.,A^ 4^ "O IV I ^^^ ^U^ ^%^ ^W^ ^i*^ ^iS«* ^i^ *^B* ^ie* ^&f^ <# ♦^^::gts»'*^^«»'^:|w» 'k^' THE APR ' 5 1926' ON F E S S ^oO O F F A I T TT ♦&! Compofed by the Reverend AfTembly of DIVINES, fitting at rV^Jfmwpr, ^ Together with the L A K G E R and LESSER. CATECHISM ES #3- I ^PARLIAMENT ^J Again Publiilied with the Scriptures at large , and the Eniphafis of the Prefented to both Houfes of Scriptures in a different Charader 21 To which is annexed two fheets of Church-government with the Scriptures at large, f^ ^^ The fourth Edition , cor/orm to the firft original Copy diligently compared , all efcapei cot:c6teit ia^ ard more exaft andcorreS then any that has been printed fince. Deut.6.6,7. And tbc[emrdsxthich[commindthte this day, JhiU\htinthyhttirt,(indthoufhilt uachthm^'. diliginily unto thj/ children, and jhdt talli tfthm when thiufntcfi in thj beule, and Kbtn then mtkcfi ^^ bjl ifce mji, mi when thou liiH down, and ifben thou rififi up, t^ . ^ §^ ^1 Printed at tOBioff, for the Company of Stationers, Anno i^jT. And re-printed it G/ or can be more dear unto usj then the purity of our Religion, and that for as yet many things remain in the Liturgy ,Difcipline , and Govern- ment of the Church , which do neceflarily require a fur- I ther and more perfeA Rcformation,then as yet hath been ! attained : And whereas it hath been declared and refol- Yed by the Lords and Commons aflTembled in Parlia-' ment , That the prefent Church-Government by Arch-bishops , their Chancellorsj Commiflaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Arch-deacons, and other Ecclefiaftical Officers depending upon the Hierarchy, is evil and juftly offenfive and burthenfomo to the Kingdom , a great impediment to reformation and growth of Religion , and very prejudicial to the State and Government of this Kingdom, and that therefore they are refolved chat the fame ihall be taken away, and that fuch a Government shall be fetled in the Church , as may be moft agreeable to Gods holy Word , and moft apt to procure and preferve the peace of the Church at home,and nearer agreement with the Church of Scotland, and other reformed Churches abroad, and for the better effe- cting hereof, and for the vindicating , and clearing oftheDo(!^rine of the Church o£ England, from ail falfe calumnies and afperlions , It is thoughr fit and necelTary to call an AlTembly of learned, godly, and judicious Divines,who together with fome mem- bers of both the Houfes of Par'iamem , are to confultand advife of fuch matters and! things, touching the premifes, as shall be propofed unto them by both or either of tha Houfes o^ Parliament , and to give their advife and counfel therein , to both or eithec of the faid Houfes, when and as often as they shall be thereunto required. Beit therefore ordained by the Lords and Commons in this prefent p^r/wwfwf afTem- blcd, That all and every ihg perfons hereafter in Uns prefent Ordinance named, that is to fay ; k^lrirmny Earl of Northamberlaocl. 7r;2?»>»», Earl of Bedford. Philips Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. IV^illiam, EavI ofSalisbiiry. Htnry, Earl of Holland. Edrrard, Earl of Manchefler. Williitnt, Lord Vifcount Say and Seal. Edward, Lord Vifcount Conway. Philip, Lord Wliarton. Edwtrd, Lord Howard. John Stlden, Efquire. Francis l{oUf, Elquire. JEdmund Prideaux, Efquire. Sir Hen. rane, Knight fenior. f$hn Glyn, Efquire, Recorder of London. Olivtr Sowletof Sfltton , Batchellor in Di- vinity, fJerbm Palmer of Afhwcl , Batchellor in Divinity. Henry Wilkfnfon of Waddefdon , Batchellor in Divinity. Thomas^ Valentine of Chalfont Giles, Batchel- lor in Divinity. Dr. William TwiJJe of Newburjr, Witliant /^rynar of Eghatn. Mr F/annibalGamfntnofMiagta. Mr. fafper Hicks of Lavvrick. Dr. feihHa ^/•y/e late of Dublin in Ireland-, WiUiam i^nW^ej of Yarmouth Thomas Whinctp of Ellefworth , Dodlorio Divinity. Thomas C7ca«^K;»nof London jBatcheHour in Divinity. John Ley of Budworth in Chefliirc. Themas Cafe of London 7ofc« PyKe of Bereferrers. Mr. Whidden of Mooreton. Dr. Bjchard LoVe of Ekington. Dr. lyil/iam CoMfeof BlackfriersLondon. Dx. 1{itlp}) B.rownerin^g Bisl>op of Exeter. Dr. Samuel iVard Mr. of Sidney CoUcdge. fthn JF?j/reofDorchefter, Edward Peale of Compton. Stephen Marshal of Finchingfield , Batchel- lor in Divinity. Obajiah Sedgeniil^ of Cogfhal , Batchellor in Divinity. Mr. Carter. Jutcr C/frJ^^ofCarnaby. iFiUiam Atexv of EfitDgton , Batchellor in Divinity. TyicbardCapek ofPjtchcomb. ^htopbiiiu RathuYJl of Ovcrton\VatervUe. fofcn?nwre,Efqair«. Buljirodt jVhitlucke, Efquire. Humphrey Salloway., Efquire. Mr. Serjeant Wild. Oliver Saint fohn Efq; His MajcfticJ SolIicitOf. Sir Benp I^tdyurd^ Knight. fohn Pym, Efquire. Sir fy/j« c/»fw#>-//?j, Knigtit. ** John Maynard, Efquire.. Sir Hen. Vane, Knight junior. WiUiam Pierpont, Efquire. WiUiam Wheeler y Efquire. Sir Th». Barrington, Knight. W^-e/fe of Lincoln Colledge J Batdielloria Divinity. JFawfj Arch-Bifhop of Armagh. Dr. Aiatthiat Styles of Saint George Efcheape London. Samud. SMtnuel Glbfon of Burley. Jeremiah yyhittih^r of MrettOD. Dr. Edmund SiMumon ol Kingfloa. Dr. Daniel Fe/itlcy efLambcth* Francis Coke of Yoxhall. fohn Lightfeet of AfKlcy. Edward Corbet of Merton Colledge Oxon. S*mutl f}ildershtim of Felton. y#/;« L'TM^/ej'ofWcftuderley. Cfcn^9/»fcey rji/<^tt philips of VVrentham. Humphrey Chambers of Claverton , Batchel- lor in Divinity. ftbn Cenant of Lyiniogcon i Batchellor ia Divinity. Henry Hall of Norwich # Batcbcllor in Di- vinity. Hertry Hmton. Her%ry Scuidtr ofColingborn. Thtmas Bay Lit of Manningford Brace. Setijamin Pickering of Eafthoately. ^ewry A'^e of Chapham. ^rther S^tt^fway ofSeaverneftoake. Sidrach Sympfon of London. Anthony Burgejje of SuttOQ Coldfield. ^chard Vines of Calcot. yyiUiam GntnhiU of Stepney. yyiiliam Moreton of Nevveaftle. I{ichard Buckley. Dr. Thotnas Temple of Batterfey. Simeon ^she of Saint Brides. Mr. Nlcha/fon. Thomas Gattaker of Rotherhithe > Batchellor in Divinity. James Wtldy of Sylatten. Dr. Chrijitpher Pashlty of Hawarden. Henry To%cr Batchellor in Divinity. VVlUiim SpurJI$j9 of Hampd«n in Cotn. Bucks, Franen CheyneU afOxoQ. Edmrd Ellis ofGilsfield , Batchellor in Di- vinity. Dr. ^ohn Hach^t of St. Aivlrews Holborn. Samuel de la Place, fohn de la March. At»tthevo Newcemen of Dedhattl. KFiliiam Lyjord of Sherborne in Com.' Dorfer. Mr. Carter of Dynton in Com. Bucks. y Fill tarn Lance »f Harrow in Middlefex. Thtmns Hedges of Kenfington in Com. Mid- dlefex. .Andreas Ptrne of Wilby in Com. Northam- pton. Dr. Thomas yTefffieldofSt. Bartholomew le great London, Bifhop of BriftoU. Dr. Henry Hammon of Pcnfhurft in Kent. JVichelas Projfet of Marlbotough in Com. Wilts. Peter Sterry of London, John Erie of Bifliopfton in Com. Wilts. Mr. Gibbon of Waltham. Henry P ainter ofExeKx , Batchellor in Di- vinity. Mt. Atickjetvpaite of Cherry- burton. Dr. fohn yyhimop of St. Martins in the' fields. Mr. Price of Pauls Church in Covent Garden. ^ Henry yyilkinfm junior , Batchellor in Di- vinity. Dr, I{ichard oldfxcorth Mafter of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge. Mr. yyiUitm Daning o f Coloafton. And fuch other perfon and perfons as shall be nominated and appointed by botft' Houfes of parliament , or fo many of them as shall not be letted by ficknefs or other necefTary impediment, shall meet and affemble , and are hereby required and enjoy- ned upon fummonsfignedby the Clerks of both Houfes of /'^ir/Mw^wf, left at their fevcral refpedive dwellings , to meet and aflemble themfelves at ^'efimhjler in the Ghappel called King Hf«ry the feventhsChappel, on thefirft day of y///;- in the year of our Lord one thoufand fix l^undred forty three : And after tliefirft meeting, be- ing at leaft of the number of forty , shall from time to time fit and be removed from place to place , aijd alfothat the faid AfTembly shall be difiblved in fuch manner as by both Houfes oi ParluTy..m shall be diredied ; And the faid perfons, orfonany of th^m as shall be fo Aflembled , or fit) shall have power and authority, and arc hereby * 3 likewij^ Ilkiwlfe enjoyned , from time to time during this prcfent parlUmenty or nntill fur- ther Order be taken by boththe'faid Houfcs, to confer and treat among themfelves of fuch matters and things , touching and concerning the Liturgy , difciplinc and Go- vernment of the Church oiBngUnd , or the vindicating and clearing of the Dodrine of the fame from allfalfe afperiionsand mis-conftru^ions , as shall be propofedunto them by both or either of ihsfaid Houfes of >4?'/i.KW(r«/ , and no other, tnd deliver their Opinions and Ad vifes of, or touching the matters aforefaid , as shall be moft a- greeablc to the Word of God , to both or cither of the Houfes , from time to time , in {uch manner and fort, as by both or either of the faid Houfes o^ parliament shall be re- quired, and the fame not to divulge by printing, writing, orotherwife, without the confent of both or either Houle or parliament. And it be further Ordained by the authority aforefaid,that ^illUti Tmfs Dodor in Divinity shal fit in the Chair as Pro- locutor of the faid Aflcmbly, and if he happen to dye, or be letted by ficknefs or other necedary impediment , then fuch other pcrfon to be appointed in his place as shall be agreed on by both the faid Houfes of p4r/wwf«f ; And in cafe any difference in opi- nion shall happen amongft the faid perfonsfoaflTcmbled, touching any the matters that shall be propofed to them as aforefaid , that then they shall reprefent the fame to- gether with the reafons thereof to both , or either the faid Houfes refpeclively, to the end fuch further dire(ftion may be given therein as shall be requifite to that behalf. And be it be further Ordained by the authority aforefaid : That for the Charges and Expences of the faid Divines, and every of them in attending the faid fervice , there shall be allowed every of them that shall fo attend , during the time of their faid at- tendance, and for ten dayes before and ten dayes after the fumme of four Shillings for every day , at the charges of the Common-wealth , at fuch time and in fuch manner as by both Houfes oi- Parliament shall be appointed. And be it further ordained. That all and every the faid Divines , fo as aforefaid required and enjoyned to meet and allemble, shall be freed and acquitted of and from every offence, forfeiture , penalty, lofs or damage whicli shall or may arife , or grow , by reafon of any non-refidence or abfence of them, or any of them, from his or their, or any of their Cliurch , Churches or Cures, for, or in refpe,<5t of their faid attendance upon the faid Service , any Law or Statute of Non-refidence, or other Law ofStatuteenjoyning their attendance upon their refpedive Miniftries or Charges to the contrary thereof notwithftanding ,- And if any of the perfons before named shall happen to dye before the faid Affembly shall be diflfolved by order of both Houfes of Parliament , then fuch other perfon or perfons shall be nominated and placed in the room and ftead of fuch perfon an(^ perfons fo dying , as by both the faid Houfes shall be thought fit and agreed upon ; And every -fuch pcrfon or perfons fo to be named shall have the like po\yer and authority , free- dom , and acquital to all intents and purpofes , and alfo all fuch wages and allowances ^ for the faid fervice , during the time of his or their attendance , as to any other of the faid peifons in this Ordinance is by this Ordinance limited and oppointed. Provided afway cs that this Of dinance or any thing tbergin contained , shall not give unto the perfons perfons aforcfaic!, or any of them, nor .^hall they in th\s aflembly afTutpe to eXercife any jurifditftion, power, orauthorlty Ecckfiaftical whatfoever , or any other power , then is herein particularly exprefled. ^SH^ny «/ the per fins , K^ho were called to Attend tite /[ftmlly aff eared not ;. V^' hereupon the V^hole svorkj^j on tte hards of the perjcns hereafter n. en^ tioned^ The Promifc and Vow taken by every Member admitted to fit in the AlTembly. I A, B. Bo ferioufly fromife and vonf in the prefence of Almighty Ccd , That in ikit Ajfi mhly , Mereof I am a Aden. btfy iTiill maintatn mthtng ii pmt c/ Dr^ JohnMaitland. Alexander Henderfoa. George Gillefpie. Samuel Rutherford. Robert Bay lie. Henry Robrough > Adoniram Byfield ( Scrlb^^ JohaVVallis. ■* T O THE CHRISTIAN R^EADER: Sfpeciall; heads of f AUlLl£S. S we cannoc but with grief of Soul lament; thofe multitudes of crrours , Klafphemiesj and all kinds of prophanenefs, which havci in this laft Age like a Mighty Deluge over- flown this Nation , fo among feveral other fins which have helped to open the Flood- gates of all thefe impieties , we cannot but efteem the difufe of family- inftrudion one I of the greateft. The two great Pillars upon which the kingdom of Satan is ereded, and by which it is upheld, are ignorance and er- rour; The firft ftep of our manumiffion from this fpiritual thraldom e confifts in having our eyes opened, and being turned from darkncfto light 5 Acis 26, iS. How much the ferious endeavours of Godly Parents and Matters might contribute to an early feafoning the tender years , of fuch as are under their infpedion is abundantly evident, not only from their Tpecial in- fluence upon them , in ref pe^l of their Authority over them, interefl: in them, continual prefence with them, and frequent opportunities of be- ing helpful to them, but alfo from the fad effects which by woful expe- rience we find to be the fruit of the omiffion of this duty. 'T were eafie ! to fet before you a cloud of Witmffes the language of whofe pradlife hath . been not onely an eminent commendation of this duty, but alfo a ferious exhortation to it. As Akl though dead) jQtfpeaks by his example to us for ^^j, j.^^ ; imitation of his faith, d^r. Sodotheexamplesof^fc-r^^rfW, of Jo/7^«rt^,of ' the Parents of So/c;;w« , ofthe grand-mother and Mother of T/wo//;v, the AIoth any better then an impertinency in this noon-day oFthe Gofpel, either toinformorperfwadeinadutyfo ex- exprelly commanded, fo frequently urged, fo highly encouraged, and fo eminently owned by the Lord in all ages with his blefling , but that our fad experience tells us this duty is not more needful then 't is of late ne- gleded. For the reftoring of this duty to its due obfervance give us leave to fuggeft this double advice. Tive firftconcerns Heads of Families in refped of themfelves, That as the Lord hath fet them in place above the reft of their family, they would labour in all wifdom and fpiritual Underftanding to be above them alfo. 'Tis an uncomely fight to behold men in years Babes in knowledge , and how unmeet are they to inftrud: others , who need H;b. 5.12, themfelves to be taught , which be the fir(i principles of the Oracles of God ? Knowledge is an accomplishment fo defirable that the Devils them- felves knew not a more taking bait by which to tempt our firft Parents, then by the fruit of the Tree ofKmVpledge : fo shall yen be ^^ Gods , ki:o'^>inrig xKing.j.59. gooi'i and evil. When Solomon had that favour shewedhim oftheLord, that he was made his own chufer what to ask , he knew no greater mer- cy to beg then nifdom. The underftanding is the guide and Tilot of the whole man , that faculty which fits at the ftern of the Soul : but as the moii expert guide may miftake in the dark ^ fo may the Underftanding when it wants the light of knowledge ,• without KmrvUdge the win.ic^r.r ProY. 19. 2. ^0: begooii nor the life good, nor the eternal condition fafe, J[dy people are Epfaef. 4. i8. dtfiroyed for lack, cf k^oTplcdge. 'Tis ordinary in Scripture to fet propha- ^■'^'^* nefs and all kind of mifcarriages upon the fcore of ignorance. Difeafesin the body have many times their rife from diftempers in the head, and exorbitances in pradtife from erroursin Judgementjand indeed in every iln there i.s fomething both of ignorance and errour at the bottome , for did finners truly know what they do in finning , we might fay-of every lin what the Apoftle fpeaks concerning that great fin, had thej kinWn himt they woald not have crucified the Lord of glory y did they truly know that eve- ry fin is a provoking the Lird tojealetifie , a proclaiming war againft hea- ven, A crnciffmg the Lordjefus afresb, a treafmmg tip Vi^raih ti.uo tber/ifehei again fithe Daj cfVoratb, and that if ever they be pardoned , it muft be at no lower a rate then the price of his blood, it were fcarce poffible but fin inftead of alluring, should affright, and inftead of tempting, fcarce. 'T is one of the Arch-devices and principal methods of Sataa to deceive men into Tie Ipifile to the Reader^, irrto {in • thus he prevailed againft our firft Parent ?, flbt as ^ Lyon, but as a Serpent, ading his enmity under a pretence of friendship, and tempt- ing them to evil under an appearance of good, and thus hath he all along carried on his defigns of darknefs by transforming himfelf into an Angel of light, making poor deceived men in love with their mireiies,cindhug their own dellrudion. A moft foveraign antidote againfl all kind of er- roursjis to be grounded and fetlediiuhe faith : perfons unfixed in ihs true Religion are very receptive of a falfe , and they who are nothing in fpiritual knowledge are eafily made any thing. Clotufs intlout r\yarer are driven too and fro With ever} xvind, and Ships without bnllaft lyablc to the violence of every tempeft. But yet the knowledge wc efpecially com- mend is not a brain-knowledge J a mcer fpeciilation , this may be in ths worft of Men, nay in the worft of Creatures, the Devils themfeivcs , and that in fuch an eminency, as the beft of Saints cannot: artnin to, in this life of imperfedion ; but an inward, a fayory , an heart knowledge , fuch as was in that Martjr , who though she would notdifpute for Chrift, could dye for him. I'his is that fpiritual fenfe and feeling of divine truths the Apoftle fpeaks of HeL 5. 1 4. Having your fenfes exercifed, &c. But alace , we may fay of moft Mens Religion , what learned Rivet fpeaks concerning theerrours of the F.? f/;^n , ikzyn^ere tiot fo imicb (heir jiiygf q^I;^ own Errours , as the Errours of the limes vc>le/em thej lived. Thus do mod 5^^,-/ men take up their Religion upon no better an account then T^Ki and Papifis take up theirs, becaufe 'tis the Religion ofthetimssand places wherein they live , and what they take up thus llightly , they lay down as eafily. Whereas an inward tafte and relish of the things of God is an ex- cellent prefervative to keep us fetled in the moft unfetled times. Corrupt and unfavory Principles have great advantage upon us, above thofe that are fpiritual and found , the former being futable to corrupt nature , the latter contrary,the former fpringing up of themfeivcs, the latter brought forth not without a painful induftr}% The ground needs no other Mid- wifery in bringing forth weeds then onely the neglsclofdiehusband- mands hand to pluck them up^ the Ayr needs no ot^er caufe of dark- nefs, then the abfenceofthe Sun, nor Water ofqcldnefsj then its diftancs from the Fire, becaufe thefe are the genuine products of Nature, Were it fo well with the Soul (as forae of the Phiiofophers have viinly imagi- ned) to come into the world as an Ab raft Tabula) a meer blank or piece of white paper>on which neither any thing written nor any bloLS,it would then be equally receptive of good and evil , and no more averfe to the one then to the Qther j but how much worfe its condition indeed is, were A z Scripture The Iptflleto the "Reader. Scripture fileiit, every mans experience does evidently manlfeft. por who is there that knows any thing of his own heart , and knows not thus much, that the Suggeftions of Satan have fo eafie and free admittance into our hearts, that our utmoft watchfulness is too little to guard us from them, whereas the motions of Gods Spirit are lo unacceptable to us , that our utmoft diligence is too little to get our hearts open to entertain them. . Let therefore the excellency, neceflity, difficulty of true wifdome, ftir up endeavours in you , fomewhat proportionable to fuch an accomplish- ProvoT. 7. nient, above all getting^ get under (imdmg, andfearchfor mfdom as for hid-^ Prov, z. den treafures ; it much concerns you in refpe(5t of your felves. Our fecond Advice concerns heads of Families, in refped of their Fa- milies; whatever hath been faid akeady though it concerns every pri- vate Chriftian that hath a 5oul to look after, yet upon a double account it concerns Parents and Matters, as having themfelves and others to look after. Some there are who becaufe of their ignorance cannot , others be- caufe of their fluggishnefs will not mind this duty. To the former we propound the method o^^oshu^yV^ho firft began with himfelf, and then is careful of his Family; To the latter we shall onely hint, what a dreaci-. full meeting thofe parents and Maftersmuft have at that great day with their Children and Servants , when all that were under their infpedion, shall Jiot onely accufe them , but charge their eternal mifcarrying upon their fcore. Never did any age of the Church enjoy fuch choice helps as iliis of ours. Every age of the Golpel hath had its Creeds , Confefsionsy Ca - teclnfmsy and fuch Breviaries and Models of Divinity as have been fin- g ularly ufeful. Such forms of found words ( however in thefe day es de- er yd) have been of ufe in the Church ever fince God himfelf wrote the iDecalogue as afummary of thingsxobe done, and Chrift taught us that prayer of his , as a directory what to ask. Concerning the ufefulnefs of fuch compendiary Syftems,fo much hath been faid already by a learned JDoQot J^i vine of" this age , as is fufficient to fatisfie all who are not refolved to Tuciitiey in his ye'*tiain unfatisficd. SertnoDjon Concerning the particular excellency of thefe enfuing Treatifss , we Judge it unneedful to mention thofe eminent teftimonies which have been given them from perfons of known worth in refpe<5t of their judge- ments. Learning, and Integrity ,both at home and abroad^becaufe them- felves (peak fo much their own praife; gold ftands not in need of varnish, sior Diamonds of painting : give us leave onely to tell you that we can- not but account it an emitxent mercy to enjoy fuch helps as thefe are ; |T £s ordinary in shefe dayes for Men to fpeak evil of things they l and at other occafions, bat alfo it is incumbent to the head of every Family, to have a care that both themfelves and all witbia their charge be daily diligent herein. II. The ordinary dutyes comprehended under the exercife of Piety , v;hich should be in Families when tiaey are convened to that efted, arc thcfe : Firft , prayer ard prai- fes performed » with a fpecial reference as well to tbepublick condition of the Kirk of God and this Kingdom , as to theprefentcarcoftheFamily, and every member there- of. Next, Reading of Scriptures with Catechizing in a plain way , that the undeiftan- diugs ofthefimpier may be the better enabled to profit under the pnblick Ordinances, and they made more capable to underftand the Scriptures when they are read ; toge- ther with godly conferences, tending to thfj edification of all the members in the mofl: holy Faith ; as alfo, admonition and rebuke upon juft reafons from tliofe wiio have au- thority in the Family. ' ■- III. As the Charge and office of interpreting the lioly Scriptures is a narr of the Mi> r.i{lerial calling, which none (howfocvcr othcrwife qualified) faould take upon him in any place, but he that is daily called thereunto by God and his Kirk. So in every Fiiini- }y where there is any that can read, the lioly Scriptures fliould be read ordinarily to ma Family , and it is commendable that thereafter they confer , and by way of confereact; make^ibme good ufe of what hath been read and heard, As for example, if any fin be re- proved in the v;ordrcad,ufemay be made thereof, to raakcall the Family ciicumfpcdfc and watchful againil: the fame; or if any judgement be thrcarncd or mentioned to have been inflicted in that portion of Scripture which is readjufe may be made to make all the Family fear, left the fame or a worfc judgement befall tiiem, uniefs they bev/atc ' of the fin that procured it. And finally if any duty be required, or comfort held forth in a-promifc, ufe may be made to ftir up themfelves to employ Chrift forflrengthto en able them for doing the commanded duty, and to apply the otTcred com.fcrt -, In ail which the Mailer of tlie Family is to have the chief hand, and any member of the F.i- 'ittiily may propone a queftion or doubt for rcfolurion. IV. The head of the Family is to take care that none cf the Family withdraivhi;n- fclf from any partdf Family-wotfhip. And feeing the ordinary performance of all the parts of family-worfliip beJongeth properly to the head of the family, the Minifler is to. ^irupfuch as are lazy, and train up foch as are weak to a fitnefsfor thefe exercifes i It being alwayes free to perfonsof quality to entertain one approved by the Presbytery for performing family Exercife : And in other families where thehead of the family is on6];, that anothe* conftantly rtHdir.g in the family, approved by the Miniflevaod Seflioflj (») Seflion, may be employed la that fervice , wherein the Minifter and Seflion are to be countable to the Presbytery. And if a Minifter by Divine providence be brought to any family > it is reqaifite that at no time he convene a part of the family for worfliip j fe- cladin'gthe reft; except in fiogular cafes fpecially concerning thefe parties which (.in Chriftian prudence) need not or ought not to be imparted to others. V. Let no idler who hath no particular calling , oryagrant perfon under pretence of a calling, be fuffered to perform Worfliip in families to or for t+ie fame ; feeing perfons tainted with errors,or aiming at divifion, may be ready (.after the manner') to creep in- to houfes, and lead captive filly and unftable fouls. V I. At family-worftitp a fpecial care is to be had> that each family keep by them- felves ; neither requiring, inviting, nor admitting perfons from divers families, anlefs ir be thofe who are lodged with them,or at meal, or otherwife with them upon fome law- foil occafion. VII. Whatfoever hath been the effecfls and fruits of meetings of perfons of divers fa- milies in the times of corruption or trouble (in which cafes many things are commen- dable, which otherwife are not tolerable,) yet when God hath bleffed us with Peace 5c the puritv of the Gofpelj, foch meetings ofperfoas of divers families (except in the cafes mentioned in thefe dire(5tions) are to be difapproved, as tending to the hinderance of the religious exercife of each family by it felf j to the prejudice of the Publick Mini- ftry, tothe reatingofthe families of particular Congregations,and (in progrefs of time) of the whole Kirk : befides many offences which may come thereby to the hardning of the hearts ofcarnal men. and grief of the godly. VIII. Oq the Lords day , after every one of the family apart , and the whole family together have fought the Lord (in whofe hands the preparation of mens hearts are) to fit them for the publick worfliip, and to blefs to them the publick Ordinances, the Ma- iler of the family ought to take care that all within iiis charge repair to the publick Worfliip, that he and they may joyn with the reft of the Congregation -, And , ihepu- blick worfliip being finiflied , after prayer he fliould take an account what they have heard i and thereafter to fpend the reft of the time which they may fpare in Catechi- zing , and in fpiritual conferences upon the Word of God : Or elfe (going apart) they ought to apply themfelves to reading, meditation, and fectet prayer,th3t they may con- firm and encieafe their communion with God ; that fo the profit which they found in the publick Ordinances may be chetiflied and promoved , and they more edified unto eternal life. I X. So many as can conceive Prayer, ought to make ufe ofthat gift of God j albeit thofe who are rude and weaker may begin at a fet form of prayer ; but fo , as they be not fluggiflri in ftirring up in themfelves (according to their dayly neceflities) the Spirit of Prayer , which is given to all the children of God in fome meafure , To which effed they ought to be the more fervent, frequent in fecret Prayer to God for enabling of their hearts to conceive , and their tongues to exprefs convenient defires to God for their fa- mily, and in the mean time, for their greater encouragement, let thefe materials of pray- er be mediated upon, and made ufe of, as followeth . Let them confefs to God how un- worthy they are to come in his prefence , and how unfit to worfliip his Majefty ^ and therefore earncftly ask of God the Spirit of prayer. They ate to confefs their fins , and the fins of the family , accnfing , judging , and con- ■ demning themfelves for them, till they bring their fouls to fome meafure of true ■ humiliation. 'jhey are to pour out their fouls to God, in the Name ofChrift, bythe Spirit, forfor- givenefs of fins, for grace to repenti to believe^, and to live fobcrly , righteoufly , and godly I and that they may ferve God with joy and delight, walking before him. Thjy are to give thanks to God for his many mercies to his people, and to themfelves, and efpccially for his love in Chrift,and for the light of the Gofpel. , Tliev ^3) They are to pray for fach particolar benefits , Spiritaal and Temporal, as tiicy ftaod ia need of for the time (w hether it be Morning or Evening) as health or ficknefs^prc- fperity or adversity. They ought to pray for the Kirk of Chrift in general , for all the reformed Kirks 3 and • for this Kirk in particular , and for all that fuffer for the Name of Chrift , for all oat Superiors, and their Children, for the Magiftrates , Minifters * and whole body of the Congregation whereof they are Members, as well for their Neighbours abfeot in their lawful affairs, as for thofc that are at home. The Prayer may be clofed with an earneft defire , that God may be glorified in the co- ming of the Kingdom of his Son , and in the doing of his Wil! ; and with alTurance that therofelves are accepted, and what they have asked according to his Will fli all be dooe. X. Thefe exercifes pnght to be performed in great fincerity , withoot delay , laying afide all exercifes of worldly bufinefs or hinderances , notwithftanding the rapckings of Atheifts, and prophane men ; in refpedt of the great mercies of God to this Land, and of liisfevere Corre Tvherein prophanefle abounds, and Mockers walking after their own lufts, think it firange that others run not with them tothe fame excefs of riot. Every Member of this Kirk ought to ftir up tbemfelves , and one another to the duties of mutual Edification* by Infttu6tion j Admonition > Rebuke, exhorting one another to manifefl the grace of God> in denying ungodlincfs and worldly lufts, and in living godlily, foberly,and righ- Ceouily in this prefent world, by comforting the feeble-minded , and prayiegwithor for one another ; Which duties refpeflively are to be performed upon fpecial occafions offered by Divine Providence ; as namely > when under any calamity , gioffe or great difficulty i connfel or comfort is fought , or when an Offender is to be recTsiijied by pri- vate Admonition , and if that be not effe^aal > by joyning one or two more^ the Ad- monition > according to the rule of Chrift > th&t ia the month of tw'O or three Witneffes every word may be eftablifhed. XIII. And becaufe it is not given to eTei7 one to fpeak a word in feafon to a wearied or diftreffed confcience, it is expedient, that a perfon (in that cafe) finding no eafe after the ufe of ordinary means private and publick > have their addrefTe to their own Paftor, or fome experienced Chrifiian : but if the perfon troubled in Confcience be of that coa< dition, or of that fex , that Difcretion , Modefty, or fear of fcandal , reqnireth a godly, graves and fecret Friend to be prefent with them in their faid addrefs 3 it is expedient that fach a Friend be prefent. XIV. When Perfons of divers Families are brought together by DivlBeTrovi- dence » being abroad upon their particular Vocations > or any neceffary occafions , as they would have their Lord their God with them whitherfoever they go , they ought to walk with God > and not negleel the duties of Prayer and Thankfgiving , but take care that the fame be performed by fuch as the Company fhall judge fitteft 5 and that they likewife take heed that no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouth, bat that which is good to the ufe of edifying > that it may minifter grace to the Hearers. » The <4) The ^rift«n5 Tcope of all theie direftions, is no otliet but that opon t1i2 one part , the power SLadpti&Kc of godlincfs among all the Miaifters and Members of this Kirk , ac- cording to their feveral places and vocations , may be cherilhed and advanced , and all impiety and mocking of religious Exercifesfapprefled; And upon the other part > that ondcr the name and pretext of Religious Exercifes no inch Meetings or Pra(5lifes be al- low ed ) as are apt to oreed Error « Scandal , SchlTm » contempt or mis-regard of the po- fellck ordinances and Mioifters , or negleft of the duties of particular callings , or fuch etber evils as are the works cot of the Spirit, bat of the Hcih, aod are eontiaiy to trath «od peace. CHRISTIAN READER. Carniot fuppofetJ^ee to le?vch?i (blanker \r\ Er\^\&t\A,astolcigf-omf't o/fAcgcnenil complaint corccrtiing't/x di cay oi the {xiwcr ol goclli- nel's , i>r}d ucrc cfpctaHy of hegteat corrvyiionotyouxhi ye'-e-HS ever thou frceji thou "^lU hear men crying o.vro/bad Children, and bad Servanis, %V^f rr^^ indeed thecoma: of the m'tfdmfmipicfught a little higher, 't is bad Parents and bad M3ltcrs,«/>u 7rjal:€ bid Chil- dren and bad Servants, and ^Ve cannot blame jo muihihe'iiLitO' VVardncfs <«• our own negligence tn their education. 7he Devil haih a great fpightat theKjngdom ofChrifl > anclhe kno'^-eth nofttch ccmpendioM tvay to cmfli it in the Egg , as by the perverfion oft youh , and fuplan- ting Fannily-duties ; heiiukethatalldutiet, thoje frhich are ^uhlkkimhefijjem' blies of the Saints, but the fc are too 'ivell guarded by the io\emnQin]\in^ions and dy^ ing charge c/Jf/ki ChriJf,afthJt he f mid ever hope totally tofvbtert and tmd ermine them', but atVzmily-duiks he firiketh'9fithi/}e mote fucceCs , bcaufi the in^mition K not fotolemne, andtke^r^t^ifenotjbknoi^yafidconfckmioully regarded of it should be i and the omifllon t's not Jo liable to notice and piiblick cenlbre : Religion tpas firft hatched in Families , and there the VeVtlfeekethto cwsh it i the Families of the Patriarchs ffere aU tfce Churches God had in the World for the time , and thcreforB ilfuppofe) "^hen Czm^entotitfrom Adams family, he is [aid to go outfrom the face of the Lord , Genef.^. i6. Ns'ft* theDevilkno'^eththatthiiiiah\ovJnii\\t loot , and a ready "^ay to prevent the fucceflion of Churches j ifh can fubvert Fa- milies, other focieties and communities tviH not long flourish and fubftjl'^tb any fo'^er and ^igottr i for there is the rtock^^w "Whence they are fupplied both for the prelent anithe future* for the pre fern a Family ts xhe Seminary 0/ Church ard State , And if Children be net well principled , there all mifcarrieth ; a faidt in tbi firft concodtion is not mended in thefecond , if youth be brei iU in the Family, they frave iU in Church «« there it their frftmsAdug or m:xrnn'y >wr«IA(fts2l.5. that the Difciples brought^zxxX onhis'feay with their Wives and Children, thire Children probably are mentioned to intitnate that their Parerits '^ould by their otvn example and affedlionate farewell to Paul breed them tip i,i a ffay 0/ reverence, and refpeB to the Pajlors of the CLurcb. For the future, *t is comfortable certainly to fee a thri ving nurfery of young pi nr.ts, and to ha'Ve hope: that God shall h.ilpe a people to fefYe him "^hen "^c an dead and gonti the people of God comforted themfelves in that, Pfalm 102. 28. the Children of thy fervants shaJl continue, ^c. imprefsion,in the knowledge aw^fear of God ; and bttimesto trtftUl the pr our moft holy Faitfaj <«i/jff><»re(i;'a»« »>;?(? a short fumme in Catccnifmes, and foah$fethirhyed in tbem'^ftfconjiifnce', furely f/;pfe feeds oixnKhpIaiiSrdvith: B 2 field To the J{e4d6T» field Ox^memory , tfthey worhjiothlng e'fe , 'ft>iff at leafl he a gteAt ch:ck an i bridle to thamt ani^thecajli'i^i'iofcold water dotbfiaythcboyltngof the poty fome'^hat allay the fervours ofyO'thf'lLfts and pizfsioth: ' • >' - i had upon entreaty refo'Mdtoiccommen.Up thee 'ickh the greateft earnejlnejje the work of catechifing, and as a meet help , the ufefulnersof this Book as thus Printed '9fi-h the Scriptures at large . bu^ meeting "^Ith a private Letter of a l^ery learned and. godly DiVme , "therein that '9fiork /f excellently done to my hands , I shall make bold ta tranfcribe apart of it, and offer it to publickyie'^. The jiuthottr hming he'^ailedthe great^x^tsidiions , corruptions , and divifions thai are\in the Church , he thus reprefenti f^cCaufe and Cure. Among others, a principal caufeofthefemifchiefs , is the great and common negledl of the Gover- noars of Families in the difcharge of tnat duty which th'ey owe to God for the fouls that are under their charge, efpecialty in teathin^ them the Dodtrine ol Chri- ftianity. Families are Societies that muft be fandHfied lo God as well as Churches .: And the Governours of them have as truely a charge of the fouls that are therein, as. Paftorshaveofthe Churches. Butalace, how little is this'confidered or regarded. But while negligent Minifters are (defervedly) caft out of their places , the negli- gent Mafters of Families take theipfelves to be. almoft blamelefle. They offer their Children to God in Baptifme, and there they promife to teach them the Do- d:rine of the Gofpel , and bring them up in the nurture of the Lord; but they eafily promife , and eafily break it j and educate their Children for the World and the nelh y and they have renounced thefe, and dedicated them to God. This Co- venant-breaking with God , and betraying the Souls of their children to the De- TiU, muft lie heavy on them here or hereafter. They beget Children, and keep Fa- milies, meerly for the World andtheflefh ; but little conlider what a charge is committed to them , and what it is to bring up a Child rorGod , and govern a Fa- mily as a fanChfiedfociety. , O how fweetly and fucceffively would the work of God go on i if we would but; all joyn together in our fevcral places to promote it. Men need not then run without lending to be Preachers : burthey might find that part of the work that belongeth to th^m to be enough for therrf, and to be the beft that theycanbeimployedin. J&fpeciaUy ^omen should be careful of this duty* becaufe as they are moftabotRdaeir Children, and have, early and frequent op-, po tunities to inftruct them>io thi^isthe principal fervice fhey can do to God in this World ; being reftrainedfrom more publick M'Ork. ^ And doubtlefs many an excellent Magiftrate hath been fent into the Common-w^ealth > and many an ex- eelicm Paftor into the Church > and many a precious Saint to Heaven , tlyough phe happy preparations of a holy Education, perhaps by a Woman that thought her fell uCeleiTe and unfervictable to the Church' Would Parents but begin be- times, and labour to afte(5t the hearts of their Children with the g;reat matters of everlaftinglife, and to acquaint them with the fubftance of the Doctrine of Chrift, and M^'hen they find in them the knowledge and love of Chrift, w^ould bi ing them then to the Paftors of the Church to be tried , confirmed and admitted to the fur- ther Priviledges of the Church , what happy well-ordered Churches might we have ? Then one Paftor need not be put to do the work of tvA'O or three hundred or thoufand Governours of Families i even to teach their Children thofe Pi inci- ples which they should have taught them long before : Nor should vjt be put to preach to io many miferable ignorant Souls , that be not prepared by education to under nnderftand«S'.:;-.Nor should we haye need to shut out-fomany from Holy. Cont- miinion upon t-he account of ignorance^ that yet have not the grace to teel it> and bmenc it , nor the wit and patience to ^\^'^it in a learning ilatc , till they are ready to be telio\v-'Citizcns with the Saints , and of the Houshoild of God. But now they come to us with aged felf-conccitednc(fe, being paft Childicn, and yet worle then Children ftill J having the ignoranc<: of Children , but being over-grown the teachablenefle of Children; and think themfelves wife, yea wife enough to quarrel with the wifefl: of their Teachers , becaufe they have lived long cnoi gh to have been wife> and the evidence of their knowledge is their aged ignorance : And they are readieVto fW in our faces for Church-Privikdges , then to learn of us , and obey our Inftruaions till they arc prepared for them,that they may do them good j like fnappish Curres t hat will Inap us by the fingers for their meat,, and fnatch it out of our hands , and not like Children, that ftay till we give it them. Parents have fo ufed them to be umuty , that Minifters have to deal but with too few but the unruly. And it is for want of this laying the foundation well at firft , that Profelibrs themfelves are fo ignorant as moft are, and that fo many , efpecially of the younger fort , do fwallow doM'n almoft any errour that is offered them* and follow any Sedt of Dividers that will entice them, fo it be but done with earneftneife and plaufibility. For alacel though by the grace of God > their hearts may be changed in an hour > ( when ever they underltand but the efifentials of the Faith , ) yet their underftandings muft have time and dili- gence to furnish them with fuch knowledge ? as mult ftablish them , and fortl- tie them againft deceits. Upon thefe and many the like conliderations, v/e should, entreat all Chriftian Families , totakemorepainsin this neceflary work y and to. get better acquainted with the fubftanceof Chiiftianity. Andtothat end (ta- king along fome moving Treatifes to awake the heart , ) I kno\\' not what work should be fitter for their ufe , then that compiled by the Aflembly at Wejiminjier. A Synod of as Godly > judicious Divines ( notwithflanding all the bitter words which they have received from difcontented and felf-conceited men , ) I verily think , as ever England faw. Though tliey had the unhappinefle to be employ- ed in calamitous times , when the voife of wars did flop mens ears , and the licen' tieufnefs of wars , did fet every wanton tongue and pen at liberty to reproach them , and the profecution and event of thofe wars , did exafperate partial difcon- . tented men, to dishonour themfelves by feeking to dishonour them: I dare fay, if in the dayes of old , when Councils were in power and account , they had had but fuch a Council of Bishops, as this o^ Presbyters was, the fame of it for learning • andholinefs, and all Minifterial abilities, would w'nh very great honour have been , tranfmitted topofterity. If I do therefore defire that all Mafters of Families would firft ftudy well this work themfelves ; and then teach it their Children and Servants , according to their feveral capacities. And if they once underftand thefe grounds of Religion, they will be able to read other books more underltandinglu., and hear Sermons irore profitably , and confer more judicioufly, and hold faft theDod:rineof Ghrift more firmly , then ever you are like to do > by any other courfe. Firft , let them read and learn the Shorter Catechifme , and next the Larger , and laftly, read the Confeflion of Faith. B 5 Thus To the J^dderl 5rhlB fath* ; \rbofename I shall conceal ( though the excellency of ihetnatte,r» and preifing ftile M'ill eafily difcover him ) becaufe I have published it with- out nis privity and confent , though I hope, not againfthis liking and appro- liadon. Ish^addnomore»butthatIam In the Lords '^ork. THt>, MAKTOK, (^) TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS And Commons Aflfembled inPARLlAMENTj The huinhlt Advice of the Ajfemhly of Divwes noV? , bj Authmtj ef Parliament, y/f.'w^4^Weftminfter. Concerning a Confeflion of Faith. C H A P. r. O/ the holy Scripture. ^^; Lthough tlie Lightof Nature J and thev/orks oFCreatioii ''%^ and providence do fo far raanifeft the goodnefs , wifdome, ' ■£ and power of God , as to leave men unexcufable (a) • yet '\^) ^<""- ^i*, ^^ are they not fufficient to give that knowledge of God and l^i^en'th^GtZ- of his P^ill , which is necelFary unto falvation (h). There- ti/es which hava fore it plealed the Lord , at fundry times , andindivers««'''^^''^3 «'" mannersjto reveal himfelfjSc to declare that his Will unro his Church ic) ^ %"^lZlaimd and afterwards for the better preferving and propagating of the Truth, in the xaw , and for the more fure eftablishment and comfort of the Church againft ''^^A having r.os the corruption of the flesh, and the malice ofSatan and of the world, to't^ ^'^^"^ ''/'"' felvesy V.I 5 . which Ihew the work of the Zatv written in their heartt, their confcience alfo bea-.in^ Ttntncfiy and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or elfe excujtng one anott)e7r,Kom.l.J9,20. \.r^. Becaofethac which *»ay be knorvn ofGod, ii manifefi in them^ for God hath shewed it unto them. verf. 20. For the in- vifible things of him , from tlic Creation of the World are clearly fien , being anderftood by the things tliat are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, rofWf/jgj)'<7?-ejm/7w<« eArat/e, Pfalm 19 1:2.^. v.r. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth Iiis handy wsrk . v. z. Day unto day ut- terethy^eec/jj and night unto night flieweth kporvledge^ v. 5. There 1% no'Jpeech nor language^ where their "Voice is not heard. Rom. I. %t. Who knoming the jadgment of Godj that they which commit fucb things are -morthy of death, not only da the fame , but have fleafure in them that do them. Rom. 1. 1. tlierefore «hoa art i«CA-c»y2t^/tf,0 man whofoever thou art that jndge{l,for wherein thou judgeft anotherjthou coc- demncftthyfelfjforthoa thatjudgeftdoeft thefamethings. {b) iCcjm.zt. for after that in the vvif- dom of God the world by mfdom fystp not Gody It pleafed God by the foolifhnefs of preaching to fave jlhemthatbelieve>i Cor.i.i;.i4. v.x%. which thmgs alfo we fpeak not in the wordswlucb w««jtp;/I domttacheth, Burwhich the Holy Ghoflrteacherib comparing fpiritaal things with fpiritaal. V. i^ But IthenatHraltnan receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God , for they ziefoolishnfifsHnto him , neither can he knowthem, becaafe they ^x^ fpiritually difcerned. (r) Heb.i. i. God who at futidty ttmss , aadia ^ttdrjf timVf aad la divm mttnm Iptk? ia times paft oato t he jpathers by the Prophets . commit id)iVto^.ti: commit the fame wholly unto writing (d): which maketh the holy i9'*«j"-vi9- Scripture to be moftneceflary (^)j thofe former way es of Gods reveal- ml\ be inThe inghiswill unto his people, being now ceafed (/;. tttade htown to thee this day, even to thee. v. zo. have not I wyitten to thee excellent things in counfels and knowledge : v. 21. that I might make thee krtBn> the certainty of the words of truth, that thou migh- teft anfwec the words of truth to them that fend to thee ? Luke r. 3,4. v. 3. It feemed good to me alfo having had perfedl nnderftaading of all things from the very firftjto write unto thee in order mofl; excel- lent Theophiluf. v. 4. that thoa mighteft l\now the certainty of thofe things , wherein then haft been in- ftrofted. Rom. "15. 4. for whatfoever things were written aforetime , were written for our learning, that wethro'oghpa'tienceand comfort of the Scriptures, might have hope. M3tth.4.4j75T0. v. 4. Bnthean- fvvered and faid, it is written , man fnall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. v.7. Jefus faid unto hitn, it is written again , thou flialt not tempt the Lord thy God, V. 10. then faith Jefus unto him, get thee hence Satan , for it is ivritten , thou flialt worfhip the Lord thy God, and him only fhalt thou ferve. Ifai. 8. igjjo. v. 19. And when they {hall fay unto yoa feek unto them that have familiar fpirits , and unto wizards that peep , and that mutter , ihould rot a people feek unto theit God^ for the living to the dead ? v. 26. to the Law, and to the Teftimony, If they fpeaknotaccofding tot/jwTPort/jitisbecaufethereisnolightinthcm. (t) zT/w.^.ij. Andthatfrom a child thou hak k^nown the holy Scriptures , which are able to make thee wife unto Salvation through faith which is in Chrift Jefus. z Pet.i .19. we have alfo a morefure word of Prophecy , whereunto ye do ■well that ye tak^ heed , as to a light that fhineth in a dark place , untill the day dawn , and the day-ftar arife in your hearts. (/) Heb. i. r, 2. v. I. God who at //<«^>-j "'"'^^^ aaiia divers manners fpuksia times paft unto the Fathers by the Prophets, v.z. hath in thefe Uji dayes fpol'^n unto us by hU Son^ whom he hath appointed heir of all things> by whom alfo he made the worlds. 1 1. Under the name of holy Scripture , or the Word of God written, are now contained all the Books of the Old and New Teftament, which are thefe. Of the Old Teftament. Daniel, Geneft-s. Exodus. JLevitittK .' JVumbert. JDeuteronotny. Joshua. Judges, J^th. J. Samuel. II. Samuel. 1. V^ngs, Jl. l^ngs. J. Chronicles. JUattheip, JMar\. Zuhe. ...... fohn, : . 'jv ' i:,f- :.';;i:' The yfSii of the ytpoftUf. II. chronicles, E'xr which are written \n the C^rpofJWofes , and in the Prof hets 3 and in the Pfaims concerning »?e. Rom, 3. !• Much every wayj chiefly becaafe nnto them were committed the Oracles of God. i Pet.r.zi. for the Prophe- cy came not in old time by the rviU ofman^hat holy men God ipake as they were moved by the holy Ghofi. I V. The authority of the Holy Scripture , for which it ought to be C') * P«f • '^9. believed and obeyed,dependeth not upon the Teftimony of any man, or {"yg^*^ \^fo ^l Church J but wholly upon God who is truth it felf) the Author thereof j more fme mrd and therefore it is to be received, becaufe it is the Word of God ^i). of Prophedc , whercunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that fhineth in a dark place, uotill the day dawn, and theday- ftar arifein your hearts. V. 21. D for the Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, htxtholy mm ofGodfpakeasthtyV/ererKoVedbytheHoly Chojf. zTim. ;. l6. All ScriptaYcis gi'vcn by iiifpiraticK tfGod) and is profitable for dodrine, for reproof, for conedion,for inftradion in righteoufnefs. i Job, 5 . 9. If we receive the witnefs of men, the witnefs ojGodis greater^ for this is the witnefs of God,which he hath teftifiedof his Son. i Tfce/ 2. i^. for this caufealfo thank we God without ccafing, becaufe when ye received the JForc^ of Go (^ which ye heard of OS, ye received it not3. fection thereof, are Arguments whereby ic doth abundantly evidence k ll'rjj^'ln ul^ ^eJ^ to be the word of God •, yet notwithftandinfr our full perfwafion and >e nave an un- r 1 • r iim i ?_ jj** i f fiton from the aliurance or tne inraluble truth , and divine authority thereof , is holy one, zadye from the fnward \?7ork of the holy Spirit , bearing witnefs by, and IcQow all IjJ^ jj^g ^yQj,j i^ Q^^ hearts C/). things. V.17.] bat the anointing which ye have received of him abideth inyouj and ye need not that any man teach you^ Bat as the fameanointiog teachcth you of all things , and is truth , and is no lye , and even as it hatli taught yon, ye fh ail abide in him. 70/3KI6.13. 14- v.ij,] howbeit when he the 5/?;>tfofrrMr/7 is corae> he will guide you into all truth, for he Ihill noifpeah^ofhimfelfy but whatfoever he ihall hear, that shall hefpea]\y and he will fhew yoa things to come. V. I4. 3 he Ihal glorifie ine, for he shall receive of w/ne, and fliall fliew it onto you. i Cor. 2. 10, 11, 12. v. 10. ] but God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit, for the Spirit fearcheth etUthingSj yea the deep things of God. V. r r. ] for what man knoweth the things ©fa man , fave the (pirit of man which is in him , even fo the things of God knoweth no man , bat the Spirit of God. V.liO now we have received not the Ipirit of the World , but the Spirit which is of God, that we mieht kpow the things tliat are freely given to us of God. Ifai. 59* 21. as for me this is my Co- venant with them faith the Lord, my Spirit that is upon thee,and my tvords which I have pot in thy month ihall not depart out of thy mouth > nor out of the moatb of thy feed , nor out of the month of thy feeds -feed, faith the Lord> from henceforth and for ever. ( « ) 2 Tim. J. V I. The whole Council of God concerning all things neceflary for ^*' i^'F/thai ^^^ °^" Glory, mans falvation,Faith and Life,is either exprefly fet down from a°Child in Scriptore , or by good and neceffary confequence may be deduced thoo haft from Scripture : unto which nothing at any time is to be added , whe- known the ho- jj^g^ ]^y ^^^ revelations of the Spirit , or traditions of men Cw>. Never- vMch'ixTabic thclefs we acknowledge the inward illumination ofthe Spirit of God to to make f/;ec be neceflary for the favingunderftandingoffuch things as are revealed wife untofaiva. jj^ the Word («> : And that there are fome circumftances concerning the ?aith, wlikb^is vvorship of God , and government ofthe Church , common to humane in Chrift jefus. adions and focieties , which are to be ordered by the Light of Nature, V.i6.]aliScri-and Chriftian prudence , according to the general Rules ofthe Word, ly°7orpirl'tion ^^^^h are alwayes to be obferved {o). . of Godj and is profitable for Doftriae, for r«proof, for corredlioo, for inftra(5tion in righteonfnefs.V. 17.3 xh^xxhtmmoiGodxnzy hcpevfeB,thro»ghly fitrnisheduTtto all good -works. Galat. 1.8,9. v. 8. J But ihoDgh we or an Angel from heaven preach any other Gofpel unto yoa , then that which we have preach- ed unto you let him be accurfed. V. 9. as we faid before, fo fay I now again j If any man preach any ether Gofpel unto yoa , then that ye have received let him be accurfed. 2 Thef. z. t. that ye be not foon fhaken in mind, or be troubledj neither by Spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us, as that the day of Chrift is at hand. («) John 6.45 . It is written in the Prophets, and they fliall be all taught of God, eve- ry man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned ofthe Father cometh unto me, i Cor. 2. 9, 10, 11,12. V 9 3 bat as it is written , eye hath not fee. n, nor ear heard , nehher have entred into the heart of man , the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. V. 10.] Bat God hath revealed them nnrd as by his Spirit, for the Spirit fearcheth all things, yea the deep things of God. V.ii.] forwhatman knowetii the things of 4 man, favc the fpirit of man which is in him ? even fo the things ofGodknotveth no man, h\xtthe Spirit of God. V.12.] now We have received not the fpirit of the world , but the J>mi , T^ich is of God, that we might k^ow the thing: that are freely given to us of God. (0) i Cor. II. I ?> I4. ly.ij.^ Judge in your felves,j/»tw»ie/y that a woman pray unto God uncovered. V.14.] dothnoteven! w«Mrcirf£/f««cfc70M,thatifamanhavelonghair,itisalltameantohim. x Cor. 1 4. 2$. 40. verf 26.] How is it then brethren, when you come together every one of you hath a Pfalra, hath a Dodlrineibatit a Tongae, hath a Revelation, hath an loXit^xtimotkil^iaUthingibtiowftnta edijjing, V.40O Letalij ihmgsbc (km iiitntl y and in order, ^ ¥11. Aii| VII. All things in Scripture are not alike plain In themfelves s nor alike clear unto all (/>): yet tnofe things which are neceflary to be known, {p) » Vet.i.is. believed, and obferved for falvation , are fo clearly propounded and ^.*^ ^ e'jJi*" opened in fome place of Scripture or other , that not only the Learned, fpeaking in but the unlearned , in a due ufe of the ordinary means , may attain unto a them of thefe fufficientimderftandingoftheiiKjv SSkgs hardto be tmderflood J which they thzt are unlearned and tftrJlabU nteji , astheydoalfo the other Scrip- t\iic5}UMo their oivndeJirufitBn. (^) Pfalm I19. 105, I30. V. lOJ.J thy word is z Lantfuato wyYceif gfida light onto my Path. V. 1 50.] the entrance of thy words giveth light, it givcih underjianding nnto the ftmpU. VIII. TheOld Teftament in Hebrew (.which was the Native Lan- ^O ^^^J- '■'^• guage of the people of God of old , ) and the New Teftament in Greek, J^'j. J^^.'^J ^ ^Jfl (which at the time of the writing of it was moft generally known to the heaveti & earth Nations) being immediately infpired by God, and by his fingularcarepaf«^«"^/«'j°'' and providence kept pure in all ages , are therefore authentlcal (r) ,- fo as ^"^ "^^^^ ^'^'Z in all contraverfies of Religion , the Church is finally to appeal unto fiom the Law, them (/'). But becaufe thele Original Tongues are not known to all the "'^ "^ ^^ /«//- people of God, who have right unto, and intereft in the Scriptures, and^^^*^' ^^^ ^^^*J are commanded in the fear of God , to read and fearch them ^t) , there- £^n , and <» fore they are to be tranflated into the vulgar Language of every Nation the TejUmonyy, unto which they come C") > that the Word of God dwelling plentifully ^^ *^^y ^v^.^^ in all , they may worship him in an acceptable manner Cii?) ^ & through ^^IhiiwordTft patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have hope ^^) h becaofe there is no light it* them. Adsi$.i$. And to this tf^reeifoe iporfewx, as it is written. John $.39,46. verfe 59.5 Search the Scriptures , for in them ye think ye haveeternal life 3 and they are they which teftifie of me. V.46. J for had ye believed Mofes , ye would have believed mc, far he nfcte of me. {t) John J. 3«>. fearch ihe Scriptures J for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they that teftifie of me j («) 1 Cor. 14.6,9,1 r,li:>i4,27,l8 verfe6.3 Now brethren. If I come onto yon fpeakjng mth tetigues^-whzt shall I profit you, except I IKall fpeak to yon either by revelation^ or by knowledge, or by prophefying, or by DoArine. vcrfe 9.] So likewife you, except ye utter by the tongnc jvor ds eafie to be underfiood, how shall it be known what is fpokeo, for ye shall fpeak into the air , verfe 11.3 therefore if I kf^ctv not the wean- ing of the voyce^l shall be unto him that fpeaketh a Barbarian, and he that fpeaketh shall be a Barbarian onto me. verfe 1 2.3 Even fo yc forafmach as ye are zealous of fpiritual gifts, fee k that ye may excell to the edifying of the Church, vtrfe 2 4.] But if all Prophefie , and there come in one that believes not , or ODeunlearned , he is convinced of all > he is judged of all. verfe 27. 3 If any man fpeak in an uftkncwB tongue^ let it be by twO;, or at moft by three, and that by courfe, and/etc«e interpret, Verfe 28.} But if there be no interpreter y let him keep filence in the Church ; and let him fpeak tohirafelf andtoGod. (w) Col.?. 16. het theWord of Chvifi drvellinyoit rithlji in aU ivifdome, reaching and admonishing onc janotfeer in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritnal Songs , fingingwith^Mce/n jour fcetfrfJtotheLord. (.»")Rom.i5 4. for whatfoever things were written aforetime , were written for our learning, thatwc through patience and comfort of the Scripittres might have hope. IX. The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture, is the Scrip- ture it felf; and therefore vvhenthereis a queftion about the true and full fenfe of any Scripture Wvhich is not manifold, but one) itmuftbe C 2 fearched {y) t Pet.t,io. feajched and known by other places that fpeak more cleerly (yy this firftj thit no Prophecy of the Scriptare, is ofanji private interpretation, verfe zi.] for the Prophecy came not in old time by thewlll ofmxn ^ butholy menof G^d fpake asth-'y ware wofe^iytfee/jo/^ Ghofi. A(5l$I5.i5.i6.v.I<."l \nitothiiAgreethtvoordtoftheProphits^i%{x.{s\fdxxcn.va(il6^ After this I will return> and will build again th: Tabernacle oiDxvii which is fallen dowa^ and I will build= again the mines thsreof> and I will fet it up. C^) Matth. tz. X. The Supreme Judge,by which all contraverfies of Religion are to z9> 31. V. 29 3 be determined , and all Decrees of Councils, Opinions of Antient Wri- Jefus anfwcred ^ . r j* r ' • \ j i- and faid unto ters , Doctrmes ot men , and private (pints are to be examinad j and m them. Ye do Whofe fentence we are to reft j can be no other but the Holy Spirit T The ^""r^P®^^'"si" the Scripture (x,), tures, nor the power of God. v. 51.I But as touching the refurrcftion of the dead, hivtyou not read that which was (poken to you by God. faying. Ephef.t.io. And are built upon the foundittUn of the Propheti and ^poftiet. Jefus Chrift himfelf being the chief coracr-ftone. ^Bs z8.ij. And when thty agreed not- among themfelves, they departed after that Paul had (poke one wordjWeliy/'<«J^e the holy Ghoft by Epii, as the Prophet unto our Fathers. CHAP. II. OfGod,anioftheHolj Trin'tj. (*) Deut. 6. 4. 'T* Here is but one onely (a) , living and true God C^) , who is infi- Heir,0 ifraeij L m'ta in being and perfedion (c) , a moft pure Spirit ((t) , invifi- ^IdU^^^L^^d^^^ ^^^ * without body , parts (/) > or paffions ^g), J Cor.8.4,6. V. 4.3 As concerning therefore the eating of thofe things that ate offered in Sacrifice nnto Idols, we know that an Idol is nothing in the World, and that there is «oncof/w Corf /»«« one. verf.6. 3 But tousthere UbutoneGodthzTitheTi of whom arc all things , and we in him, and one Lord Jefas Chrift by whom are all things, and we by him. {b) 1 Thef. i . 9. for they themfelves fhew of us what manner of cntring in we had unto you j and how ye turned to God from Idols to ferve the living and trueGod. Jer.io.io. But the Lordis xhstrueGod^hetsthe //viw^ Goc^jandaneverlaftingKing. {c) Job II.7>8,9. V.7.] canftthouby fearching6ndout God, canft thou find out the ^Imightyunto perieBlon\ v.8.3 It is as high as heavenywh^l canft thou do, deeper then hell, what canft thou know ? v.g. 1 he mea- fare thereof// lotiger then the earthy and broader then thefea. Job 26. i+. Lo thsfe are parts of his wayes> but how little x portion is hiard oj him, but the thuuder nfhis porper ivho can underfiand f {^cl) Joha 4. 24; Godit a Spirit, and they that worfhip him,muft worftiip him in Spirit and in truth , (e) i Tim. i. 17. now unto the King eternal , immortal, in-vifible , the only wife God, be honour and glory for ever and ever, >imen. (f) Deut +.15,16. verf.ij.] take ye therefore good heed unto your felves.for^e/ijpwD manner offtmilitudc on the day that the Lord fpake unto you in Horeb, out of the midft of the fire, v.i 6.3 Left ye cot rupt your felves, and mak^eyou a graven Image., thefimilitude ofanyfignre.,xhs likenefs of Male or Female. John 4. 2+. God is a Spirit y and they that worfhip him , muft worship him m Spirit and in Truth. Luke i*. \9. behold my hands and my feet , that it is I my felf, handle me and fee , For a spirit hath not flesh and bones 4'we«. (I) Pfalm 145-5 Great is the Lord, and greatly to bcpraifed, and his greatnefs is unfearchabte. (m) Gen.17 r . And when .Abraham was ninety years old and nine , the Lordappeared to ^^r^j-izfctfm and faiduntohim, I am the almighty God, walk before ine,and be thou perfedt. Rev. 4- 8. And the four beafts had each of them fix wings about him, and they were full of eyes, within, and they reft not day and night faying, Holv, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty , which was, and is, and is to come, (n) Rom. 16.27. to Goaf sn/j'wi/s be glory, through .TefusChtift forever ,.^wew. (0) Ifat.6. 3. And one cryed unto another, and faid, Holy^holy^holyy is the Lord ofHoJIs, the whole earth is full of his glory. Rev 4.8. See Letter M. immediately fore-going, (p) Pfalm 115 5. Bat our God is in ihi hi AveDS,hz bath done Tiphatfoever hep I eafeth. (q) Exod. 5. 14. and God faid unto A/o/ej, /.iw, that I am 3 and he faid , thus shalt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael , 1 am hath fent me unto you.^y) Ephef I. II. In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance being predeftinated according to the pur- pofe of him, who iport^eth all things after the Council ofhisoivn ml/, (f) Prov. 16 4. the Lord hath m^ids all things for himfe/fyye^ Gvea x\\Q rvicked for the day of eVil . Rom. 1 1. 36. for of him , and through liiir, «?»d/ fofc/w^»jf«. (t) i John 4. 8,16. v. 8.") hethat loveth not , knoweth not God, for<7oafir /ow. V. 16. and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us ; Godis 2^#t^e,and hetliatdwellethinlovc, dwellerhin God, and God in him. (u) Ex. 34,6,7. v.6.3 And the Lord palTed by before him and proclaimed. The Lord, the Lord God,»Mcj-f//7r-jjyg :^^^^ Angels and men, and every other creature, whatfoever wor- h7\va'^ia a/^-^^'P*' fervice, or obedience he is pleafed to require of them in), fopotamia before he dwelt in C/j-i/raw, (c) Pfalm II9. 68. thonart good and doejignod, teach me thy Statutes, (d) iTim.6.15. which in his times he {hall fhewir/;o« /fee Wfj(/>4'men, (h) Revel.4« I r. Thou art worthyj O Lord, to receive glory and honour^ and power : for thou haft created att things, and for thy pleafiire ihey are and jvere created. 1 Tim.6.15. SeeletterD. immediately fore-going. Dan. 4.25.55. verfeis.J That they fhall drive thee from men , and thy dwelling fhall be with the beafts of ihe field, and they {hall make thee to eat grafs as Oxen, and they {hall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and feven times shall pafs over thee till thou know that the mofi high ruleth in the l{ingdom efmen , and giveth it to whomfoever he will, verfe 35,3 And all the Inhabitants of the earth arereputed as oothing,and he doth according to his will in the ^rmy of heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the earth,and nwe can fiay his hand, or fay unto him^ what doeji thou ? (i) Hebr. 4. 1 5. Neither is there any creature that is not manifeft in his fight , but aU things are nailed and opened unto the eyes 0/ him with whom we have to do. [k) Rom. II. 5 5, 34. verfe 33. Oh ! the depth of the riches, both of the wifdom and knowledge ofGtdj hoW uofearchable are his judgements, and his ways paft finding out. verfe 34.] For who hath kflewn the mind ot the Lord, or ivho hath been his CounftUer ? Pfalm 1 47.5. Great is our Lord and of great power , his undcrftanding is infinite. (I) Afts 1 5 . 18. J^noivn unto God are all his works from the beginning of the World. Ezek.11.5. Andthe Spirit of tlw Lord fell upon me and faid unto mc,fpeakthns,Uith the Lord, Thus have ye faid , O houfe oiJfrael , for / know the things that come into your mind every one of them, (m) Pfal. 145.17. The Lord is righteous in all his waysyznd holy in all his works. Rom. 7. 12. Where- fore the Law is holy, and the Commandment holy and juftf and good, {n) Revel.5.12,1 3,14. verfe 12.1 Saying with a loud voyce, Worthy is the Lamb that was flain , to receive power and riches y and wifdom and firengthy and honour and glory, andblefling. v. 1 3.3 And every creature which is in heaven, and on theearth,andonderthe earth, and fuchasare in thefea , and all that are in them hemd it faying , buf- fing , honour , glory andpoiver be unto him t\\zt ftttcth upon the Throne^ and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. V. 14. 1 And the four Beads faid* yimeny and the four and twenty Eldcrs/e// dawu and norshipped him that liveth for ever and ever. III. In the unity of the God-head there be three Perfons , of one fubftancc, power and eternity ; God the Father, God the Son, and God the <9)' the Holy Ghoft (e^ . The Father is of none , neither begotten, nor pro- CO i John j .7. ceeding: The Son is eternally begotten of the Father (;») : the Holy J°.'^/^^J' ^*^^ Ghoft eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son (^). relord in hea- vcn,theFathcr, the Wordj and the Holy Ghoft, and thefe three are oni , Matth, }.i6,i7. r.i6.] And Jcfus when he was Baptized, went up ftraight way out of the water, and lo the Heavens were opened nnto him, and he faw the Spirit of God defcending like a Dove , and lighting upon him. V.17. 3 And lo a voyce from hcavea faying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed. Matth. »9. 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, Baptizing them in the Name, of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghoft. 2 Cor. I \. 14. T\\tgrace of the Lord Refits Chriji, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghofi be whbyou all J >4men. (p) John 1.14.IJ. v.14.3 Andthe Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. V. 18.J, No man hath feen God at any time, the only begotten Son which is io the bofom of the Father , he hatn declared him. (tf) John I5. *6. Bat when the Comforter is come, whom I will fendonto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, tvhich proceedeth from the Father, he shall teftifie of me. Galat.4-6. And becaufe yon arefons , QQ^\i^\\\kD.tiolt\^xht Spirit of his Son into your hearts ^ crying ^bbti Father. G H A P. I I I. Of Gods eternal Decree. GO D from all eternity, did, by the moft wife and holy Council of own Will , freely , and unchangeably ordain vvhatfoever comes to pafs(4). yet fo, as thereby, neither is God the Author of (in (^) , nor is (a) Eph.i. n. violence offered to the will of the Creatures , nor is the Liberty or con- ^° ^^^°^ *^^^ ^tingency of fecond Caufes taken away, but rather eftablished (e), ^ined an iohe- ritance , being predeftinated according to tlie purpofe of him , who rvorketh all things after the Council of his own will. Rom. II. ^3. Oh! the depth of the riches, both of the ivifdom and knowledge oi God i how unfearchable are his judgements, and his wayes paft finding out ? Hcb.6.17. Wherein God willing more abundant- ly to shew unto the heirs of promife, the immutability of his Council , confirmed it by an Oarh. Rom.9. 15,18. V.I 5 .] For he faith to Mofes , I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy , and I will have coinpaffion on whom I will have compaflion. V. 18. ] Therefore hath be mercy on whom he wiU have mercy, aad whom he will he hardneth. (b) Jam.i. 1 5,17. v. i %."] let no man fay when he is tempted^ Jam tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. V. 17."} Every good gift, and tvery perfeSi gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variablenefs, neither shadow of turning. I John 1.5. This then is the mcffage which we have heard of him and declare unto you, that God is light , and in him is no darknejft at all. (c) ASts a. 29. Him being delivered by the determinate Council and fore-knowledge of God, ye havetaken, andbywicktd hands have crucified and flain. Matth. 17.1 2. And I fay unto you, that Elias is come a]ready,and they knew him not, but have done w«to him jvhatfoever they lified , likewife shall alfo the Son ofmanfuffct of them, Adls 4. i7,»8. v.»7.1 For of a trutli, againft that holy Child Jefus , whom thou haft anointed, hothHerod, zad Pontius Pilate , with the Gentiles , and thepeople of yy»-«f/ were gathered together, v.28.7 For to do whatfoever thy hand and thy Council determined before to bedone. John 19. 11. Jefiis anfwered. Thou couldeft have no power at all againft me , except it were given thee from aiofc, there- fore he that delivered me unto thee, hath the greater fin. Prov.i6. 33. TheLotiscaftiQtoiheIap,boc the wfto/e difpofing thrttfis oftht Lord, 1 1. AlthougJi (10) (d) Aa$ 15.18. 1 1. Althoi^h God knows vvhatfoever may, or can come to pafs upon r'T^ aTh?s ^^ Aippofed conditions ( and vrhom he vcill he hardneih. (/) I Tim. 5. III. By the decrecof God , for the manifeftation ofhis glory , fo men t*!re ^ VeSe^"'^ Angels (/; are predeftinated unto everlafting life , and others God and the fore-ordained toe verlafting death (^). Lord Jefcs Chrift,& the Eieti Angels, xbit tlxiu obferve thefe things,without preferring one before an- other, doing nothing by partiality. M3t.2$.4r. Then shal he fay alio unto them on the left hand,deparc from me ye curfed mto everlafting-fire prepared for the Devil and his ^ngeh. (g) Rom.9.22.23. v. 22] What if God willing to shew his wrath , and to make his power known endured with much long fiiffering the Vejjels o/wj-af/^^ffc^^to flfe//rH(??/on .«" verfe 23] and that he might make known the xiches ofhis glory on xhtvejfels of mercy , wHchheh^d a fore preparedunto glory, EphefianS i.$, 6« verfe 5I Hiv'mg predeftinated as unto the adoption of children by Jefus Chrift to himfelf according to the good pleafure ofhis wiil.v.61 To the praife of the glory ofhis grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Pro. I6,4. The Lord hath made al things for himfelf,yea eve the vcitkedfor the day ofeVil. IV, Thefe Angels and men thus predeltinated and fore-ordaincd,are particularly and uuchangeably defigned, and their number is fo certain (b) t Timo . 2. and definite , that it cannot be either cncrcafed or diminished (/;)« 19. Ncvcrthe- lefTe the foundation of God flandeth fure , having this Seal, the Lord knoxceth them that are his. And let every one that nameth the Name of Chrift depart from iniquity. John I ;. 18. I fpeak not of you all, iknovD vrhom ihavechofen, but that the Scripture may be fulhiled , be that eateth bread with incj hath lift up his heel againft me. 0)Epheri.4,9> V. Thofe of man-kind that are predeftinated unto Life, God , before II. y. 4 ] Ac- thg foundation ofche world was laid , according to his eternal and im- hixh^fhofm uj'^^i^^bJ^ purpofe, and the fecret Council and good pleafure ofhis willj in him ^c/ore hath chofen in Chrift unto everlafting glory u;, out of hismeerfree i^e foundation of the vcorld, that we should be holy and witbont blame before him inlovc. verf9. Having made known unto us the myftcry ofhis will according to his good pleafure , w hich he hadpurpofed in himfelf v. 1 1 . j In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance , heingpredefiinated according to the purpofe oiKiiDiWho woikcth all things after the Council ofhis will. RomS. 50. Moreover whom he did predefiinate, them he alfo called, & whom he called,tbcm he alfo ju/lified,&. whom he juftified,them he alfo glorified. 2 Tiih, 1.9. Who bath faved us jand called ns with an holy calling, not according to ourwoiks, but according to his own purpofe ar.d grace, which was given us in Chnft Jefus, before the vcorld began. \ Theff. 5.9. For God hath not appointed ns to wrath, but to obtain /^/•i'<»"'o« by our Lord Jefus Chrift. Crace (II) ^ grace and love, without any forc-fight ot Faith, or good vvorks,or per- feverance in either of them, or any other thing in the creature, as con- ditions , or caufes moving him thereunto (k) , and all to the praife of his (k) Rom.p.it. glorious grace (/). IM6. Seelet- , . . ler E. imme- diately fore-going. Epher.r.4.9. Seeletter I. immediately fore-going. (/> Ephefi.e, iz. v.6.] Torfcr fraifeofthegloryofhisgrAcej wherein he bath made us accepted ia the beloved, vcrfc i».l Thatwe should be to thepra'tfe »j his^iorj; who fitft truftedin Chrift. V I. As God hath appointed the B\c6t unto glory , fo hath he , by the eternal and moft free purpofe of his Will , fore-ordained all the means thereunto Cw). Wherefore they who are elected, being fallen in ^^») i Pet.f.t. are redeemed by Chrift ('w), are efFeaually called unto faith in Chrift, ^^'^^^^^^^o""^^^^^^ by his Spirit working indiiefcafon,arejuftified, adopted, fan<5lified(o^,l^nowled*re of and kept by his power through faith untofalvation (p^. Neither are God the Father any other redeemed by Chrift, eePedually called, juftified, adopted, fan-l^'''"f-§'' ^"^''- ailiedandnived,buttheekaonly (^). ^SplZ^Lt dience, and fprlnkltng of the blood of Jcfas Chrift, Ephef.i.4,5. ^^rfe 4-1 According as he hath cliofeo as . in him before the foundation of the World , that we should ^e holy and without blame before him b love, verfes.] lia.nng fredejiinated ttf umo the adoption of childrenhY }e{ns Chrift to himfelf, according to the good pleafure of his will. Ephef. z. 10. For we are his wormanship created in Chrift Jefuswwto ^oorf vporksy which God hath befere ordained that we should vcalk^ in them. 2 Thef 1. 1 5. But we are bound ta give thanks alway to God for you Brethren beloved of the Lord , becaufe God hath from the beginning chofen youto pilvation through fanSiification ofthe Spirit and belief of the truth : (r.) i Thef.s.9,10. v.9,") For God hath not appointed us to wrathj but to obtain Salvation by our Lord Jefa Chrijij ver. i o.] Who diedforus, that whether we wake or fleep, \!et\\ov\iXUietdgtthervcithhim. Titus z. 14. Who gave himfelf for osj that he might redeem us jrom all init}uity,znd purifie unto himfelf a peculiar people zealous of good works. (0 ) Rom. 8. 50. Mooreover whom he did predefilnate, them he alfo called, whom he cal- iedi them he aUo jufiified, and whom he j«^/^erf, them he alfo glorified. Ephef. 1,5, Having predeftioat- ed us unto the adoption of children by fefus Chrifl unto himfelfe according to the good pleafure of his will. 2 Theff. 2. 1 3. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you brethren beloved of the Lord, be- caufe God hath from the beginning chofcn you to falvation through fanBification of the Spirit <»«c^ belief ofthetruth, (p)l Per. 1.5. "Who are l^ept by the porver of Godthreugh Faith unto Salvation. lezdytoh^ revealed in the laft time, {p) John 17. 9. I pray for them, I pray not for the rcorld, but for them which thou hafl given me, for they are thine. Rom. 8. 28. And we koow that all things woik rogetlier for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to his purpofe. Refer the Reader to the endot* the ch3p.Joh.6.64.65.v64.]But there are fome ofyou,t hat believe notjforJefusi^weTC/j-owifce/jei^/wwin^ w/jor/;c)--R^e)-effc.'rtfe£/;ex;e«i«of J and who should betray him. v. 6$.] And he faid , Therefore faid lunto you , that wo man can come unto me except it ivere given tmto him of my Father. John 10.26. But ye believe not , becatife ye are not of my sheep , as I faid unto you. John 8 . 47. He that is of God :, heareth Gods words, ye therefore /je^r ;/3e>» Kurj becaufe ye are not of God. i John 2.19. They went out from us , but they were not of us , for if they had been ofus , they would no doubt have continued with us : but they v/em out that they might be made manifeji that the;) ncre not all ofus. ^^^. The reft of mankind God was pleafed , according to the un^- fearchable Council of hisown WilJ, \\'hereby he extendeth,or with-hol- deth mercy, as hepleafeth, for the glory of his Soveraign power over his Creatures , topafleby , and to ordain them to dishonour and wrath - D for (12) . Ir) Mattb. If . for their fin, to the praife of his glorious juftlce (r). At'that time Jefus aofwered asJ laid, I thank the O father Lord of heaven and earths becaufe thou haft hid thefi things from the wife and prudent, and hzStrtVealtd them unto babes, y. 16.] Evenfo Father, for fo it feemed good in thy fight. Rom. 9. I7,i8jai,ax.verf.i7.] For the Scripture faith, unto P^*r<9/;, even for this fame parpofchave I rai fed thee up, that I might shew my power in thee , and that iny lijamt might be declared throughout all the earth ver 18. 3 Therefore hath he mercyon rchom he vciU hare mercy j and whom he will he hardneth. ver. ai. ] Hath not the Ptiter power over the clay, of the fame lump to make one vefTel onto honour , and another to dishononr ? ver. 22. "] What if God willing «» thewhis vcrath , and to mak( his power ktiown * ewefMrcci with much long fuffering> the i/e/Ze/i of wrath /»»«-/Me«igfgj.j^2j Election it). So shall this Doctrine afford matter of praife, re- /omei t'T U7 v^r«"cs> snd admiration ofGod(»), and of humility , diligence, and hafi i/jjw'w^fie abundant confolation to all that fincerely obey the Gofpel(i^). we thus ^ Rom. ai. il'O the c/e/>rbof the riches both of the wifdom 8c knovAedg of GoiihovJ unfearthable archis jadg- snents and hiswaj/s pajl finding out Deut. 29, 19. Thtfecret things belong unto the Lord our God,|but thofe thbgs which are revealed belong unto us & to our cluJdren for ever,that we may do all the words of this Law. (f) 2 Peter 1. 10. wherefore, the rather brethren give diligence to »»«/;« your calling rf«<^£/«5i- ♦»/««, for if ye do thefe things, ye skill never fall. (») Hph. 1.6. Toihtpraije of the glory of his grace, ■wherio he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Romans 11. 53. See letter S. immediately foregoing. Kn) Romansii. 5,6, zo. v. $. 1 Even fo then at this prefent time alfo there, A >-ew»4nf according to^ the EleFiion of grace. (6) And if by grace , then is it no more of works y otherwife grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it 00 more grace, otherwife work is no more work, verfe 20. ] Well , be- caufe of unbelief they were broken off, and thou ftaodeft by Faith, be not high minded butfeare, 2 Peter 1. 10. See leter r. immediately foregoing. RomansS.?;. Who fliall lay any thing to the cfe-^«o/ Gods EleSi ? it is God »hat jnftifieth. Luke 10. 20. Notwithftanding io this rejoyce,not that the Spirits. arc fobjecS onto yoa , b it rather rejoyce becaufe your names are written in heaVen. CHAP. IV. Of Creattoti. lilt "in'thefe T "^ Plcafed God the Father, Son, and holy GhoftC^), for the mani- laft dayes fpo- I feftation of the glory of his eternal Power , Wifdom , and good- ken unto us by his Son^ whom h; hath appointed h;ir of all things, by whom alfo he made the roorlds.'JiOh. 1.1,%. V.2.] The fame was in th; beginning with God. v. 5.3 All things were made by him, & reithout him WIS not anything mtde. That was made. Gen. 1. 2. Aadth?earch was with }Ut form and void, and dark' uefs was apon the face of th; deep ; And the Spirit of God movedupon the face of the waters. Job 26- 1 %. By hit Spirit he hith garniflied the h;avens,his hand hath formed the crooked Serpeat. Jofr 55. 4. Ths Spim of Gtd hath maic me, and the breatb of the Almighty bath given melife. n,^' f<: t\QCs(b)i in the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the M^orld , & (^) Kom.i.t^. all things therein, whether vifiblc or invifible, in the fpace of fix dayes, f^^*" ^jl]„'"^'^^ and all very good {c), him , from the Cteatioa of the World, are cUarlyfetn, being unitrft^pdby the things that an made^ €Vtn hit tttrftalfomr and God-head, fo that they are without excufe. Jer. lo. x». He hath made the earth 6j fc/V /^otrfr , he hath eftablifhed the world by his mfdome , and hath ftrctthed out the heavens by his difcreticn. rfalin 104. 14. O Lord how aianifold arc thy works ! in rvifdomhafi then made them all^ the earth is full of thy riches. Ffalm 55, 5>6. V.5.] HelovethRighteoufnefiandJodgement, the earth is full of/fc«^oo Where art thou ? v. i o. "1 And be faid, I heard thy voyce in the garden, and I was afraid, bccaafe Iwas naked, and I hidrny fdf.y.w,'^ And he faid , Who told thee that thou waft naked ? haft thou eaten of the Tree 3 whereof I commanded thee that thou fliouldeft not eat. verfeaj. Therefore iht Lord Godfem him forth {torn the garden of Eden* to till the ground from whence he was taken . D 2 tores a8.v.i6J And ' GcA (aid , let us Toake man in onr ovi'n Image after our likenefs > and let them have domniott over the ■fish of the Sta , andovey the fowl of the ^ir , and over the Cattel ,and over all the earth, and over ev^/y creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, v. 28.] And God blefTed them, and God faid unto them > be fraitfulj and mulriplyj and replenifhthe earth,and fubdue it. And have Dominion over the fifh of the fea» «nd over the fowl ofthe air, and over every living thing that moveth upo» the earth. CHAP. V. 0/ Providence. (a") Hebr. i. %. /'^Od the great Creator of all things, doth uphold (4), direy his moft wife and holy Providence {dy, according tile exp7cie^ I- '° ^^^ infallible. forknowledge (e) , and the free,- and immutable Council inage of his of his own Will (/), to the praife ofthe glory of His Wifdom, Power, Jur perfon, and w/'-ftice , GoodneflTe , and Mercy Cf). holding all ^ ^^^ things by the word of his power , when he had by himfelf purged our fins , fat down oa the right hand ofthe Majefty on high. (^) Dan.4.34>?$..v. 34.] And at the end ofthe dayes , 1 Nebuchadnei^r lift up mine eyes unto heaven^ and mineundetftanding retorned unto me> and I b^lefled the moft high , and I praifed and honoured him that liveth for ever , whofe dominion is anei'erlafting dominion , and his Kingdome is from generation to generation. V. 35 . ] And all the Inhabitants 6ftl^ earth are reputed as nothing: and he doth according to his tviU ia th& Army, of heaven , and atttong the Inhabitants ofthe earth, and nom canftay his hand, or fay unto him, what doeft thou ? Pfalm 1 35.6- WhatfotVer the Lord pleafed^that didhe in heaven and in earth> in the feas, and all deep places. Afts 17.25,26,28. verf. 25. 1 Neither is worlViipped with mens hands , as though he needed any thing , feeirg htgivah unto all life .g_ and breath, and all things. V.26.3 And hath made of one blood all Nations of men for to dwell on all '^ the face ofthe earth , and hath determined the times before appointed , and the bounds of their habitation, V.28.] For in him ive live And move and haVe our being , as certain alfo of your own Poets have faid* for we are alfo his off-fpring. Job 38.39,40,41. Chapters, (c) Matth.io.29.3o>3i. verr.29.] Are not tTvofparrows fold for a farthmg \ and one of them shall not faU on the ground tpithout your Father. V.30. ^ 'B^tlhe'very hairs of your head are all numbred. V.31.J Fear ye not thereforej ye are of more value then Tnany fp arrows. ^a")Pro.l5.3.TheeyeJ of ;fce Z.or how manifold are thy works .<' inwifdomehafi thou made them all, xheeinh'\sf\i\\o£ shy riches. Pfalm I4$ . 17- Tlw Lord is righteous in all his wayes , and holy in all his works, (e) Ads 15. 18. IQioivHunto Godareallhis iPsrA^x from the beginning of the world. Pfalm 94.8.9,10,11. v.8.3 Underftand, O ye brutilh among the people, and ye fools when will ye be wife? V.9.] Hethat/»/*«rtt/ •be ear, fhal he not hear, he that formed the eye, fhal he not fee ? V.io.] He that chaftifeth the heathen, ihal not he cotreft ? be that teachtth man knowledge, shall not be know ? V- ir. 1 The Lord k»ow(th the thoughts of man , that they are vanity, (/") Ephcf. i. 11. In whom alfo we have obtained an inheri- tance, being predeftinated according to the pitrpofe of him , rvho xvorketh aU things after the Council of his crvn tvill. Pfalm 33.10,1 1. V.10.3 The Loidbringtth the Council ofthe heathen to nought , he maketh ahe devices of the people of none etfed. V'. 1 1.] The Council ofthe Lordflandxth for ever 3 the thoughts tf his heart to all generations, (g) Ifaj. 63. 14. Asa Beaftgoeth down into, the valley , the Spirit of the 3Lord caufed him to reft, fo didft thou lead thy people to make thy felfa glorious name. Ephef 3.10. To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifpld ivifdome of God. Rom. 9. 17. For the Scripmre faith unto Pharaoh , even /or this fame pur. pofe have 1 raifedtheeup , xhixl vcA^X shew my power in thee , and that my oarae might be declared ahroughout all the earth. Genef 4J.7' And <7o all things come to palle immutably and infallibly (h) : {h) Ads z. t^, yet by the fame providence he ordereth them to fall out , according to ^^^ J"PK *^^; , the nature offecondcaufes,eithernecelIarilyi freely, or contingently (o. i«"L>wJ * ' Council and fore-knowledge of Cod , ye have taken , and by wicked handj have crocificd and flain» (;^ Gen.S.ai. While the earth temziaetht Seed-time and fJarveJi, and cold, and heat, and Summer anct Winter, and day andnigbt shall not ceafe. Jerem, 31. 3$. ThaS faith the Lord -which giveth the Sun for tight by day , and the Ordinances of the Moon, and of the Stars fer a light by night , which divideth the Sea, when the waves thereof roar, theLordofHoftsis iiisNarae. Exod. 21.13. Aniifa man lyenot in wait, but God deliVtr him into his hand, then I will appoint there a place whither he fhall flee. Deut. 19. 5. As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood , and his hand fetcheth z ftroke with the Ax to cut down the Tree , and the head flippeth from the helve and lighteth upon his. neighb$»r, that he dye, \}e shall flee into one ofthofe Cities, and live, i Kings az. 28. 34. verfe 18.] And Aiicaiah (aid, if thou return at all in peace, the Lord hath not fpoken by me, and he faid. Hearken, O peo- ple, every one of yoo. v. 34. 1 And a certain man drew a bore at a "venture , andfmote the JQrig o/Ifrael beervien the pynts of the harnef , wherefore he faid onto the driver of his Chariot , turn thy hand , and carry me out of the Hoft, for I am wounded. Ifaiah 10. 6, 7. verfe 6.] I vcill fend him againft an hypo- critical Nation , and againfl the people of my wrath will I give him a charge to take the fpoil , and to take the prey , and to tread them down like the mire of the ftreets. V. 7.I Howbeit he meaneth notfo, neither doth his heart think fo, bat it is in his heart 10 deftroy and cut ofFNations not a few. in. God in his ordinary Providence maketh ufe of means Ci^), (l{)hdsi7.it, yet is free to work without (7), above (m), and againft them at his fa'•/to^■heCen- pleafurc (n), torion and to the Soaldiers > Except thtfe abide in the Ship ye cannot be favtd. V.44.I^ And the reft, /owe on boards, and fome on brohfu ^;Vceio/ill fave thetn by the Lord their God, and will not fave them by bow , nor by fa ord , nor by battle , by horfes , nor hyhorfemen. Matth.4. 4. But heanfweredand faid it is written, man shall not /if e by bread alone, hut by every zvord that proceedeth out off fee mouth of God. Job 34. 10. Theietbre hcaiken untome ye men oi onderftanding , far be it from God that ye should do wickedncfTe j and from the Almighty , that ye should commit iniquity, (m) Rom. 4. 19,20^21. v, 19. J And being not weak in Faith , foe £o«//onJz Men U) > and that not by a bare permiflion {p], but fucK as hath joyncd ??'3*;^'=''- 3*^ with it, a moft wife and powerful bounding iq) , and otherwife order- concluded them i"g > ^^^ governing of them , in a manifold difpenfation to his own holy all in nnbelief, ends (r) : yetfoj as the (infulnefs thereof proccedeth only from the crea- that lie might j^j.^^ ^^d not from God , who being moft holy and righteous , neither is, Sn7ir v:7]^ nor can be the Author or Approver of fin (p. Oh ! the depths of the richesyhotho^the tvlfdom andknorvUdge ofCodyhov/ unfeirchabU xn h'u fudgments^Sc hUwtytpsfl finding out ! v. 5*. J For mho hath k^nown the mind of the Lord^ or who hath been his Couoreller ? i Sam. 24. r. And again >the anger ofiheLord was kindled againft /^ And Satan ftood op againft //r•) Gencf. j o. 20. But as for you, ye thought evill againji me, but God meant it unto good, to bring to pafs as it is this day, to five much people alive. Ifaiah 10.6,7,12. verfc6.] I will fend him againft an hypocritical Nation, and againft the peopleof my wrath rx^;5>r»rf, and the glory ofhis high looks, {f) James 1.13,14,17-. verfe 13. 3 Let no man fay when he is tempted :, I am tempted of God , for God cannot be tempted with evil , neither temptethheanyman. V.I4.] Buteveryman is tempted when he is drawn away of bis otf «/:>»/? and en- ticed. V. 1 7. I Every good gift and every perfeSl gift is from abtveyind cometh down from the Father of Iighti,with whom is no variablenefs, nor fhadow of turning, i John 2. 16. For all that isin the World, the-luft of the flesh, the luft of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father^ but is of the World . Pfal. 50. 21. Thefe things haji thou done and I kept filence : thou thoughteft that I was altogether fuch a one «s thy felf, but i wiU reprove thee^ andfet them in order before thtne eyes. V. The moft Wife, righteous, and gracious God, doth oftentimes leave for a {eafon his own Children to manifold temptations, and the corruption of their own hearts, to chaftife them for their former fins, or to difcover unto them the hidden ftrength of corruption , and deceitful- nefl[e (17^ nefle of their hearts, that they may be humbled (t) y and to raile them to 0) » Chro. jr. a more clofe and conftant dependance for their fupport uponhimrelf,*^'*^'^^" ^^'^_ and to make them more watchful againft all future occafions of fin , and „,/^/^fe rendred for fundryotherjuft and holy ends («), not again ac- cording to the benefit done unto him, for liis heart was lifted upj therefore there was wrath upon hjin^ and upon Judah and feruftlcm. V. i6. ] Notwithftanding Hc^KUh humbled h'tmjtlffor the pride of hit heart fBoth he &• the inhabitants of 7 eKwy^^ew) fo that the wrath of the Lord came not upon them in the days of Hf^ekiah. V. Ji. Howbeii in the bufinefs of the Einbaffadoars of the Princes of Babylon , who fent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land , Cod left him to try him y that ht might ktiaw all that tpaf in hit heart. 2 Sam. 24. 1 • And again the anger of the Lord was kindled againft Ifrael ; ^nd he mo- ved David againft them to fay^ Go ttumbtr Ifrael and Judah. (u) 1 Cor. i z. 7, %> 9. v. 7.3 And left 1 thntldbe exalted above meaftre, through the abundance of the Revelationlj there was given to me a Thorne inthe flesh,xhemeffeDgerofSztantoh\jffetmtileft I shouldbeexaltedabovemeafure. Verf. 8.3 For this tHng, I befought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. Y 9. And he faid unto me, Afy grace ufufftcient for thee , for my ftrength is made perfed in weakocfs ; moft gladly therefore will I glory in mine infirmities, that the power ofChrift may reft upon me. Pfalm 75. Throughout. Pfalm 77. i. to the twelfth. 3 / cryednfif) God with my voyce, even unto God with my voyce, and he gave ear unto me. V. 10. ^ And I faid. This is my infirmity. J3ut I will remember the years of the »-i^»f fo^wf^o/'/fcewio/? high. V.11.3 7 TP;X'»jed«r«e: but a/fo gave them fometimes alfo with-draweth the gifts which they had (7 ) , and ex-"/' to oncJean- pofeth them to fuch objeds as 'their corruption makes occafions|*j^^*^»^^^J.°^|^ own hearts > to dishonour their own bodies between themfcl ves, Verfe 16. } For this caufe God gave them up onto vile affcdions , for even their Women did change the natural ofe into that whic h is againft nature. Verfe a8. ] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge , God gave them ever te a reprobate mind , todothofethings which are not convenient. Rom. 11. 7, 8. v. 7.^ What then Jfi-ael hath not obtained, that which he feeketb for , but the Eledion have obtained it , and the reft tvere blinded. Veife 8. 3 According as it is written, God hath given them r/«y^;V/rofflumber, eyes that they should not fee, cars that they should not hear unto this day. (a) Deut. 29, 4. Yetrfcf Zordhath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to fee, and ears to hear, unto this day. (>')Matth. 13. 12. For whofoever hath', to him shall be given , and he shall have more abundance : But whofo- «ver hathnot , from him shall be taf^en avcay even that he hath, Watth. 25 . 29. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abuodaacf, but from him that hash not y shall be ta.ktn away ^even. that rchlcbhthath^ ef (i8) (X') Dent. 1.30. ofim (l) : and withal , gives them over to their own lufts , the tempta^ But jr<7;o« King fJQf^s of ^\-^^ World , and the power of Satan {a): whereby it comes to «tl11'nc'^!,'l"(i-f palle that they harden themfelves, even under thofe means , which not let us pane r , ^ , r 1 r r • r \ n \ iiy him i for the God ufeth tor the lottning ot others (iJ .Lord thy Cod ■hardened hisfph-it, and made his heart obfliaate, tliat he might deliver htm itjto thy hand , as appeareth ihisday. 2 Kings 8.12,15. v. iz-] And /b^^zc^/tf/ faid, why wecpeth my Lord ? and heaofwered,becaufe 1 know the evil that thou wilt do unto the children of Ifrael ; tlx?ir ftiong holds wilt thou fet on five, Qc their young men wilt thou flay with the fword , and wilt dafh their children , and rip up their woman with child. V.I?.] And Ha';^d faid, Bat what is thy fervant a Dog, that he fhould do this great tlung ? And EltJha anfwcred , The Lordhaih shewed me that thou shah be l{ing over Syria, {a) Pfalm 81. 1 1, 12. v.ir.] But my people would not hearken to my voice ; and y/J-'«e/ would none of me. V.I».] So Jgave them up unto their oivn hearts luftand they walked m their ownCouncils.zThef 2.io,ii,i2.v.io3 And with all deceivablenefs of unrighteoufnefs in them that perifh , becaufe they received not thelove of thetruth, that they might be faved. V.li.] Andfor this caufe, Gorfj/>*///c«c/t/je»z//ro«^ i/f/w/fom, that they fhould believe a lye. 12. 1 That they all might be damned , who believed not the truth , but had pleafurc in unrighteoufnefs, {1^) Exod 75. And / mil harden Pharaohs hearty and multiply my Signs, and my wonders in the Land of £■^7/'*. Exod. 8. 1 5;, ;2. v.15. "| But when P/^^rao/j faw there was re- fpite, fee /j^rc/c«ct//3w /jctrr^and hearkped Dotunto them, <«■ tfoeZfridam and his fVij'e hidthtm' feives from the prefence of the Lord God y amorgft the Trees of the Garden. Ecclefiaftcs 7. 29. Lothis onely have I found , \\\n Codhath made man upright , but they have fought out many invcrttions, Rom. %. zj. 'Sot all have finned andcome short of the glory of God. (d) Genefis 2. 17. But of the Treeofthe knowledge of good and evil , thou shalt not eatof it , for in the day thou eateft thereof, then shale furely dye. Ephefians 2.1. And you hath he quickoed who rcere dead in trefpafjes and fins. ( e ) Tit. I. X5. Unto the pure all things are pure j but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothinjj pare, but even their mind and confcicnce is defied. Gcnef. 6. 5. And Godfaw thatthe wickcdnefleof man was great in the earth, and x\mx every imagination of the thoughts oj his heart , rvas only evil catitinH- ally. Jer.17.9. l^\iG heart is deceitjul ahoy t z[\l\\\n'gs,ar.d defpoatety roiclsedi\N\\o c^ti know it ? Rom.j.' lo,ii,i2ji5a4,i5,l65i7,l8. v.io 3 Asitis written , There is wowe r/gfcreoKi- , no not one. Verfeii.^) 1 here is none that underftandeth, there is none that fee ieth after Cod. Verfe 1 2.} They are all gane out of the Tvay, they are together become unprofitable, there is ntwe that doth good, no not one. Verfe 1 3-3 T^ ^^^i*^ throat is an open Sepulchre , with their tmgues they have ofed deceit , the Poyfcn of .yffphs is nuder their lips. Verfe 14. 1 whofe mouth is fuUofcurfing and bltiernif. V. 1 5. 1 Their fid ate fxvift to ihed blood. V.16 3 Deftrufiion andnifery are in thiir ivayes. Vetfe 17. ] Arid ihc tvay of peace /mix they mt Itmrprt. V.lS.l There is no jear of God beftre their eyes. III. They being the root of all man-kind, the guilt ofthis fin was E imputed (2o) (f)Gcti.x. 47. Imputed (/;, and the fame death in fin and corrupred nature , con- Go/ *created'^®y*^ ^°^^ their pofterity dcfcending from them by ordinary genera- m/t» in his own tion \g)» Image J in the Image of God created he him, Af't/«'i«rfF»m4/e created he them. V.»8.J And God bleffcd tfc and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds 6f their habitation, Rom.5. 1^,15,16,17,18,19. v. i».] Where- fore as by one ma»fin entridintB the IVorldj And death by (in, and fo death pafjeditpon all men, for that aU have finned. V. 1 J .] But not as the off«nCc> fo alfo is the free gift ; for if through the fence of one many ierfwrf, rtiach mote the grace of God, and the gift by grace , which is by one »».«« Jefus Chrift, hath abonnded unto many. V.16.] And not as it was by am that finned, fo is the gift, for the fudgement war by one to condemnaiion,hnt the free gift is of many offences unto Juftification. V.17.]] For if by one mant tffcnce death reigmd by o«f,much more they which receive abundance of grace , and of the gift of righ- ^teoafnefs, shall reign in life by obe Jcfus Chrift. V. i8.1 IhcK^atG zi by the offence of one judgement came upon-aU men to condemnation, even fo by the righteoufnefs of one, the free gift came upon all men unto juftification of life. V. 19.] For as hy onemam difobedience , many were made finners i fobythe obedience of one, shall many be made righteous, i Cor.i5.2i,z2,4$}49- v. 21.] For fince^j man camt death, by man came alfo the refurreftion of the dead. V.i*.] For as In ^damall dye^ even fo in Chrift» shall all be made alive. V.4^ 3 And fo it is written , The fitft man ^dam was made a living foul , the Iflft ^dam was made a quickning Spirit. V.49O And as we have born the image of the earthly^ we alfo shall bear the image of the heavenly, (g") Pfalmjl.5. BeholdtlyNisshapen inini^uity^aodinfin did my »tothtr eohciive me. Genef. 5 . 5. And ^dam lived an 1 30. years , and begat a fin in his oven lih^nefi, after his image, and called his name 5«fc. Job I4. 4- Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean ? not one. Tob 15.14. What is man that he should be clean , and he that is born of a vcoman , that he sfjouldbe righteoM f IV. From this original corruption, whereby we are Utterly indifpo- fed, dif-abled , and made oppofite to all good (h) , and wholly inclined (h ) Rom. $ . 6. to all fe vil (t) , do proceed all adual tranfgreflions ( k^). Jot when we were yet wiihoutfirength, in due tiine Chrift dyed for the ungodly. Rom. 8. 7. Becaufe the carnal mind is enmity againji God i for it is Kor/«i»;e^ to the Law of God, neither indeed can be. Rom.718. Fori know that in me , that is in my flesh divellcth no good thing j for to will is prefent with me , but how f« perform that which is good, J find not. Col. I.*l. And you that were fometimes-j/»c«««dtf«dc»€>73>*ji« ytur mind hy wicked works , yet now hath he reconciled, (i) Gencf. 6.5. And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of hit heart w-u only tvil continually, Genef. 8.21. And the Lord fmelled a fweet favour , and the Lord faid in his heart, I will not again curfe the ground any more for mans fake. Fox the imagination of mans heart is evil from- ha youth. Neither will I again finite any more, every living thing as I have done. Rom. 3. 10, ^i,iz, v.io.] AsitiJwritten3TlKreiswowengfefeoM/,nonoione. V.ii.] Therfris^wne that udH- ^.ideth, there iinone that feeketh after God. V. 12-3 llicy arc all gone out of the way, ih"^' o-'ner become ttnprojitable^thereisnonethand were by natnrc the children of wrath, even as others. Matth.i^.j^. For ota of the heart proceed evil thoHghts^ Murders, ^dulteries^ FormcationsyThefts,faif« Wimefs^Bla£h«fttiet. V. Thi» <2l) V. This corruption of nature during this life , doth remain in thofe that are regenerated (I): and although it be through Chrift pardoned U) i Tohm.^' and mortified, yet both it fclf; and all the motions thereof are truly and l°- Y'^ -^ V"^' ^i., /7_/^.\ •' • lay that we have properlyiin(w). myj„,wede- cclveourfeives, and the truth is not in ut. V.io.] li vet fay that vce have not finned, xre make him a Iyer , and his word it not in w. Rom.7.i4,i7,i8,i3. v.i4.1 For we know that the Law is fpiritual •, bat / *m carnal fold under fn. V.17J Now then itisno moielihatdoit, but/mrfocrrfn^f/i'fffc/nrMir. V. iS."} ForIkno\V, that in ipc (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing -, for to will is prefent with me, but how to perform $hat vchich isgo»d,2 find not. V. 2 3. 3 But I fee another Lavo in my mtmbtrs , vcarring againft the Law of my mind , and bringing me into captivity to the Law of fin, which is in my mcntbers. Jain. 3. t. For in tnany thiogj rceejfmdaU? Ifiny trancfTendnotiD word , tlie fame is a perfedt man and able alfo to btidle the whole body. Prov. xo. 9. Who can fay , J have made my heart clean , J am pure from my fin ? Ecclef.7.»o. For there is not a juji man npon earth that doth good znd finneth not. (w')rRom.7.s,7j8,a J. y.j.] For when we were in the flefh> the motions of fin which were by the Law, did woik in our mem- bers, to bring forth fruit mf death. V. 7. ] What fhall we fay then? is the Law fin ? God forbid. Nay, Ihadnotkoownfin,but^j)rjfe«Z<»Tw jfor I had not known luft, except the Law had faid, thou ihalt not covet. V. 8. ] But fin taking occafion hy thttommandment wrought in mc all manner ofconcupifcence, for without the Law ,finnt was dead. V. 25. 3 I thank God through Jefus Chrirt oar Lord ; fo then with thzmindlmyfelfferVetheLz\vo{God,huttviththeflesh,theUwoffin. Gal. 5. I7. lor the flesh lufieth againflthe Spirit , and the Spirit againft the flefh ; zadthefe are contrary tlie one to the other , fo that ye cannot do the things that ye would. . V J. Every fin, both Original and A(3:ual, being a trangreiTion of the righteous Law of God , and contrary thereunto C» j, doth , in its own C " ) t Jobo ?• Nature > bring guilt upon the finner (o) , whereby he is bound over to con,m"t«th fi?f the wrath of God (p) , and curfe of the Law (q) , and h made fubjec^ to tranfgrefleth al- death Uj, with all miferies fpiritual r/), temporal (;) , and eter- fo ih« Law, fbc nal(«). finisthetranf grefston of the Law. (0) Rom. 2. IS . Which fliew the work of the Law written in their hearts , their confcienceal/o bearing witne/sy and their thoughts the mean while atcttfing^ or elfe e.xcufing one another, Rom. 3. 9, 19. ■^'crfe 9.] What then are we better then they ? No, in no wife, for we iiave before proved both Jews and Gentiles , that they are all under fin. V. 19.3 Now we know that what things foever the Law faith» *t faith to them, who are under the Law , that every mouth may be ftopped, and all the World may be- €6me guilty before God. {p) Ephef. 2. 5. Among whom alfo we had our converfation in tiroes paftp in tlie lufls of our flefli fulfilling the defires of the flellijand of the tnind,and were by natmf^^he children of wrathy even as others, (f) Gal. j. 10. For as many as areof the woiks of the law ureundertht cterfej for it is wtitten , Curfed is every one that continueih not in all things which are written in-thebook of the Law, to do them. (>■) Roman. 6. 25. Vot the n-ages of fin is death , but thegiftofCod isfctetnaUife through Jefus Chrift our Lord. ( f) Ephcf 4.18. Having the nnderflanding darkened , being alienated jrom the life of God , throBgh the ignorance that is in them , becaiife of the blindnels of their hearts. 0) Rom. 8. 20. For the creature was madefi*bjt£i to vanity^ not willingly, but by reafon of h'm who bath fnbjeded the fame in hope. Lament. 3. 59. Wherefore doth a living man complain , a man for xhz punishment of his fins ? («) Matth. 25 . 41. Then fhall be fay alfo to ihem on the left hand , Depart from me, yecurfrd, into everlafiing fire , prepared for the Devil and his angfli, 2 Thif.i. vcM.9. Who shall bepunished with everlafling deJintBien , from iheprefencTof the Lord^, and frem thegtoiy of his power, E s C H A F. (ii) CHAP. VII. Of Gods CjveiUHt mth Mm, 4^>Ifai.4o.i3,*nr^^ diftance between God and the Creature Is Co great, thatal- S4, i$i 16,17. 1 though reafonable Creatures do owe obedience unto him as their verfe 1 3.] Who Creatour , yet they could never have any fruition of him as their blefled- the Spirit ofthe "^^^ ^"'^ reward, but by fome Voluntary condefcenfion on Gods part, jLord ? or being which he hath been pleafed to exprefs by way of Covenant C^). lijs Counfellorj liath taught hira ^ V. I4. "] With whom took he couofel ) who inftruAed him and taught him in the paths of judgement, and taught him knowledge , and shewed to iiim the tvay of aoderftandiog ? v. 1 5 . 1 Behold, the Nations are its the drop oj a bucket , and are counted as the fmall duji of the b/tUance : Behold, hetakcthap thelflwasa very little thing. V.16.J Lebanon is not fufficiem to burn , nor the beafls thtreo£ 5 5. V. 3Z.3 For he is not a man , as lam j that I should an- i\verhim,and we *»£>«/zn^not it'eour felves^ VV^ are his people, and the Sheep of his pafture. Job 22.2)3. v. 2. 3 dtiimiabeprofitable unto God, iS he that is wife may be profitable unto himfelf ? v. 3.] Is it anypleafure to the .y^lmighty that thou art lighteousi orisit^^/» tohim, thatthoumakeftthy waysperfedl.^ Job 35.7,8. v.7.] If thouberigh- ieous, what gireft thou him^ or vchat receiveth he of thine hand f v.8.] Thy wickednefs may hurt a man dis thou art, and thy righteoofnefs may profi't the fon of man. Luf\e 17.10. So likewife ye, \\4ien ye {hal have done all thefe things which are commanded, you fay we ate unprofitable fervants, we have done that which was oM>- (i^M/j « do. A(3si7 24^i$. v. 24. 3 God that made the World and all things therein , fee- ing that he is Lord of Heaven and Ezuh 3 dtveUeth notinTemfjles made with hands. Verfe 25.3 Neither lis worshipped with mens hands , as^-though he needed anything , feeing he giveth to all lif? and breath, and all things. (b)Gii\. 3' !»• 1 1. The firft Covenant made with man, was a Covenant of works C^>, '^^^ f^aii^bat^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ promifed to Adam ; and in him to his pofterity Cf^ j, 2ie man "^tf^at upoii Condition of per fed and perfonal obedience (d). tloth them shall iiveinthem. {c) Rona.io.j. lor ^o/eidcfcribeth the righteoufricfs which is of the LaW) that tlicmao \\\\ich. doth thefe things ^ shall live by them. Rom. 5. 1 2, to 20. See page fore-going. Chap. 6. Letter/. ■Hjd) Gen.2.i7. Botof the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil :>tnonfhalt not eat of it , for in the ;;day that thou eateft thereof, thou shaltfurely dye. Gal. 3.10. For at many as are of the work/ of the Lam .,«i^ under the curfe, for it is wtitten,Cuifed is every one that continueth not in all things which are writ- 4eo io the book of the Law, to do them. III. Man by his fall havelng made hlmfelf incapable of life by that Covenant , the Lojid was pk^f^ to make a fc- ■ cond (e), commonly called the Covenant of Grace : wherein he free- CO Galat.j.ir. ly ofFereth unto finners Life and Salvation by Jcfus Chrift , requiring of g'^j'^^^fj^ ""j^" them Faith in Him, that they may be faved (/) , and promifing to.nifes of God? give unto all thofe that are ordained unto Life, his holy Spirit, to God forbid ^ for make them willing , and able to believe (^). been zLj'f. xjtti, which could have given life, verily righteoufmf should have been by the Latv. Rom.S. j. For what t\\e Laxv could net do J iaihititwistveak through the fieth , God fending liis own Son in the likenefs of (inful flesh, and for fin condemned fin in the flesh. Rom.^.zojzi. v. zo. J Therefore by the £^«<^^ o/»fc« Xaxr, there shaii no flesh be jujiifi ediaHsfighXi (or hy the Law is the knowledge of fin. v. 2 1. 3 But now the righteoufnefl oi Godjvcithout the Law, is inanifefted , being witnefled by the Law and the Prophets. Gen. 5.15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman> and between thy feed and her feed » it shall bniifethy hetidy and ihou shah brnife his heel. Ifai. 42. 6. I the Lord have called thee in righteouf- nefs, and will hold thine hand^ and will keep ihecj and give thee for a Covenant of the people, for a light oftheGentilej. (/) Mark 16.15, 16. v.is.3 And he faid unto them , goyeinto alltheworld, and preach the Gofpel to every creature, v. 16. J He that betieveth and is baptized yshal befa-ved : but he that believeth not, shal be damned. John 3.16. For God fo loved the world , that he gave his only be- gotten Son, that whofoever believeth in liim > should not perish , but have everlafling lije. Rom. 10. 6. 9. v. 6. ] But the righteoufnejje which is of faith , fpeaketh on this wife , Say not in thv heart , who shall afcend into heaven , that is to bring Chrift down from above, v. 9. ] That if thou shalt conieffe with thy month the Lord Jefusj and shah believe in thine heart, that God hath raifed him from the dead,thou shalt be/«X'e This cup is the new Teflament in my bloody this do ye as off as ye drink it in remembrance of me. V. This Covenant was differently adminiftred In the time of theLaw, & inthetimeoftheGofPeUO-UndertheLawadminiftredbyPromifes^ ,, Prophecies, Sacrifices, Circumcifion,the pafchal Lamb,and other Types ^g,* ve'rVe/l and Ordinances delivered to the people of tlie Jews, allfore-fignifyingWho alfo hath made Msablt Miniflers of the new Teftament, not of the letter, but of the Spirit, for the letter killeth^ but the Spiritgiveth life. V.7.] But if the miniftration of death written and engraven in (tones v^isgloriout, lb that the children of Ifrael could not ftedfaftly behold the face o£Mofes , for the glory of his counte- nance, which glory was to be done away; v. 8.] How shaW nottheniniflration of the fpirit btrathtY glorious ? V.9.1 Foriftheinijaifttation of condenmationltf glory i niBchniore doth the wj^'^rw/Mi*/ ti^hteoufnep €fc»(4 in^lorj, R^ CbrUl (14) p^iixVapteKChrift to come (y> which were for that time, fufficieut and efficacious oitheHtbretvi. through the Operation of the Spirit, toinftrud and build upthg EIcAin Rom.4.ii.Andp2^^u jj^jj^gnjomifedMeflTiah (/), by whom they had full rem iffion of fiLT"'rici- fins, and eternal Salvation : and is called the OldTeftament (m I ^Hy dfeal of the righteoufnefs ofthefahh, v/hich he had yet being ancircumcifed, that he might be the Fa- ther of all them that believe, though they be not circatncifedj that rightcoufoefs might be impated unto them alfo. Colof.z.i ijii- verfe 1 1.] In whom alfo ye are circaraciled with the cinumclfion made rchh. o»( handh in putting of the body ofthefms of the flesh, by the circomcifion of Chrift. V.i 2.] Buried with him in bapclfm, wherein alfo ye arc riftn with him, throoph the faith of the operation of God,who hath raifcd him from the de.id. I CoriDth.5.7- Pargc out therefore the old ieveo, that ye may be a newlarop> as ye are utilevened. Yor ey/enChriJi the pafioVer is ftzuUccd for qs. [I) i Corinth 10.1,2,3,4. V.i.j Moreover brethren, I \vould not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our Fathers were under the chud, and all paffed through the Sea, V. l.] And rcere nU b*pti-:^ed unto Atofes in the cload, and in the Sea. V.5.] KnA did AUextxhkhm&fpirltutil meat. ycrfe4. J And did all drink thepme^/>-;VM4/(iri»A,.* f jr they drank of the fpiritual rock that followed them , and that rock^vcus Chrifi. Hebr. 11.13. Thefe all dyed in faith, not having received the promifcs, bnt having feen them afar otfj and were ferfvraded of them , and embraced them , mnd confeffed that they were ftrangers and pilgrims on the earth. John 8.56. Your father ^i'^j'j'j'tmrejoyced to fee my day, and hcyiw/V, and was glad. (»») Gal.j.7,8.9,i4.v.70 Know ye therefore, that they which are of faith, the fame are the Children of Abraham. V. 8.] And the Scripture fore- feeing that God would JM^j/fe the heathen through faith , preached before the Go/pel unt9 ^braham,(iyin^An thee shal all Nations ba blejfed.y.9.'] So then,they which be of faith,are bkffedymx\\ faithful Abraham. V. I*.] That the blefiing if Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jefus Chrift, that we might receive the proraife of the Spirit through faith. V/. Under the Gofpel, when Chrift the fubftance f «.-, was exhibited, (»^ Colofi.ir. ^^^s Ordinances in which this Covenant is difpenfed, are the preaching of Which are a the Word , and the Adminiftration oftheSacrcaments, of Baptifm and shadow of the Lords Sapper ( ',to all Nations,both »8. 19,20. V. 19."] Go ye therefore, and rrtfcfc aU Nations bapti-^ing them \n the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. v.io.j Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have com- manded yon ; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. .y€men. i Cor. 11. 25, 24,2 5. V.2 J.l For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I have delivered unto yon , that the Lord ^eftit Chrift , the fame night in which he was betrayed, took breed, v.24.] And when he had given thatjks , he break it, and faid, r4A^*, eat, this is my body , which is broken for yon -, ifc/jf^o in remembrance of me. v.t^.l After the fame manner alfo he took the cup when he had fuppcd, faying.This cup is the Ntw Tc- ftament in my b!ood;tfe»f«/o>'f,as oft as ye drink itjin remembrance of me. r;»)Heb. 12. 22-23,24,2$, 26, 27. v. 22.1 But ye are come unto Monnt Sion, and nnto the City of the living God,the heavenly Jerofa- lem,and to an innumerable company of Angels, v.2 3.I To the general aflembly and Church of thefirft bora, which arc written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the fpirits of juft men madeper- fcA. v.24.] And to Jefus the Mediatour of the new Covenant,and to the blood of fprinklinj:, that fpea- keth better things then that of ^bel. v.ii.'} Sec that ye refofc not him xhMfpeal^fth, for if they efcaped not who refufed him th^t fpake on earth : much more shal no: we efcape , if we turn away from him that fpeaj^ethfrom heaven, v. 26.] Whofe voice then shook tha earth, but now he hath promifed , faying > yet once more I shake not the earth onely, but alfo the heaven, v. 27-3 And rhis word , yet once more figni- fieth theremeving of tbofe things that are shaken, as o/things that are madcthat thofe things which can- not be shakcn,may remain. Ter.3i.3^34. v.33.] But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with thehonfeoflfrael after thofe daycs, faith the Lord, IWxW^mx my larv in their inward part^ ,andtrr>Veit in their hearts.,Sc will be their God,and they shal be my peoplc.v.34.]Andrhey shal teach no moreeverf tnxn his neighbonr , and every man his brother , fayin? , Know the Lord : for they shall aU ktiov me froiarheleaftofthemto thegreateftofthem»f4iththeL")rdi fori will forgi?etb I9.V.1 J /Having abolished in his flefh the enmity even the law of comman(iinents,containcd in ordioaa- ccs/or to make in hitnfelf of w^»n, om ntrv man, Co making peace. v.i6. ] And that he might reconcile ioth onto God in one bodjy by the crofs,havin2 flain the enmity thereby, v. 17.] And came and preached peace to yon that were afar off'y and to them tnat were »igh. v. 18.] For through him we both have an acttfs by onefpirit unto the Father, v. 1 9.I Now therefore ye are no more ftrangcrs and fordners , but fellow citii^ns with the Saints, and of the housholdofGod. (r) Luke ii. xo. Llkewife alfo the cup af- ter fapper, faying. This cup is the New Teflament in my blood, which ii Ihed for you, (/) Gal. 3. 14, K. V.I4.1 That xhebUfsing 0/ ..y^tr^fcaw might come on rfcc GewriVej through Jefus Chrift , that we might receive the promife of the Spirit through faith. V. 16, ] Now to Abraham and his feed were the promifes made , he faith not , And to feedsj as of many ^ but as of me , and to thy feedj which « Chriji. A6l$ I J. II. Bat we believe, that through xhtgrace of the Lord Jefus Chrifi , we shall be fxved, even as they. Rom. J. II. 2Z. 25. 30. V. ai. ] Snt now the righteoufnejfe of God without the Law is manifeffed, being wimeffed by the Law and the Prophets. V. 22.3 Even the righteoufnef o( God which is by taith of Jcfus Chrift, unto all, and upon all them that believe, for there w no difference. V . 2 5. ] For all have finned And come fbort of the glory of God, V. 30.] Seeing it is one God which fhall jufiifie the circum. cifion hy faith, and uncircumfion through faith , Pfalm 32. 1. Blefiedis he Mvhoktrangrefsion is forgiveny nndyvhofe fin is covered. Rom.4.3}6;l6,l7^23,24. V.j.] For what faith the Scripture ? Abraham^*- lieved God y and it was counted unto him for right*oufne{?. V. 6. ] Even as i5«T^/ the fame yeflerday. and to day^ and for ever. CHAP. V I I L Of Chrifi tie Mediaioftr^ IT pleafed God, in his eternal purpofejto ehoofe and ordain the Lord {a) ifai. 42. j, Jefus , his onely begotten 5on jto be the Mediatour between God and ^°^^ »"y f"- Man(^) J the Prophet(^), prieft {c), andKmg(d)y the Head, and Sa- qJ^'^j^'^^^^^ e/efi?, in whom my foul delighteth , / havepttt myfpirit upon him , he (hall bring forth judgement to the G#nf>7ei. I Pet.i.19,20. V.19.3 Bat -wiih the precious blood of Chrifi, asofa Lamb without blemiih,& without fpot. V.20.3 J^ho verily wzsfore.ordained before the foundation of the world, but was mam- feftinthefelafttimes/or^oM. Joh 3.16. For God fo loved the world, thzthe gave his only bet^otten Son, that whofoever believeth in him, fhould not perifli, but have everlafUng life, i Tim.».$. For there is one ) John 17.6. 1 have rranifefted thy Name unto the men wwfor/joM^itt/c/? me out of the world, thine they were , and thou gxvefithem me , and they hare kept thy word. Pfalm «2. 30. ^ feed shall ferve him, it shall bc accounted CO the Lord for a generation, //i;. 55. 10. Yetitpleafei the Lord to bruife him, he hath put him to grief, when thou shalt make his foul an offering for fin, he .thai I fee his feed , he shall prolong hisdayes^ and the pleafurcofthe Lord shall profper in htj hands, (f) I Tim.z6. Who give hirafdfiranfom for aU, to hstedified in due time. Ifai.s5.4,J.V.4.] Behold, I havegiven him for a witaefs to the people, a Leader and Commander to the people. V. 5 . ] Behold* thoit shall call a Nation that thou knoivefi not, and Nations that know not thee shall run unto thee , hz- eaufeoftheLordthyGod,andfortheholyoneofIfrael,forfc6fc znd the power of the ffigh eft shall overshadow thee , therefore atfo that holy Thing which shall be born of thee , shaH be called the Son of God. Gal. 4. 4. Sec letter (■(^ immediately foregoing. conm- (27) confufion («). which pcrfonjis very Gcd,and veiy man,) ct cne Chrift/ '0 ^okc ji. the only Mediator between God and Man (cy /oVegoing verfc Col,2.9. For in him dwelleth all the fullrefs of il.€ Ccdhcadktdily. Rem. 9.5. Whofc are the lathets, aDdofwliom,ascoDcerDiDg/fcey/j hat ^uickned by the fpirit. 1 Tim. 5. 16. And without contiovcrfy ^ great is the myftery of godh'nefs, Cod n ai manijtfi in thefesh , jnftified in tie fpiiir, fcen of Acgels , preached tJntotheGcntilcs, believed on in lie World, received up into glory, (c) Rom. 1.3,4. v. 3.] Conceto- itighis Son Jcfus Chrift our Lord, which was made of the feed ej Daiid, accorditig to tiie flcfh. 4 ] De- clared to be the Son of God, with power accoidirg to the Spirit of holinefs, by therefunedlionlicin the dead. I Tim.z.S- Forfhereis one God, and one Atcdiator betivetn God attd M<*n,xhcrnan Chrifijefuf. III. The Lord Jefus, in his humane nature thus united to the Divine, was fandified and anointed with the holy Spirit above naeafure^/)), ha- ^Z") P^al.45-7.' ving in him all the Treafuresof NVifdom and Knowledge i and offering for h'o:^ thou wciildcft not , neitiicr hadft pleafore tlicrcin , which are offered by the Law. v.9. 1 Then faid lie, Lo J come to do thy vail (O Ceo.) hctakcth away ihe firft,tl-.at he may eftablifh the fecond. v. lo"] By the jvhJch n ill wc are facftjficd thtough the of&iirg of tliebcdy of Jefus Chrift once for all. John 10. 18 . No man taketh it from m.e » but 7 /ay it doixn cj rr.yfilj ; I have power to lay ir down, and J have power to take it up again j this ccirmandnicut have I received oJ iry Father. Phil. 2.8. And being found in fashion as a man , he hmtled himftlf, and bccatr.ccbcdicrit uoxo death, even the death of the crofi. ¥ Law (i8> Cj) GaUtAA, Law (7 J, anJ did perfectly fuUfilic ^t), endured mod grievous tor- foHae'i^ of the "'^"^^ ifnmediately in his SoulC^), and nioft painful fufFerings in his timewascome, ^odyC^): was crucified, and died ( c ) : was buried, and remained un- God feot forth dsF the power of death • yet faw no corruption (u). On the third day he of a° womlf ^^°^^ '^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ' '^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^^ ^°^>' *" ^'^''^^^ ^^ ^ TufFered (f;, made under 'the Vvith which alfo he afcended into HeSven , and there fitteth at the x«ip. (OMat. right hand of his Father Cg;> making interceffion (h)^ and shai return fus^a fwe'^-"'*' to judge Men,and Angels,at the end of the World C»\ faid unto him , Suffer it to be fo now , for thus itbecormth us to fulfill all righteoufnefi ; then he fuffered him. Afatsh. $,ij. Think not that I am come to deftroy the Law or the Prophets * I am not come to de(iroy,lfMtofullfil. (x) Matth. i6. ^j, iS. v. 37. ] And he took with him P"er, and the two fon& ofZebedetyiQihegHQto beforroTvfuUandveryheavy. v. 58.] Then faith he unto them , My foul it ex" tetdingforroT.vfull,evtn unto de^ith^tavry ye here and watch with me. Luke 2Z.44. And being In an agony t he prayed more earneftly, and his fweat was as it were great drops of blood,falling down to the ground. Mattb.ij.^. And about the ninth hour, Jefus cryed with a loud voyce^fayingi £(i,Elhlamafabac thanij that is to fay, Afy God, my God, why haft thou forfaken me ? (b) Matth. 36.27. Chapters, (c) Phil. 2.8. See the laft Scripture in (.v) immediately foregoing, {d) A(fts2. 2 3,z4, 17, v.23.3 Him being delivered by the determinate counfel and fore-knowledge of God , ye have taken , and by wicked hands have crucified and (Iain. v.24. ] Whom God hath raifed up , having looi'tdthe pxim of death ybeczuCe it was not poffible that he should Ae/?o/i:/e» of it, v. 27. 3 Becaufe thou wilt not leave my fal in heU, neither wlkthoufttffer thine holy one to fee corruption. Ads 1^- 17- Bat he wlwm Gcd raifed again^ yiw «o cor- ruption. Rom. 6. 9. Knowing that Chrift being raifed from the dead , dieth no ifioie , death hath ne more dominion oVer him. (e) i Cor.i j.3,4. v.3.3 For I delivered unto you firft of all that wliich I alfo re- ceived, how that Chrift died for our lins, according to the Scriptures. V.4. ] And that he was buried,and that he rofe again the third day, according to the Scripture. And that he was feen otCeph.ts , then of the twelve. (/; fofert 20. 25,27. V.25.] The other Difciples therefore faid nnto him , We have feeo the Lord, but hi faid unto thein. Except I shall fee in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thruft my hand into his fide, I will not believe, v. 27.3 Tl"ien faid he to Tho- mas , Readi hither thy finger, and beholdmy hands , and reach hither thy hand, and thruji it into my fide ^ and be not faithlefs, but believing, {g) Mark 16,19. So then after the Lord hadfpoken nnto themj lie vja^s received Mp into Heaven , ana fate on the right hand of God. (h) Rom. 8. 34. Who is lie that con- demneth, itis Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifen again, who is cren at the right hand of God, who alfo maketh ir^Krcefsion for us. Hebr. 9. 24. For Chrift is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the trnc , but into heaven it felf , now to appear in theprcfence of God for us, Hebr. 7. 25. Wherefore he is able alfo to fave them to the uttermoft that come unto God by him, feeing he ever livethfo waj^e/rrtcrce/Jiow/er erj(iledfor eicr them that are fan&ified. Ephef.s.2. And walk in love, as Chrift aJfo hatii loved os, and hath given him- fclt for m, an ofj'er'mg and a Sacrifice to God, for a fwceifmrUjng favour. Rom. 5. 2j, a6. Verfc zj.} Whom God hath fet forth to be a fropitiation through (aitli in hit blood , to declare his rightecufnefs for x\-Ki-Qm\iY\otxo((msthiXzxe^i9ithreugh the forbearance of Cod. Verfe i6 J To declare, Ifay, at this time his righteoufticfs , that he might be juft , and the juftifier ofhim that bclicvethin lefus. {I) Dan. 9.24,26. V. 24. ] Seventy weeks are determined opon thy people, upon thy holy City , to finish the t-.ahfgrefsioTj , and to make an end of fin , and to make reconciliation for iniquity , and to bring in everla- jiingrightcoiifnefi, and to feal up the vifion and the prophecy , and to anoint the moft holy. v. 26. And after thrcefcore and two weeks fhall Attfiah be cut off, but not for himflf, and the people of the Prince that fhal come fhal deflroy the City dc the Sandnary,and tlw end thereof fhall be with a flood.aod unto the end of the war defolations are determined. Col. 1 .19,20. v. 19.] For it pleafcd the Father , that in hitn should all fuHnefs dwell, v. 20.] And liaving made peace through the bloodofhis crsffe , by him to reconcile aU things unTo himfelf j by him, 1 fay, whether they be things in earth, or things in Heaven. Ephef 1.11,14. v.ii J In whom alfo we hzvt obtained an inheritance , being predeftioated according to the pnrpofe of hitn wiio worketh all things after the counfel of his own will, verfe i4,] V Vhich is the earned of otir inheritance , untill the redettjption of xhe p ur chafed pcffcf ten , unto the praife ol his glory. .Toiin 17.2. As thou haft given him power over all fiefli , that he fhoald give eternal life , to as many as thou hafi given him. Hebr.9. 12,15. v.iz.j Neither by the blood of goats and calves , butbyliisown blood he entred in once into the holy place , having obtained eternal redemption for tts. Verfe 15.3 And for this caufe he is the Mediatour of the New Teftament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the tranfgreflions that were under the firft Teftament , they which are called might receive thepromife of tternal inheritance. VI. Although the work of Redemption was not adually wrought by Chrift till after his Incarnation, yet the vertue, efficacy , and benefits thereof were communicated unto the Eledl in all ages fucceflively from the beginning of the world , in and by thofe promifcs , types, and facrifi- ces, wherein he was revealed, and fignified to be the feed of the woman, which should bruife the Serpents head: and the Lamb llain from the beginning of the World : being yefterday , and to day the fame, and for ever (m) , (m) Gal at. 4. 4,5. V.4.] But when the fu.'nefs of the time rrof come , God fent forth his Son made of a w'oraan , madennder the Law. Verfe 5 .] To redeem them thtt vcere under the Zatv, that we might rrceive the adoption of foDs. Ge». 5.15. And I will put enmity bervt^cenrhec and the worr an, and between thy feed and /j*/7ef«i, it shall *m»/ej^^/jerft/, and thou shaltbuife its heel. Revel. 15. 8. And all that dwell upon tlie earth sbaM wor- ship him ,whofe names are not written in the book of life, oUhc Lamb flain from thtfmiidation of iht World. Hebr,I3.8. Jefu^ Chrijifthe fame ycjhrday, and to dajy and for ever. F z VII. Chrift, VI I. Chrlft , in the work or Meditation , ac^eth according to bocli r»i) Heb9.i4. Natures, by each Nature doino; that which is proper to it felf (w) : yet See letter i(.. by reafon of the unity of the Perfon , that which is proper to one Na- Ssfipture the ^ j^ fometimes in Scripture attributed to the Perfon denominated Icconciyi ret, 7. , , , .- \ '• i8. For Chrift by tne Other Nature («>)• alfo hath once fuffered for fins, the jiift for the unjuftj that lie might bring us to God , hdngput to death in the fleshy but ejukknedbythe Spirit, (o) A<5ts 20. i8. Take heed therefore unto yonr felves, and to all the flock over the wliich the holy Ghoft hath made you overfeers, to feed the Church oCGod , which he hath punhsftd with his own blood. John 5. l J. And no mxn hath afcended op to heaven , but he that came d^ wn from heaven , even the fon of rnxn , which is in heaven, i John %. 16. Hereby perceive we the Jove of God, becattfe he laid down hit life for us, and wc ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. V I II. To all thofe for whom Chrift hath purchafed Redemption, (p^ John 6. 37. he doth certainly and efFedually apply and communicate the fame (/>/, ?9. V. 37.] AH making intercemon for them ^^), and revealing unto them, in, and by that the Father thg Word, the rayfteriesoffalvation (f), efFecauallyperfwadingthem f^X^foIweTand by his Spirit, to believe and obey , and governing their hearts , by his laim that' co- Word and Spirit (f) , overcoming all their enemies by his Almighty inethtome, I will in no wife caft our. v. 39.3 And this is the Fathers wiH which hath fent me. that of all which he hathgivenme, Ish9uldlofenothingihwts\ion\^raifettupagainitxh'i\a.^iiy. John 10.15,16. v-i^.l As the Father knoweth mcj even fo know I the Father, andllaydownmy life for the sheep, v. 16.^ And other sheep I have which are not of this fold > tlTCin alfo I mnji bring , and they shaU hear my voyte^ and there shall 6c one foW, and one shepheard. (q) i John 2.1,2. v.l. J My little children ,thefe things ! write onto you , that yc fin not > and if any man fin « we have an Advocate voith the Father , Jefuf • Chilft the righteous. V.2. J And he is the propitiation for our fins 3 and not for ours only , but alfo for ^thefins of the v;I»ole world. Rom. 8 . 34. Who is he that condemneth ? it is Chrifl: that diedj yea rather ihat is rifen again, who is even at the right hand of God , wh^ alfo majt^th intercefiionfor us. (r) John 1 5 1 3,15. V. 1 3. i Greater love hath no man then this , ihata man lay down his life for Hsfriendi. V. 15 .'] Henceforth I call you not fervants, for the fervant knoweth not what his Lord doth but I have c ailed you friends, for all things that I have heard of myFather^ Thavt made knonm unto you. Ephefi .7, B, 9. verfe 7.I In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins, according to ^h^ riches of his grace, verfe 8.] Wherein he hith abounded towards us, in all wifdome and prudence. Verfe 9.] Having made known unto us the myjiery of his will , according to his good pleafure which he hid purpofe in himfelf John 17.6. I have manifefied thy Name unto the men which thou gaveft tne out Dfiiieworld,thinethey were, thou gaveft thera me, and they have kept thy word. (/") lohn 14. l6. And I will pray the Father, and hs shall give you another Comfortery thathe may abide withyou for ever. Hebr.12.2. Seeking unto fefnf , the .yfuthor andfinisher of our faith , who for the joy , that was fet be- K)re him , endured the Crofle 1 defpifingthe shame , and is fet down aithe right hand of th:; 1 hrotie oi God: z Cor.4.i 3. We having the ftme fpirit effaithy according as it is wiitten , I believe , and thsre- fore have I fpoken, we alfo believe, and therefore fpeak. Rom, 8. 9>i4. verfe 9.3 Botye are not inth.e Aeihi hni in the fpirlt, iffo hst\\ilth F 3^ m (/)Epber.2.i,5- in fin (/;, isnotable, byhlsownftrength, to convert hlmfelf, or to L;u>e suick". P^eP"-^ iimfclf thcreimto (j ). licd^ ii'So jpj>-e t/e.trf in trcfpajfes and /int. V. S •] Evcii vv hen we irere deadinfinr, hath qiiickned as toge- ther wirhChrift, by grace ye are faved. Co/.i. 15. And you Oetng dead in your (ins , and the uncircumci- lion of yo'jr flesh, hith he qukkned together with him, iuving forgiven you all trefpaffes. (g) John 6. 4*,65 . V.44 3 N'» Hian can coiue to iiic, except the Father which haih fciU me draw himy and 1 will raife him up at the laft day. V.65.I And he faid, I hercforefaid 1 unto you, that wo wtf« CiZ«cofwe? J- v. 3.3 For we our fel ves alfo nne fometiynes foolish, difobedient , deceived , ftrving divers lujis and pleafure , ii- ling in malice and envy, hatefull and hating cae another, Verre4.3 But after that the kindnefle and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared. Verfe$ ]) Not by xcorl^s of righteo^fnefs ivhkh -ive have done ^ but 'according to his mercy he faved us, by the washing of regeneration , and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. IV. When God converts a finner, and tranflates him into the ftate C'') 9^'-, '• ' V of grace, he freeth him from his natural bondage under fin {h) ; and by ^eredus from ^^'^ S*"^^^ aloue, enables him freely to will , and to do that which is fpin- the pcrver of tually good ( J) 5 yet fo, as that by reafon of his remaining corruption, darknejfe , and he doth not, perfedly, nor onely, will that which is good, but doth alio us'Nn'to^'he will that which is evil (V- Kingdom ofhis dear Son. John 8.34,36. verfe 34. 3 Jefus anfwered them , Verily ^ verily, I fay unto you, whofoevet committeth fin, is tbefervant of fin. verfe 36.] If the Son therefore shal make you free^ye shilbefreeitfdeed, {i) Phil. 2. 13. por itis God that worketh in youhoth to wiU and to do , of his good pleafure. Rom.6.i8>2i. V.18.I Being then made free from fin, ye became «''c/eri'«Krjo/>-igfc«oj«e»j^f>-j- , vcarring againji the law oj my mind j and briaging me into captivity to the law offin^ which is in my members. V. The will of man is made perfedly,& immutably free to do good (/) Epher.4.13. alone, in theftate of Glory onely il)» Till we all J J Come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Soa ofGod, unto aperfeSt man, xinto the mea' fure ofthefiature ofthefulne^ of Chrifi.Heb.iz.t^. To the general aflembly and Church of the firft-boro, which are wtitten io heaven , and to God the Judge of all , and to xhefpirits ofjufl men madeperfefi. X John 3.1. Belovednowarewe thefonsof God,,and it doth not yet appear what we shall bcbatwe know, that when he shall appear, we shall he like him, for we shall fee him as he is. Jude 24. Now un- to him that is able to keep yoa from falling , and to prefent youfaultlefs before the prefence cfhit glory, with exceeding joy. CHAP, A (33) C H A P. X. Of Egeand Calling, Ll thofe whom God hathpredeftinated unto life, and thofe onely* he is pleafed in his appointed and accepted time, efte<5luaily to (a) Roman. ^. call (<<), by his ^'^'o^d and Spirit (^), out of that ftate of fin and death, 30. Moreover, in which they are by nature, to Grace and Salvation by JefusChrift [c)-^ '^I'Xii^lJ'^ enlightning their minds, fpiritually and favingly to underftand the themheaifoc'al. things of God (d) ; taking away their heart of ftone, and giving unto /«^, and whom them an heart of flesh (e)-, renewing their wills, and by his Almighty jjg "[{-q^' ^-^^JT power determining them to that which is good {f ), and efFcdually ficd/and whom he juftified, them he alfo glorified. Rora.ii. 7. What then, Ifrael hath not obtained that which he fee- keth for, but but in flefhly tables of the heart, Verfc 6.] Who alfo made us able Minifiers of the New Tefla- raent, not of the letter} but of the Spirit, for the letter killeth, bat the Spirit giveth life, (c) Rom. 8. 2. Foe the Law of the Spirit of life in Chtiftjefus^hath made me free from the Lav:' of fin and death. Eph.2, i, 5, 4,5. v.l. 3 Aadyo\ihathheijuic!{>2ed,\vhon>,-rcdeadinuQCpiffesai:idfms. V. 2.] Wherein in timespaji ye walked^ according to the courfe of this world, according to the Prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in the children of difobedieoce. V.^.]} Among whom alfo we all had dur cenverfation- in times pi^.,\athelufis of our flesh , fiilliiUingthe defiresof theHefh, acdof themind, and were by na- ture the children ofwrathj even as others. V.4.3 But God who ii rich in tncrcy> for his great love where- with beloved us. Verfe 5«1 Even when we were dead in fias» hath i^w/f/^^Mec/rw-jo^fr/jfr with Chrift (by grace ye are faved«) 2 Tim. 1.9,10. verfe 9.3 ^ho huh faved us y and caL'ed tis v,i\h an hoU c&Wm^t Dot according to our works, but according to his own purpofe and gtace , which was given us in Chrift Jefus before the world began, V.io.] But is now made manifeft by the appearing of our Saviour Jefus Chrift, who hath abolished death, ^ndhzth brought ///eaodimmortality to light through the GofpeL (d) Ads z6.l8. To open their eyes, aad to turn them from dar^ncf to light , and from the power of Satan onto God , that they may receive forgivcncfs of fins , and inheritance amongft them which are fanfti- fied by faith that is in me, i Cor.2.10,12. v.io.] Bnt Godh^th revealed them unto us by his Spirit , for the Spirit fearcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Verf.12,] Now we have received, not the fpirit of the world, hat the Sfirit which is of God, that jpe might k^iovo the things , that are freely given to osofGod, Ephef.i.t7,i8. V.17.3 That the God of our Lord JefusChrift, the Father of glory , may ^\ve unto you the fpirit of rvifdom and revelation y in the knowledge of him, V. 18.] The eyes of yottr un- 4er(ianding being enlightned, thit ye may kriow vchat is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory ofbis inheritance in the Saints, (c) Ezek. 56. 26.' A new heart alfo will I give yoo , andancw fpirit will I put within you , and / rcill take away thejiony heart out of your flelh , and / reillgive you an heartsfflesh. {f) Ezek.ii-ig. And I will give ?/?•»» one /5«.«rf, and I will put anew fpirit within yoa, and I will take arvay thejiony heart oQt of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh. Phil, x.l 1. Foe it is Cod that worketh in you, both to will and to do, of his good pleafure. Deut, 50. 6. And the Lord thy except the Father (which hath power) draw him , and I will raifc him up at thelaft day. V.4J. j It is written in the Prophets, And they shall be all taught of God, every man therefore that had heardj and hath /Mrn«(io/"rfceF4ffoer,coOTftfef<«(o we. {h) Cant.1.4. Drawine, ne iv/// run after thee. Ffalm 1103. Thy people shall be r^lUiag in the djy cf thy power , in the beauties of hollnefsj from the womb ot'the morning, thou hafl: the dew of thy youth. John 6 37, All that the Father giveth ine, shall come tome yiaAhim ti)nt cometh uyname ^\\'/i\\ in no wife cad oar. Rom. 6. 16, 17, 18, v-i6. ] Know ye not, to whom ye jk"/'^ ;':>«>■ /"''w/ /f?-Z''iHfx to obey , his fervar.ts ye are to whom ye obey, whether of fin onto death, orof obedience unto righteoufn^fi. V. 17. ] _ Bat God be thanked that ye were the fervants offinj but ye hctve obeyed from the heart the form ol'Doiflrine winch wis delivered you. V.18.!] Beiog thea made free from Cia,ye became ih? fervants sfrlghteaufnefs. i'. This effet^ual Call is ofGods free and Ipecia] grace alone, not (iUTiin. t.9. from any thing at allfcrefeen inman (r; , who is altogether pailive Who hath faved therein, untillbeingquicknedandrenewed by the holy Spirit (h^j he lis with an holy ^^ thereby enabled to anfwer this Call , and to embrace the grace offered, callitig, nof tic- and conveyed in it (/^. cording to our works, but according to his oivnpiirpefe and grace ivhich was given us in Chrift Icfus before the world be- gan. Tit. 3.4,5. v.4.3 But after that the kindnefs and love ofGod our Saviour toward man appeared. "V.5 -3 ^ot by rvorks of right eoufnefs -which %re have dove, but according to his ojvtrmercyyhe faved us by the washing ofregenerationj and renewing of the holy Ghoft. Ephef 2 4,Sj8j9. v.4. !" Bat Gpd who is rich in mercy, for his great love whcrevcith he loved «*. V. 5 ."| Even w hsn we were dead in fins , h.vh cjuick- «eci f«- together with Chrift (ij/ grace ye are faved.^ V.8.1 For by ^rare ^x, /e^^irw^iTian should boaft. Rom. 9.11. For the children being not yet born , neither having done any good or evil , that the purpofe of God ac- cording to eledlion»>/g/;r)?««rf,Kof o/ivovJ^t, but of liitn that caileth. (A,) I Cor.2.l4. ^Qt the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit oj God , for tliey are foolishoefs unto him , neither can he } lefus anfwercd and faid nnto Viim Verify, verily, I fay unro thee. Except a man be born again^ he cannot fee the l{ingdom of God. V.5 . j lefus tnfwered, Verily, verily, I fay unro thee, Except x man he born ofivater, and of the fpirit , he cannot tnttr into the Kingdom of God. i John 5,12. f^e that hath the Son , hath life ^ but he that hath not the Son of Godshathnotlife. i^o»;.8.9. But ye are not in the flesh, bat in the fpirir,iffo be that the Spirit of '-od dwell in you .3 now ifanyroan havcnotthe SpiiitbfCbrift, heisnoneof his. how boAvhe pleafeth (n). Soalfoare all other tkSt perfors vhoare uncapa- (r) -M^" V^' ble ofbeing outwardly called by the Miniftry ofthe Word (c.) Jj"^^ ^';,"^,.^ '; iijifth, and thou lieareft the found thereof, but cai ft not tell vt hence il ccir cth and whirler it gotth,/b w tverj one that w born of the jf hit. {o) I John 5 . 1 i He that hath the Sen, iaih life , but he that hath not the Sod of God:, hathtotlife. Ads4. iz. l^cixhci is thirefttivaticn in ar^i other , i'ot there ii none other name under Heaven given anxng nnen, whereby we tnufl be faved. I V. Others, not elected , although they may be called by the Mini- ^ >^ Matth.n ftry ofthe V\ ord (j>) , and may have fomecommon operations of the 14, For wgny Spirit c^^, yet they never truly come unto Chrift, and therefore can- «re called^ but not be faved (r) . much lefscan men, not prok fling the Chriftian Reli- f J')'*^*^°/*°' gion, be faved in any other way whatfoever, be they ncverfo diligent 2z. Manywili to frame their lives according to the light of Nature, and the Law of fay to me m that Religion thev doprofeffe ( f) . And, to aflert and maintain , that 'l^«f ay, Lord, 1 ^. -^ y. J 1 1 n J/ \ Lord, have wc they may, is very pernicious, and to be detelted (n . not frtphtfitd in thy Name ? and in thy Name have caji out Devils , and in thy Name done many wonderjuU worlds ? Alatth.i ^.20,21. Vcrfe 20.] But he that received the feed into ftocy places, the fair.e is he that hcareth the Word, and even vciih^oyreceiVethit. Vcrfe 2 1.] Yet hathhe notrcotin himjelf , butdurcth for a while, for when tribulation or perfecution arifeth becaufe of the Word, by and by he is offended. Hebr. €.4i$. V.4.3 For it is iropcfliblefbrthofe tvho rvcre enct enlightned , and haVc tafledoj thelnavetily gift^ and vcere partakers of the holy Ghoft. Vcrfe 5.3 And have rajitdihegocc Word oj God ^ and the/'owf >-x of the World to come, {r) ]ohn'6.64,6S;66. Vetf.64.] But there are feme of ihtm that believe net, for Jefus koew-from the beginning , who they were that believed cot , and who should betray him. Vcrfe 6$.} And he faid, Therefore lay I unto yon, that no man can come tmto me , except it were given unto him of my Father. V 66.1 "^^iOtuxhuttiVT'Cmanji oj his Difcifles vctnt hack, ar.d-nalked no more nith hint. Johtl 8. 24. I faid therefore unto you , that jo« shail dye in your fins , for if you btUe've t ct that J am he , you shall dye in your fmi. (/-) Ads 4- 1 2. Neither is there falvation in any other , for there is none other na'mt wn^/ey /t/crfxieM given atnongft men , whereby rce muji be faved. John 14.6. Jefus faith unto him , /rfw the vcay, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by we. Ephef 2.12. That at that time ye Tcere Tcitheut Chrifty being aliens from the common-ixealth of Ifracl , and f rangers from the covenants of promife J fcd-v/n^ ;jo hope , zndvoithovtCod'm iheWcrld. John 4. 22. Ye worship ye know not what, weknow what we worshipjforyrt/t' II. v.9.3 Whofa- ttanfgreflcth and abides not in the Do^rineoJ Chiifi , hath notGod ', hexhitabideth'wxhcDo&TWe of Chr\&,hchath both the Father and the Son. v. 10. ~ If there ccme any unto youj and inw^ tJotthisDo- 6triDe,rece»i/€fc/>WKO/;Kfojo»j-/;o«/cjneither bidhim Godfpced. V. 11. 3 l^cr he ths.t iiddeth him God Ipeed, is fartal\fr of his evil deeds. 1 Corinr. 16. 22.; If any man love net the Lord']cfm Chrifi, let him be j/fnathtma, Maranaiha. Gal. 1.6,7^8. V.6.] I marvel tliat you are fo foon removedixcxr\ him that called you into the grace of Chrift unto another Gofpel. \ j ~\ Which is not another, but there be fomt that tron- ble yoDj and would pervert the Gofpel of Chrift. Vcrfe SO But though nc, or an ^ngelUctti HeaveUji f reach any other Coffel untoycu, th^n that which we have preached unto yoUj let him be accurjcd. CHAP. XT. THofe whom God efFedually calleth, he alfo freely jrftii^cth (ay. (a)Kcra.^.io. not, by infufing righteoufnefs into them, but by pardonirp their ^f^ffo-er, 3 ft' 1 » 1 ./-,,,, . vhrir he pre- deft:nated,-them be alfo cslledjand whtm he elfo callcd.thim he alfo jufifitd, and w he m he juftiftcd. them jie a|fo glorified. Roman. 3.24. Being jupifiedjreeiy by his grace^ thrciich the redemption that is io lefus C^«*ft' G fins, fills , and by accounting and accepting their perfons as righteous ^ not, for any thing wrought in them , or done by them , but tor Chrifts fake alone ; nor , by imputing faith it felf, the ad of believing, or any other Evangelical obedience to them, as their righteoufneG' ,- but by imputing the obedience and fatisfadion of Chrift unto them b) , they receiving, and refting on him and his righteoufiiefs by faith jwhiqh faith, they v") R.o!r.4.5. have, notofthemfelves,itis theeiftofGod (i:). 6,7,8. verfe 5.1 . . , Now tohiin that worketh not, butbeJicveth on him that j«f/?/j'zVr/j thenngodly , his fAitb is counted for vighttoufnefi . V.60 Even as Z> 25^ i7j28. V.ai. J Even the righteoufnefs of God, which is by fxith of Jefus Chrift onto all, and upon all them that be. //eve, forthere isno difierence. v. 24"' Beingpj^'^e'^/^ee/j^j'hisgrace , through th redemption tlutis in Chrift lefus. V.Z5.] Whom Godhithfetiotthtohea propitiationthrough faith in his bloody to dechre hii righteoufnefs for the remifsion of fins that are paft, through the forbearance of God. v. 27.] Where is boaftingthcnjby whatlawofworksjbutA)i?fce^<«vof/<«V/j ? verf. 28.] Therefore we conclude, that a miais']\i(iified by faith, without the deedt of the Uve. Tit. 5.5, 7. verfe 5. J "^ot by ivorks of righteoufneffe, which we have done, bat according to his mercy he faved as, by the washing of regeneration, and renew- ing ofthe Holy Ghoft. v. 7.] That being jttjiifitd by his grace , we should be made heirs according to the hope ofeteraallife. Ephef. 1.7. Jtiwhom wchzveredemption through his blood , f />c forgivenefle of fins according to the riches ofhis grace, ferem. » 5.6. In his dayes shall fudnh be faved, and Ifracl shall dwell fafely, and this is the name whereby he shall be called. The Lord our righteoufnefs, 1 Cor.t. 50,31. V. 30.3 But of him are^e »» Cbriji fefus , who ofGod , is made unto us wifdome , and righteoufnefs, and fanHification, and redemption. V. 31 . j That according as it is written , He that glorieth; let him glory in the Lord. Rora.S.i7,i8,i9, T.17.] For ifby one mans offence, death reigned by one , much more they vhich receive abundance of grace, and ofthe gift of righteoafdefs, shall reign in life, by one, Jefuf Chvifi. V.18 .] Ti»«refore as by the offence of one, judgement came upon all men to condemnation > even (o by ihe righteoufnefs of one, the free gift came upon all men to jujiiftcation of life, v. 19.] For as by one mans difobedienccs many were made finners : fo by the obedience of one, shall many be made righteous, (c ) Adls 10. 44, While Peter yet fpake thefe words, the Holy Ghoft fell on all them which heard the word. Galat. 2. 16. Knowing tbat a man is not juftified by the works ofthe lawj but by the faith of Jefus Chrift, tvtvt, we have believad in lefus Chrift , thatwemighthe juftified by 'the faith off efut chrift , andnctbytlie works of the J«w, for by the works ofthe law shall no flesh be juftified. Phil.3.9. Andbe found in him, aothavingour own righteoufnefs, which is ofthe law, hut th^t which is through the faith of Chrift y the righteouftiefs which is of God by faith. Adts 1 5. 38039. v. 38.] Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethresij that through this man is preached unto you the forgivenefs of fins. v. 39.] And by him all thatbe- l}tve axe juftified from all things , from which ye coijld not be juftified by the Law of Mofes.^ Ephef. 2. 7, 8. V.7. ] That In the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace , in his kindnefs to- wards us y through Chrift fefitt. verfe 8.] For by grace are ye faved through faith , and that not of your felvesj it is the gift of God. (d) John I. IS. 1 1. Faith , thus receiving and refting on Chrift , and his righteoiiC. feTeilld'*S!m ^^^^ ' ^^ ^^^ ^^°"^ inftrument of Juftification C^ 5 yet is it not alone in to thcai g*ve he pawerto became the font of God , even to them thit btlie've on his Name. Rom. 5. i8. Therefore we conclude > that a man is juftified by faith , without the deeds of the Law. Rom.s.i, Therefore being jaftifiei by ftiithf we have peace with God> through our Lord lefus Cferift. the the perfon juftlfied , but is ever accompanied with all other favlng gra- ces^and is no dead faith, but worketh by love {e), (0 y«w. ^,\J^ Even fo fynh if it hath not works, // dead being alone. V. Z2, 1 , Seeft thou \vi\N faith wrought with his norksi and by works v/as faitli made perfefl. v.a6. j For as tlie body without the fpirit is dead , fo faith -without rvorl^i isdeadalfo. <74/.5.6. For in lefus Chriftj neither circumcilion availethany thing, coi uncircurn- •cifioo ,i,but faith which worketh by love. III. Ch rift by his obedience , and death, did fully difcharge the debt of all thofe that are thus juftified, and did make a proper , real, and (/) Rom. 5.8. full fatisfadion to his Fathers Juftice in their behalf (./). Yetjinasmuch 9>io,\9. v.8.3 as he wa« given by the Father, for them (^ ) j and , his obedience and fa- ,^" Jjj^^ '^ ^J"' tisfadion accepted in their ftead { h) 5 and both freely, not for any thing love towards in them j their Juftification is onely of free grace (0 j that both the us , in that exadijuftice, and rich grace of God, might be glorified in thejuftifica- while we were tionoffinnersCO. v auiftT?>,- *tf^ i'crfeg. ] Much more then being jaftified by his 6/oo«f, vce shall befawedjrom nrath throi*ghhim. v.io.^For ifwhen we were enemies we were reconciled toGod by tlie death of hisSon :much xuoreybcing reconciled, v/t shall be faved by bis life. v,l9.1 For as by one inans difobedience , many were made fin- nersj even fo by the obedience of one, shall many be made righteous, i Tim. a . 5> 6. V.5 . J For theicis one God , and one Mediatour betvceen G od and man , the man Chriji fefus. v. 6. 1 Who gave himfelj a ran- fame for all, to be teftificd in due time. Hebr. 10. 10,14. verfe i o.] By the which will we ivefanclifiedf through the offering of the body offefits Chriji , once for all. v. 14-3 For by one offering he haihperjeBcd for ever them that are fanBlfied. Dan. 9. 24) 26. V.24. Seventy weeks are determined upon my people, and upon this holy City, to finish the tranfgrefsion , andto make an end of fins , and to make recouciliation for iniquity, and to bring in eVerlafling righteoufnefi , and to feal up the vifion and propliecy , and to an- oint the moft holy, verfe 26.3 And after threefcore and two weeks, fliall Mefliah be cut off, butnctfor himfelfy and the people of the Prince that {hall come , fhall deftroy the City and tl.e Sandtuary , and the end thereof fhall be with a floud, and unto the end of the war, defolations are determined. Ifai. 5 3. 4,$ , 6,1 OjI 1^12. v.4.3 Surely he hath born our griefs, and carried our forr ores, yet we did efleem him ftricken, fmittenofGod, andafflifted. v. 5.I Bat hew zs vcounded for our tranfgref ions , hewzshwiCedfercur iniquities, the chajiifement of our peace was upon him, and xvithhis ftripts vce are healed, v. 6.] All we^ like Sheep » have gone aftray ;, we have turned every one to bis own way, and the hoxdhath laid on him thz iniquity ofus'all . v.io.U Yet itpleafedthe Lordto bruife him , be \\Athput him to grief: when thou shah make his foul an offering for ftn, he fhall fee his feed , he fhall prolong his dayes , and the plcafure of the Lord fhall profper in bis hand, v.ii.] He shall fee of the travel of his foul, and shall be fatisfied, by his knowledge shall my righteous fervantjuftify many, for he ihall bear their iniquities, v. j 2. ] Thereibre will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the fpoil with the fti ong , becanfe he lu; h poured out his foul unto death, and he was numbred with the tranfgreirors, and he bare the fin of'-niny,ar.d made intercefsion for the tranfgrefjors. (g) Rom. 8. 32. He lliat fpared not his own Son , but delivered him up fonts all y\\o\v%\a\\ he not with him alfo freely give us all things ? (h) 2 Cor.5.21. For he hath , made him to befn for us , who knew no fin , that we might be made the lightcoufnefs of God in him. Matth.^.iy. And lo, a voice from heaven, faying, 7H&is my hdoyed Son, imvhom J am ntU pleafcd. Ephef.5.2. And walk in love, as Chrift alfo hath loved os, and hath given himfclf for us an offering ahd a facrifice to God, fcr a frceetfmcllingfavmr. {i) Rom. 3, 24. Be'vgjujiifiedfnely by his gr a f:e,xhio%h the redemption that is in Chrifljefus. Epheri.7. In whom we have redemption by his blood , thefor- givenefs of fins , according to the riches of his grace, (k) Rom. 3.26. To declare, I fay, atthistim«, his righteonfoefs, that he might be jufl , zndthe'ftfflfierofhimthatbdiexethinfefus. Ephef 2.7. That in the ages to come he miiiht shcv:! tire exceeding- riches of his grace , in his kindnefs towards us , through, JefusChrifl. G 2 IV. God (58) (I) Galaf.?.?; IV. Goi did, fro!Ti all eternicy, decree to juflify all the Eledl (/),& ^^^^ l^re^Sln^ ^^"^ ^''^ ' ''^ ^''^^ ^LiUasts ofclms , dyc for their fins , and rife again for Tit GodwMid their juftification {m) : nsvertlielefsjthay are not juftified.untillthe holy jitjilf} the he*- Spirit doth induetimeadually apply Chrift unto them (n.) then through fahhj preached before tin G)Cpd unto ^br*hxmy faying, in thee Ihal all Nations be blefTed. i Pet.r. S.I9t20. v.i ] £''^''? ,accordingtj the t'ore-l^nomUdge of Godtht Father , through juftification ofthefpi- rit>uatoob2dieace, and fprinkliog of the blood of Jefus Chrift, vcrfe 19. j Bai with the precious blood of C/w/?, as ola Lamb wichoutbleiuifh 1 and without fpot. v. zo.] Who verily vom forz-ordxinedbefort the foundation of (he W>rld, but w is minifeftin thefe la!l times tor yju. R.om.8.50. Moreover, ir ow /;e did predeftimtt , them h: alfo called , and vvaon he called, th:mh!alf3Jufi:'led, and whom he juflificd, them he aUb glorified, (^j G-il 4 4-- But ^rhen theftUnefi of the time vois come , G jd feot forth his Son, inavde ofa woman, made undirrh; law. i rim.j.6. Who gavehiinfeif a ranfom for all, to be te[ii[ied in due time. Roman. 4-. 15. Wti > was delivered foroarotfences , and ivof raifedagam for ourjujiification. («) Col.l.2l,ii. verfe 21.3 And them that were fometimes alienated, and enemies in your jniodby wicked worksj j« now hit!} he re.onci'ed. verfzj.] In the body ofhis flzsh, through death, to prefent yon holy, andunbIameab!e,andonreproveableiQ his light. Gj.1.i.i6. See letter (c) immediately foregoing. Tit, \. 4.5,6,7. V. 4. J But after that the kindnefs and loveof God our Saviour toward man appeared. V. 5 .] Not by works of righteoufnefs, which we have done, but according to his mercy hefaved tis , by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghoft. v.6.3 Which he {hed on us abundantly, through Jefus Chrift our Saviour. V.7.] Tint being jtifiijied by hit grace, wc Ihould be made heirs according to jhehopeofeternallife. _ . , _ n - t (9) Matt.6 11. V. God doth continue to forgive the fins of thole that are juftihed ,0^: And forgive us atid,althoughthey can never fall from the ftate of Juftification C/'^ ; yet cur debts, as we ^.^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^j^^jj, (j^jj^faji under Gods fatherly difpleafure,and not have d°SorliJohn the light of his countenance reftored linto them , untill they humble 1.7.9. verf. 7 ] themfclves, confefs their fins, beg pardon , and renew their faith and re- be is in the light, we have fellowship one with aoother,and the blood of Refits Chrift his Son> cleanfvth us from all fin. V.9.] If we confefs our fins, he is faithful^ znd jufi to forgive our fins, and to cleanfe as from all UDrighteoufnefs. i John z.i,*. v.i.3 My little children, thefe things I write unto you,ihatyeiio not, and if any man fin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous. V. 2. J An d he is the propitiation far ourfins, and not for ours onely,but alfo for the fins of the whole world. {[>) Luke ii. 32. But IhivepTiyedfoTxhse^thatthy faith fail not , and when thou art converted, ftrengthen thy bre- thren. I John 10.8. And I give unto them eternal life, utidthey shall never perish^neither shall any man fluck^them cut of my hand. Heb.ro. i4. For by one offering he hath pcrfeB'.d for ever them that are fanfli- fied. (tf) Pfalm 89.51,52,55. v. 51.] If theybroakmy ftatutes , and keep not my commandments. V.52.3 Then will I vifit their tranfgreflionsTtj/f/jtfce^-orfjrfnirfeefV iniquity with (iripes. V.;;"] Never- thelefs my loving kindnefs will I not utteyly take from him ^ nor fuffer my faithfulnefs to fail, Pfalm 51.7* 8,9,10,11,12. V.7.D Purge me with fJyIf op y Aod I shM be clean, wash me, and I shall be winter then the fnow. V.8.] Make me ro hear joy and gladneft, that the bones whici) thou hxfi broken may re;oyce. v.9.3 Hide thy face from my fins, and blot out all my iniquities. V. 10.3 Create in me a clean heart , O God> and renew a right fpirit within me. v. ii-l Caft me nof^Tu-fy /Vow W>)'/7)'e/e«ce, and take not thy holy {pirit from me. v.iz.l Kedoxeunto methejoy ofthy falv^tion, and uphold me with thy free foirit. Pfal. 5 J. 5. I atk^nowledge my fin un'.o thee , and mine iniquity have I not hid , I faid, I will confefs my tranf- grerflons unto the Lord, and thoa/oy^4T;e/; 75. And Perer remembrcd the words of Jefus, which faid auto him, before the Cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice ; and he went ewXy and wept bitterly, i Cor.il.50,52. V.50.") Tot this caufe mzny are weak and fick^y among youj and many fleep. ▼.52.1 Batwhen we are judged, -roe-trec/j^^enedofthe Lord, that we should not be con- demned with ths World. Luke 1.20, And behold, thou shalt be dumb , ind not able to fpeak^^ untill the day that thefe things shall be performed, btsanft tbonbelUvtJi m$ my reords ^ whith shall be fnlfilled in theli fetfoQ. iuri^^^K ^ I* ^^ (39) V '. The Juftitication of Believers under the Old Tcftament, was In allthefc refpeas, one and the fame with the Juftification of Believers ^.^g^i^^i^, under the New Tertament ( r ). i4. verf.9.] So then they which be of ("auh, are blej]ed with faithful Abraham, v. 1 3.3 Chrift hath redeemed m from the curie of the Uxr^ being made a curfe for 11$ ; for it is written, Curfed is every one that hangeth on a tree. V 14 1 That the blejung nf Abraham might come on the Gentiles , through Jefus Chrift , that we might receive the promifeof the Spirit, through faith. Rom.4.zz,2 3;i4. v.ij. ] And therefore it was imputed to hliH lor ric^hteoufoefs. v. 25.] Now it was not vcritten for husfake alone, that it was impnted to him. V.Z4.] But for us alfo, to whom it fliall be imputed, if we believe on him that raifed up jefus oar Loi4 from the dead. HcbiM 5.8. Jifus Chrlfl thcf.imeyejierday, and to d.ty, and fir eVer. CHAP. XII. 0/ Ad pHon. ALlthofethatarejuftifiedjGodvouchfafeth, In, andfor blsonely . ^ Son ^efus Chrift, to make partakers ofthe grace of Adoption ( a) : ^aving^ prede- by which they are taken into the number, and enjoy the hberties and nioatedusMww priviledges of the children of God (h). Have his Name put upon the adoption of them (0 , receive the fpirit of Adoption {d)j have accefs to the Throne p^^^Zifi'^'Jto of Grace with holinefs (e) are inabled to cry, Abba, Father ( /) , are pi- himfelf , accor- tied (g) , protected (h) , provided for {i) , and chaftened by him , as by a ding to the Father {k), yet never caft off (/), butfealedtorhedayof redemp- S^hLswUri"? tion {tn), and inherit the promifes (n) , asheirsofeverlafting falva- 4.4^5. verf.4.l tion (0). But when the fulnefs of time was coineiGod/£n*/oj'/fcfc^foip»5owj made of a woman, under the Law- v. 5.] Tore- deem them that were under t lie Law^ that we might receive the adoption of fons . (.^) Rom. 8. 17. And it childrcDj then heirs, heirs ofGodjanijoynt heirs with ChriJi^\{(o he that we fuffer with him, that we may be »\Co glorified together. John i. 12 . But as many as received him , to them gave lu power to become the fens of God, even to them tiiat believe on his Name, (c) Ter.i4.9. Yet thou> O Lord.art in the midft of us, and we are called by thy Name^ leave us not. 2 Cor 6.i8. And will be a father untoyou,indye shall be my fans and daughtersyfiixhxhe Lord Almighty. Rev. 3 12. Him that overcometh, will I make a piljat in the Temple of my God^ and he ihall go no more out, and 1 will write upon him the name of my Gody and the name ofthe City of my God , which is new Jerufalem which cometh dov;n out of heaven from jny God, and I will write upon him wy weip ««»»«. ('i[«/j every fon whom he receiveth.(OLam. 3.3. For the Lord will notcafl of for ever. C»)")Eph.4.30. And grieve not the holy Spirit oiGoiftchereby ye are fealedunto the day of redemption, (n Hebr,6 12 Thit ye be not floathful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promt fe. {)i Pet.i.?.4. v 3/" Blefled be the God & Father o£ our Lordjefuj Chrift.which according to his abundant mercy. hith begotten us again unto a lively hoptt by the refurrecflion of Jefus Chrift from the dead. v. 4 To an inheritance Inorruptib'e, and undefiled and tfcat fadeth notaway,referved in heaven for you. Heb.i.i4.Are they not all mioiftring fpiritSjfent (brrh to minifter for them voht ihall be heirs offulvation ? CHAP (40) CHAP. XIII. O/ San^ification, '^Hey who are effe dually called , and regenerated , having a new i heartj and a new fpirit created in them : are farther fandified really ^x) I Corio. 6. and perfonaliy through the vertiieofChriils death and refurredion {a)i ir. And fach his Word, aiid Spirit dwelHng in them (^): the Dominion of the whole were fume of body of fin is deftroyed (c) , and the feveraliuftsthereofare more and washed !'^«^)e more weakned and mortified d): and they , more and more quickned are fanEiijiid, and ftrengthened in all faying graces f^J , tothe pradifeof trueholi- but ye are ju- neG, without which no man shall fee the Lord f) . ftified hi the Namtofthe Lnrdfefus, and by the Spirit ofoiir God. Ads 20. jz. And now, brethren, I comtr.end you to God J and to the Word of his grace , ^vhkh is able to bulldyou up , and to give you an inheritance a- tnonc all thetn which are fandified. Phil. 5.10. That I may know him, and the power of his nj'urretiiovy andtlie fellowship of hisfufTeriogs, being made conformable urao his death. Rom. 6 5,6. v. 5.] For if we have been planted togetlier in the lih^nefs of his death , we shall be alfo in the iil^enejs cfhis refurrcBian. V.6.] KnowinfT this, that our oldman is cnicified\v\x\\ him , that the body of fin might be dejiroyed, that henceforth we should not ferve fin. {b) Joh.n 17.17. SanBijie them through ihy truth, thy word is troth Ephef S .26. That he might fanBify, and cleanfe it with the washing ol water by the Tvsrd. z Thef. 2. 1 5. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you brethren , beloved of the Lord » becaufe God. hath from the beginniog chofen you to fal vation^ through fanBification of the fpirit, and belief of the truth. ft) Rom. 6.6,14. V. 6.] Knowing this, thai owx old man iscrttci fed \\l\hh\m.y that the body of fm might bedefiroyedy that henceforth v;e should not ferve fin. V. 14. 3 For fm shall not haVc dominion overyoUy for you are not under the law, but under grace, {d) Gal.5.24. And they that are Chrifts, ft7*c/- fied the flesh f with the affedions and lufts. Rom. 8. 1 5. For if yc live after the flesh, ye shall dye 5 but if yz through the fpiritydomortifie the deeds of the body, ye shall live, (e) Col. I. II. Strengthned with all miTht, according to his glorious powers unto all patience, and loog-fuffering, with joyfulnefs. Ephef 3. 16^17^18119. V.16 ] That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory , to be firengthned ivith might, by his fpirit »« the inner man. V. 17.II That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by faith , that ■ye being rooted andgroundedin love. Verfe 18.] May be able to comprehendmth all Saints , what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height. Verfe 19.] And to know the love of Chrift, which pafleth kaoMvlcigCithit ye might be filled irith allthe fuUncfsofGod. (/) 2Cor.7.i. Having therefore thefe promifes, dearly beloved, let us cleanfe our felves from all filthinefs of the flesh and fpirit, perflfiing ho- linefs in the fear of God, Hebr. I ». 14. Follow peace with all men , and holinefs, n-ithout which no man ihallfee God. ig) I Thef. 5. 1 1- This San(5tification is throughout, in the whole man (\g- ); 23. And the yet imperfe<5i: in this life, there abidethftillfome remnants of corrupti- very God of ^j^ j^.^- qyqvj part (6^ : whence arifeth a continual , and irreconcileable you whoUy, and I pray God, your whole fpirit, and foul , and body , be preferVedhUmelefs unto the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift. (h) 1 lohn 1. 10. If we fay that we haije not finned,-^re ma\e him a liar,3ad his Word is not in us.Rom.7.18.23. verfe 18.I For I know that in m?:,xhnis,inmy fksh divcUfthnogood thing : for to will) is prefent with me, but how to perform that rchich is good, I find net. V. 2 ?.] Bat I fee another larv in my members, warring againfi the lave of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the la w ®rfin,whichis in my members. Phil. 3.1 2. t^ot a^ though I had already aiiaincd,either were already per- jeB^hut I follow after, if that I may apprehend that, for which alfo I am appveh ended of Chrift Jefuy, waf ■, C40 war: the flesh luilins aeainft the Spirit , andrheSphkagainftthe TO Galat.5.I7• ^ , <• ° ° ^ IV 'E 01- the flesh In- "€ii^ \V- }cth agalrtfithe fj/irity and thefpirit ag>x;r.ji the flesh, and thcfe are contrary the one to tlie otlicfj fo that ye cannot do the things that ye would, i Pct.z.ii. Dearly beloved, 1 befccch you, as ftrangers and pilgnmS;. abftain ficm flislily lulls, Txhich w^r again^l thefjitl. III. ln\vh!chwar, although the remaining corruption , for a time, mav much prevail ( 4-^ ; yet throug'uhe continual fupplv of ftreneth (^)Rotn.7.23. r ■' 1 r CLC ' c • ' c nu 'iv ^\, „ . J 1 But I fee anc- trom the fanctifymg spirit ot Chnlt, the regenerate part doth over- ther lawin iry come(/l: and foj the Saints grow in grace Cw ) , perfeding holinefs in members, war- the fear of God («) . fif g ^gaipft the Law of noy mind , and bringing me Into^ cttpth/ity to the law of fin which is is iny iretr.bers. (/) Rom. 6. 1 4.Fof fin shall nethive dominion over youyiov^s ^^enotu\i^iet^ht\i\Vibut under grace, i John $.4. VVhatfoever is born of God, overcometh the IVorld, and this is the vidory thatovercometh the world, even our faith. Ephef.4. 1 $}I6. verfe i j .] But fpeaking the truth in love, may grove up into him in alt things^ which is the head, even Chrift. v.i6.] From whom the whole body fitly joyned together , and coinpaded by that which every joynt fupplietli, according to the efledual working in the ineafure of every parr, mak^eth tn~ creafe of the body , unto the edifying of it felf in love, (m) z Per. 3. 18. But grotv in grace , and in the koowledgeof our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift j to him be glory , both now? and for ever. ^men. 2 Cor. 3.18. But we all with open face, beholding as in a glarte, the glory of the Lord, are chdngedimo tbefameimagej/j-ow^/oryroj^/oj-j, even as by the Spirit of the Lord, {n) 2 Cor. 7.1. Having there- fore ihefc proraifesj dearly beloveds let us cleanfe our felves from all filthinefs of flefli and fpirit > per- fcfiing holinefi in the fear of God. CHAP. XIV. . Of faving Faith. THe grace of Faith , whereby the Eled are enabled to believe to the r''>Heb.io.39> faving of their fouls (a) , is the work of the Spirit of Chrift in their ^"^ T"'^ **" "°^ hearts {l>) 3 and is ordinarily wrought by the Miniftry of the Word ^c) : ^ra:r back cnto by which alfojand by the adminiftration of the SacramentSjand Pr ayer;it perdition , but isencreafedandftrenothned C^;. . of them nho " believe , to the_ faving of the foul, [b) 2 Cor.4.1 3. We having the fame fpirtt of faith ^ tccording as it Is written,! believe, and therefore have I fpoken,we alfo bclieve,and therefore fpeak. Eph. 1.17,18,19. v.l7.'\ That the God of oar Lord Jefas Chrift,the Father ofglory may give unto you the fpirit ofnifdom,zn^ revelation, in the knowledge of him. v.18.1 The eyes ofyourunderftanding being enlightned, that ye may know whatjs the hope of his callj'ng,and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the faints, v. 19.3 And what is the exceeding greatnefs ofhispovccrto ta-ward v. ho believe , according to the working ol his mighty power. Eph.2.8. For by grace are ye faved, through faith , and that not of your felves,itis the gift of God, (c) Rom. 10.14,17. V.14.I How then fhall they call on him, in whom tHey have not believed , and horo. shal they believe in him, ofxchomthey have not heard?' and how shal they hear witliout a Preacher? V. 17.3. So then faith ameth by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. (d) i Pet.2.». As new born babes, defire the fincere w;7^ ofxfee word, thatyemay growthereby. Ads 20.32. And now brethren j I commend you to God , and to the word of his grace , vchich is able to build you up , and to give you an inheritance among all them which are fandified. Rom. 4. l r . And he received the fign oicinumcifion, a feal of the righteoufnefi of faith , which he had yet being uncircumcifed , that he might be the Father of all them that believe, though the^ be not circnmcifed , that righteoiifnefs might be impoted to them alfb. Luke 17. 5 . And the Apoftles faid onto the Lordj emreafe our faith. Rom. I. i6j 17. V.16.J For I am not afliamed o0 the Gofpel of Chrifiyfox it is thepovcer of God unto falvation, to every one that belie veth, to the JewfirfV, and alfo to the Greek v. 17.] For thereia is the righteoufnefs of God revtaltd , from faith to fmh , as it Bs writteo. The juft ihall live by faith. 11, Sy I ^. By t\ is Faiih , a Chrlfcian believeth to be true , w'hatfoever is re- vealed in the Word , for tVe auihority ot God himfelffpeakingthere- {-) John -1.42. inftf'; and ading differently upon that which each particular paffage Ar.d r.iid unto thereof contnineth j yielding obediencetothecommands(/ > trem- now Tve^^be- ^''"S ^^ ^^^^ threatnings (j^)j and embracing the promifes of God for this iseve nor, be- life , and that which is to come (')• But the principal ads of fa ving caufe of thy faifh, are. Accepting, Receiving , and Reft ing upon Chrift alone for Ju- hISear7h7m ^ihcation, Sandtification, and eternal life , by veitueof the Coveuantof r,urfe!ves , and Cjrace ?/. \noiv that th>s U indeed the ChAJl, ihe Si\\oat 0^ tht World, i Thef. z. t;. For tliis caufe alfo thank we God without cejfing , becaufe when ye received the Word of God which ye heard ofusj^e >-e<;e/x'e fo worfhip J the God of my Fathers f beiieVing all things ivhich are tvritten in the Law and (he Prophets, (f) Roman. 16. Z6, Bat DOW is made manifeft > and by tlie Scriptures of the Prophets , according to the Commandment of the everlafling God, made known to all Nations , for the obedience of faith, {g) Ifai. 66. t. For all thofe things hath mine hand made> and all thofe things have been, faith the Lord God , but to this man will I look, Even to him that is poor and of a contrite fpirit , andtremblethatmywords. (h) Hebr.ll. 15. Thefe all dyed in faith, not having received the promifes , but having fcen them afar off, and were per- fwaded of them, and embrAudthem , and coDfeffed that they were Strangers and Pilgrims 00 the Earth. I Tim. 4. 8. For bodily exercife profiieth little , but godhncfs is profitable unto all things , having the promifi of the life that novo is, and of that -ahich « ta come. (;) John I. i z. But as many a^s received him, to them gave he power to become the Tons of God , even to them that believe on his Name. Ads i6# ^1. And they faid , Believe on the io>rf Jefus Chrift, and thou shalt befavedsnd thy houfe. Gal. ». 20. 1 am crucified with Chvift ; neverthelefs I live, yet not I, but Chrift liveth in me > and the life rchich 2 neiv live in the flesh , 1 live by the faith of th^ Son oi God ^ who loved me ^ tnd gave himfelf for me. Ads 15. II. B\iX.rvi bdieve that throagb the grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift j voe shall be fnved even as they. (/<,) Heb.j.t;, III. This Faith is different in degrees, weak, crftrong (k) -^ may 14. >,i ?.l For ^g Qfjgj^ gj^j many ways affailed, and weakned, but gets the vi<^ory (/"» 5 ufeTh^ Milk is growing up in' many to the attainment of a full afllirance through unskilful in the word ofrighteoufnefs _, for he is a. Babe. V.I*.^ '?>^xflrong meat bclongeth to them that are effull age, thofe who by reafon of ufe have their fenfes exercifed to difcern both good and evil. Rom. 4. 19, 20- v. 19.] And being not weah^in faith , he confidered not his own body now dead when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadnefs of Sarahs womb. Ver. 20. He ftaggered not at the promifc of God through unbelief^ batn'Ayy?ro«^/«/ut -he jfc«r ie/irvtffo that jefus is the Son of God ? '?'■::■':'[■-' Chrift Chrift(»!>),whoisboththeA«rhourattdfirti^hrttifotirfaI^hf«j. 0«;fiel>.6.n, ^ '^ 12. V.I I.] And •wc defire that every one of yon do Ihew the fame diligeoce , to xhtfvU ajjurame oj hope nnto the end. V. la. D That ye be cot floathfiil , bat followers of them nho through fttith and patience inherit thepro- mifes. Heb.io.za. Let us draw near with a true he»rt mfuU gjjurance offaithy having our hearts fprink- led from an evil confciencej and our bodies wafhed with pore water. Col. x.i. That their hearts might be corofbrtedi being knit together in love , and unto all riches oi'thefuU ajfurance ofundfrfiandirg to the atk^cnppledgemtnt ol the tryftery of God, and of the Fatherj and •fChrifi. ( tt) Hebl »•*. Looking unro fe/Uf the Author and finisher of our faith , who lor the joy tliat was fet before himj endured the Crcfle, defpifing the fhaice) and is fei down at the right hand of the Throne of God. CHAP. XV. Of Repentance unto life. REpentance unto life, is an Evangelical grace (a) , theDo7 , and love the gond, andeflablish judgement in the »are : it may be that the Lord God erf Hofls will be gracious unro the rcmnanT of 7 o/e/?/. P/] i hAveftvorn,diQ!ts. Lu!ce I. 6. A;i i they were botli righteous bctbre God j vcalh^ng in all the cont" ■oU:rl}}i>^s ami. orJiiuncci ot the Loid bUinelefs. z Kings 15. 25. And like onto him thet« was na Kin^; btibrc him, th.it t«r«fii to f/;c Lord with all his heart, and with all hi* fouL and with all his migirti K:-C'ydnr^to.al^ th. owo evil vvayS) and your doings that were not good, and fhall loith your plves inyour ovettfighty for your faiquities and for your abominations, v. ^a. } Not for your fakes do I this, faith the Lord God, be it known unto yooj be ashamed and confounded for yony Bwn ways, O houfe of Ifrael. Ezek. 16. 61,62,6^. v.bl.'} Then tlwu ilialt remember thy vciys,<^' he ashamed^vjhsn thou shalt receive thy fifters,thine elder & thine youngerj. and I will give them unto thee for Daughters, bat not by thy Covenant, ver. 6*0 And I wiH eftablish my Ccwen-iar with thee, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord, v 65.] That thou mayft remember and be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more, becaofe of thy shamciwhetx I am pacified towarct thee, for all that thou haft done> faith the Lord. (/) Hof.i4z,4. verf.i. J Take with you words, and turn' to the Lord, fay unto him. Take away all iniquity , and receive us gracioufly, fo will we render the calves of our lips. V.4-.] I will heal their backfliding , / will kve them freely , for mine anger is toroed away from him. Rom. 3. i4. Beingjufiified freely by hit grace through the redemption tharis in Jefus Chrift. Epher.1.7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the fbrgivenefs of fins, accordingt* the richer of his grace, {g) Luke 1 3.^,?. v. 3. ] I tell you nay , butexctptye repent ye shaU aliUktvoift ■perish. V.S.I Itellyounay, butexcept ye repentye shall all Uli^xrife perish. Afts 17.30,31. Verfe 30. "J And the times of this ignorance God winked ar, butwow commandeth all men every rvhere to repent, v. ji.J Bccaufc he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the World in righteonlhefs , bythatman- whom 1-k; hath ordained t whereoi he hath given affurance unto all tneo , in that he hath raifcd him from the dead. (fc) Rom 6. 13. I V. As there is no fin Co fmaH , but it deferves damnation {h); Q^ For the.w^ges ^j^^j.^ j^ ^^^ £^ (-q ^rgat, that it tan bring damnation upon thofc wha of fin is death, ^ /-x a *. but the gift of truely repent (0> God is eternal life, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Rom. M2. Wherefore ashy one m^n fin tntrtd into the JJTorl J,; and' death by firt 3 and ib death paffed upon all men , for that allhMvefinntd, Matth.ia. 36. Ifayanta _yon , that every idle TOorrf that men Shan fpeak > they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement i ti\ Ifai. 59. 7' Letlhcmckedforfak^hisrvay , aad the unrighteous man his tfwtghts, and !et biro retara note the Lord^ and he will have merey ttpon him , and to onr God , for he will abundantly pardon. Rom. 8 I. There is therefore noTT wo c who walk not after the flesh, but after the fpirit. Ifai. 1. 16, 18. rerfe 16. 1 Wash ye, make ye clean, pat away the evil of voar doings from before mine eyes, ceafc to daevil. Verfe 18.3 Come now let as reafon together , faith the Lord : though jo»r)»ni btasfcarht^ thtj shtUbtM white offnow , though »*»>' ^e rtdlikf Crlmfon^ thej jhall bt Mwool. V. Men ought not to content thcmfelves with ageneralrepcfitanc^ but h Is every Mans duty (o endeavour to repent ofhispamcularfins^ pa«i« particularly (D; tl^^^^l^, ferTSDt alfo /raw prtfumpmtut ftntMt them not have dominion over me, thet) shal I be upnghrA I shal he inn«c4n$ from the grtM trarfgrtifion. Lake 19. 5. And Z BrlK)ld Lord the bilf of nay goods I give to the poor , and if/ htivt takfn any thing from any man by falf accn- Ution, I reftore liim lout told, i Titn. i, 13, IS, v. ij. ] Who was before iHlafphemer , and Perjecu- •r, ind inJHrimf, but I obtained mercy, becanfe I did it igmrantly in unbelief. V . 1 5 . ] 1 his is a faivlv full fayingj and worthy of all acceptation, that Chrift Jelus came into the Woild to iii\tfmn(rs, oiwhom I Am chief. V I, As every man is bound to make private confefTion of his (Tns to God, praying for the pardon thereof (/) , upon which , and the forfaking (/) Pfalm 5 j . ofthem>hesliall find mercy (w;:fo he that fcandalizeth his Brother, or ^' ^7> 9*}*- the Church of Chrift ,oug ttobe willing by a private or pubiick con- UiteovJ^it^t'ei feflion, and forrow for his Cm , to declare his repentance to thofe that are jmned, and done ofFended fwA who are thereupon to be reconciled to him, and in love to f" '"^^^ '» /'^ , . / % , AW« : that thou receive him (»). "-, . , lAghteft.bew. ftified when thou fpeakeft > and be'ci) ^rov. z8. i 3. Hethatcovereth tlis fins shall not profper , but ivho/o confeffeth and Jorfal^th them , shall have mercy, i John 2. 9. If tre Ktnfefs our fins , he isfaithfuU and jufi to forgive us our fins , and to cleanfc us from all unrightcoofncfTc, (n) James 5.16. Cew/f/rjowryiiM/rx o«««o «wo;fcer, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed; the effedual fervant prayer of a righteous man availcth much. Luke 17. ^, 4. verfe 3. 2 Take heed to ycwr (elves : lithy hrother trefpafs againfl thee^ rebuhf him, and if he repent^forgive him- Verf. 4."] And it h.c trefpats againll thee feven times in a day , and feVen timet in a day turn again to ihee , faying ^ I repent^ thou jfert/t/or^if efc/m.Tosh.7.i9. And Joshua faid unto ^chan, my fon> give , I pray thee vglory to the Lord God of Ifrael, and make confeflion unto him ; and tell me m-w what thou haft done, hide it not from me. Pfalm 51. throughout. (0^ 2 Cor. 2. 8. Wherefore I beicech you, that you no«W confirm ybiirl-ov4 towards him. c H A P. xy 1. 0/ ^ooi Works. r^ Ood Works are onely fuch as God hath trommanded in im VJ holy Woid (a^, and not fuch as without the ^warrant thereof, ^ ,^^5 V*^ ^: , _ ' Hthathshemea Wee, O man, whatis^ood, and what doth the Lotd Jie4uire of thee, but'to do iuftice , and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Roman.ia.,. And be not conformed to this World , but be ye transtormed by the renewing of your mind , that ye may proVe , what is tijat good , ^hat icceptablt and perfect voui of God. Hebr. i;. ai. Make you perfeft in every ^oodrvork , to io his nUl> i^m}<>ng ^tf^ J^Zn! " ^^ ^^ ^^'"^ '" *"^"^^'' '^'°"S^ Icfos Chrift, te whom be glory for ever aud H H z are «l (6) Ma't.is.9 are devlfed by m«n, out of blind zeal, or upon any pretence of good ^'♦V'>'V'»'iMncention(^A they voorsbtpme, , ..•' teaching for Dofirlnes the Commxndmintt »fm€n. Ifai.ig^ I^ Whorefore the Lopd fjid , for asmach iS this people draw near me witluh^ir mouth > and with their lips do honour me , but have removed their- heart far frotn ine, and thsir fe-ty towxrd me i$ tnugh^ by the prtcept of men. i Pet. 1. 18. For as much as yoo know, that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as lilver and gold, from your vain con- vecfarion , received by tradition from jiQt4riitbers. Rom. I o. 2. For I bear tham record , that they have a ^ea/ ofGody but not according to knowledge , John 16. x. They fhall pat you out of the Synagot'ies, yeaj the time Cometh, thatwhofoeverkillethyou, will think if?^ dah Godfewkt. \ Sam. ij. ai, a», a?. v.2t.] But the people took of the fpoil, Sheep , and Oxen, the chief of the things which should hav< been utterly deftroyed, to facrifice to the Lard thy (Jod in (Ji/j*/. V. ij.} And i«WMe^ faid , Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and facriiiccs , as i» tbeying the vtice of the. Lord ? behold , to obey is better then f:icrifice^ and to henrken,xhtn the /«< ofI{fms. V.» J.3 ^or rebellion is as the C\a of witch- craft > and (lubbornnefs is as iniquity and idolatry : becaafe thoa hi&reje{ied$he Word qftht Loxd | he, alfo hath rejedted thee from being King. I f . Thefe good works, done In obedience to Gods commandraentj^ (?) Jam. 2. 18, are the fruits and evidences ofg true and lively faith Cr): andibythem> a». V.18.] Yea, Bgijgygrj manifeft their thankfulnefs {d) , ftrengthen their afliirance (e , Sio'a'haft faith,' edifie their Brethren (/), adorn the profeffion of the Gofpel (g)> ftop and I have the mouths of the adverfaries (6) , and glorify God (i), whofework- >Vork5: shevp me thy faith without thy work/ , and I will shero thee my faith by my warl^t. Verfe 2 1.] Seeft thou ho\v faith wrought with his works. And hyworhwu faith made ptrfeSi. {d) Pfalm ii6.n,lj. verfe 12.3 Wh^lt ihall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me ? V, I j. 1 I will take the Cuf offalvation^ and call upon the Name of the Lord. iPet.i.g. But ye are a chofen generation, a royal Priefthood, as holy Nation, a peculiar people , that ye should shew forth thepraifet ofhim , who hath called you oot of darkoefs into his marvellous light, (e) i John 2. 5,5 . v. 5.3 And hereby n-e do know that we k^ow hiw^ if we li^ep his Commandments. V. S • ] But who Co keepeth his word , in him verily is the love of God pcric&.Gdtherebyknorp-ive thai we are in him. i Pet. 1.5,6,7,8,9,10. v.$ J And befidesthi$,giving all dilir gence> adde to your faith , Vertue ; and to Vertue^ Knowledge. V. 6. J And to Knowledge , Temper ranee ; and to Temperancej Patience/; and to Patience, Godlineffe. v. 7. J And to Godlincfsj Brother |y-kindnef$; and to Brotherly-kindnefs, Charity, v. 8. ] For if thefe things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shal neither be barren , not unfruitful in the. knowledge ofour Lord Jefus Chrift. V. 9.] Bat he that lac keth thefe things , is blinde ^ and cannot fee far aff, and hath forgotten that Iw wa& ported from his old Hns. v. 10. J Wherefi^re the rather, brethren, give diligence t9 m«k^ your caUing and tltEiion furt: for if ye do thefe things, ye shall never fall . (/) 2. Cor. 9. i. For I know the forwardneffe of yoar minde , for which I boaft of you to thena oiMattdoma , that ^chaiav/is ready a year ago, Mxdyour "^d hath provoked very many. Matth. 5. 16. Let your light fo shine before men, that they may /ee/owr^oorfworksjand glorify your Father which is in heaven. Cg)Tit,2.5,9»lo,ir,i2. v.S.] To be difcreet,chaft,keeper$ at lDome,good,obedient to their own husbandSit'j^ the Word of God be not blafphe^ mtd. V.9.] Exhort fcrrants to be obedient to their own Mafters , andtopleafetbemwelUnall thing«j not anfwering again, verfe 10. Not purloining, bnt shewing all good fidelity, th.it thsy may adorn the Jioflrine ofGedour Saviour in all th ings. v. 11. yBot the grace of God that bringeth falratioB, hath ap- peared to all men. vi i.] Teaching as, that denying ungodlioefs and worldly lafts , \ve should live fb- bcrly, righteoufly, and godly in this prefent worldi x TiUi. 6. i . Let as many fervants as are under the yoak, count their own M afters worthy of all honour , that the Name of God and hit Po^rine be not bJaf- Ihemed (h) I Pct.». I f . For fo is the will of God, that with well pleafiag, ye may put to filencethe igne- ranee effoolish men. (»3 1 Pet. 1. 1 a.Having your converfation honeft among the Gentiles, that vohtrea^ they fpeak/tgainfi you as evil dters,t\xY may by your good works which they shal behold,^/ori^e Gadia thi^ . dayofvifitation. Phil i.xi. Beingfilled with the firnits of righteoufnefs; which are by^futChrift , ttnto the glory and praife of Ged. loboiJ.S. Hereto is »»xF«tfcer^/#rij?e(/, that ye beat aaacbf' r,foshaU )K be wy Difciples. «hig manship they are, created in Chriftjcfus thereunto (Jk); that, having (*.)Eph. 2. lo. their fruit unto holinefs, they may have the end, eternal life {IJ. ^°' ^* "/' ^" crtattd la Chrift Icfm xiaxo good wsrkt > v;\\id-\Coi3i\M\hheioxcoyda'mcd\hzxvieihouldwall^intl>tm. (I ) Ron).6.a}> But now bejog made Iree from uo, and btcomeftrvants to Godj yc have your fruit onto holiuefj, *nd the tnd tverUfling life. 1 1 1. Their ability to do good works , is not at all of thcmfel ves > but (;»;> lohn , 5 4, wholly from the Spirit of Chrift (w). And that they maybe enabled 6. v.4. ] Abide ► thereunto, befides the graces they have already received, there is requi- '°""*> *^^^^ red an aiftual influence of the fame holy Spirit , to work in them to will J^^n/h «nnot andtodo,ofhisgoodpleafurc(w^ : yet are they not hereupon to grow bear froit ©fit negligent, as if they were not bound to perform any duty, unlefs, upon ^^^^ ' **"f ' " a fpecial motion of the Spirit j but , they ought to be diligent in ftirring ^-^^ '„° ^}^^ up the grace of God that is in them i 0). canyl, txaptyt 4btd« in me. Verfe 6.1 If a man abide not in me, he « cafi forth as a branch , and Is witherid , and men ga- ther them and caft them into the fire, and they are burned. Ezek. 56.26,27. v.26.] A new heart alfo will I give yoo, and a new fpirit will I pot within yoa^and I will take away the ftony heart out of your flefh, and I will give yoo a heart offlefti. Verfe 27. ] And / vciUput my Spirit within yott, and cauftyott to walk in myfiatutet, and yc fhall keep my judgetnents, and do them. (») Phil. 2.1 5. For it is God that wor- k^tth inyoH both to xcili and to do, of his own pleafare. Phil 4. 1 3. I can do all things through Chrift vhich ftrengthtnethme. i Cor.j. 5. 't^otthatvoearefufficientofourfelvejtothinl^anythingisofonrfthes : hntourfufficiencyisoj God. {,») Phil.2.i2. Wherefore my beloved, aj ye have alwaycs obeyed jDOtas. ID my prefence only, but now much more in my abfence : work, out your onn ftivation with jtar and frtmUtng. Hebr. 6. II, 12.V.11.] And wedcfirethatevery oneof you ) LukeiiTw', which is poffible in this Kfe , are Co far from being able to fupererogate, ' oSo hkewife and to do morethen God requires, as that they fall short of much which Jt ni^^^^ ^' * . _ , , . -i / \-~ -1 smji iiave done m duty they are bound to do (/>),., all thefe things, which are commanded you, fay, iVe are unprp^^hU firVanu^ wc have done that vchich wot our duty to do, Nehem.i ).£X. And I commanded the Levites that they shotJd cleanfe thcmfclves, and that they fhould come and keep the gates, to fandify the Sabbath day. Remember me, O my God, concerning this alfo, «od/>«re me according to thtgrtatnefs of tJw mercy. Job 9.2,?. v. 2. 1 I know it isfo of a troth , huthtrs should man be jufi with God ? V. 5. 1 If he will contend with him, he cannot anfrver him one of a thou- Ifnd. ^jj. 5.17. For the flesh lufteth againfl: the fpirit , and the fpirit agaioft the flesh » end tWc «i» contrary the one to the other, fo that ye cannot do the things that ye wotdd, H} v. We (48) V . We cannot, by our beft works, merit pardon of fin, or eternal life at the Wand of God, by rcafon of the great difproportion that is between them and the glory to come ; and , the infinite diftance that is between lis and God, whom , by them , we can neither profit, nor fatlsfie for the l?)Rom 320.] debt of our former fins q) ,but when we have done all we can , we have Tiierefore bj Jone but our duty , and are unprofitable fcrvantsCr;; and, becaufe, as ilr^'ltr'Jshxi f 'le are good they proceed from his Spirit / ; and as they are wrought Hofie'fh lejnjii- by US , they are defiled , and mixed with fo much weaknefs and imper. j56. vt-1 Vov i[ >f braham were jadiaedhy works; he hath whcceoC to glory, but not before God. V.*.] Now to him that worketh , is tlie revcard not reckomd ofgrace , htt$ of debt. Verfe 6.1 Even as David alfo dcfcribetb the blelTednefs of the man, aoto whom God imputeth righteoufnef tvithoHt works. Ephef. 2.8,9. V.8.] For hy grace are ye ptvedxhroughimhyitidthiinot of ■ yottrfelveij it is the gift of God. Verfe 9.] Not ofvcorl{s, left any man should boaji. Tit. 3. 5» 6,7. V-SO Not by vcorks of rightcoujhtfi which rce have done, but according to his mercy y he fa ved US by the wafhiug of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghoft. Verfe 6.] Which he fhed on us abundantly, throagli Jefus Chrift ©ur Saviour. Vcrfej.] Thit being jujlifitd by his gr*ct , we (houldbe made heirs , sLccor^ ding (» the hope 0/ eternal life. Rom. 8. 18. For I reckon that the fufferings of this prefent time * are not Toonhy to be compared nith the glory that shall be revealed in tts. Pfalm 16. z. O my Soul , thou haft faid onto the Lord, thou art my Loidy my goodnep extendtth not to thee. Job 22.2,3.7.1.] Canamanbepro~ ptable unto God^ as he that is wife may be profitable unto himfelf .«" V. 3. ] Is it anypUafure to the ^Z- ntighty, thatthon art righteous f or is it gain t» him that th$u makeft thy wayesperfefi f Job 35-7,8- v. 7.] If thou be righteousj whatgivefi thou him ? or what receiveth he of thy hand ? Verfe 8.3 Thy wickednefs may hurt a man as thou art , and tliy righteoufnefs may profit the Son of man. {,r) Lake 17.10. See Letter (p ) in this Chapter, (f) Gal.^22.23. v.22.] Batthefrmt of the 5/>/r»;»* Love, Joy, Peace, Long- fuffering, Gentlenefs, Goodnefs, Faith, V. 23. ] Meekncfs, Temperance, againji fuch there w nt Law. (t ) irat.64 6. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteoufnejjes are as filthy ragSy and we id ill fade as a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away. Galat. 5. 17. For the flesh lufieth ^gainfi thefpiritj and the fpirit againft the flefh , and thefe are contrary the one to the other , fo that ye cannot do the things that ye woHld. Rom. 7.1 J, 18. V. H.] ¥ot that which /do y J allow n»t, for n>hatl ivoiildythat do I not,bafwhat lhate,thatdo /. V.I 8 2 Ikno\vrfo«/7i we (that isin myfleshyweZi'et^wo good thing , for to will is prefent with me , bat liow to perform that which is good ; I find not. Pfaltn 143. 2. And enter not into judgement with thy ferv ant y for in thy fight shall n9 man living be jtipified. tfAm 130. 3. Ifthou Lord shoHldJi mark^ini^mies. O Lord, who shall fiand ? V I. Yet notwithftandlng , the Perfons of Believers being accepted (m) Ephef. 1 6 t^ro"g'T Om^ , their good works alfo are accepted in him («; , not as To the praife though-they were in this life wholly unblameable andunreproveable in of the glory of the glory of his grace , wherein he hath made us accepted in the beirued. \ Peter 1.5. Ye alfo as lively ftooes, are built op a fpiritual houfe , an holy Prieft-hood , tooSetaprpirimalfacrifices, acceptable f God by JefiCs Chrifi. Exod. z8. 38. And it shall be upon Karons fore-head , that yfaran may bear thi inijuiiy of the holy things , which the Children of Ifrael shall hallow in all their holy gifts , and it shall be alwayes opon his fore- liead, that they may bmccepted before the Lord. Geaefis 4. 4. And^te/he t/- I L- A-»L- /;_Ai: _£■ u;. iS~-1, AnJ tU* fAfrl h/tii rffitfi^ unfa >fhf>/. . anil hit afrerinr. feods fight r^) ; but that, he looking upon them in his Son, is pleafd to ^0 Job 9. ao. accept, and rewatd that which is (incere, although accompanied wiihy,/|/,^,/, ,^^„ many weakneile:) and imperfedions (a;). '""k^/j ti.-aUon- •' demn mc , \i I fay T am ptrfefi , it shall alfo prove me ferverfc. Ffalm 14?. t. And enter not into judgement wirlnhy fervant , for in thy fight ihaU no man living bejujiified. { x ) Hebi. I 3. ao, XI . Verfe 20. } Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jefiis, that great Shepheardot the Sheep, through the blood of the everlafting Covenant. Verfe ii.l Make you perfedm every good work to da his will , xvorl^ing in yot* that which is mU pU^ng in his jight , through Jejttf Chrifi , to whom be glory for ever and ever, ^men. 2 Corinth. 8. 12. For li xhcxtht jitjl a wUingrr.ind y U vciU b' accepted according to that a man hath , and not according to that he hath not. Hebr. 6- lo. Fop God is not unrighteous, to forget jour vrork^and labour of /ove,which ye have fhevved towards his Name, io that ye have ininiftred to the Saints, and do miniftet. Aiatth. 2^ zi, i^ v. 21. J His Lord faid unta him, well done >thou good and faithful fervant , thou haft been faithful over a few things, I will ir ake thee ruler over many tilings , enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. V.25.3 His Lord faid unto him, well done, thou good and faithfnl fervant, that* haji been faithful over aicw things, 1 will make thee ruler o£ many tliingsj enter into the/oy of thy Lord. VII. Works done by unregenerate men , although , for the matter oF them, they may be things which God commands , and of good ufc both to themfelves, and others (y; : yet, becaufe they proceed not from an (y^zKwgshe. heart purified by faith (t^) ^ nor are done in a righrmanner,according to ^°'J*ji^''"Lorl the Word (^;; nor, to a right end, the glory of God b) j they are there- (-^^^ ontojefus,. fore finfuU , and cannot pleafe God , or make a man meet to receive becaufe thou /T^jj done -nell in txt^ cuting that vchich is right In mine eyes , and baft done unto the houfe of^hah according to all that -a asm tny heart , thy Children of the fourth generation shall fit on the throne of Ifracl. Verfe 31 . ] But Jehu took no heed to walk in the Law of the Lord God of Jfrael with all his heart , for he departed rot fron* the fins of'/fr»6o«w, which made Ifrael to fin. jKings 2l.a7,a9- verfe 27.] Andit cauietopars,whea ^hab heard thofe words, that he rtnt his deaths, andputfacl^-clcth upon his flesh , andjafied , and lay m Sack-cloth , and went foftly. V. 19. D Seeft thon hov; ^h^b hnmbleth himfek before me \ becaufe for humbleth hJmfelfbeftre jwr, J vcill not bring the evil in his dayes ; but in his fons days, will 1 bring the evil upon his houfe. Phil. 1.15,16,18. ver.15.] SomemdeQipreachChriji^evenofen-vyandJiriff, and fomc. alfo of good will. Verfe 16] Tbeone Preach Chriftofcontentico , notfincerely, fuppofing to add flfflidliontomybcDds. VerfeiS.j Whatthen? nonvitMindiDg every tvay ^nhethcr in pntence , or itx troth, Chrift isprtachedj and /therein do rejoycey yea, and will rejoyce. (q) Gen. 4. 5* But unto Gaihy and to his offering he had not refpeft, and C«/nwas very wroth, and his coontenance fell. Hebr. ir.4'. JSyfaithj ^btl offered uato God a more excellent facriflce then Cain, by which he obtained witnclTe that be- was righteous, God teftifying of his gifts ,• andbyiihebeingdead, yet fpeakctb. Hebrews ii. 6. But without faithj it is impofiible to pleafe him, for be that cometh to Cod, mufi believe that he ;V , and that he is. m rtveardtr of them that diligently feek him. (a) 1 GoM 3. 3. And though J beftow all rny gcedsto fetdtht fotr } and though I gwtmy body tt be burned , and have not charity ^ itfrofteth nothing. Ifai. 1, 12. "J. When yecomero appear before me, who hath reared this at your hands to treadmy cctirtt. (b) Aiatth. 6.a,j,i6. verfe 2.] Therefore, whenrhon dottithme Altnts, donot found aTrttmpet before thee j as ttit- hyptcrites do^ia the Syoagognes, and in theftreets, thjtt they way have glcrie-of men. Verily , I fay anfo^ you, they have their reward. V.5.I Andwhenthon prayeft,ihoufhaltnot be as the hypocrites are, pr- they Itve to pray (landing in the Synagogues, and is the Corners of the ftreets, that they may befeen ofmeny. irerily, I fay unto yon, they have their reward, v. 16-3 Moreover, when ye faft, be not as tlie hypxrites^, •fa fad emntenancey for they dijfigare their facWj rA*nA#;' mayafftArttnifntPfafi, Verily^ 1 lay owoi jooj they hsTc their reward. grace; (c'\Hag.a.i4.3 grace from God (f). Andyet, their negleftofihemis more finfuIJ, and Ha " aT&7aui! '^iQ^^eafing unco God (d). So is this peoplej and Co is this Nation before me , faith the Lord , and fo is every work oftheir handsj andth.it vphichthiy offerthert'n un<.Ua.n. Tit. i. 15 J UntothepurCj all things are pare, hutMntothem thAt art defiledy andunbtiievingy is nothing pure j but tven thtir mind and cnnfatnct « defiud. ^mos 5 . 21. li. V.JI.j I hAXt} I defpijtyow feaji-dajes^ znd J tviUnotfmtU inyourfoltmn^JJembiies. veifcil.J Though^? offer me burnt-offtrings , and your meat-offerings , 1 rcill not accept thtm , mither rviU I regard the peace-offerings of your fat beafti. Hof, 1.4 And the Lord (aid unto him , call his name fe-^eel j for I little while, and J veiU aVenge the blood ofjeq^^ec/ opooxhe houfcofjehu, and will caufe toceaftj formrt^ to nn rntTty n*j»u*^ m uy iin- w ajiitti^ ui ic^cabiaiiuiijatiu i^ui; w lug ui iiic llOIy v>nOl(. (, O) 11. 14.4.1 Have all the voorktrs of iniejmty no k^ovc ledge f who eat up my people, aj they eat bread , and eall not upon the Lord. Pfalin 563-] The words ofhis mouth are iniquity and deceit, he /Mf/j/f/fojf to be wife and do good. Job zi.i^^.lS- V.I 4-] Therefore they fay unto God , rfe;t»4«/"ro?w«/ , wede/iremt the hfiamledge of thy -wayes. v. 1 5 .J What is the Almighty, that we should ferve him ? and what profit shall ■we have, if we pray unro him ? y*/ whom God hath accepted in his Beloved , efFedually called, and fan(ftified by his Spirit, can neither totally, nor iinallyjfall away from the eftate of grace : but shall certainly perfevere therein to the end, (a), Phil^. 6. and be eternally faved [a) : J'^^^f K°"*^ ^ ^* ^^'^ perfeverance of the Saints > depends not upon their own ry.'thbg^hat^he free-will, but Upon the immutability ofthe Decree of Elo<^ion, flowing which hath 6«- from the free and unchangeabielove of God the Father (i)j upon the gun a vcork^ in you , wiSperfefi it untill the day ofjefm Chrlji. 2 Pet. I. I0.3 Wherefore the rather brethren, give dili- gencc to make your calling and Eledionfure, for if ye do thrfe things , ye shall never fall. John 10. 28, 39. verfe 28.] And I give unto them ettrnal lifty and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck, them attt ofmy band^Tf. 29 ] My Father which gave thsra, is greater then all, and m man is abU toplt*ck thtm out ofmy Fathers hand. I John 3.9. Whofoever is born of God, doth not commit fin j/cr his feed re- n^aineth in hlm^and.he cannot fin, hccaaCshs is born o( God. I Pet.i.5,9. ^ho are l^cpt by the power of ^odthrough Faith unto falvation, ready to be revealed in the laft time. V 9] kecc\ymgtbeendofyoi*r faithyevcn the f^lvation of your Souls, (b) z 7im.2.l8,I9- v.l8. J Who concerninp the truth have erred, faying', the refucredlion is oaft already ; and overthrow the faith of fome. V. 19 ] Nevertbeleffe , the foundation ofGodjiands fure^ having this Seal., the Lord krioivtth them that are his ; and let every one that n«tncth the Naitie of Chrift, depart from iniquity. Jer.31.3.1 The Lord hath appeared of old onto me, /iavincYca, i bAVt lavci thu WiJi nnevtrlafiing lovt^ thereiorc wth Joving kindmfi have I drarm thee ' °^ efficacy efficacy of the merit, andinterceffionofJerasChrIft(tf)5 tlie abiding of (OHeb.ro.io, the Spirit, and of the feed of God within them (d) ; and the nature of the *j^*' ^jj^h-^^^jj Covenant of Grace (e) : from all which arifcthalfo the certainty, and vve areVana'i- infaiiibility thereof if), fied tiirough tiie offering of the body of Jefas Clirift once for all. Yetk I4. 3 For by me offering, he hath ptrftBed for tver them thite are frrSlijied. Heb. I ).to>ti. ver.io. 3 Now the God of peace that brought again from tlic dead our Lord . Jefus, thatgreat Shepherd of the Sbeepj thrtugh the blood oj the everUjiing t'ovtnant. v.ii."] Makeym feriek in every good tvork^to do his wilb working io you that which is well-pleafing in his fight,throiigh JefujChrift,towhoinbe glory for ever and ever, ^men. Heb.9.iz,i3,i4>iS. Vetfc ii.l Neither by the blood of Goats and Calves , bat by hit own bleed he entred in once into the holic place « having 06- tainedeternal redemption for uf, Verfe i J.] For ifthc Hood of £ulls, and of Goats, and the afhcs of aa Heifer fpriokUng the undeta, fanvent out from vs , bntthey were not of as , for if /fey hadbeen ofufy pj^ would no doubt bdvt ctntinmH withttfy but they weat^ut, thatthey might be made maoifeft that '4hey>w-ere«6t'Jtllof,«$..'!oi2c7lj{}'iosJi.i]-^b{if: « .■^^'io 2..0 /..— -. 1 1 1. Neverthelefs, they may , through the temjjtations of Satan and (g) Manh. »«; of the world, the prevaiency of corruption remaining in them, and the 7«>'72'74- vcrf. iiegle(9: ofthe means of their prefervation , fail intogrievous ITns g ' , l°c'?fef»re them «Cvfayibg>Ikijbw*otwbatthonfayeft. v.72.3 >f*^^'^t*'*'ifg<*fnwUhAnon^i jdoijctiroTPihe JWD. rerte 74, | ^hw ht btgtm mi*r/t tmdfivearf fayingi ilcopvy OOt tjse fllKl' And immedi come to be deprived of To tlic chief ibme meafure of their graces and comfort? (i) ,have their hearts harde-y >lu(iciaii , a ncd Cm) , and their confciences wounded (n) , hutt , and feandalizc ^5'wh^i Zi. o^^^^^ (o.'y^nd bring temporal judgements upon themfelves (p). than the Prophet came un?o him j after he had gone in to fiathsheba. verfe I4^ ] Deliver me fronrhUod giiiltinef< -^ O God , thou Goi ©f my falvation , and my tongue sball'fing aloud of thy righteoafncffc (i) irai.64. s ,7>9. Yerf.s. ] Thou tneeteft him that rejoyccth and vvorketh righteoufnefs, thofe that re- iTjcmber thee in thy waies : behold. »/««* irt vcroth^ for we have finned, in tliole is coatinuance , and wc shall be faved. verfe 7.] And tl^re is none that calleth upon thy Name, thatftirrethup.himfclftotake hdld of thecj for thou haji-hid thy fate from us, and haft confumtdtu betxufe of eur iniquities. verfcgO Bfe tuft wroth very Core, Q Lord, neidier remember iniquity forever : behold, fee wc befecch thiRCj we are a}t tli/peop}e. iSam. II. 17. And when the morning was pail, U-tv/Vfent and fetched her to hi$hoafc, and she became his wife , and bare him a foil , but the thing thatirxvid had done* difpletifedthe Lord. I'A) Epher4.5o. And^r;>c/f not tie hdy Spirit efGodj\i]:^reby we are fealtfd onto the day of redempti- on. (/.) Pfaltn 5t.8,ro,li. verfe 8.] Mak^ me to hear joy and g/adnefi ^ that the bones wliichthoa haft broken may reioice. verfeio "] Create in me a dean heart , O G odj, a.nd renew aright fpirit within me, verfe i x."] l^efivre »mo me the joy ofthyfalvation, and uphold me with thy free fpirir. Revel.2.4. Never- tshelefs I havcfomewhat againft tliee, hecaufethau hafileft thyfirft love. Cant. $.2,^.476. v. 2.3 lileep but tny heart waketli, it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh > faying j Open to me my Sifter , my k ve, my dove, my undefiled, for my head is filled with dew , and mylocks with the drops of the nighr. Tcrfe 5. 3 I ^*^<^ P"^ off my coat , how shall I put it on ? I have waihed my feet , how shall I defite . themJ" veif. 4,] My beloved pot in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were inoved for- iiim. verfc6.j I opened to my beloved, but my bdov'td had withdrawn himfe If and it>af'^on"'^vny SqvI failedwiieohefpakci I iboghtl.un, but I could not find htm, Icalledh'm, OHthe gitvt'.*Hoanfwer. 'nt ) Ifai.65.17. O Lord, why liaft thou made us to erre from thy wayes, andhardnedour heart from thy ftary returo for thy fervants fake , the Tribes of thine ii^ieritance. A/arj^e.S*. bottheyconfideredoot ihi miracles of the loaves, for their heart was hardened. Marl^i6. 14. Afterward he appeared onto the tlcTen, as they fatatmeat, and upbraided them /o»'»/?f»rM«tf//f/svitfa the World. ' ' ' ' • . '. ' ■ ■ . G H A P. X V 1 1 1. Of ajfuunce of Grace and Salv/tt'm, (a) Job «. I ^, A Lthough Hypocrites and other unregencratc men may vainly dc- 34. V.I 5.] So x\ceive themfelves with falfe hopes » and carnal prcfumptions of bc- Si thirfor^et i"S ^" ^^^ favour of God , andeftateoffaIvatioaCrf^$ which hope of 'God, and the Hypocrites hep^ shaU.ptriih. v. 14; ^ 'Whofe htpt shall be cut ej^j indwhofe trufl shall be a> Spiders rvtb. Mich8 5.ix. The heads thereofjndge for reward 9 and the Priefts thereof teach for iure^ •nd the Prophets thereof divine for mony : yet tviuthty lean ttfon th» Ltrd and fay , is not the Lord among, Gs \ DOQ&evil can come upon us. Deat. 19* 19. And it came to pafs when he Heareth the words of ttiia cnrfc, that he bUfftth himfelfin his heart, faying, / shall have peace, thoogh I walk itt the ifflaginatioa o^ tny heart to add dnmkenDcfs to third. John 8.41. Yedo the decdsofjoac Father^ thea/aidtbty to hioDi Wc be not bora of foroicitioo, wc /?**« otte WmH^ ntn 09i% chdc ($1) theirs shall perish C^}: yet fuch as trucly believe in the Lord Jcfus, and C^) Matth^r. Jove him in fincerity , endeavouring to walk in allgood conlciencc be- JJj,ny^" Jiiniy fore him, may, in this life, be certainly alTured that they are in the ftate onto me in thav: of grace ( c) , and may rejoyce in the hope of the glory of God , which ^^7 ^ Lord » hope shall never make them ashamed (d), J^J prophcSS in thy Name , and in thy Nanae hate call out ©ctils , and in thy Name done many wondcrftil works. verfe zy\ And then will I frtftfs unto thtm , / nruer f^neivyou , depart frem mtyt that rtorky^inimtd:^: {c\ I John 2. J. And hereby nedo k^nove that ire Xtjow hm , if wc keep bs commandments, i John 3 14^ 1 8^19) SI, 24. V.14.] JVe krifw that we httvefajftdfrtm death ontolife, becaufc we love the brethreo ^ he that loveth not his brother abidcth in death. Verfe 18.] My little children , let us not love in worU/ neither in tongue , but in deed aad in truth. Vcrfe 19. ] And htrthj> we do l^now thai «e are 0/ the trtu^s^ •nd sltall ajjttre mr hearts btforehim. Vcrfe 21."] Beloved, if #Mr hean condemn us not, then have we con- fidence towards God. Verfe 24.J And he that kecpcth his commandments, dwcUethin him, and he 10. him , And hereby wt knoxv that he ahideth i» us , by the fpirii that he hath given 0$. i Jolin 5.1 3. The(e things have I written onto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God , that yt nay knoxo that ye fc4«e«fCedifihe4abrQadin our heart*, bj c holy GhoQ which was given to US. 1 1. This certainty is not a baretronjecftural and probab! e perfwa- (0 Hebr.e.ii. lion, grounded upon a fallibk Hope ie) ; but an infallible aflurance of * 9- v.i i .3 A^nd faith , founded upon the divine truth of the promifes of falvat ion (f ) , ^^^^ one ^f the inward evidence of thofe graces unto which thefe promifes are you do shew made (j^), the teftimony of the Spirit of Adoption, witnefling with our *^ ^*""* '^'''" fpfrits that we are the Children of God W : which Spirit is theearneft fufuffuraHceTf of our inheritance, whereby we are fealed to the day of redemption r^j. hope unto the end. verfe 19. 3 V/hkh hope we hiv^ zs an anchor tf the fot4l, both Jure a*td fiedfafl , and which enfreth into that within the vail. (/) Hebr.6.i7,j8. verf 17.] Wherein God willing moreabundaotly to shev; unto tlie lieirs of ^romifc the intntutability of his counfei, confirmed h by an oath, v. 18.] Ihzthy tivo immHtablethi^gsitt which it w^asimpoflible for God to lie > we might have afirong confoUtion , who have fled for refoge to lay htold upon tlae hope fct before ns. (g) 2 Pet.i.4,S5iO)ti' v.4.3 whereby aregiven onto ns excee- ding grcM and frecious promifes, that by tliefejyoM might hefartah^n of the divine nature, having efcaped thexrorruption that is io the world through laft. V.5 .J And belides this, gi'-^ing ^'l diligence , add to your faith, vertue, and to vertoe knowledge. V. i o.'] Wherefore ihc rather brethrrn , give diligence to make yetir calling and eUfiionfttre, for if^e do thefe things yc shall never fail, v-i 1 , 1 For fo «n entrance shaU be mimjfred unto you abundantly, into the everlafting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jefus Clirift, i Job. • 3.3. And hereby ne do f^ntw that we know him, if-.re T^ep his Commandments, 1 John 5.1 4. We knov ih*t wc have paffed from death nnto life, becaufe irc love the brethren ; he that loveth not his brother «bi- Ideth in death. 2Corin.i.l2. forourrejoycingis this , x\\&tejiimonyofcurConftitnce, that in fimpli- f JoH.J.tj. many difficulties, before he be partaker of it (^) : yea, being en- Fhefe things abled by the Spirit to know the things which are freely given him of iHto vou'tTat ^^^ ' ^^ ^^y » without extraordinary revelation ,. in the right ufe telieve on the of ordinary means, attain ther^nto i^l) . And t^refore it is the duty Name of the of eVery one, to give all diligence to make his calling and Ele(5lion! fh^i ye miy ^"''^ ^'^^ 5^^^*^ thereby his heart may be enlarged in peace and joy in know, that ye the holy Ghoft,in love and thankfulnelsto God,& in ftrength & chear- ?iave etetnal fulncfs in the duties of obedience, the proper fruitsof this aflTurancc {n)z life , and that ye may believe on the Name of the Son of C?od. Ifaj.jo.iO; Who isamoag you that fe4reth the Lord> ihat obeyeth the voice of his fervant , that tpalketh in dark^n^t , and hath no light f let hiin troft in the Name of the Lord^ and rtay upon his God. Mark^g.z^.' And ftreight way the Father of the chjld cryed oat> and faid with tears , Lord / ^e/Ze-ye, /jf/p r/»oM »»)» M»6e//»/". ScePfalmSS. throughout, and l*falm77. tothe iz.verfe* (/) i Corint. 1. 12. J Now we have received not the fpiiit of the world, bat the Spirit which is of God, that we might kritw the things that are freely given to utofGod, 1 John 4« 13. j Hereby knew wethat wedwellinbim , and beinos, becffufe he hath given us of his Spirit. iiebr.6.11;, iz. Verfeii.3 And wedefire, that every one of you do shew the fine diligence , tothe full aflurance of hope unto the end. Verfe iz.l Ihityou benstJloathfuS , but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promifes. Ephef. 3. 17, 18. Verfei7.] ThztChrifimay drveU in your hearts by faith , that rce being rooted ana grounded in love. Verfe 18. 3 May be able to £omprehendTvitha\\SiiDts, what is the breadth , and length , and depth, and the height. Verfe 19 1 And to know the love of Chrift, which pafTeth knowledge , that yemay be filled with aU the fullneffe of God. (m) 2 Peter 1. 10. J Wherefore the rather brethren > give e wc|iav,e an Advocate with the Fatlier,.T(?fus thrift the righteous. V i. ] And he is the propitiation for dor finnes: and net for cars ortly, but alfo for the linnet oitlie whole world. Rom. 6. 1.2. v, j.] What slulj we Tay then .' shall Tve continue injinne , that gyxct may aboMtid f V. 2. \ Cod forbid; \\o\vshaU ive that are deadt'o Jin, live any longer therein. Tit.».ii,ii,i4. verf. iij Forr/;r^/>-rtceo/C7o^ that hrirgtth falvation, hath appeared to all men, verfe li. j Teaching tu, that dinying ttngodlimji , and vcoildlytujts , we should live fobtrty, righteoujlyztid godly in this firejent world. Verfei*.] Who gaVe himfelj for ut , ttratJennightrc^ deem us from all iniquity ^ and purifie unto hiwfelf a peculiar people , -^aioa's of good jvorkr. z Corint; 7. i.l Having thereforethejepromifcs (dearly beloved j) let us clean fe our fel-vcs f/om aUflthimfi of ihefl,.sh.tnd - Spirit, perfeeiingholinefs intht fear oj G od. Rom.8.t,I2. verf. ij There is theictbre now no'coc^eBi-r nation to them which are ioChriftJefus, rvho roal knot after the flesh ihux.i\uxr.\y&Sp'mx. VerCij.l Therefore Brethren, \nc are debtors, not to the fleshy to live afrertheiflefh. I John 3. 2,3. verfej;.] BeJo-; ved DOW arc we the Sons of God, and ic doth aot yet appear what we fnall be; but we know, that whca ■. be shall appear^ we fhall be likehiin jforwefhalifee him as he is. verf. 3.] Andevciy tnantlMthath thkhopein him.ptmfieth himfelf, even m he ii pure. Pfal. i ja4.] But there is forgivencis with thee, by Gods withdrawing the hght of his countenance , and fufFer- "^^ '*^y beloved ing even fuch as fear hira to walk in darknefs , and to have no light (p ) : fayipt"'^ O^ elj to roe, my fifter , my love , my dove, my undefiled ; for my head is filled with dew , and tny looks with - the drops of the night, verf.^.] I have put off my ccat, hew shall 2 put it or, <' / have vMihed myjtet, how shall I defile them f v. 6.] I opened to my belovedjbnt my belovedbad rvithdrawn himfelf,znd was gone ; my foul failed when he fpake ; J fought him, but 1 cculdnot find him ; 7 called him , but he gave me no an^ ftt>er. Pfal. 51. 8,12, 14. V. 8-3 Make me to hear joy andgladnefs 5 thTiXihe bones x\:hiu}}]>ouhafi broken . mayrejoyce. V.12O R^^oreuntomethe'pyof thy falvation ; and uphold me with thy free Spirir. v. 14-.J Deliver me from blood-guHtinefs , O God, thou God of my fakation ; and my torgue fhall fino aloud of thy righteoufnefs, Ephef 4.30,31. ver.30.] Ar\dgrieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are feaJed ' onto the day ofredemption. -veHe 31 .] hn all bittemefs, and virath , and anger, and clamour, and evit /^mA.'wj? be put away from you, with all »7«/?«, lam caft out from before thine eyes; neverthc- lefs thoo heardeft the voice of my fupplitationSj when I cried unto thee>Ifai. 50. la. who is among you : that feareth the Lord , that obeyeth the voice of his fervant , that walkfth in darkntfs, and Imk no li^hp f let hiqa tmft in the Name of the Lord; aod flay upon his God. Pfalin 8 8 . througlwur. (7^ I Tsh. 1.9. yet are they never Utterly defiltute of that feed oFGod, and life of faith, Whjfoevar is thatlovcofChrift and the brethren , that fincerity of heart , andcon- dorh not^om- rdenceof duty , out of which, by the operation of the Spirit, this Aflli- luit (io i for h-s ranee may, in due time , be revived (^) ^ and by the which, in the mean feed mmciinHh ^{1155^ thev are fupportedfromutter defpair (rK ir, him , and he cannot fin , becaufe heis bora ofXjod. Lnke 21. 7,z.~\ But I have prayed for thee , th«t thy faith fgU tut ; and whea rhoa art converted , ftreogthen thy brethren. Job 13. 15.3 Tliough be flay me , yet veiU J uujl inhim \ but I will maiDtain mine own ways before him. Pfalm 73. 1 J.] ffJfay.I-iviUf/ieali'y^ }htu; ^e/w/fi/../j'j«M/<^oj^<'j(/agaiQft the generation of thy children, ffaltn 51-8,12.] See Letter tminc- didtely before. Ifai.50.10.] See Letter P. immediately fbregoiog. {r) Micah 7.7,8,9. v.7,J There- fore I vciil looh^untothe Lord i J jvlU vcalt f«r the G od of my falvation ; my God will hear tne. V.8.] R.e« Joyce notagainftme, O inincEnemy j when I filU I shall arife ; when I fitia datkacdythe Lord ihtiU be it light unto me. v.9.3 I will bear the indignation of the Lord> becaufe I have finned againft him , uatilJ lie plead my caafe, and execute judgemeut for me ; he will bring me forth to the light , and I shall behold iKsrighteoufntf. Jerem. 32, 40.] KnAlWilimake dnevtrUflirtgCo'vtnantrvithxhtm j that I will not turn away from them> to do them good, but I will put tny fear in their hearts » that they shAllnot depart fromme. Ifai.5+.7,8,9,lo. V.7.] For a fmall moment have if orfai^en thee ; but with great mercies will I g«her thee. v. 8.] In a little wrath / hid my face from thee', for a moment ; but with everlaflingp^mdne^ will I have mercy on thee, faith the Lord thy Redeemer, verf. 9.] For thij is as the waters o{Neah unto me; for as I have fworn that the waters ofiVoa/pfhould no more go over the earth; fo haveZ/n'orfi tliat Ivaotildnotberfroth with thee, nor rebuke thee, v.io.l For the inountains shall depart, and the hills be rcmovedj hut my kindnefs shall not depart from thee, neither shall the Covenant of my Peace be ren$gved„ i'akh the Lord, that hath mercy on thee, Pfal. 22. i.] M)r God, ray God , why haft thou forfaken me J V'hy artthonfo far from helping me, aad from the words of my roaring .'' Pfalm 88 . 1 hroBghout. CHAP. XIX. 0/ the LAvff of God, U) Gen. T. iGi f^ Od gaveto AUm aLaw , as a Covenant of Works , bywblchhe a7.] And God i^boundhim, andallhispofterity, toperfonal, entire, exad, and ftid , Let us pgj.pgf^^al obedience: promifed life upon the falfillin2> and threatned oar Image , af- death upon the breach or it : and indued mm with power and abuity to terourlikenefs; keep it f**). and let them Jiave doininioB over the fifh of the fta, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattel, and over all tho earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Ver.27. J So Go^creattd man in hi* »wn Image, in the Image of Cod created he him j Male and Female created he them, with Genef. 2. 17.] But of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat ; in the day that thou eateji thereof, thou shalt furelydye. Rom.2.i4-ji5. verfe i4. ] For wlien the Gcatiles which have not the Law, do 6jy w«»r«rf>« things contained in the Lnvo , thefe having not the Law, are a Law unto themfelyes j Verfeis.3 Which shsvo the rverl\ofthe £aw written in their hearts, their confciences alfo bearing witncfs,and their thought* meanwhile a ccufing, or elfe ercufing one another. Rora. io.$.3 Vot M»fes dzCcribcththcrighteoufhej]* which is of the Z,4w,that the man which doth thofe things^shall live by them. Rom. 5 .1 2,19. V.I 2.] Where- fore, as by one man Jin entredinto the world , and death by fin ; .and fo death pajjed upon all men , for that ^U have finned, v. 19.^ For as hy one mam difobedienct, many vcere made finneri : fo by the obedience of •ne, /hail many be made righteous. Gal. ^10,12. v.io.] For as inany as arc of the works of the law* are onder the curfc ; for it is written, Curftd is every one that continucth not in all things, which are writ- ten in the book of the Law, to do them. v. i ».] The Law is not of Faith ; bat the man that doth them, shaUliveinthem.Ecdsf.7.i9.3 Lo, this only have I found , that God /'-iffc wade wan «/»>-»^fot, but they Jhave fought out many inventions. Job 28 . 28.] And unto mao he ftid. Behold, the ftar of the Lord,th«t ti wifdonBi aod t9 def art from tvH is undufinnding, II. This H7) It. This liwi after his Fall , continued to be a pcrfe'4/ZtfTr, according to the Scripmre, Thou ihalilove thy neighbour as thy felf , ye do well, vcrfe lo.J For whofoevcr shall k.tep tht whole Lfw, mndyctofendinone£9int,heisgmltj>ofaU. Verfc ll-] For foe that [aid. Do not commit adaltcryj/iiti Jjo, Do not kill ; nowif thoo comnait no adultery , yet ifthon kill , thou art become a tranfgrefldnr of the Law. Verfe 12. '] So (peak ye , and fo do , as they that shall be judged by the Larv oj liberty. Rom.r?.&, 9. Verfe 8-J Owe no man any tiling, bot to love one another ; iovhetbatlciethanothtr, \}&th fylfilltd tht Law. Verfe 9. ] For this , Thou shalt not comn»it adultery , Thou shalt not kill, ThoQ flialt not fteal , Thou shalt not bear falfe witnefs, Tlx)u shalr not covetj and ifth, re be any cthir Commandmtnt i it it briefly com frehtnded in this faying , namely, Ihon ihilt love thy rtighbcur as thy felff Deoter. 5. 32. 1 Te shall obfervt to do tliereforc » a-! the Lord ycur G cdhath ccrr.mandcd yott j yon shall not turn afide to the right hand, ortothekft. Denter. 10. 4. j And htvcrote on the Tables, according to the firft writing, the ten Commandments , which the Lord fpake unto yon in the Mcnnt, ouiofthemidftof thefire, in theday ofiheaflembly ; and the Lord gave them unto me. Exod.ji.lO And the Lord faidonto Mofes, hew the two Tables of ftone, like unto the firft : And I will vriietipon theftTables, the vfordt that were in the firji Table , which thou brakeft. (e) /»/<»»/;. 22. 37, 58, 39, 40- Vcrfc 37.1 Jefus faid unto him, Thon shah love the Zcrd thy God , with all.thy heart , imdvrithafl thyfoul^and ivith all thy mind. Vcrfe 38.] This is the firfl and great Commandmetit. Verfe 39. ] And the fttendis like unto it> Thoi* shalt lo ve thy neighhoHr m thy ftlf. verfe 4o. 3 0» theft tvco Commandm4fKt^. hang 4II the Lave and tht Frofhets. I T I. BeHdfe this Law , commonly called Moral , God was pleafed ' to give to the people of Ifracl, as a Church under age, Ceremonial }Laws , containing fcvcral typical Ordinances , partly of Worship> prefiguring Chrift , his graces, adions, fufFerings, and benefits (^»*'»"^ naiiing it to his Crtfs. Ycrfe i6.] ^tt no nan therefore judge you in memti, ot in drink^, oriore- fps6t o( for thepunilhmentof evil 'doers>andforthepraireortiicmthatdo well. Matth $.17,58>39. verle 17.3 Think not that I am come -to deJ}yoy the Law, or the PropbetSj I am not come to deftroy, but to fulfill. V. ;8.] Yeiiave heard thart 7C hath btenfaid, Ao eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. V. 39.3 'But I fay unioyou. That ye refift not evil ; but whofoever ihall fmire thee on tliy right chcck> turn to him the other alfo. 1 Coriat. 9.8;,9jIO. v.8.3 Say Ithefe things is^imn, 01: faith not the Law the fame alfo. Vcrf.9.3 Foi it is written inihe JLaw of Mofes, Thou fhalt not muzzle the mouth ofthe Ox, that treadeth ont the Corn; doth God take ■care for Oxen \ Verfe 10.] Or, I'aith he it altogether for ourfakf ffor our fakes, no doubt, thit is xoritten^ that he that pl(Mveth , shoiiid plow in hope i aud that he that thresheth in hope > should Mputaker of* his hope. -'7 ^'^ *- / V, The moral Law doth for ever bind all, as well juftificd perfons as (fc)Rom.i3,?, others, to the obedience thereof {h) ; and that, notonly inregardof ^' i°Sce^ab* ve ^^^^ "'^tter contained in it, but alfo in refpcift of the authority of God the fti Letter B.i©. Creator, who gave it (i > Neither doth Chrift in the Gofpcl , any way Love worketh diflblve, but much ilrength en this obligation (/^). , , ^. no ill to his ' ". ?V oeiehboar, therefore love U the fulfilling ofthe L»ix>. Eph.6. * . 1 Hononr thy Fathet and Motheir (v^liitJi is the firft c("M»w«rf>wf«t wit/) /»"9»<»/e ) i John i.3i4j7,8. v %7\ And hereby we do know, that we know Jbim, if we k$ep his Commandments. V.4O He that faith, I know him. and k^eepeth not his Commandments is a Iyer, and the truth is not in him. V.7. J Brethren, I write no new Commandment natoyoQy but an old Commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old Commandment is the Wordy which ye have heard from the beginning. V.S."] Again, a new Commandment , I wiite aoto y»a , which thing "true »'» fe;«i 4«({yoM, becaufc the dwknefs is pift* aitid thettue light now shineih. (i) Jam.i.io, 11.] See in Let- ter B. C-^) Matth. $.17,18,19. See 17. io Letter G.V. i8.] For verily, I fay unto you .till heaven m^ tarth pap one jot, or one tittle^ shall in no wifepafs from the Law, till all be fulfilled. Vcrf. 19."' Wholbever therefore shall break one ofthefe leafi commandments, and shall teach menfoj he shaK be called the leajt in tbt i^ngdom of Heaven j bat whofoever shall do * and teach them , the fame shall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven. Jatn.i.S. See in Letter B. before. KiOm.j. 3I. ] Ho'WClhzamakfvoiitheLAvo tkrougb Faith ^ God forbid, yea, w: ejiablish the Law. VI, Although VI. Although true Behevers be not under the Law , as a Covenant ofwotks, to be thereby juftjfied, or condemned (/); yet is it of great YO Reman. 6. ufe to them, as well as to others j in that, as a rule of htc informing them Jj*^jJ jjjt"[jy" of the wili of God , and d eir duty, it directs, & binds them to walk ac- dominion over cordinly (,f» 5 di(coveringalfo the finful pollutions of their natijre,hearts you : forjo« and lives (w) : fo as, examining themfelves thereby , they may come to ''ll"'*^^^'[['l''^. further convidlion of, humiliation for , and hatred againit fin {o ) : toge- giace. Gai. i. ther with a clearer fight of the need they have of Ch rift , and the ptrtcc- 1 6. 3 Knowing tionofhis obedience (p) . ItIshkewifeofufetotbeRep;enerare,torcf- '^^^ .*.?"",'* train their corruptions , inthatittorbidslin(^<7^:andthe threatningsor tie works of the it fcrvc to shew, what, even their fins, deferve : and , what afflictions , in x^n- , but by this life, they may expebut theh^ceping of the Vothrfiandftiehts of God. Galat. 5. I4»I6, l8> 19,20,11, ?*'i30 See in the Biblf,. (") Rc>tti. 7. 7.] VVhat shall wefay tljoi r' is the Lawiin : God forbid , Nay^ J hid not \nownfin \ hut by the law ; for \ had notknowB luft j except tJie Law had fad » Thou shalt not covet. Rom. 5.26."' Therefore by the deeds -of the La\t , thereshallnofleshbe juftific-d m hisfipht, ioxhytheLaw, is the knowledge of fin. ^ (o) Jatn. I- 2M4> 2J. Vcrfezj.] Forifany inan be a hearer of the Word , and pot a doer , fie is likfcuntt) a man , beholding his natural face in a glafs. Verfe z^."] For he behaldcth himfelf j and goeth lifs Way , ami freight- way forgetteih what manner of manlrew/is, Verfe 2.5. j Bat "who To Id^keih fnh/ the l)'^rfclf ii Vei^ 9: 1 . ifor fwas aUte withotit the Idw ^ttc^," btft )xhtntke Ctftnniandment c^me ,fn nvtvtd and f dyed. Verle 14^ foi'wcknowthar tholaw iifpftirtial.'^t i' ^m carnal,fotd under fin. verfe jn^.l Oh. wretched, man that I am , who shall delivtr mijrom the body of the death. ( p) Galat. 3. 24.3 Wherefore the Law wof our Schonl-majier , to bnM'us nnto Chrifl , that we miplit be jiiftified by Faith. Rom.T 24,2? Verfe 24.3 See before immediately ih LcttevO. ij. in Letter M. Rom. 8. ^,4. v.;^.3 For what-the -t-Jn^ coiijld^^pt -do '« tha^it^was ipfat rhronghthe.flesh, God fending hisown Son in thelike- nefs.offif^ful Besh, a" A\\ hih ■> P^ iff thou cpqanoit no adultery, yet ifrhou kill, tliou art become a tranfgrcfToar of the Law. Pfalm ii9.'nc)i,io4jl28. v.'loi.l I have refrained my feet from *tery dvilwHSr, ^^^* ' »•*> f V J 04.? ■ThKot*gh thypruepts, I get under fanding ■, t l>crefbre J hate every falfe way. VerfeizS'] 'thiv^it I epeem'airihyp'vecefts,ci>ncerti}ng'aU things to Ift right , ?i^Jlhftte every falfe way. K 01 {:) Vzrxcf.xi, ofthreatned in the law ». Tliepromifesofic, in like manner, shew i+. V.I v) And themGods approbation ofobedienccj&whac bleflings they may expe6t !!!!! f/il'^!J' upon the performance therefore be ye all of one mind, having compaflion one of another, love as brerhren, be pitiful, be courteous, verfe 9.J Not rendiing evil for evil, or railing for railing j but con- trary- wife blefling , knowing that ye are thereunto called , that ye fltonld inherit a blcfljog. verfe 1 0.7 For he that will love life , and fee good dayes ; Ut him refrain hit tongue from evil 3 and his lips thjtt they fpcak no guilt. verfeii-D Leihlm tfchew evil and do good i Let him feek peace and enfue it, verfe la.j: For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous ; and his ears are open onto their prayers , but the face of she Lord is againfi them thai do ri;»V, with Pfalm 34.1;,! 3^I4,I5>I6. verfe 12.] What m^n is he that de- firerh life , end loveth many dayes , that he ma.y fee good ? verfe i j.] Kjep thy tongue from eviU , and thy lips from fpeal'^ng guile.'vCTk i 4-] Depart from evil and do ^ootf, feek peace and purfoe it. vcrfe 15 .] The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteoas; and his ears opcaunto their cry. v. 16. 3 The face of th^ Lord n agaiijji them that do evil , to cut off the remembrance of theuo from the earth. Hebr. 12* 28, 29. V.28.J Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved; \etus have grace, whereby ntmay firve God aaeptably ivith rtvtrence andgodlyfear. v.29.] For our Godis a confi4ming fire. {w) Gal.3.21.] Vli. Neither are the fore-menttoned Ufes of the Law contrary to the *a\inn7h'''ro ?>^^^^ °^^^^ Gofpcl , butdofweetly Comply With it Cfi?) , the Spirit of S^To/GeT Chrift fubduing, and enabling thewill of man, to do that, freely and God forlfid'.Fot . . if there had bctn a Law given, wh,icb coald hare givca life > yenly» nghtcoofacfs Jhonli haw been by the Law. ,. chc3i>, (6i) chcatfiilly , which the will of God, revealedin the Law , requircth to be ( O^ E«k. ^^f. done(X>). put mjy Sfisit rcithinypu, 4ntic4ufi you to rrnlkjn my Statutes : and ye shallkecp jny jodgcircnts, ard do tl.cm. htbr. 8 lo 1 For this is the Covenant that I will make with t!x houlc oi Uracl , alter uiole dayts , faith tl.e Lord I tviU ptittny Laxxs in their minds , and -arittthim in ti.tir hearts : and I Will be to ihciti a God, and thev shallbe to me a people, with Jercm. 51.3}. J But this shall be xU Covenant that Uvill ir.ake with the honfe of Ifracl, after thofe daycs , faith the Lord , J ix,Ufut n.y Law in thar imv^rdf^nts, at^ Tcritt it in their hearts : and I will be their God; and they shall be my people. CHAP. XX. 0/ Chr'tfitan Ubertj, and Ldert; of Cotrfcwice. THe Liberty which Chrift hath purchafed for Believers under the Gofpcljconfifts in their freedom from the guilt of fin, the condem- ning W rath of God, thecurfe of the Moral Law {a.) , and in their being (^) Tit. 2.14.] dehyered from this prefent evil World , bondage to Satan, and domini- v\ ho gave him- on offin (IJ ; from the evilof afflidions, the fting of death, the vidory |^^» ,;;ig;;/ ,,; of the grave, and everlafting damnation ff) 5 as alfo in their free accds deem mjrom ^ll to God (a) , and their yeelding obedience unto him , not out of llavi.^i iriiejuny , and fear, but a child-Hke love & willing mind {e) . All which were commcn PJjJjf.^j , p";,'„'; alfo to Believers under the Law C/X But under the New Teftamentthe jiai people,zca- lous of good works, i The[. 1 . 10. U And to wait for his Son from heaven , whom h.e railed trcin the dead, even Jefus which delivered us from wrath to ecme. Gal. 5.15.2 Chrift hath redetrredus \ror>-> tic cwfe ofthtlavc\ being made a carfe torus: forit is written. Curled is every one ti-at har.gcih en a tree,. {b) Galat.1.4. • Who gave himfclf for our fins, that he w\o\,t deliver w from this f reject ii'tli\orld,&Y cording to the will of God, and our Father. Col 115 ] M'ho hath delivered w \rim ihepcner 0/ dai /^ nefs: and hath tranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Adsj6.i8..1 To open their eyes, and 10 turn them from iarknefs to lights aadjrstn the fio-ner of Satan unto God, that they may receive lorgivfcefs offins and inheritance among them whichate fandified by faith tlatisin me. Rcm.6.i4- 1 fctj-nshal not have dominion ovtrycUy for ye arc not under the Law, but under grace. (') Rem 8.i8. ^ We knew rhit all things rcorJ^togither for good to them that love Gcd^ to thtm who are the called according tclus pnrpofc. Pfaltnil9.7i. T Itiigoodforme ^ihat ihaVcbeenfijftiBed: that 1 might leain thy Statutes. 1 Cor.is. 54,55, 56,57. v.5'4.n So when this cortuoriblc shall have pur en inconuption, and thismortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pafs the faying 'hat is written, Death isfneiUxK^ tdupinviBory. verfc 55.] O death yn here is thy fiingf Ogravtj xthete it thyziSlory f \cr{e S6.2 1h& iling of death is fin/and the fttength offin is the Law. verfe 57 J But thanks be to Gcd , \\hkhg>veth M the victory through OUT Lord Jefus Chrift. Roman. 8.1.J lliereis thcrcfoiei^ow^o andmrrattonxo them which are in Chrift Jefus , who walk not alter the flesh, but after the Spirit, {d) Rem. 5 • I > ji* verfe I.J Therefore being juftified by faith , we hayefeaceivithGody through cur Lord JcfiisChiift. ferfeB love cajieih cut fear: becaufe fear hath torment : hethatfearethis not madeperftd inloyc. it) Gal.3.9,14. V.9.] So then they -nhich he of faith, are blej]ed niih faithful Abraham, vcr.^e 14.] T/^t the blefsing of Abraham might comc en rAeG««»7w through J«fos Chrift : that we might receive the promife of the Spirit through faith. K > Jibwty (6i) '-') Gal. ♦.!,», •i'^S'^'cy ofChrifthns is Farther enlarged in their freedom from the yoak 5,6i7. vede i.] of chs Ceremonial L iw, co vvhich the Jewish Church was fubje6ted (^)j Now I fay,an|rjin greater bolin els ofaccels to the throne of grace f/;}, and in ful- thil the heir Of 1 ° • .• r .i_ r _ _ c.-.-. r/-_j .i_ r^ i- it Ion? ^ he^ifl Isr Communications of the free SpiritofGod, then Believers under the coi'd , differeth Law did Ordinarily partake of < t . nothing from a ftrvxntj though he be Lord of all. verfe 2. J Bat is under tutors and governoHrs, antill the time appointed ofthe Father, verfe 5. 3 Even lb we, when rve ivere children , were in bondage under the Elememi of the ivrrid. verfe 6. J And becaufe yc are fons j God hath fmt jorththe Spirit of his Son int» your heartt, crying Abba Father, verfy.] VVherctorc tlioii art no more afervant, but a Son, and if a SoDj then an heir of God through Chiift, Gal. 5 I.l St.i»d ftji therefore in the liberty , wherewith Chriji hath mxde us free, and be not intangled again with the yol'^e 0} bondage. Adl. i $ . 10. 1 1, v. lo J Now there- fore, why tempt ye God, to put a yokt upon the neik^of the Difciples , which neither our Fathers i nor wc were able to bear, verfe 1 1 . j Bar we believe , that through the grace ofthe Lord Jefus Chrift. roe shaL befived even asthey. {h ) Heb. ♦ i4 l6. v. I+.j Seeing then tliat we /j«x/e'««/;/;^fePr/e/?, that is fafjed into theheavens y lefus the Soaof God, le: us hold faft ourprofeffion. V. le.'] Let us therefore cotne boldy unto the throne of grace , that we may obtain mercy , and finde grace to hely in time of need. Heb. 10. 19.10,11, XI. verfe 19.] Having therefore bretliren, boldncfs to enter into the holiefi } bythe blood of Jefus. verfe zo.^J By a new and living way , which he hath confecrated for as through the vail, that ustafay^ his flesh, verfe ji.] And having an High Priefl: over the houfe of God. V. az. ] Letus draw near with a true heart »»/w/Z affurance of/^/r/j.having our hearts fprinkled from an evil confcience> and ourbodyes washed with pore water. (») John 7. 58. ?9. v. 38. ] He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath faid, out of hit beUy shall flow rivers Of living water. Ver. 39. ) ]i\it this Jpake he ef the Spirit , which they that believe on him shouldreieive : (or the holy Ghoft was netyetgiven , becaufe that Jefus was not yet glorified ) zCor. 3. 13. 17. i8- v. 15. ] And not as A/o/c/ , ■which put a veil over his face ,ilui thechildreoof ICnel'could not fiidftfily look 19 the end of that jvhich is abolished. V. 17. ~\ Now the JLord is that Spirit yiad where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. V. Ig- j But we all ip;Vj •/«» face, beholding as in a glafsj the glory ofthe Lord, ate changed into the fame image, from glory to glory> even as by the Spirit ofthe Lord. (k) Tam.+.i2.] n. God alone is Lord ofthe Confcience (^), and hathleft itfree from L^n'-'!iv!r T^ ^^^® Dodrines and Commandments ot men, which are in any thing is Tbl'e to fave'', contrary to his word ; or befide it, if matters of Faith, or Worship (/). Sa -andtodeftroy; that , to believe fuch Dodrines, or to obey fiich Commands out of \yho art thou ^onfcience , is to betray true Liberty of Confcience (m): and the requi- th.ujudgeftan- '' -^ ' ^ other ? Rom. i ♦. 4, "] Who art thou thit judgeft another mans fervant ? to his own Mafier heflandeth or /.t^tt/jj yea, he fhall beholden up : for God is able to make him ftand. (/). Ads 4.19.") But/»f»er and John anfwered and faid unto them, whether it be right in the fight of God, to hearken unto yott, more then unto Gody judge ye. Ads 5.29.] Then Piter and the other Apoftles anfwered and faid , v>e Qught to obey God,ratherthen men. I Cor. 7. 23. ] Ye are bought with a price, be not ye thefervantsofmen. Matth. a 3.8,9.-io. V.8.] But be not ye called Rabbi, for one is your Mafier., even Chrift ; and all ye are brethren. v.9.1 And call no man your Father upon tlic earth, for one is your Father., which is in heaven, verf.io | Neither be ye calledMafters,/e»- owe /j70MrA/rfy?er, even Chrift, 2 Cor.i,i43 Not for that we have f/o- nim over your faith ; but are helpers of your joy, for by faith ye ftand- Matth.i J.9.] But in vain they do ^o{{[\\^me, teaching for doBrinestheCemm-tndments of men. (m)Co\,i.%o,iz,i-^. v.zo.} Wherefbreif ye be dead with Chrift, from the rndimeots ofthe world, why, as though living in the world, areyefub^ jeS to ordinances ? v. zz."! Which all are toperish with the uiing. after the Commandments anddolfrines of men. v. z 3. 1 Which things have indeed a show ofwifdom in wiU-wershlp and humility , and neglefling of the body, not in any honoar to the fatisfying ofthe flesh. Gal. 1. 10.] For do I now perfwade men 1 or God ? or do I feek to pleafe men ? for if lyetpleafed men, 1 shouldnot bethefervant ofChrifi, Gal.t.^,$, v.4.1 And that becaufe of f'^t/^^reffcrm unawares brought in, who came in privily to //£»7owo«r liberty^ which we have in Chrift Jefu*, that they might bring ut into bondage, v.5 .] To whom we gave place bt fub)e). And, for their publishing of fuch Opinions, or 0) Manfe.12, maintaining of fuch practices , as are contrary to the light of Nature , or *5i And je- to the known Princfplcs of Chriflianity ,• whether concerning Faith, ^l* ^",^^ ^^^^\ worship, or converfation, or to the power of godlinefs : or,foch eroneous faiXto th^m. Opinions or pradifes, as either in their own nature , or in the manner o£ Every Kingdom . divided againff ftfelf, is brought f dtfolation j and every City w houfe divided again/} it fetfy shall nctftand. i Pet. 2. 1 ?, 14, l6. verfe 13.3 Suhmit your felf to every OrcUnanee of man for the Lo; dsfak^e , wliethcr k be to the King as fupreme J verfe 14.3 Or unto Govemcursy as unto them that are Cent by himyiot the punifhmcnt ofevil doers, andforthepraifcofthem tiutdo well, verfe 16. j As free, and not ufingyour liberty for a cloak of malicioufnefs, hux as the fervants »f Cod. Roman. 15. i. totheS. verfe. Seeinthe BiWe. Hcbr. ij. 17.] Obey them that have the rule overyeu, ind fiibmitycurftlves, forthcy wttblish:ng or maintaining them, are deftiudlive to the external Peace and Order which Chrift hath eftablished in the Church, they may law fully be called to account, and proceeded againft by the Cenfurcs of the (tj) Komatt. I. Church 7^ and by the power of the Civil Magiftrace (r). •^t.'J\Vho Knun- ' inr (he 'mdgmeni of Gtid{thatthey which commit fuih thingi are ivorthji of death) not only do the fame, but h:i«.e plcifuiein tlwm that do them, with i Cor.5.i,5,!lji3. v.r.J It is reported commonly that there is fornicanon iimangyouy and fiuh fornication , a-c is n-jtfo muih .ts named emon^Ji the Gentiles , that one ilioiiU hive his fathers vitc .v. 5.j To dd't-ucrfuch a one unto 5 neither bidhin* Oodff/eed. v.it.] For he that bideth him God fpeed, isfrfrr^i^fr o//;« et^;7 ciret^j. 2 Thcf. 3. 1+O Ani if any man obey not our word by ihn Epfite, note that man, and have no company with him > that he may be ashamed. And l Tim-6. 3,4.5. v.j. ] Jf any man leach vthcrni/e , andconjent not to nholffome wgrdi, i:\'ea the n-jrds of our Lord fefm Chnft ^ zadzoxhe DoBrine which is according t0godUneJ]c. y.4. ] He is proud , koowing nothing , but doting about qucftions , and ftrifes of words, w hereofj cometl) envy* 111 ife, railings, evil ("unniliogs, V. 5. 1 Pciverledifputings ofmenof corrupuninds, and deftitute of the truth, fuppoiing that gain IS godliiieffejf'ro.'n/'tc/jir/tWwv {/;_)/ /e//, Tit.i. io,ii:>i3. verf.lo.] For thete are many unruly and vain lalkeis, and decciv^iSiefpecially they ofthe circumcifion. v.ll. I U^hofe ■srwitths nittfi be fioffed^ who fubvci t whole hoofcs , teaching things which they ought not , for filthy lu- fresfake. verfelg.] Tliis w itnefs is true -, v^'h^xtiov^ ribuketi)emsharpl:^ , that they may be found ia t!ie faitli. Tit. 3. loij A man that is an heretick., after the frji and fecond admonition, rejeff, with Mar. i8.i5j16,I7. verf.l s .'] Moreover^ lithy brother should trefpafs againft thec,^o andteU him his fault be- tveeen thee and him alo»c,i£hs shili heat rhecthou haft gamed thy brcther. verf. 16.] But ifhe will not liear thee, then tal^e xcith thee, one or two more , that in the mouth of two or three witoefles, every word «Tiay be eftablished. verfe 17.3 And ifhe shall negleit to hear thero, tell it unto the church j but il he ne- cled to hear the Ch\irch, let him be unto tiec as an heathen man, and a Publicane. i r/w.i. 19,20. v.Ip.j Holding faithi and a good confcience, which fume having put away , concerning faith have made ship- wrack. V. 2©-] Of whom is Hymencus , and Alexander , w horn I nave delivered unto Satan , that tliey jnayleaconottobiafphcme. Rev. 2. 2,1 4, 15,20. v. J.] I know thy works , and thy labour, and thy pa- tience, and how thou canji not hear them rvhich are evil, and thou haft tryedthcm , which fay they are A- poftles, and are not, and l)aj} found them lytrs. v.l 4. ] But I have a few things againft thee, bccaufc thou haft there them that hold the doBrine of Balaam , who taught JSalac to caft a ftumbling block before the children of Ifracl, to eat things facrificed unto Idols , and to commit fornication, v. 15.3 So haft thou , alCothetnthat hold the Dofirine ofthe NicolaitanSyVihkhtl-dng I hate. v. 20.] Notwilhftaoding, I hare a few things againft thee, becaufe thou fi*ferefi that woman 7 e^c^e/ ^ which callethlrer feif a Prophetefs, Jo teach, andfediue my fervants to commit fornication, and to eat things facrificed unto Idols. Rev. 3.9.] Behold I will make them oUhe Synagogue o/Jaf^iw, which fay they are J«ws,and arenot,butdoJye : Be- hold , I will make ihem to <:ome and worship before thy feet , andtoknowibat I have loved thee. <>•) Deut.i3.€.tothei2. Seein the Bible. Rom.13.3,4. v.3.] YotJ{uUrs are not a terror to good works, but to the evil , wilt tliou then not be afraid ofthe power ? do that which is good , and ihou sbalt have praife ofthe fame, vcrfe 4. J For he is the Minifter ofiGod to thee for good ; bot if thou do that vehUh is tvU, be afraid j tot he beareth net thefword in vain ; for he is the fiiinifter of God , a revenger t« executt wrathttpon himthat dothevil. with 2 John v.io.ll. Seein the Letter CL, Ezra. 7. 23, 25> 26, 27, 28. verfe 23.] Whatfoever is commanded by the God of heaven , let it be diligently done , for the hoofe of the God of heaven : for why should there be wr^th againft the realm *f the J{ing and his fons f verfe 15.3 And thou E^ira, after the wifdom of thy God , that is in thine hand, fet Magifirates , and Judges , -which tnay fudge all the people that are beyond the River , all fuch as know the Laws of thy God , and teach ye tlietB that knowthcm not. verfe 26. 3 And ivhafoever will not do the L oftht King, Utjudgmtnt bctxecuted/pttiily upon bim,whtthtr it be mto dt^thftr tt banlshmtnt, orto ctnfifcatien (6s) ^ tfgoodfj or to tmpriftnmtnt. vcrfe 17,") Blelfcd be the Lord God of oar Fathers , which liath pnt fuch a iluog as this in the Kiegs heart, robeautify the houfcoirhe Lord, which is in Jerufalcin. VerfciSj And hath extended mercy onto me, before the Kmg and hisCounfcJIors, dc before all the Kings mighty Princes : and I was ftrengthncd, as the hand of the Lord my God was upon mc, and I gathered togethei out of Ifrael chief men togo up with me. Revel. 17.1^,16, 17. vci.i z. ■ And the ten horns which thou Jaweft , are ten Kings 3 which have received no Kingdom as yet , hut receive power as Kings one hour with the beaft. V.16.3 And theien horns^ which thou fawtlnupon thebcafts, thdc shaU hate the nhcre- and shall ma^e her dcfolAte, and nah^d^ and shall e.u herfiesh, and shall burn her with fire, v.17.3 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and to give their Kingdom unto the beaft , untill the words ofGod shall be fulfilled. Nehem. 15, i5,fI7,ii, 2i,25,5o. verfci$.] In thofc daycs faw I in Tudah, fome treading wine-prcfreson the Sabbath, and bringing to sheaves, and lading Afles, as alfo wine, grapes, and figi, and all manner of burdens, vchich they brought into JernfaUm on the Sabbath day ; and / tefiif.ed againji them in the day wherein they fold viduals. Vcrfe 17. Then /contended rxiihth* Nables ojjudah , and faid unto thcin, what evil tlimg is this that ye do , zadprophane the Sabbath day ? Verfezi.] Then Iteflified agair.fithem , and faid unto them , why lodge ye about the wall ? ifyedofo a^sintZrvillUy hands on you: from that time forth , came they no more on the Sabbath. V.22.] And" J commanded the Le-vites that they shonld cicanfe themfel ves,and that they shculd come and keep the gates, SofanSiific the Sabbath day. T^member mt, O my God, concerning this alfo, and fpare me according to the greatnefs of thy mercy. Verfe25.] And /co»ff w^/et^Vvith them , znd (urfed them , zodfrnote certain of them} and plucky of their hair, and made them [wear by Ccd, faying, Te shall net give your dang hters onto their fens, nor take their daughters unto yonr fons , or for your felves. Verfe 30.I Tl-)us cUnfed J them frtm aU grangers , and appointed the wards of the Priefls, andihe Lcvites , every one in his bufineffe. » Kings 2 J 5)6,9j»o,ii. v.$.] And he put dorvn the li'jUtrom Priejis, whom the Kings of, Tudah bad or- dained to barn incenfe in the high places in the Cities of Judah , and in the places round about Jcrufa- Jem J them alfo that burnt imenje unto Baal ; to the Sun, and to the Moon , and to the Planets, and to all the hojitf heaven. Vcrfe6.] And he brought cut the grove from the houfe of the ierrf, without Ierufalem> nito the brook KidroDj and W«»« at the brook Kidron, andy?^w/»f » fm^U toporcder, 8c cafi the potedtr thereof upon the graves of the children of the people, verfe g.J Nevcrthclefs , the Prieflsofthe high places y tame not up to the ^Itar of the Lordinjerttfalcm , bur they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren. Verfe 20.3 And heflew all the Priefts of the high places thai were thtve, upon the Altars, and barnt mens bones upon them^ and reinrned ro lerufalem. verfe 21 1 And the King commanded all the- people , faying , Keep the Pafsover onto the Lord your God , as it is written in this Book of the Cove- uant. 2 Chron.g4.??.3 And lofmh took away all the abominations oMofalltlt Countries^ that p[ertained to the children of Ifrael, and w^atfe ix6i:i\u ' CHAP- C H A P. X X t. Of Religious Worships and the Sabbath Daj. ^"T^'Te IJgKt of Nature sheweththatthereisaGod, who hath Lord- 1 ship and Soveraignity overall, is good>and doth good unto all, and is therefore to be feared, loved, praifed, called upon, trufted in, and fcr- (a) Roman, i. ved,with all the heart, and with all the fou!, and with all the might( if thou wilt fall down and worflii? me. verfe 10. 3 Then faith Jefus unto him, get thee hence Satan-, for it is written. Thou (halt worfhip the Lord thy God , and him only fhalc thou ferve. Deut. 15. to the 20. See in the Bible. Exod. 20,4. 5,6. verfe4.j 'T{^o\l ^iltnot make onto tUtQ any graven image^ ox any lik*neji of any thingthith in heaven above , ox thit is in the earth beneath , ox x\\i.tis\\!t the -wattrnndtT the earth, v.5.3 Tbou fhalt not bow dawn thy felf to them, nor ferve them i for I the Lord thy God, am a zealous God, Tifiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation , of tliem that hate me. v.6.") And fhewing mercy unto thoufands , ouhem that love me, and keep my Commandments. Col.2.2 3. ] Whieh things have indeed a shew ofwifdom in will-worship and humility , and Bcglefting of thftb or any See before m - -^ letter (,6) with John 6.23.3 That all men should hmomtht 5ow,eveo <« they hbnomtht Father-, he that ho'nottfeth not the Son^ honoureth not the Father which hath fent him. 2 Gdr.i ^. t4.J The grace of oiic /,9rd fejkf Chrift, and the loVe tfGod, and the Cmmmion of the holy Ghofi, be with you all. .Amen^ other Other creature {d) ; and fiftce the Fall, not without a Mediatoiir ; noi-in ("i Col.i.iS.] the mediation of any other , but of Chrift alone ie)* f'" "^ '"^" J ' ^ ^ bcgujlc you ot yoiu' reward, in a voluntary humility, and woyshipplKg of^ri^els, intruding info thofc tlinigs wliidi lit hatli not feen, vainly putft up by lus flellily mind. Revel. 19, 10.] And I fell at liis feet to worship him> and he faid unto ine> See thou do it not, I am ihj fiUow fervant , and of thy b/ethrcn , that liave tlic tefti- mony of"Jefus,worftitpGod ; for theteftimonyof Jerusis the/piiit ofpropliccy. Roin. i. 25. 1 Who changed the truth of God into a lycj and no-/ship.ped^ and ferved the creuturexnoxG then the Creator, whb is blclTcd for ever. ^men. (c) John 14.6.3 Jefiis faith unto iiim, I «w*/;c7vvrv, and tiietmth, and tlic life, no man comtth to the Feti^^er, but by me. i Titn. 2. 5 .J For there is one God , and one Mediator be- tween GodaodnieBj the,f«4n Chrijifefuf. Ephef.l.lS.] ¥or through him, rvc hoxh hxve an acufs bj/ont fitirit unto the Father. Col. }. 17.] And whatfoeveryedbin vvord, or deed, do all in the Name of the Zid /hp^ »^„_„_ /■ \ plication -with tongue r»^). thanl^fgivlng , let your rcqaefts be made known unto God. {g) PfaliTJgj. 2.]j O thou that heateft prayer, r^too^ftri? shall all flesh come. {!>) John i4.i3>l4. V.15.J Ahd whatfoever yefhall -s^/A.'wWjy iVawc, That wiH I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Verfe 14.] If ye fliall ask any tiling Ih my Nim'e , I . tvill do it. I Pet.l.5.] Ye alfo as lively ftofteSj are built up a fpiritdal houfe 3 ah holy Prieft-hood , to offer up fpiritualftcrifice, acceptable to God by fefus Chrifi. [i) Rom. 8.26.3 Likevvife the Spiritalfo helpeth car infirmities, for we know not what we fhould pray for as we ought : hut the Spirit it fe If, ^dketh ihtercefiisn for tts with groaningSj which cannot be uttered. (J\) 1 John 5.14. And this is xhk confidence that we have in him, tliat if we ask any thing according to hii mil , he lieareth o's. (/) Pfalih 47-70 For God is the King of all the Eartli, fiDg ye praifcs tvith undcrfianding, Ecclef 5.1,2. verfe {.'] iQep thy foot rvhcnthoagoefitd the ho'ujeofCod , and be more ready to hear j then to give the facrifice of fools ; for they confidernotthattliey do evil. Verfe 2.] Benat rash with thyniouth , and Itt not thine heitrt be hafty to utter any thing before God : for God is in heaven , and thou upon earth ; therefore let thy words be few. Hebrews 12.28,] Wherefore we receiving a kingdom, which cannot be movedj let us have grace, whereby v:cmAy ferve God acceptably vnihreVerence a7jd godly fear. Gcnef. 18. 27.3 And Abraham anfwered and fard, behold now , I have tak(*t upon me, tofpea\tmto the L«rd , tvhich a)n Btfiditfl and ashes, f dikes 5.16.] Confefs your fa;alts dne to another , and pray one for another j that ye ihdy be healed ; the efftdtnal fervant prayer of aT?ehtcoils man a'v'a'tleth much. lames r. 6, 7. verfe 6-3 Hot let bim ask in faith notbi'ng vpAvering • fot^he' that wavereth , is like a wave of the Sea, driven with ihe wind and tofTed. •^crfe y.'] For let not tliaf man thinP^^ that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. 'Ktehth.xi.zJ^.'] Therefore I ftiy unto yon , What things foevcr ye defire, when ye pray , belielethatyt ferat/ff^ew, and ye'shall have them. A^««/;. 6. 12. 14, ij. verfeii. } And forgive us otn- debts, «r>Ti-e forgive okr debtottrs. verfe 14.3 For if ye forgivi men their trefpsfffes, yov.r heavenly Father nill alfo fir- give yon. vetfe 15. l But if ye forgive not men rheir trefpafTeS « neither will your Faiherforgi'Oeyopr tthC- pafTtS. Ct)l,4.2.1 Cth7tfnMeiAprayer,dndxvaich inthefd»ihfi\hihkckrgi\w^^ ErHcf. 6. iS. J Praying rf/irAVeTywith alt prayer attdfdbyiicaticjh inth? fpirft, ^tid watthfij^tHereiJhto iiw/rtlS^/tcj^j^^ fupf>ntatibh for all Saints-. (Hi) i eor.i^'.iA-.'} ^oiif iprdyi^ Ahiinhhozvntotigik , iny /Viritpf^yeth, hdrriHmidwpahdlUgUm'fhfiif^ll. (68) fa; I Ioh.$.T4. I V . Prayer is to be made for things lawful {H) , and for all forts of U) I *Ti!n 2 nienKving, or that shall live hereafter i ff):bot, not for the dead {/>), nor 1,1. Tcifs i.iiftM-thdfiofwhomitniaybekflown, that they have iirnied the imuoco lExIjsrttlscTc- death f"?'^- ;fore, ilaat ifirft of a!3 ikspplicadops.« prayers, and iate!Pceffiaos,aDdl giviog of danks, £« laMdeftr ail mm. Vcrfe *-3 P<*' J^»3g% and for -all tiat arc in aiaifaoncy, tliat wc may Irad a qoict , and peaceable lite, in all godliodre arai hoTvrliy. loSio Ij.io-^ Md/Aarfray I far the^ alatia , te (bt xhcm aS/i , nhkh shaJi htiieve oo nsc tliTOQf^htlaeifWor'ii. a Sam. 7. 19-3 Tici«fi>ie mow j IciitpJealciiieeto ii&j^t&f W/f «/j^7/«'X'*»», tfei«r « may contirme for eUer htfore thss | fw riiDti, O Loud God, hs& {^oh & reverence ( t) ^ finging of Pfalm s them that ' vvith grace in the heart c«)3 as alfo,the due adminiftration, and worthy jjreach him, be. j-gceivine of the Sacraments inftituted by Chrift : are ail , parts of the or- ing read in the '-' -i Synagogues every Sabbath day. Revel. 1 . 5. Bleffed is he that readeth , and they that hear die words af this prophefy, and keep thofe things that are written thereiD, for the time is at hand. (0 2 T/jw. 4.2.3 preach the IVord, be infiant in feafon, oat offeafon , reprove , rebuke , exhort with all longfuffering and DoArine. (t) famesi.zi.l Bnthe ye daers of the Tf^ordf and not hearers only , deceiving your owa felves. Ads 10. 5?. D Immediately therefore , I fent tothee, and thou haft well done j that thou ait cotnej now^xhsicfoie we are all here frcfent before God, to hear aU things, that are commanded thee of God. MattI). 11,19. 2 When any oaeheareththe werdof the JQngdom ^ aod underfiandeth it not y then Cometh the wicked one, and catcheih away that which was fown in his heart , this is he , which received feed in the way fide. Hebr. 4. 2.31 For unto us was the Gofpel preached , as well as unto them ; but ihe Word preached, did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. Ifai.66.2.3 For all thofe things hathi mine hand made, and all thofe things have been faith the Lord } but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite fpirit, and tremhleth at my Word. \a) Col, a. 16.] Let the Word of Chrift dwell in you richly in all wifdom? teaching, and admonisliing one ano- ther in Pfalms and Hymns, and fpiritt*al Songs, finging with grace inyom hearts to the Lord. Eph.5.1^,3 ; Speaking to your felves in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, finging, aadma^ingmelodyinyouf hearts to thfiho):^. JamMS^ 13.] Is any among you affiiftcd J Lethimpray, Js any merry ? Z« Ww 1 JingPffilm,^ dinary Hellgious worship of God (w) : Befides Religious Oaths ^.v;, {itp) Aimh.ii, Vows {j ) , Solemn Faftings fy) , and thankfgiving, upon fevcial oc- ^9- ] ^° >'J cafions (a), which are, in their fevefal times and feafons, tobc ufcd , in jead^ °Sl ' Na- an holy and religions manner (l>), tions, h^pti-xlr:^ ■ them in the name of tJte Father, and of Uie Son, a.ndof the Holy Choji. i Cor. II. 25, to veifc 29. See in the Eible. Ads 2.4Z.] And they continaed ftedfaftly in tlie Apoftles Dodrine and fdlowfliip , and in bncking oj: breadyandinfraycrs. (a) Dcut, 6. 13.] Thou fliaJt fear ihc Lord tliy God, and Icrve him, andWut/c fvcearbyhnTjame. Nchem. 10.29.] 1 hey cleave to their Breihfcn ,, tlicir Nobles^ and entered into a curfe, and Into an oath to ivalk^ in Gods Law, which was given by Alofcs the fervant of God j and to ob- ferve, and do all the Comraandincnts of the Lord our God , and his Judgements , and his Statutes, O) Ifai.i9.2i-"' And the Lord fhail be known to Egypt , and the Egyptians fliall knew the Lord in tnatdayjand fhall do facrifice and oblation ; Yea, Tlity shall vow a voiv unto the Lord , and perform it. Ecclef 5.4.,$. verfe4.] When thou vowefiavow tmto God, defer it not to pay it, for he hath no pleafuie in fools , pay that rchich thou haji vowed. Verfe 5 .] Better it is that thou shouldeji not vow , then that thou shouldeji vow and not pay. (\) Joel 2.12.] Therefore alfo now faith tlie Lord, Turn ye even to mc with all your heart, and ixithfajlirg , andnith neefing , andvcith mturning. Efther 4.16» | Go, ga- ther together all the Jews that areprelentin Shushani and fafiyefor me , andneithcr cat , nor drinh^three dxyes, night or day : I al fo, and my Maidens wUfaji Hkevcife^ and fo will I go in unto the King , whic h is not according to the Law ; and if I perish , I perish. Matth. 9. 15."] Jefus faid onto them. Can the Children of the Bride-chamber mourn as long as tlie Bridegroom is with them : but the days will come, when the Bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall theyjafi. i Cor.7.5 . ] Defraud you uot one the other , except it be with confent for a time , that ye mzy give your felves to (ajling and prayer, and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for yourincontinency. ( in Spirit and Truth (^): Jefus faith untp her , Woman, believe me, the hour cometli, when ye siiall neither In this Mountain , nor yet at Jerufahm worship the Father, {d ) Mai. 1. II.] For from the r/(ing of the Sun , even unto the going down of the fame, my nameshallbe great among the Gentiles, and in every place ^ incenfe shall be offered unto my name, andapure oifering : for my name shall be great among the Heathens , faith the Lord of Hcils. i 7";V». 2:8.3 I will therefore, that wen pray every where, lifting up holy hands, vi'irhout vvriithard doubting^ <«) John 4. 2;, 24.1 But the hour comeih, andnowis* where the true W(rshiFpers,//j.//iro>-jfci^«/;e Fatherinfpirit., andintritth, for the Father feekethfuch to worjhip him. Vc-ire2 4.] Godis a5/jV?>. iUidihQyzhitwoishiphhx)frKttfiworihij>himfnfptyit,andinii-utf?. L 2 as W ipjer.io.ii.l as in private Families C/), daily (g), and in fecret^ eacliooeby Iilra- Sry'upon the ^^^^^'^-^ ' ^° > more folemnly , in thepublick Aflemblies, which are not heathen , that carelefly', or willfully to be negleded, orforfaken, when God, byhis- know thee not, Word or providence callethtliereunto i). and upon the ' Families, that call not an thy name, for they have eaten op Jacobs and devoured him, and confutned hiinj and have made his habitation defolate. Peat. 6. 6, 7. verfe 6.} And thefe wo?ds which 1 commanded thee this day , shall be in thine heart. Vcrfe 7.3 And thou slialt teach them diligently unto thy Children, and shalt talk of them, when thou litteft in thine houfe , and when thou walkeft by the way , and when thou lyeft down , and when thou rifeft up. Job 1.5.] And it was fcv ^ when the dayes ot their feaftin^ were gone zboatythat fob fent and fanBified them , ajidrofeup early in themornicig , and offered burot- offcringSjaccordiog to the number of them all : for Jobfaid, it may be, that my fhns have finned, ar.d curfed God in their hearts , thiis did fob continually, z Sam. 6.18,20. VerfeiS.J AndaflbonasDavitl had made an end of offering burnt-offerings ,. and peace-offerings , he blefTed the people in the name of theLordof Hofts. Verfe zo. ] Then David returned to ble(i hit houshold i andiW»c/;.and watch- ing thereunto, with all perfevcrance andfnpplioation for all Saints, (i) Ifai. 5.6. 617.. Verfc 6.3 Alfq the Sons ofthe ftranger^ thatjoyn thtmfelves to the Lord toferve him , and to love the name ofthe Lord4 to be his fervants, every one that keeperh the Sabbath, from polluting it, and taketh hold of my Cove- nant j Verfe 7. ] Even them will 1 bring to my Holy Mountain , and make themjoyfull in my houfe of prayer: their burnt- ofierings , and their facrifices shall be accepted upon mine Altar : /or »i/«e ?ww/* shall be called^an houfe of prayer for all people. Hebr.io. 25.3 Not forfakingtheafjembling of your fives together , as the manner of fome is: but exhorting one another , and fo much the more , asyonfee.the day approaching. Prov. r . ro, 2I j 24. Verfe zo.;| IVifdom cryeth without , she uttereth her voice in the (ireets. Verfe a i . J She cryeth in the chief place of c&ncomfe , in the opening ofthe gates in the City , she attereth her words 3 faying. Verfe 24.] Becaufe 1 have called, and ye refiifcdj 1 have ftretched out m^ hand, and no man regarded. Proyerb. 8. 34.3 Bleifed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my. Gates , waiting at thepojis of my doors. hSis 1 3. 42.] And when the Jews were gone out of t/;e Syna- nor thy daughter,thy tnan-fervant, nor thy maid-fervant, nor thy cartel, nor thy ftranger wliich is within thy gates, ver.ii . j; For in fix dayes the Lord made heaven and earth , the fea , and all that in thera is, and refledthe fevemb day, wherefore the Lord ble/fed the Sabbath day, endhallowedit. Ifai.56.2,4,6,7. v. 2.] Blefled is the man . that doth this , andthe'Sonofman thatlayethhold onit , that keepeth the Sabbath from poUutingit^i and keepeth his hand from doing any evil. Verfe 4.] For thus faith the Lord unto the Eunuchs (fc«^ec/».l tny Sabbaths, and chufe the things that plcafe roe; aad take hold of my Covenant. Verf. 6. and 7. See i»l (7n the refurre^llon of Chrift, was the laft day of the week j and from the re- furredion of Chrift, was changed into the firft day of the week (I), U) Gen. z. 2,3. which, hi Scripture> is called the Lords day (m) , and is to be continued onfhe*r]venth to the end af the World, as the Chriftian Sabbath (h). day , 60^6x1- dcd liis work which he had made , and he rejledon thefeventh dxy'y from all his work which he had made. Vcrfe }.] ^nd God blejjtd thefeVenth day ,. and fanSifled it : becaufe rhat in it he had rcfted from all his work* which God created and made. i,Cor.i6.i,2. Verfe i.] Now concerning the colledion ibv the Stints, as I have given order to the Churches of Galatiaj even fo do yc. Verfe z. ] ujjen the firji day of the Tveel{j^ Eet every one of yon, lay by hiin in ftore, as God hath profpered him, that there be no gathering when I come. Adls 20. 7. 2 ^nd Hp»n the firft Jaji oftlje weel\ , when the Difciples carae together to break bread, Pn^tl preached to them ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpeech untill raidnighr. (m) R.ev€l. I. 10. J I was in the Spirit on the Lords day , and heard behind me a great voice 3 as of a Trampet. («) Exod.20.8jio. See Letter K. with .3'/«««fc,5. 17,1 8. V. 17.1 Think n.ot that/ «»i come todefiroythe Liiiv, orthe Prophets , Izm not come to dcftroy but to fulfill. Verfe 18. j Forverily, Ifay unto-you , Till Heaven andEarth pafs , one jot , or one title , shall htm wife paft from the Zany till all be fiilfiUed. Vin. This Sabbath is then keptholy unto the Lord , when men, (o)Exoi2o.g,J after a due preparing of their hearts ,, and ordering of their common 5ee before. Ex. affairs before haiidi do not only obfervean holy Reft, all the Day, from ^9* 50. v. '2^] their own works, words, and thoughts , about their worldly employ'- Andhafaidnn- . ments, and recreations (o) , but alfo are ta-ken u p the whole time , in the ^ ^^^^ ' T^ *^ 'is that which •fie Lord hath faid , To morrow is the reft of the boly Sabbat^i uato the Lord-: bake that whichyoH wili balttodayy and feeth that ycivill fieth , and rhat which remaineth over , lay up for, jou to be kept untill the morning. Verfe 25.3 And ;Mofes faid j Eat that to d^xy , \or to day is a Sabbath unto the Lord ^ to day ye shall not find it in the field. V.26.3 Six dayes ye fhall gather it, but on the feventh, which is th« Sabbath, in it there shall be none. V.29-J See,fo.r.thatithc Lord harh given you the Sabbaths tlierefora begivethyouon the tixth day, the bread of two daycs : abide ye every man in liis place : htnomangn VttofhisplaceonthcfeVtnthday. Verf 50.] So the people rejledon t]>efeventh day. B^od, 5.1.15,16^17. V.ij.] Six dayes may work be done, bat in the fevenrh day , is tlie Sabbath of ticft holy to the Lord : rohtfoever doth any ivork^in the Sabbath day, he shall fnrely bepntto d<^ath. Verfe 16.I Wherefore the Chil- dren of Ifrael shall li^eep the Sabbath, to obferve the Sabbath throughout their generations^ for a perpctaal Covenant. V.17.] It is a fign between me and the children of Ifrael for ever : for in fix dayes rhe Lo;hJ made Heaven and Earth, andon thefeventh day he reftedyUnd was lefreslied. Ifai. 58. 1 ^.J Jf thot* tj^rn «rvcay thy footfromthe Sabbath, from doing thyplcafure on my holy day^ and call the Sabbath a delighr^ thq holy of the Lord;, honorable, and shalt hononr him, not doing thine own ways , nor finding thine ownfilca- fun, nor fpeaking thine onnvrerds. Nehcm.l 5.15,16,1 7^1 8,19,21,22. Verfe 15. J In thofe days faw I ia Judah , forae treading Vine-preiTes on the Sabbath , and bringing in sheaves , and lading AfTes, as alfo Wine grapes, and Figs, and all manner of burdens , which they brought into Terufalem on the Sabbath day : and I tefiified again/} them in the day wherein they fold Ti finals. V. 16.3 There dwelt men ofTyre alfo therein, which brought fish, and all manner of ware, and fold on the Sabbath , unto the children of Judah in Jerufdlem. Verr".l7.] Then I contended with the JVobles of fudah, and faid unto them^ WhateviL thing is this that ye do, andprophane the Sabbath? V.I 80 Did not your Fathers thus, and did not our Go4 bring all this evil upon us, and upow this City ^.y^tye bring more wrath upon jfracl , by profaning the Sab. bath. V.19I And it came to pafs , That when the gates of Jerufalem began to be dark before the Sab- bath, / commanded that the gates should be shut, and charged that thej should not be opened till after the Sab- bath ; and fame ofmyfervantsftt I at the gates , tL^at there should no burthen be brought in on the Sabbath day. V.2I. 1 Then I teftified againfl them, and faid unto them, Why lodge ye about the wall ? if ye dofo ugain, I will lay hands on you, pom that time forth, they came no more on the Sabbath. Verfe 22.3 ^ndl lommandedthe Levites , that they should clenfe ihemfelves , and that they should come and keep the gates, to fknmfie the Sabbath day. Remember JH?, O my 6od, coDcernicg this alfo, and fpare me according to the greamefs of thy mercy. - r7t) piibllck and private Exercifes of his Wonhtp , and In the Duties of ne- (p) IfaLig.n. cefricy,and msrcy ip). Seem Ir^frprH ■' -^ ^^ ^ See in later O. Marthi 2.1, to tl)2 1 5. See in the Bible. C H A P. X X U. 0/ UwfuH Odihs and volVs, («■) Deiuer. Id. It Lawful Oath IS a part of Reh'gious Worship 4, wherein, upon fear''^the"S ^^ ^"^ occalTon,the perfon fwearlng folemnly, calleth God to witnefs thy God: him w^^^ ^^ aflerteth, orpromifeth; and to judge him according to the fhalt tnou truth offalshood of what he fweareth ^. ferve , and to him flialtthou cleave, and fweair by his name, {b) Exbd.20.7.] Thou sh&it not tei^e the nafne ef the Zord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him gailtlefs that takethliis name in vain. Xe^/f. 19, h.t ^nd thou shah not fwear by my name fa/fly , neither shah thou prophage the name of thy God: I am the Lord. iCor.r.z^.j Moreover ,^/ c^// G^oof/or « record up on my foul , that to fpare you, I came not as yet unto Corinth. 2Chron.6.z2:,2 3. Verf. 22,3 If a man fin againft his Neighbour, -ir«ii«» orfr/j^e/«;rf upon him to make himfivear, and the oath come bejore thine ^har in this houfe : Verf. 2 j.l Then hear thou from heaven^ and do, andjudge thy fervantsj by reqgiting the wicked, by recompenfing his way apoa his own head, and by juftifyiag the righteous, by giving hiiH according to his rightebufiie^. (c)Deut.e.i?.] il. The Name of God only, isthatby which men ought to fwear, Thou shalt fe^r ^^^ therein it is to be ufed with all holy fear and reverence f. There- God, and ferve fore to fwear Vainly, or rashly, by that glorious and dreadful Name >• or, him, and fhalt to fwear at all, by any other thing, is finfull, and to be abhorred {d), Z^'^"^*" ^y ''f Yet, as in matters of weight and moment , an Oath is warranted by the *%o^7r\ See'^let- Word of God, under the New Teftam ent , as well as under the old (^) ; ilierB. Jerem. fo, a lawful Oath , being impofed by lawful Authority , in fuch matters 5. 7- : How ought to be taken (f), Ihall I pardon ° ^■' thee for this ? Thy children have forfaken me , andfworn by them that are no Gods •, when I fed them to the full, they then committed Adultery, and affembledthemfclves by troops in ih? Harlots hjufes.A/^r^r. SA^Al- V-?*-! ^^^ ^ ^^V ^nto you. Swear not at all , neither by heaven, for it is Guds Throne. V. 37.] Bat let your comraonication be yea. yea, nay, nay : for tvhatfoever is more then this cometh of evil. Jam. 5 .1 l.n Above all things , my brethren , [wear not., neither by Heaven^ neither by Earth , neither by any otfoer o«f/;, but let your yea be yea: and your nay, nay : left ye fall into condemnation, {e) Heb.6.16.3 For men verily fwear by the greater, and an Oath fnr confirmation^ is tn them an end nf al/ flrife. z Cor.i. 2V Se letter B.IIfai.65. 16.] That he who blelTethhimfelf in the Earth, lh::il blcfshimfelfiti theGo.iof truth : and he thatfwenreth in the Earthy shall fwear by the God of truth : becaufe the former troubles are forgotten , and becaufe they are hid from mine eyes, if) i Kings 8. 51 . ] If any man trefpaf} againft' bis neighbour, and an oath be laid upon him , to caitfe him tnfvcear , and the oath come before thi!:c Altar inthishoofe. Neh i?. 25.] And I contended with them, andcurfed them, andfinotecertaj;' ofrhemi and pluckt off their hair , and made them fwear by God , faying , Ye fhall not give your Dauglncrs unto their Sons, nor take their Daughters unto your Sons, or for your felves. E-:^ra 10. 5.3 Then arofeEzra, andmadc the chief Priejis, the L(.vites,and all Jfraeltofveay, that they (hould do accordi.ng to this Word : and they fvvare. _ , _ .^,. III. \\ r c ■ (75) ITT. WhcfbcvertaliethanOath ,ou^htduly to confider the weigh- is) Exod.»o. tinefs of fo floJemn an Ad j and therein to avouch nothing , but w h at he J- ^^^^J^^ ^^"^^ is fully perfwaded is the truth (g). Neither may any man bind himfelf Jf\,d thou JhaTt by Oath to an^' thing, but what is good and juH, and what he bciieveth fntarj-he Lord To to be , and vhat he is able and refolvcd to jreifomi ih ). Yet it is a iln, i'l^"^'J"J^^jfj* to refufe an Oath touching any thing iliat is good and juft, being impo- '"„d^\n"7^hl fedby lawful authority ti). ttoufmfs , and the Natioos ihall bleA tbemftlves iniijm, andinliim (hall tbey glory, {h) Gen,24 j,3-5)6,Sj9- V.2.3 And Abra- ham {aid unto his eideft fervant of his houfe , that ruled over all that he had : Put I pray thee thy hacd under my thigh. V. ?.]] And I will make thee (wear by the Lord the God ot heaven, and the God o-f the Earth, that thou ihalt not take a Wife unto my Son, of the Daughters of the Canaanitesj amongft whom 1 dwell. V.sJ And thefervantfaid unto him , Peiadventure the woman will not be willing to follow me into this land, mufl I needs bring thy Son again unto the Land from whence thon camcft ^ Verf. 6.3 And Abraham faid unto him , Beware thou , that thou bring-not my Son thither again. Vetf. 8.] And if the woman will not be villing to follow thce> then thou flialt be free fiom this my Oath , only bring not my Son thither again. Verfeg.] ^nd the fervatjt put his hand under the thigh of ^brah^m his Ma~ jler, andftvarc to him concerning that matter. (») Numb.5. 19,21. V.ig.] And the Prieft shall charge bey by an oath , and fay unto the woman , If no man hath lyen with thee 3 and ifthou haft not gone afide to uncleannefs with another inftead of thine Husband > be thoo ftee from this bitter water that caufeth the curfc. Ver. 21.3 Then the Prieji shallcharge the ivoman rcith an oath of curfmg ; and the Prieft shall fay unto the svoman, The Lord make thee a curfe , and an oath among the people, when the Lord doth, make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to fwell. iVf/;rw.M2.]Tlien faid they ,VVe will reftore them, add will require nothing of them ; fo will we do as thou fayeft : then I called the Priefts, and took an Oath of them, that they shonld do according to this promife. fATJ^/, 22,7,8,9,1 0,11. V.7.]] If a man shall deliver unto his neighbeur money, or (lufTto keep, and it beftollen out of the mans houle ; ifthe thief be found. Jet him pay double. V.8 . Ifthe thief be not found , then the Mafter ofthe houfe shall be brought unto the Judges, to fee whether he have put his hand onto his neighbours goods. Verf. 9. 1 For all manner of trefpafs, Vvhetherit beforOx,for Afsj for Sheep, for Raiment, or tor any manner ot loft things ,whidi another challengeth to be his , the caufeof bot^' parties shall come before the Judges , and whom the Judget shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbour. V. 10. 3 If a man deliver unto his neigh- bopr an Afs, or an Ox, or a Sheep, or any beaft to keep, and it dye, or be hurt, or driven awayjno jnaa feeing it. V.I 1. 3 Then sha!/ the oath of the I,ord be between them both, that he hath not put his handuDtO his neighbours goods, and the owner of it shall accept thereof,: and he shall not iriske it good. I V. An Oath is to be taken in the plain and common fenfe ofthe words , without equivocation , or mental refervation (k}. It cannot (^') .Terem.4.zr obh'ge to fin : but , in any thing not finful , being taken , it binds pfa]mT4.'^^4fl to performance , although to a mans own hurt (/)'. Nor is it to be He that hath ... dean hands 3 Sc a pure heart, who hathnotliftiip his foihl onto vanity, «o»-/i»or« deceitfully. (/) 1 Sam. 25. 2Z,3J,3.3,' ^4. V. 22.3 So and more alfo do God unto the enemies of ^d-u/ti, if I leave of 3II that pertain to Jiim by the morning liphr, anythat pifTethagainftthe wall. V.32.3 And n avid hid onto .yfligaily BlefTed be the Lord God of IfraeL which font thee this day to meet me. V.53.3 ^"'^ bleffed be thy advice , and blefled be thou;. which haft kept me this day from coming to shed blood, and from avenging my felf with mine own hand. Ver. 34.3 For in very deed, as the Lord God of Ifrael liveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou hadft hafted and come to meet me/urdy there had rot been left onto Na" bal by the morning light , any that pifTeth againft the wall. Pfa/mj$. 4.J In whofe eyes,a vileperfon is wcontemned j inthe iionoureth them that fear the JLord^ he ihatfeceamhtQ his oxen Imt, and thun^tth mt^ violated^ (74) ("♦HI E^zsk 17. violated, although mads to hereticks, or infidels inA. I6«i8,l9. verle ^ ' V > 16.] As I live, Tiith the Lord God , Surely in the place where the King dwel]eth, that made him Kinw, vohofc oath he defpifed, and ivhofe Covenant he brake , even with him, i-n the midfl: of Babylon he shall die. Verfc 18.1 Seeing he defpifed the oath by breaking the Covenant (tvhen lo he had given his l,and ) and hath done all thefe things, hs shall not cfcape. V.19, D Therefore thus faith the Lord God. As llive, furely mine oath that he h'^th defpifed , and my Covenant that he hath brol^en j even it wiU J recompenceuponhis cwnhead. fof.g. iS.X9- V.ii.l And the Children of Krtelfmote them not, becaufethe trincesofthe Congregation had fworn unto them , by the Lord God of Ifrael : and all the Congregation murmured againft the Princes V.19.] But all the Princes faid unto all the Congregation,. JVe havefvorn mto them bytheLordGodoflfraelj Now there foye ^ ive may not touch them, z Sam. 21. i.] Then tliere was a fa- mine in the days of David, three years, year after year, and David enquired of the Lord , And the Lord .jmfwered. It is for S'^al, and his bloody hohfe, becau/i hefie-w the Gibeonites. V. A Vow is of the like nature with a promifTory Oath , and ought to be made with the like religious care , and to be performed with the like ln)Ifai.f9.jr.] faithfulnefs («). And the Lord shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day , and shall do factiffce and oblation, yea, They shall vow a. vow unto the Lord, and performit. Ecclef.5.4,5,6. Ver.4j When thot* ■vovoefl a vovo unto God^ defer it not to pay it : for he hath no pleafure in fools , pay that which thou haji ifowed, V.5.] Better it is^ That x.ho\xs\\OM\6.&^not vow, then that thoushoHldepvorv,aQdnoti>ay.Y.6.3 Suffer not thy mouth to caufe thy flesh to fin, neither fay thou before the Angel, it was an error : where- fore should God beangryatthy voice, and deftroy the work of thy hands ? Pfalm 61.8.3 So will Ifing praife unto thy name for ever : thit I mzy daily perform my vows. Pfalm 66.13,14. Vcrf.i 3] Iwillgo into thine kouCe with btjrnt- offerings : I w'illpty thee my vorvs, VerCi4.3 Which iny lips have utter€d^ ., and iny mouth hath fpoken when 1 was in trouble. ^)Pfal.76. ri.] Vj. It Is not to be made to any Creature but to God aione ( 0) : and, ut^7 'thT Lord ^^^^ ^^ ^^Y ^^ accepted , it is to be made voluntarily , out of faith , and your God, Let confcience of duty, in wayofThankfulnefi for mercy received, or for all that be the obtaining of what we want 5 whereby we more ftridlly bind our Wm° brine pre^ ^^^^^^ ^0 neceffary duties; or, to other things, fo far, and fo long, as they fonts unto him that ought to be feared. Jerem. 44. 25, 26. Verfe 2 J. ] Thus faith the Lord ofHdffs , the God of Ifrael , faying , Ye and yoar wives have both fpoken with your months , and fulfilled with your handj faying , We will furely perform our vows , that vce have Vowed ^ to bum incenfe to the ^een of Ned- Ven, and to pour out drink-offerings unto her: ye will furely arcccmplishyxsor vows, and furely per- forai yonr vows, Verfe26.] Therefore, hear ye the Word of the Lord all Judah, that dwell in the Land of Egypt. Behold, I have fworn by my great nattie, faith the Lord , That my liarfie shall rfa more be aamed in the mouth of any man ofjud^h, ioallths laid df Egy|3t , fayitig the X»r). (^; Deatcr.jj. 2l>lz,z}. verfe zi-l When thou shalt vdtv a voiv untothy Lord Cod ^ thou flialt not flack to pay it : for the Lord thy God will furely require it of thee, and it would be a Jin id thee, verle 22. ] But it thou shalt forbear to vow, it shall be no hn in thee, veife 23.] That which is gone out of thy lips , thou shaL keep and per- form^ even a free-will offering , according as thou haft vowed unto the Lord thy God , which thou haft promifcd with thy mouth. Pfalin 50.14.] Offer unto God thanksgivings andpay thy Von sumo the moft f^igh. Gener.28. 20,21,22. vcrfe 20. ■] ^nd Jacob Vowed a V(.xi ^l^yxtig, IfCodmli be withtne,and will keep me in this way that I go i and will give tne bread to eat, and raiment to put on, verfe 21. J So that I come again to my Fathers houfe in peace : then shall the Lord be my God. verfe it.] And ihif ftone, which I have fetfora Pillar, shall be Gods honfe: andof all that thou shalt give me, I vciU furely give attntl.'untothee. i Sam. 1. 11. 3 ^nd she vcivcd a vnw, and (^id > OLordofHofts, If tliou wilt indeed look on the afHidion of thine hand maid , and remember me and not forget thine hand-maid , but wilt give UQto thine hand-maid a man-child , then vclH J gix>e him unto the Lord , all the dayes of his life j and there shall DO Ralor come upon his head. Pfalm 66. 15, 14.U See letter N. Pfalin 1 52. 2,3,4,5. v.j.] How he fware unto the Lordj and voxp^dMnto the miglty Codcffacob. verfe j.^ Surely I uiU notceme into the Tabernacles of my houfe , nor go up ir.to my bed. verfe 4. ] / n''^*^ ""' givefleep unf my eyes , nor flumber to mine eye-lids ; verfe 5 .] f^ntiU I find out a flace for the Lord, an habitation for *he mighty God of Jacob. V 1 1. No man may vow to do any thing forbidden in the ^^'ord of God, or vv hat would hinder any duty therein commanded , or which is not in his own power , and for the performance whereof he hath no promife or ability from God (f . 'n which refped Popish Monaftical ^^-) A^/^ wf» caw- not receive this faying, fare to whom it is given, verle ii.l For there are fome Eunuchs .which were fo born from their Motbets womb : and there are fome Eunuchs- which were made Eunuchs ot men : and there be Eunuchs, which have made themfelves Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Hen vtn fake : he that is ableto receive it, ret him receive it. i Cor.7 ig verfe 2. Nevenhelefs to avoid fornication, /«fT'f>;7»7<7» have his orcn tvife , and let every woman have her own hit^band. verfe 9.I But if f^fjV cannot contain , let »/jew»»-c/7)7«/j tl>' power, refjieth the ordinance of God, and they that refift, fiiall receive to themfelres damnatioa. vcrf. 5.] For Idlers are not « terror to good rvorks , but to the evil , wilt thou than not be afraid of the power ? do that which h good j tnd thou (halt have praife of the fame Verfc 4.] For he is the Minijier of Cod f thee for good : bMtftheudo that rchich is evil, be afraid : for he beareih not the fivordin vain : for he is the Minijier tf God, a revenger to execute wrath up on hint that doth evil, i Pet, 2 . 1 3. 1 4. vcrfe 13."] Submit 70ur fcif fo every ordinance of man^ for the Lords fake, whether it be to the King as fupreme ; yerfe i4;] Or ioDto Goveraours, as unto tljcm that are fcnt by him, /or the punishment of evil doers, and for thepraije •/ them that do well. 1 1. It is lawfull for Chrlftlans to accept and execute the office of a {.b) Prov.8. 15, Magiftrate when called thereunto (^) : in the managing whereof, as Ifie Kinrsreiffn, f^eyoughtefpecially to maintain Piety ,Juftice , and Peace , according 4ind Princes de. to the wholfome Laws of each Common-wealchCf^ : {b, for that end, cy.ee jttjiice. V. they may lawfully now under the New Teftamcnt, wage War upon ""p^ccs^uZ J"ft ^"^ necelTary occafion (rf). and Nobles, even alithejudges of the earth. 9iom.ll.l,XA' See in letter A, (c) Ffalm 2. 10,11, 12. ■vtxk 10.'] Be -wife now therefore, Oy'Ktng^ , be injimSied ye Judges of the earth, verfe II.] Serve the jLord with fear, aodrejoycewith trembling, verfc 1 2,1 i^//5»/je5en, left he be angry, and ye perish from the way , when his wrath is kindled bat a little. BlefTed are all they that put tlicir truft in hitn . 1 Tim. z. z-l Por Kings, and for all that arc in aathority, that memay leada quiet andpeaceable Ufe^ lnallgod~ linef and hone jiy. Pfalm82.3>4. Verf. 5.3 Defend the poor and Fatherlef: Dojujiieetotheaffiified and needy, verk^.^ Deliver the poor and needy , I{idtheniout cf the hand of the wicked. 2 Sam. 23. 3. ^ The God of Ifrael faid, the Rock of Ifrael fpake to me : He that ruleth over men , muft be juft , ruling in the j />«r o/C7orf. iPet.2,13.3 SeeinletterA. ( !"« er to call Synods , to be prefent at them , and to provide that b$trnincenfeun- whatfoever is tranfacfled in them be according to the mind of '" '^'f ^"'''^' i^^ ^ J \ to the Priefts, ^Odi^J' thefoDSofAs- ron, that are confecrated to burn iocenfej^o out of the SanBHary,f6r thou haji trefpajjed: neither fhall it be for thice honour from the Lord God. Matth. i^AyJ And if he fhall ncgledt to hear them, ff /if »> «»- to the Church : but if he negUflto hear (he Church , let him be unto thee , as an heathen man > and a pu- blican, JMatth. 16. 19.1 And I WiWgive unto thee, the I^yes of the Kingdom of heaven ; and whatfoever thou fhalt bind on earth > fhall be bound in heaven j and whatfoever thou fhaltloofe on earth 3 fh*ll be loofed in heaven. 1 Cor.12. 28,29. vetfe 28.] And Cod hzih ft fame in the Church, firji ^pojlles^ fecitn- darily Prophets ^xh\xd\^ teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of licaliDgs, helps, governmentSj divetfi- tics of tongues, verfe 29.] KxaW^pojiles? are all Prophets ? are allTeachersf are all vporl\ers of mi- racles ? Ephef.4.iiji 2. verfe 11.3 And he gave fome ApoftLes j and fotne Prophets , and fome Evanpe- lifts, and fome Paftors^ and Teachers, verfe 12.] For the perfedling of the Saints , for the v.'oik of the Miniftry, for the edifying of the Bo'Sy of Chrift. i Cor.4.1,2. verfei.3 httamanioacctuntofusy as cf the Minifers of Chriji, and Stewards of the myjieries of God. verfe 2. "] Moreover it is rcqoifite in Ste- wards, that a man be found faithful. Rora.io.I5.D ^nd how shall tliey preach except they lefcnt? Asit is written. How beautiful arethe feet of them that preach the Gofpcl of peace , and bring glad tidingsef good things ! Hebr.5.4,'' And no man takcth this honour unto himfelf, but /je that is called oj Cod y oi vcat Aaron. ( f ) Ifai.49.23-3 And ^ngs ^hall be thy rimfing Fathers, and their ^certs thy nurfing Mothers: they fhall bcw down to thee, with their face towards the earth, and lick up the dufl of thy feeti and thoa shalt know, that I am the Lord : for rhcy shall not be ashamed that wait for me. Pfalm 1 2 2. 9* 1 E*" caufeof the hoofeof the Lord OT"^ God, I will feek thy good. Ezra.7. 2^,25, 26,27,28. v. 2?.] Whatfo- ever is commanded by the God •. t H'?aven , let it be diligently done , for the Honfe of the God of Hea- ven : for why should there be wrath againft the realm of the King and his fons .<' verfe 25-H And tho*i Ezra, afr^rthe wifdom of thy God- that is in thine h^nd^fet Magifirates andfudgesywhich may judge ali tht pufle, that are beyond the River, all fuch as know the Laves of thy Gcd , and teach ye them ■» that know them net. verfe 26.]] knd ivhofo ever shall not do the Law of thy God , and the Law of the King, let judgement he txecuted fpeedily upon him , vrhether it be unto death, tr to bar.ishment , or to conffcation of goods, or H imprifnnment. verfe 27.] BleiTed be the Lord God of our Fathers , which hath pntfuch a thing as this In the l^ngs heart, to beautifie the Honfe of the Lordy which is in Jerufalem. v. 28.] And hath extended mccy unto me, before the Kiog, and his Counfellours , and before all the Kings migbry Prin- ces : and I was ftrenghtened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me, and I gathered togethr-r o^t of Ifrael chief men to go up with mc. Le-vit.z^ l6.] And he that blafphemeth the N/ime of the Lord , he shall furely be put tc deaths and all the Congregation shall certainly flone him,as well theftranger.ashe that is born in the hind, when he blafphemeth tlie name of the Lord , shall be put to death. Drt't 1 5. j ^ •6,12. verfe 5.3 And that Prophet, or that -o/flVctf>HJ , shell be put to death , becaufche hathfpo- ken to tutn yon away from the Lord your God , which brought you out of the land of Egypt , and re- deemed yon out of the houfe of bondage, to thrufl theeout oftheway , which the Lord thy God com- manded thee to walk in , fo shalt tlx)u put the ev-'l away from the midfl of thee, verfe 6.J If thy jjro. ther,theSon of thy Mother , or thy Sou, or thy Daughter, or theWifeof thybofome, or thy Friends . which is a$ tbinc own foul^ entice thee fccrctly , faying , let us go and fcrye otlwr gods, which thoo haft M I not (78) * not known, thou nor thy Fathers, Verfe iz.] Ifthou fhalt hear fay in one of thy Cities , which theLord thy God hath given thee, to dwell there, faying. » Kings i8. 4. 3 f^ e rtmovedtht high pUca, and brake tbt images, and cut down the groVes , and brak^e in pieces the bra-^^n Serpent tLit Mofcsha<.]midt: for unto thofe'dayes the children of Kiael did burn iufeofe unto it , and he called it Nehuflan. i Chron. I J. I. to the 9. See in the Bible z Kings ij. i. to the i6. See in the Bible 2 Chron. 54. ?;• i ^"d 'fo'fiah took away all the abominations , ont of all the Countries tliat pertained to the Children of Ifrael, and made all that were prefent in Ifrael toferve, even toferve the Lord their God, and all his dayes they de- parted not from following the Lord the God of their Fathers, i Chron. 15. 12, 1 3. Verfe ii.j And they entered into a Covenant, to feek the Lord God of their Fathers, with all their heart, and with all their foul. Verfe I ?•] That whofoever would not feek the Lord God of Ifrael, should be put to dc.th^ whether fraall or great, x^jliether man or woman, (g) z Chron. 19. 8, 9j 10, 1 1, Verfe 8.] Ivioreover in ferufalem did Jehofaphat fctofthe Levites , andofthe Priefts ^ andof the chief of the Fathers of Jfrael^ for the judgement of the Lord , and for controverfies when they returned to Jerufalem. Verfe 9. 3 And he charged them , faying , Thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord , faithfully , and with a perfeft heart. Verfc I o. J And what caufe foevcr shall come to you of your brethren that dwell in their Cities , be- tween blood and blood, between Law and Commandment, Statutes, and Judgements , yea, shall even warn them , that they trefpafs not againft the Lord , and io wrath come upon you, and upon your Bre- thren : this do, and ye shall not trefpafs. Verfe 11. ] And behold , Amariah the chiefPrieft is over you in all matters of the Lord ; and Zebadiah the Son of Ishmacl, the ruler of the houfe of Judah, for all the Kmgs matters , alfo the Levites shall be Officers before you, deal couragioufly , and the Lord shall be with thcgood. X Chron.29. and 30. Chapters. See in the Bible. Matth. i. 4, $. Verfe 4.I ^nd when he hadgathered all the chief Prie/ts , and Scribes of the people together , he demanded ot them , where Chrift should be born 5 Verfe 5.] And they faid unto him in Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the Prophets. {h) I Tim. 2. IV. It is the duty ofpeopletopray for Magi ftrates (/; , to honour 1,2. Verfe i] their perfons C^^j to pay them tribute and other dues (^), to obey their fore^°that'firft l^wfuil Commands , and to be fubjea to their Authority for con- o£ All r»ppiica. fcience fake (/). InfideHty or difference in ReHgion doth not make . ilons , prayers , yoij the Magiftratesjuft and legal Authority , nor free the people from '^Snftf"haX ^^^^^ ^"^ obedience to him (m) : from which Ecclefiaftical perfons are be made for all 1 - 1 t » *r.en. Verfe 2.1 For Kings, and for all that are in authority y that we may lead a qntet and peaceable lifeio allgodlineffeand honeOy. {i) i Per. 2. 17.] Honour all men, love the brother-hood, fear God, honour the IGng. (k,) Rom. I V 6, 7. Verfe 6. ] For this caufe pay jgh Tribme alfo , for they are Gods Miniftersj attending continually upon this very thing. V.7.] l{ende)rthereforttoaUiht\rdues, tnbittf towhomtribute is due^Cufiome to whom Cuflome,fear to Vihomfear,honr,m-to irhom honour. (ORom.l 3.5.] Wherefore ye muft needs be fubjeA , not only for wrath , but alfo for con fcience fake. Tit. 3. r. J Put them in mind to be fubjeSi to principalities and powers, to obey Magijirats , to be ready to do every good woik {m\ iPet. 2.13, I4,l6. Veife 13.1 Submit your felf to every Ordinance of Alan, for the Lords fake ," whether it be to the King as fupreme -, Verfe 14. ] Or , unto Governours as unto them that are fentbyhim, for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praife of them that do well. Verfe 16 ] As free, The Lord re- buke thee. Verfe 10.3 But thele fpeak evil of thofe things which they know not : but what they know naturally, as brute beaOs, in thofe things they corrupt themfelves. Verfe 1 1 .] Wo onto them , for they have goncin the wayof(^ain-and ran greedily after the errour of Balaam for rewatd,and perished in the gain- faying of Core. {) 2 rtie!'.j.4.] Who oppofeth^andexalteth himfelf above all tlyat is calledGod^ox what is worshipped, fo that he as God, fittethin the Temple of God, shewing himfelf, that he is God. Revcl.13. 15,16,17- Verfeis.] And he had power to give life unto the Image of the Beaft , thatthc Image of the Bead should both fpeak, (3i caufe, that as many as rvmldnot worship the Image of the Beafi, should be killed. Verfe 16.] .^nd he ^aufeth all, both fmali and great, rith and poor, free and bond, tore, ceive a marh^ in tie right hand, or in their foreheads. V. 17. ] Thft no man mighs bity orfeU,fave he that had the markj or the name of the Beafl, or the number ofhii name. C H A F. XXIV. 0/ Marriage and Divorce. MArriage is between one Man and one Woman : neither is it lawful for any man to have more tlien one wife, nor for any Woman to have more then one Husband at the fame time(<2). C^)Gen.z.24.3 Therefore shal a man 'leave his Father and his Mother, and shall cleave unto his Wife, and they shall be one flesh. Matt. 19 5,6, Verfe 5.] And faid. For this caufe shall a man leave Father and Mother , and shall cleave to his Wife, and they tvcain shall be one fl^sh. Verfe 6.] Wherefore they are no more tivain , but one flesh , What therefore God hath joyned together, let no man pat aflunder. Prov. 2. 17.] Which forfakethegw; that on*^ should ha.-ue l:u- Fathers J'Tife. Amosz.j.'] That pant after the duft of the Eartli on the head of the poor, and torn afidc the way of the tneck : and a man f and his Father vpiU go in unto the fame maid ^ to prophancmy holy name. (/) Marc. 6. 1 8 . J for John had faid unto Herod , It is net lavcfnlfor thee to have thy Brothers IVife. Levit.lS. 24,15,26,27,28. v. 24.1 Defilemtyourftlves in any of the fe things : for in all thefc the nations are defiled, which I caft out before you. verfe 25.] And the land is defiled : therefore I do vifit the iniquity thereofnpon it^and the land it felfvomiteth out her inhabitants, verfe 26. ] Ye shall there- fore keep iny Statutes^ and tny judgements, and shall not commit any of thefe abomination$)neither any of your own Nation, nor any ftranger that fojourneth among you. verfe 27. ] (For all thefe abomina- tionsj have the men of «.he land done, which were before you> and the land is defiled, ) v. 28.] That the land fpue not yon out alfo:. when ye defile it, as it fpewcd out the Nations that were before you. {kJLtv. 20.19,20,21. V. 19."] And thoM shah not uncover the naktdmfl of thy motlrersfijitr, nor cfthyfathtrsfi(fer : for he uncovereth his necr kin : they shall bear their iniquity, verfe 20.] And if a man shali lye mth his unkles Tvife, he hath uncovered his Uskles nakednefs : they shall bear their (in : they shall dye childoefs. verfe 21.] And if a man shall take his Brothers Wife , it is an unclean thin^ : he hatli oncoveied his Bro.-- ihers nakednefs, they sliall be cliildlefs. V. Adultery or Fornication committed after a contrad, being de- te(fted before marriage, giveth juft occafion to the innocent party to dif- folve that Contrail (/). In the cafe of Adultery after marriage, it is law- (p ^^"^iL. full for the innocent party to fue out a Divorce ym) : and after Jg^j^o^^he. the Divorce to m'arry another , as if the offending party were birth of Jefus dead (n). Chrift was on ^ "^ this wife: when «s his Mother Mary was efponfed to Jofeph, before they came together ^ she vcas found with child of the Holy Choji. verfe 19. 3 Then jofeph herhtahand being a juft man , and not willing to makcher apublick example, jp-Jx mindedtoput her arvay privily, verfe 20.] But while lie thought on thefe things S Behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream , faying , Jofeph , thou fon of David, fear not to take Kntothee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghoft. (n^) Mattkj.ji,}*. verfe 51 .3 It hath been faid, VVhofoever shall put away his wife : let him give her a writing of divorce- ment. V.32.] Butlfayanto ^joViTh^tv-hofoever shau put arcayhisvcife ifavingfor the canfe0fforiuu- lion , cauicth her to commit Adultery : and whofoever shall marry Iver tliat is divorced , commitKth Adultery, (n) Matth.j^.^.'] Atd Kay vdxo you ,S^'ho{ocyetshaU put avcayhii vcifc^excepth be for fornication , and shall marry another 3 commitreth Adultery : and whofoevcrraarrieth her whichispnt iway, doth commit Adultery. Rom. 7.2,?. verfe 2.] For the woman which hath an husband, is botmd i>y the Law to her husband, fo long as b« liveth : but if the husband bt dead^ she is loofedfrom the Znro of !^'j he hutband. verfe 3.3 So then, If while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be in adulterefs : bat if her htuband bt dtAd) the hfnefrsm that l^Avo , fo that she is no adolterefs > though lie be married to aoother maife VI,,Althcngh . (82) VI. Although the corruptions oFman be fuch as is apt to ftudy argu- ments unduely to put aflunder thofe whomGod hathjoyned together in marriage ; yet nothing but Adultery , or fuch willtul defertion as can no Way be remedied by the Church , or Civil Magitirate , is caufe (ufficient (03 Matth.i9- of dilTolving the bond of Marriage {0) : wherein a publick and orderly •i?* Verf. 8.] courfe of proceeding is to be obferved • and the perfons concer- them Tmo°cs, "^^ ^'"^ ^^ "°^ ^^^^ '^ ^^^^^^ °wn wills and difcretion in their own becaufe of the Cafe (/>). hardneflfe of your heartj, fuffered you to put away yoor wives : but from the heginn'mg it vcas notfo. Verfc p.] See bo- fore in Letter N. I Cor. 7 is. 3 But iff fee unbelieving depart , let him depart ; a Brother or a Sijler is not under bondage in fuch tin fes i but God hath called as to peace. A/ but one flesh : what therefore G ad hath jtyned together , let no man put aj] under . (^/>)Deut. 24-. r ) z* )' 4. Verfe i .] When a man hath taken a wife, and married her ; and it come to pa{s> that she find no favoar in his eyes, becaofe he hath found fome oncleannefs in her , then let him vcrite her a Sill of divorcement^ and give it in her hand, and fend her out of his houfe. Verfe 2. 1 And when she is departed out of his houfe, she may go, and be another mans wife. Verfe 5. ] And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a Bill of divorcement , and givethit inher hand , and fcndeth her out of his houfe: or if the latter husband dye , which took her to be his wife. Verfe 4. 3 Her former husband which fent her away , may not take her again to be his wife , after that she is defiled ; for that is abomination be- «, ibre the Lord, and thou shalt not caufe the Land to lin, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an 1 inheritance. C H A P. XXV. 0/ the Church. 'He Catholick or Univerfal Church which is Invifible, confifts of the whole number of the ElecS:, that have been,are, or shall be gathered into one, under Chrift the Head thereof • andistheSpoufe, the Body, («) Eph. 1. 10, the fulnefs of him that filieth all in all (a). zz,z^. V.io.T That 10 the difpenfation of the fulnefs of times, he might gather together in one all things in Chrift , both which are in Heaven, and which are on the Earth, even in him. Verfe 22 ] And hath put all things un- der his feet , and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church Verfe 25.; Whit h is hit body , the fulnefs ofhim that filieth all in all. Ephef j. 25, 27, 52. verfe25 ] For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Chrift is the head of the Church, and he is the Saviour of the body, verf 27 1 That he might pf efent it to himfelf a glorious Church:, not having fpot^ or wrinkle 3 or any fuch tiling, but that it should be holy, and without blemish, verfe 52. 3 This is a great myftery : but I fpeak concerning Chrift and the Church. , Col. 1.18. ^ndhe i6theheadofthebndj^x\\t(Jc\\xxd\: who isthe beginniDg,thefirrt-born ftom the deadj that in all things, he might have the prehefninence. 1 1. The viiible Church , which is alfo Catholick or Univerfal under the Gofpel T not confined to one Nation, as before under the Law) con- &^ pf: all thofe } thorowout the world , that profefs the true Re- ligion^ Ilgion (0 J together with their Children (<}i andis the Kingdom of the (h ' ^o^'"- ^' Lord Jefus Chrift (a), the Houfe and Family of God (f), out of which churdJo?God there is no ordinary poffibility of falvation (f). which is atCo- j riDth , to them that are fanftificd in Chrift Jefus, called to be Saints , vcith aU that in everyplace eall apon the name of Jefus Chrift our Lord, both theirs and ours, i Cor.ia. 12,15. verf.12.3 For as the body is oncjacdhatli many members, and aU the members of that ont, being many, are one body^ fo alft is Chrift. verfe 1 5.I For by one Spirit j are vre all bapi-:^d into one body, whether ue be Jews or G tntilety whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Pfalm 2.8.] Ask of me, and 1 {hall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermt(l parts of the Earth for thy peffepion. Revel. 7.9.]) After this I beheld* and lo, a great multitude , which no man could nomber , of all Nations , and kindredf and people, and tongt4es,fiood before the Throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their bands. Rom. 15. 9,1 0,1 1 ,12. verfe 9.3 .ytnd that the Gentiles might gltripeQod for hit mercy ^ as it is written ; For this caufc, I will «»/?/? «o /feec to caofe them to pafs thorow the fire for them ? Rom. 11. 16. ] For if the firft/m/f bt holy, the lump is alfo holy -, and if the root be holy , fo are the branches. Genef. 3. t J . ] And I will put enmity between thee and the woman , and betxveen thy feed and her feed : it (hall bfuife thy head , and thou flialt brnife his heel. Genc(|. 17. 7.I And I will eftablifh ray Covenant between me and thee , and thy feed after thee in their generations , for an everlaftiog Covenant , to be a God unto thee j and to thy feed after thie. {d) Matth.x 3.47-1 Again the Kingdom (^Heaven is like unto a Get, that was caft into the Sea* znSi gathered of every kind. Ifai.9.7.] Of the increafe o([{\% government and peace, there ihall bfc ho end upon the Throne of David , and upon his Kingdom , to order it, and to eftablifli it with judger ment, and with jafticcj from hence forth , evenforcrer: theZealof the Lord of Hofts will perforift this, {e) Ephef. 2. I9-] Now therefore ye are no more ftrangers and forreiners , but fellovc Citl'^ns reith fhe Saints f and of the houshtldof God. Ephef. ?• IS •] Of whom the v^hole Family in Heaven atji Earth ft named. (/) Ads 2.47O Praifing God, and having favour with all the people : and the Lord add'^d to the church daily, fuch as should be faved. ml Unto this CathoHcJcvifible Church, Chrift hath given the Mi- ii) iCof.lk.' iiiftery, Oracles, and Ordinances of God , for the ffathering; and perfed- f}^"r ^ '-^ r t- c • • 1 • IT 1 1 r 1 ° It °t 1 r t . . hath fetftme tn mg otthe Samts , in this hte, to the end of the world : and doth by his ,he cUrcb,frfi Own prefence and Spirit, according to his promife , make them efFedual ^poples,fecon. thereuntor^). H_„,;,o SflitS trs, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, govtrwnenfs ,^iverCticsoift6clgiies. 'Eph.4.lX,i2, I J. V.II. J And he gave fame .yfpoflles , and fame Prophets , andfome Evangelifls , and fame Pajiours and Teachers, v.12.3 FortheperjeSiing of the Saints, jor the nork^ofthe Alinifiry Jer'thc edifying of the body of Chrift. verf. 15.'] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the h^nowledgc of the Son ofGod^ unto a pcrftFt man, unto the meafure ofthefiaturetftht fulnefiofChrijl. M«tllh.28.l9,20. vi-ig.'^J Go ye iherefojie ^nd teach all Nations, bapti'i^ing them in the nameof the Fatier ^ aii ofthe Son,»iid ^tl\e.koIy Gboft. V.20.] Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commandcdyoti^and le, Z am withyoMithpay, tvenumo the end tj the world. Amen. Ifai. 59. 21. ] As for me this J* my Covenant with them faith the Lord , my Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth , shall not depart out of thv mouth, nor out ofthe mouth of thy feed, noroatof the mouth of thy feeds feed-, faith the Lord, Jfroia henceforth and for ever. N IV. This « r84) I V. This Catholick Church hath been fometimes more , fometimes (h) Rom. II. lefsvifiblwfA). And particular Churches , which arc members thereof, J'*^L°J'<^»'h^y are more or lefs pure , according as the Dodrine of the Gofpel is taught Prophets^, and and embraced, Ordinances adminiftred,and pubUck worship performed digged dnwD more or lefs purely in them I /A thine Altars , *nd 1 am lejt »lont, add they feek my life. V.4. "} Bat what faith the anfwer of Gnd unto him ? 1 h^vt rtfervtdto myfilfj fevtn thoujand men , who have not bowed the k 'Ce to the Image of Baal Revel, iz. 6,t4. verfe6.1 Aad rhevcamanfltd into the vriidernefs , where fhc hath a place prepared of Gdd > that they rtiould feed her rhfre a tb-'uf* d two hundred and threcfcorcdayej. vcrfei*. 3 And to the wnmatj were given two wings of a great Eagle, that (he might flee into the wildernefs, in her place : where Ihe IJ nourished for atime>and tires, and half a time, from the face ofthe Serpent (/) Revel a and %. Chapter throughout. See in the Bible, i Cor «.6,7 v.63 Your glorying is not good, know ye notj/fe^t (c little leaven Itaveneth the n hole lump. verr7.3 /•'urge out therefore the old ItAvtn^thttt ye may be « nevr lump, as ye are uolcaveoed, for even Chrift our f afsuvei is facrificed for us. V. The pureft Churches under Heaven are fubje<^ both to mix- . \K) I Cor.iv ture, anderrour(^): andfomehavefo degenerated, as to become no w ' r^^tUro^^ Churches of Chrift , but Synagogues of Satan (/ . NeVerthelefs , there gia^ darkjy; shall bc alwaycs a Church on earth, to worship God according to his bur then face will \^m\ to ^ace : now I kn "W in part, but th»n5ha!l I know even as alfo lam known. Revel a. ^. Chlpters. See in the Bible, j^/^fi/j. I5.j4>i5,*6ji-',i8,i9,;0,47. See in the Bible. Revel. i8. a.^ And he crycd mightily with « ftrong voyce, faying, B ibylon the great is fallen, is fallen^ and h become the habitation of Devils, andthg held ofeieryfouf 'ipirity anda cage of every unclean and hurtful Bird. Rom.l I l8>I9,ao,Xt,xx. Ver.iS.J Boaftootag») Matth. l6. 18.3 And I fay alfo unto thee, Thlt thou art Peter ^ and upon this rock I will bnild my Church > and the gates of hell shali nes prevail againfi it. f f^l'i' 7t l?- 3 Vixs name shall endure for ever ■y VixswimtihiXihecontimted'af lon^estht Sun : a'id men jbill be bleffed in him , all Nations shall call him blefled. Pfalm 101. 28] The chit;, d-rn'*' ^v Cervants shuU sontinue : zadthtirfeedshaU be eflabl'uhed before thee, Matth. a8. 19, ao. Secia Letter G. V^ There is no other Head ofthe Church , but the Lord Jefus t«^Cni 1 iS.l Chrift ('r/;. Nor can the Pope of Rome in any fenfe be Head thereof 5, And he is the ^utis that Antichrift, that man of fin, and Sou of perdition, that cxaltfcth h'^d of the b'dy fb Churchixiho is the beginning, the firft born from the dead, that in all tkings he mighthave the pre-eminence Hphtf » **,j Attd Joaihpui all things under his feel, andgavehuntobct/;efeM^*r9ifce Churth, liimfelf, himfelf, in the Church, agahift Chrift, and all that Is called God ^oy ^^^g^^^'I" J.^-f '^Vitht not ^tcaUtdl{abbi : ioi one ts your Majltr y cyGnQhvi&y zi^A*Uyearebrtthnn, Veire9.] And call no nmnytur Father upon earth : for one is your Fathtr, which is ID heavCD. Vcrfe i o.] Neither ''tyc caU-dAtaJicr: J er one is your Majiir, tVen Chriji. i Tlicr.».?,4j8,9. Vcrfc J.] Let no man deceive vcu by any means : for that day fliall not come, except there come a falling away firft , and th^t man ef/in be veveAltdy the Son ofperaition. Verfe 4. J Who -'fpojcth andexalteth himjtlffboVeaU that it caUed God^ or that is worshipped : fo that he as Gudjitteth in the Temple of God , fhewing himfrlf that he is Gcd. Verle 8. J And th and lying wonders. Revel 1 ;. 6.3 And he tpenedhu mouth in blaf^btmy a^ainji Cedtttt biajphem* his n^me^ and his Tabemades^and thm thai dvctU in f/eaven. ■A CHAP. XXVI. 0/ tie Commmion of Saints, LI Saints, that are united to Jefus Chrift their Head , by his Spirit, ^ ^ a id by Faiih , havefcllowsbip with him in his graces , fufFerings, death, rcfurredion, and glory (a) : And being united to one anoihcr in '* ) Jat which love, they have communion in each others gifts and graces (b ) , and are Jj^ have leea obh'ged to the performance of futh duties , publick and private, and heard, de- clare we uot« yoa , that yr alfo may have fellowship with ds , and truly omt feUov ship is with the Father , and n ithhit Sen feffu Chrift. Erhj I«',i7,i8,i9 verfi6 That he would gram you according to the riches of hi* glory, to be ftrenethened with might, by his Spirit in the inrter man. V«:rfe 17. 1 Tnn Chrift may dvceU in year hearts by faith , that ye being ro< »Ted and grounded in love, v, 1 8 ] May be able te iomprehtnd,vcith «/Z.Vtfimr» what is the bredtb and length, and depth, and height, v. 19 ] And to know the love of Chrift, which palTeth knowledge5that ye might be filled with ail thefulnels of God. J«hn 1. 16.3 And 0/ i-isful- tit(? have rUvcereteivedy and grace prgrae. Eph a.s >6. verf 5.3 Even when we weredcadinfins »fc<«w ^uitt{tnedw together nith Chriji (by grace ye are fa- ed v 6 ^ And hath taiftdtuup tegether , and made iu fit tngethtr in heavenly places in ChnHJefas. Ffahn ^ 10. j That I might know him * and the power o( his refurrcAion , and the fellavrship oj his fufferings , bcii g made ' entormable unto his death. Rom. 6. 5,6- Verfe \ .^ For »; xce have been planted torether in the /«\'we/?of his death > we shall be alfo in the like- ftefsofhis refiirttfiion Verfe fi."! Knowing tnis that our rid man is cntrified with htm , that the body of fin miphr be deftmyed, that henceforth we Jh uld not ferve (in. 2 Tim 2. 123 ^ w Ifffe^' «" '^^^ *^/^ yrie^TO't/j^iw, ifwederyhim, he alfowilldpnyns (b) Epher4 15,16- verfeij.1 Butfpeakinp the truth in love, way grow up onto lain io all things , whith is r^ e head even Chrift. v. 16. From whom the whole body fitly joynedtogdher , and compaBed by •/ #t, which evety joynt flipplitth j according to the cfTei^al working in the meafure of every part , fn.''kcth increafe of the body , unto the edifying of its felf in love, lCor.I*.7.3 Batxhcmanifeftatinnof the Spirit is given to every man to profiiwihal. 1 Crr. 3. ^^^'^Iai.2»,»^. Verfeal 3 Thereforclernoinangloryininen* {trail things are yours, verfca* ] Whe'het yattlyCr^{>»ll'',oTCephaSy»rtheJV^orlet, or LitefOr Death, or things pre fent, trtfings to come , atlart jjf'>uyt Verfe 23 ^ And ye are Chrifts, and Chrift is Gods, C0I.2. 1$ 3 And not holding the head, from , |Jvrhii-h, alt the body byjeyntJ ttnd bandt having nourishment miniftnd, and h^it together , incrtajeth Tvith the fntrtajt efC$d, g Nz as jn'i {c) I Thef.5- as do conduce to their mutual good, both In the Inward and outward II, 14. v.n.] jnan^ir;. Wherefore co)n- fortyourfelves together , andedifie one aHotfHr, even as alfo ye do. verfe 14.] Now we exhort yoa bre- thren , tvarn thtmthat art unruly , comfort the feeble minded, fup^ort the n>ta\ , be patient ton\irdaUmen. Rom.l.ir,! 2.14. verfe 1 1.1 For I long to fee you , thsit limy imp art unto jou feme fpiritttai gift, to the endyemay beeftablished. verfe I2.] Thatis, Thu I may be comforted together with jo», by the mtuual Fcithy both of you and me. verfe 14-3 I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians , both to the ■wife, and to the tmmfe. i Joha 5.16,17,18. verfe 16.3 Hereby perceive we the love of God ;, bccaufe he laid down his life forns, and we oaght to lay down our Jives for the brethren. verfej7.J Butwhofo hath this worlds good , and feeth his brother hath need, and shutteth up his bowels ofcompafsion from him^ how dwelleth rhelove of God in him. verfe 18.] My Utile children, Let us not love in word, neither in tongue, butmdeed,andin truth. Gal. 6. to. ] ^svce have therefore opportHnitj, let us do gotdHmoak fntit) efpecially unto them mho are of the houfe-hoidof Faith. 1 1. Saints by profeflion are bound to maintain an holy fellow- ship and Communion in the Worship of God 3 and in performing fuch other fpiritual Services as tend to their mutual Edificati- {d) Hebr.io. on (d) I as alfo in relieving each other in outward things, according 24,zj.ver.24.] to their feveral abilities, andneceflities. which communion, asGod fidfr^^waZ- <>ffereth opportunity, is to be extended unto all thofe , who in every thery xofroveks placc Call upon the Name of the Lord J efus [e . unto love » and togoodroorks. verfe zj.]] Net forfakjng iheafftmUing eftHrfelves together yiS the matJHer of fome U i hat exhirting one another f fo much the more as yoa fee the day approaching. A(SIs».4»j46. rer/e4z.] And they «e«?/«''«^ ftedfaftly /« the .^fofiles Do&tiae and feilowship , aadinbreakingofbread ^ andin Prayer, verfe 46.] And they eontinued daily with one accord in the Temple j and breaking of Isread from houfe to houfe, did eat their meat with gladnefs and finglenefs of heart. Ifai. 2. 5.] At\d many people shall go and fay, come ye , and let nt go up to the Atountain of the Lord, to the houfe ot the God of Jacob* and lac will teach us of his wayes > and we will walk in his paths : for out of Zion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerufnlem. I Corint. 11. 20.] When ye come together therefore TWO o»e/>/«cf, this is not to ett the Lords Supper, {e) Adls 2.44,45- verfe 44.3 .^nd all that believed rcere together^ and had all things common, verfe 45 .") And fold their poifeflions and goods, and parted : xhem to all men, 04 every man had need, i Joiin j. 17. Seein letter C. zCor.8^ andp. Chapters. See; in the Bible. A-fts 11. 29,30.7.29. UThcn theWfciples, every man according to his ability, determinedta find relief unto the brethren rthich dtpelt m Judea. v. 30,] Which alfo theyidid, and femjit to the Elders by the hands of Baroabasj and Saal. H L This Communion which the Saints have with Chrift , doth not make them, in any wife, partakers of the fubftance of bis Godhead , or to beequal with Chrift in any refped: : either of which to affirm, is impious, (f) Col, 1 . 18, and blafphemous (/). Nor doth their communion one with another , as 1 9. Verfe 18 .*] Saints, take away, or infringe the tittle or propriety which each man hath dy the Church, who is the beginning, the firji-born from the dead, that in all things he migU have the pre-emmenee. v.19." For it pleafed the Father, that in him should oHfulnefs dvoell. i Cor.8.6.] But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him , and one Lord feft*s Chriji, by whom are all things. and we by him. JSu. 4*. 8.J I am the Lord, ihatu my name , tind my glory veiUlnotgive t» another utixha (87) neither my praife to graven Images, i Tim.6.15,16. vcrfe 15.] Whichin his times he shall shew,who is the biffed and only Potentate , the King of Kings , and Lord of Lords, vcrfc 16. ] Who only hath im- worfrfZ/rj', dwelling in tlie light; xchich no man can approach unto, whom no man hath leen, or can fce,to whom be honour and power evfirldfting. .^mtn. Praiin45.7. 3 Tliou lovcfl: righteoLfnefs, and hateft WKkednefs : th.crefore God thy God hath anointed thee 7vith the oyl ofgUdnefs ab«vethj>Je/I»m. Hch. I. S, 9. verfe 8.] Bu: umothe Son he faith. Thy Throne, O God^ is for < X'ej- and ever, fl Scepter ofriglTteooI^ nefs, is the Scejjter of thy Kingdom, vcrfe 9. ] Tixju haft loved righteoufnefs, and hated iniquity, there- fore God , even thy God , hath anointed tliee nvth the oyl ofgladntfs above thy ftllows. {g ') Exod. zo, ISJ ThoQ shall not ft' al, Eplief.*. 28. ] Let him that dole, fteal no more : but rather let him libour, working vcith his oiv. hands the tiling which is good , that he nstiy lave u give t» him tliat nccdeth. K€ls 5.4.] Whiles it remaim d^ wa« it not thine ov?n *" and after it was (old, jvm it mt in thine t,t9n ftttr ^ why haft ihoD conceived this tiling in thine heart ? thou haft lyed not unto men, but unto God. CHAP. XXVIL. il>f iheSAcratMnti. SAcraments are holy ilgns and Seals of the covenant of giiice (rt),im- (d> Rom. 4- mediatly inftituted by God (b) , to rcprefent Chrift and his benefitSj ^ i;3 4^^^*^ and to co»firm our intereft in him {c) : as aifo toput a vifible difference ^^^Itrt^cififn, between thofe that belong unto the Church, & the reft of the world (rf) : 4 fed. «/ tU andfoleranly to engage them to the fervice o{GQdiaCbnft.aa;cBrdinff righteoufnefs •( tohMWord(fX '^^C;/ ^^rjVvr: ;^^/^i* ^^^ ^ - \ '.' '' heha<5,yetbe- ing Hncircanncifed, tliat he might be the Father of all them that believe, though they be not cir«?Bicifedj tliat righteoofoefs might be imputed to them alfo. Gen. 17. 7,10. Verfe 7. ] And I -nill ejiabtishnty C»- ttn^nt betrveen meMndihet^ and thy feed after thee, in their generations, for an cverlaftiog Cow»atjt, to ■ fee a Goi unto thee:, and to thy feed after thee. Verfe 10.3 See below in Letter?, {b) Mattel. i8. 19.3 Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the name efthe Father , and oftht Set* 3 and of the HolyGhoji. i Cor.II.ij.] lot I have received of the Lordy that ivhich alfo I delivereditnieyM,that the Lord fefnf, the fame niglit in which he tvas betrayed, took bread, (c) i Cor.i o.i6.] Tin cup oj blefjin^ 11 fihich tpe blejje , is it not the ct^mmumon of tbe blood of Chrift <* the bread which xc e break^^is it not the. :t| tomtnuHionofthsBodjtofChrifif I Corint.ii.2j,a^. Verfe 25.J After tlie fame mafai€r,rf/7^/>5 /oo^ r/jc Cup n-iien he hadfupptd, faying , This Cop is the New Teftameot in my biocd : this do ye , as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. verle 26.]] For as ofien as^e eat this b'/ead , and drinkthis cup ^ye d* shexv the Lords death till he come. Galat.57j And this I fay, T\^^t\ht C&venoMthat vaf(onjvrtHiifdbt^ fore of God in Chriji , the Law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot difaool, thatit shonldmalcethepromifeofnoneeffed. {d) Rom. 15.8.] Now I fay. That Jefus Chrift was « A/»w- ficr of the cireumcifion {or the traxhoi God , to confirm tiiepromifestwadeBiitotlK Fathers. £xod.'i2. 48. D And when a ftranger shall fojourn with thee , and will keep the Pafsover to the Lord , let all hi« males be circnmcifed, and then let him come near s - ' keep it, and he shall be as one that is born in tht land '. form nncircumcifedperfonihaU tat thereof. Genci.34.i4.] And tliey faid unto them , Wexano6t do this, t» give our Sifter to one that is uncirCHmctfed t for tliat wer« a reproach unto as. {e) Roao.6.3,4. Verfe 3.] Know ye not that/o many of us eis were baptised into Jefat Chrift, were bapti-xedinto his death ? Werfe4.] Thereforewe are buried with him by bapti(m into death, thzt Jik^ f^f fhrift was raifedup frtm the dtttd, by theglory oftheFather : tvtnfo vce alp} should rcalkjn nexonejs Df life . x •Cor.Io.l6,ai. y. 1:6.] See in Letter C. y.21 .] Tt cann»t drlnk^the Cup efxht Xorrf, and the Cup cfDtvHt : yt cOhmt bepartd^ iirt efthe Lords Tahle^Md ojtht Table of Devils. N 3 IJ. Tlier« T '. * There h'm every Sacrament a fpirftual relation , or Sacramental union between the Sign and the Thing fignified : whence it comes to pafs, that the names and the effeds of the one are attributed to the (0 Gener. 17. Q^her ( f). ro.3 This »f ^^ my Covenant which ye fhall keep between me and youj mdthy feed after thee j Erery man-child among yo\ish.iU be cinHmcifed. Matth.,26,i7,z8. veifei/.j And he tc-k the Cup and gave thanks,, and gave n to them , faying } Drink ye all of it. Verfe 28. ] For this is my blood of the Nevo Teji*meni which is filed for many , for the remiffion offins. Thus 5.5.] Not by works of righteoufnefs which we have done , but according to his mercy be faved us, by the voathlng 0} regeneration , andtmtmng ofthe Holy Ghoji. 1 1 T. The grace which is exhibited m , orby the Sacraments rightly ufed, is not conferred by any power in them : neither dot' 1 the efficacy of a Sacrament depend upon the piety or intention of him that doth admi- (f^Rom.i.i?, nifterit(g-^-, but upon the work of the Spirit T ), and the word of infti- »9-,v.i8 3 For jmion ; which contains, together with a Precept authorizing the ufe which 't 7ne thereof, a promife of benefit to worthy receivers U), tutxxmrdly , net- thtr is th4t circumel/p(yn, which is mtnard In thtfltsh. verfe 19. ^ But he is a Jew which is oiie inwardly, and circamcinoo is that of the heart, in the fpirir, and not in the letter > whole praife is not of mei- but of God. I Pet. ^ JI.7 The like figure whereunto J even B'p'tifht , doth /rlfenovelkveut (pot^hspax'tlng away the filth of the flefli, bat the aw^fj' of* ^«oi »"; Moreover brethren . I would not that ye ftiould be ignorant , boNy that «U tur Fathers wcicMnder the cloud, and all palled rhr -ugh die fca. V. a. J And were all bjpt.fed unto Af*/wio thccK>i/d, aiidin the fca. V %. And did all eat the {aiiietpiritu3l meat. V 4 j And did all drii.k the fame ipuitualdliokl Qorthey drank^oj thAi/piri'»al roik^tha' j\/Uowtdthcni, ana that rocknai C'hriy .) CHAP. XXVIII. Of B ptifnu EAptifm IS a Sacrament of the New Teftament, ordained by Jefus Chi ift .1 , not only for the folemn Admiflion of the arty baptized (^) Matth. zt. into the vifible Church B : but alfo to be unto him a fign and feal oi tl e '/r K^of'chap covenant of grace t), of Ms ingrafting into Chrift id), ofRegenera- foregoing. tion (e\ of remiflion of fins > / , and of his giving up unto God through b) i Cor, i ». JefusChrift, to walk in ncwnefsof lifi (;\ vhidSatramentsisby ''j. 5*^°^ ^'^ . Chrifls own appointment to be continued in hisChutchuntill the end ^e aii^baptifcd of the world ). f>>ti> one body, whether we be Jews or Genrjle* > whether we be bonder free j and have been all iTvade to driok into one S.;'irit. (<) Rontl* II. And he received the hgn e/ c;Vcwwf;/?'o» , a ftal of therighteoufnefs ej the FaitI which he had yet being uncircumcifcd , that he might be the Father of all them thatbtlieve, though they be not circuii.ciftdjthat righteou;■/», rhroupb 'he faith of the operation ofGod, who hath raifcdhim fnm thcdrad (rf) Galat.3 %j.'\ For as many of you as have been bapiftd into Chrifl, have put on Chnft. Rom .6. 5 J For if we have been plartedtogetf erinthe l\emfofhps deathy we fhall be alfo in the likeneffeof his relurredi<-n. ( ) Tit. 3 5.3 Not by W'>rksof righfeouft>efj,whichwe havedont, but according to hi^ mercy h\th he favedtu fcjy the -n ashing of ^^en< ration, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. (f) Maik i 4 J 1< hn did baptife in the V)\ld€TDffi,andprcaclj thebaftirmcfreptntpnct lorremifiionoj fns {^) Ron 6. 5.4 Vci(e 5.} Know ye nor that fb many of us is yNcrcbaptir^d into f /iwC/ >•»/?. were baoti zed into his death } V 4'} There- f(.re wf ait buried with 'j/w yb.-vtifm into death , thatl.keas Chrifi was railed from the dead . bythc' glory r>f the Father : even .^0 irf/r/jT j'j. .■ Wti-a/X/n r/en«^/. -., . , ^- . ^., AadhefaiauQ- ^ '" : ■ : •' «.o theitij Go ye into all t'he World, and preach ye the Gofpel to ev6ry creature »^ verfe 16.] fit that l>e~ lUveth andis ba^tixed shall be faved ; bat he that believet-linot shall be dannned. Adls 8.37,58. verf.57.3 And Philip faid , If thou believell with all tbinfe Ijeart thou mayeft , and he anTwef ed and faid, / believt that Jefut Chrift is the San of God. verf. 38,] And he tomiii»6ded*i?e Gbfeiiet: ta^ftaiyd ftiJl, and they went, down both into the water,bothPW%,4hdthe'Etjhhch,<«^^i'4^*ii':^rf/?»w. (t^i Geo. 17,7,9. v.7»]; And Iwilleftablish my Covenant between me aad thes, and thy fied after thee in their genemtienrj for an everlafting Covenant, to be a Gad unto thee, and thy feed after thee, ver.9.] And God fa:d unto .Abraham, Thoushalt keep my Covenant therefore, tLmy and thy fied after thee, in their generations. Gal. 3 9, I4. verfe 9.], So then ihey -which be of faith, are b It jftd with faith full Abraham, verfe 14.1 ^''*' »^^ blefslng' of Abraham might fome on the Gentiles^ through Jefas Chrift ; that we might receive the proi'nife ofthe Spirit through faith. Col.z.i r,l2. verf.i i,] In whom &lfo ye are ctrcumctftd with the Circurnciflon madt w»/;o««.fo««c^j,, in putting off the body of the fittS of the "flesh, by theCircamcifion pfChrift. ve.rfe ij.] Buried fvi'th him in Baptiffn , wherein alfo you are rifetl with him throagh the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead. Aets 2.38.39. V,3S.]] Then P«fj- faid unto them. Repent and be baptlr^d every one ofyou^ in the name of Jefus Chrift, for the remiffion offins, and ye shall receive the giftofthcHoly Ghoft. Verr39.] Forthepretnifets(intoyos*,andtoyour children, zndtoHUhatzrc afar off, even as many as the Lord oar God shall call. Rom. 4. 11, 12. verfe ir.] And he received the fign of Circuraciiton) a feal of the righteoujhep 6f the faith -which he had yet being undrcumcifed, that he might be the Father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcifed, that righteoufnefs iiiight be imputed to them ajfo. vcr.i2.3 And the Father of Circumcifion to tbeip; who are not of the Circumciition onely, but alfo walk in the fteps of that faith of our Father ^braharn , which he had , being yet uncirc.umcifed. 1 Cor. 7.1 4."] For the unbelieving husband is fandified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is fandi- fied by the husband , elfe were your Children unclean , but now they are holy. Matth. 28. 19.] Go ye therefore, and ieach all Nations , baptin^ng them in the name of the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghoft. Matt. 1 0.1 3,14)1 5 ,1 6. v.1 3- J -y^nd they brought yo»Kg cliildren to him, that he should touch them, and his Difciplesrebtjcedthofetbat brought them. V. 14.] Butwhedi Jefus fbw it, he ^k'as much difpleafed, and faid unto them, 'Suffer Little children to come unto njeytind forbid them npt ,forifffuch is tl)e JGngdom of God. V.15.I Verily, 1 fay un^oyou, Wliofotver shallnot receive the Kingdom ot God as a little child, he shall not enter therein, verk 16.'] Andhnookthem up in his arms, inApui his hands upon themy andblejjed them. Luke l8.1 5 .] And they brought unto him alfo infants^ that be woold touch them J but when hisDifciples faw it, they rebuked them. V. Although ic be a great ifin to contemn or negle<5t this Ordi- nance (»^>yet QjraCfe a't\d Saivation at^no fo Infefjara'bly a'nneisred unto ./» ) ■■ I^uke 7 it,as that no perfon can be regenerated or fayed without it U) : or, that l^gJiffc^ and all that ai^cba'fJti^ed ire untebt^dlyregeri^^^ Lawyers »-e;.er .... w, w.-...v'-"'. (.0) Rotn. 4-. i.i-^, Seeio letter M. , Aiils.io, i, 4, 2Zj |i>.45, 47.. See.in the 3ible. (^) Adls 8.1 3>Jj[. V.I 3.] THed Simop Inmfclf believed alfo ; apd. v;hcn /7e nds bafti'^dhG continued wthPhilrp, and wondered, beholdi'hg the mita'cle5an andtoall doties which they owie anco'him ; and to be a bond, and pledge of their Communion with O him. I Cor. 11. hltn, and with each other, as members of his myftiqal Body (Kes the fame facrifises, v^lwh car. nevci-tais'. away fins verfe 1 1 3 But th^ ■,>-'T7 after he had offtred one facrlficefoy fins for ever, fat down on the right baud of God. V.l*. j For by one ojfwwg /je fo-?;/; ;>frfe JB/ooJe/t/.c A^rtrr which is flied for many. Lnke 22.i9;»o- Verf.19.] Acdbt tool'^breai and gave thanks, and brak^t it, and gave unto thetHy faying , This is my body which is given for you , this do in rennembraBce of me. V.20.^ Likewife alfo the Cup after fuppcr, faying. This Cup is the New Teftament in my blood which U shed far yen. i Cor.ii.»3,j4,25>26. See all in letter A. (/j Adls 20.7.3 And upon the firft day of the week, when tht Difciplet came ttgethtr to break breadj Paul preached nnta them, ready to depart on the morrowj and continued his fpeech nntill midnight. 1 Cor. XX. lo 3 Whttt ^e comt together therefore into one place, this is not to cat the Lords Supper. I V. Private Mades, or receiving this Sacrament by a Prieft , or any other, alone (£), as likewife, the denial ofthe Cup to the people f/;), C^> 1 Cor. to. worshipping the Elements, the lifting them up, or carrying them about ^j ^°^^ ^^*^': for adoration J and the referving them for any pretended religious ufe, example"! °to are all contrary to the nature of this 5acrament , and to the inftitution of the intent we Chrift (»). Ihonld notluft ' after evil things astheyaMolgfted. {h) Mark 14*5.] See in letter E. i Cor.ii.25>26>»7^a8ji9.V.»j. andi^.D See: letter A. V.aj.] Wherefore whofoever fhall cat this bread , aad drink this Cup of the Lord unworthily, ihall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Ver.28.3 But let a man examine himfelf , andfo let him eat of that bread, and drink of that Cup. V.29.3 For hethatcateth and driskah unworthily ,eateth and driaketh damnation to himfclfinotdifcerning the Lords body, (i) Matth.i5.9'3 fat in rain they do worihip me? teaching fo r JDodrinei the Ctmmandmtnts of men. V. The outward Elements In this Sacramentjduelyfet apart 5 to the nfes ordained by Chrift, have fuch relation to him crucified, as that truly , yet Sacramentally onely, they are fometimes called by the name ofthethingstheyreprefentjtowit, the Body and Blood of Chrift C/^, (AJ Matt. 26. albeit in fubftance and nature, they ftill remain , truly, and onely Bread 26,t7,28. verf. andWincastheywerebefore /). .ty^wereeaV- ing 3 Jefus took iread, and bleffed it, and brake it, and gave it to the Difciples, and faid. Take, cat, thit w my body, yexfc a7. And he took the Cup, and gave thanks, and give it to them, faying , Drink ye all ofit. Verfe 28.] Forthiskmy bloadoftheNexvTefiamentwhkbisihtdforVDaaj , fortheremiffion offins. (/) 1 Cor. II. 26, 27, 28. Verfe 26. 3 For as often as ye eat this Bread ^ and drinh^this Cttp, ye do shew the Lordg death till he come, verfe 27. U Wherefore whofoever /fc»)Aas5.ii.^ latrlesjtwi^. Wli6m the hea^ ten rfiuff receive untlU tfje times afreJiUutioft efaU thlngi, which God iiath fpoken bv the mouth of all bts hoty Prophets fincethe'VVorld be^an. i Qar.ii.j4jaf ,t6. vetk *4. } Anji wfcren he had^ivfeh thanki, hebrake'ltjiSbdfaiti i "^ake , eat j^his is ftfy body Kvhidtishmkhnforytuj'this dd'M'rfmMfa'nei'ofme: verfeM.l After the famfe-maanepilfo, hetookilTcGopwheQhe-hidfapjjiftd, fayitf^, TIjTj Cup is the 2^twt-^itBemiainyhi6to<3^ iWf.'Vcrfe z61 1 'Seelet- secL. Lake r4. 69> j. i^tsrfe 6.1 'fi^ii nothembtteistifen , tctncittbethovr he fpafee onto you when he was in Galilee, verfe ^s'T] S^ldmy hartids krnihtyfe€t,ithatiiisrmylitf,t[9tiih Spirit hath not fiefh and bones, as' ye fee me have. YII, Worthy^ ]OveceIyers quwardjly p^riakipg <^ ^l^e viiible Ek- 1«) I Cor. tr. ments,lnttns"Sacrament U)> tio tben alfo inwardly by &th , really and iSlSee inlet- t^a^-i -..^.^^.^-^L^^it-l }'j -^.:.^l.ii.; i::,./:::>:...li!:-^„-„:;,^ „„ir..j •S it^ViGor ^"^^^4 y^^ ^p{ Carnally and corporaUy , but.ipjj-itually receive, and feed ""•'""""-" C}iiriftcrWified,anda^^ i?>. 16. ] T!ie upon C}iiriftcrWrfied,andaI^^ ^jhrlji'^f -the' ■■—:■•■_ •;■ ;■ ■ •^• ••r»-ejni- which Ve break, >j It not the cotnmttmon of the Body ofChr't^.? \-) 1 Cor. II. Vin. Although ignorant and wicked men receive the outward Ele- 17,18,19. verf j^^^nts in t' is Sacrament 3 yet ttjey receive not ths'thinglignlfieO there- See in letter L. ^f • ^"^ % tHeir unworthy coming thereuhtd", atd gniltyiof tfie Bo^y Vctr.29.3 For aa3 Btood of the Lord, to their own damnation. Wherefore all ignoratrf' ''^w^'^^3 '^TJ1> ^^~^ ungodly perfons , as they are "unfit to enjoy communion with him, wnw-/fWz7>if#-: ^^f-e tliey" unvvbrrhy of the Lords Tjable j and cannot witliout great m-w^drinhttii firi agaihn'ChriH;' , 'while they remain fach, pertSke of thefe hoJy'My fte- dumnmon .*-««* ^Jeg (a) ^ or be admitted thereunto {q]', .fetj«^>wc»t diii* _ , ,--■-.-•, ,r.- ' ■ 'etjtnag th* tiords body, a Coc6 |4ji 5 . ver. 14. j^ Be yenotnnequailjf yoaked together wi^h oDbeliie- ' Yt?rs» iQVV!>h^tfeUttpskifhintMriianl3^th light mth chirk^ 9>fi^ ? v,I5 And vv\nAt*i i Cdr..5, 6^7,1 j.-v.^. -youngforying ts. not good'. Know ye not that a ^Hle teAifetr it^^^iiethlhif whole lAmf>^} V-?.] Pttrge •om.thenfcne ihcHd teavcriythatye. rtidy he a^neteiimp, as ye are'-H».' i«*ii>»f«/,vioreTenChrift otHpafsdV^risfacrifitcdfof-tJ^'V.'t'^ But them that are Without, Grttdjud-" geth. Thcreforepnt aw.ry from amongyour felves that wid^ed perfo)u z Ther.5.6,l43l5. v.6.'l Nov/vve ; command you , Brethren ,10 the name of our Lord Jefas Chriil ^ th,at ye '.vlthdrawyonrfel'vetfroiife'viry Snther fhut rvalk^h dihrdcr.ly, aod-nai aftci'ihe tTa inth.ehiUidof,GbLitfchGsSkws y:d^ from ttxe clyjil Magiilrate ( a), .ih9?fl,iinto.us. a. the government tludl he ufptihinhpuUltrs * and big nam^ JiU^ll fee caW^sd W9p4«rfHl. i -CoHttfeUgijar , -tlva, the uughty (jod, tlie everlaftiog father, the Priric? ofpcwe, v.7-3 i^?/'*^" increafe ojiais gover,nea£M9fid. peaccmere shail l?e no eod ; ttfnthe Threni^of D^?^iU^4f}4 ¥ll.op h^ J^»giorn Po-.o^dirAt, a.ndpp£jiai>lij? it xvith judgement y and^vvitliiuftice, from henceforth even for ever : thezealpftjbeLQJ"d<>lHQft* wvill perform this, i Tim. 5. 17. 3 Lttthe Elders that rule nellj be counted worthy of double honour, efpecial- Iv tli^y who labQor in the wprd ap^d Do|9tiip^ i Tbef. j. iz.] At\i \Ai6 iaeieech ypH, brethren, to know thejn which labour among you, ardarc over.you in the Lord ^ ajjd adl^pnish you. Ai v. 7.] Remcu>bertbera wbichliavc tbe^ruir over, you, who have fpoken unto you the Word of God , whofe faith follow , confidering tlie end..Qf«lieir ccn- verlation. verfe.ij. ] Ol^^y them that h^ye the rule oyer. y^H 9 ^nd jhbmt your feivii } fey; th*y waK.tlfoj, youfToutsj as they thg^oUjft give account^ tliat they may do it\yi;l>joy , apd not with grj## for tl.jatii. iTriprofitablef9r you'.' verfe ai.' Salute all. the,ri> xxxs.]. have the ruieo-oer you , and all tl)j;.Sa{a..ts ; rh^y qf^ Italy faluteyoii i Cor.i'a.iS.J And CjodhathfetfomeiotheClKirch, fiifl: ApQAk4>fs«rt>m<>ctSidiveriiiie.5.c^ tong ues _ Matih.iZ 1 8 ,19^20. v-i 8 !] Apd Jefus eaine apd fpakjg unto them, ('3ying> ^llpmer is g,i.vea tinto-me in Heaven and in Earth. verfei9,3 Gq ye therefore rmd teach all. Nation? , hfifixzio.^jhpi^ in the Name of the Father, and of tljeSon j andoftheHoly Ghoft. verfeio,] Te^dlfeg t^}*mio'pl^-^ fif^ve a^. things nhaifoeyerj hkVecojnmandYdjo^^ ^,|qJ i^m with, you ahvay.-v evy^n^ljjp tlje.ep^ljat; the world, ^>wfw. II. To thefe Officers the Keys of the Kingdom of jFieavfeJ? arecptp- mitted : by virtue whereof rhey have power refpedively to retain , and * ~" remit fins : to shut that Kingdom againft the impenitent, both by the M'ord , and Cenfures , and to open it unto penitent finners by the Min:- Iftery of the Gofpel, and by Abfol^tion from Cenfures, as occafion shall require (^). (i) Matth. 16. ip.jAndl wili give unto thte the J^ys e-ftho }i^gdom£f/^ie*VefiySi\vh3i:fixy«-jbcu^diA/iji^ind-»TtiiH^f)i\ih.jU be bouniVn f4^^^j3n : ag4.^yhatfQey^r,thQ^^{/^»/f /ooye^f»^M^-//>,^/W^ verl'iy.^ And If he shall neg'leci^ to hear them , tell it unto the CKurch ; but if iKne^^tJlr to he.it.ij)e i-^lau^* 1«K him be unto thee at an heathen man and a publican, verfe 18] 'VeriJy , 1 layuntoyou , iV^tttfotytY^c '^^M.:'PWf^',-^'Yu\* ^h^.b^ i>QHp4in /^e/tve^^ fud^haffpnar^^e sbaiUop/f..i>n ^ank.^ .^hjf^elofifed jV, '^.?<^j^5,'?-J*^n-ao.'^i:.^.i2^i J. vejcfe^j^i^ "3 TlMO.faid jeiiKio .ilwfp again* Pe3ceiie^u»j;o.yoib^5,my ^4-t. *W>H^i^f^fl5 R^»^^^'"A.^^^ ? y^"'c^^ And whcq Jie^liad faidthi«:> hebreaihed qa j5icm, aodfjai^ utltotHem^R^ce^!(eyetIMHo^y G?^^^^ vejii.f |-^ Whojcfoe-uer J>ns.yeremityth fee in the Bible. Jade V. 2 3.3 And othe:sfavewithfearf^MMingthemouto£thcRi:&i bating even the gar- meats Ipotted by tiie flesh. IV. Forthe better attaining of thefe ends, the Officers of the Church arc to proceed by Admonition , fuijjcniion from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper for a feafon ; and by excommunication from the Church (d) 1 Thtf. 5. according to the nature of the crime, and demerit of the perfon W), 12. J And we befeech yon brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over yon in the Lordj andadml- T^uhyau. xThef.^ 6,14,15, v.t.3 Now we commaud yon brethren, inthe Name of our Lord JefuS Chrirt, that ye vchhira-wyotirfelves from every brother that walketh diforderly, and not after the tradition which he receired of as. V.i4. ] And if any man obey not onr word by tliis Epiftle , note that man , and have ?:o company with hinty that he may be ashamed, verfe i > .3 Yet connt him not as an enemy , but adm monisb him as a Brother, i Cor. $ .4, $)X ;■ V.4. J In the Name of onr Lord Jefus Chrift, when ye are ga- iliered together, and my Spirit, with the power of our Lord Jefus Chrift. verfe 5.3 T9 deliver fuch * one unto Satan , for the deftruAion of the flesh , that the Spirit may be faved in the day of the Lord Jefus. verfe 1 5.] But then* that are without , God judgeth ; therefore/^HJ away jrom amongyourfelvej that tcick^dpcifen. Matth. 18. 17.] And if he shall negle(5l to hear them , »f// ;> ^0 »^c C/Wcfo : bntifbene- gleft to hear the Church, let him bt unt9 thet as an heathen man and a publican. Tit. 3. i o.Q A roan ihat is en Hstetick, after the firjf aitdfeandadmonitionjrejtS}. CHAP. XXXI. 0/ Synods And Coumtls. FOr the better Government, and farther edification of the Church; there ought to be fuch AflTemblies as are commonly called Synods or (d) AAji5.»» Councils ^rt). When7herefore PmI and Sarmbaf had no fmall diflention and difpntation with them, they determined that Paul and SarnMbas , and certain other of them, should go up to Jernfale.n,»n« the ^poji/es and Tlders, about this ntHHion. Verf. 4. 1 And when they were come rojerufa cm, they were received oftht chnrthyAni cftheyrpojiles, andElders; and they declared allthings that God had done With them, V.f .3 ytnd (ht ytpoflles and Elders came together, for to confider ofthn matter. II AsMagiftrates may lawfully call a Synod of Minifters and other fit perfohs to confult and advife with, about matters of Religion (i): So, (^) J(^4^tv'} if Magiftratcs be open Enemies to the Church, the Uimilers ot Chrift, of j^lf^^^ A^S/ ihemfelvcs, by virtue of their Office ♦, or they , with other fit perIons,//»^F^,^,,^^c;» iiT3on delegation from their Churches,tiiay meet together in fuch Affcm- '''i '^J^f*"^ f'^ "(. . ° ^ . nurfirf^ Me. DlKS^e) iWijtliey filial bow down ttjtheewiTh xlAt face toward the emh, *r\d lick up the doft of tliy feet, and tlrou shalt know that I am the Lord : tor they shall not be ashamed that wau for inc. i Tim.t.iji. V.l .] I exhort there- fore that firft of ali. Supplications, Prayeii, Inteiceliicns , and giving ofihanks be made for ail itien. V.2.1 Fsr }Q>'gi tnd for nil that are in xuihoritj, that wt may U.td a quiet,and peaceable life , in ajl godli- nefsandh' neRyj* Chron.i9.«,9.lo,ii. See in the Bible. » Lhron.i9. ai>d 30. Chapters throoghoutj See m the Bible. Maith, 2.4,5. Verf* And \s\iiXi hthadgaihiYtdall the chiej prhflt and Scribes oith^ people together » he dcmatided ofthem zvbc re Chrtji shoiddie born, vcrfe 5- J And they faid unio him p in Betblcliemot JudcJ,forthasitis written by the Prophet. Prov.ix. I4.] VVherens counfdU ,ihe fzopU faUj hui m the mt*!tithde of CounJeUors th£:e is iiteiy. 0) Ads 15. 2,4, 22.23,25- V.2.4-] See in let- ter A. verfe 22.J TLenf leafed it the ^pofiUs and Elders with the jvhole Church , to fend chofcD Meji of their own company to AntiocJi, with Paul and Barnabts ; namely, Judas, ftirnamed Barfa'basjand Silas, ciiiefmen ainong the brethren, verf 23."] And wrote Letters by them after this tnanner.J The ^jxif.Uf tnd Eiders , and Brethren , fend greeting unto the Brethren , \vhicji are of the Gentiles in Antioch , ni:d Syru, and Cilicia. vcrfe 2 5. J It feemedgaodunts as, bein^r.jjembled ixith o««". I V. , AH Synods or Councils fince the Apoftles times,, whether gene- J^'^^^P]';^ ' J,°;-j'j al or particular, may err; and many have-err d. Therefore they are ^^^^ ^/^^ y,^.„_ lot to be made the rule of Faith or pradife > but to be ufed as an help daiitn of r^a nbothf^). -fpf" 'f ^ ■ Prophets., Jefn« Dhrift himfelfbcingtbe chief Corner- ftone. A(51si7,Tt.] T hcfe were more noble then thofe in ThefTa- onica. in that they received HieWord with all readincfs of mind, and f arched the Scriptures daily , nit. herthofe thinjsvcere fo. 1 Cor. 2. 5-3 That ycur Faith should net flandiK the vcifdom of men , butiathe lower of God. z Cor. 1. 24.' -Not for fb4t rre /;.tvc domimen cviryour faith, but are helpers oj yottr joy ; brbyFaiihycftandj V. Sytvods (/) L«&«rn;: V. Sjmb^f a«d cmiiwlls are to haftdle or cenclui!e nothing but th^ X?, i4. vAj.J yfthithis Eccleliaftical : ahd are not to intermeddle with civil Affeirj cump«ny°flid which concern the Common-wealth, unlefi. by way of humble I^etition unw him , M»- in csfes extraordinary > or by way of advice , tor fatisfadion of con- fter , fpcak to fcience, if they be thereunto required by the Civil Magiftrate ( f ) . my 15rori>er, a j ihac fae divide theinlieriance with w«. Vii^.J Aad hefaid onto htm ^ Man , who made me a ^t^dge, era. tiividtr overy$» ? Ji>l>a 1 8 . 56.} Jefas anfwefed. My F^n^dom it not oj'tbh vporld : if my Kingdoin were of this world, rVwn woUid my Servants fightj that I should not be delivered to the Jews : but now is n-.y J^ngdom not jyom hence, CHAP. XXXI I. 0/ th€ (late of Men after DeA!h,mdofthe refuf region oft fie Dead. {a) Geoer 5. '"T^He bodies of Men after death return to duft, and fee corruption ( ^ ): '^•l ^f ^h^ but their Souls ('which neither die nor fleep J having an immortal iicish^t thon fu^fiftencc, immediately return to God who gave them (b). The Souls cat bread, till of the righteous, being then made perfect in holinefs, are received into ihott return unto jj^g higheft Heavcns , where they behold the face ofGod in light and out^oTit w^ft ^"^ glory > waiting ^or the full redemption of their Bodies {c) : AncJ thou taken: for the Souls of the wickdd are caft into hell, where they remain in torments daft thou art, and Utter darknefs, referved to the judgement of the great day d\ Be- tbt "halt ^u- ^^^^ ^^^^^ '"^^ places for Souls feparated from their Bodies, the Scripture turn. A&.S 13. acknowledgeth none. 56. ] For Da- vid after he had ferved his Owti getleratioB , by the Will of God , fell on*fleepj and ir.w laidtmeo his Fa-> thers, andfavo corrupiion (b) Luke 23. 43.] Aud Jefus faid unto him , Verily, I fay utito thee, to day shxltthoft be Tpithmein Patvdifi. Ecclef. IJ. 7.] Then shall the dufi; return to the earth as it vvas : and the Spirit shall rtturntmto Godvchogave it, Heb.ri. 23. Tothe general aflembly and Churchof'the firft-born, which are written in Heaven, and<9 God the fudge of all , and to the Spirits of juft men made perfe<5t:. 2 Cor.5.i,6.-8 vcrfe rO For we know, that if our earthly hoafe of this tabernacle were diflbl- ved, rvehxvt a buildiHi^ofGad, an Hoirfenot made with hafldsj eternalin the Heavens, v 6. 7 herefore xve are a^vrayes conBdent , knowing that whileft we are at home ici the body , we are abfent from the Lord. v;8 1 We are-coHfideor, Ifay) and wiTling. rather to heabfent fromihepody, and to be prefcnt tvith the Lord. Ifhil. t. i\. '] Fdr-Iatn ioafttaightbetvvixttwo 3 .having «c/ejJre to c/fjp>trf, hef 4.ro He thaf defeended J isthefamealfb thata&^rjdedup fir above all Heavens , that hemight fill ell things, {d) LakeTfe. 2i3,.»4' verfcx3'.] And in Hell he lift up his eyes bein^ in torments, and feeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bofom. v. 24- 2 And he cried and faid, Fa,ther Abraham have tAcrcy upon me < attd fend Lazarus tfe^hi: m*f'dip the n{>'<>fMsfifigerfeAVatet 3 atidcodfmy tongue, fnr.famtormetued-'inthisftirne.. AAs I 25.3. Tliar hcma^y- take-pa^tof tliwMtniftryfand ApoftlesMp, from which Tudas by,tra«tffjre^op fell, that l;H'.nnghtd-s which kept not their firfteftate, but left'theif awii habltafion, he h^tfi r^lfrvcit ihe-oti'l^ptngchii'ks andir daiknefs, un*^o th?"Judgemcnt of the^reat day. v. 7.]] Even as Sodom and Gnrrorrijl} , antfthe Cities about themiin like anannerj giving themfelves over to fornication , and rr^M ^ iif-^er Orange flesh, ,t^rekt ^»r 3a &xainple, fuffering,theijengc^nce of eternal pre.. I 'Pet. 3. 19. 3 Fy'wtrthalfohe'Wtfnt-at'fif itczitioifimoxheSpimtinPrtfon. IK'At C99) tt At tbe iaft Day fach as arc found aUve sJiaH not die, but be cban- glid[f): and jdl the dead shall beraifcd up, with the felf- fame bodies, («) t Tl-ef.^ and none other, although with diiFerent qualities, which shall be united *T.^, ^^'" ^ ^gaintotheirSoulsforeverfi;. l^'^'ZiX shall be caught Up togethtr with them in the Clonds, to meet the Lord in the air, and Co shall we ever be with the Lerd, X Cor .1 r5l}5«' ▼«fe j l.] £chold, I fhew y«a a ujyftery, ne shall not nUJltefK, but tc£ shaM be all cha». gtd. Verfc s aO In * wa mtntj in the tyeinkling $f*n eye, at the laft trump, (for the Trompet fhall found, and the dead fh«llberaifedincorruptil>Ic, AAs 17. given of the Father ' &\ In which day, not ondy the ApoOate AngeU «0 B«caWe4» shall be judged ft; , but likewife all perfons that have lived upon Eatch IL^^f^"*,!^ shall appear before the Tribunal of Chrift, to give in accountof their rthica he wiU judge the WorU in righteoufneji, by that mxn tvhom he hath erdainediwhcrcofhe hath given affurance onto all Moi. in that he hath raifed him from the dead. (A) John 5. ii, 27. verfe zx. ] For the Father jodgethoo Man* but hath committed all jttdgement unto the Son : Verfe. 27.] ^yfndhath given him auti ority to exetute judge^ inent alfo, becaofehe is the Soo of Man. (c) i Cor.6. %.'] Know ye not that vce shall judge ihe^ngelsy how mtjch more things that pertain to this life ? Jadey.6, ] See letter D. Chapter fore-goir^|f. 2 Pet. ». 4. 1 For if God ffarednot the .^fngels that fmned , bat caft fhein down to Hell , at>d delivered them hx&QKkKD% that every one may receive the things dene la his body^ According t« ihat he hath done, nhetlier itoegeodtr bad. Ecclef. li. 14 3 ^or God shall bring every^ ■P orkjnto fudgtment^ vcith every fserct thing, whether it be goad^ or vchcther.it be evil. Roin.a.l6.j In the d.iy when Godshall judgetheficrets of Men hyJeCasChnOc, according to tny Gofpel. Rom. 4.10. i a.-. V.io.] But why doftthsD judge thy Brother ? orwhydoftthou fctataougjit thy Brother ? vce shall nil, fiand before the judgement fiAt oJChriJi. V.Ii.J So then every onecftis shall give account of himj'elf to Cod^ Matth.li.56j37i V. 36.] Bat I fay unto you, that every idle rvordthat Men shall fpeak^, they shall give «c-, ctum thtretfht the day offudgemtni, Vcrfe 37.] Far by thy vctrds thetfshAltbejnJiijiedjand i>y thy veordsi thoHshalsidcondtmnid., it) Matth. 25. II. The end of Gods appointing this Day , is for the manife- lle*?n 'thrsi- ^^^^^^ of the glory of his mercy , in t;,e eternal falvation of the Elect 5 Wc. Rom. 2. 3nd of his Jufttce, in the damnation of t^e Reprobate, who are wicked. 5,6. y.erfe 5 • J and difobedient. For then shall the righteous go into everlaftmg life,. huv after thy andrecglve that fullnels of joy and refreshing , which shall come from* impenitent ^^6 prefencc of the Lord : but the wicked , v/ho know not God , and* heart , treafa- obey not the Gofpelof Jefus Chrift,, shall be caft into eternal torments^^ left ^ op onto gj^j be punished witheverlaftincdeftrudionftoratheprefenceofthe. thy lelf, wrath _. j jr .,, 1 c \ - , ^\ . ^gainfi the day Lotd, aiid from the glory of his power (e) : ef Tvrath- , and. reveUtion againfl the righteom Judgtnunt ofG^od. V;6.3 Who fHall render to every M*D according^to hij deeds. Rom.9.a2>25< V- 22.] WnatifGod, w»tf»«f/oj/;err/j**w>-^*'j, and to make his power known, endured \vi(htrR\it\\\oti^'iQ&v\ag\\\tvcfftls i>f vera^, jitted^t* dejiru^ion, verfe 2.3.3 And that he oiighar tx\z\\zknoxnthirithet tt his gltryy on the Vtfftls of Mercy which he hadafori prepared unto glory. Matth», a5 . 21 r And his Lord faid onto him , Well done thon good and faithful Servaat , thou haft been faithftil over t few. things , I will make thee ralcr over many things , enter thott into the joy of thy Lord. Ads 5, . 39/1 Repent ye therefore and be conferted, that your fihs may be blotted out when thetima of the refresh ing shall come from shtfrtfmet ofthtJ,ord. 2. Tiief.i .7,8,9,1 0.3 See in the Bible, < f) 2 Pftr. 3i 1 1 J. As Chrift would have ns-to be certainly perfwaded that there- seeing ^ then s^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^y of Judgement , both to deter all Men from fin , and for the- *hat ail tlief^ gteatetconfolation of the godly in their ad vcriity C/} : fo will he have ihiags flrallbfi ^iflbJvcdj what mdnntt efpirfens ought yt to be in aU holy convtrfation and-godlinefs. vcrfe t4. ] Where- fore ( Keiored ) feeing that ye look for fncb things, be diligent thatye may befoujtd of him in faice^ with?. •uifpotaodble«»ifll- 2 Cor.j.io,ii. V.io J SceletterD. V.li.] Knowing therefore */)e<«rr««>'o/»/7e Xsrc/j we pcrfwade Men ; but we are made'tnanifieft unto God , and I tiuft alfo , are made manifeft in your confcientes, a.Thef l .5,6,7. V. 5 .1 Which is a manifeft token o£ the righteous Judgement of God, ijat jt may be fouittedvcorthy oj the ^ngdom of God , for Ivbich ye alio fuffer. verfe 6. ] Seeing it is • rt'.ghttout thing voith God^fortiomptnce tribulation to them that trouble you. V 7. T And to you who are sroobled, reft Tfith My when the Lord ihaJl be reycaled fiom Heaven with his iiaignty Angels, Luke 21. a7,i8 V.27.} And then fliall they fee the Son of man coming in a cloud, with powei' and great glory, verfe 2^.3 And whe» thefe things begin to come to pafs , then lto!\uf> and lift tipyottr htais,fory»ur re~ ttemption dravceth nigh. Rom.8.2 5.24,2j. verf 25.J And not onelythevj bat our fclvesalfo which have xhi firft- froits of tlie Spirit , even we our felves groan within our felves , waiting for the adoption , to ,y\i,x\\ered*mpti6nof our body. Ver. 24 ] YoTweaTefavedbyheptyhrithoptthatiifttnjisnothope: for' vhataManfeeth,whydothlieyethopeibr •■ Ver. 25. 1 Bot ifwc hope for that wcfc« not, then do we < ■"Aiib patience w^it for it. thur. Yioi) that day unknown to Men , that they may shake off all carnal fecurityj and be alwayes watchful, becaufc they know not at what hour the Lord will come; and may be ever prepared to fay , Come, Lord Jefus, come quickly. Amen, (g.) ^^) M.tth t*. See in the Bible. Mark i ?. ?J* 36, 37. verf. 35 •] W«tch ye therefore, ftryou kn%w ntt tvhln iht Majiey cftht htnfe comtth, at Even , or at Mid- night , or at the Cock crowing , or ia the Morning, verfe I6. '} Ztft coming fuddtnly , hefindyufleefing. verfe 37.] And what I % unto you , J fay mu mU -, Watch. Luke i». 3 J, 36. verfe 35. 2 Let your loins be girded about, and your light* bnroing. verfe 36. ] And ye your felves, like unto Men that wdhjor their Ltrd, when he will return from tke wedding, that when he Cometh and knocketh, they may open unt$ him immediately. Revel. x». jo . ] He which teftificih tliele thiBgs,r»itb)Siiiely/(«m«9Nic%. Amen. EvnficmtLtrdpftu, Charles HerUt Prolocutor. Cornelius Bttrgest Afleffbr. Herbert Palmery Aflcflbr. JienryRobroughf Scriba. Monmam Byfeldi Scriba. Intfrimmi ^mes Crunford. N THE HUMBLE' /^^^ ^^'^^'--/^, PR '' '^^'^h A D V I "^'^ OF THE M^fi^CA^ ASSEMBLY DIVINES, Now by Aathoritjr of PARLIAMENT fitting at 'iVESTMINSTER. Concerning a Larger C A T E C H I S M; Frtfented by them lately to both Houfcs of PARLIAMENT , j With the Proofs thereof at large out of the Scriptures. The fccond Edicio^, eidsGOn^i Bj^KOBERT Sanders, FrintcrtotbcCi^a^Umyt^y^ and vc 10 be (olil in his ibop. 167;* The Larger CAT E C H I S M Agreed upon by the ASSEMBLY of DIVINES Hat is the chief And higheft end of man ? A. Mans chief and higheft end , is , to glori- ,fie God Crf) J and fully to enjoy him for {*) Rom.ix, .^y^^W' &throaghhim- Andtoh'tm, *rt mil things y to vchom be gloyy{6ttvcr ^hmtn. I Ccr.\o,\i. Whether tlicrefore yc eat or drinkj or whatfo- cver ye do, do aIL to the glcrytf God. (b) P/i/wyj. 14. tt the end. Thou {halt guide me with thy counfelS) and Mj'tfnvards receive me to glory 3 Whom hjive J tn ffeaven but thee ? and there is none en titrih that I dtftre befides thee. My flefla and my heart fail , but God is the ftrength of my heart , and my ftrtion for ever. For lo > they that are far from thee shall perish , thou slwltdeftrcty all them that go a whoring from thee ; but it n good forme to dra.iv nigh f Goay I have put my truft in the Lor^ God, that imay declare all thy works, fohn 17.21,11, 2.?. Thatthey all may be one at thou Father art in mt^and I in thee, that they alfo may be one in ttt, tbar the World may believe that tlwn haft ftnt mc i and the glo- ry which thou gaveftine have I given theiiij that they may be one , even as roe are one, I in thtm , and then • in me, thatthey may be made periecl ia odc | aud that the World may koow tliat tbou hall feot ne , and haft loved thefn as thou haft loved ma. Queft. Hi)vf>d(»b'itappearjthatthereisa6od?' Anfw, The very light of Nature in man, and the works of God , de- dare thatthere is a God {c) , but his Word and Spirit only, do fufficicnt- (0 ^^- 1- 19> ly, and efi edt ually reveal hi m unto men for their (alvation ( d). ^^^ w^i!hml^ bt known ofCtd, it ntanif.fiin them, for God hath sherced it nnto them ; For the invifible things of him : ftotto the creation of the World , are clearly feen ,. heuigunderjtood by thethings that or* made , even his eternal power and Godhead* fo thxt they are reithout evcufe. Pfalm 19, i,'!,^. The Heavens decf, and move^and Have oatbeing. (d) iCor.j.sAO. But as it is written , Eye hath act feen, nor ear heard, neit^r hatb it entred into the heart of man, the things that God hath prepared for thena tltartlove him: Bat (*d Hath ret/M/«?iow>:,if they fpeaknot according w^/j« worrfjitisbecaufe thcreis no light iothem. Luker6 a^jjf. They have /i/o/wandthe Prophets , let rhem hetrtbem : if theybcliefenot M»fes 8od the Prophets , neither will they be perfwaded though one rofe from the dead. Galat. 1. 8, 9. Bat thocgh we or an Angel from Heaven , preach any other Gofpcl unto yoo , then that which we hare preachedtnto you, let him be accurfed. As we faid before, Co fay I now again j if any man preach anf tth^Oofpelaatisyov, then that ye hav* received, l£thim-bc4«i«y/cd. z Tiaj.3.i5,i6. Before. I^H^Bow dyth ft appgAf that the Scftptwes Me the r^ordof God} A. The Scriptures manifeft themfelves to be the Word of God by Ci) fif^a.!*.! their Majefty (f ;,and Purity (/;) jby theconfencof alithe parts Ci), and ^e.t'^te^^'*t '^^ fcopeof the whole , which is to give allglory to God C^); by thek thSg$*«l''my light and power to con vince and convert finners, to comfort and build- law , bw tiey up Believers to falvation [t) : but the Spirit of bearing witncfs by and were counted asaftrangething. i Cor.2 6,7,\^. HowbeitB^//?e.t^-nj;/So»i among them that are pcrfeft > yet not the wifdom of this World, nor of the Princes of this World that come to nooght, but we (peak the wifdom of (lod in a myjiery, even tlie hidde^veifdom , which Godordained before the World nnto our ^lory. Which sijiags al fo we fpeak , not ia the words which mans wifdom teachtth , but which the fiotyChop teacheth, cowiptring fpiritual things wiihfpinitu.Ti. /*/«/»» 119. 18, 1 19. Open thon mine eyes, that I may be- hold rseon^ont thingt o»t of thy latv. j:kyTtJUmomef are wonderful , therefore doth my foul keep them. ' (h) Ffalmii.b. Thevyordsohhc Lord«re/»«retro>-rfj, as filvertriedin afuruaceofearth; parified leveo times, /'/i/wiig. 140. Thy word7xl'erj)>wr«,therefbTethyfervantloveth it. (i) A^sio. 4). To him givf oU the Propiyets veknefi, that through his name; whofoever believeth in him , fhal receive re- mtflioD ©f frtiKi ^Bf i6.it. Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day , witnef- ^ngboth tefnVall ScgXGit,fy Month may htfidppicf , and «fl the rovrld become guilty before God. (I) .>^Sis>^ 18.28. F6r hen»^tily eonvineed tb« Jews ^ and that pnblickly , ihewing by the Scripture that jefus was ." Ghrift. /ye6.4;i8. Forthefi^flvrfy/^^odw^MicA and />OTverj«/i and jW/^ey then any two-edged fword, piercing even to tlie dividing afunder of foiil and fpitit, and of the joynts and marrow,and is zdifcemer of the thvughts afnd intents ofthe-heart^ f am. l.l%. Of his own will ^egat he tit, with the word of truth,that we should be a kind of firft fruits of hi« creatures. Pfal. 19.7,8,9. The Law of the Lord is perfed converting thefttti ■ the Tefthnony ofthe^Lordis furc , making wife the fimple : theftatatcs of the Lord are right, rtjeycitigihe btart-: the commandment of the Lord is pure , enlightning the eyes : the fear of the Lord is clear^ eBd>jrCi»itb vrith the Scriptures in the heart of man, is alone able fully to perfwadc It that they arc the very Word of God (m), ( *** )' Jo'i" i^. ■' ■' IJ, 14. How- beit when ffe the Spirit of Truth is coinc , ffe will guide you into aU Truth , for Ffe shall not fpeak of himfelf, but whatfoever He shall bear, that shall He /peak, and He wiU shew you things to coire. i Joh. ». 20,27. But ye have an w«fl»on/j'»wif fee f/o/jy Ont,zod ye k^norvaU things, verf. 27.] But ihc anointing which ye have received of Him, abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the fame anointing teMchethyuoE all things, and is truth , and is no lie , and even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in kirn. Jthn 20. 31. But thefe are jpritten that ye might be/ieve, that Jcfus is the Chrift, the Son oi God, and that believing ye might have life through his name. Q. \/hfit doih the Scriptures principallj/ teach} A. The Scriptures principally teach, what man is to believe concern- ine God, and what duty God requires of man ( m). (") * ^'-'"- ^ • ^ ^ i;. Hold (aft the form of ftund words , which thou haft heard of ine ) in Faith andLoVe which is iti Chiift Jefus. C'_ W7;4f do the Scriptures make knoVcn of Cod } •A. The Scriptures make known what God is C«) , the Perfons in the C«) Htb.n.s. Godhead (p) , the Decrees (q) , and the execution of His Decrees Ir). ^^\ . ^'v^h^ut podible to pleafe God, for he that ccmeth to God aiuft believe that he »V, and that he is a yt warder of them thatdiligentlyfeek him, {p) ifohn^.j. For there zte three ^ that bear record in Heaven, the F^^r/'f^-. the IVor d, tnd the HeIyGhoJi,atid thefe three are One. {^) Ads 15. I4jl5.l8. Simeon hath declared. how God at the firft did vifit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. V.l S .] And to t his ugreethe words 0} tlje Prophets M 'tis nritten, verfeiS. 3 J^ozvn unto Cod are aU his works trotn thehc- ginning of the World, (r) ^^s 4. 27, jg. For of a truth againft the holy child Jefus, whom thou haft anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Krael were gathered togeti^r. V.28. j For to do vchtitfoevtr thy handj und thy counctl determined before tibt dont. O. Wha^isGod} A. God is a Spirit (/) , inandofhimfelfinfinlteinBeing(;\ Glo- (f) M"'*- »*• ry(«S Bleflednefs ' , and Perfe, mod t ■v.u^'iaft \Zv- ^^^y ^^^' "^°^^ J"^^^ ^'^^' "^°^ Merciful and gracious,Long-rufFering,and ched me J and abundant in goodnefs and truth. known me ; thou knoweft my down fitting and mine op-rifinp j and thou anderftandeft my thoughts afar ofFj (Sec — - _____ -.IV Crcstiir^ that is not manifeftin his rtght j hut all things are naked arA opened itnto the eyei ff him with whom ■we liavctodo. Pfilnt 147. S- Great is the Lord and of great power j his nr.dirftanding is infinite, (^f) Kern 16.17. To God only wife be glory through Tefus Chrift, for ever, ^mtn. ('^) ifsil, g. g. And one crycd unto another and faid, Holy, holy is the Lord of Hofts ; the whole eartH is full of liis glory. /{eveLic 4 Who shall not fear thee, O Lord , andglorify thy name ^ iot thou only art holy : for all Nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgements are made manifeft. {h ) Dent, 52.4. He is the rock • his work is perfed : (otiUhis ways are jncigtment \ aGodoftruth and withoatiniqaitv j juftandrivht is be. (i) Exod.^ 54, 6. The Lord paiTed by before him and proclaimed , the Lord , the Lord Godi merciful andgraciouf, Itng-fttffering andabundant in goodnej! and truth. ^ Q^ Are tl: fie more Gods thn one? H'-ar^'irfae'l' ^* ^"^^^^ ^^ ^^^ °"^ onely , the living and true God (k). she Lird onr Gad is one Lord, i Cor. ^ 4,6. A$ concerning therefore the eating of things offered in facri- n€e to Idols, wc know that an Idol is nothing in the World, and that there is none ether God but one . — iiur to us th2re libutoneGedy the Father j of whom are all things and we in hnn , und ene Lord fefttt Chrift^ by whom are all th'ngs and we by him. fcr. lo. 10. But the Lord is the tme God, he is the living ^roy,andan cverlafting King j at his wrath the earth sliali tremble, and the Nations shall not be able ta ♦bide his iadignation. Q^ HoVi? many perfbm are there in the Godhead? A. There are three perfons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son,ancf the Holy Ghofl; j and thefe three are one, truej eternal God, the fame in fubftance , equal in power and glory j although diftinguished by their ') r y^hn 5.7. pei-fonal properties (l\ or tfiere are ' ' ' w-ti that bear record in Heaven , the Father j theZFbr*/, »ni the Ffoly G hoji : ^iadthefe three are oneL Jiia:-,h. 5. 16, 17. And Jefsif when he was baptized, went up ftraight-w.iy out of the water, «nd lo, the Heas'ens were opened unto him, and fcsfaw the Spirit of (7of/defcending like a Dove and lighting upon i)im. And lo , a voyce from Heaven, faying. This is my teloved Son , inwhom I am wellpleafed. M^tih.z^. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all Nations , baptizing them in the name of the F^^fcer, and s»f the Son , and of tlic Holy Ghoji. 2 Cor. i j. i4s The grace of our Lord Jefm Chrift , and the love «(God, and the commQDioaof the Hoi J GhoJi be with you all. ^mtn, John 10. 30. I and my Fa^ thcr are ant. Q^ W/;,?r are the per final properties of the tJrree perfons in the Godhead > (in-) r-j».hr.\.^. j^^ It is proDer to the Father to beget the Son (m) , and to the Son d. 8, lor unto '^ ' *' v.'hich of t!ie Angels faid he,-araDy time. Thou art my Son , this day have I begottenthte ? And again, I •will be to him a Father, am he sliall be to me a Son. And again, when he brings in thefrft begotten into the World, he faith. And let all the Angels of God worship him But unto the 5"om he faith, Thy ThioM, O Godf ii for cYer aad ever i a Scegicrof righieoafnefs i$ the Scepter of thy Kingdom, tG> (I09) to be begotten of the Father (n), and to the Holy Ghoft to proceed from I" Jo'-"'' r- 1^- the Father and Son from all eternity (o). 1 8 Aud the "' ^ word was made flesh , and dwelt among usj and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the ordy btgotttn ojtl.cFathr, full of grace and truth. —— — No man hath f'ecn God at any time : Tlic omly iegmten Scn which is in tlie bofom of the Father , he hath declared Iiitn. {,0 ) fohn 1 5 . 26. But vvlicn the Cotrfortcr is come whom I will fend unto you from the Fatlier , even the Spirit of truth ,\vhkhfrocecdethfiom the Father, he shall teflifie of me, GaUt. 4. 6. And becaufe ye tic foDS, God hah fentjonh the Spiri: 0/ his Son into your heansi crying, Abba, Father. • Q. HoVif doth it a^f ear that the Son and tie holj Glcji are God eqtial w'ub the Father ? J, The Scriptures manifeft, that the Son and the Holy Ghoft are God eqiiall with the Father , afcribing unto them fuch names (/>), attri- (p) 1^1.6.-^,^, butes (g), works (r), and worfhip (Ty are proper to God onely. ^•. , ^'^^ ^^^ *■ r*^. r r j ^uej ^p^^ an- other and faid. Holy, holy, holy is the Ltrd ofHcfxSi the -Khsle eavih isjtJl cfhisglaty. -— - Then faid I, Woe is roe, for I am undone, becaufe I am a man of andean lips, for mine eyes haveTeen the Kl*^^ ' ''^^ ZordofHoJii ! Alfo I heard the voyce of the Lord, faying. Whom shall I fend \ and who wiil go for us \ then I faid, here am I, fend me. This compared \\\\h Joh.izAl. Thefe things faid EfaiaSjW hca he fawW'^^^o»7j and (pake &//;;»». .^nd vcith Ji£ls iZ. 25. And when they agreed, not ainon;^them- felves they departed, alter that PaifL had fpoken one \vot6,JVcU fpal^e the Holy Ghcff h Efxuts the PrQ-* phet to oar Fathers, i John 5, zo. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given iis an an- derftanding , that we may know him that is true ; and we are in him that is true; even in his Son Jrllff Chrifi ; this is the true God and etirruil life, ^Bs j , ^,+. But Peter faid, ^r.anlcu^ why liath Satan filled thine heart to He to the Holy Gho[i , and ro keep batk part of t!ie price of t!;e land • v. hiics it remained, was it nor thine own ? and after it was fold , was it not in thine own power r why haft thou conceived this thiDgia thy hzirt) ihoiihafi not lied unto men, but t4nto God. ( ^) foJmi.j. In the begincirg was the word, and the word was with God, and the word vra-s G od. ifai. 9.6. For unto us a Son it born, un- to OS a Child is given, and the government shall be upon his jhoulder , and his n.xme ihiW be called iVan- der ful,CounftUor^tJ>e mighty God ^ theeverUjiingFather, the Prince of peace. fohni.i^,zy But Jcfus did not commit himfelf unto them ; hecsu{e he knew all tnen ^ and needed not that any should tdlifie of man ^ for he j^netvivhat was inman. i Cor. 2. lo, II. But God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit; for the Spirit fearcheth all things, yea the deep tlirgs ejGcd. For what man knowcih the ihirgs of a jnan fave the fpirit of man that is in him ? even fo the things of God knows no man , t^m the Spirit of God. {j) Col.i.\6. For by him rvtre a.U things created, tliat are in Heaven and that are in earth , vifible and in- vifible, whether they be Thrones or Dominions, or Principalities, or Powers ; all things w'ere created b^ him, and for him. Geti.j.z. And the Earth was without form and void , and darkncfs was upon the face oftheearth, tndths Spirit of Gedmovedupon the face of the waters. (/') Afatth.zS.i<). Goye there- fore, and teach all Nations baptizing them in thenameoftheF^t/nr, and of 1 lie Sen , andofthe/^o(y Ch'.ft. zCor.i^. 14. The grace of the LordJeJttsChriflySiadlhtloveefCtdj zad \h&Ccmm:€mttu Q. \},'hat are the Decrees ofGcd ? A. Gods Decrees are the wife, Free, ^3nd holy at5ls of the counfel of his C') ^; '''^A tt," will (/;,* whereby from all eternity he hath for his own glory, i\n- ^^^XlTzouZ «ed an inheritance, being PredefiinMed according to the purpofe ofhir/i , who wotkcth all things alter the counfei.ofhis own vciU. /^ow.n.gj. O the depth of the riches both of the wifdom and knowledge of Ged ! how unfearch able are his judgements, and his tvayes paji finding out \ }{om, 9. 1 4- (5, 18. What shall we fay then? Is there unrightconfnefs with God r God forbid. For liefairhto Mofcs , I vciU have mcn^ on Avfaom /tri// have me^cy, and/ w/i7 have compafEon on whom ivc'tU havec-ompaffion. --— -Therefore ht hath merry on vchmi ht uill have mircy, aod whom he will he hardeoetb. Q^» changeably C«) r/)H':f.4, cliangeably for>orJaiaeJ whatroeYer comes to pafs in time (tf), efpe- ri. According ciallv Concerning; Ani^els and men. as he Iwrh cho. ■' o c» /en us io him tf/cre the fMtrdition of the vcorldy rhar we lliotild bs holy aod without blame befofe him in Jove. In whom alfo '.ve h jve obtained an iahcrHaoce, being pridefiinated accordiig to the purpofe of him, who workeih ali tilings after tht connfelofhit oivn mil.. l{am.^ it, i;. What if God, willing to shew his wrath and to iraSiQ his power known ^ endured with much ioDg-fofrering the veJfelsofwrath fitted to deftrudioD , and thit he might make kttonn t/jt riches of his glory on the vefl'els of mercy j which he htd before prepared unto glory ? Pfulm 33. 11. The coftnftl of the Lotd JUndeth for ever ; the tuou^lits of his heart unto aU generations. Q, V^'h^^t haih God efpcclallj decreed coKCermng Anjeb at^d men. A. God by an eternal and immutable decree , out of Uis meer love, " for the praife of h !s glorious grace tobe manifeftedinduetime , bath * I Tim. 5.21, ele<5tcdrome Angels to glory , and inCbnft hathchofenfome mento I charge thee gjgj.,^2[ jjfg ^ ^^^ the means thereof Tatj, and alfo according to his fo- and*'"he Lord vereign power , and the unfearchable counfel of his own will, vwhereby jefus Chrift, he cxtendeth , or with-holdeth favour , as he pleafeth) hath paded by and the eieSi gpj^j fore-ordained the reft to dishonour and wrath, to be for their fin in- t1^r'Ufm'efli<^^^''othe praifeoftheglory of hisjuftice C; )• thefe things -withont preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality, {x) Ephef.j. 4, Si6. According as he hath chofen tu tn /j*»j before the foandations of the World, ?/?«? xx"ej/j9«/ to himfelf , ac- cording to the go$d plea fare of hit will , to the prAife ofthe glory of hii grace , wherein he hath made us ac- cepted in the beloved. £ Thcf. 2. i 3, 14. But we are bound to give thanks to God alway for yon , Bre- thren , beloved ofthe Lord , becaufe God hath/ro»i the beginning chofcnyou to falvation through ftnfiifi- cation ofthe Spirit , and belief ofthe Truth ; whereuDto he called yau by the Gofpel , to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jefos Chrifl : (y) Rom.9.i7,t8 21,22. For the Scripture faith unto Pha- raoh , even for this fame purpofe have 1 raifed thee up > that I might shew my power in thee , and that my name might be declared throughout all the Earth. I herefore hath he mercy on whoin he will have mer- cy i and whom he will he hardeneth Hath not the Potter power over his clay ofthe fame lump to make one vellel unto honour and another unto difhonour ? What if God willing f» shew hit wrath , and to mal^e his power k^own , endured with rauchlong-fufferingthe velTels ofwrathj?««26. At that time Jefus anfwered and faidj I thank thee, O Father , Lord of Heaven and Earth,becaafe thou hafi hid theft things from the wife and the prudent,and haft revealed them nnto Rabes. Even fo , Father , for fo it Teemed good m thy fight, z Tim. z. ao. But in a great houfe there are not onely vefleh of gold and of filver, bat alfo of wood and of earth , and fome to honour, and fometo difhonour. fudev.4. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to thit condemna^ tion^ ungodly men, turning the grace of God into wantonnefs , denying the onely God and our Lord Je- fus Chrift. 1 Pet.z.Z. And a ftoneofftumbling, and a rock of offence to thera that ftuunblc at the word» feeing difobedientj whereumo alfo they were appointed. ^ Hor^ doth God execute his Decrees ? « A. God executeth his Decrees in the works of Creation and Provi- dence ; according to his infallible fore-knowledge, and the free and im- f^) Ejbfc.r.ii. mutable counfel of his own will (7^. In whom zXh ^ we have obtained an inheritance , being predeftinaied according to thcporpofe of hiw, who mrktth aU »^ings AtQordmgto tht (9unftUfhif oven vein. •»•,«: nil) -vT /I \ /- 1 • ^ were all thm^t cute his Commandments, and toprauenisNameU'/> yecmbjeclto crtated that are Cliange ^i). in f^tavtn^znH that are in Earth, vifible and ioviiiblej wlwf her they be Throng, or DotninioQS^ or Principalities , or Powers , all things were crwrerf Aj /;/m and fpr biin. {t) P/alm io4. 4. Whomaketh his .^«^«/ji"^/y,Vj, his Mini- fters a ftameoffire. (d) Aiatth. zi. ^o. For iti the Refurredion they neither marry nor are giver} io marriage, hut ate aj the .^Tngth of Gad in Heaven.^ (e) Matth.z^. ji. When the Son of Man ftiall come in his glory j and all the /?#/>' ^«fe/x with him , then lliall he fit upon the Throne of his glory. (/) a Sam.i^. 17. Then thine handmcnidfaid. The word oftny Lord the King fhall now becomforta- bJe : for, ^ an ^ngel ojGody {o is my Lord the King, to difcern good and bad • therefore the Lord thy God will be with thee. Matth.i'^. ■),(). But of that day andhourknowethnomaD ino notthe .ySTn^els sf Htavtn, but my Father only. {g) z Thtf, i. 7. And to you who are troubled , reft with us, wiien the Lord Jefus {hall be reveakd from Heaven v/ith his w;^/7ry.x^wge/x. [})) Pfalm lo^. 20,11. Blefstbe Lord ye his Angels ^ that exctU injirtngthjanddo hit ccmmandments, hearkningto the voice of his word, Blefs the Lord all ye his Hofts, ye Minijitrsoihisih^tdohii pleafure. (;) 2 Pet.i.^. Forif Godfpared not the ^ I gels that finned , but cafl them down to Hell , and delivered them into chains of darkoefs to be refcrved unto judgement p. t^oVp did God create Man ? A. After God had made all other Creatures, He created man, male ^^^ Oen.j.zy. & female v k), formed the body of the man of the duft of the ground (L\ Ma^^'^i""!^^ and the woman of therib of the man (w), indued them with living ,rea- own Image 9 ronable,and immortal fouls (m), made them after his own image (), righteoufnefs, and holinefs (q) , having the Law of God ^^ijf/el'^5 Female created he them, {i) Cenef. 2. 7. And the Lord God formed Jt^an of the Juji of the ground , and ' breathed into Hsnoftrils the breath of Hie. (w) Gen.i.xz. And tb* rib tvhich the Zord had tai^tnfrom^ )77) Col. 5.10. And have put on the new man, which it rcnevced in k/iovcltdge > ajter the Image tfbim that treated him (ej) £fhej.^. 14. And that ye put on the ntn> muni which after God is crtated in irighteoufnefi and true holinep, Qji yrritteo !' Ill; (O /low. i. 14, written in til 2ir hearts (r) , and power to fulfill it (/*), with dominlo!^ IS. For wheo ovcr the creatures U) , yetfubjedto fall fwA who have not ths Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law ; tlicfe hawig not the Law , are • Law n:it-> fh^mf'I ve$ ; whieh shew the tvork^of the Luxv written in tlieir hearts , their cenfcitnce alfo bear^ itiT -xitnip, irA rheir th luphts tlie mean while accu/ir-r, or elfe excufing one another. ( /) Ecclef. 7. 29. L^ , this oncly have I tojud , thu Godh-tth mude man upright , but theyjiave fought out many invcn- JPhis 3(hdover every living „ . , - i , ,- , , •/• ''that the tree was good for food, and plcaiant to theeyes , aoda trceto bedefired to makeone wxfe> ihe'tooh (if the jriiit thereof, and did ent , and gave alfo unto her husband with her , and ht did eat. EideC 7. 29. Lo , this only have I fouad , t!iai God made man uprights but they havt fought out many kiventions. Sli ^h.Jt nre Gods Wo, liS ofp oy:dcnce > ■* Pf^i'm 145- A, Gods works otprovidence are his moft holy *, wife i^:0> & powcr- 17. The Lord ^^^jj ^^Q^^^yi^a (y') and eovemins; all his creatures {%.) , ordering them U Twhteow in ,',,,- ^/ '^ / n ° 1 • 1 . /n ° aUhitrvxyes^u- and aU their adions {a), to his own glory \^b). holy in all bis ivorks. (x) Pfklm 104. 24 . O Lord, how manifold are thy woiks ! m n>ifdom haft thou made them all ; ihe Earth is full of thy riches. Ifai. 28,29. This alfo coineth from the Lord of hofts, who Is wonderfttlin counfelling and excellent in rcorh^ng. ( y) ffebr. 1.3. Who being the brightnefs of his glory, aad the ex- prefs image of his perfon, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himfeJf pur- ged our fins, fate down on the right hand of the Majefty on high. fO ^f"^"* lo?- ^9- The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his i;^ngdom ruleth over all. {a) M atth. 10. 29 >-io,ll. Are not two fparrows fold fora farthing , and one of them shall not fall to the ground without your Father ? bottfce •viry hairs of your head are all numbnd. Fear not therefore ye are of more value then many fparrows. Gentf. 4 J . 7. And Godfent me hefoTeym, to prefervc yon a pofterity in the Earth , and to fave yoor lives l>y a r«s* deliverance, {b) I^am.ii. 56. For of him, and through him^nad to him are all things-, to whom iie glory forever, ^men, lfai.6:^.i^. Asa beaft goes down into the valley , the Spirit of the Lord cau- {cdhhii to reft i fo didft thou lead thy people, to mak^e thyfelf a glorious name. CK V^hat is Gods povUence toy)^ards the Anrels ? ' Anf\r. God by his providence permitted fome of the Angels, will- { c ) Jude V. 6. fully and irrecoverably to fall into fin, and damnation (c) , limiting and ^!if whichhpt ordering that, and all their fins to his own glory (ardmmm the eji at eVr herein he Tt>.is created} A. The providenceof God toward man In the eftate wherein he was created , was , the placing liira in Paradise , appointing him to drefs it, givinghimliberty to eatot the fruit of the earth h), putting the crea- (fe) CfM.i.S.'- 'tures under his dominion (i), and ordaining marriage for his help (iO, i^'^f" ,'^'^^*^® affording him communion w ith himfelf ( / j, inftituting the Sabbath ( w) , gg^dcS ^'^ ^ftt cntringinto a covenant oflife with him , upon condition of perfonal, ward in Edeo;^ perfect, and perpetual obedience in), ofvvhich thetree ofLife wasa ^'^^ 'j^^fc he- pledge , and forbidding to eat of the treeot Knowledge of good and ^"hom"he'hId^ cvilj upon pain of death (pJ. formed v. I J. 1 And the Lord rook the man, and /»/« him into the. garden of Eden to drefs it ydnd keep it. And the Lord God cojn- maoded the maoj faying. Of every Tree ofthef^arden thou maycfi freely eat. (i)Gen.2B. And God bleffed them, and faid unfo them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenifh the Earth, andfobdueit , and have de- minion over the fifh of rlic Tea, and over the fowl ot the air, and over every livingthinp that ;n»veth upon rfie Earth, {k^) Gen. 2. 18. And the Lord God faid , It is not good that tl.e man lliould be alone: I Tcill make him an help meet for him. (7) Gencfi. 26527^28,19. And God faid. Let us make man in nv.v oxvnTfik^, afcer ^ Z and a tree to be defired to make one wife, s}>t teel^^of thcjruit thereof and didcAt , and gave alfo unto her husband with her , and ht did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened , and theyl^new they were nak^id; and they fewed Fig- leaves togcihcr , and made thetnfcl ves aprons. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden > in the cool of the day , and ^-Tdum and his wife hid thtmfelves from theprefeme of the Lord amongft the trees of the garden — Ver.i 5.] And the Lord God faid unto the woman. What is this that thou haft done ? and the woman faid,T/je Serpent bcgniiedme^ and I did ezt. £cc/«/^7. 29. Loj this only have I found, that God made man npright, but f '«> h.ive fought nut many inventions, z Cor.11.5. Butt fear leaft by any means as the Serpent beguiled Eve through hit fubtilty^ fo your minds be corrupted from the fimplicity that is in Chrift. Q. Did all mMhindfaU in tlut firfi Travfgrefsion ? A. The Covenant being made with Adam as a publick perfon , not for himfelfonely,but for his polleriry,aIl mankind de(cending from him (r) Afts 17. j6. by ordinary generation ^ r), iinned in him , and fell with him in that firft And hath«* i% full oicurfing and bittermf. V. 15. 1 1 heir/cff are Hvift to shed blood. V.16.D Deftruiiion and mifry are in their wayes. V. 17.] And the way ofpeace have they netlntxvn. V.18.] 1 here is nt fear of God bejore their eyes. Vcrr.i9.1 Now we know that what t lungs foever the Law f^ith, it faith to them who are under the Law ; that every mouth may be flopped and aU the JVorld may become guilty bejore God. Ephcfz 1,1,3. Aod yuu hath he quickned, who were dlad in trefpajfes andfint : wherein in lime part ye walked , autrding to the courfe of this World , according to tlic Prince of the power of the air,th« fpirit that now worketh in the children ofdifobcdience; amonpvvhom alfo we all had »ur tonverfatien in times paft, in the In/is oj *ur flesh , fulfilling the defires 0] the flesh andof the n,lnd, and were by nature the children of wrath even xs others. l{om. j . 6. For when wt were yet rci'hout firength , in due time Chrift died for the t4ngodly. ^om. 8. 7, 8 Becaiife the carnal mind is enmity againji Cod ; for it is not fuhpB to the Law of God, neither Indeed can be ; fo then they that are in the flesh cannoP pleafe God, Geneff,. 5 And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the Earth, and that ex/o-v imagination o' the tho'ghts of his heart was or.ty tvil continually. (y) f^i^ies 1 . 1 4, 1 j . But every man IS tempted when he is drawn away ^7 h^s own tMf} and enticed. Then when lufl hxth conceived , i/brlnireth jerthfin, and fin when ins fii-ish- d, bringeth forth death Matth. \ 5 19. For oftt of the heart proceed tv\l thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, falfe-wiinefs, blafphemics. Q. Hovc is origi .Ifm convtye from ourfirft ^ n n s u iheirpofl rity ? A. Orig nal fin is conveyed from our hrit Parents unto their pofteri- ty by natural generat on , fo as all that proceed from them in that way, are conceived and born in fin CrA (^^ PA.jr.tjT .... I . /• , , Be hold , I was jhapen in tniqutty , andtn fin did mj mother conceive me Job 14. 4. Who can bring a. citan thing cut ofmn ttnclean ? nor one. Jnb i^.\\. What is man that he should bec/wn, znAhethat is burn of a wotiuin xhn he should be rlghtettts ? fob. 3. 6. That which is born oj thejiesh is flesh , and thai which is bora of the Spirit is Spirit. Q^ W/;4' mi fen didt^e Vail king upon mirll d? • ,"^' A. The Fall brought upon mankind the lofs of communion with Cod [a), his difpleafure and curfe , fo as we arebynaturechildrenof'(^)^*" V^--- 10— -24 And th^y heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool oftheday ; an^Adain and his wife hidthemfelyes from theprcfeme of the Lord, amongft the trees of the garden — - V.io, Atid he faid I heard thy voice in the garden, and r was afraid, bccaufe 1 was nrh^d ; and f hidmyfe'f ---- V.24 " So he drove out the man, and he placed at the Eaft of the garden of £dea Cherubims and a flaming fword,\vnich tamedtvery way, to keep the way of the tree of life, R wrath {'j) Eph.i.z,'^. wrath (^),bond-flavesto Satan Cf<), and juftlylyable to all punishments vynereio in jn this vvorld, and that which IS to come (.i€nt i but the righteous into life eternal, fude u.j Even as Sodom and Gomorrah,and the Cities about them, in like manner giving tbemfel ves over to fornication , and going after ftrange fleih , are fet forth for an eXi\U^U,fi*fjiringtht vengeance of eternal fire. a Wh^ t are the punishment i of fin in ' his nxnld ? A. The punishments of fin in tl iis world, are either inwardjas blind- (i) Eph.A.\%. nefsofmind( and revelation ofthe righteous judgement of God. (i) Ifri. 55. I4- Thcfinners in Zion «re afraid y fearfulnefs hath fmpri-:(ed the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with devouring fire ? who among us shall dwell with everlafting burnings .«* Gemf.^.ij;. And Crd , my punisi mentis greater then I can bear. Matth. 17. 4. Saying y 1 haVe betrayed intitcej.t i>-ood; and they faid , Whatisthat tous ? fee thou to that. (}\) I^/n i. 26. For this cauie God ^.tu^ ,■ f;7J up to vile affeBions : forcven their women did change their natural ufe into that which is againft iiarure. (/) Genef-^.xj. And unto ^^rf4OT he faid , Bccaufe thou haft hearkened unto the voice ef thy ■ sifc, and haft eaten ofthe tree, ofwhich I commanded thee, faying, Thau shah not eat of it ; Curfed is le ground for thy fake y /n/erj-oir j/; and fcEd Z^r^rttf to dip the tip of bis fingei in water, and cool my tongue ; for / «m tormtnted in thU fiame. Queft. DotI} God leave all mankind to perish in the (late of fin and n. iferjf ? A. God will not leave all men to perish in the eftateoffinandnii- fery C^), into which thcyfellby the breach of the firft Covenant, com- Cf) ^^^*f5 9^ monly called the Covenant of works iq) ^ but of his meet love and I'^ol ^ptoLlTul mercy, delivereth his ele(5l out of it , and bringeth ihem into an ellate of to wrath, but to falvation by the lecond Covenant, commonly called the Covenant of obtain talvati- r:.arf- r> ' '' - On by our Lord *^^^^^ ^^- JefusChuft. C^) Gal. ■^.io,l». For as many asareof the jwr/;/ of the Ltrry are nnder the turftf for it is \fiittcn, Cur- fed is every one that continiisth not in ait things ifbich art written in the Book: oj the Lava to do thim. V,l J.J And the Law is not off-uth, but the man that doth them shall live in them (r) Tit. 5. 4, 5 > 6, 7. Eur after that the kindnefs and love ot'God our Saviour, toward man appeared Verre5. ] Net i>j nor/^of righteoufnefi which we have done , but according to his mercy hefaVed m by the washing ot regeneration, and tl--,c renewing of the Holy Ghoft. V- 6. ] Which he shed on us abundaatly through Jcfus Chrjft our Saviour. V.7.J That bewf^juflified by his grace , we should be made heirs accirding to the Iwpe ej eternal life. Cal.'^.zi. Is the law then againft thepromifesof God ? God forbid ; for if there had been a law piven, which could liave given life, verily, righteoufnefs should have been by the law. f{pm.^.to,zi.zi. Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh hejujiified in his fight , for by the law it the know- ledge of lin. Verfe Jl."] But now the righteoufnefl oj God nithom the Lave is mamjeflid, being witncfled by the law and by the Prophets. Verfe zz. 3 Even the righteoufncf of God , vchlJi is by the jaith ofjefus Chrifi, unto all, and »pon all them that believe, for there is no difference. (^ \Vz7/; whom was the Covenant of grace made ? A. The Covenant of grace was made with Chrift, as the fecond . .' ;. Adam, and in him, w- th all the eled as his feed (I). Cf) 0JiL%Ji6:, ■ '■ ■ ' Now to ^- braham and to his feed were the fremiffs made, he faith not to feeds , ascf many j but as of one, and to thy feedrvhich isChrip. i{om.^ 1 5. to the end. Of which before. Jjai. s^. 10, it. Yet itpleafcd our Lordto braifo hitii, he hath pur him to grief j when thou ihalt make his foul an offeriBg for fin , he shall fe Lis yftrf,Jie shall prolong his dayes, and thepleafure of the Lord shall profpcr in his hand. V.ii. j He shall fee of tlie travel nf hit foul , and shall be faiisfied j by his knowledge shall my righteous feryantjuftific maoy, for he shall bear their iniquities. Q^ ffo\xisthegraceofG(dmani(e(lfdinthefeco}jdCoyenAn!> . A, The grace of God is manifeftedinthe fecond Covenant , in that he freely provideth , and offereth to finners a Mediator (t) , and life and (0 ^""/^3- ' J- r And I will put enmity between thee and the woman > and beirveen thy feed and her feed, it shall brvife thy head , and thou Ishalt btuife his heel. ifai. 4i. 6. I the Lord , have calledihee in righteoufnefs and will hold tliine hand, land will keep thee, and,rciU give thee for a Covenant of the people., for a light of the Gentiles, 'foh.6. zj. Labour not lor the meat which perisheth, but for the meat which endurcth unto everlafticg life ^ wiich lie Son of man shall give onto youj for him hath Cod tht Fttther fettled, R 2 falvation (ii8) ■ ) I fohn ?.. falvatron by him (it); and requiring faith as the condition to mterefl iV'l\'^c'*^lT ^'^stn ^f> him S promifechandgivethhisholySpir t^A:^, toallhiseled: thu God haih towofk in them that faith ;), v/ith all other fa ving graces (^>, and to given unt« us enable them unto all holy obedience ( ) , as the evidence oi the truth '"'f'^f.'J'!'! ^"'^ of t!ieir faith ib and thankfulnefs to God ^ c) , and as the way which he this /iff IS tn hit . , .iri'/j. Son. vcrf.i » ] '^t" appointed toialvation (a). He that hath the Soo , hath life ; and he that hath tiot the Son, hath not life : * fohn j. 16. For God fo loved the World that he gave his only iieq^otten Stn , that whofoever believeth in him , should not perish, but have tVerlafiingHfe, John i.\i. But as many as received \\\\Xi>tQ them gave he porvey te become the fans of G»d, even to them thit believe on his Name, (v) Prov.i.i-^. Behold, J rvili pom tut my Spirit unto youyl will make knowo tny words unto you. ( j ) i CorA 1%. W^e having the fame fpirit of faith , according as it is written , I b.-lievei , and therefore have I fpoken , we alfo believe y and therefore fpeak. (■^) Gal.^. XX, 2}. Butthe/r«/f 0/ the Spirit is , love^ joy, peace, long- fttff eying., gentlenefi , goodntfi, faith. Vcrfezi j Afeel^ntfi^ temperance y againltfuchthereisnolaw. (a) £"^e^. 36. 27. And I will put my Spirit within you , and caufe you to nalkjnmy ftatutes , and ye shall k^,p my judgements and do them. (6) Jam. I. jS, 21, Yea, a man may fay. Thou haft faith, and I have works, fhew me thy faith without ihy works, and 1 will shew thee my faith by my works. Verfe tx. ] S^cA thou how faith wrought with his works , and byf works vcxs faith made perje£i, {) I Cor. 5 . 1 4^ 1 5 . For the loVe of Chrifl confiraineth u» becaufe ne thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead. Ver. 1 5.] And that he died for all, Phat they vchich live should ni>t htnceforth live unto themfilves, hut unto him which died for them, and rofc again. ( Sacrifices (^),Circumcifion(i) l^ow I fay'ithat j l 0/ ^ Jefus Chrift was a Minifter of the Circumcifion for the truth of God- , to confirm thepromifes made unto the Fathers, ( g) ^Sh ;.2-.o,i4i And he fhall fend Jtfus Chriji which waspreached unio yoa , yea. a«d A]Uhets from Samuel, and thofe that follow after , as many as have fpoken have It kevpife foretold ofth*fe.d.fyes. (h) Heb.\Q, i. 'Pot i\\c\i\n\nma^zshAd9Te of goodthings-to come jVtOtxhe'^evy image oi th? thin;^^, can never with thofe facrificet xvhiih they offer year hy year ctntinualiy, make the comers thcre- Hnto peifod. (/) H^m. 4. 1 1 . And ha received the fign of Circumcifion , a feal of the righteoufnefi tf faith which he had, beiog yet uncircumciledj that he might be the Father of all tham that b€lieYejthongh tbe^ be 001 cucumciiedj that rightcoufnefs might ba irapatcd ooto them »lfo, ( thtt' (119) the Parsover Ck)i and other Types and OrdinanceSj M^r^jdi did aR fore- Oy) i Corirtt,$. fignifie Chrift then to come, and were Kor that tirncfufficient tobiiiW irp ^ ^"""S^ ^ the Eled infakhinthepromifedM^iliah C/;, by ^hotn they then had old7eai^^n,tbac full remiffionoffin, and eternal fa[vation(»;). ye may be a lump, as ye arc nDleavened: forevenC/j)'»7?eM}-P<«/jox'f»"is facrihcedfor us. (/) ^e^. 8. 9, and lo. Chapters Hebr, 11.13. ihefe alldkdin tatth nothavingreLtiVcdthepremifsy hm hiv w^ J ten them afar tff y and were peifwaded of them & embraced them, and conicflcd, that rhey were (frangeis a«d pilgrims on the earth. (»j) <7«/. 7. 7>8,9— 14- Kn~-W ^exhexeiorerhsx they tvho are f'ffaith are the children of Abraham. And the Scripture fore- feeing that Gcd would juftifje the heathen through faith, preached before the GoCpdun- to Abraham , faying , in thee shall all Nations be bleffed. So then they who be of faith , are blefledwith faithful Abraham V. 14.] 1 bat the blijsir.g ef Abraham might come on the C entiles thrtugh fe/us Chrifl ; that we might receive tlie promile of the Spirit throt*gh faith. ^ HoVp is the Cozendn of grace ac'mimfiredm^ertkeNeTv Tcjtamem ? A. Under the New Teftament, when Chn'ft thefubftancc was exhi- bited , the fame Covenant of grace was and ftill is to be adminiftred in the preaching of the word (n), and the adminiftration of the Sacra- («; Mark ill' ments of Baptifme Co) , andthe Lords Supper (;>) , in which grace and is.Andhefaid falvation is held forth in more fuUnefs , evidence, and efficacy , to all "g^nt^TllS Nations!^;. Wmld , aU preach the <7«- rptl to every creature. {0) Matth. 28. 19, 20. Go ye therefore, and teach all Natioas^ baptising thtm in the Name ©f the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghoft , teaching them to obferve all thing* whatfoever I have commanded yon : and lo , I am with you alwayes unto the end of the World. (p) I Co!-.ii. 135*4,25, lot J have received oj the Lord that ixhkh J alfo delivereduntoyou^ihat the Lord 'fefufy the fame might wherein he tva-t betrayed teok^bread^ and when he had given thanks , he brake it, and laid. Take, eat, this is my Body which was broken for you ; this do in remembrance ofme. After the fame manner alfo he took the Cup when he had lupped,faying,This Cup is the New Teftament in my blood : thii do ye AS oft Oi ye drink^it, in remtmbrame ofme. (9) 2 Cor.g.e. lothe end of tile Chapter. Who hath alfo made us able Miniflers oj the New Tcjiament not of the letter, but of the Spirit }fer the letter lalleth, but the Spirit givethlije. Bur if the minijhatitn ef death written and enpraven in ftones was glorious, 6cc. •« JFJeb.B.6. - - 1 o, 1 1 . For finding fault with them, he faith j Behold, the dayes come, faith tiie Lord,when I will mak^e a neve Covenant with the houfe of Ifrael, and Judah —- Verfe i o ] For thif is the Covenant that i will make with the houfe of Ifrael , after thofe dayes faith the Lord , 1 wWlput my Laws into their minds, and rcrite them in their heartt, and I will he to them a God, and they shall be to me a people, y/er. 1 1 ."I Aad they shall nor teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, faying, Know the Lord ^ ibr aU_ shall I'^ovo me from the leafi to the greatefi. Matth. iSvig.; Gpje theieiore and teado all. NatitnV b(tpti'}tlngthemintl)eNam€of,^c, , ,, - Q,« ^'hoiiie Mediator of the Covenant of grace} A. The onely Mediator of the Covenant of grace is the Lord Jefus Chrift (y), who being, the eternal Son of God, of one fubftance and (>•) rTlm, i.f. equal with the Father (/) , in the fuUnefs of time became Jf^'^'^''^"^'^ _ . J. , . . J „ God , *mtt &ht Mediator httrvetn God^ndMan, the Mm Chrifl ^fS 3 naa (iio) (t) G*Ut.^. 4. man (f) , and fo was and continues to be God and Man In two entire di- foHnefs of time ^^^^ natures, and one pertbn for ever Cm). was comej Codpm forth his Son m*de of* womxn, made under the Law. {») Luke 1.55. And the Aa- gel anfwered and faid unto her. The Holy Ghoft shall come upon thee , and the power of tlie Higheft shall over-sbadow thee. Tlierefore alfo that holy thing nhith shall be born of thee , shall be called the Son of God. /(ow.g. J. VVhofe are the Fath-rs, and of whom, as concerning the {iesh,Chri/i camejwho is ovet aU) God blefj'cd for ever, Amca. Col.z.g. Yoz in him dnMetJ) all the juUnefs of the Godhead bodily . Hebr. 7. 24, 25. h\\x.t\i\simabccaHfehccominimhever , hath an uochangeable Prieft- hood. Whereforeheis able alio to fave them to the uttertnoft, that come unto God by liim > feeing he ever Uvtth to make inter- ccflion for them. Q. HoVo didClmfiy ie'mg Gody become Man ? * John I. 14.. ^' Chrift the Son of God became Man by taking to himfelfa true And the nW body , and a reafonable foul , being conceived by the power of the %va.s made flesh, Holy Ghoft , In the womb of the Virgin Mary , of her fubftance , and tlt^iWli bornofhcrCv) , yet without fin (;). we behili his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Matth. 26, 3I8. Theiifaith he unto them, Myfrnl is exceeding forrovvful even unto death : tatry yc here, and watch with inc. (x) Luke I. 27 — ^r — 55 -- 4*. To a Kirgin efuoufidto a man whofe name was Jofeph , of the houfe of David, and the Virgins name was Aiary. •- V. ;i.J And behold, thmshalt conceive in rhy Tvomb^and bring forth* Son, and shalt call his natue fe/Jas it requ'ifite that the Me {'tator shouL be Cod ? A. It was requifite that the Mediator ihould be God , that he might fuftain and keep the humane nature from finking under the (x) ^^' 2. infinite wrath of God 5 and the power of death f 2,;, give worth and efiS- 24,2s. Whom cacy to his fuflPerings, obedience, and interctffionf..^ and fo fa tisfy Gods God hath rai- fed up, having loofed the pains of death ; becaufe it was not poffihle he should be ho/den of it. For David fpeaks concerning him , I fore-ftw the Lord always bef>-jre my face, for he is on tviy right hand, that I should not be moved, /(ow.1.4. And declaredto be the Son of God v-ithponer, according to the Spirit ofho- linefs by the refUrreBion from the dead. Compared with l{pm 425 Who was delivered for our offenceSj& was raifed again forour juftification. Heb g 14. How much inoreshal the blood of C/jj-/// nh« through the eternal Spirit offerednp himfelf ixithcut fpoi to God , purge your confcience fruui dead works , to ferve the living God : {a ) ^Bs 20.28. Take heed therefore unto youv felves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghoft hath made you overfeers, to feed the church oj G.d,vrhiih he h.nh pun hafcd with his own hlood. Heb. 9. 14. How much more shall the i/oo(i of Chrift, who through the eternal Spiiit offered up himfelf without fpot to God,purge your confcience from dead mrks, to ferve rhe llvirg God ? f^ebr.j.i^, a6,27>28- Wherefore he is able alfo tofave them to the wtermoft that cotr.e untoGod by him,fceipg he ever liveth to make intercefsion for them. V.26.3 For ft* h an High Prieft became us^ who is,h^jly,hamlef', t*n. defiled, feparatefromfinners, and made higher then the Heavens. V. 27. 3 Who m'edeth not daily , as thofe High Priefts, to offer up facrifice, firft for his own fins, and then for the peoples ; for this he did once when he "jfered up himfelf V. 28.] For the law maketh men High Priefts which have infiri^ities, but the word 9f tne oath which waifince the Iaw» maketh the Son who is confecratedfor ever, ',,V ,^ , ' ■ juftice juftice(^), procure his favour (f), purchafe 3 peculiar people''^), give (h ^"»-3i4> his Spiric to them (^), conquer all their enemies (/J , and bring them to *J^' Jf^ ^fT^h everlaftingfalvationC^). by hh grace through the n» dempiion that is in fefur Chrij7. V.Xi."] whom God Iiath fet forth to be aprofjitiatkn ^hvoughfaith in hit biouii , to declare his liohteoofDefs ^cr the rfmijiion of fins that arc paft ihiough ilie forbearance of God. Verfe26.] To declare, Ifay, at this time his ri'^/jfeoj'/rtt/j j that hciwight ^«jf that we being delivered ct-t of the h^r.ds of our enemies^ might ferve him withoat fear, (g) Hebr, j. %, 9. Though he were a Son. yet learned he obedience by the things which he fuffered 5 and being made perfeifl he became the attthor ofevcrlafiingfaivation unta all that obey him. fJcb.^.j i. to the 16. But Chrifi being coine an High Prieft of good things to come, by a greater and more perfecl Tabernacle, not made with hands , that is to fay , not of this building. Verfe 1 1. T Neither by the blood of Goats and Calves, but by his own blood, heentredin once into the holy place , /j^mw^ obtained eternal redemption for us. Verfe 13.3 For if the blood of Bulls and of Goats, and the aflicsofan Heifer, fprinkling the un- clean, fanftifies to the purifying of the flefh ; V.i4. "1 How much more ihall the blood of ChriO, who thro'igh the eternal Spiritoffered himfelfwithoutfpot to God, purge your confcicnce from dead works to ferve the living God ? V.15. And for this caufe he is theMediator of the New Teftamcnt ,that by means of death, for the redemption of the tranfgreflions that were under the iirft Teftament, they which are called, might receive tlefromife oj eternal inheritance. Q^ Whj V:>as it reqmfite that the Mediator should I e Man ? A. It was reqnifite that the Mediator .<^hould be man, that he might advance our nature (/; , perform obedience to the Law (i), fufFer, (^0 f^'^iis. and make interceflion for us in ournature (kj > have a fellow-feeling ^^^ ^^"'y ^ of our infirmities (/) , that we might receive the adoption of fons (w; , h°^ thrnati^re and have comfort , and accefs with boldnefs unto the Throne of of Angels, but grace ( n) . I"' ^^^k *» him braham. (»") Ca/at.A-. A. But when the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a tpftnan, madt under the Lan>. {k) Heb. 2, 14. For as much then as the children are partak^ers off tsh and blood , be alfa himfelf li/^enife took^ part of the fame, that through death he might dcftroy him that had the powe'r ofdeatt, that is theDevil. Heb.y i4j 2$. But this man bccaofe he continueth for ever, hath an unchangeable Pricfl-bood. Wherefore he n able alfo to fave them to the uttermoft that come unto God by hiiu, feeing he ever liveth to »!ah>^einterccf!ien for them. (/) Heb. 4. 15. Yot rrehjive net an High Priefi that cannot be ttHchedtvith the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are , yet without fia. ^»j) Galat.^.^. To redeem them that were under the law , that m might receive the adoL^ien offent. {n) Heb. 4. 16. Letuf therefore cime boldly unto the Throne of gractj that yce may obtain mercy J ini£tA grace to help in time of need. Q., Whj VPAt it requipte ihat the UedtaUr should he Cod and Man in one ferfm ? ^. It itll) A. It was requidte that the Mediator, who was to reconcile God and Man, should h rafelf be both God and Man, and this in one perfon, that (o) A€ttth.i. ths proper works of each nature might be accepted of" God for us, o , ii - » 3. Aod 3^ J reived on by us, as the works of the whole perfon (p). -ftie {hall bring ^ -' ^ . forth 1 Son, anithon(hiUcx]\Kii'Simeferiif: for be jhaUftvehs people fr$m their Jf»s. VerCe t^.'J Behold, a V-.rjrin fhall bz wirli chilJ , and iliail bring forth a Son* and they jfhall call hii Name Ernma^ nite'i which being inteipretedj is, Godvsithui. Matth.i.iJ. Audio, a voycefrom heaven) faying, T/jj* is my betovei Soa, in whom r am well p leafed. Heb.9.1 4. How mudi more fhall the blttd tfChrijt , vchtt through the eternal Spirit offered up himfdfvcithout [pot to Cod , purge your confcience from dead works^ to feive the living God. (p) I Ptt, t. 6. Wherefore it is contained in the Scripture j Behold , I lay in Sitn a clioife Corner-Jianej eledt and preciaus, and he that believetb on him shall not be eonjaundtd. ^ ys^hv Voasour Mediator cUedJe^us ? A. Our Mediator was called Jefus, becaufe he (aveth his people from C?) M^t.t.ix. their fins f^) . And she shall biiog forth a Son, and tliou shalt call his name fepu ; for he shall fave his pt^flefvem their finr. Q. '^>'h^ w'fS our Mediator c .Ued Chri(i ^ A. Our Mediator was called Chrift, becaufe he was anointed with the ir) fohn 5. ^4, Holy Ghoft above meafure ('r),and fofet apart, and fully furnished with For he wluin all authority and ability /, to execute the Offices of Prophet r, Prieft«j God hath fent> j j * fpeaketh the wa^'ds ofGod , for Godgiveth not the Spirit by meafure unto him. Pfalm 45 . 7. Thou lo- v»ft righteoufncs, and hateft wickednefs ; therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee vciththeoyl of glad" Tjefs above thy jellorvs. {f) fohn6.ij. Labour not for the meat that perisheth » but lor that meat which endureth la everlafting life, which the Son of Mao shall give unto you : £oc him hath Ged the Fattier fealed. Matth. i8. 1%, ip.io. Jefus came and fpake unto them, (zyipg i^Uporotris glvenunt^ me in Heaven and In Earth ^ Go ye therefore and reach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you ; and lo, I am with you alwayes even unto the end of rhe World, ^men. (t) ^£ls 3> 21. Z2. Whom the Heavens inuft receive untill the rimes of reftitution of all rh ngs, which God hath fpoken of by the mouth of all his holy Prophets fince the World began. For Ainfes truly faid unto the Fath.-rs , ^ Prophet shall the Lord your Godralfe up unto you of your brethren, lik^e unto rne , him shall ye hear in all things whatfoever he shall fay unto you. Luh^ 4-1 8 -- 21. The Spirit of the Lord'n upon me, becaufe he hath anointed me to preach the Gofpel to the poor j he ha h fent me to heal ih • broken in heart> to preach deliverance to the captives , and recovering of fight to the blind , to fet at liberty them that are bruifed Verfe 21 . ] And he began to fay unto them. This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your sars. (u ) Hebr. S . S >6>7- So alfo Chriji glorified not himfelfto be made an Hi^h.prieji , but be that faid anto him , Thou art my S >n , to day have I begotten thee. As he faith alio in another place , Thou mrt a Priefl forever after the order of Melchii^dek^ ; who in the dayes of his flcih, when he had offered up pnyers and fopplicarions with ftrong cryes and tears , unto him that was able to fave him from death, and was heard in that be feared, f/efcr. 4. I4, IJ. Seeing then that rve have a great Fiigh.Prieji that it pa/fed into the Heavens, fefus the 9on of God, let us hold faft our profeflion. For we have not an High^ J»we'? that cannot be touched With the feeling of oai infirmitiw , but was ia ail points te«pted like as i??e»rc, yet without fm. and and King of his Church*, In the eftate both ofhis Humiliation and * Pf't'6. Yet Ex=.Uation. t^'f'-f'^Z halyFJiliof Sion. Matth.ti.^. Tell ye the daughter of Sion > ^i.\e reconciliation for the fins oj the people, (ir) fJeby.j. 25. Wherefore he is able aiib to fave them to tlie uttennoft that coice uiuo God by him , feeing fee ever Uvethto make in- tenefsion for tJiem. Q^ HoiV doth Chifl execute tie office of a King ? A. Chriil executeth the office of a King, in calling out of the World (f) ^cisis. a people to himfeif (/) , and giving them Officers (g> , Laws (*/;>, 14,15,16 5;- 2p,^j CenfLires, by which he vifibly e;overns theni(r)> in beflowin? fa- cl'ared irow ^^^S g^^^^ iiponhiselea {kj, rewarding their obedience (I) , and God at the fit ft Correal: ng them for their fins (m) , preferving and fupporting them un- ^d ^-viflt the (jgj. -^{ j j.Uj^j. temptations and furTerings (?; ) , reftraining and overcoming oiTl/Vhemi^^^ f^2"' enemies (o), and powerfully ordering, all things for his own p-eople for his g\ory . ^} ^ and their Gwngood (q), and alio in taking vengeance on name i and to This, asree the woitls ofthe Prophets, as it is ■writteti , After this T will return j and biiifd again the Ta- bernacle of Davi«i which is fallen down, and I will build again the ruines thereof, and I will fet it up. Jfizi'.^$.4,^. Behold , I have given him tor a-witnefstothe people , a Le-tder and Cfmmander to the pe^. pie : Behold, ;/>flw shah call a Nation that thou l.\noweJi not , and Nations that knew rat thee shall run unto the*, becaiife ofthe' Lord thy God, and' for the holy One of Ifrael, for he hath gloriHed tliee. Cew^p.io. The Sccprer fnall not depart from judah , nor a Law-giver froin between his feet , until .5"/;/7ofe come i and unto him shall the gathering of tie people be. Pfalm I lo 3. Thy people shall be wiUirg in the day of thy fc-xcr, ill the beauties of holinefs, from the womb ofthe mor'^ingj thou haft the dew ef thy youtlv (g) Ephef./\.. It, !2. And hegavefome Apoftles, and feme Prophets, and fomeEvangelifts, andfome ^aftors, and Teachers, for the perfeding ofthe Saints, for tlie work ofthe Miniftery, for the edJfyicg of theBodyofChrift. i Cer.izzS- AndGodhathfetfomeiQ the Church, firft Apoftles, fecondarilyPro- piiets , thirdly Teacljers , after that Miracles , then gifts of healings, helps, government*, divcrfities of tongneso {h) Ifai. 55.22. Votthe Lord is our Judge, tht Lord is our L^Yi>-giveritheLordisourl{ing ; he will faveus. (/) ^/^»/;. 18. 17,18. And if he lliall negled to hear them, tell it to the Church, but^jf he neglcA to hear the Church, let him be nmo thee as an heathen man, and a Publican. Verily, I fay uuto yoa , IVhatfoeverye shall bind en Earth shall be bound in Heaven , and irhaifoewr ye shall loofe en Earth "shall be loefed in FJea-ven. i Cor. J. 4,5. In the Name of our Lordjcfus Chriji , when ye aregathered toge.» ther , and'my fpirit with the power ofour Lord Jefus Chrift , To deliver fuch a one amo Ss-tan , for the deftradion ofthe fle Anfn\ Chrift humbled himfelf in' his Hfe by fubjet^Ing him- feif to the Law (»;, which he perfectly fulfilled *, and by con- H ^^'^^f-^-j^; ■ Aiding with the indignities of the world ( x) ^ temptations of ^^"[^^YjJJ?^!!^^* was come, God fent forth his Son, made ofa woman, made under the Law. * Mitth. 5 17. Think northatl am come to deftroy the Law or the Prophets ; I am not cumetodeftrcy,'bmto lolfill /(ow.5. I9. For as by one mans difobedience many were made (inncrs , £0 by die obedience gf one shall many \ be made righteous, (x) Pfaimzi.6..Bm I am a worm and no man, a rcpn/ach of men ^ and deffifedoftht \ people F/eb.ix, 2,5. Looking unto Jefas tiie autlior and finisher of our faith, who for the Joy that was. I fei before hi«n , endured the Crofi^ defpifmg the shame, and is fet down at the right hand of the Throne of God. For confider him (hd* tndmedjitih cantradiBion offimmt againji /;»/«/c//,left yc be v.'earicd aud iaint in yoat iniods. S 2 Sataa (12(5) /) Mdtih.^. SjLtan ( y)i and infirmities in: his flesh, whether common to the nature i^r^ir'^Th'^a o^ f"^"* o** particularly accompanying that his low condition ("^). wai .Idas led up of tlie Spiritinto the vvildernefs, to be tempted of the Devil , c^rc. — - Luke 4. i j. And nhen the Devilhademied all the temptation j he departed from liim for a feafon. l-;^) fJebr. z- ijy l^. Wherefore in all things it behoved him t&bernadeiik^e tmto hit brethren ^ thai he might be a merciful and fjithful High-Prieft in things pertaining to God , to make reconciliation for the fms oi the people. For ir) that behimkU'hMh fufiered bci;i^ temptedy he is able to fuccour them that are tempted. Heb.t^.i^. For 'we l).tve not an Ffi^h.priefi tvho cannet be touched with the feeling aftur infirmities -, hat tx^s in all points tempted lil{e m n-e arcy yet without lin. lfai.$z.i 3, 1 4. Behold, my fervaot fhall deal prudently , he jliall be exalted and extolled , and be very high. As many were aftoniihed at thee, {J^isvifagervas fo marred more then any man, andlffsjorm mare then the Jons efmen. ) Q^ Hoi)? d't i Chfijl humble hitnfelf in his death ? A. Chrift humbled himfeifin his death, in that having been betrayed (<«; A/ and tormented by hisperfecu- have betrayed tors (d) , having alfo conflided with the terrors of death , and the the J"""^^"' powers of darknefs, felt and born the weight of Gods wrath (ej , he laid faid 'whiV u down his Life an offering for fin (f) , enduring the painful , shameful, that to OS ? fee and curfed death of the Crofs ig)- thou to that. (b) Miitth.i6.s6. But all this was done that the Scriptures ofthe Prophets might be fulfilled ; then all the Difciples for fook him and fled, (c) ifni. 5 3, 2,5. For he fhall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground j he hath no form nor comelinefiy and when we fhall fee him, there is no beauty that n-e should defire Inm, He is defpifed and reuBed ofmen^z man of forrows,and acquainted with jrrief, and we hid as it were, our faces from him, he vca,s defpifed, and we efieemed him not. {d) Mat.zj. t*roii)X'.j6. tov 50. Tiien releafed heBarrabbas antoxhein} and when he had fcourgedfefM , he delivered himto be crucified, &c. -John 19. 34. But one oi x\\Q(o\x\dXQii with a fpear pierced his ftde , and forth- •with came there out blood and water, (c) Lttke 22.44. And being ia an agony he prayed more earneft- !y, nndhhftveat was at it wtre great drops of blood, falling down to the ground. Alatth.zy 46. And about the ninth hour Jefus cried with a loud voyce, faying, ELI ELI L^Myt S^B^Cfl ANI^ that is to fay. My Gndy my Gody why ha^ that* frrfak^n me ? ( f) //<"'. 5 3.I0. Yet it pleafed rhe Lord to bniifehim, he hath put him to grief Whenthoufhalt make his foul an offering for fia > h:- fhall fee his feed, he fhall prolong his dayes , and the pleafure ofthe Lord fhall profper in his hand, (g) Phil. t. 8. And being found in fafhton as a man, he humbled himfelf, and became obedient unto death , even the death ofthe Crtfs. Heb.i 2.2. Looking unto Jefus the author and finisher of our faith,wha for the joy that was fet before him, endured the Crofi, defbifing the shame , and is fer down at the right hand ofthe Throne of God. Gal.^.i^. Chrift hath redeemed us fron the curfe of the Law, being made a curfe for us ! foriiis writteo, Curfed is every one that hangeth on the tree. Q, "^herfin confined Chrifts hamlli mon after hU death ? A. Chrifts humiliation after his death , confifted In his beingbu- ^^^ P^**"-y* riedf/;^ and continuing in the ftate of the dead , and under the power livered unto youfirft of all that which I alfo received, how that Chrift died for onr fins according to the Scriptures, and that he wasboiied) aD4 that he rofe agaia the thicd -tt^n'ow. — . v, 51. 1 He feeing this before, fpake of the refurredion of Chrift, that hkfoul nas not left in hdl, neither didhisfieth/ee corruftlony I{om. 6.9. Knowing that Chriji being raifed from the dead dieth no more ^ death hath no more dominion over hitn. Matth.ii. 4o, For as Jonas was three dayes and three nights io the Whales belly, fo shall the Son cfman be three dayes and three nights in the heart oj the Earth, Q^ ^^hatwas theji^teofchrijls ex<4tatm ? A. The eftate of Chrifts exaltation comprehendeth his refurre- Afcention (/) , fitting at the right hand of the Father (w), ^P}^\^'^^'t' and his coming again to judge the world («). J^^ ^^ M^^^ ^ ^ that he yofe again the third day Accovdiag to the Sciipwre. (I) i'^/'?r;{' 16.19. So then, after the Lord had fpoken unto them, he vras received ttp into heaven , and fate on the right hand of ftod. (m) Ephef.j. 20. — Which he wrought in Chrift when he raifed him from the dead , and (et him at hit own right hand in the heavenly placet, (n) ^ Sis 1. 11. — Who alfo faid, Ye men of Galilecj why ftand ye gazing up info heaven ? Ifhis {amn J efus who is taken from you up into heaven , shall fo come , in like manner as ye have C'tn him ge into heaven. ^Sis\j. 51. Becaufe he hath appointed a day , innhich he wiS judge the world in righieoufnefi, by that man vchom he hath ordained , whereof he hath given afTurailce linto all men, io that he hath raifed him from the dead. . Q. HoT)? y^as Chri(i exdt ed I n his refu < ve^'ion ? A. Chrift was exalted in his refurrecflion , in that, not having feen corruption in death , of which it was not pofliblefor hm tobeheld 0, ^° ) ^^^ »► and having theveryfamebody in which he fufFered, with the eilential **-;*7Whoin _ ♦ 1 r 1 -1 !• J 1 . r. God hath rai- properties thereof f , but without mortanty and other common infir- fed up , )>aving mities belonging to this I. fe, reallyunited tohis foul ^, he rofe again loofedihej ain» from the dead the third day, by his own power y j whereby he decla- °f ^'^^'^^ > be- red himfelf to be the Son of od / , to have fatisfied divinejuftice f , to w},l/e X^ "°* have vanquished death and him that had the power of it u , and to be should be holden of it -- V 27."? Becaufe thou wilt not leave my foul in hcU, neither wilt thotifufer thine holy One to fee corrnption.(t)Lul{p 24 ?9- Beholdmy hands and my feet , that it is I myfelf: handle me atiifee me, for a fpirit hath not flesh ttnd bones stye fee me have, (t^) I^nm.6.9. Knowing that Chrift being raifed froin the dead, diet h no more, death hath no more dominion over hitn. Hsv.i.jS. I am he that livef^i and r\'as d^ad , and behold, J am alive for ever mare, ^men ; and have the keyes of hell and death. ( i')fohnjo. 18. No man ta- fcethit from me, but I lay it down of my felf. I have power to lay it down, and T h^ve power to take it again ; this commandment have I received of my Father, {f) /(ow. 1. 4. And decUredto.be th^ Son of God with power y tccordiDgtotheSpirlt of holioefs by therefurreSiionfremthe dead (/) Rom. ^. 5^ J^'ho is he that ctndemmth ? it it Chrift that died, yeArather, thtt is rifen again, who' is eveo ar the right hand ofGod, who alfo makethintcrccfiion for US. («) Heb.z.\^ For as much ihen as the children aie partakers of flesh and blood, be alfo himfelf likewife took pa« Oif ths iWiH a thut thrtugh dtnih he migH 9l'fir»jhijnfhaphA4 the f9wtrff death* f hat kfhcl>tvil. * j{nm. r4,9. Lord of quick anddead '' , allwhichhedldasapuWickperron *■, the ^ZiflbothdUd ^^^^^ of his Church v , for their juftification :^, quickning in grace a* (tndroft,i(r,drf.' fupport agaiuft cncmics b, and to allure them of their refurredion from -vivtd , that he ii^Q (J2ac| at thelaft day r. w/^/?; Oe Lord l>oth ff the dead, and living, (x) i Co/,1 5.21,22. For fmcel^j n:an came death ^byrnxncatne g/fo the re~ (hrreftionoi'thedssd, I'ov zsin ^damaU dye, foin Chnfi ihill all be made alive, (j ) Ei-hef r.2o,22} 2 J. Wliich he wioiight in Chrift when he raifed him from tlie dead , and fct him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. V.22.] And harh put all things under his icet , and gave him to be the head over allHiings to the Church jwhijch is Iiisbody, rhctujinefsofhim that fillcthallin all. Col. 1.18. And he is the head of:'»c bady the Church , vviu) is the beginning, the fiyfi bnrnjrum the d^ad , that in all thinaj h<; might have the prcheinincnce. (^) }{om.^.zS. Who was delivered for our offences , and was ntZ/ej/ tfgainfor our jnffifiiation. {a) Ep'-.efz. i ..5,6. hnd you hath he (jui: kned^\:ho \\srt dcAi'm trcfpalFes and fins — - V. s .] Even when v,' e were dead in Ims, hath ejuicL,encd us together with Chnjl ^ by grace ye are favcd ) And hsth raifed us up together , and made us fit together in lie.ivenly places in Clir/ft: lefiis. Col i. 12. Buried with him in B-iptifine, wherein alfo yearenfen with hiii;, through the faitliof the Operal jion of God, who hath raifed him from the dead, {b) i Co;-.i5. 25, 26,27, Forhemuft reigt) r/// /j^/j^^,/, flit all hfs-cnemiei under his feer. T!ie laji enemy rliat shall bs dcflroycd JS death. For he hith put .tUthit.as utidtr hii (eet ; but when He faith, all things are put under liim, it is manifeft that he is excepted who did put all things under him. (cj 1 Cor.i5.io.i5utnowis Chrillrifeufrouj the dead, and become the firfi jruits ofihem thatflept., ' Q. Foii^ r^as Cbrifl exalted in bis Afcenjion ? A. Chrift was exalted in his Afcenfion, in that having after his rcfur- rediion often a speared unto, and converfed with his ApoRles, fpeaking <(/)>9^/?.i.2,^. to them oftheth.ngs pertaining to the Kingdom ot God ^, and giving Untill the day xh^^ commiffion to preach the Gofpel to all Nations e, fourtyda}es vii%'\aken up^ ^^"^^^ ^^^ refurretlion, he, in our nature , and as onr head jf , triumpning after that he over enemies o", vifibly went up into the higheft Heavens, there to re- ihroughthe ho- ccive ^ifts foi men h , to raife up our affedions thither \ , and to prepare ly Ghoft hsd *" given commfindinents untothe Apoflles, whom he had chofen ; Tb vohom alfo he s'^ived-himfe/falive af- ter his pafiion , by tnany infallible proofs, being fein ofihem tourty dayes, andlpca}\!ng eft!)e things per- taining to the l\ingdom of God. (e) Atatth.z^. 19,20. Go ye therefore and teach all Nations , bapti':>i>'g ihem in the Name of the Father, and of the Son , a^d of the holy Ghoft ; teaching them to obfcrve all things whatfoever I Iiave commanded you ; andlo, I am with you alway unto the end of tlie World. \t) Heb. 6. 20. IVhitherthcftrc-riinnerisforusentredj even Jefus made an High-Prieft for ever after the order of Melchizedek. (g) EphefA 8. Wherefore he faith, w/jcw he aftcndcdup m high, he UdiaptU 'vity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (h) .^flsi.g, 10,11. And when hehad fpokon thefe th'ngs* while they beheld, he rcas taken tip, and a > loud received him out ofthcir light. And whiF.- they looked Hcdfaftly towards heaven , a,s he went np , behold two men ftood by tiiem in white apparel ■■■, who al(b iaid , Ye men of Galilee why ftand ye gazingop into heaven ? ths fatne Jefus jwhich is taken up froin you into heaveti, shall fo come in like manner asyehaveleen him go into heaven. Ephef^.io. Hethat defcended hthefame alfothat aflended up far above all heavens, that he might fill ail things. Pfal. 68.18. Thou haft afccnded on high, thou haft led captivity captive, thou haft received gifts for men ; yea, for the tebellioaj alfo , that the Lord God might dwell among thetn. (»") Col, 5. i, 2. \iye then be rifen with Chrift, feeii^thofe things which are above, where Chrift fittcth at the light hand Of God J fet yoHr afFedJons oa things above, not on tliiogs on the caith. a place aplaceforus k, where himfelfis, and shall continue, till his fecond co- (k)f^J'»i*-'i' ming at the end of the world /. ^^"^p^^, fo^'J^ for you J I will come ag.iin , and receive you unto my felfj tliat where I am there yemay bealfo. {/) ^cis 3. il . Whom the Heavens mtiji receive till the times cjyejihuiitn oj mU things > which Gcd hath fpokeo by the mouth of all his holy Prophets fince the world began. i). Htfiv ii Ch i;l eXiiltedin hisfinine auUriolt b.ud of God} A. Chrift is exalted in his fitting at the right handot God , in that as God-man he is advanced to the higheft favour with God the Father w, (w) Phil. 2. g. wirhallfullnefsof joy «, glory ) Ephefi 21. And ',,Ath put aU things tinder hi'S feet, and gave him to be the head over all tilings to the. Cliurch. I Pe/. 5.12. Who is gone into Heavcoacd is on the right hand of God > Angels., and Authori- ties, and Powers being msde fubjed unto him, (7) EfhefA. 10, 1 1, 12. He that defended, is the fams- fiiduaio tny Lord ,fc thou at my right hand, till, dec. totheend. (,r) /(e»».8. 54. Whoishethac • condemneth ? It is Chrift that died j ye rather tluit is rifen again j wlio is even < •ttho alfo maketh intereeJ^itnfQr w. O. Hon> doth Chrift: m^keintercefm7 ■A. Chrift maketh interceffion , by his appearing in otir nature continually before the Father in Heaven (/' > in the merit of his (/) ^<^>'-9.- obedience and facrifice on Earth (t) , declaring his will to have it ," ^ ' 'by' ^,}Jc applyed to ail Believers C«>) , anfwering all accufationsagainft them*, blood of goats * procuring for them quiet of confcience notwithftanding daily fail- and calves, fctit ^ by his cren Hood he entred in e«ce jwro i/jcfco/^/'/tfffJiaving obtained eternal redcirption forus.— V. 24-] For Chrift is not CDtred in the holy places made with hands , which are the figures of the true , bot into heaven it fcif^' nov/ tt appear in tlie pre fence of G od ior lif . (i) Heh.i.-^. Who beirp the brigiiinefscf his glcryjardihe exprefj image of his perfon j and upholding a]] things by the word of his power, vhcn hehadbyhimfdf purgtdour fins, fate dovcntn the rifht hand cf the Majtjiy on high, (w.) Jol.n 5.16. For Gcd fo loved the World , that he gave his only begotten Son, that nhofiiVer ke/ie'veih in him^ n.ight rtt perish , but have e everlafting lift, fohn 17.9 -- 20 -- 24^ Jprayforthemyl pray not for the world 5 but forihcm which ihoiM haft given me, /or they are mine — V.20.3 l^<--'u'her pray i for ti:efe alone ^ hut for thtm al ft that shell ht.- iieve en me through their trord—- Ver. 24.] Father 7 will that they alfo vchim then hf ft given me, may bl ...:.,. !..,_... , ., ... i.,..,j.. _, . .• . . in V / , , ,0 .beiike- (130) (x) j^«>M.M,». lags («), accefs with boldnefs to the throne of grace (;) > and acceptance Tiicfefore^be. of their perfons(^) and (ervices (4). faith, rve h*ve pence with God, through eur Lordfeftis Chrift, by whom »lfo we have accefs by faith into this grace wherein v/e ftaod , and rejoyce in hope of the glory of God. i fohn 2.1,2. My little chil- dren thefe things write I unto you , that ye fin not. And ij anymanfuiywe bxvean advocate with the Father, Jefuf Chrifi the righteous ; And lie is xhz propitiation jar ourfinsy and not for ours only , but alfo for the fins of the v;hole word. (y ) f^ebA. 16. Let us there ctme boldly unto the throne ej grace, that \va may obtain mercy , is Chrifi to he exalted in his Coming again to jud^e the world? A)ifn>. Chrift is to be exalted in his coming again to judge the world , in that he who was unjuftly judged and condemned by wicked (i\yfBsi.i4; men(^ > shall come again at the laft day in great power (c)j and in the 15 . But ye de- f^n manifeftation of his own glory, and ot his Fathers, with all his holy o«e ^^andlhe Angels (d), vvith a shout, with the voice oi the Arch-angel, and with jH/?, «n£/«ie/r«rf the trumpet of God (^^ tojudge the World in righteoufnefs (f . X mnrtherer to be granted ttntoyou, »fid killed the Prince oflije, whom God hath raifed from the dead ; whereofwe are vvitneffes, fc) Af*u6, 24. 30. And then shall appear the ft-gn »f the Son of man m Heaven -, andthetl fhall all the Tribes of the Earth mourn , and they shall fee the Son of man coming in the Clouds of Heaven Tpith power and great glory, (d) Luke^.x6. For whofoever fhall be afhamed of meand of my words, of hira fhall the Son of man be afbamed when he shall come in his own glory , and in his Fathers , and of the holy .yingels, Matth. 25 3 1. When the Son of man shall come in his glory andall his holy Angels with him, then shall he fit upon the throne of his glory. ( e ) i Thef 4. \6. For the Lord himfelf shall defceni from heaven with a shout, with the voyce $j the ^rch-angel , and with the trump of God , and the dead ia Chrift shallj rife firft. (/") ^&siy. 51. Becaufe he hath appointed a day wherein hewiU judge the Txtrid in righteoufnefs y by that man whom he hath ordained , w hereofhc hath given alfuraace unto all aaeojia that he hath raifed him from the dead. <^ ^^hat benefits hath Chrifi procured by his Mediation ? (g) fitbr.g.x 1. ji, Chrift by his Mediation hath procured Redemption (^ j, with all bfood of Go«s ^^^^^ benefits of the Covenant of grace ib). and Calves, but by his own blood he entredin once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redem- ption forus. {b^ iCer.l.io. FoTallthepromifesofGedinhimare,yeaf*ndinhim,^men, antothe gloryofGodby as. Q^Hol^do rte come to le madepartakers of the benefits Tirhich Ckiji hath pre cured? A. We are made partakers ofthe benefits which Chrift hath procu- i!) jthn I. n, red,bytheappncationofthemuntousC/), which is the work efpecially I,. Hecame ofQo^jj^^ jjqI Gj^oft^^)^ unto his own, j ^ -^ and his own received him not. But as many as received him , to them gave he power to heetme the fans of Cod, even to them that believe in his name. (!() Tit. 3. $, 6 Not by works of righteoufnsfs which we fcive done > but according to his mercy he faved usj iy the washing of regeneration , and renemitg oftht Hotg Gh»^ i which be shed on us tbundantly thropgh Jefas Chrift cwr Savioar. ^. who are madepdrukfrofReae^^piion through Chri/i ? A. Redemption is certainly applyed and effedually communicated to all thofe for whom C hrift hath purchafed it (/) , who are in time by (l) Ephef.i.i't. the Holy bhoftinabled to believe in Chrift according to the Gofpel (;»)• «♦ In whom ye alfotrufteeJ, after that y€ heard the word ofTrutl^ the Gofpel of your falvation ; in whom alfo after ye believed , ye were fealcd with that lx)Jy Spirit of promife , which is the earncft of our inheritance, untiJl the redem- ption ofthe purchafed poirdfion onto the praife of his glory, fohn 6. 57 -— 59. ^U that the Father qi- •ueth meshiU come unto me, and him that coincth onto me, I wilJ in no wife caft out. •-- Verf. 39. H And this is the Fathers will who hath fent me , that of aUvchich he hath given me / should lofe nothing j but fhouldraifeitup jgainattiielaftday. John 10.15,16. As the Father knoweth me , even fo know I the Father, and I lay down my life for the Iheep. And other flieep I have, which are not of this fold ; them alfo I muft bring, and they Ihall hcarmyvoyce, and there fhall be one fold , and oneShephcard. {m) Ephef. t 8. For by grace ye are faved through Faith , and that nor of your fclves , it is thegiftof God. 2 Cor. 4. 1 3. IVt: having $he fame fptrit of Faith , according as it is writtcD, 1 believed, and there- fore have I fpoken j we alfo believe, and therefore fpeak. g^ Can thej n>ho h^ve never be»rd the Gofpel , itnd fo kf}0V^ not lefus Cimfi y nor beiteve in bint) be faved bj thitr living auordingto the light of na tire? A. They who having never heard the Gofpel («), know not Jefus ^„);^ew.io.i4. ChriftCo', and beheve not in him, cannot be faved (T*), be they never Howthenshal fodiligent to frame their lives according to the light of nature (q^ , or j|^-y .^^^^ °o the Law ofthat Religion which they profefs (r) , neither is there falva- ^ijg" 'hay^^not believed .'' zn^hotPshaU they believe in him ofrvhom they have not heard? and how shol they hear wirb- OUt a Preacher? (0) % 7" /.f/^ 1.8 59. In flaming fire, takjng'vtngeance onti.em that J^new not God y andtliat obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Jefus Chrift ; who shall be punished with everlafting dcftrudion, from the prefence ofthe Lord, and from the glory of his power. £ph.z 1 z. That at that tmic ye were w;thour Chrift, being aliens from the Common-wealth of lfr»el , and ftrangers from the Covenant of Proinife, having 00 hopcand withont God in the world, fohn 1.10,11,12. He was in the world, and the worid was made by him, and the world knew hini not. he came unto Ins own, and his own received him rot. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the fons of God, even to them that be* lieve in his Name. < p) fohn 8.24. 1 faid therefore onto you, that ye shall dye in your fins ; For ?fye bt~ ittve nnt that 1 am HCy yt shll dytinyour fins, ^zxk 16 l6. He that believcrh and is baptized j ihall "be faved ; but he that belicvcth nor, shal be damned. (^) i Cor, i. 20, 21 j 22,2 7, a* Wiiere is the Wife. ^ where is the Scribe .'' where is the Difpurer of this world.'' Hath not God made foolish the wifdom of this world ? V.2i."| For after that in the wifdom of God, the world through vnfdom knew not Godrit plea- fed God by the foolishnefs ofpreaching to fave them that believe. V.22.] For the Jtms require a tiga,&: the Creeks feek after wifdom. V.27. But we preach Chrift crucifiedrfotbc Jews aftumbliog blocK,aad unto the Greeks foolishnefs. V.24.1 Bur unto them, who are called both Jews and Gretks , Cbrift the power of God,<5£ the wifdom of God. (r) fohn /^.ii.Te worship yt l{mw not what ; weknowwbatwe worship, for falvation is of the Jews, i^omgji, 12. hatKraelwhich f»ll«vred after thitavc of ripjteeufj- nefiy hath net attainedte the law of ri^hteou/hrp Wherefore * Becaofe they fought it pot by faith, bnt as it were by the works ofthe Law, for they ftumblcd at that ftumblr g ftonc. Phi/. ^.4,5 6,7 8 9. Though I might alfo haveconfidence in the flesh ; ifany other man ihinketh that he ha'h when of he might trnft in »he flesh, 1 more. V. 5] Circumciled the eighth day , of the ftcKk of Ifrad ofthe tribe ef fienjairin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews, as touching the Iaw> a Pharifee. Vrrf 6. 1 Concemmp zeal perfecuting the •Church, toHching thi righttMrmfi xchich k inthe larc, blamelcji. V.?-] But what ThifgS were a gain to me, thofe I counted lofs for Chrift V-8."J Yea doobtlefs , and I account all rhit g$ but 1. is for the vxc Hem j e^tht knowledge of Chrijl fefutmy Lord, for whom I have fuffered i he lofs of all things , and do account _ them but duDg,that Imay win Chrift. VslAodhefoHndin him,rot havir gnine mr, rii^hte'^ttCn^inhkh it *ftht /«»>, bu; tktu whitb ft thret^h ihefAhh tf Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of God by f^iib. " T tion (O-^'-'^'+ti. tion jn any other, but in Chrlft alone (f), who is the Saviour oneV of Nntherh there j^j^ ^ody the C Ulfch t). ja.vattnn m any J ' other ; for I here is no oiher name under heaven given amongft men . tvhereby we mnft be faved (t) Eph. 5 . I V i"'^*' f 'ic h jsbaad is the head ofthe wife , even as Chr.fl is the head tj the church , aud ne is the Sa- "jji our oj the Body, ih Are all th v f^ ved who hear th Gofpel an:! It ve in the Church ? A. All chat hear the Gofpel , and Hve in the vifible Church , are not faved, but they onely who are true members of the Church ia- vifibls (u). ^1 eyes Word „ij laju .ij^rtui > lit- iiatii w •':•• u r thine mhritancej and 'he ut- - termoft parts oftlv Earth for thy poffeflion. Pf^.ii.i7,i%,i9y%o,^\. All the ends of the World sh^llre- ipember, and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the F arth shall worshi before thee. Verf.zS.") For the Kingdom is the Lords , and he is the Governour among the Nations. Vet f 29. 3 All they that be fit upon the Earth shall ea- and worship ; all that go down to the dull shd! bow before him , and none can keep alive his own foul. Verf. ^o. A feed shall ferve biin, it shall heaicrumedto the l^ordfoy agenerattun. Vr.^i.] They shall come and shall declare his righ'eoufnefs. Pfalm^^. \j. I will make thy name to be remembred in all generations ; therefore shiU the peo.->Ie t^raifethee for ever and ever. uWrfti'' 28.19 lO. Go ye therefore, zndteach all Nations, bapti-j^nji them in xhc Name of the Father, and of the Son, and oi the Holy Gh^-ft , reaching them to obferveall things wharfoever I have commanded you : and lo, I ant with you altrayet unto the end oftle IVorld. ^men. Efai. $9.11. As for me , this i$ xry Tovenant with tliein, fairh the Lord, My Spirit which is upon thee.and my Words wh ch T have put in thy in mth, shall not depart out of thy w u'h, nor out of the inoutb of thy feed, nor out of the moutl) of thy fcedsfced, fauhtbe Lord; fromheaccforth and for ever, ibeif (m) ,h«r cKlldren (*): ^^.Zl^l!: lieving ^ujbaod is fanflified by the wife, aad the unbelieving wife is faiKStified by the husband ; elfe were your children oncle ,* but mrvthcy holy, and if rhe root be holy , fo are the branches. Gtnej. \ j, 7. And I will cftabiifli iry Covenant between tne and thee , and tliy feed after thee , in their generations for an •vcrlafting Covenauc, to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. Q^ ^hat are thefpeclal priv ledges of the v'tfible Church ? A. The vifible Church hath the pr:V:ledge of being under Godsfpe- cial care and government (,> j , of being proteded and preferved in all (7; ifal. 4.5,6, aee.s notwithllanding the oppoiition of all enemies '«), and of enjoying And the Lord P re 1 1- r r \ • f \ CC will create up- thecommun'onot ba.nts, the ordinary means oHalvation (rf), otrers ^^ cveryd>vel- otgraceby Chrift to all the members of tin the miniftery of the Gofpel, Ung place of teftifying, that whofoever believes in him shall be faved (^) , and ex- Mo"d^ Sion, eluding none chat willco ne tmro him (c). affeinbhes a " cloud and ftnoke by day , and the fliining of a flaming fire by night , (or upon all tie glory shall he a de^ fence. V.6.] And there Ihall be^ Tahernade for a shadow in the day time frtm the hear^ ind Jor a place ») refuge, and for a co-vert f/om jrorn:, and from rain, i Tim. ^.10. For therefore we both labour , and fuffer reproach, becaufe we tnift in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, efpaial/y oj thofe that believe, (c;;) P/«/ct 1 1 5. throughout. Not unto us, O Lord ; not unto us, but - — to the end. //t/. 31. 4^ 5- For flius hath the Lord fpoken unto tne ; like as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey , when a multitude of Shepherds arecalled forthagainft him, he will not be afraid of their voyce, nor abale him- felf for the noife ofthein ; fo fliall (he Lord ofHofts comedown to fight for mount Sien , and for the hill xhercoi. Verf j.] As birds flying, fo will the Lord of iioits deferdjcrujahm, d^fcndiog alfo he ni/ii deliver it, and paflingover he will preferveic. Zech. 12. a,v4 - 8,9. Behold, I will make fert-falem a. d'p ef trei^^biiiig unto oU the people round about , when they {hall be in x[\e(iege both againft Judah and Jerufalem. Verf. 5 3 ^^^ ^'^ ^^'^^'^ "^y will I make ftrufalcm a burthenjome flone for all people ; all that burrhcn thcK^felves ntth ityshatl he cut inpiices, though all the people of the Earth be gatl end together againfi it. Vcrf 4. In that day, faith the Lord , I will finite every horfe with aflonifhmenr, and his ridci with inadnefs J and I will open mine eyes upon the houfe off 'W"*') , and will 7^'* every h»rfe of the people Txith biir.dhef...-Y.S.'] In that day lliall the Z-f'pi » Heifoeiict/j his itorcfrunto f«;o& , hisftatutcs and hisjH«'^?Mf«f^UDto//>-^f/ He hath not dealt fo wi h any nation ■, and as for his judgments , they have not kn( wn them ;praife ye the Lord. f{ntn 9. 4. Whd are Ifraelites, ro jvhompertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the Covenants^ and thegivirgof theLaw, and theferviceofGod, and»/;e/'»-o»3//'M. Eph.^ I1.12 ^T\d he gave fbvc\Q Apoftles , and fo^T\c Prophets , and fome Evan^Ufis, and fome Pafiors ar A. The Members of the Invifible Church by Chrift enjoy Union (e) f'h. 17. ai. 2nd Communion with him in grace and dory e. That they ati o o j may be one ,asth u Father art in me and I in thee , that they alfo may be one in us , that the world may be- lieve that thou haft fent me Ehp. 2. j, 6. Even when we were dead in fins , hath q uickncd us together with Chrift ('by g' ace ye arc faved ) And hath raifed us up together , and hath made us fit together in hea- tieniy places in chriji ftfiif. John 17. 24.. Father I will that they alio whom thou haft given me , be with me tvherf I am , thj:t they may bJiold my glory which thou haft given me J for thou lovedft me bei©re the foundatioaof the world Q^ "^Vhat is h a union "tvhich the Ele^ hare with CLriJi > A, Th^ Uaion which the Eled have with Chriftjis the work of Gods (f)Eph.T. II. grace/, whereby they are Spiritually and myftically, yet really and in- And hath put J^parabH' joy ned to Chrift as their head and husband^, wliich is done in S'&°s- their efFcftualCuliing*. him to be head oxer all things to the Church. Eph.t. 6,7, 9. And hath raifed OS op together , and made OS fit together in heavenly places in Chrift Jefus. V.7. 3 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace ia his kindnefs towards us in Chrift Jefus. V. 8. ' Vox by grace are ye faved, through faith J and that not of your felves, «»* the gift of God , (g) i Cor. 6. 17. B\ithethatisJ9ynedt9 the Lord it one Spirit. 1ohn 10. 28. And I giveunto them eternal life, »nithey shall never perish, neither shaJlany mnpluck^them out of my hand. Eph. j. 25. —30. For ihthuskandis the headofxhtTcife,eveVi as Chriji is thz head of ti^e Church ; indiheis the .Savior of the body — V. 50. Votvoeare members of his body , of his flesh , and of his bones, (h) i Pet. 5. 10 But the God of aH grace wh* hath talledus into hi» eternal glory by Chrift Jefus > after that ye have fufTered a while , make yon perfedl, ftablish , ftrengthco, fettle you, I Car, 1.9. God is faithful, byveli*myer»tre called unto the fellowship oj his Son J ifitj Cbrifi 9ur Lord. Q^ what is ejfe^Uat call ng ? {i ) ?oh, 5. 2 J. A. Effectual Calling is the work of Gods almighty power & grace l, X*"in ""^^"^ ' whereby ,out of his free and efpecial love to his EleA, and from nothing the hour is comiog , and now is , when the dead shall hedr the voice of the Son of God , and they that hetir shal live. Eph. 1. 18. 19.20. The eyes of your underftanding being enlightncdj that ye may know what is the hope of his calling , and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints V. 19., 3 And what is tl)e exceeding greatntft ofhispovper to us- ward who believe i according to the working of his mighfy ^oTf'r, which he wrought in C/>wj? when lie rai/e -' ^ vrerKi ajrighttm eufnes vchich tve h/tvt done , but according to his merey he faved us , by the waftiing ofregeneraiion, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. Eph.z.^s — 7'8>9. Bui GoJwhoisrich tn mercj yjor hi j great lavt wberent he Uvedus.V . i."] Even when we were dead m hos , hath quitkned us together with Chrift ( by grue ye are Caved ) — V. 7. 1 That in the ages to come he might fliew the exci eding richet of his grare , in his kindnefs torvards us through Chnft Jefus. V. 8. 1 For by grae yt arefavedy through faith, and that wo; ofyoHr felves j it is the gift of God. Verl 9. ] Not of worlds left any man should boaft. I{om, 9,11. For the Children being not yet bom, neither having done any gsod or evil, that the purpofe of God according to eled in vain j for he faith , / have heard thee in a time accpted, and in the day of falvatioo have I fuccoured thee ; Behold now is the accepted time , behold , now is the day of falvation. ^oh, 6- 44. No man can come to me except the Fathtr wlio hath fent me dravo him ; and I will raife him up at the lall day. t Thejf, 2, 1 5. 14. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you , brethren beloved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from the beginaing chofen you to fal- y3nior\,throff^hfan£lification of the Spirityiod belief of the trut .JVhereunto he hath caOcdyou by our Gofhel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jefus Chrift. (w) .y4''« wj/gfcrA/Jow the things freely given us of God. («) E-^k^n.i^ I will give them one heart, and I roill put a new Spirit withinyeuy and I will take theflony heart out of their flelh, and will f iT/f them an heart offlesh. E'3^ek^.^6.l6ii9 '^ '' -- -"" •"-•-- > '• inyoH,3nA\--erf? Mat.iy 20. 21. But he that received the feed into ftonv places, tfat fame is be that hearetb the word , and anon with joy received it : yet hath he net root in htmltlfy bot daretk fora while; forwbentribulatbnorperfecmionaxifethl>ecaafeofrheword , by andby heisolfroded. ffeb. 6. 4. 5 P'^r it is impoffible for thofe who were once enlightntd, and have taffed of the heavenly ^, and were made partakers oj ththoly Ghofi , wdhiictajitdthe i99dmrdofC9d . zadthefowtn^ftk* wrWto«»inejIftbey,^c,.-- - - {J)joh.xyi9, their wilful negle(?!t: and contempt ot the grace ottered to them, being 39,43 rh.H die ■ j^| j f^ j j^^jj. ui^ij^jjef do ilever truly coiUs to Jelas Clvilt ( f) . the Prophet might be fulfilled which he fpake , Lord , who hath believed our report f and to whom half* the arin ofthc Lord been revealed f V. 59 ] Therefore they could not helUve j becaufe that Eftins faid agiin. V.40.1 Vichrih blinded their eyes , and hardned their hextt ythiixhsy shouldnntfei; with their eyes, and und rjiand with their heart , and be converted, and I fliould heal them, ^fcls 28. 25, 26, 27. And wjieo they agreed not among theinfclvcSjthey departed after that Paul hzd Ipoken one word,\VeJl fpake the HoJy Glioll' by the Prophet Eftias unto our h'athers, faying, V. 26.] Go unto this people^and lay ; Hearing ye llialj hear, and lliall not undtrjlat.d; and feeing ye Ihall lee, and nut perceive. Vcr. 27. i-or the hea.rc of this people is waxed grop , and their tan are dull oj hearing , and their eyes have they elojed, ieali they fliould [ee with their eyes, and bear with their earsy and underfiand with their hearty anu be co'3t Verted, and I sliould 'jc^/ them, fohn 6 64-^65. But there are foine of you that bclieVs mt. Fur Jeius knew from the beginning who they iverc that relieved not, and who fhould betray him. Verf 65 J And he faid, Therefore faid I unto you, that no man can come onto me except it were given him of the ¥rihei.Pjaim 81. it; 12. But my people woi*id not hearrien to my voice , and Ifrael wonld have none of me Jo J gave them up to their oixn hearts lujis, and they walked in their own counftls. Queft. ^hat u the Commmlon in Gr^^cs Tvhkb the Members of he mvifim hie Cb-irch have vpithCbn(i> (t) ^omxn,^. Anf^v. The Communion in Grace, which the Members oftheinvifi- wiiom^^hrdid ^'^ Church have with Chrift , is, their partaking of the virtue of his Me- predeftinate diation, in thelrjuftification COj Adoption {uj, ''andiiication^and what- them he alfo gyer elfe in this life manifefts thiir union with hiiii *. called } and whom he called them he alfojufiiped, and whom he j uftified them he alfo glorified. («) Ephefi.-^ . Ha- ving prcdcftinated us fa the adopthn of Children by feJM Cl.rifi , to himfelb according to the good plea- forcofhis will. * i Cer.i. 50. Kucof him are yein Chiill Jefus, wiiootGodis madeuuto usxr^/tio?,;, ttidrightetisfnefsj iadfanciijiciition,zad redemption. Q^ '^'hit is jujtlficdtm} (v) z^ow.^.jz- A. Juftification is an ad of Gods free grace unto Cnners '';«) , in which ^♦•^sEven the |^g pardoneth al their fins,accepteth&accounceth their perfons righteous of S* whkh '" ^'s light ( V )pot for any thing wrought in them,or done by them ' :^^, is by faith of Jefus Chrift unto all, and upon all that believe i for.there is no difference — V.240 Being iuftified freely by hit grace^ through the redemption that is in Jefus Chrift. Ver.2 1 . ] Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation throngh faith in his blood,to declare his righreoufnefs for the remiflion of fins that are paft, through the forbearance of God. lipm. 4 $ • But to him that woikeih not, but believeth on jhim that j«/?»/!ei/j »fce Mw^ij*^/)/, his faith is accounted for riahteoufnefs. -(y) 2 C0/-.5. 19 — ^i. To wit, that God was in Chrift reconciling the World uuto bimfelf , not imputing their trcfpajjr.i unto them ; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation — V.2i. 1 For he hath made him to be fin for us, who iinev) noGnithitrcemight bemadetherighteoufnef of Godin'him. t^om.i.zt — Z4^)ZS — 27^28. Even the righteoufntfs of God, nhich is by the faith of fefits Chrifi itntn «//, and up on all ihil believe j (or there is nO difference— Ver.z4.} Being juftified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in jefus Chrift. V.2S.] Whom God hathfet forth to be a propitiation through faith in his b!ood,to declare his righteovf. »je/>,f"ort/jtre»9>/ii«n»f/«'mthatarepaft,thionghthe forbearance of God — Verf 27. Where is boafting then ? it is ejcdaded. JBy what law ? Of works .^ Nay, bat by the law of faith. Verf 28.] Therefore we conclude that a man isjufiijied by faith, tvithout the deeds of the law. (■^) Tit. 5.5 . N«t by mrks ofrigh. getufnefs trhich toe have done, bat according to his mercy he fayed us,by the washing of regenerationjaod renewing of the Holy Ghoft. Ephef. i .7. la whom we have redemption through hi$ blood, thcjorgivt. ,««/i offim Atctrding to the rithes of hit grtice, but but onelv for theperfe(5t obedience and full fatl^fa^blon ofChriftjby God v*) ^^'^ 5- '7» lrnputediothem(^j, and received b) r..ithaione (tj. {ore if any man beinC hr'ft heis a new creature^old things aic part awaj-b' It ld,all things arc bf come new V "S ]And alltlings d\eoiGod.\\\n..hz\hr. sh.'U rttttve >-t>/.i/jiu;;hhi.n. Ver.io 1 Fori! when W"- wpre eneir its we wererccondledt' Gndbythedtath ej h:* 5«'-,n^uchmur<- being lecoticilcd shal we be fa ved bv his 1 :fe--V.i9 1 For as by one mansdifobediencc jns'-y were" ade linnets, fo^j the obedience ot one sh-ill ntttiy h^ madeu^htt^us, (• ) iTini. 2. ^,6 POr th'.'Tr h one God, and ore Mediator between God and men , th.- man f'hr^ft jefus Who gave himjelff ranlrme for ail to be telbfied m due tim'- ^< i-. 1 o 1 o. By the wh-ch w 11 we are fandificd through the offe- rifi% oi the body cf fefuo Chrifl once (o^ all M*:t.io.i^ Even as iht S<'n of man came not to beminiftred unto, bat to mtnittcr, and to ^ive hpf lite a ravfome inr rravy. Dav 9 24 — 26 Seventy weeks are deter- mined upon rhy people, and upon rhy h>Iy City, to finish the tranfpredion • and to make an cndoffiDS* and "> r»-ke yeconciliatinri for inicjuif\, , and to hrinq in tierlapir^ yi^htnufr.els, and to feal up t.ieviiiOO & prophciie, ai d to anoint the moft Holy — Vi-r. 26 And after threefcore and two weeks ihall Me'.siah be cut (iff. hut tilt for hirnCtlf, ard rh- people of the Prince that shal come, shal deftroy the City and the Saa- ftu.try- and the end thereof -^h.iM be with a fl odj eke Efai-si, A^<. 6- 10,11,12 Surely U/.'/it/j^om o«r frie(sjZJ But he was rxfunded for nttr tran/grtfions , he was bru'jed for our iniquities : the chafrip tncr.t sj »tir f?e«'t v. as upnn him. and with his firipes ne are healed Ver 6.1 All we l.ke sheep have gone n^flray i we hsvc turned every one to hisow'n way, and the Lord hrh'aidon him the iniquity nf tu all — V.io 3 Yet itplcafed the Lordtobruife hiir , he hath put hiin to grief; when thou shah make li alfo freely give US all things, l P«. 1.18, 19 For as mochas y*»kn'AV that ye were not redeetr ed w'*h corruptible things, as filver and gold, from your vain converfation, rf ceived b> tradirtr n fr( m your fathers. Vcrl J9.] J3ut vpiththtfrecioui bleed »f Clirijif as of a lamb wichv>at bleoiisb ^ ssd vvixbont fpot, tcottlneis le) tc»y.$.ii. ttoviCntCstothtm(e), and requiring nothing of them for trieirjufllfica- w°L 'him ^tote tio" > b"^ ^^'^^ / ) » "^^^^^ ^^^^ '^^ ^^^ &^^ ^^^ » ^^^'^ Juftification is , to fin for us , who them, of free grace Jj)* knew no tin, ^at ire might bt made the righieoufncf of God in him. ( /) /(oW. %. 24. * J . B#thg j«y?»/?ca/>T»/y by htS grace, through the redemption that is in .lefusChrift. Verf.2$.3 Whom God hath fet forth to be »-o- pititttion through faith in hti blood,to declare his righteoufoefs/oT-tfoe remif^ion oj/tmihit are paft,throogh the forbearance otGod. {g) Ephefi.g. For by grace are ye faved «fc>-o«^fcjiiu»j , and that not of your fel ves ; it w the gift of God. (h) Ephef. 1.7. Id whom we have redem/>fion ihroOgti his blood, the jor- givent^ofjinsi according to the riches of hit grace. Q. V>'h-,t tsjuftifjfhig Faith ? (.) Wet.1b.59. A, Juftifying ^aith is afaving Grace 0) , wrought in the heart of a of^ them "who ^'""^^ ^y ^'^^ ^P^^^^ (-ij and wordof cJod (I) , whereby he, being drawback to Convinced of his fin and mifery , andofthedilability inhimfelfandall perdition, but other creatures to recover him out of his loft condition ?«\ notonely of them v^ho affgrngth to the truth of the promife of the GofpeU^^ butreceivetU and flving of the tefteth upon Chrift and his righteoufnefs therein held forth , for pardon Joui. (k) iCor. of fin ^o) , and for the accepting and accounting of his perfon righteous 4. IV We ha. jn the fisht of Godfor falvation (/>). vmg the fame ° Spirit of faith , according as it is writtcnj I believedj and therefore have I fpoken , we alfo believe and therefore (peak. £^''.1.17^18, 19. That the God of our LordJefusChrift tiie Father of glwiy may ^/t/c unto you the Spirit of wifdomf and revelation in thekno'wlcd^oi him- Verf. 18. . Ths eyes of yoHrtindcr- panding being tniightnedj that ye may know what is the hope ot'his calling , and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints. Ver.19. j And what is the exceeding greatnefs of his power to us- ward, Tcfco believe according to the working of his mighty power. (/) Hs^- 10. 14. How then fhall they call on him , 00 whom they have not believed ? and how shall they believe in him oj tvhem they have not fceo-rf? and how fhall they hear without a preacher? {m) ^Slsx.-i^y. l^owwhey heard thh,theyn ere prided in their hearts , and faid unto Peter and to the reft of the Apoftles , Men and brethren, -ah n shall xee do to bt fkvtd ? >^/?ji6. 50. And bropght them our, and faid , Sirs, What maft vce do to be faved\ John 16-8,9. And when he is come he will convince the World of jin^ and of nghteoufnefs) and :> doth T lithjupfie a Sinner in tbefi^k ofGod^ A. Faith juftifies a Sinner in the fight of God , notbecaufeoffhof^ •ther graces which doalway^s acconipany it , or of good works that are the tVie fruits oFit r^\ nor as if the grace of Faith, or any a£l thereof, (^) ^f^-i ir, were imputed to him for his juftiHcation [r) , but onely as it is an is^lp-,fjilydte Inftrument, by which he rcceivcih and applieth Chriftandhisrigh- Uw imhcfigh tCOufnefs (/j. o/Co*/, is evi- dent : for the juft shall live by faith. 1{om. 3,28. Therefore wc conclude that a man is j»«/?/^c£/ by faith , ^vithout the deeds tftht Uvd. (r) Roin. 4. J . But to him that v;oiketh not , but believeth od hirn that juflificth the uncodlvj h\sf-nih is co»nttd(nr righteoufntfsy Compared with t{om. 10. i o. For with tiie heart man l>t/ie- titth unto righttoufrnfi y and ^^.•lTh iht moQthctnftf'sion is mjdeumofti'VMtioH^ {(') 'fohn\.,\t. But a$ maoy as rectivedhxm , to them gave he power to become tbt fons of God , even ts them that believe on hh name. Phil. 5. 9. And be found in him nat having mineown righteoufnefs which is by the law , but tfc^t which is throughthe faith ofehrift,«/'er/g/irtow/>/(/j «./>< /jr>fc;«t/i;^/4/V/;. Gal. 2. 16. Knowing that a man is not juftified by tlie works of the law, but by thejaith of ftfuf Chri/i, even we have believed ifl Jefus Chrift, that we might heju[Hjiedbj> tht^f»ith ofchnftj and not by tlic works ofthelaw j for by theworksotthelawshallnoficshbejuftified, / ;'; ^ •'.''I ".; , Q^ Wh^t is Adoption ? ' " A. Adoption is an ad; of the free grace of God (f), in and for his (0 r 7o//« ;. r* onely Son Jefus Chrift (u), whereby all thofetliat are juftified are re- ^^j]°[^ » '^^''^ ceived into the number of his children * , have his Name put upon the Father h^th them fjc), theSpiritofhisSon given to them (>), are under his fatherly bejiorvcd upon care and difpenfations (%.>> , admitted to all the liberties and priviledges T './'j'^^ ^'' ofthe fons of God, made heirs of all the promifes, and fellow- heirs with LI" lie fons of Chrift in glory {^J, God, Having predeftinated us to the ^dofthn of children hy fefks Chrift to himfelf , according to the good pleafure of his will. Galat. 4. 4> 5 . But when the fulaefs of time was come , God fent forth his Stn made of a woman , made under the law, to redeem them th^ivfextunier x\-\e.\2iv;, that ive^miglt receive tht J^doptionoffens. *Johnt.\i. But as many as received him , to them gave he f>oner to iKomethefon^ e/C7orf, even to them that believe on bis name. (^) zC^D-.fi. 18. And I will be a F«t/,er unto you, and ^ shtU be my fons and daughters , faith the Lotd Alinjghty. f{ez>el.: ?. 1 i. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God, and he shall go no tnorc, out, and I mUvcriteuponhimthe namtf ofmj Ged, and the name ofthe City of my God, which is wevv Jerufalem that cometh down oot of hea- ven from my God, and / nv// write upon him my new name, (y ) Galat; 4, 6, And bi caufe ye are fonsii Codhathfent forth the Spirit oi his Son into ynttr hearts, crying, Abba, Father. (;^) Pfalm loj.i 2 Like a-f a. Father pittieth his children , fo the Lord piuieth them that firdje him. Prov. 14. 26. In the fear ofthe \prA/\s Qd^xi^}^H4r£n ^haU h^ta f'lacfi^^^^^^^ Matih.^. 52. For your heavenly Fatixexk^^n^r\^ththA.tyeh^ve-^needoj') Juof! • -'i ro-;-; • i;-,.- '.:■:. '. ' .- "'""■' ' ■.•':■'•— .' - •■ fif.rjooi i;(^; Y'.";T r.f.s , JnotJi.: C . what is Smli'vpcat ion ?> '■ «" ir.'.-i i(. ^i ili.fi •■ otui ,^^ •{'jiwo ^ .''Mfiv:. Sah^iiScation is <%ortt ^of 'Gods ilr^f e j whereby they, wnom, God h?;b;,befo?:? tSe fopnd^yan of tlae. World choien to oe holy j^.ape'iw time j-througli ttfe i^oweifiill Operation of hh V Spirit (J) Ehef.n. Spirit Ct), applying the (!catVi and refurred'onofChrlftuftto them (r^>^ he"hatir?/;or" renewed in the r w hole man after the Image of God C^O/aving the feeds tti in him before of Repentance unto life, and of all other faving graces put into their the foundation hg^j-ts ie , and thofe graces (b ftirred up, increafed,and ftrensthened f f) that ne should ^^ ^'^^^ ^^^Y ^°^^ ^^ "^^rc dye unto fin, and rife unto newnefsof ^e holy , and life (g). ^ without blame before him in love, i Cor. 6. II. And fuch were fomeofyoo ; but yc ztcwzihcd,hut ye aye fanBi/ied^ but yc are juftified, in the name ofthe Lord Jefus, and by the Spirit •/ eur Cod. z Thef. z.j ^. But we are bound to give thanks to God alway for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord , becaufe God liath from th6 beginning ffc«y«»/jM te (alv&noa ,th;-o»ghJai'ici:ficatien »f the Spirit , and belief of the truth, (c) ^om, 6 A} J , 6. Therefore vvc are buried with him by li/iptifme into death , that I ike as Chrifl wot rxifsd up from the dead by the glory of the Father , even fo ive aifo should walk in newnefs of life. Verf. f . J For if we bare been planted together iothellkenefsofhisd ath ^ wsshillbe alCoin the likenefs »f his refurre^ion^- V.6. J Knowing this, that @atoldman is crttcijitdtvith him, that the body of tin might be deftroyed , that benccfbrth we should not fervefio. {d) Ephif.4.z^,z^ And be rtneTxed in the Spirit of your mhtd; and that ycput on the new man. tvhith after Cod is created in Tightftufnefs and true holme fs. (e) ^B. n. i8. When they heard thefe things they held their peace, and glorified Gr,d, faying, Thsn huh God a Ifo to the " Centii^s granted repentance unto life. John i-^. Whofoever t$ born of God dotb not commit fin ; forhir pcflf>-ew according to the riches of his glory , to befiren^thenedvrith mighty by his Spirit inthe inner man. V-iy. 'J That Cbiift may dwell in your hearts by faitb, that ye being j-oof- tdand grounded in love. Verf 18. j may be able to comprehend with all Saints , what is the breadth and depth, and lengths and heigljt, Y. 19. 3 And to know the Jove of Chrift which pafT th knowledge, that y«- tOi^lhQ filledvcith all the fitUnefs of G od. Cel.i. 10, II. That ye might w.ilk worthy ofthe Lord,unto.. all fleiiiagy being fruitfu/l in every gosdrcorkyandincreAjing in thel^noxvledgeofGod Vll.^ Strengthen- edvithaU might , accordinj^to his glorious power ,unto all patience androng-fuffetii g witBjoyfulnefs. is) /^'>»«.6.4--6-i4. TherefQreweare^Mwerf«ji£fchitDbybaptifraeM«fo, that like as C-IiriflwaSv zaifedup from the dead by the glory,of the Father , fo rpe alfo should walk^in newnefs of life. — Verf, 6.3. Knowing this that out old man is crucified with him y that the b»dy offrh might be dtjiroyed^ that henceferthl tvetl)ouldn*tferveJiny, — Verf, I4. ^ ^t (in shall not have dominion over you ; for ye arc not under the law, bat onder grace. GaUt.y.x^^ And they that arc Cbrifts have trwei^trfi/je^ez/jj with the affeBi«ti$^ juidlufis. Q. ^hat is repentarct ttnte Itfe'^ Xh) I Tim. ». A. Repentance unto lifcj is a faving Grace (i&^ > wrought rn th« heart *er» inftr^a'^'^ of a ilruier by the Spftit ft) and Word of God (\)y whereby out of the. thofe that oppofe thenrfd ves, if God peraJventiKe'TOay s[rx;r»^«CT repentance to the acknowledgiiig of the truth, (i) Zech. 1 1. 10 And I will pour Uf 00 the houfe of David, and upon the inhabitants of jcrufa-v Jem tlie Spirit of grate, and of fupplications , and they shall looicon ine whom they have pierced , and tnourn for him as one mourneth for his onely fon^ and shall be in bitternefs, a> one tharis in birterneft forhis ftrft bom (A,) -K^flj 1 1 r8..— lo.if. If^eti thty h^ardthefe tbingsthcy held their peace, and glosified €od, faying. Then hath God alfo to the GeoiWes grantcdref entante untolife. ——Vetf. ro. Andfome, of them were men of Cyprus, and Cyrene ; who wheivthey ^vc^e come to Airtioch/ ipake UBtd tlje Gre- sians, preathingtbe Lerd ftfut^ Y. flJ And thc kisA tf ti^* Lori-WM^VUhthBIWl^Hl *grcat nambl* (141) Eght and fenfe not onely of the danger (P , but alfoofthefilthinelsand C M ^'^^^ 18. odioufnefsot his fins ( vj , and upon the anprehenlion of Gods mercy in f,^"" 'V''** Chrift to inch as are penitent {nj, he lo grieves tor (0) , and hates his hdcretll & tur^ fins (f)j as that he turns trom them all to God q) , purpofing and ""havmyftom endeavouring conftantly to walk with hiin in all the wayes ot new *"g-^' *''",''^' obedience (r), be 1,^,1, ^^^_ ttiitttd , Ik shal fare live, he shaU not die Ver. ?o.] Therefore I will juJge yoo, O honfe of Ifrael, every one accor- ding to liis wayes, Jaith the Lord God. k^pent and turn your felves from all your tranrgrellions, fo inh- quitj> shall mt be your ruir.e . - Vcrf }j.] For I have no pleafure in the death of him that diet, faith the Lord God: ivLereJore turn y«ur /elves and /ive ye. Zm/^» 15. 17,18. And when he came to hin>/e,J he f^iidf Huw many hired fervaots of my farliers have bread cooogh , and to fpare , and I perish rcith hunger ? -I will arifci and go to iny father, and fay unto hun, tTitlier 1 have hnned agabft licaven, and before thee. fiofi 6,7. Therefore behold , I will hed^e up thy vraj rviih thorns , and make a wall, that flic (hall not findheipatU. V.7 ] And ihefliall follow after her lorers, but fliall not overtake them ; and (he (hall feek ihem, but (hall not find them. Then (hall ihe fay, / will go and return to my firft husband ; Jur then •teas it better vciti. me then now. ( m) £^eX'. 56. 31 . 1 hen shall ye remember your own (vil ivayes , an4 your doiags which were not good, and «hall loath yonr felves in your oven fight for your initfuities^ and foe y oat dtbominations. /Jaiio.iz. Ye shall rftj^/e alfo the covering of thy graven Imag«s of hi ver , and the ornaments of thy molten Imagt-s ofgold ; thoa shalr caft them away as a menjiruous cloth^ thou shalt/ay unto it, get thee htnce. (« ) /Wi.ii,!?. Therefore alfo now faith the Lord , r«r« jeei/e«r9 we with all your heart! and with falling and weeping, aad mourning. Verf 1 3.J And rent your heart and not your carmetsts, and turn unto the Lordyour God , jT.r ht « gracious and merdjuU , jlow to anger , and »fgrea» l^ndne(i, aud repentethhim of the evil, (o) /fr. 5 1.18,19. 1 have furcly heard Ephraim bemoaning him- felfthus , Thou haft chalhfed me, and I waschaftifcd , asabulluckunaccuftomedto theyoak : Turn thou me, and I shall be turned: thou art the Lord my God V.19.J Saidy,ajttrtf}at J wm tumed^Jre^ fentei, and after that 1 was iollradled, Ifmott upon my thigh ; / was ashamed, yea , eyen confounded, bc- cau(is 1 did bear the reproach of my youth, p) a Corint. 7. n. For behold tliis felffamc thmfi,thatyc forrcfped aper a godly fort, what carefuloefs it w rought in you , yea , what clearing of your lelves, yea, rch'^t indignatii*?f yea, what fear , yea, what vehement detare, yea, wh it zeal, yea, vchat revenge, in all things ye have approved your fclyes to be cleer in thiS matter. (^) .W<5Zf i6.i8. 1 o open their eyes, Aad xo turn them from darl^nf to light , and jrom the power of Satan unit Gcd^ that they may receive ibc- givenefs of fins , and an inheritance among them that are fandified by faith that is in me. Exek. 1 4. 6. Therefore fay unto the houfe of Ifrael, I husfauhthe Lotd God , /{ep ent and turn your felves from ymr Jdols, and turnawayyurja eslrom aS your abominations. I JQngs 8.47,48. Yet if they shall bethink f hemfelvcs in the land whither tht-y were carried captives , and r.pent , and make fupplic.ition to thee ia the land (»f rbem that carried tbem captives , fayug , Wc have finoed and done pervcrOy, we have com- mitted v^nckednefs. Verf 48.1 ^nd f) return unto thee with all their heart , and xvith all their foul, . {r) P/4/WI19. 6-i8-i8 Then shall not I be ashamed , when I have rtfp^d unto all thy command, tnents V.58.] I intrcated thy favour with my whtle heart j be merciful unto me according to thy wor4— Verf. 28. 1 My f >ul melteth for bf avinefs ; firengthen thou me ^, carding unto thy rcerU. Luke » . 6. And they were both righteous before Gcd, walking in all the commandments, and ordinances of the Lord blame- iefj. »iQX?J*;. 25- And hke unto him was there no King before him, \\\it turned to the LordwithaU hit heart, and tvith aUhtsjoul, and with all his might, axcordihgto all tht Law o/MoJeJ , neither alter hin arofie there any hke him. Qj ^ 'herein dojufiific um > fid ftn^'fican n ^'^er ? A, Although landification be infeparably joyncd with jiiftifkati- V * on/, If) r Car. 6. on r, y8t they 5ifBer, in that God in juftiflcat^on imputeththe righteoif{^ Uire ^fome" of "^^^ oFChrili t,in (znAlticanon his fpirit infufeth gracej& enableth to the you but ye are exercife thereof tt J in the former, fin is pardoned , in the other it is wa$h-d,j>ui ye fubdued x , the one doth equally free all believers from the revenging IZ ^tTn^'lti. wrath ofGod , and that pcrfedly in this life , that they never fail uito^ fi*td in rbe name Condemnation ; , the other is neither equal in all 7-, nor in thlsiife per- of the Lord Te- fem the Lord will not impute fin. (1*) £"^1^. %6. 27. And I will /^nt my SpU rit n>ithiny()u.fa7)d can fe ytu tOTX'al\in rriy fiatutts^indi ye shall k^cf my ]udgtmerits and d» them. * ^»»2. j, a*, 2S . Beinp fiflipei fretly by his grate xhrovi^h the redemption that is in Tefus Chrift. V. j j. ] Whoira Godliath fet forth to be a propitiatioin through faith inhisblood, to declare hisrightemifnejsjorthere*' fnifionofjiTjj that arepafi through th* babe. V.r4.3 Batfirong meat btlongeth to them that aire ofjuU arge, even thofe who by retfon of ufc*- havg their finfes extreifeduultfccrnbotl)g-jed and evil, {a) i'foh.i.9. -— 10. And if we Jay^that rve havz tio fin,ive rfefp/i/eow/ /e/fej-, afldthettothis notintis — - Verf.io. 3 l£ we fay that rre have nor finned, we w»i/;^c /;;?Mand the perpetual luftings di'eil' T^ ^"t 'oft^'^efleshagainftthefpirit, Whereby they are often foiled withtempta- *''^«j^"fbrf*to tJQns, and fall into many fins c , are hindered in all tBeirfpiritualt^r* will IS prefbnt with me, bat hivo to perform thatTvhich isgtadjlfind n$t — V.» J.3 Bat I fee another Uv" »» »»7 members warring againfi the law of my mind, and bringing me into ctiptivity to the lave of fin ,, which i» in my members. A/ and ^"* ^^^^ Y% the fpirit and feed of God abiding in them k) can neither totally nor fi- u|,|o f^^ "^ fay_ nally fall away from the ftate of Grace / , but are kept by the power of ing , Yea , f God throuch Faith unto falvation w. '"^^ loved thee *^ with an everla- Ujiing love , therefore with loving kindnefs have I drawn thee. (g) 2 Tim. 2. 19. Neverthelefs the foun^tion of God ftandeth fure, having this feal, the Lord knoweththem that are his ^ and let every one- thjtnatneth the name of Chrift, depart from iniquity, /^e^r. i 5. 20, 21. Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jefos , that great Shepherd of the Sheep, through the blood of the fuerUping Covenant, Verfzi J Mcil^eyott per fed in exiery good rrcrk^, to do hii xcili, working in you thaC which is well pleafing in his fight, through Jefus C hrifti, to whom be gloryj &c. x Sam.ti. 5- Alrhoogb my houfe be not fo with God, ytt he hath made xvith me an everlajiing Covenant, ordered in all things, an^ fvire ; for this is all my falvation and all my defire, although he make it not to grow. ('') I Cor. x . 8>9« iVho shall confirm you unto the end , that ye may be blamelefs in the day of our Lord Jefus Chrift. V. 9. J Cod if faithful , by whom ye were called unto tie fel/ovcship of his Son Jefm Chrifi our Lord, {.i) fiebr, 7. 15. Wherefore he is able alfo to fave tl,em te the uttermofl who come onto God by him > fiti^g he ever liveth to make intercefiion for them. Luke iz. 52. But J have prayed for thee , thatthy faith fail not i .an4 when thon art converted, ftrengthen thy brethren, (i) I fohn 5.9. Whofoeverisbomctf God doth tiot commit {m, for his feed remaineth in him, and he cannot fin, becaufeheis born of God. 1 fohn j, 27. But the anointing vchichye have received of him abideth /« joH, & ye need not that any man teach you : but a9 the fame anointing teachcth ^on of all things and is ttuth,and is no lie,and even as it hath taught yoH,ji» shal abide in him. (I ) Jer. 52 4o. And I •will make an everlafting Covenant with the;m.,that J roillnetturw away from them to do them good , but I willpot my fear in'their hearts , that they shall not iepArt frornme. fohn 10. 28 . I give unto them eternal life i ztsdthey shaU never perish , .neither shall anypluci^them ottH tf my hand, (n,) iPet.i.S' \l/koaiehptli^fhe,_p9t9er of G$dthrmgh faith unto falvation jlcaii^^tQb^ MvealediatlielafttiiHe. .V-.-, .A«;Vr <5;^ Can true Believers he infaJhUj ajfmedthat they areinthelflateof ^ace, and that they shall per fev • re therein untdfalvatm ? A. Such as truly believe in Ghrift> and endeavourtowalkin all good ^P^lP^l*'^ confcicnce before him n ^ may, without extraordinary revelation, by ^^i noTthatTi» feifi^ grounded upon the truth of Gods promifes, and by the Spirit en- k,nowbim,ifim ablingthem. to difcemin tbemfelyes tliofe graces to whi^h the piomifes *«:? , his <«n^ (144) (0 icor.i.ji. of i:fe gfe made o, and bearing witnefs with their Spirits that tTieyartf SccTvfT.'oot the children of God ;», be infallibly afllired that theyareintheeftateof the* Spirit "of grace, and shall perfevere therein unto falvation q. the wcnld , but the 'spirit which u of God, that vet might U^tmtht things thitMrtfrttly given uffGtd. ijohn^. f4--«i 18, 19-- 21- 24- JVe kriow that ne have ftfffd from death unto /ije^htcaufe vrelovtihe brethren; he that lovcth not his bi other , abideth in death — vetf. 1 8 . 1 My little children, let uj not love in word , nor in tongue, but in deed and in truth, verf 19-^ And hereby vrekfitvp neare of the truih, and shall «jji*rt our hearts before him. — ver( 2 1 3 Beloved, if our heart condemn ds not > then have we confidence towards Qnd. v.i4."l Aud he that keepeth hh commandments dn>eUcth in htm, andheinhim; and hereby vt-ek^ow that he abideth in m , by the Spirit which he hath given us I John 4-15 -- l6- Hereby wek^ow that wc dwell in him, and I e in us, becaufc lie hath pv>n us •/ his Spirit — Ver 1 6.] Aftd ire have known and beUe- fet/ the love that God hwh to OS. God is love, ind he that dn eUeih in lave , dvreUeth in Cod,andGoditt him. Hebr.i).\\,it. And we dclire that every obc of you do shew the fame diligence, to thejuil ajfitramt •J hiipf onto the end. V. 1 1. "I That ye be not fljthfi:! but followers of them who through faith, andpa- lience inherit the promifes. (p) /^flw 8. 16 The 5'^/m it (elf beareth mtatfs vcith our 5"p«>l a.^ 2{fftore untomethejny of thy falvation^ and uphold mewith thy free Spifit. Pfal. 5J tx. For 1 faidin my }tafie, J nfH iHif nffrom before thine eyes': ntverthcleli , thou hcardft the voice of my fupplications whpn I died unto thee Pfal.zz t. My G$d,my God, why haji thm for'aktn me f why art thonfo tar from hJping^ iwcand from the words of my roaring ? ('<) I fohn ^.g. Whofocver is born of God doth not commit fin: for his fetdremaineth in him,andhe cannot fin bccanfe he is born of Gcd Job \ -i.i s. Though he Jl.yy me, yet w;i!^A»''w/?»«'''W;butIwill maintain mincown ways beforehim.P/«/»w73.i$ — 23. if/fay^Jniii ipeal^thut ; behold, f shouldojfend agairfl the generation of thy children. V. z-;. ] Neverthelcfs, I am cow- 0inu*Uy with thee, thou hafi hotdtn me by thy right hand. Ifai.J4.7i8,9,lO. For a /mail moment hi\e 1 ibr- fiVeti thee ^bat with great morcies wiU /gather thee. V. 80 In a little wrath / feirf wry face from thee for * miowent^ but rnth everlafling kjndnefi w'U 1 have mercy on thee, faith the Lord thy Redeemer -- v.9."] Fot this is as the waters of Noah onto mc;fcr as I have fwom that the waters of Noah shal no more go oyer theeartb, fo have rfwnrn that /would not be wroth with th\:e^norrebMke thee. V. 10. } For »he tnoUDtain* shal depart , »nd the hills .^hal be removed ; but nty kindnefs shal not depart frtm $hee , ntiibtr thai the Co- yewint ofmyfettu bt rtmovedf faith the Lord, that haih mercy on thee. Q^h' hat ^ '^'hatUthe conmunminGlorji Ti>licb the wGmhrsoftheJnv'tpble ChurCb ktre mth Lhnft ? A. The communion in glory which the members of the ^nvifible Church have with Chriftis,in this life *, immediately aher death a-, * «Cor. ^. 18; and at lart pcrfeded at the refurrecxion and day of Judgment v . ^"f we all with * y ^ o • cpcnjtice bthol- Jing ,asin aglafs, the gUry oftht Lord, are changed into the fame image > from glory to gli'i y . eycn as by tbe Spirit of the Lord, (x) Lt*k,. *} ♦}• And Jefus laid unto him , Verily I fay unto thee, To dxy shah (hot* be rciih me in Paradife. (j) I Thcjf. 4. 17. Then we who aic alive , and remain , shall ke caught op together with them in the clouds , to meet tbe JLtrd in the Mr , and/o ihaU we ever be with th» Lord. Q^ V^'hut is the comwmm tn Glorj , r);ith Chrifi, which the members of the Jnvtfible Church enjof in this life ? A. The members ofche Invifible Church have communicated to them m this life, the firft fruits of glory with Chrift, ast'ey are mem- bers of him their head, and (o> in hira , are interefted in that glory which * he is fully pofleffcd of z, , and , as an earneft thereof, enjoy the fcnfe of (-^) Ephef. t. -Gods love a , peace of confcience , joy in the Holy ( hoft , and hope of 5,6 Even whca glory b : as, on the contrary, the fencfe of Gods revenging wrat; ,horror ]^^ ^^"^ ^*^^ of confcience , and a fearfull expectation of judgement , are to the t}Mtd tato- wicked , the beginning of their torments which they shal endure at- g^'^^r with ter death.. ^ cfe..y?(by grace ye are laved j } ^ndhathraJp'dttf up togetherfitrteath being threatneJ as the wages of fin rthtLt*U hsvefinntd,. Q^ l^e-ith betn^ the lodges of Jin, rc>hy are not the righteous Miveredfrom de Jhyfeemg all thel-fin^ are forgiven in C/mfi ? A The rigliteous sliall be delivered from death ic felf at the laft day, (0 r Coy. \s. a=nd even in death are delivered from the fting and curfe of it /, fothar, i6 — 5s. The although they die, yet it isoutofGodsioVe by to free them perf^dly XJTt^lr^y. from !in and mifery i, and to make them capable of further communion erf M (Li.-.th .-:.. wich Chrill in g'ory, which they then enter upon k^ V.55. O AeAth, iPkirt kthrjiin-^ > Sec. Mbr.t. I J. -- Atii deiiver them rvht through fegr aftleath , vptn all thtlr lift'time fi*bjcii to bond.tq^e. (';) /fii.SJ. 1,1- The tigliteoas peiilhethj and no man lays it to heart ; and merci- fiill men are uken away, none conlidcring tliat the righteous it taken avcay from the evil to come. Verf.i.J fi,: shall enter intope^ie, th.y shall rcji in their keds, ca-ch one walking In his uprightneD. X -^Qf^g-f 2*.iO. B--hold, thsrefore I will githerthee unto thy fatlwrs, zni thou shah be gathered into thy grxve in peace^^ and thine eyes shuS. not fee .ill the evil whiJ} I rvill bring upon this place, (j j Revel. i^.\ 3. And I heard a- voyce from Heaven, fiying unto me, write, Blelfedare the dead which die in the Lord from henceiarth ; yea,raith ihe Spirit, tl)at they may rejifrom their (abours, and their works do ibPli'W them. Eph.^.ij. 1 hat, he migUt prefint it to hlm[ilf agloriotu Church , not having (pot or vrrinkje , orany liicb thing, bat thit it {hoixldhs holy aid n'itliont blemish, (h^) Luke i^.^'^. And J efus faid unto him, Verily, I Tay unto thee, Thit day thalt thcti be xvith me in Paradi/e. Phil, 1 . j j. For I atn IQ a ftreagiit betwix two> having a de« fire d'lfartj and to be with ChriJIf wluch is far better. Q^ whit tithe commumontngioryVcUhC.hri[iy vchch the member of the invijibl chuHhenjonmmeduttelj lifter deaths A. The communion in glory with Chrift, which the members of theJ invilible Church enjoy immediately after death, is, in that their fouls ^J')neh.\i.i'^. are than madeperfediinholinefs / , and received into the higheft hea- To the general y^^^ ;;;^ where they behold the face of God in light and glory «, waiting Chnrch^of *the ^^^ '^^ ^^^^ redemption of theu- bodies o, whiCh even in deatn continue. Srftbdrn,which United to Chrift ft and reft in their graves as in their beds ij , till at theSf are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the Spirits ofjufi men made perfefl. (m) 2 Cor 5.1 — 6 — 8, For we know that if our earthly houfe ofthis Tabernacle were diffolved , we have a building of Gad^ «n houfe not fnadt meh hands^ eit/nai in the heavens — V.6. Therefore we are always confident, know-* iog thit whilewe are preferrt in the body, weareabfeni fifotn thc«Lord — V.8.j VVe arectxnfident, I far*' and willing ratlter to be abfent-^rom the body ^ and prefint tt>ith the Lord. Phil 1.23. For I am in a ftreight' betwixt two, having a defire te depart, and to be rvkh Chrift: , which is far better.' Compared w'fth ^ffr 5.21. iVi^orn the Heaivens mufi receive, untill the times ofrejiitution of all things^ which God hath fpoken by th2 mouth of all his holy Prophets, fince the World began. And with Ephif^i6'. Hiethat /^i/tf^d^e «///:^£*x^«nf , that he might fiil all things. («) i fohn ^. z. Bddved, now are we the fons of God, and it doth not yet appear wliat we slull be : but we know that whan he shiU appear, we shall be like him, for h'b J^*///ee Wm^w fee w. tCor. 13. it. For now we (ee through a glafs, darkly » but then, face to face : nor/ I knovy in part , but then Ishallk^nojxi (ven as.xlf^ t, 0.'m)(rt-rDon. fo) »(i>»8a3. Aadn^t onely rhey, bnt our fclvesalfo, whihavethe^rffi fViiirsbfrHeSpl-; ritjCTen W2 our felvcs, gnnn Wirh'n our felres , rvamng foy the ^-{iptioH , to roi.t , the f^demptlon ofoiirt. body. PCalm\(i^ Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoyceth : TM;';^j'j'ii/p JA7is voice, Veif. 19. ^nd slytU come forth , they that hsve done good, M»«« the refurreEiitn of life, and they that have done evil,«#«ro tJ)e rtfurrcflion of damnation * i C«f, 1 5 .21,22,2 3. - 42,4544. For fince by man came death , by man came alfb the i-efurreftion of ihedead, V.22.] For as in Adam ail 1 die, even fo in Chrift fhall all be made alive. Ver.23.3 But every man in his own order, Chrifl t'e firftfruitSy aperxvards thfy that are Chrifis at his coming — - V. 42.") So alfo is the refurreafiertherefurreclion> A. -mfnediacely after the refiirredion shall follow the general and^ ^y) tPet.i.^. final judgement of Angels and men ( ) , theday and hour wh reofno icd" not tile "^^" knowtth , that all may watchand pray , and be ever ready tor the -x^«^e/x that coming of the Lord ('^). fioned, but cad thcin down to liell . and delivered them into chains of darknefs*-) i>e Ye^fervtdu- to judgement. Jude v.6.7-' 14, IS. And rl)e Anpels which kept not their firlHUtion , but leltrheir own habitation, he liathify^r- "vedin everUflingch.tiris under djrknefi^untf) the I'.dgimem r.ft^u great day Verf. 7.I Hven as S'>dom and Goinorrjh, and rhe Cities about them, in like manner giving thenifelves over to fornication , and going after ftrangefl 'xh, are fct forth fbran^exainplcj/^j^^Y-V.^r/je vengeance of ttermtl f.,e. --- Verf.i4. And. Enoch alfo, the fevrnth from Adam prophefied of tiicfe , faying? Beh Id , th. Lord comcth nith ten thotu fands of his '>aints, Verf. 15.] To execute judgen-ent upon all^ and to convince ail that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly cojrinitted , and of all their bard ipeeches» which ungodly linncrs have fpuken againft him. Matth. 25 . 46. And t/?o/e shall go axvay into werlaping funishmenty but the righteous into lie itern.il. ( '^) Matth.24. ;6 — 4z -- 44. £nt of tJ:at day and hour- linows no man, no not the Angels of Heaven, but my i^ther onely. — Verf. 4J.l IVatch therefore, for ye bntxv net tho hsur wlienyour Lurdduth come — Verf. 44. Therefore bey-, alfo ready : for in fuch an h.ur ttsye thinl^notythe Sonofmxn cometh. Luke i\ . ^5, 36. Fot at a fnare sh^U it came on all thtmthat dvreU onthe face of the xvhole earth. Verf ^6.1 JV^tih ye therefore and pray anrayes , that ye may be accounted- worthy to efcape all thefe things th-it fhall come to pafs, and tofisnd before the Son of man. '■> ^ ^'haf shall be done to the wicked ar the day ofjudge>rent . A At t-e day of judgement the wxkedshallbeleton Chrlftslefc (a) Matth. i^. hand {a) y and upon clear evidence , and full con vidion of their own 33,Andhesbal confciences ^^j, shall lave the fearful, butjuftfentenceofcondemna- his 'light hand, c^on pronunced againft them (c) -^ and thereupon shall be caft out from but the goats on tile favourable prefence of God, and the glorious fellowship with Chrift,.. the left {b)f{om^ his Saints , and all his holy Angels , into hell , tobepunished withun- sliew the work ^pcakable tormentsbothof body and foul, With the Devil and his Angels of the law forever (<« f>-o»» wie^/c cHrfed, into everlaftinp fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels. Ver.42.~ For I was an hungred and ye gave me no meat, I was thirflYi'fd ye gave me no drink, V.43.II was a ftranper,and ye took me not in; naked and ye clothed me not ; fick, andin prifbn and ye vifit^menot. ( /) Luke 16. 26. And befides all this, there is ^ great gulf fixed , fo that they which would pafs from hence to you , cannot, neir ther can they ffs to us, that vrould come from thence, z ThelT. I 8, 9. in flaming fire^ tahjng "vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Verf 9 "j Who sh*U bs funhhedn'ith iverltifiiug dtfiruBienfrom the prefence ef the £,otdy and from the glory of his power. Q. whr^t shallhe do- etothe nghteousat ihedtjynfjnd, sM be feton his riglitliand, and there openly CO iThef.^. acknowledged, and acquitted ( f), jhall joyn with him in the judging 'ij,ici^a'^^"ap^ •otroprobate Angels and men (^),and shall be received into heaven [h); apj remain , where they shall be fully and for ever freed from all fin and mifery 'i , fliail be caught filled with unconceivable joyes f/^) , made perfedly holy and happy '^pt^&eiheririih both in body and foul, in the company of innumerable Saints , and holy cioudi , to meet Angels (/) , but efpecially in theimmediatevifion and fruition of God the Lord in the the Father, ofour LordJefusChrift, and ofthe holy Spirit, toalleter- ai«-,and fo fliall nity {m) : and this is the perfed and full communion which the mem- ^,|,|^ theLora! bersofiheinvifibleChurchbhallenjoy with Chrift in glory at the refur- (f) Matt. 25. re-f/i'«i it to him Jclj a gloria its Church , not haxingfpofor tvririj\le, nor any luch thii^g , but tiiat it shouid be h'lly^ and rt-ithout blemish. f{evel. I 4 I 3. And 1 heard a voice from heaven , faying unto me , write , Blelfed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth , yea , faith the Spirit , th^n ihey may rtji from their lab'.urs , and their works do follow tliem. {]\ ) Pfalm 16. 1 1 . Thou wilt shew me the path of life, »; thypnf nee is ]iJlnef of jay, and at thy right handther'- are ple-fureijor evermore. (/ ) Hibr.ii.iz,f^. But yearecomeuntoir.ountSionjand Snfn the City of the living God j the heavenly Jernfalem j zv\A to an innumerable company ef ^rgeh, Verf 25 2 T e the general a fj[mbly oj the fitji bsm^vi-hiLh are written In fJeaiien, and to God, the Judge of all, nnd 10 the Spirits o>ju[i men madeperjeB. (r ) j JoJ? 3 2.Beloved,now are we the f.ns of God,and it d in nor yet appear what we shall be : tut we know that when he shal appear we shall be like him J (01 -we shall fit hin.as he it. i Cor 1 ;. 12. Fornowue /fcthrough a glafs darkly , but then fact to face -, now I know in pan, bat then shall / k/iow^ even as I am l^novcn i 3"/3t/i4.i7,i8. Then we who are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, andfo shut vr-eever bewiib the Lord. V.lS] Wherefore comfort one another with thefe words. Hanu' feen, v hat the Scriptures principally teach us to believe concerning God^ a follon s to CO) fider, ivhat thej requirLas the duty of nun. Queft. "T X J hat ts the duty that Godrequirethofman? VV A. The duty which God requireth of man, is, obe- dience to his revealed will im). ( n ) Ko»*Mi%»y-\ yea therefore, brethren, by the mercies o/God, th^( yepyefentyo^r htdies a Irving facrifi^f, lily^acreptar^^ ble unto-G od.,\vhich ityur reafor.able lervice. Vec(..2r_} And. be not Conformed to this WKrU, bur be yft , transfbrtT>ed by : he renewing of your mind, tl atyi may prove n-hat in th^t gcedjthat acieptabtt aT:iiper,til • rciUofCod. Mic. 6 8. He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good ; and wljat doth the Lord rt A. The rule of obed ence revealed to Adam in theertateof inno- cency,aiidto allmankirjdiahim,befide a fpecial command, not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evi!>was, the Mo- {o) Gtn.i.i6, ralLavv(tf). »7. And God £aid , Let us make maa in our image, after our likenefs , and let thein have doininion over the ffsh of the fta, and over the fowl of the air , and over the cattle j and overall the earth, andover every creeping thing rhit creeperh upon the face of the earth. Verf. 27. j So God created man ;'» his even image , in the image «f God (reated he himj male and female created he them. /("?».». 14,15. For when the Gentiles who hive not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, thefe having not the liw , are a lawunto theinfelves i Ver.15.3 Which shew the rcorji^oj tke Lazp written in their hearts, xhcir csnj'cience alfo bearing wtnep, and their thoughts the mean while icckj^w^, or elfcArfw/iMj^ one another. I{om. jo. 5. For Mofe* dcfcribeth the righteoiijnefs which is of the law , that the man which doth thofe things shall live by them. Gen.i. 17. But of the Tree of l{iioii'ledge of gotd and evil} thou shall not eat tfit i lor la the day thou eateft thereof, ilrou shajt furely die. Q. V/lMt is the Moral I in? ? a7 The Moral Law is the declaration of the will of God to mankind, direding and binding every one to perfonal , perfect, and perpetual conformity and obedience thereunto, in the frame and dilpofition of Kp) Deu\ J. I, the whole man , foul and body (/> ) , and in performance of all thofe A^divt r^ "M ^^^'^^^ ^^ holinefs and righteoufnefs , which he oweth to God and led all lfracl,& man f^^ j promiiing life upon the fulfilling , and threammg death up- faid unto them, on the breach of it (r). Hear , O If- rael, the Statutes and Judgements which I fpeak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them . and keep^ and do them, Verf. 2. } The Lord our God made a Covenant with us in Horeb. V«rf ?. D The Lord made not this Covenant with our fathers, but with us, even os ; who are all of us alive here this day — Verf 51.] But as for thee (land thou here by me, and I will fpeak unto thee all the CommandmentSjand the Statutes, and the Judgements which thou shalt teach them, that they may da them in the land which I give them topoflefsit — V. 33. l Ye shall walk in all the wayes which the Lord your G od hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well w ith you , and that ye may prolong your dayes in the land which ye shall poffefs. Z«% io.26,z7. What is written in the law .'' how readeft thou f V. ty.J And he aofwering, faid. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and ivith all thy foftly and with all ihyftrength^ and ivith all thymlndy at]d thy neighbour, as thy felf. Gal. 5. 10. For as many, as are of the fince tb« fall, can attain to righteoufnefs and lite life by the Woral Law ( p , yet there is great ufe thereof, a,^ well (/) j^ow.g.*, common to all men, as peculiar either to the iinregenerace, or the re- For rvhat $h« generate (t). ^"^^ <^<>**^'^ "« rceal^throwi}-) the flesh , God fending his own S< n in the likcnefs of finfiill flesh , and for fin, condemned lin in the flesh. Galat i.\6. Ki^owit^^this thai i man ii nnt ji'Jtifiid by the -narl^s of thi Law, but by the faith of Jefus Chrift, even we have believed in JefusChrift , that wt might be juftified by ?hc faith of Chrift, and not by liie works of the law, for by the wsyks of th< Law shall no fltsli be wjiified. («/ i riw, 1. 8. ButweknowthatffocZ. and to love mercy, dnd to walk humbly irith thy C ed. Jam.z.iOy II. For whofoever shall keep the rchole larv, and yet offend in one p tint-, he is guilty of all. Verf. 1 1. 3 For he th.it faid. Do not commit adultery, faidalfoa Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery , yet if rhou kill , thou art become a tranffreifonr oftlie Law. (a) Pfalm 19. II, 12. Moveofer by them is thy fervant ivarned , and in keeping of them there i» great reward. Verf 12.1 Who < an underfiandhis errors \ cleanfe thou me from fecret faults. i(»w. 5, 20. Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no flcih be juftified in his light; {ox by the lave is the knovo" ledge of fin. I{om.y.j. What shall we fay then ? Is the lawfm .'' God forbid, l^ ay., J had not known ftn, but by the law ; for I had not known luft , except the law had f»id , Thou shalt not covet, (y) \om, 3. 9 — 2 ?. What then ? are we better then they ? No , in no wife ; for we have before proved both ']c'W& And GtnXxUs that they are all under ftn. — V.2^ "| Tor all have jinned, and come short of the glory of God. (n^) Galat. \. ix^iz. Is the law then agair ft the promifeof God ? God forbid, for if there had been a law given, which could have given hfe, verily, righteoufnefs slwjuld have been by the law. Verf. It. 3 ButWe Scripture hath concluded all under fin .^that thepromife by faith of'fefui Chrijimight be given to them that believe, (a) i^o»». 10. 4. For Chriji is the tnd/ofthe law y for righteoufmfi £0 ev«ry one that belieretb. Q^ V^hatf artmUr ufe U thereof the Moral LaX>i> to unreienerate metj? Anf^. The Moral Law is of u(e to unregenerate men , to awaken their confciences to fly from wrath to come (b) , ajid to drive them C*) TTtMKi.g^ lo. KnpWng thisthat the Law h not nmde for a.- righteous man, but/**- theUvclefs, and difobedittit^ for xhcungodly and finners, foxunhelyy iTid profane, for murderers of fathers^ and murderers of mothers, for man- flay ers.Jf .lO.'J For xvhore-mongers, for them that defile themfelvts with man- kind, for men-flealtrs , fot lUrs, fotferjurd ftrfens, and if tbe(e be aoy other thing that is contrary to foood dodtriae. X^ to Xi) C4/. ^, j4. to Chrift (c) ; or, upon tl-ieir continuance in the etlate arte! way ofiin,' ■VVKerefore the jq leave them inexcufable C), and under the curfe thereof e). ■L«.rv tPO'S our •Scho»l-mafier to bring us unto Chrift, that we might be juftified by faith, (d) ^om.i zn. For tlie invifi- Wc things of liim from the crcjtion of the World are cleerly feen , being underftood by the things that are made, even hfs eternal power and Godhead , fo that they are 7vhh»ut ex'ufe. Compared with iiom. 2, 15. Which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts^ thek con fctences alfo bearingwitneji, and their thoughts \\\t mean while acctdfing one another, {e) Gal. 5. 10. For as many as are of the works of the lav/ , are under the curfe : for it is written , Cnrfed is every one that continueth notin all the things wliicli are wutien in ths book of the Law, to do thetn. Q. \^ hfit fpec'id ufe is there of the Moral Law to the regenerate} Anfiv. Although they that are regenerate , and believe in Chrift, ( f) i{oman.'C be delivered from the Moral Law as a Covenant of works (/ )> fo 14. Forhnshal 35 thereby they are neither juft.fied ig) -y nor condemned (6)5 ininioa** over y^*^ befide the general ufes ih;reot common to them with all men, youj ki-ytare it is of fpecial ufe , to shew them how m-uch they are bound to mt under the i^\\x\.&. for his fulfilling it , and endur.ng the curfe thereof in their grace ^?ow"^'^'^ ftead,& for their good c/)jand thereby to provoke them to more thauk- 4, 6. Where- fulnefs ( kj > and to exprefs the (amc in their greater care toconform ibre , my bre- thren , ye alfo are bceomc dead to the Law , by the Body of Chrift , tliat ye should be tnarried to another, even to him who is raifed from the dead, iliat we should bring forth fruit onto God. -— - Verfe 6. 1 But now wt are delivered from tlie Law , that being dead wherein we were held , that v.'p. should ferve in newlofs of fpirit , and not in the oldnf fs of the 1- tter. Galat. 4- 4, S • But when the iulinefs of time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a Woman, made under the Law. Verf 5.3 To redeem them that were under the Law , that we inighr receive the adoption -of fons. {g ) ^m. ^. 20. Therefore by (f>e deeds of the Law shall no flesh be juftified in his fight, for by rhe Law is the knowledge of lin. ( h) Galat ^. z%. Metkatd ^ lewi^txznce^ aguinji fuch there is no law. }{i,m.% \. There is now therefore no condcmnatv-n t9 themthat are in Ch>iftjeft4s , who walk not after the flt^sh, but after the Spirit. (,») S^m.j.zi..i$. O wretched man that lam ! rvha shall deliver }ne from this body of death? Verf. 25. 3 I thank^God through fefus Chriji our Lord , id then withthemind I my fdf fervetheLawof God, but with the flesh , theLawoflin. Gajat.^.j^, •14. Chrifi hath redeemed us from the eurfe of the Law , being made a curfe for uf : for it is written, Carfedis every one that hangethon a Tree. Verf i4. j That the bUfung of Abraham m'ght tome on the Gentiles through f efm Chri[i , that we might receive the pvomife of the Spirit through Faith. l{pm. 8, 8,4. For what the Law could not do , In that it was weak through the flesh , God fending fc^^foipw Son in the tikenep ct finfuU flesh , and for fin , condemned fin in the flesh, verf 4. That therightttufnefs tftheLawmightbefHlfilledinusvfho\vz\is.noX^ir.(irxhz^eihi but after the Spirit. (A^) Lukex-bts 69,-— 74,75. Bleffedbt the Lord Gndtf ifrael ., who hath vifiiednndredeemcd his people Verfe69. J And hath raifed up an horn of falvationforus inthehoufeof hisfervant David — Verf 74. 3 That he would grant unto us that we being delivered out oj the hand of 'ur enemies , might ferVe him vaithoHt fear. Verf 7$.") In l>olinefs and righteoufnefs before him all the dayes of our life. ColofJ. i, 12, n,i4. Giving -ihanh unto the Father racho hath made jw weet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints t« light. Verf. 1 2 T W^io hath delivered m from the power oj darkriefs , and hath tranflated os into the Kingdom of his dear Son. V. I4. 3 In rshom voe httve ndmpdon , through his blood, even the forgive- ods gf fiDS. them- themfelves thereunto as the rule of their obedience fy (/) i{em. 7. ir. For / delight in' the Ljtp of God after the invrard man. /(»/. 12 2 And be not C( nfortred to this World j but^tj)« transtovmtd by ihe renewnp of ^onr n ini^^s j tl^^tje niajproxerp'-tistlai^ocd, that aieptabit and ft.ufi will ofCod. Tit. z 11, 12, 13, 1 4- For xhegranoi Ced lux brinpethfalvaiion hath appeared; to all men. VvlfeiZ. : Te^ihirg tu that dtTi}in^ ttr.^,' diincl! and vn'rialy ,ujis j we ^hould live/t^f»'- /j , rightitujly i zi\A godly in tins prt-lerf evil Woi Id Veifej^. "' L'r-kjng jor th«i tu JJed i cpe , .,nd the glorious appearing i>f the great G- d , and our Lord ]tJH> Cirifi. Verfe 14 J Wh» gavt \im- fill jor tu , that he aught rcdeeui us from all iniquity , &Ddfi*ripeuhtohin.feljaftcuiiarfC(-fle^3 s^f"- /ous of good xcorks . Q. V. here U the ^JM oral LaVp fummarU y comprehended ? Anfv. The Moral Law is lunm'ariiy comprehended in the Ten Commandments, which v ere delivered by the voyce of Godupon mount Sinai , and written by him in two Tables ot ftone (m) , and (m^ Deut.io4^. ,are recorded in the twentieth Chapter of Exodus ; the four firft -^^'^ ^^ "^"^ Commandments containing our duty to God, and the other fix our '"^clrding to the duty to man (nj. firfiivr'iting,the ten Commari — merits f nhich the Lord fpake unto you in thr Afount , oat oftheirtidft ofthefire, in the day of theaffetn- bly , and the Lord gave thf ii' nnto ire. fAerf. 54. 1, 2) 5, 4 And the Lord (aid unio M((es , Hew thee rwo Tables of flone like unto the hr(t , and / nill ivnte upon thefe Tables the words that were in the firft Tables which thou brak<'ft. Vtrfe 2. "} And be ready in the morning , and come up into Mount Sinai , and prclenr thy lelt there to tie in thf top of the Mount. Vtrfe^. "• And no man shall coine up wiih thee, &c. Verfe4. -W«rf/;e/Mncc/nvo7"ai'/ex of^one likethefirft , and rote early in the morning, and went up into Mount Sinai , as the Lord had cnrrmanded him > and took^in hit hand the tivo Tables of ftum. ( » ) Atatth. 22- ^T, 58, 3!9, ^o. Jefus faid unto him , Tiou shalt love the Lord thy C7:d with all thy hrart , and with aU thy foul , and with all thy mind. Verfe 58} This is that fit ft and great C ommandment. Verfe ^9 3 And the fecondis hkc untoit* Thou shalt lo'vt thy neighbour as thy ftlj. Verf. 40. ] Gd tlielc two Cominandaients hang all the Law. and the Prophets* (2* ssiiut Rules are to be obferved for the right mderjlandhg of the ten Comman men s ? A. For the right underftanding ofthe ten Commandments , thefe rules are to be oblerved. 1. That the Law is perfe<5t , and bindetb every one to full conformi- ty in the whole man unto t' e righteoufnefs thereof, and unto intire obe- dience, for ever , fo as , to require the utmoft perfetftion of every duty, and to forbid the Icaft degree of everv fin (a). (*} ^f"^- 1*7«- b :i The Law of the- Ltrd is perfeci coTwtxxix^ the foul j the Tfftijrony of the Lord is fore, makirp wife the fcirple. Jam. a 10 For vhftfoevcr shall keep the whole Law, and yet offtnd in one p$int, he is guilty of all, Alatt 3 21* - to the end Ye have heard that it was faid by them of old time , Thou shaltiiot kill — £m J fay -.^-a^il ft onto the end 2. That it is fpiritual , and Co » reacheth the Underftanding , will, AiFedions, and all other powers ofthe foul y as well as words , verks audi {p) j{pm.7. u. and geitures (p). For we know that the law isfpirttudl , but I am carnal, fold under fin, Tfcuter. 6. J. Thou shah hvethe Loydthy God nith all thy hearty and ivhh all thyfaul , and vciih all thy might. Compared with Matth. zi. 57, 58, ?9. Jefus faid unto him , Thoa shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and with ^id thy (oul , and with all thy mind, Ver. 38.] Tl/is is tJiefirft andgrext Commandment. Vcrf. 39.3 And the fecond is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour a,s thyfelf. Matth. ^. Zl,ii — - Z7,a8 — ;(6 to the end. Ye have heard that it was faid by th?mof old time^ Thmishatt not kjU . and wholoever shall kill shall be in dan- ger of the jid^esnent, vcrC.lx-1 But /fay unto you , that nh-^ifoever is angry rvith his brother without a camfe, shall be in AAt\oct oWhs jitdgement ; and whufoever shall fay to his brother y liacay shall beindan- j^erofthe Cotimti ; but whofoever j/jj^/"9S 7"/jo/«/»o^> shall beindangcr of hell- fire — V.iy.] Ychcive heard that it hath been faid by them of old time. Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I fay linto you , that Khofoevtr looh^eth on a woman to Inj} ajtcr her ^ hath committed adultery nith herniready in hii heart — verf. j6.j Neither shalt thoa fxvear by thine head^ dec. to the end of the chapter. ^. That one and the fame thing, in divers refpedsjis required or for- (.?*) Coiojf.^. ^ bidden in feverai Commandmenrs(^ ) Mortify there fore your members which are noon the earth , fornication , uncleannefs , inordinate afleiflioo, evil con- capUc^nce, and covetaufnef^ which is idn/atry. .^wjjS. $. Saying, when will the New Aloon be gone^ that we may fill com ? and the Sat/bath, tliat we may fet forth nheat ? making the Ephah fmall , and the the}\'l great, and fajlifying the bsUances by deceit. Pro-v.i.ig. So are the ways of every one that is greedy ofgaia, rchich tal^eth arpay the life of the ovrners thereof, i Tim. 6. lo. For the love of money, is the root of all evily ixhiih while foine have coveted after j thsy have erred from the faith, and piercedthemf elves through with many forroivs. 4. That, as, where a duty is commanded, the contrary fin is forbid-- (r) /p.58.13. (Jen (r^ , and where a fin is forbidden, thecontraryduty iscomman- Xf^thoo^tutn a- ^^^ ^y^ . p^^ where a promife is annexed , the contrary tbreatning is from the Sab- included > t ).i and where a threatning is annexed , the contraiy bath , from do- ing thypleafure on my holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord honourable , and shalt honour him , not doing thine ownvoayts , noc finding thine own plea fure, nor fpea]\mg thine own words .-.- Deut. 6. 1 3. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and fer-ve him , and shalt fwear by his Name. Compared with Matth. 4.9, ro. — And faith unto him, All thefe things will I give thee, iAhou wilt fall down and worship me. verfio.^ Then faid Jefus unto him. Get thee hence Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt wor- ship the Lordthy Godj and him only shall thtttferve, Matth.15. 4,5,6. For God commanded, faying, /^ <>- ttour thy ftther and thy mother, and he that turfeth father or m';ther, let him diethedeath. V.^.^ Butye fayj that whofoever shall fay to his father or mother , It is a gift by whatfoever thoa mightell be profited by ine. ^nd honour not his father or his mother i he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of Godof none effeSihrf y oar triditioa. (/) A/««. 5. 21,22, z?, j4,z5. Ye h-^ve heard that it was faid by them of old time, Thoit shalt not kill, and whofoever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgement, verf. a».] But I fay unto you, whofoever is angry with his brother without a caufe , shall be in danger ofthe judgement, and whofoever shall fay to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger ofthe Council ; but whofo- CTershallfay, Thoa fool , shall be in danger of hell-fire, verf 23. 1 I hereforeifthoubring thy giftto the \ltar, and there reoiember that thy brother hath ought againft thee. Ver.»4. ] Leave there thy gift, and go thy way ; firft be reconciled to thy brother, and tl>en come and offer thy gift. v. 15.] ^grtervith >f7»«e arfver/ir)/ while thoa artiatfle way with him, leaft.&c, Eph.4.i8. Lethimthatftole, fteal no m^rCj but rather let him work with his hands the thing that is gotdy that he may have to give to him that needeth. (t) Exoi.idAt. fionour thy father and mother y that thy days m4^^e/ong»« 5. He that hath clean hands? and a pure heart, who hath not lift up his Irands unto vanity , norfvcDvn dictitfjtlly. Vcrf- 5. 3 /^« i''*^ receive the blefing from the Lord, and righieoufaefs from the God of his falvation. r 5:. That what God forbids, Is at no time to be done*, whathecom- * ^[^'^/'^il mands , is alwayes our duty (x) , and yet every jparticujar duty is not to ^vickedly ^*foc be done at ajl times (^). ' '"■ '-•"yY^ God,andtalk "' ^ . , ^ <. deceitfully for HDn? verf. 8."] Will ye accept his perfon ? will ye contend for God ? /^ow. 5.8. And not rather , as we are flanderoufly reported, anil as/iwe affirm that tvefay. Let m do evilthat gotd may tome , rchofe damna' tionisjufi. Job 36. 21. Take heed, regard not inicjuity , for this haft than chofeu rather then afflidion. Tiebr. i r . 15. Chufing rather to fufftr affli&ion with the people of God , then to enj$y the pleafures of fin forafeafon. {x) Dwr. 4. 8, 9. And what Nation is there fo great, that hath ftatutes and judgements fo righteous as all this Law which I fci before you this day ? verfe 9. ] Onely taf{€ heed to thyfelf, anci keep thy foul diligently ^ leafi thnu forget the things which thine eyes have feen, and leafi they depart from thy heart all the dayes of.hy life , but teach them thy fons, and thy fons fons. (7 ) M^tth. 1 2. 7. But if ye had known what thi: ineaneth , IvciU have mercy , arid notfacrifice , ye would not have condemned the gailtlefs. 6. That , under one fin or duty , all of the fame kind are forbidden or commanded, tcgether with ail t?-e caufes, means, occafions , and ap- pearances therej^ and provocations thereunto '>^. ( 1 ) *Matth. j: See i^f) before, rerfe 27, 1 Ye have heard that it hath been faidofold,' Thou shalt not commit a duU. tery: But / fay t\tXO yoo , tvhofoeVer lotketh on arcomantolufl after her , hath committed « it thoii ihalt do up n[\^ner pf work ,vt.h9f* tttor thy fan ner thy daughter, n»r thy man-fcrv^nty nor thy mtid-fervant, nf>r thy c^tj^^^norihejl-^arigtrthatu piiC in thy gates -.- Lcvit. 19. 1 7. Thou flialt not hate thy brojtlier jn thy he^ri 'yihou sU/tin q>»y vcifer^bUll thy mi ghboHr, andmtfuprfinuponhim. Gea. 18.19. For I know him ihat[he vvlU command his ebildrm Andhi' hoHiho Id after him, andiheyshall keep the rvay ofthe Lord to do ]ii{lktind}[id'y cmeat , that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath fpokc of him. )oih. 24. 15. And if It fcem eviJ to you to ferve the Lord , chufe you this day whom ye wi]l ferve --- but ^ffor me and myhodfe ne rcillferve the Lord. Deut.6.6,7. Adu thefe words wliich I command thee this day ^11 be in thy heart, and 1^014 shah teach then* diligently to thy children , and fhah t/tl\of them when ihow Jitttji in xhintkhttfe , and when thou jw/Af/^^y */jeiv4Vj and when thou //ej? (iffjpw, and wl'Woth6u^//e/?. MP. '■' ,''. .' ' ^ , -' 8 . That , in what is commanded to others , we are bound according (b ) z Corlnt. I. to our places and callings to be helpful to them ( h) , and to take heed of 24. Not for percjii^ing with others in what is forbidden them (c\ triat we nave r o dominion over your faith, i!«<«re/x//'e)-j«/joMy jo;/ — (c) i Tim.^.n. Lay haois fuddeDlyodoo man/ neiihtrbepertdh^r 0} othermens fins j keep thy ft^lfpure. Ejfh.^.ii. And Ixive noJeUowihip with the unprt^. fiuibie w»rks ofdarknefij buttather reprove thcji^. ^ ^hatfpecial things are nv to confider in the ten Commandments ? A. Wc are to confider in the ten Commandments , the Preface, the fubftance of the^Commandments themfelves, and feveralreafons an- nexed to fome of them> the more to inforce t^em. (^ Sf/hat is the Preface to the Commandments } A, The Preface to the Commandments is contained , in thefevvords [ I a?n the Lord thy God vc>hich have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out (d) Exod. lo.t. of the houfe ofiiondage {d)il wherein God manifeftetl.his Soverajgnty, Thus faitTifoe asbeingJehovahjthcEternal, Immutable, and Almighy God (c), ha- Xorrf the King ving his Being in and of himfelf f/) , and giving leing to all his of Ifrael, and words {g)i and works (h)i and that beisa God in Covenint,aswith If- j theZ^doTl}»S ^^^^ of o'd> fo with all his people (i), who as he brought th«m cut ol: their J am the firji] bondage in Egypt, fo he delivereth US from our.Spiritualthtaldom C^jj and I am the lafif and befides me there is no God. ( f) £xod. 5. t4 And God faid ante Mofes, T ^M TH.y4T 1 i/t M. ^ and he faid J Thus fhah thou fay unto the children of Ifrael , A -<^A/ hathfentmeunto ytn. (5} ExodsS.i. And I appeared unto Abraham, and Ifaac, and Jacob, by the name orGod Almighty; hm by my ^awe Jehovah Teas J not k^nown to tliem. (]>) ^f?/ 17.24— z8. God that made the Worlds «nd all things therein .feeing that he is Lord of Heaven, and of Earth, dwelleth notin lemplesmadc vfUh hands. -— Ver.28.3 For in him we live, and movet and have our being, as certain alfoofyourowa Poets have faid. For we are alfo of his ofF-fpring. (i) Gen.iy.j. Aadl will ejiablish my Covenant be- tween me and thee, andthy feed aftertheeintheir generations for an everlafiing Covenant ,tobea Godunta thee, andto thy feedafterthee. Rom. 5. 29. IshetheGodojthefevcsonely? it he not a! fo of the Gentiles ^ Xes, of the Gentiles alfo. {k) Luke i. 74 75 . That he woflld grant unto as, that we being delivered out tfthe hands ofcuif enemies, Wight feivc him without fear. Vcr. 7i .3 In holincfs and righteouiiids htfori faim all the dayejff our life. . and that therefore we are bound to take Hmforour God alone > and to keep all his Commandments (/;. i^.iTfiS.^BiJ as he -who hath called you , is htly i fo be ye holy in all manner ofconterfation. verf. i6.] Becaufe it is writtenj Be ye holy, for 1 am holy. Verf. 17. ] And if ye call on the father , who without refpeft of jpec- fons judgeth according to etery maos \voxk,pa^ the time ofyourfojourning here infeAr, Verf. 18. J Foi- afinuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as filver and golU^ from your vain conveyfttion received by tradition from yonr fathers. Lev.iS.io. I hercfore fhall ye l-^eep mim Ordinan^ tes , that ye commit not any of thefe abominable cuftomes which were committed before you , that yc defile not your fclves therein : I am the Lord your God. Levit. 19. 37. Therefore shall ye obferve all tny Stattttcjj and all my judgements y and do them : I am the Lord. Q^ V^ljat is the ftim of the four ComrKandments ^ rvhtch cont amour dutj ta ^God> i A. The fum of the four Commandments containh?g our duty to teod , is, to love the Lord our God -with all our heart, andwithallour foul, and with all our ftrength, and with all our mind (m\ (***) ^«\mo- » o 27. And he an- fweriflg faid nnto him, Thou shalt love tJjt Lord thy God with aU thy hearty and with all, 5£c. O. yS'hkh is the fr(i Commandment ? Anfw. The firfl: Commandment is , ThoH shalt hAve no other Gods be- fore me (n) . («)£W.2o.s- ^ V^' hat are the duties required in the fir (I Commandtnem ? A. The duties required in the firft Commandment, are, the knowing and acknowledging of God to be the only true God , and our God (o) ^ (") ^^^''*'u *' and to worship and glorifiehim accordingly (p) , by thinking (q)) me- solomon my foii , l^woir thou the God of thy father , and ferve him with a perfedt heart , and with a willing mind ; for the Lord fearcheth all hearts, and underftandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts j if thoa feck kim , he will be found of thee ; but if thou fotfake him j he will cad thee off for ever. Dent. 26.17. Thou baft 4tvourhed the Lord this day to be thy God , and to walk in his wayes , and to keep his ftatutes , and his commandments, and his judgements, and to hearken unto his voice. Efai.Ai-Xo. Yc are my witnefles, faith the Lord, and my fervanr whom I have chofen j that ye may k^orv and believe me , and underfland that J am he, before me there vras no God formed, neither shall there be after me. Jer. 14.22. .^re there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can caufe rain ? or can the Heavens give showers ? ^rx not thoi* he^O Lord our God? therefore we will wait upon thee, fox thou haji made all thefe things, {p) Pfalnt ■95-6,7. O come let Hi rvorship and bow dorrny let tis kneel before the Lord cur A'faher. Verf 7 ^ For he is onr God, and we are the people ofhispaftore, and the sheep of his hands. Matth ^. 10. Then faid Jefus unto him , Get thee hence Satan , for it is written. Thou shalt rvor.^hip the Lord thy God^ and him onely shalt thou /ez-T'e. Pfalmz^ 2. Give unto the Lord the glory dw yir\Xo\-\\snime ; vcor ship the Lord in ih^ beauty of bolinefs. (q) Mal.yib. Then they that feared the Lord fpake often one to another , and the Lord hearkned and heard it , and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared 1 she Ltrd, and thought upon his name, Y a dilating (0 Ppti'6^.6' dimmg(r)y remembring^/), highly efteemingrf;, honouring («; , mein"ber^ thee adoring %choofing(A"),loving(y),definng ^^ ., fear,ngofh;nnc^),be- opon my bed, Hevinghim C/'), milling (T), hopingC-^;, delighting (f^, rejoycingin sLod meditate on him (/ , bcingzealoLis for him C J i , caUing upon him, giving all praife *''^''"^'^^°*sht and thanks U^ , and yielding all obedience and fubmillion to him, with (A Eccl.ii. r. the whole man {0^ being carefiill in all things to pleafe him (l?), and for- i{emembcr wow rovvf uIJ whcQ in any thing he is offended J) , and walking humbly with thy Creator la j^jj^ ^y^) the days of thy youth, &c. Ct) Pftlmji.i^, Thy righteoufnefs alfo , O God, is very high, who haft done great things. O Gtd^rihs PS like unte thee > (^t4) Aiat.i.6 Afon /jononj-et/j hisfather, and a fervaot hi$ttia<» fter ; // then I be a fathery where it mine honour > and if I be a mafter, where is my fear, faith the Lord of Hofts. unto you, OPriefts, that defpife try name ? * ifai.^S-fi- I have fwora by my lelf, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteoufnefs, and shall not return , that unto mt every knee shaU bow , every tongue shall fwear. (v) fosh. i^ is--zi And ifit feem evil unroyoutofetvetheLord, choofeyou this day whom ye will ferve, whether the Gud which yoor farhers ferved ; that were on the other tide of the flood, or the Gods ot the Amorites m whofeland ye dwell; but as for me and ray houfe,we will ferve the Lord — Verf it''] And Jo$hi>a faid unto the people , Ye are witnefles againft your felves, thatye have chofen the Lord to Cet\ehimi And they faid» we are witneffes. {y Deut b.i. Aadsheushalt love the Ltrdthy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy might. ( a^) Pjalmy^. z5 , Whom have I in heaven but thee f" And ihtx^h none upon earth ti ^t l deftre be fidts thee, (a) ifxi.S. 13, Sandlinethe Lordof Hoftshimfelf, and lei him be y»ur fear^ and let him be ytur dread, {b) Exodi'^.p. And Ifrael faw the great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians , and the people feared the Lord, ««£/ 6e//eveci»>-'ceyerighteous,aDdshoutfor joy allyethat are upright in heart, (f) I{tm. izii Not fljthfulin bufinefs, fervent in fpiritj/ej-f/wgr/jc Z-ort^. Compared with A'^ww^ 15. u. /^Wjic^wthef 'n of Eleazar, the fon of Aaron the Prieft,hath tarned my wrath away from the children of Ifiael (ixhile he wot •^^ealouf for myfakf amongft them ) that I confumed them not in iry jealoufie. ( b) Phil. 4. 6. Be carcfull for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and fupplication, with thankfgiving /tf jowr >-ef Me/?j ^e wj^tc/e /cKowH unto G»d, [i) fer.y.f^. But this thing commanded I them, faying, Obey my voice, and I mil be *^t»r God, and ye shall be my people, and walkje in all the wayes that l have commanded you, that it may fee well with you. Jam.^.j. Submit ymr felves therefore to God , refill the Devil and he will flee from you. (}\) I f»'j« ?. **• And whatfoever we ask we receive of him , becaufe we keep his command- anent, and do thofe things that arepleafingiu his fight. (I) ferem. 31. 18. I have furely heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelf thus, r/p-jJ* hapchaftifedmc , and / wa-s chafifed as a bnUo']\unaccujiomcd to the yoah^, tern thou me> and I shall be turned, thou art the Lord my God. Pfalm 119. i 36. t(iveri ofvcattrsrun rlown mine eyes, becaufe men k^ecp not thy Law. ( w ) Micf} 6. 8. He haih shewen thee, O man, what IS good ; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do juftice , and to love mercy, and to walk hnmbly xith thy God \ ^ '^'hat are t^efmsforhidde*i in thefirft Commandnent ? A. The fins forbidden in the firft Commandment, are , Atheifm in («^ pfal.j^.T. denying,ornothavingaGod('j , idolatry, in having, or worshipping The fool hath faidin his heart, There it n» God — Ephef. 2. 12. That at the time ye were without Chrift, being aliens from the Commonwealth of IfraeJ j and ftrangers fiom the Covenant of proinifcj having no hope , and wuhfHtGidintheveerl^, more more Gods then one, or any with, or inftead of the true God o 5 the not having and avouching him for God , and our God /> ; the omiffion or {') 'fcrm.i.xy. iieglert ot any thing due to him required in this Commandment '^ro* ignorance r, forgetfulnefs /, mifapprehenfions t , falfe opinions «, nyjathir^zxA unworthy , and wicked thoughts ot him , bold and curious fearthing toafiom. Thou into his lecrets Xy all profanenefs > , hatred of God z. , felf-love k, haj} hnught me felf-feeking ^, and all other inordnate and immoderate fetting of our {g^e ' turned mind , will , or afFedions upon other things , and taking them their back up- ofF from him in whole or in part c > vain credulity d ^ unbe- °° ^^.^ 3"^* not their face ; but in the time of their trouble they will fay , arife and fave us. Verf. 28.} But where are thy God* that thou haft made thee J" let thera arife , if they can fave thee in the time ofthy trouble, (or auo^ding to the number of thy Cities ure thy Godr , o fudah. I ompared with 1 Theff. 1. 9 For they theinfeJvcs {hew of us what manner ofentring m we had unto you , and how ye rttmnedtoCod from idols , to ferve the living xnd true God. ( p ) Pfalm %\. \\. But my people would not hearken to my voyce, Ifraelvcould have none r,f me. ((j^ /(hi 4^.22,2^,24* But th$pt hafi not caUid upon mcyO Juicohy but thou haft been weary of mcj O Ifrael- Verf 25 J Thou ha(i not brought me the [mall cattelej thy burnt' tfferings, neither hafi thm honoured me vcith thy fkcrifiies—.-'VetC, 2^.~\ Thou haji btttghtme no fneet cant Withmoney, n»r haft thnu filled me vcith the fat ofthy farrifices , but haft made me to ferve wiih ihy fins, thou haft wearied me with thine iniquities, {r) fer.^.iz. For my people is foolifli, they have ntt l^tiown tne ; they are foolifh children, and have no underftand'nj; , they are wife to do evil , but to do good they have no knowledge. PlnfA i —b. Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Ifrael 5 for the Lord hath a contraverfie with the iohabitants of the land, becaufe there is no truth, nor mercy, nor kyiowledge of God in the land — Vf^fSt'^ My people are defiroyed for lack 0/ l\non'/edge , becaufe thou haft rejetT:ed know- ledge, I alfo will rejeft thee, that thou (halt be no Pricft to me, feeing thou haft forgotten the law ofthy God, I alfo will forget thy children ( / ) Jercm.z.'^i. Can a maid target her ornaments, or a bride her ztxixe) yer my peop'e have ttrgotten me dayeswhhnux number. (;) ^ffs ij z^ —- 29. For sis I pafted by, and beheld your devotion,! found an Altar with this infcription, TO THE VNKJSWJVN GOD, •whom therefore ye i^norantly rvnrsfip ; him I declare unto you --- Verf 29. Forafmuch then, as we are theoff-fpringof God, rve ought not titthink that the Gedheadis like unto gold , or filver, or ftone graven by art or mans device (n) ifriAo.xS. To whom themvill ye lik^cn Gnd , or what likened will yecompare unto him ? * Pfalm 50. 21 Thefe tilings haft thou done , and 1 kept lilence, thnu thotightefi that 1 rrtin tiltogether fuch a one at thy (elf -^ but I will reprove thee,and fet them in order before thinceyes. \\')Deut, 29. 29. Sicrtt thinq^s belnng unto the Lord our God ; but thnfe things that are revealed belong unto uJj and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of the law. (y) Tit. 1.16. They prorcfs they know God, but in -nnrks they deny him, being abominable , difobedient , end to every good xvcrl^repro- bate. Pfebr.ii.i6. Leaft there be among you any fornicator, oy^z-ofdne/^ey/ow , as Efau , whoforone iriorffl of meat, fold his birth-right, fq;) /(ow.1.50. Back-biterSj haters of God, defpightfulj proudjbot- fters,&c. (a) zTim.-^.t. Formenflial ^e/o^'rJo/, tempting of God ^, ufing unlawful means r, you'° an"^ cvH and rnifting in lawful means fy carnal delights and joys/, corrupt,bUnd, heart oj unbc- and indifcrcet zeal «, lukc-warmnsfs *, and deadnefsin the things of lief in <^«-'P^'^r- God .vrcftranging our felves, and apoftatizing from God 7, praying, or vinp'Sod; '^ * givingany religious worship to SaintSj Angels, or any other creatures 2., ( f) G.ti i.io. allcompacisj and confulting with the devil a^ and hearkening tohisfug- Idolxuy , geftions l>, making men the Lords qfour faith and Confcience c : flight- HitriY Vari- ing and defphingGod j and bis commands ^,reiifl:ing and grieving of ance, Emulati- hisfpirit i?,difcontent, and impatience at his difpen&tions , charging ons , Wrath, {^[m foolishly for the evils he infiidson us / j and afcribing the praife of taf'^ 'fftn/fel' ^^^y Z^°^ we either are, have, or can do, to fortune ^, idols /;, our Tit.\.ic3. ^ felves ^, or any other creature /^. man that is an xhereticl^j after the firft, and fecond admonitiotj, reject, {g) >€Bi i6. 9- i vevUy thought nlth myfeij, that I o'-'.ght to do m.iny things contrary to the name off ifus of Na-:^reth. {h) PfalmyZ 22. Becaafe they beVicvedtiotiaGodjnor tyujiedinbisfalvation. (i) Gene ,<^,i^. And C^iw faid unto the Lord , Aly puriishfiuni is gnater then lean bear, {k^) j^er, $.5. O Lord, are not thine eyes npon the truth ? Thou haft (irick^n them , Out they have not grieved, thou ha[{ c,j n fumed thetn, but they have refufed to receive car" reflion, they have trade their faces lurdss thtnzvockythej have refufed to return, (i) Jfai.^z.i^. There- fore he hath poured upon him the fury 9j /jw^wgfr J &nd the Jiretigth of battel i aadithAth ft i>'im on f re toand aho\it,yet he k^nevc it not jZad it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart, {m) I^m.i.^. But after yoM;/, for the Lord hath fpoken it. (■7) P falm i^.i-^. JK^ep back thy fervantalfo from pre fumftuow fins, let ihein not have dominion over me, then /hall I be upright and innocent from the great tranfgreffion. {p) Ztpb.i. 12. And it Hiall come to pafs at that time, that I will fearch Jerufalem with candles, and punish the men that are filled on their lees, that fay in their hearts. The Lord nill not do good, neither will he do evil, ('9") Alatt, 4. 7. Tcfus faid onto him , It is written again » Thou shah not tempt the Lord thy Gtd. ( r) P^om. 5. 8. And not rather, as wc be flanderou fly reported, and as fame affirm that rce fay ^ Let us doevil that gee d maycoKie, whofe damnation iijuji. ( f) Jerem.ij.s. Thasfaiththe Lord, Curfed be the man that trujieth in man^ and mak^cth his flesh his arm,iiad whofe heart dcpartcth from the Lord, {t) z Tim. 5.4. Trr.ytcrs, heady) high-minded, lovers ofpleafure, more then lovers of God. C") Gal. 4. 17. They ^ealoufy ajfeSi you, but net vctll, yca^ they would exclude you that ye might affed them. John 16. 2 — Yea. the time co- meththat vchofoever h^UcthyoUy nriUtbink^thathe doth God good ferviee. Rom.io.2. For I bear them re- cord that they have dec. ('^ ) I\p»).lo. Y Vsfoeverfhallcallupon the name of the Lord, {hall be faved. Ver. 14.I How then shall ^Hht O?^'' ^''»'" ff'eyhfiye ^cp jfdisvtdi and how j[hall they believe io hiin,of whom they have y " »ot / i (i5i) not heard r" and how (liall thoji hear without a preacher: fJ*[.^-iz. My paple ai\co¥nfel at tht'ir ftock^'^und their ftaffdecJaieth unto thetn ; fbrthefpirit ofvvhoredon-s hatlicaulcd ihcm tocrrc,and they have gone n nh»ring from under thei) Ged. ^ffs lo. z^, if). A.nd »s PiUr wacomw^in Cot;ieiiut met him, and ^eU Usivn ^rvaDtjandotrhy brethren that have the tcihinony ot Jelus ; wcrshipGod, forthetcftinioDy of Iclus is the Spirit ot Prophecy. A/•« wo*"' ''""»'''« C;e.?fpj-,wh(J 13 bklkdfor ever. Atncn. {-'^^Lev. 20.6. And the loul thatturneth ajterfuih as have familiar fpirits , andajitr w ii^aras to go a whoring after theoj, I will even fet my face againft that foul ^ and will cut him vff froin among his people. 1 Sam. i%. 7--- II. Then faid Saul to his fervants^ Seel^mt a rvaman that h.-zth ajamiliar ffirn ,that 1 may go to her j and enquire of her j and his fervant faid unto him, Behold,there is a woman that hath a tainiliar fpirit at Endor — Verfeii. ; Tlien faid the womanswh^m shall I bung up unto thee.'' and he faid, bring me up^ Samuel. Compared with I Chron. lo. ijii*- So ^«/«/d;rf/o; /j;.> f;v«/ffre/?;ow, which he committed a-' gaioft the Lord, even againflthe Word of the Lord, which he kept not ; alio for asking counfcl ofone that had a familiar fpirit to enquire of it. Verf 1 4. 3 And enquired not of the Lord , therefore he flew him,&c. {i) .y^ils 5.3. Bnt Peter faidj Ananias, i\/y/j^f/; 3 dU^yiV/ffit/j^ heart to lie to the Iwly Chofij and to keep back part of theprice of the land. {') 2 Cor. 1 .24. Not Jer ti at vet have dominion overyottr faith, but are helpers of your joy j for by faith ye ftand Atatth.t 5.9. And c all no man your lather upon eaithjfor oneis your Father which ism heaven, fa) Deut.ii. 15. hni ^eshurun waxed jat and kiih^d ^ thou art waxed fat, thou art grown thick, and thou art covered with fatnefs j then he forfook^the Cod that irjirde himj and lightly efieemedthe r ckcfhisfalvatien. z Sam.iz,.<). Wherefore haft thou defpiftd thecom- xnandment of the Lord, to do evil in hishght.^ thou haft killed Uriah the Hittite with the fword, and hafttakenhis wifeto bethy wife, Stc. Pr'V.15. 15 Whojo defplfeth the Word^ shall be dejtroyed-^ but he that feareih the coBimaBdment shall be rewarded, (e) .^cls-j Ji. Yeftiff-necked and uncircumcifcd iDlTeartandears,yedo alwayesreJift theHoly Ghoft; as your fathers did , fo do ye. Eplief. ^. ■^o. And grielenot she holy Spirit of Cod, whereby ye are fealed to the day of redemption. ( / ) Pj'alm y^.z^y-- 14,15 -— 22. But as forme, my feetwere almoft gone, my fteps had "well nigh flipt. Verf.j 1 foi"! irae enviciis at thefooli- h^ tyhen J faar fheprofperitj of the ui l^ed .-V. I ;. J Verily , J have cleanfed my heart in vain, and washed mine hands io ihnocency. For all thf day Jcixig have I been plagued, and chaftcncd every morning Verf 15. If Ifsy I will fpeak thus, i>e/.)rt/rf, i should ofjhid againft the generation of thy (hildren ---V 2i.3 Sofoetjsh wras I^atid ignnrant ; J was even as a beaft beforethee, J06 i, 22. Inall this foi iinnedn.i't, nor charged God foolishly, (g) i5«»».6. 7,8>9 Now therefore make a new carti find take two mih h kine, on which there hath come no yoke , and tie the kine to the cart , and bring the calves home from them Verf 8.} And take the ^rk^oj the Lord, and lay it upon tlie cart, and put the jewels of gold, v^hichyereturn hxtn for a trerpafs-offcrmg j in a coffer by the fide thereof, and fend ic away that it may go. V.9 ] And fee, if it goeth on by the way of his own coaft to Bethshemesl) , then lie hath done us this great evil j but if nor, then we shall know that it is net his hand that fmote us, it was a chance that happened tons (h) D.j!i.$.zi. But haft lifted up thy felf againft the Lord of heaven , and they have brought the vcffels of his houfe before thee ; and thou, and thy Lords , thy wives and thy con- Cubines have drunk wine in them , and thou haft praifed the Gods uffilver, of brafs, iron, wood, and ftone ; wliich fee not, nor hear, nor know ; and the God in whofehand thy breath is, and whofeareall thy waycs, haft thoo not glorified ? (/) Dem.Z.iy, And thou fay in thy heart , my ponery. and the might of my hand hath gotten mi this tvealth. D-in-A-.^o. The King fpake, and fad, fsnut this gnat Bahy Ion that I have built for the houfe of the Kingdom) by the might of my power,aad for the honour of my Maj'efty, (h^^ Ffeb.i.v6- Therefore they facrifice ttnto their nety and burn inctnfe umt their drag ^ becaulc by ihcw their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. Q^ What are n-e efpeciall^ taught hj thefe V?ords [before me] in thefirfi A, Thefe: A. Thefe words hefove me^ or before my face , In the firft Command- ment , teach us , that God who feeth all things , takes Ipecial notice of, and is much difpleafed with the fin ofhaving any other God; thatfoit may be an argument to dillwade from it , and to aggravate it , as a mod (/) Ext\, 8. 5. impudent provocation /^ as alfo to perivvade us to do , as in his fight, tJ.'''* ^^^:, , what ever we do in his fervice m, 1 heo laid \\z unto ine, Son of man, li\'t up thine eyes now the way towards the North ; fo I lift up mine eyes , and be- hold at the gate of t'le Altar, this image ofjealoulie in the entry, ^ndhefaid foen. Pfximt^i. »o, II. But if we have forgotten the name of our God , or ftretched out our hands to a ftrange God; shall not God fearch this out >. for he knavoeth the fecrets tf the heart. {m) I C/;rc». 28.9. Abd thou Solomon my fon, /:noxv thou the Gad of thy father , and ferve him with a perfefi heart y andvcith* iv'lling mind ; for the Lord fexrcheth all hearts , and underftandeth all the itnaginatictis of the thoughts i if thou fcek himj he will be found of thee ; but if thou forfakc him , lie will caft thee off for ever. Q«_^ Wh;ch is the fecond Commandmen' ? A. The fecond Commandment is [ Thou shatt not mike unto thee ^ny graven itnage , or any Ukenefs of any ih'vig thatu'm heavet. above , or that u in the ea'.th If, neat h y or that is in the water under the earth y thousbalt not tow doX^n tothern nor ferve them: for I the Lo^dthy God am ajealons God , vijit- ing the iniquity ofthefuheisupon the children, ttnio thethi. dandfourth.get.er' ration of them t:at hate me j and sbeVcing mercy unto thoufands , of them that (0) Exod.to Ay love me, and hep my Commandments n.'\ 5,6. 9. What are the duties required m the fecond Commandment? A. The duties required in the fecond Commandment , are the recei- (e) Dew*. 52. ving, obferviug, and keeping pure and entire , all fuch religious wor- 46,47. And he ship and Ordinances as God hath inftituted in his word 0, particularly, faid unto them, Prayer and Thankfgiving in the name ofChr. ft />, the reading preach- Hntr^aU^Vhe i"g > ^"^ hearing of the word q ^ the adminiftrationand receiving of JVords which I tejiijie among y oh this daj/y ruhichye shaft command children to tb ferve to do all the words of this law. Verf.47,] For it is not a vain thing for you; becaufe it is your life, and through this thing ye fhal prolong your dayes in the land whither ye go over Jordan to polTefs it. Matth.iS.io Teaching them t9 obftrve all things whatftever I have commanded you •, andlo, I am with y»a alway unto the end ofthe World. ^Bs 2.42. And they continued fltdfafily in the ^poftlcs doSirine, and fellowfhip » and in break- ing of bread, and in prayer. ir/w.6.15. 14. I give thee charge in the fight of God, wh >quickeDeth all things J and before Chrift Jefus, who before Pontius Pilate witneffed a gqod confeffion. Verf. 14.] That then keep this Commandment without fpot 3 unrebul^eable , nntiU the appearing of oar Lord Jefus Chrift, (/> ) Phil. 4. 6. Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and fupplication with thank^fgiving, let your requejis be made known to God. Eph. s .20. Giving thanh^s alivaysjfot all things, unto God, and the; Father in the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift. (q) Dent. 17. 18 . 19. Andit fhall be when he fitteth Kpon the throne of his Kingdom , that he shall' trme him a copy $f Jns law in a book , out of that which is before the Pricfts and Livites.V 19. 1 \nd'nshz\\\itvi\\\\\\\\x\, andhe shall readtherein all the dayes of hrs life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law , and thefe ftatutes todothem. -yfSi.j^.ii for Mefes of old time h^thia every city them that preach him , beingreadin the Synagogues every Sabbath day. 2 Tim. 4 2. Vnach the word,beiniiant,in feafon, out offeafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-fuffering and Doihine. Jam. i. 21. 22. Wherefore lay apart all hlthinefs» and fuperfluity of naughtinefs , znd receive with meeli^efs the ingrajfid v^erdy which is able to fave yoiit i'ouls. V.22 3 But be ye doersofthe word, and not '^e^ye^'iow/;', deceiving your own felves. .^fi. 10.35. Immediately therefore I fent unto thee, and thou haft well done, that thou art come. Now Uieretbre are we all hereprefent before Godj to he4r aU things thai are commandei^hee of Ged* the the Sacraments f, Church-government and Dlfcipline /, the Miniftery (^^ Matth.ii. and maintenance thereof r , reh'giousfafting «, fwearingbythenarae 19. -.- Go ye of God *, and vowmg untohim at: As alfo the difapproving , detc- tl«refore, and fting, oppoiing all falie worship ^j and,according to each ones place '/„7! L/nv"? and calling, removing it, and all monuments of Idolatry 2.. them in \hc Name of the Father> and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghoft. i Coy. n. 25. to the 50. verfe. Ter Ihazerecei-uedof the Zerdy that Tphiih alfo 1 delivered unto you , that the Lord Jefus the fame oight wherein he was betray- ed, ^oo^.^yefd,— .^«j ; alter that -^/i- racles ; then Gifts of healings. Hips, Gtverfimtnts , diverfties of tengttes. ( t) Ephef 4. 1 1, 1 2. And he. give fame ^pefilcs, zod fame Prophets, and fotne Evangelifis, and/owje Ptflcrsy and Teachers , Verfe I i.3 For the perfcifting ofthe Saints, for thework ofthe Miniftery , for the edifying ol the body of Chrift. I Tim. 5 . 1 7, 1 8. Zet the Elders that rule rvtllj be counted worthy of double honour, efpecially they who /<»- bturintheiV'ord and DoEirine. Verfe 18.] For the Scripture faith , thou shalt not muzzle the Ox that treadeth out the Cornj and the labounr /"> tvorthy of his reward. I Cer.9.7. to verf. 15. JVho goeth a ^rar- fare any time at his evtn charge ? who planteth a vineyard , and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedetb a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? — ^ndfoontoVerfeis. (u) Joe/, j. 12, 15. Therefore alfo now, faith the Lordj Turn ye even to me with all yotJr heart, initvith jfaping,and-ixecping and monrning. Verfe 13. 3 And rend your hearts, and not your garments, and tarn unto the Lord your God , for he is gracious, and raercifal, dec. — i Cor. 7.5. Defraud ye not one the other , except it be withconfentfor atime J that ye may give your felves to faftiog and prayer, and come together again, ihat Satan tempt yon not for your incontincncy. * Deut.s.iy Thoushalt fear the Lord thy God,and (exvchimjand shalt frvear by his Name, (x) Jfai.19.z1. And the Lord shall be know" to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord iti that day, and shall do facrifice and oblation, yca.ythey shall von> a. vorv unt» the Zordj and perfoTm it. PfalmjS.M. yew and pay unto the Lgrdy our God i let all that are roand about him, bring prefents unto him that ought to be feared, {y) ./4'cfs 17. 16, 17. Now while Paul waited for them at Athens , hisfpiritwat fiirred in him when he faxv all the City given to idolatry. Verf 17.] Therefore difputed he in the Synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout perfons^and in the market daily with them tiiatraet with him. Pjalm i6. 4. Their forrows shall be multiplied thgt hajitn after another God ; their drink-offerings of blood n iU not I offer , nor take up their names into my lips, C^) Deut 7 5 . But thus shall ye deal with them, jye shall defray their .^fharsy and break^ doxcn their ima- ges, and cut dtvcn their groves 3 and burn their graven images roiihjire. ifai. .;o. 22. Te shall defile alfo the covering of thy graven imager of (ilver , and the ornament of thy molten images of gold j thtu shalt tafi shtm avpajf as a loeoftruotis clutb, thoa shalt fay unto it. Get thee hence ^ Q. W^4' are the fm forhiddenin thefecond CommAtidmer.t^ A, The fins forbidden in the fecond Commandmcnt^re,all devifing <»,(«; Nhm.h: 39. Andirshal he ante yon for a fringe, that ye may look opon it) and remember all the Commandments of the Lord, and do them « ani thtitytftgk^n9f4jury9»roTenhtAr$ , and ytw *ron tj/ts , after which ye ufe to go a wboriog. 2 coun- (i(f4)" counfelling b, commanding c, ufing dy and any wayes approving any religious worship not inftituted by God h!mfelf e , tolerating a falfe Re- ib) DM IX ^8^°"/> then)akinganyreprefentationofGod,ofall,orofanyofthe €, 7, 8. 7/ thy three Perfons , either inwardly in our mind , or outwardly , in any kind brother ^the fon of ^macre or 1 kenefs of any creature whatfoever 5, all worshipping of of thy mother, j^ ^^ or God in it, or by it i; the making of any reprelentation otieign- thydaughter.or cd Deities z^, and all worship of them , or fervice belonging to them /,, the wifeof thy allfuperfttious devices ?», corrupting the worship of God w, adding to fcofome, or thy ft, taking from it 9, whether invented and taken up of our (elves />, or as^^thinr^own J^eceived by tradition from others q, though under the title of Antiqui-, foul,enticethee ty y,Cuftome/, Devotion t, goodintent, or any other pretence what- fecretly^faying, fogver «, fimony *, facriledge .V , allnegled^, contempt^, hin- j^rwirV^! ^^^'"g 4, and oppofing the worship and Ordinances which God hath which thou haft appointed h, not known, thoo, nor thy fathers, Verf. 7. Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth to the other. VerfS.] Thott shAltntt confent unto himjnor hear- ken unto him, nor shall thine eye pity Vkm, nor shalt thoa fpare, nor sbalt thoo conceal him. [c) fJof, 5. II. Ephraim is opprejjed and broken in ivdgcmeat} htcaufe he rviUingty tvall^ed after the Comnmndnient, lMtch.6. l6- Vox the Statutes of Omri art h^pt , and all t"he works of the houfe of >?fert6 j and ye walk ia their counfcls, that I should make thee a defolation, and the inhabitants thereof an hifling ; therefore ye shall bear the reproach of my people, [d) iJ^ngsw 53. Bee aufe that they have forfaken me, and worshipped ^sbtaroth the goddifi of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Atiltom thegod ®f the children oi^mmony and have not walked/n my ways, to do that which is right in mine eycs,and to keep «>yftatutesandjudgements,as did David his father, (f) Deut. 11.50, ii,ii.Takeheedto thy fdf that thoH be net fnaredby foUovcing them , after they be deftroyed from before thee ; and that thou enq,uire not ^htrx\\t\z^oi%i(iy'iag'i how did the fe Nations fer-vethnr gods ? even fo wili 1 dolik^Txife. Verf \l.~\ Thou sbalt not do fo unto the Lord thy God 3 for every abomination to the Lord which he bateth have they done unto their gods ; for even their fons and their daughters have they bprnt in tlie fire to theii- gods. Verf. 51."] Whatfoever I command yon,obferve to do 5 thou shalt not addetlvreto, nor diminish from it. (f^ Z>fttt. 13. from verf.6. to verf i». Ifthy brother the fon of thy motherj or, ^-c.--- x'»<^« \\y^ Zfch.i-^. »,;► And it shall come to pafs in that day , faith the Lord of Hofts, that I will cut off the names of the Idols out of the Land , and they shall no more be remembred : and alfo I will canfe the Prophets, and the unclean fpirittopafsoutof the Land. Verf. %.'] And it shall come to pafs that when any shall yet prophefie, then his father and mother that begat him shall fay to him. Thou shait not live j for thoM fpeak^eji lies in the name of the Lord; andhis father and mother that begat him , ihaU thrufi hiiti through vchen he prophefteth. i{ev,z i.-— 14,15 — *<>• I know thy works and tby labour , andthypa- tience , and hovo thou tan ft net heur them vshich are evil , and thon haft tried them who fay they, are Apo- flles and are not , and haft found them liars — Verfe 14. 3 But I have a jcrv things againfi thee , becauft ihtu haft there them that hold the Dolirine of Balaam , who taught Balak to caft a ftumbling-block before the children oflfrael, and to eat things facrificed to Idols, and to commit fornication. Verf 5.' S» haft thou alfo them that hold the Didrine of the Nitolaitans, which thiiig I hate. -—V. 10 ] Notwithftanding 1 have a few things againftthec (tht Charcb o{Thyatira)_betaufftboHfitffe3f^thdt m>oman Je^abel ^ tpfc» taUtth herfelfa Profhetefy to teach^ andtofcduce my fervants , to commit fornication , and to eat things facrificed to Idols, ^ti.ij.^ W. h- 1 6^,17^ Ao^ilbe m^^rm whi6fe.tba»fiweft> are ttfi /Q>g' , which """ . V .. '" • . ; have have receivecJ no Kingdom as yer, but receive powtr At V^ngi ttit how with the henff. ~- Verfe i6. ] And the ten horns which thoo fawelt upon the beall, thefe shall hate the whorcj and make her defolate j and naked, and eat her flesh , and burn her wit+i fire. Verfe 17. ] For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will , and to agree, and give their Kingdom unto the beafi , untili the vrsrds oj Gedihalt btjnl filled. (?■) Z)e»t4 15,16^17,18,19. Te ke ye therefore goed heed ttntoytur [elves (foryejaw no manner of fimtU- mde on the day that the Lordfpa^e unto you in Htreb , cot of the midft of the fire) V. 16. \ Left jcx for- ruptyottrfdves, andmak^eyou agraVen Image, &c. — V. 19.] And lejl tl;»it lift up thine eyes-unto Hea- vent and when thou feeft the Sun, Moon, and Stars, even all the Hoft of Heaven, shouldeft be driven to worship them J and ferve thcin , which the Lord God hath divided unto all Nations nnder the whole heaven, ^d^iji^. For aliiiuch then as we are theoff-fpringof God , weonght not to think that the Godheadisliketogoldorfilver, or ftone graven by art aad mans device. I{pm. 1.21,22,2^ — 2J. Be- caafe that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, nor were they thankful, bat became vam in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was daikned. Vcrfe 22. 3 Profeffingrhemfelves wife , they became foois. V. 2 V J And changed the gleVy oj the incorruptible God , into an Image made like to coryufti- hleman, and tt hirdsyardbcajisj and creeping things. --Verf 25.] Who changed the truth oj CedinttK He, and worshipped and ferved the creature more then the Creator , who is bleflcd for ever. Amen. (h) Dan.-^.i^ But if not , be it known unto thee , O King, that we will not ferve thy gods> nor wor- ship thy golden Image which thou hafi fet up. GahtAS.Hovibeh then when ye knew not God , ye did fervice unto them which by nature are no Gods, (i) Exod. 32 5—8. And when ^aron favc it he built an^tarbeloreit, and made proclamation, and faid. To wotj-ow ;j«/f(t// to the Lord. — VerfS.] They have turned afide quickly out of the way which I commanded j they have made them a mi Iten calf , and. have vccrshippedit, and have facrif ted therettntOjandf^iid, Thefe he thy Gnds^O. //? «f 7,wbich have brnoght thee op out ofthe Land of Egypt. (/) I ivi«g^ 18. 26— 28. And they took the W/or^; and dreffed it, and called up'in the name of Baal, from morning to noon,faying,0 Baal^ear tis; but there was nov»lce, ■or any th.it anfwered ; and they leapt upon the Altar which was made. — Vcrf 28. 3 And they cried loud, and cat tberafelves with knives, &c. — Jfai 65.1 1. But jye are they that forfahe the Lord, that for- get my holy mountain , that prepare a table for the troop , xhzt furnish the drin\-offering unto the number. \m) ^£ls\7.ii. Then Paul ftood in the midft of Mars-hill, and faid, Yemen of A'hens, T perceive that in all things ye are too fuperftitioiis . C«/. 2> 21, 22, 23. {Touchnot, taftenot, handle not. Verf 22 J Which all are to perifh with the nfing) after the comniandments and doftrines of men. Verf. 2 3. J Which •things have indeed a shew oj wifdom in IVill-vcorsi ip , and humility , and ncgleding ofthe body, not ia any honoartothefatisfying of the flesh, (n) Mai. i.y,S. 14. Te ofered polluted bread upon mina ^Itar , and ye fay , Where have we polluted thee \ In that ye fay. The table ofthe Lord is Qontemptt- ble. Verf 8.3 And if ye offer the blindforafacrifice, is it not evil f and iftl-e lame andftck. y^ft not evil ? Offer it now to thy Governour , will he be pleafed with thee , or accept thy pcrfon , faith tbf Lord ot Hofts -- Verf 14. But curfedbe the deceiver, who hath in his fiech, a jwx/e, and vorceth andfacrifi eth untm the Lord a corrupt thing j fw: lama great IQ»g > faith the Lord of Hofls , and my name is dreadful a- xnong the heathen. (0) Deut. 4.2. Ye shall not adde unto the word which 1 command ytu , nor shall yC diminish ought from it , that ye may keep the commandments ofthe Lord yoor God which I command you. (p) Pfal. 106. 39. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions. ( f ) Matth. 15.9. But in vain do they rvorship mc, teaching fi-r dofirine the command^ mentsofmen. ( >• ) i fff. 1. 18. Forafmurh as ye know ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as filver and gold , from your vain converfaticn received by tradition fiom your fathers. (/) ferem. 44. 17 Sut we will certainly do whatfbever thing goeth forth ont of oar own mouth , to burn inctnfe f she Queen of heaven , and to pour out drink-oflerings unto her , above many mine equals in mine own Nation ,b.ingexceidingly}^^lomofthetraditimso}myfathert. («) i Sam.iS.ii. Buti/je people ( faid Saul ) tookj>i tl;elpoi/,{hcep y and oxen , the chief of thofe things which fhould have beea utterly di([u>ycd,t9 iiicrifice unto the Lord shy God in Gilgal. * ^Bs 8.18 And when Simon faw, that througii'heUyinKonofthe Apoftleshands the Holy Ghoft was given, ^< "jfcred them money, {x) i^im. 1.21 rh )u that abhorreft Idols , dojl thou commit fac-.-iiedge > Mai. 5.8. Will a ir.ao rob God ? yet yt have robbed me. But ye fay, Wherein have we robbed thee ? in tithes y«nd offerings, (y) Exod. 4j i4j 25. And it came to pafi by the way in the Inne, that the Lordmet him , and fought to kill him. V.2J .] Then Zipporahtook a fliarp {ious,andmt offthc fore^kjn 0) htrjony and caftit at his feet,&c.— ('z^) AUnt.ii,^. But they madi: light of it, iwd went their way, one to his farm, another to his u.erchan- dize. A/.?/. 1 . 7 -- 1 5. Te offer pol/mcd brcadupon mine ^ itar ; and ye fay, Wherein have we polluted thee ? /;7thatycf:ry,Thet^it>le ofthe Lurdis cor.tcWfjtible.-.YeiC.iTf'^ Ye faid alfo, Behold, what awea- rinefsis it, and ye have fnuffed at it, faith the Lord ol Hofts > zad ye hreught that tvhichvcas torn j^ndthe lame, and fid-^: fhmld I accept this of youi hand ? faith the Lord. ( « ) Matth.iyi-^. Butwounto yoa Scribes and Pnanfees, Hypocrites ■■, for ye Ihut up the Kingdom of '^eaven againft men, for ye nei- ther go in your fel vcs, nor fuffer them that are entring to gn in. {b) ^Sls \ 5.44,4s • And the next Sab- bath day, came almoft the whole City together to hear the Word of God. Verf. 45 -J But when the Jews faw the multitudes, they were filled with envy , zndfpak^e againft thsfe things which vcerefptken by Paul, contradiiling and blafpheming. I T>.ef. a. is, i6. Who buth killed the Lord Jefus, and their own Pro- phets, and have perfecuted us, and they pleafe not God, and are contrary to all men. V.16.3 Forbidding lit to /peak to the Gentiles , that they might hc fayed, to fill up their fins alwaycj j for the wrath is come ppon them to the utterinoft. jO, v/kat are the Reafons annexed to the fecond Commandment the more to enfoce'tt'^ A. The Reafons annexed to the fecond Commandment, the more to enforce it , contained in thefe words : I Tor I the Lordihj God am a z^ealous. CoJ, v'tftt'mi the iniquities of the fathers upon the children y mtothethird nd fourth aeneratim, of them that hate » e ; and shewing mercy unto th ufand of (c) Exol^-xo^ them that love ty.e, andkeepmy Comm^ndrntnts c:] are, befides Gods fo- 5>6. • veraignity over us , and property in us ^, his fervent zeal for his own ^I^S^^fhalthe worship Cy and his revengeful indignation againft all falfe worship, as King greatly defire thy beauty, for he is thy Lord, and worship thoo him. I{_ev.i j .;,♦, And they fing the fong of A/o- fes the Servant of God, and the foDg of the Lamb, faying. Great and marveUout are thy works, Lord God .Almighty, juft and true are thy wayesythou J{Jng of Saints. Verf 4- Who fhall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name ? for thou only art holy^ for all Nations (hall come, and worship before thee , for thy judgements are made manifeft. C) Exod.i^.ii,i4 Bor ye shall deftroy their Altars , break their Images , and cut down their groves. Verf. if J For thou shall worship no other God ; for the Lord nhoje name isjttilttifj is a jealous 0»d, being being a fpirltual whoredom/, accounting the breakers of this Com- (7) i c»r.fo. mandment fuch as hnte him, and threatning to punish them unto divers \°'/^^ V' ^if fenerations ^, and efteeming theobfervers ofit.fuchas love h;m , and thincs which eep his Commandments, and promiiing mercy to them unto many ge- the Gentiles fa- tierarions ^. crifice,r%A- ctfice to Df" -veh^andnsttt God\ and I would not ye should have fellowship with Devils. V. 21 ] Te canrot drink $hi Cup or the Lnrd; and the Cup of Devili j ye cannot be partakers of the Lords table, and the table of Devils. V 21.1 Do vce provoke the Lord to jealoufie'i are we ftrongerihen he .'' 7f»'f'w.7.l8,I9,20. The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the w 'ineo knead their douch to make cakes to the Queen of Heaven , zn^te pour out drit k^nfferirtgs to othirgedijthat they may pr oVik^ me to at.gtr, Ver. 19. 3 Do they prov.ke me to anger , faiththe L»rd f do they not provoke tlremfelvcs tu the confufion of their own faces .'' Verf 20.] Therefore thus faith the Lord God , Behold , mine anger and jury shall be fofired out uponthls plaie,uyon man,and beaji, and tlie trees of the field , and the fiuitof the ground, and itshallburn, and none shalK^uenehit. iE";^*^*. 16. 26, 27. Thouhaji .■>lfo committed fornication xriih the Egyptians thy neighbours great offleshj and haft enoeajed thy vchoredoms toprovtke me t» anger. V. 27.3 Beholdj therefore I have ftretclied out my hand over thee, &c. Dewr. 52.16,17,18,19 20. Tl^y prcVokfd him to jealottjie rvith Jirange C7ot//,with abominations provoked biin to anger. Ver. 17 ] They f'atrificedto Devils^ not to God, to gods whgm they inexv »£//, to new gods, Sec. v. 1 8 1 Of the roi.k that begat thee thoa art unmindful, and haft forgotten God that formed thee. V. 19 "j And rvhen the Lord /aw it , he abhorred thi-m, becaafeof the provokmgofhis f -ntjand daughters. Verf 20. ] ^r.d he ftid, I n ill hide my fact from them; I will fee what their end shall be, for they are a very froward generation, children in whom there is no faith, {g) Ffef.z. 2,^,4. Head wirh your mother, plead /oj-j/jc/j not wjy ip>/p, neither am I her husband; let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her fight, and her adulteries from be- tween her breafts.. V.5. Ze/?y /?w/> fcer w4/^ed/, andfether asiq theday thitshewasborn , andmake her as a wilderncfs , and fet her like a dry land, and flay l)er with thirft. Verf 4.3 ^nd I ni/l not havt rnerty upon her children, for t ey ::re the children ej vrhorfdoms. (I J Deut. J , 29. O that there were fuch a heart in them, that they irauldfear meyftnd keep my Ctmmandm'ems always ,that it might be rfell rvith them und with their children fur ever, ^ 'Wl ich if the thirl Cor/ foi th9n b^ff magnified thy n>ord Ab»vt. M thj Nmt, Z 3 crameou f ) Co crametits n, prayer Oy oaths />, vows q, lots y, his works /, and what- s4i5!--28,"".' foever elfe there is whereby he makes hirafelf known , be holily and re- And when he yeremly ufed in thought r, meditation w, word*, writings, by an had given ^^i pj-ofefTion y , and anfwerable converfation y , to the glory of br!ke it', a'od God a, and the good of our felves b, and others c. f^ld, Take, eat, ,. , . i .- ,t r -^ ^t i r this i-s my body vchkh is broken for you, this do in remembrance of me. Verfe z^.l ^per thef*mt m&nnev MlCt he took the cupy &c. - verfe »8. j But let a. man examine himfelj, xndfo let him eat of tliis bread and drink of this cap. v. 29.3 Yothtthtiteatethanddnnkethftnvporthily, eatcth and drinketh damnation tO himfelf, not difceming the Lords Body. (») i Tim. 2. g". I will therefore that men prav every where, lifiine up holy hands without wrath and doubting, {p) fer. 4. z. And thou shatt ftvear, the Lrd Uveth, in truthlin judgement^ aniiin rightm*fne(?^ and the Nations fhali blefs themfelves,in him (hall they glory. (9) EcsL^. 2 — 4, 5,6. Be not rash with thy m^iith, and la not thy heart be hafy to titter any tl.ing before Cod; for God is in heaven , and thou upon earth, therefore let thy words be few. — - Verfe 4. iVhen th$» voneft a vorv unto God, defer not to paj it, (or he hath no pleafure in fools ; pay that -which thot* hajt vovced. Verfe s . ] Better is it that thoa shouldeft not vow, then that thou shouldeft vow and not pay. Verf g."! Sufer not thy mouth to cattfc thy flesh to fin ; neither fay thou before the Angel, that it was an errour. Wherefore ftiould God be angry at thy voice, and deftroy the work of thine hand ^ {r) ^fh I. 14,26 And they prayed , and faid, Thou Lord who knowell the hearts of all men ,fhew whether of thefe two thou haft chofen — Verf. 26. ] ^"d they gave forth their lots, and the lot fell upon MaithiaSj and be was numbred with the eleven Apoftles. ( f) Job 36 24. Kemtmhcx that thoHmagmfiehu norkt which men behold. ( c ) Mai. 3.16. Then they that feared the Lord , fpake often one to ano- ther : and the Lord hearkened, and heard it j and a book of remembrance was written before him, foe thera'lhat feared the Lord, and thought upon his Name. (.» ) PJ-^l^* 8. throughout. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy Name throughout the earth ! — to the end. * Col. 3. 17. H^ hatfoeverye do in iv$rd » in deed, dt all in the Name »f the Lord fcftis , giving thanks to God , and the Father by him. Pfalm 105.2—5. Sing unto him, fiDgPfalms unto him J tall^y<^ of allhis wandrotts worh^s. --Vtxfj.'] Re- onember bis marvellous works that he hath done , liis wonders , and the judgements of his mouth. \x) Pfalm lot. li. This shall be written j or the generation to come i and the people which {hall be crea- ted shall praife the Lord, (y) l Pet. 5.1 5. But fandifie the Lord God in yeur hearts ; and be ready al- wayet to give an anfwer to every man that asketh you a reafoo of the hope that is in you , with meck- nefs and fear. iW/V;. 4. 5. For all people will walk every one in the name of his God : andwewill walk in the Name of our God for ever and ever. (\) Phil. i. 27. Only let your ctnverfation befuch a* iecomestheGofpelofChrifi,dcc. {a) i Cor.io-i'i. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink , or w hatfoeverye do, do all to the glory of God. (b) fer. 32. 39. And I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear raefor ever,/or thegitd oj them, and tf their children aper them. (< ) I Pet.i.i %. Havwgyour tonverfation honefl among the Gentiles , ifc«t whereas they fpeakagainft you as evildoers , they may by your good works which they shall behold, glorifie God in the day of vifitation. Q. ^hat me the Jins for hidden i^i the third Comm -vdment ? A. The fins forbidden in the third Commandment,are, the not ufing {i) Mal.t.i. of Gods nan^e as is required ^, andtheabiifeofit , in ^n ignorant r, If yoa will not heir, and if ytu will not lay It f heart togivegltryf ntyName, faith the Lord of Hofts, I will even fena ■ corfe upon you, and will cui/e yonr bleffings, yea, 1 have corfed them already , beca«feyon do iiot lay it toheart (e) ^£ls 17.23. For as I paffed by, and beheld your devotions , Ifonnd ao Altar with this iofcriptioDj r» thi nnk^oipn Gti, vihmthtreforeyti^mrAntly vemhijf^ him declare 1 onto jon. Vai» vain /, irreverent, profane ^, fuperflitious /, or wicked mentioning (f) Prtv.^: or otherwife lifing his tittles, attributes / , ordinances kj crwoiks /, 9- Leaft I be by bialphemy »», perjury w; all flntul curlings o, oail s />, voavs ^,and *""' anddoy lots r, violating ot our oat. s, and vows, it lawful/, and lulrilling vv"o' ^h the them, if of things unlawful / , nuirmuring and quarreling at «, cu- Loidf orlcaft rious prying into *, and mifapplying of Gods decrees x, and provi- Iticpoor, and dences;r, mis-interpreting ^, mis- applying a , or any way pcrver- ,h'i^f^fcjmy ting the word, or any part of it L-, to protanejefts c, curious or un- Cod in x*m. profitable queftions, vam janglings, or the maintaining of falfeDo- (z) Mai.j.it brines d , abufing it , the creatures , or any tf ing contained under the honouretlf h*S nameofC >od, tocharms e, orfinfuUufts and pradifes / , themalg- father , and a ning g, fcorni' g h > revihng i , or any wayes oppofing of Gods arid ye fay, Wherein have we defpifei/thy Name ? Verf 7.] Te offer fieUutedLreAd upon mine ^tar iandytdy. Wherein have we polluted thee ^ in that ye{3LyyTheTCbnten)ptib/e.-..-Mal.i.l^. Tehavefaid, Itisv^intofervtGed; and what profit i$ it that we have kept his Ordinancesjand that we have walked mournfully before theLord of Hofts ? Co * ^^"*' *' h *» J • And when the people were come into the camp, the Elders of "Ifrae! faid , Wherefore hath the Lord ftnitten us to day before the Philiftines ? Let uijetch the ^rk^tftht C«- Vtnam tfthc Lm-dout t] Shiloh itnte us, that whin it cometh among us , it may favt us out of the hand oftuf enemy. Verf.40 So the people fent to J'/j;7o/;, to bring from ihencethc AikoftheCovcnant of the Lord; of Hofts, who dwelleih between the Cherubiros ; andthetwofonsofEli , Hophni and Phinias, were there with the Ark of the Covenant of God. Verf. 5 ."] And nhcn it came into the Camp, all Ijrael shouted •with a great shout, fo that the earrh rang again. Jerem.7 4 -- 9, lo - 14, ;i. Truflyt not in lying rcrrds, faying, Tht Temple oj the Lord, the Temple oj the Lerd^ the Temple of the Lord, are thefe -- Ver. p."] Will ye fteal , murder , and commit adultery , and fwear falfly , and burn incenfe unto Baal , and walk after other Gods whom ye know not. V. i o, ] and come and ftand before me in this houfe which is called by my Name, and fay, we are delivered to do all thefe abominations 5 — Verf 14. ] Therefore will 1 do unto this heufe , tx bich is called hy my N^me -whereinye trujf , and onto the place which I gave unto yooj , and to your fathers , V.2I.5 (Touch notjtaffenotjhandltnot^y.ii'] Which all are to perish with the ofingj after the Com- mandments and Dodlrinesof men. (i) t J^Jw^j 18, 50 ~ 35* Neither let Her^kiah mah^eyou truft In the Lord, faying , The Lord will ftmly deliver us , and this City shall not be delivered into the hand of the King of Affyria — V. 3 j .] Who are they, among all the gods of the Countries that have delivered ibcii ; Country out of my hand, that the Lord should deliver ferufaltm out of my hand ? Exod. j .2. , ^nd pha. raoh pdd. Who « the Lerdj that 1 should obey his voice, to let Ifrael go ; 1 know not the Lord,n«ither will ! '^et Ifrael go< PfaLi^^. to For they fpeakagainft thee wickedly, and thine enemies ^^/^c/^^iV^rwuV «'». (l^ ) Pfalm 50.16)17. But unto the wicked he faith , What hafi thou to do to declare my Statutes, cr • it (gji^ jwjr Covfmm mt thy mmh f Vttf, 17, ] Seeing ihon hateft innriiftioDi and cafteft my -t^-ordj hct - hiod • hioi thee. (/ ) Ifti. ji *. And the harp, and the viol, the timbrel, and pipe, and wine are in their feafts; but they regard not the vpork^ofihe Lsrd, nor the operation of his hands, {m ) i lyings t9. It. Whom k« ft thou reproached, and bl.ifpcmed, and againft whutn haft thou exalted thy power, and lift up thine eyes oo high , even ag.iinfl the Holy one of llrael. LeVit. 24- 1 1. And the Ifraelirifh womans {on biafphrmed the Nxme of the Lord , and curfcd, and they brought liiin unto Mofes — (w) Zech. 5.4-1 will bring it forth, faith the Lord of Hofts , and it fhall enter into the houfe of the thief ,e Land mottrneth. — ( cf) Deut.25. 18. Thou shalt not bring the hirt ffa n'hore, or the price e}a dpr into the houfe of the Lord thy Cod^ for any yaw : for even both thefe are an abomination to the Lord thy God, ^Bs x^.n. And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded to- gether and bitindthemfei-vet under a ciirfe , faying , that they would neither eat nor drit'}\till they hadkiUcd Paul, (r) Eflh.-^.y. In the fifth moneth fthat is the moneth Nifan) in the twelfth year of King Aha- fuerus theycaft Pur, that is the lot, before tdaman , \rom dxy to day^ and from moneth to moneth, to the twelfth moneth , that is the moneth Adar. Ejih. 9. 24. Becaufe Haman had devifedagainft the Jews to deftroythem,rt««/'j 34. So, and more ttl ft do God unto the enemies of David,ifl leave of all that pertain to him,by the morning Itght^any that pifjeth *gainft the wall — Vtrf. 32.3 And David faid to Abigail, bleffed be the Lord God of jfrael , who fent thee this day to me ; Verf. 53.3 ^nd blejjed he thy advice , and blefjcd be thou who hafl kept me this day from coming to shed blondi and from avenging myfelfwith mine own hand. Verf. 34. ] For in very deed, as the Lord God of Ifrael livcth , which hath kept me back from hurting thee , except thon hadft hafted , and come to meet me , furely there had not been left unto Nabal by the morning light , any that pilTeth againft the wall. (m) /^c-u. 9. 14. .. 19, 20, What {hall we fay then ? Is there untighteonfnefs with God ? God fotbid — verf.19.] Thou wilt fay rhen unto me, Why doth he yet find fan It \ For who hath refiftcd his will ? verf. 20 J Nay, but Oman, who art thou that rep lyefl againfi God? ihall the thing foxmed fay td him that formed it , Why haft thou made me thus f * Dettt. 29. 29. Thefecret things belong unto the Lordotsv God ; but thofe things which are revealed belong unto nsj and to our children fc>r ever, that we may do all the words of this Law. {x) I{om. 3. 5 . -- - 7. But if our unrighteoufnefi commendthe righteoufmfl of God^what shall we fay} 7/<7o<^Mn>-;^/jfe9Mf who taketh vengeance ? Ifpeakasa man-— verf. 7. ] For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my He, unto his glory , why yet am J alfojudged as a /inner ? .^o»i.6.i. Whatfhall wefay then ? shall we continueirtfin, that grtice may abound ? God ftrbid. {y) Ecd. 8. 1 1 . B etaufe fentence againfi an evil werk^, is not executed fpeedily, therefore the heart of the fins of men , is fully fet in them ti do evil. Ecclef^. j. This is an evil among all things that are done onder the funj that there is one event unto all ; yea, alfo the heart of the fans of men itjuU oj evil , and madnefs is in their heart* while they live j and after that they go to the dead. Pfalm 39. I faid I will take heed to my wayes, that I fin not with ray tongue -- throughout. (\) Matt. $ . from vetf.ji .3 To the end. Ye have heard that it was faid by thcin ofold time — {a) fc^e^*' J'**» Stcaufe with i'ttsyt have mfidt the heart of the rigb- tevis teot4t fid^tphom /have mt nutdepti', and ftrengthened the hands of the wicked that he flionld not returti fiom hi< wicked wayj by promiling hiin hfe. ( ^ ) I P't. 3. 16. As alfo in all his Epiftles, fpeaking in them of tbofe things, in which arefome things hard to be anderftood, which they that are unLarntdvrtfl^ as they do alfo the other Serif tmes^to their oven dtjiruBion. Matt. iz.i4. to the 31. Vetf. Saying, Maftcr, Mofesfaid, Ifa man die having no children , his brother fhall marry his wife, and raifc np feed to his brother ; for there were with ns fevcn brethren, and the firft, &c. -- Verf. 29. 3 Jefus «nfwcrcd and faid unto tliem , ye erre j not knoning the Scriptures nor the power of God ; For in the Refurredion (c> /yi». 12. 13. And behold joy and gladnefs, flaying of^oxcn and killing of Iheep , eating flesh and drinking wine ; iet lu eat and cfrink^, for to morrow we shall die, 'f(.r. 2 J. }4. — 36 -- 38. As for the Pro- phet, and the Priefts, and the people that shall fayj The burthen of the Lord , I will even pnnish that man and his hou(e -— verf. 36. D And the burden oj the Lord shall ye mention no more j for every m*ns word shall be his burden, for ye have perverted the words of the living God — verf. 38,3 hutfithyefty , Tht burden of the Lord, and I have fent nnto you, faying , ye shall not fay , The burden of the Lord, t here- fore I will utterly forget and forfake you, &c. -- {d) i Tim.iA. — 6,7. Neither give heed to fables, and endlefi genealogies, nhich miniver Qucflions , rather thin good edifying , which is in taith ; fo do — verf.6.3 jprom which i faith^ fome having fwerved, have turned afide unto vain jangling, verf 7.] Defiving to be Teachers of the Law, underftanding neither what they fay, not whereof they affirm, i Tim. ftAA'— ao* He is proud knowing nothing > but doting about queftions and ftrifcs of words , whereof cometh envy, ftrifc, railings, evil furmifings. verfe 5.3 Perverfe difpuiings of men of corrupt minds , and deftitute of the truth, fuppofing that gain is godlineis,/Vojw y» charging them before the Lord that they ftrive not about words to no profits but to the fubverting of the hearers, r/t.3.9. ^void foolish queftions^ and genealogies, and contentions, and jirivings abtitt the Law ; for they are unprtjitable and vtiitt, (e) CcMr, 18. 10,11,12, 13> I*. TJTCre shall not be found among you any one that maketh his fon, ot daughter pafs through the fire, or that ofeth Divination , or an obferver of times, or an Inchanter , or S Witch, verfe 1 1 .3 Or a Charmer, or a Confulter with familiar fpirits, or a Wizard , or a Necromancer, verf 1 2 3 For all thefe things are an abomination to the Lord : and becaufe of thefe abominationJ,the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee, verfe 13.] Thou shah be perfedl before the Lord thy God. verfe I4.] For thefe Nations which thou shaft pofTels, fcc/i/-/^«e-f o/t/wei, ye neither go io your fel ves, nor fuffer them that are enwing to go in. Aia;{.6.l, 2, ... 5> ... 16. Take heed you do ntt yettr almss before menyto be fcen of them ; otherwifeyou have your reward of your Father which is in heaven. Verfe 2.J Therefore Vfhea thou doft thine almes* do not found a trumpet before thee, as the Hypocrites do^ in the Synagogues, and in the ftreets, that they may have glory of men. Veiilj^ I fzyuatoyoa. They have their rerpard. ..... verfs.] And when thou prayefl, Thou^shalt not be as the Hypa^ ritts are, for they love to pray (landing in the Synagogues , and in the cor- ners of the ftreets, that they may be feen of men. Verily, Ifay,&c. ..... verf.i6.j Moreover, when y«i f^Hybenotas the Hypocrites^ of a fad countenance -, for they disfigure their faces , that they may appear tv mmtofaji. Verily, I fty unto you, r/jy /j«ve tb«V vewart^. (m) A/tfj-. 8.38. JVhofotver there fore shaU he ashamed of nte, and of my words in thii adulterotu andjinful generation, of him alfo fhall the fon of man be tfliamed, when he Cometh in the glory ofhisFather with tlie holy Angels. («) Vfalmy^. i4,ij. Tor all the day longhaVe /-Zjeew/j/a^wee^, and chaftencd every morning. Verfe 15. Jflfay^lvoittfpeak^ thMt btheld, I should ofendagainfi the generation of thy children. {0) 1 Ca>-.6.5,6. lfpea\toyour shame, Jt iifo, that there n not a wife man amongfiytu ? no , not one that fhalS be able to judge between his bre- thren .<" Verfe.] But brother goes to La\t with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Ephef^.i^^ Tor if thefe things be in yoo, and abonnd, they make you that ye fhall neither be barren nor unfruitful in «he knowledge of our Lord Tcfus Chrift Verfe 9. ] But he that lacketbthefe things is blind , and can- not fee afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old fins. (9) ^mn.2.tl,2A, Thouthat. anakeft thy boaft of the Law , through breaking the Law dithen'urcfi that* Cod ? Verf. a4. J For tht Name of God is blaCphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written. (" k ) GaUt. 3.1.-5. O /oolifh Galatiaos , wl» bath bewitched that yoo {hould not obey th* truth , before whofe eyes Jcfos Chrift hath been evidently fet forth ; crucified among you ? — Verfe 3. J Are ye fo foolifh f having Itgun in thefpirii, are ye now made perjeB in the flesh \ Hebr. 6.6.// they shall fall arvay, to renew them «^am unto repentance: feeing they crucifie tq themfeltes afresh t^ieSonofGod , and put him to open shanae. Q^ What Reafon are annexed tathe third Cmmandmem? A. The Realons annexed to the third commandment in tliefe word* ^The lord thy Go^i and L For t'e Lord vcH/ttot hold him qwltUfs thdtiaketh (f) Zx%li9. },itnms'mvAhi f , are, bccaufe he is ths Lord and our God, and there- r* fore fore his Name is not to l)e profaned, or any way abufcdbyiis t] cfpe- (t) Ltvu.i^. ciaily , becanfe he is fo tar from acquitting and fparins the tranfgrcflbrs i» Aod/e//;*/ of this Commandment, as that he will not fufFer tnem toefcapehis ^^Imt'' uia^' righteous judgement «, albeit many fuch cfcape the cenfures and pu- mither tlJu' nishmcntsofmen *. thou prtfam tfjt thtNamt of thy God , I Am the Lord. (/•) En^h^. ^6.11,11,1^, Bui I hid pity (or mine Loly N^me jvchich the houfe$fjfrael had fro fa^ ned among the hcMthen whither they went. Vcrf.ar.^ Thcreforefay unto thehoufeof IfracI ,Thos faith the Lord God, I do not: his for your fakes, O hoaCe of li'ticlf but for mine holy NtttHtifake^ whUbye have profaned ^mong the heathen whither ye went. Verf. » 5. ] •/ niUfandifie my great Name which vc*f profaned among the heathen, whhhye have profaned in the midfi of them ; and the heathen shall k*nw that I am the Lord^ faith the Lord God, when I shall befdr&ifiedmyott beferetheir eyes. Dittt. a8. 58^59. If thott wilt not obfervc to do all the words of this Law that are written in this book , that thoH maift fear this glorious and fearful Name , THE LORD THYGOD. Verfe 59.] Then the LwdttiU makt thy plagues rconderful^ andthe plagues $f thy fetdy even great plagues, and of loDg contiouaoce ; and fore ficknf ifej, and of long continuance. Zee/.. 5 z,^,4 Aod he faid onto rr^e, What feeft thou ? and 1 anflve- ted, I fee ^^ flying roll, the length thereof twenty cubits , and the breadth tliercof thirty cobits. Verf %. 1 Then faid lie unto me , This it the curfe that gogth over (he face »j the tvht/s Earth: for every one that ftca- Icrh shall be cot off, as 00 this tide according to it ; and every one that fweareth shall be cut off, as on that (ide, according to it. Verf. 4.3 I will bring it {t>rth. faith the Lord of Hofts , and it shall enter into the houfe of the thief, and into the houfe of him that fweareth falfly by my Name, * i Sam.t.n. ..- 17. — 21 — a4. Nowthe fonsof£/» were fons of Selial ; they knew ootthe Lord. -'-- Verf 17. 3 Wherefore the fin of the young men was very great before the Lord ; for men abhorred the offering of the Lord. — Verf 22.] Now Eli was very oldj and licard all that his fons did onto all Ifrael , and how dicy lay with the women that afTembled at the door ofthe Tabernacle of the Congregation. -- Ver.»4,l Nay, my fons, for it is no good report that I hear ; ye mah^etht Lords people to tranfgrcfl. Compared with iSam.^.x-i, For I have told him i/wf /ir/^i«rf^e /^«fco«/f/<»-c^/^y, for the iniquity which he knowetb 3 becaufe his fons made themfelvcs vile, and he reftrajoed chem not. Q^ "^hich is the fourth CommAt^dment ? A. The {ouTzh Commandment is, ^Rememhir the Sabhth dajfokfep ft hoi i^ fix dayes shalt thou Ubour and do a/lth/D^ork: hut the feventhda/is the Sahhath of the Lord thj Gad: tnit thoushAltnotdoanjVporky th«u , nor thyfotii *tor thy daughter, thy trmn-fervanty nor thy maid-ferzant , mr thy cat- tel, nor thy fir anger thattsn?ithw thy gates: for in fix day est he lord made JHeaven and Earth, the Sea, and att that in them if, and refled thcfeventh day j therefore the Lord blejfed the SMath day, and halloV>petb « AT. ] i ^x ^^^^ ^^ j^ A. "^hat is required in the fourth Commandment t 9,io,ir. A. The fouith Commandment requireth of all men ,the fancfiifying, or l^eepjngholy to God, fuch fet time as he hath appointed in his Word ; expreily j one whole day in feven , which was the feventh from the be- ginning of the world to the refurrection of Chrift , and the firft day of the week ever fince , and fo to continue to the end ofthe world 5 which A a 2 is {y) JDcut. 5 , IS the Chriftian Sabbath y , and in the New Teftament called the Lords^ "'i3>i4iC"^ day 7. the Sabbath day ■' ^ /o/i« 2. Now concerribg the coUedion for the Saints i as 1 have given order to the Churches of Galatia , fo do ye. Vei f. i.] The firft day of the iveek^ , let every one of you lay by him ia ftorcj as God hath profpered him, thattherebenogatherings when I come. ^Sis zo.y. Pind itpon thi ■ frji d-iy of the tvee!;^ , vihen the Difciples came together to break^ bread , Paul preacht to them, ready to de- part on the morrow, &c. Maith 5.17,18. Think mt that I come to deftY9y the Lave , or xheVio^\-\tX.S -^X am not come to deflroy, but to fulfill. Verf. 18. ] For verily, I fay unto you, till Heaven and Earth pafs, cne J3t «r one tittle shall in t2o rvife paf from tl>e Lajv, tiU all be jid filled. lfai.^6.Z. — ^.—6)7. J>lej]'edi$ the man that dorh this, and the Ton of man that layeih bold on it ; that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing evil. — Verf.4.] For thus faith the Lord unto the Enmtchi that keep tny Sabbaths, and chufe the things that pleafemcj and take hold of my Covenant. --- Verf. 6. 3 Alfotne fons of the ftranger that joyn rhemfclvesto the Lord , to fervehim , and to love the Name of the Lord, to be his fervaots , every one that keepeth the Sabbath jrom polluting it , and taketh hold of my Covenant, verfe 7.'] Even them rcill I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my houfe of prayer^ their burnt-offerings and their facrifices shall be accepted upon mine Altar; for mine houfe shall be cal=» led, 5cc. --- (:(J) I^vel.i. 10. J wa-s in thefpirit on the Ltrds day, and heard behind me, &c . Q. Uovpii the Sabbath J or Lords da^ to h fan^ifled} A. The Sabbath , or Lords day is to be fandified, by an holy fefting; {a) Exod. to. all the day a, not onelyfromfiich works as are at all times finful , bu in'etiibe^r^the ^^^" ^^^^ ^"^^ worldly imployments and recreations as are on other Sabbath day to dayes lawful ^, and making it our delight to fpend the whole time (eX- keep it holy. — cept fo muchofitasis to be taken up in works ofneceffity and mercy c) rr^f *° 1 ^°^ '^^ ^^^ publick and private exercifes of Gods worship d •, and to that end is the s'abba^th we are to prepare our hearts , and with fuch fore-fight , diligence and of the Lord thy moderation to difpofe , and feafonabiy to difpatch our worldly bufinefsa ■ God: In it thou that wcmav be the mote free and fit for the duties of that day e. Shalt not do any •' •' vo6rk,thQUyncrthyfon,&ic. C^) JEa'o«/.i6.25,i6,27,28. AndMofesfaid, Eat thatto day,fbr today isa Sabbath unto the Lord ; to day ye shall not find it in the field, verfe 26.] Six dayes shall ye gather itj hut on thefeventh day., nhich is the Sabbath, in it there shall be none. verf. 27. j And it came to pais that there went outfonaeofthepeopleon thefeventh day to gather, and they found none, verfe 28.] And the Lord faid unto Mofes, fJotp long refufeye to ]\eep my Commandments, and my Laves ? Nchem. 15.15,, ^*^%6^ 17,18,1©.-- 21,22. In thofe dayes faw I in Judah fotae treading VVine-preffes on the Sabbath day,, and bringing in sheavcs,aDd lading AlTesjas alfo winegrapes^and figs^and all manner of bnrdens,wh»chi they brought into Jerofalero on the Sabbath day ; and I teftificd againft them in the day wherein they » fold viftuals. verfe 16. There dwelt men of Tyre alfo therein , which brought fish , and all manner of vares, and fold 00 the Sabbath day unto thexhildren of Jadahj and in Jerufalera. verfe 17. 3 Then con- tended I with the Nobles of Jadah, and faid unto them. What evil thing is this that ye do, andprofane tha Sabbath day ? verfe 18.1 Did net your fathers thus ? and did not God bring all this evil upon us , andttpon^ thUCUy? yctycbringm»remathHfonJfraelbyfrofaningtheSAbkaih, verftl9.3 Anditcametopaff© than that when the gates of Jetufalcin began to bedaik before the Sabbathy I coinirardcd that tlcgctrsshctdd beshuty and charged that they should not be opened till aftcr^he Sabbath ; and itme of my fci vants I fet at rhe gares, tiiat there shouidhe no burden brought in on the Sabbath day, verfe 20. So the ircrchaDts and fellers of all forts of ware werclodged without Jcrufalem once ©r twice, verfc 21 3 Thentcftificdl againdthem , faying , Why lodge ye about the wall ? If yc do fo again > I will lay hands on you. From tiiat lime Jorth came they tiomore on thi. Sabbath, verfc 22. "j And I coirn.anded the Lcvitcs that they should cleanfe then^felves> and come and keep the gates, to fanitjfie the Sabbath. Remember mcO my God, concerning this a] fo, ike. — fer. 17. 2i> 22. Thus faith the Lord, Take hetd toyour fclvesjand beam* burden tnthe SabbatI) dny, neither bring it io by the gates of Jerufalem. verfe 22.3 IS! either carry jorth a. burden out of your hct'Je en the Sabbath, nor do je Mny wivk^ , but hallow yc the Sabbath day , as I commanded your lathers. {('> A/rf«.ii. from vcrf. 1. toverf 13. At that time Jelus went (i«//;e i"<»t. bath fl'^^throughthe Corn, and his Difciples wercanhungred,6< began to plu^k the ears oj corn ar,dtoeat, Butwhenthe I-" harifeesfaw it. &c. — (rt) Jfai-^^.x^. It thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath* from doing thy pleaiure on my holy day , and call the Sabbath a delight , the Holy of the f^»rd homurabtet and shah honour him , not doing thine own wayes , nor finding thine own pleafurc , nor fpeaking tliine own words. I^uj^e 4. 1 6. And he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up , and as his ca- ftoine was, he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day :, and ftood lip for to read. .y^Bs 20.7. And upon the firfl day of the week > when the Difciples cai»e together to break bread, Paul preached to thewt ready to depart on the morrow. — l Cer. i6l,z. ^ow concerningthecollefiicn forthe Saints 3&slbA\c given order to rhe Churches of Galatia, even fo do ye. verfe i.' upon the f.-.Ji day of the vctek let every one of yell Uy by him infierey as God hath profpeted him, that there be no gatherings when I come. Pfal. 91. Title. ^ Pfalm, or fang jtr the Sabbath day. J[ai.66.t%. And it shall come to pals that from one new Woon to another, andjrom one Sabbath to another , shaU allfJesh come to worship bejore me, faith the Lord. Zex/r.i^.^ Six dayes shall work be done ; hut thefeventhday is the Sabbath cf reft, an holy convoca- tion, ye shall do no work therein.: itis the Sabbath of the Lord in all yonr dwellings, (e) £xod.2o.S. J{emember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Luke 23.54 — 56. And that day reus the preparation > .md the Sabbath drew on. — verfe 56 ] And they returned, and prepared fpiccs and ointmentSj and refted the Sabbathday, according to the Commandmenr, fxoc^. 16. 22. — 25, 26. --29. Andif capietopafsoa the fxth day they gathered twice as much bread, two Omersforoneman j and all t-'»e Rulers of the Congregation came and told Mofes. — Verf.2S 1 And Mofcs faid, Eat that to day j <^r to day is a Sab- bath unto the Lord, to day ye sh^ll not find it in the field. Ver. 26. 1 Six dayes sha'-'Y^ gather it, but on the feventh day, which is the Sabbath, there shall be none. — Verf 29. ] See *»• ''^« ''^"^ Lord hath gi. n/tn you the S<.-.bbath ; therefore he giveth you on the/nth day the bread tftwo '^J^ '• abide you every man in his place , let no man go out of his pine? on thefeventhday. JVehcm.u- ^9- And it came to pafs that when the gates of Jerufalen, began to be dark before the Sabbath , J ■''"mandcd that the gates should be shut , and charged that they should not be optnedtill after the Sabbath Aod foWit oj myfcrvamfct I at the ■ gatesi that there should be no burden biooght in on the Sahh&t^^Y' O. ^^b) w the charge of keeping the S^bAth^ mrefieciallji dire^ed t9 GovernofiVs of TamilieSiandether Super'f^T^^^ Anfn'. The charge of keeping the Sabbath is more fpedally dire(^ed to Governours ot Families and other Superiours , be- caufe they are bound Jiot onely to keep it themfelves , but ta fee that it be obferred by all thofe that are under their charge; and becaufe they are prone oft times to hinder theai-by imploy- A a 2 ments (i7i5) (f) ^' 7" ments of their own /. lo.— In i. ..iou ' fll*ltijai> iniatierofwork> thou, n')rthyfon,n'irthydxuihteryn(irthymin-ferVAnt,n()YthymAli-fer^ v^tnt^ntr thy cx'.tel ,n9,- the lira.nierth.xt IS within thy gitet. Jofla. z*. ij but as for me and my hottfiy tve will CerVe tJie Lord. N.'hsm. r V If — 17- Itl ihofe cUyes /in' /^ »« fudtth fome treading the Wint' preljer^dcc. -— Seeabovein Cb] Jerem. 17. iO.ztji*. Kaifay unto them, Hexr the JV-rdofthe Leri^ ye Kingt nfjitdih, and aU fitdxh, and all thz Inhabitanti of'ferHpiUm , thatenter in by theft gates. Vcilczt. 3 Thus fairli the Lord, Tak^e heed to your felvet, and bearno burden on the Sabbath day .- &c. See abjve in [ b ] Ersrf. aj. it. Sir dayes ilialt thou do thy work, aodonrhe feveoth day thoa llidlt reft; that thine Ox and thine ^Jfe may re/?, and the f^n sf thine hand-mntdandtheflrxn^ef may ke refreshed, Q^ \V/; It are 'he (ins fordidden in the fourth Commandment ? A. The fins forbidden in the fourth Commandment , are , all omIG- (z) ^vK^^- fions of che duties required j, all carelcfs negl gent, and unprofitable z6. HerPriefts performingof them, and being weary of them h , all profaning rheday my Law, and by idlenefs, and doing that which is in it felffinFul i, and by all needlefs profaned mine works, Words and thoughts, about our worldly imploy ments and re- holy things : creations J^ ' they have pat ^ no difference between the ho\1 and profaoe,ticither have they fhewed difference between the anclein and clean; they have hid their eyes from my Sabbaths , and I am profaned atnong them. ( fe ) >f^s 10.7 ---9. And upon the firftday of the week » when the Difciples came together to break bread « Paul preached unto tl^in> rt'idy to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpcech aotill inidnighc. -— Verfe9."] And there fate itJ a window a certain yoong man named Emychut , being fallen into a deep flee p j and as Paul was long preashtni^ he ftnl(^doivn with fleep ^ and fell doven from the third loft , and rcas tak^n np dead. •^VK, ? ?• 30, «rf %i- Alfothoa Ton of man , the children of thy people ftill are talking againft thee by the w ills , andic thi doars of the hoofcs , and fpcak one to another , every one to his brother , faying. Com? , I pray y jb « i'^i hs^f wnat is the wjrd rhat coineth forth from the Lord. Verf 51.] And they CQine onto thse , as the people coineth , and fit before thee as my people , and hear my wprdi, but they will n»t di them ; for rohh thih mouth they shexv much loVe , but their heart runneth aftfr their coVtttttfhep. Eph»h fmall , and rhe fliekcl great , Mmficyg the balances by deceit. Mal.i. t ;. Ye faid alfo. Behold, what X wearinefi is it\ and ye fnuffedatit^ .!ji:hthe Lord of Hofts ; and ye brought that which Was torn, and the lame, and the fick ; thus ye brai;gh: " offering: Should I accept this of your hand, faith the Lord? (i) Ere, ty ^8. Moreover, this th;>' h*vedooe to me. They have defiled my fan- fluxry in the fame day , *nd havepr$fained my Sabbatht. v'^) 7«^ 17* *4-.. i7. And itshall come to paOeifye diligently hearken onto me , fairh ths Lord, tabrin^'^'^nobHrdenthroHgh the gates ef this city on the Sabbath day , but Hallow the Sabbath day , to dt no vo^}\*^'^"» V. ly. f\ But if ye will not hearken unto me co hallow the Sabbath , and not to bear a barren . even entring in at the gates of Jerufalem on the Sabbath dx,v,then will I kmdle a fire in the gates thereof, :sai it shall devour the palaces ofjerufalcm, and shall notbe.qaenclied. //i». $8. i;. If thouturnaway thy U'* fromtht Sabbath, from doing thy pleafure on my holly day , and call the Sabbath a delight , the Holf Oi the Lord , honourable, »ad shall honour kim , not doln^ n'riniotcnvintyes ^ nor finding thine ovsn fkaprt ^ mr/^eakj-ngtlint OTvn words. ^.^ (17?; O. W/v!f aY€ the "Reafons annexed to thefcurth Ciniwaiidjy.fni the n. ore to enforce it ? J. The Rcafons annexed to the fourth Commandment, the more to enforce it, are taken from the ecjuity of it , God allowing us fix daycs of feven for our own i.fFairs> andrclervirgbutoneforhim(elf, inthefe w^ords, C 5ix liayes shalt tkou latiur, ajid do allthjVpork,\i from Gods (i) Hc^od.io.g. challenging a fpecial propriety in tl at day , [ lie jeverahday is the Sd- lathof the Lord th^ Cod wl from the example of God , yihoinjixdajes (^) £xod.zo. made heart n and eai th,ihefea &all that tn then ii^& ujied thejeveith daj-^ '°' and from that blefling which G od put upon that day , not onely in fan- d:ifying it to be a day for his /ervice, but in ordain ng it to be a means of ble/Ting to us in our fanftifying it j £ ^'herefore the Lord Uejfedthe Sal;- bfith day and hoUoVoed it nJ {n) Exod.zo. II. Q. Whj is thi Tuord Remember fethi thebegmnhigof the fourth Com- viandment ? A The word R(n,emheY is fet in the beginning of the fourth Com- mandment o, partly becaufeofthe great benefit ofremembring it J vc («)Ex'>d.i.o.%. being thereby helped in our preparation to keep it/>,and inkeepirgit ^ \^dl,"f ^j better to keep all therellofthe Commandments and to continue a onto them, this tbarikfijll Eemembrance of tlie two great benefits of Creation, and is that which Redemption, which contain a short abridgement of Relicion r: and ^}'^}-'^^^ hath * ' DO iiiid,Tnniorreiv ii the reji of the holy Sabbath untol the Lord', fcakc that which ye will bake le day , and/eefti that ye will fceth 5 and that which remaineth over , lay up for you , to be kept till morning. L»l\e 23. J4j '- 56. And that day was the preparation, andrhefabbaThdrcwoD.--- vi. 56, ] And they retorned and prepared Tpices^and ointments .and reftcd thefabbatbday accordingtothecommandment. Compared with Mar. 1$. 4x. And now whet) the even was come, bteaufe it nas the preparation ^ that is, the day before the fah" bath Nehtm. 15 19. AnditcauieTopafs.ihai when the gates of Jetu fa Jem began to be dark ^f/ore ffce Sabbath , J commanded that thr gatis shmld he shut , andchargcdthatthey should not be opened til] alter tV Sabbath-. ^';)/'/a/»» 9*. Title. ^ Pfaint erfong for the Sabbath day. Compared with Verf.l 5.14. . Thofe that be plaDtcd »n '.he hoarccf the Lord, shall jlourhh iti the Courts of our , ti)at thty might kptvcn that J am the Lord that faitdifie them. - verr.19 1 I am the Lord yoor God : walk in my ftatmes, and keep my judgements and do them 3 Ycrf.io.D And halloxc myfflkbaths , and they fhall be ifgn between me and yoa, that ye may known that I am tlie Lord youi God. (r) Cen. z. a, 5. And on the feventh day God endid Ws jpcr^ which he had made, and he refieden the feventh day, from all his work which he had made, yerr/^."] And God bleffed the feventh day and fariBified it ', bccaufethat in it he had refied from aU his icori: whkh €od created and made. Pfalm nS. ZZ,— 24. Theflonevchichthe btiildersreiufedit becomethehtadflo7)e »/ the corner. — verf. a4. } Thit i* the day rchith the Lord hath made , we vrill rsjoyce and be glad in if. Compared with .yffls 4.10,1 1 Be it known unto you all, and onto all the people oflfrael, that by the Name of Jefus Chrift ofNaaareth , whom ye crucified , whom God r.iifcd from the dead jcvcb by liiin doth this man ftand here before yon whole, Vorfe 12-. 3 This is the fJene nhiih was fet at nought by ym builders, which is become the head of the (ortJV, ^V» I, lOt iixOf in tht Sfiiii tn (he Zerds day, audicaii kcllind me a voice a j of a Trumpet. partfy (173) if) E-^tk. 12. partly becaiif: wj are very ready to forget it / -for that there is lefs h'ght »6. Her Piiefts of nature for it r , and yet it reftraineth our natural liberty in things at have vioUted other times lawful « ; that it cometh but once in (even dayes, and many mofaned' my worldly bufineirescome between, and too otten take off our minds from holy things; [[linkincrof it, either to prepare for it, or to nm6litie it *j and that Satan they have put ^^j^.)^ hi? iuflruments much labour to blot out the glory , and even the between ''""he memory of it, to bring in all irreligion and impiety x. holy and pro- ^,11 tx i- ■, • fane, the unclean, and huve hid their eyes from my Sabbaths^ and I am profaned among them, (t) Nel7. 9, 14. And madeft known unto them the holy Sabbath , and eommandeJft them precepts, and Statutes, and Laws, by the hand ofMofes thy fervant. ( ») Exod. 34. zi. Six dayes shalt thou work > but on tlie feventh day thou shah reft; in earing time, and in harveft thou shalt reft. * Deut.^.i^. i^. Batthefe- ■venth day is the Sabbath of the Lordy dec. — Verf.IS.] And remember that that* rcnji a ferv^int in the land of Egypt , and that the Lord thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand , and by a ftretched out arm: Therefore the Lord thy God (ommanded thee to keep the Sabbath day. ^mosZ.S. Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may fell corn, andthe Sabbath, that voe may fet forth irljeaf, making the Epbah fmall, and the shekel great, and falfifying the balances by deceit ? (.v) Lam. i . 7. Jerulalem remembred in the dayes of her afflidion 3 and of her miferics all her pleafant things that she had in the dayes of oldj when her people fell into the band of the enemy, and none did help her ; the adverfaries faw her,anddidmockatherfabbaths. fer. 17.21, i*, ZJ. Thus faith the Lord, Tak^e heed to your felves, and bear no burden on the Sabbath dty , nor bring it in by the gates of Jerafalem. Verf. 21. ^ Neither carry forth a burden out of your houfes on the Sabbath day , nor do ye any work , but hallaxvye the Sabbath dayj as I commanded your fathers. Verf. z j. J But they obeyed not , neither inclined their ear , but made their nech^filff, that they might not hear, mr receive injiruSilon. Nehem. IJ. from V.lS.tov.iJ. lo thofe days faw I iu Judah fome treading wine-preflcs on the Sabbath day, — &c. o. W/wr U thefnm of the fix Commandments ^ which contain our duty to man • A. The fum of the fix Commandments, which contain our duty to {y) Matt. 2z. man , is , to love our neighbours as our felves j^ and to do others what we 39. Andtk/i- ^ould have them do to us z.. condis like un- to it> Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy felf. C"^) Matt, y: it. Therefore all things whatfoever ye would that men siiould do unto you, do ye eveo to them : for this is the Law and the Prophets, ^ "^hich is the fifth Commandment ? A. The fifth Commandment is , Hononr thy father and thy mother ^ that f « ) Exoi. ao. fjjy dayes maj he long upon the landj Vch'tch the Lord thy Godgiveth thee a. '*• Q:_ who are memt by father^ andmother , \n the fifth Commandment \ Arfvif. By Father and Mother , in the fifth Commandment, are (*; pyov.z^. meant not onely natural Parents h ^ but all Superiours in xt—X^.TIear. k,en to thy father that begat thee , and defpife not thy mother when she is old. — - verf. 2$.] Thyfathcr «nd mother shall be glad, and she that bare thee shall rejoyce. Ephe.e.jyi. Children obey year Parents intheLord: for this is right, verf. z.J fJimitr thj/ father tind thy mother {vihich is xhsRx^ Command' meat with promifc. age (i79) age Cy and gifts d, and efpecially fuch as by Gods Ordinance arc over CO ir/w. 5.1, OS in place of authority, whether in Family ^, Church f, or Com- *• 3^!^"^" T' ' , , "^ •' •' an EUtr , but mon wealth g. entreat bin, as a. father , and the the younger men as brethren Vcr. x .] The e!der xx'oniar: cu mothers, the yoonger as fifterjAvith all purity. (.-') Cm. 4. 20, 21, Z2. And Adah bare Jabal he was the father offiich as divell in Tints , and of fuch as havccattcl. VeifziJ And his brothers name \vai Jubal ; he vcas the father of all fuch as handle the htrp and Organ. Verf. zx.J And Zilbh flie alfo bare Tubal Cain , an inQrnder of every Artificer in Braffc and Iron, &c. — Gen.^^.^. So now it was not you that fent me hither but God : l\ch;xtU made me a jatherte PharaoI,,3nd Lord of all his houfc, and Ruler throughout all the Land of Hgypt, (ej 2 Klnos 5. I}. And his fcrvants came neer, andfpake unto him, A/>y^gJ 1 ?• I4. Now Elifha was fallen fick of his ficknefs whereof he dyed ; and Joafh the King of Ifrael came down to him , and wept over his face , and faid, O my father , my father , the Chariot of Ifrael and the Horfemcn thereof I Gal a. 19. My little ChiMreti (tfrrhom / travelin birth agahtyuniil ChriJ} be fortmd in yoa. (g) Ifai.dPvi?- And I{ings iba/l be thy nur^-ng father r^ and Quecm thy iturfing mothers ; they fliall bow down to tliee with their face toward lliJ earth and lick up the dufl of thy fectj and thou fhalt know, that I am the Loid — - Q. \\ /;. are Sup ermrs, filled lather and /toother ? v.: ■ - A. Superiours are fliled Father and Mother, both to tisabh them in all duty towards their inferiorsjlike naturalParents,to exprefs love and ten- dcrnefs to them, according to their feveral relations /;, and to work in- (') ^fhefa. 4. feriourstoaf^reaterwilliti^nersandchearfTjlneisiaperforminfftheir du- ^°^ yef«thers^ ties to their Superiours as to their Parents ^ . , -. :. , ,. ..■ .• „ . j,^^^ children h ■^ • wrath but bring themtfft in the nature and admonitian *fthe Lard, z Cor.iz. r*. For xhechiUren ought not to lay t4pf9rthe parents , but the Partnts for the children, j Thcf i. 7,8,11. Bat we areg^ew;/? ainongft you , even as * nurfe cherishethher children. Verf 8 .3 So being ajfrfiionKtly defirons ofypu , if we were willing to have imparted to you, not the Gofpcl oil- God only . bat alfo our ovi'tr fiiuls ; baaujeye were dedrvntt tu — Verf. 1 1.3 As ye know how rv- exhaned and vomjo-. ted , and (Uargedriitry one ofynuy at a \-athtr doth his children. JVnmb. 11. ii^ii. And Mofes faid unto the Lord, wherefore haft tlioa afflided tbyfcrvant, and wherefore have I not found favonr in thy fight , rhat thou lay eft the burden of all this people npon me ? Verf. 12.]] Have conceived all riiis people ? Mave i begotten them I that thuu t haul deft fay y unto we, Carry them in thy befome 3 as a nurfing farher beayeth a fucking child , uhtd the land w bich thou fweareft unto their fathers, (i) i Cogb the Goipel ,V«f\ii0l] Wlwrefore Ibefcech you be ye followers of me. I JQV;^ J. 15. And his lerrants came near, and tfpaJic unto him , andfaid, ^ "What U the general fcope of the fifth Cifmmitndnie-'t^ ' ^ "'^l" J^.\ The general jfcqpe of tj^ |if^ C^iwm^ntJ tn4|^^^istfvp.(^^^r^ . of thore,cluties w4iioh we mutiialty QWclriftour fev?eriir«laJionsi) as Infer- ' !rr.:> ; , : . >^ riours,Superiours,Eiqii£ffs' i^:^;; ■ ^ "^ ^■°' "' :iiui;i. nr v-"s'^w^ ;.•> {^iph%gi. .,'=') '^ ■ ••'^:-%V',7o( .i^bofcrl.'.vobr/r-.'l'.vti-id -^ 'ibir-.jrn-i';, «i ;•• Submitting y«ttr felvet one to another in the fear of God. j Pet, 2. 17, Honour all men ; Love the ifvtherhood. Fear Gody honour the King. I^m. 12. lo. St kindly ajfe^litned one to anothtrj with brotherly love in honeur freftr* ring mt another. B b Q^vn>a$ Q,. W^ 7f is the hononr that Jnfcriours oVce to their Supenotm ? Anfw. The Honour which Inferiours owe to the:r Siiperioiirs, (I) MAl.i.e. Is , all due reverence , in heart / , word m , and behaviour kj -^ /o« hom». prayer , and thankfeivino; for them o , imitation of their vertues nth ins ather, ^ i -ii- l. j- ^- • i r n j i and a fervaot ^^^ graces /> 5 willing obedience to tneir lawkiU commands , and his mafter ; // counfels q , due fubmifTion to their corredicns r , fidelity . then I be a fa- ther ynhtre is mini- homr^aad if I be a mailer, where I'j my fear/aith the Lord of Hofts nnto you^O Prin- ces, that defpife my Name r* and yet fay, Wherein have we defpifed thy Name 5* /^evit 19.3. TeshaU fear ciiery man his mother, andhis father^ and keep my Sabbaths. 1 am the Lord your God. (m ) Prtv, 31. z8. fJer children arife up, tend call her blefft d ^ her husband alfo he praifcth her. l Pet. 3. 6, Even <«• Sarah tbejed ^braJ>am, calling him Lord ; whofe daughters ye are , aj long as ye do well , and are not afraid with any amazement, i^n) Levit. 19 32. Thou shalt rife up before the hoary 1;ead, and honour the face of thetUman yind{ezi thy God : I am the Lord. I i(j«^J2. 19. i^«'5j'je/'«'j therefore went onto iCing Salomon to fpeak unto him for Adonijahj *nd the I^ng r>fe up to meet her^ and beived himfelf to hery and late down on his Throne , and caufed a (eat to be fet for the Kings mother, and ihe fare on his right Iiand. (0) iTim.t. 1,2 \Gxhonx\\tre{ovtx.\i&t fufplicadont, prayers, interctfiions andthanl\jgivings be made f»r all men. verfez.j For l^ngs, and aU that are in authority.^ that we may lead a quiet and peace- able lifea in all godhneis and honefty. (f) Hebr.11.7. ^emtmbtt xhemsvhn have the rule over you^ who have fpokcn to you the Word of God, -who ft faith follow , considering the end of their converfation- Phil. 317. Brethren , be foUovrers together of me ; and mark them, who walk Co as ye have us for an ck- ample. {<}) £//je/6.I,2,— 5,6,7. Children, obey your Parents inthe Ltrd : forthis is right. Verf.z.] Honour thy father and mtther f which is thefirft Commandment withpromife) — Verf.s. | Servants, be obedient tt them that are ytur maflars ticcording t» the flesh , with fear and trembling, inftnglenefiofyour heart, as unto Chrifl. V.6.3 Not with eye-fervice, as men-fleaftrs, but as the fervants of Chrift, doing the ■a>ill of Cod from the heart. V.7.1 Withgeod will, doing fervice as ta the Lord , andnoitomen. I Pet.t, 13, 14. Submit your felves to every ordinance of man ^jerthe Lords fake j whether it be to the King asfu- preme. Verf. i4 J Or unto Governours , as onto them that are fent by him , for the pBtrishment of evil doers, and for thepraife of them that do well. ^ow. 13. 1,2,3,4}$. Let every foul be fubjcfi to the higher powers : for there is do power but of God : the powers that be, are ordained of God. V.z.] Whofoevcr therefore reftfteth the power, refifteth the Ordinance of God : and they that refift fhall receive to thcm- felves damnation. V.3O For rulers arc not a terror to good works bnt to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid ofthe power I do that which is good, and thou Ibattitare prtife of the fame. Ver.4. j For he is the minifter ©f God to thee for good : but if thou do that which is evil be afraid ; for he beareth not the fword in vain : for he is the mioifter of God , a revenger to execure wrath upon them that doth evil, Verfs .3 Wherefore ye muft needs be fubjed, not only for wrath, but for conference fake. fJtbr.i 3. 1 7. Obey them that have the rule over you, and iubmit your felves. ProvA. 3,4. For I was my fathers fon, tender aodonly beloved in the fight of my mother. V 4. 3 He taught !ne alfo, and faid nnto me. Let thy heart retain my words , keep my CommandmentSy and live, fvof . 23, 22. Hearktnto thy father that begat ■ibecy and defpife not thy mother when she is old. JE^rw/. 18. 19,— t 2*. Hearken now unto mv voice, I ■will give thee counfel, and God shall be with thee - V. 24.] So Mofes hearl^nedto theveice of his father^ in-law, and did all that he faid. {r) Hcbr. 12. 9 YmthtxraoTCyVoe have iMdfathtrs of oUr flesh, -who cor~ yeRed usyand we gave them r ever ense: shall we not much rather be »d fubjedtion nnto the Father of Spi- rits , and live .<■ i Pet.t.xi,Z9,26. Servants be fobjcd to yonr matters , with all fear , not only to the good, and gentle, bnf a\Co ta the froward V . 1 9. For this is th«nk worthy,if a man for confcience to- wards God eBduregrief,fufrcring wrongfully. V. 20. 3 For what glory i$it>if when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye^hall rake it patiently 1 but jf when ye do well* and fuffct for it>.ye take itpatiently, this is acceptable with God». , to /", defence t , and maintenance ot their perions and authority , ac- .< J . ^'"^- •»• •^» cording to their feveral ranks , and the nature of their places u ; J. ^^j^" ^'j'J^' ^j^^^ bearing with their infirmities , and covering them in love * , obedient \o th:.c fo they may be an honour to them and to their govern- their ov.-nina- •' ■' iters , and \o menc x. pi^afe jh^,,, we!J in all things, not anfwcring them again, verf. lo.] Not fttrleynlng , but shewing all goodfldeliiy^ that they may adorn the DodiineofGod, our Saviour in all things. («) i 5awj. 26. I5jl6. And David laid to Abocr, Art nor thou a valiant man f and who is like to thee in Ifrael f Wherefore then haji thou tiot kept thy Lord, the J\Jn^ ? for there came one of the people in, to dellroy the King thy Lord V.l6.^ This thing is not good which thou haft done. As the Lord livethj^e are rvorthy to die, becaufeyt have 7ioi Jf^ptysur AlxJleY) the Lords anointed. — t i'aw.iS. 5. But the people anfwercd,r/;oH shalt notgofarth : ioi if we flee away, they will not care for 0$, neither ifhalf of us die, will they care for us ; but novc that 0rt rcorth ten thcitfund ofti4 , therefore now it is better that thou fuccour ns out of the City. jE/?/;. 6. 2. ■And it was found written that A/cr and all that thoa half, come to poverty. Gen.47.1 2 . .y4'nd fofcfh nourished bjs jati)cr, and his brethren, and aU}}is fathers houfe- fco/rf Tcif/j 6re , againft their perfons c and places ^^/i/»w/»y£^«recifo;wc/3en shall his father and mother lay hold on him , and bring him out nnto the Elders of his City, and onto the gate of his place. verfe»o.3 And they shall fay to the Elders of his City, This our fon is ftub-born and rebellious, he will not obey our voice ; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. V.2i.} And all the men of his City shall ftone him with ftones t that he die : So shall thou put evil away, &c. (g) P/-»v. 50.11 — 17' Tiiere is a generation tW fMi'/rrfo tfoezV ^"rfj/jej" , and c/ut/j net blef their mother. ~.m ver.17. "j The eye that wocketh at his father, and defpifeth to obey his mother ; the Ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young Eagles shall eat it. {h) Prov.x^. i6. He that wafteth his father, and chafeth away his mttther, is a fon that caufeth shame, and bringeth reproach. JQ,. V^hat is required of Superiours toVifards their inferiours ? A. h is required of Superiours, according to that power they receive ( ; ) Col. 5. 19, from God , and that relation wherein they ftand , to love i, pray for )^, Hitsbandj,iove and blefs their inferiours / ; to inftrud m ^ counfeU and admonish ie'nrtbhiera- ^^cm «, Countenancing o , commending p , and rewarding fuch as do jjainft them. Tit.i. 4. That they may teach the young woman to be fober, to love their husbands, to love their children, (J^) I Sam.xi.i^ Moreover,as for me, God jorbid that I should fm againfl the Lordin ceafing ttpray for ytHt but I will teach you the good and the right way. fo6 r. j. Andit was fo , when the dayes of their feafting were gone about, that fob fenty andfanSiificd them , and rofe up early in the morning, and offt-- red burnt-offerings, according to the number of them all : for Job iaid , It may be that Iny fons have finned, and curfed God in their hearts, Thus did Job comintiaUy . (/) i i^'wgj 8.5 5,56- And lie ftood and bleffed 4^1 the Cnngregation tf Ip-ael with a loud voice , faying 1 verfe 56.3 Blefled be the Lord God, that hath given reft to his people Ifr^l, iaccording to all that he prbitiifed ; there hath not failed, Sec.- -fJeb.y.j. And without all contradicflion, the lefi is bleffed of the greater . (7fw.49.28.All thefe are the twelve Tribes of Ifrael , *nd tbl$ is that their father fpake unto them , and blefjed them , every one according f his b 'ef^ingt he blcjfed them, {m) De'n.66,7. And //?«/« TPwtif which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart. . VttCey.'] And thoti shall teach them diligently unto tljy children , and shalt^Z/J^ e/t^cmvvhen thonjJrtf/?/» ihiaehoufe , iiid yihzii than vcalkefijiy the way ^ znd whea thou lye ft dorm ,• and when thou ?7/f/?«;>. (n) jtphef.S./^. Aadye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring thtm up In the rmnnvt and tid'Moniiien of the Lord. (a) 1 Pet. 5. 7. Likewifcjj)* hatbands, dwell with them according to kliow- }eii^ )gnfing honour unto the wife , a-s unto the vceakcr Vejfel , and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prjyers be not hindrcd. (/») 1 Pet.t.i^. Otyiz^xogovernours , as unto them that are fent by him, for the punishment of evil doers> and the pratfe of them that do vcell. P^om. 13. 5. For ^lers are Bot a rerroor to good works, bat to the evil. Wilt thou thon not be afraid of tbe/'oirer f do that nhUh is ^oo^andtboushalt have pratfe ofthtfume, well (m3) well ^t dlfcountenancing r, reprovinff^andchaftiflngfiichasdoill f-. ^.?) ^J'^-^.-'i- a.- ^ J -J- f u ^11 U- n f r 1 And the King protecting /■ , and providing ror them all things necellaryior loul ii {iid,jvhathi- and body * : and by grave, wife, holy, and exemplary carriage, to pro- nourMnd digni. cure glory to God x , honour to tbenifelves j , and io to preferve that y '^"'^ ^"" authority which God hath put upon them z.. di' tor iiW? Then faith the Kings fervantj. There is nothing done for him. {r) i^ow. 15.5,4. For Rulers are not a tcrrour to good works, but to the evil. -- Verf. 4. j For he is the Minifter ol God to thee for good : but »/t/;oM «/o ei^;7, be ajrMid; for hebeareth not thefwordin vain : for he is the MiniftcrofGodj « revengtr , to execute rcrath ufon him that doth evil. ( f) Prov. 29. 15 . The I{ed tindl^froif give veifdtm, but a child left to himfelfbringeth his mother to shame. iP«. 2.14. See above in Cp] (') ?c6i5.i»,i3,i4)i $,16^17. Becaufe I delivered the poor that cryed > the fatherlefs , and him that had none to help him. Verf. 1 3.] The blefling of him that was ready to perish came upon me ; and I caofed the widows heart to fieg for joy. verf 14.I I put on righteoufnefs , and it clothed me j my judgement was a robe and a diadem, verfeis- I was eyes to the blind , and feet was I to the lame. Verf l6.]} I was as a father to the poor, and the caufe which I knew not, I fearched out. verf 17, And / brake the jaws afthc wicked^ and plucked the fpoil cut ofhii tntuth. ifai.i. I o. — 17. Hear the voice of the Lord , ye Rulers ofSodom j give ear onto the Law of our God , ye people of Gotnorrah. — verfe 17. '} Learn to do well , feek judgement, relieve the opprefjed, j»dge the jatherltjl, plead for the jvidovc. [u) Eph. 6. 4. And ye fathers provoke not your children) but brir,g them up in the nurture and admtnitiort of the Lord, * 1 Tim.i .8. But if any man provide not for his Jtrw, and efpecially/or thofe of his own houfe, he hath denied thejaith, and is wotlc then an Infidel, {x) iTiw.4,12. Let no man defpife thy youth i hntbtthouAnexampleofall the believers^ in \Nord, in converfation, in charity, in Spirit, infaith^ in purity. Tit. 2. 3> 4,5 . The aged rctmen likewife^ xhitthey he in behaviour as becometh holinep^ not falfeaccnferSj not given to much wine > Teachers of good things. Yerfe4.[j That they may rc^ic/j f/7ejoH»^Trow3f«(oie/o^fr^ to love their husbands , to love their children, verfe 5 .] To be difcreer, chad, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbandsi that the Word of God be not blafphemed. (^) 1 K^ngsyi%. And all Ifracl heard of the judgement which tlie King had judged ; ar.d they feared the J^jng , jor they fare that the vcifdome of Cod v. as in him, to do judgement. ( q;^) Tit. a. 15. Thcfethings fpeak and exhort , zadrebu}\e-with allauthtntj : let no man defpife thee. Q^^^at are the fins of Super'iours ? Anfiw The iins of Superiours are , bcfide tlie negle<5l: of the duties required of them a , an inordinate feeking of themfelvcs ^, () Phri.z.zx. For all feek^theiromi y not the x\\iogs which are Jefus Chrifts. (c) 70^.5 .44. How can ye believe, vcho receive honour one of another , and feek not the honour that comcth from God only \ foh.jii He that fpeaf^eth ef himfelffeeketh his own glory : but he that feeketh his glory who fent him , the fame is true . and no unrighteonfnefs is io him. Cd) ifai.^e. ro, n. His watchmen areblind, they are all ignorant, they are zMdumb rfcg/, they cannot bark, fleepinp, lying down, loving to flambcr. verf.ii.] Yea^ they are greedy dogs,vt'h\ch can never iiavc enough , and they are shepherds that cannot underftand ; they all looj^ to their oven , every one for his gain from his ejHarter, Deut. 17. 17. Neither shall he multiply vcivtsto himfelf , that his heart turn not awaf ; tuithtr shall he grtatly multiply to himfelffil'verandgold. ' Bb I mlawfiil {•) n.tn. 5. 4., ua'iiwiiilr , or not ki rhs poi^er of laferiours to perform / : coun- 5 J 6. Th-v;a.i fellifjg o", eiicoiiraging h^ or favouring; them in that which is evil r, ^A\^ml^Ti"m\ ^''^"^^'*'^i"g > difcouraging , or difcouncenancing them in that which is is cornmimUd, g^O'^ k'* corrccling them unduly / , carelefs expofing , or leaving opeu'ie^ n.ui. them 10 v.Tong , temptation and danger m • provoking them to ^/^J""^^"*!'^'''!: wradi « , or any way didionouring themfelves , or ledening Vhat a*t' v/Lc ^^^^^' authority, by an unjuft, indifcreet, rigorous or remiffe be- ti.nc ye hear the foiiQ J of rhe Cornet , Plate , Harp, Sackbut , Pfaltery , Dakltner , and all kindes of mofickjjre ftll dinvnandw.-sJ)ip the goldtn Jnntge ^ which Nebnchadaczzar the King hath fet up. Verf 6.] And who- /bfallcih nor down, ihall be caft into the midft of a barning fiery furnace. -^c7.4.l7i8. Butthatit f piead no further among the people , let us ftraitJy threaten them that they fpeak henceforth to no msa in thiv name. V. l8.3 And they called them ,H««fierf j/jem notto f^eak^at ail,nortcAch intt 9 name of J ejus, (f) Exod. s.from ver. 10. f the iS. And the Ta-sl^majiers of the people went out and their officers, and they Ipak? to the people faying, Thusfthh Pheraoh , I will not give you (iraiv &c. — - Mat, i 3- 2« ---- 4 Saying, The Scribes and ^harifees fit in Mofes Seat - — V. 1 For they bind heavy burdens: And grievous to be barn, and lay them on nuns shouiders, but they rhemfelves will nofmove them with ore of their fingers, (g) Aiat. 14, g. And she being before injirufied of her mother , faid , Give me here frj! n B.tftifis head in n Lhxrger, Compared with At*r}\. 6. z4 And she went forth, and faidnnto her mother^ vchae ihall I a-skj and shefaid , The head of John Baptiji. {}A X Sam. i^. i8. Now ^^/^/ew'-had commanded his fervants faying, Mark ye now when Amnons heart is merry with wine , and when I fay unto you> fmite ^mnon^ then kill him j fear not , have not 1 commandedyou ? be couragieus and Valiant. (») i Sam, ?. 15. Fori have told him that I will jndj^e his houfe for ever for the iniquity which he keoweth ; be^ cutjchis fons made themfelves vile , and he retrained them not. (i) Joh.j. Theofficerr anfwered. Never man fpake like this man. Verfe47. | Thcnanfweredthemthc parilees j areyealfh deceived; Verfe48. ] Have any of the Rulers orPharifecs believed on him ? Verfe4?.';j But this people who kooweth not the law arecurfcd. Col. 3. n. Fathers provoke not your children to wrath lejl they be difcntraged. Exod. 5 . 17. But he faid , ye are idle-, ye are idle , therefore ye fay , Let us g» and d» facrifice to the Lord. (I) i Pet. z. 18,19.20. Servants be fubjcdl to your wa/iferJ with all fear > not only to the good and gentle but alfo ro r/je froward. Vetfei9. j For this is thank- worthy , if a man for con- fcience towards God endure grief, fuffering wrongfully. Vcrfezo-jFor what glory is it. if when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye fhall taks it piticnxly ? but if when ye da v^ell and fu^r for it, ye takf it patiently , this is acceptable with God. /i/e^. iz. lo^ For t/?ey verily for a few dayes,cfe*/?en«, in giving honour to go one before another q^ andto (^) i Pa. 2. rejoycc in each others gifts and advancement / , as in ti?.eHrown r . 17 f^o^eur ail men , Igve the *mfoe/-fo«orf, fear God honoar the King, (q) l{pnt,jt.io. Bekitjdiy affeiflioned one towards another with brotherly love, tnhtntur frejerring »ne another, (r) I^em.iz. is. l6. /^We rciththem that do rej9yce,2ad weep with them that weep. V. l6.] Be cjf the fame mind, one torvards another ; m'wd aot high things, but condefcend to men of low cftate, &c. Phil. a. 3. 4. Let nothing be done through niife or vain glory ; bot in lowlmefs of mind let each efte^^y^ ether tetter then themf elvts. V. 4. ] XocJt^not every man on his own things hut every man alfo en »/}« things »f others. . P, ys'hat are fmnes of eqml:, V • '' A. The fins of equa'/s are , befide the neglcft of the duties required /, the undervaluir^gof the worth /, envying the gifts «, grieving at (f^j^om.ji.^, the advancem'\jjt, or profperity, one of another*, and ufurping prehe- On-f no man rainencc r;^,^ ^ygj another *". *"y *^'*"S ^ *«* , to loVe one an- '^"^K'ifor hethat hveth another hath fulfilled the Law, Cr) iTVifr. 5. 3. Withtiit natural a ffefiion ^ Sec. ^«")^^. 7.J9. And the Patriarchs mtved vcith envy fid J ofeph into Egypt ', but Goiwas with him. Gal.^. 26. Let DS not be defirouf of vain glory , provoking one another, f«t^_^;»?^ c?»e«n»j/;£r. * Num. 12. z. And they faid, Pfath the Ltrd indeed tnlyfpoken by Atofes \ hath he mt alfojpol^en by ui 5 and the Lord heard it. £fth- 6. 1 2, 1 3. And Aterdecai came again to the Kings gate j bi4t Hanan hafted to his houCe TMHrninf , and having his head etvertd. V. 13 3 And Ha»an told Zcrefh his wife and all his friends every thing that bad befallen him. Then faid bis wife men,aod Zerrfh his wife rnto him,if Mor- drcai be of thcfeed of the Jews, before whom thou haft began, to fall , thou (halt notprevail againfl him but {hah fetely iall before him. (*) ^foh.v.g. I wrote unto the Chnrchj bm Diftrtfhcsn ho loveth to have the preheminence amongeft them , rtcnvcthus HOU ^kfiZ'Z^. ADdthetCVtHi il(o a flrijeaateng^^ thtnt which «j them shtuld be the greatefi, Q^ yykit Q.'^hAt U the Reafon annexed to the fifth Commandment^ the more to enforce it f A. The Reafon annexed to the fifth Commandment , in thefe words, [That thy da)'CS rr,aj be lonj upon the land which thcLo-dthyGod givetb (,y) n\od. 10. the: yj isanexprefspromireoFIonglifeandprorperity, as far as it shall t*- fcrve for Gods glory, and their own good, to all fuch as keep this (1^) D«/«. 5. 16. Commandment :^, .Honor rliy fa- ther and thy mother , as the Lord thy God hath comir.andcd thee , that thy d«ye< may It prolonged , and tha: it may go well rcith thee, in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, i }\jngs 8.25. Therefore nowj Lord God of Ifrael keep with thyfervnm David, my father , th.it rvl-ich thoupromijedfi him , faying. There shall not fail thee a man in thy figh: to fit on the Tlirone of Jfrael , fo that thy children take heed to their ir^/, that they walk before me as thou haft walked before me. Ephef.6.2, 3. Hononr thy father aod thy inotlwr .( which is the firfl Comraaodtnent with promife. ) verfe 3. j That k may be tveUxvith thee, ^ and thou maijl live long on the earth. ^ ^Inch U the fixth Commandment ? r .r ) Exod. 20. ^. The fixth Commandment is , C Thou shaltm kill a. ] ^ '^' ' Q^'h4tiir€thedmie$tequireduithefinhComn)andmemt A. The duties required m the fixth Commandment , are , all careful ftudies , and lawful endeavours to preferve the life of our ( b) Ephef. s. felves If, and others <= , by refilling all thoughts and purpofes *^ , ougj^t^ n^ej, ^j° fubduing all paffionse, and avoiding all occafions /, temptati- Jove th-ir own wives as their oivn bodies. He that loveth his wife, loveth hiitifelf- verf. 29. "1 Pot- no man ever l/atedhis oven flesh, bm nottrisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the Chorch < [c) i J^Vg. l8» 4. For it was fo, when Jezebel cut offthe Prophets of the Lord}thatO^«e^ngodm»nUj)»ttyi)tfrvciraihy\ Verf. zy. 3 Neither giye place to the Devil (/) iSam. 2. zz. And .^bner {Aid agstdio >rfahel yTum- theeajide from foilovoing.me , wherefore should J fmite thee to thegrmnd > how then should I hold up my- facetojoab tby brother? Deut. a2. 8. When thoo boildeft anew houfe, then th oh sh alt niake a bat- tlement for thy rooff that that* bring not bUod ttpon thy htttfef if any man fall from theme. (1^7) ons gf and pra(5Hfes, which tend to the unjuft taking away the h'fe of (g) Mmh.^ any /;: by juft defence thereof againft violence i, patient bearing of fJi^h onto him the hand of God k,y quietnefe of mind /, chearfulnefsoffpirit ;« , a If ihoo be the fober ufe of meat n, drink o, phyfick />, lleep ^, labour r> and re- Son of Godr caft thy felt down : for it is written , He {hall give his tuigcls chaige over thee > and in their hands they fhall beat thcc up. lead at any time thou dafh thy foot againft a ftone. Vcrf. 7. ] Ji^fuf faid unto him. It is-n ritten agair.jThoushjitt not tempt the LtrdthyGod. Prov.I.lo,ll.— I5,l6. l^\^{ox\sij finncrs entice ihcecon- fent thou not. V.II 3 Jfihcyfay , Come vchh «j, let ns lay vcait for blood, let us lurk privily for the inno- CCDt without caufe. --- Vcrf. 15.] My fort wttlk^ not thau in the rx-ay -.vith them , rejra'in thy foot from their path, ^.i6.'j For their feet ran to evil, and make haft te fhed blood, {h) i i'rfw. 24. iz. The Lord judge between me and thee , and the Lord avenge me of thcc ; hut mine i-and shall not be upon thee, I SxrK.i6.9iio,ii. And David faid to Abishai,Deftroy hitn not : for u/jo tan jiretch forth his handagairi^ the Lords anointed^ andktgutttU^ ? V.io.] David faid furthermore, as the Lord liv«ih, the Lord flial rmitehitn. or his day shall come to die, or he shall defceod into battle and perish. Vcrf. ir..l The Lord forbid that I should firetch forth mint land againji the Lords anointed -—Gen. ^j.ii,ii. And R^t*ben heaii it > and he delivered liim out 0} their hands^ and (aid. Let tis nttkiUhim. V 2i.] And Reuben faid to them j Shed no blody but caft him into this pit that is in the wildernefs , and lay no hands upon htm ; that he might rid bim out of theirhands, todcliver him to his father again, {i) Tfalm 82. 4. Deliver the poor and needy, rid them ot4t of the hands »j the xvicl^^d, Prov. 24- II, 12. If thou forbear to deliver thetn that a) c drann ufito death, andthefe that are ready t« b, flain. V.I 2.;] If thou faift, Behold wc knew it not, doth not he that pondereth the heart confider it ? and he that keepeth thy foul, doth not he know it ? and Ihal not he render to every man according to his works ? i Sam 14. 4j. And the people faid unto Saul, Shall Jonathan die , who hath wrought this great falvation in Ifrael ? God forbid. As the Lord iiveth* there shall not one hair of his head fall to tlie ground : for he hath wrought with God this day. So the people refcuedjonathan^tl at he diednet. (h^) Jam.J 7j8,9,io,ii. Be patient therefore , brethren, unto the coming of the Lord j behold, the husband man waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth , aod hath long patience, 5