 5. 32: 28. 35: 10. 2 Kgs. 23: 34, 35. 24: 17. Dan. 1:6. John 1: 42. Mark 3: 17. Hence a name, (a new name,') occurs tropically, as a token or proof of distinction and honour in the following among other passages, Philip. 2: 9. Heb. 1: 4. Rev. 2: 17. Sometimes the names of the dead were changed, for instance that of Abel, ^nlri , a word, which signifies breath, or something transitory as a breath, given to him after his death in allusion to the shortness of his life. Gen. 2: 8. Sometimes proper names are translated into other languages, losing their original form, while the}' preserve their signification. This appears to have been the case with the proper names, which occur in the eleven first chapters of Gen- esis, and which were translated into the Hebrew from a lan- guage still more ancient. The orientals in some instances, in or- der to distinguish themselves from others of the same name, add- ed to their own name, the name of their father, grand-father, and even great grand-father. § 165. Concerning the First Born, ^ib2. The first born, who was the object of special affection to his parents, was denominated by way of eminence, QtV"}. "IpS, the open- ing of the. womb, in case a man married with a widow, who by a previous marriage had become the mother of children, the first- born as respected the second husband was the child, that was eld- est by the second marriage. Before the time of Moses, the fath- 174 § 165. CONCERNIXG THK FIRST BORN. er might, if he chose, transfer the right of primogeniture to a younger child, but the practice occasioned much contention, Gen. 25: 31, 32, and a law was enacted, overruling it, Deut. 21: 15 — 17. The first born inherited peculiar rights and privileges. I. He received a double portion of the estate. Jacob in the case of Reuben, his first-born, bestowed his additional portion up- on Joseph, by adopting his two sons. Gen. 48: 5 — 8. Deut. 21: 17. This was done as a reprimand, and a punishment of his incestuous conduct, Gen. 35: 22; but Reuben, notwithstanding, was enrolled as the first-Iinrn in the genealogical registers, 1 Chron. 5: 1. II. The first btjrn was the priest of the whole family. The honour of exercising the priesthood was transferred, by the com- mand of God communicated through Moses, from the tribe of Reu- ben, to whom it belonged b}' right of primogeniture, to that of Levi, Num. 3: 12 — 18. 8: 18. In consequence of this fact, that God had taken the Levites from among the children of Israel in- stead of all the first born to serve him as priests, the first born of the other tribes were to be redeemed, at a valuation made by the priest not exceeding five shekels, from serving God in that capac- ity, Num. 18: 15, 16, comp. Luke 2: 22, et seq. HI. The first born enjoyed an authority over those, who were younger, similar to that possessed by a father, Gen. 25: 23, etseq. 2 Chron. 21: 3. Gen, 27: 29. Exod. 12: 29, which was transferred in the case of Reuben by Jacob their father to Judah, Gen. 49: 8 — 10. The tribe of Judah, accordingly, even before it gave kings to the Hebrews, was every where distinguished from the other tribes. In consequence of the authority, which was thus at- tached to the first- born, he was also made the successor in the kingdom. There was an exception to this in the case of Solomon, who, though a younger brother, was made his successor by David at the special appointment of God. It is very eas}^ to see in view of these facts, how the word, first-born, came to express some- times a great, and sometimes the highest dignity. Is. 14: 30. Ps. 89: 27. Rom. 8; 29. Coloss. 1: 15—18. Heb. 12: 23. Rev. 1: 5, 11. Job 18: 13. § 166. THE NURTURE OP CHILDREN. 175 § 1 66. The Nurture of Childrf.iv. Mothers, in the earliest times, suckled, p"";""", their offspring themselves, and that from thirty to thirty six months. The day when the child was weaned, vvas made a festival, Gen. 21: 8. Exod. 2: 7, 9. 1 Sam. 1: 22—24. 2 Chron. 31: 16. 2 Mace. 7: 27, 28. Matt. 21: 16. Josephus, Antiq. 11: 9. JVurses, nip"'3'^'?., were employed, in case the mother died be- fore the child was old enough to be weaned, and when from any circumstances she was unable to afford a sufficient supply of milk for its nourishment. In later ages, when matrons had become more delicate and thought themselves too infirm to fulfil the duties, which naturally devolved upon them, nurses were employed to take their place, and were reckoned among the principal members of the family. They are, accordingly, in consequence of the respectable station, which they sustained, frequently mentioned in sacred history. Gen. 35: 8. 2 Kgs. II: 2. 2 Chron. 22: 11. The sons remained till the fifth year in the care of the women ; they then came into the father's hands, and were taught not only the arts and duties of life, but were instructed in the Mosaic law, and in all parts of their country's religion, Deut. 6: 20 — 25. 7: 19. 11: 19. Those, who wished to have them further instructed, provided they did not deem it preferable to employ private teach- ers, sent them away to some priest or Levite, who sometimes had a number of other children to instruct. It appears from 1 Sam. 1: 24 — 28, that there was a school near the holy Tabernacle, ded- icated to the instruction of youth. There had been many other schools of this kind, which had fallen into discredit, but were re- stored again by the prophet Samuel ; after whose time the mem- bers of the Seminaries in question, who were denominated by way of distinction the sons of the prophets, acquired no little notoriety. The daughters rarely departed from the apartments appropri- ated to the females, except when they went out with an urn, ^3, to draw water, which was the practice with those, who belonged to those humbler stations in life, where the ancient simplicity of manners had not lost its prevalence, Exod. 2: 16. Gen. 24: 16. 29: 10. 1 Sam. 9: 11, 12. John 4: 9. They spent their time in learn- 176 § 167. THE POWER OF THE FATHER. ing those domestick and other arts, which are befitting a woman's situation and character, till they arrived at that period in life, when they were to be sold, or by a better fortune given away in marriage, Prov. 31: 13. 2 Sam. 13: 7. The daughters of those, who by their wealth had been elevated to high stations in life, so far from going out to draw water in urns, might be said to spend the whole of their time within the walls of their palaces. In im- itation of their mothers, they were occupied with dressing, with singing, and with dancing ; and, if we may judge from the repre- sentations of modern travellers, their apartments were sometimes the scenes of vice, Ezek. 23: 18. They went abroad but very rarely, as already intimated, and the more rarely the higher they were in point of rank, but they received with cordiality female visitants. The virtues of a good woman, of one that is determin- ed, whatever her station, to discharge each incumbent duty and to avoid the frivolities and vices, at which we have briefly hinted, are mentioned in terms of approbation and praise in Proverbs 31: 10—31. § 167. The Power of the Father. The authority, to which a father was entitled, extended not only to his wife, to his own children, and to his servants of both sexes, but to his children's children also. It was the custom anciently for sons newly married to remain at their father's house, unless it had been their fortune to marry a daughter, who, having no brothers, was heiress to an estate ; or unless, by some trade or by commerce, they had acquired siithcient property to enable them to support their own family. It might of course be expected, while they lived in their father's house and were in a manner the pensioners on his bount}-, that he would exercise his authority over the children of his sons, as well as over the sons themselves. If it be asked, " What the power of the father was in such a case," the answer is that it had no narrow limits, and, whenever he found it necessary to resort to measures of severity, he was at liberty to inflict the extremity of punishment, Gen. 21: 14. 38: 24. This power was so restricted by Moses, that the father, if he judg- ed the son worthy of death, was bound to bring the cause before a judge. But he enacted at the same time, that the judge should pronounce sentence of death upon the son, if on inquiry it could § 168. OF THE TESTAMENT OR WILL. 177 be proved, that he had beaten or cursed his father or mother, or that he was a spendthrift, or saucy, or contumacious, and could not be reformed, Exod. 21: 15, 17. Lev. 20: 9. Deut. 21: 18—21. The authority of the parents, and the'service and love due to them, are recognized in the most prominent and fundamental of the moral laws of the Jewish polity, viz. the Ten Commandments, Exod. 20: 12. The son, who had acquired property, was commanded to ex- hibit his gratitude to his parents, not only by words and in feel- ing, but by gifts. Matt. 15: 5, 6. Mark 7: 11—13. The power of the father over his oflspring in the ancient times was not only very great for the time being, and while he sojourned with them in the land of the living ; but he was allowed also to cast his eye into the future^ and his prophetick curse or blessing possessed no little efficacy. Gen. 49: 2—28. § 168. Of the Testament or Will. I. As respected sons. The property or estate of the father fell after his decease into the possession of his sons, who divided it among themselves equally ; with this exception, that the eldest son received two portions. The father expressed his last wishes or Will in the presence of witnesses, and probably in the presence of the heirs, 2 Kgs. 20: 1. At a recent period the Will was made out in writing. II. As respected the sons of Concubines. The portion, that was given to the sons of concubines^ depended altogether upon the feelings of the father. Abraham gave presents, to what amount is not known, both to Ishmael and to the son?, whom he hard by Keturah, and sent them away before his death. It does not ap- pear, that they had an}^ other portion in the estate. But Jacob made the sons, whom he had by his concubines heirs, as well as the others. Gen. 21:8—21.29: 1—6. 49: 1 — 27. Moses laid no re- strictions upon the choice of fathers in this respect ; and we should infer, that the sons of concubines for the most part received- an equal share with the other sons Irom the fact, that Jephtha, the son of a concubine, complained, that he was excluded without any portion from his father's house, Jud. 11: I — 7. III. As respected daughters. The daughters not only had no 23 173 § 169. nEsi'ECTiNG slaves. portioa in the estate, but, if they were unmarried, were consider- ed as making a part of it, and were sold by their brothers into matrimony. In case there were no brothers, or they all had died, they took the estate, JVum. 27: 1 — 8. If any one died intestate, and without any oiTspring, the property was disposed of according to Num. 27: 8—11. IV. Jls respected servants. The servants or the slaves in a fami- ly could not claim any share in the estate as a right, but the per- son, who made a IVill^ might, if he chose, make them his heirs, comp. Gen. 15: 3. Indeed in some instances, those who had /teirs, recognized as such by the law, did not deem it unbecoming to be- stow the whole or a portion of their estates on faithful and deserv- ing servants. Pro v. 17: 2. V. As respected widows. The widow of the deceased., like his daughters, had no legal right to a share in the estate. The sons, however, or other relations were bound to afford her an ade- quate maintenance, unless it had been otherwise arranged in the Will. She sometimes returned back again to her father's house, particularly if the support, which the heirs gave her, was not such as had been promised, or was not sutficient, Gen. 38: 11, compare also the story of Ruth. The prophets very frequently, and undoubtedly not without cause, exclaim against the neglect and injustice shown to widows. Is. 1: 17. 10: 2. Jer. 7: 6. 22: 3. Ezek. 22: 7. comp. Exod. 22: 22—24. Deut. 10: 18. 24: 17. § 169. Respecting Slaves, D'^niai';, ninsp. The number in a family was very much increased by the slaves, that were attached to it. It is probable, that some of the patriarchs, as was sometimes the case at a later period with indi- viduals in Greece and Italy, possessed many thousands of them. Slavery existed and prevailed before the deluge. Gen. 9: 25. Mo- ses therefore, although he saw the evils of slavery, was not in a condition to abolish it, and it would not have been wise for him to have made the attempt. He, accordingly, permitted the He- brews to possess foreigners both male and female in the charac- ter of slaves; but the owners of them were bound by the laws to circumcise them, if they had not previously been so, and to in- struct them in the worship of the only true God. § 170. WAYS IN WHICH MEN BECAME SLAVES. 179 We have said the Hebrews were permitted to hold foreigners in slavery, but to this statement there are some exceptions, which are to be mentioned. The Canaunites could not be held in slave- ry. For them^ under the then existing circumstances, slavery was regarded too great a privilege, or rather it would have subjected the Jews to too great a hazard. Such was the bad faith of the Canaanites, the greatness of their numbers, and their deep rooted idolatry, that, had they been introduced under any circumstances whatever into the Israelitish community, they would certainly have endangered their existence, as a people of God. The Gib- eonites, the Kephirites, the Beerothites, and the inhabitants of Kirjath-jearim, having surreptitiously obtained a treaty with the Israelites, were made exceptions also, and were employed in the service of the Tabernacle, Jos. 9: 1 — 27. § 170. Ways in which me\ became Slaves. Men lost their freedom in ancient times in so many ways, that it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to assert of any one of them, that it was the origin or first occasion of slavery. We shall, therefore, content ourselves with merely mentioning the various ways, in which they plunged into so unfortunate and debasing a condition. I. Captivihj in war. Some suppose this to have been the or- igin of slavery, Deut. 20: 14. 21': 10, 11. Gen. 14 ch. II. Debts. These, as well as captivity in war, became an oc- casion of slavery, when they were so large, that the debtor was unable to defray them, 2 Kgs. 4: 1. Is. 50: 1. Matt. 18: 25. in. Theft. Slavery was the consequence of theft, when the thief was not able to repay the amount of the property, which he had taken, Exod. 22: 2. Neh. 5: 4, 5. IV. Man-stealing. By this is to be understood that act of vi- olence, by which an individual in time of peace is unjustly sold into slavery, or is retained as a slave in the possession of the author of the crime himself. Moses enacted laws of very great severity against this crime, but they were restricted in their operation to those, who had by violence taken and made a slave, or sold for one, a free Hebrew, Exod. 21: 16. Deut. 24: 7. V. The children of slaves. Children, who were slaves by birth, 180 § 171. CONDITION OF SLAVES AMONG THE HEBREWS. are mentioaed in the Scriptures under the following Hebrew phrases. rT'S ■^11^'', those born in one's house; nnS'i;^ "^32, il/JNlT! ''Z'Z. the children of viaid-servants ; D^i "^32, the sons or children of the house ; consult' Gen. 14: 14. 15; 3. 17: 23. 21: 10. Ps. 86: 16. 116: 16. VI. Purchase. This happened, when a man oppressed with poverty sold himself or when a master sold his slave. Purchas- ing slaves of a person, who possessed them, was the most com- mon method of obtaining them, Num. 31: 4, 14 — 18, 35. Hence slaves are denominated ;]D3 tip.p^O, the properly or the purchase of silver^ i. e. those purchased with silver. The price of a slave was diiferent at different times, varying with the age, sex, health, skill, &,c. of the individual sold. We may inter from Exodus 21:32, that the medium price of a slave was thirty shekels ; and, by an examination of Lev. 27: 1 — 8, form a probable opinion as to the difference of the valuation of a slave in the different periods of his life. § 171. Condition of Slaves among the Hebrews. Both the food and the clothing of those, who, from any cause, whatever it might be, had lost their freedom, were of the ])oorest description. All their earnings went to their master, and their labour was worth to him double that of a merely hired servant, Deut. 15: 18. They commonly had the consent of their masters to marry, or rather to connect themselves with a woman in that way, which is denominated by a Latin law-term coniuhernium. The children, that proceeded from this sort of marriages, were the i)roperty not of the parents, but of their owners. The child- ren, however, never addressed their owners as a father, but al- ways as a lord or master, Gal. 4:6. Rom. 8; 15. Although the children born in his house were the slaves of the owner, they were as devoted and as true to him, as if they had sustained to him the actual relationship of children. It was in view of this tact, that the patriarchs thought proper to trust them with arms, and to train them up to war. Gen. 14:14. 32:6. 33:1. They were expected to perform any labour, which their masters deem- '^d it expedient to require of them, l)ut their common avocation § 172. CONDITION OF SLAVES AMOXG THE HEBREWS. 181 was that of husbandry, and the tending of flocks and herds. The maid-servants were employed in domestick concerns, though not unfrequenlly they were compelled to engage in those duties, which from their nature were more befitting the other sex. The servant, who was found to be most faithful and discreet, was placed over the others, and was called n'^a'JpT , ocxopo/^iog, or the steward^ Gen. 24: 2. 47: 6. 1 Sam. 24: 7. 1 Chron. 27: 29, 30. Ruth 2: 5. It was the duty of the ruling servant or steward to al- lot to the others their various duties, and likewise to see their food prepared, except when, as was sometimes the case, a female servant, who had been found especially worthy to be trusted, had assumed the charge of the latter, Prov. 31: 15. 1 Cor. 4: 1, 2. Gal. 4:2. Eph. .3:2. Tit. 1: 7. 1 Peter 4: 10. It was the business of some of the servants to instruct the children of their owners, while some waited upon their mistress, and others upon their master. The condition of these was in some respects less hard than that of the others, although it is natural to suppose, that those masters, who had any sense of the duties, which every man owes to another, whatever his condition, exhib- ited to all of their slaves acts of kindness and humanity. Job 31: 13. Moses, in order to render the condition of those, who had lost their liberty, as free from misery and as favourable as possible, made the following regulations : I. That servants or. slaves should be treated with humanity. The law, which is given in Leviticus 25: 39 — 53, speaks very ex- pressly in relation to the treatment of servants, that were of He- brew origin, and in truth of those only ; but as the slaves, that were of foreign origin, when once circumcised, were reckoned among the Hebrews, it may be considered as applying, in some degree at least, to all. II. That the master, who slew a servant of whatever origin with a rod or by means of blows, should be punished according to the will and pleasure of the judge. In case the servant did not die till a day or two after being smitten, the master went unpun- ished, because the design of murdering the servant could not in that case be presumed, and the loss of the servant itself was deem- ed a sufficient punishment, Exod. 21: 20, 21. in. He further enacted, if the master injured the servant in eye or tooth, that is, according to the spirit of the law, in any 182 § 171. CONDITION OF SLAVES AMOMG THE HEBREWS. member whatever, the servant in consequence of such treatment, should receive his freedom, Exod. 21: 26,27. IV. That the servants, on every sabbath and on all festival occasions, should enjoy a cessation from their labours, Exod. 20: 10. Deut. 5: 14. V. That they should be invited to those feasts, which were made from the second tythes, Deut. 12: 17, 18. 16: 11. comp. Matt. 25: 21—23. VI. That the servants, in accordance with an ancient law or custom, to which there is an allusion in Job 24: 10, 11, were en- titled to and should receive an adequate subsistence from those, to whom they were subject, Deut: 25: 4. comp. 1 Tim. 5: 18. 1 Cor. 9: 9. VII. The master was bound to provide for the marriage of maid-servants, unless he took them to himself as concubines, or gave them to his son, Exod. 21: 8. VIII. A servant of Hebrew origin was not obliged to serve longer than six years, after which time he was to be dismissed with presents of considerable amount, and with the wife, whom he had married previous to having lost his freedom, Exod. 21: 2 — 4. Lev. 25: 1 — 17. In case he had become a slave, while unmar- ried, and had married with the consent of his master during the period of his slavery, the wife could not go out with him to the enjoyment of freedom, till she had first completed her seven years of servitude, Exod. 21: 4. Lev. 25: 39 — 41. Deut. 15: 12-17. Of this privilege, for such it may be considered, the Hebrew maid- servants were, at first, for some reason, wholly deprived, Exod. 21: 7 et seq.: but at a later period, when the face of things had prob- ably undergone some changes, the Hebrew legislator thought fit to grant it to them, Deut. 15: 12 — 17. The person, who had once been a slave, but had afterwards obtained his freedom, was denominated in Hebrew, ""IJcn. If the servant, too much attach- ed to his master, his wife, and the children of whom he had be- come the father in his servitude, refused to accept the freedom^ which had been ofl'ered him ; the master in the presence of a judge had liberty to receive him, and in sign of perpetual servi- tude was to thrust an awl through his ear into the door-post, Exod. 21:5, 6. Deut. 15: 16. It v.^as not in the power of their masters, however, to sell slaves of this description, notwithstanding § 172. SLAVES AMONG OTHER NATIONS. 183 they had voluntarily subjected themselves to perpetual servitude, to any person living out of the Hebrew territories, Exod. 21: 7, 8. In regard to those slaves, who had not completed the six years of their service, it may be further remarked here, that, if they were Hebrews by origin, and had been sold to persons dwelling in the Hebrew territory, their relations or any other person might redeem them, or they might redeem themselves, if they had prop- erty sufficient, by paying a price adequate to the remaining years of service, making six in the whole. Lev. 25: 47 — 55. IX. On the year of Jubilee, all the servants or slaves of He- brew descent were to be emancipated, Lev. 25: 39 — 41. X. Slaves, who were Hebrews by birth, were permitted to possess some little property of their own, as may be learnt from Leviticus, 25: 49, compared with 2 Samuel 9: 10. Finally, a slave, who had fled from another nation and sought a refuge among the Hebrews, was to be received and treated with kindness, and not to be forcibly returned back again, Deut. 23: 15, 16. § 172. The Condition of Slaves among other Nations. Notwithstanding Moses inculcated in many instances hu- manity towards slaves, and protected them also by special laws enacted in their favour'; they were sometimes the subjects of undue severity of treatment, and of sufferings in various ways, Jer. 34: 8 — 22. Still it cannot be denied, that their condition was better among the Hebrews, than among some other nations; as may be learnt from their well known rebellions against the Greeks and Romans. Nor is it at all wonderful, that the Hebrews diifer- ed from other nations in the treatment of their slaves in a way so much to their credit, when we consider the many and weighty motives, that were presented to them thus to act. Especially when we consider, that in other countries, there was no sabbath for the slave, no day of rest, and no laws sanctioned by the Divin- ity in their favour. Runaway slaves, and those, who were suspected of an intention to do it, were branded, for the most part in the forehead, to which custom there are allusions in Galatians 6: 17, and Revelation 14: 9. 22: 4. Slaves in heathen nations were debarred from a participa- tioQ both in all the publick festivals, and in all the religious exer- 184 § 172. SLAVES AMONG OTHER NATIONS. cises, which was a very different state of things from that among the Hebrews. After Christianit}'^ had penetrated into those na- tions, the state of things was in some degree changed ; and slaves, in the Christian Church, enjoyed equal privileges with any others, as far as the Church was concerned. Gal. 3: 28. Coloss. 3: 10,11. PhihlO. 1 Cor. 12:13. Eph. 6: 8. Slaves in other nations were not supported hy those, with whom they laboured; consult Pollux on the word Tiavor/.UTii]. They were very rarely permitted to marry, or to enter into that state called by a Roman law-term, contubernium ; their private pos- sessions were subjected to the will of their master ; and they were obliged to make him presents from it. Whenever they were so happy as to be manumitted, they were still under the necessity of retaining the name of freedmen^ liberti, voOoi^ in allusion to their previous condition, and their children, as if the disgrace were de- signed to be perpetuated, were denominated libertini, frcedmeii's sons. We have not time to dwell upon the occasional, we might say, frequent, and excessive cruelty of their masters. In a word then, the condition of slaves was miserable, and the Jews were not to blame for boasting, that they were the freemen of Abraham, John 8:8. Paul himself acknowledges, that the con- dition of freedom is worthy of being eagerly embraced, when it can be embraced without dishonesty or injustice, but the freedom, which he esteemed most worthy in its nature and most important in its consequences, was that, which is given through our Lord Je- sus Christ, 1 Cor. 7: 21 — 23. Rom. 8: 15. Having this statement in regard to the slavery of other nations in view, one is in a con- dition to understand the force of that comparison introduced at times in the New Testament, which represents the Jews under the Mosaic law, as in a state of servitude, and Christians in a state of freedom, John 8:32,34. Rom. 16:17. James 1:25. It is a comparison, not only lively and impressive, but one, which, under the circumstances, that existed in the time of our Saviour and the Apostles, was very naturally made. This comparison as far as re- spected sinners had already been made by philosophers, and the meaning and emphasis attached to it were sufficiently well known to the Jews in the time of Christ. They must, therefore, have read- ily understood the expressions of Christ in John 8:31 — 34, unless they wilfully preferred making a mistake in a case, that was suffi- ciently plain. 185 CHAPTER XI. CHARACTER AND SOCIAL INTERCOURSE OF THE HEBREWS. § 173. Character of the Hebrews. The character of the Hebrews exhibits the vices common among oriental nations, viz, luxury, pomp, effeminacy, and arrogance. The arrogance of the Hebrews in later times was very great, see Tal- mud Bab. metzia p, 83. John 8: 33. Among the great, there was too great a prevalence of extortion, of oppression, and of hypocritical friendships, that sought to cover the hoUowness of the heart be- neath the external appearance. We find, that vices of this des- cription were a ground of complaint among the prophets and the subjects of their reprehensions in all parts of their writings ; and still it cannot be denied, that there occur in the history of the He- brews examples of great magnanimity, Gen. 14: 23. 44:34, Judg. 8:23. iSam. 12:3, 4, 18:1. 20:4—8,41,42, 23:16--18. 24:7 —12. 26:9—12. 1 Kgs, 20:31. Of the various traits in the char- acter of the Hebrews, which are developed in the course of their history, the most striking beyond any question is that of stubborn- ness and inflexibility, see Acts, 7th chapter. The disposition for idolatry ceased after the Captivity. If it be the fact, that the mad- ness of worshipping idols seized upon some of the nobler sort of people, so late as the time of the Maccabees, it is sufficiently evi- dent, that it did not extend to the great body of the nation. The publick or political virtues of the people may perhaps be sum- moned up by saying, that they were industrious in the culture of their fields, and brave on the field of battle. If we should assume the province of mentioning any particular period in their history, during which, more than at any other time, they appear to have 24 186 § 173. CHARACTER OP THE HEBREWS. excelled in bravery and in warlike skill, we should point to the days of David and the Maccabees. Amono^ the moral virtues, that are most celebrated in the Hebrew Scriptures, the following may be mentioned ; viz. (l.) TiT^'l.'^i justice^ a general term also for moral integrity, and purity of life. (2.) nQN. ln")3N, truth, fidelity, and sincerity. (3.) "IDII, huiaanily^ benevoleuce, or the love of our neighbour. (4.) D"'"l32>, the mild or merciful, Vnlg. lauibsimi^ New Te^ta- merit, iiQueig, are likewise spoken of with the must decided approba- tion. Many other moral virtues and duties are commended and en- forced in the Old Testament; so that there is no hesitancy in say- ing, that the Hebrews, in a knowledge of the principles of moral conduct, far exceeded all other nations. But we must not suppose, that the rectitude of the conduct of the Hebrews corresponded on all occasions to their knowledge, or that they all of them ful- filled those duties, the obligation of which they were too vveil in- formed not to admit. On the contrary, very many disregarded the light, which God had given, and neglected to fulfil those du- ties, which they felt themselves bound to perform. This per- versity of conduct exhibited itself more especially in the later pe- riods of their existence as a nation ; when many among them per- verted the Law of Moses by their traditions and philosophical quibbles. Holding to the letter, they wandered sufficiently far from its spirit, and acquired among all nations a very disgraceful celebrity for their falsehoods, impostures, and perjuries. Tacitus, Hist. V. 5. iThess. 2:15. Eph. 2: 14. In the last war of the Jews, viz. the contest with the Romans, the vices in their charac- ter to which we have alluded, prevailed more, and were check- ed by fewer restraints, than at any former period. Josephus himself, notwithstanding his origin from the Jewish people, is so candid as to confess the existence of such a state of things, as we have now stated. Corap. Matt. 12: 43 — 45. § 174. PROPRIETY AND REFINEMENT OF MANNERS. 187 § 174. PROPF..IETy AND REFINEMENT OF MANNERS. It cannot be denied, that there prevailed among the Hebrews no little propriety and refinement of manners ; although the marks of civility, which they exhibited to each other in their social in- tercourse, are by no means the same in all respects with those, which would be expected in such intercourse from a well bred and polite inhabitant of modern Europe. The prevailing taste for civility and for refinement of manners was strengthened by con- siderations, drawn from the Law of Moses, Lev. 19:32. The proofs, that such civility, and such refinement of manners actually existed and prevailed, are so numerous in the Bible, that a person would be disposed to complain, that they were too numerous, rath- er than that they were too (ew. But every country and every climate has something peculiar in its manners and modes of intercourse, as well as in other things. If in any country the common expressions of civility, and the us- ual forms of politeness should be thoroughly examined and duly estimated, they would be found to be more marked and extrava- gant, than was required by the actual state of the feelings. The orientals, especially, would be thought by an inhabitant of Europe to be excessive in their gestures and expressions of good-will, when in truth those ge'stures and expressions mean no more than very moderate ones among us. For instance, prostration upon the earth scarcely signified more among them, than a nod of the head, or an extension of the hand among the less animated and more moderate inhabitants of occidental nations. The very ancient forms of civility and politeness, mentioned in Genesis 18: 1 — 30. 19: 1—3. 23: 7, 12. 41: 43. 46: 6, and spoken of likewise by He- rodotus and other ancient historians, have been perpetuated to a great degree among Eastern nations till the present day. In the time of Christ, the ancient mode of addressing those who were worthy of being honoured, viz. by saying my lord, or words to that effect, was in a measure superseded ; and the honorary and more extravagant address of Rabbi, i. e. the great. S"! "Z^i which originated in tlie schools, had become common among the people ; also the title of H^uTime, or most excellent, Luke 1: 3. Acts 23: 26. 24: 3. 26: 25. 188 § 175. MODE OF SALUTATION. § 175. Mode of Salutation. The expressions used at salutation, and also those, which were used at pnrting-, implied in both instances, that the person who em- ployed them, interceded for a blessing on the other. Hence the word ^"12, which originally means to bless, means also to salute or to welcome, and to bid adieu, Gen. 47: 8 — 11. 2 Kgs. 4: 29. 10: 13. 1 Chron. 18: 10. The forms of salutation, that prevailed among the ancient Hebrews^ ■were as follows ; (1.) rjih"; ^nna, !l3^''b ^^^2, nVrr^ ^l'^'?, be thou blessed of JehovaJi. (2.) '^■'V.^ ITin']' M5'n3> the blessing of Jehovah be upon thee. (3.) ?T73y t^Tin"', may trod be with thee. (4.) ^'? oib^, I^T^?. ^"^-':^' ^^y /'coce, i. e. every blessing and prosperity be yours. This was the most common salutation, see Ruth 2: 4. Jud. 19: 20. 1 Sam. 25: 26. 2 Sam. 20: 9. Ps. 129: 8. (5.) ''3nN I^T!.! Sir, be your life prospered. This was the com- mon salutation among the Phenicians. It was in use also among the Hebrews, but was not addressed by them to any person ex- cept their kings. (6.) XuiQe, answering to the Latin ave or salve, in Hebrew n.l.ri., or ril^n, Luke 1: 27, 28. Matt. 26: 49. 28: 0. The gestures and inflexions of the body, which were made on an occasion of salutation, differed at different times, varj'ing with the dignit}' and station of the person, who was saluted ; as is the case among the orientals to this day. In pronouncing the forms of salutation just given, the orientals place the right hand upon the left breast, and with much gravity incline the head. If two Arab friends of equal rank in life meet together, they mutuallj' extend to each other the right hand, and having clasped, they elevate them, as if to kiss them. Having advanced thus far in the ceremony, each one draws back his hand and kisses it instead of his friend's, and then places it upon his forehead. Jf one of the Arabs be more exalted in point of rank than the other, he is at liberty to give the other an opportunity of kissing, instead of his oxon, the hand of his superiour. The parties then continue the salutation by recip- rocally kissing each other's beard, having first placed the hand § 175. MODE OF SALUTATION. 189 under it, in which case alone it is lawful to touch the beard, 2 Sam. 20: 9. It is sometimes the case, that persons, instead of this cere- mony, merely place their cheeks together. It is the common practice among the Persians for persons in saluting to kiss each otiier's lips ; if one of the individuals be a person of high rank, the salutation is given upon the cheeks instead of the lips, 2 Sam. 20: 9. Gen. 29:11,13. 33:4. 39:11. 48: 10— 12. Exod. 4: 27. 18: 7. The Arabians are in the habit of inquiring respecting the health, Dibt;, f»^**', of a person^ when they salute him, Gen. 29: 6. 43:27. 1 Sam, 16:4. They give thanks to God, that they once more see their friend, they pray to the Almighty in his behalf, and supplicate for him every sort of prosperity. They are some- times so animated on such occasions, as to repeat not less than ten times the ceremony of grasping hands and kissing, and the interro- ' gallons respecting each other's health. It may, therefore, be well concluded, that the salutation between friends was an occurrence, which consumed some time, and for this reason it was anciently inculcated upon messengers, who were sent upon business, that required despatch, not to salute an}' one by the way, 2 Kgs. 4:29. Luke 10:4. When we consider the nature of the oriental salutations, the ardour of gesticulation on such an occasion, the professions of friendship and good will, which were then made, we should not wonder, that the Evangelist John in his second Epistle, eleventh verse, thought it necessary to forbid a christian to salute a man of another sect, or to welcome him (o his house. For it is very clear, that pursuing such a course would have carried an errone- ous appearance, and would have possessed the very injurious ef- fect of confounding distinctions, and giving encouragement to her- esy. In the presence of the great and the noble, the orientals in- cline themselves almost to the earth, kiss their knees, or the hem of their garment, and place it upon their forehead. When in the presence of kings and princes more particularly, they go so far as to prostrate themselves at full length upon the ground, sometimes with their knees bent, they touch their forehead to the earth, and before resuming an erect position either kiss the earth, or, if they prefer it, the feet of the king or prince, in whose presence they are permitted to appear. 190 § 176, ON VISITING. This is the state of things among the orientals ; and one proof among others, that it was the same among the ancient Hebrews, is to be found, in some instances in the prevaiUng. and in others in the original signification of those words, which are used to express the attitudes and the acts of salutation. The words, to which we re- fer, are as follows, Tip, to incliiie or bend down the head. 2'"13, to bend down the body very low. ^"13, to bsnd the knee., also to salute one. lr!j:"ii« CON y"\3i n::iiN riinnujn, n:!i'nN i^Q2, to beiid down to the earthy to fall prostrate on the earthy to Jail with the face to the earth. The word i-iinn"^;!, when standing by itself, does not mean prostration upon tlie earth, but merely an inclination of the body, as is evident from 1 Kgs. 2: 19. Prostration is expressed in Greek by the word ngoGxvvitv, and in Latin by the word adorare. The various positions of body, of which we have spoken, were assum- ed in the worship of God. The Greeks and Latins maintained, that there should be a prostration of the body in the worship of God only, and not on an occasion of less importance, Acts 10:25, 26. Rev. 19:20. 22:9. The Hebrew verb nSD is used only in reference to the adoration of idols, and not of the supreme God, Is. 44: 15, n, 19. 46:6. The corresponding word in the Arama- ean and Arabick dialects is more broad in its signification, Dan. 2:46. 3:5. § 176. On visiting. A person, who went on a visit, found himself under the ne- cessity of knocking at the gate, or of calling with a loud voice, till the master of the house came out. The visitant was then, if it appeared suitable to the master of the house, conducted in ; but not till a sign had first been made to the females of the Aimily, to retire to their appropriate apartments, 2 Kgs. 5: 9 — :12. Acts 10: 17. Those, who intended to visit persons, that held a high rank in life, were in the habit of sending previous notice of their con- templated visit, but they did not fulfil the purpose, they had thus announced, without bringing with them such presents, as were suitable. The practice of carrying presents, when a person visits § 177. OF GIFTS. 191 those, who are high in life, is still continued in the East. The guest set out upon his visit with a suitable pomp and retinue, and was received at the mansion, to which he was going, with equal in- dications of magniticence, his head was anointed, and he was per- fumed with aromatick substances. Traces of these ceremonies occur in Gen. 27: 27. Exod. 30: 37, 38. Prov. 27: 9. Numb. IC: 6, 17, 18, 37, 38. In the East, the following custom has hitherto prevailed and does at present. If it appear convenient or neces- sary in the estimation of his host for the visitant to retire, in order to relieve him.self from the disagreeable necessit\' of saying so in express terms, he gives him a polite hint in respect to his wishes by causing him to be regaled with incense or burnt perfume. And this is accordingly the concluding ceremony of the visit. § 177. Of Gifts, The practice of making presents, !nh:73, t^^*;2. 123, rifii], Num. 22: 7, 16, 37. 24: 11 — 13, is very common in oriental coun- tries. The custom probably had its origin among those men, who first sustained the office of kings or rulers, and who, from the nov- elty and perhaps the weakness attached to their situation, chose, rather than make the hazardous attempt of exacting taxes, to con- tent themselves with receiving those presents, which might be freely offered, 1 Sam. 10: 27. Hence it passed into a custom, that whoever approached the king, should come with a gift. This was the practice and the expectation. The practice of present- ing gifts was subsequently extended to other great men, to men, who were inferiourto the king, but who were, nevertheless, men of influence and rank ; it was also extended to those, who wei'e equals, when they were visited, Prov. 18: 16. Kings themselves were in the habit of making presents, proba- bly in reference to the custom in question and the feelings connect- ed with it, to those individuals, their inferiours in point of rank, ■whom they wished to honour, and also to those, who, like them- selves, were clothed with the royal authorit3^ These presents, viz. such as were presented by the king as a token of the royal es- teem and honour, are almost invariably denominated in the He- brew, ^rilO and r53n!g, see 1 Kgs. 15: 19. 2 Kgs. 16: 8. 18: 14. Is. 30: 2 — 6. The more ancient prophets did not deem it discreditable to 192 § 173. PRESENTS AND METHODS OF BRINGING THEM, them to receive presents, nor unbecoming their sacred calling, ex- cept when, as was sometimes the case, they refused by way of ex- pressing their dissatisfaction or indignation, 2 Kgs. 5: 5. 8: 9. In later times, when false prophets, in order to obtain money, prophesied without truth and without authority, the true prophets for the purpose of keeping the line of distinction as marked and dis- tinct as possible, rejected every thing, that looked like pay, Amos 7: 14. Gifts of the kind, that have now been described, are not to be confounded with those, which are called Ttl'jj, and which were presented to judges, not as a mark of esteem and honour, but for purposes of bribery and corruption. The former was consid- ered an honour to the giver, but a gift of the latter kind has been justly reprobated in every age, Exod. 23: 8. Deut. 10: 17. 16: 19. 27: 23. Ps. 15: 5. 26: 10. Is. 1: 23. 5: 23. 33: 15. § 178. Kinds of Presents and methods of bringing them. The giver was not restricted as to the kind of present, which he should make. He might present not only silver and gold, but clothes and arms, also different kinds of food, in a word, any thing, which could be of benefit to the recipient. Gen. 43: 11. 1 Sam. 9: 7. 16: 20. Job. 42: 11. It was the custom anciently, as it is at the present time in the J2ast, for an individual when visiting a person of high rank, to make some presents of small value to the servants or domosticks of the person visited, 1 Sam. 25: 27. It was the usual practice among kings and princes to present to their favour- ite oflicers in the government, to ambassadors from foreign courts, to foreigners of distinction, and to men eminent for their learning, garments of greater or less value, as already observed, Gen. 45: 22, 23. Esth. 8: 15. The royal wardrobe, in which a large num- ber of such garments was kept, is denominated in Hebrew nnnbTS, 2 Chron. 9: 24. It v^as considered an honour of the highest kind, if a king or any person in high authority thought it proper, as a manifestation of his favour, to give away to another the garment, which he had previously worn liimseli", 1 Sam. 18: 14. In the East at the present day, it is expected, that every one, who has received a garment from the king will immediately clothe him- self in it, and promptly present himself and render his homage to the giver: otherwise he runs the hazard of exciting the king's dig- § 179. PUBLICK HONOURS. 193 pleasure, comp. Matt. 22: 11, 12. It was sometimes the case, that the king, when he made a feast presented vestments to all the guests, who were invited, with which they clothed themselves, before thej sat doun to it, 2 Kgs. 10: 22. Gen. 45: 22. Rev. 3: 5. Cyropaed.VllI. 3, 1. Iliad XXIV. 226, 227. In oriental countries, the presents, which are made to kings and princes, are to this day carried on beasts of burden, are attended with a body of men, and are escorted with much pomp. It matters not, how light or how small the present may be, it is heavy enough at any rate to be carried on the back of a beast of burden, or if carried by a man, to be supported by both of his hands, Jud. 3: 18. 2 Kgs. 8: 9. § 179. PuBucK Honours. It is the custom in Asia, to exhibit the most distinguished marks of attention and honour to kings, to princes, and to national am- bassadors, whenever on any publick occasions they enter cities, or return from a distance to the palaces of their customary resi- dence. On such occasions there is a great concourse of people. The small windows, which look towards the street and at other times are shut up, are then thrown open. The level roofs are crowded and alive with eager spectators. The streets, to prevent the rising of the dust, are sprinkled with water. They are also, with the exception of a small undecorated path left in the centre of them for the procession, strewed with flowers and branches of trees, and spread with richly embroidered carpets. The specta- tors clap their hands, and shouts of joy reecho on every side. On other occasions, when the people are permitted to behold the king, they honour and salute him in silence, 2 Sam. 16: 16. 1 Kgs. 1: 40. 2 Kgs. 9: 13. Is. 62: 11. Zech. 9: 9. Matt. 21: 7, 8. The musicians walk first in the procession, 1 Kgs. 18: 46. 1 Chron. 15: 27 — 29. The persons, who sustain offices in the government, and are attached to the palace, are the next in the procession. Then follows the king. All of them are carried on nolda coursers. Anciently kings, on such occasions, rode in chariots. Gen. 41: 43. 2 Sam. 15: 1. 1 Kgs. 1: 5. IVoTE. Ceremonies similar to those, which have now been de- scribed, are exhibited in Asia on two other publick occasions, be- 25 194 § 180. CONVERSATION AND BATHING. side the one in question ; viz. when a person has deserted the Christian and embraced the Mohammedan faith, and when a class or school ot' boys have finished the study of the Koran. The boys, who have thus completed the perusal of the writings of the Eas- tern prophet, are seated upon the choicest steeds. Musicians go before them, the same as in the procession of kings ; and, surround- ed with an escort of shouting feilow-students, they are conducted through the city. The prevalence of these customs in the East will throw some light upon such passages, as the following, Gen. 41: 23. Esth. 6: 7—9. 1 Sam. 10: 5—10. § 1 SO. Conversation and Bathikg. Conversation, in which the ancient orientals indulged like oth- er men, in order to beguile the time, was held in the gate of the city. Accordingly, there was an open space near the gate of the city, as is the case at the present day in Mauritania, which was fitted up with seats for the accommodation of the people. Gen. 19: 1. Ps. 69: 12, Those, who were at leisure, occupied a position on these seats, and either amused themselves with witnessing those who carne in and those who went out, and with any trifling occurren- ces, that might offer themselves to their notice, or attended to the judicial trials, which^vere commonly investigated at publick places of this kind, viz. the gate of the city. Gen. 19: 1. 34: 20. Ps. 26: 4, 5. 69: 12. 127: 5. Ruth 4: 11. Is, 14: 31. Intercourse by conversation, though not very freqent, was not so rare among the ancient orientals, as among their descendants of modern Asia. Nor is this to be wondered at, since the fathers drank wine, while the descendants are obliged to abstain from it; and we are well assured, that the effect of this exhilarating beverage was to communicate no little vivacity to the charac- ters of the ancient Asiaticks, at least to that of the Hebrews, see Is. 30: 29. Jer. 7: 34. 30: 19. Amos 6: 4, 5. The ancient Asiat- icks, among whom we include the Hebrews, were delighted with singing, with dancing, and with instruments of musick. Promenad- ing, so fashionable and so agreeable in colder latitudes, was wea- risome and unpleasant in the warm climates of the East, and this is probably one reason, why the inhabitants of those climates pre- ferred holding intercourse with one another, while sitting near § 180. CONVERSATION AND BATHING, 195 the gate of the city, or beneath the shade of the fig-tree and the vine, 1 Sam. 2!2: 6. Micah 4: 4. It is for the same reason also, that we so frequently hear in the Hebrew Scriptures of persons sitting- down, as in the following passage, "Blessed is the man, that standeth not in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful, see Ps. 1: 1. 107: 32. 89: 7. Ill: 1. 64: 2. 50: 20. 26: 5. The bath was always very agreeable to the inhabitants of the East, Ruth 3: 3. 2 Sam. 11: 2. 2 Kgs. 5: 10. And it is not at all surprising, that it should have been so, since it is not only cooling and refreshing, but is absolutely necessary in order to secure a decent degree of cleanliness in a climate, where there is so much exposure to dust. The bath is frequently visited by Eastern la- dies, and may be reckoned among their principal recreations. Those Egyptians, who lived at the earliest period of which we have any account, were in the habit of bathing in the waters of the Nile, Exod. 2: 5. 7: 13—25. Herodot. 11: 37. It was one of the civil laws of the Hebrews, that the bath should be used. The object of the law without doubt was to secure a proper degree of cleanliness among them, Lev. 14: 2. 15: 1 — 8. 17: 15, 16. 22: 6. Num. 19: 6. We may, therefore^ consider it as probable, that publick baths, soon after the enactment of this law, were erected in Palestine, of a construction similar to that of those, which are so frequently seen at the present day in the East. The orientals, when engaged in conversation, are very candid and mild, and do not feel themselves at liberty directly to contra- dict the person, with whom they are conversing, although they may at the same time be conscious, that he is telling them false- hoods. The ancient Hebrews in particular very rarely used any terms of reproach more severe than those of "jtDt) adversary or op- poser, 'TTp'^1 RACA, contemptible, and sometimes ^^d fool, an expres- sion, which means a wicked man or an atheist. Job. 2: 10. Ps. 14: 1. Is. 32: 6. Matt. 5. 22. 16: 23. Thanchuma p. 5, 2. p. 8. When any thing was said, which was not acceptable, the dissatisfied per- son replied, it is enough, T^'^'i, DDb ^n, iKdvovadoi, Deut. 3: 26, Luke 22: 38. The formula of assent or affirmation was as follows ; gv etnag, n^2l ^3, thou hast said, or thou hast rightly said. We are inform- ed by the traveller Aryda, that this is the prevailing nrtide of a person's expressing his assent or afllrmation to this day, in the yi- 196 § 181. TREATMENT OF THE JEWS TO STRANGERS. cinity of mount Lebanon^ especially where he does not wish to assert any thing in express terms. This explains the answer of the Saviour to the high priest Caiaphas in Matt. 26: 64, when he was asked, whether he was the Christ, the Son of God, and repli- ed av (inag, thou hast said. To spit in company in a room, which was covered with a car- pet, was an indication of great rusticity of manners ; but in case there was no carpet, it was not accounted a fault in a peri=on, provided he spit in the corner of the room. The expressions, therefore, in Deuteronomy, 25: 7 — 9, viz. T':cs •^P"*"'! *^^ ^^^^^ spit in his face, are to be understood literally, the more so on this account, because in other places, where spitting, buffeting, &.c. are mentioned, they occur under circumstances, where there ex- isted a great excitement of feeling, and because there are not wanting instances of even greater rudeness and violence, than that of spitting in one's face, Malt. 26: 67. Mark 14: 65. comp. 1 Kgs. 22: 24. Is, 57: 4. Ezek. 2: 6. 25: 6. 2 Sam. 16: 6, 7. The orien- tals, as is very well known, are fond of taking a nap at noon, to which they are strongly invited by the oppressive heat of their cli- mate, 2 Sam. 4: 5, 11:2. Matt. 13: 25. The phrase, to cover one's feet^ is used in certain instances to express the custom of retiring to rest or sleeping at this time, Jud, 3: 24. 1 Sam. 24: 4. § 181. Treatment of the Jews to Strangers. Moses inculcated and enforced, by numerous and by powerful considerations, as well as by various examples of benevolent hos- pitality, mentioned in the book of Genesis, the exhibition of kind- ness and humanity to strangers. There were two classes of per- sons, who in reference to this subject, were denominated strangers, Q''Ta. One class were those, who, whether Hebrews or foreign- ers, were destitute of a home, in Hebrew D^nil3in. The others were persons, who, though not natives, had a home in Palestine ; the latter were Q'^'^a strangers or foreigners in the strict sense of the word. Both, of these classes, according to ^he civil code of Moses, were to be treated with kindness, and were to enjoy the same ri^^hts with other citizens. Lev. 19: 33, 34. 24: 16, 22. Num. 9: 14. 19: 14. Deut. 10: 18. 23: 8. 24: 17. 27: 19. In the earlier periods of the Hebrew state, persons, who were § 182. THE POOR AND BEGGARS. 197 natives of another country, but who had come, either from choice or necessity, to take up their residence among the Hebrews, ap- pear to have been placed in favourable circumstances. At a later period, viz. in the reigns of David and Solomon, they were com- pelled to labour on the religious edifices, which were erected by those princes ; as we may learn from such passages as these, " And Solomon numbered all the strangers, that were in the land of Is- rael^ after the numbering, wherewith David, his father had numbered them; and they were found an hundred a^id fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred ; and he set three score and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens^'''' &.C. see 1 Chron. 22: 2. 2 Chron. 2: 1, 16, 17. The exaction of such laborious services from for- eigners was probably limited to those, who had been taljen pris- oners in war; and who, according to the rights of war as they were understood at that period, could be justly employed in any offices, however low and however laborious, which the conquer- er thought proper to impose. In the time of Christ, the degen- erate Jews did not find it convenient to render to the strangers from a foreign country those deeds of kindness and humanity, which were not only their due, but which were demanded in their behalf by the laws of Moses. They were in the habit of under- standing by the word 5"i neighbour, their friends merely, and ac- cordingly restricted the exercise of their benevolence by the same narrow limits, that bounded in this case their interpretation ; con- trary as both were to the spirit of those passages, which have been adduced above, Lev. 19: 18. § 182. The Poor and Beggars. Moses, as may be learnt by consulting the references in the preceding section, made abundant provision for the poor, but it does not appear, that he says any thing in respect to beggars. We find the first express mention of mendicants in the Psalms, see Ps. 109: 10. In the parts of the Hebrew Scriptures, which were written subsequently, the mention of them is quite frequent. In the time of Christ, mendicants were found sitting in the streets, at the doors of the rich, at the gates of the temple, and likewise, as we have reason to believe, at the entrance of Synagogues, Mark 10: 46. Luke 16: 20. Acts 3: 2. Sometimes food and some- 198 § 183. LEVITICAL DEFILEMENTS. times money was presented to,them, Matt. 26: Q.Luke 16: 21. We have no reason to suppose, that there existed in the time of Christ that class of persons called vagrant beggars, who present their sup- plications for alms tVom door to door, and who are found at the present d-aj in the East, although less frequentl}^ than in the coun- tries of Europe. That the custom of seeking alms hy sounding a trumpet or horn, which prevails among a class of Mohammedan Monasticks, called Kalendar or Karendal, prevailed also in the time of Christ, may be inferred from Matt. 6: 2 ; where the verb GulrnQrig which possesses the shade of signification, that would be attached to a corresponding word in the Hiphil form of the He- brew verbs, is to be rendered transitively, as is the case with many other verbs in the New Testament, 1 Cor. 1: 20. 3: 6. 15: 1. etc. There is one thing characteristick of those orientals, who are reduced to the disagreeable necessity of following the voca- tion of mendicants, which is worthy of being mentioned; they do not appeal to the pity or to the alms-giving spirit, but to the justice of their benefactors, Job 22: 7. 31: 16. Prov. 3: 27, 28. 21: 21. Ps. 24: 5. Eccles. 4: 1. 14: 13, 14. Matt. 6: 1. Koran 17: 28. 30: 37. 70: 24. Lexic. Buxtorf. Chal. Talmud, Rabb. p. 1821. § 183. Levitical Defilements. The Defilements, which kept a person back not only from sa- cred scenes and duties, but from all intercourse with other per- sons, were recognized and had an existence among the Hebrews before, as well as after, the time of Moses. They had an exis- tence, in truth, at that very early period, not only among the Hebrews, but also among many other nations. If a man were de- filed or rendered unclean by disease, it so happened, because the disease was considered contagious. If he were defiled from any other cause, that cause, whatever it might be, was something, which was associated with ideas of impurity, with dislike, or ab- horrence in the minds of the people. Moses defined more accu- rately, than had previously been done, those things to which it «vas the custom to attach the opprobrium of communicating un- cleanness; and in order to increase and perpetuate the separa- tion which existed between the Hebrews and the Gentile nations, and to render the former less liable to seduction to idolatry, lie §183. LEVITICAL DEFILEMENTS. 199 appointed and regulated the ceremonies, by which unclean per- sons might be purified, and restored back again to the privileges of the Tabernacle and to the intercourse of friends. If a person, who was defiled or unclean, touched another, he rendered the other person as unclean as himself, and both were excluded from the Tabernacle and Temple, Lev. 13: 3. Those persons, who, according to the Levitical law, were un- chan were. I. Persons who were afflicted with the leprosy. They were not permitted to dwell within the limits of either cities or villages. They were clad in a rent and misei'able garment, and were com- pelled to cry out to every one, whom they met, "t/nc/eaft, unclean .'" Lev. 13: 45. Num. 5: 2, et seq. II. The GoNORRHAEA oj" seed-Jlux, whether benigna or virulen- TA, was a source of uncleanness to any person, who was the sub- ject of it. Lev. 15: 3. III. Whoever had an emissio seminis, even in legitimate in- tercourse, was to be unclean till the evening. Lev. 15: 16 — 22. IV. Women after the birth of a son were unclean for seven, and after the birth of a daughter, for fourteen days. And in case the infant was a manchild, they were debarred during the thirty three following days from the Tabernacle and Temple, and from the sacritices ; in case the child was a female, they were thus de- barred during the sixty six following days. Lev. 12: 1 — 6. 15: 16— 2C. V. Women, during the period of the Menses, and when la- bouring under the disease denominated an issue of blood, vvei'e un- clean. Lev. 15: 19—21. Matt. 9: 20. VI. He, who had touched the corpse of a man or the carcase of an animal, a sepulchre, or the bones of a dead person ; like- wise he, vvho had been in the tent, or in the room, or house of the dying or the dead, were both of them unclean for seven days. Priests were rendered unclean by merely wearing the badges of mourning; and for that reason they never assumed them, except in case of the death of parents, children, brothers, or unmarried sisters residing in their fathers house. For the same reason, viz. the circumstance of their communicating uncleanness, the habiliments of mourning were altogether interdicted to the high priest, Lev. 5: 2. 11: 8—11, 24—31. 21: 1—5, 10, 11. Num. 19: 11—15. 200 CHAPTER XII. OF DISEASES. § 184. Of Diseases generally. In the primitive ages of the world, diseases, in consequence of the great simplicity in the mode of living, were but few in num- ber. At a subsequent period the number was increased, by the accession of diseases, that had been previously unknown. Epide- micks also, diseases somewhat peculiar in their character and still more fearful in their consequences, soon made their appearance, some infesting one period of life, and some another, some limiting their ravages to one country, and some to another. The proprie- ty of this statement in regard to the original extent and subse- quent increase of diseases in general, and to epidemicks, will re- commend itself to every mind, that makes even but small preten- sions to attainments in knowledge. Prosper Alpinus, in his Book de Medicina Aegyptiaca, Lib. I. c 13. p. 13, mentions the diseases, which are prevalent in Egypt, and in other countries in the same climate. They are opthalmies, leprosies, inflammations of the brain, pains in the joints, the her- nia, the stone in the reins and bladder, the phthisick, hectick, pestilential, and tertian fevers, weakness of the stomach, obstruc- tions in the liver, and the spleen. Of these diseases, opthalmies, pestilential fevers and inflammations of the brain are epidemicks ; the others are of a different character. Every region, and every age of the world has been in the hab- it of attributing certain diseases to certain causes, and of assigning names to those diseases, derived from the supposed origin or cause, whether it were a real or only an imaginary one. The names thus given have been in many instances retained both by the vul- gar and by men of medical science, after different causes had been developed and assigned to the diseases in question. In respect to this subject, we know, that there are certain words of very an- cient standing, which are used to express diseases of some kind or § 185. DISEASE OF THE PHILISTINES. 201 other; it will, therefore, be a prominent inquiry with us to learn what the diseases are, th it were designed to be expressed by those words. And in order to clear the way for this inquiry, the re- mark may be made here, the truth of which every one will be willing to confess, that the ancients were accustomed to attribute the origin of diseases, particularly of those, whose natural cause they did not understand, to the immediate interference of the De- ity. Hence they were denominated by the ancient Greeks fjiuOTcyeg or the scourges of God^ a word, which is employed in the New Testament b}'^ the physician Luke himself, chap. 7: 21 ; and also in Mark 5: 29, 34. § 185. Disease of the Philistines mentioned in 1 Sam. 5 — 6: The disease of the Philistines, which is mentioned in 1 Sam. 5: 6, 12. 6: 18, is denominated in the Hebrew, D''^Dy. This word occurs likewise in Deut. 28: 27, and it is worthy of remark, that it is every where explained in the Keri or marginal readings, by the Aramaean word D^'^htJ ; an expression, which in the Syriack dialect, where it occurs under the forms N"\nu;md N"*>nnL}, means the fundament, and likewise the effort, which is made in an evac- uation of the system. The authors, therefore, of the reading in the Keri appear to have assented to the opinion of Josephus, ex- pressed in Antiq. VI. 1', 1 ; and to have understood by this word 5 ^ ^ 5 ' -* .^ the dysentery. The corresponding Arabick words jV^^^ ^.XAC^ mean a swelling on the anterior part of the verenda in females, answering somewhat in its nature to the hernia in men ; a disease, consequently, very different from the hemorrhoids, which some persons understand to be meant by the word C^S?;. Among oth- er objections, it may also be observed, that the inice, which are mentioned not only in the Hebrew text, 1 Sam. 6: 5, 12. 16: 18, but also in the Alexandrine and Vulgate versions, 1 Sam. 5: 6. 6: 5, 11, 18, are an objection to understanding the hemorrhoids by the word under consideration, since, if that were in fact the disease, we see no reason, why mice should have been presented as an offering to avert the anger of the God of Israel. Lichtenstein, a writer in Eichhorn's Bibliothek, Band VI. S. 407 — 466, has given a solution, which is free from the difficulties, 26 202 §186. THE DISEASE OF KING JEHORAM. that attended all preceding ones. The word ta^"isD5>, which is rendered mice^ he supposes to mean venomous solpugas, which belong to the spider class, and yet are so large, and so similar in their form to mice, as to admit of their being denominated by the same word. These venomous animals destroy and live upon scorpions. They also bite men, whenever they can have an opportunity, particularly in the fundament and thevERENDA. Their bite causes swellings, w.Mch are fatal in their consequences, call- ed in Hebrew Apholim, 'Zi''\z'J, see Pliny, Hist. Nat. Lib, XXIX. 4. The probable supposition then is, that solpugas were at this time multiplied among the Philistines by the special providence of God, and that, being very venomous, they were the means of de- stroying maii}'^ individuals. § 186. The Disease of King Jehoram. King Jehoram, who was clothed with the double infamy of be- ing at once an idolater and the murderer of his brethren, was dis- eased internally for two years, as had been predicted by the prophet Elijah ; and his bowels are said at last to have fallen out by reason of his sickness, 2 Chron. 21: 12 — 15, 18, 19. This dis- ease beyond ail doubt was the dysentery, and though its continu- ance so long a time was very uncommon, it is by no means a thing unheard ot'. The intestines in time become ulcerated by the op- eration of this disease. Not only blood is discharged from them, but a sort of mucous excrements likewise is thrown off, and some- times small pieces of the flesh itself; so that apparently the in- testines are emitted or fall out, which is sufficient to account for the e.xpressions, that are used in the statement of king Jehorara's disease, Mead, Medic. Sacr. c IV. § 187. False Conceptions. Evnvivfiatfaaig. False conception or pregnancy, in Greek ivnvfvaariDdig, in Latin mola ventosa, does not appear to have been so untVe- quent among the Hebrew women, as among those of Europe. If it had been so, it probably would not have made its appearance on the pages of Hebrew writers in the shape of a figure of speech. The fact, to which I allude, is this. The Hebrews were accus- § 188. COUNTRIES WHERE THE LEPROSV PREVAILS. 203 tomed to expect after calamities a state of things quite the reverse, viz. a season of prosperity and joy. They, accordingly, compar- ed a season of misfortune and calamity to the pains of a woman in travail, but the better destiny, which followed, they compared to the joy, which commonly succeeds child-birth, Is. 13: 8. 2G: 17. 2Kgs. 13: 3. Jer. 4: 31. 13: 21. 22: 23. 30: 6. Mic. 4: 9, 10. John 16: 21, 22. But they carried the comparison still further. Those days of adversity, which were succeeded by adversity still, those scenes of sorrow, which were followed only by additional sorrow, were likened to women, who laboured under that disease of the system, which caused them to exhibit the appearance and endure the pains of a state of pregnancy, when that apparent state of pregnancy resulted either in nothing, or in the parturition of a monster, Is. 26: 18. Ps. 7: 14. § 188. Countries where the Leprosy prevails. The Leprosy prevails in Egypt, in the southern part of Up- per Asia, and in fact may be considered a disease endemick in warm climates generally. Accordingly, it is not at all surprising, if many of the Hebrews, when they left Egypt, were infected %vith it; but the assertion of Manetho, that they were all thus in- fected, and were in consequence of the infection driven out by force, in which he is precipitately and carelessly followed by Stra- bo, by Tacitus, by Justin Trogus, and by others more recent, is a mere dream, without an}' adequate foundation. The disease, it is true, was a very severe and a very repulsive one, and was re- garded by the ancients, as a marked exhibition of the justice and the wrath of God. It was denominated by the Hebrews the blow or wound, 2'^?^, ny^i: 3?i5, i. e. by supplying the ellipsis, the blow or wound of the Lord, iNum. 12: 1 — 10. 2 Kgs. 5: 1, et seq. 15: 5. 2Chron. 26: 16. et seq. Herodot. 1. 138. But certainly the kings of Egypt, who, according to the unanimous testimony of the ancients, could correctly estimate the value of a numerous popu- lation, acted a strange and unaccountable part, if it be a fiict, that on account of a disease, which m;ght be called one of the attri- butes of the country and chmate, they expelled from the very- heart of the nation more than two millions of people. 204 § 189. TROGRESS OF LEPROSY. § 189. Beginnings and Progress of Leprosy. The leprosy exhibits itself on the exteriour surface of the skin, but it infects, at the same time, the marrow and the bones; so much so that the furthest joints in the system gradually lose their powers, and the members fall tog-ether in such a manner, as to give the body a mutilated and dreadful appearance. From these circumstances, there can be no doubt, that the disease orig- inates, and spreads its ravages internally, before it makes its ap- pearance on the external parts of the body. Indeed we have rea- son to believe, that it is concealed in the internal parts of the system a number of years, for instance, in infants commonly till they arrive at the age of puberty, and in adults, as many as three or four years, till at last it gives the fearful indications on the skin of having already gained a well-rooted and permanent ex- istence. Its progress subsequently to its appearance on the external surface of the body is Air from being rapid ; in a number of years it arrives at its middle, and in a number after to its tinal state. A person, who is leprous from his nativity may live fifty years ; one, who in after life is infected with it, may live twenty years, but they will be such years of dreadful misery, as rarely fall to the lot of man in any other situation. The appearance of the disease externally, is not alwa^'S the same. The spot is common!}' small, resembling in its appearance the small red spot that would be the consequence of a puncture from a needle, or the pustules of a ringworm. The spots for the most part make their appearance very suddenly, especially if the infected person, at the period when the disease shows itself ex- ternally, happens to be in great tear, or to be intoxicated with anger, Num. 12: 10. 2 Chron. 26: 19. They commonly exhibit themselves in the first instance, on the face, about the nose and eyes; fhey gradually increase in size for a number of years, till they become, as respects the extent of surface which they em- brace on the skin, as large as a pea or bean. They are then called Di*^. The white spot or pustule, rTTj^jS, morphea' alba, and also the dark spot, DtifD, morphea nigra, are indications of the exist- ence of the real leprosy, Lev. 13: 2, 39. 14: 56. From these it is § 189. PROGRESS OF LEPROSY. 205 necessary to distinguish the spot, which, whatever resemblance there may be in form, is so different in its effects, called Bohak, prra, and also the harmless sort of scab, which occurs under the word, nnipx;, Lev, 13: 6 — 8, 29. Moses, in the thirteenth chapter of Leviticus, laj'S down very explicit rules for the purpose of distinn^uishing- between those spots, which are proofs of the actual existence of the leprosy, and those spots, which are harmless and result from some other cause. Those spots, which are the genuine effects and marks of the lep- rosy, gradually dilate them-selves, till at length they cover the whole body. Not only the skin is subject to a total destruction, but the whole-body is affected in every part. The pain, it is true, is not very great, but there is a great debility of the system, and great uneasiness and grief, so much so, as almost to drive the vic- tim of the disease to self-destruction. Job 7: 15. There are four kinds of the real leprosy. The first kind is of so virulent and powerful a nature, that it separates the joints and limbs, and mutilates the body in the most awful manner. The second is the white leprosy^ Oi^'^S. The third is the black leprosy or Psora,'2'1^, )''n-p, niSJ^^iN nns ]T1U3, D-jn, nc':?;;, Deut. 28: 27, 35. Lev. 21: 20 — 22. Tiie fourth description ol leprosy is the alo' pecia, or red leprosy. The person, who is infected with the lepro?}', however long the disease may be in passing through its several stages, is at last ta- ken away suddenly, andfor the most part unexpected!}'. But the evils, which fall upon the living leper, are not terminated by the event of his death. The disease is to a certain extent hereditary, and is transmitted down to the third and fourth generation ; to this fact there seems to be an allus;on in Exod. 20: 4 — 6. 3:7. Deut. 5: 9. 24: 8, 9. If any one shouM undertake to say, that in the fourth generation it is not the real leprosy, still it will not be denied, there is something, which bears no little resemblance to it, in the shape of defective teeth, of fetid breath, and a diseased hue. Leprous persons, notwithstanding the deformities and mu- tilation of their bodies, give no special evidence of a liberation from the strength of the sensual passions, and cannot be influenc- ed to abstain from the procreation of children, when at the same time they clearly foresee the misery, of which their offspring will be the inheritors. The disease of leprosy is communicated not 206 § 189. PROGRESS or leprosy. only by transmission from the parents to the children, and not on- ly by sexual cohabitation, but also by much intercourse with the leprous person in any way whatever. Whence Moses acted the part of a wise legislator in making those laws, which have come down to us, concerning the inspection and separation of leprous persons. The object of these Laws will appear peculiary worthy, when it vvas considered, that they were designed, not wantonly to fix the charge of being a leper upon an innocent person, and thus to impose upon him those restramts and inconveniences, which the truth of such a charge naturally implies; but to ascertain in the fairest and most satisfactorj' manner, and to separate those, and those only, who were truly and really leprous. As this was the prominent object of his Laws, that have come down to us on this subject, viz. to secure a fair and impartial decision on a ques- tion of tills kind, he has not mentioned those signs of leprosj^, which admitted of no doubt, but those only, which might be the subject of contention ; and left it to the priests, who also fulfilled the office of physicians, to distinguish between the really leprous, and those who had only the appearance of being such. In the opinion of Henslor, expressed in his Geschichte der abendldndischen Aussatzes, S. 273, Moses, in the Laws to which we have alluded, discovers a great knowledge of the disease. Every species of leorosy is not equally malignant ; the most virulent species defies the skill and power of physicians. That which is less so, if taken at its commencement, can be healed. But in the latter case also, if the disease has been of long continuance, there is no remedy. Note L On Cohak as distinct from infectious leprosy. [We find mention, in the rules laid down by Moses for the pur- pose of ascertaining the true tokens of leprosy, of a cutaneous dis- order, which is denominated by him Bohak, p^3i ^rid of which there is a slight mention in the above section. It was thought by the translator, that it might be interesting to the reader to have some further account of this disorder, and he has accordingly in- troduced here the answer of Niebuhr, found at page 135 of his Description of Arabia, to the inquiry of Michaelis on this subject. The words of Moses, which may be found in Leviticus 13: 38, 39, are as follows ; '"'' If ■^,.^^-^ 1 Sam. 16: 14, 15. 18: 10, 10: 9, was a sort of madness, which had the ef- fect of deceiving him into the idea, that he was a prophet ; for it seems, that he prophesied, Naiin^^i ^^^i i" ^^^ probability, pre- dicted the loss of his own kingdom. The Targum of Jonathan, accordingly, renders the -word Na^n^, he xvasmad or insane. This EVIL SPIRIT, in a word, was not more a spirit or messenger from God, than the evil spirit, which, in Judges 9: 23, is said to have been sent by him among the Shechemites; and which, certainly, as was evident even to the ancient interpreters, and has been since to every body else, was nothing more, than the spirit of strife and dissension. In the same vvay, that the spirit of fornication, nn^ D'^anit, in Hosea 4: 12, is merely /«5(, compare 1 Sam. 1 1: 6. 16: 14. Jud.3:10. 6:34. 11:29.14:6. Ps.51:ll. Ezrall:19. 18:31. This representation more than any other is suitable to the fact, that Saul was benefitted by rausick ; for the charms of musick, however great its efhcacy in any other case, would have been very incompetent to the task of subduing the untractable spirit of a real demon. This mode of speaking did not originate, as some have sup- posed, in the time of the captivitj-^, from the doctrine held by the Mehestani, although it undoubtedly at that time became more common, and was used with greater latitude, than at any previous period. For, agreeably to this mode of speech and to the belief § 192. RESPECTING DEMONIACKS. 213 on which it is founded, viz. the subordinate agency of angels, we find mention made in Daniel 4: 10, 14, 20, [consult Michaelis' edition of the Hebrew Bible,] of 0"''^,^^ or star-watchers. The de- signs or the decrees of these " holy watchers," as they are term- ed, which are made known to Nebuchadnezzar in his vision, and are stated in the verses above mentioned, are referred by Daniel in the 'twenty eighth verse of the same chapter to the immediate agency of God himself; a circumstance, which is altogether con- formable to what has been already stated, in this, and the preced- ing section, on this subject. The disease of JVebuchadnezzar^ mentioned in this chapter, was that of insanity or madness. His mind was in such a state, his reasoning powers were so perverted and deranged, that it ap- peared to him, as if he heard a voice from heaven, declaring his expulsion from the kingdom ; and he imagined, that he was real- ly transformed into a beast. Accordingly he acknowledges, in the fourth chapter, 31, 33, that he had again received the use of his reason ; which is an evidence, that he understood the disease, from which he had recovered, to have been insanity. § 192. Respecting Demoniacks. The inquiry respecting the Demoniacks, who are so often in- troduced in the New Testament, and likewise in the writings! of profane authors of antiquity, is a very intricate and a very difficult one. There are some persons, who contend, that the Demoniacks were all of them either madmen, epilepticks, or persons subject to melancholy ; and they make their appeal in behalf of their opinions to physicians. They, accordingly, in their interpretation of those expressions, which are emploj'ed in reference to Demo- niacks, go on the principle, that the sacred writers meant by them the same and nothing more, than would be naturally meant, in case the possessed persons were merely the subjects of those dis- eases. Other persons, both theologians and physicians," have strong objections to this view of the subject. In their estimation, the ex- pressions in the New Testament clearly imply, that the Demoni- acks were possessed by an evil spirit ; and this state of things, they suppose, was permitted in the providence of God, in order 214 § 193. DEMONIACKS POSSESSED WITH A DEVIL. to give to the Saviour an opportunity to exhibit his miraculous powers. We have no disposition at present to exhibit ourselves, as par- tisans in this controversy, and shall only endeavour to give an impartial statement of the arguments on both sides, so as to leave the reader m a condition to form his own opinion. § 193. Demoniacks were possessed with a Devil. It will be our object, in the first place, to state the arguments in favour of the opinion, that the Demoniacks were really pos- sessed with a Devil. They are as follows, I. They expressed themselves in a wa}', which is not done by epileptick, melancholy, or insane persons, as in Matt. 8: 28. Luke 8: 27. Mark 5: 7. They possessed the supernatural power of sundering all sorts of chords and chains. They requested of Jesus not to torment them. They answered with propriety ques- tions, which were proposed to them. Demons departed from them and entered into swine. Certainly it cannot be said in re- ference to this last particular, that madness or melancholy, the mere phrenzy or wanderings of the brain went out of the possessed persons into the herd. The supposition, which some make, that the swine were driven into the sea by the Demoniacks, is desti- tute of all probability. They would have stood a much better chance of being driven in many more directions than one, by per- sons of such an undisciplined, and irrational character; especially as they were two thousand in number. II. No symptoms of disease are mentioned in the case of the dumb demoniack, introduced in Matt. 9: 32 and Luke 11: 11, nor in that of the dumb and blind dfcmoniack, spoken of in Matt. 12: 22. The possessed persons, therefore, in both of these instances were in a sound state of body and health, with this exception merely, that the devil^ (for this certainly could not have been done by epilepsy, melancholy, or madness,) obstructed their or- gans of speech and vision. III. It is admitted, that the circumstances attending the case of the lunatick, in Matthew 17: 15, are such, as would be expect- ed in the case of a person afflicted v.'ith the epilepsy ; but (hen § 193. DEMONIACKS POSSESSED WITH A DEVIL. 215 it should be particularly noticed, that the effects in this instance, as well as in others, are attributed to the agency of the devil. IV. We are informed, that the damsel of Philippi, Acts 16: 16, practised divination, wiiich evidently could not have been done by a mad or deranged person. We must conclude, therefore, that she M'as under the influence of an evil spirit. V. The Domoniacks themselves say, that the}^ are possessed with a devil. The Jews of the New Testament, who happened to be concerned on account of their relationship to the person, or in any other way, in a case of demoniacal possession, assert the same thing. The Apostles likewise and Evangelists allege, that persons possessed with demons, were brought to Jesus, and that the Demons departed at his command, Matt. 4: 24. 7: 22. 9: 33. 12: 28, Mark 1: 32, 39. 9: 25. Luke 4: 41. 8: 2, 30, 38. 9: 49. 11: 14. Jesus himself asserts, that he casts out devils, Luke 11: 19. Matt. 12: 27, 28. VI. The sacred writers make an express distinction between De- moniacks, and the sick ; and likewise between t'le exorcism of demons, and the healing of the sick, Mark 1: 32, Luke 6: 17, 18. 7: 21. 8: 2. 13: 32. Demoniacks, therefore, were not persons af- flicted with diseases, in the way that has been supposed. VII. Demoniacks knew, what madmen, insane persons, epilep- ticks, and melancholy men could not of themselves know, viz, THAT Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah, the Son of David, ETC. Mark 1: 24, 5: 7. Matt. 8: 29. Luke 4: 34. Vin. Jesus speaks to the demons and asks them their name ; and we find, that they answer Him, He also threatens them, commands them to be silent, to depart, and not to return, Mark 1: 25. 5: 8. 9: 25. Matt. 8: 29—31. Luke 4: 35. 8: 30—32. IX. When the seventy disciples returned from their labours, one prominent c;iuse of their joy was, that the devils, when the name of Christ was pronounced, obeyed them. Jesus answered them, as follows, m Luke 10: 18; '•'' I beheld Satan, as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpi- ons, and over ail the power of the enerni/f and nothing shall by any ineans hurt you ; notwithstanding^ in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you,, but rather rejoice, because your names are writ- ten in heaven.'''' X. When the Saviour was accused by the Pharisees of cast- 216 § 193. DEMONIACKS POSSESSED WITH A DEVIL. ing out devils by the aid of Beelzebub, he replied, that the king- dom, the city, or the family, in which were dissensions and dis- cords, would of itself perish ; and that, consequently, if there were such discords in the kingdom of Satan, as to induce one dev- il to exert his power in the expulsion of another, it could not long exist. To these things, he immediately adds ; ^'^ If I by Beelzebitb cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out ? Therefore^ they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the spirit of God, {by divine power or a miracle.,) then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man''s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man ? and then he will spoil his house,"" Matt. 12: 25, 28. Mark 3: 23—25. Luke 11: 17—19. XI. Jesus makes the following remarks in respect to demons or evil spirits in Mntt. 12: 43 and in Luke 11: 24. " When the un- clean spirit is gone out of a man. he walketh through dry places, seek- ing rest but finding none. He saith, I will return totny house, whence I came out. .ind when he Cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished ; then goeth he and takeih seven oilier spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first.'''' It is very clear, that a person would not nat- urally understand expressions of this kind in respect to a disease. XII. The woman, in Luke 13: 11, who was bowed down with the spirit of infirmity is said by the Saviour in the sixteenth verse, to have been bound by Satan. The Apostle Peter, in like man- ner asserts, in Acts 10: 38, that all, who had been oppressed with the devil, yiuTadvvaGxfvof.itvovg vtio tov diapolov, were healed by Jesus of Xazarelh, the anointed of God. XIII. The wonderful miracles of Jesus will appear of but com- paratively little importance and little worth, if it should be admit- ted, that he did not actually cast out devils, but merely healed diseases. The Church Fathers, accordingly, embraced, without any dissenting voice, the opinion, that the persons, of whom we have been speaking, were really possessed with demons, and the Church itself, in accordance with this opinion, instituted an order of persons, called exorcists. § 194. GENERAL ARGUMENT, 217 § 194. General view of the opposite Argument. Those, who maintain, that Demoniacks were epileptick, mel- ancholy, insane, or mad persons, commence their arguments, with referring back to a very early period. They endeavour to prove by induction from various instances, which they conceive to be to the point, and by a multitude of quotations from Greek, Roman and Jewish writers, that the demons, to whom diseases are attri- buted as the agents, are not the 6 dta^oXog of the New Testa- ment, {the evil spirit in an emphatick and peculiar sense ;) but that they are the spirits of dead 7nen, who had died by a violent death, particularly of such, as were known to have sustained bad characters while living. Demoniacks, therefore, according to the hypothesis of these persons, were men, who were afflicted with some disease mental or bodily, but who were generally sup- posed by the people to be possessed and agitated by these spirits, the same as if they had been haunted by furies ; compare the large German edition of this Work, P. I. V. II. § 227—229. p. 411 — 454. They take the ground, therefore, that Jesus, the Apostles, and the writers of the New Testament, if they wished to be understood by those, for whom their writings were intended, were under the necessity of attaching the same meaning to the word demons, which -was attached to it by their cotemporaries. Having taken this position, they endeavour to confirm their sentiments by saying further, I. That the symptoms, exhibited by Demoniacks, as stated in the New Testament, are the same with those, which are ex- hibited by men in epilepsy, hypochondria, insanity, and madness. II. That the sacred writers give intimations in various places, that they use the words demon and demons^ solely because they were in common circulation at that period ; and are, accordingly, to be considered, as merely accommodating themselves to the language in common use, and not as professedly teaching or de- nying the agency attributed to evil spirits. III. That the real operation of departed spirits upon living men is inconsistent with the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles ; and of course they could not mean, by the phrases and passages in question, such operations. 28 218 § 195. or demoniacks. These three points, they endeavour to illustrate and confirm by various arguments, of which we shall proceed to give an enu- meration. § 195. SYMPTOMS IN Demoniacks the same with those in diseased Persons. The opposerg of the doctrine of the real agency of evil spir- its in the case of Demoniacks proceed to state, in the first place, that, in the time of Christ, Demoniacks in other countries were frequently restored by a resort to medical prescriptions. It is not at all rational to suppose, that Demoniacks thus restored were actually possessed with the spirits of the dead, in as much as such spirits could not have been expelled by mere medical art. They were, therefore, merely diseased or sick persons in the ordinary sense of the words. The symptoms in these men were the same with those of the persons mentioned in the New Testament, viz. the ordinary symptoms of epilepsy, insanity, and hypochondria. The Demoniacks, consequently, of the New Testament, as we have the utmost ground for inferring, were no other than sick men, since the symptoms they actually exhibited are such, as they would have exhibited, in case they had been afflicted with the dis- eases abovementioned, and nothing more. And these diseases, let it be remembered, are attributed to spirits or demons so called, merely on account of the prevailing opinions and belief of the peo- ple. Explanations. 1. The two Gadarenes, Matt. 8: 28, et seq. of whom only the more conspicuous and celebrated one, (viz. the one, who after his recovery prayed Christ, "that he might be with him," i. e. might be his follower or disciple,) is mentioned in Mark 5: 2, and Luke 8: 27, were deranged persons or mad-men, who were impressed with the idea, that there were within then> innumerable spirits of dead men. They, accordingly, dwelt amid the sepulchres of the buried, went naked, were ungovernable, cried aloud, beat themselves, and at- tacked those, who passed by. Such things are characteristick of madmen. The great power which one of them possessed, and which enabled him to burst asunder bonds and chains, is not un- § 195. SYMPTOMS OF DEMONIACKS. 219 frequently witnessed in persons, who have lost their reason. Both Mark (5: 15,) and Luke (8: 35,) mention that the Gadarenes found this demoniack after he had been restored by Jesas, auxf^ovovvrot, i. e. in his right mind ; which is a clear intimation, that he was previously destitute of reason. It is true, these men address Jesus as the Son of God, i. e. the Messiah, and ask him not to torment them ; but this circumstance can be accounted for on the supposition, that they had heard, as they undoubtedly had, in those lucid intervals, which are granted to many insane persons, that Jesus, whose fame, (Matt. 4: 24,) had already extended as far as Syria, was regarded as the Messiah. They evidently betray their insanity by saying, they were dev- ils without number, and by beseeching Jesus not to drive them into the sea, but to permit them to enter into the swine, which were feeding near. Certainly none but the professed advocates of real demoniacal possession would suppose, that an actual demon or dev- il would select such an habitation, as that. It is admitted, that Jesus, (Mark 5: 8,) commands the unclean spirit to depart. But does this prove any thing ? The spirit was called unclean, because it was supposed to be the spirit of one dead, and was unclean of course.. It was commanded to depart, merely that the attention of the people present might be excited, and that they might have ample opportunity to notice the miracle, wrought in favour of the unfortunate maniack. It was not the demons, but, as in Acts 19: 16, the madmen themselves, who impetuously attacked the herd of swine, and drove them down the steep into lake Gennesareth. Mark and Luke, in conformity with the common mode of speech, represent the demons, as going from the madmen, and entering in- to the swine ; for it was the custom to attribute to the agency of the supposed demons, whatever was done by the demoniacks them- selves; comp. Matt. 9: 32, Luke 11: 14, 13: 11, see also the large German edition of this Work, P. I. Vol. II. § 231. p. 464. That the swine, being a fearful animal, and running with great speed, as they naturally would, before pursuers of such a peculiar char- acter, should have plunged in considerable numbers into the Lake and perished, is by no means strange or incredible. We say in considerable numbers, because the expressions which are used, leave us at liberty to suppose, that some of the herd escaped. The meaning is, that the expressions are not to be too literally ioterpreted {ad vivvm resecandum.) Nor is it, moreover, any thing 220 § 195. OF DEMONIACKS, very extraordinary, that these men paid a sort of homage and reverence to the Redeemer, of whose miracles and greatness, they had heard ; since there are not wanting instances of madmen^ who both fear;, and exhibit a degree of respect to certain persons. II. The dumb man, mentioned in Matt. 9: 32, and in Luke 11: 14, and the man, who was both damb and blind in Matt. 12: 22, were hkewise insane, or at least melancholy persons. It is proper to remark here, in explanation of our thus coupling to- gether these two classes of mental diseases, that insanity, and melaucho'y or hypochondria, as the experience of physicians suf- ficiently proves, are nearly allied to, and often accompany each other. That the first mentioned of these persons was afflicted with one of these maladies, which in that age were attributed to the agency of demons, appears from the fact, that Luke, (11: 14,) calls the devil a dumb one, while the parallel passage in Matt. 9: 32, represents the man himself as dumb. III. The youth, who, in Matt. 17: 15, is called a lunatick from his childhood, and who, in Luke 9: 38 — 40, was seized and torn, while uttenng cries of woe, by an evil spirit of such perse- vering cruelty, as to be unwilling to suspend the exercise of his vengeance even after the victim had already severely and cruelly suffered, and who, furthermore, is said in Mark 6: 17, to have had an unclean spirit, to have fallen with great outcries, sometimes upon the earth, sometimes into water, and sometimes into fire, to have foamed at the mouth and and to have gnashed his teeth, was evidently an epileptick person. It will give us some idea of the prevalent notions anciently in respect to the epilepsy, when it is remarked, that Hippocrates wrote a book, the object of which was to show, that epilepsy was not a sacred malady, i. e. a mala- dy sent from some superiour power or Divinity. The epithet, nevertheless, which he is in the habit of applying to this disease in this book, is that of sacred. IV. The maid of Philippi, who in Acts, 16: 16, is said to have possessed the spirit of Python^ i. e. the spirit of Apollo, 7iv6Vf.ia nvdoyvog, was insane. The ground of the assertion, that was made in respect to her, was the fact, that she cherished, as would not be unnatural in the case of insanity, a firm persuasion, that she was possessed with some spirit from the dead, that was com- missioned by Apollo. As the gift of prophecy among the heathen, § 196. OF DEMONIACKS. 221 (if we may credit the assertion of Cicero in his Treatise on Divi- nation, Ernesti's edit. I. 6. p. 661,) was always attributed to the agency of Apollo; insane persons, who professed to prophesy un- der his auspices, were in a situation to make much money ; which was the case in the present instance. It is not by any means to be sup- posed, that the predictions of the damsel or any other predictions of a like character, were true prophecies, for such were beyond the power of Apollo, who was regarded as "■ nothing'''' in the estima- tion of Paul, to utter or to communicate. Many other Demoni- acks, who are mentioned, but the symptoms or rather operations of whose disease are not particularly given, are to be x'eckoned among those, who were insane ; for example, Mary Magdalene, from whom, (Luke 8: 2,) Jesus cast out seven devils, i. e. restored her from a madness of so violent a nature, that it was supposed to be caused by the united agency of this large number of the spirits of the dead. If the Saviour commanded the demoniacks not to make him known, the reason was, that their declaration on the subject would do more hurt than good, Mark 1: 24. Luke 4: 34. Matt. 8: 29. Mark 5: 7. V, Whether the expulsion of actual demons from a person, or the healing of epilepticks, madmen, and hypochondriacks be the greater and most strikmg miracle, in the present argument it is of but little consequence to decide. To those, however, who deny in this case the actual agency of demons, the healing of these maladies appears a more impressive exhibition of miracu- lous power than the ejection of demons, which was likewise done, as the advocates of the opposite opinion will themselves admit, by exorcists. § 196. The Apostles, Evangelists, and Christ regarded Demo- niacks AS diseased Persons. The Apostles and Evangelists, it is contended, whether they are introduced as speaking, or whether they appear as the au- thors of a narration, employ those expressions, which in their time were in common use. Hence, as was very natural, they make use of such phraseology as the following; ''''Demoniacks came to Jesus,''"' ''^Demoniacks were brought to Jesuj," " They were possessed with demons,'''' " The demons were cast out,^^ " Theij depart- 222 § 196, OP DEMONIACKS. ed from or entered into a person^''' 4*c. If it be inquired what they really understood by such expressions, the answer is this. Similar expressions were used m respect to madness or insani- ty in that ng-e, even in cases, where there could be no doubt in- respect to the natural cause of it ; i. e. a man might lose his rea- son in some way or by some accident, which was perfectly well understood, and still, as much as in any other case, the loss of his reason was attributed to the agency of a demon. That was the common mode of speaking. Furthermore, demons were spoken of in reference to diseases, in the same way that Bacchus among the Greeks was used tropically for wine, and Ceres for corn. It cannot be inferred, therefore, that Jesus, the Apostles, and Evan- gelists supposed, that those persons, who were represented as pos- sessed, were mi reality possessed with demons or the spirits of the dead. It cannot be inferred, we contend, the more especially, be- cause they often give intimations of a contrary opinion, as will ap- pear from the following statements. Argument I. The Evangelists often introduce Demoniacks among sick men, as a separate class of sick, Matt. 4: 23, 24. 10: 8. Mark 1: 32. Luke 4: 40, 41. 5: 15. 8: 2. 9: 1. 13: 32 j and, what is worthy of notice, all classes of sick persons, many of whom are never de- .scribed by the Evangelists, as being- subject to demoniacal posses- sions, are represented in Acts 10: 38, without any exception, as be- ing oppressed with the devil, KaTadwaaxevofifvoL vno tov dialSolov. From this it clearly appears, that, in the view of the sacred wri- ters, to be a sick person^ and to be a Demoniack or vexed with the devil, (i. e, with the subordinate agents of the devil, the spirits of the wicked dead,) were only different expressions for the same thing. The Evangelists, it should be remarked in addition, in some instances comprehend Demoniacks under the head of sick and diseased persons, when, without expressly mentioning them, they describe in general terms those, to whom the Saviour gave assistance. That is to say ; when enumerating those, who had ex- perienced the healing power of the Saviour, they did not deem it necessary particularly to mention Demoniacks in distinction from the rest, because they did not conceive, there was any thing suf- ficiently peculiar in their case to render it necessary alwaj's to make this distinction, since they might conveniently and justly be considered as comprehended, (even when not expressly mention- § 196. OPINIONS OF CHRIST, THE APOSTLES, ETC. 223 ed,) in a general catalogue of thoSe maladies, which men were subject to, and which the Saviour had healed. Luke 7. 21, 22. Matt. 11:5. On the contrary, the Evangelists certainly would not have omitted the mention of them in such an enumeration, which was designed as a statement of what the Saviour had done in relieving the bodily woes of men, if they had supposed the demoniacks to be sound and in good health with the exception, that they were possessed with a devil ; because in this case, their situation and recovery would have been so peculiar, as to have demanded a distinct specilication. The sacred historians frequently say, that the Demoniacks were made whole, or restored, which is an intima- tion at least, that they were previously diseased, Matt. 8: 16, 12: 22. Luke 7: 21, 8:2, 9:42. Luke, especially, (11:14,) when speaking of a dumb spirit, and when describing the spirit of infirm- ity, (13: 11,) could not certainly mean to be understood, as speak- ing of a real spirit, but merely of a disease, or of some defect in the bodily organs. If, moreover, Luke, who was a physician, uses such expressions as these, viz, to heal, to be healed from spirits, to heal those oppressed with a devil ; if he uses such expressions in re- ference to demoniacal possessions, it is clear, we are to under- stand possessions in his language to mean the same with diseases, and nothing more, consult Luke 7: 21, 8: 2, and Acts 10:38. Not only the Evangelists themselves, but the Jews also, who are introduced as speaking in the Gospels, use the words, datfAwv and datfioviov tropically, (the same as profane writers,) wheo- they speak of insanity, hypochondria, and natural madness, Matt. 11: 18. Luke 7: 33. John 7: 19, 20. 10: 20. Furthermore, in Mark 3: 21, 22, e'^fOTi he is beside himself is interchanged with BsfX^e- ^ovl e%i.f', he hath a devil. It can be shown also, that the word d$ non is interchanged in the same way with the words, which signify disease or sickness, as if they were altogether synony- mous, comp. Mark 7: 29, and Matt. 15: 22: 28 ; compare also Mark 9: 17, with Luke 9: 39, also Matt. 17: 15, and Luke 13: 10—12. Argument IL John, it is true, introduces the Jews, as speaking in the customary way in respect to Demoniacks and demons, (7: 9 — 20. 10: 20,) but let it be carefully marked, that he himself is al- together silent on the subject of demoniacal possessions, notwith- standing that he frequently speaks of the sick, who were healed by the Saviour, 4: 46. 5: 3. 6: 2. Paul also, in enumerating the various kinds of miraculous gifts, (I Cor. 12: 9,) says nothing in re- \ 224 § 196. OF DEMONIACKS. spect to the exorcism of demons ; a power which, it appears, he possessed himself, and which the Saviour had promised, RIark 16: 17. Matt. 10:8. Luke 10: 17. These two Apostles, therefore, considered Demoniacks as no other than persons afflicted with dis- ease ; and it was very natural indeed, that it should be so, when it is remembered, that, in ^sia Minor, where John composed his Gospel, and Paul wrote his first Epistle to the Corinthians, medi- cal science was in a very flourishing condition, and it was very generally known, that the diseases, attributed to demons, were merely natural diseases, comp. the large German edit, of this Work, P. I. Vol. II. 232. pp. 477—480. If, therefore, it be objected against us, that the Demoniacks in the New Testament acknowledge themselves to be possessed with demons, we repl}', that nothing else was to be expected from mad- men. If it be further objected, that the Jews of the New Testa- ment are in the habit of speaking of such possessions, it must be admitted by our opponents, either that this was the rsus loquendi in respect to diseases, the common language to describe the caus- es and effects of certain bodily maladies, without any particular belief, that those maladies originated from the agency of spirits, or that the Jews actually believed in real possessions. If, moreover, we are told, that both the Apostles themselves and the Evangelists inform us, that Demoniacks came to Jesus, or were brought and were healed ; that Jesus also says, that he casts out devils, the answer is, the ground of these expressions was the common mode of speaking, prevailing at that period ; and Jesus, the Apostles, and Evangelists made use of such expressions, when they spoke of hypochondria, insanity, epilepsy, and madness, in order to be understood by their hearers and readers. Nearly in the same way physicians of the present time denominate a cer- tain class of sick persons lunaticks, i. e. persons under the influence of the moon^ and tell us of St. Anthony's fire, and the night mare, al- though the true causes of these diseases are well known. Some- thing in the same way also, it is customary every where to speak of the sun's setting and rising, and to designate certain of the heavenly bodies as planets or wandering stars, although it is not philosophically true, either that the sun sets or rises, or that the planets describe that wanderings irregular path in the heavens, which thoy appear to, to an uninstructed eye. § 196. OPINIONS OF CHRIST, THE APOSTLES, ETC. 225 If, finally, it be said, that the diseases of Demoniacks are some- times distinguished from those of other persons, the reason of it is, that these diseases, viz. melancholy, insanit}', epilepsy, and madaess, are in some respects peculiar, and are healed with diffi- culty ; and hence the curing of them by a single word of the Sa- viour was a matter of ihe greater moment. Argument III. It is admitted, that Jesus speaks to the Demo- niacks, threatens them, commands them to be silent, orders them to depart, and not to return, Mark 1: 24. 5: 8. 9: 25, Matt. 8: 28. Luke 4: 35. 8: 30 — 32. But it may be remarked in explanation of this, that he has reference partly to the Demoniacks, whom he commands to be silent and whom he threatens, and partly to the disease, which he orders to depart and not to return. Paul, in the same manner, (Acts 16: 16,) addresses the spirit of Apollo, and com- mands him in the name of Jesus to depart from the soothsaying damsel ; and yet, as we may learn from first Corinthians, 8: 4, he had not the least faith in Apollo, nor in any other god beside Jeho- vah. Nor are we at liberty to suppose, that Luke, the historian of the Acts, who subjoins to the account, of which we have now spoken, that the spirit left her, believed at all, that the spirit of Apollo was really present. The reason, why Paul and the Saviour made use of such expressions on such an occasion, was, that they might excite the attention of the bystanders, and give them to un- derstand, that the disease had terminated at their command. It was for a reason of the same nature, viz. to make an impression on the minds of those present, that the Saviour, when the temp- est was overruled and laid by his miraculous interference, com- manded in an audible manner the winds and the seas to be at rest. Let those, who inquire, how Jesus could call the demon by name, if he did not believe one to be present, read the Greek text of Mark 3:9 and of Luke 8: 30, and they will see, that it is not the demon, which is addressed by name, but the demoniack himself, (crr/^pojra atroj', i. e. avdoomov^ not avro — Tivfvua.^ Jesus, in Luke, 10: 17, does not assert the operations of demons in men, for he couples Satan with serpents and scorpions, which places us under the necessity of interpreting all of these words tropically, and of understanding by them cunning and powerful adversaries, who opposed the progress of the Gospel, but with all their power were unable to interrupt its advancement. The 29 226 § 196. OF DEMONUCKS. expressions, which he employs, are as follows. "I see, (Hebrew ''n''N">,) I see Satan," i. e. all the adversaries of the Gospel, who are afterwards called serpents, scorpions, and the en- emy's host, " fall like lightning from heaven,"" i. e. from the political heaven, from power and authority. Consult Isa. 14 : 12, 13. Matthew 24th chapter, Luke 10: 15. Revelation 12 : 7—9, see also Cicero, where he says to Mark Antony, you have hurled your colleagues down from heaven. (The adversaries of the Gos- pel also occur in Luke 22: 31. under the name of Sata7i.) "Be- hold, (he proceeds,) 1 give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enem}'," i. e. of over- coming and subduing by your miraculous gifts all adversaries, "and nothing shall by any means hurt you, i. e. oppress and over- come you, (comp. adixijaet with the Hebrew p"^S>.) " Notwith- standing, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you, but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven," i. e. rejoice rather in the favour of God, than in the power of cast- ing out devils, or of healing the most difficult diseases. Jesus, in Matt. 12: 24—30, Mark 3:22—30, Luke 11: 16—24, employs against the Pharisees the argumentum ad hominem, which has no bearing in this case any further than the refutation of the adversary is concerned. The ground of his employing this species of argument in the present instance was this. The Phar- isees, if we may believe Josephus, taught, that the demons, by which men were possessed, were the spirits of bad men, who were dead, and were commissioned on their present business of tormenting the children of men by Beelzebub. Jesus, therefore, replied, provided this were the true state of the case, that Beel- zebub, by lending his assistance in casting out his own devils, was overturning his own kingdom. He then adds, that this powerful spirit, for such the Pharisees supposed him to be, could not be compelled to perform such an unwelcome task, unless a stronger one, than Beelzebub himself, should tirst come, should bind him, and take away his arms. The Parable in Matt. 12:43— 45, and Luke 11:24—28, is to be interpreted with a reference to the explanation, at the end, v'lT.. '•' so shall it be with this wicked generation.'''' The demons io these passages are the vices of the Jews, which had been, in some little degree, corrected by the preaclung of John the Baptist and § 196. OPINIONS OF CHRIST, THE APOSTLES, ETC. 227 the Saviour, but which soon after developed themselves with greater virulence, and to a greater extent than ever, as Josephus testifies was the case in the time of the War with the Romans ; comp. the large German edition of this Work, P. I. Vol. II. § 232. p. 490, 491. Finally, Jesus liberates the woman, described in Luke 13: 12, as bowed down with infirmity, without making any mention of a demon; if, therefore, a little after, he asserts, that she was a daughter of Abraham, bound by Satan for eighteen years, the expressions are to be considered, as figurative, being an allusion to the loosing of oxen, which it was lawful to do on the Sabbath in order to lead them to drink, and having reference at the same time to an opinion among the Jews, that all diseases had their ultimate origin, (not indeed from demons,) but from the Devil, that overruling spirit of wickedness, who tempted Eve, and to whom allusions are made in Acts 10: 38, and in 2 Cor. 12: 7. Argument IV. That the Church Fathers unanimously agreed in the opinion, that individuals, in the time of Christ, were really and truly possessed with demons, those, who maintain, that De- moniacks were diseased persons, plainly and expressly deny. They produce testimonies to the contrary. They assert, more- over, that, in point of policy, the church fathers would not have thought it advisable, to have made such assertions, as are repre- sented, since they were contending incessantly with philosophers, who believed in, and strenuously contended for the agency of de- mons. They say further, that nothing is gained or lost, even if the fathers were unanimous in one opinion, since this is not a ques- tion of faith or doctrine, in which alone, the united sentiment of the Fathers can be considered, as possessing a binding authority. They deny also, that it can be concluded from the fact, that a class or order of persons, called exorcists.^ existed in the primitive ages of the Church, that the Church itself believed in the real agenc}'^ of demons ; since the popular superstitions on the subject might have been, as no doubt they were, the ground of such an institution, see Veronius In Regul. Fid. § 4. No. 4. 223 § 197. POSSESSIONS inconsistent with doctrine. § 197. Real possessions incojvsistent with the Doctrine of Jesus AND THE Apostles. Those, who oppose the doctrine of real possessions, state, that Jesus, the Apostles, and Evangelists are not to be understood lit- erally, when they speak of the agency of demons, because such a supposition would make them act contrary to the doctrine, which they themselves taught. The}', accordingly, in support of the point, that the doctrines of the Apostles and Jesus are contrary to that of real demoniacal possessions, advance the following considerations. ArgUxMent i. Jesus and the Apostles teach us, that all things, even the most minute, are under the direction of God. They could not, therefore, for a moment suppose, that so great miseries were inflicted by demons, (whether they were the spirits of dead men, or other evil spirits,) or that God would be accessory to such evils, by permitting them to exist in such a way. They would not countenance such an opinion the more especially, because it had its origin among nations, which were given to idolatry. It was the common belief among such nations, that the celestial di- vinities governed the world hy proxy, entrusting it to inferiour de- ities, and to the spirits of the dead. Argument 11. Jesus and the Apostles teach us, that the spirits of the dead immediately enter upon that state or destiny, which from their previous character they deserve ; both the good and the bad going to a retribution, from which they can never return, Luke 16: 22, et. seq. 23: 43. 2 Cor. 5:1. 1 Philipp. 1: 21. 3:12. Heb. 12: 23. Some of the wicked spirits, as we learn from 2 Pe- ter 2: 4, and from Jude 6 verse, are reserved in custody, till the day of judgment ; a statement, which cannot be reconciled with the supposition, that they are straying about the earth, and tor- menting its inhabitants. Argument III. Let it be admitted, that Jesus does not in direct terms, contradict the prevailing notions, and does not expressly and explicitly say, that the Demoniacks were not afflicted by the agency of demons, but merely by natural diseases, (which was the opinion maintained by the Sadducees,) still it must be confes- sed, that, on the other hand he no where expressly denies, that the effects, produced upon individuals, who were represented as § 198. THE POOL NEAR THE SHEEP-MARKET, JERUSALEM. 229 possessed with demons, resulted from such diseases merely. The fact is, as is contended, the Saviour neither took one part nor the other, neither denied nor asserted the reality of demoniacal posses- sions. Indeed it was not necessarily nor actually his province. A question of that kind, one, which involved the state of the body or the mind, belong'ed rather to professed physicians. The Apos- tles pursue the same course in respect to this subject, that the Saviour does, with the exception of John and Paul, who, having resided much in Asia Minor, do not, as has been already observed, make use of the customary and prevalent phrases in regard to Demoriiacks. It is stated, further, in defence of the conduct of the Saviour and his Apostles, that there was no need of their refuting the vulgar opinion in respect to Demoniacks, as it was evidently inconsistent with their doctrine, concerning the state of the dead, and was attacked by the physicians of that age with great success. Besides, an attempt at such a refutation, in an age, when the opinion to be attacked was yet so prevalent, and in a country, where it was so fondly cherished, would have in- volved the disciples and the Saviour in prolix disputations, and would have withdrawn their attention too much from the preach- ing of the Gospel. Note. I have thus given the statements, illustrations, and ar- guments on both sides' of this question, and will leave each one to form his own opinion. § 198. The Pool near the Sheep-Market at Jerusalem. The pool, iizc Tf] nQO^amri^ or the receptacle of water, call- ed Bethesda, John 5: 2, was a bath. I. The first argument in favour of this position is to be found in the fact, that the Ptabbins and the Chaldaick Paraphrast on Ecclesiastes make the words mVozi'ns and jjiDni-iD, (the Greek 7ipo/3artK?;,) mean baths ; and make the word NlJ'^I'^s mean the servant attending on a bath. The name Bethesda^ in Hebrew n"^2 N'lpr!, means, the house or place of favour or kindness, and agrees very well with a bath, which was both salutary and pleasant. II. Another proof, that the pool in question was a bath, is the fact, that the blind, maimed, and withered were gathered around 230 § 198, THE ANGEL THAT TROUIiLED THE BATH. it ; and that there were likewise five porticos, erected without doubt for the reception of those, who were sick and infirm. That this was the object of the porticos is the opinion, expressed both in the Peshito and by Suidas. The An'gel that troubled the Bath. It is rehited, (John 5: 2 — 4, 6, 7,) in respect to this bath, that an angel of the Lord descended at certain times and troubled the water, and that the person, who descended first after this opera- tion upon the water, was healed of whatever infirmity he might Jabour under. This account of the descent of an angel, and of the consequent restoration of the first one, who entered the water after his de- scent, is omitted in certain Greek and Latin manuscripts, and likewise in the Armenian version. It is pointed out to the par- ticular notice of the reader in some Greek manuscripts, sometimes by an obelus or dagger [t], and sometimes by an asterisk. The genuineness of the whole passage, therefore, is justly liable to suspicion. On the supposition, that the whole narration is a genuine one, the bath in question might have been an animal bath, which has a beneficial influence in certain diseases, and which, in the present case, was furnished with blood from the temple, by means of a subterranean passage. Accordingly, when the blood flowed into it, the water might be said with no impropriety to be disturbed, especially on festival days, when it received a greater quantitj', than usual. Or it might have been, (and most probably was,) a mineral bath, which derived its salutary powers from the mineral parti- cles, that were intermixed with the mud at the bottom. Accord- ingly, when the water was more than usually disturbed or put in motion by some external cause, for instance, by showers or by subterranean heat, it is natural to suppose, that it was the more strongly impregnated with minerals, and of course more than usu- ally efficacious. The sick and infirm, therefore, wished to enter it at this period, before the mineral particles had subsided, and the water had returned to its ordinar}^ state. Eusebius in his Onomas- ticon under the word (3{Cf]0a confirms the last hypothesis, for he states, that in his time there were, at that place, viz. Bethesda, § 199. ON PARALYTICKS. 231 two contiguous receptacles of water, Avhich were dry except when rains fell. They were then slightly tinged with a red col- our, a proof, that the bottom was iojpregnated with mineral parti- cles. Consult Richteri Dissertatio Medic, iheol. dc balneo animali^ p. 107. Goetting, 1775, and Mead ^ Medic, saci: 6. 8. The descent of the angel, and the healing of the first one, who entered into the water, are statements founded in the preva- lent popular opinions. The reason, why the Historian did not make a statement of his own on the subject, but chose rather, in the fourth and sixth verses, to give the popular belief, was, that the reader might understand the reply of the sick man, in the seventh verse. § 199. On Paralyticks. The palsy of the New Testament is a disease, that is of very wide import. Many infirmities, as Richter has demonsti'ated, in the seventy third and the following pages of the Treatise referred to in the preceding section, were comprehended under the word, which is rendered palsy in the New Testament. I. The apoplexy, a paralytick shock, which affected the whole body. II. The hemiplegy, which affects and paralyzes only one side of the body. III. The paraplegy, which paralyzes all the parts of the sys- tem below the neck. IV. The catalepsy. It is caused by a contraction of the mus- cles in the whole or a part of the body, (e, g. in the hands,) and is very dangerous. The effects upon the parts seized are very violent and deadly. For instance, when a person is struck with it, if his hand happens to be extended, he is unable to draw it back. If the hand is not extended, when he is struck with the disease, he is unable to extend it. It appears diminished in size, and dried up in appearance. Hence the Hebrews were in the habit of calling it a withered hand, 1 Kgs. 13: 4 — G. Zech. 11: 17. Matt. 12: 10—13. John 5: 3. V. The cramp. This, in oriental countries, is a fearful malady, and by no means unfrequent. It originates from the chills of the night. The limbs, when seized with it, remain immoveable, sometimes 232 § 200. THE DEATH OP JUDAS ISCARIOT. turned in, and sometimes out, in the same position, as when they were first seized. The person afflicted resembles a man, undergo- ing the torture, /?«cfai'tfoj«fj/fo, and experiences nearly the same exquisite sufferings. Death follows this disease in a few days, Matt. 8: 9, 10. comp. Luke 7: 2. 1 Mace. 9: 55—58. Note. The disease, denominated in Matt. 9 : 20. Mark 5: 25, and Luke 8: 43, an issue of bloody is too well known to require any particular explanation. It may be well, however, to make this sino-le observation, that physicians themselves acknowledge, that it is a disorder^ which is diihcult to be cured, Mark 5: 26. § 200. The Death of Judas IscarioT, Judas Iscariot, i. e. Judas, the man of Karioth, ni'^'^J^ lU'^N, (Jud. 15: 25. Jer. 48: 41. Amos 2: 2,) we are informed in Matt. 27: 5, {an7]y'taT0,) hung himself. We are further informed in Acts 1: 18, {TiQi]vriQ yevOf.ievog elaKi]a( /.uaog, ifai ixvdi^ navru ankay- vi>a avTOV,) that he fell headlong, burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. These two statements, which exhibit the appearance of being not altogether harmonious, have occasion- ed various opinions among the learned. The most easy and natural reconciliation of them is this. Pe- ter, in his discourse, (Acts 1: 18,) did not deem it necessary to give a full narration, in every respect, of an event, which was perfect- ly well known. He, therefore, merely mentions the circumstance, (which probably originated from the rope's breaking, or being cut off, with which he was suspended, at the time, that he was taken down for interment,) of his fall and breaking asunder in the midst. This very simple supposition, which gives a solu- tion of the whole difficulty, appears to me preferable to any far- fetched hypothesis. § 202. DISEASE OF HEROD AGRIPPA. 333 § 201. Blindness of the Sorcerer Bar Jesus. Bar Jesus, the sorcerer, otherwise called Elymas, p^*^, a wise or learned 7nan, was struck blind by Paul, Acts 13: 6 — 12. The blindness in this instance is properly denominated in Greek a/Ayg, and was rather an obscuration, than a total extinction of the sight. It was occasioned by a thin coat or tunicle of hard substance, which spread itself over a portion of the eye, and interrupted the power of vision. Hence the disease is likewise called axorog, or darkness. It was easily cured, and sometimes even healed of it- self, without resort to any medical prescription. Hence Paul adds, '■'•not seeing the, sun for a season.'''' § 202. Disease of Herod Agrippa. Josephus, (Antiq. XIX. 8, 2.) and Luke, (Acts 12: 23,) attribute the disease, with which Herod died, to the immediate agency of God ; because he so readily received the idolatrous acclamations of the people, who hailed and honoured him, as a Divinity. Jose- phus saj'^s, the disease was in the intestines. But he perverts his statement by the intermixture of certain superstitious and incred- ible notions. Luke, who was a physician, says more definitely and accurate- ly, that Herod was consumed with worms, which in Eastern coun- tries frequently prey upon the intestines. Josephus observes, that he died on the fifth day after the attack. 30 234 CHAPTER XIII. CONCERNING DEATH, BURIALS, AND MOURNING. § 203. On Death. The Hebrews regarded life, as a journej, as a pilgrimage ou the face of the earth. The traveller, as they supposed, when he arrived at the end of this journey, which happened when he died, was received into the company of his ancestors, who had gone be- fore him, Gen. 25: 8. 35: 29. 37:35. Ps. 39: 12; comp. Heb. 11: 13,15. Eccies. 12:7. Reception into the presence of God at death is asserted in only two passages of the Old Testament, viz. Plaggai, 2: 23, and Eccies. 12: 7. Opinions of this kind, (viz. that life is a journey, that death is the end of that journey, and that, when one dies, he mingles with the hosts, who have gone before,) are the origin and ground of such phrases, as the following ; to be gathered to one^s people^ VTSy ^N *105jr|, Num. 20: 24, 26. Deut. 32: 50. Gen. 25: 8, 9. 35: 29. Ad-.TJ. Jer. 8:2. 25.- 33, and to go to one^ fathers^ "^^ N-ia T'ni^N, Gen, 15: 15. 37; 35. This visiting of the fathers has ref- erence to the immortal part, and is clearly distinguished, in many of the passages above quoted, from the mere burial of the body. Examine Gen. 37: 35. A person, when dying, was said to go, to depart, or to be dismis- sed, TTOfjvfoduo, ^adiCftv^ aTToXvioOui, ^J-^, ^b^, Tob. 3 : 6, 13. John 7: 33. 8: 21. i6: 16, 17. 2 Cor. 5: 6— 9."phiiipp. 1: 13. 2 Tim. 4:6. Luke 2: 29. 22:22, comp. the Septuagint in Gen. 15: 2, 15, and Num. 20: 26. In those parts of the Bible, which were writ- ten at a comparatively recent period, there occur such expres- sions, as the following ; to sleep ai/iong one'' s fathers, T^ni^N D3J SD'iJ, 2 Sam. 7: 12. 1 Kgs. 11: 21 ; and in all parts of the Bible, sucli as § 203. ON DEATH. 235 the following, to give up the ghost, and no longer to be or exist, in Hebrew y}a, ^23\Nt, Gen. 42: 13. Num. 20: 3, 29. Gen. 31:15. Ps. 37: 10,36. 39: 13. 103: IG. Mark 15:37. Some suppose, tliat the expressions, and descriptions, which occur in Gen. 5: 24, Ecclesiastic. 44: 16. Wisdom 4: 10. Hebrews 11:5, and 2 Kgs. 2: 12, are of a poetical character, which convey, when truly interpreted, no other idea, than that of natural death. Sometimes the Hebrews regarded death, as a friendly messen- ger, but they were more frequently inclined to dread him, as a for- midable enemy. Impressed with a sense of the terrors, which were the consequence of his visitations, their imaginations impart- ed to him a poetical existence in the character of a hunter, armed him with a dart or javelin, KevxQOv, with a net, ^!0D'3, and with a s/iarc, D'^ns, l^i^p "'Ibiri, ^012 "'bin, T\rtz "'UipV^. Thus equip- ped, this fearful invader commenced his artifices against the children of men, and when he had taken them captive, slew them, 2 Sam. 26:6. Ps.l8:5,6. 116:3. 1 Cor. 15: 55, 56. The wild fancy of some of the poets went still further, and represented Death, nl.Ja, as the king of the Lower World, and fit- ted up for him a subterranean palace, denominated Sheoal and Hades, ^IN'!:, 'yidrjg, in which he exercised sovereignty over all men, (includmg kmgs and warriours,) who had departed from this upper state of existence. This place occurs also under the phrases, ni73 ^"l5>)p, and at Trvlatrov ddov, the gates of Death and Hades, J oh 3Q:n. Ps.' 9: 13. 49: 15. 107:18. Is.38:10,I8. Matt. 16: 18. Such are the attributes of this place, its situation, its ru- ler, and its subjects, that it might very justly be denominated Death''s royal palace, comp. 2 Sam. 15: 2. Mention is made of the rivers of Hades in the eighteenth Psalm, 4, 5. The more recent Hebrews, adhering too strictly to the letter of their Scriptures, exercised their ingenuity, and put in requisi- tion their faith, to furnish the monarch Death with a subordinate agent or angel, nlari '^Nbtt, viz. the prince of bad spirits, o ^ca- 6olog, otherwise called Sammael, and also Ashmedai, and known in the New Testament by the phrases, o ap/wi/ rov KOOfiov, i"! Dbi3>;n, 0 TO KQUTog tov Bavarov f/wf, o iiitQaio)v, the prince of this world, the tempter, who hath the power of death. The He- brews, accordingly, in enumerating the attributes and offices of the 236 § 204. TREATMENT OF THE CORPSE, EMBALMING. prime minister of the terrifick king' of Hades, represent him as in the habit of making his appearance in the presence of God, and demanding at the hand of the Divinity the extinction, in any given instance, of human life. Having obtained permission to that effect, he does not fail of making a prompt exhibition of himself to the sick; he then gives them drops of poison, which they drink and die. Comp. John 14 : 30. Hebrews 2: 14. Hence originate the phrases, " to taste of death,'''' and " to drink the cup of death,'''' which are found also among the Syrians, Arabians, and Persians, Matt. 16: 28. Mark 9: 1. Luke 9: 27. John 8: 52. Heb. 2: 9. § 204, Tkeatment of the Corpse. Embalming, The friends or sons of the deceased closed his eyes, Gen. 46: 4. The corpse, '^52, n^i:, m*73^y, Uisa, nTO, was washed with water, and, except when buried immediately, was laid out in an upper room or chamber, In^V^i vtisqwov, 2 Kgs. 4: 21. Acts 9: 37. The treatment of the lifeless " body has not always been the same in every age, but has varied both in different ages, and in different countries. The Egyptians embalmed, Ujn, the body. They had three methods of performing this operation, and, in determining which of these methods should be followed in any given case, the prom- inent inquiry was in respect to the rank and wealth of the deceas- ed person. The first method was adopted in the embalming of Jacob and Joseph ; it was very costly, and required, in defrayment of the expense, more than two thousand florins. Gen. 50: 2, 26. Herodotus, (11. 86 — 88.) states, that a priest, (one, who at the same time had some knowledge of the medical art,) designated to the operator a place below the ribs, on the left side of the deceas- ed person, for the incision. The operator, he observes, had no sooner made the incision, than he fled with the greatest precipita- tion, for he was immediately attacked with stones by the bystand- ers, as one, who had violated the dead. The rest of the priests, who, like the one, that had designated the place for the incision, were in some degree acquainted with medicine, extracted the in- testines, washed the body externally with water, and internally with the wine of the palm tree, and then anointed it with a com- position of myrrh, cassia, salt of nitre, &c. The brain was taken § 205. OP PONERALS. 237 out by a crooked piece of iron through the nose, and the cranium was filled with aromatick substances. The whole body was then wrapped round with linen, while each member of the body was at the same time bound separate- ly with pieces of the same materials. The process of embalm- ing occupied thirty or forty days. Gen. 50: 2, 26. The two other modes of embalming, which occupied but a short time, it is not es- pecially necessary, that we should undertake, at the present time, to describe. After the body was embalmed, it was placed in a box of syca- more wood, which was fashioned externally so as to resemble the human form, and was in this way preserved in the house, some- times for ages, leaning against the wall, Exod, 13: 19. comp. Gen. 50: 24, 25. Josh. 24: 32, see also the large German edit, of this Work, P. I. Vol. II tab. X.no.l . This is the account of embalming, as far as the Egj'ptians, and those who were immediately connected with them, are concerned. In respect to this practice or art, as it existed among the He- brews, we have authority for saying as far as this, that it was their custom, in the more recent periods of their history, to wrap the body round with many folds of linen, and to place the head in a napkin, John 11:44. (The general term, that is used in the New Testament, to include the whole of the grave-clothes, is odovia.) It was their custom likewise to expend upon the dead aromatick substances, especially myrrh and aloes, which were brought from Arabia. This ceremony is expressed by the Greek verb evraqiaCiiv, and was performed by the neighbours, and re- lations. Matt. 26:6—14. 27:59. John 19: 39, 40. 20: 7. 11:44. Mark 14: 8. Acts 9: 37. There is reason to beheve, that the more ancient Hebrews, although it cannot be proved by direct and decisive testimony, pursued the same course in regard to the dead, with their descendants. § 205. Of Funerals. The ceremonies at the burial of the dead were different in different countries ; but in every country it was consider- ed a most ignominious procedure, to deprive the corpse of inter- 238 § 105. OF FUNERALS* ment, and to leave it exposed to the depredations of wild beasts and birds. Heroes, accordingly, (such was the disgrace attached to non-in- terraent,) were in the habit of threatening, as a mark of their in- dignation and contempt, this dishonour to their adversaries in bat- tle. The prophets, in like manner, when putting in requisition the powers of their imagination in order to give an impressive picture of any fearful and approaching devastations by war, rep- resent such a state of things, as a feast, which God would make from human corpses, for the birds of heaven, and for the beasts of the forest, 1 Sara. 17: 44—46. 31: 8—13. 2 Sam. 4: 12. 21: 9, 10. I Kgs. 14: 11— 14. Jer. 7: 33. 8: 2, 16: 4, 34: 20. Ezek. 29 : 5.32:4.39:17—20. Ps. 63 : 10. 79 : 2— 3. Is. 14 : 19. The patriarchs buried their dead in a few days after death. Gen. 23: 2 — 4. 25: 9. 35: 29. Their posterity in Egj'pt seem to have de- ferred burial. It is probable, that Moses in reference to this prac- tice extended the uncleanness, contracted by means of a corpse, to seven days, in order to make the people hasten the ceremony of interment. In a subsequent age, the Jews imitated the example of the Persians, and buried the body very soon after death, Acts 5: 6, 10. The interment of Tabitha, (Acts 9: 37,) was delayed on ac- count of sending for Peter. The children, friends, relations, or servants of the deceased took the charge of his burial. Gen. 23: 19. 25:9. 35:29. 48: 7. Num. 20: 28. 1 Kgs. 13:30. 2 Kgs. 23: 30. Mark G: 29. Matt. 27: 59,60. A box or coffin for the dead, ']1*^N, was not used, except in Babylon and Egypt. The corpse was wrapped in folds of linen, and placed upon a bier, in the Hebrew iSUiTD and ^113^, Deut. 3: II ; and was then carried by four or six persons to the tomb. The bearers appear to have travelled very rapidly in the time of Christ, as they do at the present day among the modern Jews, Luke 7: 14. The mourners, who followed the bier, poured forth the an- guish of their hearts in lamentable wails ; and what rendered the ceremony still more affecting, there were eulogists and musicians in attendance, who deepened the sympathetick feelings of the oc- casion, by a rehearsal of the virtues of the departed, and by the accompaniment of melancholy sounds, Gen, 50 : 7 — 1 1. 2 Sam. 3: ^ 206. SITUATION OF SEPULCHRES. 239 31,32. Amos 5: 16. Matt.9 : 23. 11: 17. Men, who were distin- guished for their rank, and who at the same time exhibited a claim to the love and to the favour of the people, for their virtues, and their good deeds, were honoured with an attendance of vast multitudes, to witness the solemnities of their interment, Gen. 50: 7—14. 1 Sam. 25: 1. 2 Chron. 32: 33. 1 Kgs. 14: 13. To bury, and to pay due honours to the remains of the dead, was consider- ed, in the later periods of the Jewish state, not only an act due to decenc)' and the common feelings of humanity, but a religious duty, Tob. 1: 12—19. 2:4—8. 4:17, 18. 12: 12, 13. Eccles. 7:31. Acts 8:2. § 206. Situation of Sepulchres. Sepulchres, otherwise called the everlasting houses, were commonly situated beyond the limits of cities and villages, Is. 14; 18, Eccles. 12:5. Luke 7: 12. Matt. 8 : 28. The Mosaic law re- specting defilement by means of dead bodies, seemed to render it necessary, that they should not be located within them. And still it was as much the custom among other nations, as among the Hebrews, (and indeed continues to be the practice to the present day in the East,) to bury out of the city ; except in the case of kings and very distinguished men, whose ashes are commonly permitted to repose within it, comp. 1 Sam. 28: 3. 2 Kgs. 21: 18. 2 Chron. 16: 14. 24: 16. The Sepulchres of the Hebrew kings were upon mount Zion, 2 Chron. 21:20. 24:25. 28:27. 2 Kgs. 14:20. With the exception to be made in respect to the situation of the tombs of their kings, the Hebrews generally exhibited a pref- erence for burying their dead in gardens:, and beneath shady trees, Gen. 23: 17. 35: 8. 1 Sam. 31: 13. 2 Kgs. 21: 18, 26. 23: 16. John 19: 41. But as such situations, viz. groves and gardens, belonged of course to individuals, the inference is, (what indeed we learn from other sources,) that sepulchres were the property of a sin- gle person, or of a number of families united together, Gen. 23. 4 —20. 50:13. Jud. 16:31. 2 Sam. 2: 32. There were some bu- rial places, however, which were either common, 2 Kgs. 23: 6. Jer. 26:23, or allotted to a certain class of people, Matt. 27: 7. To be buried in the Sepulchre of one's fathers, was a distin- 240 § 207. SEPULCHRES. guished honour; to be excluded from it, was as signal a disgrace. In consequence of this feeling, the bodies of enemies, who had fal- len in war, were delivered up to their friends to be buried, though in some instances when petitioned for, they were denied, Gen. 49: 29. 50: 13, 25. Jud. 16: 31. 2 Sam. 19: 37, 38. 2 Kgs. 9: 28. Jer. 26: 23. This honour was denied to those, who died while infect- ed with the leprosy, 2 Chron. 26: 23. Those kings also, who had incurred the hatred of the people, were not permitted to be bu- ried in the royal tombs, 2 Chron. 21: 20. 24: 25. 28: 27. Hence we are commonly informed in respect to kings of an opposite charac- ter, that they were buried with funeral honours, m the tombs of their ancestors, 1 Kgs. 11:43. 14:31. 15: 8, etc. To be buried like an ass, i. e. without mourning, and lamentation, was consider- ed a very great disgrace, Jer. 22: 16 — 19. 35:30. § 207. Sepulchres. The sepulchres or burying places of the common class of peo- ple were, without doubt, mere excavations in the earth, such as are commonly made at the present day in the East. Persons, who sustained a higher rank, were more rich, or more powerful, own- ed subterranean recesses, crypts, or caverns, which are sometimes denominated lnny», sometimes rjnr»2J, iin'^UJ, ^12, sometimes n''"3l|:, •^Sp, (the usual name for places of interment,) and in the New Testament, Ta;, one would conclude, that it resembled in some degree the monuments of those Mohammedans, who had gained a celebrity for their piety. § 210. BuRMNG OF THE CoRPSE. The nncitnt Hebrews considered burning the body a matter of very great reproach, and rarely did it, except when they wished, together with the greatest punishment, to inflict the greatest ig- nominy. Gen. j8: 24. The body of Saul, which had been suspend- ed by the Philistines on the walls of Bethshan, was burnt by the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead from necessity, not to inflict, but to preserve it fromy«r(/ier disgrace, 1 Sam. 31: 12. The sentiment in respect to the burning of bodies seems at a later period to have been changed. An hundred and forty years after Saul, king Asa was burnt with many aromatick substances, not as an indication of disgrace, but as an honour. This ceremo- ny in the case of Asa is not spoken of, as if it were a new thing, and it had probably been introduced, at least some little time pre- viously. After the time of Asa, the revolution of sentiment in re- gard to burning was So complete, that, while burning was consid- ered the most distinguished honour, not to be burnt was regarded a most signal disgrace, 2 Chron. 16: 14. 21: 19. Amos, 6: 10. Jer. 34: 5. Another change of sentiment eventually took place. After the caplivity, the Jews conceived a great hatred to this rite. The Talmudists in consequence of this endeavoured to pervert the passages respecting it, and to induce a belief, that the aromatick substances alone, and not the body, were burnt. § 211. Of Mourning. The grief of the Orientals formerly, on an occasion of death, was, as it is to this day in the East, very extreme. As soon as a person dies, the females in the family with a loud voice set up a sorrowful cr3^ They continue it as long as they can, without 246 §211. ON MOURNING, taking breath, and the first shriek of wailing dies away in a low sob. After a short space of tinie, they repeat the same cry, and continue it for eight days. Every day, however, it beconfies less frequent and less audible. Until the corpse is carried away from the house, the women, who are related to the deceased, sit on the ground together, in a circle, in a separate apartment. The wife, or daughter, or other nearest relation of the deceased occupies the centre, and each one holds in her hand a napkin. At the present day, there are present on such an occasion, as there were anciently, eulogists, ni35p?3 who chant in mournful strains the virtues of the dead. When the one, who sat in the cen- tre gave the sign with her napkin, the persons who recalled, (so much to their credit,) the memory of the departed, remained si- lent. The rest of the females arose, and, wrapping together their napkins, ran, like mad persons. But the nearest relation remain- ed in her position, tearing her hair, and wounding her face, arms, and breast with her nails, comp. Gen. 50: 3. Num. 20: 29. Deut. 34: 8. 1 Sam. 31: 13. In addition to the persons, whose appropri- ate business it was to eulogize the dead, there were sometimes employed, on such occasions, professed musicians and singers, ''i^D ■*yni'', particularly in ancient times, Amos 5:16. Jer. 9: 20. 43: 36.' Matt. 9: 23. Luke 7: 32. The lamentation", which are denominated in Hebrew ^3, 'flS, ^^"'InS, !nj"'pi began, for the most part, as follows. '■^ Alas^alas^ my brother!''' or '■'' Jllas, alas, my sister!"' Or if the king were dead, ^'Jllas, alas, the king /" 1 Kgs. 13: 29, 30. 2 Chron. 35: 25. 2 Sam. 1: 17. 3: 33. Jer. 34: 5. The men at the present day are more moderate in their grief, yet there are not wanting instances now, nor were there wanting such formerly, in which they indulged in deep and overwhelming sorrow, 2 Sam. 1: 11, 12. 19: 4. It was customary for the women after the burial to go to the tomb, and to pour out their grief and their lamentations there, John 11: 31. 'l here were many other indications of a person's grief at the death of his friends, beside those, which have been mentioned. Among the most common was that of rending the garment, (either the outer garment or the inner, or both) from the neck in front, down to the girdle. Such is the custom at the present day in Persia, Gen. 37: 31. Jud. 11: 35. 2 Sam. 1: 2. 3: 31: 2 Kgs. 5: 7, 8. 6: 30. §211. ON MOURNING. 247 We see, in this custom, the origin of the word pt) sack-cloth, from the Arabick word <^*£> to tear or rend. The Hebrews, when in mourning, sometimes walked with their shoes off, and with their heads uncovered. They concealed the chin with their outer garment, tore or dishevelled their hair and beard, or at least neglected to take proper care of them. They were forbidden to shave off their eyebrows on such occa- sions, Deut. 14: 1, 2. Oppressed with sensations of grief, they refused to anoint their heads, to bathe, or to converse with peo- ple; they scattered dust and ashes into the air, or placed them upon their heads, or laid down in them, Job. 1: 20. 2: 12. Lev. 10: 6. 13: 45. 21: 10. 2 Sam. 1: 2—4. 14: 2. 13: 19. 15: 30. 19: 4. Jer. 6: 26. They struck together their hands, or tossed them towards the sky, smote the thigh and breast, and stamped with the foot, 2 Sam. 13: 19. Jer. 31: 19. Ezek. G: 11. 21: 12. Est. 4: 1,3. They wounded their faces with their nails, although this was expressly prohibited in Leviticus 19: 28, and Deuteronomy 14: 1, 2. They fasted, abstained from wine, and avoided mingling in festivals, 2 Sam 1: 11, 12. 3: 35. 12: 16. Jer. 25: 34. Elegies were compos- ed on the death of those, who held a distinguished rank in socie- ty, 2 Sam. 3: 33. After the burial, the persons, who lived near the mourners, prepared food for them, in order to refresh them, after such a season of suffering and grief. The refreshment sup- plied at such a season was sometimes denominated D'^j'iN Dr!: the bread of bitterness^ and sometimes D'^ariDn Dt3 the cup of consolation, 2 Sam. 3: 35. Jer. 16: 4, 7. Hos. 9: 4. Ezek. 24: 16, 17. In the time of Christ, if we may credit Josephus, the mourn- ers themselves gave the entfrtainraent subsequent to the burial. The mourning, or rather the ceremonies indicative of the grief in case of death, continued eight days. When kings, or any per- sons, who held a very distinguished rank, died, the mourning was general, includmg the whole people-, and commonly continued during thirty days, Gen. 50; 4. 1 Sam. 25: 1. 1 Mace. 13: 26. Note. The grief, exhibited by the Greeks at the departure of their friends from life, which is mentioned b}- Paul m 1 Thess. 4: 13, agreed in many particulars with that of the Orientals; with this exception, however, that it was siiil more excessive. It 248 § 212, OTHER CAUSES OP MOURNING. was so very marked and extreme, as to be made the subject of ridicule by Lucian de Luctu. For among the other extravag-an- cies, which they exhibited, they bestowed reproaches even tipon the dead themselves, because they did not remain in life ; uttered accusations and curses against the gods, and gave many other ex- hibitions of their grief of a kindred character. § 212. Other Causes of Mourning. Indications of mourning were not only exhibited on the death of friends, but also in the case of many publick calamities, such as famines, the incursion of enemies, defeat in war, etc. On such occasions the feelings of the prophets mingled with the deep sen- sations of the people, and they gave utterance to them by the composition of elegies, Ezek. 26: 1 — 18. 27: 1 — 36. 30: 2, et seq. 32: 2 — 32. Amos 5: 1, et seq. Thus David, when a fugitive from his rebellious son, like a mourner, who had lost a friend by death, walked barefoot^ ^n**' and with head uncovered ; and all the others followed his exam- ple, 2 Sam. 15: 30, comp. 1 Sara. 4: 12. Jos. 7: 6. 1 Kgs. 21: 27. 2 Kgs. 19: 1. Is. 15: 2. 16: 2, 3. 22: 12. 61: 3. Joel, 1: 12, 13. Mic. 2: 3 — 5. 7: 16. Amos, 5: 1,2, etc. It was customary particularly for a person to rend his clothes, when he heard blasphemy. This was done by the high priest himself, 1 Mace 11: 71. Matt. 26- 65, virho was forbidden by law to indulge in the usual expressions of grief, even for the dead^ Lev. 10: 6. Fast-days were accounted days of grief, and we find in many instances, that fasting and mourning go together, Jonah 3: 5 — 7. 1 Mace. 3: 47. Whatever was the cause of the grief, it was not the case, that all the indications of it were exhibited in the same in- stance, but sometimes, so?«e, and at other times, others. PART SECOND ON ^(©Mffi(PAa AMMC^WaMl 32 CHAPTER I. ON THE HEBREW COMMONWEALTH. § 213. Patriarchal Government. The posterity of Jacob, while remaining in Egypt, maintained, notwithstanding the augmentation of their numbers, that patriar- chal form of government, which is so prevalent among the No- mades. Every father of a family exercised a father's authority over those of his own household. Every tribe obeyed its own prince, N'^i!33, who was originally the first born of the founder of the tribe, but, in progress of time, appears to have been elected. As the people increased in numbers, various heads of f.milie? united together, and selected some individual from their own body, who was somewhat distinguished, for their leader. Perhaps the choice was sometimes made merely by tacit consent ; and, with- out giving him the title of ruler in form, they were willing, while convinced of his virtues, to render submission to his will. Such an union of families was denominated in Hebrew ni2N Ti^'S. and ^N n"^?., and also nnSTpS, Num. 3: 24, 30, 35. In other instances, although the number varied, being sometimes more and sometimes less than a thousand, it was denominated a"^5bN, P|Vn, a thousand^ 1 Sam. 10: 19. 23: 23. Jud. 6: 15. Num. 26: 5—50. The heads of these united families were designated in Hebrew by the phrases, niSN n"! ■'jpN'n, D'^ebN '^m'n, and bN'^y)'^. ''ebN ''IpN'^, Num. 1: 16. 10: 4. They held themselves in subjection to the princes of the tribes^ who were called, by way of distinction from other chiefs, a'^i«'^i!53, and bwNf'^U?'; "'tpiip ''N'^toa. Both the princes and heads of families are mentioned under the common names of &">3pT seniors or senators^ and D'^UTiJ ''^'<^ heads of tribes. Fol- lowing the law of reason and the rules, established by custom, they governed with a paternal authority the tribes and united families, and, while they left the minor concerns to the heads of individual families, aimed to superintend and promote the best in- 252 § 214. THE FUNDAMENTAL LAW terests of the community generally. Originally it fell to the prin- ces of the tribes themselves to keep genealogical tables ; subse- quently they employed scribes especially for this purpose, who, in the progress of time, acquired so great authority, that under the name of Q-'^lSriJ, [translated in the English version officers,} they were permitted to exercise a share in the government of the nation, Exod. 6: 14, 15, 19. It was by magistrates of this de- scription, that the Hebrews were governed, while they remained in Egypt, and the Egyptian kings made no objection to it, Exod. 3: 16. 5: 1, 14, 15, 19. § 214. The Fundamental Law of the Mosaic Institutions. The posterity of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were set apart and destined to the great object of preserving and transmitting the true religion, Gen. 18: 16--20, comp. Gen. 17: 9—14. 12: 3. 22: 18.28: 14. Having increased in numbers,?-! appeared very evident, that they could not live among nations given to idolatry, without running the hazard of becoming infected with the same evil. They were, therefore, in the providence of God, assigned to a particular country, the extent of which was so small, that they were obliged, if they would live independently of other na- tions, to give up in a great measure the life of shepherds, and devote themselves to agriculture. Further; very many of the Hebrews during their residence in Egypt had fallen into idola- trous habits. These were to be brought back again to the knowl- edge of the true God, and all were to be excited to engage in those undertakings, which should be found necessary for the sup- port of the true religion. All the Mosaick institutions aim at the accomplishment of these objects. The fundamental principle, therefore, of those institutions was this, that the true God, the creator and governour of the universe, and none other, ought to be worshipped. To secure this end the more certainly, God, through the instrumentality of Moses, offered himself as king to the Hebrews, and was accepted by the united voice of their com- munity. Accordingly the land of Canaan, which was destined to be occupied by them, was declared to be the land of Jehovah, of which He was to be the king, and the Hebrews merely the he- reditary occupants. In coasideration of their acknowledgment of § 214. OF THE MOSAIC INSTITUTIONS. 253 God, as their ruler, they were bound, like the Egyptian?, to pay a twofold tythe, Exod. 19: 4—8. Lev. 27:20—34, Num. IS: 21, 22. Deut. 12: 17 — 19. 14:22,29. 26:12—15. In complinnce with the duties, which n:ilurally full to the immediate ruler of a people, God promulgated, from the clouds of mount Sinai, the prominent laws for the government of the people, considered as a religious communit}', Exod. 20. These laws were afterwards more fully developed and illustrated by Moses. The rewards, which should accompany the obedient, and the punishments, which should be the lot of the transgressor, were at the same time announced, and the Hebrews promised by a solemn oath to obey, Exod. chs. 21 — 24. Deut. chs. 27—30. In order to keep the true nnture of the community fully and constantly in view, all the ceremonial institutions had reference to God, not only as the sovereign of the universe, but as the king of the people. The people were taught to feel, that the tabernacle was not only the temple of Jehovah, but the palace of their king ; that the table, supplied with wine and shew-bread, was the roijul table ; that the altar was the place, where the provisions of the monarch were prepared ; that the priests were the royal servants, and were bound to attend not oqly to sacred but secular affairs, and were to receive, as their salary, the first tythes, which the peo- ])le, as subjects, were led to consider a part of that revenue, which Avas due to God, their immediate sovereign. Other things of a less prominent and important nature had reference to the same great end. Since, therefore, God was the sovereign, in a civil point of view as well as others, of Palestine and its inhabitants, the com- mission of idolatry by any inhabitant of that country, even a for- eigner, was a defection from the true king. It was in fnct ti-enson, •was considered a crime equal in aggravation to that of murder, and, was, consequently, attended with the severest punishment. — Whoever invited or exhorted to idolatr^'^, was considered seditious, and was obnoxious to the same punishment. Incantations also, ne- cromancy, and other practices of this nature were looked upon as arts of a kindred aspect with idolatry itself, and tlie same punish- ment was to be inflicted upon the perpetrators of them, as upon idolaters. The same rigour of inquiry after the perpetrators of idolatry was enforced, that was exhibited in respect to other crimes of the deepest aggravation ; and the person, who knew of 254 § 215. CONDITION or the Hebrews the commission of idolatry in anolher, was bound by the law to complain of the person thus guilty before the judge, though the criminal sustained the near relationship of a wife or a brother, a daughter or a son. The law with the penalty attached to it, as may be learnt iVom other sources, had reference only to the overt acts of idola- try ; it was rather a civil than a religious statute, and the judge, who took cognizance of the crime, while he had a right to decide upon the deed, the undeniable act in any given instance, evidently went beyond his province, if he undertook to decide upon the thoughts and feelings of a person implicated, independently oi* an overt com- mission of the crime, Deut. 13: 2 — 19. 17: 2 — 5. It has been observed, that the law was not so much a religious, as a civil one. The distinction is obvious. A religious law has reference to the feelings, and those laws, consequently, which command us to love Cod, to exercise faith in him, and to render him a heartfelt obedience are of this nature, Deut. 6: 4 — 9. 10: 12. 11: 1, 13. It ought to be remarked, that the severe treat- ment of idolatr}^, of which we have given a statement, was de- manded by the condition of the times. That was an age, in which each nation selected its deity, not from the dictates of con- science, but from the hope of temporal aid. It was an age, when idolaters were multiplied, and when nothing but the utmost se- verity in tb.e laws could keep them from contaminating the soil of the Hebrews. § 215. Condition of thf: Heeukws as respected other Nations. Tiiat the Hebrews, surrounded on every side by idolatrous nations, might not be seduced to a defection from their God and king, it was necessary, that lliey should be kept from too great an intercourse with those nations. This was the object of those sin- gular rites, which, though both pro[)er and useful, were uncom- mon among the Gentiles. For the Hebrews, having once been ac- customed to them, could not readily mingle with other nations; since it was extremely diflicult to desert and condemn those insti- tutions, to which they had been accustomed from youth. But lest this seclusion from them should be the source of hatred to other notions, Moses constantly taught, that they should love their § 215. AS RESPECTED OTHER NATIONS. 255 neighbour, 5*^, i. e. ever}"^ one, with whom they had any thing- to do, including foreigners, Exod. 22: 21. 23: 9. Lev. 19: 34. Deut. 10: 18, 19. 24: 17. 27: 19. To this end he teaches them, that the benefits, which God had conferred upon them in preference to other nations, were undeserved, Deut. 7: 6 — 8. 9: 4 — 24. But altliough the Hebrews individually were debarred from any close intimacy with idolatrous nations, by various rites ; yet as a nation. they had liberty to form treaties with gentile states, with the fol- lowing exceptions. I. The Canaamtes, (including the Philistines, who were not of Canaanitish origin,) were excepted. They were neither to be admitted to treaty nor to servitude, but to be destroyed by war, or driven from the country. This was to be done, not only because they unjustly retained the pas- turing grounds of the Patriarchs, but because they were esteem- ed of despicable faith, both as servants and companions, and were, moreover, addicted to idolatry. Being idolaters, they were con- sidered no less than traitors in the kingdom of God, and, there- fore, were not to be tolerated, since there was a probabilit}^ of their leading the Israelites to the commission of the same sin, Exod. 23: .32. 33.34:12, 16. Deut. 7: 1—11.20: 1—18. The Phenicians were not included in this deep hostility, as they dwelt on the northern shore of the country, were shut up within their own limits, and had oc- cupied none of the pasturing grounds of the patriarchs. We learn from Jos. 11: 19, that the Canaanites might have avoided the ex- ercise of the hostility of the Hebrews by leaving the country, which in truth many of them did. Such as pursued this course fled to the Phenicians, and were transported by them into Africa, Procopius de Vandal, II. 10. p. 258. . II. The Amalekites or Canaanites of Arabia Petkea were in like manner to be destroyed with universal slaughter. This was to be done, because they had attacked the weak and weary Hebrews in their journey through Arabia ; and because the robberies, which were committed by them on the southern borders of Palestine, could not be restrained in any other way, Exod. 17: 8, 14. Deut. 25: 17, comp. Judges G: 3 — 5. 1 Sam. 15: 1, et seq. 27: 8, 9. and the 30th chapter. III. The MoABiTES and Aj monites were to be excluded for- ever from the right of treaty or citizenship with the Hebrews, but were not to be attacked in war, Deut. 2: 9 — 19. 23: 7. 256 § 216. PRINCIPAL RULERS IN THE HEBREW STATE. The reason of taking- this middle course was, that, while they had granted to the Hebrews a passage through their country, they had refused to supply them with provisions, even if paid, Deut. 2: 29. 23: 5. Afterwards in conjunction with certain Mid- ianitish tribes, they invited the prophet Balaam to curse the He- brews, and finally they allured them to idolatry, i, e. to the crime of treason, Deut. 23: 3—8. comp. Deut. 2: 9—19, 37. The He- brews, however, did not feel themselves at liberty to carry on wars against them, except when provoked by previous hostility, Jud. 3: 12—30. 1 Sam. 14: 47. 2 Sam. 8: 2. et seq. 12: 26, et seq. They ultimately crushed the Midianites, who had conspired with the Moabites in their plans, in a war of dreadful severity, Num. 25: 16, 17. 31: 1—24. War had not been determined on against the Amorites, who had anciently taken away the region beyond Jordan from the Moabites and Ammonites by arms, for they were not in possession of any of the pasturing lands of the Patriarchs. But as their kings, Sihon and Og, not only refused a free passage, but opposed the Hebrews with arms, they were attacked and beaten, and their country fell into the hands of the Israelites, Num. 21: 21 — 35. Deut. 1: 4. 2: 24—37. 3; 1 — 18. 4: 46— 49, comp. Jud. 11: 13—23. Treaties were permitted with all other nations. David, ac- cordingly, maintained a friendly national intercourse with the kings of Tyre and Hamath ; and Solomon with the kings of Tyre and Egypt, and with the queen of Sheba. Even the religious Maccabees made treaties with the Romans. The Prophets eve- ry where condemn the treaties, which were made with the nations, not because they were contrary to the laws of Moses ; but be- cause they were injurious to the commonwealth, which the event proved. Is. 7: Is. 36—37: 2 Kgs. 18—19: Hos. 5: 8. 7: 11. 12: 1, et seq. Is. 30: 2—12. 31: 1 — 3. 2 Kgs. 17: 4. ^ 216. Principal officers or Rulers in the Hebrew State. Many things in the administration of the government remained the same under the Mosaic economy, as it had been before. The authority, which they had previously possessed, was continued, in the time of Moses and after his time, to the princes of the tribes, to tlie heads of families and combinations of families, and to the § 216. PRINCIPAL RULERS OF THE HEBREW STATE. 257 genealogists, Num. II: 16. Deut. 16: 18. 20: 5. 36: 28, Yet Mo- ses by the advice ot Jethro, his father-in-law, increased the num- ber nf rulers by the appointment of an additional number of judges^ fi'^DD'iui ; some to judge over ten, some over fifty, some over aa hundred, and others over a thousand men, Exod. 18: 13 — 26. These judges were elected by the suffrages of the people from those, who, by their authority and rank, might be reckoned among the rulers or princes of the people. The iuferiour judges, i. e. those, who superintended the judicial concerns of the smaller num- bers, were subordinate to the superiour judges, or those who judged a larger number; and cases, accordingly, of a difficult na- ture, went up from the inferiour to the superiour judges. Those of a very difficult character, so much so as to be perplexing to the superiour judges, were appealed to Moses himself, and in some cases from Moses to the high priest. The judges, of whom we have now spoken, sustained a civil as well as a judicial authority ; and were included in the list of those, who are denominated the elders and princes of Israel. That is to say ; supposing they were chosen from the elders and princes, they did not forfeit their seat among them by accepting a judicial office, and, on the contra- trary, the respectability attached to their office, (supposing they were not chosen from them,) entitled them to be reckoned in their number, Deut. 31: 28. comp. Josh. 8: 33. 23: 2. 24: 1. The vari- ous civil officers, that have been mentioned in this section, viz. judges, heads of fainilies^ genealogists^ elders, princes of the tribes, &.C. were dispersed, as a matter of course, in different parts of the country. Those of them, accordingly, who dwelt in the same city, or the same neighbourhood, formed the Comitia, senate, or legisla- tive assembly of their immediate vicinity, Deut. 19: 12. 25:8, 9. Jud.8:14. 9:3—46. 11:5. 1 Sam. 8: 4. 16:4. When all, that dwelt in any particular tribe, were convened they formed the leg- islative assembly of the tribe, and when thej^ were convened ia one body from all the tribes, they formed in like manner the leg- islative assembly of the nation, and were the representatives of all the people, J ud. 1: 1 — II. 11:5. 20:12—24, Josh. 23:1,2, 24: 1. The priests, who were the learned class of the community, and besides were hereditary officers in the state, being set apart for civil as well as religious purposes, had, by the divine command, a right to a sittaig in this assembly, Exod. 32: 29. Num. 36: 13. 8: 33 258 § 217 CONNEXION OF THE TRIBES WITH EACH OTHER. 6 — 26. Being' thus called upon to sustain very different and yet very important offices, they became the subjects of that envy, which would naturally be excited by the honour and the advanta- ges, attached to their situation. In order to confirm them in the duties, which devolved upon them and to throw at the greatest distance the mean and lurking principle just mentioned, God, after the sedition of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, sanctioned the separa- tion of the whole tribe, which had been previously made, to the service of religion and the state, by a most evident and striking miracle, Num. 16: 1 — 17. § 217. Connexion of the Tuiees with each Other, Each tribe was governed by its own rulers, and consequently to a certain extent constituted a civil community, independent of the other tribes, Jud. 20: 11— 46. 2 Sam. 2: 4. Jud. 1:21, 27: 33. If any affair concerned the whole or many of the tribes, it was de- termined by them in conjunction, in the legislative assembly of the nation, Jud. 11: 1 — 11. I Chron. 5: 10, 18, 19. 2Sara.3:17. 1 Kgs. 12: 1 — 24. If any one tribe found itself unequal to the exe- cution of anj' proposed plan, it might connect itself with another, or even a number of the other tribes, Jud. 1: 1 — 3, 2s;. 4: 10. 7: 23,24. 8: 1 — 3. But, although in many things each tribe existed by itself, and acted separately, yet in others, they were united, and formed but one community. For all the tribes were bound together, so as to torra one church and one civil community, not only by their common ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not only by the common promises, which they had received from those ancestors, not only by the need, in which they stood of mu- tual counsel and assistance ; but also by the circumstance, that God was their common king, that they had a common taber- nacle for his palace, and a common sacerdotal and Leviti- cal order for his ministers. Accordingly every tribe exerted a sort of inspection over the others, as respected their observ- ance of the Law. If any thing had been neglected or any wrong been done, the particular tribe concerned was amenable to the others, and, in case justice could not be secured in any other way, might be punished with war. Josh. 22: 9 — 34. Jud. 20: 1, et seq. It is possible, that a community thus constituted may be prosper- § 218. COMITIA OR LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES. 269 ous and tranquil, but it will probably want promptness in securing that justice, which is its due, and will also be exposed to external and internal wars. We find examples of these evils during the time of the Judges. In such a community, it was to be expected likewise, that the more powerful tribes would be jealous of each other, and rivals. Accordingly we find this rivalship existing be- tween the tribe of Judah, to which belonged the right of primo- geniture, and the tribe of Joseph, which had a double portion. Gen. 49: 8 — 10. 4t?:5, 6. The right of possessing a double portion, in consequence of which the tribe of Joseph was divided into those of Ephraim and Manasseh, and which was equivalent in fact to the right of primogeniture, placed these two tribes on nearly the same footing, and caused them to look upon each other with the captious and unfriendly eye of competitors. From rivalships of this kind a sad schism finally arose, which sundered the nation, 1 Kgs. i2: . § 218. The Comitia or Legislative Assemblies. (1.) Persons, who composed the Comitia. They have been mentioned in a preceding section, and were as follows, viz. judges, i. e. those, who exercised the office in the judi- cial sense of the word, heads of families, genealogists, elders, and the princes of the tribes. (2.) Titles applied to them in their collective capacity. irnyin ""ppT, the elders of the assembly or the people. brjjvil ^3, STiyn bSi li'O, the whole assembly. At the conven- tions designated uy these words, not only the persons mentioned at the head of this section were present, but also in some instan- ces the whole body of the people. The words, therefore, may mean a national legislative Congress, where only the lawfully con- stituted members are present, or they may mean an assembly, which includ s ihe whole mass of the people. In"l3)n ^N"'',^:, the princes of the assembly or congregation. IJJ.ITO "'>l'"i)?i ^']t'^i '*^.'"^.p.i ^^^^^ called to the assembly. !Tiyn "^tl^p^i ttiose deputed to the assembly. ^ 260 § 218. POWERS, ETC. OF THE COMfTlA. Examine in reference to this point, Exod. 19: 7. 24: 3 — 8. 34: 31,32. Lev. 4:13. 18:3—5. 9:5. (3.) Method Ax\d Place of convening the Comitia. They were convened by the judge or ruler, for the time be- incf, and in case of his absence, by the h;gh priest. Num. 10:2 — 4. Jud. 20: 1, 27, 28. Josh. 23: 1, 2. The place of their assembimg appears to have been at the door of the tabernacle, Num 10: 3. Jud. 20: 1,27,28. 1 Sam. 10: 17. Sometimes some other place, commonly one of some celebritjs was selected as the place of meeting, Josh. 24: 1. 1 Sam. 1 1: 14, 15. 1 Kgs. 12: 1 As long as the Hebrews resided in camps in the Arabian wilderne««, the Comitia were summoned together b}' the blowing of the holy trumpets. It appears from Num. 10: 2 — 4, that the blowing of one trumpet only was the signal for a somewhat select convention, composed merely of the heads of the clans or associated families, and of the princes of the tribes. The blowing of two trumpets was the signal for convening the great assembly, composed not only of the heads of families, and the princes of the tribes, but of the elders, judges, and genealogists; and in some in^Jtances includ- ing, as has been already remarked, the whole i>ndy of the people. When the Hebrews had become fiiirly settleii in Palestine, the Comitia were assembled, on account of the members living in pla- ces distant from each other, not by the sound of trumpet, but by messengers sent to them, see Deut. 29: 9, 10. Judg. 20: (4.) Powers, etc. of the Comitia. Moses, while he sustained the office of ruler among the He- brews, announced to these publick assemblies the commands of God. which were at'terwards repeated to the people by the Shote- rim. D'^^ar^b, [whom, for want of a better term in English, we have denominated genealogists.] In the Comitia^ (those, which met where the people were not present,) the rights of sovereign- ty were exercised, wars were declared, peace was concluded, treaties were ratified, civil rulers and generals, and eventually kings were chosen. The oath of office was administered to its mem- bers by the judge, or the king of the state j and the latter in turn § 219. rORM OF GOVERNMENT A MIXED ONE. 261 received their oath from the Comitia, acting- in the name of the people, Exod. 19: 7. 24: 2—8. Josh. 9: 15—21. Jud. 20: 1, 1 1 — 14. 2h 13— 20. ISam. 10:24. 11: 14. 2 Sam. 11: 14. 2 Sam. 2: 4. 3: 17—19. 5: 1—3. 1 Kgs. 12: The Comitia acted without instructions from the people, on their own authority, and according- to their own views. Nor does any instance occur, in which the people exhibited any disposition to interfere in their deliberations by way of dictating' what they ought, or what they ought not to do. Still the Comitia were in the habit of proposing to the people their decisions and resolves for their ratification and consent, 1 Sam. 11: 14, 15. comp. Josh. 8: 33. 23: 2. et seq. 24: 1, et seq. When God was chosen, as the special king of the Hebrews, it was not done by the Comitia, inde- pendently of those, whom they commonlj'^ represented, but by the people themselves, all of whom, as well as their rulers, took the oath of obedience, even the women and children, Exod. 24: 3 — 8. Deut. 29: 9 — 14. The people commonly approved what was done by the senate, but sometimes objected. § 219. Form of Government a mixed One. When we remember, that God was expressly chosen the king of the people, and that He enacted laws and decided litigated points of importance. Num. 17: 1 — 11. 27:1 — 11. 36:1 — 10; when we remember also, that He answered and solved questions proposed. Num. 15: 32—41. Josh 7:16—22. Jud. 1: 1,2. 20: 18, 27, 28. 1 Sam. 14:37. 23:9—12. 30:8. 2 Sam. 2: 1 ; that He threatened punishment and that, in some instances, He actually in- flicted it upon the hardened and impenitent, Num. 11: 33 — 35. 12: 1 — 15. 16: 1—50. Lev. 26: 3—46. Deut. 26— 30 ; when, final- ly, we take into account, that He promised prophets, who were to be, as it were, his ambassadors, Deut. 18 :, and afterwards sent them according to his promise, and that, in order to preserve the true religion, He governed the whole people by a striking and pe- culiar providence, we are at liberty to say, that God was i»i fact the monarch of the people, and that the government was a theoc- racy. And indeed it is worthy of remark, that a form of govern- ment, in some degree theocratical in its nature, was well suited to the character of that distant age. The countries, that border- 262 § 2/9. FORM OF GOVERNMENT A MIXED ONE. ed on Palestine, had their tutelar deities; and there existed among them nearly the same connexion between religion and the civil government, which there ex sted among the Hebrews, There was this difference, however, in the two capes. The protection, which the false deities were supposed to afford to the nations in the vicinity of Palestine, was altogether a deception ; while the protection, which the true Cod threw around the children of Is- rael, was a reality and a truth. There was likewise this further point of difference, that while among the former, religion was supposed to be the prop of the state ; it was a fact, that among the Hebrews the state was designed to be the supporter and preserver of religion. But, although the government of the Jews was a Theocracy, it was not destitute of the usual forms, which ex- ist in civil governments among men. God, it is true, was the king, and the high priest, if we may be allowed so to speak, was his minister of state ; but still the political affairs were in a great measure under the disposal of the elders, princes, &,c. It was to them, that Moses gave the divine commands; determined express- ly 'vbeir powers ; and submitted their requests to the decision of God, Num: 14 : 5. 16: 4. et seq. 27: 5. 36: 5, 6. It was in refer- ence to the great power possessed by these men, who formed the legislative assembly of the nation, that Josephus pronounced the government to be aristocratical. But from the circumstance, that the people possessed so much inSuence, as to render it necessary to submit laws to them for their ratification, and that they even took it upon themselves sometimes to propose laws or to resist those, which were enacted ; from the circumstance also, that the legislature of the nation had not the power of laying taxes, and that the civil code was regulated and enforced by God himself, in- dependently of the legislature, Lowman and John David Michaelis are in favour of considering the Hebrew government z. democracy. In support of their opinion such passages are examined, as the following, Esod. 19: 7, 8. 24 : 3— C. comp. Deut 29:9—14. Josh. 9:18,19.23:1. et seq. 24: 2. et seq. 1 Sam. 10: 24. 11:14,16. Num. 27: 1 — 8. 36: 1 — 9. The truth seems to lie between these two opinions. The Hebrew government, putting out of view its tbeocratical features, was of a mixed form, in some respects ap» proaching to a democracy, in others assuming more of an aristo- cratical character. § 220. RULER OP THE ISRAELITISH COMMUNITY. 263 § 220. The Ruler of the Israelitish Community. From what has been said, it is clear, that the ruler, the su- preme HEAD OF THE FOLITICAL COMMUNITY IN QUESTION WAS GOD, who, with the design of promoting the good of his subjects, condescend- ed to exhibit his visible presence in the Tabernacle, wherever it travelled, and wherever it dwelt. Part sustained by Moses. If, in reference to the assertion, that God was the ruler of the Jewish state, it should be inquired what the part was, sustained by Moses, the answer is, that God was the ruler, the people were his subjects, and Moses was the mediator or internuncio between them. But the title most appropriate to Moses, and most descrip- tive of the part he sustained, is that of Legislator of the Israelites and their Deliverer from the Egyptians. It is clear, however, that a man may originate laws and may be the meritorious leader of an emigratory expedition, without being in the proper sense of the word, the ruler of a people. Accordingly Moses had no suc- cessor in those employments, in which he was himself especially occupied, for the Israelites were no longer oppressed with Egyp- tian bondage, and those laws were already introduced, which were immediately necessary for the well-being of the people. It was on this ground, viz. that the employments, in which he was especially engaged, were of a peculiar nature, and having been accomplished vvhile he was living, ceased when he was dead, that the Council of sevent}-^ elders, who were assigned him to assist him in the discharge of his oppressive duties, no longer had an existence after his decease. Part sustained by Joshua. If the same question should be put in respect to Joshua, that was supposed in regard to Moses, the answer would be, that he was not properly the successor of Moses, and that, so far from be- ing the ruler of the state, he was designated by the ruler to sus- tain the subordinate office of Military leader of the Israelites in their 264 § 221, THE THEOCRACY. conquest of the land of Canaan. Consequently, having been desig- nated to a particular object, and having accomplished that object, it was not necessary, when he died, that he should have a succes- sor, nor was this the case. Part sustained by the Judges. But, nlthong'h the Hebrew state was so constituted, that beside Go I, tlie invisible king, and his visible servant, the high priest, there w vs no other general ru;er of the commonwealth, yet it is well known, that there were rulers of a high rank, appointed at var;ous times, called UDViJ, a word, which not only signifies a judge in the usual sense of the term, but any governor, or admin- istrator of public affairs, comp. 1 Sam. 8: 20. Is 11: 4. 1 Kgs. 3: 9. The power lodged in these rulers, who are commonly caWed judges in the scriptures, seems to have been in some respects paramount to that of the general Comitia of the nation, and we find, that they declared war, led armies, concluded peace, and that this was not the whole, if indeed it was the most important part of their du- ties. For many of the J,idges, for instance Jair, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Eli, and Samuel, ruled the nation in peace. They might appro- priately enough be called the suj)reme Executive, exercising all the rights of sovereignty, with the exception of enacting laws, and imposing taxes. They were honoured, but they bore no exter- nal badges of distinction ; they were distinguished, but they en- joyed no special privileges themselves, and communicated none to their posterity. They subserved the publick good without emol- ument, that the state might be prosperous, that religion might be preserved, and that God alone might be king in Israel. It ought to be observed, however, that not all of the Judges ruled the whole nation. Some of them presided over only a few separate tribes. § 221. The Theocracy-. God, in the character of king, had governed the Israelites for six- teen ages. He ruled them on the terms, which he himself, through the agency of Moses, had proposed to them, viz. that if they ob- served their allegiance to Him^ they should be prosperous ; if not. § 221. THE THEOCRACY. 265 adversity and misery would be the consequence, Exod. 19:4,5. 23: 20—33. Lev. 26: 3—46. Deut. 28 — 30. We may learn from the whole book of Judges, and from the tirst eight chapters of Samuel, how exactly the result, from the days of Joshua down to the time of Samuel, agreed with these conditions. In the time of Samuel, the government, in point of form was changed into a monarchy. The election of king, however, was committed to God, who chose one by lot. So that God was still the ruler, and ,the king the vicegerent. The terms of the government, as re- spected God, were the same as before, and the same duties and principles were inculcated on the Israelites, as had been original- ly, 1 Sam- 8: 7. 10: 17—23. 12: 14, 15, 20—22,24, 25. In con- sequence of the fact, that Saul did not choose at all times to obey the commands of God, the kingdom was taken from him and given to another, 1 Sam. 13:6—14. 15: 1—31. David, through the agency of Samuel, was selected by Jehovah for king, who thus gave a proof, that he still retained, and was disposed to exercise the right of appointing the ruler under him, 1 Sam. 16: 1 — 3. Da- vid was first made king over Judah, but as he received his ap- pointment from God, and acted under his authority, the other eleven tribes submitted to him, 2 Sam. 5: 1 — 3. comp. 1 Chron. 28:4 — 6. David expressly acknowledged God, as the sovereign, and as having a right to appoint the immediate ruler of the peo- ple, 1 Chron. 28: 7 — 10; he religiously obeyed His statutes, the people adhered firmly to God, and his reign was prosperous. '*rhe paramount authority of God, as the king of the nation, and his right to appoint one, who should act in the capacity of his vicege- rent, are expressly recognized in the books of Kings and Chronicles, but dissensions and tumults, notwithstandiitg, arose upon the death of Solomon. The principles, recognized in Kings and Chronicles, are repeated in the Psalms and the Prophets. And all these books in- culcate faith towards God, and obedience, and the keeping of his commandments, and threaten, unless his commands are kept, and faith and obedience exercised, the infliction cf those punishments, and that captivity, which are mentioned by Moses, Deut. 28: 49, 63 — 65. 29: 17 — 27. But the'same prophets, who predicted the miseries of the Captivity, promised also a return, a greater constan- cy in religion, tranquillity and prosperity, a once more independent Theocracv, the propagation of the knowledge of the trwe God 34 266 TABLES OF HISTORICAL EVENTS AND SUCCESSIONS through all nations, and the final overthrow of the Hebrews, and their ultimate and effectual expulsion from their native country. All which accordingly followed. Thus under the government and guardianship of God, the true religion was preserved among the Hebrews, and at length propagated to other nations, as was prom* ised, Gen. 18: 18. 22: 18. 26:4. 28: 14. TABLES OF THE PROMINENT HISTORICAL EVENTS, AND OF THE SUCCESSIVE KINGS, BOTH IN Palestine, and in those neighbouring nations, whose HISTORY is most INTIMATELY INTERWOVEN WITH THAT OF THE JeWS. TABLE FIRST. Before 1 After Christ. 1 deluge. 2332 292 2257 367 2232 392 2192 432 2172 452 2157 467 2052 572 2051 573 2044 680 2042 582 2025 599 1971 653 1684 932 1644 972 1604 1012 Birth of Abraham. Calling of Abraham, being 75 years of age. Birth of Isaac. Marriage of Isaac. Birth of Esau and Jacob. Death of Abraham, being 175 years of age. Death of Isaac, being 180 years of age. Joseph, being 30 years old, made a ruler in Egypt. Beginning of the Egyptian famine. Jacob, aged 130 years, emigrates into Egypt. Jacob dies at the age of 147. Joseph dies at the age of 110. Birth of Moses. Flight of Moses into Arabia. Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. IN PALESTINE AND THE NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES. 267 TABLE SECOND. This Table gives a chronological view of historical events from the Departure from Egypt to the revolt of the ten Tribes ; a period ex- tending from the year 1563 to 1015 before Christ. Before Christ. After Depar- ture fr. Egypt. 1563 40 Moses dies at the ag-e of 120 years. 1546 57 Joshua dies at the age of 110 years. Othniel dies at the age of 40 years. Ehud. Shamgar. Deborah and Barak. Gideon judged Israel 40 years. Abimelech, king of Shechem. Tola. Jair. 1263 840 Jephthah, Jud. 11:26. Ibzan. Elon. Abdon. Samson. 1196 407 Eli succeeds as Judge c f Israel. 1156 447 Eli dies. 1136 1096 467 507 Samuel sustains the office of Judge. Saul chosen king. 1056 1015 547 587 David made king. Solomon succeeds him. 268 TABLES OF HISTORICAL EVENTS AND SUCCESSIONS TABLE THIRD. B. C. 975 958 955 954 952 930 920 918 914 897 896 891 8C4 881 877 856 840 838 826 825 811 797 785 784 774 773 24 45 46 57 61 78 79 84 91 91 98 119 135 137 149 150 164 178 190 191 201 202 Ja4nh. 772 203 761 214 759 216 753 222 747 228 743 232 740 235 739 236 734 241 733 242 731 244 730 245 728 247 726 249 722 253 Kehoboatti, reigned 11 yrs. Abijam, 3 years. Asa, 41 years. 2 4 25 26 37 Jelioshapliat 25 years 17 18 Jehoram 8 years Abaziah one year. Atbaliab seven years Jehoash 40 years. 21 37 Atnaziah 27 years 14 15 Uzziah 52 years. 14 25 26 37 38 39 50 Jotbam 16 years. Isaiah, Micah 6 12 Abaz 16 3 4 9 10 12 12 Hezekiah 29 years 2 H Israel. Jeroboam 1. 22 years. 17 20 Nadab, 2 years. Baasha, 21 years. Ela reigns one year. Omri eleven years. Ahab 21 years. 4 Ahaziah one year. Jehoram 13 years. 5 12 Jehu 18 years. 7 Jehoahaz 17 years. Joash or Jehoash 16 years 2 15 Jeroboam II, 41 years. Jonah, the prophet. 27 Amos, the prophet. '41 Hosea, the. prophet. Interregnum of 12 years. 10 Zechariah 6 months. Shallum one month. Menahem 10 years. Pekahiah two years, Pekah 20 years. 6 12 16 19 Interregnum 8 or 9 years 5 6 8 IJosea 9 years "2 4 Ovcrtlirow of" Israel. IN PALESTINE AND THE NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES. 26d TABLE FOURTH. This table gives the royal successions during the hitter pan of the peri- ods^ mentioned in the third table, in Assyria^ Media, and Biibylon. After Revolt B. C. oflOT. Assjrria. ii2G 149 825 150 811 164 797 178 786 190 784 191 774 201 Phul 21 years 773 202 2 772 203 3 761 214 14 759 216 16 753 222 Tig-lath-pileser 19 yrs. 747 228 6 743 232 10 740 235 i He conquers Damascus ( Galilee and Gilead. 739 236 12 734 241 Salmanassar 14 3'ears 733 242 2 731 244 4 730 245 5 728 247 8 726 249 10 722 253 13 Media. Arbaces 29yr? 2 15 Interregnum ) 79 years. ^ 12 13 23 24 25 36 38 44 50 54 57 58 63 64 66 67 69 71 76 Babylon. IVabonassar 14 4 13 IVadius 2 years. ^ Chinzirus or I Porus 5 yrs. 2 5 Jugfaeus 5 yrs. Merodacli Baladin. 270 TABLES OF HISTORICAL EVENTS AND SUCCESSIONS TABLE FIFTH. The following is a view of the royal successions in the kingdom of Judah after the overthrow of the kingdom of Israel^ and also of those in the neighbouring nations of Jissyria, Media^ and Babylon. O , !n"\t:2'', were likewise in use, 2 Sam, 12: 30. Zech. 6: 11, 14. Ps. 23: 3. These words are also used, in some instances, to denote a diadem, and likewise an ornamental head- dress for the ladies. It may be, moreover, that they are used to signify a sort of mitre, which ascends very high and is made of metal ; of which we have given an engraved representation in the large German Edition of this Work, Part 1. Vol. II. tab. IX. No. 4 and 8. It is possible, that the forms of those crowns, which were worn by kings at the earliest period, resembled (hat of the mitre in the engraving referred to, but it is a point, which is by no means determined. § 225. The Thkone. ND3. The Throne was a seat with a back and arms, and of so great height, as to render afoutstcol Dinln, necessary. Gen. 41 : 40. Psw 110: 1. Curtius V. 7. The throne of Solomon, which consisted wholly of gold orna- mented with ivory, was made in this manner, excepting that the back was a little curved, and contiguous to each arm or side, was placed the figure of a lion, [the symbol of a king,) 1 Kgs. 10: 18 — 20. SChron. 9:17. This throne was placed on a flooring, elevated .six steps, on each of which steps, and, on either side, was the fig- ijre of a lion, making twelve of them in the whole. It was customary for the high priest, previous to the time of § 226. THE SCEPTRE. 279 the monarchy, if not to sit upon a throne properly so called, at least, to take a position on an elevated seat, 1 Sam. 1: 9. 4: 18. Both the '■'• throne''' itself, and likewise '■'■ sitting vpon the throne^^' are expressions used tropically, to denote power, and government, 2 Sam. 3: 10. Ps.9:7. 89: 44. Is. 47: 1, etc. That the throne of the Hebrew kings is also called the '•'• throne of Jehovah^^'' origina- ted from the fact, that those kings were in reality his vicege- rents, and exercised in respect to God a vicarious authority, 2 Chron. 9: 8. In some passages, a throne is assigned to God, not only as the king of the Hebrews, but also as the ruler of the universe, Job 23: 3. Exod. 17: 16. Is. 6:1. I Kgs. 22: 19. It is represented, as a chariot of thunders, drawn hy cherubim, D"'in'n3, Ezek. 1: 3, et seq. 2Kgs. 19: 15. iChron. 13:6. Ps. 18:11. Hence the cheru- bim, placed over the ark of the Covenant, represented the throne of God, as the ark itself was his footstool, Ps. 99 : 5. 132:7. 1 Chron. 28: 2. These images are magnified and rendered more intense, when it is said of God, "that heaven is his throne and earth his footstool," Is. 66: 1. Matt. 5:34. § 226. The Sceptre. The sceptre of king Saul was a spear, 1T^3~, 1 Sam. 18: 10. 22: 6. This agrees with vvhat Justin, (Lib. 43. c. 3,) relates, viz. that in ancient times kings bore a spear, instead of a sceptre. But generally, as appears from the Iliad itself, the sceptre, ):2l;4J, (comp. Ezek. 19: 11,) was a wooden rod or staff, which was not much short, in point of length, of the ordinary height of the human form, and was surmounted with an ornamental ball on the upper extremity, as may still be seen in the ruins of Persepolis. This sceptre was either overlaid with gold, or, according to the representation of Homer, was adorned with golden studs and rings. If we endeavour to seek for the origin of this ensign of royal authority, we shall find the first suggestion of it either in the pas- toral staff, that was borne by shepherds, or in those staves, which, at the earliest period, were carried by persons in high rank, mere- ly for show and ornament, Gen. 38: 18. Num. 17:7. Ps. 23: 4. A sceptre is used tropically for the royal dignity and authority, 280 § 227. THE ROYAL TABLE. and a just sceptre for just government, Gen. 49: 10, Num. 24: 7. Amos I: 5, 8. Jer. 43: 17. Ps. 45: 6. § 227. The Royal Table. The table of the Hebrew kings, and every thing connected with it, exhibited the same marks of exorbitant luxury, as may be witnessed at this day under like circumstances in Asia. Vast num- ' bers of persons, who acted, in some capacity or other, as the ser- vants or the officers of the king, were reckoned among those, who drew their sustenance from the palace ; and hence it very naturally happened, that immense quantities of provisions were consumed, 1 Kgs. 4: 22, 23. In the earlier periods of the Hebrew monarchy, the table of the kings was set with uumerous articles of gold, especially on occasion of feasts, of which there was no deficiency, 1 Kgs. 10: 21, To impart an eclat and a joy to feasts, that were prepar- ed by the king, there were present not only musicians, but also ladies, whose business it was to dance; although this latter class of personages do not appear to be spoken of among " the singing- men, and the singing women," that are mentioned in second Sam- uel, (19: 35.) The splendour of preparation, which has been al- luded to, and the classes of persons, who were invited in order to increase the hilarity of the occasion, we must suppose, found a place, (more or less according to circumstances,) in all the royal festivals, of which we have an account in the Bible^ Gen. 40: 20. Dan. 5: 1. Matt. 22: 1, et seq. Mark G: 21. In Persia the queen herself seems to have made one of the par- ty at such times, and at Babylon other ladies of distinction ; but they were in the habit of retiring, as soon as the men gave indications, that they began to feel the effects of the wine, Dan. 5: 2. Est. I: 9. 5: 4, 8, 7: 1, Curtius V. 5. Herodot. I. 199. But among the Hebrews, there was a class of royal festivals of a peculiar kind ; such as were not known in other nations. As God was their king, they were in the habit, at the season of thegreat national festivals, of preparing a feast, either at the Tabernacle or in Jerusalem, of the thank-offering sacrifices, and in this way they participated in -a season of joy, of which God himself, who was the ruler of the nation, might be considered, as the immediate author. § 228. SECLUSION OF KINGS, JOURNEYS, ETC. 281 The blood of the sacrifices, which were thus appropriated, was shed at the foot of the altar, and some parts of them burnt upon it. § 228. Seclusion of Kings, Journeys, etc. In the East, those, who sustain the office of Jiings, very rarely make their appearance in publick, and to obtain access to them in any way, is a matter of great difficult}'. Among the Persians, a per- son was forbidden to make his appearance, in the presence of a monarch, without being expressly invited, under the penalty of punishment with death, Est. 4: 11. Herodot. III. 48. In more re- mote times, when kings had more to do personally in the manage- ment of their affairs, it may well be concluded, that they lived in less seclusion, and it is quite certain, that there was a very free access to the monarchs of the Jews, 2 Sam. 13: 4. 19: 7. 2 Kgs. 22: 10. Jer. 38: 7. It was esteemed a good and propitious omen, if any one was so fortunate, as to behold the face of the king, Prov. 2d: 26. Is. 33: 17. The tropical expressions, therefore, '' to see Gnd^'''' must be understood to signify the same, as to experience his favour. When the kings of Asia perform long journeys, they are sur- rounded with a great and splendid retinue. When they journey into the Provinces, one runs before, who announces the approach of the distinguished giiest, in order that the roads may be in readi- ness, and every thing else, that is necessary, may be prepared. The forerunner^ on such an occasion, is denominated in the Persian "tAe joyful messenger^ Comp. "ito^O, ivayyiltaTr]?, and ^JN'1 Dara^ king. It is explained, however, in Herodotus (VI. 98.) by the word i(j'§tirig conqueror. Compare my Introduction to the Old Testament, P. 11. § 57 and § 66. We find in poetry, that kings are sometimes denominated shepherds ; and sometimes indeed the husbands of the state. The state on the contrary is called sometimes the wife of the king, sometimes a virgin., and sometimes the inolher of the citizens. It is likewise represented, as a widow., and in some instances, as childless. Hence God, who was the king of the Hebrews, was the husband of the state, and we find that the Hebrew commonwealth, as might be expected from the general aspect of this language, is repre- sented, as his spouse. Whenever, therefore, she became idolatrous, she was denominated, to keep up a consistency of language, an adulteress or fornicatress. § 231. The Duties of the Hebrew Monarchs. At first, kings fulfilled those offices, which suhsequently devolved upon the persons, who acted, as generals, as judges, and as high priests. Gen. 14: 18, 19. This accounts for the circum- stance, that the word irib signifies both a priest, and the supreme civil magistrate, Exod. 2: 16. 3: 1. It occurs with this last signifi- cation, as late as the time of David, 2 Sam. 8: 18. comp. 1 Chron. 18: 19. In respect to the kings of the Hebrews, however, it ap- pears, that they were not at liberty to assume, or to exercise the sucred functions, which were conferred upon the tribe of Levi, § 232. EXTENT OF ROYAL POWER AND PREROGATIVES. 285 and upon the family of Aaron, 2 Sam. 15: 1. et. seq. 2 Chron. 26: 16. et seq. They had the oversight of them, nevertheless, so far as to see, that all things were done rightly, a privilege which was well used by David, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah, but abused by many others to the purpose of introducing idolatry. The Hebrews were accustomed to expect of their kings, the fulfilment of two offices at least, those of judge and chieftain ; both of which, they in truth did fulfil, either themselves, or with the assistance of other persons, whom they had chosen, 1 Sam. 8: 5. 12: 12. comp. 20: 21. Is. 16:5. We learn, that kings employed gen- erals to conduct their armies, as early as Genesis, (21: 22,) and that David, though a warrior, did not always go to battle. The Mosaic Institutions themselves recognized the existence of a class of inferiour judges, and the only trouble, that was occasioned to the kings afterwards on the subject, was that of selecting them and seeing, that they fulfilled their duty, 1 Chron. 23: 4. 26: 9. et seq. 2 Chron. 19: 5—11. It was the duty of the king to try appeals from these judges. This, clearly, was a much better course, than if he had underta- ken to try all the causes himself, or even the greater part of them, 2 Sam. 15: 2. et seq. 1 Sam. 17: 9 — 19. § 232. Extent o-f the Royal Power and Prerogatives. It is known, that the kings of Asia at the present day exercise the most unlimited and arbitrary power, but this was not the state of things anciently in all instances, however it might have been in some; for the power of the Phenician and PhiUstine kings was re- stricted. Moses himself, it seems, (Deut. 17: 14 — 20,) imposed certain conditions upon the kings, who shouhl afterwards arise in Pales- tine ; and " (he elders of Israel,'''' as they are termed, those, who from their rank had the principal management in the civil con- cerns of the nation, exacted conditions likewise in writing, respect- ing the manner, in which they should exercise the government, both from David and Saul, which they received with an oath for themselves and their successors, 1 Sam. 10: 26. 2 Sam. 5: 3 comp. 1 Kgs. 12: 1 — 18. It may be added in confirmation of the fact, that the power of the Hebrew kings was restricted, that the heads. 286 § 233. METHODS OF PROMULGATING LAWS, ETC. of tribes, or the princes, possessed of themselves very great pow- er, and sofar may be considered, as having a negative on the au- thority of the king. It may likewise be remarked, that the pro- phets felt themselves at liberty, in the character of divine mes- sengers, to reprove those monarchs, who had violated their pre- rogatives by doing that, which was wrong. But notwithstanding all this, it is a fact, that many kings abused to bad purposes, the power, which was committed to them. As the king acted the part of vicegerent to Jehovah himself, (a point, which is very clearly established in the Mosaic Institutes,) it was his duty and his right, as a matter of course, to secure obedience to the Laws of the state, and to punish the violation* of them. He, accordingly, had the power, not only to issue his com- mands, in the manner of the Judges, but also to enact permanent laws, 2Chron. 19: 11. Is. 10: 1. When we say, that the Hebrew kings had the power of enacting permanent laws, it seems natu- ral to observe, that they had not the right of making laws of the same character with those of the Persian kings, which, it appears, were immutable, and could never be changed, Est. 1: 19. Dan. 6: 16. It may be interred from the fourteenth chapter of second Samuel, that the Hebrew kings, in some instances, dispensed, on their own authority, with the infliction of the penalty, which was threatened against an inlringement of the Mosaic Laws ; but a lib- erty of this kind was certainly very rarely taken by those kings, who had a well-founded claim to being called re.iigiotis. David, accordingly, (2 Sam. 21: 1 — 14.) delivered up the hom- icides to be punished by the avengers of blood, and, in first Kings, (2: 1 — 9,) left orders to his successor to punish certain persons, whom he himself, on account of his situation, had not been able to treat, as they deserved. § 2:33. Methods of promulgating Laws, etc. The Laws of Moses, as well as the temporary edicts of Joshua, (1:11, 12. 3:2. et seq.) were communicated to the people by means of the genealogists, [in the English version, officers.] The laws and edicts of those, who subsequently held the ofnce oi' kings, were proclaimed publickly by criers, (Jer. 34: 8,9. Jon. 3: 5 — 7.) a class of persons, who occur ia Daniel, (2: 4. 5: 29.) under tho § 234. ON THE ROYAL REVENUES. 2tt7 word Nfi'^3. They were made known in distant provinces, towns, and cities by messengers, sent for that purpose, 1 Sam. 1 1 : 7. Araos 4: 6. 2 Chron. 36: 22. Ezra 1: 1. The message thus to be communicated in any town, or city, was publickly announced, when the messenger had arrived, in the Gate of" the city, or in some other publick place. At Jerusalem, it was announced in the Temple, where there were always a great many persons present. It was for the same reason, viz. on account of the concourse of people there assembled, that the prophets were in the habit of uttering their propheciss in the Temple, which were the edicts of God, the supreme King. In a more recent age, the learned, the Saviour himself, and the Apostles taught in the same place, Jer. 7:2,3. 11:6. 17:19,20. 36: 9—19. John 10: 3. Luke 2: 46. Matt. 26: 55. Mark 12: 35. Acts 3: 11. 5: 12. § 234. On the Royal Revenues. The conquerors of a country not only exacted tribute from those, whom they had subdued, but were likewise, in the habit of compelling them to render certain menial services, [which in Eng- lish are denominated soccage^ i. e. services in husbandry and the like, rendered to the lord of the fee, as a sort of consideration for the tenure of the lands.] Both tribute and soccage are compre- hended under the word D^, though they are sometimes expressed by the word inn?^.? which usually signifies a gift., Exod. 1:11. Josh. 16: 10. But whatever they might exact from those, whom the for- tunes of war had placed in their power, it does not appear, that k:ngs demanded from their own people, or exacted, when they chose and of their own arbitrary will, either labour, or burdens of any kind whatever, Gen. 47: 19 — 27. Herodot. III. 97. In fact the Hebrews were so tenacious of their personal rights in this respect, that they went so far, as to define in express term?, by a particu- lar agreement or Covenant for that purpose, what services should be rendered to the king, and what he could /e^a% require, 1 Sam. 10:25. 2 Sam. 5:3. It is not precisely known to us what the terms of this Cove- nant were, but it certainly did not give the king the liberty of ex- 28'8 § 234. SOURCES of the royal revenue. ac(ing from the people all the various services, which are enu- merated in the eighth chapter of first Samuel. As there seems then to he nothing especially peculiar in respect to this subject among the Hebrews, it is very natural to conclude, that the sour- ces of REVENUE to their kings, were nearly the same with those in other oriental countries. With this general remark in view, and with the aid of various hints, which occur in the Scriptures, rela- tive to the point in question, we proceed to make the following statement. Sources of the royal Revenue. I. Presents, which were given voluntarily, 1 Sam. 10:27. 16: 20. II. The produce of the royal flocks, 1 Sam. 21:7, 8. 2 Sam. 13: 23. 2 Chron. 2(3: 10. 32: 28, 29, comp. Gen. 47: 6. III. The royal demesnes, vineyards, and olive gardens, which had been taken up from a state of nature by the authority of the sovereign, or were tiie confiscated possessions of criminals; they were tilled either by slaves or by conquered nations, 1 Kgs. 21: 9—16. Ezek. 46:16—18. 1 Chron, 27:28. 2 Chron. 26: 10. IV. That the Hebrews by agreement promised the payment of certain tributes appears from first Samuel 17: 25. [Consult Gesenius on the word •'UJon.] Perhaps they were the same with the tj^the or tenth part of their income, which, as may be infer- red from first Samuel 8: 15, was paid by other nations to their kings. The collection and management of imposts and taxes ap- pear to have been committed to the officers, who are mentioned, iKgs. 4:6— 9. 1 Chron. 27:25. Whatever the amount of the customary tax was, it appears to have been increased in the reign of Solomon ; and the people after his death expressed a wish to have it diminished, 1 Kgs. 12: 13. Something appears also to have been paid to the king, as a tribute in ready money, which occurs under the word 5in:73 commonly rendered a present, 2 Chron. 17: 5. comp. Ezek 45: 13 — 18. V. One source of revenue to the king was the spoils of con- quered nations, to whose share the most precious of them fell. It was in this way, that David collected the most of his treasures. The nations, which were subdued in war, likewise paid ti-ibute, which was also denominated iin2ti. It was paid partly in ready § 235. MAGISTRATES UNDER THE MONARCHY. 289 money, partly in flocks, grain, etc. 1 Kgs. 4: 21. Ps. 72: 10. 2 Chron. 27: 5. VI. The tribute imposed upon merchants, who passed through the Hebrew territories, 1 Kgs. 10: 15. In Persia, Darius, the Median, the same with Cyaxares II. was the first person, who enforced a system of taxation, sna , N"J^7:, Dan. 6:2, 3. Strabo, accordingly, is in an error, when, (p. 735,) on the authority of Polycritus, he makes Darius Hystaspes, the au- thor of this mode of raising a revenue. It is true, however, that the system of taxation, which had been laid aside for three years by Pseudo-Smerdis, was renewed by Darius Hystaspes, and that the amount, raised in this way, was increased by Xerxes, Est. 10: 1. Other sources of revenue to the King, beside those already mentioned, were the excise i^2 or tax on articles of consumption, and the toll ^bri, Est. 4: 13, 19, 20. § 235. Magistrates under the Monarchy. Judges, genealogists, the heads of families or clans, and those, who, from the relation they sustained to the common class of peo- ple, may be called the princes of the tribes, retained their author- ity after, as well as before, the introduction of a monarchical form of government, and acted the part of a legislative assembly to the respective cities, in or near which they resided, 1 Kgs. 12: 1 — 24. 1 Chron. 23: 4. 26: 29 et seq. 28: 1-21. 29: 6. The judges and gene- alogists were appointed by the king, as were other royal officers, the principal of whom were as follows. I. The royal counsellors, 1 Kgs. 12: 6— 12. 1 Chron. 27: 32. Is. 3:3. 19: 11—13. Jer. 26: 11. II. The prophets, who were consulted by pious kings, 2 Sam. 7:2. 1 Kgs. 22:7,8. 2 Kgs. 19: 2— 20. 22:14—20. Others of a different character imitated the example of heathen king*, and called in to their aid sooths;iyers and false-prophets, 1 Kgs. 18: 22. 22: 6. compare Exod.7:ll. 8:18. Dan. 1 : 20. 2:2. 5:8. Jer. 27:9. [II. Thesecretarv or scRtBE, ^^''stTiJi, who Committed to writ- ing not only the edicts and sayings of the king, but every thing of a publick nature, that related to the kingdom; and whose busi- ness it was likewise to present to t!ie king in writing an account 37 290 § 236. OFFiCKRS of the palace. of the state of affairs, 2 Sam. 8: 16. 20:24. 1 Kgs. 4: 3. 2 Kgs. 18: 18, 37. 1 Chron. 19: 5. 2 Chron. 32: 8. Is. 36: 3. Est. 3: 12. 6: 1. 10: 2. comp. Herodot. VI. 100. VII. 9. VIII. 90. IV. The high PRresx is to be reckoned among those, who had access to the king in the character of counsellors, 2 Sara. 8:17. 1 Chron. 18: 16; as one would naturally expect from the preva- lent notions in respect to a theocracy. § 236. Officers of the Palace. In oriental countries, (he persons, who are immediately attach- ed to the palace, and make, as it were, the king's domestick es- tablishment, are commonly numerous. The principal among them are, as follows, I. •ii^D^rj^nil), l Chron. 27:25—31 ; who, (1 Kgs. 4: 5. 7—19.) are denomin.ited D^^2I3, and, in first Kings 20 : 15, are called "^yn. n'i3""173:n. They merely supplied the king's table, and are not to be confounded with those, who exacted the tribute^ tJ2 (1 Kgs. 4: 6.) II. Tt'^zn ^y T'^:, otherwise called n"]2n 'by "l^N, the governor of the palace, answering, as to his employment and standing, to the stewards, who were employed by rich men, to superintend their affairs. He had charge of the servants, and indeed of every thing, which pertained to the palace, I Kgs. 4: 6. 18: 3. 2 Kgs. 18: V'>. 2 Chron. 28:7. Is. 36: 3. 37:2. 22: 15, et seq. He wore, as a mark of his office, a robe of a peculiar make, bound with a pre- cious girdle, and carried on his shoulder a richly ornamented key, Is. 22: 22. III. nrnbTatl ^y TliN the keeper of the wardrobe^ the place, in which were deposited the garments, destined by the king for those, whom he designed particularly to honour, 2 Kgs. 10:22. IV. ^'-.an T\vy\ or >~i, the king's friend or intimate. It was the person, who sustained this relation to the king, with whom he conversed with the greatest familiarity, who sometimes had the oversight of the palace, and sometimes even the charge of the kingdom^ 1 Kgs. 4: 5. 1 Chron. 27: 33. In the time of the Macca- bees, however, the king's friend was a phrase of somewhat broad- er signification, and was applied to any one, who was employed to exec'.ite the royal commands, or who sustained a higii office in the government, I Mace. 10: 65. 11: 28, 27. § 236. OFFICERS OP THE PALACE. 291 V. The king'^s lifeguard. They were denominated by the Egyptians and Babylonians DTlSiO executioners ; and, by the He- brews, in the time of David, ^n'^"l3 cherethites, i. e. extirpators, Gen. 37: 36. 39: 1. a Kgs. 35: 8. 10: 11—20. 2 Sam. 20: 23. 1 Kgs. 1: 38. 2: 2b, 34. The commander of this body of men was called the prefect or the captain of the guard., a'^n^an '^^D, likewise fi'inaan n-j, Gen. 40:3,4. Jer. 39: 9—11. 40: 1—5, 41: 10. 43: 6. 52: 12 — 20. Dan. 2: 14, 15. They derived their name from the fact, that they were the persons, whose business it was to execute the sentence of death, when it had been pronounced by the king. In the time of David, they were likewise called "lO'^bs PELETHiTES, i. 6. the expeditions. In the reign of Saul, and also sub- sequently to the time of David, the name commonly applied to them was that of runners, D'^ii'^; for although they were soldiers, and it was their particular busmess to guard the palace, they were, never- theless, employed to transmit the royal laws and edicts to distant places, to run before the king's chariot, as a part of his retinue, and likewise, as we have no reason to doubt, when the king walked out with his wives, to drive the multitude from the way; a cus- tom which still prevails in the East^ 2 Sam. 15: 1. 1 Kgs. 14: 27. 2 Kgs. 10: 14. In Persia, the king''s runners were a class of persons, distinct from his guards. In order that they might be known, where they went, they bore a peculiar sort of poniard, called chamgar, inthePersiau f^^X^:^. They had the liberty of compelling any one, whom they met, to furnish them with a horse or other animal to ride on, or to go himself, and show the way. Hence the origin of the exotick Greek word aj/y£i;«pftf, angariare, Matt. 5: 41. 27:32. Mark 15:21. The lifeguard, (otherwise called the Pretorian band,) of the Maccabees, and subsequently of Herod and his sons, were foreign- ers. They bore a lance or long spear, and were thence denomin- ated in Greek, oniKOvXariogtg, Mark 6: 27. § 237. THE KING'S HAREM. § 237. The King's Harem. The women of his Harem are to be considered, as makin* St part of the retinue or equipage of the king; since, generally speaking, they were merely destined to augment the pomp, that was wont to be attached to his character and his situation. The multiplication of women in the character of wives and concubines was forbidden, it is true, by Moses, (Deut. 17: 17.) but the Hebrew- kings, especially Solomon, gave but too little heed to his admoni- tions, and too readily and wickedly exposed themselves to the dan- gers, which Moses had anticipated, as the result of pursuing the course, which he had interdicted, 1 Kgs. 1 1: 1 — 3. 2 Chron. 11: 21. 13: 21. The kings willingly encountered any expense, (whatever it might be,) which might be deemed necessary, in ornamenting the persons of their women, and of the eunuchs, (the black ones espe- cially,) who guarded them. It may be remarked here, that eu- nuchs were brought at a great expense from foreign countries, in as much as castration was contrary to the Mosaic Law, Lev. 22: 24. Deut. 23: 1. For proof of the employment of eunuchs at the Hebrew court, see the following passages, 1 Kgs. 22:9. 2 Kgs. 8: 6.9:32,33. 20:18. 23:11. Jer.l3:23. 38:7. 39:16. 41:16. The maids of the Harem were considered, (at least, when he wish- ed to have them so considered,) in the light of concubines to the king. But the successor to the throne, although became into pos- session of the Harem, was not at liberty to have any intercourse with the members of it. Adonijah, accordingly, who, in his zeal to obtain Abishag, a concubine of David's, that had been unljuched, let fall certain un- advised expressions relative to the kingdom, was punished with death ; having given both by the nature of the request, which was not customary and unlawful, and by the manner in which it was made, too evident indications of a seditious spirit, 1 Kgs. 2: 13 — 15, etseq. Though the king had unlimited power over the Harem, yet the wile who was chiefly in favour, and especially the mother of the king, had no little authority and weight in political concerns, 1 Kgs. 11:3. 2 Chron. 21 : 6. 22: 3. Hence in the Books of Kings and Chronicles the mother of the king is every § 238. INTERCOURSE OF OFFICERS, ETC, WITH THE KING. 293 where spoken of ; and in truth, in Jer. 29: 2, is expressly men- tioned among the royal counsellors. § 238. The Method in which the Officers and others held in- TERCorUSE WITH THE KlNG. The kings of the East, as has been already observed, are al- most inaccessible. Those, who seek any favour, or wish to pre- sent any accusation, are under the necessity of giving a paper to that etfect to one of the officers, attached to the court, in order that it may be handed by him to the king, 2 Kgs. 4: 13. In case no one is willing to receive it, they themselves take the opportuni- ty, when the king is promenading in publick, to present it to him in person. If the inhabitants of a province wish to- accuse their governour, many hundreds of them, assembling at the Harem, utter loud exclamations, tear their clothes, and scatter dust in the air, till a messenger is sent from the king to inquire the cause, Exod. 5: 15—19. But to the kings of the Hebrews, as has also been stated, there was more easy access, 2 Sam. 14: 2, 3. 15: 2, 3. Those, who went before the king, even the principal officers in the government, appeared in his presence with the customary obeisance and ceremony, and stood, like servants before their mas- ter. Hence to ^'- stand before the kirtg''^ is a phrase, which means the same, as to be occupied in his service and to perform some du- ty for him, Gen. 41: 46. 1 Sam. 22: 6, 7. 1 Kgs. 10: 8. 12:6—8. Dan. 1: 18. The same expressions are used in respect to the priests and Levites, who were the ministers or officers of God, to denote the religious services, which it was their part to perform, Deut. 10:8. 17: 12. Jer. 15: 1. 18:20. 28:5. Ps. 24:3. Luke 18: 11,13. Those, who sustained the station of servants and officers to the king, were entirely dependent on his will, and, on the other hand, they exercised a similar arbitrary power, (for instance the gover- nours of provinces,) over those, who were immediately subject to themselves. Hence it is, that the prophets frequently complain of their oppressions, and violence. The royal officers of every grade are denominated the ser- vants of the king, and, like the Orientals of the present day, they 294 § 239, MAGISTRATES DURING AND AFTER THE CAPTIVITY. took a pride in being thus denominated. To this appellation is wont to be attached the glory of prompt obedience, prompt^ though the command should be unjust. Those, who have the management of the collection of the revenues, or are entrusted indeed in any way, are not customari- ly called to an account. In case they are called upon to render an account of their proceedings, they show themselves prompt at the arts of deception ; but the consequence of an attempt at mis- representing or defrauding, is almost certain destruction, Luke 16: 2. It should be observed, however, that the case was some- what different in respect to Persia, in as much as the magistrates in the Provinces were visited yearly by a legate from the king, who, being supported in his duties by the attendance of an army, examined into the condition of affairs, and the prevalent manage- ment of the governours, Zech. 1: 7 — 12. § 239. Magistrates during and after the Captivity. The Hebrews, during the Captivity, and after that period, continued among them, that class of officers, denominated heads of families^ and perhaps likewise the princes of the tribes ; who, under the direction of the royal governours, ruled their respective tribes, and family associations, Ezek. 14: 1. 20: 1 — 8. Ezra 1: 5. 4: 3. 5: 5. 6: 8. Neh. 2: 16. 4: 13 6: 17, 18. But it is most probable, that .lehoiachin, and afterwards, Shealtiel, and Zerubbabel held the first rank among them, or in other words, were their princes. After their return to their native country, the Hebrews obey- ed their T'i'np, or president. Such were Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, who were invested with ample powers for the pur- poses of government, Ezra 7:25. When from any cause, there was no person to act as president^ authorized by the civil govern- ment, the high priest commonly undertook the government of the state. This state of things continued, while the Hebrews were under the Persians and Greeks, til! the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, in whose reign, they appealed to arms, shook off the yoke of for- eign subjugation, and having obtained their freedom, made their high priests princes., and at length kings. The Jews likewise, who were scattered abroad, and had taken § 240. TETRARCHS. 295 up their residence in countries at a distance from Palestine, had rulers of their own. The person, who sustained the highest office, annong those, who dwelt in Egypt, was denominated Ala- BARCHUs ; the magistrate at the head of the Syrian Jews was de- nominated Archon. While the Jews were under the Roman government, they en- joyed the privilege of referring litigated questions to referees, whose decisions in reference to them, the Roman pretor was bound to see put in execution, Cod. L. I. Tit. 9. /. 8. de Judaeis. As Christians, when they first made their appearance, were re- garded, as a sect of the Jews, (Acts 23: 24,) they likewise enjoy- ed the same privilege. Paul, accordingly, blamed them, (1 Cor. 6: 1 — 7.) because they were in the habit of bringing their causes before the pretor, instead of leaving them out to referees, § 240. Tetrarchs. After the subjugation of the Jews by the Romans, certain provinces of Judea, were governed by that class of Roman mag- istrates, denominated Tetrarchs. The office of Tetrarch had its or- igin from the Gauls. Having, at a certain time, made an incur- sion into Asia Minor, they succeeded in taking from the king of Bythinia that part of it, which is denominated from their own name, Galatia. The Gauls, who made this invasion, consisted of three tribes ; and each tribe was divided into four parts or Te- trarchates, each of which obeyed its own Tetrarch. The Tetrarch was of course subordinate to the king. The appellation of Te- trarch, which was thus originally applied to the chief magistrate of the fourth part of a tribe, subject to the authority of the king, was afterwards extended in its application, and applied to any gov- ernours, subject to some king or emperor, without reference to the fact, whether they ruled, or not, precisely the fourth part of a tribe or people. Herod Antipas, accordingl}'^, and Philip, although they did not rule so much as a fourth part of Judea, were denom- inated Tetrarchs, Malt. 14: 1. Luke 9: 7. Acts 13: 1. Although this class of rulers were dependent upon Cajsar, i. e. the Roman emperor, they, nevertheless, governed the people, who were committed to their immediate jurisdiction, as much according to their own choice and discretion, as if they had not been thus de- 296 § 241. ROMAN PROCURATORS. pendent. They were inferiour, hotvever, in point of rank, to the Ethnarchs^ who, although they did not publickiy assume the name of king, were addressed with that title by their subjects; as was the case, for instance, in respect to Archelaus, Matt. 2: 22. Josephus, Antiq. XVII, 11. 4. §241. Roman Procurators. Procurators, (a magistrate well known among the Romans,) are denominated in the New Testament rjyff.ioveg^ but it appears, that they are called by Josephus fnnQonot. Judea, after the ter- mination of the Ethnarchate of Archelaus, was governed by rulers of this description, and likewise during the period, which immedi- ately succeeded the reign of Herod Agrippa. Procurators were sometimes Roman knights, and sometimes the freedmen of the emperor. Felix was one of the latter class. Acts 23: 24—26. 24: 3, 22—27. This Procurator, if we may cred- it some remarks of Suetonius in his life of Claudius, which in truth, are confirmed by Tacitus in his History, (V. 9.) was, for some particular reason, very dear to the emperor, but was, never- theless, a very miserable governour. Festus also, according to Herodian, (IV. 8, 11.) was nfreedman, Acts 24: 27. 25: 12. 26: 24, 25. It may be nscessary to remark here by way of explanation, that Procurators were sent by the emperor, independently of the vote or concurrence of the Senate into those provinces, which had been reserved for his own use, and might be considered, dur- ing his reign, as his personal property. They were commonly situated in the extremities of the empire. The business of the Procurators, who were sent to them, was, to exact tribute, to ad- minister justice, and to repress seditions. Some of the procurators were dependent on the nearest Proconsul or president; for in- stance, those of .Judea were dependent on the Proconsul, gover- nour or president of Syria. They enjoyed, however, great au- thority, and possessed the power of life and death. The only privilege in respect to the officers of government, that was grant- ed by the Procurators of Judea to that nation, was the appoint- ment from among fhem of persons, to manage and collect the tax- es. In all other things, they administered the government them- § 242. ON THE TRIBUTE, ETC. OF THE TEMPLE. 297 selves, except that they frequently hnd resort to the counsel of other persons, Acts 23: 24—36. 24: 1—10. 25: 23. The military force, that was g-ranted to the Procurators of Ju« dea, consisted of six cohorts, anei^ai, of which five were stationed at Cesarea, where they resided, and one at Jerusalem in the tow- er of Antonia, which was so situated as to command the Temple, Acts 10: 1. 21: 32. It was the duty of the military cohorts to ex- ecute the Procurator's commands, and to repress seditions, Matt. 8: 5. 27: 27., 28: 12. John 19: 2, 23. Mark 15: 16. On the return of the great Festivals, when there were vast crowds of people at Jerusalem, the Procurators themselves went from Cesarea to that city in order to be at hand to suppress any commotions, which might arise, Matt. 27 : 2 — 65. John 18:29, 19:38. § 242. Of the Tribute and Half-shekel of the Temple. The management of the provincial revenues was generally committed to the Roman knights, who were thence denominated aQ/jTikcovat and nXiovaoyiai^ publicans^ while the tax-gatherers or exactors, whom they emploj^ed, were termed nloivub. The case, however, was somewhat different in Judea, where the manage- ment of the revenues, as already observed, was commiited to the Jews themselves ; so Ihat those of them, to whom the manage- ment of these affairs was entrusted, eventually obtained an equal rank with the knights of Rome, Luke 19: 2. Joseph us, J, War. n. 14. 9. The subordinate agents in collecting the revenues, ziXoivat, who are denominated in the Vulgate, though somewhat incorrect- ly, publicans, took their position at the gates of cities, and in the publick ways, and, at the place for that purpose, called the ^' re- ceipt of custom,''^ examined the goods that passed, and received the monies that were to be paid, Matt. 9: 9. Mark 2: 14. Luke 5: 27, 29. These tax-gatherers, if we may credit Cicero, were more in- clined to exact too much, than to belie the promise, they had made to their masters ; and were, accordingly, in consequence of their extortions, everywhere, especially in Judea, objects of hatred, and were reckoned in the same class vvith notorious sinners, Luke 3: 13. Mark 2: 15, 16. comp. Talmud, Baba Kama c. 10, 113. Col. 298 § 242. ON THE TRIBUTE, ETC. OF THE TEMPLE. 1. Nedarim c. 3. The Pharisees would have no communication with them, and one ground of their reproaches against the Sa- viour, was, that he did not refuse to sit at meat with persons of such a character, Mark 5: 46, 47. 9: 10, 11. 11: 19. 18: 7. 21: 31, 32. The half-shekel tax was a tax or tribute to be paid every year by every adult Jew at the Temple. It was introduced after the Captivity, in consequence of a wrong understanding of certain expressions in the Pentateuch, and was a different thing both from the revenue, which accrued to the kings, tetrarchs, and ethnarchs, and from the general tax, that was assessed for the Roman Cae- sars. It was required, that this tax should be paid in Jewish coin, a circumstance, to which an allusion is made in Matt. 22: 17 — 19. and likewise in Mark 12: 14, 15. It was in consequence of this state of thing?, (as the Talmudists assert, Shekalim, I. 1. 3.) that money-changers, itoXkvjStaTut, seated themselves in the Temple, on the fifteenth of the month Adar, and after, for the purpose of exchanging for those, who might wish it, Roman and Greek coins, for Jewish half-shekels. The prominent object of the Temple money-changers was their own personal emolument, but the ac- quisition of property in this way was contrary to the spirit of the law in Deut. 23: 20, 21. It was for this reason, that Jesus drove them from the Temple, Matt. 21: 12. Mark 11: 15. John 2: 15. Messengers were sent abroad into other cities, for the pur- pose of collecting this tax, (Matt. 17:25.) according to the Talmu- dists, {Skekalim I. 1, 3.) during the month Adar, who add further, that, in case payment was not made by the twenty fifth of that month, a pledge was taken from the person, who was delinquent. The Jews, who collected this tax from their countrymen dwelling in foreign nations, transmitted the sums collected every year to Jerusalem. It is not surprising then, that the vast amount of treasures, of which we are informed, flowed into the Temple, Josephus, Antiq. XIV. 7, 2. Cicoro pro Flacco, 28. 299 CHAPTER THIRD. OF TRIALS AND PUNISHMENTS. § 243. Of Judges. According to the Mosaic Law, there were to be jutlges in all the cities, whose duty it was likewise to exercise judicial author- ity in the neighbouring villages ; but weighty causes and appeals went up to the supreme judge or ruler of the commonwealth, and in case of a failure here, to the high priest, Deut. 17: 8, 9. In the time of the monarchy, weighty causes and appeals went up of course to the king, who, in very difficult cases, seems to have consulted the high priest, as is customary at the present day among the Persians and Ottomans. The judicial establishment was reorganized after the Captivity, and two classes of judge?, the inferiour and superiour, were ap- pointed, Ezra 7: 25. ,The more difficult cases, nevertheless, and appeals were either brought before the ruler of the state called Jins, or before the high priest ; until, in the age of the Macca- bees, a supreme, judicial tribunal was instituted, which is first mentioned under Hyrcanus II., Josephus, Antiq. XIV. 9. 3. This tribunal is not to be confounded with the seventy two counsellors, who were appointed to assist Moses in the civil ad- ministration of the government, but who never fulfilled the office of judges. § 244. The Sanhedrin. This Tribunal, which is properly called avvfd^iov^ Synedrium, but is denominated by the Talmudists Sanhedrin', was instituted in the time of the Maccabees, and was composed of seventy two members. The high priest generally sustained the office ofpresi- 300 § 244. THE SANHEDRIN. dent, ■■::ii'-\ or N'^il'itl, in this tribunal. The next in authority, or the vice-president, was called in Hebrew rr^i "'nN, likewise ']i'^ ; nnd the second vice-president, 'D'STlT^', the former of whom sat on the right, and tho latter on the left hand of the president. The members, who were admitted to a seat in the Sanhedrin, were as follows: L Chief priests, aQyuQii^-, who are often mentioned in the New Testament and in Josephus, as if they were many in number. They consisted partly of priests, who had previously exercised the high-priesthood, and partly of the heads of the twenty four classes of priests, who were called, in an honorary way, high or c^rV/ priests. II. Elders, iT^((y(jVTiooi. That is to say, the princes of the tribes, and the heads of family associations. III. The Scribes, or learned men. When we say, that scribes and elders were members of the Sanhedrin, we are not to be understood, as saying, that all the scribes or learned men of the nation, or that all the elders held a seat in that body ; but those only, who had obtained the privilege by election, or by a nomination from the ruling executive author- ity. For this reason, viz. because they were made members of the Sanhedrin in the same way, they are constantly joined togeth- er ; nQ^opvifQQi yiai yQafif^iareig, scribes and elders, Matt. 26: 57, 59. 27: 3, 12, 20, 41. Acts 4: 5. 6: 12. The Talmudists assert, that this tribunal had secretaries and apparitors, and the very nature of the case forbids us to doubt the truth of the assertion. The place of their sitting, however, is a question, on which there is more difference of opinion. The Talmudists state, that it was in the Temple, but Josephus, in his history of the Jewish War, (V, 4, 2. VI. 6, 3.) mentions ^ovXt}v the council, ^ovlevreQiov the place of assembling, and also the Ar- chives, as being not far from the Temple, on mount Zion. But in the trial of Jesus, it appears they were assembled, and that very hastily, in the palace of the high priest. Matt. 26: 3, 57. John 18: 24. The Talmudists state, that when met, they took their seats in i?uch a way as to form a semicircle, and that the president, and two vice-presidents occupied the centre. We learn from other source?, that ihev either sat upon the t^oor, a carpet merely be- §244. NOTE. THE SANHEDRIN OF THE WILDERNESS. 301 ing spread under them, or upon cushions slightly elevated, with their knees bent and crossed ; as is the custom, at the present day, in the East. Appeals and other weighty matters were brought before this tribunal. Among other questions of importance, subject to its de- cision, the Talmudists, {Sanhedrin I. 5. X. 89.) include the inquirj'-, " Whether a person be a false prophet or not?" Comp. Luke 13: 33. Its power had been limited, in the time of Christ, by the in- terference of the Romans. It was still, however, in the habit of sending its legates or messengers to the synagogues in foreign countries, (Acts 9: 2,) and retained the right of passing the sen- tence of condemnation, or what is the same thing in amount, of decreeing punishment in cases, where there was proof of criminal- ity ; but the power of executing the sentence when passed was tak- en away from it, and lodged with the Roman procurator, John 18: 31, Sanhedrin p. 24, col. 2. There was one exception, it is true, during the procuratorship of Pilate, and only otie ; who permitted the Sanhedrin themselves, in the case of Christ, to see the sen- tence, of which they had been the authors, put in execution, John 18; 31. 19: 6. The stoning of Stephen was not done by the au- thority of the Sanhedrin, but in a riot, Acts 7 ch. James, the broth- er of John, (Acts 12: 2.) was slain, in consequence of a sentence to that effect from king Herod Agrippa. The high priest Ananus did indeed condemn James, the brother of Jesus, (or relation or cousin,) to be stoned, and others likewise, but it was done, when the procurator was absent, and was disapproved by the Jews them- selves. Consult the large German edition of this Work, P. II. Vol. II. § 132. p. 121, 122. Note. On the Sanhedrin of Seventy, instituted by Moses IN THE Wilderness. [A remark was made at the close of the 243d section, as follows. '• This tribunal^ (viz. the Jewish Sanhedrin,) is not to be confounded with the seventy two counsellors, -who were ap- pointed to assist A^oses, <^c." The following extract from Michae- lis, whose opinions on such a subject every scholar will feel an in- terest in knowing, will give probably a correct idea of the institu- tion, to which an allusion is made in that section. ['■'• Moses established in the wilderness another institution which has been commonly held to be of a judicial nature ; and under the 302 § 244. NOTE. THE SANHEDRIN OF THE WILDERNESS. name of Sanhedrim or Synedrium, much spoken of both hy Jews and Christians, although it probably was not of long continuance. We have the account of its establishment in Num. 11.; and if we read the passage impartially, and without prejudice, we shall probably entertain an opinion of the Synedrium different from that generally received, which exalts it into a supreme college of jus- tice that was to endure for ever. " A rebellion that arose among the Israelites distressed Moses exceedingly. In order to alleviate the weight of the burden that oppressed him, he chose from the twelve tribes collectively, a council of seventy persons to assist him. These, however, could hardly have been judges ; for of them, the people already had be- tween sixty and seventy thousand.* Besides, of what use could seventy new judges, or a supreme coart of appeal, have been in crushing a rebellion. It seems much more likely, that this se- lection was intended for a supreme senate to take a share with Moses in the government ; and as it consisted of persons ot respectability, either in point of family or merits, it would serve materially to support his power and influence among the people in general. By a mixture of aristocracy, it would moder- ate the monarchical appearance which the constitution must have assumed from Moses giving his laws by command of God, and it would unite a number of powerful families together, from their being all associated with Moses in the government. "It is commonly supposed that this Synedrium continued per- manent; but this I doubt. For in the whole period from the death of Moses to the Babylonish captivity, we find not the least mention of it in the Bible; and this silence, methinks, is decisive; for in the time of the judges, but particularly on those occasions when, according to the expression of the book of Judges, there-was neither king nor judge in Israel; and again, during those great po- litical revolutions, when David by degrees became king over all the tribes, and when the ten tribes afterwards revolted from his * Without iacluding the tribe of Levi, there were. Judges of tens, 60,355 of hundreds, 6,035 of thousands, 603 all, 66,993. § 245. OTHER TRIBUNALS IN THE TIME OF CHRIST. 303 grandson, Rehoboam ; and lastly, under the tyrannical reigns of some of the subsequent kings; such a supreme council of seventy persons, if it had been in existence, must have made a conspicu- ous figure in the history ; and yet ye find not the least trace of it: so that it merely appears to have been a temporary council insti- tuted by Moses for his personal service and security ; and as he did not fill up the vacancies occasioned in it by deaths, it must have died out altogether in the vpilderness. "■ No doubt the Jews, after their return from the Babylonish captivity, did institute a Sanhedrim at Jerusalem, of which fre- quent mention is made not only in the New Testament, but also in Jewish writings. But this was merely an imitation of the an- cient Mosaic Synedrium, with the nature of whose constitution the later Jews were no longer acquainted ; for they had indeed be- come ignorant of almost all the customs of their ancestors."] § 245. Other Tribunals in the time of Christ. Josephus, (Antiq. IV. 8, 14.) states, that in every city there was a tribunal of seven Judges, with two Levites as apparitors, and that it was a Mosaic institution. That there existed such an in- stitution in his time, there is no reason to doubt, but he probably err- ed in referring its origin to so early a period, as the days of Moses. This tribunal, which decided causes of less moment, is denomi- nated, in the New Testament, 'A^iatg or the judgment, Matt. 5: 22. The Talmudists mention a tribunal of twenty three judges, and another of three judges, but Josephus is silent in respect to them. The courts of twenty three judges were the same with the synagogue tribunals, mentioned in John IG: 2; which merely tried questions of a religious nature, and sentenced to no other punishment than " forty stripes save one," 2 Cor. 11: 24. The court of three judges was merely a session of referees-, which was allowed to the Jews by the Roman laws, for the Tal- mudists themselves, in describing this court, go on to observe, that one judge was chosen by the accuser, another by the accused, and a third by the two parties conjunctly : which shows at once the nature of the tribunal. 304 § 247. OF THE FORUM OR PLACE OF TRIALS. § 246. Tnt Time of Trials. The lime, at which courts were held, and causes were brong:ht before them (or trial, was in the morning', *^p.i, Jer. 21: 12. Ps. 101: 8. According to the Talmudists, [Sanhednn IV.) it was not lawful to try causes of a capital nature in the night, and it was equally unlawful to examine a cause, pass sentence, and put it in execution on the same day. The last particular was very strenu- otisly insisted on. It is worth}' of remark, that all of these prac- tices, which were observed in other trials, were neglected in the tumultuous trial of Jesus, Matt. 26: 57. John 18: 13—18. For what the modern Jews aHserl, viz. that forty days were allowed to Jesus, to make his defence in, is not mentioned by the more an- cient writers. The trial of causes on the days of the national festivals is for- bidden in many passages in the Talmud. Whatever might h;ue been the ground of this prohibition, it at any rate contravened the spirit of the remark in Deuteronomy 17: 13, viz. '■'•And all the people shall hear, and fear, and do no more presumptuously.'''' That is, .shall hear and tremble at the sentence passed upon the guilty ; for which they could not in general find so good an op- portunity, as on the days of those festivals. Nor was there any reason to fear, that the religious festivals of the nation, would be profaned in this way, in as much as judicial tribunals, in a theoc- racy, were of divine institution. It may be observed further on this point, that the reason assigned, why the Jews in Matt. 26: 5, avoided the festival day, was the fear of an uproar among the people. But it appears, as soon as a person was found treacher- ous enough to betray the Saviour, that even the fears from this source vanished. § 2 17. Of the Forum or place of Trials. The places for judicial trials were in very ancient times the gates of cities, which were well adapted to this purpose. They were adapted to this purpose, in as much as they were publick, and were used not only for entering and departing, but for lairs, places of business, and to accommodate those, who were assembled § 248. FORM OF TRIAL, 305 merely to pass away the time, Gen. 23: 10, et seq. Deut. 21: 19. 25: 6, 7. Ruth 4: 1, et seq. Ps. 127: 5. Prov. 22: 22. 24: 7. The place of trials was the same after the Captivity as before, Zech. 8: 16. The Greek Forum, ayo^a, was also a place for fairs. The Areopagus itself, uQfiog -nayog, i. e. the hill of Mars, was so called, because justice was said to have been pronounced there formerly against Mars, Acts 17 : 19. The Greeks assembled in the Forum likewise, where the judi- cial tribunals had the place of their sitting', in order to examine in- to the conduct and qualifications of publick magistrates, and candi- dates for office. Inquiries and examinations of this kind were ex- pressed by the Greek word doxtfia^eiv, comp. 1 Cor. 11: 28. The assembly of the citizens, convened on extraordinary occasions, was called in Greek exuKrjOia or avyxhjTog. The convention of the citizens, which met on certain stated days, -ijfiegaignvQiaigf which were de'^ignated by the law, and which recurred four times with- in every period of thirty five days, was called y.vQccc. § 248. Form of Trial. Originally trials were every where very summary, excepting in Egypt ; where the accuser committed the charge to writing, the accused replied in writing, the accuser repeated the charge, and the accused ansyvered again, &c. Diodorus Sic. I. p. 75. comp. Job. 14: 17. It was customary in Egypt for the judge to have the code of Laws placed before him, a practice, which still prevails in the East, comp. Dan. 7: 10. Moses, however, when called upon to decide upon any litigat- ed question, pursued that summary course, which was common among the Nomadick tribes, and in those laws of a permanent character, which he established, he did not lay the ground for any more formal, or complicated method of procedure in such cases. He was, nevertheless, anxious that justice should be administered in a right manner, and, accordingly, frequently inculcated the idea, that God was a witness to judicial transactions. He interdicted, in the most express and decided manner, gifts or bribes, •^'nv, which were intended to corrupt the judges, Exod. 22: 20, 21. 23: 1 — 9. Lev. 19: 15. Deut. 24: 14. 15. Moses also, by legal precautions, 39' 306 § 248. FORM OF TRIAL. prevented capital punishments, and corporal punishm'ents, which were not capital, from being extended, as was done in other na- tions, both to parents and their children, and thus involving the innocent and the guilty in that misery, which was justly due only to the latter, Exod. 23: 7. Deut. 24: 16. comp. Dan. 6: 24. This salutary arrangement seems to have been neglected by the kings, 2 Kgs. 9: 26 ; although in all other cases, where it was deemed expedient to inflict punishment, the form of trial was gone through, even in respect to those innocent persons, who had become the subjects of the royal displeasure, and were tried only to be con- demned, 1 Kgs. 21: 7 — 16. The disregard of justice, which, in such instances, was manifested by the kings, exerted a bad influ- ence on the minds of the judges, and, as we may learn from the repeated complaints of the prophets, they were too often guilty of partiality in their decisions. The ceremonies, which were observed, in conducting a judicial trial, were as follows. I. The accuser and the accused both made their appearance before the judge or judges, Deut. 25: 1 ; who sat with legs cross- ed upon the floor, which was furnished for their accommodation with carpet and cushions. A secretary was present, at least in more modern times, who wrote down the sentence, and indeed ev- ery thing in relation to the trial, for instance, the articles of agree- ment, that might be entered into, previous to the commencement of the judicial proceedings, Is. 10: 1, 2. Jer. 32: 1 — 14. The Jews assert, that there were txvo secretaries, the one being seated to the right of the judge, who wrote the sentence of not guilty, the other to the left, who wrote the sentence of condemnation. Compare Matt. 25: 33 — 46. That an apparitor or beadle was present, is apparent from other sources. II. The accuser was denominated in Hebrew ^tJ'Ji, satan or the adversary, Zech. 3: 1 — 3. Ps. 109: 6. The judge or judges were seated, but both of the parties implicated stood up, the ac- cuser standing to the right hand of the accused. The latter, at least after the Captivity, when the cause was one of great conse- quence, appeared with hair dishevelled, and in a garment of mourning. III. The witnesses were sworn, and in capital cases, the par- ties concerned, 1 Sam. 14: 37 — 40. Matt. 26: 63. In order to es- § 249. PRISONS AND TORTURES. 307 tablish the charges alleged, two witnesses were necessary, and, in- cluding the accuser, three. The witnesses were examined sepa- rately, but the person accused had the liberty to be present, when their testimony was given in. Num. 35: 30. Deut. 17: 1 — 15. Matt. 26: 59. Proofs might be brought from other sources, for instance, from written contracts, or from papers in evidence of any thing pur- chased or sold, of which there were commonly taken two copies, the one to be sealed, the other to be left open, as was customary in the time of Jerome, Jer. 32: 10 — 13. IV. The parties sometimes, as may be inferred from Prov. 18: 18, made use of the lot in determining the points of difficulty between them, but not without a mutual agreement. The sacred lot of Urim and Thummim was anciently resorted to, in order to detect the guilty, Jos. 7: 14 — 24. 1 Sam. 14 ch, but the determin- ation of a case of right or wrong in 'this way was not commanded by Moses. V. The sentence, very soon after the completion of the ex- amination, was pronounced, and the criminal, without any delay, even if the offence were a capital one, was hastened away to the place of punishment, Jos. 7: 22, et seq. 1 Sam. 22: 18. 1 Kgs. 2: 23. §• 249. Prisons and Tortures. As the execution followed so soon after the sentence, there was no special need of prisons. Indeed they are not to be found in Persia to the present day, and it is customary to confine the criminal in an apartment of the house of the judge. Compare Gen. 40: 3, 4. The instrument of punishment, mentioned in Job. 13: 27. 33: 11, in Hebrew TO the stocks^ was probably of Egyptian origin. Among the Hebrews anciently, criminals were put under a guard of persons, employed for that purpose. Lev. 24: 12. Not unfre- quently they were confined in empty cisterns. The great variety in the names of prisons would lead one to suppose, that they were more frequently erected, and more often used, in the later, than in the early periods of the Jewish nation. They are as follows. 308 ^ 249, PRISONS and tortures. (I.) "li^, *ii<2, which usually signifies a cistern, Gen. 40: 15. (2.) Inbrj r\^z. Gen. 39: 20. (The word nrib appears to be of Coptick origin.) (3.) D'^-j^ori ni-'z, (for n-'^nON;;!,) Eccles. 4: 14. (4.) 'l^DijtrT D""?, Jer. 37: 15. (5.) N?3n ri^2, 1 Kgs. 22: 27. 2 Kgs. 25: 29. (6.) J«:)ir3, N^b3, Jer. 37: 4. 52:31. (7.) nD-:n"3- n^s, 2 Chron. 16: 10. (8.) -1 a 0^", Is. 42: 7. 24:22. Ps. 142:7. If the great variety in the names of prisons is a proof, that in the progress of time they were more and more multiplied; it is likewise an indirect evidence, that they were employed not only for the detention of criminals, but as a means of punishment and correction, Jer. 37: 15 — 20. Persons, who were committed to prison, were subjected to the further evil of being confined with chains, which occur under the Hebrew words D''pT, ^23, and ^T"i3; likewise under the word Din':;^; made of brass, Jer. 40: 4. 62: 11. Ps. 105: 1J8. 107: 10. The Jews, after the Captivity, followed the example of oth- er nations, and shut up in prison those, who failed in the payment of their debts. They had the liberty likewise to put in requisition the aid of tortures, (Suaui'iGTag, and to punish the debtor with stripes, Matt. 5: 26. 18: 28—34. At a more recent period still, they borrowed from the Greeks the custom of applying the torture, (Juaui'Oi, in order to extort a confession from the person accused. Wisdom 2: 19. The differ- ent kinds of torture are mentioned in the Treatise concerning the Maccabees, appended to the Works of Josephus. The Romans in some instances fastened their criminals, sometimes by one, some- times by both hands to a soldier. Such remained in their own house, Acts 28: 16. Seneca Epist. 5. et de Tranquill. c. 20. It was not unfrequently the case, that the keepers of prisons, when those, who were committed to their charge, had escaped, were subjected to the same punishment, which had been intended for the prisoners, Acts. 12: 19. 16: 27. § 250. REGULATIONS, ETC. IN RESPECT TO DEBTORS. 309 § 250. Regulations, etc. in respect to Debtors. Those, who had property due to them, might, if they chose, se- cure it by means of a mortgage, or by a pledge, or by a bonds- man. The following remarks, in relation to this subject, are worthy of attention. I. The creditor, when about to receive a pledge for a debt, was not allowed to enter the house of the debtor, and take what he pleased; but was to wait before the door, till the debtor should deliver up that pledge, which he could most easily do without, Deut. 24: 10, 1 1. comp. Job 22: 6. 24: 3, 7—9. II. When a mill or millstone, or an upper-garment was given, as a pledge, it was not to be kept over night ; and these appear to stand, as examples for all other things, which the debtor could not, without great inconvenience, dispense with. Exod. 22: 25, 26. Deut. 24: tj, 12. III. The debt, which remained, till the seventh, or sabbatick year, (durmg which the soil was to be left without cultivation, and a person, consequently, was not supposed to be in a condition to make payments,) could not be exacted during said period. Hence the sabbatick year was denominated ntj73UJ or deferring^ Deut. 15: 1-11. But at other times, in case the debt was not paid, the lands or the house of the debtor might be sold. The property thus sold appears to have continued in the hands of the purchaser only till the year of Jubilee, when it returned again to the origin- al possessors, or their heirs, Prov. 31: 16. In case the house, or land was not sufficient to cancel the debt, or if it so happened, that the debtor had none, the debtor himself, together with his wife and children, was sold into slavery, Prov. 22: 27. Mic. 2: 9. If a person had become bondsman for another, he was liable to be called upon for payment in the same way with the original debtor. We see in this the ground of the admonitions in the Book of Proverbs, (6: 1—4. 11:15. 17: 18. 22: 26,) that a person should not too readily give his hands to, or **■ strike hands'''' with the debt- or, in the presence of the creditor, i.e. become his surety. 310 § 251, ON USURY. Novae Tabulae. This was a phrase apphed by the Romans lo a general can celling- of debts. The assertion of Josephus, (Antiq. III. 12, 1.) that there was an extinction of debts on every returning Jubi- lee among the Hebrews, corresponding to the state of things among the Romans at tiie recurrence of the JYovae Tabulaey is ne- cessarily applicable only to the age, in which he himself lived. It is true, however, (but it was an extraordinary case,) that Ne- hemiah, (5: 1 — 12.) in order to relieve the wants and to inij^rove the condition of the poor, permitted Novae Tabulae. §251. On Usury. Moses enacted a law to the effect, (Exod. 22: 25. Lev. 25; 35 — 37,) that mterest should not be taken from zt. poor person, neith- er for borrowed money, ^P?.! nor for articles of consumption, n'^aln, rr^antt, for instance grain, which was borrowed with the expecta- tion of being returned. A difficulty arose, in determining who was to be considered a poor person, in a case of this kind ; and the Law was accordingly altered in Deut. 23: 20, 21, and extended in its operation to all the Hebrews, whether they had more or less property ; so that interest could be lawfully taken only of for- eigners. The Hebrews were, therefore, exhorted to lend mone}', &c. as a deed of mercy and brotherly kindness, Deut. 15:7 — 11. 24: 13. And hence it happens, that we find encomiums every where lavished upon those, who were willing td lend, without insisting upon interest for the use of the thing lent, Ps. 15: 15, 37: 21,26. 112:5. Prov. 19:17. Ezek. 18: 8. This regulation in regard to taking interest was very well suit- ed to the condition of a state, that had been recently founded, and which had but very little mercantile dealings, but it ivould be very unwisely introduced into communities, that are much engag- ed in commerce. § 252. THE SMALLEST PUNISHMENT. 3!1 § 252. The Smallest Punishment. Excision from the people, of which we shall speak more partic- ularly by and by, was the punishment, that was consequent on a deliberate transgression of the Ceremonial Law. If transgressions of the Ceremonial Law, (or indeed, of certain Natural Laws, sanc- tioned by a civil penalty,) were committed, -wilhout deliberate pre- meditation, through errour, precipitancy, or ignorance, the offend- er could avoid the punishment of excision, if he chose, by volunta- rily offering a sacrifice, Num. 15: 27 — 31. In this way transgres- sors were invited to return, to render satisfaction to the person in- jured, and to pursue in future a less erroneous coui'se. But it ought to be remarked, that, in offering a sacrifice, the offender merely avoided the penalty of the Civil Law ; the merely taking this step could not of itself reconcile him to God, and do away the evil he had committed in the sight of Omniscience, Heb. 9: 13, 14. Expiatory sacrifices of this kind could be offered only for transgressions of a particular character, viz. those, which are cal- led in Hebrew nTN'tsn, niNBJj, riNtSrt sins, and those, which are denominated ni^a'^JN, DU:i<, trespasses. It is worthy to be observed, that a sin-offering is expressed in Hebrew by the same words, viz. rNcn, &c. which mean the sin itself, and it is the same in the other case, viz. DIJX, &.c. a trespass, Q'liJN, a trespass-offering. Both the sin and trespass offerings are expressly defined, (Lev. 4, 5 ch.) but the exact distinction between the transgressions, to which they have reference, is very obscure. From an examina- tion, however, of the statements in the Chapters just referred to, it would seem, that sins, according to the technical application of the term in the Ceremonial Law, are violations o( prohibitory stat- utes, i. e. doing something, which the Law commands not to do. • Trespasses, on the other hand, are violations of imperative statutes, i. e. neglecting to do those things, which are commanded. Con- sult the large German edition of this Work, P. 111. § 101. The guilty person incurred the expense of the victim. He confessed to his confusion and shame the sin or trespass over the head of the animal, and, if he had unjustly taken another's proper- 312 § 253. FINES AND INDEMNIFICATIONS. ty, and had not previously made a restoration of it, he not only restored it, but added in the restoration a fifth part, Lev. 6: 1 — 5, Num. 5: 5, 10. In case the person, to whom restitution was to be made, was not Hving, it was made to his heirs ; if this could not be done, it was made to the high priest, as the minister of Je- hovah. The fact that restitution, which, under the Old Dispensations, was so frequently mentioned, and so strenuously insisted on, is not inculcated in the New Testament, is owing to the circumstance, that it was considered a duty so generally known, and so freely admitted, as to require no further mention, Eph.4: 28. § 253. Fines and Indemnifications. *c;:3>. In some instances, the amount of a fine, or of an indemnifica- tion, that was to be made, was determined by the person, who had been injured. In other instances^ it was fixed by the estima- tion of the judge, and, in others, was defined by the Law. For instance, (1.) The indemnification, which is termed "ir?; ^2b, and UJ23 'li'^ls, the ransom of one'' s life^ i. e. the payment, which might be made by a person, who had injured another, as a commutation for those corporal punishments, to which, in consequence of the law of retaliation,(ji(s talionis,) he had exposed himself, was left to be de- termined by the mere pleasure of the person, who had been in- jured, Exod. 21: 30. (2.) The amount to be paid, in order to secure a commutation of the punishment, that was enacted by law, against the owner of a bull, which, although the owner had been previously admonished of the bulFs character for pushing, had killed a free person, was left to be determined by the avenger of blood. This is the only in- stance, in which a commutation of the punishment was allowable, where death was the penalty of the crime, Exod. 21: 28 — 31. (3.) If two men, in contending with each other, injured a wo- man with child, so that she came to a premature birth, a fine was to be paid, according to the estimation of the husband and the judge. (4.) If a servant were slain by a cross ox, when known to be such by the owner, the owner was obliged to pay thirty shekels, Exod. 21:32. comp. Deut. 22: 19. § 254. PUNISHMENT OF THEFT. 313 None of these fines were paid to the state, but all of thena to the person, who had been injured. § 254. Punishment of Theft. The restitution, that was required to be made, in case of theft, was double of the amount taken, Exod. 22: 3, 6, 8. If a sheep, however, were stolen and had already been slain or sold, so that it was evident, that the thief had no design to make restitution, a fourfold; and, if this were the case in respect to an ox, a five-fold restitution was to be made. The reason of this distinction was, that sheep, being kept in the desert, were more exposed, than other animals, to be stolen ; and oxen, being so indispensably ne- cessary in an agricultural community, could not be taken from their owners in this way, without great injury, and peculiar ag- gravation, Exod. 22: 1. In case the chief iSa, was unable to make the restitution de- manded by the law, he was sold with his wife and children into servitude, Exod. 22: 2. 2 Kgs. 4: 1. compare Gen. 43: 19. 44: 17. In the days of the Kings, the fine for theft seems to have been increased, Prov. 6: 30, 31. Capital punishment was decreed only against a thief, who had taken any thing, that was acctirsed, any thing, to which the epithet D"in was applicable, Josh. 7: 25 ; for what David asserts, in sec- ond Samuel 12: 5, in respect to the person, who took away the lamb, viz. that he was worthy of death, means merely, that he WHS guihy, since he immediately adds, " He shall restore four-fold." It appears from this parable, however, to which we allude, that both thieving, and taking away violently by force came under the same law, and were followed by the same punishment. Whoever slew a thief, that was attempting to break open a house at night, let it be what hour it might before sunrise, was left unpunished ; since he did not know, but the thief might have a design upon his life, and he was unable also to notice his appear- ance, and thereby bring him to justice at a subsequent period. Exod. 22: 1. 40 .314 § 255. CORPORAL PUNISHMEItTS. § 255. Corporal Punishments. Corporal punishments may be limited to one kind, viz. the infliction of blows with a rod or scourging^ Lev. 19: 20. Deut. 22: 18. 25:2,3. The dignity or high standing of the person, who had rendered himself liable to this punishment, could not excuse him from its being inflicted. Stripes, the rod, &c. cccur very fre- quently for punishment of any kind, Prov. 10: 13. 17: 26. Jer. 37: 1.J— 20. Ps. 89:32. Scourging is very frequently practised at the present day in the East, as it was anciently ; with this diiference, however, that the stripes were formerly inflicted on the back, but now on the soles of the feet. The instrument, commonly used to inflict the punishment, was a rod. Scorpions, Ci'^j??, i. e. thongs set with sharp iron points or nails, called by the Romans horribilia, were applied, as a means of torturing, only by those, who had no relentings of heart ; especially by cruel masters, in the punishment of their slaves, 1 Kgs. 12: 11. The application of such an instrument in punishing was not sanctioned by the laws of Moses. The person, who was convicted of a crime, and was sentenced to scourging, was extended upon the ground, and the blows, not exceeding/or^?/, were applied upon his back, in the presence of the judge, Deut. 25: 2,3. The more recent Jews, from their great fear, lest, from any ciictimstance, the stripes might exceed the number prescribed, fixed it atthirt}' nine instead of forty, which were inflicted in their synagogues, Matt. 10: 17. They employed for the purpose, ac- cording to the Talmudists, (Maccoth. 3. 10,) a whip, which had three lashes, so as to inflict a triple wound with one blow. Thirteen blows, therefore, made out the thirty nine stripes, 2 Cor. 11: 24. That extreme and cruel scourging, known among the Romans, in which there was no limitation of the number of the blows, is not to be confounded with that of which we are speaking. According to the Porcian Law, such a scourging could not be inflicted on a person, who was a Roman citizen. Consult Cicero pro Rabirio, ad famil. X. 32, in Verrem. V. 53, and Acts 16: 22, 25—30, 57. §256. ON RETALIATION. 315 Note. Extinction of the sight, *i-ii?, was not pracUsed among the Hebrews, as a punishment. Nor was it in truth thus practised among other nations, except in cases, where the persons, whose eyes were put out, would otherwise have been in a condition to have engaged in plots against the existing government. It was from the fear of this, that the eyes of rebellious kings were put out, Jer. 52: 11. 2 Kgs. 25: 7. In Persia so late as the seven- teenth century, a silver style of that kind, which was used in painting the eyebrows, was heated red-hot, and thrust into the eye of the son of a king, for the purpose of destroying the sight, or at least destroying it so far, as to take away the power of dis- tinctly discerning objects. § 25G. On Retaliation. If a man, in a personal conflict with another, smote him to such a degree, as to cause confinement to his bed, he was bound to make him indemnification, Exod. 21: 18, 19. When, in such a con- test, injur3' was intentionally done to a particular member of the body, or life was taken away ; life was rendered for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe, hand for hand, foot for foot, Exod. 21: 23 — 25. Lev. 24: 19 — 22. A false witness, likewise, according to the law of retaliation, (jus talionis,) was to be punished with the same punishment, which was decreed against the crime, in refer- ence to which he had falsely testified, Deut. 19: 16 — 21. In the time of Christ, the jus talionis, (Matt. 5: 38 — 40,) was confounded with moral principles, i. e. [it was taught, that the law of Moses, which was merely civil or penal, rendered it per- fectly justifiable, in a moral point of view, for a person to inflict on another the same injury, whatever it might be, which he him- self had received.] The persons, who expounded the law to this effect, do not appear to have recollected [its true character, as a civil or penal law, which originated from the circumstances of the times,] and seem not to have remembered, that the literal re- taliation could not take place, until after the decision of a judge on a suit, brought by the person injured, and then was never to exceed the original injury. Furthermore, it was by no means necessary, that this retaliation should take place at all, since the 316 § 257. MOSAIC PUNISHMENTS. aggrieved party might, either before or after the decision of the judge, make an arrangement with the aggressor, and relieve him from the infliction of the punishment, to which he had legally ex- posed himself, on his rendering that satisfaction, which in the He- brew is technically called ^Sb, and p'''lS a ransom. The lavs of retaliation was common among all ancient nations, and ivas in truth the most efHcacious means of protecting a person from injuries. But, in progress of time, when feelings and man- ners had assumed a milder tone, causes^ which originated from one person's receiving bodily injuries from another, were brought into the common civil courts on the footing of other causes, and the punishment to be inflicted on the aggressor, or the satisfac- tion in any other way to be rendered to the injured part}', was left entirely to the person, who sat as judge. The arguments, which have been employed against the expe- diency and propriety of the jus talionis, are of no great weight. For instance, it has been said, that this system of retaliation in- creased the number of injured and mutilated persons in the com- munity; when on the contrary it probably diminished it, as a per- son would naturally be cautious, how he inflicted wounds on the body of another, when he was fully aware of what might be the consequences to himself. Another objection is, that it would be very difficult, or altogether impossible, to requite upon the orig- inal aggressor just as much and no more, than had been suffered by the injured person. But the answer is, if, from any circum- stance, he should suffer more, all he has to do, is to attribute it to himself and to consider it, as what he might very naturally have expected. § 237. Mosaic Punishments. Criminals, who had committed homicide, were punished, (as we may learn, as far back as Gen. 9: 6,) with death. But the mode, in which this punishment was inflicted, is not there stated, Decapitatioti and the Sword. Decapitatiox or beheading was a method of taking away life, that was known and practised among the Egyptians, Gen. 40: 17 — 19, This mode of punishment, therefore, must have been known § 257. MOSAIC PUNMSHMENTS. 317 to the Hebrews. And it may further be remarked, that if, in truth, there occur no indubitable instances of it in the time of the early Hebrew kings, it is clear, that something, which bears much relationship to it, may be found in such passages, as the following, viz, 2 Sam. 4: 8. 20: 21, 22. 2 Kgs. 10: 6 — 8. It appears, in the later periods of the Jewish history, that Herod and his descen- dants, in a number of instances, ordered decapitation, Matt. 14: 8 — 12. Acts. 12: 2. It becomes us to observe, however, lest these remarks should carry an erroneous impression, that beheading was not sanctioned by the Laws of Moses. The Mosaic punishment the most correspondent to it, was that of the sword ; with which the criminal was slain in any way, which appeared most conveni- ent or agreeable to the executioner. That this statement in re- spect to the liberty, exercised by the executioner, is correct may indeed be inferred from the phrases, " Rush upon him,'''' and '• He rushed upon him,'''' ia ^jSD, T2 i'^D^I, Jud. 8: 21. 1 Sam. 22: 18. 2 Sara. 1: 15. 1 Kgs. 2: 26,' 29, 31, 34. The probability is, howev- er, that the executioner, generally, thrust the sword into the bow- els of the criminal. Lapidaiion or Stonitig. In addition to the use of the sword, stoning was another mode of effecting the punishment of death, authorized by the Laws of Moses. Stoning was practised likewise among many other ancient nations. Moses, (following, probably, some ancient custom) enacted, that the witnesses should throw the first stone against the crimi- nal, and, after the witnesses, the people, Deut. 13: 10. 17: 7. Jos. 7: 25. John 8: 7. The assertion of the Talmudists, (Sanhedrin, G: 1 — 4.) that the criminal was first thrown off from an elevated scaffolding, and then stoned, is mere fable. The punishment of stoning is to be nnderstood, wherever the mode of putting to death is not express- ly mentioned. This mode of punishment is meant, consequently, in Leviticus 20: 10, where the discourse is concerning adulterers. Accordingly, this is the construction put upon that passage in Eze- kiel 16: 38, 40, and in John 8: 5. Compare likewise Exodus 31: 14, and 35: 2, with Numbers 15: 35, 36. The opinion, therefore, of the Talmudists, who maintain, that slrangidation is the punish- ment, meant in the passage referred to in Leviticus, is not to be admitted. 518 § 258. EXCISION, kxcommujsications. § 258. Excision from the people. Excommunications. When God is introduce*!, as saying in respect to any person, as follows, " / will cut him off^ Ti'^3n,/rom the people,'^'' the expres- sions mean some event in divine Providence, which shall eventu- ally terminate the life of that person's family. Consult 1 Kgs. 14: 10. 21: 21. 2 Kgs. 9: 8. If the following expressions are used, " He shall be cut o^JTnlD^, n'nS'', from the people^'''' the punishment of stoning is meant, Lev. 11: 4. 20: 10—18, comp. Exod. 31: 14. 35: 2. Heh. 10:28. The more recent Jewish interpreters have understood, by EXCISION from the people, excommunication ; and have, accordingly, made three species of it. I. Excommunication, in the slightest degree, "'^'i:, was separation from the synagogue, and the suspension of intercourse with all Jews whatever, even with one's wife and domesticks. A person, who had exposed himself to excommunication of this sort, was not allowed to approach another, nearer than a distance of four cu- bits. This separation was continued for thirty days ; and in case the excommunicated person did not repent, the time might be doubled or tripled, even when the transgression, by means of which it was incurred, was of small consequence, Buxtorf. Lex. Chald. Talm. Rabb. col. 1304, et seq. II. The second degree of excommunication is denominated l3"nn, the curse, and was more severe in its effects, than that just mentioned. It was pronounced with imprecations, in the pres- ence of ten men, and so thoroughly excluded the guilty person from all communion whatever with his countrymen, that they were not allowed to sell him any thing, even the necessaries of life, Buxtorf. Lex. Chald. Talm. Rabbin, col. 827. comp. John 16: 1, 2. 1 Cor. 5: 2—9. III. The third degree of excommunication, which was more severe in its consequences, than either of the preceding, was de- nominated Nn72p. It was a solemn, and absolute exclusion from all intercourse and communion with any other individuals of the nation ; and the criminal was left in the hands, and to the justice of God, Buxtorf Lex. Chald. Talm. Rabbin, col. 2463—2470. Whether the word, Nn'rp, be the same with NnN ajy, the § 259. POSTHUMOUS INSULTS. 319 Name, (i. e. Gorf,) comes, and with MnN ']'^'^i ow Lord comes^ is a question, on which there is a difference of opinion. It is most probable, that, in the time of Christ, the second degree of excom- munication was not distinguished from the third, and that both were expressed by the phraseology, which is used in first Corin- thians (5: 5,) and 1 Timothy (1: 20,) viz. to deliver to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. § 259. Of Punishments, which consist of Posthumous insults. It enters into the design of the Mosaic Laws to inflict punish- ments, but not punishments of such a nature, as shall have a ten- dency to communicate a perpetual infamy to the person, who suf- fers them. This remark applies to the living. It was sometimes the case, that a lasting infamy, by means of posthumous insults, was heaped upon the dead. The posthumous insults, to which we refer, were, as fol- lows. I. The body of the criminal, who had been stoned, was burnt. Burning, as a mark of infamy, appears to have been an ancient custom, which was, consequently, not originated, although it was retained by Moses, Gen. 38: 24. Lev. 20: 14. 21: 9. Jos. 7: 15, 25. The Jewish Rabbins suppose, that the burning, which is mention- ed in the Scriptures, is the operation of pouring melted lead down the throat of the living criminal. Certainly such a supposition is a dream. II. Another mark of infamy was the suspension of the dead body on a tree or gallows. This was customary in Egypt, Gen. 40: 17—19. Num. 25: 4, 5. Deut. 21: 22, 23. The person sus- pended was considered, as a curse, an abomination in the sight of God, and as receiving this token of infamy iVom his hand. The body, nevertheless, was to be taken down, and buried on the same day. The hanging, mentioned in second Samuel 21: 6, was the work of the Gibeonites, and not of the Israelites. Posthumous suspension of this kind for the purpose of conferring ignominy is a very different thing from the crucifixion, that was practised by the Romans, notwithstanding that the Jews gave such an extent to the law in Deuteronomy 21: 22, 23, as to include the last-nam- ed punishment, John 19: 31, et seq. Galat. 3: 13. 320 § 260. PUNISHTtfENTS OF FOREIGN ORIGIN. III. Heaps of stones were raised either directly upon the dead body, or upon the place, where it was buried, Jos. 7: 25, 26. 2 Sam. 18: 17. The pile of stones, that was gathered in this way, was increased by the contributions of each passing traveller, who added one to the heap in testimony of his aversion to the crime. Examine in connexion with this the two hundred and nin.h Sec- tion. § 260, Punishments introduced from other Nations. There are other punishments, mentioned in the Bible, in ad- dition to those, of which we have given some account; but which were introduced among the Hebrews at a period later, than the days of Moses. I. Decapitation. [Something has been said in re?pect to this mode of punishment, in the two hundred and fifty seventh section.] It was properl}' a fc reign punishment, and was frequently practis- ed among the Persians, Greeks, Romans, and other nations. II. Strangulation ; to which an allusion is made in first Kings 20: 31. The more recent Jews attributed the origin of this pun- ishment to Moses, but without cause. They suppose strangula- tion is meant, when the phrase, " He shall die the death,'''' is used. As that phrase, in their estimation, is meant to express the easi- est death, by which a person can die, they suppose, the mode of death intended is no other, than that of strangulation. A person will be surprised at their notions of an easy death, when he un- derstands the method, in which it was effected, to have been as follows. The criminal, (as the punishment, according to their ac- count, was inflicted,) was thrust up to his middle in mud. A hand- kerchief was then tied round his neck, which was drawn by the two ends in opposite directions by two lictors ; and while the pro- cess of strangulation was going on in this way, melted lead was poured down his throat, Sanhedr. 10: 3. III. Burning. Persons were burnt aliv^e in a furnace, which, as has been observed, resembled in its form a well, Dan. 3: comp. Chardin's Voyage, Vol. IV. p. 276. This mode of punishment was practised among the Chaldeans, Jer. 29: 22. IV. The Lion'' s Den. This mode of punishment is still custom- ary in Fez and Morocco. See accounts of Fez and Morocco by Hoest, c. 2. p. 77, Dan. G. § 260. PUNISHMENTS OF FOREION ORIGIN. 321 V. Dichotomy or cutting asunder. This method of putting criminals to death prevailed among the Chaldeans and Persians. When this punishment was inflicted, the left hand and right foot, or the right hand and left foot, or both feet and hands were cut off at the joints, Dan. 2: 5. Luke 12: 46. Matt. 24: 51. A mutilation, in this way, of persons, who had been punished with death, is mentioned in second Samuel 4: 12. VI. Beating to death, rvfinuviGf^iog. This was a punishment in use among the Greeks, and was designed for slaves. The crim- inal was suspended to a stake, and beaten with rods, till he died, 2 Mac. 6: 10, 19, 28, 30. Heb. 1 1: 35. Vll. Sawing asunder. The criminal was sometimes sawn asunder lengthwise. This was more especially the practise in Persia. Isaiah, according to the Talmudists, was put to death in this manner, by king Manasseh, Sanhedrin p. 103. c, 2, comp. Justin's Dialogue with Trypho. David inflicted this mode of punishment upon the conquered inhabitants of Rabbath Ammon. Comp. tirst Chronicles 20: 3. VIII. The Romans, for the gratification of the people, com- pelled their criminals and also their enemies, taken captive in war, to fight with wild beasts in the amphitheatre. They likewise compelled them to contend with one another in the manner of gladiators, till their life was terminated in this way, 2 Tim. 4: 17. comp. 1 Cor. 15: 32. IX. The Persians, in some instances, enclosed a place with high walls, and filled it with ashes. A piece of timber was made to project over the ashes, and criminals of high rank were placed upon it. They were liberally supplied with meat and drink, till, being overcome with sleep, they fell over into the deceitful heap, and died an easy death. The Macedonians in Syria imitated this punishment, 2 Mace. 13: 4. X. It was the practice among the Greeks and Romans to pre- cipitate some of their criminals, especially the sacrilegious., into the sea or a river. The persons, who were thus put to death, were p aced in a sack, and were thrown in with a stone about their neck. Comp. Matthew 18: 6, and Mark 9: 42. XL Crucifixion. This was a common mode of punishment among the Persians, Carthaginian*, and Romans. The mode of crucifixion, adopted by the Maccabean princes, was that of the 41 322 § 261. CRUCIFIXION among the Romans. Romans. The Romans, although it was done at the urgent and riotous solicitations of the Jews, were the executioners in thecru- cilixion of Jesus Christ. We shall, therefore, speak more par- ticularly of this mode of punishment, as it existed among that people. §261. Crucifixion as practised among the Romans. The cross was the punishment, that was intlicted by the Romans, on servants, who had perpetrated crimes, on robbers, assassins, and rebels ; among which last, Jesus was reckoned, on the ground of his making himself /cino- or messiah, Luke 23: 1 — 5, 13 — 15. The words, in which the sentence was given, were as follows ; " Thou shah go to the cross.'''' The person, who was subjected to this punishment, was deprived of all his clothes, excepting some- thing around the loins. In this state of nudity, he was beaten, sometimes with rods, but more generally with whips. Such was the severity of this flagellation, that numbers died under it. Je- sus was crowned with thorns and made the subject of mockery, but nothing of this kind could be legally done, or in other words, insults of this kind were not among the ordinary attendants of cru- cifixion. They were owing, in this case, merely to the petulant spirit of the Roman soldiers, Matt. 27: 29. Mark 15: 17. John 19: 2, 5. The criminal, having been beaten, was subjected to the fur- ther suffering of being obliged to carry the cross himself to the place of punishment, which was commonly a hill, near the publick way, and out of the city. The place of crucifixion at Jerusalem was a hill to the north west of the city. The cross, avccvQog., a post, otherwise called the unpropitious or in/oArtows tree, consisted of a piece of wood erected perpendicular- ly, and intersected by another at right angles near the top, so as to resemble the letter T. The crime, for which the person suffer- ed, was inscribed on the transverse piece near the top of the per- pendicular one. There is no mention made in ancient writers of any thing, on which the ftet of the person crucified rested. Near the middle, however, of the perpendicular beam, there projected a piece of ^ wood, on which he sat, and which answered as a support to the § 261. CKUCIFIXION AMONG THE ROMANS. 323 body, since the weight of the body might, otherwise, have torn away the hands from the nails, driven through them. Here we see the ground of certain phrases, which occur, such as the fol- lowing ; " To ride upon the cross^^'' " to be borne upon the cj-oss," " ut it seems to have taken place un- der the subsequent kings ; otherwise, we are unable to account § 269. ON MILITARY DIVISION'S. 33J for the larg'e armies, which are mentioned in the Books of Kings, even when we lay out of the account, the passages, which labour under the suspicion of having been altered \>y copyists. § 268. Of the Levy for actual Service. Whenever there was an immediate prospect of war, a levy ot this kind was made by the genealogists, Deut. 20: 5 — 9. In the time of the kings, there was a head or ruler of the persons, that made the levy, denominated 'nl3T>yn, who kept an account of the number of the soldiers, but who is, nevertheless, to be distinguish- ed from the generalissimo, '-\C1Slri, 2 Chron. 26: 11. comp. 2 Sam. 8: 17. 20:25. 1 Chron. 18: 16. After the levy was fully made out, the genealogists gave pub- lick notice, that the following persons might be excused, from military service, Deut. 20: 5 — 8. (1.) Those, who had built a house, and had not yet inhabit- ed it. (2.) Those, who had planted a D*».3 , i- e. an olive or vine gar- den, and had not as yet tasted the fruit of it ; (an exemption, con- sequently, which extended through the first live years after such planting.) (3.) Those, who had bargained for a spouse, but had not cel- ebrated the nuptials ; also those, who had not as yet lived with their wife for a year. (4.) The faint-hearted, who would be likely to discourage oth- ers, and who, if they had gone into battle, where, in those early times, every thing depended on personal prowess, would only have fallen victims. § 269. Respecting the divisions, etc. that were introduced into Armies. The division of the army intot^ree bands, as mentioned in Gen. 14:14,15. Jobl: 17. Jud. 7: 16, 20. 1 Sam. 11: 11. 2 Sam. 18:2, was probably no other than the division into the centre, and left, and right wing. The commanders of these divisions appear to have been called n^tb,^, Exod. 14: 7. 15: 4. 2 Kgs. 7: 2, 17, 19. 9: 25. 15:25. Ezek. 23: 13,23. 332 § 369. ON MILITARY DIVISIONS. The Hebrews, when ihey departed from Eg-ypt, marched in military order, anj^nj: }:'J by their armies or fwsts, Exod. 12: 51 j expressions, which, ui Exodus 13: 18, are interchanged with the word CtJ^ri, probably better pointed C^to'Tan. We infer from these expressions, that they followed each other in ranks of fifty deep, and that, at the head of each rank or tile of fifty, was the captain of fifty, 1 Sam. 8: 12. 2 Kgs. 1: 9 — 14. comp. Joshua 1: 14. Jud. 7: 11. The other divisions consisted of an hundred, a thousand, and ten thousand men, eacli one of which was headed by its appropriate commander, Num. 31: 48. Deut. 1: 15. Jud. 20: 10. 1. Sam. 8:12. 18:13.29:2. 1 Mace 3: 55. These divisions ranked in respect to each other, according to their families, and were subject to the authority of the heads of those families, 2 Chron. 25: 5. 26: 12, 13. The centurions, and chiliarchs or cap- tains of thousands, were admitted into the councils of war, 1 Chron. 13: 1 — 3. 1 Sam. 18: 13; and make their appearance, as it would seem, in Joshua 10:24, and Judges 11: 6, 11, under the came of The leader of the whole army was denominated Nli2J^ b? '^U), the captain of the host. Another officer aniong those of principal standing was the one called -isiDr;, [who is said in the original German Edition to have had the care of the rwuster-roll^imii^ttttoU icjumei^ter,] An officer different from both of these was the one called a''?15-3Ji riN "iSb, the numberer of the towers, who appears nrt nanb73 rmn, 1 Sam. 17: bi. Jos. 6: 6. Isa. 5: 29,30. 17:12. Jer. 4:V9. 25:30. The war-shout in Judges 7: 20, was, as follows; '"'The sword of the Lord and of Gideon,'''' yj"}^-,^ mh'^b -~\n. At other tioses perhaps, at least in some in- stanccr?, it was a mere yell or inarticulate cry. The mere march § 291. CONCERNING THE BATTLE. 355 of armies with their weapons, chariots, and tramphng coursers, occasioned a great and confused noise, which is compared by the prophets to the roaring of the ocean, and the dashing of the moun- tain torrents, Isa. 17: 12, 13. 28: 2. The descriptions of battles in the Bible are very brief, but, although there is nothing especial- ly said in respect to the order, in which the battle commenced and was conducted, there is hardly a doubt, that the light-armed troops, as was the case in other nations, were the first in the en- gagement. The main body followed them, and, with their spears extended, made a rapid and impetuous movement upon the ene- my. Hence swiftness of foot in a soldier is mentioned, as a ground of great commendation, not only in Homer, but in the Bible, 2 Sam. 2: 19—24. 1 Chron. 12: 8. Ps. 18: 33. It was often the case in battle, that soldier contended person- ally with soldier. As, in contests of such a nature, the victory depended on personal strength and prowess, the animosit}' of the combatants became very much excited, and the slaughter, in pro- portion to the whole number, was immense. A common stratagem of war among the Hebrews was that of dividing the army, and placing one part of it in ambush, Gen. 14: 14 — 16. Jos. 8: 12. Jud. 20: 39. Notwithstanding it was the sentiment of the early times, of which we are speaking, that deception and art of any kind whatever, however unjust, might be lawfully employed against aa enemy, there is, nevertheless, no instance of such deception re- corded in the Bible, except the one in Genesis 34: 25 — 31, and which is there far from being approved of. If, in reference to this statement, we should be referred to the conduct of Jael, (Jud. 4: 17 — 22.) we should leel at liberty to say, that her daring deed could hardly be considered a stratagem, and at the worst was only pursuing a wrong course amid the collision of opposite duties. The Hebrews, when about to attack an enemy, deemed it a good reason for rejoicing, if they saw a storm arising, from the hope, which they indulged in, that God was coming in the clouds to their assistance, 1 Sam. 7: 10, Jud. 5: 20,21. Jos. 10: 12 — 15. Habak. 3: 11. The attack, which is made by the Orientals in battle, always has been, and is, to this day, characterized for vehemence and im- petuosity. In case the enemy sustain an unaltered front, they re- treat, but it is not long before they return again, with renewed ar- 356 § 292, ON SIEGES. dour. It was the practice of the Roman armies, to stand still in the order of hattle, and to receive the shock of their opposers. To this practice there are allusions in the following passages, viz. 1 Cor. 16: 13. Gal. 5: 1. Eph. (5: 14. Phil. 1: 27. 1 Thess. 3: 8. 2 Thess. 2:15. § 292. On Sieges. In case an enemy threatened to attack a city, guards of vigi- lant and sedulous watchmen were stationed in towers, and on th« tops of mountains, who made known, by signs, or by messengers, whatever they had observed. At Jerusalem in an extremity of this kind, the fountains beyond the walls of the city were filled up, Isa. 22. 9 — 11. Cities were sometimes taken bj' sudden and vio- lent onsets, sometimes by stratagem, sometimes by treason, and at others, were reduced less expeditiously by means of famine. When there were no machines to assist in the siege and to break down the walls, it was much protracted, and under such circum- stances was never undertaken, except as a last resort. When a city was threatened, it was in the first place invited to surrender, Dib'iJi: ri^^Nt N-jj:, Deut. 20: 10. Isa. 36: 1—20. 37: 8—20. If the besieged had concluded to capitulate, the principal men of the city went Out to the enemy's camp, in order to effect the object. Hence, ''Ho go forth,'''' or '■^come out,'''' in certain connexions, mean the same, as to surrender by capitulation, 1 Sam. 11: 3, 10, II. 2 Kgs. 18: 31. 24: 12. Jer. 21;9. 38: 17, 18. 1 Mace. 6: 49. In the most ancient ages, the enemy surrounded the city with a band of men, sometimes only one, at most only two or three deep, and effected their object by assault; hence the very com- mon phrases, " to encamp against a city,'''' or " to pitch against'''' and " to straiten it,'''' Josh. 10: 5. Jud. 9: 50. 1 Sam. 11:1. 2 Kgs. 25: 1. Isa. 29:3. § 293. CiRCUMVALLATION. TleQlTfiXOSi pl'^' CiRcuMVAixATioN was knowu in the time of Moses, also the MOUND called rtbVb, Deut. 20 : 19, 20 ; although it is not men- T t tioned again afterwards, till 2 Sam. 20: 15. The besiegers, when the siege promised to be of long con- § 294. THE besieger's mound. 357 tinuance, dug a ditch between themselves and the city, for their own security, and another parallel to it outside, so as to enclose their camp on both sides, and to prevent being attacked in rear, as well as in fi^ont. The earth, thrown out of the ditch, form- ed a wall, on which towers were erected. The inhabitants of the city shut up in this way perished by degrees, by famine, pestilence, and missile weapons, 2 Kgs. 25: 1. Jer. 52:4. Ezek. 4: 2. 17:17. 2Kg3.6: 28—31. Ezek. 4: 10— 15. 5: 10—15. Jer. 32: 24. 34: 17, § 294. The Besieger's Mound. ^T^bb. The besiegers, in order to succeed against the walls of the city, when they were elevated and strong, cast up a mound of earth and strengthened it on both sides with beams of timber. It ran in an oblique direction from the lines of circumvallation towards the less strongly fortified parts of the city, and sometimes equal- led in altitude the city wall itself. The erection of this mound or wall is expressed by the Hebrew phrase, T^2>lrt V? Jlbbb '^^'p^ literally io cast up a bank against the city, 2 Sam. 20:15. 2 Kgs. 19:32. Jer. 6: 6. 32:24. 33:4. Ezek. 4: 2. 17:17—2.3. 26:8. The inhabitants of the city fought against the mound with missile weapons ; the besiegers, on the contrary, posting themselves upon it, threw their weapons into the city. In the meanwhile the bat- tering rams were erected and made to move forward, in order to break down the city wall, in which case, the besiegers frequently erected another wall inside of the first, in doing which the}' tore down the contiguous houses, and employed their timbers in its erection, Isa. 22 : 10. Sometimes the besieged, when they had captivated any of the more distinguished of the assailants, scourged them or slew them on the walls, or sacrificed them, that they might intimidate their enemies, and influence them to depart, 2 Kgs. 3: 27. When the wall was broken through, n^na ms, Ezek. 21:27, and the besiegers had entered, the remainder of it, at least in a great degree, was thrown down, as was the case, when the city capitu- lated, 2 Kgs. 14:13, 2 Chron, 25 : 23, 24, The expressions, to draw a city zvith ropes into a valley or river^ (2 Sara, 17: 13,) is a proverbial boast. 358 §295. ON THE CONSEQUENCES OF VICTORY. § 295. On thfj Consequences of Victory. Anciently, although humanity was considered praiseworthy, the power of the conquerors owned no limitation ; tlocks and cat- tle, the fruits of the earth, fields, gardens, and houses, together with the idol gods of the conquered, fell into their possession. They sold the wives and children also, of those, whom they had subdued, for slaves, and razed their cities to the ground, 2 Sam. 5:21.2Chron.25: 14. Hos. 10:5, 6. Jer. 46: 25. 48:7. The prin- cipal men among the conquered, the soldiers, and the artificers, who were employed in the construction of arms, and the erection of fortifications, were sent away into distant provinces. The conquerors, however, were not always destitute of humanity. In many instances they permitted the conquered kings to re- fain their authority, only requiring of them the promise of good faith, and the payment of tribute. In case the kings, who were thus used, rebelled, they were treated with the greatest severi- ty, Gen. 14 : 4. 2 Kgs. 2.3: 34. 24: 1, 14. Isa. 24: 2. Jer. 20: 5, 6. The soldiers, who were taken, were deprived of all their property and sold naked into servitude. When the city was taken by assault, all the men were slain ; the women and children were carried away prisoners, and sold at a very low price, Mich. 1: 11. Isa. 47: 3. 20:3,4. 2 Chron. 28: 9 — 15. Ps. 44:12. We might, therefore, well expect the great lamentation and wailing, which were customary among those, who were conquer- ed. Those, who were able to, made their escape, Isa. 16: 1 — 6. .Ter. 41: 5. 43:6. Those, who could not escape, threw away their gold and silver, that they might be the more safe from the cruel- ty of the soldiers, Ezek. 7: 19. The fugitives sought for safety in the tops of mountains, in caves, and amid rocks ; hence God on account of the protection he affords is called a rock^ "l^Ji, Jud.20: 47,48. Jer. 4:29. 16: 16. 22: 20. Ezek. 7: 7, 17. Isa. 26:4. The prophets sometimes represent the calamity of subjection by a foreign power, as a great drunkenness, which is an evil every where, but peculiarly so in the East. Further; as the fortune or destiny of man is sometimes called a cup, so i/m, (one of the most afllictivQ events, that could tall to the lot of man,) was denominat- § 295. ON THE CONSEQUENCES OF VICTORY. 369 ed the cup of reeling or staggering, !nlr>;'^r} 013, Jer. 25: 15 — 31. Nah. 3:11. Zech. 12:2. Ps. 75: 8. If the conqueror came in the capacity of a revenger of former injuries, he frequently cut down trees, obstructed the fountains, filled the cultivated fields with stones, and reduced the ground to a state of barrenness for many years. This mode of procedure was forbidden to the Hebrews by the law in Deut. 20: 19,20; but the prohibition was not always regarded, as appears from 1 Chron. 20: 1. 2 Kgs. 3: 18 — 25. The captivated kings and nobles were bound, their eyes were put out, and their bodies mutilated, they were thrown upon the ground, and trodden under feet, till they died, Jud. 1: 6, 7. 2 Kgs. 25: 7. Josh. 10: 24. The captives were sometimes thrown down upon thorns, sawn asunder, or beaten to pieces with threshing instruments, 2 Sam. 12: 31. 1 Chron. 20: 3. Jud. 8:7. Frequently old men, women and children were slaughtered, and thrown into heaps, 2Kgs. 8: 12. Hos. 10: 14. Isa. 13: 17, 18. Even " the women with child were ripped up," Isa. 13: 16 — 18. 2 Kgs. 8: 12. Amos 1: 13. In defence of these cruelties, the aven- gers were unable to plead the precepts or the example of Moses, since the excision of the Canaanites, of which we shall hereafter speak, was a case of a peculiar kind, as was also the W},T] or irrevo- cable curse, by which, in certain cases, every living thing in the con- quered country was devoted to death, and property of all kinds was consigned to the flames, or preserved merely for the sanctu- ary ; by which it was required also, that the city should be level- led with the ground, that the site should be sowed with salt, and a curse pronounced upon every one, who should afterwards re- build it, Lev, 27:21, 28, 29. Num. 18 : 14. Deut. 13: 17. The object of this curse or vow, was to make an example of certain idolatrous nations, and thereby to deter others from involving themselves in the same guilt, and revolting in like manner against God. In some cases the conquered nations were merely made tribu- taries, 2 Sam. 8: 6. ^(Kgs. 14 :4, To be a tributary, however, was considered a great ignominy, and was a source of reproach to the idol deities of the countries, who were thus subjected, 2 Sam. 8:6. 2 Kgs. 19: 8—13. Isa. 7: 20. Ps. 9: 20. The conquerors were iatoxicated with joy ; the shout of victo- 360 § 296. ON THE SEVERITIES OF ANCIENT WAHFAKE. ry resounded on their tops from mountain to mountain, Isa. 42: 11. 5'sJ: 7, 8. Jer, 50: 2. Ezek. 7: 7. Nah. 1: 15. The whole of the people, not excepting the women, went out to meet the returning conquerors with singing and with dancing, Jud. 11:34—37. 1 Sam. 18:6,7. Triumphal songs were uttered for the living, and elegies for the dead, 2 Sam. 1: 17, 18. 2 Chron; 35: 25. Jud. 5: 1 — 31. Exod. 15: 1 — 21. Monuments in honour oi' the victory were erected, 2 Sam. 8: 13. Ps. 60: 1. and the arms of the enemy were hung up, as trophies, in the temples, 1 Sam. 31: 10. 2 Kgs. 11: 10. The soldiers, who conducted meritoriously, were hon- oured with presents, and had the opportunity of entering into honourable matrimonial connexions, Josh. 14: 1 Sam. 17: 25. 28: 17. 2 Sam. 18: 11. David instituted a separate corps or order of military men, viz. those, who were most renowned for their warlike deeds, 2 Sam. 23: 8—39. 1 Chron. 11: 10—50. Many nations were in the habit of leaving the bodies of their enemies, as a prey to the wild beasts and birds, (1 Sam, 17:44. Jer. 25: 33.) and the feast, which was given to these destroyers, is represented, as having been prepared by God himself, the judge of nations. Frequently the lifeless bodies of men, who had been distinguished, were given up to their relations, 2 Sam. 2: 32. 21: 14. Ezek. 39: 11 — 14; sometimes they were made the subjects of insults, 1 Sam. 31: 8. The liebrews, whether citizens at home or soldiers in war, whenever they came in contact with a dead bod}', were rendered unclean, and were obliged by the Mosaic law lo purify themselves, Num. 31: 19 — 24. § 296. On the Severities of ancient Warfare. Anciently war was characterized by deeds of ferocity and cru- elty. The Hebrews, therefore, have a claim on our forgiveness, if, in some instances, they resorted to those cruel measures, which were univernsally prevalent in their day, in order to strike terror upon other nations, to deter them from coma-j'lting injuries upon themselves, and to secure their own tranquillity. There nre some things, however, in their history, which cannot be approved, 2 Kgs. 15: 16. 2 Chron. 25: 12. Jud. 8:4— 21. 20:1—30. Still, a? hinted above, their severity in all instances cannot be condemned. § 297. JUSTICE OF THE WAR AGAINST THE CANAANITES. 361 for it is permitted, by the natural law of nations, to a pieople, to inflict as naany, and as great evils, upon an enemy, as shall be ne- cessary to deter others from committing the like offence. The prevalent state of feeling- among nations, whether it tend to kind- ness or to cruelty, will determine, how much is necessary to se- cure such an object. Nations anciently could not exhibit that hu- manity and forbearance in war, which are common among modern European nations, without running the risk of exposing themselves to every sort of injury. Num. 31: 14, 15. 2 Sam. 12: 31. comp. 2 Sam. 10 : 1—5 11: 1. Amos 1: 13 2 Sam. 8: 2. comp. 2 Kgs. 3: 27. Amos 2: 1. For the most part, however, the Hebrews were comparatively mild and humane, 2 Sam. 8: 2. 1 Kgs. 20: 30 — 43. 2 Kgs.6:21— 23. 2Chron. 23:8. § 297. Justice of the War against the Canaanites. The cause of the expulsion of the Canaanites is stated in Gen- esis 15: 16, to have been the corruption of morals, which prevail- ed among them. God took it upon himself, in his providence, to punish this corruption, and, in the estimation of many persons, employed the Hebrews, as the instruments of his justice, and gave to them (jus belli,) the right of carrying on the war in question. But while this is conceded, viz. that God designed to punish the moral delinquencies of the Canaanites and gave to the Hebrews JUS BELLI, it is still inquired, why God did not send the Hebrews against some other nations not less corrupt, as well as against the Canaanites, and why he chose to select the Hebrews, in prefer- ence to any other people. Something further, therefore, remains to be said. Those, who maintain, that the Hebrews attacked the Canaan- ites with no other right or justice, than is common to other emi- grating nations, who, in pursuit of new habitations, have expel- led the people from the land, where their ancestors had anciently dwelt, say in effect, that they had no right or justice on their side at all. What they state in further defence of their opinions, viz. that the sentiment prevailed during the early period in question, that the nation, which, with the divine favour, and approbation, conquered another, did it justly, proves nothing, because the very chapter. (Judges 11: 24,) to which thev appeal, actually anno'.jn- '' 46 ' 362 § 297. JUSTICE or the wak against the canaanites. ces, on the p.nrt of the Israelites, a right of possession, in respect to the land of Canaan, altogether different, Jud. 11: 12 — 28. So that, though it be true, that tney were in the habit of identifying success with justice, and of saying, that the nation, which con- quered, was favoured of God and in the right, it is evident, in this case, they had other and more legitimate grounds for the war. Further, if the Hebrews had attacked the Canaanites with the same right, that other emigrating nations have attacked those, who came in their vvay, i. e. with no right at all, the^^ would not have spared the Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites, nor have asked of the Amorites a peaceable passage over the Jordan, Num. 20:14—22. 21:4,10—31. 22:1—35. 31:3—54. Deut. 2: 4 — 12. IG— 37. The truth is, that Abraham with his servants and his flocks had originally occupied the pastures of Canaan, and had virtually declared by the welb, which he dug, and the altars he erected, his right to the land, and his deternjination to hold it. Gen. 19.: 5, 6,8,9. 21:25—30. comp. 13:4,14,18. 15:7,13—21. 17:8. This PATRiAUCH left the soil, to be occupied after his death, not to Ishmael, but to Isaac ; who in turn, transmitted it to Jacobs to the exclusion of Esau. The Canaanites, it is true, were at that time in the land, (Gen. 12:6.) but they were few in number, and occupied on- ly a small part of it. The patriarchs, theretore, had come into a fair and undeniable possession of this territory', and furthermore had oc- cupied it, in their own persons, for two hundred and tifteen years ; and Jacob and his sons, when they emigrated into Egypt, were so far from abdicating the country, or giving up their right to it, that they evidently went away, with a determination to return, Gen. 48:4,21,22. 49: 1—26. comp. 1 Chron. 7:21,24. During the abode of the Hebrews in Egypt, the Canaanites, who had increas- ed in numbers, occupied the whole of the territory, and the He- brews, who were thus excluded from their own soil, soon had ev- idence, that there was not the least prospect of their recovering it, except by an appeal to arms. It belonged to the Hebrews to make the tirst advances towards an amicable adjustment, but, as jhey declined it, they owed the consequences of the war, disas- trous, as they were, to the course vvh'-ch they themselves had pur- sued, Josh. 11: 19. 9: 3—26. § 297. right of the israelites to palestine. 363 Note. General view of the argument, that Palesii?^e hap from time immemorial been the property of hebrew herdsmen, and THAT THE ISRAELITES HAD A RIGHT TO CLAIM IT AGAIN FROM THE Ca- NAANITES, on the ground that THEY WERE UNLAWFUL POSSESSORS. [As the propriety of Dr Jahn's conclusions in the above sec- tion depends essentially on the proof, which can be exhibited, that the Hebrews in fact originally possessed Palestine, and had not done anything by way of relinquishing such possession, but on the con- trary had in various ways asserted the continuance of their claim to said territorjf, it will be proper to give in this place a general view of the argument, which is gone into, to show that such was the case. The opinions of our author coincide in the main on this subject, with those of the ingenious writer of Coinmentaries on the Laws of Moses^ and it will probably answer all the purpose for those, by whom this translation will be read, if the statement ol that writer, which forms the 31st Article of his Work, should be here inserted.] ['• From time immemorial, Palestine had been a land occupied by wandering Hebrew herdsmen, in which even Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had exercised the right of proprietorship, traversing it with herds, without being in subjection to anyone, or acknowledg- ing the Canaanites as their masters. The Phoenicians, or Cana- anites, were certainly not the original possessors of this land, but had at first dwelt on the Red Sea, as Herodotus relates; with whom Justin and Abulfeda in so far coincide, as that the former says, that they had another country before thny came to dwell on the Lake of Gennesareth, or Dead Sea ; and the latter^ that they first dwelt in Arabia. JMoses is so far from contradicting Herodo- tus here, as has been commonly believed, that he rather express- ly confirms his account, by twice saying in the history of Abra- ham, The Canaanites were then in the /anc?, Gen. 12: 6. and 13:7. The word then,, cannot imply that the contrary was the case in his own time ; for then the Canaanites fetill dwelt in Palestine, and their expulsion only began under his successor, Joshua : so that he gives us clearly to understand, that there had formerly been a time when they dwelt not in that land^ but somewhere else. But another relation which he gives in Gen.36: 20 — 30. compared with Dent. 2: 12,22, is still more decisive. He there describes an an- cient people, that before the time of Edom, had dwelt in Seir, or 364 § 297. RIGHT OP THE ISRAELITES as we now call it, Idurnea, and whom, from their living in subter- raneous caverns, he denominates Horites, or Troglodites. Of this nation, was that one of Esau's wives, mentioned Gen. 36: 2, 24 ; *aiid as Moses elsewhere relates that Esau had three wives, two of Canaanitish descent, and the third a grand-daughter of Abraham, (Gen. 26:34, 33, and 28:8,9.) it evidently follows, that the IIo- rites who of old inhabited Idumea, must have been Canaanites. Consequent!}' the Canaanites originally dwelt in the region after- wards called Idumea, and on the Red Sea ; but when they began to carry on the commerce of the world, for which they became so renowned in history, they migrated into Palestine, the situation of which was peculiarly advantageous lor that purpose. It would appear, that at tirst they only established trading marts and facto- ries, which could not but be very acceptable to the wandering hordes, because they gave them an opportunity of converting their superfluous produce into money, and of purchasing foreign commodities. By degrees, they spread themselves farther into the country, improved the lands, planted vineyards, and at last dispossessed the ancient inhabitants ; just exactly as their descen- dent-s did at Carthage, who first asked for a hide-breadth of ground whereon to sit, and then by an artful explanation, got a bargain of as much room as was sufficient to build a city on, and in the end made themselves masters of the whole country. As early as Abraham's time, complaints were made of the herds not having sufficient room, from the Canaanites being then in the land, and crowding it. But this alwaj's went on farther and farther; and when the Israelites had for a tim.e gone down to Egypt, the Ca- naanites at last appropriated to themselves the whole country. This land of their forefathers, and their nation, the Israelites had never given up to the Canaanites ; and therefore they had a right to reclaim it, and to re-conquer it, by force. If they solicited from other nations a passage into Palestine, it was merely to come at their own property again: and when they passed the Jordan, and found the Canaanites in arms against them, the latter had no longer a legitimate cause to maintain, for they wanted to keep possession of the property of another people by force. "It cannot even be here objected, that the Israelites, by their descent into Egypt, had abandoned their right, or that they lost it by prescription. They went down to Egypt only for a time, on TO PALESTINE. 365 account of a famine ; and it was with the hope and determination of returning again, as the divine promise given to Jacob, Gen. 4G: 4, confirms. I do not here inquire into, or draw any conclusion from, the divinity of the promise : it is sufficient for me that, whether true or false, Jacob gave out, that he had in a vision such a promise made him; because it proves the certainty of his hav- ing it in view, and making no secret of it, that his posterity should one day go back to Palestine. Whether proscription holds among nations, the single case excepted, where possession goes back to times of which history gives no certain account, and where of course, in default of other deductions, prescription does inter- fere ; and again, how long a period may be requisite to prescrip- tion in the law of natiire and nations, (longer, no doubt, than in civil law) I will not here stop to inquire; for prescription cannot operate at all where a people avow and maintain their rights with sufficient publicity ; and this was done by the Israelites. Ja- cob went down into Egypt with a conviction that his descendants should, under the divine guidance, return to Palestine; nor would he allow himself to be buried any where else than in his own he- reditary sepulchre in Palestine, exacting from his son JoFeph an oath for that purpose, (Gen. 47: 29 — 31.) And his burial was conducted with such solemnity, (Gen. 50:7 — 13.) that the people in Palestine could not possibly entertain a doubt of the intention of the Israelites to return thither at some future period. But were the matter considered still as somewhat doubtful, because Moses does not expressly mention this as the reason of Jacob's de- sire to be carried thither; on the occasion of the death of Joseph, it is placed in the clearest light. For he testities to his brethren, his certain hope that God would re-conduct their posterity into Palestine ; and therefore he desired not to be buried in Egj'^pt, but begged that his body might, after the ancient Egyptian man- ner, remain uninterred, while they continued there, and be car- ried with the people at their general return into the promised land, and laid in the sepulchre of his fivthers. Such was his anx- iety on these points, that he made his brethren swear that they would carefully attend to them ; and accordingly we find, that when he died, thej' did not bury him, but, as was not unusual among the Egyptians, let him remain embalmed in his coffin, until their descendants, at their departure for Palestine, carried his remains 366 § 297. RIGHT OF THE ISRAELITES along with them, Gen. 50: 24 — 36. Exod. 13: 19. Couhl a people have given a stronger proof of their animus reve.rtendi, and that they had not forever abandoned their ancient country ? Was it necessary (I think not) that they should have sent a notary every thirty-threo years, to protest against the forfeiture of their rights? Even the Ea:vptians well knew the expectations of the Israelites on this head; and that was the principal reason of their oppres- sions towards a people that were not to remain forever within their country, and in subjection to them. For although from the lirst they did not intend to let them go, yet they were afraid, from the rapid increase of their numbers, that if a war took place, Ihey might side with the enemy, and not perhaps conquer the country, but depart from it;* or, as the proper expression is, go vp : for we must recollect, that to go from Egypt to Palestine, was, in the idiom of the Hebrews, to ascend; and, vice versa^ from Palestine to Egypt, was to descend. From the representation we have now given of the origin of the war, it will be easy to per- ceive (what to a reader of the Mosaic history must otherwise ap- pear at first very strange) wh}'^ Moses did not attack the Canaan- ites beyond Jordan ; but from Og, king of P)ashan, and Sihon, king of the Amorites, requested nothing more than an unmolested passago, and only had recourse to arms when, instead of granting it, they marched hastily into the wilderness to meet him, and of- fered him batlle. The reason was manifestly this, that the Is- raelites laid no claim to the country beyond Jordan, but only to the pasture-grounds that from time immemorial had belonged to the Hebrew herdsmen, and which their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had actually occupied with their cattle. " ' But might thpy not at iea^t have left to the Canaanites those trading cities which had been built, without opposition from their ancestors?' This question is easily answered. If a foreign peo- ple, whom we permit to establish factories and trading cities in our land, shall so abuse our genero«i(y, as to dispossess us, and gradually appropriate to themselves our whole country ; and when we wish to return to our ancient abode, shall meet us with arms in their hands, in order to prevent it; and shall, finally, have be- come so extremely wicked, as to render it impossible for us to live with them, without having our morals cornij)ted — we certain- ly are under no obligation to leave to them these factories and ^ See Exodus I : 9, 10, TO PALESTINE. 367 trading cities, and thereby expose ourselves anew to the risk of such corruption. " ' But were not the Israelites in duty bound first to send the heralds, and formally demand their lands again from the Canaan- ites ?' This question 1 must leave completely unanswered, partly because it belongs to the yet controverted point whether certain solemnities are or are not necessary at the commencement of a war, by way of declaration, and parlicularlj', because we do not know whether Moses and Joshua did so or not. " By way of conclusion, I must still take notice of two objec- tions, which Mr. Oepke has made to my opinion, and on which I have not yet touched. But because they are of more weight than those before noticed, 1 ought, perhaps, rather to ascribe them to Professor Stiebritz himself " In the first place, he is of opinion, ' that the Israelites ought not to have re-appropriated a land possessed by wandering herdsmen, unless all the posterity of suck herdsmen had transfer- red their rights to them.' But let it be remembered, that the question here is not concerning wandering herdsmen quite uncon- nected with each other, but only concerning those of Hebrew origin, and of these, more particularly, the ancestors of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob : and 1 do not see wherefore such a transfer could have been necessary, since we must here judge not by civ- il, but by natural law only. If several persons have an equal ti- tle to a certain possession, and some of them, either from weak- ness or cowardice, do not make it good, and relinquish it ; anoth- er, who has the courage to act otherwise, does not from their pu- sillanimity lose a particle of his right : and if he conquers the land which they have abandoned, he holds, yjr*?, his own quota, by the right of former proprietorship ; and then, the remaining part, by the right of conquest; which, in the case of a legitimate war, is equally legitimate. The other claimants who did not support him, and had relinquished their rights, can make no pretensions to the fruit of his victories ; and the unlawful possessors, who had, curried on an unjust war, have it to thank for subjecting them to greater loss than they would probably have experienced, if they had yielded with a good grace. " in the second place, he object?, ' that I ascribe tl.e war 4o a cause, to which Moses himself has not referred it ; and that, as 368 § 297. RIGHT OF THE ISRAELITES any people that begin a war, are anxious to convince the world of the justice of their cause, a reason never once urged by Moses, can hardly be held as the true ground of the war.' But here, I may very confidently reply, that Moses only gives laws for the war against the Canaanites, without any where mentioning the le- gal cause of the war: for Mr. O. himself does not account the di- vine commandment and promise, as its cause. Moses writes histories, and records laws ; but the war-manifesto against the Canaanites, from whence we might deduce its justice, has not been furnished us hy him. And as he mentions no reasons for the war, we are not entitled from his silence to form conclusions against any particular cause to which it may be ascribed. And of all causes, that to which I ascribe it, has the best foundation in the history recorded by Moses, through which history he general- \y paves the way for his laws. "I must yet add, that this farther objection has been made to my opinion, ' that a wandering people could hardly be consider- ed as proprietors of a country, in which no individual could speci- fy any particular ground as his own, from his always shifting his abode from one place to another.' I had not, indeed, considered it necessary to notice this objection, because the fact that a com- munity may possess undivided property, is so very notorious ; but as a learned person, who, in his writings, often refers to my Mosa- ic law, has lately repeated it, it becomes my duty to explain mj- self more fully on this point ; and my answer is this: " A comniunit}', and even a whole nation, may possess property undivided, and in common. What, indeed, is more frequent among ourselves, than such common properties ? Many a village has a common wood ; of which, not a tree, nor an inch of the ground, belongs to any individual villager, and yet the whole is their joint property ; and whoever, without full right and leave, carries off wood, or even fells a tree, is guilty of theft. Or again ; a village or a town has a common meadow, which can never be conveniently portioned out into individual properties ; at least no part of it belongs to any private person exclusively; and yet tlie whole, to the community at large. Did those to whom propert}^ in common appears such a strange matter, never hear, that in Gerr/iany there are many such commonages, which our modern improvers would fain abolish and reclaim, if they durst; where TO PALESTINE. 369 green pasture land, for instance, which might be used to much bet- ter purpose under tillage, belongs merely as a common to one or more villages. The disadvantage of the present system, is uni- versally understood ; and the allotment of such lands to par- ticular tenants is much to be desired : but then the cry is, that communities are not to be deprived of their ancient rights. Even the corn fields are in the same situation, in so far as they may not be fenced, and must lie fallow at certain times, and after harvest be subjected to the servitude of having the herds driven to pasture upon them, from perhaps a community of many villa- ges, where even those who have not a foot of ground of thoir own, can assert a right to this privilege, from the mere circumstance of occupying a house. This too is justly considered as extremely prejudicial to the public good, not merely by individual cecono- mists, but, in some countries, even by the legislative authorities, and the wish to alter it is very general ; but it cannot be done, for, it is said as before. No man is to be deprived of his right. " But even a whole nation may, in like manner, have a common undivided property. Thus whole nations, by particular treaties, enjoy the right of certain fisheries, such as that of Newfoundland, without this property being actually divided, or even possibly di- visible among individual fishermen. Thus also the Indians in North America, possess their immense forests undivided, as wan- dering hunters ; and, have justly made great complaints, when at any time the English or French colonists have attempted to clear and cultivate those forests, without previously purchasing them, which is generally done for a mere trifle. I remember to have read a great many years ago, in an English journal, (either the London or Gentleman's Magazine,) the speech of an Indian chief, which he made in a congress of the Indians with the English, and in which he represented the injustice of this, in a very rational and affecting manner ; observing, that those forests which the Great Spirit had of old given to the Indians, and in which they had al- ways lived, were now by some of the English daily more and more circumscribed, so that in the end they would have no dwelling place left them. I cannot recollect the particular place where I found that speech ; but allowing it had been entirely fictitious, (which it by no means seemed to be, as it bore all the marks of truth,) it is very certain that the English governments in America 47 370 § ^98. ON THE DIVISION OF THE SPOILS. do recognize the rights of the Indians. Indeed, the first colonists, who, for conscience-sake and religion, emigrated from England, took no land without leave of the Indians, and if afterwards, peo- ple less conscientious, snch as transported criminals, whom the Americans will now no longer receive, were sent out, and, taking forcible possession of the woods, began to clear and improve them, (which actually gave rise to wars.) this was absolutely for- bidden by the British government ; and those settlers, who wished to'penetrate info the woods and form plantations, were, and are obliged either to purchase the ground from the Indians, or come to terms with them in some other way. " By the same common right, have many great peoples always possessed their lands, and still possess them ; as for instance, the present Mongul tribes, who live by breeding horses. Their soil is extremely rich, and susceptible of the highest cultivation : the grass grows to an uncommon height in the fields ; but the whole country belongs to the people at large as a common pasturage : and against strangers who should attempt to seize or pasture it, or circumscribe it by cultivation, they would unite to defend their right to it with all their might ; just as our Teutonic ancestors defended their forests as public property, against the Romans. I should, therefore, think, that until a new code of natural and civil law shall be devised, and as long as we must, on account of com- mon possessions, abide by the old, objections like the present can Lave no force." Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, Art. 31.] § 298. On thl; Division of the Spoils. I'he spoils of the enemifs army., "^b'ij, f3, were divided among the victorious soldiers. They were the reward of the toils, which they had endured, and were, consequently, the cause, wherever they were won, of the most marked indications of joy. Gen. 49: 27. Exod. 16:9. Jud. 5: 30. Is. 9: 2, 3. Ezek. 29 : 18— 20. Ps. 119: 162. There seems to have been a propriety in making such a division of the property taken, for the soldiers anciently, with the exception of the officers, and the life-guard of the commander, did not receive wages. They either paid their own expenses themselves, or were supported by their parents, Jud. 20: 10. 2 •Sam. 17; 17 — 20. The Hebrew kings, however, in a subsequent § 298. ON THE DIVISION OF THE SPOILS. 371 age, laid up provisions for the use of the soldiers ag-ainst a time ofwar, inthe cities called store-cities, ni;5D^ '^'~>pt 2Chron. 17: 17. 32: 28. Hired soldiers, (probably in imitation of the Phenicians, Ezek. 27: 11,) are mentioned in 2 Sara. 10: 6, and also in 2 Chron. 25 : 6 — 9; but such participated in the spoils, as well as others, for the money paid appears not to have been paid to the soldiers themselves, but to the king or prince, of whom they were hired. The soldiers under the Persian monarchy received a regular stipend, but they had a portion also in the spoils, which was an additional reward. The Maccabees, in imitation of the Greeks, allowed wages to their soldiers, 1 Mace. 14:32. Hence, it is not at all surprising, that we find the wages of a soldier frequently mentioned in the New Testament, and sometimes tropically, Luke 3: 14. Rom. 6; 23. 1 Cor. 9: 7. 2 Cor. 11:8. 2 Tim. 2: 4. The spoils consisted not only of property in goods, but of men, women, and children; all of whom, if they had been the inhabi- tants of cities, that were taken by assault, were sold into slavery, Gen. 14: 11, 12. The Hebrew soldiers were at liberty, (JSTum. 31: 48 — 54,) to appropriate to themselves whatever spoils they might win, with the exception of flocks and men. Articles of great value were sometimes claimed by the leader of the expedi- tion, Jud. 8: 24, 25; a practice, which David himself imitated, and by means of which, "he was enabled to collect the treasures, which were subsequently employed in the ei-ection of the Temple, 2 Sam. 8:11,12. 12:30. 2 Chron. 2{j: 14— 19. When the spoil was di- vided, the flocks and the captives were assembled together, and when they had been numbered, were divided into two parts, one of which was given to the soldiers, who had remained at home, and who were obliged to give the fiftieth part of it to the Levites; the other half was given to the soldiers, who had been actually engaged, and who on their part, were obliged to give only the five hundreth part to. the priests. Compare Genesis 14: 20. The division of the property taken among the soldiers was equal, whether they had been in battle, or merely guarded the encamp- ment, and baggage, 1 Sam. 30 : 20 — 25. In order to render the distribution equal, the flocks, cattle, and prisoners appear to have been publickly sold, and a distribution made of the money. 372 § 299. SPOILS taken' from the Egyptians. In case, however, the city was so unfortunate, as to be sub- jected to the D"in or the curse, the soldiers were not at liberty to take possession of the spoils, which it offered, and every thing, generally speaking-, was destroyed, Deut. 2: 34. 3:7. Num. 21:9. Lev. 27:28. Josh. 6: 24— 26. 8:26—28. 10:28—30. 11:11. § 299. Respecting the Spoils, which the Hebf.ews took away from THE Egyptians. It was a principle among nations anciently, that a people, after the commencment of a war, could fairly make plunder of the property, which had been dej)0sited or left among them in any way whatever, previously to the war's breaking out. In accordance with this right, the precious vases and garments, &;c. which were I'orrowed by the Hebrews from the Egyptians, as mentioned ia Exodus 3: 22. 11:2, became, when Pharaoh commenced war up- on them by pursuing with his army, legal spoil. An objection to this view of the subject arises from the fact, that God him!!elf commanded the Hebrews through Moses, to bor- row the articles, and that the Egyptians evidently lent them with the expectation of their being returned, and would not other- wise have done it. But it is, nevertheless, the fact likewise, that the Hebrews had as much expectation of returning said articles, as the Egyptians had, that they would ; for it is altogether out of the question to suppose, that they had any knowledge of the commu- nications, which, in Exodus 3: 22, passed between God and Moses on the subject. The transaction was clearly an event in divine Providence, for the propriety of which infinite v/isdom is a suffi- cient guarantee, which was designed to place those articles in the hands of the Hebrews, as a compensation, (and certainly not too large a one,) for the houses, which they left. Supposing it, then, to be the case, that they were borrowed with the expectation of being returned, no blame certainly can be attached to the He- brews for the detention of them, since they were driven away by such a decided and sudden act of hostility, that it was not in their power to do otherwise. The word ]:^Z literally to plunder or rob, which in Exodus 3: 22, is used in reference to this subject, appears to be employed tropically^ and out of its usual signification. § 300. OF CESSATIONS KROM ARMS. 373 Note. [The above section is rather unskilfully abridged in the original, so much so, that it would be difficult for a person, from a literal translation of it, as it there stands, to obtain any thing like an adequate idea of our author's opinions on the subject in question. Something, therefore, has been added to it, from the original German, and from Michaelis, who is there refer- red to by Dr Jahn, as his authority on this subject. For a full and ingenious discussion of it, the reader would do well to consult Smith's Translation of the Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, Vol. ill. Art. 179.] § 300. Periods, when there was a Cessation from Hostilities. It was anciently the practice among the Arabs, who, it may be observed, inherited a near relationship to the Hebrews, to con- sider four months of the year sacred; during which they made it a point of duty to abstain from the exercise of arms. A practice of a similar nature appears to have prevailed among the Moab- ites. Ammonites, and Edomites, and likewise among other nations. Perhaps this practice will enable us to explain, how it happen- ed, that the Hebrew territories remained free from invasions, while all the adult males three times every year went to the Ta- bernacle or the Temple, without leaving in their cities and villa- ges any guard to protect them from foreign incursions, and that there appears in no instances to have been any hostile attack made upon them at such times. It is true, that we find in Exodus 34: 24, that security from hostile invasions was promised to the Hebrews, when they had occasion, on the return of their solemn festivals, to appear in the presence of the Lord ; but it is, never- theless, clear, that a promise of this kind could not have been ful- filled to a people, who thus lived in the heart of unfriendly na- tions, except by the intervention of constant miracles ; unless there had been a practice of the kind here mentioned, which caus- ed among them during certain periods a suspension of the arts of war. The same remark might have been made in respect to the sab' 6a^/j, if it had been the fact, that the ancient Hebrews reckoned the use of arms, among those labours, which were interdicted on that day ; but their extreme scrupulosity in this respect, and 374 § 300. OF CESSATION FROM ARMS. their determination to adhere to the letter of the Law do not ap- pear to have existed, till after the Captivity. Indeed even at this period, they soon had occasion to perceive, that to defend themselves against the insults of their enemies might be justly done, even on the sabbath, 1 Mace. 3: 39 — 42 ; but the restric- tions, notwithstanding this, which they continued to impose upon themselves, occasioned inconveniences, of which we have no ex- amples in the earlier periods of their history. PART THIRD. ON ;A€miB Asr^a^s^wi^i: 377 CHAPTER I. HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE RELIGION OF THE BIBLE. § 301. Religion down to the Deluge. Our first parents, who were infants in point of knowledge, although they were introduced into the world, without being such in respect to form, were instructed by God himself. They were taught in the knowledge of the creator and governour of all things, and were likewise subjected to a course of moral discipline by the interdiction, which was made in respect to the tree of good and evil. The object of this interdiction was to introduce the hu- man mind to an acquaintance with what was right, and what was wrong, what was good, and what evil. Hence the name of the tree, s^^ aitD nS'l, viz. of good and evil, i. e. according to the spirit of the Hebrew idiom, of moral distinctions, Gen. 2: 8 — 20. Isa, 7: 15. Hence two points were established in the religion of our first parents, the one, that God is supreme, and that all things arose from, and are dependent upon him ; the other^ that some things are right, and others wrong, and that those things are to be done, which are agreeable to God, and those things to be avoided, which are displeasing to him. The punishment, which followed the eating of the interdicted fruit, remained a perpetual monitor, that misery is the conse- quence of the commission of those things, which are not accepta- ble in the divine sight, and that such things, consequentl}', are not to be done. Comp. Gen. 5: 29. The example of Cain also, who slew his brother, his banishment and his misery, were a standing testimony in the eyes of the whole world, that wickedness is hate- ful to God, and ought to be and will be punished. In the progress 48 378 §302. FROM THE DELUGK to ABRAHAM. of time, when many crimes received no visible punishment, the divine commands became neglected, the powerful oppressed the weak and the poor, and there was a general prevalence of levity and sensuality. The earth was filled with violence and slaughter. About the year 235 after the creation, wickedness was carried to such an extent^ that the religions thought it necessary to attach to themselves, the title of so«5 or vjorshippers of God, in contradis- tinction from the sons of men, or those, who had forgotten God, and were hurried by the impulse of corrupt passions to every sort of wickedness. The prevalent evils were increased from the cir- cumstance, that the sons or worshippers of God married the daugh- ters of men, or the irreligious. Wives of this description neglected the right instruction of their children, and, as this devolved on them, rather than on the lathers, the offspring followed the for- mer, rather than the latter. Gen. 4: 26. 6: 1. In this way corrup- tion increased and prevailed to such a degree, that the warnings of God, which were uttered by the spirit of prophecy, were with- out any avail, Gen. 6: 3. The Deluge followed, in consequence of this state of things. § 302. From the Deluge to Abraham. This terrible destruction of every living thing was predicted 120 years before its consummation. Gen, 6: 3. So that the fami- ly of Noah might know, that it was sent from God, and that the object of it was, to leave by such a signal event, a long to be re- membered impression, that God is the governour of all things, to whom the vices of men are abhorrent, and that, however long-suf- fering, he will at length punish the wicked. A command was given by God, after the Deluge, that every homicide should be punished with death, and a promise also, that the deluge should no more return. He made the rainbow a visible sign of his promise, and a confirmation of it. The posterity of Noah laid up in their minds the principles and instructions, which have been mentioned; and when they af- terwards attempted to build a tower, and were baffled and scatter- ed from each other, they easily gathered from the event, that the proceeding was displeasing to God. They appear to have re- proved Nimrod for making a similar attempt, and, in allusion to § 303. ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB, 379 his conduct, called him*ih;o:, or t1iere6f/, find mnde his momory a proverb, saying, '■'■ Even as jViinrod^ the exceedingly tiiighty hunter.''' At a later period still, men, being still uncultivated, unable to direct themselves, and governed by the promptings of imagina- tion, attributed a superiour and sublimer energy to various objects, and began to expect assistance from them. Thus rocks, trees, an- imals, winds, rivers, the sun, moon, stars, dead men, &c. were con- verted into divinities. Then came sculptured images, altars, and temples. At first they worshipped God, as the ruler of all things, at the same lime, that they worshipped idols ; but soon God was forgotten, and they adored the latter alone. These I'alse divini- ties demanded no morality in their conduct, and both principles and conduct grew worse and worse. The greatest crimes were committed, as if of little moment, and were even made apart of the worship of their gods. § 303. Adraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The corruption, which has been described in the preceding section, continued to spread itself wider and wider, till God gave a peculiar sailing to Abraham, whose ancestors had from the be- ginning sustained during a long period a character for moral in- tegrity and religion. Gen. 5: 1 — 32. 11: 10—32 ; but had at length become idolatrous, Jos. 24: 3, It was designed in the Providence of God, that Abraham, the Chaldean, and his posterity should preserve and transmit his relig- ion, till that period, when it should be communicated to other na- tions. In order to secure these objects, God promised to Abra- ham, who was a descendant from Shera of the tenth generation, his protection, an ample progeny, possession of the land of Caanan; and that all nations should at last be blessed through his seed, i. e. should receive the true religion, Gen. 12: 13. 18: 18. 22: 18. He coupled these promises with tlie names of Abraham and Sa- rah, which were altered with a reference to them, and connected, with the rite of circumcision, the obligation to protect religion, Gen. 18: 19 ; so that the names and the lite might be perpetua,! testimonies both of the promises in its favour, and the obligations to defend it. God afterwards repeated the same promises to Isaac and Jacob, 380 § 304. RELIGION OF THE PATRIARCHS. Gen. 26: 4. 28: 14, who faithfully performed their rarious duties, taug-ht the true worship of God to their domesticks, and left it to their posterity, Gen. 28: 20— 22. 35:2—7.9—13. 39:9. 50:17 —20. Xbese promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the fulfil- ment of the corresponding duties on their part, form the promi- nent and fundamental principle, the hinge, as it were, of the ancient covenant; and to them, accordingly, every thing, which follows after, is to be referred, and with them also the new covenant it- self is very intimately connected. § 304. Respecting the Religion of the Patriarchs. It appears from what has been hitherto stated, that the knowl- edge of the one true God^ which is coeval with the existence of the human race, was originally communicated by revelation. The pa- triarchs themselves knew God to be the creator, governour, and judge of the whole earth, not by reasoning from philosophical principles, which were then wholly unknown, but because God had revealed himself, as such, to them. The ideas of men in re- spect to God, which were at first very limited, became extended, in the progress of time, by events both ordinary and extraordina- ry, it is worthy of remark, that the figure anthropopathy was. very prevalent at the early period, of which we are speaking, and that men used the same language in respect to God, which they employed when speaking of one another; but there was truth, nevertheless, hidden under the garb of such expressions, Gen. C: 6, 7. 8:21. 11:5—7. 18:10—21. The worship of God was very unconstrained, such as was prompted by conscience and approved by reason, and consisted chiefly in tythes and vows and prayers, in the erection of altars and in sacrifices. Gen. 4: 3, 4. 8:20. 12:7,8. 13:4,18. 14:20.16: 1 8—20 . etc. With respect to the consecration of the sabbalh, it may be ob- served, there is no trace of it, any further than this, viz. that a pe- riod of seven days occurs a number of times. Gen. 7: 4, 10. 8: 10, 12; likewise the word i;:i2Ty, the Hebrew for week, Gen. 29:27. It may be inferred from these circumstances, that the seventh day was distinguished in some way or other from other days, as is § 305. RESPECTING MOSES. 381 represented to be the case in Genesis 2: 2. Many traces of mor- al discipline occur, Gen. 4: 6— 16. 6:3—8. 11:4—6. 13:8.14: 14 — 24. 18: 19. We must not suppose, however, that nothing more of God, and of moral discipline, was known by these pious patriarchs, than is given in the historical fragments of Genesis. For those things only appear to have been selected for insertion, which, more than any others, had a tendency to prepare the way for the introduction of the Mosaic dispensation. , § 305. Respecting Moses. Very many of the Hebrews were addicted to the worship of the Egyptian gods, at the time that Moses was sent in the charac- ter of a divine messenger, to break the chains of their servitude, Exod. 3: 13. To rescue the Hebrews from their bondage, who were destined to be the defenders of the true religion, and to bring them back to that worship, which they had lost, while in Egypt, gave occasion for the most surprising miracles ; miracles^ which not only compelled Pharaoh to dismiss the Hebrews, and brought destruction upon his army, when he pursued them ; but were also a new and overwhelming proof to the Hebrews them- selves, that there is indeed a God^ all powerful and omniscient^ and that Moses, by whom these wonderful works had been predicted and performed, was, in truth his messenger, Exod. 6: 7. 7:5. 9: 14—16,29. 10:2. 14: 4,17—18,31. 16:12. 19:4,9. Deut. 4: 35, 39. It was at the same time shown by the miracles, of which we are speaking, that the Egyptian gods, being altogether unable to protect their votaries, were destitute of power, and, in a word, were nothing, Exod. 12: 12. But the Hebrews, after all, if they had not afterwards, when in Arabia, been confirmed by new mira- cles in the belief of the divine omniscience and omnipotence, would not have persevered in the worship of the true God, and would not have received those ceremonies and Laws, without which, surrounded as they were by nations, who regarded idola- try, as conformable to right reason, they could not have succeed- ed in maintaining their religious integrity. This is clear from the fact, that, after all the instructions they had received, and after all the laws, which were enacted, they went so often back to va- rious superstitions. 382 § 30G. OPINIONS of moses in respect Note, Those, who attribute the miracles of Bloses to leger- demain, and undertake to rank them in the same class with the tricks ofjiig-glers, also those, who contend that the accounts of them are fabulous, and are to be placed on the same footing with the wonders of profane mjthology, can neither reconcile the ground, which they take, with the departure of the Hebrews from Egypt, nor with their subsequent history, nor with the origin of the notion of a God, as it appears in their early writings. The exodus, the subsequent history, and their ideas in respect to God, all bear testimony, that the miracles were actually performed. Compare the large German Edition of this work, P. III. § 12. notk and § 13. § 306. On the question, " whether Moses taught the existence of a merely national god ?'' That the God of Moses was something more than the tutelary or national God of the Hebrews, is clear from so many passages of scripture, it is wonderful, any should have adopted a contrary opinion. For he calls him by the name Jehovah, who created heaven and earth, Gen. 1: Exod. 20: 8—12. 31: 17. Deut. 4: 23, and who sent the deluge, Gen. 6: 17. He is addressed by Abra- ham and Melchisedek as the most high, the Lord of heaven and earth. Gen. 11:18—20. 17: 1. 18: 16—25. He is acknowledged by Joseph to be the all-wise governour of the universe. Gen. 39: 9. 45:5,8. 50:20. He calls himself Jehovah, who is always the same, Exod. 6: 3 ; who both predicted, and performed those won- derful works in Egypt and Arabia, which proved him to be omni- scient a.id omnipotent, Deut. 4:32 — 36. 10:21. Exod. 6: 7. 7:5. 10: 1, 2. 16: 12. 29: 46 ; who is the author of every living thing, Num. 16: 22. 27: 16 ; who is invisible, (for the descriptions, which represent him as appearing at times in a bodily form, are symbolick,) Exod. 33: 18—23. Deut. 4: 12—20, 39 ; who is the Lord of heaven and earth, and every thing in them, and the friend of strangers, as well as of the Hebrews, Deut. 10: 14 — 18. Besides him there is no other God, Deut. 4: 39. 6:4. 32: 39. Moses every where ex- hibits him, as the omnipotent, the ruler of all men, who cannot be corrupted by gifts and sacrifices, but who is kind and merciful to the penitent. He teaches, that he is the true God, who is worthy of being honoured by the Hebrews, uot only because He alone is TO THE CHARACTER OF GOD. 383 God, but because he had promised great mercies to the Patriarchs and their posterity, and had already bestowed them in part ; be- cause He led them out of Egypt, had furnished tliem with laws, would soon introduce them into Canaan, and protect them through future ages ; finali}', because they had chosen God for their king. The whole object of the Mosaic ritual was to preserve the wor- ship of God, as the creator and governour of all, till the time when the true religion should be made known to the rest of the world, for which grand end it had been originally committed to Abra- ham and his posterity, Gen. 17:9 — 14. 18: 19. § 307. On the question, " Whether the character of Jehovah, as represented by moses, is merely that of a being inexora- BLY JUST ?" That God is often represented by Moses, as a just judge, who punishes with no little severity those, who are wicked, is not at all to be wondered at. The inconstant, stiiT-necked, and intracta- ble people, whom he had to deal with, could not be restrained from vices, nor be brought in subjection to the Laws, without holding up such a representation. Such a representation was the more necessary, because Jehovah was not only the God, but in a strict sense the king of the Jews; on whom it fell, consequently, (in order to render due protection to the good,) to condemn trans- gressors, and to make them objects of punishment. Had it been oihcrxaise, had he not defended the good from the attacks of the bad, or had pardon been given to the guilty, all his laws would have been in vain. Still, although what has now been said be true, the statement, which some have made, viz. that Moses has made God an inexorable Judge, and that only, is utterly false. The original promises to the Patriarchs, which were so often repeated to their descendants, the liberation from Egyptian servi- tude, the laws, enacted in the wilderness, the entrance, that was granted to the Hebrews into the land of Canaan, are deeds of kindness, which prove the beneficence of God, Deut. 7: 6 — 9. 8: 2 — 20. 9: 4 — 8: 10: 1 — 11. Hence it is often inculcated upon the Hebrews to exhibit gratitude towards God; and the fact also, that they are expressly commanded to love God, is at least an implied ad- misjrion of his kindness and beneficence, Deut. 6: 4, 5. 11: 12, 15,22. 384 § 306. REGULATIONS TO PRESERVE RELIGION. Moses calls God the father of his people, the merciful, the clement, the benign, the faithful Jehovah, who exhibits throug-h a thousand generations the love of a parent to his good and faithful follow- ers, who forgives iniquity and transgression, but to whose mercy, nevertheless, there are limits, and who visits the sins of the fa- thers on the posterity to the third and fourth generation, Deut. 8: 5. 32:6. Exod.34:6, 7. Num.14: 18. Deut. 7: 9, 10. The infliction of punishments even to the fourth generation, (i. e. by means of publick calamities, the consequences of which would be experienced even by posterity,) a principle, which makes its appearance even in the fundamental laws, Exod. 20: 5, 6, has given offence to many, who are either unable or unwilling to perceive, that the prospect of misery falling on their posteri- ty, could be a real source of punishment to the parents, who, it may observed, were in that age, particularly solicitous about the well-being of their descendants. We learn, nevertheless, from other places and other considerations, that the punishments, which were due to the fathers, were not so much designed to be inflicted in truth on their posterit}^, as to remain to them warnings^ that if they trod in their fathers' footsteps, they would expose themselves to the same evil and fearful consequences, and that, when they had done evil, their only course was to repent. That such would be the case, the deep and serious evils of the Babylonish Captivity gave them so clear a proof, as to preclude all subse- quent doubts on the subjects ; they repented of their evil ways, and, as Moses himself had predicted, became at length the con- stant worshippers of God, Lev. 26: 20—25. Deut. 4: 28—31. 30: 1—10. § 308. Respecting the Regulations, which were made in order to PRESERVE the TRUE ReLIGION. That the Hebrews, who, while in Egypt, had to a great extent worshipped idols, and had with much difficulty, and not without the aid of striking miracles, been at length restored to the true worship, might thereafter remain firm, nor he easily led astray by the example of neighbouring nations, God offered him- self to them, as their King. (See the two hundred and fourteenth section.) As such he was accepted ; and hence it happened, that § 308. REGULATIONS TO PRESERVE RELIGION. 385 the obedience, which they rendered him as king, became identiti- ed in a manner with the reverence, to which he had a right, as God, and that while they yielded the former, they would not be likely to withhold the latter. This theocratical feature in the form of the commonwealth, by means of which the people were so often reminded, that the laws of their King were no other than the laws of God, of course per- petually recalled the true God to their minds. The rigid obser- vation also of the sabbath, of the feast of Pentecost after the seven weeks of the harvest, of the sevenih or sabbatick year, of the year of Jubilee after seven sabbatick years, were all of them symbolick acknowledgments of God, as the creator and governour of all things. The Passover likewise, and the feast of tabernacles vividly recalled to their memory the fact, that the creating God had been their deliverer from the Egyptians, and their guide through Ara- bia. And when on the feast of tabernacles and of Pentecost, they were called upon to render thanks for ihe fruits, they had receiv- ed, they were taught, that these also were to be referred to the creating power and the goodness of God. That their minds might be accustomed to the fact of God's in- visibility, that they might have no disposition to attach any effica- cy to idols, and that all temptation to believe in a plurality of Gods miglit be avoided, any images, which were intended, as a bodily or visible representation of the divine Being, were absolutely pro- hibited. The erection of a Tabernacle alone was permitted; and to this there could clearly be no objection, since it did not admit of an APOTHEOSIS. But^ in order to prevent any superstitious rites from introducing themselves into this sacred place, all the ceremo- nies were prescribed by law. It was commanded, that all the sa- crifices should be offered on one altar ; this, with the reciprocal inspection, that was exercised over each other by Priests and Levites, would have an influence to prevent the introduction of any practices, which might have a tendency to pave the way for idolatry. It was sedulously inculcated on parents, that, on every occasion, especially at the return of the national festivals, and when performing the ceremonies prescribed by the Law, they should instruct their children, both in the religion, and the history of their nation. From the fear, that their instructions might, through ignorance or from a failure of memory, be, in some re- 49 386 § 309. MORAL TENDENCY OF THE INSTRUCTIONS specls, erroneous, provision was made, that the book of the Law should be publickly read once every seven years in the Taberna- cle ; on which occasion, not only parents could correct the er- rours, which they might have cherished, but the children also could determine, whether the instructions they had received, were coincident with the truth. To sum up what we have further to say in a word; we ob- serve that the naines^ which were applied to the supreme Being, viz. Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; that their residence in the land of Canaan, that one sacred tabernacle, one high priest, one t'amily of priests, one tribe of Levites ; that even the tithes and sacrifices, the redemption of the first born, the sys- tem of impurities and purifications, and other things, which were prescribed in the Law, perpetually admonished the Hebrews, that God was the sole ruler of all things, even that God, who had brought them out from Egypt into the land of their present re- sidence, and had commanded all these things to be observed. Compare particularly Deuteronomy 26: 1 — 11, and Exodus 10: 1, 2. 12:25—28. 13:4—16. The Hebrews were commanded, moreover, to commit to mem- ory the song recorded in the 32d of Deuteronomy, that it might be a perpetual monitor of their duty, and in case they failed in duty, of the consequences, which would follow. § 309. On the moral tendency of the instructions and institu- tions OF Moses. When we remember, that RIoses prefixed to those instructions, and Laws, and the ritual, of which he may be considered espe- cially the author, the Book of Genesis, which is. so abundant in instances of moral discipline, we shall be justified in expecting to find, that what has been termed " the Mosaic religion,'''' will not be deficient in respect to its moral tendency. Our expectations are by no means disappointed. We are every where taught in the Laws of Moses, that God is the creator and governonr of the universe, to whom all men owe obedience and gratitude. We find, moreover, that he in particu- lar teaches his countrymen, the Hebrews, that they were bound to devote themselves to God by obligations, which were multipli- AND INSTITUTIONS OF MOSES. 387 ed and peculiar ; since they had received from him such distin- guished favours, and the promise of others at a future period, Exod.20:2. Lev. 11:45. 25:38. Deut. 4: 32— 40. 5: 24— 28. 6: 12,13,20—25. 7:6—11. 8:1—6,10—18.9:4,5. 10:12. 11:1. 26: 1 — 10. 32:6. They are. accordingly, commanded to love God, with all the heart and mind and strength, not only as the governour of the universe, and the benefactor, in numberless ways, of all mankind, but to love him also, as their own especial deliverer and friend. And, as the result of such gratitude and love, they are required to obey his laws, and this in truth for the addi- tional reason, that without such obedience, they would not deserve the kindness of God, and would not be in a situation to receive any further benefits from his hand, Deut. 6: 4, 5. 11:1, 13, 14. 13: 4, 5. They are not only admonished to abstain from those kinds of food, which were reckoned unclean, but also to keep themselves free from moral defilements, and to be pure and holy, even as God is holy, Lev. 11:45. 20:26. Deut. 14: 1, 2, 21. Lev. 19: 2. 20: 7,8. They are taught