Princeton University General Catalogue 1746-1906 AM PRES LD4601 .G46 1908 Princeton University. General catalogue of Princeton university, 1746-15 06. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY 1746-1906 PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1908 Preii of THl JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANT 1006-1016 Arch Street PhiUdelphia PREFATORY NOTE The present edition of the General Catalogue of officers, graduates and honor- ary graduates of Princeton University covers the period from the granting of the first charter of the College of New Jersey in 1746, to the end of the academic year 1905-06. The earliest known — and probably the first — edition of the General Catalogue was issued in 1770; the second appeared in 1773, and the third in 1786. It is believed that, owing to the straitened circumstances of the college during the period of the Revolutionary War, no General Catalogue was issued between 1773 and 1786. From 1786, however, until and including 1886, the catalogue with but few exceptions appeared triennially. The next edition after that of 1886 was brought out in 1896 and was the first to appear in English, the others having been in Latin. No edition has been published since 1896. The catalogues of 1770 and 1773 are broadsides; that of 1786 and of all subsequent dates are in octavo. The changes in method, differentiating the present volume from its predeces- sors, need comment : (i) There being no adequate reason for distinguishing clergymen from lay- men, the use of italics to designate the former has been discarded. The use of capitals to distinguish prominent public officers has likewise been discontinued. (2) An attempt has been made to identify the academic and public career of every teaching and executive officer of the University since 1746. Data con- cerning officers who hold a Princeton degree will be found under the date of that degree. The date will be obtained by consulting the Index. In the case of an officer holding more than one Princeton degree, his main entry will be found under the date of his first Princeton degree. Data concerning an officer who holds no Princeton degree will be found where his name first appears in the Catalogue and a reference back to this first appearance is given at every succeeding occurrence of his name. The pages on which his name appears will be found by consulting the Index. (3) Colleges and universities are given under their present names, e. g. " King's College " as " Columbia," " Centre College " as " Central " and the " Colum- bian University " as " George Washington." In the rare cases where two col- leges, e. g. Jefferson College and Washington College, have been consolidated, the present name is used, " Washington & Jeff^erson." If either of such con- solidating institutions is mentioned as of a date prior to the union, the present name is used with a distinguishing initial, e. g. "Washington & Jefferson (J)" = Jefferson College, or "Franklin & Marshall (F)"^ Franklin College. (4) Members of the American Philosophical Society are designated by the initials M. A. P. S., thus following the practice of the Society. The abbreviations for the other learned societies are the customary ones. PREFATORY NOTE (5) An "em" dash following a date, e. g. "1900 — " signifies that the indi- vidual concerned went into office in 1900, and was still in office in 1906. An " en " dash and " quad " space following a date, e. g. " 1790- ," or a " quad " space fol- lowed by an "en" dash and date, e. g. " -1901," signifies that the "quad" space should be filled by a date not known to the editor. (6) Names in square brackets have been dropped by their owners, but are retained in this catalogue for identification. (7) If a member of a class did not obtain his degree with his class but received it subsequently, the phrase " Degree conferred," followed by the date, has been used. (8) The upper and lower houses of state legislatures have been cited as Senate and Assembly respectively, regardless of local official appellations. (9) Except in the cases of D.D., LL.D. and D.C.L., honorary degrees are distinguished by the abbreviation " hon." following the date of the degree. (10) Up to and including 1892 the Master's degree was customarily conferred on a graduate three years after graduation, if he had been engaged in literary or professional study. Since 1892 it has been obtainable only on examination, or by thesis, or as an honorary degree. In crediting graduates with the Master's degree, or in omitting it from their entries in this catalogue despite entries in former editions, the Minutes of the Trustees of the University have, except in cases of obvious error, been followed ; and the date of the granting of the degree has in every case been added. (11) The Index contains the names of officers as well as of graduates and honorary graduates. Dates preceded by an asterisk mean, as usual, dates of death. Asterisks without dates indicate deaths of which the dates are not known to the editor. For degrees and appointments, the Minutes of the Trustees and the Annual Catalogues of Princeton University have been examined, and the former invariably followed except in cases of obvious error. The sources from which the biographical material has been obtained are chiefly (i) the circulars filled out by graduates and officers, (2) class and college records in the Princeton Collection of the University Library, (3) the General Catalogues and year books of universities, colleges, seminaries, fraternities and other societies, and (4) correspondence with state and municipal authorities and with friends and relatives of deceased or uncommunicative members of the University. Besides these sources, constant use has been made of general biographical reference books, local histories, and federal, state and municipal publications. Inasmuch as Princeton, until the Civil War, drew so largely from the South, a special effort has been made in this catalogue to secure the military records of graduates who served in the Confederate Army and Government during that conflict. If the results are not so satisfactory as might be wished, it is largely because the Confederate records are not yet adequately available, and because of the difficulty of obtaining the required data through private channels. Acknowledgments are due to private individuals and to academic, federal, state and municipal officials throughout the country for their courteous responses to frequent requests for information. Particular thanks are due to the Rev. Joseph GENERAL CATALOGUE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY I 746- I 906 CORRECTIONS and ADDITIONS December i, IQ08 PAGE 13 Ebenezer Pemberton. Strike out lines 2 & 2< ^"^ read: D.D. Princeton 1770. 15 Ebenezer Pemberton. Strike out line 2, and read : D.D. Princeton 1770. " Jacob Green. Strike out line 2, and read: A.M. Princeton 1749 hon. 19 I. V. A. Brown. For Van Arsdale read: Vanarsdale ; and strike out A.M. 25 Grover Cleveland. Add: *i9o8. 27 H. C. Bunn. Add line 2: Curator Grounds & Buildings, Princeton 1904—. 30 Lewis Hargous. Read: Louis Hargous. 31 J. T. Duffield. Strike out A.M. " G. M. Giger. (2d entry.) For Mathematics read: Greek. 32 J. C. Moffat. For 1863 read: 1861. " J. T. Duffield. (Both entries.) Strike out A.M. " H. C. Cameron. (3d entry.) For LL.D. read: D.D. 33 C. W. Shields, (ist entry.) Line 2 add: from 1903 Emeritus; ayid for Resigned 1904 read: *i904. 34 J. T. Duffield. Strike out A.M.; and for 1899 read: 1898. 36 J. S. Schanck. For *i899 read: *i898. 37 A. L. Frothingham, Jr. (ist entry.) For 1889 read: 1890. " A. L. Frothingham, Jr. (2d entry.) Transfer entry to next year. " Allan Marquand. Transfer entry to next year. " H. D. Thompson. Add: Ph.D. 38 J. G Hibben. Add: LL.D. " k. D. Thompson. Add: Ph.D. 39 J. G. Hibben. Add: LL.D. 40 J. H. Coney. Strike out A.M. " H. S. S. Smith. Strike out Assistant Professor. 41 H. A. Garfield. Lijie i add: LL.D. Line 2 add: LL.D. Princeton 1908. 42 J. H. Coney. Strike out A.M. 47 P. E. Robinson. Line i add: A. INI. Line 2 for B. S. read: A. B.. " J. N. Beam. For 1897 read 1896. 48 Grover Cleveland. Add *i9o8. 54 H. C. Cameron. Add: A.M. 56 A. A. Bloombergh. Strike out lines 2 & ^, and read: A.M. Princeton 1866 hon. " Add to bottom of page: Henry Nevius Van Dyke, A.M 1877 A. B. Princeton 1872. 57 J. H. Westcott. (ist entry.) For 1889 read: 1887. 58 J. C. Moffat. For Architecture read: Literature. PAGE 60 J. W. Phillips. Add: D.Sc. 61 A. H. Phillips. (Both entries.) Strike out M.S. " H. C. Warren. For 1893 read: 1891. " J. G. Hibben. Add: LL.D. 62 Fred Neher. For 1894 read: 1892. " A. H. Phillips. Strike out M.S. " J. G. Hibben. Add: LL.D. " F. C. Torrey. For Princeton 1899 read: Princeton 1899 hon. " Add to bottom of page: Fred Neher, A.M. Instructor Analytical Chemistry 1898 A.B. Princeton 1899. 63 A. H. Phillips. Strike out M.S. 64 Fred Neher. Strike out entire entry. " Alvin Davison. Read: Alvan Davison, A.M., Ph.D. Add line 2: Ph.D. Princeton 1896. " J. G. Plibben. Add: LL.D. " H. J. Fraser. Add: C.E. Add line 2 C.E. Princeton 1894. 65 W. H. McLauchlan. For 1899 read: 1898. " Fred Neher. Strike out entire entry. " Howard McClenahan. For 1901 read: 1902. " C. R. Kellerman. Add line 2: C.E. Princeton 1895. 66 J. N. Beam. Line i for 1905 read: 1906. Line 2 for 1897 read: 1896. 67 E. F. Hulbert. Read middle name: Phinney. 70 W. H. ^McLauchlan. Line j for 1899 read: 1898. " P. E. Robinson. Add A.M. Line 2 for B.S. read: A.B. " Aymar Embury. Line 2 for B.S. r^arf: C.E. 71 W. L. Upson, ^rfi; E.E. " D. W. Richardson. Add line 2: A.M. Princeton 1904. J. N. Beam. Line 5 for 1897 read: 1896. 72 E. B. Morrow. Add line 2: A.B. Princeton 1904. " E. C. McWilliams. For 1898 read: 1899. y^ J. D. Rue. Add line 2: B.S. Princeton 1906. L. B. Shoemaker. For Linden read: Lynden. 74 James Patterson. Add: A.B. Add line 2: Tutor Princeton 1806-08. 76 Jesse Edwards. Add line 2: A.B. Princeton 1839. " E. C. Richardson. For 1896 read : 1896 hon. 78 H. C. Bunn. Add line 2: Assistant Treasurer Princeton 1902 q. v. " J. W. Phillips. Add: D.Sc. 83 Add bottom ist column: John McKesson, A.M + 1798 Secretary New York Constitutional Convention 1776; Sec- retary New York Provincial Congress iyy6-yy ; Secretary New York Council of Safety 1777; Clerk New York As- sembly 1777; A.M. Princeton' 1760, also Columbia 1758 hon. " Samuel Kennedy. Add: *i787. 97 John Witherspoon, Jr. Line 2 add comma after Surgeon. 102 After John Tappan insert: James Thompson * 103 J. N. Abeel. For Nelson read: Ncilson. 105 William Jolinson. For Princeton 1818 read: Princeton 1817. PAGE io8 J. R. Witherspoon. Line 4 to Univ. Kentucky add: (Transylvania); Member South Carolina Assembly; Mem- ber Kentucky Assembly. 117 I. N. Blackford. For viissing date read: 1817, and for 1819-35 read: 1817-53. 131 H. W. Hunt. For 1868 read: *i868. 137 G. M. Maclean. For missing date read: 1854. 149 W. C. Cross. For middle name read: Ciprianus. 156 Jesse Edwards. Add: Assistant Librarian Princeton 1843-44. ^57 J- J- Witherspoon. For middle name read: James. Add line 2: 2d Lieu- tenant 13th U. S. Infantry 1847. 162 J. G. Witherspoon. Add line 2: Member Arkansas Assembly. 168 R. D. Handy. Add: *i883. 174 after D. L. Jones insert: Thomas James Keating *i898 Auditor Treasury Maryland. 176 Edwin Emerson. 'Add: *i9o8. 182 T. J. Keating. Transfer entire entry to page 1/4. 192 S. S. Adamson. For *i900 read: *i899. 202 A. A. Lyon. Strike out lines ^, 4 & j, and read: Assistant Surgeon Engineer Department C. S. A. 1862 ; Assistant Surgeon Acting Surgeon 2d Mississippi Infantry C. S. A. 1862-63; Surgeon 48th Mississippi Infantry C. S. A. 1863-65 ; President Louisiana State Medical Society 1881-83. Line 7 read: Land Commissioner Middle District, Tennessee 1902—; 202 T. C. Lyon. Strike out lines 3, 4 &" 5, ond read: Sergeant and 2d Lieutenant 43d Mississippi Infantry C. S. A. 1862-63 ; Private in R. O. Perrin's Regiment of Cavalry C. S. A. 1864-65 ; County Attorney Lowndes Co., Miss., 1867-68; Chancellor Fifth District Mississippi 1872-76; A.M. Princeton 1867; L.L.B. Lebanon 1861. 212 J. W. Patterson. Add: *igo8. 219 A. B. Blair. Add: *igoS. 224 Henry Neill. Add: *i9o8. 247 Frederic Parker. Add: ^1907. 259. J. A. Creech. Strike out lines 2, 3 & 4 and read: Mayor Kelford, N. C. 1899-1900; Probate Judge 1904 — ; Deputy Clerk North Carolina Supreme Court 1904 — ; A.^L Princeton 1883. 265 J. G. Hibben. Line i add: LL.D. Line p add: LL.D. Lafayette 1907. 269 F. A. C. Perrine. Add: *i9o8. 275 D. H. McAlpin. Strike out lines 2 & 4 and read: Assistant Instructor Bellevue Medical 1892-93 ; Professor Histology and Demonstrator Pathological Anatomy Belle- vue Medical 1893-1901 ; Professor Gross Pathology and Clinical Registrar Bellevue Medical 1897-1901 ; Chief of Clinic University and Bellevue Medical 1898-190 1. 282 A. H. Scofield. Add: *i9o8. 285 J. P. Browning. Add: *I902. 286 J. C. Gray. Add: *1903. 289 J. B. Hillegass. For 1893 read: 1894. 300 G. L. Erdman. Add: *I908. PAGE 304 E. F. Keigwin. Add: A.M. 306 F. R. Thompson. Add: *igoy. 329 H. M. Saylor. Add: *igo8. 330 J. F. Cooper. Add: *i907. 2^6 T. L. Thomas. Add: *i9o8. 338 F. H. McLaury. Add: *i9o8. " E. B. Morrow. Add line 2: Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1905-06. 340 H. M. Fuller. Add: *i9o8. 347 J. A. Hegeman. Add: *i9o8. 349 Aisaku Nakagawa. Read: Aisaku (or Isaac) Nakagawa. 364 H. J. Eraser. Add line 2: Instructor in Civil Engineering Princeton 1894-97. 369 P. E. Obendorf, Read: Oberndorf. 373 ^^- C. Flawthorne. For middle name read: Cope. 376 (2d column) M. J. McLeod. Strike out entire entry. 386 F. D. Stone. Strike out line 2 and read: A.B. Princeton 1900. 387 E. M. Snead. Strike out line 2 and read: A.B. Princeton 1895. 396 T. J. Frelinghuysen. Read: Theodorus Frelinghuysen. For *i753 read: *iy6o. 397 Samuel Kennedy. Strike out entire entry. 398 Robert Findlay. Strike out line 2 and read: Professor Divinity Glasgow 1782-1814; Dean of Faculties Glasgow 1772-74; 1776-78; M.A. Glasgow 1737; D.D. also Glasgow 1776. " John Gillies. Strike out line 2. " John Adams. Strike out line 2. 400 William Porteus. Strike out line 2. 405 Robert Balfour. Strike out line 2. 408 John Dick. Strike out lines 2 & ^ and read: Professor Theology United Associate Synod, Glasgow. " John Mitchell. Strike out lines 2 & ^ and read: Professor Biblical Literature, United Associate Synod, Glas- gow, 1825-42; M.A. Glasgow 1787; D.D. also Glasgow 1837. 411 W. C. Brownlee. Add: Rector Grammar School Rutgers 1817; M.A. Glasgow 1803; D.D. also Glasgow 1824. " Greville Ewing. Strike out line 2. 426 A. A. Bloombergh. For Augustus read: Augustine, 433 S. A. Farrand. Add: *i9o8. " D. G. Walker. Strike out entire entry. " Alfred Yeomans. Strike out line J. 435 W. M. Taylor. For 1848 read: 1849. 442 Lord Kelvin. Add: Member University Court Glasgow 1872-76; B.A. Cambridge 1845; M.A. Canil)ridge 1848; D.C.L. Oxford 1865; Knighted 1866; Created Baron Kelvin of Largs 1892; LL.D. also Glasgow 1896. 446 A. V. Dicey. Add: B.A. Oxford 1858; M.A. Oxford 1861 ; B.C.L. Oxford 1877. Read last line: Glasgow 1883, also Edinburgh 1886; K. C. 448 James Denny. Lines 5 & 6 read: M.A. Glasgow 1879; B.D. Glasgow 1882; D.D. Glasgow 1895, also Chicago Seminary. PREFATORY NOTE H. Dulles (A. B. 1873), Librarian of Princeton Seminary, for data concerning Princetonians connected with the Seminary; to William Nelson, Esq. (A. M. 1896 Hon.), Corresponding Secretary of the New Jersey Historical Society, for data con- cerning New Jersey alumni ; to Dr. Ewing Jordan, Editor of the Genera) Catalogue of the University of Pennsylvania, for repeated and invaluable help in the cases of Princetonians affiliated in one way or another with the University of Pennsyl- vania ; and to the Hon. Charles J. DuBuisson of Yazoo City, Miss., a non-graduate member of the Class of 1862, for considerable effort in tracing Princeton graduates who served in the Confederate Army. The chief obligation of the editor, however, is to the zeal and interest of General Alfred A. WoodhuU (A. B. 1856), whose intimacy with Princeton's history, whose wide acquaintance with Princeton gradu- ates and whose distinguished associations have made him a mine of information, suggestion and material help which it is a pleasure to acknowledge. The tedious clerical labor involved in compiling this Catalogue fell chiefly on Mr. Louis J. Rouse (A. B. 1908), whose faithful and accurate work has immeasurably light- ened the editorial task. Finally, appreciation should be expressed for the willing and resourceful co-operation of Mr. Charles H. Clarke, manager of the John C. Winston Co., in the typographical make-up of the volume. This edition of the General Catalogue in a measure blazes the trail for subse- quent and completer editions ; and as most of the dated biographical matter here presented has been brought together for the first time from printed and manuscript records, many of which are conflicting, it is feared that errors of commission and omission will not be lacking. Corrections and additions will always be gladly re- ceived, but should be accompanied by verificative authorities. They may be sent to Mr. Charles W. McAlpin, Secretary of the University, from whom also copies of the Catalogue may be obtained. Varnum Lansing Collins. Charles W. McAlpin, Secretary of Princeton University, CONTENTS PAGE Prefatory Note 3 Governors of New Jersey 9 Presidents 12 Vice Presidents 13 Trustees 13 Clerks of the Board of Trustees 25 Secretary of the University 26 Treasurers 26 Deans of the Faculty 28 Dean of the Graduate School 28 Professors 28 Stafford Little Lecturer 48 Tutors 48 Instructors, Lecturers and Assistants 57 Clerks of the Faculty 74 Librarians 75 Registrars "]"] Curators 78 Masters of Nassau Hall Grammar School 79 Stewards of Nassau Hall 80 Bachelors of Arts 82 Bachelors of Letters 346 Bachelors of Science 347 Civil Engineers 362 Electrical Engineers 370 Bachelors of Laws 372 Doctors and Masters on Examination 373 Honorary Degrees 396 Summary , 451 Index 455 GOVERNORS OF NEW JERSEY EX OFFICIO TRUSTEES AND PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACCESSION CLOSE 1746 John Hamilton, Acting Governor *i747 Associate Judge Provincial Supreme Court New Jersey 1735747; Member New Jersey Provincial Council 1713-47;. Boundary Commissioner New Jersey 1740; President New Jersey Provincial Council 1738-47; Acting Governor New Jersey 1746-47, 1747 Jonathan Belcher, a.m *i757 A.M. Princeton 1748 hon. 1758 Francis Bernard, m.a (Resigned) 1760 Bencher of the Middle Temple, London; Steward of Lincoln; Recorder of Boston, Eng. ; Governor New Jersey 1758-60; Governor Massachusetts 1760-69; Baronet 1769; M.A. Oxford 1736; d. 1779. 1760 Thomas Boone 1761 Governor New Jersey 1760-61; Governor South Carolina 1762-64. 1761 Josiah Hardy 1763 Governor New Jersey 1761-63. 1763 William Franklin, m.a (Deposed) 1776 Captain Penna. Troops French and Indian War; Comptroller General Post Office 1754-56; Clerk Penna. Provincial Assembly 1754-56; Governor New Jersey 1763-76; M. A. Oxford 1757 hon.; M.A.P.S.; d. 1813. 1776 WilHam Livingston, a.m., ll.d *i790 Member New York Provincial Assembly 1759-61; Trustee Princeton 1768- 76; Member Essex Co., N. J., Committee Correspondence 1774; Member Continental Congress 1774-76; Commander in Chief New Jersey Militia 1776; Governor New Jersey 1776-90; Member U. S. Constitutional Con- vention 1787; Signer U. S. Constitution 1787; A.B. Yale 1741; A.M. Yale 1744; ll.d. Yale 1788; M.A.P.S. 1790 William Paterson, a.m., ll.d 1792 A.B. Princeton 1763. 1792 Richard Howell 1801 Captain 2d Regiment New Jersey Continental Troops 1775-76; Brigade Major 1776; Major 2d Battalion New Jersey 1776; Major 2d Regiment New Jersey Continental Troops 1776-79; Clerk Supreme Court New Jer- sey 1788-93; Governor New Jersey 1793-1801; d. 1803. 1801 Joseph Bloomfield 1812 ist Lieutenant New Jersey Light Infantry 1775; Captain 3d Battalion New Jersey ist Establishment 1776; Major 3d Battalion New Jersey 2d Establishment 1776-78; Judge Advocate Northern Army 1776-78; Resigned 1778; Clerk New Jersey Assembly 1778; Attorney General New Jersey 1783-92; Trustee Princeton 1793-1 801, 1819-23; Governor New Jersey 1801-12; Brigadier General U. S. A. 1812; Hon. discharged iSis: U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1816-21; d. 1823. 1812 Aaron Ogden, a.m., ll.d 1813 A.B. Princeton 1773. 9 10 GOVERNORS ACCESSION CLOSB 1813 William Sandford Pennington 1815 Sergeant 2d Regiment New Jersey Artillery 1777-78; 2d Lieutenant 2d Regiment New Jersey Artillery 1778-80; Captain by brevet; Member New Jersey Assembly 1797-99; Member New Jersey Senate 1802-04; Associate Justice Supreme Court New Jersey 1804-11; Governor New Jersey 1813- 15; Judge U. S. District Court New Jersey 1815-26; d. 1826. 1815 Alahlon Dickerson, a.m 1817 A.B. Princeton 1789. 1817 Isaac Halsted Williamson, ll.d 1829 LL.D. Princeton 1839 hon. 1829 Peter Dumont Vroom, a.m., ll.d , 1832 LL.D. Princeton 1850 hon. 1832 Samuel Lewis Southard, a.m., ll.d 1833 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1833 Elias Pettitt Seeley 1833 Member New Jersey Assembly 1826-28, 1836; Member New Jersey Senate 1829-32; President New Jersey Senate 1831-32; Governor New Jersey 1833; d. 1846. 1833 Peter Dumont Vroom, a.m., ll.d 1836 LL.D. Princeton 1850 hon. 1836 Philemon Dickerson 1837 Member New Jersey Assembly 1833; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1833-36, 1839-41; Governor New Jersey 1836-37; Judge U. S. Dis- trict Court New Jersey 1841-62; d. 1862. 1837 William Pennington, a.m 1843 A.B. Princeton 1813. 1843 Daniel Haines, a.m 1845 A.B. Princeton 1820. 184s Charles Craton Stratton 1848 Member New Jersey Assembly 1821-22, 1823-29; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1837-39, 1841-43; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; Governor New Jersey 1845-48; d. 1859. 1848 Daniel Haines, a.m , 1851 A.B. Princeton 1820. 1851 George Franklin Fort, a.m., m.d. 1854 A.M. Princeton 1847 hon. 1854 Rodman MacCamley Price 1857 Purser U. S. N. 1840; Prefect and Alcade California 1846; Member Cali- fornia Constitutional Convention; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1851-53; Governor New Jersey 1854-57; Delegate to Peace Conference 1861; d. 1894. 1857 William Augustus Newell, a.m., m.d., ll.d i860 U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1847-51, 1865-67; Governor New Jersey 1857-60; Superintendent New Jersey Life Saving Service 1861-64; Governor Washington Territory 1880-84; U. S. Indian Inspector 1884-86; A.B. Rutgers 1836; A.M. Rutgers 1839; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1839; LL.D. Rutgers 1881; d. 1901. i860 Charles Smith Olden 1863 Member New Jersey Senate 1844-50; Treasurer Princeton 1845-69; Gov- ernor New Jersey 1860-63; Trustee Princeton 1863-76; Judge Court Er- rors and Appeals and Member Court of Pardons New Jersey 1868-73; Riparian Commissioner New Jersey 1869-75; d. 1876. GOVERNORS n CLOSE ACCESSION ^^ 1863 Joel Parker, A.M., LL.D ^^^ A.B. Princeton 1839. 1866 Marcus Lawrence Ward ^^^ Governor New Jersey 1866-69; Chairman Republican National Committee 1866; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1873-75; a- 1884. 1869 Theodore Fitz Randolph ^^72 Member New Jersey Assembly 1859-61; Member New Jersey Senate 1862-65; Governor New Jersey 1869-72; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1875-81; Trustee Rutgers 1874-83; d. 1883. 1872 Joel Parker, a.m., ll.d ^^75 A.B. Princeton 1839. 1875 Joseph Dorsett Bedle, A-M., ll.d ^^78 A.M. Princeton 1866 hon. 1878 George Brinton McClellan, ll.d ^^^^ LL.D. Princeton 1878 hon. 1881 George Craig Ludlow, a.m., ll.d ^^4 Member New Jersey Senate 1876-79; President New Jersey Senate 1879; Governor New Jersey 1881-84; Member New Jersey Constitutional Conven- tion 1894; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1895-1900; A.B. Kutgers 1850; A.M. Rutgers 1853; LL-D. Rutgers 1895; d. 1900. 1884 Leon Abbett, ll.d ^^7 ll.d. Princeton 1884 hon. 1887 Robert Stockton Green, a.m., ll.d ^^9o A.B. Princeton 1850. 1890 Leon Abbett, ll.d ^^^ ll.d. Princeton 1884 hon. 1893 George Theodore Werts ^^96 Recorder Morristown, N. J. 1883-85; Mayor Morristown 1886-92; Member New Jersey Senate 1885-92; President New Jersey Senate 1889-90; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1892-93; Governor New Jersey 1893-96. 1896 John William Griggs, ll.d ^^^ LL.D. Princeton 1896 hon. 1898 Foster MacGowan Voorhees, a.m., ll.d.. Acting Governor. . . 1898 LL.D. Princeton 1901 hon. 1898 David Ogden Watkins, Acting Governor 1899 Mayor Woodbury, N. J. 1886-90; Member New Jersey Assembly 1896-99; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1898-99; Acting Governor New Jersey f898-99; U. S. District Attorney New Jersey 1900-03; Commissionei of Banking and Insurance New Jersey 1903-07. 1899 Foster MacGowan Voorhees, a.m., ll.d ^9o^ LL.D. Princeton 1901 hon. 1902 Franklin Murphy, ll.d ^^^ LL.D. Princeton 1902 hon. 1905 Edward Casper Stokes, a.b Brown 1883. 12 PRESIDENTS PRESIDENTS EX OFFICIO TRUSTEES, AND, IN THE ABSENCE OF THE GOVERNOR, PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACCESSION CLOSE 1747 Jonathan Dickinson, a.m *i747 A.B. Yale 1706; A.M. Yale 1709. 1748 Aaron Burr, a.m *i757 Trustee Princeton 1746-48; A.B. Yale 1735; A.M. Yale 1738. 1757 Jonathan Edwards, a.m *i758 Tutor Yale 1724-26; A.B. Yale 1720; A.M. Yale 1723. 1759 Samuel Davies, a.m *i76i A.M. Princeton 1753 hon. 1761 Samuel Finley, d.d *i766 D.D. Princeton 1749 hon. 1768 John Witherspoon, m.a., d.d., ll.d *i794 Member New Jersey Provincial Congress 1776; Member Continental Con- gress 1776-83; Signer Declaration Independence 1776; Member New Jer- sey Senate 1780; Member New Jersey Assembly 1783, 1789-90; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1787; ist Moderator General As- sembly 1789; M.A. Edinburgh 1739; D.D. St. Andrews 1764; LL.D. Yale 1785; M.A.P.S. 1795 Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1812 A.B. Princeton 1769. 1812 Ashbel Green, d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1822 A.B. Princeton 1783. 1823 James Carnahan, d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1854 A.B. Princeton 1800. 1854 John Maclean, a.m., d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1868 A.B. Princeton 1816. 1868 James McCosh, m.a., d.d., ll.d., litt.d (Resigned) 1888 Professor Logic and Metaphysics Queen's College 1852-68; Examiner Queen's University 1852-68; Professor Biblical Instruction, and Psychology and History of Philosophy Princeton 1868-88; Lecturer on Philosophy Princeton 1888-94; Director Princeton Seminary 1869-94; M.A. Edin- burgh 1834, also Aberdeen 1850 hon.; D.D. Edinburgh 1851, also Brown 1868, also Washington & Jefferson i868; LL,D. Dublin 1863, also Harvard 1868; Litt.d. Queen's University 1882; M.A.P.S.; d. 1894. 1888 Francis Landey Patton, a.m., d.d., ll.d (Resigned) igo2 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. 1902 Woodrow Wilson, a.m., ph.d., Litt.d,, ll.d A.B. Princeton i879' VICE PRESIDENTS 13 VICE PRESIDENTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1758 Jacob Green, a.m., m.d i759 A.M. Princeton 1749 hon. 1767 John Blair, a.m 1768 A.M. Princeton 1760 hon. 1789 Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., ll.d i795 A.B. Princeton 1769. 1812 Elijah Slack, a.m., m.d., ll.d 1817 A.B. Princeton 1808. 1817 Philip Lindsly, a.m., d.d 1824 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1829 John Maclean, a.m., d.d., ll.d 1854 A.B. Princeton 1816. TRUSTEES CHARTER OF I746 1746 William Smith, a.m 1748 Tutor Yale 1722-24; Recorder New York City 1736- ; Attorney General and Advocate General New York Province 1751-52; Member Albany Con- gress 1754; Member New York Provincial Council 1753-67; Judge Su- preme Court New York 1763-69; Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-69; A.B. Yale 1719; A.M. Yale 1722; d. 1769. Peter Van Brugh Livingston, a.m 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-61; Member New York Provincial Congress 1775-76; President New York Provincial Congress 1775-76; Treasurer New York State 1776-78; A.B. Yale 1731; A.M. Yale 1734; d. 1792. William Peartree Smith, a.m 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-93; Clerk Board Trustees Princeton 1767- 72; Member New Jersey Provincial Congress 1775; Mayor of Elizabeth, N. J.; Judge Court of Common Pleas Essex Co., N. J.; A.B. Yale 1742; A.M. Yale 1745; M.A.P.S.; d. i8oi. Jonathan Dickinson, a.m *i747 President Princeton 1747 q.v. Ebenezer Pemberton, a.m., d.d 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-54; A.B. Harvard 1721; A.M. Harvard 1724; d.d. Princeton 1770; d. 1777. John Pierson, a.m 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-65; A.B. Yale 1711; A.M. Yale 1714; d. 1770. Aaron Burr, a.m ^748 President Princeton 1748 q.v. Richard Treat, a.m., d.d 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-78; A.B. Yale 1725; A.M. Yale 1728; D.D. Yale 1776; d. 1778. 14 TRUSTEES ACCESSION CLOSE 1746 Samuel Blair 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-51; d. 1751. Gilbert Tennent, a.m 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-64; A.M. Yale 1725 hon.; d. 1764. William Tennent, Jr 1748 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-77; d. 1777. Samuel Finley, a.m., d.d 1748 A.M. Princeton 1749 hon. TRUSTEES CHARTER OF I748 1748 John Reading, Jr 1748 Boundary Commissioner New Jersey 1719, 1720, 1740; Member New Jersey Provincial Council 1721-67; Colonel Infantry Hunterdon Co., N. J., Militia 1727- ; Surrogate Hunterdon and Somerset Cos., N. J. 1727-34; Judge Court Common Pleas Hunterdon Co., N. J. 1734-36; Collector Hunterdon Co., N. J. 1745-47; Vice President New Jersey Provincial Council 1747-58; Acting Governor New Jersey 1747, 1757-58; d. 1767. James Hude *i762 Mayor New Brunswick, N. J.; Judge Provincial Court Common Pleas Middle- sex Co., N. J. 1732-43; Member New Jersey Provincial Assembly 1733, 1738-45; Member New Jersey Provincial Council 1745-62. Andrew Johnston (Resigned) 1750 Member New Jersey Provincial Assembly i74o(?)-45; Speaker New Jersey Provincial Assembly :74i(?)-4S; Treasurer East Jersey 1734-62; Treasurer Princeton 1748-50; Member New Jersey Provincial Council 1745-62; Mayor Perth Amboy, N. J.; d. 1762. Thomas Leonard *i759 Presiding Judge Court Common Pleas, Somerset Co., N. J.; Member New Jersey Provincial Assembly 1723-44; Member New Jersey Provincial Coun- cil 1745-58. John Kinsey *i75o Member New Jersey Provincial Assembly 1716-33; Speaker New Jersey Pro- vincial Assembly 1716-33; Member Penna. Provincial Assembly; Speaker Penna. Provincial .Assembly 1739-47; Attorney General Penna. 1738-39; Chief Justice Penna. 1743-50. Edward Shippen (Resigned) 1767 Judge Court Common Pleas and Orphans Court and Quarter Sessions, Philadelphia, Pa. 1745- ; Prothonotary Lancaster, Pa. 1752-81; Pay- master Supplies H.B.M. Army, Penna.; Chief Burgess Lancaster, Pa.; Judge County Court Penna.; M.A.P.S. ; d. 1781. William Smith, a.m *i769 Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v. Peter Van Brugh Livingston, a.m (Resigned) 1761 Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v. William Peartree Smith, a.m (Resigned) 1793 Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v. TRUSTEES 1.5 ACCESSION CLOSE 1748 Samuel Hazard (Seat declared vacant) 1757 d. 1758. John Pierson, a.m (Resigned) 1765 Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v. Ebenezer Pemberton, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1754 Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v, Joseph Lamb, a.m *i749 A.B. Yale 1717; A.M, Yale 1720. Gilbert Tennent, a.m , ^1764 Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v, William Tennent, Jr , '^'^TTT Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v. \iP.ichard Treat, a.m., d.d *i778 Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v. Samuel Blair *i75i Trustee Princeton 1746 q.v, David Cowell, a.m *i76o Acting President Princeton 1757-58; A.B. Harvard 1732; A.M. 1735. Aaron Burr, a.m *r757 President Princeton 1748 q.v. Timothy Johnes, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1788 A.B. Yale 1737; A.M. Yale 1744; D.D. Yale 1783; d. 1794. Thomas Arthur, a.m *i75i Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1748-51; A.B. Yale 1743; A.M. Yale 1746. Jacob Green, a.m., m.d (Resigned) 1764 Vice President Princeton 1758 q.v. 1749 James Neilson (Resigned) 1754 Samuel Woodruff *i768 Mayor Elizabeth, N. J. 1 751-59; Judge County Court New Jersey; Member New Jersey Provincial Council 1757-68. 1750 John Frelinghuysen 1755 Caleb Smith, a.m ^1762 Tutor Princeton 1747-48; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton n'.t-'^T. A.B. Yale 1743; A.M. Yale 1746. 1751 Samuel Finley, a.m., d.d *i766 a.m. Princeton 1749 hon. Thomas Thompson (Seat declared vacant) 1752 1752 Elihu Spencer, a.m., d.d *i784 Chaplain New York Provincial Troops, French and Indian War 1758- ; Chaplain Hospitals Middle District New Jersey 1777- ; A.B. Yale 1746; A.M. Yale 1749; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1782. i6 TRUSTEES ACCESSION CLOSt 1754 John Brainerd, A.m (Resigned) 1780 A.M. Princeton 1749 hon. 1756 Alexander Gumming, a.m (Resigned) 1761 A.M. Princeton 1760 hon. 1757 Charles McKnight *i778 Chaplain Continental Army. Richard Stockton, a.m *i78i A.B. Princeton 1748. 1760 John Leydt (Resigned) 1766 Trustee Rutgers 1770-83. 1761 Israel Read, a.m *i793 A.B. Princeton 1748. David Bostwick, a.m *i763 A.M. Princeton 1756 hon. John Redman, a.m., M.D ; (Resigned) 1778 a.m. Princeton 1763 hon. Robert Harris, a.m., m.d *i8i5 A.B. Princeton 1753. 1763 Charles Beatty, a.m *i772 a.m. Princeton 1762 hon. John Berrien *i772 Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1764-72; Member New Jersey Assembly 1769-72; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1766-67. 1764 Robert Ogden *irS6 Member New Jersey Assembly 1751-65; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1763-65; Member Stamp Act Congress 1765; Surrogate Eastern Division New Jersey 1762- ; Member New Jersey Senate 1778-79. Lambertus De Ronde (Resigned) 1769 d. I79S- 1765 John Rodgers, D.D (Resigned) 1807 D.D. Princeton 1760 hon. William Shippen, a.m., m.d ■. (Seat declared vacant) 1797 A.B. Princeton I754- 1766 John Blair, a.m (Resigned) 1767 A.M. Princeton 1760 hon. 1767 George Bryan (Resigned) 1778 Member Penna. Assembly; Member Stamp Act Congress 1765; Vice Presi- dent Penna. Supreme Executive Council 1776-78; President Penna. Supreme Executive Council 1 778-79 j Member Penna. Assembly 1779-80; Judge Penna. Supreme Court 1780-91; Member Penna. Council of Censors 1784- 91; d. 1791. William Kirkpatrick, a.m *i769 A.B. Princeton 1757. 1768 William Livingston, a.m., ll.d (Resigned) 1776 Governor New Jersey 1776 q.V, TRUSTEES 17 ACCEMIOW CLOSE 1769 James Caldwell, a.m *i78i A.B. Princeton 1759. John Blair, a.m *i77i A.M. Princeton 1760 hon. 1770 Jeremiah Halsey, a.m *i78o A.B. Princeton 1752. 1772 Robert Smith, d.d *i793 D.D. Princeton 1760 hon. Alexander Macwhorter, a.m., d.d *i8o7 A.B. Princeton 1757. Ehas Boudinot, ll.d *i82i Member New Jersey Provincial Congress 1775, 1776; Commissary General of Prisoners Continental Army 1777-79; Member Continental Congress 1777- 78, 1781-83; President Continental Congress 1782-83; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1789-95; Director U, S. Mint 1795-1805; LL.D. Yale 1790. 1777 George Duffield, a.m., d.d *i79o A.B. Princeton 1752. 1778 Azel Roe, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1807 A.B. Princeton 1756. John Bayard *i8o7 Member Penna. Provincial Congress 1774; Colonel 2d Regt. Phila. Militia 177s; Member Penna. State Board of War 1777; Member Penna. Assembly 1777-79; Speaker Penna. Assembly 1777-79; Member Penna. Supreme Executive Council 1781- ; Member Continental Congress 1785-87; Mayor New Brunswick, N. J. 1790- ; Judge Court of Common Pleas Somerset Co., N. J. 1797-1807; M.A.P.S. Nathaniel Scudder, a.m., m.d *i78i A.B. Princeton 1751. 1779 John Mason, d.d (Resigned) 1785 D,D. Princeton 1786 hon. Jonathan Bayard Smith, a.m (Resigned) 1807 A.B. Princeton 1760. 1780 John Woodhull, d.d *i824 A.B. Princeton 1766. Joseph Reed, a.m *i78s A.B. Princeton 1757. James Boyd, a.m (Resigned) 1800 A.B. Princeton 1763. 1782 Isaac Snowden, Jr .": (Resigned) 1808 Treasurer Princeton 1788-91. Jonathan Elmer, a.m (Resigned) 1795 A.B. Yale 1747; A.M. Yale 1750; d. 1807. 1785 John Beatty, a.m., m.d (Resigned) 1802 A.B. Princeton 1769. t8 trustees ACCESSION CLOSE 17B5 William Mackay Tennent, d.d (Resigned) 1808 A.B. Princeton 1763. Alexander Miller, a.m (Resigned) 1795 A.B. Princeton 1764. 1787 William Paterson, a.m., ll.d (Resigned) 1803 A.B. Princeton 1763. 1788 Andrew Hunter, Jr., a.m (Resigned) 1804 A.B. Princeton 1772. 1790 Ashbel Green, a.m., d.d,, ll.d (Resigned) 1812 A.B. Princeton 1783. James Francis Armstrong, a.m *i8i6 A.B. Princeton 1773. 1791 Richard Stockton, a.m., ll.d *i828 A.B. Princeton 1779. 1793 Jacob Van Artsdalen, a.m (Resigned) 1802 A.B. Princeton 1765. Joseph Bloomfield (Resigned) 1802 Governor New Jersey i8oi q.v. 1795 Jedediah Chapman, a.m (Resigned) 1800 A.M. Princeton 1765 hon. 1798 Joshua Maddox Wallace, a.m *i8r9 a.m. Princeton 1770 hon. 1800 Charles Henry Wharton, d.d (Resigned) 1816 President Columbia iSoi; D.D. ; M.A.P.S. ; d. 1833. William Boyd, a.m *i8o7 A.B. Princeton 1778. 1802 Joseph Clark, d.d *i8i3 A.B. Princeton 1781. Frederick Frelinghuysen, a.m *i8o4 A.B. Princeton 1770. Elisha Boudinot (Resigned) 1819 Commissary General of Prisoners New Jersey 1778- ; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1798-1804; d. 181 9. 1803 Aaron Ogden, a.m., ll.d (Elected Governor) 1812 A.B. Princeton 1773. 1804 Henry Rutgers (Resigned) 1817 Lieutenant-Colonel Deputy Commissary General Musters Continental Army T779-; Regent Univ. State of New York 180J-26; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-13. Ira Condict, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1809 A.B. Princeton 1784. 1807 Samuel Bayard, a.m (Resigned) 1810 A.B. Princeton 1784. TRUSTEES 19 ACCESSION CLOSE 1807 James Richards, d.d (Resigned) 1824 D.D. Princeton 1801 hon. Robert Finley, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1817 A.B. Princeton 1787. Andrew Kirkpatrick, a.m *i83i A.B. Princeton 1775- Samuel Miller, a.m., d.d., ll.d *i85o A.M. Princeton 1792 lion. George Spafford Woodhull, a.m *i834 A.B. Princeton 1790. 1808 Andrew Bayard, a.m *i832 A.B. Princeton 1779. Andrew Hunter, Jr., a.m (Resigned) 1811 A.B. Princeton 1772. 1809 John Brodhead Romeyn, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1825 A.M. Princeton 1809 hon. 1810 John Vancleve, a.m., m.d *i826 A.B. Princeton 1797. 1811 Asa Hilyer, a.m., d.d 1840 a.m. Princeton 1800 hon. 1813 Robert Lenox 1839 Director Princeton Seminary 1813-30; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1829-31. Jacob Jones Janeway, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1828 Director Princeton Seminary 181.3-30, 1840-58; 2d Vice President Direc- tors Princeton Seminary 1821-25; ist Vice President Directors Princeton Seminary 1825-30; Professor Didactic Theology Allegheny Seminary t8j8- 29; Trustee Rutgers 1830; Professor Evidences Christianity, also Political Economy Rutgers 1833-39; Vice President Rutgers 1833-39; Trustee Prince- ton 1813-28, 1840-58; Moderator General Assembly 1818; ,\.B. Columbia 1794; A.M. Columbia 1797; D.D. ; d. 1858. 1814 John McDowell, a.m., d.d *i863 A.B. Princeton 1801. 1815 Robert Ralston (Resigned) 1819 Director Princeton Seminary 1812-21. 1816 David Comfort, a.m *i853 A.B. Princeton 1795. Isaac Van Arsdale Brown, a.m., d.d *i86i A.B. Princeton 1802. 1817 Aaron Ogden, a.m., ll.d *i839 A.B. Princeton 1773. William Anderson McDowell, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1824 A.B. Princeton 1809. 1819 Joseph Bloomfield *i823 Governor New Jersey 1801 q.v. 20 TRUSTEES ACCESSION CLOSE 1820 Charles Ewing, a.m., ll.d *i832 A.B. Princeton 1798. 1821 John Sergeant, a.m., ll.d (Resigned) 1826 A.B. Princeton 1795. 1822 Samuel Lewis Southard, a.m., ll.d *i842 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1824 Archibald Alexander, d.d., ll.d *i85i D.D. Princeton 1810 hon. 1825 James Parker, a.b (Resigned) 1829 Member New Jersey Assembly 1806-11, 1812-14, 1815-17, 1818-19, 1827- 28; Boundary Commissioner New Jersey 1806, 1827, 1829; U. S. Collector Perth Amboy, N. J. 1829-32; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1833- 37; Trustee Rutgers 1812-68; Mayor Perth Amboy, N. J.; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; A.B, Columbia 1793; d. 1868. William Anderson McDowell, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1828 A.B. Princeton 1809. William McMurray, d.d (Resigned) 1831 James Milnor, d.d (Resigned) 1829 Member City Council Philadelphia and President Select Council 1808-09; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1811-13; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1819; d. 1845. 1827 William Shippen, a.m., m.d (Resigned) 1865 Demonstrator Anatomy Univ. Penna.; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1810; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1813; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1814; d. 1867. Lewis Condict, a.m., m.d (Resigned) 1861 A.M. Princeton 1816 hon. 1828 James Sproat Green, a.m *i862 A.M. Princeton 1818 hon. Eli Field Cooley, d.d *i86o A.B. Princeton 1806. 1829 Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus Elmer, a.m (Resigned) 1864 A.B. Princeton 1824. William Wirt Phillips, d.d *i865 Director Princeton Seminary 1825-65; ist Vice President Directors Prince- ton Seminary 1859-61; President Board Directors Princeton Seminary 1861- 65; Moderator General Assembly 1835; A.B. Union 1813; D.D. 1830 John Breckinridge, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1841 A.B. Princeton 1818. 1831 Joseph Campbell, a.m., d.d *i84o A.M. Princeton 1806 hon. 1833 John Snowden Henry, a.b *i83S A.B. Princeton 1813. James Lenox, ll.d (Resigned) 1857 LL.D. Princeton 1821 hon. Roswell Lyman Colt, ll.d 1856 TRUSTEES 21 ACCESSION CLOSE 1835 David Magie, d.d *i865 A.B. Princeton 1817. 1836 Matthew Newkirk *i868 Corporal War of 1812; President Polytechnic College Philadelphia, Pa.; Treasurer General Assembly; President Woman's Medical College Phila- delphia, Pa. 1839 Robert Donaldson (Resigned) 1853 1840 William Burnet Kinney, a.m (Resigned) 1850 A.M. Princeton 1836 hon. Jacob Jones Janeway, d.d *i858 Trustee Princeton 1813 q.v. John Johns, a.m., d.d., LL.D (Resigned) 1843 A.B. Princeton 181 5. John Johnston, a.m., d.d *i8s5 A.B. Princeton 1801. 1842 John Patterson Bryant Maxwell, a.m *i84S A.B. Princeton 1823. 1843 Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, d.d *i86o Director Princeton Seminary 1848-60; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1849- 60; Moderator General Assembly 1857; A.B. Yale 1827; A.M. Yale 1830; Princeton Seminary 1830-32; D.D. New York Univ. 1845. 1845 Daniel Haines, a.m (Resigned) 1848 A.B. Princeton 1820. 1848 William Pennington *i862 A.B. Princeton 1813. 1850 Charles Hodge, a.m., d.d., ll.d *i878 A.B. Princeton 1820. Henry Woodhull Green, a.m., ll.d *i876 A.B. Princeton 1820. 1851 James Waddel Alexander, a.m., d.d ^1859 A.B. Princeton 1820. 1853 Daniel Haines, a.m *i877 A.B. Princeton 1820. 1854 James Carnahan, a.m., d.d., ll.d *i859 A.B. Princeton 1800. 1856 John Nesbit Campbell, d.d *i864 D.D. Princeton 1835 hon. Samuel Hayes Pennington, m.d., ll.d *i9oo A.B. Princeton 1825. 1859 Elijah Richardson Craven, a.m., d.d., ll.d *i9o8 A.B. Princeton 1842. George Washington Musgrave, d.d., ll.d *i882 d.d. Princeton 184s hon. 22 TRUSTEES ACCESSION CLOSE 1859 Thomas Underhill Smith *i874 Director Princeton Seminary 1859-69. i860 John Chester Backus, d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1872 LL.D. Princeton 1875 hon. 1861 Samuel Beach Jones, d.d (Resigtied) 1866 D.D. Princeton 185 1 hon. Cyrus Dickson, D.D *i88i Permanent Clerk General Assembly 1870-81; A.B. Washington & Jefferson ' (J.) 1837; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1858. Charles Kisselman Imbrie, a.m., d.d *i89i A.B. Princeton 1835. 1862 Edward William Whelpley, a.m., ll.d *i864 A.B. Princeton 1834. 1863 Charles Smith Olden (Resigned) 1875 Governor New Jersey i860 q.v. Henry Martyn Alexander, a.m., ll.d *i899 A.B. Princeton 1840. 1864 Jonathan French Stearns, d.d (Resigned) 1886 d.d. Princeton 1850 hon. 1864 Joseph Henry, a.m., m.d., ll.d *i878 Professor Mathematics Albany Academy 1826-32; Professor Natural Phi- losophy Princeton 1832-48; Professor Emeritus Princeton 1848-78; Secre- tary Smithsonian Institution 1867-78; Chairman U. S. Lighthouse Board 1871- ; President Amer. Assoc. Advance Sci. 1849; Charter Member and President National Acad. Sci. 1868-78; Fellow Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci.j Knight of St. Olaf; Trustee George Washington Univ. 1862-78; A.M. LInion 1829; LL.D. Univ. South Carolina 1838, also Univ. State of New York 1850, also Harvard 1851; M.D. ; M.A.P.S. John Thompson Nixon, a.m., ll.d *i889 A.B. Princeton 1841. William Henry Hornblower, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1871 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1866 William Charles Roberts, a.m., d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1886 A.B. Princeton 1855. James McMuUin Crowell, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1883 Princeton 1848. W^illiam Miller Paxton, d.d., ll.d *i904 Princeton Seminary 1845-48; Professor .Sacred Rhetoric Allegheny 1860-67; Lecturer Sacred Rhetoric Union Seminary N.Y. 1872-75; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1866-83; Professor Ecclesiastical Honiiletics and Pastoral Theology Princeton Seminary 1883-1904; Moderator General Assembly 1880; A.B. Penna. College 1843; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) i860; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson 1883. John Insley Blair *i899 1868 John Aikman Stewart Clerk Board of Education N. Y. City 1842-50; Assistant Treasurer U. S. 1864-65. TRUSTEES 23 ACCESSION CLOSE 1868 Nathanael Norris Halsted -1884 John Hall, d.d., ll.d *i898 LL.D. Princeton 1885 hon. William Henry Green, a.m., d.d., ll.d *igoo D.D. Princeton 1857 hon. Robert Cornelius (Resigned) 1874 1872 Caleb Smith Green, a.m., ll.d *i89i A.B. Princeton 1837. 1873 William Adams, d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1880 ll.d. Princeton 1869 hon. 1875 John Leyburn, a.m., d.d (Resigned) 1886 A.B. Princeton 1833. Thomas Hastings Robinson, d.d (Resigned) 1888 Allegheny Seminary 1851-54; Member U. S. Christian Commission in Cen- tral Penna. 1861-65; Trustee and President Wilson College for Women 1876-77; Trustee W^ashington & Jefferson 1890-1906; Trustee Pennsylvania College for Women; Director Allegheny Seminary 1875-83; Professor Pastoral Theology, Sacred Rhetoric and Church Government Allegheny Seminary 1884-1901 ; A.B. Oberlin 1850; D.D. Hamilton 1868; d. 1906. 1876 Charles Ewing Green, a.m., ll.d *i897 A.B. Princeton i860. 1877 William Libbey *i895 Charles Ewing Elmer *i888 Prosecutor Pleas Cumberland Co., N. J. 1855-65; Secretary New Jersey State Board Education; Member New Jersey State Board Agriculture. 1879 Thomas Nesbit McCarter, a.m., ll.d *i9oi A.B, Princeton 1842. 1880 Thomas Charlton Henry, a.m *i89o 1881 Archibald Alexander Hodge, a.m., d.d., ll.d *i886 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1882 Samuel Bayard Dod, a.m ^1907 A.B. Princeton 1857. 1883 James Addison Henry, a.m., d.d *igo6 A.B. Princeton 1857. Henry Morrison Flagler (Resigned) 1884 1885 Moses Taylor Pyne, a.m., ll.b., l.h.d A.B. Princeton 1877. James Waddel Alexander, Jr., a.m A.B. Princeton i860. 1886 Thomas Harrison Garrett, a.m (Resigned) 1886 A.B. Princeton 1868. 1887 p-rancis Blanchard Hodge, a.m., d.d *i905 A.B. Princeton 1859. 24 TRUSTEES ACCESSION 0^3, 1887 David Riiddach Frazer, a.m., d.d A.B. Princeton 1861. John Kissing Cowen, a.m *i904 A.B. Princeton i866. George Black Stewart, a.m., d.d A.B. Princeton 1876. 1889 Cyrus Hall McCormick, a.m A.M. Princeton 1887 hon. 1890 John Dixon, d.d D.D. Lafayette 1890. 1891 Melancthon William Jacobus, d.d A.B. Princeton 1877. Edward Thomas Green, a.m., ll.d *i896 A.B. Princeton 1854. William Jay Magie, a.m., ll.d A.B. Princeton 1852. 1892 John James McCook, ll.d (Resigned) 1906 A.M. Princeton 1873 hon. 1896 James Bayard Henry, a.b A.B. Princeton 1876. 1897 Simon John McPherson, a.m., d.d A.B. Princeton 1874. 1898 Henry Woodhull Green, a.m A.B. Princeton 1891. Henry van Dyke, a.m., d.d., ll.d (Resigned) 1899 A.B. Princeton 1873. Cornelius Cuyler Cuyler, a.b A.B. Princeton 1879. Charles Beatty Alexander, ll.d (Resigned) 1906 A.B. Princeton 1870. 1900 De Witt CHnton Blair, a.m A.B. Princeton 1856. George Tybout Purves, d.d., ll.d *i9oi Princeton Seminary 1873-77; Director Princeton Seminary 1883-92, 1900- 01 ; Professor New Testament Literature and Exegesis Princeton Seminary 1892-1900; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1872; D.D. Washington & Jefferson 1888, also Univ. Penna. 1894; LL.D. Lafayette 1895. Charles Wood, d.d D.D. Princeton 1889 hon. 1901 Henry Stafford Little, a.m *i904 A.B. Princeton 1844. James Laughlin, Jr., a.m. Alumni Trustee (Resigned) 1904 A.B. Princeton 1868. TRUSTEES 25 ACCESSION CLOSE 1901 Alexander Van Rensselaer, a.m. Alumni Trustee A.B. Princeton 1871. John Lambert Cadwalader, ll.d. Alumni Trustee A.B. Princeton 1856. John David Davis, a.m., ll.b. Alumni Trustee A.B. Princeton 1872. David Benton Jones, a.m. Alumni Trustee 1908 A.B. Princeton 1876. Grover Cleveland, ll.d LL.D. Princeton 1897 hon. 1904 Cleveland H. Dodge, a.m A.B. Princeton 1879. Nathaniel Ewing, a.m. Alumni Trustee A.B. Princeton 1869. 1905 Archibald D. Russell, a.m John De Witt, a.m., d.d., ll.d A.B. Princeton 1861. Robert Garrett, b.s B.S. Princeton 1897. 1906 Henry Burling Thompson, b.s B.s. Princeton 1877. Joseph Bernard Shea, a.b A.B. Princeton 1885. CLERKS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1748 Thomas Arthur, a.m i75i. Trustee Princeton 1748 q.v. 1751 Caleb Smith, a.m ^757 Trustee Princeton 1750 q.v. 17S7 Richard Stockton, a.m 1765 A.B. Princeton 1748. 1765 Joseph Periam, a.m ^766 A.B. Princeton 1762. 1766 John Berrien ^767 Trustee Princeton 1763 q.v. 1767 William Peartree Smith, a.m '^772 Trustee Princeton 1748 q.v. 1772 Jeremiah Halsey, a.m "^77^ A.B. Princeton 1752. 26 CLERKS ACCESSION CLOSE 1772 James Caldwell, a.m *i78i A.B. Princeton 1759. 1781 Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., ll.d i795 A.B. Princeton 1769. 1795 Walter Minto, m.a., ll.d *i796 Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Princeton 1787-96; M..\. Edinburgh 17 ; LL.D, 1796 John Maclean, m.a., m.d 1812 Professor Chemistry and Natural History Princeton 1795-97; Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Princeton 1797-1804; Professor Chem- istry and Natural Philosophy Princeton 1804-08; Professor Mathematics Natural Philosophy and Chemistry Princeton 1808-12; Professor Natural Philosophy and Chemistry William & Mary 1812-13; M.A. Edinburgh 17 ; d. 1814. 1813 Philip Lindsly, a.m., d.d 1823 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1823 George Spafford Woodhull, a.m *i834 A.B. Princeton 1790. 1835 Eli Field Cooley, a.m., d.d *i86o A.B. Princeton 1806. i860 Elijah Richardson Craven, a.m., d.d., ll.d *i9o8 A.B. Princeton 1842. SECRETARY OF THE UNIVERSITY 1901 Charles Williston McAlpin, a.m A.B. Princeton 1888. TREASURERS 1748 Andrew Johnston 1750' Trustee 1748 q.v. 1750 Jonathan Sergeant *i777 Member Provincial Congress New Jersey 1775. 1777 James Caldwell, a.m i779 A.B. Princeton 1759. 1779 William Churchill Houston, a.m 1783 A.B. Princeton 1768. 1783 Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., ll.d 1786 A.B. Princeton 1769. 1786 Thomas Wiggins, a.m., m.d 1787 a.m. Princeton 1758 hon. 1787 John Beatty, a.m., m.d 1788 A.B. Princeton 1769. TREASURERS 27 ACCESSION CLOSE 1788 Richard Stockton, a.m., ll.d 1788 A.B. Princeton 1779. John Beatty, a.m., m.d 1788 A.B. Princeton 1769. Isaac Snowden, Jr ^791 Trustee Princeton 1782 q.v. 1791 John Harrison ^795 Postmaster Princeton, N. J. 1795 Walter Minto, m.a., ll.d 1796 Clerk Board of Trustees 1795 q.v. 1796 Enos Kelsey, a.m 1810 A.B. Princeton 1760. 1810 Samuel Bayard, a.m 1828 A.B. Princeton 1784. 1828 James Sproat Green, a.m 1828 A.M. Princeton 1818 hon. George Spafford Woodhull, a.m 1829 A.B. Princeton 1790. 1829 John Van Doren 1839 1839 John Vredenburgh Talmage 1845 1845 Charles Smith Olden 1869 Governor New Jersey i860, q.v. Job Gardner Olden, Assistant 1869 1869 Lyman Sanford Atwater, a.m 1870 A.B. Princeton 1861. 1870 William [Wirt] Harris, a.m *i885 Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Chaplain 106 Penna. Regt. U. S. Vols. 1861-62; Agent U. S. Sanitary Commission 1863-63; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1850; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1853. i88s Edwin Curtis Osborn , *i9oi 1892 Henry Green Dufifield, a.b.. Assistant Treasurer 1901 A.B. Princeton 1881. 1901 Henry Green Duffield, a.b A.B. Princeton 1881. 1902 Henry Conrad Bunn, Assistant Treasurer 1904 28 DEANS OF THE FACULTY DEANS OF THE FACULTY ACCESSION CLOSI 1883 James Ormsbee Murray, a.m., d.d., ll.d *i899 D.D. Princeton 1867 hon. 1899 Samuel Ross Winans, a.m., ph.d (Resigned) 1903 A.B. Princeton 1874. 1903 Henry Burchard Fine, a.m., ph.d A.B. Princeton 1880. ■ DEAN OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL 1901 Andrew Fleming West, a.m., ph.d., ll.d., Hon. d. Litt. (oxon.) A.B. Princeton 1874. PROFESSORS [in the following list the rank of professor is implied UNLESS otherwise STATEd] 1767 John Blair, A.M. Theology and Moral Philosophy. (Resigned) 1769 A,M. Princeton 1760 hon. 1769 John Witherspoon, m.a., d.d., ll.d. Theology 1783 President Princeton 1768 q.v. 1771 William Churchill Houston, a.b. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1783 A.B. Princeton 1768. 1779 Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., ll.d. IMoral Philosophy.. 1783 A.B. Princeton 1769. 1783 Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Moral Philosophy and Theology (Resigned) 1812 A.B. Princeton 1769. 1785 Ashbel Green, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy (Resigned) 1787 A.B. Princeton 1783. 1787 Walter Minto, m.a., ll.d. Mathematics and Natural Phi- losophy *i796 Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1795 q.v. 179s John Maclean, m.a., m.d. Chemistry and Natural History... i797 Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1795 q.v. 'PROFESSORS 29 ACCESSION CLOSE 1797 John Maclean, m.a., m.d. Mathematics and Natural Phi- losophy 1804 Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1796 q.v. 1802 William Thompson. Languages *i8o8 Professor Greek and Latin Dickinson 1794-1804; Librarian Dickinson 1794- 1804. 1803 Henry Kollock, a.m., d.d. Theology (Resigned) 1806 A.B. Pripceton 1794. 1804 Andrew Hunter, Jr., a.m. Mathematics and Astronomy. (Resigned) 1808 A.B. Princeton 1772. John Maclean, m.a., m.d. Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. 1808 Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1796 q.v. 1808 John Maclean, m.a., m.d. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry (Resigned) 1812 Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1796 q.v. 1812 Elijah Slack, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Mathematics and Natural Phi- losophy (Resigned) 1817 A.B. Princeton 1808. 1813 Philip Lindsly, a.m., d.d. Languages (Resigned) 1824 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1817 Henry Vethake, a.m., ll.d. Mathematics, Natural Philoso- phy and Chemistry 1818 a.m. Princeton 1815 hon. 1818 Henry Vethake, a.m., ll.d. Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy (Resigned) 1821 a.m. Princeton 1815 hon. Jacob Green, a.m., m.d. Experimental Philosophy, Chemistry and Natural Philosophy (Resigned) 1822 a.m. Princeton 1815 hon. 1823 John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. Mathematics 1829 A.B. Princeton 1816. 1824 Luther Halsey, a.m., d.d. Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Natural History (Resigned) 1829 d.d. Princeton 1831 hon. 1825 Robert Bridges Patton, a.m., ph.d. Languages.. . . (Resigned) 1829 Tutor Middlebury 1817-18; Professor Greek and Latin, Middlebury 1818- 25; Professor Languages Princeton 1825-29; Professor Natural History and Greek Literature New York Univ. 1833-34; Professor Greek Language and Literature New York Univ. i834--38; Instructor Sacred Literature Union Seminary (N. Y.) 1838-39; A.B. Yale 1817, also Middlebury 1818; A.M. Middlebury 1820; Ph.D. Gottingen 1821; d. 1839. 30 PROFESSORS ACCESSION ^««« CLOSE 1829 John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. Languages 1830 A.B. Princeton 1816. 1830 John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. Ancient Languages and Literature 1847 A.B. Princeton 1816. Albert Baldwin Dod, a.m., d.d. Mathematics *i845 A.B. Princeton 1822. Henry Vethake, A.M., LL.D. Natural Philosophy.. ."(Resigned) 1832 A.M. Princeton 1815 hon. John Torrey, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Chemistry and Natural His- tory (Resigned) 1854 Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1824-28; Professor Chemistry, Geology and Mineralogy, West Point 1824-27; Professor Chemistry and Botany, Colum- bia (Coll. P. & S.) 1827-55; Professor Chemistry, Mineralogy and Botany New York Univ. 1832-33; U. S. Assayer, New York City; Trustee Columbia 1856-73; Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Botany Columbia 1860-73; A.M. Yale 1823, also Williams 1825; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1818; LL.D. Amherst 1845; d. 1873. Samuel Ladd Howell, m.d. Anatomy and Physiology 1835 Lewis Hargous, A.M. Modern Languages (Resigned) 1836 A.M. Princeton 1830 hon. Joseph Addison Alexander, a.m., d.d. Adjunct Professor Ancient Languages and Literature (Resigned) 1833 A.B. Princeton 1826. 18.32 Joseph Henry, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Natural Philosophy; from 1848 Emeritus *i878 Trustee Princeton 1864 q.v. Benedict Jaeger, a.m. German and Italian 1836 A.M. Princeton 1832 hon. 1833 James Waddel Alexander, A.M., D.D. Belles Lettres. (Resigned) 1844 A.B. Princeton 1820. 1834 John Seely Hart, a.m., ll.d. Adjunct Professor Ancient Languages (Resigned) 1836 A.B. Princeton 1830. Stephen Alexander, LL.D. Adjunct Professor Mathematics. . . 1840 Tutor Princeton 1833-34; Professor Astronomy Princeton, 1840-45; Pro- fessor Mathematics and Astronomy Princeton 1845-54; Professor Mechanics and Astronomy Princeton 1854-62; Professor Natural Philosophy and Astronomy Princeton 1862-73; Professor Astronomy Princeton 1873-77; from 1877 Emeritus; Princeton Seminary 1832-34; A.B. Union 1824; LL.D. Columbia 1852; d. 1883. 1836 Benedict Jaeger, a.m. Modern Languages (Resigned) 1843 A.M. Princeton 1832 hon. 1839 Evert Marsh Topping, a.m. Adjunct Professor Ancient Languages (Resigned) 1846 A.B. Princeton 1830. PROFESSORS 31 ACCESSION CLOSE 1840 Stephen Alexander, ll.d. Astronomy 1845 Adjunct Professor 1834 g.r. 1845 Stephen Alexander, ll.d. Mathematics and Astronomy 1854 Adjunct Professor 1834 g.v. Matthew Boyd Hope, m.d., d.d. Belles Lettres 1854 Professor Belles Lettres Princeton 1845-1854; Professor Belles Lettres & Political Economy Princeton 1854-59; Princeton Seminary 1831-34; A.B. Washin.eton & Jefferson (J.) 1830; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1836; D.D. Wash- ington & Jefferson (W.) 1849; d. 1859. 1846 George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d. Adjunct Professor Math- ematics 1847 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1847 Joseph Courten Hornblower, a.m., ll.d. Civil Law 1855 A.M. Princeton 1823 hon. James Sproat Green, a.m. Jurisprudence 1855 A.M. Princeton 1818 hon. Richard Stockton Field, a.m., ll.d. Constitutional Jurispru- dence 185s A.B. Princeton 1821. John Thomas Duffield, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Adjunct Professor Mathematics 1854 A.B. Princeton 1841. John Forsyth, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. Latin Language and His- tory (Resigned) 1852 LL.D. Princeton 1873 lion. Lyman Coleman, a.m., d.d. German Language (Resigned) 1849 D.D. Princeton 1847 hon. John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. Greek Language and Literature 1854 A.B. Princeton 1816. George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d. Adjunct Professor Math- ematics 1854 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1848 Elias Loomis, A.M., LL.D. Natural Philosophy (Resigned) 1849 Tutor Yale 1833-36; Professor Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and As- tronomy Western Reserve 1837-44; Professor Mathematics, Natural Phi- losophy and Astronomy, New York Univ. 1844-60; Professor Natural Philosophy and Astronomy Yale 1860-89; A.B. Yale 1830; A.M. Yale 1833; LL.D. New York Univ. 1854; M.A.P.S.; d. 1889. 1849 Richard Sears McCulloh, A.M. Natural Philosophy. (Resigned) 1854 A.B. Princeton 1836. 1852 James Clement Moffat, a.m., d.d. Latin Language and His- tory i8S4 A.B. Princeton 1835. 32 PROFESSORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1854 James Clement Moffat, a.m., d.d. Greek Language and Lit- erature 1863 A.B. Princeton 1835. Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy 1869 d.d. Princeton 1851 hon. Stephen Alexander, ll.d. Mechanics and Astronomy 1862 Adjunct Professor 1834 q.v, George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d. Latin Language and Lit- erature 186s A.B. Princeton 1841. John Thomas Duffield, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Mathematics 1862 A.B. Princeton 1841. Arnold Guyot, PH.D., ll.d. Geology and Physical Geography. *i884 Professor History and Physical Geography Univ. Neuchatel 1839-48; Ph.D. Berlin 1835; LL.D. Union 1854. Matthew Boyd Hope, m.d., d.d. Belles Lettres and Political Economy. . *i859 Professor Belles Lettres 1845 q.v. I. F. Holten, Professor pro tent. Chemistry and Natural His- tory i8ss 1855 Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., d.d. Adjunct Professor Greek i860 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1857 John Stillwell Schanck, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Chemistry 1869 A.B. Princeton 1840. i860 Joshua Hall Mcllvaine, a.m., d.d. Belles Lettres and Elocu- tion 1869 A.B. Princeton 1837. Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., d.d. Associate Professor Greek 1861 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1861 Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Greek Language.. . 1877 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1862 Stephen Alexander, ll.d. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy 1873 Adjunct Professor 1834 q.v. John Thomas Duffield, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Mechanics and Math- ematics 1873 A.B. Princeton 1841. PROFESSORS 33 ACCESSION CLOSE iS66 John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. Biblical Instruction. (Resigned) 1868 A.B. Princeton 1816. Charles Woodruff Shields, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Harmony of Science and Revealed Religion (Resigned) 1904 A.B. Princeton 1844. Charles Augustus Aiken, a.m., ph.d., d.d. Latin Language and Literature (Resigned) 1869 Ph.D. Princeton i8C6 hon. Stephen George Peabody. Associate Professor Elocution. (Resigned) 1881 Lecturer on Elocution Union Seminary N. Y. 1865-66; d. 1899. 1869 Joshua Hall Mcllvaine, a.m., d.d. Belles Lettres and English Language and Literature (Resigned) 1870 A.B. Princeton 1837. John Stillwell Schanck, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Chemistry and Nat- ural History 1874 A.B. Princeton 1840. Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Logic and Moral & Political Science *i883 D.D. Princeton 185 1 lion. Charles Augustus Aiken, a.m., ph.d., d.d. Science of Lan- guage (Resigned) 1869 Ph.D. Princeton 1866 hon. Cliarles Woodruff Shields, a.m., d.d., ll.d. History 1882 A.B. Princeton 1844. 1870 William Alfred Packard, a.m., ph.d., d.d. Latin Language and Science of Language ; from 1905 Emeritus A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. James Clark Welling, a.m., ll.d. Belles Lettres and English Language and Literature (Resigned) 1871 A.B. Princeton 1844. Joseph Karge, ph.d. Continental Languages and Literature. *i892 Lieutenant Colonel ist New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry 1861-62; Colonel 2d New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry 1863-65; Brevet Brigadier General Vols. 1865; ist Lieutenant 8th U. S. Cavalry 1867-70; ist Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry 1870-71; Mustered out 1871; Ph.D. 1872 John Seeley Hart, a.m., ll.d. Belles Lettres and English Language & Literature (Resigned) 1874 A.B. Princeton 1830. 1873 Stephen Alexander, ll.d. Astronomy ; from 1877 Emeritus. *i883 Adjunct Professor 1834 q.v. 34 PROFESSORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1873 John Thomas Duffield, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Mathematics; from 1899 Emeritus , *i9oi A.B. Princeton 1841. Cyrus Fogg Brackett, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Physics A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Henry Bedinger Cornwall, a.m., e.m., ph.d. Analytical Chem- istry and Mineralogy A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Henry Turner Eddy, c.e., a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Associate Pro- fessor Mathematics 1874 Instructor Yale 1867-68; Instructor Latin and Mechanics Univ. Tennessee 1868-69; Assistant Professor Mathematics & Civil Engineering Cornell 1869- 73; Associate Professor Mathematics Princeton 1873-74; Professor Mathe- matics, Astronomy and Civil Engineering Univ. Cincinnati 1874-90; Dean Academic Faculty Univ. Cincinnati 1874-77, 1884-89; Acting President Univ. Cincinnati 1890; President Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind. 1891-94; Professor Engineering & Mechanics Univ. Minnesota 1894 — ; A.B. Yale 1867; Ph.B. Yale 1868; A.M. Yale 1870; C.E. Cornell 1870; Ph.D. Cornell 1872; LL.D. Central 1892. 1874 Theodore Whitefield Hunt, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d. Adjunct Pro- fessor Rhetoric and English Language 1881 A.B. Princeton 1865. George Macloskie, m.a., d.Sc, ll.d. Natural History 1883 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. John Stillwell Schanck, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Chemistry 1885 A.B. Princeton 1840. 1875 James Onnsbee Murray, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Belles Lettres and English Language and Literature *i89g d.d. Princeton 1867 hon. Charles McMillan, c.e., a.m. Civil Engineering and Applied Mathematics A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. 1876 Edward Delano Lindsey, a.b. Architecture and Applied Art. (Resigned) 1880 Curator Grounds and Buildings Princeton 1876-80; A.B. Harvard 1862. 1877 Charles Augustus Young, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Astronomy; from 1905 Emeritus *i9o8 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Samuel Stanhope Orris, a.m., ph.d. Associate Professor Greek Language and Literature 1878 A.B. Princeton 1862. Charles Greene Rockwood, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Associate Pro- fessor Pure and Applied Mathematics 1878 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. PROFESSORS 35 ACCESSION CLOSE 1877 Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., d.d. Greek Language and Literature ; from 1902 Emeritus *ic)o6 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1878 Samuel Stanhope Orris, a.m., ph.d. Greek Language and Literature ; from 1902 Emeritus "=1905 A.B. Princeton 1862. Charles Greene Rockwood, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Mathematics; from 1905 Emeritus A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. 1879 William Milligan Sloane, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d., ll.d. Adjunct Professor Latin Language 1880 a.m. Princeton 1896 hon. 1880 William Milligan Sloane, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d., ll.d. Latin Language (Resigned) 1883 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Hermann Carl Otto Huss, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Modern Languages and Literature 1884 a.m. Princeton 1896 hon. 1881 Theodore Whitefield Hunt, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d. Rhetoric and English Language A.B. Princeton 1865. George Lansing Raymond, a.m., l.h.d. Oratory 1883 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Samuel Ross Winans, a.m., ph.d. Adjunct Professor Greek Language 1883 A.B. Princeton 1874. William Berryman Scott, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Assistant Pro- fessor Natural Science 1883 A.B. Princeton 1877. 1882 William Libbey, a.m., d.Sc. Assistant Professor Natural Science 1883 A.B. Princeton 1877. Henry Fairfield Osborn, a.m., d.Sc. ll.d. Assistant Pro- fessor Natural Science 1883 A.B. Princeton 1877. 1883 William Cowper Prime, a.m., ll.d. History of Art *i905 A.B. Princeton 1843. Allan Marquand, a.m., ph.d. History of Art 189c A.B. Princeton 1874. 36 PROFESSORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1883 Andrew Fleming- West, a.m., ph.d., ll.d., Hon. d. Litt. (oxoN.) Latin A.B. Princeton 1874. Alexander Thomas Ormond, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Mental Science and Logic 1898 A.B. Princeton 1877. Frederick Newton Willson, c.e., a.m. Descriptive Geometry, Stereotomy and Technical Drawing 1905 a.m. Princeton 1896 hon. George Macloskie, m.a., ll.d., d.Sc. Biology ; from 1906 Emeritus .^ A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. William Milligan Sloane, a.m., ph.d., ll.d., l.h.d. History and Political Science (Resigned) 1897 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. George Lansing Raymond, a.m., l.h.d. Oratory and Esthetic Criticism 1893 a.m. Princeton 1896 hon. Samuel Ross Winans, a.m., ph.d. Greek Language a.m. Princeton 1874. William Libbey, Jr., a.m., d.Sc. Physical Geography and Histology A. B. Princeton 1877. William Berryman Scott, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Geology A. B. Princeton 1877. Henry Fairfield Osborn, a.m., d.Sc, ll.d. Comparative Anat- omy (Resigned) 1891 A. B. Princeton 1877. 1884 Alexander Johnston, a.m., ll.d. Jurisprudence and Political Economy *i889 A.B. Rutgers 1870; A.M. Rutgers 1873; LL.D. Rutgers 1886. Francis Landey Patton, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Ethics A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Hermann Carl Otto Huss, a.m., ph.d. Modern Language and Literature (Resigned) 1902 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. John Stillwell Schanck, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Chemistry and Hy- giene ; from 1892 Emeritus *i899 A.B. Princeton 1840. PROFESSORS 37 ACCESSION CLOSE 18S5 Henry Burchard Fine, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Math- ematics 1889 A.B. Princeton 1880. William Francis Magie, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Physics iSgo A.B. Princeton 1879. Herbert Stearns Squier Smith, c.e. Assistant Professor Civil Engineering 1899 C.E. Princeton 1878. Malcolm McNeill, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Astron- omy (Resigned) 1888 A.B. Princeton 1877. Andrew Fleming West, a.m., ph.d., ll.d., Hon. d. Litt. (oxoN.) Pedagogics 1892 A.M. Princeton 1874. 1886 Arthur Lincoln Frothingham, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Archeeology 1889 a.m. Princeton 1896 lion. 1888 John Howell Westcott, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor French 1889 A.B. Princeton 1877. 1889 Henry Burchard Fine, a.m., ph.d. Mathematics A.B. Princeton 1880. John Howell Westcott, a.m., ph.d. Latin A.B. Princeton 1877. Leroy Wiley McCay, a.m., d.Sc Assistant Professor Analy- tical Chemistry and Mineralogy 1892 A.B. Princeton 1878. Allan Marquand, a.m., ph.d. Archaeology and History of Art A.B. Princeton 1874. Arthur Lincoln Frothingham, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Archaeology and History of Art (Resigned) 1905 a.m. Princeton 1896 hon. 1890 Woodrow Wilson, a.m., ph.d., litt.d., ll.d. Jurisprudence and Political Economy 1895 A.B. Princeton 1879. William Francis Magie, a.m., ph.d. Physics A.B. Princeton 1879. 1891 Flenry Dallas Thompson, a.m., d.Sc. Assistant Professor Mathematics 1894 A.B. Princeton 1885, 38 PROFESSORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1891 Marion Mills Miller, a.m., Litt.d. Assistant Professor Ora- tory and Esthetic Criticism (Resigned) 1893 A.B. Princeton 1886. George McLean Harper, ph.d. Assistant Professor French.. 1894 A.B. Princeton 1884. 1892 Leroy Wiley McCay, a.m., d.Sc. Chemistry A.B. Princeton 1878. Winthrop More Daniels, a.m. Assistant Professor Political Economy 1895 A.B. Princeton 1888. Taylor Reed, a.m. Assistant Professor Astronomy. (Resigned) 1901 A.B. Princeton 1886. 1893 George Lansing Raymond, a.m., l.h.d. Esthetics. (Resigned) 1905 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. James Mark Baldwin, a.m., ph.d, Hon. d.Sc. (oxon.), ll.d. Experimental Psychology 1897 A.B. Princeton 1884. Bliss Perry, a.m., l.h.d., Litt.d., ll.d. Oratory and Esthetic Criticism (Resigned) 1900 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Ernst Otto Wilhelm Mildner, a.m. Assistant Professor Ger- man *i894 A.M. Princeton 1893 hon. 1894 John Grier Hibben, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Logic. 1897 A.B. Princeton 1882. Willard [Cunningham] Humphreys, a.m., m.d., ph.d. As- sistant Professor German 1897 Instructor Latin Princeton 1892-94; Professor German Princeton 1897- 1902; A.B. Columbia 1888; A.M. Columbia 1889; Ph.D. Columbia 1890; m.d. New York Univ. 1891; d. 1902. Henry Dallas Thompson, a.m., d.Sc. Mathematics A.B. Princeton 1885. George McLean Harper, ph.d. Romance Languages. (Resigned) 1900 A.B. Princeton 1884. 1895 Woodrow Wilson, a.m., ph.d., litt.d., ll.d. Jurisprudence. A.B. Princeton 1879. Winthrop More Daniels, a.m. Political Economy A.B, Princeton 1888. Walter Butler Harris, c.e. Assistant Professor Civil En- gineering 1890 C.E. Princeton 1886. PROFESSORS 39 ACCESSION CLOSE 1895 Edwin Seelye Lewis, a.m., ph.d., ll.b. Assistant Professor Romance Languages 1899 Instructor Romance Languages Princeton 1892-95; Assistant Professor Ro- mance Languages Princeton 1895-99; Professor Romance Languages Prince- ton 1899-1907; A.B. Wabash 1888; A.M. Wabash 1891; Ph.D. Johns Hop- kins 1892; LL.B. New York Univ. 1907. George Stevenson Patton, a.m. Assistant Professor Biblical Instruction 1902 A.B. Princeton 1891. Walter Mead Rankin, a.m., m.s., ph.d. Assistant Profes- sor Biology 1901 M.S. Princeton 1884. Charles Freeman Williams McClure, a.m. Assistant Profes- sor Biology 1901 A.B. Princeton 1888. 1896 Howard Crosby W^arren, a.m. Assistant Professor Experi- mental Psychology 1902 •A.B. Princeton 1889. Thomas Marc Parrott, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Eng- lish 1902 A.B. Princeton 1888. 1897 Woodrow Wilson, a.m., ph.d., Litt.d., ll.d. Jurisprudence and Politics A.B. Princeton 1879. James Mark Baldwin, a.m., ph.d. hon. d.Sc. (oxon.), ll.d. Psychology (Resigned) 1904 A.B. Princeton 1884. John Grier Hibben, a.m., ph.d. Logic A.B. Princeton 1882. Willard [Cunningham] Humphreys, a.m., m.d., ph.d. German Language and Literature *i902 Assistant Professor 1894 q.v. Arnold Guyot Cameron, a.m., ph.d. French (Resigned) 1905 A.B. Princeton 1886. Elmer Howard Loomis, PH.D. Assistant Professor Physics. . . 1900 Assistant Professor Physics Princeton 1897-1900; Professor Physics Prince- ton 1900 — ; A.B. Colgate 1883; Ph.D. Strassburg 1893. Edmund Yard Robbins, a.m. Assistant Professor Greek. . . . 1902 A.B. Princeton 1889. 1898 Paul van Dyke, a.m., d.d. History A.B. Princeton 1881. Alexander Thomas Ormond, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Philosophy.. A.B. Princeton 1877. 40 PROFESSORS 1898 Alexander Hamilton Phillips, d.Sc. Assistant Professor Mineralogy 1903 B.S. Princeton 1887. Williamson Up Dike Vreeland, a.m., d. es l. Assistant Pro- fessor Romance Languages 1904 A.B. Princeton 1892. John Haughton Coney, a.m. Assistant Professor Plistory. .. 1905 A.B. Princeton 1885. John Preston Hoskins, a.m., pii.d. Assistant Professor Ger- man A.B. Princeton 1891. Edgar Odell Lovett, a.m., m.s., ph.d., ll.d. Assistant Pro- fessor Mathematics 1900 Professor Mathematics West Kentucky College 1890-92; Instructor .-\s- tronoiny Univ. N'irginia 1892-95; Fellow by courtesy Johns Hopkins 1897; Lecturer Mathematics Univ. Virginia 1897; Lecturer Mathematics Univ. Chicago 1897; Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1897; Assistant Professor Mathematics Princeton 1898-1900; Professor Mathematics Princeton 1900- 05; Professor Astronomy Princeton 1905-08; A.B. Bethany i8go; A.M. & M.S. Bethany 1892; A.M. Univ. Virginia 1895; Ph.D. Univ. Virginia 1895, also Leipsic 1896; LL.D. Drake Univ. 1898; M.A.P.S. Fred Neher, a.m. Assistant Professor Analytical Chemistry. 1903 A.B. Princeton 1889. Walter Augustus Wyckofif, a.m. Assistant Professor Polit- ical Economy *i9o8 A.B. Princeton 1888. Harry Franklin Covington, a.m. Assistant Professor Ora- tory 1904 A.B. Princeton 1892. Jesse Benedict Carter, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Latin. 1902 A.B. Princeton 1893. 1899 Henry van Dyke, a.m., d.d., ll.d. English Literature A.B. Princeton 1873. Edwin Seelye Lewis, a.m., ph.d., ll.b. Romance Languages. (Resigned) 1907 Assistant Professor 1895 q.v. Herbert Stearns Squier Smith, c.e. Assistant Professor Ap- plied Mechanics 1905 C.E. Princeton 1878. Ulric Dahlgren, M.S. Assistant Professor Histology 1905 A.B. Princeton 1894. Stockton Axson, a.m. Assistant Professor English 1905 Assistant Professor English Princeton 1899-1905; Professor English Prince- ton 190S — ; A.B. Wesleyan 1899; A.M. VVesleyan 1892. PROFESSORS 41 ACCESSION CLOSE 1899 Walter Butler Harris, c.e. Geodesy C.E. Princeton 1886. 1900 John Huston Finley, a.m., ll.d. Politics (Resigned) 1903 LL.D. Princeton 1905 hon. Elmer Howard Loomis, a.m., ph.d. Physics Assistant Professor 1897 q.v, Edgar Odell Lovett, a.m., m.s., ph.d., ll.d. Mathematics... 1905 Assistant Professor 1898 q.v. William Kelly Prentice, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Greek ^905 A.B. Princeton 1892. George McLean Harper, ph.d. Belles Lettres and English Language & Literature A.B. Princeton 1884. 1901 William Maxwell Reed. Assistant Professor Practical As- tronomy (Resigned) 1905 Assistant Harvard College Observatory 1890-99; Assistant Professor Prac- tical Astronomy Princeton 1901-05. Walter Mead Rankin, a.m., m.s., ph.d. Invertebrate Zoology. 1905 M.S. Princeton 1884. Robert McNutt McElroy, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor American History A.B. Princeton 1896. Charles Freeman Williams McClure, a.m. Comparative Anat- omy ^905 A.B. Princeton 1888. 1902 Howard McClenahan, e.e., m.s. Assistant Professor Physics; from 1906 Professor E.E. Princeton 1895. Edmund Yard Robbins, a.m. Greek A.B. Princeton 1889. Jesse Benedict Carter, a.m., ph.d. Latin (Resigned) 1907 A.B. Princeton 1893. George Stevenson Patton, a.m. Moral Philosophy A.B. Princeton 1891. Howard Crosby Warren, a.m. Experimental Psychology... A.B. Princeton 1889. Thomas Marc Parrott, a.m., ph.d. English A.B. Princeton 1888. 1903 Harry Augustus Garfield, a.b. Politics (Resigned) 1908 President Williams 1908—; A.B. Vk'illiams 1S85. 42 PROFESSORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1903 Alexander Hamilton Phillips, d.Sc. Mineralogy B.S. Princeton 1887. Fred Neher, a.m. Analytical Chemistry A.B. Princeton 1889. Max Friedrich Blau, ph.d. Assistant Professor German... Associate in German Bryn Mawr 1896-1898; Professor German Language & Literature Adelphi 1898-1903; Ph.D. Leipzig 1888. 1904 Frank Thilly, ph.d., ll.d. Psychology (Resigned) 1906 Instructor Logic and History of Philosophy Cornell 1892-93; Professor Philosophy Univ. Missouri 1893-94; Professor Psychology Princeton 1904- 06: Professor Philosophy and Ethics Cornell 1906 — ; A.T5. Univ. Cincinnati 1887; Ph.D. Heidelberg 1891; LL.D. Univ. Missouri 1907. Williamson Up Dike Vreeland, a.^l, d. fes l. Romance Lan- guages A.B. Princeton 1892. Grant Showerman, a.m., ph.d. Latin 1905 Assistant Professor Latin Univ. Wisconsin 1902-04, 1905 — ; A.B. Univ. Wisconsin 1896; A.M. Univ. Wisconsin 1897; Ph.D. Univ. Wisconsin 1900. Harry Franklin Covington, a.m. Assistant Professor Eng- lish A.B. Princeton 1892. 1905 Stockton Axson, a.m. English Assistant Professor 1899 q.v. Edgar Odell Lovett, a.m., m.s., ph.d., ll.d. Astronomy (Resigned) 1908 Assistant Professor 1898 q.v. John Haughton Coney, a.m. History A.B. Princeton 1885. Walter Mead Rankin, a.m., m.s., ph.d. Biology M.S. Princeton 1884. Charles Freeman Williams McClure, a.m. Zoology A.B. Princeton 1888. Ulric Dahlgren, m.s. Assistant Professor Biology A.B. Princeton 1894. William Kelly Prentice, a.m., ph.d. Greek A.B. Princeton 1892. Howard Crosby Butler, a.m. Art and Archeology A.B. Princeton 1892. Herbert Stearns Squier Smith, c.e. Civil Engineering C.E. Princeton 1878. Frederick Newton Willson, c.e., a.m. Graphics A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. PROFESSORS 43 ACCESSION CLOSE 1905 Hamilton Ford Allen, ph.d, Latin 1907 McCormick Seminary 1804-97; Professor Latin Washington & Jefferson 1902-05; A.B. Williams 1888; Ph.D. Chicago 1905. Charles Henry Smyth, Jr., ph.d. Geology Professor Geology and Mineralogy Hamilton 1891-1905; Ph.H. Columbia 1888; Ph.D. Columbia 1890. James Hopwood Jeans, m.a., f.r.s. Applied Mathematics... Fellow Trinity College Cambridge 1901; M. A. Cambridge 190^; Uni- versity Lecturer Cambridge 1904. George Augustus Hulett, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Physical Qiemistry A.B. Princeton 1892. Lucius Hopkins Miller, a.m. Assistant Professor Biblical In- struction A.B. Princeton 1897. William Foster, Jr., ph.d. Assistant Professor Chemistry... Ph.D. Princeton 1896. Roger Bruce Cash Johnson, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Philos- ophy A.B. Princeton 1887. Adam Le Roy Jones, ph.d. Preceptor Philosophy Assistant in Philosophy Columbia 1898-1901; Lecturer Philosophy Colum- bia 1901-02; Tutor Philosophy Columbia 1902-05; A.B. Williams 1895; Ph.D. Columbia 1898. Walter Taylor Marvin, ph.d. Preceptor Philosophy Assistant in Philosophy Columbia 1898-99; Instructor Philosophy Western Reserve 1899-1903; Assistant Professor Philosophy Western Reserve 1903- 05; A.B. Columbia 1893; Ph.D. Bonn 1898. Wilmon Henry Sheldon, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Philosophy.. Assistant in Philosophy Harvard 1898-99; Assistant in Philosophy Univ. \\'isconsin 1899-1900; Teaching Fellow Harvard igoo-oi; Assistant in Phi- losophy Columbia 1901-03; Tutor Philosophy Columbia 1903-05; A.B. Har- vard 1895; A.M. Harvard 1896; Ph.D. Harvard 1899. Edward Gleason Spaulding, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Philosophy. Instructor Philosophy and Psychology College City of N. Y. 1900-05; A.B. Univ. Vermont 1894; A.M. Columbia 1896; Ph.D. Bonn. 1900. Hiram Bingham, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor History, Politics and Economics (Resigned) 1907 University Extension Lecturer Univ. California 1900; Assistant in History Harvard 1903-04; Austin Teaching Fellow in History Harvard 1901-02, 1904-05; Curator South American History and Literature Harvard Univer- sity Library 1903 — ; A.B. Yale 1898; A.M. Univ. California 1900, also Harvard 1901; Ph.D. Harvard 1905. Ernest Ludlow Bogart, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor History, Pol- ■ itics and Economics A.B. Princeton 1890. 44 PROFESSORS ACCESSION CLOSE iyo5 Edward Samuel Corwin, ph.d. Preceptor History, Politics and Economics Assistant in American History Univ. Michigan 1902-04; Ph.B. Univ. Michi- gan 1900; Ph.D. Univ. Penna. 1905. Edward Graham Elliott, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor History, Pol- itics and Economics A.B. Princeton 1897. Charles Howard JNIcIlwain, a.m. Preceptor History, Politics and Economics A.B. Princeton 1894. Royal Meeker, b.s. Preceptor History, Politics and Eco- nomics Professor History and Political Science, Ursinus 1904-05; B.S. Iowa State Univ. 1898. Henry Robinson Shipman, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor History, Politics and Economics Assistant in History Harvard 1902-04; Instructor History Dartmouth 1904- 05; A.B. Yale 1899; A.M. Harvard 1901; Ph.D. Harvard 1904. Charles Worthen Spencer, ph.d. Preceptor History, Pol- itics and Economics Professor History Colgate 1896-1905; A.B. Colby 1890; Ph.D. Columbia 1905- Oliver Samuel Tonks, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Art and Ar- chseolog-y Assistant Curator Classical Art Boston Museum Fine Arts 1902-03; In- structor Greek Univ. Vermont 1903-04; Lecturer Greek Columbia 1904-05; A.B. Harvard 1898; A.M. Harvard 1899; Ph.D. Harvard 1903. Andrew Runni Anderson, ph.d. Preceptor Classics Instructor Greek Univ. Wisconsin 1904-05; A.B. Univ. Wisconsin 1900; Ph.D. Harvard 1903. John William Basore, ph.d. Preceptor Classics Professor Latin Hampden-Sidney 1899-1900; Instructor Latin L^niv. Cali- fornia 1901-05; A.B. Hampden-Sidney 1893; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1899. Donald Cameron, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Classics Teaching Fellow Univ. Texas 1895-96; Tutor Classics Univ. Texas 1896- 97; Instructor Greek Univ. Texas 1903-04; Professor Greek Baylor 1904- 05; A.B. Univ. Texas 1895; A.M. Univ. Texas 1896; Ph.D. Harvard 1902. Harold Ripley Hastings, a.m. Preceptor Classics Fellow Archxological Institute of America, American School Classical Stud- ies Athens 1903-04; A.B. Dartmouth 1900; A.M. Harvard 1902. Fred Le Roy Hutson, a.b. Preceptor Classics (Resigned) 1907 Instructor Greek Denison 1897-99, 1900-02; Instructor Greek Princeton 1903-05; A.B. Denison 1896. George Dwight Kellogg, ph.d. Preceptor Classics Assistant in Latin Yale 1896-97; Instructor Latin Vale 1898-99; Tutor Latin Yale 1900-03; Assistant Professor Classics Williams 1903-05; A.B. Yale 1895; Ph.D. Yale 1898. PROFESSORS 45 ACCESSION CLOSE 1905 Donald Alexander Mac Rae, a.m., pii.d. Preceptor Classics Instructor Greek Cornell 1900-05; A.B. Dalhousie i8g8; A.M. Cornell 1899; Ph.D. Cornell 1905. David Magie, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Classics A.B. Princeton 1897. Edwin Moore Rankin, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Classics Professor ISIoJern Languages and Classics Weatherford 1 899-1 900; In- structor Latin Princeton 1903-05; A.B. Vanderbilt 1896; A.M. Vanderbilt 1897, also Harvard 1898; Ph.D. Harvard 1903. Duane Reed Stuart, ph.d. Preceptor Classics ; from 1907 Professor Instructor Greek and Latin Univ. Michigan 1901-04; Assistant Professor Greek and Latin Univ. Michigan 1904-05; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1896; Pu.D. Univ. Michigan 1901. La Rue Van Hook, ph.d. Preceptor Classics Professor Greek Univ. Colorado 1902-03; Instructor Greek and Latin Washington. St. Louis, 1904-05; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1899; Ph.D. Univ. Chicago 1904. Hardin Craig, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor English A.M. Princeton 1899. Gordon Hall Gerould, Litt.b. Preceptor English Reader in English Bryn Mawr 1901-02; Associate in English Bryn Mawr 1902-05; A.B. Dartmouth 1899; Litt.B. Oxford 1901. Nathaniel Edward Griffin, ph.d. Preceptor English Instructor English Univ. Iowa 1899-1900; Professor English Wells 1900- 03; Instructor English Univ. Vermont 1903-04; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1894; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1899. Augustus White Long, a.m. Preceptor English Professor English Trinity, N. C. 1885-87; Professor English Wofford 18S8- 90; Instructor English Princeton 1902-05; A.B. Univ. North Carolina 1885; A.M. Harvard 1891. Francis Charles Mac Donald, a.b. Preceptor English A.B. Princeton 1896. Charles Grosvenor Osgood, Jr., ph.d. Preceptor English. . . . Assistant Professor English Univ. Colorado 1899-1900; Instructor English Yale 1900-05; A.B. Yale 1894; Ph.D. Yale 1899. Robert Kilburn Root, ph.d. Preceptor English Instructor English Yale 1899-1905; A.B. Yale 1898; Ph.D. Yale 1902. John Duncan Spaeth, ph.d. Preceptor English Assistant Professor English Gustavus Adolphus 1893; Instructor English, Latin and History Central High School, Phila. 1894-95; Professor English Central High School, Phila. 1895-1905; Lecturer Phila. Free Library, New York Board of Education and University Extension Society; A.B. Univ. Penna. 188S; Ph.D. Leipzig 1892. Douglas Labaree Buffum, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Modern Languages Instructor French Yale 1904-05; A.B. and A.M. Univ. Virginia 1898; Pii.D. Johns Hopkins 1904. Frank Linley Critchlow, ph.d. Preceptor ^Modern Languages. A.B. Princeton 1896. 46 PROFESSORS ACCESSION 1905 Christian Frederick Gauss, a.m. Preceptor Modern Lan- guages ; from 1907 Professor Instructor French Univ. Michigan 1899-1901; Instructor Modern Languages Lehigh 1901-03; Assistant Professor Modern Languages Lehigh 1903-05; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1898; A.M. Univ. Michigan 1899. William Koren, a.m. Preceptor Modern Languages Instructor German and Greek Luther 1889-92; Instructor French and Eng- lish Iowa W'eslej'an 1895-1900; Instructor Modern Languages Princeton 1901-os; A.B. Luther 1882; A.M. Luther 1885. Alfred Austin Moore, a.b. Preceptor Modern Languages.. . . Instructor Romance Languages Cornell 1897-1905; A.B. Hamilton 1890. George Tyler Northup, ph.d. Preceptor Modern Languages. Instructor Roninnce Languages Williams 1903-05; A.B. Williams 1897; Ph.D. Univ. Chicago 1906. George Madison Priest, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Modern Lan- guages A.B. Princeton 1894. Harvey Waterman Thayer, ph.d. Preceptor Modern Lan- guages Instructor Modern Languages Univ. Maine 1896-9S; Tutor German College City of New York 1905; A.B. Bowdoin 1895, also Harvard 1896; Ph.D. Columbia 1904. Gilbert Ames Bliss, M.S., ph.d. Preceptor Mathematics Instructor Mathematics Univ. Minnesota 1900-02; Associate in Mathematics Univ. Chicago 1903-04; Assistant Professor Mathematics Univ. Missouri 1904-05; B.S. Univ. Chicago 1897; M.S. Univ. Chicago 1898; Ph.D. Univ. Chicago 1900. Luther Pfahler Eisenhart, ph.d. Preceptor Mathematics.. . . . Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1900-05; A.B. Penna. College 1896; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1900. William Gillespie, ph.d. Preceptor Mathematics Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1897-1905; A.B. Univ. Toronto 1893; Ph.D. Univ. Chicago 1899. Oswald Veblen, ph.d. Preceptor Mathematics Associate in Mathematics Univ. Chicago 1903-05; A.B. LTniv. Iowa 1898, also Harvard 1900; Ph.D. Univ. Chicago 1903. John Wesley Young, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Mathematics.... Assistant in Mathematics Ohio State Univ. 1890-1901; Assistant in Mathe- matics Cornell 1902-03; Instructor Mathematics Northwestern 1903-05; Ph.B. Ohio State Univ. 1899; A.M. Cornell 1901; Ph.D. Cornell 1904. Marcus Stults Farr, M.S., d.Sc Preceptor Geology A.B. Princeton 1892. 1906 Norman Smith, m.a., ph.d. Psychology Assistant Professor Philosophy Glasgow 1 896-1 906; Lecturer in Philosophy Queen Margaret College 1897-1906; M.A. St. Andrews 1893; Ph.D. St. Andrews 1903. Owen Willans Richardson, m.a., Physics Fellow Trinity Cambridge 1902; Sub-Lector Trinity Cambridge 1901-06; Director Natural Science Studies Corpus Christi Cambridge 1905-06; Demonstrator Cavendish Laboratory 1900-06: B.A. Cambridge 1900; B.S, London 1900; M.A. Cambridge 1904; D.Sc. London 1904. PROFESSORS 47 ACCESSION CLOSE 1906 Augustus Trowbridge, ph.d. Physics Instructor Physics Univ. Michigan 1898-1900; Assistant Professor Physics Univ. Wisconsin 1900-03; Member International Congress Berlin 1903; Secretary Physics Section International Congress Arts & Sciences St. Louis 1904; Professor Physics Univ. Wisconsin 1903-06; Ph.D. Berlin 1898. Edwin Plimpton Adams, M.S., ph.d. Assistant Professor Physics Instructor Physics Princeton 1903-06; B.S. Beloit 1899; M.S. Harvard 1901; Ph.D. Harvard 1904. Philip Ely Robinson, ph.d. Assistant Professor Physics B.S. Princeton 1898. Hereward Lester Cooke, m.a. Assistant Professor Physics.. . Demonstrator Physics McGill 1901-03; Advanced Student Exhibitioner Emmanuel College, Cambridge 1903-05; 1851 Exhibition Scholarship 1903- 06; B.A. McGill 1900; M.A. McGill 1903. Walter Maxwell Adriance, a.m. Preceptor History, Politics and Economics Instructor in Debating Yale 1905-06; A.B. Yale 1900; A.M. Yale 1903. Edgar Dawson, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor History, Politics and Economics Professor History and English Delaware College 1902-06; .A.B. Davidson 1895; A.M. Univ. Virginia 1897; Ph.D. Leipzig 1902. William Starr Myers, ph.d. Preceptor History. Politics and Economics A.B. Univ. North Carolina 1897; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1900. Henry Russell Spencer, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor History, Pol- - itics and Economics (Resigned) 1907 Instructor American History and Political Science Ohio State Univ. 1903- 05; Assistant Professor American History and Political Science Ohio State Univ. 1905-06; A.B. Colby 1899; A.M. Columbia 1901; Ph.D. Columbia 1905. Charles Rufus Morey, a.m. Preceptor Art and x^rchieology. Instructor Classics Princeton 1905-06; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1899; A.M. Univ. Michigan 1900. Jacob Newton Beam, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor Modern Lan- guages A.B. Princeton 1897. Varnum Lansing Collins, a.m. Preceptor Modern Lan- guages A.B. Princeton 1892, Morris William Croll, a.m., ph.d. Preceptor EngHsh A.B. Penna. College 1889, also Harvard 1894; A.M. Penna. College 1892, also Harvard 1895; Ph.D. Univ. Penna. 1901. Louis Wardlaw Miles, m.d., ph.d. Preceptor English A.B. Johns Hopkins 1894; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1897; Ph.D. Johns Hop- kins 1902. 48 STAFFORD LITTLE LECTURER STAFFORD LITTLE LECTURER ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS ACCESSION CLOSE 1899 Grover Cleveland, ll.d LL.D. Princeton 1897 ''on. TUTORS 1747 Caleb Smith, a.m 1748 Trustee Princeton 1750 q.v. 1749 John Maltby, a.m 1752 A.M. Princeton 1750 hon. 1750 Samuel Sherwood, a.m 1752 A.M. Princeton 1755 hon. 1752 Jonathan Badger, a.m i75S A.B. Princeton 1751. Alexander Gordon, a.b i754 A.B. Princeton 1751. 1754 George Dtiffield, a.m., d.d 1756 A.B. Princeton 1752. 1755 William Thom.5on, a.b 1756 A.B. Princeton 1754. 1756 Benjamin Youngs Prime, a.m., m.d i757 A.B. Princeton 1751. John Ewing, a.m., d.d 1758 A.B. Princeton 1754. 1757 Isaac Smith, a.m., m.d 1758 A.B. Princeton 1755. Jeremiah Halsey, a.m 1767 A.B. Princeton 1752. 1758 Joseph Treat, a.m 1760 A.B. Princeton 1757. 1760 Jacob Ker, a.m 1762 A.B. Princeton 1758. 1761 Samuel Blair, a.m., d.d 1764 A.B. Princeton 1760 1762 James Thomson, a.b i77o A.B. Princeton 1761. 1765 Joseph Periam, a.m 1766 A.B. Princeton 1762. 1766 Jonathan Edwards, a.m., d.d ^7^ A.B. Princeton 1763. TUTORS 49 ACCESSION CLOSE 1767 Ebenezer Pemberton, a.m., ll.d 1769 A.B. Princeton 1765. 1768 Joseph Periam, a.m 1769 A.B. Princeton 1762. 1769 William Churchill Houston, a.b i77i A.B. Princeton 1768. 1769 Tapping Reeve, a.m., ll.d i77o A.B. Princeton 1763. 1770 Richard Devens, a.m ^774 A.B. Princeton 1767. Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., ll.d ^773 A.B. Princeton 1769. 1773 James Grier, a.b ^774 A.B. Princeton 1772. John Duffield, a.b i775 A.B. Princeton 1773. 1774 Lewis Feuilleteau Wilson, m.d i775 A.B. Princeton 1773. 1775 James Dunlap, d.d ^777 A.B. Princeton 1773. John Springer, a.b ^777 A.B. Princeton 1775. 1777 George Faitoute, a.m ^777 A.B. Princeton 1776. 1781 James Riddle, a.m 1783 A.B. Princeton 1779. 1783 Ashbel Green, d.d., ll.d 1785 A.B. Princeton 1783. Samuel Beach, a.b 1785 A.B. Princeton 1783. 1785 Gilbert Tennent Snowden, a.m 1787 A.B. Princeton 1783. 1787 John Wright Vancleve, a.b i79i A.B. Princeton 1786. 1787 James Henderson Imlay, a.b 1788 A.B. Princeton 1786. 1788 Samuel Harris, a.b 1789 A.B. Princeton 1787. 1789 Silas Wood, a.b i794 A.B. Princeton 1789. 50 TUTORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1791 John Nelson Abeel, d.d 1793 A.B. Princeton 1787. 1793 Robert Finley, d.d 1795 A.B. Princeton 1787. Charles Jeffry Snowden, a.m 1793 A.B. Princeton 1789. 1794 David English, a.m 1796 A.B. Princeton 1789. 1795 Joseph Caldwell, a.m., d.d 1796 A.B. Princeton 1791. 1796 John Henry Hobart, a.m., d.d 1798 A.B. Princeton 1793. Robert Marshall Forsyth, a.b 1797 A.B. Princeton 1796. 1797 Edmund Elmendorf, a.b 1797 A.B. Princeton 1794. John Witherspoon Smith, a.m 1797 A.B. Princeton 1795. Henry Kollock, a.m., d.d 1800 A.B. Princeton 1794. Frederick Beasley, a.m., d.d iBoo A.B. Princeton 1797. 1800 Elias Riggs, a.b 1801 A.B. Princeton 1795. Benjamin B. Hopkins, a.m 1803 A.B. Princeton 1798. 1801 James Carnahan, d.d., ll.d 1803 A.B. Princeton 1800. 1803 John Melancthon Bradford, a.m., d.d 1804 A.M. Princeton 1804 hon. Andrew Thompson, a.m 1804 A.B. Princeton 1801. William Neill, a.m., d.d 1805 A.B. Princeton 1803. 1804 Alfred Ely, a.m., d.d 1805 .\.B. Princeton 1804. 1805 John Johnston, a.m., d.d 1806 A.B. Princeton 1801. Isaac Vanarsdale Brown, d.d 1806 A.B. Princeton 1802. TUTORS 51 ACCESSION CLOSE 1806 Hezekiah Belknap, a.m 1807 A.B. Princeton 1805. James Patterson, a.b ^808 A.B. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1805; d. 1837. Alexander Monteith, a.b 1808 A.B. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1803; Tvnor Princeton 1806-08; d. 1815. 1807 Philip Lindsly, a.m., d.d 1809 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1808 John Smith, a.m 1809 A.M. Princeton 1808 hon. i8og William Dunlap, a.m i^^o A.M. Princeton 1816 hon. William Raymond Weeks, d.d iSio .'\.B. Princeton 1809. 1810 Henry Mills, a.m., d.d 1810 A.B. Princeton 1802. Humphrey Mount Perrine, a.m 1810 A.B. Princeton 1808. John Bergen, a.m., d.d ^^^^ A.B. Princeton 1808. William Anderson McDowell, a.m., d.d 1811 A.B. Princeton 1809. 1811 John Flavel Clark, a.m 1814 A.B. Princeton 1807. 1812 Philip Lindsly, a.m., d.d 1S13 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1813 James Hill Parmelee, a.m 1814 A.M. Princeton 1814 hon. 1814 Stephen Saunders, a.m 1817 A.B. Princeton 1814. Elias Harrison, d.d iSi6 A.B. Princeton 1814. 1816 Robert Woodruff Condit, a.m., d.d 1818 A.B. Princeton 1814. 1817 Thomas Jacob Biggs, a.m., d.d 1818 A.B. Princeton 1815. 1818 David Magie, a.m., d.d 1820 A.B. Princeton 1817. Benjamin Ogden, a.m 1820 A.B. Princeton 1817. 52 TUTORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1818 John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d 1822 A.B. Princeton 1816. 1820 James Vernon Henry, a.m 1822 A.B. Princeton 1815. John Breckinridge, a.m., d.d 1821 A.B. Princeton 1818. 1821 Robert Baird, a.m., d.d 1822 A.M. Princeton 1822 hon. 1822 Samuel Kennedy Talmage, a.m., d.d 1825 A.B. Princeton 1820, Alfred Augustus Sowers, a.m 1825 A.B. Princeton 1821. George Bush, a.m 1823 a.m. Princeton 1823 hon. 1824 James Waddel Alexander, a.m., d.d 1825 A.B. Princeton 1820. 1825 Alexander Aikman, a.m 1826 A.B. Princeton 1821. Daniel Cook Axtell, a.m 1827 A.B. Hamilton 1821; A.M. Hamilton 1824; d. 1837. 1826 John Clarke Young, a.m., d.d 1828 d.d. Princeton 1839 hon. 1827 Albert Baldwin Dod, a.m., d.d 1829 A.B. Princeton 1822. 1828 Abraham Rezeau Brown, a.m 1830 A.B. Princeton 1825. 1829 Jonathan Bailey Condit, a.m., d.d 1830 A.B. Princeton 1827. 1830 Festus Hanks, a.m 1832 A.B. Princeton 1829. Joseph Alden, a.m., d.d,, ll.d 1832 a.m. Princeton 1832 hon. 1831 George William Leyburn, a.m 1832 A.B. Princeton 1829. 1832 James Cooke Edwards, a.m 1833 A.B. Princeton 1830. John Seely Hart, a.m., ll.d 1834 A.B. Princeton 1830. Samuel Higgins McDonald, a.m 1833 A.B. Princeton 1828. TUTORS 53 ACCESSION CLOSE 1833 Stephen Alexander, ll.d 1834 Adjunct Professor Mathematics Princeton 1834 q.v. Hugh Nesbitt Wilson, a.m., d.d 1835 A.B. Princeton 1830. 1834 George Biirrowes, a.m., d.d 1835 A.B. Princeton 183^. 1835 Samuel Miller, Jr., a.m., d.d 1836 A.B. Princeton 1833. Evert Marsh Topping, a.m 1839 A.B. Princeton 1830. 1836 John Crowell, a.m., d.d 1837 A.B. Princeton 1834. William Scudder Cooley, a.m 1841 A.B. Princeton 1828. Joseph Owen, a.m., d.d 1839 A.B. Princeton 1835. 1837 James Clement Moffat, a.m., d.d 1839 A.B. Princeton 1835. 1838 Qiarles Kisselman ImlDrie, a.m., d.d 1840 A.B. Princeton 1835. 1839 William Wikoff Woodhull, a.m., ph.d 1842 A.B. Princeton 1833. 1840 Daniel Johnson, a.m 1844 A.B. Princeton 1838. William Armstrong Dod, a.m., d.d 1841 A.B. Princeton 1838. 1841 Joseph Buck Stratton, a.m., d.d 1843 A.B. Princeton 1833. Jesse Edwards, a.m 1844 A.B. Princeton 1839. 1S43 Levi Hunt Christian, a.m., d.d 1844 A.B. Princeton 1840. John Whelen Sterling, a.m., ph.d., ll.d 1844 A.B. Princeton 1840. 1844 George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d 1846 A.B. Princeton 1841. Archibald Alexander Hodge, a.m., d.d., ll.d 1846 A.B. Princeton 1841. Nathan Merritt Owen, a.m 1847 A.B. Princeton 1841. 54 TUTORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1845 John Thomas Duffeld, d.d., ll.d 1847 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1846 Thomas Ware Cattell, a.m., ph.d A.B. Princeton 1842. 1847 EHjah Richardson Craven, a.m., d.d., ll.d A.B. Princeton 1842. Frederick La Rue King, a.m A.B. Princeton 1844. 1849 Stephen Grover Dodd, a.m A.B. Princeton 1846. 1850 Caspar Wistar Hodge, a.m., d.d., ll.d A.B. Princeton 1848. 1851 William Hampton Babbitt, a.m A.B. Princeton 1846. 1852 Henry Clay Cameron, ph.d., d.d A.B. Princeton 1847. 1853 Archibald Parritt Cobb, a.m A.B. Princeton 1850. 1854 Isaac Norton Rendall, a.m., d.d A.B. Princeton 1852. William Henry Canfield, a.m A.B. Princeton 1850. Edwin Rea Bower, a.m., d.d A.B. Princeton 1851. Gilbert Tennent Woodhull, a.m., d.d A.B. Princeton 1852, 1855 Charles Russell Clarke, a.m A.B. Princeton 1853. Henry Martyn Baird. a.m., ph.d., d.d., ll.d., l.h.d Ph.D. Princeton 1867 hon. James Snodgrass Simonton, a.m A.B. Princeton 1852. 1856 Lorenzo Westcott, a.m A.B. Princeton 1852. Amzi Lewis Armstrong, a.m A.B. Princeton 1852. 1857 James McDougall, a.m., ph.d A.B. Princeton 1854. Joseph Tuthill Duryea, a.m., d.d., ll.d A.B. Princeton 1856. TUTORS 55 ACCESSION CLOSE 1858 Theodore McGowan, a.m 1858 A.B. Princeton 1855. Robert Graham Hinsdale, a.m., d.d 1858 A.B, Princeton 1856. Gershom Hatton Nimmo, a.m 1861 A.B. Princeton 1858. 1859 Daniel Seely Gregory, a.m., d.d i860 A.B. Princeton 1857. Morris Crater Stitphen, a.m., d.d i860 A.B. Princeton 1856. George Henry Burroughs, a.m i860 A.B. Princeton 1856. i860 Joseph Smith Van Dyke, a.m., d.d i860 A.B. Princeton 1857. John Wherry, a.m., d.d 1861 A.B. Princeton 1858. John Ryan McKelway, a.m 1861 A.B. Princeton 1857. John Stevens Stewart, a.m., d.d 1861 A.B. Princeton 1856. 1861 William Alfred McAtee, a.m., d.d 1865 A.B. Princeton 1859. Fergus Lafayette Kenyon, a.m 1864 A.B. Princeton 1859. Robert Aaron Condit, a.m., d.d 1863 A.B. Princeton 1859. 1863 Samuel Henry Kellogg, a.m., d.d., ll.d 1864 A.B. Princeton 1861. Edward Grif^n Read, a.m., d.d 1865 A.B. Princeton 1861. Lewis Ward Mudge, a.m., d.d 1867 A.B. Princeton 1862. 1864 James Johnson Coale, a.m 1866 A.B. Princeton 1862. 1865 Samuel Stanhope Orris, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d 1866 A.B. Princeton 1862. George William Sheldon, a.m., l.h.d 1867 A.B. Princeton 1863. Edward Denison Ledyard, a.m., d.d 1867 A.B, Princeton 1864. 56 TUTORS ACCESSION CLOSE 1866 Augustine Alexis Bloombergh, a.m., ph.d 1867 Princeton Seminary 1867; Tutor Latin Princeton 1866-67; Professor Mod- ern Languages and Lecturer European History Lafayette 1867- ; VVurz- burg 1854; A.M. ; Ph.D. Marietta 1874; d. 1906. Henry Seymour Butler, a.m., d.d 1866 A.B. Princeton 1862. 1867 Edward Payson Rankin, a.m 1869 A.B. Princeton 1865. Benjamin Cory Meeker, a.m 1868 A.B. Princeton 1864. Robert Sloss, a.m., d.d 1868 A.B. Princeton 1865. Joseph Pope Pennington, a.m 1868 A.B. Princeton 1865. 1868 John Howard O'Brien, a.m 1870 A.B. Princeton 1864. Theodore Whitefield Hunt, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d 1871 A.B. Princeton 1865. Fuller Porter Dalrymple, a.m 1873 A.B. Princeton 1867. 1869 Eli Marsh Turner, a.m., ll.d 1873 A.B. Princeton 1868. 1870 Alfred Hamilton Fahnestock, a.m., d.d 1873 A.B. Princeton 1868. 1871 William Cooper Rommel, a.m 1872 A.B. Princeton 1868. 1872 John Porter Laird, a.m 1873 A.B. Princeton 1871. 1873 William McDowell Halsey, a.m., ph.d 1875 A.B. Princeton 1871. John Miller Cross, a.m 1876 A.B. Princeton 1867. 1874 Simon John McPherson, a.m., d.d 1875 A.B. Princeton 1874. 1875 Isaac Hiram Condit, a.m 1876 A.B. Princeton 187.^. George Henry Ferris 1876 A.B. Princeton 1874. 1876 Allan Marquand, ph.d., l.h.d 1876 A.B. Princeton 1874. David Scott, Jr., a.m 1877 A.B. Princeton 1873. TUTORS 57 ACCESSION CLOSE 1876 Samuel Ross Winans, pii.d 1881 A.B. Princeton 1874. John Patterson Coyle, d.d 1879 A.B. Princeton 1875. Henry Alfred Todd, ph.d 1880 A.B. Princeton 1876. 1879 George Bruce Halsted, a.m., ph.d 1881 A.B. Princeton 1875, Charles Richard Williams, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d 1880 A.B. Princeton 1875. 1881 John Patterson Coyle, d.d 1881 A.B. Princeton 1875. Allan Marquand, ph.d., l.h.d 1882 A.B. Princeton 1874. Henry Burchard Fine, a.m., ph.d 1885 A.B. Princeton 1880. 1882 John Leverett Moore, a.m., ph.d 1885 A.B. Princeton i88i. 1885 Albert Pruden Carman, a.m., d.Sc 1887 A.B. Princeton 1883. John Howell Westcott, a.m., ph.d 1889 A.B. Princeton 1877. 1887 George Black Roddy, a.m 1888 A.B. Princeton 1886. Taylor Reed, a.m 1892 A.B. Princeton 1886. 1888 Henry Dallas Thompson, a.m., ph.d., d.Sc 1891 A.B. Princeton 1885. 1892 John Howell Westcott, A.M., PH.D. Roman Law A.B. Princeton 1877. INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 1804 ? I. Honore Cousin. Teacher French 1805 1805 M.— Dufort. Teacher French 1806 1841 Alexandre Cardon de Sandrans. Instructor Modern Lan- guages ^^49 1845 Henry J. David, Teacher pro tern. German 1846 1847 John Stillwell Schanck, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Lecturer Zoology.. 1857 A.B. Princeton 1840. 58 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1849 Frederick Perrin. Teacher French and German 1852 1852 Edward Dubuque. Teacher French 1853 1852 I. Loewenthal, a.m. Teacher German 1855 1855 WiUiam Armstrong Dod, a.m. Lecturer Fine Arts 1859 A.B. Princeton 1838. George Augustus Matile, ll.d. Lecturer Civil History 1858 George Augustus Matile, ll.d. Teacher German 1857 Henry Martyn Baird, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Teacher French... 1859 Ph.D. Princeton 1867 hon. 1857 Carl Langlotz. Teacher German 1869 1859 Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., d.d. Instructor French. . 1868 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1861 James Clement Moffat, a.m., d.d. Lecturer Greek Archi- tecture (Resigned) 1877 A.B. Princeton 1835. 1864 John Forsyth, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. Lecturer History (Resigned) 1872 LL.D. Princeton 1873 hon. John Seely Hart, a.m., ll.d. Lecturer EngHsh Language. . . 1870 'A.B. Princeton 1830. 1865 George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d. Lecturer Extraordinary on Architecture *i86s A.B. Princeton 1841. 1868 A. Edmond Veyer. Teacher French 1869 1869 George A. Comfort, a.m. Instructor ^Modern Languages. . . . 1870 Joseph Karge, ph.d. Instructor Modern Languages 1870 Professor Continental Languages Princeton 1870 q.v. 1877 William Milligan Sloane, a.m., ph.d., l.h.d., ll.d. Assistant in Latin 1879 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. John Bach AIcMaster, a.m., c.e., ph.d., litt.d., ll.d. In- structor Civil Engineering (Resigned) 1883 A.B. College City of New York 1872; Litt.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1894; ll.d. Washington & Jefferson 1902; also Univ. Toronto 1907. Francis Sanderson Craven, e.m., c.e. Assistant in Chemistry and Mineralogy (Resigned) 1880 E.^L Columbia 1876; d. 1890. 1878 Malcolm McNeill, a.m., ph.d. Assistant in Astronomy 1883 A.B. Princeton 1877. INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 59 ACCESSION CLOSE 1879 James Frederick McCurdy, ph.d. Instructor Sanskrit. (Resigned) 1880 Ph.D. Princeton 1878 hon. William Francis Magie, a.m., ph.d. Assistant in Physics.. . . 1882 A.B. Princeton 1879. Henry Neviiis Van Dyke, a.m. Instructor Classics and Math- ematics 1883 A.B. Princeton 1872. 1880 Hermann Carl Otto Huss, ph.d. Instructor Modern Lan- guages ^^^ A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Charles Wells Marsh, ph.d. Assistant Chemistry and Miner- alogy ^^^3 Ph.B. Columbia 1879; Ph.D. Columbia 1882; Instructor Organic Chemistry Lehigh; d. 1896. Henry Fairfield Osborn, a.m., d.Sc, ll.d. Assistant in Biology 1881 A.B. Princeton 1877. William Berryman Scott, a.m., ph.d., ll.d. Assistant in Geology 1881 A.B. Princeton 1877. 1881 George Bruce Halsted, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Post Graduate Mathematics (Resigned) 1884 A.B. Princeton 1875. Henry Fairfield Osborn, a.m., d.Sc, ll.d. Lecturer Biology. 1882 A.B. Princeton 1877. Frederick Newton Willson, c.e., a.m. Instructor Descriptive Geometry, Stereotomy and Technical Drawing 1883 a.m. Princeton 1896 hon. 1882 C. Barton Monroe Harris, a.m. Instructor Modern Lan- guages ^883 A.B. Princeton 1882. Adam Todd Bruce, Jr., ph.d. Demonstrator Comparative Anatomy 1883 A.B. Princeton 1881. William Francis Magie, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Physics 1885 A.B. Princeton 1879. 1883 Malcolm McNeill, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Astronomy 1885 A.B. Princeton 1877. Edward John Hamilton, d.d. Instructor Logic and Mental Science ^^3 6o INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1883 Francis Landey Patton, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Lecturer Ethics. . . 1884 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Herbert Stearns Squier Smith, c.e. Instructor Civil En- gineering 18S5 C.E. Princeton 1878. Francis Calvin Roberts, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering.. . 1884 C.E. Princeton 1883. Leroy Wiley McCay, a.m., d.Sc. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry and Mineralogy 1887 A.B. Princeton 1878. 1884 Archibald Lamont Daniels, ph.d., d.Sc, Instructor Advanced Mathematics 1885 D.Sc. Princeton 1886 hon. Albert Pruden Carman, a.m., d.Sc Instructor Physics 1885 A.B. Princeton 1883. 1885 John Ellsworth Peters, a.m., d.Sc. Instructor Biology 1886 A.B. Princeton 1870. Walter Mead Rankin, a.m., m.s., ph.d. Instructor Biology.. . 1886 M.S. Princeton 1884. 1886 James Mark Baldwin, a.m., ph.d., Hon. d.Sc, ll.d. In- structor French 1887 A.B. Princeton 1884. John Warne Phillips, m.s. Demonstrator in Biology 1889 B.S. Princeton 1884. Ernst Otto Wilhelm IMildner, a.m. Lecturer on Music 1887 A.M. Princeton 1893 hoi- 1887 John Howell Westcott, a.m., ph.d. Instructor French 1888 A.B. Princeton 1877. Andrew Campbell Armstrong, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Instructor His- tory 1S88 A.B. Princeton 1881. Leroy Wiley McCay, a.m., d.Sc. Instructor Analytical Chem- istry and Mineralogy 1889 A.B. Princeton 1878. Marion Mills Miller, a.m., Litt.d. Assistant in Oratory.... 1888 A.B. Princeton 1886. Ernest Knaufft. Assistant in Freehand Drawing 1888 t888 Taylor Reed, a.m. Assistant in Astronomy 1892 A.B. Princeton 1886. John Green Semple, a.m., c.e. Assistant in Drawing 1889 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 6i ACCESSION CLOSE 1888 Alexander Hamilton Phillips, M.S., d.Sc. Assistant in Biology 1889 B.S. Princeton 1887. Marion Mills Miller, a.m., Litt.d. Instructor Oratory 1891 A.B. Princeton 1886. 18S9 George McLean Harper, a.m., ph.d. Instructor French.... 1891 A.B. Princeton 1884. Walter Mead Rankin, a.m., m.s., pii.n. Instructor Biolog}'. . . 1895 M.S. Princeton 1884. Walter Butler Harris, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering 1895 C.E, Princeton 1886. Samuel Thompson Dodd, a.m., e.e. Assistant in Physics 1893 A.B. Princeton 1887. Rudolph Weber. Assistant in Graphics 1891 Arthur Lincoln Frothingham, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Instructor Semitic Languages 1891 A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Alexander Hamilton Phillips, M.S., d.Sc. Demonstrator in Biology 1892 B.S. Princeton 1887. 1890 Floward Crosby Warren, a.m. Instructor Logic 1893 A.B. Princeton 1889. John Milton Brooks, a.i\i. Instructor Mathematics 1892 A.B. Princeton 1889. Louis Eugene Livingood, a.m., m.d. Instructor French and German 1892 A.B. Princeton 1890. Robert Hezekiah Beattie, a.m. Instructor Latin 1S91 A.B. Princeton 1885. Robert William Blake, a.m. Instructor Greek 1894 A.B. Princeton 1887. Clark Benedict Williams, a.m. Instructor Mathematics 1892 A.B. Princeton 1S90. Robert Eliot Speer, a.m. Assistant in Religious Instruction. . 1892 A.B. Princeton 1889. 1891 Ernst Otto Wilhelm IMildner, a.m. Instructor German 1893 A.M. Princeton 1893 hon. John Grier Hibben, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Logic 1892 A.B. Princeton 1882. Charles Sidney Smith, a.m. Instructor Latin 1897 A.B. Princeton 1888. 62 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1891 Charles Freeman Williams McClure, a.m. Instructor Biol- ogy 189s A.B. Princeton 1888. Nicholas Evertson Crosby, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Greek and Latin 1892 Ph.D. Princeton 1893. Fred Neher, a.m. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry 1894 A.B, Princeton 1889. Barton Cruikshank. Instructor Graphics 1892 1892 George Shreve Wilkins, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering. 1894 C.E. Princeton 1890. Chalmers Martin, a.m., d.d. Instructor Hebrew. . (Resigned) 1900 A.B. Princeton 1879. Edwin Seelye Lewis, a.m., ph.d., ll.b. Instructor in Ro- mance Languages 1895 Assistant Professor 1895 Q-'^- Willard Cunningham Humphreys, a.m., m.d., ph.d. Instruc- tor Latin 1894 Assistant Professor 1894 g.v. John McGowan, a.b. Instructor Mathematics 1893 Lewis Seymour Mudge, a.m. Instructor Mathematics 1894 A.B. Princeton 1889. George McLean Harper, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Romance Languages 1894 A.B. Princeton 1884. Alexander Hamilton Phillips, M.S., d.Sc Instructor Miner- alogy and Biology 1893 B.S. Princeton 1887, John Grier Hibben, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Logic and Psychology, and Assistant in Biblical Instruction 1894 A.B. Princeton 1882. John Caruthers Leach, a.r. Instructor Greek 1893 A.B. Princeton 1891. Frederick Crosby Torrey, a.m. Instructor Graphics. 1899 a.m. Princeton 1899. James Purviance Atkinson, m.s. Assistant in Chemistry and Mineralogy (Resigned) 1896 A.B. Princeton 1892. John Young Graham, M.S., ph.d. Demonstrator in Biology. 1894 B.S. Princeton 1892. INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 63 ACCESSION CLOSE 1892 George Augustus Hulett, A.M., PH.D. Assistant in Chemistry 1896 A.B. Princeton 1892. Alexander William Herdler. Instructor Modern Languages 1895 1893 Alfred Pearce Dennis, a.m., ph.d. Instructor History 1894 A.B. Princeton 1891. Nicholas Evertson Crosby, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Archaeol- ogy 1894 Ph.D. Princeton 1893. Alexander Hamilton Phillips, M.S., d.Sc. Instructor Mineral- ogy 1898 B.S. Princeton 1887. Howard Crosby Warren, a.m. Instructor Experimental Psychology 1894 A.B. Princeton 1889. Charles Howard Hinton, m.a. Instructor Mathematics 1897 M.A. Oxford i8 — ; d. 1907. Frank Allan Waterman, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Physics.... 1897 A.B. Princeton 1888. Jonathan Brace Chittenden, a.m., m.e., ph.d. Instructor Mathematics 1895 A.B. Plarvard 1889; A.M. Harvard 1890; C.E., M.E. Worcester School of Engineers 1888; Ph.D. Konigsberg 1893. Legh Wilber Reid, M.S., ph.d. Instructor Mathematics.... 1897 M.S. Princeton 1896. Peter Sauervein Stollhofen, ph.d. Instructor Modern Lan- guages 1895 Harry Franklin Covington, a.m. Assistant in Oratory 1898 A..B. Princeton 1892. William Guild Howard, a.m. Instructor German 1895 Instructor German Harvard 1895-99, 1900 — ; A.B. Harvard 1891; A.M. Harvard 1892. John Ely Moore, m.e., e.e. Assistant in Electrical Engineer- ing 1899 E.E. Princeton 1893. 1894 John Haughton Coney, a.m. Instructor History 1898 A.B. Princeton 1885. John Milton Brooks, a.m. Instructor Mathematics (Resigned) 1902 A.B. Princeton 1889. Howard Crosby Warren, a.m. Demonstrator in Experi- mental Psychology 1896 A.B. Princeton 1889. 64 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1894 Fred Neher, a.m. Instructor Analytical Chemistry 1896 A.B. Princeton 1889. John Bell Hatcher, ph.b. Assistant in Geology. .. (Resigned) 1900 Assistant in Geology Yale 1891-92; Curator Vertebrate Palreontology Prince- ton 1893-1900; Curator Vertebrate Palaeontology Carnegie Museum Pitts- burg, Pa. 1900-04; Ph.B. Yale 1884; M.A.P.S.; d. 1904. Elmer Howard Loomis, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Physics. . . . 1897 Assistant Professor 1897 9•^• Edmund Yard Robbins, a.m. Instructor Greek 1897 A.B. Princeton 1889. Alvin Davison, a.m. Demonstrator in Biology 1895 Louis Burton Crane, a.m. Assistant in Biblical Instruction. . 1895 A.B. Princeton 1891. William Kelly Prentice, A.M., ph.d. Instructor Greek 1900 A.B. Princeton 1892. Williamson Up Dike Vreeland, a.m., d. fes l. Instructor Ro- mance Languages 189B A.B. Princeton 1892. Webster Browning, a.m. Instructor Latin 1895 A.B. Princeton 1894. William Ashenhurst Dunn, a.m. Assistant in English 1896 A.B. Princeton 1893. Herbert Fowler Sill, b.s. Assistant in Applied Chemistry. . . 1900 B.S. Princeton 1894. John Grier Hibben, a.m., ph.d. Assistant in Biblical Instruc- tion 1897 A.B. Princeton 1882. 1895 Herbert Jefferson Eraser. Instructor Civil Engineering. . . . 1897 Walter Augustus Wyckoff, a.m. Lecturer on Sociology.... 1898 A.B. Princeton 1888. Howard Crosby Butler, a.m. Lecturer on Architecture 1897 A.B. Princeton 1892. Caspar Wistar Hodge, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Philosophy. . 1897 A.B. Princeton 1892. Jesse Benedict Carter, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin 1898 A.B. Princeton 1893. Ulric Dahlgren, m.s. Assistant in Histology 1899 A.B. Princeton 1894. Albert Flarris Wilson, M.S. Instructor Mathematics 1899 Instructor Mathematics Princeton 189S-99. 1900-03; Instructor Matliematics Univ. Illinois 1904-05; Associate Professor Mathematics Alabama Poly- technic 1905 — ; B.S. Vanderbilt 1892; M.S. Vanderbilt 1893. INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 65 ACCESSION CLOSE 1895 George Madison Priest, a.m., ph.d. Instructor German.... 1905 A.B. Princeton 1894. Charles Roger Watson, a.b. Instructor French 1896 A.B. Princeton 1894. John Preston Hoskins, a.m., ph.d. Instructor German.... 1898 A.B. Princeton 1891. 1896 WilHam Foster, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Assistant in Chemistry and Mineralogy 1898 A.M. Princeton 1896. William Henry McLauchlan, m.s., ph.d. Assistant in General Chemistry ^90d M.S. Princeton 1899. Henry Lyndon McMillan, b.s. Assistant in Chemistry and Mineralogy 1897 B.s. Princeton 1894. Benjamin Franklin Carter, a.m. Instructor French 1899 A.B. Princeton 1894. Guy Allan Tawney, a.m., ph.d. Demonstrator in Experi- mental Psychology 1897 A.B. Princeton 1893. Fred Neher, a.m. Instructor Analytical Chemistry 1898 A.B. Princeton 1889. 1897 Edgar Odell Lovett, a.m., m.s., ph.d., ll.d. Instructor Mathematics 1898 Assistant Professor 1898 q.v. Louis Burton Crane, a.m. Assistant in Biblical Instruction. . 1899 A.B. Princeton 1891. Homer James Edmiston, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin 1898 Instructor Latin Cornell 1892-97; Instructor Latin Princeton 1897-98; James Savage Scholar Harvard 1898-1901; Associate in Latin Bryn Mawr 1901-04; A.B. Univ. Nebraska 1892; A.M. Harvard 1899; Ph.D. Harvard 1901. WilHam Gillespie, ph.d. Instructor Mathematics 1905 Preceptor 1905 q.v. Charles Alexander Robinson, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Greek. 1898 A.B. Princeton 1894. Howard McClenahan, M.S., e.e. Instructor Physics iQoi E.E. Princeton 1895. Charles Richard Kellerman, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineer- ing 1898 Francis Wright Kennedy, ph.d. Demonstrator in Experi- mental Psychology '898 Professor Philosophy Univ. Colorado 1898-1901; Ph.D. Leipsic 1897; d. 1901. 66 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1897 Wilbur Marshall Urban, a.m., ph.d. Reader in Philosophy 1898 A.B. Princeton 1895. Edward Strong Worcester, a.b., b.d. Instructor Latin 1898 A.B. Princeton 1896. Albert Woodward Jamison, b.s. Assistant in Chemistry and Mineralogy 1900 B.s. Princeton 1897, 1898 Charles Alexander Robinson, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin. . 1904 a.b. Princeton 1894. Henry Hutton Kennedy, Jr., c.e. Instructor Civil Engineer- ing 1899 C.E. Princeton 1898. Arthur Willis Leonard, a.b. Instructor Greek 1899 a.b. Princeton 1897. Robert McNutt McElroy, a.m., ph.d. Instructor American History 1901 A.B. Princeton 1896. Bayard Tuckerman, A.B. Lecturer on English Literature. .. . 1907 A.B. Harvard 1878. Edward Graham Elliott, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin 1900 A.B. Princeton 1897. 1899 Ernest Trow Carter, a.m. Lecturer on Music 1901 A.B. Princeton 1888. Legh Wilber Reid, M.S., ph.d. Instructor Mathematics..., 1900 M.S. Princeton 1896. Jacob Newton Beam, a.m., ph.d. Instructor German 1905 A.B. Princeton 1897. David Magie, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin 1905 A.B. Princeton 1897. Percy Robert Colwell, a.m. Instructor Greek 1901 A.B. Princeton 1897. Frederick Leopold Johnson, a.b. Instructor Greek 1900 A.B. Princeton 1898. Howard Logan, c.e. Instructor Graphics 1900 C.E. Princeton 1899. William Henry Detrich, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering. . 1900 C.E. Princeton 1899. Charles Frederick Silvester. Assistant in Anatomy Preparator in Anatomy, Princeton 1897-99; Assistant in Anatomy, Prince- ton 1899 — ; Curator Morphological Museum, Princeton 1901 — . 1900 Albert Harris Wilson, m.s. Instructor Mathematics 1903 Instructor 1895 q.v. INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 67 ACCESSION CLOSE 1900 Jonathan Bailey Browder, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin..., 1901 A.B. Vanderbilt 1892; A.M. Vanderbilt 1893; A.M. Harvard 1895; Ph.D. Univ. Wisconsin 1897. Marcus Stults Farr, M.S., d.Sc. Assistant in Geology 1905 A.B. Princeton 1892. William Foster, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Instructor Analytical Chem- istry 1901 A.M. Princeton 1896. Thomas Cowden Laughlin, a.m., b.d., ph.d. Instructor Bib- lical Literature 1901 A.B. Princeton 1892. Philip Hudson Churchman, a.m. Instructor French 1904 A.B. Princeton 1896. Luther Pfahler Eisenhart, ph.d. Instructor jMathematics. , 1905 Preceptor 1905 q.v. John Robert Benton, ph.d. Instructor Mathematics 1901 Assistant Physics Cornell 1901-02; Professor Physics Univ. Florida loos— • B.S. Trinity 1897; A.B. Trinity 1898; Ph.D. Gottingen 1901. John Stout Van Nest, m.s. Assistant in Chemistry and Min- eralogy 1905 B.S. Princeton 1897. Richard Frederic Lot Ridgvvay. a.m., m.d. Instructor Greek 1902 A.B. Princeton 1898. Edward Finney Hulbert, c.e. Instructor Graphics 1901 C.E. Princeton 1900. Frederick Wilson Kafer, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering. . 1901 C.E. Princeton 1900. Charles Kern Smith, a.b., a.m. Demonstrator Experimental Psychology igoi A.B. Princeton 1900. 1901 Louis Herbert Gray, A.M., PH.D. Instructor Indo-Iranian. . 1903 A.B. Princeton 1896. Arnold Edward Ortmann, ph.d. Assistant in Physical Geog- raphy igo3 Volunteer 5th Thuringian Infantry, No. 24, (German Army), 1882-83- Lieutenant of Reserves 1883; Assistant in Botany Jena 1S83-86; Assistant in Paleontology Strassburg 1886-87; Assistant at Zoological Museum of City and University Strassburg 1887-94; Curator Invertebrate Paleontology Princeton 1894-1903: Assistant in Physical Geography Princeton 1901-0/: Curator Invertebrate Zoology Carnegie Museum Pittsburg 1903—; Ph.D. Jena 1886; M.A.P.S. y o , Herbert Fowler Sill, M.S. Instructor Analytical Chemistry. . 1904 B.S. Princeton 1894. Lawrence Hutton, a.m. Lecturer on English Literature ^1904 A.M. Princeton 1897 iion. 68 IXSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1901 Hardin Craig, a.m., pii.d. Instructor English 1905 A.M. Princeton 1899. David Lawrence Chambers, a.m. Assistant in English 1903 A.B. Princeton igoo. Percy Robert CoKvell, a.m. Instructor English 1903 A.B. Princeton 1897. Edward Glassmeyer, a.b. Instructor Greek 1903 A.B. Princeton 1901. Howard McClenahan, xM.s., e.e. Instructor Physics and As- sistant in Electrical Engineering 1902 E.E. Princeton 1895. Charles William Leverett Johnson, ph.d. Instructor Latin. . 1903 William James Shaw, a.m. Demonstrator in Experimental Psychology 1902 Ernest William Rettger, ph.d. Instructor Alathematics. . . . 1903 Nathan Wilbur Helm, a.m. Instructor Latin 1903 A.M. Princeton 1901. Herbert Douglas Austin, a.m. Instructor Latin and Italian 1905 A.B. Princeton 1900. [Richard Ludwig] Enno Littmann, ph.d. Instructor Sem- itic Philology 1902 Instructor Semitic Philology Princeton 1901-02; Lecturer on Semitic Philology Princeton 1902-06; Librarian Oriental Department Princeton LTniversity Library 1901-06; Professor Semitic Philology Strassburg 1006 — ; Ph.D. Halle 1898. Howard Crosby Butler, a.m. Lecturer on Architecture 1905 A.B. Princeton 1892. William Koren, a.m. Instructor Modern Languages 1905 Preceptor 1905 q.v. Claude Silbert Hudson, m.s., ph.d. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry 1902 B.S. Princeton 1901. William Foster, Jr., a.m., ph.d. Instructor General Chem- istry 1905 A.M. Princeton 1896. Emery J. Wilson, a.b. Instructor Graphics 1902 A.B. Princeton 1901. Louis O'Neill Mellinger, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering. 1902 C.E. Princeton 1901. 1902 Alfred Alexander Woodhull, a.m., m.d., ll.d. Lecturer on Personal Hygiene and General Sanitation (Resigned) 1907 A.B. Princeton 1856. INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 69 ACCESSION CLOSE 1902 [Richard Ludwig] Enno Littmann, ph.d. Lecturer on Sem- itic Philology (Resigned) 1906 Instructor 1901 q.v. Edward Lawrence Katzenbach, a.m., ll.b. Instructor Politi- cal Economy 1903 A.B. Princeton 1900. Edward Graham Elliott, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Jurisprudence and Politics 1905 A.B. Princeton 1897. Oscar Le Neve Foster, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering. . 1903 C.E. Princeton 1902. Charles Silas Sincerbeaux, a.b. Instructor Geodesy 1905 A. B. Princeton 1902. Augustus White Long, a.m. Instructor English 1905 Preceptor 1905 q.v. Truman Stephen Woodward, a.b. Assistant in General Chemistry A.B. Central 1902. Adam Miller Hiltebeitel, a.m., ph.d. Assistant in Mathe- matics 1903 A.B. Princeton 1900. Frank Sidney Wrinch, a.m., ph.d. Demonstrator Experi- mental Psychology 1903 Instructor Psychology Univ. California 1904 — ; A.B. Toronto 1896; A.M. Toronto 1897; Ph.D. W'iirzburg. Willis Patten Woodman, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Greek 1903 Instructor Greek and Latin Hobart 1905-06; Professor Latin Hobart 1907—; A.B. Harvard 1895; A.M. Harvard 1896; Ph.D. Harvard 1902. Frank Linley Critchlow, a.m., ph.d. Instructor French.... 1905 A.B. Princeton 1896. Charles Edward Lyon, ph.d. Instructor German 1903 Instructor German Williams 1904-05; Instructor German Princeton 1905 — ; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1897; Ph.D. Jolins Hopkins 1904. Munro Lorenzo Abbot, a.b. Instructor Graphics 1903 A.B. Princeton 1902. Oliver Dimon Kellogg, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Mathematics. 1905 A.B. Princeton 1899. 1903 Howell North White, a.m. Instructor Latin 1905 A.B. Princeton 1901. Edwin Moore Rankin, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin 1905 Preceptor 1905 q.v. John Gale Hun, ph.d. Instructor Mathematics A.B. Williams 1899; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1903. 70 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1903 CarlEbin Stromquist, ph.d. Instructor Mathematics B.S. Bethany 1899; Ph.D. Yale 1903. Gilbert van Ingcn. Assistant in Geology Assistant Geologist U. S. Geological Survey 1889-91; Assistant Paleontology Cornell 1891-92; Assistant Palaeontology Columbia 1893-95; Curator Geology Columbia 1895-1901; Special Assistant N. Y. State. Palaeontologist 1899, 1901-03; Curator Invertebrate Palaeontology Princeton 1903 — . Arthur Cleveland Hall, ph.d. Instructor Economics and So- ciology 1904 Lewis Frederic Pease, a.b. Lecturer on Music 1904 A.B. Princeton 1895. William Henry McLauchlan, M.S., ph.d. Instructor General Chemistry 1905 M.S. Princeton 1899. Fred Le Roy Hutson, a.b. Instructor Greek 1905 Preceptor 1905 q-v. John Porter Hall, a.b. Instructor Greek 1905 a.b. Princeton 1897. Philip Ely Robinson, ph.d. Instructor Physics 1906 B.S. Princeton 1898. Edwin Plimpton Adams, m.s. Instructor Physics 1906 Assistant Professor 1906 q.v. George Paris, b.s. Instructor Civil Engineering 1904 Edward Charles McWilliams, b.s. Instructor Graphics 1905 B.S. Princeton 1899. Daniel Lindsey Thomas, ph.d. Instructor English 19^4 Ph.D. Princeton 1905. Horace Meyer Kallen, a.b. Instructor English 1905 A.B. Harvard 1903. John Edward Wallace Wallin, a.m., ph.d. Demonstrator in Experimental Psychology 1905 Professor Psychology and Pedagogy and \'ice Principal East Stroudsburg State Normal; A.B. Augustana 1897; A.M. Yale 1899; Ph.D. Yale 1901. 1904 William Harry demons, a.m. Instructor English 1906 A.M. Princeton 1905. Robert Patton Anderson, a.m. Instructor Latin 1905 A.B. Princeton 1903. Ford Gushing Smith, c.e. Instructor Civil Engineering.... 1905 C.E. Princeton 1904. Aymar Embury, II., m.s. Instructor Architecture 1905 B.s. Princeton 1900. INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 71 ACCESSION CLOSE 1904 Walter Lyman Upson, m.s. Instructor Electrical Engineer- ing and Physics 1906 B.S. Princeton 1899. Claude Silbert Hudson, M.S., pii.d Instructor Physics 1905 Assistant 1901 q.v. Philip Howard Fogel, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Logic and Psychology iQOS A.M. Princeton 1902. Harvey Clayton Rentschler, a.m. Instructor Physics 1905 A.B. Princeton 1903. Donald William Richardson, a.m. Instructor Latin 1905 1905 Arthur Crosby Ludington, a.b. Instructor Jurisprudence and Politics 1907 A.B. Yale 1902. John Edward Wallace Wallin, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Phi- losophy 1906 Demonstrator 1903 q.v. Philip Howard Fogel, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Philosophy. . . 1906 Instructor 1904 q.v. Mortimer Phillips Mason, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Philosophy 1907 A.B. Harvard 1899; A.M. Harvard 1900; Ph.D. Harvard 1904. Charles Hodge Jones, a.b. Instructor Classics 1906 A.B. Princeton 1900. Charles Rufus Morey, a.m. Instructor Classics 1906 Preceptor 1906 q.v. Morris William Croll, a.m., ph.d. Instructor English 1906 Preceptor 1906 q.v. Louis Wardlaw Miles, m.d,, ph.d. Instructor English 1906 Preceptor 1906 q.v. Daniel Lindsey Thomas, ph.d. Instructor English 1906 Ph.D. Princeton 1905. Jacob Newton Beam, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Modern Lan- guages 1906 A.B. Princeton 1897. Charles Edward Lyon, ph.d. Instructor Modern Languages Instructor 1902 q.v. Herbert Douglas Austin, a.m. Instructor Modern Languages 1906 A.B. Princeton 1900. Charles Eugley Mathews, a.b. Instructor Modern Languages A.B. Amherst 1901. 72 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS ACCESSION CLOSE 1905 Alfred Ernest Richards, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Modern Lan- guages A.B. Yale 1898; A.M. Vale 1900; Ph.D. Munich 1904. Charles Ranald INIac Innes, m.a., ph.d. Instructor ^lathe- matics M.A. Queen's Univ. Canada 1896; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1900. Emerson Boyd Morrow, a.m. Instructor Mathematics..., 1906 Anthony Lispenard Underhill, ph.d. Instructor Mathemat- ics 1907 Instructor Mathematics Univ. Wisconsin 1907 — ; B.S. Univ. Chicago 1900; Ph.D. Univ. Chicago 1906. Raymond Smith Dugan, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Astronomy. . Acting Directori of Observatory and Instructor Astronomy & Mathematics Syrian Protestant College 1899-1902; 1st Assistant Astrophysical Institute Heidelberg 1902-04; A.B. Amherst 1899; A.M. Amherst 1902; Ph.D. Heidelberg 1905. Henry Norris Russell, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Astronomy. . A.B. Princeton 1897. Clinton Joseph Davisson. Instructor Physics Associate in Science Chicago 1905. Herman WilHam March, a.m. Instructor Physics 1906 Instructor Mathematics Wisconsin 1906 — ; A.B. Michigan 1904; A.M. Michigan 1905. Royal Eugene Trone, a.b. Instructor Physics 1907 A.B. Princeton 1905. Lionel Herman Duschak, a.b. Assistant in Chemistry A.B. Univ. Michigan 1904. William Dolton Pardoe, b.s. Assistant in Mineralogy B.S. Princeton 1905. William John Sinclair, ph.d. Instructor Geology Assistant U. S. Geological Survey 1899-1904; Collector Univ. California; Geologist American Museum 1905; Tellow in Geology Princeton 1904-05; B.S. Univ. California 1903; Ph.D. Univ. California 1904. Edward Charles McWilliams, B.s. Instructor Department Civil Engineering B.S. Princeton 1898. Charles Silas Sincerbeaux, a.b. Instructor Department of Civil Engineering A.B. Princeton 1902. Joseph Rudd Greenwood, c.e. Instructor Department of Civil Engineering c.e. Princeton 1905. 1906 Edmund Howard Hollands, ph.d. Instructor Philosophy... 1907 INSTRUCTORS, LECTURERS AND ASSISTANTS 73 ACCESSION CLOSE 1906 Charles Bell McMullen, b.d., a.m. Instructor Philosophy . . . 1907 A.B. Princeton 1896. Walter Lincoln Whittlesey, a.b. Instructor History, Politics and Economics Instructor Economics and Politics Univ. Oregon 1901-05; Assistant in Politics Cornell 1905-06; A.B. Univ. Oregon 1901. Walter Woodburn Hyde, ph.d. Instructor Classics 1907 George Dobbin Brown, ph.d. Instructor English A.B. Johns Hopkins 1895; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1901. Maxwell Struthers Burt, a.b. Instructor English A.B. Princeton 1904. Charles William Kennedy, a.m., ph.d. Instructor English. . 1907 a.m. Princeton 1905. Herbert Spencer Murch, a.m., ph.d. Instructor English... Assistant in Eni^lish Yale 1902-06; A.B. Univ. Oregon 1898; A.M. Yale 1903; Ph.D. Yale 1906. Sigmund Gottfried Spaeth, a.m. Instructor Modern Lan- guages Teaching Fellow Haverford 1905-06; A.B. Haverford :90s; A.M. Haver- ford 1906. Donald Clive Stuart, a.m. Instructor Modern Languages... A.B. Univ. Michigan 1903; A.M. Univ. Michigan 1904. Robert Lee Moore, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Mathematics.... Fellow in Mathematics Univ. Texas 1901-02; Fellow in Mathematics Univ. Chicago 1903-05; Assistant in Mathematics Univ. Chicago 1904; Assistant Professor Mathematics Univ. Tennessee 1905-06; B.S., A.M. Univ. Texas 1901 ; Ph.D. Univ. Chicago 1905. Phillips Thomas, b.s. Instructor Electrical Engineering and Physics B.s. Ohio State Univ. 1904. Walter Daniel Bonner, b.s. Assistant in Chemistry 1907 John Davison Rue, Jr., b.s. Instructor Chemistry 1907 Ralph Andrew Barry, c.E. Instructor Department of Civil Engineering 1907 c.E. Princeton 1906. Elliot Chipman Brown, c.E. Instructor Department of Civil Engineering 1907 c.E. Princeton 1904. Linden Brown Shoemaker, c.E. Instructor Department of Civil Engineering 1907 c.E. Princeton 1906. 74 CLERKS OF THE FACULTY CLERKS OF THE FACULTY ACCESSION CLOSE 1787 John Wright Vancleve, a.b 1791 A.B. Princeton 1786. 1791 Silas Wood, a.b 1793 A.B. Princeton 1789. 1793 John Nelson Abeel, d.d i793 A.B. Princeton 1787. Robert Finley, d.d i795 A.B. Princeton 1787. 1795 David Eng-lish, a.m 1796 A.B. Princeton 1789. 1796 Joseph Caldwell, a.m., d.d 1796 A.B. Princeton 1791. John Henry Hobart, a.m., d.d 1798 A.B. Princeton 1793. 1798 Henry Kollock, a.m., d.d 1800 A.B. Princeton 1794. 1800 Benjamin B. Hopkins, a.m 1803 A.B. Princeton 1798. 1803 James Carnahan, d.d., ll.d 1803 A.B. Princeton 1800. John Melancthon Bradford, a.m., d.d 1804 a.m. Princeton 1804 hon. 1804 William Neill, a.m., d.d 1805 A.B. Princeton 1803. 180s Andrew Hunter, d.d 1808 A.B. Princeton 1772. 1808 James Patterson 1808 John Smith, a.m 1809 a.m. Princeton 1808 hon. 1809 William Dunlap, a.m iSio A.M. Princeton 181 6 hon. 1810 John Bergen, a.m., d.d 1812 A.B. Princeton 1808. 1812 Elijah Slack, a.m., m.d., ll.d 1817 A.B. Princeton 1808. 1817 Henry Vethake, a.m., ll.d 1821 A.M. Princeton 1815 hon. 1821 John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d 1822 A.B. Princeton 1816. CLERKS OF THE FACULTY 75 ACCESSION CLOSE 1822 James Vernon Henry, a.m 1822 A.B. Princeton 1815. John Alaclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d. 1824 A.B. Princeton 1816. 1824 Samuel Kennedy Talmage, a.m., d.d 1825 A.B. Princeton 1820. ^825 Alexander Aikman, a.m 1826 A.B. Princeton 1821. 1826 Daniel Cook Axtell, a.m 1827 Princeton Seminary 1823-25; Tutor Princeton 1826-27; A.B. Hamilton 1821; A.M. Hamilton 1824; d. 1837. 1827 John Clarke Young, a.m., d.d 1828 D.D. Princeton 1839 hon. 1828 Albert Baldwin Dod, a.m., d.d 1829 A.B. Princeton 1822. 1829 Abraham Rezeau Brown, a.m 1830 A.B. Princeton 1825. 1830 Joseph Addison Alexander, a.m., d.d 1831 A.B. Princeton 1826. 1831 Festus Hanks, a.m 1832 A.B, Princeton 1829. 1832 Albert Baldwin Dod, a.m., d.d 1839 A.B. Princeton 1822. 1839 Stephen Alexander, a.m., ll.d 1844 Adjunct Professor Mathematics Princeton 1834 q.v. 1844 John Whelen Sterling, ph.d., ll.d 1845 A.B. Princeton 1840. 1845 George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d *i865 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1865 John Thomas Duffield, d.d., ll.d 1882 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1882 Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., d.d 1902 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1902 WilHam Francis Magie, a.m., ph.d Princeton 1879. LIBRARIANS 1768 Hugh Sim, A.B 1770 A.B. Princeton 1768 hon. i769( ?) James Linn, a.m 1770 A.B. Princeton 1769. 76 LIBRARIANS ACCESSION CLOSE 1770 William Churchill Houston, a.b 1786 A.B. Princeton 1768. 1786 Gilbert Tennent Snowden, a.m i787( ?) A.B. Princeton 1783. 1793 John Nelson Abeel, a.m., d.d 1793 A.B. Princeton 1787. 1793 Robert Finley, a.m., d.d 1794 A.B. Princeton 1787. 1794 David English, a.m 1796 A.B. Princeton 1789, 1804 Alfred Ely, a.m., d.d 1805 A.B. Princeton 1804. Henry Kollock, a.m., d.d 1806 A.B. Princeton 1794. 1806 Samuel Bayard, a.m 1807 A.B. Princeton 1784. 1807 Hezekiah Belknap, a.m 1809 A.B. Princeton 1805. 1809 William Dunlap, a.m 1810 a.m. Princeton 1816 hon. 1810 John Bergen, a.m., d.d 1812 A.B. Princeton 1808. 1812 Philip Lindsly, a.m., d.d 1824 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1824 John Maclean, Jr., a.m., d.d., ll.d 1849 A.B. Princeton 1816. 1841 William Armstrong Dod, a.m., d.d. Assistant Librarian. . . 1841 A.B. Princeton 1838. 1843 Jesse Edwards, a.m. Assistant Librarian 1S44 1849 George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d ^1865 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1865 Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., d.d 1873 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1870 Eli Marsh Turner, a.m., ll.d. Assistant Librarian 1873 A.B. Princeton 1868. 1873 Frederic Vinton, a.m., Litt.d *i889 Yale Scminnry 1840-41; Andover Seminary 1841-43; Principal High School Eastport, Me. 1847-48, 1849-51; Librarian Public Library St. Louis. Mo. '851-55; Assistant in Public Library Boston, Mass. 1857-65; Assistant Librarian Library of Congress Washington, D. C. 1865-73; A.B. Am- herst 1837; A.M. Amherst 1840; Litt.D. Amherst 1884. 1890 Ernest Gushing Richardson, a.m., ph.d A.M. Princeton 1896. LIBRARIANS 77 ACCESSION CLOSE 1895 Varnum Lansing Collins, a.m. Reference Librarian (Resigned) 1906 A.B. Princeton 1892. 1897 Junius Spencer Morgan, a.m. Associate Librarian A.B. Princeton 1888. 1901 [Richard Ludwig] Enno Litlmann, ph.d. Librarian of Oriental Department (Resigned) 1906 Instructor Semitic Philology Princeton 1901 q.v. 1906 William Warner Bishop, a.m. Reference Librarian (Resigned) 1907 Professor Greek Missouri Wesleyan 1893-94; Instructor Northwestern 1894-95; Librarian and Instructor Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111. 1896-98; Fellow American School Classical Studies Rome 1898-99; Librarian and Instructor Polytechnic Institute Brooklyn, N. Y. 1899-1992; Chief Cataloguer Princeton Univ. Library 1902-06; Reference Librarian Princeton 1906-07; from 1907 Superintendent Reading Room Library of Congress; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1892; A.M. Univ. Michigan 1893. REGISTRARS 1840 William Armstrong Dod, a.m., d.d 1841 A.B. Princeton 1838. 1841 John Thomas Duffield, d.d., ll.d 1846 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1846 Thomas W^are Cattell, a.m., ph.d 1847 A.B. Princeton 1842. 1847 Frederick La Rue King, a.m 1849 A.B. Princeton 1844. 1849 Stephen Grover Dodd, a.m 1850 A.B. Princeton 1846. 1850 William Hampton Babbitt, a.m 1851 A.B. Princeton 1846. 1851 Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., d.d., ll.d 1853 A.B. Princeton 1847. 1853 Archibald Parritt Cobb, a.m ^854 A.B. Princeton 1850. 1854-58 (No appointment.) 1858 Gershom Hatton Nimmo, a.m 1861 A.B. Princeton 1858. 1861-66 (No appointment.) 1866 Lewis Ward Mudge, a.m., d.d ^^(>7 A.B. Princeton 1862. 1867 John Saxton Sherrill, a.m i86^ A.B. Princeton 1866. 78 REGISTRARS ACCESSION CLOSE 1868 Edward Payson Rankin, a.m 1809 A.B. Princeton 1865. 1869 Fuller Porter Dalrymple, a.m 1873 A.B. Princeton 1867. ^^7i Henry Nevius Van Dyke, a.m A.B. Princeton 1872. CURATORS OF GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS 1876 Edward Delano Lindsey, a.b 1880 Professor Architecture and Applied Art 1876. 1880 Joseph p. Ord, a.b., ll.d 1881 1881-1901 (Office combined with that of Treasurer.) 1901 James MacNaughton Thompson, a.b (Resigned) 1904 A.B. Princeton 1804. 1904 Henry Conrad Bunn. CURATORS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM 1846 John Stillwell Schanck, a.m., m.d., ll.d 1857 A.B. Princeton 1840. 1865 Albert D. Brown 1873 1875 William Earl Dodge Scott, b.s. Acting Curator 1877 Curator Zoological Museum Princeton 1877-83; Curator Ornithology Prince- ton 1900 — ; B.S. Harvard 1873. 1877 William Earl Dodge Scott, b.s 1883 Acting Curator 187s q.v. 1883 George L. Nicholas. Assistant Curator 1886 1886 John Warne Phillips, m.s. Acting Curator 1888 B.s. Princeton 1884. 1888 Alexander Hamilton Phillips, b.s. Acting Curator 1889 B.s. Princeton 1887. 1889 Walter Mead Rankin, a.m., m.s., ph.d M.S. Princeton 1884. 1906 Ulric Dahlgren, m.s. Associate Curator A.B. Princeton 1894. CURATORS 79 CURATORS OF THE E. M. MUSEUM ACCESSION CLOSE 1876 Franklin Chapman Hill, ph.g., d.Sc. Acting Curator 1877 D.Sc. Princeton 1885 hon. 1877 Franklin Chapman Hill, ph.g., d.Sc *i89o D.Sc. Princeton 1885 hon. 1891 Aloritz Fischer 1894 CURATORS OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY 1895 Arnold Edward Ortmann, ph.d 1903 Assistant in Physical Geography Princeton 1901 q.v. 1903 Gilbert van Ingen Assistant in Geology 1903 q.v. CURATORS OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY 1893 John Bell Hatcher, ph.b 190Q Assistant in Geology 1894 q.v. 1900 Marcus Stults Farr, M.S., d.Sc A.B. Princeton 1892. CURATOR OF ORNITHOLOGY 1900 William Earl Dodge Scott, b.s Acting Curator Zoological Museum 1875 q.v. CURATOR OF THE MORPHOLOGICAL MUSEUM 1901 Charles Frederick Silvester Assistant in Anatomy Princeton 1900 — . MASTERS OF NASSAU HALL GRAMMAR SCHOOL [incomplete list.] 1757 Joseph Montgomery, a.m 1758 A.B. Princeton 1755. 1758 John Strain, a.b. Usher i7- A.B. Princeton 1757. 8o MASTERS OF NASSAU HALL GRAMMAR SCHOOL ACCESSION CLOSE 17C4 Joseph Periam, a.m 1765 A.B. Princeton 1762. 1765 Tapping Reeve, a.m., ll.d 1766 A.B. Princeton 1763. 1766 Ebenezer Pemberton, a.m., ll.d 1766 A.B. Princeton 1765. 1766 Waightstill Avery, a.b 1767 A.B. Princeton 1766. 1768 William Churchill Houston, a.b 1769 A.B. Princeton 1768. 1771 Hugh Henry Brackenridge, a.m ^773(?) A.B. Princeton 1771. 1773 James Francis Armstrong, a.m i774( ?) A.B. Princeton 1773. 1773 Aaron Ogden, a.m., ll.d i773( ?) A.B. Princeton 1773. 1787 Robert Finley, d.d 1788 A.B. Princeton 1787. 1792 Robert Finley, d.d 1793 A.B. Princeton 1787. 1798 Nicholas C. Everett, a.m . i799 A.E. Princeton 1794. STEWARDS OF NASSAU HALL i756( ?) Jonathan Baldwin, a.m i773 A.B. Princeton 1755. 1773 Ellas Woodruff 1776 Commissary of Military Stores New Jersey Militia, Revolutionary War; d. 1802. 1776 Aaron Mattison 17- 1781 Jonathan Baldwin, a.m 1782 A.B. Princeton 1753. 1782 Elias Woodruff 1784 Steward 1773 q.v. 1784 John Lane 17S;' T786 Elias Woodruff 17S8 Steward 1773 q.v. 1788 Daniel Agnew i8o.^ 1803 Jacob Ten Eyck 1804 STEWARDS OF NASSAU HALL 8i ACCESSION CLOSE 1804 William Ross 1805 1805 Ralph Sansbury 1808 1808 Peter Hollinshead 1808 1808 Ralph Sansbury 1816 1816 Henr)' Clow 1845 1834 Azor Maynard. Steward of New Refectory 1838 1838 William Clow. Stezvard of New Refectory 1846 1845 Daniel B. Wagner 1846 1846 William Clow 1848 1848 Charles W. Neale 1854 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1748-51 1748 Enos Ayres ^1762 Benjamin Chestnut, a.m *i775 A.M. Princeton 1751. Hugh Henry *i763 Israel Read, a.m *i793 Trustee Princeton 1761-93; A.M. Princeton 1751. Richard Stockton, a.m *i78i Trustee Princeton 1757-81; Clerk Board Trustees Princeton 1757-65; Member Provincial Council New Jer- sey 1768-76; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1774-76; Member Con- tinental Congress 1776-77; Signer Dec- laration Independence; A.M. Prince- ton 1 751; M.A.P.S. Daniel Thane, a.m ^1764 A.M. Princeton 1751. 1749 John Brown *i8o3 William Burnet, a.m., m.d.,.*i79i Surgeon 2d Regiment Essex Co., N. J., 1776-77; Lieutenant Colonel Phys- cian and Surgeon General Eastern De- partment Continental Army 1777-80; Major Hospital Physician Continental Army 1780-81; Member Continental Congress 1780-81; Lieutenant Colonel Chief Hospital Physician Continental Army 1781-83; Presiding Judge Court Common Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 17-; A.M. Princeton 1752. John Hoge =^i795(?) Thomas Kennedy *i787 John Moffat *i788 John Todd, a.m *i793 A.M. Princeton 1753. Eleazar Whittlesey *i75i 1750 Hugh Bay, m.d * James Beard, a.m *i7S4 A.M. Yale 1754 hen. Alexander Clinton, a.m., m.d..*i757 a.m. Princeton 1753; M.D. Daniel Farrand, a.m *i8o3 A.M. Princeton 1753, also Yale 1777 Hon. James Frelinghuysen *i753 Simeon Mitchell * 1751 Jonathan Badger, a.m * Tutor Princeton 1752-55; A.M. Prince- ton 1754. Samuel Clark, a.m *i776 A.M. Yale 1757 hon. Alexander Gordon *i7S4 Tutor Princeton 1752-54. Robert Henry, a.m *i767 A.M. Princeton 1754. Samuel McClintock, a.m., d.d.*i8o4 Chaplain French & Indian War; Chap- lain 2d New Hampshire Regiment Con- tinental Army 1775- ; A.M. Prince- ton 1755, also Harvard 1761 hon.; D.D. Yale 1791- Henry Martin, A.m *i764 A.M. Princeton 1754. Benjamin Youngs Prime, a.m., m.d. *i79i Tutor Princeton 1756-57; A.Tsl. Prince- ton 1754, also Yale 1761 hon.; M.D. Leyden 1764. Robert Ross, a.m *i799 A.M. Princeton 1754, also Yale 1754 hon. Nathaniel Scudder, a.m., m.d. .^i/Si Member Continental Congress 1777- 79; Lieutenant Colonel ist Regiment Monmouth Co., N. J., Militia 1776; Colonel I St Regiment Monmouth Co., N. J., Militia 1776-81; Trustee Prince- ton 1778-81; Member New Jersey As- sembly 1780-81; A.M. Princeton 1756; M.D. David Thurston *i779 82 1752-54] BACHELORS OF ARTS 83 1752 George Dufifield, a.m *i79o Tutor Princeton 1754-56; Trustee Princeton 1777-90; Chaplain Con- tinental Congress; Chaplain Continental Army 1776-77; A.M. Princeton 1755; D.D. Yale 1785; M.A.P.S. Jeremiah Halsey, a.m *i78o Tutor Princeton 1757-67; Trustee Princeton 1770-80; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1772; A.M. Prince- ton 1755. Samuel Livermore, a.m., ll.d.*i8o3 Member New Hampshire Proviricial Assembly 1768-70; Judge Advocate of Admiralty, N. H. 1769; H.B.M. At- torney Xew Hampshire 1769-74; At- torney General New Hampshire 1776- 80; Member Continental Congress 1780- 82, 1785-86; Chief Justice Supreme Court New Hampshire 1782-90; Mem- ber New Hampshire Constitutional Convention 1788; U. S. Representative from New Hampshire 1789-90; U. S. Senator from New Hampshire 1793- 1801; President U. S. Senate 1799- 1800; President New Hampshire Con- stitutional Convention 1791; A.M. Princeton 1755; LL.D. Dartmouth 1792. Cornelius Low * Nathaniel Whitaker, a.m., d.d.*i795 A.M. Princeton 1755; D.D. St. An- drews 1767, also Dartmouth 1780. John Wright. 1753 Daniel Isaac Brown, a.m * Prothonotary Bergen Co., N. J. 1776; Member New Jersey Constitutional Con- vention 1776; Major 4th Battalion New Jersey Volunteers (Loyalists) 1778, 1780; A.M. Princeton 1756, also Columbia 1758 hon. Israel Canfield *i7S4 John Harris *i790 Member South Carolina Provincial Congress. Robert Harris, a.m., m.d *i8i5 Trustee Princeton 1761-1815; A.M. Princeton 1759; M.D. John Houston, a.m *i798 A.M. Princeton 1786. David Jamison, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1758. Hugh McAden, a.m *i78i A.M. Princeton 1756. Lewis Ogden *i798 Cleik Prerogative Court New Jersey 17657-72; Member New Jersey Pro- vincial Congress 1776; Member of Committee drafting Nc\t Jersey Con- stitution 1776. Nathaniel Potter, a.m *i768 A.M. Harvard 1758 hon. Nathaniel Sherman ^1797 Joseph Shippen, Jr -•'1810 Captain in Colonel Clapham's Regiment Penna. Provincial Troops 1 756-^8; Brigade Major 1758; Lieutenant Col- onel 1758-62; Secretary Province of Penna. 1762-76; Penna. Commissioner to Indian Treaty 176S; Judge County Court Lancaster, Pa. 1789-1810; M.A.P.S. Elijah Williams, a.m *i8i5 A.M. Princeton 1760. Benjamin Woodruff, a.m. . . .*iSo3 A.M. Princeton 1756. Joseph Woodruff, a.m ^1769 A.M. Princeton 1758. 1754 Moses Barrett * Benjamin Chapman, a.m *i786 A.M. Yale 1761 hon. John Ewing, a.m., d.d *i8o2 Tutor Princeton 1756-58; Professor Natural Philosophy Univ. Penna. 1758- 59; Provost Univ. Penna. 1779-1802; A.M. Princeton 1757, also Univ. Penna. 1759; D.D. Edinburgh 1773; ALA.P.S. Benjamin Hait, a.m ^1779 A.M. Princeton 1757. Ezra Horton, a.m *i7S9 A.M. Yale 1772 hon. Samuel Kennedy, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1760. Hugh Knox, a.m., d.d ^1790 a.m. Yale, 1768 hon.; D.D. Glasgow 17- David Mathews, a.m *i8oo Mayor N. Y. City 1775-76; Judge of Police Court N. Y. City 1777; Major N. Y. Loyalist troops; Register N. Y. Court of Admiralty 1782; Attorney General Cape Breton; President of Council Cape Breton; Commander in Chief Cape Breton; A.M. Columbia 1758 hon. 84 BACHELORS OP ARTS [1754-56 Jonathan Odell, a.m., m.d *i8i8 Surgeon and Chaplain H.B.M. Army 1776- ; Councillor and Secretary I'rovince of New Urunswick 1785- ; A.M. Princeton 1757; M.A.P.S. Sylvanus Osborn, a.m *i77i A.M. Yale 1757 hon. David Purviance * William Ramsey, a.m *i77i A.M. Princeton 1765. James Reeves *i789 Benaiah Root, a.m *i787 A.M. Dartmouth 1784 hon. Josiah Sherman, a.m ^lySg Chaplain 7th Connecticut Regiment 1777; A.M. Harvard 1758 hon., also Yale 1765 hon. William Shippen. Jr., a.m., m.d. *i8o8 Fellow Edinburgh Medical College; Professor Anatomy Phila. Medical Col- lege 1765-92; Chief Physician Flying Camp 1776; Director General Hospital Department 1777-81; Professor of Anatomy and Surgery Univ. Penna. 1792-1808: Trustee Princeton 1765-96; A.M. Princeton 176.?; M.D. Edinburgh 1761; M.A.P.S. Thomas Smith * William Thomson * Tutor Princeton 1755-56. Noah Wadhams, a.m *i8o6 A.M. Yale 1764 hon. 1755 Jonathan Baldwin, a.m *i8i6 Steward Columbia i756( ?)-57(?) I Steward Princeton i757(?)-73. ;78i- 82; Member New Jersey Provincial Congress 1775; A.M. Princeton 1758. Benoni Bradner, a.m *i8o4 Private N. Y. Line Continental .\rmy 1778-79; A.M. Princeton 1758, also Yale 1758 hon. Thaddcus Burr, a.m *i8oi Member Connecticut Assembly 1769, 1771. 177.1-76. 1778-79; Justice of Peace I'airficld Co., Conn. 1777-78, 1782; High Sheriff Fairfield Co., Conn. 1779; Member Connecticut Constitu- tional Convention 1788; A.M. Yale 1759 hon. Wheeler Case, a.m *i793 A.M. Princeton 1759. Benjamin Conklin *i798 William Crawford, a.m., m.d. .*i776 Surgeon General Ruggles' Regiment, H.I5.M. Army, French & Indian Wur; Chai)lain Colonel Fryc's Regiment H.R.M. Army, and Colonel Abijah Willard's Regiment, H.B.M. Army, hrench & Indian War; Surgeon H.B.M. Army, I'ort Pownal 1764-65; Justice Penobscot River and Bay; A.M. Harvard 1761 hon.; M.D. John Hanna, a.m., m.d *i8oi A.M. Princeton 1758; M.D. Gerhardus Leydekker *i794 Joseph Alontgomery, a.m *i794 Master Nassau Hall Grammar School '7.>7-58; Tutor Univ. Penna. 1759-60; Chaplain Delaware Regiment Continen- tal .\rmy 1776; Brigade Chaplain 1778- 80; Member Penna. Assembly 1780-81; Member Continental Congress 1780- 84; A.M. Princeton 1758, also Univ. Penna. 1760 hon., also Yale 1760 hon. Isaac Smith, a.m., m.d *i8o7 Tutor Princeton 1757-58; Colonel ist Regiment Hunterdon Co., N. J. Mili- tia 1776-77; Judge New Jersey Su- preme Court 1777-95; U. S. Represent- ative from .\ew Jersey 1795-97; Fal- low N. J. Medical Society; A.M. Princeton 1758, also Univ. Penna. 1762 hon. Smith Stratton * Isaac Townsend * 1756 Stephen Camp, m.d *i775 David Hull *i758 Isaac Livermore, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1759. William Livermore, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1759. Alexander Martin, a.m., ll.d.*i8o7 Member North Carolina Assembly 1774-75; Presiding Judge District Court, Salisbury Co., N. C.,^ 1775; Lieutenant Colonel 2d North Carolina Regiment 1775; Colonel 2d North Car- olina Regiment 1776-77; Member .North Carolina Senate 1779-82, 1785-88, 1804-05; Speaker North Carolina Sen- ate 1780-82; Acting Governor North Carolina 1781; Governor North Caro- lina 1782-85, 1789-92; U. S. Senator from North Carolina 1793-99; Member 1'. S. Co!istitutional Convention 1786; Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1790- 1807; President Board of Trustees 1756-57] BACHELORS OF ARTS 85 Univ. North Carolina 1792-93; A.M. Princeton 1759; LL.D. Princeton 1793; M.A.P.S. William Mills, a.m *i774 A.M. Princeton 1759, also Yale 1771 hon. Josiah Ogden * A.B. Columbia 1758 hon. Geoffrey Smith, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1760. Jesse Root, a.m., ll.d *i822 Captain Hartford, Connecticut Vols. 1776; Lieutenant Colonel Connecticut Vols. 177C-77; Adjutant General Con- necticut 1777; Justice of Peace Hart- ford Co., Connecticut 1777; Member Connecticut Senate 1778-80; Member Continental Congress 1778-83; State Attorney Connecticut 1785-89; Judge Connecticut Supreme Court 1789-96; Chief Justice Connecticut Supreme Court 1796-1807; A.M. Yale 1766 hon.; LL.D. Yale 1800. Azel Roe. d.d *i8i5 Trustee Princeton 1778—1807; Mod- erator General Assembly 1802; D.D. Yale 1800. Joseph Peck * 1757 Moses Baldwin, a.m *i8i3 A.M. Princeton 1760, also Dartmouth 1791 hon. Caleb Barnum, a.m *i776 Chaplain Western Division Continental Army; A.iNl. Princeton 1760. also Har- vard 1768 hon. Nicholas Bayard * Alderman N. Y. City. Noah Benedict, a.m "=1813 Fellow Yale 1801-12; A.M. Yale 1760 hon. John Boyd * Abner Brush, a.m *i766( ?) A.M. Princeton 1760. Caleb Curtis, a.m *i8o2 Member Massachusetts Assembly 1787; Member Alassachusetts Constitutional Convention 1788; A.M. Princeton 1760. Timothy Edwards, a.m *i8i3 Justice of Peace Essex Co., N. J. 1767; Member Massachusetts Provincial Coun- cil 1775-80; Commissary Continental Army; Probate Judge Berkshire Co., Massachusetts 1778-87; Commissioner to Indians; Commissioner on New York and Massachusetts Boundary; A.M. Princeton 1760. Peter Faneuil, a.m * -A.M. Princeton 1760. Elnathan Gregory *i8i6 William Kirkpatrick. a.m. . . .*i769 Trustee Princeton 1767-69; A.M. Princeton 1760. Alexander Macwhorter, a.m., d.d. -"•'1807 Chaplain Knox's Artillery Brigade N. J. 177S-79; President Charlotte Acad- emy North Carolina 1779-80; Trustee Princeton 1772-1807; A.M. Princeton 1760; D.D. Yale 1776. Samuel Parkhurst, a.m *i768 A.M. Princeton 1760. Joseph Reed, a.m *i785 President Penna. State Convention 1775; Lieutenant Colonel and Military Secretary Washington's Staff 1775-76; Colonel and Adj. General Continental Army 1776-77; Member Continental Congress 1777-78; Attorney General Penna. 1778-80; Member & President Penna. Supreme Executive Council 1778-81; Trustee Princeton 1780-85; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1782-85; A.M. Princeton 1760, also Univ. Penna. 1766 hon.; M.A.P.S. Stephen Sayre, a.m =-"i8i8 Captain Suffolk Co., N. Y., Militia French & Indian War 1759; Sheriff of London, Eng. 1773-74; .Secret Agent in London, Eng. for France 1792; A.M. Harvard 1766 hon. David Smith * James Smith, m.d *i8i2 Professor Chemistry and Materia Med- ica Columbia 1767-70; M.D. Leyden 1764. John Strain *i774 Usher Nassau Hall Grammar School 1758- . Samuel Taylor, a.m * 2d Lieutenant in Brewer's Massa- chusetts Regiment 1775(?); A.M. Yale 176s hon. Joseph Treat, a.m *i797 Tutor Princeton 1758-60; Chaplain Continental Army; A.M. Princeton 1760. Abner Wells * 86 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1757-59 Henry Wells, a.m., m.d *i8i4 A.M. Yale 1760 hon. ; M.D. Dart- mouth 1802. 1758 John Borkuloe * Peter Winne Douw * John Johnston * Jacob Ker, a.m *i795 Tutor Princeton 1760-62; A.M. Prince- ton 1 76 1. Peter Robert Livingston *i794 Member New York Assembly 1761-69, 1780-81 ; Member New York Provin- cial Congress 1775-77; President New York Provincial Congress 1776-77. Philip Philo Livingston, a.m. .*i787 A.M. Princeton 1773. John Milner * James Paterson * Ralph Pomeroy, a.m *i8i9 A.JI. Dartmouth 1786 hon. John Shippen, m.d *i77o M.D. Rheims, France. Jasper Smith, a.m *i8i4 Member Committee of Safety, Amwell Co., N. J. 1776; A.M. Princeton 1765. Thomas Smith, a.m *i789 A.M. Princeton 1763. John Van Brugh Tennent, a.m., M.D., F.R.S *I770 Professor obstetrics Columbia 1767-70; A.M. Princeton 1763; M.D. Leyden. William Tennent, Jr., a.m. . . .*i777 Member South Carolina Provincial Congress; A.M. Princeton 1761, also Harvard 1763 hon. Joseph Tichenor * Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. . . .*i8io Ensign and paymaster 3d New York Regiment 1776; Regimental paymaster ist New York Regiment 1778-83; Lieutenant ist New York Regiment 1781-83; U. S. Representative from New York 1789-91; Lieutenant Gov- ernor New York 1801-04. William Whitwell, a.m *i78i A.M. Princeton 1762, also Harvard 1762 hon. Jesse Williams * 1759 James Anderson * James Caldwell, a.m *i78i Trustee Princeton 1769-81; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1772-81; Treasurer Princeton 1777-79; Chaplain 3d New Jersey Battalion 1776-81; Deputy Quartermaster & Assist. Com- missary General New Jersey Con- tinental Troops; Quartermaster New Jersey Continental Troops; Member New Jersey Senate 1781; A.M. Prince- ton 1762. Jabez Campfield, a.m., m.d...*i82i Surgeon Spencer's Regiment New Jer- sey Continental Troops 1777-81; Sur- geon 2d Continental Dragoons 1781- 83; Surrogate Morris Co., N. J. 1784- 1804; Captain Morris Co. Squadron New Jersey Cavalry 1798-1807; A.M. Princeton 1762; IiLD. John Carmichael, a.m *i785 A.M. Princeton 1762. John Clark *i797 James Hunt, a.m *i793 A.M. Princeton 1763. John Huntington, a.m *i766 A.M. Princeton 1762, also Harvard 1763 hon. James Leslie * James Lyon, a.m *i794 A.M. Princeton 1762. Samuel Nevins, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1762. Ebenezer Noyes, a.m., m.d...*i767 A.M. Princeton 1762; M.D. Joshua Noyes, a.m *i773 A.M. Princeton 1762. Nathaniel Noyes, a.m *i8io A.M. Princeton 1762. Thomas Pierce, a.m *i77S A.M. Princeton 1762. Thomas Reynolds * Lieutenant Colonel 2d New_ Jersey Regiment 1776; Colonel 2d New Jer- sey Regiment 1777-82. Henry Sherburne, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1762. Samuel Spencer, ll.d *i794 Member North Carolina Assembly i766(?)-68(?); Clerk Anson Co., N. C. 1768; Member North Carolina Pro- I 759-61] BACHELORS OF ARTS 87 vincial Congress 1774, 1776; Member North Carolina Provincial Council 1775-76; Judge North Carolina Su- preme Court 1777-94; Member North Carolina Constitutional Convention 1788; LL.D. Princeton 1784. Barnett Wait * 1760 Joseph Alexander, a.m., d.d. .*i8o9 Founder Liberty Hall (Queen's Col- lege), North Carolina; A.:\I. Princeton 1763; D.D. South Carolina College 1807. John Archer, a.m., m.b *i8io Member iMaryland Assembly 1768, 1776- ; Volunteer Aide to General Anthony Wayne 1779; Brevet Captain Continental Army 1779; U. S. Rep- resentative from Maryland 1801-07; A.M. Princeton 1763; M.B. Univ. Penna. 1768. Samuel Blair, a.m., d.d *i8i8 Tutor Princeton 1761-64; Chaplain Thompson's Penna. Rifle Regt. 1775; Chaplain 1st Continental Infantry 1776; Chaplain 1st Penna. 1777; Chap- lain Artillery Brigade 1779-80; Mem- ber Penna. Assembly; Chaplain U. S. House Representatives 1790-92; A.M. Princeton 1763, also Harvard 1767 hon.; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1790: M.A.P.S. Enoch Green *i776 Chaplain Continental Army 1775-76. Alexander Houston *i8o5 Enos Kelsey, a.m *i8ii Member New Jersey Provincial Con- gress 1775; Second Major 2d Battalion, Somerset Co., N. J.; Major, Col. Thompson's Battalion New Jersey De- tachea Militia 1776; Major, Col. Chambers' Battalion New Jersey State Troops 1776-79; New Jersey State Clothier 1779-80; Deputy Quartermas- ter General New Jersey; Deputy Com- missary General New Jersey; Treas- urer Princeton 1796-1810; A.M. Prince- ton 1801. Benjamin Rush, a.m., m.d., ll.d. *i8i3 Professor Chemistry Univ. Penna. 1769- 89; Member Penna. Provincial Con- gress 1774; Surgeon Penna. Navy 1775- 76; Member Continental Congress 1776-77; Signer Declaration Inde- pendence 1776; Surgeon Gen. Middle Dept. Continental Army 1777; Physi- cian Gen. Middle Dent. Continental Army 1777-78; Member Penna. Con- stitutional Convention 1 787 ;_ Professor Theory and Practice Medicine Univ. Penna. 1789-91; Professor Clinical Practice Univ. Penna. 1791-1813; Pro- fessor Physic Univ. Penna. 1 796-1813; Treasurer U. S. Mint 1797-1813; Founder Dickinson College, Pa.; Founder and Vice Pres. Amer. Philos. Soc; A.M. Princeton 1763; M.D, Edinburgh 1768; LL.D. Yale 1812; M.A.P.S. John Slemmons, a.m *i8i4 A.M. Princeton 1763. Jonathan Bayard Smith, a.m.*i8i2 Secretary Phila. Committee of Safety 1775-77; Lieut. Col. Battalion Asso- ciators 1777; Member Continental Con- gress 1777, 1778; Prothonotary Court of Common Pleas Penna. 1777-78; Justice Court of Common Pleas Penna. 1778-81; Prothonotary Phila. Co. 1784- 88; Alderman Phila. 1792-94; Auditor General Penna. 1794; Trustee Prince- ton 1779-1807; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1791-1812; Trustee Penna. State Univ. 1791-1812; A.M. Princeton 1763; M.A.P.S. Josiah Thatcher, a.m *i799 Justice of the Peace Gorham, Me.; Member ^Massachusetts Assembly 1783- 84, 1791-92, 1797; Member Massa- chusetts Senate 1785-90, 1793. 1795; Judge Court of Common Pleas Maine 1784-99; A.M. Yale 1765 hon. Amos Thompson, a.m *i8oi Chaplain Stephenson's !Md. and \'a. Riflemen 1776- ; A.M. Princeton 1763. I761 * 1824 David Caldwell, m.d., d.d Captain Volunteers Continental Army; Trustee Liberty Hall (Univ. North Carolina) 1777- ; Member North Carolina Constitutional Convention, 1776, 1788; D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1810; M.D. David Gillespie '•' Isaac Handy '''1773 Thomas Henderson, m.d *i824 Member Continental Congress 1779-80; Second Major, Colonel Stewart's Min- ute Men 17/6; Major, Colonel Heard's New Jersey Battalion 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel Heard's New Jersey Brigade 1777; Brigade Major New Jersey 1777; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1795-97; Judge Court of Common Pleas New Jersey; Mem- ber New Jersey Assembly 1780-85; Member New Jersey Senate 1793-94, 1812-13; M.D. William Jauncey *i828 Governor New York Hospital 1797- 1802. 88 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1761-62 Nathan Ker *i8o4 Chaplain Continental Army. John Leflferty * Thomas McCracken *i77o David Rice *i8i6 Founder and Trustee Transylvania Univ., Kentucky 1785- ; Member Kentucky Constitutional Convention 1792; Trustee Hampden-Sidney. John Rosburgh *i777 Private Continental Army 1776; Chap- lain Continental Army 1776-77. Samuel Sloan * James Thomson Tutor Princeton 1762-70. Lawrence Van Derveer, m.d.*i8i5 Trustee Rutgers 1782-1815; M.D. Jahleel Woodbridge *i796 Lieutenant Stockbridge Co., Mass. Mili- tia 176.^- ; 1st Lieutenant Stockbridge Co. Militia 1 771- ; Captain Stock- bridge Co. Militia 1777; Member Mas- sachusetts Senate 1780-84; Judge Court Common Pleas Mass. 1781-87; Pre- siding Judge Court Common Pleas Mass. 1787-95; Judge Probate Court Mass. 1787-95. 1762 Hugh Alison *i78i Isaac Allen, a.m *i8o6 Commissioned in 6th Battalion New Jersey \ olunteers (Loyalists) 1776; Commanding 3d Battalion New Jersey Volunteers (Loyalists) 1779; later Lieu- tenant Colonel 2d Battalion New Jer- sey N'olunteers (Loyalists); Judge Su- preme Court Province New Brunswick; Member H.H.AL Council Province New Brunswick. Absalom Bainbridge, a.m., m.d. *i8o7 Surgeon New Jersey \'olunteers (Loy- alists) 1778; A.M. Princeton 1765; M.D. Ebenezer Davenport *i773 Edmund Davis * Edward Gantt, m.d *i837 Chaplain U. S. Senate 1801-04; M.D. Edinburgh. John Harris * Ebenezer Hazard, a.m *i8i7 Postmaster N. Y. City 1775-77; U. S. Surveyor Post Roads and Offices 1777-82; U. S. Postmaster General 1782-89; Curator .American Philosoph- ical Society; A.M. Princeton 176s; M.A.P.S. John Hulbert, m.d *i8i5 Member Committee of Safety Alford, Mass. Revolutionary War; Member ^L^ssachusetts Constitutional Conven- tion 1787; Member Massachusetts As- sembly 1788- ; M.D. Nehemiah Ludlum, m.d *i768 M.D. John McCrea, a.m * Colonel 13th Albany Co. Militia, N. Y., 1775-81; A.M. Princeton 1774. James Manning, a.m., d.d....*i79i 1st President Brown 1765-91; Member Continental Congress 1785-86; A.M. Princeton 1765; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1785, also Princeton 1786. Nathaniel Manning, a.m., m.d.* A.M. Princeton 1765; M.D. Thomas Martin *i77o John Dyer Mercer * Ensign ist New Jersey 1775; ist Lieu- tenant ist New Jersey 1775-76; Cap- tain ist New Jersey 1777-81; Lieu- tenant U. S. Infantry 1784-89; Captain ist Infantry U. S. A. 1789-90. Francis Peppard *i797 Joseph Periam, a.m *i78o Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1764-65; Tutor Princeton 1765-66, 1768-69; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1765-66; Quartermaster ist Battalion New Jersey Brigade 1776- 80; A.M. Princeton 1765. Thomas Ruston, m.d *i8o4 M.D. Edinburgh i767(?); M..\.P.S. Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, a.m. *i793 Secretary New Jersey Convention 1774; Alenibcr and Secretary New Jersey Pro- vincial Congress 1775-76; New Jer- sey Provincial Treasurer 1775; Mem- ber Continental Congress 1776-77; At- torney CJeneral Penna. 1777-80; Trus- tee Univ. Penna. 1785-91; A.B., also Univ. Penna. 1763; A.M. Princeton 1765, also Univ. Penna. 1771; M..\.P.S. Hezekiah Smith, a.m., d.d...*i8o5 Chaplain 4th Regiment Continental In- fantry 1776; Chaplain 6th Massa- 1762-64] BACHELORS OF ARTS 89 chusetts 1777; Fellow Brown 1765- 1805; A.M. Princeton 1765, also Brown 1769 hon., also Yale 1772 hon.; D.D. Brown 1797. Caleb White *i77o 1763 James Boyd *i8i3 Trustee Princeton 1780- 1800. John Close, a.m *i8i3 A.M. Princeton 1766, also Yale 1771 hon. Robert Cooper, d.d *i8o5 Captain Penna. \'olunteers 1776— ; Trustee Dickinson 1783-1805; D.D. Dickinson 1792. David Cowell, a.m., m.b *i783 Surgeon Military Hospitals Continental Army; A.M. Princeton 1766; M.B. Univ. Penna. 1768. John Craighead *i799 Chaplain and Captain Penna. Volun- teers 1776- . Samuel Eakin, a.m *i784 Chaplain New Jersey Militia Revolu- tionary War; A.M. Princeton 1766. Ezekiel Emerson *i8is Noah Hart, m.d * James Jauncey, Jr., a.m *i777 Master of the Rolls New York; Mem- ber New York Provincial Council 1775- 76; A.M. Princeton 1766. John Lathrop, a.m., d.d *i8i6 Fellow Harvard 1778-1816; A.M. Har- vard 1768 hon.; D.D. Edinburgh 1785; Fellow Amer. Acad. Joseph Lyon *i82i Obadiah Noble, a.m *i829 A.M. Dartmouth 1773 hon. William Pa^-erson, a.m., ll.d.*i8o6 Member New Jersey Provincial Con- gress 1775, 1776; Attorney General New Jersey 1776-86; Member New Jersey Senate 1776-77; Member Continental Congress 1780-81; Member U. S. Con- stitutional Convention 1787; Trustee Princeton 1787-1802; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1787; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1789- 90; Governor New Jersey 1790-93; Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court 1793-1806; A.M. Princeton 1766; LL.D. Univ. State of New York 1792, also Princeton 1805, also Dartmouth 1805, also Harvard 1806. Tapping Reeve, a.m., ll.d...*i823 Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1765-66; Tutor Princeton 1769-70; \ olunteer Continental Army 1776; Member Connecticut Assembly; Judge Connecticut Supreme Court 1798-1814; Chief Justice Connecticut Supreme: Court 1814-is; .A.M. Princeton 1756; LL.D. Middlebury 1808, also Princeton 1813. John Simpson, a.m *i8c8 A.M. Princeton 1766. V/illiam Mackay Temient, d.d. *i8io Chaplain Swift's Connecticut State Reg- iment 1776; Trustee Princeton 1783- 1808; Moderator General Assembly 1797; D.D. Yale 1794. James Watt, a.m *i789 A.M. Princeton 1766. Simon Williams, a.m *i793 A.M. Princeton 1766. Joseph Worth * 1764 Thomas Alkin * Thomas John Clagget, a.m., d.d. =i=i8i6 Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Mary- land 1792-1816; Chaplain U. S. Senate 1800; A.M. Princeton 1773; D.D. Princeton 1787, also Washington Col- lege, Md. William Foster *i78o Nathaniel Hazard, a.m *i798 A.M. Yale 1770 hon. John Lawrence, m.b ^1830 Captain Loyalist Volunteers New York City; M.B. Univ. Penna. 1768. Samuel Leake *i775 John McCrery, a.m *i8oo A.M. Princeton 1773. Alexander I^Iiller, a.m * Trustee Princeton 1785-95; A.M. Princeton 1768. David Piatt * Joseph Smith ^'=1792 Thomas Treadwell. a.m *i832 Member New York Provisional Con- gress 1774-75; Member New York Con- 90 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1764-65 stitutional Convention 1776-77, 1788, 1801; Member New York Assembly 1777^78; Judge of Probate Court N. V. 1786-87; Member N. Y. Senate 1786-89, 1803-07; U. S. Representa- tive from New York 1791-95; A.M. Princeton 1773. James Tuttle, a.m *i77i A.M. Princeton 1768. /Vndrew Wilson, a.m * A.M. Princeton i774- William WoodhuU, a.m ^1824 Member New Jersey Provincial Con- gress 1776; Member New Jersey Con- stitutional Convention 1787; A.M. Princeton 1785. 1765 John Bacon, a.m *i82o ist Lieutenant Paterson's Massachusetts Regiment 1775; 1st Lieutenant isth Continental Inf. 1776; Member Massa- chusetts Assembly 1780-81, 1783-85. 1786-87, 1789-92, 1793-94, 1797-98, 1807-08, 1816-17; Member Massachu- setts Senate 1781-83. 1794-97. 1798-99. 1803-07; President Massachusetts Sen- ate 1806-07; Member Massachusetts Constitutional Convention 1779; U. S. Representative from Massachusetts 1801-03; Presiding Judge Court Com- mon Pleas, Mass.; Trustee Williams 1793-1804; Fellow Amer. Acad.; A.M. Princeton 1765, also Harvard 1771 hon. John Bay *i8i8 Member New York Provincial Congress 1775; Private 2d New York Regiment 1777; Private 8th Regiment Albany Co. N. Y. Militia; Member New York As- sembly 1779-80. Joel Benedict, a.m., d.d *i8i6 A.M. Princeton 1768; D.D. Union 1808, also Dartmouth 1814. Joseph Chambers * George Corbin * Gershom Craven, m.d *i8i9 Surgeon 2d Regiment Hunterdon Co., N. J., Militia 1776- . William Davies, a.m *i8i4 Captain ist Virginia 1775; Deputy Mus- ter-Master-General of Flying Camp 1776; Major 7th \'irginia 1777; Lieu- tenant Colonel 14th \'irginia 1778; Colo- nel 14th Virginia 1778-81; Colonel 1st Virginia 1781-83; Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral 1783; A.M. Princeton 1768. Jonathan Edwards, a.m., d.d.*i8oi Tutor Princeton 1766-60; President Union 1799-1801; A.M. Princeton 1768; also Yale 1769 hon.; D.D. Princeton 1785. Joseph Finley, m.d *ante 1776 M.D. Samuel Finley, Jr., m.d *i8oi Surgeon 14th Massachusetts 1778-81; Surgeon 7th Massachusetts 1781-83; Surgeon 12th U. S. Infantry 1799-1800. Richard Goodman * Robert Halsted, a.m., m.d. . . .*i825 A.M. Princeton 1768. Richard Hutson, a.m *i795 Member Continental Congress 1778-79; Member Privy Council South Carolina 1780-82; Member South Carolina As- sembly; Lieutenant Governor South Carolina 1782-83; Intendant of Charles- ton S. C. 1783-84; Judge Court of Chancery South Carolina 1784-95; Member South Carolina Constitutional Convention 1788; A.M. Princeton 1784. Samuel Kirkland, a.m *i8o8 Agent of Continental Congress to the Indians 1775, 1776, 1778; Chaplain to General Sullivan's Brigade and Fort Schuyler 1778-83; Founder Hamilton 1793; A.M. Yale 1768 hon., also Dart- mouth 1773 hon. Alexander McCausland * Alexander Mitchel *i8i2 Jonathan Ogden * Robert Ogden, 3d, a.m *i826 Surrogate of New Jersey 1772- ; Quartermaster & Commissary Continen- tal Army; Member New Jersey Senate 1778-80; Member New Jersey Consti- tutional Convention 1787; Member New Jersey Assembly 1790-91; A.M. Prince- ton 1768. Henry Parkinson *i82o Regimental Quartermaster ist New Hampshire Infantry 1775; Rerjimental Quartermaster 5th Continental Infantry 1776. Ebenezer Pemberton, a.m., ll.d. *i835 Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1766; Tutor Princeton 1767-69; A.M. Princeton 1768, also Yale 1781 hon., also Dartmouth 1782 hon., also Har- vard 1787 hon.; LL.D. Allegheny 1817. Edward Pope * David Ramsay, m.b., m.d....*i8i5 Member South Carolina Assembly 1776- 83; .Surgeon Continental Army 1780-81; Member Continental Congress 1782-86; 1765-66] BACHELORS OF ARTS 91 President pro. ten Continental Con- press 1782; Member South Carolina Senate; President South Carolina Sen- ate 1790- ; M.B. Univ. Penna. 1773; M.D. Univ. Penna. 17S0, also Yale 1789 hon.; M.A.P.S. Theodoric {or Theodore Dirck) Romeyn, d.d *i8o4 Lector Theology New Brunswick Sem- inary 1792-97; Professor Theology New Brunswick Seminary 1797-1804; Trus tee Rutgers 1785-1804; D.D. Rutgei 1789. Jacob Rush, a.m., ll.d *i82o Judge of Supreme Court, Penna. 1784- 1806; Presiding Judge Court of Com- mon Pleas, Phila. 1806-20; A.M. Prince- ton 1768; LL.D. Princeton 1804. John Staples *i8o4 Henry Stevenson * Alexander Thayer * Jacob Van Arsdale (Artsdalen), A.M *l803 Trustee Princeton 1793-1802; A.M. Princeton 1768. Stephen Voorhees, a.m ^1796 A.M. Princeton 1768. Samuel Williams * Simeon Williams, a.m *i8i9 a.m. Princeton 1774, also Harvard 1769 hon. 1766 Waightstill Avery *i82i Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1766-67; Crown Attorney, Mecklenburg Co., N. C. 1775-76; Member North Car- olina Provincial Congress 1775-77; Signer Mecklenburg Resolutions 1775; Attorney General North Carolina 1777- 81; Member North Carolina Assembly 1783-93; Member North Carolina Sen- ate 1796; Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1795-1804. Hezekiah Balch, a.m., d.d...*i8io Founder & President Greenville Col- lege, Tern. 1794-1810; A.M. Princeton 1774; D.D. Williams 1806. Hezekiah James Balch, a.m.. .*i776 Signer Mecklenburg Resolutions 1775; Captain Maryland Company Continental Army; A.M. Princeton 1774- Joseph Burt * Caleb Chase *i8io Jonathan Cheever * Daniel Cunnyngham Clymer. .*i8io Ebenezer Cowell, Jr *i8i7 Clerk of Hunterdon Co., N. J. 1781-94. Samuel Edmiston, ald * Lieutenant ist Maryland Regiment Con- tinental Army 1781-83. Oliver Ellsworth, ll.d *iSo7 Member Connecticut Assembly 1773-75, 1779- ; Private in Connecticut JNIilitia 1775- ; State Attorney Hartford Co., Conn. 1777-85; Member Continental Congress 1778-83; Member Hartford Convention 1779; Member Connecticut Senate 1780-85, 1802-07; Member U. S. Constitutional Convention 1787; Member Connecticut Constitutional Con- vention 1788; U. S. Senator from Con- necticut 1789-96; Judge Supreme Court Connecticut 1784-89; Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court 1 796-1801; U. S. Ambassador Extraordinary to France 1799-1801; LL.D. Yale 1790, also Dart- mouth 1797, also Princeton 1797. John Haley * Joseph Hasbrouck *i8o8 Major 3d Ulster Regiment New York Militia 1775-78; Lieutenant Colonel 3d Ulster Regiment New York Militia 1778- ; Member New York Assembly 1786, 1791, 1792; Member New York Senate 1792-96; Member Council of Appointment Middle District 1793-95. Moses Haslet, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1788. David Howell, a.m., ll.d *i824 Tutor Brown 1766-69; Professor Nat- ural Philosophy Brown 1769-79; Pro- fessor Jurisprudence Brown 1790-1824; Acting President Brown 1791-92; Fel- low Brown 1773-1824; Secretary Cor- poration Brown 1780-1806; Member Continental Congress 1782-85; U. S. District Attorney Rhode Island; Attor- ney General Rhode Island 1789; Judge Supreme Court Rhode Island 1786-87; Judge District Court Rhode Island 1812-24; U. S. Boundary Commis- sioner; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1769 hon., also Brown 1769 hon., also Yale 1772 hon.; LL.D. Brown 1793. Daniel Jones * Solomon Kellogg, a.m *i77o A.M. Yale 1770 hon. Josiah Lewis * Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Jr, 92 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1766-68 Daniel McCalla, d.d *i8o9 Chaplain General Thompson's Corps Continental Army 1775-76; Chaplain 2d Pcnna. Battalion 1776; D.D. South Car- olina College 1808. John McPherson, a.m *i775 Captain & Aide to General Montgomery, Continental Army 1775; A.M. Prince- ton 1770. Luther ^Martin, ll.d *i826 Member Annapolis Convention i774; Attorney General Md. 1778, i8i8-::o; Member Coniinental Congress 1784-85; Member U. S. Constitutional Conven- tion 1787; Judge Court Oyer and Ter- miner Baltimore 1814-16; LL.D. Nathaniel Niles, a.m *i828 Served in Revolutionary War; Member Connecticut Assembly; Judge Orange Co., \'t. Court 17 -84; Member Ver- mont Assembly 17 -85, 1800-02, 18 12- 14; Speaker Vermont Assembly 1784; Judge Supreme Court Vermont 1784- 88; U. S. Representative from N'ermont 1791-95; Trustee Dartmouth 1793-1820; Member Vermont Council of Censors 1785, 1787, 1789; Member Vermont Constitvitional Convention 1791, 1814; Member Governor's Council Vermont 1803-08; A.M. Harvard 1772 hon., also Dartmouth 1791 hon. James Power, d.d *i83o D.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1808. Isaac Skillman, a.m., d.d. . . .*i799 A.M. Brown 1774 hon.; D.D. Brown 1798. Samuel Smith * William Smith, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1784. Alpheus Spring, a.m *i79i a.m. Dartmouth 1785 hon. Benjamin Stelle, a.m *i8i9 Adjutant Richmond's and Tallman's Rhode Island Slate Regiments 1775-77; Deputy Paymaster Rhode Island 1779- 81; A.M. Brown 1774 hon. Micah Townsend *i832 Captain Westchester Co., N. Y. Militia 1776-78; Member New York Assembly 1779- ; Clerk Cumberland Co., Vt. 1778- ; Judge and Register of Probate Windham Co., Vt. 1781-87; Secretary of State Vermont 1781-85, 1786-88; Member Council of Censors Vermont 1785. John Woodhull. d.d *i824 Ch.iplain 7th Battalion Lancaster, Pa. Militia 1777; Trustee Princeton 1780- 1824; Moderator General Assembly 1791; Director Princeton Seminary 1813-24; \ ice President Directors Princeton Seminary 1821-24; D.D. Yale 1798. Joseph Woodman, a.m *i8o7 A.M. Dartmouth 1789 hon. 1767 Francis Barber, a.m *i783 Major 3d New Jersey Battalion 1776; Lieutenant Colonel 3d New Jersey 1776-81; Assistant Inspector General 1778- ; Lieutenant Colonel ist New Jersey 1781-83; Colonel 2d New Jersey 1783; Adjutant General to Lord Stirl- ing 1778; Adjutant General to Gen. Sullivan; Adjutant General to Major General Greene; A.M. Princeton 1770. Samuel Cunningham, a.m .... * A.M. Princeton 1774. Francis Curtis * Richard Devens '*post 1795 Tutor Princeton 1770-74. James Hasbrouck, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1770. Elias Jones * Nathaniel Ramsay *i8i7 Member Maryland Convention 1775-76; Captain Smallwood's Maryland Regi- ment 1776; Lieutenant Colonel 3d Maryland 1776-81; Member Continental Congress 1785-87. William Schenck *i823 Samuel Witham Stockton, a.m. *i795 Secretary American Commissioners to Austria and Prussia 1 774^-79; Alderman Trenton, N. J. 1792; Secretary State New Jersey 1794-95; A.M. Princeton 1770. Josiah Stoddard, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1770. Husfh Vance *i79i 1768 Robert Blackwell, a.m., d.d. =1831 Surgeon and Chaplain ist Penna. Brigade 1778-81; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1 789- 1 822; A.R. also Columbia 1770 lion.; A.M. Princeton 1782; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1788, also Princeton 1788; M.A.P.S. 1768-69] BACHELORS OF ARTS 93 Ephraim Brevard, m.d *i7^3 Signer Mecklenburg Resolutions 1775; Surgeon ist North Carolina 1776-80; M.D. Samuel Culbertson * Pierpont Edwards, a.m *i826 Served in 2d Company Governor's Footguards Connecticut 1775- ; Mem- ber Connecticut Provincial Congress; Member Continental Congress 1787-88; Member U. S. Constitutional Conven- tion 1787; Speaker Connecticut Assem- bly 1789-90; Judge U. S. District Court Connecticut 1806-26; Member Connecti- cut Constitutional Convention 1818; A.M. Princeton 1781. William Churchill Houston. .*i788 Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1768-69; Tutor Princeton 1769-71; Professor Mathematics & Natural Phi- losophy Princeton 1771-83; Captain 2d Battalion Somerset Co., N. J. 1776; Librarian Princeton 1770-86; Treasurer Princeton 1779-83; Member New Jer- sey Assembly 1777-78; Member Con- tinental Congress 1779-82, 1784-85; Clerk Supreme Court New Jersey 1781- 88; Receiver of Continental Taxes New^ Jersey 1782-85; Member Annapolis Convention 1786; Member U. S. Con- stitutional Convention 1787. Adiai Osborne *i8t5 Lieutenant Colonel 2d North Carolina Regiment 1775- ; Trustee Liberty Hall, N. C. 1777-80; Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1789-1814; Clerk Rowan Co., N. C. 17 -1809. Thomas Reese, d.d *i796 D.D. Princeton 1794. Michael Sebring, m.d *i77i M.D. Columbia 1771. Thomas Smith *i792 Isaac Story *i8i6 Elias Van Bunschooten *i8i5 Trustee Rutgers 1787-1815. 1769 John Beatty, a.m., m.d *i826 Captain 5th Penna. Battalion 1776; Major 6th Penna. 1776-78; Colonel Commissary General Prisoners 1778-80; Member Continental Congress 1783-85; Member New Jersey Assembly 1789-90; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1789; Member New Jersey Senate 1781-82, 1806; Member New Jersey Constitu- tional Convention 1787; U. S. Repre- sentative from New Jersey 1793-95; Secretary State New Jersey 1795-1805; Trustee Princeton 1785-1802; Treasurer Princeton 1787-88; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1822-26; A.M. Princeton 177^; M.D. William Lawrence Blair * Joel Brevard * Matthias Burnet, a.m., d.d...*i8o6 A.M. Princeton 1772, also Yale 1785 hon. ; D.D. Princeton 1802. William Channing-, a.m *i793 Attorney General Rhode Island 1777-; U. S. District Attorney Rhode Island 1788- ; A.M. Yale 1781 hon. John Davenport, a.m *i82i A.M. Princeton 1772, also Yale 1785 hon. and Brown 1805 hon. John Rodgers Da vies *i836 Peter De W^itt *i8o9 John Henry, a.m *i798 Member Continental Congress 1778-81, 1784-87; U. S. Senator from Maryland 1789-97; Governor Maryland 1797-98; A.M. Princeton 1786. James Linn, a.m *i82i Captain ist Battalion Somerset Co., N. J. Militia 1776; ist Major 1st Battalion Somerset Co., N. J. Militia 1776-81; Member New Jersey Assembly 1776, i793~97I U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1799-1801; Supervisor of Revenue 1801-09; Secretary State New Jersey 1809-21; A.M. Princeton 1772. John Alexander McDougall. .* ist Lieutenant ist New York 1775-76. Thomas Melville, a.m *i832 Member Boston Tea Party 1773; Major in Craft's^ Massachusetts Artillery 1776- ; Naval Officer Boston 1789- 1829; A.M. Princeton 1772, also Har- vard 1773 hon. Samuel Niles *i8i4 Jesse Reed * Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m., d.d., LL.D *l8l9 Tutor Princeton 1770-73; Rector Hamp- den Sidney Academy 1775-79; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1781-95; Treasurer Princeton 1783-86; Professor Moral PhiIoso].)hy Princeton 1779-83; Professor Moral Philosophy and Theol- ogy Princeton 1783-1812; Vice Presi- dent Princeton 1789-95; President Princeton 1795-1812; A.M. Princeton 1772; D.D. Princeton, also Yale 1783; LL.D. Harvard 1810; M.A.P.S. 94 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1769-71 Elihu Thayer, d.d *i8i2 D.D. Dartmouth 1807. William Wilcocks, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1772. David Zubly, a.m * Member Provincial Congress Georgia '775i A.M. Princeton 1774. 1770 Samuel Baldwin, a.m *i8so Served with Charleston, S. C. \'olun- teers Revolutionary War; A.M. Prince- ton 1773. John Blydenburg, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1773. John Campbell, d.d *i8i9 D.D. Frederick Frelinghuysen ='=1804 First Major Colonel Stewart's New Jer- sey Minute Men 1776; Captain New Jersey Ardllery 1776-77; Colonel ist Battalion Somerset, Co., N. J. 1777-78; Member Continental Congress 1775, 1778-79, 1782-84; Member New Jersey Provincial Congress 1775-76; Member New Jersey Assembly 1784-85, 1800- 04; Brigadier General U. S. A. 1790; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1793- 96; Trustee Princeton 1802-04. Joshua Hart, a.m *i829 A.M. Princeton 1773. Azariah Horton, Jr., a.m *i793 Lieutenant Colonel Deiiuty Commissary General of Musters 1779- ; A.M. Princeton 1773. Nathaniel Irwin, a.m *i8i2 Moderator General Assembly 1801; A.M. Princeton 1773. Thomas McPherrin, a.m *i8o3 A.M. Princeton 1773. John Cosins Ogden, a.m *i8oo a.m. Princeton 1789, also Yale 1782 hon. Nathan Perkins, a.m., d.d...*i838 A.M. Princeton 1773, also Yale 1774 hon.; D.D. Princeton 1801. Caleb Russell *i8o5 Clerk Morris Co., N. J. 17S7-1805. Georg-e Smith, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1773. Isaac Smith, a.m *i8i7 a.m. Princeton 1773, also Dartmoutn 1785 hon. John Smith *i82o Robert Stewart, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1773. John Taylor, ll.d *i8oi Captain in Colonel Neilson's Minute Men, New Jersey Militia 1775; Captain 4th Regiment Hunterdon Co., N. J. Militia; Second Major 4th Regiment Hunterdon Co. Militia 1775; Major Colonel Read's Battalion New Jersey State Troops 1776-77; Lieutenant Col- onel 4th Regiment Hunterdon Co. >Iili- tia 1777-79; Colonel New Jersey State Troops 1779- ; Tutor Rutgers 17 - 86; Professor Natural Philosophy & Mathematics Rutgers 1786-92; Professor Natural Philosophy & Mathematics Un- ion 1797-1801; LL.D. Stephen Tracy, a.m *i822 A.M. Dartmouth 1792 hon. Caleb Wallace. *i8i4 Trustee Hampden Sidney 1775- ; Trustee Liberty Hall, \'a. (Washington & Lee), 1782; Member Kentucky Con- stitutional Convention 1785, 1787, 1788, 1792, 1799; Judge Supreme Court, Ken- tucky 1792- . Bedford Williams * Matthias Williamson, a.m...*i836 Colonel New Jersey Light Horse 1775- 76; Brigadier General Ne'v Jersey Deputy Quartermaster General New Jersey State Troops 1776-77; Assistant Deputy Quartermaster General New Jersey; Assistant Quartermaster General New Jersey; Quartermaster General New Jersey 17 -79; A.M. Princeton ^773- James Wilson, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1773. James \\'itherspoon, a.m *U77 Major, Aide to Brigadier General Max- well 17 -; Aide to Hrigadier General Nash 17 -77 i A.M. Princeton 1773. 1771 Gunning Bedford, Jr., a.m...*i8i2 Member Delaware Assembly; Member Continental Congress 1783-86; Member V. S. Constitulional Convention 1787; .•\ttorney General Delaware; Judge U. S. Dist. Court Del. 1789-18 12; U. S. Representative from Delaware 1789; A.M. Princeton 1774. 1771-72] BACHELOkS OF ARTS 95 John Black, a.m *i8o2 A.M. Princeton 1782. Hugh Henry Brackenridge, a. m. *i8i6 Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1771-73 (?); Chaplain Continental Army 1777-78; Member Penna. Assembly 1786-89; Judge District Court Penna. 1789-99; Judge Supreme Court Penna. 1799-1816; A.M. Princeton 1774. Donald Campbell, a.m * Colonel Deputy Quartermaster General N. Y. Department Continental Army 177S-84; A.M. Princeton i774- Edmund Cheesman * Philip [Morin] Freneau *i832 Sergeant New Jersey State Troops 1776; Interpreter U. S. State Depart- ment 1791-93- Charles McKnight, a.m., m.d.*i792 Surgeon Penna. Battalion of Flying Camp 177 -76; Senior Surgeon Plying Hospital Middle Dept. 1777-78; Sur- geon General Flying Hospital 1778-80; Chief Hospital Physician 1780-82; Pro- fessor Anatomy Columbia 1785-92; Re- gent Columbia 1784-87; Trustee Co- lumbia 1787; A.M. Princeton 1774; M.D. James Madison, ll.d, = 1836 Member Committee of Safety Orange Co., Virginia 1774; Member Willianis- burg Convention 1776; Member Vir- ginia Assembly 1776-77, 1784-86, 1799; Member N'irginia Senate 1778-79; Mem- ber Continental Congress 1780-83, 1786-88; Member Annapolis Convention 1786; Member U. S. Constitutional Con- vention 1787; Signer U. S. Constitu- tion; Member Virginia State Convention 1788; U. S. Representative from N'ir- ginia 1789-97; U. S. Secretary of State 1801-09; President of the United States 1809-13, 1813-17; Member Virginia Constitutional Convention 1829; Rector Univ. Virginia 1826; Visitor William & Mary 1779; LL.D. Princeton 1787, also William & Mary 1787; Trustee Hamp- den Sidney; M.A.P.S. Joseph Ross *i789 Samuel Spring, a.m., d.d....*i8i9 Chaplain Canadian Expedition 1775-76; Founder Andover Seminary; Visitor Andover Seminary 1808-19; A.M. Princeton 1774, also Dartmouth 1789 hon.; D.D. Williams 1806. James Taylor * James Williamson * 1772 Isaac Alexander, m.d * President of Trustees Liberty Hall, North Carolina 1777-80. Moses Allen '"'i/zQ Chaplain Georgia Brigade 1778-79. Robert Archibald *post 1797 William Bradford, Jr., a.m..*i795 Captain Penna. Battalion Flying Camp 1776; Captain iith Penna. 1776-77; Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Com- missary General of Musters 1777-79; Attorney General Penna. 1780-91; Judge Supreme Court Penna. 1791-94; Attorney General U. S. 1794-95; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1781 hon.; M.A.P.S. Andrew Bryan * Aaron Burr, ll.d *i836 Volunteer in Canadian Campaign 1775- 76; Aide to Major General Putnam 1776-77; Lieutenant Colonel in Mal- colm's Additional Regiment 1777-79; Member New York Assembly 17S4-98; Attorney General New York 1789-91; U. S. Commissioner Revolutionary Claims 1791; U. S. Senator from New York 1791-97; Vice President of the United States 1801-05; Member and President New York Constitutional Con- vention 1 801; LL.D. Princeton 1803. John De Bow *i783 Joseph Eckley, d.d *i8ii D.D. Princeton 1793. Israel Evans, a.m *i8o7 Chaplain ist New York 1775; Chaplain 2d New York 1776; Chaplain General Poor's New Hampshire Brigade 1777- 80; A.M. Dartmouth 1792 hon. Ebenezer Finley *i79o( ?) Lieutenant Maryland Line Continental Army 1776; Captain Lieutenant Dor- sey's Company Maryland Artillery 1777 (ist Continental Artillery 1778); Dep- uty Judge Advocate Southern Depart- ment 1780; Commanded artillery battery under General Greene in South Caro- lina 1781-83. Philip Vickers Fithian *i776 Chaplain Heard's Brigade New Jersey Alilitia 1776. James Grier *i79i Tutor Princeton 1773-74. Andrew Hodge *i834 Captain Penna. Line. 96 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1772-73 Andrew Hunter, Jr *i823 Chaplain Colonel Van Cortlandt's Bat- talion, Heard's Brigade 1776-77; Chap- lain 3d Battalion New jersey 1777; Chaplain General Maxwell's New Jersey Brigade 1777-80; Chaplain 3d New Jer- sey Regiment 1780-83; Trustee Prince- ton 1788-1804, 1808-11; Professor Mathematics and Astronomy Princeton 1S04-08; Clerk of I'acuUy Princeton 1805-08; Chaplain U. S. Navy 1810-23. Robert Keith *i784 Chaplain Continental Army 1779-83. William Linn, d.d '''iSoS Chaplain sth Penna. Battalion 1776; President Washington College, Md. 1784-86; Trustee Rutgers 1787-1808; Regent Univ. State of New York 1787- 1808; Chaplain U. S. House Representa- tives 1789-90; President Rutgers 1791- 94; D.D. Columbia 1789. William Smith Livingston, a.m. *i794 Major of Lasher's Regiment, New York Militia 1776; Aide to Gen. Greene 1776- 77; Lieutenant Colonel of Webb's Ad- ditional Continental Regiment 1777- 78; A.M. Princeton 1786. George Luckey, a.m *i8i9 Samuel Eusebius McCorkle, d.d. *i8ii Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1789- 1801; D.D. Dickinson 1792. John McMillan, a.m., d.d *i833 Founder and Trustee Washington Acad- emy, Pa. 1787; Founder Canonsburg Academy, Pa. 1791; Founder and Trus- tee Jefferson College, Pa. 1802; Pro- fessor Divinity Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1802-33; ^'ice President Washing- ton & Jefferson (J.) 1805-33; A.]\L Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1805 hon. ; D.D. Oliver Reese *i776 James Templeton, A.M * A.M. Princeton 1787. ^772, James Francis Armstrong, A.M. *i8i6 Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1773 74(^); Chaiilain 2d Canadian Regiment 1776; Chaplain 2d Maryland Brigade 1770-81; Private ist Regiment Hunterdon Co., N. J. Militia; Trustee Princeton 1790-1816; Moderator Gen- eral Assembly 1804; A.M. Princeton 1781. David Bard *i8i5 \J.S. Representative from Penna. 1795- 99, 1803-15. William Beekman *i823( ?) Ebenezer Bradford, a.m *i8oi A.M. Princeton 1784, also Dartmouth 1785 hon., also Brown 1800 hon. Stephen Cook, .\.m * A.M. Princeton 1785. Archibald Craig, m.d * Hugh Craig * Thaddeus Dod *i793 Founder & President Washington Acad- emy, Penna. 1789-90. John Duffield * Tutor Princeton 1773-75. James Dunlap, a.m *i8i8 Tutor Princeton 1775-77; Professor of Languages and Moral Philosophy Wash- ington & Jefferson (J.) 1S03-12; Presi- dent Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1803- 12; A.^L \Vashington & Jefferson (J.) 1806 hon. William Graham *i799 Rector Board of Trustees and President Liberty Hall, Va. (Washington & Lee) 1776-82; Rector of Trustees and Presi- dent Washington & Lee 1782-96. James Hasbrouck * Hugh Hodge, m.d *i798 Surgeon 3d Penna. Battalion 1776; M.D. William Eugene Imlay, m.d. .*i8o3 Captain 3d New Jersey Continental Army 1776; Captain 3d Regiment Hun- terdon Co., N. J. Militia; M.D. Andrew King, a.m *i8is A.M. Princeton 1786. Henry Lee, Jr *i8i8 Captain \'irginia Dragoons 1776-78; Major Commandant 1778-80; Awarded Congressional Medal and \'ote of Thanks 1779; Lieutenant Colonel of Lee's Partisan Corps 1780-83; Major General U. S. A. 1 798-1 800; Member Continental Congress 1786-89; Member N'irginia Constitutional Convention 1788; Governor of N'irginia 1792-95; U. S. Representative from Virginia 1799-1801. Morgan Lewis, a.m *i844 Private New York Volunteers 1774; Captain New York Militia; Major 2d 1773-74] BACHELORS OF ARTS 97 New York Militia; Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster General Northern De- partment 1776-S3; Brigadier General and Quartermaster General U. S. A. 1812-13; Major General U. S. A. 1813- 15; Attorney General New York 1791- 92; Judge Court Common Pleas New York; Judge Supreme Court New York 1792-93; Chief Justice Supreme Court New York 1793- ; Governor of New York 1804-07; Member New York Sen- ate 1810-12; Member Council New York Univ. 1830-34; President Council New York Univ. 1831-34; Trustee Columbia 1 784-1 804; A.M. Princeton 1783. John Linn *i82o James McConnell * James McCulloch *i836 John McKnight, a.m., d.d...*i823 Moderator General Assembly 1795; President Dickinson 1815-16; A.M. Princeton 1786; D.D. Yale 1791. Aaron Ogden, a.m., ll.d. . . .*i839 Master Nassau Hall Grammar School ^77i'< Paymaster ist Battalion New Jer- sey 1775-76; ist Lieutenant ist Regi- ment New Jersey 1776-77; Regimental Paymaster New Jersey 1777-78; Brigade Major and Inspector and Aide to Gen- eral Maxwell 1778-80; Captain ist New Jersey 1779-83; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1783; Lieutenant Colonel iith U. S. Infantry 1799-1800; Deputy Quarter- master General U. S. A. 1800; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1801-03; Trustee Princeton 1803-12, 1817-39; Governor New Jersey 181 2-13; A.M. Princeton 1783; LL.D. Princeton 1816. Richard Piatt *i830 2d Lieutenant 1st New York 1775; ist Lieutenant ist New York 1775; Captain 1st New York 1776; Brigade Major to General McDougall 1776; Major and Aide to General McDougall 1776-83; Battalion Paymaster Artillery U. S. A. 1817-20. Belcher Peartree Smith *i787 John Blair Smith, a.m., d.d. .*i799 Professor Hampden Sidney Academy 1775-79! Captain Hampden Sidney Com- pany of Volunteers 1776-77; President Hampden Sidney 1779-89; President Union 1795-99; Moderator General As- sembly 1798; A.M. Princeton 1783; D.D. Princeton 1795. WilHam Richmond Smith. . .*i82o Samuel Waugh *i8o7 Lewis Feuilleteaii Wilson, m.d. *i8o4 Tutor Princeton 1774-75; Surgeon's Mate New Jersey General Hospital 1778-79; Surgeon 1779-80; M.D. John Witherspoon, Jr., m.d. *I795(?) Surgeon General Hospital Continental Army; Surgeon on the " De Graaf " privateer, Revolutionary War; M.D. 1774 Stephen Bloomer Balch, d.d.*i833 Captain Calvert Co., Md. Militia 1775- 78; D.D. Princeton 1818. William Bradford, a.m *i8o8 A.M. Dartmouth 1785 hen. Daniel Breck, a.m *i845 Chaplain Porter's Regiment Canadian Expedition 1776; A.M. Princeton 1785. John Ewing Colhoun *i8o2 Served in Drayton's Company of South Carolina Volunteer Militia 1775; Mem- ber South Carolina Assembly; Member South Carolina Privy Council 1785; Commissioner of Forfeited Estates South Carolina 1786; U. S. Senator from South Carolina 1801-02. John Noble Gumming *i82i 1st Lieutenant 2d Battalion New Jersey 1775-76; Caiitain 2d Battalion New Jer- sey 1776; Captain 2d Regiment New Jersey; Major ist Regiment New Jer- sey 1780-81; Lieutenant Colonel 2d Regiment New Jersey 1781-83; Lieu- tenant Colonel 3d Regiment New Jersey 1783- Peter Fish, a.m *i8io A.M. Princeton 1781. James Hall, d.d *i826 Chaplain and Captain of Volunteer Cav- alry, North Carolina i778-82(?); Mod- erator General Assembly 1803; Director Princeton Seminary 1815-20; D.D. Princeton 1803, also Univ. North Caro- lina iSio. Hugh Hodge *i783( ?) Samuel Leake *i82o [Henry] Brockholst Livingston, LL.D *l823 Captain and Aide to Major General Schuyler 1776; Major and Aide to Ma- jor General St. Clair 1776-77; Lieu- tenant Colonel 1777; Member New York Assemblv 1788, 1800-03; Judge Su- preme Court New York 1802-06; As- sociate Justice U. S. Supreme Court 1806-23; LL.D. Harvard i8i8. 98 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1774-75 Thomas Harris McCaule *i796 Chaplain Continental Army; Trustee Liberty Hall, North Carolina 1777-80; President Mt. Zion College, South Car- olina 1784- . Jonathan Mason, Jr *i83i Member Massachusetts Assembly 1786- 94> 1795-97. 1805-08; Executive Coun- cillor 1797-98; Member Massachusetts Senate 1799-1800; U. S. Senator from Massachusetts 1800-03; U. S. Repre- sentative from Massachusetts 1817-20. Lewis Morris, IV, a.m *i824 Brigade Major New York Militia 1776; Major Aide to General Sullivan 1776- 79; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Conti- nental Army 1778; Aide to General Greene 1779-83; A.M. Princeton 1802. John Peck * 2d Lieutenant 2d Regiment New Jersey 1776-78; Paymaster 2d r>attalion New Jersey 1778; ist Lieutenant 2d Regi- "ment New Jersey 1781-83; Brevet Cap- tain 1783. John Phillips * William Stephens Smith *i8i6 Major and Aide to General Sullivan 1776; Lieutenant Colonel of Lee's Addi- tional Regiment 1777; Lieutenant Col- onel of Silencer's Regiment 1779-81; Adjutant and Lispcctor Staff of Gen- eral Lafayette 1781; Staff of General Washington 1781-83; Secretary U. S. Legation Great Britain 1784; Marshal District of New York 1789; Supervisor U. S. Revenue; Svtrveyor and Inspector Port of New York 1800-08; U. S. Rep- resentative from New York 1813-16. Nicholas Bayard Van Cortlandt. *i782 John Warford, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1785. Samuel Whitwell, m.d *i79i Surgeon 3d Continental Regiment Mas- sachusetts 1777-83- David Witherspoon *i799 Professor Hampden Sidney Academy 1775-; Lieutenant Hampden Sidney Cfompany of Volunteers 1776-77; Mem- ber North Carolina Assembly 1790, i79Sf 1796. 1775 Charles Clinton Beatty *i777 2d Lieutenant 4th Penna, Battalion 1776; 2d Lieutenant 5th Penna. 1776- 77. John Durbarrow Blair, a.m. .'''•1823 a.m. Princeton 1781. Ichabod Burnet, a.m *i783 Secretary Essex Co., N. J. Committee of Correspondence 1775; Private New Jersey Continental Troops 1776-78; Major and Aide to General Greene 1778-83; A.M. Princeton 1781. William Claypoole * Thomas Brown Craighead. . .*i825 President Univ. Nashville (Davidson Academy) 1786-1806; (Cumberland College) 1806-09; Trustee Univ. Nash- ville 1809-13. Edward Crawford *post 1803 Trustee Washington College, Tenn. Samuel Doak, d.d *i830 Professor Hampden Sidney Academy 1775- ; Founder and President Wash- ington College, Tenn. 1 785-181 8 Founder Tusculum College, Tenn. i8i8 Member Franklin Convention, Tenn. D.D. Washington College, Tenn. 1818, also Greenville College 1818. James Duncan * Arnold Elzey, a.m., m.d * A.M. Princeton 1813; M.D. John Evans * Joseph Finley * John Joline *i8o2 Isaac Stockton Keith, d.d.,.*i8i3 D.D. Univ. Penna. 1791. Andrew Kirkpatrick, a.m....*i83i Tutor Rutgers Grammar School; Mem- ber New Jersey Assembly 1797-98; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1798- 1804; Chief Justice Supreme Court New- Jersey 1804-24; Member N. J. Senate 1820; Trustee Princeton 1807-31; Presi- dent Trustees Princeton Seminary 1824- 31; A.M. Princeton 1779, also Rutgers 1783 hon. Charles Lee *i8is Member Va. Assembly; Attorney Gen- eral U. S. 1795-1801; Judge U. S. Dis- trict Court 1801-02. Spruce McCay *i8o8 Member N. C. Assembly; Justice Su- preme Court N. C. 1 790-1 808. James McRee, d.d *i84o D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1810. 1775-76] BACHELORS OF ARTS 99 John Montgomery * Instructor Liberty Hall Va. (Washing- ton & Lee) 1776-82; Trustee Washing- ton & Lee 1782-84. John Pidgeon * James Reid * Sheriff of York Co., Pa. John Richardson Bayard Rodgers, A.M., M.D *i833 Surgeon ist Penna. Continental Troops 1779-83; Surgeon 3d Pcnna. Continental Troops 1783; Professor Obstetrics Co- lumbia 1793-1808; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-21; A.M. Princeton 1782; M.B. Univ. Penna. 1784; M.D. Edinburgh. Archibald Scott *i799 John Anderson Scudder, m.d.*i836 Surgeon's Mate ist Regt. Monmouth Co., N. J. 1777- ; Member New Jer- sey Assembly 1801-07; U. S. Repre- sentative from New jersey 1810-11; M.D. John Springer *i798 Tutor Princeton 1775-76; Tutor Hamp- den Sidney 1775- . Thomas Sprott * Isaac Tichenor, ll.d *i838 Assistant Commissary General N'ermont 17— ; Member \'ermont Assembly 1781-84; Member Vermont Senate 1787-92; Member Vermont Council of Censors 1792; Judge Supreme Court \'ermont 1791-94; Chief Justice Su- preme Court Vermont 1795-96; Gov- ernor Vermont 1 797-1809; U. S. Sen- ator from N'ermont 1796-97, 1815-21; LL.D. Dartmouth 1789. John Timothy Trezevant, m.d.*i8i6 Surgeon 2d Virginia Continental Regi- ment 1779-82; M.D. 1776 Nathaniel Alexander, m.d...*i8o8 Surgeon North Carolina Regiment 1778- 82; Member North Carolina Assembly 1797; Member North Carolina Senate 1801-03; U. S. Representative from North Carolina 1803-05; Governor North Carolina 1805-07; M.D. William Richard.son Davie, ll.d. *l820 Volunteer Continental Army 1776, 1777; Lieutenant Dragoons Pulaski Legion 1779-80; Colonel North Carolina Cav- alry State Troops 1780-83; Commissary General North Carolina 1781-83; Brig- adier General U. S. A. 1 798-1 800; Mem- ber U. S. Constitutional Convention 1787; Member North Carolina Constitu- tional Convention 1788; Member North Carolina Assembly 1786-87, 1791-98; Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1789- 1807; Governor North Carolina 1798- 99; U. S. Minister to I'rance 1799- 1800; LL.D. Univ. North Carolina 1811. Jonathan Dayton, a.m., ll.d.*i824 Ensign 3d New Jersey 1776; Regimental Paymaster 3d Battalion New Jersey 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1777; Captain Lieutenant 1779; Major and Aide to Gen. Sullivan 1779-80; Captain 3d New Jersey 1780; Captain 2d New Jersey 1781-83; Captain Consolidated New Jer- sey Regt. 1783; Member New Jersey Assembly 1786-87, 1790; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1790; Member U. S. Constitutional Convention 1787; Member New Jersey Senate 1789-90; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1791- 99; Speaker U. S. House Representa- tives 1795-99; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1799-1805; A.M. Princeton 1783; LL.D. Princeton 1798. Benjamin Erwin *i782( ?) Trustee Liberty Hall Va. (Washington & Lee) 1782. George Faitonte, a.m *i8i5 Tutor Princeton 1777; A.M. Princeton 1792. John Evans Finley * Joseph Washington Henderson *post 1824 Robert R. Henry, m.d *i8o5 Surgeon's Mate General Hospital Con- tinental Army 1777; Surgeon Col. Read's Regiment Poor's Brigade New Hampshire 1777-83; M.D. John Wilkes Kittera *i8oi U.S. Representative from Penna. 1791- 1801; U. S. District Attorney Penna. 1801; M.A.P.S. Joseph Flavins Lane * John Leake * Henry Philip Livingston * 1st Lieutenant of Captain Gibb's Com- pany, Washington's Guards 1777-78; Captain Commandant same 1778-81. Samuel Macconkey * Richard Mount * Cyrus Pierson, m.d *i8o4 lOO BACHELORS OF ARTS [1776-79 John Pintard, ll.d *i844 Private Continental Army; Deputy Com- missary of Prisoners .\. Y.; Alderman N. Y. City 1789; Member New York Assembly 1790- ; Inspector N. Y. City 1804; Secretary N. Y. Chamber of Commerce 1812-22; Founder N. Y. His- torical Society; LL.D. Allegheny 1822. James Ramsay * Archibald Read * Aaron Rhea * Ensign :st New Jersey Regiment Con- tinental Army 1778; Lieutenant 2d Con- tinental Dragoons 1781-83. Joheph Rue, a.m *i826 A.M. Princeton 1783. John Rutherford *i84o Member New Jersey Assembly 1788-90; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1790- 98. Nathaniel Welshard Semple..*i834 Samuel Shannon *i822 ist Lieutenant Captain David Wilson's Co. Va. 1776- ; Chaplain War of 1812. Benjamin Parker Snowden. . .* WilHam [H.] Vernon *i833 Nehemiah Wade, Jr., a.m. *post 1822 Degree conferred 1786; A.M. Princeton 1786. James Lewis Wilson * 1777 James Ashton Bayard, a.m..*i788 Degree conferred post obit. 1790; A.M. Princeton 1781. John Brownfield * Degree conferred 1790. James Crawford *i8o3 Degree conferred 1790. James Hanna, a.m * Degree conferred 1782; A.M. Princeton 1784. Thomas Harrison McCalla, m.d. * Degree conferred 1790; Surgeon's Mate 4th Continental Dragoons 1778-80; Sur- geon 1780-82; M.D. John Young Noel * Degree conferred 1782. Samuel Vickers, a.m., m.d...* Degree conferred 1782; Surgeon's Mate General Hospital N. J. 1777-81; Hos- pital Physician and Surgeon Southern Dept. 1781-83; A.M. Princeton 1785. 1778 William Boyd, a.m *i8o7 Trustee Princeton 1800-07; A.^L Princeton 1782. Jacob Morton, a.m *i837 Comptroller of N. Y. City 1807-08; Clerk Common Council N. Y. City; Major General New York Militia War of 1812; A.M. Princeton 1782. Joseph Scudder, a.m., m.d...*i843 Clerk Monmouth Co., N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1781; M.D. Peter Wilson, a.m ^1799 A.M. Princeton 1783. Matthew Woods *i784 1779 Andrew Bayard, a.m *i832 Trustee Princeton 1808-23; A.M. Princeton 1783. Matthew McAllister, a.m *i823 U. S. District Attorney Georgia; Judge Supreme Court Eastern Dept. Georgia 1801-02; A.M. Princeton 1794. George Merchant, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1783. James Riddle, a.m ^1837 Tutor Princeton 1781-83; Judge Court of Appeals Penna. ; A.M. Princeton 17S3. Richard Stockton, a.m., ll.d.* 1828 Treasurer Princeton 1788; Trustee Princeton 1791-1828; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1796-99; U. S. Rep- resentative from New Jersey 1813-15; A.M. Princeton 1783; LL.D. Rutgers 1815, also Union 1816. Aaron Dickinson Woodruflf, a.m. *i8i7 Member New Jersey Assembly 1791- 92; Attorney General New Jersey 1792- 1817; Mayor Trenton, N. J. 1794-97; Recorder Trenton, N. J.; A.M. Prince- ton 1783. 1780-83] BACHELORS OF ARTS lOI Job 1780 n Rhea *i83- Ensign 7th Virginia 1777; U. S. Rep- resentative from Tennessee 1803-15; U. S. Commissioner to Choctaws 1816; U. S. Representative from Tennessee 181 7- 23- James Roosevelt * Alexander Russell * Ebenezer Stockton, m.d *i837 Surgeon's Mate General Hospital Con- tinental _ Army 1777- ; Surgeon New Hampshire Brigade 1782. Abraham B. Venable *i8ii U. S. Representative from \'irginia 1791-99; U. S. Senator from \'irginia 1803-04, Samuel Woodson Venable. . .*i826 Ensign Watkins' Troop, Virginia \'ol- unteers 1776-77; Captain of Watkins' Troop; Founder Hampden Sidney. I781 Joseph Clark, a.m., d.d *i8i3 Private and Officer in Captain Stout's Company, _3d Regiment Hunterdon Co., N. J. Militia 1777-79; Moderator Gen- eral Assembly 1800; Trustee Princeton 1800-13; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-13; A.M. Princeton 1784; D.D. Jefferson 1809. William Crawford, m.d *i823 U. S. Representative from Penna. 1809- 17; Judge Adams Co., Penna.; M.D. Edinburgh 1791. William Branch Giles *i830 U. S. Representative from Virginia 1789-99, 1801-03; Member Virginia As- sembly 1798, 1826; U. S. Senator from Virginia 1804-15; Governor Virginia 1826-29; Member Virginia Constitu- tional Convention 1829-30. Francis James * Edward Livingston, ll.d. . . .*i836 U. S. Representative from New York 1 794-1 802; U. S. District .\ttorney New York 1801-03; Mayor New York City 1801-03; .\ide to General Jackson 1812-15; Member Louisiana Assembly 1820- ; U. S. Representative from Louisiana 1823-29; U. S. Senator from Louisiana 1829-31; U. S. Secretary of State 1831-33; U. S. Minister Pleni- potentiary to France 1833-35; Cor- respond. Member Institut de France; Trustee Columbia 1 793-1 806; LL.D. Columbia 1823, also Transylvania 1824, also Harvard 1834; M.A.P.S. Robert Smith *i842 Member Maryland Assembly 1796-1800; Member Maryland Senate 1793-96; iNIember City Council linltimore 1798- 1801; U. S. Secretary of Navy 1801- 05; U. S. Attorney General 1805; \J. S. Secretary of State 1809-11; Provost Univ. of Maryland 1S13-15. 1782 Spencer Ball * [Lucas] Conrad Elmendorf. .*i843 U. S. Representative from New York 1797-1803; Member New York Assem- bly 1804, 1805; Member New York Senate 1814-17. Peter Elmendorf *i838 John A. Hanna, a.m *i8os U. S. Representative from Penna. 1792- 1805; A.M. Princeton 1785. John Johnston * William Mahon * Tutor Hampden Sidney 1784-86. John Morton *i83S Robert Pearson, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1785. Derrick Ten Eyck * Richard N. Venable *i838 Samuel Wilson ^1799 1783 Samuel Beach * Tutor Princeton 1783-85. William Clements * Timothy Ford, a.m *i83o Member South Carolina Assembly; Trustee Charleston College, South Caro- lina 1824-25; A.M. Princeton 1789. Ashbel Green, d.d., ll.d *i848 Private New Jersey Militia 1778-81; lutor Princeton 1783-85; Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Princeton 1785-87; Trustee Princeton 1790-1812; President Princeton 1812- 22; Chaplain U. S. House of Repre- sentatives 1792-1800; Trustee Prince- ton Semmary 1822-48; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1812-48; President Roard of Trustees Jefferson Medical College 1S26-48; Moderator General Assembly 1824; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1791; LI D Univ. North Carolina 1812; M.A P S 102 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1783-84 Obadiah Holmes * James Hunt * Nathaniel Lawrence *i796 Ensign 2d North Carolina Regiment 1778; 2d Lieutenant 2d North Carolina Regiment 1778- ; Member New York Constitutional Convention 1788; Attor- ney General New York 1792-95; Mem- ber New York Assembly 1791, 1792, 1795. 1796. Jacob Le Roy *i8is Jacob Radcliff *i823 Judge Supreme Court New York; Mayor New York City 1810-11, 181 5- 18; Member New York Constitutional Convention 1821; Trustee Columbia 1805-17. Joseph Riddle * Gilbert Tennent Snowden, a.m. *I797 Tutor Princeton 1785-87; Librarian Princeton 1786-87; A.M. Princeton 1786. Edward Taylor, m.d *i835 M.D. 1786. Joseph Venable * George Whitefield Woodruff, a.m. *i846 U. S. District Attorney Georgia; A.M. Princeton 1786. 1784 John Baldwin, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1787. James Ashton Bayard, a.m..*i8i5 U. S. Representative from Delaware 1797-1803; U. S. Senator from Dela- ware 1805-13; U. S. Peace Commis- sioner at Ghent 1814; A.M. Princeton 1787. Samuel Bayard, a.m ''•■1840 Clerk U. S. Supreme Court; Librarian Princeton 1806-07; Trustee Princeton 1807-10; Treasurer Princeton iSio- 28; Director Princeton Seminary 1812- 40; Member New Jersey Assembly 1813-15; Mayor Princeton, N. J. 1817- 18; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1822- 40; Nice President P.oard of Trustees Princeton Seminary 1824-31; President Board of Trustees Princeton Seminary 1831-40; .\.M. Princeton 1787. William Campfield, M.D *i824 Captain Morris Co. Squadron New Jersey Cavalry 1798-1807; M.D. Joseph Clay, a.m *i8ii Member Georgia Constitutional Con- vention 1795. 1798; Judge U. S. Dis- trict Court Georgia 1796-1801; Trus- tee Rrown 1807-11; .\..M. Brown 1806 hon.; M.A.P.S. Tra Condict, a.m., d.d *i8ii Trustee Rutgers 1774- ; President pro lein. Rutgers 1 794-1810; Vice Presi- dent Rutgers i8io-ii; Professor Moral Philosophy Rutgers 1809-11; Trustee Princeton 1804-09; A.^L Princeton 1787; D.D. Princeton iSio. Thomas Cooper * Alexander Edwards * Gabriel H. Ford, a.m *i849 Judge Court Common Pleas Eastern District New Jersey 1818-20; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1S20-41. Agur T. Forman. a.m * .■\.M. Princeton 1787. John Gibbes * James Hopkins *i834 Member Penna. Assembly 182 1- . Abel Johnston * Peter Robert Livingston, a.m.* 1847 Member New York Senate 1816-22, 1826-29; President New York Senate 1828; Member New York Constitu- tional Convention 1821; Member New York .\ssembly 1S23- ; Speaker New York .Assembly 1823; Lieutenant Gov- ernor New York 1S28; .\.M. Princeton 1789. Alexander Cumming ^Ic\\'horter, A.M *i8o8 Surrogate Lssex Co., N. J. 1788-1808; A.M. Princeton 1787. James Morris * Isaac Ogden, m.d *i829 James Penn * William Radclifif *i847 Leonard D. Shaw * John Eaton Spencer, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1787. Zadoc Squire * Abraham Tcnbrook *i84i Abner Woodrufif. a.m *i842 Paymaster 2d Regiment New Jersey 1784-87] BACHELORS OF ARTS 103 Cavalry Whiskey Insurrection 1794; Midshipman U. S. N. 1798-1803; Lieu- tenant U. S. N. 1803; Resigned 1803; A.M. Princeton 1787. 1785 Matthias Cazier, a.m *i837 A.M. Dartmouth 1793 hon. Robert Goodloe Harper, ll.d.*i825 Quartermaster North Carolina Volun- teer Cavalry Revolutionary War; Member South Carolina Assembly i79o(?)-9i; U. S. Representative from South Carolina 1795-1801; Colonel and Major General of Volunteers in War of 1812; U. S. Senator from Mary- land 18 16; LL.D. Princeton 1820. John Vernon Henry, ll.d. . . ,*i829 Comptroller of New York 1800-01; LL.D. Middlebury 1823. OHver L. Ker, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1794. James McCoy * Richard Smith * John Tappan * Hercules Whaley * James W. Wilkin *i845 Member New York Assembly 1800; U. S. Representative from New York 1815-19; Clerk of Orange Co., N. Y. 1819-21. 1786 William Maxwell Brown, m.d.*i84S Henry Clymer *i83o Henry Embry Coleman * W^illiam Gordon Forman. . . .*i8i2 Member Mississippi Assembly 1803; Speaker Mississippi Assembly 1803. Edward Graham * Thomas Grant *i8ii William King Hugg * Ralph Pitt(?) Hunt *i827 Judge Court Common Pleas Hunterdon Co., N. J. 1812-27. William Pitt Hunt *i8oo James Henderson Imlay * Tutor Princeton 1787-88; U. S. Rep- resentative from New Jersey 1797- 1801. Edward Johnston * Richard Hugg King * Maturin Livingston, a.m *i847 Member New York Constitutional Convention 1801; Recorder N. Y. City 1804- ; Judge Court of Common Pleas Dutchess Co., N. Y. 1823- ; A.M. Princeton 1789. Peter William Livingston. . . .* Amos Marsh, a.m *i8ii ]Member \'ermont Assembly; Speaker N'ermont Assembly 1799-1801; A.M. Dartmouth 1789 hon. Richard Mosby * Abimael Youngs NicoU * Thomas Pollock *i8o3 Henry Smalley, a.m *i839 A.M. Princeton 1794. Charles Smith, a.m., m.d *i848 Fellow College of Physicians and Sur- geons N. Y.; Surgeon N. J. Troops Whiskey Insurrection 1794; Trustee Rutgers 1804-39; A.M. Rutgers 1791 hon.; M.D. Rutgers 1792; M.A.P.S. Samuel Finley Snowden, a.m.*i84S A.M. Princeton 1794. Samuel Robert Stewart, a.m. .*i8o2 A.M. Princeton 1800. John Wright Vancleve *i8o2 Tutor Princeton 1787-91; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1787-91. William Wallace, a.m =^=1816 A.M. Princeton 1792. William Wallace * 1787 John Nelson Abeel, d.d *i8i2 Reformed Church Seminary 1790-93; Tutor Princeton 1791-93; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1793; Librarian Princeton 1793; Trustee Columbia 1799-1812; Trustee Rutgers 1808-12; D.D. Harvard 1804. Evan Alexander *i8o9 Member North Carolina Assembly 1797-1803; U. S. Representative from North Carolina 1806-09. 104 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1787-88 Meredith Clymer *i794 Member First Troop, Phila. City Cav- alry, 1794. George Crow * Robert Finley, d.d *i8i7 Master of Nassau Hall Grammar School 1787-88, 1792-93; Tutor Prince- ton 1793-95; Librarian Princeton 1793- 94; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1793- 95; Trustee Princeton 1807-17; Di- rector Princeton Seminary 1812-17; President Univ. Georgia 1817; D.D. Princeton 1817. James Gibson, a.m *i856 A.M. Princeton 1796; M.A.P.S. Charles Dickinson Green. . . .*i857 Samuel Harris * Tutor Princeton 1788-89. Nathaniel Higginson * Robert Hughes * William D. James * Cantwell Jones, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1794. David Meade * George Pollock *i839 Elijah Dunham Rattoone, d.d.*i8io Professor Latin & Greek, Columbia 1792-97; Professor Greek and Roman Antiquities Columbia 1794-97; Presi- dent Charleston College, S. C. 1809- 10; D.D. Princeton 1803, also Charles- ton College 1804. John Read *i854 U. S. Agent General for British Debts 1 797-1 809; Member Penna. Assembly 1815-16; Member Penna. Senate 1816- 17; State Director Phila. Bank; City Solicitor Philadelphia 1818-20. Daniel Smith *i8io John R. Smith * Nathaniel Randolph Snowden, a.m. *i85o Trustee Dickinson 1794-1827; A.M. Princeton 1794, also Dickinson 1790 Hon. Lucius Horatio Stockton. . . .*i835 U. S. District .Xttorncy New Jersey 1798-1802; U. S. Secretary of War 1 80 1. Daniel Thew, a.m *i8i4 A.M. Princeton 1794. James Weir * Jeremiah Woolsey, m.d ^1834 1788 Thomas H. Bellach * George Clarkson *i8o4 Aaron Condict, a.m *i852 a.m. Princeton 1796. Edmund Drury *i8oi Richard Eppes *i8oi John Wickliffe Green -'1814 Thomas R. Harris, a.m., m.b..* A.M. Princeton 1793; ]\LB. Univ. Penna. 1790. Nathaniel W. Howell, ll.d. .*i85i Judge Supreme Court New York; U. S. Representative from New York 1S13-15; LL.D. William Kirkpatrick, m.d. . . .*i832 U. S. Representative from New York 1807-09; U. S. District Judge New York; Superintendent Onondaga Salt Springs N. Y. 1806-08, 181 1-31. Ephraim McMillan * John Murray * Timothy Treadwell Smith. . .*i8o3 Professor Greek and Latin Union 1801-03. David Stone *i8i8 Member North Carolina Assembly 1791-94, 1811-13; Judge Supreme Court North Carolina 1795-98, 1806- 08; U. S. Representative from North Carolina 1799-1801; U. S. Senator from North Carolina 1801-06, 1813- 14; Governor North Carolina 1808-10. Smith Thompson, ll.d *i843 Member New York Assembly; Member New York Constitutional Convention; U. S. ^District Attorney, Middle Dis- trict, New York; Judge Supreme Court New York 1801-14; Chief Justice Su- preme Court Ne\y York 1814-18; U. S. Secretary of Navy 1818-23; Justice U. S. Supreme Court 1823-43; LL.D. Princeton 1835, also Yale 1824, also Harvard 1835. Nicholas Van Dyke. Jr., a.m.*i826 Member Delaware Assembly 1799- ; U. S. Representative from Delaware 1807-11; Member Delaware Senate 181 5— 17; U. S. Senator from Delaware 1817-26; A.M. Princeton 1796. I78&-90] BACHELORS OF ARTS 105 John Wells, ll.d *i823 LL.D. Princeton 1822. David Wiley, a.m *i8i3 Tutor Hampden-Sidney ; A.M. Prince- ton 1801. Samuel Wilson * Turner Wootton * 1789 William A, Anderson, a.m...* A.M. Princeton 1792. Nathaniel Britton Boileau, a.m. *i85o Secretary of State Penna. 1808-17; A.M. Princeton 1795. Robert Hett Chapman, a.m., d.d. *lS33 Tutor Rutgers; Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1 Si 2-1 7; President Univ. North Carolina 1813-16; A.M. Prince- ton 1792; also Rutgers 1791 hon.; D.D. Williams 1815. John Collins *i8o4 President Washington Academy Md. Isaac Watts Crane, a.m *i856 A.M. Princeton 1792. Edward Darrell, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1795. David Deas * Mahlon Dickerson, a.m *i853 Quartermaster General Penna. 1805- 08; Attorney General Penna. i8o8-og; Recorder Philadelphia 1808-10; Mem- ber New Jersey Assembly 1811-13; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1813-15; Governor New Jersey 1815- 17; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1817-33; U. S. Secretary of Navy 1834-38; Judge U. S. District Court New Jersey 1840; Member New Jer- sey Constitutional Convention 1844; A.M. Princeton 1804; M.A.P.S. Thomas Donaldson * David English, a.m * Tutor Princeton 1794-96; Librarian Princeton 1794-96; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1795-96; A.M. Princeton 1792. David Gardiner, a.m *i8i5 A.M. Princeton 1812. John Lyon Gardiner *i8i6 David Hosack, a.m., m.d., ll.d., F.R.S *l835 Professor of Botany Columbia 1703- 181 1 ; Professor of Materia Mcdica Columbia 1796-1811; Professor of Mid- wifery and Surgery Theory and Prac- tice of Medicine, Obstetrics and Dis- eases of Women and Children Co- lumbia (College of Physicians & Sur- peons) 1807-26; Professor of Medicine Rutgers 1826-30; A.M. Princeton 1794. M.D. Edinburgh 1793; LL.D. Princeton i8i8, also Union 1704; M.A.P.S. Thomas Hutchins, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1795. Thomas Pitt Irving * William Perry * Isaac Pierson, a.m., m.d *i833 Sheriff of Essex Co., N. J. 1S07-10; Fellow College of Physicians & Sur- geons N. Y.; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1827-31; A.M. Princeton 1792. William S. Smith * Charles Jeffry Snowden, a.m.* Tutor Princeton 1793; A.M. Prince- ton 1795. Ephraim King Wilson *i834 U. S. Representative from Maryland 1827-31. Silas Wood *i847 Tutor Princeton 1789-94; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1791-93; Member New York Assembly 1795-99; U. S. District Attorney Suffolk Co., N. Y. 1S18-21; U. S. Representative from New York 1819-29. 1790 Daniel Bell *i794 Armstead Churchill * William Hanna * Israel Harris * Augustus Harvey * Robert Gibbon Johnson *i85o Paymaster New Jersey Troops 1794; Caiitain of Troop of Horse 1796; Major of Cavalry 1798; Lieutenant Colonel 1809; Colonel 181 7; Member New Jersey Assembly 1821-22, 1823- 24, 1825-26; Director Princeton Sem- inary 1825-34; Judge Salem County Courts, N. J. 1833-50. io6 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1790-92 William Johnson, Jr., ll.d. . .*i834 Member South Carolina Assembly 1794, 1796; Speaker South Carolina Assem- bly 1796; Judge Court of Common Pleas South Carolina 1797; Justice U. S. Supreme Court 1804-34; LL.D. Princeton 1818, also Harvard 1818; M.A.r.S. William Matthews * Ezekiel Pickens * John Purdie . •. * John Ruan, m.d '■'1845 John Taylor *i832 Member South Carolina Assembly; U. S. Representative from South Caro- lina 1807-10, 1817-21; U. S. Senator from South Carolina 1S10-16; Mem- ber South Carolina Senate 1822; Gov- ernor South Carolina 1826-28; Trus- tee South Carolina College 1802-30. George Spafford Woodhull, a.m. *i834 Trustee Princeton 1807-34; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1823-34; Treasurer Princeton 1828-29; Trus- tee Princeton Seminary 1822-34; A.M. Princeton 1794. Thomas Young * 1791 David Barclay, a.m *i846 a.m. Princeton 1800. John Bleecker * Jacob Burnet, a.m., ll.d *i8s3 Member Ohio Assembly 1799-1821; Judge Supreme Court Ohio 1821-28; U. S. Senator from Ohio 1828-31; Trustee Cincinnati College 1820- ; President Univ. Ohio Medical School; A.M. Princeton 1794; LL.D. Princeton 1848; Member French Academy of Sciences. Joseph Caldwell, a.m., d.d. . . .^1835 Tutor Princeton 1795-96; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1796; Professor Nat- ural Philosophy and Mathematics, Univ. North Carolina 1 796-181 7; President I'niv. North Carolina 1804-12, 1816- 35; Director Princeton Seminary 1819- 29; A.AL Princeton 1794, also Univ. North Carolina 1799 hon. ; D.D. Prince- ton 1816. Henry Callaway * Robert Callaway * James Campbell * Samuel Sharpe Dickerson, m.d. *i847 Allen Bowie Duckett, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1794. Robert Gale * Maltby Gelston *i86o Secretary U. S. Legation Paris 1794- . Richard Harwood, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1794. Henry Hollyday, a.m *i85o Member Maryland Senate 1816-21; A.M. Princeton 1803. Stephen J. Lewis * John McCready * Francis Markoe *i848 John Noble * Ebenezer H. Pierson, m.d.*i82i( ?) Ebenezer Rhea * James C. Roosevelt * Frederick Stone *i793 Jesse Taylor * Elias Van Arsdale (Artsdale), A.M., LL.D *l846 Captain ist Battalion 3d Regiment Es- sex Co., N. J. Militia 1799; Member New Jer.sey Constitutional Convention 1844; A.M. Princeton 1794; LL.D. Princeton 1845. Stephen Wayne * Peter Wykoff, a.m * .\.M. Princeton 1794. 1792 Joseph McKnitt Alexander, Jr., M.D *l84I Nicholas Bayard, m.d *i822 James P. Bayley *i795 George I\t. Bibb *i859 Member Kentucky .'\ssembly 1817-18; 1792-93] BACHELORS OF ARTS 107 U. S. Senator from Kentucky 181 1- 14, 1829-35; Chief Justice Supreme Court Kentucky 1808-09, 1827-28; Chancellor Louisville Court of Chan- cery 1835-44; U. S. Secretary Treas- ury 1844-45. Peter Bleecker *i793 George Whitefield Burnet, a.m. *i8oo A.M. Princeton 1795. James Chesnut, a.m *i866 A.M. Princeton 1795. William Chetwood, a.m *i857 .» Aide to Major General Lee 1794; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1836-37; Member New Jersey Senate 1841-42; A.M. Princeton 1795. Peter Early *i8i7 U. S. Representative from Georgia 1802-07; Judge Supreme Court Geor- gia 1807-13; Governor Georgia 1814- 15; Member Georgia Senate 1816. Jacob Ford * Charles Wilson Harris, a.m. *i803(?) Professor Mathematics Univ. North Carolina 1795-96; Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1800-03; A.M. Princeton 1790, also Univ. North Carolina 1799 hon. Robert Heriot * Benjamin Hodgedon *i8o3 William Hosack * Edmund Jennings Lee, a.m..*i843 Clerk U. .S. Circuit Court, District of Columbia; A.M. Princeton 1795. Joseph Logan * David McCree * George Clifford Maxwell, a.m.*i8i6 U.S. Representative from New Jersey 1812-13; A.M. Princeton 1795. Joseph Kirkbride Milnor, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1795. George Washington Morton. *i8io John Conrad Otto, a.m., m.d.*i844 \"ice President College of Physicians, Phila. 1840-44; Physician Phila. Dis- pensary 1 798-1803; Physician Penna. Hospital 1813-35; A.M. Princeton 1795; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1796; M.A.P.S. Lewis Smith Pintard, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1795. Joseph Reed, Jr *i846 Attorney General Penna. 1810-11; Re- corder Philadelphia; M.A.P.S. James D. Ross * William Ross * Member New York Assembly 1812- ; Member New York Senate 1814- . James Ruan, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1810. Robert Russell *i827 John Pelion Ryers, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1795. John Johnson Sayres, a.m...*i8o8 Chaplain U. S. Senate 1806, 1807; A.M. Princeton 1795. John Sloan * William B. Sloan *i839 Jacob Ten Eyck * Jacob S. Thompson, a.m * Clerk of Sussex Co., N. J. 1800-05; Member New Jersey Senate 1823-25; A.M. Princeton 1795. William Morton Watkins. *i86s Member Virginia Assembly 1813-15, 1830-31. Alexander White, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1795. George Willing ^1827 Henry Wykoff, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1797. 1793 Joseph Bonney, m.d *i8o7 Edward Conrad, m.d *i82i Dow Ditmars, m.d * Manuel Eyre, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1824. Robert Field, a.m * ^V.M. Princeton 1797. John Gibson 1823 io8 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1793-94 John Henry Hobart, a.m., d.d.*i83o Tutor Princeton 1796-98; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1796-98; Professor Pastoral Theology and Sacred Oratory General Seminary, N. Y. 1821-30; Assistant Protestant Episcopal Bishop New York 1811-16; Protestant Epis- copal Bishop Xew York 1816-30; A.M. Princeton 1796; D.D. Union 1807. Nathaniel Hunt *i8o5 Robert Hunt, a.m *i8o2 A.M. Princeton 1797. John Neilson, a.m., m.d *^^57 A.M. Princeton 1797; M.D. New York Medical College. Robert Ogden *i857 Judge Parish of Concordia, La. i82i- . William Roat * Abraham Skinner * John Staples * James T. Stelle, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1797. Alexander Stewart, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1803. Bennett Taylor * Charles Tennent, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1796. John Terhune * Isaac Van Doren, a.m *i86s A.M. Princeton 1797. Joshua Ivladdox Wallace, a.m.*i82i A.M. Princeton 1796. 1794 Thomas M. Bayley, a.m *i834 Member Virginia Assembly 1798- ; Member Virginia Senate 1831- ; U. S. Representative from V'irginia 181 3- 15; Member Virginia Constitutional Convention 1830; A.M. Princeton 1798. James M. Broom .*i85o U. S. Representative from Delaware 1805-07. George Washington Campbell. *i848 U. S. Representative from Tennessee 1803-09; Judge Supreme Court Tennes- see; U. S. Senator from Tennessee 1811-14, 1815-18; U. S. Secretary of Treasury 1814; U. S. Minister to Rus- sia 1818-21; Member French Claims Commission 1831. James E. Cresap * John M. Dickson * Edmund Elmendorf *i856 Tutor Princeton 1797. Nicholas C. Everett, a.m * Master Nassau Hall Grammar School 1798-99; A.M., Princeton 1798. William Belford Ewing, m.d.*i866 Surgeon H.B.M. Navy 1797; Member New Jersey Assembly 1819-23, 1825- 28, 1830; Speaker New Jersey Assem- bly 1827-28; Presiding Judge Court of Common Pleas Cumberland Co., N. J.; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844. James G. Force, a.m *i849 A.M. Princeton 1797. John White Furman *i8o2 Moore Furman, Jr *i8o4 Richard M. Green, a.m *i853 A.M. Princeton 1803. John Sylvanus Hiester *i849 Prothonotary Common Pleas Berks Co., Pa.; Clerk Criminal Court Berks Co., Pa. Thomas Yardley How, a.m., d.d. *i855 A. M. Princeton 1798; D.D. Columbia 1812. Holloway Whitefield Hunt, a.m. *i858 A.M. Princeton 1822. Titus Hutchinson,- a.m *i857 Member \'ermont Assembly 1804-12, 1824-25; State Attorney Vermont 1804- 12; U. S. District .\ttorney \'ermont 1813-23; Judge Su|>erior Court \'er- niont 1825-30, Chief Justice Supreme Court N'ermont 1830-33; Trustee Univ. X'crmont 1810-25; A.M. Princeton J797, also Univ. Vermont i8ii hon. Henry Kollock, a.m., d.d. . . .*i8i9 Tutor Princeton 1797-1800; Clerk of Faculty 1798-1800; Librarian Prince- ton 1804-06; Professor Systematic Theology Princeton 1803-06; A.M. Princeton 1797; D.D. Harvard 1806, also Union 1806. James H. Neilson * 1794-95] BACHELORS OF ARTS 109 Paul Paulison *i832 Henry Polhemus *i8i5 Reformed Church Seminary 1795-98; Trustee Rutgers 1800-15. Edwin Reese * John N. Simpson, a.m *i832 Member New Jersey Assembly 1814- 15; Judge Court of Common Pleas Mid- dlesex Co., N. J. 1819- ; A.M. Prince- ton 1798. John Brown Slemons, a.m ''^'post 1821 A.M. Princeton 1800. John Bradford Wallace, a.m.*i837 Member Penna. Assembly 1831-34; A.M. Princeton 1797. James Cara Williamson, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1798. William R. Williamson, a.m. .* A.M. Princeton 1798. John Rodgers Witherspoon, a.m., M.D *i85o A.M. Princeton 1814; M.D. Univ. Ken- tucky. 1795 James Agnew, a.^i., m.d *i84o A.M. Princeton 1798; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1800. Edward Archer * George G. Bowie, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1798. John Adam(?) Boyd, a.m...*i828 Surrogate Bergen Co., N. J. 1803-28; A.M. Princeton 1798. Thomas Brown * David Comfort, a.m., d.d. . . .*i8s3 Director Princeton Seminary 1814-31; Trustee Princeton 1816-53; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1822-53; A.M. Princeton 1798; D.D. Silas Condit, a.m *i86i Clerk Essex Co., N. J. 1804-11; Sheriff Essex Co., N. J. 1813-16; Member New Jersey Assembly 1812-13, 1816- 17; Member New Jersey Senate 1819- 22; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1831-33; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; A.M. Princeton 1798. George R. Cuthbert * Thomas F. Fleming * Josiah Harrison, a.m *i865 Law Reporter New Jersey Supreme Court 1S37-42; A.M. Princeton 1799. Samuel Hayes, a.m., m.d *i839 A.M. Princeton i8oi; M.D. Elbert Herring *i876 Judge of the Marine Court N. Y. 1805-08; Register City and County N. Y. ; First U. S. Commissioner In- dian Affairs 1831-36. Patrick Houstoun * Richard Raynal Keene, a.m.,.*i839 U. S. District Attorney Louisiana Ter- ritory; Colonel French Army; A.M. Princeton 1803. Eleazer W. Keyes * George Clark Morton, a.m. . .*i8ii a.m. Princeton 1798. Reuben Neely, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1798. George Montgomery Ogden, a.m., a.m. Princeton 1798. Joseph Parrot * Elias Riggs ^1825 Tutor Princeton 1800-01. Isaac Robertson * Joseph Warren Scott, a.m., ll.d. *i87i Colonel of \'olunt?ers War of 1812; A.M. Princeton 1798; LL.D. Princeton 1869. John Sergeant, a.m., lld. . . .*iS52 Member Penna. Assembly i8o8-io; U S. Representative from Penn. 1815- 23, 1827-29, 1S37-42; Trustee Prince ton 1821-26; Member Panama Con vention 1826; Trustee Univ. Penna 1813-36; A.M. Princeton 1798; LL.D Union 1822, also Dickinson 1826, also Harvard 1844; M.A.P.S. Edward Darrell Smith, a.m., m.d. *iSi9 Professor Chemistry and Mineralogy College of South Carolina 1812-19; A.M. Princeton 1798; M.D Univ. Penna. 1800. no BACHELORS OF ARTS [1795-97 John Witherspoon Smith, a.m. * Tutor Princeton 1797; A.M. Princeton 1798. John Taylor * Robert Johnstone Taylor *i84o Abraham Ten Eyck '* WilHam S. Tilden, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1799. James Tilton, m.d * Peter Van Doren * Matthew G. Wallace, a.m *i8s4 a.m. Princeton 1798. Clayton Wright * 1796 William Thomas Anderson, a.m. *i85o Major U. S. Provisional Army 1798; Member New Jersey Senate 1821-22; Surrogate Sussex Co., N. J. 1822-23; A.M. Princeton 1799. Henry Axtell, Jr., a.m., dd.. .*i829 Trustee Hobart 1825-26; A.M. Prince- ton 1808; D.D. Middlebury 1823. George Clinton Barber, a.m. .*i828 Director Princeton Seminary 1826-28; A.M. Princeton 1799. Benjamin Beaubien *i828 John Macpherson Berrien, a.m., LLD ..*i856 Solicitor Eastern District Georgia 1809-10; Judge Eastern District Geor- gia 1810-22; Captain Georgia Hussars Savannah Vols. 18 12-15; Member Georgia Senate 1822-23; U. S. Sena- tor from Georgia 1825-29, 1841-52; U. S. Attorney General 1829-31; Judge Supreme Court Georgia; A.M. Prince- ton 1807; LL.D. Princeton 1829. Elias Boudinot Caldwell ''=1825 Clerk U. S. Supreme Court 1800-25; Director Princeton Seminary 1819-25. Moses I. Cantine *i823 U. S. District Attorney New York 1805-T4; Member New York Senate 1814-18. John Starke Edwards, a.m. . .*i8i3 Recorder Trumbull Co., Ohio, 1800; Colonel 4th Division Ohio Militia 181 2; A.M. Princeton 1799. Wilhelmus Eltinge, d.d *i85i New Brunswick Seminary 1795-98; Trustee Rutgers 1807-51; D.D. Rut- gers 1839. John Fitzgerald *i797 Robert Marshall Forsyth. .. .=^1797 Tutor Princeton 1796-97. William Gaston, a.m., ll.d. ..*i844 Member North Carolina Senate 1800- 01, 1812-13, 1818-20; Member North Carolina Assembly 1808-10, 1827-29, 1831-32; Siieaker North Carolina As- sembly 1808; U. S. Representative from North Carolina 1813-17; Judge Supreme Court North Carolina 1834- 44; Member North Carolina Constitu- tional Convention 1835; A.M. Prince- ton 1799; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1819, also Harvard 1826, also New York Univ. 1834, also Columbia 1835, also Princeton 1835; M.A.P.S. Isaac Lee Guion, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1803. Joseph Blount Littlejohn, a.m.* a.m. Univ. North Carolina 1799 hon. George Craig Ludlow * French F. MacMullen, a.m.. .* a.m. Princeton 1803. John Moody, a.m., dd *i857 a.m. Princeton 1847; D.D. Franklin & Marshall (M.) 1849. Henry W. Ogden * Philip Clayton Pendleton, a.m. *i863 Judge U. S. District Court West Vir- ginia; A.M. Princeton 1803. Joseph Reade, a.m * Nathaniel Venable, Jr * 1797 Martin Agnew *i857 William Agnew * Thomas Bayley * U. S. Representative from Marvland 1817-23. Frederick Beasley, a.m., d.d.*i84S Tutor Princeton 1 797-1800; Provost 1797] BACHELORS OF ARTS III Univ. Penna. 1813-28; Professor Men- tal and Moral Philosophy Univ. Penna. 1813-28; A.M. Princeton 1800; D.D. Columbia 1815, also Univ. Penna. 181 5; M.A.P.S. Richard Longstreet Beatty, a.m. *i846 A.M. Princeton 1800. Peter Le Conte Chapman, See Peter Le Conte. James W. Clark, a.m *i844 Member North Carolina Assembly 1802-03, 181 1 ; Member North Caro- lina Senate 1812-15; U. S. Representa- tive from North Carolina 181 5-17; Chief Clerk U. S. Navy Department 1828- . Aaron Coe. a.m *i857 Judge Court of Common Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 1834-39; A.M. Princeton 1800. Daniel Crane, a.m *i86i A.M. Princeton 1801. Henry Waggaman Edwards, ll.d. *i847 U. S. Representative from Connecticut 1819-23; U. S. Senator from Connecti- cut 1823-27; Member Connecticut Sen- ate 1828-29; Member Connecticut As- sembly 18 ; Speaker Connecticut As- sembly 1830; Governor Connecticut 1833. 1835-37; LL.U. Yale 1833. William Clark Frazer, a.m. . .*i838 Judge of Eastern District Wisconsin Territory 1836-38; A.M. Princeton 1801. Abraham Harrison, a.m *i85i A.M. Princeton 1816. Louis Hasbrouck *i834 Member New York Senate 1832-34. Thomas Edgar Hughes, a.m.*i838 A.M. Princeton 1800. Robert H. Jackson * Alexander S. Kerr ^1798 Peter Le Conte [Chapman], a.m. *i836 A.m. Princeton 1800. Charles Fenton Mercer, a.m., lld. *i858 I,ieutenant and Captain Militia 1798- 18 ; Member \'irginia Assembly 1810- 17; Brigadier General Virginia Militia War of 1 81 2; U. S. Representative from X'irginia 1817-39; Member \'ir- ginia Constitutional Convention 1829; A.M. Princeton 1800; LL.D. Princeton 1826; M.A.P.S. Edmund Morford, a.m *i833 A.M. Princeton 1800. Jacob S. Otto, A.M * A.M. Princeton 1800. Matthew La Rue Perrine, a.m.,d.d. *i836 Director Princeton Seminary 1819-22; Professor Church History and Polity Auburn Seminary 1821-36; A.M. Princeton 1800; D.D. Meadville 1818. John Howe Peyton, a.m *i847 U. S. Attorney W'estern District \''ir- ginia; Member Virginia Assembly 1808-9; Member Virginia Senate 1809- 10; A.M. Princeton i8oo. Lawrence L. Raven, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1800. Dennis De Berdt Reed, a.m. .*i8os A.M. Princeton 1800. Richard Rush, a.m *i859 Attorney General Penna. 181 1; First Comptroller U. S. Treasury 1811-14; U. S. Attorney General 1814-17; Act- ing L^. S. Secretary of State i8i6; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Great Britain 1817- 25; U. S. Secretary of Treasury 1825- 28; Minister Plenipotentiary to France 1847-51; Regent Smithsonian Institu- tion 1846-59; A.M. Princeton 1800; M.A.P.S. John Stoops, A.M * A.M. Princeton 1800. John Strawbridge *i858 Stephen Thompson *i8s6 George Mcintosh Troup, a.m.*i856 Member Georgia Assembly 1800-05; U. S. Representative from Georgia 1807- IS; U. S. Senator from Georgia 1816- 19, 1829-33; Governor Georgia 1S23- 27; A.M. Princeton 1803. John Van Cleve, a.m., m.d. . .^1826 Trustee Princeton 1810-26; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-26; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1822-26; A.M. Princeton 1800; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1819 hon. Gustavus Brown Wallace. . . .*i84S John Watson, a.m *i8o2 President Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1802; Professor Languages and Moral Philosophy Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1802; A.M. Princeton 1800. 112 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1798-99 1798 Charles Evving, a.m., ll.d...*i832 Trustee Princeton 1820-32; Chief Jus- tice Supreme Court New Jersey 1824- 32; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1822- 32; Vice President Board of Trustees Princeton Seminary 1831-32; A.M. Princeton 1801; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1830. Benjamin B. Hopkins, a.m...* Tutor Princeton 1800-03; Clerk of Fac- ulty Princeton 1800-03; A.M. Princeton 1801. Daniel Elliott Huger *i854 Member South Carolina Assembly 1804-og, i8i8-ig, 1830-32; Trustee South Carolina College 1813-32; Briga- dier General North Carolina Vols. 1814; Judge Supreme Court South Carolina 1819-28; Member South Carolina Sen- ate 1838; U. S. Senator from South Carolina 1843-45; Member South Caro- lina Constitutional Convention 1852. George W. Jackson * Edward Hugh Jones, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1803. George Washington Reed, a.m. *i8i3 Midshipman U. S. N. 1799; Lieutenant U. S. N. 1S03; Commander " Nautilus " Tripoli 1804; Commander the " \'ixen " 1812-13; A.M. Princeton 1808. Henry Sergeant, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1803. Thomas Sergeant, a.m *i86o Member Penna. Assembly 1812-14; Judge District Court Philadelphia 1814- 17; Secretary Commonwealth Penna. 1817-19; Attorney General Penna. 1819-20; Postmaster Philadelphia 18 - 32; Associate Justice Supreme Court Penna. 1834-46; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1842-54; A.M. Princeton 1803; M.A.P.S. Walter T. Smith * Theodore F. Talbot, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1808. Thomas Taylor * John Van Artsdalen * Joseph Holmes Van Mater, a.m. *i86o A.M. Princeton 1807. Josiah Watson * 1799 John Alston * William A. Alston * Eleazer Burnet, a.m *i8o6 A.M. Princeton 1802. Clement Early, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1802. John Forsyth, a.m *i84i Attorney General Georgia 1808-11; U. S. Representative from Georgia 1813- 18, 1823-27; U. S. Senator from Geor- gia 1818-19, 1829-34; (J. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain 1819-23; Gov- ernor Georgia 1827-29; U. S. Secre- tary of State 1834-41; A.M. Princeton 1802. Israel Harris *i8i6 Sheriff Somerset Co., N. J. 1808-10. William Jenkins *i853 Prosecutor Lancaster Co., Pa. 1817-40; Recorder of Mayor's Court Lancaster, Pa. 1845-49. James Cathcart Johnson, a.m.* 1863 Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1818-63; A.M. Princeton 1819. Thomas Jones * John Lloyd * Isaac Meason * Thomas Miller, a.m *i858 Captain Cumberland Troops Virginia Vols. War of 1812; A.M. Princeton 1802. Frederick Nash, a.m *i858- Member North Carolina Assembly 1804- 06, 1827-29; Judge Superior Court Law & Equity North Carolina 1818-19, 1836-44; Judge SujH'cme Court North Carolina 1844-58; A.M. Princeton 1802. James Rogers *i868 Member Delaware Constitutional Con- vention 1831; Attorney General Dela- ware 1835-40. John Van Dyke * John W. Villetard * Henry G. Wisner, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1803. John Young l80O-02] BACHELORS OF ARTS "3 1800 John Bayles * Richard D. Bayly * James Carnahan, d.d., lld.. .*i859 Tutor Princeton 1801-03; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1803; President Princeton 1823-54; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1826-59; Vice President Board of Trustees Princeton Seminary 1840-43; President Board of Trustees Princeton Seminary 1843-59; Trustee Princeton 1854-59; D.D. Hamilton 1821; LL.D. Princeton 1854. Arthur Rose Fitzhugh *i823 WilHam A. Gregory, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1804. Philemon Hunt * Jacob Lindly, a.m *i856 Trustee Ohio Univ. 1805-38; Presiderit Ohio Univ. 1808-22; Professor Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy Ohio Univ. 1822-24; Professor Mathematics Ohio Univ. 1824-26; A.M. Princeton 1804. Benjamin Morgan Palmer, a.m., D.D *i847 Director Princeton Seminary 1825-32; A.M. Princeton 1804; D.D. South Carolina College 1815. Ennion Williams Skelton, a.m., M.D *l822 a.m. Princeton 1804; M.D. Robert F. Smith, a.m *i824 A.M. Princeton 1804. I80I John Monro Banister, ll.b. . .*i83o LL.B. William & Mary 1803. Nicholas Biddle, a.m., ll.d. .*i844 Secretary U. S. Legation Paris 1804- 07; Secretary U. S. Legation London; Member Penna. Assembly i8io-ii; Member Penna. Senate 1813- ; Trus- tee Univ. Penna. 1818-44; Director U. S. National Bank 1819-23; President U. S. National Bank 1823-36; Presi- dent Penna. Bank 1836-39; A.M. Princeton 1804; LL.D. Princeton 1835; M.A.P.S. Edmund Bruyn, a.m *i846 A.M. Princeton 1804. John Esten Cooke, m.d *i853 Professor Theory and Practice Medi- cine, Univ. Kentucky (Transylvania) 1830- ; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1805. James Crommelin * Elias E. Ellmaker *i8i2 Robert Goodloe Harper * John Johnston, a.m., d.d....*i85S Tutor Princeton 1805-06; Trustee Princeton 1840-55; A.M. Princeton 1804; D.D. Lafayette 1848. John McDowell, a.m., d.d *i863 Director Princeton Seminary 1812-63; Trustee Princeton 1814-63; Moderator General Assembly 1820; Trustee Prince- ton Seminary 1822-63; Secretary Board Trustees Princeton Seminary 1824-60; A.M. Princeton 1804; D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1818, also Union 1818. William Bell Paterson, a.m. . .*i833 A.AL Princeton 1804. Thomas R. Roots, a.m * A.AL Princeton 1804. William D. Simms * John Rhea Clarendon Smith. *i87i Edward C. Thomas * Andrew Thompson, a.m *i838 Tutor Princeton 1803-04; A.M. Prince- ton 1804. Henry Edward Watkins, a.m., LL.B *i856 Member Assembly Virginia 1822-24; Member Senate Virginia 1824-27, 1832- 33; Captain U. S. Vols. 1812; Trustee Hampden Sidney; Treasurer Union Seminary Va. 1827; LL.B. William & Mary 1803 (?); A.M. Princeton 1804. Edward D. Watts, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1804. Samuel Wimbish, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1804. 1802 David Allen * Captain 3d Indiana Infantry Mexican War. Robert Livingston Armstrong" *i838 Isaac Vanarsdale Brown, d.d.*i86i Tutor Princeton 1805-06; Trustee Princeton 181 6-61; Trustee Princeton 114 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1802-03 Seminary 1822-61; Founder of Law- renceville School; D.D. Lafayette 1858. James Dill, a.m A.M. Princeton 1806. Thomas Ellis * George Emlen *^852 M.A.P.S. Enoch A. Green, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1806. Robert Habersham * Richard Henry Henderson. . .*i84i Member Virginia Constitutional Con- vention 1829-30. Alexander Johnson, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1807. Micajah G. Lewis * Charles Lindsay, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1806. Hext McCall, a.m * a.m. Princeton 181 1. William Mcllvaine *i854 Chief Cashier Bank of the U. S. Phila- delphia 1826-32; M.A.P.S. William D. McKissack, m.d..*i853 Captain New Jersey Vols. War of 1812; Brigadier General New Jersey Militia; Member New Jersey Assembly 1835-36. Van Brunt Magaw * Robert Manning, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1806. John Middleton *i826 Member South Carolina Assembly 1825- 26. Henry Mills, a.m., d.d *i867 Tutor Princeton 1810; Professor Bib- lical Criticism Auburn Seminary 1821- 54; Emeritus 1854-67; A.M. Princeton 1807; D.D. Amherst 1833. Jacob G. Parker, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1813. John Purdon, a.m *^^35 Member Penna. Assembly 1817-19; A.M. Princeton 1806. Stille Randolph. William Shields Reid, a.m., d.d. *i853 Vice President and Professor Hampden Sidney 1804-06; President pro-tem. Hampden Sidney 1806-07; A.M. Prince- ton 1806; D.D. Princeton 1834. George Strawbridge *i859 Judge Supreme Court Louisiana 1839- ; Judge 4th U. S. District Court New Orleans 1846-52. Caleb Upshur, Jr.. a. m * Clerk Court Northampton Co., Va. ; A.M. Princeton i8o6. William Washington. = 1856 1803 Robert C. Brown, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1806. Severyn Bruyn, a.m A.M. Princeton 1810. Alfred Cuthbert, a.m *i856 Member Georgia Assembly 1810-13; U. S. Representalive from Georgia 1814-16, 1821-27; U. S. Senator from Georgia 1835-43; A.M. Princeton 1806. John Downman Edwards * David Kirkpatrick Este, a.m. .*i876 Presiding Judge U. S. Circuit Court Ohio 1835-42; Judge Supreme Court Cincinnati 1838-45; A.M. Princeton 1807. Samuel M. Fitch * Henry Garnet * William Hay, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1806. Samuel Hepburn, a.m *i865 A.M. Princeton 1815. Egbert Jansen, m.d Thomas Marshall, a.m . . , Member Virginia Assembly 1827-8, 1830-35; Member Virginia Constitu- tional Convention 1829-30; A.M. Princeton 1806. John Miller * William Neill, a.m., d.d *i86o Tutor Princeton 1803-05; Clerk of Fac- ulty Princeton 1804-05; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-33, 1834-49, 1850-60; Moderator General Assembly .* ,*i835 1803-04] BACHELORS OF ARTS "5 l8is; President Dickinson 1824-29; A.M. Princeton 1806; D.D. Union 1812. Comegys Paul, a.m *i85i A.M. Princeton 1806. John Peyton * John Ralph, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1808. John Witherspoon Ramsay, a.m., M.D *i8i3 A.M. Princeton 1806; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1807. Josiah Simpson, A.M * Judge Federal Court Mississippi Ter- ritory 1816; A.M. Princeton 1807. James G. Stanley, a.m * Clerk Craven Co., N. C; A.M. Prince- ton 1806. Josiah Telfair, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1806. David Thompson, Jr., a.m. . . .* Member New Jersey Assembly 1814- 22; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1818-22; A.M. Princeton 1807. Thomas Ward ^1842 U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1813-17. 1804 Charles M. C. Anderson * George Chambers, ll.d *i866 U. S. Representative from Penna. 1833- 37 ; Member Penna. Constitutional Con- vention 1837; Judge Supreme Court Penna. 1851- ; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1861. John I. Cobb, ^LD * M.D. Samuel Colhoun, m.d *i84i Professor Materia Medica Jefferson Medical 1831-39; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1808. Thomas Hartley Crawford. . .*i863 U. S. Representative from Penna. 1829-33; Member Penna. Assembly 1833- ; U. S. Commissioner Indian Affairs 1838-45; Judge Criminal Court District Columbia 1845-63. Archibald Barnard Dick, a.m., m.d. * a.m. Princeton 1807; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1808. Aaron Dickerson, m.d *i824 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1809. Alfred Ely, a.m., d.d *i866 Tutor Princeton 1804-05; Librarian Princeton 1804-05; Trustee Amherst '825-54; A.M. Princeton 1807; D.D. Princeton 1834. Michael Allison Finley, m.d. .*i848 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1808. Jacob R. Theodore Frelinghuysen, a.m., ll.d *i86i Captain U. S. Vols. War of 1812; At- torney General New Jersey 1817-29; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1829- 35; Director Princeton Seminary 1829- 32\ Trustee Princeton Seminary 1829; Mayor Newark, N. J. 1S37-38; Chan- cellor Univ. City of New York 1839- 50; President Rutgers 1850-61; A.M. Princeton 1S07: LL.D. Princeton 1833, also Rutgers 1841. Francis P. Hamilton * Thomas Hutson * Joseph Reed Ingersoll, a.m., ll.d., D.C.L *i868 Trustee Univ. Penna. 1822-1856; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1835- 37, 1841-49; U. S. Minister Plenipo- tentiary to Great Britain 1852-53; a.m. Princeton 1807; LL.D. Lafayette 1836, also Bowdoin 1836; D.C.L. Ox- ford 1845. John Blanchard Johnes, a.m.. m.d. *i863 Member New Jersey Senate 1845-47; A.M. Princeton 1807; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1809. Arnold E. Jones * Noble Wimberly Jones * Jacob Kirkpatrick, a.m., d.d. .*i866 A.M. Princeton 1807; D.D. Charles Land * George P. Lemmon, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1814. Philip Lindsly, a.m., d.d *i8s5 Tutor Princeton 1807-09, 1812-13; Clerk Board Trustees Princeton 1813- 23; Librarian Princeton 1812-24; Pro- fessor of Languages I'rinceton 1813-24; \'ice President Princeton 1817-24; President Univ. Nashville (Cumberland College) 1824-50; Professor Biblical .\rchieology and Church Polity, New Albany Seminary; Moderator General Assembly 1834; A.M. Princeton 1807; D.D. Dickinson 1823. ii6 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1804-05 Francis Mantz * William Maxwell, a.m. . . .*i828( ?) A.M. Princeton 1807. Austin Montgomery *i855 Philip Holbrook Nicklin *i842 Trustee Univ. Penna. 1827-42; M.A.P.S. William C. O'Hara, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1807. Richard Potts *i866 George Poyntell, a.m., m.d...*i8i2 A.M. Princeton 1807; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1808. Nathaniel Scudder Prime, a.m., D.D *i856 A.M. Princeton 1841; D.D. Princeton 1848. William C. Ralston, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1807. Elihu Spencer Sergeant *i824 Ephraim Fitz Randolph Smith, A.M., M.D *l865 Mayor New Brunswick, N. T. 1842; A.M. Princeton :8q8; M.D". Univ. Penna. 1808. Samuel Lewis Southard, a.m., ll.d. *i842 Member New Jersey Assembly 18 15; JuJge Su])reme Court New Jersey J815-20; Trustee Princeton 1822-42; ' U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1821- 23, 1833-42; President U. S. Senate 1841-42; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1822-42; Vice Prcsiflent Board of Trustees Princeton Seminary 1832-40; President Board of Trustees Princeton Seminary 1S40-42; U. S. Secretary of Navy 1823-29; Acting U. S. Secre- tary of Treasury and War 1825; At- torney General New Jersey 1829-33; Governor New Jersey 1832-33; A.M. Princeton 1807; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1832; M.A.P.S. John Stocker * John Coxe Stockton, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1807. Daniel P. Stryker *i8i6 Charles Wilkins, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1807. Joseph Biddle Wilkinson * William W. Wilson, a.m. Member \'irginia Princeton :8o8. Assembly; A.M. Elias Decou Woodruff, a.m..*i824 A.M. Princeton 1807. 1805 Stevenson Archer, a.m., ll.d.*i848 U. S. Representative from Maryland 1811-17; Judge Federal Court ^Iissis- sippi Territory 181 7; Chief Justice Court of -Kppeals, Maryland 1845-48; A.M. Princeton 1810; LL.D. Princeton 1836. Alfred Balch, a.m *i8S3 Judge U. S. District Court Florida 1840-44; A.M. Princeton 1808. William Paul Crillon Barton, a.m., M.D *i856 Surgeon U. S. N. 1809-56; Professor Botany Univ. Penna. 1816-1828; Pro- fessor Materia Medica and Botany Jefferson Medical 1828-30; President Linnsan Society; A.M. Princeton 1808; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1808; M.A.P.S. Hezekiah Belknap, a.m *i8i4 Tutor Princeton 1806-07; Librarian Princeton 1807-09; Member N. Y. As- sembly 1814; A.M. Princeton 1808. Benjamin Berry * Enoch Burt, a.m *i856 A.M. Princeton 1809. St. Leger Landon Carter..,.* Henry Lee Chapman *i8o8 John Riggs Crane,, d.d. .*i853 Andover Seminary 1807-10; A.M. Princeton 1808; D.D. Wesleyan 1845. George William Crump, a.m., m.d. *i848 Member \'irginia Assembly 1817-21, 27-28; U. S. Representative from \'ir- pinia 1826-27; Chief Clerk U. S. Pen- sion Bureau 1832- ; A.M. Princeton 1834; M.D. Hooper Cumming, a.m., d.d.*i824 .'\ndover Seminary 1807-10; .^.M. Princeton 1808; D.D. Allegheny 1821. William Clay Cumming * John A. Cuthbert, a.m *i88i Commander of Vols. \\'ar of 18 12; Member Georgia Assembly; U. S. Rep- resentative from Georgia 1819-21; 1805-06] BACHELORS OF ARTS 117 Judge Countv Court Mobile Co., Ala. 1840-52; Judge Circuit Court, Mobile Co., Ala. 1852-81; A.M. Princeton 1S08. Francis A. DeLiesselin * Caleb Dusenberry, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1812. Amos S. Ellmaker *i85i Prosecuting .Attorney Dauphin Co., Pa.; Judge County Court Pa.; Attorney General Penna. 1816-19, 1828-29; Trustee Dickinson 1816-21. William F. Emlen * John W. Farrow * Stephen Lee Ferrand, m.d...*i83o Robert Stockton Green, a.m. .*i8i3 A.M. Princeton 1809. Richard Wylly Habersham, a.m. *i842 U. S. District Attorney Georgia; U. S. Representative from Georgia 1839- 42; A.M. Princeton 1808. Henry P. Harrison * Thomas A. Haughton, a.m. . .* A.M. Princeton 1818. George Holcombe, a.m., m.d.*i828 U.S. Representative from New Jersey 1821-28; A.M. Princeton 1808; M.D. Christopher Hughes, a.m. . . .*i849 Secretary U. S. Legation London 1814-16; Secretary U. S. Legation Sweden & Norway 1816; Charge d'Affaires U. S. Legation Sweden & Norway 1817-25; Charge d'Affaires U. S. Legation Netherlands 1825-30; Charge d'Affaires U. S. Legation Swe- den S: Norway 1830-45; ATM. Prince- ton 1 809. Richard Brown Magruder, a.m. *i844 Judge Supreme Court Maryland 1832- 46; A.M. Princeton 1809. William Magruder, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1809. James Montgomery, a.m., d.d.*i854 Trustee General Theological Seminary N. Y. 1823-34; A.M. Princeton 1806; D.D. Hobart 1827. John Boucher Morris * William Elliot Morris * William Potts * Thomas Rufifin, ll.d ^iSjo Member North Carolina Assembly 1813- 16; Speaker North Carolina Assembly 1816; Judge Supreme Court North Car- olina 1816-18, 1825-33; Chief Justice Supreme Court North Carolina 1833- 59; Member C. S. Provisional Con- gress 1861-62; LL.D. Univ. North Car- olina 1834. James Rush, a.m., m.d *i869 A.M. Princeton 1808; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1809; M.A.P.S. Benjamin Savage * William Conover Schenck, a.m. *i8i8 a.m. Princeton 1808. Gustavus Hall Scott * John Morin Scott, a.m *i858 ist Lieut. 2d Troop Phila. City Cavalry War of 1812; Member Penna. Assem- bly 1816-17; Member Penna. Constitu- tional Convention 1836; Mayor Phila. 1841-43; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1834- 56; A.M. Princeton 1808; M.A.P.S. James Sloan * George Archer Z. Smith *i866 Isaac A. Smith, a.m., m.d. . , .* A.M. Princeton 1808; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1808. Wright G. Stanley, a.m * A.M. Princeton 181 8. Thomas Telfair *i8i8 U. S. Representative from Georgia 1813-17. 1806 Lewis Penn Witherspoon Balch, A.M *i868 Judge U. S. District Court \\'est Vir- ginia 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1809. Isaac Newton Blackford, a.m.* 1859 CJerk Territorial Legislature Indiana 1813; Judge ist District Court Indiana 1814-15; Member Indiana .Assembly 1816- ; Speaker Indiana Assembly 1816; Judge Supreme Court Indiana 1819-35: Judge U. S. Court of Claims, Washington, D. C 1S315-59; A.M. Princeton i8og. John Henry Blair * Gustavus A. Brown * ii8 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1806 John Smith Carpenter, m.d . . * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1810. James Lloyd Chamberlain .... * James I. Clarke, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1809. Edward Colston, a.m *i8si U. S. Representative from Virginia 1817-19; Member N'irginia Assembly; Sheriff of Berkeley Co., Va.; A.M. Princeton 1809. Lewis Le Conte Congar *i8io Andover Seminary i8og-io. John Connolly * John E. Conover, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1809. Jonathan S. Cool, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1809. Eli Field Cooley, a.m., d.d...*i86o Trustee Princeton 1828-60; Clerk Board of Trustees Princeton 1835-60; Trustee Princeton Seminarv 1830-60; A.M. Princeton 1809; D.t). Rutgers 1856. James Cowan * John Croes, a.m *i849 Trustee General Theological Seminary N. Y. 1823-41; A.M. Princeton i8og. Thomas B. C. Dayton, a.m. . .*i865 A.M. Princeton 1810. Henry A. Dessaussure, d.Sc..* D.Sc. Robert Callender Duncan .... * James Hepburn Dundas, a.m..*i866 A.M. Princeton 1847; M.A.P.S. Alexander M. Edwards, m.d.* M.D. Univ. Penna. 1810. Benjamin Elliot -'=1836 Jacob Ten Eyck Field, a.m. . .*i866 A.M. Princeton 1809. Frederick Frelinghuysen, a.m.*i82o Prosecutor of Pleas .Somerset, Middle- sex and Plunterdon Cos., N. J. 1817- 20; A.M. Princeton 1809. Nicholas Goldsborough * James Hickman, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1840. John Eager Howard, a.m. . . .*i822 A.M. Princeton 1809. James Iredell, a.m *i853 Commander Vols. \\'ar of 1812; Mem- ber North Carolina .\ssembly 1816-20, 23-27; Sjieaker North Carohna Assem- bly 1817-18; Judge Supreme Court North Carolina 1819; Governor North Carolina 1827-28; V. S. Senator from North Carolina 1828-31; A.M. Prince- ton 1809. William Alacon * Jaquelin A. Marshall * John James Marshall, a.m...*i846 Member Kentucky Assembly 18 14- ; President Judge Circuit Court Ken- tucky 1836-46; A.M. Princeton 1812. Charles William Monk * Arnold Naudain, a.m., m.d. . .*i872 Major Delaware Troops War of 1812; Member Delaware .'Assembly; Speaker Delaware .Assembly; U. S. Senator from Delaware 1830-36; Collector Port of Wilmington, Del. 1841-45; A.M. Princeton i8og; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1810. Patrick Noble *i84o Member South Carolina Assembly 1820-36; Speaker South Carolina .\s- sembly 1818-24, 1832-36; U. S. Sena- tor from South Carolina 1836-38; Gov- ernor South Carolina 1838-40. Thomas G. Percy * Thomas R. Peters, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1810. Robert B. Potts * George Read *i836 John Harleston Read, a.m.. . .*i859 Member South Carolina Assembly; A.M. Princeton 181 0. Molton Cropper Rogers, a.m.* 1863 Recorder of Mayor's Court Lancaster, Pa. 1S18-20; Secretary Commonwealtli Penna. 1823-26; Judqie Supreme Court Penna. 1826-51; .-X.M. Princeton 1847. Robert Walter Rutherford. . .*i852 Member New Jersey Assembly 1810- 16; Member New Jersey Senate 1819- 21. Abraham Shepherd * John Douglass Sims *i843 1806-07] BACHELORS OF ARTS 119 Samuel Sprigg, a.m *i855 Governor Maryland 1819-22; A.M. Princeton 1825. Robert Swan, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1810. Israel Peyton Thompson * John Van Dyke * Samuel Vernon, m.d * Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1812-14; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1810. John Williams Walker, a.m..*i823 Member Alabama Assembly; Member Mississippi Assembly; U. S. Senator from Alabama 1819-22; A.M. Prince- ton 1820. Nathaniel S. Wikoff, a.m *i86o A.M. Princeton 1809. Edward G. Williams * William E. Williams * Rider H. Winder * Thomas L. Woodruff, a.m., m.d. *i85i A.M. Princeton 1809; M.D. Donaldson Yeates, m.d *i8i5 Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 18 12-15; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1810. 1807 Augustus W. Biggs * John T. Boyd, a.m., m.d * A.M. Princeton 1810; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1810. Jacob P. Broom *i842 George W. Brown, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1814. John Flavel Clark, a.m *i853 Andover Seminary 1812-13; Tutor Princeton 181 1-14; Director Princeton Seminary 1831-34; A.M. Princeton 1811. Peter I. Clark, a.m *i863 Member New Jersey Constitutional Conventions 1828 and 1844; A.M. Princeton i8ii. Daniel Harrison Condict *i8o9 Tutor Rutgers 1809. William Smith Coxe, a.m., m.d. *i837 a.m. Princeton i8io; M.D. Univ. Penna. 181 1. Richard H. Durdin * James Bruyn Elmendorf, a.m.. m.d. *i8s2 a.m. Princeton 181 1; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1813. William C. Elmendorf, a.m. . .* A.M- Princeton 181 1. Edward R. Gibson * John Handley, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1818. Nathaniel P. Handley, a.m. . .* A.M. Princeton 181 1. Peter P. J. Kean, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1810. James King, a.m *i84i A.M. Princeton 1810. Samuel C. Lewis * John Lindsay, a.m * A.M. Princeton 181 1. John AT McEwen * Allen McLane, a.m., m.d *i845 Surgeon Rodney's Delaware Regiment War of 1812; Member City Council VVilmington, Del. 1839-45; President City Council Wilmington, Del. 1842; A.M. Princeton 1810; M.D. Univ. Penna. 181 1. Alem Marr, a.m *i83i ( ?) U. S. Representative from Penna. 1829-31; A.M. Princeton 1815. Isaac R. Marshall, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1810. Thomson Mason ■*'i838 Judge Criminal Court District of Co- lumbia. Samuel Milligan *i854 Judge U. S. District Court Nebraska Territory. James O'Hara * Charles Edwin Pierson, a.m.. m.d. *i865 Professor Materia Medica Ohio Med- I20 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1807-08 ical College; A.M. Princeton 1810; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1813. William Beverly Randolph, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1810. William Sloan, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1813. Thomas Loughton Smith, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1810. James V. Studdiford, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 181 1. Alexander Telfair * William Thomson * Frederick A. Vandyke, a.m., m.d. *i867 A.M. Princeton 1810; M.D. Univ. Penna. 18 10. Matthew Vanlear, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 181 1. Robert Henry Wilson, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton 1810; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1814. Benjamin A. Ackerly, m.d. M.D. Robert Barclay John Bergen, a.m., d.d.. * . .*i872 Tutor Princeton 1810-12; Librarian Princeton 181 0-12; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1810-12; A.M. Princeton 1811; d.d. Central 1854. James Booth, Jr., a.m *i85s Chief Justice Siopreme Court Delaware 1841-55; A.M. Princeton 1812. Daniel A. Clark, a.m *i84o Andover Seminary 1810-11; A.M. Princeton 1811. Daniel Comfort, a.m * A.M. Princeton 181 1. Richard Smith Coxe, a.m., ll.d. *i865 A.M. Princeton i8ii; LL.D. Kenyon 1857. Thomas James Delancey * George King Drake, a.m. . . .*i837 Member New Jersey Assembly 1823- 26; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1825-26; Judge Supreme Court .New Jersey 1826-34; A.M. Princeton 181 1. William G. Ernst, a.m * A.M. Princeton 181 1. William Henry Filzhugh. . . .*iB30 Vice President Colonization Society; Member \'irgiiiia Constitutional Con- vention 1829-30. Peter Gansevoort, a.m '''■' A.M. Princeton 1815. John P. Grantland, a.m * a.m. Princeton 181 1. Samuel Randolph Hamilton, a.m. *i856 Prosecutor of Pleas Mercer Co., N. J. 1851-56; Mayor of Trenton, N. J. 1848-49; Quartermaster General New Jersey 1837-55; A.M. Princeton 1811. Thomas F. Herbert, a.m....* A.M. Princeton 1815. Nathaniel Heyward * William FI. Heyward, Jr * U. S. Representative from Maryland 1823-25. John H. Hyde * Robert C. Ludlow * William Meade, a.m., d.d. . . .*i862 President Theological Seminary, Va. 1842-62; Assistant Protesunnt Episcopal Bishop of Virginia 1829-41; Bishop of X'irginia 1841-62; A.M. Princeton 181 1 ; D.D. William & Mary 1827. Archibald Mercer *i85o John H. Montgomery, a.m. . .*i82i Judge Middle Circuit Court Georgia 1819-21; A.M. Princeton 181 1. William Montgomery, m.d...*i844 Member North Carolina Senate 1824- 2j, 1849-34: U. S. Representative from Nortli Carolina 1833-41; M.D. Humphrey Mount Perrine, A.M. * Tutor Princeton 1810; A.^L Princeton 1811. John Phillips, a.m., m.d * A.M. Princeton 181 1; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1812. 1808-09] BACHELORS OF ARTS 121 Lewis William Randolph Phillips, A.M *i855 Trustee Princeton Seminary 1S34-54; Director ]-'rinceton Seminary 1840-55; Vice President Board Trustees Prince- ton Seminary 1S43-54; A.M. Princeton 1839. William Leigh Pierce, a.m...* A.M. Princeton 181 1. James Ray * Isaac Roosevelt, m.d * M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1812. Eli A. Sayre * Joseph L. Shafer, a.m., d.d.. .*i853 A.M. Princeton 181 1; D.D. Lafayette 1842. Elijah Slack, a.m., m.d., ll.d.*i866 Vice President Princeton 1812-17; Pro- fessor Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy Princeton 18 12-17; Clerk of Fac- ulty Princeton 1812-17; President and Professor Chemistry Cincinnati College of Medicine 1820-24; Prafessor Chem- istry Ohio Medical College 1820-33; Professor Chemistry Cincinnati College of Medicine 1854-66; A.M. Princeton 181 1 ; LL.D. Princeton 1863. Robert R, Troup * Stephen Van Rensselaer *i868 Member Council New York Univ. 1835- 68. John M. Verdier * Member North Carolina Senate. James Moore Wayne, ll.d. . .*i867 Member Georgia Assembly 181 6; Mayor Savannah, Ga. 1823; Judge Supreme Court Georgia 1824-29; \j. S. Repre- sentative from Georgia 1829-35; Judge U. S. Supreme Court 1835-67; LL.D. Princeton 1849. George Wood, a.m., ll.d. . . .*i86o A.M. Princeton 181 1; LL.D. Hamilton 1842, al%o Union 1845. Nicholas William Worthington, A.M., M.D *l849 A.M. Princeton 1815; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1815. John Youlc * 1809 Franklin Anderson *i866 Lewis Pintard Bayard, a.m., d.d. *i840 A.M. Princeton 1812; D.D. Elias E. Boudinot, A.M *i863 A.M. Princeton 1812. Penrose W. Bowen * Joshua G. Brinckle, A.M * A.M. Princeton 1814. Charles E. Brown * Thomas Otway Carter * Jacob R. Castner *i848 John S. Congar, a.m., m.d. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1813; M.D. Rutgers 1835- George W. Cook * John De Witt, d.d *i83i Professor Biblical Criticism, Church History and Pastoral Theology, New Brunswick Seminary 1823-31; Professor Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, Rutgers 1825-31; d.d. Union 1821, also Wash- ington & Jefferson (W.) 1824. Volkert S. Douw *i869 Jacob B. Drake * Samuel W. Eager *i86o U. S. Representative from New York 1829-31. William Finney *i872 Ezekiel Forman * Charles D. Hasbrouck * Charles W. Henry * Louis Debonair Henry *i846 Member North Carolina _ Assembly 1821-22, 1830-32; Speaker North Caro- lina Assembly 1832; U. S. Commissioner on Spanish Claims 1837. John R. Hopkins * Benjamin Chew Howard, a.m., LL.D *l872 Served in War of 181 2; U. S. Repre- sentative from Maryland 1829-33, 1835- 39; Reporter U. S. Supreme Court 1843-62; Delegate to Peace Congress 122 BACHELORS OP ARTS [1809-10 1861; A.M. Princeton 1813; LL.D. Princeton 1869. Moses T. Hunter * Robert M. Livingston * William Anderson McDowell, a.m.. D.D *i85i Tutor Princeton 1810-11; Princeton Seminary 1812-13; Trustee Princeton 1817-24, 1825-28; Moderator General Assembly 1833; Director Princeton Seminary 1834-49; A.M. Princeton 1812; D.D. Franklin & Marshall (F.) 1827. Jacob Gray Macwhorter * John Neville * Jonathan Plumer *i8io Nicholas G. R. Rhea, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton i8i2. Clymer Ross, a.m * A.M. Princeton 18 12. Thomas Coxe Ryerson, a.m. .*i838 Member New Jersey Senate 1825-27; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1834-38; A.M. Princeton 1813. Thomas Barton Salter, a.m., m.d. *i85o Surgeon's Mate U. S. N. 1813; Sur- geon U. S. N. 181 5; A.M. Princeton 1812; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1813. Philip Johnston Scudder, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1812. Charles Seely * John G. Sims * Thomas Harvey Skinner, a.m., d.d., LL.D *i87i Trustee Univ. Penna. 1828-33; Director Princeton Seminary 1829-35; Professor Sacred Rhetoric .Andover .Seminary '833-35; Director Union Seminary N. V. 1846-48; Professor Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology Union Seminary N. Y. 1848-71; Member Council New York Univ. 1839-71; Moderator General Assembly (N. S.) 1854; A.M. Prince- ton 18 12; D.D. Williams 1826; LL.D. Williams 1855. William Skinner * Thomas Turner Stanley * Charles Thomas, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1815. James H. Thomas, a.m * A.M. W^illiams 1823 Hon. Abraham G. Voorhees * A\'illiam Raymond Weeks, d.d. *i848 Tutor Princeton 1809-10; Andover Sem- inary 1811-12; D.D. Williams 1828. John Wiley. a,m * A.M. Princeton 1815. George Douglas Wise * John S. ^^'ood * 1810 Henry Applegate * James C. Baldwin * John Banning * James Gillespie Birney, a.m. .*i857 Member Kentucky Assembly; Member Alabama Assembly; Mayor Huntsville, Ala.; A.M. Princeton 1815. David Bishop, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1815. James Boyd, a.m., m.d * A.M. Princeton 1815; M.D. Univ. Penna. 181 3. Joseph Cabell Breckinridge, a.m. *i823 Member Kentucky Assembly; Secretary of State Kentucky 1821-23; A.m. Princeton 1814. Robert Bronk *i837 New Brunswick Seminary 1810-13. Andrew DeWitt Bruyn *i838 -Surrogate Tompkins Co., N. Y. 1817; Member New York Assembly 1818; President X'illatje of Ithaca, N. Y. i8j2; Judge Court Common Pleas New York 1826-36; U. S. Representative from New York 1837-38. Richardson Buck * George Mifflin Dallas, ll.d. .*i864 Mayor of Philadelphia 1828-29; U. S. District Attorney Penna. 1829-31; U. S. Senator from Penna. 1831-33; At- torney General Penna. 1833-35; U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Russia 1837- 39; Vice President United States 1845- 49; U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Great Britain 1856-61; LL.D. Prince- ton 1853; M.A.P.S. i8io-ii] BACHELORS OF ARTS 123 John Elmer * Jared D. Fyler, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1813. Horace Galpin * Matthias O. Halsted, a.m *i866 A.M. Princeton 1813. OHver Spencer Halsted, a.m.* 1877 Surrogate Essex Co., N. J.; Member New Jersey Assembly 1827; Recorder Newark, N. J. 1836; Mayor of Newark, N. J. 1840; Member New Jersey Con- stitutional Convention 1844; Chancellor of New Jersey 1845-52; A.M. Prince- ton 1813. Samuel F. Hmit, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1813. Kensey Johns, Jr., a.m., ll.d.*i857 U. S. Representative from Delaware 1827-30; Chancellor and presiding Judge Court of Errors and Appeals Delaware 1832-57; A.M. Princeton 1 81 5; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1846. John I. Mumford, a.m ^' A.M. Princeton 1831. Nathan Newby *i8i3 Matthias Ogden, a.m *i86o A.M. Princeton 1813. William Thompson Read, a.m.*i873 Secretary U. S. Legation Buenos Ayres; !\Iember Delaware Senate; A.M. Princeton 1815. John Rutherfoord, a.m *i866 Lieutenant Governor Virginia 1840-41; Governor \'irginia 1841-42; Captain and Colonel Richmond Fayette Artillery C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1816. Richard Stockton, a.m * Judge Supreme Court Mississippi; At- torney General Mississippi; A.M. Princeton 1814. John T. Stoddert. a.m ^1870 Served in War of 1812; Member Mary- land Assembly; U. .S. Representative from Maryland 1833-35; A.M. Prince- ton 1813. Edward I. Williams * 1811 Lewis Belden. m.d.. M.D. Rutgers 1827. John Boykin * Joseph Cheetham * Jacob Condit, a.m *i856 A.M. Princeton 1816. Edward De Coursey * James Dunlop *i872 Acting District Attorney Georgetown, D. C. 1833; Recorder Georgetown, D. C. 1833-37; Judge Criminal Court Dis- trict of Columbia 1838-45; Judge U. S. Circuit Court District of Columbia 1845-55; Chief Justice U. S. Circuit Court District of Columbia 1857-63. Isaac Gouverneur * Nicholas Gouverneur * Edward Ennis Graham * John Grant * John I. Griffith * Samuel L. Holmes * John Hopkins *i838 William W\ Lang * William Lawrence, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1814. John jMcAulay * George Picket * John Kearny Rodgers, a.m., m.d. *i8si A.M. Princeton 1814; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1816. John Scudder, a.m., m.d *i85S A.M. Princeton 1814; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1813. Humberson Skipworth * William Francis Taliaferro, a.m. *iS36 A.M. Princeton 1824. Henry Van Derveer, m.d....*i874 Isaac Ward, a.m *i852 A.M. Princeton 18 16. Singleton Wooton * 124 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1812-13 1812 William G. Baynard * Charles Belden, m.d * Lewis D. Bevier, m.d * M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1817. Henry H. Dorsey * Isaac Downing * John Ford "^^^7^ Cyrus Gildersleeve *i8i4 Thomas G. Haight, a.m *i847 Member New Jersey Assembly 1833-37; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1836- 37; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; A.M. Princeton 1846. Job Haines, m.d *i86o John S. Haines, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1815. William Halsted *i878 U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1837-39, 1841-43- John Henderson *i857 Member Mississippi Assembly 1827-28; U. S. Senator from Mississippi 1839- 45. Asa Hillyer, a.m., m.d *i824 A.M. Princeton 1815; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1817. Isaac S. Hone * Brice W. Howard * Levi Janvier * Shephard Kosciuszko Kollock, a.m., d.d *i865 Professor Rhetoric and Logic Univ. North Carolina 1819-25; A.M. Prince- ton 1815; d.d. Princeton 1850. Edward E. Lawrence *i8i6 William States Lee * John Maccall * Alexander Gumming McWTiorter, Jr., a.m *i826 a.m. Princeton 18 16. George H. McWhorter, a.m.*i862 A.M. Princeton 18 16. Bowes Reed Mcllvaine, a.m. .*i866 A.M. Princeton 1820. David Meade * Charles Morford * Mordecai Myers * John C. Nicoll *i863 Judge U. S. District Court Georgia 1839- . Charles H. Ogden, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1815. Henry Porter * David Ramsay * Benjamin Whitemarsh Seabrook *i85S Member South Carolina Senate; Lieu- tenant Governor South Carolina 1834- 36; Governor South Carolina 1848-50; Trustee South Carolina College 1829- 36, 1841-50. John M. Sherrerd, a.m *i87i A.M. Princeton 1815. Lambert J. M. Sythoff, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton 1821; M.D. John Thompson * Nicholas Van Dyke, Jr., a.m. .* A.M. Princeton 1815. William Fanning Wickham. .* Peter I. Wikoff * Samuel J. Wilkin *i866 Member New York Assembly 1824-26; U. S. Rejiresentative from New York 1831-33- 1813 Thomas Bloomer Balch, a.m., d.d. *i878 Private Loudon Co., V^a., Vol. Militia War of 1812; Princeton Seminary 1814- 17; A.M. Princeton 1816; D.D. Hamp- den Sidney i860. Robert Benoist, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1816. Joseph Bonnell, a.m *i823 A.M. Princeton 1816. I8I3-I4] BACHELORS OF ARTS 125 Thomas Chapman, a.m *i849 A.M. Princeton 1816. William Howe Cuyler, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton Penna. 18 17. 1816; M.D. Univ. Aaron Ogden Dayton, a.m..*i858 Member New Jersey Assembly 1823-24; Member New York Assembly 1828; Chief Clerk U. S. State Department 1836-38; 4th Auditor U. S. Treasury Department 183S-58; A.M. Princeton 1816. Amzi Dodd, a.m *i838 Member New Jersey Senate 1829-31; A.M. Princeton 1816. Joseph Smith Dodd, a.m., m.d.* 1847 Member New Jersey Senate 1843-46; A.M. Princeton i8i6; M.D. *John Bartholomew Downman.*i859 William Dunbar, a.m., m.d. . ,* A.M. Princeton 1816; M.D. Univ. Penna. i8i8. Robert Peter Dmilop, a.m...*i869 A.M. Princeton 1816. Ashbel Green Fairchild, d.d. .*i864 Princeton Seminary 1813-15; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (.W.) 1842. Joseph S. Gibbes * Robert M. Gibbes * Ezekiel S. Haines, a.m *i865 Judge U. S. District Court Ohio; A.M. Princeton 1816. Joseph W. Helme * John Snowden Henry *i835 Trustee Princeton 1833-35. Joseph M. Hey ward * Edward Yerkes Howell, m.d.* 1850 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1822. Samuel Jaudon *i874 Walter Kirkpatrick, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1816. David Lyon *i8i3 Nicholas Patterson, a.m *i865 Princeton Seminary 1814-16; A.M. Princeton 181 6. William Pennington, a.m. . . .*i862 Member New Jersey Assembly 1828; Governor New Jersey 1837-43; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1842; Trustee Princeton 1848-62; U. S. Representa- tive from New Jersey 1859-61; Speaker U. S. House of Representatives 1860- 61; A.M. Princeton 1816. William B. Randolph, a.m...* A.M. Princeton 1822. Jehiel Talmage, a.m *i854 Princeton Seminary 1813-15; A.M. Princeton 1823. John Allen Taylor, a.m., m.d. .* A.M. Princeton 1820; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1821. Peter Timothy *i823 Stephen Wheeler .....* Manuel G. Wikoff * Backus Wilbur, a.m *i8i8 Princeton Seminary 1813-16; A.M. Princeton 1816. William Williamson, a.m., m.d.*i87o Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1820-27; A.M. Princeton 1816; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1 8 17. John Wurts, a.m *i86i U. S. Representative from Penna. 1835- 27; A.M. Princeton 1816. 1814 WilHam Mayo Atkinson, d.d.*i849 Trustee Hampden Sidney; D.D. Wash- ington & Jefferson (J.) 1843. Robert H. Barrow, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1817. Richard Henry Bayard, a.m. .*i868 U. S. Senator from Delaware 1836- 39, 1841-45; Chief Justice Supreme Court Delaware 1839-41; U. S. Charge d'Affaires Brussels 1850-53; A.M. Princeton 1817. Henry Carrington * Robert Woodruff Condit, a.m., d.d. -1871 Tutor Princeton 1816-18; A.M. Prince- ton 1817; D.D. Hampden Sidney 1847. Horace Cozens * Elias Winans Crane, a.m. . . .*i840 Princeton Seminary 1817; Director 126 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1814-15 Princeton Seminary 1836-40; A.M. Princeton 1817. John P. Crowell * John Blair Dabney, ll.d *i868 Prosecuting Attorney Campbell Co., Va. • A. 15. also Hampden Sidney 1814; LL.D. William & Mary 1853. Jonathan Doty * Archer Gifford, a.m *i859 U. S. Collector of Customs Port of Newark, N. T. 1836-48; Member City Council Newark, N. J. 1843; A.M. Princeton 1817. WilHam B. Griffith * James HamiUon, a.m *i849 Professor Mathematics Univ. Nashville 1831-3S. 1838-49; A.M. Princeton 1817. EHas Harrison, d.d ^1863 Princeton Seminary 1 815-16; Tutor Princeton 1814-16; D.D. Hugh Lenox Hodge, a.m., m.d., LL.D *l873 Lecturer on Surgery Phila. Medical Institute 1823- ; Professor Obstetrics Univ. Penna. 1835- ; A.M. Princeton 1817; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1818; LL.D. Princeton 1871. Lemuel Fordham Leake, a.m.* 1866 Princeton Seminary 1816-17; A.M. Princeton 1822. Benjamin Johnson Lowe, a.m.*i875 Princeton Seminary 1815-18; A.M. Princeton 1824. Bloomfield Mcllvaine, a.m...* 1826 A.M. Princeton 1818. William M. Miller, a.m *i825 A.M. Princeton 181 7. Asa Olmstead *i864 Jonathan David Price, a.m., m.d. *i828 Princeton Seminary 1816; A.M. Prince- ton 1818; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1820. James Ramsay, a.m., m.d * .\.M. Princeton 1817; M.D. Univ. Penna. 18 1 8. Stephen Saunders, a.m *i835 Tutor Princeton 1814-17; Princeton Seminary 181 5-16; A.M. Princeton 1817. Robert Steel, a.m., d.d *i862 A.M. Princeton 1817; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1846. Thomas Middleton Stuart, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1817. John V. D. Voorhees, a.m., m.d. * a.m. Princeton 1817; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1819. Abraham Walker * John L. Watkins, m.d *i8s5 John D. Wells, a.m *i828 A.M. Princeton 1817. Melancthon Brown Williams.* 1889 1815 Edward Allen, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1818. Daniel Baker, d.d.... *i857 Founder Austin College Texas 1850; President Austin 1853-57; D.D. La- fayette 1849. Lawrence Battaile * Thomas Jacob Biggs, a.m., d.d. *i864 Princeton Seminary 1815-16; Tutor Princeton 1817-18; Director Princeton Seminary 182S-31; Professor Lane Seminary 1832-39; President Cincinnati College O. 1839-45; President \\'ood- ward College Cincinnati, O. 1845-51; A.M. Princeton 1818; D.D. Washing- ton & Jefferson (J.) 1841. William Boyd, a.m., m.d * a.m. Princeton 1819; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1819. Samuel Crawford Brinckle, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1818. Thomas Cadwalader, a.m. , . .*i873 Brevet Major General New Jersey Mili- tia; A.M. Princeton 1823. John P. Carter * Robert L Clarke, a.m., m.d..* A.M. Princeton 1818; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1820. Christopher Cox, i8i5] BACHELORS OF ARTS 127 Elijah Richardson Craven, m.d. *i823 Professor Botany George Washington Univ. 1822-23; M.D. Univ. Peiuia. 1819. William Darrach, a.m., m.d..*i865 Professor Practice of Medicine Penna. Medical College; A.M. Princeton 1818; M.D. Univ. P'enna. 1819. Philip Richard Fendall, a.m., ll.d. *i868 U. S. District Attorney District of Co- lumbia 1841-45, 1849-53; A.M. Prince- ton 1818; LL.D. Princeton 1863. David Murray Forrest, a.m..* 1825 a.m. Princeton 1819. Levin Irving Gillis, a.m *i86o Princeton Seminary 1815-16; A.M. Princeton 1818. John Goldsmith, a.m., d.d. . . .*i854 Princeton Seminary 1816-19; A.M. Princeton i8i8; D.D. Princeton 1848. James Vernon Henry, a.m. . . .*i873 Princeton Seminary 1818-21; Tutor Princeton 1820-22; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1822; A.M. Princeton 1822. Symmes Cleves Henry, a.m., d.d. *i857 Princeton Seminary 181 5-18; A.M. Princeton 1818; D.D. Lafayette 1852. Charles Hodge, a.m., d.d., ll.d. *i878 Princeton Seminary 1816— 19; Instructor Original Languages of Scripture Prince- ton Seminary 1820-22; Professor Orien- tal and Biblical Literature Princeton Seminary 1822-40; Professor Kxeg. and Didactic Theology Princeton Seminary 1840-54; Professor Exeg. Didactic & Polem. Theol. Princeton Seminary 1854-78; Moderator General Assembly (O. S.) 1846; Trustee Princeton 1850- 78; A.M. Princeton 1821; D.D. Rutgers 1834; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1864. Frederick W. Jenkins * John Johns, d.d., ll.d *i876 Princeton Seminary 1816-18; Trustee Princeton 1840-43; President VVilliam & Mary 1849-54; Protestant Episcojial Bishop of Virginia 1862-76; D.D. Princeton 1834, also Columbia 1834, also Univ. State of New York 1834; LL.D. William & Mary 1855. Enos W. Johnson, a.m * A.M. Princeton 18 19. Hugh Kirkpatrick, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1818. Littleton Kirkpatrick, a.m. . . .*i859 Trustee Rutgers 1841-59; U. S. Rep- resentative from New Jer.scy 1843-45; Surrogate ISIiddlesex Co., N. J. 1831- 36; A.M. Princeton 1818. John R. Ludlow * Benjamin Rush McConnell, a.m., M.D *i864 a.m. Princeton 1818; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1819. James L Murray * Charles A. Oliver * Isaac Watts Piatt *i858 Princeton Seminary 1815-18. Ashbel Green Ralston * Benjamin Wood Richards, a.m. *i85i Member Penna. Assembly 1827-29; Mayor Philadelphia 1829-32; Member Penna. Senate; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1836-51; Director U. S. Bank and U. S. Mint; Director Girard College; A.M. Princeton 1819; M.A.P.S. Ravaud Kearny Rodgers, a.m., d.d, *i879 Princeton Seminary 1815-18; A.M. Princeton 1819; D.D. Rutgers 1856. George Ross * Persifor Frazer Smith, a.m. .*i858 Colonel Louisiana Vols. 1836; Brigadier General Louisiana Vols. 1846; Colonel Mounted Rifles 1846; Brigadier General U. S. A. 1856; Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral U. S. A. 1846; Brevet Major General 1847; A.M. Princeton 1818. Charles Samuel Stewart, a.m., d.d. *i87o Pririceton Seminary 1815-18; Chaplain U. S. .V. 1828-70; A.M. Princeton 1820; D.D. New York Univ. 1863. Stephen Howell Strong * Henry Ten Brook * George Wikoff * George H. Woodruff *i822 Alexander Wurts *i88i Member New Jersey Assembly 1824- 25, 1828-32; Speaker New Jersey As- 128 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1815-16 sembly 1829-32; Member New Jersey- Senate 1833-34, 1844-46, 1865-68; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844. Ezra Youngs *i876 Andover Seminary 1817-20. I816 William Jessup Armstrong, a.m., D.D *i846 Princeton Seminary 1818; Trustee Un- ion Seminary V'a. 1827-36; A.M. Princeton 1822; D.D. Princeton 1840. Amzi Babbitt, a.m *i845 Princeton Seminary 1818; A.M. Prince- ton 1820. William Draper Brinckle, a.m., m.d. *i872 A.M. Princeton 1823; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1819. Isaac Washington Canfield, a.m., M.D ". *i8S9 a.m. Princeton 1827; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1819. James Cox * Samuel Cox * Charles Davis, a.m., m.d....*i86s A.M. Princeton 1819; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1820. Littleton James Dennis *i847 James Dill * Marcus Ford *i867 David Stanley Hessinger, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1819. William Prestman Hunter, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1819. William James, d.d *i868 Princeton Seminary 1816-18; D.D. Un- ion 1854. William Latta Jaudon * Robert Allen Jones * Cornelius Ludlow, a.m *i836 Judge Court Common Pleas New Jer- sey 1823-36; A.M. Princeton 1819. James McDowell, LL.D *i85i Member Virginia Assembly 1831-41; Governor of N'irginia 1843-46; U. S. Representative from \'irginia 1846-51; LL.D. Princeton 1846. Charles Pettit Mcllvaine, a.m., d.d., LL.D., D.C.L *l873 Princeton Seminary 1817-19; Chaplain and Professor Ethics West Point 1825- 27; President Kenyon 1832-40; Presi- dent Kenyon Seminary 1840-57; Pro- fessor Evidences Revealed Religion New York Univ. 1832-33; Professor Pastoral Divinity Kenyon Seminary 1833-37, 1840-47, 1849; Protestant Episcopal Bishop Ohio 1832-73; A.M. Princeton 1820; D.D. Princeton 1833, also Brown 1S33; LL.D. Cambridge 1858; D.C.L. Oxford 1853. John Maclean, a.m., d.d., ll.d.*i886 Princeton Seminary 1818-20; Tutor Princeton 1818-22; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1821-22; Professor Mathe- matics and Natural Philos. Princeton 1822-23; Professor Mathematics Prince- ton 1823-29; Professor Languages Princeton 1829-30; Professor Ancient Languages and Literature Princeton 1830-47; Professor Greek Language and Literature 1847-54; Vice President Princeton 1829-54; President Princeton 1854-68; Professor Biblical Instruction Princeton 1866-68; Director Princeton Seminary 1861-86; Regent Smithsonian 1868-86; 2d V^ice President Princeton Seminary 1882-84; Vice President Princeton Seminary 1884-86; A.M. Princeton 1819; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1841; LL.D. Univ. State of N. Y. 1854. James Schureman Nevius, a.m.* 1859 Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1838- 52; A.M. Princeton 1819. John Smith Newbold *i8i8 Princeton Seminary 1816-17. Albert Pierson, a.m *i863 A.M. Princeton 1821. William J. Pierson, Jr., a.m., m.d. *i882 Member New Jersey Assembly 1837- 38; Sheriff Essex Co., N. J. 1846-50; President New Jersey Medical Society 1872; First Mayor Orange, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1821; M.D. John Rodney, Jr., a.m *i886 A.M. Princeton 1819. William Rose * Robert Scott * i8i6-i8] BACHELORS OF ARTS 129 William Henry Sloan, a.m. . . .*i85o Member New Jersey Assembly 1833- 34; Surrogate Hunterdon Co., N. J. 1835-40; A.M. Princeton 1820. Richard Rcnshaw Thomson. .*i824 George Wa.shington Toland, a.m. * 1 8(19 U. S. Representative from Penna. 1837-43; A.M. Princeton iSig. Kensey Johns Van Dyke, a.m.* a.m. Princeton 1819. James Van Lear *i82o Matthew Sims Van Lear. . . .*i8si Ira Condict Whitehead, a.m. ,*i867 Director Princeton Seminary 1850-65; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1841- 48; Judge Court Common Pleas Mor- ris Co., N. J. 1859-64; A.M. Princeton 1823. John Williams * 1817 John Ailing * Jacob L. Baldwin, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1820. William Bryant Barton, a.m. .*i852 Princeton Seminary 1817-20; A.M. Princeton 1820. Chester Butler *i85o Member Penna. Assembly; U. S. Rep- resentative from Penna. 1846-49. Eli Washington Caruthers, a.m., D.D *i865 Princeton Seminary 1817-20; A.M. Princeton 1820; D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1854. John S. Condit, m.d *i848 M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1822. Robert C. Hall * George Washington Jacobs, a.m. * A.M. Princeton 1820, also Yale 1820 hon. Edmmid Jennings Lee, Jr...* 1877 John Van Lear McMahon, ll.d. *i87i Member Maryland Assembly 1823; LL.D. St. Johns 1869. David Magie, a.m., d.d *i865 Princeton Seminary 18:7-20; Tutor Princeton 1818-20; Trustee Princeton 1835-65; Director Princeton Seminary 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1820; D.D. Amherst 1842. Nicholson Ross Morgan, a.m.*i88i Princeton Seminary 1817-18; A.M. Yale 1820 hon. Benjamin Ogden, a.m *i8s3 Tutor Princeton 1818-20; Princeton Seminary 1819-21; A.M. Princeton 1820. Aaron Samuel Pennington, a.m. *i869 Member New Jersey Senate 1827-29; A.AI. Princeton 1825. John J. Pierce, a.m *i86i Princeton Seminary 1817-20; Professor Greek Central 183 1; A.M. Princeton 1820. George McDowell Stroud, a.m., LL.D *l875 Judge U. S. District Court Phila. 1835-45, 1851-71; A.M. Princeton 1821; LL.D. Princeton 1873. Thomas Turner, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1822. John Harriotte Van Court, a.m. *i867 Princeton Seminary 1817-20; Professor St. Charles College Mo.; A.M. Prince- ton 1820. John Vanderveer, d.d *i878 New Brunswick Seminary 1819-22; D.D. Rutgers 1852. Thomas Wright * John Wyeth *i876 U. S. District Attorney Union Co., Penna. Cornelius L. Allen * Judge Supreme Court New ' York 1851- ; Judge Court of Appeals New York 1859- . David Barrow *i83i. Charles Clinton Beatty, a.m., d.d., LL.D *l882 Princeton Seminary 1819-22; Modera- tor General Assembly (O. S.) 1862; Lecturer on Practical Theology Alle- I30 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1818 ghany Seminary 1864-73; A.M. Prince- ton 1823; D.I"). WashinRton & Jefferson (W.) 1840; LL.D. Washington & Jef- ferson (\V.) 1 86 1. John Breckenridge, a.m., d.d.*i84i Princeton Seminary 1819-21; Tutor Princeion 1820-21; Chaplain U. S. Congress 1822-23; Trustee Princeton 1830-41; Director Princeton Seminary 1832-36; Professor Pastoral Theology Princeton Seminary 1836-38; A.M. Princeton 1822; D.D. Union 1835. John R. Brown, a.m *i843 A.M. Princeton 1821. Thomas Campbell *i826 John H. Carter * Joseph Chambers *i852 John Joseph Chetwood, a.m. .*i86i IVIember New Jersey Senate 1837-38; Surrogate Essex Co., N. J. 1839-44; Prosecutor Pleas Union Co., N. J. 1857-61; Trustee Burlington College N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1822. Stephen Collins, a.m., m.d...*i87i a.m. Princeton 187 1; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1823. Nathaniel ConkHng, a.m *i866 Princeton Seminary 1818-20; A.M. Princeton 1824. Daniel Theodore Coxe, m.d..*i834 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1822. John S. Crane, m.d *i87S Surgeon's Mate 19th Brigade New York Infantry 1825; M.D. Samuel Fisher Darrach. . . . ..*i824 Princeton Seminary 1818-19. Charles S. W. Dorsey * Edwin Downer *i868 Princeton Seminary 1819-22. James Hunter Ewing, a.m., m.d. *i827 a.m. Princeton 1825; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1821. Archibald Irwin Findlay *i839 Robert M. Garvin * Joseph A. Hamilton * Thompson Stclle Harris, a.m.*i^42 Princeton Seminary 1818-21; Chap- lain U. S. N. 1841-42; A.M. Princeton 1831. Philip Courtlandt Hay, d.d. .*i86o Moderator General Assembly (N. S.) 1849; D.D. Hobart 1839. Henry Holcombe, m.d *i859 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1821. Josiah Bertram Howell, a.m. .* a.m. Princeton 1823. Hinman Booth Hoyt, a.m *i838 Andover Seminary 1820-21; A.M. Princeton 1830. David Page Hunt, a.m., m.d. .*i83.5 A.M. Princeton 1823. Holloway Whitfield Hunt, a.m. *iS82 Princeton Seminary 1819-22; A.M. Princeton 1822. Elias D. Hunter *i867 Daniel B. Johnson *i824 Princeton Seminary 1818-21. Thomas C. Kennedy, a.m. . . .*i827 Princeton Seminary 1819-21; A.M. Princeton 1823. Thomas Farrar McCaleb *i832 Joseph Mcllvaine, a.m *i826 a.m. Princeton 1821. John R. Montgomery *i852 Josiah Furman Morford *i87i George W. Neff, a.m *iSs< a.m. Princeton 1822. Henry D. Polhemus, a.m....* 185 1 a.m. Princeton 1821. James Marcus Prevost * Samuel Stanhope Prevost, a.m. *i868 a.m. Princeton 1826. Edward Ridgley * WilHam H. Roy *i839 George Washington Smith, a.m. A.M. Princeton 182^, I8I8-I9] BACHELORS OF ARTS 131 Abraham Williamson *i869 Princeton Seminary 1819-21, Stephen L. Wright *i858 1819 John Adamson * Beveriy Allen *i85o U. S. District Attorney Missouri 1821. Benjamin Franklin Bache, m.d. *i88i Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1824; Sur- geon U. S. N. 1828; Professor Chem- istry Kenyon 1836-38; U. S. N. Retired 1S63; Medical Director U. S. N. Re- tired 1871; Director U. S. Naval Lab- oratory N. Y. ; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1S23, John Bowie, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1823. Henry Hamilton Cassat * Henry King Cochran * James Crawford *i872 Princeton Seminary 1823-26. John Berkley Grimball *i8g2 Member South Carolina Senate 1840- 44- John Charles Groome *i867 James Hay, m.d *i847 m.d. Univ. Penna. 1825. Francis Sylvester Hoffman. . .* Holloway Whitfield Hunt, Jr. 1868 Princeton Seminary 1820-21. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, ll.d.*i867 Chief Justice Supreme Court Georgia 1846-67; Professor Law Univ. Geor- gia 1843-66; Trustee Univ. Georgia 1854-66; LL.D. Princeton 1851. Thomas Jefferson Lumpkin. . .* William Lyle McDowell * James IMcIlhany, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1824. John Izard Middleton, am...*i877 Secretary U. S. Lcf;ation St. Peters- burg 1822-24; Member South Carolina Assembly 1839-57; S[)eaker South Car- olina Assembly 1848-49; Member South Carolina Senate 1857-58; Member S. C. Constitutional Convention 1832, 1850, i860; Trustee South Carolina College 1848-C8; Signer South Caro- lina Ordinance of Secession i860; A.M. Princeton 1825. Elias Bailey Dayton Ogden, a.m. *i865 Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1848-65; A.M. Princeton 1S22. Philip Medford Reid * Henry William Rogers *i858 James Ross, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1822. Antony Rutgers *i836 John Frederick Schroeder, a.m., D.D *i857 A.M. Princeton 1823, also Yale 1823 hon.; D.D. Trinity 1826. Abraham Skillman, a.m., m.d.*i862 A.M. Princeton 1822; M.D. John Allen Stuart *i822 Benjamin Cook Taylor, a.m., d.d. *i88i New Brunswick Seminary 1819-22; President Board of Superintendents New Brunswick Seminary; Trustee Rutgers 1858-78; A.M. Princeton 1822, also Union 1822 hon.; D.D. Hobart 1842. John Townsend, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1825. William Baily Tyler *i8si Elias Van Arsdale, Jr., a.m. .*i854 Clerk Essex Co., N. J. 1827-39; A.M. Princeton 1826. Abraham Woodson Venable. .*i876 U. S. Representative from North Caro- lina 1847-53; Member Provisional Con- gress C. S. A. 1861-62; Member Con- gress C. S. A. 1862-64; A.B. also Hampden Sidney 1815. Andrew Walker * Stephen Dodd Ward *i858 Hugh Wilson, a.m., d.d *i868 Princeton Seminary 1819-21; A.M. Princeton 1822; D.D. Austin College Texas 1857. 132 BACHELORS OF ARTS [i8ao 1820 James Waddel Alexander, a.m., D.D *i859 Princeton Seminary 1820-21; Tutor Princeton 1824-25; Professor Rhetoric and Latin Language and Literature Princeton 1833-44; Professor Church History and Government Princeton Seminary 1849-50; Professor Composi- tion and Delivery of Sermons Prince- ton Seminary 1850-51; Trustee Prmce- ton 1851-59; A.M. Princeton 1824; D.D. Lafayette 1843. also Harvard 1854- Caleb Halsted Andruss, a.m. .*i854 Judge Court of Common Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 1841-52; A.M. Princeton 1827. Richard Bard * James Bayard, a.m *i874 A.M. Princeton 1843. Samuel John Bayard *i879 George W. Blight, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1825. William Brearly, a.m *i882 Princeton Seminary 1822-25; A.M. Princeton 1825. Alexander Enos Brown *i865 John Thompson Brown *i836 Member Virginia Assembly. Orlando Brown * U. S. Treasurer; U. S. Commissioner Indian Affairs 1849-50. Zebulon Butler, a.m., d.d *i86o Princeton Seminary 1823-26; Professor Theology Oakland 1830- ; A.M. Princeton 1826; D.D. Lafayette 1849. William Mumford Carter * Thomas Chambers *i87i Clement Cox *i848 George Washington Crawford.*i863 Attorney General Georgia 1827-31; Member Georgia Assembly 1837-42; U. S. Representative from Georgia 1843; Governor Georgia 1843-47; LJ. S. Secretary of War 1849-50. John S. Donnell * James Caldwell Finley, a.m., m.d. *i885 A.M. Princeton 1826; M.D. William Perroneau Finley, ll.d. *i876 Member South Carolina Assembly 1832-36; Inlendant Aiken, S. C. 1842; Delegate to Southern Rights Associa- tion S. C. 1 851; Member South Caro- lina Convention 1852, i860; Signer Ordinance of Secession S. C. i860; Member of Committee of Seven on Secession S. C. ; President Charleston College 1845-57; Professor Logic, Po- litical Economy and Evidences Chris- tianity, also Mor.''1, Intellectual and Political Philosophy Charleston College 1845-57; Chairman Public School Board Aiken S. C. i860; LL.D. Princeton 1849. John V. Garitson * James H. Gholson, a.m *iS48 U. S. Representative from \'irginia 1833-35; Judge Circuit Court, \'irginia; A.M. Princeton 1823. Henry Woodhull Green, a.m., ll.d. *i876 Trustee Princeton Seminary 1833-76; \'ice President Board Trustees Prince- ton Seminary 1855-59; President Board Trustees Princeton Seminary 1859-76; Trustee Princeton 1850-76; Member New Jersey Assembly 1842-43; Mem- ber New Jersey Constitutional Conven- tion 1844; Chief Justice Sujjreme Court New Jersey 1846-53; Chancellor New Jersey 1860-66; A.M. Princeton 1823; LL.D. Princeton 1850. Daniel Haines, a.m *i877 Member New Jersey Senate 1839-40; Governor New Jersey 1843-44; Trustee Princeton 1845-48, 1853-77; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1852-59; A.M. Princeton 1823. Jeptha Harrison, a.m., d.d. . .*i863 Princeton Seminary 1821-23; A.M. Princeton 1824; D.D. William Ludwell Hodgson. . .*i83o James Bailey Hyndshaw, a.m.*i888 Princeton Seminary 1821-24; Chaplain U. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1832. Alfred Iverson *i873 Member Georgia Assembly 1827-30; Member Georgia Constitutional Con- vention 1833; Judge Supreme Court Georgia 1835-37, 1849-52; Member Georgia Senate 1843-44; U. S. Rep- resentative from Georgia 1847-49; U. S. Senator from Georgia 1855-61; Col- 1820-2 I ] BACHELORS OF ARTS 133 onel C. S. A. 1861-62; Brigadier Gen- eral C. S. A. 1862. Edward Norris Kirk, a.m., d.d. *i874 Princeton Seminary 1822-26; A.M. Princeton 1825; D.D. Amherst 1855. William George Krebs *i822 Princeton Seminary 1821-22. Harvey Lindsly, a.m., m.d., ll.d. *i889 Professor Obstetrics George Washington 1839-45; Professor Theory and Prac- tice Medicine George Washington 1845- 46; Professor Pathology George Wash- ington 1845-46; President American Medical Association 1858-59; President Board of Health Washington, D. C. ; Chairman Executive Committee Ameri- can Colonization Society; A.M. Prince- ton 1823; M.D. George Washington 1828; LL.D. Princeton 1S81. Province McCormick * Ebenezer Mason *i849 Princeton Seminary 1822-23. George Washington Massey . . * Alexander Mazyck *i894 Member South Carolina Senate 1848- 65; Member South Carolina Convention i860; Signer South Carolina Ordinance of Secession i860. r Hugh Patten * Henry Meredith Read, m.d. . .*i828 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1823. George Bridges Rodney *i883 U. S. Representative from Delaware 1841-45; Delegate to Peace Congress 1861. Alison Ross * Cornelius C. Suydam, a.m., m.d. *i859 A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Edward H. Swayze, a.m *i88o A.^L Princeton 1823. Samuel Kennedy Talmage, a.m., D.D *i865 Tutor Princeton 1822-25; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1824-25; Professor Ancient Languages Oglethorpe (Univ. Georgia) 1836-65; President Oglethorpe (Univ. Georgia) 1841-65: Chaplain C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1823; D.D. Princeton 1845. Edward Thomas *i823 William Walker * Benjamin E. Ward * 1821 Alexander Aikman, a.m *i83i Princeton Seminary 1822-23; Tutor Princeton 1825-26; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1825-26; Andover Seminary 1827-28; A.M. Princeton 1825. George Aregur Barnitz * William M. Bayard, a.m *i863 A.M. Princeton 1829. William Smith Bowen, m.d. .*i872 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1824. William Bingham Clymer. . . .*i873 Silas Condict Cutler, m.d....*i842 James I. S. Donnell * David Evans * John C. Fanning, m.d *i846 m.d. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1825. Richard Stockton Field, a.m., ll.d. *i870 Attorney General New Jersey 1838- 41; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; Professor Constitu- tional Law and Jurisprudence Prince- ton 1847-55; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1862-63; Judge U. S. Districc Court New Jersey 1863-70; A.M. Princeton 1843; LL.D. Princeton 1859. Robert Smith Finley, a.m. . , .*i86o A.M. Princeton 1828. Andrew Caldwell Gray *i885 Robert Porterfield Augustus Heis- kell *i876 Peter Seton Henry, a.m * A.M. Union 1825 hon. Ephraim Stiles Hopping, A.M.* 185 1 Professor Languages Univ. Georgia (Franklin College); A.M. Princeton 1824. David Jenkins *i8so Thomas L. Jones * 134 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1821-22 William George Krebs, a.m. . . Judge Circuit Court, Maryland 185 63; A.M. Princeton 1824. David Othniel LaRue, a.m... A.M. Princeton 1825. William Bainbridge Maclean, A.M. Princeton 1824. James Nichol Thomas Anderson Ogden, a.m. 3- *i829 a.m. *i829 * *i878 Princeton Seminary 1823-26; Andover Seminary 1826-27; A.M. Princeton 1826. Christopher Stuart Patterson.* 1826 William Ramsey, d.d *i858 Princeton Seminary 1822-24; D.D. Delaware College 1854. John G. Rannells *i823 William Rannells * John Dickinson Read *i83i William S. Ross * William Schley, a.m *i872 A.M. Princeton 1824. William Washington Scudder.*i823 Principal Grammar School Dickinson 1823. Moses Coleman Searle, a.m. . .*i865 Princeton Seminary 1821-24; A.M. Princeton 1834. William Seymour. U. S. Representative from New York 1835-37- George Archibald Smith, a.m..*i889 Princeton Seminary 1821-22; General Theological Seminary N. Y. ; Episcopal Theological Seminary Alexandria, \ a. 1823; A.M. Princeton 1826. Alfred Augustus Sowers, a.m.*i878 Tutor Princeton 1822-25; A.M. Prince- ton 1 824. James Henry Stuart, a.m *i829 Princeton Seminary 1822-24; A.M. Princeton 1826. John W. S. Wager * John William Ward *i859 Princeton Seminary 1822-24. Robert L. Weakley * Henry Parke Custis Wilson..* Elisha T. Young, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1824. 1822 William S. Buchanan * William Bussard * See William S. B. Franklin. John Baker Clemson, d.d. . . .*i89i D.D. Madison 1854. Thomas W. Clymer * William H. Collins * Princeton Seminary 1822-23. Plenry Ford Condict, M.Tt.^post 1875 M.D. George Washington 1830. William W. Deneale * Jacoby De Pui *i868 Philemon Dickinson, a.m *i882 A.M. Princeton 1826. Samuel V. Disborough *i825 Albert Baldwin Dod, a.m., d.d.*i845 Princeton Seminary 1825-26; Tutor Princeton 1S27-29; Clerk of P'aculty Princeton 1828-29; Professor Mathe- matics Princeton 1830-45; A.M. Prince- ton 1828; D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1844; New York Univ. 1845. William S. Bussard Franklin.* Marius Gilliam * Caleb Good, a.m *i853 A.M. Princeton 1833. Christopher Columbus Greenup Samuel Holstein * Thomas M. Little John * William Littlejohn * John R. Livingston, Jr *i87i John Lodor, a.m *i864 Princeton Seminary 1822-23; A.M. Princeton 1825. 1822-23] BACHELORS OF ARTS 135 James McCormick * Edward Deering Mansfield, a.m., LL.D *l88o West Point 181 9; Ptofessor Constitu- tional Law Univ. Cincinnati 1836-37; .\.M. Princeton 1825; LL.D. Marietta 1854. Hr.gii Mearns * John Savage Miercken, a.m. .* A.M. Princeton 1829. Jonathan Neely * Christian Z. Paulison, a.m...*i8si New Brunswick Seminary 1823-26; A.RL Rutgers 1830 lion. James Alfred Pearce, ll.d. . .*i862 Member Maryland Assembly 1831-32; U. S. Representative from Maryland 1835-39; U. S. Senator from Maryland 1843-62; Regent Smithsonian Institu- tion; Professor Law Washington Col- lege, Md.; LL.D. St. Johns 1856, also Princeton 1859. Michael Pue, m.d * M.D. Univ. Maryland 1825. Samuel H, Ralston, a.m., m.d..* A.M. Princeton 1825; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1826. George R. Richardson, a.m. . .*i85i Attorney General Maryland 1845-51; A.M. Princeton 1833. George Richmond, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1825. Manuel Eyre Robinson, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton 1825; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1826. Joseph Scudder *i82S James Sterne Thomson Sharp, A.M., M.D *l882 A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1825. Edward Dunlop Smith, a.m., d.d. *i883 Princeton Seminary 1823-26; Chaplain Univ. X'irginia 1830- ; A.M. Prince- ton 1826; D.D. Princeton 1849. William F. Smith * James William Thomson, a.m., m.d. *i88o a.m. Princeton 1825; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1825. William Augustine Washington, A.M *i830 A.M. Princeton 1829. James Weatherby *i855 William Henry Woodhull, a.m. *i835 Princeton Seminary 1822-24; A.M. Princeton 1825. 1823 William Richardson Abbott, a.m. *iS5i A.M. Princeton 1826. Abram Franklin Alexander, m.d. * Amzi Armstrong, Jr., a.m.. . .*i845 Member New Jersey Senate 1838-40; A.M. Princeton 1827. John T. Baldwin, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1885. Edward M. Beckett, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1826. Edward G. Bourke * George Clymer, m.d *i88i Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1829; Sur- geon U. S. N. 1838-66; Retired List U. S. N. 1866; Medical Director Re- tired List U. S. N. 1871; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1828. Charles Condit, m.d *i83i William Crawford, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1828. Nathaniel Cross, a.m *i866 Tutor Univ. Nashville 1824-26; Pro- fessor Languages Univ. Nashville 1826- 31, 1838- ; A.M. Princeton 1827. Isaac S. Demund, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1832. John Dorrance, a.m., d.d *i86i Princeton Seminary 1823-26; A.M. Princeton 1833; D.D. Princeton 1859. James Ewing, Jr., a.m *i869 A.M. Princeton 1826. 136 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1823-24 Robert Hall, a.m *i83i Princeton Seminary 1823-24; A.M. Princeton 1829. Charles W. Harris *i857 George Houston *i88o John Peter Jackson, a.m *iS6i Member New Jersey Assembly 1831- 33; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1832-33; Clerk Essex Co., N. J. 1839- 49; A.M. Princeton 1826. James Latimer, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1826. John Gibson AlcCall, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1826. Henry Mcllvaine, a.m *i85i A.M. Princeton 1826. John Patterson Bryant Maxwell, A.M *i845 U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1837-39; Trustee Princeton 1842-45; A.M. Princeton 1826. William Neil, a.m *i88i Princeton Seminary 1823-26; A.M. Princeton 1826. Joseph Meeker Ogden, a.m., d.d. *i884 Princeton Seminary 1823-26; A.M. Princeton 1826; D.D. Princeton i860. Jabez Pierson Pennington, a.m. *i888 A.m. Princeton 1826. George Pierson, a.m ''' a.m. Princeton 1828. Henry S. Richards, a.m *i846 a.m. Princeton 1827. Ephraim Mikell Seabrook, . . .* John Slosson, a.m *i872 Jtidge Supreme Court, New York; A.M. Princeton 1832. Augustine J. Smith. — * Joseph W. Smith '^'^ Henry Stout, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1826. Benjamin Harris Stratton, a.m., M.D *i875 a.m. Princeton 1827; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1827. John A. Thomson, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1827. William Clay Wallace *i898 Daniel Weisel, ll.d *i88o Judge Supreme Court Maryland 1847- 67; LL.D. Princeton 1869. Nicholas Arrovvsmith Wilson, a.m. *i83i Princeton Seminary 1823-26; A.^L Princeton 1826. Charles Woodward, m.d *i874 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1826. 1824 James Adams, a.m *i857 Auburn Seminary 1824-27; A.^L Princeton 1827. William Cowper Alexander, a.m., LL.D *i874 Member New Jersey Senate 1851-56; President New Jersey Senate 1853-56; President Peace Congress 1861; A.M. Princeton 1827; LL.D. Lafayette i860. William Ashley, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1833. George Washington Baker. . .*i826 Gilbert Bogart, a.m *i867 A.M. Princeton 1827. James Lawrence Boggs *i828 Bowes Reid Brown, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1827. Robert Bond Campfield, a.m. .*i886 Auburn Seminary 1824-28; .A.M. Princeton 1827. Johnson Clarke * 1825 Silas Lewis Condict, a.m., m.d.* 1864 A.M. Princeton 1828; ^LD. George Washington 1828. David Crawford, a.m *iSs6 Attorney General Alabama; A.M. I'rinceton 1828. 1824] BACHELORS OF ARTS 137 Robert Ralston Dorsey, a.m., m.d. *i869 A.Ar. Princeton 1827; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1829. Charles Green English, a.m., m.d. *i834 A.M. Princeton 1827; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1828. Francis Armstrong Ewing, a.m., ., M.D *l857 A.M. Princeton 1827; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1828. James L. Exum * Charles Beatty Green, Jr., a.m.*i834 A.M. Princeton 1827. David Moffat Halliday, m.d., d.d. *i884 Princeton Seminary 1835-37; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1876-82; D.D. Princeton 1859; M.D. Robert W. Halstead *i83o Henry Kollock Hamilton, a.m.* a.m. Princeton 1827. Charles Harris * Joseph MilBor Higbee *i842 Robert Armstrong Hunt, a.m., m.d. *i855 a.m. Princeton 1827; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1828. Lewis Boudinot Hunter, a.m., m.d. *i887 Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1828-37; Surgeon U. S. N. 1837-66; Retired List U. S. N. 1866; Medical Director Retired List U. S. N. 1871; A.M. Princeton 1829; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1828. Stephen J. Jackson, a.m *i874 A.M. Princeton 1827. William Joline, a.m *i8So A.AL Princeton 1828. Clement Frederick Jones, d.d.*i877 General Theological Seminary N. Y. 1824-26; D.D. 1844. Henry Helmuth Krebs, a.m..*i847 A.M. Princeton 1827. Cyrus McCormick, m.d *i86i M.D. Univ. Penna. 1827. George Macintosh Maclean, a.m., M.D., Ph.D *i886 Professor C'lemistry and Natural His- tory South Hanover College Ind. 1848- 49; Professor Chemistry Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surpery 18 - =;7; A.M. Princeton 1827; M.D. Colum- bia (Coll. P. & S.) 1829; Ph.D. Prince- ton :868 hon. Joseph S. McNeil * George Plum Molleson. a.m. .*i844 Attorney General New Jersey 1841-44; A.M. Princeton 1828. John Pearson * Judge Circuit Court Illinois 1837-40. Jesse B. Pitt, a.m ^^"1833 A.M. Princeton 1827. John C. Porter *i830 General Theological Seminary N. Y. 1825-28. William A. Richards, a.m *i835 A.M. Princeton 1830. Richard Williamson Ringgold, a.m. *i873 President Washington College Md. 1832-53; A.M. Princeton 1833. Theodore Shute * John Small * Israel T. Smith, a.m., m.d....* A.M. Princeton 1828; M D. Univ. Penna. 1828. Levi Bull Smith, a.m *i88o A.M. Princeton 1828. John Neilson Taylor, a.m *i878 A.M. Princeton 1828. Alexander Hamilton Thomson, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1827. Cornelius Van Vorst Traphagen. a.m *iS8i A.M. Princeton 1863. Peter Strykcr Williamson, a.m. *i88o New Brunswick Seminary 1831-34; A.AL Princeton 1832. James R. Wilson, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1827. 138 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1824-25 Robert James Woodruff, a.m., m.d. *i890 A.M. Princeton 1828; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1829. Richard Yates, a.m *i855 A.M. Princeton 1832. 1825 William Picclees Alrich, a.m., d.d. *i869 Princeton Seminary 1825-28; Professor Mathematics, Mechanics and Astronomy Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1830-60; A.M. Princeton 1828; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1852. William Alston * William Chapman Baker, a.m.*i9oi A.M. Princeton 1831. John Beirne * John Harrison Blackwell, a.m., m.d. *i87i a.m. Princeton 1828; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1829. Robert Buckner Boiling *i88i Abraham Rezeau Brown, a.m.* 1833 Tutor Princeton 1828-30; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1829-30; A.M. Princeton 1828. Charles Campbell *i876 Samuel Chew, a.m., m.d *i863 Professor Materia Medica Univ. Mary- land 1841-52: Professor Theory and Practice Medicine and Clinics Univ. Maryland 1852-63; A.M. Princeton 1828; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1829. Frederick Frelinghuysen Cornell, A.M "^ A.M. Princeton 1834. Richard E. Darrah, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1829. James J. W. Davies * William Lewis Dayton, LL.D..1864 Member New Jersey Senate 1836-37; Judiie Supreme Court New Jersey 1838-41; U. S. Senator from New Jer- sey 1842-51; Attorney General New Jersey 1857-61; U. S. Minister Pleni- potentiary to France 1861-64; Regent Smithsonian Institution 1861-64; LL.D Princeton 1857. Thomas Ducket * William B. Duval * Gibbs L. Elliott, a.m., m.d...*i86o A.M. Princeton 1829; M.D. William Yates Gholson *i87o Chief Justice Supreme Court Cincin- nati, O. Peter Johnson Gulick *i877 Princeton Seminary 1825-27. Abraham Hagaman, a.m *i885 Princeton Seminary 1827-29; A.M. Princeton 1828. James Columbus Harris * Degree conferred 1827. Joseph Muhlenberg Hiester, a.m., M.D *i88i a.m. Princeton 1828; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1829. Charles Worthington Johnson, m.d, ♦183 1 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1828. John H. Lee * Degree conferred 1827. Joseph McCord, a.m *i854 A.M. Princeton 1833. Isaac A. Morrison * Whitefield Nichols, a.m., m.d.*i852 A.M. Princeton 1829; M.D. Rutgers Medical 1829. Samuel Hayes Pennington, a.m., M.D., LL.D *I900 Trustee Princeton Seminary 1856-97; President Trustees Princeton Seminary 1877-97; Trustee Princeton 1857-1900; Member Board of Education Newark, X. J. 1845-62; President Board of Ed- ucation Newark, N. J. 1855-62; A.M. Princeton 1828; M.D. Rutgers Medical 1829; LL.D. Princeton 1891. James Dinsmore Pickands. . .*i876 Princeton Seminary 1825-28. John B. Presslcy * Alexander Robertson Rodgers, a.m. *i885 A.M. Princeton 1828. Thomas Ross *i865 U. S. Represenl;alive from Penna. 1849-53- 1825-26] BACHELORS OF ARTS 139 William Johnson Ross, a.m. .*i883 A.M. Princeton 1830. Walter Alinto Skelton * John Vaughan Smith, a.m., m.d. =1=1848 Assist. Surgeon U. S. N. 1829; Sur- geon U. S. N. 183S-48; A.M. Prince- ton 1828; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1829. George Plater Tayloe *i897 David H. Thompson, a.m *i888 Surrogate Sussex Co., N. J. 1838-43; A.jM. Princeton 1829. Thomas M. Wadsworth, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1832. William Walsh, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1832. Daniel McCalla Witherspoon, a.m. *i855 A.M. Princeton 1828. William Nelson Wood, a.m. .*i865 Tudge Court of Errors and Appeals New Jersey; Member New Jersey Con- stitutional Convention 1844; A.M. Princeton 1828. Abraham Oothout Zabriskie, a.m., LL.D *i873 Surrogate Bergen Co., N. J. 1838-48; Prosecutor Pleas Bergen Co., N. J. 1842- ; Member A'ew Jersey Senate 1850-53; Chancellor New Jersey 1866- 73; Trustee Rutgers 1863-66; Presi- dent New Jersey Constitutional Com- mission 1873; A.M. Princeton 1828; LL.D. Rutgers i860, also Princeton 1862. 1826 Joseph Addison Alexander, a.m., D.D *i86o Adjunct Professor Ancient Languages and Literature Princeton 1830-33; In- structor Oriental and Biblical Litera- ture Princeton Seminary 1833-35; As- sociate Professor Oriental and Biblical Literature Princeton Seminary 1835- 40; Professor Oriental and Biblical Lit- erature Princeton Seminary 1840-51; Professor Biblical and Ecclesiastical History Princeton Seminary 1851-59; Professor Hellenistic and New Testa- ment Literature Princeton Seminary 1859-60; .■X.M. Princeton 1829; D.D. Franklin and Marshall (M.) 1845, also Rutgers 18—; M.A.P.S. Richard Dennis Arnold, a.m., m.d. *i876 Mayor Savannah, Ga. 1865; Professor Medical Practice Savannah Medical Col- lege; A.M. Princeton 1829; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1830. William Bainbridge, a.m *iS3i A.M. Princeton 1829. Daniel Barkalow *i866 William Baylor, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1829. George Washington Boiling. .* 1875 David Comfort, Jr., a.m * Tutor Hampden Sidney; Director Princeton Seminary 1863-65; A.M. Princeton 1S29. Joseph D. Condit, a.m ^1847 A.M. Princeton 1830. Henry Conkling ^1845 Ezra Fairchild Dayton *i839 Princeton Seminary 1830-31. Hamilton Claverhouse Graham *iS6o Frederick Augustus ]\'luhlenburg Hiester ^1869 Thomas D. James, a.m A.M. Princeton 1829. Joseph Kent *i838 Peter McCall, a.m *i88o Trustee Univ. Penna. 1861-80; Pro- fessor Pleading and Practice Univ. Penna. 1852-60; Mayor Philadelphia 1844-45; A.M. Princeton 1829; M.A.P.S. Isaac Jenkins Mikell * William Barclay Napton, A.i\r., LL.B., LL.D *i883 Judge Supreme Court Missouri 1839- 57; A.M. Princeton 1829; LL.B. Univ. N'irginia 1830; LL.D. Univ. Jilissouri 1858. James ]\Iacon Nicholson * John Jacob Ridgway, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1835. James R. Talmage, a.m., d.d.*i879 New Brunswick Seminary 1826-29; I40 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1826-27 A.M. Princeton 1839; D.D. Rutgers 1864. James Brainerd Taylor *i829 Yale Divinity School; Union Seminary, Va. George Henry Thompson. . . .* Martyn Tupper, a.m *i872 A.M. Princeton 183 1. Robert Van Arsdale, a.m *i873 A.M. Princeton 1829. Churchill Houston Van Cleve, a.m. *i873 A.M. Princeton 1829. Augustus Lockman Warner, a.m., M.D *i847 Professor Anatomy Univ. \'a. 1834- 37; Professor Anatomy Richmond Med- ical College; A.M. Princeton 1829; M.D. James Henry Watkins *i8s3 William S. Williams * Charles Yates * 1827 Baynham Baylor, a.m., m.d..*i854 A. INI. Princeton 1831; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1832. Edward M. Biddle, a.m *i889 Adjutant General Penna. 1861; A.M. Princeton 1830. David Nevius Bogart, a.m. . . .*i844 A.M. Princeton 1830. Edward P. Calkin *i838 Joseph C. Clarke * Joshua Wright Comley * Jonathan Bailey Condit, a.m., d.d. *i876 Princeton Seminary 1828-29; Tutor Princeton 1829-30; Professor Rhetoric Amherst 1835-38; Professor Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology Lane Seminary 18511-55; Professor Rhetoric Auburn Seminary 1855-74; Moderator General Assembly (N. S.) 1861; A.M. Princeton 1830; D.D. Princeton 1847. John Z. Davenport, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1830. Tobias Epstein *i828 Princeton Seminary 1827-28. William S. Faitoute, a.m *i87o A.M. Princeton 1832. John E. C. Finley * Ellis Barron Freeman, a.m., m.d. *i878 A.M. Princeton 1830; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1831. Ezra S. Gildersleeve, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1830. Thomas Henderson Green, a.m., M.D * A.M. Princeton 1830; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1830. John Van Dyke Joline, a.m., m.d. *i887 a.m. Princeton, 1830; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1831. William Lippincott *i894 William King McDonald. a.m.*i87i Professor Rhetoric ^^'ashinEton & Jef- ferson (W.) 1S33-37; Comptroller New Jersey 1865-71; A.M. Princeton 1834. Jacob Duche Mitchell, a.m., d.d. *i877 Princeton Seminary 1827-29; A.M. Princeton 1832; D.D. Delaware Col- lege 1858. Augustus Oliver Barnet Ogden, A.M *i833 Princeton Seminary 1828-30; A.M. Princeton 1830. George Seckel Pepper * David John Rogers, a.m., m.d.* A.M. Princeton 1830; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1830. James Speer, a.m, Judge Court of Errors and Appeals New Jersey; A.M. Princeton 1830. Joseph Nathaniel Tuttle, a.m.*i886 Member New Jersey Assembly 1836- 3T, A.M. Princeton 1830. Garabrant Van Riper *i828 New Brunswick Seminary 1827-28. Gerard B. Wager * 1827-29] BACHELORS OF ARTS 141 James Clenison Watson, a.m., d.d. *i88o Princeton Seminary 1827-29; A.M. Princeton 1830; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1847. Benjamin Williamson, a.m., ll.d. *i892 Prosecutor Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 1848-52; Chancellor New Jersey 1852- 60; A.M. Princeton 1832; LL.D. Princeton 1857. William Yates, a.m., m.d * A.M. Princeton 1831; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1831. 1828 John G. Andrews *i83i Samuel Reading Bertron, a.m.*i878 Princeton Seminary 182S-30; Presi- dent Chamberlain Hunt Academy Miss.; A.M. Princeton 1834. Amos Botsford *i879 Edward B. Brien George Houston Brown, a.m.*i865 Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; Member New Jersey Senate 1845-46; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1851-53; Judge Su- preme Court New Jersey 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1S31. Richard B. Carmichael, a.m..*i884 U. S. Representative from Maryland 1833-35; Presiding Judge County Court Queen Anne Co., Md.; Judge Circuit Court Maryland 1861-65; A.M. Prince- ton 1836. Nathan Woodhull Condict, a.m., M.D * A.M. Princeton 1832; M.D. Richard F. Cooke, m.d * M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1833. William Scudder Cooley, a.m.*i882 Tutor Princeton 1836-41; A.M. Prince- ton 1 83 1. John Strawbridge Corbin. . . .* William Lygon Corbin * Josiah F. Finley * George C. Forsyth, a.m. .,.,..* A.M. Princeton 1831. Thomas Richard Girault. a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1831. Theodore M. Hart, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1831. Samuel Hubbell * Silas Condit Lindsly *i866 Princeton Seminary 1828-29. Samuel Higgins McDonald, a.m. *i895 Tutor Princeton 1832-33; Princeton Seminary 1831-34; A.M. Princeton 1831. Daniel D. Southard, a.m *i85o A.M. Princeton 1831. Charles Champe Taliaferro, a.m. *i843 Princeton Seminary 1828-29; A.M. Princeton 1839. John Oswald Thompson, a.m.*i866 Presiding Judge ist District Penna. 1851- ; A.M. Princeton 1831; M.A.P.S. Henry P. Welling, a.m., m.d.*i887 A.M. Princeton 1832; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1832. Samuel Blain Owen Wilson. .* Professor Ancient Languages David- son 1841-53. Alfred Alexander Woodhull, a.m., M.D .*i836 A.M. Princeton 1831; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1831. John Neelson Woodhull, a.m., m.d. *i867 a.m. Princeton 1831; M.D. Univ. PenuEu 1832. 1829 Amzi A. Beach, a.m * A.]\L Princeton 1834. William Boulware, a.m *i87o Tutor George Washington 1829-32; Professor Languages George Washing- ton 1832-33; a.m. Princeton 1833. Robert Charles Gardener Burdette, a.m *i862 A.m. Princeton 1842. 142 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1829-30 Randolph Campbell, a.m *i886 Princeton Seminary 1832-34; A.M. Princeton 1833. Silas Dickersoii Canficld *i86i Richard Ross Crawford, a.m.*i888 Mayor Georgetown, D. C. i8s7~59; A.M. Princeton 1834. Festus Hanks, a.m *i849 Princeton Seminary 1829-30; Tutor Princeton 1830-32; Clerk Faculty Princeton 1831-32; A.M. Princeton 1832. Richard C. Holliday, a.m. . . .*i885 Secretary of State Maryland 1848-49; A.M. Princeton 1836. Aaron Kitchell, Jr., a.m *i864 Princeton Seminary 1829-31; A.M. Princeton 1832. George William Leyburn, a.m.* 1875 Princeton Seminary 1831-32; Tutor Princeton 1831-32; Union Seminary Va. 1833-35; A.M. Princeton 1832. Peter Lott, a.m *i862 Judge District Court III.; A.M. Prince- ton 1832. Archibald Maclean, a.m *i894 A.M. Princeton 1832. Henry Neill Martin, a.m., m.d.*i844 A.M. Princeton 1832; M.D. Jonathan Dickinson Miller, a.m., M.D *i89i Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1836-47; Surgeon U. S. N. 1847-71; Medical Director U. S. N. 1871; Retired List U. S. N. 1872; A.M. Princeton 1832; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1835. William James Nevius, a.m..*i894 A.iM. Princeton 1832. Lewis F. Nicoll, a.m., m.d.. . .* A.M. Princeton 1832; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1833. William Pepper, m.d *i864 Professor Theory and Practice Medi- cine Univ. Pcnna. ; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1832; M.A.P.S. James Newell Reading, a.m. .* 1884 Prosecuting Attorney Hunterdon Co., N. J. 1833-50; Member Illinois Assem- bly 1856-58; Judge Grundy Co., 111. 1865-72; A.M. Princeton 1832. Stokes L. Roberts, a.m *i882 Judge Circuit Court Penna.; A. M. Princeton 1833. Benjamin Rush, a.m ^iSj; Charge d',\ffaires U. S. Legation Great Britain 1837-41; A.M. Princeton 1832. Robert Skinner * Jonathan Bayard H. Smith. . .* Samuel S. Smith * Sidney P. Swayze *i83i Albert Williams, a.m *i893 Princeton Seminary 1830-33; A.M. Princeton 1832. James Wyckoff *i838 Princeton Seminary 1829-31. 1830 William Houston Brown *i856 Samuel W. Budd, Jr., a.m. .* 1846 Professor Mathematics, Natural Philoso- phy, Chemistry, and Mineralogy Frank- lin & Marshall (M.) 1836-3S; Pro- fessor Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy Franklin & Marshall (M.) 1838-46; A.M. Princeton 1833. Charles R. Day *i87o James Cooke Edwards, a.m. .*i88o Princeton Seminary 1830-33; Tutor Princeton 1832-33; A.M. Princeton 1833- De Pui Field, a.m *i835 A.M. Princeton 1S33. Charles Nicholas Hagner, a.m.* 1849 2nd Lieutenant U. S. Topographical Engineers 1838-47; ist Lieutenant 1847-49; A.M. Princeton 1834. John Seely Hart, a.m., ll.d.*i877 Tutor Princeton 1832-34; Princeton Seminary 1831-34; Adjunct Professor Ancient Languages Princeton 1834-36; Lecturer English Language Princeton 1S64-70; Professor Belles Lettres Eng- lish Language and Literature Princeton 1872-74; A.M. Princeton 1833; LL.D. Miami 1848; JNI.A.P.S. James INIacDougall, a.m *i888 A.M. Princeton 1837. John PlottS, A.M *l839 Princeton Seminary 1831-32; A.M. Princeton 1833. 1830-31] BACHELORS OF ARTS 143 Martin John Ryerson, a.m...*i8s4 A.M. Princeton 1839. John Bcatty Scudder, a.M *i876 A.M. Princeton 1834. John H. Sloan, m.d * Wilham B. Sloan, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1833. Harris Lindsay Sproat *i872 James Stratton, a.m *i884 Princeton Seminary 1831-34; A.M. Princeton 1833. Evert Marsh Topping, a.m. .* 1865 Tutor Princeton 1835-39; Adjunct Pro- fessor Ancient Languages Princeton 1839-46; A.M. Princeton 1835. Thomas E. Van Bibber, a.m . , * a.m. Princeton 1833. James S. Vanderveer * William Ward * Hugh Nesbitt Wilson, a.m., d.d. *i878 Princeton Seminary 1831-34; Tutor Princeton 1833-35; Director Princeton Seminary 1851-58; A.M. Princeton 1833; D.D. Univ. Vermont 1852. 183I Horatio John Bardvvell *i853 Samuel Hardenbrook Black,.* 1847 Archibald Alexander Caruthers * Lewis Condict, a.m *i838 a.m. Princeton 1834. John Howell Condit, a.m....* 1869 Princeton Seminary 1832-35; A.M. Princeton 1834. Benjamin Cory, a.m *i8S8 Princeton Seminary 1831-34; A.M. Princeton 1834. Joseph Cory, a.m *i892 Princeton Seminary 1831-34; A.M. Princeton 1834. Andrew Boyd Cross *i889 Princeton Seminary 1830-33; Trustee Lincoln 1866-89. William Henry Drake, a.m. . .* A.M. Princeton 1834. Cornelius Henry Edgar, a.m., d.d. *i884 a.m. Princeton 1834, also New York Univ. 1838 hon.; D.D. New York Univ. 1863. Jared Leigh Elliott, a.m., d.d.*i88i Auburn Seminary 1831-33; Princeton Seminary 1833-34; Chaplain U. S. N. 1838-42; Chaplain U. S. A. 1844-49, 1863-81; Acting Master U. S. N. 1861; A.M. Princeton 1834; D.D. 1877. Samuel Galloway, a.m *i89i Princeton Seminary 1831-33; Professor Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy Lafayette 1834-35; A.M. Princeton 1834. Charles Gustavus Green ^1847 Symmes Henry Gulick *i83i William Bryan Hart, a.m....* a.m. Princeton 1834. Thomas Robins Hollyday, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1836. John Pringle Jones, ll.d. . . .*i874 Deputy Attorney General Berks Co., Pa. 1839-47; Presiding Judge District Court Penna. 1847- ; LL.D. Franklin & Marshall i860. William Wilson Latta *i883 Princeton Seminary 1832-35. Edward M. Miller *i832 James Gardner Nuttman, a.m.* 1869 A.M. Princeton 1834. Jonathan Dickinson Phillips, a.m. *iS7i A.M. Princeton 1834. Elihu Pierson *i83i James Pollock, a.m., ll.d. . . .*iS9o U. S. District Attorney Northumber- land Co., Pa. 1835-38; U. S. Repre- sentative from Penna. 1844-49; Judge Court Common Pleas Penria.; Gov- ernor Penna. 1855-58; Delegate to Peace Conference 1861; Director U. S. Mint Phila. 1861-66, 1869- ; Presid- ing Judge 8th District Penna. 1850- ; Trustee Lafayette 1855-76; A.M. Princeton 1835; LL.D. Princeton 1855, also Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1857. James Murray Rush *i86o 144 BACHELORS OP ARTS [1831-33 George Washington Schenck, a.m. *i849 Princeton Seminary 1834-37; Tutor Univ. Georgia 1838; A.M. Princeton 1834, also Yale 1847 hon., also Wil- liams 1847 hon. Samuel E. Scudder * Charles Skinner, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1835. George Washington Smyth, a.m. *i88o U. S. Representative from Texas 1853- 55 ; A.M. Princeton 1834. William Townley, a.m *i872 Princeton Seminary 1831-33; A.M. Princeton 1840. Charles Tucker * Luther Halsey Van Doren. . .*i876 James Hamilton White, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1834; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1833. John Henry Woodhull, a.m..*i84o A.M. Princeton 1835. 1832 George Dod Armstrong, d.d., ll.d. *i899 Union Seminary Va. 1836-38; Professor Chemistry and Mechanics Washington & Lee 1838-51; Trustee Hampden Sid- ney; d.d. William & Mary 1854; LL.D. Washington & Lee 1886. Noah Matthews Babbit *i83-^ Nathan G. Bryson, Jr., a.m . . * A.M. Princeton 1835. George Burrowes, a.m., d.d..*i894 Princeton Seminary 1832-35; Tutor Princeton 1834-35; Professor Latin and Greek Lafayette 1850-55; Founder and President Univ. California 1859- 65; Professor Hebrew and Greek San Francisco Seminary 1871-90; Emeritus 1890-94; A.M. Princeton 1835; D.D. Washington & Jeiftrson (W.) 1853. Henry John Doremus, a.m..*i889 A.M. Princeton 1835. William Elmer, a.m., M.d....*i889 Vice President American Medical As- sociation; \'ice President American Academy Medicine: A.M. Princeton 1835; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1836. Charles Henry Fisher, a.m..*i862 A.M. Princeton 1835. John Forsyth, Jr *i879 U. S. District Attorney Alabama; U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico 1856-58. John Alfred Gray, a.m., m.d. .*i872 A.M. Princeton 1835; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1836. Charles Beatty Green Guild.* 1834 James Curtis Hepburn, a.m., m.d., LL.D Decorated by Emperor of Japan Third Class of Order of the Rising^ Sun 1903; Member American Oriental Society, also Japan Society of London, also Royal Asiatic Society, also Asiatic Society of Japan; A.M. Princeton 1835; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1S36; LL.D. Lafayette 1872, also Princeton 1905. Aaron Anderson Hutchinson.* Member Connecticut Assembly 1850. Henry David jMandeville, Jr.* 1872 George Washington Nevitt..* Ernst H. Ogden, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1835. Thomas Haskins Richards..,* Elias Samuel Schenck =1=1898 Princeton Seminary 1834-37; Vice Pres- ident Lindenwood 1859-63; President Des Peres 1863-64; Captain U. S. Vols. 1864-65. Samuel Spencer, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1835. John Steward, a.m a.m. Princeton 1835. * John Stryker *iS36 Joseph Marsh Taylor *i833 George Washington Turner, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1835. 1833 Philemon Morns Baker, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1837. John Macgowan Barclay. . . .*i887 Charles H. Beale *i855 i833] BACHELORS OF ARTS 145 Joseph Combs, a.m *i876 Judge Court of Errors and Appeals New Jersey; A.M. Princeton 1837. John Riggs Crane, a.m *i872 A.M. Princeton 1836. Adam Stephen Dandridge. . .*i894 Charles Squire Dod, a.m....*i872 Professor Mathematics and Modern Languages Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1837-39; Professor Latin & Modern Language Washington & Lee 1867-68; President West Tennessee College; A.M. Princeton 1836. WilHam Dod, a.m *i883 Professor Languages and Mathematics Delaware 1841-71; Professor Mathe- matics Central 1836-46; A.M. Prince- ton 1836. James A. Edgar, a.m *i869 A.M. Princeton 1836. Edward Ingleton Grant, a.m., m.d. *i872 A.M. Princeton 1836; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1837. David Johnson Halsted, a.m. .*i838 A.M. Princeton 1836. Alexander Chambers Hart, a.m., M.D *i884 A.m. Princeton 1836; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1836. John G. Howell, a.m *i856 Princeton Seminary 1835-38; A.M. Princeton 1836. Paul Townsend Jones, a.m...* A.M. Princeton 1847. David S. Kaufman, a.m *i85i Member Texas Assembly 1839-43; Speaker Texas Assembly; Member Texas Senate 1843-45; Charge d'Af- faires of Texas to U. S. 1845; U. S. Representative from Texas 1845-51; A.M. Princeton 1836. Edward N. Kellogg, a.m *i869 A.M. Princeton 1836. John Leyburn, a.m., d.d ^1893 Trustee Hampden Sidney; Trustee Princeton 1875-86; A.^L Princeton 1836; D.D. Hampden Sidney 1849; M.A.P.S. Isaac Newton Lightner, a.m.*i889 A.M. Princeton 1836. William McCullough, a.m...* 1876 A.M. Princeton 1837. Barlow Mason *i86i Richard Mason * Samuel Miller, Jr., a.m., d.d.*i883 Tutor Princeton 1835-36; Princeton Seminary 1841-44; Director Princeton Seminary i869-o Trustee College Physicians & Surgeons N Y. 1868-80 ; A.M. Princeton 1843; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1844. James Alexander Darrah, a.m.* 1883 A.M. Princeton 1843. Jonathan^Edwards, a.m *i882 a.m. Princeton 1844. Samuel Reese Frierson *i88o Robert P. Gibson, a.m., m.d. .^iSqo a.m. Princeton 1854; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1855. George Washington Graham. .* Edward McDonald Green way.* 1895 Trustee Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md. 1857-82. Charles John Morris Gwinn, a.m. *i894 Member Maryland .Vssembly 1849-50; Member Maryland Constitutional Con- vention 1850; Attorney General Mary- land 1875-83; A.M. Princeton 1843. John Jacob Halsted, a.m.,..* 1905 A.M. Princeton 1843. William Augu.stus Harris, m.d. *i88i M.D. Univ. Penna, 1843, James Hayes, m.d *i9oi Alexander Henry *i883 Mayor Philadelphia, Pa. 1858-66. Horace Hopkins, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1850. Samuel Newell Howell, a.m.* 1888 Princeton Seminary 1840-44; A.M. Princeton 1843. Isaac George Hubbs, a.m. . . .*i873 Union Seminary, N. Y. 1840-41; A.M. New York Univ. 1847 hon, John Janvier, a.m *i878 Princeton Seminary 1841-43; A.M, Princeton 1843. William J. Johnson, m.d J. Armstrong Jones, a.m Thomas Lawrens Jones, a.m., ll.b. *i887 Member Kentucky Assembly 1853-54; U. S. Representative from Kentucky 1867-71, 1875-77; A.M. Princeton 1848; LL.B. Harvard 1847. Isaac High Keim, a.m., ll.b.* 1880 A.M. Princeton 1844; LL.B. Harvard 1843- Augustus C. Kellogg *i89S Jeremiah De Klyn Lalor *i845 Wihiam H. Lemoine *i892 William Alexander Little, a,m.*i898 A.M. Princeton 1843. James Howard McHenry * Henry Ogden McKee * Anastasius Menaeos, a,m, . . ,*i886 A.M. Princeton 1843. 1840] BACHELORS OF ARTS 159 Constantine J. Menaeos, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1843. James Cake Mitchell, d.d. . . .*i892 Princeton Seminary 1840-42; D.D. John Augustine Monroe, a.m., ll.b. * A.M. Princeton 1843; LL.B. Harvard 1843. James C. Norris, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1844. Luke K. CEconomos * Henry Duplessis Ogden, a.m.*i897 Member Louisiana Senate; Judge Dis- trict Court Louisiana 1859- ; A.M. Princeton 1843. William R. Olden * Edward Thomas Parker. .. .*i88i Sheriff New Orleans, La. 1859- . Jehu Patterson, a.m *i858 Clerk Monmouth Co., N. J. 1855- ; A.M. Princeton 1845. David Harrison Pierson, a.m.,ph.d. *i889 Princeton Seminary 1842-44; A.M. Princeton 1843; Ph.D. Princeton 1867 hon. John Shaw Pierson, a.m *i9o8 A.M. Princeton 1854. Samuel L. Pitcher *i844 Union Seminary N. Y. 1840-43. Fitz-Henry Ripley *i88o William Pinkney Rodgers, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1843. Thomas Harvey Rodman, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1847. George M. Ryerson *i9oo Thomas Ryerson, a.m., m.d. .*i887 A.M. Princeton 1843; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1844. Paul Tucker Sayre *i887 John Stillwell Schanck, a.m.. m.d., LL.D *i8c)8 Curator Zoological Museum and Lecturer Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology, Princeton 1847-57; Professor Chemistry Princeton 1857-69; Professor Chemistry and Natural History Princeton 1869-74; Professor Chemistry Princeton 1874- 8s; Professor Chemistry and Hygiene Princeton 1885-92; Professor Emeritus 1892-98; A.M. Princeton 1843; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1843; LL.D. Lafayette 1866. Ellis B. Schnabel, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1843. Peter D. Schory *i903 Union Seminary 1840—41; Andover Seminary 1841-43. Charles Scribner, a.m *i87i A.M. Princeton 1847. William Scribner, a.m *i884 Princeton Seminary 1840-43; A.M. Princeton 1847. Fayette B. Spragins Degree conferred 1841. Thomas Mel Spragins, ll.b. . Degree conferred 1841; LL.B. Harvard 1843. Charles Frederick Stansbury, a.m. *i882 A.M. Princeton 1847. Benjamin Sterling *i8gg John Whelen Sterling, a.m., Ph.d., LL.D *i88s Princeton Seminary 1841-44; Tutor Princeton 1843-44; Clerk Faculty Princeton 1844-45; Professor Mathe- matics Carroll College Wis. 1846-47; Professor Natural Philosophy and As- tronomy Univ. Wisconsin 184S-74; Professor Mathematics Univ. Wisconsin 1874-84; Dean Faculty Univ. Wiscon- sin 1S60-65; Vice Chancellor Univ. Wisconsin 1865-69; Vice President Univ. Wisconsin 1870-84; A.M. Prince- ton 1843; Ph.D. Princeton 1866 hon.; LL.D. Lawrence Univ. Wis. 1866. James Strawbridge Franklin Taylor, a.m A.M. Princeton 1843. Nathaniel G. Taylor *i887 U. S. Representative from Tennessee 1854-55, 1865-67; U. S. Commissioner Indian Affairs 1867-69. Thomas Torksey Tillett, m.d. M.D. Univ. Maryland 1842. James L. Trask * i6o BACHELORS OF ARTS [1840-41 Peter Rulison Vanatta, a.m..*i885 Princeton Seminary 1840-43; A.M. Princeton 1843. Daniel Wagener *i882 Cyrus Freeman Ward, a.m., m.d. *i844 A.M. Princeton 1844; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1844. Perry Snowden Warfield *i853 William M. Watt Charles R. Webster, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1844. Fenwick Taylor R. Williams, a.m. *i888 Princeton Seminary 1840-43; A.M. Princeton 1843. Joseph W. Wool folk * 1841 Joseph Mayo Atkinson, a.m., d.d. *i89i Princeton Seminary 1841-43; Trustee Union Seminary, Va. i865- ; A.M. I'rinceton 1844; D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1880. Caleb Cook Baldwin, Jr., a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1844-47; A.M. Princeton 1844; D.D. Princeton 1871. John Craig Biddle, a.m., ll.d. Member Penna. Assembly 1849-50; Private in Gray Reserves Maryland 1863; Major U. S. A. on General Pat- terson's Staff 1 861; President Judge Court Common Pleas Philadelj'hia Co., Pa. 1875 — ; Prothonotary Philadelphia Co., Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1844; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson 1875, also Princeton 1891, also Univ. Penna. 1907; M.A.P.S. Francis Preston Blair, Jr. . . .*i875 Private U. S. Vols. Col. Doniphan's Regiment Mexican War; Member Mis- souri Assembly 1852-55, 1870; U. S. Representative from Missouri 1857-63; Colonel ist Missouri Infantry 1861; Colonel ist Missouri Light Horse Artil- lery 1861; Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1862; Major General LI. S. Vols. 1862; Resigned 1865; U. S. Senator from Missouri 1871-73; .State Insur- ance Commissioner Missouri. Edward H. Bowen, a.m *i848 Degree conferred 1842; A.M. Princeton 1847. Jonathan Townley Brown. . .*i844 Princeton Seminary 1841. James Hervey Bruere, a.m. . .*i894 Member New Jersey Assembly 1864; A.M. Princeton 1844. William Burnet, a.m A.M. Princeton 1844. Zachariah S. Claggett, a.m. . .*i89o Member Maryland Senate 1872-74; A.M. Princeton 1846. Robert Reade Crawford See Robert Reade. Monroe Alonzo J. Cumming.*i847 Theodore Ledyard Cuyler, a.m., D.D., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1843-46; A.M. Princeton 1844; D.D. Princeton 1866; LL.D. Princeton 1897. James Brinckerhoff Dayton, a.m. *i8B6 A.M. Princeton 1844. Richard Chambers De Armond, A.M *i865 A.M. Princeton 1852. Amzi Dodd, a.m., ll.d Member New Jersey Assembly 1863; Vice Chancellor New Jersey 1871-75, 1S81-82; Judge Court Errors & .Ap- peals New Jersey 1872, 1878-82; A.M. Princeton 1844; LL.D. Princeton 1874, also Rutgers 1905. John Thomas Duffield, d.d., ll.d, *i9oi Registrar Princeton 1841-46; Princeton Seminary 1844-48; Tutor Greek Prince- ton 1845-47; Adjunct Professor Mathe- matics Princeton 1847-54; Professor Mathematics Princeton 1854-62; Pro- fessor Mechanics and Mathematics Princeton 1862-73; Professor Mathe- matics Princeton 1873-98; Professor Flmcritus 1898-1901; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1865-82; D.D. Princeton 1873; LL.D. Lake Forest 1890. John P. Dunham, a.m *i85i A.M. Princeton 1846. Nathaniel Evans * John Breckinridge Gibson, a.m., D.D *i896 General Theological Seminary N. Y. 1841-44; Rector Burlington College 1860-66; A.M. Princeton 1844, also i84i] BACHELORS OF ARTS i6i Trinity College, Conn. 1847; D.D. St. Stephens, N. Y. 1873. Frederick S. Giger, a.m., m.d.*i8s9 Professor Surgery Phila. Medical Col- lege 1853-55; A.M. Princeton 1844; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1844. George Musgrave Giger, a.m., d.d. *i86s Princeton Seminary 1841-44; Tutor Princeton 1844-46; Adjunct Professor Mathematics Princeton 1846-47; Ad- junct Professor Greek Princeton 1847- 54; Professor Latin Language and Lit- erature 1854-65; Librarian Princeton 1849-65; Clerk Faculty Princeton 1845- 65; Professor Emeritus and Lecturer Extraordinary Architecture Princeton 1865; A.M. Princeton 1844; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1861. William Mason Giles, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1845. Felix Gorman, a.m., m.d * A.i\L Princeton 1844; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1844. John Oliver Halsted, a.m *i859 a.m. Princeton 1844. William Halsted, a.m *i8s5 a.m. Princeton 1844. Samuel Swan Hartwell, a.m.* 1872 A.M. Princeton 1844. Archibald Alexander Hodge, a.m., D.D., LL.D ,.*l886 Princeton Seminary 1841-45; Tutor Princeton 1844-46; Professor Didactic and Polemic Theology Allegheny Sem- inary 1864-77; Associate Professor Didactic and Polemic Theology Prince- ton Seminary 1877-79; Professor Didac- tic and Polemic Theology Princeton Seminary 1879-86; Trustee Princeton 1881-86; A.M. Princeton 1844; D-D. Princeton 1862; LL.D. Wooster 1876. John N. Houston *i847 Henry Parkhurst Johnson, a.m. *i847 A.M. Princeton 1844. Thomas Mundell Keerl, a.m.*i888 A.M. Princeton 1845. Thomas Talmadge Kinney, a.m. *igoo A.M. Princeton 1844. Eugene Lawrence, a.m *i894 Degree conferred 1891; A.M. Prince- ton 1891. Samuel Mott Leggett * John Linn, a.m *i898 A.M. Princeton 1844. James Kennedy McCurdy. . .* James P. Miller *i852 Francis Minor, a.m., ll.b. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1844; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1843. John Thompson Nixon, a.m., ll.d. *i889 Member New Jersey Assembly 1849-51; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1850-51; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1859-63; Trustee Princeton 1864-89; Director Princeton Seminary 1883-89; Judge U. S. District Court New Jer- sey 1870789; A.M. Princeton 1846; LL.D. Princeton 1877. Joseph John Norcott * William Benjamin Olds, a.m. .*i859 A.M. Princeton 1844. Nathan Merritt Owen, a.m. .*i847 Princeton Seminai;y 1844-47; Tutor Princeton 1844-47; A.M. Princeton 1844. Charles H. Parkin, a.m *i862 A.M. Princeton 1844. William Randolph Phillips, a.m., M.D *i847 A.M. Princeton 1844; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1844. Joseph Desha Pickett, a.m., ph.d. *i9oo Professor English Language & Liter- ature Univ. Kentucky 1867-76; Su- perintendent Public Instruction Ken- tucky; A.M. Bethany College, W. Va. ; Ph.D. Princeton 1881 hon. Ludlow Day Potter, a.m., d.d.* 1900 Union Seminary, N. Y. 1843-44; Princeton Seminary 1844-46; Professor Glendale Female College, O. 1856-65; President Glendale Female College O. 1865-1900; A.M. Princeton 1846; D.D. Hanover 1874. Robert Reade [Crawford], a.m., LL.B *l883 A.M. Princeton 1844; LL.B. Harvard 1843. John Rodgers, a.m *i87o Secretary New Jersey Senate 185 1; A.M. Princeton 1844. 1 62 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1841-42 James Webb Rogers, a.m *i896 A.M. Princeton 1853. John McDonald Ross *i842 Joseph Warren Royer, m.d.. M.D. Univ. Penna. 1845- Edward Wallace Scudder, A.M., LL.D *I893 Member New Jersey Senate 1863-65; President New Jersey Senate 1865; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1861-93; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1869- 93; A.M. Princeton 1844; LL.U. Princeton 1880. William Waterbury Scudder, a.m., D.D *^895 Princeton Seminary 1843-45; President Arcot Seminary India; Professor i neol- ogy Arcot Seminary 1888-95; A.M. Princeton 1S44; D.D. Union 1867. John Sergeant *i856 Beniamin Clarkson Snowden, m.d. •^ *i89o M.D. Jefferson Medical 1844. William C. Sturgeon * William Butler Thompson ... * Daniel A. Ulrich, a.m., m.d.. .*i879 A.M. Princeton 1844; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1844. John Hunn Voorhees, a.m...*i907 A.M. Princeton 1904 hon. Richard Wilde Walker *i874 Member Alabama Assembly 1851-52, 1855-56; Speaker Alabama Assembly 1855-56; Associate Justice Suprerne Court Alabama 1858-63; Member C. S. Provisional Congress 1861; Senator from Alabama C. S. Congress 1864-65. William Smith Ward, a.m., m.d. *i900 A.M. Princeton 1846; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1849. Eli Whitney, a.m *i895 A.M. Princeton 1844, also Yale 1869 hon. Joseph Graham Witherspoon.*i8s2 1842 Charles Abert, a.m *i897 A.M. Princeton 1845. Daniel Ayres, Jr., m.d., ll.d. .*i892 M.D. New York Univ. 1842; LL.D. Wesleyan 1856. John Beatty George Henry Boker, a.m...*i890 U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Tur- key 1871-75; U. S. Minister Plenipo- tentiary to Russia 1875-77; A.M. Princeton 1848. James Camak, Jr., m.d * Thomas Ware Cattell, a.m., ph.d. *i887 Princeton Seminary 1844-47; Registrar Princeton 1846-47; Tutor Princeton 1846-47; Professor Mathematics Lincoln 1873-74; Professor Sacred Geography and Biblical Antiquities Lincoln 1874- 87; A.M. Princeton 1845; Ph.D. Prince- ton 1867 hon. John Ludlow Crane, m.d. . . .*i856 M.D. New York Univ. 1845. Elijah Richardson Craven, a.m., D.D., LL.D *I908 Princeton Seminary 1844-48; Tutor Princeton 1847-49; Trustee Princeton 1859— 1908; Clerk Board Trustees Princeton 1860-1908; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1865-1908; Director & Vice President Directors German Sem- inary Newark, N. J.; Moderator Gen- eral Assembly 1885; A.M. Princeton 1845; D.D. Princeton 1859; LL.D. Lafayette 1890. James Upshur Dennis *i90o Charles Wilkins Dudley, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton 1845; M.D. Lexington Univ. Ky. William A. Dudley, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1845. Lewis Allison Edwards, a.m., m.d. *i877 Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1846; Major Surgeon U. S. A. 1861-66; Lieu- tenant Colonel Surgeon U. S. A. 1876; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel U. S. A. 1865; Medical Director De- partment of Washington 1866; A.M. Princeton 1845; M.D. Univ. of Penna. 1845. James Bowen Everhart *i^ Member Penna. Senate 1877-83; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1883-85. Alexander Read Forman, a.m*i? A.M. Princeton 1845. 1842-43] BACHELORS OF ARTS 163 Joseph Fithian Garrison, m.d., d.d. *i892 Professor Canon Law, Liturgies and Ecclesiastical Polity Philadeljihia Di- vinity School 1884-1802; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1845; D.D. Princeton 1879; M.A.P.S. Joseph Jackson Halsey, a.m. .* A.M. Princeton 1846. George Craig Heberton,, m.d. A.M. Princeton 1845; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1845. Abraham Livezey, a.m., m.d, . A.M. Princeton 1845; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1845. Thomas Nesbit McCarter, a.m., LL.D *i9oi Trustee Princeton 1879-1901; A.M^ Princeton 1845; LL.D. Princeton 1875. Robert Houston McNair. a.m.*i863 a.m. Princeton 1843. Charles Henry McPherson. , .*i907 Samuel Motter, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1847. Holmes W. Murphy, a.m. . . .*i9oi Member New Jersey Assembly 1881; a.m. Princeton 1845. James Monroe Murphy Archibald Woods Paull *i844 Benjamin Thomas Phillips, . .*i892 Union Seminary N. Y. 1842-43; Prince- ton Seminary 1843-44; Chaplain U. S. A. 1861-65. Lewis Paxton Pollard *i85S Robert George Remsen, a.m., m.d. *i896 A.M. Princeton 1845; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1846. William Potter Ross, a.m *i89i Chief Cherokee Nation; A.M. Prince- ton 1845. Caleb Lloyd Ryall, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1845. Samuel Sawyer Union Seminary N. Y. 1845-48; Pro- fessor Caldwell College, Tenn. 1856- 57; Chaplain U. S. Army 1861-64. Charles Schley, a.m Degree conferred 1847; A.M. Prince- ton 1849. Evan Shelby * Egbert T, Smith, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1864. Thomas Sparrow, Jr., a.m...* A.M. Princeton 1847. Robert King Stone, a.m., m.d.* 1872 Adjunct Professor Anatomy and Physi- ology George Washington 1848-54; Ad- junct Professor Microscopical Anatomy George Washington 1851-54; A.M. Princeton 1846; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1845. John S. Telfair * Richard Kimball Todd, a.m..*i894 Princeton Seminary 1844-47; A.M. Princeton 1845. George W. Tucker, m.d..... M.D. Univ. Penna. 1846. Benjamin Joseph Whaley, a.m., LL.B *I900 A.M. Princeton 1845; LL.B. Harvard 1845. Ansley De Forest White, a.m.* 1877 Princeton Seminary 1842-45; A.M. Princeton 1845. Newton K. White Robert Elliott Williams, a.m., d.d. *i897 Professor Latin Western Univ. Penna. 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1845; D.D. Stephen G. Woodbridge, a.m.* 1853 A.M. Princeton 1845. Charles Frederic Woodhull, a.m. *i89o Instructor Greek Lincoln Univ. 1882- 90; A.M. Princeton 1845. 1843 William Flaywood Atkinson.* 1887 Judge County Court South Carolina 1865. William Matthews Babbitt, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1846. 164 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1843 Richard P. Llewellyn Baber, a.m. *i885 Additional Paymaster U. S. Vols. 1861- 65; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. vols. 1865; Member Ohio Assembly 1870-71; A.M. Princeton 1846. David Terrell Bagley Henry N. Beach, a.m.. * A.M. Princeton 1847. Edgar Newbold Black, a.m..* A.M. Princeton 1846. George Phillips Blevins, a.m.* 1858 A.M. Princeton 1846. John Bartow Breckinridge, a.m. * A.M. Princeton 1846. William Irwin Brugh, a.m., d.d. *i889 Princeton Seminary 1845-48; Professor Natural Sciences Washington & Jeffer- son 1863-65; President Richmond Col- lege Mo. 1877-78; A.M. Princeton 1846; D.D. Washington & Jefferson 187s. Elias Boudinot Colt, a.m. . . .*i9oo A.M. Princeton 1846. John Donaldson Colt * Samuel Wickham Corwin, a.m. *i898 a.m. Princeton 1846. Job Symmes Crane, a.m., m.d.*i896 a.m. Princeton 1846; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1849. Jonathan Townley Crane, d.d.*i88o Principal Pennington Seminary N. J.; D.D. Dickinson 1856. Philip Cressman, Jr *i89o Alexander H. Cross William B. Cross James Hazzard Cnthbert, d.d.*i89i D.D. Wake Forest 1868. Joseph W. S. Delavau, a.m..*i876 A.M. Princeton 1846. Joseph John Dillard *i899 Jonathan Edgar, a.m *i879 A.M. Princeton 1846. John Joseph Entwisle *i846 Amzi Whitefield Freeman, a.m. *i9oo Union Seminary N. Y. 1844-47; A.M. Princeton 1846. Thomas Lindsay Gillespie, a.m., LL.B *i86o a.m. Princeton 1846; LL.B. Harvard 1845. William Gledhill, a.m *i869 A.M. Princeton 1846. Mina B. Halsted, a.m., m.d..*i86o A.M. Princeton 1846; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1846. William Dalrymple Johnson, a.m. *i9oi A.M. Princeton 1846. John Buhler Lea James Houston Lorance *i862 Princeton Seminary 1843-46. Evan Jones McCall * Morven lerne McClery, a.m.*i866 A.M. Princeton 1846. Charles Joseph Mcllvaine, a.m. Trial Justice Dukes Co., Mass. 1896- 98; A.M. Princeton 1846. George Gray McWhorter. . . .*i896 Charles Lewis Matthews. .. .*i843 Henry Moore *i879 Charles J. Nourse, a.m *igo6 A.M. Princeton 1853. John J. Olcott *i899 George Sullivan Parkin, m.d.* M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1857. John A. Parsons, a.m *i899 A.M. Princeton 1846. Dan Petigru * Samuel C. Pharr, a.m., d.d..* A.M. Princeton 1846; D.D. Central 18 . Heniy Clay Pindell * John Pinkerton *i87i Princeton Seminary 1844-47. 1843-44] BACHELORS OF ARTS 165 William Cowper Prime, ll.d.*i905 Professor History of Art Princeton 1883-1905; LL.D. Princeton 1875. Henry Van Vleek Rankin, a.m. *i863 Princeton Seminary 1846-48; A.M. Princeton 1846. Archibald Alexander Rice, a.m., M.D *I902 Princeton Seminary 1844-47; Professor Memphis Medical 1859-60; Professor Kentucky Medical 1860-61; Surgeon C. S. A. 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1846; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1853. Robert Daniel Ross, a.m., m.d.*i863 A.M. Princeton 1846; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1847. Addison Van Court Schenck, a.m., D.D *I903 Union Seminary 1843-44; Princeton Seminary 1844-46; President Linden- wood Female College Mo. 1857-62; Professor Metaphysics and Rhetoric Westminster College Mo. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1846; D.D. Princeton 1865. Spencer Sergeant, a.m., m.d..*i85t A.M'. Princeton 1846; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1846. Oliver Porter Stark *i884 Princeton Seminary 1843-44. James W. Stephenson, a.m., m.d. * a.m. Princeton 1851; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1845. John Potter Stockton, a.m., ll.d. *i9oo U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Rome 1858-61; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1865-66, 1869-75; Attorney Gen- eral New Jersey 1877-97; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1894; A.M. Princeton 1846; LL.D. Princeton 1882. Richard Stockton, a.m *i876 A.M. Princeton 1846. William James Stone, Jr *i866 Stephen Howell Strong *i8si William Arthur Taylor, ll.b.*i884 LL.B. Harvard 1846. Frederick H. Teese, a.m....*i894 Member New Jersey Assembly 1860- 62 ; Speaker New" Jersey Assembly 1861-62; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1875-77; Judge Court Com- mon Pleas New Jersey 1864-72; A.M. Princeton 1846. John Van Vorst *i895 Benjamin Chambers Wickes.*i854 Member Maryland Assembly 1846-47; Prosecuting Attorney Kent and Cecil Counties, Md. 1849-52. Westcott Wilkins, ll.d *i894 Judge Sullivan Co., N. Y. ; Judge 2d District Court, Minn. 1864-91; LL.D. Richard Ignatius Wilson David Easton Yonge, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton 1846; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1846. 1844 Benjamin J. Bailey * William Henry Ballard, m.d. .*i892 Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1849-50; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1847, John Henry Bedell, m.d * M.D. Charles Augustus Bennett. . .*i9oi Clerk, Freehold Township, N. J. 1848- 74; Acting Surrogate Monmouth Co., N. J. 1850-68; Judge Court Common Pleas, Monmouth Co., N. J. 1882-92. Joseph Hiester Blackfan, a.m.* 1883 A.M. Princeton 1847. Hugh Toler Booraem *i887 John Rice Bowman, d.d Columbia (S. C.) Seminary 1848-51; D.D. Robert Dunbar Brooke, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1849. Benjamin Burton Richard L. Butler, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1848. Henry Cousins Chambers. . . .* C. S. Representative from Mississippi 1862-65. Robert F. Clarke * Alfred Holt Colquitt *i894 Additional Paymaster U. S. Vols. 1846- i66 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1844 48; U. S. Representative from Georgia 1853-55; Member Georgia Assembly 1859; Member Georgia Secession Con- vention 1 861; Captain C. S. A.; Colonel 6th Georgia Infantry C. S. A.; Briga- dier and Alajor General C. S. A. 1861- 65; Governor Georgia 1876-82; U. S. Senator from Georgia 1883-94. Obadiah Miller Conover *i884 Princeton Seminary 1845-48; Tutor Univ. Wisconsin 1850-52; Professor Ancient Languages and Literature Univ. Wisconsin 1852-58; Member Wisconsin Senate 1864-84. John S. Davison *i868 Edward Mills Dodd, a.m *i865 Union Seminary 1845-48; A.M. Prince- ton 1847. David William Eakins, a.m. .*i876 Princeton Seminary 1844-47; Chaplain U. S. A. 1852-54, 1870-76. Green Pulaski Foute, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1859. Robert Waight Fuller *i883 William Jay Gibson, a.m. . . .*i902 A.M. Princeton 1849. James Sothoron Gilliam, a.m., m.d. *i86i Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1847-58, 1859-61; A.M. Princeton 1847; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1847. Thomas J. Goldsby *i884 William Grimes ^1884 William Beekman Gulick. . . .*i904 Robert W. Hadden *i852 Samuel P. Hill, m.d... * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1849. Thomas Deveraux Hogg, m.d.*i904 m.d. Jefferson Medical 1847. Robert G. Houston *i877 George Johnson * Hugh Boudinot Johnston. . . .^1864 A.B. also Davidson College N. C. 1842. Frederick LaRue King *i905 Princeton Seminary 1846-48; Registrar Princeton 1847-49; Tutor Latin and Rhetoric Princeton 1847-55. John A. Lamar *i865 Francis M. Levison, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1847. John A. Liggat ^1879 Luther Littell *i899 Princeton Seminary 1847-50. Archibald Alexander Little, a.m. *i877 a.m. Princeton 1847. Henry Stafford Little *i904 Member New Jersey Senate 1864-71; President New Jersey Senate 1868-69; Trustee Princeton 1901-04. George McCutchen * Allan Macfarlan *i869 William Wynkoop McNair, a.m. *i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1846-48; Chaplain 1st New York Lincoln Cavalry 1865. John Oliver Marsh * Andrew R. Martin *i847 John Murphy George Heberton Newkirk, a.m. *i86i A.M. Princeton 1847. John Owen, Jr., a.m *i870 A.M. Princeton 1847. William Pannill, Jr., a.m....* A.M. Princeton 1847. Joseph Woods Pinkerton, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1847. Andrew Jackson Polk *i865 Degree conferred 1851. James Barron Potter, a.m., m.d. *i892 A.M. Princeton 1849; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1847. Henry Kollock Rees *i8g3 Princeton Seminary 1844-47. Henry Reeves, ph.d., d.d....*i9oi Princeton Seminary 1846-49; Ph.D. Princeton 1886 lion.; D.D. Hanover 1897. 1844-45] BACHELORS OF ARTS 167 Richard Higgins Richardson, d.d. *i892 Princeton Seminary 1844-48; D.D. Princeton 1865. Humphrey W. Rogers *i856 Martin [Wiggins] Ryerson. .*i865 Noah Hunt Schenck, a.m., d.d. A.M. Princeton 1847; D.D. Princeton 1865. Charles Woodruff Shields, d.d., LL.D *I904 Princeton Seminary 1844-48; Professor Harmony of Science and Revealed Re- ligion Princeton 1866-1903; Professor Emeritus 1903-04; Professor History Princeton 1869-82; D.D. Princeton 1861; LL.D. George Washington 1878; M.A.P.S. William Shippen, Jr., a.m., m.d. *i858 A.M. Princeton 1847; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1847. Edward B. Smith * James Dale Strawbridge, a.m., m.d. *i890 Surgeon Penna. Vols. 1861-65; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1865; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1873- 75 ; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1847. John H. Thomas *i897 James W. Watson *i899 Lc Roy G. Weaver * Henry Hunter Welles, d.d. . .*i902 Princeton Seminary 1845-47; D.D. La- fayette 1894. James Clarke Welling, a.m., ll.d. *i894 Clerk U. S. Court of Claims 1863-67; President St. Johns College Md. 1867- 70; Professor Belles Lettres and Eng- lish Language and Literature Prince- ton 1870-71; President George Wash- ington 1871-91; Professor Mental and Moral Philosophy, Professor Public and Private International Law and Lecturer on History George Washington 1871- 91; President Corcoran School of Art Washington, D. C. ; Regent Smithsonian 1884-94; A.M. Princeton 1847; LL.D. George Washington 1868. Thomas Josiah Wells, a.m A.M. Princeton 1853. Alfred Smith Williams *i849 Edward Henry Wright Major 3d U. S. Cavalry 1861; Major 6th U. S. Cavalry 1861; Lieutenant Colonel Aide to Lieutenant General Winfield Scott 1861; Colonel Aide to Major General G. B. McClellan 1861; hon. discharged as Aide 1861; Colonel Aide 1862; hon. discharged as Aide 1863; resigned from U. S. A. 1863; Secretary U. S. Legation St. Peters- burg. 1845 Robert Allen. Jr., a.m * A.M. Princeton 1848. Hamilton Balentine *i876 Princeton Seminary 1845-48. James C. Beach, a.m *igo6 A.M. Princeton 1848. Charles Newbold Black, a.m.* 1887 A.M. Princeton 1848. Albert M. Brown, a.m * A.M. Princeton 184S. Frederick Thomas Brown, a.m., d.d *i893 Princeton Seminary 1845-46, 1847-48; General Theological Seminary N. Y. 1846-47; A.M. Princeton 1853; D.D. Lafayette 1864. Samuel Wills Carey, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1852. Edward Champneys *i904 James Chapman Princeton Seminary 1845-46. Samuel Sherrerd Clark, a.m., m.d. *i88s a.m. Princeton 1848; M.D. New York Univ. 1849. Silas Condict Cook, Jr., a.m.*i865 A.M. Princeton 1848. Charles Moreau Davis, a.m..*i9oo A.M. Princeton 1849. Edward F. Drayton, a.m., m.d.*i894 Assist. Surgeon U. S. N. 1852-58; A.M. Princeton 1848; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1848. i68 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1845 Albert Montgomery Dupuy, a.m. * A.M. Princeton 1848. Middleton Fuller * Luther S. Gibson *i85S Princeton Seminary 1845-48. Alexander John Graham. ,. .*i85o Princeton Seminary 1845-49. Joseph G. Gregory Alexander Burton Hagner, a.m., LL.D Recorder Annapolis, Md. 1848- ; Member Maryland Assembly 1853-54; Special Judge Prince George's Co., Md. 1865-66; Chief Judge Court of Appeals; Associate Justice Supreme Court Dis- trict of Columbia 1879-1904; Lecturer Criminal Law George \Vashington 1881; Lecturer Civil Law George Wash- ington 1882 — ; A.M. Princeton 1852; LL.D. St. John's 1875. William Haight, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1848. George Hall *i896 Degree conferred 1846; Princeton Sem- inary 1845-46. Robert Dashiell Handy, a.m. .* A.M. Princeton 1848. William Leslie Harris, a.m. . .* A.M. Princeton 1848. Charles A. Henderson * William Morris Higgins, a.m.*i903 A.M. Princeton 1848. James Monroe Jackson *igoi Prosecuting Attorney Wood Co., Va. 1856, i860; Member V'irginia Assembly 1870-72; Member Virginia Constitu- tional Convention 1872; Judge 5th U. S. Judicial Circuit 1873-88; U. S. Rep- resentative from Virginia 1889-91. John Jay Jackson *i907 Prosecuting Attorney Wirt Co., Va. 1849-51; Member Virginia Assembly 1852-56; Judge U. S. District Court West Virginia 1861-1905. Charles Godfrey Leland, a.m.* 1903 A.M. Harvard 1867 hen. Edwin Spotswood Lemoine, a.m., M.D *I90I a.m. Princeton 1848; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1848. Edward Lewis *i857 Elbridge Gerry Little, a.m...* 1869 Princeton Seminary 1845-48; A.M. Princeton 1848. John M. B. Lovell *i872 Walter Mann *i892 Edward McCormick * James Eglinton Montgomery. Captain Penna. Artillery 1861; Cap- tain Assistant Adjutant General U. S. \'ols. 1861-64; Alajor Assistant Ad- jutant General U. S. \^ols. 1864-66; U. S. Consul Geneva 1877-79; U. S. Consul Leipsic 1879-81, 1882-83; U. S. Consul Brussels 1881-82; U. S. Con- sul Trieste 1883. Thomas Murphy, a.m., d.d., ll.d. *i9oo Princeton Seminary 1845-48; A.M. Princeton 1848; D.D. Princeton 1872; LL.D. Washington College Tenn. 1891. Frank E. Partridge, m.d * M.D. Univ. Maryland 1848. George M. Rea, a.m *i873 A.M. Princeton 1848. Alexander Reid, a.m *i89o Princeton Seminary 1845-49; A.M. Princeton 1848. Joseph Rogers, a.m ^1863 Princeton Seminary 1845-48; A.M. Princeton 1849. Charles Lowndes Scolley, m.d.* M.D. Univ. Penna. 1848. John Turnbull Scott, m.d. . . .* M.D. Walter T. Scott *i88o Furman Sheppard *i893 U. S. District Attorney Philadelphia 1868-71; Trustee Jefferson Medical 1874-94; M.A.P.S. Edward Shippen, a.m., m.d. . . Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1849-61; Surgeon LT. S. N. 1861-71; Medical Inspector U. S. N. 1871-76; Medical Director U. S. N. 1876-88; Retired List U. S. N. 1888; A.M. Princeton 1849; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1848; M.A.P.S. Alexander Perry Silliman, a.m. *i89o Princeton Seminary 1845-48; Chaplain 1845-46] BACHELORS OF ARTS 169 C. S. A. 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1848. James Buchanan Smith ..„...* N. Byron Smith *i848 Alexander Clark Taylor, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1848; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1850. James Thomas, a.m., m.d. . . .*i892 a.m. Princeton 1850; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1847. Edmund M. Throckmorton, a.m. *i885 A.M. Princeton 1848. Pierre Cortland Van Wyck, a.m., M.D *l883 A.m. Princeton 1848; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1849. Joseph Augustus Wickes, a.m., m.d. Judge Circuit Court Maryland 1867- 97; A.M. Princeton 1863; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1848. 1846 John Alexander Annin, a.m. .*i903 Princeton Semins'-y 1848-51; A.M. Princeton 1849. Stevenson Archer *i8g8 Member Maryland Assembly 1853-54; U. S. Representative from Maryland 1866-74; Special Judge Cecil County, Md. 1867; State Treasurer Maryland 1866-89. William Hampton Babbitt, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1850-53; Registrar Princeton 1850-51; Tutor Princeton 1851-53; A.M. Princeton 1849. Daniel Sumner Baker, a.m. . .^igoo Princeton Seminary 1847-50; A.M. Princeton 1849. John Fabian Baker, a.m *i885 Princeton Seminary 1849-52; A.M. Princeton 1849. William Munford Baker, a.m., d.d. *i883 Princeton Seminary 1847-48; A.M. Princeton 1849; D.D. John Ridgeley Baltzell, a.m..*i893 A.M. Princeton 1849. Francis J. Barretto * William H. Beam *i857 Thomas Scott Bradner *i898 Princeton Seminary 1846-49; Chaplain 124th N. Y. Vols. 1861-65. Septimus Brown, a.m., m.d. .* A.M. Princeton 1850; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1849. Peter Henry Bruyere, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1849; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1885. John R. Buhler, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1874. Nathaniel Clark Burt, a.m., d.d. *i874 Princeton Seminary 1847-50; President Ohio Female College 1868-70; A.M. Princeton 1849; D.D. Hanover 1861. Benjamin B. Campbell ^igoo John Chetwood, a.m *i898 A.M. Princeton 1850. Joseph Manning Cleaveland, m.d. *igo7 Superintendent Hudson River State Hospital 1867-93; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1850. James W. Clendenin *i898 Degree conferred 1850. Gilbert Combs, a.m ,. . . A.M. Princeton 1853. Jesse Brooks Davis, a.m., d.d.*i888 Princeton Seminary 1846-49; A.M. Princeton 1849; D.D. Univ. Western Penna. 1884. Robert F. Dennis, a.m., m.d..*i874 A.M. Princeton 1849; M.D. Harvard 1850. David Ayres Depue, a.m., ll.d. *I902 Judge Ne\v Jersey Supreme Court 1866- iQoo; Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jersey 1900-01; A.M. Princeton 1849; LL.D. Rutgers 1874, also Prince- ton 1880. John Milton Dobyns *i85i Stephen Grover Dodd, a.m . . . Princeton Seminary 1849-50; Registrar Princeton 1849-50; Tutor Princeton 1849-51; A.M. Princeton 1849. 170 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1846 Field Dunbar Francis Key Dunlop Augustus T. Duryee Thomas H. Faile William Styles Garthwaite. Princeton Seminary 1846-47. Ashbel Green, a.m., ll.b Judge Circuit Court Bergen Co., N. 1872-74; A.M. Princeton 1849; LL. Princeton 1849. William E. T. Griffith Brigadier General C. S. A. Archibald Alexander Higgins, ,*i854 .*i895 .*I902 *i864 M.D. Member New Jersey Assembly 18J 90; Lay Tudge Monmouth Co., N. 1892-97; 'A.M. Princeton 1849; M Univ. Penna. 1854. = 1862 A.M., *l897 John Joseph McLure. William Howe, Charles Henry Hoyt, . . . .*i87i *i897 ist Lieutenant 37th New York Infantry 1861-62; Captain Assistant Quartermas- ter Vols. 1862-67; Colonel Quartermas- ter \'ols. 1864-66; Captain Assistant Quartermaster U. S. A. 1867; Major Quartermaster 1889; Brevet Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel U. b. Vols 1865; Brigadier General U. b. Vols. 1865. Levin Thomas Handy Irving, a.m., LL.D .*l892 Judge Supreme Court Cincinnati, O. 1867-70; Chief Judge Circuit Court Ohio 1870- ; A.M. Princeton 1850; LL.D. Princeton 1879. John Harwood Jones, m.d. . . .*i865 M.D. Univ. Louisiana 1850. David Washington Lamb, m.d.*i874 Surgeon C. S. A.; M. D. Christopher Little, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1849. John Patterson Lundy, a.m., d.d. •^ *i892 Princeton Seminary 1846-48; A.M. Princeton 1849; D.D. Andalusia 1869. Joseph McConnell, a.m *i892 Princeton Seminary 1846-48; A.M. Princeton 1849. Served in C. S. A.; U. S. District Judge, South Carolina 1865-68; Referee in Bankruptcy 1899-1905. Augustus Laing Martin, a.m. .*i88i a.m. Princeton 1850. Allen C. Milliken *i849 Ambrose Yeomans Moore, d.d. *i904 Princeton Seminary 1846-49; Chaplain L'. S. A. 1862-65; Secretary and Treas- urer Hanover 1888-1903; Trustee Han- over 1882-1904; D.D. Hanover 1892. Joseph p. Moore *i887 Princeton Seminary 1846-48. Philip Poullain -1880 Robert Hood Reeves, a.m. , . .*i875 5-49; Princeton Seminary if Princeton 1849. A.M. Berwick Bruce Smith, a.m., m.d. *i86o Demonstrator Anatomy Univ. Mary- land 1852-54; A.M. Princeton 1853; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1849. Francis Sorrel, Jr., a.m., m.d. Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1849-56; Member California Assembly 1860-61; Surgeon C. S. A. and Director in Chief of General Hospitals, Richmond, Va. 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1857; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1848. Alexander C. Stark, a.m *i877 A.M. Princeton 1850. Joshua Stevenson *i857 John Sharpe Stiger, a.m., m.d.*i9oi A.M. Princeton 1850; M.D. New York Univ. 1849. Daniel M. Stockton *i855 Theodore Wood Tallmadge, a.m. *i904 Captain Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence Ohio 1861- 63; A.M. Princeton 1849. Henry Taylor, a.m., ll.b. . . . A.M. Princeton 1850; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1851. Albert Gallatin Thorp, a.m..*i902 A.M. Princeton 1850. 1846-47] BACHELORS OF ARTS 171 Samuel H. Titus *i867 John K. Townsend, m.d M.D. Albertus Vandevvater, a.m *i879 Princeton Seminary 1846-49; A.M. Princeton 1849. David Nevius Van Dyke, a.m.* 1863 A.M. Princeton 1849. Bennet Van Syckel, a.m., ll.d. Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1869-1904; A.M. Princeton 1849; LL.D. Princeton 1880. Sylvester Van Syckel, m.d...*i9o6 M.D. New York Univ. 1849. Joseph Weaver *i905 Ephraim Mickell Whaley *i9oo Member South Carolina Constitutional Convention 1852. F. Henry White Joseph Hunt Wilson, m.d. . . . M.D. New York Univ. 1850. James R. Young *i85i Princeton Seminary 1846-48. Joh 1847 n Mercer Adler, a.m., m.d.*i904 Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. George Washington 1850. Daniel Graffius Anthony. .. .*i859 William Hepburn Armstrong, a.m. Member Penna. Assembly 1860-61; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1869-71; Member Penna. Constitutional Conven- tion 1873; U. S. Superintendent Rail- roads 1881-84; A.M. Princeton 1856. Frederic Bacon *i902 Henry Clay Bartlett *i864 Captain 7th New Jersey Vols. 1861; Captain 133d New Jersey Vols. 1863- 64. John Avery Benbury, a.m...*i862 A.M. Princeton 1850; Member South Carolina Assembly 1859-61; Lieutenant 1st Regiment North Carolina C. S. A. 1861; Captain ist Regiment North Car- olina C. S. A. 1862. William Henry Berry, a.m., m.d. *i859 A.M. Princeton 1850; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1850. William Armstrong Blevins. .*i853 John Wesley Bunn, a.m *i852 A.M. Princeton 1850. David S. Garland Cabell *i893 Member Virginia Senate 1865-69. Henry Clay Cameron, a.m., ph.d., D.D *i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1850-55; Registrar Princeton 1851-53; Tutor Princeton 1852-55; Adjunct Professor Greek Princeton 1855-60; Associate Professor Greek Princeton 1860-61; Professor Greek Princeton 1861-77; Professor Greek Language and Literature 1877- 1902; Professor Emeritus 1902-06; In- structor French Princeton 1859-68; Librarian Princeton 1865-73; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1882-1902; A.M. Princeton 1850; Ph.D. Princeton 1866 hon.; D.D. Rutgers 1875, also Wooster 1875. John Montgomery Candor. . . .*i849 Princeton Seminary 1847-49. Thomas Leander Carothers. . .*i89i Robert Breckinridge Clark. . .*i905 Recorder of Deeds, St. Louis, Mo. Hiester Clymer, a.m *i884 Member Penna. Senate 1860-66; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1873-81; A.M. Princeton 1850. Thaddeus Ainsworth Culbertson *i85o Princeton Seminary 1849-50. Alfred Cuthbert, a.m *i88o Private in C. S. A. Cavalry; A.M. Princeton 1850. Aaron Pitney Dalrymple, a.m., m.d. *i894 Surgeon 1st N. Y. \'ol. Engineers 1861- 62; Surgeon U. S. N'ols. 1862-65; Med- ical Director Dept. North Carolina 1865; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1866; A.1\L Princeton 1850; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1851. James Finley Davison ^1850 James Willis Dillard *i882 1/2 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1847 Augustine Hallet Fish, a.m., m.d. ■+1872 A.M. Princeton 1850; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1851. Polycarp Lucius Fortier *^^77 Robert Foster, a.m., Ph.d. . . .*i894 Professor Brooklyn Polytechnic 1856- 94; Vice President Brooklyn Poly- technic 1856-94; a.m. Princeton 1850; Ph.D. Princeton 1887 hon. Ezra James Fountain, a.m., m.d. *i86i A.M. Princeton 1850; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1851. John Glassell, Jr Private in C. S. A. 1861-65. John Gosman, a.m., ph.d. . . .*i903 Principal West Jersey Academy, Bridge- ton, N. J. 1859-71; Professor Natural Science Ethics and Latin Glendale College, O. 1871-82; A.M. Princeton 1850; Ph.D. Princeton 1877 hon. Edward P. Guerard *i86s James Montgomery Johns. . .*i88o Montgomery Johns, a.m., m.d., Ph.d *i87i Professor Natural Science Baltimore City College, j\Id. 1853-54; Professor Practice Medicine Iowa Medical 1857; Professor Mathematics and Chemistry Washington College, Md. 18 -i860; Professor Chemistry Maryland Agricul- tural 1863-65; Professor Anatomy Georgetown 1862—70; A.M. Princeton J850, also Univ. Penna. 1866 hon; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1850; Ph.D. Princeton 1866 hon. Eusebius Lee Jones, a.m., m.d.*i876 Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1851-52; A.M. Princeton 1850; M.D. George Washington 1850. Charles Floward Key, a.m...*i869 A.M. Princeton 1853. Edward Lloyd *i907 Degree conferred 1867; Member Mary- land Assembly 1847, 1849, 1884; Mem- ber Maryland Senate 1874-81, 1890- 92; President Maryland Senate 1875, 1890; A.M. Princeton 1867. Thomas Scott Henderson McCay, A.M *l882 Member Louisiana Senate 1855-56; U. S. District Attorney Louisiana 1856- ; Colonel Staff of General Her- bert C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1855. John Henry McKee *i86o Charles McKnight, a.m *i88i A.M. Princeton 1850. William Wallace Marsh, a.m.*i892 A.M. Princeton 1850. Alfred Martien, a.m Trustee Lafayette 1865-77; A.M. Princeton 1850. Charles Edward Maxwell, m.d. *i852 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. Samuel John Milliken *i90o Princeton Seminary 1848-50. Samuel Moore *i862 Henry Benson Munn, a.m... Member Wisconsin Assembly 1859-60; Mayor Portage, Wis. 1858-59; Super- intendent Public Schools Portage, Wis. 1861-66; A.M. Princeton 1850. Thomas Fridge Murdoch, a.m., M.D *I90I Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1850; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1850. Frederic Beasley Ogden, a.m.*i893 Mayor Hoboken, N. J. 1865-66; Judge District Court, N. J. 1877-88; A.M. Princeton 1850. Henry Hunter Oliver, a.m...* 1864 A.M. Princeton 1853. Samuel Henry Orton, m,d. .*i892 Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1861-65; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1865; M.D. Columbia (CoU. P. & S.) 1852. Edward F. Pugh *i87o Henry Rinker, a.m Princeton Seminary 1847-49; Private nth New Jersey Vol. Infantry 1865; Chaplain 86th New York Vol. Infantry 1865; A.M. Princeton 1850. Joseph Menagh Rittenhouse, a.m. *i903 Princeton Seminary 1848-52; A.M. Princeton 1850. George Maxwell Robeson, a.m. *i897 Prosecutor Pleas Camden Co., N. J. 1847-48] BACHELORS OF ARTS 173 1839-64; Brigadier General New Jer- sey \'o!s. 1866-67; Attorney General New Jersey 1867-70; U. S. Secretary Navy 1869-77; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1879-83; A.M. Princeton 1850. William Sergeant, a.m *i865 Member Penna. Assembly 1852-53; Cap- tain I2th Infantry U. S. A. 1861-64; Colonel 2ioth Penna. Vols. 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1850. Nathan A. Cooper Seward, a.m. *i856 A.M. Princeton 1850. George William Shewalter, a.m., M.D *i877 Surgeon C. S. A.; A.M'. Princeton 1851; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1850. Samuel Baynton Smith *i886 Sheriff of Yuba Co., Cal. 1849-50; Member California Senate 1853-54; Commissioner Indian War Debt 1861. William Smithpeter *i904 Professor Mathematics Washington Col- lege, Tenn. 1847-49. Joseph Harris Stonestreet. , .*i89S Private and Lieutenant C. S. A. John Hunt Strother, a.m *i86i A.M. Princeton 1850. John Augustus Swope, m.d. .. U. S. Representative from Penna. 1884- 88; M.D. 1851. Henry Toland *i858 Beverley Randolph Wellford, Jr., A.M., LL.D Judge Circuit Court Va. 1870-1904; A.M. Princeton 1850; LL.D. Hampden Sidney 1891. William Henry Welsh, a.m. .*i903 Attache U. S. Legation Great Britain; Member Penna. Senate 1855-61; Pre^- dent Penna. Senate 1858; 3d Assistant U. S. Treasurer i88o- ; A.M. Prince- ton 1850. James Troupe Whitehead. . .*i889 Served on Staff of General Carswell, C. S. A. William Silas Whitehead, a.m.*i905 Surrogate Essex Co., N. J. 1859-64; A.M. Princeton 1850. Alpheus Evans Willson, a.m..*i884 Judge Circuit Court Penna. 1873-84; A.M. Princeton 1850. 1848 Sylvanus Thayer Abert, a.m.*i903 Degree conferred 1886; A.M. Princeton 1886. Albert E. Acworth, a.m *i902 A.M. Princeton 1852. William Anderson, a.m., ll.b.*i877 A.M. Princeton 1851; LL.B. Univ. Ken- tucky (Transylvania) 1850. Robert Lenox Banks, a.m...*i898 A.M. Princeton 1853. William Worth Belknap, a.m.* 1890 Member Iowa Assembly 1857-58; Major 13th Iowa Infantry 1861; Lieutenant Colonel Iowa Infantry 1862; Colonel Iowa Infantry 1863; Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1864; Brevet Major Gen- eral U. S. Vols. 1863; U. S. Secretary of War 1869-76; A.M. Princeton 1851. James Rogers Booth *i896 Sydney Wilson Bowen, a.m..* A.M. Princeton 1851. Marcus Prevost Breckinridge, a.m., M.D =5=1870 Captain Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Vols. 1862; Brevet Major U. S. \'ols. 1865; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1865; A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Louisville 1852. John McPherson Berrien Bur- roughs *i854 Paul S. Carrington, m.d *i896 M.D. Jefferson Medical 1851. William Cassidy Cattell, a.m., d.d., LL.D *l898 Princeton Seminary 1849-53; Professor Greek and Latin Lafayette 1855-60; President Lafayette 1863-83; Director Princeton Seminary 1864-98; First \'ice President Directors Princeton Seminary i886-g8; A.M. Princeton 1831; D.D. Hanover 1S64, also Princeton 1864; LL.D. Wooster 1878; M.A.P.S. Addison Scudder Clark *i904 Charles Nelson Clark *i8s3 Degree conferred 1849. James McMullin Crowell, a.m., D.D *I9o8 Princeton Seminary 1849-51; Trustee Princeton 1866-83: A.M. Princeton 1851; D.D. Princeton 1864. 174 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1848 James Henry Davidson, a.m., m.d. *i886 A.M. Trinceton 1851; M.D. George \\'ashington 1851. Thomas Dobie Davidson, a.m., Ph.D President Stonewall Jackson Institute, Abingdon, Va. 1873-81; Professor Latin and Greek Virginia College, Roanoke, Va. :894-97; A.M. Princeton 1851; Ph.D. Lafayette 1881 hon. Montgomery Decatur Davie, a.m. *i887 A.M. Princeton 1848. John Edwards, a.m *i903 Princeton Seminary 1847-50; A.M. Princeton 1852. Benjamin Franklin Ehner. . .*i89S Roscoe Field Private 38th Tennessee C. S. A. 1861- 62; I St Lieutenant 38th Tennessee C. S. A. 1862-65. William J. Catling, a.m *i884 A.M. Princeton 1851. William M. Gillespie *i893 Degree conferred 1849. James Sproat Green, a.m., m.d. *i892 Assistant Demonstrator 'Anatomy Univ. Penna. 1850-53; Mayor Elizabeth, N. T. 1878-79; A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1851. Francis Van Dyke Hagaman.*i899 Thomas Edward Hammond, a.m. *i853 A.M. Princeton 1851. John Huston Handy, A.M .... A.M. Princeton 1877. James Kent Harper * Dabney Carr Harrison, a.m..*i862 Union Seminary Va. 1852-55; Instruc- tor Oriental Literature Union Seminary Va. 1854-56; A.M. Princeton 1852. Randolph Harrison, a.m., m.d.*i863 Surgeon C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1851. John Henderson *i874 Captain Cavalry C. S. A. Casper Wistar Hodge, a.m., d.d., LL.D *l89I Princeton Seminary 1849-53;^ Tutor Princeton 1850-52; Professor New Tes- tament Literature and Biblical Greek Princeton Seminary 1860-79; Professor New Testament Literature & Exeaiesis 1879-91; A.M. Princetcm 1851; D.D. Princeton 1865; LL.D. Princeton 1891. Thomas Hughlett *i896 Degree conferred 1850. De Lacy Jones * Vindex Keirn *i8S2 Walter Leake Keirn, m.d *i90i Member Mississippi Secession Conven- tion 1861; Captain 38th Mississippi In- fantry C. S. A. 1862; Major and Lieu- tenant Colonel C. S. A. 1862; Member Mississippi Constitutional Convention 1890; Member Mississippi Assembly 1892-97; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. Augustus Heard Lee, a.m. . . .* A.M. Princeton 1851. John McDowell AIcKinney, a.m. *i87i Judge U. S. District Court Fla.; A.M. Princeton 1871. William S. Marx, a.m *i866 A.M. Princeton 1851. William Bloomfield Meeker, a.m. *i895 A.M. Princeton 1852. George Read Morehouse, a.m., M.D,, Ph.D *I905 A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1851, also Univ. Penna. 1875; Ph.D. Princeton 1892 hon.; M.A.P.S. George Wilmore Morris, m.d.''' 1857 M.D. Jefferson Medical 1851. David R. B. Nevin * Edward Payson Nichols, a.m., m.d. *i907 Acting Surgeon U. S. A. 1863-65; Member Connecticut Assembly 1898-99; A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1852. Samuel Worth Olden, a.m..,* A.M. Princeton 1851. Joseph Burr Oliphant, a.m...*i862 A.M. Princeton 1851, 1848] BACHELORS OF ARTS 175 David Belcher Palmer * William Wilson Latta Phillips, A.M., M.D *l896 Surgeon ist New Jersey Cavalry 1861; Surgeon Eayard's New Jersey Cavalry Brigade 1862; Surgeon National Sol- diers Home, Hampton, Va.; A.M. Princeton 1891; M.D. Jefiferson Medical 1851. Henry Cooper Pitney, a.m., ll.d. Prosecutor Pleas Morris Co., N. J. 1862-67; Member Board of Visitors Rutgers Agricultural College of New Jersey 1871-79; Vice Chancellor New Jersey 1889-1907; A.M. Princeton 1851; LL.D. Princeton 1891. Jonathan Da vies Richards. . ,*i849 Charles Eagleson Robb, a.m.*i86o A.M. Princeton 1852. Josiah Frederick Rosenmiller, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1851. Thomas Ruckman Judge Karnes Co., Texas 1862-63; Deputy C. S. Marshal 1865. Albert Schriver, a.m., m.D...*i873 A.M. Princeton 185 1; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1851. Samuel Henry Shreve, a.m., ll.b. *i884 A.M. Princeton 1851; LL.B. Harvard 1850. Charles Augustus Skillman, a.m. *i9o6 Prosecutor Pleas Hunterdon Co., N. J. 1858-62; City Solicitor Lambertville, N. J. ; Postmaster Lambertville, N. J. 1898-1906; A.M. Princeton 1851. Edward W. Smith *i874 Irving Spence, a.m *i89o Member Maryland Assembly 1858; A.M. Princeton 1851. James Henderson Springer. . . Thomas Mcintosh Stewart, ll.b. LL.B. Harvard 1851. George Blagden Stone *i85o Charles Preston Stratton, a.m.* 1884 A.M. Princeton 1856. Julian Taylor, a.m., m.d *i852 A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. Jefferson Medical 185 1. William Lansdale Thomas ... * Cornelius Williams Tolles, a.m. *i864 Captain Assistant Adjutant General New Jersey Militia 1861 ; 1st Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry 1861-64; Captain 13th U. S. Infantry 1864; Lieutenant Col- onel Quartermaster assigned U. S. A. 1862-64; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1864; Brevet Colonel U. S. Vols. 1864; A.M. Princeton 1851. Edward Barry Wall, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1848-51; Chaplain 3d New York Cavalry 1S63-64; Pro- fessor English & Logic Stevens Insti- tute 1870-1906; Professor Emeritus 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1851. Thomas George Wall, d.d...*i902 Princeton Seminary 1848-51; Chaplain Presbyterian Hospital N. Y. City 1879- 1902; D.D. Coe College la. 1893. Francis Preston Wellford, a.m., m.d *i877 Surgeon in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. Charles White, a.m., d.d. . . .*i89i Trustee Union Seminary, Va. 1869-91; A.M. Princeton 1851; D.D. Hampden Sidney 1880. Arthur Whitely, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1851. Henry Parke Custis Wilson, a.m., M.D *l897 A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1851. William Harris Woods, a.m . . A.M. Princeton 1852. Henry Wurts, a.m., Ph.d.,.. Chemist New Jersey Geological Survey 1853-55; Professor Chemistry and Pharmacy George Washington 1858-60; Examiner U. S. Patent Office; A.M. Princeton 185 1; Ph.D. Stevens 1877 lion. Isaac Chauncey Wyman, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1858; LL.B. Harvard 1850. Alfred Young, a.m., m.d. . . ,*i9oo Vice President Seton Hall 1856-57; 176 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1848-49 Third Order of St. Francis 1856; A.M. Princeton 1851; M.D. New York Univ. 1852. 1849 Robert Emmett Bell, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1852. Michael Henry Bittinger, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1849-52; A.M. Princeton 1852. Charles Stewart Boker, Jr., a.m. * M.D A.M. Princeton 1852; Penna. 1852. M.D. Univ. Abraham Thomas Bradley... Nathaniel Foster Browne, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1856. George Hollenback Butler * Theodore Linn Byington, d.d.*i888 Union Seminary N. Y. 1854-57; D.D. Princeton 1878. Charles Newton Campbell, a.m. *I905 A.M. Princeton 1852. Charles Cauthorn Clark, A.M. Prosecuting Attorney Jones Co., N. C; City Attorney New Bern, N. C. ; Prose- cuting Attorney Craven Co., N. C. ; Solicitor 2d Judicial District of North Carolina 1863-65; Member North Car- olina Assembly 1860-62; Member North Carolina State Convention 1865; Mem- ber North Carolina Senate 1887; Mem- ber Board Directors State Penitentiary 1889-93; A.M. Princeton 1858. George Edward Clymer, a.m.* Major 6th Penna. Cavalry 1861-63; A.M. Princeton 1852. Robert Spady Costin, a.m., ll.b. * a.m. Princeton 1852; LL.B. Harvard 1852. Thomas J. Davies *i907 James C. Davis, a.m *i9oo a.m. Princeton 1852. Bethuel Lewis Dodd, a.m., m.d. County Physician Essex Co., N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1852. Landon Carter Eliason, a.m. .*i865 A.M. Princeton 1852. Edwin Emerson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1849-52; Professor Metaphysics and English Literature Troy Univ. 1860-62; A.M. Princeton 1852. Ezra Williams Fisk, a.m., d.d.*i90o A.M. Princeton 1852; D.D. Univ. In- diana 1867. Robert Levi Foard *i898 James Franklin Foulkes, m.d.* M.D. Jefferson Medical 1852. Thomas P. Gaw, a.m Princeton Seminary 1849-50; A.M. Princeton 1852. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, a.m., Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L., L.H.D., Hon. LiTT.D., Hon. D.Litt Professor Greek Univ. Virginia 1856- 76; Professor Latin Univ. Virginia 1861-66; Professor Greek Johns Hop- kins 1876 — ; A.M. Princeton 1852; Ph.D. G5ttingen 1853; LL.D. William & Mary 1869, also Harvard 1886, also Yale 1901, also Chicaaio 1901; D.C.L. Univ. South 1S84; LJI.D. Princeton 1899; Hon. Litt.D. Cambridge 1905; Hon. D.Litt. Oxford 1905; M.A.P.S. Richard James Gittings, a.m., ll.b. *i883 a.m. Princeton 1852; LL-B. Harvard 1852. William E. Hamilton, a.m., d.d. Degree conferred 1884; A.M. Princeton 1884; D.D. Univ. Colorado 1882. Thomas Brainerd Harrington, a.m. *i86i a.m. Princeton 1852. Charles W. Hempstead, a.m., m.d. *i89o A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Unit. Penna. 1852. Francis M. Henderson, m.d..* M.D. Univ. Penna. 1851. William Henry Henderson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1852. Francis Muhlenberg Hiester, a.m., M.D *i864 A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1853. 1849] BACHELORS OF ARTS 177 Martin Lowrie Hofford, a.m., d.d. *i888 Princeton Seminary 1849-51; A.M. Princeton 1852; D.D. Highland Univ. Kan. 1884. Robert Hollingsworth, a.m., m.d. *i86o A.M. Princeton Maryland 1852. 1852; M.D. Univ. George Duffield Holmes, a.m.* 1894 A.M. Princeton 1852. Ezra Miindy Hunt, a.m., m.d., LL.D., D.Sc *l894 Assistant Surgeon 29th N. J. Vols. 1862; Lecturer Materia Medica Univ. Vermont 1852-54; A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1852; D.Sc. Princeton 1882 hon.; LL.D. Lafayette 1890. Theodore Hyatt, a.m *i887 a.m. Princeton 1859. William Armstrong Ingham, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1852; M.A.P.S. Jonathan Edwards Jackson, a.m., M.D *i854 A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1851. Bradley Tyler Johnson, a.m., ll.b. *i903 U. S. District Attorney Frederick Co., Md. 1851; Captain Frederick Co. Vols. C. S. A. 1861; Major 1st Regiment Maryland Infantry C. S. A. 1861; Col- onel 2d Virginia Brigade C. S. A. 1862-63; Colonel Maryland Line C. S. A. 1863-64; Brigadier General C. S. A. 1864-65; President Council Richmond, Va. ; Member Virginia Senate 1875- ; A.M. Princeton 1852; LL.B. Harvard 1851. Samuel William Johnson, a.m., LL.B *i895 A.M. Princeton 1852; LL.B. Harvard 1851. Robert Craig Kent, a.m *i905 Commonwealth's Attorney Virginia 1852-56, 1861-65; Member Virginia Secession Convention 1861; Member Virginia Assembly _ 1889-91 ; Lieutenant Governor X'irginia 1893-95; A.M. Princeton 1852. Oliver Richardson King, m.d. M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1852. George Langstaff, a.m., ll.b. .*i9oi A.M. Princeton 1852; LL.B. Louisville Univ. 1854. John Frederick Latham *i864 James Kendall Lee, a.m *i86i A.M. Princeton 1852. Paul E. Lemoine *i894 James Henry Leps, a.m *i889 Princeton Seminary 1849-52; Chaplain C. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1852. Cameron McCaskill *i852 John Francis Mason, a.m., m.d. *i897 a.m. Princeton 1852; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1852. George McClellan Miller, a.m., m.d. *i888 Assistant Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1863; Brevet Captain U. S. Vols. 1865; As- sistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1866; Re- signed 1877; A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1854. John Evans Nottingham Sheriff Northampton Co., Va. 1850-51. Lewis Williams Oakley, a.m., m.d. *i888 Assistant Surgeon 2d New Jersey Vol- unteers 1861; Surgeon 4th New Jersey Volunteers 1861-62; Surgeon 2d New Jersey Volunteers 1862-64; Brigadier General Surgeon General New Jersey 1865-69; a.m. Princeton 1852; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1852. George Alexander Otis, a.m., m.d. *i88i Surgeon 27th Massachusetts Infantry 1861-64; Assistant Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1864; Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1865; Hon. mustered out 1866; Assistant Sur- geon U. S. A. 1866; Major Surgeon U. S. A. 1880; Brevet Captain and Major U. S. A. 1866; Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel 1866; Curator Army Medical Museum Washington, D. C. 1864-81; A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1851. James Alexander Paige, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1850-52; Post Chaplain U. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1852. James Paul, a.m., m.d A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. 178 BA'CHELORS OF ARTS [1849-50 John F. Phillips, a.m., m.d.. . .* A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Albert G. Place *i85o John Sanderson Price * Robert Stewart Primrose, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. Edwin Bowman Raffensperger, A.M., D.D *i88s Princeton Seminary 1849-52; Chaplain U. S. A. : 86 1 -63; A.M. Princeton 1852; D.D. Heidelberg, O. 1884. Samuel Robb, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1852. WilHam Henry Ruddach, a.m., M.D *i884 A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. Richard H. Simms *i85i David Ebenezer Smith, a.m., m.d. *I902 A.M. Princeton 1832; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1852. Duncan Smith, a.m. . .• A.M. Princeton 1852. Peter Wikoff Stout *i86o Peter Augustus Studdiford, a.m., D.D *i886 Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1883-86; A.M. Princeton 1852; D.D. Princeton 1874. John L. Swain *i898 New Albany Seminary 1849-52. Edward Thornton Tayloe. . . .*i88i James Wilson Taylor, a.m...*i883 Special County Judge, Orange Co., N. Y. 1856; Dei)uty Clerk Orange Co., N. Y. ; Deputy Clerk New York Supreme Court; A.M. Princeton 1852. Luther Goble Thomas, a.m., m.d. ♦ 1864 a.m. Princeton 1852; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1852. Edmund McKnight Tingle, m.d. M.D. John Jacob Vanderkemp, Jr., a.m., M.D * A.M. Princeton 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. John p. Van Winkle, a.m *i884 A.M. Princeton 1852. Marcellus E. Vason, m.d M.D. Univ. Penna. 1852. William Bell Waddell, a.m. . .*i897 Major loth Penna. Vol. Militia 1862; Member Penna. Assernbly 1865-67; Member Penna. Senate 1872; Judge Chester Co. Court Penna. 1887- ; A.M. Princeton 1852. Lewis Harvey Wade, a.m .... Collector Union Township, N. J. 1888- 99; Treasurer Union Township, N. J. 1897-98, 1899; A.M. Princeton 1852. Mark Jediah Wallace, a.m. . .*i878 Princeton Seminary 1849-52; A.M. Princeton 1852. John Howell Westcott, a.m..*i867 Assistant Assessor for U. S. Internal Revenue Cumberland Co., N. J. 1865- 67; A.M. Princeton 1852. Jacob Watkins Winans, a.m. .*i855 Princeton Seminary 1849-52; A.M. Princeton 1852. William Wyman * Michael Zahniser 1850 Thomas Anderson, a.m Captain 27th New Jersey Vols. 1862- 63 ; Judge Court Common Pleas Sussex Co., N. J. 1876-81; A.M. Princeton 1862. William Elliott Baker *i9o6 Columbia (.S. C.) Seminary 1850-51; Princeton Seminary 1851-53. Alfred H. Barber, a.m A.M. Princeton 1853. Joseph Bardwell, d.d *i893 Princeton Seminary 1850-51; Columbia (S. C.) Seminary 1852-54; Chaplain C. S. A. 1862-65; Superintendent Pub- lic Kducation Mississippi 1876-77; Pro- fessor Church Polity and Sacraments South Western Univ. 1888-93; D.D. Davidson 1876. i85o] BACHELORS OF ARTS 179 Thomas A. Bisland, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1858. Robert Boiling, a.m *i8g5 A.M. Princeton 1853. William Nicholls Boiling, a.m.*i898 Assistant Professor Modern Languages 1855-56; Private Petersburg Kiflemen C. S. A. 1 861; 2d Lieut. Provisional Army of N'irginia 1861-62; Lieutenant Engineers C. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1853. Charles D. Bonsall *i856 Joseph Holmes Brewer, a.m. .*i9o8 Member New Jersey Assembly 1867- 68, 1871-72; A.M. Princeton 1853. Charles E. Brown * Joseph Holmes Bruere See Joseph Holmes Brewer. William Burns * William Henry Canfield, a.m.* 1854 Princeton Seminary 1853-54; Tutor Princeton 1854; A.M. Princeton 1853. Jesse R. Clanton *i85i Archibald Parritt Cobb, a.m. .*i88i Princeton Seminary 1850-53; Tutor Princeton 1853-54; Registrar Princeton 1853-54; A.M. Princeton 1853. John Taylor Coit *i872 Isaac Amada Cornelison, d.d. D.D. Knox 1898. Theodore Crane, a.m., m.d. . .^iSgo A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1853. William Yates Downman. . . .*i863 William Abner Drake * James C. Egan, ll.b *i902 Ju(lge District Court Louisiana; LL.B. Univ. Louisiana 1854. Augustus Riley Egbert, a.m., m.d. *i89o Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1861; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 1865; 2d Lieutenant 2ist U. S. Infantry 1866; Assigned 8th U. .S. Infantry 1869; Transferred 2d U. S. Infantry 1870; ist Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry 1873; Regimental Quartermaster 1887-80; Captain 2d U. S. Infantry 1889; A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1853. George A. Emmell, a.m *i864 A.M. Princeton 1853. John Roskell Everhart, m.d..*i9oi Surgeon 97th Penna. Vols, during Civil War; Brigade Surgeon; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel; M.D. Univ. of Penna. 1853. Severn Eyre, a.m., ll.b, A.M. Princeton 1853; LL.B. Harvard 1852. John Contee Fairfax, a.m., m.d. *i9oo nth Baron Fairfax of Cameron; A.M. Princeton 1853; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1853. John Ivey Foreman *i879 James H. Gillaspie * James Barbour Grant Robert Stockton Green, a.m. LL.D. *i89S City Attorney Elizabeth, N. J. 1857- 68; Surrogate Union Co., N. J. 1862- 68; Presiding Judge Union Co. Court, N. J. i868-j'3; Judge Court of Com- mon Pleas Iv.. J.; Member Xew Jersey Constitutional Commission 1873; "U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1885- 87; Governor New Jersey 1887-90; \'ice Chancellor New Jersey 1890-95; A.M. Princeton 1853; LL.D. Princeton 1887. James Gubby *i878 Princeton Seminary 1850-53; Chaplain 3d Rhode Island Heavy Artillery 1861- 63; Hospital Chaplain U. S. Vols. 1863-65. Abraham Halsey *i905 Edward Payson Heberton. . .*i883 Princeton Seminary 1852, 1866-68; Act- ing Assistant Paymaster U. S. N. 186 1- 63. Joseph Hedges, a.m., m.d. . . .*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1862; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1853- Lemuel Cobb Howell, a.m .... * A.M. Princeton 1853. Benjamin Johns Huger, a.m.*i867 James Potter Hughes Princeton Seminary 1850-53. Henry Smith Huntington, a.m.*i895 Princeton Seminary 1851-52, 1853-54; Andover Seminary 1852-53; A.M. Princeton 1858. i8o BACHELORS OF ARTS [1850 James A. Hurst. . . . , *i894 John Huger Johns, Jr., a.m. .* A.M. Princeton 1853. Eugene A. Kennedy * Jacob Kirkpatrlck, a.ii *i859 Princeton Seminary 1850-53; A.M. Princeton 1853. Samuel Lee Kyle Jonathan Longstreet, a.m....* 1888 A.M. Princeton 1853. John Leander McMillan, m.d.*i855 Surgeon Russian Army; M.D. Univ. South Carolina 1853. Fendall Marshall Marbury. . .*i896 Isaac M. Marsh *i87o George Marbury Marshall, a.m. *i899 a.m. Princeton 1853. John A. Marshall, a.m A.M. Princeton 1853. William F. Mellon, ll.b *i8s3 LL.B. Univ. Louisiana 1853. Stephen Lyon Mershon, a.m. .*i874 Princeton Seminary 1850-53; A.M. Princeton 1853. William Bell Montgomery. . .*i904 Trustee Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College 1 880-1 900. Aldus J. Neff, A.M *i862 Captain 37th Penna. Reserves 1861-62; A.M. Princeton 1853. Samuel AlcClurg Osmond, d.d. *i907 Brinceton Seminary 1850-53; D.D. Univ. Iowa 1873. David Hume Packer, ll.b...* LL.B. Univ. Louisiana 1853. John Cooper Paul *i858 Alfred Phillips *i853 Princeton Seminary 1851-53. Samuel Everett Pierce, a.m..*i899 Princeton Seminary 1850-52; Chaplain 71st N. Y. Vols. 1861-62; Chaplain 4th Mass. Vols. 1862-64; A.M. Prince- ton 1853. Jackson Piper, a.m., m.d President Maryland Board of Health; A.M. Princeton 1833; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1853. Ibzan Jefferson Rice * Levi T. Rodes * William Au.stin Seay, a.m *i888 Tutor Hampden Sidney; Lecturer Na- tional and Constitutional Law Univ. Louisiana; Judge U. S. District Court Louisiana; U. S. Minister Plenipoten- tiary ^o Bolivia 1885-87; A.M. Prince- ton 1J53. Charles Sergeant, a.m *i868 A.M. Princeton 1853. George T. Sergeant, a.m *i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1853. John Eyre Shaw *i9oo William A. Shaw John Wiggins Simonton, a.m..*i903 Judge U. S. District Court Penna.; Presiding Judge 12th Judicial District Penna. 1881-1903; A.M. Princeton 1855- Henry Huntington Smith. . . . See Henry Smith Huntington. James Snodgrass Reuel Stewart, m.d M.D. Univ. Penna. 1870. John Thomas Stockett * Thomas David Stone Lewis Stover, a.m., ll.b *i904 A.M. Princeton 1853; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1855. Allen Thomas, a.m *i907 Major 28th Louisiana C. S. A. i86i- 62; Colonel 28th Louisiana C. S. A. 1862-63; Brigadier General C. S. A. 1863-65; Professor Louisiana Agricul- tural and Mechanical College 1882-88; Coiner U. S. Mint New Orleans, La. 1884-88; Trustee Univ. Louisiana; U. S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to \'enezuela 1888-92; A.M. Princeton 1855. Lachlan Gumming Vass, a.m.*i896 Union Seminary Va. 1858-60; Chaplain 27th Va. Infantry C. S. A. 1862-68; A.M. Princeton 1853. 1850-51] BACHELORS OF ARTS 181 Abraham Voorhees, a.m *i882 A.M. Princeton 1853. Daniel Warfield, Jr *i879 William Lowndes Wells, a.m., m.d. Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1853; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1853- John L. Wethered *i87o Aaron Pennington Whitehead, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1853. Edwin Theodore Williams. . ,*i866 Princeton Seminary 1850-53. Alexander Miller Woods *i897 Princeton Seminary 1857-58. 185I William Henry Baltzell, m.d.*i899 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1854. Alfred Lawrence Black, a.m.*i9oi Edwin Rea Bower, a.m., d.d. .*i883 Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Tutor Princeton 1854-55; Professor Theology Lincoln 1867-83; A.M. Princeton 1854; D.D. Princeton 1879. William H. Buck William Bull District School Trustee; Stony Ford, N. Y. Postmaster John Chester, a.m., m.d., d.d, Princeton Seminary T858; Chaplain Fort Meyer, Va. 1898-99; Chaplain Government Hospital for Insane 1868 — ; Professor History Windsor Col- lege 1878-79; A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1853; D.D. Wooster 1874. David M. Cochran, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1854. Barnes Compton, a.m *i898 Member Maryland Assembly 1860-62; Member Maryland Senate 1867-68, 1870-72; President Maryland Senate 1868-70; State Inspector Tobacco, Maryland 1873-74; State Treasurer Maryland 1874-85; U. S. Representa- tive from. Maryland 1885-89, 1891-93; Naval Officer Baltimore, Md. ; A.M. Princeton 1854. William Francis Costin, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1854. George Lewis Crawford, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1854; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1855. William Joyner De Treville. .* George W. Farlee ^1897 A.M. Princeton 1854. Daniel Gould Fowle, a.m., ll.d. *i89i Judge Supreme Court North Carolina 1865-67; Governor North Carolina 1888-91; A.M. Princeton 1854; LL.D. Princeton 1890. William R. Friend * Lieutenant 8th Texas Cavalry, C. S. A. Archibald George, a.m., m.d. .* A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1854. William S. Goldsborough ^1853 William Butler Guild Henry G.Hall *i873 Judge Probate Court Louisiana. Fullerton Reck Harbaugh, a.m. *i9oo Princeton Seminary 1851-53; A.M. Princeton 1854. Peyton Randolph Harrison, a.m., M.D *i86i A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1853. Hugh William Henry Lieutenant 22d Alabama Regiment 1861-63; Captain 22d Alabama Regi- ment 1863-65; Magistrate Augusta Co., Va. 1869-98; Magistrate Keeling, Va. John Edwards Caldwell Heyer. William Pre.ston Hilliard, a.m.* 1863 A.M. Princeton 1858. Henry Van Dyke Johns, Jr., ll.b. * LL.B. Harvard 1853. George Johnson, a.m., m.d, . .*i905 A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1854. 1 82 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1851-52 Thomas James Keating *i898 Auditor Treasury Maryland. William Kirby * Frederick Augustus Metcalfe.* 1883 William Henry Murray, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1854. Jeremiah Howard Nixon, a.m., d.d. *i892 Princeton Seminary 1853-56; President Lindenwood 1871-76; A.M. Princeton 1834; D.D. Lafayette 1872. Alexander Hamilton Phillips, jr. *i863 Major Texas Infantry C. S. A. Frederick Henry Quitman. . .*i884 Albert T. Rhodes *i852 Benjamin Franklin Shreve, a.m. *I902 a.m. Princeton 1854. Caleb Davis Shreve, a.m *i9oo a.m. Princeton 1854. Henry Sothoron * John Harrison Stinson *i88o Archibald Stirling, Jr., a.m. . .*i892 City Counsellor Baltimore, Md. 1858- 63 ; U. S. District Attorney Baltimore, Md. 1863-64; U. S. Attorney Maryland 1869- ; A.M. Princeton 1854. Robert Field Stockton, Jr., a.m. *i898 Brigadier General and Adjutant General New Jersey 1858-67; Brevet Major Gen- eral 1859; State Comptroller New Jer- sey 1877-80; A.M. Princeton :854. John Lewis Sumner James Jefferson Thomas, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1854. Marshall C. Thompson * Samuel Thomas Thompson, a.m., D.D *I902 Princeton Seminary 1851-52, 1853-54; A.M. Princeton 1854; D.D. Princeton 1899. Henry Clay Timbcrlake, ll.b.*i88o LL.B. Univ. Louisville 1853. Lewis Depui Vail, a.m *i9oo A.M. Princeton 1854. John William Vanvalzah, m.d.*i863 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1855. Williams Stevenson Walker. .*i9oo Brigadier General C. S. A. 1862-65. William S. Whitley ^1876 James Holmes Wikoff, a.m., m.d. Trustee Princeton Seminary 1893 — ; A.M. Princeton 1854; M.D. New York Univ. 1854. John Benjamin E. Williams. .* William Carter Williams * Robert Taylor Wilson * Joseph Tuisco Wiswall, a.m. .*i874 A.M. Princeton i860. 1852 William Curran Adams, a.m.*i894 A.M. Princeton 1855. [J.] Hamilton Lafayette Alexander. Amzi Lewis Armstrong, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1853-56; Tutor Princeton 1856; A.M. Princeton 1855. Henry Chester Ashley *i873 Louis A. Barr * Cicero M. Berry Wade Hampton Thomas Bynum. *i88i James Donald Cameron, a.m. . U. S. Secretary War 1876-77; U. S. Senator from Penna. 1877-97; A.M. Princeton 1855. Francis Allyn Canfield, a.m. .* 1876 Third Assistant Engineer U. S. N. 1853-56; A.M. Princeton 1855. Dabney Carr *i907 William Issaquena Chaney, a.m., M.D Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1855; M.D. New York Univ. 1855. I8S2] BACHELORS OF ARTS 183 James Rowe Cole, a.m., m.d.*i88i Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1855; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1855. Elias Nettleton Crane, a.m...*i895 Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Chaplain 175111 New York Vols. 1863; Chaplain U. S. N. 1865-81; Chaplain U. S. Navy Vard, New York City 1883-92; A.M. Princeton 1855. Benjamin Chase Dorrance, a.m. *i859 Danville Seminary 1855-57; A.M. Princeton 1855. Ja;mes R. Downs, a.m * a.m. Princeton 1856. Andrew Jackson Dull, a.m . . . a.m. Princeton 1855. William Laird Dunlop, a.m. . a.m. Princeton 1877. Benjamin B. Eskridge *i86i Alexander Shaw Field Joseph Addison Freeman, a.m., M.D *l864 Assistant Surgeon 13th New Jersey Vols. 1862-64; Surgeon New Jersey Vols. 1864; Assistant Surgeon U. S. \'ols. 1864; A.M. Princeton 1855; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1856. Richard Henry Hall * Thomas B. Helm Major C. S. A. Lewis IMcL. Hickman Horace Graham Hinsdale, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1852-55; A.M. Princeton 1855; D.D. Omaha Univ. 1893. Samuel Hirsch, a.m., ll.b. . . .*i876 U. S. Consul Isthmus Panama; A.M. Princeton 1855; LL.B. Harvard 1865. Charles Hodge, Jr., a.m., m.d.*i876 A.i\L Princeton 1855; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1855. Joseph Henry Hynson Impressing Officer C. S. A. 1862-65. Joseph Fowler Jennison, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1853-56; Chaplain 203d Penna. \'ols. 1864-65; Chaplain Maryland Hospital for Insane A.M. Princeton 1855. John Johns Charles Colcock Jones, Jr., a.m., LL.B., LL.D *l893 Mayor Savannah, Ga. 1860-61; First Lieutenant Chatham Artillery, Savan- nah, Ga. 1858-62; Major Artillery, Pro- visional C. S. A. 1862; Lieutenant Colonel Artillery Provisional C. S. A. 1862-65; Chief of Light Artillery, De- partment of Georgia 1862; Chief of Light Artillery, Department of Florida 1864; Chief of Artillery on Staff of Major General Patton Anderson C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1855; LL.B. Har- vard 185s; LL.D. New York Univ. 1880. James Taylor Jones, a.m., ll.b. *i895 Private in 4th Alabama Regiment C. S. A. 1 861; Captain 4th Alabama Regi- ment C. S. A._ 1862-65; Member Ala- bama Constitutional Convention 1865; Member Alabama Senate 1872-73; U. S. Representative from Alabama 1877- 79, 1883-89; Judge I St U. S. Circuit Alabama 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1855; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1855. John Beatty Kyle, a.m *i865 A,M. Princeton 1855. Sidney Gibbs Law, a.m *i899 Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Chaplain City Prison New York 1878-98; A.M. Princeton 1855. Thomas McCauley, a.m., d.d..*i9oi Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Trustee Lincoln 1890-1901; A.M. Princeton 1855; D.D. New Windsor College, Md. 1887. James Carnahan McDonald, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1855. Elkanah Dare Mackey, a.m..*i858 Princeton Seminary 1853-56; A.M. Princeton 1855. William Jay Magie, a.m., ll.d. Prosecutor Pleas Union Co., N. J. 1866-71; Member New Jersey Senate 1876-79; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1880-97; Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jersey 1 897-1 900; Chan- cellor New Jersey 1900 — ; Trustee Princeton 1891 — ; A.M. Princeton 1855; LL.D. Princeton 1891. De Witt Clinton Mather, a.m.*i894 Private 7th New York Vols.; A.M. Princeton 1855. 1 84 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1852 John Minor *i869 Austin D. Moore, a.m *i903 A.M. Princeton 1855. George Morrison, a.m *i898 President Baltimore City College 1852- 56; Danville Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton 1855. William W. Niles, a.m *i862 A.M. Princeton 1855. Alexander T. Niven *i8s4 Abner Nash Ogden, a.m *i88i A.M. Princeton 1872. Douglass Patterson *i89o Charles Edward Phelps, a.m., ll.d. Member City Council P.altimore, Md. i860; Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel 7th Maryland Vol. Infantry 1862-64; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1864; U. S. Representative from Mary- land 1864-69; Judge Supreme Court Baltimore, Md. 1882 — ; Congressional Medal of Honor for Gallantry 1898; Professor Equity Univ. Maryland; A.M. Princeton 1855; LL.D. Princeton 1906, John Joseph Rankin *i853 James Dickey Reardon, a.m. .*i886 Princeton Seminary 1852-55; A.M. Princeton 1855. Isaac Norton Rendall, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Tutor Princeton 1854-55; President Knoxville 1865-70; President Lincoln 1871 — ; A.M. Princeton 1855; D.D. Lafayette 1872. Ogden Nicholas Rood, a.m..*i902 professor Physics Troy Polytechnic 1858-63; Professor Rhetoric and Logic Troy Polytechnic 1863-64; Professor Physics Columbia 1864-1902; A.M. Princeton 1855; M.A.P.S. Solomon S. Schultz, a.m., M.D.*i8gi Surgeon U. S. A. 1865; A.M. Prince- ton 1855; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1856. Jonathan Ridgcway Shreve, a.m., M.D *i889 a.m. Princeton 1855; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1855. Ashbel Green Simonton, a.m.* 1867 Princeton Seminary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1855. James Snodgrass Simonton. a.m. Princeton .Seminary 1854-57; Tutor John Princeton 1855-56; Professor English and French Fernandez College, Vas- souras, Brazil 1862-65; Professor Mathematics and Astronomy Washing- ton & Jefferson 1869-92; Professor Modern Language Washington & Jeffer- son 1 892-1 900; Professor Emeritus ^\'ashington & Jefferson 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1855. Nathan Ryno Smith, a.m. . . .*i856 A.M. Princeton 1855. William Corbit Spruance, a.m. U. S. District Attorney Delaware 1876- 80; Member Delaware Constitutional Convention 1896-97; Judge Supreme Court Delaware 1897 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1855. William Reyner Stavely, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1855; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1855. A. Steele, a.m Member Alabama Constitutional Con- vention 1861; Captain of Forrest Regi- ment of Cavalry C. S. A. 1863-65; Member Alabama Assembly 1870-71, 1878-79; Judge Probate Court Colbert Co., Ala. 1880-92; Register U. S. Land Office Huntsville, Ala. 1897-1905. Wihiam Isaac Steele *i896 Served in C. S. A. under General John Rodman; Assistant Auditor under Gen- eral D. Howard Smith 1870-96. Archibald Sinclair Stewart, a.m. *i876 Princeton' Seminary 1853-56; A.M. Princeton 1855. Benjamin Gwinn Stonestreet.*i905 Deputy Clerk Circuit Court Maryland 1865-73; Clerk Circuit Court Maryland 1873-85; Ordnance Clerk, Navy Yard Washington (D. C.) 1S90-93; Clerk Circuit Court Maryland 1897-1905. James Hervey Studdiford. a.m., M.D *i87o A.M. Princeton 1855; ^LD. New York Univ. 1855. Joseph Welsh Texada *i902 Robert Franklin Thompson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1855. William Bryce Thompson, a.m. *i882 a.m. Princeton 1855. William Vance Thompson. . .*i873 IMajor 9th Tennessee Battalion C. S. A. ; Member Tennessee Constitutional Convention 1870. 1852-53] BACHELORS OF ARTS i8S Heman Rowlee Timlow, a.m.*i892 Examining Chaplain to Bishop of Al- bany 1882-92; A.M. Princeton 1855. Theodore Whittemore Torrey.*i89i Liicieii Q, Tucker William R. Turman, m.d.,., John Van Pelt *i875 Engineer C. S. A. Lorenzo Westcott, a.m *i879 Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Tutor Princeton 1856; Professor Lincoln 1865-72; Professor Mathematics How- ard 1872-79; A.M. Princeton 1855. Joseph John Williams *i88i Member Florida Assembly 1861, 1865; Speaker Florida Assembly 1865; Served in C. S. A. Gilbert Tennent Woodhull, a.m., D.D *i898 Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Tutor Princeton 1854-55; Professor Greek and Latin Lincoln 1869-71; Professor Greek Lincoln 1871-98; A.M. Princeton 1855; D.D. Princeton 1881. James Woods, Jr *i899 Thomas Woods Alfred Yeomans, a.m., d.d. . .*i889 Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1885-89; Director Princeton Seminary 18S7-89; Director German Seminary Newark, N. J. 1886- 89; A.M. Princeton 1855; D.D. Prince- ton 1878. 1853 Joseph Alward, a.m *i897 Judge District Court Elizabeth, N. J. 1877-92; A.M, Princeton 1856. Henry Root Avery, a.m *i9oi Princeton Seminary 1853-56; Professor Corvallis College, Ore. 1859-61; Pro- fessor Monmouth College, Ore. 1861- 62; Superintendent Schools Contra Cos- ta Co., Cal. 1863-67; A.M. Princeton 1856. Oliver S. Belden, a.m., m.d. .*i904 Assistant Surgeon 5th New Jersey Vols. 1862-64; A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1858. James E. Black, a.m *i88i A.M. Princeton 1856. Stewart Brown, a.m A.M. Princeton 1856. William C. Carson, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1856. Gabriel Du Val Clark, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1864. Charles Russell Clarke, a.m. .*i872 Princeton Seminary 1855-59; Tutor Princeton 1855-57; A.M. Princeton 1856. Thomas Wilkes Coleman, a.m., LL.D Mayor Eutaw, Ala. 1856-57; Captain 40th Alabama C. S. A. 1862-65; Dis- trict Attorney Alabama 1865-68, 1870- 87; Member Alabama State Conventions 1865, 1901; Chancellor Southwestern Di- vision Ala. 1887-90; Judge Supreme Court Alabama 1890-1900; Trustee Univ. Alabama 1901 — ; President Pro tem Board Trustees Univ. Alabama 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1856; LL.D. Univ. Alabama. Edward William Condict, a.m.*i858 Princeton Seminary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1856. Prentiss de Veuve, a.m., d.d.*i889 Princeton Seminary 1853-56; A.M. Princeton 1856; D.D. Miami 1886. John Dickson, a.m., m.d *i878 A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1857. William Taylor Dilworth, a.m.* 1858 A.M. Princeton 1856. Henry Rozier Dulany, a.m. . .*i899 A.M. Princeton 1856. William S. Edwards, a.m., c.e.*i882 Assistant in XJ. S. Coast Survey; A.M. Princeton 1856; C.E. WilHam Krebs Falls, a.m. .. .*i879 A.M. Princeton 1856. George S. Gibson, a.m., m.d. .*i885 A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1856. Jeremiah Smith Gordon, a.m.*i904 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1856. Corneille S. Groot * John Denton Gurnee *i9o6 Member ^^'isconsin Assembly 1872. i86 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1853 Charles Thomas Haley, a.m., d.d. *I903 Union Seminary N. Y. 1853-58; Trus- tee Princeton Seminary 1893-1903; A.M. Princeton 1856; D.D. Central 1889. Thomas Mifflin Hall, a.m. . . .*i864 Adjutant 121st Penna. Vols. 1862-64; Major & Lieutenant Colonel 1864; A.M. Princeton 1856. Henry Clay Halsted *i88g Thomas Frisby Henderson, a.m. *i894 A.M. Princeton 1856. James Buchanan Henry, a.m. Acting Secretary U. S. Legation Lon- don 1856; Secretary to President of United States 1856-59; Assistant U. S. District Attorney Eastern District New- York 1859-61; U. S. Commissioner Eastern District New York 1859-71; A.M. Princeton 1856. William Alexander Henry, a.m. *i862 A.M. Princeton 1856. John Ledyard Hodge, a.m., ll.b. *I902 Additional Paymaster U. S. Vols. 1861; Major Paymaster U. S. A. 1867; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1865; Chief Paymaster U. S. A. Wasliington District; A.M. Princeton 1856; LL.B. Univ. ^'irginia 1855. Lewis Jemison, a.m., m,d....*i893 A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1858. Joseph Jones, a.m., m.d *i896 Professor Chemistry Savannah Medical; Professor Cliemistry and Pharmacology Univ. Georgia 1857-58; Surgeon C. S. A.; I'rofcssor Chemistry & Medical Jurisprudence Tulane 1872-96; Health Officer Nashville, Tenn. 1867; Presi- dent State Board of Health Louisiana 1880; A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1856. Abram Hoogland La Monte, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1856. Jeremiah E. Learning, a.m...*i9o8 A.M. Princeton 1856. James Lee, Jr., a.m *i905 A.M. Princeton 1856. Franklin Burr Levis, a.m, Deputy U. S. Collector Internal Rev- enue 2d District of New Jersey 1861- 6s; A.M. Princeton 1856. Alfred EH Lewis, a.m Captain and Major Penna. Artillery, Reserve Corps 1861-62; Colonel Com- manding Camp Gettysburg 1862-63; Commissioner from Penna. to W'orld's Cotton Exposition New Orleans, La. 1884-85; Deputy sth Auditor U. S. Treasury 1886-89; A.M. Princeton 1856. Charles Lowndes, a.m., m.d..* Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1857-61; \M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1855. Samuel Alexander McEIhinney, A.M *i874 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1856. Robert Houston McEwen. Jr., a.m. *i873 Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1856. Henry Boyd McKeen *i864 Adjutant 8ist Penna. Vols. 1861; Ma- jor 1862; Lieutenant Colonel and Col- onel Penna. Vols. 1862-64. Joseph T. Mason, a.m *i895 U. S. Consul Dresden 1876-89; U. S. Consul Mannheim 1889-90; A.M. Princeton 1856. Thomas Davidson Alather, a.m. Private 7th New York Vols. ; A.M. Princeton 1856. Calvin Douglass Mehaffey, a.m. *i87i 2d Lieutenant ist L^. S. Infantry 1861; Tst Lieutenant U. S. Infantry i86i; Captain U. S. Infantrv 1864; Retired 1870; A.M. Princeton i'868. Silas Merchant. Jr., a.m *i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1856. Erskine Hazzard Miles * Private Sth Illinois Infantry 1861-62; I St Lieutenant 3d Penna. A'^tillery 1862-63; Captain 3d Penna. Artillery 1863-66. George Nicholas Moale ^'^igo; William Edward J\Ioore, a.m.*i864 Lieutenant C. S. A. 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1857, 1853-54] BACHELORS OF ARTS 187 John Henry Morehead *i863 Colonel 4Sth North Carolina Infantry C. S. A. William Finley Paine, a.m. . . .*i872 Served in C. S. A. ; Member Mississippi Senate; A.M. Princeton 1858. Ezra D. Parker, a.m * Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1856. William Alexander Percy *i888 Colonel Mississippi State Troops C. S. A. 1861-62; Inspector General on Gen- eral Bowen's staff C. S. A. 1862-63; Served on General Longstreet's staff C. S. A. 1863-64; Member Tax Payers' Convention 1875; Member Mississippi Assembly 1876-78; Speaker Mississippi Assembly 1878; Delegate to National Democratic Convention 1884. George Pierson, a.m *i895 Union Seminary N. Y. 1856-59; A.M. Princeton 1856. Charles Philip Redmond, a.m.* 1888 Private ist Regiment Iowa Inf. Vols. 1861; Captain Arkansas Enrolled Mili- tia 1864; U. S. District Attorney East- ern District, Ark.; Judge Criminal Court Pulaski Co., Ark.; Director Deaf Mute Institute Ark.; A.M. Princeton 1856. Patrick Henry Rutledge *i902 Member Maryland Assembly 1876. Daniel Du Bois Sahler. a.m. . .*i882 Princeton Seminary 1853-56; A.M. Princeton 1856. William Rennet Scarborough, a.m. *i899 Princeton Seminary 1853-56; A.M. Princeton 1856. Christian Henry Scharff, a.m.*i868 A.M. Princeton 1856. John Craig Schenck, a.m. . . .*i872 A.M. Princeton 1856. Edward Henry Sholl, a.m., m.d. • Private 36th Alabama C. S. A. 1862; .\ssistant Surgeon ist Battalion .\la- bama Partisan Rangers C. S. .'\. 1862- 63; Surgeon 12th Tennessee Cavalry 1864-65; Member Board of Censors and Committee of Health Jefferson Co., Ala. 1884 — ; Member Board of Censors and Committee of Health State of Ala- bama 1889 — ; A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1856. Franklin Troup Simpson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1868. William Erskine Skinner, a.m. Judge Court Common Pleas Bergen Co., N. J. 1878-88; A.M. Princeton 1856. James Edward Stirling *i864 Degree conferred 1854. John Torrey, Jr., a.m A.M. Princeton 1856. John Edward Tunis, a.m. . . .*i866 Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1856. Robert Bradley Tyler, a.m., m.d. *i896 A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1856. Franklin Valliant * Edward Bogart Van Dyck, a.m., M.D *I902 A.M. Princeton 1856; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1856. Daniel Polhemus Voorhees, a.m. *i868 A.M. Princeton 1856. Charles Dorsey Wright *i878 1854 Henry Carrington Alexander, a.m., D.D *l894 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; Trustee Union Seminary, Va. 1867-69; Acting Professor Hampden Sidney; Professor Biblical Literature and New Testament Exegesis Union Seminary, Va. 1870- 91; A.M. Princeton 1857; D.D. Hamp- den Sidney 1870; LL.D. Hampden Sid- ney 1891. Wilham Wirt Allen *i895 Brigadier General C. S. A. 1864; Ma- jor General C. S. A. 1865; U. S. Mar- shal Alabama. Robert Burton Anderson, d.d. *i887(?) Chaplain C. S. A. ; Trustee Davidson College N. C. 1862-70. 1882-87; D.D. Southwestern Presbyterian Univ. 1882, Lewis Carter Baker, a.m Princeton Seminary 1855-58; Tutor Beloit 1854-55; A.M. Princeton 1857. Charles Edgar Baldwin, ll.b. . County Surveyor, Under Sheriff, Dep- uty Postmaster, .\urora, Nev., between 1864-76; Deputy County Clerk and Re- i88 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1854 corder Mono Co., Col. 1872-73; LL.B. Union 1859. Edward Frost Baldwin, a.m . . * A.M. Princeton 1857. James Hunter Berrien, a.m., m.d. *i868 A.M. Princeton 1857; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1857. Charles Boyd *i856 Princeton Seminary 1854-56. George Henry Brewster *i903 Served 13th Regiment New York \'oI- iintcer Cavalry 1863; Captain 1864; Resigned 1864. Harvey Ellicott Brown, a.m., m.d. *i889 Assistant Surgeon 70th New York Vols. 1861; Surgeon 70th New York Vols. :86i; Resigned 1862; Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1863-81; Major Surgeon U. S. A. 1881; Brevet Captain and Major U. S. A. 1865; A.M. Princeton 1857; M.D. New York Univ. 1858. Philip Scott Caffery, a.m * Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1857. Frank Chandler, a.m., d.d. . . .*i894 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1857; D.D. Princeton 1882. Robert Campbell Clarke *i893 James Campbell Coit, a.m., c.e. Lieutenant Colonel Artillery C. S. A. 1865-66; Member South Carolina As- sembly 1874-78; Judge Court of Claims South Carolina 1878-79; Special Com- missioner on State Bond Frauds 1879- 80; Comptroller General .South Carolina 1880-90; U. S. Commissioner Cheraw, S. C. 18 -1900; A.M. Princeton 1857; C.E. Troy Polytechnic 1858. James Thomas Coleman * Benjamin Smith Condit *i903 Richard Stevens Conover, a.m. Colonel 2d Regiment Middlesex Bri- gade; A.M. Princeton 1857. Jabez Mills Cooke, a.m., m.d.* A.M. Princeton 1857; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1857. Israel Crane Richard Stockton Courtcn Cum- ming, A.M ='=1895 Mayor Princeton, N. J. 1889-91. George Washington Parke Custis, A.M *i86o A.M. Princeton 1858. John Darroch, a.m Princeton Seminary 1857-59; A.M. Princeton 1857. Ferdinand XdiW Derver Dayton, a.m., M.D *i866 Assistant Surgeon ist New Jersey Cav- alry 18O1; Surgeon 2d New Jersey Cavalry 1863; Surgeon in Chief Cavalry Division i6th Army Corps 1864; A.M. I'rinceton 1857; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1857- Albert Baldwin Dod, a.m *i88o Private New Jersey Vols. 1861; Cap- tain 15th U. S. Infantry 1861-64; Re- signed 1864; A.M. Princeton 1857. James Albert Dozier, a.m., m.d. *i877 ist Lieutenant C. S. A.; A.M. Prince- ton 1858; M.D. David Edgar, a.m *i882 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1857. Joel Williams Edgar *i865 Matthew Wilden Edmonds, a.m., M.D *I906 a.m. Princeton 1857; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1857. James William Edwards, a.m.* 1863 A.M. Princeton 1857. Samuel Southard Force *i856 Samuel Randolph Forman, a.m., M.D *I900 Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1861- ; A.M. Princeton 1857; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1857. Robert Gamble, a.m Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1857. William Fell Giles, a.m * U. S. Consul Switzerland 1858-61; A.M. Princeton 1857. William Henry Goldthwaite, a.m. *i862 A.M. Princeton 1857. Edward Thomas Green, a.m., ll.b., LL.D *l896 Trustee Public Schools Trenton, N. J. 1854] BACHELORS OF ARTS 189 1862-64; Judge U. S. District Court New Jersey 1889-96; Trustee Prince- ton 1891-96; A.M. Princeton 1857; LL.B. Harvard 1858; LL.D. Princeton 1891. Clinton Gurnee * Joseph Smith Halsey, a.m...*i89i A.M. Princeton 1857. John Speed Hanan, a.m ^1872 A.M. Princeton 1857. Henry Addison Harlow, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1857. Samuel Haskell ^1869 Benjamin Lightner Hewit, a.m. *i894 Member Penna. Assembly 1871-72, 1879-82, 1893-94; Speaker Penna. As- sembly 1881; A.M. Princeton 1857. William Hollister, a.m *i89i A.M. Princeton 1858. William House, a.m *i898 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1857. William C. Inglis Degree conferred 1856. Samuel Jessup, a.m., d.d Union Seminary N. Y. 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1857; D.D. Hamilton 1887. Charles Kelsey * Philip Minor Kenner Sandford Reynolds Knapp, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1857. Henry Donellan Loney, a.m. .*i899 Major 5th Maryland Militia 1867-71; Lieut. Colonel of same 1871-73; Col- onel of same 1873-76; Auditor Court of Chancery Baltimore, Md. 1878-99; A.M. Princeton 1857. William Edward McCaslan.* 1864 ( ?) Charles William MacCord, a.m., D.Sc Professor Mechanical Drawing and De- signing Stevens 1 871-1906; Professor Emeritus Stevens 1906; A.M. Princeton 1857; D.Sc. Princeton 1881 hon. James McDougall, a.m., Ph.d. .*i892 Princeton Seminary 1855-58; Tutor Princeton 1857-59; A.M. Princeton 1857; Ph.D. Princeton 1868 hon. George Smith Manning *i886 Thomas Price Mikell *i855 William Thomas Morrison, a.m. *i869 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; A.M. Princeton 1857. William Joseph Murrell, a.m., m.d. *i89i a.m. Princeton 1857; M.D. New York Univ. 1861. Robert Hamill Nassau, a.m., m.d., D.D Princeton Se'minary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1857; At.D. Univ. Penna. 1861; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1891. William Buckner Norman. . .*i9o6 Lieutenant and Adjutant 8th Maryland Volunteer Infantry 1861-63. Thomas Chinn Patrick *i87i Edward Dickson Pierson, a.m.*i882 ist Lieutenant 13th New Jersey Volun- teer Infantry 1862; Captain 1864; Member New Jersey Assembly 1876- 78; A.M. Princeton 1857. John Prentiss Poe, a.m., ll.d. Regent Univ. Maryland 1869 — ; Com- missioner of Public Schools Baltimore, Md. 1871-88; Professor Law Univ. Maryland 1873 — ; Dean I,aw School Univ. Maryland 1885 — ; City Counselor Baltimore, Md. 1881-83; Codifier Laws of Maryland 1886-88; President Tax Commission Baltimore, Md. 1885; Pres- ident Tax Commission Maryland 18S6- 88; Member Maryland Senate 1890-91; Attorney General Maryland 1891-95; A.M. Princeton 1857; LL.D. Princeton 1904. John Calvin Reed, a.m. 2d Lieutenant 8th Georgia \^ols. C. S. A. 1861; ist Lieutenant 8th Georgia \'ols. C. S. A. 1861-64; Captain 8th Georgia Vols. C. S. A. 1864-65; Solici- tor County Court Oglethorpe Co., Ga. 1S66-68; Grand Giant Ku Klux Klan, Oglethorpe Co., Ga. 1868-71; Member City Council Atlanta, Ga. 1901-02; A.M. Princeton 1857. Luther Clayton Roll *i86o Christopher Rowell *i903 Private 4th Alabama Regiment C. S. A.; Volunteer Aide to General Cheat- ham C. S. A. 1 90 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1854-SS William Basil Sanford *i89i Benjamin Franklin Sherrod.,* Sanford Huntington Smith, a.m. *i873 Princeton Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton 1857, William Campbell Soutter, a.m. *i864 a.m. Princeton 1857. Richard Marvin Strong, a.m., ll.b. *i863 ist Lieutenant and Adjutant 177th New York Vols. 1862-63; A.M. Princeton 1857; LL.B. Albany Univ. 1856. Thomas Swann -, *i866 Archibald Alexander Edward Tay- lor, A.M., D.D., LL.D *I903 Princeton Seminary 1854-57; Presi- dent Woostcr 1873-83; Professor Bib- lical Instruction and Apologetics Woos- ter 1873-83; Professor Logic and Po- litical Science Wooster 1885-87; Dean Graduate School Wooster 1885-87; Trustee Wooster 1873-1902; President Board of Trustees Wooster 1895-1902; Director Allegheny Seminary 1874-89, 1895-1903; A.M. Princeton 1857; D.D. Wooster 1872; LL.D. Princeton 1883, also Wooster 1883. Sidney Thompson, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1857. Calvin Wadhams, a.m *i883 A.M. Princeton 1857. Thaddeus Burr Wakeman .... Professor Law and Sociology, Liberal Univ. Ore. 1898-1902; President Lib- eral Univ. Ore. 1902-04. John Wallace Deputy County Clerk Orange Co., N. Y. Joseph Travis Walsh William Morgan Wells, a.m. .*i89S Princeton Seminary 1856-58; A.M. Princeton 1857. Willis Whitaker *i886 Addison Waddell Woodhull, a.m., M.D *i876 Assistant Surgeon 5th New Jersey Vols. 1861-62; Surgeon 9th New -Jersey Vols. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1857; M.D. New York Univ. 1856. Joseph Campbell Wyckofif, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1862-63; A.M. Princeton 1857. Erasmus Hugh Youngblood. . 2d Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps 1856-57; Captain C. S. A. 1855 Robert Hayne Andrews * John Ebenezer Annan, a.m..* 1870 Allegheny Seminary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1858. Thomas Smith Bell * Joseph Howland Bill, m.d.. . .^1885 I St Lieutenant Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. i860; Captain Surgeon U. S. A. 1865; Major Surgeon U. S. A. 1866; Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel U. S. A. 1865; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1858. John Campbell Boyd, a.m. . . .*i90i Princeton Seminary 1860-63; Chaplain New York Vols. 1864-65; A.M. Prince- ton 1858; LL.B. Union 1857. John Braden * John Wilson Brown James William Campbell.. *i864( ?) George Gibson Carey, a.m,..*i894 A.M. Princeton 1858. Henry Miller Cooper *i864 David Radnor Coover, a.m. . .^1859 Professor Mathematics and Natural Sci- ence Woman's College Baltimore 1855- 56; Professor Mat'.iematics Irving Fe- male College, Pa. 1856-59; A.M. Prince- ton 1858. Floyd Augustus Crane, a.m., Ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1858; Ph.D. Princeton 1870 hon. Henry Alartyn Drewry, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1858; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1858. Horace Young Evans, a.m., m.d. =^1908 Trooper 1st Troop Philadelphia City Cavalrv 1861; Surgeon U. S. A. 1862- 66; A.M. Princeton 1858; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1858. 1855] BACHELORS OF ARTS 191 William Alexander Fisher, a.m. *i9oi Member Maryland Senate 1879-83; Judge Supreme Court Maryland 1882- 92; A.M. Princeton 1858. Henry San ford Gansevort, a.m., LL.B *l87I Private 7th N. Y. National Guard 1861; 2d Lieutenant sth Artillery U. S. A. 1861; ist Lieutenant 5th Artil- lery U. S. A. 1862; Captain 5th Ar- tillery U. S. A. 1866; Lieutenant Col- onel 13th N. Y. Cavalry 1863; Colonel 13th N. Y. Cavalry 1864; hon. mus- tered out 1865; Rrevet Captain U. S. A. 1862; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel LT. S. A. 1865; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1865; A.M. Princeton 1858; LL.B. Harvard 1858. John Thurman Gilchrist, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1858. James Gillespie *i86i Henry Clay Greenevvalt, a.m.*i9oi A.M. Princeton 1858. William Collins Handy, a.m. . Danville Seminary 1855-57; A.M. Princeton 1858. Joseph Hardie, a.m A.M. Princeton 1858. Alfred Jones Harrison, a.m., m.d. *I902 A.M. Princeton 1858; M.D. New York Univ. 1858. Charles James Harrison, a.m.* 1865 A.M. Princeton 1858. John Loker Hebb, a.m Police Justice Baltimore, Md. 1886-92; Civil Justice Baltimore, Md. 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1858. Charles Evert Hedges, a.m. . .*i86o Princeton Seminary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1858. John Martin Henderson *i875 William Barry Hunt *i864 Captain C. S. A. John Johnson, a.m *i872 Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1858. Albert Barnes King, a.m Union Seminary N. Y. 1855-56; Prince- ton Seminary 1856-57, 1858; A.M. Princeton 1858. James Snowden King, a.m. . .*i864 Princeton Seminary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1858. Henry Flavel Lee, a.m Princeton Seminary 1855-58; A.M. Princeton 1858. Webster Lindsly, a.m., m.d. .* 1866 Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1861; Brevet Captain and Major U. S. A. 1865; A.M. Princeton 1858; M.D. Har- vard 1857. George Phillips Lockwood, a.m. *i86o Princeton Seminary 1855-56; A.M. Princeton 1858. James Piimpelly Lovejoy, a.m.*i863 A.M. Princeton 1858. Joseph Smith Ludlam, a.m... A.M. Princeton 1858. William McElwee Theodore McGowan, a.m. . . .*i896 Tutor Princeton 1858; Captain and As- sistant Adjutant General U. S. Vols. 1862; Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel U. S. A. 1865; hon. mustered out 1866; A.M. Princeton 1858. John Randolph Malloy, a.m. .*i886 Ser^'ed in C. S. A. 1861-65; A.M. Princeton i860. Joseph Wilberforce IMartin, ll.d, *i904 Served in C. S. A. 1861-65; U. S. Dis- trict .Xttorney Little Rock, Ark. 1874- 76; Judge 6th Judicial Circuit Arkansas 1876-82, 1886-90, 1895-1904; LL.D. Arkansas College 1891. Robert Sears Martin *i887 Charles Trinder Middlebrook, a.m. ♦1907 Served in 7th New York Militia 1861- ; A.M. Princeton 1858. Sidney Minniece *i86o John Augustine Moore *i863 Rudolph Augustus Renz *i857 Princeton Seminary 1856-57. Frederick Cox Roberts, a.m.. Captain North Carolina Cavalry C. S. A. 1861-62; A.M. Princeton 1858. 192 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1855-56 William Charles Roberts, a.m., D.D., LL.D *I903 Princeton Seminary 1S55-58; Trustee Lafayette 1859-62; Trustee Wooster 1863-64; President Lake Forest 1886- 93; President Centre 1808-1901; Presi- dent Centra! 1901-03; Trustee Prince- ton 1866-86; Moderator General As- sembly 1889; A.iL Princeton 1858; D.n. Union 1871; LL.D. Princeton 1886. Albert Robinson, a.m., ll.b. .*i86o A.M. Princeton 1858; LL.B. Harvard 1857. James Pascal Smith, a.m., m.d.*i872 Surgeon 69th N. Y. Vols. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1858; M.D. New York Univ. 1858. Charles Sidney Spencer, a.m.*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1858. Edward Spencer, a.m *i883 A.M. Princeton 1858. Thomas Helm Stanton *i859 Isaac Herbert Steever, a.m. . .*i87o A.M. Princeton 1858. James Henry Steuart, a.m., m.d. *l802 a.m. Princeton if Maryland 1857. M.D. Univ. George Washington Stuckey . . John James Thompson, ll.b . , Princeton Seminary 1862-65; LL.B. Union 1857. John Steel Twells, a.m U. S. Consul Naples 1890-93; Vice and Deputy U. S. Consul Kingston ipoo-02; U. S. Commercial Agent Carlsbad 1902-06; U. S. Consul Carls- bad 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1858. James Watt Williamson, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1858. Arthur McDou Wrenn Charles Henry Young *i858 Princeton Seminary 1855-58. 1856 Sidney Morse Abbay, a.m., m.d. *i905 Private i6th Mississippi Infantry C. S. A. 1861-62; Private ist Mississippi Light Artillery C. S. A. 1862- ; Lieu- tenant Artillery C. S. A. 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Univ. Louisiana 1866. Samuel Southard Adam.son. .*i9oo Hamlin Beattie, a.m A.M. Princeton 1859. De Witt Clinton Blair, a.m. . . Private 22d New York Militia; Trustee Princeton 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1859. James William Bryant *i893 Captain C. S. A. Cavalry; Colonel Partisan Rangers C. S. A. 1864-65. Charles Edward Buck, a.m., m.d. *i878 Lieutenant Infantry C. S. A. 1861-62; Lieutenant and Captain Cavalry C. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Univ. Louisiana 1859. George Henry Burroughs, a.m.*i890 Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1859—60, 1868; Princeton Seminary 1873-76; Professor Natural and Physical Science Female College Pittsburg, Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1859. John Lambert Cadwalader, a.m., LL.B., LL.D 1st Assistant Secretary State U. S. 1874-77; Trustee Princeton 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1859; LL.B. Harvard i860; LL.D. Princeton 1897. Samuel Claggett Chew, a.m., m.d., LL.D Professor Materia Medica Univ. Mary- land 1864-85; Professor Medicine Univ. Maryland 1885 — ; President Pea- body Institute Baltimore, Md. 189s—; A.M. Princeton 1859; I\LD. Univ. Maryland 1858; LL.D. Univ. Maryland 1907. Jeremiah Cleveland, a.m., m.d.* 1869 Lieutenant Georcria Artillery C. S. \. 1862; A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Andrew Patterson Linn Cochran, A.M Corporal i52d Regiment Ohio National Guard 1864; Captain of same; U. S. Commissioner Southern District Ohio 1871 — ; A.M. Princeton i860. George Cochran Henry Cochran, a.m *i902 Captain's Clerk U. S. N. 1861; 1st Deputy Clerk U. S. Provisional Court Louisiana; A.M. Princeton 1859. i856] BACHELORS OF ARTS 193 James William Coleman, a.m.*i89i Union Seminary N. Y. 1858-61; A.M. Princeton 1859. David Owen Davies, a.m., d.d.*i898 Princeton Seminary 1856-59; Professor Rhetoric Stewart College, Tenn.; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Central 1881. Joseph Tnthill Duryea, a.m., d.d., LL.D *l898 Princeton Seminary 1856-59; Tutor Greek & Rhetoric Princeton 1857-58; Lecturer Nassau Institute 1868-78; Lecturer on Philosophy Wellesley 1879- 88; Acting Professor Biblical Theology Andover Seminary 1879-81 ; Acting Pro- fessor Boston Univ. 1886-87; Lecturer Psychology and Ethics New England Conservatory 1885-88; Lecturer Boston School of Oratory; Director Princeton Seminary 1873-79; A.^L Princeton 1859; D.D. Princeton 1866; LL.D. Omaha Univ. 1894. James Houston Eccleston, a.m., D.D Divinity School, Phila. 1862-65; Pro- fessor Ilomiletics and Pastoral Care Divinity School, Phila. 1874- ; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D._ Washington & Jefferson 1873, also Princeton 1904. Benjamin Smith Everitt, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1856-59; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Oxford College O. 1896, also Richmond College, O. 1891. Elijah Stites Fairchild, a.m.. Andover Seminary 1856-59; A.M. Princeton 1859. Thomas Sterling Falconer. . .*i863 Lieutenant Mississippi Infantry C. S. A. 1861-62; Captain in Subsistence De- partment C. S. A. 1862-63. William Bracey Falconer. .. .*i86i Lieutenant 14th Mississippi C. S. A. 1861. Robert Stoutenberg Feagles, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton 1859. George William Ford *i858 William Godley, a.m *i878 A.M. Princeton 1859. Charles Evans Haile Courier for Generals J. E. Johnston, Longstreet & Lee, C. S. A. Samuel Southard Halsey, a.m.*i889 Member ist Common Council, Morris- town, N. J.; Mayor Morristown, N. J. 1870; a.m. Princeton 1859. William Bearing Harden, a.m.*i898 Private, Chatham, Ga., Artillery, C. S. A. 1 861; I St Lieutenant and Captain Artillery C. S. A.; Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Ordnance Officer, Stewarts' Corps C. S. A. 1864-65; Judge City Court Savannah, Ga. ; A.M. Princeton 1886. William Hartshorne. a.m., m.d.*i87i A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. New York Univ. i860. Washington Irving Harvey, a.m. *i865 A.M. Princeton 1859. Robert Graham Hinsdale, a.m., B.D., D.D *i889 Princeton Seminary 1856-58; Tutor Princeton 1858; Professor Chemistry and Geology Racine College, Wis. 1866-76; President and Professor Chris- tian Ethics and Christian Evidences Ilobart 1876-83; A.M. Princeton 1859; B.D. Racine College; D.D. Hobart 1876. Joseph Hodgson, Jr., a.m., ll.b. Lieutenant i8th Alabama Infantry C. S. A. 1861; Captain ist Alabama Cav- alry C. S. A. :86i; Colonel 7th Ala- bama Cavalry C. S. A. i863(?)-6s; Superintendent Public Instruction Ala- bama 1870-72; Register in Chancery Fourteenth District Alabama 1874 — ; A.M. Princeton 1859; LL.B. tJniv. Virginia 1858. Leroy Holt, a.m *i86i Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1859. John Peter Jackson, Jr., a.m., ll.b. *i89o Member New Jersey Assembly 1862- 64; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1863; City Counsel Newark, N. J. 1866-70; Member New Jersey Tax Commission 1879-90; A.M. Princeton 1859; LL.B. Harvard 1858. William Alexander Jackson . . * John Henry Johns, a.m *i889 Princeton Seminary 1858-61; A.M. Princeton 1859. James Turner Leftwich, a.m., d.d. *i897 Union Seminary N. Y. 1856-59; Trus- tee Lincoln 1884-92; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1884-97; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Washington & Lee 1874. 194 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1856 James Little, a.m Princeton Seminary 1856-59; A.M. Princeton 1859. John Lowrey, a.m *i895 Princeton Seminary 1858-61; A.M. Princeton 1859. David Magie, Jr., a.m., d.d.. . . Princeton Seminary 1858-60; Trustee Princeton Seminary iSgg — ; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Hamilton 1871. George Anderson Mercer, a.m., LL.B *I907 Corporal Republican Blues _C. S. A.; Junior Lieutenant ist Georgia Infantry C. S. A. 1861; ist Lieutenant 1861; Captain and Assistant Adjutant General C. S. A. 1861-65; Member Georgia As- sembly 1872-74; Colonel ist Vol. Reg- iment Georgia 1886-1907; President of Trustees Savannah Medical College; Member Board of Managers Telfair Academy Arts & Sciences; Member Savannah Board of Education 1876- 1907; President Savannah Board of Education 1883-1907; A.M. Princeton 1859; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1858. John Roberts Neely *i902 John Newton, Jr., a.m., m.d. .*i88o Professor English Literature Rang Mahal High School Lahore 1859-60, 1864-66; A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1858. Thomas Nichols, a.m *i9oi Union Seminary 1858-60; Andover Seminary 1860-61; A.M. Princeton 1859. Thomas Vaughan Noland, a.m. Captain and Surgeon C. S. A.; Mayor Woodville, Miss. 1877-78; Member Mississippi Assembly 1880-81, 1886-87, 1890-91, 1892-93; Member Mississippi Senate 1882-86; Member Mississippi Constitutional Convention 1890; U. S. Commissioner Southern District^ Miss- issippi; District Attorney Mississippi; A.M. Princeton 1881. Samuel White Oliver *i893 Captain on Staff of General Gardner and General Polk, C. S. A. 1861-65. William Morris Orem, a.m. . .*i9oo A.M. Princeton 1866. Edward Overton, Jr., a.m...*i903 Major 50th Penna. Vols. 1861-63; Lieu- tenant Colonel 50th Penna. Vols. 1863- 64; Register in Bankruptcy 1867-76; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1877- 81; A.M. Princeton 1859. Hersey Baylies Parker Chaplain C. S. A. Nathan Smith Patterson *i^79 Served in C. S. A. Robert Proctor, a.m *i9o8 Princeton Seminary 1856-59; A.M. Princeton 1859. Charles Worthington Ross, a.m. *i905 A.M. Princeton 1859. Benjamin Davis Shreve, a.m . . A.M. Princeton 1859. James Thomas Spence, a.m..*i86s A.M. Princeton 1859. Michael Alexander Steele, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1859. John Stevens Stewart, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Tutor Princeton 1860-61; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Hamilton 1875. Robert Henry Stirling, a.m., m.d. ♦1904 A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1859. William Christie Stitt, a.m., d.d. *i904 Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Chaplain U. S. Sanitary and Christian Commis- sion 1861-62; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Princeton 1889. Robert Strong, a.m Princeton Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton 1859. Samuel Miller Studdiford. a.m., D.D *i9o9 Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1893— ;•; Delegate to Pan Presbyterian Council Edinburgh 1877; Delegate Pan Presbyterian Coun- cil Glasgow 1896; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Princeton 1884. John Crater Sutphen, a.m., m.d. *i878 Mayor Plainfield, N. J. 1875-76; A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1859- Morris Crater Sutphen, a.m., d.d. *i875 Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Tutor 1856-57] BACHELORS OF ARTS 195 Princeton 1859-60; A.M. Princeton 1859; D.D. Princeton 1871. Thomas Tabb, a.m., ll.d. . . .*i902 Lieutenant Virginia Artillery C. S. A. i86i-6j;_ Quartermaster 3d Virginia In- fantry C. S. A. 1861-64; Captain Quar- termaster's Department C. S. A. 1864- 65; A.M. Princeton 1859; LL.D. Rich- mond College, O. 1900. Frederick Voorhees, a.m. ^1885 A.M. Princeton 1859. Jesse Hervvin Whitaker *i877 Asa Whitehead, Jr., a.m A.M. Princeton 1859. Pere Lethebury Wickes, a.m , . President Judge 19th District Penna. 1875-86; Judge Supreme Court, Balti- more, Md. 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1863. Granville Wilcox, a.m *i886 Lieutenant 3d Arkansas Infantry C. S. A. 1861; Captain (?) Assistant Adjutant General C. S. A.; U. S. Dis- trict Attorney, Arkansas; C. S. District Attorney Arkansas; Member Arkansas Assembly 1866- ; A.M. Princeton 1859. Benjamin Williamson, Jr., a.m. ^1900 a.m. Princeton 1859. Edward Payson Wood, a.m..*i89o Princeton Seminary 1856-59; A.M. Princeton 1859. John Rice Wood, a.m *i86o Princeton Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton 1859. William Jackson Wood, a.m. ,*i885 Member New Jersey Assembly 1861; Paymaster Major U. S. Vols. 1863-65; A.M. Princeton 1859. Alfred Alexander Woodhull, a.m., M.D., LL.D 1st Lieutenant Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1861; Captain Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1866; Major Surgeon U. S. A. 1876; Brevet Captain U. S. A. 1865; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1865; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. A. 1865; Lieutenant Colonel Deputy Sur- geon General U. S. A. 1894; Colonel Assistant Surgeon General U. S. A. 1900; Retired 1901; Lecturer Hygiene and General Sanitation Princeton 1902- 07; Brigadier General U. S. A. Re- tired 1904; A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1859; LL.D. Princeton 1894. John Frazer Woods, m.d William Henry Woodward. . .*i863 Henry Harrison Woolsey, a.m.* 1864 Lieutenant 5th New Jersey Vols. 1861; Captain sth New Jersey Vols. 1862- 64; A.M. Princeton 1859. Oscar Henry Young, a.m., m.d. *i890 Served in 177th N. Y. Vols. 1862- ; A.M. Princeton 1859; M.D. Albany 1858. 1857 Lyell Thompson Adams, a.m.*i892 Princeton Seminary 1857-60; U. S. Consul Malta 1869-77; U. S. Consul Geneva, Switzerland 1879-89; U. S. Consul Horgen, Switzerland 1889-92; A.M. Princeton i860. John Stottoff Beekman, a.m. .*i9oi Union Seminary N. Y. 1857-58; Prince- ton Seminary 1858-60; A.M. Princeton i860. W^illiam Bell * Thomas Williams Berry, a.m.*i869 A.M. Princeton i860. Samuel Fowler Bigelow, a.m. City Attorney Newark, N. J. 1863-67; Judge City Court Newark, N. J. 1868- 69; U. S. District Attorney New Jer- sey 1887-88; U. S. Commissioner New Jersey 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton i860. Isaac Alstyne Blauvelt, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton i860; D.D. Princeton 1893. John Benjamin Burton *i883 Major & Chief Quartermaster C. S. A.; Member Arkansas Assembly 1874- . Calvin Morgan Christy *i907 Charles Clement, Jr .*i864 Philip Barnes Cook, a.m., m.d. Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Chaplain 85th Indiana _ Vols. 1862-63; U. S. ftledical Examiner for Pensions 1885— 95; A.M. Princeton i860; M.D. Miami 1867. Thomas Chappele Cook, m.d.*i9o6 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1859. Hugh Long Craven, a.m * Princeton Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton i860. 196 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1857 Charles Smith De Graw, a.m., m.d. *i882 Assistant Surgeon 8th New York Mili- tia 1861; Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1862; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1865; A.M. Princeton i860; M.D. New York Univ. 1861. Samuel Marion Dennis * Wallace DeWitt, a.m *i89i Prothonotary Supreme Court Penna. 1864-70; A.M. Princeton i860. William Henry Dinsmore, a.m.* 1877 Princeton Seminary i §57-60; A.M. Princeton i860. Samuel Bayard Dod, a.m....* 1907 Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Director Stevens Institute 1 868-1 907; Trustee Princeton 1882-1907; A.M. Princeton i860. Robert Means Fuller, a.m...*i873 A.M. Princeton i860. Edward Richard Gale, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton i860. Daniel Scely Gregory, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Tutor Princeton 1859-60; Professor Meta- physics and Logic Wooster 1871-75; Professor Mental Science and English Literature Wooster 1875-78; President Lake I'orest 1879-86; A.^L Princeton i860; D.D. Princeton 1873. Charles Haight, a.m *i89i Member New Jersey Assembly 1861-63; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1862-63; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1867-71; Prosecutor Pleas Monmouth Co., N. J. 1879-91; A.M. Princeton 1861. Thomas Rycrson Haines, a.]\i.*i862 Captain ist New Jersey Cavalry 1861- 62; A.M. Princeton i860. Caldwell Keppele Hall, a.m..*i87o Adjutant 5th New Jersey Vols. 1861; Lieut. Colonel 14th New Jersey Vols. 1862-64; Resigned 1864; Brevet Col- onel U. S. Vols. 1865; Brevet Briga- dier General U. S. Vols. 1865; A.M. Princeton i860. Martin Havens, a.m *i866 A.M. Princeton i860. Theophilus Yates Hawkins. . . Charles Richard Hayward, m.d. *i878 Surgeon C. S. A.; M.D. James Addison Henry, a.m., d.d., LL.D *I906 Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Trustee Princeton 1883-1906; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1900-06; Moderator Gen- eral Assembly 1904; A.M. Princeton i860; D.D. Central 1877, also Wash- ington & Jefferson 1877; LL.D. Wash- ington & Jefferson 1905. Thomas Sherwood Hodson, a.m., LL.D Degree conferred 1887; Trustee Dick- inson 1882-86; U. S. Collector Cus- toms Crisfleld, Md. 1877-85; Member Maryland Senate 1884-86; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.D. Dickinson 1873. Joshua Blackwood Howell Jane- way, A.M., Ph.D Chaplain 199th Penna. Vols. 1864-65; Professor Metallurgy and Applied Chemistry National Univ. Chicago; A.M. Princeton i860; Ph.D. National Univ. 18 hon. Kneeland Piatt Ketcham, a.m., d.d. Princeton .Seminary 1858-61; A.M. Princeton i860; D.D. Rutgers 1869. Charles Carroll Kibbee * Lieutenant Colonel loth Georgia Regi- ment C. S. A.; Member Georgia As- sembly 1865-66; Member Georgia Sen- ate 1870-76; Judge Superior Court Georgia 1885-89. John Backer Kugler, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1857-60; A.M. Princeton i860. Charles Henry Luzenberg, a.m., LL.B '. *i897 Captain C. S. A.; U. S. District At- torney 1st District Louisiana 1866-72; Judge Criminal Court, Louisiana; A.^L Princeton i860, also Yale 1869 hon.; LL.B. Univ. Louisiana 1859. Joseph Tagert Macauley * John Ryan McKelway, a.m. .*i87i Princeton Seminary 1857-61; Tutor Princeton i86o-6i; A.M. Princeton i860. William Halsted McLure, a.m.* i860 A.M. Princeton i860. Leonard Henderson Mangum.* Staflf Officer C. S. A. Gustavus Wilhelm IMayer, a.m.* 1905 A.M. Princeton i860. 1857-58] BACHELORS OF ARTS 197 James Steenson Mayne, a.m. .*i86o A.M. Princeton i860. Walter Russell Minniece, m.d. M.D. David Henry Mitchell, a.m . . . Princeton Seminary 1857-60; Chaplain U. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton i860. Charles Beatty Moore, a.m. . . Served in C. S. A.; Attorney General Arkansas 1881-85; Standing Master in Chancery U. S. Circuit Court Western District Arkansas 1900 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1887. Charles Morgan *i888 John MiUiken Parker *i893 Aaron Peck, a.m *i9or Princeton Seminary 1858; Union Sem- inary N. Y. 1861-64; A.M. Princeton i860. John Potter, a.m *i88i A.M. Princeton i860. Henry Pawlington Ross, a.m.*i882 District Attorney Doylestown, Pa. 1862-65; Judge 7th District Court Penna. 1869-71; President Judge Dis- trict Court Penna. 1871-82; A.M. Princeton 1860. Robert Tennent Simpson, a.m., LL.B Private 4th Alabama Infantrj' 1861; Private and 2d Lieutenant ist Battalion Alabama Artillery C. S. A. 1861; ist Lieutenant Alabama .'Xrtillery C. S. A.; Adjunct General Liddell's Brigade C. S. A.; Captain 63d Alabama C. S. A.; Member Alabama Assembly 1882-83, 1903-04; Member Alabama Senate 1884-85, 1886-87; Judge Siipreme Court Alabama 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Cumberland 1859. John [D.] Stewart, a.m., ll.d. ist Lieutenant 126th Penna. Vols. 1862; .'\djutant ij6th Penna. \'o!s. 1863-64; .•\ssist:!nt Commissary Musters 3d Di- vision ;,th Corps 1S63; Member Penna. Constifutionnl Convention 1872; Mem- ber Penna. Senate 1880-84; President Judge 39th Judicial District Penna. 1 887-1 905; judge Supreme Court Penna. 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton i860; LL.D. Franklin & Marshall 1903. George Edward Summers, a.m., M.D * a.m. Princeton i860; M.D. Columbia i860. Stephen Wynkoop Van Duyn, a.m., M.D *i898 Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1863; .Assistant Surgeon ist New Jer- sey Cavalry 1865- ; A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. New York Univ. 1865. Joseph Smith Van Dyke, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Tutor Princeton i860; .A.M. Princeton i860; D.D. Princeton 1884. James Douglass Vertner, a.m.*i886 Served in C. S. A.; Member Mississippi Senate 1886; A.M. Princeton i860. John Willett Wadsworth, a.m.* 1883 A.M. Princeton 1872. Henry Wynkoop Watson, a.m.* 1893 A.M. Princeton i860. William Henry Watson, a.m . . * A.M. Princeton i860. Edward Livingston Welling, a.m., M.D *i897 Assistant Surgeon 3d New Jersey Vols. 1861; Surgeon nth New jersey Vols. 1862; Surgeon in Chief 3d Brigade; Surgeon Soldiers Home Hampton Roads, Va. ; A.M. Princeton i860; I\LD. Rush Medical 1859, also Univ. Penna. i860. Samuel Halliday Wilcox, a.m., LL.B *l883 District .'\ttorney, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; U. S. Revenue Collector; A.^I. Prince- ton i860; LL.B. Harvard i860. Frederick A.M A.M. Princeton Redinger Wilkinson, *i883 1858 Joseph Harold Beck. =1867 Private C. S. A. 1861; Lieutenant 5th Texas Cavalry, C. S. A. 1861; Captain 5th Texas Cavalry C. S. A. 1862; Aide to General Green C. S. A. 1862; Brigade Quartermaster and Aide to General Green C. S. A. 1863; Corps Quartermaster Louisiana C. S. A. 1864. Joseph Henry Green Blythe, a, A.M. Princeton 1861. William Bryson, a.m M. Captain Unattached Penna. Militia 1862; A.M. Princeton 1861. 198 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1858 Henry Anson Buttz, a.m., d.d., LL.D New Brunswick Seminary 1858-60; Adjunct Professor Greek & Hebrew Drew Seminary 1868-70; Professor Hellenistic & Classical Greek Drew Seminary 1871-73; Professor New Tes- tament lixegesis Drew Seminary 1876- 80; President Drew Seminary 1880 — ; A.M. Princeton 1861; D.D. Princeton 1875, also Wesleyan 1903; LL.D. Dick- inson 1885. Joel Campbell, Jr., a.m *i877 A.M. Princeton 1861. Edward Morton Carrington, a.m. *i897 a.m. Princeton 1861. Ellis Plumer Cayce, a.m *i898 A.M. Princeton 1861. Robert Edes Chetwood, a.m . . City Attorney Elizabeth, N. J. 1S74- 79; Commissioner Taxation Elizabeth, N. J. 1884; A.M. Princeton i86i. James Hamilton Clark Thomas Parmlee Cleveland, d.d. Columbia (S. C.) Seminary 1858-60; Private loth Georgia Infantrv C. S. A.; Chaplain C. S. A. 1865; D.D. Mid- dle Georgia College 1888. William Haight Conover, Jr., a.m. *iS78 Member New Jersey Senate 1872-73; A.M. Princeton 1861. Jeremiah Cook *i884 ist Lieutenant 126th Penna. \'ols. 1862- . Samuel Adams Danforth. . . .*i867 William Lewis Dayton *i897 Assistant Secretary U. S. Legation Paris 1861-65; President City Council Trenton, N. J. 1876-79; U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Holland 1882-85; Judge Court of Errors and Appeals New Jersey 1896-97; A.M. Princeton 1861. Abraham De Pue, a.m *i878 Private 2d New Jersey Vols. 1861-63; Assistant Paymaster U. S. N. 1863-65; A.M. Princeton 1861. John Sherburne Dunning, a.m., Ph.D McCormick Seminary 1859-62; A.M. Princeton 1861; Ph.D. James Findlay, a.m Tudge Orphans Court, Washington Co., iVld. 1879-83; A.M. Princeton 1861. John Van Lear Findlay, a.m.*i907 Member Maryland Assembly 1861- ; Collector U. S. Internal Revenue Bal- timore, Md. 1865- ; City Solicitor Baltimore, Md. 1876-78; U. S. Rep- resentative from Maryland 1883-87; A.M. Princeton 1861. Joseph Harris Forbes *igo6 Private ist Maryland Artillery, C. S. A. 1861; Quartermaster Sergeant C. S. A.; Captain Assistant Quartermaster, C. S. A. Jacob Scudder Galloway, a.m. Lieutenant 4th Tennessee Infantry C. S. A. 1863-65; Captain 4th Tennessee Infantry C. S. A. 1865-66; Member Tennessee Senate 1883-85; Judge Pro- bate Court Shelby Co., Tenn. 1886 — ; Judge 2d Circuit Court Tenn. 1893- 1905; A.M. Princeton 1895. Robert Gait, m.d *i877 Private 4th \'irginia Cavalry C. S. A. 1861-62; Assistant Surgeon 6th Vir- ginia Cavalry C. S. A. 1862- ; M.D. Univ. Penna. i860. Sterling M. Gait *i865 Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Charles Edward Hart, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 185S-61; Professor English Language and Literature Rut- gers 1880-97; Professor Ethics and Evidences Christianity Rutgers 1897 — ; A.M. Princeton 1861; D.D. Rutgers 1880. Enoch Turner Holmes * Served in C. S. A. i86i- . McHenry Howard, a.m Served in ist Maryland Regiment C. S. A. 1861; Aide on Staff of Stonewall Brigade 1862; Aide on Staff of Briga- dier General Geo. H. Stewart, also on Staff Major General G. W. C. Lee 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1861. Charles Stratton Howell *i89i James Hoy, Jr Assistant Paymaster U. S. X. 1861-64; Paymaster U. S. N. 1864-82; Pay In- spector V. S. N. 1882; Retired List U. S. N. 1892. William Barry Hunt *i862 1st Lieutenant 4th Alabama C. S. A. 1861-62; Captain 4th Alabama C. S. A. 1862. 1858] BACHELORS OF ARTS 199 Robert Chadwick Hutchings, a.m., LL.B *i89i Member New York Assembly 1861-63; Assistant U. S. District Attorney New York; Surrogate N. Y. City 1870; A.M. Princeton 1861; LL.B. Columbia i860. Edwin Ripley Hutchinson, a.m. *i867 A.M. Princeton 1861. Sylvester Cresswell Lewis. . .*i907 Private 22d Alabama C. S. A. 186 1- 62; Chief Clerk Quartermaster Depart- ment C. S. A. 1862-65. Augustus Wackerhagen Littell. *i876 Private Louisiana Guards C. S. A. 1861- ; Private Louisiana Cavalry C. S. A. 1865. David Rankin Love, a.m Princeton Seminary Princeton 1861. 1858-61; A.M. John McCleery, a.m *ic)07 Captain sth Penna. Reserve Vols. 1861- 62; Lieutenant Colonel 28th Emergency Regiment 1863; A.M. Princeton 1861. George McCulloch McGill, a.m., 1867 M.D. * Assistant Surgeon LT. S. A. 1862-64; Brevet Captain U. S. A. 1864; Major U. S. A. 1865; Lieutenant Colonel 1866; A.M. Princeton 1861; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1861. John Alexander McGinley, a.m. * Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Chaplain U. S. A. 1862-63; A.M. Princeton 1861. Andrew Todd McKinney, a.m. Captain C. S. A. 1862-63; Professor Mathematics Univ. Texas 1863-65; U. S. District Attorney Texas 1871-73; Member Texas Constitutional Conven- tion 1875; Member Texas Assembly 1883-87. 1S91-93, 1895-97, 1905—; Re- gent l^niv. Texas 1S81-82; A.M. Princeton 1876. John Maclean, Jr., a.m *i87o Allegheny Seminary 1858-61; Private in Allegheny Home Guards 1861 — ; Princeton Seminary 1867-70; A.M. Princeton 1861. David W. Moore, a.m *i899 Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Chaplain 97th Penna. Vols. 1864; A.M. Prince- ton 1 86 1. Richard Davis Murphy *i907 Private 1st Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. 1861; Adjutant and Major C. S. A. 1862- . Matthew Newkirk, a.m., d.d. . Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Trustee Princeton .Seminary 1871 — ; A.M. Princeton 1861; D.D. Lafayette 1881. Gershom Hatton Nimmo, a.m.*i898 Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Tutor Princeton 1858-61; Registrar Prince- ton 1859-61; A.M. Princeton 1861. James Harris Nixon, a.m. . . .*i903 Assistant LT. S. Attorney 1889-94; Member New Jersey Assembly 1865- 69; Member New Jersey Senate 1869- 72; Judge New Jersey Court Error and Appeals 1896-1900; Judge Southern Circuit New Jersey 1900-03; A.M. Princeton 1861. David Brainerd Paine * Allegheny Seminary i860. John Bradner Perry, a.m. . . .*i893 Member New Jersey Assembly 1861-63; A.M. Princeton 1861. Samuel Louis Phillips, a.m., U. S. Commissioner; A.M. Princeton 1862, also 1906 hon. Henry Clay Piatt *i904 Member New York Assembly 1863-67; Assistant U. S. District Attorney New York 1886- ; U. S. District Attorney New York. William Thomas Purnell, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1861; M.D. Job Davidson Randolph *i897 Princeton Seminary 1858-61. James Richards, ll.b., ll.m. . LL.B. Columbia 1864; LL.M. Columbia 1865. William Penn Robeson *i88i Degree conferred 1859; 1st Lieutenant 3d New Jersey \'o!s. 1861; Captain 3d New Jersey Vols. 1862; Major 3d New Jersey Cavalry 1863; Lieut. Colonel 3d New Jersey Cavalry 1864; Brevet Col- onel and Brigadier General 1865. Joseph Bispham Roe, a.m., m.d. *i904 Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1862-65; Member New Jersey Assembly 1886-8 Member New Jersey Senate 1888-91; Postmaster Woodbury, N. J. 1892-96; A.M. Princeton 1861; M.D. Univ. Penna. i86i. 200 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1858-59 Richard P\illcr Sams *i867 Assistant Surgeon C. S. A. Joseph Lindsay Shellabarger.*i905 Private 11 6th Illinois Vols. 1862-63; 2d Lieutenant 11 6th Illinois Vols. 1863-64; I St Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps 1864-65. William Samuel Shields *i862 Private 154th Tennessee Vols. C. S. A. 1861-62; ist Lieutenant 154th Tenn. Vols. C. S. A. 1862. John Williams Stoddard, ll.b. LL.B. Cincinnati Law School i860. Morris Hancock Stratton, a.m., LL.B. Captain 2d New Jersey Cavalry 1S63- 64; Director Princeton Seminary 1896 — ; A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Albany Univ. i860. Joseph Malcolm Streett, a.m . . Member Maryland Assembly 1870-71, 1872-73; A.M. Princeton 1878. William Scudder Stryker, a.m., LL.D., F.R.H.S *I900 Private New Jersey National Guard 1861; Major 14th New Jersey Vols. 1862; Additional Paymaster U. S. Vols. 1863-65; Aide to I\Iajor General Gill- more U. S. A. 1863; Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1865; Re- signed 1866; Adjutant General New Jersey 1867-1900; Brevet Major Gen- eral 1874; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1896-1900; A.M. Princeton 1861; LL.D. Princeton 1899. Josiah Simpson Studdiford. a.m. *i862 Adjutant 4th New Jersey Vols. 1861- 62; A.M. Princeton 1861. Jonathan Townley, a.m 2d Lieutenant 9th New Jersey Vols. 1861-62; ist Lieutenant 9th New Jer- sey Vols. 1862-64; Captain 9th New Jersey \'ols. 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1861. Henry Lefler Rice Van Dyck, a.m. Private 22d New York Vols. 1862; A.M. Princeton 1861. Matthew Van Lear, a.m., d.d.*i903 Danville Seminary 1858-60; A.M. Princeton 1861; Curator Central 1880- 82; D.D. Central 1883. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, a.m. *i864 ist Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry 1861; Adjutant 13th U. S. Infantry 1861; Captain 13th U. S. Infantry 1862-64; Staff of Major General Sher- man U. S. A. 1863-64; A.M. Prince- ton 1861. Charles Whiting Walker Franklin Fisk Westcott, a.m.*i875 A.M. Princeton i86i. Edward Payson Weyer ist Sergeant 67th Indiana Vols. 1862- 63 ; Special Agent U. S. Interior De- partment 1889-90. John Wherry, a.m., d.d Princeton Seminary 1858-61; Tutor Princeton 1860-61; Professor New Tes- tament Exegesis North China Seminary Peking; Professor Astronomy and Mathematics North China Union Col- lege, Tengchou; Acting President Shan- tung College. Tengchou 1878-80; A.M. Princeton 1861; D.D. Wooster 1892, also Princeton 1895. Samuel Place Whiting *i9oo Princeton Seminary 1858-61. Francis Gregory Wood, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1861. Francis Marion Wood, a.m. . , Princeton Seminary 1858-61; A.M. Princeton 1861. John Howard Wurts, a.m.. . . ,*i862 A.M. Princeton 1861. Francis Charles Zacharie, a.m. Lieutenant Adjutant Louisiana Zouaves C. S. A. 1861; ist Sergeant Crescent Rifles, Dreux's Battalion C. S. A.; 1st Lieutenant 9th Louisiana Provisional C. S. A.; Major 25lh Louisiana C. S. A.; Assistant Inspector General of General Ruggles' Division, and Ordnance Officer fienera! Anderson's Staff C. S. A.; In Charge Conscript Department Subdivi- sion North Louisiana; Lieutenant Col- onel 19th Louisiana C. S. A.; Colonel 25th Louisiana C. S. A.; A.M. Prince- ton 1 86 1. 1S59 George Crawford Beekman, a.m. Member New Jersey Senate 1879-82; Judge Court Common Picas Monmouth Co., N. J. 1869-74; A.M. Princeton 1862. Anderson Lalor Brearley, a.m.*i892 A.M. Princeton 1862. Ira Percy Clark, Sergeant i^th Tennessee C. S. A. 1861- 65; Commissary Department C. S. A. i859] BACHELORS OF ARTS 201 1863; Superintendent Schools Corning, la. 1881-84; Superintendent Instruction Adams Co., la. 1894-98. John William Cleveland, a.m . . Mayor Aurora, Texas; Captain C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1870. Hugh Laing Cole, a.m., ll.b., ll.d. *i898 Mayor Savannah, Ga. 1860-61; Senior ist Lieutenant Chatham Artillery C. S. A. 1 861; Captain 2d North Carolina Infantry C. S. A. 1861; Assistant Ad- jutant General North Carolina Enrolling Service C. S. A.; Chief of Artillery, District of Georgia and 3d Military Dis- trict South Carolina C. S. A.; As- sistant Corporation Counsel N. Y. City 1875-80; A.M. Princeton 1869, also Univ. North Carolina 1876 hon. ; LL.B. Harvard 1855; LL.D. New York LIniv. 1880, also Emory College, Ga. 1882; M.A.P.S. Samuel Richards Colwell, a.m., LL.B *i873 Aide to General Bayard U. S. A. 1862; Aide to General Gregg U. S. A. 1863; A.M. Princeton 1862; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1862. Robert Aaron Condit, a.m., d.d. *i9o8 Princeton Seminary 1861-63; Tutor Princeton 1S61-63; Professor Greek Language and Literature Coe College, la. 1875-82; Dean Coe 1905-06; Pro- fessor Emeritus Coe 1905; A.M. Princeton 1862; D.D. Coe 1899. William Arthur Conover, a.m., m.d. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1862- 63; Surgeon U. S. N'ols. 1863; Lieu- tenant Colonel Medical Director zsth Army Corps 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. \'ols. 1865; Brevet Col- onel U. S. \'ols. 1865; A.M. Princeton 1862; M.D. Columbia 1862. John Cornell, a.m. General Theological Seminary, N. Y. 1860-63; Canon Bursar and Missioner Cathedral St. John the Divine, N. Y. City 1904 — ; A.M, Princeton 1862. James Craig, a.m A.M. Princeton 1862. Sussex Delaware Davis, a.m. . Register in Bankruptcy 1873-79; A.M. Princeton 1862. James Newton Dickson, a.m.*i87S Corporal Penna. Artillery 1861; 2d Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry 1861; Regimental Commissary 1862-63; Cap- tain 6th Penna. Cavalry 1863; Resigned 1864; 2d Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery 1862-63; Resigned 1864; A.M. Prince- ton 1862. Charles Hammond Dougal, m.d. *I902 Captain 28th Penna. Militia; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1864. Robert Edgar, a.m *i907 Princeton Seminary 1859-62; A.M. Princeton 1862. John Witten Frierson *i862 Served 4th Brigade 2d Louisiana C. S. A, Charles Parker Glover, a.m..*i904 Princeton Seminary 1859-62; Chaplain loth Nev/ Jersey; A.M. Princeton 1862. Thomas Goldthwaite *i869 Private 21st Alabama C. S. A.; ist Lieutenant C. S. A. Conscript Bureau Richmond, \'a. ; ist Lieutenant C. S. A. Ordnance Bureau; Aide to General Forney C. S. A. George Gray, a.m., ll.b., ll.d. Attorney General Delaware 1879-84; U. S. Senator from Delaware 18S5-99; Judge 3d U. S. Judicial Circuit Court 1899 — ; Member Joint High Commis- sion Quebec 1898; Member Peace Com- mission Paris 1898; Member Interna- tional Permanent Court of Arbitration 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1862; LL.B. Harvard 1863; LL.D. Princeton 1889; M.A.P.S. Francis Blanchard Hodge, a.m., D.D *I905 Princeton Seminary 1859-62; Director Princeton Seminary 1892-1905; Trustee Princeton 1 887-1 905; A.M. Princeton 1862; D.D. Princeton 1883. Telfair Hodgson, d.d., ll.d.*i893 General Seminary N. Y. 1859-61; Cor- poral and Major Richmond Zouaves C. S. A.; Captain Chaplain ist Alabama Cavalry C. S. A.; Adjutant General, General Wheeler's Cavalry C. S. A.; Chaplain Georgia Regiment C. S. A. 1864-65; Professor Moral and Mental Science L'niv. Alabama 1871-72; \'ice Chancellor Univ. South 1879-90; Dean Theological Department Univ. South 1878-93; D.D. Univ. South. Edgar Holden, a.m., m.d., ph.d. Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1862; M.D. Columbia 1861; Ph.D. Princeton 1874 hon. Thomas Humphreys, a.m., ll.b. *i897 Prosecuting Attorney Wicomico Co., 202 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1859 Md. 1867-71; Member Maryland Sen- ate 1876-78; Mayor Salisbury, Md. ; A.M. Princeton 1862; LL.B. Harvard 1861. Julian Darragh Janvier, a.m.*i899 A.M. Princeton 1862. Alfred Hosea Kellogg, a.m., d.d. *i9o6 Princeton Seminary 18S9-62; A.M. Princeton 1862; D.D. Lafayette 1882. James Buyers Kennedy, a.m.*i9o8 Princeton Seminary Princeton 1862. 1859-62; A.M. Fergus Lafayette Kenyon, a.m. *igo2 Princeton Seminary 1859-63; Tutor Princeton 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1862. George Washington Ketcham, a.m. Member Council Newark, N. J. 1888- 90; Member New Jersey Assembly 1891-93; Member New Jersey Senate 1894-1900; A.M. Princeton 1862. William Potts Lloyd, a.m...*i863 A.M. Princeton 1862. Aurelius Augustine Lyon, a.m., M.D Assistant Surgeon Mississippi Regiment C. S. A. 1862-63; Surgeon C. S. A. 1863-65; Brigade Surgeon C. S. A. 1S65; Health Officer Shreveport, La. 1888-95; State Land Commissioner Tennessee 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1867; M.D. Washington Univ., St. Louis 1861. Theodoric Cecil Lyon, a.m., ll.b. *i884 Private and Officer in C. S. A.; Chan- cellor 5th District Mississippi; A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Lebanon 1861. William Alfred McAtee, a.m., d.d. *I902 Danville Seminary 1859-61; Princeton Seminary 1861-62; Tutor Rhetoric Princeton 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1862; D.D. Princeton 1888. McKaig, A.M. ♦1886 Thomas Jefferson Private 6th \'irpinia Cavalry C. S. A. 1861-63; Lieutenant 6th \'a. Cavalry C. S. A.; Member Lieutenant General R. E. Lee's Body Guard, 1863-66; Provost Marshall, Staunton, Va. ; A.M. Prince- ton 1866. David Magie, Jr., a.m., m.d.. A.M. Princeton 1862; M.D. Columbia 1863. John Bell Mhoon, a.m Private C. S. A. 1861; Lieutenant in General Bragg's Pioneers C. S. A.; Captain on General Marmaduke's Staff C. S. A.; Major on General A. S. Johnston's Staff C. S. A.; Chief En- gineer District of Arkansas C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1867. Charles Barrett Morris, a.m. .*i903 A.M. Princeton 1862. Walter Scott Ohphant, a.m..*i879 a.m. Princeton 1862. Samuel Hepburn Pollock, a.m.* 1865 Adjutant 131st Penna. \'ols. 1862-63; A.M. Princeton 1862. James William Reese, a.m., ph.d. General Seminary N. Y. 1859-62; Pro- fessor Ancient Languages and Litera- ture Western Maryland College 1870- ; A.M. Princeton 1862; Ph.D. Univ. Western Maryland 1873 hon. Joseph Haswell Robinson. . .*i868 Princeton Seminary 1859-60. John Henry Rodney, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1862. Henry Everett Russell, a.m.. ll.b. *i87i A.M. Princeton 1862; LL.B. Columbia 1861. Frederick Stump, a.m *i9oi Judge Circuit Court Maryland 1867- ; "A.M. Princeton 1862. Charles Lorenzo Sykes, a.m.*i889 General Seminary, N. Y. 1859-62; A.M. Princeton 1862. Robert Tarleton *i868 Private C. S. A.; Captain 3d Alabama C. S. A.; Served in C. S. N. Chester Van Syckel, a.m....* 1907 A.M. Princeton 1862. Edwin Morrison Ward. m.d.. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1864-65; President Board of Health Bloomfield, N. J.; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1862. Robert Belville Watson, a.m., m.d. Surgeon U. S. N'ols. 1864-65; A.M. 1859-60] BACHELORS OF ARTS 203 Princeton 1862; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1863. Otis Benjamin Webster *i862 Princeton Seminary 1858-59. Grant Weidman, a.m *i895 Deputy District Attorney Lebanon Co., Pa. 1861-62; Major 173d Penna. \'ols. 1862-63; U. S. Assessor Internal Rev- enue loth District Penna.; A.M. Princeton 1862. Henry Wade Williams, a.m.*i904 Lieutenant 26. California Cavalry U. S. Vols. 1861- ; A.M. Princeton 1862. Sylvester Woodbridge, a.m., m.d. *i87i Assistant Surgeon LT. S. Marine Hos- pital, San Francisco 1860-67; Assistant Surgeon 32d U. S. Infantry 1868-71; A.M. Princeton 1862; M.D. William Bull Wright, m.d...*i88o Private and 2d Lieutenant 5th New York Infantry; Aide to Major General Crawford, 3d Division 5th Army Corps U. S. A. ; Professor Ancient Lan- guages BuiTalo State Normal 1871-79; M.D. Columbia 1869. James Rucks Yerger *i8c)o ist Lieutenant and Captain, StalT of General S. G. French C. S. A. 1861- 65; Secretary of State Mississippi 1865; Member Mississippi Assembly. Abram Zabriskie, a.m *i864 Adjutant 9th New Jersey Vols. 1861; Major 1862; Lieutenant Colonel 1862; Colonel 1863; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1864; A.M. Princeton 1862. i860 George Frederick Abbay, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1866. James Waddel Alexander, Jr., a.m. Trustee Princeton 1885- ; A.M. Princeton 1863. George Allen Anderson, a.m..* A.M. Princeton 1863. Isaac Gabriel de Gaudeloupe An- gus *i88s Francis Vogel Barnet, a.m...*i907 A.M. Princeton 1863. George Kerper Bechtel, a.m. .*i89i A.M. Princeton 1863. Charles Treat Berry, a.m Union Seminary N. Y. 1860-63; A.M. Princeton 1863. Joseph Bird, m.d M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1863. Joseph Lamb Bodine, a.m., m.d. *i888 a.m. Princeton 1863; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1865. WilHam Budd Bodine, a.m., d.d. *i907 Princeton Seminary 1861-62; Chaplain Kenyon 1871-76; Professor Theology Gambier Seminary 1876-77; President Kenyon 1877-91; A.M. Princeton 1863; D.D. Princeton 1878. James Shriver Brengle, a.m . . * A.M. Princeton 1864. Theron Brittain, a.m Princeton Seminary 1860-63; A.M. Princeton 1863. Walter Scott Brown, a.m Princeton Seminary 1860-63; A.M. Princeton 1863. James Augustus Bryan 2d Lieutenant loth North Carolina C. S. A. 1861; ist Lieutenant Artillery and Ordnance C. S. A. 1861-62; Cap- tain Artillery C. S. A. 1863-65; Major and Quartermaster North Carolina C. S. A. 1865; Member North Carolina Senate 1899-1900; Chairman Board of Commissioners Craven Co., N. C. Richard McCall Cadwalader, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1863; LL.B. Harvard 1863. James William Cannon, a.m. .* A.M. Princeton 1870. Charles Nicholas Chevrier, a.m. *i872 A.M. Princeton 1863. Clinton Churchill Clarke, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1864. John S. Condit, a.m *i869 A.M. Princeton 1863. Edwin Degraw Conover, a.m.* 1880 a.m. Princeton 1863. 204 BACHELORS OF ARTS [i860 Samuel Thompson Corn, a.m.. ' Judge Supreme Court Wyoming Ter- ritory 1886-90; Judge Supreme Court Wyoming 1897-1905; Chief Justice Wyoming 1903-05; A.M. Princeton 1863. Eben Jackson Dickey Cross, a.m. *i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1863. John Summers De Hart, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1864. Samuel King Dennis, a.m .... * A.M. Princeton 1863. Calvin De Witt, a.m., m.d. . . .^igoS Captain 49th Penna. Infantry U. S. A. 1861-63; 'St Lieutenant Assistant Sur- geon U. S. A. 1867; Captain Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1870; Major Surgeon 1885; Instructor Military Hygiene Mil- itary School Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 1S93-96; Lieutenant Colonel Deputy Surgeon General U. S. A. 1898; Col- onel Assistant Surgeon General U. S. A. 1901; Lecturer Military Hygiene General Staff College U. S. A.; Pro- fessor Military Medicine Army Med- ical School U. S. A. 1901-02; President Army Medical School Washington, D. C. 1902-03; Brigadier General U. S. A. :903; Retired 1903; A.M. Princeton 1863; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1865. David Foster Dimon, a.m. . . .*i903 A.M. Princeton 1863. Henry Duffield, a.m *i888 A.M. Princeton 1863. Edward Waterman Evans, a.m. Member City Council Trenton, N. J.; Solicitor Mercer Co., N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1863. William Henry Ford, a.m., m.d. *i897 a.m. Princeton 1863; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1863. John Selby Frame, a.m *i874 Princeton Seminary 1860-63; A.M. Princeton 1863. Joseph Henry Lumpkin Gerdine, LL.B LL.B. Lumpkin Law School, Athens, Ga. 1861. George Murray Gill, Jr *i865 Henry Goldthwaite, m.d *i895 Major C. S. A.; M.D. Bellevue 1876. William Alexander Graham. . I St Lieutenant 2d North Carolina Cav- alry C. S. A. x86i; Captain 2d North Carolina Cavalry and Alajor and As- sistant Adjutant General North Caro- lina C. S. A. 1861-65; Senator from North Carolina C. S. Congress 1864- 65; Member North Carolina Senate 1874, 1879; Trustee Southern Baptist Seminary 1880-82; Trustee North Caro- lina A. & M. College 1901-06; Member North Carolina Assembly 1905 — ; Mem- ber North Carolina Board of Agricul- ture 1 899-1 906; Trustee Business Agency Fund North Carolina Farmers Alliance 1888-1908. Charles Ewing Green, a.m., ll.d. *i897 Trustee Princeton 1876-97; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1877-97; Founder and President of Trustees Lawrenceville School, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1S63; LL.D. Princeton 1892. William Henry Harrison Green, A.M A.M. Princeton 1880. Joseph Walker Griffith *i862 Henry Ewing Hale, a.m A.M. Princeton 1863. Charles Everett Hall, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1863; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1863. Edmund Drake Halsey, a.m.*i896 Private 15th Regiment New Jersey Vols. 1862-63; Sergeant Major 15th New Jersey \'ols. 1863; 2d Lieutenant and ist Lieutenant 15th New Jersey Vols. 1863; I St Lieutenant Adjutant 15th New Jersey Vols. 1864-65; Judge Ad- vocate Courts Martial 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1863. William Crawford Harris, a.m. Member Louisiana Assembly; Judge Probate Court Louisiana; A.M. Prince- ton 1875. James Morgan Hart, a.m., j.u.d., L.H.D Adjunct Professor North European Languages Cornell 1868-72; Professor Modern Languages and English Litera- ture Cincinnati Univ. 1876-90; Pro- fessor Rhetoric and English Philology Cornell 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1863; J.U.D. Gottingen 1864; L.H.D. Prince- ton 1900; M.A.P.S. William Henry Helm, a.m., M.n. *i898 A.M. Princeton 1863; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1864. i86o] BACHELORS OF ARTS 205 Andrew Jackson Hetrick, a.m. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1863. Charles Higbee, a.m *i9oo A.M. Princeton 1863. Montgomery Rogers Hooper, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1863. Samuel Jefferson Humphries.* Harrison Tyler Johnson, a.m.*i904 A.M. Princeton 1864. Woolsey Johnson, a.m., m.d..*i887 Lecturer Diseases Larynx and Laryn- goscopy Columbia 1S70-71; Health Commissioner New York City 1881-87; A.M. Princeton 1863; ALD. Columbia 1863. John Chester Jones, a.m A.M. Princeton 1863. Henry Dickinson Kimberley, a.m. * Acting Assistant Paymaster U. S. N. 1861-66; A.M. Princeton 1865. James Bell King, a.m Captain 3d Penna. Heavy Artillery 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1888. James Suydam Knox, a.m., m.d. *i892 Private 21st New Jersey Vols. 1862- ; Captain New Jersey Vols.; Professor Obstetrics Rutgers Medical; A.M. Princeton 1863; M.D. Columbia 1866. Isaac Koontz, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1863. William Morsell Lamdin * John Edward Lanning, a.m . . Prosecutor Pleas Monmouth Co., N. J. 1877-82; A.M. Princeton 1863. James Abram McCampbell, a.m. *i872 A.M. Princeton 1863. William Robert McCay * Samuel Valentine McCorkle, a.m. * a.m. Princeton 1864. James Edmiston McLean, a.m.*i899 a.m. Princeton 1863. George Jefferson Magee, a.m.*i897 A.M. Princeton 1863. William Adams Malloy, a.m.*i899 .Served in Infantry C. S. A. 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1871. Samuel Masters * George Washington Mayo. a.m. *I902 A.M. Princeton 1863. George Hale Neill Private C. S. A. C. S. A. 1862; 1st Lieutenant George Tyler 01m.sted, Jr., a.m. *igo3 West Point 1865; 1st Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry 1865; Captain igth U. S. Infantry 1867; Unassigned 1869; Captain 2d U. S. Artillery 1871-74; Captain U. S. A. 1876-84; A.M. Prince- ton 1863. Jehu Thompson Osier, a.m. . .*i907 Princeton Seminary 1860-63; A.M. Princeton 1863. James Alfred Pearce, Jr., a.m., LL.D State's Attorney, Kent Co., Md. 1867- 75; Judge Court of Appeals, Maryland 1,897—; A.M. Princeton 1863; LL.D. St. Johns College, Md. 1903. WilHs Burt Phelps, a.m ii-64; Princeton Seminary Princeton 1863. A.M. John William Primrose, a.m., d.d. *i907 Captain 1st North Carolina Cavalry C. S. A. 1861-65; Union Seminary Va. 1868-71; President Synodical Female College, Mo. 1893-96; ' A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Davidson 1890. Walter Lowrie Rankin, a.m., Ph.d. Director McCormick Seminary 1892- 1904; Secretary McCormick Seminary 1897-99; President McCormick Sem- inary 1899-1900; President Carroll Col- lege Wis. 1866-1903; \'ice President Carroll 1903 — ; Professor Latin Carroll 1866—; A.M. Princeton 1863; Ph.D. Princeton 1883 hon. John Henry Scofield, a.m Princeton Seminary 1860-63; A.M. Princeton 1863. Frederic Seip, a.m Private Alexandria Rifles Louisiana 2o6 BACHELORS OF ARTS [ 1 860-61 Vols. C. S. A. 1862; 2d Lieutenant Alexandria Rifles Louisiana V'ols. C. S. A. 1862-64; Major Assistant Inspec- tor General Cavalry Brigade C. S. A. 1864-65; Member Louisiana Senate 1888-96; A.M. Princeton 1870. Augustus Wilder Sexton, a.m. Private in is6th New York Vols.; ist Lieutenant Headquarters Troop Dept. of Gulf U. S. A. 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1870. Daniel McLean Shaw, a.m...*i90S Secretary Rutgers Female College; A.M. Princeton 1863. Milton Dwight Sheldon *i864 Daniel Henry Smith, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1863. Alexander Strain, a.m *i86s Princeton Seminary 1860-63; A.M. Princeton 1863. James William Thomas *i9oi William Gildersleeve Upson, a.m. *i864 a.m. Princeton 1863. Philip Livingston Van Rensselaer, A.M., LL.B *l873 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey Cavalry 1863; Captain 2d New Jersey Cavalry 1863; Major 2d New Jersey Cavalry 1864; A.M. Princeton 1863; LL.B. Co- lumbia 1867. Lucius Henry Warren, a.m., ll.b. Private 32d Massachusetts Vols. 1862; 2d Lieutenant 1862; ist Lieutenant 1862; Major 38th U. S. Colored In- fantry 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1865; Lieutenant Colonel 1866; 1st Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry 1866; Captain 39th U. S. Infantry 1867; Un- assigned 1869; Brevet Major and Lieu- tenant Colonel U. S. A. 1867; hon. mustered out 1867; hon. discharged 1870; LL.B. Harvard 1862; A.M. Princeton 1863. Samuel McCuen Wherry, A.M.*i9or Member Penna. Constitutional Conven- tion 1873; Member Penna. Assembly 1887-94; A.M. Princeton 1863. John Lindsay Withrow, a.m., d.d., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1860-63; Moderator General Assembly 1896; A.M. Prince- ton 1863; D.D. Lafayette 1872; LL.D. Knox 1896. William Henry Wright, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1863. 1861 Andrew Anderson Leroy Hammond Anderson, a.m. *i905 Member Council Princeton, N. J. ; Mayor of Princeton, X. J. 1873-74, 1888-89; A.M. Princeton 1864. George Washington Appleget.*i866 Augustus Armagnac, a.m., Ph.d. *i9o8 Professor Physics and Chemistry Penna. Military College 1864-72; Professor Greek Univ. Indiana 1882-84; A.M. Princeton 1872; Ph.D. Princeton 1885 hon. Robert James Arundel Davis Judson Atwater, a,m..*i89i Princeton Seminary 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1864. Lyman Sanford Atwater, a.m.*i889 Treasurer Princeton 1869-70; A.M. Princeton 1864. Charles Kellogg Backus, a.m.* 1893 A.M. Princeton 1864. Alfred Brittin Baker, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1861-62; General Seminary N. V. 1862-64; Dean of Con- vocation of New Brunswick 1888 — ; President of Standing Committee Diocese of New Jersey 1890 — ; Mem- ber Court of Review Dioceses of New York and New Jersey 1904 — ; A.ISL Princeton 1864; D.D. Princeton 1891. Charles Beasten, Jr., a.m.,,.*i889 A.M. Princeton 1865. Frank Newcomb Butler *i9oo Served in Adams' Troop of Cavalry, Jeff Davis' Legion, Stewarts' Cavalry C. S. A. 1861. Robert Morris Butler *i889 Served in Natchez Rifles, 4th Battalion Louisiana Infantry C. S. A. 1861; Lieutenant Crescent, La., Regiment C. S. A.; Adjutant 28th Mississippi Cav- alry C. S. A.; Aide to General Cosby C. S. A. 1863; Captain of volunteer com])any under General Bedford For- rest C. S. A.; Paroled 1865. i86i] BACHELORS OF ARTS 207 Edward Harrison Camp, a.m.* 1888 Princeton Seminary 1864-67; A.M. Princeton 1864. Hugh Martin Coffin *i86i Served in C. S. A. William Sutphen Combs, a.m., m.d. Assistant Surgeon 38th New Jersey Vols. 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1864; M.D. Columbia 1866. Samuel Read Comfort *i863 Served in C. S. A. James Duncan Cottrell, a.m. .*i886 A.M. Princeton 1864. Joseph Frederick Cottrell, a.m., M.D *l894 A.M. Princeton 1864; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1863. Benjamin Robert Dashiell. . . . Kent Delaware Davis *i865 2d Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps 1864- 65. Daniel Deruelle, a.m *i897 Princeton Seminary 1861-65; A.M. Princeton 1864. William T. De Vere *i87i Served in C. S. A. John De Witt, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Princeton Seminary 1861-64; Union Seminary N. Y. 1864-65; Director Princeton Seminary 1881-83; Professor Ecclesiastical History and Church Pol- ity Lane Seminary 1882-88; Professor Apologetics and Missions McCormick Seminary 1888-92; Professor Church History Princeton Seminary 1892 — ; Trustee Princeton 1904 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1864; D.D. Princeton 1877; LL.D. Hanover 1888. Charles Henry Earl, a.m....* 1867 A.M. Princeton 1864. William Elmer, a.m., m.d. . . .*i9oS A.M. Princeton 1864; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1864. John Runkle Emery a.m., ll.d. 2d Lieutenant 15th New Jersey Vols. 1862; Vice Chancellor New Jersey 1895—; A.M. Princeton 1864; LL.D. Princeton 1901. James Robinson English, a.m.* 1900 A.M. Princeton 1864. Edward Field, a.m *i9o6 2d Lieutenant New Jersey Cavalry 1861; 2d Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery 1862; Brevet ist Lieutenant U. S. A. 1862; I St Lieutenant 4th U. S. Ar- tillery 1863; Brevet Captain U. S. Artillery 1864; Captain 4th U. S. Ar- tillery 1873; Major 2d U. S. Artillery 1896; Lieutenant Colonel 3d U. S. Artillery U. S. A. 1899; A.M. Prince- ton 1864. George Vansyckel Forman, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1864. David Ruddach Frazer, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1861-64; Trus- tee Princeton 1887 — ; A.M. Princeton 1864; D.D. Princeton 1880. Henry Fuller, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1864. Bazil F. Gordon, a.m., m.d. . .*i866 Surgeon C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1864; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1864. Josias Hawkins, a.m A.M. Princeton 1899. Thomas Helm Degree conferred 1901. Thomas Hackett Hench, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1863-66; A.M. Princeton 1864; D.D. Hanover 1893. William Edgar Honeyman, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1864; D.D. Amherst 1878. William Muirhead Ihrie *i899 S. P. Hiester Jones, a.m Degree conferred 1867; A.M. Princeton 1867. Charles Dor Kellogg Princeton Seminary 1861-63. Samuel Henry Kellogg, a.m., d.d., LL.D *l899 Princeton Seminary 1861-64; Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1863-64; Pro- fessor Didactic & Polemic Theology Allegheny Seminary 1877-86; Lecturer Comparative Religions Allegheny Sem- inary 1877-86; Professor Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis Knox Semin- ary 1892-99; A.M. Princeton 1864; D.D. Princeton 1877; LL.D. Wooster 208 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1861 Edward C. Kollock *i866 Served in C. S. A. William Blythe Lane, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1864; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1864. Thomas Powell Langley *i863 Served in C. S. A. Silas Hoffman La Rue, a.m. .*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1864. James Dimdas Lippincott. . . .*i905 William Francis Loper, m.d. .*i864 M.D. Jefferson Medical 1863. James Meeker Ludlow, a.m., d.d.. LiTT.D. Princeton Seminary 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1864; D.D. Williams 1872; Litt.D. Princeton 1888. Malcolm Macdonald, a.m....*i9oo A.M. Princeton 1864. Thomson McGowan, a.m....* 1905 A.M. Princeton 1881. William M. Mackay, a.m *i904 A.M. Princeton 1864. Lawson William Magruder. . . Served in C. S. A. Samuel S. Mitchell, d.d Princeton Seminary 1861-64; D.D. Princeton 1875. William John Phillips Morrison. *I904 Princeton Seminary 1861-65; Professor English Language & Literature Lahore Mission College 1 866-68; A.M. Prince- ton 1883. Thornton Augustus Niven, a.u. *i905 A.M. Princeton 1864. John Haywood Odeneal *i902 Degree conferred 1901. Nehemiah Perry, Jr., a.m *i875 A.M. Princeton 1864. Thomas Pinckney *i903 Winfield Scott Purviance, a.m.* 1894 A.M. Princeton 1864. William Augustus Rafferty. a.m. *igo2 West Point 1865; zd Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry 1865-68; Captain U. S. Cavalry 1868; Major 2d U. S. Cavalry 1889-98; Colonel 5th U. S. Cavalry 1898; A.M. Princeton 1864. Charles B. Raines * Charles Cotes worth Rawn...*i887 Private 25th Penna. Infantry 1861; 2d Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry 1861; ist Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry 1862; Captain 7th U. S. Infantry 1S63; Ma- jor 24th U. S. Infantry 1884. Edward Griffin Read, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1861-64; Tutor Princeton 1863-65; Member New Jer- sey State Board Education 1886-92; A.M. Princeton 1864; D.D. Rutgers 1895- James H. Robinson Samuel Thomas Roman, a.m., m.d. Acting Medical Cadet 1863-65; Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1865; A.M. Princeton 1882; M.I>. Univ. Penna. 1865. George Ross *i894 Member Penna. Senate 1887-94; Mem- ber Penna. Constitutional Convention 1873- Ephraim Baynard Seabrook. a.m. *i877 Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1866. George Grantham Smith. . . .*i898 Auburn Seminary 1861-63. Samuel W. Stanley * Served in C. S. A. Charles David Steuart Henry A. Stinnecke, a.m. . . .*i865 A.M. Princeton 1864. Henry Clay Tupper, a.m .... .Served in C. S. A. ; A.M. Princeton 1881. Richard S. \'an Dyke *i863 Served in C. S. A. Jonas Parker Varnum *i907 Henry Ward, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1864. i86i-62] BACHELORS OF ARTS 209 William Edings Whaley Served in C. S. A. Edward Seymour Wilde, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1864. John Abner Winebrener Private U. S. Ordnance 1863; 2d Lieut- tenant 3d U. S. Infantry 1863; 2d Lieutenant U. S. Ordnance 1863-65; ist Lieutenant U. S. Ordnance 1865- 67. Richard Wylly Woodbridge. .*i885 Served in C. S. A. John C. Work, a.m A.M. Princeton 1864. James Scrimgeour Wylie, a.m. *i869 Princeton Seminary 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1864. John Wylie, a.m *i866 Princeton Seminary 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1864. Richard Wylie, a.m Princeton Seminary 1861-64; A.M. Princeton 1864. Ambrose Young, m.d * Served in C. S. A. Charles Young, a.m., m.d Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1864; M.D. Columbia 1866. 1862 Edward Sanford Atwater, a.m., LL.B Member Board of Education Elizabeth, N. J.; Superintendent Scliools Eliza- beth, N. j. ; Member and President City Council Elizabeth, N. J.; City At- torney Elizabeth, N. J. 1895-96; Judge District Court New Jersey 1896-1906; Judge Court Common Pleas Union Co., N. J. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1865; LL.B. Columbia 1866. William Baldwin, a.m Princeton Seminary 1864-67; A.M. Princeton 1865. Edward Payson Brewster, a.m., LL.B *l870 a.m. Princeton 1865; LL.B. Columbia 1867. Edward Read Burkhalter, a.m., D.I). Union Seminary N. Y. 1867-70; A.M. Princeton 1865; D.D. Princeton 1895, also Lenox College la. 1884. Henry Seymour Butler, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1863-66; Tutor Princeton 1866; President of Directors Blair Academy, Blairstown, N. J. 1884—; A.M. Princeton 1865; D.D. Lafayette 1885. Walter Butler, a.m A.M. Princeton 1865. John Chamberlain, m.d * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1864. James Johnson Coale, a.m.,.*i905 Princeton Seminary 1862-65; Tutor Princeton 1864-66; A.M. Princeton 1865. John Cochran, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1865. James Comfort, a.m *igoo Trustee East Tennessee Univ. 1878- igoo; Treasurer Trustees East Tennes- see Univ. 1889-1900; A.M. Princeton 1865. Thomas Edward Converse, a.m., D.D A.M. Princeton 1865; D.D. King Col- lege, Tenn. 1890. Howard Porter Dechert, a.m.* 1887 Princeton Seminary 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1865. Charles Hodge Dod ^1864 ist Lieutenant 2d New Jersey Cavalry 1863; Captain Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral U. S. Vols. 1864. Isaac Dunton *i863 Henry Rankin Freeland, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1865; LL.B. Columbia 1865. Ellis Barron Freeman, a.m. . . a.m. Princeton 1865. John Giffen, a.m *i904 Allegheny Seminary 1862-64; A.M. Princeton 1865. James Oscar Green, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1865; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1866. 2T0 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1862 David Wade Guy, a.m., m.d.*i902 A.M. Princeton 1865; M.D. John Tyler Haight, a.m *i892 Member New Jersey Assembly 187 1- 73; A.M. Princeton 1865. Diiplessis Mornay Helm, a.m.*i889 A.M. Princeton 1865. Daniel Hender.son, a.m *i905 A.M. Princeton 1865. William Alexander Holliday, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1862-65; President Biddle Univ. North Carolina 1884-85; A.M. Princeton 1865; D.D. Lafayette 1884, also Princeton 1885. John Jones *i902 Princeton Seminary 1862-65. William Howard King, a.m., m.d. *i883 Assistant Surgeon 149th Penna. In- fantry 1863; Surgeon 21st Penna. Cav- alry 1863-65; Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1868; Captain Medical Department U. S. A.; Degree conferred 1866; A.M. Princeton 1866; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1863. William White Knox, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1863-66; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1899 — ; A.M. Princeton 1865; D.D. Rutgers 1894. Augustus Macdonald, a.m...*i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1864-67; Mayor Princeton, N. J. 1891-93; A.M. Prince- ton 1865. Alexander Marks, Jr., a.m. .* 1886 Served in C. S. A.; Degree conferred 1866; A.M. Princeton 1874 hon. Lewis Merrell William D. Mershon, a.m *i868 A.M. Princeton 1865. Alexander Porter Morse, a.m., LL.B., Ph.D Associate Counsel French Republic be- fore French and American Claims Com- mission 1881-83; Arbitrator between U. S. and Hayti in Von Bokkelen Claim 1888; Agent and Counsel of U. S. be fore Commission to Arbitrate Claims of Venezuela Steam Transport.ition Co. vs Republic of \'cnezuela 1 804-05; As- sistant U. S. Attorney before .Spanish Treaty Claims Commission 1901-02; Degree conferred 1872; A.M. Princeton 1872; LL.B. Georgetown Univ. 1872; Ph.D. Princeton 1885 hon. Lewis Ward Mudge, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1862-66; Tutor Greek Princeton 1863-67; A.M. Prince- ton 1865; D.D. Univ. Montana 1886. Joseph Lewis Munn, a..m Suiierintendent Schools Essex Co., N. J. 1867 — ; Member New Jersey Assem- bly 1881; Counsel East Orange, N. J. 1865 — ; Surrogate Essex Co., N. J. 1884 — ; A.M. Princeton 1865. Charles William Nassau, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1865. Samuel Stanhope Orris, a.m., ph.d., L.H.D *I90S Princeton Seminary 1862-65; Tutor Princeton 1S65-66; Professor Greek Language and Literature Marietta 1873- 77; Associate Professor Greek Lan- guage and Literature Princeton 1877- 78; Professor Greek Language and Lit- erature Princeton 1878-1902; Professor Emeritus 1902-05; Director American School Classical Studies. Athens 1889- 90; A.M. Princeton 1865; Ph.D. Prince- ton 187s hon.; L.H.D. Lafayette 1889. Sketchly Morton Pearce, a,m.*i89i Princeton Seminary 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1865. Harlan Page Peck, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1865. Samuel Hayes Pennington, a.m. Private 2d Battalion New Jersey Mili- tia 1862; 2d Lieutenant U. S. Vols. 1863; 1st Lieutenant 35th N. J. Vols. 1863; Captain U. S. Vols. 1864-65; A.M. Princeton 1865. Edward Rogers Post, a.m., m.d, A.M. Princeton 1865; M.D. Columbia 1866. Charles William Remington, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1865. Charles Dillard Roberts, a.m.*i875 Princeton Seminary 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1865. Henry Lee Sampson *i863 Frederic Eichelberger Shearer, A.M., D.D Washington Agent U. S. Christian Commission and Superintendent Relief Work, Gettysburg 1862-63; Princeton Seminary 1863-66; Field Agent 9th Army Corps 1864; Director San Fran- 1862-63] BACHELORS OF ARTS 211 Cisco Seminary 1876-89; A.M. Prince- ton 1865; D.D. Highland Univ. Kansas 1886. Henry Kirk White Smith, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1865. Gerry Leonard Taylor, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1865. WilHam Whittemore Tufts, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1865; M.D. John Van Duyn, a.m., m.d. . . . Acting Assistant Sttrgeon U. S. A. 1864; Assistant Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1864; Brevet Captain U. S. Vols. 1865; Demonstrator Anatomy Syracuse Univ. 1872-74; Professor Surgery Syra- cuse Univ. 1885-1906; Professor His- tory of Medicine Syracuse Univ. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1865; M.D. Louisville Univ. 1865. Reuben Henry Van Pelt, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1865. Charles Edward Webster, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1865. William White Whittington. Jr. U. S. Commissioner Western District Louisiana 1882-96; City Judge Alex- andria, La. 1904 — . James Wyckoff Charles Ellis Young, a.m. . . .*i876 Princeton Seminary 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1865. Henry Young, a.m., ll.b. . . .*i9o8 Assistant U. S. District Attorney 1867- 73; City Counsel Newark, N. J. 1876, 1880, 1882, 1903-04; Prosecutor Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 1904-08; A.M. Princeton 1865; LL.B. Harvard 1865. 1863 John Smith Backus, a.m., m.d.*i87i A.M. Princeton 1866; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1866. Theodore Ailing Baldwin, a.m. Quartermaster Department U. S. A. 1863-64; Princeton Seminary 1864-67; A.M. Princeton 1866. Christopher Augustus Bergen, a.m. *i905 U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1888-1893; A.M. Princeton 1866. Martin Voorhees Bergen, a.m.*i907 Served in U. S. A. 1864; Judge Dis- trict Court New Jersey 1902-07; Su- perintendent Public Schools Camden, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1866. Augustus Cass Canfield, a.:m.*i89i Member New Jersey Assembly 1871- 74; Member New Tcrsev Senate 1878- 80; A.M. Princeton 1866. Francis Barber Chetwood, Jr., a.m. General Seminary, N. Y. 1863-65; Di- vinity School Phila. ; A.M. Princeton 1866. James Francis Clark Rowland W. Cox, ll.b *i9oo Degree conferred 1864; Private 15th Pcnna. Vols. Cavalry 1S62-63; Assistant Adjutant General U. S. Vols. 1863-65; Captain on Staff of General McPher- son; Brevet Major U. S. Vols. 1866: LL.B. Richard Kelso Cross, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1866; LL.B. Univ. Maryland. Rensselaer Williams Dayton, a.m. *igo7 A.M. Princeton 1866. James Shepard Dennis, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1864-67; Professor Systematic Theology and Principal Sem- inary Presbyterian Syrian Mission Beirut 1873-92; Secretary Managers Syrian Protestant College 1878-91; A.M. Princeton 1866; D.D. Princeton 1879, also Aberdeen 1906; M.A.P.S. Francis Dubois, Jr., a.m.. m.d. A.M. Princeton 1866; M.D. Columbia 1867. Daniel Requa Foster, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1863-66; A.M. Princeton 1866. John Newton Freeman, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1866; D.D. Princeton i8gi. Richard Townley Haines, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1866. Henry Rodney Hall, a.m Princeton Seminary 1863-66; A.M. Princeton 1866. Montgomery Hamilton Degree conferred 1864; Private 15th Penna. Vol. Cavalry 1862; Aide to Gen- eral Joseph J. Reynolds, 4th Division, 14th Corps 1862-63. 212 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1863 Samuel Augustus Hayt, Jr.. a.m.. D.D. Princeton Seminary 1863-64; Union Seminary N. Y. 1864-65; Librarian Public Library Watertown, N. Y. joQ. — ; A.M. Princeton 1866; D.D. ew York Univ. 1887. ^. Charles Elvin Hendrickson, a.m. Member New Jersey Assembly 1868- 69; Prosecutor Pleas Burlmgton Co., N T 1870-90; Judge Court Errors and Appeals N. J. 1 896-1 901; Justice Su- preme Court, N. J. 1901—; Trustee Dickinson 1878-91, 1896-1902; A.M. Princeton 1866. Henri Seymour Holden *i863 Degree conferred 1876 post obit.; Pri- vate 14th New Jersey Vols. 1862; Cor- poral 14th N. J. Vols. 1863; Sergeant 14th N. J. Vols. 1863. John Calvin Holmes, m.d....*i9o6 Degree conferred 1866; Assistant Sur- geon U. S. Vols. 1865-66; M.D. Co- lumbia 1864. Samuel Baird Huey, a.m., ll.b. *i90i Ensign U. S. N. 1863-66; Acting As- sistant Paymaster U. S. N. 1866; Pres- ident Philadelphia Board Education 1888-1901; A.M. Princeton 1866; Univ. Penna. 1868. Huntington Wolcott Jackson, a.m., LL.B *^9oi Degree conferred 1864; 2d Lieutenant 4th New Jersey Vols. 1862; ist Lieu- tenant N. J. Vols.; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1864; A.M. Prince- ton 1 866; LL.B. Harvard 1868. George Jasper Kunkel, ll.b..*i9oo LL.B. Union 1866. Valentine Augustus Lewis, a.m. *i899 Degree conferred 1863; Chaplain 2d Regiment New York Vols. 1861; A.M. Princeton 1871 hon. William Henry Littell, a.m. .* 1904 Princeton Seminary 1863-64, 1865-67; A.M. Princeton 1866. Matthew Bonsall Lowrie, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1865-68; Professor New Testament Literature and Exegesis Omaha Seminary 1891-1902; President Omaha Seminary 1899—; Professor Iloniiletics and Pastoral Theology Omaha Seminary 1902 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1866; D.D. Knox 1888. William English Lupton *i864 John Lind McAtee, a.m., ll.b.* 1904 Degree conferred 1867; Justice Su- preme Court Oklahoma Territory 1889- 1903; A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1878. James Sharon McCoy, a.m Mate Mississippi Squadron U. S. N. 1864-65; Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton i866. Joseph Deakins McGuire. am. Degree conferred 1901; U. S. District i\ttorney Howard Co., Md. 1874-1900; A.M. Princeton 1901 hon. Jasper Scudder Mcllvaine. a.m. *i88i Princeton Seminary 1864-68; A.M. Princeton 1866. Algernon Marcellus, a.m *i896 Degree conferred 1866; Private sgth New York \'ols. 1862-63; 2d Lieutenant 25th U. S. Colored Infantry 1863-65; I St Lieutenant 25th U. S. Colored In- fantry 1865; Adjutant 1865; Princeton Seminary 1866-67; Allegheny Seminary 1867-68; A.M. Princeton 1866. John Roberts Miller Mayor Carlisle, Pa. 1 892-1897. Edward Stewart Moffat, a.m.* 1893 Degree conferred 1867; ist Sergeant 9th New Jersey Vol. Infantry 1861; 2d Lieutenant 9th N. J. Vols. 1862; 2d Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps 1863; Chief Signal Officer North Carolina U. S. A. 1864; Signal Officer Staff of General Meade 1865; Brevet ist Lieu- tenant and Captain U. S. Vols. 1865; Columbia School of Mines 1866-69; Professor Mines and Metallurgy Lafay- ette 1870-93; A.M. Princeton 1867. WilHam Russell Murray *i898 Walter Smith Nichols, a.m . . . Princeton Seminary 1864-67; Special Lecturer on Insurance Yale 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1866. Thomas O'Hanlon, a.m., d.d., ll.d. President Pennington Seminary N. J. 1867-77, 1877-1903; A.M. Princeton 1866; D.D. Dickinson 1869; LL.D. Washington College, Tenn. 1893. Nelson Daniel Parkhurst, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1866. James Wilson Patterson, a.m., F.R.G.S a.m. Princeton 1866; M.A.P.S. 1863] BACHELORS OF ARTS 213 John Woodbridge Patton, a.m. Paymaster U. S. A. 1865-66; Member City Council Philadelphia 1881-86; Pro- fessor Practice of Law Univ. Penna. 1897 — ; Member Board of Education Philadelphia, Pa. 1904; A.M. Princeton 1866. Charles Henry Potter, a.m., m.d. *i88i a.m. Princeton 1866; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1868. William Elmer Potter, a.m., ll.b. *i896 Degree conferred 1864; Private 12th New Jersey N^ols. 1862; 2d Lieutenant 1 2th N. J. \'ols. 1862; ist Lieutenant I2th N. J. \'ols. 1863; Captain 12th N. J. Vols. 1864; Brevet Major U. S. Vols. 1866; Prosecutor Pleas Cape May and Atlantic Counties, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1866; LL.B. Harvard 1861. Peter Berrien Pumyea, a.m., m.d. *i903 a.m. Princeton 1866; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1868. Francis Reeder, a.m., ll.b... Degree conferred 1895; Private 5th Penna. \'ols. 1862; Adjutant 174th Penna. Vols. 1862; Captain 19th Penna. Cavalry 1863; Brevet Major U. S. Vols. 1866; Brevet Lieutenant Col- onel 19th Cavalry U. S. Vols. 1866; U. S. Collector Revenue nth District Penna. 1873-76; Secretary State Penna. 1895-98; Commissioner Banking Penna. 1900-03; A.M. Princeton 1895; LL.B. Union 1868. Howard James Reeder, a.m., ll.b. *i898 Degree conferred 1895; 2d Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry 1861-62; Captain 153d Penna. Vols. 1862-65; Judge Court Common Pleas 3d District Penna. 1881-95; Judge Supreme Court Penna. 1895-98; A.M. Princeton 1895; LL.B. Sylvaniis Sayre. a.m *i9oo Princeton Seminary 1863-66; A.M. Princeton 1866. George William Sheldon, a.m., L.H.D., F.R.G.S Union Seminary N. Y. 1863-65, 1867; Princeton Seminary 1866; Tutor Prince- ton 1865-67; Instructor Hebrew Union Seminarv N. Y. 1867-73; A.M. Prince- ton 1866; L.H.D. Princeton 1896. William Preston Smalley, a.m.*i872 A.M. Princeton 1866. J. Henley Smith *igo7 Degree conferred 1905; Served in C. S. A. Hugh Smythe, a.m *i9oi Magee College, Londonderry 1864-65; Geneva, Switzerland 1865-66; A.M. Princeton 1866. Samuel Henry Southard * Edward Peebles Stanfield, a.m. Degree conferred 1866; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 48th Indiana Infantry 1861-64; Comptroller South Bend, Ind. 1901-03; A.M. Princeton 1868. Abraham H. Strickler, a.m., m.d. Medical Cadet U. S. A. 1864; Member Penna. Assembly 1893-94; A.^I. Prince- ton 1866; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1866. Samuel Stanhope Stryker, a.m., M.D Volunteer Medical Aide U. S. A. 1864; A.M. Princeton 1866; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1866. Isaac Fisher Sutphen *i864 Henry Ulyate Swinnerton, a.m., Ph.D Princeton Seminary 1863-66; A.M. Princeton 1866; Ph.D. Union 1877 hon. Benjamin Thompson, a.m. . . . Allegheny Seminary 1 863-64; A.M. Princeton 1866. McLeod Wilson Thomson. . . .*i903 Degree conferred 1864; Private 21st New Jersey Infantry 1862-63; Chief Clerk U. S. Coast Survey. Lawrence Turnbull, a.m A.M. Princeton 1866. Robert Stansbury Van Cleve, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1863-66; A.M. Princeton 1866; D.D. Grove City Col- lege 1895. Theodore Strong Van Dyke, a.m. Member Minnesota Assembly 1872-73; a.m. Princeton 1866. James Brinckerhoff Vredenburgh, A.M ,. . . . A.M. Princeton 1866. 214 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1863-64 Robert Ruskin Westcott *i897 Princeton Seminary 1863-66; A.M. Princeton 1866. George M.D. . Boardman Young, a.m. Professor Greek Gibbon College Ne- braska 1884; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1867; Crozier Seminary 1878-81; A.M. Prince- ton 1866. Augustvis Zabriskie, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1866; LL.B. Harvard 1866. Peter Zahner, a.m *i89i A.M. Princeton 1866. 1864 Valentine Hummel Berghaus, a.m. Private sth Penna. Militia 1862; Di- vinity School, Phila. 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1867. Henry Augustus Boardman, Jr., A.M A.M. Princeton 1867. Lewis Bond, a.m Union Seminary N. Y. 1864-67; A.M. Princeton 1867. Samuel Millspaugh Boyd, a.m.*i902 A.M. Princeton 1867. William Jones Bridells, a.m..* 1882 Allegheny Seminary 1864-67; A.M. Princeton 1867. James Van Allen Butler, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1867. Edmund Canfield, a.m *i884 A.M. Princeton 1867. George H. Clark, a.m., ll.b. .*i888 A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Union 186s. Thomas Frederick Crane, a.m., Ph.D., Litt.D Professor Modern Languages Cornell 1868-73; Professor Spanisli and Italian Cornell 1873-84; Professor Romance Languages Cornell 1884 — ; Dean Col- lege of Arts Cornell 1896-1902; Acting President Cornell 1899; Dean Univer- sity Faculty Cornell 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1867; Ph.D. Princeton 1883 hon.; Litt.D. Princeton 1903; Member Royal Academy Sciences ana Arts, Pa- lermo; M.A.P.S. William Warren Curtis, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1863-64, 1868-70; A.M. Princeton 1867; D.D. Emporia Kan. 1900. Leon Dalsimer, a.m A.M. Princeton 1867. Robert Emmet Deyo, a.m., ll.b. Member New York Constitutional Con- vention 1894; Civil Service Commis- sioner N. Y. City 1898 — ; Member Commission on Administration of Jus- tice New York and Kings Cos., N. Y. 1902; A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Un- ion 1865. Auxenicus Mari Piiia Venezuela Hildreth Dickeson, a.m., ll.b. *i879 Member New Jersey Assembly 1866-68; A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1867. Wilber force Freeman, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Columbia 1868. Alexander Fullerton, Jr., a.m., ll.b. Divinity School, Phila. 1864-66; A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1877. Samuel M. Gardner, a.m....*i88o Judge Probate Court, Conn. ; Member Connecticut Assembly 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1867. William Hackett, a.m., ll.b.. A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Union 1867. Lewis Benjamin Halsey, a.m. Member New York Assembly 1866-67; A.M. Princeton 1867. James H. Heverin, a.m *i893 Assistant District Attorney Philadel- phia, Pa.; Member Constitutional Con- vention Penna. 1873; Assistant L^. S. Counsel .Mabama Claims Commission 1883; A.M. Princeton 1867. Richard Stockton Hunter, a.m. A.M. IVinceton 1867. Samuel Hayes Jacobus, a.m. .*i89o A.M. Princeton 1867. Benjamin Pitcher Johnson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1864-67; A.M. Princeton 1867. 1864] BACHELORS OF ARTS 215 William Kershaw, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Professor Germantown Acad- emy 1872-74; Assistant Professor Ger- mantown Collegiate Institute 1874-76; Principal Germantown Academy 1877 — ; A.M. Princeton 1867; Ph.D. Lafayette 1880 hon, Edward Denison Ledyard, Jr., A.M., D.D. *l895 Private 49th Penna. Militia 1863; Princeton Seminary 1864-67; Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1865-67; Trus- tee Washington & Jefferson 1888-95; A.M. Princeton 1867; D.D. Washing- ton & Jefferson 1887. Martin Luther Liggett, a.m. .* 1883 Private 104th Penna. \'ols. 1864-63; A.M. Princeton 1867. James Leslie Lupton, a.m.... A.M. Princeton 1867. Clay MacCauley, a.m Private 126th Penna. Vols. 1862; Ser- geant 126th Penna. Vols. 1862; 2d Lieutenant 126th Penna. Vols. 1863; Allegheny Seminary 1864-65; Chicago Seminary 1865-67; Member U. S. Christian Commission and U. S. Hos- pital Service 1864-65; Lecturer Keiogi- jiku Univ., Tokyo, Japan 1890-98; President and Professor Philosophic and Historic Theology Senshin Gakuin, Tokyo 1891-1900; Director American Unitarian Mission in Japan 1889-1900; A.M. Princeton 1867. Clinton McCullough, a.m *i89S Degree conferred 1888; Prosecuting Attorney Cecil Co., Md. 1871-79; Member Maryland Assembly; A.M. Princeton 1888. Alexander Taggart McGill, Jr., A.M., LL.B., LL.D *I900 Member New Jersey Assembly 1874-75; Prosecutor Pleas Hudson Co., N. J. 1878-83; Presiding Judge County Court Common Pleas, Hudson Co., N. J. 1883-87; Chancellor New Jersey 1887- 1900; A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Co- lumbia 1866; LL.D. Princeton 1891, also Rutgers 1891. Louis E. Mathers, a.m *i873 A.M. Princeton 1867. Charles Henry Mathews, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1867. Benjamin Cory Meeker, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1865-68; Tutor Latin Princeton 1867-68; A.M. Prince- ton 1867. Winfield Scott Milligan, a.m. .*i902 A.M. Princeton 1867. Henry Crist Milspaugh, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1867. Joseph H. Oat, a.m *i87i a.m. Princeton 1867. John Howard O'Brien, a.m. . , Princeton Seminary 1867-70; Tutor Latin Princeton 1868-70; Professor Mathematics State Normal School West Chester, Pa. 1872-73; A.M. Princeton 1867. Vincent Wesener Pratt, a.m.*i886 A.M. Princeton 1867. Theodore Frederic Sanxay, a.m., LL.B Director New York Ophthalmic Hos- pital; A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Un- ion 1866. Galen Wilkins Seiler, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1867. Henry Isaac Sheldon, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1867; LL.B. Union 1866. Seargent Prentiss Stearns, a.m. U. S. Consul British North America 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1867. Clement Stewart, a.m Private 38th Penna. Regiment 1863; Assistant Postmaster, Easton, Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1867. John Henry Stewart *i89o Degree conferred 1887; Reporter Chan- cery Court of Errors & Appeals Mer- cer Co., N. J.. 1877-86; Presiding Judge Mercer County Court N. J.; A.B. also Union 1864. Eugene Vanderpool, a.m. . . .*i903 Degree conferred 1866; A.M. Princeton 1867. James Walen Van Dyke, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1867. Alexander T. \^an Nest, A.M.*i8g6 A.M. Princeton 1867. Harvey C. Warren, a.m *i879 Assistant City Solicitor Philadelphia, Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1867. 2l6 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1864-65 William Stewart Cross Webster, A.M., D.D Princeton Seminary 1866-69; AM- Princeton 1867; D.D. Emporia, Kan. 1895- Charles Henry Alden Zapf, a.m. Private 4th New Jersey Veteran Vols. 1864; A.M. Princeton 1867. 1865 William Stone Abert, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1868; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1868. William Arrowsmith, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1868. Charles Chauncey Backus, a.m. *i87i A.M. Princeton 1868. Samuel Baker Degree conferred 1887; Lieutenant Boyd's Battery, General Early's Corps C. S. A. Silas Baldwin, a.m., m.d A.M. Princeton 1868; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1867. William Jones Boone, a.m., d.d. *i892 Divinity School Phila. 1866-67; Episco- pal Seminary Va. 1867-68; Protestant Episcopal Bishop Shanghai 1884-92; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. Kenyon 1884. Augustine Breese, a.m McCormick Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868. EHsha Butler, a.m A.M. Princeton 1868. Matthew Henry Calkins, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. Grove City Col- lege 1892. Samuel Campbell, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1868. John Carrington. a.m Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868. Thomas John Chew, a.m., m.d.* A.M. Princeton 1868; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1867. Joseph Scudder Colton, a.m.* 1903 Divinity School Philadelphia 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868. James Booth Converse, a.m.. Union Seminary, Va. 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1868. Edward Ingleton Grant Cook, a.m. *i897 A.M. Princeton 1868. Joseph Cross, a.m. Member New Jersey Assembly 1894-96; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1895-96; Judge District Court Elizabeth, N. J. 1888-91; Member New Jersey Senate 1899-1905; President New Jersey Sen- ate 1905; Judge U. S. District Court N. J. 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1868. Alfred Bailey Dayton, a.m. . . . Member New Jersey Assembly 1886; Judge District Court Jersey City, N. J. 1896-1901; A.M. Princeton 1868. John Upshur Dennis, a.m., ll.b. Judge Supreme Court Baltimore, Md. 1886—; A.M. Princeton 1868; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1868. Charles Shumway Dewing, a.m., D.D *I90I Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. Emporia, Kan. 1895. Richard B. Dilworth, a.m....*i9oo Served in Penna. \'ols. 1865; A.M. Princeton 1868. Thomas Dobbin, a.m *i9oo Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868. Nicholas Conover Jobs English, A.M Member Common Council, Elizabeth, N. J. 1884-88; Prosecutor of Pleas, Un- ion Co., N. J. 1898 — ; A.M. Princeton 1868. William Henry Grant, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1868. Frank Henderson Greene, a.m. Degree conferred 1889; Trustee and Treasurer Claflin Univ., S. C. ; Pro- fessor Greek and Latin New York Mili- tary Academy 1890- ; U. S. Civil Service N. Y. City Customs Office; A.M. Princeton i88g. Joseph Milton Greene, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1865-66; Union 1865] BACHELORS OF ARTS 217 Seminary N. Y. 1867-68; A.M. Prince- ton 1868; D.D. Lake Forest 1884. William Brewer Griffith, a.m., m.d. *i88o a.m. Princeton Maryland 1868. 1868; M.D. Univ. William J. Grim, a.m A.M. Princeton 1868. Daniel Neil Grummon, a.m. . . Union Seminary N. Y. 1867-70; A.M. Princeton 1868. William Evans Guy, a.m., ll.b. Private and First Sergeant 86th Ohio Infantry 1862; Assistant Geologist Mis- souri State Geological Survey 1871-72; A.M. Princeton 1868; M.E. Freiburg 1869; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1879. John Dunbar Hewitt, a.m., d.d. *i898 Private, Lancaster Pa., Independent Battery U. S. Vols. 1863-65; Princeton Seminary 1867-70; Vice President Em- poria 1892-98; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. Wooster 1889. Francis Kitchell Howell, a.m.*i899 Member New Jersey Assembly 1876- 78; A.M. Princeton 1868. Theodore Whitefield Hunt, a.m., Ph.D., l.h.d Union Seminary N. Y. 1866-68; Prince- ton Seminary 1868-69; Tutor Princeton 1868-71; Adjunct Professor Rhetoric and English Language Princeton 1874- 81; Professor Rhetoric and English Language 1881 — ; A.M. Princeton 1868; Ph.D. Lafayette 1880 hon. ; L.H.D. Rutgers 1890. William [Miller Kisselman] Ini- brie, a.m., d.d Princeton Seminary 1867-71; Professor New Testament Exegesis jileiji Gakuin, Japan 1875-93; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. Princeton 1884. John Samuel Jessup, a.m City Solicitor Woodbury, N. J. 1876- 79; Member City Council Woodbury, N. T. 1879-88; Clerk Board of Chosen Freeholders Gloucester Co., N. J. 1880- 90; Counsel Board of Chosen Free- holders Gloucester Co., N. J. 1880-90, 1893-97; President Judge Court of Common Pleas Gloucester Co., N. J. 1897 — ; A.M. Princeton 1868. William Young Johnson, a.m.*i895 Assistant to the Attorney General New Jersey 1877-95; A.M. Princeton 1868. G. Upshur Johnston, a.m *i876 A.M. Princeton 1868. Oscar Keen, a.m Prosecutor Pleas, Essex Co., N. J. 1883-88; A.M. Princeton 1868. Samuel Philip Kelly, a.m Degree conferred 1867; Private N. J. \'ols. 1863; Private 196th Penna. N'ols. 1864; Captain Chaplain "Old Guard" of 2d Regt. N. G. Penna.; Divinity School Phila. 1865-67; A.M. Princeton 1867. Theodore Augustus Leggett, a.m., D.D *i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. New York Univ. 1897. William Henry Logan, a.m . . . Princeton Seminarv 1867-70; Trustee Wilson College, Pa. 1883—; A.M. Princeton 1868. Joseph Kay McCammon, a,m.*i907 Special Counsel to U. S. 1871-80; President of Board to investigate In- dian Service 1877-78; Assistant Attor- ney General United States 1880-85 ;_ U. S. Commissioner to Bannock Indians 1881; U. S. Commissioner to Flathead Indians 1882; U. S. Commissioner of Railroads 1881; A.M. Princeton 1868. William Edgar McChesney. . .*i872 Princeton Seminary 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1868. Charles Henry M'Clellan, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminarv 1865-68; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. New York Univ. 1894. John Flavel McGee, a.m *i9oi A.M. Princeton 1868. Claude Buchanan McKinstry, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1868. Archibald Mclntire MacMartin, A.M., e.m *i88i A.M. Princeton 1868; E.M. Columbia i868. Isaac Busby Mulford, a.m., m.d. *i884 A.M. Princeton if Penna. 1871. M.D. Univ. Henry Slagle Myers, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1868. 2l8 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1865-66 George Washington Neal, a.m.* 1877 A.M. Princeton 1868. Joseph Pope Pennington, a.m. Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1867-68; Instructor Mathematics Lehigh 1869-70; A.M. Princeton 1868. Nathan Dickerson Petty, a.m., ll.b. Assistant Assessor U. S. Internal Rev- enue Suffolk Co., N. Y. 1869-73; Mem- ber New York Assembly 1874-76; Dis- trict Attorney Suffolk Co., N. Y. 1879-84; Judge, Surrogate's Court, Suffolk Co., N. Y. 1892-1903; A.M. Princeton 1868; LL.B. Union 1866. Thomas Raftery, a.m., ll.b..*i897 A.M. Princeton 1868; LL.B. George Washington 1866. Edward Payson Rankin, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1863-69; Tutor Mathematics and Greek Princeton 1867-69; Registrar Princeton 1868-69; Professor Languages Carroll College 1869-70; a.m. Princeton 1868. Robert Charlton Reading. . . . Degree conferred 1895. Samuel Winchester Reeves, a.m. *i904 a.m. Princeton 1868. Charles Freeman Richardson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1868. Edward Riggs, a.m., d.d Union Seminary N. Y. 1867-69; Pro- fessor Marsovan Seminary 1876 — ; President Mission Theological Seminary Marsovan 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. Princeton 1901. Randolph Stephen Roach. .. .*i867 James Robbins Schanck *i865 Ferdinand Schureman Schenck, A.M., LL.B., D.D., LL.D New Brunswick Seminary 1869-72; President General Synod Reformed Church America 1892; Professor Prac- tical Theology New Brunswick Seminary 1899 — ; Professor Mental Philosophy Rutgers 1904 — ; Member Senate New York Univ. 1897-90; A.M. Princeton 1868; LL.B. Union 1867; D.D. Rutgers 1891; LL.D. Rutgers 1906. Edward Houston Scott, a.m. .*i869 A.M. Princeton 1868. William Francis Shelley, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1868. George LeFevre Simonson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1868. Robert Sloss, a.m., d.d *i885 Princeton Seminary 1865-68; Tutor Rhetoric Princeton 1867-68; A.M. Princeton 1868; D.D. Hanover 1881. James Newbold Stratton, a.m.* 1886 A.M. Princeton 1868. William Henry Vail, a.m., m.d. Trustee Lincoln Univ. 1898 — ; A.M. Princeton 1868; M.D. Columbia 1869. George Lindenberger Van Bibber, A.M Associate Judge 3d Judicial Circuit Maryland 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1868. Samuel Smith Wallen, a.m. . .*i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1868. George William Wells, a.m., m.d. *i9c« A.M. Princeton 1868; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1868. William Delany Wetherill, a.m. *i887 A.m. Princeton 1868. John Williamson White, a.m . . A.M. Princeton 1868. Morris Winfield, a.m Judge Cass Circuit Court, Ind. 1884-89; Member Indiana Senate 1898-1902; A.M. Princeton 1868. William Gould Woodbridge, a.m., D.D Degree conferred 1883; Columbia, S. C, Seminary 1876-78; Princeton Sem- inary 1878-79;^ A.M. Princeton 1883; D.D. Erskine College, S. C. 1899. 1866 John Mather Allis, a.m., d.d.*i899 Union Seminary 1866-69; A.M. Prince- ton 1869; D.D. Princeton 1891. Thomas Fry Barbee, ll.b .... LL.B. Lexington Univ. 1868. Abram Burtis Baylis, a.m. . . .*i896 A.M. Princeton 1869. Otto Bergner, a.m *i869 Princeton Seminary 1866-67; A.M. Princeton 1869. i866] BACHELORS OF ARTS 219 Austin B. Blair ; . . . A.M. Princeton 1869. John Albert Blair, a.m Judge District Court, Jersey City, N. J. 1878-84; Corporation Counsel Jersey City, N. J. 1884-88, 1894-98; Judge Court Common Pleas Hudson Co., N. J. 1898 — ; A.M. Princeton 1869. John Sylvanus Blair, a.m .... Attorney for U. S., Washington, D. C. 1873-85; A.M. Princeton 1869. Roger Williams Butterfield, a.m., LL.B Regent Univ. Michigan 1888—; A.M. Princeton 1869; LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1868. John A. Cobb, a.m *i88i A.M. Princeton 1869. Edward A. Condit, a.m * A.M. Princeton 1869. George Washington Cotts, a.m. *i883 A.M. Princeton 1869. John Kissing Cowen, a.m. , . .*i904 Prosecuting Attorney Richland Co., O. 1871-72; Trustee Princeton 1887-1904; U. S. Representative from Maryland 1895-97; President National Sound Money League 1900-04; A.M. Prince- ton 1869. Robert C. Dalzell, a.m Instructor Modern Languages Wooster 1870-71, 1878-80; A.M. Princeton 1869. George M. Davis, a.m ^1872 A.M. Princeton 1869. Henry Whiteley Elmer, a.m., m.d. *igo7 Member New Jersey State Board of Health 1900-07; A.M. Princeton 1869; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1869. Macomb K. Elmer, a.m *i879 A.M. Princeton 1869. Edward Mills Fithian, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1869. Henry Melville Gurley, a.m. .*i875 A.M. Princeton 1869. Edward Wilder Haines, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1869. John Alexander Hall, a.m. . . .*i904 A.M. Princeton 1869. Robert Harbison, a.m *i903 Instructor Modern Languages Univ. Michigan 1871-73; A.M. Princeton 1869. William Wallace Harris, a.m.^iS?^ A.M. Princeton 1869. George Alfred Hood, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1866-68; Andover Seminary 1868-69; A.M. Princeton 1869. John Beatty Howell, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1867-70; Chaplain Presbyterian Hospital, Phila. 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1869. David Brainerd Hunt, a.m., m.d. *i876 A.M. Princeton 1869; M.D. Columbia 1870. George Frederick Keene, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1869. Jacob Barnes Krewson, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1869. Samuel Trust Lewis, AM.'^post 1873 A.M. Princeton 1869. Spotswood Well ford Lomax, a.m. *i894 A.M. Princeton 1869. John Hall Mcllvaine, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1869; D.D. Princeton 1888. John Bayard McPherson, a.m., LL.B., LL.D District Attorney Dauphin Co., Pa. 1875-77; Judge Court Common Pleas Penna. 12th District 1882-99; Judge LL S. District Court Eastern District Penna. 1899 — ; Professor Law of In- surance Univ. Penna. 1899-1907; A.M. Princeton 1869; LL.B. ; LL.D. Princeton, Univ. Penna. and Franklin & Marshall 1899. Addison Graham Marr William Fitzhugh Chesley Morsell, A.M., M.S Divinity School Phila. 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1869; M.S. Princeton 1894. 220 BACHELORS OF ARTS [186&-67 Wakeman Bryerly jMunnikhuysen, A.M., M.D *I903 A.M. Princeton 1869; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1869. Samuel Howell Murphy, a.m., b.d., D.D McCormick Seminary 1868-71; Acting U. S. Consul Gaboon, North Africa 1877-79; A.M. Princeton 1869; B.D. McCormick Seminary 1871; D.D. Car- roll College, Wis. 1908. Henry James Owen, a.m *i878 Princeton Seminary 1866-68; A.M. Princeton 1869. Andrew H. Parker, a.m *i899 Princeton Seminary 1866-69; A.M. Princeton 1869. John Calvin Paulison, a.m., ll.b. *i882 A.M. Princeton 1869; LL.B. Columbia 1870. John Cooper F. Randolph, a.m., E.M Government Service Germany 1869-71; Service Japanese Government 1874; Na- tional Commissioner Mines Tolima, Co- lombia, S. A.; Resident Manager Borneo Diamond Exploration Syndicate 1890; A.M. Princeton 1869; E.M. Co- lumbia 1869. Ninlan Beall Remick, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1866-68; Union Seminary 1868-69; A.M. Princeton 1869; D.D. Princeton 1889. Edwin DeWitt Sampson, a.m.*i873 A.M. Princeton 1869. John Saxton Sherrill, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1867-70; A.M. Princeton 1869. William Morgan Shuster, Jr., a.m. President Board Trustees Reform School, District Columbia; A.M. Princeton 1869; LL.B. George Washing- ton 1869. Richard Mertor Johnson Smith, A.M A.M. Princeton 1869. Miles Wilbur Tate, a.m *i904 A.M. Princeton 1869. Addison Williams Taylor, A.^f., M.D *i904 A.M. Princeton Penna. 1869. 1869; M.D. Univ. Spencer Trask, a.m. Trustee and President Board of Trus tees Teachers' College, New York City Trustee St. Stephens College, N. Y. Trustee General Seminary, N. Y. A.M. Princeton 1869. Ledyard Van Rensselaer, a.m., m.d. *i892 A.M. Princeton 1869; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1869. Robert Samuel INI. Wlierry, a.m. *i9oi Member Penna. Assembly 1887-94; President Trustees Penna. State Nor- mal School; A.M. Princeton 1869. William Hull Wickham, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1869. 1867 Samuel Annin, a.m * McCormick Seminary 1867-69; A.M. Princeton 1870. George Harry Birnie, a.m. . . . Professor Mathematics New Windsor College 1876-78; President New Wind- sor College 1879; Locating Engineer Mexican National Railway 1881-83; A.M. Princeton 1870. Arthur Weir Bliss, a.m *i903 A.M. Princeton 1870. James Peter Boyd, a.m., m.d. . Professor Obstetrics Gynecology and Diseases of Children Union 1876 — ; A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. Columbia 1871, also Union 1879 hon. Peter Winter Brakeley, a.m., m.d. Mayor Dunellen, N. J. 1888-98; A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1869. John Miller Cross, a.m Princeton Seminary 1870-74; Tutor Princeton 1873-76; Assistant Professor Greek Johns Hopkins 1876-79; Pro- fessor New Testament Greek Johns Hopkins 1879-82; A.M. Princeton 1870. Fuller Porter ^Dalrymple, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1868-69; _ Tutor Princeton 1868-73; Registrar Princeton 1869-70; President Gale 1892-94; A.M. Princeton 1870. 1867] BACHELORS OF ARTS 221 Iredell Philips Davie Thomas Pancoast Dickerson, a.m. *i877 A.M. Princeton 1870. Charles Adlai Ewing, a.m., ll.b. *i896 LL.B. Union 1869; A.M. Princeton 1870. Severyn Bruyn Forsyth, a.m. .^1902 A.M. Princeton 1870. William H. Frame, a.m *i873 A.M. Princeton 1870. John Oscar Freeny Superintendent Schools Salisbury, Md. Robert Garrett, Jr., a.m *i896 Trustee Johns Hopkins; A.M. Prince- ton 1870. Jesse Samuel Gilbert, a.m...*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1870. Oliver Olmsby Maclean Green, a.m. *i882 Princeton Seminary 1867-69; A.M. Princeton 1870. J. Henry Hartman, a.m., m.d. Degree conferred 1870; Professor Med- ical Department Washington Univ., St. Louis; A.M. Princeton 1870. Edward Harvey Degree conferred 1868. Henry Hazlehiirst, a.m *i896 A.M. Princeton 1870. William Rossman Henderson, A.M., D.D Princeton Seminary 1870-71; Professor Bellevue College. Neb. 1885-1886; A.M. Princeton 1870; D.D. Central 1891. Robert Robbins Heroy *i90o William John Hoar, a.m Princeton Seminary 1867-70; Union Seminary N. Y. 1870-71; A.M. Prince- ton 1870. John M. Holland, a.m Degree conferred 1868; A.M. Princeton 1870. Jacob \''an Rensselaer Hughes, a.m. *i904 Princeton Seminary 1867-70; Postmas- ter Kilbourn, Wis. 1882-86; A.M. Princeton 1870. William Mindred Johnson, a.m. Member New Jersey Senate 1895-1900; President New Jersey Senate 1900; Acting Governor New Jersey 1900; ist Assistant U. S. Postmaster General 1900-02; A.M. Princeton 1870. Leland Jordan, a.m., ll.b. . . . LL.B. Cumberland Univ. A.M. Princeton 1870. Tenn. iS Frank Snowden Katzenbach. . William Henry Katzenbach, a.m. M.D Professor Clinical Medicine, N. Y. Poly- clinic; A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1871. Edward P. Kelly Degree conferred 1867 as of a former class. James Cook Lindsly, a.m., m.d. *i888 a.m. Princeton 1870; M.D. Columbia 1869. Robert Forsyth Little, a.m. . .*i902 A.M. Princeton 1870. James Gibson Lowrie, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1868-70; Director McCormick Seminary 1895 — ; A.M. Princeton 1870; D.D. Knox 1894. William James Lyon, a.m. . . .*i903 President Board of Education, Jersey City, N. J.; Auditor of Accounts N. Y. City; Deputy Comptroller N. Y. City; A.M. Princeton 1870. Nathaniel Alexander McBride, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1870; LL.B. Columbia 1871. John Dale McGill, a.m., m.d.. Director of Education Jersey City, N. J. 1879-83; Commissioner of Finance Jersey City, N. J. 1882-84; Commis- sioner of Police Jersey City 1899- 1903; Surgeon General New Jersey 1886—; Degree conferred 1868; A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1870. 222 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1867 William Mcllvaine, a.m *i9oo Civil Engineer Northern Pacific R. R.; A.M. Princeton 1873. Malcolm MacMartin, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1868-72; A.M. Princeton 1870. Francis Elston Marsh, a.m., ll.b. *i899 Member Common Council, Plainfield, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1870; LL.B. New York Univ. 1871. Edward Rothesay Miller, a.m . Princeton Seminary 1867-71; Professor Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo, 1881-88; A.M. Princeton 1870. Arthur Rutherford Morris, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1870. Samuel Moody Murphy, a.m.* A.M. Princeton 1870. Henry Archer Nixon, a.m. . .*i882 A.M. Princeton 1870. James Boyd Nixon, a.m *iSg^ A.M. Princeton 1870. Edmund Doty North, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1870. Charles Benjamin Ogilvie, a.m. McCormick Seminary 1868-70, 1872; Union Seminary N. Y. 1871-72; A.M. Princeton 1870. William Dunbar Olmsted, a.m.* 1876 Degree conferred 1868; A.M. Princeton 1870. Richard Wayne Parker, a.m., ll.b. Member New Jersey Assembly 1885- 86; U. S. Representative from New iersey 1895 — ; A.M. Princeton 1870; .L.B. Columbia 1869. James Richard Phillips, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1869. Joseph Lewis Potter, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1869-72; A.M. Princeton 1870; D.D. Princeton 1894. Nelson Alexander Rankin, a.m. McCormick Seminary 1867-69; A.M. Princeton 1870. George Rigg, a.m *i8g7 Mayor Burlington, N. J. 1878, 1882; A.M. Princeton 1870. Caleb Hunn Rodney, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1867-70; A.M. Princeton 1870. Martin Rosenkrans, a.m A.M. Princeton 1870. Francis Ford Sanders, a.m., m.d. *i890 Health Physician Morristown, N. J. 1870-74; County Physician Morris Co., N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. Co- lumbia 1870. George Augustus Seeley, a.m.*i89i Princeton Seminary 1867-70; Princeton 1870. A.M. Abraham Du Bois Staats, a.m.*i897 A.M. Princeton 1870. Joseph Creed Stamps, a.m... Member Tennessee Assembly 1899- 1900; A.M. Princeton 1870. Lewis French Stearns, a.m., d.d. *i892 Princeton Seminary 1869-70; Union Seminary N. Y. 1871-72; Professor Rhetoric and English Language Albion 1876-79; Professor Systematic Theology Bangor Seminary 1879-92; A.M. Princeton 1870; D.D. Princeton 1881. Richard Garrison Stretch, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton Penna. 1869. 1870; M.D. Univ. John Watkins S warts, a.m...* 1894 Assistant Prosecutor Pleas, Monmouth Co., N. J.; A.M. Princeton .1870. William Henry Thompson, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1870. John Turner, a.m *i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1867-70; A.M. Princeton 1870. Arthur Dewey Walbridge. . . .*i872 Thomas Henry White, a.m., m.d. A.^L Princeton 1870; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1870. James Cornelius Wilson, a.m., m.d. Professor Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine Jefferson Medical 1891 — ; A.M. Princeton 1870; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1869. John Sylvester Young, a.m. . .*i9oo A.M. Princeton 1870. i868] BACHELORS OF ARTS 223 li Alexander Armstrong, a.m..*i905 Member Maryland Assembly 1885-86; A.M. Princeton 1871. William Baylis, a.m A.M. Princeton 1871. Charles Augustus Brewster, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1871. Samuel Craig Caldwell, a.m.. Served in C. S. A. ; Professor Natural Science Rome Female Academy Ga. ; President Rome Female Academy; President Seaside Female College; A.M. Princeton 1871. Howard Campbell, a.m A.M. Princeton 1871. Albert Bigelow Carner, a.m. . Union Seminary N. Y. 1871-72; Pro- fessor Mathematics & Mechanical Draw- ing, York Collegiate Institute 1876 — ; A.M. Princeton 1877. Abraham Pollock Chalker, a.m., M.D a.m. Princeton 1871; M.D. Hahne- mann 1871. Charles Sidney Converse, a.m.*i903 Served in Richmond Home Guards C. S. A.; Princeton Seminary 1875-76; A.M. Princeton 1871. Edward Payson Cooper, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1871; M.D. 1870. Walter Cummins, a.m Judge Municipal Court, Wilmington, Del.; A.M. Princeton 1871. George Montgomery Davie, a.m. *i9oo A.M. Princeton 1871. Benjamin Ford Dorrance, a.m., F.R.H.S A.M. Princeton 1871. Peter K. Edgar, a.m A.M. Princeton 1871. Alfred Hamilton Fahnestock, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1868-71; Tutor Princeton 1870-73; Delegate from Gen- eral Assembly Presbyterian Churcli to General Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church 1905; A.M. Princeton 1871; D.D. Washington College, Tenn. 1894. Henry Pleasant Fowlkes, a.m. Clerk Williamson Co., Tenn. 1870- Member Tennessee Assembly 1878-80 Speaker Tennessee Assembly 1879 A.M. Princeton 1871. Thomas Harrison Garrett, a.m. Trustee Princeton Princeton 1871. A.M. Thomas Lindley Graham, a.m. Allegheny Seminary 1868-69; A.M. Princeton 1871. Samuel Miller Hageman, a.m.*i905 Princeton Seminary 1868-71; A.M. Princeton 1871. Elwood Cummins Harris, a.m. Judge ist District Court, Newark, N. J. 1899-1904; A.M. Princeton 1871. Eugene Hoge, a.m., m.d *i902 A.M. Princeton 1871; M.D. Long Island Medical 1872. James Hoge, a.m *i886 A.M. Princeton 1871. Edward Cleeves Hood, a.m.. Andover Seminary 1871-72; Union Seminary N. Y. 1872-74; A.M. Prince- ton 1871. William Frederick Howell, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1871. Abraham Goodwin Hoyt, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1871. Huston Humphreys, a.m *i88i A.M. Princeton 1871. John Palmer Hutchinson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1871. Peter Jacobus, a.m *i877 A.M. Princeton 1871. Russell Hampden Johnson, m.d. M.D. Univ. Penna. 1871. Thomas Benton Kase, a.m. . .*i876 District Attorney Northumberland Co., Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1871. James Laughlin, Jr., a.m Trustee Princeton 1901-03; A. M. Princeton 1871. 224 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1868 Stephen Hedges Little, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1871. Archibald McCullagh, a.m., d.d., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1868-71; A.M. Princeton 1871; D.D. New York Univ. 1885; LL.D. Washburn College, Kan. 1905. Alpheus Beall McKaig, a.m..* 1886 Member Maryland Senate; A.M. Prince- ton 1 87 1. Barry Matthews, a.m *i889 Served in C. S. A.; A.M. Princeton 1871. Dallas Valentine Mays, a.m..*i903 Allegheny Seminary 1868-71; A.M. Princeton 1871. David Hutchinson Mount, a.m., M.D *l892 Mayor Bayhead, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1871; M.D. Columbia 1872. Henry Neill, Jr., a.m Princeton Seminary 1869-72; A.M. Princeton 1871. John Campbell Owens, A.m..*i907 A.M. Princeton 1871. John Peacock, a.m., d.d *i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1868-71; A.M. Princeton 1871; D.D. Washington Col- lege, Tenn. 1891. Alexander Robinson Pendleton, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1871; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1870. Henry Douglas Pierce, a.m., ll.b., M.D Degree conferred 1898; Assistant U. S. District Attorney, Indiana; A.M. Princeton 1898; LL.B. Indianapolis Law School 1873; M.D. Berkshire Medical 1870. Charles Edward Pierson, a.m.*i875 A.M. Princeton 1871. Oliver Perry Piper, a.m., m.d. . A.M. Princeton 1871; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1872. John Philip Polk, A.M. , *i899 A.M. Princeton 1871. James Madison Poulson, a.m., LL.B Prosecuting Attorney Summit Co., O. 1875-77; A.M. Princeton 1871; LL.B. Columbia 1870. Edward Hyde Robbins, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1868-71; A.M. Princeton 1871; D.D. New Windsor 1904. William Cooper Rommel, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1869-72; Tutor Princeton 1871-72; Union Seminary N. Y. 1876-77; A.M. Princeton 1871. Charles Strickland Ryman, a.m., D.D a.m. Princeton 1871; D.D. Simpson Centenary College, la. 1892. John Henry Schreiner, a.m . . 1st Sergeant 24th New Jersey Vols. 1862-63; ist Lieutpnant 37th New Jer- sey \'ols. 1863-64; A.M. Princeton 1871. Charles Hodge Scott, a.m .... Director McCormick Seminary 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1871. Lewis Winfield Scott, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1871. William Scott, a.m *i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1871. Charles Henry Spencer William Whitewright Stuart, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1871; LL.B. Columbia 1874. David Allen Thompson, a.m., ll.b. Attorney and Trustee Home Savings Bank, Albany, N. Y. 1880 — ; Trustee and Treasurer Albany Orphan Asylum 1879 — ; A.M. Princeton 1871; LL.B. Union 1869. Daniel Turner, a.m *i882 A.M. Princeton 1871. EH Marsh Turner, a.m., ll.d.*i9o8 Princeton Seminary 1869-70; Tutor Princeton 1869-73; Assistant Librarian Princeton 1870-73; Member West N'ir- ginia Senate 1876-80; President Univ. West Virginia 1885-93; A.M. Prince- ton 1871; LL.D. Washington & Jeffer- son 1886. 1868-69] BACHELORS OF ARTS 225 Edward Augustus Van Wagenen, A.M *i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1871. George Alexander Van Wagenen, A.M., M.D Medical Director Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.; A.M. Princeton 1871; M.D. Columbia 1871. Louis Bevier Voorhees, a.m. .*i9oi Andover Seminary 1868-71; A.M. Princeton 1871. Samuel Waugh, a.m U. S. Vice Consul Chemnitz, Saxony 1876-80; A.M. Princeton 1871. Rozel Weissinger, a.m., ll.b.*i896 Professor Equity Law Univ. Louisville 1884-90; Member Kentucky Senate 1896; A.M. Princeton 1871; LL.B. Univ. Louisville 1871. William Black Wills, a.m a.m. Princeton 1871. Charles Sumner Withington, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1871; LL.B. Columbia 1872. 1869 John William Aitken, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1872. Charles Thomas Anderson. . . Princeton Seminary 1870-73. Frank Emanuel Baltzell, a.m., m.d. * A.M. Princeton 1872; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1871. Benjamin Rulon Black, a.m. .*i904 Crozer Seminary iS ton 1872. -72; A.M. Prince- Joseph William Blythe, a.m., ll.d. Degree conferred 1875; A.M. Princeton 1875 lion.; LL.D. Bethany College, Kan., also Hanover College, Ind. 1904. Jonas Turner Brakeley, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1872. John Robert Breckinridge, a.m. *i874 A.M. Princeton 1873. Arthur Chapman, a.m A.M. Princeton 1872. Charles Dodd Crane Union Seminary N. Y. 1871-74; Re- cording Secretary Maine Congregational Conference. Colbert Mousseau Des Islets, a.m., Ph.D Princeton Seminary 1869-71; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1871-72; Superintend- ent Schools Leon, la. 1874-80; Pro- fessor Latin Univ. Iowa 1880-82; Pro- fessor Latin Bellevue College, Neb. 1882-86; Principal Jefferson Academy Cannonsburg, Pa. 1889-92; Professor Latin Western Univ. Penna. 1892—; A.M. Princeton 1872; Ph.D. Cornell 1874 hon. WilHam Howard Eby, a.m. . .*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1872. Nathaniel Ewing, a.m 1869 President Judge 14th Judicial District Penna. 1887-98; Trustee Princeton 1902-07; Judge U. S. District Court Western Penna. 1906 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1872. James Thomas Finley *i9o6 Frederick Fowler, a.m A.M. Princeton 1872. John Evans Fox William Coleman Freeman, a.m. *i903 A.M. Princeton 1872. John Quincy Adams Fullerton, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1872. John Frelinghuysen Hageman, Jr., A.M *i892 Mayor Princeton, N. J. 1881-83; A.M. Princeton 1872. Charles Hazlehurst, a.m .-....* A.M. Princeton 1872. George Bevan Hope, a.m., m.d. Adjunct Professor Post-Graduate Med- ical School New York 1885-86; Special Professor Diseases of Throat Univ. Vermont 1886-90; Professor 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1872; M.D. Bellevue 187s. Lambert Lot Howell * William Hutchison *i899 John Patton Irvin, A.M A.M. Princeton 1872. 226 BACHELORS OF ARTS [i86g Thomas Allen Jobs, a.m., ll.b. *i904 Mayor Georgetown, Col. 1882- ; Re- corder Phoenix, Ariz. 1895- ; A.M. Princeton 1872; LL.B. Columbia 1872. Edward Quinton Keasbey, a.m., LL.B. U. S. Commissioner 1873-96; Member New Jersey Assembly 1884-86; LL.B. Harvard 1871; A.M. Princeton 1872. William Smith Lalor, a.m., m.d. City Physician Trenton, N. J. 1874; Superintendent Public Schools Trenton, N. J. 1884-90; County Physician Mer- cer Co., N. J.; President Board of Pension Exarniners; A.M. Princeton 1872; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1872. William Seely Little, a.m., m.d. *i887 A.M. Princeton 1872; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1873, also Jefferson Medical 1877. Henry Albert Lloyd, a.m A.M. Princeton 1872. John Newton Logan, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1872. William Henry M'Gee, a.m., m.d. ♦ 1904 A.M. Princeton 1872; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1872. William McKibbin, a.m., d.d., ll.d. Allegheny Seminary 1870-73; Professor Systematic Theology Lane Seminary 1904 — ; President Lane Seminary 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1872; D.D. Wooster 1889; LL.D. Wooster 1904. Kennedy Duncan Mellier, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Frank Halsey Mills, a.m., ll.b. *i899 2d Lieutenant 24th Infantry U. S. A. 1873; ist Lieutenant 24th Infantry U. S. A. 1878; Regimental Quartermaster 1882-87; Retired with rank of Captain 1892; Degree conferred 1885; A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1872. William Henry Park *i87o Princeton Seminary 1869-70; Allegheny Seminary 1870. George Tousey Porter, a.m., ll.b. a.m. Princeton 1872; LL.B. Harvard 1872. James Culbertson Rea, m.d. .'''1886 Degree conferred 1874; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1872. Charles Dallas Ridgway, a.m., ll.b. a.m. Princeton 1872; LL.B. Columbia 1872. John William Rosebro, d.d . . . D.D. Washington & Lee 1885. Archibald Alexander Schenck, a.m. Assistant Engineer Penna. R. R. 1872; Asst. Eng. 4th U. S. Light House Dis- trict; Asst. Eng. City of Philadelphia; Asst. Eng. Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western R. R. ; Asst. Eng. West Shore R. R. ; Asst. Oregon R. R. & Navigation Co. and Northern Pacific Terminal Co.; Asst. Eng. Canadian Pacific R. R. ; Chief Assistant Engineer New Jersey Junction R. R. 1885-86; Chief Engineer Oregon Pacific R. R. 1887-90; Chief Asst. Eng. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. 1890- 98; Chief Engineer Freemont, Elkhorn & Missouri \"alley R. R. and Engineer of Maintenance Chicago & N. W. R. R. 1898 — ; A.M. Princeton 1872. John G. Schenck, a.m., m.d.. .*i875 a.m. Princeton 1872; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1873. Charles Williams Sloan, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1872. Archibald Alexander Speer, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1872. Nicholas Frederick Stahl, a.m., d.d. Private 140th Illinois Infantry 1864; Princeton Seminary 1874-75; Chaplain G. A. R. ; Colonel Aide to Commander in Chief G. A. R. ; Captain Chaplain 13th Penna. \'ols. 1898; A.^I. Prince- ton 1872; D.D. Richmond College 1906. Winfield Scott Stites Allegheny Seminary 1870-72; Princeton Seminary 1872-73; A.M. Princeton 1872. William Lincoln Swan, ll.b.. LL.B. Columbia 1871. Henry Clay Talmage. a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1872. Albert Clark Titus, a.m *i90S Princeton Seminary 1869-72; A.M. Princeton 1872. Edward Stanley Toadvin, ll.b. State Attorney Wisconsin Co., Mary- land 1878-83; Member Maryland Sen- 1869-70] BACHELORS OF ARTS 227 ate 1888-94; Land Commissioner Maryland 1900-1907; LL.B. Univ. Vir- ginia 1872. William Bradley Waller, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1872. George Kemp Ward, a.m. , . . Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1872. Richard Boyd Webster, a. m. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1872. Eugene Franklin Wells *i88i George Crittenden Young, a.m.* 1875 A.M. Princeton 1873. 1870 Robert Moore Agnew, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1873, Charles Beatty Alexander, a.m., LL.B., LL.D Trustee Princeton 1 900-1 906; A.M. Princeton 1873; LL.B. Columbia 1872; LL.D. Princeton 1895, also Washington & Jefferson 1902. George Archer, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. Charles Henry Asay, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873. William Melancthon Bartholomew, A.M Chicago Seminary 1870-71; Union Seminary N. Y. 1871-73; A.M. Prince- ton 1873. Thomas Bruen Brown, ll.b. .*i893 U. S. District Attorney Los Angeles Co., Cal. 1879- ; LL.B. George Wash- ington 1873. William F. Henley Buck .... John Livy Caldwell, a.m., d.d *if Princeton Seminary 1873-74; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Ogden College, Ky. 1888, also Central 1888. Charles Alston Cook, a, M, State Solicitor Warren Co., N. C. 1878- 80; Member North Carolina Senate 1886-88, 1894-96; U. S. Attorney, East- ern District North Carolina 1889-93; Member North Carolina Assembly 1896-98; Judge Supreme Court North Carolina 1901-03; Trustee L'niv. North Carolina 1887-1901; A.M. Princeton 1873, also Univ. North Car- olina 1878 hon. John Locke Cooper, a.m. Tutor Latin and Greek and Headmas- ter Grammar School Univ. South 1871- 73; Vice Principal and Professor Mathematics and Classics Chattanooga Female Institute 1874-75; Principal Vanderbilt Preparatory School, Tenn. 1875-89; Principal Chattanooga College 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1873. James McAHster Crockett, ll.b. *i873 LL.B. Lebanon Univ., Tenn. 1873. Samuel D. Culbertson, a.m. . , a.m. Princeton 1873. David Merchant Davenport, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Whitworth Col- lege, Miss. 1896. Edmund Davis Gardner Clinton Deaver, a.m. President and Professor Latin and Greek Frederick College, Md. 1873- 76; Principal Deaver Collegiate Pre- paratory School Dayton, O. 1876 — • A.M. Princeton 1873. Moses J. De Witt, a.m. School Commissioner Newark, N. J. 1894-96; A.M. Princeton 1873. Wilber Morris Dobbins, a.m..*i885 A.M. Princeton 1873. Marcus H. Dougherty William Bynum Glenn, a.m. .*i892 Member North Carolina Assembly 1874-75, 1876-77; Member North Caro- Ima Senate 1881-83; A.M. Princeton 1873. Elmer Ewing Green, a.m.... Member Common Council Trenton 1882-85; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1891 — ; President Trustees Princeton Seminary 1898—; Judge Court of Er- rors & Appeals New Jersey 1903 — • A.M. Princeton 1873. Joseph Colburn Guernsey, a.m., M.D , Trustee Hahnemann Medical College & Hospital; President Medical and Surg- ical Staff Hahnemann Hospital; Mem- ber Board of Homeopathic Medical Ex- 228 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1870 amincrs of Penna. ; A.M. Princeton 1873; M.D. Hahnemann Medical 1872. Samuel R. Gummere, a.m .... Secretary to U. S. Minister to The Hague 1881-83; U. S. Consul General at Tangier 1898-1905; U. S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary to Morocco 1905 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1873. William Stryker Gummere, a.m. Judge Circuit Court Essex Co., N. J.; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1895- 1900; Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jersey 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1873; LL.D. Princeton 1902. Levi Todd Hannum, a.m....*i9o5 A.M. Princeton 1873. Henry Schenck Harris, a.m. .*i902 Prosecutor of Pleas, Warren Co., N. J. 1877-81; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1881-83; A.M. Princeton 1873- Edward Payson Hawes, a.m.*i886 Princeton Seminary 1870-72; A.M. Princeton 1873. William Johnstone Henderson, a.m. *i899 Private 2d Battalion Penna. Vols. 1863; Private 206th Regt. Penna. Vols. 1864- 6s; Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873. Alexander Henry, Jr., a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1871-74; Secretary Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbatli School Work; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Coe College, la. 1905. Benjamin Couch Henry, d.d.*i9oi Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. New York Univ. 1889. George Heberton Hooper, a.m. Adjunct Professor Modern Languages Syracuse Univ. 1878-79; Vice Principal Blair Academy, Blairstown, N. J. 1892- 94; A.M. Princeton 1873. Charles Frederick Imbrie, a.m. ♦1899 A.M. Princeton 1873. Samuel Irvin, a.m *i884 A.M. Princeton 1873. James Marion Johnston, a.m., ll.b. President and Director Children's Hos- pital, Washington, D. C. ; Treasurer and Trustee the Louise Home, Washington, D. C; Trustee St. Johns Orphanage Washington, D. C. ; A.M. Princeton 1873; LL.B. George Washington 1872. Adrian Hoffman Joline, a.m., ll.b., LL.D A.M. Princeton 1873; LL.B. Columbia 1872; LL.D. Princeton 1904. John Forsyth Joline, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. Abner Bailey Kelly, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1873; LL.B. George Washington 1873. Joseph Thomas Kelly, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1871-74; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Gale College, Wis. 1901. George Blackburn Kinkead, Jr. Judge Recorder's Court Lexington, Ky. 1876—82; Member Kentucky Assembly 1889-90. John Jacob Kline, Jr., a.m. . .*i877 A.M. Princeton 1873. Hugh Graham Kyle, a.m.... Mayor Rogersville, Tenn. 1885; Chan- cellor 1 2th Chancery Division Tennes- see 1894-1902; Chancellor 2d Chancery Division Tennessee 1902; Trustee Univ. Tennessee 1889 — ; President Board of Trustees Rogersville Synodical College; A.M. Princeton 1873. *tSRo Welty McCullogh, a.m, U. S. Representative from Penna. 1887- 89; A.M. Princeton 1873. James William Mcllvain, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1870-74; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. St. Johns 1895. Thomas Boyd McLeod, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Princeton 1890. John Thomson Mason, Jr., a.m. *i894 A.M. Princeton 1875. William Hamilton Miller, a.m., D.D *I907 Princeton Seminary 1870-74; A.M. Princeton; D.D. Princeton 1889. Charles Hampton Moore, a.m., m.d. *i883 a.m. Princeton 1873; M.D. Columbia 1873. Edwin White Moore, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. i87o] BACHELORS OF ARTS 229 Edward Payson Newton, a.m. Allegheny Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873. Lee Hampton Nissley Hughes Oliphant, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. Charles Joel Parker, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. Thomas Parry, a.m., d.d Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Gale College, Wis. 1890. Elias M. Pennington, a.m *i878 A.M. Princeton 1873. John Ellsworth Peters, a.m., d.Sc. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; Instructor Biology Princeton 1885-86; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.Sc. Princeton i886. Frank Hawthorne Pierce, a.m., LL.B U. S. Consul Matanzas, Cuba 1885- 91; U. S. Commercial Agent \'an- couver 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1873; Harvard 1873. Thomas Clinton Provost, ll.b. LL.B. Harvard 1872. Theodoric Bland Pryor *i87i James Linn Reed, a.m Allegheny Seminary 1870-73; Professor English Lincoln 1 899-1 90 1 ; A.M. Princeton 1873. John Ballard Kendall, a.m., d.d. Principal Prep. Dept. Lincoln 1870-72; Professor Latin Lincoln 1872-1906; President Lincoln 1906 — ; Member Penna. Assembly 1899-1900; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Gale College, Wis. 1900. Charles Albert Reynolds Charles James Roe, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. David Junkin Satterfield, a.m., d.d. Allegheny Seminary 1870-73; Presi- dent Scotia Seminary 1886-1906; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Hanover Col- lege, Ind. 1888. George William Savage, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1873. William Pitt Schell, Jr., a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1873. Edmund Drake Scudder, a.m.*i873 A.M. Princeton 1873. David Robert Sessions, a.m., l.h.d. Principal Nevada Univ. 1874-78; Su- perintendent Public Instruction Nevada 1878-82; Claims Attorney Southern Pacific Company iSg.-"; A.M. Princeton 1873; L.II.D. Princeton 1891. Jerome Edward Sharp David Edwin Shaw, a.m. Professor Hebrew & History Lincoln 1885-93; A.M. Princeton 1873. John Todd Shelby, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. George Marshall Shipman, a.m. Law Judge Warren Co., N. J. 1898 — ; A.M. Princeton 1873. Emelius W. Smith, a.m General Seminary N. Y. 1871-74; Ex- amining Chaplain under Bishops _ Pad- dock, Brooks and Lawrence, Diocese of Massachusetts; Archdeacon Southern Archdeaconry; Dean of Western Con- vocation; Member of Standing Commit- tee Diocese of Massachusetts; A.M. Princeton 1873. Mark Reeves Sooy, a.m *i90i A.M. Princeton 1873. William E. Spencer, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. Thomas Danly Suplee, a.m. . , Union Seminary N. Y. 1870-71; Princeton Seminary 1871-72; Divinity School Phila. 1872-73; Professor Men- tal Philosophy and English Literature St. Augustine College, California 1877- 79; Vice Rector St. Augustine College 1877-90; Rector Courtlandt School, Lakewood, N. J. 1890 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1887. Thomas Swenk, a.m A.M. Princeton 1873. Joseph Marion Tanner, . . Acting Commonwealth's Attorney Fay- ette Co., Ky. 1879-80; City Treasurer Lexington, Ky. 1880-85; A.M. Prince- ton 1873. Asher Brown Temple, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. William Davy Thomas, a.m., ph.d., D.D Princeton Seminary 1870-71; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1871-73; Professor Ethics and Metaphysics Gale College, 230 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1870-71 Wis. 1886-96; President Gale College 1896-1903; President La Crosse College, Wis. 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1873; Ph.D, Berlin 1876; D.D. Gale 1890. Wynant Vanderpool, a.m .... General Seminary 1870-74; A.M. Princeton 1873. John Van Vorst, Jr.. a.m., m.d. *i887 A.M. Princeton 1873; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1874. Frank Addison Ward, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1873. Henry Reed Whitehill, a.m. .*i905 A.M. Princeton 1873. Robert George Williams, a.m.*i907 Princeton Seminary 1870-73; A.M. Princeton 1873. Stevenson Archer Williams, a.m., LL.B., LL.D Member Maryland Senate 1898-1902; A.M. Princeton 1873; LL.P>. Univ. Maryland 1873; LL.D. St. Johns Md. 1900. Short Adam Willis George Conrad Yeisley, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1871-73; A.M. Princeton 1873; D.D. Princeton 1890. 187I Samuel Henry Allibone, a.m.*i875 A.M. Princeton 1874. John Park Barbor, a.m Allegheny Seminary 1871-74; Private 135th Penna. Vols. 1862; U. S. Signal Corps 1862-65; A.M. Princeton 1874. Charles Scudder Barrett, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1874-76; A.M. Princeton 1S74. William Cooley Barrett, a.m.. m.d. Member Bureau of Health Philadelphia, Pa. 1886-1900; Member School Board Philadelphia, Pa. 1890-94; A.M.. T'rince- ton 1874; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1874. Homer Davenport Boughner, a.m. Trustee Broadus Institute W. Va. 1894 — ; A.M. Princeton 1874. A. Fulton Boyd, a.m Allegheny Seminary Princeton 1874. 1871-74; A.M. Henry Perkins Bruyere, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1874. James Douglas Caldwell, a.m.* 1878 Princeton Seminary 1871-72; Allegheny Seminary 1872-74; A.M. Princeton 1874- John Thomas Carter, a.m., m.d. Mayor of Triadelphia, W. Va. ; M.D. Ohio Medical College 1874; A.M. Princeton 1874. William Tuttle Carter, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1874. William Cox Chambers, a.m.*i879 A.M. Princeton 1874. David Smalley Coles, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1874; M.D. Boston University 1887. Charles Winters Darst ^igoo Rushton M. Dorman Glenn A. Fenton, a.m., m.d.. .*i893 A.M. Princeton 1874; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1875. Chauncey Mitchell Field, A.M., m.d. *i895 A.M. Princeton 1874; M.D. Columbia 1875. Samuel Byers Fleming, a.m., d.d. *i9o8 Allegheny Seminary 1871-72; Delegate to Pan Presbyterian Alliance Glasgow 1896; A.M. Princeton 1874; D.D. Em- poria College, 111. 1892. John Scoon Gardner, a.m. . . . Union Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Prince- ton 1874. Thomas Glen *i876 William McDowell Halsey, a.m., Ph.D Tutor Princeton 1873-75; A.M. Prince- ton 1874; Ph.D. Princeton 1881 hon. Hugh Henderson Hamill, a.m. Director Princeton Seminary 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1874. Andrew Patton Happer, a.m.*i897 Princeton Seminary 1873-76; Commi.s- sioner Imperial Maritime Customs. China 1890-97; Received by Imperial Decree Decoration ist Clnss 3d Pi vi- sion Imperial Order of the Double Dra- gon; A.M. Princeton 1874. i87i] BACHELORS OF ARTS 231 Oliver Pauline Happer, a.m..*i877 A.M. Princeton 1874. Cecil Campbell Higgins, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Columbia 1873. Roswell Randall Hoes, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1872-75; Chaplain U. S. N. 1882 — ; Chaplain Commander U. S. N. 1S97; Chaplain Captain U. S. N. 1903; Chaplain Ancient & Honorable Artillery Co. Boston 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1874. William Butler Hornblower, a.m., LL.B., LL.D Member New York Constitutional Com- mission; LL.B. Columbia 1875; A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.D. Princeton 1895. Thomas Lloyd Hughes, a.m., d.d. *i9oo Lane Seminary 1875-78; Trustee Lane Seminary 1897-1900; Trustee Allegheny Seminary; A.M. Princeton 1874; D.D. Hanover College, Ind. 1887. Charles Van Dyke Joline, a.m. Judge Court Common Pleas Camden Co., N. J. 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1874. Oliver Alexander Kerr, a.m. , Princeton Seminary 1874-77; A.M. Princeton 1874. John Porter Laird, a.m *i889 Tutor Princeton 1872-73; A.M. Prince- ton 1874. Benjamin Skinner Lassiter, a.m. General Seminary N. Y. 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1874. Ananias Lawrence, a.m., d.d.. Princeton Seminary 1871-72; A.M. Princeton 1874; D.D. Dickinson 1899. Charles Leaman, a.m Union Seminary N. Y. 1871-74; A.^L Princeton 1874. Robert McCaslin, a.m * Allegheny Seminary 1871-74; A.M. Princeton 1874. Josiah McClain, a.m Princeton Seminary 1871-74; A.M. Princeton 1874. Arthur Kendrick Macdonald, a.m., M.D M.D. Univ. Penna. 1875; A.M. Prince- ton 1 874. Johnston McGaughey, a.m. . . . Professor Greek and Higher Mathe- matics Birmingham College, Iowa 1867-68; Princeton Seminary 1871- 74; Principal Kossuth Classical & Nor- mal Academy, Kossuth, Iowa 1897-99; A.M. Princeton 1874. William Edgar Mack, a.m., d.d, Princeton Seminary 1871-74; D.D. Cooper Memorial College 1898; A.M. Princeton 1874. Albert Brainerd Marshall, A.M., D.D Princeton Seminary 1871-74; Trustee Wooster 1890 — ; Trustee Parsons Col- lege, Iowa 1898 — ; President Board of Directors Omaha Seminary 1899 — ; A.M. Princeton 1874; D.D. Wooster 1894- Eugene Horace Mateer, a.m , . Princeton Seminary 1871-74; A.M. Princeton 1874. Henry Lewis Mayers, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1871-74; A.M. Princeton 1874; D.D. Washington & Jefferson 1902. Jacob Edwin Michael, a.m., m.d. *i895 Demonstrator Anatomy Univ. Mary- land 1874-80; Professor Anatomy Univ. Maryland 1880-89; Professor Obstetrics Univ. Maryland 1889-95; Dean of Faculty Univ. Maryland 1887- 95; A.M. Princeton 1874; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1873. Andrew George Miller, a.m. , . District Attorney Cumberland Co., Pa. 1886-91; A.M. Princeton 1874. Charles Kisselman Imbrie Miller, A.M., M.D *l878 A.M. Princeton 1874; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1873. David Mixsell, a.m A.M. Princeton 1874. Samuel Miller Nave *i9oi Police Commissioner Maryland 1892- 94. Joseph Angelow Owen, a.m. . Drew Seminary 1871-74; A.M. Prince- ton 1874. Robert Hopkins Patterson, a.m. ♦1895 A.M. Princeton 1874. 232 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1871 Frederick Aycrigg Pell, a.m., ll.b, A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Columbia 1873- John Condit Pennington, a.m., m.d. *i897 A.m. Princeton 1874; M.D. Columbia 1875- Elisha Henry Perkins, a.m., ll.b. President of Trustees of Poor, Balti- more, Md. 1896-1900; Supervisor City Charities Baltimore, Md. 1900 — ; Com- missioner of Finance Baltimore, _ Md. 1904 — ; Director Princeton Seminary 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1873. Samuel Mustard Perry, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1871-74; A.M. Princeton 1874. Lewis Henry Piatt, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Columbia 1873. Thomas Posey, a.m, Chief Examiner County School Boards Hende'son & Union Co., Ky. 1878-90; Superintendent Schools Henderson Co., Ky. 1894-98; A.M. Princeton 1874. Edward Watkinson Rankin, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Union 1873- John Tredwell Richards, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Columbia 1874. Samuel Rowland, a.m., m.d..*i888 A.M. Princeton 1874; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1874. William Martin Ryerson, a.m.*i886 Princeton Seminary 1872-74; A.M. Princeton 1874. Henry Wyre Scudder, a.m. . .*i886 A.M. Princeton 1874. William Henry Seeley, a.m. . Assessor Borough of Sussex, N. J. 1902-05, 1907 — ; Member Common Council Sussex, N. J. 1905-07; A.M. Princeton 1874. Josephus Lcander Sooy, a.m., d.d. Drew Seminary 1871-73; Professor An- cient Languages and Moral Philosophy Bordentown Female College, N. J. 1873-74; A.M. Princeton 1874; D.D. Princeton 1895. James Steen, a.m Mayor Eatontown, N. J. 1882-84; President Board of Education Eaton- town, N. J. 1894-96; A.M. Princeton 1874- William Adams Walker Stewart, A.M., LL.B *i888 A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Columbia 1873- Edward I. Todd *i896 Alexander Green Van Cleve, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1871-72; A.M. Princeton 1874. Marshall Roberts Van Nostrand, LL.B *l9o6 LL.B. Columbia 1882. Alexander Van Rensselaer, a.m. Trustee Princeton 1901 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1874. Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, A.M., D.D., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1873-76; Instruc- tor New Testament Language & Litera- ture Allegheny Seminary 1878-79; Pro- fessor New Testament Language & Literature Allegheny Seminary 1879- 87; Professor Didactic & Polemic Theology Princeton Seminary 1887 — ; A.M. Princeton 1874; D.D. Princeton 1880; LL.D. Princeton 1892, also David- son 1892. John G. Weir, a.m A.M. Princeton 1874. Charles Kingsbury Westbrook, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1874; LL.B. Columbia 1873- Mason Fitch Williams, a.m., m.d. U. S. Pension Examiner; Member Board Medical Examiners Western District Indian Territory; A.M. Prince- ton 1874; M.D, Univ. Louisville 1876. Hugh Porter Wilson, a.m..,*i89S 2d Lieutenant I02d Regiment Ohio In- fantry 1863-65; Princeton Seminary 1871-72; Allegheny Seminary 1872- 74; A.M. Princeton 1874. Winfield Scott Wilson, a.m. .*i889 a.m. Princeton 1874. Thomas Sears Young 1872] BACHELORS OF ARTS 233 1872 Arthur William Allen, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1875. John Jacob Anspach, a.m. . . .*i886 A.M. Princeton 1875. Addison Atwater, a.m., ll.b. .*i898 A.M. Princeton 1875; LL.B. Columbia 1875. Perrin Baker, a.m Allegheny Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. William Augustus Baldwin. . . Chairman, Town Council, Bloomfield, N. J. 1883-86; Secretary Board of Edu- cation Bloomfield, N. J. 1880 — . William Archibald Barr William Potts Sherman Belville. A.M *I882 Clerk U. S. District Court New Jersey 1875-82; A.M. Princeton 1875. Samuel Disbrow Bergen Degree conferred 1886. Franklin Pease Perry, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Prince- ton 1875; D.D. Monmouth College, 111. 1902. George Jamieson Birnie, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1872-73; A.M. Princeton 1875. George Augustus Blake, a.m. . Mayor Elkton, Md. 1890-96; President Board School Commissioners, Cecil Co., Md. 1897 — ; A.M. Princeton 1875. Joseph Cooper Boyd, a.m A.M. Princeton 1877. Thomas Kell Bradford, a.m..*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1875. Horace Crosvenor Brannin, a.m., LL.B Mexican Consul Louisville, Ky. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1875; LL.B. Univ. Louisville 1875. Arthur Newell Bruen, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1872-74; Union Seminary N. Y. 1874-76; A.M. Prince- ton 1875. Ezra Irwin Brugh, a.m. Deputy Register and Recorder Butler Co., Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1875. Charles Musgrave Camm, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Melbert Brinckerhoff Gary, A.M. A.M. Princeton 1875. Benjamin Fish Chambers, a.m.*i885 Member New Jersey Assembly 1885; A.M. Princeton 1875. James Chambers, A.M., d.d. .. Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875; D.D. Univ. Chicago 1890. John Crawford, a.m Drew Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Prince- ton 1875. Solomon Warner Curtiss, a.m.*i902 Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Addison Lowell Daniels John David Davis, a.m., ll.b. Trustee Princeton 1901 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1875; LL.B. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. 1874. Edmund Elmendorf Dayton, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Isaac Davison Decker, a.m.. .* 1903 Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Alvin Devereux, a.m A.M. Princeton 1875. Lewis Dewart, a.m * District Attorney Northumberland Co., Pa. 1878-80; A.M. Princeton 1875. Frederic Beal DuVal, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875; D.D. Wooster 1886. Samuel Evans Ewing, a.m. . . . Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 14th Judicial District Penna. ; A.M. Prince- ton 1875. Walter Reuben Frame, a.m..*i89o Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. John Milliken Goheen, a.m. . .*i907 Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. John Joseph Graham, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1872-73; Allegheny Seminary 1873-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. 234 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1872 Henry Bannister Green, a.m.*i885 A.M. Princeton 1875. Henry William Guernsey, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. James Winthrop Hageman, a.m., Ph.D Union Seminary, N. Y. 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1891. Foster Harper, a.m *i904 A.M. Princeton 1875. James Bowman Harris U. S. Attorney Southern District Miss- issippi 1885-87. Farel Hart, a.m *i88o McCormick Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Dilwynn McFadden Hazlett, a.m. Allegheny Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Leonard Warner Jewell, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1875. Arthur Johnson, a.m Princeton Seminary 1872-73; Union Seminary 1873-75; A.M. Princeton 1875- William De Camp Johnson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Tobias Walter Johnston, a.m.* 1898 a.m. Princeton 1875. Samuel Howell Jones, a.m . . . U. S. Commissioner; A.M. Princeton 1875. Charles Wellington Kase, a.m.*i88o A.M. Princeton 1875. Frank Howell Lalor, a.m .... Member Public School Board Trenton, N. J.; Superintendent Public Instruc- tion Trenton, N. J. ; Postmaster Tren- ton, N. J. 1893-97; A.M. Princeton 1875. Charles Seth Lane, a.m A.M. Princeton 1875. John Clarence Lane, a.m. ll.b. Member Maryland Senate 1884-86; a.m. Princeton 1875; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1874. William Preston Lane, a.m . . . Postmaster Hagerstown, Md. 1887-91; Colonel ist Maryland U. S. Vols. 1898- 99; Mustered out 1899; A.M. Princeton 1875- Achilles Lysander Loder, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1872-73; Union Seminary 1873-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. James Adair Lyon, a.m., ll.b., ph.d. Professor Mathematics York Collegiate Institute, Pa. 1874-76; Professor Mathe- matics & Natural Science Highland Univ. Kan. 1876-78; Professor Chem- istry Washington & Jefferson 1878-85; Professor Natural Sciences Southwest- ern Presbyt. Univ. 1885-98; Professor Physics and Astronomy Southwestern Presbyt. Univ. 1898 — ; Professor Phys- ics Univ. Nashville (Summer School) 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1875; LL.B. LTniv. Mississippi 1873; Ph.D. Princeton 1880 hon. William Gray McCall, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1875. David Rinehart McCaslin, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1872-73; A.M. Princeton 1875. Andrew Hamilton McClintock, A.M A.M. Princeton 1875. Burtiss Cunningham Magie, a.m., LL.B. A.M. Princeton 1875; LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1874. George Williamson Mann, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Winfred Robert Martin, a.m., ll.b., Ph.D., LL.D Professor Oriental Languages Trinity (Conn.) 1888-1907; Librarian Hispanic Society of America 1907 — ; A.M. Princeton 1875; LL.B. New York Univ. 1878; Ph.D. Tubingen 1887; LL.D. Trinity 1907. Archibald Alexander Murphy, a.m. *i905 Princeton Seminary 1872-74; A.M. Princeton 1875. Chester Paul Murray, a.m... Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Hamilton Murray *i873 John Murray, a.m Princeton Seminary 1872-75; Princeton 1875. A.M. 1872] BACHELORS OF ARTS 235 John Le Moine Nisbet, a.m. . .*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1875. Henry Martyn Ogden, a.m. . , A.M. Princeton 1876. John Campbell OHver, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Richmond Pearson, a.m U. S. Consul to Verviers and Liege, Belgium 1874-77; Member North Car- olina Assembly 1885-87; U. S. Rep- resentative from North Carolina 1895- 1901; U. S. Consul Genoa, Italy 1901— 02; U. S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Persia 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1875. WilHam Hamlet Pearson Joseph Fleming Perkins, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1875; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1875, also Bellevue Medical 1879. Benjamin Reynolds James Forsyth Riggs, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary N. Y. 1875-78; Pro- fessor Hellenistic Greek & New Testa- ment Exegesis New Brunswick Semi- nary 1892-98; A.M. Princeton 1875; D.D. Rutgers 1892. Oliver Roland, a.m., m.d Member Lancaster, Pa.. School Board; Member Lancaster, Pa. Board of Health; A.M. Princeton 1875; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1875. Henry Edwards Rowland, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Cornelius Suydam Scott, a.m., ll.b. Commissioner Deeds New York; LL S. Commissioner; Referee Bankruptcy; A.M. Princeton 1875; LL.B. Univ. Mississippi 1874, also Columbia 1875. John Hitchcock Scribner, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Henry Bascom Short Warren Bagley Short, a.m., m.d. *i877 A.M. Princeton 1875; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1877. Jonathan Ritchie Smith, \.n., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1873-76; A.M. Princeton 1875; D.D. Franklin & Mar- shall 1903. Leigh Richmond Smith, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Robert Livingston Stevens, a.m. General Seminary N. Y. 1873-76; A.M. Princeton 1875. Bayard Stockton, a.m Prosecutor Pleas Mercer Co., N. J. 1888-99; A.M. Princeton 1875. Francis Matthew Sill Taylor, a.m., D.D General Seminary N. Y. 1872-75; Dean St. Paul's Cathedral Indianapolis, Ind. 1881- ; Archdeacon Diocese of Spring- field 1885 — ; A.M. Princeton 1875; D.D. Allegheny Seminary 1905. Robert Creswell Thackery, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1875. Lemuel Hiram Tyree Judge County Court, Gibson Co., Tenn. 1905—. Henry Nevius Van Dyke, a.m. Registrar Princeton 1873 — ; Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1876-77; In- structor Freshman Classics & Mathemat- ics Princeton 1879-83; A.M. Princeton 1875- John Melick Van Dyke, a.u. .*i9o8 A.M. Princeton 1875. Le Grand Guerry Walker, a.m. Member South Carolina Senate 1894 — ; A.M. Princeton 1875. Newell Woolsey Wells, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1872-75; A.M. Princeton 1875. Albert Williams, a.m. President Michigan Mining College 1886-87; Geologist and Chief of Divi- sion LT. S. Geological Survey; A.M. Princeton 1875. Alva Hooper Willis George C. Wilson, a.m Assistant U. S. Attorney Western Ju- dicial District Penna. 1875-85; A.M. Princeton 1875. James Little Wilson, a.m., m.d. .\.M. Princeton 1875; M.D. Columbia 1875. 236 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1872-73 John Elihu Woodrufif, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1875; M.D. Columbia 1875. Joseph Jacob Woods, a.m. . . .*i9oo Member West \'irginia Senate 1878- ; Member West Virginia Assembly 1882- ; Speaker West Virginia As- sembly 1882; A.M. Princeton 1875. 1873 Josiah Robert Adams, a.m. . .*i9oo A.M. Princeton 1876. Henry Eaton Baltzell, a.m., ll.b. LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1877; A.M. Princeton 1876. George F. H. Barber Artemas Bissell, a.m A.M. Princeton 1876. John P. Kennedy Bryan, a.m. . Member South Carolina Constitutional Convention 1895; Trustee Univ. of South 1891-94; Trustee College of Charleston, S. C. ; A.M. Princeton 1876. George Stockton Burroughs, a.m., Ph.D., D.D., LL.D *I90I Princeton Seminary 1874-77; Professor Biblical History & Interpretation Am- herst 1886-92; President and Professor Biblical Literature Wabash 1892-99; Professor Old Testament Language & Literature Oberlin Seminary 1899- 1901; A.M. Princeton 1876; Ph.D. Princeton 1884 hon. ; D.D. Princeton 1887; LL.D. Marietta 1895. James McConnell Campbell, a.m. *I904 A.M. Princeton 1876. Addison Candor, a.m Judge Lycoming Co. Court Penna. 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1876. Richard Canfield *i874 Clifton Ferguson Carr, a.m..*i892 a.m. Princeton 1876. John Henry Collier Frank Bliss Colton, a.m., ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1876; A.M. Princeton 1876. Elbert Nevius Condit, a.m.. . .*i9oo Princeton Seminary 1874-77; President Occidental College, Cal. 1894-96; A.M. Princeton 1876. Isaac Hiram Condit, a.m Princeton Seminary 1873-77; Tutor Princeton 1875-76; A.M. Princeton 1876. James Clarence Conover, a.m. Presiding Judge Court Common Pleas Monmouth Co., N. J. 1890-1900; A.AL Princeton 1876. John Barriclo Conover, a.m., ll.b. Degree conferred 1876; A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Columbia 1875. James Hoagland Cowen, a.m.*i878 A.M. Princeton 1876. John Joseph Crane, a.m., m.d.* 1900 A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Columbia 1876. William Irvine Cross, a.m., ll.b. LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1878; A.M. Princeton 1876. Horatio Nelson Davis, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1876. Martin Dennis, a.m A.M. Princeton 1876. Walter Bourchier Devereux, a.m., M.E A.M. Princeton 1876; M.E. Columbia 1878. Robert Stockton Dod, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1876. James Coleman Drayton, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Columbia 1876. [George] Howard Duffield, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1874-77; Trustee Lincoln 1901 — ; Director Princeton Seminary 1894 — ; A.M. Princeton 1876; D.D. Princeton 1888. Nicholas Lyman Dukes, a.m. .*i883 A.M. Princeton 1876. Joseph Heatly Dulles, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1874-77; Librarian Princeton Seminary 1886 — ; A.M. Princeton 1876. William Harbison Ellis, a.m. .*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1876. i873] BACHELORS OF ARTS ^V7 James Clarence Ernst, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1876. John Crocker Fisher, a.m., m.d. Passed Assistant Surgeon U. S. Marine Hospital Service 1877-84; Professor Materia Medica & Therapeutics Syrian Protestant College, Beirut 1884-89; A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Long Island Hospital College 1876. John Thomas Fredericks, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1876. Edmund Frankhn Garrett, a.m., M.D *i89i a.m. Princeton 1876; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1S76. Robert WilHam Hall,, e.m. Acting Assistant Professor Chemistry New York University 1S88-90; As- sistant Professor Analytical Chemistry Nevi' York University 1890-91; Pro- fessor Analytical Chemistry New York University 1891-1904; A.M. Princeton 1876; E.AI. Columbia 1876. Homer Hart Hewitt, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1876. John Jackson Hubbell, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Columbia 1877. John Wynne Jones, a.m., d.d. . Private and Sergeant U. S. A. 1862- 6s; Princeton Seminary 1873-76; D.D. Gale College 1900; A.M. Princeton 1876. Charles Corning Lathrop, a.m., m.d. *i887 A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1875. Robert Linn Lawrence, a.m . . A.M. Princeton 1876. James Hendrie Lloyd, a.m., m.d. Instructor Electro Therapeutics Univ. Penna. ; A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1878. Thomas McCulloch, a.m A.M. Princeton 1876. Cyrus Brady McCune, a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1876. Thomas McGough, a.m Member Penna. Assembly 1897-98; A.M. Princeton 1876. Samuel McLanahan, a.m, LTnion Seminary N. Y. 1873-75; Prince- ton Seminary 1875-76; A.M. Princeton 1876. David Thomas Marvel, a.m . . . Judge Supreme Court Delaware 1893- 97; Secretary of State Delaware 1891- 93; A.M. Princeton 1876. James Douglass Moffat Degree conferred 1879. Samuel Morris, a.m a.m. Princeton 1876. Theodore Shields Negley, a.m . Princeton Seminary 1873-76; A.M. Princeton 1876. Herman Haupt North, a.m., ll.b. Member Penna. Assembly 1893-98; A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Union 1875. Moses Fuller Paisley, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1873-76; A.M. Princeton 1876. John Edwin Parker, a.m *i879 A.M. Princeton 1876. Arthur Pell, a.m., m.d A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1876. Samuel Willson Pringle, a.m. . Allegheny Seminary 1874-77; A.M. Princeton 1876. Isaac Ogden Rankin, a.m. . . . Union Seminary 1874-77; A.M. Prince- ton 1876. Henry Edward Richards, a.m., m.d. Assistant in Physics Stevens Institute 1877-78; Professor Natural Science German Theological Seminary Newark, N. J. 1878-86; Director German Theol. Seminary Newark, N. J. igoj — ; A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Columbia 1875. Thomas Hoff Rittenhouse, a.m. *i877 Baptist Seminary Chicago 1873-76; A.M. Princeton 1876. Robert James Sanson, a.m., ll.b. Degree conferred 1874; Corporation Attorney Fort Plain, N. Y. 1878-79; Assistant District Attorney Montgomery Co., N. Y. 1881-84; Member Board of Health Amsterdam, N. Y. 1884 — ; A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Union 1876. 238 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1873-74 Charles Chaiincey Savage, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1876. David Scott, Jr., a.m *i879 Princeton Seminary 1873-76; Tutor Princeton 1876-77; A.M. Princeton 1876. Joshua Wilson Sharpe, a.m . . . Trustee Wilson College for Women 1895 — ; A.M. Princeton 1876. Samuel Julius Shaw, a.m., d.d. A.M. Princeton 1876; D.D. Westminster College 1904; U. P. Seminary Alle- gheny 1874-77; Free Church of Scot- land, Edinburgh 1877-78. David William Sloan, a.m., ll.b. *I902 State's Attorney Alleghany County, Md. 1879-83, 1887-95; County Attorney Alleghany Co., Md. 1883-87; Associate Judge 4th Judicial Circuit Maryland 1895-1902; A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1876. John Ewing Speer, a.m *i9oo A.M. Princeton 1876. Thomas Sutton, a.m a.m. Princeton 1876. Charles McLaren Switzer, a.m.. LL.B *I906 A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Washing- ton Univ., St. Louis, Mo. 1875. Charles Andrew Taylor, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1873-75; A.M. Princeton 1876. Mason Thomson, a.m., m.d. . . M.D. Bellevue Medical 1876; A.M. Princeton 1876. Thomas Black Turner, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1875. George Opdyke Vanderbilt, a.u. Member New Jersey Assembly 1874- 76; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 187s; Member New Jersey Senate 1884- 86; A.M. Princeton 1876. George Douglass Vandyke, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1876. Henry [Jackson] van Dyke, Jr., A.M., D.D., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1874-77; Director Princeton Seminary 1885 — ; Lyman Beechcr Lecturer Yale 1895-96; Trus- tee Princeton 1899; Turnbull Lecturer on Poetry Johns Hopkins 1906; Mur- ray Professor English Literature Prince- ton 1899 — ; Moderator General Assem- bly 1902; A.^L Princeton 1876; D.D. Princeton 1884, also Harvard 1893, also Yale 1896; LL.D. Union 1898, also Washington & Jefferson 1902, also Wesleyan 1904, also Univ. Penna. 1906. William Ward Van A^alzah, a.m., M.D Demonstrator Clinical Medicine Jeffer- son Medical 1880-82; Professor Dis- eases Digestive System New York Polyclinic 1896-1902; A.M. Princeton 1876; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1876. Isaac Smith Van Voorhis, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1876. Harry Frank Wallace, A.M .... A.M. Princeton 1876. Samuel Calvin Wells, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1876. Harry William Wilson John Adams Wilson Degree conferred 1904. Philemon Woodruff, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1876; LL.B. Columbia 1876. George Riddle Wright, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1876. 1874 William M. Addicks *i9oo Thomas Henry Atherton, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1877. Alfred Kelley Bates McCormick Seminary 1874-77. Henry Crane Beach, a.m., ll.b. U. S. Immigrant Inspector 1900; Police Judge Bellingham, Wash. 1903-04; City Attorney Bellingham, Wash. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.B. Columbia 1876. Charles Henry Bergner William Lyman Biddle, a.m , . A.M. Princeton 1877. Henry Clay Bittenbender i874] BACHELORS OF ARTS 239 Charles Edward Blydenburgh, a.m., E.M Superintendent Schools Carbon Co., Wyo. 1881-82; Member Wyoming As- sembly 1888; President City Council Rawlins, Wyo. 1892-94; City Attorney Rawlins, Wyo. 1889-92, 1895-96, 1898- 1906; Prosecuting Attorney Carbon Co., Wyo. 1898; Member State Board Law Examiners Wyoming 1899-1906; A.M. Princeton 1877; E.M. Columbia 1878. Edmund Miller Bot.sford Robert Boyd, a.m Princeton Seminary 1874-77; President and Professor Ethics & Biblical Litera- ture Whitworth College, Wash. 1898- 99; A.M. Princeton 1877. Thomas McKeen Boyd, a.m. .*i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1874-77; A.M. Princeton 1877. Walter Reeve Bruyere, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1877; M.D. Columbia 1878. James Buchanan Augustus Cass Canfield, a.m., e.m. *igo4 a.m. Princeton 1877; E.M. Columbia 1877. William Morris Carson, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1876. Russell Cecil, a.m., d.d Princeton Seminary 1875-78; President Board of Directors Columbia (S. C.) Seminary 1898-1900; A.M. Princeton 1877; D.D. Southwestern Presbyterian Univ. 1893, also Princeton 1895. James Julius Chisholm, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1874-77; A.M. Princeton 1877; D.D. Central 1896. Robert Sterling Clark, ll.b. .* 1876 LL.B. Union 1876. David Compton Superintendent Public Schools Mt. Sterling, 111. 1875-76, 1877-79; As- sistant Principal High School Dubuque, la. 1885-88; Principal High School Dubuque, la. 1888-95. John Daniel Cook Superintendent Public Schools Montour Co., Pa. 1877-78. Orestes Cook, a.m A.M. Princeton 1877. Silas Pierson Cooke, a.m *i893 a.m. Princeton 1877. Alexander Colwell Crawford, a.m. *i89o a.m. Princeton 1877. Alfred Henry Croco Union Seminary, N. Y. 1874-76; San Francisco Seminary 1876-77. Samuel McChord Crothers, d.d., LiTT.D Union Seminary 1 874-1877; Harvard Divinity School 1881-82; D.D. Harvard 1899; Litt.D. St. Lawrence, N. Y. 1904 hon. William McConnell Dauerty, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1884. Edward Mark Deems, a.m., ph.d., D.D Union Seminary 1874-76; Princeton Seminary 1876-77; .■X.M. Princeton 1881; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1893; D.D. Alfred Univ. 1904. Cyrus Oscar Dersheimer, a.m.*i907 U. S. District Attorney Wyoming Co., Pa. 1877-80, 1883-86; A.M. Princeton 1877. Rufus Charming Elder District Attorney Mifflin Co., Penna. 1879-82; Lieutenant Colonel 5th Penna. U. S. Vols. 1898. George Henry Ferris *i894 Princeton Seminary 1875-76; Tutor Princeton 1875-76; Auburn Seminary 1876-78. Richard Edgar Field *i89i Union Seminary, N. Y. 1875-78. John Wesley Fielder, Jr., a.m.*i903 A.M. Princeton 1877. Henry Amzi Fuller, a.m Assistant District Attorney, Wilkes- barre, Pa. 1877-79, 1880-82, 1883-84, 1886-88, 1895-96; Judge Court of Com- mon Pleas, Luzerne Co., Pa. 1907 — ; A.M. Princeton 1877. Nevin Ursinus Funk John Wesley Gephart, a.m. . .*i905 A.M. Princeton 1877. James Lake Griggs, a.m Prosecutor of Pleas Somerset Co., N. J. 1900-1905; A.M. Princeton 1877. 240 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1874 Telford Groesbeck, ll.b Judge Advocate General of Ohio; LL.B. Harvard 1877. William Justin Harslia, a.m., d.d. McCormick Seminary 1874-77; Trustee Bellevue College, Neb. 1880—; A.M. Princeton 1877; D.D. Parsons 1889. William Franklin Henney, a.m., LL.D Member Common Council Hartford, Conn. 1877; Judge City Police Court Hartford, Conn. 1883-89; Corporation Counsel Hartford, Conn. 1890-95; Mayor Hartford, Conn. 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.D. Trinity College Hartford 1906. John Armstrong Herman Commissioner on Wayne Statue, Valley Forge, Pa. 1906. Harry Murray Hinckley, a.m. Judge 26th Judicial Dist. Court Mon- tour and Columbia Co. Courts Penna. 1888-89; A.M. Princeton 1877. Jacob De Witt Hull *i875 Henry Huston President Judge Court of Common Pleas Sussex Co., N. J. 1896-1902; Prosecutor of Pleas Sussex Co., N. J. 1902 — . Duncan Campbell Jackson. . . .*i883 George Jacobs, a.m *i89i Mayor Mifflintown, Pa.; District Attor- ney Mifflintovvn, Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1877. John William Kaye Divinity School, Phila. 1874-76. William Laurence Ledwith, a.m., D.D *I904 Princeton Seminary 1874-77; Librarian Presbyterian Historical Society i89.-i- 1904; A.M. Princeton 1877; D.D. Princeton 1895. Thomas Goodrich Lee, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1877; M.D. New York Univ. 1880. George Sargent Lewis, a.m. . .* a.m. Princeton 1877. Samuel Bechtel Loose, a.m. . . a.m. Princeton 1877. Alexander Doak McClure, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1875-77; Chaplain 2d Regiment North Carolina State Guard 1895-97; Chaplain Seamen's Bethel Wilmington, N. _ _C. 1899^; President Associated Charities W^ilming- ton, N. C. 1902 — ; A.AL Princeton 1877; D.D. Davidson 1901. Simon John McPherson, a.m., d.d. Tutor Princeton 1874-75; Princeton Seminary 1875-78; Trustee Lake For- est 1883-95; Director McCormick Sem- inary 1883-1900; Trustee Princeton 1897 — ; Member Chicago Educational Commission 1897-98; Headmaster Law- renceville School 1899 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1877; D.D. Knox 1893, also Prince- ton 1896. Francis Putnam Mann *i882 Allan Marquand, Ph.d., l.h.d. Princeton Seminary 1874-76; Tutor Greek Princeton 1876; Union Seminary 1876-77; Fellow Logic and Ethics Johns Hopkins 1878-81; Tutor Latin and Lecturer Logic Princeton 1881-82; Instructor History of Art Princeton 1882-83; Professor Art & Archeology Princeton 1883 — ; Director Museum Historic Art Princeton 1893 — ; Pro- fessor Archri?ology American School Classical Stutlies Rome 1896-97; Coun- cilor American Institute Archaealogy 1886 — ; Vice President Free Art League 1905 — ; Secretary Egypt Exploration Fund 1896-1906; Trustee Civil Service Reform Association 1906 — ; Vice Pres- ident Archreological Institute of Amer- ica 1907 — ; Ph.D. Tohns Hopkins 1880; L.H.D. Hobart 1888. Robert Sylvester Morris, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1877; M.D. Columbia 1877- Henry Elliott Mott, d.d Auburn Seminary 1875-76; Union Seminary 1876-78;. D.D. Princeton 1900. William David Neese, a.m Allegheny Seminary 1875-78; Princeton 1S78. Wallace Neff, a.m., m.d. . . Lecturer Clinical Surgery Univ. Cin- cinnati i8So; Adjunct Professor Clinical Surgery & Surgical Pathology tjniv. Cincinnati 1880-98; Major & Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1898-99; A.M. Princeton 1877; M.D. Univ. Cincinnati 1878. Walter Douglas Nicholas Princeton Seminary 1874-75; Union Seminary N. Y. 1875-77. i874] BACHELORS OF ARTS 241 De Lancey Nicoll, ll.b. Assistant District Attorney New York County, N. Y. 1885-88; District At- torney New York County, N. Y. 1891- 94; Member New York Constitutional Convention 1894; LL.B. Columbia 1876. Joseph Parker, a.m., ll.b. . . . A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.B. Columbia 1876. David Paton, ll.b LL.B. Columbia 1876. William Parker Patterson. . . .*i9oi Princeton Seminary 1874-77. John Wesley Peckett, Jr., a.m.. LL.B. A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.B. Columbia 1876. James Coggswell Du Marisque Pigeon, A.M., M.D Professor Mathematics Washington Col- lege, Md. ; A.M. Princeton 1877; M.D. Harvard 1883. John Graham Reid, a.m., Ph.d, Princeton Seminary 1874-77; Trustee Longmont College, Col. 1884-94; A.M. Princeton 1883; Ph.D. Longmont 1893 hon. Thomas Getty Ricketts, a.m., m.d. *i896 a.m. Princeton 1877; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1877. James Stevenson Riggs, a.m., d.d. Auburn Seminary 1877-80; Assistant Professor New Testament Criticism Au- burn Seminary 1884-87; Professor New Testament Criticism Auburn Seminary 1887—; A.M. Princeton 1877; D.D. Princeton 1888. Samuel Kirkbride Robbins, a.m. Member New Jersey Assembly 1904 — ; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1906; A.M. Princeton 1877. Albert Leslie Robison *i88i Herbert Taft Root, a.m., ll.b. Professor of Mental & Moral Sciences Park College, Mo. 1879-80; A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.B. Columbia 1877. James Henry Denning Ross. .*i907 Union Seminary, N. Y. Princeton Seminary 1875-77. 1874-75; Nathaniel Irwin Rubinkam, Ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1875-78; Ph.D. Univ. Basle 1891. Clinton Reece Savidge District Attorney Northumberland Co., Pa. 1881-84; President Judge 8th Dis- trict Penna. 1892 — . James Scarlet District Attorney Montour Co., Pa. 1883-85. Alexander Scotland, a.m., m.d. *i893 Princeton Seminary 1874-77; A.M. Princeton 1877; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1885. William Thomas Scott, a.m.. .*i9o6 A.M. Miami Univ. 1893 hon. I^.Iinor Winn Smith William Morrow Smith Clerk Passaic Co., New Jersey 1881- 91. William Henry Sponsler Member Penna. Assembly 1883-85. Edmund Louis Stevens, a.m., d.d.s. A.M. Princeton 1877; D.D.S. New York College of Dentistry 1888. Edward Kellogg Strong Auburn Seminary 1876-79. John Thomas Stuart, a.m. . . .*i9o6 District Attorney Cumberland Co., Pa. 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1877. Henry Burnett Taylor, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.B. Columbia 1877- Charles Dederer Thompson. . Member Town Council Montclair, N. J. 1891-92; Member Board of Health Montclair, N. J. 1893-1902; President Board of Health Montclair, N. J. 1897- 1902. Jacob Hurd Vandeventer Harry Walker *i879 Edward Leroy Warren, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1876-77; A.B. also Central 1873; A.M. Central 1883; D.D. Central 1888, Walter Oliver Wells *i88o Andrew Fleming West, Ph.d., Hon. D.LiTT. (OxoN.), LL.D Professor Latin Princeton 1883 — ; Pro- fessor Pedagogics Princeton 1885-92; President American Philological Asso- ciation 1902; Chairman Managing Com- 242 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1874-75 mittee American School Classical Stud- ies Rome 1900 — ; Dean Graduate School Princeton 1901 — ; Ph.D. Prince- ton 1883 hon. ; Hon. D.Litt. Oxford 1902; LL.D. Lafayette 1897. William Gorhan Westervelt. . Princeton Seminary 1874-77. William Rankin Wherry Member Iowa Assembly. Alexander Reid Whitehill. a.m., Ph.D. Professor Experimental Science Univer- sity Mound College 1876-81; Principal Linsly Institute 1881-85; Professor Chemistry Univ. West Virginia 1885 — ; State Chemist Virginia 1885 — ; A.M. Princeton 1877; Ph.D. Washington & Jefferson 1887 hon. Charles Fauntleroy Whittlesey, A.M., LL.B Regent Washington State Univ. 1887- 90; Treasurer King Co., Wash. 1898- 1901; A.M. Princeton 1877; LL.B. George Washington 1876. Willis Hewlett Wiggins, ll.b. Member Ohio Assembly 1890-91; Judge Court Common Pleas 2d Subdivision 5th District Ohio 1904 — ; LL.B. Univ. Cincinnati 1877. Harry Holmes Wikoff Princeton Seminary 1874-77. Frederick Beasley Williamson, LL.B LL.B. Columbia 1876. Alexander B. Courtland Wilson. Allegheny Seminary 1874-76; McCor- mick Seminary 1876-78. William Thomas Wilson Samuel Ross Winans, Ph.d. . Tutor Greek Princeton 1876-81; Ad- junct Professor Greek Princeton 1881- 83; Professor Greek Princeton 1883 — Instructor Sanskrit Princeton 1881 — Dean of Faculty Princeton 1899-1903 Ph.D. Princeton 1882 hon. 1875 Archibald Alexander, a.m., ph.d. Adjunct Professor Moral and Intellec- tual Philosophy Columbia 1877-81; Professor Philosophy, Kthics and Psy- chology Columbia 1881-89; .\.M. Prince- ton 1877 hon.; Ph.D. Princeton 1879 hon. Frank Dade Alexander Charles Claflin Allen, a.m. . . . Member Missouri Assembly 1881-83; Judge Circuit Court St. Louis, Mo. 1907 — ; A.M. Princeton 1878. Frank Biddle *i886 James Lawrence Blair, a.m. .*i904 Degree conferred 1899; A.M. Princeton 1886 hon. William Henry Blinn *i876 Princeton Seminary 1875-76. Charles Hull Botsford Samuel Webster Bradford... Alfred Small Brown, ll.b... LL.B. Columbia 1880. James Edward Burr, a.m. . . . a.m. Princeton 1880. John P. Campbell Princeton Seminary 1875-78; D.D. New Windsor 1896. Charles Wyllys Cass, a.m., ll.b. *i897 A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Columbia 1880. William Sanderson Cheesman, A.M., M.D A.M. Princeton 1878; M.D. Columbia 1879. John Patterson Coyle, d.d...*i89S Tutor Princeton 1876-79, 1881; Mc- Cormick Seminary 1879-81; D.D. Wil- liams 1893. Craig Boyd Cross Princeton Seminary 1878-82. William Polk Cummins *iS95 Allen Macy Dulles, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1876-79; Professor Apologetics and Theism Auburn Sem- inary 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1878; D.D. Hamilton 1901. William King Eddy, a.m....*i9o6 Princeton Seminary 1875-78; A.M. Princeton 1878. Edward Shriver Eichelberger, a.m. State's Attorney Frederick Co., Md. 1888-96; A.M. Princeton 1878. 1875] BACHELORS OU ARTS 243 George Robert Elder Gustav Adolf Endlich, ll.d. . Judge 23d Judicial District Penna. 1889 — ; U. S. Assay Commission 1897; LL.D. Muhlenberg 1898, also Dickinson 1902. Charles Mowry Fleming. ., .*i883 Oliver Edward Fleming, a.m. Prosecuting Attorney in Indiana; Mem- ber Indiana Assembly 1879; A.M. Princeton 1878. Augustus Frederick Auburn Seminary 1875-78. Charles Noble Frost, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1876-78; A.M. Princeton 1881. George Washington Gallagher, A.M., LL.D Princeton Princeton Seminary 1875-78; 878; LL.D. A.M. Garrabrant, a.m. '8. Greenough, a.m. *i9oS Aaron Pitney A.M. Princeton 18 Eben William A.M. Princeton 1884. William Huston Grundy, a.m.* 1888 A.M. Princeton 1881. Bolton Hall, a.m., ll.b A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Columbia 1888. Richard John Hall, m.d *i897 M.D. Columbia 1878. George Bruce Halsted, a.m., ph.d. Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1879-81 Instructor Postgraduate Mathematics Princeton 1881-84; Professor Mathe matics Univ. Texas 1884-1903; Pro fessor Mathematics State Normal Col lege, Colorado 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1878; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1879 F.R.A.S. Thomas William Harvey, a.i\i., M.D City Physician Orange. N. J., 1880-84; Secretary Board of Health, Orange, N. J. 18S0-84; M.D. Columbia 1878; A.M. Princeton 1878. James Woods Hawkes Union Seminary N. Y. 1877-80. Charles Flerr, a.m., ll.b., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Ceorge Wash- ington 1877; D.D. Princeton 1892. Ellsworth Eliot Hunt, a.m., m.d. *i886 M.D. Columbia 1878; A.M. Princeton 1878. Symmes Bergen Hutchinson, a.m. *I902 Member New Jersey Assembly 1886-88; Solicitor Mercer Co.. N. J. 1888- ; A.M. Princeton 1878. Franklin Winston Jackson. . . Degree conferred 1905. William Crawford Johnson, a.m., M.D Health Officer Frederick City, Md. 1886-89; Trustee and Treasurer Emer- gency Hospital Frederick Co., Md. 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1880; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1878. George Alott Lanning Postmaster Florham Park, N. J. 1878 — . Ashton Lemoine *igo7 Isaac Henry Lionberger Instructor Law of Corporations St. Louis Law School 1891 — ; Assistant Attorney General U. S. 1896-97; Chair- man St. Louis, Mo., Charter Commis- sion 1901. William Vanzandt Louderbough, A.M Princeton Seminary 1876-79; A.M. Princeton 1878. John McElmoyle, a.m Princeton Seminary 1875-78; A.M. Princeton 1878. Peter McGough, a.m., m.d...*i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1878; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1878. Hector Alexander McLean, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1875-78; A.M. Princeton 1878. Samuel Millington Miller, a.m., M.D a.m. Princeton 1878; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1877. William Sidney Miller, a.m.. Allegheny Seminary 1875-78; A.M. Princeton 1878. 244 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1875-76 Henry Moffat, a.m., m.d A.M. Princeton 1878; M.D. Columbia 1881. Charles Pemberton Murray, a.m., M.D *l890 A.M. Princeton 1878; M.D. Columbia 1879. Arthur Newman, a.m Union Seminary, N. Y. 1876-79; A.M. Princeton 1878. James Staunton Nickerson. . Assistant U. S. Attorney Eastern Dis- trict Penna. 1882-88; Commissioner Court of Commissioners Alabama Claims 1882. Frank Huston Norton James Pennewill Judge Supreme Court, Delaware 1897 — . John Smith Pkimer, a.m., d.d. Allegheny Seminary 1875-76, 1882-84; A.M. Princeton 1881; D.D. Franklin College, Ohio 1898. Willard Hall Porter, a.m., ll.b. *igo7 A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Columbia 1877- Calvin Rayburn President Judge Court Common Pleas Armstrong Co., Pa. 1889-1900. Samuel Cubertson Rea Patterson Andrews Reece, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1877. William Moffat Reilly, a.m., ll.b. *i888 A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Columbia 1877. Charles Scribner Theodore Sheldon, a.m., ll.b.*i9o5 A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Columbia 1877- Calvin Rice Shields, a.m Princeton Seminary 1875-78; A.M. Princeton 1880. Frederick Augustus Snow, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1878; LL.B. Columbia 1877- Robert James Stevenson. .. .*i883 John Conover Ten Eyck, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1878. Walter Hunnewell Underwood, A.M., M.S A.M. Princeton 1878; M.S. Princeton i88i. Frederick Boyd Van \^orst, ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1879. DeLancey Guy Walker, ll.b. Degree conferred 1879; LL.B. Columbia 1876. Joseph Warren *i889 Charles Richard Williams, a.m., Ph.D., l.h.d Tutor Princeton 1879-80; Professor Greek Lake Forest 1881-83; A.M. Princeton 1878; Ph.D. Princeton 1893 hon,; L.H.D. Wabash 1903. William Henry Williams .... Dudley Goodall Wooten, a.m., LL.B Prosecuting Attorney Travis Co., Texas 1885-87; District Judge, Dallas, Tex. 1890-93; Member Texas Assembly 1897- 98; tJ. S. Representative from Texas 1899-1903; ist Vice President National Trust Conference, Chicago, 1900; Mem- ber Executive Council National Civic Federation 1901-02; A.AL Princeton 1878; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1878. Martin Dasher W^ylly, 1876 Dudley Solon Anness James Franklin Ball, a.m. . . . Judge Wilmington, Del.; A.M. Prince- ton 1879. James Morrison Barkley, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1876-79; Trustee Michigan Seminary; A.M. Princeton 1879; D.D. Alma College, Mich. 1899. Sylvester Woodbridge Beach, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1876-79; A.M. Princeton 1887. Henry Rush Biddle *i877 Jonathan Williams Biddle. . .*i877 2d Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry 1876- 77- i876] BACHELORS OF ARTS 245 Robert Edwin Bonner, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1879. Harrington Brown, ll.b.... LL.B. George Washington 1878. John Pollock Brown Oren Britt Brown, a.m Judge Court Common Pleas 2d Ohio District 1896 — ; A.M. Princeton 1881. William Allen Butler, Jr., ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1878. Arthur Billings Chaffee, a.m., d.d. Rochester Seminary 1876-79; Professor Latin Language & Literature Franklin College, Ind. 1879-89; President Cen- tral Univ. of Iowa 1894-1900; Professor History & Philosophy Des Moines Col- lege 1900-1901; President Bishop Col- lege, Tex. 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; D.D. Franklin College 1895. William Nesbitt Chambers, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1876-78; A.M. Princeton 1879. Charles Brookes Chapin, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary 1877-80; A.M. Prince- ton 1879; D.D. New York Univ. 1895. Harrison Clarke, a.m Princeton Seminary 1878-81; A.M Princeton 1879. William Allan Cleland, a.m . . A.M. Princeton 1901. Arthur Bloomfield Conger, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1876-79; A.M. Princeton 1879. Alfred Chester Coursen, a.m. Standing Master in Chancery and Standing Examiner in Equity U. S. Circuit Court Southern District New York; A.M. Princeton 1885. Bryant Owsley Cowan, a.m. . Member Missouri Assembly 1878-80; A.M. Highland Univ. Kan. hon. Samuel Craig Cowart, a.m... A.M. Princeton 1879. Brodie Jackman Crawford, a.m. *i883 a.m. Princeton 1879. Clarence Cunningham Henry Edgar Davis, a.m., ll.m., LL.D AssistaJit Attorney District Columbia 1885-89; Associate Professor of Prac- tice, Judge of Moot Court, Lecturer on History of English and American Law George Washington 1888-91; Professor Common Law Practice, Lecturer on History of Law George Washington 1891 — ; U. S. Attorney District Co- lumbia 1897-99; A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. George Washington 1878; LL.M. George Washington 1879; LL.D. Na- tional Univ. 1898. Collins Denny, a.m., ll.b. . . . Chaplain Univ. V'irginia 1889-91; Pro- fessor Mental & Moral Philosophy \'an- derbilt 1891 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. Univ. \'irginia 1877. Elliott Lawrence Dresser .... Princeton Seminary 1876-79. John Fletcher Duffield, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1879; M.D. Columbia 1880. Frank Dunning, a.m., ll.b . . . A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. Columbia 1878. Richard Arthur Edwards, a.m. Professor Rhetoric and English Lan- guage Knox 1878-81; A.M. Princeton 1879. Thomas Ireland Elliott, a.m., ll.b. City Solicitor Baltimore, Md. 1896-98; Member Baltimore Charter Commission 1898; A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1878. Edward Charles Evans, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1878; Professor Classics Lake Forest 1879; A.M. Prince- ton 1879. George Fielding Ficklen *i877 Leighton Finley *i894 2d Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry 1879; Transferred to loth U. S. Cavalry 1879; ist Lieutenant 1887; Regimental Quartermaster 1889-90. Charles Dufief Fowler, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. George Washington 1878. Albert Andrew Fulton, d.d. . . Union Seminary N. Y. 1876-77, 1878- 80; D.D. Wooster 1904. Alexander Baxter Gillespie.. Samuel Bartow Greene *i904 William Brenton Greene, Jr., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1877-80; Director Princeton Seminary 1883-93; Professor Apologetics and Christian Ethics Prince- 246 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1876 ton Seminary 1893 — ; D.D. Princeton 1891. Cornelius Cuyler Gregory, a.m. *igoi A.M. Princeton 1879. Hiram Philetus Hamilton. . .*i90S Union Seminary, N. Y. 1876-79. Robert Wilson Hamilton, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1879. Henry Lewis Harrison, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1879. Charles Hartridge *i882 William James Henderson, a.m. Lecturer History of Music New York College of Music 1 888-1 900; Lecturer History \'ocal Art Institute of Musical Art New York City 1905—; A.M. Princeton 1885. [James] Bayard Henry Trustee Princeton 1896 — ; Member Penna. Senate 1898-92. James Caldwell Jenkins, a.m., ll.b. Assistant U. S. Attorney Northern District Georgia 1883-84; Judge Court of First Instance Third judicial District Philippine Islands 1904 — .; A.M. Prince- ton 1879; LL.B. Columbia 1881. Morris Nahum Johnson, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1879. Richard W. Johnson, a.m., m.d. ist Lieutenant Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. i88i; Captain Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1886; Major Surgeon U. S. A. 1899 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; M.D. New York Univ. 1879. Robert Wilkinson Johnson, a.m., M.D Assistant Surgeon U. S. Marine Hos- pital Baltimore, Md. 1883-86; Pro- fessor Principles & Practice Surgery Baltimore Medical College; A.M. Princeton 1886; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1879. David Benton Jones, a.m. . . . Trustee Princeton 1901-08; A.M. Princeton 1879. Thomas Davies Jones, a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1879. William Talmage Kaufman.. George Knox, d.d Union Seminary N. Y. 1876-78; Mc- Cormick Seminary 1878-80; Trustee Hanover 1902 — ; D.D. Hanover 1902. Robert Todd Liston, a.m .... LTnion Seminary, N. Y. 1876-79; A.M. Princeton 1906. Jay Henry Long, a.m Princeton Seminary 1876-78; Member Council. Slayton, Minn. 1890-91; Mem- ber Charter Commission Mankato, Minn. 1904, 1905-06; Special Judge Municipal Court Mankato, Minn. 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1885. Leonard Walter Lott, a.m . . . Union Seminary, N. Y. 1876-79; A.M. Princeton 1879. James Walter Lowrie, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1880-83; Mandarin Fourth Degree Chinese Imperial Gov- ernment 1903; A.M. Princeton 1879; D.D. Princeton 1905. Edward Dewis Lyon, a.m., ph.d. Headmaster the Lyon School, N. Y. City 1 88 1 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; Ph.D. Princeton 1886 hon. Richard Ridgely Lytle, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1879; M.D. Univ. Vir- ginia 1877. William James IVIcKittrick, d.d. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1876-79; D.D. Westminster College, Md. 1904. Joseph McElroy Mann Francis Hartman Markoe, a.m., M.D *I907 Assistant Demonstrator Anatomy, Co- lumbia 1880-85; Demonstrator Anatomy Columbia 1885-87; Clinical Lecturer Surgery Columbia 1887-1900; Professor Clinical Surgery Columbia 1900-07; A.M. Princton 1901; M.D. Columbia 1879. Frederick Alexander ]Marquand. *i885 George Burnam Martin *i896 Union Seminary N. Y. 1877-78. Samuel Davis Melton *i88o Page Milburn, a.m A.M. Princeton 1879. John George Miller Thomas Alexander Noble. *i907 i876] BACHELORS OF ARTS 247 Hikoichi Orita, a.m, Director of Daisan Koto Gakko, Japan; Third Degree of the Decoration of Honor, Japanese Government; A.M. Princeton 1879. Frederick Parker, a.m Mayor, Freehold, N. J.; Referee in Bankruptcy; A.M. Princeton 1879. George Dii Bois Parmly, a.m., m.d. *i889 a.m. Princeton 1879; M.D. Columbia 1880. Robert Wilson Patterson .... David Vanderveer Perrine, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1880. William Edgar Plumley, a.m.*i9oi A.M. Princeton 1879. John Cook Latta Pugh, a.m. . Member Ohio Senate 1897; A.M. Princeton 1879. Harris G. Rice, a.m Union Seminary N. Y. 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1879. Chandler White Riker, a.m., ll.b. Prosecutor of Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 1899-1904; A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. Columbia 1879. Alden Kellogg Riley, a.m a.m. Princeton 1879. Edwin Patten Robinson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1876-79; A.M. Princeton 1879. Robert Jacob Ross *i879 Wilber Force Rudy, a.m., ll.b. a.m. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1878. Henry Mitchell Russell, a.m., ll.b. a.m. Princeton 1879; LL.B. Columbia 1878. Harris Rogers Schenck, a.m.*i898 Princeton Seminary 1S77-81; Trustee Wilson College 1894-98; A.M. Prince- ton 1879. George Drake Scudder, a.m.. Member New Jersey Assembly 1887-88; Trustee Wooster 1900-1902; A.M. Princeton 1879. Lebbeus James Shoemaker, am. Baptist Seminary Morgan Park, 111. 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1879. Franklin Buchanan Smith, a.m., M.D U. S. Pension Examiner 1880-84; Health Officer Frederick City, Md. 1880-85; Member Maryland State Board Medical Examiners 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1880; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1878. Frank Safford Smith, a.m...*i903 Degree conferred 1877; A.M. Princeton 1879. John Andrew Livingston Smith, A.M Allegheny Seminary 1876-77; Prince- ton Seminary 1877-79; A.M. Princeton 1879. Moses Allen Starr, a.m., m.d., ph.d., D.Sc, LL.D Professor Nervous Diseases New York Polyclinic 1886-88; Professor Diseases of the Mind & Nervous System Co- lumbia 1888 — ; President American Neurological Association 1896-97; Vice President New York Academy of Med- icine 1903-06; A.M. Princeton 1879; M.D. Columbia 1880; Ph.D. Princeton 1884 hon.; D.Sc. Columbia 1004 hon.; LL.D. Princeton 1899. Alexander Russell Stevenson, d.d. Union Seminary N. Y. 1877-79; Princeton Seminary 1879-80; D.D. Un- ion 1900. George Black Stewart, a.m., d.d., LL.D Auburn Seminary 1877-79; Trustee Wilson College 1885 — ; Trustee Prince- ton 1887 — ; President and Professor Practical Theology Auburn Seminary 1899—; A.M. Princeton 1887; D.D. ^Vashington & Jefferson 1893; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson 1901. Henry Cleves Symmes, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1879; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1880. John Madison Taylor, a.m., m.d. Professor Diseases Children Philadel- phia Polyclinic College 1889 — ; Pro- fessor Diseases Children Philadelphia Medico Chirurgical College 1893 — ; a.m. Princeton 1879; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1878. Henry Alfred Todd, ph.d. . . . Tutor Princeton 1876-80; Instructor Romance Languages Johns Hopkins 1883-91; Professor Romance Languages Stanford 1891-93; Professor Romance Languages Columbia 1893—; President Modern Language .\ssociation of Amer- ica 1906; Life Member Societe des An- 24S BACHELORS OF ARTS [1876-77 ciens Textes Paris; Ph.D. Johns Hop- kins 1885. Robert Nairne Todd *igo6 Arthur Baldwin Turnure, a.m., LL.B *I906 A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. Columbia 1878. Albert Van Deusen *i886 Union Seminary, N. Y. 1876-79. John Skillman Van Dike, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1879. William Bird Van Lennep, a.m., M.D Associate Professor Surgery Hahne- mann Medical 1894-95; Professor Sur- gery Hahnemann Medical 1895 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; M.D. Hahnemann Med- ical i88o. Lapsley Green Walker Chairman Public Works Commission Chattanooga, Tenn. 1890-94; President Election Board Hamilton Co., Tenn. 1899-1900. Lewis Malford Walker *i878 De Lacey Wardlaw, a.m Union Seminary, Va. 1878-80; U. S. Vice Consul, Ceara, Brazil 1888-89; A.M. Princeton 1879. Spencer Stout Weart Corporation Counsel Jersey City, N. J. 1894-97. Henry Horace Webster *i89i Irving Elisha White, a.m Union Seminary N. Y. 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1879. William Hickox Whittlesey, a.m., LL.B Probate Judge Jefferson Co., Washing- ton; Clerk U. S. District Court 3d Ju- dicial Court, Wash.; Assistant Prose- cuting Attorney Kayak Mining Dis- trict, Alaska 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; LL.B. George Washington 1878. Robert Dick Wilson, a.m., Ph.d. Allegheny Seminary 1877-79, 1880-81; Princeton Seminary 1879-80; Instructor Allegheny Seminary 1880-84; Professor Hebrew, Chaldee and Old Testament History Allegheny Seminary 1884-1900; Professor Semitic Philology and Old Testament Criticism Princeton Seminary 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; Ph.D. Princeton 1886 hon. Samuel Graham Wilson, a.m., d.d. Allegheny Seminary 1876-79; Prince- ton Seminary 1879-80; President Me- morial Training & Theological .School Tabriz, Persia 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; D.D. Western Univ. Penna. 1906, also Grove City 1906. Joseph Milliken Woods, a.m. . District Attorney MifHin Co., Penna. :88o; Member Penna. Senate 1888-96; President Judge 20th Judicial District Penna. 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879. Warren Woodward, a.m.,..*i88i A.M. Princeton 1879. William Hoppock Woolverton, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1879. 1877 Jerome Thompson Ailman, a.m. Secretary Penna. State Grange; A.M. Princeton 1880. William Edwards Annin *i903 George Allison Armour, a.m. Degree conferred 1897; A.M. Prince- ton 1890. William Clinton Armstrong, a.m. Superintendent Public Schools New Brunswick, N. J. 1899 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1880. Edward Arthur Ballock, a.m., m.d. Professor Surgery Howard L^niv. 1904 — ; M.D. Howard Univ. 1879; A.M. Princeton 1891. George Gilbert Barnes, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1883. Austin Clark Bartles, a.m. , . . A.M. Princeton 1880. James William Bowers. Jr.. a.m., LL.B Professor Baltimore Law School; A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Univ. Mary- land 1879. Daniel Bratton, a.m *i895 Mayor Elkton, Md.; Attorney General Maryland; A.M. Princeton 1880. Samuel Bratton, a.m *i9oi A.M. Princeton 1880. i877] BACHELORS OF ARTS 249 George Whitfield Brown, Jr., a.m., LL.B *I903 A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1880. Orville Sanford Brumback, a.m., LL.B Member Ohio Assembly 1S85-87; Trus- tee & President Toledo, O., Public Library 1897-1903; A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1879. Wilhelmus Bogart Bryan. . . . William Morton Butler Frederick Campbell, a.m., d.Sc. Rochester Seminary 1877-78; Auburn Seminary 1878-80; Vice President De- partment of Astronomy Brooklyn In- stitute of Arts & Sciences 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882. John Alexander Campbell .... Treasure and Trustee Free Public Library Trenton 1901 — ; President New- Jersey State Board of Tenement House Supervision 1903 — . William Cunningham Campbell, A.M., M.D *l899 a.m. Princeton 1880; M.D. Columbia 1880. William Buckingham Canfield, A.M., M.D *l899 A.M. Princeton 1880; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1880, also Berlin 1886. Charles Sydney Clark, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1879. William Fullerton Dunning, ll.b. *i907 LL.B. Columbia 1879. John S. Ely Charles Eugene Evans, a.m.. Member Massachusetts Assembly; School Commissioner; A.M. elsewhere 1886. Harvey Edward Fisk, a.m... A.M. Princeton 1882. Jonas Rudy Flickinger, a.m., d.Sc Member Penna. Assembly 1887; Mem- ber Colorado Assembly 1891; Trustee State Normal School Greely, Col. 1892- 94; Principal State Normal School Edinboro, Pa. 1896-1900; Principal Central State Normal School Lock Haven, Pa. 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1880; D.Sc. Bucknell iqoo hon. David Sieber Funk, a.m., m.d. M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1881; A.M Prince- ton 1880. Frank Potts Glass, a.m A.M. Princeton 1880. George Henry Gowdy, c.e... C.E. Princeton 1879. Dale Beckham Graham *i887 Calvin Graves Greene Charles John Halsted, a.m., ll.b. *i907 A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1879. Frank Hartley, m.d Professor Clinical Surgery and Instruc- tor in Operative Surgery Columbia 1900 — ; M.D. Columbia 1880. Walter Hazard, a.m Member South Carolina Assembly 1882-S4, 1888-92; Member South Caro- line Senate 1892-94; President Winyah Indigo Society Georgetown, S. C. 1893-94; Chairman Board of Trustees Winyah Indigo School District George- town, S. C. 1904-06; A.M. Princeton William Thomas Healey Morris [John] Hoats, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1881. Frank Wade Hughes, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1880; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1880. James Crichton Hume, a.m., ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1879; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1887. Melanchton Williams Jacobus, d.d. Princeton Seminary 1878-81; Trustee Lincoln 1887-1904; Trustee Princeton 1890 — ; Professor New Testament Crit- icism and Exegesis Hartford Seminary 1S91 — ; Stone Lecturer Princeton Sem- inary 1897-98; Lecturer on New Tes- tament Mt. Ilolyoke 1901-04; Acting President Hartford Seminary 1902-03; Dean Hartford Seminary 1903 — ; D.D. Lafayette 1892. Baker Johnson, a.m., ll.b. . . . 1880; LL.B. A.M. Princeton Penna. 1880. Univ. Samuel Blythe Johnston. Degree conferred 1881. 250 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1877 Harry Backus Kaufman *i882 Reuel Baker Kimball, a.m., m.d. E.xaminer in Materia Medica and Thera- peutics Columbia 1884-87; A.M. Prince- ton 1880; M.D. Columbia 1880. David Laughlin Princeton Seminary 1877-80. John Hood Laughlin . . . Princeton Seminary 1877-80; Super- intendent Presbyterian Chinese Mis- sions California. Frederick Augustus Leavenworth, LL.B LL.B. Columbia 1881. Jonas Marsh Libbey William Libbey, a.m., d.Sc . . . Assistant Professor Natural Science Princeton 1882-83; Professor Physical Geography Princeton 1883 — ; Pro- fessor Histology Princeton 1883-98; Director E.M. Museum Princeton 1883 — ; Secretary American Geograph- ical Society; Officier de I'Academie des Sciences; Fellow Royal Geographical Society, Royal Geological Society, So- ciete de Geographic and Societe de Geologic; Secretary New Jersey Society Sons of the Revolution; Historian New Jersey Society of Colonial Wars; Lieu- tenant Colonel Assistant Inspector Gen- eral Rifle Practice N. J. N. G.; A.M. and D.Sc. Princeton 1879; M.A.P.S. Charles Herbert Littell *i877 Rollin Harper Lynde, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1880. William Foster McCorkle. . . . Degree conferred 1880. Andrew James McCosh, a.m., m.d.. LL.D. Surgeon Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City; Lecturer Surgery Columbia 1894- 95; A.M. Princeton 1880; M.D. Co- lumbia 1880; LL.D. Columbia 1904, also Princeton 1905. Samuel Hepburn AIcGill, a.m., LL.B *l889 A.'NL Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1880. Thomas Hall AIcKoy David Benjamin McMurdy. a.m. Princeton Seminary 1877-79; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1881-83; A.M. Prince- ton 1880. Malcolm McNeill, a.m., Ph.d. Assistant in Astronomy Princeton 1878-83; Instructor Astronomy Prince- ton 1883-85; Assistant Professor As- tronomy Princeton 1885-88; Professor Mathematics & Astronomy Lake Forest 1888—; A.M. Princeton 1880; Ph.D. Princeton 1888 hon. Edwin Manners, a.m., ll.b. . . A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1879. Horace Nelson Mateer, a.m., ph.d., M.D Princeton Seminary 1879-80; Instruc- tor Zoology Wooster 1886-87* Professor Biology Wooster 1887 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1880; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1883; Ph.D. Wooster 1887. Robert McCheyne Mateer, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1877-80; A.M. Princeton 1886. William Morris Meredith, a.m. *i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1880. William Ernest Millard, A.M. Instructor Latin, Greek & French, Rock- land College, N. Y. 1879; A.M. Prince- ton 1880. John H. Moore, a.m., m.d. . . . A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1880. Lawrence Scudder Mott, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1880. Benjamin Nicoll Alexander Thomas Ormond, a.m., Ph.D., LL.D Professor Philosophy & History Univ. Minnesota 1880-83; Professor Mental -Science & Logic Princeton 18S3-98; Professor Philosophy Princeton 1898 — ; A.M. Princeton 1879; Ph.D. Princeton i88o; LL.D. Miami 1900. Henry Fairfield Osborn, d.s.., LL.D., Hon. D.Sc Assistant in Biology Princeton 1880-81; Lecturer Biology Princeton i88i-8i; .Assistant Professor Natural Science Princeton 1882-S3; Professor Compara- tive Anatomy Princeton 1883-91; Pro- fessor Biology fniumbia 1801-96; Pro- fessor Zoology Columbia 1806--; Dean I'aculty Pure Science Columbia 1892- 1877] BACHELORS OF ARTS 251 99; Curator Vertebrate Palsontology American Museum Natural History 1891 — ; President American Society Naturalists 1891; \^ice President A. A. A. S. (Section Zoology) 1892; Presi- dent New York Academy Sciences 1898-1900; X'lce President New York Zoological Society 1897 — ; President American Morphological Society 1897; President Marine Biological Association 1898-1900; V'ertebrate Palaeontologist Geological Survey Canada 1900-1904; Geologist and Palaeontologist U. S. Geological Survey 1900 — ; 2d Vice Pres- ident American Museum Natural His- tory 1901 — ; President Society Amer- ican Pal.-Eontologists 1903; M.A.P.S.; Hon. Member British Assoc. Advance- ment Science, Linnean Society, Royal Geological Society, Royal Zoological So- ciety, Cambridge Philosophical Society, Imperial Society Moscow, Royal Society Bohemia, etc.; D.Sc. Princeton 1880; LL.D. Trinity 1901, also Princeton 1902, also Columbia 1907; Hon. D.Sc. Cambridge 1904. Francis Eyre Parker, a.m., ll.b. *i905 A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1880. Henry Cooper Pitney, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1880. Jotham Potter, a.m. Secretary Cleveland Univ. of Medicine & Surgery 1890-96; Trustee Cleveland Art School 1892—; A.M. Princeton 1880. Henry James Power, m.d. . . .*i904 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1881. ]\Ioses Taylor Pyne, a.m., ll.b., L.H.D Trustee Princeton 1885 — ; State Com- missioner of Public Libraries New Jer- sey; Trustee Lawrenceville School, N. J.; Trustee Pomfret School, Conn.; Chairman Township Princeton, N. T. ; A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Columbia 1879; L.H.D. Columbia 1903. Charles Patrick Remsen, m.d. M.D. Columbia 1880. John Ebenezer Richardson, a.m., LL.B Judge Circuit Court 8th Judicial Dis- trict Tennessee 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Cumberland Univ. 1878. WilHam Heister Roland Joseph Mackey Roseberry, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1881. Ambrose Edward Rowell, ll.b., LL.M Member Board of Pensions Appeals U. S. Department Interior; LL.B. George Washington 1879; LL.M. George Wash- ington 1 880. Samuel James Rowland Princeton Seminary 1877-80. William Francis Schroeder. . . John Scott, Jr., a.m., ll.b... A.M. Princeton 1880; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1880. William Berryman Scott, Ph.d., LL.D Assistant in Department of Geology Princeton 1880-81; Assistant Professor Natural Science Princeton 1882-83; Professor Geology Princeton 1883 — ; Ph.D. Heidelberg 1880; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1906; M.A.P.S. ; Hon. Member British Assoc. Advancement Science, Linnean Society, Royal Geological So- ciety, Royal Zoological Society, etc. Frank Shepherd, a.m A.M. Princeton 1880. Willis Bishop Skillman Union Seminary N. Y. 1877-80. William Emmet Slemmons, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1878-80; Princeton 1880. A.M. Walter Lloyd Smith, ll.d... Judge 6th Judicial District New York Supreme Court 1888 — ; Justice 4th Ap- pellate Department New York Supreme Court 1899; Justice 3d Appellate Divi- sion New York Supreme Court 1899- 1907; Presiding Justice 3d Appellate Department New York Supreme Court 1907; LL.D. Alfred Univ. New York 1907. Wilton Merle Smith, d.d Auburn Seminary Princeton 1889. D.D. Frank Smyser Francis Speir, Jr., a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1896; LL.B. Columbia 1880, Carl Leopold Spethman. a.m.. ph.d. A.M. Princeton 1881; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1889. Richard Austin Springs, ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1879. 252 BACHELORS OF ARTS 1:1877-78 Hugh Silas Stuart, a.m ^1899 Professor Dickinson School of Law 1893-99; A.M. Princeton 1880. William Stevenson Throckmorton, A.M *l894 Member New Jersey Assembly 1886- 88; A.M. Princeton 1880. Prescott Boyle Vail, a.m., Ph.d. *i9oo A.M. Princeton 1881; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1891. George Richstein Van Dusen, a.m., LL.B. A.M. Princeton Penna. 1879. 1880; LL.B. Univ. Richard Wilde Walker, Judge Supreme Court Alabama 1891- 92; Member Alabama Constitutional Convention 1901; Member Alabama As- sembly 1903. John B. Wardlaw, a.m *i88i A.M. Princeton 1880. Howell Westcott, a.m., ph.d. Tutor Latin Princeton 1885-87; Instruc- tor French Princeton 1887-88; Assistant Professor French Princeton 1888-89; Professor Latin Princeton 1889 — ; Tutor Roman Law Princeton 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1880; Ph.D. Princeton 1887. Frank Hines Wigton John George Langford Wiley, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1880. James Franklin Williamson, ph.d. Ph.D. Princeton 1879, Luther Deloraine Wishard. . . Union Seminary 1877-78; Princeton Seminary 1S78-79; College Secretary Y. M. C. A. 1877-88; Foreign Secretary Y. M. C. A. 1888-92; College Secretary World's Committee Y. M. C. A. 1892; Founder and Director Students' Chris- tian Movement in America and Foreign Lands; Founder Young Peoples Mission- ary Movement. Ira Wells Wood, a.m Member New Jersey Assembly 1899- 1900; Commissioner for New Jersey to Louisiana Purchase Exposition 1904; U. S. Representative from New Jersey lOOS — ; RIcmher Board of Education City Council Trenton. N. J. 1 896-1900; President Board of Trade" Trenton, N. J. 1899-1901; A.M. Princeton 1880. Jacob Robins Wyckoff Member New Jersey Assembly 1890-92. William Rone Yourt, a.m *i882 A.M. Princeton 1880. 1878 Albert Duy Anderson, a.m... A.M. Princeton 1881. Preston Barr Princeton Seminary 1878-81. William Reed Barricklo, a.m., ll.b. Member New Jersey State Board of Education 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1881; LL.B. Columbia 1880. Thomas Gumming Beattie. . . . Union Seminary N. Y. 1879-80; Prince- ton Seminary 1880-82. John Vernon Bell, a.m Princeton Seminary 1878-79; Union Seminary N. Y. 1879-81; A.M. Prince- ton 1881. Frederick Uhler Bergner. . . .*i896 Alfred Lawrence Black, a.m. . Mayor New Whatcom, Washington 1894; Mayor Bellingham, Washington 1904, 1906-08; Special U. S. Attorney California vs. Coal Trust 1898; ist \'ice President and Acting President Trans-Mississippi Congress 1903; Presi- dent Washington State Commission Louisiana Purchase Exposition 1904; A.M. Princeton 1881. Charles Clarke Black, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1881. Frederick Bonner Millard Fillmore Brockway, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1881; M.D. Eclectic Medical College, N. Y. City i88i. Arthur Vernon Bryan Allegheny Seminary 1878-81. John Sanders Carr Nathaniel Chestnut Princeton Seminary 1878-80. Richard Mortimer Corwine. . . George Coulson, a.m Princeton Seminary 1889-91; A.M. Princeton 1882. i878] BACHELORS OF ARTS 253 William Y. Davis William Terrell Dawson, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton Maryland 1880. M.D. Univ. Alam Neil Dennison, a.m., m.d. M.D. Starling Medical College (Colum- bus Medical), Columbus, O. 1891; A.M. Princeton 1881. Albert Webster Dickens Union Seminary 1878-81; Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. James Potter Dod William Dulles, a.m., ll.b... Member Board of Education Englewood, N. J.; Secretary Trustees Mackenzie College Brazil; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1880; A.M. Princeton 1881. David Quail Ewing, a.m *i9oo A.M. Princeton 1881. Leonidas P. Funkhouser, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 18S5; M.D. Missouri Medical College St. Louis 1880. George Riggs Gaither, a.m., ll.b. Attorney General Maryland 1899- ; President Second Branch City Council Baltimore, Md. 1904; A.M. Princeton 1881; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1880. Willis Low Geer *i89i John C. George, a.m.^ ll.b. . .*i895 A.M. Princeton 1881; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1881. Richard James Arnold Greene, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1879-83; A.M. Princeton 1880. Francis Stoddard Plaines, a.m . Union Seminary 1880-83; A.M. Princeton 1881. Richard Lenox Halsey, ll.b., b.d. LL.B. Columbia 1880; B.D. Baptist Un- ion Seminary, 111. James Griffiths Henry, ll.b. .*i883 LL.B. Columbia 1880. [Isaac] Hiester Hess, a.m., ll.b. Member Maryland Assembly 1890; A.M. Princeton 1881; LL.B. Supreme Court Ohio 1 88 1. Samuel Miller Hitchcock.... Clerk U. S. District Court New York; U. S. Commissioner Southern District New York. William Aspy Hough Princeton Seminary 1878-81. Alonzo Clark Hunt, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton :88i; M.D. Columbia 1881. David Olyphant Irving Princeton Seminary 1878-81; Member Board of Education East Orange, N. J. 1892-1905. Henry Sibley Johnson Frank Hathaway Kemper, ll.b. Member Ohio Assembly 1898-99; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1880. John Henry Kerr, a.m., d.d.. . Allegheny Seminary 1878-81; Professor New Testament Language & Literature, S. Francisco Seminary 1895-1902; Pub- lishing Secretary American Tract So- ciety 1902-06; Secretary American Tract Society 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1888; D.D. Western Univ. Penna. 1896. Henry Martyn Kneedler, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1881. George William Kretsinger, a.m. *i893 Princeton Seminary 1879-80, 1888-91; A.M. Princeton 1882. William Teuton Kruse, a.m. . Princeton Seminary iS Princeton i88i. 5i; A.M. William Watson Lawrence . . . David Mitcheh Leib, a.m *i892 A.M. Princeton 1881. Leroy Wiley McCay, a.m., d.Sc Assistant in Chemistry & Mineralogy Princeton 1883-87; Instructor Chem- istry & Mineralogy Princeton 1887-89 Assistant Professor Analytical Chem istry & Mineralogy Princeton 1889-92 Professor Chemistry Princeton 1892 — A.M. Princeton 1881; D.Sc. Princeton 1883. Charles White McCorkle. . . .*i898 Henry Matthews McDonald, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1885. Willard Wells McDonald, a.m.* 1906 A.M. Princeton 1885. Willard Scoullar McEachron, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1878-81; D.D. 254 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1878-79 Westminster College 1905; A.M. Prince- ton 1 88 1. James Rieman MacFarlane. . . Judge Court Cominon Pleas 1902; Alle- gheny Co., Pa. 1902 — . John Markell *i889 Henry Marqtiand, a.m A.M. Princeton 1881. [William] Mortimer Matthews, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton :88i; LL.B. Cincinnati College 1881. Robert Atkinson Mayo, a.m., ll.b. Episcopal Seminary \'a. 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1881; LL.B. Columbia 1881. Francis Turner Morgan George Stephen Munson, m.d. M.D. Union 1880. William Jefferson Nes *i902 Charles Donnell Oberdorf, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1883. Robert W. Findlaler Ogilvie, a.m.. ll.b A.M. Princeton 1881; LL.B. George Washington 1881. George Alfred Paull, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1879-80, 1881-82; Union .Seminary, N. Y. 1880-81; A.M. Princeton 1882; D.D. Maryville Col- lege, Tenn. 1904. Wilson Schoals Phraner William Robeson Polk, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1881; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1881. Percy Rivington Pyne, a.m. . Commissioner of New Jersey State Re- formatory 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1881. Thomas Milburne Reed, Jr. . Member Washington State Assembly 1888; Judge Superior Court Thurston Co., Wash. 1894- • John Insley Blair Reiley, a.m. Postmaster Phillipsburfr, N. J. 1882- 86, 1890-94; Prosecutor Pleas Warren Co., N. J. 1906—; A.^L Princeton 1881. Francis David Reynolds. . . . John Stanford Sayre, a.m., m.d. *i899 Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1884; Passed Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1887; Retired list 1896; A.M. Prince- ton 1881; M.D. Univ. Michigan 1881. Hugh Stevenson, ll.b *ic)o6 LL.B. Columbia 1880. David Stewart, a.m., ll.b. . . . A.M. Princeton 1881; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1880. James Bliss Townsend, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1882. John Richard Van Benschoten. William Duncan Van Dyke. . Edward James Van Lennep, a.m. Degree conferred 1880; A.^L Princeton 1886. Charles Luther W^illiams, a.m. Professor English Pennington Seminary N. J. 1878-83; Professor English Lit- erature Dcnison L^niversity 1893 — ; A.M. Princeton 1881. Charles Samuel W^illiams, ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1880. Abram Heebner Wintersteen, a.m. Lecturer Business Law & Practice Univ. Penna.; A.M. Princeton 1881. Samuel Stanhope Woods Charles O. Young, ll.b LL.B. Union 1880. 1879 Samuel Alexander, \m., inld. Lecturer Genito Urinary Surgery Belle- vue Medical N. Y. 1885-89; Professor Genito Urinary Surgery, Syphilology & Dermatology Bellevue Medical, N. Y. 1889-98; Professor Genito Urinary Sur- gery Cornell 1808-1006; Professor Clin- ical Surgery De]5artment Genito Urinary Diseases Cornell 1906 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1882; M.D. Bellevue Medical N. Y. 1882. John Lewis Anderson .Superintendent of Schools Somerset Co., N. J. 1891-94; Under Sheriff Som- erset Co., N. J. Robert Archer, ll.b LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1881. i879] BACHELORS OP ARTS 255 Edward F. Arthurs, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.R. Univ Maryland 1882. Theodore Ayers, a.m A.M. Princeton 1882. John S. Baird Degree conferred 1899. Daniel Moreau Barringer, a.m., LL.B Trustee Jefferson Medical 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1882. Robert Winthrop Blackwell, a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Columbia 1881. WilHam Arnold Blake *i895 Degree conferred 1880. Gustav Adolph Brandt, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1879-82; A.M. Princeton 1882. Robert Bridges, a.m Assistant Editor Scribner's Magazine 1887—; A.M. Princeton 1882. Walter B. Brooks Degree conferred 1899. Andrew Allen Chambers, a.m. Professor Latin & Mathematics Free- hold Institute Freehold, N. J.; Princijjal Freehold Institute Freehold, N. T- 1888- ; Deputy County Clerk, Mon- mouth Co., N. J.; Special Master in Chancery; Supreme Court Commis- sioner; A.M. Princeton 1882. George Carlton Comstock, a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Columbia 1881. Henry Eleutheros Cooke, a.m. Philadelphia Divinity School 1878-82; .Secretary Standing Committee Diocese of Ohio; A.M. Princeton 1882. Mungo J. Currie Cornelius Cuyler Cuyler Trustee Princeton 1899 — . Edwin Parker Davis, a.m., m.d. Profe.ssor Obstetrics Jefferson Medical 1898—; A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Rush Medical 1882, also Jefferson Med- ical 1887. John D. Davis, a.m., ph.d., d.d., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1881-83; Instruc- tor Hebrew Princeton Seminary 1883- 84, 1886-88; Professor Hebrew & Cog- nate Languages Princeton Seminary 1888-92; Professor Semitic Philology and Old Testament History Princeton Seminary 1892-1900; Professor Oriental & Old Testament Literature Princeton Seminary 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; Ph.D. Princeton 1886 hon. ; D.D. Princeton 1898; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson 1902. James Brinckerhoff Dayton. . William Delpuech, m.d M.D. Univ. Penna. 1884. Alfred Lewis Dennis, Jr Everard De Renne, a.m., m.d.*i894 a.m. Princeton 1882; M.D. Cleveland Hoadley Dodge, a.m. Trustee Princeton 1904 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1882. William Earl Dodge, a.m *i884 A.M. Princeton 1882. Fletcher Durell, a.m., ph.d... Professor Mathematics and Astronomy Dickinson 1883-95; A.M. Princeton 1882; Ph.D. Princeton 1888 hon. William Thaddeus Elsing, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1879-82; A.M. Princeton 1882. Matthew Gault Emery, a.m., ll.b. *i887 A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. George Washington 1882. John Farr Zephaniah Charles Felt, a.m. . a.m. Princeton 1882. Philip Hilton Eraser, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1882. Francis Champion Garmany. . Jasper Jewett Garmany, a.m., m.d. Professor Clinical Surgery Bellevue Medical N. Y. City; A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Bellevue Medical N. Y. City 1882; F.R.C.S. Frank Patrick Gilman, a.m. . . Professor Physical Science Univ. Wash- ington Territory 1880-82; Princeton 256 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1879 Seminary 1882-83; A.M. Princeton 1882. Harold Godwin, a.m A.M. Princeton 1882. Thoma.s Cuming Ilall, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1879-82; Pro- fessor Christian Ethics Union Sem- inary N. Y. 1809 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; D.D. Hamilton 1894. Abram Woodruff Halsey, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1879-82; Secretary Board Foreign Missions Presbyterian Church U. S. A. 1899 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1882; D.D. Princeton 1898. Peter Joseph Hamilton, a.m., ll.b. City Attorney Mobile, Ala. 1893-97; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Univ. Ala- bama 1882. Parker Douglas Handy Trustee College City New York 1905 — . Samuel Allen Harlow, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1879-82; Trustee Public Library (irafton, Mass.; Member School Board Grafton, Mass.; A.M. Princeton 1882. Gazaway Plartridge *i9oo Member Georgia Assembly 1889- . George A. Play Mayor Coshocton, O. 1880-84, 1886-90. Lynn Helm, a.m Referee in Bankruptcy U. S. District Court Southern District California 1890 — ; Master in Chancery U. S. Cir- cuit Court Southern District California; A.M. Princeton 1882. Robert Randolph Henderson, a.m., LL.B States Attorney Allegany Co., Md. 1900-1901; Judge 4th Judicial Circuit Maryland 1903 — ; President Maryland State Bar Association 1897-98; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1881. Thomas ]\Iaxwcll Henry, ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1881. Melvin Honeyman, a.m General Seminary, N. Y. 1879-81; A.M. Princeton 1S82. William Burhaus Isham, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1897. Jotham Clarke John.son, .\.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Columbia 1882. George Woodruff Johnston, a.m. M.D, Assistant Demonstrator Anatomy George Washini^ton 1885-86; Lecturer Surgical Gynecology George Washington 1886- 89; A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1882. Alexander James Kerr, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary N. Y. 1879-81; Prince- ton Seminary 1881-82; A.]\L Prince- ton 1882; D.D. Lafayette 1907. John Thompson Kerr, a.m... Princeton Seminary 1879-82; A.M. Princeton 1882. Francis Larkin, Jr., a.m A.M. Princeton 1882. Richard Thornton Lassiter, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1882. William Brewster Lee, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1882. James Luther Leeper, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1879-82; A.M. Princeton 1882; D.D. Hastings College 1896. Frank Howard Lord U. S. .Secret Service 1898; Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Vols. 1898-99. Robert Harris IMcCarter, a.m., LL.B., LL.D Attorney General New Jersey 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Columbia 1882; LL.D. Princeton 1904. Alfred James Pollock McClure, A.M Divinity School Phila. 1884-87; Assist- ant Treasurer and Financial Agent Gen- eral Clergy Relief Fund, National Pen- sion and Relief Society Protestant Episcopal Church; A.M. Princeton 1887. Henry Mitchell McCullough, a.m. Member Maryland Senate 1901-06; Member Electoral College U. S. 1900; A.M. Princeton 1882. Charles Wolf McFee, a.m. . . . Secretary Delaware Senate 1884-85; Clerk U. S. Senate Committee Priv- ileges & Elections 1894-96; A.M. Prince- ton 1882. Donald Campbell McLaren, a.m. .'\cting Tutor Greek Princeton 1884; Professor ISLickenzie College, Brazil 1885-89; Instructor Brooklyn Poly- technic 1896-99; A.M. Princeton 1882. i879] BACHELORS OF ARTS 257 Theodore Monroe McNair, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1879-82; Professor Meiji Gakuin, Tokio 1883-95; A.M. Princeton 1882. William Francis Magie, a.m., Ph.d. Assistant in Physics Princeton 1879— 8j; Instructor Physics Princeton i88j- 85; Assistant Professor Physics Prince- ton 1885-90; Professor Physics Prince- ton 1890 — ; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; Ph.D. Berlin 1885. Egbert Guernsey March Chalmers INIartin, a.m., d.d. . Princeton Seminary 1879-82; Instructor Old Testament Princeton Seminary 1892-1900; Instructor Hebrew Prince- ton 1892-1900; President Penna. Col- lege for Women 1 900-1 903; Professor Old Testament History & Literature Wooster 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; D.D. Princeton 1901. John C. D. Matthews *i894 Andrew Glover Mercer Arthur Bartlett Milford, a.m. Professor Rhetoric and Modern Lan- guages Wabash 1884-90; Professor English Language and Literature Wa- bash 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882. Philippus William Miller, a.m.. LL.B a.m. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1882. Henry Lee Minor *i886 Charles Wellman Mitchell, a.m., m.d Professor Diseases of Children Univ. Maryland 1897 — ; Dean Medical Fac- ulty Univ. Maryland; A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1881. Robert Morrison, a.m Princeton Seminary 1879-82; Professor Theological Seminary Saharanpur, India 1892-94; A.M. Princeton 1882. Alfred Salem Niles, a.m., ll.b. Dean Baltimore Law School 1904 — ; Judge Supreme Court Baltimore, Md. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1881. John Harris Orbison, a.m., m.d. Princeton Seminary 1880-83; Professor Christian College Lahore, India; A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Univ. Penna. Arthur Thomas Parke, a.m, A.M. Princeton 1882. Eleazar Parmly Francis Southmayd Phraner. . Mahlon Pitney, a.m., ll.d U. S. Representative from New Jer- sey 1895-99; Member New Jersey Sen- ate 1899-1901; President New Jersey Senate igoi; Judge New Jersey Su- preme Court 1 90 1 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.D. Princeton 1908. Charles Cooper Polk City Attorney Sturgis, S. D.; Judge County Court Meade Co., S. D. 1889- 92, 1305-07; State's .Attorney Meade Co., S. D. 1892-94, 1896-98. Charles Manville Pratt, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1896; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1882. George Lewis Prentiss, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Columbia 1881. Charles Wilson Riggs, a.m . . . Degree conferred 1880; Trustee Aintab Female Seminary, Turkey; Assistant Professor Mathematics Aintab College, Turkey; Trustee Theological Seminary, Marash, Turkey; A.M. Princeton 1886. Adrian Riker, a.m., ll.b Member New Jersey Assembly 1888, 1889; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Co- lumbia i88i. Elwood Osborne Roessle.... U. S. Consul Freiburg, Germany 1894. Frederic Augustus Roland. . . James Thomas Rowley *i883 Professor Washington College, Md. 1880-81. Albert Lyttleton Savage, m.d. M.D. Jefferson Medical 1887. William Belcher Seeley, a.m., ph.d. Mathematical Master Blair Academy 1879-80; Classical Master Newark Academy 1880-84; Principal San .\n- tonio Academy, Tex. 1886-1906; A.M. Princeton 1882; Ph.D. Princeton 1891 hen. Frank Louis Sevenoak [Frank Sevenoak Snook], a.m., m.d. Assistant Principal Stevens School, Ho- boken, N. J. 1888-1906; Principal Stev- ens School 1906 — ; Assistant Professor 258 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1879 English and Logic Stevens Institute 190J-06; Professor Englisli and Logic Stevens Institute 1906 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1882; M.D. Columbia 1883. Edward Wright Sheldon, a.m., LL.B Trustee Princeton 1907 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1882; LL.B. Columbia 1881. Sidney Sherwood, ll.b., ph.d.*i9oi Instructor Finance Univ. Penna. 1891- 92; Associate in Economics Johns Hop- kins 1892-95; Associate Professor Economics Johns Hopkins 1895-1901; LL.B. Columbia 1886; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1891. George Erety Shoemaker, a.m., M.D Assistant Demonstrator Physiology Univ. Penna. 1883-84; A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1882. John Reid SilHman. U. S. Vice and Deputy Consul Saltillo, Me.\ico 1907 — . Walter Howard Sloane, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1882. Herbert Boughton Smith .... Member School Board Monterey, Mass. Ledru Pierson Smock, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1882. Frank Sevenoak Snook See Frank Louis Sevenoak. Edwin Augustus Stevens, d.e. Colonel New Jersey National Guard, resigned 1892; Trustee Stevens Insti- tute 1 891 — ; Doctor of Engineering Stevens Institute 1905. Charles Massey Steward, a.m.* 1893 A.M. Princeton 1882. Anson Becbe Stewart, a.m., ll.b. *i896 A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Columbia i88i. John Aikman Stewart, Jr., ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1886. William F. Stoutenburgh *i88i Charles Andrew Talcott, a.m. Corporation Counsel Utica, N. Y. 1886; Police and Fire Commissioner Utica, N. Y. 1888-92; Trustee Public Library Utica, N. Y. 1893-1902; Mayor Utica, N. Y. 1902-06; A.M. Princeton 1882. George Cummins Thomas, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Washing- ton Univ., Mo. 1881. Edward Hough Trotter, a.m . . A.M. Princeton 1882. Peter Alfred V. van Doren, a.m. Recorder Pasadena, Cal. 1889-90; Coun- sel Borough Princeton, N. J.; Captain Judge Advocate 2d Regiment N. G. N. J. 1907 — ; A.M. Princeton 1884. Henry Irving Van Hoesen, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Syracuse Univ. 1 88 1. Louis Clark Vanuxem, a.m..*i903 Trustee Jefferson Medical; Manager Penna. Institute Deaf & Dumb Mt. Airy, Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1903. James Breckinridge Waller, Jr. James Edwin Webster, a.m. . , States Attorney Harford Co., Md. ; A.M. Princeton 1882. Calvin Whiting, a.m., ll.b . . . A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Columbia 1882. William F. Wickham, ll.b.. LL.B. Univ. Missouri 1881. Charles Benson Wigton George Franklin Fort Wilbur, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1882. William Royal Wilder, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Columbia 1882. Henry S. Williamson *i884 Episcopal Seminary, Va. Jacob Thompson Williamson, a.m., LL.B. *I903 A.M. Princeton 1882; Missouri 1882. LL.B. Univ. [Thomas] Woodrow Wilson, a.m., LL.B., Ph.D., Litt.D., LL.D. . . . Associate Professor History & Political Economy Bryn Mawr 1885-88; Pro- fessor History & Political Economy Wesleyan 1888-90; Professor Jurispru- dence & Political Economy Princeton 1890-95; Professor Jurisprudence 1879-80] BACHELORS OF ARTS 259 Princeton 1895-97; Professor Jurispru- dence & Politics Princeton 1897 — ; President Princeton 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1882; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1882; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1886; Litt.D. Yale 1901; LL.D. Wake Forest 1887, also Tulane 1899, also Johns Hopkins 1900, also Brown 1901, also Univ. Penna. 1901, also Rutgers 1902, also Harvard 1907. John McGaw Woodbury, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1882; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1882. Hiram Woods, a.m., m.d Professor Diseases of Eye & Ear Woman's Medical College Baltimore 1887-94; Professor Diseases Eye & Ear Univ. Maryland 1894 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1882; M.D. Univ. Maryland 18S2. Jacob Ridgeway Wright *i9os Member Penna. Assembly 1887-88. Albert Wylly County Commissioner Chatham Co., Ga. George Green Yeomans 1880 Edwin Stevens Allen Secretary Board of Health, South Orange, N. J. 1904 — ; Trustee South Orange, N. J. 1905 — ; Assistant Sec- retary American Section International Railway Congress, Washington, D. C. 1905. James Noteman Anderson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1884. Robert Edwards Annin, a.m . . Decree conferred 1900; A.M. Princeton 1900. Lewis Carter Baker, Jr Bland Ballard, ll.b LL.B. Louisville Law School 1882. Chauncey Haven Beasley. . . . Degree conferred 1881; Judge District Court Trenton, N. J. 1891-96. Gist Blair, a.m., ll.b Vice President School Board St. Louis, Mo. 1891; President School Board St. Louis 1892; A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. George Washington 1882. Arthur Ames Bliss, a.m., m.d.. A.M. Princeton 1883; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1883. Howard Bratton, a.m., b.s., m.d. Member Maryland State Board of Health 1900-1904; A.]\L Princeton 1883; B.S. Univ. Penna. 1885; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1885. Henry Hale Brotherlin, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1892; M.D. Jefferson Medical, Phila. 1883. Francis Theodore Bryan, Jr. . Dwight M. Gavin Alfred H. Clark Benjamin Sayre Comstock. . . Richard Field Conover, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. Columbia 1882. John Hampden Cooper *i88o Joseph Alexander Creech, a.m. Mayor Kelford, N. C. ; Probate Judge; Deputy Clerk Supreme Court; A.M. Princeton 1883. Charles T. Cresswell 1st Lieutenant Penna. Artillery U. S. Vols. 1898. Frederick Fitch Culver, a.m., ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1882; A.M. Princeton 1898. Harry Madison Cutts, a.m., m.d. Medical Examiner 8th District Norfolk Co., Mass. 1 89 1 — ; A.M. Princeton 1883; M.D. Harvard 1883. Henry Bradley Davidson, ll.b. LL.B. George Washington 1882. Alexander Butler Duncan .... Michael Dunn, a.m City Counsel Paterson, N. J. 1901-05; A.M. Princeton 1883. George Andrew Dunning, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1889. Harry Clay Ewing, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1883. Francis Eldridge Faulkner . . . Henry Burchard Fine, a.m., Ph.d. Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1881-85; Assistant Professor Mathematics Prince- ton 1885-89; Professor Mathematics Princeton 1889 — ; Dean Princeton 1903—; A.M. Princeton 1883; Ph.D. Leipsic 1885. 26o BACHELORS OF ARTS [1880 James McCaflferty Galbreath. President Judge Court Common Pleas, 50th District Fenna. 1903 — . Edward Schick Gearhart William James Gibson, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1883; M.D. Columbia 1882. Henry Fay Greene, a.m., ll.b. City Attorney Duluth, Minn. 1893-94; Chairman Commission on Charter Du- luth, Minn. 1897-1903; Referee in Bankruptcy 1898- 1903; Member U. S. Civil Service Commission 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1883. Caspar Robue Gregory, a.m. .*i89I Princeton Seminary 1880-83; A.M. Princeton 1883. Alfred Guillou, ll.b LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1885. Samuel McClintock Hamill, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1883. George Porter Hamilton, a.m.*i9oi A.M. Princeton 1S83. John Ralph Hardin, a.m Member New Jersey Assembly 1891- 93; A.M. Princeton 1883. Ellis Walton Hedges, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1883; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1883. William Larzelere Heineken, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1884. Samuel Mullen Hilliard. b.d . . B.D. Chicago Seminary 1891. Walter Shurts Horton, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1882. George Harvey Ingram Princeton Seminary 1880-83. Ernest Henry Jackson, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. Columbia 1882. Caesar Augustus Rodney Janvier, A.M Princeton Seminary 1881-84; Member Senate Allahabad Univ. India; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1905 — ; A.M Princeton 1883. George Sibley Johns George Potts Johnson John Barclay Keenan James F. D. Lanier John Laing Leal, a.m., m.d. . . City Physician and Health Officer Pat- erson, N. J.; Examiner in Hygiene Rutgers; Degree conferred 1882; A.M. Princeton 1883; M.D. Columbia 1883. Blair Lee, a.m., ll.b., ll.m. . . Member Maryland Senate 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. George Wash- ington 1882; LL.M. George Washington 1883. Clarence Linn Henry Patterson Loomis, m.d.* 1907 Professor Therapeutics & Clinical Med- icine Cornell; M.D. Univ. Medical N. Y. 1883. James Henry McConkey, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1883. William Closson McGarvey. . Princeton Seminary 1880-83. Samuel Evans Maires, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1883. David Meade Massie, a.m., ll.b. Member Ohio Senate 1888-92; Trustee Ohio State Univ. 1888 — ; Commissioner to take Testimony under Spanish Treaty Claims Commission 590- — '< A.M. Princeton 1883; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1882. John Stanley Meigs William Miller, a.m *i894 A.M. Princeton 1884. Vernon Murray Olyphant, a.m. *i893 Princeton Seminary 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1883. William Mitchell Paden, a.m.. d.d. Princeton Seminary 1880-83; A.M. Princeton 1883; D.D. Ursinus 1895. Richard Henry Page Deputy Collector and Collector U. S. Internal Revenue 1st New Jersey Dis- trict. James William Parkhill. a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1880-83; Professor i88o-8i] BACHELORS OF ARTS 261 Groton College, S. D. 1885-87; Pro- fessor Redhill College 1887-89; Pro- fessor Occidental College, Cal. 1889- 97; President Occidental College 1896- 97; Professor (ireek Coe College 1904- 05; Professor Greek Lenox College, la. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1883. Morton Spring Paton James Dunlop Paxton, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1880-81; Princeton Seminary 1881-83; A.M. Princeton 1883; D.D. Wooster 1899. Lewis Perrine, Jr., a.m Assistant Quartermaster General and Disbursing Officer New Jersey 1881- 90; A.M. Princeton 1883. David Collins Reid *i893 Princeton Seminary 1880-82. John Charles Fremont Royer, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1883. Rudolph Edward Schirmer, ll.b. Inspector Public Schools N. Y. City; LL.B. Columbia 1884. Charles Walter Scribner, a.m., m.e. Professor Mechanical Engineering Iowa State College 1888-91; Professor Me- chanical Engineering North Carolina State College 1897-1901; Instructor Mechanical Engineering Cornell 1892; Professor Mechanical Engineering Univ. Illinois 1892-93; Instructor Mechanical Engineering Univ. Penna. 1893-97; A.M. Princeton 1892; M.E. Stevens In- stitute 1882. Walter Lorenzo Sheldon. .. .*i907 Russell Baird Tewksbury, . . . John Henry Van Dyke, Jr. . .*i9o6 Cadwallader Curry Vinton, m.d. M.D. Columbia 1885. Charles L. Weed, a.m., m.d.. .*i889 a.m. Princeton 1883; M.D. Jefferson Medical Phila. 1883. Alfred Robert Wiggan, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1883. John Thomas Wilds, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1883. Irving Piatt Withington, a.m., m.d. Princeton Seminary 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1883; M.D. N. Y. Homeo- pathic College & Hospital 1906. Edward Eli Worl, a.m., m.d. . A.M. Princeton 1891; M.D. Columbia 1891. 1881 James R. Archer Andrew Campbell' Armstrong, Jr., A.M. Ph.D. Princeton Seminary 1882-85; Associate Professor Ecclesiastical History Prince- ton Seminary 1886-87; Instructor His- tory Princeton 1887-88; Professor Phi- losophy Wesleyan 1888 — ; Chairman Section of Metaphysics Internat. Con- gress Arts & Science, St. Louis Expo- sition 1904; A.M. Princeton 1884, also Wesleyan 1894 ad eundem; Ph.D. Princeton 1896 hon. William Sinclair Bacot, c.e. . County Engineer Richmond Co., N. Y. 1890-93; C.E. Princeton 1890 hon. Clifton Rodes Barret Francis Lore Bedell, a.m. . . .*i895 A.M. Princeton 1884. Benjamin Brewster Blydenburgh, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1S84; LL.B. Columbia 1883. Thomas Budd Bradford, m.d. M.D. Univ. Penna. 1884. Henry Livingstone Brant, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1884. David Cabell Breckinridge, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. St. Louis Law School 1883. Stuart Brown Captain & Adjutant 5th Illinois In- fantry U. S. Vols. 1898; Master in Chancery, Judicial U. S. Circuit Court, Southern District 111. Adam Todd Bruce, Jr., ph.d. .*i887 Demonstrator Comparative Anatomy Princeton 1882-83; Instructor Osteology Johns Hopkins 1886-87; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1886. Thomas William Cauldwell, a.m. Trustee Bishop College, Tex. 1893 — ; A.M. Princeton 1884. Lewis Lincoln Cory, ll.b .... LL.B. Columbia 1883. 262 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1881 William Abram Coursen, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1883. John Finley Cowan James L. Coyle, a.m Charles Edmiston Craven, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1883-86; A.M. Princeton 1884. Frederick Moreau Davis Edwin Asa Dix, a.m., ll.b. . . A.IVI. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1884. William Schauffler Dodd, m.d. Union Seminary N. Y. 1881-85; M.D. Columbia i386. William Andrew Dougall, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1884. Henry Green Duffield Assistant Treasurer Princeton 1892- 1901; Treasurer Princeton 1901 — . Charles Eugene Dunn Union Seminary 1881-84. Edwin Murray EUis, a.m .... Degree conferred 1882; Princeton Seminary 1881-84; A.M. Princeton 1884. T. H. Powers Farr Pliny Fisk George Canfield Frost, a.m . . . Princeton Seminary 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1885. Frank Gledhill Member Board of I'lducation Pnlerson, N. J. i8go; Member New Jersey As- sembly 1892-93. Charles Nassau Gosman Jacob Ross Grove Edward Purnell Toadvine Ham- mond, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Univ. Vir- ginia 1883. Richard Davenport Harlan, a.^l, D.D., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1882-86; Director Princeton Seminary 1889 — ; President Lake Forest 1901-06; A.M. Princeton 1884; D.D. Princeton 1902; LL.D. Union 1904. [Samuel] Graeme Harrison, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1884. David Adams Haynes, a.m., ll.b. *i89o Trustee & Secretary of Board Trustees Bishop's College, Texas; A.M. Prince- ton 1884; LL.B. George Washington 1883. James Steele Hillhouse, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1881-84; A.M. Princeton 1885; D.D. Southwestern Presbyterian Univ. 1902. Joseph Derwin Hubbard. . . . Alexander Malew Hudnut a.m. A.M. Princeton 1884. William Ingham Philip Nye Jackson Arthur Lalanne Kimball, a.m., ph.d. Associate in Physics Johns Hopkins 1884-88; Associate Professor Physics Johns Hopkins 1888-91; Professor Phys- ics Amherst 189 1 — ; A.M. Princeton 1884; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1884. Thomas Danforth King, a.m., m.d. *i888 a.m. Princeton 1884; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1885. John Linton Kirk, ll.b LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892. Edward Randall Knowles, d.Sc, LL.D Appointed Commander, Ottoman Med- jidieh Order 1897; Appointed Com- mander Order of the Liberator, \'ene- zuela 1897; Corresponding Fellow Royal Society of Geography, Lisbon; D.Sc. Arkansas Norm.Tl College 1901; LL.D. West Virginia College 1893, also Ar- kansas Normal College 1901. Louis Jay Lang Francis Loney, m.d *i903 M.D. Univ. Maryland 1883. Zachariah Kepncr Loucks, Jr., a.m. *i9o6 A.M. Princeton 1888. Alexander McCune Alderman Minneapolis, Minn. 1898- i88i] BACHELORS OF ARTS 263 1902; Clerk Probate Court Hennepin Co., Minn. 1906 — . Horace McDermont, a,m....*i897 Degree conferred 1884; A.M. Prince- ton 1 89 1. Charles A. McKee *i882 William Smith McMurdy, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1884; M.D. Columbia 1885. Charles Edward Manierre, a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1883. Robert Grier Monroe, a.m., ll.b. Commissioner Water, Gas & Electricity N. Y. City 1902-04; a.m. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1883. John Leverett Moore, a.m., Ph.d. Tutor Latin Princeton 1882-85; In- structor Latin Johns Hopkins 1886, 1889-90; Fellow by Courtesy Johns Hopkins i888-89,« 1890-91; Associate Professor Latin Vassar 1891-93; Pro- fessor Latin Vassar 1893 — ; A.M. Princeton 1884; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1891. Charles Allen Munn, a.m., ll.b. LL.B. New York Law School 1893; A.M. Princeton 1901. Samuel Harris Myers Julian Glendower Olds, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1884. Francis John Orr, a.m., ph.d. . Allegheny Seminary 1883-85; A.M. Princeton 1884; Ph.D. Nashville Col- lege 1902. John Oliver Halsted Pitney, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1884. Hobart Charles Porter, a.m., ll.b., Ph.d Instructor Univ. Penna. 1894-99; A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1884; Ph.D. Rostock, Germany 1894. Walter Wilks Preston, a.m., ll.b. Member Maryland Assembly 1888-89, 1890-91; States Attorney Harford Co., Md. 1891— ; A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1883. [Charles] Carroll Robbins, a.m. *igo7 Acting Tutor Mathematics 1884-85; Equity Reporter New Jersey 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1884. Edward Griffith Roberts William Henry Roberts, ll.b. Deputy Clerk Boyle Circuit Court, Ky. 1903 — ; Assistant Instructor Law School Central 1903 — ; LL.B. Central 1903. William Andrew Robinson, a.m. Professor Greek Bucknell 1887-88; Professor Greek Lehigh 1888-99; Head Latin Department Lawrenceville School 1899 — ; A.M. Princeton 1884. Addison S. Rodgers, a.m., ll.b. Police Commissioner Springfield, O. 1901-03; A.M. Princeton 1891 ; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1885. Frank Roseberry, ll.b LL.B. Univ. Iowa 1883. Adrian Scharff, a.m., ll.b...*i89o a.m. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1884. George Small Schmidt, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1884. Theodore B. Schneideman, m.d. Professor Diseases of the Eye Phila. Polytechnic & College for Graduates in Medicine; M.D. Jefferson Medical, Phila. 1884. Arthur Hawley Scribner Henry Sayre Scribner, a.m. . . Professor Greek Western LTniv. Penna. 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1886. Henry Clay Selheimer Member Alabama Constitutional Con- vention 1 90 1. Robert R. Shellabarger *i889 George Marshall Sinclair, a.m., m.e. A.M. Princeton 1884; M.E. Stevens Institute 1884. John Bonner Skinner, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1884. Edward Hanna Small, a.m.. m.d. Lecturer Diseases of Children West- ern Univ. Penna.; President Pittsburg Academy of Medicine; A.M. Princeton 1884; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1885. Frank Rosebrook Symmcs, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1883-86; A.M. Princeton 1884. 264 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1881-82 Charles Grant Titsworth, a.m., LL.B Shade Tree Commissioner Newark, N. J. 1904—; A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1884. George Leslie Van Alen, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1884. William H. Vanderburgh, ll.b. LL.B. George Washington 1885. Paul van Dyke, a.m., d.d Princeton Seminary 1881-84; Instruc- tor Church History Princeton Seminary 1889-92; Professor History Princeton 1898—; A.M. Princeton 1884; D.D. Williams 1898. William T. Vlymen, a.m., ph.d. A.M. Princeton 1884; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1 89 1. [James] Spencer Voorhees, a.m. Andover Seminary 1881-84; Captain Chaplain 3d Connecticut Infantry U. S. Vols. 1898-99; A.M. Princeton 1884. Henry Boorman Walsh Thomas Daniel Warren, a.m . . A.M. Princeton 1884. James Augustus Webb *i887 Henry Boardman Welles. .. .*i89o Pennington Whitehead, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1883. Robert Williams, a.m., ll.b.. Member New Jersey Assembly 1890, 1891; Member New Jersey Senate 1895, 1896, 1897; President New Jersey Sen- ate 1896, 1897; Riparian Commissioner New Jersey 1894-99; A.M. Princeton 1884; LL.B. Columbia 1884. David Wills, Jr., a.m Princeton Seminary 1882-84; A.M. Princeton 1884. James Marquis Wilson, d.d . . Princeton Seminary 1884-85; Professor English Bible Omaha Seminary 1894- 97; Instructor Applied Ethics Coloraao State Univ. 1900-1901; D.D. Bellevue College, Neb. 1891. 1882 Walter Henry Acker, a.m., ll.b., LL.M A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. George Washington 1884; LL.M. George Wash- ington 1885. William Boyd Baker James Bryan Banister Andrew Linn Barrett, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1885; M.D. Columbia 1886. William Edgeworth Beattie. . Samuel Hart Benton, a.m., ll.b. LL.B. Washington Univ., St. Louis 1884; A.M. Princeton 1885. George David Browne John Herritage Bryan, a.m. .* 1895 a.m. Princeton 1889. Pendleton Taylor Bryan, ll.b. Instructor & Lecturer Law Washington Univ., St. Louis 1887-1902; LL.B. Washington Univ., St. Louis 1884. Howard. Bryant Professor Law Baltimore Law School 1892—. Alfred Farmer Burt *i893 Malcolm Campbell, a.m A.M. Princeton 1903. Burton Scudder Chamberlin, a.m. City Attorney Elmira, N. Y. ; A.M. Princeton 1885. Erving Fenno Chapin John Chetwood, Jr., ll.b. . . . LL.B. Columbia 1884. Robert Kerr Clark Degree conferred 1892. Henry Crew, a.:\i., ph.d Fellow Princeton 1882-84; Fellow in Physics Johns Hopkins 1884-87; As- sistant in Physics Johns Hopkins 1887- 88; Instructor in Physics Haverford 1888-91; .'\stronomer Lick Observatory 1891-92; Professor Physics Northwest- ern 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1885; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1887. Edward Benjamin Critchlow. Assistant U. S. Attorney Utah 1885, 1889; U. S. Commissioner Utah 1885- 86; Member L^tah Assembly 1896; Spe- cial Assistant U. S. Attorney Coal Land Cases Utah 1906. i882] BACHELORS OF ARTS 265 Jeremiah Clinton Cromer, a.m., B.D A.M. Princeton 1885; B.D. Yale 1905. Charles Francis DarHngton, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1884. George De Forest Lord Day, a.m. *i9oo a.m. Princeton 1888. Charles Denby, Jr., a.m 2d Secretary U. S. Legation Peking', China 1885-93; ist Secretary U. S. Legation Peking, China 1893-97; Sec- retary General of Provisional Govern- ment District of Tientsin 1900-1902; Foreign Adviser to Governor General of North China 1905-07; U. S. Consul General at Shanghai, China 1907 — ; A.M. Princeton 1895 hon. John Blair Doland, ll.b LL.B. Columbia 1884. John Dunlap, a.m., b.d Yale Divinity School 1884-87; Au- burn Seminary 1887-88; A.M. Prince- ton 1887; B.D. Yale 1887. Alorgan Edgar Prosecuting Attorney Meeker, N. Y. 1887. Dwight Lathrop Elmendorf, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1885. Matthew Kean Elmer, U. S. Pension Examining 1890-93; A.M. Princeton 18I Univ. Penna. 1885. A.M., M.D. Surgeon s; M.D. Edward Flumphrey Ernst. John Burchard Fine Degree conferred 1889; Headmaster Princeton Preparatory School 1888 — ; Director of Athletics Princeton 1903 — . Welcome Joseph Liddon Flick, A.M., LL.B *I90S A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1884. Giarles Van Loon Gabriel, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1884. George Francis Greene, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1885; D.D. Princeton 1902. Allan Percy Guyer Robert Crawford Llallock, a.m., Ph.D., D.D Princeton Seminary 1882-85; A.M. Princeton 1885; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1888; D.D. Richmond College, Mo. 1900. C. Barton Monroe Harris, a.m. *i886 Instructor Modern Languages Princeton 1882-83; A.M. Princeton 1887 post obit. Charles Everett Harris, a.m..*i9o6 Clerk Warren Co., N. J. 1885-1900; A.M. Princeton 1885. Paul Hemphill John Grier Hibben, a.m., ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1883-86; Instruc- tor in Logic Princeton 1891-92; In- structor in Logic and Psychology 1892- 94; Assistant in Biblical Instruction Princeton 1892-97; Assistant Professor Logic Princeton 1894-97; Professor Logic Princeton 1897 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1885; Ph.D. Princeton 1893. William Carey Howell, a.m.. Assistant U. S. Attorney Southern Dis- trict Iowa 1890; U. S. Master in Chan- cery 1895; Professor Medical Jurispru- dence Keokuk Medical College, la. 1891-1908; A.M. Parsons College, la. 1884. Edward Smallwood Hughes . . Silas Everett Hurin, a.m., ll.b. Judge 3d Judicial Circuit Court, Ohio 1904 — ; a.m. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1885. Edgar Ross Jackman George Garmany Larcombe, a.m., M.D a.m. Princeton Medical 1885. *i895 M.D. Bellevue John Larkin, a.m a.m. Princeton 1885. Charles Alfred Lindsley, Member Board of Education Orange, N. J. 1894-97; Member City Council East Orange, N. J. 1905-07. Uzal Haggerty McCarter James Adam McWilliams. .. . Union Seminary N. Y. 1882-85. 266 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1882 David Magie, Jr . . . Degree conferred 1885. Clark H. Marshall. Paul Martin Princeton Seminary 1883-86; Registrar and Secretary Princeton Seminary 1906 — . Charles Ramey Milford, Mayor Attica, Ind. ; Judge Circuit Court 6ist Circuit Indiana 1905 — . Alfred Elmer Mills, a.m Prosecutor of Pleas, Morris Co., N. J. 1898-1903; President Judge Court of Common Pleas, Morris Co., N. J. 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1885. Charles Wolcott Parker, a.m., ll.b. Judge 2d District Court Jersey Citj', N. J. 1 898-1 903; Judge Circuit Court New Jersey 1903 — ; Assistant Adjutant General New Jersey 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1885. Ward Cheney Peabody, a.m . . Union Seminary 1884-87; A.M. Prince- ton 1885. Thomas Peebles, a.m Professor Mental and Moral Philosophy Univ. Minnesota 1883-88; A.M. Prince- ton 1899. George Peck Pierson, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1885-88; Professor Meiji (lakuin, Tokyo, Japan 1888-90; A.M. Princeton 1885. Theodore Potter, a.m., m.d. . Tutor Miami 1882-83; Professor Prin- ciples of Medicine and Clinical Medi- cine Indiana Medical College 1903 — ; Secretary Indiana State Tuberculosis Commission 1905-06; A.M. Princeton 1885; M.D. Ohio Medical College 1887. Plenry Smith Prentiss *i907 Ogden Rafferty, a.m., m.d. . . . Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 18 Major Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols, 1898; Major Surgeon 27th U. S. Vol Infantry 1899; Major Surgeon U. S \'ols. 1901; ^lajor Surgeon V. S. A 1901; A.M. Princeton 1887; M.D. Co lumbia 1885. John Jay Ralston Princeton Seminary 1884-85. Pennington Ranney, A.M....* 1897 A.M. Princeton 1885. Aaron Eli Reiber Francis Fayette Root, m.d... M.D. Columbia 1888. Ross Bachman Rowe, m.d . . . M.D. Univ. Penna. 1885. Livingston Rutherford, ll.b.. LL.B. Union 1892. Lewis R. Scudder, a.m A.M. Princeton 1885. William Waterbury Scudder, Jr., A.M., B.D A.M. Princeton 1885; B.D. Hartford Seminary 1885. William McDonald Shaw, a.m., LL.B County Attorney, Kenton Co., Ky, 1886-90; Assistant U. S. District At torney Kentucky 1891-93; City So licitor Covington, Ky. 1893-99; Cir cuit Judge 1 6th Judicial District Ken tucky 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1885 LL.B. Cincinnati Univ. 1884. William B. Sherwood * John Bedford Shober, a.m., m.d. Examining Surgeon U. S. Pensions Philadelphia 1892-93; A.M. Princeton 1885; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1885. Edwin Sidney Simons Degree conferred 1892. William Gilbert van Tassel Sut- phen George Yardly Taylor, a.m., m.d. *i9oo a.m. Princeton 1885; M.D. Isaac Newton Taylor Henry Stafford Terhune, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1884. William Pennington Toler, a.m. *i905 A.M. Princeton 1885. Robert Scott Waddell, a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1885. Bishop Leslie Wallace *i885 1882-83] BACHELORS OF ARTS 267 Ethelbert Dudley Warfield, a.m., LL.B., D.D., LL.D President Miami 1888-91; Professor History Miami 1888-91; President La- fayette 1891 — ; Professor History & Political Science Lafayette 1891 — ; Di- rector Princeton Seminary 1894 — ; President Board of Directors Princeton Seminary 1904 — ; Chaplain General Sons American Revolution 1 900-1 902; A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1885; D.D. Washington & Jefferson 1902; LL.D. Miami 1891; M.A.P.S. Henry Hunter Welles, Jr., a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1885. Robert Haldane West, a.m. . .*i9o6 Assistant Allegheny Observatory 1883; Instructor Mathematics and Astronomy Syrian Protestant College, Beirut 1883- 86; Professor Mathematics and Astron- omy Syrian Protestant College 1886- 99, 1903-06; Principal Preparatory De- partment Syrian Protestant College 1899-1902; Acting Treasurer Syrian Protestant College 1902-03; Dean of Collegiate Department Syrian Protestant College 1905-06; A.M. Princeton 1884. George Westervelt County Attorney Salt Lake Co., Utah 1903-04- Thomas Kensett Wheeler, a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1884. Everett Johnston White Hallett D. Wilcox Frederick Rodgers Williams, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Univ. Md. 1885. John Wilson, a.m., ll.b *iSgg A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Univ. Vir- ginia 1890. Joseph Miller Woodruff, a.m., m.d. *i894 a.m. Princeton 1888; M.D. N. Y. Homeopathic College 1888. David Walker Woods, Jr., a.m. Allegheny Theological Seminary 1882- 83; Princeton Seminary 1883-85; A.M. Princeton 1885. Daniel Swift Yard *i883 1883 Hulbert Agnew, a.m., m.d...*i894 A.M. Princeton 1886; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1888. William Paton Agnew, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1886. Henry Addison Alexander, a.m., LL.D., D.C.L Counsel U. S. Embassy Paris 1892-99; A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.D. Paris on exam.; D.C.L. Paris on exam. William Alexander Annin, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1887-90; Superin- tendent Public Schools Macon, Mo. ; A.M. Princeton 1886. Isaac Evans Antrim, a.m. . . .^1902 Solicitor Bordentown, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1886. James J. Archer, a.m., ll.b. . A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Univ. of Md. 1888. Thomas Anderson Conover Baker. Joseph Els worth Baldwin. . . .^1903 Mayor Lambertville, N. J. 1886; Judge County Court Lambertville, N. J. 1888- 92; Mayor Palatka, Fla. ; A.M. Prince- ton 1886. Charles H. Bonbright, a.m.., A.M. Princeton 1890. Charles Louis Borgmeyer, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1886. Joseph Yancey Brattan, a.m. . Member Board of Police Examiners Baltimore, Md. 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1886. Claude Ross Brodhead, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1886. Henry Grier Bryant, a.m.. ll.b. 2d in Command of Peary Relief Ex- pedition 1892; In Command of Peary Auxiliarv Expedition 1894; In Com- mand of Mt. St. Elias (.Alaska) Ex- pedition 1897; Corresponding Mernber Ceographical &• Anthropological Society, Stockholm; Hon. Vice President In- ternational Geographical Congress, Ber- lin 1899; Officier de I'Acadcmie 1905; A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1886; E.R.G.S. William Wallace Butler *i89i Degree conferred 1885; U. S. Consular 268 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1883 Agent Bordeaux, France; U. S. Consu- lar Clerk Liverpool, Eng. Albert Pruden Carman, a.m., d.Sc. Acting Instructor Physics Princeton 1884-85; Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1885-87; Professor Physics and Ap- plied Electricity Purdue 1889-92; Pro- fessor Theoretical Physics Leland Stan- ford 1892-96; Professor Physics Univ. Illinois 1896 — ; A.M. Princeton 1886; D.Sc. Princeton 1885. Edward Broadway Carter. . . . Charles Craig Colt, ll.b LL.B. Columbia 1887. Otto Crouse, a.m Member New Jersey State Board Edu- cation 1896-1905; Special Lecturer New Jersey Laws New York Law School 1896-1905; Judge ist District Court, Jersey City, N. J. 1900-1904; A.M. Princeton 1886. Samuel McCIellan Davis, a.m. Professor Classics York Collegiate In- stitute, Pa. 1883-84; Professor Classics State Normal School, Indiana, Pa. 1884-85; Professor Natural Science York Collegiate Institute 1885-87; A.M. Princeton 1886. Clinton Spencer Day Warren Martin Dickinson, a.m. *i896 A.M. Princeton 1886. Franklin Duane George Edwards, a.m Princeton Seminary 1883-86; A.M. Princeton 1886. Daniel Ackley Fell, a.m District Attorney Luzerne Co., Pa. 1895-98: Acting Postmaster Wilkes Barre, Pa. 1 899-1 900; A.M. Princeton 1886. William Parker Finney, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1883-86; Corre- sponding .Secretary pro tern Board Edu- cation Presbyterian Church 1906; A.M. Princeton 1886. David Kirkpatrick Este Fisher, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Univ. of Maryland i886. George Richmond Fleming, a.m. *i898 Degree conferred 1886; A.M. Princeton 1886. James Powers Flint Howard Hunt Garmany, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1893. George William Gilmore, a.m. Union Seminary N. Y. 1883-86; Found- er & Professor Royal Korean College, Seoul 1886-89; Instructor English Bible Bangor Seminary 1893-95; Professor Biblical History and Lecturer on Com- parative Religion Bangor Seminary 1895-99; Professor Old Testament Language and Literature and History of Religion Meadville Theological School 1 899-1 906; A.M. Princeton i888. Walter Davenport Green, a.m., m.d. Assistant Demonstrator Surgery Univ. Penna. 1889-91; A.M. Princeton 1886; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1886. Henry Walker Hall James Shanklin Harlan, a.m . . Attorney General Porto Rico 1901-02; Member Interstate Commerce Commis- sion 1906 — ; U. S. Delegate to Con- gress of American Republics, Rio de Janeiro 1906; A.M. Princeton 1886. Oliver Harriman, Jr Albert Kendrick Harsha Princeton Seminary 1883-86. Elmer Ellsworth Hawes *i89i John Triplett Haxall Victor Lucas Hicks, a.m *i887 a.m. Princeton 1886. John Andrew Hiestand, ll.b.*i894 LL.B. Columbia 1885. John Aspinwall Hodge, Jr., a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Columbia 1886. Franklin Evans Hoskins, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary N. Y. 1886-88; In- structor Church History .Syrian Prot- estant College, Beirut; .\.M. Princeton 1888; D.D. New York Univ. 1903. George Goes Howell George Birney Jennison George Newell Karner, a.m. . Princeton Seminary Princeton 1886. 1883-86; A.M. John Lawrence Keller, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton \i 1886. LL.B. Columbia 1883] BACHELORS OF ARTS 269 Evan Mohr Landis, a.m Princeton Seminary 1883-86; Professor Hebrew and History Ursinus College, Pa. 1886-87; A.M. Princeton 1886. Henry Mohr Landis, a.m .... Professor Church History Newark Ger- man Seminary 1886-88; Professor Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan 1888—; A.M. Princeton 1886. Lucius Allen Lewis Frederick Abbay Libbey John Crawford Life Thomas Arthur Merryweather. *i889 Benjamin Wiestling Mitchell, a.m., Ph.D Professor Latin and Head of Depart- ment of Ancient and Modern Lan- guages Central High School, Phila. 1897—; A.M. Princeton 1886; Ph.D. Washington & Jefferson 1888 hon. Russell Wellman Moore, a.m., m.s. Chemist New York State Dairy De- partment 1885-88; U. S. Examiner of Chemicals and U. S. Customs Chemist 1888-98; Chemist Laboratory U. S. Ap- praiser N. Y. City 1898 — ; Member Board U. S. Civil Service Examiners 1891 — ; Chief Chemist U. S. Customs N. Y. City; A.M. Princeton 1886; M.S. Princeton 1885. David Percy Morgan, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1886. John Gormley Murdock, a.m. . Professor English Language Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1886. Richard Norris William Church Osborn, ll.b. Member New York Constitutional Con- vention 1894; Member State Commis- sion Lunacy 1899 — ; LL.B. Harvard 1888. Thomas Ross Paden Princeton Seminary 1883-86. William Ernest Parke, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1886; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1886. John Ehrick Parmly, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1886. Edward Coleman Peace Degree conferred 1893. Frederick Auten Combs Perrine, A.M., D.Sc Professor Electrical Science Leland Stanford 1893-1900; Consulting Pro- fessor Electrical Engineering Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute 1905-06; A.M. Princeton 1886; D.Sc. Princeton 1885. Robert Davidson Petty, a.m., ll.b., LL.M. Lecturer Law Columbia 1885-86; In- structor Municipal Law Columbia 1888- 90; Professor Law Columbia 1890-91; Professor New York Law School 1891— ; A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Columbia 1885; LL.M. Univ. of Penna. i888. Furman Sheppard Phillips, a.m., LL.B " A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1885. Latimer Howard Prescott, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1886. Charles Alexander Richmond, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1885-88; A.M. Princeton 1886; D.D. Hamilton 1904. Perlee Lowe Rieman, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1886. Lawrason Riggs, a.m., ll.b. . . LL.B. Univ. of Maryland 1885; A.M. Princeton 1886, also Johns Hopkins 1902 hon. Edwin Milton Royle Edward Huntting Rudd, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1884-87; Lecturer Hartford Seminary 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1886. Frank Bergen Rue James Cummings Russell, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1883-86; A.M. Princeton 1886; D.D. Rutherford Col- lege, N. C. 1898. William Edward Russell Frederick Newman Rutan, a.m., LL.B., Ph.D Union Seminary N. Y. 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Union 1901; Ph.D. Montezume Univ., Ala. 1901 hon. Hunter St. John, a.m., m.d...*i902 A.M. Princeton 1894; M.D. Columbia 1886. 270 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1883-84 Randolph St. John WilUam Carpenter Scott, a.m., LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D *I9o6 A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1886; LL.M. Univ. Penna. 1887; Ph.D. Univ. Penna. 1891. Joseph Brown Seguin William Kinkead Shelby, a.m.* 1900 A.M. Princeton 1886. John Rieman Smyser Robert Wade Speir Thomas C. Siimmerill, a.m., ll.b. *i886 a.m. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Union 1885. James Thomas Sweetman, Jr., a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1886; M.D. George Washington 1886. Sidney Richmond Taber, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Columbia 1885. William James Taylor [Charles] Vance Thompson. . Winfield Boyd Thompson. . .*i886 Henry Aloysius Towle, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1886; M.D. Columbia 1887. William Morrison Trainer... City Clerk Steubenville, O. 1901-06. Hartley Titus Updike, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1883-85; Union Seminary N. Y. 1885-86; A.M. Prince- ton 1886. Edward Charles Vollrath, a.m. Major 8th Ohio Infantry U. S. Vols. 1898; Judge 3d Judicial Circuit Court Ohio 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1886. Mindo George Vulcheff, a.m., ph.d. Allegheny Seminary 1883-86; Professor Mathematics and Philosophy Sistora College, Bulgaria; A.M. Princeton 1886; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1887. Francis Rawle Wadleigh. . . . Thomas Brown Wanamaker, a.m. *i9o8 Consul Dominican Republic at Philadel- phia, Pa.; A.M. Princeton 1889. Aaron Condit Ward, a.m., m.d. a.m. Princeton 1886; M.D. Columbia 1886. Frederick Barnard White. . . .*i886 Franklin Lee Whitlock Member South Carolina Assembly. Andrew Wilkins Wilson, Jr., a.m., LL.B., Ph.D Professor and Principal Kiskiminetas School; A.M. Princeton 1886; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1886; Ph.D. Washington & Jefferson 1892 hon. Charles George Wilson Frank Churchill Woods, b.d., th.m. Crozier Seminary 1884-88; B.D. Crozier Seminary 1888; Th.M. Crozier Semi- Robert Sterling Yard. Charles Ira Young. . . 1884 William Alton, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1887. William Eugene Ayers, Supervising Principal of Schools Wool- wich Township, N. J. 1903 — . James Mark Baldwin, a.m., ph.d., Hon. D.Sc, LL.D Princeton Seminary 1885-87; Instruc- tor French Princeton 1886-87; Pro- fessor Philosophy Lake Forest 1887- 8g; Professor Philosojihy Univ. Toronto 1889-93; Professor E.xperimental Psy- chology Princeton 1893-97; Professor Psychology Princeton 1897-1904; Pro- fessor Philosophy Johns Hopkins 1903 — ; Gold Medalist Academy Science Denmark 1897; A.M. Princeton 1887; Ph.D. Princeton 1887; Hon. D.Sc. Ox- ford 1899; LL.D. Glasgow 1900, also Univ. South Carolina 1905. Edwin Starr Belknap Lawrence White Bigham. a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Union 1884] BACHELORS OF ARTS 271 Alvin Blackwell, a.m Princeton Seminary 1886-89; A.M. Princeton 1887. Josiah Low Blackwell John Denniston Blair *i9o6 John Yeomans Boyd George Prentiss Butler, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1887. George Haywood Carpenter, , Albert Atibray Castle, ll.b. . .* LL.B. Cincinnati 1886. William Chester, a.m Union Seminary N. Y. 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1887. Henry Franklin Coan *i886 Francis Lowell Coolidge Member School Committee Boston, Mass. 1897-1903. John Collins Daves Charles Edgar Davis, a.m., ll.b. Princeton Seminary 1889-92; General Seminary, N. Y. ; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1888. Leonidas Dennis, a.m., ll.b.. A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1886. Edward Blackwell Dolton. . . . Samuel G. Dornblaser, a.m. . . Gettysburg Seminary 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1887. Charles Bernard Dunn, a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1887. Seneca Egbert, a.m., m.d Lecturer Hygiene Protestant Episcopal Church Training School, Philadelphia i8gi — ; Lecturer Hygiene Ludwick In- stitute Course Philadelphia Academy Natural Sciences; Lecturer Hygiene Univ. Penna. 1890-91; Lecturer Hy- giene Drexel Institute, Philadelphia 1892-93; Professor Hygiene Medico Chirurgical College Philadelphia 1893 — ; Dean Department of Medicine Medico Chirurgical College 1898 — ; Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene Temple College Philadelphia 1896-99; A.M. Princeton 1887; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1888. William Erdman, a.m., ll.b. .*i905 A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1886. George Ross Eshleman, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1887. Charles Alexander Evans, Jr., a.m. Northwestern Seminary 1884-86; A.M. Princeton 1887. John Miller Turpin Finney, m.d. Associate Professor Surgery Johns Hop- kins 1897 — ; M.D. Harvard 1889. John Newton Forman Princeton Seminary 1884-86; Professor Theology Saharanpur Seminary, India George Barton French Henry Bell Gayley, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia i888. Jacob Franklin Gulick, Jr. . . . Joseph Henry Gulick Charles Sumner Hamilton, a.m., M.D Professor Principles of Surgery Star- ling Medical College, Ohio 1892-1907; Chancellor & Professor Surgery Starling Medical College, Ohio 1907 — ; A.M. Princeton 1891; M.D. Starling Medical College 1887. John Maynard Harlan, ll.b. . Alderman Chicago 1896-98; LL.B. George Washington 1886. George McLean Harper, ph.d. Instructor French Princeton 1889-91; Assistant Professor French Princeton 1891-94; Instructor Romance Lan- guages Princeton 1892-94; Professor Romance Languages Princeton 1894- 1900; Professor Belles Lettres and Eng- lish Language & Literature Princeton 1900 — ; Ph.D. Princeton 1892. Edward Wyckoff Harris, a.m., ll.b a.m. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1886. Job Elmer Hedges, a.m., ll.b. Deputy Attorney General New York 1 899-1 902; Secretary to Mayor Strong N. Y. City 1905-07; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1886. Grier Hersh 272 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1884 Carl Irwin Heydrick, William Corbit Hill. Angier Bailey Hobbs, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1887; M.D. Columbia 1889. Charles James Howell, Jr. . . . Princeton Seminary 1884-85; Auburn Seminary 1885-88. Robert Hunter, a.m Degree conferred li 1901. A.M. Princeton Randall Hutchinson, a.m., m.d. Instructor Medicine Univ. Southern California 1901-03; Professor Physical Diagnosis Univ. Southern California 1903 — ; President Board of Health Mc- Dowell Co., W. Va. ; Ex-Physician U. S. Pensions McDowell Co., W. Va. ; A.M. Princeton 1887; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1887. Albert Matthews Jackson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1887. Ferdinand Jelke, Jr., a.m., ll.b. Mayor Avondale, O.; Judge Court Com- mon Pleas Hamilton Co., O. 1896-1900; Judge ist Judicial Circuit Court Ohio 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Univ. Cincinnati 1886. Paul Thomas Kimball, a.m., m.d. A. M. Princeton 1887; M.D. Columbia 1887. William Marvin Langdon, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1888. James Marshall Lawson, a.m., ll.b. Member and Speaker South Dakota As- sembly 1893; Member South Dakota Senate 1899, 1901, 1903, 1905; Presi- dent South Dakota Senate 1901; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1886. Edward Sherman Leavitt, a.m., LL.B *I903 A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1886. Emil Leute, a.m Chief Clerk Weigher's Department U. S. Customs Service Philadelphia 1894 — ; A.M. Princeton 1887. Alvin Fayette Lewis, a.m., ph.d. Adjunct Professor L^niv. Kansas 1885- 87; Professor West Florida State Col- lege 1887-89; President West Florida State College 1892-97; Professor His- tory & Political Science Univ. .-Vrkansas 1899-1901; A.M. Princeton 1887; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1897. David Millard Look Ayres Derby Lundy, a.m A.M. Cornell 1887. Thomas Joseph McCormack, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1891; LL.B. Northwest- ern, Chicago 1890. Robert Gordon Mackay, ll.b. Union Seminary N. Y. 1884-87; LL.B. New York Law School 1898. Frederic Duncan McKenney, a.m., LL.B., LL.M A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.M. George Washington 1887; LL.B. George Wash- ington 1886. [Robert] Fulton McMahon, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1888. Charles Tabele Mc^Iullin. . . .*i904 General Seminary, N. Y. 1887-89. Starling Lyne Marshall, a.u. . A.M. Princeton 1887. Jo-seph Edgar Maxwell, d.d. . . Princeton Seminary 1888-91; Professor Biblical Instruction Wooster 1905-06; Professor liiblical Literature and Apolo- getics Occidental College, California 1906 — ; D.D. Coe College, la. 1904. Arthur McQuiston Miller, a.m. Professor Biology, Geology, and As- tronomy Wilson College, Pa. 1889-91; Professor Geology and Zoology State College, Kentucky 1892 — ; Assistant ("leologist Kentucky State Geological Survey; A.M. Princeton 1887. Eugene Miller, a.m Professor Latin Keachi College, La. 1884; President Louisiana Female Col- lege 1885-89: Professor English Lit- erature and Historv Kansas Citv L^niv. 1896-98; A.B., also Ogden College, Bowling Green, Ky. 1882; .\.M. Ogden 1885. Ivan Dimiter Mishofif, a.m., m.d., LL.D Princeton Seminary 1884-87; ,\.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Rush Medical, Chicago 1889; LL.D. (uale College 1899. William David Moffat 1884] BACHELORS OF ARTS 273 John Campbell Murray, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1887. William Latta Nassau John Howard Neely, a.m .... District Attorney Juniata Co., Pa. 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1887. Thomas McBride Nichols, a.m. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1886-89; A.M. Princeton 1887. Arthur Wellesley Olcott, m.d. M.D. St. Louis Medical, Mo. Smith Ordway, a.m Princeton Seminary 1884-85; Auburn Seminary 1885-88; A.M. Princeton 1888. Charles Frederick Parmly, a.m., LL.B *I903 A.M. Princeton 1895; LL.B. Henry Neill Paul, Jr., a.m... A.M. Princeton 1887. Samuel Johnson Foe, a.m., ll.b. Degree conferred 1885; Auditor Circuit Courts Baltimore 1899; ist Lieutenant Adjutant 5th Maryland U. S. Vols. 1898; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1887. Atlee Pomerene, a.m., ll.b. .. City Solicitor Canton, O. 1887-91; Prosecuting Attorney Stark Co., O. 1897-1900; A.IVL Princeton 1887; LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1886. Da Costa Pomerene, a.m. . . .*iSg2 Princeton Seminary 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1887. Robert Kelly Prentice, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1886. Alfred Gandy Reeves, a.m., ll.b. Assistant in Law Columbia 1887-90; Lecturer Municipal Law Columbia 1890- 91; Professor Real Property, Wills and Trusts, New York Law School 1889 — ; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1887. James Johnson Robinson, a.m., Ph.D Professor College Montana; Instructor Latin & Roman Law Yale 1 893-1 900; Professor Latin Hamilton 1900-1902; A.M. Princeton 1888; Ph.D. Yale 1888. William Luttrell Rogers, M.S.* 1892 Professor Natural Science Occidental College, Los Angeles, Cal.; Professor Laurel Hill College, San Mateo, Cal.; M.S. Princeton 1888. Alexander Spencer Rowland, a.m., M.S., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1887; M.S. Princeton 1885; LL.B. New York Law School 1897- Raymond Wells Sharp, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1893; M.D. Long Island Medical College. Ralph Shaw, a.m., ll.b Assistant Prosecutor, Passaic Co., N. J. 1 896-1 906; President Board of Educa- tion Little Falls Township, N. J. 1906- 07; A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Co- lumbia 1886. Henry Hale Sleeper, a.m., Ph.d. General Seminary, N. Y. 1884-87; a.m. Princeton 1887; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1890. Ellison Adger Smyth, Jr., a.m., LL.D Adjunct Professor Biology South Car- olina College 1889-91; Professor Biol- ogy Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Ya.. 1891 — ; Dean of Fac- ulty Virginia Polytechnic Institute 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1890; LL.D. Univ. Alabama 1906. Francis Marion Stalker, a.m. Superintendent Public Schools Orleans, Ind. 1884-86; Principal Borden Insti- tute Borden, Ind. 1886-88; Superin- tendent City Schools Bedford, Ind. 1888-92; Assistant Professor Psychol- ogy Indiana State Normal School 1892- 96; Associate Professor Psychology In- diana State Normal School 1896-1904; Professor History of Education Indiana State Normal School 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1887. John Stevens, a.m., ll.b *i889 A.M. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia Law School 1886. Henry Clay Stewart, Jr., a.m., LL.B., ll.m a.m. Princeton 1887; LL.B. George Washington 1886; LL.M. George Wash- ington 1887. Theodore Augustus Swan, a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Columbia 1887. Albert Taylor Claude Milton Thomas, a.m.. Member Assembly Kentucky 1887-88; U. S. Consul to Mar.seilles, France 1893-97; A.M. Princeton 1896. 274 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1884-85 Ambrose Giddings Todd, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Columbia 1887. Reverdy Johnson Travers. , . .* Secretary U. S. Legation Korea. Alexander Hortor Travis, a.m., M.D a.m. Princeton 1887; M.D. Columbia 1887. John Rodolph Urner, a.m., ll.b. ♦ 1890 a.m. Princeton 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1886. Robert Woods Van Kirk, b.d. B.D. Newton Theological Institution, Mass. 1887. Alden WelHng, a.m *i9o.3 General Seminary, N. Y. ; A.M. Prince- ton 1887. Stanley White, a.m., d.d Union Seminary N. Y. 1884-87; A.M. Princeton 1887; D.D. New York Univ. 1907. George Edmund Woodhull. .*i895 Princeton Seminary 1884-87. William Patton Woods Arthur Lyon Young *i89i 1885 Richard Henry Appleby, a.m.*i888 A.M. Princeton 1888. Chester Allan Arthur, Jr.... John Watson Barr, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1888; LL.B. Univ. Va. 1887. James Wilson Bayard, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. George Washington 1889. Robert Hezekiah Beattie, a.m. Principal and Instructor English, Sy- rian Protestant College Preijaratory School, Beirut 1885-89; Princeton Sem- inary 1889-91; Instructor Latin and English History Evelyn College, Prince- ton 1889-91; Instructor Latin Prince- ton 1890-91; A.M. Princeton 1890. Joseph Dorsett Bedie, Jr. LL.B A.M. Judge District Court, Jersey City, N. J. 1896-1901; A.M. Princeton 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1888. William Duffield Bell, a.m., m.d. Major Surgeon 7ist Infantry New York Vols. 1898; Cajitain Assistant Sur- geon 42d Infantry U. S. \'ols. 1899- 1901; Major Surgeon 42d Infantry U. S. Vols. 1901; Major Surgeon LJ. S. ^'oIs. 1901-03; A.M. Princeton i M.D. Bellevue Medical 1888. CHnton Wallace Bird Edward King Blades, a.m.*i898(?) A.M. Princeton 1890. Samuel McCrea Brann John Woods Brown, Jr Deputy Insurance Commissioner Penna. 1891-94. Henry Caldwell Bryan, a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1888. Frederick Wing Burleigh, m.d. M.D. Columbia 1889. Putnam Cady, a.m Princeton Seminary 1885-88; Honorary Local Secretary Palestine Exploration Fund 1905; A.M. Princeton 1887; F.R.G.S. Robert Eber Carter, m.s Union Seminary N. Y. if Princeton 1886. M.S. Warren Blanchard Chapin, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. New York Univ. 1888. Charles Steele Clark James Harlan Cleveland *i9o6 Assistant U. S. Attorney Southern Dis- trict Ohio 1888-89; U. S. Attorney Southern District Ohio 1894-9S; Pro- fessor Law Univ. Cincinnati 1896-1906. John Haughton Coney Instructor History Princeton 1804-98; Assistant Professor History Princeton 1898-1905; Professor History Princeton 1905—. William Waddell Connor John Crossan Cooper, ll.b. . . A.M. Princeton 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1887. 1885] BACHELORS OF ARTS 275 Eugene Calvin Coulter, a.m. . Headmaster University School Chicago; A.M. Princeton 1888. Monroe Crawford, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1888: LL.B. Columbia 1889. Aaron Van Syckle Dawes, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1888. Sherrerd Depue, a.m., ll.b. . . Assistant U. S. District Attorney New Jersey 1890-92; City Attorney Newark, N. J. 1894-96; A.M. Princeton 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1887. John Rogers Dickey William Andrews Dickey. , . . Malvern Nicholas Due, a.m., m.d. *i9o6 U. S. Pension Examiner Birmingham, Ala. 1 896-1 906; U. S. Physician and Surgeon Jefferson Co., Ala. 1896-1906; City Health Officer Birmingham, Ala. 1897; A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Co- lumbia 1888. Frank Strong Dunshee Professor Iowa College of Law 1890- 92; Professor Medical Jurisprudence Drake Univ. 1890 — . George Britton Durell Duncan Edwards, a.m., ll.b. . A.M. Princeton 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1887. George Edgar Etter, a.m A.M. Princeton 1888. Frederick Butterfield Faitoute. Jonathan Clinton Foltz, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1888. Abram Bradley Gaither, a.m., m.d. M.D. Univ. of Maryland 1887; A.M. Princeton 1888. Cary Breckinridge Gamble, a.m., M.D Professor Clinical Medicine College Physicians & Surgeons, Baltimore 1906 — ; Member State Board Medical Examiners Maryland; A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Univ. Maryland 1887. Hiram Abiff Gooch Frank Griffith William Maclay Hall, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1888. Jefferson Borden Harriman. . John Morgan Harris, a.m. . . . Member Penna. State Board Law Ex- aminers 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1888. James Edward Hayes, a.m. . .*i907 A.M. Princeton 1888. James Robert Hughes, a.m. . . Headmaster Belief onte Academy; A.M. Princeton 1888. ^^''ilIiam Fessenden Jackson. . John Edgar Johnson, Jr Henry Kirkland Jones Eaton McLean Kempshall. . .*i903 San ford Norris Knapp *i886 Charles Rhodes Knox Princeton Seminary 1885-86. Henry M. Lamberton Reuben S. Lawrence, a.m., ph.d. Professor Mathematics Emporia Col- lege, Kan. 1885-96; Professor Greek & Pedagogy Emporia College, Kan. 1 896-1 900; Professor Mathematics Han- over College, Ind. igoo-06; Member Kansas State Board Education i8gg- 1900; Trustee Schools Hanover, Ind. 1902-06; A.M. Princeton 1888; Ph.D. Emporia College 1894. Samuel Harper Leeper, Jr., a.m. Princeton Seminary Princeton 1888. -88; A.M. John Crary Lord, Jr., a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1888. William Henry Lynch, a.m . . . A.M. Princeton 1891. David Hunter McAlpin, Jr., a.m., M.D Instructor Bellevue ^Medical; Professor Gross Pathology Bollevue Medical 1895—; A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1888. Charles Flint McClumpha, a.m., Ph.d Instructor English Bryn Mawr 18S8- 91; Assistant Professor English New York Univ. 1891-94; Professor English 276 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1885 Ripon College, Wis. 1894-95; Professor Englisli Univ. Minnesota 1895-1906; A.M. Princeton 1888; Ph.D. Leipsic, Germany 1888. John Bird AIcFerran, Jr ^=1906 Clarence Walworth McTlvaine. William Brown McTlvaine, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1888. James Henry Aliller James Percy Murray Howard Gillespie Myers, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton il Medical 18S7. M.D. Bellevue Max Brunswick Nahm, Robert Meade Parker. , 1st Lieutenant & Quartermaster 12th N. Y. Vols. 1898. John IMoore Penick, a.m Professor Chemistry & Physics Baird College 1885-90; Professor Chemistry & Physics Missouri Valley College 1890 — ; A.M. Princeton 1900. Theodore Pershing William Pickersgill Riggs. . . . William Henry Robinson, a.m.* 1896 Princeton Seminary if Princeton 1887. A.M. Ford Winfield Rochelle Princeton Seminary 1885-88. Paul Adrian Scharff, a.m. . . , A.M. Princeton 1887. Joseph Bernard Shea Trustee Princeton 1906 — . Alfred Bowne Sherwood, a.m. Instructor State Normal Scliool, New Paltz, N. Y. 1891-92; Principal of Chester High School, N. Y. 1893-95; Chief in Tabulating Division Depart- ment of Manufactures, U. S. Census 1900-1902; A.M. Princeton 1888. Augustine Coleman Smith, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1888; LL.B. Columbia 1887. Benjamin Bosworth Smith... Everett Lansing Smith Robert Little Smith Charles Reed Spence *i9os Albert Livingston Stavely, a.m., M.D. Superintendent Garfield Hospital Wash- ington, 1). C. ; A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1888. William De Wilt Sterry Jonathan Sturges George Edward Swartz, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1888. Henry Dallas Thompson, a.m., D.Sc, Ph.D Tutor Mathematics Princeton 1888-91; Assistant Professor Mathematics Prince- ton 1891-94; Professor Mathematics Princeton 1894 — ; Member New Jer- sey Assembly 1906 — ; A.AL Princeton 1888, also Gottingen 1892; D.Sc. Princeton 1889; Ph.D. Gottingen 1892. Arthur Magie Tree. . George Urquhart, Jr. Charles Van Ausdal. . Paul Weir, a.m A.M. Princeton 1888. James Mclver Wicker, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1885-88; A.M. Princeton 1888. William Lane Wilbur, a.m., m.d. Member New Jersey Assembly 1894— 96; U. S. Pension Surgeon 1904-06; Sheriff Mercer Co., N. J. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1888; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1888. Edmund Wilson, a.m Member New Jersey State Board of Arbitration 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1888. Frederic Hart Wilson. . .*fl"/^ 1897 Edward Scott Wood, ll.b... LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1896. William Edwin Woodend, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton iJ Medical. M.D. Bellevue Frank Stiles Woodruff, a.m. .*i893 Professor English Literature Syrian 1885-86] BACHELORS OF ARTS 277 Protestant College, Beirut 1885-88, 1891-92; Princeton Seminary 1888-91; A.M. Princeton 1888. Charles Robert Wylie, Jr., a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1895; M.D. Univ. Pcnna. 1897. 1886 James Collins Adams, ll.b.. LL.B. Columbia 1888. Pearce Bailey, a.m.. m.d A.M. Princeton 1889; M.D. Columbia 1889. Joseph Deyoe Baucus, a.m., ll.b. .\.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Columbia 1888. Grant Robinson Bennett, ll.b . LL.B. Univ. Wisconsin 1887. Daniel Denison Bickham Montgomery Blair, a.m., ll.b. a.m. Princeton 1889; LL.B. George Washington 1888. Robert Bruce Bowie, ll.b... Captain sth Maryland Infantry U. S. Vols. 1898; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1889. James Harrington Boyd, a.m., d.Sc Professor Mathematics Macalester Col- lege, Minn. 1887-90; Tutor Univ. Chi- cago 1893-95; Instructor Univ. Chicago 1895-1902; A.M. Princeton i888; D.Sc. Princeton 1892. Herbert Lamotte Brice, ll.b.*i902 LL.B. Columbia 1888. John Calhoun Princeton Seminary 1889-92; Trustee Wilson College, Pa. 1906- — . Arnold Guyot Cameron, a.m., ph.d. Professor German and French Miami Univ. 1888-91; Assistant Professor French Yale 1891-97; Professor French Princeton 1897-1905; A.M. Princeton 1888; Ph.D. Princeton 1891. James Cochran Carter Samuel Thomson Carter, Jr., a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Columbia i888. John Watson Cary, Jr John Reiff Cassel, a.m., ll.b. . Professor & Lecturer on Commercial Law, Pierce School of Business, Phila. 1889-1905; A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1888. John Tyler Charlton James Woodward Clark, a.m. Professor Latin & Greek Normal .School Indiana, Pa. 1886-88; A.M. Princeton 1889. Horace Newton Cougar, Jr., a.m. *i898 A.M. Princeton 1889. David Edgar Crozier Instructor Latin & Greek York Col- legiate Institute, Pa. 1886-89. Charles M. De Camp Anthony Woodward Durell . . Deputy Collector of Customs Phila- delphia, Pa. 1899 — . George A. Tryon Eddy, a.m. . Princeton Seminary Princeton 1889. 1887-91; A.M. William Simpson Elder Member City Council Deadwood City, S. D. 1901. Henry Charles Elsing, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1890; M.D. New York Univ. 1890. Charles Rosenbury Erdman, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1887-89; Instruc- tor Evelyn College, Princeton 1887- 89; Director Princeton Seminary 1905- 06; Professor Practical Theology Princeton Seminary 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889. Frederick Evans, Jr., a.m. . . . Secretary to Vice President Hobart 1897-99; A.M. Princeton 1889. Frank Bateman Everitt, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1887-90; A.M. Princeton 1887-89. Wilson Farrand, a.m Associate Headmaster Newark Acad- emy, N. J. 1889-1901; Headmaster Newark Academy 1901 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1889. Matthew LL.B. . Corry Fleming, a.m. Assistant Corporation Counsel New York City 1902-04; Associate Counsel New York Gas Legislative Commission 278 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1886 1905; Associate Counsel Armstrong In- surance Legislative Coinmittee New York 1905-06; A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Cincinnati Univ. 1889. Joseph Holt Gaines, a.m U. S. District Attorney West Virginia 1897-1901; U. S. Representative from West Virginia 1901 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 188.9. James Sproat Green, Jr., a.m., m.d. Member Board Health Elizabeth, N. J. ; Member Board Managers N. J. State Sanatorium for Tuberculous Diseases; A.M. Princeton 1889; M.D. Columbia 1889. Robert Stockton Green, Jr., a.m. *i904 Member New Jersey State Board of Assessors; A.M. Princeton i88g. William Alexander Guthrie. . Member City Council Indiana, Pa. William Derickson Waples Hall, A.M., M.D Instructor Diseases Nose and Throat Polyclinic Hospital Phila., Pa. 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1889. Richard T. Haines Halsey... Marshal Halstead *i9o8 U. S. Consul Birmingham, England 1897-1906. James Arden Harriman Tracy Hyde Harris, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Columbia 1889. Charles Elliott Hays Princeton Seminary 18S7-88; Private and Corporal i8th Infantry U. S. A. 1888-91; 2d Lieutenant iSth Infantry U. S. A. 1891-97- Charles Helliwell, a.m Union Seminary, N. Y. 1896-98; Al- legheny Seminary 1900-1901; A.M. IVinceton 1889. Walter Lowrie Hervey, a.m., ph.d. Dean and Professor History & Insti- tutes of Education Teachers' College, Columbia 1S89-93; President Teachers' College 1893-97; Dean Chatauqua .School Pedagogy 1892-98; Lecturer Hartford Seminary 1901-04; Lecturer Yale Divinity School 1903; Member Board Ex.Tminers Department of Edu- cation, New York 1898 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889; Ph.D. Princeton 1892 hon. Harry Hillard. Degree conferred 1888; San Francisco Seminary 1886-89. Hugh Lenox Hodge, a.m Princeton Seminary li Princeton 1889. 5-89; A.M. Richard Morse Hodge, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1886-89; Professor Bible Study Fredericksburg, Va., Col- legiate Institute 1895-98; Dean Train- ing School Women Missionaries Fred- ericksburg, Va. 1895-98; Director Ex- tension Courses for Lay Students Un- ion Seminary, N. Y. 1901 — ; Lecturer Biblical Literature Teachers' College Columbia 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889; D.D. Univ. Nashville 1901. William Herbert Hudnut, d.d. Princeton Seminary 1886-89; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1889-90; D.D. Woos- ter 1906. Ottis Leander Jacobs, a.m...*i897 \'^ice President and Professor Mathe- matics Central Penna. College, New Berlin, Pa. 1886-87; A.M. Princeton 1889. Charles Albert Jaggar, a.m.. ph.d. Professor Mathematics & Science, Par- sons College, Ta. 1892-93; A.M. Prince- ton 1888; Ph.D. Princeton 1888. Henry Wynans Jessup, a.m., ll.b., LL.M Professor Law New York Univ. 1892- 94; A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. New York Univ. 1888; LL.M. New York Univ. 1892. William Jessup, a.m Princeton Seminary 1887-90; A.M. Princeton 1889. Robert Crawford Johnston. . . Francis Fisher Kane, a.m., ll.b. ist Assistant U. S. Attorney Phila- delphia, I'a. 1891-1900; A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1889. William Dickey Kearns. a.m., m.d. *i9oo A.M. Princeton 1891; M.D. Columbia 1890. Alford Kelley, a.m Princeton Seminary 1886-8 Princeton 1889. A.M. Henry Gumming Lamar *i89i John Samuel McAdam, ll.b. LL.B. Columbia iJ 1 886] BACHELORS OF ARTS 279 George Brinton McClellan, a.m., LL.D President Board of Aldermen N. Y. City 1892-93; U. S. Representative from New York 1894-1903; Mayor N. Y. City 1903 — ; Honorary Chancellor Union 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.D. Princeton 1905, also Fordham 1905, also Union 1906. Samuel John McClenaghan, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1886-89; A.M. Princeton 1888. John WilHam McKecknie .... Carroll McKenney, a.m *i894 A.M. Princeton 1889. William Stevenson MacLaren, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1889; M.D. Columbia 1889. Augustus Strong Mapes, a.m., ll.b. U. S. Attorney Southern District Illi- nois; A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888. John Cass Mathis, a.m *i904 Assistant U. S. District Attorney Illi- nois 1889- ; A.M. Princeton 1896. Harris Cornell Meserole Edward De Moss Miller, a.m., ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1887-90; A.M. Princeton 1888; Ph.D. Berlin 1898. Marion Mills Miller, a.m., Litt.d. Assistant in Oratory Princeton 1887— 88; Instructor in Oratory Princeton 1888-91; Assistant Professor Oratory & Aesthetic Criticism Princeton 1891- 93; A.M. Princeton 1888; Litt.D. Princeton 1889. David Meriwether Milton, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1896. Joseph Carroll Montanye, a.m. A.M. Princeton i88g. John Alexander Montgomery, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1889. John Stevens Parker, a.m...*i904 A.M. Princeton 1889. Stewart Paton, a.m., m.d .\ssistant Professor Nervous Diseases ■ihns Hopkins; Member Lunacy Com- «:;ion Maryland; Director of Labora- . >':r. ' i.;r(l ,\.sy!;im Baltimore; A.M. ; .ir.ceioii 1SS9; M.D. Columbia 1889. William Rankin Joseph Pope Ranney, a.m. . , . A.M. Princeton 1896. or Reed. a.m. Tayl Tutor in Astronomy 1887-92; Assistant in Astronomy Princeton 1888-92; As- sistant Professor Astronomy Princeton 1892-1901; A.M. Princeton 1888. Arthur William Remington. . Degree conferred 1889; Princeton Seminary 1887-90. George Reynolds, a.m Princeton Seminary 1886-89; A.M. Princeton 1889. Edward Orth Robinson George Black Roddy, a.m. . . . Tutor Latin Princeton 1887-88; Tutor Greek Princeton 1889-90; A.M. Prince- ton 1888. Richard Reid Rogers, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1889; LL.B. Univ. Vir- ginia 1889. George Lester Rundle, a.m., m.d. *i9oi A.M. Princeton 1890; M.D. Columbia 1889. James Prestley Shaw, a.m., m.d. Member City Council, Pittsburg, Pa. 1902-04; Director Department of Char- ities & Correction, Pittsburg 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889; M.D. Columbia 1890. Ralph Crowley Sheldon John Archer Silver, a.m., Ph.d. Instructor Mental Science & Englisii Jaffna College, Ceylon 1886-88; Pro- fessor History Hobart 1895 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1895. Harrison Brooks Smith City Solicitor Charleston, W. \'a. Alexander Stewart ^1895 Charles Grimes Stoddard. . . . Oliver Smith Strong, a.m., ph.d. Assistant Lake Laboratory Milwaukee 1890-91; Assistant Biology Columbia 1892-93; Tutor Biology, Zoology and Comparative Neurology Columbia 1895 — i Assistant in Normal Histology, Zoology Columbia 1897 — '• A.M. Princeton 1888, also Columbia 1892; Ph.D. Columbia 1896. 28o BACHELORS OF ARTS [1886-87 Llewellyn Thomas William Ferree Tomlow Robert Duncan Totten Lewis Howell Towler, a.m. . .^iSgg Princeton Seminary 1886-89; A.M. Princeton 1888. Charles Sloan Van Syckel . . . James Anderson Van Wagenen, A.M., LL.B.. . . A.M. Princeton il LL.B. Columbia John Milligan Waddell, a.m. Princeton Seminary Princeton 1804. -92; A.M. Albert Chandler Wall, a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1889. Lewis Rodman Wanamaker. a.m. Chevalier Legion d'Honneur 1897; A.M. Princeton 1902. Gaylord Starin White, a.m. , . Union Seminary, N. Y. 1887-90; Di- rector Student Christian Work Union Seminary 1901 — ; Lecturer Applied Christianity Union Seminary 1904 — ; Member Mayor's Hospital Commission N. Y. City 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1889. Robert Parmelee Wilder, a.m. Union Seminary, X. Y. 1887-88, 1889- 91; Traveling Secretary Student Volun- teer Movement for Foreign Missions 1886-87, i888-8g; Member Executive Committee Student Volunteer Move- ment 1888-91; Organizer British Stu- dent \'olunteer Missionary Union 1891- 92; Secretary Y. M. C. A. Theological Institutions U. S. A. and Canada 1897-99; Secretary Intercollegiate Y. M. C. A. India and Ceylon 1899-1902; General Secretary Y. M. C. A. India 1902; Secretary Student Volunteer Movement _ Scandinavia and Finland 1903-04; Traveling Secretary Student Christian Movement Great Britain and Ireland 1905-07; A.M. Princeton 1889. William Phelps Wood 1887 John Erkskine Adams, a.m. . . Columbia, S. C. Seminary 1887-88; Princeton Seminary 1888-90; A.M. Princeton 1891. Wilson Shaw Arbuthnot George Titus Berry, a.m Professor Mathematics Glendale Female College, O. 1887-89; Princeton Sem- inary 1889-92; A.M. Princeton 1890. Robert William Blake, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1889-91; Instruc- tor Greek Princeton 1890-94; Professor Latin Washington & Jefferson 1896- 99; Professor Latin Lehigh 1899 — ; A.M. Princeon 1888. Robert Robinson Porter Bradford, A.M A.M. Princeton 1890. Stewart Brown Charles Shepard Bryan Wilmot Albert Carrington .... Princeton Seminary 1887-88, 1889-go. Arthur Mills Corwin, a.m., m.d. Demonstrator Physical Diagnosis Rush Medical 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1899; M.D. Rush Medical 1890. George McLean Cummings, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1887-90; A.M. Princeton 1890. John Henry Denny *i9oo James Parker Dodd '^1903 Samuel Thompson Dodd, a.m., e.e. Assistant in Physics Princeton 1889- 93; A.M. Princeton 1889; E.E. Prince- ton 1893. William Silliman Dodd James Walter Doughty Princeton Seminary 1887-90. William John Duane Herbert Elder, a.m A.M. Princeton 1890. John Wilson Elder, m.d M.D. Western Univ., Pcnna. 1892. Eugene Maurice Fitzgerald, ll.b. *i89g LL.B. Columbia 1889. Robert Gilchrist, Jr Harry Lomison Goehring. . . . District Attorney Allegheny Co., Pa. Edward Field Goltra 1887] BACHELORS OF ARTS 281 William Thompson Graham, m.d. M.D. Hahnemann Medical 1893. Clarence Halstead Harold Cator Heverin *i903 Robert James Hunt, a.m A.M. Princeton 1890. Solomon Stanger Iszard, a.m., ll.b. Professor Equity Jurisprudence & Law of Contracts, Temple College, Pliila. 1902 — • A.M. Princeton 1890; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1889. John Martin Jamison Roger Bruce Cash Johnson, a.m., Ph.D Professor Mental and Moral Science Miami Univ. 1888-1905; Preceptor Phi- losophy Princeton 1905 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1889; Ph.D. Princeton 1900. Charles Pitt Fid Joyce, m.d. . M.D. Dartmouth 1893. George Armstrong Kelly, Jr. . Adrian Hoffman Larkin, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1891. Mark Harvey Liddell Associate Professor English Univ. Texas 1897—98; Professor English Univ. Texas 1898-1900. James Henry Lockhart Frank Keller McCance Charles Ellsworth MacGinness, A.M., Ph.D Princeton Seminary 1887-90; A.M Princeton 1890; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1892. Charles Hill Macloskie Harry Hatton McMahon, a.m., LL.B A.M. Columbia 1891; LL.B. Columbia 1892. Peter McHarg MacQueen, a.m. Union Seminary 1887-90; A.M. Prince- ton 1890. Robert William Mason, a.m.^iqoS Princeton Seminary 1887-90; A.M. Princeton 1890. Paul Clement Matthews, b.d. Princeton Seminary 1887-88; General Seminary, N. Y. 1888-90; Dean of Cincinnati Convention & hon. Chaplain Bishop of Southern Ohio Lambeth Con- ference 1897; B.D. General Seminary, N. Y. 1890. Albert Lincoln Mershon,.A.M. Princeton Seminary 1889-92; Professor Ancient & Modern Languages Asbury College, Ky. 1906-07; A.M. Princeton 1890. John Izard Middleton, Jr., m.d. M.D. Columbia 1896. William Watts Montgomery. . Matthew Henry Morgan William Montgomery Nichol. Allegheny Seminary 1887-89. Lyman Holter Nutting * Gordon Paddock, a.m., ll.b. . Secretary U. S. Legation Seoul, Korea 1901; Charge d'Affaires and Consul General U. S. Legation Seoul, Korea 1901-02; Vice Consul General U. S. Legation Korea 1906 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1890; LL.B. Columbia 1889. James Paige, a.m., ll.b,, ll.m. Professor Law Univ. Minnesota 1892 — ; A.M. Princeton 1890; LL.B. LIniv. Minnesota 1890; LL.M. Univ. Minnesota 1891. Albert George Parker Princeton Seminary 1887-90. Hamilton Parish David Graham Phillips Horace Marshall Porter *i8go Robert Edgar Porterfield, ll.b. LL.B. Columbia 1889. John Wahl Queen, Jr., a.m., Ph.d. Acting Professor History and Political Science Ohio State Univ. 1889-90; Member New Jersey Assembly 1S96; City Attorney .Tersey City, N. J. 1898- 1902; A.M. Princeton 1889; Ph.D. Princeton 1889. Francis ElHson Reid George Livingstone Robinson, a.m., Ph.D., d.d Instructor Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria 1887-90; Princeton Sem- 282 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1887-88 inary 1890-93; Professor Old Testa- ment Literature and Exegesis Knox College, Toronto, Ont. 1896-98; Pro- fessor Old Testament Literature and Exegesis McCormick Seminary 1898—; A.M. Princeton 1890; Ph.D. Leipsic 1895; D.D. Grove City College, Pa. 1903. Clarence William Rouse, A.M. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1887-90; A.M. Princeton 1890. Henry Seymour Savage Alfred Hedges Scofield, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1889; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1891. George Beale Sloan, Jr Frank Hyatt Smith, a.m Union Seminary, N. Y. 1887-89; Princeton Seminary 1889-90; Professor English Literature Univ. IJuffalo 1905; A.M. Princeton 1890. Franklin Spencer Spalding, b.d., D.D Union Seminary 1888-91; General Sem- inary, N. Y. 1891-92; Bishop Salt Lake, Utah 1905 — ; B.D. General Sem- inary 1892; D.D. General Seminary 1906. William Marvin Spaulding, a.m. General Seminary, N. Y. 1887-90; A.M. Princeton 1907. Louis Stearns John Riddle Vance, a.m Degree conferred 1888; Princeton Sem- inary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1894. Isaac Lanning Van Schoick, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1890; M.D. New York Univ. iPgo. Lucien Waggener, Jr., a.m. . . Professor Modern Languages Simpson College, Indianola, la. 1895-99; Pro- fessor Modern Languages Central 1900-1904; A.M. Princeton 1890. Charles Hurlbut Whitaker. b.d. Princeton Seminary 1887-90; B.D. Un- ion Seminary, N. V. 1899. Francis Harding White, a.m . . Professor History and Political Science Kansas State Ajjricultural College 1888-97; Assistant in History Harvard 1897-98; Assistant in History Wellesley 1898-99; Instructor History I'omona College, Clarcniont, Cal., 1905 — . James Wilson Williams, a.m. 1887-90; a.m. Princeton Princeton Seminary 1890. Joseph White Williams, a.m., m.d. U. S. Examining Surgeon for Pen- sions; Assistant City Physician Pater- son, N. J.; A.M. Princeton 1890; M.D. Columbia 1890. Hallam Gregory Williamson . . * Port Master Albuquerque, New Mex- Robert Staunton Adams, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1891; M.D. Columbia 1891. Horace Anderson John White Ballantyne Frederick Griswold Beebe, a.m. Union Seminary 1888-91; A.M. Prince- ton 1892. Charles Newbold Black, e.e. . E.E. Princeton 1890. Edgar Sumner Bliss Pechin Collins Bliss, a.m., Ph.b. Laboratory Instructor Steam and Hy- draulics New York Univ. 1896-98; As- sociate Professor Mechanical Engineer- ing New York Univ. 1898-1900; Pro- fessor Mechanical Engineering New York Univ. 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1891; Ph.B. Columbia 1891. David Dandie Brough, m.d... Assistant Port Physician Boston, Mass. 1893-95; Port Physician Boston, Mass. 1895-96; Medical Officer Board of Health Boston 1896 — ; M.D. Harvard 1893- Henry Irick Budd, Jr., a.m., ll.b. *i903 a.m. Princeton 1891; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1892. Charles Perry Campbell Ernest Trow Carter, a.m.... Lecturer on Music Princeton 1899- 1900; A.M. Columbia 1889. Russell Carter James Robb Church, a.m., m.d. Assistant Arch.xologist U. S. Bureau Ethnolopy 189J; ist Lieutenant Assist- i888] BACHELORS OF ARTS 283 ant Surgeon ist U. S. ^'ol. Cavalry (Rough Riders) 1898; ist Lieutenant Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1898- 1903; Captain Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1903-08; Major Surgeon U. S. A. 1908 — ; Assistant Demonstrator Anat- omy George Washington; Congressional Medal of Honor 1906; A.M. Princeton 1892; M.D. George Washington 1893. Hector William Cowan Princeton Seminary^ 1888-91 ; Professor Physical Culture Kansas State Univ. 1894-98; Professor Physical Culture New York State Normal School, Pots- dam, N. Y. 1904-06. Winthrop More Daniels, a.m. Instructor Economics Wesleyan 1891- 92; Assistant Professor Political Econ- omy Princeton 1892-95; Professor Po- litical Economy Princeton 1895 — ; A.M. Princeton 1890. James Sequin de Benneville. . Hugh Trowbridge Dobbins, a.m. San Francisco Seminary 1888-90; Princeton Seminary 1890-92; A.M. Princeton 1890. Frederick Lindsley Drummond. *i904 Livingston Farrand, a.m., m.d. Instructor Psychology Columbia 1893- 1903; Professor Anthropology Columbia 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1891; M.D. Columbia 1891. John Fieldhouse Fenton, a.m., Ph.D., B.D General Seminary 1888-91; A.M. Co- lumbia 1890; Ph.D. Columbia 1891; B.D. General Seminary 1893. William Holmes Forsyth John Fraser, Jr *i889 Princeton Seminary 1888-89. William Fryling Union Seminary, N. Y. 1888-91. Kemper Fullerton, a.m Union Seminary, N. Y. 1888-91; In- structor Hebrew and Greek Gospels Lane Seminary 1893-1904; Professor Old Testament Literature and Exegesis Oberlin Seminary 1904 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1891. James Diverty Godfrey *i903 Robert Halstead Thomas Benton Hamilton. , . . James Hancock Osmond Howard Harvey. . . . Qiarles James Hatfield, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton Penna. 1900. M.D. Univ. Benjamin Van Doren Hedges, a.m., M.D Secretary Board of Health Plainfield, N. J. 1900-1906; President Board of Health Plainfield, N. J. 1906—; A.M. Princeton 1891; M.D. Columbia 1891. E. Hicks Herrick Samuel Colgate Hodge, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1888-91; A.M. Princeton 1891. William Ledyard Hodge, a.m., ll.b. *iS97 a.m. Princeton 1891; LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1890. Edwin Mortimer Hopkins, a.m., Ph.D Instructor English Univ. Kansas 1889- 92; Associate Professor English Univ. Kansas 1892-93; Professor Rhetoric and English Language Univ. Kansas 1 893-1 902; Head of Department Eng- lish Language Univ. Kansas 1902-03; Acting Director Department Journalism Univ. Kansas 1903-05; A.M. Princeton 1890; Ph.D. Princeton 1894. George Wallace Hutchinson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1892. William Mann Irvine, Ph.d. . . Reformed Church Seminary Lancaster, Pa. 18S9-92; Professor English, Logic and Political Economy Franklin & Mar- shall 1892-93; Professor Physical Cul- ture Franklin & Marshall 1892-93; President Mercersburg Academy 1893 — ; Ph.D. Princeton 1891. William Hallock Johnson, a.m., B.D., Ph.D L^nion Seminary, N. Y. 1891; Prince- ton Seminary 1894-97; Instructor New Testament Literature and Exegesis Danville Seminary 1897-1901; Pro- fessor Mental and Moral Science Cen- tral 1897-1901; Professor Greek and New Testament Literature Lincoln 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1897; B.D. Princeton Seminary 1898; Ph.D. Co- lumbia 1902. Charles Leonard Jones 284 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1888 Samuel Jerome King, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1891; LL.B. George Washington 1890. Robert Hutchinson Kirk, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1888-91; A.M. Princeton 1891. Frederick Jay Knox *i889 Charles Williston McAlpin, a.m. Secretary Princeton Princeton 1901 hon. 1901 — ; A.M. Thomas Nesbitt McCarter, Jr., a.m. Judge ist District Court Newark, N. J. 1896-1900; Member New Jersey Sen- ate 1900-1902; Attorney General New Jersey 1902-03; A.M. Princeton 1891. Charles Freeman Williams Mc- Clure, A.M., D.Sc Instructor Biology Princeton 1891-95; Assistant Professor Biology Princeton 1895-1901; Professor Comparative Anatomy Princeton 1901-05; Professor Zoology Princeton 1905 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1892; D.Sc. Columbia 1908 hon. Robert Winters MacGregor . . Porter Robert McMaster, a.m., m.d. Lecturer in Surgery Syracuse Univ. 1896-1903; A.M. Princeton 1891 ; M.D. Columbia 1892. George Whitfield MacMillan, m.d. M.D. College Physicians & Surgeons Baltimore, Md. 1893. John Armour McMillan Howard McWilliams, a.m .... A.M. Princeton 1895. Richard Wain Meirs Ulysses Mercur, a.m a.m. Princeton 1895. Andrew Harold Miller, a.m. .*i9oi Divinity School, Phila. 1888-91; A.M. Princeton 1891. Junius Spencer IMorgan, a.m. Associate Librarian Princeton 1897 — ; A.M. Princeton 1896. Archibald Robertson Osmer. . District Attorney Venanzo Co., Pa. 1895-1901. Thomas Marc Parrott, a.m., ph.d. Principal Preparatory Department Miami 1888-90; Assistant Professor English Princeton 1896-1902; Professor English Princeton 1902 — ; A.AL Prince- ton 1891; Ph.D. Leipsic 1893. James Hammond Pershing. . . Professor Medical Jurisprudence Univ. of Denver 1902 — ; Member ist Charter Convention Denver 1903; Director Col- orado State Bureau Child and Animal Protection 1905 — ; President Charity Organization Society Denver Co., Col. 1904—. Thomas McClure Peters, a.m., ph.d. A.M. Columbia 1889; Ph.D. Columbia 1890. Celsus Pomerene, a.m., ll.b. . LL.B. Cincinnati Law School; Common Pleas Judge, Ohio; A.M. Princeton 1891. Lister Pomerene, a.m., m.d. . . M.D. Kentucky School of Medicine 1891; A.M. Princeton 1891. Luther Edmunds Price, ll.b. LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1894. William Cozens Price Ralph Earl Prime, Jr., a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1890. Elliott Verna Richardson .... Served in U. S. Navy Spanish Ameri- can War 1898. Evans Tulane Richardson, a.m. A.M.. Princeton 1892. Jacob Riegel ■ Pedro Rioseco Princeton Seminary 1888-91. William Courtland Robinson, a.m., D.D Princeton Seminary 1888-91; A.M. Princeton 1891; D.D. Syracuse Univ. 1906. Walter Willard Ross, a.m Assistant Corporation Counsel City of Chicago; A.M. Princeton 1891. William Henry Runyon, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1890. George Elmer Scott, a.m. . . .*i< Princeton Seminary 1891-93; A.M. Princeton 1895. William Luther Sidler, a.m. . . Register Wills and Recorder Deeds Montour Co., Pa. 1891- ; A.M. Princeton 1891. 1888-89] BACHELORS OF ARTS ^85 Charles Alvin Smith, a.m *i9o8 McCormick Seminary i888-8g; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1889-91; A.M. Prince- ton 1891. Charles Sidney Smith, a.m., ph.d. Instructor Latin Princeton 1891-97; As- sistant Professor Latin and Greek George Washington 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1891; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1906. William Emery Studdiford, a.m., M.D. Adjunct Professor Gynecology Bellevue Medical 1906 — ; A.!\i. Princeton 1891; M.D. Bellevue Medical 1891. Arthur Pemberton Sturges . . . James Frederick Talcott, a.m. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1888-90, 1891- 92; a.m. Princeton 1891. John Benton Thomas, a.m. , . . A.M. Princeton 1891. Stephen Griffith Thomas, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1891; LL.B. Columbia 1892. Charles W. Van Dyke, m.d..*i89i M.D. Univ. of Penna. 1891. George Bergen Westcott Van Dyke, a.m Princeton Seminary 1889-92; A.M. Princeton 1892. Ellwood O. Wagenhorst, LL.B A.M. Princeton li \Vashington 1892. LL.B. George Frank Allan Waterman, ph.d. Professor Physics Purdue 1891-93; Instructor Physics Princeton 1893-97; Professor Physics Smith College, Mass. 1897—; Ph.D. Princeton 1896. William Wisner White, A.m . . Professor Logic & English Literature Howard Univ.; A.M. Princeton 1891. Charles Barnes Williams, a.m., Ph.d Princeton Seminary 1888-89, 1890-91; Allegheny Seminary 1889-90; A.M. Princeton 1891; Ph.D. Illinois Wes- leyan 1900 hon. Tennis Williamson *i904 Walter Augustus Wyckoff, A.M. *l9o8 Lecturer Sociology Princeton 1895-98; Assistant Professor Political Economy Princeton 1898-1908; A.M. Princeton Edward Yeomans. 1889 Maitland Alexander, a.m., d.d. McCormick Seminary 1889-90; Prince- ton Seminary 1890-92; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1896 — ; .•\.M. Princeton 1892; D.D. Lafayette 1S97. William Patterson Atkinson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1892. Thomas Leroy Aughinbaugh. Assistant Deputy Probate Judge; Dep- uty County Auditor; City Auditor, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Richmond Ogston Aulick, a.m., LL.B *i897 a.m. Princeton 1892; LL.B. Harvard 1894. Andrew Banks Corporal loth Penna. Vol. Infantry 1898. Alfred Hamilton Barr, a.m.. Allegheny Seminary 1892-93; Prince- ton Seminary 1894-96; A.M. Princeton 1892. Samuel McKean Bayard Eugene Walker Belknap, a.m., m.d. Associate Professor & Clinical Director Obstetrics Syracuse Univ. 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1894; M.D. Columbia 1892. David Bovaird, Jr., m.d Tutor in Medicine Columbia 1903 — ; M.D. Columbia 1892. John Milton Brooks, a.m .... Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1890- 92, 1894-1902; A.M. Princeton 1891. John Prentiss Browning, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1892. Arthur Audley Brownlee, a.m. Principal of Public Schools Bristol, Tenn. iSgo-91; Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1893. George Herbert Carter, m.d. . M.D. Columbia 1892. 286 BACHELORS OF ARTS [i88g William Sabin Chase, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1900; M.D. Univ. Michigan igoi. Isaac Parker Coale, ll.b. . . .*i9oi LL.B. New York Law School 1894. Henry Workman Conner, Jr. . James Denis Denegre, a.m., ll.b., LL.M a.m. Princeton 1892; LL.B. Univ. Minnesota 1891; LL.M. Univ. Minne- sota 1892. Henry Gumee Drummond. . .*i896 William Edward Diirell, e.e..*i892 E.E. Princeton 1891. John Seymour Emans, a.m., m.d. Instructor Medicine New York Post Graduate Medical School 1897 — ; A.M. Princeton 1892; M.D. Columbia 1892. Llewellyn Stover Fiilmer. . . . Princeton Seminary 1889-92. Sidney Dale Fiirst, a.m A.M. Princeton 1892. James Oliver Gayley, a.m...* 1894 A.AL Princeton 1892. William James George, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1892. Joshua Brush Gesner, m.d...*i897 M.D. Columbia 1893. George Elliott Gillespie Princeton Seminary 1889-92. Malbone Watson Graham, d.d. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; Professor Latin and Greek Language and Litera- ture Lenox College, la." 1889-91; Di- rector Colegio Americano Para \ arones, Bogota, Colombia, S. A. 1895-1904; D.D. Lenox College, la. 1906. John Charles Gray * General Theological Seminary, N. Y. 1889-gi; Archdeacon of Annapolis, Diocese of Md. 1897- . Norman Grey Alexander Reading Gulick, a.m., LL.B Secretary New York Law School 1893- 94; A.M. Princeton 1892; LL.B. New York Law School 1892. Albert Halstead U. S. Consul Birmingham, Eng. 1906 — . Edward Ringwood Hewitt, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1892. Stanley Camahan Hughes, a.m. McCormick Seminary 1891-92; Prince- ton Seminary 1892-94; A.M. Princeton 1892. James [Boyd] Hunter, a.m.. Union Seminary if ton 1802. -92; A.M. Prince- Frank Chalmers Huston Harry Clay Irons, a.m A.M. Princeton 1892. William Sherman Jenney, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1892. Frank Snowden Katzenbach, Jr. Alderman Trenton, N. J. 1898-1900; Mayor Trenton, N. J. 1901-07. Victor Kauffman, a.m A.M. Princeton 1892. William Howard King, a.m., m.d. Assistant Demonstrator Chemical Mi- croscopy Jefferson Medical; A.M. Princeton 1894; M.D. Jefferson Med- ical 1894. Furman L. Kneeland Graham Lee Hartford Seminary 1889-90; McCor- mick Seminary 1890-92. Robert Henry Life, a.m Princeton Seminary 1891-93, 1894-95; A.M. Princeton 1893. Alvin Carr McCord David Walter McCord George Grenville Merrill, a.m., b.d. General Seminary, N. Y. 1890-93; A.M. Princeton, 1892; B.D. General Seminary, 1893. William Laing Merrill Frederick Shepard Minott .... Clarence Blair Mitchell Lewis Seymour Mudge, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1890-92, 1894-95; Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1892- 94; Instructor Mathematics Evelyn Col- i88g] BACHELORS OF ARTS 287 lege, Princeton, N. J. 1890-94; Mem- ber Board of Education Presbyterian Church U. S. A. 1899-1901; A.M. Princeton 1891. Fred Neher, a.m. Chemist U. S. Fish Commission 1890- 91; Assistant in Chemistry Princeton 1891-92; Instructor Chemistry Prince- ton 1892-98; Fellow in Chemistry Univ. Chicago 1896-98; Assistant Professor Chemistry Princeton 1 898-1 903; Pro- fessor Chemistry Princeton 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1891. Henry Graves Noel William Miller Paxton, Jr... Clififord Chandler Pollison. . . John Williams Proudfit *i903 Edmund Francis Quinn Edwin Watson Rand, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1889-92; Assistant to Librarian Princeton Seminary 1902- 04; A.M. Princeton 1892. Edmund Yard Robbins, a.m. . Instructor Greek Princeton 1894-97; Assistant Professor Greek Princeton 1897-1902; Professor Greek Princeton 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1891. Philip Ashton Rollins, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1892. Thomas Henry Powers Sailer, Ph.D. Princeton Seminary 1890-93; Instruc tor Hebrew Univ. Penna. 1 895-1 902 Educational Secretary B. F. M. Pres byterian Church U. S. A. 1902 — Ph.D. Univ. Penna. 1895. William Hedges Scofield, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1892. Willard Blossom Segur, m.d . . M.D. Dartmouth 1892. Irenaeus Mayberry Shepherd, a.m., M.D Assistant Demonstrator Chemistry Univ. Penna. 1889-90; Medical Inspector Board of Health Trenton, N. J. 1893—; Examining Surgeon U. S. Pen- sion Bureau 1893 — ; A.M. Princeton 1892; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1892. William Walter Smith, a.m., m.d. General Seminary, N. Y. 1889-92; A.M. P inceton 1892; M.D. Columbia 1895. Robert Elliott Speer, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1890-91; Assistant in Religious Instruction Princeton 1890-92; Secretary Board Foreign Mis- sions Presbyterian Church U. S. A. 1891 — ; A.M. Yale 1901 hon. Gormly J. Sproull, a.m A.M. Princeton 1892. Thomas Sproull, a.m A.M. Princeton 1892. James Frederick Stebbins, a.m. *i893 A.m. Princeton 1892. Charles Wadham Stevens, a.m., M.D A.M. Princeton 1892; M.D. Columbia 1892. Duncan Warren Taylor John Alvin Terhune, a.m Princeton Seminary 1889-92; A.M. Princeton 1892. David Ripley Todd Princeton Seminary 1890-92. John Reynard Todd, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1892. Cornelius Doremus Van Wagenen, A.M., M.D Captain Assistant Surgeon 171st Regi- ment N. G. N. Y. 1898-99; Captain Assistant Surgeon 71st Regiment N. G. N. Y. 1899; ist Lieutenant Acting As- sistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1899; Clinical Assistant Department of Laryngology and Rhinology Columbia 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1892; M.D. Columbia 1893. Howard Crosby Warren, a.m. Instructor Logic Princeton 1890-93; Instructor Experimental Psychology Princeton 1893-96; Assistant Professor Experimental Psychology 1896-1902; Professor Experimental Psychology Princeton 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1891. Bertram Howard Waters, a.m., M.D Assistant Chief Division of Communi- cable Diseases Department of Health New York City; Chief of Tuberculosis Clinic Department of Health N. Y. City; A.M. Princeton 1892; M.D. Co- lumbia 1893. James Edwards Wyckofif . . . . 288 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1890 1890 Benjamin Haywood Adams. . Henry Martyn Alexander, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1893. Knowlton Lyman Ames Frank Seitz Anthony Alfred Stubbs Baker, a.m...*i896 A.M. Princeton 1893. James McClure Barnett Edgeworth Bird Baxter Judge of Recorder's Court, Augusta, Ga. 1893-96. George Greene Belt Charles Goodwin Bickham. . . Corporal 3d Ohio Vols. 1898; Captain 9th U. S. Vols. 1898-99; Captain 28th U. S. Vols. 1899-1900; ist Lieutenant U. S. A. 1900 — ; Congressional Medal of Honor 1902. George Hooper Bigelow *i903 Princeton Seminary 1890-93. John Warren Bird, ll.b LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Clinton Ledyard Blair Ernest Ludlow Bogart, a.m., ph.d. Acting Professor Economics and So- ciology Smith 1898; Assistant Professor Economics and Social Science Univ. Indiana 1898-1900; Professor Econ- omics and Sociology Oberlin 1900-1905; Preceptor History, Politics and Econ- omics Princeton 1905 — ; Secretary As- sociated Charities Oberlin, O. 1903-05; Member Executive Council National Economic League; A.ISL Princeton 1896; Ph.D. Halle 1897. John Irwin Bright, a.m A.M. Princeton 1895. Thomas Brown, Jr., m.s M.S. Princeton 1892. John Calvin Bucher, a.m Professor Syrian Protestant College, Beirut 1890-94; Principal Peekskill Academy, N. Y. 1903 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1895. Edward Phillips Burgess, a.m., LL.B A.M. Harvard 1893; LL.B. Harvard 1893. Campbell Sheldon Carothers, a.m., LL.B *I904 LL.B. New York Law School 1892; A.M. Princeton 1893. Dan Dillon Casement, a.m. . . . A.M. Columbia 1891. Tileston Fracker Chambers, a.m. Rochester Seminary Princeton 1893. 1891-94; A.M. Henry Judson Chapin, Jr. . . . James Jeffries Charlton, .■\.m.*i903 City Attorney Albany, Ore. 1903; A.M Princeton 1893. Albert Ward Cobb, a.m A.M. Princeton 1893. Addison Berg Collins, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1890-93; A.M. Princeton 1893; D.D. Mt. Hope Col lege, 0. 1900. Arthur James Collins, ll.b. . . LL.B. New York Law School 1898. William Shubael Conant, e.e. E.E. Princeton 1892. John Paul Conduit, e.e E.E. Princeton 1892. George Bishop Covington, a.m., LL.B Professor Mathematics ^lacalester Col- lege, St. Paul, Minn. 1890-91; A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Henry Kreider Denlinger, a.m., D.D Instructor Gymnastics Univ. Tennessee 1891-92; Princeton Seminary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1893; D.D. Blackburn Univ. 1900. Walter Charles Dohm *i894 Warren Benyew Dunham, a.m. Princeton Seminary iS Princeton 1900. -92; A.M. David Linn Edsall, a.m., m.d. Assistant Professor Medicine L^niv. Penna. 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1893; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1893. William Bradford Ewing, ll.b. LL.B. New York Law School 1892. i8go] BACHELORS OF ARTS 289 James Edward Farnum, Member ist Troop Phila. City Cav- alry, U. S. Vols. 189S; Captain in Quartermaster's Dept. James McCiillough Farr, Jr., a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1893. William Sanderson Furst. a.m., LL.B a.m. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1893. George McFarlane Gait Herbert Mortimer Gesner, A.^r., LL.B. Auburn Seminary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. New York Law School 1892. William Dwight Gibby, a.m . . Assessor Ta.xes Princeton, N. J. 1890- 91; Assessor Taxes Summit, N. J. 1 899-1902; Member Board of Health Summit, N. J. 1901-04; A.M. Princeton 1892. Malcolm Graham, Jr Craig Reasoner Guerin Alexander Smith Guffey, a.m. Professor Latin &• Greek Penna. Nor- mal School, Indiana, Pa. 1890-92; A.M. Princeton 1893. John Ezra Hanon Principal Morrisonville, 111. Public Schools 1891-93. Harry Walter Haring, a.m., d.d. Princeton Seminary 1890-93; A.M. Princeton 1893; D.D. Richmond Col- lege, O. 1900. Karle Wallace Hathaway, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-93; A.M. Princeton 1893. George Edward Hersh, Jr., m.d. M.D. Jefferson Medical 1894. Walter Briggs Hill, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Cincitinati Law School 1892. Jacob Benner Hillegass, a.m. .*i905 A.M. Princeton 1893. Jesse Watson Hirst, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1895; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1893. Charles Hodge, a.m.. e.e. . . . A.M. Princeton 1893; E.E. Princeton 1892. Richard Irvin, Jr Charles Huntington Jackson, a.m., LL.B. A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Columbia 1893. Hugh Hartshorne Janeway . . . Alfred Thompson Kelly, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1893. Joseph Reynolds Kerr, Jr., a.m.. LL.B. = 1897 A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Winfield Smith Kimball David Chambers Lewis Joseph William Lewis, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Washing- ton Univ., St. Louis 1893. Albert Elmer Linder, a.m. . . . A.M. Princeton 1893. Louis Eugene Livingood, m.d.*i898 Instructor French and German Prince- ton 1890-92; M.D. LIniv. Penna. 1895. Franklyn Hallett Lovell, Jr. . Walter Lowrie, a.m Princeton Seminary 1890-93; Fellow American School of Classical Studies Rome 1896; A.M. Princeton 1893. Frank Lukens, a.m Princeton Seminary Princeton 1893. 1891-94; A.M. William Harvey Lytle Henry Alexander McConkey, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1894. Robert Thompson Miller Mc- Cready, ll.b LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Mark Lindsay McDonald, Jr. Andrew Hartupee McKee . . . Malcolm MacLaren, a.m., e.e. A.M. Princeton 1893; E.E. Princeton 290 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1890 James Mathers, ll.c LL.B. Cincinnati Law School 1893. Huntington Wolcott Merchant, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Univ. Minnesota 1893. Dunlop Moore, m.d Passed Assistant Surgeon U. S. Marine Hospital Service; M.D. Univ. of Penna. 1893. Vanderveer V^an Arsdale Nicholas. Princeton Seminary 1890-93. Edwin Nicodenuis Newton Fassett Osmer Francis Palmer, .v.m Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1893. Howard Winters Perrin William Lee Phelps Delavan Leonard Pierson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1893. Eugene Blackburn Price William Cowper Prime, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1892. John H. Race, a.m., d.d President Grant Univ., Chattanooga, Tenn. i8g8 — ; A.M. Princeton 1893; D.D. Syracuse 1899. Edmund Grindal Rawson, Jr., a.m. Auburn Seminary" 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1893. Albert Reid, a.m Princeton Seminary 1890-93; .\.M. Princeton 1894. Edwin Withers Schultz James Madison Sharon * District Attorney Perry Co., Penna. George Louis Shearer, a.m.. ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1892; LL.B. Regents of State of N. Y. 1895. Spencer Howell Shepard Robert Porter Shick, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. Harvard 1895- Reginald Kearney Shober, a..\l, LL.B Private ist Troop Phila. City Cavalrv, U. S. Vols. 1898; A.M. Princeton 1893; L.L.B. Univ. Penna. 1893. Arthur Melville Shrady. A.^^, m.d. Instructor Physical Diagnosis Colum- bia; A.M. Princeton 1893; M.D. Co- lumbia 1893. Lowry Witherspoon Sibbet. .*i897 Princeton Seminary 1890-93; A.M. Princeton 1893. Louis Dean Speir, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. New York Law School 1894. Charles George Sproull, a.m., m.d. a.m. Princeton 1893; M.D. New York Univ. 1893. Morris Crater Sutphen, a.m., Ph.d. *i9oi Instructor Latin Williams 1897-98; Assistant Professor Latin Johns Hop- kins 1899-1901; A.M. Princeton 1893; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1899. Joseph Holden Sutton, a.^l, ll.b. *I902 A.M. Princeton 1893; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Joseph Notley Thomas, e.e. , E.E. Princeton 1892. Robert Townsend Townsend. Judah Spencer Van Cleve .... James Ditmars Voorhees, a.m., m.d. Instructor Obstetrics Columbia 1897- 1903; Lecturer Obstetrics Columbia 1903 — ; A.M. Princeton 1893; M.D. Columbia 1893. Frederick Morton Wall, m.d.*i896 M.D. New York Homeopathic Medical 1893. Frederick John Watson, m.d. , M.D. Rush Medical 1893. Grant Weidman, Jr George Silas West, a.m., m.d.*i9o8 A.M. Princeton 1893; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1897. Clarke Benedict Williams, a.m. Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1890- 92; Professor ^Mathematics kalamazoo iSgo-gi] BACHELORS OP ARTS 291 College, Mich. 1894 — ; A.M. I'rinceton 1895. Charles Albert Wood.s, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1893. Howard Edwin \\'riglit, a.m.. M.n. A.M. Princeton 1803; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1893. Tohn Morris Yeakle 1891 John Frank Adams Assistant City .Attorney Denver, Col.; Member Colorado Assembly 1 899-1 900; Member Colorado Senate 1 900-1 904; Civil Service Commission City and County Denver 1904 — . Louis Bartholomew Adams, ll.b. LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Cornelius Rea Agnew, a.m., e.e. A.M. Princeton 1895; E.E. Princeton 1893- George Bliss Agnew Member New York Assembly 1903-06; Member New York Senate 1907-08. Wilson Aull, A.-M McCormick Seminary 1891-93; A.M. Princeton 1907. Samuel Harbourne Baldwin, m.d. Captain Assistant Surgeon ist New Jer- sey Regiment U. S. Vols. 1898; M.D. Columbia 1894. Maitland Vance Bartlett, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1892. George Orris Bechtel George Jefifery Bergen, a.m . . Referee in Bankruptcy Camden Co., N. J. 1898—; A.M. Princeton 1894. Jeremiah Sullivan Black Degree conferred 1893. William Bayard Blackwell, A.M., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1894; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Asahel Pettitt Hoshour Bloomer. *i895 Paul Russell Bonner Curtis Orris Bosserman, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.^L Princeton 1894. Willard Hall Bradford Nathan Thomas Brown, a.m., b.d., Ph.D., d.d Princeton Seminary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1894; B.D. Princeton Sem- inary 1906; Ph.D. Richmond College, O. 1897; D.D. Richmond College, O. 1 90 1. William Christy Bryan, ll.b. LL.B. Washington Univ., St. Louis 1894. Charles Renwick Campbell. . .*i89i Paul Van Ettan Gary, ll.b . . . Referee in Bankruptcy Eastern District Wisconsin 1898 — ; LL.B. Northwestern 1893. William Winfield Casselberry, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1894. Lowrie Childs Theodore Winthrop Church . . Ernest Bonner Cooper Member Board of Education Shelby, Tenn.; Member Board of Election Commissioners Bedford Co., Tenn. Louis Burton Crane, a.m.... Princeton Seminary 1891-94; Assistant in Biblical Instruction Princeton 1S94- 05, 1897-99; Professor New Testament Literature and Interpretation Chicago Seminary 1902-05; A.M. Princeton 1894. Charles Carroll Dana William Leek Davison, d.d. . D.D. Scio College, O. 1905. William Russell Deemer, a.m. a.m. Princeton 1894. Claire H. Denman, a.^l, m.d. Physician to His Siamese Majesty's Government at Muang Nan, Siam 1905- 06; A.M. Princeton 1894; ALD. Hahne- mann Medical 1894. Alfred Pearce Dennis, a.m., Ph.d. Instructor History Evelyn College, Princeton 1891-93; Instructor History Princeton 1893-94; Professor History Wesleyan 1894-95; Professor History Smith College 1898-1907; A.M. Prince- ton 1893; Ph.D. Princeton 1894. 292 BACHELORS OF ARTS [iSfii George Dugan, a.m Princeton Seminary 1893-96; A.M. Princeton 1896. James Henry Dunham, a.m . . McCormick Seminary 1891-92; Prince- ton Seminary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1894. Henry Lippe Durell Alderman Harriman, Tenn. Samuel Russell Dye *i905 Elwood Waite Elder, a.m .... Instructor Mathematics and Physics Williams 1892-93; A.M. Princeton 1894. Edward Waterman Evans, Jr., A.M., Ph.D *I907 A.M. Princeton 1892; Ph.D. Prince- ton. William Littell Everitt, a.m. .* 1905 Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1894. Ernest Carson Gibney, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1899; M.D. Columbia 1895- Richard Francis Goldsborough. Royal Sweetser Goldsbury. . . McCormick Seminary 1892-94; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1895-96. Clarence McCheyne Gordon, a.m., Ph.D Assistant in Physics Williams 1893-94; Instructor Physics and Mathematics Williams 1894-95; Instructor Physical Chemistry Harvard 1897-98; Professor Physics and Chemistry Central (Cen- tre) 1898-1900; Professor Physics Cen- tral 1900 — ; A.M. Princeton 1893; Ph.D. Gottingen 1897. Henry Woodhull Green, a.m., ll.b. Trustee Princeton 1898 — ; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1905 — ; President Board of Trustees Laurenceville School, N. J. 1898 — ; AM. Princeton 1894; LL.B. New York Law School 1894. Benjamin Franklin Hammond. Auburn Seminary 1891-94. Joseph Webb Harper *i903 School Commissioner Kent Co., Md. William Post Herrick, a.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton 1895; M.D. Columbia 1898. Erskine Hewitt, a.m., ll.b... Secretary U. S. Special Embassy Great Britain Queen Victoria's Jubilee 1897; Captain and Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral U. S. Vols. 1898; A.M. Princeton 1894; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. John Hone HI, ll.b LL.B. Yale 1893- John Preston Hoskins, Ph.d. . Instructor German Princeton 1895-98; Assistant Professor German Princeton 1898—; Ph.D. Berlin 1895. Charles Fish Howell Charles IMarion Jamison, a.m. Private loth Penna. U. S. Vols. 1898- 99; A.M. Princeton 1895. David Stuart Dodge Jessup, a.m., M.D Assistant in Normal Histology Colum- bia 1898-1900; Assistant in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Assistant in Surgery Columbia 1900 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1894; M.D. Columbia 1894. Benjamin Franklin Jones, Jr. Pringle Carlisle Jones Albert Edwin Keigwin, a.m., d.d. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1891-93; A.M. Princeton 1894; D.D. Lafayette 1906. Wistar Maurice Kelly, ll.b. .* 1908 LL.B. George Washington 1893. Phineas Barl^er Kennedy, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1894. David Smith Lansden John Caruthers Leach, a.m . . Instructor Greek Princeton 1892-93; A.M. Princeton 1894. Edwin Augustus Stevens Lewis, *i9o6 A.M. LL.B. Attorney to Board of Health, Hoboken, N. J. 1897-1901; Referee in Bankruptcy for Hudson Co., N. J. 1898-1906; A.\I. Princeton 1894; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Francis Ernest Lloyd, a.m . , . Instructor Biology Williams 1891-92; Professor Biology Pacific Univ., Ore- gon 1892-97; .Adjunct Professor Biol- ogy Teachers' College, Columbia 1897- 1906; Member Staff Desert Botanical Laboratory, Carnegie Institute 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1895. iSgi] BACHELORS OF ARTS 293 Richard Bouff Lyon Glenn Ford McKinney, a.m., i.l.b. A.M. Princeton 1894; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. George Stewart McLean Thomas Ferguson McNair. . .*i9oi Hugh Washington McNinch, d.d. Princeton Seminary 1891-92; Omaha Seminary 1892-94; D.D. Leno.x 1906. John Fleming Main Professor Law Univ. State of Washing- ton. James Alexander Matheson, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1894. John Edward Maxwell, a.m. . a.m. Princeton 1894. James Cowden Meyers, a.m., ll.b. Alderman New York City 1902-03, 1904-05, 1906-07; Special Agent U. S. Department Interior investigating reser- vations Seneca Indians 1905; Secretary New York Charter Commission igoS; A.M. Princeton 1S94; LL.B. New York Law School 1893. Homer Ramsdell Miller, a.m. Superintendent Public Schools Elk Point, S. D. 1894-97; Superintendent Public -Schools Dallas Centre, la. 1897- 1900; Superintendent Public Schools Guthrie Centre, la. 1900-1901; Pro- fessor Latin Des Moines College, la. 1901 — ; A.M. Princeton 1894. Mushegh Minas Minassian, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-92, 1893-94; A.M. Princeton 1894. Franklin Thomas Moore, a.m., m.d. Instructor English & Mathematics Sy- rian Protestant Coltefre, Beirut 1891- 04: Professor Obstetrics and Gynecol- ogy Syrian Protestant College 1897 — ; .Secretary of General Faculty Syrian Protestant College 1902 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1895; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1897. John Cameron Motter, a.m. . . A.M. Princeton 1894. Archibald Gordon Murray, a.m., LL.B U. S. Delegate to Maritime Congress Hamburg 1902; A.M. Princeton 1897; LL.B. Univ. Louisville 1898. nenjamin Markley Nyce. . . . McCormick Seminary 1891-94; Presi- dent Talladega College, Ala. 1904 — . Samuel Grant OHphant, a.m., Ph.d. Professor Greek Language & Literature Parsons College, Iowa 1S91-95; Pro- fessor Latin Language & Literature Washington & Jefferson 1899-1902; Fel- low in Sanskrit and Comparative Phi- lology Johns Hopkins 1904-05; Assist- ant in Sanskrit Johns Hopkins 1904- 06; Professor Greek Olivet College, Alich. 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1894; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1906. Otto Alvin Ormond, e.e E.E. Princeton 1894. Franklyn Paddock *i9o.:. Henry Page, Jr., a.m., m.d. . . ist Lieutenant Assistant Surgeon \J. S. A. 1 897-1 902; Captain Assistant Sur- geon IJ. S. A. 1902 — ; A.M. Prince- ton 1894; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1894. George Jacobs Parker, ll.b. . LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1893. William McCready Parker... George Stevenson Patton, a.m. Degree conferred 1892; Princeton Sem- inary 1892-95; Assistant Professor Moral Philosophy and Biblical Instruc- tion Princeton 1895-1902; Professor Moral Philosophy Princeton 1902 — ; A.M. Princeton 1894. Harmar Denny Paxton, M.S. .^iSg^ M.S. Princeton 1893. Francis Hervey Payne Nelson Lane Petty, a.m A.M. Princeton 1S94. Edgar Allan Poe, ll.b Deputy State's Attorney Baltimore, Md. 1900-1903; State's Attorney Baltimore, Md. 1903; Deputy City Solicitor Bal- timore, Md. 1903 — ; Professor Univ. Maryland School of Law 1901 — ; LL.B Univ. Maryland 1893. Daniel Warren Poor, Jr., m.d. M.D. Columbia 1894. Benedict Lincoln Prieth, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1896. Frank Webster Propst *i893 Charles Elbert Rhodes, a.m.. .Auburn Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1896. William Richards Ridington, a.m. Boston Univ. School of Theology 1891- 94; A.M. Princeton 1894. 294 BACHELORS OF ARTS [1891-93 Michael Francis Riley Robert Swan Robertson Harry Porter Robinson Joseph Haswell Robinson. . . . Union Seminary, N. Y. 1891-94. Thomas Hastings Robinson, Jr. *i907 Joseph Stockton Roddy, a.m., ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; Professor Political Economy and International Law Dexter Normal College, la. 1894- 96; A.M. Princeton 1894; Ph.D. Prov- idence Univ., O. 1907 hon. Samuel Semple, a.m McCormick Seminary 1891-94; Princeton 1897 . A.M. John Cutler Shedd, M.S., ph.d. Professor Physics Marietta Colle^fe, Ohio 1893-97; Fellow in Physics Univ. Wisconsin 1897-99; Instructor Physics Univ. Wisconsin 1 899-1 900; Professor Physics Colorado College 1900 — ; M.S. Cornell 1892; Ph.D. Univ. Wisconsin 1899. George Howell Shields, Jr.. a.m., LL.B., ll.m Corporal Missouri Light Horse Artillery U. S. \'ols. 1898; 2d Lieutenant i2tl: Infantry U. S. A. 1898-09; ist Lieu tenant 12th Infantry 1899-1905; Cap tain 3d Infantry U. S. A. 1905; .\.M Princeton 1894; LL.B. George Wash ington 1893; LL.M. George Washington 1893. Charles Arthur Sidler, a.m., ll.b. .\.M. Princeton 1894; LL.B. Univ. of Penna. 1894. William Cornman Spicer. . . . Auburn Seminary 1893-96. Arthur Willing Spruancc. . . . U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy 1898 — . George Herbert Stephens, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-92; Instructor Ethics and Logic Lafayette 1893 -9.^; Associate Professor Ethics and Logic Lafayette 1894-97; A.M. Princeton 1892. James Weaver Sterry Charles Smith Stevens Princeton Seminary 1891-94. Robert Stuart Stewart, e.e. . . E.E. Princeton 1894. Robert Boorman Strong, a.m., e.e. =1904 A.M. Princeton 1894; E.E. Princeton 1894. John Worthington \^alliant . . . Ambrose White Vernon Union Seminary, N. Y. 1891-94; Pro- fessor Biblical Literature Dartmouth 1905-07; Professor Homiletics Yale Divinity School 1907 — . Harwood Vernon, m.d M.D. Univ. Vermont 1895. George Riddle Wallace, a.m. . A.M. Princeton 1894. Robert Benson Wallace James Hitchcock Wardwell. . Samuel Cowan Wasson. a.m. Princeton Seminary 1891-94; A.M. Princeton 1894. James Gillespy Carson Webster. Xenia Seminary, O. 1892-95. George Post Wheeler, Lttt.d. . 2d Secretary V . S. Embassy Tokyo, Japan 1906 — ; Litt.D. Princeton 1893. Charles Dunning White Union Seminary. X. Y. 1892-93; Sec- retary U. S. Legation Buenos .\yres, Argentine Republic 1904 — . William Silas Whitehead.... 2d Lieut., 3d U. S. \'ol. Engineers Alan Dickson Wilson. . . , Lawrence Crane Woods, Alfred Beaver Yeoman s. 1892 Lucien Abrams James Purviance Atkinson, m.s. .Assistant in Chemistry Princeton 1892- 06; Chemist Department of Health New York City 1897 — ; M.S. Princeton 1896. Frederick Randoli)h Bailey, a.m., M.D .\ssistant in Normal Histology Colum- bia 1895-1900; Tutor Nervous System Columbia 1900- ; .-\djunct Professor Histology and Embryology Columbia; 1892] BACHELORS OF ARTS 295 A.M. Princeton 1895; M.D. Columbia 1895. Thomas Barclay Private loth Penna. Infantry U. S. \'ols. 1898; Corporal lotli Penna. In- fantry U. S. X'ols. 1898-99. Thomas Bell Imlay Benet, m.d Assistant in Biology Long Island Med- ical Schotrl; M.I). Long Island Med- ical School 1895. Robinson Potter Dunn Bennett, A.M Princeton Seminary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1895. i\Iartin Voorhees Bergen, Jr., a.m. A.M. Princeton 1895. John William Rufus Besson, a.m., LL.B Member New Jersey Assembly 1003- 05; .\.M. Princeton" 1895; LL.B. New York Law School 1894. I.eonidas Huston Besson, a.m., LL.B A.M. Princeton 1895; LL.B. New York Law School 1894. F'rederick Gregory Betts, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1895. George Whitefield Betts, Jr., a.m.. LL.B U. S. Delegate to International Marine Congress Hamburg, Germany 1902; A.M. Princeton 1895; LL.B. New York Law School 1905. William Edward Biederwolf. a.m. Princeton Seminary 1892-95; Chaplain i6ist Indiana Infantry U. S. Vols. 1898; A.M. Princeton 1895. Cassius Edwin Bixler. a.m.. Chicago Seminary 1892-03; Princeton Seminary 1893-95; A.M. Princeton 1895. William Little Bradley. .\.m., m.d. A.M. Princeton i8gs; M.D. Columbia 1895. John Mencfee Brennan, a.m., ll.b. A.M. Princeton 1901 ; LL.B. New York Law School 1894. James Chester Brewster Frederick Christian Bucher, m.d. *i9o6 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1895. George William Burleigh, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1895. Courtlandt Patterson Butler, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1892-95; A.M. Princeton 1895. Howard Crosby Butler, a.m.. Lecturer on Architecture Princeton ■895-97, 1901-05; Professor Art and Archa!ology Princeton 1905 — ; A.M. Princeton 1893. Duncan Campbell, m.d M.D. Hahnemann Medical 1895. Alexander Mitchell Candee. . Herbert Swift Carter, a.m., m.d. Instructor Pathology Cornell 1899- 1900; A.M. Princeton 1895; M.D. Co- lumbia 1895. Marshall Andrews Christy, a.m. A.M. Princeton 1895. Alonzo Church, a.m Supreme Court Commissioner 1902 — ; Special Master in Chancery 1904 — ; A.M. Princeton 1895. Elmer Baldwin Cole, a.m. . . .*i895 A.M. Princeton 1895. Varnum Lansing Collins, a.m. Professor Classics Moores Hill College, Ind. 1892-93; Reference Librarian Princeton 1896-1906; Preceptor Modern Languages Princeton 1906 — ; A.M. Princeton 1895. Leon Martin Conwell Member Mass. School Board Somerville, Elmer Jacob Cook, ll.b LL.B. Univ. Maryland 1896. Pierre Frederick Cook, a.m.. A.M. Princeton 1895. Richard Coulter, Jr., a.m. . . . 2d Lieutenant loth Penna. Infantry U. S. X'ols. 1898-99; A.M. Princeton 1895. Harry Franklin Covington, .^.M. .\ssistant in Oratory Princeton 1893- 1)8; Assistant Profes";or Oratory Prince- ton i898-;i904; .-\.anklin Carter, km. A.B. Princeton 1894. Franklin Carver Everitt, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1893-96; A.B. Em- poria College, Kansas 1893; A.M. Em- poria 1896 hon. 38o DOCTORS AND MASTERS [1895-96 John Morris Gillette, a.m, Princeton Seminary 1894-95; Professor Sociology Bible Normal College 1898- 99; Professor History and Sociology State Normal School, North Dakota; Professor Sociology Univ. North Da- kota; A.B. Park College, Missouri 1892; A.M. Park 1895; Ph.D. Chicago Seminary 1898, also Univ. Chicago 1901. Humphrey Gilbert Gratz, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1893; A.B. Dal- housie College, Nova Scotia 1892. Wilton Tyler Hudson, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1892-95; A.B. Fur- man Univ., South Carolina 1891. Silas Everett Hurin, a.m A.B. Princeton 1882. William McDougald Jack, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1892-95; A.B. La- fayette 1892; A.M. and Ph.D. Leipsic 1900; B.D. Princeton Seminary 1907. Henry Ezekiel Jackson, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1893-95; A.B. La- fayette 1893. Archibald Balloch Jamison, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1893-96; A.B. New Windsor College, Maryland 1893. John William Lester Jones, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Harry Bell King, a.m Princeton Seminary 1891; A.B. Wash- ington and Jefferson 1891. Ralph Henry Kunstadter, m.s. A.B. Yale 1894. Hugh Scott McMullan, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1893-95; A.B. Queens College, Ontario 1892. Charles Alexander Robinson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Irwin William Langston Round- tree, A.M Princeton Seminary 1892; A.B. Lin- coln Univ., Penna. 1886. Frank Forrester Thompson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Clement Edwin Babb Ward, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1893; A.B. Em- poria College, Kansas 1892; A.M. Em- poria 1895. Robert Watson, a.m Princeton Seminary 1893-96; Instruc- tor Pastoral Theology Lane Seminary igo6 — ; A.B. Univ. New Brunswick 1893; Ph.D. Gale 1900; D.D. Cedar- ville College 1906. Clarence Russell Williams, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1893; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1892. Richard Henry Willis, a.m . . . A.B. Univ. Arkansas. 1896 George Irving Adams, d.Sc. . . A.B. Univ. Kansas 1894. William Park Armstrong, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. James Purviance Atkinson, m.s. A.B. Princeton 1892. William Osborn Baker, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1893. Henry Coleman Baskerville, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1895-98; A.B. L^niv. Georgia 1867; Ph.D. Wooster 1903. Ernest Ludlow Bogart, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1890. James Daniel Cameron, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1893. Howard Doty Carpenter, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1895. Jesse Benedict Carter, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1893. James Alexander Clarke, a.m. A.B. Lafayette 1886. Leonard Col}!!, a.m Princeton Seminary 1893-96; A.B. Grand Rapids Univ., Michigan 1893. Ulric Dahlgren, m.s A.B. Princeton 1894. Parke Plill Davis, a.m A.B. Princeton 1.893. Alvan Davison, Ph.d Demonstrator Biology Princeton 1894- 95; Instructor Vertebrate Anatomy Lafayette 1894-95; Associate Professor Biology Lafayette 1895-97; Professor Biology Lafayette 1898 — ; A.M. Na- tional College, Ohio. 1896] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 381 Samuel Dickey, a.m A.B. Princeton 1894. Jay Falconer Ewing, a.m A.B. Princeton 1893. Marcus Stults Farr, d.Sc A.B. Princeton 1892. Max Farrand, Fh.d A.B. Princeton 1892. William Foster, Jr., a.m Assistant in Chemistry & Mineralogry Princeton 1896-98; Instructor Analyt- ical Chemistry Princeton 1900-01; In- structor General Chemistry Princeton 1901-05; Assistant Professor Chemistry Princeton 1905 — ; A.B. Hartford Col- lege, Ky. 1892; Ph.D. Princeton 1899. Cleveland Frame, a.m A.B. Princeton 1894. Alexander Frazer, a.m A.B. Emporia College, Kansas 1894. George Fulton, a.m Princeton Seminary 1894-1897; B.D. Harper Normal School; A.B. Central 1893- Robert Reed Gailey, a.m Princeton Seminary 1894-96; A.B. La- fayette 1893; A.M. also Lafayette 1896. David vSutherland Hibbard, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1893-96; Principal Silliman Institute 1901 — ; A.B. Em- poria College, Kansas 1893; Ph.D. Hanover College, Indiana 1904. William Charles Hogg, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1894-96; A.B. Magee College, Ireland 1894. Joseph Hunter, a.m Princeton Seminary 1894-97; A.B. Royal Univ., Ireland 1894. Paul Griswold Huston, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1895. Robert Bonner Jack, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1894. Henry Ezekiel Jackson, a.m. . A.B. Lafayette 1893; A.M. also Lafay- ette 1896. Ernest Farwell Keigwin, a.m.* 1897 A.B. Princeton 1894. Clifford McBride, a.m A.B. Princeton 1894. John Archibald McKee, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1894-97; A.B. Wabash 1 894. Charles Anderson Mitchell, a.m. Instructor Greek Bellevue College, Ne- braska 1893-94; Professor Greek Belle- vue 1896-97; Professor Greek and Phi- losophy Bellevue 1898-02; Dean Belle- vue 1901-02; Professor New Testament Literature and Exegesis Omaha Sem- inary 1902 — ; A.B. Bellevue 1892; A.M. Bellevue 1895; B.D. Princeton Seminary 1902; Ph.D. Bellevue 1902; D.D. Bellevue 1906. William Sands Morley, a.m.. Professor Mathematics Emporia Col- lege, Kansas 1896-1900; Professor Mathematics Univ. Idaho 1902 — ; A.B. Emporia 189^; A.M. also Emporia 1896; D.Sc. Emporia 1902. Charles Frederick Morrison, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Harry Newland Mount, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1894-97; A.B. Wa- bash 1894. Isaac Stanley Mulholland, a.m.* Princeton Seminary 1894-96; A.B. La- fayette 1894. John Washington Nicely, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1893. Frederick Clark Paulmier, m.s.*i9o6 B.S. Princeton 1894. Jacob Poppen, ph.d Princeton Seminary 1891-93; A.B. Kalamazoo Univ., Michigan 1882. Dwight Elwood Potter, a.m.. A.B. Univ. Kansas 1892. Samuel Dobbins Price, a.m . . . Trustee West Jersey Academy 1907 — ; A.B. New York Univ. 1893. George Madison Priest, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1894. Legh Wilbur Reid, m.s Instructor Mathematics Princeton 1893- 97, 1899-1900; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1893. Herbert Fowler Sill, m.s B.S. Princeton 1894. Francis Speir, Jr., a.m A.B. Princeton 1877. 382 DOCTORS AND MASTERS [1896-97 Alfred Frederick Waldo, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1894-97; Professor English Bible, Wilson College, Penna. 1905 — ; A.B. Lake Forest 1894. Frank Allan Waterman, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1888. John W. Featherer Wilkinson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1893. Louis Clayton Woodruff, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1895. 1897 Edward Hodge Bishop, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1896. George Washington Bryant, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1894-97; Professor Latin Coe College, la. 1899—; A.B. Coe 1894. Ray Harrison Carter, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1895. Harvey Steele Christian, a.m..* Princeton Seminary 1894 — ; A.B. Em- poria College, Kansas 1894. Charles Beach Condit, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1895. John Walker Coontz, a.m... A.B. Scarritt, Mo. 1895. John Forsyth Crawford, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1895. Oliver Crawford, a.m Princeton Seminary 1894-97; A.B. Royal Univ., Ireland 1896. Frank Linley Critchlow, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Alfred Abel DooHttle, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1896. Harry Schwartz Ecker, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1894-97; A.B. New Windsor College, Maryland 1894. Theodore Allen Elmer, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1894-97; Professor Jaffna College, Ceylon, 1897-1902; Professor Theology Lafayette 1903-05; Instructor Anatolia College, Marsovan, Turkey 1905 — ; A.B. Lafayette 1894. Wallace Somerville Faris, a.m. ♦ 1907 A«B. Leland Stanford 1893. Charles Ernest Gabler, a.m. . . A.B. Indiana Univ. Herbert Zabriskie Kip, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1894. Robert Lincoln Litch, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1896. William Hoge McCartney, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Howard McClenahan, m.s. . . . E.E. Princeton 1895. Robert McNutt McElroy, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Alexander McGaffin, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1894. John Lewin McLeish, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1894. James McCormick Mitchell, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Samuel Williams Moore, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1894-97; A.B. Dav- idson College, North Carolina 1893. Edwin Mark Norris, a.m A.B. Princeton 1895. Stanley Chester Reese, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1896. Louis Irving Reichner, a.m. . . A.B. Princeton 1894. Samuel Christian Kanaga Rutnam, a.m Princeton Seminary 1895-97; A.B. Madras Univ. 1893. George Rosengarten Sinnickson, m.s C.E. Princeton 1896. Archie Hall Throckmorton, a.m. A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1896. John Moore Trout, a.m A.B. Princeton 1896. George Harvey Trull, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1894-97; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1894. John Van de Erve. a.m Princeton Seminary 1895 — ". Professor Mathematics Coe College, Iowa; A.B. Hope College, Michigan 1895; A.M. Hope 1898. 1897-98] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 383 George Handy Wailes, a.m. . . A.B. Princeton 1894. George Weems Williams, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. 1898 Fred Earl Andrews, a.m A.B. Rochester Univ., New York 1893. Edward William Axson, a.m..* 1905 A.B. Princeton 1897. Edward John Baird, a.m A.B. Central 1894. Edward Berger, a.m Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. Dickinson 1896. Charles Henry Hardin Branch, A.M Princeton Seminary 1895-98; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1895. Henry Clay Briggs, a.m A.B. Princeton 1896. Edward Henry Bronson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Frederick Walworth Brown, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1897. Royall Eubank Cabell, a.m. . . A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1897. WilHam Irwin Campbell, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1895-98; A.B. New Windsor College, Maryland 1896. Charles Lucius Candee, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1895. Charles Edward Combrink, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. Wa- bash 1896; A.M. Wabash 1899. Harold Sidney Davidson, a.m. Manitoba Seminary 1894-95; Halifax Seminary 1895-96; Princeton Seminary 1896-98; Lecturer Semitic Languages Columbia 1907 — ; A.B. Acadia College, Canada 1894; Ph.D. Leipsic 1906. Daniel Weaver Dexter, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1895. Jay Carroll Everett, a.m Princeton Seminary 1895-98; A.B. Em- poria College, Kansas 1894. David Elliott Filson, a.m. . . . A.B. Lafayette 1896. Frank Dean Eraser, a.m A.B. Univ. of Washington, Wash. 1896. George Louis Guichard, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1895-97; A.B. Franklin College, Ohio 1894. Marshall Harrington, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1893. Richard Daniel Hatch, a.m. . . A.B. Princeton 1895. Alfred Hayes, Jr., a.m A.B. Princeton 1895. John Henry Keener, a.m.... A.B. Princeton 1897. Harvey Klaer, a.m Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. La- fayette 1896; A.M. also Lafayette 1899. Marcius Wilson Kratz, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1895-98; Registrar Lafayette 1904-05; A.B. Lafayette 1895; A.M. also Lafayette 1898. William Edmund Lampe, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Walter Lowrie, a.m *i9oi A.B. Princeton 1894. Charles Howard Mcllwain, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. William Roderick McKay, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1896-98; A.B. Dal- housie College, Nova Scotia 1896; B.D. Princeton Seminary 1902. William Henry McLauchlan, m.s. Assistant in General Chemistry Prince- ton 1 896-1 903; Assistant in Chemical Laboratory Breslau 1902-03; Instruc- tor General Chemistry Princeton 1903- 05; Ph.B. Univ. Michigan 1893; Ph.D. Breslau 1903. John McMillan, a.m A.B. Magee College, Ireland 1889. Samuel Martin, a.m Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. La- fayette 1896; A.M. Lafayette 1899. Henry Everitt Mattison, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1897. Charles Henry Miller, a.m... A.B. Lafayette 1896. 3^4 DOCTORS AND MASTERS [1898-99 John Ely Moore, d.Sc E.E. Princeton 1893. William Clarence Murdock, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1896—98; A.B. Dal- housie College, Nova Scotia 1896; A.M. also Dalhousie 1899; B.D. Marytoba College 1907. John [Henry] Nichols, a.m. . . A.B. Princeton 1897. Herschel Augustus Norris, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1897. Charles Edgar Patton, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1896. Dan Fellows Piatt, a.m A.B. Princeton 1895. Henry Norris Russell, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1897. James Alvan Sankey, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1895-98; A.B. Em- poria College, Kansas 1895. John Beal Sneed, a.m A.B. South Western Presbyterian Univ., Tenn. 1897. Plomer Clay Snitcher, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1896. Nicholas Stahl, a.m A.B. Princeton 1897. Samuel Augustus Bridges Stopp, A.M A.B. Princeton 1897. Sydney Wentworth Taylor, Jr., m.s C.E. Princeton 1897. 1899 Jacob Newton Beam, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1896. Lawrence Foster Bower, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1896. Edward Swayne Brearley, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Louis Samuel Brooke, a.m... Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. Alma College, Mich. 1896. Charles Browne, a.m A.B. Princeton 1896. Colin Donald Campbell, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1896 — ; A. Queens College, Ireland. Hardin Craig, a.m Instructor English Princeton 1901-05; Preceptor English Princeton 1905 — ; A.B. Central 1897; Ph.D. Princeton 1901. John Ross Delafield, a.m A.B. Princeton 1896. John Corliss Dunning, a.m . . . A.B. Cornell 1896. John B. Stewart Farrell, a.m . . A.B. Wabash 1897. William Alexander Fenstermacher, A.M A.B. Lafayette 1893. William Foster, Jr., Ph.d A.M. Princeton 1896. Albert Dale Gantz, a.m Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1896. Charles Albert George, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1897. George Gilmour, a.m A.B. Wesleyan 1898. Thornwell Jacobs, a.m Seminary 1896-99; A.B. Princeton Presbyterian 1895. College, South Carolina Robert Ware Jopling, a.m. A.B. Washington & Lee 1893. Albert Howe Lybyer, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. David Magie, Jr., a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1897. Henry Buck Master, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1895. George Pickett Mayo, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1898-99; A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1898. Lucius Hopkins Miller, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1897. Louis Ross Moore, a.m A.B. Beloit College, Wisconsin 1898. I899-I900] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 385 William Henry Musser, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1896. William Emerson Nicely, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1898. Lewis Perry, a.m Instructor English and Elocution Wil- liams 1901-04; Assistant Professor Eng- lish Williams 1904 — ; A.B. Williams 1898. Alexander Hamilton Phillips, d.Sc. B.S. Princeton 1887. Stanley Chester Reese, ph.d. . A.B. Princeton 1896. Howard Roland Reiter, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1898. Philip Ely Robinson, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1898. Daniel Russell, a.m Princeton Seminary 1895-98; Lenox College, Iowa 1894; A.B. 189s; D.D. Lenox 1906. B.S. Lenox August Whitman Sonne, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. Wa- bash 1896. Robert Fulton Sterling, a.m, A.B. Princeton 1897. Kiu Beung Surh, a.m A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia if Ralph Ernest Urban, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Charles Roger Watson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Frank Keely Watson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1898. Erwin Levi Whatenecht, a.m. A.B. Lafayette 1895. Leonard Worcester Williams, a.m. A.B. Hanover 1895. Howard Herr Yocum, a.m. . . A.B. Princeton 1898. 1900 Alexander Armstrong, A.B. Princeton 1899. John Hart Brown, a.m. A.B. Westminster College i{ Jr. a.m. John Edward Carver, a.m... Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Lake Forest 1897. Rudolph Weyerhaeuser Caughey, A.M Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Kansas Univ. 1896. Dudley Malcolm Clagett, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1897-1901; A.B. Westminster College, Mo. 1895. Samuel G. Craig, a.m A.B. Princeton 1895. Josiah Hughes Crawford, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. William Potter Davis, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1897. Charles Edward Diehl, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1896. Roy Caldin Dobson, a.m Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Washington College, Tenn. 1897. Seth Russell Downie, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1898. Marion Derrelle Du Boss, a.m. A.B. Univ. Georgia. Edward Graham Elliott, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1897. Paul Erdman, a.m A.B. Princeton 1894. Silas Evans, a.m Princeton Seminary 1 898-1 901; Pro- fessor I'hilosophy Park College, Mis- souri 1903 — ; A.B. Ripon College, Wis- consin 1898. Carey Ellis Gregory, a.m Princeton Seminary 1898-1901; A.B. Wooster Univ. 1897. Herbert Staley Harris, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1897. Andrew Williamson Hayes, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1894. Edward Rutter James, a.m. . . A.B. Princeton 1898. Robert Bruce Cash Johnson, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1887. 386 DOCTORS AND MASTERS [1900-01 Thomas Catesby Jones, a.m.. A.B. Hampden Sidney 1894. Oliver Dimon Kellogg, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1899. Frederick Doyle Kershner, a.m. A.B. Kentucky Univ. 1899. Maxwell Hillegass Kratz, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1899. Robert Lee Lewis, a.m Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Charleston College, South Carolina 1897- George Heyser Light, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1899. Robert John Lockhart, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1896-98; A.B. Col- lege City New York '895. Robert McNutt McElroy, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1896. James Caddall Moorehead, m.s. A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1898; A.M. Roanoke 1899. Minot Canfield Morgan, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1896. Henry Seymour Mudge, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1899. Warren Nelson Nevius, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1899. John Moore Penick, a.m A.B. Princeton 1885. True Perkins, a.m A.B. Princeton 1897. Charles Read Pittman, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Lafayette 1897; A.M. Lafayette igoo. Alexander Pringle, a.m Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Park College, Missouri 1897. Charles Matthias Ranch, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Wabash 1897. Henry Norris Russell, ph.d. . A.B. Princeton 1897. Frank Clarence Shultis, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1894. Edwin Wilcox Simpson, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1899-1900; Union Seminary, Va. Sidney 1894; Va. 1 90 1. 1900-01: A.B. Hampden B.D. Union Seminary, A.M. William Leonard Spiegel, Jr., a.m. A.B. Princeton 1893. Edwin McMaster Stanton, A.B. Princeton 1897. Henry Ford Stockwell, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1897. Franklin Dudley Stone. . Princeton Seminary 1896-1900. Luther Milton Strayer, a.m A.B. Princeton 1899. Herbert Ure, a.m A.B. Princeton 1896. John Stout Van Nest, m.s. . B.S. Princeton 1897. Richard Webster, a.m A.B. Princeton 1899. Alfred Sewall Weston, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1899. John Richard Wilkie, A.M.. Princeton Seminary 1898-1900; Pro- fessor Greek Emporia College, Kansas 1906—; A.B. Central 1898. Jesse Reinhart Zeigler, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1806. I9OI Herbert Douglas Austin, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1900. Henry Alford Boggs, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1899. Charles Augustus Case, a.m. . A.B. Emporia College, Kansas 1900. David Laurance Chambers, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1900. John Woolman Churchman, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1898. Percy Robert Colwell, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1897. Clarence Porter Cowles, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1898. Hardin Craig, ph.d a.m. Princeton 1899. 1901-02] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 387 Edwin Ernest Curtis, a.m. . . , A.B. Princeton 1899. Aymar Embury, 2d, m.s C.E. Princeton 1900. Norman Logan Euwer, a. m. . Princeton Seminary 1 899-1 901; A.B. Geneva College, Penna. 1898. Herbert Frederick Fisher, a.m. A.B. Mississippi Univ. 1898. Elmer Schultz Gerhard, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1900. James Williams Gidley, M.S. . B.S. Princeton 1898. Hugh Williams Griffith, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1898-1901 ; A.B. Ripon College, Wisconsin 1898. Nathan Wilbur Helm, a.m , . . Instructor Latin Princeton 1901-03; A.B. De Pauvv 1899. Adam Miller Hiltebeitel, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1900. William Charles Hogg, a.m . . A.B. Royal Univ., Ireland 1894. William Melchior Horn, a.m. A.B. Muhlenburg College, Penna. 1900. Ebenezer Edwin Jones, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1899-1902; A.B. Ripon College, Wisconsin 1899. Joseph William Lester Jones, Ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1894. Edward Lawrence Katzenbach, A.M A.B. Princeton 1900. Frederick Sherlock Kellogg, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1893. Thomas Grier Koontz, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1898-1901; B.S. Gates College, Nebraska 1898. Frederick William Loetscher. a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Herbert McDermott, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1898. Charles Bell McMullen, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1896. Henry Seymour Mudge, M.S. . A.B. Princeton 1899. James Nevin, a.m Princeton Seminary 1898-1901; A.B. Royal Univ., Ireland 1895. Frederick Janvier Newton, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1897. John Fairman Preston, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1899-1902; A.B. Furman Univ., South Carolina 1898. Nathaniel Smith Reeves, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1899. Robert Cameron Richardson, a.m. A.B. Parsons College, Iowa 1898. Charles Alexander Robinson, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1894. George Jeffrey Russell, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1899. Frederick Tupper Saussy, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. Samuel Bryan Scott, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1900. Edgar Mason Smead, a.m... Princeton Seminary 1900- . Charles Kern Smith, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1900. Oscar Newton Smith, a.m... A.B. VVestfield College, 111. 1887. Howard Pennington Stemple, a.m. A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1898. Andrew Todd Taylor, a.m. . . . A.B. Grove City College, Penna. 1899; D.D. Grove City 1906. Harry Burl Vail, a.m Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. Wooster 1896; A.M. also Wooster 1899. Harvey Lee Wyatt, a.m A.B. Princeton 1898. 1902 Chojuro Aoki, a.m Princeton Seminary 1897-1901; A.B. Meiji Gakuin, Japan 1890. Charles Flenry Breed, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1899. 388 DOCTORS AND MASTERS [igo2 Wesley Corwin Brewer, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1900-03; A.B. Coe College, Iowa 1900. Peyton Cochran, a.m A.B. Hampden Sidney 1901. Cordie Jacob Gulp, a.m Princeton Seminary 1897-1900; A.B. Richmond College, Ohio 1895. Roger Buckley Devilbiss, a.m. A.B. Western College, Maryland 1901. Albert Baldwin Dodd, a.m... Princeton Seminary 1899-1902; A.B. Westminster, Mo. 1898. Paul Doltz, A.M Princeton Seminary 1 899-1 902; A.B. Macalester College, Minnesota 1899. Walter Collins Erdman, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1899. Dudley Hays Ferrell, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1 899-1 902; A.B. Tarkio College, Missouri 1899. Philip Howard Fogel, a.m . . . Instructor Logic and Psychology Princeton 1904-05; Instructor Phi- losopliy Princeton 1905-06, 1907 — ; A.B. Ursinus College, Penna. 1901; Ph.D. Princeton 1904. Adam Garfield Frank, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1903-04; Lane Seminary 1905-06; A.B. Washburn Col- lege, Kansas 1901. Latta Griswold, a.m A.B. Princeton 1901. Alfred Lawrence Hall-Quest, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1900-02; A.B. Augustana College, 111. 1900. Merritt Lynde Harding, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1901. David Henry Hare, a.m Princeton Seminary 1899-1903; A.B. Emporia College, Kansas 1899. Claude Silbert Hudson, M.S.. B.S. Princeton 1901. Joseph Eakens James, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1900-02; A.B. Ox- ford College, Ala.; B.D. Princeton Sem- inary 1904. William Brower Johnson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1898-1 901; A.B. Ursinus College, Penna. 1898; B.D. Princeton Seminary 1902. Clark Silliman Judd, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1901. William Washington Kilworth, a.m Ph.B. Emporia College, Kansas 1901. Joseph Edward Kirkwood, a.m. Thomas Cowden Laughlin, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1892. Robert Graham Leech, a.m . . . A.B. Lafayette 1900. Samuel McDowell, a.m A.B. Princeton 1900. John Kirkwood Mackie, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1901. George William Marque Maier, m.s B.S. Princeton 1901. Adam Marion Miller, a.m A.B. Princeton igoi. Cifford Abbott Morton, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1898. Charles Lewis Neibel, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1900. Benjamin Franklin Paist, Jr., a.m. Princeton Seminary 1899-1902; A.B. Ursinus College, Penna. 1899. William George Phelps, a.m . . A.B. Oberlin 1897. Jonathan Wesley Purcell, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1899-1903; Pro- fessor Old Testament Language and Literature Hartford School Religious Pedagogy 1904-05; A.B. Kansas Nor- mal _ College 1897; B.D. Princeton Seminary 1903; Ph.D. Providence Univ. 1904. Charles Edward Rath, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1900-03; A.B. Lake Forest 1900. Richard Frederic Lot Ridgway, a.m A.B. Princeton 1898. Charles Jacob Smith, a.m .... A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1901. 1902-03] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 389 David Alpheus Thompson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1900-03; A.B. Macalester College, Minnesota 1900. Ezra Allen Van Nuys, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1900-03; A.B. Franklin College, Indiana 1900. Elmer Clark Wortman, a.m . . A.B. Grove City College, Penna. 1894. 1903 Oliver Paul Barnhill, a.m.... Princeton Seminary 1900-03; A.B. Cen- tral 1900. Wilson Thomas Moore Beale, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1899. Robert Andrew Blair, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1901-03; A.B. Geneva College, Penna. 1901. Elarry Laity Bowlby, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1901. Raymond Gould Brush, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1902. Philip Hudson Churchman, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1896. William Averill Cleland, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1899. W^allace McCook Cunningham, a.m A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1902. Jasper Hewlett Dodd, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1902. Frederick Stanton Elder, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1893. Edward Glassmeyer, a.m A.B. Princeton 1901. Frank Duncan Graham, m.s. . B.S. Princeton 1899. Ernest Freeman Hall, a.m . . . Princeton Seminary 1896- ; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1894. George Monroe Howerton, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1901-04; A.B. Fur- man Univ., South Carolina 1900. William Clement Isett. a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1901-04; A.B. La- fayette 1 90 1. Frank Latimer Janeway, 2d, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1901. John Robert Landsborough, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1900-03; A.B. Macalester College, Minnesota 1900. Malcolm Lloyd, Jr., a.m A.B. Princeton 1894. Walker Eugene McBath, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1900-03; Tennessee College 1898. A.B. Albert Joseph McCartney, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1901-03; Univ. Wisconsin 1900. B.S. Frank Pierce McDermott, Jr., a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Charles Merrill Merwin, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Walter Rue Murray, a.m Princeton Seminary 1900-03; A.B. Wooster 1899. Charles Williams Ottley, a.m.* 1907 A.B. Princeton 1893. Walter Phillips, a.m A.B. Princeton 1902. Robinson Pierce, Jr., M.S. . . . Ph.B. Brown 1902. Arthur Julian Pilgram, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1902. Ezra Parmelee Prentice, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1898. Hugh Watson Rendah, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1901-04; Lincoln Seminary; A.B. Lincoln 1900. Harry Baldwin Roberts, a.m. Lane Seminary 1900-01; Princeton Seminary 1901-03; A.B. Central 1900. William T. Sherman Seyfert, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1896-99; A.B. La- fayette 1896; A.M. Lafayette 1899. Edmund Bayly Seymour, Jr., a.m. A.B. Princeton 1898. Ephraim Cutler Shedd, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1893-96; A.B. Marietta College, Ohio 1893. James Beck Shropshire, a.m. . A.B. Georgetown Univ. 1902. 390 DOCTORS AND MASTERS [1903-04 Charles Wesley Sidebotham, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1901-04; A.B. Alma College, Michigan 1901. Alexander Smith, a.m Princeton Seminary 1895- ; A.B. Dal- housie College, Nova Scotia 1895. Harry Frank Stambaugh, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Homer White Taylor, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1900. John Roger Thomas, a.m .... A.B. Ripen College, Wisconsin 1901. John Edwin Triplett, Jr., a.m. Princeton Seminary 1901-04; Hampden Sidney 1900. A.B. Walter Lyman Upson, m.s. . B.S. Princeton 1899. Gerrit Verkuyl, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1901-04; A.B. Park College, Missouri 1901; A.M. also Park 1903; Ph.D. Leipsic 1906. Garrett Stephen Voorhees, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1899. Howell North White, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1901. Carroll Harvey Yerkes, a.m . . A.B. Lafayette 1901. Archer Everett Young, ph.d . . A.B. Wesleyan 1898. 1904 Robert Patton Anderson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1903. Herbert Edgar Blair, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1901-04; A.B. Park College, Missouri, 1901. William Elizabeth Brooks, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1901-04; Litt.B. Westminster College, Pcnna. 1900. Hugh Brown, a.m Princeton Seminary 1901- ; A.B. Cliff College, Sheffield, Eng. 1898. Spencer Gibson Brown, a.m. . A.B. Blackburn College, Illinois 1903. John ColHngs Caton, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1895. Leander Jackson Cox, a.m... A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1901. Jasper Elliott Crane, m.s A.B. Princeton 1901. Dean Newton Dobson, a.m . . . McCormick Seminary; Princeton Sem- inary 1901-04; A.B. Washington Col- lege, Tenn. igoi. William Philip Fetherolf, a.m. A.B. Muhlenburg College, Penna. 1901. Harry Glenn Finney, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Wooster 1902. Howard Shreve Fisher, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1894. Philip Howard Fogel, ph.d. . A.M. Princeton 1902. Harvey Thompson Frazer, M.S. B.S. Princeton 1897. Karl Telford Frederick, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1903. William Rome Gelston, A.M.. A.B. Princeton 1901. Albert White Grigg, a.m Princeton Seminary 1902; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1902. Edward Francis Hammond, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Bellevue College, Nebraska 1902. Lorin Andrew Handley, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Hanover 1902. Frederick Hammond Howard Hat- ton, A.M A.B. Univ. Wisconsin 1901. Bunshiro Hattori, a.m A.B. Waseda, Tokio, Japan 1902; Ph.D. Princeton 1906. Ralph Kiddoo Hickok, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1901-04; Instruc- tor Mathematics Hastings College. Ne- braska 1899-1900; Professor Mathe- matics Hastings College 1900-01; A.B. Wooster 1899. James Frederick Horn, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1902-05. 1904] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 391 William McDongald Jack, a.m. A.B. Lafayette 1S92. Leonard Zachariah Johnson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-04; A.B. Lincoln 1898; A.M. Lincoln 1901; S.T.B. Lincoln Seminary 1901- _ B.D. Princeton Seminary 1904; D.D. Lincoln 1906. Henry Allen Johnston, a.m . . . A.B. Davidson College, North Caro- lina 1903. Howard Ickis Kerr, a.m Princeton Seminary 1901-05; A.B. Emporia College, Kansas 1901. Lucian Lamar Knight, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Univ. Georgia 1888. Clarence Edward Macartney, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-05; Univ. Wisconsin 1901. A.B. Harry McClenaghan, a.m .... A.B. Univ. Nebraska. William Love McCormick, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Franklin College, Penna. 1902; A.M. also Franklin College 1905. John Gresham Machen, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1902-05; Instruc- tor New Testament Princeton Semi, nary 1906 — ; A.B. Johns Hopkins 1901; B.D. Princeton Seminary 1905. Charles Curtis Mclntire, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1901-04; A.B. Park College, Missouri 1901. William Alfred MacKay, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Dal- housie 1901. Findlay Grant Mackintosh, a.m. A.B. Dalhousie 1901. Fred Raymond Marsh, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1902-04; San Francisco Seminary 1904-05; Professor Greek and Bible Rollins College, Florida 1907-08; A.B. Bowdoin 1899. Benjamin Edmund Messier, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1903. Thomas Morgan, a.m Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. La- fayette 1902. Guy Louis Morrill, a.m Princeton Seminary 1900-04; B.S. Massachusetts Institute Technology 1896. Worrall Frederick Mountain, m.s. B.S. Princeton 1900. Howard Rufus Omwake, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1901. Samuel Edmond Osbourne, a.m. A.B. Hampden Sidney 1901. John Rogers Peale, a.m *i905 Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. La- fayette 1902. Emanuel Conceicao Pires. a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Univ. Illinois 1902. John Merrill Poor, ph.d A.B. Dartmouth 1897. Robert Sheffey Preston, a.m . . A.B. Hampden Sidney 1903. Ralph Erskine Rearick, M.S. . A.B. Princeton 1903. Harvey Clayton Rentschler, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1903. Parke Richards, a.m Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. La- fayette 1902. Donald William Richardson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-06; Instruc- tor Latin Princeton 1904-05; A.B. Davidson College, North Carolina 1902. Thad Weed Riker, a.m A.B. Princeton 1903. Elmer Wylie Saxton, a.m .... * Princeton Seminary 1902- ; A.B. Westminster College, Pa. 1901. Joseph Henry Schaefer, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Frank Erdman Simmons, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1899- ; A.B. Yale 1899. James Spear, Jr., m.s B.S. Princeton 1902. Edwin Bryant Treat, a.m. . . . A.B. Yale 1898. Granville Hampden Triplett, a.m. A.B. Washington & Lee 1903- 392 DOCTORS AND MASTERS [1904-05 Joseph Laiibach Weisley, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Muhlenburg College, Penna. 1902. Robert Daniel Williams, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1903. 1905 Samuel Angus, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-05; Instruc- tor New Testament Greek Hartford Seminary 1907 — ; B.A. Royal Univ., Ireland 1902; M.A. Royal Univ., Ire- land 1903; Ph.D. Princeton 1906. David Marshall Austin, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1904. Louis Garner Bissell, a.m.... A.B. Princeton 1904. James Oscar Boyd, ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1896-99; Instruc- tor Old Testament Princeton Seminary 1900-07; Assistant Professor Oriental and Old Testament Literature Prince- ton Seminary 1907 — ; A.B. New York Univ. 1895; A.M. New York Univ. 1897. Edward Harshberger Butler, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1904. Schuyler Merritt Cady, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1902. Dwight Chauncey Chapin, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Occidental College, California 1902. Thomas Horace Cleland, a.m.* Princeton Seminary 1903- ; A.B. Oc- cidental College, California 1903. William Harry Clemons, a.m. Instructor English Princeton 1904-06, 1907-08; Reference Librarian Princeton 1908 — ; A.B. Wesleyan 1902; A.M. also Wesleyan 1905. Jack Randall Crawford, a.m. . A.B, Princeton 1901. Leroy Landis Daniel, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1903. Mills Colgate Daughtrey, a.m. A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1904. Dwight Woodbridge Edwards, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1904. Charles Allen Fisher, a.m... Princeton .Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Leb- anon Valley College, Penna. 1903. [Henry Foster] Spaulding Frazer, .\.M E.S. Princeton 1901. Bert B. Harrison, a.m Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Wooster 1903. Adam Miller Hiltebeitel, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1900. Arnold van Couthen Piccardt Hui- zinga, a.m Princeton Seminary 1904-05; Professor French State Univ., Iowa 1905-06; Professor German Trinity College, Conn. 1906 — ; B.S. Groningen Univ., Holland 1896; B.D. Yale 1904. Charles William Kennedy, a.m. Instructor English Princeton 1906-07; A.B. Columbia 1902; Ph.D. Princeton 1906. William Campbell Kerr, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1904. Robert Knox, a.m Princeton Seminary 1904-07; A.B. Univ. Texas 1903. Clark Diven Lamberton, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903—06; A.B. Dickinson 1902. John Warren McCombe, a.m. . A.B. Durham College, North Carolina 1895- James Maynard, Jr., a.m.... A.B. Princeton 1902. Walter Mann Mitchell, a.m.. A.B. Univ. Penna. 1902. Robert Hugh Morris, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1903-06; Ph.B. Emory College, Georgia 1898. Emerson Boyd INIorrow, A.m. . A.B. Princeton 1904. Valentine Jordan Nesbit, a.m. A.B. Univ. of South 1904. Karl Bachman Patterson, a.m. A.B. Roanoke College, ^'irginia 1904. Humphrey Jones Rendall, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1903. Conway Wing Shearer, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1904. 1905-06] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 393 Herbert Downs Simpson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Arthur Lonson South, a.m . . Princeton Seminary 1902-05; A.B. Un- ion 1902. John Ewing Steen, a.m A.B. Princeton 1903. Paul Stratton, a.m A.B. Princeton 1903. Frank Albert Stromsten, d.Sc, A.B. Univ. Iowa 1900. David Stanton Tappan, Jr., a.m. A.B. Washington & Jefferson 1903. Edward Nelson Teall, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1902. Daniel Lindsey Thomas, ph.d. Instructor English Princeton 1903-04, 1905-06; A.B. Central 1900. Karl Louis Von Krug, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1901. Irving Wilson Voorhees, M.S. B.S. Princeton 1901. Olney Kinkhead Walker, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903- ; A.B. Coe College, Iowa 1903. Robert Burns Wallace, a.m. . . Princeton Seminary 1897- ; Professor New Testament Greek Temple Univ., Philadelphia 1902 — ; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1896; D.D. Temple 1904. Frederick Raymond Whitman, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Alfred Lee Wilson, a.m Princeton Seminary 1903-06; Ph.B. Wooster 1903. 1906 Charles Ethelbert Allen, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1905-06; A.B. South West Presbyterian Univ., Tenn. 1903. Louis Chowning Allen, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Cen- tral 1903. Roy Melville Allison, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Washington & Jefferson 1902. George Ralph Anderson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Em- poria College, Kansas 1902. Samuel Angus, ph.d A.M. Princeton 1905. Walter Leopold Bennett, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Queens Univ., Canada i903- Charles Edward Bovard, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Grove City College, Penna. 1903. Rockwell Smith Brank, a.m.. . Princeton Seminary 1903-06; LL.B. Univ. Virginia 1899. Bernard Jacob Brinkema, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1904-07; B.S. Hastings College, Nebraska 1904. James Bedford Brown, a.m.. A.B. Princeton 1900. Edgar Washington Burchfield, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1900. William Monroe Clark, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1904-07; A.B. South West Presbyterian Univ., Tenn. 1900. George MacFeely Conwell, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1905. Albert Samuel Cook, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1895. Howell David Davies, a.m . . . Princeton Seminary 1904-07; A.B. Ripon College, Wisconsin 1904. John Morton Davies, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Macalester College, Minnesota 1903. Samuel Ward Dodd, m.s B.S. Princeton 1901. Donald Bryce Doyle, a.m. . . . A.B. Princeton 1905. Donald Blythe Durham, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1905. Charles Maseley Fames, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1904-07; A.B. Illinois College 1904. Newell James Elliott, a.m. . . . Princeton Seminary 1904-07; A.B. Univ. Nebraska 1904. 394 DOCTORS AND MASTERS [1906 John Clark Finney, a.m A.B. Princeton 1903. Raymond Blaine Fosdick, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1905. Howard Edwards Gansworth, A.^[. A.B. Princeton 1901. William Henry George, a.m.. A.B. Harvard 1902. Charles Barnes Hardman, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Bunshiro Hattori, ph.d A.M. Princeton 1904. Walter Chenault Hudson, a.m. A.B. Central 1905. Watson Irwin, a.m A.B. Princeton 1905. William Gordon Kelso, Jr., a.m. A.B. Princeton 1905. Charles William Kennedy, Ph.d. A.M. Princeton 1905. Theron Lee, a.m Princeton Seminary 1904-07; A.B. La- fayette 1904. Gibney Oscar Letcher, a.m. . . A.B. Central 1905; LL.B. Central 1908. Josiah Marshall Linton, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1904-06; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1904. Frederick William Loetscher, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1896. Kenneth Rose McAlpin, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1905. Fraser Lochland MacLeod, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1904. William C. McLeod, a.m .... Princeton Seminary 1904-06; Knox College 1906; A.B. Univ. Manitoba 1904. Alexander William Marshall, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1897- . John Lawrence Martin, a.m.. A.B. Central 1905. Leonard Walker Matthews, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-04, 1905-06; Union Seminary, X. Y. 1906-07; A.B. Presbyterian College, South Carolina 1903; A.B. Univ. North Carolina 1905. James Stephens Messier, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1905. Charles Christopher ]\Iierow, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1905. Lynford Lardner Moore, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1895-96, 1905-06; A.B. Davidson 1889; M.D. Jefferson Medical College 1893. Taketero Nakagawa, a.m A.B. Waseda, Japan 1903. John Martin Newkirk, a.m . . . Princeton Seminary 1903-06; Univ. California 1903. A.B. Edward Albert Odell, a.m . . . A.B. Princeton 1903. Joseph William Park, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1895. Charles Wilson Peterson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1904-07; Labora- tory Assistant Anatomy Univ. Chicago 1907-08; A.B. Park College, Missouri 1903; B.S. Univ. Chicago 1907. Charles Frederic Reed, a.m , . A.B. Princeton 1902. Harry Andrew Rhodes, a.m. . Princeton Seminary 1903-06; M.E. Slippery Rock Normal School, Penn- sylvania; Ph.B. Grove City College, Penna. 1903; A.B. Grove City 1904. Stacy Lippincott Roberts, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1904-07; A.B. La- fayette 1904. Thomas Robinson, a.m Pririceton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Pacific Univ. 1904. George Alleman Rupley, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1902. Charles Partridge Russell, a.m. Litt.B. Princeton 1905. Gordon Macgregor Russell, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1901. George Tressler Scott, a.m... A.B. Princeton 1903. Wachi Seki, a.m A.B. Waseda, Japan 1895. 1906] DOCTORS AND MASTERS 395 Hironari Senouye, a.m Princeton Seminary 1904- ; A.B. Gaku Shuin, Japan. George Shippen Stark, a.m.. Princeton Seminary 1902; A.B. Lin- coln 1899. Wade Hampton Stemple, a.m. A.B. Roanoke College, Virginia 1905. Clarence Earle Sterrett, a.m . . B.S. Princeton 1903. Motakichi Takahashi, a.m . . . Tokyo Higher Normal School 1901. Frank Harrison Tuttle, a.m.. B.S. Princeton 1905. David Benjamin Updegraff, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Yale 1903. Conrad Vandervelde, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1904-07; Instruc- tor History Philosophy Hastings Col- lege, Nebraska 1907 — ; A.B. Ripon Col- lege, Wisconsin 1904. Henry Bartlett Van Hoesen, a.m. A.B. Hobart 1905- Clarence Ward, a.m A.B. Princeton 1905. Robert Clement Williamson, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1903-06; A.B. Park College, Missouri 1903. James Southall Wilson, ph.d. A.B. William & Mary 1904. John Wright, a.m Princeton Seminary 1903- ; A.B. Park College, Missouri 1903. HONORARY DEGREES [The Degree immediately following the name of the recipient is the Degree conferred.] 1748 Jonathan Belcher, a.m *i757 Member Massachusetts Provincial Coun- cil; Agent Massachusetts Province i7-29~3oi Governor Massachusetts and Isew Hampshire 1730-41; Governor New Jersey 1746-57; A.l$. Harvard 1699; A.M. also Harvard 1702. 1749 John Brainerd, a.m *i78i Chaplain Expedition to Crown Point 1757; Trustee Princeton 1754-80; A.B. Yale 1746; A.M. also Yale 1749. James Davenport, a.m *i757 A.B. Yale 1732; A.M. also Yale 1735. Samuel Finley, a.m *i766 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1751-66; President Princeton 1761-66; D.D. Glasgow 1763. Theodoras Jacobus Frelinghuysen, A.M *I753 Graduate of Univ. Utrecht. Jacob Green, a.m *i79o Trustee Princeton 1748-64; Vice Presi- dent Princeton 1758-59; Member New Jersey Provincial Congress 1776; Framer Constitution of New Jersey 1776; A.B. Harvard 1744; A.M'. also Harvard 1747; M.D. 1750 James Brown, a.m =1=1788 A.B. Yale 1747; A.M. also Yale 1750. Thomas Lewis, a.m *i777 A.B. Yale 1741; A.M. also Yale 1744. John Maltby, a.m *i77i Tutor Princeton 1749-52; A.B. Yale 1747; A.M. also Yale 1750. 1752 Chauncey Graham, a.m *i784 Chaplain Expedition to Canada 1760; A.B. Yale 1747; A.M. also Yale 1750. 1753 Samuel Davies, a.m *i76i President Princeton 1759-61; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1760 hon. 1754 George Whitefield, a.m. *i770 B.A. Oxford 1736; Ordained Christ Church, Oxford 1739; Founder Bethesda College, Georgia. 1755 Abraham Keteltas, a.m, ,*i798 396 Member New York Provincial Con- gress 1776-77; A.B. Yale 1752; A.M. also Yale 1755. Samuel Sherwood, a.m *i783 Tutor Princeton 1750-52; A.B. Yale 1749; A.M. also Yale 1752, William Throop, a.m *i756 Surrogate Suffolk County, L. I. 1754; A.B. Yale 1743; A.M. also Yale 1746. 1756 Francis Alison, a.m *i779 Vice Provost Univ. Penna. 1755-79; Professor Greek and Eatin Languages Univ. Penna. 1752-56: Professor Higher Classics and Metaphysics Univ. Penna. 1756-79; A.B. Yale 1755 hon.; D.D. Glasgow 1758; M.A.P.S. Jonathan Belcher, Jr., a.m...*i776 Chief Justice Supreme Court, Nova Sco- tia; Eieutenant Governor Nova Scotia; A. 13. Harvard 1728; A.M. also Harvard 1731, also Cambridge 1733, also Dub- lin 17 ; M.A.P.S. David Bostwick, a.m *i763 Trustee Princeton 1761-63. 1758 Thomas Wiggins, a.m *i8o4 Treasurer Princeton 1786-87; A.Vi. V.ile 1752; A.M. also Yale 1773; M.D. 1759-68] HONORARY DEGREES 397 1759 Israel Dickinson, a.b . . ,*i777 Collector of Excise Berkshire ^ Co., Mass.; Served in Connecticut \'olun- tcers Continental Army 1775- ; Member Connecticut Assembly i77S; High Slieriff Berkshire Co., Mass.; A.B. Yale 1758; A.M. Vale 1761. Isaac Eaton, a.m *i772 A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1761 hon., also Brown 1770 hon. David Gardiner, a.b *i774 A.B. Yale 1759; A.M. Yale 1762. 1760 John Blair, a.m *i77i Trustee Princeton 1766-67, 1769-71; Professor Theology and Moral Phi- losophy Princeton 1767-69; Vice Pres- ident Princeton 1767-68. Alexander Gumming, a.m. . . .^U^s Trustee Princeton 1756-61; A.M. also Harvard 1761 ad eundem. Thomas Gibbons, a.m *i785 D.D. Edinburgh Univ.; M.A.P.S. Andrew Hunter, a.m *i77S Samuel Kennedy, a.m *i787 Member New Jersey Medical Society. John Rodgers, a.m *i8ii Trustee Princeton 1765-1807; Chaplain of Heath's Brigade, Continental Army 1776; Chaplain New York Assembly 1776-77; Vice Chancellor Univ. State of New York 1787-1811; Moderator General Assembly 1789; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1763 hon.; D.D. Edin- burgh 1768. Robert Smith, a.m *i793 Trustee Princeton 1772-93; D.D. Princeton 1786; M.A.P.S. I761 Samuel Lockwood, a.m *i79i Fellow Yale 1777-91; A.B. Yale 1745; A.M. also Yale 1748; D.D. Yale 1789. 1762 Charles Beatty, a.m *i772 Trustee Princeton 1763-72. Jonathan Parsons, a.m *i776 A.B. Yale 1729; A.M. also Yale 1732. 1763 Benjamin Fawcett, a.m *i78o Francis Hopkinson, a.m *i79i Collector Port of New Castle, Del. 1772-76; Member Provincial Congress New Jersey 1774-76; Member Con- tinental Congress 1776-77; Signer Dec- laration of Independence 1776; Chief of Continental Navy Department; Treasurer Continental Loan Office; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1778-91; Judge of Admiralty, Penna. 1779-89; Judge U. S. District Court Penna. 1790-91; Member U. S. Constitutional Conven- tion 1787; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1757; .^.M. also Univ. Penna. 1760; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1790; M.A.P.S. Job Orton, a.m *i783 John Redman, a.m *i8o8 Trustee Princeton 1761-78; President Philadelphia College of Physicians 1786-1808; M.D. Leyden 1748; M.A.P.S. John Wentworth, a.m *i82o Governor New Hampshire 1766-76; Surveyor King's Foreits, Nova Scotia 1783-92; Governor Nova Scotia 1792- 1808; Baronet 1795; A.B. Harvard 1755; A.:\I. also Harvard 1758; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford 1766; LL.D. Dartmouth 177 i, also Aberdeen 1764. 1764 David McGregor, a.m "^^777 1765 Jedidiah Chapman, a.m *i8i3 Chaplain New Jersey Regiment 1776; Moderator Synod of INew York and Philadelphia 1787; Trustee Princeton 1795-1800; A.B. Yale 1762; a.m. also Yale 1765. William Gordon, a.m *i8o7 a.m. also Harvard 1772; hon.; also Yale 1773 hon.; D.D. Princeton 1177. Thomas Romeyn, a.m *i794 1766 David McKay, a.b * 1768 Alexander Sears Hill, a.m...*i77i A.B. Harvard 1764; A.M. also Harvard 1767. 398 HONORARY DEGREES [176S-72 Hugh Sim, a.b * Librarian Princeton 1768-70. 1769 Thomas Brattle, a.m *i8oi A.B. Harvard 1760; A.M. also Harvard 1763, also Yale 1769 hon. Caleb Cooper, a.b * A.B. also Columbia 1769; A.M. Prince- ton 1 77 1 hon. John Dickinson, ll.d *i8o8 Member Penna. Assembly 1762-64; Member Stamp Act Congress 1765; Member Continental Congress 1774-76, 1779-80; Private Penna. Militia 1776; Private Delaware Militia 1777; Briga- dier General Penna. Militia; Member Delaware Assembly 1780-82; President Delaware 1781-82; President Penna. 1782-85; Member U. S. Constitutional Convention 1787; Founder Dickinson College 1783; Trustee and President Board of Trustees Dickinson 1783- i8o8; M.A.P.S. Joseph Galloway, ll.d -i'i8o3 Member Penna. Assembly 17 S7- i Speaker Penna. Assembly 1766-74; Member Penna. Provincial Congress 1774-75; Magistrate of Police, Phila- delphia 1777-78; Superintendent Port of Philadelphia 1777-78; M.A.P.S. John Hancock, a.m *i793 Treasurer Harvard 1773-77; Member Massachusetts Assembly 1766-72; Pres- ident Massachusetts Provincial Congress 1774^75; Member Continental Con- gress 1775-77; Major General Massa- chusetts Militia 1776; Signer Declara- tion Independence; Member Massa- chusetts Constitutional Convention 1780; Governor Massachusetts 1780-85, 1787-93; A.B. Harvard 1754; A.M. also ^larvard 1757, also Yale 1769 hon.; LL.D. Brown 1788, also Harvard 1792. William Hyslop, a.m * 1770 Robert Findlay, d.d *i8i4 Professor Theology Glasgow; M.A. Glasgow. John Gillies, d.d ^1796 M.A. Glasgow. Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, a.u. *I790 Trustee Rutgers 1770-85; Member New Jersey Provincial Congress 1776; Pres- ident Rutgers 1785-90; D.D. Columbia 1789. Archibald Laidlie, d.d *i779 M.A, Edinburgh 1730. John Martin, a.m * George Muir, d.d * M.A. Scotland. Ebenezer Pemberton, d.d...*i777 Trustee Princeton 1746-48, 1748-54; A.B. Harvard 1721; A.M. Harvard 1724. Joshua Maddox Wallace, a.m.*i8i9 Tutor Univ. Penna. 1767-69; Judge Court of Common Pleas Burlington Co., N. J. 1784- ; Member New Jersey Assembly 1791-92; Trustee Princeton 1798-1S19; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1767; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1770. John Joachim Zubly, a.m. . . .*i78i Member Provincial Congress Georgia 1775; Member Continental Congress 1775-76; D.D. Princeton 1774. I77I Jacob Bankson, a.m *i795 A.B. Univ. Penna. 1767; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1770. John McLaren Breed, a.b. =1798 Mayor Norwich, Conn. 1796-98; A.B. also Yale 1768; A.M. Yale 1771. Caleb Cooper, a.m * A.B. Princeton 1769 hon. William Jackson, a.m *i8i3 Trustee Rutgers 1770-1813; A.M. also Columbia 1761 hon., also Yale 1763 hon., also Univ. Utrecht. Michael Joy, a.b *i825 A.B. also Harvard 1771; A.M. Harvard 1774- Samuel Wilson, a.m * Thomas Wooster, a.m. . . .*i792( ?) Aide to General David Wooster 1776; Captain in Colonel Webb's Additional Regiment, Conn. 1777-79; A.B. Yale 1768; A.M. also Yale. 1772 John Adams, d.d * M.A. Glasgow. Daniel Fisher, d.d * Archibald Gamble, a.m ^1784 Tutor Univ. Penna. 1769-72; Professor 1772-80] HONORARY DEGREES 399 Oratory and English Language Univ. Penna. 1782-84; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1771; M.A.P.S. John Hotchkiss, a.m *i779 Private New Haven Volunteers 1779; A.B. Yale 1748; A.M. also Yale 1762, also Harvard 1765 hon., also Dartmouth 1773 hon. Henry Hunter, a.m *i8o2 D.D. Edinburgh. Andrew Oliver, a.m *i774 Member Massachusetts Provincial Coun- cil; Secretary Massachusetts 1756-70; Lieutenant Governor Massachusetts 1770- ; A. B. Harvard 1724; A.]\L also Harvard 1727; M.A.P.S. Thomas Read, a.m *i823 Tutor Univ. Penna. 1766-68; Tutor Delaware College; President Delaware College; President Wilmington Acad- emy, Del.; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1766; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1780; D.D. Princeton 1796. David Rittenhouse, a.m *i797 State Treasurer Penna. 1777-9S; \'ice Provost Univ. Penna. 1780-82; Pro- fessor Astronomy Univ. Penna. 1779- 82; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1779-80, 1782-97; Director U. S. Mint 1792-95; A.M. also LTniv. Penna. 1767; LL.D. Princeton 1788; M.A.P.S.; F.R.S. 1773 John Mauritius Goetschius, a.m. *i77i Trustee Rutgers 1770-71. Daniel Murray, a.b *i832 A.B. also Harvard 1771; A.M. Harvard 1774- Philip Stockton, a.b ^1792 Chaplain Continental Army. Nathaniel Tracy, a.m ^1796 A.B. Harvard 1769; A.M. also Har- vard 1772. Samuel Wilton, d.d * A.M. Brown 1774 hon. 1774 Thomas Barber, a.m *i8o6( ?) Surgeon ist Regiment Monmouth Co., N. J. 1776- ; A.B. Yale 1762; A.M. also Yale 1786; M.D. Naphthali Daggett, d.d *i78o Professor Divinity Yale 1756-80; Act- ing President Yale 1766-77; A.B. Yale 1748; A.M. Yale 1751, also Har- vard 1 77 1 hon. Solomon Froeligh, a.m. *i827 Lector in Theology Reformed Church 1 79^-97; Professor Theology Reformed Church 1786-1822; Trustee Rutgers 1783-1810; D.D. Rutgers 181 1. Stephen Goetschius, a.b ^1837 Matthew Tate, a.m *i795 A.B. Univ. Penna. 1770. Noah Welles, d.d *i776 Tutor Yale 1745-46; Fellow Yale 1774- 76; Chaplain Continental Army 1776; A.B. Yale 1741; A.M. Yale 1744. John Joachim Zubly, d.d. . . .*i78i A.M. Princeton 1770 hon. 1777 William Gordon, d.d *i8o7 A.M. Princeton 1765 hon. Abiel Leonard, d.d *i778 Chaplain 3d Connecticut Regiment 1775; Chaplain Knox's Regiment Con- tinental Artillery 1776; A.B. Harvard 1759; A.M. Harvard 1762. 1780 Samuel Huntington, ll.d, . . .*i796 Member Connecticut Assembly 1764-65; Judge Supreme Court Connecticut 1774-75. 1781-82; Member Connecticut Senate 177S. 1781-82; Member Con- tinental Congress 1775-80, 1782-83; Signer Declaration of Independence; President Continental Congress 1780- 81 ; Chief Justice Supreme Court Con- necticut 1784-85; Lieutenant Governor Connecticut 1785-86; Governor Con- necticut 1786-96; Fellow Yale ex officio; A.M. Yale 1779; LL.D. also Yale 1787. Robert R. Livingston, a.m. . . .*i8i3 Recorder N. Y. City 1773; Member Continental Congress 1775-77, '779- 81; Member New York Constitutional Convention 1777; Chancellor New York 1 777-1 801; U. S. Secretary Foreign Affairs 1781-83; Regent Univ. State of New York 1784-87; Member Con- stitutional Convention 1787; IJ. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to France 1801-04; A.M. also Columbia 1765 hon.; LL.D. Univ. State of New York 1792; M.A.P.S. James Sproat, d.d *i793 Trustee Univ. Penna. 1791-93; A.B. Yale 1741; A.M. Yale 1744. 400 HONORARY DEGREES [1780-1 Charles Thomson, a.m. = 1824 Tutor Univ. Penna. 1750-55; Member Penna. Provincial Congress 1774-75; Secrctarv Continental Congress 1775- 83; LL.D. Princeton 1822; M.A.P.S. I781 David Brearley, a.m *i79o Lieutenant Colonel of Heard's Brigade 1776; Lieutenant Colonel of Maxwell's Brigade, N. J. Line 1776; Lieutenant Colonel ist New Jersey 1777-80; Chief Justice New Jersey 1779-89; Judge U. S. District Court New Jersey 1789- 90; Member U. S. Constitutional Con- vention 1787. Pierre Eugene Du Simitiere, a.m. *i788 M.A.P.S. Nathaniel Greene, a.m *i786 Member Rhode Island Assembly 1770; Brigadier General Continental Army 1775-76; Major General Continental Army 1776-83; Quartermaster General Continental Army 1778-80; Received Vote of Thanks of Congress for Serv- ices 1781, 1783; A.M. also Brown 1776 hon. Thomas McKean, ll.d *i8i7 Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sussex Co., Del. 1756-57; Clerk Delaware i\s- semljly 1757-62; Member Delaware As- sembly 1762-79; Mtmber Stamp Act Congress 1765; Collector of Customs New Castle, Del. 1771-72; Speaker Delaware Assembly 1772-74; Colonel of 4th Battalion Penna. Associators 1776; Member Delaware Constitutional Con- vention 1776 & Author of Delaware Constitution; President Delaware 1777; Signer Declaration of Independence; President Continental Congress 1781; Chief Justice Penna. 1777-99; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1779-1817; Governor Penna. 1779-1808; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1763 hon.; LL.D. also Dartmouth 1782, also Univ. Penna. 1785; M.A.P.S. 1783 Ralph Bowie, a.m * David Cobb, a.m *i83o Secretary Bristol County, Mass., Con- vention 1774; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress 1774; 2d Lieu- tenant of Thomas' Massachusetts Reg- iment 1775; Lieutenant Colonel of Jackson's Additional Regiment (i6th Mass.) 1777-81; Lieutenant Colonel 9th Massachusetts 1781; Aide to Gen- eral Washington 1781-83; Lieutenant Colonel 5th Jilassachusetts 1783; Brevet Brigadier General 1783; Major General Massachusetts Militia 1786; Judge Court of Common Pleas Bristol Co., Mass. 1784-96; Member Massachusetts Assembly; Speaker Massachusetts As- sembly 1789-93; U. S. Representative from Massachusetts 1793-95; Member Massachusetts Senate; President Massa- chusetts Senate 1801-05; Member Mas- sachusetts Council 1808-10, 1812-18; Lieutenant Governor Massachusetts 1809; Chief Justice Court of Common Pleas Hancock Co., Maine 1803-09; A.B. Harvard 1766; A.M. also Harvard 1769, also Brown 1790 hon.; M.D. Elizur Goodrich, d.d *i7' Tutor Yale 1755-56; Fellow Yale 1776- 97; A.B. Yale 1752; A.M. Yale 1755. David Humphreys, a.m *i8 Captain 6th Connecticut 1777-81; Trans- ferred to 4th Connecticut 1781, and to 2d Connecticut 1783; Brigade Major to Gen. Parsons 1777; Major and Aide to General Putnam 1778; Aide to Gen- eral Green 1780; Lieutenant Colonel Aide to General Washington 1780-83; Presented with Sword by Congress 1781; Secretary U. S. Commissioners Paris and London 1784-86; Member Connecticut Assembly 1786-89, 1812- 14; U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal 1791-96; U. S. Commissioner Plenipotentiary to Algiers '795-97; U. S. Commissioner Pleniiiotentiary to Spain 1796-1801; Brigadier General \'eteran X'olunteers 1812; A.B. Yale 1771; .\.M. also Yale 1774, also Har- vard 1787 hon.; LL.D. Brown 1802, also Dartmouth 1804; F.R.S. Charles Nisbet, d.d *i8 President Dickinson 1784-85, 1786- 1804; M.A. Edinburgh 1754. Ephraim Ramsey, a.b * A.B. also L'^niv. Penna. 17S3; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1795. Thomas Wren, d.d *i7' \'oted the Thanks of Continental Con- gress in 1783 for Services to .American Prisoners at Portsmouth, Eng. 1784 Daniel Roardman, a.m *i8, ^Member Connecticut Assembly 1790, 1792; A.B. Yale 1781; A.M. also Yale * *i8< 1784. John Parker, a.b. . . William Porteus. d.d M.A. Glasgow. Alexander Simpson, d.d. . . .* M.\. London. John Snodgrass, d.d *i8 1784-87] HONORARY DEGREES 401 Ezra Stiles, ll.d ='=1795 Tutor Yale 1749-55; Professor Church History Yale 1778-95; President Yale 1778-95; A.B. Yale 1746; A.M. Yale 1749, also Harvard 1754 hon. ; D.D. Edinburgh 1765, also Dartmouth 1780; M.A.P.S. Samuel Wales, d.d *i794 Tutor Yale 1769-70; Chaplain Con- necticut State Troops 1776; Professor Divinity Yale 1782-93; A.B. Yale 1767; A.M. Yale 1770; D.D. also Yale 1782. 1785 Samuel Austin, a.m *i83o President Univ. Vermont 1815-21; A.B. Yale 1783; A.M. also Yale 1786; D.D. Williams 1807. William Barton, a.m *i8i7 A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1781 hon.; M.A.P.S. John Burton, a.m Joseph Clarkson, a.m *i83o A.B. Univ. Penna. 1782; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1785. Jonathan Edwards, D.D *i8oi A.B. Princeton 1765. John McDonald, a.m *i82i Henry Purcell, d.d * Chaplain South Carolina Brigade Con- tinental Army 1779-81. Eilardus Westerlo, d.d *i7go A.B. Groningen; A.M. Groningen. James Wilson, a.m *i799 a.m. also Yale 1785 hon. 1786 Abraham Banker, a.b * a.m. Princeton 1789. Samuel Piatt Broome, a.m. ..*i8ii Ad eundem; A.B. Yale 1786; A.M. also Yale 1789. William Drayton, ll.d *i79o LL.B. Inner Temple, London 1754; Chief Justice Province of East Florida 1768-76; Judge V. S. Admiralty Court South Carolina; Judge Supreme Court South Carolina 1789; Judge U. S. Dis- trict Court South Carolina 1789-90. John Mason, d.d *i792 Chaplain 3d New York 1776-77; Chap- lain to posts on Hudson 1778-83; As- sistant Professor Logic and Moral Phi- losophy Abernethy; Trustee Princeton 1779-85; M.A. Abernethy 1753. William Rogers, a.m *i824 Chaplain Miles' Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment 1776-77; Brigade Chaplain 1778-81; Professor English Language and Oratory Univ. Penna. 1789-1811; A.B. Brown 1769; A.M. also Brown 1772, also Univ. Penna. 1773 hon., also Yale 1780 hon.; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1790. Robert Smith, d.d *i793 A.M. Princeton 1760 hon. Nicholas Van Vranken, a.b..* 1804 1787 Francis Cummins, a.m * Thomas John Clagget, d.d. . .*i8i6 A.B. Princeton 1764. Timothy Dwight, d.d *i8i7 Tutor Yale 1771-77; Brigade Chaplain Continental Army 1777-79; Member Massachusetts Assembly 1782-83; Pro- fessor Theology Yale 1795-1817; Presi- dent Yale 1795-1817; A.B. Yale 1769; A.M. Yale 1772; LL.D. Harvard 1810. Justus Christian Henry Helmuth, D.D *l825 Professor German Univ. Penna. 1784- 91; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1780; M.A.P.S. William Hendel, d.d *i798 Vice President Franklin & Marshall (F.) 1787-94; Trustee Franklin & Marshall (F.) 1787-92. George Hunt, d.d * B.A. Univ. London. James Madison, ll.d *i836 A.B. Princeton 1771. Jedediah Morse, a.m *i826 Tutor Yale 1786-87; A.B. Yale 1783; A.M. also Yale 1786; D.D. Edinburgh 1794. Henry Ernst Muhlenberg, d.d. *i8i5 President Franklin & Marshall (F.) 1787-1815; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1780 hon.; D.D. also Univ. Penna. 1784; M.A.P.S. Charles Pinckney, Jr., ll.d. .*i824 Member South Carolina Assembly 1780- , 1810, 1812; Member South 402 HONORARY DEGREES [1787-9 Carolina Provincial Congress 1785- ; Member U. S. Constitutional Conven- tion 1787; Governor South Carolina 1789-9-2, 1796-98, 1806-08; U. S. Sen- ator from South Carolina 1798-1801; U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain 1801-05; U. S. Representative from South Carolina 1819-21; Member and President South Carolina Constitutional Convention 1788. Caspar Dieterich Weiberg, d.d. *i790 A.M. Univ. Penn^. 1780. Nathan Woodhull, a.m *t8io A.B. Yale 1775; A.M. also Yale 1788. 1788 James Jameson, a.m * Peter Schuyler Livingston, a.b. *i8o7 Ad eundem; A.B. also Columbia 1788, also Yale 1789, also Harvard 1790 ad eundem; A.M. Columbia 1791- Walter Monteith, a.m * George Ogilvie, a.m * David Rittenhouse, ll.d *i797 a.m. Princeton 1772 hon. Thomas Lee Shippen, a.m...*i798 M.A.P.S. 1789 Asa Dunham, a.m * John Faucheraud Grimke, ll.d. Speaker South Carolina Assembly; Chief Justice Supreme Court South Carolina. John Smith, a.m. 1790 David Hume, ll.d *i838 Sheriff of Berwickshire 1784; Sheriff of Linlithgowshire 1793; Professor Scots Law Edinburgh 1786; Clerk to Court of Session i8n; Baron of Scot- tish Exchequer 1822. James Kinsey, ll.d *i8o3 Member New Jersey Assembly 1772- 74; Member Continental Congress 1774- 75; Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jersey 1 789-1802. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Alotier, Alarqui de Lafayette, ll.d "'^83, Lieutenant Mousquetaires du Roi 1772; Cajitain Artillery French Army 1776- 77; Major General Continental Army 1777-84; Colonel Dragoons French Army 1779; Lieutenant General F'rench Army 1791-92; Member French Cham- ber Deputies 1815, 1818-24; Comman- der in Chief National Guard, Paris 1830; LL.D. also Harvard 1784, also Bowdoin 1824, also Univ. Penna. 1787. Jacques Necker, ll.d *i8o, Director of Treasury, France 1776; Director General of Finances, France 1777-81, 1788-90. John Robinson, ll.d *i8o, Professor Natural Philosophy F.din- burgh; Professor Chemistry Glasgow. I79I David Schuyler Bogart, a.b. .*i83< Ad eundem; A.B. also Columbia 1790. Alexander Hamilton, ll.d...*i8o< Captain New York Artillery 1776; Lieu- tenant Colonel Continental Army 1777- 83 and Aide to General Washington 1777-81; Brevet Colonel 1783; Major General and Inspector General U. S. A. 1798-1800; Member Continental Congress 1782-83, 1787-88; Member Annapolis Convention 1786; Member U. S. Constitutional Convention 1787; Member New York Assembly 1786-87; Signer U. S. Constitution 1788; (J. S. Secretary Treasury 1789-95; Trustee Columbia 1784-1804; Trustee Univ. State of New York 1784-87; A.B. Co- lumbia 1774; A.M. Columbia 1788 hon.; LL.D. also Dartmouth 1790, also Har- vard 1792 and Brown 1792, also Rutgers 1791. John Jamieson, d.d *i83J M.A. Edinburgh. Thomas Jefferson, ll.d *i82< Member Virginia Assembly 1769-75; Delegate C'ontinental Congress 1775-79, 1783-8.1; Author and Signer Declaration of Independence; Governor \"irginia 1779-81; \isitor William & Mary; U. S. Commissioner Plenii)otentiary to France 1784; U. S. Minister Plenipo- tentiary to France 1785-89; U. S. Sec- retary of State 1790-94; ^'ice Presi- dent U. S. 1797-1801; President U. S. 1801-09; Founder Univ. \'irginia; A.B. William & Mary 1762; LL.D. also Wil- liam & Mary 1782, also Yale 1786, also Harvard 1787, also Brown 1787; M.A.P.S. Gerardus Arents Kuypers. a.m *i83: Professor Hebrew Reformed Church 1799-1804; D.D. Rutgers 1810. 1791-96] HONORARY DEGREES 403 AToses Mather, d.d *i8o6 Fellow Yale 1777-90; -'^■B. Yale 1739; A.M. Yale 1742. John Newton, n.n *i8o7 B.A. London. 1792 John J. Carle, a.m * A.B. Rutgers 1789; A.M. also Rutgers 1792. Jonas Coe, a.m *i822 Moderator General Assembly 1817; .^.li. Rutgers 17S9; A.'M. also Union 1797 lion., also Rutgers 1792; D.D. William & Mary 1815. Cyrus P. Gildersleeve, a.m...* .\.B. Rutgers 1789; A.M. also Rutgers 1792. WilHam McChire, a.m *i849 Samuel Miller, a.m *i85o Moderator General Assembly 1806; 'JVustee Princeton 1807-50; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-13; Vice Pres- ident Directors Princeton Seminary 1813; Professor Ecclesiastical History and Church Government Princeton Seminary 1813-49; Professor Emeritus Princeton Seminary 1849-50; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1789; A.M. also Univ. Penna. '792, also Yale 1792 hon. ; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1804, also Union 1804, also Univ. North Carolina 181 1; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson 1847; M.A.P.S. 1793 Joseph Eckley, d.d *i8ii A.B. Princeton 1772. William Hollingshead, d.d.,.*i8i7 A.B. Univ. Penna. 1770; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1773. Alexander Martin, ll.d *i8o7 A.B. Princeton 1756. 1794 Bethuel Dodd, a.m *i8o4 Ad eundem; A.B. Rutgers 1789; A.M. also Rutgers 1792, also Princeton 1798 hon. Aaron Hutchinson, a.m *i843 A.B. Harvard 1770; .^.M. also Harvard 1790, also Dartmouth 1790 hon. Aaron Hutchinson, Jr., a.m.. .*i8oo A.B. Yale 1747; A.M. also Yale 1750, also Harvard 1750 ad eundem, also Dartmouth 1780 hon. John Mitchell Mason, a.m *i829 Professor Union Seminary, N. Y. ; Trustee Columbia 1795-1821; Provost Columbia 1811-16; President Dickin- son 1821-24; A.B. Columbia 1789; .^.M. also Columbia 1792; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1804. Thomas Reese, d.d ^1796 A.B. Princeton 17CS. Nathan Williams, d.d *i829 Tutor Yale 1756-60; Fellow Yale 1788- 1808; A.B. Yale 1755; A.M. Yale 1758. Stephen Williams, a.m *i82i A.B. Yale 1783; A.M. also Yale 1786. 1795 John Coffin, a.m ^1852 A.B. Dartmouth 1791; A.M. also Dart- mouth 1795, also Columbia 1795, hon., also Yale 1798 hon. John Lawson, a.b * A.B. also Rutgers 1794; A.M. Princeton 1798 hon., also Rutgers 1810. John Blair Smith, d.d *i799 A.B. Princeton 1773. Noah Webster, a.m ^1843 Member Connecticut Assembly 1800- 07; Judge County Court New Haven, Conn. 1806-10; Slember Massachusetts Assembly 18 14-17; A.B. Yale 1778; A.M. also Yale 1781; LL.D. Yale 1823, also Middlebury 1830; M.A.P.S. 1796 Fisher Ames, ll.d *i8o8 Member Massachusetts Assembly 1788- 89; U. S. Representative from Massa- chusetts 1789-1807; A.B. Harvard 1774; A.M. Harvard 1777. Nathan Cole, a.b. * Andrew Fuller, d.d *i8i5 A.M. Brown 1796; D.D. also Yale 1804. Ebenezer Grant, a.m *i82i Director Princeton Seminary 1818-21; A.B. Rutgers 1792. Josiah Quincy, a.m *i864 Member Massachusetts Senate 1804-05, 1814-19; U. S. Representative from Massachusetts 1805-13; Member Massa- 404 HONORARY DEGREES [1796-1800 chusetts Constitutional Convention 1820; Member Massachusetts Assem- bly; Speaker Massachusetts Assembly 1820; Judge Municipal Court Boston 1821; Mayor Boston 1823; President Harvard 1829-45; A.B. Harvard 1790, also Yale 1792; A.M. also Harvard 1793; LL.D. Harvard 1824; M.A.P.S. Thomas Read, d.d *i823 A.M. Princeton 1772 hon. George McElroy Scott, a.m..* 1848 A.B. Univ. Penna. 1793- William Smith, ll.d *i84o Member South Carolina Assembly 1823-26; Member South Carolina Sen- ate 1806-08; President South Carolina Senate 1808; Judge South Carolina Circuit Court 1808; U. S. Representa- tive from South Carolina 1797-99; U. S. Senator from South Carolina 1815- 23, 1826-31; Member Alabama Assem- bly 1835-39; A.B. Mt. Zion 1780. John 1797 Croes, A.M *i832 Private Essex Co., N. J. Militia; Pri- vate Captain Craig's Company New Jersey State Troops; Protestant Epis- copal Bishop of New Jersey 1815-32; D.D. Columbia 181 1. Samuel Andrew Law, a.m...*i845 A.B. Yale 1792; A.M. Columbia 1797 hon. also 1795, also Joseph Pitcairn, a.m * M.A. also St. Andrews. Samuel Harrison Smith, a.m.*i845 U. S. Commissioner Internal Revenue 1813; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1787; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1790; M.A.P.S. 1798 Charles Caldwell, a.m., m.d. ,*i853 Professor Medicine Univ. Kentucky (Transylvania); Professor Natural His- tory Univ. Penna. 1816-1820; A.B. Winnesboro College ; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1796; M.A.P.S. Jonathan Dayton, ll.d *i824 A.B. Princeton 1776. Bethuel Dodd, a.m *i8o4 A.M. Princeton also i794- John Lawson, a.m * A.B. Princeton 1795 hon. Uzal Ogden, d.d *i823 Timothy Pickering, ll.d. . . .^1829 Register of Deeds Essex Co., Mass.; Lieutenant Massachusetts Militia 1766- 75 ; Colonel Massachusetts Militia 1775- 77; Judge Massachusetts Court Common Pleas 1775-76; Colonel and Adjutant General on Staff of General Washing- ton 1777-78; Member Board of War 1777-80; Colonel & Quartermaster General Continental Army 1780-95; Member Massachusetts Constitutional Convention 1788; Member Penna. Con- stitutional Convention 1789-90; U. S. Postmaster General 1791-05; U. S. Secretary War 1794-95; U. S. Sec- retary State 1795-1800; Chief Justice Massachusetts Court Common Pleas 1802-03; U. S. Senator from Massa- chusetts 1803-11; U. S. Representa- tive from Massachusetts 1813-17; Mern- ber Massachusetts Executive Council 1817; A.B. Harvard 1763; A.M. Har- vard 1766; LL.D. also Brown 1799, also Harvard 1810; M.A.P.S. 1799 Theodore Sedgwick, ll.d. . . .*i8i3 Aide to General Thomas 1776; Mem- ber Massachusetts Assembly 1778-88; Speaker Massachusetts Assembly 1781, 1788; Member Massachusetts Senate 1784-85; Member Continental Congress 1785-86, 1788; Member Massachusetts Constitutional Convention 1788; U. S. Representative from Massachusetts 1789-96, 1799-1802; Speaker U. S. House of Representatives 1799-1801; U. S. Senator from Massachusetts 1796-98; Judge Supreme Court Massa- chusetts 1802-13; A.B. Yale 1765; A.M. Yale 1772; LL.D. also Harvard 1810. Oliver Wolcott, Jr., ll.d *i833 Colonel 17th Connecticut Militia 1775- 1776; Brigadier-General Connecticut Militia 1776; Major-General Connecticut Militia 1779-83; U. S. Secretary Treas- ury 1 795-1800; Judge U. S. District Court Connecticut 1801-02; President Connecticut Constitutional Convention 1818; Comptroller Public Accounts Con- necticut 1788-89; Governor Connecticut 1817-27; A.B. Yale 1778; A.M. Yale 1781; LL.D. also Brown 1799, also Yale 1819. 1800 Levi Hart, d.d *i^ Trustee Dartmouth 1784-88; Fellow Yale 1791-1807; A.B. Yale 1760; A.M. Yale 1763, also Dartmouth 1784. Asa Hillyer, a.m *i{ Trustee Princeton 1811-40; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-31, 1832-40; A.B. Yale 1786; A.M. also Yale 1793; D.D. Allegheny College, Pa. 1818. 1800-03] HONORARY DEGREES 405 Samuel Andrew Law, a.m. . . .*i845 A.B. Yale 1792; A.M. also Yale 1795, also Columbia 1797 hon. John Smalley, d.d *i82o A.B. Yale 1756; A.M. Yale 1759- 812 81 r 819 843 1801 Joseph Grove John Bend, d.d.*i A.M. Unir. Penna. 1790 hon. Nathaniel Harris, a.m ='=1 A.B. Univ. Penna. 1788; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1791. Nicholas Nugent, a.b * M.D. Edinburgh. John Churchill Osborne, a.m.*i Trustee Univ. North Carolina 1802- 07; Professor Medicine Columbia 1808- 13; Professor Materia Medica Colum- bia 1811-13; M.D. Nathan Perkins, d.d *i A.B. Princeton 1770. James Richards, a.m *i Professor Christian Theology .\uburn Seminary 1823-43; Moderator General Assembly 1805; Trustee Princeton 1807- 24; Director Princeton Seminary 1812- 24; Trustee Princeton 1822-29; A.M. also Yale 1794 hon.; D.D. Union 1815, also Yale 1815. John Schureman, a.m *i8i8 Vice President Rutgers 1811-18; Pro- fessor Moral Philosophy and Belles Lettres Rutgers 1811-18; Trustee Rutgers 1800-18; Professor Ecclesiasti- cal History and Pastoral Theology Re- formed Church Seminary 1815-18; A.B. Rutgers 1795; A.M. also Rutgers i8io; D.D. Columbia 1816. WilHam Staughton, d.d *i829 President George Washington 1821- 27; Professor General History, Belles Lettres and Moral Philosophy, Di- vinity and Sacred Rhetoric George Washington 1821-27; M.A.P.S. Nathan Strong, d.d *i8i6 College Butler Yale 1770-72; Tutor Yale i772-yz\ Chaplain 22d Continental Infantry 1776; Fellow Yale 1804-09; A.B. Yale 1769; A.M. Yale 1772. 1802 Matthias Burnett, d.d *i8o6 A.B. Princeton 1769. Robert Balfour, d.d *i8i8 M.A. Glasgow. John Player Crosby, a.b *i8o6 A.B. Yale 1790; A.M. also Yale 1793; i8oa. William Powell Farrand, a.m.* 1839 A.B. Yale 1798. Professor Sacred Elocution Andover 1809-11; President Williams 1821-36; A.B. also Columbia 1802, also Yale D.D. Union 1808. Edward Dorr Griffin, a.m *i837 James Hinton, a.m *i824 B.A. Oxford; A.M. also Brown 1803 hon.; D.D. Brown 1812. Andrew S. Hunter, a.m * John Thornton Kirkland, d.d.* 1840 Tutor Harvard 1792-94; President Har- vard 1810-28; A.B. Harvard 1789; A.M. Harvard 1792, also Dartmouth 1792 hon., also IJrown 1794 hon.; LL.D. Brown 1810. John Marshall, ll.d *i835 ist Lieutenant 3d Virginia 1776; Cap- tain Lieutenant 15th Virginia 1776; Deputy Judge Advocate 1777; Captain 1778; Transferred to 7th Virginia 1778; Retired 1781; Member Virginia Constitutional Convention 178S; Mem- ber Virginia Assembly; U. S. Min- ister Plenipotentiary to France 1797- 98; U. S. Representative from Virginia 1799— 1800; U. S. Secretary of State 1800-01; Chief Justice Supreme Court 1801-35: LL.D. also Harvard 1806, also Univ. Penna. 1815; M.A.P.S. Alexander McLeod, a.m *i833 A.B. Union 1809; F.R.S. 1798; D.D. Middlebury EHphalet Pearson, ll.d *i826 Fellow Harvard 1800-06; Professor Hebrew and Oriental Languages Har- vard 1 786-1 806; Acting President Har- vard 1804-06; Professor Sacred Litera- ture Andover 1808-09; Trustee An- dover 1 778-1 826; A.B. Harvard 1773; A.M. Harvard 1776; LL.D. also Yale 1802. Hezekiah Ripley, d.d *i83i Chaplain General G. S. Silliman's Brigade 1776; Fellow Yale 1790-1817; A.B. Yale 1763; A.M. Yale 1766. 1803 Joseph Stevens Buckminster. D.D. *l8l2 Tutor Yale 1774-78; A.B. Yale 1770; A.M. Yale 1773. 4o6 HONORARY DEGREES [1803-06 Aaron Burr, ll.d *i836 A.B. Princeton 1772. Joseph S. Bond, d.d John Frelinghuysen, a.m. . . .*i833 Trustee Rutgers 1800-33; Surrogate Somerset Co., N. J. 1818-32; Member New Jersey Senate 1805-13, 1815-19; Commanded Regiment of N. J. Mili- tia 1812; A.B. Rutgers 1792. EHjah Dunham Rattoone, d.d. *i8io A.B. Princeton 1787. Nathaniel Todd, a.m * A.B. Brown 1800. John S. Vredenburgh, a.m...*i82i Trustee Rutgers 1800-21; A.B. Rutgers 1794; A.M. also Rutgers 1810. Bushrod Washington, ll.d. .* 1829 Member Virginia Assembly 1787; Mem- ber N'irginia Constitutional Convention 1788; Judge U. S. Supreme Court 1798-1829; A.B. William & Mary 1778; LL.D. also Univ. Penna. 1815, also Harvard 1827; M.A.P.S. Selah Strong Woodhull, a.b..*i826 Chaplain U. S. A. 1814; Professor Ecclesiastical History and Pastoral Theology New Brunswick Seminary 1825-26; Professor Metaphysics and Philosophy of the Mind Rutgers 1825- 26; A.B. also Yale 1802; A.M. Prince- ton 1806 hon., also Yale 1806; D.D. Union 1822. 1804 James Abercrombie, d.d *i84i A.B. Univ. Penna. 1776; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1770; M.A.P.S. John Melancthon Bradford, a.m. *i827 Tutor Princeton 1803-04; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1803-04; A.B. Brown 1800; A.M. also Brown 1803; D.D. Union 1812. John Grattan Gamble, a.m ... * Honorary certificate Princeton 1801. William Grade, a.b * A.B. also Columbia 1804. Jacob Rush, ll.d *i82o A.B. Princeton 176s. George Washington Strong, a.b. *i855 a.b. also Yale 1803; A.M. Yale 1806, also Princeton 1806 hon.; LL.D. Univ. Vermont 1837. James Talcott Watson, a.b..*i839 A.B. also Columbia 1804, also Yale 1804 hon. 1805 Amzi Armstrong, a.m *i827 D.D. Princeton 1821. Gideon Blackburn, a.m *i838 President Central 1827-30; D.D. Grove College, Tenn. 1818. Richard Brown, a.m Alexander Gunn, A.m *i829 A.B. Columbia 1805; A.M. also Colum- bia 1808; D.D. Allegheny College, Pa. 1817. Eliphalet Nott, d.d *i866 President Union 1804-66; Director Princeton Seminary 1812-14, 1815-28; A.M. Brown 1795 hon.; LL.D. Brown 1828. Richard Potts, ll.d *i8o8 Member Maryland Assembly 1779-80, 1787-88; Member Continental Congress 1781-84; State Attorney Maryland 1784-89; Member Maryland Constitu- tional Convention 1788; U. S. Attor- ney Maryland 1789-93; Chief Justice 5tli District Court Maryland 1793-96; Judge Maryland Court of Appeals 1801- 04. Samuel Stevens, a.b *i844 A.B. also Yale 1805; A.M. Yale 1808. 1806 John Quincy Adams. ll.d...*i848 U. S. Minister to The Hague 1794-97; Member Massachusetts Senate 1802-03; U. S. Senator from Massachusetts 1803-08; Professor Rhetoric iS: Oratory Harvard 1805-09; U. S. Minister to Russia 1809-14; U. S. Minister to Great Britain 1815-17; U. S. Peace Commissioner 1814; U. S. Secretary of State 1817-25; President United States 1825-29; U. S. Representative from Massachusetts 1831-48; A.B. Har- vard 1787; A.M. Harvard 1790; LL.D. also Harvard 1822. Joseph Campbell. ,\.m ^1840 Trustee Princeton 1831-40; Director Princeton Seminary 1838-40; D.D. La- fayette 1837. i3o&-ii] HONORARY DEGREES 407 Jasper Jones, a.m * John Simonson, a.m * A.B. Rutgers 1792, George Washington Strong, a.m. *i855 A.B. Princeton 1804 hon. Selah Strong Woodhull, a.m.*i826 A.B. Princeton 1803 hon. \ 1807 Samuel McCormick, a.m .... * Daniel Stephens, a.b *i85o A.B. also Washington & JeiTerson (J.) 1804; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1820. Joseph Strong, d.d *i834 Fellow Yale 1808-26; A.B. Yale 1772; A.M. Yale 1775. 1808 William Lyman, d.d *i833 A.B. Yale 1784; A.M. Yale 1787. John Smith, a.m *i86o Tutor Princeton 1808-09; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1808-09; A.B. Dick- inson 1806. Robert Winter, d.d * 1809 Theodore Dehon, d.d *i8i7 Protestant Episcopal Bishop South Car- olina 1812-17; A.B. Harvard 1795; A.M. Harvard 1798. Jonathan Freeman, a.m *i822 Director Princeton Seminary 1815-19; A.B. Columbia 1790; A.M. also Co- lumbia 1800. John Brodhead Romeyn, d.d.*i825 Trustee Columbia 1808-25; Clerk Trus- tees Columbia 1811-15; Trustee Prince- ton 1809-25; Director Princeton Semi- nary 1812-25; A.B. Coluinbia 1795; A.M. Union 1797 hon. Aaron Woolworth, d.d *i82i A.B. Yale 1784; A.M. Yale 1787. 181O Archibald Alexander, d.d. . . .*i85i President Hampden Sidney 1797-1806; Moderator General Assembly 1807; Professor Theology & Church Govern- ment Princeton Seminary 1812-51; Director Princeton Seminary 1812; Librarian Princeton Seminary 1812-51; Trustee Princeton 1824-51. Azel Backus, d.d *i8i6 President Hamilton 1812-16; A.B. Yale 1787; A.M. Yale 1790. Ira Condict, d.d *i8ii A.B. Princeton 1784. John Cornell, a.m * Moses Hoge, d.d *i82o Trustee Washington & Lee 1791-1807; President Hampden Sidney 1807-20; Professor Theology Hampden Sidney 1812-20. William Jay, d.d *i8s3 Leonard Woods, d.d *i854 Professor Christian Theology Andover 1808-46; Professor Emeritus 1846-54; A.B. Harvard 1796; A.M. Harvard 1799; D.D. also Dartmouth 1810. 181I John Brown, d.d *i842 Served in Revolutionary War; Pro- fessor Logic & Moral Philosophy Univ. South Carolina 1809-11; President Univ. Georgia 1811-16. Ebenezer Harlow Cummins, a.m. *i835 Member Georgia Assembly; Judge Maryland; A.M. also Univ. Georgia (Franklin College) 1804. Alexander Viets Griswold, d.d. *i843 Protestanf Episcopal Bishop Eastern Diocese 1811-43; Presiding Bishop 1836-43; Fellow Brown 1S12-15; Trus- tee Brown 1815-28; Chancellor Brown 1815-28; A.M. Brown 1810 hon.; D.D. also Brown i8n, also Harvard 1812. Robert Hall, d.d *i83i William S. Hamilton, a.m. . . .* James Inglis, d.d *i82o Director Princeton Seminary i8i."-i9; Moderator General Assembly 1814; A.B. Columbia 1795. Thomas Picton, a.m *i86i Chaplain and Professor Moral Phi- losophy West Point 1818-25. 4o8 HONORARY DEGREES [1811-1S Samuel Worcester, d.d *i82i A.B. Dartmouth 1795; A.M. Dartmouth 1798. I812 Derrick G. Salomons, a.m.*i8is(?) M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1812. John Tennent Woodhull, a.m.*i869 Member New Jersey Assembly 1821-27; Judge Court of Common Pleas Mon- mouth Co., N. J.; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1826-47; Director Pnnceton Seminary 1827-49; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1809. 1813 Tapping Reeve, ll.d ^^^^3 A.B. Princeton i763' 1814 William Dealtry, d.d *i847 Fellow Trinity College, Cambridge 1798-1814; Professor Mathematics East India College, Haileybury; Chancellor Diocese of Winchester 1830; Archdea- con Surrey 1845-47; B.A. Trinity 1796; M.A. Trinity 1799; B.D. Trinity 1812; D.D. also Trinity 1829; F.R.S. Thomas Gisborne, d.d. .*i846 B.A. 1780. St. Johns College, Cambridge Joseph McKean, ll.d *i8i8 Professor Rhetoric and Oratory Har- vard 1809-18; A.B. Harvard if94; A.M. Harvard 1797; D.D. Allegheny 1817. James Hill Parmelee, a.m. . . .*i872 Tutor Princeton 181 3-14; A.B. Yale 1808. Winfield Scott, a.m *i866 Captain Light Horse Artillery U. S. A. 1 808; Lieutenant Colonel Artillery U. S. A. 1812; Colonel Artillery U. S. A. 1813; Colonel Adjutant General 1813; Brigadier General U. S. A. 1814; Ma- jor General U. S. A. 1841; Comman- der in Chief U. S. A. 1841-61; Brevet Major General 1814; Brevet Lieutenant General 1847; Awarded Congressional Medal 1814 and 1848; A.B. William & Mary 1795; LL.D. Columbia 1850, also Harvard 1861. 1815 Samuel Bard, ll.d *i82i Professor Theory and Practice Medi- cine Columbia 1767-76; Professor Theory and Practice Medicine and Mid- wifery Columbia 1770-7C; Professor Chemistry Columbia 1784-85, 1785-87; Dean Medical Faculty 1 792-1804; Pres- ident College Physicians & Surgeons, N. Y. 181 3-21; M.D. Edinburgh 1765, also Columbia 1768 hon.; M.A.P.S. James Blythe, d.d *i842 Director Princeton Seminary 1815-19; Moderator General Assembly i8i6; President and Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Kentucky Univ. (Transylvania); President Hanover Col- lege, Ind. ; A.B. Hampden Sidney 1789. John Dick, d.d ^1833 Professor Theology Associated Synod Glasgow; M.A. Glasgow. Jacob Morgan Douglass, a.b. .* Jacob Green, a.m *i84i Professor Experimental Philosophy, Chemistry & Natural History, Princeton 1818-22; Professor Chemistry Jefferson Medical 1822-41; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1807, also Rutgers 1812 hon.; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1810, also Rutgers 1815 hon.; M.D. Yale 1827 hon.; ll.d. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1835- Leverett Israel Foote Huntington, A.M *l820 A.B. Yale 181 1; A.M. also Union 1815 hon. Samuel Johnston, ll.d *i8i6 Member North Carolina Assembly 1769; Member North Carolina Provincial Con- gress 1774; Member Continental Con- gress 1780-82; Governor North Caro- lina 1787-89; U. S. Senator from North C^^arolina 1789-93; Judge Supreme Court North Carolina 1801-03; Member and President North Carolina Constitu- tional Convention 1788-89. John Bayard Kirkpatrick, a.b.*i864 U. S. Treasury Department 1820-50; Mayor New Brunswick, N. J. 1856- 60; A.B. also Rutgers 1814; A.M. Rutgers 181 7. John Mitchell, d.d *i844 Professor Theology Associated Synod Glasgow; D.D. also Glasgow 1816. Henry Vethake, a.m *i866 Instructor Mathematics and Geography Columbia 181 3; Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosopliy Rutgers 1813- 17: Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosopliy Princeton 1817-21; Pro- fessor Mathematics and Natural Phi- losophy Dickinson 1821-29; Professor Natural Philosophy Princeton 1830-32; Professor Mathematics and Astronomy New York Univ. 1832-33; Professor Mathematics, Astronomy and Natural I8i5-i8] HONORARY DEGREES 409 Philosophy New York Univ. 1833-35; President Washington & Lee 1835-36; Professor Mathematics Univ. Penna. 1836-54; Provost and Professor Moral and Intellectual Philosophy Univ. Penna. 1854-59; Professor Higher Mathematics Philadelphia Polytechnic College 1859-66; A.B. Columbia 1808; A.M. Columbia 1811; LL.D. Columbia 1836; M.A.P.S. Philip Melancthon Whelpley, a.m. *i824 John Nash Witherspoon, a.m.* 1853 Moderator General Assembly 1836; A.B. Univ. North Carolina 1810; A.M. also Univ. North Carolina 1813; D.D. Princeton 1836, also Lafayette 1836; LL.D. Univ. North Carolina. 1816 Henry Blatchford, a.m *i822 A.B. Union 181 1; A.M. also Union 1814. Joseph Caldwell, d.d *i^35 A.B. Princeton 1791. Lewis Condict, a.m.,. *i862 Member New Jersey Assembly 1805- 10; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1808-09; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1811-17, 1821-23; Trustee Princeton 1827-61; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1794. James Dunlap, a.m *i822 Judge Louisiana District Court. William Dunlap, a.m *i8i8 Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1809-10; Tutor Princeton 1809-10; Librarian Princeton 1809-10; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1807. Andrew Ellicott, a.m *i82o Member Maryland Assembly; Professor Mathematics West Point 1813-20; M.A.P.S.; Member Institut de France. John Manners, a.m *i853 Member New Jersey Senate 1850-52; President New Jersey Senate 1852; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1812. Aaron Ogden, ll.d *i839 A.B. Princeton 1773. John Owen, d.d *i822 A.M. David Parker, a.m * Samuel Jackson Prescott, a.m.*i857 A.B. Harvard 1795; A.M. also Harvard 1798; LL.D. Aberdeen. William Wirt, ll.d *i834 Chancellor Virginia 1802-03; Member \'irginia Assembly 1808; U. S. District Attorney Virginia 1816—17; Attorney General U. S. 1817-29; LL.D. also Bowdoin 1821, also Harvard 1824, Rutgers 1830. I817 Samuel Bacon, a.m *i820 A.B. Harvard 1808; A.M. also Harvard 1817. Eleazer Storrs Barrows, a.m.*i847 Professor Latin Hamilton 1816-21; A.B. Middlebury 1810; A.M. also Mid- dlebury 1816. Robert Finley, d.d *i8i7 A.B. Princeton 1787. Samuel Greenlee, a.m *i82i M.D. Univ. Penna. 1808. William Johnson, ll.d *i834 A.B. Princeton 1790. Peter Ogilvie Studdiford, a.b.*i866 Princeton Seminary 1818-20; A.B. also Rutgers 1816; A.M. Princeton 1830 hon. ; D.D. Princeton 1844. I818 Stephen Bloomer Balch, d.d.*i833 A.B. Princeton 1774. John Broadhead Beck, a.m. . .*i85i Professor Materia Medica Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1826-51; Trustee Co- lumbia 1838-51; A.B. Columbia 1813; A.M. also Columbia 1818, also Union 1816 hon.; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1817. Samuel Hanson Cox, a.m. . . .*i88o Professor Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology Auburn 1835-37; Director Un- ion Seminary 1837-73; President Di- rectors Union Seminary 1840-41; Pres- ident Ingham University; Moderator General Assembly (N. S.) 1846; A.M. also Williams 1823 hon.; D.D. Wil- liams 1825; LL.D. Maryville 1855. James Sproat Green, a.m....*i862 Treasurer Trustees Princeton Seminary 1824-62; Trustee Princeton 1828-62; Treasurer Princeton 1828; Member New Jersey Senate 1830-34; U. S. Dis- trict Attornev New Jersey 1837-49; Professor Jurisprudence Princeton 1847-55; A.B. Dickinson i8ii. 410 HONORARY DEGREES [1818-19 William Hooper, a.m *i876 Tutor Univ. North Carolina 1810; Pro- fessor Ancient Languages Univ. North Carolina 1817-22; Professor Furman Theological Institution, South Carolina 1837-39; Professor Greek & Roman Literature Univ. South Carolina 1839- 46; President Wake Forest, N. C. 1845- 49; A.B. Univ. North Carolina 1809; A.M. also Univ. North Carolina 1812; LL.D. Univ. North Carolina 1833. Joseph Hopkinson, ll.d *i842 Trustee Univ. Penna. 1806-19, 1822- 42; Secretary Trustees Univ. Penna. 1790-91; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1816-19; Judge U. S. District Court Penna. 1828-42; Member Penna. Constitutional Convention 1837; Presi- dent Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa.; Vice President Amer. Philos. Soc. 1831-42; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1786; LL.D. also Columbia 1818, also Har- vard 1831; M.A.P.S. David Hosack, ll.d *i835 A.B. Princeton 1789. James Kidd, d.d *i834 Professor Oriental Languages Aber- deen. Alexander McClelland, a.m..* 1864 Professor Rhetoric, Metaphysics and Logic Dickinson 1821-29; Professor Languages Rutgers 1829-32; Professor Oriental Languages and Literature Rutgers 1833-40; Professor Oriental Languages & Literature and Evidences of Christianity Rutgers 1840-51; Trus- tee Princeton Seminary 1822-26; A.B. Union 1809; D.D. Union 1830, also Dickinson 1830. Robert B. E. McLeod, a.m ... * Charles Delucena Meigs, a.m.* 1869 Professor Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children Jefferson Medi- cal; Vice President Philadelphia Col- lege of Physicians; A-B. Univ. Geor- gia 1809; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1817; M.y\.P.S. Stephen Marsh Rogers, a.b..*i823 Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps; A.B. also Brown 1818; A.M. Brown 1821. James Ross, a.m ^1847 Member Penna. Constitutional Conven- tion 1790; U. S. Senator from Penna. 1794-1803; M.A.P.S. Frederick Christian Schaeffer, a.m. *i83i Professor German Language and Lit- erature Columbia 1830-31; D.D. Co lumbia 1830. Pascal Nelson Strong, a.m. . .*i825 Trustee Columbia 1822-25; A.B. Co- lumbia 1810; D.D. Daniel Webster, ll.d *i852 U. S. Representative from New Hamp- shire 1813-17, 1823-27; U. S. Senator from Massachusetts 1827-41, 1845-50; Member Massachusetts Constitutional Convention 1821; L^. S. Secretary of State 1841-42, 1850-52; A.B. Dart- mouth 1801; A.M. Dartmouth 1804, also Harvard 1804 hon.; LL.D. also Dartmouth 1823, also Harvard 1824, also Columbia 1824, also Allegheny College, Pa. 1840. Robert G. Wilson, d.d *i85i Director Princeton Seminary 1817-23; President Ohio Univ. 1824-39; A.B. Dickinson 1790. I819 Richard M. Berrien, a.m * M.D. Univ. Penna. 1818. George Chandler, a.m William Paterson Clark, a.m.* A.B. Rutgers 1814; A.M. also Rutgers 1817; M.D. David Bates Douglass, a.m. . .*i849 2d Lieutenant U. S. Engineers 1813; 1st Lieutenant U. S. Engineers 1814; Captain U. S. Engineers 1819; As- tronomer Surveyor U. S. Boundary Commission 1819-20; Brevet Captain U. S. A. 1814; Resigned 1831; Assist- ant Professor Natural & Experimental Philosophy West Point 1815-20; Pro- fessor Mathematics West Point 1820- 23; Professor Civil and Military En- gineering \\'est Point 1823-31; Pro- fessor iS'atural Philosophy New York Univ. 1832-43; Professor Civil Engi- neering & Architecture New York Univ. 1833-43; President and Professor Moral & Intellectual Philosophy Ken- yon 1840-44; Professor Mathematics & Natural Philosophy Hobart 1848-49; A.B. Yale 1813; A.M. also Yale 1816, also Union i8i?5; LL.D. Yale 1841, also Hobart 1841. John Holt Rice, d.d *i83i Professor Theology LTnion Seminary, Va. 1824-31; Moderator General As- sembly 1819; Director Princeton Semi- nary 1819-25. Frederick Richmond, a.m .... * A.B. Rutgers 1815; M.D. Univ. Penra. 1819. James Mongin Smith, A. b...* 1859 A.B. also Yale 1819; A.M. Yale 1822. 1820-22] HONORARY DEGREES 411 1820 John C. Baker, a.m * D.D. Lafayette 1837. William Craig Brownlee, d.d.*i86o Professor Latin and Greek Rutgers 1825-26; ALA. Glasgow. George Burder, d.d *i832 Robert Brown Croes, a.m...*i878 Principal Rutgers College Grammar School 1819-20; General Seminary, N. Y. 1820-23; A.B. Rutgers 1815; A.M. also Rutgers 1818; D.D. Rutgers 1870. Jacob Green, a.m *i85i A.B. Rutgers 1813. Robert Goodloe Harper, ll.d.*i825 A.B. Princeton 1785. William Johnson, ll.d *i848 Reporter Supreme Court New York; A.B. Yale 1788; A.M. Yale 1792; LL.D. also Hamilton 1819. John Phillip, d.d *i836 D.D. also Columbia i8ig. Conrad Speece, d.d *i836 Director Princeton Seminary 1812-14; A.B. Washington College, Maryland 1798. Charles Stewart, a.m *i869 Lieutenant U. S. N. 1793; Commander U. S. N. 1804; Captain U. S. N. 1806; Reserved List U. S. N. 1855; Senior Flag Officer Active List U. S. N. 1859; Retired List U. S. N. 1861; Rear Ad- miral U. S. N. 1862. Robert Field Stockton, a.m. .*i866 Midshipman U. S. N. 181 1; Lieutenant U. S. N. 1814; Commander U. S. N. 1830; Captain U. S. N. 1838; Re- signed 1850; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1851-53. George Waldburg, a.m * 1821 Charles A. Alexander, a.b...* A.M. Princeton 1868 hon. Amzi Armstrong, d.d *i827 A.M. Princeton 1805 hon. William Warren Blauvelt, a.m.*i888 New Brunswick Seminarv 18 -23; Professor Hampden Sidnev; A P. Rutgers 1814; A.M. Rutgers 1817; D.D. College City of N. Y. 1856. Greville Ewing, d.d * M.A. Glasgow. Jared Ingersoll, ll.d ^1822 Member Continental Congress 1780-81; Member U. S. Constitutional Conven- ton 1787; Attorney General Penna. 1790-99, 1811-17; U. S. District At- torney Penna. ; Chief Justice District Court Philadelphia 1821-22; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1787-1800; A.B. Yale 1766; A.M. Yale 1769. James Lenox, a.m *i88o Trustee Princeton Seminary 1831-79; Director Princeton Seminary 1835-47; Trustee Princeton 1833-57; A.B. Co- lumbia 1818; A.M. also Columbia 1821; LL.D. Princeton 1867, also Columbia 1875; M.A.P.S. Henry Michael Alason, a.m. .* 1868 General Seminary, N. Y. 1820-23; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1818; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1821; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1838. James Martin Staughton, a.m.* 1833 Professor Chemistry & Geology George Washington 1821; Professor Surgery George Washington 1821-30; Professor Surgery Medical College, Ohio 1830- 3i; A.B. Univ. Penna. i8i8; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1821. William Wolcott Turner, a.b.*i887 A.B. also Yale 1819; A.M. Yale 1822; Ph.D. Gallaudet College 1870 hon. John Van Meter, a.b * Rufus Woodward, a.m ^1824 Tutor Yale 1818-22; A.B. Yale 1816; A.AL also Yale 1819. 1822 Robert G. Armstrong, a.m. . .*i855 Robert Baird, a.m *i862 Princeton Seminary 1819-22; Tutor Princeton 1821-22; A.B. W^ashington & Jefferson (J.) 1818; .A.M. also Wash- ington & Jefferson CJ.) 1822; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1842; M.A.P.S. ^ ' John Codman, d.d *i847 A.B. Harvard 1802, also Yale 1802 hon.; A.M. Harvard 1805, also Brown 1814 hon.; D.D. also Harvard 1840. Henry William Ducachet. a.m.*i865 M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1817; D.D. Univ. Penna. 1837. William Ferrier, d.d *i835 412 HONORARY DEGREES [1822-24 James Monroe, ll.d *i83i Lieutenant 3d Virginia Continental Army; Major on Staff of Earl of Stir- ling; Military Commissioner to Army of South with rank Lieutenant Colonel; Member Virginia Assembly 1782; Member Virginia Senate; Member Con- tinental Congress 1783-86; Member Vir- ginia Constitutional Convention 1788; U. S. Senator from Virginia 1790-95; U. S. Minister to France 1794-96; Governor Virginia 1799-1802, 181 1; U. S. Minister to Great Britain 1808; U. S. Secretary of State 1811-17; Acting U. S. Secretary of War 1814- 15; President of U. S. 18:7-21, 1821- 25; Regent Univ. Virginia; A.B. Wil- liam & Mary 1775; LL.D. also Harvard and Dartmouth 1817. Robert Hall Morrison, a.m. .* 1889 President Davidson College, North Car- olina 1837- ; A.B. Univ. North Caro- lina 1818; D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1838. William D. Snodgrass, a.m. . .*i885 Director Princeton Seminary 1830-33, 1834-85; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1815; D.D. Columbia 1830. John Summerfield, a.m *i825 Charles Thomson, ll.d *i824 a.m. Princeton 1780 hon. William Ward, d.d * John Wells, ll.d *i823 A.B. Princeton 1788. 1823 John Boggs, A.M * Matthew Brown, d.d *i853 President Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1806-22; President Washington & Jef- ferson (J.) 1822-45; A.B. Dickinson 1794; LL.D. Hamilton 1835; also Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1845. George Bush, a.m *i859 Princeton Seminary 1820-22; Tutor Princeton 1822-23; Adjunct Professor Hebrew Language & Literature New York Univ. 1832-34; Professor Hebrew Language & Literature New York Univ. 1834-46; Instructor Sacred Lit- erature Union Seminary, N. Y. 1836- 37; A.B. Dartmoutk 1818; A.M. also Dartmouth 1821. Ebenezer Dickey, d.d *i83t A.B. Uaiv. Penna. 1792; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1795. John Gray, a.m * Job S. Halstead, a.m ^1844 Joseph Coerten Hornblower, a.m. *i864 Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jer- sey 1832-46; Member New Jersey Con- stitutional Convention 1844; Professor Civil Law Princeton 1847-55; LL.D. Princeton 1841. Samuel Lawrence, a.b *i875 John Kearsley Mitchell, a.m. .*i858 Lecturer Medicine & Physiology Phila. Medical Institute 1824-26; Professor Chemistry Phila. Medical Institute 1826-33; Professor Chemistry Franklin Institute 1833-41; Professor Theory and Practice Medicine Jefferson Med- ical 1841-58; A.M. also Edinburgh 1816; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1819; M.A.P.S. Henry Perkins, a.m *i88o Princeton Seminary 1817-19; D.D. Princeton 1858. James Stark, d.d * James Townley, d.d * Garret Dorset Wall, a.m *i85o Captain Phoenix Infantry Co. War of 1812; Clerk Supreme Court New Jer- sey 1812-17; Member New Jersey As- sembly 1822-23, 1827-28; U. S. Dis- trict Attorney New Jersey 1828-37; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1834- 40; Judge Court of Errors and Ap- peals 1848-50; Trustee Burlington Col- lege, Burlington, N. J. Gilbert Smith Woodhull, a.m.*i83I M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1816. 1824 Francis Beatty, a.m. M.D. elsewhere. Charles Davies, a.m *i876 Assistant Professor Mathematics West Point 1816-21; Assistant Professor Nat- ural Philosophy West Point 1821-23; Professor Mathematics West Point 1823-41; Professor Mathematics Trinity 1839-41; Professor Mathematics & Nat- ural Philosophy New York Univ. 1848- 49; Professor Higher Mathematics Co- lumbia 1857-65; Professor Emeritus Columbia 1865-76; Paymaster V. S. A. 1841-45; Treasurer West Point 1841- 46; \\'est Point 1815; ist Lieutenant U. S. A. 181=;; A.M. also Williams 1825; LL.D. Ilobart 1840. Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus El- mer. A.M *l883 Prosecuting Attorney Cumberland Co., N. J. 1824; Member New Jersey As- sembly 1820-23; Speaker New Jersey c8j4-29] HONORARY DEGREES 413 Assembly 1823; U. S. District Attorney New Jersey 1824-29; Trustee Princeton 1829-64; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1832-33; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1843-45; Attorney General New Jersey 1850-52; Judge New Jer- sey Supreme Court 1852-67; LL.D. Princeton 1865. William B. Hodgson, a.m. . . .* LL.D. Princeton 1858; M.A.P.S. Samuel W. Lynd, a.m * Jonas Piatt, ll.d *i834 U. S. Representative from New York 1799-1801; Judge Supreme Court New York 1814-1834; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1826-29. Samuel Stanhope Smith, a.m.*i828 West Point 1818; ist Lieutenant U. S. A. 1820; Assistant Professor Mathe- matics West Point 1818-21; Assistant Professor Natural & Experimental Phi- losophy West Point 1823-28. Horace Webster, a.m *i87i West Point 1818; ist Lieutenant U. S. A. 1820; Assistant Professor Mathe- matics W^est Point 1818-25; Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Hobart 1825-48; President and Pro- fessor Moral, Intellectual & Political Philosophy College City N. Y. 1848-69; LL.D. Kenyon 1842, also Columbia 1849. 1825 Robert Hamilton Bishop, d.d.*i855 Professor Metaphysics, Moral Phi- losophy & Natural Philosophy Univ. Kentucky (Transylvania) 1803-24; President Miami 1824-41; Professor Logic, Moral Philosophy and History Miami 1824-41; President Farmers College, Ohio 1845-55; Professor His- tory and Political Science Miami 1841- 45; M.A. Edinburgh 1798. Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bon- aparte, A.M *l857 Prince of Canino and Musignano; ^'ice President Constituent Assembly Italy; Corresponding Member French Academy; Hon. Member Academy of Sciences Berlin; M.A.P.S. John Overton Choules, a.m..* 1856 D.D. Abraham Lidden Cox, a.m. . .*i864 a.m. also Williams 1824; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1823. John Gummere, a.m *i84S President Haverford 1834-43; Pro- fessor Mathematics Haverford 1833-43; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1826. William T. Hamilton, a.m...*i842 William Edmonds Horner, a.m. *i853 Professor Anatomy Univ. Penna.; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1814; M.A.P.S. John Nelson, a.m *i86o U. S. Representative from Maryland 1821-23; U. S. Minister to Naples 1831-32; U. S. Attorney General 1843-45; A.B. William & Mary 181 1. Joshua T. Russell, a.m *i8s4 Director Princeton Seminary 1825-33. 1826 Charles Fenton Mercer, li,.d.*i858 A.B. Princeton 1797. James Morss, d.d *i842 A.B. Harvard 1800; A.M. Harvard 1803. 1827 Samuel Fisher, d.d *i856 Tutor Williams 1801-03; Moderator General Assembly (N. S.) 1838; A.B. Williams 1799; A.M. Williams 1802. Samuel Osgood, d.d *i862 A.B. Dartmouth 1805; A.M. Dartmouth 1808. William Rawle, ll.d *i835 U. S. District Attorney 1791- ; Mem- ber Penna. Assembly; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1796-1835; M.A.P.S. 1828 Joseph Holdich, a.m * Assistant Professor Moral Science & Belles Lettres Wesleyan 1835-36; Pro- fessor Moral Science & Belles Lettres 1836-49; D.D. La Grange College, Ala. 1843. William Shaler, a.m *i833 U. S. Consul General Algiers; U. S. Consul General Havana, Cuba. 1829 Jacob T. Bergen, a.m * John Macpherson Berrien, ll.d. *i856 A.B. Princeton 1796. 414 HONORARY DEGREES [1830-33 1830 William Esterly Ashton, a.m.*i836 William Bainbridge, a.m *i833 Lieutenant U. S. N. 1798-99; Com- mander U. S. N. 1799; Captain U. b. N. 1800; Voted Gold Medal by Con- gress 1813. Harvey Fisk, a.m *i83r A.B. Hamilton 1826. Louis Hargous, a.m * Professor Modern Languages Prince- ton 1830-36. Herman Hooker, a.m *i865 A.B. Middlebury 1825; A.M. also Mid- dlebury 1828; D.D. Union 1848. John Angell James, d.d *i859 D.D. also Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1853- Thomas D. Mitchell, a.m *i865 Professor Materia Medica Jeff'erson Medical; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1812. Peter Ogilvie Studdiford, a.m.* 1866 A.B. Princeton 1817 hon. John Vandervoort, a.m *i8s2 1831 Silas Milton Andrews, a.m..*i88i A.B. Univ. North Carolina 1826; A.M. also Univ. North Carolina 1829; Princeton Seminary 1828-31; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1852. Luther Halsey, d.d *i88o Professor Natural Philosophy, Chem- istry & Natural History Princeton 1824- 29; Professor Theology Allegheny Sem- inary 1829-37; Professor Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity Auburn Seminary 1837-44; Instructor Church History Union Seminary, N. Y. 1847- 50; Lecturer Extraordinary Practical Theology Allegheny Seminary 1872- 77; Professor Emeritus Allegheny Sem- inary 1877-80; A.B. Union 1812; D.D. also Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1831; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson 1871. Obadiah Jennings, d.d *i832 A.M. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1821. Samuel Jones, a.m *i864 A.M. also Yale 1840; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1843. Seaborn Jones, a.m *i874 U. S. Representative from Georgia i833-35> 1845-47. Thomas Phillips, d.d * Horatio Phillips Van Cleve, a.m. ^1891 West Point 1831; Brevet 2d Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry 1831; 2d Lieuten- ant U. S. A. 1 834 -1 836; Colonel _2d Minnesota Infantry 1861; Brigadier General U. S. \ols. 1862; Brevet Ma- jor General U. S. Vols. 1865; 2d Lieu- tenant U. S. Infantry; Retired 1890. 1832 Joseph Alden, a.m *i885 Princeton Seminary 1828-30; Tutor Princeton 1830-32; Trustee Williams 1834-35; Professor History, Political Economy & Rhetoric Williams 1834- 52; Professor Moral Philosophy & Metaphysics Lafayette 1852-57; Presi- dent Washington & Jefferson 1857-62; A.B. Union 1829; A.M. also Union 1832, also Williams 1837; D.D. Un- ion 1839; LL.D. Columbia 1857. Robert Jefferson Breckinridge, a.m. *i87i Member Kentucky Assembly; President Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1845-47; Professor Theology Danville Seminary; A.B. Union 1819; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1847, also Harvard 1862; D.D. Union i8— ; M.A.P.S. i86g Benedict Jaeger, a.m , Professor German and Italian Prince- ton 1832-36; Professor Modern Lan- guages Princeton 1836-43. Jonas King, d.d *i869 Andover Seminary 1816-19; Professor Oriental Literature Amherst 1821-28; A.B. Williams 1816. James Francis Latta, a.m....* 1842 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1832. Joseph M. Leon, a.m * Alexander Macklin, a.m *i85g D.D. Central 1853. Benjamin Holt Rice, d.d....*i856 Director Princeton Seminary 1833-48; Moderator General Assembly 1829. 1833 Charles H. Hoover, a.m * Arthur McAllister, a.m * Henry Perrine, .^.m * M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1819. 1833-36] HONORARY DEGREES 415 George H. Stewart, a.m * Samuel Cover Winchester, a.m., D.D *i84i 1834 Samuel Underhill Berrien, a.m. Edward Henry Courtenay, a.m. *i853 West Point 1821; Brevet 2d Lieutenant U. S. Engineers 1821; Resigned 1829; Acting Assistant Professor Natural and Experimental _ Philosophy West Point 1821-22; Assistant Professor En- gineering West Point 1822-24; x\cting Professor Natural and Experimental Philosophy West Point 1828-29; Pro- fessor Natural & Experimental Phi- losophy West Point 1829-34; Professor Mathematics Univ. Penna. 1834-36; Chief Engineer Dry Dock U. S. Navy Yard Brooklyn, N. Y. 1841-42; Pro- fessor Mathematics Univ. Virginia 1842-53; A.M. also Univ. Penna. 1834 hen.; LL.D. Hampden Sidney 1846. Charles Du Buisson, a.m. . . .*i87o President Jefferson College, Miss. 1833- 39; Judge Probate Court Adams Co., Miss. 1843-47; Member Mississippi Assembly 1852-54; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1829; LL.D. Clarkson Dunn, a.m *i87o A.B. Union 1818. Alfred Ely, d.d *i866 A.B. Princeton 1804. Charles J. Haderman, a.m .... * Professor Mathematics and Modern Languages Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1834-36. John Johns, d.d *i876 A.B. Princeton 181 5. John Jones Milligan, a.m *i875 U. S. Representative from Delaware 1831-33, 1837-39; Judge Supreme Court Delaware 1839-64. William Nevins, d.d *i835 Princeton Seminary 1816-19; Director Princeton Seminary 1826-35; A.B. Yale 1816. William Shields Reid, d.d...*i853 A.B. Princeton 1802. 1835 Nicholas Biddle, ll.d ^1844 A.B. Princeton 1801. Thomas Blackwell, a.b ^1863 m.a.p.s. John Nesbit Campbell, d.d. .*i864 Director Princeton Seminary 1836-64; Trustee Princeton 1856-64. Robert Dunbar, a.m., m.d * William Gaston, ll.d ^1844 A.B. Princeton 1796. Robert Halley, d.d * John Anthony Quitman, a.m.* 1858 Professor Law Mount Airy College, Pa. 1818-19; Member Mississippi Assembly 1828-32; Chancellor Mississippi 1828- 34; Member Mississippi Senate 1834- 36; President Mississippi Senate 1835— 36; Acting Governor Mississippi 1833— 36; Judge Mississippi Court of Errors and Appeals 1839; Brigadier General U.S \ ols. 1846; Major General U. S. A. 1847; Brevet Major General U. S. A. 1846; Presented with sword by Congress 1847; Honorably discharged 1848; Military Governor _ Cjty_ of Mex- ico 1847-48; Governor Mississippi 1850- 51; U. S. Representative from Miss- issippi 1855-58; LL.D. La Grange Col- lege, Mo. Smith Thompson, ll.d *i843 A.B. Princeton 1788. Robert Thurston, a.m * Reuben Hyde Walworth, ll.d.*i867 Brigade Major N. Y. Militia War of 181 2; U. S. Representative from New York 1821-23; Judge 4th Circuit Court New York 1823-28; Chancellor State of New York 1828-48; LL.D. also Yale 1839, also Harvard 1848. John G. Worthington, a.m...* 1836 Archibald Alexander, a.m...*i882 M.D. Jefferson Medical 1836. Stevenson Archer, ll.d *i848 A.B. Princeton 1805. David Andrews Frame, a.b..*i879 Auburn Seminary 1832-36; A.M. Princeton 1841 hon. William Burnet Kinney, a.m.*i88o Trustee Princeton 1840-50; U. S. Charge d' Affaires Sardinia 1850-53, Horace Nelson Robinson, a.m.*i867 4i6 HONORARY DEGREES [1836-40 James Scott, a.m *i857 D.D. Lafayette 1844. John Nash Witherspoon, d.d.*i8s3 A.M. Princeton 1815 hon. 1837 William Holmes Chambers Bart- lett, A.M *i893 West Point 1826; 2d Lieutenant U. S. Engineers 1826; Resigned 1836; Act- ing Assistant Professor Engineering West Point 1826-27; Assistant Pro- fessor Engineering West Point 1827- 29; Acting Professor Natural & Ex- perimental Philosophy West Point 1834- 36; Professor Natural & Experimental Philosophy West Point 1836-71; LL.D. Hobart 1847; M.A.P.S. Peter Bullions, d.d *i864 M.A. Edinburgh 1813. Albert Ensign Church, a.m. .*i878 West Point 1828; 2d Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery 1828-36; ist Lieutenant U. S. A. 1836-38; Resigned 1838; Act- ing Assistant Professor Mathematics West Point 1828-31, 1833; Assistant Professor Mathematics West Point 1837-38; Professor Mathematics West Point 1838-78; A.M. also Trinity Col- lege, Conn. 1837 hon.; LL.D. Yale 1852. Dennis Hart Mahan, a.m. . . .*i87i West Point 1824; 2d Lieutenant U. S. Engineers 1824-32; Resigned 1832; Acting Assistant Professor Mathemat- ics West Point 1824-25; Assistant Pro- fessor Engineering West Point 1825- 26; Acting Professor Engineering West Point 1831-32; Professor Engineering West Point 1832-71; A.M. also Brown 1837; LL.D. William and Mary 1852, also Brown 1852, also Dartmouth 1867. Pierpont Potter, a.m * Morgan John Rhees, a.m *i8s3 D.D. Rochester 1852. Samuel B. Wilson, d.d *i869 Professor Theology Union Seminary, Va. 1841-69. 1838 Roderick Allen, a.m *i840 Jean Henri Merle D'Aubigne, d.d. *i872 President and Professor History, The- ological Faculty, Univ. Geneva, Swit- zerland; D.D. also Bonn 1864. John Henry Grandpierre, d.d.*i872 John McMillan, a.m * William Swan Plumer, d.d. .*i88o Princeton Seminary 1825-26; Moder- ator General Assembly 1838, (O. S.) and 1871; Professor Didactic and Pas- toral Theology Allegheny Seminary 1854-62; Professor Theology Columbia (S. C.) Seminary 1867-80; Director Princeton Seminary 1849-55; A.B. Washington & Lee 1825; D.D. also La- fayette 1838, also Washington & Jef- ferson _ (W.) 1838; LL.D. Univ. of Mississippi 1857. Henry Ruffner, d.d *i86i Professor Languages Washington & Lee 1819-30, 1835-37; Professor Mathe- matics Washington & Lee 1830-35; Professor Moral Philosophy Washing- ton & Lee 1836-48; Rector Board of Trustees and President Washington & Lee 1836-48; A.B. Washington & Lee 1814; LL.D. Washington & Lee 1849. Samuel Maffit Whann, a.m. .* 1844 A.B, Washiington & Jefferson (J.) 1828; A.M. also Washington & Jeffer- son (J.) 1831. 1839 Henry Goldthwaite, a.m * Isaac Halsted Williamson, ll.d. *i844 Governor and Chancellor New Jersey 1817-29; Member New Jersey Senate 1831-32; Member New Jersey Consti- tutional Convention 1844. John Clarke Young, d.d *i8s7 Princeton Seminary 1825-27; Clerk of Faculty Princeton 1827-28; Tutor Princeton 1826-28; President Central 1830-57; Moderator General Assembly (O. S.) 1853; A.B. Dickinson 1823; A.M. Dickinson 1826. 1840 Joseph B. Anthony, a.m *i85i U. S. Representative from Penna. 1833-37. William Jessup Armstrong, d.d. ♦1846 A.B. Princeton 1S16. Joseph Steele Gallagher, a.m.*i877 2d Lieutenant Artillery U. S. A. 1820; 2d Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry 1821; ist Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry 1830; 1840-44] HONORARY DEGREES 417 Regimental Adjutant 1833-35; Re- signed 1836; Treasurer Union Semi- nary, N. Y. 1863-74; Director Union Seminary, N. Y. 1863-76. John Breckinridge Grayson, a.m. M.D. Jefferson Medical, Pa. 1841. Ovid Frazer Johnson, a.m *i854 Attorney General Penna. 1839-45. Benjamin Marshall, a.m Willard Martin Rice, a.m *i904 Tutor Wesleyan 1837-40; A.B. Wes- leyan 1837; D.D. Wesleyan i866. Der Minasian Senakerim, a.m.* M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1844. Samuel V. Watkins, a.m *i872 A.B. Hampden Sidney 1824. George Henry Woodward, a.m. *i877 A.B. Dartmouth 1831. 1 841 Robert S. Candlish. d.d *i873 D.D. also Edinburgh 1865. David Andrews Frame, a.m. .*i879 A.B. Princeton 1836 hon. Joseph Coerten Hornblower, ll.d. *i864 A.M. Princeton 1823 hon. David Lowry Swain, ll.d.,.*i868 Chief Justice Supreme Court North Carolina 1830-32; Governor North Carolina 1832-35; President Univ. North Carolina 1835-68; LL.D. also Yale 1842. 1842 William Cunningham, d.d...*i86i Professor Church History New Col- lege, Edinburgh 1845-47; Principal New College, Edinburgh 1847-59. Bayned Rust Hall, a.m *i863 President Univ. Indiana 1824-28; Pro- fessor Univ. Indiana 1828-31; A.B. Union 1820; D.D. Rutgers 1848. James Isbell Helm, a.m *i88o Princeton Seminary 1833-36; A.B. Grove College, Tenn. 1833; D.D. Co- lumbia 1872. Craig Maffet, a.m *i844 Alexander Church Matheson, a.b. *i886 A.M. Princeton 1874 hon.; M.D. Univ. South Carolina 1842. Adolphe Frederic Theodore Mo- nod, D.D *i856 Professor Protestant Thelogical Fac- ulty Montauban Univ. France 1836- 47; D.D. also Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1841. Lyndon Arnold Smith, a.m. . .*i86s A.B. Dartmouth 1817; A.M. also Dart- mouth 1820; M.D. Dartmouth 1823, also Williams 1824; Hon. Member Rhode Island Medical Society; Hon. Member New York Medical Society; Fellow College Physicians & Surgeons, N. Y. 1843 G. De Felice, d.d *i87o Professor Protestant Theological Fac- ulty Univ. Montauban, France. William Dunnitt, a.m * Frangois Samuel Robert Louis Gaussen, d.d *i863 Professor Theological Faculty Univ. Geneva, Switzerland; D.D. also Wash- ington & Jefferson (J.) 1841. Clark Huston, d.d * Thomas Smyth, d.d *i873 Princeton Seminary 1830; A.B. Belfast College, Ireland 1829. John Conover Ten Eyck, a.m.*i879 Prosecuting Attorney Burlington Co., N. J. 1839-49- Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1859-65; Member New Jersey Constitutional Commission 1873. Ashbel Welch, a.m *i882 1844 Thomas Archer, d.d *i864 James Buchanan, d.d *i87o Alexander Dunlop, ll.d *i87o Robert Gibson, a.b Stacy Gardner Potts, a.m. . . .*i86s Member New Jersey Assembly 1828- 4i8 HONORARY DEGREES [844-48 29; Clerk Court of Chancery New Jer- sey 1831-40; Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1852-65; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1849-61. Peter Ogilvie Studdiford, d.d.*i866 A.B. Princeton 181 7 hon. James Wilson, a.m 1845 James Hall, a.m Samuel Pease Helme, a.m. . . .*i862 George Washington Musgrave, d.d. *i882 Princeton Seminary 1826-28; Director Princeton Seminary 1837-82; 1st Vice President Directors Princeton Semi- nary 1868-82; Trustee Princeton 1859- 82; Moderator General Assembly 1868; LL.D. Univ. Indiana 1862. Samuel Kennedy Talmage. . .*i865 A.B. Princeton 1820. Elias Van Arsdale [Artsdale], LL.D *i846 A.B. Princeton 1791. Horatio T. Wheeler, a.m. . . . 1846 Philip Aylette, a.m m.d. Hopewell Hepburn, a.m John M. Hutchins, a.m M.D. Thomas P. Jones, a.m *i848 Professor Chemistry George Washing- ton 1832-40; Professor Pharmacy George Washmgton 1839-40; Trustee Cleorge Washington 1838-47; M.D. James McDowell, ll.d *i85i A.B. Princeton 1816. John Renshaw Thompson, a.m. *i862 U. S. Consul Canton, China, 1823-25; Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1853-62. William Adee Whitehead, a.m.*i884 Alexander A. Wilkin, a.b Alexander Wurts, a.m *i88i Member New Jersey Assembly 1824, 1828-32; Speaker New Jersey Assem- bly 1829-32; Member New Jersey Sen- ate 1833, 1844-46, 1865-68: Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844. 1847 Edward Armstrong, a.m *i874 President Law Academy, Philadelphia, 1841; Member Penna. Assembly 1850. Lyman Coleman, d.d *i882 Tutor Yale 1820-25; Professor German Princeton 1847-49; Professor Greek and Latin Lafavette 1868-82; A.B. Yale 1817; A.M. Yale 1820, also Mid- dlebury 1833 ^on. Jonathan Bailey Condit, d.d. .*i876 A.B. Princeton 1827. Philip Mifflin Dallas, a.m *i866 Secretary U. S. Legation, London, 1856-61. George Franklin Fort, a.m. . .*i872 Member New Jersey Constitutional Convention 1844; Member New Jersey Assembly 1845-46; Member New Jer- sey Senate 1846-49; Governor New Jersey 1851-54; Judge Court of Er- rors and Appeals New Jersey; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1830. George Hammersley, a.m .... Henry Jarvis Raymond, a.m. .^1869 Member New York Assembly 1850; Speaker New York Assembly 1850; Lieutenant Governor New York 1856; U. S. Representative from New York 1865-67; Trustee Univ. V^erniont 1850- 62; A.B. Univ. X'ermont 1840; A.M. also Univ. Vermont 1843. William Vogdes, a.m *i886 Judge Penna. 1848 Jacob Burnet, ll.d *i853 A.B. Princeton 1791. John Goldsmith, d.d *i854 A.B. Princeton 1815. James Hamilton, d.d *i867 William W. Handy, a.m....*i857 Joel Jones, ll.d *i86o Presiding Judge District Court Phila- delphia; President Girard College; Mavor Philadelpliia 1849-50; A.B. Yale 1817. 1848-50] HONORARY DEGREES 419 Jacob Walter Eliezer Ker, a.m. *i879 James E. Kirkpatrick, a.m . . . James Lynd, a.m Samuel Miller, d.d Nathaniel Scudder Prime, d.d. *i856 A.B. Princeton 1804. James Hervey Simpson, a.m.*i883 West Point 1832; 2d Lieutenant U. S. A. 1833; ist Lieutenant U. S. Topo- graphical lingineers 1838; Captain U. S. A. 1853; Major U. S. Topographical Engineers 1861; Major U. S. Engi- neering Corps 1863; Lieutenant Colo- nel U. S. A. 1863; Colonel 4th New Jersey Vols. 1861 ; Colonel 1867; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. A. 1865. Ephraim George Squier, a.m.*i888 Clerk Ohio Legislature 1847, 1848; Special U. S. Charge d'Affaires Cen- tral America 1849; U. S. Commissioner to Peru 1863-65; Consul General Hon- duras, New York City; Awarded Medal of French Geographical Society 1856. Rufus Taylor, a.m *i894 Princeton Seminary 1837-40; A.B. .^m- herst 1837; D.D. Lafayette 1863. Joseph Warren, a.m John Milton Whiton, d.d. A.B. Yale 1805. = 1856 1849 * James Bannerman, d.d. . Professor Theology Free Church Scot- land. Edward Brame, a.m William Perroneau Finley, ll.d. *i876 A.B. Princeton 1820. Thomas Edgar Hunt, a.m. . . . M.D. New York Univ. 1847. Charles King, ll.d *i867 Trustee Columbia 1825-38, 1849-67; President Columbia 1849-64; LL.D. also Harvard 1850. John G. Lorimer, d.d Edward Dunlap Smith, d.d. .* 1883 A.B. Princeton 1822. Robert B. Stewart, d.d James Moore Wayne, ll.d. . .*i867 A.B. Princeton 1808. Oliver R. WilHs, a.m Ph.D. Princeton 1868 hon. Edward Dorr Yeomans, a.m. .*i868 D.D. Princeton 1864. 1850 Alexander Beith. d.d Samuel Miller Breckinridge, a.m. *i89i Judge Circuit Court Missouri; LL.D. Princeton 1877. James Buchanan, ll.d . .*i868 Member Penna. Assembly; U. S. Rep- resentative from Penna. 1821-31; U. S. Minister to Russia 1832-34; U. S. Sen- ator from Penna. 1834-45; U. S. Sec- retary of State 1845-49; U. S. Minis- ter to Great Britain 1853-56; President United States 1857-61; A.B. Dickin- son 1809; LL.D. also Dickinson 1842, also Rutgers 1849. Samuel Edwards, a.m Henry Woodhull Green, ll.d.* 1876 A.B. Princeton 1820. John Hall, d.d *i894 Trustee Princeton Seminary 1859-83; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1823; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1826. Thomas Leiper Janeway, d.d.*i895 Princeton Seminary 1824-27; Tutor Allegheny Seminary 1828; Trustee La- fayette 1847-52; Director Princeton Seminary 1849-67; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1861-65; Secretary Trustees Princeton Seminary 1861-63; -"^-B. Univ. Penna. 1823; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1826. Shepard Kosciuzko Kollock. d.d. *i865 A.B. Princeton 1812. Benjamin Laing, d.d Benjamin Matthias, a.m Daniel E. Phillips, a.m Robert Shaw, d.d * Jonathan French Stearns, d.d. *i88q 420 HONORARY DEGREES [1850-53 Trustee Princeton 1864-86; A.B. Har- vard 1830; A.M. Harvard 1847. Robert W. Stewart, d.d Lorenzo A, Sykes, a.m * Peter Dtimont Vroom, ll.d. .*i874 Member New Jersey Assembly 1826- 29; Governor New Jersey 1829-32, 1833-36; U. S. Representative from New Jersej; 1840-41; Member New Jer- sey Constitutional Convention 1844; U. S. Minister to Berlin 1853-57; Member Peace Congress 1861 ; A.B. Co- lumbia 1808; A.M. Columbia 181 2; LL.D. also Columbia 1837. James Sterrett Woods, d.d..*i862 A.B. Dickinson 1814. 185I Joseph Allison, a.m Presiding Judge Court Common Pleas Philadelphia 1866- ; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1870; M.A.P.S. Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater, d.d. *i883 Yale Divinity School 1832-35; Tutor Mathematics Yale 1833-34; Professor Metai)hysics & Moral Philosophy Princeton 1854-69; Professor Logic and Moral & Political Science 1869- 83; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1860- 83; Vice President Trustees Princeton Seminary 1876-82; A.B. Yale 1831; A.M. Yale 1834; LL.D. Yale 1873- Frangois Amedee Bregy, a.m.* 1877 Instructor French Univ. Penna. 1869- 72; Professor French Language & Lit- erature Univ. Penna. 1872-77. Thomas Preston Carpenter, a.m. *i876 Prosecutor Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 1838-45; Judge Supreme Court New- Jersey 1845-52. Samuel Beach Jones, d.d. . . .*i883 Princeton Seminary 1832-36; Director Princeton Seminary 1847-64; Trustee Princeton 1861-66; Professor Theology Oakland College, Miss.; A.B. Yale 1831; A.M. Yale 1834. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, ll.d.*i867 A.B. Princeton 1819. Joseph Fitz Randolph, a.m. . .*i873 U. S. Representative from New Jer- sey 1837-43; Member New Jersey Con- stitutional Convention 1844; Judge Su- preme Court New Jersey 1845-52; Member Peace Congress 1861; Prose- cutor Monmouth Co., N. J. James Rhoads, a.m *i873 WilHam S. White, d.d 1852 Samuel Backus, a.m David Brown, d.d *i897 M.A. Aberdeen 1821; D.D. also Aber- deen 1872; LL.D. Aberdeen 1895. James Bryan, a.m *i88i Professor Surgery Hobart 1848-53; Professor Surgery Philadelphia College of Medicine 1848-56; Brigade Surgeon U. S. Volunteers 1861-65; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1834. Andrew Eckard Budd, a.m . . M.D. Univ. Penna. 1842. Gilbert Combs, a.m Enoch Laning, a.m *a»/^ 1870 Bennington Fitz Randolph, a.m. *i890 Director Princeton Seminary 1875-90. Robert Simpson, d.d *i867 Charles Sitgreaves, a.m *i878 Member New Jersey Assembly 1831- 33; Member New Jersey Senate 1834- 35; Trustee Lafayette 1843-53; U. b. Senator from New Jersey 1851-54; Major New Jersey Militia 1855-64; Mayor Phillipsburg, N. J. 1861-62; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1865-69. Robert Livingston Stanton, d.d. *i885 President Oakland 1851-54; Professor Pastoral Theology and Homiletics Danville Seminary 1862-66; President Miami 1866-71; Moderator General Assembly (O. S.) 1866; D.D. Univ. West Virginia 1852. 1853 Robert Alexander Brown, a. b.* 1875 Princeton Seminary 1853-55. George Mifflin Dallas, ll.d..*i864 A.B. Princeton 1810. Lewis Eichelberger, d.d Josiah Willard Gibbs, ll.d..*i86i Tutor Yale 1811-15; Librarian Yale 1824-43; Professor Sacred Literature 1853-56] HONORARY DEGREES 421 Yale 18^4-61; A.B. Yale 1809; A.M. Yale 1812 also Harvard 1818 hon. John Lovvry, a.m John MacFarlane, d.d Jean Pierre Revel, d.d * Moderator Waldensian Synod, Pied- mont. Joshua Rhoads, a.m M.D. Univ. Penna. 1828. 1854 William Brisbane, a.m *i878 Clerk Wisconsin Senate; M.D. Phila- delphia Medical. James Carnahan, ll.d *i859 A.B. Princeton 1800. Lewis Cochran Cassidy, a.m..*i889 Member Penna. Assembly 1851; So- licitor District of Moyamensing 1852- 53; District Attorney Philadelphia 1856-57; Delegate Charleston Conven- tion i860; Member Penna. Constitu- tional Convention 1873; Attorney Gen- eral Penna. 1883-87. James L. Curtis, a.m John William Draper, ll.d..* 1882 Professor Chemistry and Natural Philosophy Hampden Sidney 1836-38; Professor Chemistry New York Univ. 1838-82; Rumford Gold Medal 1875; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1836; M.A.P.S. Albert Leary Gihon, a.m....*i9oi Professor Chemistry Philadelphia Med- ical; Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1855; Passed Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. i860; Senior Medical Officer Ports- mouth, N. H. 1865-68; Medical Inspec- tor U. S. N. 1872; Medical Director U. S. N. 1879: Retired 1895; M.D. Phila- delphia Medical 1852. James Linn, d.d Evan Merrit, a.m Othniel Hart Taylor, a.m *i869 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1825. John Thompson, d.d Director Princeton Seminary 1856-76. Richard B. Westbrook, a.m. . . d.d. Washington & Jefferson (W.) i860. 1855 Sylvester M. Chadbourne, a.b. A.M. Princeton 1859 hon. Jesse Franklin Cleveland, a.m. *i888 Captain loth Georgia, C. S. A.; A.B. Georgetown Univ. 1853; A.M. also Georgetown Univ. 1855. Lewis Edwards, d.d President North Wales College. John Andrews Harris, a.b. . . . Needier R. Jennings, a.m. . . . Francis Lee, a.m *i859 Captain U. S. A. 1834; Major 4th In- fantry U. S. A. 1847; Brevet Lieuten- ant Colonel U. S. A. 1847; Lieutenant Colonel 6th Infantry U. S. A. 1851; Colonel 2d Infantry U. S. A. 1855; West Point 1822. J. Sterling Murray, a.b Sergeant 18th Maryland Regiment C. S. A. 1861-62; Sergeant Stuart Horse Artillery C. S. A. 1862-65. James Pollock, ll.d *i8go a.b. Princeton 1831. Andrew Somerville, d.d John M. Thomas, a.m Peter L. Voorhees, a.m *i895 LL.B. Princeton 1850. Clement F. West, a.m 1856 Edward Denis Bryan, a.m...*i888 Princeton Seminary 1834-37. Henry Steele Clarke, d.d....*i864 A.B. Hamilton 1837. Jonathan Edwards, d.d ^iSgi President Hanover 1855-57; President Washington & Jefferson 1866-69; Trus- tee Princeton Seminary 1863-66; Pro- fessor Theology Danville Seminary 1877-81; A.B. Hanover 1835; LL.D. Lafayette 1866; D.D. Washington & Jefferson (W) 1856. Alexander C. Eraser, ll.d. . .*i868 Professor Moral Philosophy Edinburgh. James Merkle, d.d 422 HONORARY DEGREES [1856-58 Joseph Buck Stratton, d.d...*i903 A.B. Princeton 1833. Daniel Ostrom Timlow, a.m.* 1885 Alphonso A. Willetts, a.m D.D. Rutgers 1864. 1857 William Burns, d.d Lucien B. Cory, a.m George David Cummins, d.d.*i876 Assistant Protestant Episcopal Bishop, Kentucky, 1866; Founder and ist Bish- op Reformed Episcopal Denomination. James P. Davis, a.b William Lewis Dayton, ll.d.*i864 A.B. Princeton 1825. David D. Demarest, d.d *i898 Professor Pastoral Theology and Sa- cred Rhetoric New Brunswick Seminary 1865-98; Secretary Faculty New Bruns- wick Seminary iSei^-pS; Trustee Rut- gers 1858-98; A.B. Rutgers 1837; LL.D. Rutgers 1892. William Radcliffe De Witt, a.m. *i89i Assistant Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1863; Surgeon U. S. N'ols. 1863; Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel U. S. Vols. 1866; M.D. Philadelphia Medical. William Henry Green, d.d. . .*i90o Tutor Lafayette 1841-42; Princeton Seminary 1842-46; /\djunct Professor Mathematics & Natural Philosophy La- fayette 1843-44; Instructor Hebrew Princeton Seminary 1846-49; Professor Biblical and Oriental Literature Prince- ton Seminary 1851-59; Professor Ori- ental and Old Testament Literature Princeton Seminary 1859-1900; Li- brarian Princeton Seminary 1851-71; Trustee Princeton 1 868-1 900; A.B. Lafayette 1840; A.M. Lafayette 1843; LL.D. Rutgers 1873; D.D. also Edin- burgh 1884. Alanson Austin Haines, a.m. .*i89i Chaplain U. S. A. Nathan Hedges, a.m *i875 Manning Marius Kimmell, a.b. West Point 1857; Brevet 2d Lieuten- ant 2d Cavalry U. S. A. 1857; 2d Lieutenant 2d Cavalry U. S. A. 1858; ist Lieutenant U. S. A. :86i; Re- signed 1861; Major Assistant Adjutant General C. S. A. 1861-65. John Leaman, a.m *i886 Trustee Lafayette 1857-65; Professor Natural History Lafayette 1858-65; Professor Anatomy & Physiology La- fayette 1865-77; Professor Emeritus, 1877-86; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1837. Peter Lorimer, d.d Charles Francis McCay, ll.d. Professor Lafayette 1833-34; Professor LTniv. of Athens, Ga. 1834-54; Pro- fessor South Carolina College 1854-56; President South Carolina College 1856- 58; A.B. Washington & Jefferson 1829. James McGavin, d.d James Linn McLean, a.m .... Ad eundem; A.B. Lafayette 1854; A.M. also Lafayette 1857. Graham Alexander Mitchell, a.m. Jehu A. Orr, a.m Secretary Mississippi Senate 1850-51; Alember Mississippi Assembly 1852-53; U. S. District Attorney Mississippi 1854-55; Member Mississippi Secession Convention 1S61; Member C. S. Pro- visional Congress 1861-62; Colonel 31st Regiment C. S. A. 1863-64; Member C. S. Congress 1863-65; Judge 6th Ju- dicial District Mississippi 1870-76; Trustee Univ. Mississippi 1871-1904; LL.D. Univ. Alabama 1898. Daniel Warren Poor, d.d. . . .*i897 Andover Seminary 1840-42; Professor Church History San Francisco Sem- inary 1871-76; A.B. Amherst 1837; A.M. Amherst 1840. Stacy Gardner Potts, a.b *i858 Henry B. Price, a.m Joseph B. Seabrooke, a.m * Thatcher Thayer, d.d =•^1894 Tutor Amherst 1833-35; Andover Sem- inary 1834-37; A.B. Amherst 1831; A.M. Amherst 1834. James Wells, a.b Benjamin Williamson, ll.d..*i892 A.B. Princeton 1827. 1858 J. W. Andrews, a.m Lorrin Andrews, ll.d *i86i President Kenyon 1854-61; yon 1843; A.M. Kenyon \i A.B. Ken- 1858-60] HONORARY DEGREES 423 Frederick R, Brace, a.m Ph.D. Grant Univ., Tenn. 1892 hon William Henry Brace, a.m Ph.D. Princeton 1894 hon. James A. H. Cornell, d.d. Joseph J. Henry, a.m William B. Hodgson, ll.d A.M. Princeton 1824 hon. Horace S. Howell, a.m... Henry P. Johnson, a.m. . . John Stinson Labar, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1837. John Berrien Lindsley, d.d *i88o .*i897 Chancellor Univ. Nashville; A.B. Univ. Nashville 1839; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1843. George Nixon, a.b J. Blair Pearce, a.m Henry Perkins, d.d *i88o a.m. Princeton 1823 hon. J. A. Whitaker, a.m Ira Condict Whitehead, a.b.. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1861-65, 1871-79; Honorably dis- charged 1879; Assistant Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1867-69; A.M. Princeton 1869 hon. George Bacon Wood, ll.d. . .*i879 Professor Chemistry Phila. College of Pharmacy 1822-31; Professor Materia Medica Phila. College of Pharmacy 1831-35; Professor Materia Medica and Pharmacy Univ. Penna. 1835-50; Pro- fessor Theory and Practice Medicine Univ. of Penna. 1850-60; Professor Emeritus 1860-79; Trustee Girard 1833-41 ; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1863- 79; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1815; A.M. also M.D. Univ. Penna. i8i8; M.A.P.S. Charles T. Wright, a.m 1859 George W. Alexander, a.m. . Sylvester M. Chadbourne, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1855 hon. W. J. Cheney, a.m Elijah Richardson Craven, d.d. *i9o8 A.B. Princeton 1842. John Dorrance, d.d =^^861 A.B. Princeton 1823. Richard Stockton Field, ll.d.* 1870 A.B. Princeton 1821. David Moffat Halliday, d.d. .*i884 A.B. Princeton 1824. John Johnson, d.d Frederick Adolphus Packard, ll.d. *i867 A.B. Harvard 1814; A.M. Harvard 1817. James Alfred Pearce, ll.d. . .*i862 A.B. Princeton 1822. William Pringle, d.d George B. Sears, a.m James Smith, d.d Professor Biblical and Oriental Liter- ature Nova Scotia Presbyterian Sem- inary. Thomas J. Street, a.m Robert H. Thornton, d.d *i875 i860 David Hayes Agnew, a.m ^1892 Surgeon Penna. \'ols. 1862-63; Dem- onstrator Anatomj; Univ. Penna. 1863- 70; Professor Clinical Surgery Univ. Penna. 1870-71; Professor Surgery Univ. Penna. 1871-89; A.B. Delaware College 1836; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1838; LL.D. Princeton 1874, also Univ. Penna. 1888; M.A.P.S. George Washington Batchelder, A.M *i863 Samuel Gilmore Cattell, a.m. .*i877 M.D. Univ. Penna. 1855. Levi Hunt Christian, d.d. . . .*i864 A.B. Princeton 1840. Samuel Ashbel Farrand. a.m..*i9o8 Principal Farnum Preparatory School N. J. 1857-58; Principal Trenton Acad- emy 1858-59; Headmaster Newark Academy 1859-65, 1875-1908; A.M. also Williams 1870; Ph.D. Princeton 1879 hon. 424 HONORARY DEGREES [1860-63 William Gibson, d.d Charles Kisselman Imbrie, d.d. *i89i A.B. Princeton 1835. James McCrie, d.d William Lawrence Mactier, a.m. *i888 Served in Home Guards at Harrisburg & Gettysburg; Member Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila., Pa. Joseph Meeker Ogden, d.d..*i884 A.B. Princeton 1823. Joshua Peterkin, d.d Theophilus T. Price, a.m m.d. John McDowell Rice, a.b *i868 Medical Cadet U. S. A. 1862-63; As- sistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1863-68; A.B. also Univ. Penna. 1859; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1862, also Princeton 1863 hon., also Wesieyan 1862 hon. ; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1862. Marshall B. Smith, a.m * Lloyd Wilbur^ a.m M.D. Elwood Wilson, a.m M.D. Jefferson Medical 1845. I861 Milo Judson Hickok, d.d *i867 Tutor Delaware College; Professor Languages Delaware College; A.B. Middlebury 1835; A.M. Middlebury 1838. Isaac McCrie, d.d George W. McNeel, a.b *i865 Major C. S. A.; A.B. also Rutgers i860. Frederick William Ricord, a.m. *i897 Librarian Newark, N. J. Library Asso- ciation 1849-69; Member Board Edu- cation Newark, N. ]. 1853-69; State Superintendent Public Schools New Jersey; Sheriff Essex Co., N. J. 1865- 67; Mayor Newark, N. J. 1869-75; Lay Judge Court Common Pleas Essex Co., N. J.; Librarian New Jersey Historical Society 1881-97; A.M. also Rutgers i84£ hon. Charles Woodruff Shields, d.d. *1904 A.B. Princeton 1844. Theophilus Adam Wylie, d.d.* Reformed Church Seminary 1831-33; Teacher Academic Dept. LTniv. Penna. 1830-35; Professor Natural Philosophy and Chemistry Univ. Indiana 1837-52; Professor Mathematics and Astronomy Miami 1852-55; Professor Natural Phi- losophy Indiana 1855-64; Professor Languages Indiana 1864-67; Professor Natural Philosophy Indiana 1867-87; Emeritus 1887- ; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1830; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1833; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1861; D.D. also Mon- mouth College 1861, also Miami 1865. 1862 Alfred B. Dayton, a.m *i87o M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1835. William Elder, a.m Abraham Gosman, d.d *i899 Princeton Seminary 1844-47; Instruc- tar Hebrew Princeton Seminary 1850- 51; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1862- 99; Secretary Trustees Princeton Sem- inary 1879-99; Director Princeton Seminary 1876-99; 2d Vice President Directors Princeton Seminary 1884-86; President Directors Princeton Sem- inary 1886-99; A.B. Williams 1843. Archibald Alexander Hodge, d.d. *i886 A.B. Princeton 1841. Joseph Rich Mann, d.d *i88i Union Seminary 1844-45; Princeton Seminary 1846-48; A.B. Columbia 1839; A.M. Columbia 1844. Timothy Pickering Ranney, a.m. *i874 A.B. Amherst 1851. William Augustus Stearns, ll.d. *i876 President Amherst 1854-76; .A.B. Har- vard 1827; A.M. Harvard 1830; D.D. Harvard 1853. Abraham Oothout Zabriskie, ll.d. *i873 A.B. Princeton 1825. 1863 Charles J. Brown, d.d * 1863-65] HONORARY DEGREES 425 Samuel A. Felter, a.m Philip Richard Fendall, ll.d.*i868 A.B. Princeton 181 5. Jonathan Greenleaf, d.d *i865 A.M. Bowdoin 1843. David Irving, d.d *i88s Princeton Seminary 1843-46. WilHam Blackmore Marsh, a.m. A.B. Carroll College, Wis. i860. WilHam B. Nassau, a.m John McDowell Rice, a.m....*i868 A.B. Princeton i860 hon. Elijah Slack, ll.d *i866 A.B. Princeton 1808. Nathaniel West, d.d *igo6 Allegheny Seminary 1847-50; Profes?or Danville Seminary 1869-74; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1846; A.M. Univ. Michigan 1850. 1864 Abram Burtis Baylis, a.m. . . .* Mercer Beasley, ll.d *i897 Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jer- sey 1864-97; Member New Jersey Con- stitutional Commission 1873. J. Shepherd Bingham, a.b . . . William Cassidy Cattell, d.d.. =^=1898 A.B. Princeton 1848. Clifton Wharton Clifton, a.b. A.M. Princeton 1867 hon. Hiram Corson, a.m Professor Moral Science and History Girard College 1865-66; Professor Anglo-Saxon, English Literature and Rhetoric St. Johns College 1866-70; Professor English Literature Cornell 1870-1903; Emeritus 1903 — ; Litt.D. Princeton 1903; LL.D. St. Johns 1878. James McMullin Crowell, d.d. *i9o8 A.B. Princeton 1848. William B. Evans, a.m Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen, LL.D *i885 Member Peace Congress 1861; Attor- ney General New Jersey 1861-66; U. S. Senator from New Jersey 1866-69, 1871-77; U. S. Secretary of State 1881-85; Trustee Rutgers 1851-85; A.B. Rutgers 1836; A.M. Rutgers 1839. Henry Palethorp Hay, a.m. . . Henry Baldwin Hyde, a.m... Abraham Lincoln, ll.d *i86s Postmaster New Salem, 111. 1832; Member Illinois Assembly 1834-41; U. S. Representative from Illinois 1847- 49; President United States 1861-65; LL.D. also Columbia 1861. Samuel Miller, Jr., d.d *i883 A.B. Princeton 1833. Joseph Owen, d.d *i87o A.B. Princeton 1835. Alexander Cummings Macwhorter Pennington, a.m *i867 Member New Jersey Assembly 1837- 39; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1853-57- George Thompson Ribble, a.b.* 1899 m.d. Arthur Hubbard Somes, a.b . . David Stevenson, a.m *i9oi Princeton Seminary 1848-50; State Li- brarian Indiana 1863-65; D.D. New Windsor 1884. Theodore Henry Studdiford, a.m. *i882 Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1864-66; M.D. New York Univ. 1864. J. Purnell Toadvine, a.b *i876 A.M. Princeton 1868 hon. Dwight D. Willard, a.m Edward Dorr Yeomans, d.d..* 1868 A.M. Princeton 1849 hon. 1865 Frank W. Ballard, a.m *i887 Alvan Clark, a.m *i887 a.m. also Amherst 1854 hon., also Univ. Chicago 1866 hon., also Harvard 1874 hon.; M.A.P.S. James M. De Garmo, a.m. . . . Joseph Baylis Done, m.d * 426 HONORARY DEGREES [1865-66 Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus El- mer, LL.D *l883 A.M. Princeton 1824 hon. Louis Rodman Fox, a.m *i894 Caspar Wistar Hodge, d.d...*i89i A.B. Princeton 1848. Henry H. Holloway, a.m .... Henry Harris Jessup, d.d. . . . Union Seminary 1852-55; Moderator General Assembly 1879; A.B. Yale 1851; A.M. Yale 1854; D.D. New York Univ. 1865. Gulian Lansing, d.d *i892 A.B. Union 1847. James Hervey Marr, a.m *i895 Ad eundctn: Princeton Seminary 1862- 65; A.B. Lewisburg College, Pa. 1862. Anson D. F. Randolph, a.m. .*i896 William Rankin, a.m Alexander Reed, d.d *i878 Allegheny Seminary 1853-56; A.B. Washington & JeiTerson (W.) 1851. Richard Higgins Richardson, d.d. *i8g2 A.B. Prmceton 1844. Noah Hunt Schenck, d.d. . . .*i885 A.B. Princeton 1844. Albert Small, a.b *i898 A.M. Princeton 1869 hon. Aurin P. Somes, a.b William Van Duyn, a.b Assist. Surgeon U. S. Yols. 1864; Brevet Captain U. S. Vols. 1865. 1866 Charles Augustus Aiken, ph.d, *ii Andover Seminary 1849-50, 1853-54; Professor Latin Dartmouth 1859-66; Professor Latin Princeton 1866-69; Professor Science of Language Prince- ton 1869; President Union 1869-71; Professor Christian Ethics & Apologet- ics Princeton Seminary 1871-82; Pro- fessor Oriental & Old Testament & Christian Ethics Princeton Seminary 1882-92; Professor Relation of Philos- ophy & Science to Christian Religion Princeton .Seminary 1888-92; Librarian Princeton Seminary 1871-77; .^.B. Dartmouth 1846; D.D. Princeton 1869. Elias Root Beadle, d.d *i879 Trustee Univ. Penna. 1872-79; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1871; M.A.P.S. Ormond Beatty, ll.d *i890 Professor Physics & Chemistry Cen- tral 1836-47,^ 1852-72; Professor Mathematics Central 1847-52; Presi- dent pro tern. Central 1868-70; Presi- dent Central 1870-88; Professor Meta- physics & Political Science Central 1872-86; Professor. Metaphysics and Logic 1886-90; A.B. Central 1835; A.M. Central 1847. Joseph Dorsett Bedle, a.m...* 1894 Judge Supreme Court New Jersey 1865-75; Member Constitutional Con- vention New Jersey 1873; Governor New Jersey 1875-78; LL.D. Princeton 1875." James Black, d.d *i89o Allegheny Seminary 1848-49; Pro- fessor Ancient Languages Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1859-68; Professor English, Greek Language & Literature V\'ooster 1875-90; Vice President Washington & Jefferson 1865-68; Presi- dent State Univ. Iowa 1868-70; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (\V.) 1848); LL.D. Iowa State Univ. 1883. Augustus Alexis Bloombergh, a.m. *i9o6 Tutor Latin Princeton 1866-67; Prince- ton Seminary 1864-67; Professor Mod- ern Languages and Lecturer European History Lafayette 1867- 1906; Emeritus 1906; Ph. D. Marietta 1874 hon. Henry Clay Cameron, ph.d. . ,*i9o6 A.B. Princeton 1847. Theodore Ledyard Cuyler, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1841. Ignatius Donnelly, a.m *i9oi U. S. Representative from Minnesota 1864-69; Lieutenant Governor Minne- sota 1859-63. Alexander N. Dougherty, a.m. M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1845. Joseph Tuthill Duryea, d.d..* 1898 A.B. Princeton 1856. Montgomery Johns, Ph.d *i87i A.B. Princeton 1847. Andrew King, d.d d.d. also Halifa.x College, Nova Sco- Frederick Knighton, Ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1837. 1866-67] HONORARY DEGREES 427 Robert McCarter, a.m Hugh McCulloch, ll.d *i895 U. S. Secretary Treasury 1865-69, 1884-85; A.M. Bowdoin 1863 hon. ; LL.D. also Bowdoin 1889. Matthew Witherspoon Maclean, A.B Edward McPherson, a.m. . . .*i8g6 U. S. Representative from Penna. 1860-63; Clerk House of Representa- tives 1863-75, 1881-83, 1889-91; Regent Smithsonian Institution 1861; President National Republican Conven- tion 1876; A.B. Penna. State College 1848; LL.D. Univ. Penna. 1877. John Nelson, d.d *i878 M.A. Glasgow Univ. Cortlandt Parker, ll.d *i907 A.B. Rutgers 1836; A.M. Rutgers 1839; LL.D. also Rutgers 1866. James H. Parks, a.m William Pierson, a.m M.D. New York Univ. 1852. Albert N, Raub, a.m John Whelen Sterling, Ph.d. .*i885 A.B. Princeton 1840. James Brainerd Taylor Tupper, A.M Ad eundem; Private 31st Massachusetts U. S. Vols; A.B. Williams 1861; A.M. Williams 1864. 1867 Henry Martyn Baird, Ph.d..*i9o6 Union Seminary, N. Y. 1853-55; Princeton Seminary 1855-59; Tutor Princeton 1855-59; Professor Greek Languages and Literature New York Univ. 1 859-1 902; Professor Emeritus New York Univ. 1902-06; Dean New York Univ. 1892-1906; A.B. New York Univ. 1850; A.M. New York Univ. 1854; D.D. Rutgers 1877; LL.D. Princeton 1882; L.H.D. Princeton 1896. John L. Blake, a.m Benjamin Harris Brewster, ll.d. *i888 A.B. Princeton 1834. Thomas Ware Cattell, ph.d. .*i887 A.B. Princeton 1842. James Henry Clark, a.m *i869 A.M. also Amherst 1859 hon.; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1841. Clifton Wharton Clifton, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1864 hon. Henry A. Crane, ll.d William Foster Day, a.m....* 1870 Degree conferred in course, but class not known. Charles Augustus Eggert, a.m. Robert Hamill, d.d *i9oo Princeton Seminary 1842-45; Trustee I-afayette 1849-79; Director Princeton Seminary 1868-igoo; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1839. Melancthon Williams Jacobus, LL.D *i876 A.B. Princeton 1834. James Lenox, ll.d *i88o A.M. Princeton 1821 hon. Alexander Maitland, a.b *igo7 Trustee Princeton Seminary 1892-1907. James Ormsbee ^lurray, 0.0.^1899 Instrtictor Greek Brown 1851-52; An- dover Seminary 1852-54; Director Un- ion Seminary N. Y. 1869-82; Pro- fessor Belles Lettres Princeton 1875- 99; Dean Faculty Princeton 1883-99; Director Princeton Seminary 1874-99; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1867-74, 1883-99; Vice President Board of Trus- tees Princeton Seminary 1889-99; A.B. Brown 1850; A.M. Princeton 1896 hon.; LL.D. Brown 1886. George Peck, a.m Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1851-56; Passed Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 1856-61; Surgeon U. S. N. 1861-71; Medical Inspector U. S. N. 1871-78; Medical Director U. S. N. 1870-88; Retired List U. S. N. 1888; M.D. David Harrison Pierson, Ph.d.*iS89 A.B. Princeton 1840. John Chambers Rankin, d.d.*i903 Princeton Seminary 1836-39; President Board of Education Elizabeth, N. J.; Mayor Elizabeth, N. J. 1890-99; A.B. Univ. North Carolina 1836. Thomas Harvey Skinner, Jr., d.d. *i892 LTnion Seminary, N. Y. 1840-42, 1843; Andover 1842-43; Professor Theology McCormick Seminary 1881-92; A.B. 428 HONORARY DEGREES [1867-69 New York Univ. 1840; A.M. New York Univ. 1843; LL.D. Washington & Jef- ferson 1 89 1. John W. Taylor, a.m Henry Wallace, d.d Professor Ethics Queens College, Ire- land. Henry Clay Westwood, d.d..* Harry White, a.m Major 67th Penna. Infantry U. S. Vols. 1861-65; Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral U. S. Vols. 1865; Member Penna. Senate 1862-63, 1865-74. William Wikoff Woodhull, Ph.d. *i886 A.B. Princeton 1833. Charles A. Alexander, a.m. ..* A.B. Princeton 1821 hon. John Dodd Bartine *i9o8 Prosecutor of Pleas Somerset Co., N. }.; Presiding Judge Somerset Co., N. . 18S5-1908. Henry Barton Chapin, ph.d . . Union Seminary N. Y. 1851-52; Princeton Seminary 1852-54; A.B. Yale 1847; A.M. Yale 1850; D.D. Princeton 1891. Eugene Beauhaniais Cook, a.m. Edward Phelps Lull, a.m *i837 Acting Midshipman U. S. N. 1851; Midshipman U. S. N. 1855; Master U. S. N. 1858; Lieutenant U. S. N. i860; Lieutenant Commander U. S. N. 1862; Commander U. S. N. 1870; Captain U. S. N. 1881; Professor Ethics An- napolis. James McDougall, Ph.d *i8g2 A.B. Princeton 1854. Alexander Taggart McGill, ll.d. *i889 Professor Ecclesiastical History and Church Government Allegheny Sem- inary 1842-52; Moderator General As- sembly (O. S.) 1848; Professor Eccle- siastical History and Church Polity Columbia Seminary S. C. 1852-53; Professor Pastoral Theology, Ciiurch Government and Compositon of .Ser- mons Princeton Seminary 1854-59; Professor Church History and Practical Theology Princeton Seminary 1859; Professor Ecclesiastical History and Church Government Princeton Semina- ry i860; Professor Ecclesiastical Homilctic and Pastoral Theology Princeton Seminary 1861-83; Professor Emeritus 1883-89; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (T.) 1826; A.M. Washing- ton & Jefferson (J.) 1829; D.D. Frank- lin & Marshall (M.) 1842. George Mackintosh Maclean, ph.d. *i886 A.B. Princeton 1824. John Francis Pingry, Ph.d...*i894 Union Seminary N. Y. 1840-41; A.B. Dartmouth 1836; A.M. Dartmouth 1839. George B. Schall, a.m J. Purnell Toadvine, a.m *i876 A.B. Princeton 1864 hon. Stephen Wickes, a.m *i889 Trustee Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, Troy, N. Y.; A.B. Union 1831; A.M. Union 1834; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1834. Oliver R. WilHs, Ph.d A.M. Princeton 1849 hon. 1869 Frederick Augustus Adams, Ph.d. *i888' Tutor Dartmouth 1836-37; A.B. Dart- mouth 1833; A.M. Dartmouth 1836. William Adams, ll.d *i88o Professor Sacred Rhetoric Union Sem- inary N. Y. 1873-80; President Union Seminary N. Y. 1873-80; Moderator General Assembly (N. S.) 1852; Trus- tee Princeton 1873-80; A.B. Yale 1827; D.D. New York Univ. 1842. Charles Augustus Aiken, d.d.* 1892 Ph.D. Princeton i866 hon. Robert Lenox Belknap, a.b. .*i8g6 Ad eundem; Trustee Princeton Sem- inary 1888-96; A.B. Columbia 1869; A.M. Columbia 1872. Neville B. Craig Comingo, a.b. Ad eundem; A.B. Washington & Jeffer- son 1868. John Crowell, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1834. Charles William Eliot, ll.d.. Tutor Harvard 1854-58; Assistant Pro- fessor Mathematics &• Chemistry Har- vard 1858-63; Professor Analytical Chemistry Massachusetts Institute Technology 1865-69; President Harvard 1869-70] HONORARY DEGREES 429 1869—; A.B. Harvard 1853; A.M. Har- vard 1856; LL.D. also Williams 1869, also Yale 1870, also Johns Hopkins 1902; Officer Legion of Honor; M.A.P.S. William James Gibby, a.m. . . .* E. A. Goodrich, a.m Benjamin Chew Howard, ll.d. *i872 A.B. Princeton 1809. Mahlon Long, Ph.d *i892 A.B. Princeton 1839. John McNaughton, d.d Martin Ryerson, ll.d *i875 A.B. Princeton 1833. Joseph Warren Scott, ll.d. .*i87i A.B. Princeton 1795. W. T. Seal, a.m James Shier, a.m Albert Small, a.m ^1898 A.B. Princeton 1865 lion. Henry Boynton Smith, ll.d..*i877 Librarian Bowdoin 1836-37; Tutor Bowdoin 1840-41; Professor Moral and Intellectual Philosophy Amherst 1847- 50; Professor Church History Union Seminary N. Y. 1S50-54; Professor Systematic Theology Union Seminary N. Y. 1854-74; Moderator General As- sembly (N. S.) 1863; Professor Apol- ogetics (Emeritus) Union Seminary N. Y. 1874-77; A.B. Bowdoin 1834; A.M. Bowdoin 1837; D.D. Univ. \'ermont 1850, also Harvard 1858; LL.D. also Western Reserve 1869. Lewis W. Smith, a.m William Buell Sprague, ll.d.* 1876 Princeton Seminary 1816-18; Director Princeton Seminary 1833-42, 1864-7^; A.B. Yale 1815; D.D. Columbia 1828, also Harvard 1848. Daniel Weisel, ll.d *i88o A.B. Princeton 1823. Ira Condict Whitehead, a.m . . A.B. Princeton 1858 hon. 1870 William Maxwell Blackburn, d.d. *i898 Professor Biblical and Ecclesiastical History McCormick Seminary i868-8i; President Univ. North Dakota 1884- 85; President Pierre Univ., S. D. 1885- 98; A.B. Hanover 1850; LL.D. Woos- ter 1894. Horace A. Buttolph, ll.d M.D. Berkshire Medical 1836. David Charles, d.d President University College, Wales. John Thompson Hoffman, ll.d. *i888 Recorder New York City 1860-65; Mayor New York City 1865-68; Gov- ernor New York 1868-72; A.M. Union 1849; LL.D. also Union 1869; A.B. Union 1846. Edward Robie Hopkins, a.m. . West Point i860; 2d Lieutenant U. S. A. i860; I St Lieutenant U. S. A. 1861; Captain U. S. A. 1862; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1865; Resigned 1865. 1904 Everard Kempshall, d.d * Princeton Seminary 1852-55; Director Princeton Seminary 1879-1900; A.B. \\'i!liams 1851; D.D. also Williams 1870. John Kern, a.m James Lewis, d.d *i872 Andrew Todd McClintock, ll.d. District Attorney Luzerne Co., Pa.; Member Commission on Revision of Charter Penna. 1874. Francis Andrew March, ll.d. Tutor Amherst 1847-49; Tutor Lafay- ette 1855-56; Adjunct Professor Belles Lettres Lafayette 1856-57; Professor English Language and Comparative Philology Lafayette 1857-1907; Emer- itus 1907 — ; Lecturer Law Lafayette 1875—; A.B. Amherst 1845; A.M. Am- herst 184S; LL.D. also Amherst 1871; L.H.D. Columbia 1887, also Princeton 1896; Litt. D. Cambridge 1896; D.C.L. Oxford 1896; M.A.P.S. Willard Parker, ll.d *i884 Professor Anatomy & Surgery Berk- shire Medical Inst. 1830-33; Professor Anatomy & Surgery Colby College 1830-33; Professor Anatomy & Physi- ology Hobart 1834-36; Professor Sur- gery Cincinnati Univ. 1836-40; Pro- fessor Principles and Practice of Surgery Columbia 1839-81; Emeritus 1881-84; A.B. Harvard 1826; A.M. Harvard 1829; M.D. Harvard 1830; also Berkshire Medical Inst. 1831. William Strong, ll.d *i895 \]. S. Representative from Pcnna. 430 HONORARY DEGREES [1870-73 1847-51; Judge Supreme Court Penna. 1857-68; Judge U. S. Supreme Court 1870-80; Trustee Univ. Penna. 1860- 71; A.B. Yale 1828; A.M. Yale 1831; LL.D. also Yale 1870, also Lafayette 1867. 187I Caleb Cook Baldwin, d.d. . . , A.B. Princeton 1841. Samuel Q. Brown, a.m Lansing Burroughs, a.m Fabius H. Buzby, a.m Andrew Cameron, d.d Abraham Coles, ll.d *i89i A.M. Rutgers 18— hon.; M.D. Jef- ferson Medical 1835; Ph. D. Lewisburg Univ. i860 hon. Samuel Duffell, a.m John Welsh Dulles, d.d *i887 Union Seminary N. Y. 1845-48; A.B. Yale 1844; A.M. Yale 1853. Hugh Lenox Hodge, ll.d...*i88i Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1862; Served with Penna. Reserve Corps 1863-65; Demonstrator Surgery Univ. Penna. 1863, 1870-81; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1855; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1858. Valentine Augustus Lewis, a.m. *i899 A.B. Princeton 1863. Charles E. Merwin, a.m Peter Smith Michie, Ph.d. . . .*i9oi West Point 1863; ist Lieutenant U. S. Engineers 1863; Lieutenant Colonel As- sistant Inspector General 1865; Cap- tain U. S. Engineers 1865; Brevet Captain and Major 1864; Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel 1S05; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1865; Assistant I'rofessor Chemistry Mineralogy & Geology West Point 1867-69; Pro- fessor Natural & Experimental Phi- losophy West Point 1871- ; A.M. Dartmouth 1873 hon. Henry Morton, Ph.d *igo2 Instructor Chemistry and Physics Acad. P. E. Ch. Philadelphia 1859- 61; Lecturer Chemistry Franklin Insti- tute (Phila.) 1 86 1- ; Professor Chem- istry Philadelphia Dental College 1863- 67; Secretary Franklin Institute 1864- 70; Professor Chemistry & Natural Phi- losophy Univ. of Penna. 1869-70; President Stevens 1 870-1 902; Member U. S. Lighthouse Board 1878-86; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1857; A.M. Univ. Penna. i860; Ph.D. also Dickinson 1867 hon.; LL.D. Princeton 1897. Morris Crater Sutphen, d.d. .*i875 A.B. Princeton 1856. 1872 Edward C. Bates, Jr., a.m... Charles Andrews Dickey, d.d. Associate Reformed Seminary, Alle- gheny 1858-61; Moderator General As- sembly igoo; A.B. Washington & Jef- ferson (W.) 1858; A.M. Washington & Jefferson (W.) 1861. Parke Godwin, ll.d *i904 A.B. Princeton 1834. Andrew Kirkpatrick, a.m *ic)04 Presiding Judge Court Common Pleas Essex Co., N. J. 1885-96; Judge U. S. District Court New Jersey 1896-1904; A.B. Union 1863. Thomas Murphy, d.d * A.B. Princeton 1845. William Appleton Potter, a.m. Professor Architecture and Decorative Art Union 1878- ; U. S. Supervising Architect; A.B. Union 1864. Edward D. Terbell 1900 Charles Nephew West, a.m..* 1900 1873 William Cullen Bryant, ll.d.* 1878 A.B. Williams 1813; A.M. Williams 1819, also Columbia 1837 hon.; L.H.D. Univ. State New York 1870; LL.D. also Union 1853. John Thomas Duffield, d.d..*i9oi A.B. Princeton 1841. John Forsyth, Jr., ll.d *i886 Professor Hebrew and Greek Newburg Seminary 1837-45; Professor Eccle- sii'stical Hi^story and Exegetic Theology Newburg Seminary 1S53-59; Professor English Language and Literature Rut- gers 1860-63; Chaplain & Professor Ethics and Jurisprudence West Point 1871-82; Professor Latin Languages and History Princeton 1847-52; Lec- turer in History Princeton 1864-72; A.B. Rutgers 1829; A.M. Union 1834 hon.; D.D. Rutgers 1843. 1873-75] HONORARY DEGREES 431 Daniel Seely Gregory, d.d. . A.B. Princeton 1857. William Irvin, d.d Tutor Latin Rutgers 1852-54; Pro- fessor Latin Language & Literature Rutgers 1854-59; Princeton Seminary 1859-61; Director Princeton Seminary 1876—; A.B. Rutgers 1851; A.M. Rutgers 1854. John James McCook, a.m .... Private 52d ' Ohio Vol. Infantry; ist Lieutenant 6tla Ohio Vol. Cavalry; Captain Aide U. S. Vols. 1863-65; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Ohio Vols. ; Trustee Princeton 1892-1906; Director Princeton Seminary 1897 — ; Trustee Kenyon College, O. 1906 — ; A.B. Kenyon 1866; A.M. also Kenyon 1869; LL.B. Harvard 1869; LL.D. Univ. Kansas 1890, also Lafayette 1893. George McDowell Stroud, ll.d. *i875 A.B. Princeton 1817. Joseph Thomas, ll.d *i89i Professor Latin & Greek Haverford 1S33-34; Professor Elocution Haver- ford 1852-53; A.M. Yale 1853 hon. ; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1837; LL.D. also Univ. Penna. 1872. 1874 David Hayes Agnew. ll.d..*i892 A.M. Princeton i860 hon. Robert x\ikman, d.d *i90o Union Seminary, N. Y. 1844-47; A.B. Yale 1843; A.M. Yale 1846. George William Childs, a.m. .* 1894 Editor " Public Ledger," Phila. ; LL.D. Grant Univ., Tenn. 1887. John Peyton Clark, ph.d Amzi Dodd, ll.d A.B. Princeton 1841. B. WaterhoLise Hawkins, d.Sc. John Aspinwall Hodge, d.d..*i9oi Princeton .Seminary 1853-57; Lecturer Presbyterian Polity Hartford Seminary 1890-95; Lecturer English Bible Lin- coln 1895-1901; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1 851; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1854. Edgar Holden, ph.d A.B. Princeton 1859. Thomas Kennedy, d.d Charles Eugene Knox, d.d..*i9oo President Newark (N. J.) German Seminary 1873-1900; A.B. Hamilton 1856; A.M. Hamilton 1859. James McClune, ll.d ^1890 A.B. Princeton 1835. Alexander Marks, a.m *i886 A.'B. Princeton 1862. Alexander Church Matheson, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1842 hon. George Scudder Mott, d.d...*i9oi Princeton Seminary 1850-53; Director Lincoln 1869-1901; President Van Rensselaer Inst. 1871-82; A.B. New York LTniv. 1850; A.M. New York Univ. 1853. Louis Ruffet. d.d Professor Theological Faculty Univ. Geneva, Switzerland. George Washington Schock, a.m. Richard Salter Storrs, Jr., ll.d. *I900 Andover Seminary 1842-45; Trustee Amherst 1863-98; A.B. Amherst 1839; A.M. Amherst 1842; D.D. Union 1853, also Harvard 1859; L.H.D. Columbia 1887. Peter Augustus Studdiford, d.d. *i886 A.B. Princeton 1849. 1875 John Chester Backus, ll.d, .* 1884 Princeton Seminary 1831-34; Director Princeton Seminary 1841-84; 2d Vice President Directors Princeton Sem- inary 1861-82; ist Vice President Di- rectors Princeton Seminary 1882-84; Moderator General Assembly (O. S.) 1861 ; Trustee Princeton 1860-72; A.B. Yale 1830; D.D. Hanover 1848. Joseph Dorsett Bedle, ll.d. .*i894 A.M. Princeton 1866 hon. Charles Augustus Briggs, d.d. Union Seminary, N. Y. 1861-63; Pro- fessor Hebrew and Cognate Languages Union Seminary, N. Y. 1874-91; Pro- fessor Biblical Theology Union Sem- inarv, N. Y. 1891 — ; Librarian Union Seminary, N. Y. 1876-83; A.B. Univ. Virginia i860; D.D. also Edinburgh 1884, also Williams 1893, also Glasgow 1901; Hon. D. Litt. Oxford 1901. Henry Anson Buttz, d.d A.B. Princeton 1858. 432 HONORARY DEGREES [1875-78 Peter Cooper, d.Sc *i883 Member New York City Common Council: Commissioner Board of Edu- cation New York City; Founder The Cooper Union. Thomas Egleston, ph.d *igoo Professor Mineralogy and Metallurgy Columbia 1864-97; Emeritus Professor 1897-1900; A.M. Yale 1857 hon. ; E.M. Paris School of Mines i860; LL.D. Trinity 1876. Lewis Fitzgerald, a.m *i9o8 Thomas Nesbit McCarter, ll.d. *igoi A.B. Princeton 1842. Samuel S. Mitchell, D.D A.B. Princeton 1861. James Scott Negley, a.m Private 1st Penna. Infantry 1846-48; Brigadier General Penna. Vols. i85i ; Major General U. S. Vols. 1862-65; resigned 1865; U. S. Representative from Penna. 1869-75, 1885-87; A.B. Western Univ. Penna. 1846. Samuel Stanhope Orris, Ph.d.*i9o5 A.B. Princeton 1862. George Patterson, d.d William Cowper Prime, ll.d.* 1905 A.B. Princeton 1843. Abraham Brooks Van Zandt, ll.d. *i88i Princeton Seminary 1840-42; Professor Didactic and Polemic Theology New Brunswick Seminary 1872-81; A.B. Union 1840; D.D. Hampden Sidney 1854. 1876 Washington Hasbrouck, Ph.d.* Principal Normal School, Trenton, N. J. Henry McCutcheon, a.m James E. Wright, a.m * 1877 Archibald Alexander, a.m .... A.B. Princeton 1875. Samuel Colcord Bartlett, ll.d. *i898 Tutor Dartmouth 1838-39; Andover Seminary 1839-42; Professor Rhetoric & Modern Philosophy Western Reserve 1846-52; Professor Sacred Literature Chicago Congregational Seminary 1858-77; President Dartmouth 1877- 92; Lecturer and Instructor Natural Theology & Bible Dartmouth 1892-98; A.B. Dartmouth 1836; A.M. Dartmouth 1839; D.D. Dartmouth 1861. Samuel Miller Breckinridge, ll.d. *i89i A.M. Princeton 1850 hon. W^illiam B. Brown, d.d Jason Walker Chenault, ph.d.* Professor Latin & Rhetoric Central 1869-75; A.B. Central 1861. George Mercer Dawson, d.Sc A.B. McGill Royal School Mines Eng- land 1872. John De Witt, d.d A.B. Princeton 1861. Aaron Marshall Elliott, ph.d.. Professor Romance Languages Johns Hopkins 1876 — ; A.B. Haverford 1866, also Harvard 1868; A.M. Haver- ford 1878; LL.D. Wake Forest 1801; Chevalier Legion of Honor 1907; M.A.P.S. John Gosman, Ph.d *i903 A.B. Princeton 1847. Samuel Henry Kellogg, d.d. .*i899 A.B. Princeton 1861. John Thompson Xixon, ll.d.* 1889 A.B. Princeton 1841. Owen Thomas, d.d 1878 William Budd Bodine, d.d...*i907 A.B. Princeton i860. Theodore Linn Byington, d.d.* 1888 A.B. Princeton 1849. William Timothy Eva, d.d. . . A.M. Delaware 1852. Albert R. Leeds, Ph.d *i902 Professor Chemistry Stevens Institute 1871-1902. George Brinton McClellan, ll.d. *i885 West Point 1846; 2d Lieutenant U. S. 1878-80] HONORARY DEGREES 433 1853; Captain Tst Cavalry U. S. A. 1855; Major General Ohio Vols. 1861; Major General U. S. A. 1861; Com- mander-in-Chief U. S. A. 1861-62; Governor New Jersey 1878-81. James Frederick McCtirdy, Ph.d. Tutor Hebrew Princeton Seminary 1873-77; Assistant Librarian Prince- ton Seminary 1873-77; Instructor He- brew and Oriental Languages Prince- ton Seminary 1877-82; Instructor Sanskrit Princeton 1879-80; Professor Knox College, Ont. ; Professor Oriental Languages Toronto Univ.; A.B. Univ. New Brunswick 1866. Eldridsfe Mix, d.d Union Seminary, N. Y. 1857-59; An- dover Seminary 1859-60; Trustee Ger- man Theological Seminary Bloomfield, N. J.; Superintendent Schools Burling- ton, Vt. ; Superintendent Schools Orange, N. J. ; New Jersey State Com- missioner Deaf, Dumb, Blind and Feeble Minded; A.B. Williams 1854. John Insley Blair Scribner, a.m. *i879 William Tecumseh Sherman, ll.d. *i89i West Point 1840; 2d Lieutenant U. S. A. 1840; ist Lieutenant U. S. A. 1841; Captain U. S. A. 1851; Colonel U. S. A. 1861; Brigadier General U. S. A. 1861; Major General U. S. A. 1862; Lieutenant General U. S. A. 1866; General U. S. A. 1869; Regent Smith- sonian Institution; LL.D. also Dart- mouth 1866, also Yale 1876. Alfred Yeomans, d.d *i889 A.B. Princeton 1852. 1879 Archibald Alexander, Ph.d. . . A.B. Princeton 1875. Edwin Rea Bower, d.d *i883 A.B. Princeton 1851. James Shepard Dennis, d.d.. A.B. Princeton 1863. Samuel Ashbel Farrand, Ph.d.*i9o8 A.M. Princeton i860 hon. George Park Fisher, ll.d. . . . Yale Divinity School 1848-49; Andover Seminary 1849-51; Professor Divinity Yale 1854-61; Professor Ecclesiastical History Yale 1861-1901; Dean Yale Divinity School 1895-1901; Professor Emeritus 1900 — ; A.B. Brown 1847; A.M. Brown 1850, also Yale 1867 hon.; D.D. Edinburgh 1886, also Harvard 1886, also Princeton 1896; LL.D. also Brown 1879, also Yale 1901. Joseph Fithian Garrison, d.d.*i892 A.B. Princeton 1842. John Sharpenstein Hager, ll.d. *i89o A.B. Princeton 1836. Levin Thomas Handy Irving, ll.d. *i892 A.B. Princeton 1846. William Johnson, d.d McFadden Alexander Newell, Ph.d. Assistant in Natural Science Balti- more City College 1850-51; Professor Natural Science Baltimore City Col- lege 1851-53; A.B. Trinity, Dublin, 1844. George Norcross, d.d Princeton Seminary 1864-65; Professor Monmouth College, 111.; A.B. Mon- mouth 1861. Robert Mayne Patterson, d.d. Princeton Seminary 1856-59; LL.D. Wilhelm Gottlieb Schauffler, ll.d. *i883 d.d. Halle. William Petit Trowbridge, ph.d. *i892 West Point 1848; 2d Lieutenant U. S. A. 1848; I St Lieutenant U. S. A. 1849; Assistant Professor Chemistry West Point; Professor Mathematics Univ. of Michigan 1856-^7; Pro- fessor Dynamical Engineering Yale 1870-77; Professor Engineering Colum- bia 1877-92; LL.D. Trinity 1880, also Univ. Michigan 1887. Delancey G. Walker, a.b .... LL.B. Columbia 1876. James Franklin Williamson, Ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1877. 1880 Lewis D. Bevan, d.d David Ayres Depue, ll.d. . . .*i902 A.B. Princeton 1846. Louis Palma Di Cesnola, ll.d.*i904 Lieutenant in Italian Army 1849; Ma- jor nth New York Cavalry 1861, also Lieutenant Colonel same; Colonel 4th New York Cavalry 1862; Brevet Briga- dier General Vols.; U. S. Consul Cy- 434 HONORARY DEGREES [1880-83 3j-; Museum N. Y. City 1877-1904; Direc- tor Metropolitan Museum N. Y. City 1879-1904; LL.D. also Columbia 1880. David Ruddach Frazer, d.d. . A.B. Princeton 1861. John Sparhawk Jones, d.d. . . . Princeton Seminary 1864-67; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1862; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1865. James Adair Lyon, ph.d A.B. Princeton 1872. Edward Wallace Sciidder, ll.d. *i893 A.B. Princeton 1841. H. Thornton, a.m Bennet Van Syckel, ll.d. . . . A.B. Princeton 1846. Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, d.d A.B. Princeton 1871. Robert Barber Youngman, ph.d. Assistant Professor Greek and Latin Lafayette; Professor Greek Language and Literature Lafayette; A.B. Lafay- ette i860; A.M. Lafayette. I88I Niel Smith Graham, ll.d... A.B. Princeton 1839. William McDowell Halsey, A.B. Princeton 1871. Samuel Beach Jones, Jr., a.m M.D. Columbia 1872. Harvey Lindsly, ll.d A.B. Princeton 1820. Charles William MacCord, A.B. Princeton 1854. Logan C. Murray, a.m Director Princeton Seminary 1890 — . Joseph Desha Pickett, Ph.d. . A.B. Princeton 1841. Lewis French Stearns, d.d . . . A.B. Princeton 1867. Gilbert Tennent Woodhull, Ph.D. *i889 D.Sc. *I900 *l892 D.D. *i8q8 A.B. Princeton 1852. 1882 Henry Alartyn Baird, ll.d..*i9o6 Ph.D. Princeton 1867 hon. Frank Chandler, d.d *i894 A.B. Princeton 1854. Merrill Edward Gates, ll.d. . President Rutgers 1882-90; President Amherst 1890-99; Chairman U. S. Board Indian Commissioners 1889-99; Secretary U. S. Board Indian Com- missioners 1899 — ; A.B. Rochester 1870; Ph.D. Univ. State of New York 1880; ll.d. also Rochester 1882, also Columbia 1891, also Williams 1893; L.H.D. Columbia 1887; M.A.P.S. Ezra Mundy Hunt, d.Sc *i894 A.B. Princeton 1849. David Kerr, ll.d Roderick Terry, d.d Andover Seminary 1871-73; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1874-75; A.B. Yale 1870. Samuel Ross Winans, ph.d . . . A.B. Princeton 1874. 1883 William Stevenson Archer, a.m. M.D. John William Burgess, ph.d. . . Professor English Literature and Po- litical Economy Knox College, 111. 1869-71; Professor History and Polit- ical Science Amherst 1873-76; Pro- fessor Constitutional History, Interna- tional & Constitutional Law and Po- litical Science Columbia 1876 — ; Dean of I'aculty Political Science Columbia 1890—; Trustee Amherst 1888-98; Lecturer on Economics Amherst; Roosevelt Professor American History Univ. Berlin 1906-07; A.B. Amherst 1867; A.M. Amherst 1870; LL.D. .Am- herst 1884. Thomas Frederick Crane, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1864. Francis Blanchard Hodge, d.d. *i905 A.B. Princeton 1859. John Samuel Mcintosh, d.d.. Queen's College, Ireland. James David Moffat, d.d. . . . Princeton Seminary 1869-71; President Washington & Jefferson 1882 — ; Mod- erator General Assembly 1905; A.B. 1883-85] HONORARY DEGREES 435 Washington & Jefferson 1869; D.D. also Hanover College, Ind. 1882; LL.D. Western Univ. Penna. 1897, a'so Univ. Penna. 1901, also Missouri Val- ley College 1906. William Nixon, d.d Walter Lowrie Rankin, ph.d . . A.B. Princeton i860. William Mackergo Taylor, ll.d. *i895 Lyman Beecher Lecturer Yale 1875- 76; Stone Lecturer Princeton Seminary 1880; M.A. Glasgow 1848; D.D. Yale 1872, also Amherst 1872, also Washing- ton & JelTerson 1888. Andrew Fleming West, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1874. 1884 Leon Abbett, ll.d *i894 Corporation Counsel Hoboken, N. J. 1865-68; Corporation Attorney Union, N. J.; Corporation Counsel Bayonne, N. J.; Corporation Counsel Jersey City, N. J. 1876; Member New Jersey As- sembly 1865-71; Speaker New Jersey Assembly 1869-71; Member New Jersey Senate 1874-78; President New Jer- sey Senate 1877-78; Governor New Jersey 1884-87, 1890-93. Chester Allan Arthur, ll.d. .*i886 Acting Quartermaster General New York 1861-63; Collector Port of New York 1871-78; Vice President LTnited States 1881; President United States 1881-85; A.B. Union 1848. George Stockton Burroughs, ph.d. *IC)OI A.B. Princeton 1873. Henry Dwight Chapin, a.m . . B.S. Princeton 1877. James Henry Darlington, ph.d. A.M. Princeton 1879. Emory Winfield Given, a.m. . . A.B. Bates College, Maine, 1881. John Marshall Harlan, ll.d. . City Attorney Frankfort, Ky. ; Judge Franklin Co., Ky. ; Colonel loth Ken- tucky Infantry U. S. \"ols. 1861-63 Attorney General Kentucky 1863-67 Judge U. S. Supreme Court 1877 — A.B. Central 1850; LL.B. Univ. Ken- tucky (Transylvania) 1853; LL.D. also Central 1884. William [Miller Kisselman] Im- brie, d.d A.B. Princeton 1865. George C. Seibert, d.d Professor New Testament Exegesis German Seminary, Newark, N. J.; A.B. Marburg 1848; Ph. D. Marburg 1852. Samuel Miller Studdiford, d.d. *i9o8 A.B. Princeton 1856. Henry [Jackson] van Dyke, Jr., d.d A.B. Princeton 1873. Joseph Smith Van Dyke, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1857. 1885 Augustus Armagnac, ph.d. . . . A.B. Princeton 1861. Arthur Hamilton Cutler, Ph.d. Edward N. Dickerson, ll.d . . John Hall, d.d *i898 Commissioner on National Education, Ireland 1860-67; Director Princeton Seminary 1868-98; Trustee Princeton 1868-98; Member Council New York Univ. 1875-98; Chancellor New York Univ. 1881-91; Trustee Wells College, N. Y. ; Trustee Wellesley College, Mass.; Trustee Vassar College, N. Y. ; B.A. Belfast 1846; D.D. also Washing- ton & Jefferson 1865; LL.D. also Washington & Lee 1885, also Colum- bia 1886, also Trinity College, Dub- lin 1890. Franklin Chapman Hill, d.Sc .*i89o Served on Sanitary Commission U. S. A. ; Engineer Corps U. S. A. ; Acting Curator E. M. Museum Princeton 1876-77; Curator E. M. Museum Princeton 1877-90. William Alexander HolHday, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1862. John Sterling Kingsley, d.Sc Professor Zoology Univ. Indiana; Pro- fessor Zoology LTniv. Nebraska; Pro- fessor Biology Tufts College, Mass.; A.B. Williams 1875; A.M. Williams Alexander Porter Morse, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1862. 436 HONORARY DEGREES [1885-87 Henry Reeves, Ph.d *i9oi A.B. Princeton 1844. John Scott Sands, d.d A.B. Westminster College, Pa. 1866. Robert Sewell, a.m Moses Allen Starr, ph.d A.B. Princeton 1876. John Stilhe, d.d 1886 WIlHam P. Armstrong, a.m. . . Phanett C. Barker, a.m M.D. WilHam N. Barringer, a.m . . . James Lawrence Blair, a.m. . A.B. Princeton 1875. John Call Dalton, ll.d *i889 Professor Physiological and Morbid Anatomy Univ. Buffalo; Professor Physiol. ^ and Pathological Anatomy Univ. Vermont 1854-56; Professor Physiol. and Microscopial Anatomy Long Island Medical 1859-61; Pro- fessor Physiol, and Microscop. Anat- omy Columbia (Coll. P. & S.) 1855- 83; President Coll. P. & S. Columbia 1884-89; Surgeon 7th New York U. S. Vols. 1861; A.B. Harvard 1844; M.D. Harvard 1847; LL.D. also Columbia 1887. Archibald Lamont Daniels, d.Sc Instructor Higher Mathematics Prince- ton 1884-85; Instructor Mathematics Univ. Vermont 1885-86; Professor Mathematics Univ. Vermont 1886 — ; A.B. Univ. Michigan 1876. John D. Davis, Ph.d A.B. Princeton 1879. Edward S. Ellis, a.m John Gamble, ph.d Caleb Smith Green, ll.d "^1891 A.B. Princeton 1837. Samuel Martin Inman, a.m. . . Private 1st Tennessee Cavalry C. S. A. 1861; 3d Lieutenant ist Tennessee Cavalry C. S. A. 1861-65. William Dickens Lewis, d.d. . Edward Dewis Lyon, ph.d... A.B. Princeton 1876. W. H. Murray, a.m M.D. William Charles Roberts, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1855. Naomi Tamura, a.m Robert Dick Wilson, Ph.d. . . . A.B. Princeton 1876. 1887 George Stockton Burroughs, d.d. *i9oi A.B. Princeton 1873. John Mason Duncan, a.m .... Robert Foster, ph.d *i894 A.B. Princeton 1847. Robert Stockton Green, ll.d.*i895 A.B. Princeton 1850. Barker Gummere, ll.d ^1895 Director Princeton Seminary 1885-95; Trustee General Assembly Presbyterian Church. Kajinosuke Ibuka, a.m Professor Tokyo Seminary. Cyrus Hall McCormick, a.m.. Trustee Princeton 1889 — ; Trustee Mc- Cormick Seminary 1886 — . E. W. McCoy, Ph.d Stanley Matthews, ll.d *i889 Assistant Prosecutor Hamilton Co., Ohio, 1845; Clerk Ohio Assembly 1849- 50; Judge Court Common Pleas Ohio 1850-53; Member Ohio Senate 1856- 58; U. S. District Attorney Southern District Ohio i8t;8-6i; Lieutenant Colo- nel 23d Ohio U. S. Vols. i86i; Colo- nel 51st Ohio U. S. Vols. 1861-63; Judge Supreme Court Ohio 1863-64; U. S. Senator from Ohio 1877-79; Judge U. S. Supreme Court 1881-89; A.B. Kenyon College, O. 1840. William Baxter Owen, Ph.d. . Tutor Creek Lafayette 1871-74; Ad- junct Professor Greek Lafayette 1874- 82; Professor Christian Latin and Greek Lafayette 1882-86; Professor Latin Language & Literature Lafayette 1886—. Edward F. Reed, Ph.d Henry Preserved Smith, d.d. . Instructor Church History Lane Sem- 1887-89] HONORARY DEGREES 437 inary, and Professor Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis Lane Seminary 1877-93; Professor Biblical Literature and Associate Pastor Amherst 1898- 1906; A.B. Amherst 1869; D.D. also Maryville College 1883, also Amherst 1886. Duffiekl, D.D. [George] Howard A.B. Princeton 1873. Fletcher Durell, ph.d... A.B. Princeton 1879. Timothy Dwight, ll.d, Tutor Yale 1851-55; Professor Sacred Literature Yale Divinity School 1858- 86; President Yale 1886-99; A.M. Yale 1854; D.D. Chicago Seminary 1869, also Yale 1886; LL.D. also Har- vard 1886. Edward Herrick Griffin, ll.d. Princeton Seminary 1862-64; Union Seminary, N. Y. 1866-67; Instructor Mathematics and Latin Williams 1864- 65; Professor Latin Williams 1872-81; Professor English Williams 1881-86; Associate Professor Moral & Intellec- tual Philosophy Williams 1886-7; Pro- fessor Moral & Intellectual Philosophy Williams 1887-89; Professor History Philosophy and Dean of College Fac- ulty Johns Hopkins 1889 — ; A.B. Wil- liams" 1862; A.M. Williams 1865; D.D. Amherst 1880; LL.D. also Williams 1905. Thomas Samuel Hastings, ll.d. L^'nion Seminary 1848-51; Professor Sacred Rhetoric Union Seminary, N. Y. 1881-1904; President Union Sem- inary 1887-1897; Professor Emeritus 1904" — ; A.B. Hamilton 1848; D.D. New York University 1865; L.H.D. Hamilton 1897. George William Knox, d.d. . Professor Horailetics Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo; Professor Ethics Imperial L^ni- versity, Tokyo; A.B. Hamilton 1874. James Meeker Ludlow, Litt.d. A.B. Princeton 1861. William Alfred McAtee, d.d.*i902 A.B. Princeton 1859. John Hall Mcllvaine, d.d. , . . A.B. Princeton 1866. George Whitefield McMillan, Ph.d. Princeton Seminary 1854-57; Presi- dent Richmond College 1888- ; D.D. Richmond College 1888; A.M. Prince- ton 1 89 1 hon. Alalcolm McNeill, ph.d A.B. Princeton 1877. James L. Patterson, d.Sc William Pepper, ll.d *i898 Lecturer Morbid Anatomy L'niv. Penna. 1868-70; Lecturer Clinical Med- icine Univ. Penna. 1870-74; Lecturer Physical Diagnosis Univ. Penna. 1871- 73; Professor Clinical Medicine Univ. Penna. 1874-84; Professor Theory & Practice Medicine Univ. Penna. 1884- 98; Provost Univ. Penna. 1881-94; Director Centennial Exposition 1876; Knight Commander Order St. Olaf, Sweden, 1877; Member Assay Commis- sion U. S. Mint 1882; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1862; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1865; M.D. Univ. Penna. 1864. James Stevenson Riggs, d.d . . A.B. Princeton 1874. Henry Hastings Sibley, ll.d.*i89i U. S. Delegate from Wisconsin Terri- tory 1849-53; Member Minnesota As- sembly 1855; Member Minnesota Con- stitutional Convention 1857; Governor Minnesota 1858-60; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. \'oIs. 1862; Brevet Slajor General U. S. Vols. 1865; Regent Univ. Minnesota 1868-91; President U. S. Indian Commission 1875-76. Daniel Wilson, ll.d *i892 Professor History & English Literature Toronto Univ. 1853-81; President To- ronto Univ. 1881-92; Knighted 1888; LL.D. also McGill Univ. 1885; F.R.H.S., etc. Andreas Constantinides Zenos, d.d. A.M. Princeton 1880. 1889, W. R. Crabbe, ph.d. ll.d, * 1901 George Gray A.B. Princeton 1859. Benjamin Harrison, ll.d, Reporter Supreme Court Indiana 1860- 62, 1864-68; 2d Lieutenant 70th In- diana Vols. 1862; Captain 1862; Colo- nel 1862; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Vols. 1865; Member Mississippi River Commission 1879; U. S. Senator from Indiana 1881-87; President L^nited States 1889-93; Counsel for \'enezuela in \'enezuelan Boundary Dispute; A.B. Miami 1852; A.M. Miami 1855; LL.D. also Miami 1888. William Hamilton Miller, d.d.*i907 A.B. Princeton 1870. 438 HONORARY DEGREES [1889-92 John Warne Phillips, .... B.S. Princeton 1884. Ninian Beale Remick, d.d. . . . A.B. Princeton 1866. Wilton Merle Smith, d.d A.B. Princeton 1877. William Christie Stitt, d.d...* 1904 A.B. Princeton 1856. Charles Wood, d.d Princeton Seminary 1870-73; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1889-93; Trustee Princeton 1900 — ; A.B. Haverford 1870. 1890 William Sinclair Bacot, c.e. . A.B. Princeton 1881. George Eastburn, ph.d Daniel Gould Fowle, ll.d...*i89i A.B. Princeton 1851. Hugh Jones, d.d Phoebus W. Lyon, a.m Thomas Boyd McLeod, d.d. . A.B. Princeton 1870. Frank S. Presbrey, a.m Francis H. Snow, ll.d Chancellor Univ. Kansas. George Conrad Yeisley, d.d. . A.B. Princeton 1870. 189I John Mather Allis, d.d *i899 A.B. Princeton 1866. Alfred Brittin Baker, d.d. . . . A.B. Princeton 1861. John Craig Biddle, ll.d A.B. Princeton 1841. Henry Barton Chapin, d.d... Ph.D. Princeton 1868 hon. John Newton Freeman, d.d. . A.B. Princeton 1863. Edward Thomas Green, ll.d.*i896 A.B. Princeton 1854. William Brenton Greene, Jr., d.d. A.B. Princeton 1876. Frederick Porteous Henry, a.m. Professor Principles and Practice Medicine Woman's Medical College Philadelphia 1891 — ; M.D. Columbia 1868. Caspar Wistar Hodge, ll.d.*i89i A.B. Princeton 1848. Samuel Jessup, d.d Union Seminary, N. Y. 1858-61; Chap- lain 6th Penna. Reserve Corps U. S. A. 1861-62; A.M. Yale 1863 hon. Alexander Taggart McGill, ll.d. *i9oo A.B. Princeton 1864. George Whitefield McMillan, a.m. Ph.D. Princeton 1888 hon. William Jay Magie, ll.d .... A.B. Princeton 1852. Henry Cooper Pitney, ll.d . . . A.B. Princeton 1848. Austin Scott, ll.d Instructor German Univ. Michigan 1873-75; Professor History, Political Economy and Constitutional Law Rut- gers 1883-90; President Rutgers 1890— 1906; Professor History and Political Science Rutgers 1906 — ; A.B. Yale i86g; A.M. Univ. Michigan 1870; Ph.D. Leipsic 1873. William Belcher Seeley, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1879. Alexander A. Smith, a.m.... M.D. Henry I. Thornton, ll.d. =189= U. S. District Attorney Nevada City, Cal. ; Member California Senate. Ethelbert Dudley Warfield, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1S82. 1892 Arthur Brooks, d.d *i895 Divinity School, Phila. 1867-70; A.B. Harvard 1S67; A.M. Harvard 1870; D.D. also New York Univ. 1891. George Mifflin Dallas, ll.d. . . Professor Law of Torts, Evidence and Practice Univ. Penna.; Member Penna. Constitutional Convention; Judge 3d U. S. Circuit Court 1892 — . I392-95J HONORARY DEGREES 439 Charles Ewing Green, ll.d. .*i897 A.B. Princeton i860. Charles Herr, d.d A.B. Princeton 1875. Walter Lowrie Hervey, ph.d . . A.B. Princeton 1886. Edward Blanchard Hodge, d.d. Princeton Seminary 1860-64; Trustee Princeton Seminary 1889 — ; Director Princeton Seminary 1900 — ; A.B. Univ. Penna. 1859; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1862. George Read Morehouse, ph.d. *i9o5 A.B. Princeton 1848. Edwin H. Schuyler, a.m Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield, LL.D A.B. Princeton 187 1. George T. Wilson, a.b William Clark Young, ll.d..*i896 Danville, Ky., Seminary 1862-65; Presi- dent Central 1888-96; Moderator Gen- eral Assembly 1892; A.B. Central 1859; D.D. Central 1882. Lawrence C.E 1893 Washington Allibone. Robert Bonner, a.m. Isaac Alstyne Blauvelt, d.d. . A.B. Princeton 1857. Willis Green Craig, ll.d .... Danville, Ky., Seminary 1857-60; Pro- fessor Ecclesiastical History McCor- mick Seminary 1882-91; Professor Didactic and Polemic Theology McCor- mick Seminary 1892 — ; Moderator General Assembly 1893; President Board Trustees Parsons College, la. 1875—; A.B. Central 1852; D.D. Cen- tral 1875. Charles Earle, b.s, John Paul Egbert, d.d Edwin James Houston, Ph.d. . Professor Physical Geography and Nat- ural Philosophy Central High School, Philadelphia; Professor Physics Frank- lin Institute. Piiiladelphia; Chief Elec- trician International Electric Exhibition Ernst Otto Wilhelm Mildner, A.M. ^=1894 Lecturer on Music Princeton 1886-87; Instructor German Princeton 1891-93; Assistant Professor German Princeton 1893-94. John James Stevenson, ll.d. . Professor Chemistry and Natural His- tory Univ. West Virginia 1869-71; Professor Geology New York Univ. 1871-82; Professor Chemistry and Physics New York Univ. 1882-89; Professor Geology and Biology New York Univ. 1880-94; Professor Geology New York Univ. 1894 — : Aid on Ohio Geological Survey; Geologist U. S. Geographical Survey West of looth Merid.; Geologist Geological Survey Penna.; A.B. New York Univ. 1863; A.M. New York Univ. 1866; Ph.D. New York Univ. 1867; LL.D. also Washington & Jefferson 1902; M.A.P.S., etc., etc. W. S. Ward, Charles Richard Williams, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1875. 1894 William Henry Brace, ph.d. . . A.M. Princeton 1858 hon. Austin Flint, a.m Professor Physiology Univ. Buffalo 1858-59; Professor Physiology New York Univ. 1859-60; Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. 1862-65; Professor Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy Bellevue Medical 1861-98; Secretary and Treasurer Bellevue Medical; M.D. Jefferson Medical 1857; LL.D. 1885. Pleasant Hunter, Jr., d.d. . . . Howard Osgood, ll.d Professor Hebrew Crozer Seminary; Professor Hebrew Rochester Seminary; A.B. Harvard 1850; A.M. Hai-\ard 1861; D.D. Brown 1868. Joseph Lewis Potter, d.d. . . . A.B. Princeton 1867. Abraham \\ VanFleet, ll.d. ,* V^ice Chancellor New York. Alfred Alexander Woodhull, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1856. 1895 Charles Beatty Alexander, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1870. 440 HONORARY DEGREES [1895-96 Edward Read Burkhalter, d.d. A.B, Princeton 1862. Clarence Munson Bushnell, a.m. Russell Cecil, d.d A.B. Princeton 1874. Charles Denby, a.m A.B. Princeton 1882. Spencer Ervin, a.m John Watson Foster, ll.d. . . . Major 2qth Indiana Vols. 1861; Lieu- tenant Colonel and Colonel; Brevet Brigadier General Indiana; Post- master Evansville, Ind. 1869-73; U. S. Minister to Mexico 1873-80; U. S. Minister to Russia 1880-81; U. S. Minister to Spain 1883-85; U. S. Sec- retary of State 1892-93; Agent for U. S. in Bering Sea Arbitration, Paris, 1893; Adviser to Emperor of China 1894-95; Special U. S. Ambassador to Great Britain and Russia 1897; Mem- ber Anglo-Canadian Commission 1898; Agent for U. S. Alaskan Boundary Tribunal 1903; Representative for China to 2d Hague Conference 1907; A.B. Indiana State Univ. 1855; LL.D. also Wabash 1895, also Yale 1896, also Univ. Penna. 1907. William Butler Hornblower, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1871. William Laurence Ledwith, d.d. *i904 A.B. Princeton 1874. Samuel Hayes Pennington, ll.d. *i9oo A.B. Princeton 1825. Josephus Leander Sooy, d.d. . A.B. Princeton 1871. John Wherry, d.d A.B. Princeton 1858. 1896 James Burrill Angell, ll.d... Assistant Librarian Brown 1849-50; Professor Modern Languages 1853-60; President Univ. Vermont 1866-71; President Univ. Michigan :87i — ; U. S. Minister to China 1880-81; Member Joint Commission U. S. and Great Britain on Fisheries 1887-88; Chairman Deep Waterways Commission 1896; U. S. Minister to Turkey 1897-98; A.B. Brown 1849; A.M. Brown 1852; LL.D. also Brown 1868, also Columbia 1887. also Rutgers 1896, also Yale 1901, also Johns Hopkins 1902, also Univ. Ver- mont 1904, also Harvard 1905. Andrew Campbell Armstrong, ph.d. A.B. Princeton 1881. Henry Martyn Baird, l.h.d..*i9o6 Ph. D. Princeton 1867 hon. Willis Judson Beecher, d.d.. . Auburn Seminary 1861-64; Professor Moral Science and Belles Lettres Knox College, 111. 1865-69; Professor He- brew Auburn Seminary 1871 — ; Stone Lecturer Princeton Seminary 1902; A.B. Hamilton 1858; D.D. also Hamil- ton 1875. Maurice Bloomfield, ll.d .... Professor Sanskrit and Comparative Philology Johns Hopkins; A.B. Fur- man Univ. South Carolina 1877; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1879. us Fogg Brackett, a.m. . . . Tutor Bowdoin 1863-64; Professor Chemistry Bowdoin 1864-73; Pro- fessor Natural History Bowdoin 1863- 72; Professor Physics Princeton 1873- 1908; A.B. Bowdoin 1859; M.D. Bow- doin 1863; LL.D. Bowdoin 1892, also Lafayette 1883; M.A.P.S. Karl Brusfman. ll.d Cyr Professor Indogermanic Philology Leip- sic. William Caven, d.d. Principal and Professor Exegetics & Biblical Criticism Knox College, To- ronto. John Bates Clark, ll.d, Professor Political Economy and His- tory Carleton College, Minn. ; Professor History and Political Science Smith College, Mass.; Professor Political Economy Amherst 1892-95; Professor Political Economy Columbia 1895 — ; A.B. Amherst 1872; A.M. Amherst 1878; Ph. D. Amherst 1890; LL.D. also Amherst 1897. Johannes Conrad, ll.d Professor Political Economy Univ. Halle. Henry Bedinger Cornwall, a.m. Assistant in Mineralogy Columbia 1865-66, 1871-73; Professor Analytical Chemistry and ^lineralogy Princeton 1 873-1 905; Professor Chemistry and Mineralogy Princeton 1905 — ; A.B. Columbia 1864; A.M. Columbia 1866; E.M. Columbia 1867; Ph.D. Columbia 1888. Morgan Dix, d.d *i9o8 General Seminary, New York 1840-52; Trustee Hobart" 1862-190S; Rector 1896] HONORARY DEGREES 441 Trinity Parish N. Y. City 1862-1908; Trustee Columbia 1862-1908; A.B. Co- lumbia 1848; A.M. Columbia 1852; D.D. Columbia 1862, also Oxford 1900, also Harvard 1902; D.C.L. Univ. of South 1885. Wilhelm Dorpfeld, ll.d, ist Secretary German Institute, Athens. Archsological Edward Dowden, ll.d. Professor English Literature Univ. Dublin 1S67 — ; Clark Lecturer Eng- lish Literature Trinity College, Cam- bridge 1893-96; Commissioner National Education, Ireland 1896-1901; Secre- tary Council Trinity College, Dublin 1900 — ; Cunningham Gold Medal Royal Irish Academy; AI.A., D.C.L. , Litt.D. George Park Fisher, d.d LL.D. Princeton 1879. Arthur Lincoln Frothingham, Jr., A.M Professor Archaeology Princeton 1886- 89; Professor Archaeology and History of Art Princeton 1889-1905; Instructor Semitic Languages Princeton 1889-91; Ph.D. Leipsic 1883. Josiah Willard Gibbs, ll.d. . .*i903 Tutor Yale 1863-66; Professor Mathe- matical Physics Yale 1871-1903; A.B. Yale 1858; A.M. Yale 1861; Ph.D. Yale 1863; also Erlangen 1893; LL.D. also Williams 1893; Math.D. Chris- tiania 1902; Member Institut de France; F.R.S., etc. Richard Watson Gilder, l.h.d. President Public Art League of U. S. ; Member Council National Civil Serv- ice Reform League; A.M. Harvard 1890 hon.; LL.D. Dickinson 1883, also Wesleyan 1903; L.H.D. also Yale 1901. Daniel Coit Gilman, ll.d. . . .*i9o8 Librarian and Secretary Sheffield Sci- entific School and Professor Physical and Political Geography Yale 1856- 72; President Univ. California 1872- 75; President Johns Hopkins 1875- 1901; President Emeritus 1901 — ; President Carnegie Institution Wash- ington, D. C. 1901-04; Member U. S. Commission on Boundary between N'enezuela and British Guiana 1896- 97; Member Charter Commission Balti- more, Md. 1,897; Member Board of School Commissioners, Baltimore, Md. 1900; Trustee Russell Sage Founda- tion; President National Civil Service Reform League 1901-07; Trustee Car- negie Institution; A.B. Yale 1852; A.M. Yale 1855; LL.D. also Harvard 1876, also St. Johns, Maryland 1876, also Columbia 1887, also Yale 1880. also Univ. North Carolina i88g, also Univ. Toronto 1903, also Univ. Wis- consin 1904, also Clark 1905, also William & Mary 1906. George Lincoln Goodale, ll.d. State Assayer Maine 1864; Professor Bowdoin and Medical School of Maine 1867-72; Instructor Botany Harvard 1872-73; Assistant Professor Vegetable Physiology Harvard 1873-78; Pro- fessor Botany & Natural History, and Director Botanic Garden Harvard 1878—; A.B. Amherst i860; M.D. Harvard and Bowdoin 1863. John William Griggs, ll.d . . . Prosecutor Pleas .Somerset Co., N. J. Member New Jersey Senate 1883-88 President New Jersey Senate 1886-87 Governor New Jersey 1896-98; Attor- ney General U. S. 1 898-1 901; Member Hague Internat. Court of Arbitration 1900 — ; A.B. Lafayette 1868; LL.D. also Rutgers 1896, also Yale 1899. William Gardner Hale, ll.d. . Tutor Latin Harvard 1873-75, 1877- 80; Professor Latin Cornell 1880-92; Professor Latin Univ. Chicago 1892 — ; A.B. Harvard 1870; LL.D. also Union 1895. William Torrey Harris, ll.d.. Assistant Superintendent Public Schools, St. Louis, Mo. 1857-67; Su- perintendent Public Schools, St. Louis, Mo. 1867-80; Hon. Officier de I'Acad- emie, Paris 1878; Representative U. S. Bureau of Education, Congress of Edu- cators, Brussels 1880, and Paris Expo- sition 1889; Officier de I'lnStruction Publique, French Government 1889; U. S. Commissioner of Education 1889- 1906; A.B. Yale 1858 (degree con- ferred 1869); A.M. Yale 1869; Ph.D. Brown 1893 hon., also lena 1899 hon.; LL.D. also Yale 1895, also Univ. Mis- souri 1870, also Univ. Penna. 1894. Charles Custis Harrison, ll.d. Trustee Univ. Penna. 1876 — ; Act- ing Provost Univ. Penna. 1894-95; Provost Univ. Penna. 1895 — > A.B. Univ. Penna. 1862; A.M. Univ. Penna. 1865; LL.D. also Columbia 1895, also Yale 1901. George William Hill, ll.d... Assistant in office of American Ephe- meris and Nautical Almanac 1861- ; Awarded Gold Medal Royal Astronom- ical Society, London 1887; Awarded Damoiscan Prize des Sciences 1898; Lecturer in Celestial Mechanics Columbia 1893 — ; A.B. Rutgers 1859; A.M. Rutgers 1862; Ph. D. Rutgers; D.Sc. Cambridge 1892; LL.D. Colum- bia 1894; M.A.P.S., etc. Ambrosius Wilhelm Hubrecht, LL.D Professor Zoology Univ. Utrecht, 442 HONORARY DEGREES [1896 William Reed Huntington, d.d. A.B. Harvard 1859; A.M. Harvard 1862; D.D. also Harvard 1898, also Co- lumbia 1873, also Yale 1902; D.C.L. Univ. of South 1890; L.H.D. Hobart 1899; LL.D. Union 1903. John Fletcher Hurst, d.d. . . .*i903 Professor Historical Theology Drew Seminary 1871-80; President Drew Seminary 1873-80; Bishop Methodist Episcopal Church 1 880-1 903; Chancellor American University, Washington, D. C. ; A.B. Dickinson 1854; D.D. also Asbury Methodist College 1866; LL.D. Asbury 1880. Hermann Carl Otto Huss, a.m. Instructor Modern Languages Prince- ton 1880; Assistant Professor Modern Languages and Literature Princeton 1880-84; Professor Modern Languages and Literature Princeton 1884-1902; Ph. D. lena 1869. John Brinckerhoff Jackson, a.m. Annapolis 1883; Ensign LT. S. N. 1885; Resigned 1886; 2d Secretary U. S. Le- gation, Berlin 1890-94; Secretary U. S. Embassy, Berlin 1894-1902; U. S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Greece, Roumania and Servia 1902; U. S. Diplomatic Agent Bulgaria 1903; LI. S. Envoy Ex- traordinary" and Minister Plenipoten- tiary to Persia 1907; Delegate to Internat. Maritime Law Conference Hamburg 1902. William James, ll.d Instructor Anatomy Harvard 1873-76; Assistant Professor Compar. Anat. and Physiol. Harvard 1872-80; Assistant Professor Philosophy Harvard 1880- 85; Professor Philosophy Harvard 1885- 89; Professor Psychology Harvard 1889-97; Professor Philosophy Harvard 1897-1907; Gifford Lecturer Edinburgh 1899-1901; Ph.D. and Litt.D. Padua 1893; LL.D. also Edinburgh 1902, also Harvard 1905. William Thomson, ist Baron Kel- vin, LL.D *I907 Professor Natural Philosophy Glasgow Univ. 1846-99; Chancellor Glasgow Univ. 1904-07; President British Asso- ciation 1871; President Royal Society 1890-95; B.i\.. Cambridge; Fellow St. Peters College, Cambridge; Electrician for Atlantic Cables 1857 and 1865; Member Order Pour le Mcrite, Prus- sia; Grand Officer Legion d'Honneur, France; Commander Order of King Leopold, Belgium, etc.; M.A., M.D., D.Sc, D.C.L. ; F.R.S., etc. Felix Klein, ll.d Professor Mathematics Univ. Gottingen. George Trumbull Ladd^ ll.d. Professor Philosophy Bowdoin 1879- 81; Lecturer on Church Polity An- dover Seminary 1879-81; Lecturer on Philosophy Univ. Bombay 1899-1900; Professor Philosophy Yale 1881 — ; A.B. Western Reserve 1864; Andover .Seminary 1866-69; D.D. Western Re- serve 1879; LL.D. also Western Re- Samuel Pierpont Langley, LL.D. *i9o6 Assistant Harvard Observatory 1865; .•\ssistant Professor Mathematics U. .S. Naval Academy; Director Allegheny Observatory 1867; Secretary Smithson- ian Institution 1887-1906; Correspond- ing Member Institut de France; Jans- sen ^ledal; Rum ford ^Tedal; Draper Medal, etc.; Trustee Carnegie Institu- tion; Ph.D. Stevens; D.Sc. Cambridge; D.C.L. Oxford; LL.D. also Harvard. Yale, Univ. Wisconsin, Univ. Mich- igan; F.R.S. Henry Charles Lea, ll.d.... LL.D. also Harvard 1890, also Univ. Penna. 1868; M.A.P.S. Joseph LeConte, ll.d *i9oi Professor Geology and Natural History Univ. California; Chemist in Service C. S. A.; A.B. Univ. Georgia (Frank- lin College) 1841; A.M. Univ. Geor- gia (Franklin College) 1845; M.D. Co- lumbia (Coll. P. & S.) 184s; B.S. Har- vard 1851; LL.D. also Univ. Georgia 1879. James Loudon, ll.d Tutor Univ. College, Toronto 1863-75; Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Univ. Toronto 1875-87; lYofessor Physics Univ. Toronto 1887 — ; President Univ. Toronto 1892 — ; B.A. and M.A. Univ. Toron- to; LL.D. also Queens, also Johns Hop- kins, also Glasgow; D.C.L. Trinity Univ., Toronto; President Royal So- ciety Canada. Thomas L.H.D. Raynesford Lounsbury, I St Lieutenant 126th New York X'ols. 1862-65; Instructor in English Yale 1870-71; Professor English Yale 1871— ; A.B. Yale 1859; A.M. Yale 1877; LL.D. Yale 1892, also Harvard 1893, also Aberdeen 1906; L.H.D. also Lafayette 1895. Seth Low, LL.D, Trustee Columbia 1881 — ; Mayor Brooklyn, N. Y. 1881-85; President Columbia 1890-1901; Mayor New York 1902-03; Delegate Peace Conference, The Hague 1899; Trustee Carnegie In- stitution; A.B. Columbia .870; LL.D. also Amherst 1889, also Harvard 1800, also Univ. State New York 1890, also 1896] HONORARY DEGREES 443 Univ. Penna. 1890, also Trinity Col- lege, Conn. 1890. Edward Alexander MacDowell, MUS. DOC *I9o8 Professor Music Columbia 1896-1904; Mus.Doc. also Univ. Penna. 1902. George Macloskie, a.m Professor Natural Science Princeton 1874-83; Professor Biology Princeton 1883-1906; Professor Emeritus 1906 — ; B.A. (Honors with Gold Medal) Royal University, Ireland 1S57; M.A. (Hon- ors with Gold Medal) Royal Univ. Ire- land 1858; LL.B. London Univ. 1870; LL.D. (Honors with Gold Medal) Lon- don LTniv. 1 871; D.Sc. Royal Univ. Ireland 1887 hon. Charles McMillan, a.m. Professor R. R. Engineering, Geodesy, and Topographical Drawing Rensselaer Polytechnic 1865-71; Professor Civil and ^Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic 1871-75; Professor Civil Engineering and Applied Mathematics Princeton 1875 — ; C.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic i860. Simon John IMcPherson, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1874. John William Mallet, ll.d . . . Assistant Professor Analytical Chemis- try Amherst 1854-56; Professor French and German Amherst 1854; Chemist to Alabama Geological Survey 1855-56; Professor Chemistry Univ. Alabama 1855-60; Served on staff of General Rodes, C. S. A. 1861; in charge Ord- nance Laboratories C. S. A. 1862-65; Lieutenant Colonel Artillery C. S. A. 1865; Professor Chemistry Univ. Lou- isiana 1865-68; Professor Chemistry LTniv. Virginia 1868 — ; Lecturer Chemistry Johns Hopkins 1877-78; Professor Chemistry and Physics and Chairman of Faculty Univ. Texas 1883-84; Professor Chemistry Jefferson Medical 1884-85; Member U. S. Assay Commission; B.A. Trinity College, Dub- lin 1853; Ph.D. Gottingen 1852; M.D. Univ. Louisiana 1868; LL.D. also Wil- liam & Mary 1872, also Univ. Miss- issippi 1872, also Johns Hopkins 1902, also Univ. Penna. 1906; M.A.P.S. ; F.R.S., etc. Francis Andrew March, l.h.d. LL.D. Princeton 1870. Charles Marsh Mead, d.d. . . . Tutor Middlebury College, Vt. 1859- 60; Professor Hebrew Andover Sem- inary 1866-82; Professor Christian The- ology Hartford Seminary 1892-98; A.B. Middlebury 1856; Andover Sem- inary 1860-62; Ph.D. Tiibingen 1866; D.D. also Middlebury 1881; LL.D. Mid- dlebury 1906.. Silas Weir Mitchell, ll.d. . . . M.D. Jefferson Medical 1850, also Univ. Bologna 1888 hon.; LL.D. also Harvard 1886, also Edinburgh 1895; M.A.P.S., etc. Henri Moissan, ll.d ^igo; Professor Chemistry Univ. Paris. James Ormsbee IMurra}'', a.m.* 1899 D.D. Princeton 1867. William Nelson, a.m U. S. Commissioner; Corresponding Secretary New Jersey Historical So- ciety 1880 — ; Chairman Public Rec- ord Commission, New Jersey; Editor " New Jersey Archives." Simon Newcomb, ll.d. Professor Mathematics U. S. N. as- signed to U. S. Naval Observatory 1861; Director Nautical Almanac Office 1877-97; Professor Mathematics and Astronomy Johns Hopkins 1884-94; Commander Legion d'Honneur, France 1907; Knight Order of Merit, Prussia 1906; Associate Institut de France 1893; B.S. Harvard 1858; LL.D. George Washington 1874, also Yale 1875, also Harvard 18S4, also Columbia 1887, also Edinburgh 1891, also Glas- gow 1896, also Cracow 1900, also Johns ■ Hopkins 1902, also Toronto 1904; D.Sc. Heidelberg i886 hon.; also Pa- dua 1892 hon., also Dublin 1892 hon., also Cambridge 1896 hon.; Doc. Math. Christiania 1902; D.C.L. Oxford 1899; ?.Iaster of Math, and Doc. Nat. Phil. Leyden 1875; Awarded Royal Astron. Society Gold Medal 1874, Huysens Gold Medal 1878, Royal Society Gold Medal 1890, Schubert Prize Russia, etc., etc. Samuel Jack Niccolls, d.d. . . . Chaplain 126th Penna. Vols. 1863; Moderator General Assembly 1873; President Board of Trustees McCor- mick Seminary; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1857; D.D. also Cen- tral; LL.D. Hanover, also Washington & Jefferson. William Alfred Packard, a.m. Professor Modern Languages Dart- mouth 1860-63; Professor Greek Lan- guages and Literature 1863-70; Pro- fessor Latin Princeton 1 870-1 905; Pro- fessor Emeritus 1905 — ; A.B. Bow- doin 1851; A.M. Bowdoin 1854; Ph.D. Hamilton 1868; D.D. Bowdoin 1894. Francis Landey Patton, a.m. . Professor Theology McCorrnick Sem- inary 1871-81; Lecturer Ethics Prince- ton 1883-84; Professor Relation Philos- ophy and Science & Religion Princeton Seminary 1881-88; Professor Ethics Princeton 1884 — ; President Princeton 1888-1002; Lecturer Theism Princeton Seminary; President and Professor Phi- 444 HONORARY DEGREES [1896 losophy of Religion Princeton Seminary 1902 — ; Princeton Seminary 1863-65; D.D. Hanover 1872, also Yale 1888; LL.D. Wooster 1878; Harvard 1889, also Toronto 1894, also Yale 1901, also Johns Hopkins 1902. Bliss Perry, a.m Professor English Williams 1886-03; Professor Oratory and Esthetic Criti- cism Princeton 1893-1900; Editor At- lantic Monthly 1900 — ; Professor Eng- lish Literature Harvard; A.B. Wil- liams 1881; A.M. Williams 1883; L.II.D. Princeton 1900, also Williams 1902; Litt.D. Bowdoin 1904; LL.D. Wake Forest 1906. William Peterson, ll.d. Assistant Professor Humanity Univ. Edinburgh 1879-82; Principal Univ. College, Dundee 1882-95; Principal McGill Univ. 1895—; M.A. Oxford and Edinburgh; LL.D. also St. An- drews 1885, also Univ. New Bruns- wick 1900, also Yale 1901, also Johns Hopkins 1902, also Univ. Penna. 1903. Edward Bagnall Poulton, ll.d. Librarian Oxford Union 1877-78; President Oxford Union 1879; Demon- strator Comparative Anatomical Dept. Univ. Museum 1877-79; Lecturer Nat- ural Science and Tutor Keble College, Oxford 1880-89; Lecturer Natural Sci- ence Jesus College, Oxford 1880-88; Hope Professor Zoology Oxford 1893 — ; Fellow Jesus College 1898; M.A. Jesus College; D.Sc. Jesus Col- lege 1900; Member Council Royal So- ciety 1897-99; F.R.S. George Lansing Raymond, a.m. Princeton Seminary 1863-65; Professor Oratory Williams 1874-80; Professor Oratory Princeton 1881-83; Professor Oratory and ^Esthetic Criticism Prince- ton 1883-93; Professor Esthetics Princeton 1893-1905; Professor ^Es- thetics George Washington 1905—; A.B. Williams 1862; A.M. also Wil- liams 1865; L.H.D. Rutgers 1883, also Williams 1889. Ira Remsen, ll.d Professor Chemistry Williams 1872- 76; Professor Chemistry Johns Hop- kins 1876 — ; President Johns Hopkins 1901 — ; A.B. College City New York 1865; M.D. Columbia (Coll. P. & S.); Ph.D. Gottineen; LL.D. also Columbia 1893, also Yale 1901, also Toronto 1902. Ernest Gushing Richardson, a.m. .\ssistant Librarian Amherst 1875-80; Hartford Seminary 1880-S3; Assistant Librarian and Instructor Hartford Seminary 1883-85; Librarian and Asso- ciate Professor Bibliology Hartford Seminary 1885-90; Librarian Princeton 1890 — ; Member New Jersey Public Library Coinmission; President Amer- ican Library Association 1904-05; Trustee Hartford Seminary 1904 — ; Chairman Bibliographical Committee American Historical Association; A.B. Amherst 1880; A.M. also Amherst 1883; Ph.D. Washington & Jefferson 1887. Matthew Brown Riddle, d.d. . New Brunswick Seminary 1859; Ad- junct Professor Greek Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1857-58; Chaplain Army of Potomac 1861 ; Professor New Testa- ment Exegesis Hartford Seminary 1871-87; Professor New Testament Exegesis Allegheny Seminary 1887 — ; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (J.) 1852; A.M. Washington & Jefferson (1.) 1855; D.D. also Franklin & Mar- shall; LL.D. Western Univ. Penna. Gharles Greene Rockw^ood, Jr., a.m. Professor Mathematics & Natural Phi- losophy Bowdoin 1868-73; Professor Mathematics & Natural Astronomy Rutgers 1873-77; Associate Professor Pure and Applied Mathematics Prince- ton 1877-78; Professor Mathematics Princeton 1878-1905; Professor Emer- itus 1905—; A.B. Yale 1864; Ph.D. Yale 1866; A.M. also Bowdoin 1S69 hon.; also Yale 1867. Henry Augustus Rowland, ll.d. *igoi Instructor Wooster Univ. 1871-72; In- structor Rensselaer Polytechnic 1872- 74; Assistant Professor Physics Rens- selaer Polytechnic 1874-75; Professor Physics Johns Hopkins 1876-1901; C.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic 1870; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1880; LL.D. also Yale 1895. Henry Yates Satterlee, d.d..*i9o8 Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Wash- ington 1896-1908; A.B. Columbia 1863; A.M. also Columbia 1866; Gen- eral Seminary, N. Y. 1863-66; D.D. also Union 1882; LL.D. Columbia 1897. Plorace Elisha Scudder, l.h.d. *I902 Trustee Williams 1 884-1 902; Trustee Wellesley; Member School Committee, Cambridge, Mass. ; Member Massachu- setts Board of Education; A.B. Wil- liams 1858. Andrew Seth (Andrew Seth Pr in- gle Pattison). ll.d Lecturer Philosophy Univ. Edinburgh 1883; Professor Lo^ic and Philosophy Univ. College, Cardiff' 1883; Professor Logic, Rhetoric and Metaphysics St. Andrews 1887; Professor Logic and Metaphvsics Edinburgh 1891 — ; M.A. Edinburgh; LL.D., D.C.L. George William Sheldon, l.h.d. A.B. Princeton 1863. 1896 97] HONORARY DEGREES 445 William Milligan Sloane, a.m. Assistant in Latin Language Princeton 1S77-79; Adjunct Professor Latin Lan- guage Princeton 1879-80; Professor Latin Language Princeton 1880-83; Professor liistory and Political Science Princeton 1883-97; Professor History Columbia 1896 — ; A.B. Columbia 1868; Ph.n. Leipsic 1876; L.H.D. Co- lunibia 1884; LL.D. Rutgers 1898, also Princetoii 1903. Goldwin Smith, ll.d Regius Professor Modern History Ox- ford 1858-66; Lecturer and English and Constitutional History Cornell 1868-71; Professor English and Consti- tutional History Cornell; B.A. Mag- dalen College Oxford 1845; M.A. Ox- ford 1848; b.C.L. Oxford 1882. Joseph Tait Smith, d.d *igo6 Director Princeton Seminary 1869- 1901; Moderator General Assembly 1887; A.B. Washington & Jefferson (T.) 1837; D.D. also Hampden Sidney 1850; LL.D. Washington & Jefferson 1887. Augustus Hopkins Strong, d.d. President and Professor Systematic Theology Rochester Seminary 1872 — ; A.B. Yale 1857; D.D. also Brown 1870, also Yale 1890; LL.D. Bucknell 1891, also Alfred Univ. 1904. Joseph Henry Thayer, d.d. . .*i9oi Professor Sacred Literature Andover 1864-82; Professor New Testament Criticism & Interpretation Harvard Di- vinity School 18S4-1901; A.B. Har- vard 1850; Andover Seminary 1854- 57; Chaplain 40th Massachusetts Vols. 1862-63; D.D. also Yale 1873, also Harvard 1884; Litt. D. Dublin 1892. Joseph John Thomson, ll.d . . Fellow Trinity_ College, Cambridge, 1880; Lecturer Trinity College 1883-84; Cavendish Professor Experimental Physics Cambridge 1884 — ; B.A. and M.."\. Trinity College, Cambridge; D.Sc. Oxford, Dublin, Victoria and Co- lumbia; LL.D. also Glasgow and Johns Hopkins; Ph.D. Cracow; Royal and Hughes Medals, Royal Society; Hodg- kin Medal, Smithsonian Inst. igo2. Otto Von Stouve, ll.d Director Imperial Astronomical Observ- atory, Pulkova, Russia. Charles Dudley Warner, L.H.D. *i9oo A.B. Hamilton 1851; LL.B. Univ. Penna. 1856; A.M.; D.C.L. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, ll.d.. Instructor Brown 1879-81; Instructor Harvard 1885-86; Professor Compar- ative Philology Cornell 1 886-88; Pro- fessor Greek Cornell 1888-89; Pro- fessor Greek-American School Classical Studies, Athens 1896; President Univ. California 1899 — ; A.B. Brown 1875; A.M. Brown 1878; Ph.D. Heidelberg 1885; LL.D. also Harvard 1900, also Brown 1900, also Yale 1901, also Johns Hopkins 1902, also Wisconsin 1904, also Illinois College 1904. Frederick Newton W^illson, a.m. Instructor Descriptive Geometry, Stere- otomy and Technical Drawing Prince- ton 1881-83; Professor Descriptive Geometry, Stereotomy and Technical Drawing Princeton 1 883-1 905; Pro- fessor Graphics Princeton 1905 — ; C.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic 1879. Charles Augustus Young, A.M. *i9o8 Professor Mathematics, Natural Phi- losophy and Astronomy Western Re- serve 1856-66; Professor Natural Phi- losophy and Astronomy Dartmouth 1866-77; Professor Astronomy Prince- ton 1877-1905; Professor Emeritus 1905-08; Lecturer Physics and Astron- omy Mt. Holyoke Seminary and Col- lege, Mass. 1868-1903; Lecturer As- tronomy Williams 1873, 1S75; Lecturer Peabody Institute, Baltimore 1873; Lecturer Lowell Institute, Boston 1876, 1886; Captain 85th Ohio \'ol. Infan- try_ 1862; President Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science 1883; Associate Fellow Royal Astron. Society; Janssen Prize 1891; M.A.P.S., etc.; A.B. Dartmouth 1853; A.M. also Dartmouth 1856; Ph.D. LIniv. Penna. 1870 lion., also Hamilton 1871 hon.; LL.D. Wesleyan 1S76, also Columbia 1887, also Western Reserve 1894, also Dartmouth 1903, also Prince- ton 1905. 1897 John Lambert Cadwalader, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1856. [Stephen] Grover Cleveland, ll.d. *i9o8 Assistant U. S. District Attorney Erie Co., N. Y. 1863-66; Sheriff Erie Co., N. Y. 1870-73; Mayor Buffalo, N. Y. 1881-82; Governor New York 1882- 84; President United States 1884-88, 1892-96; Trustee Princeton 1901-08; Stafford Little Lecturer Princeton 1899-1908; Trustee Equitable Life As- surance Society 1905-08; Chairman As- sociation of Life Insurance Presidents 1907-08; Member Executive Committee National Civic Federation; M.A.P.S. Theodore Ledyard Cuyler, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1841. 446 HONORARY DEGREES [1897-1900 John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, 7th Earl of Aberdeen, ll.d. . Lord Lieutenant Aberdeenshire 1880 — ; Lord High Commissioner Gen- eral Assembly Scotland 1881-85; Lord Lieutenant Ireland 1886; Privy Coun- cillor 1886; Governor General of Can- ada 1893-98; ALA. Oxford 1877; LL.D. also Aberdeen 1883, also Queens Univ. Ontario, also McGill Univ.; D.C.L. Univ. of Bishops College, Lennoxville 1895. Lawrence Hiitton, a.m *i904 Lecturer on English Literature Prince- ton 1901-04. John Bayard McPherson, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1866. William Alexander Parsons Mar- Henry Morton, ll.d Ph.D. Princeton 1871 hon. Augustus Saint Gaudens, , *igo; L.H.D. *i907 Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris 1867-70; Corresponding Member Institut de France; Officer Legion d'Honneur, France; Medal of Honor, Paris 1900; Special Medal of Honor, Buffalo 1901; LL.D. Harvard 1897. 1898 Jason Rogers Barr, c.e *i9o6 John D. Davis, d.d A.B. Princeton 1879. George Dewey, ll.d Annapolis 1858; Lieutenant U.S.N. 1861; Commander U. S. N. 1872; Caj)- tain U. S. N. 1884; Commodore U. is. N. 1896; Rear Admiral U. S. N. 1898; Voted Thanks of Congress 1898; Mem- ber U. S. Philippine Commission 1899; Admiral of the Navy 1899 — ; LL.D. also Univ. Penna. 1898. Albert Venn Dicey, ll.d Vinerian Professor English Law Ox- ford 1882—; Fellow All Souls, Ox- ford; Hon. Fellow Trinity College, Oxford; Barrister Inner Temple 1863; M.A.; B.C.L.; LL.D. also Cambridge, Glasgow and Edinburgh ; K.C. Abram Woodruff Halsey, ll.d, A.B. Princeton 1879. Abram Kuyper, ll.d Professor in Free Univ. Amsterdam. 1899 Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, l.ii.d. A.B. Princeton 1849. tm. LL.D. Interpreter to U. S. Minister to China 1858; President and Professor Inter- national Law Tung Wen College, China; President and Professor New Imperial Univ. China; President Univ. Wuchang, China 1902-05; Adviser to Chinese Government; Mandarin 3d Class 1885; Mandarin 2d Class 1898; A.B. Indiana State Univ.; D.D. La- fayette i860; LL.D. also New York Univ. 1870. Whitelaw Reid, ll.d Librarian U. S. House Representatives 1863-66; Editor in chief New York Tribune 1872-1905; Regent Univ. State of New York 1878 — ; Vice Chancellor Univ. State of New York 1902; Chancellor Univ. State of New York 1904; U. S. Minister to France 1889-92; U. S. Special Ambassador Pueen Victoria Jubilee 1897; Member eace Commission, Paris 1898; U. S. Special Ambassador Coronation Ed- ward VII 1902; U. S. Ambassador to England 1905 — ; A.B. Miami 1856; A.M. Miami 1859, also New York Univ. 1872 hon., also Dartmouth 1873 hon.; LL.D. also Miami 1890, also Yale 1901, also Cambridge 1902, also St. An- drews 1905; D.C.L. Oxford 1907. Moses Allen Starr, ll.d A.B. Princeton 1876. Francis Gray Stewart, a.m . . . C.E. Princeton 1896. William Scudder Stryker, ll.d. *i9oo A.B. Princeton 1858. Newton Booth Tarkington, a.m. Samuel Thomas Thompson, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1851. Frederick Crosby Torrey, a.m. Instructor Graphics Princeton 1892-99. 1900 Dimrer Beeber, a.m Judge Supreme Court Penna. Joseph Marshall Flint, a.m . . . Assistant in Anatomy L^niv. Chicago 1897; Associate in Anatomy Univ. Chi- cago 1900-01; .-Xssistant Johns Hop- kins Medical Commission to Philip- pines; Professor Anatomy Univ. Cali- fornia looi — ; B.S. LTniv. Chicago 189s; M.D. Johns Hopkins 1900. 1900-02] HONORARY DEGREES 447 James Morgan Hart, l.h.d. . , A.B. Princeton i860. John Hay, ll.d *i905 Secretary to President Lincoln 1861; \'olunteer Aide to Major General Hun- ter 1863; Major and Assistant Adju- tant General 1864; Aide to President Lincoln 1864; Brevet Colonel U. S. \'ol. 1865; Secretary U. S. Legation Paris 1865-67; U. S. Charge d'Af- faires Vienna 1867-68; U. S. Secretary Legation Madrid 1869-70; ist Assist- ant U. S. Secretary State 1879-81; U. S. Ambassador England 1897-98; U. S. Secretary State 1898-1905; A.B. Brown 1858; A.M. Brown 1861; LL.D. also Brown 1897, also Western Reserve 1894, also Dartmouth 1901, also Yale 1 901, also Harvard 1902. William Wilson Miller, a.m.. Henry Elliott Mott, d.d A.B. Princeton 1874. Bliss Perry, l.h.d A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. Jose DeJ. Romero, a.m A.B. Princeton 1893. Binjiro Suyama, a.m Professor Univ. Tokio, Japan. George Washburn, ll.d Professor Philosophy Robert College, Constantinople 1869- 1903; Acting President Robert College 1870-77; President Robert College 1877-1903; A.B. Amherst 1855; Andover Seminary 1860-63; d.d. Amherst 1870; LL.D. also Univ. Mich. 1900. I9OI John Runkle Emery, ll.d, A.B. Princeton 1861. William H. Fleming, a.m. . Lecturer Board of Education, Greater New York; Lecturer American Society Extension of University Teaching. Gerard Benjamin Fleet Hallock, A.M Princeton Seminary 1882-85; Richmond College, O. 1896. D.D. William Mershon Lanning, a.m. City Solicitor Trenton, N. J. 1883-87: Judge District Court Trenton, N". J. 1887-91; U. S. Representative from New Jersey 1903-04; Director Prince- ton Seminary 1895 — ; Judge U. S. District Court New Jersey 1904 — . Charles Williston McAlpin, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1888. Joseph Deakins McGuire, a.m. A.B. Princeton 1863. Chalmers Martin, d.d A.B. Princeton 1879. Charles E. Paterson, a.m Edward Riggs, d.d A.B. Princeton 1865. Foster MacGowan Voorhees, a.m., LL.D Member New Jersey Association 1888- 91 ; Member New Jersey Senate 1894- 98; Acting Governor New Jersey 1898; Governor New Jersey 1899-1902; A.B. Rutgers 1876; A.M. Rutgers 1879; LL.D. also Rutgers 1899. 1902 John White Alexander, a.m.. Student Royal Academy Fine Arts Munich; Gold Medal Philadelphia Academy Fine Arts 1897, also Paris Exposition 1900, also Buffalo Exposi- tion 1901, also St. Louis Exposition 1904; Chevalier Legion d'Honneur France 1901. Richard Henry Alvey, ll.d..*i9o6 Member Maryland Constitutional Con- vention 1867; Chief Justice 4th Ju- dicial Circuit and Judge Maryland Court of Appeals 1867-83; Chief Jus- tice Maryland Court of Appeals 1883- 93; Chief Justice Court of Appeals District of Columbia 1893-1906; Mem- ber Venezuelan Boundary Commission 1896. Nicholas Murray Butler, ll.d. Assistant in Philosophy Columbia 1885- 86; Tutor Philosophy Columbia 1886- 89; Adjunct Professor Columbia 1889- 90; Dean of Faculty of Philosophy Columbia 1890; Professor Philosophy and Education and President Columbia 1902 — ; Officer Legion d'Honneur France 1906; A.B. Columbia 1882; A.M. Columbia 1883; Ph.D. Columbia 1884; LL.D. also Syracuse 1898, also Tulane 1901, also Johns Hopkins 1902, also Univ. Penna. 1902, also Yale 1902, also Univ. Chicago 1903, also St. Andrews 1905, also Manchester 1905, also Cam- bridge 1907; Litt.D. Oxford 1905. James Herron Eckels, ll.d..*i907 LL.B. Union 1880; U. S. Comptroller of Currency 1893-97. George Francis Greene, d.d.. A.B. Princeton 1882. 448 HONORARY DEGREES [1902-05 William Stryker Gummere, ll.u. A.B. Princeton 1870. Richard Davenport Harlan, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1881. Morris Ketchum Jesup, ll.d.*i9o8 President Chamber of Commerce New York City 1 899-1 908; President Amer- ican Museum of Natural History 18S1-1908; Trustee Union Seminary, N. Y. ; Trustee General Education Board; A.M. Yale 1891 hon., also Co- lumbia 1900. Franklin Murphy, ll.d Member Common Council Newark, N. J. 1883-6; Member New Jersey Assem- bly 1885; U. S. Commissioner to Paris Exposition 1900; Governor New Jer- sey 1902-05; Member Board of Man- agers National Home Disabled Volun- teer Soldiers 1904 — ; President of Board of Managers Nat. Home Dis- abled Vol. Soldiers 1906 — ; Private 13th N. J. Vols. 1862- ; ist Lieut. 13th N. J. Vols. -65; LL.D. La- fayette 1 90 1. Henry Fairfield Osborn, ll.d, A.B. Princeton 1877. James Flay Reed, ll.d Judge U. S. District Court, Western District Penna. Univ. Penna. 1891-92; A.B. Western Charles Adamson Salmond, d.d. 1903 Hiram Corson, Litt.d A.M. Princeton 1864 hon. Thomas Frederick Crane, Litt.d. A.B. Princeton 1864. William Earl Dodge, ll.d...* 1903 Frank Sheldon Fosdick, a.m . . James Hazen Hyde, a.m A.B. Harvard 189 d'Honneur, France. Officer Legion Frank Calvin Roberts, a.m . . . C.E. Princeton 1883. William Milligan Sloane, ll.d. A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. 1904 James Houston Eccleston, d.d. A.B. Princeton 1856. Adrian Hoffman Joline, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1870. John La Farge, ll.d President Society of American Artists; President Society of Mural Painters; Chevalier Legion d'Honneur, France 1889; Officer Legion d'Honneur 1901. W^illiam Lawrence, ll.d Professor Homiletics and Pastoral The- ology _ Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge 1884-93; Dean of Episcoiial Theol. School 1888-93; Protestant Epis- Bishop Massachusetts :893— ; Harvard 1871; D.D. Harvard D.D. Harvard 1893, also Hobart copal A.B. Per Dusen, d.Sc 571; Robert Harris AlcCarter, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1879. St. Clair McKelway, ll.d. . . . Regent Univ. State of New York 1883 — ; Vice Chancellor Univ. State of New York 1900 — ; A.M. Colgate 1883 hon.; ll.d. Syracuse, also Mis- souri State LTniv. ; L.ILD. Union 1897; D.C.L. St. Lawrence 1898. John Prentiss Poe, ll.d A.B. Princeton 1854. Gifford Pinchot. a.m. Chief of the Bureau of Forestry U. S. Dejiartment of Agriculture 1898 — ; A.B. Yale 1889; A.M. also Yale 1901. John Hunn Voorhees, a.m. . .*i907 A.B. Princeton 1841. 1905 Allen Henry Brown, d.d, James Denney, d.d. Professor New Testament Language, Literature and Theology United Free Church College, Glasgow 1897—; M.A., D.D. Glasgow; D.D. also Chi- cago Seminary, also Glasgow. John Huston Finley, ll.d. . . , President Knox College, Illinois 1892- 99; Professor Politics Princeton 1000- 03; President College City of New York 1903—; A.B. Knox 1887; A.M. Knox 1890; LL.D. Park College, Mo. 1895, also Knox 1899, also Univ. Wis- consin 1904, also Tulane 1906. James Curtis Hepburn, ll.d. . .\.B. Princeton 1832. 1905-06] HONORARY DEGREES 449 James Walter Lowrie, d.d. . . A.B. Princeton 1876. George Brinton McClellan, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1886. Andrew James McCosh, ll.d. A.B. Princeton 1877. William Mather, ll.d Member of Parliament 1885-86, 1889- 95, 1900-04; Governor and Member Council Owens College & Victoria Univ. ; Chairman Froebel Educational Institute, London; Member Royal Com- mission on Technical Education 1883; Member War Office Reorganization Committee 1901; Justice of the Peace; ICnight. Charles Augustus Young, A.M. Princeton 1896 hon. LL.D. *i9o8 1906 William Frederick Allen, M.S. U. S. Delegate to International Merid- ian Conference 1884; U. S. Delegate to International Railway Congress 1900; Chevalier Order of Leopold. William Douglas Mackenzie, ll.d. Professor Systematic Theology Chicago Seminary 1895-1903; President Hart- ford Seminary 1903 — ; D.D. Beloit College, Wis. 1896, also Wesleyan 1906, also Yale 1907. James Gore King McClure, d.d. Princeton Seminary 1870-73; President Lake Forest 1 897-1 901; President Mc- Corinick Seminary 1905 — ; A.B. Yale 1870; D.D. also Lake Forest i888, also Yale 1906; LL.D. Illinois College 1904. Samuel Louis Phillips, a.m. . . A.B. Princeton 1858. Horace Porter, ll.d West Point i860; 2d Lieutenant Ord- nance U. S. A. 1 861; ist Lieutenant Ordnance U. .S. A. 1861; Captain 1863; Lieutenant Colonel Aide to Lieut. Gen- eral Grant 1864-66; Colonel Aide to General Grant 1866-69; Colonel Aide to General Sherman 1869-73; Brevet Captain U. S. A. 1862; Brevet Major U. S. A. 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colo- nel U. S. A. 1864; Brevet Colonel U. S. A. 1865; Awarded Congressional Medal of Honor 1902; Assistant U. S. Secretary of War 1866; Grand Cross of the Legion d'Honneur, France 1904; Delegate Hague Peace Confer- ence 1907; LL.D. also Union 1894. Elihu Root, LL.D, U. S. Secretary of War 1 899-1 904; U. S. Secretary of State 1905 — ; Member Alaskan Boundary Tribunal 1903; A.B. Hamilton 1864; LL.B. New York Law School 1867; LL.D. also Hamilton 1896, also Yale 1900, also Columbia 1904, also New York Univ. 1904, also Williams 1905, also Univ. Buenos Ayres 1906, also Univ. San Marcos, Lima, Peru 1906, also Harvard 1907. Arthur Everett Shipley, d.Sc. Demonstrator Comparative Anatomy Cambridge 1885-94; Fellow Christ's College, Cambridge 1887; Lecturer on Advanced Morphology of the In- vertebrata Cambridge 1894: M.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S., F.L.S. SUMMARY Bachelors of Arts 8624 Bachelors of Letters 43 Bachelors of Science 7^3 Civil Engineers 33° Electrical Engineers 66 DEDUCT RECIPIENTS OF PRIOR PrINCETON DEGREE . _40 26 Bachelors of Laws 7 deduct recipients of prior princeton degree . _i^ 6 Doctors and Masters on Examination 749 DEDUCT recipients OF PRIOR PRINCETON DEGREE . 353 396 Honorary Degrees 1337 deduct recipients of prior princeton degree . 365 972 Total of all Degrees Conferred . 1 1859 DEDUCT recipients OF MORE THAN ONE PRINCETON degree 759 moo moo INDEX 453 INDEX [Numerals preceding names are dates; numerals following names refer to pages. Names followed by numerals are those of officers not holding Princeton degrees. Dates without additional letters indicate Bachelors of Arts. Other degrees are indicated as follows: — lit = Bachelors of Letters, bs = Bachelors of Science, ce = Civil Engineers, e = Electrical Engineers, lb = Bachelors of Laws, p =^ Doctors and Masters on examination, h = Honorary Degrees.] ABB AY ADAMS AHRENS i860 George F. 1901 Arthur H. 1904 ce William B. 1856 Sidney M. 1890 Benjamin H. 1905 Charles H. AIKEN ABBETT 1903 Cyrus H., Jr. 1866 h Charles A. 1884 h Leon 1869 h Edwin P., 47, 70. Frederick A. AIKIN 1897 ABBOT Henry B. 1896 p 1824 1886 George I. Tames James C. 1902 William P. 190J Munro S. 1772 h John AlKMAN 1887 John E. 1 82 1 Alexander ABBOTT 1891 John F. John H. 1874 h Robert 1906 lit Alfred H. 1892 ce 1904 bs William H. 1806 h John Q. AILMAN 1823 William R. 1873 1891 Josiah R. Louis B. 1877 Jerome T. 1787 ABEEL John N. 1857 1902 1888 Lyell T. Newton Robert S. 1901 AITKEN John ABERDEEN 1869 h 1852 William William C. 1869 John W. 1897 h 7th Earl of, see Sir AKIN J. C. H. Gordon ADAMSON 1 90 1 bs Benjamin ABERCROMBIE 1819 1856 John Samuel S. 1894 Henry L. 1804 h James ALDEN ABERT 1874 ADDICKS William M. 1832 h Joseph 1842 Charles ALDERFER 1838 James W. ADLER George C. ALEXANDER 1848 1865 Sylvanus T. William S. 1904 1847 David, Jr. John M. 1904 ABRAMS ADRIANCE 1823 Abram F. 1892 Lucien Walter M., 47 1897 1875 Alexander J. A, Archibald ACHESON ADSIT 1810 h 1836 h Archibald Archibald 1903 John L. 1902 Henry 1902 Archibald S. ACKER 1904 bs Lynn M. 190S 1821 h Bertal L. Charles A. 1882 Walter H. AGNEW 1870 1787 Charles B. Evan ACKERLY 1891 Cornelius R. Daniel, 80. 1875, 1859 h Frank D.^ Geor.ce W. 1808 Benjamin A. i860 h David H. 1852 Hamilton L. 1891 George B. 1883 Henry A. ACKLEY 1883 Hulbert 18S4 Henry C. 1905 Lewis A. I79S 1797 James Martin 1840 1890 Henry M. Henry M., Jr. 1870 Robert M. 1772 1906 Isaac A CK WORTH 1797 William Tames A. McM. 1848 Albert E. 1883 William P, 1820 James W. 455 456 INDEX [ALE-ARB i860 Tames W. ALSTON 1898 Charles B. 1902 1894 Tames W. John H. 1799 1825 John \\'illiam 1903 1898 p Chase, Jr. Fred E. 1902 b 1760 John W. Toseph 1799 William A. 1904 1828 Henry B. Tohn G. 1826 1792 Joseph A. Joseph McK., Jr. ALTLAND 1858 h 1858 h T. VV. Lorrin 1889 ^L-^itlan(^ 1898 Daniel F. 1855 Robert H. 1776 1879 Nathaniel Samuel ALTMAN 1831 h Silas M. 1838 Samuel D. 1897 bs Owen R. ANDRUS Stephen, 30, 31, 3J J, 1820 Caleb H. 33, S3, 75 ALTON 1897 Walter H. 1824 William C. 1898 Alfred E. 1884 William, Jr. ANEWALT ALISON 1902 Edward F. J7=;6h Francis ALVEY 176^' Hugh. 1902 h Richard H. 1893 ANGELL Charles H. ALKIN ALWARD 1896 h James B. 1764 Thomas 18^6 Jonathan P. 1S53 Joseph ANGLE ALLEN 1900 bs William B. 1872 Arthur W. AMBROSE I8I9 Reverly 1906 lit Charles A. ANGUS 187^ Charles C. 1906 lit Harrison W. i860 Isaac G. de G. iqo6 p Charles E. 1904 John C. 1S18 Cornelius L. AM ELI 1905 P Samuel 1802 1815 David Edward 1903 Howard W. ANNAN 1S80 1899 ce Edwin S. Eugene Y. AMES 1855 John E. 1896 1881 ce Francis C, Jr. Frank P. 1905 T)S 1892 bs Alfredrick S. Benjamin ANNESS 1894 ce Frederick W. 1796 h Fisher 1876 Dudley S. 1901 ce George H. V. 1903 bs James C. 1896 cc George K., Jr. 1903 ce Tames W. "Knowlton L. ANN IN Hamilton F., 43 i8go T846 Tohn A. 1762 18,58 Isaac Tames M. ANXRUM 1839 1880 Toseph A. Robert E. 1837 Job M. 1836 William A. 1867 Samuel 1904 bs John S. 1883 William A. 1906 p Louis C. ANDERS 1877 William E. 17-2 184 s Moses Robert, Jr. 1903 1906 Samuel A. William H., Jr. ANSPACH 1838 h 1906 li Roderick William F. ANDERSON 1S72 John J. 183s William G. 1878 Albert D. ANTHONY 1838 1854 1894 William T. \yilliam W. Yorke 1861 1877 bs Andrew Andrew R., 44 Charles H. 1847 1890 1840 h Daniel G. I'rank S. foscph B. ALLIBOXE 1804 1869 Charles M. C. Charles T. 1902 Robert VV. 1803 h Lawrence W. 1809 Franklin ANTRIM 1871 Samuel H. i860 1906 p George A. George R. 1883 Isaac E. 1817 ALLING 1888 1759 Horace Tames AOKI John 1880 Tames N. 1902 p Chojuro 1906 John B. ALLIS 1879 Tohn L. Lcroy II. Neal L. APPLEBY 1866 John M. 1861 1888 p 1885 Richard H. ALLISON 1807 ce Calvin T. 1854 Robert B. 1903 ce Robert E. 1903 Robert P. APPLEGATE 1902 bs Edward T. R., Jr. i8si li " Joseph Matthew G. 1850 Thomas 1902 b s George G. 1889 p 1848 1789 William 1810 Henry 1906 p Roy M. William A. igo2 b s Thomas E. ALRICH 1902 bs William M. 1796 William T. ANDREW i86t APPLEGET George W. 1893 Abram P., Jr. ALRICIIS ANDREWS ARBUTHNOT 1825 William P. 189s Alexander S. 1887 Wilson S. ARC-BAG] INDEX 457 "795 1894 1870 1906 lit 183s 1760 1839^ 1904 OS 1879 1805 1846 1844 h 1883 h ARCHER Edward Franklin M. George Gray James T. James J. James R. John John G. Pierce, Jr. Robert Stevenson Stevenson Thomas William S. ARCHIBALD 1879 p Frank W. 1772 Robert ARGERSINGER 1902 bs James P. ARMAGNAC 1861 Augustus ARMES 1896 Henry B. ARMITAGE 1899 John W. ARMOUR George A. ARMS George W'-. Jr. ARMSTRONG Alexander Alexander, Jr. Amzi Amzi, Jr. Amzi L. Andrew C, Jr. Edv.'ard Edward McP. George A. George D. Harry H. Houston C. Tames F. John G. Norman B. Robert G. Robert L. Sinclair H. William C. William C. William H. William f. William P. William P., Jr. Wynn ARNOLD Carrington G. Richard D. 1877 180S h 1823 i8s2 1881 1847 h 1904 1898 1832 1905 bs 1898 bs 1773 1903 1901 ce 1822 h 1802 1903 1877 1904 1847 1816 :886h 1894 1906 189s 1826 1879 1870 Chester A., Jr. Thomas, 15, 25 ARTHURS Edward F. ARUNDEL Robert J. AS AY Charles IL ASHLEY 1904 Douglas V. 1852 Henry C. 1903 bs Morgan 1824 William ASHMEAD 1903 ce Henry C. ASHTON 1830 h William E. ATHERTON 1874 Thomas H. 1906 Thomas H., Jr. ATKINSON 1892 Tames P. 1 84 1 Joseph M. 1843 William H. I Si 4 William M. 1896 William M. 1889 William P. 1872 ATWATER Addison i»C)i David J. 1862 Edward S. 1904 Edward S., Jr. 1851 h Lyman H. i86i Lyman S. ATWOOD 1905 bs John R. AUERBACH John H. 1905 1889 AUGHINBAUGH Thomas L. ARROWSMITH 186s William ARTHUR 1884 h Chester A. AULICK 1889 Richmond 0. AULL I89I Wilson AUSTIN 1904 1900 178s h David M. Herbert D. Samuel AVERY I8S3 1766 Henry R. Waightstill AXSON 1897 Edward W. Stockton, 40, 42 1796 1879 1846 h 1842 1748 1834 1832 1816 1846 1843 1843 1897 bs 1903 bs 1902 bs 1901 be 1819 1901 1899 1810 h 1865 1861 1875 h 1863 1852 h 1847 176s 181 7 h 1839 AXTELL Daniel C, 52, 75 Henry, Jr. AYERS Theodore AYLETTE Philip . AYRES Daniel, Jr. Enos Samuel B. William E. BABBIT Noah M. BABBITT Amzi William H. William M. BABER Richard P. L. 1843 BABCOCK Harry V. BABSON Clifford R. Sydney G. William A. BACHE Benjamin F. BACHENHEIMER Leon J. BACHMAN Robert L., Jr. BACKUS Azel Charles C. Charles K. John C. John S. Samuel BACON Frederic John Samuel BACOT \\'illiam S. BADEAU Richard M. BADGER Jonathan BADGLEY Oliver K. BAGLEY David T. 4S8 INDEX [BAI-BAR BAILEY 1837 Alexander H. 1844 Benjamin k 1892 Frederick 1894 Judson H. 1886 fearce 189s bs Ralph W. 1895 bs Theodorus 1894 F BAILIE 1902 bs John W., Jr. 1902 Thomas S. BAIN BRIDGE 1762 Absalom 1826 William 1830 h William BAIRD 1836 Benjamin R. 1903 ce : David, Jr. 1S98 p Edward J. 1867 h Henry M. 1879 John S. 1822 h Robert 189s William J. BAITER 1906 ce Charles W. G BAKER if6i Alfred B. 1890 Alfred S. 1905 ce Charles 1815 Daniel 1846 Daniel S. 1839 Francis A, 1896 Frank A. 1824 George W. Harold P. 1904 1 90 1 James, Jr. 1820 h John C. 1846 John F. 1904 John W. 18^4 Lewis C. 1880 Lewis C, Jr. 1872 Perrin 1833 Philemon M. 1833 Richard M. 1865 Samuel 1900 Theodore 1883 Thomas A. C. 1882 William n. 1S25 William C. 1850 William K. 1846 William M. 1893 William O. BALCH 180S Alfred 1766 Ilczekiah 1766 Hezekiali J. Lewis P. W. 1806 1834 Lewis P. W. 1774 Stephen B. 1813 Thomas B. BALDWIN 1841 Caleb C, Jr. 1854 Charles E. i8m Edward F 1884 ce Henry L. 1905 bs Herbert Van V 1817 Jacob L. 1810 1884 1784 1823 1755 1883 1901 James C. James M. Tohn John T. Jonathan Joseph E. Julius L. I7S7 1770 1891 1865 1863 1862 1872 Moses Samuel Samuel H. Silas Theodore A. William William A. BALDY 1839 Edward H. BALENTINE 184s Hamilton 1802 h BALFOUR Robert BALKEN 1897 bs ; Edward D. BALL 1876 1782 James F. Spencer BALLANTYNE 1888 John W. BALLARD 1880 i86sh 1844 Bland Frank W. William H. BALLENTYNE 1886 bs William, Jr. BALLOCH 1877 Edward A. BALMER 1906 lit Julius P. BALTZELL 1869 1873 1846 1851 Frank E. Harry E. Tohn R. William H. BAM FORD 1900 ce William B. BAMMAX 1901 I'ranklin G. BANIGAN 1904 Louis BANISTER 1882 1801 1840 Tames B. John M. John M., 2d BANKER 1786 h Abraham BANKS 1880 1848 Andrew Robert L. BANKSON 1771 h Jacob ' BAXXARD 1900 Horace B., Jr. BANXERMAN 1899, 1849 h 1890 p David B. James William S. BANNING 1810 1902 John VValdo BANNWART 1906 Alexander W. BARBEE 1866 Thomas F. BARBER 1850 1767 1796 1873 1888 p 1774 h Alfred H. Francis George C. George F. H. Samuel Thomas BARBOR 1871 John P. BARCLAY 1791 1833 1808 1892 David John M. Robert Thomas BARD 1773 1906 bs 1820 181 s h David Ralph A. Ricnard Samuel BARDWELL 190S Alvah E. 1831 Hiiralio J. 1850 Joseph BARKALOW 1826 Daniel 1886 h BARKER Phanett C. BARKLEY 1897 bs Henderson 1840 James G. 1876 James M. 1893 ce William J. BARLETT Henry C. 1847 BARNES 1877 George G. 1905 ce Hal 1905 ce John S. 1906 Kenneth B. 1903 Roderic B. B.\RXET i860 Francis \'. BAR-BEA] INDEX 459 BARNETT 1896 bs Hugh W. 1890 James McC. BARNHART 1902 Frank P. BARNHILL 1903 p Oliver P. BARNITZ 1821 George A. BARNUM I7S7 Caleb BARR 1889 1904 1900 1898 h 1885 1852 1878 1906 1S72 1903 Alfred H. David G. Hugh C. Jason R. John W. Louis A. Preston Robert L William A. William G. BARRET 1881 1896 1898 Clifton R. Mason B. William F., Jr. BARRIER 1882 1871 1754 1871 Andrew L. Charles S. Moses William C. BARRETTO 1846 Francis J. BARRICKLO 1878 William R. BARRIER 189s P Thomas F. BARRINGER 1879 1886 h Daniel M. William N. BARRON 1902 Alexander J. BARROW 1818 1814 David Robert H. BARROWS l8l7h FLleazer S. BARRY 1906 a : Ralph A. 1877 1877 1837 1895 1902 1785 I8I7 I80S BARTLES Austin C. BARTLETT Lawrence S. Maitland V. h Samuel C. h William H. C. BARTON ce George F. Stanley A. h William William B. William P. C. Louis P., Jr. BASKERVILLE 1896 p. Henry C. BASORE John W., 44 1905 BASSETT Plenry L. Henry J. BARTHOLOMEW 190 1 Abraham G. 1870 Willinm M. BARTINE 1868 h John D. BATCHELDER i860 h George W. BATES 1874 Alfred K. 1901 bs Arthur H. 1872 h Edward C., Jr. BATHGATE 1894 ce James E., Jr. BATT 1901 Charles S. BATTAILE 1815 Lawrence FATTEN 1904 Joseph Z. BATTING 1901 \\'illiam H. BAUCUS 1886 Joseph D. BAUERDORF 1903 bs Charles R. BAWDEN 1899 John H., Jr. BAXTER 1890 Edgworth B. BAY 1750 Hugh 176s John BAYARD 1779 Andrew 1820 James 1777 Tames A. 1784 Tames A 1 88 5 James W. John. 17 1809 Lewis P. 1757 1792 I8I4 1784 1820 1889 I82I Nicholas Nicholas Richard H. Samuel Samuel J. Samuel McK. William M. ... . BAYLES 1800 John BAYLEY 1792 1797 1794 James P. Thomas Thomas M. BAYLIS 1866 1864 h 1892 e 1868 1903 Abram B. Abram B. Chester William William, Jr. BAYLOR 1827 1826 Baynham William BAYLY 1800 Richard D. BAYNARD 1812 William G. BEACH 1829 1838 1874 1843 1839 1893 184s 1783 1876 1838 Amzi A. Bloomfield J. Henry C. Henry N. Horace Horatio S. James C. Samuel Sylvester W. Zenas L. BEADLE 1866 h Elias R. BEAHAM 1901 bs ; Gordon T. BEAL 1905 190Q George H. Gifford R. BEALE 1833 1899 Charles H. Wilson T. M. BEAM 1897 1896 1899 e 1846 Henrv M. Jacob N. Victor S. William H. BEARD 1750 James BEARDSLEY 1838 1835 Charles S. John C. 460 INDEX [BEA-BER BEASLEY BEECHER BEND 1797 Frederic 1898 Robert L. 1801 h Joseph G. J. i88o Chauncey H. J896 h Willis J. i864h Mercer BENEDICT BEEKMAN 1765 1757 Joel Noah BEASTEN 1859 George C. 1861 Charles, Jr. 1857 John S. 1773 William BENET 1856 BEATTIE Hamlin BEIRXE 1892 Imlay i88s Robert H. 2825 John BENNETT 1878 1882 Thomas C. William E. BEISTLE 1844 1878 bs Charles A. Charles D. BEATTY 1898 bs Charles P. 1886 1899 Grant R. Howard S. 1762 h Charles BEITH 1900 bs John M., Jr. 1775 Charles C. 1850 h Ale>ander 1892 Robinson P. D. 1818 Charles C. 1906 p Walter L. 1824 h Francis BELCHER 1769 John Jonathan Jonathan, Jr. BENOIST 1842 '893 John tee C. 1748 h i7S6h 1813 Robert 1866 h 1797 Ormond Richard L. BELCHNER BENSON 1898 Harry E. 1894^ Alexander BEATY 1899 bs Edwin N., Jr. 1906 Julian B. BBLDEN 1901 bs Richard L. 1 904 bs William C. 1905 bs 1812 Augustus C. Charles BENTON BEAUBIEN 1811 Lewis John R., 67 1796 Benjamin 1901 1853 Mead \'an Z. Oliver S. 1882 Samuel H. BECHER 1895 William VanD. BERGEN 1895 P Otto BELKNAP 1863 1895 Christopher A. Ernest G. i860 BECHTEL George K. 1836 1884 i€89 Aaron B. Edwin S. Eugene W. 1891 1829 h 1808 George J. Jacob T. John 1891 George 0. 1805 Hezekiah 1863 Martin ^^ 1900 Nathaniel D. 1892 Martin \"., Jr. BECK 1869 h Robert L. 1872 Samuel D. 1839 Alfred J. 1848 William W. 189s e Harold McK. BERGER i8i8h John B. BELL 1898 p Edward 1858 Joseph H. 1790 Daniel 1823 BECKETT Edward M. 1906 1904 bs 1900 bs 1878 Donald W. George H Guy R. Tohu V. 1864 1901 BERGHAUS Valentine H. \'alentine H., Jr. 1881 BEDELL Francis T.*. 1849 1892 Robert E. Thomas BERGLAND 1844 John H. 1855 Thomas S. 1901 bs Eric L. 1857 William 1900 bs John McF. BEDFORD i88s William D. 1899 bs 1771 1897 bs Bruce Gunning, Jr. Paul 1788 BELLACH Thomas H. 1874 1878 BERGNER Charles H. Frederick W. BEDINGER 1838 BELLOWS Charles T. :866 1902 Otto William S. 1887 p Daniel E. BERNARD BEDLE 1836 BELSER Junius J. Francis, 9 1S83 bs 1866 h Bennington R. Joseph D. Joseph D., Jr. BELT BERNHARD 1885 1890 George G. 1901 John A. i&87ce Thomas F, BELVILLE BERRIEN BEEBE 1839 Jacob WiUiam P. S. J854 Tames H. "lames L. John, 16, 2$ 1888 Frederick G. 1872 1838 BEEBER BENBURY 1796 1819 h John M. Richard M. 1900 ti Dimrer 1847 John A. 1834 h Samuel U. BER- BLA] BERRY 1896 1805 i860 1852 1906 1872 1887 1857 1847 Andrew J. Benjamin Charles T. Cicero M. Frank A. Franklin P. George T. Thomas W. William H. BERTRON 1828 Samuel R. BESORE 1901 Charles De F. BESSON 1892 1892 John W. R. Leonidas H. BETTS 1892 1892 18946 Frederic G. George W., Jr. Hobart D. BEURY 1903 Charles E. BEVAN 1880 h Lewis D. BEVERIDGE 1893 189^ James William W. BEVIER 1812 Lewis D. BEVIN 1886 bs Samuel M. BEYMER 1904 bs Arthur F. BIBB 1792 George M. BICKHAM 1882 bs Abraham S. 1890 Charles G. 1886 Daniel D. BIDDLE 1837 1827 187s 1876 1841 1876 1900 1895 1801 1874 Charles J. Edward M. Frank Henry R. John C. Jonathan VV. Livingston L. Lynford Nicholas William L. INDEX 461 BIEDERWOLF 1892 William E. BIGELOW 1890 190s 1857 George H. John 0. Samuel F. BIGGS 1845 Charles N. 1807 Augustus VV. 1888 Charles N. 1615 Thomas J. J 843 Edgar N. 1884 bs Henry McK. BIGHAM 1866 h , ames 1884 Lawrence W. 1893 1853 . ames D. .ames E. BIGLER 1891 1771 , eremiah S. . ohn 1899 Albert D. 1836 John, Jr. 1831 Samuel H. BILL 1899 William H. 188s bs 1 Edmund VV. 1855 Joseph H. BLACKBURN 180S h Gideon BINGHAM 1870 h William M. 1903 David S. Hiram, 43 BLACKFAN 1864 h J. Shepherd 1844 Joseph H. BIRCH BLACKFORD 1898 Robert S. 1806 Isaac N. 1885 BIRD Clinton W. BLACKMORE 1890 John VV. Joseph 1896 ce George G. i860 1906 Singleton H. BLACKWELL BIRNEY 1884 1838 Alvin Clayton i8ro James G. 1896 ce Edgar T. 1887 ce Francis O. BIRNIE 1825 John H. 1867 1872 George H. George J. 1884 1768 1879 Josiah L. Robert Robert VV. BISHOP 1888 bs 183s h Stephen W. Thomas 1810 David 1891 William B. 1896 Edward H. 190S lit 1825 h Olin S. Robert H BLADES William VV., 77 188s Edward K. BISLAND BLAIR 1850 Thomas A. 1866 Austin B. 1890 Clinton L. BISPHAM 1856 DeWitt C. 1904 George T., Jr. ^li' Francis P. 1880 Gist BISSELL 1904 p Herbert E. 1873 Artemas 1895 1875 1760 h 1866 1775 1884 James, Jr. Tames L. John John A. John D. John D. 1895 1899 1894 1904 Clarence H. John H. John L. Louis G. BITTENBENDER 1806 John H. John I., 22 1874 Henry C. 1898 John I., Jr. 1866 John S. BITTINGER 1886 Montgomery 1849 Michael H. 1903 P Robert A. Samuel, 14, 15 BIXLER 1760 1899 Samuel Thomas D. 1892 Cassius E. 1769 William L. BLACK BLAKE 1902 bs Alexander IQOI Eli J. 1851 Alfred L. 1872 George A. 1878 Alfred L. '894 James R. John L. 1906 Alfred L., Jr. 1867 h 1869 Benjamin R. 1887 kobert W. 1878 Charles C, 1879 William A. 462 INDEX [BLA-BOV BLAKEMAN 1906 1903 Frederick T. William H. BLANCHARD 1899 Frederick BLANEY 1838 James Van Z. BLATCHFORD i8i6h Henry BLAU Max F., 42 BLAU\-ELT 1857 1821 h Isaac A. William W. BLEAKLEY 1902 bs Orrin L. BLEECKER 1791 1792 John Peter BLESSING 1891 p Frank F. BLEVINS 1843 1847 George P. William A. BLIGHT 1820 George W. BLINN 1875 William H. BLISS 1880 1867 1888 1906 1888 1894 Arthur A. Arthur W. Edgar S. Gilbert A., 46 Harry F. Pechin C. Philip P. BLOOMBERGH 1866 h Augustine A. BLOOMER 1 89 1 Asahel P. H 1896 h 1881 1874 iSis h 1858 1869 BLOOiMFIELD Joseph, 9, 18, 19 Maurice BLYDENBURG John BLYDENBURGII Benjamin B. Charles E. BLYTHE James Joseph H. G. Joseph W. BOARDMAN 1784 h Daniel 1864 Henry A., Jr. BODINE i860 Joseph L. 1905 Joseph L. i860 William B. BOGART 1827 David N. 1791 h David S. 1890 Ernest L. 18^4 Gilbert 1894 ce Richard W., Jr. 1836 William S. BOGER James M. BOGGS Henry A. James L. John Norman T. BOGUE Hamilton B., Jr. BOICE Parker J. BOILEAU Nathaniel B. BOKER Charles S., Jr. George H. BOKUM Norris H. BOLLING George W. Robert Robert B. William N. BONAPARTE Charles L. J. L. BONBRIGHT Charles H. BOND Alexander R. Jesse J. Lewis Walter W. BONE William J. BONNELL Joseph BONNER Douglas E. J'rcderick Paul R. Robert Robert E. Walter D., 73 1893 P 1899 1824 1823 h 1904 1S93 1897 bs 1789 1849 1842 1906 bs 1826 1850 1825 1850 1825 h 190S 1864 1902 bs 189s 1Q02 ce 1878 1891 1893 h 1876 1793 1889 ce 1850 1902 bs 1837 i86s 1844 1808 BONNY Joseph BONSAL William R. BONSALL Charles D. James M. Jesse G. BOONE Thomas, 9 William J. BOORAEM Hugh T. BOOTH James, Jr. James R. 1904 1900 Samuel B. Walter C. BOI^. 1899 Samuel B. BORCHERLING 1893 Frederick A. BORGMEYER 1883 Charles L. BORKULOE 1758 John BOSSERMAN I89I Curtis 0. BOSTWICK 1896 1756 h Charles B. David BOSWELL 190S bs ; Alfred C. BOTELER 1835 Alexander R. BOTSFORD 1828 1875 1874 Amos Charles H. Edmund M. BOUDIXOT 1809 Elias, 17 Elias E. Elisha, 18 BOUGHXER 1871 Homer D. BOULWARE 1829 William BOURKE 1823 Edward G. BOURS 1904 William A., Jr. BOUTON 1898 ce Harold BOVAIRD 1889 David, Jr. BOV-BRE] INDEX 463 BOVARD 1906 p Charles E. BOW EN 1 84 1 Edward H. 1809 Penrose W, 1848 Sydney W. 1821 William S. BOWER 1851 Edwin R. 1896 Lawrance F. BOWERS 1877 James W., Jr. 1904 Wesley C. 1894 ce Thomas H. BOWIE 1795 George G. 1819 John 1783 h Ralph 1886 Robert B. BOWLBY BOYKIN i8u John 1839 BOYLE Jeremiah T. 1837 1886 bs 1838 1906 1901 Jtiarry l,. BOWMAN 1773 1906 1804 1896 Carl M. 1895 John H. 1844 John R. i888ce William J. J. 1887 187s 1881 1872 1891 BOWNE 1774 1897 bs Burdette L. 177-2 BOWYER 1904 bs Joseph McC. BOYCE 1898 Robert R. 1871 1902 1900 1900 1854 1899 1898 1763 1810 1886 190S P 1867 1903 1757 1795 I8S5 1807 1884 1872 1904 1874 1864 1874 1778 1815 1899 BOYD A. Fulton Albert B. Andrew C. Andrew H., Jr. Charles Donald Hamilton Tames tames James H. James O. James P. James W. John John A. John C. John T. John Y. Toseph C. Julian T. Robert Samuel M. Thornas McK. ^^'illiam William William F. BOYER 1902 bs Clarence V. BOYNTON 1893 Charles E., Jr. 1 90 1 George H., Jr. BRACE 1858 h Frederic R. 1896 Robert W. 1858 h William H. BRACKENRIDGE 1771 Hugh H. BRACKETT 1896 h Cyrus F. BRADEN 185s John BRADFORD Ebenezer Edward W. h John M. liobert R. P. Samuel W. Thomas B. Thomas K. Willard H. William William, Jr. BRADLEY 1849 Abraham T. 1904 ce Albert C. 1902 Charles H. 1904 bs Harold H. 1904 Howard M. 1897 Jerome 1893 p Robert, Jr. 1 888 p Walter H. 1892 William L. BRADNER 1755 Benoni :895 Frederick C. 1840 Ira S. 1846 Thomas S. BRADSHAW 1905 William M. BRADY igoi Edmund 189s bs Henry H. BRAIN ERD 1749 h John BRAKELEY 1869 Jonas T. 1867 Peter W. BRAME 1849 h Edward BRANCH 1898 p Charles H, H 1879 11900 1906' p i88s 1872 1881 1906 ce 1883 1769 h 1877 1880 1877 1889 ce 1859 1781 h 1896 1820 1774 1818 1901 1843 1869 1810 1899 1848 1832 h 1850 h Joseph oseph G. Lawrence O'B. BRANDON James C. BRANDT Gustav A. Harry J. BRANK Rockwell S. BRANN Samuel McC. BRANNIN Horace C. BRANT Henry L. BRASHER Philip BRATTAN Joseph Y. BRATTLE Thomas BRATTON Daniel Howard Samuel William D. BREARLEY Anderson L. David Edward S. William BRECK Daniel BRECKENRIDGE John William L. BRECKINRIDGE David C. John B. John R. Joseph C. Lucian S. Marcus P. Robert J. Samuel M. BREED 1899 Charles H. 18950 Frank D. 1771 n John McL. BREESE 186s Augustine BR^GY 1851 h Francois A. 464 INDEX [BRE-BRO BREINIG 1900 bs Paul E. BRENGLE i860 James S. BRENNAN 1892 John M. BRENNEMAN 1897 Francis S. BRENNER 1899 bs Walter M. BRESSLER 1896 Charles 0. BREVARD 1768 1769 Ephraim Joel BREWER 1901 1900 1850 1902 p John John R. Joseph H. Wesley C. BREWSTER 1834 1868 1862 1854 1892 1905 Benjamin H. Charles A. Edward 1'. George H. James C. James R. BRICE 1886 Herbert L. ERIDELLS 1864 William J. BRIDGES 1893 1879 Henry W. Robert BRIEN 1828 1896 Edward B. Milner BRIGGS 187s h 1S98 1896 Charles A Frankland Henry C. BRIGHT 1890 1902 John I. Stanley BRINCKLE 1809 181S 1816 Joshua G. Samuel C. William D. BRINKEMA 1906 p Bernard J. BRINKERHOFF 190s Richard S. BRISBANE 1854 h William BRITTAIN i860 Theron BROCK WAY 1878 Millard F. BRODHEAD 1883 Claude R. BRODNAX 1894 James M. BROKAW 1902 George T. 1897 Howard C. 1893 Isaac I. 1901 Linn R. 1901 bs Paul Van D. 1904 Roberts W. BRONK 1810 Robert BRONSON 1896 Edward H. BROOKE 1906 bs Francis M. 1899 p Louis S. 1844 Robert D. BROOKS 1892 h Arthur 1905 Charles A. 1840 James S. O. 1895 bs John H. 1889 John M. 1906 John N. 1896 Macy 1905 Noah R. 1898 ce Robert S. 1840 W. Chauncey 1879 Walter B. 1900 bs Wilbur H. 1904 p William E. BROOM 1807 Jacob P. 1794 James M. BROOME 1786 h Samuel P. BROSIUS 1905 bs Lewis G. BROTHERLIN 1880 Henry H. BROUGH 1888 David D. BROWDER Jonathan B., 6y BROWER 1904 Charles de H. 1898 bs George E. 1901 John Le F. BROWN 182^ Abraham R. Jr. 1845 1878 bs 1820 1875 1905 h 1896 ce 1824 1906 1809 1850 190S 1863 h 1906 1900 bs I7S3, 1852 h 189s 1904 ce 190S 1845 1897 1904 ce 1894 ce 1828 1905 ce 1807 1877 1806 1854 1876 1895 1906 1904 p 1898 1802 1750 h 1900 1749 1811 h 1900 p 1876 1818 1820 1855 1885 1841 1893 1823 h 1891 1876 1820 1900 1805 h 1853 1> 1S03 1871 h 1900 1846 1504 n 1902 bs 1853 1M7 1S81 179s 1890 1S70 i860 187711 1837 1810 1786 1896 1882 1849 Albert D., 78 Albert M. Alexander Alexander E. Alfred S. Allen H. Arthur H. Bowes R. Bruce W. Charles E. Charles E. Charles F. Charles J. Coleman P. Cuthbert B. Daniel I. David Dickson Q. Elliot C. Frederick L. I'rederick T. Frederick W. Fred \ an A. Gabriel S. George D., 73 George H. George M., Jr. George W. (George W., Jr. Gustavus A. Harvey E. Harrington Harry Oliver Horace Hugh Hugh A. Isaac v. Tames James B. John John John H. John P. John R. tohn T. John W. John W., Jr. Jonathan T. Kenneth Matthew Nathan T. Oren B. Orlando Owsley Richard Robert A. Robert C. Samuel Q. Samuel R. Septimus Spencer G. Stephen \'. Z. Stewart Stewart Stuart Thomas Thomas, Jr. Thomas B. Walter S. William B. William C. H. William H. William M. BROWNE Charles George D. Nathaniel F, BRO- ■BUR] BROWNFIELD 1777 John BROWNING 1889 1894 J. Prentiss Webster E. BROWNLEE 1S89 1820 h Arthur A. James D., Jr. William C. BRUCE 1881 Adam T., Jr. BRUEN 1872 1896 1896 Arthur N. Henry M. James B. BRUERE 1841 1850 James H. Joseph H. BRUGH 1872 1843 Ezra I. William I. BRUGMAN 1896 h Karl BRUMBACK 1877 Orville S. BRUNDAGE 1900 Philip E. BRUNSWICK 1906 ce Walter 1757 1894 1902 BRUSH Abner Murray P. Ray G. BRUYERE 1871 1901 ce 1846 1874 Henry P. Paul T. Peter H. Walter R. BRUYN 1810 1801 1803 Andrew De W. Edmund Severyn BRYAN 1772 1878 1887 i8s6h 1880 1885 1852 h i860 1882 187.3 1882 1877 Andrew Arthur V. Charles S. Edward D. Francis T., Jr. George, 16 Henry C. James Tames A. John H. Tohn P. K. Pendleton T. Wilhelmus B. 1897 p 1883 1882 1856 1898 1873 h 1889 p X832 1858 1903 bs 1902 1844 h 1850 h 1874 1904 bs 1893 1900 1822 1892 1890 1856 i8ia 1870 1851 INDEX BRYANT George W. Henry G. Howard iames W. .ester P. William C. BRYCE William E. BRYSON Nathan G., Jr. William BUBB George BUCHANAN Charles McC. James ames ames ames M. Joseph H. Malcolm G. William S. BUCHER Frederick C. John C. BUCK Charles E. Richardson William F. H. William H. BUCKELEW 465 1885 ce James William C. 1897 bs 189s bs 1893 1898 ba 1803 h 1852 h 1888 1830 1900 1846 1893 1851 BUCKINGHAM Charles E. Walter M. BUCKLEY Richard V. Thomas T. BUCKMINSTER Joseph S. BUDD Andrew E. Henry I., Jr. Samuel W\, Jr. BUELL Ralph P BUFFUM Douglas L., 45 BUHLER John R. BUIST Archibald J. BULL William BULLIONS 1837 h Peter BULLITT 1898 Alexander S. 1894 bs William M. BUNN 1847 Henry C, 27, 78 John W. BUNTING 1905 ce 1895 1896 :902 ce Curtis D. Joseph S. Sydney S. Thomas N. BUNTON 1902 bs Harry R. BURCHFIELD 1900 1902 bs Edgar W. William H. BURCKLE 1837 Emanuel R. BURDER 1820 h George BURDETT 1829 Robert C. G. BURDICK 1904 Charles K. BURGER 1885 ce Clarence L. BURGESS 1890 1905 1883 h 1877 bs Edward P. John S. John W. William BURKAM 1903 Robert BURKE igoo 1905 Edmund S., Jr. Thomas J. BURKHALTER 1862 Edward R. BURLEIGH 1885 1892 Frederick W George W. BURNET 1799 1792 1775 1791 1769 1749 1841 Eleazer George W. Ichabod Jacob Mathias William William BURNETT 1894 ce James B., Jr. BURNS 1850 William 466 INDEX [BUR-CAM 1857 h William 1895 William F. BURR Aaron, 12, 13, 15 1772 Aaron, Jr. 1900 Charles E., 3rd 1901 Eugene P. 187s James E. 1755 Thaddeus BURRELL 1904 Edward L. BURROUGHS 1856 George H. 1873 George S. 1848 John McP. B. 1871 h Lansing BURROWES 1832 George BURT 1882 Alfred F. 1805 Enoch 1766 Joseph 1Q04 M. Struthers 1846 Nathaniel C. 1839 Nathaniel H. BURTIS 1904 Charles B. BURTON 1844 Benjamin 1906 Granville L. 1785 h Tolin 1857 1838 John 15. John W. BUSH 1903 bs Edward 1823 h George 1839 George C. 1899 Valentine W., Jr, 1896 bs William BUSHNELL 1895 h Clarence M. 190S ce Howard E. 1894 John L. BUSSARD 1822 William BUTLER 1892 ce : Arthur W. 1817 Chester 1892 Courtlandt P. 1904 Edward H. 186s Elisha 1906 Ethan F. 1 86 1 IVank N. 1849 George H. 1898 b? i (icorge H. 1884 George P. 1862 Henry S. l8qj Howard C. 1876 bs Howard R. 1864 Tames Van A. igoj h "Nicholas M. 1844 Richard L. 1861 Robert M. 1862 Walter 1876 William A., Jr. 1877 William M. 1883 '895 1820 William W. Willis H. Zebulon BUTTERFIELD 1866 Roger W. BUTTOLPH 1870 h Horace A. BUTTZ 1858 Henry A. BUYERS 1904 A\'illiam B. BUZBY 1871 h 1905 bs Fabius H. Stockton BYERS 1893 1895 P Isaac W. Robert P. BYINGTON 1896 bs 1849 Roderick, Jr. Theodore L. BYLES 1903 bs Axtell J. . BYNUM 1852 Wade H. T. BYRAM 1906 bs Herbert F. CABELL 1847 1898 p David S. G. Royall E. CADBNAS 1903 bs Tesaleo R. CADWALADER 1856 190S i860 1900 181S 1896 John L. Lambert Richard McC. Richard McC, Jr. Thomas Thomas CADY 1885 1902 Putnam Schuyler M. CAFFERY 1854 Philip S. CAIRNS 1881 p John A. CAKE 1840 James M. CALDWELL 1798 h 1761 1796 1759 1871 Charles David Elias B. James James D. 1898 James H., Jr. 1870 John L. 1791 Joseph 1868 Samuel C. CALHOUN 1886 John 1774 John E. CALIFF 1894 Alden M. CALKIN 1827 Edward P. CALKINS 186s Matthew H. CALLAN 190S Gerard CALLAWAY 1791 Henry 1791 Robert CALVERLEY 1906 Edwin E. CAMAK 1842 James, Jr. CAMERON 1871 h Andrew Donald, 44 1886 Arnold G. 1847 Henry C. 1852 James D. 1893 James D. 1839 William CAMM 1872 Charles M. CAMP 1902 Charles W. 1861 Edward H. 1756 Stephen CAMPBELL 1838 Alexander S. 1846 Benjamin B. 1825 Charles 1902 Charles 1849 Charles N. 1888 Charles P. 1891 Charles R. 1899 p Colin D. 1771 Donald 1892 Duncan 1877 Frederick 1794 George W. 1868 Howard 1 79 1 James Tames McC. 1873 1903 bs James 1., Jr. 1900 Tames K. 1894 Tames S. 1855 Tames W. 1858 Joel, Jr. 1770 John 1877 John A. 183s John B. 1835 h Tohn N. 187s Tohn P. CAM-CAS] INDEX 467 1806 h Joseph 1 882 Malcolm 1829 Randolph 1897 ce Robert S. 1865 Samuel 1818 Thomas 1899 Thomas C. 1899 Walter J. 1877 \\'illiam C. 1898 p William I. CAMPFIELD 1759 Tabez 1S24 Robert B. 1 784 William CANBY 1895 bs Henry M. 1902 bs William P. J. 1800 CARNAHAN James CANDEE 1892 ■895 1903 Alexander M. Charles L. Robert CANDLISH 1841 h Robert S. CANDOR 1873 1902 1747 Addison lohn G. John M. CANFIELD 1863 1874 1864 1852 1753 1816 1835 1873 1829 1877 1850 Augustus C. Augustus C. Edmund Francis A. Israel Isaac W. Oren K. Richard Silas D. William B. William H. CANNON 1890 p i860 James, Jr. James W. CANTINE 1796 Moses I. CAREY 185s 1845 George G. Samuel W. CARHART 1893 e Alfred B. CARLE 1792 h John J. CARLISLE 1894 Theodore M. CARMAN 1883 1902 Albert P. Travers D. CARMICHAEL 1759 1828 John Richard B. CARNER 1868 Albert B. CARNEY 1902 Philip W. 1896 CARNOCHAN John McD. CAROTHERS 1890 Campbell S. 1906 bs Samuel 1847 Thomas L. CARPENTER 1893 Charles U. 1884 George H. 1895 Howard D. 1806 John S. 1851 h Thomas P. CARPER 1838 James S. CARR 1873 Clifton F. 1852 Dabney 1878 John S. 1903 Shirley N. CARRINGTON 1838 Edward M. 1814 Henry 1865 John Paul S. 1848 1887 \^'ilmot A. CARROLL 1900 bs Walter C. CARROTT 1900 Matthew F. 1902 Orville B. CARSON 1902 Horace C. 1853 William C. 1874 William M. CARSTENSEN 1901 Francis T. CARTER 1894 Benjamin F. 1883 Edward B. 1888 Ernest T. 1889 George H. 1892 Herbert S. 1 901 Howard 1886 James C. 1893 Jesse B. 1818 John H. 181S John P. 1871 John T. 1904 Joseph N. 1899 Norman McL. lOOS Pasco B. 189s Ray H. 1899 bs Raymond H. A. 188s Robert E. 1900 1888 1805 1886 1904 1809 1820 1871 1898 1905 1894 Robert W. Russell St. Leger L. Samuel T., Jr Thomas F. Thomas O. William M. William T. William T., Jr. CARTON Alfred T. CARTWRIGHT Charles M. CARUTHERS 1831 Archibald A. 1817 Eli W. CAR\ER 1900 p John E. GARY 1878 bs Frederick A. 1886 Tohn W., Jr. 1872 "Melbert B. 189 1 Paul \'an E. 1901 p 1893 17S5 1886 bs 1906 1902 bs 1902 1875 1819 1886 1891 1903 1854 h 1903 ce 1809 CASE Charles A. George W., Jr. Wheeler CASEBOLT Edwards T. CASEMENT Dan D. CASHMAN Joseph CASKEY Robert E. CASPER Joseph CASS Charles A. Charles W. CASSAT Henry H. CASSEL John R. CASSELBERRY William W. CASSIDY James P. Lewis C. Robert R. CASTLE Albert A. CASTNER Jacob R. 468 i895 i860 h 1842 1848 CATON John C. CATTELL Samuel G. Thomas W. William C. CAUGHEY I goo p Rudolph W. CAULDWELL 1884 ce Samuel M. 1 88 1 Thomas W. CAVANAUGH Thomas B. CAVIN D wight M. 1905 1880 178s CAYCE Ellis P. CAZIER Matthias CECIL 1876 bs John G. 1904 John H. 1874 Russell 1 90 J Russell La F. 1906 Stuart R. CHAD BOURNE 1855 h Sylvester M. 1876 CHAFFEE Arthur B. CHALKER 1868 Abraham P. 1894 1906 1806 1862 1896 1879 1839 1872 1900 1804 1836 1844 1872 176.S j8i8 1904 1820 1800 1871 1876 1845 CHAMBERLALN Albert R. Benjamin F. Tames L. John Pierce A. CHAM BERLIN Burton S. Ward B., Jr. CHAMBERS Andrew A. Benjamin Benjamin F. David L. George George, Jr. Henry C. Tames Toseph Joseph Robert N. Thomas Tileston F. William C. William N. CHAMPNEYS Edward INDEX CHANDLEE igoS bs Evan G., Jr. CHANDLER 1854 F'rank 181 9 h George 1893 JelTerson P. 1896 bs Walter, Jr. CHANEY 1853 William I. CHAN XING 1769 William CHAPIN 1876 Charles B. 1905 p Dwight C. 1882 Erving F. 1868 h Henry B. 1877 bs Henry D. 1890 Henry J., Jr. 1893 ce Thomas C. 1889 p \\'allace T. 1885 Warren B. CHAPMAN 1869 Arthur 1754 Benjamin 1805 Henry L. 1845 James 1763 h Jedediah 1904 bs Joseph 1797 Peter Le C. 1789 Robert H. 1813 Thomas 1888 p William Y. CHARLES 1870 h David CHARLTON 1890 James T. 1886 John 1. [CAT-CMU 1766 CHASE Caleb William S. CIL\TFIELD 1899 bs Harold G. CHAUVENET 1903 bs Regis, 2d. CHEESMAN 1771 Edmund 1875 William S. CHEETHAM 181 1 Joseph CHEEVER 1766 Jonathan CHENAULT 1877 h Jason W. CHENEY 1903 George H. P. i8s9h W. J. 1894 1851 1S84 1748 1792 1835 1878 1863 1846 1882 1818 1858 1792 1834 i860 1825 1856 1865 1899 1903 1901 1874 1836 1902 1874 1863 1897 1840 CHERRY Cummingii W. CHESTER John William CHESTNUT Benjamin James James, Jr. Nathaniel CHETWOOD Francis B., Jr. John Tohn, Jr. 'lohn J. Robert E. William CHEVALIER Nicholas CHEVRIER Charles N. CHEW Samuel Samuel C. Thomas J. CHIDESTER John H. CHILDRESS Avent CHILDS bs Alfred De F. h George W. John A. Lowrie CHISHOLM Andre T. James J. CHITTENDEN Jonathan B. CHOULES h John O. CHRISTIAN Harvey S. n Harvey Levi H. 1857 1892 CHRISTIE John W. CHRISTY Calvin M. Marshall A. CHURCH 1837 h Albert E. 1892 .Monzo i8q4 James A. 1888 Tames Robb 1 89 1 Theodore W. 1*97 William W. CHU-COD] INDEX 469 1790 ■893 1764 CHURCHILL Arn.stead CHURCHMAN Charles R. John W. thilip H. CILLEY Arthur H. CLAGETT Dudley M. CLAGGET Thomas J. CLAGGETT Zachariah S. CLANCY 1903 bs John Mc F. CLANTON 1850 Jesse R. CLAPP 1902 Frank W. 1902 bs John H. 1880 186s li 1893 p 1849 1848 1877 1899 bs 1853 1864 1859 1902 ce 1837 1863 1858 1867 h 1797 1 886 I7S9 1896 h 1807 1874 h 1837 1 78 1 1899 1905 1807 1847 1882 1874 1751 1845 „ 1849 lb 1894 1904 1904 1906 1906 p 1819 h CLARK Addison S. Alfred H. AWan Byron C. Charles C. Charles N. Charles S. Charles S. Daniel A. Edgar M. Edwin T. Gabriel Du V., Jr. George H. Ira P. Irving \V. James B. James F. Tames H. James H. James W. James W. John John B. lohn F. John P. John W. Joseph Junius P. Kenneth S. Peter I. Robert B. Robert K. Robert S. Samuel Samuel S. Shelby Snyder H. Warren D. William A. William M. William P. 1853 Charles R. i860 Clinton C. I90S Dumont, Jr. 1838 Edward S. 1876 Harrison 1856 h Henry S. 1896 p , ames A. 1806 James I. 1824 , ohnson 1827 Joseph C. 1854 Robert C. 1844 Robert F. 1815 Robert I. 1882 bs Thomais S. 1836 William B. CLARKSON 1788 George 178s h Joseph CLAUSEN 1 90 1 bs Edgar Y. CLAW SON 1840 Isaiah D. 1838 William S. CLAXTON ce Herbert H. 1896 1784 1895 bs 1893 1775 1846 1900 bs 1905 P 1876 1899 1857 1783 190S P CLAY Brutus J., Jr. Joseph Rhodes Woodford CLAYPOOLE William CLEAVELAND Joseph M. CLEGHORN Charles D. CLELAND Thomas H. William A. William A. CLEMENT Charles, Jr. CLEMENTS William CLEMONS William H. CLEM SON 1822 John B. CLENDENIN 1846 James W. CLARKE bs Byron S. 1897 h 1885 i8s6 1855 h 1859 1858 CLEVELAND Grover J. Harlan Jeremiah Jesse F. John W. Thomas P. CLIFTON 1864 h Clifton W. CLINE 1906 lit 1904 bs Elmer L. Francis C. CLINEDINST 1894 Samuel H. CLINTON I7S0 Alexander CLONEY 1900 bs Thomas W., Jr. CLOSE 1903 1763 Gilbert F. John CLOW Henry, 81 William, 81 CLYMER 1766 Daniel C. 1823 George 1849 George E. 1786 Henry 1847 Hiester 1787 Meredith 1821 William B. 1822 Thomas W. COALE 1889 Isaac P. 1862 James J. 1901 bs James J., Jr. CO AN 1884 Henry F. COATES 1898 Benjamin 1901 John L. COBB 1890 Albert W. 1850 Archibald P. 1783 h David 1838 Henry L. 1866 John A. 1804 John I. COBURN 1894 p David E. COCHRAN A. P. Linn Andrew P. David M. Douglas H. George George I. Henry Henry L Henry K. James B. John Peyton Samuel 1894 1856 1851 1902 bs 1856 . 1906 lit 1856 1900 1819 1896 1862 1902 p 1893 CODMAN 1822 h John 470 INDEX [COE-CON COE 1797 Aaron 1792 h Jonas 1834 rhilemon E. 1896 Theodore C. COFFIN 1899 Francis H. 1887 p Frank S. 1889 p Fulton J. 1861 Hugh Martin 1795 h Jolin COIT 1854 James C. 1850 John T. COLBY 1895 bs Howard A. COLE 1903 bs Blase 1898 Charles G. 1892 Elmer B. 1859 Hugh L. 1852 James R. 1904 Melton D. 1796 h Nathan COLEMAN 1902 Alexander W. 1786 Henry E. 1894 James C, Jr. 1854 James T. 1856 James W. i8g6 bs Logan 1847 h Lyman 1853 Thomas W. COLES 1871 h Abraham 187 1 David S. COLHOUN 1804 Samuel COLLARD 1899 bs George L. COLLETTE 1897 ce John S. COLLIER 1873 John H. COLLINS 1890 Addison B. 1890 Arthur J. 17S9 Tolin 1818 Stephen _ 1892 \'. Lansing 1823 William H. COLQUITT 1844 Alfred H. 1843 John D. Roswell L., 20 COLTON 1873 1865 Frank B. Joseph S. COLWELL 1904 1839 1897 1859 James I. James S. Percy R. Samuel R. COLYN 1896 p Leonard COMBRINK 1898 p Charles E. COMBS 1846 1852 h 1833 1861 Gilbert Gilbert Joseph William S. COMFORT 1808 1826 1862 1836 i86i Daniel David David, Jr. George A., 58 James James H. Samuel R. COMIN 1897 Robert COMINGO 1869 h Neville B. C. 1806 1883 1843 COLSTON Edward COLT Charles C. Elias B. COMLEY 1827 Joshua W. COMPTON I85I 1874 Barnes David COM STOCK 1854 1879 Benjamin S. George C. CONANT 1890 William S. CONDE 1906 lit Louis H. CONDICT 1788 1807 1853 1822 igo2 bs 1784 1831 1828 1824 •893 Aaron Daniel H. Edward W. Henry F. Hudson K. Ira Lewis Nathaniel W. Silas L. Walter H. CONDIT 1902 1880 Albert K. Benjamin S. 1823 189s 1866 1873 1894 1873 I8II I83I 1817 i860 1827 1826 i8i6h i8s9 1814 1795 1890 1806 1876 190S 1837 1840 1839 Charles Charles B. Edward A. Elbert N. Harry H. Isaac H. Tacob John H. John S. John S. Jonathan B. Joseph D. Lewis Robert A. Robert W. Silas CONDUIT John P. CONEY John H. CONGAR Horace N., Jr. John S. Lewis Le C. CONGER Arthur B. Chauncey S., Jr. David John Stephen H. CON KLIN 1755 Benjamin 1904 bs Ludolph H. CONKLING 1894 David P. B. 1838 Elisha W. 1826 Henry 183s Tames C. 1818 Nathaniel CONNELL 1906 ce Philip G. CONNER 1889 Henry W., Jr. CONNOLLY 1906 Harry J. 1806 John CONNOR 1S85 William W. CONOVER 1889 bs A. Edward, Jr. i860 Edwin D. 1883 bs Francis S., Jr. 1873 James C. 1873 John B. 1806 John E. 1885 ce John S. 1844 Obadiah M. 1880 Richard F. 1854 Richard S. 1859 William A. 1858 William H, CONRAD 1793 Edward CON-COW] INDEX 471 James S. Johannes CON ROW Lester M. .^„. Matthias W. 1901 bs Wilford S. CONVERSE Charles S. Harry P. James B. John W. Thomas E. CONWAY T. Howard 1903 1896 h 189s 190 1899 i86s 1900 1862 1840 CON WELL 1 90s George M. 1892 Leon M. COODER 1882 p Charles L. 189s 1870 1899 bs 1865 1892 1868 h 1876 bs 1809 1901 bs 1858 1874 1904 1838 1874 1857 1892 1845 1773 1857 1898 ce COOK Albert S. Charles A. David S., Jr. Edward L G. Elmer J. Eugene B. Frank D. George W. Harry H. Jeremiah John D. Joseph W. Lewis C. Orestes Philip B. Pierre F. Silas C, Jr. Stephen Thomas C. William L. 1901 1879 i8s4 1801 1902 1836 1898 1834 1828 1874 189s 1806 COOKE ;bs Edward P. bs George J. Henry E. Hereward Jabez M. Tohn E. Louis H. Mordecai bs Oakley W. Philip P. Richard F. Silas P. William B. COOL Jonathan S. COOLBAUGH Kenneth McP. 47 1806 1897 1828 1884 COOLEY Eli F. Le Roy C, Jr. William S. COOLIDGE Francis L. 1897 P 1769 h 1868 190S 1855 COONTZ John W. COOPER Caleb Edward P. Ernest B. Henry M. Henry M. "ohn C. fohn F. ohn H. ,ohn L. Peter Robert Roy C. Thomas William H. COOVER Carson David R. COP ELAND 1894 p John CORBIN 1765 George 1828 Tohn S. 1828 William L. 1904 1904 ce i860 1850 1901 bs 182s, 1858 h :8io h I8S9 190S 1896 h 1894 1902 1904 1864 h 1895 1887 1843 1878 CORKRAN Lloyd G. CORMANY William B. CORN Samuel T. CORNELISON Isaac A. CORNELIUS Robert, 23 CORNELL Alvah B. Frederick F. James A. H. John John CORNWALL Ellsworth B. Henry B. CORRY Thomas D. CORSON Alexander Allen Hiram CORWIN Allen W. Arthur M. Edward S., 44. Samuel W. CORWINE Richard M. 1831 1899 1838 1831 1881 1857 h 1904 bs 1906 1849 1851 1861 i86i 1866 1903 1905 1878 i88s 1896 1892 1903 bs 1876 1881 CORY Benjamin Horace S. Jonathan Joseph Lewis L. Lucien B. COSGRAVE Wallace B. COSSITT Frederick H. COSTIN Robert S. William F. COTTRELL James D. Joseph F. COTTS George W. COUCH George S., Jr. COUGHLIN George H. COULSON George COULTER Eugene C. Henry W. Richard, Jr. William A. COURSEN Alfred C. William A. COURTNEY 1834 h Edward H. COUSIN I. Honore, 57. 1840 1900 bs 1890 1892 1876 1897 1888 1806 1881 COVELL Edward M. COVER Thomas, Jr. COVERT William S. COVINGTON George B. Harry F. COWAN Bryant O. Frank B. Hector W. James ohn F. 472 1876 COWART Samuel C. COWELL 1898 Chauncey G. David, 15. 1763 David 1766 Ebenezer, Jr. COWEN 1873 1866 Tames II. John K. COWLES 1898 Clarence P. COX 1825 h 1815 1820 1897 1816 Abraham L. Christopher Clement Earl W. James 1904 P 1863 1897 1816 i8i8h Leander J. Rowland VV. Roy G. Samuel Samuel H. COXE 1818 Daniel T. 1906 Marshall 1808 Richard S. 1807 William S. COYLE Irwin D. Tames L. 1875 John P. COZENS 1 814 Horace CRABBE 1889 h W. R. 1906 1893 CRAGO Thomas S. CRAIG 1773 Archibald 1897 ce David M. 1899 p Hardin 1773 Hugh 1859 James 1895 Samuel G. 1893 h Willis G. 1763 1892 1775 1837 189s 1904 1839 CRAIGHEAD John lil --ilton B. Thomas B. CRAM Henry A. CRAMER Alfred. Jr. CRAMPTON Huy C. CRANE Abram W. 1797 1839 1852 1814 1855 1867 h 1789 1854 1835 1899 1901 1843 1840 1873 1842 180s 1833 1818 1843 1904 ce 1891 i8so 1864 i8i>; 1842 1765 1857 1896 h 1874 1876 1824 1901 bs 1851 1820 1895 bs 1890 p 1901 1777 1819 1895 1872 1903 bs 189s 1896 190S 1885 1897 p 1829 1841 1804 1755 1781 1823 INDEX Charles D. Daniel Edward Elias N. Elias W. Floyd A. Henry A. Isaac W. Israel James, Jr. James L. Jasper E. Job S. John J. John J. John L. John R. John R. John S. Jonathan T. Joseph S. Louis B. Theodore Thomas F. CRARY Roy P. CRAVEN Charles E. Elijah R. Elijah R. Francis S., 58. Gershom Hugh L. William CRAWFORD Alexander C. Brodie J. David Crawford Everett L. George L. George W. Harden L. Henry H. Jack R. James James James S. John John, Jr. John F. Josiah H. Kenneth B. Monroe Oliver Richard R. Robert R. Thomas H. V\'illiam William William CREECH 1880 Joseph A. C REGAN 1900 bs John F. CREIGH 1894 Thomas CRESAP '794 James E [COW-CRO CRESSE 1906 George H. CRESSMAN 1843 Philip, Jr. CRESSON 189s Charles C, Jr. CRESSWELL 1880 Charles T. CREW 1882 Henry CRISPIN 1896 Mordecai J. CRITCHLOW 1882 1896 Edward B. Frank L. CROCKER 1904 Robert S. CROCKETT 1870 James McA. CROCO 1874 Alfred H. CROES 1797 h 1806 1820 h John John Robert B. CROISSANT 1899 De Witt C. CROLL Morris W. 47, 71 CROMER 1900 1882 James Jeremiah C. CROMMELIN i8or .Tames CROSBY 1802 h John P. 1893 P Nicholas E. 1905 ce William S., Jr. 1843 1831 187s i860 1896 ce 1906 bs 1867 186'; 1823 1863 1843 1836 1873 CROSS Alexander H. Andrew B. Craig B. Eben J. D. Henry H. Tames F., Jr. John M. Joseph Nathaniel Ricliard K. William B. William C. William I. CROTHERS 1874 Samuel McC. CRO-DAS] GROUSE 1883 Otto CROW 1787 George CROWDIS 1899 Edwin G. CROWELL 1848 1834 1814 James McM. John John P. CROZER 1898 Georgt K., Jr. CROZIER 1886 David E. CRUIKSHANK Barton, 62 CRUMP 1805 George W. CUBBERLEY 1891 ce 1900 ce Frederick H. Lewis C. CULBERTSON 1768 1870 1847 Samuel Samuel D. Thaddeus A. 1898 ce CULGIN Guy W. 1902 p GULP Cordie J. CULVER 1880 Frederick F. GUMMING 1760 h 180S 1774 1841 1854 1805 Alexander Hooper John N. Monroe A. J. Richard S. C. William C. CUMMINGS 1887 George McL. CUMMINS 1811 h 1787 h i8s7 h 1838 1868 1875 Ebenezer H. Francis George D. James S. L. Walter William Polk CUNNINGHAM 1876 igo6 1838 1898 1767 1902 1903 P 1906 1842 h Clarence George S. James H. John W. Samuel Thomas D. Wallace McC. Warren W. William INDEX CURRAN 473 1903 1892 ce 1901 1894 bs Guernsey Orville P.. Jr. Ross A. Samuel H. CURRIE 1879 Mungo J. CURTIS 1757 1895 ce 1899 1900 bs 1767 1897^ 1902 bs 1854 h Caleb Carleton Edwin E. Elroy Francis Frank G. Frederick L. James L. CURTISS 1902 ce 1872 1864 George W. Solomon W. William W. CUSTIS 1854 George W. P. CUTHBERT 1803 1847 1795 180S 1843 Alfred Alfred George R. John A. James H. CUTLER 1885 h 1821 1906 bs Arthur H. Silas C. Willard W., Jr. CUTTS 1880 Harry M. CUYLER 1879 1841 1813 Cornelius C. Theodore L. William H. DABNEY 1839 1814 Albert John B. DADDOW 1905 Samuel H. DAGES 1906 Oren N. DAGGETT 1774 h Naphthali DAHLGREM 1894 Ulric DAILEY 1906 Carl N. DALE 1899 William P. DALLAS 1810 1892 h iS47h George M. George M. Philip M. DALRYMPLE 1847 1867 Aaron P. Fuller P. DALSIMER 1864 Leon DALTON 1891 bs 1886 h Edwin A. John C. DALZELL 1900 1866 Henry K. L. Robert C. DANA 1891 1 90 1 bs 1903 Charles C. David T. John S. DANDRIDGE '§33 1838 1836 Adam S. Alexander S. Philip P. DANFORTH 1858 Samuel A. DANGERFIELD 1896 Benjamin, Jr. DANIEL 1903 Leroy L. DANIELS 1872 :886h 1893 1888 Addison L. Archibald L. Harrison R. Winthrop M, DARBY 189s Walter R. DARLINGTON 1882 Charles F. 1906 bs Henry B. 1879 p James H. DARRACH 1818 1815 Samuel F. William DARRAH 1840 1825 James A. Richard E. DARRELL 1789 Edward DARROCH l8S4 John DARROW 1903 Charles W. DARST 1871 Charles W. DASHIELL i86r Benjamin R. 474 INDEX D'AUBIGNf 1838 h John H. M. DAUERTY 1874 William McC. DAUGHERTY 1904 Ray DAUGHTREY 1905 P Mills C. DAVENPORT 1870 David M. 1762 Ebenezer 1749 h James 1769 ,'ohn John Z. 1827 DAVES 1884 John C. DAVID Henry J., S7 1902 bs Thomas B. DAVIDSON 1880 Henry B. 1848 James H. 1848 Thomas D. DAVIE 1868 George M. 1867 Iredell P. 1848 Montgomery D, 1776 William R. DA VIES 1824 h Charles 1856 David 0. 1906 p Howell p. 1825 James J. W. 1906 p John M. John R. 1769 1753 h Samuel 1849 Thomas J. 1765 William DAVIS 1894 Albert T. 1904 bs Byron L. 1816 Charles 1884 Charles E. 1845 Charles M. 1839 Charles 0. 1762 Edmund 1870 P'dmund 1879 Edwin Parker 1881 Frederic M. 1835 George L. L. i866 George M. 1876 Henry E. 1892 Herman S. '873 Horatio N. 1849 James C. 1906 James E. iS57h James P. 1846 Tesse B. 1872 John D. John D. 1879 1900 John L. 1834 Joseph A. Joseph H. 1838 1861 Kent D. 1893 Parke H. 1898 Robert H. 1899 bs Robert S. 1898 Roy P. M. 1896 Samuel B. 1883 Samuel McC. i8s9 Sussex D. 1900 William H. 1897 William P., Jr. 1878 William Y. DAVISON 1896 p Alvan 1898 p Harold S. ■ 183s Isaac S. 1847 James F, 1844 John S. 1906 Walter S. 1891 William L. DAVISSON Clinton J., 72 DAWES 1885 Aaron \'an S. DAWKIXS 1905 Charles C. DAWSON Edgar, 47 1877 h (ieorge M. 1878 William T. DAY 1830 Charles R. 1883 Clinton S. 1904 Daniel J. S. 1882 George De F. . 1894 Horace 183s Tames L. 1867 h William F. DAYTON 1813 Aaron 0. 1862 h Alfred B. 1865 Alfred B. 1902 David D. 1872 Edmund E. 1826 Ezra F. i8S4 Ferdinand Van 1841 James B. James B. 1879 1776 Jonathan 1863 Rensselaer W. 1806 Thomas B. C. 182s William L. 1858 William L. DEALTRY 1814 h William DEAN 1900 Nathaniel W. DEAR 1903 Arthur T. 1893 Joseph A., Jr. 1897 Walter M. DEARING 1834 John T. A. DE ARMOND 1841 Richard C. [DAU-DEL DEAS 1789 David DEAVER 1870 Gardner C. DE BENNEVILLE 1888 James S. DE BOW 1772 John DECAMP 1886 Charles M. DECHANT 1895 1 90 1 Charles E. Harry G. DECHERT 1862 Howard P. DECKER 1903 Harry R. 1872 Isaac D. 189s bs James W. 1904 bs Sydney S., Jr. DE COURSEY 1811 1897 Edward John B. DEEMER 1891 William R. DEEMS 1874 Edward M. DE FELICE 1843 h G. DE FOREST 189s bs Howard DE GARMO 1865 h James M. DE GRAW 1857 Charles S. DE GRAY 1897 ce : John DE HART i860 John S. DEHON 1S09 h Theodore DELAFIELD 1899 1896 Edward C. John R. DELANCEY 1808 Thomas J. DELAVAU 1843 Joseph W. S. DE LIESSELIN 180S Francis A. DEL-DIC] DE LONG 1892 James L. DELPUECH 1879 William DE MANGE 1904 bs Ralph C. DEMAREST 1857 h David D. DE MONTALVO 1897 bs Evaristo V. DEMUND 1823 Isaac S. DENBY 1882 Charles, Jr. DENE ALE 1822 William W. DENfGRE 1889 James D. DENISE 1894 Larimore C. DENISON 1904 bs John M., Jr. DENLINGER 1890 Henry K. DENMAN 1891 Claire H. DENNEY 1905 h James 1879 1896 1891 1904 bs 1863 1842 1865 1884 1816 1873 1846 i860 1857 1878 1892 DENNIS Alfred L., Jr. Alfred L. P. Alfred P. Harold James S. James W. John U. Leonidas Littleton J. Martin Robert F. Samuel K. Samuel M. DENNISON Alan N. DENNISTON Robert DENNY 1891 p Abraham P. 1876 Collins 1900 George L. 1877 bs James O'H. 1887 John H. 1858 DEPUE, DEPUE Abraham 1846 1885 1822 1879 190S 1 90 1 1874 1861 1902 1869 i8o6 1851 1906 1903 1767 1861 1872 1880 bs 1873 1904 bs 1904 bs 1853 1902 p 1872 1898 h 1896 bs 1865 INDEX David A. Sherrerd DE PUI Jacoby DE RENNE Everard DE RIDDER John H., Jr. DE RONDE Lambertus, 16 DERR Henry H. DERSHEIMER Cyrus O. DERUELLE Daniel DE SANDRANS Alexandre C, 57 DES FREES Paul T. DES ISLETS Colbert M. DESSAUSSURE Henry A. DE TREVILLE William J. DE TURCK James DETWILER William S. DEVENS Richard DE VERE William T. DEVEREUX Alvin Horace K. Walter B. Walter B., Jr. William G. DE VEUVE Prentiss DEVILBISS Roger B. DEWART Lewis DEWEY George George G. DEWING Charles S. 475 DE WITT i860 Calvin 1893 Constant L. 1900 Edwin D. 1898 ce Eugene T. 1809 John 1861 Tohn 1904 John R. 1900 ce Louis B. 1870 Moses J. 1769 Peter 1857 Wallace 1857 h William R. DEXTER 189 s Daniel W. 1899 Russell E. DEYO 1864 Robert E. DICE 1894 Seth D. 1893 William G. DI CESNOLA 1880 h Louis P. DICEY 1898 h Albert V. DICK 1804 Archibald B. 181 5 h John DICKENS 1878 Albert W. DICKERMAN 1898 bs Ralph \'. DICKERSON 1804 Aaron 1 88s h Edward N. J 836 John H. 1789 Mahlon Philemon, 10 1791 Samuel S. 1867 Thomas P. DICKESON 1864 Auxenicus M. P. V. H. DICKEY 1872 h Charles A. 1823 h Ebenezer 1898 Irvine R. i88s John Rogers 1894 Samuel 188s William A. DICKINSON 1901 Giles II. 1759 h Israel 1769 h Tohn 1894 John M. Jonathan, 12, 13 Lynford McC. 1901 bs 1822 Philemon 1898 bs Philemon 190S bs Sackett M. 1897 Walter M. 1883 Warren M. 476 DICKSON Cyrus, 22 1859 Tames N. 1900 James R. 1853 John 1794 Tohn M. 1896 bs William S. DIEFENDERFER Alan L. DIEHL Charles E. DIETRICH 1899 ce W^illiam H. DIETZ 1 90 1 Charles E. S, DILL 1802 1816 James James DILLARD 1847 1843 James W. Joseph J. DILWORTH 186s 1853 Richard B. William T. DIMON i860 David F. DINSMORE 1904 bs 1857 1890 bs Francis W. William H. William V. DISBOROUGH 1822 Samuel V. DISMUKES 1899 Robert E. DITMARS 1793 Dow DIX 1881 1896 h Edwin A. Morgan DIXON 1 904 ce 1895 George D., Jr. Huston John, 24 DOAK 1775 Samuel DOANE 1904 Benjamin Van D. 1906 bs Robert E. 1865 DOBBIN Thomas INDEX DOBSON 1904 p Dean N. 1900 p Roj' C. 1846 DOBYNS John M. DOD 1822 Albert B. 1854 Albert B. 1862 Charles H. 1833 Charles S. 1878 James P. 1873 Robert S. 1857 Samuel B. 1773 Thaddeus 1833 William 1838 William A. 1903 p 1813 1841 1794 h 1849 1896 1844 1887 1902 1893 1813 1837 1901 1887 1901 bs 1846 190S 1893 1881 1887 DODD Albert B. Amzi Amzi Bethuel Bethuel L. Edward L. Edward M. James P. Tasper H. John N. Joseph S. Moses W. Robert C. Samuel T. Samuel W. Stephen G. Thomas N. William H. William Schauffler William S. DOBBINS 1888 Hugh T. 1870 Wilber M. DODGE 183s Alexander H. 1879 Cleveland H. 1836 Robert P. 1879 William E. 1903 h William E. DOE 1903 ce Charles L. DOELLNER 190S ce Albert H., Jr. DOHM 1900 bs Augustus 1890 Walter C. DOLAND 1882 John B. D'OLIER 1898 Franklin W. DOLTON 1884 Edward B. DOLTZ 1902 p Paul DONALD 1903 Norman H. [DIC-DOU DONALDSON 1899 bs 1901 1789 Keith Robert, 21 Robert S. Thomas DONE 1865 h Josejih B. DONNELL 1882 1820 James I. S. John S. DONNELLY 1866 h Ignatius DOOLITTLE 1896 190S Alfred A. Frederick W. DOREMUS 1832 Henry J. DORMAN 1906 1871 Roderick A. Rushton M. DORNBLASER 1884 Samuel G. DORPFELD 1896 h. Wilhelm DORRANCE 1852 Benjamin C. 1868 Benjamin F. 1823 John DORSEY 18 18 Charles S. \V. 1824 Henry H. Robert R. DOTY 1892 ce Arthur LeG. 1814 Tonathan 1896 William F. DOUGAL 1859 Charles H. DOUGALL 1S81 William A. DOUGHERTY i866 h Alexander N. 1870 Marcus H. 1834 Peter DOUGHTY 1887 Tames W. DOUGLAS 1900 Frederick H. 1906 Lee 1906 Richard, Jr. DOUGLASS 181 9 h David B. 1815 h Jacob M. DOU-DUP] INDEX A77 1758 1896 h 1818 1905 ce 1812 1813 1850 1852 1905 1834 1898 bs 1808 1809 1906 lit 1850 1831 1834 h 1895 bs 1845 1873 1786 h 1876 1855 1898 1893 1888 1889 1788 DOUW Peter W. N'olkert S. DOWDEN Edward DOWNER Edwin Jay DOWNIE Seth R. DOWNING Isaac J Oil n T. DOWNMAN John B. William Y. DOWNS James R. DOYLE Donald B. DOZIER James A. DRAKE Bert rand F. (ieorge K. Jacob B. Raymond W. William A. William II. DRAPER John W. DRAY Gail DRAYTON Edward F. Tames C. "William DRESSER Elliott L. DREWRY Henry M. DRIPPS Robert D. DRISCOLL Robert, Jr. DRUMMOND Frederick L. Henry G. DRURY Edmund DUANE Franklin William J. 1863 1899 1834 h 1832 h DU BOIS, DUBOIS Franci: Franci Francis, Jr. :is E. 1S42 1842 188s 1904 1871 h 1892 175^ 1904 i860 1881 1S73 1773 1876 1S41 1903 1837 1873 I8S3 1852 1875 1871 h 1873 1878 DU BOSS Marion D. DU BUISSON Charles DUBUQUE Edward, 58 DUCACHET Henry \\'. DU CKAT Thomas DUCKETT Allen B. DUDLEY Charles W. William A. DUE Malvern N. DUFF James H. DUFFELL Samuel DUFFIELD Edward D. George George B. Henry Henry G. Howard John John F. John T. DUFORT M. 57 DUGAN George Raymond S., 72 DUGRO Charles H. DUKES Toseph H. N'icholas L. DULANEY Henry R. DULL Andrew J. DULLES Allen M. Tohn W. Joseph H. William 1246 1835 h 1813 1880 1901 1887 P 1775 1836 1887 h 1806 1905 1806 1789 h 1891 1841 1890 DUNBAR Field Robert William DUNCAN Alexander B. Allan \'.^ George S. James James M. Tohn M. kobert C. j^obert I'. DUNDAS James II. DUNHAM Asa Tames H. Tohn P. vVarren B. DUNLAP 1892 p Charles G. 1897 Charles J. 1773 James 1816 h James 1882 John 1898 bs John DUN LOP 1844 h Alexander 1846 Frank K. 1892 ce George T., Jr. 181 1 Jarnes 1813 Robert P. i8i6h VN'illiam 1852 William L. DUNN 1895 Arthur 1884 Charles B. 1 88 1 Charles E. 1897 Charles F. 1834 h Clarkson 1898 Tames R. 1892 Tohn T. 1880 Michael 1893 William A. DUNNING 1883 bs Charles 1876 Frank George A. Harry S. Tohn C. John S. Lehman M. Smith G. William F. 1880 1892 1899 p 1858 1905 1892 1877 DUNN ITT 1843 h William DUNSHEE iSS"; Frank S. 1862 1845 DUNTON Isaac DUPUY Albert M. 478 INDEX DURAND EAMES 1891 bs Halsey igo6p Charles M. DURDIN EARL 1807 Richard H. 1861 1837 Charles H. Mark A. DURELL EARLE 1886 1879 Anthony W. Fletcher 1893 h Charles 1885 George B. 1905 bs David P. 1891 1889 Henry L. William E. EARLY J 799 Clement DURHAM 1792 Peter 190S 1906 Donald B. Fred S. EARNSHAW 1906 Joseph E., Jr. 1892 Albert F. DURLAND EASTBURN 18946 Daniel C. 1890 h George DURYEA EASTMAN 1856 Joseph T. igoi Anstice F. DURYEE EASTON 1846 Augustus T. 1896 Alexander N. A. 1900 Christoiiher John S. DUSCHAK 1893 Lionel H., jz 1892 John \^^ 1898 bs Roswell F. DUSfiN EATON 1904 h Per 1902 bs George F., Jr. DUSENBERRY 1759 h Isaac 180S Caleb EBY DUSENBURY 1869 William H. 1902 William A. ECCLESTON DU SYMITlfiRE 1856 James H. 1781 h Peter E. ECKARDT DU VAL, DUVAL 1903 Remick C. 1872 Frederick B. ECKELS 1825 William B. 1902 h James H. DUVALL ECKER 1899 1905 Andrew B., Jr. Ralph G. 1897 P Harry S. ECKLEY DWIGHT 1772 Joseph 1901 Kirby 1897 Richard E. EDDY 1787 h 1888 h Timothy Timothy 1886 George A. T. Henry T., 34 1903 bs lames G. DYE 1880 bs Robert C. 1891 Samuel R. 187s William K. EDGAR EAGER 1831 Cornelius H. 1838 John McA. i8S4 1835 David Edward B. 180Q Samuel W. 1833 Tames A. i«.S4 Joel W. EAKIN 1 000 bs . John B. 1763 Samuel 1836 ■John M. Jonathan 1843 EAKIN S 1882 1868 Morgan Peter K. 1844 David W. 1859 Robert [DUR-EKI EDMISTON Homer J., 65 1766 Samuel EDMONDS i8S4 Matthew W. EDSALL 1890 David L. EDWARDS 1784 Alexander 1806 Alexander M. 1900 bs ; Carl F. 1896 David F. 1906 Deane 1885 Duncan 1900 bs Duncan L. 1904 Dwight W, 1883 George 1894 George D. 1889 bs George K. 1906 ce Harold S. 1797 Henry W. 1830 James C. 1854 James W. Jesse 1839 1848 John 1803 John D. John S. 1796 Jonathan, 12 1765 Jonathan Jr. 1840 Jonathan 1856 h Jonathan Lewis 1855 h 1842 Lewis A. 1901 Morgan O. 1893 bs Ogden M. 1768 Pierpont 1876 Richard A. 1850 h Samuel 1757, Timothy 1900 bs William H. i8s3 William S. EELLS 1906 John D. EGAN 1850 James C. EGBERT 1850 Augustus R, 1886 bs Betric 1895 Ernest D. 1893 h John P. Seneca 1884 189s bs Victor E. EGGERT 1867 h Charles A. EGGLESTON 187s h Thomas EICHELBERGER 1875 Edward S. i8s3li Lewis EISEXHART Luther P., 46, 67 1904 bs i Martin H. KKL\c;s 1899 bs ; Frank P. ELD-EVA] INDEX 479 ELDER 1 89 1 Elwood W. 1893 Frederick S. 1875 George R. 1887 Herbert 1887 fohn VV. 1874 Rufus C. 1862 h William 1886 William S. ELIASON 1849 Landon C. EJJOT 1869 h Charles W, ELLICOTT 1816 h Andrew ELLIOT 1806 Benjamin ELLIOTT 1877 h 1837 1897 1899 182s 1896 1831 1906 p 1876 1 90 1 1900 Aaron M. Charles Edward G. Frank R. Gibbs L. James J. Jared L. Xewell J. Thomas I. Thomas T. William S. ELLIS 1886 h 1881 1802 1873 Edward S. Edwin M. Thomas William H. ELLISON 1892 bs 1899 Edward Henry H., Jr. ELLMAKER 1805 i8qi Amos S. Elias E. ELLSWORTH 1766 Oliver ELMENDORF 1782 1882 1794 1807 1782 1807 Conrad Dwight L. Edmund James B. Peter William C. ELMER 1898 Arthur R. 1848 Benjamin F. Charles E., 23 1866 Henry W. i8io John Jonathan, 17 1824 h Lucius Q. C. 1866 Macomb K. 1895 bs Macomb K. 1882 Matthew K. 1899 bs Robert P. 1897 p Theodore A. 1894 bs Walter G. 1832 William 186 1 William 1894 e William, Jr. ELMORE 1900 Carl H. 1901 Robert B. ELSING 1886 Henry C. 1879 William T. ELTINGE 1796 Wilhelmus ELY 1804 Alfred 1905 Alfred, Jr. 1899 ce John A., Jr. 1906 John M. 1877 Jobn S. 1902 Richard 1897 ce Walter S. ELZEY 177s Arnold EMANS 1889 John S. EMBURY 1900 ce Aymar, 2d EMERSON 1849 Edwin 1763 Ezekiel 1898 Frank N. 1861 EMERY John R. Matthew G. EMLEN 1802 George 1896 ce James H. 1805 William F. EMMELL 1850 George A. ENDLICH 187s Gustav A. 1900 ENGLAND Herbert K. ENGLISH 1905 ce Charles C. 1824 Charles G. 1899 Conover 1789 David 1836 Henry F. 186 1 James R. 1865 Nicholas C. J. ENOS 1878 bs Alanson T. 1887 bs Frank ENTWISLE 1843 John J. BPPES 1788 Richard EPPLEY 1906 bs Marion EPSTEIN 1827 Tobias ERDMAN 1902 Carl M. 1886 Charles R. 1893 George 1896 John P. 1894 Paul 1897 Seward 1899 Walter C. 1884 William ERNST 1882 Edward H. 1873 James C. William G. 1808 ERVIN 189s h Spencer ERWIN 1776 Benjamin ESHLEMAN 1884 George R. ESKRIDGE 1852 Benjamin B. ESSICK 1894 Edwin P. ESTE 1803 David K. ETHERINGTON 1906 ce San ford G. ETTER 1885 George E. EUWER 1905 Eugene C. 1901 bs John N. 1901 p Norman L. EVA 1878 h William T. EVANS 1884 Charles A. 1877 Charles E. 1896 Charles M. 1887 bs Daniel W. 1821 David 1876 Edward C. i860 Edward W. 1891 Edward W., Jr. 1892 bs Evan M. 1897 bs I'rank 1886 Frederick, Jr. 1855 Horace Y. 1772 Israel 1775 John 1841 Nathaniel 48o 1900 p 1897 bilas Thomas St. C. 1902 Walter E. 1864 h William B. 1897 William F. EVERETT 1898 p 1794 Tay C. ^ Nicholas C. EVERHART 1842 Tames B. John R. 1850 EVERITT 1894 Benjamin H. 1856 Benjamin S. 1886 Frank B. 1895 p Franklin C. 1891 William L. EV.'ING 1894 Boyd R. 1798 Charles 1867 Charles A. 1878 David Q. 1S9S Edward H. 1824 Francis A. 1821 h Greville 1880 Harry C. 1823 James, Jr. Tames r. 1893 1818 James H. 1754 John 1869 Nathaniel 1872 Samuel E. 1794 William B. 1890 William B. 1904 William K. EXUM 1824 James L. EYRE 1838 Mahlon, D. 1793 Manuel 1850 Severn FABER 1903 Gustavus W. FAHNESTOCK 1868 Alfred H. FAILE 1846 Thomas H. FAIRBANKS 1903 Frederick C. FAIRCIIILD 1813 Ashbel G. 1856 Elijah S. 1839 Van Wyck R. FAIRFAX 1850 John C. FAIRING 1906 Robert P. FAITOUTE 1885 Frederick B. 1776 1827 1856 1856 1905 1853 1757 1821 INDEX George William S. FALCONER Thomas S. William B. FALES Merton S. FALLS William K. FANEUIL Peter FANNING John C. [EVA-FIL FAN SH AWE 1900 bs John E. J. FARIS John T. Wallace S. FARLEE George W. FARNUM James E. FARR James McC. 1895 1897 P 1851 1890 1890 1879 1892 1750 i860 h 1802 h John Marc _/Iarcus S. T. H. Powers FARRAND Daniel Livingston Max Samuel A. William P. Wilson FARRELL 1899 p John B. S. FARRIES Richard M. 1895 1805 1900 1880 FARROW John W. FAR WELL Earl W. FAULKNER Francis E. FAWCETT 1763 h Benjamin FAYERWEATIIER 1905 bs Charles S. FEAGLES 1856 Robert S. 1900 Samuel S. FELL 1884 bs Alexander G. 1883 Daniel A. FELLOWS 1904 Edward P. FELT 1879 Zephaniah C. FELTER 1863 h Samuel A. FEND ALL 181 5 Philip R. FEN TON 1871 Glenn A. 1888 John F. FENSTERMACHER 1899 p William A. FENTRESS Calvin David James, Jr. FERGUSON Huber John Wallace R. Wilson FERRAND Stephen L, FERRELL Dudley H. FERRIER William FERRIS Edwin F. 1905 Ezra F., Jr. e H. 1901 1896 1894 1893 1839 1903 1893 180S 1902 p 1822 h 1899 1874 George FETHEROLF 1904 p William P. FICKLEN 1876 George F. FIELD Alexander S. Chauncey M. De Pui Edward George G. Jacob Ten E. ce Joseph C. Richard E. Richard S. Robert Roscoe ce William P. 1852 1871 1830 1861 1839 1806 1903 1874 1821 1793 1848 1883 FIELDER 1874 John W. FILSON 1898 p David E. FIN-FOS] INDEX 481 1818 1858 1858 1901 1770 h 1880 1900 1772 1820 1869 1776 1827 190S h 1765 1775 1828 1876 1804 1787 1821 1749 h 1765 1820 1904 p 1903 FIXDLAY Archibald I. 1803 James John Van John \'an Robert L. L.. Jr. 1866 1772 FINE Henry B. John B. 1887 1796 1875 h 1847 1906 1900 1774 1905 p 1832 1772 h 1883 1879 h 1896 h 1895 1901 p 1894 1893 bs 1894 i88s ce 1873 1827 h 1901 bs 1855 FINLEY Charles B., Jr. Ebenezer Tames C. James T. John E. John E. C. John H. Joseph Joseph osiah F. Leighton Michael A. Robert Robert S. Samuel Samuel, Jr. William P. FIXNEY Harry G. John C. "John M. T. William William P. FISCHEL Jacob FISCHER Moritz, 79 FISH Augustine H. Henry D. Leon B. Peter FISHER Charles A. Charles H. Daniel David K. E. George P. George P. Gordon Herbert F. Herbert H. Herbert P. Howard S. Janon John C. Samuel Thomas W. William A. William A., Jr. 189s 1849 1830 h 1877 FISK Charles L. Ezra W. Harvey Harvey E. I Pliny 0 ce Wilbur C. 1800 1808 1889 p 1905 lit 1875 1883 1886 187s 1904 bs 1871 1906 1795 1901 h 1895 1894 i88ice 1882 1877 1894 h 1900 h 1894 1849 1839 1902 p 1900 bs i88s 1897 bs FITCH Samuel M. FITHIAN Edward M, Philip V. FITZGERALD Eugene M. Tohn "Lewis FITZHUGH Arthur R. William H. FITZSIMMONS James H. FLAGG Herbert H. FLAGLER Henry M., 2^ FLEMING Charles M. George R. Matthew C. Oliver E. Owen H. Samuel B. Samuel W., Jr. Thomas F. William H. FLEMMING Ralston FLICK Reuben J., Jr. Warren J. Welcome J. L. FLICKINGER Jonas R. FLINT Austin Joseph M. James P. FLOYD William FOARD Robert L. FOBES Thomas FOGEL Philip H. FOLK William H. FOLTZ Jonathan C. FORBES George O. 190s ce Gordon 1858 J. Harris FORCE 1794 James G. 1854 Samuel S. FORD 1839 Charles E. 1896 bs Emory L. 1900 Frederick W. 1784 Gabriel H. 1856 George W. 1792 Jacob John 1812 1816 Marcus 1783 Timothy i860 William H. FORDYCE 1896 Alexander R., Jr. FOREMAN 1850 John I. FORMAN 1784 Agur T. 1842 Alexander R. 1809 Ezekiel 1861 George V. 1893 bs Howard S. 1884 John N. 1854 Samuel R. 1786 William G. 1905 bs 1 William P. FORNANCE 1904 Josejih K. FORREST 181S David M. FORSTALL 1904 bs James J. FORSYTH 1828 George C. 1894 bs George H. 1799 John 1832 John, Jr. 1873 h John, Jr. 1796 Robert M. 1905 bs Robert M. 1867 Severyn B. 1888 William H. FORT I90I 1847 ll Franklin W. George F. FORTIER 1847 Polycarp L. FOSDICK 1903 h 1905 Frank S. Raymond B. FOSTER 189s 1863 1898 189s h IQ02 ce 1847 Curtis S. Daniel R. Howard C. John VV. Oscar Le N. Robert 482 INDEX [FOS-FUR 1892 p Sterling J., Jr. 1/04 William 1S96 ji Willam, Jr. FOULKE 1905 Walter L. 1-OULKES 1849 James F. FOUNTAIN 1847 Ezra J. FOUTE 1844 Green P. 1851 FOWLE Daniel G. FOWLER Archibald K., Charles D. lilting A. Frederick William S. G. 1906 1876 1902 1869 1900 1881 bs Willis FOWLKES 1868 Henry P. FOX 1904 Carl L. 1905 Frank B. 1904 ce George, Jr. 1835 Gilbert R. i8y4 C. 1869 John E. 1865 h Louis R. 1899 Noel B. 1-KAME 1894 Cleveland 1836 h David A. i8.j; Jolm M. i860 lohn S. 1S9S John S. 1872 Walter R. 1867 William H. FRANCIS 1895 Robin W. C. FRANK 1902 p Adam G. FRANKEL 1904 bs Henry FRANKLIN 1902 Cliarles M. 1903 Sheldon William, 9 1822 William b. B. FRASER i8!;6h .Mexander C. 1890 n Fcnvvick W . 1893 bs ficorge C. 1804 oe Herbert T. 18R8 bs Homer E. 1888 John, Jr. 1903 Mclntyre 1879 Philip H. Jr. FRAZER 1896 p Alexander 1 86 1 David R. 1888 bs Francis M. 1898 p Frank D. 1897 bs Harvey^ T. 1901 John G. 1901 bs Spaulding 1797 VVilliam C. FREDERICK 1875 Augustus 1903 Karl T. FREDERICKS 1873 John T. FREELAND 1862 Henry R. FREEMAN FROELICK 1906 Louis D. FROELIGH 1774 h Solomon 1875 FROST Charles N. George C. rge 1902 bs Joe H. 1885 ce Luther W. FROTHINGHAM 1896 h Arthur L.. Jr. FRY 1895 bs Jesse H. FRYLING William 1843 Amzi W. 1899 Charles Y. FULLER 1827 1862 Ellis B. ElUs B. 1796 h Andrew 1003 1835 1863 Halstead G. John E. John N. 1905 lit 1861 1874 Clifford J. Henry Henry A. 1809 h Jonathan 1839 Henry M. 1852 1864 1869 1906 lit Joseph \. \\'ilberforce William C. William C. 1905 Henry M. :84s 1857 1844 Middleton Robert M. Robert W. FREENY FULLERTON 1867 John 0. 1864 1869 Alexander, Jr. John Q. \. FRLLINGHUYSEN 1888 Kemper 1770 Frederick FULMER 1806 1864 h Frederick Frederick T. 1889 Llewellyn S. 1804 1750 Jacob R. T. James FULTON John, 15 1876 Albert A. 1803 h John 1896 ]) George 1904 Peter H. B. J 749 h Theodorus J. FUNK 1877 David S. FRENCH 1915 John C. 1894 bs Charles E. 1874 Xevin U. 1884 (jeorge B. 1896 John C, Jr. FUNKHOUSER 18-8 Leonidas P. FRENEAU 1771 Philip FUNSTEN FREUND 1838 David 1893 William L. rURMAN FRICK 1906 1794 Benjamin A. Tohn W. 1838 Arthur W. 1794 ^Ioore, Jr. 1905 bs Childs FURN.VJIEFF FRIED 1895 Demeter N. 1901 bs Carl K. FURNESS FRIEND 1891 bs Radclvffe 1851 William R. 189s bs Theodore F. FRIERSON 1839 John W^ 1840 Samuel R. 1889 1890 FURST Sidney D. William S. FYL-GER] 1810 1897 p 1882 1893 p 1S96 p 1837 iqo5 ce 1898 1886 187^ 1857 1791 1875 1840 h 1769 h 1831 FYLER Jared D. GABLER Charles E. GABRIEL Charles N'aii L. GAGE Raymond II. GAILEV Robert R. GAILLARD James GAIXES Albert B., Jr. Isaac A. Joseph H. GAITHER Abram B. George R. GALARNEAU William H. GALBREATII James McC. GALE Edward R. Robert GALLAGHER George W. Joseph S. GALLOWAY Jacob S. Joseph Samuel GALPIN Horace GALT 1903 bs Alexander 1890 George McF. 1858 Robert 1858 Sterling M. 1896 Thomas, Jr. 1899 bs Thomas F. GAMBLE ly-'j h Archibald 1S85 Carey B. 190.S Cecil H. 1 88(5 h John 1804 h John G. 1836 John G., Jr. 1854 Robert 1 90 1 ce Walter G. 1898 William M. GAMOX 1893 p Robert I. INDEX GAxXSEVOORT Peter GAXSEVORT Henry S. GAXSWORTIl Howard K. GAXTT Edward GAXTZ p Albert D. GARBRICK Clarence A. GARDIXER Alexander h David David D.-ivid L. John L. GARDXER Albert S. lohn S. Ora F. S;imuel M. GARFIELD Harry A., 41 GARITSON John V. GARMANY T879 1-Vancis C. 1893 George L. 1883 Howard H. 1879 Jasper J. GARXER 1898 bs Holton W. GARXET 1803 Henry 483 1855 1901 1762 1890 1903 1837 1759 1789 1836 1789 1905 1871 1901 1864 1875 1903 GARRABRANT Aaron P. GARRETSON Leland B. GARRETT 1873 Edmund F. 1895 bs Horatio W. 1895 bs John W. 1897 bs Robert 1867 Robert, Jr. 1868 Th. s H. GARRISON 1904 Carlyle 1842 Joseph F. 1905 Ralph A. 1818 1900 i«96 1896 190S lit 1892 1796 1882 h 1843 h 1849 1884 1889 1838 1899 1878 1791 1901 GARVIN Robert M. GASKILL Harry I. Nelson B. Tliomas L. GASKIXS Perse L. GASTON John M. \\'illiam GATES Merrill E. GATHING William J. GAUSS Christian F., 46 GAUSSEX Frangois S. R. T.. GAW Thomas P. GAYLEY Henry B. James O. GAZENONE William G. GEARHART Edward S. GEER MarshrJl Willis L. GELSTON Maltby William R. GEORGE Archibald Charles A. John C. John L. .-,, Karl 1906 p William H. 1889 William J. 1851 1897 1878 1881 p 1846 GARTHWAITE William S. 1874 1902 i860 1906 1900 GEPHART John W. Wallace H. GERAN Elmer H. GERDINE Joseph H. L. GERHARD Edward A, Elmer S. 484 INDEX [GER-GOL 1S90 1889 1900 GEROULD Gordon II., 45 GESXER Herbert M. Joshua B. GETTY William T. T. John Joseph S. Robert M. GHOLSON 1820 James II. i8-'5 William V. GIBBES 1784 i8'3 ^ . 181 J Robert M. 1839 John W. GIBBONS 1760 h Thomas GIBBS 1838 Josiah W. 1853 h Tosiah W. 1896 h Josiah W. GIBBY 1899 Edgar M. 1904 Harold J. 1S92 Herbert B. 1890 William D. 1869 h William J. GIBNEY I89I Ernest C. GIBSON 1906 lit Brovvnlee H. 1807 Edward R. 1853 George S. 1787 James 1894 James, Jr. 1793 John 1841 John B. Luther S. 1845 1885 bs Persifor F. 1844 h Robert 1840 Robert P, i860 h William 1844 William J. 1880 William J. GIDLEY 1898 bs James W. GIFFIN 1900 bs Herbert Z. GIFFORD 1814 Archer GIGKR 1 84 1 Frederick S, 1841 George M. GIHON 1854 h Albert L. GILBERT 1867 Jesse S. GILCHRIST 185s 1887 1903 John T. Robert, Jr. Robert W. GILDER 1896 h Richard W. GILDERSLEEVE 1849 181J 1792 h i8-'7 Basil L. Cyrus Cyrus P. Ezra S. GILES 1 78 1 William B. 1854 William F. 1841 William M. GILL 1 88 1 bs Charles R., Jr. i860 George M., Jr. 1905 Philip L. 1897 Selden E. GILLASPIE 1850 James H. GILLESPIE 1876 Alexander B. 1761 David 1889 George E. 1855 Tames i8q7 bs Nelson W. 1843 'I'hninas L. William, 46, 6s 1848 William M. GILLETTE 1895 !> John M. GILLIAM 1844 James S. 1 82-; Marius GILLIES 1770 h John GILLLS 18 1 5 Levin I. GILMAN 1896 h Daniel C. 1879 Frank P. GILMER 1902 bs Jay T. GILMORE 1883 George W. 1906 Tames 1897 Walter B. 1902 bs William B. GILMOUR 1809 p George GIRAULT 1828 Thomas R. GIS BORNE i8i4h Thomas GITTIXGS 1849 Richard J. GI\E\- 1884 h Emory W. GLASS 1877 Frank P. GLASSELL 1847 John, Jr. GL.XSSMKVER 1901 Edward GLEDIIILL 1S81 1843 Frank William GLEN 1871 Thomas GLENN 1901 1870 Solomon F. William B. GLOVER 1859 Charles P. GOAS 1906 Harry J. GODFREY 1888 James D. ('(JDLEY 1856 William GODWIN 1879 1834 Harold Parke GOEHRING 1887 Harry L. GOETSCHIITS 1773 h '774 b John M. Steplien GOHEEX 1872 Joseph jM. GOLDIE 1890 cc : George, Jr. GOLDSBOROUGII 1899 bs 1806 1 89 1 1898 ce 1851 1 Francis C. Nicholas Richard F. ■ Rohcrt G. \\ illiam S. GOLDSBURY 1899 1891 Tohn lioyal S. GOLDSBY 1844 Thomas J. GOLDSMITH 1Q04 1815 George M. John GOL-GRE] INDEX 48; GOLDTHVVAITE 1839 h i860 1859 1854 Henry lienry Thomas William H. GOLTRA 1887 Edward F. GOOCH i88s Hiram A. GOOD 1822 1904 Caleb Thomas R. GOODALE 1896 h George L. GOODENOUGH 1900 Ralph A. GOODMAN 1906 lit 1765 Kenneth S. Richard GOODRICH 1869 h 1783 h 1906 bs E. A. Elizur Latimer GOODRIDGE 1894 Malcolm GOODWIN 1901 Paul M. GOPSILL 1906 James W. GORDON 1751 1861 189: 1899 1853 1899 igo2 1897 1889 bs 176s h 1777 h Alexander Bazil F. Clarence McC. George W. Jeremiah S. John K. Robert C. Sir John C. H. Theodore G. ^^'illiam William GORMAN 1903 ce 1843 Douglas Felix GOSMAN 1862 h 1S81 1S47 Abraham Charles N. John GOTT 1837 William C. GOULD 1836 John M. GOUVERNEUR 1811 1811 Isaac Nicholas GOWDY 1877 George 11. GRACIE 1804 h William GRAHAM 18^5 Alexander J. 1752 h Chauncey 1877 Dale B. 1902 David B. 1786 Edward 1811 Edward E. 1904 Evarts A. 1899 bs Frank D. 1840 George W. 1826 Hamilton C. 1872 John J. 1896 Tohn R. 1897 John W'., Jr. 1892 bs John Y. 1889 Malbonc W. 1890 Malcolm, Jr. 1839 Xeil S. 1905 Samuel T. 1S68 Thomas L. 1773 William i860 William A. 1S87 William T. GRANDPIERRE 1838 h John H. GRANGER 1905 bs Frederic S. GRANNIS 1903 bs Uri B. GRANT 1893 Charles T. 1796 h Ebenezer 1833 Edward I. 1850 James B. 1811 John 1786 Thomas 1894 bs William E. 1865 William H. GRANTLAND 1808 John P. GRATZ 1895 P Humphrey G. GRAVER 1897 Albert B. GRAVES 1898 bs Ferdinand J. GRAY 1821 Andrew C. 1892 Andrew C. 1901 Charles S. 1836 Edgar A. M. 1896 Eugene 1859 George 1823 h John 1832 Tnhn A. 18S9 John C. 1896 Louis H. 1896 Mcldrum GRAYSON 1840 h John B. GREEN 1783 Ashbel 1846 Ashbel •837 Caleb S. 1824 Charles B., Jr. 1787 Charles D. 18O0 Charles E. 1831 Charles G. 1854 Edward T. 1870 Elmer E. 1898 Elmer E., Jr. 1760 Enoch 1802 Enoch A. 1902 Franklin B. 190S Gilbert R. 1872 Henry B. 1820 Henry W. 1891 lienry W. J 749 h Jacob 1815 h Jacob 1820 h Jacob James O. :862 i8i8h James S. 1848 James S. 1886 Tames S. i8q3 lohn C. 1788 iTohn W. 1895 ce Toseph D. 1867 Oliver 0. M. 1883 bs Orlando 1794 Richard M. 180S Robert S. 1850 Robert S. 1886 Robert S., Jr. 1827 Thomas H. 1883 Walter D. 1902 bs ^^'illiam E. 1857 h \\'illiam H. i860 William H. H. GREENE 1877 Calvin G. 1906 Clavton W. :887 bs David 1893 Everette L. 1865 Frank H. 1882 George F. 1880 Henry F. 1903 bs Harold 186s Joseph M. Nathaniel 1781 h 1878 Richard J. A. 1876 Samuel B. 1876 William B., Jr. 1885 ce William J. 1896 Woodward K. GREENEWALT i8ss Henry C. GREENLAND 1906 bs Harold B. GREENLEAF 1863 h Jonathan GREENLEE 1817 h Samuel GREENLEY 1900 bs Louis A. 486 INDEX [GRE-HAG GREEXOUGH 187s 1839 Eben \V. William I. GREENUP l8-'2 Christopher C. GREENWAY 1840 Edward McD. GREENWOOD 1905 ce Joseph R. GREER 1836 James GREGORY 1900 p 1880 1876 1857 J757 1845 1897 ibOO Carey E. Caspar R. Cornelius C. Daniel S. Elnatlian Joseph G. Julian A. William A. GRESHAM 1892 Le Roy GREY 1889 Norman GRIER 1772 1894 James Wyllys K. GRIFFEN 1900 bs 1862 Cecil John GRIFFIN 1802 h 1888 h Edward D. Edward H. Nathaniel E., 4 GRIFFITH 1886 ce 1885 1 90 1 p 1811 i860 1814 i86s 1846 Charles E. Frank lIuRh W. John I. Joseph W. William B. William B. William E. T. GRIGG 1904 p Albert W. GRIGGS 1905 David C. 1874 James L. 1896 h John W. GRIM 1865 William J. GRIM BALL 1819 John B. GRIMES 1005 bs James L. 1S44 William GRIMKE 1789 ll John F. GRISWOLD 181 1 h 1899 bs 1 90 1 1903 Alexander V. Chester, Jr. Latta Le Grand C. GROESBECK '874 Telford GROOM E 1819 Joim C. GKOOS i8y8 bs Franz C. GROOT 1853 Corneille S. GROSS 1903 ce Albert GROVE 1881 Jacob R. GRUMMOX 1865 Daniel N. GRUNDY 1875 William H. GUBBY 1850 James GUERARD 1847 Edward P. GUERIN 1899 bs Bryam C. 1890 Craig R. GUERNSEY 1902 1S72 1870 Edwin W. Henry W. Joseph C. GUFFEY 1890 Alexander S. GUICHARD 1898 p George L. GUILD 1832 1893 1851 Charles B. G. William A. William B. GUILE 1903 bs Hubert V. GUILER 1899 bs Leonard K. GUILLOU 1880 Alfred GUI OX 1796 Isaac L. GULICK 1889 1897 1884 1838 1835 1884 1825 I83I 1844 1844 ce Alexander R. Archibald A. Jacob F., Jr. Tohn S. 'Tohn W. ■Joseph H. ^eter J. Symmes H. William B. William H. GUMMERE 1887 h 182s h 1870 1870 Barker John Samuel R. William S. GUNN 1805 h Alexander GUXSTER 1894 Walter E. GURLEY I £66 Henry M. GURXEE ■854 1853 Clinton John D. GUSS 1898 Howard L. GUTHRIE 1886 William A. GUY 1862 1865 Davi.I W. William E. GUYER 1882 Allan P. GUYOT Arnold, 32 GWINN 1840 Charles J. M. HABERSHAM 180S 1802 Richard W. Robert HACK 1903 Otto A. HACKETT 1864 William HADDEN 1844 Robert W. HADERMAN 1834 h Charles J. HADLEV 1898 Henry H., Jr. HAGAMAN 1825 Abraham 1848 Francis \'an D. HAG-HAM] INDEX 487 1904 1872 1869 HAGAR Frederic K. HAGEMAN James \V. John F. Samuel M. HAGEMEYER 1897 bs Arthur H. HAGER 1836 Tohn S. 1S98 bs Richard G. 1895 Wilfrid M. 1845 1830 IIAGXER Alexander B. Charles N. HAGNEY 1890 bs Frederick W. HAGUE 1900 X'crnon L. 1904 bs William E. 1857 HAIGHT Charles John T. 1 81 2 Thomas G. 1845 William HAILE 1856 Charles E. HAINES 1857 h Alanson A. i8jo Daniel 1866 Edward W. 18 13 Ezekiel S. 1878 Francis S. i8i2 Job 1 81 J "John S. 1863 Richard T. 1857 Thomas R. 1896 Warren J. 1754 HAIT Benjamin HALE 1898 Charles H. i860 Henry E. 1892 Henry E., Jr. 1906 bs Paul M. 1902 Titus 1896 h William G. HALEY 1 853 Charles T. 1766 John HALL Arthur C, 70 184.' h Bayned R. 1S75 Bolton 1857 Caldwell K. i860 Charles E. 1903 Charles W. 1903 p Ernest F. IQOI Francis I. i8q8 bs 1883 1851 1863 '774 1845 h l8so h 1885 h if-66 1897 1894 e 1852 1875 i8ii h 1823 i8i7 1873 1879 i8s3 1897 Frank H. George George L. Harrison Harry W. Henry G. Henry R. James James lohn John John A. John P. Iveppele Richard XL Richard J. Robert Robert Robert C. Robert W. Thomas C. Thomas ^l. William D. W. William M., Jr. HALLETT Robert L. HALLEV 183s h Robert HALLIDAY 1824 David M. 1898 Edgar 1905 Herbert B. HALLOCK 1 90 1 h Gerard B. F. 1893 Henry G. C. 1882 Robert C. HALL-OUEST 1902 p Alfred L. PLALSEY iSso Abraham 1879 Abram W. 1896 Benjamin S. 1886 ce Charles D. 1808 Charles W. 1S60 Edmund D. 1752 Teremiah 1842 Joseph J. 1854 Joseph S. 1S64 Lewis B. 1831 h Luther 1878 Richard L. 1886 Richard T. H. 1856 Samuel S. 1871 William McD. HALSTEAD 1889 Albert 1887 Clarence 1823 h Job S. Alarshal 1886 1888 Robert HALSTED 1877 Charles J. 1833 David J." iS.^o (jeorge B. 1875 George B. 1853 Henry C. 1840 John J. 1841 1810 1843 1810 1838 1765 1824 .835 1812 1841 Tohn O. Mathias O. Mina B. Nathanael N., 21 Oliver S. Oliver S., Jr. Robert Robert W. Thaddtns M. William William HAJilBLEN 1905 Albert A. HA.MILL 187: Hugh H. J867 h Robert 1880 Samuel McC. 1 79 1 h 1895 bs 1899 1884 1895 1905 bs 1896 1804 1880 1824 1876 1814 i£48 h 1818 1863 1839 1835 1879 1876 1901 1808 1906 1888 1906 1849 1811 h 1825 h HAMILTON Alexander Charles L. Charles L. Charles S. Clarence M. Donald C. Edward T., 59 Edward W. Francis P. George P. Henry K. Hiraiii P. James James John, 9 Joseph A. Montgomery Morris R. Peter Peter T. Robert" W. Samuel, Jr. Samuel R. Sinclair Thomas B. Thomas P. William E. William S. William T. HAMLIN 1903 Lot M. M. HAM MACK 1906 Daniel S. HAMMER SLY 1847 b George HAMMETT 1896 bs Edwin W. 1896 1891 1836 1904 p 1882 p igoo HAM MILL George G. HAMMOND Benjamin F. Charles S. Edward F. Edward P. T. Thomas E. William A. William S., Jr. 488 INDEX [HAM-HAR 1836 1835 HAMNER William C. HAMPTON James G. Thomas M. HANAN 1854 John S. IIAXCOCK 1888 James 1769 h John HANDLEY 1807 John 1807 Nathaniel P. 1904 p Lorin A. HANDY 1761 Isaac 1S48 John H. 1879 Parker D. 1S45 Robert D. 1855 William C. 1848 h William W. HANKINSON 1Q03 John H. 1829 HANKS Festus HANLIN Christian H. HANLON 1896 ce John HANNA 1900 Charles R. 1777 James 1755 John 1782 John A. 1S92 ce John H. 1900 John W. 1790 William H ANNUM 1870 Levi T. HANON IS90 John E. HANSON 1892 Howland HAPPER IS7I I87I Andrew P. Oliver P. HARBAUGH 1851 Fullerton R. HARBISON 1898 IS66 Ralph W. Robert HARDEN i8s6 William D.. HARDENBERGH 1770 h 1904 bs Jacob R. Thomas E., Jr. HARDIE 1855 Joseph HARDIN 1895 1880 Edwin D. John R. HARDING 1899 bs 189s 1901 Dwight S. John C. Merritt L. HARDMAN 1902 Charles B. HARDY 1906 ce Elbert C. Josiah, 9 HARE 1902 p David H. HARGOUS 1830 h Louis HARING 1890 Harry W. HARKNESS 1S97 189b John L. N orris W. HARLAN 1886 ce 1S83 1884 1884 h 1&81 David E. James S. John M. John M. Richard D. HARLOW 1895 1854 1835 1879 EUwood Henry A. James M. Samuel A. HARxMON 1899 Harold C. HARPER 1872 18S4 1848 1891 1901 1785 1801 Foster George McL. James K. Joseph \V. Alatthew Robert G. Robert G. HARRIMAN 1886 1885 1883 James A. fcfferson B. Oliver, Jr. HARRINGTON 1902 bs George B. 1893 Marsliall 1849 Thcmas B. HARRIS 1898 Albert W. 1906 1901 bs 1792 1823 1884 1905 1897 ce 1903 bs 1870 1897 1790 1799 1872 1825 1753 1762 1855 h 1885 1753 1801 h 1895 1787 1886 1893 ce 1886 ce 1897 1892 Arthur Arthur W. C. Barton M. Charles Charles E. Charles W. Charles W. Edward W. Elwood C. Harry \V. Henry Henry A. Henry F. Henry S. Herbert S. Israel Israel James B. lames C. John John John A. John M. Robert Nathaniel Robert P. Samuel Thomas R. Thomas S. Tracy H. \'an Alen Walter B. Walter S. William, 27 William, Jr. William A. IS60 William C. 1845 William L. 1806 h \\-illiam T. 1866 William W. H.VRRISON 1797 Abraham 185s .\lfred J. 1889 h Benjamin 1905 P 1896 h Bert B. Charles C. 1855 Charles J. 1848 Dabney C. 1S14 Elias 1881 Graeme 1876 Henry L. 1805 Henry P. 1899 James H. Jeptha 1820 John, 27 1795 Josiah 1895 Norman B. 1851 Peyton R. 1848 Randolph HARROLD 1897 bs William E. IIARSIIA 1883 Albert K. 1874 William J. HART 1833 Alexander C 1892 Charles D. 1858 Charles E. 1872 Farel i860 Tames M. 1830 John S. 1770 Joshua KAR-HEG] INDEX 489 1800 h 1763 1828 1831 Levi Noah Theodore M. William B. HARTLEY 1877 Frank HARTMAN 1867 1904 J. H. Winfield L. HARTRIDGE 1876 1879 Charles Gazaway HARTS 1891 bs Edwin B. HARTSHORNE 1S37 Edward 1S56 William HART WELL 1841 Samuel S. HARTZLER 1895 Rollin Z. HARVEY 1898 Andrew E. 1790 Augustus ib07 Edward 1888 Osmond H. 1875 Thomas W. 190S bs Thomas W., Jr. 1S95 Wallace P. 1836 Washington I. HARWOOD 1791 Richard HASBROUCK 1809 1767 1773 1766 1797, 1876 h Charles D. James James Joseph Louis Washington HASKELL 1854 Samuel HASLET 1766 Moses HASTINGS 1900 1904 1 888 h Clarence A. George E. Harold R., 44 Thomas S. HATCH 1899 bs Charles A. 1895 Richard D. HATCHER John B., 64, 79 1890 1904 p HATHAWAY Ilarlie W. HATTON Frederick H. W. HATTORI Bunshiro HAUGHTON Thomas A. 1805 HAUSSLING 1897 bs Francis R. HAUXHURST 1902 bs Henry A. 1894 1903 1892 1857 1870 1883 187s HAVENS Charles S. Edgar H. Henry C. Martin HAWES Edward P. Elmer E. HAWKES James W. HAWKINS 1874 h B. Waterhouse 1 90 1 bs Gaylord R. 1861 Josias 1857 Theophilus Y. HAWLEY 1902 Philip E. 1834 Samuel S. HAWTHORNE 1881 p William C. IIAXALL 1883 John T. HAY 1879 1864 h 1819 1900 h 1818 1S03 1906 George A. Henry P. James John Philip C. William William W. HAYDEN 1905 Horace E., Jr, HAYES 189s 1894 1840 ii'85 1895 ce 1906 bs Alfred, Jr. Andrew W. James James E. James E., Jr. Matthew C. 1795 Samuel I90I HATFIELD Charles T. Rudolph "H. HAYNES 1904 bs Clifford L. 1 88 1 David A. 1895 Sclden L. HAYS 1886 1893 p Charles E. Wilber La F. HAYT 1863 Samuel A., Jr. HAVWARD 1857 Charles R. HAZARD 1762 1764 1877 1906 bs Ebenezcr Nathaniel Samuel, is Waller Willson HAZELHURST 1904 Andrew, Jr. HAZLEHURST 1869 1867 Charles Henry HAZLETT 1S72 Dilwynn McF. HEADLEY 1901 Elroy HEALD 1900 ce iSgSce Bradley Edward C. HEALEY 1877 William T. HEARD 1904 John J. HEARN 1S96 bs William P. HEATH 1894 ce Howard HEBB 18SS John L. HEBERTON 1850 1 842 Edward P. George C. IIEDENBERG 1891 ce William L. HEDGES 1888 1880 1884 1850 1857 h 1898 Benjamin Van D. Charles E. Ellis W. Job E. Joseph Nathan William E. HEFFELFINGER 1900 bs ; Louis HEFLIN 1898 Paul II EG EM AN 1876 bs ; John A. Uunkle F. 490 INDEX [HEI-HIC 1880 1821 HEIXEKEN William L. HEISKELL Robert F. A. HENDRIX 1901 Nathan S. HENLEY 1902 John C, Jr. HEISLER 1905 William H., Jr. HELLIWELL 1886 Charles HELM 1862 Duplessis M. 1842 h Tames I. 1879 Lynn 1901 p N. Wilbur 1 86 1 Thomas 1852 Thomas B. i860 William H. HELME 1 81 3 Joseph W. 1S45 h Samuel P. KELMUTH 1787 h Justus C. H. HEMPHILL 1882 Paul HEMPSTEAD 1849 Charles W. HENCH 1898 Ralph W. 1 86 1 Thomas H. HENCKEN 1896 William F. HENDEL 1787 h William 1845 1862 1837 1849 1880 bs 1893 1812 1848 j85S 1776 1802 1879 1761 1853 1870 1876 1849 1867 1902 B. HENDERSON Charles A. Daniel Fenton ^L Francis M. George M. Horace L. John 1ohn John M. loseph W. kichard H. Robert R. Thomas Thomas F. William J. William J. William H. William R. HENDRICKS Blythe Q. 1874 1840 1870 1876 1870 1905 bs 1809 1S88 ce 1891 h 1904 1748 1851 \&^7 1853 1878 1815 1769 1813 1785 1893 1858 h 1809 1904 1821 1751 1776 1815 1879 HENNEY William F. HENRY Alexander Alexander, Jr. Bayard Benjamin C. Charles P. Charles W. Francis M. Frederick P. Howard H. Hugh Hugh W. James A. James B. James G. James \'. John John S. Tohn V. Joseph, 22, 30 Joseph A. Joseph J. J^ouis JJ. Percy H. Peter S. Robert Robert R. Symnies C. Thomas C, 23 Thomas M. William A. HENDRICKSON 1863 Charles E. 1895 C'harles E., Jr. 1900 George D. HENSOX 1904 Horace HEPBURN 1846 h Hopewell 1832 James C. 1803 Samuel 1839 Slater C. HERBERT 1808 Tliomas F. HERDLER Alexander W HERIOT 1792 Roliert HERITAGE 1896 cc Christian S. HERMAN 1874 John A. HERMANN 1903 bs Richard E. HERNDON igo2 bs Hugh HEROV 1867 Robert R. 63 HERR 1875 Charles 1903 Dougal 1905 Odin A. HERRICK i£88 E. Hicks 1895 Gerardus P. 189S bs Walter K. 1 89 1 William 1'. HERRING 1795 Elbert HERRON 1902 David C. HERSH 1890 George E., Jr. 1884 Grier HERVEY 1 886 Walter L. HESS 1878 Isaac H. HESSI.XGER 1 81 6 David i>. HETRICK lito Andrew J. HEVERIN 1887 Harry C. 1S64 James H. HEWITT 1854 Benjamin L. i583 bs Charles 1903 Charles C. 1888 ce Conrad 1889 Edward R. 1 89 1 Erskine 1873 Homer H. 1865 John D. HEYDRICK 1884 Carl I. HEYER 1 85 1 John E. C. HEYWARD 1 813 Joseph M. 1808 Nathaniel 1808 William H., Jr. HIBBARD 1896 p David S. HIBBEN 1882 John G. 1903 Paxton P. hick:ey 1856 Charles A. HICKMAN 1806 James 1852 Lewis McL. HIC-HOL] INDEX 491 HICKOK 1903 Isaac 1861 h 1904 p Milo J. Ralph K. 1880 1851 Samuel M. William P. 1884 ce 1S83 HICKS Frank S. Victor L. 1800 h 1812 HILLYER Asa Asa 1883 HIESTAND John A. 1900 1903 HILTEBEITEL Ad.-m M. Morris M. 1849 1826 HIESTER Francis M. Frederick A. M. 1874 HINCKLEY Harry M. 1794 1825 John S. Joseph M. 1906 HINDS Roger i860 1S24 HIGBEE Charles Joseph M. 1901 HINER Frank P. HIGBIE HIXSD-ALE 1906 bs Harrison S. 1852 1856 Horace G. Robert G. 1903 HIGGINBOTTOM Sam HIGGINS 1802 h HINTON Charles H., 63 James 1846 1871 1903 ce Archibald A. Cecil C. Charles H. 1900 HIPPLE Henry 1903 1845 James B. William M. HIGGINSON 1852 1905 HIRSCH Samuel Walter A. 1787 Nathaniel HIRSHFIELD HIGH 189s Benjamin L. 1894 Alfred H. HIRST HILDRETH 1890 Jesse W. 1906 William W. HIRT HILL 1904 William E. 1768 h 1836 1885 h 1899 ce 1902 1906 1896 h 1900 bs 1904 bs 1844 1890 1897 1884 Alexander S. Clement Franklin C. Franklin M. Frederick Frederick S. George W. Joseph H. Miner C. Samuel P. Walter B. Walton C. \\'illiam C. 1878 1897 1906 1906 111 HITCHCOCK Samuel M. HITZROT James M. HOAG Raymond C. HOAGLAND ; Amos N. HILLARD HOAR if86 Harry 1867 William J. HILLEBRAND HOATS 1900 Arthur R. T. 1877 Morris HILLEGASS HOBART 1890 Jacob B. 1793 John H. HILLHOUSE HOBBIE 1881 James S. 1906 Lawrence St. J. HILLIARD HOBBS 190S Edward H. 1884 Angier B. HODGE 1772 Andrew 2841 Archibald A. 1848 Caspar W. 1892 Caspar W. Jr. 1815 Charles 1852 Charles, Jr. 1890 Charles 1893 Cortlandt Van R 1892 h Edward B. 1896 Edward B., Jr. 1859 F'rancisj B. 1773 Hugh 1774 Hugh J814 Hugh L. 1871 h Hugh L. 1886 Hugh L. 1874 h John A. 1883 John A., Jr. 1853 John L. 1886 Richard M. 1888 Samuel C. 1888 William L. HODGEDON 1792 Benjamin HODGMAN 190S ce Burt B. HODGSON 1856 Joseph, Jr. 1859 Telfair 1824 h William B. 1820 William L. HODSON 1857 Thomas S. HOE 1905 Peter S., Jr. HOEN 1906 Frank J. HOES 1902 John P. Roswell R. 1871 HOFF 1904 Robert B. HOFFMAN 1819 Francis S. 1896 Frederick E. 1870 h John T. HOFFORD 1849 Martin L. HOGE 1 894 bs Charles C. 1868 Eugene 1868 James 1749 John 1810 h Moses HOGG 1896 p William C. 1844 Thomas D. 1901 p William C. HOLCOMBE 1805 George 1818 Henry 492 INDEX [HOL-HOV>/ HOLDEN 1859 Edgar 1895 Edgar, Jr. 1906 Edward P., jr. 1863 Henri S. 1905 John HOLDICH 1828 h Joseph HOLLAND 1867 John M. 1905 iMoorhead B. HOLLANDS Edmund H., 72 HOLLENBACH 1903 Walter F. HOLLIDAY 1829 Richard C. 1905 ce Robert L. 1862 William A. 1793 h 1849 1897 1854 HOLLINSHEAD Peter, 81 William HOLLINGSWORTH Robert HOLLISTER Dwight E. William HOLLOWAY 1865 h Henry H. HOLLYDAY 1791 I83I 1838 Henry Thomas R. William M. HOLMES 1894 1858 1849 1863 1783 I8II 1897 Alfred E. Enoch T. George D. John C. Obadiah Samuel L. William S. HOLSTEIN 1822 Samuel HOLT 1894 ce :856 1903 bs Charles L. Leroy Sidney T. HOLTEN I. F., 32 HOLZHAUER 1903 Charles W. HOMANS IQOI Howard P. HOMER 1901 ce Charles Le B. HONE 1812 Isaac S. 1891 John, in. HONEYMAN 1879 Melvin 1861 William E. HOOD 1868 Edward C. 1866 George A. 1901 ce John M., Jr. HOOKER 1830 h Herman HOOPER 1870 George H. i860 Montgomery R. iSi8h William HOOPES 190.; bs Edwin L. 189; HOOS Edward H. HOOVER 1833 h Charles H. HOPE 1869 George B 1901 Matthew B., 31, 22 Walter E. 1892 bs Sheppard, Jr HOPKINS 1798 Benjamin B. 1870 h Edward R. 1 888 Edwin M. 1906 lit George A. 1903 Herbert W. 1840 Horace 1784 James 181 1 llolin 1809 John R. HOPKINSON 1763 h Francis 1818 h Joseph HOPPER 1897 Augustine RL 1894 Charles G. 1900 Franklin F. HOPPING 1821 Ephraim S. HORN 1904 bs Henry S. 1904 p James F. 1901 p William M. IIORNBLOWER 1904 George S. 1823 h Josejih C. 1904 [a'wis W. 1S71 William P.. 1S38 Willi. im II. HORNE 1890 bs Bernard S. HORNER 1 90s Charles 1825 h William E, MORTON 1770 Azariah, Jr. 1903 bs Daniel S. 1754 Ezra 1880 Walter S. HOSACK 1789 David 1792 William HOSFORD 1892 James F. HOSKINS 1883 Frank E. 1 89 1 John P. HOTCHKISS 1772 h John 1889 bs Thomas W., Jr. HOUGH 1878 William A. HOUSE 1902 Tames H. B. IS54 W illiam HOUSER 1902 Bond HOUSTON 1760 1S93 h 1893 ce Alexander Edwin T. Gavin N. 1823 1753 1.S4T 1844 1768 George John John N. Robert G. ^Villiam C. HOUSTOUN 1793 Patrick HOVEY 1906 Foster A. HOW 1794 Thomas Y. HOWARD 1809 Benjamin C. 181 2 Brice W. 1806 John E. 1858 iMcHenrv 1839 William B. H. ^\'illiam G., 63 HOWE 1899 Charles H. 1906 ce Frank R. 1897 George 1878 ce George A. 1895 Samuel 1846 William 1902 William P. HOW-HUS] INDEX 493 HOWELL 1896 Alfred M. 1903 Archibald A. 1891 Charles F. 1884 Charles J., Jr. 1858 Charles S. 1903 Corwin 1766 David 1837 De Witt C. 1813 Edward Y. 1865 Francis K. 1883 George C. 1858 h Horace S. 1889 p Tames W. 1866 John B. 1833 John G. I8I8 Josiah C. 1869 Lambert L. 1850 Lemuel C. 1788 Nathaniel W. Richard, 9 Samuel L., 30 1840 Samuel N. 1834 Thomas C. igoi Walter M. i8S^ \\'illiam C. 1868 William F. HOWERTON 1903 P George ^L HOWIE 1906 Brison 1892 Robert P. HOWLAND 1894 ce Fred B. HOY 1858 James, Jr. HOYT 1868 Abraham G. 1S46 Charles H. iSi8 Hinman B. 1905 bs Randal E. 1906 William S. HUBBARD IS36 IS8I Jonathan B. Joseph D. HUBBELL 1873 1828 John J. Samuel HUBBS 1840 Isaac G. HUBRECHT 1896 h Ambrosius W. HUDE James, 14 HUDNUT i88r 1886 Alexander M. William H. 1906 p Waller C. 1893 William M. 189s p Wilton T. HUEY 1901 bs Malcolm S. 1863 Samuel B. 1899 Samuel C. IIUGER 1850 Benjamin J. 1798 Daniel E. HUGG 1786 William K. HUGHES 1893 Charles S. 180s Christopher 1882 Edward S. 1877 Frank W. 1900 Frederick E. 1867 Jacob \an R. iS^o James P. 1885 James R. 1898 ce James R. 1904 bs Mervin G. 1887 P Richard C. 1787 Robert 1889 Stanley C. 1797 Thomas E. 1871 Thomas L. HUGHLETT 1848 Thomas IIUIZINGA 1905 P Arnold Van C. HULBERT P. 1900 ce Edward P. 1762 John HULETT 1892 George A. HULL 1903 Arthur S. 1756 Da\id 1874 Jacob De W, 1905 Robert A. 1900 Rolland T. HUME 1790 h David 1877 James C. HUDSOX 1901 bs Claude S. 1904 Hush H. 1895 Thomas H. 1893 p Waddy H. 1896 1894 1783 h 1868 1859 i860 HUMES Augustine L. HUMPHREY Charles L. Theodore F. HUMPHREYS David Huston Thomas Willard C, 38, 39, 62 HUMPHRIES Samuel J. HUN John G., 69 1900 1866 1818 1895 1875 1849 1787 h 1794 1818 1819 1759 1783 1902 1793 1800 1839 1786 1793 1824 1887 1810 1863 1849 h 1855 1858 1786 1760 h 1772 1 802 h 1837 1818 1904 1772 h 1889 1896 p 1824 190S 1809 1894 h 1864 1884 1901 1816 1900 1850 1759 iSish 1780 h 1 895 1896 h HUNSBERGER Byron K. HUNT Alon/.o C. David B. David P. Edward M. Ellsworth £. Ezra M. George Holloway W. HoUoway \,'. Holloway W., Jr. James James Tames B. Nathaniel Philemon R. Pearson Ralph P. Robert Robert A. Robert J. Samuel F. Theodore W. Thomas E. William B. William B. William P. HUNTER Andrew Andrew, Jr. Andrew S. Charles H. Elias D. Graham C. Henry James Joseph Lewis B. Lum Moses T. Pleasant, Jr. Richard S. Robert Robert A. William P. HUNTINGTON Baldwin G. Henry S. John Leverett I. F. Samuel Theodore S. William R. HURD 1893 ce Hurd C. HURIN Silas E. 1882 1903 HURLBUT Floyd HURST 1850 Tames A. 1896 h Tohn F. 1897 t'aul IIUSS 1896 h Hermann C. 494 INDEX [HUS-JAC HUSSEY 1892 ce Curtis G. 1902 bs Frederick B. 1898 ce John U. HUSTON 1843 h Clark 1889 Frank C. 1874 Henry 1902 Henry W. 1892 Joseph M. 1895 Paul G. 1892 Samuel C. 1886 p William R. HUTCHINGS 1901 De Witt \ . 1858 Robert C. HUTCHINS 1846 h John M. Thomas 1789 HUTCHINSON 1794 h Aaron 1 794 li Aaron, Jr. 1832 Aaron A. i8s8 Edwin R. 1888 George W. 1899 bs Isaac H. 1897 ce John H. i868 John P. Randall 1884 1S75 Syrames B. 1794 Titus HUTCHISON 1869 William HUTSON Fred Le R., 44. 7© 1765 Richard 1804 Thomas HUTTON 1897 h Lawrence 1902 Sylvan 1849 HYATT Theodore HYDE 1864 h Henry B. 1903 h James H. 1905 lit Tames L. 1808 lohn H. Walter W., 73 HYNDMAN 1891 p Matthew J. HYNDSHAW 1820 James B. HYNSON 1852 Joseph H. HYSLOP 1769 h William lAMS 1901 Samuel H. IBUKA 1887 h Kajinosuke IHRIE 1861 William M. ILL 1906 bs Edgar A. IMBRIE 1895 Andrew C. 1870 Charles F. 1835 Charles K. 1903 Cliarles K. 1900 Harold 1901 James 1901 Malcolm 1865 William IMLAY 1786 Tames H. 1773 U'illiam E. INCH 1895 Robert A. IXGERSOLL 1821 h Tared 1804 Joseph R. INGHAM 1897 ce Thomas H. j88i William 1849 William A. INGLIS 181 1 h James 1891 p Robert S. 1854 William C. INGRAM 1880 George H. INMAN 1886 h Samuel M. INSLEE 1894 ce Harrison W. 1893 ce Heber C. IREDELL 1806 James IRELAND 1903 John IRONS 1889 Harry C. IRVIN 1869 Tohn P. 1890 Richard, Jr. 1870 Samuel 1892 Thomas S. IRVINE 1895 Vernon K. IRVING 1863 h David 1878 David O. 1846 Levin T. H. 1789 Thomas P. IRWIN 1906 lit John R. 1770 Nathaniel 1905 Watson 1873 h William 1836 William T. ISAACS 1836 Russel N. ISETT 1903 p William C. ISHAM 1879 William B., Jr. ISZARD 1887 Solomon S. IVERSON 1820 Alfred IVES 1902 Warren L. IVINS 1902 1893 George G. John W. JACK 1887 p Albert E. 1906 Bs Harry M. 1894 Robert B. 1894 Robert P. 1895 p \\'illiain McD. 1904 p William McD. JACKMAN 1882 Edgar R. JACKSON 1884 Albert M. Alex C. Charles H. Duncan C. Ernest H. Franklin W . Frederick W. Frederick W., Jr. C;eovs;e W. Henry A. Henry E. Henry E. lluntini^toii W_. Huntington W.. ^d James K. Tames il. John B. 1688 William M. 1896 1890 1874 1880 1875 1904 1887 ce 1798, 1899 bs 1895 p 1896 p 1863 1902 bs 1906 184s 1896 h 184s 1823 1856 1838 :849 1797 1824 John J. John P. John P.. Jr. John S. Jonathan E. Oliver W. Philio N. Robert H. Stephen J. JAC-JOH] 1771 h 1856 1885 William William A. William r. JACOBS 1874 1817 1886 1899 p George George W. Ottis L. Thornwell JACOBUS J834 1877 1868 1864 JNIelancthon W. iSIelancthon W. Peter Samuel H. JAEGER 1832 h Benedict JAGGER 1904 1886 Albert Charles A. JAMES 1895 1898 1781 1830 h 1902 p 1826 1816 1896 h 1787 Darwin R., Jr. Edward R. Francis John A. Joseph E. Thomas D. William William William D. JAMESON 1788 h James James W. 1901 JAMIESON 1791 h John JAMISON 1897 bs 1838 1895 P 1891 1753 1897 bs 1887 1896 Albert W. Andrew S. Archibald B. Charles M. David Herbert B. John M. William H. JANEWAY 1901 1890 1857 Frank L., 2d Hugh H. Jacob J., 19, 21 J.'shua B. H. 1904 1850 h 1903 Lucius P. Thomas L. William R. JANSEN 1803 Egbert JANVIER 1880 189^ 1840 i8s9 Cs-sar A. R. I'rancis de H. John Julian D. 1812 1835 Levi Levi JANVRIN 190S Edmond R. P. JAR VIS 1900 bs Frank W. LWhX 495 JAUDON I8I3 I8I6 Samuel William L. JAUNCEY 1763 .761 James, Jr. William JAY 1810 h William JAYNE 1897 John G. JEANS James H., 43 JEFFERSON 1791 h Thomas JEFFERY 1894 Oscar W. JELKE 1884 Ferdinand JEMISON 1853 1838 Lewis William H. JENKINS 1821 181S 1876 1894 1894 1799 • 835 David Frederick W. James C. I'aul B. Thomas A. William William 0. JENNEY 1894 1889 Alexander D, William S. JENNINGS 1890 bs Albert G. 1855 Needier R. 183 1 h Obadiah 1882 p William B. JEXNISON 1883 George B. 1852 Joseph F. JENVEY 1904 bs Arthur C. JEROME 1835 Aaron B. 1836 Allen M. JESS 1903 ce John A. JESSUP 1891 David S. D. i8q7 Frederick N. 1887 bs George P. 1886 Harry W. 1865 h Henry H. 1865 John S. 189s bs Joseph 1854 Samuel 1891 h Samuel 1897 Willard P. 1886 William 1902 h 1872 1869 1804 1880 1851 1847 1815 1852 1856 1850 1810 1847 1802 1896 1872 1877 1864 1 90 1 1849 1825 1896 1838 1818 1902 189s 1899 181S 1898 1844 i8i;i 1880 1898 i860 1837 :84i 1858 h 1878 1799 1903 bs 1855 i8s9h 1885 1835 1879 1904 p 1834 1902 1876 1840 h 1876 1790 1876 1887 1868 1902 bs 1849 :qo6 ce 1897 1820 h 1879 h J 790 J902 p 1875 P. JESUP Morris K. JEWELL Leonard W. JOBS Thomas A. JOHNES John B. Timothy, 15 JOHNS George S. Henry \'an James M. John John John H. John H., Jr. Kensey, Jr. Montgomery JOHNSON Alexander Archibald T. Arthur Baker Benjamin Bert D. Bradley T. Charles W. Charles W. L., Clarence M. Daniel Daniel B. Edgar H. Edward F. Elmer E. S. Enos W. Frederic L. George George George P. George \\'. Harrison T. Henry Henry P. Henry P. Henry S. Tames C. James V. John John John E., Jr. John M. Totham C. Leonard Z. Littleton J. Louis E. Morris N. Ovid F. Richard W. Robert G. Robertson W. Roger B. C. Russell H. Samuel A. Samuel W. Sylvester, Jr. W'alter L. William William William, Jr. William B. William C. D., Jr. 68 496 1 843 1S72 1905 1888 1840 1867 1893 1865 i860 1784 17S6 1877 bs 1865 1879 1896 1904 p 1844 1870 175S 1782 I So I 18S6 181S h 1877 1872 1894 1870 1871 1775 1870 1827 1824 1896 ce 1804 1891 1787 1852 1900 1888 1824 1766 1876 1848 1901 p 1900 1798 1839 1767 1847 1838 1905 1900 1885 1890 h 18^0 l8S2 1806 h 1848 h 1862 i860 1846 1831 1880 h 1873 1853 1900 1894 laoi bs William D. Wilii.ini DeC. William F., Jr. William H. William J. William M. William T. William Y. Woolsey JOHXSTON Abel Alexander, 36 Andrew, 14, 26 Edward Edwin R. G. Upshur George W. Gordon Henry A. Hugh B. James M. John John John Robert C. Samuel Samuel B. Tobias W. William J. R. JOLINE Adrian H. Charles Van D. John Tolin F. John \'an D. William TONES Adam Le R., 43 Alfred B. Arnold E. Benjamin F., Jr. Cantwell Charles C, Jr. Charles H. Charles L. Clement F. Daniel David B. De Lacy Kbenezer E. Edmond E. Edward H. Edward P. Elias Eusebius L, George C. Harry S. Harvey L. Henry K. Hugh J. Armstrong James T. Jasi)er Tocl Tohn John C. John H. 'John P. iohn S. tohn W. Joseph Joseph A. Joseph W. L. I.S'fon 1899 bs 1804 1833 1902 ce 1897 ce 1 90 1 ce 1891 1816 1906 1861 1831 h 1 88 1 h 1851 h 1872 1901 1831 h 1799 1900 p 1876 1821 1840 1846 h 1883 bs 1887 bs 1899 P 1867 1771 h 1887 INDEX Livingston E. Noble V»'. Paul T. Paul F. Phillii)s Phineas Pringle C. Robert A. Robert H., Jr. S. P. Hiester Samuel Samuel I!., Jr. Samuel B. Samuel 11. Samuel T. D. Seaborn Thomas Thomas C. Thomas D. Thomas L. Thomas L. Thomas P. W. Goodrich William L. JOPLING Robert W. JORDAN Leiand JOY ]Michael JOYCE Charles P. R JUDD 1901 Clark S. 1839 Frederick F. JUDGE 1837 Milliard M. JUDSON 1896 bs Percy O. JUISTEMA 1892 p Herman S. JULIER 1904 ce Henry V. JUSTIS 1904 John A. KAFER 1900 ce Frederick W. 1902 Lester S. KAHLER 1906 Henry C. 1904 Hugh MacN. KALLINA 1906 Emanuel J. KAMPMANN 1905 Isaac S. KANE 1878 ce Elisha K. [JOH-KEE 1886 Francis F. 190s George, Jr. KANOUSE 1836 John A. karg£ Joseph, 33, 58 K-VRNER 1883 George N. karow 190S ce Edward, Jr. kase 1872 1 868 Charles W. Thomas B. KATZENBACH 1900 1S67 1889 1901 1904 1867 Edward L. F'rank S. Frank S., Jr. Louis E. Welling S. William IL KAUFFMAN 1889 ^'ictor KAUFFMANN 190S Rudolph M. KAUFMAN 1833 1877 1876 David S. Harrv B. William T. KAYE 1874 John W. KAYS 1903 Henry T. 1904 ce William T. A. KEAX 1834 1807 John Peter P. J. KEARNEY 1850 U ) Joseph E. KEARNS 1886 ^^'illiam D. KEASBEY 1869 Edward Q. KEATING 1848 Thomas J. KEEN 1865 Oscar KEENAN 1880 John B. KEENE 1866 1795 George F. Richard R. KEE-KIM] KEENER 1897 John H. KEENEY 1903 Cadwell B. KEERL 1841 Thomas AI. KEHR 1901 George W. KEIGWIN 1891 Albert E. J 894 Ernest F. KEIM 1840 Isaac H. KEIRN 1848 Vindex 1848 Walter L. KEITH 1775 Isaac S. 1904 John S. 1772 Robert 1902 bs Stanley KELLER 1883 John L. KELLERMAN 1895 ce Charles R. KELLEY 1899 ce Murray F. KELLOGG 1859 Alfred H. 1840 Augustus C. 1893 Augustus C. 1861 Charles D. George D., 44 1833 Edward N. 1906 ce Edward W. 1902 Edwin H. 1895 e Frank L. 1893 Frederic S. 1900 John P. 1899 Oliver D. 1861 Samuel H. 1766 Solomon 1893 William D. KELLY 1870 Abner B. 1898 bs Addison W. 1886 Alford 1890 Alfred T. 1867 Edward P. 1887 George A., Jr. 1897 George H. 1901 Gilbert W. 1839 James K. 1900 John B. 1870 Joseph T. 1865 Samuel P. 1887 bs 1 Samuel R. 1891 Wistar M. KELSEY i8S4 Charles 1760 Enos IXDEX 497 1905 KELSO William G., Jr. KELVIN 1896 h I St Baron, see liam Thomson. KEMBLE 1835 Aaron A. KEMPER 1878 1-rank H. KEMPSHALL 1885 1870 h Eaton McL. Everard KENDALL 1899 Edwin L. KEN LEY 1894 ce Franklin C. KENLY 1904 Perry H. KENNEDY 1897 1905 P 1904 Arthur M. Charles W. David D. 1850 1906 bs 1898 ce 1898 ce Eugene A. Francis W., 65 Frank Frank W. Hutton, Jr. 1859 1894 1895 1884 ce 1891 1895 1754 1749 1874 h 1S18 1S99 1894 1904 James B. John M., Jr. Lucius C. Moorhead C. Phineas B. Richard L. Samuel 'I'homas Thomas Thomas C. Thomas G. \V in field S., Jr. William G. KENNER i8S4 Philip M. KENT 1897 bs 1826 1902 1849 Edward G. Joseph Herbert D. Robert C. KENYON 1859 Fergus L. 1894 bs James H. KERR Wil- KER 1758 Jacob 1848 h Jacob W. E. 1879 1797 1906 bs Alexander J. Alexander S. Benjamin W. 1901 1882 h 1904 P 1896 1878 1879 1890 1871 1904 Clarence D. David Howard I. John C. John H. John T. Joseph R., Jr. Oliver A. William C. KERSHAW 1S64 William KERSHNER 1900 p Frederick D. KERSHOW 1897 bs Carlton M. KERSWILL 1893 P William D. KESSLER 1905 ce Harry C, Jr. KETCHAM 1859 1857 George W. Kneeland P. KETELTAS 1755 h Abraham KEY 1847 Charles H. KEYES 1795 1905 bs Eleazer W. Rollin W. KIBBEE 1857 Charles C. KIDD i8i8h James KIESLING, see ling. Kis- KILBY 1902 Ralph L. KILLMER 1896 Alfred G. KILPATRICK 1896 ce : John D. I76I 178 1870 h Cathan Oliver L. KERN John KILWORTH 1902 p William W. KIMBALL 1 88 1 Arthur L. 1905 bs Dorr E. 1884 Paul T. 1877 Reuel B. 1905 ce Walter D. 1890 Winfield S. 498 INDEX [KIM-KUN KIMBERLY KIRKPATRICK KNOWLES i860 Henry D. 1775 Andrew 1872 h Andrew 1881 Edward R. KIxMMELL 1815 Hugh KNOX i857 Ii 1 Manning M. 1 804 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1848 h James E, 1815 h John B. 1839 John E. 1904 bs John P. 181 5 Littleton 1813 Walter 1757 William 1758 William 1874 h 1 Charles E. KING 188s 1903 Charles R. Edward P. 185s Albert B. 1888 Frederick J. 1905 bs Alfred F. 1876 Cieorge J/73 Andiew 1^88 h George W. 1 86b h Andrew I7S4 Hugh 1849 h Charles 1888 bs Frank J. 1S60 1905 V James S. Robert .844 Frederick La R. 1900 Roger 1900 bs l-rederick P. KIRK WOOD 1862 William W. 1895 P 1807 llarry IJ. James 1902 p Joseph E. KOCH 1892 i860 ames P. , ames B. KIRTL.VND 1905 Scott L. J855 . ames S. 1893 bs Kenneth C. KOEHLER 1832 h 1849 1893 1786 Jonas Oliver R. Philip Richard H. Kl SLING 1894 Tames W. 1905 lit Edward J. 189s Harvey W. 1899 Norman E. 1898 bs Robert P.. 1904 Rockwell 1888 Samuel T. KITCHELL 1829 Aaron, Jr. 1861 KOLLOCK Edward C. 1881 1862 Thomas I). William H. KITTERA 1794 1812 Henry Shephard K. 1889 William H., Jr. 1776 John W. KOONTZ KINGSBURY KLAER i860 Isaac 1899 Robert B. 1898 p Harvey 1901 p Thomas G. KINGSLEY KLEIN KOREN 1885 h John S. 1896 h Felix William, 46, 68 KINKEAD KLEINHANS KOUWENHO\EN 1870 George B., Jr. 1900 ce Lewis C. 1892 John H. 1899 George B., 3d KLINE KRATZ KINNE 1870 John J. Jr. 1898 p Marcius ^V. 1901 James S. 1902 bs Ralph C. J 899 Maxwell H. KINNEY KLOTZ KREBS 1894 Samuel W. 1893 ce George 1824 Henry H. 1841 Thomas T. 1820 William G. 1836 h William B. KNAPP 1821 William G. KINSEY 1898 bs Lewis 18S5 Sanford N. KRECHTING 1902 bs Albert L. 1854 Sanford R. 1902 Wilhelm E. H. 1790 h James John, 14 1S97 ce William W. KRECKER KNAUFFT 1904 Frederick H. KIP Ernest, 60 1892 Preston S. 1897 1894 Francis M., Jr. Herbert Z. KNEEDLER KRETSINGER 1878 Henry M. 1878 George W. KIRBY i8si William KNEELAND KREWSOX KIRK Edward N. 1889 Furman L. 1866 Jacob B. 1820 KNICKERBOCKER KRUSE 1881 John L. 1 89 1 ce Curtis E. 1878 William T. 1888 Uobert H. KN'IGHT KUGLER KIRKLAND 1896 Tames C. 1857 John B. 1802 h 1765 John T. Samuel 1904 p Lucian L. 1900 Norvcll B. KUMLER 1896 Robert R. 1895 bs Richard C. KIRKMAN K\U;iITON KUNKEL 1896 Leroy G. 1837 Frederick 1863 George J. KUN-LAW] INDEX 499 KUXSTADTER 1895 p Ralph H. KUTZEliORN 1896 bs Edwin E. KUYPER 1898 h Abram KUYPERS 1791 h Gerardus A. KYLE 1870 Hugh G. 1852 John B. 1850 Samuel L. 183- 1896 h 1904 h 1790 h 189s bs 1905 bs 1904 1770 h 1850 h 1906 bs 1871 1872 1840 1869 1886 1844 1846 1905 P 1885 1902 bs x86o LABAR John S. LADD George T. LA FARGE John LA FAYETTE M. J. P. J. R. Y. G. Du M. Marquis de LA FETRA Edwin S. LA FORGE Frederick B. LAIDLAW Robert R. LAIDLIE Archibald LAING Benjamin LAIRD Douglas John P. LALOR Frank H. Jeremiah De K. William S. LAMAR Henry C. John A. LAMB David W. Joseph, IS LAMBERTON Clark D. Henry M. LAMBIE Charles A. LAMDIN William M. LA MONTE I^\XTZ 1853 Abrara H. 1003 Philip H. LAMPE LARABIE 1896 William E. LAND 1901 bs Robert D. 1804 Charles LARCOMBE LANDIS 1882 George G. if83 1S83 Evan M. Henry M. LARGE 1902 ce Edwin K. LANDON 1899 bs George K. 1881 bs Francis G. LANDSBOROUGH LARKIN 1903 P John R. 1887 1879 Adrian H. Francis, Jr. LANE 1882 John 1902 Charles F. 1872 Charles S. LA RUE 1901 Charles S., Jr. 1821 David 0. 1897 Francis A. John, 80 1861 Silas H. 1872 John C. LARWELL igoo 1776 John McG. Joseph F. 1900 Paul H. I £6 1 18-2 William B. William P. LASSITER 1895 William R. 1871 Benjamin S. 1879 Richard T. LANG 1837 Edmund LATHAM 1881 Louis J. 1904 ce CharleSj^ Jr. John F. 1811 William W. 1849 LANGDON LATHROP 1902 bs Philip C. 1873 Charles C. 1884 William M. 1763 John LANGENBERG LATHROPE 1899 Carl n. 1900 George H. 1900 Harry H. 1900 Harry R. 1900 Roy T. B. LATIMER LAXGLEY 1823 James 1896 h Samuel P. 1 86 1 Thomas P. LANGLOTZ Carl, 58 LANGSTAFF 1849 George LANIER 1880 James F. D. LANING 1832 h Enoch 1898 bs Levin D. LANNING 1875 George M. 1S60 John E. 1901 h William M. LANSDEN 1 89 1 David S. LANSING 1903 Evert O. 1865 h Julian LATTA 1502 ce Edward D., Jr. 1832 h James F. 1831 William W. LAUGHLIN 1877 David 1894 Edward R. 1900 Henry H. 1868 James, Jr. 1877 John H. 1892 Thomas C. LAW 1797 h Samuel A. i8qo h Samuel A. 1852 Sidney G. LAWRENCE 1871 Ananias 1893 Edward A. 1812 Edward E. 1841 Eugene 1764 John 1886 bs John J.; Jr. Nathaniel 1783 1885 Reuben S. 500 INDEX [LAW-LEW 1873, 1823 h 1811 1904 h 1878 1904 bs 1795 h 1903 1896 h 1843 1903 1891 1890 bs Robert L. Samuel William William William W. LAWSON James M. James S., Jr. John LAWTON Carl S. LAYTON Louis W. LAZARUS George F. LEA Henry C. John B. LEACH Henry G. 1901 ce 1776 1814 1905 17O4 IJ74 183s 1871 1857 h 1853 1834 1906 ce 1896 bs 11590 1877 1884 iyu5 1896 h 1797 1874 John C. Paul F. LEAKE Austin, Jr. John Lemuel F. Robert H. Samuel Samuel LEAKIN George A. LEAL John L. LEAMAN Charles John LEAMING Jeremiah E. Joseph F. Richard S. LEAS Frederick C. Le Roy P. LEAVENWORTH Frederick A. LEAVITT Edward S. Horace H., Jr. LE BOUTILLIER Philip LE CONTE Joseph Peter LEDWITH William L. LEDYARD 1864 Edward D. LEE 1848 1880 1775 1901 bs 1792 1817 185s h 1837 1889 1-73 Augustus H. Blair Charles Clarence R. Edmund J. Edmund J., Jr Francis Geor.i^e H. Graham Henry, Jr. '853 1898 1853 1849 1825 Henry !•'. Ivy L. James, Jr. James K. John II. 1904 1900 John L. Gtho S., Jr. 1906 p 1874 1879 1891 p 1812 Theron Thomas G. William B. William P. William S. LEEDS 1878 h 1895 bs Albert R. Charles II. LEEPER 1879 1885 James L. "Samuel H., Jr. LEETCH 1902 p Robert G. LEFFERTY 1 76 1 John LEFTWICH 1856 1903 Tames T. \ ivian C. LEGGATE 1895 Thomas LEGGETT 1841 186s Samuel M. Theodore A. LEIB 1878 David M. LEIBENDERFER 1902 Ralph J. LEIGH 1903 bs Edwin F. 1897 ce Harry W. LEIPOLD 1807 ce Robert T. 184s 1804 187s LELAND Charles G. LEMMON George P. LEMOTNE Ashton 184; Edwin S. 1849 Paul E. 1840 William H. LENOX 1821 h James Rob«rt, 19 LENSSEN 1898 Nicholas F. LEON i83ih Joseph M. LEONARD 1777 h Abiel 1838 Abraham F. 1S97 Arthur W. 1898 Burt H. Thomas, 14 William W. 1896 LEPS 1849 James H. LE ROY 1783 Jacob LESLIE 1906 Eugene II. 1759 James LESTER 1893 Felix H. LETCHER 1906 p Ciibriey O. LETTS 1906 lit Fred C. LEUTE 1884 Emil LEVIS 1853 Franklin B. LEVISON 1844 Francis M. LEVY 1900 Charles LEWIS 1853 Alfred E. 1884 Alvin F. 1890 David C. 1845 Edward 1891 Edwin .v. S. Edwin S., 39, iSqs l'"rederick W. .874 <;eor'jrc S. 1899 Henry B. 1870 h lames 1890 Joseph W. 1766 Josiah Lucius A. 1S83 1802 Micajah G. 1773 Morgan 1900 p Robert L. 1894 Robert W. 1807 Samuel C. 1866 Samuel T. LEW -LOC] INDEX 1791 Stephen J. LINDHOLM 1858 i7io h Sylvester C. Thomas 1904 Clifford F. 1863 Valentine A. LINDLY 1886 h 190s William D. Winfred D. 1800 Jacob LINDSAY LEWISSOH 1802 Charles 1904 Samuel A. 1807 John LEYBURN LINDSEY 1829 George W. 1894 Daniel W., Jr. 1833 John Edward D., 34, 1904 Evans W. LEYDEKKER 1755 Gerhardus LINDSLEY 1882 Charles A. LEYDT 1858 h John B. John, 16 LINDSLY LIBBEY 1820 Harvey 1883 1S77 1896 bs Frederick A. Jonas M. Welding D. William, 23 1867 1804 1828 1855 Tames Cook t^hilip Silas C. Webster 1877 William, Jr. LINEN LIBBY 1 90 1 Frank I. 1906 1895 Francis 0. Walter G. LINKLETTER 1902 bs George 0. LICHTENBERGER 1904 James B. LINN 1880 Clarence LICHTY 1769 James 1904 bs Ben R. 1854 h James 1773 John John LIUDEIL 1841 1772 William 1887 Mark H. LINNARD 1883 LIFE John C. 1894 George B. 1889 Robert H. LINTON LIGGAT 1906 p Josiah M. 1844 John A. LIONBERGER LIGGETT 187s Isaac H. 1864 Martin L. LIPPINCOTT 1906 ce 1804 Thomas, Jr. William G. 1861 James D. 1897 William H. 1836 1827 Joshua William LIGHT LISTON 1899 George H. 1 876' Robert T. LIGHTNER LITCH 1833 Isaac N. 1896 Robert L. LIMERICK LITTELL 1905 Frederick B. 1858 Augustus W. 1877 Charles H. LINCOLN 1844 1905 Luther William B. 1864 h Abraham 1S63 William H. LINDENMUTH LITTLE 1892 p Louis A. 1844 1846 Archibald A. Christopher LINDER lOos 1845 Edward H. E'bridge G. 1890 Albert E. 1903 Frank H. 501 I90I Halsted 1844 Henry S. 1856 James Raymond D. 1901 1867 Robert F. 1896 Robert F., Jr. 1868 Stephen H. 1838 Theodore 1840 William A. 1869 William S. LITTLEJOHN 1796 Joseph B. Thomas M. 1822 1822 William LITTMAXN Enno, 68, 69, 77 LIVERMORE 1756 Isaac 1752 Samuel 1756 William LIVEZEY 1842 Abraham LIVINGOOD 1880 bs Horace F. 1890 Louis E. UVINGSTON 1774 Brockholst 1781 Edward 1776 Henry P. 1822 John R., Jr. 1786 ]\Iaturin 1758 Peter R. 1784 Peter R. 1788 h Peter S. Peter \'an B., 13, 1766 Peter \'an B.. J 1786 Peter W^ 1758 Philip P. 1809 Robert M. 1780 h Robert R. William, 9, 16 William S. 1772 LLOYD 1847 Edward 1891 Francis E. 1900 Francis V. 18491b George M. 1905 Henry 1869 Henry A. 1873 James H. 1904 James P. 1799 John 1902 bs John, Jr. 1894 Malcolm, Jr. 1882 bs Samuel 1898 Stacy B. 1906 \Mlliam H. 1859 William P. LOCKHART 1887 Tames H. 1900 p Robert J. LOCKWOOD I8SS George P. 1761 h Samuel 1894 Stephen T. 502 LODER 1872 Achilles L. LODOR 1822 John LOETSCHER 1896 Frederick W. LOEWENTHAL I.. 58 LOGAN 1899 ce Howard 1899 James C. 1869 John N. 1792 Joseph 1865 William H. 1895 William H., Jr. LOMAX 1 866 Spotswood W. LONE,Y 1 88 1 Francis 1854 Henry D. LONG Augustus W., 45, 69 1900 bs Ebert M. 1876 Jay H. 1903 ce John C. 1896 Joseph M. R. 1839 Mahlon I9r4 Samuel M. B. LONGCOPE 1905 bs Thomas M., Jr. LONGSTREET 1850 Jonathan LOOFBOURROW 1898 bs Milton F. LOOK 1884 David M. LOOMIS Elias, 31 Elmer H., 39, 41. 64 1880 Henry P. LOOSE 1874 Samuel B. 1899 Samuel N., Jr. LOPER 1861 William F. LOPEZ-GUILLEN 1889 p Jose M. LORANCE 1843 James H. LORD 1879 Frank H. 1885 John C, Jr. 189s John W. LORIMER 1849 h John G. i8s7 h Peter 1876 1829 1903 1881 1875 1896 h 189s 1896 h 1896 1858 1895 1900 1855 1890 1845 1903 bs INDEX LOTT Leonard W. Ptttr LOTTERHOS Frederic C. LOUCKS Edwin M. Zachariah K., Jr. LOUDERBOUGH William V. LOUDON James LOUGH RAN Robert L. LOUNSBURY Thomas R. LOUSER John H. LOVE David R. Leslie C. LOVEJOY Edward D. James P. LOVELL Frank H., Jr. John M. B. LOVETT Earle S. Edgar O. 65 40, 41, 42, 175-2 1894 bs 1896 h LOW Cornelius Joseph T., Jr. Seth LOWE Benjamin J. LOWENSTEIN 1903 bs Julius M. LOWNDES 18 si Charles 1856 1&67 1876 1898 1863 1890 1894 1853 h LOWRE.Y John LOWRIE James G. lames W. Slatthew Matthew B. Walter Walter LOWRY John [LOD-LYN LUCKEY 1772 George LUDLXGTON 1893 1894 Arthur C, 71 iMvight M. Paul H. LUDLAM 185s Joseph S. LUDLOW I8I6 1796 1902 bs 1861 181S 1808 Cornelius George C, 1 1 George C. Frederick 0. James M. John R. Robert C. LUDLUM 1887 bs 1762 Tames G. Neheraiah LUKE 1893 Loren M. LUKENS 1890 1895 Frank Victor H. LULL 1868 h Edward P. LUMPKIN 1819 1819 Joseph H. Thomas J. LUNDY 1884 1846 Ayres D. John P. LUPTON 1864 1863 Tames L. William E. LUTHER 1902 ce Edwin C. LUZEXBERG 1857 Charles H. LYBYER 1896 Albert H. LYDECKER 1901 Wallace B. LYLE 1896 c< : William T. LYMAN 1808 h William LYNCH J885 William H. LYND 1848 h 1824 h James Samuel W. LYNDE 1877 Rollin H. LYN-McC] INDEX ■03 1859 I90I 190s I8I3 1836 1002 1876 I90I 1759 i8;2 1-63 I89J I89I 1859 1867 1904 1876^ 1886 I7S3 1 90 1 1833 h 1894 1779 Jr. LYNE Wickliffe B. LYNN Edgar A. Hugh A. LYON Aurelius A. Charles A. Charles E., 69, 71 Chester A. David David Edward C, Edward D. Harry E. Tames Tames A. Joseph Lorenzo G. Richard B. Theodoric C. William J. LYONS George P. LYTLE Richard R. William H. McADAM John S. McADEN Hugh McAFEE James C. McAllister Arthur Girard L. Matthew McALPIN 1893 Benjamin B. 1888 Charles W. 1885 David H., Jr. 1902 David H., 2nd 1898 Edwin A., Jr. 1 88 1 bs Henry, Jr. 1905 Kenneth R. 1904 p 1863 1859 1857 1903 P MACARTNEY Clarence E. McATEE John L. William A. McAULAY John MACAULEY Joseph T. McBATH Walker E. McBRIDE 1894 Clifford 1900 Howard 1867 Nathaniel A. McCAGUE 1894 George S. McCAHAN 1879 p John M. McCAIN 1892 p John L McCALEB 18 1 8 Thomas Y. McCALL, MACCALL 1843 Evan J. 1802 Hext 181 2 John 1823 Tohn G. 1826 Peter 1872 William Gray McCALLA 1766 Daniel 1777 Thomas H. McCALMONT Edward S. Robert 1877 bs 1878 ce 1865 1894 i860 18S7 190S 1866 h 1879 1842 1903 P 1894 1849 T872 1871 McCAMMON Joseph K. McCAMPBELL George M., Jr. James A. McCANCE Frank K. McCANDLESS William T. McCARTER Robert Robert H. Thomas N. Thomas N., Jr. Uzal H. McCartney Albert J. William H. McCASKILL Cameron McCASLAN William E. McCASLIN David R. Robert McCAUGHIX 1899 bs James N. McCAULE 1774 Thomas H. MacCAULEY, McCAULEY 1864 1852 1894 Clay Thomas William L. McCAUSLAND 1765 Alexander McCAY 1857 h Charles F. 1839 Henry K. 1878 Leroy W. 1775 Spruce 1847 Thomas S. H. i860 William R. McCHESNEY William E. 186s 1871 1906 1906 1858 McCLAIX Josiah McCLAXAHAN Neal D. Paul H. McCLEERY John M c C L E L L A N, M'CLELLAX 186s Charles H. 1878 h George B. 1886 George B., Jr. McClelland Alexander McCLEXAGHAN Harry Samuel J. i8i8h 1904 p 1886 McCLEXAHAX 189s e Howard 1902 bs Roy P. 1843 McCLERY Morven I. McCLLXTOCK 1872 Andrew H. 1870 h Andrew T. 1751 Samuel McCLUMPHA 1885 Charles F. j83S McCLUXE James McCLURE 1874 Alexander D. 1879 Alfred J. P. 1901 Charles A. 1888 Charles F. W. 1897 James 1906 h James G. K. 1006 ce Jay C. 1904 ce Xorman R. 504 i8j9 Robert P. 1836 Timothy R. 1792 h William MacCOLL, McCOLL 1894 Donald 1892 Irvine 1895 William H. McCOMBE 1905 P John W. 1898 McCOMBS William F. McCONKEY, MACCONKEY 1890 Henry A. i88q James H. 1776 Samuel McCONNELL, MacCONNELL 1815 Benjamin R. 1773 James 1846 Joseph 1902 bs Thomas, Jr. McCOOK 1873 h John J. McCORD, MacCORD 1889 Alvin C. 1854 Charles W. 1889 David W. 1902 bs Herbert 1894 John D. 1825 Joseph McCORKLE 1878 Charles W. 177^ Samuel E. i860 Samuel V. 1877 William F. McCORMACK 1884 Thomas J. McCORMICK 1824 Cvrus 1887 h Cyrus H. 1845 Edward 1895 ce Edward 1895 Harold F. 1822 James 1820 Province 1S07 h Samuel 1895 Stanley R. 1904 p William L. 1877 McCOSH Andrew J. James, 12 McCOY, MacCOY 1808 Charles L. 1887 h E. W. 18,37 Gilbert R. 1785 James 1863 lames S. 1906 VVilliam L. 1904 William M. INDEX McCRACKEN 1902 Charles D. 1761 Thomas McCREA 1762 John JMcCREADY 1 79 1 John 1890 Robert T. M. McCREARY 1906 bs George D., Jr. McCREE 1792 David McCREERY 1902 William H. MacCRELLISH 1905 William H. McCRERY 1764 John McCRIE 1861 h Isaac i860 h James McCUiSH 1889 p John B. McCULLAGH 1868 Archibald McCULLOCH 1866 h Hugh 177 i James 1873 Thomas McCULLOGH 1870 Welty McCULLOH 1900 ce Carroll B. 1835 John S. 1836 Richard S. McCULLOUGH 1864 Clinton 1879 Henry M. 1833 William McCUNE 1881 Alexander 1873 Cyrus B. 1894 Frank A. McCURDY 1 84 1 Tames K. 1878 h James F. 1901 John, Jr. McCUTCHEN 1844 George MoCUTCHEON 1876 h Iltnry McDERMOTT 1902 Franklin P., Jr. [McC-McF 1898 Herbert i88i Horace MACDONALD, MacDONALD, McDOXALD 1862 Augustus 1871 Arthur K. 1896 Francis C. 1906 Gordon, Jr. 1878 Henry AI. 1902 Howard I8S2 James C. 1785 b John 1903 Fohn J. 1905 John 0. 1861 Malcolm 1890 Mark L., Jr. 1828 Samuel H. 1827 William K. 1878 William W. MacDOUGALL, McDOUGALL 1830 James 1854 James John A. 1769 McDowell, MacDOWELL 1837 Augustus W. 1896 h Edward A. 1836 Frederick H. 1892 Harry F. 1816 James 1801 John 1900 Samuel 1809 William A. 1 819 William L. McEACHRON 1878 Willard S. McELHINNEY 1833 Samuel A. McELJMOYLE 187s John McELROY 1902 Paul L 1896 Robert McN. McELWEE 1855 William McEWEN 1807 John M. 1906 Kenneth 'M. 1853 Robert H., Jr. MACFARLAN 1844 Allan McFARLAND i8q8bs George H., Jr. MACFARLANE, MacFARLANE 1870 James R. 1853 h John McF-McK] INDEX 505 1870 1894 1871 McFEE Charles W. McFERRAN John Bird, Jr. McGAFFIN Alexander McGARVEY VMUiam G. jMcGAUGHEY Johnston McGAVIN 1857 h James McGEE, M'GEE 1903 Bennington F. R. i86t Tohn F. 1836 "William C. 1869 William H. McGIBBON 1899 \\'illiara C., Jr. 1906 McGIFFERT Julian E. McGILL 1864 Alexander T., Jr. 1868 h Alexander T. 185S George McC. 1867 John D. 1877 "Samuel H. MacGILLIVRAY 1893 P Alexander J. 1890 p John K. McGILVARY 1888 p Evander B. McGINLEY 1858 John A. McGINNESS 1887 Charles E. McGOUGH 187s 1873 Peter ihomas McGOWAN 1855 i86i John, 62 Theodore Thomson McGregor, MacGREGOR 1764 h 1888 David Robert W. McGUIRE 1863 1896 Joseph D. William S. MACHEN 1904 P John G. McHENRY 1839 Tames H. 1840 James H. 1839 John G. McILHANY I8I9 James McILVAIN 1870 James W. McILVAINE 1892 1814 I8I2 1843 I8I6 1885 Alan C. Bloomfield Bowes R. Charles J. Charles P. Clarence W, 1904 ce Francis S. 1823 1863 1866 1818 1837 1905 1802 1867 1885 Henry Jasper S. John H. Joseph Joshua H. Richard B. William William William B. McILWAIN 1894 Charles H. McILWAINE 1888 p William B. MacINNES Charles R., 72 McINTIRE 1904 p Charles C. MacINTOSH. McINTOSH 1902 Tohn O. 1883 h John S. 1902 MacINTYRK William T. MACK 1898 James W. 187 1 William E. McKAIG 1868 Alpheus B. 1903 bs John S. 1859 Thomas J. 1766 h 1839 1884 1904 p 1861 1898 p McKAY, MACKAY, MacKAY David John W. Robert G. William A. William M'. William R. McKEAN McKECKNIE 1886 John W. McKEE 1890 Andrew H. 1 88 1 Charles A. 1840 Henry O. 1896 p Tohn A. 1847 John H. 1900 William C. McKEEN 1853 Henry B. McKELLAR 1906 bs Edward D. McKELVY 1904 Francis G. 1898 Robert McIs;ELWAY 1857 John R. 1904 h St. Clair McKENNEY 1886 Carroll 1884 Frederic D. MACKENZIE 1906 Charles A. 1894 bs Charles S. 1899 James A. 1902 Rex 1892 William A. 1906 h William D. McKESSON 1753 John MACKEY 1852 Elkanah D. McKIBBEN 1869 William MACKIE 1901 John K. McKINNIE 1906 Alexander A. 1905 McKINLAY Edwin L. 1814 h Joseph 1 78 1 h Thomas McKINNEY 1858 Andrew T. 1891 Glenn F. 1899 bs Guy B. 1848 John McD. 1894 bs William S. McKINSTRY 186s Claude B. 183s James W. MACKINTOSH 1892 p David C. 1904 p Findlay G. McIvISSACK 1837 Peter D. 1802 William D. 5o6 INDEX [McK-McW McKITTRICK 1876 William J. MACKLIN 1832 h Alexander Mcknight Charles, 16 1 771 Charles 1847 Charles 1900 George S. 1773 John 1838 Lewis 1839 Robert 1883 ce Robert, Jr. McKOY T876 bs Robert H. 1877 Thomas H. 1876 bs William B. McLANAHAN 1892 Austin 1 90 1 James C. 1873 Samuel 1896 Scott McLANE 1807 Allen McLaren, maclaren i88o bs Archibald 1879 Donald C. ' 1890 Malcolm 1886 William S. Mclaughlin 1898 p William H. Mclaughlin 1897 William A. McLAURY 1904 Forrest H. 1839 1829 1824 1891 187s i860 1889 1890 1816 1858 1857 1866 1S96 1821 1894 M c L E A N, MA C- LEAN, MacLEAN Amzi C. Archibald (jeorge M. George S. Hector A. James E. p James T. p James T. John, 26, 28, 29 John, Jr. John h John L. h Rlatthew W. Wallace D. William B. McLEISH John L. 1904 Fraser L. 1890 p George B. 1887 p John M. 1889 p Malcolm J. 1870 Thomas Boyd igo6 p William C. i8i8h Robert B. E. MACLOSKIE 1887 Charles H. 1896 h George 1893 ce George, Jr. McLURE 1746 John J. 1857 William H. McMAHON 1884 Fulton 1887 Harry H. 1817 John Van L. MacMARTIN 1865 Archibald McI. 1867 Malcolm McMASTER Tohn B., 58 1888 Porter R. McMillan, MACMILLAN 1896 h Charles 1890 ce Charles R. 1788 Ephraim 1888 George W. 1888 h George W. 1772 John 1838 h John 1898 p John 1888 John A. 1850 John L. McMULLAN 1895 P Hugh S. 1896 Charles B. MacMULLEN 1706 French F. MacMULLIN 1884 Charles T. McMURDY 1877 David B. 1 88 1 William S. MacMURRAY, McMURRAY 1902 John Van A. VVilliam, 20 McXAIR 1879 Theodore M. 1 89 1 Thomas F. 1842 R.ibLTt H. 1844 William VV. McXAUGHTOX 1869 h Tohn 1906 lit John McXEEL 1 86 1 h George W. McXEIL Joseph S. 1824 1877 McXEILL Malcolm McLEOD, MacLEOD 1802 h Alexander j9q6 Arcliibald A., Jr. 1903 McXAMARA Robert C. McXIECE 1905 Irwin McNINCH 1 89 1 Hugh W. McNISH 1897 bs Frederic B. McXITT 1895 Andrew R. McXULTY 1895 Henry A. MACON 1806 William McPHEETERS 1903 Thomas S., Jr. McPIIERRIX 1770 Thomas McPHERSOX, MACPHERSOX 1842 Charles H. 1877 bs Donald F. 1906 Donald F. 1866 h Edward 1766 Tohn 1866 John B. 1906 John F. 1906 Oscar H. 1874 Simon J. MacQUEEX iS^g; Peter McH. MacRAE Donald A., 45 McRpE 1838 Griffith J. 1775 James MACTIER i860 h William L. McVITTY 1898 bs Albert i:. 1898 bs Edward Q. 1902 bs Samuel H. MACWHORTF.R McWllORTKR 1757 Alexander McW-MAR] INDEX 507 1784 I8I2 i«43 1812 1809 Alexander C. Alexander C. George G. George H. Jacob G. McWILLIAMS 1892 Clarence A. 1899 bs Edward C. tS88 Howard 1882 Tames A. 190 1 John, Jr. 1894 Shirrell N. 1808 Thomas G. MADDEN 1904 Francis L. MADDUX 1905 Charles V. MADISON 1771 James MAFFET 1842 h 1 Craig MAGAW 1802 Van Brunt MAGEE 1905 i860 Eugene H. George J. MAGIE 1872 1817 1856 1859 1882 1897 1904 1892 1879 1852 Burtiss C. David David, Jr. David, Jr. David, Jr. David, Jr. James McC. John M. William F. William J. MAGRUDER 1861 1805 1805 Lawson W. Richard B. William MAHAN 1838 h Dennis H. MAHON 1782 William MAIER 1 90 1 bs George W. M. MAIN 1891 John F. MAIRES 1880 Samuel E. MAITLAND 1867 h 1836 Alexander Robert L. MALCOLM 1905 bs George H. MALLERY 1902 Otto T. MALLET iSgdih John W. MALLOY 1855 i860 John R. VS'illiam A. MALTBY 1750 1 1 John MALTMAN 1900 1902 1 James 3s John S., Jr. MAN 1905 Ellery A. MANDEVTLL 1832 Henry D., Jr. MANGUM 1857 Leonard H. MANN 1874 1872 1876 1862 h 190S 1845 Francis P. George W. Joseph McE. 1 Joseph R. Peter C. Walter MANNERS 1877 1816 h Edwin John MANNIERE 1881 Charles E. MANNING 1854 1762 1762 1802 George S. James Nathaniel Robert MANSFIELD 1822 Edward D. MANTZ 1804 Francis MAPES 1886 Augustus S. MARBURY 1850 Fendall M. MARCELLUS 1863 Algernon MARCH '§79, 1870 h Egbert G. Francis A. Herman W., 72 MARKELL 1878 John MARKOE 1791 Francis 1876 Francis H. 1836 Thomas M. MARKS 1862 Alexander, Jr. MARQUAND 1874 Allan 1876 Frederick A. 1878 Henry MARQUIS 1906 Chester DuB. MARR 1866 Addison G. 1901 bs Addison G. 1807 Alem i86s h James H. MARSH 1786 Amos Charles W., 59 1867 Francis K. 1904 p Fred R. 1850 Isaac M. 1844 John 0. 1863 h William B. 1847 William W. MARSHALL 1871 Albert B. 1892 Albertus McL. 1906 p Alexander W. 1840 h Benjamin 1882 Clark H. 1850 George M. 1807 Isaac R. 1806 Jaquelin A. 1802 h John 1850 John A. 1806 John J. 1884 Starling L. 1803 Thomas 1899 Watson MARSTON 1898 Wurtele MARTIEN 1847 Alfred MARTIN 1756 Alexander 1844 Andrew R. 1846 Augustus L. 1879 Chalmers 1893 P Ernest D. 1876 George B. Harrie B. 1899 1898 Harry O. 1751 Henry 1839 Henry N. 1902 Ivan G. 1770 h John 1906 p .'ohn L. i8ss /osepb W. 1766 .^uther 1882 Paul 1898 Paul C. 1855 Robert S. 1898 p Samuel 1899 bs Samuel K., Jr. 1762 Thomas 1899 h W. A. P. 1872 Win f red R. 5o8 INDEX [MAR-MEL MARVEL MATHIS MAYNARD 1873 David T. 1886 John C. 1902 Azor, 81 James, Jr. MARVIN xMATILE 1902 bs Linn DeR. 1896 bs , Charles L Walter T., 43 George A., 58 MATTER 1898 William H. MAYNE MARX 1905 lit John 1857 James S. 184S ^^'illiam S. AIAYO MATTESON 1899 p George P. MASON 1904 James L. i860 (jeorge W. 1833 1896 1820 Barlow 1878 Robert A. Benjamin A., Jr. Ebenezer 1868 MATTHEWS Barry MAYS 1903 Elmer B. 1864 Charles H. 1868 Dallas V. 1821 h Henry M. 1905 Charles H., Jr. 1905 James G., Jr. Jerome D. 1843 Charles L. MAZYCK 1903 1754 David 1820 Alexander 1786 h John John F. 1839 George H. B. 1849 1901 Harry J. MEAD 1794 h 1836 John M. John T. 1879 1906 p John C. D. Leonard W. 1896 h Charles M. 1870 John T., Jr. 1901 Louis J. 1774 "Jonathan, Jr. 1878 Mortimer MEADE 1853 Joseph T. 1887 Paul C. 1787 David Mortimer F., 71 1887 h Stanley 1812 David 1833 Richard 1790 William 1808 William 1887 Robert W. 1807 Thomson MATTHIAS MEARNS 1905 ce Walter L. 1850 h Benjamin 1822 Hugh MASSEY MATTINGLY MEASON 1820 George W. 1896 William F., Jr. 1799 Isaac MASSIE MATTIS MEDTART 1880 David M. 1901 George McK. 1836 Jacob C. MAS SON MATTISON MEEKER 1897 bs James H., Jr. Aaron, 80 1864 Benjamin C. 1897 Henry E. 1837 James R. MASTER Royal, 44 MAURICE 1848 William B. 1895 Henry B. 1906 Albert T. 1890 ce William P. MASTERS 1834 Charles F. MEHAFFEY i860 Samuel 1847 ;\IAXWELL Charles E. 1853 Calvin D. MATEER 1792 George C. MEIER 187: Eugene H. 1891 John E. 1902 Arthur E. 1877 Horace N. 1823 John P. B. 1902 Chauncey De W. 1877 Robert McC. 1836' John S. 1884 Joseph E. MEIGS 1852 1791 h 1905 h MATHER DeWitt C. Moses Sir William 1896 1804 1900 Robert William MAY Charles R. 1903 i8i8h 1900 1902 1880 Arthur I. Charles D. Edward B. Tohn F. John S. 1853 Thomas D. 1896 William A. MAYER MEINKEN MATHERS 1857^ Gustave VV. 1901 bs Charles G. 1890 James Louis E. 1905 bs Paul H. MEIRS 1864 MAYERS 1888 Richard W. MATHESON 1871 Henry L. John M. iMELUER 1842 h Alexander C. 1905 1869 Kennedy D. 1891 1835 Tames A. Murdock P. MAYES MELLINGER 1891 p George G. 1901 ce Louis O'N. MATHEWS Charles E., 71 MAYHEW MELLON 1902 James F. 1892 John M. 1850 William F. MEL MIL] :M ELTON 1876 Samuel D. MELVILLE 1769 Thomas MENAEOS 1840 1840 Anastasius Constantine J. MERCER 1837 1879 1808 1797 1856 1762 Alexander G. Andrew G. Archibald Charles F. George A. John D. MERCHANT 1779 1890 1853 George Huntington W. Silas, jr. MERCUR 1888 Ulysses MEREDITH 1894 1877 William F. William M. MERKLE 1856 h James MERRELL 1862 Lewis MERRICK 1901 1904 ce Andrew D. Holland M., Jr. MERRILL 1894 1889 1889 Frederick ^I. George G. William L. MERRIT i8s4h Evan MERRYWEATHER 1883 Thomas A. MERSHON 1887 Albert L. 1834 Richard B. 1850 Stephen L. 1862 William D. MERWIN 1871 h Charles E. 1902 Charles M. 1903 John O. MESEROLE 1808 bs Clinton V. 1886 Harris C. MESSLER 1903 Benjamin E. 1905 James S. METCALFE 1904 bs David 185 1 Frederick A. 1898 bs 1891 1901 1859 1871 1S71 h 1890 p 185s 1802 1819 1887 1822 190S 1826 1854 1896 1876 1893 h i8s3 1904 bs 1885 ce 1879 1882 1877 1901 1764 1894 1871 1897 IQOO 1898 p 1871 INDEX METZEROTT Oliver MEYERS James C. William C. MHOON John B. MICHAEL Jacob E. MICHIE Peter S. MICKEY Wilbur C. MIDDLEBROOK Charles T. MIDDLETON John lohn I. John I., Jr. MIERCKEN John S. MIEROW Charles C. iMIKELL Isaac J. Thomas P. MILBANK Albert G. MILBURN Page MILDNER Ernst O. W. xMILES Erskine H. Tason D. John B. Louis W., 47, 71 William S. MILFORD Arthur B. Charles R. MILLARD \\'illiam E. MILLER Adam M. Alexander Alexander J. Andrew G. Andrew H. Arthur McQ. Burton R. Charles Charles II. Charles K. I. 509 1890 p Dayton C. 1886 Edward DeM. I83I Edward M. 1904 ce Edward M. 1867 Edward R, 1836 Elihu S. 1884 Eugene 1901 I->ank D. 1884 bs Frank H. 1890 bs Frank S. 1904 Fred C. 1893 Gardiner H. 1849 George McC. 1891 Homer R. 1 90 1 ce Hugh i»93 James A. 1885 James H. 1841 James P. 1903 James R. 1803 John 1836 John 1876 John G. 1900 John N. 1906 John 0. 1863 John R. 1829 Jonathan D. 1897 Joseph W. 1895 Lawrence P. 1897 Lucius H. 1886 Marion Jil. 1904 Paul G. 1879 Philippus W. 1792 h Samuel 1848 h Samuel 1833 Samuel, Jr. 1875 Samuel M. 1896 Samuel \V'., Ji 1799 Thomas 1880 William 1870 William H. 1899 bs William L. 1875 William S. 1814 William W. 1900 h William W. MILLIGAN 1892 Frank M. 1834 h John J. 1807 Samuel 1864 Winfield S. MILLIKEN 1846 Allen C. 1905 Henry O. 1847 Samuel J. MILLS Alfred E. Edward K. Frank H. Frederic L. Henry Herbert L. 1902 bs Marshall F. 1756 William 1882 1896 1869 i8q6 1802 1904 175S MILNER Tohn MILNOR James, 20 1792 Joseph K. MILSPAUGH 1864 Henry C. 510 INDEX MILTON 1886 David M. 190s Henry S. MINASSIAN I89I Mushegh M. MINER 1890 bs Charles H. M INKER 1897 Thomas S. MINNIECE 1855 Sidney 1857 Walter R. MINOR 1841 Francis 1S79 Henry L. 1852 John MINOTT 1889 Frederick S. 190s Harold MINTO Walter, 26, 27, 2I MISHOFF 1884 Ivan D. MITCHELL 176s Alexander 1900 bs Arthur 11. 1883 Benjamin W. 1896 p Charles A. 1879 Charles W. 1889 Clarence B. 1857 David H. :857h Graham A. 1899 Herbert F. 1827 Jacob t). 1840 James C. 1894 James McC. 1815 h John 1823 li John K. Paul 1901 1861 Samuel S. 1896 h Silas W. 1750 Simeon 1830 h Thomas D. 1905 P Walter M. 1896 ce William G. MITTENDORF 1900 Alfred D. MIX 1878 h Eldridge MIXER 1891 bs Charles T. . MIXSELL 1871 David 1906 Harold R. 1903 Raymond B. MOALE X8S3 George N. MOCHEL 1892 Levi S. MOFFAT 1884 ce 1863 1875 183s 1873 1883 h Alexander Edward S. Henry Tames C. James D. Tames D. 1749 1884 John William D. MOFFATT 1900 James H. MOFFETT 1904 George M. MOFFITT 1893 Luther R. MOGEL 1892 Levi S. MOISSAN 1896 h Henri MOLL 1896 George F. MOLLESON 1824 George P. MOMENT 1896 John J. MONTE 1905 Charles C. MONK 1806 Charles \\. MONOD 1842 h Adolph F. T. MONROE 1822 h 1840 1881 Tames John A. Robert G. MONTANYE 1886 Joseph C. MONTEITH 1788 h Alexander, 51 Walter 1804 1893 1889 bs 1839 180s 1845 MONTGOMEI A\tstin Charles H. ; Charles J. Harvey F. James Tames E. 1775 1892 1886 1808 1818 I7SS 1893 John John John A. Tolin H. John R. Joseph [MIL-MOR 1838 Thomas C. 1808 William 1850 William B. 1902 bs William J. William W. 1887 MOODY 1796 John 1899 bs Mark MOORE Alfred A., 46 1846 Ambrose Y. 1852 Austin D. 1857 Charles B. 1870 Charles H. 1858 David W. 1897 Duncan M. 1890 Dunlap 1903 bs Edward T. 1897 ce Edwin 1870 Edwin W. 1893 P Eliot H. 1905 Frank S. 1891 Franklin T. 1906 lit Harry L. i896> Harry M. 1843 Henry 1900 Herbert H. 1893 ce Howard 190S ce Hubert 1855 John A. 1893 e John E. John II. 1877 1881 Tohn L. 1897 Tohn T. 1846 Joseph P. 1902 bs Lawrence 1899 p Louis R. 1906 p Lynford L. 1902 Philip A. 1904 Phillips A. 1897 bs Robert Robert L., 73 1883 Russell W. 1847 Samuel 1899 Samuel 1897 p Samuel W. 1898 Springer H. 1904 Sydney L. 1853 William E. MOOREHEAD 2900 p James C. MORAN 1902 bs Eugene .\. MOREHEAD 1853 John H. MOREHOUSE 1848 George R. 1898 Milton B. 1839 Richard H. MOREY Charles R., 47, 71 MORFORD 1812 Charles 1797 Edmund iSiS Josiah F. MORGAN >857 Charles MOR-MUR] INDEX 511 1883 David P. 1878 Francis T. 1888 Junius S. 1887 Matthew H. 1896 Minot C. 1817 Nicholson R. 1904 p Thomas MORLEY 1896 p William S. MORRELL 1904 e James G. DeW. Percy E. 1905 bs MORRILL 1904 p Guy L. MORRIS 1867 Arthur R. 1903 ce Arthur S. 1859 Charles B. 1893 Du Bois S. 1784 James 1900 James E. 1848 George W. 1805 John B. 1889 ce , oseph C., Jr. 1774 Lewis, IV 1906 Lewis S. 190S P Robert H. 1874 Robert S. 1896 Roland S. 1873 Samuel J892 Theodore W., Jr. 1836 Thomas H. 1805 William E. MORRISON 1894 Charles F. 1852 George 1825 Isaac A. '834 John H. 1879 Robert 1822 h Robert H. 1 86 1 William J. P. 1854 William T. 1888 p William T. 190J Willis I. MORROW 1904 Emerson B. 1 90 1 James D. 1901 Preston K. MORSE 1862 Alexander P. 1787 h Jedediah 1895 William H. 1902 William O. MORSELL 1866 William F. C. MORSS 1826 h James MORTON i8gQ Charles H. 1898 Clifford A. 1795 George C. 1792 George W. 1871 h Henry 1778 Jacob 1782 John 1906 lit Sterling MOSEY 1786 Richard MOSES 1892 bs Frederick J. 1895 t>s Walter MOSHER 1904 bs X'ictor W. MOTT 1874 h George S. 1874 Henry E. 1877 Lawrence S. HOTTER 1891 John C. 1842 Samuel 1836 William 1906 William C. MOUNT 1868 David H. 1896 p Harry N. 1905 Horace 1776 Richard 1902 Russell T. 1 90 1 Walter B. 1889 bs William B. MOUNTAIN 1900 bs Worrall F. MOWRY 1905 Theodore C. xMRAVLAG 1897 Victor P. MUDGE 1892 Charles O. 1896 Frederick P. 1899 Henry S. 1889 Lewis S. 1862 Lewis W. 1892 William L. MUHLENBURG 1787 h Henry E. MUIR 1770 h George 1902 bs James G. MULFORD Isaac B. MULHOLLAND Isaac S. MULLEN 1905 Frank W., Jr. 1893 ce Robert McG. MULOCK 1902 Edwin McC. 1865 1896 p 1810 MUMFORD John I. MUNN 188 1 Charles A. 1895 bs Edward 1847 Henry B. 1906 ce John R. 1862 Joseph L. 1906 lit Orson D., Jr. 1866 MUNNIKHUYSEN Wakeman B. MUXGER 1903 bs George E. 1884 bs Henry C. MUNSON 1878 George S. 1902 William C. MURCH Herbert S., 73 MURCH IE 1890 p William MURDOCH 1894 John 1847 Thomas F. MURDOCK 183s George 1883 John G. 1898 p William H. MURFEE 1905 Matthias B. MURPHEY 1900 Chauncey H. MURPHY 1872 Archibald A. 1902 h Franklin 189s Franklin. Jr. 1842 Holmes W. 1842 James M. lohn 1844 i8s8 Richard D. 1866 Samuel H. 1867 Samuel M. 1845 Thomas MURRAY 1891 Archibald G. i8q8 bs Charles M. 1875 Charles P. 1872 Chester P. 1893, Christopher H. 1773 li Daniel 1887 p David A. 1893 George R. 1872 Hamilton 1893 bs Harold G. 185s h T. Sterling James I. 18.5 1867 h James O. 1885 Tames P. 1788 John 1872 John 1894 lohn \. 1884 John C. 190S bs Leslie F. i88i h Logan C. 1886 h W. H. 1903 P Walter R. 1851 William H. 512 1878 bs William H. 1863 William R. MURRELL i8S4 William J. MUSER 1902 bs Ralph MUSGRAVE 1845 h George W. MUSSER 1906 1S96 Clayton A. William H. MYERS 1904 1892 1865 i88s 1896' 1812 1881 David R. Elmer L. Henry S. Howard G. Joseph L. Mordecai Samuel H. William S., 47 NAHM 1885 Max B. NAKAGAWA 1889 bs Aisaku (Isaac) 1906 p Taketaro NAPTON 1826 William B. NASH 1906 Francis T. 1799 Frederick NASON 1906 Fred R. 1898 Harold B. NASSAU 1862 Charles W., Jr. 1854 Robert H. 1863 h William B. 1884 William L. NAUDAIN 1806 Arnold NAVE 1 87 1 Samuel M. NEAL 1865 George W. NEALE Charles W., 81 NECKER 1790 h Jacques NEELY 1803 David T. 1894 John C. 1884 John H. 1856 John R. 1822 Jonathan 179s Reuben 1874 INDEX XEESE William D. NEFF 1850 1818 1874 Aldus J. George W. Wallace NEGLEY 187s h 1873 1849 lb James S. Theodore S. William B. NEHER 1889 Fred NEIBEL 1900 Charles L. NEIL 1823 William NEILL i860 1868 1895 1803 George H. Henry, Jr. William C. William NEILSON James, 15 1794 1793 James II. John NELMS 1839 Ebenezer NELSON 189s 1825 h 1866 h 1895 1905 1896 h Alexander H. John John Hugh Stanley F. William NES 1878 William J. NESBIT 1905 P Valentine J. NEVILLE 1809 John NE\^IN 1895 1897 1848 1905 bs Andrew P. Daniel E. David R. B. 1 Ernest D. 1901 p James NEVINS 1759 1834 h Samuel William NEVITT 1832 George W. NEVIUS 1903 1834 1816 1899 1829 George II. Henry \an D. James S. Warren N. William J. [MUR-NIC NEWEOLD 1837 i8j6 1895 1838 George L. John S. John S. William A. NEWBURY 1890 bs Frank J. NEWBY 1810 .\athan NEWCOMB 1896 h Simon NEWELL 190S 1879 h 1903 James A. McFadden A. William A., 10 William A. NEWKIRK 1844 1906 p 1858 George H. John M. Matthew, 21 Matthew NEWLAND 1837 John NEWMAN 1875 1904 Arthur Harry E. NEWMYER 1898 bs George McC. NEWTON 1893 1892 1899 1870 1897 1791 h 1856 Charles B. Clarence H. Edward T. Edward P. Frederic J. John John, Jr. 1893 NICELY John W. William E. NICHOL 1 82 1 Tames 1887 William M. NICHOLAS George L., 78 1890 \andcrveer \'an A. 1874 NN'aher D. 1906 1897 1856 1884 :863 1825 MCHOLLS Charles C, Jr. NICHOLS Edward P. John Thomas Thomas McB. Walter S. Whitcfield NICHOLSON 1888 p Alfred 1826 Tames M. 1888 ce John E. NIC-OGL] INDEX 513 NICKERSON 187s James S. 1905 bs John, Jr. NICKLIN 1804 Pbilip H. 1890 NICODEMUS Edwin N I COLL 1786 Abiniael Y. 1877 Benjamin 1903 bs Courtlandt 1874 De Lancey 1812 John C. 1829 Lewis F. NICOLLS 1896 h Samuel J. NILES 1879 Alfred S. 1766 Nathaniel 1769 Samuel 1852 William W. NIMMO 1858 Gershom H. NISBET 1783 h 1872 Charles John Le M. NISSLEY 1870 Lee PL NIVEN 1852 1861 Alexander T. Thornton A. NIXON 189s ce 1858 h 1867 1894 1867 1858 1851 1841 1883 h Courtland George Henry A. Horace F. James B. James H. Jeremiah H. John T. William NOBLE 1904 bs 1791 1763 1806 1876 1893 Harrison B. John Obadiah Patrick Thomas A. Walter T. NOEL 1889 ^777 Henry G. John Y. NOLAND 1856 Thomas V. NOLL 1837 Frederick M, NORCOTT 1841 Joseph J. NORCROSS 1879 h George NORMAN 1854 William B. NORRIS 1895 Edwin M. 189s ce I'rederick A. 1897 Herschel A. 1840 James C. 1899 James L., Jr. 1902 Percival C. 1883 Richard 1877 bs William ^L NORTH 1867 Edmund D. 1873 Herman H. 1895 Roy L. NORTHUP George T., 46 1896 bs Harold B. 1899 James H. NORTON 1893 ce Edward R., Jr. 1875 Frank H. NOTT iBoa h Eliphalet NOTTINGHAM 1849 John E. NOURSE 1843 Charles J. NOYES 1759 Ebenezer 1759 Joshua 1759 Nathaniel 1889 bs Thomas C. NUELLE 1906 ce Joseph H. NUGENT 1801 h Nicholas NUTTING 1890 ce Harry O. 1887 Lyman H. 1890 ce William P. NUTTMAN 1831 James G. NYCE 1891 Benjamin M. OAK FORD 1906 ce William P. S. OAT 1864 Joseph H. GATES 1890 p Luther A. OBER 1903 Gustavus, Jr. OBERDORF 1878 Charles D. OBERNDORF 1906 ce Paul E. O'BRIEN 1899 Harry Z. 1864 John H. ODELL 1903 Edward A. 1754 Jonatlian 1906 Walter T. ODENEAL 1861 John H. CECONOMOS 1840 Luke K. OFFUTT 1895 bs ; Anderson T. 1906 George W. OGDEN ^77i Aaron l8S2 Abner N. 1827 Augustus 0. B. 1817 Benjamin 1905 Bryan K. 1812 Charles H. 18:9 Elias B. D. 1832 Ernst H. 1847 Frederic B. 1795 George M. 1840 Henry D. 1872 Henry M. 1796 Henry W. 1784 Isaac 1770 John C. 1765 Jonathan 1823 Joseph M. 1756 Josiah 1753 Lewis 1810 Matthias 1902 Montgomery Robert, 16 1793 Robert 176s Robert 3d 1821 Thomas A. 1798 h Uzal OGILVIE 1867 Charles B. 1788 h George 1878 Robert W. F. OGLE 1904 ce Alfred McC, 1899 Harry K. B. Jr. OAKLEY OGLES BY 1836 Charles H. 1900 bs Robert 1849 Lewis W. 1896 William V. 514 INDEX [O'HA-PAl O'HANLON ORITA OUDIN iSgq Joseph T. Thomas 1876 Hikoichi 1891 e Maurice A. 1863 O'HAKA ORMOXD Alexander T. OUTIIWAITE James William C. 1877 1902 Charles B. P. 1807 1804 lyuo 1891 John K. Otto A. i8y6 Singleton P. OKEY ORR OVERTON 1896 Frank C. 1906 bs Arthur, Jr. P'rancis J. 1856 Edward, Jr. OKILL 1881 1896 John K. 1836 James J. i8s7 h 1896 Jehu A. Willette B. OVES OKUMA 1906 Gilbert McC. iS78bs Hidemaro ORRIS 1862 S. Stanhope OWEN 1884 OLCOTT Arthur W. ORTMANN 1866 1816 h Henry J. John 1897 Henry C. Arnold E., 67, 79 1844 John, Jr. 1843 John J. 1835 Joseph ORTON 1871 Joseph A. OLDEN I 763 h Job 1 84 1 Nathan M. Charles S., 10, 22, 27 1847 Samuel II. 1880 ce Robert J. Job G., 27 Samuel VV. 1833 Thomas 1848 OSBORX 1887 h William B. 1840 William R. 1905 Alexander P. OWENS OLDS 1877 Edwin C, 27 Henry F. 1868 John C. 1S81 Julian G. I7S4 Sylvanus 1841 William B. OLIPHANT 1883 William C. OSBORNE 1892 p OYEMA Tomonao 1870 Hughes 1768 Adlai 1848 Joseph B. i8iii h John C. PACKARD 1891 Samuel G. 1859 h Frederick A. 1880 Vernon M. OSBOURNE 1896 h William A. 1859 \Valter S. 1904 p Samuel E. 1772 h 1815 1847 1872 OLIVER Andrew Charles A. Henry H. John C. 1894 h 1827 h OSGOOD Charles G. Jr., 45 Howard Samuel 1850 1 89 1 PACKER David H. PADDOCK Franklyn 1856 Samuel W. OSLER 1887 Gordon OLMSTEAD i860 Jehu T. PADEN 1814 Asa OSMER 1883 Thomas R. OLMSTED 1888 1890 Archibald R. Newton F. 1880 William M. i860 George T., Jr. PADGET 1867 William D. OSMOND 1897 Horace G. OLYPHANT 1850 Samuel McC. 1905 Murray OTHEMAN PAGE OMWAKE 180s Edward R. l8qi 1880 Henry, Jr. Richard H. 1901 Howard R. OTIS igo6 bs Arthur H. PAIGE O'NEILL 1900 Charles E. 1887 Tames 1903 bs John S. 1902 bs Harrison G. 1849 Tallies A. 1849 George A. 1858 David B. ORBISON 1879 John H. OTTENIIEIMER PAINE ORD Joseph P., 78 1904 .\rchie M. OTTLEY 1898 1853 Ilarrinsjton S. William F. ORDWAY 1S93 Charles W. PAISLEY 1884 Smitli OTTO 1873 Moses F. OREM 1707 189.S Jacob S. Jacob S. PAIST 1856 William M. 1792 John C. 1902 p Benjamin F., Jr. PAL-PEA] PALMER 1800 1848 1903 bs 1906 1893 1890 1893 1898 bs 1897 Benjamin M. David B. Edgar Edward A. Edward R. Francis lohn B. Lew R. Samuel M. PANCOAST 1901 Howard D. PAN N ILL 1844 William, Jr. PARDEE 1897 Ariovistus PARDOE 1905 bs , William D. PARIS George, 70 PARISH 1887 Hamilton PARK 1896 David 1899 ce James C. 1895 Joseph W. 1869 William H. PARKE Arthur T. William E. 1879 1S83 1887 1866 1870 1882 1899 T866h 1816 h 1840 1853 1877 1876 1896 bs 1891 1856 1803 1892 ce 1839 1784 h 1873 1857 1898 bs 1886 1892 1874, 189^ bs 1867 iSS"; 1870 h 1 839 1880 PARKER Albert G. Andrew H. Charles J. Charles W. Clarence PL Cortlandt David Edward T. Ezra D. Francis E. Frederick Frederick D. George J. Hersey B. Jacob G. James, 20 lames P. Joel John Tohn E. John M. John R. Tohn S. John \V. Joseph Orrel A. Richard W. Robert M. Willard William M. PARKHILL Charles C. lames W. 1863 1757 1843 INDEX PARKHURST Nelson D. Samuel PARKIN Charles H. George S. PARKINSON 1765 Henry PARKS 1866 h James H. PARMELEE 1814 h James H. PARMLY Charles F. Eleazar George Du B. John E. 515 1884 187CJ 1876 1883 PARROT 1795 Toseph 190 J Raymond 1. PARROTT 1888 Thomas M. PARRY 1870 Thomas PARSON 1902 I-'rederick S. PARSONS 1898 Harry 1843 John A. I 762 h Tonathan 1892 William B. 1896 bs William B. PARTRIDGE 1845 Frank E. PATE 1903 William S. PATERSON 1901 h I7s8 1835 1763 183s i8oi Charles E. James Stephen Van R. William William William B. PATON 1874 1880 1886 David Morton S. Stewart PATRICK 1854 Thomas C. PATTEN 1820 Hugh PATTERSON iSoq l8.,7 1821 Alexander G. Austin McD. Christopher S. 1852 Douglass 1894 Edward J. 1875 li George James, 51, 74 Tames L. 1888 h 1863 James W. 1840 183s Jehu John C. 1905 P Karl B. 1838 Malcolm A. 1856 Nathan S. 1813 Nicholas 1871 Robert H. 1879 h Robert M. 1876 Robert W. 1874 William P. PATTISON 1896 Andrew Seth Pringle PATTON 1896 Charles E. 1896 h Francis L. 1893 Francis L., Jr. 1891 George S. 1899 Henry B. 1898 John M. S. 1863 Tohn W. "Robert B., 29. 1896 Robert IL, 2d PAUL 1803 Comegys 1896 F'rederick M. 1884 Henry N., Jr. 1849 Tames 1850 lohn C. 1893 ce John S. PAULISON 1822 Christian Z. 1866 Tohn C. 1794 taul 1834 Richard R. PAULL 190S bs Alfred S. 1842 Archibald W. 1903 bs George 1878 George A. PAULMIER 1894 bs Frederick C. PAX TON 1 89 1 Harmar D. 1880 Tames D. 1895 ce James D. 1895 ce Tames \\'., Jr. William M., 22 1889 William M., Jr. PAYNE i8g6 ce Albert I. 1895 Christy 1905 ce Edward D. 1891 Frank H. 1 89 1 ce Theodore P. PEABODY 1905 George R. Stephen G., 33 1882 Ward C. 5i6 1883 1839 INDEX PEACE Edward C. Washington PEACOCK John PEAKE Howard De V. PEALE 1904 p John R. PEARCE 1858 h J. Blair 182 J Tames A. 1S60 James A. 1862 Sketchly M. PEARL 1906 1905 Dyer, Jr. William E. PEARSON 1802 h 1903 bs 1824 1872 1782 1872 1880 p Eliphalet Forrest G. John Richmond Robert William H. William L. PEASE 1899 bs 1895 Henry H. Lewis F. PECK 1857 1867 h 1862 1774 1756 Aaron George Harlan P. John Joseph PECKETT 1874 John W., Jr. PEDDIE 1892 George W. PEEBLES 1899 1882 George E. Thomas PELHAM 1904 bs Alphonzo PELL 1873 1871 1904 1898 1902 Arthur Frederick A. Richard V. William B. Williamson PELTON 1891 p De Witt L. 1898 bs Edward F. PEMBERTON 1765 Ebenezer 1770 h Ebenezer 1889 bs Henry R. PENDLETON 1868 1834 1838 1833 1796 Alexander R. Edmund Elisha B. Philip Philip C. PENICK 1885 John M. PENN 1784 James PENNEWILL 1875 James PENNLNGTON I8I7 1864 h 1870 1823 1871 1865 1825 1862 1813 Aaron S. Alexander C. .\ Elias M. Tabez P. John C. Joseph P. Samuel H. Samuel H. William William S., 10 PEPPARD 1762 Francis PEPPER 1894 1827 T829 1888 h Archibald McD. George S. William William PERCY 1806 1853 Thomas G. William A. PERIAM 1762 189^ Joseph Warrington W. PERKINS 1871 Elisha H. 1823 h 1872 1770 1894 1897 Henry Joseph F. Nathan Thomas J. True PERRIN 1890 Frederick, 58 Howard W. PERRINE 1876 1883 1831 h 1808 1818 1880 1797 David V. Frederick A. C. Henry Humphrey M. Lewis Lewis, Jr. Matthew La R. PERRY 190 5 ce : Albert C. .\IcW ]8Q6h Bliss 1858 John B. 1899 p Lewis 1861 Nehemiah, 1906 bs Oliver H., 1896 Ralph B. };: [PEA-PHI 1871 1893 1789 Samuel M. Wesley V. William PERSHING 1889 bs Cyrus L. 1886 bs Edward H. 1888 James Hammond 1885 Theodore PETERKLV i86oh Joshua PETERS 1904 1870 1888 1806 Edward II. John E. T. McClure Thomas R. PETERSON 1906 p 1896 h Charles W. William PETIGRU 1843 Dan PETRIE 1894 1836 1906 Edward C. James James J. PETTY i86s 1891 1901 1883 1901 Nathan D. Nelson L. Robert B., Jr. Robert D. William F. PEW 1896 bs Arthur E. PEYSER 1902 bs Horace F. PEYTON 1803 1797 John John H. PFEIFFER 1902 Damon B. PHARR ■ 843 Samuel C. PHELAN 1905 James PHELPS 1852 1902 p 1890 i860 Charles E. William G. William L. Willis B. PHILLIP 1820 h John PHILLIPS 1887 bs 1851 1850 190S 1842 1850 h Alexander H. Alexander H., Jn Alfred Alroy S. Benjamin T. Daniel E. PHI-POL] INDEX 517 1887 1883 1904 1890 ce 1867 1774 1808 1849 1899 bs 1884 bs 1831 1808 1906 1858 1831 h 1902 1841 David G. Furman S. George I. Howard C. James R. John John John F. John H. B. John W. Jonathan D. Lewis, W. R. MacNair A. Samuel L. Thomas Walter William R. William W., 20 William W. William W. L. PHINIZY 1892 Bowdre PHRANER 1879 Francis S. 1878 Wilson S. PICKANDS 1825 James D. PICKENS 1790 Ezekiel 1902 bs Owen PICKERING 1798 h Timothy PICKET 181 1 George PICKETT 1 84 1 Joseph D. PICTON 181 1 h Thomas PIDGEON 1775 John PIERCE 1870 Frank II. 1896 Harry G. 1868 Henry D. 1898 p Henry D. igo6 Henry D., Jr. 181 7 John J. 1903 p Robinson, Jr. 1850 Samuel E. 1896 Talbot E. I7S9 Thomas 1808 William L. PIERSON 1816 Albert 1899 Albert H. 1807 Charles E. 1868 Charles E. 1776 Cyrus 1840 Havid H. t8qo Delavan L. 1 791 I-.bene^cr H. iS?4 Edward D. 1 83 1 Elihu 1903 Ellis E. 1897 Farrand B. 1823 George i8s3 George 1882 George P. 1906 Howard O. 1789 Isaac John, 13, 15 1 90 1 bs John R. 1840 Jobn S. 189s ce Thomas H. 1866 h William 1816 William J., Jr. PIGEON 1874 James C. Du M. PILGRAM 1902 Arthur J. PILLING 1897 bs Walter J. PINCHOT 1904 h Clifford PINCKNEY 1787 h Charles, Jr. 1861 Thomas PINDELL 1843 Henry C. PINGRY 1868 h John F. PINKERTON 1843 1844 John Joseph W. PINTARD 1776 1792 John Lewis S. PIPER 1902 bs iSso 1868 Edmund B. Jackson Oliver P. PIRES 1904 P Emanuel C. PITCAIRN 1797 h 1903 ce 1898 ce 1 90 1 Joseph Norman B. Robert, Jr. Robert F. PITCHER 1840 Samuel L. PITKIN 1903 bs Elliott W. 1898 bs Frank De W. 1899 bs Herbert LeR. 1900 bs Ward C. PITNEY 1890 ce Frederick Y. 1848 ITrnry C. 1877 Henry C. Jr. 1881 Inbn'O. H. 1879 Mahlon PITT 1824 Jesse B. PITTMAN 1900 p Charles R. PLACE 1849 Albert G. PLATT 1895 1764 I90I 1858 i8i=; 1824 h 1871 1773 Dan. F. David Edward C, Jr. Henry C. Isaac W. Jonas Lewis H. Richard PLOTTS 1830 John PLUM 1901 bs Stephen H., Jr. PLUMB 1904 bs Louis J. PLUMER 1875 1809 1838 h John S. Jonathan WiJliam S. PLUMLEY 1876 William E. PLUNKETT 1903 Thomas F. POE 1900 1891 1902 1854 1898 1897 bs 1884 Arthur Edgar A. Gresham H. John P. M. Newton Neilson, Jr. S. Johnson POGGENBURG 1 90 1 ce George F. W. POGUE 1904 bs Henry 1904 Samuel F. POINDEXTER 1905 Urban H. POLHEMUS 1794 Henry 1818 Henry D. POLK 1844 .Andrew T. 1879 Charles C. 1868 John P. 1878 William R. POLLARD 1842 Lewis P. POLLISON iRSo Clifford C. 1893 William E. 5i8 INDEX [POL-PRY POLLOCK 1787 George 1 83 1 James 1859 Samuel H. 1786 Thomas POMERENE 1884 Atlee 1888 Celsus 1884 Da Costa 1888 Lister POME ROY 1899 bs Arthur 1758 Ralph POTTER 190S POND David S. POOLE 1904 Abram, Jr. 1895 ce Charles A. 1902 Ernest C. 1893 Harry O. 1900 ce Ralph H. POOR 1857 h Daniel W. 1891 Daniel W., Jr. 1904 p John M. POPE 1765 Edward POPPEN 1896 p Jacob PORTER i8.,8 Abner A. 1839 Elbert S. 1869 George T. 1812 Henry 1881 Hobart C. 1906 h Horace 1887 Horace M. 1824 Tohn C. 1901 bs Roland G. 1837 Samuel H. J839 Theodore M. 1875 Willard H. 1903 Willard H., Jr. PORTERFIELD 1887 Robert E. PORTEUS 1784 h William PORTSER 1894 Robert K. POSEY 1871 Thomas POST 1891 Bertram Van 18(33 bs Charles M. 1862 Edward R. igo2 Henry K. 1805 Henry ]\I. 1837 Tchiel J. iQoo bs ^lorgan B. 1897 Wilfred McL 183s William, Jr. 1863 Charles H. 1896 David 1896 p Dwight E. 1898 bs Harry C, Jr. 1844 James 13. 1857 lohn 1896 John A. 1867 Joseph L. 1877 Jotham 1841 Ludlow D. '75.3 Nathaniel 1837 h Pierpont 1882 Theodore 1872 h William A. 1863 William E. 1896 bs William W. POTTS 1804 Richard 180S h Richard 1806 Robert B. 1844 h Stacy G. 1857 h Stacy G. 1890 p Thomas N. 1805 William POULLALX 1846 Philip POULSON 1868 James M. POULTON 1896 h Edward B. POWELL 1898 bs Frank F. POWER 1877 Henry J. 1766 James TOY. NT ELL 1804 George PRATT 1904 .Alexander D. B. 1904 Arthur D. 1879 Charles M. 1894 Daniel 1864 N'incent W. PRENTICE 1898 Ezra P. 1900 Paul C. J 884 Robert K. 1892 William K. PRENTISS 1879 George L. 1882 Henry S. PRESBREY 1906 lit Charles S. 1890 h Frank S. PRESCOTT 1883 Latinur H. 1816 h Samuel T. PRESSLEY 1825 John B. PRESTON 1901 p John F. 1904 p Robert S. 1906 lit Thomas J., 1839 Walter 1 88 1 Walter W. J 904 bs Wilbur F. PREUSSE 1905 bs Julius W. PREVOST 18 1 8 James M. 18 1 8 Samuel S. Jr. 1904 1906 1890 1857 h 1849 1814 1888 1896 p 1888 i860 h PRICE Benjamin M. Cole B. Eugene B. Henry B. John S. Jonathan D. Luther E. Rodman MacC, Samuel D. William C. Theophilus T. PRIEST 1894 George M. 1902 George T. PRIETH 1 80 1 Benedict L. 1900 bs Edwin S. 1 75 1 1804 1888 1843 1890 i860 1849 1900 p 1873 1859 h i8s6 1883 bs PRIME Benjamin Y. Nathaniel S. Rallih E., Jr. \Villiam C. William C, Jr. PRIMROSE Tohn \\'. Robert S. PRINGLE Alexander Samuel W. William PROCTOR Robert William C. PROPST Frank W. PROUDFIT 1893 .Mexander C. 1889 John W. PROVOST 1833 John 1870 Thomas C. PRVOR 1870 Thcodoric B. PUE-REA] INDEX 5^9 1847 1876 1 90 1 bs 1863 1785 h igo2 p 1904 bs 1858 1838 I7S4 1861 1906 1877 1878 1903 PUE Michael PUHL Paul W. PUGH Edward F. John C. L. PUMYEA P. Clinton Peter B. PURCELL Henry Jonathan W. PURDIE John PURDON John PURNELL Lvttleton B. William T. Thomas R. PURVES George T., 24 PURVIANCE David Winfield S. PURVIS George H. PUTNAM Homer PYLE James McA. PYNE M. Tavlor Percy R. Percy R., 2d OUACKENBUSH 1899 bs William D. QUEEN 1887 John W., Jr. QUINCY 1796 h Josiah QUINN 1889 Edmund F. 1906 1851 QUTNTARD Charles L. QUITMAN Frederick H. RACE 1890 John H. RADCLIFF 1783 1784 Jacob William RAFFEXSPERGER 1849 Edwin B. RAFFERTY 1882 I86I Ogden William A. RAFTERY i86s Thomas RAINES 1861 Charles B. RALPH 1803 1903 John ce Paul J. RALSTON 181 5 Ashbel G. 1809 Tohn G. 1882 John J. Robert, ig 1822 Samuel H. 1804 William C. RAMSAY 1761 David 1812 David J 776 Tamts 1 81 4 Tames 1803 John \y. 1767 Nathaniel RAMSEY 1783 h Ephraim 1754 William 1 82 1 William 1897 William B. RAND i88g Edward W. RANDALL 1903 Andrew L. 1904 Edmund B. i86s j8s2 iSsS 1866 1851 1893 1802 1807 1813 RANDOLPH h Anson D. F. h Bennington F. Job D. John C. F. h Joseph F. e Mervyn P. Stille Theodore F., 11 William B. William B. 1835 h John A. RANKEN 1904 bs David D. RANKIN 1836 Charles W. 186^ Edward P. 1882 ce Edward S. 1871 1843 1873, 1867 h 1852 1892 1867 i860 1884 p 1865 h 1880 1821 1821 Edward W. Edwin M., 45, 69 Henry Van \. Isaac O. Tohn C. John J. John L. Nelson A. Walter L. Walter M. William \\ illiam RANNELLS Tohn G. \\' illiam RANNEY 1886 Joseph P. 1882 Pennington 1862 h Timothy 1'. RATH 1902 p Charles E. RATH BUN 1900 Donald B. S. RATTOONE 1787 Elijah D. RAUB 1866 h Albert N. RAUCH 1900 p Charles ^L RAVEN 1797 Lawrence L. RAWLE 1827 h William RAWN 1861 Charles C. RAWSON 1890 Edmund G., RAY 1808 James RAYBURN 1875 Calvin RAYMOND 1896 h George L. 1847 h Henry J. 1905 bs Henry J. REA 1904 ce George B. 1845 George M. 1869 Tames C. 1904 bs James C. 1875 Samuel C. READ 1776 Archibald :86i Edward G. i8n6 (George 1820 Henry M. 1748 Israel Jr. 520 1787 John l82I John D. 1806 John H. Thomas 1772 h 1810 William T. READE 1796 Joseph 1841 Robert READING 1829 Tames N. John, Jr., 14 1865 Robert C. 1900 Robert C, 2d. REAM 1 90s Edward K. 1904 Robert C. REARDON 1852 James D. REARICK 1903 Ralph E. REBERT 1906 Charles M. REDIN 1838 Richard W. REDINGTON 1899 Walter P. REDMAN 1763 h John REDMOND 1853 Charles P. REECE 1875 Patterson A. REED i86,s b Alexander 1902 Charles F. 1904 Clarence H. 1900 David A. 1797 Dennis DeB. 1887 h Edward F. 1899 George K. 1798 George W. 1906 bs Howard B. 1902 h James H. James H., Jr 1904. bs 1870 James Linn Jesse 1769 1854 John C. 1757 Joseph 1792 Joseph, Jr. Robert B. 1903 1904 Robert R. 1902 .Samuel C. 1886 Taylor 1878 Thomas M., Jr. 189606 William B., Jr. William M., 41 REEDER 1863 Francis 1863 Howard J. 1844 LWDEX REES Henry K. REESE 1794 Edwin 1859 Tames W. 1772 Oliver 1896 .Stanley C. 1768 Thomas 1839 William M. REEVE 1903 Arthur B. I90I Henry M. 1763 Tapping 1836' William B. REEVES 1884 Alfred G. 1903 Charles B. 1897 Harry N. 1844 Henry 1754 James Nathaniel S. 1899 1846 Robert H. 1837 Samuel J. i86s Samuel W. REIBER 1882 Aaron Eli REICHNER 1898 George G. 1894 Louis I. REID 1890 Albert 1845 Alexander 1880 David C. 1887 Francis E. 1775 James 1874 John G. 1896 p Legh W. 1819 Philip M. 1906 Samuel J., Jr. 1899 h Whitelaw 1893 William T., Jr, 1802 William S. REILEY 1878 John L B. REILLY 1898 ce John. Jr. 187s William M. REIMERS 1905 bs Raymond D. REINHART 1837 Edwin H. 1905 Francis 0. REINSBERG 1890 p Charles H. REITER 1898 Howard R. REMICK 1866 Ninian B. REMINGTON 1886 .\rthur W. 1862 Charles W. [REA-RIC REMSEN 1877 Charles P. 1896 h Ira 189s e James D. 1842 Robert G. 1835 William RENDALL 1903 P Hugh W. 1903 Humphrey J. 1852 Isaac N. 1870 John B. REXTSCHLER 1903 Harvey C. RENZ 1855 Rudolph A. REPPERT 1906 bs George H. RETTGER Ernest W., 68 REVEL 1853 h Jean P. REYNOLDS 1902 Adna H. 1902 Arthur W. 1872 Benjamin 1870 Charles A. 1878 Francis D. 189s ce Frank 1886 George 1904 bs Henry B. 1903 bs Henry C. 1904 Oliver C. 1897 Theodore F. i7S0 Thomas 1897 William A. RHEA 1776 Aaron 1791 Ebenezer 1780 John 1809 Nicholas G. R. RHEES 1837 h Morgan J. RHOADS i8si h Tames 1853 h Joshua RHODES i8si Albert T. iSqt Charles E. 1906 p Harry A. RIBBLE 1864 h George T. RICE 1843 .\rcliibald A. 1832 h Bcniamin H. 176: David 1876 Harris G^. 1839 Charles S. i8tO Ibzan T. 181Q h Tohn H. 1S38 tohn H. i860 h lohn McD. RIC-ROB] IQOl bs Robert H. 1840 ll W'illard M. 1879 ce William M. RICHARDS Alfred E., 72 1815 Benjamin W. 1897 Charles G. 1834 Elias J. 1 90 1 bs George D. 1873 Henry i.. 1823 Henry S. 1801 h James 1858 Tames John T. 1871 1848 Jonathan D. 1904 p Parke 1833 Samuel P. 1832 Thomas H. 1824 William A. RICHARDSON i86s Charles F. 1903 Charles S., Jr. Donald W. 1904 p 1905 Edgar S. 1888 Elliott V. i8g6.h Ernest C. 1888 Evans T. 1822 George R. 1877 John E. 1899 John McL. Owen W., 46 1844 Richard H. 1906 Raymond B. 1901 p Robert C. 1004 Russell 1905 William McL. RICHEY 1838 Robert T. RICHMAN 1839 Elias B. RICHMOND 1883 Charles A. 1822 George 1819 h Frederick RICKERT 1892 ce George Van D. RICKETTS 1881 bs Louis D. 1874 Thomas G. RICORD i86i h Frederick W. RIDDLE 1779 James 1783 Joseph 1896 h Matthew B. 1837 William RIDGLEY 1818 Edward RIDGWAY 1838 Charles D. i8i59 Charles D. 190.'; ce Charles D. 1826 John J. 1898 Richard F. L. INDEX RIDINGTON 1891 William R. RIEGEL 521 1888 Jacob 1897 Oscar B. RIEMAN 1892 Charles E. 1883 Perlee L. RIGG 1867 George RIGGS 1892 Alfred R. 1893 Charles T. 1879 Charles W. 1887 ce Clinton L. 1865 Edward 1795 Elias 1904 Ernest W. 1894 Francis G. 1894 Henry G. 1872 James F. 1874 Tames S. 1883 Lawrason 1897 bs Thomas D. 1885 William P. RIGHTER 1896 Joseph C, Jr. RICKER 1879 Adrian 1876 Chandler W. 1903 Thad W. RILEY 1876 Alden K. 1904 Armin W. 1905 ce Arthur W. 1891 Michael F. 1896 Samuel G. RINEHART 1904 Robert E. RINGGOLD 1824 Richard W. RINKER • 1847 Henry RIOSECO 1888 Pedro RIPLEY 1901 bs Bert 1840 Fitz-Henry 1802 h Hezekiah RITCHEY 1893 James W. RITTEXHOUSE 1772 h 1847 1873 David Joseph M. Thomas H. RIVES 1896 George B. ROACH 186s Randolph S. ROAT 1793 William ROBB 1848 Charles E. 1897 bs Harry C. 1899 ce Louis A. 1849 Samuel 1897 William M. ROBBINS I88I Carroll 1 90 1 Charles R. 1889 Edmund Y. 1868 Edward H. 1894 Edward R. I90I John H. 1874 Samuel K. ROBERT 1904 Christopher D. 1829 Stokes L. ROBERTS 1896 bs Algernon B. 1862 Charles D. 1899 bs Charles S. 1881 Edward G. 1894 Ernest P. 1883 ce Frank C. 1855 Frederick C. 1900 Gordon F. 1903 P Harry B. 1903 bs Isaac W. 1892 John S. 18'; ■; William C. 1881 William H. 189s William H., Jr. 1906 p Stacy L. 1899 bs Thomas W. ROBERTSON 1900 ce Charles E. 1795 Isaac 1891 Robert S. 1895 William D. ROBESON 1847 George ^I. 1858 William P. 185s 1900 bs 1902 1903 ce 1894 1886 18-6 1887 1891 1816 h 1861 1884 179" h 1891 1822 1906 lit 1808 1906 p ROBINSON Albert Alexander B. Andrew L. Arthur P. Charles A. Edward O. Edwin P. Georc;e L. Harry P.^ Horace N. James H. James J. John Joseph H. Toscph II. flannel E. ^lontgomery Philip E. Thomas Thomas II., 23 522 INDEX [ROB-ROW I89I i8Si bs 1881 1902 18S8 1885 1900 Thomas H., Jr. Walter F. William A. William A., 3d William C. William H. William McI. ROBISON 1874 Albert L. ROCHE 1903 August, Jr. ROCHELLE i88s Ford W. ROCKWOOD 1896 h Charles G., Jr. RODDY 1886 George B. 1891 Joseph S. 1850 RODES Levi T. RODGERS Addison S. Alexander R. Howard S. John John John K. John R. B. Ravaud K. 1896 bs Robert S. 1840 William P. RODMAN Thomas H. RODNEY Caleb H. George B. Tohn, Jr. John H. John H., Jr. 1890 e 1760 h 1841 1811 1775 181S 1840 1867 :8jo 1S16 1859 ROE 1756 Azel 1870 Charles J. 1897 bs Irving L. 1858 Joseph B. 1S99 William S. ROESSLE 1879 Elwood O. 1827 100 3 1899 1819 1896 bs 1893 1844 1799 1803 1 84 1 1 90 1 1837 184 s 1904 ROGERS David J. Daniel M. David C. Henry W. Henry W. Herbert M. Humphrey W. James Tames S. lames W. John L. John M. Joseph Lawrence H. 1806 1886 i8i8h 1786 h 1838 1884 1895 e Molton C. Richard R. Stephen M. William William H. L William L. William S. ROLAND 1879 187^ 1877 Frederic A. Oliver William H. ROLL 1854 Luther C. ROLLINS 1906 1889 Frank B. Piiilip A. ROMAN 1861 Samuel T. ROMERO 1893 Jose De J. ROMEYN 1809 h 1765 1765 h John B. Theodoric Thomas ROMMEL 1868 \\-illiam C. ROOD 1852 Ogden N. ROOSEVELT 1808 Isaac I 780 James 1 79 1 1904 ce Tames C. Nicholas G. ROOT I7S4, 1906 h 1882 1874 1756 1904 1902 Benaiah Elihu Frank F. Herbert T. Jesse Robert K., 45 Stanley W. Winfred T. ROOTS 1 801 Thomas R. ROPER i<)o^ Tames G. igo2 William W. 1761 ROSBURGH John ROSE 1902 Don ii)oi George E. 1816 William ROSEBERRY 1 88 1 Frank 1877 Joseph M. ROSEBRO 1869 John W. ROSENGARTEN 1897 bs Albert H. 1899 bs Frederic 1896 Joseph G., Jr. ROSENKRANS 1898 Addison P. 1867 Martin 1900 William \'. B. ROSENMILLER 1848 Josiah F. ROSS 1820 Alison 1856 Charles W. 1809 Clymer 1815 George I86I George 1900 George i8i8h James Henry P. 1857 1819 James 1792 Tames D. 1874 Tames H. D. 1841 Tohn McD. 1771 Joseph 1903 ce Leland H. 1751 Robert 1843 Robert D. 1895 Robert !•:. 1876 Robert J. 1825 Thomas 1895 Thomas 1792 William 182s William J. 1888 Walter W. William, 81 1842 William P. 1821 ^^■illiam S. ROUNDTREE 189,1 P Irwin W. L. ROUSE 1887 Clarence W. 1905 bs John G. ROWAN 1899 bs Archibald H. 1838 Edward S. ROWE T904 bs Benjamin 1902 bs Edgar C. 1882 Ross B. 1902 ce William L. ROWELL 1877 Ambrose V.. 1854 Christopher ROWLAND 1884 Alexander S. 1896 h Henry A. 1872 Henry E. 1871 Samuel 1877 Samuel J. 1879 ROWLEY Tames T. ROX-SAN] IXDEX 52 ROXBURGH, see RUSH RYLE Rosburgh 1760 Benjamin 1897 bs Joseph W. 1829 Benjamin ROY 1765 Jacob RYMAX 1818 William H. 1805 1831 James James M. 1868 Charles S. ROYER 1898 bs John H. Richard 1880 John C. F. Joseph \V. 1797 SABIXE 1841 RUSSELL 1894 1904 Philip S. Samuel S. ROYLE 1780 Alexander Archibald D., 25 1893 William T., Jr. 1883 1899 Edwin M. Jonathan C. 1770 . 1905 I't 1899 p Caleb Charles P. SAHLER Daniel Du B. 1883 ce Sinclair K. Daniel i8s3 ROYS 1894 1899 Edward J. George J. SAILER 1897 Charles K. 1901 Gordon M. 1889 Thomas H. P. 1903 William B. 1859 Henry E. 1876 Henry yi. SAIXT GAUDEX5 RUAN 1897 Henry X. 1897 h Augustus 1-92 1790 James 1883^ James C. John RUBIXKAM 1825 h 1-92 1883 Toshua T. Robert William E. 190!; bs 1883 ST. JOHX Fordyce B. Hunter 1874 Nathaniel I. RUSTOX 1883 Randolph RUCKMAN 1762 Thomas SAKS 1848 Thomas RUTAX 1900 bs Joseph L RUDD 1883 Frederick X. SALMOX 1883 Edward H. RUTGERS 1899 ce Fred W. RUDDACH i8t9 Antony Henry, 18 SALMOX D 1849 William H. 1902 h Charles A. 1S78 bs RUDOLPH Charles M. 190S 1810 RUTHERFOORD Alexander H. R., Ji John i8i2h SALOMOXS Derrick G. RUDY RUTHERFORD SALSBURY 1876 Wilber F. 1776 John 1902 bs William B. RUE 1806 1903 bs Robert W. i Thomas A. SALTER 1883 Frank B. 1809 Thomas B. 1906 bs John D., Jr. 1776 Joseph 1882 RUTHERFURD Livingston 1902 SAMMIS Jesse F. RUFFET RUTLEDGE 1904 Theron H. 1874 h Louis 1853 Patrick H. SAMP SOX RUFFIX RUTXAM 1866 Edwin De W. 1805 Thomas 1896 p Samuel C. K. 1862 Henrj- L. iS38h RUFFXER Henry RUTTER 1858 SAMS Richard F. 1905 Joseph W. SAMUEL RUGH 1895 bs Lynn K. 1877 bs ; William P. 1894 Charles RYALL SAXDERS RULOX-MILLER 1842 Caleb L. 1867 Frank F. 1905 John, Jr. RYERS 1900 Henr>- P- 1792 John P. SAXDERSON RUXDLE 1886 George L. RYERSOX 1905 bs Kaymona 1840 George M. SAXDS 1888 RUXYOX William H. 1833 1844 1830 1S40 >!artin Martin Martin J. Thomas 1885 h John S. SAX FORD RUPLEY 1809 Thomas C. 190- Edwards S.. Jr. 1902 George A. 1871 William M. 1854 William B. 524 SANKEY 1898 p James A. SANSBURY Ralph, 81 • SANSON 1873 Robert J. SANXAY 1864 Theodore F. SATTERFIELD 1870 David J. SATTERLEE 1896 h Henry Y. SATTERTHWAITE 1893 bs Pennington SATTERWHITE 1904 Benjamin O. SAUNDERS 1814 Stephen SAUSSY 1896 Frederick T. SAVAGE 1879 Albert L. 1805 Benjamin 1873 Charles C. 1870 George W., Jr. 1902 bs Harry K. 1904 Henry H. 1887 Henry S. 1902 Joseph K. SAVIDGE 1874 Clinton R. SAWYER 1900 Robert B. 1838 Robert W. 1842 Samuel SAXTON Elmer W. SAYEN William H., Jr. 1904 p 1905 lit 1898 1901 1840 1757 1863 179-2 SAYLES Halsey SAYLOR Howard M. SAYRE Eli A. Tohn S. 1,'aul T. Stephen Sylvanus SAYRES John J. INDEX SCARBOROUGH Tames I. William B. 1904 1853 SCARLET 1874 James SCHAEFFER i8i8h Frederick C. 1902 Joseph H. SCHAFF 1906 Philip H. 1901 Rodman SCHALL 1868 h George B. SCHANCK 186s James R. 1840 John S. SCHARFF 1881 Adrian 1853 Christian H. 1885 Paul A. SCHAUFFLER 1902 Edward W. 1902 Robert H. 1879 h Wilhelm G. 1896 1870 SCHEIDE John H. SCHELL William P. Jr. SCHELLENBERG 1902 ce Francis F. SCHENCK 1843 Addison Van C. 1869 Archibald A. 1837 Edward T. 1832 Elias S. i86s Ferdinand S. 1831 George W. 1876 Harris R. 1 90 1 Henry L. 1853 John C. John G. 1869 1844 Xoah H. 1903 Norman C. 1767 \Villiam 180S NN'illiam C. 1838 William E. 1880 SCHIRMER Rudolph E. SCHLEY 1842 Charles 1836 James M. 1831 William SCHMIDT 1 88 1 George S. 190-2 Maximilian SCHMITZ 1905 bs Walter L. [SAN-SCO SCHNEIDEMAN 1881 Theodore B. SCHOCK 1874 h George W. SCHOONMACHER 1904 ce Leon M. SCHORY 1840 Peter D. SCHREIXER 1868 John H. SCHRIVER 1848 Albert SCHROEDER 1819 John F. 1898 Nathan S. 1877 William F. 1840 SCHXABEL Ellis B. SCHULTZ 1903 Albert B. 1890 Edwin W. 1893 Elmer K. 1852 Solomon S. 1900 bs Thomas S. 1904 Walter S. 1899 William M. SCHUREMAN 1901 James P. itJoi h John SCHUSLER 1902 ce George W. SCHUYLER 1892 h Edwin H. SCHWEIKERT 1903 Harry C. SCHWOB 1906 Henri SCOFIELD 1887 Alfred H. i860 Tohn H. 1889 William H. SCOLLEY 1845 Charles L. SCOTLAXD 1874 Alexander SCOTT 1906 ce Alexander H. 1775 Archibald 1904 Arthur P. 1891 h Austin 1868 Charles H. 1872 Cornelius S. 1873 David. Jr. 1865 Edward H. 1897 Edwin H. SCO-SHA] INDEX 5 -'5 igoo bs Fred H. 1903 Garfield 1888 George E. 1796 h George McE. 1903 George T. 1902 George W. 1805 Gustavus H. 1903 bs Homer 1836 h James 1877 John, Jr. 1805 John M. 1898 John M. 1845 Joiin T. 1795 Joseph W. 1868 Lewis W. 1834 Mather 1816 Robert 1900 Samuel B. 1904 bs Thomas McG. 1845 Walter T. 1868 William 1877 William B. 1883 William C. William E. D., 78, 79 1898 bs William McK. 1874 William T. 1814 h Winfield SCRIBNER 1881 Arthur H. 1840 Charles 1875 Charles 1905 bs Charles E. 1880 Charles W. 1881 Henry S. 1872 John H. 1878 h John I. B. 1840 William 1894 1839 1838 1870 1841 1903 1876 1871 1896 h 1811 1775 1830 1833 1778 1822 1882 1751 1809 1890 ce 1831 1821 1841 SCRIMGEOUR James H. SCUDDER Alexander M. Amos Edmund D. Edward W. Edward W. George D. Henry W. Horace E. John John A. John B. John W. Joseph Joseph Lewis R. Nathaniel Philip J. Robert L. Samuel E. William W. William W. William W., Jr. SEABROOK 181 2 Benjamin W^ 1861 Ephraim B. 1823 Ephraim M. SEABROOKE 1857 h Joseph B. SEAL 1869 h W. T. 1 89 1 bs 1902 bs 1838 1821 1859 h 1895 bs 1898 bs 1850 1768 1799 h 1867 1906 1879 1871 1809 1884 h 1864 i860 1906 p 1804 P 1776 1891 SEALEY John H. SEALY George, Jr. SEAMAN Leonard W. SEARLE Moses C. SEARS George B. SEAVER Archer W. Howard E. SEAY William A. SEBRING Michael SEDGWICK Theodore SEELEY Elias P., 10 George A. Paul S. William B. William H. SEELY Charles SEGUIN Joseph B. SEGUR Willard B. SEIBERT George C. SEILER Galen W. SEIP Frederic SEKI Wachi SELHEIMER Henry C. SELLERS Walter F. SEMMES John E., Jr. SEMPLE James L. John G., 60 Lewis B. Nathaniel W. Samuel SENAKERIM 1840 h Der M. SENOUYE 1906 p Hironari SERGEANT 1850 1804 1850 1798 1795 1841 1762 1843 1798 1847 Charles Elihu S. George T. Henry John John Tonathan, 26 Jonathan D. Spencer Tliomas William SESSIONS 1870 David R. SETH 1896 h Andrew SEVENOAK 1879 Frank L. SEWARD 1847 Nathan A. C. SEWELL 188s h Robert SEXTON i860 1894 Augustus W. William A. SEYFERT 1903 P William T. S. SEYMOUR 1898 1898 ce 1897 189s 1821 Edmund B., Jr. Lansing S. Walter A. Warren L William SHAFER 1903 1808 George C. Joseph L. SHAFFER 1901 Herbert E. SHALER 1828 h William SHANNON 1776 Samuel SHARON J 890 James M. SHARP 1822 1870 1884 James S. T. Jerome E. Raymond W. 1905 ce Thurlow R. SHARPE 1873 Joshua W. 526 INDEX [SHA-SID SHAW i860 Daniel McL. 1870 David E. 1895 Harry E. 1886 James P. 1850 John E. 1784 Leonard D. 1884 Ralph 1850 h Robert 1873 Samuel J. 1850 William A. William J., 6 1882 William McD. SHEA 1886 bs George E. 1885 Joseph B. SHEARER iqo4 Conway W. 1862 Frederic E. 1890 George L. 1897 Leander H. SHEASLEY 1903 bs Jacob SHEDD 1903 p Ephraim C. 1891 John C. 1S91 p William A. SHEFFIELD 1902 Roscoe R. SHELBY 1842 Evan 1870 John T. 18S3 William K. 1904 1879 1863 1864 1894 i860 1886 i8-.=i 1880 18^8 1892 1881 SHELDON Bayard Edward W. George W. Henry I. Henry M. JMilton D. Ralph C. Theodore Walter L. Wilmon H., 43 SHELLABARGER Joseph L. Joseph M. Robert R. SHELLEY William F. SHELTON 1834 Frederick W. 1836 John D. 1893 Richard T. SHEPARD 1902 Frederick N. 1890 Spencer H. SHEPHERD 1806 Abraham 1877 Frank 1889 Irenaeus M. SHEPPARD 1888 p Donald F. 1899 Edgar C. 1845 Furman SHERBURNE 1 759 Henry SHERMAN 1895 Arthur M. 1893 Clayton F. 1754 Tosiah 1753 Nathaniel 1878 h William T. SHERRERD '839 John B. 1812 John M. 1838 Samuel SHERRIFF 1896 John C. SHERRILL 1866 John S. SHERROD 1854 Benjamin F. SHERWOOD 1885 Alfred B. 1834 Jonathan H. 1/55 h Samuel 1S79 Sidnev 1882 William B. SHEWALTER 1847 George W. SHICK 1890 Robert P. SHIELDS 187s Calvin R. 1844 Charles W. 1 89 1 George H., Jr. 1858 William S. SHIER 1869 h James SHIPLEY 1906 h .\rthur E. 1834 Nicholas H. SHIPMAN 1S70 George M. Ilcnrv I^., 44 1906 Jeliiei G. SHIPPEN Edward, 14 184s Edward 1839 Henry 1758 John 1753 Joseph, Jr. 1788 h Thomas L. William, 20 1754 William, Jr. 1844 William, Jr. SHIRK 1905 bs John H. SHOBER 1882 John B. 1890 Reginald K. SHOEMAKER 1879 George E. 1906 Isaac L. 1904 Joseph C. 1876 Lebbeus J. 1906 ce Linden B. SHOLL 1853 Edward H. SHORT 1905 Harold H. 1872 Henry B. 1872 Warren B. SHORTZ 1897 bs Edwin, Jr. SHOWERMAN Grant, 42 SHRADY 1890 Arthur M. 1889 bs John E. SHRENE 1836 Benjamin D. 1 85 1 Benjamin F. 1851 Caleb D. 1898 Caleb E. 1852 Jonathan R. 1848 Samuel H. SHRIVER 1878 bs John S. SHROPSHIRE 1903 p James B. SHUBAEL 1892 e Conant W. SHULTIS 1894 Frank C. SHUPP 1900 Irvin, Jr. SHUSTER 1866 \\illiam M. SHUTE 1824 Theodore SIBEET 1890 Lowry W. SIBLEY 1834 Charles S. 1888 h Henry H. SICARD 1894 bs Montgomery H. SIDEBOTHAM 1903 p Charles W. SID-SMI] SIDLER 1891 1888 Charles A. William L. SIEBENECK 1894 Henry K. SIEDLER 1900 bs George J. SILKWORTH 1896 William D. SILL 1889 bs 1894 bs 1904 Henry D. Herbert F. Walter G. SILLIMAX 184s 1879 Alexander P. John R. SILVER 1886 John A. INDEX 527 SILVESTER Charles F., 66, 79 SIM 1768 h Hugh SIMMONS 1904 p Frank E. SIMMS 1849 Richard H. i8oi William D. SIMONS 1882 Edwin S. 1906 Frank P_. 1906 bs George S., Jr. SIMONSON 1865 George Le F. i8o6 h John SIMONTON 1852 Ashbel G. I«52 James S. John W. 1850 SIMPSON 1784 h Alexander 1905 ce Charles R. 1900 p Edwin W. 1853 Franklin T. 1902 Herbert D. 1848 h James H. 1763 Tohn 1794 John N. 1803 Josiah 1833 Josiah 1906 Randolph S. 1852 h Robert i8s7 Robert T. RIMS 1806 Tohn D. 1809 John G. 1902 John G., Jr. SINCERBEAUX 1902 Charles S. SINCLAIR 1898 bs Archer C. 1881 George M. 1906 Sidney M. 1904 bs Wallace M. 1904 William William J., 72 SINGER 1903 Robert W. SINNICKSON 1895 Charles 1896 ce George R. SINNOTT 1882 p William I. SIPE 1903 ^^'illiam A., Jr. SITGREAVES 1852 h Charles SKELTON t8oo Ennion W. iSj5 Walter M. SKILLMAN I Si 9 Abraham 1848 Charlts A. 1766 Isaac 1898 ce Thomas J. 1877 Willis B. SKINNER 1793 Abraham 1 83 1 Charles 1 88 1 John B. 1829 Robert 1809 Thomas H. 1867 h Thomas H. 1800 William 1853 \\illiam E. SKIPWORTH if?ri Humberson SLACK 1808 Elijah SLAUGHTER 1905 Rochester B. SLEE 1903 Jay F. SLEEPER 1884 Henry H. SLEMMONS 1877 William E. SLEMONS 1760 Tohn I7g4 John B. SLinELL 1 801; ce Thnnms 1899 William J. SLOAN 1899 bs Burrows 1869 Charles W. 1873 David W. 1887 George B., Jr. 1805 James 1792 John 1830 John H. 1 76 1 Samuel 1807 William 1792 William B. 1830 William B. 18 16 William H. SLOANE 1904 Francis J. 1900 James R. 189s Joseph C. 1879 Walter H. 1896 h William M. SLOSS i86s Robert 1893 Robert T. 1823 SLOSSON John SMALL 1865 h Albert Small 1881 Edward H. 1896 James D. 1824 John 1892 Ralph D. SMALLEY 1786 Henry 1800 h 1ohn 1863 William P. 189s 1903 19030 1891 n 1900 1904 1885 1823 1773 i88s 1846 1786 1888 1902 1903 1902 p 1900 1876 bs 1888 1787 i860 1757 1849 1849 1837 1890 ce 1844 179s SMEAD Edgar M. SMILEY Uriah F. SMITH Albridge C, Jr. Alexander Alexander A. Algernon T. Andrew A. Augustine C. Augustine J. Belcher P. Benjamin B. Berwick B. Caleb, 15, 25, 4 Charles Charles A. Charles C. Charles C. Charles J^ Charles K. Charles R. Charles S. Daniel Daniel H. David David E. Duncan E. Tacqiielin Edgar M. Edward B. Edward D. 528 1842 1870 i8o4 1885 1903 1887 1876 1876 1894 1904 ce 1756 1770 1821 i8o=- 1861 1834 1898 1818 1S96 h 1904 lSq8 bs 1886 1869 h 18=50 1862 1887 h 1900 1879 1906 ce 1878 ce 1762 1906 1901 1755 1770 1805 1824 1757 1863 1859 h 1845 1819 h i8qs 1758 1770 1789 h 1808 h 18,6 1773 1895 1838 1837 1787 1801 182s 1795 1760 1829 1837 1872 1764 . 1896 h 1823 1833 1904 ce 1898 1824 1889 ce 1869 h 1806 ce 1842 h 1872 i860 h 1874 1845 l8S2 in w. s. Edward D. Edward W. Egbert T. Emilius \V. Ephraim F. Everett L. Frank Frank PI. Frank S. Franklin B. Frederick H Ford C. Geoffrey George George A. George A. Z George G. George R. George V. George W. Goldwin Harold C. Harold P. Harry B. Henry B. Henry H. Henry K. Henry P. Henry W. Herbert B. Herbert T. Herbert S. Hezekiah Homer D. Howard A, Isaac Isaac Isaac A. Israel T. Tames J. Henley James Tames B. James M. ames P. Jasper John John John John A. John B. John C. John I. John L. Tohn R. John R. C. John V. John \V. Jonathan B. Jonatlian B. H. onatban B. T. onathan R. oscph oseph T. oscph W. otham Karl G. Latimer P. Levi B. Lewis M. Lewis \V. Lloyd L. Lyndon A. Leigh R. Marshall B. Minor W. N. Bvron Nathan R. L. INDEX [SMI-SOW Norman, 46 SXEED I90I p I8I5 Oscar N. Persifor F. 1898 p John B. 1896 Ralph B. SNITCHER 1896 bs Ralph D. 1896 Homer C. 1899 Raymond W. 1785 Richard SNODGRASS 1898 bs Richard L. 1850 James 1866 1760 h Richard M. J. Robert 1784 h 1822 h John William D. 1781 Robert 1800 Robert F. SNOOK 1885 Robert L. 1879 Frank S. 1766 Samuel 1847 Samuel B. SNOW 1797 h Samuel H. 1883 bs Samuel I. 1890 h Francis H. 1769 Samuel S. 1875 Frederick A. 1824 h 1829 Samuel S. Samuel S. SNOWDEX 1854 Sanford H. 1841 Benjamin C. 1906 Sherburn M. 1776 Benjamin P. 1754 Thomas 1789 Charles J. 1758 Thomas 1783 Gilbert T. 1768 Thomas Isaac, Jr., 17, 27 1807 Thomas L. 1787 Nathaniel R. Thomas W., 22 1786 Samuel F. 1788 Timothy T. 1877 Walter L. SNYDER 1798 Walter T. William, 13, 14 1900 Thomas J. i76'6 William SOMERBY 1796 h William 1838 William A. 1892 Charles W. 1822 1874 William F. William M. SOMERVILLE William P., 13, 14, : 25 1855 li Andrew 1773 1774 William R. William S. SOMES 1789 William S. 1864 h Arthur H. 1889 William W. 1865 h Aurin P. 1892 William W. 1 90 1 Wilson S. SONNE 1877 Wilton M. 1899 P August W. SMITHAM SOOY 1897 James SMITHERS 1871 1870 Josephus L. Mark R. 1896 Francis S., Jr. SORREL SMITIIPETER 1846 Francis, Jr. 1847 William SOTHORON SMOCK 1851 Henry 1879 Ledru P. SOUSA SMYSER 1904 bs , John P., Jr. 1877 1883 Frank John R. SOUTH 1897 Nathan S. 1905 P Arthur L. SMYTH SOUTHARD Charles H., Jr., 43 1828 Daniel D. 1884 Ellison A. 1836 Henry L. 1831 George W. 1899 Robert H. 1897 Richard B. 1863 Samuel H. 1843 h Thomas 1804 Samuel L. 1836 Samuel L. SMYTHE 1894 ce Frank C. SOUTTER 1863 Hugh i8S4 William C. 1839 William McK. SOWERS SNRDEKER 1821 Alfred A. 1002 Leonard N. J896 William F. M. SPA-STE] INDEX 529 1887 1842 SPAETH John D.. 4^5 Sigmund G., SPALDING Franklin S. SPANGLER John W. SPARROW Thomas, Jr. 73 SPAULDING Edward G., 43 1900 bs Frederic E. 1887 William M. SPEAR 1902 bs James, Jr. i8jo h SPEECE Conrad SPEER 1903 ce Alexander 1869 Archibald A. 189s bs David 1885 bs Frank H. 1895 Fitzhugh C. i8j7 James 1873 John E. 1889 Robert E. SPEIR 1877 Francis, Jr. 1890 Louis D. 1883 Robert W. SPELLETICH 1906 bs Kalman SPENCE 1885 Charles R. 1835 George P. 1848 Irving 1856 James T. SPENCER 1 868 Charles H. 1855 Charles S. Charles W., 44 1855 Edward Elihu, 15 1905 ce Frank N. Henry R., 47 1899 Horatio N., Jr. 1784 John E. 1759 Samuel 1832 Samuel 1897 Selden 1870 William E. SPETHMAN 1877 Carl L. SPICER 1891 William C. SPIEGEL 1893 William L., Jr. SPOHN 1906 George S. SPONSLER 1874 William H. SPOONER 1892 Charles P. SPRAGINS 1840 1840 Fayette B. Thomas M. SPRAGUE 1869 h William B. SPRIGG 1834 1806 Osborn Samuel SPRIGGS 1896 Samuel R. SPRING 1766 1771 Alpheus Samuel SPRINGER 1848 1775 James H. John SPRINGS 1877 Richard A. SPROAT 1830 1780 h 1833 1833 Harris L. James Spencer S. William SPROTT 1775 Thomas SPROUL 1893 P Nathaniel T. SPROULL 1890 1889 1889 Charles G. (jormly J. Thomas SPRUANCE i8gi 1852 1895 e Arthur W. William C. William C, Jr. SPURGIN 1898 bs i William H. SQUIER 1848 h Ephraim G. SQUIRE 1784 Zadoc STAAKE 1899 William W. STAATS 1867 .\braham Du B. STAGG 1906 ce David C. STAHL 1897 Nicholas 1869 Nicholas F. STALKER 1884 Francis M. 1902 1867 1863 1906 1803 1861 1809 1805 1840 1897 1852 h 185s 1765 1793 1846 1906 ; 1823 1 1843 STAMBAUGH Harry F. STAMPS Joseph C. STAN FIELD Edward P. STANLEY Edward O., Jr. Tames G. Samuel W. Thomas T. Wright G. STANSBURY Charles F. STANTON Edwin McM. Robert L. Thomas H. STAPLES John John STARK Alexander C. George S. James Oliver P. STARR Moses A. 1876 STAUFFEN 1901 ce Ralph M. STAUGHTON 1821 h Tames M. 1801 h William 1885 1852 STAVELY Albert L. William R. STEARNS Jonathan F. Lewis F. Louis Seargent P. 1893 ce Walter C. 1862 h William A. STEBBINS iSso h 1867 1887 1864 1814 James F. STEEL Robert 530 INDEX [STE-STO STEELE 1852 John A. 1856 Michael A. 1853 William I. STEEN 1 87 1 lames 1903 1°^" ^• igoi Rohert S. 1855 1898 STEEVER Isaac H. STEIN Leo STEIN BACH Jacob, Jr. 1904 STEINMEYER 1902 bs William A. STEINWENDER 1902 bs William J. STEELE 1766 Benjamin 1893 Frederick W. 1793 James T. STEMPLE 1901 p Howard P. 1906 p Wade II. STEPHENS 1807 h Daniel 1 89 1 George H. 1843 STEPHENSON Tames W. STERLING 1R40 Benjamin 1840 John W. 1835 Richard 1897 Robert F. STERRETT 1903 bs Clarence E. STERRY 1 891 James W^ 1885 Willi iam De W. 1861 1877 bs 1891 1889 1004 bs 1874 1879 1884 1872 1004 iSot; h 1905 1904 STEUART Charles D. STEVENS Charles E. Charles S. Charles W. Clyde G. Edmund L. Edwin A. John l^obert L. Rolland D. Samuel Washington L, Weld M. 1876 1864 176s 1898 1878 1899 1893 1846 1892 187s 1905 1005 1876 STEVENSON Alexander R. h David Henry Henry M. Hugh lames G. h "John J. Joshua Robert A. Robert J. ce Thomas K. ce W alker W. bs William P. STEWARD 1879 Charles M. 1834 Daniel J. 1832 John 1703 1886 1 898 bs 1879 1832 1820 h 1815 1864 1878 1899 1S93 1896 ce 1876 1906 1833 h 1904 1903 1884 I8.S5 1857 1879 1905 1864 1856 1899 1850 1770 1849 h 1891 i8so h 1786 1848 1905 1871 1897 STEWART Alexander Alexander Alexander M., Jr Anson B. Archibald S. Charles Charles S. Clernent David Douglas B. Ernest T. Francis G. George B. George B., Jr. George H. George P. Harris B. Henry C, Jr. James H. John lohn A., 22 John A., Jr. John A., 3d John H. John S. John S. Reuel Robert Robert B. Robert S. Robert W. Samuel R. Thomas McI. Vance William A. W. William A. W. STICKNEY 1906 ce Henry STIGER 1846 John S. STILES 1784 h Ezra STILLIE 1885 h John STINNECKE 1861 Henry A. ST IX SON 1 85 1 John H. STIRLING 1851 Archibald, Jr. 1853 James E. 1856 Robert H. STITES 1906 John H. 1896 Thomas H. A. 1869 Winfield S. STITT 1856 William C. STOBO 1903 bs Alexander STOCKER 1S04 John STOCKETT 1850 John T. STOCKTON 1872 Bayard 1906 Bayard, Jr. 1846 Daniel M. 1780 Ebenezer 1804 John C. 1843 John P. 1787 Lucius H. 1773 h Philip 1748 Richard ' 779 Richard 1810 Richard 1843 Richard 1820 h Robert F. i8si Robert F., Jr. 1767 Samuel W. 1896 William Le R. STOCKWELL 1897 Henry F. STODDARD 1886 Charles G. 1858 John W. 1767 Josiah STODDERT 1810 John T. STOETZER 1892 p Herman G. STOKES Edward C, 11 1904 bs Robert J. STOLLHOFEN Peter S., 63 STONE 1788 David 1900 Franklin D. 1 791 Frederick 1848 George B. 1842 Robert K. 1850 Thdnias D. 1843 William J., Jr. 1895 William R. 1904 William R. STO-SUT] STONESTREIiT 1852 1847 Benjamin G. Joseph H. STOOPS 1797 John STOPP 1896 1897 Joseph H. Samuel A. B. STORK 1892 John \V. STORRS 1874 h 1837 Richard S., Jr. William C. STORY 1768 Isaac STOUT 1823 1849 Henry Peter W. 1906 1879 STOUTENBURGH Robert B. William F. STOVER 1850 Lewis STOWELL 1904 William A. STRAIN i860 1757 Alexander John STRATER 1906 Charles H. 1903 bs Harry A. STRATTON 1823 Benjamin H. Charles C, 10 1848 Charles P. 1833 Daniel 1899 bs Frank L. 1905 Henry M. 1830 Tames iS6c; James N. 1836 John L. N. 1833 Joseph B. 1858 Morris II. 1903 Paul 1755 Smith STRAWBRIDGE 1802 1840 1844 1797 George James James D. John STRAYER 1899 Luther M. STREET 1899 bs Harry 1892 Irving W 1859 h Thomas J. INDEX 531 STRKKTT 1858 Joseph M. STRETCH 1867 Richard G. STREUBEL 1902 Clarence E. STRICKLER 1863 Abraham H. STROM 1906 ce Eiigene N. STROMBERG 1906 ce Carl M. STROMQUIST Carl E., 70 STROMSTEN 1905 P Frank A. STRONG 1904 Archibald McI. 1896 h Augustus H. 1874 Edward K. 1 804 h George W. 1807 h Toseph Nathan i8oi h 1 886 Oliver S. 1818 h Pascal N. 1854 Richard M. 1856 Robert 1891 Robert B. 1815 Stephen H. 1843 Stejihen H. 1870 h William STROTHER 1847 John H. STROUD 1817 George McD. STRYKER 1804 Daniel P. 1832 John 1863 Samuel S. 1902 Samuel S., Jr. 1858 William S. STUART 1900 Charles H. Donald C, 73 Duane R., 45 1877 Hugh S. i8ji James H I goo ce John 1 8 19 John A. 1874 John T. 1814 Thomas M. 1868 William W. STUCKEY 185s George W. STUDDIFORD 1902 Douglas S 1897 ITervey 1852 Tames H. 1807 James V. 1858 Tosiah S. 1849 Peter A. 1817 h Peter O. 1856 1864 h 1888 1859 1892 1904 1901 bs 1841 1897 1885 1905 1902 bs 1893 ce 1903 ce 1906 1822 h 1883 1895 1857 1851 1906 1870 Samuel M. Theodore H. William E. STUMP Frederick William STURDEVANT Edward \\'., Jr. Thomas K. STURGEON William C. STURGES Arthur P. . Frederick, Jr. Jonathan STUTESMAN John H. SUDERLEY Charles P. SUDLER Charles E. H. SULLENBERGER Lawrence SULLIVAN Paul B. SUMMERFIELD John SUMMERILL Thomas C. SUMMERS Clement M. George E. SUMNER John L. SUNSTEIN Elias SUPLEE Thomas D. suppliSe James F., Jr. SURH 1899 p Kiu B. 1863 1856 1856 1890 SUTPHEN Isaac F Tohn C. Morris C. Morris C. W. G. van Tassel SUTTON C. Kemper Edward F. H. Frederick J. H. 532 INDEX [SUY-TEL 1890 Joseph H. 1 90 1 Robert W. 1873 Thomas SUYAMA 1900 h Binjiro SUYDAM 1820 Cornelius C. SWAIN 190 1 bs Charles R. 1 84 1 h David L. 1902 Fletcher 189s e George R. 1894 James J. 1849 John L. SWAN 1906 bs Adron L. 1905 bs Henry 1806 Robert 1894 Robert O. 1884 Theodore A. 1869 William L. SWANN 1904 bs Chesley I. 1854 Thomas SWARTS 1867 John W. SW'ARTZ 1885 George E. SWAYZE :82o Edward H. 1829 Sidney P. SWEETMAN 1883 James T., Jr. SWEXK 1870 Thomas SWIGART 1901 Robert F. SYTHOFF 18 1 2 Lambert J. M. TAYLOE 1849 Edward T. 1825 George P. 1863 1873 1901 1847 1894 1859 1850 h SWINXERTON Henry U. SWITZER Charles McL. SWOFFORD Ralph P. SWOPE John A. SYKES B. \y. M'Cready Charles L. Lorenzo A. SYMMES 1876 Henry C. 18S1 Frank R. 1892 Joseph G. 1856 1883 1904 bs 1906 p 1798 1906 lit 1879 182S 1811 1846 1869 1826 1813 1820 1839 1886 h 1870 1905 P 178s 1906 lit 1809 h 1859 1774 h 1866 1893 TABB Thomas TAPER Sydney R, TAGGART Alexander L. TAKAHASHI Motokichi TALBOT Theodore F. TALBOTT Addison F. M. TALCOTT Charles A. James F. TALIAFERRO Charles C. William F. TALLMADGE Theodore W. TALLY William L. TALMAGE Henry C. James R. Jehiel John v., 27 Samuel K. TAMS William H. TAMURA Naomi TANNER Joseph M. TAP PAN David S., Jr. J ohn TARBELL Swift TARKINGTON Booth TARLETON Robert TATE Matthew Miles W. TAW^NEY Guy A. 1866 1884 1836 184s 1901 p 1854 1819 1793 1873 1897 1889 1783 1872 1840 1902 1882 1862 1846 1874 1900 1882 1771 1826 1901 1901 bs 190S 1849 1791 1770 1790 1795 1813 1834 1876 1824 1835 1867 h 1832 1848 1895 bs 183s 1903 1840 1854 h 1795 1848 h 1757 1897 ce 1798 1843 1883 1883 h 189s 1843 TAYLOR Addison W. Albert Alexander Alexander C. Andrew T. Archibald A. E. Benjamin C. Bennett Charles A. Charles I. Duncan \V. Edward Francis M. S. Franklin George H., Jr. George \. Gerry L. Henry Henry B. Homer W. Isaac N. James James B. James B. James B., Jr. James C. Tames W. Jesse John John John John A. John B. John M. Tohn N. John W. John W. Joseph M. Julian Knox Lawrence B. Malcolm S. Nathaniel G. Othniel H. Roliert J. Rufus Samuel Sydney W., Jr. Thomas ^^ illiam A. \\illiam J. William M. TEAL Arthur R. TEALL Edward N. TEESE Frederick H. TELFAIR 1807 .Mcxander 1842 Tohn S. 1803 Josiah 1805 Thomas TEl.FORI^ 1904 Herbert McG. TEM-TID] IXDEX 533 TEMPLE 1870 Asher B. TEMPLETON 1772 Tames 1903 bs Justus S. 1890 p William C. TENBROOK, TEN BROOK 1784 Abraham 1815 Henry TEN EYCK 1795 Abraham 1782 Derrick Jacob, 80 1792 Jacob 1843 h John C. 187s John C. TENNENT Charles Gilbert, 14, 15 John Van B. William, Jr., 14, 15 William, Jr. William M. 1793 1758 1758 1763 TERBELL 1872 h Edward D. TERHUNE 1901 Beekman R. 1882 Henry S. 1793 John :8^7 John 1889 John A. TERRY 1839 Abner W. C. 1905 John L. 1897 bs Leland B. 1882 h Roderick TEWKSBURY 1880 Russell B. TEX ADA 1852 Joseph W. THACHER 1004 John B., 2nd 1895 John H. 1900 William F. G. THACKERY 1872 Robert C. THANE 1748 Daniel THATCHER 1760 Josiah THAW 1894 Edward THAYER 1765 Alexander 1769 Elihu Harvey W., 46 1896 h Joseph H. 1906 bs Lee C. Jr. 1857 b Thatcher THEW 1787 Daniel THILLY Frank, 42 THOMAS 1850 Allen 1809 Charles 1884 Claude M. 1905 P Daniel L. 1820 Edward 1801 Edward C- 1879 George C. 1845 James James H. 1809 1851 James J. James W. i860 1888 John B. John H. 1844 1855 h John M, 1903 P "John R. 1873 h Joseph 1890 Joseph N. 1899 Joseph S. 1835 Joseph T. 1901 Lewis A., Jr. 1899 Lewis S. 1886 Llewellyn 1849 Luther G. 190S Norman M. 1877 li Owen Phillips, 73 1894 e Robert McK. 1888 Stephen G. 1903 Thomas L. 1898 Walter 1870 William D. 1848 William L. THOMASSON 1900 Nelson, Jr. THOMPSON 1893 Alexander M. 1888 p Alfred W. 1760 Amos 1801 Andrew- 1899 bs Andrew 1863 Benjamin 1897 Benjamin H. 1874 Charles D. 1905 Charles D., Jr. 1803 1868 David, Tr. David A. 1902 p 1825 , David A. David H. 1897 Edward C. 1894 Frank F. 1888 p George E. 1826 George H. 1877 bs Henry B. i88s Henry D. 1894 Henry S. 1806 Israel P. 1792 Jacob S. James 1785 1894 lames MacN. 1905 James R. 1822 Tames W. :8i2 Toim 1893 John B. 1836 1855 1834 1828 1846 h 1851 1902 1898 bs 1901 1898 bs 1852 1897 1851 18.S4 1788 1797 1901 1883 1754 1841 1852 1867 1900 1890 p 1852 1883 1824 1780 h 1 76 1 1854 h 1823 1896 h 1863 1873 1816 1898 1898 1807 1896 1896 1880 h 1891 h 1859 h 1846 John E. John J. John L. John O. John R. Marshall C. Merle D. Payson Ralph S. Raymond B. Robert F. Samuel H., Jr. Samuel T. Sidney Smith Stephen Thomas, 1 5 Thomas L. Vance William, 29 William William B. William B. William H. William H. William McC. William V. Winfield B. THOMSON Alexander H. Charles James John John A. Joseph J. McLeod W. Mason Richard R. Samuel G. Thomas L. William William, ist Baron Kelvin William P. THORNTON H. Henry L Robert H. THORP Albert G. THROCKMORTON 1897 p Archie H. 1845 Edmund M. 1877 William S. THROOP 1755 h. William THURBER 1890 bs Samuel W. THURSTON 1751 David 1835 h Robert 177' i75« TICHENOR Isaac Joseph TIDEMAN 1903 bs Rudolph E. 534 TILDEN 1795 William S. TILDSLEY i893 John L. TILLETT 1840 1879 p Thomas T. Wilbur F. TILLINGHAST 1896 Paul TILLOTSON 1839 Gouvemeur TILTOx\ 1795 James TIMBERLAKE 1851 Henry C. TIMLOW 1856 h 1852 1886 Daniel 0. Heman R. William F. TIMOTHY 1813 Peter TINGLE 1849 Edmund McK. TITSWORTII 1881 1893 ce Charles G. Frederick S. TITTMAN 190S bs Charles T. TITUS 1869 1846 Albert C. Samuel H. TOADVIN 1869 Edward S. TOADVINE 1864 h J. Purnell TOBEY 1905 lit Earle D. TOD 1884 ce William S. TODD 1884 1889 1871 1876 1890 bs Ambrose G. David R. Edward I. Henry A. i James R. 1889 1803 h 1842 1876 1903 John "John R. Nathaniel Richard K. Robert N. William B., Jr. TO LAND 1816 1847 fJcorKC W. Henry 1886 ce 1848 1894 1906 1830 IXDEX TOLER Henry P. William P. TOLLES Cornelius W. TOMPKINS Walter K. TOXKS Oliver S., 44 TOOKEK Frederick J. Norman B. TOPPING Evert M. TORREY 1899 h Frederick C. John, 30 1853 John, Jr. 1852 Theodore W. TOTTEN 1886 Robert D. TOWER 1896 Warren !M. 1S94 William H. TOWLE 1883 Henry A. TOWLER 1886 Lewis H. TOWNLEY 1823 h James 1837 John H. 1897 bs John M. 1858 Jonathan 1831 William TOWN SEND 1903 Charles, Jr. 1905 ce Edward D. 1881 ce George G. 1755 Isaac 1878 James B. 1819 John 1846 John K. 1766 Micah 1890 Robert T. 1905 ce Thomas G., J TRACE 1906 Joseph M. TRACY 177.3 h Nathaniel 1770 Stephen TRAINER 1807 bs William B. 1S83 William M. Jr. 18-4 TKATMIAGEN Ciuncliiis \'an V [TIL-TRU TRASK 1840 1866 James L. Spencer TRAVERS 1884 Reverdy J. TRAVIS 1884 Alexander H. TREADWELL 1764 Thomas TREAT 1904 p 1757 Edwin B. Joseph Richard, 13, 15 TREE 1885 Arthur M. TRENCHARD 1895 Thomas G. TRENT I90S Edmund K. TREZEVANT 1775 John T. TRIPLETT 1904 p '903 p Granville II. John E., Jr. TRONE 1905 Royal E. TROTH 1902 Edward 0. TROTTER 1879 Edward H. TROUP 1797 1808 George McI. Robert R. TROUT 1896 John M. TROWBRIDGE 1902 1879 h Augustus, 47 Stephen \an P. William P. TRUBY 189.2 Charles I. TRUE igo2 Henry A. TRUESDALE 1904 bs i Joseph R. TRUESDELL igo2 1890 bs Edward D. ; William C. TRULL 1897 p George II. TUC-Van C] TUCKER 1831 Charles 1842 George W. 1S52 Liicien Q. TUCKERMAN Bayard, 66 TUFFTS 1887 p William M. TUFTS 1862 William W. TULLOCH iSpSh Henry V. TUNIS 1853 John E. TUPPER :86i Henry C. 1866 h Tames B. T. 1826 Martyn TURMAN 1852 William R. TURNBULL 1900 bs Alexander N., Jr. 1904 bs Edward J. 1863 Lawrence TURNER 1868 Daniel 1896 Edward B. 1868 Eli M. 1833 Fielding L. 1832 George W. 1867 John 1894 John H. 1893 Theodore B. 181 7 Thomas 1873 Thomas B. 1888 bs Thornton F, 1906 ce William F. 1821 h William W. 1876 TURNURE Arthur B. TUTTLE 1 90s bs Frank H. 1764 James 1827 Joseph N. 1836 Samuel L. 1836 William P. TWEEDY 1905 bs Lawrence L. TWELLS 1899 ce Herbert N. 1855 John S. TYLER 1897 Albert C. 1853 Robert B. 1819 William B. IXDEX UEBELACKER 1890 e Charles F. ULLMANN 1906 Frederic, Jr. ULRICH 1841 Daniel A. 1839 John W. ULYAT 1899 bs William L. UNDERBILL Anthony L., 72 1904 William H. UNDERWOOD 1875 Walter H. UNGER 1902 Oswald J. UNTERMYER 1904 Alvin UPDEGRAFF 1906 p David B. 1906 lit Samuel UPDIKE 1883 Hartley T. UPSHUR 1802 Caleb. Jr. 1897 Franklin UPSON 1895 Oliver W. 1899 bs Walter L. 1 860 William G. UPTEGROVE 1906 Gifford M. UPTON 1905 ce Curtis P. 1877 P Frank R. URBAN 1900 Leigh Roy 1906 Percy L. 1896 Ralph E. 1895 Wilbur M. URE 1896 Herbert URNER 1884 John R. URQUHART 1885 George, Jr. 535 1872 TYREK Lemuel H. VAIL 1902 Charles E. 1899 Cyrus H. 1901 p Harry R. 1851 Lewis D. 1877 1865 1902 bs 1853 1891 1791 1819 1896 bs 1765 1835 1826 1830 1798 1865 1830 1768 1886 ce 1767 1887 1894 bs Prescott William PI. William P. VALLIANT Frank John W. \'AN ALEN George L. VAN ARSDALE Elias Elias, Jr. George D. Henry Jacob Tacob Robert \'AN ARTSDALEN Garrett John VANATTA Peter R. VAN AUSDAL Charles VAN BENSCHOTEN John R. VAN BIBBER George L. Thomas E. VAN BUXSCHOOT- EN Elias VAN BUSKIRK William VANCE Henry E. Hugh John R. VAN CISE Edwin C. VAN CLEAF 1897 Harry VAN CLE\'E, V AN- CLE VE 1871 Alexander G. 1826 Churchill H. 183 1 h Horatio P. ^7')7 John 1786 John W. 1890 Tudah S. 1863 Robert S. 1774 VAN CORTLANDT Nicholas B. VAN COURT 1833 Alexander 1817 John H. 536 INDEX [Van D-Van W VAN DE ERVE VAN DYCK 1897 p John 1853 Edward B. 1858 Henry L. R. VANDERBILT 1873 Georee 0. VAN DYKE, 1906 bs Oliver DeG., Jr. DYKE 1888 Charles W. VANDERBURGH 1846 David N. 1881 William H. 1807 Frederick A. 188.S George B. W. VAN DEREN ■873 George D. I "33 David 1873 .87-' Henry, Jr. Henry N. VANDERHOEF 1898 1864 James E. Tames W. 1904 bs i Francis B. 1790 John 1806 John \ANDERKEMP 1880 John H., Jr. 1849 John J.. Jr. 1872 Tohn M. 1857 Joseph S. \ A.XDERPOOL 1898 Joseph S., Jr. Kensey J. Nicholas, Jr. Nicholas, jr. Paul 1864 1870 1898 Eugene Wynaiit Wynant D. 1816 1788 1812 1881 VAN DERVEER, VANDERVEER 1861 1863 1878 Richard S. Theodore S. William D. 181T Henry 1830 Tames S. John VAN FLEET 1817 1804 h Abraham V. 1761 Lawrence XANDERWELDE VAN HOESEN 1906 p Conrad 1906 p 1879 Henry B. Henry I. VANDERWOORT VAN HOOK 1830 h John La Rue, 45 VAN DEUSEN X'AN HORSON 1876 1892 Albert Edgar 1894 Nathan F. VAN INGEN VANDEVENTER Gilbert, 70, 79 1874 Jacob H. X'AN KIRK VANDEWATER 1884 Robert W. T846 Albertus \AN LEAR, VAN DIKE LEAR 1876 John S. t8i6 James 1807 Matthew VAN DOREN 1858 1816 iNIatthew Matthew S. 1703 Isaac > 70i John, 27 Peter VAN LENNEP 1S79 Peter A. V. 1878 Edward T. 1831 Luther H. 1876 William B. 1905 Willard V. 1835 William VAN MATER VAN DUSEN 1798 Joseph H. 1877 George R. VAN METER 1S98 1898 Harry B. Lewis H. 1821 h John VAN- VAN- VAN DUYN 1894 bs Edward S. 1862 John 1857 Stephen W. 1904 Wilbur 186s h William VAN NESS 1892 John VAX NEST 1864 .Mcxander T. 1897 bs John S. VAN NO ST RAND 1871 Marshall R. VAN NUYS 1902 p Ezra A. VAN PELT 1852 1862 Tohn Reuben H. VAN RENSSELAER I87I 1858 1-58 1866 i860 1808 Alexander Cortlandt, 21 Cortlandt Jeremiah I^edyard I'hilip L. Stephen V.\N RIPER 1827 Garabrant V.\N SCHOICK 1887 Isaac L. VAN SELLAR 1895 Frank C. VAN SYCKEL 1846 1886 1859 1896 1846 Bennet Charles S. Chester Frank P. R. Sylvester VAN TRIES 1903 William P. VANUXEM 1879 Louis C. N'ANVALZAH, \'AN VALZAH 185 1 1904 1873 Tohn W. Robert William W. VAN VOORHIS 1873 Isaac S. VAN VORST 1875 1843 1870 Frederick B. John John, Jr. VAN VRANKEN 1786 h Nicholas VAN WAGENEN 1889 1868 1868 1886 Cornelius D. Edward A. George A. James A. VAN WINKLE 1849 John P. VAN WTCK 1818 1839 1845 Cornelius C. Cornelius J. Pierre C. Van Z-WAL] 1875 ii 1861 1849 1850 1906 ce 1838 1880 bs 1906 1906 lit 1780 1819 1906 1783 1796 1782 1780 i8o» 1903 P 1902 1891 1891 1806 1776 1857 1S15I1 1777 1799 1899 1880 VAN ZANDT Abraham B. VARNUM Jonas P. VASON Marcellus E. VASS Lachlan C. VAUCLAIN Jaques L. VAUGHAN Benjamin B. Benjamin M. Donald C. VEBLEN Oswald, 46 VEIT Russell C. VENABLE Abraham B. Abraham W. Edward C, Jr. Joseph Nathaniel, Jr. Richard N. Samuel W. VERDIER John M. VERKUYL Gerrit VERMILYE Robert M. VERNON Ambrose W. Harwood Samuel William VERTNER James D. VETHAKE Henry VEYER A. Edmond, 58 VICKERS Samuel VILLETARD John W. VINCENT James M. VINTON Cadwallader C. Frederic, 76 INDEX VLYMEN • 1 88 1 William J. VOGDES 1847 h William VOGELSANG Erwin 537 1903 1883 1901 1904 1906 VOLLRATH Edward C. VONDERMUHLL Alfred E. George A. VON KIENBUSCH Carl O. VON KRUG 1901 Karl L. VON STOUVE 1896 h Otto VOORHEES Abraham Abraham G. Clifford I. Daniel P. Foster M. Frederick Garrett S. Howard C. Irving W. Spencer James D. James D. John H. John L. "John V. D. Louis B. Nathaniel W. Peter L. Stephen Stephen F. 1850 1809 1906 1853, 1901 h 1856 1899 1902 1 90 1 bs 1881 1890 190S lit 1841 1894 bs 1814 1868 1852 lb 1850 lb 1765 1900 ce VOORHIES 1899 Frank C. 1863 James B. 1803 h 1893 1892 VREDENBURGH John S. Peter VREELAND Williamssn U. VROOM 1850 h Peter D. 1883 VULCHEFF Mindo G. WAAG^ Frederick O. WABEKE John M. 1849 1849 1776 1905 1854 1754 1895 1894 1893 1857 1825 1840 1827 1821 1900 ce 1887 1904 1894 WADDELL John ^L Robert S. William B. WADE Lewis H. Neheniiah, Jr. Simon F. WADHAMS Calvin Noah Raymond L. WADLEIGH Francis R. WADS WORTH Arthur H. Frank H. John W. Thomas M. WAGENER Daniel WAGENHORST Ellwood O. WAGER Gerard B. John W. S. WAGGAMAN Henry E. WAGGENER Lucien, Jr. 1899 bs 1890 p WAGNER Daniel B., 81 Daniel E. WAILES George H. WAINWRIGHT Francis K. Louis C. 1759 1854 1867 1905 bs 1820 h 1896 p 1895 178411 WAIT Barnett WAKEMAN Thaddeus B. WALBRIDGE Arthur D. WALCOTT Chester H. WALDBURG George WALDO Alfred F. Charles S. WALES Samuel 538 INDEX [WAL-WAT WALK 1902 Albert D. WALKER I8I4 Abraham I8I9 Andrew 1858 Charles W. 18S7 ce David F., Jr. 1875 De Lancey G. 1874 Harry 1906 Henry B. 1903 James H. 1806 John W. 1876 Lapsley G. 1872 Le Grand G. 1876 Lewis M. 190S P Olney K. 1903 Otis L. 189s Philip G. 1 84 1 Richard W. 1877 Richard W. 1820 William 1851 Williams S. WALL 1886 Albert C. 1848 Edward B. 1890 Frederick M. 1823 h Garret D. J838 Tames W. 1848 Thomas G. WALLACE 1882 Bishop L. 1770 Caleb 1833 Edward 1888 p Edwin S. 1891 George R. 1797 Gustavus B. 1873 Harry F. 1867 h Henry 183s Horace B. 1854 John 1794 John B. 1903 John H., Jr. 1770 h Joshua M. 1793 Joshua M. Joshua M., Jr, 1833 1849 Marcus J. 1795 Matthew G. 1902 bs Paul B. 1891 Robert B. 1905 P Robert B. 1786 William 1786 'William 1823 William C. WALLEN 1865 Samuel S. WALLER 1879 James B., Jr. 1906 ce John C. :869 William B. WALPOLE 1902 Floyd F. 1S37 George J R. 1774 WARFORD John WALLIN John E. W., 70, 71 WALLOWER 1905 ce Edgar Z. 1903 ce Frank C. WALSH I88I Henry B. 1904 J oseph R. 1854 Joseph T. 182s William WALTER 1905 Howard A. WALTON 1894 David S., Jr. I90I Harold L. 1905 bs Rudolph L. WALWORTH 1835 li Reuben H. \\ANAMAKER 18S6 L. Rodman 1883 Thomas B. WARBEKE I9C3 John M. WARD 1883 Aaron C. 1820 Benjamin E. 1905 Clarence 1895 P Clement E. B. 1840 Cyrus F. 1905 Edward S. 1896 Edwards P. 1859 Edwin M. 1836 En OS P. 1870 Frank A. 1896 Frank H. 1892 Frederick C. iS6g George K. 1861 Henry 1811 Isaac 1897 John T. 1821 John W. )*Iarcus L., 11 1833 Matthias 1819 Stephen D. 1803 Thomas 1893 h W. S. 1902 Warren R. 1822 h William 1830 William 1895 William D. 1841 William S. WARDLAW 1881 p Albert G. 1876 De Lacey 1877 John B. WARDROP 1901 James R. WAR DWELL 1891 Jnmes H. WARFIELD 1871 Benjamin B. i8=;o I'taniel, Jr. J882 Ethclbert D. 1840 Perry S. WARNER 1826 Augustus L. 1896 h Charles D. 1896 Dorr E. 1901 bs Elting F., Ji. 1904 bs Harry A. WARREN 1874 Edward LeR. 1905 Frederick L. 1900 George A. 1864 Harvey C. 1889 Howard C. 1848 h Joseph 1875 Joseph i860 Lucius IL 1 88 1 Thomas D. WASHBURN 1900 h George 1803 h 1839 1833 1802 1822 1902 1896 1903 1801 1826 1838 1814 1840 ' 1900 1792 WASHINGTON Bushrod Henry A. Lewis W. William William A. WASSON Samuel C. WATERHOUSE Alfred H. Ernest C. George S. John WATERMAN Frank A. WATERS Bertram H. George H. WATKINS David O., II Gardiner Henry E. Tames H. Joel T. John L. Samuel \'. W^alter H. William M. WATRES 1 901 Harold A. 1904 Lawrence 11. 1894 1898 1890 1857 1827, 1804 h 1844 1797 1904 1798 WATSON Charles R. Frank K. Frederick . Henry W. James C. Tames T. Tames \\ . John John W. Josiah WAT-WHA] INDEX 539 189s p i8S9 1899 I8S7 1886 p Robert Robert B. Samuel J. William H. William S., WATT Jr. 1763 1S40 Tames William M. WATTS 1801 Edward D. \\'AUGH 1773 1868 Snmuel Samuel WAY 1892 e Spencer WAYAVE 1896 Leon J., Jr. WAYNE 1808 1791 James M. Stephen WEAKLEY 1821 Robert L. WEART 1876 Spencer S. WEATHERBY 1822 James WEAVER 1888 p Edward E. T003 Harry C. 1844 Le Roy G. 1846 Joseph WEBB I88I James A. WEBBER 1839 Henry WEBER 1897 ce Robert Rudolph, 61 WEBSTER T862 Charles E. 1840 Charles R. 1818 h Daniel 1876 Henry H. 1824 h Horace 1879 James E. 1891 Tames G. C. 1795 h Noah 1859 Otis B. 1899 Richard 1869 Richard B. 1864 William S. C. WEED 1880 Charles L. 1896 Paul C. WEI BERG 1787 h Caspar D. WEIDiVlAN 1859 Grant 1890 Grant, Jr. 1844 Thomas J. 1874 Walter O. 1895 ce William H. 1850 William L. 1854 William M. WEEI^S 189=; Dexter M. F. iS-!8 Samuel G. 1809 William R. WEIL I90I Myron L. WEIR 1787 James I87I John G. 1885 t'aul WEISEL 1823 Daniel WEISLEY 1904 p Joseph L. WEISS 189s John F. WEISSINGER 1868 Rozel WELCH 1843 h Ashbel 1903 bs Norman S. WELD 1898 Benjamin R. WELLES 1881 Henry B. 1844 Henry H. 1882 Henry H., Jr. 1774 h Noah WELLFORD 1847 Beverley R., Jr. 1848 Francis P. WELLING 1884 Alden 1837 Edward L. 1828 Henry H. 1839 Isaac W. 1844 Tames C. 1903 John P. WELLINGTON 1901 bs John L. WELLS I7,S7 Abner 1895 Arthur R. 1897 ce Clinton G. 1834 Daniel 1903 bs Erastus 1869 Eugene F. 1905 George T. 186 s George W. 1898 Harold B. 'Z", Henry i8=;7 h James 1788 tohn 1814 Tnhn D. 1872 Newell W. 187,? Samuel C. WELSH 1847 William H. WENTWORTH 1892 Crowley 1763 h John 1901 Ralph WERTS George i ., 1 1 WEST 1874 Andrew F. 1872 h Charles N. 1855 h Clement F. 1905 Davenport 1901 Edgar L. 1890 George S. 1863 h Nathaniel 1882 Robert H. WESTBROOK 1871 Charles K. 1854 h Richard B. WESTCOTT 1898 bs 189s ce 1858 1849 1877 1852 1863 1906 lit Charles T. Daniel P. Franklin F. John H. John H. Lorenzo Robert R. William C. WESTERLO 178511 Eilardus WESTERVELT 1882 George 1892 1874 Tames \\'illiam G. WESTON 1899 Alfred S. WESTWOOD 1867 h Henry C. WETHERED 1830 John L. WETHERILL 186s William D. WETTLAUFER 1902 Ernst C. WEYER 1858 Edward P. WHALEY 1842 1846 1785 1861 Benjamin J. Ephraim M'. Hercules William E. WHANN 1838 h Samuel M. 540 JXDEX [WHA-WIL WHARTON Charles H., 18 1902 C.erald A. 1903 Glenn C. WHATENECHT 1899 p Erwin L. WHEELER 1896 bs Arthur L. i8g6 h Benjamin I. 1903 Charles 0. 1891 G. Post 1900 Herbert 184s h Horatio T. 1897 Julius P. 1813 Stephen 1882 Thomas K. WHELPLEY 1834 Edward W. 1815 h Philip M. WHERRY 189-! Elmer G. 1858 John 1893 John F. 1895 Robert R. 1866 Robert S. M. i860 Samuel McC. 1874 William R. WHIPPLE 1904 bs Allen O. WHITAKER 1887 Charles H. 1858 h J. A. 1856 Jesse H. 1752 Nathaniel 1854 Willis WHITE 1792 Alexander 1S42 Ansley De F. 1892 Benjamin V. 1762 Caleb 1848 Charles 1880 bs Charles B. 1 89 1 Charles D. 1882 Everett J. 1846 F. Henry 1887 Francis H. 1835 Francis S. 1883 Frederick B. 1886 Gaylord S. 189=; George 1893 George E. 1902 George H., Jr. 1867 h Harry 1895 Howard E. 1 00 1 Howell N. 1876 Irving E. T900 Tames A. 1 83 1 James H. 1905 John McC. 1894 John McG. 1S65; John W. iSot Joseph B. 1837 Nathan S. 1842 Newton K. 1884 Stanley 1867 Thomas H. iS.;i h William S. 1888 William W. 1835 William Y. C. WHITEFIELD 1754 h George WHITEHEAD 1850 Aaron P. 1856 Asa, Jr. 1896 bs Charles H. 1816 Ira C. 1858 h Ira C. 1847 Tames T. 1881 Pennington 1846 h William A. 1837 William M. 1847 William S. 1891 William S. WHITEHILL 1874 Alexander R. 1870 Henry R. WHITEHOUSE 1902 bs Clarence A. WHITELY 1848 Arthur 1838 William G. WHITING 1879 Calvin 1886 bs Charles 1858 Samuel P. WHITLEY 185 1 William S. WHITLOCK 1883 Franklin L. 1902 1901 1841 1906 lit 1848 h 1862 1874 1749 1876 1774 1758 1843 1845 1856 1868 h 1896 WHITMAN Frederick R. Stephen F. WHITNEY Eli Warren C. WHITON John Milton WHITTINGTOX William W., Jr. WHITTLESEY Charles F. Eleazar Walter L., 73 William H. WHITWELL Samuel William WICKER James McI. WICKES Benjamin C. Joseph A. Pere'^ L. Stephen WICKHAM Thomas Y. 18 1 2 William F. 1879 William F. i866 William H. WICOFF 1900 John V. B. WIEHLE 1899 Max C. J. WIGGAA- 1880 Alfred R. WIGGINS 1898 bs Lewis N. 1758 h Thomas 1874 Willis H. WIGHT 1892 Calvin 1892 Edward \'an D. WIGHTMAN 1904 McQueen S. WIGTON 1879 Charles B. 1877 Frank H. WIKOFF 18 1 5 George 1874 Harry H. 1851 James H. 18 1 3 Manuel G. 1806 Nathaniel S. 1812 Peter I. WILBUR 1813 Backus 1879 George F. F. i860 h Lloyd 1885 William L. 1769 WILCOCKS William WILCOX 1903 ce George 1856 Granville 1882 Hallett D. 1857 Samuel H. 1900 Thomas F. WILDE 1 86 1 Edward S. WILDER 1886 Robert P. 1879 William R. WILDRICK 1904 bs George A. WLLDS 1880 John T. WILEY 1788 David 1877 George L. 1809 John 1906 lit Silas M. WIL] INDEZ 541 WILKIE igoo p John R. WILKIN 1846 h Alexander A. 1785 James W. 1812 Samuel J. WILKINS 1804 Charles 1890 ce George S. 1894 Jo'^" ^• 1897 hs Robert C. 1843 Westcott WILKINSON 1857 Frederick R. 1893 John F. 1804 Joseph a. WILLARD 1864 h Dwight D. WILLETTS 1856 h Alphonso A. 1829 1872 17-0 1837 1888 1S75 1878 1895 P 1890 1806 1810 1850 1753,. 1906 lit 1897 1840 1894 l8^Q 1887 1758 1892 I8I6 1897 i8si l8^2 1887 1890 p 1818 18^6 1895 1871 1898 1814 1704 h 1897 1904 1906 1900 1881 1903 WILLIAMS Albert Albert Albert P., Jr. Alfred S. Allan D. Andrew M. Bedford Benjamin H. Charles B. Charles F. Charles L. Charles P. Charles S. Clarence R. Clarke B. Edward G. Edward I. Edwin T. Elijah Eliot C. Ephraim, Jr. Fenwick 1. R. Frederick R. George H. George W. Henry W. James W. Jesse Jesse L. John John A. John B. E. Joseph J. Joseph ^^^ Leonard W. Lewis J. Lewis W. Linsly R. Mason F. Meade T. Melancthon B. Nathan Percy H. Raymond S. Raymond S. Richard C. Robert Robert D, 1842 1905 1870 1901 1904 1765 1838 1765 1 7613 1794 h 1870 1904 bs 1851 1806 187s 1826 1818 1827 1856 1874 1887 1879, 1839 h 1879 1771 1794 1877 1855 1770 1824 1906 p 1899 1901 1888 1813 1794 Robert E. Robert E. Robert G. Robert Y. Royal A. Samuel Samuel G. Simeon Simon Stephen Stevenson A- Walter D. William C. William E. William H. William S. W'lLLIAMSON Abraham Benjamin Benjamin, Jr. Frederick B. Hallam G. Henry S. Isaac H. Jacob T. James Tames C. James F. James W. Matthias Peter S. Robert C. Simon M. Stanley Teunis William William R. WILLIGEROD 1900 ce \\'illiam D. WILLING 1792 George WILLIS 1872 Alva H. 1901 bs Harry T. 1849 h Oliver R. 1895 p Richard H. 1870 Short A. WILLISTON 1899 e Harry S. WILLOCK 1896 Curtis M. 1890 bs Frank S. 1900 bs John S. WILLS 1902 Charles S. 1 88 1 David, Jr. 1905 bs Ernest B. 1868 William P.. 1882 ce William H. WILLSON 1847 Alpheus E. 1896 h Frederick N. WILSEY 1904 Edwin S. 1 90s James A. 1891 1874 1897 190SP 1764 1883 1906 bs 1898 bs 1896 1883 1888 h 1904 1885 1901 i860 h 1901 1789 1885 1872 183s. 1892 h 1894 1903 bs 1873 1821 1848 1819 1902 1830 1871 1770 1785 h 1844 h 1867 1899 1776 1872 1881 1824 1906 p 1882 1873 1900 1892 1846 1773 1902 1823 1892 1778 1905 ce 1843 1876 i8i8h 1807 1905 1851 1771 h 1782 1788 1837 h 1828 1876 1904 1897 bs 1898 1903 1896 183s 1903 1874 1804 1871 1879 Jr. WILSON Alan D. Albert II., 64, 66 Alexander B. C. Alexander McD. Alfred L. Andrew Andrew W., Jr. Arthur E. Benjamin G. Charles A. Charles G. Daniel David C, Edmund Edwin B. Elwood Emory J. Ephraim K. Frederic H. George C. George M. George T. Guy Harry R. Harry \V, Henry P. C. Henry P. C. Hugh Hugh I. Hugh N. Hugh P. James James James James C. James G., Jr. James L. Tames L. James M. James R. James S. John John A. John F. John G. Joseph H. Lewis F. Mark D. Nicholas A. Percy Peter Ralph B. Richard I. Robert D. Robert G. Robert H. Robert M. Robert T. Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel B. Samuel B. O. Samuel G. Thomas IL, Jr. Walter W. Wayne JIacV. William A. William William W^illiam ^^'illiam William W. Winfield S. Woodrow R. S. L. T. 542 IXDILY [WIL-WOO 1/73 li 1893 1849 1874 1904 1S33I1 1806 1861 186s 1904 190S 1896 bs 1808 h 1882 bs 1895 e i8i6h 1809 1877 1896 1799 1851 1825 1774 1770 181 5 h 1771 1839 WILTON Samuel WIMBISH Samuel WINANS Herbert L. Jacob W. Samuel K. WIND Leland A. WINCHESTER Samuel G. WINDER Rider H. WINEBRENER John A. WIN FIELD Morris WINGER Waldo McK. WINNEMORE John L. WINTER Arthur E. Robert WINTERSTEEN Abram H. WINTON Burton G. WINTRINGER George C. WIRT William WISE George D. WISHARD Luther D. WISNER Charles W., Henry G. WIS WALL Joseph T. Jr. WITIIERSPOON Alexander Daniel McC. David James John, 12, 28 Tohn \. Tohn, Tr. John J. 1794 John R. I84I Joseph G. WITHINGTOX 1882 ce Chandler 1868 Charles S. 1880 Irving P. WITHROW i860 John L. WOLCOTT 1799 Ii Oliver WOLFF 1904 Otto, Jr. ^^•OLTMANN 1902 Henry R. WOOD 18S9 h Charles 1903 Charles M. 1892 Clinton T. 1856 Edward P. 188s Edward S. 1858 Francis G. 1858 I'rancis M. 1897 Frank M., Jr. 1808 Cieorge 1838 h George B. 1905 bs Harry B. 1877 Ira \V. 1856 Tohn R. 1809 Tohn S. 1789 "Silas 1856 William J. 1825 William N. 1886 William P. WOODBRIDGE 1761 Tahleel i86i Richard W. 1904 Samuel B. 1842 Stephen G. 1859 Svlvester 189.^ ce W'illiam B. 1865 William G. WOODBURN 1896 Charles L. AIcK. WOODBURY 1879 John SlcG. WOODCOCK 1809 Tav R. 1893 Lee B. WOODEN 1901 Herbert R. WOODEND :88s William E. WOODHULL 1854 Addison W. 1828 Alfred A. 1856 Alfred A. 1842 Charles F. 1884 George E. 1790 George S. 1833 George S. 1823 h Gilbert S. 1852 Gilbert T. 18.18 Henry W. B. 1766 John 1831 John TT. 1828 John N. 1812 h John T. 1787 h Nathan 1803 h Selah S. 1764 William 1822 William H. 1833 William W. ^\'OODMAN 1766 Joseph Willis P., 69 WOODROW 1886 ce James W. WOODRUFF 1779 Aaron D. 1836 Aaron D. 1784 Abner 1894 Albert M. 1753 Benjamin Elias, 80 1804 Elias D. 1885 Frank S. 1904 George B. 1815 George H. 1783 (leorge W. 1872 John E. 1753 Joseph 1882 Joseph M. 189s Louis C. 1873 Philemon 1824 Robert J. Samuel, 15 1806 Thomas L. 1894 William R. WOODS 1850 Alexander M. 1890 Charles A. 1882 David W., Jr. 1903 bs Edward B. 1883 Frank C. 1879 Hiram 1852 Tames, Jr. Tames S. 1850 h 1856 John F. 1837 John W. 1872 Joseph J. 1876 Joseph M. 1891 Lawrence C. i8ioh I^eonard 1778 Matthew 1892 Richard F. 1878 Samuel S. 1832 Thomas 1904 \\'illiam 1848 William TT. 1884 William P. WOODWARD 1823 Charles 1840 h George H. 1897 ce Herbert R. 182: h Rufus 1906 Tlumins M. Truman S., 69 1876 ^^'arren 1856 William H. W^OODWORTH 1893 P Robert B. WOOLFOLK 1840 Joseph \V. WOO-YOU] INDEX 543 1787 1876 WOOLSEY Henry H. Jeremiah \VOOL\'ERTON \\'illiam H. WOOLWORTH 1809 h Aaron WOOSTER 1771 h Thomas WOOTEN 1875 Dudley G. WOOTON 181 1 Singleton ni WOOTTON Turner WORCESTER 1896 Edward S. 1002 Leonard 181 1 h Samuel WORDEN 1894 Charles B. WORK 1 86 1 John C. WORE 1880 Edward E. H. 1906 1763 1835 1808 WORTH Archibald C, Jr. Joseph WORTHINGTOX John G. Nicholas W. WORTMAN 1902 p Elmer C. WREN i8ss Arthur McD. 1783 h Thomas WRENN 1897 Allen S. 1903 bs Charles L. WRIGHT 1900 Albert S. 1853 Charles D. 1858 h Charles T. 1905 Clarence E. 1795 Clayton 1844 Edward H. 1903 Franklin L. 1873 George R. 1903 Harry H. 1890 Howard E. 1879 Jacob R. 1876 h James E. 1857 James W. A. 1752 John 1906 p John 1899 bs Joshua B. 1902 Raymond G. 1S18 Stephen L. 1817 Thomas 1892 Walter L. 1896 W^illard J. 1859 William W. i860 William H. WRIGHTSON^ 1904 William G. WRINCH Frank S., 69 \\'URTS 181 5 Alexander 1846 h Alexander 1848 Henry 1813 lohn 1858 John H. 1893 Robert K. WYATT 1898 Harvey L. WYCKOFF 1898 ce Ernest 1877 Jacob R. 1829 James 1862 James 1889 James E. 1905 John R. 1854 Toseph C. 1888 Walter A. WYETH 1 81 7 John 1906 ce Nathaniel J. WYKOFF 1792 Henry I79I Peter WYLIE 1893 Andrew C. 1885 Charles R., Jr. 1861 Tames S. I86I John I86I Richard 1861 h Tlieophilus A. WYLLY 1879 Albert 1875 Martin D. WYMAN 1848 Isaac C. 1895 bs Leigh 1849 William YANTIS 1897 Samuel S. YARD 1882 Daniel S. 1S83 Robert S. YARROW 1896 Philip W. 1894 Sidney R. 1901 John 1824 Richard 1827 William YBANEZ 1893 ce Enrique YEAKLE 1890 John M. YEATES 1806 Donaldson YEATTS 1897 \^'alter S. YEISLEY 1870 George C. YEOMANS 1852 Alfred 1891 Alfred B. 1900 Charles 1826 YATES Charles 1888 Edward 1849 h Edward D. 1879 George G. YERGER 1859 James R. YERKES 1903 P Carroll H. YOCUM 1898 Howard H. YONGE 1843 David E. YOULE 1808 John YOUNG 1892 Alexander 0. 1848 Alfred 1861 Ambrose 1884 Arthur L. 1903 p Archer E. 1894 p Arthur T. 1861 Charles J 896 h Charles A. 1862 Charles E. 1855 Charles II. :883 Charles I. 1878 Charles O. 1821 Elislia T. 1 90 1 Frank Le R. 1886 ce : Frederic A. T902 Gayle L. 1863 George B. 1869 George C. 1834 George D. 1894 Harvey W. 1862 Henry 1893 Henry, Jr. 1903 Henry G. W. 1846 Tames R. 1799 John 1839 h Tohn C. 1867 John S. John W., 46 T892 Lawrence A. 1856 Oscar H. 1903 Robert S. 544 INDEX [YOU-ZUB 1905 Roger 1903 Stuart A. 1790 Thomas 1871 Thomas S. 1 90 1 Wellington G. 1892 h William C. 1854 3oh 1877 YOUNGBLOOD Erasmus H. YOUNGMAN Robert B. YOUNGS 18 1 5 Ezra YOURT William R. YUENGLING 1 90 1 bs George W. ZABRISKIE 1825 1859 1863 1895 1895 Abraham O. Abram Augustus Francis N. Robert L. ZACHARIE 1858 Francis C. ZAHNER 1863 Peter ZAHNISER 1849 Michael ZAPF 1864 Charles H. A ZEIGLER 1896 1894 p Jesse R. Oscar W. ZENOS i88op Andreas C. ZIMMERMAN 1900 Charles F. 1900 Harry S. 1890 bs John ZINK 1905 Homer C. ZINRAM 1904 Henry J. ZUBLY 1769 1770 h David John J.