PRINCETON, N. J '% ^^^® THE DIVINE KEY OF THE Revelation of Jesus Christ. ^ PRIMERS ON PROPHECY % ^ BY THE AUTHOR OF g: :§ The Divine Key of Revelation. ^ ^ fc. ^ The Abomination of Desolation," i ■^" The World's Great Sign of the Time . ^ ^ A Scriptural and historical showing of what the "Abom- ^ ■^ inatiou of Desolation " (Matt. xxiv. 15) is, ard what it is J^ ti not : That it was not the pagan Roman Army destroying s?" ^ the City of Jerusalem, in A. D., 70 ; but the papal Roman ^ •sS Power destroying the " SAINTS " in the Dark Ages. ^ jj Diagrams are given illustrating the thread of Jesus' two ^ ^ great discourses: First, In the Temple (lyuke xxi.) ; ^ ^ Second, On the Mount of Olives (Matt. xxiv). ^ il It ■71 Thirty-eight large pages. Third Thousand. Price, fen cents. iiV ^ Iff :§ An AnaIvYTicai, Exposition of the Parable jk ^ OF THK RICH MAN AND LAZARUS; t ^ OR ««• ^ What Jesus Taught the Jews. f .55 . ^ "^ A Booklet giving a thoroughly Scriptural Analys s and j^ "^ Exposition of the Twelve elementary Characters and ^ ^ Conditions comprised in the Lord's Parable, and showng ^ ■^ that it relates toJUDGMENTS on the Jews in rejecting fe .>i Jesus, and Gkace to the Gentiles in receiving Him — k, ^ all in This Dispensation ; and not to a future or After- ^ ^ Death torment. ^ %t Ninety=six pages. Third Thousand. Price, fifteen cents, ^sr ^ Price of The Divine Key of Revelation, $1.00 ; u % Postage, 10 cents. Address : WILLIA/Vl E. BROWN, it >s 1725 Edgely Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ^ •Ji OR i^^ ^ HERALD OF LIFE, | ^ Springfield, Mass. ^ THE DIVINE KEY Revelation of Jesus Christ, AS GIVEN TO John, the Seer of Patmos. BEIPfG AN ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION OF ITS THREE GREAT SERIAL PROPHECIES : I. The Seven Golden Candlesticks, or Asian Churches. II. The Seven Symbolic Seals. 111. The Seven Symbolic Trumpets. AND SHOWING THAT EACH SERIES EMBRACES EVENTS WHICH COVER THE ENTIRE GOSPEL DISPENSATION. WITH CHRO- NOLOGICAL DIAGRAM, IN COLORS, HARMONIZ- ING THE THREE SEPTENARY LINES. WILLIAM EUGENE BROWN. Author of " The Abomination of Desolation, The World's Great Sign of the Times,'" and "■An Analytical Exposition of the Rich Man and Lazarus, or What Jesus Taught the Jewsy ^' All Scripture given, by inspiration is profitable." — Paul. "Blessed is he that readeth, and thev that hear the words of this Prophecy, and keep the things which are ivritten therein, for the time is at hand." — fesus. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: Herald of Life Office PHrLADELPHIA, PA.: VV. E. Bkuwn, 1725 Edgely Street. 1897. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1897, By William Eugene Brown, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PHILADf;LPHIA, PA. : GEO. F. LASHER, PRINTER AND BINDER, 147-51 N. Tenth Street. 1897. PREFACE yC MONG the various sentiments which incite intel- / \ Hgent persons to the perusal of a new book, an V^ earnest love of Bible truth — a willingness to ' ' prove all things ' ' and ' ' hold fast that which is good " — is that to which the present attempted exposition of a portion of the Apocalypse makes its appeal. In the introductory chapter are stated the grounds for my conviction that the Revelation proper (not the entire Book) is wholly symbolic. The establishment of this point I regard as of fundamental importance in reaching any clear and legitimate conclusions. The reasons urged in its support, its uniform application in detail throughout the three visions canvassed, and the resulting beautiful harmony, must speak for themselves. Of their imperfect presentation I am deeply sensible, and on that score I sincerely crave the indulgence of my readers, specially of those whose critical acumen is sure to detect blemishes. It was my original intention to comprise in one volume the twenty-two chapters of the Revelation. But means were lacking for so large an undertaking ; and, to avoid the greater delay in publication, I found it convenient to close with the end of the eleventh chapter, thus covering one- half the book. This portion contains the three great serial lines — the Seven Golden Candlesticks, the Seven Seals and the Seven Trumpets — three prophetic highways across the symbolic continent, from Advent to Advent. These three 2 PRKFACE. chains of symbols are, each in itself, entirely distinct and complete. Studied together, there is a perfect textual harmony, and a synchronism aa accurate as the most rigid interpreter would require. The whole affords a view which will render comparatively easy an explanation of the last eleven chapters of the Revelation ; inasmuch as the remain- ing symbols pertain, each, to some part of the ground already thrice canvassed, and fall obviously into their proper places and the general harmony. The possibility of a harmony so complete among the dissimilar symbols of this portion of Holy Writ, coming from the application of an exclusively symbolic interpretation, inspires the strong confidence I have ex- pressed in giving this exposition to the Christian public. I have called it. The Divine Key <7/"(not to) the Revelation , because, as I conceive, and have attempted to demonstrate, it is furnished by the revelation. A study of the Chrono- logical Diagram accompanying the exposition, in order, as its several divisions are elaborated, will disclose additional reasons for this assurance. And I cannot too strongly urge upon the attention of my readers the importance of thorough familiarity with the symbols, as they are divinely portrayed to us, in detail; for herein has the Holy Spirit largely placed the power : it is the arrangement, the grouping, the relationships of the various living creatures, horses, riders, etc., principally, which makes the revelation ; and it is the undei standing and application of these — the revelation itself — which brings the blessing sought. But perhaps it .should be suggested, if not with some emphasis, that, in reading an expository work of this kind, where differences of opinion are sure to antagonize at points, there should be the most calm deliberation of thought, and a complete reading up to and past those points, (if not first the entire exposition, ) before even in prejpace;. 3 mind, one arrays and asserts the objections which may afterwards be very properly, more fairly, and more safely put forth. Let another's position be fully understood, then intelligently judge it by the aid of an enlightened judgment and reason, and by the infallible Word of the Lord. Fair criticism and corrections forwarded to the author's address, will receive his most careful considera- tion. And should any truly felt commendation, by way of endorsement, inspire a communication in the interests of truth and those who seek it, it might prove an earnest of reward after the labor incident to the preparation of such a work for the public. May the blessing of God attend the reading of this volume. May Christ sanctify to each reader all of truth that it contains. And may the power of the Holy Spirit avert the deleterious effects of any misconceptions which may mar its pages. W. E. B. Philadelphia, Pa., 1725 Edgely St., August, 1897. CONTENTS, PART FIRST. CHAPTER I.— INTRODUCTORY. KEV WORDS AND UNDERI.YING PRINCIPI,ES OF EXPOSITION — THE WRITER — THE DATE. Origiual Title— A Revelation not a Mystery — Revelation a Key Word — Compared with Daniel — Why Daniel's Prophecy was Sealed — Why the Revelation is not Sealed — Jesus himself needed it — A Revelation promised — Schools of Interpretation — Symbolic character of the Language used — Signify the second Key Word— Symbolism a fixed Rule of Entirety— Underl3ing Principles of Interpretation— All Symbols Explained in the Word — Symbolic Entirety De- fined — Safe Principles— Great Variety of Symbols— Medi- um of Communication — the Writer — Testimony of the Fathers— of Dr. Davidson — The Date — Statements of Dr. Wm. Smith and Dr. A. Clarke — The Apostle not a Dilatory Witness — Secret of Confusion in Dates — Dean Alford's Quotations — Roy and Bp, Newton's Testimonies, I)r Jack- son's, Dr. Kitto's — Quotations from Dean Merivale, M. Martindale, Mosheim 19 CHAPTER XL- GOD'S INTRODUCTION. IMPORTANCE OF THE BOOK— GLIMPSES OF THE DAVIDIAN OR GOSPEI. KINGDOM — THE LORD'S DAY. The Great Blessing— The Time at Hand— Time of the End — John's Introduction — The Apostolic Benediction — Two Faith- ful Witnesses — Divine Seal of the Testimony — A Prince of Kings must be a Reigning King — A Joint Reign — A Glorious Reign — Visibility of the Advent — Kingdom de facto— 'Hot Carnal but Divine Control— The Lord's Day is the Gospel Age— The Voice Behind John— A Trumpet call is Anti- secret 43 4 CONTENTS. 5 CHAPTER III.— BEGINNING OF THE REVELATION PROPER. JOHN'S FIRST VISION— THE SEVEN GOLDEN CANDI^ESTICKS- A GOI