22 Soijlli 4l/i St. 3 /± by the intervention of the Duke of Newcastle, to whose interest, in the memorable contest for the high-stewardship of the university, he had adhered in opposition to some temptations, he obtained a stall in the church of Durham. The year after this, the Duke of Grafton, who had a short time before been elected Chancellor of the university, re- commended the master of Peter-house to his Ma- jesty for the Bishopric of Carlisle. This recom- mendation was made, not only without solicitation LIPj: OF THE AUTHOR. on his part, or that of his friends, but without his knowledge, until the Duke's intention in his favour was signified to him by the Archbishop. In or about 1777» our Bishop gave to the public a handsome edition, in three volumes quarto, of the works of Mr. Locke, with a life of the author, and a preface. Mr. Locke's writings and character he held in the highest esteem, and seems to have drawn from them many of his own principles; he was a disciple of that school. About the same time he published a tract which engaged some attention in the controversy concerning sub- scription ; and he published new editions of his two principal works, with considerable additions, and some alterations. Besides the works already mentioned, he published in 1734 or 1735, a very ingenious " Inquiry into the Ideas of Space, Time,*' &c. in which he combats the opinions of Dr. Clarke and his adherents on these sub- jects. Dr. Law held the see of Carlisle almost nineteen years ; during which time he twice only omitted spending the summer months in his diocese at the Bishop's residence at Rose Castle ; a situation with which he was much pleased, not only on account of the natural beauty of the place, but because it restored him to the country, in which he had spent the best part of his life. In 1787 he paid this visit in a state of great weakness and exhaustion J and died at Rose about a month after Xn LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. his arrival tlicre, on August 14, and in the eighty- fourth year of his age. The life of Dr. Law was a life of incessant read- ing and thought, ahuost entirely directed to meta- physical and religious inquiries; but the tenet by which his name and writings are principally distinguished, is, '* that Jesus Christ, at his second coming, will, by an act of his power, restore to life and consciousness the dead of the human species ; who by their own nature, and with- out this interposition, would remain in the state of insensibility to which the death brought upon mankind by the sin of Adam had reduced them *.'* No man formed his own conclusions with more freedom, or treated those of others with greater candour and equity. He never quarrelled with any person for differing from him, or con- sidered that difference as a sufficient reason for questioning any man's sincerity, or judging meanly of his understanding. He was zealously attached to religious liberty, because he thought that it leads to truth ; yet from his heart he loved peace. But he did not perceive any repugnancy in these two things. There was nothing in his elevation to a bishopric which he spoke of with more plea- sure, than its being a proof that decent freedom of inquiry was not discouraged. * The Editor has here omitted an assertion of the Author, very much questioning his authority for making it. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. He was a man of great softness of manners, and of the mildest and most tranquil disposition. His voice was never raised above its ordinary pitch. His countenance seemed never to have been ruf- fled J it preserved the same kind and composed aspect, truly indicating the calmness and benignity of his temper. He had an utter dislike of large and mixed companies. Next to his books, his chief satisfaction was in the serious conversation of a literary companion, or in the company of a few friends. In this sort of society he would open his mind with great unreservedness, and with a pe- culiar turn and sprightliness of expression. His person was low, but well formed ; his complexion fair and delicate. Except occasional interruptions by the gout, he had for the greatest part of his life enjoyed good health ; and when not confined by that distemper, was full of motion and activity. About nine years before his death, he was greatly enfeebled by a severe attack of the gout, and in a short time after that, lost the use of one of his legs. Notwithstanding his fondness for exercise, he resigned himself to this change, not only with- out complaint, but without any sensible diminution of his cheerfulness and good humour. His fault was the general fault of retired and studious cha- racters, too great a degree of inaction and facility in his public station. The modesty, or rather bashfulness of his nature, together with an ex- treme unwillingness to give pain, rendered him XVI LIFE OF THE AUTHOn. sometimes less firm and efficient in the admi- nistration of authority than was requisite. 13ut it is the condition of human nature. There is an opposition between some virtues, which seldom permits them to subsist together in perfection. Bishop Law was interred in the cathedral of Car- lisle, in which a handsome monument is erected to his memory, the inscription on whicli is as fol- lows. Columnae hujus sepultus est ad pedem EDMUNDUS LAW, S. T. P. per XIX. fere annos hujusce ecclesiai Episcopus. In evangelica veritate exquirenda et vindicanda, ad extremam usque senectutcm operam navavit indefessam : Quo autem studio et afFectu vcritatem codcm et libertatem Christianani coluit ; Religionem simplicem et incorruptam, nisi salva libertate stare non posse arbitratus. Obiit Aug. XIV. MDccLxxxvii. iEtat. Lxxxiv. ADVERTISEMENT. The following discourses were originally part of a larger plan, tending to show that Arts and Sciences, Natural and Revealed Religion, have upon the whole been progressive, from the crea- tion of the world to the present time ; as also that they have been suited to each other, as well as to the circumstances of mankind, during each emi- nent period of this their progress. A theory, which, when fairly represented, might be supposed to give satisfaction to some thoughtful persons ; who being convinced of the existence and attributes of one supreme first cause, yet are so unhappy as to entertain strong prejudices against every supposed Revelation from him : as well as to assist many serious inquirers, who are equally at a loss in their searches after any settled order, in each of these Establishments : but, if they could persuade themselves, that one of them proceeded in some uniform ratio and arialogy with the other; and that both were in a state of /?ro o^rc.w'ow ; would AnVF.nTISEMKNT. probably wait a while, in li()j)cs oi seeing their particular objections gradually removed, by the same general rules. Having formerly attempted to clear uj) some of the chief difficulties that occur in our con- ceptions of a Deity, and his Providence, in a series of notes on Ahp. King's Essay on the Origin of Evilj which met with a favourable reception from the public, I am induced to offer this con- tinuation of the same design o? justifying the ivays of God to man: and from the very nature, aim, and tendency of that useful undertaking, however imperfectly executed, there is some ground for hoping, that it may obtain the same regard here, which it has abroad, since it was translated into German by the celebrated MichaeliSy who made it, as I am informed, his Lecture Book. T n E O R Y PART I. AVANT OF UNIVERSALITY IN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION, NO JUST OBJECTION AGAINST EITHER. Is lie the God of the Jews only ? Is he not also of the Gentiles ? Yes, of the Gentiles also. —Rom. iii, 29, WANT OF UNIVERSALITY IN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. NO JUST OBJECTION AGAINST EITHER. ACTS xvii. 30. The Times of this Ignorance God winked at, but noio commandeth all men every where to repent. 1 HESE words contain a declaration'of God*s gra- cious purpose to reclaim mankind by the coming of Christ ; and at the same time intimate the pre- ference due to this, above any former institution. In the foregoing verses the Apostle had been instructing the Athenians in the nature of the true God, and his universal providence. He shews them that there is one common father and supreme governor of the world, who has made this earth a fit habitation for the sons of men, and distributed them over the face of it; who has distinguished the seasons, and divided the nations, and fixed the bounds and periods of each*, in so very regular * See Bryant on Ancient History, p. 162, &c. B 2 4 OF THE WANT OF UNIVERSALITY and wise a manner, as might lead all diligent ob- servers of them to a knowledge of their aiitlior; and put them upon seeking out some j)roper me- thod of expressing their devotion to him. Tliough here in fact (as the Apostle intimates, ver. 27. )» they were all but like men poring in the dark; their notions of the Deity imperfect and obscure ; tlieir worship equally absurd and irrational. This their ignorance God was pleased for some time to xvink at (Cirs^iSsiv), to overlook, disregard, or, as it is in a parallel place*, He siiffered them to walk in their oxvn ivays, to wander through the va- rious sects of superstition and idolatry into which they had fallen : but now he comnumdeth all men every xvhere to repent; or rather pubhsiies, (crafay/exxs*) proclaims the tidings of salvation to all men upon the fair and easy terms o^ repentance and reform- atio7i ; he offers a new covenant to mankind in general, from the benefits wdiereof none are ab- solutely excluded who sincerely desire them: — tidings, which ought to be received by all, as they were by the first converts, with joy and grati- tude. But, how strangely has the face of things been altered, or rather, the whole nature of them in- verted since! When, through the degeneracy of mankind, the benefits of this divine institution become restrained to a few people ; and these are taught to despise it, for that very reason which * Acts xiv. Id. IX NATURAL AND REVEALED RELICIOK. 5 uses to make a benefit the more valuable, namely, because it is restrained to themselves ! If, say the present unbelievers, God has made of one blood all nations of men^ and is no respecter of persons; if he designs this revelation for all men, as he must, if it would be of so great use and ad- vantage to them ; — Why then is it not actually communicated to all ? — Why did he so long, — Why does he still — "ooink at the ignorance of so many nations, and leave them without any means of coming to the knov/ledge of his truth ? Can a God of infinite power, and wisdom, be disappointed in his aim? Or, will the common father of man- kind confine his greateist mercies to so very few oi' his children? — And thus every argument of the superior excellency of our religion becomes an ob- jection to its divine authority; and what should be a peculiar motive to a thankful acceptance of it, is made one of the chief pretences for contemn- ing and rejecting it. In my following discourse I shall consider that part of this objection, which relates to the man- ner of conducting the Christian dispensation; the other, which more immediately affects the ti^ne of its delivery, being reserved to a more full examina- tion afterwards. In answer therefore to this part of the foregoing difficulty, I shall endeavour to prove in the first place, I. That a partial communication of Christianity can be no particular objection to its divine autho- OF THE WANT OF UNIVERSALITY rity, since the religion of nature is on the same foot with it in this respect. II. I propose to shew the wisdom and goodness of the divine conduct in the dispensation of both. And, III. The great benefit of complying with the terms of the gospel, and the inexcusableness of rejecting it. I. I am to shew that a partial commimication of Christianity can be no particular objection to its divine authority, since the religion of nature is on the same foot with it in this respect. As the all-wise Creator of the universe has been pleased to frame different orders of intellectual beings, so he has made a considerable difference among those of the same order. In mankind the case is very evident. We cannot but observe a vast disparity between both the abilities and ad- vantages of some, and those of others; their tem- pers of body, and powers of mind, and circum- stances in the world; their education, opportunities, and ways of life ; the station they are in, or the government they live under. Now, these are so many talents, which together constitute our portion of reason, and severally con- tribute to the forming our understanding, and im- proving our nature. As these then are so very unequally distributed ; 'tis plain that our religious notions, or our law of nature , must be very dif- ferent and unequal also. The bounds of duty will be as various as the degrees of knowledge in every IN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. 7 man, and likewise be enlarged in proportion to the gradual improvements in the same man. To speak therefore of one Jia:t, immutable^ and universal law of nature, is framing an imaginary scheme without the least foundation in the real nature of things ; nay directly contrary to the pre- sent order of the whole creation : *tis making the same rule suit beings in all circumstances ; which is equally absurd, as to prescribe the same specific regimen to all constitutions. To style this religion of nature absolutely per- Ject, or its light sufficient; can only mean, that every one may be as perfect here as God intended him to be, and able to do all that his Creator will require of him ; or so much as is sufficient to ex- cuse him from wrath and 'punishment: which is very true, but nothing to the purpose : for this kind of perfection is far from implying an univer- sal, and unchangeable equality in the law of nature itself, or excluding greater light ; since it may be very consistent with that diversity of talents above- mentioned, and those different degrees of happi- ness and perfection, which are founded in, and naturally resulting from it. As therefore all the gifts of nature are distri- buted in this unequal manner, how unreasonable is it to object against revealed religion, for its being conveyed in the very same manner! One who believes any thing of a God and his pro- vidence, will naturally suppose, that if any revela- tion were made to mankind, it would be made O OT THE WANT OF UNIVERSALITY according to the same method which is observed in the government both of the natural and moral world ; at least, he that allows this to be consistent with the belief of a Deity in the one case, cannot on that very account reject tlie other*. Thus much may be sufficient to shew, that na- tural and revealed religion are upon the same foot in point of universality ; and that the ob- jection holds equally against both of them. And I have been the more brief on this head, as it has been fully discussed by able writers t. II. Let us proceed therefore in the second place, to point out the wisdom and goodness of the divine conduct in both these dispensations. * Chubb, in his discourse on Miracles, p. 48, (S:c. endeavours to invalidate this observation, by asserting, that the two cases are not parallel, because the one could not have been better constituted ; which, he thinks, cannot be made appear concern- ing the other. But, if it be shewn that the like, or greater in- conveniences would flow from any other assignable way of conveying revelation (which will be attempted in the following part of this discourse) ; then we have the same reason to assert, that it could not upon the whole have been conveyed in a better way; and consequently, the objection drawn from its want of Universality, will be of no more force than that from inequality is in the conmion course of nature; and the two cases will still be exactly parallel. Nor can I find the least proof of the contrary in Lord Bulingbrolce% declamation, (Works, vol. iv. p. 293, S)'c.) except what arises from the arbitrary supposition of some few divines, and is here sufficiently obviated near the end of Part II. t See Coni/bcar's, Foster's, or S. Broivne's Dc/etice of Reve- lation; or, Denne^s Sermon on the Propagation of the Gospel; or more at large in Butler's Analog//, (Src. p. 181, 215, &c. 8vo. or Sj/kes on Miracles, p. 204', &c. TN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGIOK. 9 1st. Of Natural Religion ; which, as we have seen, is proportionable to the different abilities and attainments of mankind; as these generally arise from their different stations and conditions; both which we shall find exquisitely adapted to the well-being of the world. For, in the first place, society is requisite, in order to supply the conveniences, the comforts, and the necessaries of life, as well as to secure the quiet use, and safe possession of them. To pre- serve society among such frail, fallible, and re- fractory beings as constitute the bulk of mankind, there is need of government, which implies dif- ferent stations and conditions; as these again call for different abilities and qualifications. All, 'tis plain, cannot be governors, nor enjoy the benefits / which attend some posts of wealth and power: the nriany have nothing left them but to obey, to execute the will of their superiors, and undergo the drudgeries of life*. The same holds in the body politic, as in the natural ; there must be many inferior and more feeble members, which yet are necessary ; neither can the head say to the feet, I have no need of you. But, if all these different members of the com- * lUi ergo omnes conditi sunt ut hsec opera praestent, quibus in civitate opus est ; conditus est autem vir scientia praeditus sui gratia: \i. e. ob finem quern adeptus est, so. scientiam] atque ita simul colitur terra, et reperitur sapientia. Quam scite ergo dixit ille, quisquis fuit, Nisi esscnt siulti desolaretur terra ! Maimon. Porta Mos. p. il. Vid. Eccl. xxxviii. 32, 34. & Hoi- berg. N. Klitn. p. 133. 10 OF THE WANT OF UNI VEUSALITY munity had naturally the self-same sense and relisli of things; if each man had originally and un- changeably the higliest degree of understanding and acuteness; the greatest strength of reason, and fineness of imagination that is to be met with in any of the species, how very incongruous must this unavoidable diversity of orders prove! How hard would be the case of them, whose lot is to fill the worst and lowest offices, and yet who find themselves as well qualified for, and as highly de- serving too of the best, as those that hold them ; and who likewise cannot but be as deeply sensible of all that hardship and disappointment wliich arises from the want of them! The common in- tellect and apprehension of man woidd be but ill placed in an oa: or ass; nor would tlie genius and temper of some philosophic mind be any better suited to him that driveth Ihem^ and is occupied in all their labours. But this must necessarily be the state of things, if all men were by nature furnished with all those intellectual accomplishments, which adorn some few of them at present. Three parts in four of the world must be unfit for their particular cir- cumstances, and at odds with their condition. How inconsistent also would it be in nature to implant those various senses, appetites, and tastes in all men, which not one in a thousand would have power to gratify! — that sublime degree of reason and reflection, which often could only prove its own tormentor! IN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. 11 Not to mention what ill influence such a scheme would have on government itself j how difficult it must be to rule, where every one has the same strength and skill ; how disagreeable to obey, when all have equal abilities, and therefore (as they might reasonably imagine) an equal right to be their own directors. * In short, how much more wise and beneficial is the present constitution of things ! where all is left in a great measure to mankind themselves, who have both the forming and dis- posiiig of each other; nay, where men are at li- berty to frame their own natures, and dispositions : where they have no inconvenient or pernicious principle to lay to nature's charge t; no properly innate notions^ or implanted histhictst; no really ' original appetite or ojfection, to sway or bias them ; except that universal sense, and uniform desire of happiness^ which was absolutely necessary to their preservation («). * Si omnes ingenio pares essent, omnesque in eosdem afFectus proclives, aut iisdem virtutibus ornati ; non esset qui alius impe- rils parere vellet, aut ei quidpiam concedere, aut qui varietati ministeriorum et artium omnium generum aptus esset. Cum omnes omnia curare nequeant, singulos in Societatc suo munere, in gratiam aliorum, fungi oportet ; nee vilissima munera minus sunt necessaria interdum quam sublimiora. Itaque esse oportuit omnibus suum ingenium, ut quisque quod suum est ad Societatis felicitatem conferret, et quod ca?teris deest sua industria sup- pleret. Cleric. Sil. Philol. ad i^ischin. Socr. p. 170, 171. t See Ibbofs Boyle's Led. 2d set, Serm. V. p. 143, &c. or King's Origin of Evil, note 38, p. ISp, 4th edit. X See Prelim. Diss, to King, and Rem. i. p. J5, 4th edit. (a) To such as are desirous of forming more precise notions on the present subject, let it be observed, that when the first 12 OF THE WANT OP UNI VEUSA I.ITY By these meiins we have at first only such thoughts and incHnations instilled into our minds foundation of a diversity of sense and intellect is once laid in a greater or less susceptil)ility of pleasure or pain, by ii perception of ideas more acute or dull, more quick or slow, and a propor- tioned rejlection on them, — from hence the whole tribe of qffcc- tions, &c. and the several degrees in each, are very apparently deducible: supposing only this, I say, which seenjs to He in the original stamina of the bod}', and is so far not to be accounted lor, at least by me; which therefore, and wliich only I should term innate or strictly natural; since every thing besides, thai is comprehended under the name of natural appetite, Ike. is so far from being such, that it is evidently posterior in the order of nature, and entirely grounded on the ideas which themselves arise from hence, and whose innateness in all senses of that word is now generally given up: — supposing then this one foundation laid by nature, a diiference herein will be enough to constitute the Being more or less sensible, or rational in general ; and tend to make it more or less passionate or mild, eager or indolent, &c. with regard to whatsoever it applies itself: but, can this ever actually determine it to any one peculiar set of objects, or have any tendency towards giving what we mean by a particuku' genius, taste, or temper? That, and the principal constitution of the human mind, or its predominant qualities, seem to arise afterwards from the particular associations which we form our- selves, or learn of others, as these grow gradually, and even mechanically from the circumstances we are in, or from those objects that more immediately surround and strike us*; pro- vided that a suitable attention and regard be paid to each as it presents itself For that amidst all this mechanic apparatus we have such a distinct faculty of attending, and determining the subordinate powers in consequence thereof, as is stated at large by Abp. King, I must beg leave to suppose, till all the various appear- ances, which seem so much to require it (of which in the follow- ing note*) are solved on other principles; and then indeed this, * See Hartley's Observations on Wun, Part I. A book well worth the pains acquired to understand it, and which I must recommend, as exhibiting a very cu- IN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGIO.V. 13 as are agreeable to, and for the most part do in fact arise from our particular place and circum- will be of course excluded. I may add here, that neither are those associations themselves, from whence some very ingenious persons would deduce a total mechanism, altogether necessary ; nor we so far passive under them, as to be left without a power of curbing and correcting, breaking and eradicating ; as well as of contracting them at first, and afterwards confirming them : to assert this would be advancing a new doctrine of habits con- trary to the general sense and language of mankind. Well then, allowing such a degree of liberty, or active power, to be joined with the other passive ingredients in our compo- sition, as such, it must in some measure act independently on each of them, and be capable of forming new associations from its own proper acts, which will extend to all the rest, and in- fluence them: and yet as it will also have some such connection with them all, as to be itself in some respect or other influenced by them reciprocally; or (which comes to the same thing) the mind will be so affected in and through them as to influence it; which we all daily feel : [else how come these parts of our con- stitution to be constantly applied to with success for the deter- mination of it? Why is pain present or in prospect used to move a man, or arguments and motives urged, if they are really matters of indifference to his choice, and have no natural effect upon it ?] As this grows and gathers strength, like all our other faculties; and is equally capable of being impaired, and rectified again*: — As it is limited and subject to its laws, not perhaps rious history of the human frame, and well founded in the main; though the in- genious author carries some points, particularly that of mechanism, farther perhaps, than either experience seems to justify, or we are at present willing to allow. Per- haps it exceeds the power of man's understanding to decide where mechanism ends, and where the liberty of indifference (the only notion of liberty that comes up to the purpose) may be supposed to commence. However, it seems clear that some share of each is to be admitted into our composition, as well to- wards solving several phenomena, as giving due satisfaction in the great articles of religion asd morals; and that after all the attempts of the most able writers on this subject, neither principle can be wholly excluded. * Kins, note X. p. 360. 4tii ed. 14 OF THE WANT OF VXIVERSAI.ITV Stances in tlic world; and afterwards find room enough to refine and enlarge our faculties ; to wholly different, though of" a kind distinct from those of the other appetites: (however, such as make it no less governable*), and cannot go against these appetites without manifest pain and ntiisery to the person f : — As it may be inclined, both by them and its own course of operation, and will become daily more and more conformed to them, by a duly regular exercise ; which we likewise experience; — its operations will become as much the objects of foreknowledge; nor will it be much less easy to account for either the formation, or increase of any particular turn of mind, in any given situation, than if all were performed in us necessarily, and at once. This plan of human nature, which derives every thing from a few clear principles, and yet makes room for that endless variety conspicuous in it, might, I am sensible, be set in a good light, and shewn to be free from some of the greatest difficulties that must clog all others. In this view, a just uniformity is, by the Deity, so far as his immediate acts reach, in all cases, and might be by us, genei'ally, preserved among all its constituent parts; our talents suited to our capacity of using them ; our sphere en- larged, as that increases; and keeping pace with our improve- ments ; in short, each dispensation put upon a reasonable foot ; and all discoveries made in due proportion to our qualifications for judging of them, and our dispositions to apply them. Where- as the contrary scheme, of bringing every thing to an original, equal, and immediate intuition ; or of fixing every man to cer- tain impulses, or instincts, independent on his station and endea- vours, and intirely unimproveable by them; — this must be quite arbitrary, and in a great measure useless ; and attended with all the inconsistencies and inconvcniencies already mentioned. Such would be the consequences of that pretended universal eqnnbility, in natural religion; nor is the levelling scheme, so much contended for in revelation, less absurd, as will appear below. * King, c. V. 4 5. sub. 4, p. :372, &c, with notrs 69, p. ^G6, ami 70, p. 371. t II). note N. p. 21G. &c. IN NATURAT, AXD REVEALED RELIGION. 15 qualify ourselves for, as well as, by a right appli- cation of them, thus far, merit, some superior station, whenever that shall become void. How regular and beautiful a subordination must this soon produce! How fitly might the 'whole body^ thus knU together and compacted by that which every joint suppliethf increase with the increase of God, would man but enter into the same plan of ex- citing industry, and do whatever lies in his power to promote it, viz, entail benefits and successes on a proficiency in these endeavours, — suit every one's station to his respective merit and abilities; i. e. deal with each person according to what he is, and observe those rules which the great God of nature has established! What emulation must this raise, joined with the utmost care and caution, when each person finds it so much in his power to improve and advance, as well as to impair and degrade his ?iatu7'e; and thereby also change his state! what eagerness to excel some! what apprehension of falling below others! what encouragement for all to make the best use of their several faculties and opportunities I This amicable contest must certainly make more for the good of the whole, than if all had been merely passive, and absolutely fixed in any as- signable degree of knowledge and perfection; or limited unalterably to any one condition (Z*). {b) See King, Or. E. note 19, p. 108, &c. and note Y, p. 398, &c. We may add, that the supposition of any such fixed, unim- 16' OF THE WANT OK UN'I VERSA LITY Upon this ])Ian alone could there l)C phice for hope or fear, reward or punishment, tlie only pro- })cr means of i^overning free, rational agents; and of conducting them to their supreme and truest liappiness, which seems to consist in agency; and which can only this way be excited*. This there- fore is the method most agreeable to wisdom and goodness, and in consequence most worthy of Godt. Having thus far considered the partial distri- bution of the gifts of nature, and consequent di- versity of natural religion^ and offered some liints towards explaining the reasonableness and ne- cessity thereof; I proceed to shew the same con- cerning revelation. If a revelation were to be made at all, (and I must here take it for granted that such a thing provable state of natural good implies, strictly speaking, no less than the subversion of all virtue or w?o>a/ good; which is nothing but the choosing to communicate the former. [See King, R. i. p. 75, y6, 4th edit.] for which communication there could be no place in such a state, nor consequently any room for any of those agreeable ideas which are founded on it. Nor does this scheme any better consult the interest of our intellectual accomplishments; which, while it seems to be exalting them, is at the bottom taking away all their use and ex- ercise: while it pretends to constitute an equality among rational agents, is really destructive of both rationality, and agency. * See King, p. 216, 298, 311, 324, 335, 34.8, Sec. with the fol- lowing note [^] and Foster's Wisdom of (Jod in the various ranks and subordinations of human Life. Serm. viii, vol.2. t See this descrii)ed more at large in Hp. Butler's Analogy, p. 93, &c. 2d edit. IN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. 17 is neither impossible nor unreasonable in itself,)* it must be conveyed in the method we are told it was, namely, at first communicated to some few select persons, and by them divulged, and gra- dually propagated to the rest of the world (c); or * See Jenhin, vol. i. c. 1, or Mrs. A^etocojwe's Enquiry into the evidence of the Christ. Rel. § 8. (c) Chubb (on Miracles, p. 68, &c.) objects to this first method, that hereby it would be in the power of a few men to deprive the rest of all the benefits of this revelation. But is not that really the case in all the other benefits of nature, and the ordinary gifts of providence? Are not most of the bless- ings of life communicated to us by the mediation and instru- mentality of other men, who may be just and faithful in commu- nicating them, or otherwise? and it is not oft in the power of a single person to deprive multitudes either of life itself, or any of its comforts ; of liberty, peace, plenty, arts, improvements, &c.? and is not all this unavoidable while men are allowed the free use of their natural powers, which Chubb himself contends for ? Men, he says, are not to be over-ruled in either the pub- lication or reception of religion; and if so he has yet to explain how that is to be given so as not to leave it in the poxver and 2)leasure qfajexv, sooner or later, to restrain and suppress, to dis- guise and corrupt it; and consequently to prevent thousands and millions of others from sharing iii the benefits thereof, ib. p. 63. On a little farther consideration such writers may probably find, that on the plan of human liberty, it must be impossible for any thing relating either to the minds, or outward circumstances of" mankind, to remain in a state of perfect uniformity; and then they may be sensible too that the same causes, which among other things that concern mankind, make their rehgion un- avoidably continue in this partial and unequal way, will hold as strongly for its being originally given in the same way. Chubb's second objection. That if men could be supposed to be honest and faithful in the publication of a system of revealed religion, then there would be no occasion for such system, ib. seems to be worse founded than the other ; since tliis revelation, notwithstanding all the imperfections that attend its communi- C 18 OF THE WANT OF UNIVERSALITT secondly, every particular man must have it by immediate inspiration ; and be at all times, and in all cases, influenced and directed to it internally ; or thirdly, it must be published again and again, and fresh miracles worked for the conviction of each unbeliever in every age. In the second of these methods the incon- veniences are very obvious: for this influence, of what kind soever it is, must either be absolutely efficacious and irresistible, i.e. so strong as to sub- vert the natural powers of man, and take away his freedom of thinking and acting; and conse- cation, may still be the means of conveying such superior benefits to those who do come to the knowledge of it, of making such discoveries in the nature both of God and Man, and of affording motives for men's attaining to such a degree of virtue, and true rational happiness, as all their honesty, without such helps, could never raise in the generality of them. And whether the sole end of revelation be to bring men to a higher pitch of liappiness than they could otherwise attain, or not: [ib. p. 49.] this author never can prove but that it may be one of its great ends; and this end be in fact obtained, to as high a degree as is consistent with his own scheme of" perfect liberty; so that, in the last place, allowing God to foresee all the conse- quences, and events attending such an establishment {ib. p. 62.) yet that the same establishment, so circumstanced, may, notwith- standing any tiling this author has made out to the contrary, come from him. And indeed Chubb seems at length to be sensi- ble of that famous objection against the divinity of a revelation from its non-ioiiversaliti/ being so very much tveakencd, that he is grown weary of it, and willing to get rid of it as handsomely as he can, by pretending that he has not even leaned to that side of the question in all his debates upon it, and will take it unkindly to have such a thing so much as insinuated of him. The Author's Farewell, p. 219, note. IX NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. l9 quently destroy all virtue, praise, reward ; i. e. all that is good and valuable in religion: — or else it would not be sufficient to answer the several ends proposed; nor could it certainly and effectually secure the lasting interest and salvation of mankind. As an illumination^ it must either be distinguish- able from the present effects of reason, and the ordinary operations of the divine spirit, or not ; if the former, this must be by striking us more forci- bly, and working a more assured, infallible con- viction in our minds ; but so much as is added to that, above what may arise from the present con- stitution of things, just so much must be taken from the present choice, and merit of believing ; and the concomitant delight and satisfaction which we feel, and ought to feel, in giving our assent to truth(fi?). Such evidence must either supersede all (rf) See Abp. King, Or. N. 19. p. 108, &c.. ^th ed^ compared with N. 59. p. 31D. Whence it appears, that though in some cases and respects the assent be unavoidable, and we merely passive in the attainment of many useful parts of knowledge ; which must be attended with satisfaction in degree proportioned to the apprehension of that usefulness, and of a kind perhaps very complex, as arising from a variety of causes accidentally associated; yet neither is the kind, nor the degree of this de- light so intense, and exquisite, as that which usually accompa- nies those points, which we work out ourselves ; which we pro- perly make our own, by a free, fair investigation. These truths, though of no more importance in themselves, or in their conse- quences, than any others that are either forcibly obtruded on us, or fortuitously thrown into our way; yet are attended with a sort of self-approbation, and complacency, which both accom- panies the first discovery, the transporting |yf ryxa ; and will con- tinue after it, and bear reflection; and which makes them in- 20 OF TrrF. want of UXIVF.nsAI.ITY action and inciuiry of our own, and overhear the judgment beyond possihihty of doubt (wliich yet, is impossible to be conceived, witliout reversing the whole frame of the human mind ; neither would that appear to be at all desirable, as is shewn above), it must, I say, either be inconsistent will) the exercise of our other most valuable faculties, or it would come to the same thing with the })re- finitely exceed all others in our estimation. The same thing, as it is come at in the one or other of" these ways, is evidently not the same to us: which I can ascribe to nothing more than a consci- ousness that in the former case we have contributed somewhat to the acquisition of it, and to our own improvement by that ac- quisition; or an idea of inerit, constantly associated with this kind of acquisitions; and which is perhaps the very strongest, and the most agreeable of all our associations. From whence also we may collect how necessary it is to the happiness of man, that he should appear to himself to he J'rce, in the exercise of the faculties of his mind, as well as the powers of his body; to be in some degree active in the attainment of his knowledge, as- well as any other attainments; and how far this will go towards proving him to be really so, I leave to be con- sidered. If he has any proper liberty, there will be a good rea- son for annexing this double pleasure to the exercise of it, both to excite him to action in cases of difficulty, and afterwards to justify him for engaging in such ; and enable him to go through all the toil and hazard that attends them. If he has none, would it not be a little hard to point out, cither the rise or reasonable- ness of this so constant, and so general a delusion; and to ac- count for such ideas as those of esteem, merit, reward, &c. which are entirely founded in it? Whether the resolving all, with a late author, \r\t.o th - deceitj'ul feeling of liberty, be attended with less difficulties, than those which this hypothesis is calculated to remove, must be submitted to the thoughtful reader. See Hume on Liberii/ and Necessity, Essay on Mor. and Nat. Rcl. Part I. IN NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. 21 sent use of them ; and prove alike capable of being equally neglected or opposed, corrupted or de- stroyed: it would produce no higher evidence than in some cases the common principles of rea- son have ; nor could it lay any stronger obligation on us to obey its dictates. The same will be the case with it considered as an impulse, or impression on the mind, inciting it to follow each determination of the judgment, and physically connecting thought with action; since this connection, if much altered from that which is observable in the present state, or increased to any considerable degree above that harmony which now subsists among our natural powers, would be attended with the very same consequences*. Farther, as all this must be transacted in a man's own breast, and while it is limited as above, or he retains the least degree of liberty, is capable of being stifled there ; every one might, and most probably would soon disregard it, as much as he does now the many good thoughts, motions, and suggestions, which arise daily in his mind. Nor is there less likelihood of its being perverted to the very worst purposes, as interest, vice, or Vanity might direct : — of its soon filling the world with rank enthusiasm, or the most wicked and absurd impostures ; and when it is thus perverted, there seems to be no room for any remedy upon this scheme; no means are left to detect the fraud, * See Hntchcson on tlie Passions, p. 179, 200, &c. ; or King, O. of E. N. 28, &c. 22 OF THE WANT OF UNI VFUSALITY or folly of any pretences in religion wliatsoever; no method for mankind to rescue themselves from perpetual error and delusion ( &c.] concerning the sacred history of religion under the Patriarchs, Jeivs, and Christians, viz. That in every state there is first of all the Institution, then the Con-uptions, and lastly the Reformation of it ; since (not to mention the occasion of this, which in part arises from the natural imperfection of its mode of conveyance, as observed below) we have reason to believe, that in each thorough reformation of religion, there is something- raised above the primitive standard in the minds of its recipients; that men are generally prepared to enter more fully into the plan and spirit of it, to arrive at a more clear and complete discovery of its several ends and uses, than at its original institution. Vid. infra, P. III. p. 262. Nor do we say, that every nation has im- proved in religious notices, exactly as it does in learning and po- liteness; or that one of these must keep pace with the other; since a supposed diversity in their original, will constitute a very E 2 52 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATION'S either taken collectively, or in each individuaL Why the case stands thus in botli, — wliy all are not adult at once, in body and mind, revelation if* not concerned to give an account of, so much as the religion of nature; at least they are here, as in the former case, both on the same foot; and the same principles may be applied to each of them. And though in this respect, the Divine dispensa- tions seem to differ from human arts and sciences, in as much as these are commonly the most rude and imperfect at first, and every part of them im- proving by repeated trials; whereas, the others have all that purity and perfection at their de- livery, which in their season they are designed to have ; and rather lose, in some respects, than get by length of time — yet will not this make any ma- terial difference on the whole. To state the matter right, we ought to distin- guish as well between the delivery of a doctrine, and its general reception in the world; which is according to the measure of the recipients only: and which will chiefly depend upon the state, and notorious difference in this respect; the foi'mer may have been at first communicated to mankind in all its purity and simplicity; may long continue such, or suffer afterwards in its conveyance by tradition; while men were left in a great measure to them- selves in the acquirement of the latter; which must by conse- quence receive a gradual increase by their repeated efforts : and that disparity observable between the state and progress of these two in several countries, is no bad proof that this was actually the case. See Leland's Advantage and Necessity of the Christ. Rev. V. 1. c. 20. OF REVEALED KELIGION. 5S qualifications of the age they live in : as also, be- tween the supernatural assistance, and extraor- dinary impressions, at the first publication of such doctrine, and the ordinary state in which it usually appears, and the common progress it will make, so soon as ever these shall come to cease, and it is left to be continued by mere human means; (as we have shewn before that it must be sometime or other), when we shall find it partaking of the taste and temper of the times through w hich it passes ; and consequently propagated in the same gradual, l)artial manner, as all other parts of science, all human acquisitions and improvements are. Let us proceed then to consider the several dis- pensations of religion in this light, and see whether each will not prove to have been delivered in its proper season^ and as soon as it became fully ne- cessary ; and likewise whether each w^as not as perfect as it could be supposed to have been, con- sidering the season in which it was delivered ; and every subsequent one, an improvement on all those that went before. We will inquire first, what provision God made for the instruction of mankind in the infancy of the world; and whether it was expedient to send his son upon their first transgression. Now we have reason to suppose that Adam^ during his state of innocence, had frequent com- munication with the Deity*; from whence he re- * A hint of such communication on the forming oi' Eve, as re- lated by Adam himself, together mth the general precept con- S4f oi-' TiiK m;\'j:hai. disi'knsa'iions ceived liis information of things, and was dijocted in the use of them*. And, if lie liad been content to follow that direction, he would imdoiibtedly have been secured from any pernicious errors; and supplied with all the instruction and assistance whicli was then necessary for him, and trained u]) by degrees to as thorough an ac(|uaintance with the Divine nature, and all tilings around him, as was agreeable to his own nature; and consistent with his state and circumstances in the world. But, upon his rejecting this guide, and aj)plying elsewhere for knowledge, or setting np to be his own directoi-(//); that comnumication might ])e in cerniiig Alarriagc, grounded on it, occurs in Gen. ii. '21, — 24>. comj)ared with Mail. xix. 5, G. Mark x. (>, — 9. J^ph, v. fit. Tliough what some writers attribute to I3ivine Imjnralion in- fluencing Adam on such occasions, seems to l)e more naturally accounted I'or frojii a Vision exiiibited, or express Oral licvcla- lion made to him: the i'ormer su))i)Ositi()n appears to he the easiest in this case, and may include that whole transaction, as represented to him in a deep sleep. Concerning uln'eh mode of" information see more below. Note n. * Gen. \. 28 — 30. ii. 19, 20. Such persons as are apt to ques- tion the propriety of that particular restraint win'cli was laid on him in the use of" food, may consult the authors cited or referred to by Patrick, on Gen. ii. 17. (/i) That he intended nothing less than this by eating of the forbidden TreCy which was the trial of his submission to, or iiis rejection of the divine government, the lesl of good and evil, or that which would shew which of these he chose, and prove whe- ther he would be good or bad, [Pal rick on Gen. ii.9. 'J ai/lor on Or. Sin, Pt. 3.] may be seen in Ji.idlier/orlk's account of that trans- action. Essay on virhic, c. 2. n. (*) p. 273. Comp. Taylor. Scheme of Script. Div. c. 7. who makes the knoulcdge of good and evil, the same rh Jeeling good connected ivilh evil, tasting a pain- OF l{KVKAJ,i:i) HKI.U.ION. 5.5 a great measure withdrawn fVoin liiiii, and he left to the imperfect notice of his senses; to learn the nature of good and evil, and the way to obtain the one, and avoid the otiier, by a painfid ex[)erience*. Yet was he not left wholly to himself iji the attair of religion; but directed to such a form of wor- shij), as served to point out, and per})etually re- mind iiini, both ol" the iieinoiisness oi" liis ciime, and the dreadfidjiessof that penalty vvliich he had incujretl; and also gave him ho])es of futiue pai- don, and a Hnal acceptance with liis Creator. All this seems to ha\e been signiHed by tlie in- stitution of animal sacrifices^ setting before him ail the horrors of that r/cY////, which he had l)een sen- tenced to undeigo, but which was hitherto sus- j)ended ; and that of some other creatines de- /ul pleasure, a destructive gratification, &c. \)y an Hoidiudis. fVorih/n<^l(ii/ [Historical Kcnse of the Mosaic account oCtlie Fall proved and vindicated] supposes several conniuinications of" l)oth kinds of knowledge made to our first parents, on their tasting the forbidden fruit; but not merely by the virtue of such fruit; which seems rather to have been the serpent's suggestion, Gen. 3. 5. of the very same kind and to the same end, with all his other suggestions of divine; power annexed to various inanimate beings, wliereby the world has been deluded ever since: nor does the same author ascribe to that tree, (thougli he calls it a mysterious one, p. 19) any phijsual effects infusing any sort of science; which creates the chief part of the difficulty on this point. Daxvson on the three first chapters of Genesis, explains it by the trees, in eating of which, Adam transgressed the divine law; thus affecting to become — acting as if he thought him- self— more tvisc and /cnoiving than his Maker, p. 6. marg. 4-. * Sec Abp. A7//^'s Sermon on the Fall. And Bale on the same subject. 56 OP THE .SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS numded probably in its room. Tliis, together with the promise of a future deliverance, by i/te seed of the woman, served for the present to afford some comfort to our first parents under their heavy sen- tence; and to convince them, that their offended Maker was not absolutely im})lacable ; as well as to lead their posterity to suitable notions of re- ligion, and such a kind of worship, as should con- stantly reconcile them to the Deity, and remove the guilt of their particular offences ; and also prepare them to expect a greater and more noble expiation that would take of!' the wliole of Adam'' ■a curse*, restore him and his posterity to that hu- mor tal life which he had forfeited (/) ; and raise * Wliat that really was, may be seen in Ila/lefa Discourses, Vol. II. p. 276, &c. Sherlock's Use and Intent of Proph. p. 142, 143. 2d ed. Tatjlor on Or. Sin, passim; or, at the be^innintj of Locke s Reason, of Christ, or Abp. King's Discourse upon the Fall. (/) After all that has been writ upon the subject of sao/Jices, I am forced to ascribe their origin to divine appointment: as to the intention of them, wc may conceive some to have been en- joined by way of Tribute, or as proper acknov:ledgincnls of God's dominion over the creatures, and of man's holding that share which was delegated to him from God's hand, and enjoying all earthly blessings through his bounty; — some by way of positive mulct, Jine, or Jbrfeiture, \_Abarb. ex. com. \nLev. p. 313. Cleric, in Lev. i. 2. Morality ofRel. p. 85.] to render every breach of duty burdensome, and expensive to the sinner; — some for a /«//- mony, or a representation of his repentance, his conjl-ssion of such breach, and deprecation of its punishment; — ^Taylor, Script. Doct. of Atonement, p. 20. Forbes's Thoughts on Religion, p. 124. Essay on the Nature and Design, Sec. p. 32, &c.] some as ajederal rite between God and him, or a form of entering into friendship with his Maker; [ib. passim. Comp. 7?/t/f/('s Criticism upon Mo- OF REVEALED RELIGION. 57 tliem to a higher degree of happiness, tlian he could be conceived to have enjoyed in his para- disaical state *. And that this rite was enjoined by God himself, and explained to our first parent, is probable, from the short account we have of those times; since we find his two sons bringing their offerings to a certain placet, and well apprised (by some visible tokens t) when they were accepted; as that of animal sacrifice was rather than the other : and probably accepted for that very rea- son, because it had been appointed by God him- dern notions of sacrifices. App. II. pass.] and obtaining future favours from him : and yet there might be perhaps some farther view to that original grant, or promise, whereby man was to be delivered from the effects of the first breach; which, as such, was in each dispensation thought proper to be particularly distin- guished. All which appointments, grants, or covenants, may likewise be understood (not in their literal, strict sense, or as in themselves absolutely necessary, but) as so many gracious schemes of government, or methods of ceconomy ; so many merciful ex- pedients to promote the great end of the divine government, and secure obedience to the divine laws : treating mankind, (not like philosopherc but) as the generality of people of a more dull ap- prehension were always to be treated; and leading them gra- dually to as just and worthy notions of God and themselves, as they became capable of receiving. — But to ascribe such an in- stitution, as this of sacrificing animals, wholly to the inven- tion of men, especially to the men of those times who were capable of inventing so very little, appears somewhat unnatural. * See Kings note 80. p. 413, &c. -ith ed. or Bate on the Fall. -f- Hcb.id.^. Vid. Interp. & Grot, in Gen. vi. Comp. Judg. vi. 21. xiii.23. See also Taylor, Scheme of Script. Div. p. 144. X Gen. iv. 3, 4. Probably by Fire, See Tcnison of Idolatry, C. 14. p. 320. 58 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS self, and was performed agreeably to his com- mand (A). The time of their worship seems likewise to haxe had the same original ; as well from God's blessing, and sanctifying the seventh day*; and (/f) See Sfierlodcs Use and Intent of Propli. p. 73, &c.or Jij/mers Represent, p. 30. Ridley's Christian Passover, Sec. Richie's peculiar Doctrines of Revelation. Pt. 2. § 49, &c. This one article of the distinction made between Abefs oftering, and that of Cain, which, according to the history, was so notorious as to deject and irritate the latter ; and which cannot, I think, be accounted for otherwise than by the interposition of God himself; nor that remarkable interposition solved on other principles, than Cains presuming to omit the prescribed victim, through his want of faith; Heh. xi. 4. (otherwise his portion of the fruits of the ground, might appear to be as just and natural a tribute of de- votion from one within his province, as some part of the flock was from his brother; since we have no clear intimation of any other difference in the sincerity of their dispositions, whereon to ground the above distinction between them :) this, I say, seems a sufficient proof, that sacrifice was of divine institution ; and is but ill resolved by Spencer, L. iii. c. 4. s. 2. Comp. Daivson upon Gen. iv, v. p. 21, &c. or Ward Diss. 3 V. 2d. The same thing is inferred, with a good deal of probability, from the mention of those coa/5 of skins ti^hich the Lord God made for Adam and his tvife. Gen. iii. 21. which seem most likely to have been of those beasts that were offered in sacrifice, and might perhaps be in some measure of the same intendment with that sacrifice ; for the discovery of which, rather difficult and dis- agreeable way of worship, one would think they should stand in need of God's particular direction, as much, at least, as for that other, more easy and obvious one, of clothing themselves. Concerning the use and propriety of this kind ot clothing at that time, see Leland's answer to Christ, as old, &c. p. 503, &c. * Gen. ii. 3. Exod. xvi. 25, 26. Com. Datvson on Gen. iv, v. p. 19. OF REVEALED RELIGION'. 59 the ancient method of reckoning by zceeks*; as from the earliest observance of that Sabbath, in all nations of the world t; without any ground in nature for such practice ; or the least hint of its arising from human indention (/). * Gen. vii. viii. 10, 12. xxix. 27. L. 10. f Joseph, contra Ap. L. ii. Exod. xvi. Philo de op. mund. Selden de jur. n. L. iii. c. x. xi. &c. Easeh. evang. praep. xiii. 12. Grot, de ver. L. i. c. 16. Allixs, KeHections, B. i. c. 7. Jenning's Lect. B. iii. c. 3. p. 142. (l) See Rymers Represent, of Rev. Rel. c. 2. or Ridley'^ Christian Passover. And the same may be said oi tithes. Jenkin, Vol. I. p. 102. Durell, p. 178. Authors on eacli of these points may be seen in JVaterland's first charge, p. 41, &c. On sacrifices in particular, Carpzov. Introd. p. 1 18. and Budde Hist. Eccl. P. 1. s. 1. 30.** p. 115. The distinction that we meet with afterwards [Gen. vii. 2, 8, &c.] between clean and unclean beasts, which manifestly relates to sacrifice, [Vid. Patrick, ib.] shews likewise the continuance of that kind of worship ; and seems to prove, that it was not owing to any human establishment, any more than this direction itself could be. And that the men of these, as well as after ages, had both sufficient authority, and instruc- tion to use the flesh of the former sort of beasts, for food, as well as clothe or shelter themselves with the skins, appear to me as plain as that the tending and taking care of such was their chief business and occupation. Nor can I comprehend what merit there could be at any time in their making offerings unto the Lord their God of that which cost them nothing, of that which they could not eat ; or how they came to distinguish hetweenjat and lean : betwixt the good choice pieces, and others; unless they had tasted them themselves: [Vid. Cleric, in Lev. i. 2. iii. 3. and iv. 17.] though it is upon this chimerical supposition, that the use of ani- mal food was not included in the original grant of absolute domi- nion, given to mankind over all the creatures, (some of which could be of no other service to them) that Grotius, and others, founded their attempt to explain away all animal sacrifice, before the deluge. ' Eaedem pecudes, qua; ad esum, etiam ad sacrificia 60 OF THE SEVEKAI- DISPENSATIONS And that in those days men had frequent inter- course with the Deity, and were made sensible of his pecuUar presence in certain ])hiccs, appears a J^oacho adhibitac ; scil. munda: quotquot t-rant Gen. viii. 20. Hie sacrificiorum usus cumDiluvio sit antiquior, idem de peeu- duni esu nobis persuasum, eontra quam multi sentiunt. Neque enim yldel in sacritieium id obtulisset Deo, quo vcsci nefas credi- disset ; et frustra pavisset agnos quibus non licuisset uti. Quin ipsa distinctio animalium in munda et immunda docet alia per- missa f'uisse, alia prohibita. Neque enim in animalibus natura sua quicquam immundum. Sed immundum id est ex lege, cujus esus interdicitur. Itaque illud, Gen. i. 2Q. Vohis erit in cibnm, non solum ad plantas referimus, sed etiam ad animalia, de quibus prae- cedcnti versu actum fuerat.' Bochart. Hieroz. p. 11. edit. 4. Comp. Heidegger. Dissert, xv. De cibo antediluviano, C/ai/lona Answer to Delaney, in the blood-eating controversy ; or Essay oh Sacrijiees, p. 165, &c. or Dawson s New translation of the three first chapters of Genesis, who has shewn this sense to be very consistent with the original. I have been obliged to differ here from the author of Philemon to Hydaspes* , who in his fifth part is so far from allowing any kind of sacrifices to be a divine institution, that he declares, ' the ge- ' neral notion of the thing itself to be in every view of it so glaring ' an absurdity, that he is amazed that it should ever enter into ' the head of any rational creature.' p. 10. Some of the reasons ottered to support this declaration are, First, ' the very idea of a < Divine Being implies in it such a superior excellency of nature, ' as to be wholly out of the reach of our good offices. He neither ' wants, nor can receive benefit from them.' ib. Nor, Secondly, ' can we suppose that he should ever be pleased with the mere ' waste of his own productions.' p. 13. Thirdly, It gives one a very degrading idea of his ' goodness, to consider him as entering ' into a kind of merchandize with mankind, in the matter of his ' favours,' p. 14. And p. 20. ' The demand of the life of a per- ' fectly innocent creature, to be off'ered up in sacrifice to God, * The late Mr. Country. OF REVEALED RELIGION. gj farther, from his discourse with Cain, botli before and after the murder of his brother*; as also from ' could give but small encouragement to hope, that God intended '■ to favour a guilty one.' But I cannot apprehend that such an intercourse as was kept up between God and mankind, by the forementioned offerings, must necessarily be taken in either the first, or third of these views; since the like intercourse is not always so understood, even among men; some of whom are too fai* exalted above others to receive any real advantage from them, yet nevertheless expect some dutiful acknowledgment of the benefits which they confer on others, and require frequent testimonies of their love ; and why should we not imagine a sincerely devout sacrificer to the Deity, able to interpret his devotion in the same sense? or if led to a more gross interpretation of it, why may we not even suppose the Deity condescending in that case to set him right, by some such kind expostulation as the following! Will I eat thejlesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? If I were hungrij, Ixvould not tell thee ; for the tvorld is mine, and thefolness thereof. Offer unto God thanksgiving, and pay thy vows unto the most High. And call upon me in the day of trouble ; I ivill deliver thee , and thou shalt glorify me. Nor does there seem to be any more merchandize in any sort of sacrificial offerings, than in those of other vows, prayers, praises, and thanksgivings, which still make up an essential part of our religion ; from their relation to whicli, the former always derived all their value, and were perhaps only a strong, lively manner of expressing them; [Qui sacrificat, id idem significat actione et gestu, quod qui precatur ore suo profitetur. Vitringa Diss. Vol. I. p. 289. Comp. Patrick on 1 Sam. xiii. 12.] nor probably more strong, and explicit, than might be necessary for the times; nor likely to convey any more degrading ideas of the divine goodness (at least not more than were adapted to, and unavoidably in the then low state of reasoning) than does the inward tribute of a broken and a contrite heart, which is still requisite on some occa- * Gen. iv. 6. 9, 62 OI- THE SEVEnAL BTSPEN .S ATIONS Cain*s complaint of being hid from hisjace*, and his going out from the presence of the Lord t. Nor sions, as well as the outward j)ublic profession of our dependence on the Deity, the rendering to him the calves of our lij)^ ; which when the understandings of men were ripe for it, and they able to keep up a tolerable sense of duty by these means, have of themselves been, and are accepted by the same grncioua being in the room of the other; [Hos. xiv. 2. Heb. xiii. 15.) though these be founded equally on human weakness, and at a like distance from the excellency of the divine nature. As to the Consumption of the fruit of the ground in offerings ; why might not men conceive, that the same God who had given them all things richly to enjoy, might reasonably expect a return, as it were, of some part of them, merely in token of gratitude for the rest: as an exercise of their foith in, a memorial of their dependance on him for a continuance of them, and a pledge of their obedience, in applying each to the good purposes for which he had bestowed them? and this without the least dread of af- fronting him by an implication that he either wanted any thing, or reaped any kind of benefit by their presents. Nor need even such as have the most imperfect notions of his power and bounty, apprehend this to be any dangerous misap- plication of these gifts, on a persuasion that he had required it ; though without some tradition of that, Socrates himself [p. 10.] might perhaps justly doubt of the propriety, and acceptableness of this kind of v.orship : as he had the like scruples about prayer y \Plat. 2. Alcib.'] as also Maximus Tyrius, long after. But if ever these, or any such ofl^erings, were in fact required, and these or the like ends might be served by them, then will this * Ver.l4. t Gen. iv. 16. Taylor supposes that there might be a standing SheVmah, to which the men of these times were to repair upon the sabbath, before which they presented their sacrifice, and per- formed their devotion. Scheme of Script. Div. c. I*, 15. add Flemings Christology. B. ii. c. 7. Tenison of Idolatry, c. 14. But conip. Datvson on Gen. iv. v. p. 55, S:c. OF re\i;alkij ueligiox. 63 is it at all likely that Adam, who seemed to be well acquainted witli the voice of God m tJie garden * be far from a mere useless waste, though the things offered be destroyed : nor indeed can I see any material difference between a rehgious dedication of such things, and the destruction of them ; or how they could be presented to the gods at all, if they were still kept for the use of their respective owners. The case, I apprehend, will not be much different as to the life of an innocent creatiur ; for if this creature be considered as a man's property, why may not the oblation of it be assigned by way of composition, nuilct, or commutation for such faults as he is sensible of, and serve as a significant representation, and acknowledgment of such his sense; and be accepted by the offended Governor of the world, in lieu of a more condign punish- ment; by virtue of such assignment doing away his guilt, and being a sufficient ground of encouragement for him to hope for a full restoration to the divine favour; without any further im- port? Though if this should have yet a more distant and ex- tensive view, it answers these ends for the present nevertheless ; and is more like all other parts of the divine cecononi)-, which serve for various purposes, immediate and remote. Upon the whole, I cannot help concluding it to be more pro- bable in itself, and more analogous to the general course of things that this so universal a practice of sacrificing animals, however old and unaccountable it may seem to be in some respects at present; — should owe its origin to some divine appointment ; be propagated every where by primitive tradition ; and afterwards (as in too many other cases) by a pretended imitation, and im- provement ; but a real misrepresentation and abuse ; receive such gradual alteration, from the authors of all superstition and vice, as at length to arrive at that degree of enormity, which this writer has so well described. * Gen. iii. 8. 10. The curious reader may be entertained with some conjectures concerning di full system of religion aiid morality, communicated to Arlam about this time, which Peters grounds on Job xxviii. 2^, &c. and which he terms n record of some- thing spoken by God to the first man, not to be met ivifk in the book fjf Genesis. Vid. Crit. Diss. sect. 16. p. ifS. 64 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIOXS upon liis fall, should never have lieard it there before, on other occasions. In those times therefore God was pleased to manifest himself to the senses of men, and visibly conduct them, by the angel of his presence, in all the chief concernments of religion. And this in- fant state of the world must stand in need of his especial guidance and protection. They were not yet able (with Moses*) to see him xvho is in- visible; to perform a purely rational, and spiritual worship. They could have no very perfect notions of his nature and providence ; nor had they much leisure for speculation, and refinement in these subjects. They were all tillers of the ground, or keepers of cattle; employed sufficiently in culti- vating this new world; and through the curse, brought on it by their forefather, forced with him to eat their bread m tJie sweat of their brow. We may suppose the generality of them, to have been no better than Ant]iropomorj)hites\^ in their con- ceptions of the Divine Being; as many were found to be long after them, in much more knowing timest; and as perhaps a great part of the world * Heb. xi. 27. t The reason of this is given at large by the autlior of Glory of Christ as God-man, Disc. I. sect. 1. % ' Lactantius is to prove that God lias human passions — to prevent being misunderstood, and to provide a proper subject for these passions, he contends strongly for God's having a hiivian form ; no discreditable notion at that time in the church.' Div. Leg. B. iii. sect. 4-. p. 372. add Locke on H. U. B. i. c. 4. sect. l6. and Huet. Origen. L. ii, B. i. sect, 8. p. 30. OF HKVF.Ai.Kn nr.Lioiox. 65 yet are, by giving way to their imagination, not- withstanding the clearest revelations, and plainest arguments to the contrary. Frequent communi- cations then might be necessary, to keep up a tolerable sense of religion among men, and secure obedience to the divine institutes*; and that the Almighty did not exhibit such manifestations of himself as were either necessary, or fit to answer this end, cannot be concluded from the silence of those very short accounts we have in sacred his- tory, as was observed before. Besides, Adam himself continued nine hundred and thirty years, an eye-witness of the power and providence of God ; and could not but reflect on those remarkable instances of both, exerted at the beginning of his own lifet; and must have ac- quainted the rest of mankind with all those truths relating to the Deity, that were implied in the original creation of man, and his iirst situation in the worldt; as well as his present state of punish- * Ka.1 ya.^ siKOg sv af%r rs kqc-ij.h hiti irXsiov (Be'^orj^YjO-Sai rr^v uv&^wrrwy (pvctv, kwi zj^okovt); y'svoy.evrji hi crvvea'iv,Ka.i Toci Xonrai STTKpaysixs I'wv vi:r^cilsiJi.svu:v tcvry Srea jSiiKrjy.arL Orig. coiit, Cils. p. 216. Ed. Cant. ' t See Allix'a Reflections, B. I. c. 8, &c. X How he was able alv/ays to convince the world that he was the first man, from a peculiarity in the formation of his body, see Cumberland De leg. patr. p. 409, -ilO. Adamus, ejusque uxor Eva secundum naturam non potuerunt habere unibilicos in medio ventrum suorum, uti habent omnes homines qui nascuntur e mulieribus propter vasa umbilicalia quae umbilico inseruntur, et e placenta uterina nutrimentum afferunt infantibu'-i, in atero F 6G OF TUB SEVERAL DISPENSATJO.VS ment, and prospect of a future redemption ; \\ liicli were exhibited together, and doubtless explained to him, upon his fall. He was all that while a living monument both of 'the justice and mercy of God ; of his extreme hatred and abhorrence of sin ; as well as his great love, and long-suffering towards the sinner. He was very sensible how sin entered into the world, and could not but ap- prise his children of its author ; and at the same time inform tliem of the unity of God, and his dominion over the evil one ; and assure them of his being the supreme governor, and judge of all. For so much, I think, might be gathered from that transaction in paradise, in what manner soever we understand it* ; not to mention that the garden of Eden, the great scene of this transgression, might perhaps for some time be visible t. This would produce a tolerable idea of the Divine Being, and afford sufficient motives to obey him. And ac- cordingly we find the effects of it, in the righteous family of Seth, who began to call upon the name of the LordX; or, as that text is better rendered in matrum suarum generatis, indeque prodeuntibus. Nee credibile est Deum creavisse in protoplastis umbilicos qui iis essent pror- sus inutiles, et eos redderet obnoxios periculoso morbo qui om- phalocele dicitur a niedicis. lb. * I think Archbishop King has said enough to vindicate the literal sense, in his excellent Sermon on the Fall annexed to his Origin of Evil. f Allix, Reflect, p. 62, supposes it to have continued till the deluge. I Gen. iv. 26. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 67 the margin, to call themselves by the name of the Lord*. They soon distinguished themselves from the posterity of C«/;z; and for their extraordinary piety, were entitled the people or Sons of God i. Of them, some time after, sprang a person so very eminent for goodness and devotion, as to be exempted from Adam^H sentence, and the common lot of his sons: who after he had walked with God, or held converse with angels, three hundred years t, and prophesied to his brethren, and fore- warned them of the approaching judgment §, was translated that he should not see death \\. This very * See Shuchford, Vol. I. p. 4-2, Sec. Van Dale's, Orig. 7, f souls, changing of kind, disorder in marj-iages, adulter!/, and shameless uncleanness, 26. Add c. xii. 4, 5, 6. Vid. Arnald in loc. * Concerning this great change ii^ the divine economy, see Part III. t Maim. M. Nev. Buxtorf p. 421. See Chandlers Vind. O. Test. Pt. ii. p. 47 J- Judith v. 8. Shuckford, Vol. I. B. v, p. 269. It is a tradition among both Jews and Mahometans, that Abra- ham's father Terah was a maker and vender of images, from whom some derive the name of Teraphim ; (i. e. Terah-nphim, images representing Terah's countenance), and tell many stories of his difference with Abraham for a time on that account. Some of these may be seen in Calmet, or Bayle, Diet. Art. Terah, and Abraham. This is consistent with the account of Abraham's having once been himself an idolater, as some interpret Rom. iv. 5. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 77 into covenant with him, institutes circumcision^ as the sign and seal of this covenant*, engages to be his present guide, protector and defender ; and to bestow, not only all kinds of temporal benefits on him, and on his seedt ; but to make some of them the means of conveying one of a higher kind to all the nations of the earth ; wdio should in an extraordinary manner be blessed through him X. Abraham, no doubt, was fixed upon for his singu- lar piety, and trust in God under various trials; and entitled to these high privileges by his extra- ordinary virtues ; for whose sake (or rather for the sake of encouraging and rewarding of which virtues), the same privileges were continued to a part of his posterity, though less worthy of them. But, we cannot think that it was so much on his * Rom. iv. 11. Concerning the propriety and various uses of this institution, see Le Clerc on Gen. xvii. 10, II, 12. f That the promise of possessing all the land from Egypt to Euphrates {Gen. xii. 7. xiii. 14, 15. xv. 18, &c.) was made to Jbrnhums seed in general, though the especial covenant was restrained to a part of them, see remarks on part of the 3d Vol. of the Mor. Pliilos. p. SQ, 90. That the full execution of the former promise depended on their obedience, vid. Durell App. p. 153. X Gen. xii. 3. xxii. 18. xxvi. 4. xxviii. 1 4. Rom. iv. 1 6, 1 7. Gal. iii. 8. 1 7. That the especial covenant, limiting the Messiah's descent to one branch of ^6/7//ifim's posterity, and that peculiar dispensation which attended it, were not inconsistent with the original grant or promise, which constituted Abraham the Father of many Nations, from whom all nations of the earth were to de- rive a Blessing, and to whom therefore the Gospel is said to have heen preached before Christ came into the world; see Taylors Covenant of Grace, p. 6. 13, &c. 78 OF THE SEVEKAL DISPENSATIONS own account that he was thus distinguished; or, that^;r his sa/.-e only^faith^ or sincerity, is said to be imputed to him for righteousness ; but rather for the common benefit of mankind was all this done; in order to make him an instrument, in the hand of Providence (and a fit one he was) to convey the same faith, and fear of God, to all the nations round him. And accordingly we find him greatly favoured, and distinguished among the neigh- bouring princes; and Kings reproved for his sake ; who are acquainted with his prophetic character, and desire his intercession with Godt, and ob- tain assistance through that intercession. History tells us of his conversing on the subject of reli- gion, with the most learned EgyptiansX, and being very highly esteemed by them ; from whom pro- bably they afterwards derived the rite of circum- cision §, among other religious institutes. We are * Rom. iv. 2\. \ Gen. xii. 17. and xx. 7- X Josephus, L. i. c. g. contr. Apion. passim. Damascen. in Euseb. Praep. Evang. L. ix. c. 16. There is at this day a select num- ber of famihes in Egypt, who call themselves descendants from Abraham, and are in high esteem there, and give themselves up intirely to the study of music, medicine, and astronomy, and never intermix with any other Egyptians, or marry out of their own families. Nouveau Voyage de Grece, ({'Egypt, Sec. Hague, 1724. p. 106, &c. § Shuckford, B. v. p. 322, S:c. and B. vii. p. 132, aaaaro, gcstiebat, longed earnestly. Way- burton supposes, that the command of sacrificing Isaac, was a mode of information by action, instead of words, concerning the great sacrifice of Christ, given to Abraham at his own earnest request. Div. Leg. Vol. II. Pt. ii. which is well illustrated by Gilbanh, Script. Hist, of ^/^r. p. 1 13, &c. and might perhaps re- ceive some confirmation, by observing that this scene most pro- bably was placed upon the very spot where Christ actually suf- fered: (see Crit. Notes, Genes, xxii. I, 2. Comp. Pool, Synops. ib. and Patrick on Gen. xxii. 9.) in which such another coin- cidence might be observed between the type and person typified, in respect of his decdh, as Episcojnus remarks concerning the place and circumstances of his birth. Nempe ita ego mecum sentio ; Id non casu, sed, Deo ita procurante, evenisse, ut vel hac etiam ratione Deus testatum faceret filium hunc, Davidis filium esse, paremque cum eo fortunam sortitum atque expertum esse. Enimvero pastor fuerat David, qui vitam suam in stabulo forte, J'urte, inquam, hoc ipso in loco ubi Jesam Maria pcperit, egerat, et quando ad regiam dignitatem vocabatur, gregem patris sui pasce- bat, atque ita veluti a stabulo et pabulo ovium ad regium thro- num vehebatur, uti diserte ipse fatetur, Psal. Ixxviii. 70, 71, 72. In stabulo igitur cum nascitur filius ejus, annon patrem suuni refert? Episcop. Inst. Theol. L. iii. c. 12. p. 175. * Gen. xviii. 19. See Burnet's, Boyle's Lect, pag. 536. fol. ' God called Abraham out of his own country, and made him OF liKVEAI.KD RF.LTGfOX, 81 But though the Deity was pleased to manifest himself, in a more frequent and familiar manner, to Abraham; yet were not the rest of the world wholly overlooked. There were, no doubt, many other shining lights, and eminent professors of pure religion, who, like Lot in the midst of ^Sofi^ow, were as eminently preserved, and supported in that profession : w^e see Laban and Bethuel acknow- ledging the Lord^-, and the former of them, not- withstanding the mixtiu-e of idolatry in his house- hold t, favoured with a vision $. Nor was the spirit of prophecy, or divine revelation, confined to Abra- ham, or to his family. In Canaan w^e meet with Melchisedecli, king, and priest of the most high God § : who is acquainted with the blessing pro- mised to Abraham, and confirms it to him ; and to whom the patriarch himself pays homage. Abime- lech king of Gerar receives an admonition from the Lord, and readily pays a due regard to itil; the same sense of religion and virtue descends to his son^F; from whence w^e learn, that this country travel from place to place, to make him thereby famous in the world, and to invite men by that means to inquire after his pro- fession, his hopes, and his religion.' Allix, Reflect. B- ii. c. 12. • Gen. xxiv. 31, 50. f Gen. xxxi. 19,30. X Gen. xxxi. 24. § Perhaps the Patriarch Shem himself. Vid. Cumberland, de Leg. Pair. p. 424, tSrc. Bedford, Scrip. Chron. p. 318. Lightfoot^ Misc. 1010. The same opinion is maintained by many other authors mentioned by Cahnet, Diet. Vol. II. p. 177. Comp. Sharpe, Rise and Fall of Jerusalem, p, 1, &c. and prolegom. io Hyde opusc. p. xxi, II Gen. XX. ^ Gen. xxvi. 10, 11. G 82 OF THE SEVKUAL DISI'EN'.SATIONS was at that time far from arriving at that great degree of corruption, which it reached in a few generations after. In Arabia we find Job, and his three friends, all of regal dignity, as some say*, entering into the deepest points of divinity, and agreed about the unity, omnipotence, and spi- rituality of God; the justice of his providence, and many other fundamentals of religion ; as also mentioning a divine inspiration or revelation, as no very uncommon thing t. Eliphaz had his visions and revelations t as well ^s Job, though in a lower degree §; and the latter expresses his faith in much stronger terms than are elsewhere to be met with near his time ; if according to the addition made to the seventy, he was the fifth from Abra- ham\\, or according toothers, contemporary either with him, or Isaac%, Though in truth, it is not very easy to settle either the date of that piece**, or tlie import of several expressions in it. Some * Vid. Lxx. in fin. Job, Tobit ii. 1 6. Vulg. Lat. — Job insult- abant Reges. Comp. Letter to the author of Div. Leg. \yQ5. p. 57' f Vid. Cleric, in Job vi. 10. xxiil. 12. xxix. 4. xxxiii. 15. 23. X C. iv. 12, 15, 16. § See Patrick, App. to Par. on Job, p. 5Q. II See Calmet, Diet, or Costard's, Observations, p. 13, or Heath, p. 24. or Findlay against Voltaire, Pt. 3. § 3. % Jurieu, Crit. Hist. Vol. I. p. 18. Shuckford, B. vii. p. 136, &c. Seidell de Jur. Nat. &c. L. vii. c. 11. Goguet, Vol. L Dissert, ii, •* That it could not be more ancient than the time of Moses may be inferred from the mention of letters and writings, c. xiv. 23, 24. which had no existence before they were communicated OF nCVEALED UELIGION. Hli place it in the days o^ David or Solomon *, others bring it down as low as the captivity : nor are they without their reasons (w). However, all seem to to the Israelites from Mount Sinai, as is made highly probable by the authors referred to below, in note F. p. 147. * V. Vitringa in Jes. Proleg. p. Q, {m) See some of them in the Five Letters on Inspir. p. gp. and Le Clerc on Job i. 6, 8, 11, 22. — ii. 9. — vi. 10. — xi. 10, 22. — xxiii, 12. — xxvi. 12. — xxxi. 27. — xxxviii. 3. — xhi. 7. Id. Sentim. de Theolog. L. ix. p. 177, Sec. et Biblioth. Chois, Tom, I. a. 1. Add Chaldnismi in indice ad Cler. Comm. Tom. IV. with Findlay, p. 433, 434, n. The mixture of Chaldee in the composition which Le Clerc makes out in many instances, beside the in pro im, [Peters s, Crit. Diss, p. 133.) seems of some moment towards determining it to be more modern than is usually imagined, and is, I apprehend, rather too slightly passed over both by the author of Crit. Diss, and those other eminent writers he produces ; though Le Clerc, with his usual modesty, leaves the consequence from thence to the date of the book wholly undecided : nay, he himself assigns a reason why the latter is no necessary consequence from the former: Jobus, nimirum, ad Euphratem in Husitide habitavit, ubi lingua Chaldaica, aut Chaldaicae adjinis obtinebat. Id. in c. XV. 13. As to the famous passage in c. xix. 25. on which he gives his judgment with more freedom, I must produce the conclusion, though somewhat of the longest, in his own words. Jam ex ipsis totius hujus loci verbis satis liquere potest, Jobum de resurrectione sua non agere ; quam nunquam veteres hie qusesivissent, nisi pravis interpretationibus transversi acti fuissent; ut conjicere est ex Judseis, qui verba Hebraica sequuti, dogma, quod alioqui cre- dunt, hinc exsculpi posse non putarunt. Sed id ipsum, cum ex multis aliis locis, in quibus satis aperte Jobus ostendit statum animorum, post mortem, tunc ignotum fuisse, turn ex totius libri argumento facile colligitur. Quajritur in eo, cur qui non sunt deteriores aliis qui boni habentur et revera sunt, intcrdum inusi- tatis calamitatibus prem^intur ; quod quomodo consentire queat G *2 84- OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSAI'IONS agree that, whoever was the author of it, it is built upon a real character ; and that decorum is pre- served so as generally to suit the notions in it to the patriarchal times* : and what religious notices might be gathered from this dramatic history, supposing it known in those times, may be seen at large in a judicious writert. cum justitia divina, nee Jobus, nee amiei possunt comminisci; imo nee Deus ipse, ubi Jobum postea adloquitur, docet. Nimirum solutio problematis, et una consolatio, qua Jobi animus pacari poterat, peti debuit ex alterius vitae cognitione; quam si novissent Jobi amiei, vetuissent eum usque adeo perturbari et lamentari : esse enim dixissent aliud tempus pra?miorum virtutis, idque expec- tari ab eo debere, post banc vitam mortalem; et eo majora praemia relaturum, quo graviores calamitates constantius tulisset: quibus praemiis mala hujus vitae Deus abunde esset pensaturus. Jobus ipse hoc ad animum revocasset, nee usque adeo aestuasset. Quod si talia eorum mentem non subiissent, Deus certe, si res jam revelata erat, dixisset, monuissetque Jobum, sibi visum fuisse tot malis ejus virtutem explorare; ut magis in ea ipse firmaretur, aliique earn imitarentur, quibus similia contingerent ; nee esse cur sibiduritiem & propemoduminjustitiam exprobraret; se enim non propter singularia quaedam peecata passum esse eum tantis & tot subitis malis opprimi, sed ut ejus virtus magis eniteret, exemploque aliis esset ; caeterum elFecturum se ne hominem con- stantiae suae poeniteret, aeternis & eximiis in eum collatis praemiis. Quae oratio, (si rem tum patefeeisset Deus) multo ejus summae sapientiae convenientior erat quam creatio crocodili & hippo- potami, aliaque id genus; quae Jobum quidem terrere potuerunt divinae potentiae metu, sed solari vix potuerunt. Haec qui ad animum revoeabunt, facile intelligent, nihil esse cur, veluti per fidiculas, conemur resurrectionem & vitam aeternam hinc extor- quere. Le Clercs opinion is confirmed by Heath in ioc. Add Durell, ib. p. Oy, &c. — But compare Taylor, ib. c. 24. * See the Theological Repository, p. 70, &c. f Taylor, Scheme of Script. Div, c. 24, OF REVEALED RELIGION. 85 To proceed : In Chaldea we meet with Balaam, a true prophet*; yet one who, from his own per- sonal merit, had no pretensions to the word of God ; since he so notoriously loved, and followed the wages of unrighteousness; and at length justly perished among the idolatrous Midianites-f; having taught them to seduce and corrupt those, whom he knew to be the chosen people of God t. Considering, I say, the character of this person, he seems to have had no particular title to the gift of prophecy (?z) ; • See Patrick, App. to Par. on Job, p. 60. t Numb. xxxi. 8. X Niimb.xxiv. 9. and xxxi. 16. Mich. vi. 5. Rev. ii. 14. {n) Whatever might have been his former behaviour, it was certainly very bad in the whole of this affair; during which, he had the fullest revelations, and yet was continually disobeying, or endeavouring to defeat the intent of them; as may be seen in Bp. Butler ?. Sermon on that subject, and Shnckfhrd's Connec- tion, B. xii. p. 314, &c. As to the particular manner of these revelations, we may, I think, suppose them to have been all alike made in vision, dream, or trance, [as our translators have interpreted one hereafter irien- tioned, and which some circumstances render very probable, not- withstanding what has been suggested to the contrary by Bp. Newto?i *] though from the narration it is equally difficult here, as in some other parts of scripture, to distinguish between real fact delivered in the most literal sense, and visionary, symbolical representations, such as occur in Gen. xv. 5, &c. 1 Kings xxii. 19. Job i. 6. ii. 1, &c. xxxviii. Zy. vi. 1. xx. 2, 3. Jer. xiii. 1 — 7, xviii. 3, 4. xix. 1, 2. xxv. 15, 17. xxvii. 2, 3. Ezek. iii. 1, 2. iv.6, &c. V. 1 — 4. xii. 3, &c. Hos.i.2,3. iii. 1 — 3. [v. Pococ/( in loc] Zech. i. 8. iii. 1. and perhaps Geii. ii. 21 — 24. and xxxii. • Works, T. 1. Di5c, p. 76. 8(5 OF THE SEVERAL DlSPENSAllONS and therefore we may suppose that in those days it was not so uncommon a favour, but might be 2, 24;. vkl. Theodoret. (though Dr. Clarice gives another inter- pretation of this last passage, Serm. xix. p. 126. Dubl. Ed.) and Smith's Sel. Dis. c. 6. To which we may add those visible appearances to St. Stephen and St. Paul, Acts viii. 55, 56. xxii. 6, &c. [see Eisner, Comm. in Malt. v. 1. p. 38,] with that account of a star being seen by the wise men. Matt. ii. 9, 10, [_Elsner, ib. p. 34-, &c.] and perhaps the whole story o( Christ's temptation in the wilderness, as is made very probable in Farmer's Enquiry into its nature and design, printed A. D. 1761. Comp. Mason on Matt. iv. 11. and Jennings Lectures, B. I. c. vi. p. 365, or Harivood, Introd. to the N. Test. c. v. § p. 178. That of the Angel meeting Balaam in the way, seems to be thus explained by himself. Numb. xxiv. 3, 4. and 16. where he alludes to the very circumstance of his eyes being open, and yet he had no use of them without another opening by the Deity, c. xxii. 31. on which account they are said, with equal propriety, to have been before shut, c. xxiv. Nor is it a very easy suppo- sition that instead of betraying the least token of surprise at hearing the ass speak, which was so natural to any person awake and in his perfect senses, he should persist in his blind fury, and make the following reply, more like one under the disorder attending a dream: / ivould there tvcre a sivord in my hand, for 710W woidd I kill thee, c. xxii. 29. Nor is the Angel's being thrice prevented from slaying Balaam, merely by the ass's turning away thus often, v. 33. less unaccountable ; if we are resolved to take the whole story literally. Nor does it seem probable that he, who was said to be in the retinue of the princes of Moab, Numb' xxii. 21. should at any time be so far separated from them in the way, as' to give room for such a remarkable transaction, without their knowledge, as by the account it appears to be. ' Ita dico, in negotio Bileami, totum illud quod in via ei contigisse dicitur, & quomodo asina loquuta fuerit, in visione prophetica factum esse; quia in fine historiae explicatur quod angelus Dei loquutus fuerit.' Maimon. Mor. Nevoch. P. ii. c. 42. To the same pur- pose R. Levi Ben. Gersoni ; and Philo seems to be of the same opinion, by his omission of this very remarkable circumstance. OI- REVEALED RELIGION. 87 conferred on many other persons likewise, in other parts of the world*, whose history is not delivered down to ust: and upon the w^Iiole, it seems probable that, as in every nation, those ivho feared God and worked righteousness, were accepted of him t, so he was pleased to manifest himself, wherever men w ere disposed to make a proper use of that manifestation : and in such time, manner, and degree, as would best answ'er the ends of his good providence, and most effectually promote the interest of religion . as is observed by Sliuckford, B. xii. p. 315. Add Memoirs of Lit. April, 1710, p. 14'. and Jortin's Dissertations, Diss. v. p. 189. Leibnitz endeavours to prove the same thing in his history of Balaam, Gen. Diet. Vol. VI. p. 678. Which, I think, is pretty clear in his case, though some of those others above-mentioned may perhaps belong to that species of revelation by adioiu which is explained at large, in Dir\ J^ev, B. iv. sect. 4. and B. vi. sect. 5. Nor does the reference made to this part of Ba- laam» history by St. Peter determine any thing with regard to the litei'al sense of the passage before us ; or exclude the pro- phetic scenery supposed ; since it is observed to be merely a translation from an Hebrew writer of uncertain authority, who puts words into the ass's mouth that are not mentioned in the original account oi Moses. See Benson on 2 Pet. ii. 16. How- ever, we may safely conclude with Jortin, that ' since Balaam relates it as a fact, and Moses recorded it as Balaam gave it ; and other prophets have described their visions like real facts, and the moral use and application is the same either way; it is no wonder that St. Peter, mentioning the story, did not meddle with the distinction between real and visionary transactions, which concerned not his purpose in the least.' lb. p. ]Q\. * See Judg. vii. 13, &c. and notes below. f Vid. Cleric. Prolcgom. Diss. iii. 7. 2. dc Script. Pent. p. 36. X Acts X. 35. B8 OJ- THK SKVER.VI, DISPENSATIONS Not to insist upon the numberless traditions of supernatural appearances, and the common belief of them, all over the world*; which notion can hardly be supposed to have arisen at first, without a good foundation, though numberless impostures (which yet are ever imitations of something real, and almost a natural consequence of its reality f) have rendered all reports of that kind, for these many ages, very suspicious. But to proceed. When it had pleased God to adopt Ab'ra/iam, and some part of his posterity, in a peculiar manner, and to establish his Covenant with them I; v/e find all possible care and con- descension used, to train them up by degrees in suitable conceptions of their Creator; a frequent correspondence held with them ; new promises given ; in order to strengthen and confirm their faith, and fix their dependence on the God of heaven. He reveals himself to Isaac and Rebecca; * See Patrick on Numb. xxii. p. Append, to Job, p. 60, Szc. Huet. Quaest. Alnetau. c. 2. n. I, 2. Shuckford, B. i. p. 47. f See Adams's judicious answer to Hume's Essay on Miracles, p. 110, 111. Good and evil angels under some former dispensa- tions of religion might appear and act in a sensible manner : but under the present dispensation tiiey may for wise reasons (particularly, because we are now sufficiently instructed in their nature and agency) be wholly invisible; nor may we be capable of distinguishing their secret internal impressions from the suggestions of our own minds ; or the external, kind assist- ances of good angels, or the malicious injuries of evil angels, from the common course of providence. Taylor ?• Scheme of Script. Div. c. 12. ^ Enni. ix. 5. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 89 and foretells the condition of their two sons*; re- news the promise made to Abrahamf; blesses his son Isaac; miraculously increases his substance; and soon makes him the envy of the neighbouring princes t. He convers.es in the same manner with Jacob; and repeats the same promise §; gives him the right of primogeniture ; engages to be with him, and keep him, in all places whither he should go ||. This he confirms by many extraordinary bless- ings; and frequent appearances 51; vouchsafing to talk with him face to face ** ; to bestow all kinds of riches on him; and strike the terror of him into all the cities round about ft. And yet we find all this little enough to keep up, even in Jacob, a tolerable sense of duty, and dependence on his God : After the first vision he is surprised, and hesitates ; and seems to make a kind of stipulation with his Maker. If, says he, God xdll be xdth me, and xcill keep me in this way that I go, and ivill give me bread to eat, and raiment to 2^iit on, so that I come again * Gen. xxi. 22, 23. From this circumstance of Rebecca s going to inquire of the Lord, Leland infers, that there was at that time in Canaan a prophet or prophets distinct from Abraham and Isaac, to whom persons might have recourse to know the will of God. Advantage, &c. of Rev. Vol. I. Pt. i. c. 2. p. 78. n. f Gen. xxvi. 24. + Gen. xii. 13, 14. § Gen. xxviii. 13, 14. II Gen. xxviii. 15. ^ Gen. xxxii. 1. xxxv. 1, p. ** Gen. xxxii. 29. ft Gen. xxxv. 5. 90 OK THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS to my father s house in peace; then shall the Lord be my God * : that is, if he will preserve and pros- per me in my undertakings, he shall be my God, rather than any other : And it appears not to have been till after many such revelations, and deliver- ances, and his being also reminded of them -j-; that he set himself, in earnest, to reform the religion of his own family, by driving out all strange gods t. Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him. Put azvay the strange gods that are among you, and he clean; and change your gai'- ments, and let us arise, and go up to Bethel ; And I will make there an altar unto God, who answered me in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way which I went § . * Geii. xxviii. 21, 22. See Le Clerc on the place. •j- Ch. XXXV. 1. X Ch. XXXV. 2, 3. § The idolatry here mentioned, may perhaps be thought chiefly to relate to the Shechemite women in Jacob's household, Gen. xxxiv. 29. See Shtickford, B. vii. p. l64. In support of which opinion it may be observed, that the words Elohi hanne- kar, above rendered strange gods, more properly signify the gods of the stranger. Deos alienigenae. Vulg. L. However that Jacob himself had yet but very imperfect notions of the Deity, particularly of his omnipresence, is observed by Le Clerc on Gen. xxviii. 16. and to the same purpose Ci/ril Alex. L. iv. p. 11.5 there cited. And that the sense of religion was not great among his sons, appears from their behaviour to the Shechemites, and from so many of them conspiring the destruction of the most innocent and amiable Joseph. Having been informed, that the above account of t/«co/5»\svow has been by some judged too degrading; I shall here set down the observation made on it by an ingenious friend, Dr. Taylor, OF REVEALED RELIGION. 91 Thus was God obliged to treat, even with the Patriarchs themselves, by way of positive Cot'e;?^;?^ and express compact, to give them a portion of present temporal blessings, as introductory to, and an earnest of future *, spiritual ones ; and engage " 1 am persuaded, translators and critics have not done justice to the good old Patriarch. His vow consists of two parts. I. A recapitulation of the promise made to him in the preceding vision \_Gen. xxviii. 13, 14, l.O.] v. 20, 21. II. The subject matter of the vow which he grounded upon it, v. 22. The recapitulation of the promise runs thus. Seeing [a«]* God will be with me, [l] and will keep me in the way wherein I go, [l] and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, [l] and I shall return again to my fathers house in peace (or in prosperous circum- stances) [l] and seeing the Lord will be my God; III. The vow follows, V. 22. [l] and, Therefore \ this stone which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house [a place dedicated to his worship] and of all that thou shalt give me, I will surely give the tenth unto thee." * That from the beginning of the world each patriarchal co- venant, or blessing, was to be understood as a pledge of other distant and superior ones, may be seen in Lord Barringtons Essay on the several Dispensations of God, p. 20, 24, 25, 5g, 62, 6g. * This particle DX, if, is not here conditional, but causal, quoniam, quan- doquideni ; as Gen. xxiii. 13. Numb. xxii. 20. Judg. xi. 9. Jcr. xxiii. 38. Ezek. XXXV. 6, &c. See Noldius. f In a series of copulatives the last assumes a signification difterent from the preceding copulatives. So Gen. xsv. 34, [l] and Esau did eat and drink, [l] and rose up, [i] and went liis way : [i] and thus Esau despised his birth-right. And in the Greek Epigram, Kaj wiviay loo;, KAI o tlie original, and aggravates the mistake. Comp. Furver on Gen. xxviii. 21. OF REVEALED RELIGION". 93 worthy sentiments of the divine Providence, such as Enochs Noa/i, Abraham; yet these were far su- perior to the times in which they lived; and we have reason to think, that the generahty both in this, and some later ages, extended their views no farther than the present life, and its conveniences*: and though from the confused remains of ancient tradition, they acknowledged some power above them ; and frequently applied thither for direction in affairs; yet, it was in the petty atfairs of this world only ; and their beUef and worship w^ere framed accordingly. How many of these superior powers there might be, or how far their supposed influence might reach, they knew not: uncertain whether there was one Supreme Governor of the whole world, or many co-ordinate powers, pre- siding over each country!, climate, or particular * This seems to have been the case even with Abraham him- self for some time, who, upon having an extraordinary promise made to him by God in a vision. Gen. xv. 1. Fear not, I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward ; rises no higher in his answer, than only to request an heir for his substance, v. 2, 3. And Abram said. Lord God, ivhat wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, andthestexvardofmy house is this Eliezer o/'Damascus? And Abram said. Behold, to me thou hast given no seed ; and lo, one born in my house is mine heir. — Unless this be interpreted in the same sense with that general earnest desire of posterity so common in his time, and for which Allix has endeavoured to ac- count, from the no less common expectation entertained by each particular family of having the Messiah descend from them [Re- flect. Pt. i. c, XV, &c.] and which might therefore well be in- cluded in Abraham's, request. t 2 Kings xviii. 34-, 35. 94 OF THE SEVKRAL DISPENSATIONS place * J gods of the hills, and of the valley s, as they were termed in later times t; they thought, the more of these tliey could engage in their interest, the better ; and therefore, wherever they came, like the Samaritans, they sought the manner of the God of the land ; and served him together with their own godst. Thus was the world running apace into idolatry, and ready to lose all proper ideas of the true God, and his worship ; had he not been pleased to interpose, and take effectual care to preserve these pure in some one nation ; to be kept apart from the common contagion, and made, as it were, the repository of true religion ; and a channel to convey it to the rest of mankind; as soon, and in as high a degree, as they should be- come capable of receiving it. To this purpose, he makes way for the removal of Jacob and his family, to one of the most polished parts of the world at that time ; and introduces them into it in so advantageous a manner, as to give them opportunity of imparting somewhat of the true religion, with advantage, to the most con- siderable families in it § ; and without any danger of sharing in those corruptions which were getting * See Numb, xxiii. 1-5, 27. t 1 Kings XX. 23, 28. Vid. Calmet. X 2 Kings xvii. 33. § It is very apparent from the Mosaic history, ihat tlie He- brews were never held in such detestation or abhorrence by the Egyptians, but that they would freely converse, though they might not eat bread with them. Otven, B. L. s. 8. And ' when OF REVEALED RELIGION. 95 ground there*. They are placed by themselves in a fruitful part of Egypt, bordering on that country out of which they had come, and into which they were at length to return f. Here they multiply exceedingly ; yet by their occupation t, they departed out of Egypt we are expressly told, that a great multitude went also with them, who are all with good reason supposed to have been so many proselytes to their religion ; as Strabo testifies. Geogr. L. 16.' * ' Although the Egyptian priests were not, in my humble opinion, now idolaters ; yet God, well knowing the infinity of wealth now pouring in upon them, and foreseeing the consequent increasing corruptions, always attendant upon great national wealth ; kindly provided against them, by placing the wisest and best man in the world [Joseph) guardian of thitt people in gene- ral; and at the same time, the high favourite of their King, and ally of their priests, and continuing him in those characters for a long train of years; which, to my thinking, was a most adora- ble scheme to recover, promote, preserve, and if possible, per- petuate, their piety, virtue, and wisdom.' Rev. Exam. Delaney, Vol. III. c. 9. p. IQt. — ' I am certain, they were not idolaters -when Joseph presided m Egypt; nor were they such gross idola- ters, even when the children o^ Israel came out oi Egypt ; for leeks and onions*were then a favourite food — although afterwards — they came to be deified.' ib. 199. t Pyle Paraphr. on Gen. xlvii. 4. X See Gen. xlvi. 33, 31'. ' And here we cannot but admire his wisdotn who found out and evacuated a land for them, I mean that of Goshen, in every respect suitable to the purpose: a land where they might live distinct by themselves, and yet daily con- verse with the most celebrated nation then upon earth ; a land lately deserted by the Shepherd Kings, and their subjects, and therefore v/ell adapted for the reception of Shepherds again. Nor can we less admire his goodness, who, when he had spied out this land for them, was pleased to detach from his country and kindred another person of eminent qualities and great piety. 96 OP THE SKVKRAL DI SPKNS ATIONS are kept a separate people ; and rendered more averse to the manners and religion of their task- masters, by a long and severe oppression : which might at first have been occasioned by their oppo- sition to the growing idolatry*; and refusal to in- corporate themselves with that infected nation : and the continuance of it became very necessary afterwards, both to keep up that opposition, and to inure them to restraint and government : but that it might have the effects intended, yet not proceed so far as to reduce them to an entire sub- jection to that more potent people, through a despair of any deliverance, the precise time of this their trial was foretold to Abraham]' ; and as soon as it had been accomplished, and they had cried for help to their Godt; they are brought back, in as wonderful a way as they had been sent thither ; which also was foretold to Jacob § ; and repeated by JosepliW; all the circumstances whereof are at large related in their history; and I may add, with all those characters of truth and consistency, which might be shewn to receive new confirmation, from every such attempt to bur- and to send him, even Joseph, — as a kind of ambassador before them, to procure an interest for their settlement in it.' Oiven^ B. L. s. 8. * See Chandler, Vind. O. T. pag. i87. and O'wen, ib. f Acts vii. 6. X Exod. ii. 23. § Gen. xlvi. 4. and xlviii. 21. II Gen. 1. 24., 25. OF REVEALED RELIGIOX. 97 lesque and expose it, as is made by a late profli- gate writer*. To proceed, The God of Israel having at length magnified himself over the Egyptians and their godst, by a series of the most astonishing miracles ; and rescued his people in such a manner, as must strike the utmost terror into the whole land; and spread his name much farther, by means of the many strangers that used to travel thither t, in order to be acquainted with the history of that famous nation, from whom the greatest part of the world derived their policy and religion §, having thus made his name great among the heathen 1|; and worked so conspicuous a deliverance for his chosen people, as might, one would think, have been suf- * Moral Philosopher, Introd. to Vol. III. f Perhaps by destroying all their images or temples. Vid. Cleric, and Patr. in Exod. xii. 12. Comp. Numb, xxxiii. 4. Pa- raphr. Jonath. in loc. and 2 Sain. vii. 23. The reason of which may be gathered from note (r) below, p. 105. Perhaps by exert- ing his power upon them in such a manner as served equally to demonstrate the nullity of the gods they worshipped, as to punish the crimes they had been guilty of in consequence of that wor- ship. See this particularised in Dr. Oiveii's Intent and Propr. of Script. Mir. p. 37, &c. and B. L. s. 10. J See the notes below, with Chandler's Vindication of the hist. of the O. T. Part ii. p. 464, &c. and p. 499. § Vid. Diod. Sic. L. i. Herodot. L. ii. c. 43, &c. et Witsii Egypt. L. iii. c. 13. 16. II That this remarkable punishment of the Egypt ian.s was in- flicted in great goodness to the generality of that nation them- selves on the whole, as well as to the neighbouring nations round them, from whom they derived most of their grossest superstitions, may be seen at large in L^ Clerc on Psal. cxxxvi. 10 — 17. H 98 OF Tllli SKVERAL DISPENiiATION S iicient to engage them for ever in his service ; yet all this proving ineffectual to correct their infa- tuated proneness to idolatry, he is obliged to de- fer their entrance into the promised land for some time, and proceeds to instruct and exercise them in the wilderness; he patiently exhorts, and urges them to their duty, and warns them against all the vices of the people round about them : gives them statutes, and judgments, though not so per- fect as they would have been were the subjects of them capable of receiving better, yet much more excellent and righteous than those of any other nation*; and such as were to be a model to the rest of the w^orldt; sends his angel before them, to keep them in the ivay ; takes upon himself the civil government of them; and by his presence guards, and directs them in all their undertakings. He conducts them through the neighbouring nations, with repeated signs and wonders (o); and continues * Dent. iv. 8. f Vid. Joseph, contr. Ap. Selden tie Jur. Gent. Sec, passim. Euseb. Praep. Ev. L. ix. c. 27. (o) Numb. xiv. 14. They have heard that ihou, Lord, art among this people, that thou. Lord, ai-t seen face to Jacci and thy cloud standeih over them, and that thou gocst before them by day-time in a pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night ; v. 15. — The nations have heard the fume of thee. Add Deut. ii. 25. Josh. ii. 10. 1 Sam. iv. 8. — vi. 6. which places, by the way, furnish us with an answer to tliat objection of the Mor. Phil. Vol. III. p. 183. that ' had (iod given any such — authority to the Israelites, as is hereafter mentioned— he would liave let the people oi Pales- tine know it, and in some authentic way or other assured them, that he had given away their country to strangers and foreign- OF REVEALED RELIGIOX. 99 to try and discipline them, till either they were cured of those corruptions that had been con- tracted in Egijpt, or the most incurable part of that generation were cut off*; — till they w^ere at length tolerably well attached to his government, and established in his worship; — till they were fit and able to possess the promised land, towdiich they had an original rightt; — and till the present inha- ers ; and that if they did jiot leave the land, and give up all their natural lawful possessions, rights, and properties, peaceably and without opposition, they must be all cut to pieces, men, women, and children:' though this Avas not the truth of the case, of which more below. See S. Browns, Answ. to Christ, as old, &c. p. 373, 374'. * Numb. xxvi. 65. ■f This nation, when they demanded admission into Canaan, might have pleaded the possession of their ancestors for tlrree suc- cessive generations: — that they were the first possessors of some parts \_Gen. xii. 6. xiii. 3, 9, passim. X Jer. i. 5. Comp. c. xxvii. and 1 Esdras i. 28. 47. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 1 l7 been so capable of understanding the divine mes- sage, when it was delivered to them, and of be- having themselves suitably to it*. In like manner, Nahiim describes the final destruction of Nineveh; and ZepJianiah proclaims the divine vengeance on the neighbouring countries of the Philistines^ of Moab and Amman; as well as Ethiopia, and As- syria^. And accordingly, their prophets are sought for, and honoured by the greatest princes; who were thereby induced to acknowledge, fear, and reverence the God of heaven; though they did not wholly conform to his will. Thus Elisha is applied to by the kings of Syria\; Jeremiah protected by the king of Babylon § ; Daniel ho- noured, and advanced by the successive rulers of the Chaldeans, Medes, and Persians ; as observed above. Thus did this famous people serve every way to propagate the knowledge and fear of the one true God, either by their prosperity, or adversity ; their * Vid. Edivarcrs Survey, &c. p. 296. Biiddei Parerg. p. 426. and Lotvtli on Jonah iii. 5. •j- ' One needs only read their books, to see that the prophet, not only foretold obscure matters, or what particularly con- cerned their state; but also things of a more splendid nature; the overthrow of cities, of kingdoms ; the destruction of whole nations, the destruction of their own city, with its re-establish- ment. Matters which would render their books very illustrious, and which would cause them to be read, not o;ily by the Jews, but also by the neighbour nations, the Ammonites-, Moabites, Assyrians, Persians, Egyptians, &.c^ ^//iVs Reflect. B. ii. p. 41. + 2 Kings V. and viii. § Jer. xxxix, 11. xl. 1, &c. 118 OF THE SIEVERAL DISPENSATIONS conquests, or captivities * ; their "separation from the rest of the nations, or their disjjersion among them : by the wise laws that were given them ; and by the worthy teachers, which at various times were raised up in the midst of them ; proclaiming the power and justice of the universal Governor of the world ; and foretelling his disposal both of them, and the neighbouring states ; together with the reason of these dispensations t. From whence it appears, that mankind were far from being rejected by their Maker, during this state of their nonage ; though he had his peculiar residence among the Jews^ and was their more visible guardian, and director. The express terms of his covenant indeed belonged to them, w^hich, as it consisted in temporal things, he was often obliged to interpose, in order to make good the performance of itt; and which on that very ac- count could not be a more perfect one (re). The * Victi victoribus leges dederunt, says Seneca of his people. Aug. De Civ. Z). L. vi. c. 11. f See the texts in p. lOO. Note (*). X See Bp. Sherl. Disc. v. p. 150. {vS) Vid. Crellii Orat. 2. Perfectionem sanctitatis idee Po- pulo HebrcEo pra;scribere, et ad illam sequendam eundem acri- oribus stimuhs incitare, Moses Dei nomine non potuit; quod fe- licitatem ac mercedem, ob quas pietas colenda csset, terrenae ReipubHcae otio, et eorum tantum bonorum affluentia termina- ret, quae ad corporis pastum spectant, quorum que usus hujus vitae circumscribitur cancellis ; ita requirente istius popuh infan- tia: quinetiam illam rempublicam, in qua pietatis sua; tructum Gens Israelitica deberet capere, armis et parareettueri juberet. Unde si totam praeceptorum Mosaicorum rationem ad ista tem- pora accommadatam consideres, animadvertes eam isti pietatis OF REVEALED RELIGION. Il9 real benefits thereof, the heavenly Ca?iaan (of which the first may be conceived as only a type or sha- dow *), extended to the people of every nation that feared God, and worked righteousness ; and he might fix his residence in Jewry, as being in the midst of the nations t ; in order to dispense the rays of praemio apprime fuisse consentaneara, &c. Crell. Eth. Christ, p. 433, . ii. 2. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 125 obedience; — to threaten them with the severest plagues on their apostasy ; — to promise them proportionable blessings upon a return to their duty; and by both means prepare them for, and gradually open to them, the prospect of that universal Blessing, the true end and great com- pletion of all his promises, — the MESSIAH; in whom were laid up tJie sure mercies of David ; mercies of an higher nature than any of those which they were then expecting ; who should procure for them a more noble and extensive kingdom, than they had ever dreamt of: should make them brethren and fellow-citizens with all the world here, and fellow-heirs to a more va- luable inheritance in the world to come *: who, notwithstanding their great blindness, and per- verseness, and numberless transgressions, should at length deliver them from all their adversities ; and finally restore them, and all manldnd^ to the favour and full enjoyment of their God. * ' During these circumstances — God was pleased that a law- giver should be born among the Jews, of another nature than he whom they expected, and infinitely more useful to them. In- stead of a temporal king, who might have increased their power and renown, but would not have lessened their ignorance, nor their vices, God sent them a king worthy of him, who taught them how they ought to live here, to be eternally happy after this life : and shewed them, that, instead of being members of a little common-wealth, and enemies to the rest of mankind, they ought to look upon the whole world as their native country, and all men as their fellow-citizens : a thought worthy of those, who already professed to believe, that all men are equally the work of God.' Lt Clerc, Causes of Incred. p. 267- 126 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS The doctrines he taught, contain a summary of the most important truths, (though not delivered in any systematic*, artful method, nor adapted in any respect to vicious palates) giving us the most worthy notions of the Deity, and affording the strongest motives to love, fear, and obey him ; — the greatest incitement to resemble our blessed Saviour in holiness, and every virtue of the hea- venly life. The benefits he conferred, were the rescuing us from the power, and redeeming us from the penalty of sin ; repairing the breach made in our nature by the first Adam^ and restoring to us the lost com- munion with our Maker; not indeed in the same open, visible manner as at first ; which is neither necessary for, nor suitable to these ages of the world ; but by the more secret, silent influences of his holy Spirit; which are equally efficacious (e) if duly attended to, and improved ; enabling us to attain unto all that perfection which he re- quires, or we, in the present state, are capable of; and thereby entitling us to some higher degree of * That there is less ground to suspect them of imposture on this account, and that they are thereby of much greater use, see LelancVs answ. to Christ, as old, &c. Vol. 11. p. l66, &c. and p. 245, 246. Add Crell. Resp. ad Q. Tom. II. p. 322, &c. and Jefferys Commencement Serm. on Heb. i. 1. in which he has considered the subject more at large, and shewn particularly, ' Why God thought fit to deliver the doctrine of our religion and happiness in the form of a history, rather than in any other method.' (e) See Wollaston, p. 106, or King, p. 376, 4th ed. OF REVEALED REI.IGIOV. 127 happiness, and glory in another. He cancels the original covenant* of works; and purchases a new one full of grace and mercy ; freeing us from the whole of Adam* ^ curse, viz. deaths or utter ejctinc- tionf; and finally assuring us of a complete victory over both that, and hell J, by the gift of eternal life, and happiness. This is the true import of the Christian institution ; and in this sense it must appear to be indeed a gospel, or good tidings of great joy to all people § : which therefore ought to be reserved till mankind were able to comprehend and ready to receive so great a blessing ; till they were fit to make the proper use of such a scheme of infinite goodness, and philanthropy. As nothing greater could come after tlijs, and this was to be offered once for all ; (otherwise, as the apostle says II, Christ must often have suffered since the foundation of the world; often in every country, and as often in vain ; his offers of salvation by their cheapness slighted, his sufferings disregarded;) as no farther manifestation of God's will could be * In what sense covenants are understood, was hinted above, p. 5Q, note i. f See p. 5Q, note *, X Rev. XX. 14. § In what respects Christianity exceeded all former institu- tions, may be seen at large in Edivards's Survey, p. 313, 323. The eflFects, which it will some time certainly produce, are well described by Worthington, Essay on Mans Redemption, c. 1 1, &c. who supposes, perhaps not on so good grounds, that these will be attainable even in this life. II Heb. ix. 26. 128 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS made to man either in terms more lull and ex- press, or in a way more kind and condescending ; it was fit that all suitable provisions should be made for the reception, and continuance of it in the world; all proper preparations used to fix, and ascertain its evidence ; as well as to explain its worth, and make men sensible of the necessity for it. To this purpose the Jexvs were to be trained up to the expectation of it by a series of pro- phecies, foretelling the time, place, and every cir- cumstance oii\\Q Messiah* i> advent ; and describing the true nature of his kingdom : their law was to continue till it had guarded them from idolatry, and secured their dependence on the one supreme God; till they had attained to such rational con- ceptions of his nature and providence, as qualified them for a more pure and perfect way of worship- ping him; and enabled them to communicate it to the rest of the world. The Getitiles were to have sufficient experience both of the weakness of their understanding in searching after God, and the in- firmity of their corrupted nature, in not acting up to what they did discover ; sufficient to make them wish and hope for some heavenly guide, which in fact the wisest of them did ; as particularly appears from two remarkable instances, in Socrates s, dis- course upon prayer, and sacrifice * ; an d in Aristotle's * See Plato's second Alcihiades near the end. More passages to the same purpose are collected by Dr. 5. Clarke, Evidences, Prop. 7. and Young, Dissert. Vol. 1. OF REVTALKD UELIGIOV. 129 declaration just before his death, [if the account of it be genuine] concerning the reasonableness of believing that the gods would at length come down from heaven, to instruct and relieve mankind *. Thus was the consciousness of their defects re- quisite in the heathens, to prepare them for, and dispose them to embrace a remedy, when it should be offered ; and the Jeu'ish economy was equally requisite, to fit them for administering this remedy ; the one made its value then better understood, the other rendered its evidence more incontestable throughout all ages. No stronger testimony than that of prophecy could be given, to confirm its truth ; nor any greater token of its usefulness, than that which appeared in tlie miserable state of the heathen v/orld without it ; both highly con- tributed to procure Christianity its due regard and esteem in the world ; but neither of them could have taken })lace, had it been from the beginning, as the above-mentioned objection t supposes. * Aucior de Ponio [de quo vid. Fabric. Bibl. Gr. Tom. II. L. iil. p. 166.] Ccel. Rhod. Ant. L. xvii. 36. [See Bai/les Diet. Art. Aristotle, note Q.] Stanley Vit. Phil. Concerning tlie tradition of his having conversed with a Jew, see Gen. Diet. Vol. II. p. 26/, and Prid. Conn. Part. i. B. vii. p. 47.^ and 480. 8th ed. See also a remarkable passage in Jamhlichus Vit. Pythag. c. 28. To the foregoing observation Bolinghroke replies, that ' the complaints and expectations of these men were fomidedin proud curiosity and vain presumption.' B.'s Works, Vol. V. p. 220. as if it were a piece of vanity and presumption in any reasonable creature to be desirous of learning, what would here most effec- tually recommend it to the favour of its Creator; and merely pride and idle curiosity, to know what would become of it for ever hereafter. t Pag, 42. K 130 OF THE SEVERAL DISPEN'S ATIONS We sec then that some time, in general, must liavc preceded the piibhcation of the gospel; and we ought to consider, that if it were delayed a while longer than w^e can particularly account for, yet as much as that period may seem to liave lost, so much we of these latter ages manifestly get by the delay; it is so much nearer to us; and thereby its light and evidence more clear at present ; its heat and influence proportionably stronger ; for all which we have occasion enough : and well must it have been for us that it came so late, if its evidence decrease so fast by length of time, as these very same objectors would insinuate*. How^ do w^e know but that it might be delivered about the middle age of the world ; and be upon the whole nearest to the several generations; and a just proportion kept between the length of time, during which Christ^s future advent was to be fore- told and expected ; and that in which his past ap- pearance is to be commemorated? We are hasty, and short-sio'hted : our views limited to a few years ; and we become impatient at finding any of them pass over, before the whole plot is unravelled; and would have all brought on the stage at once : but it is far otherwise with the great God, to whom a thousand years are as one day ; who has an immensely large progressive scheme, con- * Christ, as old, c. 12. p. lC3, 8vo. from Craig.: of which see Rot heram's DissGYiation, Edinh. 1743. Phil. Trans. No, 257- Droughton against Tiiida!, Part iii, j). 5: &c. Randolph, Part ii^ p. 34, Sec. OP REVEALED RELIGION. 131 sisting of many imderparts, and intermediate steps ; all placed in their proper periods, and each rising upon the past; and the whole conducted in that gentle, regular manner, which is best suited to the moral government of a world of intelligent, free agents, and most becoming a Governor of infinite wisdom and goodness. But to be more particular. The period in which our Saviour came into the world may be conceived to be the fulness of time, and fittest for such a dis- pensation, on the following accounts. First, as that age appeared to want it most : Secondly, as it was the most able to receive and propagate it : and. Thirdly, as it was the best qualified to examine its evidence, confirm its truth, and convey it down to future ages. First, that age wanted it most ; both in regard to mGrals and religion. 1. It stood in the greatest need of a reformation in morals ; as it appears to have been the most profligate of any upon record. As to the JexcSj we are told, that both their ma- gistracy and ministry were then corrupted to the last degree ; — their laws against the worst of vil- lains rarely executed (^); — their most sacred {p) The low state of their Sanhedrim about that time, may be seen at large in Lightfoot, Op. Lat. Vol. II. p. 370, 6y\, &c. Their gradual corruption and degeneracy is observed by Strabo, L. xvi. p. 761, 762. Ed. Luf. Par. l6'20. K'2 .132 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENS ATIOKS offices, not excepting that of the high priesthood, set to sale; — the temple turned into a place of merchandise; — their priests made of the lowest of the people, and devoted entirely to self interest, and the^lowest kinds of traffic ; — the whole nation split into factions ; hating, and persecuting, and devouring one another*. In short, the account which their own historian gives of them, not long after this time, will be suf- ficient to decide the point, who concludes it with this declaration ; that if the Romcms had delayed taking vengeance on them, he believes their city must either have been swallowed by an earthquake, or a deluge, or destroyed by fire from heaven, as Sodo77i was; since it produced a much more im- pious generation (r). — But this remarkable wicked- * See Lightfooi, Op. Lat. Vol. 11. p. ]48, 272, &c, Ed- xvardss, Survey, Vol. I. p. 389, &c. Lardner, Cred. of the G. Hist. B. i. c. 5. Benson, Hist, of planting the Chr. Rel. Vol. H. p. 234, &c. Le Clerc, Proleg. ad Hist. Eccl. sect. 1, 2. BasnagCy B. i. c. 5, Sec. Wliitby, Necessity, .ev '[sa.Xa.ioi K^silovs; tjjmcvv Y.a.1 eyfurs^ui bscvv oixsvTsf ravtYiV (prju.tjv "nTa.^s^uja-a.v. Id. E])ist. vii. UsiSso^at os srws disi yjfj -ojxXtnoisrs xai Ucois KoyoiSfCl Ss ixY^vvii(riv YjUAv d,^(xvat^y^\jyr(,v s'tvai, Smccrixg ts \(ryjiv, xa( rivsiv ra.^ ^syis'o.g rtij^w^ixs, Irav ti; ditoLXXyJrj ra (ru}y.aTos. Gorgias : Tavr eriv, u) Ka'AXiKAStf, a eyoj dxr^KOajf isirsvta dXrjQyj slvat, xa< ix rstwv rwv Xoyivv roiovSs Xoyi^O[uai o-y/x.- fajvejy. O ^avaroj- >c. r. A. Phcedo : UaXaiog fisv a'v sri Tig o Xoyof sTOg a ju,e/xvij|X£Sa, «; sla-tv evQsvSs d:piy.oiJ.£vai £x.£t, [a< \|/yp^jfj] xai xuaXtY ys Ssv^o doiKysvrai, xai ytfvovrat Ik rvov reSvsuilujv. Id. ibid. 'A St] KCii Xsyetai [xsyira. uKtsXnv -ri ^Xairhiv tov rsXevli^a-avla, svdu; av d^yrj rrji sKSicrs Tto^.sias. Asystat $b stcog, dig «faT£A£i)7ijcrav7a «xa- rov 0 sKocs-a Saciixwv, hcnts^ ^wvrx slXy^yzi srog, dysiv litiyei^si i\; 8fj ri'/a. TOTtov, ol ?£< tsg crvXXsyavrag SiOcSiKCdrajxiiviis eig aSa tzopiV' e^a.1 jc. r. X. Ibid. HoXXoi St s\ri nai S-auaaroi t'^J' y*;; roitoi, Ka.t dvTrj sn olx, sTs 0(rrj uVo rujv wspi yrjg biujdorwv Xaytiv, wg lyui vito tivog ■uJBTTVTfjia.i. Kai o "EiiJ-y^iag, wwg Tccvla, aifr}, Xsyeig, di 2ct,-/Cf a- reg; tjje^i yaproi rrjgyr^gy.ai ocvTog-SJoXXa ^Yi dKYjXOa-K.T. X. Apol. Socr. Ei $e aw oi'ov dfroSr/iXYjO-ai h^iv o ^avccrog B/SevSa slg dXXov roTfov, x.ai dXr^Yi ig-t ra. Xtyo[ji,eva x. r. A. Ibid. Tare ya§ dXXa, hjaii/^oveg-i^Qi b'kxiv o< Jjcei ruiv ev^aSrj, xai yjSrj rov Xonrov y^ovov aSavaloi tlcri, s'nrs^ ys ra, Xeyoixsysc dXYj^Yj Jriv. PJiadrus : Tars roi kvexa, %ctj, mavTag raj Xoysg dvui xat xaruj [/.sras'^£(poyTa, iina-- xoiteiv el rig ttyi '^olujv xai ^§ayvrs^a (pociverai Bit aut^v ohg. ha. (irj /xaTTjv 7roAAi;v dirij] xai rpa'/ziocv, a^ov oXiyY^v re xxi Xsir-.v. AXXa. s\ nvtt, ifn fioYjQsiav ayj^g, aitaxYiXOiug Av(rin rj' rivog dxXs irai^u} Xsyaiv dva.p,ilJ^vYi(Ty.oiJ.£yoc. Ibiil. Ax'jYiV y lyv X':ysiv rwv ic^curB^wv. Toi" dXyfisg avt'A lcra(riv. Id in Tima'o: Eyuj ''^' '''"-'' ''*'^' ^■^'^ xf jcrea'v, y~.a.i aXXo. TOiccvra. * Harum sententiarum quae veVa sit, Deus aliquis viderit ; quae verisimillima magna quaestio est. Tusc.Q. L. i. sect. xi. vid. Cleric. Prol. ad Hist. Eccl, ^ect. ii. c. 6. dc Acadcmicis. l;i8 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS opinion, than what is(B). Nay, professing that in the grand article of a first cause, if he had dis- (b) Be Nat. Dear. L. i. c. 32. Utinam tarn facile vera inve- nire possem, quam falsa convinceie. Id. apud Lact. L. ii. c. 3- Notwithstanding all the fine things which he. had said about the immortalitif of the soul, or, what with him amounted to the same, a future state; in which po-int he seems to be the most sanguine and positive ; yet in his epistles (where he speaks his real thoughts) we find him giving it all up, and having recourse only to the miserable comfort of a final insensibility. L. v. Ep. ult. Ut hoc saltern in maximis malis boni consequamur, ut mortem, quam etiam beati contemnere debeamus, propterea quod mdhnn sensum esset kabiiura, nunc sic affecti, non modo contemnere debeamus, sed etiam optare. L. vi. Ep. iii. Deinde quod mihi ad conso- lationem commune tecum est, si jam vocer ad exitum vitae, non ab ea Repub. avellar, qua carendum esse doleam, praesertim cum id sine ullo sensufuturum sit. lb. Ep. iv. Sed cum plus in me- tuendo mali sit, quam in ipso illo quod timetur, desino ; praeser- tim cum impendeat, in quo non modo dolor nullus, veriimjinis etiam dolorisfuturus sit. Id. Ep. 21. — Una ratio videtur, quicquid evenerit ferre moderate ; praesertim cum omnium rcrum mors sit extremum. More passages to the same purpose are collected in Div. Leg. p. 38/, &c. 2d edit. And among the several apo- lo"-ies which the author of Cicero^s life has offered for them, this probably will be esteemed the most natural ; that in a melancholi/ hour, doubts and dijficulties may be supposed to have got the ascendant over him. Vol. II. p. 56l. 4to. In truth, Cicero seems to have been often in the state of mind which he so well describes, Tusc. Q. L. i. sect. 1 1. M.— Evolve diligenter ejus [Platonis'] eum librum, qui est de animo : amplius quod desi- deres nihil erit. A. Feci mehercule, et quidem saepius ; sed nescio quomodo, dum lego, assentior : cum posui librum, et raecum ipse de innnortalitate animorum ccEpi cogitare, assensio omnis illaelabitur. That he had great doubts o^ a. providence, is fully shewn by the author of Ep. ad C. Middlcton, p. 74. note ih). That he both recommended suicide as the best refuge in affliction, and had frequent thoughts of putting it in practice, is no less clearly proved by the same writer, p. ;(3, //, 78. And OF REVEALED RELIGIOX. 139 covered the truth, he durst not have divulged it*: and putting the supposition as a matter of proba- bihty, that the philosophers were Atheists t. Men began then to be sensible, that human reason was of itself a very insufficient director in this point ; and grew weary t of the common delusions from pretended revelation. Oracles, omens, portents, were generally exploded § ; the old fables of Ely- sian fields, and Pluto's kingdom, were grown ridi- though Cicero himself declares, upon occasion, that he was witli difficulty withheld from it, by the advice o£ Atticus, and the in- treaty of his friends : ibid, yet it appears too plainly, that this was not owing at last, either to the strength of his judgment or his resolution ; to any prudential considerations respecting the state, himself or his relations : so much as to the same notorious want of courage, which disabled him from bearing his misfor- tunes decently, and which must equally deter him from attempt- ing to end them together with his life. * Nihil autem gigni posse sine causis. Atque ilium quidem quasi parentem hujus Universitatis invenire difficile : et cum jam inveneris, indicare in vulgus nefas. De Univers. sect. 2. f In eo autem quod in opinione positum est, hujusmodi sunt probabilia. — Eos qui Philosophiae dent operara non arbitrari Deos esse. De Inventione, L. i. c. 2y. + Omnis cognitio multis est obstructa difficultatibus, eaque est et in ipsis rebus obscm-itas, et in judiciis nostris infirmitas, ut non sine causa et doctissimi et antiquissimi invenire se posse quod cuperent^iffisi sint. Cic. Acad. ii. 3. Mihi autem non modo ad sapientiam cajci vi demur, sed ad ea ipsa quae aliqua ex parte cerni videantur, hebetes et obtusi. Id. ap. Lact. L. iii. c. 14, Nescio quis nos teneat error, et miserabilis ignoratio veri. Id. ib. More testimonies to the same purpose may be seen in Leng. B. Lect. sect. 12, p. 109, 110. fol. Campbell's Necessity of Rev. Leland'i Advantage, &c. Vol.11. § Cic. de Div. passim. Weston's, Inquiry into the Rejection of the Christian Miracles, p. 456. 14<0 OF TilK Si:VEKAL DISI'KNSATIONS culoiis; and given over to poets and painters, as the same author informs us *. Another very learned writer tells us, that they had near three hundred opinions about the chief good, and ulti- mate end of action! ; that the objects of their de- votion amounted to thirty tliousandt; that there were no less than three hundred Jupiters among them § ; in short, that they had multiplied their scandalous deities to such a degree, and modelled their superstitious worsiiip in such a manner, that he, and others of the wiser, and more sober sort, were ashamed of them||: not to mention that the prevalence of the Epicurea7i philosophy had ren- dered both, the divinities and their worship, in a great measure, insignificant^. — So great want * Tusc. Qu8cs£. L. i. c. 10, 11. Quid negotii est hocc Pocta- rum et Pictorum portenta convincere ? Quis est cnim tarn excors, quern ista moveant? Comp. Id. ib. c. 16. et Or, pro A- Cliient. 6i. Nisi forte ineptiis ac Fabidis ducimur, ut existime- mus ullum apud inferos impiorum supplicia perferre. — Quae si falsa sint, id quodomnes intelligunt. — Comp. id. dc Nat. D. L. ii. pr. Nemo tarn puer est ut Ccrbcnun tinieat et tcnebras, et lar- varuin babitum nudis ossibus coliacrentium. IMors nos aut con- sumit, aut eniittit. Sen. Ep. 24. f Varro ap. Aug. de Civ. D. L. xix. c. 1. X Aug. Clq Cecil. Deif. 4, 5, 6. Jicricu, Crit. Hist. Vol. II.. p. 13. Prudcntius says, Ter centum millia divum. Apoth, V. 455. % TertuU. Apol. c. 14. II See Jcnkln, Vol. I. p. 338. and Sarlorius de Ilypocrisi Gen- tilium circa cultum deorum. Add Jortin's Remarks on Eccl. Hist. p. 5. t See Lc C/crf, Causes of Incred. p.266. Moshem. Derebu* Christ, ante Cunslantin. L. i. c. 1. beet. 25. OF REVEALED RELIGION. Ml had they of a thorough reformation in matters of religion. Secondly, That age was also the fittest to receive such a benefit, as well as to propagate it in the world. At tlie same time that the Jewish oeconomy xvaxed oldy and was ready to vanish away, it had served to build up a better house ; and fitted men for a more perfect institution ; and when the eye of reason in the Gentile world had most of all discovered its own dimness, and could do little more than shew the darkness that surrounded them ; it then, in the best manner, prepared them to receive and to rejoice in a greater light. The many fine lec- tures which had been at several times delivered to the Jews, by those able tutors and governors under v>hom God had placed them ; by Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, Solomon, and the subse- quent pro/?/ie/5; though all these were in fact found insufficient to direct their conduct; and most of them then, had been to a great degree, defeated, as is observed above ; yet we must allow, that, to- wards the end of this dispensation, they began in general to be better understood than formerly; upon the erecting of many synagogues, after the Babylonish captivity *, they were more frequently * Vid. Buddei Hist. Eccl. V. T. Vol. II. pag. 976. Vitringa, de Syuag. L. i. Part ii. c. 12. p. 413, or Patrick on 2 CJiron. xxxvi. 15. who assigns this as one chief cause of their keeping so clear of idolatry in after times, when they had neither pro- pliets nor miracles among them. Add Prid. Vol. I. p. SSp. 14-2 OF THE SKVERAL DrSPEySATION*; read and inculcated ; and under tlieir persecutions, in the time of the Maccabees, more thoroughly studied and regarded; and lastly, by their nu- merous schools and academies, which fiourislied in the most corrupt parts of their government*; learning of all kinds had spread itself among them, and got so good footing, as to render them the most capable of discerning these corruptions ; and recovering themselves from the errors and abuses above-mentioned ; when these were once freely pointed out ; so that notwithstanding the prevail- ing iniquity, which made those, in that respect the worst of times, this people had yet been so far cultivated, as to be able to receive the promised seed ; at least much more so than they had been at any time assignable before t. 8th Ed. That they had synagogues before the captivity, see Lightfoot, Harm. p. 60g, &c. Le Clerc on Ps. Ixxiv. 8. and rJennings, Lect. B. 2. C. 2. * See Vitringa, Obs. Sacr. L. vi. c. 14. sect. 8, Q. Some of their own authors say, there were near four hundred synagogues in Jerusalem itself; as man};^ academies ; and the same number of schools : some reckon four hundred and eighty. [^Buddei Eccl. Hist. Vol. II. Part ii. sect. 7.** p. Q()Q, &c. Light, Op. Vol. n. p. 140, and 197.] That they assembled in these syna- gognes three times a Week, vid. id. ib. p. 280. et Schoetgen. Hor. Hob. in Act. Apost. xiii. 42. Comp. Univcrs. Hist. B. ii. c. 1. 26. note [q]. f ' Whilst the prophets were in being, to defend the law, the people were negligent; but since there have been no prophets, zeal has succeeded; which is an admirable providence.' Pascal!., sect. 10, 23. OF REVEALED RELIGION". 143 The same thing had been done to the heathen, in a good measure, by their celebrated legislators and philosophers ; who got most of their best notions from travelling into Egypt, Chaldea, and Phoenicia themselves, or from conversing with those who did ; such were MinoSy Lycurgus, Soloriy Nu?na, of whom this has been shewn particularly by learned men*; such was Zoroastei^ in the east, by some supposed to have been servant to JEzraf, by others to Daniel t; and such was Pythagoras his disciple §. The same end was * Gale, Court of Gent. Part i. B. iii. c. Q, &c. Witsii iEgyp- tiaca, L. iii. c. 13. Clem. Alex. Strom, passim. The same is acknowledged by the Greeks themselves. \\(\. Diocl. Sic. ap. Eu.seb. Ev. Praep. Lib. x. p. 480, &c. Ed. Morell. Diog. Laert. Procem. pr. cum Casaub. et al. in loc. imprimis, ^g. Menag. Obs. iii. 6. Add Young, Diss. Vol. I. c. ult. Leland, Advan- tage, &c. Vol. I. Part i. c. \g. p. 43t). note q. Falster Amcenitat. philolog. c. g. t Hyde, Rel. V. P, c. 24. p. 314. + Prid. Con. Vol. I. p. 331. Hyde, Rel. Vet. Pers. p. 314. He is supposed to have been sometimes endowed with the spirit of prophecy, Yike Balaam, id. ibid. c. 31. p. 382, &c. What ground there is to believe that he clearly foretold the coming of Christ, may be seen in Univers. Hist. Vol. II. p. 2 1 8. Another prophecy, to the same purpose, occurs in p. 222, note R. Prideaux and Moyle agree in siTpposing that there must have been two persons of that name, in order to reconcile the Greek and Persian accounts. [Moyle's Works, Vol. II. p. 63 and ^5.'] Others reckon six. Vid. Buddei Eccl. Hist. Tom. I. p. 349, &c. What resemblance there is between his history and that of Moses, may be seen in Hnet. Dem. Ev. Prop. iv. c. 5. Concerning his writings, vid. Fabric. Bibl. Gr. Lib. i. c. 36. p. 242, (Sjc. (k Bryant, Anal, of Ancient Mythol. § PnV/. Vol. I. p. 213. Univers. Hist. Vol II. p. 236, note li^ OF THK SEVEJJAL DISPKN'SATIONS pursued by Socrates, and liis disciples*; who prepared the way for a more perfect reform- ation, by labouring to bring men to the know- ledge of one supreme God, and the study of natural religion ; by teaching them Immility, and in all probability, giving them hopes of an instructor from heaven, as was observed above. The same thing was done about the same time, by that celebrated Socrates of the Chinese (as he is called), Co)rfucius\. The same design was carried on by that remarkable dispersion of tlie Jexcs among all civilised nations, as was observed like- Z, &c. Wilsius supra. Jucot de Philosophoruni Doctrina, Oxon. 1769- * Opersc pretium fuit talem esse Socratem qualis erat, aucto- ritatemque ejus augeri, ne apud Graecos discrimen omne virtutis et vitii tandem extingueretur, et omnes in nefanda scelcra certa- tim ruerent ; quod ne fieret obstitere et ipse Socrates, et plera^que omnes illae philosophorum sectae, quae ab illo tempore in Graecia ortae sunt, atque ex ejus schola veluti prodierunt. Dcinde cum tempus advenit, quo ccelestem plaine doctrinam, qua cultis omnis ille superstitiosus Ethnicorum sublatus est, Deus per Christum in terras dimisit, utilem operam veritati philosophia navavit; ex ea enim Ethnici eruditiores, cum intelligere ccepissent falsas esse majorum suorum religiones, multo facilius postca ad religioncni Christianam sunt adducti; quam in rem docti scriptores Chris- tiani, ex ipsius philosophiae arce, arma iu Ethnicos nacti sunt. Cleric. Silv. Phil. c. 3. sect. 7. p. 21 6. See an Eesay, attempting to shew, that Socrates wa,?: a kind of prophet to the Gentiles; and divine inspiration not confined to the Jewish nation, and Rev. Ex. tvith Cand. Vol. III. c. 3. t Vid. Burnet, Arch. Phil. p. 20. Cleric. Silv. Phil. p. 214. He is supposed to have been acquainted with the Jewish reli- gion. See Young's Dissert. Vol. I. p. 293. OF REVEALED RELIGION. Ii5 wise ; and by the communication of their sacred books; which had been translated into the most common language, and many copies of which were in common hands, ready to be examined * : when at the same time men were both qualified, and disposed to examine them by the increase of gene- ral learning and philosophy ; which must have helped greatly to polish and improve their minds, notwithstanding all its imperfections above-men- tioned ; the very discovery of which imperfections, was likewise no inconsiderable proof of its improve- ment. They had time to digest the precepts and instructions of their own sages, as well as to be- come acquainted with the history of the Jews. Superstition of all kinds gradually wore off, and arts and sciences succeeded; which naturally ex- cite and enliven the genius of any people, and open a free communication with others; and these were then in great perfection, as is too notorious to need particular proof. Nor can what is here said be thought inconsistent with that remarkable degeneracy mentioned under the former head; if we reflect how often, in common life, the same persons who, as to genius and abilities, are the most capable of apprehending and applying in- struction, and in that sense, best fitted to receive it; are yet, in another sense, i. e. in point of inge- nuity, and inclination, as little disposed to admit * Vid. Walton, Apparat. B. Polyglott. sect. Q. Part iii. or Allix. B. ii. c. 25. or Univ. Hist. Vol. IV. B. ii. c. i. p. 40. L 146 l)F THE SKVF.HAL DISPENSATIONS some branches of it; (or who, in understanding may be arrived at very great perfection, when their morals are at a crisis in tlie other extreme;) on which account they stand in still greater need of a regular course of discipline ; and such a junc- ture may be a very proper one to administer it, and lay a good foundation for their improvement in both these respects*. Thus were mankind in general trained up» and ripe for a new dispensation; as ready to attend to something of that kind, as able to perceive, and reap the benefit of it, when it should be offered; their curiosity was raised, and their capacity suited to any kind of rational or religious inquiries: nor was it at Athens only, that they spent their time in tellhig or hearing some new thing ; science and literature had made considerable progress west- ward; and every where the minds of men were enlarged, and the knowledge of each other in- creased together, with their commerce. And thus all things conspired to bring the world on towards a state of MATURITY; and at the same time, the circumstances of it were such as re- markably contributed to spread all kinds of know- ledge in the most expeditious and effectual man- ner. The Roman empire had been growing up to * I leave it to the candid judgment of the reader, whether what is affirmed above be saying, that a greater degree qftvickediiess, and a greater degree qfxvisdom overspread the face of the earth at that time, and that they both rvcre at the same time universal ; as is in- linuated by a certain author. Letlor to Whiston, p. 56. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 14-7 that extent, wiiich it reached under Augustus; and had united the several governments of which it consisted under one head ; and settled itself in a general tranquillity: it had carried its language, and arts, almost as far as its arms ; had opened a correspondence, and established a commerce, be- tween most parts of tlie then known world; from whence intelligence was quickly conveyed to Romi\ and orders as easily dispatched from thence*. Jii- dea^ the place where the sun of righteousness was to arise, liad been reduced to a Roman province ^^ whereby regular accounts were taken of all re- markable transactions in it, by the Ro7nan go- vernors t; and apjjeals lay from thence to Ccesar: by this means the fame of any extraordinary teacher of a new religion might be published over all the civilised parts of the world ; and its professors be much better enabled to advance and propagate it, than could have been expected under any consti- tution of the world before that timc§. If true, it * The institution oi'posts among the Romans is generally at- tributed to Augustus; though we read of them before, on some occasions among the Persians, Herodot. viii. gS. Xen. Cijr. Lib. viii. Estlier iii. 13. and viii. 10. vid. Brisson. de II. P. p. 147. comp. Campbell Politic. Survey, v. 2. p. 254, &c. f See Lardner, Cred. of G. H. B. i. c. 10. sect. 10. X See an account of their «c/«, in Pearson on the Creed, Art. 4. fin. There is a whole week of the Acta Dinrna Senatus, pub- lished from Locke by Grcevius ad Sueton. Cas. sect. 20. not. p, 35. Amst. l697' which, if genuine, is very remarkable. § To which we may add Mr. Weston^ observation, viz. that by the great extent and union of this empire, when the head of it once became a convert to Christianity, that religion would im- mediately spread through a large part of the world; as was the L 2 148 OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS iiiiist by these means soon gain ground, and ap- pear to be so ; if false, as soon be silenced, and confuted. For, thirdly, this age was the best qualified to examine the evidence of such a revelation ; to con- firm its trutli, and convey it down to posterity. It was, compared v*'ith the foregoing, a learned, curious, and inquisitive age, as we have seen ; and therefore likely to be more cautious in things of this nature; not so easy to be imposed upon, or apt to run into every wild religious project. There were men every where ready to expose the Christian institution, had it contained any thing either false or frivolous, absurd or immoral ; if it had con- sisted of either enthusiasm or imposture, or any mixture of each. At that time the many sects and factions in the world had whetted themselves by contention, and were perpetual spies upon each other: so that no considerably new form of reli- gion could gain ground among them, without being thoroughly sifted by the adverse parties. The Pharisees and Sadducees, the Stoics^ and Epicureans, were subtle disputants; and all of them eager in opposing the Christians. The world had then also sufficient knowledge of the powers of nature to be able to judge o^ miracles; and distinguish them case in fact. Inquirij into the Rejection of Christian Miraclesy p. 110, &c. — And it is no less observable, that Constantine did not become a thorou<:!;h convert, till the whole empire was united under himself, upon i\\Q Acai\\ oi Licinius,\\(\., Moshem, de lleb. Christ, p. 976, &c. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 149 from merely uncommon appearances in it, or any effect of art (c). Projyhec^ had been for some time (c) It is not my design to enter into the late controversy about the causes why so many heathens for a long time paid so little regard to the Christian miracles, though they are allowed to have been competent judges of them. I shall only observe here, that numbers were in fact convinced of their reality, and in a great measure converted by them, as appears from the great stress, which some of these converts laid on them afterwards in their defences of Christianity: and as to others, 1. They might allow them to be true; yet on account of the old intercommu- nity of deities, and multiplicity of daemons, for some time draw no consequence from them, in prejudice to their own way of woi'ship. 2. Multitudes of the like nature reported among them- selves, might make others at a distance be looked on as less ex- traordinary. 3. The atheistic notions prevalent among some who had the best opportunity of being informed, might lead them to reject all such on principle. 4. Their usual way of attempting to account for these from such an unmeaning cause as magic, must, in a great degree, defeat the effects which they would otherwise have had upon them. 5. The numberless false ones of all kinds propagated over the pagan world, which then began to be seen through, and which had just brought the whole sys- tem into disrepute; might induce them to view all others in the same light. Beside the common prejudices which opposed all the gospel evidences in conjunction, each of these reasons, no doubt, had its weight in overbalancing every one particularly, so far as reasoning was concerned ; especially the last. And yet it would be no very difficult thing to shew, that they reasoned extremely ill upon the point. For, as the multitude of fabulous miracles reported amongst them could be no Warrant for their disbelieving those ancient, original ones, wrought among the Patriarchs and Jeti:s (of which their own were only so many awk- ward imitations;) but rather, on the contrary, were a confirma- tion of their truth ; so they were far from having any ground sufficient to reject such as were undeniably performed in their own times, unless they had others of equal authority and importance to confront them yvith ; which, I apprehend, was very far from being the case : though such a series of Ii/i}Jg 150 OI- THE SKVKRAI. UlSI'EN S A TrON\^ withdrawn from theJezvs; whicli must make tliem at first more shy and suspicious of any new pre- wondiTs nii;^Iit easily produce a very strong prejudice against all other wondrous things, how ditferently soever circumstanced ; and hinder men from duly attending to this difference of cir- cumstances, (as indeed we find it did with several) since any mixture of trifling, spurious, impertinent ones, is ever apt to prejudice and detract from the true; how far soever this be from any justification of the above-mentioned conduct, which proper care and impartiality in most of them might have pre- vented. This is all, 1 apprehend, that can be fairly deduced from such an event; and this, methinks, instead of leading us rashly to receive or to reject all miracles promiscuously, or hindering us from ever looking into the foundation and autho- rity of each, should rather teach us to be very willing at all times to have both of them examined by any hand; and carefully endeavour to distinguish these two kinds from one anotlier, in order to prevent the like thing happening to some even amongst ourselves. Among other unbelievers, Cliubb lays hold of this ob- jection, though he has it but by hearsay. Post. Works, Vol. II. p. 221, 225. The same is often repeated by Hume, and well an- swered by Adams, Ess. p. 102, 1 10 and by Middleton himself, Pref. &c. to Let. from Rome, p. Sd, lie. As to the fropriely of this proof, notwitlistanding all those bars to its reception, see IVeston'a Dissertations, p. 352, Sec. That very much of the fabulous, romantic taste which abound- ed in many Christian writers, down to the fifth, and some fol- lowing centuries, might be derived from their old Heathen ac- quaintance, among whom some of the most eminent historians and philosophers often give no less remarkable and perfectly pa- rallel specimens of the most senseless superstition and credulity, may be seen in Lardnefa collection oi' Jeimsh and Heathen Tes- timonies, V. 4. passim. See more particularly the Articles of Zosimus and Dama.scius. That no real miracle was ever worked, either by evil spirits or evil men, in direct opposition to a Divine Revelation, is fully proved both from reason and scripture, by Farmer, in his excel- lent dissertation on that subject: who has also fairly shewn, that all the embarrassment and inconsistency in the ancient and mo- OF REVEALED RELIGION. 151 tences to inspiration*. Oracles began to cease among the Gentiles, by being despised, and gene- dern advocates for the truth of Christianity is founded on the contrary supposition; and it seems hard to conceive how that ingenious writer, who saw so clearly into the vulgar prejudices on that head, and has contributed so largely to the removal of them, should be himself so deeply involved in one of the like nature, as to bear testimony to the existence and operation of human souls departed; which notion of separate spirits he so well proves to have been the ground of all the heathen daemon- ology, and all which dicmons he has no less clearly shewn from scripture to be mere nulliiies that have neither life nor action ; that neither know, nor do ; nor are any thing real : [V. essay on the Demoniacs, p. 232, &c.] Contenting himself (as should seem) with the common answer to those numerous texts, which affirm this total insensibility and inefficiency of all such entities in the most absolute terms, by confining them to a sense merely rela- tive; viz. that they have no corporeal life, or action: which is no great discovery, since it is included in the very supposition of them; — that they Icnotv not any thing, nor have a thought of any thing which concerns the present ivorld : though it is not very easy to comprehend what could be a more interesting object of their contemplation, than the things acted on that theatre where they have borne their part, and for which they are to give a strict account; notwithstanding their present inability to appear on it any longer; or while they retain any kind of memory, how they should entirely forget every circumstance relative to their old mansion, as some writers seem to allow; and they might with equal reason admit what the scriptures no less plainly as- sert, viz. that in death there is no remembrance at all, even of God himself. But, how far this worthy author may be concerned in these reflections, or what way he would take to avoid the fore- going and like difficulties, were he pressed with them, I shall not pretend to determine, since he has been so brief upon this point, wherein I am sorry to be obliged to differ from him, in any respect. * We may add, that the ceasing of this, as well as of miracles, for a time, would be a means of raising greater surprise amq^g the Jetvs upon the revival of both; and of procuring more at- 152 OF THK SEVEUAL DISrENSATIONS rally neglected; divination of all kinds was brought into contempt* : and though they were sufficiently desirous of some better light in matters of religion, than what their own philosophy afforded them, as was observed above ; yet from the many false lights which had been already held forth to them, and which had served only to mislead and be- wilder them, they rather began to despair of find- ing any true one. Wearied with wandering through the various mazes of error and uncertainty, the very wisest of them gave up all such pretended guides, and looked upon the whole story of reve- lation as a cheat. Thus men were guarded against any new imposition, though ever so well supported by wit, policy, or learning. Nor would they, surely, be less averse to one appearing in such a mean form, and with such slender recommenda- tions, as the Christian; — so destitute of aid from tention, and regard to the person, who should again appear to have really the gift of them. ' Gifts granted to the disciples of our Saviour, which none had been partakers of since the time oi Malachi; God having so ordered it, that the desires of the Jexvs might be the more inflamed for the JMessiah's coining; as also that, upon his coming, he might the more easily be dis- cerned.' Ailix. Reflect. Part iv. p, 272. How far revelation ceased from the time o? Mulachi ; and what reasons are assigna- ble for it, may be seen in Vitringn, Observ. Sac. L. v. c.6 — 14, How the return of a miraculous power among the Jat'.?, at the pool oi' Bethesdct, might prepare them for expecting the Mes- siah, together with the reason for their concealing the fact after- wards, upon the same power's ceasing; see Clagett on Jod v. 4. Comp. Whilbij, ibid. * Dubium non cs^t ijuin hac ditciplina et ars Augurum OF KEVEALED RELIGION. 153 human wisdom ; — so seemingly below what they had hitherto been entertained with by their teach- ers ; — stript of all that pomp and ornament, which attended the Jercis/i institution; — that art and elo- quence which adorned each system of philosophy; — a scheme, advanced without all these, and against them ; — consisting of a few plain rules of life, and these so strictly pure and perfect, as equally to strike at the corrupt ^Sm^e, and haughty Philosopher : and therefore such as must be to the one a stumbUng-block^ and to the other foolishness ; — delivered for the most part occasionally and in- cidentally;— without any set formal method; — in the most simple, iniaffected manner; — by mean, unlettered, obscure persons ; — in full opposition to all the reigning passions and prejudices of the learned and great * : under all these disadvantages, evanuerit jam et vetustate et negligentia. Cic, tie Leg. L. ii. c. 13. * ' It is very remarkable concerning all the prophecies of the Nevo Testament, as one intrinsic character or mark of the truth and divine authority of the whole, that whereas impostors al- ways, and enthusiasts generally, in setting up any new doctrines, make it their business to raise the expectation of their followers, and to flatter their imaginations with promises of great success; and of God's interposing in some extraordinary manner to bring into their hands the power and dominion of this present world ; our Lord's promises, on the contrary, are all of a spiritual nature ; promises of a proper reward for virtue in a future and an heavenly state; but that at present, what his true disciples had to expect was persecution and sufferings of all kinds. — Nay, what is still more remarkable, and more essentially contrary to the spirit both of imposture and enthusiasm, he foretells the greatest, and most 154' OF TlIK SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS whicli are well known to have attended the Chris- t'tan religion in its infancy; if at such a time, and in such circumstances, it was able to support it- self, and make its way in the world; and yet be all an imposition, both upon the senses and the reason of mankind; in what a strange situation must mankind have been, in both of these respects! How totally different from what they have ever been before or since ! How will the sons of scep- ticism, who are so apt to stumble at each little dif- ficulty which attends the present plan, in common with all other dispensations, be able to get over this grand one, whicli has no parallel in history! On the other hand, how fully may each fair in- quirer satisfy himself whence such a system of re- ligion must have derived its origin ! How soon will an impartial state of the case afford to him the same conviction that it did to them of old, and < shew the whole to be nothing less than the ^;otc'er of God, and the msdorn of God! Each of these ob- stacles to its reception gives the strongest attesta- tion to it, when once seriously a})proved of and embraced; and all together must, when duly at- tended to, gain it the highest credit and esteem, and be a standing evidence, both of its truth and excellence ; a sufficient answer to all suspicions that can possibly be raised, from the prevalence extensive, and most lasting co/v«/;//o/?,? of liisouvj religion.' — Dr. Clarke, Serm. Ixi. on Malt. xxiv. 12. OF UEVEALED RELIGION". 155 of any imposture in some other age ; from what may have been introduced in a manner contrary to this — by other kinds of persons, and in very different times ; — by pohcy, or persecution ; — in days of bigotry and superstition. It has been frequently insinuated by such as are no friends to revelation, that there are certain sea- sons when anything will pass upon the world, under the notion of religion*: which observation has, in- deed, a good deal of truth in it, with regard to the admission of things marvellous and extraordinary : But, from all that is gone before, I think it suf- ficiently appears that this age was by no means liable to such an imputation ; that it can neither be charged with ignorance nor credulity; that it can- not be suspected of any disposition to receive such a doctrine as that of Ckristianity ^ and from such hands, were it not manifestly true, and of divine authority: and that therefore the strict examina- tion into the grounds thereof, at its first promulga- tion, and the full conviction which each party must have had, before it would be able to gain ad- mittance with them, might serve for all succeeding generations ; at least, must be allowed to add one of the strongest confirmations to it. Lastly, this age w^as the best qualified to hand the foregoing evidences down to posterity. As it was inquisitive and discerning, so it was no less * Voltaire's Letters, L. vii. To the same purpose were some parts in the life of Homer, 1st Ed. and several like passages occur in Basle's Diet, and the Characlcrisiks. 156 OF THE SKVEUAI. DISPENSATIONS lettered and historical. The Augustan age is re- markable to this day for the number of its writers. There is none better known; scarcely any of which so full and so particular accounts are given. The Roynan empire had been settled; and the minds of its chief members turned from arms and action to works of genius and speculation : fond of cele- brating its conquests, and recording its glory, they gave themselves up to the study of eloquence and good writing. Their chronology had been re- formed, and exact reviews taken of the most dis- tant provinces, with the number, names, quality, and estates of their inhabitants (c) ; and all re- markable acts carefully registered, and transmitted to Rome, the capital of the world. In such a state of affairs, no great event could easily lie concealed, or be long called in question. At such a time, therefore, was it not highly proper to introduce this new scene upon the stage of the world, whereby its sera must be fixed beyond future con- troversy ? Had Christ come in an obscure, fa- bulous age, by this time we might })erha])s have doubted whether ever there was any such person ; at least, whether any thing told relating to him could be depended on. It was by no means there- fore fit, that a thing of tliis consequence should be done in a corner, and left to vulgar report, and vague tradition, to be soon drojijiod again, or dis- guised with fiction and romance. This then com- ((') Sec Lardncr Crcdib. 13. ii. sect. 2. OF REVEALED RELIGION. 157 menced in an age of the world, when the copious- ness and certainty of its history served both to spread it more universally and preserve it more securely: when many took hi hand to set forth a de- claration of those things which were most surely he- lieved among them, for the use of their friends, both Jew and Gentile *; whereby we have more ample and authentic memoirs of church history, than could ever have been expected before that pe- riod t ; and whereby the time when, the place where, and persons under whom, the most mate- rial occurrences happened, were ascertained by writers of different nations, by Ro7iums, Jews^ and Gi^eehs. These several circumstances conspire to bring the mission of Christ very near the time in which he came. There is one more, which seems to fix it precisely to that period ; at least will shew that it could not have been sooner, consistently with the common course of providence, and moral go- vernment of the world ; admitting likewise the particular scheme already specified, viz. of his de- scending from the Jews; I mean, the circumstance of their being then in so great subjection to the * See Dr. Owens Observations on the Gospels, passini. f This is to be understood with an exception to the thirty years between Nero and Trajan; to which time all the common complaint of want of ecclesiastical writers ought to be limited. The cause of this is assigned by Vitringa, Obs. Sacr. Liv, iv. c. 7. sect. 9. p. 904, &c. Wliy we have no larger accounts of the Apostles, see Hartley, Obs. on Man, Vol. II. p. 121. 156 or TlIK SKVF.RAI. DI.SI'EX.'iATlON.s Roman government, as to have the power of Hie and death in most cases taken from them(D). By all that we know of that generation, we have (d) John xviii. 31. How far this was so, see Lardner, Cred. B. i. c. 2- sect. 5. Part vii. p. 49, &c. 2d edit. The particular histance of St. Stephen's murder, which is hrought to prove the contrary hy the autliors of Univ. Hid. [Vol, IV. p. 236. not.R.] does not seem sufficient for that purpose; but rather looks like a tumultuous act of the zealots, though his trial might be begun regularly; [see Basnage, B.v. c. 2. sect. 8. or Doddridge, Vol. III. sect. 15. p. 110.] and the case of St. Paid, mentioned in the same book, [note O. p. 257.] seems to shew, not that they pretended to an executiiw power in his time; but that even their judicial one was sometimes interrupted, to prevent the like out- rages. This point seems to be pretty exactly stated in Millars Ch. Hist. c.V. p. 530. Comp. Basnage, ibid. sect. 7- and Whitby on John xviii. 31. or Krehsii Observ. in N. T. ex Josepho. p. G4, 155, &c. One would think, their own judgment of the thing might be sufficiently inferred from Hieros. Sanhedr. fol. 18. col. 1. Traditio est,quadraginta annos ante excidium templi ablatum Jkiissejus vitce et mortis, et ib. fol. 242. Qiiadraginta annis ante vastatum templum ablata sunt judicia capitalia ab Israele. Comp. Allix, Judgment of the Jewish Church, &c. p. 49. Though Lightjbot is of a different opinion, and produces several instances in confirmation of it. [Op. Lat. Vol. II. p. 37 1.] Biscoe [5. Lect. c. 6.] has made it very probable, that the Jeivish magi- strates had often, even in those times, the power of inflicting ca- pital punishments allowed them; but yet he grants that they were often prevented by the Roman governors ; [ib. p. 225.] it is plain, their state was about that time in great confusion; and it appears, that they durst not exert such a power, upon the occasion above-mentioned ; nor in their then circumstances could at last have compassed our Saviour's death in any regu- lar, judicial way, without application to a Roman governor; which comes to pretty near the same thing, witli respect to the main part of the present argument. Comp. Doddr. Vol. II. p. 545. 547. 565. and III. p. 110. 345. 366. Ottii. Sj icel. ex Jo- seplio p. 225. or Pearse com. on Job. xviii. 31. OF REVEALED nELICIOX. 15^ reason to believe, that if they had been at liberty, they would have cut liim off as soon as ever he appeared to correct their errors, and reprove their abuses in religion ; to disappoint their fond hopes of temporal grandeur, wealth, and power ; and lower their spiritual pride, by reducing them to a level with all such as feared God, of every nation under heaven. And accordingly, when they saw he was not a Messiah for their purpose*, we find them immediately resolved to seize and despatch him, as they would undoubtedly have done if they had been possessed of sufficient power: but, being then in a great measure deprived of it, they were obliged to have recourse to art and strata- gem ; continually lying in wait for something to accuse him of to the Romans ; and trying all me- thods to draw him into any act which miglit be construed treason or disaffection to their govern- ment: on which account also we find him behav- ino- with so much caution and reserve before them ; keeping in private as much as was possible, and consistent with the end for which he came-]-; * How soon their rulers perceived this, and what a quite dif- ferent conduct it produced at first in them, and the common people, toward him, see Lardner Cred. Vol. I. p. 288, &c. Or Benson Life of Christ, c. 8. sect. 5. p. 289- The disappointment of the latter also, on their seeing him given up to gross re- proaches and grievous sufferings, may sufficiently account for that remarkable change of their behaviour towards him at last, as is explained by Farmer, Inquiry into Christ's Temptation, p. 98. t Lnhe v. \Q. John viii. 1. xi. 54. 160 OF THE SEVERAL DISl'EXSATIONS charging liis disci})lcs not to make him known * j moving from i)]ace to j)lace, in order to avoid any tumults, or extraordinary concourse of the people f ; preventing his being proclaimed the MessialiX, and declining any direct answer, when questioned about it§, till he had finished the work of his ministry, and fulfilled every thing in the Scrip- tures relating to his office (e). No former age of * Matt. xii. 16. f Ssepe Christus fugiebat hominum turbam dum lacum trajicc- ret, forte ut vltaret omnem turaultus speciem, utque obviam irct scditionibus, quas homines rerinn novarum ciipidi, quos multos tunc temporis in Judaea fuisse notum est, potuissent ejus nomine abutentes concitare. Si magna hominum imperitorum multitudo diu congregata fuisset, facile contra Romanos, quorum jugum iniquo animo ferebant, moliri aliquid potuisset, prajsertim cum Jesum esse Messiam credere aut suspicari cceperant. Maxinii autem erat momenti evangelio exorienti omnes turbas turbarum- que vel ipsam suspicionem \ itari ; parati enim erant primores Juda?orum Christum adcusare, apud procuratorcm Caesaris, qui hujusmodi delationibus accipiendis jam nimium propensus erat. Vide historian! administrationis Pilati apud Josephum. Cleric. in Matt. viii. 1 8. + Mark \\\. 12. Liike'w.AX. § Jolin X. 24. xi. 4, &-c. (e) See Locke, Reason, of C. p.4875 otuv/cr"s Apostolical Decree. f Edwards Survey, p. 600, 606, «S:c. add Hickcss Spirit of Enthusiasm exorcised, p. 27 — SO. The particular occasion there was for each, may be seen in Misc. Sacr. Ess. i. p. 1.53, &c. + AvrtXr^^l/st^, 1 Cor. xii. 28 : parallel to this, and explanatory of it, is Acts XX. 35, avriXa.\>.toiveT^xi tcuv acrSfvsvrcov. What these helps were, and what necessity there was for them in the church, see Benson, ib. c. 1. sect. 6. p. 72. or Misc. Sacra, Ess, i. p. 58, &c. N 178 Ol- THE SEVKXAI. DISPENSATION S assembly, (with reverence I speak it) even in the midst of an effusion of the Spirit*; insomuch that they sometimes cayne together not for the better hut for the worse^. Even in those days, the mystery of iniquity heg'Mi to work t; many factions and schisms arose j many tares were sown, together with the good seed, and sprang up with it, and choked it. No sooner had Christianity got rid of the yoke of the Jemsh law, than it was con- taminated with Jexmsh fables § and traditions. The Gentile converts were some time in laying aside their inveterate superstitions || ; and afterwards in- troduced an impure mixture oi ihoix philosophy %: this soon produced innumerable sects and heresies ; which take up the greatest part of the history of those times **, and gave rise to the multitude of silly spurious books that tlien gained credit in tlie church ft. Instead of attending to the plain, popu- lar sense of scripture, its expounders fly to fan- * 1 Cor. xiv. See Div. Leg. Vol. II. B. iv. sect. 6. f 1 Cor. xi. 17. :J: 2 Thess. ii. 7. 3 Ep. John ix. Jude xii. V. Bohmer de extraord. prim. Eccl. Stat. Diss. xii. § 18. § See Basnage, Hist, of the Jcius, B. iii. c. 22. II See Bingham s Antiq. B. xvi. c. 5. ^ See Bibl, Univers. Tom. x. et Cleric. Epist. Crit. iv. 14-8, &c. cum Mosheim. Comm. de turbata per Platonicos ecclesia, in vers. Cudxvorth, Syst. Vid. id. de rebus Christ, ante Const. M. Saec. i. sect. 62, et Sa^c. ii. sect. 25, 33, SI', &c. ** See a summary account of it in Lc Clerc, Ep. Crit. iv. tf V. Fabric. Cod. Apocr. N. T. or, Jones's New Method of setthng the Canon. OF REVKALF.n RKLIGIOH. 1T9 cifiil allegories * ; raise a number of mysteries ; and maintain continual opposition of science ^ falsely so called. And though the plan of our redemption was delivered, and its essential parts recorded, during the extraordinary assistance of the Holy Ghost; and in some respects the primitive Christians seem to have the advantage of others ; as being better acquainted with the style in which it was written ; and some apostolical traditions, which might give light to itt: yet it by no means follows, that the * ' Hunc (scil. Philonem) haud ita multo post culpabili affec- tatione sequuti sunt patres et scriptores ecclesiastici, tarn suam quam lectorum operam ludentes : sive quod is omnium primus annotata in sacram scripturani tentaret, sive potius quod Philo- nem prime in hunc moduni scribentem repererint. Certum sane est eum christicmis scriptoribus diu plurimum arrisisse ; quorum nonnuUi eum adeo ad amussim imitari ambiebant, ut sacra volu- mina, alioquin in se perspicua, foede obscurarint, obductaque allegoriarum suarum fuligine minus sincera prsebuerint.' Light- foot, Op, Tom. II. p. SiS. Comp. Cleric. Hieron. Q. 2. p. 41. f Which yet is but of very little weight, as may be seen in Le Clerc, Ep. Crit. iv. p. 146, ^c. Bp. Taylor, Lib, of Proph, sect. 5. N, 3, or IVhitby, Diss, de S. Scrip. Int. passim. ' Sunt equidem qui sentiunt patres, eo quod N. Testamenti scriptoribus propiores essent, idoneos magis fuisse sensus scriptural judices, sive interpretes; quod tamen falsissimum esse experientia duce compertum est. Ex trium enim primorum seculorum scriptori- bus haud pauca in hoc opere interpretamenta congessimus ab omni veritatis specie aliena. Ostendant nobis patrum patroni unicam scripturae pericopen, quae alias obscura cum esset, ab iis sit lucem mutuata. Hoc autem admiranda Dei providentia contigisse existimo, ne ex humano judicio divinarum scriptura- rum authoritas penderet. Nisi enim experientia, scientiae ma- gistra, compertum esset patres primgevos et apostolis propiores, n2 180 OF THE SEVEKAI, DISPENSATIONS true genius and extent of this revelation, must be as well understood by the generality of these con- verts, as it could be by any that came after them. WJiat our Saviour said o^ John the Baptist, thai the least in the kingdom of heaven icas greater than he; greater in his knowledge of the nature and constitution of that kingdom : the same may be said of common Christians in that period; many of less merit, and lower abilities, but living in a more enlightened age, might prove superior to them, in what may be called the theory^ or specu- lative part, of their religion ; with regard to which only, I would always be understood (t). haud minus quam caeteri, casspitasse ; pronura esset propter in- signeni eorum pietatem et dona quorundam spiritualia eoriun vestigiis institisse.' JVliitbi/, ib. Epil. p. 3t6. That such Tradi- tions were not long preserved by the church. Id. Pre!'. Disc. p. 40, 41. (i) What has been liere said, may perliaps be supposed to contradict an established rule of interpreting scripture, which is laid down by an approved writer in tin? following words : viz. ' That tue stiould /tare an especial iTgard io (lie practice and iisa^ye of tJie first and jmrest ages of tlie churcli., and tliose iJtnt tverc nearest the times nfttie apostles.' The reason assigned is, ' Be- cause the primitive Christians had better advantages of knowing the mind of the apostles, and the sense of their writings, merely by living so near the Apostolic age, than the greatest industry or learning can furnish us with, that live at this distance. And to suppose that the Christians who lived in those early days, would either carelessly lay aside, or wilfully deviate from 'the rules and orders which the apostles gave to the church by the direction of God's spirit, is a great reflection upon the pro- vidence of God and his care of the church ; — and upon the memory of those glorious confessors and witnesses to Christianity, who planted the gospel with their preaching, and watered it with OF KF.VKALED REI.KUO.V. 181 The plain fiiiKUiniental doctrines and rules of life were then, no doubt (as they have generally their blood, and on whose credit and testimony the authority of the scripture-canon itself does very much depend. So much reason is there for our paying a due deference to the judgment and practice of the primitive Church in doubts relating to the writings and institutions of the Apostles.' Lotcth's Directions, p. 63, 64, 65. This is in some measure just; and when the case is fairly stated, what has been delivered Avill not appear so con- trary to it as may at first be apprehended. I own, the rule and reason holds in some degree, as well m matters of belief, as practice; but then I think, it should in the former case be re- strained to matters, which those who had a divine authority ex- pressly determined to be such ; and of the latter kind, such as they have enjoined as of perpetual necessity, (which may be found perhaps to be much fewer than we usually imagine ;) and not extended to every thing which these good men either per- mitted, or approved, or even complied with themselves; since such things might be expedient, and even necessary for the then time and state of Christianity ; yet afterwards ceasing to be so, vanish of themselves ; or become liable to be dropped, or done away, in other ages, which would admit, and probably might require very different institutions. Many instances of this have often been alleged by writers on the controverted points both of church government and discipline; which need not here be mentioned. Allowing then their full merit to the confessors, saints, martyrs, &c. and a precedency in certain respects to the most primitive times ; — allowing that they best knew the usages and orders of the apostles, and most faithfully observed and copied them; yet these very practices and orders might not be of absolute necessity, (because not i-egistered in their epistles;) and consequently that knowledge be but of little consequence; nor comparable in other respects to that v, hich we enjoy : nor will it be any reflection on the providence of God, or his care of the Church, if these first constitutions should at length be altered, and the grounds of them forgot ; nay, there would rather be more room for making such a reflection, were we obliged to conform noH'-a-days in all points to the state and usage of the church in 18^ OF THE sevi:hal dispensations been) well known ; and the first Christians took those times w hicli so very few have proper means of understand- ing ; and when they do thoroughly understand them, Avill see how much the dilferent parts of it have varied from each other in some points ; and of how httle weight many others are, wherein they all have for some time agreed. Nor can I apprehend but that each church has still a right to judge of the several occa- sions, the end, and importance of such points, and to determine for itself accordingly, as to \\.s, government m\i\ ordinances ; not- withstanding any deference due to the judgment and jjraclice of the primitive Church : wherever we are allowed this liberty by the apostles and inspired persons, and only left under such general directions as sucr^rj^ovuig xai xara ta^iv, 1 Cor. xiv. 40. More especially since we are enjoined to use the same freedom of judgment in deciding upon these, as well as in matters of much greater consequence, Phil. i. 10. iv. 8. 1 John iv. 1. See Aber- nethfs Discourse on Rom. xiv. 5. Tracts, &c. p. 250. What a different face the church really primitive wore, from that which she put on in a fcAv generations afterwards ; and how many early alterations were made every where in ecclesiastical matters, merely upon human authority, may be seen at large in Boehmer's Dissertations, and his Jus Eccl. Prot. passim: an author well worth the perusing, and who, though he wrote above sixty years ago, yet seenis to be known to very few amongst us. One would have hoped this catholic doctrine of church authority in fixing the sense of scripture, should have vanished by this time, iis it has been so thoroughly exposed in all its shapes by a va- riety of truly Protestant writers, both of our own and other com- munions, about the beginning of the present century. I shall cite a passage from one of them, who seems to be almost out of date, but avoII deserves a new edition. ' After all, there is no such agreement as is pretended, among iathers or councils in the interpretation of particular texts. I desire to know, where that general and uninterrupted sense of the Christian church about things hard to be understood, is to be found? Are there not va- rious and different interpretations among the fathers and first writers ? Did they interpret every text the same way ? or were their interpretations always the most reasonable and judicious? or not Of KEVtAi.fciD KKLIGION. 183 good care to act up to them, deserving this cha- sometimes very weak and absurd ? And how can we depend upon the general sense of the first writers, when that has been so va- rious and diverse, and there is no such thing as a general aytd uniii- terntpted sense to be found among U'iem? — I am sorry should advance such a notion at this time of day, when the wisest men ever^' where are beginning to quit the search of sacred truth from the wTitings of the fathers, and seeking in it the scriptures themselves. I add, where these are agreed together in the sense of scripture, it is not their authonti/,hnt their reason which ought to govern/ Occasional Paper for the years 1716-17-18. Vol. III. No. 4. Let. ii. p. 14, 15. See also an excellent pamphlet entitled Irenicum Magnum, printed A.D. 1700. To what has been said above, give me leave to add the testi- mony of an eminent wi-iter, whose affection to the Church is most unquestionable, and whose authority with many will have the greatest w eight. ' Tliere is not, it may be, a greater obstruction in the investigation of truth, or the improvement of knowledge, than the too supine resignation of our understanding to antiquity; to what was supposed long since to he done, or what was thought or known to be the opinion of some men who lived so many ages before us : I say, supposed to be done; because we are so totally ignorant of all that was originally done from that time that de- serves the name of antiquity, that we know notlaing of what was done in ancient times, but by the testimony of those men who lived so many hundred, nay, thousand years after the persons lived, or the things w^ere done, of which they give us the ac- count. So tliat we were in a very ill condition, if it any way concerned us to know what was said or done in those times, of which we have so dark and obscure, at least very questionable relation aiid information given to us. And as we are liable to be misled in the forming our practice or judgment hy the rules and measm'es of antiquity, with reference to the civil and politic ac- tions of our lives; so antiquity will be as blind a giiide to as in matters of practice or opinion relating to religion ; otherwise than as that antiquity is manifest to us in the Bible } which as it is the most ancient record we have, of what was said or done in the world from the beginning thereof, so it informs us suf- ficiently of all that we arc obliged to think or do ; and whatsoever 184 OF I'llt; SEVKHAL UKSl'IiXS ATIONS racter, that thei) lived heller Ihaii llicij reasoned (k). Thougli pcrliapis even thus much can only be is too liard for us tliere to understand, is in no degree necessary for us to know ; and yet Ave may lawfully endeavour to inform ourselves of what is diffieult there, though we may be deceived in our inquiry ; because there is no iwnaltij upon being deceived. The custom is so universal, amongst those who wrestle to support the strength of every opinion in religion, to appeal to the judg- ment and the practice of the prm^Ym' times, that standers-by are apt to believe that every one of the litigants knows very well where to find the judge to whom he appeals ; and yet there was never any difficulty reconciled and determined by that judi- catory : nor in truth do the appellants well understand what themselves mean b)^ the appeal they make; nor would have reason to acquiesce in the judgment, if they could receive it by agreeing upon it.' Ld. Clarendon, of the Reverence due to Antiquity, Essays, p. 218. See more to this purpose from the same author below in note (l). (k) See Le Clerca Eccl. Hist, of the two first Cent, passim, and Ep. Crit. et Eccl. Ep. iv. Boelnncri Dissert. Jur. Eccl, ant. Diss. xii. p. 52S, &c. Lord Clarendons, Essays, p. 218, &c. Calami/'s Defence of Mod. Noncon. Part i. p. J 34, &c. or Daille or Barbejjrac, Pref. to Puffcndorf, kc. Whitby, Diss, in Pref. sect. 4, 5, dc. et Epil. Taylor Liberty of Proph. c. 8. Ibbot B. Lect. Part ii. Serm. iv. or Edtvards's Free Disc, on Truth and Error, c. 7. or his Kemains ; at the end oi'Patro/ogia, p. 145. is a catalogue of authors that have freely censured the fathers: to which we may add most of the foreign Protestant divines, who seem to have no such high notions of their authority, as some among us used to entertain. The learned Mosheivi speak- ing of Hickes's opposition to Cndivorth'^ notioii of the Lord's Supper, says, Quod autem opponat ei nihil fere habet practer no- vitatem et dissensionem antitjuorum doctorum, qxxos, patres nomi- nant: in quo argumento firmitatcm duduni viri sapientes et eru- diti desiderarunt. Infinita enim repudianda nobis forent, quae sine controversia vera sunt, si ad banc exigenda essent normani. Praef. Cudiv. vers. not. Cccn. Doni. Comp. id. List. IL'st. Christ. Ant. SiEC. ii. Par. ii. c. 3. sect. 10. et Sacc. iv. c. 3. sect. 14. OF UEVEALED RELIGION. J 85 affirmed of them in the very primitive times*; daring the extraordinary assistance of the holy p. 325. The celebrated Biulde, in his judgment on Le Clerc [de Theolog. Patrist. Isag. L. ii. c. 3. sect. 3. p. 489-] seems to own, that the learning of the generality of the fathers, is to be rated according to the times in which they lived, and that those were much inferior to our own in this respect; which is all that I am here concerned for. Vid. Btid. ib. sect. 10. p. 508. add Dodxvell, Diss, in Tren. Pref. et Diss. i. Wotton Reflections, c. 2g. p. 389, &c. 2d ed. Watcrland, Importance, c. 7. Let the fol- lowing just apology of the honest writer above-mentioned, serve for all that is or may be said upon the present subject. Nee lit carpamus veteres, aid contemptui expcmanms, a nobis hccc dicuntur; sed ut liistorice legihus pareamus, qua nihil dissimulari patiuntur, neve nimia auctoritas iis tribuatur ; qua temere admissa, inania mtdta quasi religionis christiance dogmata proponuntur ; quod iis qui religionem divinitus revelatam amant, pati nefas est. Cler. Hist. Eccl. p. S34, * Nor will even thus much be allowed by a very able and im- partial author, whom I have often been obliged to cite, and whose aftection to the cause of Christianity appears sufficiently in this, and many other of his works, which I wish more of our countrymen were duly acquainted with, and valued as they well deserve. Qua; si probe reputentur, nemo mirabitur proxime post apostolorum tempora ea a christianis dicta et facta esse, qua3 vix hodie apud doctiores et probiores dici aut fieri possent. Itaque evangelium postea plenius intellectum et altius in animum demis- sum majores fructus protulit, et etiamnum profert. Ab ethnica, hoc est, impurissima vita, ad insignem sanctimoniam plerique tam subito transire non poterant; nee pristinam ignorantiam extem- plo. insigni evangelii cognitione, mutare. Passa hoc forte est divina providentia ne apostolorum discipuli evangelii auctorcs fuisse viderentur, neve sola eorum sanctimonia Christiana doc- trina commendata videretur; vel ut semper magnum interesset discrimen inter magistros et discipulos ; quo doctrinal evangelicae divinitas magis eluceret ; aut alia de causa quam comminisci nunc non possumus. Interim de re constat, quam cave nega- veris, quod rationem sat commodam ejus proferrc nequeas, aut 186' OF VHi: .SKXKHAL UIi>l'liN.SAriON.S Spirit : and whilst the original evidence of tliosc great truths, that were the objects of their faith and hope, was clear and strong ; whilst its in- fluence upon their minds continued in all its vigour, and they were often obliged to have re- course to its aid for consolation, under the many dangers and distresses to which they stood no less frequently exposed : from which extraordinary cases, we are not to form our notions of the state of any institution ; as was observed in the begin- ning*: nor are such cases any just objection to the gradual progress of religion here supposed. Neither were the first Christians different from other men, as soon as these extraordinary impres- sions ceasedt; as soon as they were at ease in the quod tibi divinam providentiam decuisse non videatur. Cleric Eccl. Hist. p. 392, 393. Comp. Id. de Jacobi Ep. ib. p. -ilO. Et Boehmer de prim. Eccl. stat. extraord. Diss. xii. * Part ii. p. 5\. t '12? S' 6 I'sf o; rwv A-rroa-hXujv yp^os S^a,(^o§ov eIXvj Z£i ts /Sia reXoj, ra-aceXr;Xu9ei rsrj ysvsa BKSivyj lujv avratg uKoai; rryj sk'^sh OF T»K SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS often confounded in many an idle controversy (m): till at length, almost the whole church of Christ (m) Sicut jolim arbori vit;e praclata arbor sclentioe maxima dederat nulla, ita tunc quoque curiosam eruditionem pietati ante- habitam, et ex religione arlemfadam : cui delnde consequens fuerit, ut ad exemplum eorum qui turnm Bab^lonicam aedifica- bant, affectatio temeraria rcrum sublimium dissonas locutiones et discordiam pareret. Grot. V. R. C. L. ii. c. 1. p. 2/7. Utin illis temporibus, says Erasmus very justly, ingeniosa res fait esse Christianum. Comp. Basil, ap. Damasc. Hilar, ad Const. pAiseb. de Vit. Const. L. ii. c. 61. Ammian. M. L.xxi. fin. Barbe^rac, Pref. to Piif. sect. I9. Taylor, Lib. Proph. sect. 2. No. 26. Tiirrettin, ib. p. 16, 20. Mabli/, Obs. on the Romans, B. iii. p. 235. ' At first the teachers of Christianity discoursed it with more simplicity, after the manner of Christ and his apostles, as may be seen in Clemens Roma)ius : but afterward, as learning came into the church, they turned the form of Christianity from that of a latv, into that of an art. They early separated all the matters of truth from the matters of duty ; which the holy scrip- tures never do. This separation was more useful to speculation and dispute, than to life and practice : but so it went on, till there was no one of the liberal arts more artificial and subtle than the art of religion. Then the systems of Christianity came into esteem, and were multiplied ; and every point of doctrine was disputed, opposed, and defended with the greatest niceness that could be. Few were able to distinguish what was human in matter and form, from what was divine ; and fewer dared to own it. But, by this means, none but those who had learning and sagacity, could comprehend the doctrine of Christianity : and the people found it so difficult to understand, what the learned had made almost unintelligible to themselves, that they despaired of knowledge, and acquiesced in ignorance.' Jeffrey on Phil. i. 10. Tracts, Vol. II. p. 337. The several schemes of Christianity in different ages are set down in the same place, and so very well described, that any common Christian by pe- rusing them may easily see what system he is of. To give the reader a general idea of his method, I shall here add liis ])rincipal divisions, as well as the substance ol" what is OF REVEALED REMGIOX. 193 seems to be overwhelmed with Popenj and Mci' hometanism ; for which judgment it was too fully ripe(N): though perhaps the latter of these two delivered under them, from p. 338, and 366. containing, 1 . The simplicity of the truth of Christianity, in the ages next after the apostles to St. Augustine, i. e. till after A.D. 404?. 2. The ru- diments of the art of Christianity in the ages following them, from St. Augustine to P. Lombard, i. e. between A.D. 404, and 1141. 3. The subtilty and corruption of Christianity, from P. Lombard, fd Luther: joined with the grossness of idolatry and superstition in practice: i. e. from ^. D. 1141, to 15 1 7- 4'. The reformation of the state of Christianity among some Protestants, from Luther ; rejecting the corruptions, retaining the art; since A.D. 151 7- 5. The restoration of the simpHcity of Christianity ; not only rejecting the corruptions, but also the art; considering Christianity as a law, or act of grace. — In the first period of time, Christianity was virtue and piety, without any mixture of learning. In the second, it was nature and grace, with a tinc- ture of learning. In the third, it was church and sacraments, with the extremest subtilty, and abundance of superstition. In the fourth, it was Christ and faith; being a refinement upon the doctrine of the second period. In the next period of time, we hope it will be piety and virtue, as in the first ; with an improve- ment from the best Greek and Roman moralists, corrected and perfected by the gospel of Christ. (n) See Sale Prelim. Disc, to the Koran, sect. 2. Add Grot. de Ver. R. C, L. vi. c. 1. note. ' In the mean time (as Mr. Ro- theram observes, Serm. on the V/isdom of Prov.) the remains of learning were saved in the East from amidst the general wreck, by the removal of the seat of empire from Rome to Constantino- ple; which otherwise must have perished entirely, when the Northern nations overran the western empire. — So far was this step from causing the downfall of the empire, that it was a means of saving a part of it: which answered two great purposes, and doubly served religion. The eastern or Greek church was saved from the spiritual usurpation of the Romish ; and learning was preserved from the fury of Gothic barbarism, to be an instru- ment in due time of retrieving Europe from tlic tyranny of su- O 19 !• OF THE SEVERAL DISPENSATIONS (notwithstanding the fraud and imposture in it), may have proved a seasonable corrective of the former; by its rapid progress giving some check to that anti-christian tyranny, which was then growing predominant; and by its more tolerant spirit, preserving the remains of those particular churches, which would have otherwise been exter- minated ; and thence may appear to have been in the main, a reformation (o), how grievous soever its oppressions proved on its establishment. perstition.' As in eiFect it did upon the downfall of that empire, and the seizing this its metropolis by the TurJcs ; [^A.D. 1453-3 which obliged the Christians of the Greek church to betake themselves for refuge into Itali/ and the adjacent parts, whereby the study and knowledge of the Greek language was there much propagated. Worthington, c. 8. Comp, Gerdes Hist. Evang. sect, xvi. p. ](). Other benefits arising from this revolution may be seen in the Complete Collection of Voyages, &c. B. i. c. 2. sect. l6. p. il5. A character of these emigrants, with some ac- count of their works, may be seen in Fosters Essay on Accents, p. 20t), 2 1 5, &c. 2d ed. That such as these, or their contempo- raries, or any set of learned men in the foregoing century, were able to forge all the classic authors except half a dozen, can hardly be supposed by any one but a Jestdt. See an extraor- dinary performance of fiither Harduin, entitled ad Censuram Script. Vet. Prolegoni. ed. Loud. 1766. (o) See Re/lections on Mohammedism, &c. printed 1/35, wherein the author attempts to shew that Mohammedism may have been ordained for the good of Christianity, to withstand the corruptions of it in times past; and to increase and enlarge it in times to come, p. 5, &c. ' The Turls in general honour Christ and Christianitij — have a great opinion of the sanctity of our religion — and in many places respect the Christian clergy who live among them, notwithstanding their hatred of the Laity in some countries: one sect of them particularly, believes that Christ is God, and the Redeemer of the world ; and that he OF REVEALED REI,I(;roV. 1 95 But this is a subject too disagreeable to dwell upon ; nor am I inclined to aggravate thte faults of shall judge it at the hist day. These are disthiguished by the name of the good Ibllowers of the Messiah.' Worthmgion, B. Lect. V. 2. p. 246. Comp. Young on Idol. v. 2. p. 185, &c. All authors agree, that what gave Mahomet the greatest room to advance his new religion (beside the weakness of the Roman and the Persian monarchies, see Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. I. p. 18. fol.) was the distracted, ignorant, corrupt state of the eastern church at that time 5 the miserable contentions, and most horrid perse- cutions, on every religious pretence ; the dissoluteness of all sects and parties ; and it is evident, that this impostor contri- buted not only to reform the morals of a great part of the eastern world, but likewise reduced them from polytheism and gross idolatry, to the belief and worship of one God; which was the principal doctrine he set out with at first, and gained great re- putation by ; and which he made the ground of his pretended mission. His system must have the same effect still wherever it prevails, as it does very largely in several heathen countries, being so much superior to any other species of religion settled in such countries; it contains a great deal of pure Christianity; it enforces the virtues of charity, temperance, justice, and fide- lity, in the strongest manner 3 it prohibits extortion, and all kinds of cruelty, even to brutes ; and binds its votaries to the strictest order, regularity, and devotion. (V. Bayle Art, Mahomet, not. L. Hettinger Hist. Or. p. 315, &c.) Several sects of them be- lieve in Christ, (vid. D. Millius de Rel. Moham. Diss. x. p. 344, &c. Reland de R. M. p. 25, &c. and Sir P. Bicanfs Hist. B. ii. c. 11, &c. or Millar, p. 230.) and entertain as worthy no- tions of him to the full, as some of the Papists do at present. (See VJlcoran des Cordeliers ; and Bayle, Gen. Diet. Vol. vii. p. 326, B.) One may see to what height the Romish corruptions were grown in Mahomet's time, by his reproaching the Christians with their associating to God their doctors and monks {Koran ix. 31.) and by his surprising mistake of the Virgin Mary, for the third person in the Trinity : which yet is not much worse than the account given of her by Cyril. (See Reland'sVonr treatises on Mah. p. 174, &c. or Sales, Prehm. Disc. p. 35, and his Ko- ran, c. V. p. 98.) How this mistake of Mahomet's came about O 2 196 OF THE SEVERAL DIEPESSATIONS former ages*. All that I would obsene is, what appears from the most transient view of ecclesias- tical histor}-, that the rise and progress of Chris- tianity has, in the main, been similar to that of all other dispensations; — that both the ejctemal and internal propagation of Christianity was carried on in the same gradual manner. As to the first, the Je-dLS, who had before been made use of to spread the knowledge of the true God, and his providence, and prepare men for a more perfect institution, by their frequent disper- sions over the east; are here much more so (when they were better qualified for it, and less liable to be corrupted by the heathen, among whom some of them were so long to sojourn (p) by their dis- may be seen in D. Millii Digs, de Mohammedismo ante Moham. p. 340, 347. And what havoc those most lamentable contro- versies on this subject made in his time appears from the con- fession of a learned writer; who tells us, that it obliged him to drop his desijrn of giving us the history- of the&e churches. Pref. to Prid. Life of Mahomet. See also Jortins Remarks on Eccl. Hist. Vol. IIL p. 42, &c. V. p. 453, &c. his 1st charge, and l^iylora Essay on the Divine QEconomy, p. 52, 54, 65, &c. * These have been fully set forth, in Jortina Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. (p) See Le Clerc, Causes of Incred. p. 264, &c. In fact, none of them that we know of, however bad they were, and are in other respects, have fallen from their own God, to the idola- trous worship of their neighbours any where, during this their long and miserable dispersion; a tenth part of which suffering v.'ould have been the utter ruin of any other people, and totally destroyed the very name of these in any former times. This must be thought remarkable by every one who thinks at all about it. Nor has their case been less extraordinary in Chris- tian countries, where they have never been permitted to rest Of IlEVKALED RELIC.IOX. 197 persion over the whole world, at the destruction of their temple and government, by Titus, and under the following emperors, especially Hadrian (q) j long in any kingdom ; where frequently, in every age, the pub- lic eye is turned upon them by some new persecution; and yet, notwithstanding all this, they are believed to be more numerous on the whole at present, than they have ever been in their most flourishing estate, in their own land. The authors of Mod. Univ. Hist, allow them to be upwards of three millions. B. xx. c. i. p. 620. fol. (q) He sold them at fairs for the same price as horses. \_Hier. in Jer. p. 34'2.] M. Glycas says, the stated price was four Jews for one bushel of barley. [Annal. ap. Worthington, B. L. s. 13. ubi plura.] and would not suffer any of them so much as to set foot in, or come in view o^ Jerusalem, say some \_Aug. Civ. Lib. XV. c, 21. Sidi). Scv. Hist. S. L. ii. c. 31. Hil. in Ps. xlviii.] or of any part of Jiidea, according to others. \^Hier. in Dan. 595. Tert. Apol. c. 21.] Nor could they obtain even this privi- lege from any of the succeeding emperors (except JuUcdl) but with great difficulty, and only for one day in a year, to see and bewail its ruins ; and that upon paying a considerable sum ; \_Hier. in Zeph. c. 2. Univ. Hist. B. iii. p. 40. Euseb. E. H. 21. 6. Comp. Basnage, Hist. J. B. vi. c. p. sect, 28, 29. ct Witsii Exercit. Acad. 12. 16.] a rigour, as has been observed, that was never used towards any other people conquered by the Romans. < Thus all the attempts of that perfidious nation toAvards the re- covery of their former state, served only to aggravate those ca- lamities, with which they had been so often threatened by their prophets ; and to reduce them to the deplorable condition in which we now behold them ; being a crew of contemptible vaga- bonds, dispersed all over the world, without king, temple, or pon- tiff; driven from their own country, and not daring to set foot in it, even as passengers and strangers. The edict oi" Adrian ex- cluding all Jeios from Jerusalem, extended to such of them as had embraced the Christian religion ; so that they too being obliged to quit the city, the church was by that means delivered from the servitude of the law; for till that time, not only the bishops of Jerusalem liad been chosen from among the circum- igS OF THE SEVEHAL DISPENSATIONS and thereby every where publish, and })rove the truth of tlieir own, as well as the gospel prophe- cies (r) ; and become the very strongest evidences, because unwilling ones, in favour of Christiaiiitij . cised Christians, but all the converted Jews joined to the ob- servance of the gospel that of the law.' Vniv. Hist. ib. p. 41. Snip. Sev. ib. et Mosheyn. de lieb. Christ. Stec. 2. sect. 38. (*) (r) Deut.-s.-ii\m. iV«^f. xxiii. 35, 38, &c. Lnkey.yii.2A. Deut. xxxii. 21. Rom. x. I9. Jer. xv. 4. xxv. 9. IIus. iii. 4. hni. vi. 9, 'crcort's Hist, of Life and Death. Hakeivill, B. iii, c. 1 . sect. 7, &c. Hist, of Caribbee Islands, B. ii. c. 24. That the stature of man in this age is the same as it was near three thousand years ago, appears from Greaves s account of the monument in the Egyptian pyramid. Derham, Phys. Theol. B. V. c. 4. note 4. Add Diss. Crit. de Hominibus specie et ortu inter se non differentibus, c. 4. inter Fabricii Opusc. Hamb. 1/38; and Hnkevcill, B. iii. c. 3, 4, 5. ar.d some late accounts of several tribes among the Patagonian';. The same observation is made of man's age, by P/ot, N. H. oi' Staffordshire, c. 8. sect. 102. Of his strength, by Hakervill, B. iii. c. 5. sect. 5. That we have had several very late instances of persons, whose longevity ex- ceeded that oi' the patriarchal aoe, may be seen in Worthington's Essay, p. 417. Comp. Huet. Alnet. Quaest. L. ii. c. 12. sect. 4. Mortons N. Ii. of Northamptonshire, c, 8. Jonston. de Naturae constantia, Prop. v. Art. I. 11. Campbell's Political Survey, C. 4- It appears from the London accounts during the interval of thirty years, viz. from 1/28 to 1757 inclusive, that 2979 Per- sons were hving at gO, 2 at 100, 10 at 110, and 1 at 138. Phil, Trans. Vol. LIL Part i. Art. 1 I . * Gen, viii. 22. f The comparative mildness of the seasons is shewn by Hume, Polit, Disc. X. Ess. NATURAL RELIGION AND SCIENCE. 233 acquired ones ; which we are in the next place to consider. The late invention of arts and sciences is usually insisted on, and very justly, in our dispute with atheistSy against the eternity of the world ; and their continual progress, though perhaps seldom attended to, seems to be a point no less necessary to complete the argument. For if it can be shewn, either that these which we now have, or others of equal use, were discovered long ago, and dropped again, and subject to their several revolutions, as has been asserted by a profligate writer*, w^hy should not we grant from analogy., that the w^orld itself has undergone the like changes? that the same tiyne and chance has happened to all things concerning it and its inhabitants? — But I find no ground to believe that there have been such vi- cissitudes in nature, or so much as one valuable art, or very useful branch of science, wholly lost since the creation to this day(v). * ' Arts and sciences grow up, flourish, decay, die, and return again under the same or other forms, after periods which appear long to us, however short they may be, compared with the immense duration of the systems of created being. These pe- riods are so disproportionate to all human means of preserving the memory of things, that when the same things return, we take frequently for a new discovery, the revival of an art or science long before known.' Ld. Bolinghroke, Ess. iii. p. 236. See also his Letter, occasioned by one of Abp. TiUotsons Ser- mons ; Works, Vol. III. p. 265, &c. The same wild system has since been supported by Touhnin, Antiquity and Duration of the World, 1780. (v) For proof of this, see the pretended instances of lost arts 234 THE PnOGRESS OF In a history of the world, which has been proved in PanciroUus, wliich, upon examination, will appear all to be either manifestly false, or frivolous ; or of such trifles as have been dropped by disuse. ' In what PanciroUuH says of certain arts, which according to him were known to the ancients, and have been since lost, there are almost as many mistakes and puerilities as words: The arts which he speaks of, either never existed, or they exist to this day, and in a more pei-fect state than ever.' Go- guet, Pref. p. 7(*)' To which may be added Wotton's Pref. to Refl. on anc. and mod. L. ' I will agree — that several arts in the world have been lost, and others, after a time again revived ; but then these have been such arts as have been more curious than useful ; and have rather been ornamental than beneficial to mankind ; and there has been some good reason to be given for their disuse ; either by their growing out of fashion, or by some more easy and commodious invention. Thus the art of 0-/055- painting was lost about the time of the Reformation*, when the images of saints were not so highly esteemed, and churches be- gan to be more gravely adorned. Thus the use o^ archers in an army has been laid aside since the invention of pikes and guns. But who can imagine that the art of the smith and the carpenter should ever be forgot after the first invention ; unless we could suppose that houses, and all sorts of utensils and conveniences • This seems to be a vulgar error. See glass-paiyiting in Chambers's Cyclo- pedia, or Spectacle de la Nature, Vol. III. p. 219. or Mr. Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, Vol. II. p. 15, &e. Of Cement, Sped. ib. p. 228. Add Matte's Abr. Phil. Trans. Vol. II. Part iv. p. 62, 63. From hence it may be concluded, that the firmness of that Cement which is observable in old walls, &c. must in a great measure be the effect of time, and owing more to the attractive contiguity of its several ingredients, and the continual transudation of that limr, nitre, salts, &c. of which the mortar consists, than to any peculiar skill shewn by the ancients in its original com- position. If Wonsr. Loriot's so much celebrated discovery* of a Cement, made by quick lime, equal to that which he has attributed to the Greeks and Romajis, were of much consequence in this case, we should in all probability have heard more of it since its first publication. • See his Practicut Essay on that subject, reprinted, London, 1774. NATURAL RELIGION AND SCIENCE. 235 by a late unexceptionable writer* to be of all others the most ancient and authentic, and which carries its accounts as high as could be expected from any history; even to the forming and first peopling of the world itself, and the original di- vision of the nations : in this, we have the birth and genealogy, the names and characters, of the several founders of each state and kingdom, as well as the inventors even of manual arts, delivered down(w); and from the sober air of truth, and should grow out of fashion; and it woukl be the mode for men to hve hke colts and wild asses ? Unless men could be supposed to forget the use of eating and drinking, 1 am confident they could never forget the art of plowing and sowing, and pressing the grape.' NichoUs's Conf. Part. i. And the same may be said of navigation, notwithstanding all that Ld. Bolingbroke advances to the contrary. Ess. iii. p. 236. See more of this in JVotton's Pref. p. 14, arc. 2d ed, Comp. Mod. Part of Univ. Hist. B. xviii. c. 12, Sect. 6. Fin. and Goguet, on the origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, or the Chron. Index of inventions and improvements, in Biogr. Brit. vol. ult. * Neivton, Chron. (w) Cain builded a city, or the first city. Gen. iv. I/, add Gen. X. 8, 9, &c. Jabal ivas t/iejltther of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle : and his brother's name was Jubal ; he xvas thejather of all such as handle the harp and the organ : and Tubal Cain was an instructor nf every artificer in brass and iron ; or a forger of arms. Gen. iv. 20, &c. After the flood, Noah began to be a husbandman, and he planted a vineyard. Gen. ix. 20. or being a husbandman, he planted vines together, and improved the fruit of them, [v. Cleric, or Patrick in loc] So late as Abrahajns time, we find there was enough of the best land un- occupied for both him and Lot to choose out of; Gen. xiii. g. which (as the author o£ Biblioth. Bibl. observes, p. 335.) is a most illustrious testimony for the late peopling of the world, 236 THE PROGIIESB OF that simplicity which runs through the whole narrative, have much more reason to depend upon it, than on the boasting fabulous antiquities of Greece and Egypt : to obviate wliich, was pro- bably one great design of this relator (x). From and by consequence for the truth of the Mosaic history of the creation and deluge; inasmuch as it appears by this, that the most pleasant and most fruitful country of the whole earth, and which, in a few hundreds of years afterward, was so exceeding populous ; was yet in the days of A/irahcnyi so very thinly peopled, that even large tracts were left in a manner uncultivated and without proprietor. So little ground is there for that assertion of Ld. BolingbroJie, on which he builds very largely; ' Nations were civilized, wise constitutions of government were framed, arts and sciences were invented and improved, long before the remotest time to which any history or tradition extends.' Vol. IV. p. 231. (x) Historia sua Moses Israelitarum animos a vicinorum fabu- lis, adeoque religionibus, quae sa?pe iis nltebantur, alienare ad- gressus est. — Non modo mundum creatum docet, quod videntur etiam credidisse, vel potius ex veteribus monumentis scivisse, vicini ; sed etiam quot fuissent aetates ab initio mundi ad sua tempora ostendit, singulasque personas genei-atiis enumeravit, ut ingenti illi numero cetatum, qui ab ^gyptiis jactabatur, et in sua quidem regione fuisse dicebatur, verum opponeret. — Vide Jacta- tiones /Egyptiorum de gentis suae antiquitate apud Ezek. xxix. 3. et quae habemus ad Num. xiii. 23. At ostendit Moses, Geii. x 6. post diluvium demum a Chami posteris, a Babylone illuc pro- fectis, fuisse cultam aTlgyptum. Plurima etiam de geiieratione hominum in sua regione, deque diluvio, mentiebantur ^gj ptii ; quae habet Diodor. L. i, Multa jactabant de rerinn omnium apud se inventione, quae apud eundem leguntur. Quorum ple- raque obiter confutat iVo?« alia plane narratione, aliisque rerum invcntoribus indicatis. Vide quae diximus ad Gen. iv. 21, 22. Osiridi etiam suo agricultural, et vini e racemis exprimendi in- ventionem tribuebant ^Egyptii, quae Noachi fuit, ut docct Moses Cap. ix. 20. Clerk. Proleg. ad Comni. Diss, iii. de script. NATUHAL RELIGIOM AND 6CIENCK. 237 whom we learn, that neither the planting of the world, nor the introduction of arts and sciences, were of so early a date, as they have usually been represented *. Pent. p. 37. Id. in indlce ad Vineayn — Originem ctiam musicse, quanquam initio radio, omittere noluisse videtur ]\lnxes, ut osten- deret mentiri ^Egyptios, qui ejus inventionem Thouthi N.q\\\\.\o., amico Osiridis, qui post diluvium vixit, acceptam ferebant. Died. Sic. L. i. p. 15. Ed. Rhod. Plato de Leg. ii. p. 577. Tubal- Cninem quoque onnie a^ris et ferri opificium expolienteni, contra jEgyptios a Mose menioratuni crcdibile est ; illi in .T^gypto, reg- nante Osiride, dictitabant, in Thebaide ueris et auri ciulendi in- ventis artibus, arma e^sejacta^ quibus occidendojeras, et terrain colendo, earn studiuse cidtiorem reddercnt, et q. seq. ap. Diod. L. i. p. M. Id. in Gen. iv. 21, 22. Num. xiii. 23. C/iehron giii- demseptem annisante JEgyptiacam Taninconditajuerat — Obiter retundit Moses iEgyptiorum superbiam, qui se primos mortalium, suasque proinde urbes omnium antiquissimas jactabant, EzeJc. xxix. 3. Diod. Sic. L. i. Bibl. p. 9- Justin. L. ii. c. 1. Cleric. in Num. xiii. 22. Comp. id. in Es. xviii. 2. * Though Noah and his sons had, doubtless, some knowledge of the inventions of the Antediluvians, and probably acquainted their descendants with such of them as were most obvious and useful in common life ; yet it is not to be imagined that any of the more curious arts, or speculative sciences, were improved in any degree, supposing them to have been known or invented, till some considerable time after the dispersion. — For on their settling in any country, they found it employment sufficient to cultivate the land (which yet for want of separate property, and security in their possessions, in those early times, they im- proved no farther than barely to supply their necessities), and to provide themselves habitations and necessaries, for their mutual comfort and subsistence*. Besides this, they were often obliged to remove from one place to another, where they could more conveniently reside ; and it was a great while before • Vid. Thucid. L. i. sub in. 238 THE PKOCiRKSS OF Most eminent nations, like great families, have at all times been fond of crying uj) their pedigree, and carrying it as high as possible*; and where no marks remain of the successiv e alterations in their state, are apt to imagine that it lias always been the same. Hence the many foolish pre- tences among the ancients, to their being abo- rigines of the countries they had inhabited time out of mind : hence were they led to make their several gods the founders of their government t. They knew but very little of the world ; and the tradition which they had of that little was so far mixed and corrupted with romance, that it served only to confound themt. Upon the removal of they came to embody themselves together in towns and cities, and from thence to spread into provinces, and to settle the bounds and extent of their territories*. Two or three ages at least must have been spent in this manner ; and it is not very likely they should amuse themselves with celestial observations in particular, when they had so many more pressing affairs to mind. Univ. Hist. B. i. c, 2. p. 173. * V. Macpherson, Origin of ancient Caledoniaus, &c. Diss. I. -|- Datur ha;c venia antiquitati, ut miscendo humana divinis, primordia urbium augustiora facial; says Liv. Pref. Hist. L. i. very honestly. The same humour among Christian countries, of carrying up the original of their churches either to some apostle, or apostolical person, is no less honestly censured by Moshcm. de Rebus Christ, ante Const. M. p. 84, ;) ' They who will take the pains to look into the records of former times, and view the religion and policy of our own and our neighbour nations, from the time that Christianity was first planted in them (and, God knows, the prospect that we have in most of them before that blessed season is very dark and un- pleasant) will be best able to judge and prescribe what venern- 280. •iiiK 1'U()(;kes.s o)' that these come attended with the forementioned advantage of hght and Hherty, in such a degree, as we can never be too thankful for it ; and which, we liope, will speedily help to correct the vices : the one enabling any serious person to discover their evil consequences, the other allowhig him scope to censure and expose them ; and through botli these means each kind and degree of wick- edness may now become rather more open and apparent than of superior strength and malignity. So that concerning the present times, we have some room to believe, that they are not worse than all before them, as to morcds (6). tion is in truth due to (udiquiiy : and it may be, he who taketh the best survey of them, will hardly find a time in which he would wish rather to have been born, or persons with whom he could more usefully and happily have conversed, than in this very time in which he hath been born, how vicious and wicked soever ; or those worthy persons with whom he hath or might have lived, how depraved soever the greater number is ; as it hath always been.' Ld. Clarendon, Ess. p. 227- What times there were formerly, about the 12th century in particular, may be seen in Ld. Littletons, Hist, of H. II. (9) A very just account of the morals of the first ages of the world, may be seen in Gogiicl on the origin of Arts, &c. Part i. B. vi. c. 4. I believe it would be hard to produce modern in- stances of cruelty and barbarity in any civilized state, whether in war or peace, equal to such as were decreed publicly, and executed without the least seeming remorse, even by the politest people of antiquity ; witness their frequent sacking of towns, refusing quarter, and slaying at least all the males ; their triumphs, torturing and killing slaves ; their proscriptions, poisonings, exposing and murdering children ; [V. Findlays Answ. to Voltaire, App. p. 531, 534. (**)] rapes, incest, &c. which need no aggravation. Not to mention that savage, deso- NATURAL UELICaON AND SCIENCE. 281 Perhaps I may be allowed to advance a step farther, and suppose them to be better in some respects, and that we have certain virtues of the first magnitude now in greater perfection ; par- ticularly more of true well regulated extensive charity, than ever appeared since the time of pri- mitive Christianity (»). — But if this be deemed a lating way of making war, which constitutes the body of their history ; that horrid treachery, and bare-faced iniquity, which appear on many occasions ; that notorious breach of national faith, and open violation of public decency, prevailing in their councils, and avowed by express declarations, whenever the par- ticular interest of their country seemed to be promoted by it. Numberless examples of this occur among the Greeks, as well as Romans, even in the politest ages of their government. See Hakeivill, L. iv. passim, ov Johnston de Naturae constantia, Punct. iii — ix. Sir T. P. Blotmt, Ess. p. 145. Hume, Polit. Dis. x. Spirit of Nations, B. iii. c. 21. and Ferguson, Hist, of Civ. Soc. Ft. 4. § 4. Mr. Barrington having recited several old statutes made against certain practices very conunon in those days, adds, ' These are injuries non nostri generis, )iec seculi : notwithstand- ing the general inclination to decry every thing modern, I cannot but imagine that the inhabitants of this country are in the eighteenth century infinitely more virtuous than they were in the thirteenth ; and that the improvements of the mind and re- gard for social duties have gone hand in hand with the increase of learning and commerce ; nor have I any doubt but that, if any thing like a regular government continues in this island, succeeding ages will not only be more refined and polished, but consist of still more deserving members of society. I would ask those who think otherwise of the comparison between an- cient and modern times, whether they suppose, that in the thirteenth century any one would have thought of sending 100,000/. to the inhabitants of Lisbon after an earthquake, or would have subscribed to clothe the French prisoners ?' Observ. on the most ancient Stat. p. 137- 3d Ed. (<) I may add, that there seems to be a more perfect resigna- 28'2 I'llli TKOCiHIiSS OF mistake, proccetling from too partial fondness for the present times, I trust it will be also deemed a pardonable one, amid so nuicli most evident partiality against them ; especially, as it is on the tion to the will of God, and acquiescence in his providence, among all ranks of men ; a greater firmness in enduring pait» ; more cheerfulness and courage in submitting to death, among the generality, even of lowest education ; in short, that man- kind may be said to grow more spiritual and intellectual, in these and many other respects, than they have been in former ages ; which may in a great measure be owing to the many excellent practical pieces and tracts of Devotion, which now abound every where ; and which must be allowed to be much more ratiorial and judicious, than those of former times. ' I think it may be said, in honour of the present age, that [with a few exceptions] controversy is carried on with more decency and good manners, than in any former period of time tliat can be named ; which, together with the toleration granted by law, in this and other protestant countries, for all persons to worship God in their own way; and that Christian charity and modera- tion, which is generally shewn towards those that differ from us, seems already to be attended with good effect. — The setting up of so many charity-schools, as have of late years been erected in these kingdoms ; — the forming of religious societies, and other good means, have greatly contributed to the promoting the knowledge and practice of virtue and religion among us.' JVor- thington, Ess. p. 157, 1-58. Upon the whole, we have reason to conclude, that the re- storation of letters was so far from being /«/«/ to Christianiti/, or that this has been in decay ever since, (as a late noble writer, much more conversant with some kinds of politics than the present subject, has been pleased to affirm) [Letters an the Study f)f History, p 175.] that, on the contrary, this, where- ever it took place, has greatly tended both to the illustration of its evidence, and the increase of its power, over the minds and consciences of men; and that, in many respects, it has really flourished more from this than from any other period of time since its oriijinal establishment. NATUKAL UKLHilOX AND SCIENCIi. 283 charitable side, and tends to make them really better than they would be, did worse opinions of them universally prevail. Which brings me, in the last place, to the con- sequeiices that attend tlie other way of thinking. These have been hinted at in the beginning of this Discourse ; and might be shewn more fully, to affect the honour of God, our own comfort, and that of others ; inasmuch as the foregoing supposi- tion casts a cloud over all the works of God ; — confounds our notions of his wisdom, power, and goodness ; — raises distrust, if not a disbelief of all his perfections, and thereby deadens our devotion towards him ; — damps and discourages the study, and destroys the pleasure that would arise from a survey of both the natural and moral world, and from reflections on the station we hold in them ; — renders us far less sensible of the happiness that lies within our power, and, by consequence, makes us receive less ; — not only hinders men from grow- ing better, but actually makes them worse ; and suffers the world daily to decline, through a per- suasion that it is designed to do. so ; — it having been observed by an able author, that those writ- ings which xillanize mankind, have a very per- nicious tendency towards propagating and pro- tecting villany, and help the most of all to teach, invite, and encourage it (x) ; in the same manner (k) In proof of the foregoing observation, not to mention here such foreign authors as Esprit, Rochefoucatdt, and Bai/le, who seem to have taken a deal of pei-verse pains to eradicate ail 284' THE PKOCRESS OF as those which perpetually dwell on the dark side of things, and all the difficulties tliat attend our seeds of humanity out of the human breast ; — sufficient evidence may be had from a famous writer of our own, the author of the Fable of the Bees ; Avho by a shew of superior penetration into the k)w motives and ignoble passions, wliicli are but too apt to sway people ; — by pointing at the most plausible methods whereby a politician may sometimes avail himself of these, as well as serve some present interest of tlie public in the in- dulgence of them ; — by a droll way of describing things, and dwelling altogether on the foibles of the worst and weakest of mankind: — draws such an odious, and at the same time hu- morous picture of the species, as has at once diverted, and debauched the principles of more men among us, than perhaps any other writer of late years. And though we allow the observation of an abler author of the same stamp, viz. that j^rincijjles have seldom such an im- mediate influence on the temper or behaviour of men, as a pre- dominant jxtssion or a settled habit ; yet we may insist upon it, that the former of these, when perverted, help very much to strengthen and encourage any kind of irregularity in the latter; at least, they are exceedingly apt to discourage any attempt to subdue an exorbitant passion or inveterate habit — they destroy all vigorous endeavours towards establishing right methods of self-government — they indispose us for attending to that moral discipline, which is so necessary to conduct ourselves with innocence and usefulness through life; and yet so difficult to be preserved in full opposition to the stream of evil custom, or the tide of vicious inclination. Such principles especially as are advanced in the forementioned book, instead of exciting us to partake of, and strive to promote the happiness of our fellow-creatures, and to delight in paying a grateful homage to our conmion Parent ; must rather bring us to a fixed contempt and hatred of them, give us vm^^ orthy, narrow notions of the Creator and Governor of this world, and cut oft' all the prospect of enlarging or improving them in any other. They must cause a decay of public spirit, and a want of public faith ; a decline and a gradual dissolution of private honour, truth, and conmion NATURAL RF.r.TOrOX AND SCIENCE. 285 searching into the ways of God, serve only to darken the view still more, and multiply those honesty : the very least that can be expected from them is an indolent, unsatisfying state of mind within one's self, and an aversion towards any pains or trouble in the serving or sup- porting others. And though such a deep discovery of the springs of action may shew us how men may be most easily led ; yet, were it all true, it would shew, at the same time, that such creatures are scarcely worth the leading ; since it palls all the pleasure of conversing with them ; strikes at the very root of universal benevolence, which alone can supply that pleasure ; blasts every social disposition, and all the charities of private life : in short, destroys all that is great and good or amiable in mankind^ or which can make any station eligible amongst them. But farther, if there be a real system of things pre-established upon quite diiferent principles, — then must such schemes of go- vernment at length ^rove as useless as uncomfortable ; being wholly founded on a false bottom, and at every turn opposing what they never can overthrow ; sinc^ he who framed this system will assuredly take care to support it in his own way, whether we will or not ; and if the original plan on which it was formed, and the laws calculated to direct it, be thought of them- selves insufficient to that end, there is still ground [from nature and reason, setting aside positive declarations] to believe, that he would rather interpose sometimes to secure the establish- ment thereof, than suffer it to be quite ruined and reversed. The Governor of which system, therefore, ought to be attended to in all good policy ; and our political plan framed in some kind of conformity to that great model ; by a careful con- templation of the chief end and prepollent quality in each part of his works ; — by a studious survey of all the dignity, and harmony, and happiness, conspicuous in the general conduct of them. But in such schemes as we are now examining, the supreme Governor of the world is either quite omitted, or in- troduced in so degradinor a manner as makes him even de- pendent on, and obliged to, an evil principle for the beauty and chief benefit of his work: it jrives so base an idea, both of 286 T/IE PHOGRESS OF very difficulties. How much better is the inten- tion, end, and effect of those writings, w^hich place this system and its Author, as must shock any one who is wilhng to entertain the least degree of reverence or regard for either, or lias any just concern even for himself, as being unavoidably linked in close connexion with a system, from whence he is like to receive so little either of true honour or advantage. How much more just a theory might be erected on sound morals, and a sense of religion I which would make all true, rational pleasure coincide with them, and render the present state of things, not only uniform and absolutely desirable in itself, but also the direct road, the natural passport to abetter: — which, beside a great share of good in present possession, must fill the soul with hope of infinitely greater hereafter : — where every virtue would, in every one, essentially promote and perfect those of others, and each conspire to exert the natural effects of all, in universal happiness ; without that motley mixture of the contrary qualities, v/hich can at best but indirectly, and accidentally, and by their being extraneously over-ruled, produce any part thereof. For, after all, when once we come to understand ourselves, we shall find that vice in general does, in its own nature, and in every degree of it, tend to produce misery or prevent happiness, either mediately or immediately, in every system [from whence indeed it has its name, and on account of which it has been, and ever ought to be, prohibited by divine and human laws ;] though this its ten- dency may probably be over-ruled in many particular cases ; or it may be suspended or superseded by the introduction of op- posite qualities, which, through the unavoidable imperfection of language, are often mistaken tor it ; or it may be in such a manner really blended and confounded with these, as to be hardly distinguishable from them ; or in such a degree counter- poised and balanced by some jarring principles or inconsistent species of its own, that its effects are not so plain and obvious, especially in large societies, and very complex bodies, where more than ordinary skill is requisite, to compute the con- sequences of each particular act or habit, and assign to each influence its proper cause. But this grows more apparent in NATURAL REI.IGIOK AND SCIENCE. 287 human nature in its fairest light, and represent the lovely form as wortliy of its Author; as well small families and private constitutions, where vice, of every sort and size, is seen to create proportionable corruption and disorder in the body politic, as surely as venom, or a poison properly so called, does in the natural one ; though, in some critical circumstances, such a violent struggle and convulsion may be raised thereby in both of them, as may occasion very extraordinary effects ; and two bad qualities in contest with each other, instead of ruining, may possibly relieve an op- pressed constitution, as sometimes bina venena juvant. Yet still, notwithstanding some such very unusual phaenomena, the distinct properties and regular production of natural bodies, as well as those of moral qualities, are both fixed and discover- able : in the main, we are tolerably well apprised, what na- turally conduces to the preservation and prosperity of each ; and on the whole may rest well satisfied, that if the latter were composed of such a number of rank heterogeneous principles as the same author is inclined to suppose, they would not long subsist as we now find them, nor could the world possibly go on so well as it has done, and docs. So far is that position therefore from being just, which this same author has put into the very title of his book, tv';:. that vice, properly so called, whether private or public, is a real benefit, that the reverse is strictly true in general ; which might be proved as clearly by an induction of particulars, as Sir IV, Temple has made out in one strong case, which was this author's leading instance ; viz. that of luxury, or excess, being of advantage to a beneficial trade. See Temple's, Observations on the Netherlands, p. Q6. fol. [Comp. Hutchesons Remark, No. ii.] But granting all the facts to be just as this author states them, were the bulk of mankind altogether as vile and vicious as he represents them ; yet would it be of no real service to lay open such a sink of pollution, and thereby only spread the infection fartlier still and faster ; it canaot be of so much use to exhibit men entirely as they are in their very worst light, as it must be, to place them where they oft really have been, and where they always might and ought to be. Nor can such views of the world prove 288 TilK i'ROORKSS OP as of those that serve to display tlie beauty and beneficence of the divine economy, and produce an assurance of that paternal care, and providen- tial conduct of us here, which brings the truest enjoyment, and most grateful acknowledgment of any entertainment to one that is either desirous of concurring in any measure for the improvement of it, or of contributing at all to the ease and agreeableness of his own situation in it. But I proposed to make only some general observations on the genius and main drift of this celebrated book, as a specimen of such sort of writings ; the particulars of it having becii suf- ficiently confuted long ago ; and I shall conclude with observ- ing, that the celebrated author of the Characteristics, and this writer, who so constantly opposes hinij are evidently in two extremes ; the first contending for a benevolence quite pure in kind, and perfectly disinterested, and without any other end than its own exercise ; which is neither reconcileable to fact, nor to the frame of such beings as we are at present ; the latter centering all in .9^'//" immediately, and constituting its chief good in some of the very low est gratifications : which is alike ground- less, but attended with worse consequences. Between these there is manifestly a middle way, whereby the moral sense, and that of honour, &'C. may be formed by way of habit, really distinct from, and striking previously to any private views ; and generally with greater force too, than could be produced by the most vigorous and intense reflection; yet this may be so far qualified by a mixture of the other passions, and so well di- rected to the best and noblest ends by reason, as to keep clear of all the absurdities of the former system, which runs so na- turally into rank enthusiasm ; and likewise to avoid the ill con- sequences that attend the lattei', which is so apt to sink us into the very dregs of vice and villnnij. This has been just pro- posed above [Part i. note [a) p. 1), &c.] and I find no sufficient ground to doubt of its being in itself the most conformable to the true nature of mankind in general, and best adapted to pro- mote the highest degree of happiness in social life. A more particular examination of both the systems above-mentioned mav be seen in Br'otvu?. Essays on the Characteristics. NATURAL RELIGION AND SCIENCE. 280 all present benefits ; and likewise must beget a joyful hope and expectation of more solid and substantial ones hereafter ! The consequences of the foregoing doctrine might be urged farther, in regard both to the atheist and the deist: to convince the one, that all things have not gone on at random ; but that there are plain tokens of a wise plan, and a re- gular government laid down ; and, from what has already past, great reason to think that more of the same wisdom will ever appear, and in a still more perfect manner : to show the other, that as the several dispensations of revealed Religion have hitherto been by a like progress conformable to those of Providence, in both the natural and moral world, this may come from the same author ; and receive yet farther increase, which these do daily, as they are better understood. But if this be not the case in any degree here, w^e seem to have nothing left whereon to ground an analogical argument (which yet is our best na- tural argument) for an hereafter : — no visible foot- steps of wisdom and goodness, to conduct us in our search after a first cause : — no settled founda- tion for our hopes of futurity, the basis of all na- tural religion : all is chaos and confusion thus far, and therefore may be so, for aught we know, eternally ; — in short, the divine government must, on this supposition, be inferior to most human ad- ministrations (x). (A) This hypothesis, how extraordinar}' soever it may appear, U 29() THE PROGRESS OF Thus then we see, how necessary it is to form just conceptions of the past state of the world. has met with an ingenious advocate in a Discourse entitled, The iiijliicncc of the improvcmenls of life on the moral principle considered ; designing to show, that in proportion to tlie increase of the former, there is a constant decrease in the hitter. This Author was obhged by his own hypothesis to allow the main point, viz. that the practice op virtue is not under any such decline, but rather in fact better secured as men become more civilized, p. 7. as the improvements ojlife have so far enlightened the minds of men, that theij readily discern the connexion between certain moral duties and their oivn ^^rirafe interest; ib. and yet he asserts, that by the very same means the state of morality in the xwrld degenerates daily, p. 6. His reason is, because the direct tendency of every improvement of life is to bring about the practice of morality "without the principle, p. "J. We have indeed hitherto been taught to know a tree by its fruits, and deemed it the surest way to judge of any man's principles from the con- stant course of his practice ; but by this new system we are to understand, that these have very small connexion with each other ; and that there are some other connexions, which will bring about the same thing more effectually. Now since the subject of morality has been reduced to a science, and as such, built on rational principles, the sense of all the terms relating to it has been pretty Avell agreed upon, and it is generally under- stood to include thus much ; The doina- trood to mankind in obedience to the will of God, and for the sake of everlasting hap- piness. [Tracts on Morality and Religion prefixed to King's Or. of E. 4;th Ed.] or as it is elsewhere described (Orig. of evil. No. 52. p. 266. 4th Edit.) obedience to God is the p)rinciple, the good of mankind the matter, our own happiness the end, of all that is properly termed moral virtue. This has been shown to be the true theory of virtue ; and that, strictly speaking, no- thing less than a regard to the divine will, and a consequential view of happiness, during the whole of our existence, can be its adequate principle and end, so as to form an invariable con- nexion between every part thereof, and our proper duty. Not that a distinct, actual view either of this principle or end is al- NATURAL RELIGION AND SCIENXE. 291 especially with regard to that important point, religion; in order to judge in what condition it ways possible, or requisite even in the best regulated minds here, to render such a course of action, as is denominated virtuous, acceptable to, and rewarded by the Deity. Nor is it necessary to exclude all prospect of inferior advantages : though the less general such a prospect is, the less virtue there will be in any particular action (as is observed in Prelim. Diss, to King,) pro- vided any such particular benefit be not the sole view in per- forming it, without Avhich we should never have engaged in such performance. As there are several good ends set in subordina- tion to each other, it may, it is hoped, considering human frailty, be sufficient if we take any one of them, and run it up to the supreme, ultimate end upon occasion; (as is observed in the Tracts before King, ib.) if we keep hold of any one link of the chain, so as to be able to draw after it a regular train of really beneficent acts ; nay, sometimes we are entitled to the same privilege, if we be led to it by nothing more than a mere habit, association, or affection; (as is made out in the same place) or else we should be forced to exclude from the character of vir- tuous, not only the bulk ofinnnlcind, but many of the most able philosophers ; and it would be hard to brand a steady, uniform course of action, which is so right in the material part, with the name of artificial (p. 8.) or shain virtue. These several qualifications have been laid down in a plan of morals, in order to render it not only rational in itself but of some real use, and applicable to what daily occurs in common hfe. But in truth, the ingenious author now before us seems to have nothing of this kind in his thoughts, when he estimates the state of morality in the world j contenting himself with carrying on a traffic among its natural conveniences, which he conceives may do the business ; though how this will ever reach such hap- piness as may be termed the ultiynate end of morality, p. 8. or indeed any moral happpiness at all, is not perhaps so easy to discover. Will it be able to produce the same kind of self- satisfaction, as arises from the consciousness of merit, and the well grounded expectation oi' rcimrd? or any other satisfaction in any wise equal to it? If this end could perfectly, or even in a vreat measure, he aiistvered, p. 8. by any such 7nean ; he would 292 THE PROGUESS OF will probably be for the future ; and in what manner we should conduct ourselves with rcfer- do well to sliow us, how we may distinguish that from one of the real sanctions of morality, ib. What {\).c?>c soddridgc ox\ Joh.m. 'i-\. Fam. Ex, Vol. I. p. 102]. And beside the more fundamental truths, how oft do the same persons condescend to treat of other inferior controversial matters ; useful indeed, some to the then present, some to all future times ; but surely of a very different nature from the former; and in the delivery of which that influence and assistance does not seem so requisite ! How justly do they place the evidence of facts, on their own senses only ! declaring •what they have seen and heard; which at all times may and which alone can at any time be produced as proper proof. In rea- sonings, how beautifully do they add their private judgment, and in affairs of smaller moment, even their conjecture or opi- nion, to what they had received from the Lord himself! where circumstances show us the expediency of such additions ; and where common sense was, and will be always, equally sufficient to distinguish one from the other; as it is to interpret the whole scripture without any infallible guide. — But common sense is too often laid aside in subjects of this nature. Many good men think, they can never do too much to decry it; to set the Bible at variance with it; to carry the whole up beyond its reach; though by schemes merely of their own invention, rather than forming any judgment from what they really find in that sacred book. Not content with a moral evidence of its truth, which is clear, strong, and every way sufficient for the conviction of all fair inquirers ; (vid. Jacquelut de la Verite, et de I'lnspir. S:c. c. 6. p. 45.) they must needs introduce another, Avhere is no room for it ; and insist on such universal, absolute infallibiliti/, as never can be made out, to those who are not already per- suaded of it ; (and who can have no other evidence for such per- suasion, than the same moral one, on which that/; wM is grounded) and which is at last either useless, or inconsistent witli those na- tural proofs, which constitute the credibility of this and every other history so circumstanced. Is not a moral evidence enough to assure us of the genuineness and incorruptness of these writings ? Why should it not then, where it can take place, be NATURAL RELIGION AND SCIENCK. 305 they do claim ; which is very requisite to secure a due authority to them ; and which, when pru- sufficient for the authors themselves to proceed on in their writing? and equally ascertain the truth of what they have writ- ten? and why should the generality of the composition (were any great stress evei* to be laid upon it) be deemed altogether divine; when the conveyance, which so much effects that, and in which so many parts of it have suffered, is allowed to be no more than human ? Most persons now begin to see, that there is at least some mixture of this latter, in the language ; and I believe, upon due consideration, it will appear that there is no greater difficulty to admit it in the matter, upon several occasions ; nor perhaps any danger in extending that observation to the writings of the Apostles, which a very cautious author on this subject has applied to their conduct. ' If we consider how strong a temptation they would have been under to think too highly of themselves, if they had been under a constant plenary inspiration, it may appear a beauty in the divine conduct to have left them in some instances to the natural weakness of their own minds, (Comp. 2 Cor. xii. J, g, 10), and sometimes to suspend those ex- traordinary gifts in particular, as he did those of healing, (Comp. 2 Tim. iv. 20. Phil. ii. 27.) still providing by other hands, a remedy for those ill consequences which might have arisen from an uncorrected mistake.' Doddridge, Lect. Part. vi. Prop. cxvi. p. 330. I trust the candid reader will believe that I can have no in- tention here to degrade the holy Scriptures, in any respect, but rather to free them from an unnecessary load of objections, and render them more useful to the chief purposes for which, I humbly apprehend, they were designed; hoping thus much may serve to occasion some more accurate inquiry into this important subject ; which has indeed been frequently discussed in different parts of the Christian world ; but never, so far as I know, with that fairness, freedom, and impartiality, which the thing evidently requires : and whether this be a proper time to canvass it thoroughly ; — whether the generahty of Divines be qualified to form more just and clear conceptions of it now, than formerly ; h with all deference submitted to better judges. See the aU' X JJOG THE PROGRESS OF dently distinguished from the other, has, and we trust, ever will appear to have, sufficient ground to support itself. To this blind reverence for the xvords of holy Scripture, perhaps I may be allowed to add another, full as great, relating to the sense: not the true, genuine one ; for which we cannot surely have too much concern ; but one which sometimes widely varies from it, and yet is very apt to slip into its place ; — the commonly received, traditional one. This doctrine we learn from those very adversaries, which in the former case we were striving to op- pose: and though indeed it have a shew of humility and a proper deference to public wisdom ; yet in time, probably, may be attended with no better consequences : if men will not distinguish pure, primitive Christianity^ from that which oft may happen not to be such, and if in this point, which of all others is most deserving of their care and caution, they content themselves with the opinion of the multitude, and take that for a sufficient rule, which they know to be far from even ex- cusing those who have the means of judging for themselves; — and which they would be ex- thors on this subject in note (ii). p. 174. with Middleton'sMiscel. Tracts, N. 1, 2. Waihurtons Serm. vi. p. 225, &c. and part of a posthumous treatise of Castalio on the interpretation of Scrip- ture, considered under the threefold distinction of Oracles, Tes- timonies, and Opinions; inserted in Wctsten's N. T. Vol. II. p. 884, &c. or Benson^ Essay on Inspiration, annexed to his Paraphrase on 1 Tim. and Toxvnson*?, Disc, on the four Gospels, p. CJ2, &c. KATURAI, RELIGION AND SCIENCE. 307 tremely unwilling to abide by in almost any other case*. But I should be sorry to be found so far con- tradicting my general design, as to make things in any respect worse at present than they really are. On this subject I could hardly avoid hinting at some of those impediments, that seem to lie most in our way toward perfection ; and hope at this time, of day such a hint may be hazarded without offence : and trusting, that notwithstanding these or any other impediments, we have encourage- • < Do not we blame thfe Papists for their implicit faith ; for believing as the church believeth ? And how are we better than they, if we take up our religious principles on trust, and do not carefully adjust them by the standard of Divine revelation ? Perhaps those who have gone before us, who yet may be allowed to have been pious and virtuous men, did not see the truth in this and some other cases ; and good reasons may be given why they did not : but must not we therefore endeavour to under- stand it? Must their knowledge be the precise measure of ours? or must the truth and word of God be limited by any human understanding whatsoever? What if they had known but one half of what they did know, must we never have known more? What if they were under strong prejudices of edu- cation, and would not examine? What if they so reverenced the opinions of other good and learned men, or imagined these points to be of so sacred a nature that they durst not examine? or, what if they fancied them so much above all human com- prehension, that it was their duty not to examine? or so clear and certain, that there was no need to examine ? or of such weight and importance, that it was impious to examine? What- ever their foibles, or whatever their fetters were, what is that to us? Are we not bound to follow Christ, and to call him alone Master?' Taylor on Or. Sin. p. 6i3. 2d ed. X2 308 THE PROORESS OF NATURAL RELIGIOH, &C. ment enough left to proceed with cheerfuhiess and vigour in this same progress, till every thing which lets, in God's good time be taken away, and true religion, righteousness, and virtue, shine in perfect beauty : till we all come in the unity of the failli, cmd of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a 2^67 feet man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. REFLECTIONS LIFE AND CHARACTER CHRIST. REFLECTIONS LIFE AND CHARACTER CHRIST The true intention of the Gospel writers was not to give a complete account of all the things that Jesus did («), or of all the reasons, and oc- casions of them ; but only to record so many naked facts (Z>), as would be abundantly sufficient (a) How far this was from being so, may be seen in Le Clerc, Harm. Diss. p. 587. fi'O'ri John ii. 3. Add John xx. 30, 31. 1 Cor. XV. 5. and Macknight. Prelim. Obs. to Harm, passim. The same appears to be the case with several of our blessed Saviour's reasonings, where the Evangelists, particularly St. John, ' use a shortness of style; and for the most part, may be sup- posed not to relate them at large as they were spoken ; but to set down the principal heads thereof, leaving their conciseness to be supplied by the care and attention of the devout reader.' Clagett. Serm. Vol. II. p. 88. where a remarkable instance is pro- duced to this purpose. {b) " To make evident who that master was whose disciples they professed themselves, their business was to tell how they 312 UEFLFXTIONS 0\ THE to lay a sure foundation for our faith in his di- vine mission, and by that faith lead us to the happiness which it conveys. knew him, what miracles he had wrought, and all those other particulars which we read in their gospels: in which they make use of" no disquisitions, but, in a plain and faithful narrative, declare their knowledge of these matters. And this looks like the singular care and wisdom of divine providence, that nothing of human invention might be said to be mixed with the Gospel, which could not have been prevented, had the apostles in their writings set down, not only what they themselves had seen, but their conjectures also, and deductions from the actions and sayings of our Saviour!" Le Clerc. Harm. Diss. p. 6ll. Comp. Jacqudot. de la Ver. et de I'Inspir. des Livres du V. et N. S. Part ii. c. 6. p. 301. 305, Sec. or Duchal, Serm. 1 . Comp. Simp- sons Essay on Christianity being delivered in an historical Way. " It doth not appear that ever it came into the mind of these writers to consider, how this or the other action v/ould appear to mankind, or what objections might be raised upon them. But without at all attending to this, they lay the facts before you, at no pains to think whether they would appear credible or not. If the reader will not believe their testimony, there is no help for it ; they tell the truth, and attend to nothing else. Surely this looks like sincerity, and that they published nothing to the world but what, upon the best evidence, they believed themselves." Duchal, p. gj, Q8. It is likewise remarkable, that through the whole of their histories, the Evangelists have not passed one encomium upon Jesusy or upon any of his friends : nor thrown out one reflection against his enemies; although much of both kinds might, and no doubt would, have been done by them, hail they been governed either by a spirit of impos- ture or enthusiasm. Christ's life is not praised in the gospel, his death is not lamented, his friends not commended, his ene- mies not reproached, nor even blamed ; but every thing is set down just as it happened ; and all who read are left to judge, and make reflections for themselves ; a manner of writing which the historians would never have fallen into, had not their minds LIFE AND CHARACTER OF CHRIST. 313 And indeed the account which we find there delivered, plain as it is and simple (and by that simplicity, the more credible) (c), is in itself of so very extraordinary a nature, and exhibits such an amazing scene of exalted wdsdom and goodness, as must, when duly attended to, convince us that it could have no less than a divine original. That the great Messenger or Mediator of a new Covenant between God and all mankind, fixed in the divine decrees from the beginning, foretold by the ancient prophets ; — announced by an host of angels ; — that he should at length appear, not only in the form but real nature of Man, and in its most imperfect and forlorn state, under all the w^ants and w^eaknesses of infancy; — that he should receive the divine communications in slow de- grees (, quae quasi saxum Tan.talo; sempei" impeudet. 390 THE NATUKli ANU ESli Ol' DEATH them to eternity! A way, whicli though, for reasons intimated above, it must be in some mea- sure gh)omy still, yet is there little left to terrify ; — much to support and comfort us, when we come into the shadow of this vale of death ; — enough to brighten up its horrors, and convert them into a crown of glory; — to make us even rejoice that we are got so near the end of our warfare, to a place of rest and peace, from whence we may survey those blissful seats of Paradise that are prepared to receive us, and to which it immediately con- ducts us. The heathen had at best but feeble arguments for, or rather faint guesses at, and wishes of, an hereafter ; and in the meantime were tossed to and fro among their several con- fused systems, fluctuating in perpetual doubts ; and on each disappointment ready to give all up, and fly to the most miserable of comforts, utter insensibility, for refuge*. How vastly different is our case, who have so firm a ground of expecta- tion to rely on, and that strong consolation which results from it, in all difficulties and distresses ! who can at all times lay hold on the hope that is set before lis, as an anchor of the soul both sure and stedfast ; God himself having given us not only express promises, in xvhich it is impossible for him to lie, but also infallible proofs, and actual in- stances, of what the generality of heathens were * Vid, Cic. Considerat. n. [B] p. 128. Portus enim praesto f'st. ;et('inimi iiiliil sentic^nti rrcfptaculuni. Jd. Tiisc. Disp. v. 40. UNDKH THE CHKISTIAN COVENANT. 391 used to think imjDossible*, a resurrection from the dead. And though, as being partakers ofjiesh and blood, we are still 7iaturally mor'tal, nor was it Christ's intent to alter our whole frame instan- taneously, by translating us into some different order of beings, as he must have done, had he freed us from all natural corruption ; and which (as we have seen above) would have been highly improper, so long as there were the seeds of moral corruption yet lemaining in us : — yet has he chosen to improve our nature gradually, and pro- cure a proportional enlargement of its privileges ; which he did in the most effectual manner, by laying hold of the same nature, and lifting it up from the body of sin, by his doctrine and example, by a life of perfect innocence, consummate virtue, and complete obedience unto death. And thus, by the mediation of the second Adam, are we delivered from the most dreadful part of the sentence entailed on the first ; that which de- nounced death absolutely, and indeterminately, and thereby left man in a state of unlimited sub- jection to it ; or rather, this death, which though in one sense it still preserves its power over the world, and will and ought (as we have seen) to preserve it, during the whole of this probationary state ; — and likewise on account of that sin where- • Pli7i. N. H. L. ii. c. 7. ib. L, vii. c. 55. Ccls. ap. Orig. v. p. 240. M. Anton, xii. 5. See IVhilbi/ on 1 Tliess. iv. 13. and Hallct'v- Discourses, Vol. I. p. '29S. ;Jy2 THE NATUKK A N IJ ENU OK DEATH with it is closely connected, has still the appear- ance and the name of an enemy [the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death ;~\ this, I say, to us is become a very different thing from what it was to our first parents and the generality of their offspring, before the dawning of that prospect which our Lord has opened by his coming into the world. It is now so far from the extinction of our being, that it becomes the great improve- ment and the exaltation of it : — the end of all our labours in one state, and the commencement of our recompense in another. In which \iew, God will not appear either to have made all men for nought^ or suffered them to be entirely sub- ject unto vanity even here : the present life, how- ever frail and transitory, if thus taken in relation to, and as connected with another, is very far from being a contemptible gift : — much may be done in this bad world, if we but make a proper use of it, towards rendering ourselves meet to he partakers of a better : —the ground of the heart may be prepared ; — the seed of virtue sown ; — the heavenly plant so far produced and forwarded, til at whenever it shall be removed to a more fa- vourable clime, it may spring up, and flourish in immortal life : and our being informed that it certainly will do so, must be the strongest motive and encouragement for thus labouring cheerfully in our Lord's vineyard ; for being stcdjcist and iin- niovcabky always abounding in his work ; forasmuch as xce l>noxc that our labow shall not be in vain. UNDER THE CHRISTIAN COVENANT. 393 Our title to this immortality is now so sure, that we are addressed as already in possession of it*. We are said to have already passed from death to lijei. — We are taught to consider this our tem- porary dissolution as no death, in the original, proper sense of the wordt: since we cannot have any apprehension that it will leave us under j'/ze bondage of corruption, and in the blackness of dark- ness for ever ; but, on the contrary, are assured that it leads us to the glorious liberty of the children of God; to an inheritance incorruptible, and that fadeth not axicay, reserved in heaven for us. Thus is mortality swallowed up of life; and we henceforth are said not to f/?e§, but sleep; as Christ pronounces of those two whom he had raised 11, and as the intermediate state of every Christian is described by his apostles^ : and in his * Heb. xii. 22, 23. See Benson on 1 John iii. 1 4. and Eph. ii. 0. f Jo/in V, 21 . 1 John iii. 14. + Quando homo peccator incipit credere in Filium Dei vera et viva fide, et illius principii vitae particeps evadit, per quod aeternum illud exitium superaturus est; turn simul dicitur su- perasse mortem temporalem, quae solummodo confiderabatur ut acternse mortis ministra. Ac proin credens non dicitur 7nori, etiam quoad corpus ; quia nexus qui inter banc et aeternam mortem erat, sublatus est. Vitringa, Observ. Sacr. Lib. ii. c. 7. p. 351. ' Deatli is as nothing, compared to what it would otherwise have been to the sinner ; and the fehcity of heaven is so sure, and so near, that by an easy and common figure true Christians are spoken of as already there.' Doddr. on Joh. viii, 51, 52. § John vi. 50, 51. — xi. 26. II Matt. ix. 24. Martcv.Sg. Luke viii. 52. John xi. 11. 1 1 Cor. XV. 18, 20. 1 Thess. iv. 13, 14. — v. 10. vide supra. 394 THK XATUKK ANU END Ol' UEATII professed proof of a general resurrection, he de- clares of all the faithful, that they ever live to God; as being still in covemmt with him * ; from whom death itself cannot separate themt: nor will the interval between that and the resurrection be of any more account with God than it is of real import to themselves, as we have seen. Thus, though in the sight of the unwise rve seem to die, (or drop into a total annihilation,) yet is our hope full of immortality ; and our departure and dismission from this mortal state becomes our entrance and admission into it. Well there- fore may we now say with the Psalmist t. Return unto thy rest, O my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. I will lay me down in peace, and sleep ; till I awake i?i the morning of the re- surrection. We may, with the good apostle, cheerfully commit our souls into the hand of our faithful Creator : who, we are persuaded, is able to keep that which is committed unto him against that day. What a mild and unterrifying thing must death be, in such a view as this ! It is nothing, we see, in the scripture account ; nor are we ever bid to fear or prepare for it, (as is observed by a pious and judicious writer §;) but to look and watcli fori!, and hasten unto, that coming of the day * Luke XX. 38. t Rnm. viii. 38, Sp. X Psal. cxvi. 7. Psal. xvii. 15. xlix. 14. § Taylor on Rom. j). 355. Comp. Alexander on 1 Cor. xv. p. 34. y M(dt. xxiv. 42. &c. XXV. 13. Mark xiii. 33, &c. UNDER TllK CIIIIISTIAX COVENANT. 395 of the Lord*, which it directly introduces, and which is therefore said to be at ha7id-\; to draw nigh, and present om judge even at the door (i). There is nothing therefore terrible in Death, to such as have learned to conceive of it aright, and are ready to abide its consequences. The pains that may attend it are uncertain j oft far from being equal to those we undergo on other occasions ; never to be compared with what must * 2 Pet. iii. 12. f Rom. xiii. 12. Phil. iv. 5. 1 Pet. iv, 7. (i) James v. 7, 8, 9. The hour is coming, and now is : John V. 25. Though some of these, and the Hke passages, may more immediately relate to Christ's first coming to judgment, at the destruction o^ Jerusalem, as some learned men suppose (see Jortin's Remarks on Eccl. Hist. Vol. I. p. 4g, 50), yet are they no less applicable to his second coming in the sense above- mentioned ; whereof the former has been generally considered as a type ; and both are usually described in the same terms, Matt. xxiv. 29, &c. Ch. Aug. Heumannus in 1 Cor. i. 8. H yjt/.sDa. ra Kvgm, est dies extremus Judicii. Quamvis enim Corinthioriim nuUus hoc die superstes futurus sit ; tamen cum a die hominum emortuali ad diem Judicii, nullum vel bene agendi, vel resipiscendi spatium pateat ; utraque dies tanquam conjuncta spectatur. Nov. Act. Erud. 1759. p 194'. ib. p. 204. Observat Heumannus in 1 Cor. xv. 29- de Baptismo vite^ twv vBKowy, scripsisse hoc Paulum ad eos, qui cum Judaeis statuerint corpus et animum pari somno premi ad diem usque Judicii, simulque utrumque resuscitatum iri. Haec plerorumque, qui sub vet. Feed, vivebant, sententia fuit, quemadniodum Heu- mannus Programmate ^. 1757. edito docuit. Imo eadem opinio M. CCCC. post C. N. annos in Ecclesia Christiana regnavit. Sed hoc loco earn non impugnat Apostolus ; verum potius, tanquam a lectoribus suis receptam, et ipse adsumere videtur. Comp. Alexander. Paraphr. on 1 Cor. xv. p. 88, &c. 396 THE NATUKK AM) liNU OF OKAT>I be endured after it, if we have not already drawn out its sting. But if we take due care to be of the number of those, to whom these great cuid p7X'cioiiS promises belong ; if we have an interest in a well- grounded expectation of them, we shall be so far from dreading and declining, that we cannot well avoid often dwelling on, and ever delighting in, the prospect of that path, which safely leads us to the substance and completion of them. Till we have done this, indeed, we are, and ought to be, in a state of bondage to this ki?ig of terrors. Nor can we ever so far get the better of them as to behold our change in an agreeable light, or bear the reflection on it with any tolerable quiet and composure of mind : — it will yet fill our cup with bitterness — make our whole life melancholy, and its end confusion and dismay*. Seeing then, that the all-wise Creator of the world has, for so many good ends, been pleased to put it under the dominion of death ; and the all-merciful Redeemer hath so fully done his part, to qualify this seemingly most dreadful dispensa- tion, and convert it into the greatest real bless- ing ; by making it a proper passage to an in- finitely more perfect state : Let us be persuaded to do our parts likewise, that these gracious ends may be obtained in us ; and, by consequence, that * Many excellent Reflections on this subject may be seen in A. Tuckers Light oi^ 'S nturc pursued V. tlic last. c. 37- UNDER THE CHRlSTIAxV COVENANT. 397 this necessary means to them may be ever re- flected on with joy, and not with grief: nay, that the thought of this may serve, as it is intended, to the mitigation of all other griefs, and to the improvement and the consummation of our joys; whilst we are ever looking for and longing after that blessed hojje, and the glorious appearance of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. APPENDIX : CONCERNING THE USE OF THE WORDS SOUL, OR SPIRIT, IN HOLY SCRIPTURE; AND THE STATE OF THE DEAD THERE DESCRIBED. APPENDIX: CONCERNING THE USE OF THE WORDS SOUL, OR SPIRIT, IN HOLY SCRIPTURE, AND THE STATE OF THE DEAD THERE DESCRIBED. In the first place, the words tyaa, notyi, and mi, in the Old Testament, which are in our version generally translated soul^ or spirit ; as well as those of the same import in the New, ■zzrv£Ujw,a and \J/y%^, most commonly denote, I. Persons. Gen. xvii. 14. («) That soul shall be cut off. Add Exod. xii. 15, 19. — Lev. iv. 2. If a soul shall sin through ignorance. — 27. — if any one (a) of the common people sin through ignorance. Add vi. 2. D D 402 APPENDIX. vii. '•20. — the soul that cateth of the flesh of the sa- crifice.— 21. the soul that shall touch any unclean thing. Add 25, 27. and xvii. 10, 15. xix. 8. xx. 6. xxii. 11. If the priest buy any soul with his money, xxiii. 30. And whatsoever soul it be, that doth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people. Add Num. xv. 30, 31. xix. 13, 20. Deut. xxiv. 7. If a man be found stealing any {a) of his brethren. 2 Sam. xiv. 14. Neither doth God respect any person (h). Prov. xiii. 2. — the soul of the transgressors shall eat vio- lence. Add xiv. 25. xix. 2. Ezek. xviii. 4. Behold, all souls are mine ; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine, xxvii. 13. — they traded the persons of men. Acts ii. 43. — fear came upon every soul. Add Rom. ii. 9- xiii. 1. 1 Tim. iv. 1. seducing spirits^ i. e. seducers. 2 Pet. ii. 14. — be- guiling unstable souls. Rev. xviii. 13. — the mer- chandise of gold and silver, — and slaves, and souls of men. 2. Secondly, People; As when they are numbered. Gen. xlvi. 15. All the souls of his sons and daughters were thirty and three. Add 22, 27. Exod. i. 5. xii. 4. xvi. 16.— according to the number of your persons. Num. xxxi. 28. — levy a tribute — one wz// of five hundred, (i) Et non toilet Deus animam. Vid, Cleric. APPENDIX. 403 both of the persons, and of the beeves, &c. — 35. — thirty and two thousand (c) persons in all. — 40. — the (c) persons were sixteen thousand. — 46. — sixteen thousand (c) persons. 1 Cln'on. v. 21. — they took away — of men an hundred thousand. Jer. Hi. 29. — carried away captive — eight hundred and thirty-two (c)persons. 30. — Nebuzaradan — carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred and forty- five /J^r^wi^. Acts ii. 41. — the same day were added unto them about three thousand souls. Add vii. 14. xxvii. 37. 1 Pet. iii. 20. — And divided into families. Gen. xlvi. 27. AH the souls of the house of Jacob which came into Egypt. 1 Sam. xxii. 22. I have occasioned the death of all the [c^ persons of thy father's house. • — Or distinguished from other goods. Gen. xii. 5. Abraham took Sarai his wife, and Lot — and all their substance, — and the souls that they had gotten in Haran. xiv. 21. — Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself. Josh. xi. 14. But every man they smote with the edge of the sword until they had destroyed them ; neither left they any to breatke(d). Add 1 Kings xv. 29. 3. Thirdly, soicl, or spi?it, often signifies tlie ma7i himself: asm?/ soid/i.e.I. Gen. xii. 13. Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister — and my soul shall live . because of thee. xix. 20. — let me escape thither, — (r) tytii (d) DDtyj 13 D <2 404' APPENDIX. and my soul shall live, xxvii. 4. that my soul may bless thee before I die. Job vii. 15. — so that my soul chooseth strangling, x. 1. my soul is weary of my life. Add Psal. xxxv. 9. Ivii. 4. Matt. XX vi. 38. My soul, i. e. me. Num. xxiii. 10. — (e) let me die the death of the righteous. Psalm xxxv. 3. — say unto my soul, I am thy salvation, xli. 4. heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee. Thy soul, i. e. thyself. Esth. iv. 13. Prov. iii. 22. so shall they be life unto i\\y soul. Ezek. iii. 19. — thou hast delivered thy soul. Add v. 21. Thy spirit, i. e. thee. 2 Tim. vi. 22. The Lord Jesus be with thy spirit. His soul, i.e. himself. Prov. xi. 17- The merciful man doth good to his own soul. Add xx. 2. Her soul, i. e. lierself. Isai. v. 14. (applied by a prosopopoeia to the grave) therefore hell hath en- larged herself. Their souls, i. e. themselves. Isai. xlvi. 2. — them- selves are gone into captivity [applied to idols]. Your soul, i. e. you. 2 Cor. xii. 15. I will very gladly spend, and be spent for you (J). Your spirit, i. q. yourselves. Mai. ii. 15 and l6. take heed to your spirit. My spirit and yours, i.e. you and w^. 1 Cor.xvi. 18. — they have refreshed my spirit Tmd. yours. And in many other places. Thus, (e) t^ai {f) titeq twv "^^ywv Jjuwv. APPENDIX. 405 4. Fourthly, souls, i. e. persons, are said to eat. Exod. xii. 16. — no manner of work shall be done, — save that which every 7nan must eat. To abhor meat. Job xxxiii. 20. So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat. Psal. evil. 18. Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat. To qe satisfied. Ezek. vii. 19. — they shall not satisfy their souls. To be made fat. Prov. xi. '25. The liberal soul shall be made fat. So xiii. 4. Or full. Prov. xxvii. 7- The full soul loatheth an honeycomb. To be liungry. ib. To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet. Psal. cvii. 9- — he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. Prov. vi. 30. Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry. Thirsty. Prov. xxv. 9,5. As cold waters to a thirsty soul. To faint. Psal. cvii. 5.^— their soul fainted in them. To be smote with the sword. Josh. x. '23. — Joshua took Makkedah, and smote it with the edge of the sword — them, and all the souls that were therein. So 30, 32. xi. 1 1 . 1 Kings xv. Q9. he smote all the house of Jeroboam : he left not to Jeroboam any that breathed (^). Or cutoff. Psal. Ixxvi. \2. He shall cut off the spirit (//) of princes. {g) nou^i; {h) nil 406 Al'l'KNDiX. (See above, under Persons). To be killed. Gen. xxxvii. 21. — Let ns not kill (?) him. Num. xxxi. If). — whosoever hath killed any [i) ^person, xxxv. 30. whoso killeth any (?) person. Josh. XX. 3. — the slayer that killeth any [i] person unawares. Mark iii. 4. — Is it lawful to save (A) life, or to kill. Deut. xix. 6. — lest the avenger of blood pursue the slayer, — and kill (i) him. Add Rev. vi. 9. 11. Slain. Deut. xxii. 26. — as when a man riseth against his neighbour and slayeth (i)him. xxvii. 25. Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent (i) person. Jer. xl. 14. — Dost thou cer- tainly know that Baalis — hath sent Ishmael to slay (i) thee. Ezek. xiii. 19. will ye pollute me — to slay the souls that should not die ? Devoured. Ezek. xxii. 25. — they have devoured souls. Destroyed. Luke vi. 9. — Is it lawful to save {Ii)life, or to destroy it? Acts iii. 23. — every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be de- stroyed. To die. Josh. ii. 14. — our (i)lije for yours. (Heb, our sold to die instead of you). Judg. xvi. 30. — Samson said, Let [i] me die with the Philistines. Job xxxvi. 14. (/) They die in youth. Ezek. xviii. 20. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. To Jail. Isai. Ivii. 16. — the spirit should fail be- fore me. APPENDIX. 407 To be lost. Matt. x. 39. He that firideth his (/t) life shall lose it, and he that loseth his (/.) life — shall find it. So xvi. 25. 26. What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Luke xvii. 33. Whosoever shall seek to save his (k)life, shall lose it, &c. Or kept alive. Psal. xxii. 29. — none can keep alive his own soul. Ezek. xiii. 18. — Will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? And saved. Job ii. 6. — but save his (I) life. Add Mark iii. 4. Luke vi. 9. Jam. v. 20 — shall save a soul from death. To be delivered from deaths hell, the pit, or grave. Josh. ii. 13. — that ye will- — deliver our (wi) lives from death. Job xxxiii. 18. He keepeth back his soid from the pit. — 30. — to bring back his soul from the pit. Add Psal. vi. 4. vii. 2. xxx. 3. xlix. 15, God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave. Add Ivi. 13. Ixxxvi. 2. 13. lxxxix.48. cxvi. 8. Prov. xxiii. 14. Thou shalt deliver his soid from hell. Isai. xxxviii. 17- — thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption. Jonah ii. 6. — yet hast thou brought up my (jn) life from corruption. II. Sometimes these words include all living CREATURES. Gen. i. 20. Let the waters brin^: forth the & (/) iyQ2 (w) mti'i iOS APPENDIX. moving creature that hath [m)li/e.-^-^24<. Let the earth bring forth tlie (m) living creature — 30. — every beast, &c. wherein there is lifey (Margin a living soul) — ii. 7« — and man became a living soul. — 19. — whatsoever Adam called every (ni) living creature^ that was the name thereof, vii. 22. — All in whose nostrils was the breath of life {n). ix. 12. — This is the token of the covenant which I make between you and every {ni) living creature. — 16. — that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every {iii) living creature. Deut. XX. 16. — thou shalt save alive (o) nothing that hreatheth. 1 Cor. xv. 4.5. — The first man Adam was made a (p) living soul; the last Adam was made a (^q) quickening spirit. Rev. viii. 9. — the third part of the creatures which were in the seat, and had (r) life, died, xvi. 3. — Every living soul died in the sea. III. Sometimes the body alone ; and that either. First, living. Job. xxxiii. 22. — His .soz// drawcth near unto the grave. Ps, cv. 18. — He was laid in iron (Heb. the iron entered his soul'). Comp. Luke ii. S5. Or, Secondly, dead. Num. v. 2. Whosoever is defiled by the {s) dead. vi. 6. — He shall come at no (f) dead body. — 11. — He sinned by the dead. ix. 6. Defiled by the dead body of a man. x. 7« — (n) nil nntri (o) nau;j {p) "^vyjiv Iojcol-j. APPENDIX. 409 If any of you — sliall be unclean, by reason of a dead body. (Heb. dead soid). xix. 13. Whosoever touched the dead body of any man that is dead. Lev. xix. 28. Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead. xxi. 1. — There shall none be defiled for the dead. — 1 1 . Neither shall he go into any dead body. xxii. 4. The dead. Job xiv. 22. — His flesh upon him shall have pain, and his soul within him shall mourn, (v. Chappeloxv^ Comment, ib.) Hag. ii. 13. — If any that is unclean by a dead body. And, thirdly, buried. Ps. xvi. 10. — Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell : which is repeated Acts ii. 27, 31. Vid. Beza and Whitby in loc. IV. Some of the same words stand for the life both of man and beast, and often are so rendered in our version. Gen. vi. 3. My spirit shall not always strive with man (Heb. the soul which I give man shall not con- tinue, vid. Cleric, in loc.) vii. 22. — All in whose nostrils was the {t) breath of life (Heb. breath of the spirit of Ife") died. ix. 5. Your blood of your lives will I require (Heb. blood in your souls) xix. 17. — Escape for thy life, xxxii. 30. — I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. Exod. iv. 19. — All the men are dead which sought thy life. XXX. 12. — Then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul. Num. xvi. 22. — O God, the (t) rjDU>3 110 Al'l'ENDIX. God oi' the spirits of all flesh. Vid. Cleric, in loc. So xxvii, 16. 1 Sam. xix. 5. — He did put his lije in his hand — 1 1 . — If thou save not thy life to-night. Add xxi 1. XXV. 29. — Yet a man is risen to pur- sue thee, and to seek thy soul ; but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of lijc with the Lord thy God. 2 Sam. iv. 9. As the Lord liveth who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity. 1 Kings xix, 10. — They seek my life to take it away. So v. 14. and 2 Kings i. 14. — Job ii. 6. Be- hold he is in thine hand, but save his Ife. x. 12. — Thy visitation hath preserved my (u)spitit. xii. 10. In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind, xxvii. 8. What is the hope of the hypocrite, when God taketh away his soulF xxxiii. 28. He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and 30. Ps. xxxi. 5. Into thine hand I commit my (u) spirit, xxxv. 7. — A pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Ixix. 1. Save me, O God, for the waters are come in unto my soul. Add Ixxi. 13. Ixxiv. 19- — Prov. xiii. 3. He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his li/c. xvi. 17. — He that keepeth his way, preserveth his soul. Add xix. 16. Eccles. viii. 8. There is no man that hath power over the (u) sjnrit, to retain tlie (w) spirit. Jer. iv. 30. — They will seek thy Ife. x. 14. •—There is no (u) breath in them. xxii. 25. I will give thee into the hand of them that seek thy life, xlviii. 6. Flee, save your lives, li. G. Flee — and («) nn APPENDIX. 411 deliver every man his soul. Ezek. xxxvii. 5, (). — Thus saith the Lord unto these bones — I will cause (u) breath to enter into you. — 8. There was no (u) breath in them. Amos ii. 14, 15. — Neither shall the mighty deliver liimself. Zech. xii. 1. — The Lord which formeth the (?/) spirit of man within him. Matt. ii. 20. — They are dead which sought the young child's {a^)life. wi. 25. — Take no thought for your {^x)life, what ye shall eat. —Is not the (x')life more than meat? x.39. He that findeth his (.r) life shall lose it ^ and he that loseth his {jc") life for my sake shall find it. So xvi. 25, 26. XX. 28. — The Son of man came to give his (-r^life a ransom for many. Mark viii. 36, 3J. What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his own sotdF Or what shall a man give in ex- change for his soul? Add x. 45. Luke viii. 55. — her (t/) spirit came again. Add ix. 24, 56. xii. 22, 23. — take no thought for your (a:) life, what ye shall eat, — the (.r) life is more than meat. xiv. 26. If any man come to me, and hate not — his own {•r)life also, he cannot be my disciple, xvii. 33. Whosoever shall seek to save his {a:) life shall lose it ; and whosoever shall lose his (a:) life, shall pre- serve it. xxiii. 46, — Father, into thy hands I com- mend my (2/) spirit; and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. Joh. x. 11. — the good shepherd giveth his [x)life for the sheep. So v. 15, and I7. — I lay down my (ct) life, that I might take it again. (x) ^ux'i. iy) nviii/,x. ■112 APPENDIX. xii. ^25. He that lovetli his (.r) life shall lose it. xiii. 37. I will lay down my (.?) lyh for thy sake. So V. 38. XV. 13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his (^) life for his friends. Acts XV. 26. Men that have hazarded their (z) lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, xx. 10. — his {z)life is in him, 24. neither count I my {z)life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy. xxvii. 10. — this voyage will he with hurt — not only of the lading and ship, biit also of our (z) lives. Add v. 22. — Rom. xi. 3. — they seek my (^z)life. xvi. 4. who have for my (z)lije laid down their own necks. Phil. ii. 30.— he was nigh unto death, not regarding his (z) life. 1 Thess. ii. 8. We were willing to have imparted unto you our own souls. 1 Pet. ii. 19. — let them that suffer commit the keeping of their souls to him, as to a faithful Creator. 1 John iii. 16. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his (z) life for us : and we ought to lay down our {z) lives for the brethren. Rev. xii. 11. — they loved not their (z) lives unto the death. Which life is placed either, first, in the blood. Gen. ix. 4. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shalt thou not eat. Lev. xvii. 11. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, v. 14. For it is the life of all flesh, the blood of it is for the life thereof. Deut. xii. 23. — the blood is the Ife, and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh, (z) ^vxr,- APPENDIX. 4-13 [hence called the blood oi^ souls. Jer. ii. Si. — in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents.] And accordingly said to be poured out. Isa. liii. 12. — he hath poured out his soul unto death. Lam. ii. 12. — their soul was poured out into their mother's bosom. Or, Secondly, breath. Gen. ii. 7- — God formed man — and breathed into his nostrils the [a)breath of life. vi. 17. — I do bring a flood — to destroy all flesh wherein is the (b) breath of life. And so vii. 15, and 22. 1 Kings xvii. 17. — his sickness was so sore, that there was no {a) breath left in him. Job xii. 10. In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the (b) breath of all mankind, xxvi. 4. — whose («) spirit came from thee. Add xxvii. 3. xxxiv. 14. If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his (/>) spirit and his (a) breath. Ps. cl. 6. Every thing that hath [a) breath. Eccl. iii. 19. — that which befalleth the sons of men, be- falleth beasts — they have all one {b) breath. Is. ii. 22. Cease ye from man, whose (a) breath is in his nostrils, xlii. 5. That giveth breath unto the peo- ple. Ezek. xxxvii. 9, 10. — Prophesy unto the (Z>) 'wind—&B,y to the (//) ivifid — come from the four (b) m7ids, O breath, and breathe upon these slain. — so I prophesied, — and the (b) breath came into them. Dan. v. 23.— the God in whose hand thy («) breath is. x. I7. — there remained no strength (a) nDU/3. (b) m^. il-l- APPENDIX. in me, neither is there {(C) breath left in me. Ja. ii. 26. the body without the (c) sinrit is dead. Which breathy spirit, or life^ Enters into a man. Gen, ii. 7- God formed man, — and breathed into his nostrils the {a')breath of life. Rev. ii. 1 1 . — the (r/) spirit of life from God entered into them. Goes forth. Ps. cxlvi. 4. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth. Departeth. . Gen. xxxv. 18. — as her {e)breath was in departing. Comes again. 1 Sam. xxx. 12. — when he had eaten, his (/)) spirit came again to him. 1 Kings xvii. 21. — let this child's soul come into him again. Luke viii. 55. — her (f) spirit came again, and she arose. Is talcen axvay. Ps. civ. 29. — thou takest away their {g) breath, they die. Received. Acts vii. 59- — Lord Jesus receive my (^f) spirit, (vid. Objections). Given or yielded up. Jer. xv. 9. She hath given up the (li) ghost. Matt, xxvii. 50. Jesus yielded up the {f) ghost. Add John xix. 30. — Acts v. 5, to. Ea:ptred. Job xxxi. 39. — if I — have caused the soul of the owners thereof to e.rpire (as in the (c) Kuj§is ^vsv^uaTo;. (d) Uvsvf/^a ^^wr^g. {e) U^S3. (/) ny£t;fx,a. (o) nil. (//) tya;. APPENDIX. 415 margin), Mark xv. 37- O ^£ ir,T8i I^BTfysva-s. So v. 39. and Luke xxiii. 46. V. These words describe man in respect to his FUTURE LIFE. Matt. X. 28. Fear not them — which are not able to kill the soul (vid. Objections). 1 Cor. v. 5, — that the (J^) spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. 2 Cor. xii. 15. And I will very gladly spend and be spent for {i)i/oif, Heb. x. 39. — we are — of them tliat believe to the saving of the soul. xii. 23. — the spirits of just men made perfect, (vid. Objec- tions), xiii. 17. Obey them that have the rule over you — for they w^atch for your souls. Ja. i. 21. — receive the word, which is able to save your souls. 1 Pet. i. 9- Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls, ii. 25. — ye were as sheep going astray, but are now returned to the shepherd and bishop of your souls, iv. 19. — let tliem that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their souls to him. Rev. xx. 4, — I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus — and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. VI. In some places they denote the lower APPETITES, affections, passions of the mind, or man ; or the seat of such appetites, &c. 416 APPENDIX. Gen. xxxiv. '3. — his soul c]a\e unto Dinah. \\\. 8. — it came to pass that liis spirit was troubled, xlii. 21. — we are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his souU &c. Exod. \i. 9. — they hearkened not unto Moses for anguish of sjn^it. xv. 9. — niy lust shall be satisfied upon them, xxiii. 9- — ye know the [h) heart of a stranger. Lev. xvi. 29. — ye shall afflict your souls. Numb. xi. 6. Our soul is dried away. Deut. xii. 15. — thou mayest — eat flesh — whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, xxiii. 24. — thou mayest eat grapes thy fill, (/i)at thine oxvn j)leasure. xxiv. 15. — thou shalt give him his hire — for he is poor, and setteth his {h) heart upon it. Judg. viii. 3. then their {g)anger was abated towards him. I Sam. i. 10. — She w^as in bitterness of soul. — v. 15. — I am a woman of a sorrowful (g) spirit, ii. l6. — take as much as thy soul desireth. xviii. 1. — the soul oi' Jonathan was knit with the soul of David^ and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. xxii. 2. — every one that was (/) discontented, gathered them- selves unto him. xxx. 0. — the .9ow/of all the peo- ple was grieved. 2 Sam. xiii. 39. — the soul of King Z)«riJ longed to go forth unto .^Z'^fl/owi. xvii. 8. — thou knowest thy father, and his men, that they be mighty men, and they be (/) chafed in their minds. 2 Chron. xxi. l6. — the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the («•) spirit of the Philistines. Job iii. 20. — Wherefore is light given to him that APPENDIX. 417 is in misery, and life unto the bitter in sold? xiv. 22. — his soul within him shall mourn, xxx. 16. — my soul is poured out upon me, the days of afflic- tion have taken hold upon me. Ps. xxvii. 14. He shall strengthen thine heart, xxxi. 9. — mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly. xxxv, 0,5. let them not say in their hearts. Ah, lo would we have it {ah, ah, our soul, vid. margin). Ixxvii. 2. — ■ my so2il refused to be comforted. Ixxviii. 18. — they tempted God — by asking meat [m)Jor their lust. cvii. 9- — he satisfieth the long- ing soul, and fiUeth the hungry soul, cxliii. 4. Therefore is my sjnrit overwhelmed within me. Prov. XV. 13. — by sorrow of the heart, the [71) spirit is broken, xvii. 22. — a broken spirit drieth the bones, xxiii, 2. — put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite, xxv. 28. — He that hath no rule over his own spirit, is like a city that is broken down. xxxi. 6. Give wine to those that be (o)oj heavy hearts. Eccl. vi. 7. The appetite is not filled, — 9. Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the {p^ desire. Isa. xxix. 8. It shall even be as when a hungry man dreameth, and be- hold he eateth ; but he awaketh, and his soid is empty: behold he is faint, and his soid hath ap- petite, xxxii. 6. To make empty the soul of the hungry, xxxviii. 15. — I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soid. liv. 6. — the Lord hath called thee as a woman — grieved in (71) spirit. Iv. 2. Let your soul delight itself in fatness. Iviii. (w) DiySJ^ («) mi (0) U^SjntD^ (p) 1^53 E E 4-18 APPENDIX. lO.-^if thou draw out thy soul to the huugry, and satisfy the afflicted soul. — 11. — tlie Lord shall — satisfy thy soul in drought. Jer. ii. 24. That snuff'eth up the wind at her [q) pleasure. Dan. ii. 3. — my sjArit was troubled to know the dream. Mic. vii. 1. — my 50w/ desireth the first ripe fruit. Hab. ii. 5. — enlargeth his desire. John x. 24. — ($')how long dost thou make us to doubt? cmimam nostrum tollis. xii. 27. Now is my soul troubled. Acts xiv. ii. — the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected to- wards the brethren, xvii. l6. — his (j^) spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. Heb. xii. 3. — lest ye be wearied, and faint in your minds. Ja. iv. 5. the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy. Rev. xviii. 14. — the fruits that thy sold lusteth after are departed from thee. VII. In other places they signify the superior FACULTIES, and operations of a man's mind ; As when these last are super-added to the former. Deut. xxvi. 16. — thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all thine heart, and with all thy soul. Add xxx. 6. Matt. xxii. 37. Mark xii. 30, 33. Luke X. 27. Acts iv, 32. {q) 'Ewj tirore rr^v ^v')(r^ TjjtAWv ai^Hs ; (r) ITveu/Aa. APPEXDIX. ilO Or opposed to the body or Jlesh. Mich. vi. 7. The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul. Matt, xxvi. 41 . The spiiit indeed is wilUng, but the flesh is weak. Add Mark xiv. 38. 1 Cor. vi. 20.— glorify God in your body, and in your sinrit. Add vii. 34. 2 Cor. vii. 1. — let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. Gal. iii. 3. — having begun in the spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Add v. I7. Eph. iv. 23. be renewed in the spirit, of your mind. Phil. iii. 3. we — wor- ship God in the sjjirit — and have no confidence in the flesh. 1 Pet. ii. 11. — abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the sojil. 3 John 2. I wish — thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul p'rospereth . First, His thoughts. Ps. xxiv. 2. who hath not lift up his soul to vanity, xxxii. 2. — in whose spi7it there is no guile. Acts xix. 21 . — P«w/ purposed in the spirit — to go to Jerusalem. And intellect. Prov. ii. 10. When — knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul. xx. 27. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. Add xxxiii. 8. Mark ii. 8. When Jes?is perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned. 1 Cor. ii. 1 1. — What man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Secoudlyy judgme?it. Dan. v. 12. An excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding — were found m—Dcmiel. Acts xv. 24. — certain which went out from us have troubled you— subverting your souls. E E 2 4-20 APPENDIX. Or conscience. Num. xxx. 4. — licr bond where- with she hath bound her soul. So v. 5, &c. Acts xviii. 5. — Fmil was pressed in spirit. 1 Pet. i. 22. — ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth. Thirdly, his will and choice. 2 Chron. xxxvi. 22. — the Lord stirred up the spirit of Ojriis. So Ezra i. 1. Ps. xxvii. 12. Deliver me not over to the (^s^Xiill of mine enemies, cv. 22. To bind his princes (^s)at his pleasure, Jer. xxxiv. IG. at their Fourthly, His courage^ and resolution to pursue it. Jos. V. 1. — their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more. Prov. xviii. 14. The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity. Hag. i. 14. — the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel — Joshua — and the spirit of all the remnant of the people, and they came and did work in the house of the Lord. Acts xviii. 25. — being fervent in the spirity he spake and taught diligently. Rom. i. 9- God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit. xii. 11. not slothful in business, fervent in spirit. Fifthly, His care and coficern. 1 Cor. v. 3. — I verily as absent in body, but present in spirit. Add V. 4. — Col. ii. 5. Though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order. Sixthly, His general temper. Prov. xvi. 2. All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes, but (.5) moin. Al'PKNDIX. 4.21 the Lord weigheth the spirits, xvii. S7« — A man of understanding is of an excellent spirit, Indinalion, Eph. vi. 6. — Doing the will of God (J) from the heart. Col. iii. 2.3. — Whatsoever ye do, do it (/) heartilijy as to the Lord. Or disposition. Gen. xxiii. 8. — If it be {ti)ijour mind that I should bury my dead. Ex. xxxv. 21. they came — every one of whom his spirit made willing. Ezek. xiii. 3. — woe unto the foolish pro- phets that follow their own spirit. 1 Cor. ii. 12. — we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit whicli is of God. And thus we have a Broken spirit. Ps. li. I7. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. Conttite ; Is. Ixvi. 2. — to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit. Humble; Prov. xvi. 9. — Better is it to be of an humble spirit, Isa. Ivii. 15. — I dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit. Faithjul; Prov. ii. 13. — he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. Pa- tient; Eccles. vii. 8. — the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Quiet; 1 Pet. iii. 4. — the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. A New; Ezek. xxiii. 31. — make you a new heart, and a new spirit. A Right spirit ; Ps. li. 10. — rencAV a right spirit within me. Or n Haughf/j ; Prov. xvi. 18. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Perverse; Isa. xix. 14. The Lord hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof. Hardened spirit; Deut. ii. 30. — tlie Lord thy God ^^'i Al'I'ENDlX. hardened his spirit. Dan. v. 20. His mind hardened in pride. A spirit oi Bondage ; Rom. viii. 15. — ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear. O^ Error ; Is. xxix. 24. They also that errerf in spirit. 1 Joh. iv. 6. — hereby know we the sjnrit — of error. O^ Antichrist ; 1 Joh. iv. 3. — this is that in 5/;/n7 of Antichrist. Fear; 2 Tim. i. 7- God hath not given us the sjnrit of fcdv. Heaviness; Is. Ixi, 3. — to give unto them the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Sleep; Is. xxix. 10. — the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep. Slumber; Rom. ii. 8. — God hath given them the spirit of slumber. Uncleanness ; Zech. xiii. 2. I will cause the unclean spirit to pass out of the land, niioredoms ; Hos. iv. 12. — the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err. Add v. 4. Or of Wisdom; Ex. xxviii. 3. — thou shalt speak unto all — whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom. Judgment; Is. iv. 4. When the Lord — shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof, by the spirit of judgment, xxviii. 6. — for a spirit of judgment to liiin that sitteth in judgment. Knoxdedge ; Is. ii. 2. — the spirit of knowledge^ and of the fear of the Lord. Meekness; 1 Cor. iv. 21. — shall I come unto you — in the spirit of meekness; Gal. vi. 1. — if a man be overtaken in a fault — restore such an one in the sjnrit of Meekness^ Grace ; Zech. xii. 10. — I will })our upon the house of David — the sjnrit of grace. And Truth; 1 John iv. 6. — Hereby know we the spirit of truth. APPENDIX. 423 VIII. Sometimes both the superior and infe- rior FACULTIES of the miiid, or man, are joined together, and represented by the same words pro- miscuously ; As in Psal. cxliii. 3. — ^the enemy hath persecuted my soul. — 4<. therefore is my spirit overwhelmed — 6. my soul thirsteth after thee. — 7« ii^y spirit faileth. — 8. I lift up my soul unto thee. — 12. destroy all them that afflict my soul. Luke i. 46, 47. my soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath re- joiced. 1 Thess. V. 23. I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless. Heb. iv. 12. the word of God is quick — piercing- even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit : — which takes in what is termed both the sensitive and rational sou\. vid. Fierce in Heb. iv. 12. Comp. Krebesij Nov. Lex. in Voc. orwu/xa et ^vx-yj. In these several senses do the words above, and some others usually substituted for them, (such as sb Cor, n^nto prsecordia, inD jecur, dvVd renes, d'')>d viscera, xa^ J