PRINCETON, N. J. SAelf. Sec/ion *.Vs Number. K..i..8. )...a.83. BR 162 .K5 1883 Killen, W. D. 1806-1902. The ancient church: its history, doctrine, worship^ THE / 2>^*^' ANCIENT CHU HISTORY, DOCTRINE, WORSHIP, AND CONSTITUTION, TRACED FOR THE FIRST THREE HUNDRED YEARS BY W. D.^KILLEN, D.D., PROFESSOR OF. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY AND PASTORAL THEOLOGY IN THE IRISH ASSEMBLY'S COLLEGE, BELFAST, AND PRESIDENT OF THE FACULTY. " Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God." Psalm Ixxzvli. 3. A NEW EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED, WITH A PREFACE By JOHN HALL, D.D., Minister Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York. NEW YORK: ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & COMPANY, 900 Broadway, cor. 2oth Street. y'^^-S COPYRIGHT, 18S3, BY ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & COMPANY. NEW YORK: EDWARD O. JENKINS, • ROBERT RUTTER, Printer and Siereoty/ier, Binder^ 20 North William St. xi6 and 118 East 14th Street. PREFACE It is not to be wondered at that in an age which busies itself about the beginnings of things, there should be given rencAved attention to the early history of the Christian Church, They who deem religious life in a decaying state must find it diffi- cult to reconcile with their view the amount of learning and of mental activity devoted to this department of knowledge. If the law of demand and supply works with the uniformity com- monly ascribed to it, there never were so many persons as in our time keenly interested in the Genesis of the Christian Church. In England, in Germany, even in France, and in our own country, the foremost minds are occupied with questions regarding the institutions, the development, and the early struggles of a community now making itself felt in every part of the world where there is any intellectual life, or indeed any human activity. It is not surely presumptuous to hope that permanent good will come from so many minds being brought again into contact with the Son of God on earth, and with His apostles, at that crisis of human history when their words and their deeds were the germs of permanent and blessed institu- tions. It is the special commendation of History, that it widens the field of our observation, and enables us to see how great prin- ciples— which, like great bodies, move slowly — work themselves out in congenial results. It would have been difficult, proba- bly, to convince a well-to-do young Hebrew in the later years of Solomon's reign, when the precious metals were as stones in the street, when foreign fashions were ruling society in Jeru- salem, that God-fearing was essential to prosperity, and that the religion of the fathers must be maintained in order to na- tional dignity and prosperity. But it is only needful to glance over the history of Solomon's successor to see how soon evil seeds bring forth evil fruit, and how departure from God in- (iii) IV PREFACE. volves the loss of the best social and national blessings. Just so it may sometimes seem to a hasty reader of the Epistles, as if little things attracted disproportionate attention from the apostles — as for example, the eating of " things offered to idols " — but a moderate study of the early Church's history corrects the impression, and shows that a trifling trend in one generation may be a decided and irresistible movement in the next. A " false view " of a quarter of an inch at the muzzle of the gun will mean the striking of the shot many feet from the target. For many reasons it is desirable that those who forego any approach to an oligarchy in the Church, and who hold by a Government at once independent of the State, and in the line of popular civil self-government, should be acquainted with the annals of the early Church. The foregoing description does not by any means include Presbyterians only. The over- whelming majority of the Protestant Christians of the United States are agreed as to the parity of the clergy, and the seem- ing exception in the Methodist Episcopal Church is more apparent than real, for a bishop in that great and useful branch of the Church is not much different in form and power from the " superintendents " in whom Reformers in Scotland saw no peril, indeed, not essentially different from synodical mis- sionaries working in concert with Boards and Presbyteries in the newer fields of the West.' Whatever may be guarded in name from the appearance of legislative or executive authority, in an "Association" among our Baptist and Congregational brethren, any Presbyterian admitted thereto by courtesy finds the substance of the action of his Presbytery reproduced, even as the New England deacon is the exact counterpart of an old- world Presbyterian Elder. Perhaps it is not the mere hope of an eager partisan, that, as independent activity of mind makes itself felt throughout the country, the moral influence of the Association or the Presbytery will be found more and more important to the preservation of such denominational unity as renders close and comfortable organic co-operation possible. But whether this hope be realized or not, whether or not it be justifiable, every intelligent Presbyterian must be glad that in ' The Wesleyan Methodists of England, after much discussion, have admit- ted others than ministers to the governing council of the denomination. PREFACE. V the working of the churches, the lines of his church govern- ment are followed so closely by those who, like our Baptist brethren, hold so much in common with him of the great Evan- gelical system of truth. The author whose A?icient Church herewith goes to a second American edition, after a brief but remarkably useful pastoral life, was called to the Professorship of Church History in the Presbyterian College, Belfast, and a large proportion of the clergy of the Irish Presbyterian Church have caught the spirit of his Lectures on " Church History " and " Pastoral Theology." The associate of Dr. Wilson, a clear writer on Baptism, of Dr. Cooke, as earnest and evangelical as he was eloquent, and of Dr. Murphy, who still lives to do the work of a good teacher and an able commentator, and of others like- minded, he has helped to train a body of ministers inferior to none in Christendom, and to guide the counsels of a church which, under many forms of social repression and political dis- advantage, has made Ulster a vivid exception to the unrest and the misery of the other three provinces of Ireland, and from which no mean element of American Presbyterianism has drawn its blood and its inspiration. Dr. Killen is a pronounced Presbyterian, but not from mere hereditary leaning ; but, as the lawyers say, " for cause." It will be found, however, that the views here illustrated from the early centuries of our era are not now confined to scholars of his class. No more evangelical teacher ever preached and wrote in the pale of the English Church than Dr. Thomas Scott, whose Commentary combines in a high degree just inter- pretation with devout feeling and moderation of judgment. He did not hesitate, while a minister of the Anglican Estab- lishment, to commit his Commentary to the truth, that among Ephesian and Philippian Christians in Paul's time. Presbyter and Bishop were names of the same church officer. Scott, in- deed, was not recognized as a great scholar. Since the issue of Dr. Killen's first edition of this work, however, a marked change has taken place from a variety of causes, not among historians only, but among critics. The language of the earlier tradi- tions and chronicles — formulated when diocesan Episcopacy had become as thoroughly established as the doctrines of Rome, and which gave to every believing man mentioned in vi PREFACE. the New Testament a place as " Bishop " — this language had been read without hesitation in the prelatic sense. The honest admissions however of Ellicott, Lightfoot, and others of un- doubted scholarship, in which Scott's viev/s are endorsed, and prelacy in the Church is made to be post-apostolic, have entirely changed the form of expression, and even in Great Britain, where the Episcopal system is deeply rooted, and incorporated with the State, have given some color to the suggestion, that England would ultimately come to a modified Presbyterianism. The opening sentence of Dean Stanley's chapter on " the clergy" {Christian Institutions)^ expresses the received views of scholars. " It is certain that throughout the first century, and for the first years of the second, that is, through the later chap- ters of the Acts, the Apostolical Epistles, and the writings of Clement and Hermas, Bishop and Presbyter were convertible terms, and that the body of men so called were the rulers — so far as any permanent rulers existed of the early Church." And while there is much in statement and in omission in this last work of Dean Stanley, to grieve evangelical people who were attracted by his genial character, there is timely truth in the sentence :' " It is certain that in no instance before the begin- ning of the third century, the title or function of the Pagan or Jewish Priesthood is applied to Christian pastors." With much learning, and with some natural desire to make the best show- ing possible for modern "orders," Mr. Hatch, of Oxford, yet shows that, "when the organization of the churches was more complete, it is clear that the jurisdiction belonged to the coun- cil of Presbyters." " So, " it is clear," he concludes, " that the Presbyters of the primitive churches did not necessarily teach. They were not debarred from teaching, but if they taught as well as ruled, they combined two offices." Nor is it improper to quote the following sentence from Mr. Hatch, as embody- ing the very idea which Dr. Killen delights to illustrate. " When the Episcopal system had established itself, there was a bishop wherever in later times there would have been a par- ish church. From the small province of Proconsular Asia, which was about the size of Lincolnshire, forty-two bishops ' "Christian Institutes," p. 208. * " The Organization of the Early Churches," Bampton Lecture, 1880. PREFACE. vn were present at an early council : in the only half-converted province of North Africa, four hundred and seventy Episcopal towns are known by name." * In other words the teaching elder of each congregation was a bishop ; he had no earthly superior. Hence Mr. Hatch justly adds : " It is therefore reasonable to expect that the bishop, as the chief officer of the community, presided wherever the community met together." It is not only reasonable, it is certain. Just so the Reformed Churches of the Presbyterian order have it until this day, in Europe, Asia, and America. In the same line with Stanley, Mr. Hatch says : " The names by which they (church officers) are designated are various but interchangeable ; and their variety is probably to be explained by the fact that the same officer, or officers having equivalent rank, had various func- tions." In the course of the second century indeed, one of the names comes to be appropriated to a single officer. We are now in the second century of American Independence. If in future ages, we should in the matter of government, become copyists of European monarchies, it will be enough surely for the opponents of the policy to show the principles that ruled us from 1776 to 1876, and to claim that model as the original Republic, the primitive United States ; and their argument would not be impaired by its being shown that undue power was allowed to pass into single hands in the course of the sec- ond, or the third century of our history. It is not of course contended by Dr. Killen, or any other in- telligent Presbyterian, that the Presbytery, with moderator, clerk, and all minute details of arrangement, are set down in the pastoral Epistles. All that is contended for is that princi- ples are indicated, guarded, illustrated, and enforced, the de- velopment of which in a body of Christian people, uninfluenced by outside forces like the State, or by unspiritual aims like the love of pre-eminence, or the desire to be like civil governments, would imply parity of the ministry, plurality of elders in a single congregation, and the representation of the people in church courts. There is in the nature of the case in any commu- nity a principle of evolution ; but it does not reverse element- ary principles. There was no State-house, nor capitol at Wash- ington, when the Thirteen States were constituted a Nation, but ' p. 78. VlU PREFACE. nothing since that time has been allowed to reverse the Con- stitution of the Republic. We venture to hope that Dr. Killen's book, as it is intel- ligible by the ordinary capacity, will have an interested body of readers outside the ranks of students and ministers. In- telligent adhesion to a church is desirable. It is only by intelligent adherents that the machinery and the aggressive work of a church are likely to be sustained. Such adherence to a denomination is a healthy tie to religion itself. The men who can be counted upon as fit for important offices in the church, are usually such as know wherefore they are in the denomination, and have sympathy with its distinctive aims and its honored traditions. They whose connection is only casual and loose do not, commonly, add to a church's power ; and it is not too much to say that information on subjects of this kind does not narrow, but widen the sympathies. It is commonly the ignorant and unreasoning who are afflicted with bigotry. Nor is it entirely unworthy of notice that some connection is commonly found between reverent loyalty to the word as touching church-organization on the one hand, and deference to it in the inculcation of doctrine on the other. A mistaken view of the nature and history of the Church, is a fit prepara- tion for the acceptance of error regarding the doctrines to be believed. Let the people hold that the apostles appointed three orders of ministers — bishops, priests, and deacons — who always and everywhere trace their commission to the apostles ; that God is pleased to forgive sins in the Church by the priests of the Church ; that the Greek, Roman, and Anglican Churches make up the Church Catholic ; that all outside these are sec- taries cut off from the Catholic Church : and it will be easy to believe in a sacrifice to God the Father in the Lord's Sup- per ; in the cleansing efficacy of Baptism, in which the seed of spiritual life is sown in the soul ; that there are other lesser sacramental rites, namely, Confirmation, Holy Order, Absolu- tion, and Holy Matrimony ; that the bishop takes the apos- tles' place ; that ** the sects" were founded not by Jesus Christ, but by erring men ; that apostolical succession is like the meshes of a large net, but unbroken in the Greek, Anglican, and Roman Churches ; and that the Protestant sects have abandoned the Catliolic ministry and sacraments.' PREFACE. ix But the Presbyterian and allied Churches of America do not mean to accept principles such as these ; and they do aim at the instruction of the people in the truth of God's word, as it justified the Reformers' separation from the Roman and Greek Churches. They know the history of apostacy, and of the Dark Ages. They know the conditions of populations given up to sacerdotalism. They understand how ignorance, and the reaction against priestly rule in the name of a " Catholic Church," which all too often takes shape in infidelity, have long contended for the minds of the nations of Europe. They have high historic authority for the belief that the Protestant- ism of Calvin and of the Puritans saved liberty to England, and gave it a home in America ; and they mean to preserve an independence of churches so corrupt that it was a duty to leave them, which shall be as real and as secure as the inde- pendence of the nation. If the issue and the circulation of Dr. Killen's Ancient Chu7-ch^ with its fearless statement of historic fact and Scriptural prin- ciple, should, through God's blessing, in any degree promote these aims, the venerable author will rejoice with a joy which the present writer — one of his grateful and appreciative stu- dents— may be permitted to share. To many Christians in these United States, Dr. Killen's work will recall memories of early lessons, of parental convictions, and of church homes, in which self-reliance as to any creature, and absolute depend- ence upon the infinite power and grace of the Creator, were inculcated ; and, possibly, tracing the prosperity God has given them to these early teachings, they will renew their resolve to transmit the same heritage of faith, and fearless doing of the right for Christ's sake to their sons and daughters. So the real links are kept bright and strong by which we are bound to the true Church of the living God in all its members and branches ; and so parents and children, pastors and people, in the Church below are trained for the service and the happiness of the Church triumphant. John Hall, Minister, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, N. Y. Feb. 8, 1883. ' Every one of these statements is found in these words in a " Protestant " catechism circulated in New York. INTRODUCTORY NOTE TO THE PRESENT EDITION. Upwards of twenty years ago the following work appeared contemporaneously in London and New York, These English and American editions soon found their way into the hands of readers ; and a second edition, undertaken by a firm in Great Britain, has since been exhausted. The work has been for some time out of print ; and, from various quarters, a desire has been expressed for its republication. The present edition has been carefully revised by the author, and twenty years ot additional reading have enabled him to introduce into it con- siderable improvements. The great facts and principles which it originally enunciated remain unchanged, but several points are illustrated in a somewhat different manner, and, through- out, fresh confirmatory testimonies are subjoined. College Park, Belfast, August, 1882, (xi) PREFATORY NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION. When the First Edition of this Work appeared, the author was not aware that his views respecting the Ignatian Epis- tles had the support of Dr. Bentley. He has since been dehghted to discover that he is, in this matter, sustained by the authority of the greatest of English critics. In two instances the writer has ventured to dispute the accuracy of the textns receptus of the Acts of the Apostles (Acts ix. 31, p. 224, and Acts xv. 23, p. 75). A communica- tion, received some time ago from Dr. Tischendorf, informs him that both the readings here adopted are those of the recently-discovered Codex Sinaiticus. The author has been much encouraged by Reviewers of various denominations who have given this volume their ap- proving testimony ; and he begs to call attention to the fact that, though he has often left the path trodden by preceding historians, no attempt has hitherto, been made to prove that he has misled his readers. Belfast, April ^o, 1861. (xiii) PREFACE TO THE ORIGINAL EDITION. The appearance of another history of the early Church requires some explanation. As the progress of the Christian commonwealth for the first three hundred years has been re- cently described by British, German, and American writers of eminent ability, it may, perhaps, be thought that the subject is now exhausted. No competent judge will pronounce such an opinion. During the last quarter of a century, various questions relating to the Ancient Church, which are almost, if not altogether, ignored in existing histories, have been earnestly discussed ; whilst several documents, lately dis- covered, have thrown fresh light on its transactions. There are, besides, points of view, disclosing unexplored fields for thought, from which the ecclesiastical landscape has never yet been contemplated. The following work is an attempt to ex- hibit some of its features as seen from a new position. The importance of this portion of the history of the Church can scarcely be overestimated. Our attention is here directed to the life of Christ, to the labors^f the apostles and evan- gelists, to the doctrines which they taught, to the form of worship which they sanctioned, to the organization of the community which they founded, and to the indomitable con- stancy with which its members suffered persecution. The practical bearing of the topics thus brought under review must be sufficiently obvious. In the interval between the days of the apostles and the conversion of Constantine, the Christian commonwealth changed it aspect. The Bishop of Rome — a personage un- (XV) XVI PREFACE TO THE ORIGINAL EDITIOx^. known to the writers of the New Testament — meanwhile rose into prominence, and at length took precedence of all other churchmen. Rites and ceremonies, of which neither Paul nor Peter ever heard, crept silently into use, and then claimed the rank of Divine institutions. Officers for whom the primitive disciples could have found no place, and titles, which to them would have been altogether unintelligible, began to challenge attention, and to be named apostolic. It is the duty of the historian to endeavor to point out the origin, and to trace the progress of these innovations. A satisfactory account of them must go far to settle more than one of our present contro- versies. An attempt is here made to lay bare the causes which produced these changes, and to mark the stages of the eccle- siastical revolution. When treating of the rise and growth of the hierarchy, several remarkable facts and testimonies which have escaped the notice of preceding historians are particu- larly noticed. Some may, perhaps, consider that, in a work such as this, undue prominence has been given to the discussion of the question of the Ignatian Epistles. Those who have carefully examined the subject will scarcely think so. If we accredit these documents, the history of the early Church is thrown into a state of hopeless confusion ; and men, taught and hon- ored by the apostles themselves, have inculcated the most dangerous errors. But if their claims vanish, when touched by the wand of truthful criticism, many clouds which have hitherto darkened the ecclesiastical atmosphere disappear; and the progress of corruption can be traced on scientific prin- ciples. The special attention of all interested in the Ignatian controversy is invited to the two chapters of this work in which the subject is investigated. Evidence is there produced o prove that these Ignatian letters, even as edited by the very arned and laborious Doctor Cureton, are utterly spurious; and that they should be swept away from among the genuine remains of early Church literature with the besom of scorn. Throughout the work very decided views are expressed on a variety of topics ; but it must surely be unnecessary to tender an apology for the free utterance of these sentiments ; for, PREFACE TO THE ORIGINAL EDITION. xvii when recording the progress of a revolution affecting the highest interests of man, the narrator can not be expected to divest himself of his cherished convictions ; and very few will venture to maintain that a writer, who feels no personal inter- est in the great principles brought to light by the Gospel, is, on that account, more competent to describe the faith, the struggles, and the triumphs of the primitive Christians. I am not aware that mere prejudice has ever been permitted to in- fluence my narrative, or that any statement has been made which does not rest upon solid evidence. Some of the views here presented may not have been suggested by any previous investigator, and they may be exceedingly damaging to certain popular theories; but they should not, therefore, be summarily condemned. Surely every honest effort to explain and recon- cile the memorials of antiquity is entitled to a candid criti- cism. Nor, from those whose opinion is really worthy of re- spect, do I despair of a kindly reception for this volume. One of the most hopeful signs of the times is the increasing charity of evangelical Christians. There is a growing disposition to discountenance the spirit of religious partisanship, and to bow to the supremacy of TRUTH. I trust that those who are in quest of the old paths trodden by the apostles and the mar- tyrs will find some light to guide them in the following pages. CONTENTS. PERIOD I. FROM THE BIRTH OF CHRIST TO THE DEATH OF THE APOSTLE JOHN, A.D. lOO. SECTION I. HISTORY OF THE PLANTING AND GROWTH OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. The boundaries of the Empire, I Its population, strength, and grandeur, .2 Its orators, poets, and philosophers 5 The influence of Rome upon the provinces, 6 The languages most extensively spoken, 6 The moral condition of the Empire, ....... 7 The influence of the philosophical sects — the Epicureans, the Stoics, the Academics, and Plato 7 The influence of the current Polytheism, 8 Tfie state of the Jews — the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes, 9 Preparations for a great Deliverer, and expectation of His appearance, 9 CHAPTER II. THE LIFE OF CHRIST. The date of the Birth of Christ, II The place of His Birth, 1 1 The visit of the angel to the shepherds 12 The visit of the Magi — the flight into Egypt — and the murder of the infants at Bethlehem, 13 (xix) XX CONTENTS. The presentation in the Temple 13 The infancy and boyhood of Jesus, 14 His baptism and entrance upon His public ministry 15 His mysterious movements 16 The remarkable blanks in the accounts given of Him in the Gospels, . 16 His moral purity, 17 His doctrine and His mode of teaching, 18 His miracles, 19 The independence of His proceedings as a reformer 21 The length of His ministry, 22 The Sanhedrim and Pontius Pilate, 22 The Death of Christ, and its significance 23 His Resurrection, and His appearance afterward only to His own fol- lowers 25 His Ascension, 26 His extraordinary character, 27 Supplementary Note on the year of the Birth of Christ, . 28-30 CHAPTER HI. THE TWELVE AND THE SEVENTY. Our Lord during His short ministry trained eighty-two preachers — the Twelve and the Seventy, 3^ Various names of some of the Twelve, 32 Relationship of some of the parties, 34 Original condition of the Twelve, 34 Various characteristics of the Twelve, 34 Twelve, why called Apostles, 36 Typical meaning of the appointment of the Twelve and the Seventy, . 37 In what sense the Apostles founded the Church, .... 39 Why so little notice of the Seventy in the New Testament, . . 41 No account of ordinations of pastors or elders by the Twelve or the Seventy, -42 No succession from the Twelve or Seventy can be traced, ... 42 In what sense the Twelve and Seventy have no successors, and in what sense they have, 43-44 CHAPTER IV. THE PROGRESS OF THE GOSPEL FROM THE DEATH OF CHRIST TO THE DEATH OF THE APOSTLE JAMES, THE BROTHER OF JOHN — A.D. 31 TO A.D. 44. The successful preaching of the Apostles in Jerusalem, ... 46 The disciples have all things common, 46 CONTENTS. Xxi The appointment of the deacons, 47 The Apostles refuse to obey the rulers of the Jews, .... 48 The date of the martyrdom of Stephen, 49 The Gospel preached in Samaria, 50 The baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch, and of Cornelius the centurion, 51 The conversion of Saul, his character, position, and sufferings, . . 52 His visit to Jerusalem, and vision, 55 His ministry in Syria and Cilicia, 56 His appearance at Antioch, 56 Why the disciples were called Christians, 57 Paul and Barnabas sent from Antioch with relief to the poor saints in Judea, 57 The Apostles leave Jerusalem — why no successor appointed on the death of James, the brother of John, 58 Why Paul taken up to Paradise, 60 CHAPTER V. THE ORDINATION OF PAUL AND BARNABAS ; THEIR MISSIONARY TOUR IN ASIA MINOR; AND THE* COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM — A.D. 44 TO A.D. 51. Previous position of Paul and Barnabas, 62 Why now ordained, . 63 Import of ordination, 64 By whom Paul and Barnabas were ordained, ..... 65 They visit Cyprus, Perga, Antioch in Pisidia, Iconium, and other places, 6*6 Ordain elders in every Church . .67 Opposition of the Jews, and dangers of the missionaries, . . . 6S Some insist on the circumcision of the Gentile converts, and are re- sisted by Paul, 70 Why he objected to the proposal, 70 Deputation to Jerusalem about this question 71 Constituent members of the Council of Jerusalem, .... 72 Date of the meeting, . , 73 Not a popular assembly 73 In what capacity the Apostles here acted, 75 Why the Council said, " It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us," 76 The decision yy Why the converts were required to abstain from blood and things strangled, yy Importance of the decision, y8 XXll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE GOSPEL INTO EUROPE, AND THE MINIS- TRY OF PAUL AT PHILIPPI. — A.D. 52. Date of Paul's first appearance in Europe, 80 History of Philippi, . .80 Jewish Oratory there 81 Conversion of Lydia, 81 The damsel with the spirit of divination, 81 Paul and Silas before the magistrates, 82 Causes of early persecutions, . . ; 83 Paul and Silas in prison 83 Earthquake and alarm of the jailer, 84 Remarkable conversion of the jailer, 85 Alarm of the magistrates, 87 Liberality of the Philippians, 88 CHAPTER Vn. THE MINISTRY OF PAUL IN THESSALONICA, BEREA, ATHENS, AND CORINTH. — A.D. 52 TO A.D. 54. Thessalonica and its rulers, 89 The more noble Bereans, 91 Athens and its ancient glory, 92 Paul's appearance among the philosophers, 92 His speech on Mars' Hill 92 Altar to the unknown God, 92 The Epicureans and Stoics, 93 The resurrection of the body, a strange doctrine, .... 94 Conversion of Dionysius the Areopagite 95 Corinth in the first century, 95 Paul's success here, 9^ Works at the trade of a tent-maker 9^ Corinth a centre of missionary operation 99 The Corinthian Church, and its character 100 Opposition of Jews, and conduct of the Proconsul Gallio, . . . 100 Paul writes the First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians, . . 100 CHAPTER Vni. THE CONVERSION OF APOLLOS ; HIS CHARACTER; AND THE MINISTRY OF PAUL IN EPHESUS.— A.D. 54 TO A.D. 57. Paul's first visit to Ephesus, 102 Aquila and Priscilla instruct ApoUos 102 CONTENTS. XXlU Position of the Jews in Alexandria 102 Gifts of ApoUos, 103 Ministry of Apollos in Corinth, 103 Paul returns to Ephesus, and disputes in the school of Tyrannus, . 104 The Epistle to the Galatians, 105 Paul's visit to Crete, and perils in the sea 106 Churches founded at Colosse and elsewhere, 107 Temple of Diana at Ephesus, and the Elphesian letters, . . . 107 ApoUonius of Tyana, and Paul's miracles, 108 First Epistle to the Corinthians, 109 Demetrius and the craftsmen, 1 10 The Asiarchs and the town-clerk, ill Progress of the Gospel in Ephesius, 112 CHAPTER IX. PAUL'S EPISTLES; HIS COLLECTION FOR THE POOR SAINTS AT JERU- SALEM ; HIS IMPRISONMENT THERE, AND AT C^SAREA « AND ROME. — A.D. $7 TO A.D. 63. Paul preaches in Macedonia and Illyricum, 114 Writes the First Epistle to Timothy, and the Second Epistle to the Corinthians 114 Arrives in Corinth, and writes the Epistle to the Romans, . . .116 Sets out on his return to Jerusalem ; and, when at Miletus, sends to Ephesus for the elders of the Church 117 The collection for the poor saints of Jerusalem carried by seven com- missioners 118 Riot when Paul appeared in the Temple at Jerusalem, . . .119 Paul rescued by the chief captain and made a prisoner, . . .119 Paul before the Sanhedrim, 121 Removed to Cassarea 122 Paul before Felix and Festus, 122 Appeals to Cssar, 123 His defence before Agrippa, 124 His voyage to Rome, and shipwreck, 127 His arrival in Italy, 127 Greatness and luxury of Rome, 129 Paul preaches in his own hired house, 132 His zeal, labors, and success, 133 Writes to Philemon, to the Colossians, the Ephesians, and the Philip- pians, 134 CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAUL'S SECOND IMPRISONMENT, AND MARTYRDOM ; PETER, HIS EPISTLES, HIS MARTYRDOM, AND THE ROMAN CHURCH, Evidence of Paul's release from his first Roman imprisonment, . . 136 His visit to Spain, 136 Writes the Epistle to the Hebrews, 138 Revisits Jerusalem, and returns to Rome, 138 His second Roman imprisonment, 138 Writes Second Epistle to Timothy, 139 Date of his martyrdom, 139 Peter, and the Church of Rome, i . . 140 Peter writes his Second Epistle, 141 His testimony to the inspiration of Paul, 141 His martyrdom, 142 Circumstances which, at an early period, gave prominence to the Church of Rome 142 Its remarkable history, 142 CHAPTER XI. THE PERSECUTIONS OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH, AND ITS CONDITION AT THE TERMINATION OF THE FIRST CENTURY. The Jews at first the chief persecutors of the Church, . . .144 Their banishment from Rome by Claudius, 145 Martyrdom of James the Just, 146 Why Christians so much persecuted 146 Persecution of Nero, , I47 A general persecution, 148 Effect of the fall of Jerusalem 148 Persecution of Domitian 149 The grandchildren of Jude 150 Flavius Clemens and Flavia Domitilla, 150 John banished to Patmos 151 His last days, and death 152 State of the Christian interest toward the close of the first century, , 152 Spread of the Gospel I53 Practical power of Christianity, I54 CONTEl^TS. XXV SECTION II. THE LITERATURE AND THEOLOGY OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE NEW TESTAMENT, ITS HISTORY, AND THE AUTHORITY OF ITS VARIOUS PARTS.— THE EPISTLE OF CLEMENT OF ROME. Why our Lord wrote nothing Himself, 156 The order in which the Gospels appeared, 157 Internal marks of truthfulness and originality in the writings of the Evangelists, 158 The Acts of the Apostles treat chiefly of the acts of Peter and Paul, . 159 On what principle the Epistles of Paul arranged in the New Testa- ment 160 The titles of the sacred books not appended by the Apostles or Evan- gelists, and the postscripts of the Epistles of Paul not added by himself, and often not trustworthy, l6l The dates of the Catholic Epistles, 161 The authenticity of the various parts of the New Testament, . . 162 Doubts respecting the Epistle to the Hebrews, and some of the smaller Epistles, and the Apocalypse, 162 Division of the New Testament into chapters and verses, . . . 163 AH, in primitive times, were invited and required to study the Script- ures, 164 The autographs of the sacred penmen not necessary to prove the in- spiration of their writings 164 The Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians 165 The truth of the New Testament established by all the proper tests which can be applied, 165 CHAPTER II. THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Same system of doctrine in Old and New Testaments, . . . 167 The New Testament the complement of the Old, . . . . 167 The views of the Apostles at first obscure 168 New light received after the Resurrection 168 In the New Testament a full statement of apostolic doctrine, . . 169 Sufficiency and plenary inspiration of Scripture, 169 Slate of man by nature, 170 Faith and the Word 171 All the doctrines of the Bible form one system, 172 XXVI CONTENTS. The Deity of Christ 172 The Incarnation and Atonement, 173 Predestination, 175 The Trinity, 175 Creeds, 176 Practical tendency of apostolic doctrine, 176 CHAPTER III. THE HERESIES OF THE APOSTOLIC AGE. Original meaning of the word //"(?r^^, 178 How the word came to signify something wrong 179 The Judaizers the earliest errorists, 179 Views of the Gnostics respecting the present world, the body of Christ, and the resurrection of the body, .180 Simon Magus and other heretics mentioned in the New Testament, . 182 Carpocrates, Cerinthus, and Ebion, 183 The Nicolaitanes, • . . . . 183 Peculiarities of Jewish sectarianism 184 Unity of Apostolic Church not much affected by the heretics, . .185 Heresy convicted by its practical results, 186 SECTION III. THE WORSHIP AND CONSTITUTION OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE lord's day; THE WORSHIP OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH; ITS SYMBOLIC ORDINANCES, AND ITS DISCIPLINE. Christians assembled for worship on the first day of the week, . .187 Our Lord recognized the permanent obligation of the Fourth Com- mandment, 188 Worship of the Church resembled, not that of the Temple, but that of the Synagogue, 189 No Liturgies in the Apostolic Church, 191 No instrumental music 192 Scriptures read publicly '93 Worship in the vulgar tongue '93 Ministers had no official dress '94 CONTENTS. Baptism administered to infants, .... Mode of Baptism, ...... The Lord's Supper frequently administered, The elements not believed to be transubstantiated, Profane excluded from the Eucharist, . Cases of discipline decided by Church rulers. Case of the Corinthian fornicator. Share of the people in Church discipline, Significance of excommunication in the Apostolic Church, Perversion of excommunication by the Church of Rome, 194 196 197 198 199 200 202 203 203 204 CHAPTER II. THE EXTRAORDINARY TEACHERS OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH ; AND ITS ORDINARY OFFICE-BEARERS, THEIR APPOINTMENT, AND ORDINATION. Enumeration of ecclesiastical functionaries in Ephesians iv. 11, 12, and I Corinthians xii. 28, 206 Ordinary Church officers, teachers, rulers, and deacons, . . . 207 Elders, or bishops, the same as pastors and teachers, . . . 207 Different duties of elders and deacons, 208 All the primitive elders did not preach, 208 The office of the teaching elder most honorable, .... 209 Even the Apostles considered preaching their highest function, . .211 Timothy and Titus not diocesan bishops of Ephesus and Crete, . 214 The Pastoral Epistles inculcate all the duties of ministers of the Word, 214 Ministers of the Word should exercise no lordship over each other, . 215 The members of the Apostolic Churches elected all their own office- bearers, 216 Church officers ordained by the presbytery, 218 The office of deaconess, 220 All the members of the Apostolic Churches taught to contribute to each other's edification, 221 CHAPTER III. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Unity of the Church of Israel, 223 Christian Church also made up of associated congregations. The Apostles act upon the principle of ecclesiastical confederation, . Polity of the Christian Church borrowed from the institutions of the Israelites, Account of the Sanhedrim and inferior Jewish courts, 224 225 225 226 XXVlll CONTENTS. Evidences of similar arrangements in the Christian Church, . . 227 How the meeting mentioned in the 15th chapter of the Acts differed in its construction from the Sanhedrim 228 Why we have not a more particular account of the government of the Christian Church in the New Testament 229 No higher and lower houses of convocation in the Apostolic Church, . 230 James not bishop of Jerusalem, ........ 230 Origin of the story, 230 Jerusalem for some time the stated place of meeting of the highest court of the Christian Church, 231 Traces of provincial organization in Proconsular Asia, Galatia, and other districts, amqng the Apostolic Churches, .... 232 Intercourse between Apostolic Churches by letters and deputations, . 233 How there were preachers in the Apostolic Church of whom the Apostles disapproved, 234 The unity of the Apostolic Church — in what it consisted, to what it may be compared, 235 / CHAPTER IV. THE ANGELS OF THE SEVEN CHURCHES. The mysterious symbols of the Apocalypse, 237 The seven stars seven angels, 238 These angels not angelic beings, and not corporate bodies, but indi- viduals, 239 The name angel probably not taken from that of an officer of the syna- gogue, 239 The angel of the synagogue a congregational officer 239 The angels of the Churches not diocesan bishops 240 The stars, not attached to the candlesticks, but in the hand of Christ, 241 The angels of the Churches were their messengers sent to visit John in Patmos 242 Why only seven angels named, 244 PERIOD II. FROM THE DEATH OF THE APOSTLE JOHN TO THE CON- VERSION OF CONSTANTINE. — A.D. lOO TO A.D. 3 12. SECTION I. THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH, Prospects of the Church in the beginning- of the second century, . 249 Christianity recommended by its good fruits, 251 Diffusion of Scriptures and preparation of versions in other languages, 251 Doubtful character of the miracles attributed to this period, . . 253 Remarkable progress of the Gospel, ....... 254 Christianity propagated in Africa, France, Thrace, and Scotland, . 254 Testimonies to its success 255 Gains ground rapidly toward the close of the third century, , . 256 Its progress, how to be tested 256 CHAPTER II. THE PERSECUTIONS OF THE CHURCH. Spectators impressed by the sufferings of the Christians, . . . 258 The blood of the martyrs the seed of the Church, .... 258 Persecution j^romoted the purity of the Church, 259 Christian graces gloriously displayed in times of persecution, . . 260 Private sufferings of the Christians, 260 How far the Romans acted on a principle of toleration, . . . 261 Christianity opposed as a "new religion," 262 Correspondence between Pliny and Trajan, 262 Law of Trajan, 263 Martyrdom of Simeon of Jerusalem, 263 (xxix) XXX CONTENTS. Sufferings of Christians under Hadrian, 264 Hadrian's rescript 264 Marcus Aarelius a persecutor, 265 Justin and Polycarp martyred, 266 Persecution at Lyons and Vienne, 267 Absurd passion for martyrdom, 267 Treatment of the Christians by Septimius Severus, .... 269 The Libellatici and Tburificati, . 270 Perpetua and Felicitas martyred, . . . . . . . .271 Alexander Severus and Philip the Arabian favorable to the Chris- tians, 272 Persecution under Decius 274 Persecution under Valerian, 274 Gallienus issues an edict of toleration, 275 State of the Church during the last forty years of the third century, . 275 Diocletian persecution, 276 The Traditors . , . . 277 Cruelties now practiced 277 Not ten general persecutions, 279 Deaths of the persecutors, 279 Causes of the persecutions, 280 The sufferings of the Christians did not teach them toleration, . . 281 CHAPTER HI. FALSE BRETHREN AND FALSE PRINCIPLES IN THE CHURCH: AND CHARACTER OF THE CHRISTIANS. Piety of the early Christians not superior to that of all succeeding ages Covetous and immoral pastors in the ancient Church, Asceticism and its pagan origin The unmarried clergy and the virgins, .... Paul and Antony the first hermits Origin of the use of the sign of the cross, .... Opposition of the Christians to image-worship, . Image-makers condemned, ....... Objections of the Christians to the theatre, the gladiatorial show other public spectacles, SupiTior mor.ihty of the mass of the early Christians, . How they treated the question of polygamy, Condemned intermarriages with heathens How they dealt with the question of slavery, Influence of Christianity on ihe condition of the slave, s, and 283 283 284 285 286 286 289 290 291 292 292 293 293 294 CONTENTS. XXXI Brotherly love of the Christians 295 Their kindness to distressed heathens 296 Christianity fitted for all mankind, 297 CHAPTER IV. THE CHURCH OF ROME IN THE SECOND CENTURY. Weak historical foundation of Romanism, ...... 299 Church of Rome not founded by either Paul or Peter, . . .300 Its probable origin, 3°° Little known of its primitive condition, 3°° Its early episcopal succession a riddle, 3°^ Martyrdom of Telesphorus, 3°! Heresiarchs in Rome 3^2 Its presiding presbyter called bishop, and invested with additional power, ............ 302 Beginning of the Catholic system 3°2 Changes in the ecclesiastical constitution not accomplished without opposition 3°3 Visit of Polycarp to Rome, '-303 Why so much deference so soon paid to the Roman Church, . . 304 Wealth and influence of its members, 3^5 Remarkable testimony of Irenaeus respecting it, 3°^ Under what circumstances given, ■ . 306 Victor's excommunication of the Asiatic Christians, .... 308 Extent of Victor's jurisdiction 3^9 Explanation of his arrogance, 3^9 First-fruits of the Catholic system, 3^1 CHAPTER V. THE CHURCH OF ROME IN THE THIRD CENTUKY. Genuine letters of the early bishops of Rome and false Decretal epistles, . . . . . . . . . . .312 Discovery of the statue of Hippolytus and of his " Philosophumena," . 313 The Roman bishops Zephyrinus and Callistus, 314 Heresy of Zephyrinus, . 314 Extraordinary career and heresy of Callistus, ..... 315 The bishop of Rome not a metropolitan in the time of Hippolytus, . 317 Bishops of Rome chosen by the votes of clergy and people, . . 3'7 Remarkable election of Fabian, 318 Discovery of the catacombs, 318 Origin of the catacombs, and how used by the Christians of Rome, . 319 The testimony of their inscriptions, 320 XXxii CONTENTS. The ancient Roman clergy married, 321 Severity of persecution at Rome about the middle of the third century, 322 Four Roman bishops martyred, 322 Statistics of the Roman Church about this period, .... 323 Schism of Novatian 324 Controversy respecting rebaptism of heretics, and rashness of Stephen, bishop of Rome, 324 Misinterpretation of Matt. xvi. 18 325 Increasing power of Roman bishop, ....... 327 The bishop of Rome becomes a metrspolitan, and is recognized by the Emperor Aurelian 328 Early Roman bishops spoke and wrote in Greek, .... 328 Obscurity of their early annals, , 328 Advancement of their power during the second and third centuries, . 329 Causes of their remarkable progress, 330 SECTION II. THE LITERATURE AND THEOLOGY OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS. The amount of their extant writings 331 The Epistle of Polycarp 332 Justin Martyr, his history and his works, 332 The Epistle to Diognetus, 334 Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Hermas 334 The Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas, . . . 334 Papias and Hegesippus, 335 Irenaeus and his Works, . 335 Tertullian, his character and writings, 336 Clement of Alexandria, 339 Hippolytus, . 340 Minucius F'elix, 341 Origen — his early history and remarkable career — his great learning — his speculative spirit — liis treatise against Celsus and his " Hex- apla " — his theological peculiarities 341 Cyprian — his training, character, and writings 346 Gregory Thaumaturgus, 349 CONTENTS. XXxiu The value of the Fathers as ecclesiastical authorities, .... 349 Their erroneous and absurd expositions, 350 The excellency of Scripture, 352 CHAPTER II. THE IGNATIAN EPISTLES AND THEIR CLAIMS— THE EXTERNAL EVI- DENCE. The journeys undertaken in search of the Ignatian Epistles, and the amount of literature to which they have given birth, . . . 354 Why these letters have awakened such interest, 356 The story of Ignatius and its difficulties, 356 The Seven Epistles known to Eusebius and those which appeared afterward, 358 The different recensions of the Seven Letters known to Eusebius, . 359 The discovery of the Syriac version 360 Diminished size of the Curetonian Letters, 360 The testimony of Eusebius considered, 362 The testimony of Origen, ......... 363 The Ignatian Epistles not recognized by Irenseus or Polycarp, . . 364 These letters not known to Tertullian, Hippolytus, and other early writers, 365 The date of their fabrication. Their multiplication accounted for, . 372 Remarkable that spurious works are often found in more than one edition, 374 CHAPTER III. THE IGNATIAN EPISTLES AND THEIR CLAIMS— THE INTERNAL EVI- DENCE. The history of these epistles like the story of the Sibylline books, . 376 The three Curetonian Letters as objectionable as those formerly pub- lished 377 The style suspicious, challenged by Ussher, 377 The Word of God strangely ignored in these letters, .... 378 Their chronological blunders betray their forgery, .... 380 Various words in them have a meaning which they did not acquire until after the time of Ignatius, ....... 382 Their puerilities, vaporing, and mysticism betray their spuriousness, . 384 The anxiety for martyrdom displayed in them attests their forgery, . 385 The internal evidence confirms the view already taken of the date of their fabrication, . ......... 387 Strange attachment of Episcopalians to these letters, .... 389 The sagacity of Calvin, 389 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. THE GNOSTICS, THE MONTANISTS, AND THE MANICH^ANS. The early heresies numerous 391 The systems with which Christianity had to struggle, . . . 391 The leading peculiarities of Gnosticism, 392 The yEons, the Demiurge, and the Saviour, 394 Saturninus, Basilides, and Valentine, 395 Marcion and Carpocrates 395 Causes of the popularity of Gnosticism, and its defects, . . . 396 Montanus and his system, 397 His success and condemnation 398 Mani and his doctrine of the Two Principles, 399 The Elect and Hearers of the Manichasans, 400 Martyrdom of Mani, .......... 401 Peculiarities of the heretics gradually adopted by the Catholic Church, 401 Doctrine of Venial and Mortal Sins 401 Doctrine of Purgatory 402 Celibacy and Asceticism 404 CHAPTER V. THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH. Leading doctrines of the Gospel still acknowledged, .... 405 Meaning of theological terms not yet exactly defined, . . . 405 Scripture venerated and studied, 407 Extraordinary Scriptural acquirements of some of the early Christians, 407 Doctrine of Plenary Inspiration of Scripture taught, .... 409 The canon of the New Testament, 410 Spurious scriptures and tradition, 41 1 Human Depravity and Regeneration, 41 1 Christ worshipped by the early Christians, 411 Christ God and man, 412 The Ebionites, Theodotus, Artemon, and Paul of Samosata, . .412 Doctrine of the Trinity 413 Praxeas, Noctus, and Sabellius, 415 Doctrine of the Trinity not borrowed from Platonism, . . . 416 The Atonement and Justification by Faith, 4' 7 Grace and Predestination, 4' 7 Theological errors 418 Our knowledge of the Gospel does not depend on our proximity to the days of the Apostles, 418 CONTENTS. XXXV SECTION III. THE WORSHIP AND CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE WORSHIP OF THE CHURCH. Splendor of the Pagan and Jewish worship — simplicity of Christian worship, • 421 The places of worship of the early Christians 422 Psalmody of the Church 423 No instrumental music, ' . . 424 No forms of prayer used by the early pastors, 424 Congregation stood at prayer 425 Worship, how conducted 426 Scriptures read in public worship 426 The manner of preaching, 427 Deportment of the congregation, 428 Dress of ministers 428 Great change between this and the sixteenth century, . . . 428 CHAPTER n. BAPTISM. Polycarp probably baptized in infancy, 430 Testimony of Justin Martyr and Irenseus for Infant Baptism, . . 431 Testimony of Origen, 432 Objections of Tertullian examined 43a Sponsors in Baptism, who they were 433 The Baptism of Blood 434 Infant Baptism universal in Africa in the days of Cyprian, . . . 436 The mode of Baptism not considered essential, 436 Errors respecting Baptism, and new rites added to the original insti- tution, 437 The Baptismal Service the germ of a Church Liturgy, . . . 438 Evils connected with the corruption of the baptismal institute, . . 438 CHAPTER III. THE lord's SUPPER. Danger of changing any part of a typical ordinance 44c How the Holy Supper was administered in Rome in the second century, 441 XXXvi CONTENTS. The posture of the communicants— sitting and standing, . . .442 The bread not unleavened, 442 Wine mixed with water 442 Bread not put into the mouth by the minister 442 Infant communion, 443 How often the Lord's Supper celebrated, 443 The words Sacrament and Transubstantiation 443 Bread and wine types or symbols 444 How Christ is present in the Eucharist, 444 Growth of superstition in regard to the Eucharist, .... 445 Danger of using language not warranted by Scripture, . . . 446 CHAPTER IV. CONFESSION AND PENANCE. Confession often made at Baptism by disciples of John the Baptist, and of Christ, 447 The early converts forthwith baptized, 447 In the second century fasting preceded Baptism, .... 448 The exomologesis of penitents 44^ Influence of the mind on the body, and of the body on the mind, . 449 Fasting not an ordinary duty, 449 Fasts of the ancient Church, . • 45° Fasting soon made a test of repentance, 45° The ancient penitential discipline 45 ^ Establishment of a Penitentiary, 452 Different classes of penitents 452 Auricular confession now unknown, 452 Increasing spiritual darkness leads to confusion of terms, . . .453 CHAPTER V. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH IN THE SECOND CENTURY. Statement of Justin Martyr, Great obscurity resting on the subject, .... Illustrated by the Epistles of Clement and Polycarp, . Circumstances which led to the writing of Clement's Epistle, Churches of Corinth and Rome then governed by presbyters, Churches of Smyrna and Philippi governed by presbyters, . The presbyters had a chairman or president. Traces of this in the apostolic age Early catalogues of bishops— their origin and contradictions, The senior presbyter the ancient president, .... 454 455 456 456 457 458 459 460 460 461 CONTExNTS. XXXvii Testimony of Hilary confirmed by various proofs, .... 462 Ancient names of the president of the presbytery, .... 463 Great age of ancient bishops, 463 Great number of ancient bishops in a given period 464 Remarkable case of the Church of Jerusalem, 465 No parallel to it in more recent times, 466 Argument against heretics from the episcopal succession illustrated, . 467 The claims of seniority long respected in various ways, . . , 469 The power of the presiding presbyter limited, for the Church was still governed by the common council of the presbyters, . . . 470 Change of the law of seniority 471 Change made about the end of the second century, .... 472 Singular that many episcopal lists stop at the end of the second cent- ury 472 Before that date only one bishop in Egypt, 474 In some places another system set up earlier, 474 CHAPTER VI. THE RISE OF THE HIERARCHY CONNECTED WITH THE SPREAD OF HERESIES. Eusebius. The defects of his Ecclesiastical History, .... 475 Superior erudition of Jerome . . 476 His account of the origin of Prelacy, 476 Prelacy originated after the apostolic age, 477 Suggested by the distractions of the Church 478 Formidable and vexatious character of the early heresies, . . . 483 Mode of appointing the president of the eldership changed. Popular election of bishops, how introduced 484 The various statements of Jerome consistent, 485 The primitive moderator and the bishop contrasted, .... 486 How the decree relative to a change in the ecclesiastical constitution adopted throughout the whole world, 487 CHAPTER VII. PRELACY BEGINS IN ROME. Comparative length of the lives of the early bishops of Rome, . . 489 Observations relative to a change in the organization of the Roman Church in the time of Hyginus, 490 1. The statement of Hilary will account for the increased average in the length of episcopal life 490 2. The testimony of Jerome can not otherwise be explained, . . 492 CONTENTS. 3. Hilary indicates that the constitution of the Church was changed about this period, 493 4. At this time such an arrangement must naturally have suggested itself to the Roman Christians, 5. The violent death of Telesphorus fitted to prepare the way for it, 6. The influence of Rome would recommend its adoption, 7. A vacancy which occurred after the death of Hyginus accords with this view. Valentine a candidate for the Roman bishopric, 8. The letters of Pius to Justus corroborate this view, 9. It is sustained by the fact that the word bishop now began to be applied to the presiding elder, 10. The Pontifical Book remarkably confirms it — Not strange that history speaks so little of this change, Little alteration at first apparent in the general aspect of the Church in consequence of the adoption of the new principle, . . . 501 Facility with which the change could be accomplished, . . . 503 Polycarp probably dissatisfied with the new arrangements, . . 507 Change, in all likelihood, not much opposed, 507 Many presbyters, as well as the people, would be favorable to it, . 509 The new system gradually spread, 510 494 494 495 496 497 497 499 CHAPTER VHI. THE CATHOLIC SYSTEM. History of the word Catholic Circumstances in which the system originated, . The bishop the centre of unity for his district. Principal or Apostolic Churches — their position. The Church of Rome more potentially principal. How communion maintained among the Churches, Early jealousy toward the bishop of Rome, . The Catholic system identified with Rome, . Why the Apostle Peter everywhere so highly exalted, Roman bishops sought to work out the idea of unity, Theory of the Catholic system fallacious. How Rome the antitype of Babylon, . 5" 512 515 515 516 517 517 518 519 520 521 522 CHAPTER IX. PRIMITIVE EPISCOPACY AND PRESBYTERIAN ORDINATION. Where Christians formed only a single congregation Episcopacy made little change, 524 The bishop the parish minister 524 Every one who could might preach if the bishops permitted, . . 525 CONTENTS. 3 Bishops thickly planted — all of equal rank — the greatest had very limit ed jurisdiction Ecclesiastics often engaged in secular pursuits The Alexandrian presbyters made their bishops, When this practice ceased, Alexandrian bishops not originally ordained by imposition of hands, Roman presbyters and others made their bishops, The bishop the presiding elder — early Roman bishops so called. Bishops of the order of the presbytery, All Christian ministers originally ordained by presbyters, . A bishop ordained by a bishop and a presbyter Difference between ancient and modern bishops, . . , 526 527 528 529 530 531 531 533 534 534 535 CHAPTER X. THE PROGRESS OF PRELACY. Power of the president of a court, 537 Power of the ecclesiastical president increased when elected by the people, 538 The superior wealth of the bishop added to his influence, . . . 538 Appointment of lectors, ^ub-deacons, acolyths, exorcists, and janitors, 539 These new offices first appeared in Rome, 540 Bishops began to appoint church officers without consulting the people, 540 New canons relative to ordination 542 Presbyters ceased to inaugurate bishops, ...... 543 Presbyters continued to ordain presbyters and deacons, . . . 543 Country bishops deprived of the right to ordain 544 Account of their degradation, 544 Rise of metropolitans, 545 Circumstances which added to the power of the city bishops, . . 547 One bishop in each province at the head of the rest, .... 548 Jealousies and contentions of city bishops 548 Great change in the Church in two centuries, ..... 549 Reasons why the establishment of metropolitans so much opposed, . 550 CHAPTER XI. SYNODS — THEIR HISTORY AND CONSTITUTION. Apostles sought, first, the conversion of sinners, and then the edifica- tion of their converts 552 No general union of Churches originally, 553 But intercourse in various ways mamtained 553 Synods did not commence about the hiiddle of the second century, . 555 Xl CONTENTS. A part of the original constitution of the Church, .... 555 At first held on a limited scale 556 Reason why we have no account of early Synods, .... 556 First notice of Synods, 557 Synods held respecting the Paschal controversy, . . . .557 Found in operation everywhere before the end of the second century, 557 TertuUian does not say that Synods commenced in Greece, . .558 Why he notices the Greek Synods, 559 Amphictyonic Council did not suggest the establishment of Synods, . 561 Synods originally met only once a year, ...... 561 Began to meet in fixed places in Greece and Asia Minor, . . . 562 Met twice a year in the beginning of the fourth century, . . . 562 Synods in third century respecting rebaptism, 563 Synods at Antioch respecting Paul of Samosata, .... 563 Early Synods composed of bishops and elders, 564 Deacons and laymen had no right of voting, 564 Churches not originally independent, 565 Utility of Synods, 566 Circumstances which led to a change in their constitution, . . . 566 Decline of primitive polity, 567 CHAPTER XII. THE CEREMONIES AND DISCIPLINE OF THE CHURCH, AS ILLUSTRATED BY CURRENT CONTROVERSIES AND DIVISIONS. The rise of the Nazarenes 568 Lessons taught by their history, 569 The Paschal controversy and Victor's excommunication, . . . 570 Danger of dej)ending on tradition, . . . . . . . 572 Institution of Easter unnecessary, 573 The tickets of peace and the schism of Felicissimus 574 Schism of Novatian 575 Controversy respecting the baptism of heretics, and Stephen's excom- munication, . 576 Uniformity in discipline and ceremonies not to be found in the ancient Church, 577 Increasing intolerance of the dominant party in the Church, . . 578 CHAPTER XIII. THE THEORY OF THE CHURCH, AND THE HISTORY OF ITS PERVER- SION— CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. The Church invisible and its attributes, 580 The visible Church and its defects, 581 CONTENTS. xli The holy Catholic Church — what it meant, 582 Church visible and Church invisible confounded, .... 583 Evils of the Catholic system, 585 Establishment of an odious ecclesiastical monopoly, .... 585 Pastors began to be called priests, 587 Arrogant assumptions of bishops, 589 The Catholic system encouraged bigotry, 589 Its ungenerous spirit, . 590 The claims of the Word of God not properly recognized, . . . 591 Many corruptions already in the Church, 593 The establishment of the hierarchy a grand mistake, .... 595 Only promoted outward, not real unity, 595 Sad state of the Church when Catholicism was fully developed, . . 597 Evangelical unity — in what it consists, 598 PERIOD I. FROM THE BIRTH OF CHRIST TO THE DEATH OF THE APOSTLE JOHN, A.D. 100. SECTION I. HISTORY OF THE PLANTING AND GROWTH OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. Upwards of a quarter of a century before the Birth of Christ, the grandnephew of Julius Caesar had become sole master of the Roman world. Never at any former period had so many human beings acknowledged the authority of a single potentate. Some of the most powerful monarchies at present in Europe extend over only a fraction of the territory which Augustus governed. The Atlantic on the west, the Euphrates on the east, the Danube and the Rhine on the north, and the deserts of Africa on the south, were the boundaries of his empire. We do not adequately estimate the rank of Augustus among contemporary sovereigns, when we consider merely the super- ficial extent of the countries placed within the range of his jurisdiction. His subjects formed more than one-third of the entire population of the globe, and amounted to one hundred millions of souls.' His empire embraced within its immense circumference the best cultivated and the most civilized por- * Mr. Merivale, in his " History of the Romans under the Empire " (vol. iv., p. 450), estimates the population in the time of Augustus at eighty-five millions, but in this reckoning he does not include Palestine, and perhaps some of his calculations are rather low. Greswell computes the population of Palestine at ten millions, and that of the whole empire at one hundred and twenty millions. (" Dissertations upon an Harmony of the Gospels," vol. iv., p. II, 493.) 2 THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT tions of the earth. The remains of its populous cities, its great fortresses, its extensive aqueducts, and its stately tem- ples, still exist as memorials of its grandeur. The capital was connected with the most distant provinces by carefully con- structed roads, along which the legions could march with ease and promptitude, either to quell an internal insurrection, or to encounter an invading enemy. And the military resources at the command of Augustus were abundantly sufficient to main- tain obedience among the myriads whom he governed. After the victory of Actium he was at the head of upwards of forty veteran legions ; and though some of these had been deci- mated by war, yet, when recruited, and furnished with their full complement of auxiliaries, they constituted a force of little less than half a million of soldiers. The arts of peace now flourished under the sunshine of im- perial patronage. Augustus could boast, toward the end of his reign, that he had converted Rome from a city of brick huts into a city of marble palaces. The wealth of the nobility was enormous ; and, excited by the example of the Emperor and his friend Agrippa, they erected and decorated mansions in a style of regal magnificence. The taste cherished in the capital was soon widely diffused ; and, in a short period, many new and gorgeous temples and cities appeared throughout the empire. Herod the Great expended vast sums on architect- ural improvements. The Temple of Jerusalem, rebuilt under his administration, was one of the wonders of the world. The century terminating with the death of Augustus claims an undisputed pre-eminence in the history of Roman eloquence and literature. Cicero, the prince of Latin orators, now deliv- ered those addresses which perpetuate his fame ; Sallust and Livy produced works still regarded as models of historic com- position ; Horace, Virgil, and others, acquired celebrity as gifted and accomplished poets. Among the subjects fitted to exercise and expand the intellect, religion was not overlooked. In the great cities of the empire many were to be found who devoted themselves to metaphysical and ethical studies ; and questions, bearing on the highest interests of man, were dis- cussed in the schools of the philosophers. THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. 3 The barbarous nations under the dominion of Augustus de- rived many advantages from their connection with the Roman empire. They had often reason to complain of the injustice and rapacity of provincial governors ; but, on the whole, they had a larger share of social comfort than they could have en- joyed had they preserved their independence ; for their do- mestic feuds were repressed by the presence of their powerful rulers, and the imperial armies were at hand to protect them against foreign aggression. By means of the constant inter- course kept up with all its dependencies, the skill and infor- mation of the metropolis of Italy were gradually imparted to the rude tribes under its sway ; and thus the conquest of a savage country by the Romans was an important step toward its civilization. The union of so many nations in a great state was otherwise beneficial to society. A Roman citizen could travel without hindrance from Armenia to the British Channel ; and as all the countries washed by the Mediterranean were subject to the empire, their inhabitants carried on a regular and prosperous traffic by availing themselves of the facilities of navigation. The conquests of Rome modified the vernacular dialects of not a few of its subjugated provinces, and greatly promoted the diffusion of Latin. That language, which had gradually spread throughout Italy and the west of Europe, was at length understood by persons of rank and education in most parts of the empire. But in the time of Augustus, Greek was spoken still more extensively. Several centuries before, it had been planted in all the countries conquered by Alexander the Great ; and it was now not only the most general, but also the most fashionable medium of communication. Even Rome swarmed with learned Greeks, who employed their native tongue when giving instruction in the higher branches of edu- cation. Greece itself, however, was considered the headquar- ters of intellectual cultivation ; and the wealthier Romans were wont to send their sons to its celebrated seats of learning, to improve their acquaintance with philosophy and literature. The Roman Empire in the time of Augustus presents to the eye of contemplation a most interesting spectacle, whether 4 THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT we survey its territorial magnitude, its political power, or its intellectual activity. But when we look more minutely at its condition, we discover many other strongly marked and less inviting features. That stern patriotism, which imparted so much dignity to the old Roman character, had disappeared, and its place was occupied by ambition or covetousness. Ve- nality reigned throughout every department of the public administration. Those domestic virtues, which are at once the ornaments and the strength of the community, were com- paratively rare ; and the prevalence of luxury and licentious- ness proclaimed the unsafe state of the social fabric. There was a growing disposition to evade the responsibilities of mar- riage, and a large portion of the citizens of Rome deliberately preferred the system of concubinage to the state of wedlock. The civil wars which had created such confusion and involved such bloodshed, had passed away ; but the peace which fol- lowed was rather the quietude of exhaustion than the repose of contentment. The state of the Roman Empire at the time of the birth of Christ abundantly proves that there is no necessary connection between intellectual refinement and social regeneration. The cultivation of the arts and sciences in the reign of Augustus was beneficial to a few, by diverting them from the pursuit of vulgar pleasures, and opening up to them sources of more ra- tional enjoyment ; but during the brightest period in the his- tory of Roman literature, vice in every form was fast gaining ground among almost all classes of the population. The Greeks, though occupying a higher position as to mental ac- complishments, were still more dissolute than the Latins. Among them literature and sensuality appeared in revolting combination, for their courtesans were the only females who attended to the culture of the intellect.' Nor is it strange that the Roman Empire at this period ex- hibited such a scene of moral pollution. There was nothing in either the philosophy or the religion of heathenism sufficient to counteract the influence of man's native depravity. In ' See the article 'ETai/mi in Smith's " Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities." THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. 5 many instances, the speculations of the pagan sages had a tendency rather to weaken than to sustain the authority of conscience. After unsetthng the foundations of the ancient superstition, the mind was left in doubt and bewilderment ; for the votaries of what was called wisdom entertained widely different views even of its elementary principles. The Epi- cureans, who formed a large section of the intellectual aris- tocracy, denied the doctrine of Providence, and pronounced pleasure to be the ultimate end of man ; the Academics en- couraged a spirit of disputatious scepticism ; and the Stoics, who taught that the practice of, what they vaguely designated, virtue, involves its own reward, discarded the idea of a future retribution. Plato had still a goodly number of disciples ; and though his doctrines, containing not a few elements of sub- limity and beauty, exercised a better influence, they consti- tuted a most unsatisfactory system of cold and barren mysti- cism. The ancient philosophers delivered many excellent moral precepts ; but, as they wanted the light of revelation, their arguments in support of duty were essentially defective, and the lessons which they taught had often very little influ- ence either on themselves or others." Their own conduct seldom marked them out as greatly superior to those around them, so that neither their instructions nor their example con- tributed efficiently to elevate the character of their generation. Though the philosophers fostered a spirit of inquiry, yet, as they made little progress in the discovery of truth, they were not qualified to act with the skill and energy of enlightened reformers ; and, whatever may have been the amount of their convictions, they made no open and resolute attack on the popular mythology. A very superficial examination was, in- deed, enough to shake the credit of the heathen worship. The reflecting subjects of the Roman Empire might have re- marked the very awkward contrast between the multiplicity of their deities and the unity of their political government. ' " We despise," says an early Christian writer, " the supercilious looks of philosophers, whom we have known to be the corrupters of innocence, adulterers, and tyrants, and eloquent declaimers against vices of which they themselves are guilty." — Octavius of Minucius Felix. 6 THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT It was the common belief that every nation had its own divine guardians, and that the rehgious rites of one country could be fully acknowledged without impugning the claims of those of another ; but still a thinking pagan might have been staggered by the consideration that a human being had apparently more extensive authority than some of his celestial overseers, and that the jurisdiction of the Roman emperor was established over a more ample territory than that which was assigned to many of the immortal gods. But the multitude of its divinities was by no means the most offensive feature of heathenism. The gods of antiquity, particularly those of Greece, were of infamous character. Whilst they were represented by their votaries as excelling in beauty and activity, strength and intelligence, they were also described as envious and gluttonous, base, lustful, and revenge- ful, Jupiter, the king of the gods, was deceitful and licen- tious ; Juno, the queen of heaven, was cruel and tyrannical. What could be expected from those who honored such deities? Some of the wiser heathens, such as Plato,' condemned their mythology as immoral — for the conduct of one or other of the gods might have been quoted in vindication of every species of transgression ; and had the Gentiles but followed the ex- ample of their own heavenly hierarchy, they could have found apologies for perpetrating the very worst forms of fraud, op- pression, or profligacy.' At the time of the birth of our Lord even the Jews had sunk into a state of the grossest degeneracy. They were di- vided into sects, two of which, the Pharisees and the Saddu- cees, are frequently mentioned in the New Testament. The Pharisees were the leading denomination, being by far the most numerous and powerful. By adding to the written law ' " De Republ.," ii. ^ In the " Octavius of Minucius Felix " (c. 25), we meet with the follow- ing startling challenge : " Where are there more bargains for debauchery made, more assignations concerted, or more adultery devised than by the priests amidst the altars and shrines of the gods } " This, of course, refers to the state of things in the third century, but there is no reason to believe that it was now much better. Tertullian speaks in the same manner (" Apol.,'' c. 15). See also "Juvenal," sat. vi. 488, and ix. 23. THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. / a mass of absurd or frivolous traditions, which, as they fool- ishly alleged, were handed down from Moses, they subverted the authority of the sacred record ; and changed the religion of the patriarchs and prophets into a wearisome parade of superstitious observances. The Sadducees were compara- tively few, but as a large proportion of them were persons of rank and wealth, they possessed considerable influence. It has been said that they admitted the divine authority only of the Pentateuch,' and though they may not have openly de- nied the claims of all the other books of the Old Testament, it is certain that they discarded the doctrine of the immortal- ity of the soul,'^ and that they were disposed to self-indulgence and scepticism. Another still smaller Jewish sect, that of the Essenes, is not directly mentioned in the New Testament. The members of this community resided chiefly in the neigh- borhood of the Dead Sea ; and as our Lord seldom visited that quarter of the country during the course of His public ministry, He rarely or never came in contact with these relig- ionists. Some of them were married, but the greater number lived in celibacy, and spent much of their time in contempla- tion. They are said to have had a common purse, and their course of life closely resembled that of the monks of after- times. Though the Jews, as a nation, were sunk in sensuality or superstition, some among them, such as Simeon and Anna, noticed in the Gospel of Luke/ were taught of God, and ex- hibited a spirit of vital piety. " The law of the Lord is per- fect, converting the soul," and as the books of the Old Testa- ment were committed to the keeping of the posterity of Abraham, " hidden ones " here and there discovered the way to heaven by the perusal of these " lively oracles." The Jews were faithful conservators of the inspired volume, as Christ uniformly takes for granted the accuracy of their " Script- ures." * They did not admit into their canon the writings ' " Origen. Contra Celsum," lib. i., c. 49. ^ Matt. xxii. 23. ' Luke ii. 25, 36. * See Matt. v. 18 ; John v. 39, and x. 35. 8 THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT known as the Apocrypha.^ Nearly three hundred years before the appearance of our Lord, the Old Testament had been translated into the Greek language, and thus, at this period, the educated portion of the population of the Roman Empire had all an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the religion of the chosen people. The Jews were scattered over the earth, and as they erected synagogues in the cities where they settled, the Gentile world had ample means of information in reference to their faith and worship. Whilst the dispersion of the Jews disseminated a knowledge of their religion, it suggested the approaching dissolution of the Mosaic economy — as it was apparent that their present circumstances absolutely required another ritual. It was not to be expected that individuals dwelling in distant countries could meet three times in the year at Jerusalem to celebrate the great festivals. The Israelites themselves had a presenti- ment of coming changes, and anxiously awaited the appear- ance of a Messiah. They were actuated by an extraordinary zeal for proselytism," and though their scrupulous adherence to a stern code of ceremonies often exposed them to much obloquy, they succeeded, notwithstanding, in making many converts in most of the places where they resided.^ A prom- inent article of their creed was adopted in a quarter where ' See Josephus against Apion, i., § 8. Origen says that the Hebrews had twenty-two sacred books corresponding to the number of letters \\\ their alphabet. (Opera, ii. 528.) Jerome states that they reckoned in the fol- lowing manner : they considered the Twelve Minor Prophets only one book ; First and Second Samuel, one book ; First and Second Kings, one book ; First and Second Chronicles, one book ; Ezra and Nehemiah, one book ; Jeremiah and Lamentations, one book ; the Pentateuch, five books ; Judges and Ruth, one book ; thus with the other ten books of Joshua, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes^ Canticles, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, mak- ing up twenty-two. The most learned Roman Catholic writers admit that what are called the apocryphal books were never acknowledged by the Jew- ish Church. See, for example, Dupin's " History of Ecclesiastical Writers," Preliminary Dissertation, section ii. See also Father Simon's " Critical History of the Old Testament," book i., chap. viii. * Matt, xxiii. 15. • Many proofs of this occur in the Acts. See Acts x. 2, xiii. 43, xvi. 14, xvii. 4. THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. 9 their theology otherwise found no favor, for the Unity of the Great First Cause was distinctly acknowledged in the schools of the philosophers.' From the preceding statements we see the peculiar signifi- cance of the announcement that God sent forth His Son into the world " when the fulness of the thne was come." ' Various predictions ' pointed out this age as the period of the Mes- siah's Advent ; and Gentiles, as well as Jews, had by some means caught up the expectation that an extraordinary per- sonage was about to present himself on the theatre of human existence.* Providence had obviously prepared the way for the labors of a religious reformer. The civil wars which had convulsed the State were almost forgotten, and though the hostile movements of the Germans and other barbarous tribes on the confines of the empire occasionally created uneasiness or alarm, the public mind was generally unoccupied by any great topic of absorbing interest. In the populous cities the multitude languished for excitement ; and sought to dissipate time in the forum, the circus, or the amphitheatre. At such a crisis the heralds of the most gracious message that ever greeted the ears of men might hope for a patient hearing. Even the consolidation of so many nations under one govern- ment tended to " the furtherance of the Gospel "; for the gigantic roads, which radiated from Rome to the distant re- gions of the east and of the west, facilitated intercourse ; and the messengers of the Prince of Peace travelled from country to country without suspicion and without passports. Well might the Son of God be called " The desire of all nations." * Though the wisest of the pagan sages could not have described the renovation which the human family required, and though, when the Redeemer actually appeared, He was despised and * See Cudworth's "Intellectual System," i. 318, etc. Edition, London, 1845, Warburton has adduced evidence to prove that this doctrine was imparted to the initiated in the heathen mysteries. " Divine Legation of Moses," i. 224. Edit., London, 1837. * Gal. iv. 4. 5 Gen. xlix. 10 ; Dan. ix. 25 ; Haggai ii. 6, 7. * Virgil, Ec. iv. Suetonius, Octavius, 94. Tacitus, Histor. v. 13. ^ Haggai ii. 7. 10 THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. rejected of men, there was, withal, a widespread conviction that a Saviour was required, and there was a longing for de- liverance from the evils which oppressed society. The ancient superstitions were rapidly losing their hold on the affection and confidence of the people, and whilst the light of philosophy was sufficient to discover the absurdities of the prevailing polytheism, it failed to reveal any more excellent way of pu- rity and comfort. The ordinances of Judaism, "waxing old " and " ready to vanish away," were types still unfulfilled ; and though they pointed out the path to glory, they required an interpreter to expound their import. This Great Teacher now appeared. He was born in very humble circumstances, and yet He was the heir of an empire beyond comparison more illustrious than that of the Caesars. " There was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages should serve him ; his dominion is an everlast- ing dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." ' * Dan. vii. 14. CHAPTER II. THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Nearly three years before the commencement of our era/. Jesus Christ was born. The Holy Child was introduced into the world under circumstances extremely humiliating. A de- cree had gone forth from Csesar Augustus that all the Roman Empire should be taxed, and the Jews, as a conquered people, were obliged to submit to an arrangement which proclaimed their national degradation. The reputed parents of Jesus re- sided at Nazareth, a town of Galilee ; but, as they were " of the house and lineage of David," they were obliged to repair to Bethlehem, a village about six miles south of Jerusalem, to be entered in their proper place in the imperial registry. "And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were ac- complished that Mary should be delivered, and she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger ; because there was no room for them in the inn." " This child of poverty and of a despised race, born in the stable of the lodging-house of an insignificant town belonging to a conquered province, did not enter upon life surrounded by associations which betokened a career of earthly pros- perity. But intimations were not wanting that the son of Mary was regarded with the deepest interest by the inhabi- tants of heaven. An angel had announced .the conception of the individual who was the herald of His ministry;^ and ' See Supplementary Note at the end of this chapter on the year of Christ's Birth. "^ Luke ii. 6, 7. * Luke i. 11, 19. (II) 12 THE WISE MEN FROM THE EAST. another angel had given notice of the incarnation of this Great DeHverer.' When He was born, the angel of the Lord com- municated the tidings to shepherds in the plains of Bethle- hem ; " and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men," ' In- animate nature called attention to the advent of the illustrious babe, for a wonderful star made known to wise men from the east the incarnation of the King of Israel ; and when they came to Jerusalem " the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was." ' The history of these eastern sages can not now be ex- plored, and we know not on what grounds they regarded the star as the sign of the Messiah ; but they rightly interpreted the appearance, and the narrative warrants us to infer that they acted under the guidance of divine illumination. As they were " warned of God in a dream " ' to return to their own country another way, it may be that they were originally directed by some similar communication to undertake the journey. If, as is probable, they did not belong to the stock of Abraham, their visit to the babe at Bethlehem was the har- binger of the union of Jews and Gentiles under the new econ- omy. The presence of these Orientals in Jerusalem attracted the notice of the watchful and jealous tyrant who then oc- cupied the throne of Judea. Their story filled him with alarm, and his subjects anticipated some tremendous outbreak of his suspicious and savage temper. " When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." ' His rage soon vented itself in a terrible explosion. Having ascertained from the chief priests and scribes of the ' Luke i. 26, 31. ^ Luke ii. 13, 14. ' Matt. ii. 9. * Matt. ii. 12. ' Matt. ii. 3. The evangelist does not positively assert that the wise men met Herod af Jerusalem. On their arrival in the holy city he was probably at Jericho — distant about a day's journey— for Josephus states that he died there. (" Antiq." xvii. 6, § 5, and 8, §1.) We may infer, therefore, that he " heard " of the strangers, on his sick-bed, and " privily called " them to Jericho, The chief priests and scribes were, perhaps, summoned to attend him at the same place. THE HOLY CHILD. 1 3 people where Christ was to be born, he " sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under." ' Joseph and Mary, in accordance with a message from heaven, had meanwhile fled toward the border of Egypt, and thus the holy infant escaped this carnage. The wise men, on the occa- sion of their visit, had " opened their treasures," and had " presented unto Him gifts, £;'o/d, . and frankincense, and myrrh,"* so that the poor travellers had providentially ob- tained means for defraying the expenses of their journey. The slaughter of the babes of Bethlehem was one of the last acts of the bloody reign of Herod ; and on his demise, the exiles were divinely instructed to return, and the child was presented in the temple. This ceremony evoked new testimonies to His high mission. On His appearance in His Father's house, the aged Simeon, moved by the Spirit from on high, embraced Him as the promised Shiloh ; and Anna, the prophetess, like- wise gave thanks to God, and " spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." ' Thus, whilst the Old Testament predictions pointed to Jesus as the Christ, living ' Matt. ii. 16. The estimates formed at a subsequent period of the num- ber of infants in the village of Bethlehem and its precincts betray a strange ignorance of statistics. " The Greek Church canonized the 14,000 inno- cents," observes the Dean of St. Paul's, " and another notion, founded on a misrepresentation of Revelation (xiv, 3), swelled the number to 144,000. The former, at least, was the common belief of our church, though even in our liturgy the latter has in some degree been sanctioned by retaining the chapter of Revelation as the epistle for the day. Even later, Jeremy Tay- lor, in his ' Life of Christ,' admits the 14,000 writhout scruple, or rather without thought." — Milman's History of Christianity^ i. p. 113, note. "^ Matt. ii. II. ' Luke ii. 38. It is a curious fact that in the year 751 of the city of Rome, the year of the Birth of Christ according to the chronology adopted in this volume, the passover was not celebrated as usual in Judea. The disturbances which occurred on the death of Herod had become so serious on the arrival of the pascal day, that Archelaus was obliged to disperse the people by force of arms in the very midst of the sacrifices. So soon did Christ begin to cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. See Gres- well's " Dissertations," i. pp. 393, 394, note. 14 THE YOUTH OF JESUS. prophets appeared to interpret these sacred oracles, and to bear witness to the claims of the new-born Saviour. Though the Son of Mary was beyond all comparison the most extraordinary personage that ever appeared on earth, it is remarkable that the sacred writers enter into scarcely any details respecting the history of His infancy, His youth, or His early manhood. They tell us that " the child grew and waxed strong in spirit," ' and that He " increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man ' V but they do not minutely trace the progress of His mental development, neither do they gratify any feeling of mere curiosity by giv- ing us His infantile biography. In what is omitted by the penmen of the New Testament, as well as in what is written, we must acknowledge the guidance of inspiration ; and though we would have perused with avidity a description of the pur- suits of Jesus when a child, such a record has not been deemed necessary for the illustration of the work of redemption. He spent about thirty years on earth almost unnoticed and un- known ; and He was meanwhile trained to the occupation of a carpenter.* The obscurity of His early career was one part of His humiliation. But the circumstances in which He was placed enabled Him to exhibit more clearly the divinity of His origin. He did not receive a liberal education, so that when He came forward as a public teacher " the Jews mar- velled, saying. How knoweth this man letters, liaving never learned?'' "• When He was only twelve years old, He was " found in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions ; and all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers." * As He grew up, He was distinguished by His diligent attend- ance in the house of God ; and He was in the habit of officiat- ing at public worship by assisting in the reading of the law and the prophets ; for, we are told that, shortly after the com- mencement of His ministry, " He came to Nazarath, where he had been brought up, and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath-day, and stood up for to read." * ' Luke ii. 40. '^ Luke ii. 52. ' Mark vi. 3. * John vii. 15. '' Luke ii. 46, 47. " Luke iv. 16. JOHN THE BAPTIST. 1 5 When He was thirty years of age, and immediately before His public appearance as a prophet, our Lord was baptized of John in Jordan.' The Baptist did not preach longer than six months;'' but during his imprisonment of considerably upwards of a year, he still contributed to prepare the way of Christ ; for, in the fortress of Machaerus in which he was in- carcerated,* he was not kept in utter ignorance of passing occurrences ; and when permitted to hold intercourse with his friends, he doubtless directed their attention to the proceed- ings of the Great Prophet. The claims of John, as a teacher sent from God, were extensively acknowledged, and, therefore, his recognition of our Lord as the promised Messiah, must have impressed the minds of the Israelites. The miracles of our Saviour corroborated the testimony of His forerunner, and created a deep sensation. He healed " all manner of sick- ness, and all manner of disease."* It was, consequently, not strange that " his fame went throughout all Syria," and that " there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan." ^ Even when the Most High reveals Himself there is some- thing mysterious in the manifestation, so that as we ac- knowledge the tokens of His presence, we may well exclaim, " Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour." " When He displayed His glory in the temple of old. He filled it with thick darkness ;' when He delivered the sure word of prophecy, He employed strange and misty ' Luke iii. 21-23. " It became Him, being in the likeness of sinful flesh, to go through these appointed rites and purifications which belonged to that flesh. There is no more strangeness in His having been baptized by John, than in His keeping the Passover. The one rite, as the other, be- longed to sinners, and among the transgressors He was numbered." — Al- FORD, Greek Testatnent, note on Matt. iii. 13-17. ^ See Greswell's " Dissertations upon an Harmony of the Gospels," vol. i. pp. 362, 363. John probably commenced his ministry about the Feast of Tabernacles, A.D. 27. ' See Josephus, " Antiq." xviii. 5, § 2. " Matt. iv. 23. ' Matt. iv. 24, 25. " Isaiah xlv. 15. ' I Kings viii. 10-12. l6 CHRIST'S FOOTSTErS NOT KNOWN. language ; when He announced the Gospel itself, He uttered some things hard to be understood. It might have been said of the Son of God, when He appeared on earth, that His "footsteps were not known." In early life He does not seem to have arrested the attention of His own townsmen ; and when He came forward to assert His claims as the Messiah, He did not overawe or dazzle His countrymen by any sus- tained demonstration of tremendous power or of overwhelm- ing splendor. To-day the multitude beheld His miracles with wonder, but to-morrow they could not tell where to meet with Him ; ' ever and anon He appeared and disap- peared ; and occasionally His own disciples found it difificult to discover the place of His retirement. When He arrived in a district, thousands often hastily gathered round Him ; " but He never encouraged the attendance of vast assemblages by giving general notice that, in a specified place and on an ap- pointed day. He would deliver a public address, or perform a new and unprecedented miracle. We here see the wisdom of Him who " doeth all things well." Whilst the secrecy Avith which He conducted His movements baffled any premature attempts on the part of His enemies to effect His capture or condemnation, it also checked that intense popular excite- ment which a ministry so extraordinary awakened. Four inspired writers have given separate accounts of the life of Christ — all repeat many of His wonderful sayings — all dwell with marked minuteness on the circumstances of His death — and all attest the fact of His resurrection. Each mentions some things which the others have omitted ; and each apparently observes the order of time in the details of his narrative. But when we combine and arrange their vari- ous statements, so as to form the whole into one regular and comprehensive testimony, we discover that there are not a few periods of His life still left destitute of incidents; and that there is no reference whatever to topics which we should expect to find particularly noticed in the biography of so ' John V. 13, vi. 15, viii. 59, xii. 36 ; Mark 1. 45, vii. 24. ' Mark ii. 1,2; Matt. xiv. 13, 14, 21, xv. 32, 38, 39. HIS PERSONAL APPEARANCE. 1/ great a personage. After His appearance as a public teacher, He not only made sudden transitions from place to place, but otherwise often courted the shade ; and, instead of unfolding the circumstances of His private history, the evangelists dwell chiefly on His Discourses and His Miracles. During His ministry, Capernaum was His headquarters ; ' but we can not tell with whom He lodged; nor whether the twelve sojourned under the same roof with Him ; nor how much time He spent in it at any particular period. We can not point out the pre- cise route which He pursued on any occasion when itinerating throughout Galilee or Judea; neither are we sure that He al- ways journeyed on foot, or that He adhered to a uniform mode of travelling. It is most singular that the inspired writers never throw out a hint on which an artist could seize as the groundwork of a painting of Jesus. As if to teach us more emphatically that we are to beware of a sensuous superstition, and that we should direct our thoughts to the spiritual feat- ures of His character, the New Testament never mentions either the color of His hair, or the height of His stature, or the cast of His countenance. How wonderful that even " the beloved disciple," who was permitted to lean on the bosom of the Son of man, and who had seen Him in the most trying circumstances of His earthly history, never speaks of the tones of His voice, or of the expression of His eye, or of any striking peculiarity pertaining to His personal appearance ! The si- lence of all the evangelists respecting matters of which at least some of them must have retained a very vivid remem- brance, and of which ordinary biographers would not have failed to preserve a record, supplies an indirect and yet a most powerful proof of the Divine origin of the Gospels. ' Matt. iv. 13. Hence it is said to have been "exalted unto heaven " in the way of privilege. Matt. xi. 23; Luke x. 15. It was the residence as well of Peter and Andrew (Matt. xvii. 24), as of James, John (Mark i. 21, 29), and Matthew (Mark ii. i, 14, 15), and there also dwelt the nobleman whose son was healed by our Lord (John iv. 46). It was on the borders of the sea of Galilee, so that by crossing- the water He could at once reach the territory of another potentate, and withdraw Himself from the multi- tudes drawn together by the fame of His miracles. See Milman's " His- tory of Christianity," i. 188. 2 l8 THE TEACHING OF CHRIST. But whilst the sacred writers enter so sparingly into per- sonal details, they leave no doubt as to the perfect integrity which marked every part of our Lord's proceedings. He was born in a degenerate age, and brought up in a city of Galilee so infamous that no good thing was expected to proceed from it ; * and yet, like a ray of purest light shining into some den of uncleanness, He contracted no defilement from the scenes of pollution which He was obliged to witness. Even in boy- hood, He uniformly acted with supreme discretion ; and though His enemies from time to time gave vent to their malignity in various accusations, they never sought to cast so much as a solitary stain upon His youthful reputation. The most malicious of the Jews failed to fasten on Him in after- life any charge of immorality. Among those constantly ad- mitted to His familiar intercourse, a traitor was found ; and had Judas been able to detect anything in His private deport- ment inconsistent with His public profession, he would doubt- less have proclaimed it as an apology for his perfidy ; but the keen eye of that close observer could not discover a single blemish in the character of his Master ; and when, prompted by covetousness, he betrayed Him to the chief priests, the thought of having been accessory to the death of one so kind and so holy, continued to torment him, until it drove him to despair and to self-destruction. The doctrine inculcated by our Lord commended itself by the light of its own evidence. It was nothing more than a lucid and comprehensive exposition of the theology of the Old Testament ; and yet it presented such a new view of the faith of patriarchs and prophets, that it had all the freshness and interest of an original revelation. It discovered a most intimate acquaintance with the mental constitution of man — it appealed with mighty power to conscience — and it was felt to be exactly adapted to the moral state and spiritual wants of the human family. The disciples of Jesus did not require to be told that He had "the key of knowledge," for they were delighted and edified as " He opened " to them the * John i. 46. THE TEACHING OF CHRIST. I9 Scriptures.' He taught the multitude " as one having au- thority "; ' and they were " astonished at His doctrine." The discourses of the scribes, their most learned instructors, were meagre and vapid — they were not calculated to enlarge the mind or to move the affections — they consisted frequently of doubtful disputations relating to the ceremonials of their worship — and the very air with which they were delivered betrayed the insignificance of the topics of discussion. But Jesus spake with a dignity which commanded respect, and with the seriousness of a great Teacher delivering to perish- ing sinners the lessons of eternal truth. There was something singularly beautiful and attractive, as well as majestic and impressive, in the teaching of our Lord. The Sermon on the Mount is a most pleasing specimen of His method of conveying instruction. Whilst He gives utterance to sentiments of exalted wisdom. He employs language so simple, and imagery so chaste and natural, that even a child is interested and delighted. He did not speak in parables for a considerable time after He entered on His ministry.' By these symbolical discourses He blinded the eyes of His ene- mies, and furnished materials for profitable meditation to His genuine disciples. The parables, like the light of prophecy, are, to this very day, a beacon to the Church, and a stumbling- block to unbelievers. The claim of Jesus to be the Christ was decisively estab- lished by the Divine power which He manifested. It had been foretold that certain extraordinary recoveries from dis- ease and infirmity should be witnessed in the days of the Messiah ; and these predictions were literally fulfilled. The eyes of the blind were opened, and the ears of the deaf un- stopped ; the lame man leaped as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sang." Not a few of the cures of our Saviour were ' Luke xxiv. 32. ' Matt. vii. 29. ' According to Mr. Greswell, our Lord adopted this method of teaching about eighteen months after the commencement of His ministry, and the Parable of the Sower was the first delivered. " Exposition of the Parable,' vol. i., p. 2. * Isa. XXXV. 5, 6. 20 THE MIRACLES OF CHRIST. wrought on individuals to whom He was personally unknown ;* and many of His works of wonder were performed in the pres- ence of friends and foes.'' Whilst His miracles exceeded in number all those recorded in the Old Testament, they were still more remarkable for their variety and excellence. By His touch, or His word. He healed the most inveterate mala- dies ; He fed the multitude by thousands out of a store of pro- visions which a little boy could carry ; ' He walked upon the waves of the sea, when it was agitated by a tempest ; * He made the storm a calm, so that when the wind ceased to blow, the surface of the deep reposed, at the same moment, in glassy smoothness ; ^ He cast out devils ; and He restored life to the dead. Well might the Pharisees be perplexed by the inquiry, " How can a man that is a sinner do sucJi miracles ? " ° It is quite possible that false prophets, by the help of Satan, may accomplish feats fitted to excite astonishment ; and yet, in such cases, the agents of the Wicked One will exhibit some symptoms of his spirit and character. But nothing diabolical, or of an evil tendency, appeared in the miracles of our Lord. With the two exceptions of the cursing of the barren fig-tree,^ and the permitting the devils to enter into the swine," all His displays of power were indicative of His goodness and His mercy. No other than a true prophet could have so often controlled the course of nature, in the production of results of such utility, benignity, and grandeur. The miracles of Christ illustrated, as well as confirmed. His doctrines. When, for instance. He converted the water into wine at the marriage in Cana of Galilee," He taught, not only that He approved of wedlock, but also that, within proper limits, we should exercise a generous hospitality. In some cases He required faith in those whom He vouchsafed to ' See John v. 13, ix, i, 6, 25, 36, ' Mark ii. 6, 7, 10, 1 1, iii. 5, 22. ' John vi. 9. ■* Matt. xiv. 24, 25. ' Mark iv. 39 ; Matt. viii. 26, 27, " John ix. 16. ' Matt. xxi. 19. Neander has shown that this was a typical action point- ing to the rejection of the Jews. See his " Life of Jesus Christ " by M'Clin- tock and Blumcnthal, p. 357. * Mark v. 13. ' Jolm ii. 9. CHRIST A WONDER TO MANY. 21 cure/ thus distinctly suggesting the way of a sinner's salva- tion. Many of His miracles were obviously of a typical char- acter. When He acted as the physician of the body, He indi- rectly gave evidence of His efificiency as the physician of the soul ; when He restored sight to the blind, He indicated that He can turn men from darkness to light ; when He raised the dead, He virtually demonstrated His ability to quicken the dead in trespasses and sins. Those who witnessed these exhi- bitions of His power were prepared to listen with the deepest interest to His words when He declared, " I am the light of the world ; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have tJie light of life. '' ^ Though our Lord's conduct, as a public teacher, fully sus- tained His claims as the Messiah, it was a complete enigma to all classes of politicians. He did not seek to obtain power by courting the favor of the great, neither did He attempt to gain popularity by flattering the prejudices of the multitude. He wounded the national pride by hinting at the destruction of the temple ; He gave much offence by holding intercourse with the odious publicans ; and with many. He forfeited all credit, as a patriot, by refusing to affirm the unlawfulness of paying tribute to the Roman emperor. The greatest human characters have been occasionally swayed by personal predilec- tions or antipathies, but, in the life of Christ, we can discover no memorial of infirmity. Like a sage among children. He did not permit Himself to be influenced by the petty parti- alities, whims, or superstitions of His countrymen. He incul- cated a theological system for which He could not expect the support of any of the existing classes of religionists. He dif- fered from the Essenes, as He did not adopt their ascetic habits ; He displeased the Sadducees, by asserting the doc- trine of the resurrection ; He provoked the Pharisees, by declaring that they worshipped God in vain, teaching for doc- trines the commandments of men ; and He incurred the hos- tility of the whole tribe of Jewish zealots, by maintaining His right to supersede the arrangements of the Mosaic economy. * Matt. ix. 28, 29; Mark vi. 5, ix. 23, 24. ' John viii. 12. 22 THE LENGTH OF CHRIST S MINISTRY. By pursuing this independent course He vindicated His title to the character of a Divine lawgiver, but at the same time He forfeited a vast amount of sympathy and aid on which He might otherwise have calculated. There has been considerable diversity of opinion regarding the length of our Saviour's ministry.' We could approximate very closely to a correct estimate could we tell the number of passovers from its commencement to its close, but this point can not be determined with absolute certainty. Four, apparently, are mentioned^ by the evangelist John ; and if, as is probable, they amounted to no more, our Lord's career, as a public teacher, was of about three years' duration." The greater part of this period was spent in Galilee ; and the sacred writers intimate that He made several circuits, as a missionary, among the cities and villages of that populous district." Matthew, Mark, and Luke dwell chiefly upon this portion of His history. Toward the termination of His course, Judea was the principal scene of His ministrations. Jerusalem was the centre of Jewish power and prejudice, and He had hitherto chiefly labored in remote districts of the land, where He was comparatively free from the annoyance of the Scribes and Pharisees; but, as His end approached, He acted with greater publicity, and often taught openly in the very courts of the temple. John supplements the narratives of the other evangelists by recording our Lord's proceedings in Judca. A few members of the Sanhedrim, such as Nicodemus,' ' Several of the early fathers imagined that it continued only a year. Some of them, such as Clemens Alexandrinus, drew this conclusion from Isaiah Ixi. i, " To preach the acceptable year oi the Lord." See Kaye's " Clement of Alexandria," p. 347. " John ii. 13, V. 1, vi. 4, xii. i. Eusebius argues from the number of high- priests that our Lord's ministry did not embrace four entire years. " Ecc. Hist." i. c. X. ' He lived, therefore, about thirty-three years. According to IMalle Brua (" Universal Geography," book xxii.), " the mean duration of human life ia between thirty and forty years," and, in the same chapter, he computes it at thirty-three years. It would thus appear that, at the time of His death, our Lord was, in point of age, a fitting representative of the s])ecies. * Luke iv. 44, viii. i ; IMalt. ix. 35. * John iii. i, 2. THE CRUCIFIXION. 23 believed Jesus to be " a teacher come from God," but by far the majority regarded Him with extreme aversion. They could not imagine that the son of a carpenter was to be the Saviour of their country, for they expected the Messiah to appear surrounded with all the splendor of secular magnifi- cence. They were hypocritical and selfish ; they had been repeatedly rebuked by Christ for their impiety ; and, as they marked His increasing favor with the multitude, their envy and indignation beame ungovernable. They accordingly seized Him at the time of the Passover, and, on the charge that He said He was the Son of God, He was condemned as a blas- phemer.' He suffered crucifixion — an ignominious form of capital punishment from which the laws of the empire ex- empted every Roman citizen — and, to add to His disgrace, He was put to death between two thieves." But even Pon- tius Pilate, then Procurator of Judea, and who, in that capacity, endorsed the sentence, was constrained to acknowledge that He was a "just person " in whom He could find " no fault."' Pilate was a truckling time-server, and he acquiesced in the decision, simply because he was afraid to exasperate the Jews by rescuing from their grasp an innocent man whom they per- secuted with unrelenting hatred." The death of Christ, of which all the evangelists treat so particularly, is the most awful and the most momentous event in the history of the world. He, no doubt, fell a victim to the malice of the rulers of the Jews ; but He was delivered into their hands " by the determinate counsel and foreknowl- edge of God";' and, if we discard the idea that He was of- fered up as a vicarious sacrifice, it is impossible to give any- thing like a satisfactory account of what occurred in Geth- semane and at Calvary. The amount of physical suffering He sustained from man did not exceed that endured by either of the malefactors with whom He was associated ; and such was His magnanimity and fortitude, that, had He been an ordinary martyr, the prospect of crucifixion would not have been suffi- > Matt. xxvi. 63-66. * Matt, xxvii. 38. » Matt, xxvii, 24; John xviii. 38. " Mark xv. 10, 15. ^ Acts ii. 2^ 24 THE CRUCIFIXION. cient to make Him " exceeding sorrowful " and " sore amazed." ' His holy soul was wrung with no common agony when " His sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground,"^ and when He cried out, " My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?'" In that hour of " the power of darkness " He was " smitten of God and afflicted," and there was never sorrow like unto His sorrow, for upon Him were laid "the iniquities of us all." The incidents which accompanied the death of Jesus were even more impressive than those which signalized His birth. When He was in the garden of Gethsemane, there appeared unto Him an angel from heaven, strengthening Him.* Dur- ing the three concluding hours of His intense anguish on the cross, there was darkness over all the land," as if nature mourned along with the illustrious sufferer. When He bowed His head on Calvary and gave up the ghost, the event was marked by notifications such as never announced the de- mise of any of this world's great potentates, for " the veil of the temple was rent in twain," and the rocks were cleft asun- der, and the graves were opened, and the earth trembled." " The centurion and they that were with him " in attendance at the execution were Gentiles ; and, though they had heard that Jesus claimed to be the Messiah of the Jews, they very imperfectly understood what this implied ; but they were forthwith overwhelmed with the conviction that He, whose death they had just witnessed, had given a true account of His mission and His dignity; for, when they "saw the earth- quake and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying. Truly, this was the Son of God^ '' The body of our Lord was committed to the grave on the evening of Friday, and, early on the morning of the following Sunday, He issued from the tomb. An ordinary individual has no control over the duration of his existence, but Jesus demonstrated that He had power to lay down His life, and ' Matt. xxvi. 38 ; Mark xiv. 33. " Luke xxii. 44. ' Matt, xxvii. 46. * Luke xxii. 43. * Luke xxiii. 44 ; Mark xv. 33. • Matt, xxvii. 51, 52. ' Matt, xxvii. 54. THE RESURRECTION. 2$ that He had power to take it again.' Had He been a de- ceiver, His delusions would have terminated with His death so that His resurrection was His crowning miracle, or rather, the affixing of the broad seal of Heaven to the truth of His mission as the Messiah. It w^as, besides, the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy;" a proof of His foreknowledge;' and a pledge of the resurrection of His disciples.* Hence, in the New Testament,^ it is so often mentioned with marked emphasis. There is no fact connected with the life of Christ better at- tested than His resurrection. He was put to death by His enemies, and His body was not removed from the cross until they were fully satisfied that the vital spark had fled.' His tomb was scooped out of a solid rock,^ the stone which blocked up the entrance was sealed with all care, and a mili- tary guard kept constant watch to prevent its violation ; * but in due time an earthquake shook the cemetery — " The angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it ; , . . . and for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men." ^ Our Lord meanwhile came forth from the grave, and the sentinels, in consternation, hastened to the chief priests and communicated the astounding intelligence.'" But these infatuated men, instead of yielding to the force of this over- whelming evidence, endeavored to conceal their infamy by the base arts of bribery and falsehood. " They gave large money unto the soldiers, saying, Say ye. His disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept So they took the money and did as they were taught." " Jesus, as the first-born of Mary, was presented in the temple forty days after His birth ; and, as *' the first-begotten of the ' John X. i8. 2 Ps, xvi. lo ; Acts ii. 31. 3 John ii. 19; Mark viii. 31 ; Luke xviii. 33. * John xiv. 19 ; i Thess. iv. 14. ' Rom. i. 4 ; I Cor. xv. 14, 17 ; i Pet. i. 3 ; Rev. i. 18. ' John xix. 33, 34. ■' Matt, xxvii. 60. ® Matt, xxvii. 66. » Matt, xxviii. 2, 4. '" Matt, xxviii. 11, " Matt, xxviii. I2, 13, 15. 26 JESUS AFTER HIS RESURRECTION. dead," ' He presented Himself before His Father in the temple above forty days after He had opened the womb of the grave. During the interval He appeared only to His own followers." Those who had so long and so wilfully rejected the testimony of His teaching and His miracles, had certainly no reason to expect any additional proofs of His Divine mission. But the Lord manifests Himself to His Church, " and not unto the world," ' and to such as fear His name He is continually supplying new 'and interesting illustrations of His presence, His power, His wisdom, and His mercy. Whilst He is a pillar of darkness to His foes. He is a pillar of light to His people. Though Jesus was now invisible to the Scribes and Pharisees, He admitted His disciples to high and holy fellowship. Their hearts burned within them as He spake to them " of the things per- taining to the kingdom of God," ' and as " he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." ' Now, He doubtless pointed out to them how He was symbol- ized in the types, exhibited in the promises, and described in the prophecies. He explained to them more fully the ar- rangements of His Church, and He commanded His apostles to go and " teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." * Hav- ing assured the twelve of His presence with His true servants even unto the end of the world, and having led them out as far as Bethany, a village a few furlongs from Jerusalem, ** he lifted up his hands and blessed them. And it came to pass while he blessed them, he was parted from them and carried up into heaven." ' Thus closed the earthly career of Him who is both the Son of man and the Son of God. Though He was sorely tried by the privations of poverty, though He was exposed to the most brutal and degrading insults, and though at last He was forsaken by His friends and consigned to a death of lingering agony. He never performed a single act or uttered a ' Rev. i. 5. ' Acts x. 40, 41. ' John xiv. 22. * Acts i. 3. ' Luke xxiv. 27. • Matt, xxviii. 19. ' Luke xxiv. 50, 51. THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST. 2/ single word unworthy of His exalted and blessed mission. The narratives of the evangelists supply clear internal evi- dence that, when they described the history of Jesus, they copied from a living original ; for otherwise no four individuals, certainly no four Jews, could have each furnished such a por- trait of so great and so singular a personage. Combining the highest respect for the institutions of Moses with a spirit eminently catholic. He was at once a devout Israelite and a large-hearted citizen of the world. Rising far superior to the prejudices of His countrymen, He visited Samaria, and con- versed freely with its population ; and, when declaring that He was sent specially to the seed of Abraham, He was ready to extend His sympathy to their bitterest enemies. Though He took on Him the form of a servant, there was nothing mean or servile in His behavior ; for, when He humbled Himself, there was ever about Him an air of condescending majesty. Whether He administers comfort to the mourner, or walks upon the waves of the sea, or replies to the cavils of the Pharisees, He is still the same calm, holy, and gracious Saviour. When His passion was immediately in view. He was as, kind and as considerate as ever, for, on the very night in which He was betrayed, He was employed in the institution of an ordinance which was to serve as a sign and a seal of His grace throughout all generations. His character is as sublime as it is original. It has no parallel in the history of the human family. The impostor is cunning, the demagogue is turbulent, and the fanatic is absurd ; but the conduct of Jesus Christ is uniformly gentle and serene, candid, courteous, and consistent. Well, indeed, may His name be called Wonderful. " He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as marty as re- ceived him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." ' John 28 THE YEAR OF CHRIST'S BIRTH. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE TO CHAPTER II. THE YEAR OF CHRIST'S BIRTH. The Christian era commences on the ist of January of the year 754 of the city of Rome. That our Lord was born about the time stated in the text may appear from the following considerations: The visit of the 'wise 7nen to Bethlehem must have taken place a very few days after the birth of Jesus, a7id before His presentation in the temple. Bethlehem was not the stated residence of Joseph and Mary, either before or after the birth of the child (Luke i. 26, ii. 4, 39 ; Matt. ii. 2). They were obliged to repair to the place on account of the taxing, and imme- diately after the presentation in the temple, they returned to Nazareth and dwelt there (Luke ii. 39). Had the visit of the wise men occurred, as some think, six, or twelve, or eighteen months after the birth, the question of Herod to " the chief priests and scribes of the people " where " Christ should be born," would have been quite vain, as the infant might have been removed long before to another part of the country. The wise men manifestly expected to see a newly-born infant, and hence they asked, " Where is he that is born King of the Jews ? " (Matt. ii. 2.) The evangelist also states expressly that they came to Jerusalem "when Jesus was born " (Matt. ii. i). At a subsequent period they would have found the Holy Child, not at Bethlehem, but at Nazareth. The only plausible objection to this view of the matter is derived from the statement that Herod " sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and U7iiier, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men " ^Matt. ii. 16). The king had ascertained from these sages " what time the star appeared " (Matt. ii. 7), and they seem to have informed him that it had been visible a year before. A Jewish child was said to be two years old whejt it had entered on its second year (see Greswell's " Dissertations," vol. ii., 136) ; and, to make sure of his prey, Herod murdered all the infants in Bethlehem and the neighborhood under the age of thirteen months. The wise men had not told him that the child was a year old — it was ob- vious that they thought very differently — but the tyrant butchered all who came within the range of suspicion. It is highly probable that the star announced the appearance of the Messiah twelve months before he was born. Such an intimation was given of the birth of Isaac, who was a re- markable type of Christ. Gen. xvii. 21. See also 2 Kings iv. 16, and Dan. iv. 29, 33. The presentation of the infant in the temple occurred after the death of Herod. This follows as a corollary from what has been already advanced, for if the wise mtn visited Bethlehem immediately after the birth, and if the child was then hurried away to Egypt, the presentation could not have taken place earlier. The ceremony was performed forty days after the THE YEAR OF CHRIST'S BIRTH. 29 hirth (Luke ii. 22, and Lev. xii. 2, 3, 4), and as the flight and the return might both have been accomplished in ten or twelve days, there was ample time for a sojourn of two or three weeks in that part of Egypt which was nearest to Palestine. Herod died during this brief exile, and yet his de- mise happened so soon before the departure of the holy family on their way home, that the intelligence had not meanwhile reached Joseph by the voice of ordinary fame ; and until his arrival in the land of Israel, he did not even know that Archelaus reigned in Judea (Matt. ii. 22). He inferred from the dream that the dynasty of the Herodian family had been com- pletely subverted, so that when he heard of the succession of Archelaus " he was afraid " to enter his territory ; but, at this juncture, being " counselled of God " in another dream, he took courage, proceeded on his journey, and, after the presentation in the temple, " returned into the parts of Galilee." That the presentation in the temple took place after the death of Herod is further manifest from the fact that the babe remained uninjured, though his appearance in the sacred courts awakened uncommon interest, and though Anna " spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem " (Luke ii. 38). Herod had his spies in all quarters, and had he been yet living, the intelligence of the presentation and of its extraordinary accompaniments, must have soon reached his ears, and he would have made some fresh attempt upon the life of the infant. But when the babe was actually brought to the temple, the tyrant was no more. Jerusalem was in a state of great political excitement, and Archelaus had, perhaps, already set sail for Rome to secure from the emperor the confirmation of his title to the kingdom (see Josephus' "Antiq." xvii. c. 9), so that it is not strange if the declarations of Simeon and Anna did not attract any notice on the part of the existing rulers. Assuming, then, that Christ was born a very short time before the death of Herod, we have now to ascertain the date of the demise of that monarch. Josephus states ("Antiq." xiv. 14, § 5) that Herod was made king by the Roman Senate in the 184th Olympiad, when Calvinus and Pollio were consuls, that is, in the year of Rome 714; and that he reigned thirty- seven years ("Antiq.'' xvii. 8, § i). We may infer, therefore, that his reign terminated in the year 751 of the city of Rome. He died shortly before the passover ; his disease was of a very lingering character ; and he appears to have languished under it upwards of a year (Josephus' "Antiq." xvii. 6, §§ 4, 5, and xvii. 9, §§ 2, 3). The passover of 751 fell on the 31st of March (see Greswell's " Dissertations," vol. i., p. 331), and as our Lord was in all likelihood born early in the month, the Jewish king probably ended his days a week or two afterward, or about the time of the vernal equinox. According to this computation the co7tccptio7i took place at the feast of Pentecost, which fell, in 750, on the 31st of May. This view is corroborated by Luke iii. i, where it is said that the word 30 THE YEAR OF CHRIST'S BIRTH. of God came to John the Baptist " in the fifteenth year of the reig-n of Tiberius Cesar." John's ministry had continued only a short time when he was imprisoned, and then Jesus " began to he. about thirty ytzxs of age " (Luke iii. 23). Augustus died in AugTJst 767, and this year 767, accord- ing to a mode of recl-ioning then in use (see Hales' " Chronology," i. 49, 171, and Luke xxiv. 21), was X\\& first year of his successor, Tiberius. The fifteenth year of Tiberius, according to the same mode of calculation, com- menced on the ist of January, 781 of the city of Rome, and terminated on the 1st of January, 782. If our Lord was born about the ist of Marchi 751 of Rome, and if the Baptist was imprisoned early in 781, Jesus then " began to be about thirty years of age." This view is further confirmed by the fact that Quirinius, or Cyrenius, mentioned in Luke ii. 2, was first governor of Syria from the close of the year 750 of Rome to 753. (See Merivale, iv., p. 457, note.) Our Lord was born under his administra- tion, and according to the date we have assigned to the nativity, the "taxing" at Bethlehem took place a few months after Cyrenius entered into office. This view of the date of the birth of Christ, which differs somewhat from that of any writer with whom I am acquainted, meets all the difficul. ties connected with this much-disputed question. It is based partly upon the principle so ingeniously advocated by Whiston in his " Chronology," that the flight into Egypt took place before the presentation in the temple. I have never yet met with any antagonist of that hypothesis able to give a satisfactory explanation of the text on which it rests. Some other dates assigned for the birth of Christ are quite inadmissible. In Judea shep- herds are not found " abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night" (Luke ii. 8) in November, December, January, or, perhaps, February ; but in March, and especially in a mild season, such a thing is quite common. (See Greswell's " Dissertations," vol. i., p. 391, and Robin- son's " Biblical Researches," vol. ii., pp. 97, 98.) Hippolytus, one of the earliest Christian writers who touches on the subject, indicates that our Lord was born about the time of the passover. (See Greswell, i., 461, 463.) CHAPTER III. THE TWELVE AND THE SEVENTY. It has often been remarked that the personal preaching of our Lord was comparatively barren. The effects produced were not what might have been expected from so wonderful a ministry; but it had been predicted that the Messiah was to be *' despised and rejected of men," ' and the unbelief of the Jews constituted one of the trials He was ordained to suffer during His abode on earth. " The Holy Ghost was not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified." " We have, certainly, no evidence that any of His discourses made such an impression as that which accompanied the address of Peter on the day of Pentecost. Immediately after the outpouring of the Spirit at that period an abundant blessing followed the proclamation of the Gospel. But though Jesus often mourned over the obduracy of His countrymen, and though the truth, when preached by His disciples, was often more effective than when uttered by Himself, it can not with propriety be said that His own evangelical labors were quite unfruitful. The one hundred and twenty, who met in an upper room during the interval, between His Ascension and the day of Pente- cost,' were but a portion of His followers. The fierce and watchful opposition of the Sanhedrim had kept Him generally at a distance from Jerusalem ; it was there specially dangerous to profess an attachment to His cause ; and we may thus par- tially account for the paucity of His adherents in the Jewish metropolis. His converts were more numerous in Galilee ; and it was, probably, in that district He appeared to the com- pany of upwards of five hundred brethren who saw Him after * Isa. liii. 3. ' John vii. 39. ' Acts i. 1 5. (31) 32 THE TWELVE AND THE SEVENTY. His resurrection.' He had itinerated extensively as a mission- ary ; and, from some statements incidentally occurring in the Gospels, we infer that individuals had imbibed His doctrines in the cities and villages of almost all parts of Palestine.' In a statistical point of view, His ministry was " the day of small things "; and yet it was not absolutely barren : for, during the three years of its duration. He enlisted and sent forth no less than eighty-two preachers. Part of these have since been known as " The Twelve," and the rest as " The Seventy." The Twelve are frequently mentioned in the New Testa- ment, and yet the information we possess respecting them is exceedingly scanty. Of some we know little more than their names. It is thought that a town called Kerioth,' or Karioth> belonging to the tribe of Judah, was the birthplace of Judas, the traitor;^ but all His colleagues were natives of Galilee.' Some of them had various names ; and the consequent diver- sity which the sacred catalogues present has frequently per- plexed the reader of the evangelical narratives. Matthew was also called Levi ; ° Nathanael was designated Bartholomew ; ^ and Jude had the two other names of Lebbjeus and Thad- daeus.* Thomas was called Didymus," or t/ie twin, in refer- ence to the circumstances of his birth ; James the son of Alphaius was styled, perhaps by way of distinction, James ' I Cor. XV, 6. "^ See Matt. xv. 31 ; John ii. 23, vii. 31, viii. 30. ^ See Joshua xv. 25. * Hence called Iscariot, that is, Ish Kerioth, or, a man of Kerioth. See Alford, " Greek Test.," Matt. x. 4. ' Acts ii. 7. ° Compare Matt. ix. 9, 10, and Mark ii. 14, 15. ^ " As St. John never mentions Bartholomew in the number of the apos- tles, so the other evangelists nevf r take notice of Nathanael, probably be- cause the same person under two several names ; and as in John, Philip and Nathanael are joined together in their coming to Christ, so in the rest of the evangelists, Philip and Bartholomew are constantly put together without the least variation." — Cave's Lives of the Apostles, Life of Barthol- omew. Compare Matt. x. 3 ; Acts i. 13; and John i. 45, xxi. 2. * Compare Matt. x. 3, and Acts i. 13. " John xi. 16, xxi. 2. THE TWELVE AND THE SEVENTY. 33 "the Less"' — in allusion to the inferiority of his stature; the other James and John were surnamed Boanerges,''' or the sons of thunder — a title indicative of the peculiar solemnity and power of their ministrations ; and Simon stands at the head of all the lists, and is expressly said to be " first " of the Twelve,^ because whilst his advanced age warranted him to claim precedence, his superior energy and promptitude enabled him to occupy the most prominent position. The same indi- vidual is called Cephas, or Peter, or Stone,'' on account of the firmness of his character. His namesake, the other Simon, is termed the Canaanite, and also Zelotes,^ or the zealot — a title expressive of the zeal and earnestness with which he was wont to carry out his principles. Our Lord sent forth the Twelve "by two and two," ° but we are not told whether He observed any general rule in the arrangement of those who travelled in company. The relationship of the parties to each other, at 1 Mark xv. 40. According to some he was related to our Lord, and hence called His brother (Gal. i. 19). But though Mary, the mother of our Saviour, had evidently several sons (see Matt. i. 20, 25, compared with Matt. xiii. 55 ; Mark vi. 3 ; Matt. xii. 46, 47), they were not disciples when the apostles were appointed, and none of them consequently could have been of the Twelve. (See John vii. 5.) The other sons of Mary, who were all younger than Jesus, seem to have been converted about the time of the resurrection. Hence they are found among the disciples before the day of Pentecost (Acts 1. 14). On this subject see an able article in the Princeton Review for January, 1865, pp. 1-53. See also Alford's " New Testament," iv., Prol. 89-97. * Mark iii. 17. ^ Matt. x. 2. * John i. 42, "Matt. x. 4; Mark iii. 18; Luke vi. 15; Acts i. 13. Some think that Kanattites is equivalent to Zelotes, whilst others contend that it is derived from a village called Canan, See Alford, " Greek Test.," Matt. x. 4 ; and •Greswell's " Dissertations," vol. ii., p. 128. Some MSS. have l^avavaloq. ® Mark vi. 7. "Although no two of these catalogues (of the Twelve) agree precisely in the order of the names, they may all be divided into three quaternions, which are never interchanged, and the leading names of which are the same in all. Thus the first is always Peter, the fifth Philip, the ninth James the son of Alpheus, and the twelfth Judas Iscariot. An- other difference is that Matthew and Luke's Gospel gives the names in pairs, or two and two, while Mark enumerates them singly, and the list before us (in the Acts) follows both these methods, one after the other." — Alexander on the Acts, vol. i., p. 19. 3 34 THE APOSTLES NOT EXTREMELY POOR. least in three instances, suggested a classification ; as Peter and Andrew, James and John, James the Less and Judewere, respectively, brothers. Some of the disciples, such as Andrew/ and John,* had previously been disciples of the Baptist ; but their separation from their former master and adherence to Jesus did not lead to any estrangement between our Lord and His pious forerunner. As the Baptist contemplated the more permanent and important character of the Messiah's mission, he could cheerfully say, " He must increase, but I must de- crease." ' All the Twelve, when enlisted as disciples of Christ, moved in the humbler walks of life ; and yet we are not warranted in asserting that they were extremely indigent. Peter, the fish- erman, indicates that, in regard to worldly circumstances, he had been a loser by obeying the call of Jesus.* Though James and John were likewise fisherpien, the family had at least one little vessel of their own, and they could afford to pay " hired servants " to assist them in their business.' Matthew acted, in a subordinate capacity, as a collector of imperial tribute ; but though the Jews cordially hated a functionary who brought so painfully to their recollection their condition as a conquered people, the publican was engaged in a lucrative employment. Zacchffius, a " chief among the publicans," ' was a rich man -^ and Matthew was able to give an entertainment in his own house to a numerous company.* Still, however, tlie Twelve, as a body, were qualified, neither by their education nor their habits, for acting as popular instructors ; and had the Gospel been a device of human wisdom, it could not have been pro- moted by their advocacy. Individuals who had hitherto been occupied in tilling the land, in fishing, and in mending nets, or in sitting at the receipt of custom, were not fitted to make any great impression as ecclesiastical reformers. Their posi- ' John i. 35, 40. * From the great minuteness of the statements in the passage, it has been inferred that the evangelist himself was the second of the two disciples mentioned in John i. 35-37. ' John iii. 30. * Matt. xix. 27. ' Mark i. 20. • Luke xix. 2. ' Luke xix. 2. ' Mark ii. 21. THE APOSTLES NOT LEARNED. 35 tion in society gave them no influence ; their natural talents were not particularly brilliant ; and even their dialect beto- kened their connection with a district from which nothing good or great was anticipated.' But God exalted these men of low degree, and made them the spiritual illuminators of the world. Though the New Testament enters very sparingly into the details of their personal history, it is plain that the Twelve presented a considerable variety of character. Thomas, though obstinate, was warm-hearted and manly. Once when, as he imagined, his Master was going forward to certain death, he chivalrously proposed to his brethren that they should all perish along with Him ;* and though at first he doggedly re- fused to credit the account of the resurrection,* yet, when his doubts were removed, he gave vent to his feelings in one of the most impressive testimonies ' to the power and godhead of the Messiah to be found in the whole book of revelation. Nathanael was frank and candid — " an Israelite indeed, in whom was no guile." ^ Our Lord bestowed on Peter and the two sons of Zebedee peculiar proofs of confidence and favor, for they alone were permitted to witness some of the most re- markable scenes in the history of the Man of Sorrows.' Though these three brethren displayed such a congeniality of disposition, they did not possess minds of the same mould, but each had excellences of his own which threw a charm around his character. Peter yielded to the impulse of the moment and acted with promptitude and vigor; James be- came the first of the apostolic martyrs, probably because by his ability and boldness, as a preacher, he had provoked the special enmity of Herod and the Jews '^ whilst the benevolent John delighted to meditate on the "deep things of God," and listened with profound emotion to his Master as He discoursed 1 John vii. 52. * John xi. 16. See also v. 8. ' John XX. 25. * John xx. 28. * John i. 47. ' Mark v. 37, ix. 2 ; Matt. xxvi. 37. ' Acts xii. 2, 3. " It is remarkable that, so far as we know, one of these inseparable brothers (James and John) was the first, and one the last, that died of the apostles." — Alexander Ofi the Acts, i. 443. 36 VARIETY OF CHARACTER AMONG THE APOSTLES. of the mystery of His Person, and of the peace of believers abiding in His love. It has been conjectured that there was some family relationship between the sons of Zebedee and Jesus ; but of this there is no satisfactory evidence.* It was simply, perhaps, the marked attention of our Saviour to James and John which awakened the ambition of their mother, and induced her to bespeak their promotion in the kingdom of the Son of Man.' Though none of the Twelve had received a liberal educa- tion,^ it can not be said that they were literally " novices " when invested with the ministerial commission. It is probable that, before they were invited to follow Jesus, they had all seri- ously turned their attention to the subject of religion ; some of them had been previously instructed by the Baptist ; and all, prior to their selection, had been about a year under the tuition of our Lord himself. From that time till the end of His ministry they lived with Him on terms of the most in. timate familiarity. From earlier acquaintance, as well as from closer and more confidential companionship, they had a bet- ter opportunity of knowing His character and doctrines than the rest of His disciples. When, about six or eight months ' after their appointment, they were sent forth as mis- sionaries, they were commanded neither to walk in " the way of the Gentiles," nor to enter " into any city of the Samaritans," but to go " to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." ' Their number, Tiuelve, corresponded to the number of the tribes ; and they were called apostles, in allusion to a class of Jewish functionaries who were so designated, for the High-Priest was wont to send forth from Jerusalem into foreign countries cer- ' See Greswell's " Dissertations," vol. ii., p. 115. " Matt. XX. 20, 21. ' Some writers have asserted that Philip and Nathanael were learned men, but of this there is no good evidence. See Cave's " Lives of the Apostles," Philip and Bartholomew. * Greswell makes it nine months. See his " Harmonia Evangelica," pp. xxiv. xxvi. • Matt. X. 5, 6. THE SEVENTY. 37 tain accredited agents, or messengers, styled apostles, on ec- clesiastical errands.' During the personal ministry of our Lord,. the Twelve were employed by Him on only one missionary excursion. About twelve months after that event ^ He " appointed other seventy also " to preach His Gospel. Luke is the only evangelist who mentions the designation of these additional missionaries ; and though we have no reason to believe that their duties termina- ted with the first tour in which they were engaged,^ they are never subsequently noticed in the New Testament. Many of the actions of our Lord had a typical meaning, and He de- signed to inculcate an important truth by the appointment of these Seventy new apostles. According to the ideas of the Jews of that age there were seventy heathen nations ; * and it is rather singular that, omitting Peleg, the progenitor of the Israelites, the names of the posterity of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, recorded in the loth chapter of Genesis, amount exactly to seventy. " These," says the historian, " are the families of the sons of Noah, after their gefieratio7is, in their nations ; and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood." ^ Every one who looks into the narrative will per- ceive that the sacred writer does not propose to furnish a com- plete catalogue of the descendants of Noah, for he passes over in entire silence the posterity of the greater number of the ' See Vitringa, " De Synagoga Vetere," p. 577, and Mosheim's " Com- mentaries," by Vidal, vol. i., 120-2, note. ^ This is the calculation of Greswell, " Harmonia Evangelica," pp. xxvi., xxxi. Robinson makes the interval considerably shorter. See his " Har- mony of the Four Gospels in Greek." ' They received new powers at the close of their first missionary excur- sion. See Luke x. 19. * Selden, in his treatise " De Synedriis," supplies some curious informa- tion on this subject. See lib. ii., cap. 9, § 3. See also some singular specu- lations respecting it in Baumgarten's " TheologischerCommentar zum Pen- tateuch," i. 153, 351. Some of the fathers speak of seventy-two disciples and of seventy-two nations and tongues. See Stieren's " Irenasus," i., p. 544, note, and Epiphanius, torn, i., p. 50, Edit. Colonic, 1682 ; compared with Greswell's " Dissertations," ii., p. 7. ' Gen. X. 32. 38 THE SEVENTY. patriarch's grandchildren ; he names only those who were the founders of nations ; and thus it happens, that whilst, in a variety of instances, he does not trace the line of succession* he takes care, in others, to mention the father and many of his sons,' The Jewish notion current in the time of our Lord as ' The following tabular view of the names of the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, mentioned in the loth chapter of Genesis, will illustrate this statement : SHEM, HAM. Elam. Asshur. Arphaxad, Lud. Aram. Gush, Mizraim, Phut. Canaan, Sa]ah, Uz, Seba, Ludim, Sidon, Eber, Hul, Havilah, Anamim, Heth, Peleg, Gether, Sabtah, Lehabim, Jebusite, Joktan, Mash. Raamah, Naphtuhim, Amorite, Almodad, Sabtecha, Pathrusim, Girgasite, Sheleph, Sheba, Casluhim, Hivite, Hazarmaveth. Dedan, Gaphtorim, Arkite, Jerah, Nimrod. Fhilistim. Sinite, Hadoram, Arvadite, Uzal, Zemarite, Diklah, Hamathite Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah, Jobab. JAPH ETH. Gomer, Magog. Madai. Javan, Tubal, Meshech Tiras. Ashkenaz, Elishah, Riphath, Tarshish, Togarmah. Kittim, Dodanim. It often happens that one branch of a family is exceedingly prolific, whilst another is barren. So it was with the descendants of the three sons ot Noah. Thus Elam, Asshur, and others, each founded only one nation, whilst Arphaxad and his posterity founded eighteen. This view of the mat- ter is sustained by the authority of Augustine. " Why," says he, " when eight (seven ?) sons of Japheth are enumerated, are the descendants of two of them only added ? And when six (five ?) sons of Shem are named, why are the posterity of two only annexed ? Did the others remain without off- spring ? This can not be believed ; hut they did not originate nations on account of which they should be worthy of commemoration." City of God, book xvi. c. 3. Augustine here reckons according to the Septuagint, which assigns eight sons to Japheth and six to Shem. THE SEVENTY. 39 to the existence of seventy heathen nations rested, therefore, on a sound historical basis, inasmuch as, according to the Mosaic statement, there were, besides Peleg, precisely seventy individuals by whom " the nations were divided in the earth after the flood." We may thus infer that our Lord meant to convey a great moral lesson by the appointment alike of the Twelve and of the Seventy. In the ordination of the Twelve He evinced His regard for all the tribes of Israel ; in the or- dination of the Seventy He intimated that His Gospel was de- signed for all the nations of the earth. When the Twelve en- tered on their first mission He required them to go only to the Jews, but He sent forth the Seventy " two and two before His face tnto every city and place zvhither He himself would come!' ' Toward the commencement of His public career, He had induced many of the Samaritans to believe on Him,^ whilst at a subsequent period His ministry had been blessed to Gentiles in the coasts of Tyre and Sidon ; ' and there is no evidence that in the missionary journey which He contem- plated when He appointed the Seventy as His pioneers, He in- tended to confine His labors to His kinsmen of the seed of Abraham. It is highly probable that the Seventy were actual- ly sent forth from Samaria,^ and the instructions given them suggest that, in the circuit assigned to them, they were to visit certain districts lying north of Galilee of the Gentiles." The personal ministry of our Lord had respect primarily and specially to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' but His conduct in this case symbolically indicated the catholic charac- ter of His religion. He evinced His regard for the Jews by sending no less than twelve apostles to that one nation, but He did not Himself refuse to minister either to Samaritans or Gentiles ; and to show that He was disposed to make pro- vision for the general diffusion of His word. He " appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his ' Luke X. I. '^ John iv. 39. ^ Mark vii. 24, 26, 30, 31. * This is the opinion of Dr. Robinson, See his " Harmony." See also Luke ix. 51, 52, x. 33, " Luke X. 13, 17, 18. ' Matt. xv. 24. 40 THE SEVENTY. face into every city and place whither he himself would come." It is very clear that our Lord committed, in the first in- stance, to the Twelve the organization of the ecclesiastical commonwealth. The most ancient Christian church, that of the metropolis of Palestine, was modelled under their super- intendence ; and the earliest converts gathered into it, after His ascension, were the fruits of their ministry. Hence, in the Apocalypse, the wall of the " holy Jerusalem " is said to have " twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." ' But it does not follow that others had no share in founding the spiritual structure. The Seventy also received a commission from Christ, and doubt- less, after the death of their Master, they pursued their mis- sionary labors with renovated ardor. That they were called apostles as well as the Twelve, can not be established by dis- tinct testimony;' but it is certain that they were furnished with supernatural endowments;' and they are not over- looked in the description of the sacred writer when he repre- sents the New Testament Church as " built upon the founda- tion of \.\\Q apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone." * The appointment of the Seventy, like that of the Twelve, was a typical act ; and it is not therefore extraordinary that they are only once noticed in the sacred volume. Our Lord never intended to constitute two permanent corporations, limited, respectively, to twelve and seventy members, and ■ Rev. xxi. 14. ' It is certain that some were called apostles who were not of the number of the Twelve. See Acts xiv. 4. In i Cor. xv. 5, 7, both " the Twelve," and "all the apostles," are mentioned, and it may be that the Seventy are included under the latter designation. Such was the opinion of Origen— kireiTa To'iq hffmtc nnpa Tohq 6cj(hKa anooTiiloiq nam, rnxa rolg i^thfii/KovTa. " Contra Celsum." lib. ii. 65. See also " De Recta in Deum Fide," sec. i., Opera, torn i., p. 806. " Luke X. 9, 16, 19, 24. * Kph. ii. 20. See also Eph. iii. 5. It is evident, especially from the lat- ter passage, that the prop/ie/s here spoken of belong to the New Testament Church, THE SEVENTY. 4I empowered to transmit their authority to successors from generation to generation. After His death the symbolical meaning of the mission of the Seventy was explained, as the Gospel was soon transmitted to all the ends of the earth ; and thus it was no longer necessary to refer to these represent- atives of the ministry of the universal Church. When the Twelve turned to the Gentiles, their number lost its signifi- cance, and from that date they accordingly ceased to fill up vacancies occurring in their society ; and, as the Church as- sumed a settled form, the apostles were disposed to insist less and less on any special powers with which they had been originally furnished, and rather to place themselves on a level with the ordinary rulers of the ecclesiastical community. Hence we find them sitting in church courts with these breth- ren,' and desirous to be known not as apostles, but as elders.' We possess little information respecting either their ofificial or their personal history. A very equivocal, and sometimes con- tradictory, tradition ' is the only guide which even professes to point out to us where the greater number of them labored ; and the same witness is the only voucher for the statements which describe how most of them finished their career. It is an instructive fact that no proof can be given from the sacred record, of the ordination, either by the Twelve or by the Seventy, of even one presbyter or pastor. With the excep- tion of the laying on of hands upon the seven deacons,^ no inspired writer mentions any act of the kind in which the Twelve ever engaged. The deacons were not rulers in the ' Acts XV. 6, xxi. 18. * I Pet. V. I ; 2 John, ver. i ; 3 John, ver. i. It is remarkable that Papias, orie of the very earliest of the fathers, actually speaks of the apostles simply as the elders. See Euseb., book iii., chap. 39. ' Thus, Simon Zelotes is said to have travelled into Egypt and thence passed into Mesopotamia and Persia, where he suffered martyrdom ; whilst, according to others, he travelled through Egypt to Mauritania, and thence to Britain, where he was crucified. See Cave's " Lives of the Apostles," Life of Simon the Zealot. No weight can be attached to such legends. Origen states that the apostle Thomas labored in Parthia, and Andrew in Scythia. " In Genesim," Opera, tom. ii., p. 24. * Acts vi. 6. 42 LITTLE KNOWN RESPECTLN'G THE APOSTLES. Church, and therefore could not by ordination confer eccle- siastical power on others. There is much meaning in the silence of the sacred writers respecting the official proceedings and the personal career of the Twelve and the Seventy. It thus becomes impossible for any one to make out a title to the ministry by tracing his ecclesiastical descent ; for no contemporary records enable us to prove a connection between the inspired founders of our religion and those who were subsequently intrusted with the government of the Church. At the critical point where, had it been deemed necessary, we should have had the light of inspiration, we are left to wander in total darkness. We are thus shut up to the conclusion that the claims of those who profess to be heralds of the Gospel are to be tested by some other criterion than their ecclesiastical lineage. It is written, ^^ By their fruits ye shall know them.'" God alone can make a true minister ;^ and he who attempts to establish his right to feed the flock of Christ by appealing to his oflficial genealogy miserably mistakes the source of his pastoral commission. It would, indeed, avail nothing, though a minister could prove his relationship to the Twelve or the Seventy by an unbroken line of ordinations, for some who at the time may have been able to deduce their descent from the apostles were amongst the most dangerous of the early heretics.^ True religion is sustained, not by any human agency, but by that Eternal Spirit who quickens all the children of God, and who has pre- served for them a pure Gospel in the writings of the apostles and evangelists. The perpetuity of the Church no more de- pends on the uninterrupted succession of its ministers than does the perpetuity of a nation depend on the continuance of the dynasty which may happen at a particular date to occupy the throne. As plants possess powers of reproduction ena- bling them, when a part decays, to throw it off, and to supply ' Matt. vii. i6. » Acts xxvi. i6 ; Luke x. 2 ; i Tim. i. 12. ' Such was Valentine, the most formidable of the Gnostic heresiarchs, said to -be a disciple of Theodas, the companion of Paul. Clem. Alex., Strom, vii. Paul of Samosata and Arius were able to boast, at least as much as their antagonists, of their apostolic descent. APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION. 43 its place by a new and vigorous vegetation, so it is with the Church — the spiritual vine which the Lord has planted. Its government may degenerate into a corrupt tyranny by which its most precious liberties may be invaded or destroyed, but the freemen of the Lord are not bound to submit to any such domination. Were even all the ecclesiastical rulers to become traitors to the King of Zion, the Church would not therefore perish. The living members of the body of Christ should then repudiate the authority of their false overseers, and choose among themselves faithful men, competent to teach and to guide the spiritual community.^ The Divine Statute-book clearly warrants the adoption of such an alternative. " Be- loved," says the apostle John, " believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God We are of God, he that knoweth God heareth us ; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error." ' " If there come any unto you, and bring not •this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God-speed ; for he that biddeth him God-speed is partaker of his evil deeds."" Paul declares still more emphatically, *' Though WE, or AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If atiy man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed^ ^ In one sense neither the Twelve nor the Seventy had suc- cessors. All of them were called to preach the Gospel by the living voice of Christ himself ; all had " companied " with Him during the period of His ministry ; all had listened to His sermons ; all had been spectators of His works of won- der ; all were empowered to perform miracles ; all seem to have conversed with Him after His resurrection ; and all ap- pear to have possessed the gift of inspired utterance.* But in another sense every " good minister of Jesus Christ " is a successor of these primitive preachers ; for every true pastor is taught of God, and is moved by the Spirit to undertake the ' I John iv. I, 6. "2 John x. 11. * Gal. i. 8, 9. * Luke x. 16. 44 SIGNS OF A DIVINE COMMISSION. service in which he is engaged, and is warranted to expect a blessing on the truth which he disseminates. As of old the descent from heaven of fire on the altar testified the Divine acceptance of the sacrifices, so now the descent of the Spirit, as manifested in the conversion of souls to God, is a sure token that the labors of the minister have the seal of the Divine approbation. The great Apostle of the Gentiles did not hesitate to rely on such a proof of his commission from heaven. " Need we," says he to the Corinthians, " epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you ? Ye are our epistle written in^ our hearts, known and read of all men ; forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in the fleshy tables of the heart." ' No true pastor will be left entirely destitute of such encouragement, and neither the Twelve nor the Seventy could produce credentials more trust- worthy or more intelligible. ' 2 Cor. iii. 1-3. CHAPTER IV. THE PROGRESS OF THE GOSPEL FROM THE DEATH OF CHRIST TO THE DEATH OF THE APOSTLE JAMES, THE BROTHER OF JOHN. A.D 31 TO A.D. 44. When our Lord bowed His head on the cross and " gave up the ghost,i' the work of atonement was complete. The ceremonial law virtually expired when He explained, by His death, its awful significance ; and the crisis of His passion was the birthday of the Christian economy. At this date the history of the New Testament Church properly com- mences. After His resurrection Jesus remained forty days on earth,^ and, during this interval. He often took occasion to point out to His disciples the meaning of His wonderful career. He said to them, " Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day, and that re- pentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jeriisalenty ' The in- spired narratives of the teaching and miracles of our Lord are emphatically corroborated by the fact, that a large Christian Church was established, almost immediately after His de- cease, in the metropolis of Palestine. The Sanhedrim and the Roman governor had concurred in His condemnation ; and, on the night of His trial, even the intrepid Peter had been so intimidated that he had been tempted to curse and to swear as he averred that he knew not " The Man." It might have been expected that the death of Jesus would be followed ' Acts i. 3. ' Luke xxiv. 46, 47. (45) 46 THE COMMUNITY OF GOODS. by a reign of terror, and that no attempt Avould be made, at least in the place where the civil and ecclesiastical authorities resided, to assert the Divine mission of Him whom they had crucified as a malefactor. But perfect love casteth out fear. In the very city where He suffered, and a few days after His passion, His disciples ventured in the most public manner to declare His innocence and to proclaim Him as the Messiah. The result of their appeal was as wonderful as its boldness. Though the imminent peril of confessing Christ was well known, such was the strength of their convictions that multi- tudes resolved, at all hazards, to enroll themselves among His followers. The success which accompanied the preaching of the apostolic missionaries at the feast of Pentecost was a sign and a pledge of their future triumphs, for " the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls." ' The disinterested behavior of the converts betokened their intense earnestness. "All that believed were together and had all things common, and sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men, as every man had need." ' These early disciples were not, indeed, required, as a term of communion, to deposit their property in a common stock- purse ; but, in the overflowings of their first love, they spon- taneously adopted the arrangement. On the part of the more opulent members of the community residing in a place which was the stronghold of Jewish prejudice and influence, this course was as prudent as it was generous. By joining a pro- scribed sect they put their lives, as well as their wealth, into jeopardy ; but, by the sale of their effects, they displayed a spirit of self-sacrifice which astonished and confounded their adversaries. They thus anticipated all attempts at spoliation, and gave a proof of their readiness to submit to any suffering for the cause they had espoused. An inheritance, when turned into money, was not easily sequestered ; and those who were in want could obtain assistance out of the secreted treasure. Still, even at this period, the principle of a com- munity of goods was not carried out into universal opera- ' Acts ii. 41. ' Acts ii. 44, 45. THE COMMUNITY OF GOODS. 47 tion ; for the foreign Jews converted to the faith, and " pos- sessors of lands or houses " ' in distant countries, could neither have found purchasers, nor negotiated transfers, in the holy city. The first sales were obviously confined to those mem- bers of the Church who were owners of property in Jerusalem and its neighborhood. The system of having all things common, suggested in a crisis of extreme peril, was only a temporary expedient ; and it was soon given up altogether, as unsuited to the ordinary circum- stances of the Christian Church. But though, in a short time, the disciples in general were left to depend on their own re- sources, the community continued to provide a fund for the help of the infirm and the destitute. At an early period com- plaints were made respecting the distribution of this charity ; and "there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the He- brews because their widows were neglected in the daily minis- tration."' The Grecians, or those converts from Judaism who used the Greek language, were generally of foreign birth ; and as the Hebrews, or the brethren who spoke the vernacular tongue of Palestine, were natives of the country, there were suspicions that local influence secured for their poor an undue share of the public bounty. The expedient employed for the removal of this " root of bitterness" seems to have been com- pletely successful. " The twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business." ' Had the apostles been anxious for power they would them- selves have nominated the deacons. They could have urged, too, a very plausible apology for venturing upon such an exer- cise of patronage. They might have pleaded that the disciples were dissatisfied with each other — that the excitement of a ' See Acts iv. 34. Barnabas was probably obliged to go to Cyprus to com- plete the sale. 'Acts vi. I. ^ Acts vi. 2, 3. 48 THE SEVEN DEACONS. popular election was fitted to increase this feeling of alienation — and that, under these circumstences, prudence required them to take upon themselves the responsibility of the appointment. But they were guided by a higher wisdom ; and their conduct is a model for the imitation of ecclesiastical rulers in all suc- ceeding generations. It was the will of the Great Lawgiver that His Church should possess a free constitution ; and accordingly, at the very outset, its members were intrusted with the privilege of self-government. The community had already been invited to choose an apostle in the room of Judas,* and they were now required to name ofifice-bearers for the management of their money transactions. But, whilst the Twelve appealed to the suffrages of the Brotherhood, they re- served to themselves the right of confirming the election ; and they could, by withholding ordination, have refused to fiat an improper appointment. Happily no such difficulty occurred. In compliance with the instructions addressed to them, the multitude chose seven of their number " whom they set before the apostles ; and, when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them."* Prior to the election of the deacons, Peter and John had been incarcerated. The Sanhedrim wished to extort from them a pledge that they would '* not speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus," ^ but the prisoners nobly refused to consent to any such compromise. They " answered and said unto them, Whether it would be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye." * The apostles here disclaimed the doctrine of passive obedience, and asserted principles which lie at the foundation of the true theory of re- ligious freedom. They maintained that " God alone is Lord of the conscience" — that His command overrides all human regulations — and that, no matter what may be the penalties which earthly rulers annex to the breach of the enactments of their statute-book, the Christian is not bound to obey, when the civil law requires him to violate his enlightened convic- ' Acis i. 15, 23. They selected two, and not knowing which to prefer, they decided by lot. ^ Acts vi. 6. * Acts iv. 18. * Acts iv, 19. THE MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. 49 tlons. But the Sanhedrim despised such considerations. For a time they were obHged to remain quiescent, as public feeling ran strongly in favor of the new preachers ; but, soon after the election of the deacons, they resumed the work of persecution. The tide of popularity now began to turn ; and Stephen, one of the Seven, particularly distinguished by his zeal, fell a vic- tim to their intolerance. The martyrdom of Stephen occurred about three years and a half after the death of our Lord.' Daniel had foretold that the Messiah should "confirm the covenant with many /or one weck'"^ — an announcement which has been understood to in- dicate that, at the time of his manifestation, the Gospel should be preached with much success among his countrymen for seven years — and if the prophetic week commenced with the ministry of John the Baptist, it probably terminated with this bloody tragedy.' The Christian cause had hitherto prospered in Jeru- salem ; and, meanwhile, it had also made considerable progress throughout all Palestine ; but at this date it is suddenly arrested in its career of advancement. The Jewish multitude begin to regard it with aversion ; and the Roman governor discovers that he may, at any time, obtain the tribute of their applause by oppressing its ablest and most fearless advocates. After His resurrection our Lord commanded the apostles to 'That is, A.D. 34, dating the crucifixion A.D. 31. Tillemont, but on en- tirely different grounds, assigns the same date to the martyrdom of Stephen. See " Memoires pour servir k L'Histoire Ecclesiastique des Six Premiers Siecles," tome prem. sec. par. p. 420. Stephen's martyrdom probably oc- curred about the feast of Tabernacles. ''Daniel ix. 27. A day in prophetic language denotes a. year. Ezek. iv. 4, 5. A prophetic week, or seven days, is, therefore, equivalent to seven years. " " The one week, or Passion-week, in the midst of which our Lord was crucified, A.D. 31, began with His pubHc ministry, A.D. 28, and ended with the martyrdom of Stephen, A.D. 34." — Hales Ckronohs^y, ii. p. 518. Faber and others, who hold that the one week terminated with the crucifixion, are obliged to adopt the untenable hypothesis that John the Baptist and our Lord together preached seven years. The view here taken is corroborated by the statement in Dan. ix. 27 : " In the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease," as Christ by one sacrifice of Himself " perfected forever them that are sanctified." 4 50 THE GOSPEL IN SAMARIA. go and "teach all nations,'' ' and yet years rolled away before they turned their thoughts toward the evangelization of the Gentiles. The Jewish mind was slow to apprehend such an idea, for the posterity of Abraham had been long accustomed to regard themselves as the exclusive heirs of divine privi- leges ; but the remarkable development of the kingdom of God gradually led them to entertain more enlarged and more lib- eral sentiments. The progress of the Gospel in Samaria im- mediately after the death of Stephen, demonstrated that the blessings of the new dispensation were not to be confined to God's ancient people. Though many of the Samaritans ac- knowledged the divine authority of the writings of Moses, they did not belong to the Church of Israel ; and between them and the Jews a bitter antipathy had hitherto existed. When Philip appeared among them, and preached Jesus as the promised Messiah, they listened most attentively to his appeals, and not a few of them gladly received Christian baptism." It could now no longer be said that the Jews had " no dealings with the Samaritans," ' for the Gospel gathered both into the fold of a common Saviour, and taught them to keep "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." When the disciples were scattered abroad by tlie persecution which arose after the martyrdom of Stephen, the apostles still kept their post in the Jewish capital;' for Christ had instructed them to begin their ministiy in that place : ' and they perhaps conceived that, until authorized by some farther intimation, they were bound to remain at Jerusalem. But the conversion of the Samaritans reminded them that the sphere of their labors was more extensive. Our Lord had said to them, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth,'' ' and events which were passing before their view were continually throwing additional light on the meaning of this announcement. The baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch,' about this period, was calculated to enlarge their ideas ; and the ' Matt, xxviii. 19. " Acts viii. 6, 12. 'John iv. 9. * Acts viii. I. ' Luke xxiv. 47; Acts i. 4. ' Acts i. 8. ' Acts viii. 27-38. THE EVANGELIZATION OF THE GENTILES. 5 1 baptism of Cornelius pointed out, still more distinctly, the wide range of their evangelical commission. The minuteness with which the case of the devout centurion is described is a proof of its importance as connected with this transition-stage in the history of the Church. He had before known nothing of Peter ; and, when they met at Caesarea, each could testify that he had been prepared for the interview by a special revelation from heaven.' Cornelius was " a centurion of the band called the Italian band " "^ — he was a representative of that military power which then ruled the world — and, in his baptism, we see the Roman empire presenting, on the altar of Christianity, the first-fruits of the Gentiles. It was not, however, very obvious, from any of the cases already enumerated, that the salvation of Christ was designed for all classes and conditions of the human family. The Samar- itans did not, indeed, worship at Jerusalem, but they claimed some interest in " the promises made unto the fathers "; and they conformed to many of the rites of Judaism. It does not appear that the Ethiopian eunuch was of the seed of Abraham ; but he acknowledged the inspiration of the Old Testament, and he was disposed, at least to a certain extent, to observe its institutions. Even the Roman centurion was what has been called a proselyte of the gate, that is, he professed the Jewish theology — "he feared God with all his house,"' though he had not received circumcision, and had not been admitted into the congregation of Israel. But the time was approaching when the Church was to burst forth be- yond the barriers within which it had been hitherto enclosed ; and an individual now appeared upon the scene who was to be the leader of this new movement. He is "a citizen of no mean city," * — a native of Tarsus in Cilicia, a place famous for its educational institutes' — and he is known, by way of dis- tinction, as " an apostle of the nations!'' ^ The apostles were at first sent only to their own country- men ; ^ and for some time after our Lord's death, they did not ' Acts X. 19, 30, 32. "^ Acts X. I. ' Acts X. 2. * Acts xxi. 39. * Strabo, xiv. p. 673. * Rom. xi. 13 ; i Tim. ii. 7 ; 2 Tim. i. 1 1. ' Matt. x. 5, 6. 52 THE APOSTLE OF THE GENTILES. contemplate any more comprehensive mission. When Peter called on the disciples to appoint a successor to Judas, he acted under the conviction that the company of the Twelve was to be maintained in its integrity, and that it must still exactly represent the number of the tribes of Israel. But the Jews, after the death of Stephen, evinced an increasing aver- sion to the Gospel ; and as the apostles were eventually induced to direct their views elsewhere, they were also led to abandon an arrangement which had a special reference to the sectional divisions of the chosen people. Meanwhile, too, the manage- ment of ecclesiastical affairs had partially fallen into other hands ; new missions, in which the Twelve had no share, had been undertaken ; and Paul henceforth becomes most conspic- uous and successful in extending and organizing the Church. Paul describes himself as " one born out of due time." ' He was converted to Christianity when his countrymen seemed about to be consigned to judicial blindness ; and he was " called to be an apostle " * when others had been labor- ing for years in the same vocation. But he possessed pecul- iar qualifications for the office. He was ardent, energetic, and conscientious, as well as acute and eloquent. In his native city. Tarsus, he had received a good elementary educa- tion ; and afterward, " at the feet of Gamaliel," ' in Jerusalem, he enjoyed the tuition of a Rabbi of unrivalled celebrity. The apostles of the Gentiles had much the same religious ex- perience as the father of the German Reformation ; for as Luther, before he understood the doctrine of a free salvation, attempted to earn a title to heaven by the austerities of mo- nastic discipline, so Paul in early life was " taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers," * and " after the strictest sect of his religion lived a Pharisee." ' His zeal led him to become a persecutor; and when Stephen was stoned, the witnesses required to take part in the execution prepared themselves for the work of death by laying down their upper garments at the feet of the " young man " Saul. ' I Cor. XV. 8. ' Rom. i. i. ' Acts xxii. 3. * Acts xxii. 3. " Acts xxvi. 5. * Acts vii. 58. PAUL. 53 He had established himself in the confidence of the Sanhedrim, and he may have been a member of that influential judicatory, for he tells us that he " shut up many of the saints in prison," and that, when they were put to death, " he gave his voice, or his vote,"^ against them " — a statement implying that he belonged to the court which pronounced the sentence of con- demnation. As he was travelling to Damascus armed with authority to seize any of the disciples whom he discovered in that city, and to convey them bound to Jerusalem, ° the Lord appeared to him in the way, and he was suddenly converted.' After reaching the end of his journey, and boldly proclaiming his attachment to the party he had been so recently endeavor- ing to exterminate, he retired into Arabia,^ where he proba- bly spent three years in the devout study of the Christian theology. He then returned to Damascus, and entered, about A.D. 37,' on those missionary labors, which he prosecuted with so much efficiency and perseverance for upwards of a quarter of a century. Paul declares that he derived a knowledge of the Gospel immediately from Christ ; " and though for many years he had very little intercourse with the Twelve, he avers that he was " not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." ' Throughout ^ Acts xxvi. lo. ^ii(^ov. See Alford on Acts xxvi. lo, and Acts viii. i. See also " The Life and Epistles of St. Paul," by Conybeare and Hovvson, i. 85. Edit., London, 1852. Paul says that " all the Jews " knew his man- ner o{X\{& frojn his youth — a declaration which implies that he was a per- son of note. See Acts xxvi. 4. There is a tradition that he aspired to be the son-in-law of the high-priest. Epiphanius, "Ad Haer," i, 2, § 16 and §25. * Acts ix. 2, and xxii. 5. ' Acts ix. 3-21. * Gal. i. 17, 18. ^ This date may be established thus : — Stephen, as has been shown, was martyred A.D. 34. See note, p. 49 of this chapter. Paul was converted in the same year, and therefore, if he returned to Damascus three years afterward, he was in that city in A.D. 37. It would appear, from another source of evidence, that this is the true date. The Emperor Tiberius died A.D. 37, and Aretas immediately afterward obtained possession of Damas- cus. He was in possession of it when Paul was there. See 2 Cor. xi. 32, 33. It is probable that he remained master of the place only a very short time. ° Gal. i. 12. ^ 2 Cor. xi. 5. 54 PAUL. life he was associated, not with them, but with others as his fellow-laborers ; and he obviously occupied a distinct and in- dependent position. When he was baptized, the ordinance was administered by an individual who is not previously men- tioned in the New Testament/ and when he was separated to the work to which the Lord had called him," the ordainers were " prophets and teachers," respecting whose own call to the ministry the inspired historian supplies us with no infor- mation. But they had, no doubt, been regularly introduced into the places which they are represented as occupying ; they are all described by the evangelist as receiving the same spec- ial instructions from heaven ; and the tradition that, at least some of them, were of the number of the Seventy,' is exceed- ingly probable. And if, as has already been suggested, the mission of the Seventy indicated the design of our Saviour to diffuse the Gospel all over the world, we can see a peculiar propriety in the arrangement that Paul was ushered into the Church under the auspices of these ministers," It was most fitting that he who was to be, by way of eminence, the apos- tle of the Gentiles, should be baptized and ordained by men whose own appointment was intended to symbolize the catho- lic spirit of Christianity. In the treatment of Paul by his unbelieving countrymen we have a most melancholy illustration of the recklessness of religious bigotry. These Jews knew that, in as far as secular considerations were concerned, he had everything to lose by turning into " the way which they called heresy "; they were bound to acknowledge that, by connecting himself with an odious sect, he at least demonstrated his sincerity and self- ' Acts ix. 17. 1 8. " Actsxiii. i, 2. ' Simeon or Niger, according to Epiphanius, was one of the Seventy. " Hasres," 20, sec. 4. Luke, the writer of the Book of the Acts, is said to have been one of the Seventy, and the same as Lucius of Cyrene, mentioned Acts xiii. I. * Ananias, by whom he was baptized, was, according to the Greek mar- tyrologies, one of the Seventy. See Burton's " Lectures," i. 88, note. It is evident that Ananias was a person of note among the Christians of Damas- cus. PAUL. 55 denial ; but they were so exasperated by his zeal that they " took counsel to kill him." ' When, after his sojourn in Ara- bia, he returned to Damascus, that city was in the hands of Aretas, the king of Arabia Petraea ; " who contrived to gain possession of it during the confusion which immediately fol- lowed the death of the Emperor Tiberius. This petty sover- eign courted the favor of the Jewish portion of the popula- tion by permitting them to persecute the disciples ; ^ and the apostle, at this crisis, would have fallen a victim to their ma- lignity had not his friends let him down " through a window, in a basket, by the wall," * and thus enabled him to escape a premature martyrdom. He now repaired to Jerusalem, where the brethren had not heard of his conversion, and where they at first refused to acknowledge him as a member of their society ; " for he had been obliged to leave Damascus with so much precipitation that he had brought with him no commen- datory letters ; but Barnabas, who is said to have been his school-fellow," and who had in some way obtained informa- tion respecting his subsequent career, made the leaders of the Mother Church acquainted with the wonderful change which had taken place in his sentiments and character, and induced them to admit him to fellowship. During this visit to the holy city, while he prayed in the temple, he was more fully instructed respecting his future destination. In a trance, he saw Jesus, who said to him, " Depart : for I will send theie far hence unto the Gentiles." ' Even had he not received this intimation, the murderous hostility of the Jews would have obliged him to retire. ''When he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians, they went about to slay him. Which, when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus." ® ' Acts ix, 23, * See Josephus' " Antiquities," xviii. 5. * See Burton's " Lectures," i. 116, 117. * 2 Cor. xi. 32, 33, ^ Acts ix. 26, 27. ^ This statement rests on the authority of a monk of Cyprus, named Alexander, a comparatively late writer. See Burton's " Lectures," i. 56, note. '' Acts xxii. 21. * Acts ix. 29, 30. 56 PAUL AT ANTIOCH. The apostle now labored for some years as a missionary in " the regions of Syria and Cilicia." ' His native city and its neighborhood probably enjoyed a large share of his minis- trations, and his exertions seem to have been attended with much success, for, soon afterward, the converts in these dis- tricts attract particular notice.* Meanwhile the Gospel was making rapid progress in the Syrian capital, and as Saul was considered eminently qualified for conducting the mission in that place, he was induced to proceed thither. " Then," says the sacred historian, " Barnabas departed to Tarsus to seek Saul, and when he had found him he brought him unto Anti- och. And it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the Church, and taught much people ; and the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." ' The establishment of a Church in this city formed a new era in the development of Christianity. Antioch was a great commercial mart, with a large Jewish as well as Gentile popu- lation. It was virtually the capital of the Roman empire in the. East ; being the residence of the president or governor of Syria. Its climate was delightful, and its citizens, enriched by trade, were noted for their gayety and voluptuousness. In this flourishing metropolis many proselytes from heathenism were to be found in the synagogues of the Greek-speaking Jews, and the Gospel soon made rapid progress among these Hellenists. " Some of them (which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen) were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which, when they were come to Antioch, spake unto the Grecians,* preaching the Lord Jesus. And ' Gal. i. 21. ' Acts XV. 23, 41. ' Acts xi. 25, 26. * Griesbach, Lachmann, Alford, and other critics of great note, here pre- fer "E'A>f]vac to 'lO'/f/viuTi'ic, but the common reading is quite as well sup- ported by the authority of manuscripts, and more in accordance with Acts xiv. 27, where Paul and Barnabas are represented long afterward as declar- ing to the Church of Antioch how God " had opened the door of faith i/n/a the Gentiles." See an excellent vindication of the icxtiis receptus in the Journal of Sacred Literature for January, 1857, No. viii., p. 285, by the Rev. W. Kay, M.A., Principal of Bi'shop's College. Calcutta. See, oh the other side, Alford's Greek Test., vol. ii., Prolog. 29-31, late edition. THE BRETHREN, WHY CALLED CHRISTIANS. 5/ the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number be- lieved and turned unto the Lord." ' The followers of Jesus at this time received a new designation. They had hitherto called themselves "brethren" or "disciples" or "believers," but now they " were called Christians " by some of the inhab- itants of the Syrian capital. As the unconverted Jews did not admit that Jesus was the Christ, they were obviously not the authors of this appellation, and, in contempt, they prob- ably styled the party Nazarenes or Galileans ; but it is easy to understand how the name was suggested to the pagans as most descriptive and appropriate. No one could be long in company with the new religionists without perceiving that Christ was " the end of their conversation." They delighted to tell of His mighty miracles, of His holy life, of the extraor- dinary circumstances which accompanied His death, and of His resurrection and ascension. Out of the fulness of their hearts they discoursed of His condescension and His meek- ness, of His wonderful wisdom, of His sublime theology, and of His unutterable love to a world lying in wickedness. When they prayed, they prayed to Christ ; when they sang, they sang praise to Christ ; when they preached, they preached Christ. Well then might the heathen multitude agree with one voice to call them Christians. The inventor of the title may have meant it as a nickname, but, if so, He who overruled the way- wardness of Pilate, so that he wrote on the cross a faithful in- scription,'' also caused this mocker of His servants to stumble on a most truthful and complimentary designation. From his first appearance in Antioch, Paul occupied a very influential position among his brethren. In that refined and opulent city, his learning, his dialectic skill, his prudence, and his pious ardor were all calculated to make his ministry most effective. About a year after his arrival there, he was deputed in company with a friend to visit Palestine on an errand of love. " In those days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth ' Acts xi. 20. " John xix. 19-22. 58 PAUL AT ANTIOCH. throughout all the world ; which came to pass in the days of Claudius Cesar. Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren which dwelt in Judea. Which also they did, and sent it to the el- ders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul." ' This narrative attests that the principle of a community of goods was not recognized in the Church of Antioch ; for the aid administered was supplied, not out of a general fund, but by " every man according to his ability." There was here no "murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews," as, in the spirit of true brotherhood, the wealthy Hellenists of Antioch cheerfully contributed to the relief of the poor Hebrews of their fatherland. It is not stated that " the elders," in whose hands the money was deposited, were all ofifice-bearers con- nected with the Church of Jerusalem. These, of course, re- ceived no small share of the donations, but as the assistance was designed for the " brethren which dwelt in jfudea" and not merely for the disciples in the holy city, we may infer that it was distributed among the elders of all the Churches now scattered over the southern part of Palestine." Neither did Barnabas and Paul require to make a tour throughout the dis- trict to visit these various communities. All the elders of Judea still continued to observe the Mosaic law ; and as the deputies from Antioch were in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover,' they found their brethren in attendance upon the festival. It is reported by several ancient writers that the apostles were instructed to remain at Jerusalem for twelve years after the crucifixion of our Lord ; * and if the tradition is correct, the holy city continued to be their stated residence till shortly before the arrival of these deputies from the Syrian capital. The time of this visit can be pretty accurately ascer- tained, and there is no point connected with the history of ' Acts xi. 27-30. 'It is obvious from Acts ix. 31, xxvi. 20, and Gal. i. 22, that such Churches now existed. ' Acts xii. 3, 24, 25. * Ckm. Alex., Strom, vi., p. 742, note; Edit. Potter. Eusebius, v. 18. BARNABAS AND PAUL GO TO JERUSALEM. 59 the book of the Acts respecting which there is such a close approximation to unanimity among chronologists ; for, as Jo- sephus notices/ both the sudden death of Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great, which now occurred,' and the famine against which this contribution was intended to pro- vide, it is apparent from the date which he assigns to them that Barnabas and Saul reached Jerusalem about A.D. 44.' At this juncture at least two of the apostles — James the brother of John, and Peter — were in the Jewish capital, and all the rest had not yet finally taken their departure. The Twelve did not set out on distant missions until they were thoroughly convinced that they had ceased to make progress in the conversion of their countrymen in the land of their fa- thers. And it is no trivial evidence, at once of the strength of their convictions and of the truth of the evangelical his- tory, that they continued so long and so efficiently to pro- claim the Gospel in the chief city of Palestine. Had they not acted under an overwhelming sense of duty, they would not have remained in a place where their lives were in perpet- ual jeopardy ; and, had they not been faithful witnesses, they could not have induced so many of all classes of society to believe statements which, if unfounded, would have been con- tradicted on the spot. The apostles were known to many in Jerusalem as the companions of our Lord ; for, during His public ministry, they had often been seen with Him in the city and the temple ; and, therefore, peculiar importance was attached to their testimony respecting His doctrines and His miracles. Their preaching in the headquarters of Judaism was fitted to exert an immense influence — as that metropolis itself contained a vast population, and as it was, besides, the resort of strangers from all parts of the world. And so long * " Antiquities," xix. c. 8, § 2, xx. c, 2, § 5. " Acts xii. 20-23. ' From the comparative table of chronology appended to Wieseler's " Chronologic des apostolischen Zeitalters," it appears that the date given in the text is adopted by no less than twenty of the highest chronological authorities, including Ussher, Pearson, Spanheim, Tillemont, Michaelis, Hug, and De Wette. It is also adopted by Burton. Wieseler himself, on insufficient grounds, adopts A.D. 45. 60 THE APOSTLES LEAVE JERUSALEM. as the apostles ministered in Jerusalem or in Palestine only to the house of Israel, it was expedient that their number, which was an index of the Divine regard for the whole of the twelve tribes, should be maintained in its integrity. But when, after preaching twelve years among their countrymen at home, they found their labors becoming comparatively barren ; and when, driven by persecution from Judea, they proceeded on distant missions, their position was quite altered. Their number had at least partially ' lost its original significance ; and hence, when an apostle died, the survivors no longer deemed it nec- essary to take steps for the appointment of a successor. We find accordingly that when Herod " killed James, the brother of John, with the sword,"* no other individual was selected to occupy the vacant apostleship. It has been already stated that when Paul was in Jerusalem for the first time after his conversion, he received, when pray- ing in the temple, a divine communication informing him of his mission to the heathen.' During his present visit, as the bearer of the contributions from Antioch, he seems to have been favored with another revelation. In his Second Epistle to the Corinthians he refers to this most comfortable, yet mys- terious, manifestation. " I know," ' says he, " a man in Christ fourteen years ago ' (whether in the body, I can not tell, or whether out of the body, I can not tell ; God knoweth) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a ' Though Peter was taught by the case of Cornelius that "God also to the Gentiles had granted repentance unto life" (Acts xi. i8), and, though he doubtless felt himself a debtor, both to the Greeks and to the Jews, yet still he continued to cherish the conviction that his njission was primarily to his kinsmen according to the flesh. James and John had the same impres- sion. See Gal. ii. 9 ; James i. i ; i Pet. i. i. ' Acts xii. 2. ' Acts xxii. 17-21. * I here partially adopt the translation of Conybeare and Howson. Their work is one of the most valuable contributions to sacred literature of the present century. The revised version of the New Testament has much the same reading. * The Second Epistle to the Corinthians was written about fourteen years after this, or toward the close of a.d. 57. See Chap. LX. of this Section. The Jews often reckoned current time as if it were complete. PAUL'S VISION. 6l man (whether in the body, or out of the body, I can not tell ; God knoweth) that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for man to utter." ' The present position of the apostle explains the design of this sublime and delightful vision. As Moses was encouraged to undertake the deliverance of his countrymen when God appeared to him in the burning bush,'' and as Isaiah was em- boldened to go forth, as the messenger of the Lord of hosts, when he saw Jehovah sitting upon His throne attended by the seraphim,' so Paul was stirred up by an equally impressive revelation to gird himself for the labors of a new appointment. He was about to commence a more extensive missionary career, and before entering upon so great and so perilous an undertaking, the King of kings condescended to encourage him by admitting him to a gracious audience, and by per- mitting him to enjoy some glimpses of the glory of those realms of light where " they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever." ' 2 Cor. xii. 2-4. 2 Exodus iii. 2-10. ' Isaiah vi. i, 2, 8, 9. CHAPTER V. THE ORDINATION OF PAUL AND BARNABAS ; THEIR MISSION- ARY TOUR IN ASIA MINOR ; AND THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. A.D. 44 to A.D. 51. Soon after returning from Jerusalem to Antioch, Paul was formally invested with his new commission. His fellow- deputy, Barnabas, was appointed as his coadjutor in this im- portant service. " Now," says the evangelist, " there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers, as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said. Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted, and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away." ' Ten years had now elapsed since the conversion of Paul ; and during the greater part of this period, he had been busily engaged in the dissemination of the Gospel. In the days of his Judaism the learned Pharisee had been accustomed to act as a teacher in the synagogues ; and, when he became obedient to the faith, he was permitted to expound his new theology in the Christian assemblies. Barnabas, his companion, was a Levite ;' and as his tribe was specially charged with the duty of public instruction,' he too had probably been a preacher before his conversion. Both these men were called of God to labor as evangelists, and the Head of the Church had already ' Acts xiii. 1-3. * Acts iv. 36. * Deut. xxxiii. lo. (62) ORDINATION OF PAUL AND BARNABAS. 63 abundantly honored their ministrations ; but hitherto neither of them had been clothed with pastoral authority by any regular ordination. Their constant presence in Antioch was now no longer necessaiy, so that they were thus left at liberty to prosecute their missionary operations in the great field of heathendom; and at this juncture they were designated, in due form, to their " ministry and apostleship." ''The Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them." When we consider the pres- ent circumstances of these two brethren, we may see, not only why these instructions were given, but also why their observ- ance has been so distinctly registered. It is apparent that Barnabas and Saul were now called to a position of higher responsibility than that which they had pre- viously occupied. They had heretofore acted simply as preach- ers of the Christian doctrine. Prompted by love to their common Master, and by a sense of individual obligation, they had endeavored to diffuse all around them a knowledge of the Redeemer. They taught in the name of Jesus, just be- cause they possessed the gifts and the graces required for such a service ; and, as their labors were acknowledged of God, they were encouraged to persevere. But they were now to go forth, as a solemn deputation, under the sanction of the Church ; and not only to proclaim the truth, but also to bap- tize converts, to organize Christian congregations, and to ordain Christian ministers. It was, therefore, proper that, on this occasion, they should be regularly invested with the eccle- siastical commission. On other grounds it was desirable that the mission of Bar- nabas and Paul should be thus inaugurated. Though the apostles had been lately driven from Jerusalem, and though the Jews were exhibiting increasing aversion to the Gospel, the Church was, notwithstanding, about to expand with ex- traordinary vigor by the ingathering of the Gentiles. In reference to these new members Paul and Barnabas pursued a bold and independent course, advocating views which many regarded as dangerous, latitudinarian, and profane ; for they maintained that the ceremonial law was not binding on the 64 ORDINATION OF PAUL AND BARN \BAS. converts from heathenism. Their adoption of this principle exposed them to much suspicion and obloqu)'- ; and because of the tenacity with which they persisted in its vindication, not a few were disposed to question their credentials as ex- positors of the Christian faith. It was, therefore, expedient that their right to perform all the apostolic functions should be placed above challenge. In some way, not particu- larly described, their appointment by the Spirit of God was accordingly made known to the Church at Antioch ; and thus all the remaining prophets and teachers, who officiated there, could distinctly testify that these two brethren had received a call from heaven to engage in the work to which they were now designated. Their ordination, in obedience to this divine communication, was a decisive recognition of their spiritual authority. The Holy Ghost had attested their commission, and the ministers of Antioch, by the laying on of hands, set their seal to the truth of the oracle. Their title to act as founders of the Church was thus authenticated by evidence which could not be legitimately disputed. Paul himself ob- viously attached considerable importance to this transaction, and he afterward refers to it in language of marked emphasis, when, in the beginning of the Epistle to the Romans, he in- troduces himself as "a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the Gospel of God.'' ' In the circumstantial record of this proceeding, to be found in the Acts of the Apostles, we have a proof of the wisdom of the Author of Revelation. He foresaw that the rite of " the laying on of hands " would be sadly abused ; and that, repre- sented as possessing something like a magic potency, it was to be at lenc^th converted, by a small class of ministers, into an ecclesiastical monopoly. He has, therefore, supplied us with an antidote against delusion, by permitting us, in this simple narrative, to scan its exact import. And what was the virtue of the ordination here described ? Did it furnish Paul and Barnabas with a title to the ministry? Not at all. God him- self had already called them to the work, and they could re- ' Rom. i, I. ORDINATION OF PAUL AND BARNABAS. 6$ ceive no higher authorization. Did it necessarily add any- thing to the eloquence, or the prudence, or the knowledge, or the piety of the missionaries? No results of the kind were to be produced by any such ceremony. What, then, was its meaning? The evangelist himself furnishes an answer. The Holy Ghost required that Barnabas and Saul should be sepa- rated to the work to which the Lord had called them, and the laying on of hands was the mode, ox form, in which they were set apart, or designated, to the office. This rite, to an Israelite, suggested grave and hallowed associations. When a Jewish father invoked a benediction on any of his family, he laid his hand upon the head of the child ;' when a Jewish priest de- voted an animal in sacrifice, he laid his hand upon the head of the victim ;" and when a Jewish ruler invested another with office, he laid his hand upon the head of the new functionary.' The ordination of these brethren possessed all this significance. By the laying on of hands the ministers of Antioch implored a blessing on Barnabas and Saul, and announced their separa- tion, or dedication, to the work of the Gospel, and intimated their investiture with ecclesiastical authority. It is worthy of note that the parties who acted as ordainers were not dignitaries, planted here and there throughout the Church, and selected for this service on account of their of- ficial pre-eminence. They were all, at the time, connected with the Christian community assembling in the city which was the scene of the inauguration. No individual among them claimed the precedence; all engaged on equal terms in the performance of this interesting ceremony. We can not mistake the official standing of these brethren if we only mark the nature of the duties in which they were ordinarily occupied. They were " prophets and teachers "; they were sound script- ural expositors ; some of them were endowed with the gift of prophetic interpretation ; and they were all employed in im- parting theological instruction. Though the name is not here expressly given to them, they were, at least virtually, " the elders who labored in the word and doctrine." * Paul, there- 'Gen. xlviii. 13-15. ^ Lev. viii. 18, and iv. 4. ' Num. xxvii. 18. * i Tim. v. 17. 66 PAUL AND BARNABAS IN CYPRUS. fore, was ordained by the laying on of the hands of the Presby' tery of Antioch.* If the narrative of Luke was designed to illustrate the ques- tion of ministerial ordination, it plainly suggests that the power of Church rulers is very circumscribed. They have no right to refuse the laying on of hands to those whom God has called to the work of the Gospel, and who, by their gifts and graces, give credible evidences of their holy vocation ; and they are not at liberty to admit the irreligious or incompetent to ecclesiastical offices. In the sight of the Most High the or- dination to the pastorate of an individual morally and mentally disqualified is invalid and impious. Immediately after their ordination Paul and Barnabas en- tered on their apostolic mission. Leaving Antioch they quickly reached Seleucia ' — a city distant about twelve miles — and from thence passed on to Cyprus," the native country of Barnabas.* They probably spent a considerable time in that large island. It contained several towns of note ; it was the residence of great numbers of Jews ; and the degraded state of its heathen inhabitants may be inferred from the fact that Venus was their tutelar^' goddess. The preaching of the apostles in this place created an immense sensation ; their fame at length attracted the attention of persons of the highest dis- tinction, and the heart of Paul was cheered by the accession of no less illustrious a convert than Sergius Paulus,^ the Roman proconsul. Departing from Cyprus, Paul and Barnabas now set ' This portion of the apostolic history may illustrate i Tim. iv. 14, for Paul had official authority conferred on him " by prophecy," or in conse- quence of a revelation made, perhaps, through one of the prophets of An- tioch, "with the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery." Something similar, probably, occurred in the case of Timothy. But, in ordinary cir- cumstances, the rulers of the Church must judge of a divine call to the min- istry' from the gifts and graces of the candidate for ordination. " Acts xiii. 4. • Acts xiii. 4. * Acts iv. 36. ' Until this date we read of " Barnabas and Saul," now of " Paul and Barnabas." Paul was the Roman, and Saul the Hebrew name of the great apostle. His superior qualifications had now full scope for development, and accordingly, as he takes the lead, he is henceforth generally named be- fore Barnabas. PAUL AND BARNABAS IN ASIA MINOR. 6/ sail for Asia Minor, where they landed at Perga, in Pamphylia. Here John Mark, the nephew of Barnabas, by whom they had been hitherto accompanied, refused to proceed further. He seems to have been intimidated by the prospect of accumulat- ing difficulties. From many, on religious grounds, they had reason to anticipate a most discouraging reception ; and the land journey now before them was otherwise beset with dan- gers. Whilst engaged in it, Paul experienced those " perils of waters," or of " rivers," ' and " perils of robbers," which he aft- erward mentions; for the highlands of Asia Minor were in- fested with banditti, and the mountain streams often rose with frightful rapidity, and swept away the unwary stranger. John Mark returned to Jerusalem, and, at a subsequent period, we find Paul refusing, in consequence, to receive him as a travel- ling companion." But though Barnabas was then dissatisfied because the apostle continued to be distrustful of his relative, and though " the contention was so sharp " between these two eminent heralds of the cross that " they departed asunder one from the other," ' the return of this young minister from Per- ga led to no change in their present arrangements. Continu- ing their journey into the interior of the country, they preached in Antioch of Pisidia, in Iconium, in " Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia," and in " the region thait lieth round about."* When they had proceeded thus far, they began to retrace their steps, and again visited the places where they had previously succeeded in collecting congregations. They now supplied their converts with a settled ministry. When they had presided in every church at an appointment of elders,^ in which the choice was determined by popular suffrage," and when they had prayed with fasting, they laid their hands on the elected office-bearers, and in this form " commended * 2 Cor. xi. 26, — nora/xciv. * Acts XV. 38. 'Acts XV. 39. * Acts xiv. 6. * Acts xiv. 23. ° XeipoTov^aavreg 6e avrolg Kar' tKKXrja'tav npea^vTepovQ. — The interpretation given in the text is sanctified by the highest authorities. See Rothe's Anfange der Christlichen Kirche," p. 150; Alford on Acts xiv. 23; Bur- ton's " Lectures," i. 150; Baumgarten's "Acts of the Apostles," Acts xiv. 23 ; Litton's " Church of Christ," p. 595. 68 PAUL AND BARNABAS IN ASIA MINOR. them to the Lord on whom they beheved." Having thus planted the Gospel in many districts which had never before been trodden by the feet of a Christian missionary, they re- turned to Antioch in Syria to rehearse " all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles." ' Paul and Barnabas spent about six years in this first tour;" and, occasionally, when their ministrations were likely to exert a wide and permanent influence, remained long in particular localities. The account of their designation, and of their labors in Cyprus, Pamphylia, Lycaonia, and the surrounding regions, occupies two whole chapters of the Acts of the Apostles. The importance of their mission may be estimated from this length- ened notice. Christianity greatly extended its base of opera- tions, and shook paganism in some of its strongholds. In every place which they visited, the apostles observed a uniform plan of procedure. In the first instance, they made their appeal to the seed of Abraham ; as they were themselves learned Israel- ites, they were generally permitted, on their arrival in a town, to set forth the claims of Jesus of Nazareth in the synagogue ; and not until the Jews had exhibited a spirit of unbelief, did they turn to the heathen population. In the end, by far the majority of their converts were reclaimed idolaters. " The Gentiles were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord, and as many as were ordained to eternal life, believed." ' Astonished at the mighty miracles exhibited by the two missionaries, the pagans imagined that " the gods " had come down to them " in the likeness of men " ; and at Lystra the priest of Jupiter " brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people";* but the Jews looked on in sullen incredulity, and kept alive an active and implacable op- position. At Cyprus, the apostles had to contend against the craft of a Jewish conjuror;^ at Antioch, "the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women, and the chief men of the ' Acts xiv. 27. ' They set out on the mission probably in A.D. 44, and returned to Antioch in A.D. 50. The Council of Jerusalem took place the year following. 'Acts xiii. 48. *Actsxiv. 13. ° Acts xiii. 6-8. PAUL AND BARNABAS IN ASIA MINOR. 69 city, and raised persecution " against them, " and expelled them out of their coasts "; * at Iconium, the Jews again " stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren";" and at Lystra the same parties "persuaded the people, and having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, sup- posing he had been- dead." ' .The trials through which he now passed made an indelible impression on the mind of the great apostle, and in the last of his epistles, written many years after- ward, he refers to them as among the most formidable he en- countered in his perilous career. Timothy, who at this time was a mere boy, witnessed some of these ebullitions of Jewish malignity, and marked with admiration the heroic spirit of the heralds of the Cross. Paul, when about to be decapitated by the sword of Nero, could, therefore, appeal to the evangelist, and could fearlessly declare that, twenty years before, when his life was often at stake, he had not quailed before the terrors of martyrdom. " Thou," says he, " hast fully known my long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflic- tions, which came unto me at Antiock, at Iconium, at Lystra, what persecutions I endured ; but out of them all the Lord delivered me." * The hostile efforts of the Jews did not arrest the Gospel in its triumphant career. The truth prevailed mightily among the Gentiles, and the great influx of converts began to impart an entirely new aspect to the Christian community. At first the Church consisted exclusively of Israelites by birth, and all who entered it still continued to observe the institution of Moses. But the number of its Gentile adherents soon pre- ponderated, and ere long the keeping of the typical law be- came the peculiarity of a minority of its members. Many of the converted Jews were by no means prepared for such an alternative. They prided themselves on their divinely-instituted worship ; and, misled by the fallacy that whatever is appointed by God can never become obsolete, they conceived that the spread of Christianity must be connected with the extension 'Acts xiii. 50. '^Acts xiv. 2. 3 Acts xiv. 19. * 2 Tim. iii. 10, 1 1. 70 THE CIRCUMCISION CONTROVERSY. of their national ceremonies. They accordingly asserted that the commandment relative to the initiatory ordinance of Juda- ism was binding upon all admitted to Christian fellowship. "Certain men which came down from Judea" to Antioch, " taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye can not be saved." ' Paul was eminently qualified to deal with such errorists. He had once valued himself on his Pharisaic strictness, but when God revealed to him His glory in the face of Jesus Christ, he was taught to distinguish between a living faith and a dead formalism. He still maintained his social status, as one of the " chosen people," by the keeping of the law ; but he knew that it merely prefigured the great redemption, and that its types and shadows must quickly disappear before the light of the Gospel. He saw, too, that the arguments urged for cir- cumcision could also be employed in behalf of all the Leviti- cal arrangements," and that the tendency of the teaching of these " men which came down from Judea" was to encumber the disciples with the weight of a superannuated ritual. Nor was this all. The apostle felt that the spirit which animated these Judaizing zealots was a spirit of self-righteousness. When they " taught the brethren and said. Except ye be cir- cumcised after the manner of Moses, ye can not be saved," they subverted the doctrine of justification by faith alone.^ A sin- ner is saved as soon as he believes on the Lord Jesus Christ,' and he requires neither circumcision, nor any other ordinance, to complete his pardon. Baptism is, indeed, the sign by which believers solemnly declare their acceptance of the Gospel, and the seal by which God is graciously pleased to recognize them as heirs of the righteousness of faith ; and yet even baptism is not essential to salvation, for the penitent thief, though un- baptizcd, was admitted into Paradise.^ But circumcision is no part of Christianity at all ; it docs not so much as indicate that the individual who submits to it is a believer in Jesus. Faith ' Acts XV. I. 'This inference was indeed admitted. See Acts xv. 5, 24. 'Gal. V. 2-4, vi. 13, 14. 'Acts xvi. 31 ; John iii. 36. ' Luke xxiii. 43. THE CIRCUMCISION CONTROVERSY. 71 in the Saviour is the only and the perfect way of justification. " Blessed are all they that put their trust in him," ' for Christ will, without fail, conduct to glory all who commit themselves to His guidance and protection. Those who trust in Him can not but love Him, and those who love Him can not but de- light to do His will ; and as faith is the root of holiness and happiness, so unbelief is the fountain of sin and misery. But though the way of salvation by faith can only be spiritually discerned, many seek to make it palpable by connecting it with certain visible institutions. Faith looks to Jesus as the only way to heaven ; superstition looks to some outward observ- ance, such as baptism or circumcision (which is only a finger- post on the way), and confounds it with the way itself. Faith is satisfied with a very simple ritual ; superstition wearies itself with the multiplicity of its minute observances. Faith holds communion with the Saviour in all His appointments, and re- joices in Him with joy unspeakable ; superstition leans on forms and ceremonies, and is in bondage to these beggarly elements. No wonder then that the attempt to impose on the converted Gentiles the rites of both Christianity and Judaism encountered such resolute opposition. Paul and Barnabas at once withstood its abettors, and had " no small dissension and disputation with them." " It was felt, however, that a matter of such grave im- portance merited the consideration of the collective wisdom of the Church, and it was accordingly agreed to send these two brethren, " and certain other of them," " to Jerusalem un- to the apostles and elders about this question.' It is not stated that the Judaizing teachers confined their in- terference to Antioch, and the subsequent narrative indicates that the deputation to Jerusalem acted on behalf of all the Churches in Syria and Cilicia.* The Christian societies scat- tered throughout Pamphylia, Lycaonia, and some other dis- tricts of Asia Minor, were not directly concerned in sending forward the commissioners ; but as these communities had been collected and organized by Paul and Barnabas, they con- sidered that they were represented by their founders, and they 'Ps. ii. 12. ^ Acts XV. 2. 'Acts XV. 2. ■* Acts xv. 23, 24, 41. 72 THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. at once acceded to the decision of the assembly which met in the Jewish metropohs.' That assembly approached more closely than any ecclesiastical convention ever since held, to the character of a general council. It is clear that its deliber- ations took place at the time of one of the great annual festivals ; for, seven or eight years before, the apostles had commenced their travels as missionaries, and except at the season of the Passover or of Pentecost, the Syrian deputation could not have reckoned on finding them in the holy city. It is not said that the officials to be consulted belonged exclu- sively to Jerusalem.' They included the elders throughout Palestine who usually repaired to the capital to celebrate the national solemnities. This meeting, therefore, was constructed on a broader basis than what a superficial reading of the nar- rative might suggest. Among its members were the older apostles, as well as Barnabas and Paul, so that it contained the principal founders of the Jewish and Gentile Churches; there were also present the elders of Jerusalem, and deputies from Antioch, that is, the representatives of the two most exten- sive and influential Christian societies in existence ; whilst com- missioners from the Churches of Syria and Cilicia, and elders from various districts of the holy land, were likewise in attend- ance. The Universal Church was thus fairly represented in this memorable Synod. * Acts xvi. 4. * Paul and Barnabas, with the other deputies, were sent " to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders " (Acts xv. 2) ; " when they were come to Jeru- salem they were received of the Church, even of the apostles and elders " (Acts XV. 4) ; and the decrees were ordained " of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem " (Acts xvi. 4) ; but not one of these statements necessarily implies that these rulers were exclusively elders of the Church of Jerusalem. I here venture to deviate a little from our authorized translation of Acts XV. 4. The word church seems in this place to mean — not the whole multitude of the disciples, but the apostles and elders. Paul and Barnabas, and their fellow-deputies, were " received of the chjirch CT.'en (or, that is or both) of the apostles and elders." The visit seems to have been of a pri- vate nature. See Gal. ii. 2. It was expedient, under the circumstances, that there should be no public reception. That a:'" has occasionally the meanin}^ here indicated we may see by a reference to Rom. xi. 33 ; Matt. xxi. 5, and other passages. THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. 73 The meeting was held A.D. 51, and Paul, exactly fourteen years before/ had visited Jerusalem for the first time after his conversion." So little was then known of his remarkable his- tory, even in the chief city of Judea, that when he *' essayed to join himself to the disciples, they were all afraid of him, and believed not th^t he was a disciple";' but now his position was completely changed, and he was felt to be one of the most influential personages who took part in the proceedings of this important convention. Some have maintained that the whole multitude of believers in the Jewish capital deliber- ated and voted on the question in dispute, but there is cer- tainly nothing in the statement of the evangelist to warrant such an inference. It is very evident that the disciples in the holy city were not prepared to approve unaninwusly of the decision which was actually adopted, for long afterward they were " all zealous of the law," * and they looked with extreme suspicion on Paul himself, because of the lax; principles, in reference to its obligation, which he was understood to patron- ize.* When he arrived in Jerusalem on this mission he found there a party determined to insist on the circumcision of the converts from heathenism ;" he complains of the opposition he now encountered from these *' false brethren unawares brought in " ;' and, when he returned to Antioch, he was fol- ' It has been argued by Burton (" Lectures," vol. i., p. 122), that the first visit of Paul to Jerusalem after his conversion took place about the time of one of the great festivals, as he is said, on the occasion, to have " disputed against the Grecians " (Acts ix. 29), who were likely then to have been very numerous in the city. If he arrived now at the time of the same festival, the interval was precisely fourteen years. * Gal. ii. I. Some make these fourteen years to include the three years mentioned Gal. i. 18, but this interpretation does violence to the language of the apostle. The system of chronology here adopted requires no such forced expositions. Paul came to Jerusalem three years after his conversion, that is, in A.D. 37 ; and fourteen years after, that is, in A.D. 51, he was at this Synod. ' Acts ix. 26. * Acts xxi. 20. ° Acts xxi. 21. ° Acts xv. 5. ' Gal. i.i. 4. It is here taken for granted that the visit to Jerusalem men- tioned in the second chapter of the Epistle to the Galatians, is the same as that described in the fifteenth of Acts. Paul says that he went up " by revelation " (Gal. ii. 2), — a statement from which it appears that he was divinely instructed to adopt this method of settling the question. 74 THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. lowed by emissaries from the same bigoted and persevering faction.* It is quite clear, then, that the finding of the meet- ing, mentioned in the fifteenth chapter of the Acts, did not please all the members of the church of the metropolis. The apostle says expressly that he communicated " privately " on the subject with "them which were of reputation," ' and in the present state of feeling, especially in the headquarters of Judaism, Paul recoiled from the discussion of a question of such delicacy before a promiscuous congregation. The resolu- tion now agreed upon, when subsequently mentioned, is set forth as the act, not of the whole body of the disciples, but of " the apostles and elders," ^ and as they were the arbiters to whom the appeal was made, they were obviously the only parties competent to pronounce a deliverance. Two or three expressions of doubtful import, which occur in connection with the history of the meeting, have induced some to infer that all the members of the Church of Jerusalem were consulted on this occasion. It is said that " all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul "; ^ that it " pleased the apostles and elders with the whole church to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch ";' and, according to our current text, that the epistle intrusted to the care of these commissioners, proceeded from "the apostles and elders and brethren!"' But "the whole church," and " all the multitude," merely signify the whole as- sembly present, and do not necessarily imply even a very nu- merous congregation.' Some at least of the "certain other" deputies' sent with Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, were, we may presume, disposed to doubt or dispute their views ; as it is not probable that a distracted constituency consented to the appointment of commissioners, all of whom were already com- 'Gal. ii. 12. »Gal. ii. 2. » Acts xvi. 4, xxi. 25. * Acts XV. 12. ■* Acts XV. 22. • Acts XV. 23. ' The expression here used—" the jnultitude " (jh 7r?.;';yW)— is repeatedly applied in the New Testament to the Sanhedrim, a court consisting of not more than seventy-two members. See Luke xxii. i ; Acts xxiii. 7. There were probably more individuals present at this meeting. • Acts XV. 2. THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. 75 ' mitted to the same sentiments. When, therefore, the evan- gehst reports that the proposal made by James " pleased the apostles and elders with the whole Church^' he thus designs to intimate that it met the universal approval of the meeting, including the deputies on both sides. There were prophets and others possessed of extraordinary endowments, in the early Church,' and, as some of these were connected with Jeru- salem," we can scarcely suppose that they were not permitted to be present in this deiiberative assembly. If we adopt the re- ceived reading of the superscription of the circular letter,' the " brethren " who are there distinguished from " the apostles and elders," were, in all likelihood, these gifted mem- bers.^ But according to the testimony of by far the best and most ancient manuscripts, the true reading of this encyclical epistle is, " The apostles and elders^ bretJireu.^ As the Syrian deputies were commissioned to consult, not the general body * I Cor. xii. 28 ; Eph. iv. 11. ' In Acts xi. 27, we read of " prophets " who came " from Jerusalem unto Antioch." ' Acts XV. 23. " The apostles, and elders, and brethren." * The context may appear to be favorable to this interpretation, for the two deputies now chosen — " Judas surnamed Barnabas, and Silas " — who were " chief men among the brethren " (ver. 22), are likewise described as "prophets also themselves " (ver. 32). In Acts xviii. 27, " the brethren " appear to be distinguished from " the disciples." * This reading, which is adopted by Mill in the Prolegomena to his New Testament, as well as by Lachmann, Neander, Alford, and Tregelles, is supported by the authority of the Codex Vaticanus, the Codex Alexandri- nus, the Codex Ephrsemi, and the Codex Bezae. It is to be found in by far the most valuable cursive MS. yet known. It is confirmed also by the early testimony of Irenseus, and by the Latin of the Codex Bezae, a version more ancient than the Vulgate, as well as by the Vulgate itself It is likewise the original reading of the Codex Sinaiticus — the uncial MS. recently brought to light by Dr. Tischendorf, and, as it would appear, the most ancient and valuable in existence. Dr. Tischendorf informs me in a letter, dated Leip- sic, 15th August, i860, that in this MS. a later hand has inserted naX ol before u6EA(pol. The reading given above may now, therefore, be considered as conclusively established. The reading in the texius receptics may be ac- counted for by the growth of the doctrine of apostolical succession ; as, when the hierarchy was in its glory, transcribers could not understand ho\V the apostles and elders could be fellow-presbyters. •^6 THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. of Christians at Jerusalem, but the apostles and elders, this reading, now recognized as genuine by the highest critical au- thorities, is sustained by the whole tenor of the narrative. The same parties who " came together to consider of this matter " also framed the decree. The apostles and elders, brethren, were the only individuals officially concerned in this important transaction.' In this council the apostles acted, not as men oracularly pronouncing the will of the Eternal, but as ordinary church rulers, proceeding, after careful inquiry, to adopt the sugges- tions of an enlightened judgment. One passage of the Syn- odical epistle has been supposed to countenance a different conclusion, for those assembled " to consider of this matter " are represented as saying to the Syrian and Cilician Churches, " // seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us to lay upon you no greater burden " ^ than the restrictions which are presently enumerated. But it is to be observed that this is the lan- guage of " the elders, brethren," as well as of the apostles, so that it was used by many who made no pretensions to inspira- tion ; and it is apparent from the context that the council here merely reproduces an argument against the Judaizers which had been always felt to be irresistible. The Gentiles had received the Spirit " by the hearing of faith," ' and not by the ordinance of circumscision ; and hence it was contended that the Holy Ghost himself had decided the question. Peter, therefore, says to the meeting held at Jerusalem, "God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us ; and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Now, therefore, zvhy tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers, nor we, were able to bear?"* He had employed the same reasoning long before, in defence of the baptism of Cornelius and his friends. "The Ho'y Ghost," said he, " fell on them Forasmuch, then, ' It is worthy of note that Peter, fourteen or fifteen years afterward, speaks in the style here indicated. Thus he says, " The ciders which are among you, I exhort, who am also an elder " {avuKjnaii'vTfixx^ — (i IVt. v. i.) " Acts XV. 28. ' Gal. iii. 2. * Acts xv. 8-io. THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. *]>] as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Q\\x\'~X, ivhat was I that I could tvitJistand God? " ' When, then, the members of the council here de- clared, " It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us," ' they thus simply intimated that they were shut up to the arrange- ment which they now announced — that God himself, by im- parting His Spirit to those who had not received the rite of circumcision, had already settled the controversy — and that, as it had seemed good to the Holy Ghost not to impose the ceremonial law upon the Gentiles, so it also seemed good to " the apostles and elders, brethren." But whilst the abundant outpouring of the Spirit on the Gentiles demonstrated that they were sanctified and saved without circumcision, and whilst the Most High had thus pro- claimed their freedom from the yoke of the Jewish ritual, it is plain that, in regard to this point, as well as other matters noticed in the letter, the writers speak as the accredited inter- preters of the will of Jehovah. They state that it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to them to require the converts from paganism " to abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication." ' And yet, without any special revelation, they might have felt themselves warranted to give such instructions in such lan- guage, for surely they were at liberty to say that tjie Holy Ghost had interdicted fornication; and, as the expounders of the doctrine of Christian expediency,* their views may have been so clear that they could speak with equal confidence as to the duty of the disciples under present circumstances to abstain from blood, and from things strangled, and from meats offered to idols. If they possessed " the full assurance of understanding " as to the course- to be pursued, they deemed it right to signify to their correspondents that the decision which they now promulgated was, not any arbitrary or hasty deliverance, but the very *' mind of the Spirit " * Acts xi. 15, 17. "^ This style of speaking was used by councils in after-ages, and often in cases when it was singularly inappropriate. ' Acts XV. 29. ^ See i Cor. x. 23, 31, 32. 78 THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. either expressly communicated in the Word, or deduced from it by good and necessary inference. In this way they aimed to reach the conscience, and they knew that they thus fur- nished the most potential argument for submission. It may at first sight appear strange that whilst the apostles, and those who acted with them at this meeting, condemned the doctrine of the Judaizers, and affirmed that circumcision was not obligatory on the Gentiles, they, at the same time, required the converts from paganism to observe a part of the Hebrew ritual ; and it may seem quite as extraordinary that, in a letter which was the fruit of so much deliberation, they placed an immoral act, and a number of merely ceremonial usages, in the same catalogue. But, on reflection, we may recognize their tact and Christian prudence in these features of their communication. Fornication was one of the crying sins of Gentilism, and, except when it interfered with social arrangements, the heathen did not even acknowledge its crim- inality. When, therefore, the new converts were furnished with the welcome intelligence that they were not obliged to submit to the painful rite of circumcision, it was well, at the same time, to remind them that there were lusts of the flesh which they were bound to mortify ; and it was expedient that, whilst a vice so prevalent as fornication should be specified, they should be distinctly warned to beware of its pollutions. For another reason they were directed to abstain from " meats offered to idols." It often happened that what had been presented at the shrine of a false god was afterward exposed for sale, and the council cautioned the disciples against par- taking of such food, as they might thus appear to give a species of sanction to idolatry, as well as tempt weak brethren to go a step further, and directly countenance the supersti- tions of the heathen worship.' The meeting also instructed the faithful in Syria and Cilicia to abstain from " blood and from things strangled," because the Jewish converts had been ac- ' " Since the eating of such food, as Paul expressly teaches (i Cor. x. 19, 33), was not sinful in itself, and yet to be avoided out of tenderness to those who thought it so, the abstinence here recommended must be understood in the same manner." — Alexander on the Acts, ii. 84. THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. 79 customed from infancy to regard aliment of this description with abhorrence, and they could scarcely be expected to sit at meat with parties who partook of such dishes. Though the use of them might be lawful, it was, at least for the present, not expedient ; and on the principle that, whether we eat, or drink, or whatever we do, we should do all to the glory of God, the Gentile converts were admonished to remove them from their tables, that no barrier might be raised against social or ecclesiastical communion with their brethren of the seed of Abraham. It was high time for the authoritative settlement of a ques- tion at once so perplexing and so delicate. It already threat- ened to create a schism in the Church ; and the agitation, which had commenced before the meeting of the council, was not immediately quieted. When Peter visited Antioch shortly afterward, he at first triumphed so far over his prejudices as to sit at meat with the converts from paganism ; but when certain sticklers for the law arrived from Jerusalem, " he with- drew, and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision." ' The " decree " of the apostles and elders un- doubtedly implied the lawfulness of eating with the Gentiles, but it contained no express injunction on the subject, and Peter, who was now about to " go unto the circumcision," * and who was, therefore, most anxious to conciliate the Jews, may have pleaded this technical objection in defence of his inconsistency. It is said that others, from whom better things might have been expected, followed his example, " insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimula- tion." ' But, on this critical occasion, Paul stood firm ; and his bold and energetic remonstrances appear to have had the efifect of preventing a division which must have been most detrimental to the interests of infant Christianity. ' Gal. ii. 12. " Gal. ii. 9. ' Gal. ii. 13. CHAPTER VI. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE GOSPEL INTO EUROPE, AND THE MINISTRY OF PAUL AT PHILIPPI. After the Council of Jerusalem, the Gospel continued it? prosperous career. When Paul had remained for some time at Antioch, where he returned with the deputation, he set out to visit the Churches of Syria and Cilicia ; and then travelled through Lycaonia, Galatia, and some other portions of Asia Minor. He was now directed, by a vision,' to pass over into Greece; and about the spring of A.D. 52, or twenty-one years after the crucifixion, Europe was entered, for the first time, by the Apostle of the Gentiles. Paul commenced his minis- try in this new sphere of labor by announcing the great salva- tion to the inhabitants of Philippi, a city of Macedonia, and a Roman colony.* Nearly a century before, two powerful factions, contending for the government of the Roman world, had converted this district into a theatre of war; and two famous battles, which issued in the overthrow of the Republic, had been fought in the neighborhood. The victor had rewarded some of his veterans by giving them possessions at Philippi. The Chris- tian missionary entered, as it were, the suburbs of the great metropolis of the West, when he made his appearance in this military colony ; for, it had the same privileges as the towns of Italy,' and its inhabitants enjoyed the status of Roman ' Acts xvi. 9. ' Acts xvi. 12. * " The Jus Italicitm raised provincial land to the same state of immu- nity from taxation which belonged to land in Italy." — Conybeare and Howson, i. 302, note. (80) PAUL AT PHILIPPI. 8 1 citizens. Here he now originated a spiritual revolution which eventually changed the face of Europe. The Jews had no synagogue in Philippi ; but, in places such as this, where their numbers were few, they were wont, on the Sabbath, to meet for worship by the side of some river in which they could con- veniently perform their ablutions ; and Paul accordingly re- paired to the banks of the Gangitas,' where he expected to find them assembled for devotional exercises. A small ora- tory, or house of prayer, seems to have been erected on the spot ; but the little society connected with it must have been particularly apathetic, as the apostle found only a few females in attendance. One of these was, however, the first-fruits of his mission to the Western continent. Lydia, a native of Thyatira, and a seller of purple, — a species of dye for which her birthplace had acquired celebrity, — was the name of the convert ; and though the Gospel may already have made some progress in Rome, yet so far as direct historical testimony is concerned, this woman has the best claim to be recognized as the mother of European Christianity. It is said that she " worshipped God," ' that is, though a Gentile, she had been proselyted to the Jewish faith ; and the history of her conver- sion is given by the evangelist with remarkable clearness and simplicity. " The Lord opened her heart that she attended unto the things that were spoken of Paul." ' When she and her family were baptized, she entreated the missionaries to " come into her house and abide there " during their sojourn in the place ; and, after some hesitation, they accepted the proffered hospitality. Another female acts a conspicuous part in connection with this apostolic visit. " It came to pass," says Luke, " as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of div- ination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying : the same followed Paul and us, and cried, say- ing. These men are the servants of the Most High God, which show unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days." * Daemons may have the power of discerning ' Not the Strymon. See Conybeare and Howson, i. 316. ' Acts xvi. 14. ' Acts xvi. 14. ^ Acts xvi.i6-i8. 6 82. PAUL AT PHILIPPI. certain classes of future events with the quickness of intui- tion ;' and if, as the Scriptures testify, they have sometimes entered into human bodies, we can well understand how the individuals thus possessed have obtained credit for divination. In this way the damsel mentioned by the evangelist may have acquired her celebrity. We can not explain how disembodied spirits maintain intercourse ; but it is certain that they pos- sess means of mutual recognition, and that they can be im- pressed by the presence of higher and holier intelligences. And as the approach of a mighty conqueror spreads dismay throughout the territory he invades, so when the Son of God appeared on earth, the devils were troubled at His presence, and, in the agony of their terror, proclaimed His dignity.^ Some influence of an analogous character operated on this Pythoness. The arrival of the missionaries in Philippi alarmed the powers of darkness, and the damsel, under the pressure of an impulse which she found it impossible to resist, told their commission. But neither the apostles, nor our Lord, cared for credentials of such equivocal value. As this female fol- lowed the strangers through the streets, and in a loud voice announced their errand to the city, " Paul being grieved, turned and said to the Spirit, I command thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her, and he came out the same hour."* The unbelieving Jews had hitherto been the great perse- cutors of the Church ; but now, for the first time, the apostles encountered opposition from another quarter ; and the expul- sion of the spirit from the damsel evoked the hostility of this new advcrssir)\ When the masters of the Pythoness " saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the market-place unto the rulers."* We here discover one great cause of the sufferings afterward ' They may have perceptive powers of which we can form no conception, and may thus discern the apjjroach of particular events as distinctly as we can now calculate the ebb and flow of the tides, or the eclipses of the sun and moon. ' Matt. viii. 28, 29; Mark i. 24, 25 ; Luke iv. 34, 35. • Acts xvi. 18. * Acts xvi. 19. PAUL AT PHILIPPI. 83 endured by the disciples of our Lord under the government of the pagan emperors. The Jews were prompted by mere bigotry to display hatred to the Gospel, but the Gentiles were generally guided by the still more ignoble principle of selfish- ness. Many of the heathen multitude cared little for their idolatrous worship ; but all who depended for subsistence on the prevalence of superstition, such as the image-makers, the jugglers, the fortune-tellers, and a considerable number of the priests,' were dismayed and driven to desperation by the prog- ress of Christianity. They saw that, with its success, " the hope of their gains was gone "; and, under pretence of zeal for the public interest, and for the maintenance of the " law- ful " ceremonies, they labored to intimidate and oppress the adherents of the new doctrine. The appearance of the missionaries at Philippi must have created a profound sensation, as otherwise it is impossible to account for the tumult which occurred. The " masters " of the damsel possessed of the " spirit of divination," no doubt, took the initiatory step in the movement ; but had not the public mind been in some degree prepared for their appeals, they could not have induced all classes of their fellow-citizens so soon to join in the persecution. " The multitude rose up together " at their call ; the duumviri, or magistrates, rent off the clothes of the apostles with their own hands, and com- manded them to be scourged ; the lictors " laid many stripes upon them "; they were ordered to be kept in close confine- ment ; and the jailer exceeded the exact letter of his instruc- tions by thrusting them '' into the inner prison," and by mak- ing " their feet fast in the stocks." ^ The power of Imperial Rome arrayed itself against the preachers of the Gospel, and distinctly gave note of warning of the approach of that long night of affliction throughout which the Church was yet to struggle. If the proceedings of the missionaries, before their commit- ' In some parts of the empire magistrates and men of rank acted gratui- tously, but a large portion of the priests subsisted on the emoluments of office. ^ Acts xvi. 24. 84 PAUL AT PHILIPPI. tal to prison, produced ^ ferment, it is clear that the circum- stances attending their incarceration were not calculated to abate the excitement. It soon appeared that they had sources of enjoyment which no human authority could either destroy or disturb ; for as they lay in the pitchy darkness of their dungeon with their feet compressed in the stocks, their hearts overflowed with divine comfort. " At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises imto God: and the prisoners heard them." ' What was the wonder of the other inmates of the jail, as these sounds fell upon their ears ! Instead of a cry of distress issuing from " the inner prison," there was the cheerful voice of thanksgiving ! The apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer in the service of Christ. The King of the Church sympathized with His oppressed saints, and speedily vouchsafed to them most wonderful tokens of encouragement. Scarcely had they finished their song of praise when it was answered by a very significant re- sponse, proclaiming that they were supported by a power which could crush the might of Rome. " Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed." It is not improbable that the mind of the jailer had already been ill at ease. He must have heard of the extraordinary history of the damsel with the spirit of divination who an- nounced that his prisoners were the servants of the Most High God, and that they showed unto men the way of salvation. Rumor had supplied him with some information in reference to their doctrines ; and during even his short intercourse with Paul and Silas in the jail, he may have been impressed by much that he noticed in their spirit and deportment. But he had meanwhile gone to rest, and he remained asleep until roused by the noise and tremor of the earthquake. When he awoke and saw " the prison doors open," he was in a paroxysm of alarm ; and concluding that the prisoners had escaped, and that he might expect to be punished capitally for neglect of duty, he resolved to anticipate such a fate, and snatched his ' Acts xvi. 25. ' Acts xvi. 26. PAUL AT PHILIPPI. 85 sword to commit suicide. At this moment, a voice issuing from the dungeon where the missionaries were confined, dis- pelled his fears as to the prisoners, and arrested him almost in the very act of self-murder. " Paul cried with a loud voice, saying. Do thyself no harm, for we are all here." ' These words instantaneously directed the thoughts of the unhappy man into another channel, and awakened feelings which had hitherto been comparatively dormant. The conviction flashed upon his conscience that the strangers whom he had so re- cently thrust into the inner prison were no impostors ; that they had, as they alleged, authority to treat of matters infi- nitely more important than any of the passing interests of time ; that they had, verily, a commission from Heaven to teach the way of eternal salvation ; and that he and others, who had taken part in their imprisonment, had acted most iniquitously. For what could be more evident than that the apostles were the servants of the Most High God ? When everything around them was enveloped in the gloom of mid- night, they were able to tell what was passing all over the prison. How strange that, when the jailer was about to kill himself, a voice should issue from a different apartment, say- ing, " Do thyself no harm ! " How strange that the very man whose feet, a few hours before, had been made fast in the stocks, should be the giver of this friendly counsel ! And how extraordinary that, during the very first night of his im- prisonment, the bands of all the inmates were loosed, and that the building was made to rock to its foundations ! Did not the earthquake indicate that He, whom the apostles served, was able to save and to destroy? When the jailer thought on these things, well might he be paralyzed with fear, and be- lieving that the apostles alone could tell him how to obtain relief from the anxiety which oppressed his spirit, no wonder that " he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, ' Acts xvi. 28. " By a singular historical coincidence, this very city ot Philippi, or its neighborhood, had been signaHzed within a hundred years, not only by the great defeat of Brutus and Cassius, but by the suicide of both, and by a sort of wholesale self-destruction on the part of their adher- ents."— Alexander on the Acts, ii. 122, 123. 86 PAUL AT PHILIPPI. and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved ? " ' The missionaries were prepared with a decisive reply to this earnest inquiry, and no doubt their answer took the jailer by surprise. He expected to be called upon to do something, either to propitiate the apostles themselves, or to turn away the wrath of the God of the apostles. It is obvious, from the spirit which he manifested, that, to obtain peace of conscience, he was ready to go very far in the way of self-sacrifice — to part with his property, or to imperil his life, or, perhaps, to give " the fruit of his body for the sin of his soul." What, then, was his astonishment when he found that the divine mercy so far transcended anything he could have possibly an- ticipated ! With what satisfaction did he listen to the assur- ance that an atonement had already been made, and that the sinner is safe as soon as he lays the hand of faith on the head of the great Sacrifice ! What was his delight when informed that unbelief alone could shut him out from heaven ; that the Son of God had died, the just for the unjust ; and that this almighty Saviour waited to be gracious to — himself ! How must the words of the apostles have thrilled through his soul, as he heard them repeating the invitation, " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." ' The jailer joyfully accepted the proffered Deliverer; and felt that, resting on this Rock of Salvation, he had peace. Though well aware that, by openly embracing the Gospel, he exposed himself to considerable danger, he did not shrink from the position of a confessor. The love of Christ had ob- tained full possession of his soul, and he was quite prepared to suffer in the service of his Divine Master. He took Paul and Silas " the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes, and was baptized, he and all his, straightway ; and when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God, with all his house." ' It is highly probable that the shock of the earthquake was felt beyond the precincts of the jail, and that the events which ' Acts xvi. 29. 30. « Acts xvi. 31. » Acts xvi. 33, 34, PAUL AT PHILIPPI. 87 had occurred there had soon been communicated to the city authorities. We can thus best account for the fact that " when it was day, the magistrates sent the sergeants, saying, Let those men go." * As it is not stated that the apostles had previously entered into any vindication of their conduct, it has been thought singular that they declined to leave the prison without receiving an apology for the violation of their privileges as Roman citizens. But this matter presents no real difficulty. The magistrates had yielded to the clamor of an infuriated mob ; and, instead of giving Paul and Silas a fair opportunity of defence or explanation, had summarily con- signed them to the custody of the jailer. These functionaries were now prepared to listen to remonstrance ; and Paul deemed it due to himself, and to the interests of the Christian Church, to complain of the illegal character of the proceedings from which he had suffered. He had been punished, without a trial ; and scourged, though a Roman citizen.^ Hence, when informed that the duumviri had given orders for the liberation of himself and his companion, the apostle exclaimed : '' They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison, and now do they thrust us out privily ? Nay, verily, but let them come themselves, and fetch us out." * These words, which were immediately reported by the sergeants, or lictors, inspired the magistrates with apprehension, and sug- gested to them the expediency of conciliation. "And they came " to the prison to the apostles, " and besought them, and brought them out, and desired them to depart out of the city." * The missionaries did not, however, leave Philippi until they had another opportunity of meeting with their con- verts. " They went out of the prison, and entered into the house of Lydia, and when they had seen the brethren, they comforted them and departed." ^ ' Acts xvi. 35. "^ Paul says that he was " free bom " (Acts xxii. 28). It was unlawful to scourge a Roman citizen, or even, except in extraordinary cases, to im- prison him without trial. He had also the privilege of appeal to the Em- peror. ' Acts xvi, 37. * Acts xvi. 39. ^ Acts xvi. 40. 88 PAUL AT PHILIPPI. On the whole, Paul and Silas had reason to thank God and take courage, when they reviewed their progress in the first European city which they visited. Though they had met with much opposition, their ministry had been greatly blessed ; and, in the end, the magistrates, who had treated them with such severity, had felt it necessary to apologize. The extra- ordinary circumstances accompanying their imprisonment had made their case known to the whole body of the citizens, and secured a degree of attention to their preaching which could not have been otherwise expected. The Church, now estab- lished at Philippi, contained a number of most generous mem- bers, and Paul afterward gratefully acknowledged the assist- ance he received from them. " Ye have well done," said he, '' that ye did communicate with my afifliction. Now, ye Philippians, know also, that in the beginning of the Gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. For, even in Thessalonica, ye sent once and again unto my necessity." ' ' Phil. iv. 14-16. CHAPTER VII. THE MINISTRY OF PAUL IN THESSALONICA, BEREA, ATHENS, AND CORINTH. A.D. 52 TO A.D. 54. After leaving Philippi, and passing through Amphipolis and ApoUonia, Paul made his way to Thessalonica. In this city there was a Jewish synagogue where he was permitted, for three successive Sabbaths, to address the congregation. His discourses produced a powerful impression ; as some of the seed of Abraham believed, " and, of the devout Greeks, a great multitude, and of the chief women, not a few."^ The unbe- lieving Jews attempted to create annoyance by representing the missionaries as acting " contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying, that there is another king, one Jesus 'V but though they contrived to trouble " the rulers " ' and to " set all the city in an uproar," they did not succeed in preventing the formation of a flourishing Christian community. Paul appeared next in Berea, and, when reporting his success here, the sacred his- torian bears a remarkable testimony to the right of the laity ' Acts xvii. 4. ^ Acts xvii. 7. ' Acts xvii. 8, krapa^av — rovg Tzalaapxag. The name here given to the magistrates {politarchs), does not occur in ancient literature ; but a Greek inscription, on an arch still to be seen at this place, demonstrates the ac- curacy of the sacred historian. This arch supplies evidence that it was erected about the time when the Republic was passing into the Empire, and that it was in existence when Paul preached there. It appears from it that the magistrates of Thessalonica were called politarchs, and that they were seven in number. What is almost equally striking is that three of the names in the inscription are Sopater, Gaius, and Sccundus, the same as those of three of Paul's friends in this district. Conybeare and Howson, i. 360. (89) go PAUL AT ATHENS. to judge for themselves as to the meaning of the Book of In- spiration ; for he states that the Jews of this place " were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily " ' to ascertain the truth of the apostolic doctrine. Paul was now " sent to go as it were to the sea," and soon afterward arrived at Athens. The ancient capital of Attica had long been the literary metropolis of heathendom. Its citizens could boast that they were sprung from a race of heroes ; as their forefathers had nobly struggled for freedom on many a bloody battle-field, and, by prodigies of valor, had maintained their independence against all the might of Persia. Minerva, the goddess of wis- dom, was their tutelary deity. The Athenians, from time im- memorial, had been noted for their intellectual elevation ; and a brilliant array of poets, legislators, historians, philosophers, and orators had crowned their community with immortal fame. Every spot connected with their city was classic ground. Here it was that Socrates had discoursed so sagely ; that Plato had illustrated, with so much felicity and genius, the precepts of his great master ; and that Demosthenes, by addresses of unrivalled eloquence, had roused and agitated the assemblies of his countrymen. As the stranger passed through Athens, artistic productions of superior excellence everywhere met his eye. Its statues, its public monuments, and its temples were models alike of tasteful design and of beautiful workmanship. But there may be much intellectual culture where there is no spiritual enlightenment, and Athens, though so far advanced in civilization and refinement, was one of the high places of pagan superstition. Amidst the splendor of its architectural decorations, as well as surrounded with proofs of its scientific and literary eminence, the apostle mourned over its religious destitution, and " his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry."' On this new scene Paul exhibited his usual activity and earnestness. " He disputed in the synagogue with the Jews, ■ Acts xvii. 1 1. " Acts xvii. i6. PAUL AT ATHENS. 91 and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him."' The Christian preacher soon be- came an object of no Httle curiosity. He was of diminutive stature ; ' he labored under the disadvantages of imperfect vis- ion ; ' and his Palestinian Greek sounded harshly in the ears of those who were accustomed to speak their mother tongue in its Attic purity. But, though his " bodily presence was weak,"^ he speedily convinced those who came in contact with him, that the frail earthly tabernacle was the habitation of a master mind ; and though mere connoisseurs in idioms and pronunciation might designate "his speech contemptible,"^ he riveted the attention of his hearers by the force and im- pressiveness of his oratory. The presence of this extraordi- nary stranger did not remain long unknown to the Athenian literati ; but, when they entered into conversation with him, some of them attempted to ridicule him as an idle talker, whilst others were inclined to denounce him as a dangerous innovator. " Certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the Stoics encountered him ; and some said. What will this babbler say? other some. He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods, because he preached unto them Jesus and the resurrection." ° Upwards of four hundred years before, Soc- rates had been condemned to death by the Athenians as " a setter forth of strange gods,"' and perhaps some of these philosophers hoped to intimidate the apostle by hinting that he was open to the same indictment. But they could not have seriously contemplated a prosecution, as they had themselves no faith in the pagan mythology. They were quite ready to employ their wit to turn the heathen worship into scorn ; and yet they were unable to point out a "more excellent way" of religious service. In Athens, philosophy had demonstrated its utter impotence to do anything effective for the reformation ' Acts xvii. 17, * See Conybeare and Howson, i. 241. ^ See Alford on Acts xiii. 9, and xxiii. i. In a recent publication — Dr. Brown's Horoe Siibsecivce, p. loi — the reader will find some exceedingly ingenious observations on this subject. * 2 Cor. x. 10. ' 2 Cor. x, 10. « Acts xvii. 18. '' 'AdiKfiZ IiUKpuTTjg srepa 6e aaiva daijiovia dacpepuv. — Xefi. A/em. i, 1. 92 PAUL AT ATHENS. of the popular theology ; and its professors had settled down into the conviction that, as the current superstition exercised an immense influence over the minds of the multitude, it was inexpedient for wise men to withhold from it the tribute of outward reverence. The discourses of Paul were very far from complimentary to parties who valued themselves so highly on their intellectual advancement ; for he quietly ignored all their speculations as so much folly ; and, whilst he propounded his own system with the utmost confidence, he supported it by arguments which they were determined to reject, but unable to overturn. It is clear that they were to some extent under the influence of pique and irritation when they noticed his deviations from the established faith, and applied to him the epithet of "babbler"; but Paul was not the man to be put down either by irony or insult ; and at length it was found necessary to allow him a fair opportunity of explaining his principles. It is accordingly stated that " they took him and brought him unto Mars' Hill, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is, for thou bringest cer- tain strange things to our ears? we would know, therefore, what these things mean," ' The speech delivered by Paul on this memorable occasion has been often admired for its tact, vigor, depth, and fidelity. Whilst giving the Athenians full credit for their devotional feeling, and avoiding any pointed and sarcastic attack on the absurdities of their religious ritual, he contrives to present such an outline of the prominent features of the Christian rev- elation, as must have convinced any candid and intelligent au- ditor of its incomparable superiority, as well to the doctrines of the philosophers as to the fables of heathenism. In the very commencement of his observations he displays no little address. " Ye men of Athens," said he, " I perceive that in every point of view ye are carrying your religious reverence very far; for, as I passed by and observed the objects of your worship. I found an altar with this inscription : To the un- known God — whom, therefore, ye worship, though ye know ' Acts xvii. 19, 20, It is very evident that he was not arraigned before the court of Areopagus, as our English translation indicates. PAUL AT ATHENS. 93 him not, him declare I unto you." ' The existence in this city of inscriptions, such as that here given, is attested by sev- eral other ancient witnesses " as well as Paul ; and the altars thus distinguished were erected when the place was afflicted by certain strange and unprecedented calamities which the deities, already recognized, were admitted to be unable to re- move. The auditors of the apostle could not well be dissatis- fied with the statement that they carried their " religious rev- erence very far," and yet they were scarcely prepared for the reference to this altar by which the observation was illustra- ted ; for the inscription which he quoted contained a most humiliating confession of their ignorance, and furnished him with an excellent apology for proposing to act as their theo- logical instructor. His discourse, which treats of the Being and Attributes of God, was well fitted to win the attention of the polite and in- telligent Athenians. Its reasoning is plain, pertinent, and powerful ; and, whilst adopting a didactic tone and avoiding the language and spirit of controversy, the apostle in every sentence comes into direct collision either with the errors of polytheism or the dogmas of the Grecian philosophy. The Stoics were Pantheists and held the doctrine of the eternity of matter; ' the Epicureans maintained that the universe arose out of a fortuitous concurrence of atoms ; " and, therefore, Paul announced his opposition to both these sects when he declared that " God made the world and all things therein." ' The Athenians boasted that they were of nobler descent than the rest of their countrymen;" and the heathen generally be- ' Acts xvii. 22, 23. This translation obviously conveys the meaning of the original more distinctly than our English version. See Alford, ii. 178; and Conybeare and Howson, i. 406. Mt is a curious fact that the impostor Apollonius, of Tyana, who was the contemporary of the apostle, speaks of Athens as a place " where altars are raised to the rcnknow7t Gods." " Life," by Philostratus, book vi., c. 3. See also Pausanias, Attic, i. 4. ' See Cudworth's " Intellectual System," with Notes by Mosheim, i. 513, III. Edition, London, 1845. * See Mosheim's " Commentaries on the Affairs of the Christians before Constantine," by Vidal, i. 42. ^ Acts xvii. 24. * See Alford on Acts xvii. 26. 94 PAUL AT ATHENS. lieved that each nation belonged to a distinct stock and was under the guardianship of its own pecuHar deities ; but the apostle afifirmed that " God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth." ' The Epicure- ans asserted that the gods did not interfere in the concerns of the human family, and that they were destitute of foreknowl- edge; but Paul here assured them that the great Creator " giveth to all life and breath and all things," and " hath de- termined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation."^ The heathen imagined that the gods inhabited their images ; but, whilst Paul was ready to acknowledge the excellence as works of art of the statues which he saw all around him, he distinctly intimated that these dead pieces of material mechanism could never even faintly represent the glory of the invisible First Cause, and that they were unwor- thy the homage of living and intellectual beings. " As we are the offspring of God," said he, "we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone, graven by art and man's device." ' After having thus borne testi- mony to the spirituality of the I AM THAT I AM, and as- serted His authority as the Maker and Preserver of the world, Paul proceeded to point out His claims as its righteous Gov- ernor. " He hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath or- dained, whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead." ' The pleasure-loving Epicureans refused to believe in a fut- ure state of rewards and punishments, and concurred with the Stoics in denying the immortality of the soul.' Both these parties were prepared to reject the doctrine of a general judg- ment. The idea of the resurrection of the body was quite novel to almost all classes of the Gentiles ; and, when at first propounded to the Athenians, was received by many with doubt and by some with ridicule. " When they heard of the ' Acts xvii. 26. '•' Acts xvii. 25, 26. " Acts xvii. 29. * Acts xvii. 31. ' Cudworth, with Notes by Mosheim, ii. 120, and Mosheim's "Commen- taries," by Vidal, i. 42. PAUL AT CORINTH. 95 resurrection of the dead, some mocked and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter. So Paul departed from among them." ' The frivolous spirit cherished by the citizens of the ancient capital of Attica was exceedingly unfavorable to the progress of the earnest faith of Christianity. " All the Athenians, and strangers which were there, spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing." ° Though they had acquired a world-wide reputation for literary culture, their city continued for several centuries afterward to be one of the strongholds of Gentile superstition. But the labors of Paul were not entirely unproductive. " Certain men clave unto him and believed, among the which was Dionysius the Areop- agite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them." ^ The court of Areopagus, long the highest judicial tribunal in the place, had not even yet 'entirely lost its celebrity ; and the circumstance that Dionysius was connected with it is a proof that this Christian convert was a respectable and influential citizen. He occupied a very high place among the primitive disciples, and the number of spurious writings ascribed to him* show that his name was deemed a tower of strength to the cause with which it was associated. He was long at the head of the Athenian presbyteiy, and survived his conversion forty years, or till the time of the Domitian persecution. ^ From Athens Paul directed his steps to Corinth, where he arrived in the autumn of A.D. 52. Nearly two hundred years before, this city had been completely destroyed ; but after a century of desolation it had been rebuilt ; and, having since rapidly increased, it was now flourishing and populous. As a place of trade, its position near an isthmus of the same name gave it immense advantages ; for it had a harbor on each side, so that it was the central depot of the commerce of the East and West. Its inhabitants valued themselves much on their > Acts xvii. 32. ^ Acts xvii. 21. ' Acts xvii. 34. * These writings, which made their appearance not earlier than the fourth or fifth century, were held in great reputation, particularly by the Mystics, in the Middle Ages. ' Burton's " Lectures," i. 183. 96 PAUL AT CORINTH. attainments in philosophy and general literature ; but, whilst by traffic they had succeeded in acquiring wealth, they had given way to the temptations of luxury and licentiousness. Corinth was at this time one of the most dissolute cities of the Empire. It was the capital of the large province of Achaia, and the residence of the Roman proconsul. Paul, when at Athens, adapted his style of instruction to the character of his auditors, and was thus obliged to occupy much of his time in discussing the principles of natural religion. He endeavored to gain over the citizens by showing them that their views of the Godhead could not stand the test of a vig- orous and discriminating logic, and that Christianity alone rested on a sound philosophical foundation. But the exposi- tion of a pure system of theism had comparatively little in- fluence on the hearts and consciences of these system-builders. Considering the time and skill devoted to its culture, Athens had yielded less spiritual fruit than any field of labor on which he had yet operated. When he arrived in Corinth, he re- solved, therefore, to avoid, as much as possible, mere meta- physical argumentation, and sought rather to stir up sinners to flee from the wrath to come, by pressing home upon them earnestly the peculiar doctrines of revelation. In the first epistle, addressed subsequently to the Church established in this place, he thus describes the spirit in which he conducted his apostolical ministrations. "And I, brethren," says he, " when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God, for I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ aiid him crucified; and my speech and my preaching was, not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demon- stration of the Spirit and of power ; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." * The result demonstrated that the apostle thus pursued the most effective mode of advancing the Christian cause. It might, indeed, have been thought that Corinth was a very ungenial soil for the Gospel, as Venus was the favorite deity ' I Cor. ii. I, 2, 4, 5. PAUL AT CORINTH. 9/ of the place ; and a thousand priestesses, or, in other words, a thousand prostitutes, were employed in the celebration of her orgies.' The inhabitants generally were sunk in the very depths of moral pollution. But the preaching of the Cross produced a powerful impression even in this hotbed of in- iquity. Notwithstanding the enmity of the Jews, who *' op- posed themselves and blasphemed," ^ Paul succeeded in col- lecting here a large and prosperous congregation. " Many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized." ' Most of the converts were in very humble circumstances, and hence the apostle says to them in his first epistle, " Ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called "; * but still a few persons of distinction united themselves to the despised community. Erastus, the chamberlain, or treasurer, of the city, was among the disciples.^ This civic functionary may have joined the Church at a later date ; but, even now, Paul was encouraged by the accession of some remarkable converts. Of these the most conspicuous was Crispus, " the chief ruler of the synagogue/' who, "with all his house," sub- mitted to baptism." About the same time Gaius, an opulent citizen, who rendered good service to the common cause by his Christian hospitality,' openly embraced the Gospel. Two other converts, who are often honorably mentioned in the New Testament, were now likewise added to the infant Church. These were Aquila and Priscilla.' Some have, in- deed, maintained that this couple had been already baptized ; but, on the arrival of Paul in Corinth, Aquila is represented as a Jew'' — a designation not descriptive of his position had he been previously a believer — and therefore the conversion of himself and his excellent partner must have occurred at this period. ' Strabo, lib. viii. vol. i., p. 549 ; Edit. Oxon. 1807. ^ Acts xviii. 6. ' Acts xviii. 8. ' i Cor. i. 26. ^ Rom. xvi. 23. This epistle was written from Corinth. « Acts xviii. 8. ' i Cor. i. 14 ; Rom. xvi. 23. " Acts xviii. 2, 26 ; Rom. xvi. 3 ; i Cor. xvi. 19 ; 2 Tim. iv. 19. ' Acts xviii. 2. 7 98 PAUL AT CORINTH. In this city, as well as in many other places, the apostle supported himself by the labor of his own hands. It was cus- tomary, even for Israelites in easy circumstances, to train up their children to some mechanical employment, so that should they sink into penury, they could still, by manual industry, procure a livelihood.' Paul had been taught the trade of a tent-maker, or manufacturer of awnings of haircloth — articles much used in the East as a protection against the rays of the sun, by travellers and mariners. It was in connection with this occupation that he became acquainted with Aquila and Priscilla. " Because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought.'"' The Jew and his wife had probably a large manufactory, and thus could furnish the apostle with remunerative employment. When under their roof, he did not neglect the opportunities he enjoyed of presenting the Gospel to their attention, and both soon became his ardent and energetic coadjutors in missionary service. The conduct of Paul in working with his own hands, when engaged in the dissemination of the Gospel, is a noble exam- ple of Christian self-denial. He could, it appears, expect lit- tle assistance from the mother church of Antioch ; and had he, in the first instance, demanded support from those to whom he ministered, he exposed himself and his cause to the utmost suspicion. In a commercial city, such as Corinth, he would have been regarded by many as a mere adventurer who had resorted to a new species of speculation in the hope of obtaining a maintenance. His disinterested behavior placed him at once beyond the reach of this imputation ; and his in- tense love to Christ prepared him to make the sacrifice, which the course he thus adopted required. And what a proof of the humility of Paul that he cheerfully labored for his daily bread at the trade of a tent-maker! The Rabbi once admired for his genius and his learning by the most distinguished of ' " Rabbi Judah saith, ' He that teacheth not his son a trade, doth the same as if he taught him to be a thief; and Rablian Gamaliel sTiith, ' He that hath a trade in his hand, to what is he like ? He is like a vineyard that is fenced.' "—See Alfordon Acts, xviii. 3. " Acts xviii. 3. PAUL AT CORINTH. 99 his countrymen — who had sat among the members of the great Sanhedrim — and who might have legitimately aspired to be the son-in-law of the High-Priest of Israel ' — was now content to toil "night and day" at a menial occupation, sit- ting among the workmen of Aquila and Priscilla ! How like to Him who, though He was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, that we, through His poverty, might be rich ! Paul was well aware of the importance of Corinth as a cen- tre of missionary influence. Strangers from the East passed through it on their way to Rome, and travellers from the Western metropolis stopped here on their way to Asia Minor, Palestine, or Syria, so that it was one of the greatest thor- oughfares in the Empire ; and, as a commercial mart, it was second to very few cities in the world. The apostle therefore saw that if a Church could be firmly planted in this busy cap- ital, it would scatter the seeds of truth to all the ends of the earth. " We may thus understand why he remained in Corinth so much longer than in any other place he had yet visited since his departure from Antioch. " He continued there a year and six months, teaching the Word of God among them." ^ He was encouraged by a special communication from Heaven to prosecute his labors with zeal and diligence. " The Lord spake to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace : for I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee, for I have much people in this city." ' Though the ministry of the apostle was attended with such remarkable success, his converts did not all continue to walk worthy of their profession. But if in the Church of this flour- ishing mercantile metropolis there were greater disorders than in perhaps any other of the early Christian communities,' the explanation is obvious. Even in a degenerate age Corinth was notorious for its profligacy; and it would have been indeed marvellous if ex^cesses had not been occasionally committed by some of the members of a religious soci- ' Epiphanius, "Haer," xxx. 16. "^ Acts xviii. 11. ^ Acts xviii 9, 10 * See I Cor. i. 11, and xi, 20, 21 : and 2 Cor. xii. 21 : and xiii. 2. 100 PAUL AT CORINTH. ety composed, to a considerable extent, of reclaimed lib- ertines.' The success of the Gospel in Corinth roused the unbelieving Jews to opposition ; and here, as elsewhere, they endeavored to avail themselves of the aid of the civil power ; but in this in- stance, their appeal to the Roman magistrate was signally un- successful. Gallio, brother of the celebrated Seneca, the phi- losopher, was '' the deputy of Achaia "; ^ and when the bigoted and incensed Israelites " made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment-seat, saying, This fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law" ^ the proconsul turned a deaf ear to the accusation. When the apostle was about to enter on his defence, Gallio in- timated that such a proceeding was quite unnecessary, as the affair did not come within the range of his jurisdiction. " If," said he, " it were a matter of wrong, or wicked lewdness, O ye Jews, reason would that I should bear with you ; but if it be a question of words and names and of your /aw, look ye to it, for I will be no judge of such matters. And he drave them from the judgment-seat."'' On this occasion, for the first time since the arrival of Paul and his brethren in Europe, the mob was on the side of the missionaries, and under the very eye of the proconsul, and without any effort on his part to interfere and arrest their violence, the most prominent of the plaintiffs was somewhat roughly handled. " Then all the Greeks took Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat him be- fore the judgment-seat. And Gallio cared for none of these things." ^ When Paul was at Corinth, and probably in A.l). 53, he wrote his two earliest letters; that is, the First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians. These communications were, therefore, drawn up about twelve months after the original formation of the religious community to which they are addressed. The Thessalonian Church was already fully organized, as the apos- tle here points out to the disciples their duties to those who ' See I Cor. vi. 9-1 1. ^ Acts xviii. 12. ^ Acts xviii. 13. *Acts xviii. 14-16. 'Acts -wiii. 17. PAUL AT CORINTH. lOI labored among them and who were over them in the Lord.' Sev^eral errors had gained currency ; and a letter, announc- ing that the day of Christ was at hand, and purporting to have been penned by Paul himself, had thrown the brethren into great consternation.' The apostle accordingly deemed it nec- essary to interpose, and to point out the dangerous character of the doctrines which had been so industriously promulgated. He now, too, delivered his famous prophecy announcing the revelation of the " Man of Sin" before the second coming of the Redeemer.' Almost all the members of the Thessalonian Church were converted Gentiles," who were still but little ac- quainted with the Jewish Scriptures ; and this is, perhaps, the reason why there is no quotation from the Old Testament in either of these letters. Even the Gospels were not yet written, and hence Paul exhorts the brethren " to hold fast the tradi- tions," or rather " ordinances," ' which they had been taught, "whether by word or his epistle." ° ' I Thess. V. 12, 13. '2 Thess. ii. 2. '2 Thess. ii. 3-12. * I Thess. i. 9. ^ Taf Trapadoaeig. *2 Thess. ii. 15. Paul is here speaking, not of what had been handed down from preceding- generations, but of what had been established by his own apostolic authority, so that the rendering "traditions " in our English version is a peculiarly unhappy translation. CHAPTER VIII. THE CONVERSION OF APOLLOS, HIS CHARACTER, AND THE MINISTRY OF PAUL IN EPHESUS. A.D. 54 TO A.D. 57. The apostle " took his leave " ' of the Corinthian brethren in the spring of A.D. 54, and embarking at the port of Cenchrea, about eight or nine miles distant, set sail for Ephesus. The navigation among the islands of the Archipelago was some- what intricate ; and the voyage not unfrequently occupied from ten to fifteen days."* At Ephesus Paul "■ entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.'" His statements produced a favorable impression, and he was solicited to pro- long his visit ; but as he was on his way to Jerusalem, and anx- ious to be present at the approaching feast of Pentecost, he could only assure them of his intention to return, and then bid them farewell. He left behind him, however, in this great city his two Corinthian converts, Aquila and Priscilla, who carried on with industry and success the work which he had com- menced so auspiciously. Among the first-fruits of their pious care for the spread of Christianity was the famous Apolios, an Alexandrian Jew, who now arrived in the metropolis of the Proconsular Asia. The seed of Abraham in the birthplace of Apolios spoke the Greek language, and occupied a peculiar position. They were free from some of the prejudices of the Jews in Palestine; and, though living in the midst of a heathen population, had advan- tages enjoyed by very few of their brethren scattered elsewhere among the Gentiles. At Alexandria their sumptuous syna- ' Acts xviii. 18. "See Conybeare and Howson, i. 454. ' Acts xviii. 19 (102) APOLLOS. 103 gogues were unequivocal evidences of their wealth ; they con- stituted a large and influential section of the inhabitants ; they had much political power; and, whilst their study of the Greek philosophy had modified their habits of thought, they had ac- quired a taste for the cultivation of eloquence and literature. Apollos, the Jew, "born at Alexandria,'" who became ac- quainted with Aquila and Priscilla, was an educated and accom- plished man. He " was instructed in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knozving only the baptism of John y^ The influence of the preaching of the Baptist is seen in this inci- dental notice ; for though the forerunner of our Saviour had finished his career a quarter of a century, the Alexandrian Jew was only one of many still living witnesses to testify that he had not ministered in vain. In this case John had indeed " pre- pared the way " of his Master, as, under the tuition of Aquila and Priscilla, Apollos was led without difficulty to embrace the Christian doctrine. This pious couple " took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly." ^ Priscilla was no less distinguished than her husband * for intel- ligence and zeal ; and though she was prevented, as much by her native modesty, as by the constitution of the Church," from officiating as a public instructor, she was " apt to teach "; and there must have been something most interesting and im- pressive in her private conversation. How remarkable that one of the ablest preachers of the apostolic age was largely in- debted to a female for his acquaintance with Christian theology ! The accession, at this juncture, of such a convert as Apollos contributed greatly to advance the evangelical cause. The Church of Corinth, in the absence of Paul, much required the services of a minister of superior ability ; and the learned Alexandrian was eminently qualified to promote its edification. He was "an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures."' After sojourning some time at Ephesus, it occurred to him ' Acts xviii. 24. 'Acts xviii. 25. ^ Acts xviii. 26. * She is named before Aquila in Acts xviii. 18 ; Rom. xvi. 3 ; and 2 Tim. iv. 19. ^ I Cor. xiv. 34, 35 ; i Tim. ii. 12. * Acts xviii. 24. 104 PAUL AT EPHESUS. that he should have a more extensive sphere of usefuhiess at Corinth ; and " when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him." ' His friends in Asia had formed no exaggerated idea of his gifts and acquirements. When he reached the Greek capital, he " helped them much which had believed through grace ; for he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publicly, showing by the Scriptures that Jesus was Christ."'' His surpassing rhetorical ability soon proved a snare to some of the hyper- critical Corinthians and tempted them to institute invidious comparison between him and their great apostle. Hence in the first epistle addressed to them, the writer finds it neces sary to rebuke them for their folly and fastidiousness. *' While one saith I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, are ye," says he, " not carnal ? Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man ? I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase." ' When Aquila and Priscilla were at Ephesus expounding *'the way of God more perfectly" to the Jew of Alexandria, Paul was travelling to Jerusalem. Three years before, he had been there to confer with the apostles and elders concerning the circumcision of the Gentiles ; and he had not since visited the holy city. His present stay was short — apparently not extending beyond a few days at the time of the feast of Pen- tecost,— and giving him a very brief opportunity of inter- course with his brethren of the Jewish capital. He then " went down to Antioch " * — a place with which from the commencement of his missionary career he had been more in- timately associated. " After he had spent some time there, he departed and went over all the country of Galatia and Phrygia in order, strengthening all the disciples." " On a former occasion, after he had passed through the same dis- tricts, he had been " forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in (the Proconsular) Asia"; ' but, at this time, the restriction was removed, and in accordance with the promise ' Acts xviii. 27. " Acts xviii. 27, 28. ' i Cor. iii. 4-5. * Acts xviii. 22. ' Acts xviii. 23. ' Acts xvi. 6. PAUL AT EPHESUS. 10$ made to the Jews at Ephesus in the preceding spring, he now- resumed his evangelical labors in that far-famed metropolis. There must have been a strong disposition on the part of many of the seed of Abraham in the place to attend to his instructions, as he was permitted " for the space of three months'' to occupy the synagogue, '' disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God." ' At length, however, he began to meet with so much opposition that he found it expedient to discontinue his addresses in the Jewish meeting-house. " When divers were hardened and believed not. but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he de- parted from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus." "^ This Tyrannus was, prob- ably, a Gentile convert, and a teacher of rhetoric — a depart- ment of education very much cultivated at that period by all youths anxious to attain social distinction. What is here called his " school," was a spacious lecture-room sufficient to accommodate a numerous auditory. About this time the Epistle to the Galatians was written. The Galatians, as their name indicated, were the descendants of a colony of Gauls settled in Asia Minor several centuries before; and, like the French of the present day, were distin- guished by their lively and mercurial temperament. Paul had recently visited their country for the second time,^ and had been received by them with the warmest demonstrations of regard ; but meanwhile Judaizing zealots had appeared among them, and had been only too successful in their efforts to in- duce them to observe the Mosaic ceremonies. The apostle, at Antioch, and at the synod of Jerusalem, had already pro- tested against these attempts ; and subsequent reflection had only more thoroughly convinced him of their danger. Hence he here addresses the Galatians in terms of unusual severity. ' Acts xix. 8. '•' Acts xix. 9. ' That this epistle was written after the second visit appears from Gal. iv. 13. Mr. Ellicott asserts that " the first time " is here the preferable transla- tion of ro wpoTepov, and yet, rather inconsistently, adds, that " no historical conclusions can safely be drawn from this expression alone." See his "Critical and Grammatical Commentary on Galatians," iv. 13. I06 PAUL AT EPHESUS. " I mangel," he exclaims, " that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gos- pel " — " O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you ? " ' At the same time he proves that the sinner is saved by faith alone; that the Mosaic institutions- were designed merely for the childhood of the Church ; and that the disciples of Jesus should refuse to be " entangled " with any such " yoke of bondage."* His epistle throughout is a most emphatic testi- mony to the doctrine of a free justification. Some time after Paul reached Ephesus, on his return from Jerusalem, he made a short visit to Corinth.' He encoun. tered a variety of dangers of which no record is to be found in the Acts of the Apostles ; ' and it is probable that many of these disasters were experienced at this period. Thus, not long after this date, he says, " Thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep." ^ There are good grounds for believing that he now visited Crete, as well as Corinth ; and that these voyages exposed him to the " perils in the sea " which he enumerates among his trials." On his departure from Crete he left Titus behind him to " set in order the things that were wanting, and to ordain elders in every city "; ' and in the spring of A.D. 57 he wrote to the evangelist that brief epistle in which he points out, with so much fidelity and wisdom, the duties of the pastoral office." The silence of Luke respecting this visit to Crete is the less remarkable, as the name of Titus does not once occur in the ' Gal. i. 6, iii. i. * Gal. ii. i6, iv. 1-4, v. i. ' I Cor. xvi. 7 ; 2 Cor. xii. 14, xiii. i. * The Acts take no notice of various parts of his early career as a preacher. Compare Acts ix. 20-26 with Gal. i. 17. ' 2 Cor. xi. 25. " 2 Cor. xi. 26. ' Titus i. 5. * See Titus i. 6-1 1, ii. i, 7, 8, 15, iii. 8-1 1. The reasons assij,Mied in sup- port of a later date for the writing of this epistle arc not at all satisfactory. Paul directs the evanj,'elist (Titus iii. 12) to come to him to Nicopolis, for he had "determined there to winter." This Nicopolis was in Greece, in the province of Achaia, and we know that Paul wintered there A.D. 57- 58, Acts XX. 2, 3. Sec Schaff's " Apostolic Church," i. 390. PAUL AT EPHESUS. I07 book of the Acts, though there is distinct evidence that he was deeply interested in some of the most important transac- tions which are there narrated.' Paul, two years before, had been prevented, as has "been stated, by a divine intimation, from preaching in the district called Asia ; but when he now commenced his ministra- tions in Ephesus, its capital, he continued in that city and its neighborhood longer than in any other place he had yet visited. After withdrawing from the synagogue and resum- ing his labors in the school of Tyrannus, he remained there " by the space of tivo years ; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks." ' Meanwhile the churches of Laodicea, Colosse, and Hierapolis were founded.' The importance of Ephesus gave it a special claim to the attention it now received. Being the metropolis of the district, and the greatest commercial city in the whole of Asia Minor, it was connected by convenient roads with all parts of the interior, and visited by trading ves- sels from the various harbors of the Mediterranean. But, in another point of view, it presented a peculiarly interesting field of missionary labor; for it was, perhaps, the most cele- brated of all the high places of Eastern superstition. Its temple of Artemis, or Diana, was one of the wonders of the world. This gorgeous structure, covering an area of upwards of two acres,* was ornamented with columns, one hundred and twenty-seven in number, each sixty feet high, and each the gift of a king.' Though nearly all open to the sky, part of it was covered and roofed with cedar. The image of the goddess oc- cupied a comparatively small apartment within the magnifi- cent enclosure. This image, said to have fallen down from Jupiter," was not like one of those pieces of beautiful sculpture ' 2 Cor. ii. 13, vii. 6, 13, viii. 6, 16, 23, xii. 18 ; Gal. ii. i, 3. "^ Acts xix. 10. "See Col. iv. 13, 15, 16. These churches were not, however, founded by Paul. See Col. ii. i. * " This was the largest of the Greek temples. The area of the Parthenon at Athens was 7toi one-fourth of that of the temple of Ephesus." — SmitJis Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, Art. Ephesus. ^ Conybeare and Howson, ii. 72. ' Acts xix. 35. I08 PAUL AT EPHESUS. which adorned the Acropolis of Athens, but rather resembled an Indian idol, being an unsightly female form with many breasts, made of wood, and terminating below in a shapeless block:' On several parts of it were engraved mysterious sym- bols, called " Ephesian letters." ^ These letters, when pro- noimced, were believed to operate as charms, and, when writ- ten, were carried about as amulets. To those who sought an acquaintance with the Ephesian magic, they constituted an elaborate study, and many books were composed to expound their significance, and point out their application. About this time the famous Apollonius of Tyana^ was at- tracting uncommon attention by his tricks as a conjuror, and it is not improbable that he now met Paul in Ephesus. If so, we can assign at least one reason why the apostle was prevent- ed from making his appearance at an earlier date in the Asiat- ic metropolis. Men had thus an opportunity of comparing the wonders of the greatest of magicians with the miracles of the Gospel, and of marking the contrast between the vainglory of an impostor, and the humility of a servant of Jesus. The attentive reader of Scripture may observe that some of the most extraordinary of the mighty works recorded in the New Testament were performed at this period, and it is not un- reasonable to conclude that, in a city so much given to jug- glery and superstition, these genuine displays of the power of Omnipotence were exhibited for the express purpose of dem- onstrating the incomparable superiority of the Author of Christianity. " God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that from his body were brought unto the sick hand- kerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them." * The disastrous conse- quences of an attempt, on the part of the sons of a Jewish ' Conybeare and Howson, ii. 73. Minucius Felix, in his Octavius, speaks of Diana as represented " at Ephesus with many distended breasts ranged in tiers." "Conybeare and Howson, ii. 13. ^His Life, written by Philostratus about A.D. 210, is full of lying wonders. His biographer mentions his visit to Ephesus, book iv. I. * Acts xix. II, 12. PAUL AT EPHESUS. 109 priest, to heal the afflicted by using the name of the Lord Jesus as a charm, alarmed the entire tribe of exorcists and magicians. " The man, in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephe- sus, 3.nd fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified." ' The visit of Paul told upon the whole pop- ulation, and tended greatly to discourage the study of the " Ephesian letters." " Many of them also, which used curious arts, brought their books together and burned them before all men ; and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.^ So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed." ^ Some time before the departure of Paul from Ephesus, he wrote the First Epistle to the Corinthians. The latter con- tains internal evidence that it was dictated in the spring of A.D. 57.' The circumstances of the Corinthian disciples at this juncture imperatively required the interference of the apostle. Divisions had sprung up in their community f the flagrant conduct of one member had brought dishonor on the whole Christian name ;" and various forms of error had been making their appearance.' Paul therefore felt it right to address to them a lengthened and energetic remonstrance. This letter is more diversified in its contents than any of his other epistles ; and presents us with a very interesting view of the daily life of the primitive Christians in a great commercial city. It fur- ^ Acts xix. 16, 17. ^ The piece of silver here mentioned was worth about tenpence, s» that the estimated value of the books burned was nearly $10,000. ^ Acts xix. 19, 20. * It was written not long before Paul left Ephesus, and probably about the time of the Passover, i Cor. v. 7, xvi. 5-8. ^ I Cor. i. T I . " I Cor. v. i . ^ I Cor. XV. 12. This passage supplies evidence that errorists very soon made their appearance in the Christian Church, and furnishes an answer to those chronologists who date all the Pastoral Epistles after Paul's release from his first imprisonment, on the ground that the Gnostics had no exist- ence at an earlier period. no PAUL AT EPHESUS. nishes conclusive evidence that the Apostolic Church of Corinth was — not the paragon of excellence which the ardent and un- reflecting have often pictured in their imaginations — but a community compassed with infirmities, and certainly not ele- vated, in point of spiritual worth, above some of the more healthy Christian congregations of the nineteenth century. Shortly after this letter was transmitted to its destination, Ephesus was thrown into a ferment by the riotous proceedings of certain parties who had an interest in the maintenance of the pagan superstition. Among those who derived a subsist- ence from the idolatry of its celebrated temple were a class of workmen Avho "made silver shrines for Diana/" that is, who manufactured little models of the sanctuary and of the image which it contained. These models were carried about by the devotees of the goddess in processions, and set up, in private dwellings, as household deities.'' The impression produced by the Christian missionaries in the Asiatic metropolis had affect- ed the traffic in such articles, and those who were engaged in it began to apprehend that their trade would be ultimately ruined. An individual, named Demetrius, who appears to have been a master-manufacturer, did not find it difficult, un- der these circumstances, to collect a mob, and to disturb the peace of the city. Calling together the operatives of his own establishment, " with the workmen of like occupation," ' he said to them, " Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth. Moreover, ye see and know that not alone at Ephe- sus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods which are made with hands — so that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worship- peth." * This address did not fail to produce the effect con- templated. A strong current of indignation was turned against the missionaries, and the craftsmen, with shouts of uproar, supported the credit of their tutelary guardian. They were ' Acts xix. 24. ^ Conybeare and Hovvson, ii. 74. ' Acts xix, 25. ♦ Acts. xix. 25-27. PAUL AT EPHESUS. Ill " full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians." ' This proceeding took place in the month of May, and at a time when public games were celebrated in honor of the Ephesian goddess,^ so that a large concourse of strangers now thronged the metropolis. An immense crowd rapidly collected ; the whole city was filled with confusion ; and the lives of the Christian preachers were in danger ; for the mob caught " Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel," and " rushed with one accord into the theatre." ^ This edifice, the largest of the kind in Asia Minor, was capable of containing thirty thousand persons.* As it was sufificiently capacious to accommodate the multitudi- nous assemblage, and the building in which public meetings of the citizens were usually convened, it was now quickly occu- pied. Paul was at first prompted to enter it, and to plead his cause before the excited throng ; but some of the magistrates, or, as they are called by the evangelist, " certain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring him that he would not adventure himself " in such a position. * These Asiarchs were persons of exalted rank who presided at the celebration of the public spectacles. The apostle was in very humble circumstances, for even in Ephesus he continued to work at the occupation of a tent-maker ; * and it is no mean testimony to his worth that he had secured the esteem of such high functionaries. It was quickly manifest that any attempt to appease the crowd must be in vain. A Jew, named Alex- ander, who seems to have been one of the craftsmen, and, per- haps, the same who is elsewhere distinguished as the " copper- ' Acts xix. 28. * See Conybeare and Howson, ii. 79-81. ' Acts xix. 29. * See Hackett's "Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles," p. 273. ^ Acts xix. 31. « Acts XX. 34. The Asiarchs " derived their title from the name of the province, as the corresponding officers in Cyprus, Syria, and Lydia, were called Cypriarchs, Syriarchs, Lydiarchs. Those of Asia are said to have been ten in number As the games and sacrifices over which these Asiarchs presided, were provided at their own expense, they were always chosen from the richest class, and may be said to represent the highest rank of the comvc\\xn\\-^ ." —Alexander on the Acts, ii. 210. 112 PAUL AT EPHESUS. smith," ' made an effort to address them, probably with the view of showing that his co-religionists were not identified with Paul ; but when the mob perceived that he was of the seed of Abraham, they took it for granted that he was no friend to the manufacture of their silver shrines ; and his appearance was the signal for increased uproar. " When they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice, about tJte space of two hours, cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.'" At length the town-clerk, or recorder, of Ephesus, contrived to obtain a hearing ; and, by his prudence and address, succeeded in put- ting an end to this scene of confusion. He told his fellow- townsmen that, if Paul and his companions had transgressed the law, they were amenable to punishment ; but that, as their own attachment to the worship of Diana could not be dispu- ted, their present tumultuary proceedings only injured their reputation as orderly and loyal citizens. " We are in danger," said he, " to be called in question for this day's uproar, there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this con- course." ^ The authority of the speaker imparted additional weight to his suggestions, the multitude quietly dispersed, and the missionaries escaped unscathed. Even this tumult supplies evidence that the Christian preachers had already produced an immense impression in the Asiatic metropolis. No more decisive test of their success could be adduced than that here furnished by Demetrius and his craftsmen ; for a lucrative trade connected with the estab- lished superstition was beginning to languish. The silver- smiths, and other interested operatives, were obviously the instigators of all the uproar; and yet they could not reckon upon the undivided sympathy even of the crowd they had congregated. " Some cried one thing, and some another, for the assembly was confused, and the more part knew not where- ' 2 Tim. iv. 14. ' Acts xix. 34. According to the ideas of the heathen, this unintermitted cry was, in itself, an act of worship ; and hence we may understand why it was so long continued, but it is surely a notable example of " vain repeti- tions." See Hackett, p. 275. ^ Acts xix. 40. PAUL AT EPHESUS. 113 fore they were come together." ' A number of the Asiarchs were decidedly favorable to the apostle and his brethren ; and when the town-clerk referred to their proceedings his tone was apologetic and exculpatory. '* Ye have," said he, " brought hither these men who are neither profaners of temples,^ nor yet blasphemers of your goddess." ^ But here we see the real cause of much of that bitter persecution which the Christians endured for the greater part of three centuries. The craft of the image-makers was in danger; the income of the pagan priests was at stake ; the secular interests of many other parties were more or less affected ; and hence the new religion encountered such a cruel and obstinate opposition. ' Acts xix. 32. 2 Our English version, " robbers of churches," is obviously incorrect. The Revised version of the New Testament reads, " robbers of temples." * Acts xix. 2)7 • It is plain from this passage that the apostle, when refer- ring to the Gentile worship, avoided the use of language calculated to give unnecessary offence. CHAPTER IX. PAUL'S EPISTLES; HIS COLLECTION FOR THE POOR SAINTS AT JERUSALEM ; HIS IMPRISONMENT THERE AND AT C^SAREA AND ROME. A.D. 57 to A.D. 63. Paul had determined to leave Ephesus at Pentecost/ and as the secular games, at which the Asiarchs presided, took place during the month of May, the disorderly proceedings of Demetrius and the craftsmen, which occurred at the same period, did not greatly accelerate his removal. Soon after- ward, however, he " called unto him the disciples, and em- braced them, and departed to go into Macedonia." ' When he reached that district, he was induced to enter on new scenes of missionary enterprise ; and now, " round about unto Illyri- cum," he " fully preached the Gospel of Christ." ' Shortly before, Timothy had returned from Greece to Ephesus,' and when the apostle took leave of his friends in that metropolis, he left the evangelist behind him to protect the infant Church against the seductions of false teachers.'' He now addressed the first epistle to his " own son in the faith," * and thus also sup- plied to the ministers of all succeeding generations the most precious instructions on pastoral theology.' Soon afterward ' I Cor. xvi. 8. ^ Acts xx. i. ° Rom. xv. 19. ' See Acts xix. 22. ° i Tim. i. 3. " i Tim. i. 2. ' According to the chronology adopted in our English Bible, all the Pas- toral Epistles were written after Paul's release from his first imprisonment, and this theory has recently been strenuously advocated by Conybeare and Howson, Alford, and Ellicott ; but their reasonings are exceedingly unsatis- factory. For, I. The statement of Conybeare and Howson that " the three (114) PAUL'S EPISTLES. II5 he wrote the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. This letter throws much light on the private character of Paul, and en- ables us to understand how he contrived to maintain such a firm hold on the affections of those among whom he minis- tered. Though he uniformly acted with great decision, he was singularly amiable and gentle, as well as generous and warm-hearted. No one could doubt his sincerity ; no one could question his disinterestedness ; no one could fairly com- plain that he was harsh or unkind. In his First Epistle to the Corinthians he had been obliged to employ strong language when rebuking them for their irregularities; but now they ex- hibited evidences of repentance, and he is most willing to forget and forgive. In his Second Epistle to them he enters into many details of his personal history unnoticed elsewhere in the New Testament,' and throughout displays a most loving and conciliatory spirit. He states that, when he dictated his former letter, it was far from his intention to wound their epistles were nearly contemporaneous with each other " is a mere assertion resting on no solid foundation ; as resemblance in style, especially when all the letters were dictated by the same individual, can be no evidence as to date. n. There is direct evidence that heresies, such as those described in these epistles, existed in the Church long before Paul's first imprisonment. See I Cor. iii. 18, 19, xv. 12 ; 2 Cor. xi. 4, 13-15, 22, compared with i Tim_ i. 3, 7. in. The early Churches were very soon organized, as appears from Acts xiv. 23 ; I Thess. v. 12, 13 ; so that the state of ecclesiastical organi- zation described in the First Epistle to Timothy and the Epistle to Titus is no proof of the late date of these letters. IV. But the grand argument in support of the early date, and one with which the advocates of the later chronology have never fairly grappled, is derived from the fact that Paul never was in Ephesus after the time mentioned in Acts xx. When he wrote to Timothy he intended shortly to return thither. See i Tim. i. 3, iii. 14, 15. It is evident that when the apostle addressed the elders of Ephesus (Acts XX. 25) and told them they should "see his face no more," he con- sidered himself as speaking prophetically. It is clear, too, that his words were so understood by his auditors (Acts xx. 38), and that the evangelist who wrote them down several years afterward was still under the same impression. I agree, therefore, with Wieseler, and others, in assigning an early date to the First Epistle to Timothy and the Epistle to Titus. 1 2 Cor. xi. 9, 24-28, 32, 33, xii. 2, 7-9. The Second Epistle to the Co- rinthians was written late in a.d. 57. Il6 PAUL'S EPISTLES. feelings, and that it was with the utmost pain he had sent them such a communication. " Out of much affliction, and anguish of heart,'' said he, " I wrote unto you tinth many tears, not that ye should be grieved, but that ye might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you." ' The Corin- thians could not have well resented an advice from such a correspondent. When Paul had itinerated throughout Macedonia and Illy- ricum " he came into Greece,* and there abode three months." ' He now visited Corinth for the third time; and, during his stay in that city, dictated the Epistle to the Romans.'' At this date, a Church " spoken of throughout the whole world " ' had been formed in the great metropolis ; some of its mem- bers were the relatives of the apostle ;° and others, such as Priscilla and Aquila,' had been converted under his ministry. As he himself contemplated an early visit to the far-famed city,^ he sent this letter before him, to announce his intentions, and to supply the place of his personal instructions. The Epistle to the Romans is a precious epitome of Christian theology. It is more systematic in its structure than any other of the writings of Paul ; and being a very lucid expo- sition of the leading truths taught by the inspired heralds of the Gospel, it remains an emphatic testimony to the doctrinal defections of the religious community now bearing the name of the Church to which it was originally addressed. The apostle had been recently making arrangements for another visit to Jerusalem ; and he accordingly left Greece in the spring of A.D. 58 ; but the malignity of his enemies obliged him to change his plan of travelling. " When the Jews laid wait for him as he was about to sail " from Cen- chrea, the port of Corinth, " into Syria," he found it expedi- ent "to return through Macedonia."' Proceeding, therefore, to Philippi,'" the city in which he had commenced his Euro- ' 2 Cor. ii. 4. ' ur rr]v 'Y.'k'kMa, i.e., Achaia. ' Acts XX. 2, 3. * Rom. xvi. i, 2, 23. ' Rom. i. 8. " Rom. xvi. 7, 1 1. ' Rom. xvi. 3. ' Acts xix. 21 ; Rom, i. 10, 11, xv. 23, 24. • Ads XX. 3. '" Acts XX. 6, PAULS JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM. 11/ pean ministry, he passed over to Troas ; ' and then continued his journey along the coast of Asia Minor. On his arrival at Miletus " he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the Church ; and when they were come to him " he delivered to them a very pathetic pastoral address, and bade them farewell.' At the conclusion, " he kneeled down and prayed with them all, and they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck, and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake that they should see his face no more : and they accom- panied him unto the ship." ^ He now pursued his course to Jerusalem, and after various delays, arrived at Caesarea. There, says Luke, " we entered into the house of Philip, the evangelist, which was one of the seven, and abode with him."* In Caesarea, as in other cities through which he had already passed, he was told that bonds and af^ictions awaited him in the place of his destination ;' but he was not thus deterred from pursuing his journey. " When he would not be per- suaded," says the sacred historian, " we ceased, saying. The will of the Lord be done, and after those days, having packed up, ° we went up to Jerusalem." ' The apostle and his com- panions reached the holy city about the time of the feast of Pentecost. Paul was well aware that there were not a few, even among the Christians of Palestine, by whom he was regarded with jealousy or dislike ; and he had reason to believe that the agitation for the observance of the ceremonial law, which had disturbed the Churches of Galatia, had been promoted by the zealots of the Hebrew metropolis. But he had a strong at- tachment to the land of his fathers ; and he felt deeply inter- ested in the well-being of his brethren in Judea. They were generally in indigent circumstances ; for, after the crucifixion, ' Acts XX. 6. ' Acts XX. 17-35. ^ Acts xx. 36-38. * Acts xxi. 8. '' Acts xx. 23, xxi. 10, 11. ^ kTriGKEvaaafiEvoi. — the reading adopted by Lachmann and others. The word " carriages " used in the authorized version for baggage or luggage, is now unintelligible to the English reader. The word " carriage " is also used in our translation in Judges xviii. 21, and I Sam. xvii. 22, for something to be carried. ' Acts xxi. 15. Il3 THE COLLECTION FOR THE POOR SAINTS. when the Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost, those of them who had property " sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need "; ' and, ever since, they had been harassed and persecuted by their unbelieving countrymen. *' The poor saints " in Jerusalem * had, therefore, peculiar claims on the kind consideration of the disciples in other lands ; and Paul had been making col- lections for their benefit among their richer co-religionists in Greece and Asia Minor. A considerable sum had been thus provided ; and that there might be no misgivings as to its right appropriation, individuals chosen by the contributors had been appointed to travel with the apostle, and to convey it to Jerusalem.' The number of the deputies was seven, namely, " Sopater of Berea ; and of the Thessalonians, Aris- tarchus and Secundus ; and Gains of Derbe, and Timotheus ; and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus." ^ The apostle knew that he had enemies waiting for his halting ; and as they would willingly have seized on any apology for accusing him of tampering with this collection, he deemed it prudent to put it into other hands, and thus place himself above challenge. But he had a farther reason for suggesting the appointment of these commissioners. He was desirous to present before his brethren in Judea a specimen of the men who constituted " the first-fruits of the Gentiles "; and as all the deputies se- lected to accompany him to Jerusalem were persons of an excellent spirit, he reckoned that their wise and winning behavior would do much to disarm the hostility of those who had hitherto contended so strenuously for the observance of the Mosaic ceremonies. Solomon has said that " a man's gift makcth room for him "; ' and if Gentile converts could ever expect a welcome reception from those who were zealous for the law, it was surely when they appeared as the bearers of the liberality of the Gentile Churches. When the apostle and his companions reached the Jewish capital, " the brethren received them gladly." " Paul was, ' Acts ii. 45. " Rom. xv. 26. ' i Cor. x.i. 3 ; 2 Cor. viii. 19. * Acts XX. 4. ' Prov. xviii. 16. " Acts xxi. 17. PAUL AT JERUSALEM. II9 however, given to understand that, as he was charged with encouraging the neglect of the Mosaic ceremonies, he must be prepared to meet a large amount of prejudice ; and he was accordingly recommended to endeavor to pacify the multitude by giving some public proof that he himself " walked orderly and kept the law." ' Acting on this advice, he joined with four men who had on them a Nazaritic vow ; ^ and, " purifying himself with them, entered into the temple." ^ When there, he was observed by certain Jews from Asia Minor, who had become acquainted with his personal appearance during his residence in Ephesus ; and as they had before seen him in the city with Trophimus, one of the seven deputies and a convert from paganism, whom they also knew,* they immediately con. eluded that he had now some Gentile companions along with him, and that he was encouraging the uncircumcised to pollute with their presence the sacred court of the Israelites. A tu- mult forthwith ensued ; the report of the defilement of the holy place quickly circulated through the crowd ; " all the city was moved ";' the people ran together ; and Paul was seized and dragged out of the temple.* The apostle would have fallen a victim to popular fury had it not been for the prompt interference of the officer who had the command of the Roman garrison in the tower of Antonia. This stronghold overlooked the courts of the sanctuary ; and, some of the sentinels on duty ' Acts xxi. 24. * *' It was customary among the Jews for those who had received deliv- erance from any great peril, or who from other causes desired publicly to testify their dedication to God, to take upon themselves the vow of a Naz- arite No rule is laid down (Numb, vi.) as to the time during which this life of ascetic rigor was to continue ; but we learn from the Talmud and Josephus that thirty days was at least a customary period. During this time the Nazarite was bound to abstain from wine, and to suffer his hair to grow uncut. At the termination of the period, he was bound to present himself in the temple, with certain offerings, and his hair was tiien cut off and burnt lapon the altar. The offerings required were beyond the means of the very poor, and consequently it was thought an act of piety for a rich man to pay the necessary expenses, and thus enable his poorer coun- trymen to complete their vow." — Conybeare and Hmvson, ii. 250, 251. ^ Acts xxi. 26. ^ Acts xxi. 29. ^ Acts xxi. 30. * Acts xxi. 30. 120 PAUL AT JERUSALEM. immediately gave notice of the commotion. The chief cap- tain, whose name was Claudius Lysias,' " took soldiers and centurions," and running down to the rioters, arrived in time to prevent a fatal termination of the affray ; for, as soon as the military made their appearance, the assailants " left beating of Paul."' "Then the chief captain came near, and took him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains, and de- manded who he was, and what he had done. And some cried one thing, some another, among the multitude, and when he could not know the certainty for the tumult, he commanded him to be carried into the castle."^ In proceeding thus, the commanding officer acted illegally ; for, as Paul was a Roman citizen, he should not, without a trial, have been deprived of his liberty, and put in irons. But Lysias, in the hurry and confusion of the moment deceived by false information, had been led to believe that his prisoner was an Egyptian, a noto- rious outlaw, who, " before these days," had created much alarm by leading " out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers." ' He was astonished to find that the individual whom he had rescued from such imminent danger was a citizen of Tarsus in Cilicia who could speak Greek ; and as it was now evident that there existed much misapprehen- sion, the apostle was permitted to stand on the stairs of the fortress, and address the multitude. When they saw him pre- paring to make some statement, the noise subsided ; and, " when they heard that he spake to them in the Hebrew tongue " — that is, in the Aramaic, the current language of the country — " they kept the more silence." '' Paul accordingly proceeded to give an account of his early life, of the remarka- ble circumstances of his conversion, and of his subsequent ' Acts xxiii. 26. " Acts xxi. 32. 3 Acts xxi. 33, 34. There were barracks in the tower of Antonia. * Acts xxi. 38. "Assassins is in the original a Greek inflection of the Latin word Sicarii, so called from Sica, a short sword or daj^^ger, and de- scribed by Josephus as a kind of robbers who concealed sliort swords be- neath their garments, and infested Judea in the period preceding the de- struction of Jerusalem." — Alexander on the Acts, ii. 289. ' Acts xxii. 2. PAUL AT C^SAREA. 121 career ; but, when he mentioned his mission to the Gentiles, it was at once apparent that the topic was most unpopular, for his auditors lost all patience. " They gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices and said. Away with such a fellow from the earth, for it is not fit that he should live. And as they cried out, and cast off their clothes, and threw dust into the air, the chief captain commanded him to be brought into the castle." ' The confinement of Paul, which commenced at the feast of Pentecost in A.D. 58, continued about five years. It may be enough to notice the mere outline of his history during this tedious bondage. In the first place, for the purpose of ascer- taining the exact nature of the charge against him, he was confronted with the Sanhedrim ; but when he informed them that " of the hope and resurrection of the dead he was called in question," ' there " arose a dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees " ' constituting the council ; and the chief captain, fearing lest his prisoner " should have been pulled in pieces of them, commanded the soldiers to go down, and to take him by force from among them, and to bring him into the castle."* Certain of the Jews, about forty in number, now entered into a conspiracy, binding themselves " under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul ";' and it was arranged that the bloody vow should be executed when, under pretence of a new examina- tion, he was brought again before the Sanhedrim ; but their proceedings meanwhile became known to the apostle's nephew ; the chief captain received timely information ; and the scheme thus miscarried." Paul, protected by a strong military escort, was now sent away by night to Caesarea ; and, when there, was repeatedly examined before Felix, the Roman magistrate who at this time, under the title of Procurator, had the gov- ernment of Judea. The historian Tacitus says of this im- perial functionary that " in the practice of all kinds of cruelty and lust, he exercised the power of a king with the mind of a ■ Acts xxii. 22-24. 2 Acts xxiii. 6. » Acts xxiii. 7. ^ Acts xxiii. 10, ^ Acts xxiii. 12, 21. ^ Acts xxiii. 16, 23, 30. • 122 PAUL AT C/ESAREA. slave "; ' and it is a remarkable proof, as well of the intrepid faithfulness, as of the eloquence of the apostle, that he suc- ceeded in arresting the attention, and in alarming the fears of this worthless profligate. Drusilla, his wife, a woman who had deserted her former husband,' was a Jewess ; and, as she was desirous to see and hear the great Christian preacher who had been laboring with so much zeal to propagate his prin- ciples throughout the Empire, Paul, to satisfy her curiosity, was brought into her presence. But an interview, designed merely for the amusement of the Procurator and his partner, soon assumed an appearance of the deepest solemnity. As the grave and earnest orator went on to expound the faith of the Gospel, and " as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled." ^ His apprehen- sions, however, soon passed away, and though he was fully convinced that Paul had not incurred any legal penalty, he continued to keep him in confinement, basely expecting to obtain a bribe for his liberation. When disappointed in this hope, he still perversely refused to set him at liberty. Thus, " after two years," when " Porcius Festus came into Felix's room," the ex-Procurator, "willing to show the Jews a pleas- ure, left Paul bound." ' The apostle was soon required to appear before the new Governor. Festus has left behind him the reputation of an equitable judge ; ' and though he was most desirous to secure the good opinion of the Jews, he could not be induced by them to act with palpable injustice. After he had brought them down to Caesarea, and listened to their complaints against the prisoner, he perceived that they could convict him of no violation of the law ; but he proposed to gratify them so far as to have the case reheard in the holy city. Paul, however, well knew that they only sought such an oppor- tunity to compass his assassination, and therefore peremp- > " Per omnem SEevitam ac libidinem jus regium servili ingenio exercuit." — Hist. V. 9. * Josephus' " Antiq." xx. c. 7, §§ i, 2. « Acts xxiv. 25. " Acts xxiv. 27. * See some account of him in Josephus' " Antiq." xx. c. 8, §§ 9, 10. PAUL AT C^SAREA. 1 23 torily refused to consent to the arrangement. "I stand," said he, " at Caesar's judgment-seat, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knowest. For if I be an offender, or have committed anything worthy of death, I refuse not to die ; but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto CcEsary ^ The right of appeal from the decision of an inferior tri- bunal to the Emperor himself was one of the great privileges of a Roman citizen ; and no magistrate could refuse to recog- nize it without exposing himself to condign punishment. There were, indeed, a few exceptional cases of a flagrant char- acter in which such an appeal could not be received ; and Festus here consulted with his assessors to ascertain in what light the law contemplated that of the apostle. They de- cided, however, that he was at perfect liberty to demand a hearing before the tribunal of Nero. " Then," says the evangelist, " when Festus had conferred with the council, he answered, Hast thou appealed unto Caesar ? Unto Caesar shalt thou go." "^ The Procurator was placed in an awkward position; for, when sending Paul to Rome, he was required at the same time to report the crimes imputed to the prisoner ; but the charges were so novel and so frivolous, that he did not well know how to embody them in an intelligible document. Meanwhile King Agrippa and his sister Bernice came to Caesarea *' to salute Festus," ' that is, to congratulate the new Governor on his arrival in the country;. and the royal party expressed a desire to hear what the apostle had to say in his vindication. Agrippa was great-grandson of that Herod who reigned in Judea when Jesus was born in Bethle- hem, and the son of the monarch of the same name whose sudden and awful death is recorded in the twelfth chapter of the Acts. On the demise of his father in A.D. 44, he ' Acts XXV. II. ^ Acts XXV. 12. ' Acts XXV. 13. Festus appears to have been Procurator from the be- ginning of the autumn of A.D. 60 to the summer of A.D. 62. FeHx was re- called A.D. 60. See Conybeare and Howson, Appendix ii. note (C). 124 PAUL AT C.ESAREA. was only seventeen years of age ; and Judea, which was then reduced into the form of a Roman province with Caesarea for its capital, had remained ever since under the gov- ernment of Procurators. But though Agrippa had not been permitted to succeed to the dominions of his father, he had received various proofs of imperial favor; for he had obtained the government, first of the principality of Chalcis, and then of several other districts ; and he had been honored with the title of King.' The Gentile Procura- tors were seldom acquainted with the ritual and polity of Israel ; but as Agrippa was a Jew, and consequently familiar with the customs and sentiments of the native population, he had been intrusted with the care of the temple and its treas- ures, as well as with the appointment of the high-priest. Festus felt that, in the case of Paul, the advice of this visitor should be solicited ; and hoped to obtain from Agrippa some suggestion to relieve him out of his present perplexity. It was accordingly arranged that the apostle should plead his cause in the hearing of the Jewish monarch. The affair created un- usual interest ; the public were partially admitted on the occa- sion ; and rarely or, perhaps, never before, had Paul enjoyed an opportunity of addressing such an influential and brilliant auditory. "Agrippa came, and Bernice, with great pomp, and entered into the place of hearing, with the chief captains, and principal men of the city."' Paul, still in bonds, made his ap- pearance before this courtly throng ; and though a two years' confinement might well have broken the spirit of the prisoner, he displayed powers of argument and eloquence which aston- ished and confounded his judges. The Procurator was quite bewildered by his reasoning, for he appealed to "the promise made unto the fathers," ' and to things which " Moses and the prophets did say should come "; * and as Festus could not ap- preciate the lofty enthusiasm of the Christian orator (for he had never, when at Rome, been accustomed to hear the advo- cates of heathenism plead so earnestly in its defence), he " said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learn- ' Joscphus' " Wars," ii. c. 12, § 8 ; " Antiq." xx. c. 5, § 2. "Acts XXV. 23. "Acts xxvi. 6. * Acts xxvi. 22. PAUL AT C^SAREA. 1 25 ing doth make thee mad." ' But the apostle's self-possession was in nowise shaken by this blunt charge. " I am not mad, most noble Festus," he replied, " but speak forth the words of truth and soberness "; and then, turning to the royal stranger, vigorously pressed home his argument. " King Agrippa," he exclaimed, " believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest." ^ The King, thus challenged, was a libertine ; and at this very time was believed to be living in incestuous inter- course with his sister Bernice; and yet he seems to have been staggered by Paul's solemn and pointed interrogatory. "Almost," said he, " thou persuadest me to be a Christian." " It has been thought by some that these words were uttered with a sneer ; but whatever may have been the frivolity of the Jewish King, they elicited from the apostle one of the noblest rejoinders that ever issued from human lips, " And Paul said, I would to God that riot only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost and altogether such as I am, except these bonds." ' The singularly able defence made by the apostle convinced his judges of the futility of the charges preferred against him by the Sanhedrim. But at this stage of the proceedings it was no longer practicable to quash the prosecution. When Paul concluded his address " the king rose up, and the governor, and Bernice, and they that sat with them. And when they were gone aside, they talked between themselves, saying. This man doeth nothing worthy of death or of bonds. Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Caesar." ^ At first sight it appears extraordinary that so eminent a mis- sionary in the meridian of his usefulness was subjected to so long an imprisonment. But " God's ways are not as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts." When thus, to a great extent, laid aside from official duty, he had ample time to 1 Acts xxiv. 24. * Acts xxvi. 27. ' Acts xxvi. 28. Some translate h oXtyu " in short," instead of " almost." The revised English version reads, " With but little persuasion thou wouldest fain make me a Christian." * Acts xxvi. 29. ^ Acts xxvi. 30-32. 126 PAUL'S IMPRISONMENT. commune with his own heart, and to trace out with adoring wonder the glorious grace and the manifold wisdom of the work of redemption. Having himself partaken largely of afflic- tion, and experienced the sustaining power of the Gospel so abundantly, he was the better prepared to comfort the dis- tressed ; and hence his letters, written at this period, are so full of consolation.' And apart from other considerations, we may here recognize the fulfilment of a prophetic announce- ment. When Paul was converted, the Lord said to Ananias : " He is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel, for I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.'" During his protracted confinement he exhibited alike to Jew and Gentile an illustrious specimen of faith and constancy; and called attention to the truth in many quarters where other- wise it might have remained unknown. Though he was chained to a soldier, he was not kept in very rigorous custody, so that he had frequent opportunities of proclaiming the great salva- tion. He was peculiarly fitted by his education and his geni- us for expounding Christianity to persons moving in the upper circles of society ; and had he remained at liberty he could have gained access very rarely to such auditors. But already, as a prisoner, he had pleaded the claims of the Gospel before no inconsiderable portion of the aristocracy of Palestine. He had been heard by the chief captain in command of the garri- son in the castle of Antonia, by the Sanhedrim, by Felix and Drusilla, by Festus, by King Agrippa and his sister Bernice, and by "the principal men" of both Caesarea and Jerusalem. In criminal cases the appeals of Roman citizens were heard by the Emperor himself, so that the apostle was about to appear as an ambassador for Christ in the presence of the greatest of earth's potentates. Who can tell but that some of that splen- did assembly of senators and nobles who surrounded Nero, when Paul was brought before his judgment-seat, will have ' Eph. vi. 22 ; Phil. ii. 1,2; Col. i. 24, iv. 8 ; Philcm. 7, compared with 2 Cor. i. 3, 4- "Acts ix. 15, 16. PAUL'S SHIPWRECK. 12/ reason throughout all eternity to remember the occasion as the birthday of their blessedness ! The apostle and "certain other prisoners" embarked for Rome in the autumn of A.D. 60. The compass was then un- known ; in weather, " when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared," ' the mariner was without a guide ; and, late in the season, navigation was peculiarly dangerous. The voy- age proved disastrous ; after passing into a second vessel at Myra,* a city of Lycia, Paul and his companions were wrecked on the coast of the island of Malta ; ' when they had remained there three months, they set sail once more in a corn ship of Alexandria, the Castor and Pollux ;'' and at length, in the early part of A.D. 61, reached the harbor of Puteoli," then the great shipping port of Italy. The account of the voyage from Csesarea to Puteoli, as given in the Acts of the Apostles, is one of the most curious passages to be found in the whole of the sacred volume. Some may think it strange that the inspired historian enters so much into details, and the nautical terms which he employs puzzle not a few readers ; but these features of his narrative attest its authenticity and genuineness. No one, who had not himself shared the perils of the scene, could have described with so much accuracy the circumstances of the shipwreck. After the lapse of eighteen hundred years, the references of the evangelist to prevailing winds and cur- ' Acts xxvii. This part of the history of the apostle has been illustrated with singular ability by James Smith, Esq., of Jordanhill, in his " Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul." -Acts xxvii. 5, 6. 'Acts xxviii. i. That Melita is Malta has been conclusively established by Smith in his " Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul." " Dissertation," ii. ■• Acts xxviii. 11. " With regard to the dimensions of the ships of the an- cients, some of them must have been quite equal to the largest merchant- men of the present day. The ship of St. Paul had, in passengers and crew, 276 persons on board, besides her cargo of wheat, and as they were carried on by another ship of the same class, she must also have been of great size. The ship in which Josephus was wrecked contained 600 people." — Smith's "Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul," p. 147. ^Acts xxviii. 13. 128 PAULS SHIPWRECK. rents, to the indentations of the coast, to islands, bays, and harbors, may still be exactly verified. Recent investigators have demonstrated that the sailors, in the midst of danger, displayed no little ability, and that their conduct in " under- girding the ship," ' and in casting " four anchors out of the stern,"" evidenced their skilful seamanship. Luke states that, after a long period of anxiety and abstinence, " about mid- night the shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country," ^ The headland they were approaching is very low, and in a stormy night is said to be invisible even at the dis- tance of a quarter of a mile ; * but the sailors detect the shore by other indications. Even in a storm t/ie roar of breakers can be distinguished from other sounds by the practiced ear of a mariner ; ^ and it can be shown that, with such a gale as was then blowing, the sea still dashes with amazing violence against the very same point of land off which Paul and his companions were that night laboring. In the depth of the water at the place there is another most remarkable coinci- dence. The sailors " sounded and found it tiventy fathoms, and when they had gone a little farther, they sounded, and found it fifteen fathoms."'^ "But what," observes a modern writer, " are the soundings at this point } They are now tiventy fathoms. If we proceed a little farther we ^ndi fifteen fathoms. It may be said that this, in itself, is nothing remarkable. But if we add that the fifteen-fathom depth is in the direction of the vessel's drift (W. by N.) from the twenty-fathom depth, the coincidence is startling." ' It may be stated also that the ' Acts xxvii. 17. " Acts xxvii. 29. " The ancient vessels did not carry, in general, so large anchors as those which we employ; and hence they had often a greater number of them. Athenasus mentions a ship which had eight iron anchors." — Hackett, p. 372. * Acts xxvii. 27. * " When the Lively, frigate, unexpectedly fell in with this very point, the quartermaster on the look-out, who first observed it, states, in his evidence at the court-martial, that, at the distance of a quarter of a vtile, the land could not be seen." — Smith's Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul, pp. 89. 90. ■* Hackett, p. 371. ' Acts xxvii. ' Conybeare and Hovvson, ii. 351. Paul's shipwreck. 129 " creek with a shore"' or sandy beach, and the " place where two seas met,'" and where " they ran the ship aground," may still be recognized in what is now called St. Paul's Bay at Malta.^ Even in the nature of the submarine strata we have a most striking confirmation of the truth of the inspired his- tory. It appears that the four anchors cast out of the stern retained their hold, and it is well known that the ground in St. Paul's Bay is remarkably firm ; for in our English sailing directions it is mentioned that " while the cables hold, there is no danger, as the anchors will never start."* Luke reports that when the ship ran aground, " the forepart stuck fast and remained unmovable"* — a statement which is corroborated by the fact that " the bottom is mud graduating into tenacious clay " ' — exactly the species of deposit from which such a result might be anticipated. When Paul landed at Puteoli, he must have contemplated with deep emotion the prospect of his arrival in Rome. The city to which he now approached contained, perhaps, upwards of a million of human beings.' But the amount of its inhab- itants was one of the least remarkable of its extraordinary dis- tinctions. It was the capital of the mightiest empire that had ever yet existed ; one hundred races speaking one hundred languages were under its dominion;* and the sceptre which ruled so many subject provinces was wielded by an absolute potentate. This great autocrat was the high-priest of heathen- ism— thus combining the grandeur of temporal majesty with the sacredness of religious elevation. Senators and generals, ' Acts xxvii. 39. " Acts xxvii. 41. ' Smith's " Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul," p. 102. * Smith's "Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul," p. 92. ' Acts xxvii. 41. ^ Smith's " Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul," p. 104. ' Conybeare and Howson make the population more than 2,000,000 (li. 376). Merivale reduces it to something less than 700,000 (iv. 520). In Smith's " Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography " it is stated as up- wards of 2,000,000. GresweU makes it about 1,000,000 (" Dissertations," iv. 46.) Dean Milman reckons it from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 ("History of Latin Christianity," i. 23). * Merivale, iv. 391. 9 130 THE CITY OF ROME. petty kings and provincial governors, were all obliged to bow obsequiously to his mandates. In this vast metropolis might be found natives of almost every clime ; some engaged in its trade ; some who had travelled to it from distant countries to solicit the imperial favor ; some, like Paul., conveyed to it as prisoners ; some stimulated to visit it by curiosity ; and some attracted to it by the vague hope of bettering their condition. The city of the Caesars has well been described as " sitting upon many waters "; ' for, though fourteen or fifteen miles from the mouth of the Tiber, the mistress of the world was placed on a peninsula stretching out into the middle of a great inland sea over which she reigned without a rival. In the summer months almost every part of every country along the shores of the Mediterranean sent forth vessels freighted with cargoes for the merchants of Rome." The fleet from Alex- andria laden with wheat for the supply of the city was treated with peculiar honor ; for its ships alone were permitted to hoist their topsails as they approached the shore ; a deputation of senators awaited its arrival ; and, as soon as it appeared, the whole surrounding population streamed to the pier, and observed the day as a general jubilee. But an endless supply of other articles in which the poor were less interested found their way to Rome. The mines of Spain furnished the great capital with gold and silver, whilst its sheep yielded wool of superior excellence ; and, in those times of Roman conquest, slaves were often transported from the shores of Britain. The horses and chariots and fine linen of Egypt, the gums and spices and silk and ivory and pearls of India, the Chian and the Lesbian wines, and the beautiful marble of Greece and Asia Minor, all met with purchasers in the mighty metrop- olis.' As John surveyed in vision the fall of Rome, and as he thought of the almost countless commodities which minis- tered to her insatiable luxury, well might he represent the world's traffic as destroyed by the catastrophe ; and well might he speak of the merchants of the earth as weeping and mourn- ' Rev. xvii. i. * Merivale, iv. 412. ^ Merivale, iv. 414-420. PAUL AT ROME. 131 ing over her, because " no man buyeth their merchandise any more." ' Paul had often desired to prosecute his ministry in the im- perial city; for he knew that if Christianity obtained a firm footing in that great centre of civilization and of power, its influence would soon be transmitted to the ends of the earth ; but he appeared there under circumstances equally painful and discouraging. And yet even in this embarrassing position he was not overwhelmed with despondency. At Puteoli he " found brethren,'"' and through the indulgence of Julius, the centurion to whose care he was committed, he was courteously allowed to spend a week' with the little Church of which they were members. He now set out on his way to the metropolis ; but the intelligence of his arrival had travelled before him, and after crossing the Pomptine marshes, he was delighted to find a number of Christian friends from Rome assembled at Appii Forum to tender to him the assurances of their sympathy and affection. The place was twenty-seven miles from the capital ; and yet, at a time when travelling was so tedious and so irk- some, they had undertaken this lengthened journey to visit the poor, weather-beaten, and tempest-tossed prisoner. At the Three Taverns, ten miles nearer to the city, he met another party of disciples* anxious to testify their attachment to so distinguished a servant of their Divine Master. These tokens of respect and love made a deep impression on the susceptible mind of the apostle; and when he saw the brethren, "he thanked God and took courage." ' The important services he had been able to render on the voyage gave him a claim to particular indulgence ; and accord- ingly, when he reached Rome, and when the centurion deliv- ered the prisoners to the Praetorian Prefect, or the command- er-in-chief of the Praetorian guards,' " Paul was suffered to ' Rev. xviii. 11. ^ Acts xxviii. 14. =* Acts xxviii. 14. * Acts xxviii. 15. ^ Acts xxviii. 15. ^ Called in our English version, " the captain of the guard." The cele- brated Burrus was at this time (a.d. 61) the Praetorian Prefect. Wieseler, p. 393, See also Greswell's "Dissertations," iv. p. 199. 13 2 PAUL AT ROME. dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him." ' But though he enjoyed this comparative liberty, he was chained to his military care-taker, so that his position was still very far from comfortable. And yet even thus he continued his ministry with as much ardor as if he had been without restraint, and as if he had been cheered on by the applause of his genera- tion. Three days after his arrival in the city he " called the chief of the Jews together," * and gave them an account of the circumstances of his committal, and of his appeal to the im- perial tribunal. They informed him that his case had not been reported to them by their brethren in Judea, and then expressed a desire to hear from him a statement of the claims of Christianity. " And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging, to whom he ex- pounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses and out of the prophets, from morning till evening." * His appeals produced a favorable impression on only a part of his audience. " Some believed the things which were spoken and some believed not."* Several years prior to this date a Christian Church existed in the Western metropolis, and at this time there were prob- ably several ministers in the city ; but the apostle now en- tered on a field of labor which had not hitherto been occu- pied. He " dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him — preaching the king- dom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no man forbidding him." ' All this time Paul's right hand was chained to the left hand of a soldier, who was responsible for the safe keeping of his prisoner. The soldiers relieved each other in this duty.* Paul's chain was relaxed at meal-times, and perhaps he was occasionally granted some little additional indulgence; but day and night he and his care-taker remained in close proxim- ity, as the life of the soldier was forfeited should his ward es- cape. We can well conceive that the very appearance of the ' Acts xxviii. i6. ' Acts xxviii. 17. ' Acts xxviii. 23. * Acts xxviii. 24. ' Acts xxviii. 31. " Conybeare and Howson, ii. 296. PAUL AT ROME. 1 33 preacher at this period invited special attention to his minis- trations. He was " Paul the aged." ' He had perhaps passed the verge of three-score years ; and though his detractors had formerly objected to " his bodily presence as weak," ' all would at this time have probably admitted that his aspect was ven- erable. His life had been a career of unabated exertion ; and, though worn down by toils and hardships and imprisonments, his zeal burned with unquenched ardor. As the soldier who kept him belonged to the Praetorian guards, the apostle spent much of his time in the neighborhood of their quarters on the Palatine hill";' and as he was now so conversant with military sights and sounds, we may account for some of the allusions to be found in his epistles written during this confinement. Thus, he speaks of Archippus and Epaphroditus as his " fel- low soldiers "; * and he exhorts his brethren to " put on the whole armor of God," including " the breast-plate of right- eousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit." ' As the indefatigable old man, with the soldier who had charge of him, passed from house to house in- viting attendance on his services, the very appearance of such "yoke-fellows"' created some interest; and, when the con- gregation assembled, who could remain unmoved as the apos- tle stretched forth his chained hand ' and proceeded to ex- pound his message ! The preacher himself thought that the position which he occupied, as " the prisoner of the Lord," " imparted somewhat to the power of his testimony. Hence we find him saying: "I would ye should understand, breth- ren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the Gospel, so that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the Praetorium," and in all other ' Philem. 9. "^ 2 Cor. x. 10. ^ See Conybeare and Howson, ii. 428. * Phil. ii. 25 ; Philem. 2. ^ Eph. vi. 13, 14, 16, 17. * PhiL iv. 3. When speaking of a "true yoke-fellow," he may here refer to the way in which he was himself unequally yoked. ^ See Acts xxvi. i, 29. * Eph. iv. i. " kv o?i(fj Tifj TTpaircjplu — " We never find the word employed for the Im- perial house at- Rome ; and we believe the truer view to be that it denotes here, not the palace itself, but the quarters of that part of the Imperial guardii which was in immediate attendance on the Emperor." — Conybeare and Howson, ii. 428. 134 PAULS EPISTLES. places ; and many of the brethren in the Lord waxing confi- dent by my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear." ' During this imprisonment at Rome Paul dictated a number of his epistles. Of these the letter to Philemon, a Christian of Colosse, seems to have been first written. The bearer of this communication was Onesimus, who had at one time been a slave in the service of the individual to whom it is ad- dressed ; and who, after robbing his master, had left the coun- try. The thi-ef made his way to Rome, where he was con- verted under the ministry of the apostle, and where he had since greatly recommended himself as a zealous and trustwor- thy disciple. He was now sent back to Colosse with this Epistle to Philemon, in which the writer undertakes to be ac- countable for the property pilfered,^ and entreats his corre- spondent to give a kindly reception to the penitent fugitive. Onesimus, when conveying the letter to his old master, was accompanied by Tychicus, described as " a beloved brother and a faithful minister and fellow-servant in the Lord," " who was intrusted with the Epistle to the Colossians. Error, in the form of false philosophy and Judaizing superstition, had been creeping into the Colossian Church,^ and the apostle in this letter exhorts his brethren to beware of its encroach- ments. At the same time Paul wrote the Epistle to the Ephesians, and Tychicus was also the bearer of this communi- cation.' Unlike most of the other epistles, it has no saluta- tions at the close ; it is addressed, not only " to the saints which are at Ephesus " in particular, but also " to the faith- ful in Christ Jesus"' in general; and, as its very superscription thus bears evidence that it was originally intended to be a cir- cular letter, it is probably "the epistle from Laodicea " men- tioned in the Epistle to the Colossians." The first division of it is eminently distinguished by the profound and comprehen- sive views of the Christian system it exhibits ; whilst the lat- ter portion is no less remarkable for the variety, pertinency, ' Phil. i. 12-14. ' Philem. 18, 19. ' Col. iv. 7. * Col. ii. 8, 16, 18, 23. ' Eph. vi. 21, 22. " Eph. i. i. ' Col. iv. 16. PAUL S EPISTLES. 135 and wisdom of its practical admonitions. The Epistle to the Philippians was likewise written about this period. Paul al- ways took a deep interest in the well-being of his earliest Eu- ropean converts, and here he speaks in most hopeful terms of their spiritual condition.' They were less disturbed by di- visions and heresies than perhaps any other of the Apostolic Churches. • Phil. i. 3-7. CHAPTER X. PAUL'S SECOND IMPRISONMENT AND MARTYRDOM; PETER, HIS EPISTLES, HIS MARTYRDOM, AND THE ROMAN CHURCH. The Book of the Acts terminates abruptly ; and the sub- sequent history of Paul is involved in much obscurity. Some contend that the apostle was never released from his first im- prisonment at Rome, and that he was one of the earliest Christian martyrs who suffered under the Emperor Nero. But this theory is encumbered with insuperable difificulties. In his letters from Rome, Paul evidently anticipates his liber- ation ;' and in some of them he apparently speaks propheti- cally. Thus, he says to the Philippians, " I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better — nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you — and having this confidence, / know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith." ° The apostle had long cherished a desire to visit Spain ;' and there is evidence that he actually preached the Gospel in that country ; for Clemens Romanus, his con- temporary and fellow-laborer, positively affirms that he travelled " to the extremity of the west." * Clemens is said to have been himself a native of the great metropolis;' and as he makes the statement just quoted in a letter written from » Phil, ii 24; Philem. 22. " Phil. i. 23-25. ' Rom. xv. 24, 28. * £tt\ t() Ttpun TT/f iVvaeur — Epist. to the Corinthians v. Clement in the same place mentions that Paul was seven times in bonds. See also Gres- well, " Dissertations," vol. iv., pp. 225-228. ' See Cave's " Fathers." i. 147. O.xford, 1840. (13O) PAULS SECOND IMPRISONMENT. I37 Rome, it can not be supposed that, under such circum- stances, he described Italy as the boundary of the earth. The Second Epistle to Timothy, written immediately before Paul's death, contains several passages which indicate that the author had been very recently at liberty. Thus, he says, " The cloak ' (or, as some render it, the case^) that I left at Troas, with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments."" These words suggest that the apostle had lately visited Troas, on the coast of Asia Minor. Again, he remarks, " Erastus abode at Corinth, but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick." * Any ordinary reader would infer from this that the writer had just been at Miletum.^ The language of the concluding verses of the Acts warrants the impression that Paul's confinement ended some time before the history was completed ; for had the apostle been still in bondage, it would not have been said that, when a prisoner, he dwelt for two whole years in his own hired house — thereby implying that the period of his residence, at least in that abode, had terminated. And if Paul was re- leased at the expiration of these two years, we can well under- stand why the sacred historian did not give an account of his liberation. The subjects of Rome at that time were literally living under a reign of terror ; and if Paul, as Peter once before," was miraculously delivered, prudence required the 1 Tov (peMvTjv. Some think that he wished for the cloak to protect him against the cold of winter. See 2 Tim. iv. 21. ^ In the " Life of St. Columba " by Adamnan (Dublin, 1857), the editor, Dr. Reeves, has given an interesting account of an ancient leather book- case in his own possession. See " Life of St. Columba," p. 115. If Paul re- ferred to a case, it was probably to one of a larger description. ^ 2 Tim. iv. 13. In the anticipation of his death, he perhaps wished to give the documents as a legacy to some of his friends. Among them may have been Scripture autographs. ^ 2 Tim. iv. 20. antltnov. The translation "they left," instead of"/ left," is given up even by Dr. Davidson, though he rejects the idea of a second imprisonment. See his " Introduction to the New Testament," iii. 53. ^ Miletum, or Miletus, in Crete, is mentioned by Homer, " Iliad," ii. 647. ® Acts xii. 6-9. 138 PAUL'S SECOND IMPRISONMENT. concealment of his subsequent movements. Or, the history of his release may have been so mixed up with the freaks of the tyrant who then oppressed the Roman world, that its pub- lication would have brought down the imperial vengeance on the head of the evangelist. We have seen that Paul arrived in Rome as a prisoner in the beginning of A.D. 61 ; and if at this time his confinement continued only two years, he was liberated in the early part of A.D. 63. Nero had not yet commenced his memorable perse- cution of the Church ; for the burning of the city took place in the summer of A.D. 64; and, till that date, the disciples were not singled out as the special objects of his cruelty. It is probable that Paul, after his release, accomplished his inten- tion of visiting the Spanish Peninsula ;' and that, on his return to Italy, he wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews.' The destruc- tion of Jerusalem was now approaching ; and as the apostle demonstrates in this letter that the law was fulfilled in Christ, he thus prepares the Jewish Christians for the extinction of the Mosaic ritual. He once more visited Jerusalem, travelling to Corinth,' Philippi,'' and Troas,* where he left for the use of Carpus the case with the books and parchments which he mentions in his Second Epistle to Timothy. Passing on to Colosse," he perhaps visited Antioch in Pisidia and other cities of Asia Minor, the scenes of his early ministrations ; and reached Jerusalem' byway of Antioch in Syria. He returned from Palestine to Rome by sea, leaving Trophimus sick * at Miletum in Crete. The journey did not occupy much time ; and, on his return to Italy, h^ was immediately incarcerated. His condition was now very different from what it had been during his former confinement ; for he was deserted by his ' See Euseb. ii. 22. " Heb. xiii. 23, 24. In this epistle he apparently refers to his late im- prisonment, Heb. X. 34 ; but the reading of the textus recepfus is here rejected by many of our highest critical authorities, such as Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, and Scholz. Respecting the second imprison- ment, see also Eusebius, ii. c. 22. * 2 Tim. iv. 20. 'Phil. ii. 24. ' 3 Tim. iv. 13, * Philem. 22. ' Heb. xiii. 23. ' 2 Tim. iv. 20. PAUL'S MARTYRDOM. I39 friends and treated as a malefactor.' When he wrote to Timothy he had already been brought before the judgment- seat, and had narrowly escaped martyrdom. " At my first answer," says he, " no man stood with me, but all men forsook me. I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear ;'' and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion." ^ The prospect, however, still con- tinued gloomy ; and he had no hope of ultimate escape. In the anticipation of his condemnation, he wrote those words so full of Christian faith and heroism, " I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight — I have finished my course — I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me in that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." ■* Paul was martyred about A.D. 66. Tradition reports that he was beheaded f and as he was a Roman citizen, he could not have been legally condemned to any more ignominious fate. About the third or fourth century, a statement ap- peared to the effect that he and Peter were put to death at Rome on the same day f but all the early documentary evi- dence we possess is quite opposed to such a representation. If Peter really finished his career in the Western metropolis at the same time as the Apostle of the Gentiles, it is strange that Paul makes no reference, in any of his writings, to the presence of such a fellow-laborer in the capital of the Empire. In the Epistle to the Romans, containing so many salutations to the brethren in the great city, the name of Peter is not found ; and in none of the letters written from Rome is he 1 2 Tim. iv. 16, ii. 9. ^ This refers to some powerful defence of Christianity which he had made before the Gentile tribunal of Nero. 3 2 Tim. iv. 16, 17. * 2 Tim. iv. 6-8. ' Euseb. "Hist."ii. 25. ' Euseb ii. 25. See the Note of Valesius on the words Kara rbv ahrbv Kaipov. See also Davidson's " Introduction to the New Testament." iii. 361. I40 PETER. ever mentioned. In the last of his Epistles — the Second to Timothy — the writer says, " only Luke is with me " * — and had Peter then been in the place, Paul would not have thus ignored the existence of the apostle of the circumcision. Though Rome has been so long known in ecclesiastical annals as " the see of Peter," it is remarkable that the New Testament nowhere reports the presence of the apostle of the circumcision in the Western capital. The legend that he was crucified there with his head downwards "^ at his own re- quest— as a mode of suffering more painful and ignominious than the doom of his Master ^ — is evidently the invention of an age when the pure light of evangelical religion was greatly obscured ; for the apostle was too well acquainted with the truth to believe that he was at liberty to inflict on himself any unnecessary suffering. The story that he was the first bisliop of Rome is a stupid fable. We know, from the Epis- tle of Clemens Romanus, that episcopal government was not established in the great city until long afterward. The allega- tion, that he occupied the see for five and twenty years, is a monstrous fabrication which the plainest historical testimony totally discredits. We have -every reason to believe that he suffered martyrdom ; ' but the place of his death must per- haps forever remain a mystery.' According to a tradition of high antiquity, it occurred at Rome ; but the statements re- lating to it are so unsatisfactory, so mixed up with incredible details, and presented under such suspicious circumstances, '2 Tim iv. II. ' Reported by Eusebius iii. I, ^ The idea, that crucifixion with the head downwards aggravates the suffering, is unfounded. It vastly diminishes it by speedily causing death. But it was once considered a more dreadful form of torture, and hence we find persons thus put to death. .See Euseb. viii. 8. * Our Lord apparently refers to the violent death of the apostle in John xxi. 1 8, 19. ' Caius, a Roman presbyter who flourished in the early part of the third centur>', refers to the Vatican and the Ostian Way as the places where Peter and Paul suffered (Routh's " Reliquia^," ii. p. 127) ; but this writer lived nearly a century and a half after the demise of the apostles, and almost every tale told respecting them then obtained ready credence. PETER. 141 that, in relation to them, we can not safely adopt any very definite conclusion. The Second Epistle of Peter was written soon after the first, and was addressed to the same Churches.' The author now contemplated the near approach of death, so that the advices he here gives may be regarded as his dying instructions. " I think it meet," says he, "as long as I am in this tabernacle,^ to stir you up by putting you in remembrance — knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed me." ' It deserves notice that in this second epistle, Peter bears emphatic testimony to the character and inspiration of Paul. The Judaizing party were in the habit of pleading that they were supported by the au- thority of the apostle of the circumcision ; and as many of these zealots were to be found in the Churches of Asia Minor, * such a recognition of the claims of the Apostle of the Gen- tiles was calculated to exert a most salutary influence. " The strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia," * were thus given to understand that all the true heralds of the Gospel had but " one faith"; and that any attempt to create divisions in the Church, by representing the doctrine of one inspired teacher as opposed to the doc- trine of another, was most unwarrantable. The reference to Paul, to be found in the Second Epistle of Peter, is favorable to the supposition that the Apostle of the Gentiles was now dead ; as, had he been still living to correct such misinterpre- tations, it would scarcely have been said that in all his epistles were things ''hard to be understood " which " the unlearned and unstable" wrested "unto their own destruction."* It would seem, too, that Peter here alludes particularly to the Epistle to the Hebrews — a letter, as we have seen, addressed to Jewish Christians, and written after Paul's liberation from his first Roman imprisonment. This letter contains passages ^ ' 2 Pet. i. 12, iii. i. * These words suggest, that the preceding letter was written not long be- fore, ' 2 Pet. i. 13, 14. * Gal. iv. 17, 21, vi. 12 ; Col. ii. 16-18. ' I Pet. i. I. ° 2 Pet. iii. 16. 'As Heb. vi. 4-6, vii. 1-3, ix. 17. 142 PETER AND PAUL. which have often proved perplexing to interpreters ; but, not- withstanding, it bears the impress of a divine original ; and Peter, who maintains that all the writings of Paul were dic- tated by unerring wisdom, places them upon a level with " the other Scriptures, " ' either of the evangelists or of the Old Testament. In the New Testament it is impossible to find a trace of either the primacy of Peter, or the supremacy of the Pope ; but the facts already stated throw some light on the history of that great spiritual despotism whose seat of government has been so long established in the city of the Csesars. At a very early period various circumstances contributed to give prominence to the Church of Rome. The epistle addressed to it contains a more complete exhibition of Christian doc- trine than any other of the apostolical letters ; and, in that remarkable communication, Paul expresses an earnest desire to visit a community already celebrated all over the world. Five or six of his letters, forming part of the inspired canon, were dictated in the capital of the Empire. There is every reason to believe that the Book of the Acts was written at Rome, and that the great city was also the birthplace of the Gospels of Mark and Luke. Thus, a large portion of the New Testament issued from the seat of Empire. Rome boasts that it was for some time the residence of apostles, and Paul was there for at least two years as a prisoner. Some of the most illustrious of the early converts were members of the Church of Rome ; for in the days of the Apostle of the Gentiles there were disciples in " Caesar's household." ^ And when Nero sig- nalized himself as the first Imperial persecutor of the Chris- tians, the Church of Rome suffered terribly from his insane and savage cruelty. Even the historian Tacitus acknowledges that the tortures to which its adherents were exposed excited the commiseration of the heathen multitude. Paul and others were cut off in his reign ; and the soil of Rome absorbed the blood of many martyrs. It was not strange, therefore, that the Roman Church was soon regarded with peculiar respect by all the disciples throughout the Empire. As time passed ' 2 Pet. iii. 1 6. '^ Phil. iv. 22. THE CHURCH OF ROME. I43 on, it increased rapidly in numbers and in affluence ; and cir- cumstances, which properly possessed nothing more than an historic interest, began to be urged as arguments in favor of its claims to pre-eminence. At first these claims assumed no very definite form ; and, at the termination of a century after the days of Paul, they amounted simply to the recognition of something like an honorary precedence. At that period it was deemed equally imprudent and ungracious to quarrel with its pretensions, especially as the community by which they were advanced was distributing its bounty all around, and was itself nobly sustaining the brunt of almost every persecution. In the course of time, the Church of Rome proceeded to chal- lenge a substantial supremacy ; and then the facts of its early history were misstated and exaggerated in accommodation to the demands of its growing ambition. It was said at first that " its faith was spoken of throughout the whole world "; it was at length contended that its creed should be universally adopted. It was admitted at an early period that, as it had enjoyed the ministrations of Paul, it should be considered an apostolic church ; it was soon reported that Peter also was one of its teachers ; and it was at length asserted that, as an apos- tle was entitled to deference from ordinary pastors, a church instructed by two of the most eminent apostles had a claim to the obedience of other churches. In process of time it was discovered that Paul was rather an inconvenient companion for the apostle of the circumcision ; and Peter alone then began to be spoken of as the founder and first bishop of the Church of Rome. Strange to say, a system founded on a fic- tion has since sustained the shocks of many centuries. One of the greatest marvels of this '' mystery of iniquity " is its te- nacity of life ; and did not the sure word of prophecy announce that the time should come when it would be able to boast of its antiquity, and did we not know that paganism can plead a more remote origin, we might be perplexed by its longevity. But " the vision is yet for an appointed time — at the end it shall speak and not lie. Though it tarry, wait for it, because ?t will surely come, it will not tarry." ' ' Hab. ii. 3. CHAPTER XI. THE PERSECUTIONS OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH, AND ITS CONDITION AT THE TERMINATION OF THE FIRST CENTURY. Jesus Christ was a Jew, and it might have been expected that the advent of the most illustrious of His race, in the character of the Prophet announced by Moses, would be hailed with enthusiasm by His countrymen. But the result was far otherwise. " He came unto his own, and his own received him not."* The Jews cried, "Away with him, away with him, crucify him "; "^ and He suffered the fate of the vilest criminal. The enmity of the posterity of Abraham to our Lord did not terminate with His death ; they long maintained the bad pre-eminence of being the most inveterate of the persecutors of His early followers. When the awful portents of the Passion, and the marvels of the day of Pente- cost were still fresh in public recollection, their chief priests and elders threw the apostles into prison ; ^ and soon after- ward the pious and intrepid Stephen fell a victim to their malignity. Their infatuation was extreme ; and yet it was not unaccountable. They looked, not for a crucified, but for a conquering Messiah. They imagined that the Saviour, after breaking their Roman yoke, would make Jerusalem the capi- tal of a prosperous and powerful empire ; and that all the ends of the earth would celebrate the glory of the chosen peo- ple. Their vexation, therefore, was intense when they dis- covered that so many of the seed of Jacob acknowledged the son of a carpenter as the Christ, and made light of the dis- tinction between Jew and Gentile. In their case the natural 1 John i, 1 1. ^ John xix, 1 5. « Acts iv. 3, v. 18. (144) JEWISH PERSECUTION. I45 aversion of the heart to a pure and spiritual reHgion was in- flamed by national pride combined with mortified bigotry ; and the fiendish spirit which they so frequently exhibited in their attempts to exterminate the infant Church thus admit of the most satisfactory explanation. Many instances of their antipathy to the new sect have al- ready been noticed. In almost every town where the mission- aries of the cross appeared, the Jews " opposed themselves and blasphemed "; and magistrates speedily discovered that in no way could they more easily gain the favor of the populace than by inflicting sufferings on the Christians. Hence, as we have seen, at the time of Paul's second visit to Jerusalem after his conversion, Herod, the grandson of Herod the Great, "killed James, the brother of John, with the sword ; and, be- cause he saw \\. pleased the jfeivs, he proceeded further to take Peter also." ' The apostle of the circumcision was delivered by a miracle from his grasp ; but it is probable that other in- dividuals of less note felt the efTects of his severity. Even in countries far remote from their native land, the posterity of Abraham were the most bitter opponents of Christianity.^ As there was much intercourse between Palestine and Italy, the Gospel soon found its way to the seat of government, and it would appear that some civic disturbance created in the great metropolis by the adherents of the synagogue, and intended to annoy and intimidate the new sect, prompted the Emperor Claudius, about A.D. 53, to interfere in the manner described by Luke, and to command "all Jews to depart from Rome." ' But the hostility of the Israelites was most formidable in their • Acts xii. 2, 3. ° See Acts xvii. 5, xviii. 12. ' Acts xviii. 2. Suetonius in Claud, (c. 25), says, " Judaeos impulsore Chresto assidue tumultuantes Roma expulit." The words Christus and Chrestus were often confounded, and it is probable that the historian here refers to some riotous proceedings among the Jews in Rome arising out of discussions relative to Christianity. * These disturbances took place about A.D. 53. Even in the beginning of the third century the Christians were sometimes called Chrestiani. Hence, TertuUian says, " Sed et cum per- peram Chrestianus pronunciatur a vobis, nam nee nominis certa est notitia penes vos, de suavitate vel benignitate compositum est." " Apol." c. iii. See also " Ad Nationes," lib. i. c. 3. 10 146 JEWISH TERSECUTION. own country, and for this, as well as other reasons, " the breth- ren which dwelt in Judea " specially required the sympathy of their fellow-believers throughout the Empire. When Paul ap- peared in the temple at the feast of Pentecost in A.D. 58, the Jews, as already related, made an attempt on his life ; and when the apostle was rescued by the Roman soldiers, a con- spiracy was formed for his assassination. Four years after- ward, or in A.D. 62,' another apostle, James, surnamed the Just, who resided chiefly in Jerusalem, finished his career by martyrdom. Having, on a great public occasion, proclaimed Jesus to be the true Messiah, his fellow-citizens were so indig- nant that they threw him from a pinnacle of the temple. As he was still alive when he reached the ground, he was forth- with assailed with a shower of stones, and beaten to pieces with the club of a fuller." As the Christians were at first confounded with the Jews, the administrators of the Roman law, for upwards of thirty years after our Lord's death, conceded to them the religious toleration enjoyed by the seed of Abraham. But, from the ^ beginning, " the sect of the Nazarenes " enjoyed very little of the favor of the heathen multitude. Paganism had set its mark upon all the relations of life, and had erected an idol wherever the eye could turn. It had a god of War. and a god of Peace ; a god of the Sea and a god of the Wind ; a god of the River, and a god of the Fountain ; a god of the Field, and a god of the Barn Floor; a god of the Hearth, and a god of the Threshold ; a god of the Door, and a god of the Hinges.' When we consider its power and prevalence in the apostolic age, we need not wonder at the declaration of Paul, " All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." * ' See Gresvvell's " Dissertations," iv. p. 233. ^ Eusebius, ii. 23. 3 " Certi enim esse debemus, si quos latet per ignorantiam literatura^ secu- laris, etiam ostiorum deos apud Romanos, Cardeam a cardinibus appella- tam, et Forculum a foribus, et Limentinum a limine, et ipsum Janum a janua." Tertuliian, " De Idololatria," c. 15. See also the same writer " Ad Nationes," ii. c. 10, 15; and " Dc Corona," 13; and Augustine's "City of God," iv. 8. *2 Tim. iii. 12. Cyprian touches on the same sul)ject in his Treatise on the " Vanity of Idols," c. 2. PERSECUTION BY NERO. I47 Whether the believer entered any social circle, or any place of public concourse, he was constrained in some way to protest against dominant errors ; and almost exactly in proportion to his consistency and conscientiousness, he was sure to incur the dislike of the more zealous votaries of idolatry. Hence it was that the members of the Church were so soon regarded by the pagans as a morose generation instinct with hatred to the human race. In A.D. 64, when Nero, in a fit of recklessness, set fire to his capital, he soon discovered that he had, to a dan- gerous extent, provoked the wrath of the Roman citizens, and he attempted, in consequence, to divert the torrent of public in- dignation from himself by imputing the mischief to the Chris- tians. They were already odious" as the propagators of what was considered *' a pernicious superstition," and the tyrant reckoned that the mob of the metropolis were prepared to be- lieve any report to the discredit of these sectaries. But even the pagan historian who records the commencement of this first imperial persecution, and who was deeply prejudiced against the disciples of our Lord, bears testimony to the false- hood of the accusation. Nero, says Tacitus, " found wretches who were induced to confess what they were, and, on their evidence, a great multitude of Christians were convicted, not, indeed, on clear proof of their having set the city oil fire, but rather on account of their hatred of the human race.' They were put to death amidst insults and derision. Some were covered with the skins of wild beasts, and left to be torn to pieces by dogs ; others were nailed to the cross ; and some, 'The Christians were famiHar with the idea of the conflagration of the world, and there is much plausibiHty in the conjecture that, as they gazed on the burning city, they gave utterance to expressions which were misun- derstood, and which awakened suspicion. " Some," says Dean Milman, " in the first instance, apprehended and examined, may have made ac- knowledgments before a passionate and astonished tribunal, which would lead to the conclusion that, in the hour of general destruction, they had some trust, some security, denied to the rest of mankind ; and this exemp- tion from common misery, if it would not mark them out, in some dark man- ner, as the authors of the conflagration, at all events would convict them of that hatred of the human race so often advanced against tlie Jews," — Milman s History of Christianity, ii. 37, 38. 148 FALL OF JERUSALEM. covered over with inflammable matter, were lighted up, when the day declined, to serve as torches during the night. The Emperor lent his own gardens for the exhibition. He added the sports of the circus, and assisted in person, sometimes driving a curicle, and occasionally mixing with the rabble in his coachman's dress. At length these proceedings excited a feeling of compassion, as it was evident that the Christians were destroyed, not for the public good, but as a sacrifice to the cruelty of a single individual." ' Some writers have maintained that the persecution under Nero was confined to Rome ; but various testimonies concur to prove that it extended to the provinces. Paul contem- plates its spread throughout the Empire when he tells the .Hebrews that they had '■'■ not yet resisted imto blood, strWmg against sin," ^ and when he exhorts them not to forsake the assembling of themselves together as they " see the day ap- proaching!'' ' Peter, also, as has been stated in a preceding chapter, refers to the same circumstance in his letter to the brethren " scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia," when he announces " the fiery trial " which was "to try " them," and when he tells them of "judg- ment " beginning " at the house of God." ^ If Nero enacted that the profession of Christianity was a capital offence, his law was in force throughout the Roman world ; and an early ecclesiastical writer positively afifirms that he was the author of such sanguinary legislation." The horror with which his name was so long regarded by members of the Church in all parts of the Empire ' strongly corroborates the statement that the attack on the disciples in the capital was only the signal for the commencement of a general persecution. Nero died A.D. 68, and the war which involved the destruc- tion of Jerusalem and of upwards of a million of the Jews, was already in progress. The holy city fell A.D. 70 ; and the Mo- saic economy, which had been virtually abolished by the death ' Tacitus, " Annal." xv. 44. '^ Heb xii. 4. ' Heb. x. 25. * I Pet. iv. 12. 'I Pet. iv. 17. •Tcrtullian. " Ad Nationes," i. 7. 'See "De Mortibus Persecutorum," c. 2, and Sulpitius Severus, lib. ii., p. 139; Edit. Leyden, 1635. PERSECUTION BY DOMITIAN. I49 of Christ, now reached its practical termination. At the same period the prophecy of Daniel was literally fulfilled ; for " the sacrifice and the oblation " were made to cease,' as the demoli- tion of the temple and the dispersion of the priests put an end to the celebration of the Levitical worship. The overthrow of the metropolis of Palestine contributed in various ways to the advancement of the Christian cause. Judaism, no longer able to provide for the maintenance of its ritual, was exhibited to the world as a defunct system ; its institutions, more narrowly examined by the spiritual eye, were discovered to be but types of the blessings of a more glorious dispensation ; and many believers, who had hitherto adhered to the ceremonial law, discontinued its observances. Christ, forty years before, had predicted the siege and desolation of Jerusalem;'' and the re- markable verification of a prophecy, delivered at a time when the catastrophe was exceedingly improbable, induced not a few to think more favorably of the credentials of the Gospel. In another point of view the ruin of the ancient capital of Judea proved advantageous to the Church. In the subversion of their chief city the power of the Jews sustained a shock from which it has never since recovered ; and the disciples were partially delivered from the attacks of their most restless and implacable persecutors. Much obscurity rests upon the history of the period which immediately follows the destruction of Jerusalem. Though Philip and John," and perhaps one or two more of the apostles, still survived, we know almost nothing of their proceedings. After the death of Nero the Church enjoyed a season of re- pose, but when Domitian, in A.D. 81, succeeded to the govern- ment, the work of persecution recommenced. The new sov- ereign, who was of a gloomy and suspicious temper, encouraged a system of espionage ; and as he imagined that the Christians fostered dangerous political designs, he treated them with the greater harshness. The Jewish calumny, that they aimed at ' Dan. ix. 27. "^ Matt. xxiv. 2, 15, 16, 34; Mark xii. 2, 14, 30; Luke xxi, 6, 20, 21, 24, 32. *See Euseb. iii. 31. 150 PERSECUTION BY DOMITIAN. temporal dominion, and that they sought to set up " another king, one Jesus," ' had obviously produced an impression on his mind ; and he accordingly sought out the nearest kinsmen of the Messiah, that he might remove these heirs of the rival dynasty. But when the two grandchildren of Jude,° called the brother of our Lord,' were conducted to Rome, and brought to his tribunal, he discovered the groundlessness of his apprehensions. The individuals who had inspired the Emperor with such anxiety, were the joint proprietors of a small farm in Palestine, which they cultivated with their own hands ; and the jealous monarch at once saw that when his fears had been excited by reports of the treasonable designs of such simple and illiterate husbandmen, he had been miserably befooled. After a single interview, these poor peasants met with no farther molestation from Domitian. Had all the disciples been in such circumstances as the grandchildren of Jude, the Gospel might have been identified with poverty and ignorance ; and it would have been said that it was fitted to make way only among the dregs of the popu- lation. But it was never fairly open to this objection. Fcom the very first it reckoned among its adherents at least a sprin- kling of the wealthy, the influential, and the educated. Joseph of Arimathea, one of the primitive followers of our Lord, was " a rich man " and an " honorable counsellor";* Paul himself, as a scholar, stood high among his countrymen, for he had been brought up at the feet of Gamaliel ; and Sergius Paulus, one of the first-fruits of the mission to the Gentiles, was a Roman Proconsul." In the reign of Nero the Church could boast of some illustrious converts ; and the saints of " Caesar's household " are found addressing their Christian salutations to their brethren at Philippi." In the reign of Domitian the Gospel still continued to have friends among the Roman no- bility. Flavins Clemens, a person of consular dignity, and the cousin of the Emperor, was put to death for his attachment 'Actsxvii. 7. ^ Euseb. iii. 20. *Matt. xiii. 55. See Greswell's "Dissertations," ii. 114, 121, 122. * Matt, xxvii. 57 ; Mark xv. 43. * Acts xiii. 7. " Phil. iv. 22. THE APOSTLE JOHN. 151 to the cause of Christ ; ' and his near relative, Flavia Domi- tilla, for the same reason, was banished with many others to Pontia,'' a small island off the coast of Italy used for the con- finement of State prisoners. Domitian governed the Empire fifteen years, but his perse- cution of the Christians was limited to the latter part of his reign. About this time the Apostle John, " for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ," ^ was sent as an exile into Patmos, a small rocky island in the JEgxan Sea not far from the coast of Asia Minor. The tradition that he had pre- viously issued unhurt from a caldron of boiling oil into which he had been plunged in Rome by order of the Emperor — a story for which a writer who flourished about a century after- ward is the earliest voucher* — has been challenged as apocry- phal.* We have no means of ascertaining the length of time during which he remained in banishment ; ° and all we know of this portion of his life is, that he had now those sublime and mysterious visions to be found in the Apocalypse. After 1 Dio Cassius, Ixvii. 14. * Euseb. iii. 18. ' Rev. i. 9. * Tertullian, " De Prasscrip. Haeret.," c. 36. ^ See Mosheim, Cent, i., part i., ch. 5. * According to Boronius (" Annal," ad. an. 92, 98) John was six years in Patmos, or from A.D. 92 to A.D. 98. Other writers think that he was set at liberty some time before the death of Domitian, or about A.D. 95. Accord- ing to this reckoning, had he been six years in exile, he was banished A.D. 89. This conclusion derives some countenance from the " Chronicon " of Eusebius, which represents the tyrant in the eighth and ninth years of his reign, or about a.d. 89, as proscribing and putting to death very many of his subjects. If the visions of the Apocalypse were vouchsafed to John in A.D. 89, the interval between their revelation and the establishment of the Pope as a temporal prince is found to be 755 — 89, or exactly 666 years. See Rev. xiii. 18. There is another very curious coincidence in this case ; for the interval between the fall of the Western Empire and the establish- ment of the Bishop of Rome as a temporal prince is 755 — 476 = 279 com- plete, or 280 current years, that is, 40 prophetic weeks. But it so happens that the period of human gestation is 40 weeks, and this would lead to the inference that the Man of Sin was conceived as soon as the Western Em- pire fell. See 2 Thess. ii. 7, 8. I am not aware that these remarkable coincidences have yet been noticed, and I therefore submit them to the consideration of the students of prophecy. 152 THE APOSTLE JOHN. the fall of Jerusalem, as well as after he was permitted to leave Patmos, he appears to have resided chiefly in the metrop- olis of the Proconsular Asia ; and hence some ancient writers, who flourished when the episcopal system was established, have designated him " Bishop of Ephesus." ' But the apostle, when advanced in life, chose to be known simply by the title of " the elder "; ^ and though by far the most influential minis- ter of the district where he sojourned, he admitted his brethren to a share in the government of the Christian community. Like Peter and Paul before him, he acknowledged the other ciders as his " fellow-presbyters,'' ' and, as became his age and apostolic character, he doubtless exhorted them to take heed unto themselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost had made them overseers.' John was the last survivor of the apostles. He reached the advanced age of one hundred, and died about the close of the first century. He was a " Son of Thunder" ' who long main- tained the reputation of a powerful and impressive preacher ; but when his strength began to give way beneath the pressure of increasing infirmities, he ceased to deliver lengthened dis- courses. When he addressed the congregation in extreme old age, he is reported to have simply repeated the exhortation, " Children, love one another"; and when asked why he always confined himself to the same brief admonition, he replied that " no more was necessary." " Such a narrative is certainly quite in harmony with the character of the beloved disciple, for he knew that love is the " bond of pcrfectncss " and the " fulfil- ling of the law." It has been thought that, toward the close of the first cent- ury, the Christian interest was in a, languishing condition ; ' and the tone of the letters addressed to the Seven Churches in Asia is calculated to confirm this impression. The Church of Laodicca is described as " neither cold nor hot "; * the Church of Sardis is admonished to " strengthen the things • See Burton's " Lectures," i. 361. " 2 John i ; 3 John i. • I Pet. V. I ; Philem. i. * Acts xx. 28. " iVIark iii. 17. '• Jerome, " Comment, on Galatians," vi. 10. ' See Vitringa, " Observationts SacriK," lib. iv., c. 7, 8. * Rev. iii. 16. EXTENSION OF CHRISTIANITY. 153 which remain that are ready to die "; ' and the Church of Ephesus is exhorted to " remember from whence she has fallen, and repent, and do the first works." ' When it was known that Christianity was under the ban of a legal proscrip- tion, it was not strange that " the love of many " waxed cold ; and the persecutions of Nero and Domitian had a most dis- couraging influence. But though the Church had to encounter the withering blasts of popular odium and imperial intoler- ance, it struggled through an ungenial spring ; and, in almost every part of the Roman Empire, it had taken root and was beginning to exhibit tokens of a steady and vigorous growth as early as the close of the first century. The Acts and the apostolical epistles speak of the preaching of the Gospel in Palestine, Syria, Cyprus, Asia Minor, Greece, Illyricum, and Italy ; and, according to traditions which we have no reason to discredit, the way of salvation was proclaimed, before the death of John, in various other countries. It is probable that Paul himself assisted in laying the foundations of the Church in Spain ; at an early date there were disciples in Gaul ; and, before the close of the first century, the new faith had been planted even on the distant shores of Britain.' Mark labored successfully as an evangelist in Alexandria, the metropolis of Egypt ; ^ and Christians were soon to be found in " the parts of Libya about Cyrene," ^ for the Jews from that district who were converted at Jerusalem by Peter's famous sermon on the day of Pentecost, did not fail, on their return home, to dis- seminate the precious truths by which they had been quick- ened and comforted. Thus, too, the Gospel soon found its way into Parthia, Media, Persia, Arabia, and Mesopotamia.^ Various traditions ' attest that several of the apostles travelled eastward, after their departure from the capital of Palestine. Whilst Christianity, in the face of much obloquy, was gradu- 1 Rev. iii. 2. 2 Rgy n 5. ' Claudia, the wife of Puclens, supposed to be mentioned 2 Tim. iv. 21, is said to have been a Briton by birth. See Fuller's " Church History of Brit- ain," vol. i., p. II ; Edit. London, 1837, * Euseb. ii. 16. ^ Acts ii. 10. " Acts ii. 9, 11. ' See in Cave's " Fathers," Bartholomew, Matthew, and Thomas. 154 PRACTICAL INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIANITY. ally attracting more and more attention, it was at the same time nobly demonstrating its power as the great regenerator of society. The religion of pagan Rome could not satisfy the wants of the soul ; it could neither improve the heart nor in- vigorate the intellect ; and it was now rapidly losing its hold on the consciences of the multitude. The high places of idolatrous worship often exercised a most demoralizing influ- ence, as their rites were not unfrequently a wretched mixture of brutality, levity, imposture, and prostitution. Philosophy had completely failed to ameliorate the condition of man. The vices of some of its most distinguished professors were notori- ous ; its votaries were pretty generally regarded as a class of scheming speculators ; and they, enjoyed neither the confi- dence nor the respect of the mass of the people. But, even under the most unpromising circumstances, Christianity accom- plished social and spiritual changes of a very extraordinary character. The Church of Corinth was one of the least exem- plary of the early Christian communities, and yet it stood on a moral eminence far above the surrounding population ; and, from the roll of its own membership, it could produce cases of conversion to which nothing parallel was found in the whole history of heathendom. Paul could say to it : " Neither forni- cators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abus- ers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the king- dom of God, and such were some of you ; but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of God." ' Nor was this all. The Gospel proved itself sufficient to meet the highest aspira- tions of man. It revealed to him a Friend in heaven who "sticketh closer than a brother";' and, as it assured him of eternal happiness in the enjoyment of fellowship with God, it imparted to him a " peace that passeth all understanding." The Roman people witnessed a new spectacle when they saw the primitive followers of Christ expiring in the fires of mar- tyrdom. The pagans did not so value their superstitions ; but ' 1 Cor. vi. 9-1 1, ^Prov. .wiii. 24. PRACTICAL INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIANITY. 1 55 here was a religion which was accounted " better than Hfe." Well then might the flames which illuminated the gardens of Nero supply some spiritual light to the crowds who were pres- ent at the sad scene ; and, in the indomitable spirit of the first sufferers, the thoughtful citizen recognized a system which was destined yet to subdue the world. SECTION II. THE LITERATURE AND THEOLOGY OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE NEW TESTAMENT, ITS HISTORY, AND THE AUTHORITY OF ITS VARIOUS PARTS. THE EPISTLE OF CLEMENT OF ROME. The conduct of our Lord, as a religious teacher, betokened that He was more than man. Mohammed dictated the Koran, and left it behind him as a sacred book for the guidance of his followers ; many others, who have established sects, have also founded a literature for their disciples ; but Jesus Christ wrote nothing. The Son of God was not obliged to condescend to become His own biographer, and thus to testify of Himself. He had at His disposal the hearts and the pens of others ; and He knew that His words and actions would be accurately re- ported to the latest generations. During His personal minis- try, even His apostles were only imperfectly acquainted with His theology; but, shortly before His death. He promised in due time to disclose more fully the nature and extent of the great salvation. He said to them: "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things,- and bring all things to your remem- brance, whatsoever I have said unto you.' .... He will guide you into all truth. " ^ The resurrection poured a flood of light into the minds of 'John xiv. 26. 'John xvi. 13. (156) THE GOSPELS. 1 5/ the apostles, and they forthwith commenced with unwonted boldness to proclaim the truth in all its purity and power; but no part of the evangelical history was written until upwards of twenty years after the death of our Saviour.' According to tradition, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke then ap- peared in the order in which they are now presented in our authorized version." All these narratives were published sev- eral years before the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70; and as each contains our Lord's announcement of its speedy catastrophe, the exact fulfilment of so remarkable a prophecy led many to acknowledge the divine origin of the Christian religion. The Gospel of John is of a much later date, as it was written to- ward the conclusion of the century. Two of the evangelists, Matthew and John, were apostles; and the other two, Mark and Luke, appear to have been of the number of the Seventy.' All were, therefore, fully competent to bear testimony to the facts which they record, for the Seventy had " companied " with the Twelve " all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among" them,* and all " were from the beginning eye-witnesses and ministers of the word." ^ These writers mention many miracles per- ' See Ireneeus, " Adv. Hasres," iii. i ; and Euseb. vi. 14. * It is probable that these three Gospels were written nearly at the same time. See Luke i. 3, 4, and Euseb. vi. 14. ^Origen, "Dial, de Recta in Deum Fide," sec. i., torn, i., p. 806; Edit. Delarue. Paris, 1733. See Whitby's "Preface to Luke." There is good reason to believe that the " young man " mentioned Mark xiv. 51, 52, was no other than Mark himself (Davidson's " Introduction to the New Testament," i. 139) ; and if so, we have thus additional evidence that the evangehst had enjoyed the advantages of our Lord's ministry. He had always been reputed the founder of the Church of Alexandria, and the testimony of Origen to the fact that he was one of the Seventy is therefore of special value ; as the Alexandrian presbyter was well acquainted with the traditions of the Church of the Egyptian metropolis. The genealogies of Matthew and Luke singu- larly corroborate what is stated in a preceding chapter respecting the Twelve and the Seventy. Bengel remarks that Matthew "begins with Adra/mm," but Luke " makes a full recapitulation and summary of the lineage of M^ w/io/e human race, and exhibits with that lineage the Saviour's consanguin- ity to all Gentiles, as v^ell as Jews." Gnomon on Matt. i. 16. *' Acts i. 21. ^ Luke i. 2. 158 THE GOSPELS. formed by Christ, and at least three of the Gospels were in general circulation whilst multitudes were still alive who are described in them as either the spectators or the subjects of His works of wonder ; and yet, though the evangelists often enter most minutely into details, so that their statements, if capable of contradiction, could have been at once challenged and exposedj we do not find that any attempt was mean- while made to impeach their accuracy. Their manner of re- cording the acts of the Great Teacher is characterized by re- markable simplicity; and the most acute reader in vain seeks to detect in it the slightest trace of concealment or exaggera- tion. Matthew artlessly confesses that he belonged to the odious class of publicans ; ' Mark tells how Peter, his friend and companion, " began to curse and to swear," and to de- clare that he knew not the Man ; "^ Luke, who wds probably one of the two brethren who journeyed to Emmaus, informs us how Jesus drew near to them on the way and upbraided them as " fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets had spoken "; ' and John honestly repudiates the pretended prediction setting forth that he himself was not to die." Each evangelist mentions incidents unnoticed by the others, and thus supplies proof that he is entitled to the credit of an original and independent witness. Matthew alone gives the formula of baptism " in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost "; ' Mark alone speaks of the great amazement of the people as they beheld the face of Christ on His descent from the Mount of Transfiguration ; * Luke alone announces the appointment of the Seventy;' and John alone records some of those sublime discourses in which our Lord treats of the doctrine of His Sonship, of the mission of the Comforter, and of the mysteri- ous union between Himself and His people." All the evan- gelists direct our special attention to the scene of the cruci- fixion. As they proceed to describe it, they obviously feel that they are dealing with a transaction of awful import ; and ' Matt. ix. 9. X. 3. ^ Mark xiv. 71. ' Lukt- xxiv. 25. * John xxi. 23. •■' Matt, xxviii. 19. " Mark ix. 15. ' Luke x. I. • John xiv., xv., xvi., xvii. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 1 59 they accordingly become more impressive and circumstantial. Their statements, when combined, furnish a complete and consistent narrative of the sore travail, the deep humiliation, and the dying utterances of the illustrious sufferer. If the appointment of the Seventy indicated our Lord's in- tention of sending the glad tidings of salvation to the ends of the earth, there was a peculiar propriety in the selection of an individual of their number as the historian of the earliest mis- sionary triumphs. When Luke records the wonderful suc- cess of Christianity among the Gentiles, he takes care to point out the peculiar features of the new economy ; and thus it is that his narrative abounds with passages in which the doc- trine, polity, and worship of the primitive disciples are illus- trated or explained. It is well known that the titles of the several parts of the New Testament were prefixed to them, not by their authors, but at a subsequent period by parties who had no claim to inspiration ; ' and the book called " The Acts of the Apostles " has not been very correctly designated. It is confined almost exclusively to the acts of Peter and Paul, and it sketches only a portion of their proceedings. As its narrative terminates at the end of Paul's second year's impris- onment at Rome, it was probably written about that period. Superficial readers have objected to its information as curt and fragmentary ; but the careful investigator will discover that it marks with great distinctness the most important stages in the early development of the Church.' It shows how Christianity spread rapidly among the Jews from the day of Pentecost to the martyrdom of Stephen ; it points out how it then took root among the Gentiles ; and it continues to trace its dissemination from Judea westward, till it was firmly planted by the apostle of the uncircumcision in the metropolis of the Empire. It would appear that some of the fourteen epistles of Paul were written before any other portion of the New Testa- ment, for we have already seen ^ that the greater number ol ' See Home's " Introduction," ii. 173. Sixth Edition. ^ See Baumgarten on Acts vii., viii., ix., xiii. * Period !., see., i., chap. 7, 8, 9. « l6o THE EPISTLES OF PAUL. them were transmitted to the parties to whom they are ad- dressed during the time over which the Acts of the Apostles extend ; but though Luke makes no mention of these letters, his account of the travels of their, author throws considerable light on the question of their chronology. Guided by state- ments which he supplies, and by evidence contained in the documents themselves, we have endeavored to point out the order of their composition. They are not placed chronologi- cally in the New Testament. The present arrangement is, however, of great antiquity, as it can be traced to the begin- ning of the fourth century ;' and it is made on the principle that the Churches addressed should be classed according to their relative importance. The Church of Rome at an early period was recognized as the most influential, and hence the Epistle to the Romans stands at the head of the collection. The Church of Corinth ranked next, and accordingly the Epistles to the Corinthians occupy the second place. The letters to the Churches are followed by those to individuals, that is, to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon ; and the Epistle to the Hebrews is put last, because it is anonymous. Some have contended that this letter was composed by Barnabas ; others have ascribed it to Clement, or Luke, or Silas, or Apol- los ; but, though Paul has not announced his name, the ex- ternal and internal evidences concur to prove that he was its author.^ " Every word of God is pure," ' but the word of man is often deceitful ; and nowhere are his faUibility and ignorance revealed more conspicuously than in his appendages to Script- ure. Even the titles prefixed to the writings of the apostles and evangelists are redolent of superstition; for no satisfac- tory reason can be given why the designation of saint ^ has ' Home, iv. 359. ' See Wordsworth "On the Canon," Lectures viii. ix. ' Prov. xxx. 5. * This designation is not found in the most ancient manuscripts. Thus, in the very ancient " Recension of the Four Gospels in Syriac," recently edited by Dr. Cureton, we have simply — "Gospel of Mark " — " Gospel of John," etc. See p. 6, Preface. See also any ordinary edition of the Greek Testament. THE GENERAL EPISTLES. l6l been bestowed on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, when it is withheld, not only from Moses and Isaiah, but also from such eminently holy ministers as Timothy and Titus. The postscripts to the epistles of Paul have been added by tran- scribers, and are also calculated to mislead. Thus, the Epistle to the Galatians is said to have been " written from Rome," though it is now generally acknowledged that Paul was not in the capital of the Empire till after that letter was dictated. The first Epistle to Timothy is dated " from Laodicea, which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana"; but it is well known that Phrygia was not divided into Phrygia Prima, or Pacatiana, and Phrygia Secunda until the fourth century.' It is stated at the end of another epistle that it was " written to Titus, ordained the first Bishop of the Church of the Cre- tians "; but, as the letter itself demonstrates, Paul did not intend that Titus should remain permanently in Crete," and it can be shown that, for centuries afterward, such a digni- tary as " the Bishop of the Church of the Cretians " was utterly unknown. The seven letters written by James, Peter, Jude, and John, are called General or Catholic epistles. The Epistle of James was addressed " to the twelve tribes scattered abroad " prob- ably in A.D. 6i, and its author survived its publication little more than twelve months.' Peter, as we have seen, wrote his two epistles only a short time before his martyrdom." The Epistle of Jude is the production of a later period, as it con- tains quotations from the Second Epistle of Peter.^ The exact dates of the Epistles of John can not now be discovered, but they supply internal proof that they were written toward the close of the first century." According to some, the Apocalypse, or Revelation of John, was drawn up before the destruction of Jerusalem, and in the ' Home, ii. 174. ^ Titus iii. 12. 'Some, however, assign to it a much earlier date. See Davidson's " In- troduction to the New Testament," iii. 320. *See Period i„ sec. i., chap. 10, p. 143. * See Wordsworth " On the Canon," p. 273. 'See Davidson's " Introduction," iii. 464, 491. II 1 62 THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. time of the Emperor Nero ; but the arguments in support of so early an origin are very unsatisfactory. Ancient writers ' attest that it was written in the reign of Domitian toward the close of the first century, and the truth of this statement is established by various collateral evidences. The divine authority of the four Gospels and of the Acts of the Apostles was, from their first appearance, universally acknowledged in the ancient Church/ These books were publicly read in the religious assemblies of the primitive Christians, and were placed on a level with the Old Testament Scriptures.' The epistles of Paul occupied an equally honor- able position.* In the second and third centuries the Epistle to the Hebrews was not, indeed, received among the sacred books by the Church of Rome ; ^ but at an earlier period its inspiration was acknowledged by the Christians of the great city, for it is quoted as the genuine work of the Apostle Paul by an eminent Roman pastor who flourished in the first cent- ury." The authority of two of the most considerable of the Catholic epistles — the First Epistle of Peter and the First Epistle of John — was never questioned;' but, for a time, there were churches which doubted the claims of the five oth- ers to be ranked amongst "the Scriptures.'" The multitude of spurious writings which were then abroad suggested to the disciples the necessity of caution, and hence suspicions arose in certain cases where they were destitute of foundation. But these suspicions, which never were entertained by more than a minority of the churches, gradually passed away ; and at 'Irericeus, r. 30. Euseb. iii. 18. ' See Wordsworth "On the Canon," pp. 157, 160, 249 ; and Euseb. iii. 25. '-Justin Martyr, ap. i. 67. " 2 Pet. iii. 16. "Wordsworth " On the Canon," p. 205. ° " The allusions to the Epistle to the Hebrews are so numerous that it is not too much to say that it was wholly transfused into Clement's mind." — Wesfco/t on the Cano>t, p. 32. See also Euseb. iii. 38. ' Wordsworth "On the Canon," p. 249. *"The word {ypai^li) translated Scripture, which properly means simply a •writing, occurs fifty times in the New Testament ; and in all these fifty places, it is applied to the writings of the Old and New Testament, and to no other." — Wordsworth, pp. 185, 186. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 163 length, toward the close of the fourth century the whole of what are now called the Catholic epistles were received, by unanimous consent, as inspired documents.' The Apocalypse was acknowledged to be a divine revelation as soon as it ap- peared ; and its credit remained unimpeached till the question of the Millennium began to create discussion. Its authentici- ty was then challenged by some parties who took an interest in the controversy ; but it still continued to be regarded as a part of Holy Scripture by the majority of Christians, and there- is no book of the New Testament in behalf of which a title to a divine original can be established by more conclusive and ample evidence.^ We thus see that, with the exception of a few short epistles which some hesitated to accredit, the New Testament, in the first century, was acknowledged as the Word of God by all the Apostohcal Churches. Its various parts were not then included in a single volume ; and as a considerable time elapsed before copies of every one of them were universally disseminated, it is not to be thought extraordinary if the ap- pearance of a letter, several years after it was written, and in quarters where it had been previously unknown, awakened suspicion or scepticism. But the slender objections, advanced under such circumstances, gradually vanished before the light of additional evidence ; and it may safely be asserted that the whole of the documents, now known as the Scriptures of the New Testament, were received, as parts of a divine revelation, by an overwhelming majority of the early Christians. The present division into chapters and verses was introduced at a period comparatively recent ; ' but stated portions of the 'Wordsworth, pp. 249, 250. "See Davidson's "Introduction," iii. 540-550. ^ See Home's "Introduction," ii. 168. The author of the present di- vision into chapters is said to have been Hugo de Sancto Caro, a learned writer who flourished about the middle of the thirteenth century. The New Testament was first divided into verses by Robert Stephens in 1551. The Geneva New Testament, published in 1557, was the first English ver- sion into which these divisions of Stephens were introduced. The Church of Rome has adopted this Protestant arrangement. Stephens died at Geneva in 1559. l64 THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. writings of the apostles and evangelists were read by the primitive disciples at their religious meetings, and for the di- rection of the reader, as well as for the facility of reference, the arrangement was soon notified in the manuscripts by cer- tain marks of distinction,' It is well known that in the ancient Churches persons of all classes and conditions were encouraged and required to apply themselves to the study of the sacred records ; that even children were made acquainted with the Scriptures ; '' and that the private perusal of the in- spired testimonies was considered an important means of individual edification. All were invited and stimulated by special promises to meditate upon the mysterious, as well as the plain, passages of the book of Revelation. " Blessed," says the Apostle John, " is he that readeth, and t/iey that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein." ' The original manuscripts of the New Testament, which from the first were accessible to comparatively few, have all long since disappeared ; and it is now impossible to tell whether they were worn away by the corroding tooth of time, or destroyed in seasons of persecution. Copies of them were rapidly multiplied ; and though heathen adversaries displayed no small amount of malice and activity, it was soon found im- possible to effect their annihilation. It was not necessary that the apostolic autographs ^ should be preserved forever, as the records, when transcribed, still retained the best and clearest proofs of their inspiration. They did not require even the imprimatur of the Church, for they exhibited in every page the stamp of divinity; and as soon as they were published, they commended themselves by the internal tokens of their heavenly lineage to the acceptance of the faithful. " The Word of God is quick and powerful," and every one who pe- ruses the New Testament in a right spirit feels that it has emanated from the Searcher of hearts. It speaks to the con- ' Home ii. 169. ' John v. 39 ; 2 Tim. iii. 15. ' Rev. i. 3. See also 2 Peter i. 19. * Paul's epistles were often written with the hand of another. See Rom xvi. 22 ; 2 Thcss. iii. 17. THE EPISTLE OF CLEMENT. 165 science ; it has all the simplicity and majesty of a divine com- munication; it enlightens the understanding; and it converts the soul. No mere man could have invented such a character as the Saviour it reveals ; no mere man could have contrived such a system of mercy as that which it announces. The New Testament is always on the side of whatsoever is just, and honest, and lovely, and of good report ; it glorifies God ; it alarms the sinner ; it comforts the saint. " The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times." ' The excellence of the New Testament is displayed to sin- gular advantage when contrasted with those uninspired pro- ductions of nearly the same date which emanated from the companions of the apostles. The only genuine document of this nature which has come down to us, and which belongs to the first century," is an epistle to the Corinthians. It was prepared immediately after the Domitian persecution, or about A.D. 96,^ with a view to heal certain divisions which had sprung up in the religious community to which it is addressed ; and, though written in the name of the Church of Rome, there is no reason to doubt that it is the composition of Clement, who was then at the head of the Roman presbytery. The advice which it administers is most judicious ; and the whole letter breathes the peaceful spirit of a devoted Chris- tian pastor. But it contains passages which furnish conclusive evidence that it has no claims whatever to inspiration ; and its illustration of the doctrine of the resurrection is in itself more than sufificient to demonstrate that it could not have been dictated under any supernatural guidance. " There is," says Clement,* " a certain bird called the phoenix. Of this there is never but one at a time, and that lives five hundred ' Ps. xii. 6. ^ The epistle to Diognetus may have been written in the first century, but it is commonly referred to a later date. * He speaks of the Church of Corinth at the time as " most ancient " (§ 47), and refers to the Domitian persecution. See Euseb. iii. 15, 16. * TertuUian also illustrates the resurrection by the story of the phoenix, " De Resurrec. Cam." c. 13. l66 THE EPISTLE OF CLEMENT. years: and when the time of its dissolution draws near that it must die, it makes itself a nest of frankincense, and myrrh, and other spices, into which, when its time is fulfilled, it enters and dies. But its flesh putrefying breeds a certain worm which, being nourished with the juice of the dead bird, brings forth feathers ; and when it is grown to a perfect state, it takes up the nest in which the bones of its parent are, and carries it from Arabia into Egypt to a city called Heliopolis ; and flying in open day, in the sight of all men, lays it upon the altar of the Sun, and so returns from whence it came. The priests then search into the records of the time, and find that it returned precisely at the end of five hundred years." ' In point of education the authors of the New Testament did not generally enjoy higher advantages than Clement ; and yet, writing " as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," they were prevented from giving currency, even ir a single in- stance, to such a story as this fable of the phcenix. All their statements will be found to be true, whether tried by the standard of mental or of moral science, of geography, or of natural history. The theology which they teach is at once sound and genial ; and those by whom it is appreciated can testify that whilst it invigorates and elevates the intellect, it also pacifies the conscience and purifies the heart. ' Clement's " Epistle to the Corinthians," § 25. The fragment of the second epistle is not generally considered genuine. CHAPTER 11. THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. The same system of doctrine is inculcated throughout the whole of the sacred volume. Though upwards of fifteen hun- dred years elapsed between the commencement and the com- pletion of the canon of Scripture ; though its authors were variously educated ; though they were distinguished as well by their tastes as by their temperaments ; and though they lived in different countries and in different ages, all the parts of the volume called the Bible exhibit the clearest indications of unity of design. Each writer testifies to the "one faith," and each contributes something to its illustration. Thus it is that even at the present day every book in the canon is " good to the use of edifying." The announcements made to our first parents will continue to impart spiritual refreshment to their posterity of the latest generations ; and the believer can now give utterance to his devotional feelings in the language of the Psalms, as appropriately as did the worshipper of old, when surrounded by all the types and shadows of the Leviti- cal ceremonial. The Old Testament is related to the New as the dawn to the day, or the prophecy to its accomplishment. Jesus ap- peared merely to consummate the Redemption which " the promises made to the fathers " had announced. " Think not," said He, " that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets, I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." ' The mission of our Lord explained many things which had long remained myste- rious ; and, in allusion to the great amount of fresh informa- ' Matt. V. 17. (167) l68 JESUS THE CHRIST. tion thus communicated, He is said to have " brought Hfe and immortality to light through the Gospel." i When the apostles first became disciples of the Son of Mary, their views were certainly very indefinite and circum- scribed. Acting under the influence of strong attachment to the Wonderful Personage who exhibited such wisdom and performed so many mighty works, they promptly obeyed the invitation to come and follow Him ; and yet, when required to tell who was this Great Teacher to whom they were at- tached by the charm of such a holy yet mysterious fascina- tion, they could do little more than declare their conviction that Jesus was the Christ.' They knew, indeed, that the Messiah, or the Great Prophet, was to be a Redeemer and a King ; ' but they did not understand how their lowly Master was to establish His title to such high offices.* Though they "looked for redemption" and "waited for the kingdom of God,"^ there was much that was vague as well as much that was visionary in their notions of the Redemption and the Kingdom. We may well suppose that the views of the mul- titude were still less correct and perspicuous. Some expected Christ as a prophet, to decide the ecclesiastical controversies of the age ; ' others anticipated that, as Redeemer, He would deliver His countrymen from Roman domination;' whilst others again cherished the hope that, as a King, He would erect in Judea a mighty monarchy." The expectation of the establishment of His temporal dominion was long entertained even by those who had been taught to regard Him as a spir- itual Saviour.* During the interval between the resurrection and ascension the apostles profited greatly by the teaching of our Lord. " Then opened he their understanding that they might un- derstand the Scriptures," '" showing that all things were " fuK filled which were written in the law of Moses, and in th(; ' 2 Tim. i. lo. '■' Matt. xvi. i6 ; John i. 41. « Luke xxiv. 19, 21 ; John i. 49. * Matt. xvi. 21, 22 ; John xii. 34. * Mark xv, 43 ; Luke ii. 38. * John iv. 20-25. 'John xix. 12. ' Matt. ii. 2, 3, xx. 21 ; John vi. 15. • Acts i. 6. '" Luke xxiv. 45. THE WRITTEN WORD. 169 Prophets, and in the Psalms " ^ concerning Him. The true nature of Christ's Kingdom was now fully disclosed to them ; they saw that the history of Jesus was embodied in the an- cient predictions ; and their ideas were brought into harmony with the revelations of the Old Testament. On the day of Pentecost they received additional illumination ; and thus, maturely qualified for the duties of their apostleship, they be- gan to publish the great salvation. Even afterward their knowledge continued to expand ; for they had yet to be taught that the Gentiles also were heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven ;^ that uncircumcised believers were to be admitted to all the privileges of ecclesiastical fellowship ; ' and that the cere- monial law had ceased to be obligatory.^ We do not require, however, to trace the progress of en- lightenment in the minds of the original heralds of the Gos- pel, that we may ascertain the doctrine of the Apostolic Church ; for in the New Testament we have a complete and unerring exposition of the faith delivered to the saints. We have seen that, with a few comparatively trivial exceptions, all the documents dictated by the apostles and evangelists were at once recognized as inspired ; ' so that in them, com- bined with the Jewish Scriptures, we have a perfect ecclesi- astical statute-book. The doctrine set forth in the New Tes- tament was cordially embraced in the first centuiy by all gen- uine believers. And it can not be too emphatically inculcated that the written Word was of paramount authority among the primitive Christians. The Israelites had traditions which they professed to have received from Moses, but our Lord repudi- ated these fables and asserted the supremacy of the Book of Inspiration." In His own discourses He honored the Script- ures by continually quoting from them,' and He commanded the Jews to refer to them as the only sure arbiters of His pre- tensions.' The apostles followed His example. More than one-half of the sermon preached by Peter on the day of Pen- ' Luke xxiv. 44. = Acts x. 34, 35. = Acts xi. 3, 17. ■* Heb. X. I, 14, 18. ' Period i., sec. ii., chap. i. * Mark vii. 7-9. ' Matt. iv. i-io, xii. 3, 5, 7 ; Mark xii. 26. 'John v. 39. I/O THE WRITTEN WORD. tecost consisted of passages selected from the Old Testament.' The Scriptures, too, inculcate not only their claims as stand- ards of ultimate appeal, but also their sufificiency to meet all the wants of the faithful ; for they profess to be " able to make wise unto salvation,'"" and to be "profitable for doc- trine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous- ness; that the man of God may h^ perfect, thoroughly fur- nished iinto all good works'' ^ The sacred records teach, with equal clearness, their own plenary inspiration. Each writer has peculiarities of style, and yet each uses language which the Holy Spirit dictates. In the New Testament a single word is more than once made the basis of an argument,' and doctrines are repeatedly established by a critical examination of particular forms of expression.^ When statements ad- vanced by Moses or David or Isaiah are adduced, they are often prefaced with the intimation that thus " the Holy Ghost saith," ' or thus " it is spoken of the Lord." ' The apostles plainly aver that they employ language of infallible authority. " We speak," says Paul, " in the zvords which the Holy Ghost teacheth." ' "All Scripture is given by inspira- tion of God."' It is of unutterable importance to know that the Scriptures are the very word of the Lord, for they relate to our highest interests ; and were they of less authority, they could not com- mand our entire confidence. The momentous truths which they reveal are in every way worthy to be recorded in memo- rials given by inspiration of God. Under the ancient econo- my the sinner was assured of a Redeemer;'" and intimations were not wanting that his deliverance would be wrought out in a way fitted to excite the wonder of the whole intelligent creation ; " but the New Testament lifts the veil, and sheds a glorious radiance over the revelation of mercy. According to the doctrine of the Apostolic Church the human race are at * Acts ii. 14-36. "^ 2 Tim. iii. 15. ^ 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. * Matt. xxii. 43, 45 ; Gal. iii. 16 ; Heb. ii. 8, 1 1." •John X. 34, 35 ; Heb. viii. 13. ° Acts xxviii. 25 ; Heb. iii. 7. ' Heb. i. 1,2; Matt. i. 22, ii. 15. ' i Cor. ii. 13. ° 2 Tim. iii. 16. " Gen. iii. 15 ; Ps. cxxx. 7, 8 ; Dan. ix. 24. " Ps. xcviii. 1-4 ■ Isa. ix. 6, FAITH IN CHRIST. I7I once " guilty before God," ' and " dead in trespasses and sins";" and as Christ in the days of His flesh called forth Lazarus from the tomb, and made him a monument of His wonder-working power, so by His word He still awakens dead sinners and calls them with an holy calling, that they may be trophies of His grace throughout all eternity. And as the restoration of hearing is an evidence of the restoration of life, so the reception of the word by faith is a sure token of spir- itual vitality. "He that heareth -my word^' said Christ, " and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto lifer' Faith is to the soul of the believer what the living organs are to his body. It is the ear, the eye, the hand, and the palate of the spiritual man. By faith he hears the voice of the Son of God;* by faith he sees Him who is invisible;' by faith he looks unto Jesus;* by faith he lays hold upon the Hope set before him ; ' and by faith he tastes that the Lord is gracious.* All the promises are addressed to faith ; and by faith they are appropriated and enjoyed. By faith the believer is pardoned," sanctified,'" sustained," and comforted.'* Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ; '^ for it enables us to anticipate the happiness of heaven, and to realize the truth of God. The word of the Lord is to the faith of the Christian what the material world is to his bodily senses. As the eye gazes with delight on the magnificent scenery of creation, the eye of faith contemplates with joy unspeakable the exceedingly great and precious promises. And as the eye can look with pleasure only on those objects which it sees, faith can rest with satisfaction only on those things which are written in the book of God's testimony. It has been "written that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God ; and that beheving we might have life through his name." '* ' Rom. iii. 19. "^ Eph. ii. i. ' John v. 24. * Rev. iii. 20. ^ Heb. xi. 27. « Heb. xii. 2. ' Heb. vi. 18. « i Pet. ii. 3. " Rom. V. I. " Acts XV. 9. " i John v. 4. *'^ Rom. v. 2. " Heb. xi. i. " John xx. 31. 172 THE DEITY OF CHRIST. The Scriptures are not to be regarded as a storehouse of facts, promises, and precepts, without relation or dependency ; but a volume containing a collection of glorious truths, all forming one great and well-balanced system. Every part of revelation refers to. the Redeemer; and His earthly history is the key by means of which its various announcements may be illustrated and harmonized. In the theology of the New Testament Christ is indeed the ''All in all." In addition to many other illustrious titles which He bears, He is represented as " the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world,"' "the End of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth,"* " the Head of the Church,"^ "the King of kings,"* and "the Hope of glory."' During His public ministry He performed miracles such as had been previously understood to mark the peculiar energy of Omnipotence ; for He opened the eyes of the blind;" He walked upon the waves of the sea;' He made the storm a calm;' and he de- clared to man what was His thought." In his capacity of Saviour He exercises attributes which are essentially divine ; as He redeems from all iniquity,'" and pardons sin," and sanc- tifies the Church,'" and opens the heart,'^ and searches the reins." Had Jesus of Nazareth failed to assert His divine dignity, the credentials of His mission would have been in- complete, for the Messiah of the Old Testament is no other than the Monarch of the universe. Nothing can be more obvious than that the ancient prophets invest Him with the various titles and attributes of Deity. He is called " the Lord,"" "Jehovah,"'" and "God";" He is represented as the object of worship;" He is set forth as the King's Son ' John i. 29. ' Rom. x. 4. ' Eph. v. 23. * Rev. xvii. 14. * Col. i. 27. " Ps. cxlvi. 8, compared with John ix. 32, 33. ' Job ix. 8, compared with Matt. xiv. 25. * Ps. cvii. 29, compared with Luke viii. 24. * Amos iv. 13, compared with Matt. xii. 25, and John ii. 24, 25. '" Tit. ii. 14. " Mark ii. 5-10. •'- Eph. v. 26. " Acts xvi. 14 ; Luke xxiv. 45 " Rev. ii. 23. " Mai. iii. 1. " Isa. xl. 3, and vi. i, compared with John xii. 38-41. " Isa. xl. 3, 9; Ps, xlv. 5. '" Ps. ii. 12. THE DEITY OF CHRIST. I73 who shall daily be praised;" and He is exhibited as an Al- mighty and Eternal Friend in whom all that put their trust are blessed.'' During the public ministry of our Lord the Twelve were not altogether ignorant of His exalted dignity ; ' and yet the most decisive attestations to His Godhead occur after His resurrection.* When the apostles surveyed the humble indi- vidual with whom they were in daily intercourse, it is not extraordinary that their faith faltered, and that their powers of apprehension failed, as they pondered the prophecies relat- ing to His advent. When they attempted closely to grapple with the amazing truths there presented to their contempla- tion, and thought of " the Word made flesh," well might they be overwhelmed with a feeling of giddy and dubious wonder. Even after the resurrection had illustrated so marvellously the announcements of the Old Testament, the disciples still con- tinued to regard them with a species of bewilderment ; and our Saviour himself found it necessary to point out in detail their meaning and their fulfilment. " Beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself."^ The whole truth as to the glory of His person now flashed upon their minds, and hence- forth they do not scruple to apply to Him all the lofty titles bestowed of old on the Messiah. The writers of the New Testament say expressly that "Jesus is the Lord,'" and "God blessed forever";' they describe believers as trusting in Him,* as serving Him," and as calhng upon His name ; '" and they tell of saints and angels uniting in the celebration of His praise.'' Such testimonies amply illustrate their ideas of His dignity. 1 Ps. Ixxii. 15. * Ps. ii. 12, compared with Ps. cxlvi. 3, 5, and Isa. xxvi. 4. ^ John i. 49; Matt. xvi. 16, 17. * Such as John xx. 28, xxi. 17. ' Luke xxiv. 27. ° i Cor. xii. 3. ' Rom. ix. 5. » Eph. i. 12, 13 ; Matt. xii. 21. ° Col. iii. 24. 1° Acts ix. 14; I Cor. i. 2. •' Rev. V. 1 1-13. Though modern criticism has shaken the credit of some passages usually quoted in support of the Deity of Christ, such as i Tim. iii, 16, it has discovered others equally strong not now in the received text. 174 THE ATONEMENT. Divine incarnations were recognized in the heathen myth- ology, so that the Gentiles could not well object to the doc- trine of the assumption of our nature by the Son of God ; but Christianity asserts its immense superiority to pagan- ism in its account of the design of the union of humanity and Deity in the person of the Redeemer. According to the poets of Greece and Rome, the gods often adopted material forms for the vilest of purposes : but the Lord of glory was made partaker of our flesh and blood,' to satisfy the claims of eternal justice, and purchase for us a happy and immortal in- heritance. In the cross of Christ sin appears " exceedingly sinful," and the divine law has been more signally honored by His sufferings than if all men of all generations had forever groaned under its chastisements. The Jewish ritual made the apostles perfectly familiar with the doctrine of atonement ; but they were " slow of heart to believe " that their Master was Himself the Mighty Sacrifice represented in the types of the Mosaic ceremonial.^ The evangelist informs us that He expounded this subject after His resurrection, showing them that " thus it behoved Christ to suffer." ' Still the crucifix- ion of the Saviour was to multitudes a " rock of offence." The ambitious Israelite, who expected the Messiah to go forth conquering and to conquer, and make Palestine the seat of universal empire, could not brook the thought that the Great Deliverer was to die ; and the learned Greek, who looked upon all religion with leering scepticism, was prepared to ridicule the idea of the burial of the Son of God ; but the very circum- stance which aroused such prejudices, suggested to those pos- sessed of spiritual discernment discoveries of stupendous grandeur. Justice demands the punishment of transgressors; mercy pleads for their forgiveness ; holiness requires the ex- ecution of God's threatenings ; goodness insists on the fulfil- ment of His promises ; and all these attributes arc harmonized See Lachmann's text of Col. ii. 2, and i Pet. iii. 15; and Trefrelles on John i. 18, and his " Additions" to the 4th vol. of Home's " introduction," pp. 780-81, Loh.lon, i860. See also the Revised version of the New Testa- ment. ' Heb. ii. 14. ^ Matt. xvi. 22. ' Luke xxiv. 46. PREDESTINATION AND THE TRINITY. 1 75 in the doctrine of a Saviour sacrificed. God is " just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."' The Son of Man "by His own blood obtained eternal redemption"^ for His Church ; " mercy and truth meet together" in His expiation; and His death is thus the central point to which the eye of faith is now directed. Hence Paul says, " We preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks foolishness ; but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God." ' The doctrine of the Apostolic Church is simple and con- sistent, as well as spiritual and sublime. The way of redemp- tion it discloses is not an extempore provision of Supreme benevolence called forth by an unforeseen contingency, but a plan devised from eternity, and fitted to display all the divine perfections in most impressive combination. Whilst it recog- nizes the voluntary agency of man, it upholds the sovereignty of God. Jehovah graciously secures the salvation of every heir of the promises by both contriving and carrying out all the arrangements of the " well-ordered covenant." His Spirit quickens the dead soul, and works in us " to will and to do of his good pleasure." ^ " The Father hath chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love ; having predes- tinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us ac- cepted in the Beloved." ^ The theological term Trinity was not in use in the days of the apostles, but it does not follow that the doctrine so desig- nated was then unknown ; for the New Testament clearly in- dicates that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost exist in the unity of the Godhead." Neither can it be inferred from the absence of any fixed formula of doctrine that the early followers of our Lord did not all profess the same sentiments, for they had " one Lord, one faith, one baptism." ' The docu- ' Rom. iii. 26. "^ Heb. 'x. 12. ^ i Cor. i. 24, ■• Phil. ii. 13. ^ Eph. i. 4-6. " Matt, xxviii. 19 ; John x. 30, xv. 26. ' Eph. iv. 5. 1/6 BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS. ment commonly called " the Apostles' Creed " is certainly of very great antiquity, but no part of it proceeded from those to whom it is attributed by its title ; ' and its rather bald and dry detail of facts and principles obviously betokens a decline from the simple and earnest spirit of primitive Christianity. Though the early converts, before baptism, made a declaration of their faith,* there is in the sacred volume no authorized summary of doctrinal belief; and in this fact we have a proof of the far-seeing wisdom by which the New Testament was dictated ; as heresy is ever changing its features, and a test of orthodoxy, suited to the wants of one age, would not ex- clude the errorists of another. It has been left to the exist- ing rulers of the Church to frame such ecclesiastical symbols as circumstances require ; and they are bound to search the Scriptures that they may be prepared to grapple successfully with errors as they appear. It may be added that the doctrine of the Apostolic Church is eminently practical. The great object of the mission of Jesus was to ** save his people from their sins "; ' and the tendency of all the teachings of the New Testament is to promote sanctification. But the holiness of the Gospel is not a shy asceticism which sits in a cloister in moody melancholy, so that its light never shines before men ; but a generous con- secration of the heart to God, which leads us to confess Christ in the presence of gainsayers, and which prompts us to delight in works of benevolence. The true Christian should be happy as well as holy ; for the knowledge of the highest truth is connected with the purest enjoyment. This "wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things that maybe desired are not to be compared to it."* The Apostle Paul, when a prisoner at Rome, had comforts to which Nero was an utter stranger. Even then he could say, " I have learned in what- soever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound ; everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry ' See Bingham, iii. 323-327. * Acts viii. 37 ; i Pet. iii. 21. * Matt. i. 21. * Prov. viii. 11. BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS. I// both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." ' When all around the be- liever is dark and discouraging, there is sunshine in his soul. There are no joys comparable to the joys of a Christian. They are the gifts of the Spirit of God, and the first-fruits of eternal blessedness ; they are serene and heavenly, solid and satisfying. ' Phil. iv. 11-14. CHAPTER III. THE HERESIES OF THE APOSTOLIC AGE. The Greek word translated heresy ^ in our authorized ver- sion of the New Testament, did not primarily convey an un- favorable idea. It simply denoted a choice or preference. It was often employed to indicate the adoption of a particular class of philosophical sentiments ; and thus it came to signify a sect or doiomination. Hence we find ancient writers speak- ing of the heresy of the Stoics, the heresy of the Epicureans, and the heresy of the Academics. The Jews who used the Greek language did not consider that the word necessarily reflected on the party it was intended to describe ; and Jose- phus, who was himself a Pharisee, accordingly discourses of the three heresies of the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes.'' The Apostle Paul, when speaking of his own his- tory prior to his conversion, says, that "after the strictest heresy " of his religion he lived a Pharisee.* We learn, too, from the book of the Acts, that the early Christians were known as " the heresy of the Nazarenes." " But very soon the word began .to be employed to denote something which the Gospel could not sanction ; and accordingly, in the Epis- tle to the Galatians, heresies are enumerated among the works of the ilesh." It is not difficult to explain why Christian writers at an early date were led to attach such a meaning to a term which had hitherto been understood to imply nothing ' " Kifnaiq autem GraecC, ab electione dicitur : qu6cl scilicet earn sibi unus- quisque eligat disciplinam, quam putat esse meliorem." — Hicrotiymus in Epist. ad Galat. c. 5. See also TertuUian, " De Prsescrip." c. 6. " " Life," § 2 ; " Antiq." xiii. 5, 9. ' Acts xxvi. 5. * Acts xxiv. 5. ' Gal. v. 20. (17S) EARLY HERETICS. 1/9 reprehensible. The New Testament teaches us to regard an erroneous theology as sinful, and traces every deviation from " the one faith " of the Gospel to the corruption of a darkened intellect.' It declares, *' He that believeth not is condemned already^ because he hath not believed in the name of the only- begotten Son of God ; and this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.'' ^ The most ancient ecclesiastical authors described all classes of unbelievers, scep- tics, and innovators, under the general name of heretics. Per- sons who in matters of religion made a false choice, of what- ever kind, were viewed as " vainly puffed up by a fleshly mind," or as under the influence of some species of mental depravity. Heresy, in the first century, denoted every deviation from the Christian faith. Pagans and Jews, as well as professors of apocryphal forms of the Gospel, were called heretics.' But in the New Testament our attention is directed chiefly to errorists who in some way disturbed the Church, and adulter- ated the doctrine taught by our Lord and His apostles. Paul refers to such characters when he says, " A man that is an her- etic, after the first and second admonition, reject "; * and Peter also alludes to them when he speaks of false teachers who were to appear and " privily bring in damnable heresies." ' The earliest corrupters of the Gospel were unquestionably those who endeavored to impose the observance of the Mosaic law on the converted Gentiles. Their proceedings were con- demned in the Council of Jerusalem, mentioned in the fifteenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles ; and Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, subsequently exposed their infatuation. But evangelical truth had more to fear from dilution with the speculations of the Jewish and pagan literati.* The apostle ' Eph. iv. 17, 18; Col. i. 13. ' John iii. 18, 19. ' Mosheim has overlooked this fact, and has, in consequence, been be- trayed into some false criticism when treating on this subject. " Titus iii. 10. ' 2 Pet. ii. i. * Every one acquainted with the works of Philo Judseus is aware that Jewish literature was now largely impregnated with pagan philosophy. I80 GNOSTICISM. had this evil in view when he said to the Colossians, " Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the worlds and not after Christ." ' He likewise emphatically attested the danger to be apprehended from it when he addressed to his own son in the faith the impassioned admonition, " O Tim- othy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding pro- fane and vain babblings, and oppositions of scicjice falsely so called." ^ There is no reason to doubt that the ''science " or " phi- losophy " of which Paul was so anxious that the disciples .should beware, was the same which was afterward so well known by the designation of Gnosticism. The second century was the period of its most vigorous development ; and it then, for a time, almost engrossed the attention of the Church ; but it was already beginning to exert a pernicious influence, and it is therefore noticed by the vigilant apostle. Whilst it ac- knowledged, to a certain extent, the authority of the Christian revelation, it also borrowed largely from Platonism ; and, in a spirit of accommodation to the system of the Athenian sage, it rejected some of the leading doctrines of the Gospel. Plato never entertained the sublime conception of the creation of all things out of nothing by the word of the Most High. He held that matter is essentially evil, and that it is contaminat- ing.' The false teachers who disturbed the Church in the apostolic age adopted both these views ; and the errors which they propagated, and of which the New Testament takes no- tice, flowed from their unsound philosophy by direct and necessary consequence. As a right understanding of certain passages of Scripture depends on an acquaintance with their system, it will here be expedient to advert somewhat more particularly to a few of its pecuhar features. The Gnostics alleged that the present world owes neither its origin nor its arrangement to the Supreme God. They maintained that its constituent parts have been always in ex- ' Col. ii. 8. ' I Tim. vi. 20. ' See Burton's " Inquiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age," pp. 314, 315. Also Mosheim's " Dissertation " appended to Cudworth, iii. 171. GNOSTICISM. l8l istence ; and that, as the great Father of Lights would have been contaminated by contact with corrupt matter, the visible frame of things was fashioned, without His knowledge, by an inferior Intelligence. These principles derogated from the glory of Jehovah. By ascribing to matter an independent and eternal existence they impugned the doctrine of God's Omnip- otent Sovereignty; and by representing it as regulated with- out His sanction by a spiritual agent of a lower rank, they denied His Universal Providence. The apostle, therefore, felt it necessary to enter his protest against all such cosmogo- nies. He declared that Jehovah alone, as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, existed from eternity ; and that all things spirit- ual and material arose out of nothing in obedience to the word of the second person of the Godhead, " By him," says he, " were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or domin- ions or principalities or powers ; all things were created by him and for him, and he is before all things, and by him all things consist T ' The philosophical system of the Gnostics also led them to adopt false views respecting the body of Christ. As, accord- ing to their theory, the Messiah came to deliver men from the bondage of evil matter, they could not consistently ac- knowledge that He himself inhabited an earthly tabernacle. They refused to admit that our Lord was born of a human parent ; and, as they asserted that He had a body only in ap- pearance, or that His visible form as man was in reality a phantom, they were at length known by the title of Docetae. The Apostle John repeatedly attests the folly and the dan- ger of such speculations. " The Word," says he, " was made flesh and dwelt among us." .... Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God." .... That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the Word of Life, .... de- clare we unto you." .... Many deceivers are entered into ' Col. i. 1 6, 17. '^ From (Ww, I appear. ' John i. 14. * I John iv. 3. =" i John i. 1-3. 1 82 DENIAL OF THE RESURRECTION. the world who confess not that j^csus Christ is come in the flesh." ' Reasoning from the prhiciple that evil is inherent in matter, the Gnostics believed the union of the soul and the body to be a calamity. According to their views the spiritual being can never attain the perfection of which he is susceptible so long as he remains connected with his present corporeal organiza- tion. Hence they rejected the doctrine of the resurrection of the body. When Paul asks the Corinthians, " How say some among you that there is no resurrectfon of the dead ? " ' he alludes to the Gnostic denial of this article of the Christian theology. He also refers to the same circumstance when he denounces the "profane and vain babblings" of those who ** concerning the truth " had erred, " saying that the resurrec- tion is past already." ^ These heretics maintained that an in- troduction to their Gliosis, or knowledge, was the only genuine deliverance from the dominion of death ; and argued accord- ingly that, in the case of those who had been initiated into the mysteries of their system, the resurrection was " past already." The ancient Christian writers concur in stating that Simon, mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles," and commonly called Simon Magus, was the father of the sects of the Gnostics.' He was a Samaritan by birth, and after the rebuke he received from Peter,' he is reported to have withdrawn from the Church and to have concocted a theology of his own, into which he imported some elements borrowed from Christianity. At a subsequent period he travelled to Rome, where he attracted attention by the novelty of his creed and the boldness of his pretensions. Prior to his baptism by Philip, he "had used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one "; ' and subsequently he pursued a similar career. According to a very early authority, nearly all the inhabitants of his native country, and a few persons in other districts, worshipped him as the first or supreme God.' '2 John 7. ''I Cor. XV. 12. » 2 Tim. ii. 16-18. 'Acts viii. 9. " Irenaeus, i. 23 ; Eusebius, ii. 13. ' Acts viii. 20-23. . ' Acts viii. 9. •Justin Martyr, " Apol." ii. 69. Edit. Paris, 161 5. TENDENCY OF GNOSTICISM. 1 83 There is, probably, some exaggeration in this statement ; but there is no reason to doubt that he laid claim -to extraordinary- powers, maintaining that the same spirit which had been im- parted to Jesus, had descended on himself. He denied that our Lord had a real body. Some, who did not enroll them- selves under his standard, soon partially adopted his principles ; and Hymenaeus, Philetus, Alexander, Phygellus, and Hermog- enes, mentioned in the New Testament,' were all more or less tinctured with the spirit of Gnosticism. Other heresiarchs, not named in the sacred record, are known to have flourished toward the close of the first century. Of these the most famous were Carpocrates, Cerinthus, and Ebion." It is stated that John's testimony to the dignity of the Word, in the be- ginning of his Gospel, was designed as an antidote to the errors of Cerinthus.^ When the Gospel exerts its proper influence on the charac- ter it produces an enlightened, genial, and consistent piety; but a false faith is apt to lead, in practice, to one of two ex- tremes, either the asceticism of the Essene, or the sensualism of the Sadducee. Gnosticism developed itself in both these directions. Some of its advocates maintained that, as matter is essentially evil, the corrupt propensities of the body should be kept in constant subjection by a life of rigorous mortifica- tion ; others held that, as the principle of evil is inherent in the corporeal frame, the malady is beyond the reach of cure, and that, therefore, the animal nature should be permitted freely to indulge its peculiar appetites. To the latter party, as some think, belonged the Nicolaitanes noticed by John in the Apocalypse.* They are said to have derived their name from Nicolas, one of the seven deacons ordained by the apos- ' I Tim. i. 20; 2 Tim. i. 15, ii. 17, iv. 14. * Irenaeus, i. 25, 26 ; Tertullian, " De Praescrip. Haeret." 33 ; Epiphanius, " Hasr." XXX. 2, Ixix. 23. ^ Irenaeus, iii. 11. The story that John, on meeting Cerinthus in a bath at Ephesus, fled out of the place lest the building should fall on him, is a legend unworthy the eharacter of the "Son of Thunder." Cerinthus was one of the earliest millenarians. See Euseb. iii. 28. *Rev. ii. 6, 15. 1 84 CONDEMNATION OF GNOSTICISM. ties ; ' and to have been a class of Gnostics noted for their licentiousness. The origin of the designation may admit of some dispute ; but those to whom it was applied were alike lax in principle and dissolute in practice, for the Spirit of God has declared His abhorrence as well of the ^^ doctrine," as of " the deeds of the Nicolaitanes." * Though the Jews, in the time of our Lord, were so much divided in sentiment, and though the Pharisees, the Saddu- cees, and the Essenes had each their theological peculiarities, their sectarianism did not involve any complete severance or separation. Notwithstanding their differences of creed, the Pharisees and Sadducees sat together in the Sanhedrim,' and worshipped together in the temple. All the seed of Abraham constituted one Church, and congregated in the same sacred courts to celebrate the great festivals. In the Christian Church, in the days of the apostles, there was something approaching to the same outward unity. Though, for instance, there were so many parties among the Corinthians — though one said, I am of Paul, and another I am of Apollos, and another I am of Cephas, and another I am of Christ — all assembled in the same place to join in the same worship, and to partake of the same Eucharist. Those who withdrew from the disciples with whom they had been previously associated, generally relinquished altogether the profession of Christianity.* Some, at least, of the Gnostics acted very differently. When danger appeared they were inclined to temporize, and to discontinue their at- tendance on the worship of the Church ; but they were desir- ous to remain still nominally connected with the great body of believers.' Any form of alliance with such errorists was, however, considered a cause of scandal ; and the inspired teachers of the Gospel insisted on their exclusion from ecclesiastical fellow- ' Acts vi. 5. Others conceive, however, that the name Nicolaitanes is equivalent to Balaamiles (as Balaam in Hebrew is nearly equivalent to Nicolas in Greek, each word signifying Ruler, or Conqueror of the people), and that the apostle does not here refer to any party already known by this designa- tion, but to all who, like Balaam, were seducers o( God's people. See Ne- ander, "General History," ii. 159. Edinburgh edition, 1847. ■■' Rev. ii. 6, 15. ^Acts x.xiii. t, 6. M John ii. 19. 'Compare Judc 19, -I'ld Hcb. x. 25. THE GOSPEL THE PUREST WISDOM. 1 85 ship. Hence Paul declares that he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander " unto Satan," that they might learn " not to blaspheme";' and John upbraids the Church in Pergamos be- cause it retained in its communion " them that held the doc- trine of the Nicolaitanes." ' During the first century the Gnostics seem to have been unable to create anything like a schism among those who had embraced Christianity. Whilst the apostles lived, the " science, falsely so called," could not pretend to a divine sanction ; and though here and there they displayed considerable activity in the dissemination of their principles, they were sternly and effectually discountenanced. It is accordingly stated by one of the earliest ecclesiastical writers that, in the time of Simeon of Jerusalem, who finished his career in the beginning of the second century, " they called the Church as yet a virgin, inasmuch as it was not yet corrupted by vain discourses." ' Other writers concur in bearing testi- mony to the fact that, whilst the apostles were on earth, false teachers failed "to divide the unity " of the Christian common- wealth, "by the introduction of corrupt doctrines."* The Gospel affords scope for the healthful and vigorous exercise of the human understanding, and it is itself the high- est and purest wisdom. It likewise supplies a test for ascer- taining the state of the heart. Those who receive it with faith unfeigned will delight to meditate on its wonderful discover- ies ; but those who are unrenewed in the spirit of their minds will render to it only a doubtful submission, and will pervert its plainest announcements. The apostle therefore says, "There must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you." ^ The heretic is made manifest alike by his deviations from the doctrines and the precepts of revelation. His creed does not exhibit the con- > I Tim. i. 20. ''Rev. ii. 15. '^ Hegesippus in Euseb. iv. 22. * Eusebius, iv. 22. ^i Cor. xi. 19. Augustine, after quoting this text, adds: "There are many things pertaining to the catholic faith which, that we may defend against the heretics who are restlessly and furiously discussing them, are at once studied more diligently, understood more clearly, and preached more zealously." — Ct/j of Cod, xvi. 2. 1 86 THE GOSPEL THE PUREST WISDOM. sistency of truth, and his life fails to display the beauty of holiness. Bible Christianity is neither superstitious nor scepti- cal, neither austere nor sensual. " The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be en- treated, full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy." * 'James iii. 17. SECTION III. THE WORSHIP AND CONSTITUTION OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE lord's day — THE WORSHIP OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH — ITS SYMBOLIC ORDINANCES AND ITS DISCIPLINE. To the primitive disciples the day on which our Lord rose from the grave was a crisis of intense excitement. The cru- cifixion had cast a dismal cloud over their prospects ; for, im- mediately before, when Jesus entered Jerusalem amidst the hosannas of the multitude, they probably anticipated the es- tablishment of His sovereignty as the Messiah : yet, when His body was committed to the tomb, they did not at once sink into despair ; and, though filled with anxiety, they vent- ured to indulge a hope that the third day after His demise would be signalized by some new revelation.' The report of those who were early at the sepulchre at first inspired the res- idue of the disciples with wonder and perplexity ; ^ but, as the proofs of His resurrection multiplied, they became confident and joyful. Ever afterward the first day of the week was observed by them as the season of holy convocation." Those members of the Apostolic Church who had been originally Jews, continued for some time to meet together also on the Saturday ; but what was called " The Lord's Day," * was re- garded by all as sacred to Christ. ' Luke xxiv. 21. '' Luke xxiv, 17, 22, 23. ' Acts xx. 7. * Rev. i, 10, f/ KvpLaKTi Tjjiepa. The day was ever afterward distinguished by this designation. See a letter from Dionysius of Corinth in Eusebius, (187) I 88 TPIE SABBATH. It has often been asserted that, during His own ministry, our Saviour encouraged His disciples to violate the Sabbath, and thus prepared the way for its abolition. But this theory is as destitute of foundation as it is dangerous to morality. Even the ceremonial law continued binding till Jesus expired upon the cross ; and He felt it to be His duty to attend to every jot and tittle of its appointments.' Thus it became Him " to fulfil all righteousness." ' He is at pains to show that the acts of which the Pharisees complained as breaches of the Sab- bath could be vindicated by Old Testament authority;' and that these formalists " condemned the guiltless^' ' when they denounced the disciples as doing that which was unlawful. Jesus never transgressed either the letter or the spirit of any commandment pertaining to the holy rest ; but superstition had added to the written law a multitude of minute observ- ances ; and every Israelite was at perfect liberty to neglect any or all of these frivolous regulations. The Great Teacher never intimated that the Sabbath was a ceremonial ordinance to cease with the Mosaic ritual. ^ It was instituted when our first parents were in Paradise ; ^ and the precept enjoining its remembrance, being a portion of the Decalogue,' is of perpetual obligation. Hence, instead of re- garding it as a merely Jewish institution, Christ declares that it " was made for MAN," ' or, in other words, that it was de- signed for the benefit of the whole human family. Instead of anticipating its extinction along with the ceremonial law, He speaks of its existence after the downfall of Jerusalem. When He announces the calamities connected with the ruin of the holy city. He instructs His followers to pray that the urgency of the catastrophe may not deprive them of the comfort of the ordinances of the sacred rest. " Pray ye," said he, " that your iv. 23. See also Kaye's " Clement of Alexandria," p, 418. The first day of the week is called "the Christian Sabbath " in the Ethinpic version of the " Apostolical Constitutions." See Piatt's " Didascalia," p. 99. But these Constitutions are of comparatively late origin, ' Matt. V. 17-19. 5 Matt. iii. 15. ' Matt. xii. 3-5 ; Mark ii. 25, 26. * Matt. xii. 7. • Gen. ii. 3. • Exod. xx. 1-17. ' Mark ii. 27. THE lord's day. 1 89 flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath-day." ' And the prophet Isaiah, when describing the ingathering of the Gentiles and the glory of the Church in the times of the Gos- pel, mentions the keeping of the Sabbath as characteristic of the children of God. " The sons of the stranger," says he, " that join themselves to the Lord to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, every one that keep- eth the Sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my cov- enant— even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer ; their burnt-offer- ings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar :^ for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all peopled ' But when Jesus declared that " the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath,"^ He unquestionably asserted His right to alter the circumstantials of its observance. He accordingly abolished its ceremonial worship, gave it a new name, and changed the day of its celebration. He signalized the first day of the week by then appearing once and again to His dis- ciples after His resurrection,* and by that Pentecostal outpour- ing of the Spirit ° which marks the commencement of a new era in the history of redemption. As the Lord's day was ' Matt. xxiv. 20. 2 See Heb. xiii. 10, 15, 16 ; Ps. li. 17. * Isa. Ivi. 6, 7. Compare with Isa. ii. 2. * Mark ii. 28. ■* John XX. 19, 26. According to the current style of speaking, " after eight days " means iAe eighth day after. See Matt, xxvii. 63. ° Acts ii. I. That the day of Pentecost was the first day of the week appears from Lev. xxiii. 11, 15. The same inference may be drawn from John xviii. 28, and xix. 31, compared with Lev. xxiii. 5, 6. See also SchafT's " History of the Apostolic Church," i. p. 230, note, and the authorities there quoted. " The day of Pentecost, on whatever day of the week it fell, was a Sabbath, Lev. xxiii. 21. So here, on the very day of the commemoration or the promulgation of the old law, we have also the promulgation of the new, which v^'e may consider as the virtual repeal of the temporary part of the old — as the substitution of the new for the old dispensation — here, on this very day, we have the Lord's Day and the Sabbath combined togeth- er." " Scripture Account of the Sabbath," by Archdeacon Stopford, p. 220. London, 1837. IQO THE LORD S DAY. consecrated to the Lord's service/ the disciples did not now neglect the assembling of themselves together ;" and the apos- tle commanded them at this holy season to set apart a portion of their gains for religious purposes.' It was most fitting that the first day of the week should be thus distinguished under the new economy ; for the deliverance of the Church is a more illustrious achievement than the formation of the world ;* and as the primeval Sabbath commemorated the rest of the Creator, the Christian Sabbath reminds us of the completion of the work of the Redeemer. " There remaineth, therefore, the keeping of a Sabbath ' to the people of God, for he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his." ° As many of the converts from Judaism urged the circum- cision of their Gentile brethren, they were likewise disposed to insist on their observance of the Hebrew festivals. The apostles, at least for a considerable time, did not deem it ex- pedient positively to forbid the keeping of such days ; but they required that, in matters of this nature, every one should be left to his own discretion. "One man," says Paul, " es- teemeth one day above another; another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."' The Lord's day is not included in this compromise; for from the morning of the resurrection there was no dispute as to its claims, and its very title attests the general recogni- tion of its authority. The apostle can refer only to days which were typical and ceremonial. Hence he says elsewhere, " Let no man judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect ' In the same way the Eucharist is called the Lord's Supper : KvpioK^ 6fiKvni' (i Cor. xi. 20). Thus also we speak of the Lord's house and the Lord's people. » Heb. X. 25. ^ I Cor. xvi. i, 2. * Isa. Ixv. 17, 18. * lafifiaTta/dg. See Owen " On the Hebrews," iv. 9. • Heb. iv. 9, 10. " As that rest, which all the world was to observe, was founded in the works and rest of Him who built or made the world, and all things in it; so the rest of the Church of the Gospel is to be founded in the works and rest of Him by whom the Church itself was built, that is, Jesus Christ." — Given. ' Rom. xiv. 5. WORSHIP OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. I91 of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days — which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ!' * Though the New Testament furnishes no full and circum- stantial description of the worship of the Christian Church, it makes such incidental allusions to its various parts as enable us to form a pretty accurate idea of its general character. Like the worship of the synagogue,'^ it consisted of prayer, praise, reading the Scriptures, and expounding or preaching. Those who joined the Church, for several years after it was first organized, were almost exclusively converts from Juda- ism, and when they embraced the Christian faith, they retained the order of religious service to which they had been hitherto accustomed ; but by the recognition of Jesus Christ as the Messiah of whom the law and the prophets testified, their old forms were inspired with new life and significance. At first the heathen did not challenge the distinction between the worship of the synagogue and the Church ; and thus it was, as has already been intimated, that for a considerable portion of the first century, the Christians and the Jews were frequently confounded. It has often been asserted that the Jews had a liturgy when our Lord ministered in their synagogues; but the proof ad- duced in support of this statement is far from satisfactory; and their prayers, which are still extant, and which are said to have been then in use, must obviously have been written after the destruction of Jerusalem." It is, however, certain that the » Col. ii. 16, 17. 2 The ordinary temple service was peculiar. It was, to a great extent, ceremonial and typical, consisting largely of sacrificing, burning incense, and offering various oblations. The worshippers often prayed apart. See Luke i. 10, xviii. 10, 11. But all the ordinances of the temple — such as the reading of the law — were not ceremonial. ^ See these eighteen prayers in Prideaux's " Connexions," i. 375, and note. Bingham admits (Grig. iv. 194) that these words were their " most ancient " forms of devotion ; and, of course, if they were written after the fall of Jeru- salem, it follows that the Jews had no liturgy in the days of our Lord. Had they then been limited to fixed forms. He would scarcely have upbraided the Scribes and Pharisees for hypocritically "making long prayer." Matt, xxiii. 14. 192 PRAYER. Christians in the apostolic age were not restricted to any par- ticular forms of devotion. The liturgies ascribed to Mark, James, and others, are unquestionably the fabrications of later times ;' and had any of the inspired teachers of the Gospel composed a book of common prayer, it would have been re- ceived into the canon of the New Testament. Our Lord taught His disciples to pray, and supplied them with a model to guide them in their devotional exercises f but there is no evidence whatever that, in their stated services, they constantly employed the language of that beautiful and comprehensive formulary. The very idea of a liturgy was altogether alien to the spirit of the primitive believers. They were commanded to give thanks " in everything," ' to pray " always wii/z all prayer and supplication in the spirit,"^ and to watch thereunto " with all perseverance and supplication for all saints "/ ' and had they been limited to a form, they would have found it impossible to comply with these admonitions. ' Their prayers were dictated by the occasion, and varied according to pass- ing circumstances. Some of them which have been recorded,' had a special reference to the occurrences of the day, and could not have well admitted of repetition. In the apostolic age, when the Spirit was poured out in such rich effusion on the Church, the gift, as well as the grace, of prayer was imparted abundantly, so that a liturgy would have been superfluous, if not directly calculated to freeze the genial current of devo- tion. Singing, in which — as some contend — none but Levites were permitted to unite, ^ and which was accompanied by in- strumental music, constituted, at least from the days of David, a part of the ritual of Jewish worship. The singers occupied an elevated platform adjoining the court of the priests;* and the sounds of cymbals, psalteries, and harps, mingled with ' See Palmer's " Origines Liturgicas," i. pp. 44-92 ; and Clarkson's "Dis- course concerning Liturgies "; " Select Works," p. 342. « Matt. vi. 9-13. M Thess. v. 18. * Eph. vi. 18. • Eph. vi. 18. • Acts i. 24, 25, iv. 24-30. '' See Lightfoot's '•' Temple Service," ch. vii., sec. i, " Works," ix. 56. • Lightfoot's "Prospect of the Temple," ch. xxxiiii., " Works," ix. 384. THE SCRIPTURES AND THE GIFT OF TONGUES. I93 their well-trained voices, must have exercised a thrilling influ- ence,' But the early Christians — constantly depressed by per- secution, and often obliged to hold their religious assemblies in some secluded spot at dead of night — could not think of at- tempting to emulate such a magnificent service of praise. These were the days of darkness, predicted by the Great Bridegroom,'' when they were to fast and mourn, and when they could make no provision for the embellishments of artis- tic melody. It is not, therefore, strange that instrumental music was not heard in their congregational services. The Jews divided the Pentateuch and the writings of the Prophets into sections, one of which was read every Sabbath in the synagogue ; ^ and thus, in the place set apart to the serv- ice of the God of Israel, His own will was constantly pro- claimed. The Christians bestowed equal honor on the holy oracles ; for in their solemn assemblies, the reading of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament formed part of their stated worship.' At the close of this exercise, one or more of the elders edified the congregation, either by giving a general exposition of the passage read, or by insisting particularly on some point of doctrine or duty which it obviously inculcated. If a prophet was present, he, too, had an opportunity of ad- dressing the auditory.^ As apostolic Christianity aimed to impart light to the un- derstanding, its worship was uniformly conducted in the lan- guage of the people. It, indeed, attested its divine origin by miracles, and it accordingly enabled some to speak in tongues in which they had never been instructed ; but it permitted such individuals to exercise their gifts in the church, only when interpreters were present to translate their communications." ' The Rabbins report that the sound of the temple service could be heard at Jericho ; but this is obviously an absurd exaggeration. '^ Mark ii. 20. » Luke iv. 16, 17. " Col. iv, 16 ; i Thess. v. 27. * I Cor. xiv. 29. Only two or three persons were permitted to speak at a meeting. By him that"sitteth by" (verse 30), a doctor or teacher is meant. See Vitringa, " De Synagoga," p. 600, and Matt. v. i. ' I Cor. xiv. 27. The gift of" interpretation of tongues" (i Cor. xii. 10) was quite as wonderful as the gift of "divers kinds of tongues " (i Cor. xii. 10). 13 194 INFANT BAPTISM. Whilst the gift of tongues, possessed by so many of the primitive disciples, attracted the attention of the Gentile as well as of the Jewish literati, it also made a powerful impression on the popular mind, especially in large cities ; for in such places there were always foreigners to whom these strange utterances were perfectly intelligible, and for whom a discourse delivered in the speech of their native country had peculiar charms. But in the worship of the primitive Chris- tians, the arrangements were of the most simple character. In their depressed condition, they often conducted their services under circumstances of extreme discomfort. For the whole of the first century they celebrated their religious ordinances in private houses,' and their ministers officiated in their ordi- nary costume. John, the forerunner of our Saviour, " had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins ";' but perhaps few of the early Christian preachers were arrayed in such coarse canonicals. The Founder of the Christian religion instituted only two symbolic ordinances — Baptism and the Lord's Supper.' It is universally admitted that, in the apostolic age, baptism was dispensed to all who embraced the Gospel ; but it has been much disputed whether it was also administered to the infant children of the converts. The testimony of Scripture on the subject is not very explicit, for, as the ordinance was in com- mon use among the Jews,* a minute description of its mode and subjects was deemed unnecessary by the apostles and evangelists. When an adult heathen was received into the Church of Israel, it is well known that the little children of ' I Cor. xvi. 19; Col. iv. 15; Philem. 2. " Matt. iii. 4. ^ The rite of confirmation, as now practiced, has no sanction in the New Testament. The " baptisms " and " laying on of hands," mentioned Heb. vi. 2, are obviously the "divers washings" of the Jews, and the imposition of hands ott the heads of victims. The laying on of the apostles' hands con- ferred miraculous gifts. Had the apostle referred to Christian baptism in Heb. vi. 2, he would have used the singular number. ^ Lightfoot affirms that the use of baptism among the Israelites was as ancient as the days of Jacob. He appeals in support of this view to Gen XXXV. 2. " Works," iv. 278. INFANT BAPTISM. I95 the proselyte were admitted along with him ; ' and as the Christian Scriptures noxvhcre forbid the dispensation of the rite to infants, it may be presumed that the same practice was observed by the primitive ministers of the Gospel. This in- ference is emphatically corroborated by the fact that, of the comparatively small number of passages in the New Testa- ment which treat of its administration, no less than five refer to the baptism of whole households." These five cases are not mentioned as rare or peculiar, but as ordinary specimens of the niethod of apostolic procedure. It is not, indeed, abso- lutely certain that there was an infant in any of these five households ; but it is, unquestionably, much more probable that they contained a fair proportion of little children, than that every individual in each of them had arrived at years of maturity, and that all these adults, without exception, at once participated in the faith of the head of the family, and became candidates for baptism. In the New Testament faith is represented as the grand qualification for baptism ; ' but this principle obviously applies only to all who are capable of believing; for, in the Word of God, faith is also represented as necessary to salvation,* and yet it is generally conceded that little children may be saved. Under the Jewish dispensation infants were circumcised, and were thus recognized as interested in the divine favor, so that, if they be excluded from the rite of baptism, it follows that they occupy a worse position under a milder and more glorious economy. But the New Testament forbids us to adopt such an inference. It declares that infants should be " suffered to come " to the Saviour ; ' it indicates that baptism supplies the place of circumcision, for it connects the Gospel institution ' Lightfoot's "Works," iv. 409, 410. Edit. London, 1822. ^ Acts X. 2, 44-48, xvi. 15, 33, xviii. 8 ; I Cor. i. 16. ' Acts viii. 37. * Mark xvi. 16 ; John iii. 18. ^Matt. xix. 14; Luke xviii. 15. In the New Testament children are de- scribed as uniting with their Christian parents in prayer (Acts xxi. 5). Were not these children baptized ? They were, no doubt, brought up " in the tmrture and admonition of the Lord " (Eph. vi. 4). 196 MODE OF BAPTISM. with "the circumcision of Christ";' it speaks of children as " saints," and as " in the Lord," ' and, therefore, as having re- ceived some visible token of Church membership ; and it as- sures them that their sins are forgiven them " for His name's sake." ' The New Testament does not record a single case in which the offspring of Christian parents were admitted to bap- tism on arriving at years of intelligence ; but it tells of the apostles exhorting the men of Judea to repent and to submit to the ordinance, inasmuch as it was a privilege proffered to them and to their children!' Nay, more, Paul plainly teaches that the seed of the righteous are entitled to the recognition of saintship, and that, even when only one of the parents is a Christian, the offspring do not on that account forfeit their ec- clesiastical inheritance. " The unbelieving husband," says he, " is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sancti- fied by the husband, else were your children unclean, but noiv are they holyT * This passage demonstrates that the Apostolic Church recognized the holiness of infants, or, in other words, that it admitted them to baptism. The Scriptures furnish no very specific instructions as to the mode of baptism, and, in its administration, the primitive heralds of the Gospel did not adhere to a system of rigid uni- formity." Some have asserted that the Greek word translated baptise,'' in our authorized version, always signifies immerse, but it has been clearly shown * that this statement is inaccu- ' Col. ii. II, 12, 13. ' Col. i. 2, iii. 20; Eph. vi. i, 4. •i John ii. 12. *Acts ii. 38, 39. * I Cor. vii, 14. The absurdity of the interpretation according to which holy is here made to signify te_e;itimate, is well exposed by Dr. Wilson in his treatise on " Infant Baptism," p. 513. London, 1848. Such passages as Levit. xxl. 7-9, and xxii. 11, 12, illustrate the meaning of the words quoted in the text, 'This would, indeed, have been almost, if not altogether, impossible. They would act differently at the river Jordan and in such a place as the jail at Philippi. ' Ba^rWC'.'. " Dr. Wilson has demonstrated the incorrectness of Dr. Carson's state- ments on this subject. See his " Infant Baptism," p. 96. If, as some think, when the apostle speaks of those " baptized for the dead " (l Cor. xv. 29), he refers to those defiled by coming in contact with a dead body or a grave (see lumbers xiv.), and sprinkled, in order to purification, with the ashes of the red heifer, he makes sprinkling to be a form of baptism. THE lord's supper. I97 rate, and that baptism does not necessarily imply dipping. In ancient times, and in the lands where the apostles labored, bathing was as frequently performed hy affusion as immersion,' and the apostles varied their method of baptizing according to circumstances." The ordinance was intended to convey the idea of washing or purifying, and it is obvious that water may be applied, in many ways, as the means of ablution. In the sacred volume sprinkling is often spoken of as equivalent to washing^ As baptism was designed to supersede the Jewish circum- cision, the Lord's Supper was intended to occupy the place of the Jewish Passover.* The Paschal lamb could be sacrificed nowhere except in the temple of Jerusalem, and the Passover was kept only once a year ; but the Eucharist could be dis- pensed wherever a Christian congregation was collected ; and at this period it seems to have been often observed on the first day of the week, at least by the more zealous and devout wor- shippers.^ The wine, as well as the other element, was given to all who joined in its celebration ; and the title of the " Break- ing of Bread^' ' one of the names by which the ordinance was originally distinguished, supplies evidence that the doctrine of transubstantiation was utterly unknown. The word Sacra- ment, as applied to Baptism and the Holy Supper, was not in use in the days of the apostles, and the subsequent introduc- ' Wilson's "Infant Baptism," p. 157. In Titus iii. 5, 6, there is some- thing like a reference to this mode of baptism : " The washing of regenera- tion and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed (or poured out) on us abundantly." Ob h^kxeev k(f r/fiag ■kTiovoluq. Many of the ancient baths were adapted only for affusion. The " Baptisterium is not a bath sufficiently large to immerse the whole body, but a vessel or labrum containing cold water for pouring on the head." — Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Art. Baths. The name of this vessel demonstrates that, in ancient times, baptizing did not necessarily imply dipping or immersion. See, also, Muir's "Life of Mahomet," iv. 261. ■^ In some cases, as at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, they had not the means of immersing their converts. See also Acts x. 47. The text, John iii. 23, indicates the difficulty of baptizing by dipping. ^ Isa. Hi. 15 : Ezek. xxxvi. 25 ; i Pet. i. 2 ; fieb. ix. 10, 21, 22 ; Rev. i. 5. * I Cor. V. 7, 8. ^ Acts xx. 7. * Acts xx. 7 ; i Cor. x. 16. iqS the lord's supper. tion of a new nomenclature/ contributed to throw an air of mystery around these institutions. The primitive disciples considered the elements employed in them simply as signs and seals of spiritual blessings ; and they had no more idea of re- garding the bread in the Eucharist as the real body of our Saviour, than they had of believing that the water of baptism is the very blood in which He washed His people from their sins. They knew that they enjoyed the light of His counte- nance* in prayer, in meditation, and in the hearing of His Word, and that He was only spiritually present in these sym- bolic ordinances. Whilst, in the Lord's Supper, believers hold fellowship with Christ, they also maintain and exhibit their communion with each other. " We, being many," says Paul, " are one bread and one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread." * Those who joined together in the observance of this holy in- stitution were thereby pledged to mutual love ; but every one who acted in such a way as to bring reproach upon the Chris- tian name, was no longer admitted to the sacred table. Paul refers to exclusion from this ordinance, as well as from inti- mate civil intercourse, when he says to the Corinthians, " I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner ; with such an one no not to eat." ^ In the synagogue all cases of discipline were decided by the bench of elders ; ' and it is plain, from the New Testament, that those who occupied a corresponding position in the Christian Church, exercised similar authority. They are de- scribed as having the oversight of the flock,' as bearing rule,* as watching for souls,' and as taking care of the Church of ' It was in use before the end of the second century. See Kaye's " Ter- tullian," pp. 431,451. - I Cor. X. 17. ' I Cor. v. 1 1. * See Lightfoot's "Works," iii. 242, and xi. 179. Vitringa, " De Syna- goga." p. 550. ' Acts XX. 28. ' Heb. xiii. 17. ' Heb. xiii. 17. CHURCH DISCIPLINE. I99 God.' They are instructed how to deal with offenders," and they are said to be entitled to obedience.^ Such representa- tions imply that they were intrusted with the administration of ecclesiastical discipline. This account of the functions of the spiritual rulers has by some been considered inconsistent with several statements in the apostolic epistles. It has been alleged that, according to these letters, the administration of discipline was vested in the whole body of the people ; and that originally the mem- bers of the Church, in their collective capacity, exercised the right of excommunication. The language of Paul, in reference to a case of scandal which occurred among the Christians of Corinth, has been often quoted in proof of the democratic character of their ecclesiastical constitution. " It is reported commonly," says the apostle, " that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife Therefore/?// azvay from among yourselves that ivicked pcrsony * The admonition was obeyed, and the application of discipline produced a most salutary impression on the mind of the of- fender. In his next letter the apostle accordingly alludes to this circumstance, and observes : " Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many." ^ These words have been frequently adduced to show that the government of the Corinthian Church was administered by the whole body of the communicants. The various statements of Scripture, if rightly understood, exactly harmonize, and a closer investigation of the case of this transgressor is all that is required to prove that he was not tried and condemned by a tribunal composed of the whole mass of the members of the Church of Corinth. His true his- tory reveals facts of a very different character. For reasons which it would, perhaps, be now in vain to hope fully to ex- plore, he was a favorite among his fellow-disciples ; many of them, prior to their conversion, had been grossly licentious ; ' I Tim. iii. 5. * i Tim. v. 19, 20, ^ Heb. xiii. 17. * I Cor. V. I, 13. '2 Cor. ii. 6. 200 CHURCH DISCIPLIxVE. and they continued to regard certain lusts of the flesh with an eye of comparative indulgence/ Some of them probably con- sidered the conduct of this offender as only a legitimate exer- cise of his Christian liberty ; and manifested a strong inclina- tion to shield him from ecclesiastical censure. Paul, therefore, felt it necessary to address them in the language of indignant expostulation. " Ve arc puffed up,'' says he, " and have not rather mourned that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump } " * At the same time, as an apostle bound to vindicate the repu- tation of the Church, and to enforce the rules of ecclesiastical discipline, he solemnly announces his determination to have the offender excommunicated. " I verily," says he, " as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged AtQdidy as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, whett ye are gathered to- gether, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such an o?ie unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." ' To deliver any one to Satan is to expel him from the Church — for whoever is not in the Church is in the wor d, and " the whole world lieth in the Wicked one." * This dis- cipline was designed to teach the fornicator to mortify his lusts, and it thus aimed at the promotion of his highest inter- ests ; or, as the apostle expresses it, he was to be excommuni- cated " for the destruction of the flesh,' that the spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." The Church of Corinth was now in a state of great disorder. ' See Period I., section i., chap v., p. 78. " i Cor. v. 2, 6. ' I Cor. V. 3-5. ■* I John v. 19, ' r*;; novr^p^ " In the above passage respecting delivering unto Satan there is, per- haps, a reference to Job. ii. 6, 7, and it may be that some bodily affliction rested on the offender. In that case there was here an exercise of super- natural power on the part of Paul. According to Terluilian, to deliver to Satan was simply to excommunicate. " De ceteris dixit qui illis traditis Satanas, id est, extra ecclesiam projectis, erudiri habcrent blasi)licmandum non esse." — De Pudicitia, c. xiii. CHURCH DISCIPLINE. 201 A partisan spirit had crept in among its members ; * and it is probable that those elders* who were anxious to maintain wholesome discipline were opposed and overborne. The for- nicator had in some way contrived to make himself so popular that an attempt at his expulsion would, it was feared, throw the whole society into hopeless confusion. Under these cir- cumstances Paul felt it necessary to interpose, to assert his apostolic authority, and to insist on the maintenance of eccle- siastical order. Instead, however, of consulting the people as to the course to be pursued, he peremptorily delivers \{\'s,judg- ment, and requires them to hold a solemn assembly that they may listen to the public announcement ' of a sentence of ex- communication. He, of course, expected that their rulers would concur with him in this decision, and that one of them would officially publish it when they were " gathered together." When the case is thus stated, it is easy to understand why the apostle required all the disciples to '' put away " from among themselves " that wicked person." Had they continued to cherish the spirit they had recently displayed, they might either have encouraged the fornicator to refuse submission to the sentence, or have rendered it comparatively powerless. He therefore reminds them that they too should seek to pro- mote the purity of ecclesiastical fellowship; and that they were bound to co-operate in carrying out a righteous disci- pline. They were to cease to recognize this fallen disciple as a servant of Christ ; to withdraw themselves from his society ; to decline to meet him on the same terms, as heretofore, in ' I Cor. i. II, 12. ^ That the Church of Corinth at this time was organized in the same way as other Christian communities is evident from various allusions in the first epistle. See i Cor. iv. 15, vi. 5, xii. 27, 28. Crispus, mentioned Acts xviii. 8, was, no doubt, one of the eldership. There is a reference to the elders in I Cor. xiv. 30. See Vitringa, " De Synagoga," p. 600. ^ In the apostolic age, censures were pronounced in presence of the whole church. See i Tim. v. 20. It is to be noted that Paul himself does not excommunicate the offender. He merely delivers his apostolic judgment that the thing should be done, and calls upon the Corinthians to do it ; but he expects them to proceed in due order, the rulers and the people perform- ing their respective parts. • 202 CHURCH DISCIPLINE. social intercourse ; and not even to eat in his company. Thus would the reputation of the Church be vindicated ; for in this way it would be immediately known to all who were without that he was no longer considered a member of the brotherhood. The Corinthians were awakened to a sense of duty by this apostolic letter, and acted up to its instructions. The result was most satisfactory. When the offender saw that he was cut off from the Church, and that its members avoided his so- ciety, he was completely humbled. The sentence of the apos- tle, or the eldership, if opposed or neglected by the people, might have produced little impression ; but " the punishment which was inflicted of many " — the immediate and entire abandonment of all connection with him by the disciples at Corinth— overwhelmed him with shame and terror. He felt as a man smitten by the judgment of God ; he renounced his sin ; and exhibited the most unequivocal tokens of genuine contrition. In due time he was restored to Church fellowship ; and the apostle then exhorted his brethren to readmit him to intercourse, and to treat him with kindness and confidence. " Ye ought," says he, " rather to forgive him and comfort him, lest perhaps such an one should be swallowed up with over- much sorrow. Wherefore I beseech you that ye would con- firm your love toward him." ' This case of the Corinthian fornicator has been recorded for the admonition and guidance of believers in all generations. It teaches that every member of a Christian Church is bound to use his best endeavors to promote a pure communion ; and that he is not guiltless if, prompted by mistaken charity or considerations of selfishness, he is not p.epared to co-oper- ate in the exclusion of false brethren. Many an immoral minister has maintained his position, and has thus continued ^ * 2 Cor. ii. 7, 8. The mode of proceeding here indicated is illustrated by what took place in the Church of Rome about the middle of the third cent- ury. There certain penitents first appeared before the presbytery to ex- press their contrition, and then it was arranged that " this whole proceeding should be communicated to the people, that they might see tliose established in the Church, whom they had so long seen and mourned wandering and straying." — Cyprian, Epist, .xlvi., p. 136. Edit. Baluzius, Venice, 1728. EXCOMMUNICATION. 20$ to bring discredit on the Gospel, simply because those who had witnessed his misconduct were induced to suppress their testi- mony ; and many a church court has been prevented from enforcing discipline by the clamors or intimidation of an ig- norant and excited congregation. The command, " Put away from among yourselves that wicked person," is addressed to the people, as well as to the ministry ; and all Christ's disciples should feel that, in vindicating the honor of His name, they have a common interest, and share a common responsibility. Every one can not be a member of a church court ; but every one can aid in the preservation of church discipline. He may supply information, or give evidence, or encourage a healthy tone of public sentiment, or assist, by petition or remon- strance, in quickening the zeal of lukewarm judicatories. And discipline is never so influential as when it is known to be sustained by the approving verdict of a pious and intelli- gent community. The punishment " inflicted of many" — the withdrawal of the confidence and countenance of a whole church — is a most impressive admonition to a proud sinner. In the apostolic age the sentence of excommunication had a very different significance from that which was attached to it at a subsequent period. Our Lord pointed out its import with equal precision and brevity when He said, " If thy brother .... neglect to hear the church,' let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican." ' The Israelites could have no religious fellowship with heathens, or the worshippers of false gods ; and they could have no personal respect for publicans, or Roman tax-gatherers, who were re- garded as odious representatives of the oppressors of their country. To be " unto them as an heathen " was to be exclu- ded from the privileges of their church ; and to be " unto them as a publican " was to be shut put from their society in the way of domestic intercourse. When the apostle says, " Now Ave command you, brethren, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the ordi- * That " the church " here signifies the eldership, see Vitringa, " De Synagoga," p. 724. "^ Matt, xviii. 15, 17. 204 EXCOMMUNICATION. nance' which he received of us,"" he designed to intimate that those who were excommunicated should be admitted neither to the intimacy of private friendship nor to the seal- ing ordinances of the Gospel. But it did not follow that the disciples were to treat such persons with insolence or in- humanity. They were not at liberty to act thus toward heathens and publicans ; for they were to love even their enemies, and to imitate the example of their Father in heaven who " maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." ' It is obvious from the address of the apostle to the Thessalonians that the members of the Church were not forbidden to speak to those who were separated from communion ; and that they were not required to refuse them the ordinary charities of life. They were simply to avoid such an intercourse as implied a com- munity of faith, of feeling, and of interest. " If any man," says he, " obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and /lavc no company zvith him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as aji enemy, but admonish him as a brother.'' * How diffeient was this discipline from that established, several centuries afterward, in the Latin Church ! The spirit and usages of paganism then supplanted the regulations of the New Testament, and the excommunication of Christianity was converted into the excommunication of Druidism.^ Our Lord taught that " whoever would not hear the church " should be treated as a heathen man and a publican ; but the time came when he who forfeited his status as a member of the Christian commonwealth was denounced as a monster or a fiend. Paul declared that the person excommunicated, instead of being counted as an enemy, should be admonished as a brother; but the Latin Church, in a long list of horrid impre- ' In our Eng-lish version the original word (jrapaihaiv) is improperly ren- dered tradition. ^ 2 Thess. iii. 6. ' Matt. v. 45. * 2 Thess. iii. 14, 15. ' For an account of the excommunication of the Druids, see Caesar, " De Bello Gallico," vi. 13. Many things in the Latin excommunication are bor- rowed from paganism. EXCOMMUNICATION. 20$ cations,' invoked a curse upon every member of the body of the offender, and commanded every one to refuse to him the civihty of the coldest salutation ! The early Church acted as a faithful monitor, anxious to reclaim the sinner from the error of his ways : the Latin Church, like a tyrant, refuses to the transgressor even that which is his due, and seeks either to reduce him to slavery or to drive him to despair. ' As an example of this, see an old form of excommunication in Collier's " Ecclesiastical History," ii. 273. Edit. London, 1840. CHAPTER II. THE EXTRAORDINARY TEACHERS OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH; AND ITS ORDINARY OFFICE-BEARERS, THEIR APPOINTMENT, AND ORDINATION. Paul declares that Christ " gave some, apostles ; and some, prophets ; and some, evangelists ; and some, pastors and teach- ers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of th^ min- istry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." ' In another place the same writer, when speaking of those occupying po- sitions of prominence in the ecclesiastical community, makes a somewhat similar enumeration. " God," says he, " hath set some in the church, first, apostles ; secondarily, prophets ; thirdly, teachers; after that, miracles; then, gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." ' These two passages, presenting something like catalogues of the most prominent characters connected with the Apos- tolic Church, throw light upon each other. They mention the ordinary, as well as the extraordinary, ecclesiastical function- aries. Under the class of ordinary office-bearers must be placed those described as " pastors and teachers," " helps," and " governments." The evangelists, such as Timothy,' Titus, and Philip,' had a special commission to assist in organizing the infant Church ; " and, as they were furnished with super- natural endowments," they were extraordinary functionaries. ' Eph. iv. II, 12. " I Cor. xii. 28. " 2 Tim. iv. 5. * Acts xxi. 8, viii. 5. " i Tim. i. 3, v. i, 7, 17 ; Tit. i. 5. ' Acts viii. 13 ; 2 Tim. i. 6. This latter text is often quoted, though er- roneously, as if it referred to the ordination of Timothy. The ordainer usually laid on only his rij^ht hand. See " Con. Carthng." iv. can. iii. iv. In conferring extraordinary endowments both hands were imposed. See Acts xix. 6. (206) CHURCH OFFICERS. 207 The apostles themselves clearly belong to the same denomina- tion. They all possessed the gift of inspiration ; ' they all received their authority immediately from Christ ; "^ they all "went in and out with Him " during His personal ministry; and, as they all saw Him after He rose from the dead, they could all attest His resurrection.^ It is plain, too, that the ministrations of "the prophets," as well as of those who wrought " miracles," who possessed " gifts of healings," and who had " diversities of tongues," must also be designated extraordinary. It is probable that by the "helps," of whom Paul here speaks, he understands the deacons,'' who were originally ap- pointed to relieve the apostles of a portion of labor which they felt to be inconvenient and burdensome.' The duties of the deacons were not strictly of a spiritual character; these ministers held only a subordinate station among the office- bearers of the Church ; and, even in dealing with its tempo- ralities, they acted under the advice and direction of those who were properly intrusted with its government. Hence, perhaps, they were called " helps " or attendants.^ When these helps and the extraordinary functionaries are left out of the apostolic catalogues, in the passage addressed to the Ephesians, we have nothing remaining but "PASTORS AND TEACHERS "; and, in that to the Corinthians nothing but " TEACHERS " AND " GOVERNMENTS." There are good grounds for believing that these two residuary elements are identical, — the " pastors," mentioned before ^ the teachers in one text, being equivalent to the " governments " mentioned after them in the other.* Nor is it strange that those in- ' John xiv. 26, xvi. 13, xx. 22. ° Matt. x. i, xxviii. 18, 19. ' John XX. 26, xxi. i ; Acts i. 3 ; i Cor. ix. i. ^ Such is the opinion of Chr>sostom and others. See Alford on this passage. * Acts vi. 2-4. ' In the Peshito version helps and governments are translated helpers and governors. ' It is remarkable that the lay council of the modem synagogue are called Parnasim or Pastors. See Vitringa, " De Synagoga," pp. 578, 635. ^ Mr. Alford observes that in i Cor. xii. 28, "we must not seek for a 208 ELDERS OR BISHOPS. trusted with the ecclesiastical government should be styled pastors or shepherds ; for they are the guardians and rulers of " the flock of God." ' Thus the ordinary office-bearers of the Apostolic Church were pastors, teachers, and helps ; or, teach- ers, rulers, and deacons. In the apostolic age we read likewise of elders and bishops ; and in the New Testament these names are often used inter- changeably.'' The elders, or bishops, were the same as the pastors and teachers ; for they had the charge of the instruc- tion and government of the Church.* Hence elders are re- quired to act as faithful pastors under Christ, the Chief Shep- herd.* Whilst some of the elders were only pastors, or rulers, others were also teachers. The apostle says accordingly, " Let the elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honor, especially those that labor in the word arid doctri?ie" " We thus see that the teachers, governments, and helps, men- tioned by Paul when writing to the Corinthians, are the same as the " bishops and deacons " of whom he speaks elsewhere.' In primitive times there were, generally, a plurality of elders, as well as a plurality of deacons, in every church or congrega- tion ; "" and each functionary was expected to apply himself to that particular department of his office which he could man- age most efficiently. Some elders possessed a peculiar talent for expounding the Gospel in the way of preaching, or, as it classified arrangement " — the arrangement being " rather suggestive than logical." Hence "helps" are mentioned before "governments." In the same way in Eph. iv. ii, "pastors" precede " teachers." ' Acts XX. 28 ; I Pet. v. 2. ■~- « Acts xxi. 17. 28 ; Titus i. 5, 7 ; i Pet. v. i, 2. ~- * I Tim. iii. i, 2, 5. * I Pet. V. 1,2, 4. The identity of elders and pastors is more distinctly exhibited in the original here, and in Acts xx. 17, 28, as the word translated feed signifies literally to act as a shepherd or pastor. * I Tim. V. 17. Mr. EUicott, in his work on the " Pastoral Epistles," thus speaks of this passage, " The concluding words, hv Aciyij xai fmSaaK., certainly seem to imply two kinds of ruling presbyters, those who preached and taught and those who did not." ' Compare i Cor. xii. 28, and Philip, i. i ; i Tim. iii. 1-8. ' Acts vi. 3, xiv. 23 ; Titus i. 5 ; James v. 14. BISHOPS AND DEACONS. 209 was occasionally called, prophesying ; ' others excelled in deliv- ering hortatory addresses to the people ; others displayed great tact and sagacity in conducting ecclesiastical business, or in dealing personally with offenders, or with penitents ; whilst others again were singularly successful in imparting private instruction to catechumens. Some deacons were frequently commissioned to administer to the wants of the sick ; and others, who were remarkable for their shrewdness and discrimi- nation, were employed to distribute alms to the indigent. In one of his epistles Paul pointedly refers to the multiform duties of these ecclesiastical office-bearers, " Having then," says he, " gifts, differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the pro- portion of faith ; or ministry (of the deacon), let us wait on our ministering; or he that teacheth, on teaching; or he that exhorteth, on exhortation ; he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity ; he that ruleth, with diligence ; he that showeth mercy, with cheerfulness." ^ Some maintain that all the primitive elders, or bishops, were preachers ; but the records of apostolic times warrant no such conclusion. These elders were appointed to " take care of the Church of God "; ^ and it was not necessary that each individual should perform all the functions of the pastoral office. Even at the present day a single preacher is generally sufficient to minister to a single congregation. When Paul requires that the elders who rule well, though they may not " labor in the word and doctrine," shall be counted worthy of double honor,* his language distinctly ' I Cor. xiv. I, 5, 6, 31. "^ Rom. xii. 6-8. -^ ^ I Tim. iii. 5. Lightfoot says that " in ever}' synagogue there was a civil triumvirate, that is, three magistrates who judged of matters in contest arising within that synagogue." — Works, xi. 179. The same writer de- clares that "in every synagogue there were elders that ruled in civil affairs, and elders that labored in the word and doctrine." — Works, iii. 242, 243. * ^nrl^g TtftfiQ. Those who adduce this passage to prove that the apostle here defines the pecuniary remuneration of elders, involve themselves in much difficulty ; for, if limited to the matter of payment and literally inter- preted, it would lead to the inference that, irrespective of the amount of service rendered, all the elders should receive the same compensation ; and 14 210 ELDERS SHOULD BE APT TO TEACH. indicates that there were then persons designated elders who did not preach, and who, notwithstanding, were entitled to respect as exemplary and efficient functionaries. It is remark- able that when the apostle enumerates the qualifications of a bishop, or elder,' he scarcely refers to oratorical endowments. He states that the ruler of the Church should be grave, sober, prudent, and benevolent ; but, as to his ability to propagate his principles he employs only one word, rendered in our ver- sion " apt to teach." " This does not imply that he must be qualified to preach, for teaching and preacJiing are repeatedly distinguished in the New Testament ; ^ neither does it signify that he is to become a professional tutor, for, as has already been intimated, all elders are not expected to labor in the word and doctrine ; it merely denotes that he should be able and willing, as often as an opportunity occurred, to commu- nicate a knowledge of divine tru^h- All believers are required to "exhort one another daily,"' ''teaching and ad- monishing one another," ' being " ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them " ; ' and those who " watch for souls " should be specially zealous in performing these duties of their Chris- tian vocation. The word which has been supposed to indicate that every elder should be a public instructor occurs in only one other instance in the New Testament ; and in that case it is used in a connection which serves to illustrate its meaning. Paul there states that whilst such as minister to the Lord should avoid a controversial spirit, they should at the same time be willing to supply explanations to objectors, and to furnish them with information. " The servant of the Lord," says he, " must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to that no church teacher, though the father of a large family, should be allowed more than twice the gratuity of a poor widow ! Compare i Tim. v. 3, and 17. The " double honor " of i Tim. v. 17 is evidently equivalent to the " all honor " of I Tim. vi. i. In the latter case there can be no reference to payment. Paul obviously means to say that the claims of elders should be fully recognized ; and in the following verse (i Tim. v. 18) he refers point,' edly to the temporal support to which church teachers are entitled. ' I Tim. iii. 2-7. " MaKTiKitv. ' Matt. iv. 23 ; Acts v. 42, xv. 35. ♦ Heb. iii. 13. ' Col. iii. 16. ' i Peter iii. 15. PREACHING. 211 teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose them- selves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth." ' Here the aptness to teach refers apparently to a talent for winning over gainsayers by means of instruction communicated in private conversation.^ But still preaching is the grand ordinance of God, as well for the edification of saints as for the conversion of sinners; and it was, therefore, necessary that at least some of the session or eldership connected with each flock should be competent to conduct the congregational worship. As spiritual gifts were more abundant in the apostolic times than afterward, at first several of the elders' were often found ready to take part in its celebration. By degrees, however, nearly the whole service devolved on one individ- ual ; and this preaching elder was very properly treated with peculiar deference." He was accordingly soon recog- nized as the stated president of the presbytery, or eldership. It thus appears that the preaching elder held the most honorable position among the ordinary functionaries of the Apostolic Church. Whilst his office required the highest order of gifts and accomplishments, and exacted the largest amount of mental and even physical exertion, the prosperity of the whole ecclesiastical community depended mainly on his acceptance and efificiency. The people are accordingly frequently reminded that they are bound to respect and sustain their spiritual instructors. "Let him that is taught in the word," says Paul, '' communicate unto him that teach- eth in all good things." " " The Scripture saith, Thou -^ * 2 Tim. ii. 24, 25. " Even a female, though not permitted to speak in the Church, had often this aptness for teaching. Such was the case with the excellent Priscilla, Acts xviii. 26. The aged women were required to be " teachers of good things," Titus ii. 5. ^ In the Church of Corinth several speakers were in the habit of address- ing the same meeting, i Cor. xiv. 26, 27, 29, 31. \ * Tim. V. 17. Though ordination was by " the laying on of the hands of the presbytery, " the New Testament does not mention any case in which a ruling elder thus officiated. See Acts vi. 6, xiii. 1-3, xiv. 23. * Gal. vi. 6. 212 THE APOSTLES. shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn ; and, The laborer is worthy of his reward."' "So hath tKa Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel." ' The apostles held a position which no ministers after them could occupy, for they were appointed by our Lord himself to organize the Church. As they were to carry out instructions which they had received from His own lips, and as they were armed with the power of working miracles,' they possessed an extraordinary share of per- sonal authority. Aware that their circumstances were peculiar, and that their services would be available till the end of time,^ they left the ecclesiastical government, as they passed away one after another, to the care of the elders who had meanwhile shared in its administration.' As soon as the Church began to assume a settled form, they mingled with these elders on terms of equality ; and, as at the Council of Jerusalem," sat with them in the same deliberative assemblies. When Paul addressed the elders of Ephesus for the last time, and took his solemn farewell of them,' he commended the Church to their charge, and emphatically pressed upon them the importance of fidelity and vigilance.^ In his Second Epistle to Timothy, written in the prospect of his martyrdom, he makes no allusion to the expediency of selecting another individual to fill his place. The apostles had fully executed their commission ' I Tim. V. i8. ' I Cor. ix. 14. ' Matt. x. i ; i Cor. xiv. 18. * " The place which the apostles occupied while they lived is now filled, not by a living order of ministers, but by their own in*spired writings, which constitute, or ought to constitute, the supreme authority in the Church of God The New Testament Scriptures, as they are the only real apos- tolate now in existence, so, are sufficient to supply to us the place of the inspired Twelve." — Litton s Church of Christ, p. 410. " " While it is clearly recorded that the apostles instituted the orders of presbyters and deacons, it is not so clearly recorded, indeed it is not record- ed at all, that they instituted the order of bishops." — Litton, p. 426. Such a testimony from a Fellow of Oxford is creditable alike to his candor and his intelligence. " Acts XV. 6, xvi. 4, xxi. 18, 25. ' Acts xx. 17, 25. * Acts xx, 29-31. THE APOSTLES. 213 when, as wise master-builders, they laid the foundation of the Church and fairly exhibited the divine model of the glorious structure ; and as no other parties could produce the same credentials, no others could pretend to the same authority. But even the apostles repeatedly testified that they regarded the preaching of the Word as the highest department of their ofiEice. It was not as church rulers, but as church teachers, that they were specially distinguished. " We will give ourselves," said they, " continually to prayer, and /-prian speaks of " the blessed Martyrs, Cornelius and Lucius." Epist. Ixvii. p. 250. ^ See Cyprian's " Epistle to Successus," where it is stated that " Xystus was martyred in the cemetery [the catacombs] on the eighth of the Ides of August, and with him four deacons." ^ This fragment may be found in Euseb. vi. 43. * For an account of their duties see Period ii., sec. iii., chap. x. 324 SCHISM OF NOVATIAN. plied by the letter of Cornelius, that there were now fourteen congregations ' of the faithful in the great city ; and its Chris- tian population has been estimated at fifty thousand. No wonder that the chief pastor of such a multitude of zealous disciples, all residing in his capital, awakened the jealousy of a suspicious Emperor. A schism, which continued for generations to exert an un- happy influence, commenced in the metropolis during the short episcopate of Cornelius. The leader of this secession was Novatian, a man of blameless character," and a presbyter of the Roman Church. In the Decian persecution many had been terrified into temporary conformity to paganism ; and this austere ecclesiastic maintained that persons who had so sadly compromised themselves, were, on no account whatever, to be readmitted to communion. When he found that he could not prevail on his brethren to adopt this unrelenting discipline, he permitted himself to be ordained bishop in op- position to Cornelius, and became the founder of a separate society, known as the sect of the Novatians. As he denied the validity of the ordinance previously administered, he re- baptized his converts, and exhibited otherwise a miserably contracted spirit ; but many sympathized with him in his views, and Novatian bishops were soon established in various parts of the Empire. Immediately after the rise of this sect, a controversy relative to the propriety of rebaptizing heretics brought the Church of ' According to some manuscripts, there were, not forty-six, but forty-two presbyters, seven deacons, seven sub-deacons, and forty-two acolyths. At a later period, we find three presbyters connected with each Roman church. There were fourteen regions in the city, and supposing a congregation in each, there were now three presbyters, one deacon or sub-deacon, and three acolyths belonging to each church. See Blondel's " Apologia," p. 224. Mr. Cooper (" Free Church of Ancient Christendom," p. 293, note, 2d edit.) has remarked that, according to the Martyrium Novatiani, there were on\y nine presbyters at Rome about a year before the date of the letter of Cornelius, and conjectures that the clerical ranks had meanwhile been largely recruited from the confessors. * Cornelius (Euseb. vi. 43) calls him " a malicious beast," but he writes under a feeling of deep mortification. THE CHURCH ON THE ROCK. 325 Rome into collision with many Christian communities in Africa and Asia Minor. The discussion, which did not event- uate in any fresh schism, is chiefly remarkable for the firm stand now made against the assumptions of the great Bishop of the West. When Stephen, who was opposed to rebaptism, discovered that he could not induce the Asiatics and Africans to come over to his sentiments, he rashly tried to overbear them by declaring that he would shut them out from his com- munion ; but his antagonists treated the threat merely as an empty display of insolence. " What strife and contention hast thou awakened in the Churches of the whole world, O Stephen," said one of his opponents, "and how great sin hast thou accumulated when thou didst cut thyself off from so many flocks ! Deceive not thyself, for he is truly the schismatic who has made himself an apostate from the communion of the unity of the Church. For whilst thou thinkest that all may be excommunicated by thee, thou hast excommunicated thy- self alone from all." ' When the apostle of the circumcision said to his Master — " Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God," Jesus re- plied, " Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it Jinto thee, bnt my Father which is in heaven'' To this emphatic acknowledgment of the faith of His dis- ciple our Lord added the memorable words, "And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." "^ As the word Peter signifies a stone^ this address admits of a very obvious and satisfactory exposition. " Thou art," said Christ to the apostle, "a lively stone* of the spiritual struct- ure I erect ; and upon this rock on which thy faith is estab- lished, as witnessed by thy good confession, I will build my Church ; and though the rains of affliction may descend, and ' Firmilian, " Cypriani Epistolce," Ixxv. * Matt. xvi. 16-18. ' John i. 42. * See I Peter ii. 5. Peter adds, as if to illustrate Matt xvi. 18 — " Where- fore also it is contained in the Scripture, Behold I lay in Zion a chief cor- ner stone, elect, precious; and he that believeth on him shall not be con- founded. " I Pet. ii. 6. 326 THE CHURCH BUILT ON PETER. the floods of danger may come, and the winds of temptation may blow, and beat upon this house, it shall remain immov- able,' because it rests upon an impregnable foundation." But a different interpretation was already gaining wide currency ; for though Peter had been led to deny Christ with oaths and imprecations, the rapid growth and preponderating wealth of the Roman bishopric, of which the apostle was said to be the founder, had now induced many to believe that he was the Rock of Salvation, the enduring basis on which the living temple of God was to be reared ! Tertullian and Cyprian, in the third century the two most eminent fathers of the West, counte- nanced the exposition ; ' and though both these writers were lamentably deficient in critical sagacity, men of inferior stand- ing were slow to impugn the verdict of such champions of the faith. Thus it was that a false gloss of Scripture was already enthralling the mind of Christendom ; and Stephen boldly re- newed the attempt at domination commenced by his prede- cessor, Victor. His opponents deserved far greater credit for the sturdy independence with which they upheld their indi- vidual rights than for the scriptural skill with which they un- masked the sophistry of a delusive theory ; for all their reason- ings were enervated and vitiated by their stupid admission of the claims of the chair of Peter as the rock on which the Church was supposed to rest.' This second effort of Rome to establish her ascendency was, indeed, a failure ; but the misinterpreta- tion of Holy Writ, by which it was encouraged, was not ef- fectively corrected and exposed ; and thus the great Western ' Matt. vii. 24, 25. " See Tertullian, " De Praescrip." xxii. ; and Cyprian to Cornelius, Epist. Iv.. p. 178, where he says, " Petrus, tamen, super quern aedificata ab eodem Domino fuerat ecclesia." See also the same epistle, pp. 182, 183, and many other passages. « Thus Cyprian in his letter to Quintus (Epist. Ixxi., p. 273) makes the fol- lowing awkward attempt to get over the difficulty : " Nam nee Petrus, quevt primiim Dominus elcgtf, et super quern cedificavit ecclesiam suam cum secum Paulus de circumcisione postmodum disceptaret, vindicavit sibi aliquid insolenter aut arroganter assumpsit, ut diceret se primatum ienere et 9btemperari a novellis et poster is sibi pot t us oportere." POWER OF THE ROMAN BISHOP. 327 prelate was left at liberty, at another more favorable opportu- nity, to wrest the Scriptures to the destruction of the Church. From the middle of the third century, the authority of the Roman bishops advanced apace. The magnanimity with which so many of them then encountered martyrdom elicited general admiration ; and the divisions caused by the schism of Novatian supplied them with a specious apology for enlarg- ing their jurisdiction. The argument from the necessity of unity, urged so successfully for the creation of a bishop up- wards of a hundred years before, could now be adduced with equal plausibility for the erection of a metropolitan ; and, from this date, these prelates exercised archiepiscopal power. Sev- enty years afterward, or at the Council of Nice,' the ecclesias- tical rule of the Primate of Rome was recognized by the bishops of the ten suburbicarian provinces, including no small portion of Italy .* For the last forty years of the third century the Church was free from persecution, and, during this long period of repose, the great Western see enjoyed an unwonted measure of outward prosperity. Its religious services were conducted with increasing splendor, and distressed brethren in very dis- tant countries shared the fruits of its munificence.' In the reign of Gallienus, when the Goths burst into the Empire and devastated Asia Minor, the bishop of Rome transmitted a large sum of money for the release of the Christians who had fallen into the hands of the barbarians.* A few years after- ward, when Paul of Samosata was deposed for heresy, and when, on his refusal to surrender the property of the Church of Antioch, an application was made to the Emperor Aure- lian for his interference, that prince submitted the matter in dispute to the decision of Dionysius of Rome and the other ' A.D. 325. ^ The Suburbicarian Provinces comprehended the three islands of Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia, and the whole of the southern part of Italy, includ- ing Naples and nearly all the territory now belonging to Tuscany and the States of the Church. See Bingham, iii. p. 20. '" In A.D. 254, the bishop of Rome sent assistance to Christians in Syria and Arabia. See Euseb. vii. 5. * Basil, Ep. 220. 328 EARLY ROMAN BISHOPS. bishops of Italy.' This reference, in which the position of the Roman prelate was publicly recognized, perhaps for the first time, by a Roman Emperor, added vastly to the impor- tance of the metropolitan see in public estimation. Christian- ity in the following century became the religion of the State, and the bishop of the chief city was thus prepared for the high position to which he was suddenly promoted. None of the early bishops of Rome were distinguished for their mental accomplishments ; and though they are com- monly reputed the founders of the Latin Church, it is well known that, for nearly two hundred years, they all wrote and spoke the Greek language. The name Pope, which they have since appropriated, was originally common to all pastors.' For the first three centuries almost every question relating to them is involved in much mystery ; and, as we approach the close of this period, the difficulty of unravelling their per- plexed traditions rather increases than diminishes. Even the existence of some who are said to have now flourished has been considered doubtful.' It is alleged that the see was vacant for upwards of three years and a half during the Dio- cletian persecution in the beginning of the fourth century ;* but even this point has not been very clearly ascertained. The Roman bishopric was by far the most important in the Church ; and the obscurity which overhangs its early history can not but be embarrassing to those who seek to establish a title to the ministry by attempting to trace it up through such dark annals. On looking back over the first three centuries, we may re- mark how much the ciiairman of the Roman eldership, at the time of the death of the Apostle John, differed from the prel- ' Euseb. vii. 50. '' Thus we read of " the blessed Pope Cyprian," bishop of Carthaj^e. Cyprian, Epist. ii., p. 25, The name was soniLtimes given to the head of a monastery. In the Catacombs there was found an inscription probably to the memory of a Pope of this description. See Maitland, p. 185. See also Roulh's " Reliquiae," iii. pp. 256, 265. ' See Bovver, " Marcellus," 29th Bishop. * That is, from the autumn of A.D. 304 to the spring of A.D. 308. See Burton's " Lectures on the Ecc. Hist, of the First Three Cent." ii. p. 433. RISE OF THE PAPACY. 329 ate who filled his place two hundred years afterward. The former was the servant of the presbyters, and appointed to carry out their decisions ; the latter was tfieir master, and entitled to require their submission. The former presided over the ministers of, perhaps, three or four comparatively poor congregations dispirited by recent persecution ; the lat- ter had the charge of at least five-and-twenty flourishing city churches,' together with all the bishops in all the surrounding territory. In eventful times an individual of transcendent talent, such as Pepin or Napoleon, has adroitly vaulted into a throne ; but the bishop of Rome was indebted for his gradual elevation and his ultimate ascendency neither to extraordi- nary genius nor superior erudition, but to a combination of cir- cumstances of unprecedented rarity. His position furnished him with peculiar facilities for acquiring influence. Whilst the city in which he was located was the largest in the world, it was also the most. opulent and the most powerful. He was continually coming in contact with men of note in the Church from all parts of the Empire ; and he had frequent opportu- nities of obliging these strangers by various offices of kind- ness. He thus, too, possessed means of ascertaining the state of the Christian interest in every land, and of diffusing his own sentiments under singularly propitious circumstances. When he was fast rising into power, it was alleged that he was constituted chief pastor of the Church by Christ himself ; and a text of Scripture was quoted which was supposed to endorse his title. For a time no one cared to challenge its application ; for meanwhile his precedence was but nominal, and those who were competent to point out the delusion, had no wish to give offence, by attacking the fond conceit of a friendly and prosperous prelate. But when the scene changed, ' In the life of Marcellus we read of so many places of worship in Rome. See "Hist. Platinee De Vitis Pontif. Roman." p. 40, Colonial, 1593. Opta- tus speaks of forty churches in Rome at this time ; but he is probably mis- taken as to the date. There may have been so many after the establish- ment of Christianity by Constantine. There were only fifty churches in the Western capital in the beginning of thcfifth century. See Neander, i. 276; edit. Edinburgh, 1847. 330 ROME WANTS THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE. and when the Empire found another capital, the acumen of the bishop of the rival metropolis soon discovered a sounder exposition ; and' Chrysostom of Constantinople, at once the greatest preacher and the best commentator of antiquity, ignored the folly of Tertullian and of Cyprian. " Upon the rock," says he, " that is, upon the faith of the apostle's con- fession," ' the Church is built. " Christ said that He would build His Church on Peter's confession." ° Soon afterward, the greatest divine connected with the Western Church, and the most profound theologian among the fathers, pointed out, still more distinctly, the true meaning of the passage. " Our Lord declares," says Augustine, " On this rock I will found my Church, because Peter had said : Thou art the Christ, the Sonof the living God. On this rock which thou hast confessed, He declares I will build my Church, for Christ was the rock on whose foundation Peter himself was built ; for other foun- dation hath no man laid than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus." ' In the Italian capital, the words on which the pow- er of the Papacy is understood to rest are exhibited in gigan- tic letters within the dome of St. Peter's ; but their exhibi- tion only proves that the Church of Rome has lost the key of knowledge; for, though she would fain appeal to Scripture, she shows that she does not understand the meaning of its testimony ; and, closing her eyes against the light supplied by the best and wisest of the fathers, she persists in adhering to a false interpretation. ' In Matt. xvi. i8. Opera, torn, ii., p. 344; edit. Eton, 1612. " In John i. 50. Opera, torn, ii., p. 637 ; edit. Eton, 161 2. » " In Johann. Evang. Tractat." 124, § 5. Opera, torn, ix., c. 572. Augus- tine had before held the more fashionable view. See "Barrow on the Pope's Supremacy," by Dr. M'Crie, p. 78. SECTION II. THE LITERATURE AND THEOLOGY OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS. By "the Fathers" we understand the writers of the ancient Christian Church. The name is, however, of rather vague ap- pHcation ; for, though generally employed to designate only the ecclesiastical authors of the first six centuries, it is extended occasionally to distinguished theologians who flourished in the middle ages.' The fathers of the second and third centuries have a strong claim on our attention. Living on the verge of apostolic times, they were acquainted with the state of the Church when it had recently passed from under the care of its inspired founders; and, as witnesses to its early traditions, their testi- mony is of peculiar value. But the period before us produced comparatively few authors, and a considerable portion of its literature has perished. There are modern divines, such as Calvin and Baxter, who have each left behind a more volumin- ous array of publications than survives from all the fathers of these two hundred years. Origen was by far the most pro- lific of the writers who flourished during this interval, but the greater number of his productions have been lost; and yet those which remain, if translated into English, would amount to nearly triple the bulk of our authorized version of the ' Roman Catholic writers include authors who lived as late as the thir- teenth century under the designation. (331) 332 JUSTIN MARTYR. Bible. His extant works are, however, more extensive than all the other memorials of this most interesting section of the history of the Church. Among the earliest ecclesiastical writers after the close of the first century is Polycarp of Smyrna. He is said to have been a disciple of the Apostle John, and hence he is known as one of the Apostolic Fathers.^ An epistle of his addressed to the Philippians, and designed to correct certain vices and errors which had been making their appearance, is still pre- served. It was written toward the middle of the second century ;" its style is simple ; and its general tone worthy of a man who had enjoyed apostolic tuition. Its venerable author suffered martyrdom about A.D. 155,' at the advanced age of eighty-six.'' Justin Martyr was contemporary with Polycarp. He was a native of Samaria, and a Gentile by birth ; he had travelled much ; he possessed a well-cultivated mind ; and he had made himself acquainted with the various systems of philosophy which were then current. He could derive no satisfaction from the wisdom of the pagan theorists ; but, one day, as he walked, somewhat sad and pensive, near the sea-shore, a casual meeting with an aged stranger led him to turn his thoughts to the Christian revelation. The individual with whom he had this solitary and important interview, was a member and, perhaps, a minister of the Church. After pointing out to Justin the folly of mere theorizing, and recommending him to study the Old Testament Scriptures, as well on account of their great antiquity as their intrinsic worth, he proceeded to ' The references in this work to the Apostolic Fathers by Cotelerius are to the Amsterdam Edition, folio, 1724. ' This is the date assig^ned to it by Bunsen. " Hippolytus," i. 309. It is not probable that Polycarp was at the head of the eldership of Smyrna much earlier. See Period iii., sec. iii., chap, v., note. * According to Ussher iii., A.D. 169. * See Pearson's " Minor Works," ii. 531. The date A.D. 167 is given in the Chronicon of Eusebius; but recent investigations have shown that the correct chronology is A.D. 155. See Bishop Lightfoot in the Contemporary Review for May, 1875, p. 838. JUSTIN MARTYR. 333 expatiate on the nature and excellence of the Gospel.' The impression made upon the mind of the young student was never afterward effaced ; he became a decided Christian ; and finished his career by martyrdoni. Justin is the first writer whose contributions to ecclesiastical literature are of considerable extent. Some of the works ascribed to him are the productions of others ; but there is no reason to question the genuineness of his Dialogue with Try- pho the Jew, and of the two Apologies addressed to the Em- perors." Though the meeting with Trypho is said to have occurred at Ephesus, it is now, perhaps, impossible to deter- mine whether it ever actually took place, or whether the Dia- logue is only the report of an imaginary discussion. It serves, however, to illustrate the mode of argument then adopted in the controversy between the Jews and the disciples, and throws much light on the state of Christian theology. Anto- ninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius were, probably, the Emperors to whom the Apologies are addressed. In these appeals to imperial justice the calumnies against the Christians are re- futed, whilst the simplicity of their worship and the purity of their morality are impressively described. Justin, even after his conversion, still wore the philosopher's cloak, and continued to cherish an undue regard for the wis- dom of the pagan sages. His mind never was completely emancipated from the influence of a system of false meta- physics ; and thus it was that, whilst his views of various doc- trines of the Gospel remained confused, his allusions to them are equivocal, if not contradictory. But it has been well re- marked that conscience, rather than science, guided many of the fathers ; and the case of Justin demonstrates the truth of the observation. He possessed an extensive knowledge of the Scriptures ; and though his theological views were not so ex- act or so perspicuous as they might have been, had he been trained up from infancy in the Christian faith, or had he studied the controversies which subsequently arose, his creed • The original narrative may be found in the Dialogue with Trypho. 5 The references to Justin in this work are to the Paris folio edition of 1615. 334 BARNABAS. was substantially evangelical. He had received the truth " in the love of it," and he counted not his life dear in the service of his Divine Master. The Epistle to Diognetus, frequently included among the works of Justin, is the production of an earlier writer. Its author, who styles himself "a disciple of apostles," designed by-it to promote the conversion of a friend ; his^wn views of divine truth are comparatively correct and clear ; and in no uninspired memorial of antiquity are the peculiar doctrines of the Gospel exhibited with greater propriety and beauty. Ap- pended also to the common editions of the works of Justin are the remains of a few somewhat later writers, namely, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Hermas. Tatian was a disciple of Justin ;' Athenagoras was a learned man of Athens ; Theophilus is said to have been one of the pastors of Antioch ; and of Hermas nothing whatever is known. The tracts of these authors relate almost entirely to the contro- versy between Christianity and Paganism. Whilst they point out the folly and falsehood of the accusations so frequently preferred against the brethren, they press the Gospel on the acceptance of the Gentiles with much earnestness, and sup- port its claims by a great variety of arguments. The tract known as the Epistle of Barnabas, was composed in A.D. 135.' It is the production of a convert from Judaism who took special pleasure in allegorical interpretations of Scripture. Hermas, the author of the little work called Pas- tor or The Shepherd, is a writer of much the same character. He was the brother of Pius,' who flourished about the middle ' He afterward became the founder of a sect noted for its austere disci- pline. His followers used water, instead of wine, at the celebration of the Lord's Supper. They lived in celibacy, and observed rigorous fasts. « The writer says of the temple (chap, xvi.), " It is now destroyed by their (the Jews) enemies, and the sen>ants of their enemies are bitildim^ it up." Jerusalem was rebuilt by Hadrian about A.n. 135, and the name yElia given to it. ' Two short letters ascribed to Pius are mentioned Period ii.,»sec. iii., chap. vii. For a long time Barnabas, the author of the epistle, was absurdly confounded with the companion of Paul mentioned Acts xiii. i, and else- where; and Hermas was supposed to be the individual saluted in Rom. xvi. IREN^EUS. 335 of the second century, and who was, perhaps, the first or second individual who was officially designated Bishop of Rome. The writings of Papias, pastor of Hierapolis in the time of Polycarp, are no longer extant.' The works of Hegesippus, of a somewhat later date, and treating of the subject of ecclesiastical history, have also disappeared.* Irenceus of^^yons is the next writer who claims our special notice. He was originally connected with Asia Minor; and in his youth he is said to have enjoyed the tuition of Polycarp of Smyrna. We can not tell when he left his native country, or what circumstances led him to settle on the banks of the Rhone ; but we know that, toward the termination of the reign of Marcus Aurelius, he was appointed by the Gallic Christians to visit the Roman Church on a mission of im- portance. The Celtic language, still preserved in the Gaelic, or Irish, was then spoken in France,^ and Irenaeus found it neces- sary to qualify himself for the duties of a preacher among the heathen by studying the barbarous dialect. His zeal, energy, and talent were duly appreciated ; soon after the death of the aged Pothinus he became the chief pastor of Lyons ; and for many years he exercised considerable influence through- out the whole of the Western Church. When the Paschal controversy created such excitement, and when Victor of Rome threatened to rend the Christian commonwealth by his impetuous and haughty bearing, Irenseus interposed, and, to some extent, succeeded in moderating the violence of the 14. Hence these two writers have been called, like Polycarp and others, Apostolic Fathers. As to the date of the Pastor of Hermas, see Hefele's " Christian Councils," by Clark, p. 79. ' Eusebius, who has preserved a few fragments of this author, describes him as a very credulous person. See his " Hist." iii. 39. " In the text it has not been considered necessary to mention all the writers, however small their contributions to our ecclesiastical literature, who lived during the second and third centuries. Hence, Melito of Sardis, Caius of Rome, and many others, are unnoticed. The remaining frag- ments of these early ecclesiastical writers may be found in Routh's " Reli- quiae," and elsewhere. 3 ijubv, Tuv h KeXrolg i^iaTpifi/wTuv ml Trepl jiappapov diaXeKTov to TrMarov haxoAoviiivuv. — Contra Hcereses, lib. i. Prsef. 336 TERTUI.LIAN. Italian prelate. He was the author of several works,' but his only extant production is a treatise " Against Heresies." It is divided into five books, four of which exist only in a Latin version ;" and it contains a lengthened refutation of the Valen- tinians and other Gnostics. Irenaeus is commonly called the disciple of Polycarp ; but he was also under the tuition of a less intelligent preceptor, Papias of Hierapolis.^ This teacher, who has been already mentioned, and who was the author of a work now lost, enti- tled " The Explanations of the Discourses of the Lord," is noted as the earliest ecclesiastical writer who held the doc- trine of the personal reign of Christ at Jerusalem during the millennium. " These views," says Eusebius, " he appears to have adopted in consequence of having misunderstood the apostolic narratives For he was a man of very slender intellect, as is evident from his discourses." * His pupil, Ire- naeus, possessed a much superior capacity ; but even his writ- ings are not destitute of puerilities; and he derived some of the errors to be found in them from his weak-minded teacher.' Irenaeus died about the beginning of the third century ; and, shortly before that date, by far the most vigorous and acute writer who had yet appeared among the fathers, began to at- tract attention. This was the celebrated Tertullian. He was originally a heathen,' and he seems in early life to have been engaged in the profession of a lawyer. At that time, as afterward, there was constant intercourse between Rome and Carthage ; ' Tertullian was well acquainted with both these great ' The references to Irenasus in this work are to Stieren's edition of 1853. * Wordsworth has remarl., celibacy), /i^r the honor of the boly of our Lord. let him continue without boasting." Here the word in the Greek is ayvtia. But this word is applied in the New Testament to Timothy, who may have been "the husband of one wife." See i Tim. iv. 12, and v. 2. It is also applied by Polycarp, in his Epistle, to married women. " Let us teach your (or our) wives to walk in the faith that is given to them, both /'// love and purity" {iiyd-i) mi dyi'tia). — Epistle to the Philippians, § 4. See also " The Shepherd of Hermas," book ii., command. 4 ; Coteierius, i. %"]. * This is very evident from the recently discovered work of Hippolytus. as well as from other writers of the same period. See Bunsen's " Hippolytus," t. p. 312. ' Euseb. vii. 30. THE WORD "BISHOP." 383 seems to have been a dwelling appropriated to the use of the ecclesiastical functionaries,' and the schemer who wrote the first draft of these letters evidently believed that the ministers of Christ were a brotherhood of bachelors. Hence Ignatius is made thus to address Polycarp and his clergy, " Labor to- gether one with another ; make the struggle together one with another; run together one with another; suffer together one with another; sleep together one with another ; rise togetJier one with another.'' Polycarp and others of the elders of Smyrna were probably married ; ^ so that some inconvenience might have attended this arrangement. The word bishop is another term found in these Epistles, and employed in a sense which it did not possess at the al- leged date of their publication. Every one knows that, in the New Testament, it does not signify the chief pastor of a Church ; but, about the middle of the second century, as will subsequently appear,' it began to have this acceptation. Clement of Rome, writing a few years before the time of the martyrdom of Ignatius, uses the words bishop and presbyter interchangeably.' Polycarp, in his own Epistle, dictated up- wards of forty years after the death of the Syrian pastor, still ad- heres to the same phraseology." In the Peshito version of the New Testament, executed probably in the former half of the ' Some have supposed that this was the church of Antioch, but it is not likely that Paul cared to retain the church when deserted by the people. Besides, the building is called, not the church, but " the house of the Church" (r?/f (KKATialac oiko(). In the Life of Augustine, by Possidius (cap. xxiv.), the building in which the clergy resided is called " Domus ecclesise." August, opera i. 53. Edit. Migne, 1861. See also Todd's " St. Patrick," 477, Dublin, 1864. - If the reading adopted by Junius, and others, of a passage in the 4th chapter of his Epistle be correct, Polycarp must have been a married man, and probably had a family. " Let us teach our wives to walk in the faith that is given to them, both in love and purity, .... and to bring itp their children in the instruction and fear of the Lord." See Jacobson's " Pat. Apost." ii. 472, note. 2 Period ii., sec. iii., chap. vii. * See his " Epistle to the Corinthians," c. 42, 44, 47, 54. ' It is employed likewise by Papias (see Euseb. iii. 39), and even by Ire- nseus (Euseb. v. 20). 384 THE IGNATIAN EPISTLES. second century,' the same terminology prevails." Ignatius, however, is far in advance of his generation. When new terms are introduced, or when new meanings are attached to desig- nations already current, it seldom happens that an old man changes his style of speaking. He is apt to persevere, in spite of fashion, in the use of the phraseology to which he has been accustomed from his childhood. But Ignatius is an exception to all such experience, for he repeats the new no- menclature with as much flippancy as if he had never heard any other.' Surely this minister of Antioch is worthy of all the celebrity he has attained, for he can not only carry on a written correspondence with the dead, but also anticipate by half a century even the progress of language ! V. The puerilities, vaporing, and mysticism of these letters proclaim their forgery. We expect an aged apostolic minister, on his way to martyrdom, to speak as a man in earnest, to ex- press himself with some degree of dignity, and to eschcA^ trivial and ridiculous comparisons. But, when treating of a grave subject, what can be more silly or indecorous than such language as the following : " Ye are raised on high by the en- gine of Jesus Christ, which is the cross, and ye are drawn by the rope, which is the Holy Ghost, and your pulley is your faith."* Well may the Christian reader exclaim, with indig- nation, as he peruses these words, Is the Holy Ghost then a mere rope? Is that glorious Being who worketh in us to will and to do according to His own good pleasure, a mere piece of ' See Westcott on the "Canon," pp. 262, 264, 265. " " In the estimation of those able and apostolical men who, in the second century, prepared the Syriac version of the New Testament for the use of some of the Oriental Churches, the bishop and presbyter of the apostolic ordination were titles of the same individual. Hence in texts wherein the Greek word episcopos, ' bishop,' occurs, it is rendered in their version by the Syriac word ' Kashisha,' presbyter." — Etheridges Syrian Churches and Gospels, pp. 102, 103. ' The use of the word catholic in the " Seven Epistles," edited by Ussher, is sufficient to discredit them. See " Epist. to Smyrnaeans," § 8. The word did not come into use until toward the close of the second century. See Period ii., sec. iii., chap, viii., and p. 306, note. * " Epistle to the Ephesians." ANXIETY FOR MARTYRDOM. 385 tackling pertaining to the ecclesiastical machinery, to be moved and managed according to the dictation of Bishop Ignatius?' But the frivolity of this impostor is equalled by his gasconade. He thus tantalizes the Romans with an account of his attain- ments, " I am able to write to you heavenly things, but I fear lest I should do you mi injury^ . ..." I am able to know heavenly things, and the places of angels, and the station of powers that are visible and invisible." Where did he gather all this recondite lore? Certainly not from the Old or New Testament. May we not safely pronounce this man to be one who seeks to be wise above what is written, " intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind "?* He seems, indeed, to have himself had some suspicion that such was his character, for he says, again, to his brethren of the Western metropolis, " I know many things in God, but I moderate myself that I may not perish through boasting ; for now it is becoming to me that I should fear the more abundantly, and should not look to those that puff me up.'' Let us now hear a specimen of the mysticism of this dotard. "There was hidden from the Ruler of this world the virginity of Mary, and the birth of our Lord, and the three mysteries of the shout, which were done in the quietness of God by means of the star, and here by the manifestation of the Son magic began to be dissolved." ' Who can undertake to expound such jargon ? What are we to understand by " the quietness of God"? Who can tell how "the three mysteries of the shout " were " done by means of the star " ? VL The unhallowed and insane anxiety for martyrdom which appears throughout these letters is another decisive proof of their fabrication. He who was, in the highest sense, the Faithful Witness betrayed no fanatic impatience for the horrid tragedy of crucifixion; and, true to the promptings of His ' Daille has well observed, " Funi Dei quidem verbum, ministerium, beneficia non inepte comparaveris ; Spiritum vero, qui his, ut sic dicarr),- divinae benignitatis funiculis, ad nos movendos et attrahendos utitur, ipsi illi quo utitur, funi comparare, ab omni ratione alienum est." — Lib. ii., c. 27, pp. 409, 410. "^ Col. ii. 18. ' "Epistle to the Ephesians." 25 386 THE IGNATIAN EPISTLES. human nature, He prayed, in the very crisis of His agony, " O my Father, if it be possible, let this ctip pass from me.'' ' The Scriptures represent the most exalted saints as shrinking in- stinctively from sufTering. In the prophecy announcing the violent death of Peter, it is intimated that even the intrepid apostle of the circumcision should feel disposed to recoil from the bloody ordeal. " When thou shalt be old," said our Lord to him, " thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee w/zzV/^^r tJwu wouldest not.'"" Paul mentions with thankfulness how, on a critical occasion, the Lord stood with him, and ''delivered'' him "out of the mouth of the lion." ' Long after the apostolic age, the same spirit continued to be cherished, and hence we are told of Polycarp that, even when bowed down by the weight of years, he felt it right to retire out of the way of those who sought his destruction. The disciples, whom he had so long taught, took the same view of Christian duty ; and accordingly, in the Epistle of the Church of Smyrna, which records his martyrdom, the conduct of those who " present themselves of their own accord to the trial" is emphatically condemned.* " We do not," say the believers of Smyrna, " commend those who offer themselves to persecution, seeing the Gospel teaches no such thing." " But a man who enjoyed much higher advan- tages than Polycarp — a minister who was contemporary with all the apostles — a ruler of the Church who occupied a far more prominent and influential position than the pastor of Smyrna, is exhibited in the legend of his martyrdom as appear- ing "of his own free will"' at the judgment-seat of the Em- peror, and as manifesting the utmost anxiety to be delivered ' Matt. xxvi. 39. ' John xxi. 18. ' 2 Tim. iv. 17. * We have here an additional and very clear proof that Polycarp, in his Epistle, is not referring to Ignatius of Antioch. Instead of pronouncing the letters now current as treating " of faith and patiaice, and of all things that pertain to edification," he would have condemned them as specimens of folly, impatience, and presumption. Dr. Cureton seems to think that, be- cause Ignatius was an old man, he was at liberty to throw away his liTe ("Corp. Ignat.," p. 321) ; but Polycarp was still older, and he thought dif- ferently. ' Sec. 4. ' See " Corpus Ignatianum," p. 253. WHEN FABRICATED. 3 8/ into the mouth of the lion. In the commencement of the sec- ond century the Churches of Rome and Ephesus possessed as much spiritual enlightenment as any other Churches in the world, and it is a libel on their Christianity to suppose that they could have listened with any measure of complacency to the senseless ravings found even in the recent edition of the Ignatian Letters.' The writer is made to assure the believers in these great cities that he has an unquenchable desire to be eaten alive, and he beseeches them to pray that he may enjoy this singular gratification. " I hope," says he, ^^ through your prayers that I shall be devoured by thebeasts in Rome." ^ .... " I beg of you, be not with me in the love that is not in its season. Leave me, that I maybe for the beasts, that by means of them I may be worthy of God With provoking /r*?- voke ye the beasts that they may be a grave for me, and may leave nothing of my body, that not even when I am fallen asleep may I be a burden upon any man I rejoice in the beasts which are prepared for me, and I pray that they may be quickly found for me, and I will provoke them that they may quickly devour me." ^ Every man jealous for the honor of primitive Christianity should be slow to believe that an apos- tolic preacher addressed such outrageous folly to apostolic Churches. When reviewing the external evidence in support of these Epistles, we have had occasion to show that they were fabri- cated in the former part of the third century. The internal evidence corroborates the same conclusion. Ecclesiastical history attests that during the fifty years preceding the death of Cyprian,^ the principles here put forward were fast gaining ascendency. As early as the days of Tertullian, ritualism was ' The reader is to understand that all the extracts given in the text are from the Syriac version of the " Three Epistles." * " Epistle to the Ephesians." ' " Epistle to the Romans." Pearson can see nothing but the perfection of piety in all this. " In quibus nihil putidum, nihil odiosum, nihil iiiscith aut iviprjidentcr scriptum, est." .... "Omnia cum pia, legitima, pr£eclara." — VindicicB, pars secunda, c. ix. * From A.D. 208 to A.D. 258. 388 THE IGNATIAN EPISTLES. rapidly supplanting the freedom of evangelical worship ; bap- tism was beginning to be viewed as an " armor " of marvellous potency ; ' the tradition that the great Church of the West had been founded by Peter and Paul was now extensively propa- gated; and there was an increasing disposition throughout the Empire to recognize the precedence of "her who sitteth at the head in the place of the country of the Romans." It is ap- parent from the writings of Cyprian that in some quarters the " church system " was already matured. The language as- cribed to Ignatius — " Be careful for unanimity, than zvhich there is nothing more excellent " ' — then expressed a prevailing sentiment. To maintain unity was considered a higher duty than to uphold truth, and to be subject to the bishop was deemed one of the greatest of evangelical virtues. Celibacy was then confounded with chastity, and mysticism was exten- sively occupying the place of scriptural knowledge and intel- ligent conviction. And the admiration of martyrdom which presents itself in such a startling form in these Epistles was one of the characteristics of the period. Paul taught that a man may give his body to be burned and yet want the spirit of the Gospel;' but Origen does not scruple to describe mar- tyrdom as " the cup of salvation," the baptism which cleanses the sufferer, the act which makes his blood precious in God's sight to the redemption of others." Do not all these circum- stances combined supply abundant proof that these Epistles were written in the time of this Alexandrian father ? ' ' Thus in the "Acts of Paul and Thecla," fabricated about the beginning of the third century, Thecla says — " Give me the seal of Christ {i.e. baptism) and no tcmpia/ion shall touch fne," c. i8. See Jones on the " Canon of the New Testament," ii., p. 312. " " Epistle to Polycarp." ' i Cor. xiii. 3. * See Blunt's " Eariy Fathers," p. 237. See also Origen 's " PZxhortation to Martyrdom," §§ 27, 30, 50. * According to Dr. Lee, a strenuous advocate for the Syriac version of the " Three Epi-.tics," this translation, as he supposes it to be, was made, " not later perhaps than the close of the second, or beginning of the third cent- ury." " Corpus Ignat.," Introd., p. 86, note. Dr. Cureton occasionally supplies strong presumptive evidence that the translation has been made, not from Greek into S)riac, but from Syriac into Greek. "Cor. Ignat.," p. 27^. PEARSON AND CALVIN. 389. It is truly wonderful that men, such as Dr. Cureton, have permitted themselves to be befooled by these Syriac manu- scripts. It is still more extraordinary that writers, such as the pious and amiable Milner,' have published, with all grav- ity, the rhapsodies of Ignatius for the edification of their read- ers. It would almost appear as if the name Bishop has such a magic influence on some honest and enlightened Episcopa- lians, that when the interests of their denomination are sup. posed to be concerned, they can be induced to close their eyes against the plainest dictates of common sense and the clearest light of historical demonstration. In deciding on matters of fact the spirit of party should never be permitted to interfere. Truth is the common property of the catholic Church ; and no good and holy cause can require the support of an apocryphal correspondence. It is no mean proof of the sagacity of the great Calvin, that, upwards of three hundred years ago, he passed a sweeping sen- tence of condemnation on these Ignatian Epistles. At the time, many were startled by the boldness of his language, and it was thought that he was somewhat precipitate in pronounc- ing such a decisive judgment. But he saw distinctly, and he therefore spoke fearlessly. There is a far more intimate con- nection than many are disposed to believe between sound the- ology and sound criticism, for a right knowledge of the Word of God strengthens the intellectual vision, and assists in the detection of error wherever it may reveal itself. Had Pearson enjoyed the same clear views of Gospel truth as the Reformer of Geneva, he would not have wasted so many precious years ' Though Milner, in his " History of the Church of Christ," quotes these letters so freely, he seems to have scarcely turned his attention to the con- troversy respecting them. Hence he intimates that Ussher reckoned seven of them genuine, though it is notorious that the Primate of Armagh rejected the Epistle to Polycarp. (See Milner, cent, ii., chap, i.) Others, as well as Milner. who have written respecting these Epistles, have committed simi- lar mistakes. Thus, Dr. Elrington, Regius Professor of Divinity in Trinity College, Dublin, the recent editor of" Ussher's Works," when referring to the Primate's share in this controversy, speaks of " the recent discovery of a Syriac version oi four Epistles by Mr. Cureton ! " " Life of Ussher," p. 235, note. 390 THE IGNATIAN EPISTLES. in writing a learned vindication of the nonsense attributed to Ignatius. Calvin knew that an apostolic man was acquainted with apostolic doctrine, and he saw that these letters were the productions of an age when the pure light of Christianity was greatly obscured. Hence he denounced them so emphati- cally : and time has verified his deliverance. His language respecting them has been often quoted, but we feel we can not more appropriately close our observations on this subject than by another repetition of it. "There is nothing more abominable than that trash which is in circulation under the name of Ignatius.' ' '" Instit.." lib. i., c. xiii., § 29. CHAPTER IV. THE GNOSTICS, THE MONTANISTS, AND THE MANICH^ANS. The proclamation of Jesus as the Messiah was the com- mencement of a new era in the history of the world. The Gospel spread on all sides with great rapidity ; it was felt to be a religion for the common people ; and some individuals of highly cultivated minds soon acknowledged its authority. For a time its progress was impeded by the persecutions of Nero and Domitian ; but, in the beginning of the second century, it started upon a new career of prosperous advancement, and quickly acquired such a position that the most distinguished scholars and philosophers could no longer overlook its preten- sions. In the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian, a considerable number of men of learning were already in its ranks ; but, on the whole, it derived very equivocal aid from the presence of these new adherents. Not a few of the literati who joined its standard attempted to corrupt it ; and one hundred and twenty years after the death of the Apostle John, the champions of orthodoxy had to contend against no less than thirty-two heresies.' Of those who adulterated the Gospel, the Gnostics were by far the most subtle, the most active, and the most formidable. The leaders of the party were all men of education; and as they were to be found chiefly in the large cities, the Church in these centres of influence was in no small degree embarrassed and endangered by their speculations. Some of the peculiarities of Gnosticism have been already noticed ;* but as it made most ' See Bunsen's " Hippolytus," i., p. 27. * Period i., sec. ii., chap, iii., pp. 182, 183. (391) 392 THE GNOSTICS. progress and awakened most anxiety during the second cent- ury, we must here advert more distinctly to its outlines. The three great antagonists of the Gospel were the Grecian phi- losophy, the heathen mythology, and a degenerate Judaism ; and Gnosticism was an attempt to effect a compromise between Christianity and these rivals. As might have been expected, the attempt met with much encouragement ; for many, who hesitated to accept the new religion uncondition- ally, were constrained to acknowledge that it exhibited many elements of truth and divinity ; and they were, therefore, pre- pared to look on it with favor when presented to them in an altered shape and furnished with certain favorite appendages. The Gnostics called themselves believers ; and their most cele- brated teachers would willingly have remained in the bosom of the Church ; but it was soon discovered that their principles were subversive of the New Testament revelation ; and they were accordingly excluded from ecclesiastical fellowship. Gnosticism assumed a variety of forms, and almost every one of its teachers had his own distinctive creed ; but, as a system, it was always known by certain remarkable features. It uniformly ignored the doctrine that God made all things out of nothing;' and, taking for granted the eternity of mat- ter, it tried to account, on philosophical principles, for the moral and spiritual phenomena of the world which we inhabit. The Gnosis' or knowledge, which it supplied, and from which it derived its designation, was a strange congeries of wild speculations. The Scriptures describe the Most High as humbling Himself to behold the things that are on earth,' as exercising a constant providence over all His creatures, as decking the lilies of the valley, and as numbering the very hairs of our heads; but Gnosticism exhibited the Supreme God as separated by an immeasurable interval from matter, .and as having no direct communication with anything thus contaminated. The theory by means of which many of its adherents endeavored to solve the problem of the origin of ' See Tertullian, " Adversus Hermogenem," c. \. and iv. ' -^/vitaiq. ■■ Ps. cxiii. 6. THE GNOSTICS. 393 evil/ and to trace the connection between the finite and the infinite, was not without ingenuity. They maintained that a series of /Eons, or divine beings, emanated from the Primal Essence ; but, as sound issuing from a given point gradually becomes fainter till it is finally lost in silence, each generation of ^ons, as it receded from the great Fountain of Spiritual Existence, lost somewhat of the vigor of divinity ; and at length an yEon was produced without power sufficient to maintain its place in the Pleroma, or habitation of the God- head. This scheme of a series of yEons of gradually decreas- ing excellence was designed to show how, from an Almighty and Perfect Intelligence, a weak and erring being could be generated. There were Gnostics who carried the principle of attenuation so far as to teach that the inhabitants of the celestial world were distributed into no less than three hun- dred and sixty-five heavens,'' each inferior to the other. Ac- cording to some of these systems, an ^on removed by many emanations from the source of Deity, and, in consequence, possessed of comparatively little strength, passed over the bounds of the Pleroma, and imparted life to matter. Another Power, called the Demiurge, was then produced, who, out of the materials already in existence, fashioned the present world. The human race, ushered, under such circumstances, upon the stage of time, are ignorant of the true God, and in bondage to corrupt matter. But all men are not in a state of equal degra- dation. Some possess a spiritual nature ; some, a physical or animal nature ; and some, only a corporeal or carnal nature. Jesus at length appeared; and, at His baptism in the Jordan, Christ, a powerful ^on, joined Him, that He might be fitted for redeeming souls from the ignorance and slaver>^ in which they are entangled. This Saviour taught the human family the knowledge of the true God. Jesus was seized and led to > See Tertullian, " Aclversus Marcionem," lib. i., c. 2. About this time many works were written on the subject. Eusebius mentions a publication by Irenasus, " On Sovereignty, or on the Truth that God is Jiot the Ajithur of Evil," and another by Maximus on " The Origin of Evil." Euseb. v. 20, 27. ^ Irenjeus, " Contra Hasres." lib. i., c. 24, § 7. 394 THE DEMIURGE. crucifixion, and the ^on Christ now departed from Him but, as His body was composed of the finest ethereal elements, and was, in fact, a phantom. He did not really suffer on the accursed tree. Many of the Gnostics taught that there are two spheres of future enjoyment. They held that, whilst the spiritual natures shall be restored to the Pleroma, the physical or animal natures shall be admitted to an inferior state of hap- piness; and that such souls as are found to be incapable of purification shall be consigned to perdition or annihilation. According to all the Gnostics, the Demiurge, or maker of this world, is far inferior to the Supreme Deity ; but these system-builders were by no means agreed as to his position and his functions. Some of them regarded him as an ^on of inferior intelligence, who acted in obedience to the will of the Great God ; others conceived that he was no other than the God of the Jews, who, in their estimation, was a Being of rug- ged and intractable character; whilst others contended that he was an Evil Power at open war with the righteous Sov- ereign of the universe. The Gnostics also differed in their views respecting matter. Those of them who were Egyptians, and who had been addicted to the study of the Platonic phi- losophy, held matter to be inert till impregnated with life ; but the Syrians, who borrowed much from the Oriental theology, taught that it was eternally subject to a Lord, or Ruler, who had been perpetually at variance with the Great God of the Pleroma. Two of the most distinguished Gnostic teachers who flour- ished in the early part of the second century were Saturninus of Antioch and Basilides of Alexandria.' Valentine, who was somewhat later, and who first excited attention at Rome about A.D. 140, was still more celebrated. He taught that in the Pleroma there are fifteen male and fifteen female /Eons, whom he distinguished by their names; and he even proceeded to point out how they arc distributed into married pairs. Some ' Irena?us, lib. i., c. 24. According to Clemens Alexandrinus, Basilides flourished in the reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. "Slromata," lib. vii., Opera, p. 764. VALENTINE AND MARCION. 395 have supposed that certain deep philosophical truths were here concealed by him under the veil of allegory. As he, like others of the same class, conveyed parts of his Gnosis only into the ears of the initiated, the explanation of its symbols was reserved for those who were thus made acquainted with its secret wisdom. It has been alleged that he personified the attributes of God, and that the ^ons, whom he names and joins together, are simply those divine perfections which, when combined, are fitted to produce the most remarkable results. Thus, he associated Profundity and Thought, Intelli- gence and Truth, Reason and Life.'' His system had many at- tractions for his age, as his disciples, in considerable numbers, were soon found both in the East and in the West. When Valentine was at Rome, Marcion, another heresiarch of the same class, was also in the great metropolis.'' This man was born in Pontus, and though some of the fathers have attempted to fix a stain on his early reputation, his sub- sequent character was irreproachable.' He was one of the most upright and amiable of the Gnostics. These errorists were charged by their orthodox antagonists with gross immor- ality ; and there was often too much ground for the accusa- tion ; for some of them, such as Carpocrates,^ avowed and encouraged the most shameless licentiousness; but others, such as Marcion, were noted for their ascetic strictness. All the more respectable Gnostics recommended themselves to public confidence by the austerity of their discipline. They enjoined rigorous fasting, and inculcated abstinence from wine, flesh-meat, and marriage. The Oriental theology, as well as the Platonic philosophy, sanctioned such a mode of living ; and, therefore, those by whom it was practiced were in a favorable position for gaining the public ear when they came forward as theological instructors. ' Bu^of Ka\ ivvota, voi'g Kal akijOeia^ 7i,6yoQ koI l^u?]. * According to some, Valentine was the disciple of Marcion. Clemens Alexandrinus states that Marcion was his senior. " Strom." lib. viii. Ter- tullian says expressly that Valentine was at one time the disciple of Mar- cion. " De Carne Christi," c. i. ^ See Neander's "General History," by Torrey, ii. pp. 171, 174, notes. * See Kaye's " Clement of Alexandria," pp. 316, 317. 39^ ERRORS OF GNOSTICISM. Gnosticism appears to us a most fantastic system ; but, ii. the second' century, it was dreaded as a very formidable adver- sary by the Church ; and the extent to which it spread attests that it possessed not a few of the elements of popularity. Its doctrine of vEons, or Divine Emanations, was quite in ac- cordance with theories which had then gained extensive cur- rency ; and its account of the formation of the present world was countenanced by established modes of thinking. Many who cherished a hereditary prejudice against Judaism were gratified by the announcement that the Demiurge was no other than the God of the Israelites ; and many more were flattered by the statement that some souls are essentially purer and better than others.' The age was sunk in sensu- ality ; and, as it was the great boast of the heresiarchs that their Gnosis secured freedom from the dominion of the flesh, multitudes, who secretly sighed for deliverance, were thus in- duced to test its efificacy. But Gnosticism, in whatever form it presented itself, was a miserable perversion of the Gospel. Some of its teachers entirely rejected the Old Testament ; others reduced its history to a myth ; and all mutilated and misinterpreted the writings of the apostles and evangelists. Like the Jewish Cabalists, who made void the law of God by expositions which fancy suggested and tradition embalmed, the Gnostics, by their far-fetched and unnatural comments, threw an air of obscurity over the plainest passages of the New Testament. Some of them, aware that they could de- rive no support from the inspired records, actually fabricated Gospels, and affixed to them the names of apostles or evan- gelists,,in the hope of thus obtaining credit for the spurious documents.' Whilst Gnosticism in this way set aside the authority of the Word of God, it also lowered the dignity of the Saviour; and even when Christ was most favorably repre- sented by it. He was but an -^on removed at the distance of * The Ophites carried this feeling so far as to maintain that the serpent which deceived Eve was no other than the divine vCon Sophia, or Wisdom who thus weakened the power of laldabaoth, or the Demiurge. ' See Moshcim, " He Causis Suppositorum Librorum inter Christianos Sasculi Primi et Secundi." " Dissert, ad Hist. Eccl. Pcrtin." vol. i. 221. MONTANUS, 397 several intermediate generations from the Supreme Ruler of the universe. The propagators of this system altogether mis- conceived the scope of the Gospel dispensation. They substi- tuted salvation by carnal ordinances for salvation by faith ; they represented man in his natural state rather as an ignora- mus than a sinner; and, whilst they absurdly magnified their own Gnosis, they entirely discarded the doctrine of a vicari- ous atonement. Shortly after the middle of the second century the Church began to be troubled by a heresy in some respects very differ- ent from Gnosticism. At that time the persecuting spirit dis- played by Marcus Aurelius filled the Christians throughout the Empire with alarm, and those of them who were given to despondency began to entertain the most gloomy anticipa- tions. An individual, named Montanus, who laid claim to prophetic endowments, now appeared in a village on the bor- ders of Phrygia; and though he possessed a rather mean capacity, his discipline was so suited to the taste of many, and the predictions which he uttered so accorded with prevailing apprehensions, that he soon created a deep impression. When he first came forward in the character of a Divine Instructor he had been recently converted to Christianity; and he strangely misapprehended the nature of the Gospel. When he delivered his pretended communications from heaven, he wrought himself up into a state of frenzied excitement. His countrymen, who had been accustomed to witness the ecsta- sies of the priests of Bacchus and Cybele, saw proofs of a divine impulse in his bodily contortions ; and some of them at once acknowledged his extraordinary mission. By means of two wealthy female associates, named Priscilla and Maxi- milla, who also professed to utter prophecies, Montanus was enabled rapidly to extend his influence. His fame spread abroad on all sides ; and, in a few years, he had followers in Europe and Africa, as well as in Asia. This heresiarch did not attempt to overturn the creed of the Church. He was neither a profound thinker nor a logical reasoner; and he certainly had not maturely studied the science of theology. But he possessed an ardent tempera- 398 MONTANUS. merit, and he promulgated the suggestions of his own fanati- cism as the dictates of inspiration. The doctrine of the per- sonal reign of Christ during the millennium formed a promi- nent topic in his ministrations.' He maintained that the dis- cipline of the Church had been left incomplete by the apos- tles, and that he was empowered to supply a better code of regulations. According to some he proclaimed himself the Paraclete ; but, if so, he most grievously belied his assumed name, for his system was far better fitted to induce despond- ency than to inspire comfort. All his precepts were con- ceived in the sour and contracted spirit of mere ritualism. He insisted upon long fasts ; condemned second marriages ; ' inveighed against all who endeavored to save themselves by flight in times of persecution ; and asserted that such as had once been guilty of any heinous transgression should never again be admitted to ecclesiastical fellowship. Whilst he pro- mulgated this stern discipline, he at the same time delivered the most dismal predictions, announcing, among other things, the speedy catastrophe of the Roman Empire. He also gave out that the Phrygian village where he ministered was to be- come the New Jerusalem of renovated Christianity. But the Church was still too strongly impregnated with the free spirit of the Gospel to submit to such a prophet as Mon- tanus. He had, however, powerful advocates, and even a Roman bishop at one time gave him countenance.' Though his discipline commended itself to the morose and pharisaical, it was rejected by those who rightly understood the mystery ' His great text was Rev. xx. 6, 7. Hence some now began to flispute the authority of the Apocalypse. * Others, not connected with Montanus, but who Hved about the same time, held the same views on the subject of marriage. Thus, Atheiiago- ras says, " A second marriage is by us esteemed a specious adultery." — Apo/ci;y, § 33. '* " Nam idem (Praxeas) tunc Episcopum Romanum, agnoscentem jam prophetias Montani, Priscas, Maximillae, et ex ea agnitione pacem ecclesiis Asiae et Phrygise inferentcm, falsa de ipsis prophetis et ecclesiis eorum adse- verando et preecessorum ejus auctoritates defendendo coegit et litteras pacis revocare jam emissas et a proposito recipiendorum charismatum conces- sare." — Tertitllian, Adv. Fraxcan., c. i. MANI. 399 of godliness. Several councils were held to discuss its merits, and it was emphatically condemned." The signal failure of some of the Montanist predictions had greatly lowered the credit of the party ; Montanus was pronounced a false proph- et ; and though the sect was supported by TertuUian, the most vigorous writer of the age, it gradually ceased to attract notice." A centuiy after the appearance of Montanus, another indi- vidual, in a more remote part of Asia, acquired great notoriety as a heresiarch. The doctrine of two First Principles, a good deity and an evil deity, had been long current in the East. Even in the days of Isaiah we trace its existence, for there is a most significant allusion to it in one of his prophecies, in which Jehovah is represented as saying, " I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me / form the light and create darkness ; I make peace and create evil : I the Lord do all these things." ' About the fifth cent- ury before Christ, the Persian theology had been reformed by Zoroaster, and the subordination of the two Principles to one God, the author of both, had been acknowledged as an article of the established creed. In the early part of the third cent- ury of the Christian era, there was a struggle between the ad- herents of the old and the new faith of Parsism ; and the supporters of the views of Zoroaster had been again success- ful. But a considerable party still refused to relinquish the doctrine of the independence of the two Principles ; and some of these joined themselves to Mani, a Persian by birth, who, in the latter half of the third century, became distinguished as the propagator of a species of mongrel Christianity. This man, who was born about A.D. 240, possessed genius of a high order. Though he finished his career when he was only thirty- seven years of age, he had already risen to eminence among his countrymen, and attracted the notice of several successive ' Euseb. V. 16. ' It maintained, however, a lingering existence for several centuries. Even Justinian, about A.D. 530, enacts laws against the Montanists or Tertul- lianists. ' Isaiah xlv. 5, 7. 400 MANI. sovereigns. He was a skilful physician, an accomplished painter, and an excellent astronomer, as well as an acute meta- physician. Like Montanus, he laid claim to a divine commis- sion, and alleged that he was the Paraclete who was promised to guide into all truth. He maintained that there are two First Principles of all things, light and darkness : God, in the kingdom of light, and the devil, in the kingdom of darkness, have existed from eternity. Mani thus accounted for the phenomena of the world around us : " Over the kingdom of light," said this heresiarch, " ruled God the Father, eternal in His sacred race, glorious in His might, the truth by His very essence But the Father himself, glorious in His majesty, incomprehensible in His greatness, has united with Himself blessed and glorious ^ons, in number and greatness surpass- ing estimation." ' He taught that Christ came to liberate the light from the darkness, and that he himself was now deputed to reveal the mysteries of the universe, and to assist men in recovering their freedom. He rejected a great portion of the canon of Scripture, and substituted certain writings of his own, which his followers were to receive as of divine authority. His disciples, called Manichees, or Manichaeans, assumed the name of a CJmrch, and were divided into two classes, the Elect and the Hearers. The Elect, who were comparatively few, were the sacred order. They alone were made acquaint- ed with the mysteries, or more recondite doctrines, of the sect ; they practiced extreme abstinence ; they subsisted chiefly upon olives;' and they lived in celibacy. They were not to kill, or even wound, an animal ; neither were they to pull up a vegetable or pluck a flower. The Hearers were per- mitted to share in the business and pleasures of the world, but they were taught only the elements of the system. After death, according to Mani, souls do not pass immediately into the world of light. They must first undergo a twofold purification: one, by w^'/rr in the moon; another, by y^/r in the sun. ' Augustin, "Contra Epist. Fundamenti," c. 13. " On the ground that their oil is the food of light ! SchalT's " History of the Christian Church," p. 249. MORTAL AND VENIAL SINS. 40I Mani had provoked the enmity of the Magians; and, at their instigation, he was consigned, about A.D. 277, by order of the Persian monarch, to a cruel and ignominious death. But the sect which he had organized did not die along with him. His system was well fitted to please the Oriental fancy ; its promise of a higher wisdom to those who obtained admission into the class of the Elect encouraged the credulity of the auditors ; and, to such as had not carefully studied the Chris- tian revelation, its hypothesis of a Good and of an Evil Deity accounted rather plausibly for the mingled good and evil of our present existence. The Manichaeans were exposed to much suffering in the country where they first appeared ; and, as a sect of Persian origin, they were oppressed by the Roman government ; but they were not extinguished by persecution, and, far down in the Middle Ages, they still occasionally figure in the drama of history. Synods and councils may pass resolutions condemnatory of false doctrine, but it is more difficult to counteract the seduc- tion of the principles from which heresies derive their influ- ence. The Gnostics, the Montanists, and the Manichaeans, owed much of their strength to fallacies and superstitions with which the Christian teachers of the age were not fully prepared to grapple ; and hence it was that, whilst the errorists themselves were denounced by ecclesiastical authority, a large portion of their peculiar leaven found its way into the Church and gradu- ally produced an immense change in its doctrine and disci- pline. A notice of the more important of the false sentiments and dangerous practices which the heretics propagated and the catholics adopted, may enable us to estimate the amount of the damage which the cause of truth now sustained. The Montanists recognized the distinction of 'venial and mortal sins. They held that a professed disciple, guilty of what they called mortal sin, should never again be admitted to sealing ordinances.' It is apparent from the writings of ' Du Pin says that " Tertullian was the first that spoke distinctly of the distinction of great and Httle sins " (I., 286.) We find him, after he became a Montanist, dwelling on the distinction of venial and mortal sins. See Kaye's "Tertullian," pp. 255, 339. 26 402 MORTAL AND VENIAL SINS. Hippolytus, the famous bishop of Portus, that, in the early- part of the third century, some of the most influential of the cathoHcs cordially supported this principle. Soon after\vard it was openly advocated by a powerful party in the Church of Rome, and its rejection by Cornelius, then at the head of that community, led to the schism of Novatian. But the distinc- tion of venial and mortal sins, on which it proceeded, was even now generally acknowledged. This distinction, which lies at the basis of the ancient penitential discipline, was already be- ginning to vitiate the whole catholic theology. Some sins are more heinous than others, but the comparative turpitude of transgressions depends much on the circumstances in which they are committed. The wages of every sin is death,' and it is absurd to attempt to give a stereotyped character to any one violation of God's law by classing it, in regard to the ex- tent of its guilt, in a particular category. Christianity regards sin, in whatever form, as a spiritual poison ; and instead of seeking to solve the curious problem — how much of it may exist in the soul without the destruction of spiritual life? — it wisely instructs us to guard against it in our very thoughts, and to abstain from " all appearance of evil." " " When lust," or indwelling depravity of any description, "has conceived, it bringeth forth sin ; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." ' The admission of the distinction of venial and mor- tal sins is most perilous to the best interests of the Christian community ; for, whilst it is without foundation in the in- spired statute-book, it inevitably leads to the neglect or care- less performance of many duties which the Most High has solemnly enjoined. The Platonic philosophy taught the necessity of a state of purification after death;* and a modification of this doctrine formed part of at least some of the systems of Gnosticism.' It is inculcated by Tcrtullian, the great champion of Montan- ' Rom. vi. 23. " I Thess. v. 22. 'James i. 15. * See Cudvvorth's " Intellectual System," with Notes by Mosheim, iii., p, 297. Edition, London, 1845, ' See Hagenbach's " History of Doctrines," i., p. 218. PURGATORY AND PENANCE. 403 ism ; * and we have seen how, according to Mani, departed souls pass, first to the moon, and then to the sun, that they may thus undergo a twofold purgation. Here, again, a tenet originally promulgated by the heretics, became at length a portion of the creed of the Church. The Manichaeans, as well as the Gnostics, rejected the doctrine of the atonement, and as faith in the perfection of the cleansing virtue of the blood of Christ declined, a belief in Purgatory became popular.^ The Gnostics, with some exceptions, insisted greatly on the mortification of the body ; and the same species of discipline was strenuously recommended by the Montanists and the Manichseans. All these heretics believed that the largest measure of future happiness was to be realized by those who practiced the most rigid asceticism. Mani admitted that an individual without any extraordinary amount of abstinence could reach the world of Light, for he held out the hope of heaven to his Hearers ; but he taught that its highest distinc- tions were reserved for the Elect, who scrupulously refrained from bodily indulgence. The Church silently adopted the same principle ; and the distinction between precepts and counsels, which was soon introduced into its theology, rests upon this foundation. By precepts are understood those du- ties which are obligatory upon all ; by counsels, those acts, whether of charity or abstinence, which are expected from such only as aim at superior sanctity.' The Elect of the Manichaeans, as well as many of the Gnostics,'' declined to en- ter into wedlock ; and the Montanists were disposed to confer double honor on the single clergy.* The Church did not long stand out against the fascinations of this popular delusion. Her members almost universally caught up the impression • See Kaye's "Tertullian," p. 348. 2 The doctrine of Purgatory, as now held, was not, however, fully recog- nized until the time of Gregory the Great, or the beginning of the seventh century, 'See Mosheim's " Institutes," by Soames, i. 166. * Marcion declined to baptize those who were married. " Non tinguitur apud ilium caro, nisi virgo, nisi vidua, nisi caelebs, nisi divortio baptisma mercata." — Tertullian, Adver. Marcioiiem^ lib. i., c. 29. ° See Neander's " General History," ii. 253. 404 CELIBACY. that marriage stands in the way of the cultivation of piety ; and bishops and presbyters, who lived in celibacy, began to be regarded as more holy than their brethren. This feeling continued to gain strength ; and from it sprung that vast sys- tem of monasticism which spread throughout Christendom, with such amazing rapidity, in the fourth century.' It thus appears that asceticism and clerical celibacy have been grafted on Christianity by paganism. Hundreds of years before the New Testament was written, Buddhism could boast of multitudes of monks and eremites." The Gnostics, in the early part of. the second century, celebrated the praises of a single life; and the Elect of the Manichaeans were all celi- bates. Meanwhile marriage was permitted to the clergy of the catholic Church. Well might the apostle exhort the dis- ciples to beware of those ordinances which have " a shoiv of •wisdom in will-worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body" ' as the austerities of the cloister are miserable prepara- tives for the enjoyments of a world of purity and love. Chris- tianity exhibited startling tokens of degeneracy when it at- tempted to nourish piety upon the spawn of the heathen su- perstitions. The Gospel is designed for social and for active beings ; as it hallows all the relations of life, it also teaches us how to use all the good gifts of God ; and whilst celibacy and protracted fasting may only generate misanthropy and melan- choly, faith, walking in the ways of obedience, can purify the heart, and induce the peace that passeth all understanding. ' In the fifth century, the great Augustine thus absurdly discourses of the merits of celibacy : " What is the meaning of the difference of fertility, let them ascertain who understand these things better than we do —whether the virginal life be in fruit an hundredfold, the widowed sixtyfold, the mar- ried thirtyfold — or whether the hundredfold fertility be ascribed to martyr- dom, the sixtyfold to continence, the thirtyfold to marriage." — De Sancta Virginitatc, cap. 45. 'In the Wcstininster Rcinnu for October, 1856, there is an article on " Buddhism," written, indeed, in the anti-evangelical spirit of that periodi- cal, but containing withal much curious and important information. See also Sir James Emerson Tenncnt's " Ceylon," and Hardy's " Eastern Mon- achism." ^Col. ii. 23. CHAPTER V. THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH, For some time after the apostolic age, the doctrine of the Church remained unchanged. Those who had been taught by the inspired heralds of the Gospel did not readily relin- quish any of its distinctive principles. The purity of the evangelical creed was indeed soon deteriorated by the ad- mixture of dogmas suggested by bigotry and superstition ; but, throughout the whole of the period before us, its ele- mentary articles were substantially maintained by almost all the Churches of the Empire. Though there was still an agreement respecting the car- dinal points of Christianity, it is not strange that the early writers occasionally expressed themselves in a way which would now be considered loose or inaccurate. Errorists, by the controversies they awakened, not unfrequently created much perplexity and confusion ; but, in general, the truth eventually issued from discussion with renovated credit ; for, in due time, acute and able advocates came forward to prove that the articles assailed rested on an impregnable foundation. During these debates it became necessary to distinguish the different shades of doctrine by the establishment of a fixed terminology. The disputants were obliged to define with precision the expressions they employed ; and thus various forms of speech ceased to have an equivocal meaning. But, in the second or third century, theology had not assumed a scientific form ; and the language of orthodoxy was, as yet, unsettled. Hence, when treating of doctrinal questions, those whose views were substantially correct sometimes gave their (405) 4o6 "THE apostles' creed." sanction to the use of phrases which were afterward con- demned as the symbols of heterodoxy.' About the beginning of the third century all adults who were admitted to baptism were required to make a declara- tion of their faith by assenting to some such formula as that now called " The Apostles' Creed "; " and though no general council had yet been held, the chief pastors of the largest and most influential Churches maintained, by letters, an ofificial correspondence, and were in this way well ac- quainted with each other's sentiments. A considerable num- ber of these epistles, or at least of extracts from them, are still extant ; ' and there is thus abundant proof of the unity of the faith of the ecclesiastical rulers. But, in treating of this subject, it is necessary to be more specific, and to no- tice particularly the leading doctrines commonly received. Before entering directly on this review, it is proper to men- tion that the Holy Scriptures were held in the highest esti- mation. The reading of them aloud formed part of the stated service of the congregation, and one or other of the passages brought, at the time, under the notice of the audi- tory, usually constituted the groundwork of the preacher's discourse. Their perusal was recommended to the laity ; * the husband and wife talked of them familiarly as they sat by ' The most remarkable instance of this is the condemnation of the word 6/Movaioc, as applied to our Lord, by the Synod of Antioch in a.d. 269. It is well known that the very same word was adopted in a.d. 325, by the Council of Nice as the symbol of orthodoxy; and yet these two ecclesiasti- cal assemblies held the same views. See also, as to the application of the word vTraaraacc, Burton's " Ante-Nicene Testimonies," p. 129. * "The inference to be drawn from a comparison of different passages scattered through Tertullian's writings is, that the A])ostles' Creed in its present form was not known to him as a summary of faith ; but that the various clauses of which it is composed were generally received as articles of faith by orthodox Christians. "^ — Kayf's TcrtuIIiaii, p. 324. 2 These may be found in Routh's " Reliquix." Eusebius has preserved many of them. * " Si quis legat Scripturas et crit consummatus discipulus, at similis patrifamilias, qui de thesauro suo profert nova et vetera." — IretKBUS, iv., c. 26, § i. DIFFUSION OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE. 407 the domestic hearth ; ' and children were accustomed to com- mit them to memory.'' As many of the disciples could not read, and as the expense of manuscripts was considerable, copies of the sacred books were not in the hands of all ; but their frequent rehearsal in the public assemblies made the multitude familiar with their contents, and some of the brethren possessed an amount of acquaintance with them which, even at the present day, would be deemed marvellous. Eusebius speaks of several individuals who could repeat, at will, any required passage from either the Old or New Testa- ment. On a certain occasion the historian happened to be present when one of these walking concordances poured forth the stores of his prodigious memory. '' I was struck with ad- miration," says he, " when I first beheld him standing amidst a large crowd, and reciting certain portions of Holy Writ. As long as I could only hear his voice, I supposed that he was reading, as is usual in the congregations ; but, when I came close up to him, I discovered that, employing only the eyes of his mind, he uttered the divine oracles like some prophet." ' It was not extraordinary that the early Christians were anxious to treasure up Scripture in the memory ; for, in all matters of faith and practice, the Written Word was regarded as the standard of ultimate appeal. No human authority whatever was deemed equal to the award of this Divine arbi- ter. " They who are laboring after excellency," says a father of this period, " will not stop in their search after truth, imtit they have obtained proof of that zvhich they believe from the Scriptures themselves^ * Nor was there any dispute as to the amount of confidence to be placed in the language of the Bible. The doctrine of its plenary inspiration — a doctrine ' " Ubi fomenta fidei de scripturarum interjectione ? " — TertulHan, Ad Uxorem, lib. ii., c. 6. ^ As in the case of Origen. In the " Didascalia" we meet with the follow- ing directions : " Teach then your children the word of the Lord Teach them to write, and to read the Holy Scriptures." — Ethiopic Didas- calia, by Piatt, p. 130. ^ Euseb. viii., c. 13. ■* Clemens Alexandrinus, " Stromata," lib. vii. 408 PLENARY INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE. which many in modern times either openly or virtually deny — was received without abatement or hesitation. Even Ori- gen, who takes such liberties when interpreting the sacred text, admits most fully that it is all of divine dictation. " I believe," says he, " that, for those who know how to draw virtue from the Scriptures, every letter in the oracles of God has its end and its work, even to an iota and particle of a letter. And, as among plants, there is not one but has its peculiar virtue, and as they only who have a knowledge of botanical science can tell how each should be prepared and applied to a useful purpose ; so it is that he who is a holy and spiritual botanist of the Word of God, .by gathering up each atom and element, will find the virtue of that Word, and acknowledge that there is nothing in all that is written that is superfluous." ' It has been already stated ' that little difference of senti- ment existed in the early Church respecting the books to be included in the canon of the New Testament. All, with the exception of the Gnostics and some other heretics, recognized the claims of the four Gospels,' of the Acts of the Apostles, of the Epistles of Paul, of the First Epistle of Peter, and of the First Epistle of John. Though, for a time, some Churches hesitated to acknowledge the remaining epistles, their doubts seem to have been gradually dissipated." At first the genu- ineness of the Apocalypse was undisputed ; but, after the rise of the Montanists, who were continually quoting it in proof of their theory of a millennium, some of their antagonists foolishly questioned its authority. At an early period two or three tracts '' written by uninspired men were received as Scripture by a number of Churches. They were never, how- ' Homil. xxxix. on Jer. xliv. 22. * Period i., sec. ii., chap, i„ p, 163. * The fathers traced analogies between the four Gospels and the four cardinal points, the living creatures with four faces, and the four rivers of Paradise. See Irenaeus, lib. iii., c. xi., § 8; and Cyprian, Epist. Ixxiii., Opera, p. 281. * See Euseb. vi. 25. * Such as the Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas. SCRIPTURE AND TRADITION. 4O9 ever, generally acknowledged ; and at length, by common consent, were excluded from the canon.' The code of heathen morality supplied a ready apology for falsehood," and its accommodating principles soon found too much encouragement within the pale of the Church. Hence the pious frauds which were now perpetrated. Various works made their appearance with the name of some apostolic man appended to them,^ their fabricators thus hoping to give cur- rency to opinions or practices which might otherwise have en- countered much opposition. At the same time many evinced •a disposition to supplement the silence of the Written Word by the aid of tradition. But though the writers of the period sometimes lay undue stress on the evidence of this vague wit- ness, they often resort to it merely as an offset against state- ments professedly derived from the same source which were brought forward by the heretics ; and they invariably admit that the authority of Scripture is entitled to override the authority of tradition. " The Lord in the Gospel, reproving and rebuking, declares," says Cyprian, " ye reject the com- mandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition." .... Custom should not be an obstacle that the truth prevail not and overcome, for a custom without truth is error inveterate!' * " What obstinacy is that, or what presumption, to prefer human tradition to divine ordinances, and not to perceive that God is displeased and provoked, as often as human tradition relaxes and sets aside the divine command." * During this period the uncertainty of any other guide than the inspired record was repeatedly demonstrated ; for, though Christians were removed at so short a distance from apostolic times, the See Westcott on the Canon, pp. 452, 453. "The opinion that falsehood was allowable, and might even be neces- sary to guide the multitude, was," says Neander, "a principle inbred into the aristocratic spirit of the old world." — General History, ii. p. 72. 3 Such as the numerous works ascribed to Clemens Romanus and the Ignatian Epistles. * Cyprian, Epist. Ixxiv., p. 294. ' Cyprian, Epist. Ixxiv., p. 296. ' Cyprian, Epist. Ixxiv., p. 294. 4IO ORIGINAL SIN. traditions of one Church sometimes diametrically contradicted those of another.' There is certainly nothing like uniformity in the language employed by the Christian writers of this era when treating of doctrinal subjects ; and yet their theology was essentially the same. All apparently admit the corruption of human nature. Justin Martyr speaks of a concupiscence in every man, evil in all its tendencies and various in its nature," " whilst Tertullian mentions original sin under the designation of "the vice of our origin." ^ Our first parent, says he, " having been seduced into disobedience by Satan, was delivered over to death, and transmitted his condemnation to the whole human race, which v^diS infected from his seed.'' *' Though the ancient fathers oc- casionally describe free will in terms which apparently ignore the existence of indwelling depravity,^ their language is not to be too strictly interpreted, as it only implies a strong protest against the heathen doctrine of fate, and a recognition of the principle that man is a voluntary agent. Thus it is that Cle- mens Alexandrinus, one of the writers who asserts most de- ' The conflicting traditions relative to the time of keeping the Paschal feast afiford a striking illustration of this fact. '^ See Kaye's " Justin Martyr," p. 75. * "Originis vitium." " Malum igitur animas .... ex originis vitio ante- cedit." — De Animd, c. \\. Cyprian calls it " contagio antiqua." " Inno- vati SpirituSancto a sordibus contagionis antiquas." — De H'ibitu Virgiiitim, cap. iv. * " Per quern (Satanan) homo a primordio circumventus, ut pra2ceptum Dei excederet, et propterea in mortem datus exinde totum genus de sue semine infectum suae etiam damnationis traducem fecit." — De Testimonio Aniince, c. iii. * " Nothing can be less systematic or less organized than their notions on this subject; I might say, often even contradictory; such inconsistency partly, perhaps, arising from the point never having been canvassed by men with any care, as it eventually was by controversialists of a later day and partly from the embarrassment of their position ; for whilst Scripture and self-experience compelled them to admit the grievous corruption of our nature, they had perpetually to contend against a powerful body of heretics, who made such corriiplion the ground for affirming that a world so evil could not have been created liy a good God, but was the work of a Demiur- gus." — Blunt's Early Fathers, pp. 585, 586. WORSHIP OF CHRIST. 4II cidedly the freedom of the will, admits the necessity of a new birth unto righteousness. " The Father," says he, " regener- ates by the Spirit unto adoption all who flee to Him." ' " Since the soul is moved of itself, the grace of God demands from it that which it has, namely, a ready temper as its contribution to salvation. For the Lord wishes that the good zvhich He con- fers on the soul should be its own, since it is not without sen- sation, so that it should be impelled like a body."" No fact is more satisfactorily attested than that the early disciples rendered divine honors to our Saviour. In the very beginning of the second century, a heathen magistrate, who deemed it his duty to make minute inquiries respecting them, reported to the Roman Emperor that, in their religious as- semblies, they sang " hymns to Christ as to a God." ' They were reproached by the Gentiles, as well as by the Jews, for worshipping a man who had been crucified.* When this ac- cusation was brought against them, they at once admitted its truth, and undertook to show that the act was perfectly capable of vindication.^ In the days of Justin Martyr there were certain professing Christians, probably the Ebionites,' who held the simple humanity of our Lord, but that writer represents the great body of the disciples as entertaining very different sentiments. " There are some of our race," says he, "who confess that He was the Christ, but affirm that He was a man born of human parents, with whom I do not agree, neither should I, even if very many, who entertain the same ' " Paedagogne," lib. i. "^ See Kaye's " Clement," p. 432. See also the comments of Neander, "General History," ii. 388. ' Pliny's Epistle to Trajan. * See various passages in Justin's Dialogue with Trypho, and in Origen against Celsus. " Thus Origen says, " We do not pay the highest worship to Him who appeared so lately, as to a person who had no previous existence, for we be- lieve Him when He says Himself, ' Before Abraham was, I am.'" — Contra Celsum, viii., § 12. * The origin of this name has been much controverted. It is probable that it was derived from Ebion, the founder of the sect. See Period i., sect. ii., chap, iii., p. 183. Among other things the party seem to have inculcated voluntaiy poverty. 412 CHRIST IS GOD AND MAN. opinion as myself, were to say so ; since we are commanded by Christ to attend, not to the doctrines of men, but to that which was proclaimed by the blessed prophets, and taught by Himself." ' When Justin here expresses his dissent from those who de- scribed our Lord as "a man born of human parents," he obviously means that he is not a Humanitarian; for, in com- mon with the early Church, he held the doctrine of the two •natures in Christ. The fathers who now flourished, when touching on the question of the union of humanity and deity in the person of the Redeemer, do not, it is true, express themselves always with as much precision as writers who ap- peared after the Eutychian controversy in the fifth century ; but they undoubtedly believed that our Lord was both God and man." Even already the subject was pressed on their at- tention by various classes of errorists who were laboring with much assiduity to disseminate their principles. The Gnostics, who affirmed that the body of Jesus was a phantom, shut them up to the necessity of showing that He really possessed all the attributes of a human being; whilst, in meeting objec- tors'from a different quarter, they were compelled to demon- strate that He was also the Jehovah of the Old Testament. The Ebionites were not the only sectaries who taught that Jesus was a mere man. The same doctrine was inculcated by Theodotus, a native of Byzantium, who settled at Rome about the end of the second century. This individual, though by trade a tanner, possessed no small amount of learning, and created some disturbance in the Church of the Western capital by the novelty and boldness of his speculations. In the end he was ' This passage, which is somewhat obscure as it stands in the original, has been misinterpreted by Unitarian writers from generation to generation. The rendering which they commonly give of it makes it tjuite inconsistent with the context, and with the statements of Justin elsewhere. See Kaye's " Justin," p. 51. ' Thus Tertuilian says, " The only man without sin is Christ, because Christ is aho God." — De Am'ma, cap. xli. Justin Martyr complains that the Jews had expunged from the Septuagint many passages " wherein it might be clearly shown that He who was crucified was (J£>//; God and man." — Dialogue with Try p ho, § 71. PAUL OF SAMOSATA. 413 excommunicated by Victor, the Roman bishop. Some time afterward his sentiments were adopted by Artemon, whose disciples, named Artemonites, elected a bishop of their own,' and existed for some time at Rome as a distinct community. But by far the most distinguished of these ancient impugn- ers of the proper deity of the Messiah was the celebrated Paul of Samosata, who flourished shortly after the middle of the third century. Paul occupied the bishopric of Antioch, the second see in Christendom ; and was undoubtedly a man of superior talent. According to his views, the Divine Logos is not a distinct Person, but the Reason of God ; and Jesus was the greatest of the sons of men, simply because the Logos dwelt in Him after a higher manner, or more abundantly, than in any other of the posterity of Adam.'' But though this prel- ate had great wealth, influence, and eloquence, his heterodoxy soon -raised a storm of opposition which he could not with- stand. The Christians of Antioch in the third century refused to tolerate the ministrations of a preacher who insinuated that the Word is not truly God. He possessed consummate ad- dress, and when first arraigned, his plausible equivocations and sophistries imposed upon his judges ; but, at a subsequent council, held about A.D. 269 in the metropolis of Syria, he was so closely pressed by Malchion, one of his own presbyters, that he was obliged reluctantly to acknowledge his real senti- ments. He was, in consequence, deposed from his ofiice by a unanimous vote of the Synod. A circular letter' announcing the decision was transmitted to the leading pastors of the Church all over the Empire, and this ecclesiastical deliverance received their universal sanction.' The theological term translated Trinity" was in use as early ' Euseb. V. 28. 2 Euseb. V. 27, 30. Epiphanius, " Haer." 65, i. ^ The superscription of this epistle is a sufficient refutation of much of the reasoning of Mr. Shepherd against the genuineness of the Cyprianic corre- spondence, as here the names of a crowd of bishops are given without any mention whatever of their sees. See also Euseb. x. 5, p. 391, Edit. Vales, 1672. * Euseb. vii. 30. ' rpiaq or trinitas. 414 THE TRINITY. as the second century ; for, about A.D. i8o, it is employed by Theophilus, who is supposed to have been one of the prede- cessors of Paul of Samosata in the Church of Antioch,' Speak- ing of the formation of the heavenly bodies on the fourth day of creation, as described in the first chapter of Genesis, this writer observes : " The three days which preceded the lumina- ries are types of the Trinity^ of God, and His Word, and His Wisdom." Here, as elsewhere in the works of the fathers of the early Church, the third person of the Godhead is named under the designation of Wisdom.' Though this is the first mention of the word Trinity to be found in any ecclesiastical document now extant, it is plain that the doctrine is of far higher antiquity. Justin Martyr repeatedly refers to it, and Athenagoras, who flourished in the reign of Marcus Aurelius, treats of it with much clearness. " We speak," says he, " of the Father as God, and the Son as God, and the Holy Ghost, showing at the same time their power in unity, and their dis- tinction in order." ' " We who look upon this present life as worth little or nothing, and are conducted through it by the sole principle of knowing God and the Word proceeding from Him, of knowing what is the unity of the Son with the Father, what the Father communicates to the Son, what is the Spirit, what is the union of this number of Persons, the Spirit, the Son, and the Father, and in what way they who are united are divided— shall we not have credit given us for being worship- pers of God ?" " The attempts made in the latter half of the second century to pervert the doctrine of Scripture relative to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, probably led to the appearance of the ' This is, however, by no means clear, as there is nothing in his works to indicate that he held such a position. ' "Ad Autolycum," ii., c. 15. t'vttol naw rf/c Tp/ihW. 2 Thus Irenaius says : " There is ever present with Him (the Father) the Word and IVisdom, the Son and Spirit." — Contra IJarcscs, iv. 20, § i. It may here be proper to add that the early Christians worshipped the third person of the Trinity. Thus, Hippolytus says: "Through Him (the Incar- nate Word) we form a conception of the Father ; we believe in the Son \ we worship the Holy Ghost." — Contra Noctum, c. 12. * " Legat. pro Christianis," c. 10. ' " Legat. pro Cliristianis," c. 12. MONARCHIANISM. 415 word Trinity in the ecclesiastical nomenclature ; for, when controversy commenced, some such symbol was required to prevent the necessity of constant and tedious circumlocution. One of the most noted of the parties, dissatisfied with the ordinary mode of speaking respecting the Three Divine Per- sons, and desirous of changing the current creed, was Praxeas, a native of Asia Minor. After having acquired much credit by his fortitude and courage in a time of persecution, he had also signalized himself by his zeal against the Montanists. He now taught that the Son and Holy Ghost are not distinct Persons, but simply modes or energies of the Father ; and as those who adopted his sentiments imagined that they thus held more strictly than others the doctrine of the existence of a single Ruler of the universe, they styled themsQlves Mojiarc/i- ians.^ According to their views the first and second Persons of the Godhead are identical ; and, as it apparently followed from this theory, that the Father suffered on the cross, they received the name of Patripassians^ Praxeas travelled from Asia Minor to Rome, and afterward passed over into Africa, where he was strenuously opposed by the famous Tertullian. Another individual, named Noetus, attracted some notice about the close of the second century by the peculiarity of his speculations in reference to the Godhead. " Noetus," says a contemporary, ." calls the same both Son and Father, for he speaks thus : ' When the Father had not been born. He was rightly called Father, but when it pleased Him to undergo birth, then by birth He became the Son of Himself, and not of another.' Thus he professes to establish the principle of Monarchianism." ' But, perhaps, the attempts of Sabellius to modify the established doctrine made the deepest impression. This man, who was an ecclesiastic connected with Ptolemais in Africa,* maintained that there is no foundation for the or- dinary distinction of the Persons of the Trinity, and that the ' " Monarchiam, inquiunt, tenemus." — Tertullian, Adv. Praxean, c. 3. " " Athanas. de Synodis," c. 7. * Hippolytus, " Philosophumena," book ix. ■• He flourished about A.D. 220, and was contemporary with Hippolytus. See Bunsen, i. 131. 4l6 THE TRIxNITY OF PLATO. terms Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, merely indicate different manifestations of the Supreme Being, or different phases under which the one God reveals Himself. From him the doctrine of those who confound the Persons of the Godhead still bears the name of Sabellianism. It has been sometimes said that the Church borrowed its idea of a Trinity from Plato, but this assertion rests upon no historical basis. Learned men have found it exceedingly diffi- cult to give anything like an intelligible account of the Trinity of the Athenian philosopher,' and it had only a metaphysical existence. It certainly had nothing more than a fapciful and verbal resemblance to the Trinity of Christianity. Had the doctrine of the Church been derived from the writings of the Grecian sage, it would not have been inculcated with so much zeal and unanimity by the early fathers. Some of them were bitterly opposed to Platonism, and yet, though none denounced it more vehemently than Tertullian," we can not point to any one of them who speaks of the Three Divine Persons more clearly or copiously. The heretic thinks, says he, " that we can not believe in one God in any other way than if we say that the very same Person is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. .... These persons assume the number and arrangement of the Trinity to be a division of the Unity; whereas the Unity, which derives a Trinity from itself, is not destroyed by it, but has its different offices performed. They, therefore, boast that two and three Gods are preached by us, but that they themselves are worshippers of one God ; as if the Unity, when improperly contracted, did not create heresy, and a Trinity, when properly considered, did not constitute truth." ' Everyone at all acquainted with the ecclesiastical literature of this period must acknowledge that the disciples firmly ' Hermias speaks of the Trinity of Plato as " God, and matter, and ex- ample."—Sec. 5. " " Doleo bona fide Platonem omnium haereticorum condimentarium fac- tum Cum igitur hujusmodi argumento ilia insinuentur a Platone qua; hceretici mutuantur, satis hasreticos repcrcutiam, si argumentum Pla- tonis elidam." — De Anima, c. 23. ' "Adversus Praxeam," c. 2, 3. THE ATONEMENT. 417 maintained the doctrine of the Atonement. The Gnostics and the Manichaeans discarded this article from their systems, as it was entirely foreign to the spirit of their philosophy ; but, though the Church teachers enter into scarcely any ex- planation of it, by attempting to show how the violated law required a propitiation, they proclaim it as a glorious truth which should inspire all the children of God with joy and confidence. Clemens Alexandrinus gives utterance only to the common faith when he declares, " Christians are redeemed from corruption by the blood of the Lord." " The Word poured forth His blood for us to save human nature." " The Lord gave Himself a victim for us." ' The early writers also mention faith as the means by which we are to appropriate the benefits of the Redeemer's sacrifice. Thus, Justin Mar- tyr represents Christ as " purifying by His blood those who believe on Him." ^ Clemens Alexandrinus, in like manner, speaks of "the one mode of salvation by faith in God," ^ and says that " we have believed in God through the voice of the Word." * In the " Letter to Diognetus " the doctrine of jus- tification by faith through the imputed righteousness of the Saviour is beautifully exhibited. " For what else," says the writer, " could cover our sins but His righteousness ? In whom was it possible that we, the lawless and the unholy, could be justified, save by the Son of God alone? Oh sweet exchange ! oh unsearchable wisdom ! oh unexpected benefits ! that the sin of many should be hidden by One righteous, and the righteousness of One justify many sinners." ' The Church of the second and third centuries was not agi- tated by any controversies relative to grace and predestination. Few were disposed to indulge in speculations on these subjects ; and some of the ecclesiastical writers, in the heat of controversial discussion, are occasionally tempted to make use of language which it is difficult to reconcile with the declarations of the New Testament. All of them, however, either explicitly or virtually, admit the necessity of grace ; and some distinctly ' " Paedagogue," book i., c. 5, 6, ii. " Opera, p. 74. ' " Peedagogue," book i., c. i. * " Stromata," book ii. ' Justin, Opera, p. 500. 27 4l8 DIVINE GRACE. enunciate the doctrine of election. " We stand in especial need of divine grace, and right instruction, and pure affection," says Clemens Alexandrinus, " and zee require that the Father should draw us toward Himself.'' " God, who knows the future as if it was already present, knows the elect according to His purpose even before the creation." ' " Your power to do," says Cyprian, " will be according to the increase of spiritual grace What measure we bring thither of faith to hold, so much do we drink in of grace to inundate. Hereby is strength given."' It is worthy of note that those writers who speak most decidedly of the freedom of the will, also most distinctly proclaim their faith in the perfection of the Divine Sovereignty. Thus, Justin Martyr urges, as a decisive proof of the impious character of their theology, that the heathen philosophers repudiated the doctrine of a particular providence ; ' and all the ancient fathers are ever ready to recognize the superintending guardianship of God in the com- mon affairs of life. But though the creed of the Church was still to some extent substantially sound, it was beginning to suffer much from adulteration. One hundred years after the death of the Apostle John, spiritual darkness was fast settling down upon the Christian community ; and the fathers, who flourished toward the commencement of the third century, frequently employ language for which they would have been sternly re- buked, had they lived in the days of the apostles and evangel- ists. Thus, we find them speaking of "sins cleansed by re- pentance," ' and of repentance as " the price at which the Lord has determined to grant forgiveness." ' We read of ' See Kaye's " Clement," pp. 431, 435. * Epist. i. ad Donatum, Opera, p. 3. « The philosophers, according to Justin, maintained a general, but denied a particular providence. Dial, with Trypho, Opera, p. 218. Some who call themselves Christians adopt this portion of the pagan theology. * " Non facti solum, verum et voluntatis delicta vitanda, et poenitentia purganda esse." — Tcrtidlian, De Pcenitcntia, c. iii. ' " Hoc enim pretio Dominus veniam addicera inslituit." — Tert. De Pce- nit., c. vi. PATRISTIC ERRORS. 419 *^ sins cleansed hy alms and faith," ' and of the martyr, by his sufferings, "washing away his own iniquities.'"' We are told that by baptism " we are cleansed from all our sins," and " re- gain that Spirit of God which Adam received at his creation and lost by his transgression." ' " The pertinacious wicked- ness of the Devil," says Cyprian, "has power up to the savuig zvater, but in baptism he loses all the poison of his wicked- ness." ■* The same writer insists on the necessity of penance, a species of discipline unknown to the Apostolic Church, and denounces, with terrible severity, those who discouraged its performance. " By the deceitfulness of their lies," says he, they interfere, "that satisfaction be not given to God in His anger All pains are taken that sins be not expiated by due satisfactions and lamentations, that wounds be not washed clean by tears." ' It may be said that some of these expres- sions are rhetorical, and that those by whom they were em- ployed did not mean to deny the all-sufficiency of the Great Sacrifice ; but had these fathers clearly apprehended the doc- trine of justification by faith in Christ, they would have re- coiled from the use of language so exceedingly objectionable. There are many who imagine that, had they lived in the days of Tertullian or of Origen, they must have enjoyed spiritual advantages far higher than any to which they have now access. But a more minute acquaintance with the eccle- siastical history of the third century should convince them that they have no reason to complain of their present privi- leges. The amount of material light which surrounds us does not depend on our proximity to the sun. When our planet is most remote from its great luminary, we may bask in the splendor of his effulgence ; and, when it approaches nearer, we may be involved in thick darkness. So it is with the • Clemens Alexandrinus, " Strom." book vi. ^ " Sufficiat martyri propria delicta purgasse." — Tertullian, De Pudicitia, c. 22. ^ See Kaye's " Tertullian," p, 431. Origen speaks of the baptism of blood (martyrdom) rendering us purer than the baptism of water. Opera, ii., P- 473- * Epist. Ixxvi., Opera, p. 322. ^ Epist. Iv., p. i8r. 420 THE LIGHT OF THE BIBLE. Church. The amount of our religious knowledge does not depend on our proximity to the days of primitive Christianity. The Bible is the sun of the spiritual firmament ; and this divine illuminator, like the glorious orb of day, pours forth its light with equal brilliancy from generation to generation. The Church may retire into " chambers of imagery" erected by her own folly ; and there, with the light shut out from her, may sink into a slumber Sisturbed only, now and then, by some dream of superstition ; or, with the light still shining on her, her eye may be dim or disordered , and she may stumble at noonday. But the light is as pure as in the days of the apostles ; and, if we have eyes to profit by it, we may " understand more than the ancients." The art of printing has supplied us with facilities for the study of the Scriptures which were denied to the fathers of the second century ; and the ecclesiastical documents, relative to that age, which have been transmitted to us from antiquity, contain, perhaps, the greater part of even the traditionary information which was preserved in the Church. If we are only " taught of God," we are in as good a position for acquiring a correct acquaint- ance with the way of salvation as was Polycarp or Justin Martyr. What an encouragement for every one to pray, " Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. I am a stranger in the earth : hide not thy commandments from me ! " ' ' Ps. cxix. 1 8, 19. SECTION III. THE WORSHIP AND CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE WORSHIP OF THE CHURCH. The religion of the primitive Christians seemed exceedingly strange to their pagan contemporaries. The heathen worship was little better than a solemn show. Its victims adorned with garlands, its incense and music and lustral water, its priests arrayed in white robes, and its marble temples with gilded roofs, were fitted, rather to fascinate the senses, than to im- prove the heart or expand the intellect. Even the Jewish rit- ual, in the days of its glory, had a powerful effect on the im- agination. As the Israelites assembled from all quarters at their great festivals — as they poured in thousands and tens of thousands into the courts of their ancient sanctuary — as they surveyed the various parts of a structure which was one of the wonders of the world — as they beheld the priests in their holy garments — as they listened to the mingled strains of vocal and instrumental harmony — and as they gazed on the high-priest himself, whose forehead glittered with gold whilst his breast- plate sparkled with precious stones, they felt that they wit- nessed a scene of extraordinary splendor. But, when Chris- tianity made its appearance in the world, it presented none of these attractions. Its adherents were stigmatized as atheists,' because they had no altars, no temples, and no sacrifices. Thej^ held their meetings in private dwellings ; their ministers wore no peculiar dress ; and, by all who sought merely the gratifica- > See the Apology of Athenagoras, sees. 3, 10 ; and Minucius Felix, c. 10. (421) 422 RELIGIOUS EDIFICES. tion of the eye or of the ear, the simple service in which they engaged was considered very bald and uninteresting. But they rejoiced exceedingly in its spiritual character, as they felt that they thus drew near to God, and held sweet and refreshing communion with their Father in heaven. During a considerable part of the second century, the Chris- tians had comparatively few buildings set apart for public wor- ship. At a time when they congregated to celebrate the rites of their religion at night or before break of day, they were not anxious to obtrude their conventicles on the notice of their persecutors. But as they increased in numbers, and as the State became somewhat more indulgent, they gradually ac- quired confidence ; and, in the beginning of the third century, the form of their ecclesiastical structures was already familiar to the eyes of the heathen.' Shortly after that period, their meeting-houses in Rome were well known ; and, in the reign of Alexander Severus, they ventured to dispute with one of the city trades the possession of a piece of ground on which they were desirous to erect a place of worship.'' When the case came for adjudication before the Imperial tribunal, the sover- eign decided in their favor, and thus virtually placed them under the shield of his protection. When the Emperor Gal- lienus, in A.D. 260, issued an edict of toleration, church archi- tecture advanced apace, and many of the old buildings, which were falling into decay, were superseded by edifices at once more capacious and more tasteful. The Christians at this time began to emulate the magnificence of the heathen temples, and even to ape their arrangements. Thus it is that some of our churches at the present day are nearly fac-similcs of the an- cient religious edifices of paganism." In addition to the administration of baptism and the Lord's Supper, the worship of the early Church consisted of singing, prayer, reading the Scriptures, and preaching. In the earliest notice of the Christians of the second century which occurs in ' " Nostrae columbas etiam domus simplex, in editis semper et apertis, et ad luccm." — Tcrtullian, Advers. Valent., c. 3. ' Life of Aiexaiider Severus, by Lampridius, c. 49. ^ See Kennett's " Antiquities of Rome," p. 41. CHRISTIAN PSALMODY. 423 any pagan writer, their psalmody, with which they commenced their rehgious services,' is particularly mentioned ; for, in his celebrated letter to the Emperor Trajan, Pliny states that they met together, before the rising of the sun, to "sing hymns to Christ as to a God." It is probable that some of the " hymns " here spoken of were the Psalms of the Old Testament. Many of these inspired effusions celebrate the glories of Immanuel ; and as, for obvious reasons, the Messianic Psalms would be used more frequently than any others, it is not strange that the disciples are represented as assembling to sing praise to Christ. But the Church at this time was not confined to the ancient Psalter. Hymns of human composition were occasion- ally employed ;* and one of these, to be found in the writings of Clement of Alexandria,' was, perhaps, sung in the early part of the third century by the Christians of the Egyptian capital. Influential bishops sometimes introduced them by their own authority, but the practice awakened suspicion, and was con- sidered irregular. Hence Paul of Samosata, in the Council of Antioch, held A.D. 269, was blamed for discontinuing the Psalms formerly used, and for establishing a new and very ex- ceptionable hymnology.* In the early Church the whole congregation joined in the singing,* but instrumental music did not accompany the praise. In the secret assemblies of the faithful its employment would have been inexpedient and unseasonable, as it would only have increased unnecessarily the perils of a proscribed community. ' Bingham has proved, by a variety of testimonies, that such was the order of the ancient service. See his " Origines," iv. 383, 406, 417. The early Christians thus literally obeyed the commandment, " Come before his pres- ence with singing "; "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise." — (Ps. c. 2, 4). "^ See I Cor. xiv. 26. See also Euseb. v. 28. ' At the end of his " Paedagogue." This hymn to the Saviour was com- posed by Clement himself. The 59th Canon of the Council of Laodicea for- bids the use of " private psalms " in public worship. By " private psalms " the ancient interpreters understand psalms composed by private individuals and not adopted by the church. The Council of Laodicea was held about A.D. 360. * Euseb. vii. 30. ■* See Bingham i., p. 383. Edit. London, 1840. 424 NO READING OF PRAYERS. After ages of disuse, it became associated, in the minds of the disciples, with the superannuated ritual of the Jews, or the noisy orgies of the heathen ; so that on the advent of more prosper- ous times, when it might have been practiced without danger, the members of the Church generally felt little inclination to encourage it, knowing that it might give off ence as a deviation from their long-established form of service. Early in the third century Clemens Alexandrinus admits' that the music of the harp or lyre might be used without blame in the private de- votional exercises of the Christians ; but he looked with dis- favor on its introduction into the congregational worship. The account of the worship of the Church, given by a Christian writer who flourished about the middle of the second century, is exceedingly instructive. " On the day which is called Sunday," says Justin Martyr, "there is a meeting to- gether in one place of all who dwell either in towns or in the country ; and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as the time permits. When the reading ceases, the president delivers a discourse, in which he makes an application and exhorts to the imitation of these good things. We then rise all together and pray. Then .... when we cease from prayer, bread is brought, and wine and water; and the president, in like manner, offers up prayers and thanksgivings according to his ability '^ and the people ex- press their assent by saying Amen.'" It is abundantly clear from this statement that the presiding minister was not re- stricted to any set form of supplication. As he prayed " accord- ing to his ability," his petitions could neither have been dic- tated by others nor taken from a liturgy. Such a practice as the reading of prayers was, indeed, totally unknown in the Church during the first three centuries. Hence Tertullian rep- resents the Christians of his generation as praying " looking «/> with hands spread open, .... and zvithont a prompter, be- ' "Paedag." ii. 4. « Ixjti iSvvafur. See Origen, " Contra Celsum," iii. i and 57 ; Opera, i. 447, 485. ^ " Apol." ii., p. 98, ATTITUDES IN PRAYER. 425 cause from the heart."' In his "Treatise on Prayer" Origen recommends the worshipper to address God with stretched-out hands and uplifted eyes.'' The erect body with the arms ex- tended was supposed to represent the cross/ and therefore this attitude was deemed pecuHarly appropriate for devotion." On the Lord's day the congregation always stood when addressing God.^ At this period forms of prayer were used in the heathen worship," and in some cases the pagans adhered with singular tenacity to their ancient liturgies ; ' but the Church did not ' " Suspicientes Christiani manibus expansis denique sine monitore, quia de pectore oramus." — Apol. c. 30. The omission of a single word, when repeating the heathen liturgy, was considered a great misfortune. Cheval- lier says, speaking of this expression sine monitore, " There is probably an allusion to the persons who were appointed, at the sacrifices of the Romans, to prompt the magistrates, lest they should incidentally omit a single word in the appropriate formute, which would have vitiated the whole proceed- ings."— Translation of the Epistles of Clement, etc., p. 41 1, note. Among the heathen, the practice of repeating after the minister was connected with the use of a liturgy. " After sacrificing, the augur offered a prayer for the desired signs to s^-^^^tlx , repeating after an inferior minister a set form." — Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Art. Auspicium. "^ Opera i., 267. ^ See Minucius Felix. *■ Tertullian, "De Oratione," c. 14. ^ See Bingham, iv. 324. In prayer the Christians soon began to turn the face to the east. See Tertullian, " Apol." c. 16. This custom was borrowed from the Eastern nations who worshipped the sun. See Kaye's " Tertul- lian," p. 408. * Thus Prideaux mentions how the Persian priests, long before the com- mencement of our era, approached the sacred fire " to read the daily of- fices of their Liturgy before it." — Connections, part i., book iv., vol. i., p. 218. This liturgy was composed by Zoroaster nearly five hundred years before Christ's birth. See also Rawlinson's " Herodotus, " ii. 85, where the sa- cred scribe is said to " read from a papyrus certain prayers in presence of the assembled pastophori, or members of the Sacred College. " ' See Clarkson on " Liturgies," and Hartung, " Religion der Romer." It is remarkable that the old pagan Roman liturgy, in consequence of the change in the language from the time of its original establishment, began at length to be almost unintelligible to the people. It thus resembles the present Romish Liturgy. The pagans believed that their prayers were more successful when offered up in a barbarous and unknown language. See Potter's " Antiquities of Greece," i. 288. Edit. Edinburgh, 1818. The Lacedaemonians had a form of prayer from which they never varied either in public or private. Potter, i. 281. 426 READING OF SCRIPTURE. yet require the aid of such auxiharies. Though in the account of the losses sustained during the Diocletian persecution, we read frequently of the seizure of the Scriptures, and of the ecclesiastical utensils, we never meet with any allusion to the spoliation of prayer-books.' There is, in fact, no evidence whatever that such helps to devotion were yet in existence.* The worship was conducted in a dialect understood by the congregation ; and though the officiating minister was at per- fect liberty to select his phraseology, he did not think it necessary to aim at great variety in the mere language of his devotional exercises. So long as a petition was deemed suit- able, it continued to be repeated in nearly the same words, whilst providential interpositions, impending persecutions, and the personal condition of the flock were continually suggesting fresh topics for thanksgiving, supplication, and confession. The beautiful and comprehensive prayer taught by our Lord to His disciples was never considered out of place ; and, as early as the third century, it was, at least in some districts, used once at every meeting of the faithful.' The apostle had taught the brethren that intercessions should be made " for kings and for all that are in authority," * and the primitive disciples did not neglect to commend their earthly rulers to the care of the Sovereign of the universe.^ But still it is clear that even such petitions did not run in the channel of any pre- scribed formulary. From the very days of the apostles the reading of the Script- ures constituted an important part of public worship. This portion of the service was at first, perhaps, conducted by one of the elders, but, in some places, toward the close of the ' " In the persecutions under Diocletian and his associates, though a strict inquiry was made after the books of Scripture, and other things be- longing to the Church, which we'"e often delivered up by the Traiiitores to be burnt, yet we never read of any ritual books, or books of divine serv- ice, delivered up among them." — Bingham, iv. 187. ' In modern times, when there is any great revival of religion, forms of prayer fall into comparative desuetude even among those i)y whom they were formerly used. ' See Tertuilian, " De Oratione," c. 9; and Origen, " De Orationc." * I Tim. ii. 2. " Tertuilian, " Apol." c. 39. MODE OF PREACHING. 427 second centiir}'^, it was committed to a new official, called the Reader.' The presiding minister was permitted originally to choose whatever passages he considered most fitting for the occasion, as well as to determine the amount of time to be oc- cupied in the exercise ; but, at length, an order of lessons was prepared, and then the Reader was expected to confine him- self to the Scriptures pointed out in his calendar." This ar- rangement, designed to secure a more uniform attention to the several parts of the inspired canon, came only gradually into general operation ; and it frequently happened that the order of lessons for one church was very different from that used in another.' Whilst the constant reading, in the vernacular tongue, of considerable portions of Scripture at public worship, promoted the religious instruction of the people, the mode of preach- ing which prevailed contributed to make them still more in- timately acquainted with the sacred records. The custom of selecting a text as the basis of a discourse had not yet been introduced ; but when the reading closed, the minister pro- ceeded to expatiate on that section of the Word just brought under the notice of the congregation, and pointed out, as well the doctrines it recognized, as the practical lessons it incul- cated. The entire presbytery was usually present in the con- gregation every Lord's day, and when one or other of the elders had made a few comments ' the president added some remarks of an expository and hortatory character; but, fre- quently, he received no assistance in this part of the service. The method of reading and elucidating the Scripture now pursued, was eminently salutary ; for, whilst it stored the memory with a large share of biblical knowledge, the whole Word of God, in the way of earnest appeal, was brought into close contact with the heart and conscience of each individual. ' See Tertullian, " De Prsescrip." c. 41. 2 See Guerike's " Manual of the Antiquities of the Church," by Morrison, p. 214. 3 Guerike's " Manual," p. 213. * There is reference to this in the " Apostolic Constitutions," lib. ii., c. 57 Cotelerius, i. 266. 4^8 MINISTERIAL COSTUME. So long as pristine piety flourished, the people listened with devout attention to the observations of the preacher; but, as a more secular spirit prevailed, he began to be treated rather as an orator, than a herald from the King of kings. Before the end of the third century, the house of prayer occasionally re- sounded with the plaudits of the theatre. Such exhibitions were, indeed, condemned at the time by the ecclesiastical au- thorities, but the very fact that in the principal church of one of the chief cities of the Empire, the bishop, as he proceeded with his sermon, was greeted with stamping of feet, clapping of hands, and waving of handkerchiefs,' supplied melancholy evidence of the progress of spiritual degeneracy. In the days of the Apostle Paul such demonstrations would have been universally denounced as unseemly and unseasonable. During the first three centuries there was nothing in the ordinary costume of a Christian minister to distinguish him from any of his fellow-citizens ; ' but when the pastor offici- ated in the congregation, he began, at an early date, to wear some peculiar piece of apparel. In an old document, purport- ing to have been written shortly after the middle of the second century, he is described, at the period of his advancement to the episcopal chair, as " clothed with the dress of the bish- ops."' As the third century advanced, there was a growing disposition to increase the pomp of public worship ; in some places vessels of silver or of gold were used at the dispensation of the Lord's Supper ; ' and, about this time, some few decora- tions were assumed by those who took part in its administra- tion.' But still the habit used by ecclesiastics at divine service was distinguished by its comparative simplicity, and differed very little from the dress commonly worn by the mass of the population. What a change passed over the Church from the period be- fore us to the dawn of the Reformation ! Now, the making * Euseb. vii. 30. " See Bingham, ii 212. * Letter from Pius of Rome to Justus of Vienne. * Bingham, ii. 451. ' They were certainly known soon afterward. See the introduction to the " Address to Paulinas of Tyre," Euseb. .\. 4. THE CHURCH MAY MOVE BACKWARDS. 429 of images was forbidden, and no picture was permitted even on the walls of the sacred edifice : ' then a church frequently- suggested the idea of a studio, or a picture gallery. Now, the whole congregation joined heartily in the psalmody : then, the mute crowd listened to the music of the organ accompa- nied by the shrill voices of a chorus of thoughtless boys. Now, prayers, in the vernacular tongue and suited to the occasion, were offered with simplicity and earnestness : then, petitions, long since antiquated, were muttered in a dead language. Now, the Word was read and expounded in a way intelligible to all : then, a few Latin extracts from it were mumbled over hastily ; and, if a sermon followed, it was, perhaps, a eulogy on some wretched fanatic, or an attack on some true evan- gelist. There are writers who believe that the Church was meanwhile going on in a career of hopeful development ; but facts too clearly testify that she was moving backwards in a path of cheerless declension. Now, the Church " holding forth the Word of life " was commending herself to philoso- phers and statesmen : then, she had sunk into premature dotage, and her very highest functionaries were lisping thf^ language of infidelity. ' See Period ii., sec. i,, chap iii., p. 289. CHAPTER II. BAPTISM. When the venerable Polycarp was on the eve of martyr- dom, he is reported to have said that he had served Christ " eighty and six years." ' By the ancient Church these words were regarded as tantamount to a declaration of the length of his life, and as implying that he had been a disciple of the Saviour from his infancy.* The account of his martyrdom indicates that he was still in the enjoyment of a green old age,' and as very few overpass the term of fourscore years and six, we are certainly not at liberty to infer, without any evidence, and in the face of probabilities, that he had now attained a greater longevity. A contemporary father, who wrote about the middle of the second century, informs us that there were then many persons of both sexes, some sixty, and some sev- enty years of age, who had been " disciples of Christ from childhood,"* and the pastor of Smyrna is apparently included in the description. If eighty-six at the time of his death, he ' See the " Epistle of the Church of Smyrna," giving an account of his martyrdom, § 9. ' The Latin version of his words, as given by Jacobson, is, " Octogesimum jam et sextum annum CEtaiis ingredior." — Pat. Apost., ii. 565. See also the " Chronicum Alexandrinum " as quoted by Cotelerius, ii. 194; and Gregory of Tours, " Hist." i. 28. ' He is represented as standings when offering up a prayer of two hours' length (§ 7), and as running with great speed (§ 8). Such strength at such an age was extraordinary. The Apostle John is said to have lived to the age of one hundred ; but, toward the close of his life, he had lost his wonted energy. * " Apol." ii. Opera, p. 62. See Dr. Wilson's observations on this passage in his " Infant Baptism," pp. 447, 448. (430) INFANT BAPTISM. 43 1 may have been about threescore and ten when Justin Martyr made this announcement. No one was considered a disciple of Jesus who had not re- ceived baptism, and it thus appears that there were many aged persons, living about A.D. 150, to whom, when children, the ordinance had been administered. We may infer, also, that Polycarp, when an infant, had been in this way admitted with- in the pale of visible Christianity. Infant baptism was, there- fore, an institution of the age of the apostles. This conclusion is corroborated by the fact that Justin Martyr speaks of bap- tism as supplying the place of circumcision. " We," says he, " who through Christ have access to God, have not received that circumcision which is in the flesh, but that spiritual cir- cumcision which Enoch, and others like him, observed. And this, because we have been sinners, we do, through the mercy of God, receive djy baptisiny ' Justin would scarcely have rep- resented the initiatory ordinance of the Christian Church as supplying so efficiently the place of the Jewish rite, had it not been of equally extensive application. The testimony of Irenaeus, the disciple of Polycarp, throws additional light upon this argument. " Christ," says he, " came to save all persons by Himself; all, I say, who by Him are regenerated unto God — infants, and little ones, and children, and youths, and aged persons ; therefore He went through the several ages, being made an infant for infants, that He might sanctify infants ;^ and, for little ones. He was made a little one, to sanctify them of that age also." ^ Irenaeus elsewhere speaks of baptism as our regeneration or new birth unto God,^ so that his meaning in this passage can not well be disputed. He was born on • Dialogue with Tr)-pho. Opera, p. 261. "^ There may here be a reference to i Cor. vii. 14. ^ Book ii., c. xxii., § 4. * Thus he says : " Giving to His disciples the power oi regeneration tmto God, He said to them, Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." — Book iii., c. xvii., § i. Thus, too, he speaks of the heretics using certain rites " to the rejection of baptis7n, which is regetteration unto God." — Book i., c. xxi., § i. Irenfeus here means that baptism is typically regeneration, in the same way as the bread and wine in the Eucharist are typically the body and blood of Christ. 432 INFANT BAPTISM. the confines of the apostolic age, and when he mentions the regeneration unto God of " infants, and little ones, and chil- dren," he alludes to their admission by baptism to the seal of salvation. The celebrated Origen was born in A.D. 185, and we have as strong circumstantial evidence as we could well desire that he was baptized in infancy.' Both his parents were Christians, and as soon as he was capable of receiving instruction, he be- gan to enjoy the advantages of a pious education. He affirms, not only that the practice of infant baptism prevailed in his own age, but that it had been handed down as an ecclesiasti- cal ordinance from the first century. " None," says he, " are free from pollution, though his life upon the earth be but the length of one day, and for this reason even infants are bap- tized, because by the sacrament of baptism the pollution of our birth is put away."' " The Church has received the cus- tom of baptizing little children from the apostles^ ' The only writer of the first three centuries who questions the propriety of infant baptism is Tertullian. The passage in which he expounds his views on this subject is a most trans- parent specimen of special pleading, and the extravagant rec- ommendations it contains sufficiently attest that he had taken up a false position. " Considering," says he, " every one's condition and disposition, and also his age, the delay of bap- tism is more advantageous, but especially in the case of little children. For what necessity is there that the sponsors be brought into danger ? Because they may fail to fulfil their ' That infant baptism was now practiced at Alexandria is apparent also from the testimony of Clemens Alexandrinus, who, in allusion to this rite, speaks of "the children that are drawn up out of the water." — Pcedag, iii. c. II. * Hom. xiv. in "Lucam." Opera, iii. 948. See also Opera, ii. 230. Horn, viii. in " Leviticum." * Comment, in " Epist. ad Roman." lib. v.. Opera, iv. 565. According to Eusebius (vi. 19), the Christian doctrine was conveyed to Origen " from his forefathers " — f« irpny6vuv — or, as Rufinus translates it, afi aTi's atqueataj'is, " from his grandfathers and great-grandfathers," so that the tradition may have been handed down in his own family from the apostolic age. See " Wall's History of Infant Baptism," i. 124. Oxford, 1836. TERTULLIAN S TESTIMONY. 433 promises by death, or may be deceived by the child's proving of a wicked disposition. Our Lord says indeed, ' Do not for- bid them to come unto me.' Let them come, therefore, whilst they are growing up, let them come whilst they are learning, whilst they are being taught where it is they are coming, let them be made Christians when they are capable of knowing Christ. Why should their innocent age make haste to the re- mission of sins? Men proceed more cautiously in worldly things ; and he that is not trusted with earthly goods, why should he be trusted with divine ? Let them know how to ask salvation, that you may appear to give it to one that ask- eth. For no less reason unmarried persons ought to be de- layed, because they are exposed to temptations, as well vir- gins that are come to maturity, as those that are in widow- hood and have little occupation, until they either marry or be confirmed in continence. They who know the weight of bap- tism will rather dread its attainment than its postponement." ' In the apostolic age all adults, when admitted to baptism, answered for themselves. Had additional sponsors been re- quired for the three thousand converts who joined the Church on the day of Pentecost,^ they could not have been procured. The Ethiopian eunuch and the Philippian jailer ' were their own sponsors. Until long after the time when Tertullian wrote, there were, in the case of adults, no other sponsors than the parties themselves. But when an infant was dedi- cated to God in baptism, the parents were required to make a profession of the faith, and to undertake to train up their little one in the way of righteousness." It is to this arrangement ' " De Baptismo," c. 18. ^ Acts ii. 41. ' Acts viii. 37, 38; xvi. 31-33. *■ Parents wtXQCO'mx^orAy sponsors for their own children, .... and the extraordinary cases in which they were presented by others, were commonly such cases, where the parent could not, or would not, do that kind office for them ; as when slaves were presented to baptism by their masters, or chil- dren whose parents were dead, were brought, by the charity of any who would show mercy on them ; or children exposed by their parents, which were sometimes taken up by the holy virgins of the Church, and by them presented unto baptism. These are the only cases mentioned by St. Austin in which children seem to have had other sponsors." — Bingham, iii. 552. 28 434 TERTULLIAN S TESTIMONY. that Tertullian refers when he says, " What necessity is there that the sponsors be brought into danger ? Because even they may fail to fulfil their promises by death, or may be deceived by the child's proving of a wicked disposition." It is plain, from his own statements, that infant baptism was practiced in the days of this father ; and also, that it was then said to rest on the authority of the New Testament. Its advocates, he alleges, quoted in its defence the words of our Saviour, " Suffer the little children to come unto me, and for- bid them not." ' And how does Tertullian meet this argu- ment ? Does he venture to say that it is contradicted by any other Scripture testimony ? Does he pretend to assert that the appearance of parents as sponsors for their children, is an ecclesiastical innovation ? Had this acute and learned con- troversialist been prepared to encounter infant baptism on such grounds, he would not have neglected his opportunity. But, instead of pursuing such a line of reasoning, he merely exhibits his weakness by resorting to a piece of miserable sophistry. When our Lord said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not," He illustrated His meaning as He " took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them and blessed them ";^ so that the gloss of Tertullian, " Let them come whilst they are growing up, let them come whilst they are learning," is a palpable misinterpretation. Nor is this all. The Carthaginian father was aware that there were frequent instances in the days of the apostles of the bap- tism of whole households ; and yet he maintains that the un- married, especially young widows, can not with safety be ad- mitted to the ordinance. Had he been with Paul and Silas at Philippi he could thus scarcely have consented to the bap- tism of Lydia ; and he must certainly have protested against the administration of the rite to all the members of her family." Though Tertullian may not have formally separated from the Church when he wrote the tract in which this passage occurs, ' Mark x. 14. ' Compare Mark x. 13-16 with Luke xviii. 15, 16. * See Acts xvi. 15. FOLLY OF TERTULLIAN. 435 he had already adopted the principles of the Montanists. These errorists held that any one who had fallen into heinous sin after baptism should never again be admitted to ecclesias- tical fellowship ; and this little book itself supplies proof that its author supported the same doctrine. He here declares that the man " who renews his sins after baptism " is " destin- ed to fire "; and he intimates that martyrdom, or " the baptism of blood," can alone " restore " such an offender.' It was obviously the policy of the Montanists to discourage infant baptism, and to retain the mass of their adherents, as long as possible, in the condition of catechumens. Hence Tertullian here asserts that " they who know the weight of baptism will rather dread its attaimncnt than its postponement." '^ But neither the apostles, nor the early Church, had any sympathy with such a sentiment. They represent baptism as a privilege — as a sign and seal of God's favor — which all should thank- fully embrace. On the very day on which Peter denounced the Jews as having with wicked hands crucified his Master, he assisted in the baptism of three thousand of these transgressors. " Repent," says he, " and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you atid to your children^ ^ Tertullian would have given them no such encouragement. But the Montanists believed that their Phrygian Paraclete was commissioned to supersede the apos- tolic discipline. When the African father attacked infant baptism he acted under this conviction ; and whilst seeking to set aside the arrangements of the Church of his own age, he ' " De Baptismo," c. viii. xvi. "^ It would be thought by many a cruelty to place a person without his own consent, and in unconscious infancy, in a situation, so far, much more disadvantageous than that of those brought up pagans, that if he did ever — suppose at the age of fifteen or twenty — fall into any sin, he must remain for the rest of his life — perhaps for above half a century — deprived of all hope, or at least of all confident hope, of restoration to the divine favor ; shut out from all that cheering prospect which, if his baptism in 'wii's.wc^ had been omitted, m\ght have lain before him." — Archbishop Whatelys Scripturt Doctrine concerning the Sacraments, p. li, note. ' Acts ii. 38, 39. 436 TESTIMONY OF AN AFRICAN SYNOD. felt no scruple in venturing at the same time to subvert an institute of primitive Christianity. We have the clearest evidence that, little more than twenty- years after the death of Tertullian, the whole Church of Africa recognized the propriety of this practice. About the middle of the third century a bishop of that country, named Fidus, had taken up the idea, that, when administering the ordinance, he was bound to adhere to the very letter of the law relative to circumcision,' and that therefore he was not at liberty to bap- tize the child before the eighth day after its birth. When the case was submitted to Cyprian and an African synod, consist- ing of sixty-six bishops, they una7iimo2isly decided that these scruples were groundless ; and, in an epistle addressed to the pastor who entertained them, the Assembly thus communicated the result of its deliberations: " As regards the case of infants who, you say, should not be baptized within the second or third day after their birth, and that respect should be had to the law of the ancient circumcision, whence you think that one newly born should not be baptized and sanctified within the eighth day, we all in our council thought very differently. . . . If even to the most grievous offenders, .... when they after- ward believe, remission of sins is granted, and no one is de- barred from baptism and grace, how much more ought not an infant to be debarred who, being newly born, has in no way sinned, except that being born after Adam in the flesh, he has by his first birth contracted the contagion of the old death; who is on this very account more easily admitted to receive remission of sins, in that, not his own, but another's sins are remitted to him.'"' Whilst it is apparent that the baptism of infants was the established order of the Church, it is equally clear that the particular mode of administration was not considered essential to the validity of the ordinance. It was usually dispensed by immersion or affusion,' but when the health of the candidate ' Gen. xvii. 12; Lev. xii. 3. ' Epist. lix., pp. 211, 212. ' Laiircntius, a Roman deacon, who flourished about the middle of the third century, is represented as baptizing one Romanus, a soldier, in a pitch- er of water, and another individual, named Lucillus, by pouring water upon his head. See Bingham, iii. 599. FALSE VIEWS AND FOOLISH APPENDAGES. 43/ might have been injured by such an ordeal, sprinkling was deemed sufficient. Aspersion was commonly employed in the case of the sick, and was known by the designation of clinic or bed baptism. Cyprian points out to one of his correspondents the absurdity of the idea that the extent to which the water is applied can affect the character of the institution. " In the saving sacrament," says he, " the contagion of sin is not washed away just in the same way as is the filth of the skin and body in the ordinary ablution of the flesh, so that there should be need of saltpetre and other appliances, and a bath and a pool in which the poor body may be washed and cleansed It is apparent that the sprinkling of water has like force with the saving washing, and that when this is done in the Church, where the faith both of the giver and receiver is entire,' all holds good and is consummated and perfected by the power of the Lord, and the truth of faith." * Cyprian is here perfectly right in maintaining that the es- sence of baptism does not consist in the way in which the water is administered ; but much of the language he employs in speaking of this ordinance can not be commended as sober and scriptural. He often confounds it with regeneration, and ex- presses himself as if the mere rite possessed a mystic virtue. " The birth of Christians," says he, " is in baptism." ' " The Church alone has the life-giving wdXer'' * " The water must first be cleansed and sanctified by the priest, that it may be able, by baptism therein, to wash away the sins of the bap- tized." ' Tertullian and other writers of the third century, make use of phraseology equally unguarded.* When the true character of the institute was so far misunderstood, it is not extraordinary that it began to be tricked out in the trappings of superstition. The candidate, as early as the third century, 1 Here the validity of the ordinance is made to depend on the personal character of the administrator. ^ Epist. Ixxvi., p. 321. ' Epist. ixxiv., p. 295. * Epist. Ixxvi., p. 317. In hke manner Clement of Alexandria says, " Our transgressions are remitted by one sovereign medicine, the baptism accord- ing to the Word." See Kaye's " Clement," p. 437. ^ Epist. Ixx., p. 269. " Tertullian, " De Baptismo," c. i 438 THE BAPTISMAL SERVICE. was exorcised before baptism, with a view to the expulsion of evil spirits ; " and, in some places, after the application of the water, when the kiss of peace was given to him, a mixture of milk and honey was administered.' He was then anointed and marked on the forehead with the sign of the cross.' Finally, the presiding minister, by the laying on of hands, be- stowed the benediction,^ Tertullian endeavors to explain some of these ceremonies. " The flesh," says he, " is washed, that the soul may be freed from spots ; the flesh is anointed, that the soul may be consecrated ; the flesh is marked (with the sign of the cross), that the soul may be guarded ; the flesh is overshadowed by the imposition of hands, that the soul may be enlightened by the Spirit." ^ It is not improbable that the baptismal service constituted the first germ of a Church liturgy. As the ordinance was so frequently celebrated, it was found convenient to adhere to the same form, not only in the words of administration," but also in the accompanying prayers ; and thus each pastor soon had his own baptismal office. But when heresies spread, and when, in consequence, measures were taken to preserve the unity of the Catholic faith, a uniform series of questions — ■ prepared, perhaps, by councils and adopted by the several ministers — was addressed to all catechumens. Thus the bap- tismal services were gradually assimilated ; and, as the power of the hierarchy increased, one general office, in each district, superseded all the previously-existing formularies. Baptism, as dispensed in apostolic simplicity, is a most sig- nificant ordinance ; but the original rite was soon well-nigh ' Cyprian, " Con. Carthag." pp. 600, 602. * See Kaye's " Clement of Alexandria," p. 441, and Tertullian, " De Co- rona," c. 3. ' Tertullian, " De Baptismo," c. 7. * Tertullian, " De Baptismo," c. 8. The rite of confirmation thus origi- nated. The Greek Church still follows the ancient usage, and dispenses it to infants shortly after baptism. See Waddington's *' Present Condition of the Greek Church," p. 43. London, 1829. * " De Resurrectione Carnis," c. 8. * " In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."— Matt, xxviii. 19. THE ORDINANCE DISFIGURED. 439 hidden behind the rubbish of human inventions. The milk and honey, the unction, the crossing, the kiss of peace, and the imposition of hands, were all designed to render it more imposing ; and, still farther to deepen the impression, it was already administered in the presence of none save those who had themselves been thus initiated.' But the foolishness of God is wiser than man. Nothing is more to be deprecated than any attempt to improve upon the institutions of Christ. Baptism, as established by the Divine Founder of our religion, is a visible exhibition of the Gospel ; but, as known in the third century, it had much of the character of one of the heathen mysteries. It was intended to confirm faith ; but it was now contributing to foster superstition. How soon had the gold become dim, and the most fine gold been changed ! ■ Bingham, iii. 377. CHAPTER III. THE lord's suffer. Baptism and the Lord's Supper may be regarded as a typi- cal or pictorial summary of the great salvation. In Baptism the Gospel is exhibited subjectively — renewing the heart and cleansing from all iniquity : in the Lord's Supper it is exhibit- ed objectively — providing a mighty Mediator, and a perfect atonement. Regeneration and Propitiation are central truths toward which all the other doctrines of Christianity converge ; and in marking them out by corresponding symbols, the Head of the Church has been graciously pleased to signalize their importance. The Scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation and thoroughly furnished unto all good works ; but we are not at liberty to adulterate these records either by addition or sub- traction. If they should be preserved exactly as they issued from the pen of inspiration, it is clear that the visible ordi- nances in which they are epitomized should also be maintained in their integrity. He who tampers with a divinely-instituted symbol is obviously to some extent obnoxious to the maledic- tion ' pronounced upon the man who adds to, or takes away from, the words of the book of God's prophecy. Had the original form of administering the Lord's Supper been rigidly maintained, the Church would have avoided a mul- titude of errors ; but very soon the spirit of innovation began to disfigure this institute. The mode in which it was observed, and the views which were entertained respecting it by the Chris- tians of Rome, about the middle of the second century, are minutely described by Justin Martyr. "There is brought," ' Rev. xxii. i8, 19. (440) THE LORD S SUPPER. 44I says he, " to that one of the brethren who is president, bread and a cup of wine mixed with water. And he, having received them, gives praise and glory to the Father of all things And when he has finished his praises and thanksgiving, all the people who are present express their assent saying Amen, which in the Hebrew tongue signifies so be it. The president having given thanks, and the people having expressed their assent, those whom we call deacons give to each of those who are present a portion of the bread which has been blessed, and of the wine mixed with water ; and carry away some for those who are absent. And this food is called by us the Eucharist, of which no one may partake unless he believes that which we teach is true, and is baptized, .... and lives in such a manner as Christ commanded. For we receive not these ele- ments as common bread or common drink. But even as Jesus Christ our Saviour .... had both flesh and blood for our salvation, even so we are taught that the food which is blessed .... by the digestion of which our blood and flesh are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh. For the apostles in the memoirs composed by them, which are called Gospels, have related that Jesus thus com- manded them, that having taken bread and given thanks He said, ' Do this in remembrance of me, this is my body '; and that in like manner, having taken the cup and given thanks. He said, ' This is my blood '; and that He distributed them to these alone." ' The writer does not here mention the posture of the disci- ples when communicating, but it is highly probable that they still continued to sit^ in accordance with the primitive pat- tern. As they received the ordinance in the same attitude as that in which they partook of their common meals, the story ' " Apol." ii., Opera, pp. 97, 98. " In an article on the Roman Cataconnbs, in the Edinburgh Review for January, 1859, the writer observes : "It is apparent from all the paintings of Christian feasts, whether of the Agapae, or the burial feasts of the dead, or the Communion of the Holy Sacrament, that they were celebrated by the early Christians sitting round a table." See also Northcote's " Roman Catacombs," p. 63. 442 THE ELEMENTS. that their religious assemblies were the scenes of unnatural feasting, may have thus originated/ For the first three cent- uries, kneeling 21 the Lord's Supper was unknown; and it is not till about a hundred years after the death of the Apostle John, that we read of the communicants staneiing? Through- out the whole of the third century, this was the position in which they partook of the elements." The bread and wine of the Eucharist were supplied by the worshippers, who made " oblations " according to their ability,* as well for the support of the ministers of the Church, as for the celebration of its ordinances. There is no reason to be- lieve that the bread, used at this period in the holy Supper, was unfermented ; for, though our Lord distributed a loaf, or cake, of that quality when the rite was instituted, the early Christians considered the circumstance accidental ; as un- leavened bread was in ordinary use among the Jews at the time of the Passover. The disciples had less reason for mix- ing the wine with water, and they could have produced no good evidence that such was the beverage used by Christ when He appointed this commemoration. In the third century superstition already recognized a mystery in the mixture. " We see," says Cyprian, " that in the water the people are represented, but that in the wine is exhibited the blood of Christ. When, however, in the cup water is mingled with wine, the people are united to Christ, and the multitude of the faithful are coupled and conjoined to Him on whom they believe." ^ The bread was not put into the mouth of the com- municant by the administrator, but was handed to him by a deacon ; and the better to show forth the unity of the Church, ' This calumny created much prejudice against them in the second cent- ury. See Justin Martyr's " Dialogue with Trypho," § lo ; and the " Apol- ogy of Athenagoras," § 3. If Pliny refers to the Eucharist when he speaks of the early Christians as partaking of food together, it is obvious that they must then have communicated sitting, or in the posture in which they par took of their ordinary meals. " TertuUian, " De Oratione," c. 14. * See Euseb. vii. 9. * Justin Martyr, " Apol." ii. 98; and Tertullian's " Apol." c. 39. ' Epist. Ixiii. " To Ccecilius," Opera, p. 229, TRANSUBSTANTIATION UNKNOWN. 443 all partook of one loaf made of a size sufficient to supply the whole congregation/ The wine was administered separately, and was drunk out of a cup or chalice. As early as the third century an idea began to be entertained that the Eucharist was necessary to salvation, and it was, in consequence, given to infants.^ None were now suffered to be present at its cele- bration but those who were communicants ; ' for even the catechumens, or candidates for baptism, were obliged to with- draw before the elements were consecrated. The Passover was kept only once a year, but the Eucharist, which was the corresponding ordinance of the Christian dis- pensation, was observed much more frequently. Justin inti- mates that it was administered every Lord's day, and other fathers of this period bear similar testimony. Cyprian speaks even of its daily celebration." The New Testament has pro- mulgated no precise law upon the subject, and only the more zealous disciples communicated weekly. On the Paschal week it was observed with peculiar solemnity, and by the greatest concourse of worshippers. The term sacrame?it was applied to both Baptism and the Lord's Supper ; but it was not confined to these two symbolic ordinances." The word transubstantiation was not introduced until upwards of a thousand years after the death of our Sav- iour;* and the doctrine which it indicates was not known to any of the fathers of the first three centuries. They all con- cur in describing the elements, after consecration, as bread and wine ; they all represent them as passing through the usual process of digestion ; and they all speak of them as sym- * Larroque's "History of the Eucharist," p. 35. London, 1684. * Cyprian, " De Lapsis," Opera, pp. 375, 381. This was the result ot carrying to excess a protest against the Montanist opposition to infant bap- tism. Such a reaction often occurs. It was now maintained that the Lord's Supper, as well as Baptism, should be administered to infants. ' At an earlier period it was dispensed in presence of the catechumens. See Bingham, iii. p. 380. *■ " De Oratione Dominica," Opera, p. 421. ' See Kaye's " Tertullian," p. 357. * See Gieseler's " Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History," by Cunningham, ii. 331, note 3. 444 now CHRIST IS IN THE SUPPER. bols of the body and blood of Christ. In this strain Justin Martyr discourses of " that bread which our Christ has com- manded us to offer in remembrance of His being made flesh, .... and of that cup which He commanded those that cele- brate the Eucharist to offer iti remembrance of Hi"; bloods ' According to Clement of Alexandria the Scripture designates wine "a mystic symbol of the holy blood,"" Origen, as if anticipating the darkness which was to overspread the Church, expresses himself very much in the style of a zealous Protes- tant. He denounces as "simpletons'" those who attributed a supernatural power to the Eucharistic elements, and repeat- edly affirms that the words used at the institution of the Lord's Supper are to be interpreted spiritually. " The meat," says he, " which is sanctified by the Word of God, and prayer, as it is material, goes into the stomach, .... but, by reason of prayer made over it, it is profitable according to t lie propor- tion of fait Ji, and is the cause that the understanding is enlight- ened and attentive to what is profitable ; and it is not the substance of bread, but the word pronounced upon it, which is profitable to him who eats it in a way not unworthy of the Lord."* Cyprian uses language scarcely less equivocal, for he speaks of " that wine whereby the blood of Christ is set forth," ^ and asserts that it ''was wine which He called His blood."" Christ has said, " Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them "; ' and, true to His promises. He is really present with His people in every act of devotion. Even when they draw near to Him in secret, or when they read His Word, or when they meditate on His mercy, as well as when they listen to His Gospel preached in the great congregation. He manifests Himself to them not as He does unto the world. But in the Eucharist He reveals ' " Dialogue with Trypho," Opera, pp. 296, 297. ' See Kaye's " Clement of Alexandria," p. 445. » aKFpaioTtixjv, Opera, iii., p. 498. * In Mat. torn. xi. Opera, iii., 499, 500. ' Epist. Ixiii. " To Caecilius," Opera, p. 225. • Epist. Ixiii., Opera, 228. ^ Matt, xviii. 2o. TRACES OF SUPERSTITION. 445 His character more significantly than in any of His other ordi. nances; for He here addresses Himself to all the senses, as well as to the soul. In the words of institution, they " hear His voice "; when the elements are presented to them, they perceive, as it were, " the smell of His garments"; with their hands they " handle of the Word of Life "; and they " taste and see that the Lord is good." But some of the early Chris- tian writers were by no means satisfied with such represen- tations. They entertained an idea that Christ was in the Eucharist, not only in richer manifestations of His grace, but also in a way altogether different from that in which He vouch- safes His presence in prayer, or praise, or any other divine observance. They conceived that, as the soul of man is united to his body, the Logos, or Divine nature of Christ, pervades the consecrated bread and wine, so that they may be called His flesh and blood ; and they imagined that, in consequence, the sacred elements imparted to the material frame of the be- liever the germ of immortality.' Irenseus declares that " our bodies, receiving the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, but possessed of the hope of eternal life." ' This misconception of the ordinance was the fruitful source of superstition. The mere elements began to be regarded with awful reverence; the loss of a particle of the bread, or of a drop of the wine, was considered a tremendous desecration ; and it was prob- ably the growth of such feelings which initiated the custom of standing at the time of participation. But still there were fathers who were not carried away with the delusion, and who knew that the disposition of the worshipper was of far more consequence than the care with which he handled the holy symbols. " You who frequent our sacred mysteries," says Origen, " know that when you receive the body of the Lord, you take care with all due caution and veneration, that not even the smallest particle of the consecrated gift shall fall to ' Irenaeus, " Contra Hasreses," v., c. 2, § 3. Clement of Alexandria says that "to drink the blood of Jesus is to partake of the incorruption of the Lord." — Padagogue, book ii. ' " Contra Hsereses," iv., c. 18, § 5. 446 THE EUCHARIST IMPROPERLY DESIGNATED. the ground and be wasted.' If, through inattention, any part thus falls, you justly account yourselves guilty. If then, with good reason, you use so much caution in preserving His body, how can you esteem it a lighter sin to slight the Word of God than to neglect His body?'" " The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times." ' The history of Bap- tism and the Lord's Supper demonstrated that, when speaking of the ordinances of religion, it is exceedingly dangerous to depart even from the phraseology which the Holy Spirit has dictated. In the second century Baptism was called " regen- eration," and the Eucharistic bread was known by the com- pendious designation of "the Lord's body." Such language, if typically understood, could create no perplexity ; but all by whom it was used did not give it a right interpretation, and thus many misconceptions were speedily, generated. In a short time names for which there is no warrant in the Word of God were applied to the Lord's Supper ; and false doctrines were eventually deduced from these ill-chosen and unauthor- ized designations. Thus, before the close of the second cent- ury, it was called an offering, and a sacrifice,^ and the table at which it was administered was styled the altar!' Though these terms were now used rhetorically, in after- ages they were literally interpreted ; and in this way the most astound- ing errors gradually gained currency. Meanwhile other topics led to keen discussion ; but there was a growing disposition to shroud the Eucharist in mystery; and hence, for many centuries, the question as to the manner of Christ's presence in the ordinance awakened no controversy. ' This feelinj:^ prevailed in the time of TertulHan. " Calicis aut panis etiam nostri aliquid decuti in terram anxie patimur." — Dc Corona, c. 3. * Horn. xiii. in "Exod." Opera, ii. 176. ^ Ps. xii. 6. * See Kaye's "Justin Martyr," p, 94. Irenaeus, iv., c. 17, § 5. Tertullian, " De Oratione," c. 14. '• " Nonne solemnior erit statio tua, si et ad aram Dei steteris?" Ter- tulHan, " De Oratione," c. 14, or, according to Oehlcr, c. 19. CHAPTER IV. CONFESSION AND PENANCE. When the Evangelist Matthew is describing the ministry of John the Baptist, he states that there "went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan; and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sinsr ' The ministry of Paul at Ephesus produced similar results ; for " fear fell " on all the Jews and Greeks dwelling in that great capital, " and many that believed came, and con- fessed^ and showed their deeds." * The confession here mentioned obviously flowed spontane- ously from deep religious convictions. It was not a private admission of guilt made to an ecclesiastical functionary ; but a public acknowledgment of acts which weighed heavily on the consciences of individuals, and which they felt constrained to recapitulate and to condemn. Men awakened to a sense of their sins deemed it due to themselves and to society, to state how sincerely they deplored their past career ; and their words often produced a profound impression on the multitudes to whom they were addressed. These confessions of sin, con- nected with a confession of faith in Christ, were generally as- sociated with the ordinance of baptism. They were not re- quired from all, but only tendered in cases where there had been notorious and flagrant criminality ; and they were of a very partial character, only embracing such transgressions as the party had some urgent reason for specializing. In the time of the apostles those who embraced the Gos- pel were immediately baptized. Thus, the three thousand persons converted on the day of Pentecost were forthwith re- ' Matt. iii. 5, 6. ' Acts xix. 17, 18. (447) 448 FASTING BEFORE BAPTISM. ceived into the bosom of the Church ; and the PhiHppian jailer, " the same hour of the night " ' when he hearkened to *' the word of the Lord," " was baptized, he and all his, straightway." But, soon afterward, the Christian teachers be- gan to proceed with greater formality ; and, about the mid- die of the second century, candidates were not admitted to the ordinance till they had passed through a certain course of pro- bation. "As many," says Justin Martyr, "as are persuaded and believe that the things which we teach and declare are true, and promise that they are determined to live accordingly, are taught to pray, and to beseech God with fasting to grant them remission of their past sins, while we also pray and fast with them. We then lead them to a place where there is water, and there they are regenerated in the same manner as we also were ; for they are then washed in that water in the name of God the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit." " These confessions and penitential exercises were repeated and enlarged when persons who had lapsed into gross sin, and who had, in consequence, forfeited their position as members of the Church, sought readmission to ecclesiastical fellowship. It would be difficult, on scriptural grounds, to vindicate the system of discipline enforced on such occasions ; and yet it is evident that it was established, at least in some quarters, as early as the beginning of the third century. Tertullian gives a very striking account of the course pursued by those called penitents about that period. " Confession of sins," says he, " lightens their burden, as much as the dissembling of them increases it ; for confession savors of making amends — dis- sembling, of stubbornness Wherefore confession is the discipline of a man's prostrating and humbling himself, enjoin- ing such a conversation as invites mercy. It restrains a man even as to the matter of dress and food, requiring him to lie in sackcloth and ashes, to hide his body in filthy garments, to afiflict his soul with sorrow, to exchange for severe treatment the sins in which he indulged ; for the rest to use simple ' Acts xvi. 33. " " Apol." ii.. Opera, pp. 93, 94. FASTING A SIGN OF SORROW. 449 things for meat and drink, that is, for the sake of the soul, and not to please the appetite : for the most part also to quicken prayer by fasts, to groan, to weep, and to moan day and night before the Lord his God ; to throw himself on the ground before the presbyters, and to fall on his knees before the beloved of God ; to enjoin all the brethren to bear the message of his prayer for mercy — all these things does con- fession that it may commend repentance." ' When a man is overwhelmed with grief, the state of his mind will often be revealed by the loss of his appetite. He will think little of his dress and personal accommodation ; and though he may give no utterance to his feelings, his general appearance will betray to the eye of an observer the depth of his affliction. The mourner not unfrequently takes a melan- choly satisfaction in surrounding himself with the symbols of sorrow ; and we read, accordingly, in Scripture how, in ancient times, and in Eastern countries, he clothed himself in sack- cloth and sat in ashes." There is a wonderful sympathy be- tween the body and the mind ; and as grief affects the appe- tite, occasional abstinence from food may foster a serious and contrite spirit. Hence fasting has been so commonly asso- ciated with penitential exercises. Fasting is not fo be regarded as one of the ordinary duties of a disciple of Christ," but rather as a kind of discipline in which he feels called on to engage under special circumstances." When oppressed with a consciousness of guilt, or anxious for divine direction on a critical occasion, or trembling under the apprehension of impending judgments, he thus seeks to "af- flict his soul," that he may draw near with deeper humility and reverence into the presence of the Divine Majesty. But, in such a case, every one should act according to the dictates of his own enlightened convictions. As the duty is extraordi- nary, the self-denial to be practiced must be regulated by vari- ^ " De Pcenitentia," c. ix. ^ Joshua vii. 6 ; Esther iv. i ; Isaiah Iviii. 5 ; Ezek. xxvii. 30. ^ See a " Memorial concerning Personal and Family Fasting," by the pi- ous Thomas Boston. Edinburgh, 1849. *Matt. ix. 15, 450 FASTING. ous contingencies ; and no one can well prescribe to another its amount or duration. According to the Mosaic law, only one day in the year — the great day of atonement — was required to be kept as a national fast.' There is now no divine warrant for so observ- ing any corresponding day, and for upwards of a hundred years after the death of our Lord, there is no evidence that any fixed portion of time was thus appropriated under the sanction of ecclesiastical authority. But toward the close of the second century the termination of the Paschal week was often so em- ployed— the interval, between the hour on Friday when our Lord expired and the morning of the first day of the week, being spent in total abstinence.^ About the same time some partially abstained from food on what were called stationary- days, or the Wednesday and Friday of each week.' At this period some began also to observe Xerophagiae, or days on which they used neither flesh nor wine.* Not a few saw the danger of this ascetic tendency ; but, whilst it betokened zeal, it had also " a show of wisdom," ^ and it silently made great progress. Toward the close of the third century the whole Church was already pervaded by its influence. Fasting has been well described as " the outward shell " of penitential sorrow, and is not to be confounded with its spir. itual elements. It is its accidental accompaniment, and not one of its true and essential features. A man may " bow down his head as a bulrush," or fast, or clothe himself in sackcloth, ' Lev. xxiii. 27. ' The text Matt. ix. 1 5 was urged in support of this observance. See Ter- tullian, " De Jejun," c. ii. ' " Wednesday being selected because on that day the Jews took counsel to destroy Christ, and Friday because that was the day of His crucifixion." — Kayes Tertit/h'an, p. 418. As Wednesday was dedicated to Mercury and F"riday to Venus, this fasting, according to Clement, signified to the more advanced disciple, that he was to renounce the love of gain and the love of pleasure. Kaye's " Clement," p. 454. * These Xerophagiae, or Dry Food Days, were even now objected to by some of the more enlightened Christians on the ground that they were an import from heathenism. Tertullian, " De Jejun," c. ii. ' Col. ii. 23. PENITENTIAL DISCIPLINE. 45 1 when he is an utter stranger to that " repentance to salvation not to be repented of." The hypocrite may put on the out- ward badges of mourning merely with a view to regain a posi- tion in the Church, whilst the sincere penitent may " anoint his head and wash his face," and reveal to the eye of the cas- ual spectator no tokens of contrition. As repentance is a spir- itual exercise, it can only be recognized by spiritual signs ; and the rulers of the ancient Church committed a capital error when they proposed to test it by certain dietary indications. Their penitential discipline was directly opposed to the genu- ine spirit of the Gospel ; and was the fountain of many of the su- perstitions which, like a river of death, soon overspread Chris- tendom. Whilst repentance was reduced to a mechanical round of bodily exercises, the doctrine of a free salvation was practically repudiated. In connection with the appearance of a system of peniten- tial discipline, involving in some cases a penance of several years* continuance,* the distinction of venial and mortal sins now began to be recognized. Venial sins were transgressions which any sincere believer might commit, whilst mortal sins were such as were considered incompatible with the genuine pro- fession of Christianity. Penance was prescribed only to those who had been guilty of mortal sins. Its severity and duration varied with the character of the offence, and was soon regu- lated according to an exact scale arranged by the rulers of the Church in their ecclesiastical conventions. About the middle of the third century a new arrangement was introduced, with a view to promote the more exact ad- ministration of penitential discipline. During the Decian per- secution which occurred at this time, many were induced by fear to abandon the profession of the Gospel ; and, on the re- turn of better days, those who sought restoration to Christian privileges were so numerous that, in the larger churches, it was deemed expedient to require the lapsed, in the first instance, to address themselves to one of the presbyters appointed for their special examination. The business of this functionary, ' Thus Cyprian, Epist. liii., p. 169, speaks of a penance of three years' du- ration. 452 INCREASING SPIRITUAL DARKNESS. who was known by the designation of the Penitentiary^ was to hear the confessions of the penitents, to ascertain the extent and circumstances of their apostasy, and to announce the pen- ance required from each by the existing ecclesiastical regula- tions. The disclosures made to the Penitentiary did not su- persede the necessity of public confession ; it was simply the duty of this minister to give to the lapsed such instructions as his professional experience enabled him to supply, including directions as to the fasts they should observe and the sins they should openly acknowledge. Under the guidance of the Peni- tentiaries, the system of discipline for trangressors was still farther matured ; and at length, in the beginning of the fourth century, the penitents were divided into various classes, ac- cording to their supposed degrees of unworthiness. The mem- bers of each class were obliged to occupy a particular position in the place of worship when the congregation assembled for religious exercises.'' The institution known as Auricular Confession had, as yet, no existence. In the early Church the disciples, under ordinary circumstances, were neither required nor expected, at stated seasons, to enter into secret conference with any ecclesiasti- cal searcher of consciences. When a professing Christian com- mitted a heinous transgression by which religion was scandal- ized, he was obliged, before being readmitted to communion, to express his sorrow in the face of the congregation ; and the revelations made to the Penitentiary did not relieve him from this act of humiliation. It is apparent that the whole system of penance is an unauthorized addition to the ordinances of primitive Christianity. Of such a system we do not find even a trace in the New Testament ; and under its blighting influ- ence, the religion of the Church gradually became little better than a species of refined heathenism. The spiritual darkness settling down upon the Christian commonwealth may be traced in the growing obscurity of the ecclesiastical nomenclature. The power and the form of god- liness began to be confounded, and the same term was cm- ' Socrates, v., c. 19. 'See canon xi. of the Council of Nice. THE TRUE REPENTANCE. 453 ployed to denote penance and repentance.' Bodily mortifica- tion was mistaken for holiness, and celibacy for sanctity.* Other errors of an equally grave character became current, for the penitent was described as making satisfaction for his sins by his fasts and his outward acts of self-abasement,' and thus the all-sufficiency of the great atonement was openly ignored. Thus, too, the doctrine of a free salvation to transgressors could no longer be proclaimed, for pardon was clogged with conditions as burdensome to the sinner, as they were alien to the spirit of the New Testament. The doctrine that " a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law," * reveals the folly of the ancient penitential discipline. Our Father in heaven demands no useless tribute of mortification from His children ; He merely requires us to " bring forth fruits meet for repentance." ' " Is not this the fast that I have chosen ?" saith the Lord, " to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke ? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house ? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him ; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee ; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rere-ward." ° * See Cyprian, Epist. xl., p. 53, and " ad Demetrianum," p. 442. * See p. 382, note 3. ^ See pp. 418, 419. * Rom. iii. 28. ^ Matt. iii. 8. ^ Isa. Iviii. 6-8. CHAPTER V. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH IN THE SECOND CENTURY. Justin Martyr, who had travelled much, and who was as well acquainted with the state of the Church about the middle of the second century as most of his contemporaries, has left behind him an account of the manner in which its worship was then conducted. This account, which has already been sub- mitted to the reader,' represents one individual as presiding over each Christian community, whether in the city or in the country. Where the Church consisted of a single congregation, and where only one of the elders was competent to preach, it is easy to understand how the society was regulated. In ac- cordance with apostolic arrangement, the presbyter, who labor- ed in the Word and doctrine, was counted worthy of double honor," and was recognized as the stated chairman of the solemn assembly. His brother elders contributed in various ways to assist him in the supervision of the flock ; but its prosperity greatly depended on his own zeal, piety, prudence, and ability. Known at first as the president, and afterward dis- tinguished by the title of the bishop, he occupied very much the same position as the minister of a modern parish. Where a congregation had more than one preaching elder, the case was different. There, several individuals were in the habit of addressing the auditory,' and it was the duty of the president to preserve order ; to interpose, perhaps, by occasional suggestions ; and to close the exercise. When several con- gregations with a plurality of preaching ciders existed in the ' Period ii., sec. iii., chap, i., p. 424. * I Tim. v. 17. ^ Apost. Constit., ii., c. 17. (454) EPISTLES OF CLEMENT AND POLYCARP. 455' same city, the whole were affiliated ; and a president, acknowl- edged by them all, superintended their united movements. Much obscurity hangs over the general condition of the Christian commonwealth in the first half of the second century ; but it so happens that two authentic and valuable documents which still remain, one of which was written about the begin- ning and the other about the close of this period, throw much light upon the question of Church government. These docu- ments are the " Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians," and the " Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians." As to the mat- ters respecting which they bear testimony, we could not desire more competent witnesses than the authors of these two let- ters. The one lived in the West ; the other, in the East. Clement, believed by some to be the same who is mentioned by the Apostle Paul,' was a presbyter of the Church of Rome ; Polycarp, who, in his youth, had conversed with the Aposile John, was a proebyterof the Church of Smyrna. Clement died about the close of the first century, and his letter to the Co- rinthians was written three or four years before ; that is, immedi- ately after the Domitian persecution ; ^ Polycarp survived un- til an advanced period of the second century, and his letter to the Philippians may be dated fifty years or upwards later than the Epistle of Clement." 1 Phil. iv. 3. "^ See Donaldson's " Crit. Hist, of Christian Literature and Doctrine from the Death of the Apostles to the Nicene Council," p. 91. London, 1864. ^ No less than five persons are mentioned as having preceded Polycarp in the see of Smyrna, viz., Aristo, Stratseas, another Aristo, Apelles, and Bu- colus. See Jacobson's " Patres Apostolici," ii. 564, 565, note. It is not at all probable that he became the senior presbyter long before the middle of the second century. Irenaeus, indeed, tells us that he was constituted bishop of Smyrna by the apostles (lib. iii., c, 3, § 4) — a statement which implies that at least two of them were concerned in his designation to the ministry ; but as he was still young when the last survivor of the twelve died in extreme old age, the words may not mean that he was actually ordained by those to whom our Lord originally intrusted the organization of the Church. The language may simply import that John and perhaps Philip had announced his future eminence when he was yet a child, and that thus, like Timothy, he was invested with the pastoral commission " according to the prophecies " which they had previously delivered. See i Tim. i. 18; iv. 14. But, per- 456 CLEMENT TO THE CORINTHIANS. Toward the termination of the first century a spirit of dis- cord disturbed the Church of Corinth ; and the Church of Rome, anxious to restore peace, addressed a fraternal letter to the distracted community. The Epistle was drawn up by Clement, who was then the leading minister of the Italian capital ; but, as it is written in the name of the whole broth- erhood, and had obtained their sanction, it possesses all the authority of a public and official correspondence. From it the constitution of the Church of Corinth, and, by implication, of the Church of Rome, is easily ascertained ; and it furnishes abundant proof that, at the time of its composition, both these Christian societies were under presbyterial government. Had a prelate then presided in either Church, a circumstance so important could not have been entirely overlooked, more es- pecially as the document is of considerable length, and as it treats expressly upon the subject of ecclesiastical polity. It appears that some members of the community to which it is addressed had acted undutifully toward those who were over them in the Lord, and it accordingly condemns in very em- phatic terms a course of proceeding so disreputable. " It is shameful, beloved," says, the Church of Rome in this letter, ** it is exceedingly shameful and unworthy of your Christian profession, to hear that the most firm and a?icicnt Church of the Corinthians should, by one or two persons, be led into a sedition against its elders." ' " Let the flock of Christ be in peace with THE ELDERS THAT ARE SET OVER IT." " Having stated that the apostles ordained those to whom the charge of the Christian Church was originally committed, it is added that they gave directions in what manner, after the decease of these primitive pastors, " other chosen and approved men should succeed to their ministry."' The Epistle thus continues: " Wherefore we can not think that those may justly be thrown out of their ministry who were either ordained by them (the haps, by "apostles'' Irenaeus understands (7/^j/fl/;"i!r men, ox ministers or- dained by the inspired heralds of the Gospel. Thus Clemens Romanus is called an apostle by Clemens Alexandrinus. Strom, iv., p. 516. See also Euseb. 12. ' Sec. 74. ' Sec. 54. ' Sec. 44. CLEMENT TO THE CORINTHIANS. 45/ apostles), or afterward by other approved men with the appro- bation of the whole Church, and who have, with all lowliness and innocency, ministered to the flock of Christ in peace and without self-interest, and have heen for a longtime commend- ed by all. For it would be no small sin in us, should we cast off those from the ministry who holily and without blame fulfil the duties of it. Blessed are those elders who, having fin- ished their course before these times, have obtained a fruitful and perfect dissolution." ' Toward the conclusion of the let- ter, the parties who had created this confusion in the Church of Corinth have the following admonition addressed to them : " Do ye, therefore, who laid the foundation of the sedition, submit yourselves unto your elders, and be instructed unto re- pentance, bending the knees of your hearts."" In the preservation of this precious letter we are bound to recognize the hand of Providence.' Its instructions were so highly appreciated by the ancient Christians that it continued to be publicly read in many of their churches for centuries afterward.* It is universally acknowledged to be genuine ; it breathes the benevolent spirit of a primitive presbyter ; and it is distinguished by its sobriety and earnestness. It was writ- ten upon the verge of the apostolic age, and it is the produc- tion of a pious, sensible, and aged minister who preached for years in the capital of the Empire. The Church of Rome has since advanced the most extravagant pretensions, and has ap- pealed in support of them to ecclesiastical tradition ; but here, an elder of her own — one who had conversed with the apos- tles, and one whom she delights to honor ^ — deliberately comes ' Sec. 44. All these quotations attest the late date of the Epistle. Tille- mont places it in A.D. 97. Eusebius had no doubt as to its late date. See his " History," iii. 16. ^ Sec. 57. ' For many centuries it was considered lost. At length in the reign of Charles I. a copy of it was discovered appended to a very ancient manu- script containing the Septuagint and Greek Testament — the manuscript now known as the Codex Alexandrinus. *■ Euseb. iii. 16 ; iv. 23. ' See the Romish Breviary under the 23d of November, where a number of absurd stories are told concerning him. 458 THE EPISTLE OF POLYCARP. forward and ignores her assumptions ! She fondly believes that Clement was an early Pope, but the good man himself admits that he was only one of the presbyters. Had there then been a bishop of Corinth, this letter would unques- tionably have exhorted the malcontents to submit to his juris- diction ; or, had there been a bishop of Rome, it would not have failed to dilate upon the benefits of episcopal govern- ment. But, as to the existence of any such functionary in either Church, it preserves throughout a most intelligible si- lence. It says that the apostles ordained the first-fruits of their conversions, not as bishops and presbyters and deacons, but as " bishops and deacons over such as should afterward be- lieve "; * and when it was written, the terms bishop and pres- byter were still used interchangeably.* The Epistle of Polycarp bears equally decisive testimony. It was drawn up about the middle of the second century,' and though the last survivor of the apostles was now dead for many years, no general change had meanwhile taken place in the form of church government. This document purports to be the letter of " Polycarp and the elders who are with him to the Church of God which is at Philippi "; but it does not recognize a bishop as presiding over the Christian community to which it is addressed." The Church was still in much the same state as when Paul wrote to " the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacois "/ * for Poly- carp was certainly not aware of the existence of any new of- fice-bearers ; and he accordingly exhorts his correspondents to ' Sec. 42. ' They continued to be so used when the Peshito version of the New Testament was made. That version is assigned by the best authorities, to the former half of the second century. See p. 384, note. ' It is of nearly the same date as the first Apology of Justin Martyr. * oi avv avT(^ TrpeaiivTepoi — evidently equivalent to aviinpeaiivrtpai. See I Pet. V. I. ' Bishop Lightfoot bears this remarkable testimony concerning it : " Though two or three chapters are devoted to injunctions respecting the ministry of the Church, f/iere is not an allusion to episcopacy from begin- ning to end." — Contemporary Review for May, 1875, p. 839. 'Phil. i. I. THE EARLY BISHOP A PRESBYTERIAN MODERATOR. 459 be " subject to the presbyters and deacons^ ' " Let tJie presby- ters^' says he, " be compassionate, merciful to all, bringing back such as are in error, seeking out all those that are weak, not neglecting the widow or the fatherless, or the poor ; but providing always what is good in the sight of God and men ; abstaining from all wrath, respect of persons, and unrighteous judgment ; being far from all covetousness ; not ready to be- lieve anything against any ; not severe in judgment, knowing that we are all debtors in point of sin." * It is stated by the most learned of the fathers of the fourth century that the Church was at first " governed by the com- mon council of the presbyters "; ^ and these two letters prove most satisfactorily the accuracy of the representation. They show that throughout the whole of the apostolic age this species of polity continued. But the Scriptures ordain that " all things be done decently and in order";* and, as a common council requires an official head, or mayor, to take the chair at its meetings, and to act on its behalf, the ancient eldership, or pres- bytery, had a president or moderator. The duty and honor of presiding commonly devolved on the senior member of the judicatory. We thus account for those catalogues of bish- ops, reaching back to the days of the apostles, which are furnished by some of the writers of antiquity. From the first, every presbytery had its president ; and as the transition from the moderator to the bishop was the work of time, the dis- tinction at one period was little more than nominal. Hence, writers who lived when the change was taking place, or when it had only been recently accomplished, speak of these two functionaries as identical. But in their attempts to enumer- ate the bishops of the apostolic era, they encountered a prac- tical difficulty. The elders who were at first set over the Christian societies were all ordained, in each church, on the same occasion,* and were, perhaps, of nearly the same age, so that neither their date of appointment, nor their years, could well determine the precedence ; and, in general, no single in- dividual continued permanently to occupy the office of mod- ' Sec. 5. - Sec. 6. ° Jerome, " Comment, in Tit." * I Cor. xiv. 40. ^ As in Acts xiv. 23. 460 THE EPISCOPAL SUCCESSION UNCERTAIN. erator. There may have been instances in which a stated president was chosen, and yet it is remarkable that not even one such case can be clearly established by the evidence of contemporary documents. James, called the Lord's brother, seems to have possessed great weight of character and much influence ; it is not improbable that at one time he always acted, when present, as chairman of the mother presbytery ; and, accordingly, the writers of succeeding ages have described him as the first bishop of the Jewish metropolis;' but so little consequence was originally attached to the office of moderator,^ that, in as far as the New Testament is concerned, the situation held by this distinguished man can be inferred only from some very obscure and doubtful intimations.^ In Rome, and elsewhere, the primitive elders at first, perhaps, filled the chair alternately." Hence the so-called episcopal succession is most uncertain and confused at the very time when it should be sustained by] evidence the most decisive and perspicuous. The lists of bishops, commencing with the ministry of the apostles, and extending over the latter half of the first century, are little better than a mass of contradic- tions. The compilers set down, almost at random, the names of some distinguished men whom they found connected with the different churches, and thus the discrepancies are nearly as numerous as the catalogues.' ' The extreme anxiety of Eusebius to give currency to this legend is ap- parent from his, frequent repetitions of it. See his " Hist.'' ii. 23, iii. 5, iii. 7, iv. s.vii. 19. ^ I make no apology for employing a word which even the Benedictine Editor of Origen has adopted. Thus he speaks of the " senatores et mod- eratores ecclesiae Dei." — Contra Celsum, iii. 30, Opera, i. 466. ' Such as Acts xxi. 18 ; Gal. ii. 12. * The last surviving elder ordained by the apostles was perhaps the first constant moderator. His position gave him a peculiar claim to prece- dence. ' " At Antioch some, as Origen and Eusebius, make Ignatius to succeed Peter. Jerome makes him the third bishop, and piaceth Evodius before him. Others, therefore, to solve that, make them contemporary bishops ; the one, of the Church of the Jews ; the other, of the Gentiles Come we to Rome, and here the succession is as muddy as the Tiber itself; for here Tertullian, Rufinus, and several others, place Clement next to THE SENIOR PRESBYTER THE CHAIRMAN. 461 But when Clement dictated the Epistle to the Corinthians most of the elders, ordained by the apostles or evangelists about the middle of the first century, had finished their career; and there is little reason to doubt that this eminent minister was then the father of the Roman presbytery. The superscription of the letter to the Philippians supplies direct proof that, at the time when it was written, Polycarp likewise stood at the head of the presbytery of Smyrna.' Other cir- cumstances indicate that the senior presbyter now began to be regarded as the stated president of the eldership. Hilary, one of the best commentators of the ancient Church," bears explicit testimony to the existence of such an arrangement. " At first," says he, " presbyters were called bishops, so that when the one (who was called bishop) passed away, the next in order took his place." ^ " Though every bishop is a pres- byter, every presbyter is not a bishop, for he is bishop who is first among the presbyters." * As soon as the regulation rec- ognizing the claims of seniority was proposed, its advocates were prepared to recommend it by arguments which possessed at least considerable plausibility. The Scriptures frequently Peter. Irenasus and Eusebius set Anacletus before him ; Epiphanius and Optatus both Anacletus and Cletus ; Augustinus and Damasus, with others, make Anacletus, Cletus, and Linus all to precede him. What way shall we find to extricate ourselves out of this labyrinth ? " — Stillingfleet' s Ireni- cum, part ii., ch. 7, p. 321. ' " Polycarp, and the elders who are with him, to the Church of God which is at Philippi." ^ A Roman deacon of the fourth century. His works are commonly ap- pended to those of Ambrose. ^ " Primum presbyteri episcopi appellabantur, ut, recedente uno, sequens ei succederet." — Comment, in Eph. iv. * " Ut omnis episcopus presbyter sit, non omnis presbyter episcopus ; hie enim episcopus est, qui inter presbyteros primus est." — Comment, in i Tim. iii. According- to a learned writer this arrangement extended farther. " Ita, uti videtur, comparatum fuit, ut defuncto presbytero, primus ordine diaconus locum occuparet ultimum presbyterorum, novusque in locum no- vissimum substitueretur diaconus ; decedente vero episcopo, primus ordine presbyter in ejus locum sufficeretur, et primus in ordine diaconorum novissi- mam presbyterii sedem capesseret." — Thomce Brtmonis Judicium de auc- tore Can. et Const, quce apost. dicuntur. Cotelerius, ii., Ap., p. 179. 462 THE SENIOR PRESBYTER THE CHAIRMAN. inculcate respect for age, and when the apostle says, " Like- wise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder," ' he seems, from the connection in which the words occur, to refer specially to the deportment of junior ministers." In the lists of the Twelve to be found in the New Testament the name of Peter stands first ; ' and if, as is believed, he was more advanced in years than any of his brethren,* it is easy to understand why this precedence has been given to him ; for in all likelihood, he usually acted as president of the apostolic presbytery. Even the construction of corporate bodies in the Roman Empire suggested the arrangement ; for it is well known that, in the senates of the cities out of Italy, the oldest decurion, under the title principalis, acted as president.' Did we, therefore, even want the direct evidence already quoted, we might have inferred, on other grounds, that, at an early date, the senior member generally presided wherever an eldership was erected. As a point of such interest relating to the constitution of the ancient Church should be carefully elucidated, it may be necessary to fortify the statement of Hilary by some addition- al evidence. This candid and judicious commentator did not venture, without due authority, to describe the original order of succession in the presidential chair ; and he had access to sources of information which have long ceased to be available ; but the credit of the f^ct for which he vouches does not rest upon the unsustained support of his solitary attestation. Whilst his averment is recommended by internal marks of probability, and countenanced by several scriptural intima- ' I Pet, V. 5. It is a curious and striking fact, arguing strongly in favor of the antiquity of their Church polity, that among the Vaudois Barbs o. old the claims of seniority were distinctly acknowledged. The following rule of discipline is taken from one of their ancient MSS. : " He that is re- ceived the last (into the ministry by imposition of hands) ought to do noth- ing without the p(-rmission of him that was received before him." — Afore- land, History of the Evans;. C/t. of the Valleys of Piedmont, p. 74. * He is speaking immediately before of presbyters. See i Pet. v. 1-4. 'Matt. X. 2, " The first, Simon, who is called Peter." Mark iii. 16; Luke vi. 14; Acts i. 13. * Jerome in " Jovin." i. 14. ' Savigny's " History of the Roman Law," by Cathcart, i. pp. 62, 63, 75. THE SENIOR PRESBYTER THE CHAIRMAN. 463 tions, it is also corroborated by a large amount of varied and independent testimony. We shall now exhibit some of the most striking portions of the confirmatory proof. I. The language applied in ancient documents to the prim- itive presidents of the Churches illustrates the accuracy of this venerable commentator. In one of the earliest extant notices of these ecclesiastical functionaries, a bishop is designated "the old man.'" The age of the individual who is thus dis- tinguished was not a matter of accident ; for each of his brethren in the same position, all over the Church, was called " father " ' on the ground of his seniority. The official title " Pope^' which has the same meaning, had also the same origin. It was given at first to every president of the elder- ship, because he was, in point of fact, the father, or senior member, of the judicatory. It soon ceased to convey this meaning, but it still remained as a memorial of the primitive regimen. II. It is a remarkable fact that in none of the great sees before the close of the second century, do we find any trace of the existence of a young, or even of a middle-aged bishop. When Ig- natius of Antioch was martyred, he was verging on fourscore . Polycarp of Smyrna finished his career at the age of eighty- six ; Pothinus of Lyons fell a victim to persecution when he was upwards of ninety ; ' Narcissus of Jerusalem was at least that age when he was first placed in the presidential chair ; * one of his predecessors, named Justus, is said to have been one hundred and ten when he reached the same dignity ; ^ and * Euseb. iii. 23. 6 TvpEa(ivT7/c. Hn Africa the senior bishop or metropolitan was caWed /afAer. See Bingham, i. 200. In the second century we find the name given to the Roman bishop. See Routh's " Rehquiae," i. 287. According to Eutychius, his predecessor in the see of Alexandria in the early part of the third century was called " Baba (Papa), that is, grandfather." Polycarp, in the account of his martyrdom, is called by the multitude " the father of the Christians." — Euseb. iv. 15. ' Euseb. V. I. * He was one hundred and sixteen years of age in A.D. 212 (Euseb. vi. 1 1), so that in A.D. 196, or about the time of the Palestinian Synod at which he presided (Euseb. v. 23), he was a century old. * Etheridge's " Syrian Churches," pp. 9, 10. 464 THE ANCIENT CHURCH OF JERUSALEM. Simeon of Jerusalem died when he had nearly completed the patriarchal age of one hundred and twenty. As an individual might become a member of the presbytery when comparatively young," such extraordinary longevity among the bishops of the second century can be best explained by accepting the testimony of Hilary, III. The number of bishops found within a short period in the same see has long presented a difficulty to many students of ecclesiastical history. Thus, at Rome in the first forty years of the second century there were five or six bishops/ and yet only one of them suffered martyrdom. Within twelve or fifteen years after the death of Polycarp, there were several bishops in Smyrna.' But the Church of Jerusalem furnishes the most wonderful example of this quick succession of episcopal dignitaries. Simeon, one of the relatives of our Lord, is said to have become the presiding pastor after the destruction of the city by Titus, and was martyred about the close of the reign of Trajan, or in A.D. 116; and yet, according to the testimony of Eusebius,* no less than thirteen bishops in succession occupied his place before the end of the year A.D. 134. He is said to have been set at the head of the Church when above threescore and ten ; ' and dying, as already stated, at the extreme age of one hundred and twenty, he left behind him a considerable staff of very aged elders. These ' See I Tim. iv. 12. » That is, Anacletus, Evaristus, Alexander, Sixtus, Telesphorus, and Hy- ginus ; but some consider Anacletus the same as Cletus, who is supposed to have died before Clement. 3 Euseb. iv. 14. Pearson has noticed this fact, and has endeavored to erect upon it an argument against the current chronology. See his " Minor Works," ii. 527. The names of the three bishops of Smyrna next after Polycarp were Thraseas, Paparius, and Camerius. At least two of these had passed away a considerable time before the Paschal controversy. See Greswell's " Dissertations," iv., part ii., p. 600, note. * " Hist.," iv., 5. ° According to Eusebius his appointment took place after the destruction of Jerusalem, or about A.D. 71. He was, therefore, at the head of the Church forty-five years, as his martyrdom occurred in A.D. 116 According to this reckoning he was in his seventy-fifth year when made president. THE ANCIENT CHURCH OF JERUSALEM. 465 became presidents in the order of their seniority ; and as they passed rapidly away, we may thus account for the extraordi- nary number of the early chief pastors of the ancient capital of Palestine.' At this time, or about A.D. 135, the original Christian Church of Jerusalem was virtually dissolved. The Jews had grievously provoked Hadrian by their revolt under the im- postor Barchochebas ; and the Emperor, in consequence, re- solved to exclude the entire race from the precincts of the holy city. The faithful Hebrews, who had hitherto worshipped there under the ministry of Simeon and his successors, still observed the Mosaic law, and were consequently treated as Jews, so that they were now obliged to break up their associ- ation, and remove to other districts. A Christian Church, composed chiefly of Gentile converts, was soon afterward es- tablished in the same place ; and the new society elected an individual, named Marcus, as their bishop, or presiding elder. Marcus was, probably, in the decline of life when he was placed at the head of the community; and on his demise,^ as well as long afterward, the old rule of succession was observed. During the sixty years immediately after his appointment, there were fifteen bishops at Jerusalem ' — a fact which indi- cates that, on the occurrence of a vacancy, the senior elder still continued to be advanced to the episcopal chair. This conclusion is remarkably corroborated by the circumstance that Narcissus, who was bishop of the ancient capital of Judea at the end of these sixty years, was, as has been already men ' This explanation of the matter approximates to that given by Tillemont. " Cela peut estre venu de ce qu'on les choisissoit entre las plus agez du Clerg-e pour les faire Evesques : car on ne voit pas qu'ils ayent este plus persecutez que d'cLutres." — Mim.pour servir a V Histoire Eccl'esiastique, torn, ii., part ii., p. 40. Eusebius (iii. 32) states that at the time of the death of Simeon there were still living a number of very old persons who were relatives of our Lord. Some of these were, probably, elders in the Church of Jerusalem. * He is said in the " Chronicon " of Eusebius to have presided sixteen years. ' Euseb., v. 12. 30 466 THE ANCIENT CHURCH OF JERUSALEM. tioned, upwards of fourscore and ten when he obtained his ec- clesiastical promotion. The episcopal roll of Jerusalem has no recorded parallel in the annals of the Christian ministry, for there were no less than twenty-eight bishops in the holy city in a period of eighty years. Even the Popes have never followed each other with such rapidity. The Roman Prelate, when elevated to St. Peter's chair, has almost invariably been far advanced in years, and the instances are not a few in which Pontiffs have fallen victims to poison or to open violence ; and yet their history, even in the worst of times, exhibits nothing equal to the fre- quency of the successions indicated by this ancient episcopal registry.' It attests that there were more bishops in Jerusa- lem in the second century than there have been Archbishops of Canterbury for the last four hundred years ! '' Such facts demonstrate that those who then stood at the head of the mother Church of Christendom reached their position by means of some order of succession very different from that which is now established. Hilary furnishes at once a simple and an adequate explanation. The senior minister was the president, or bishop ; and as, when placed in the episcopal chair, he had already reached old age, it was not to be expected that he could long retain a situation which required some ex- ertion and involved much anxiety. Hence the startling amount of episcopal mortality. As the Church of Jerusalem was virtually founded by our Lord himself, it could lay claim to a higher antiquity than any other Christian community in existence ; and it long con- tinued to be regarded by the disciples all over the Empire ' In the tenth century, the darkest and most revolting period in the his- tory of the Popedom, there were twenty-four bishops of Rome. Some of these reigned only a few days ; at least one of them was strangled : several of them died in prison ; and several others were driven from the sec or de- posed. There have been only twenty-four Popes in the last two hundred and fifty years. ' There were only twenty-eight Archbishops of Canterbury between 1454 and 1859. THE ANCIENT CHURCH OF JERUSALEM. 467 with peculiar interest and veneration." When re-established about the close of the reign of Hadrian, it v/as properly a new society ; but it still enjoyed the prestige of ancient associa- tions. Its history has, therefore, been investigated by Euse- bius with special care ; he tells us that he derived a portion of his information from its own archives;' and, though he enters into details respecting very few of the early Churches, he notices it with unusual frequency, and gives an accredited list of the names of its successive chief pastors.' About this period it was considered a model which other Christian societies of less note should imitate. It is, therefore, all the more im- portant if we are able to ascertain its constitution, as we are thus prepared to speak with a measure of confidence respect- ing the form of ecclesiastical government which prevailed throughout the second century. The facts already stated, when coupled with the positive affirmation of the Roman Hilary, place the solution of the question, as nearly as pos- sible, on the basis of demonstration ; for, if we reject the con- clusion that, during a hundred years after the death of the Apostle John, the senior member of the presbytery of Jeru- salem was the president or moderator, we in vain attempt to explain, upon any sound statistical principles, how so many bishops passed away in succession within so limited periods, and how, at several points along the line, and exactly where they were to be expected,* we find individuals in occupation of the chair who had attained to extreme longevity. IV. The statement of Hilary illustrates the peculiar cogency of the argumentation employed by the defenders of the faith who flourished about the close of the second century. This century was pre-eminently the age of heresies, and the dis- seminators of error were most extravagant and unscrupulous in their assertions. The heresiarchs, among other things, affirmed that the inspired heralds of the Gospel had not com- ' In the middle of the third century we find Firmilian appealing to it as a witness against the Church of Rome. Cyprian, Epist. Ixxv., Opera, p. 303. ' " Hist.," vi. 20. ^ " Hist." iv. 5 ; v. 12. " Such as, after the death of the aged Simeon, when Justus, at the age of fivescore and ten, was advanced to the presidential chair. 468 GNOSTIC CREDENTIALS APOCRYPHAL. mitted their whole system to written records ; that they had intrusted certain higher revelations only to select or perfect disciples ; and that the doctrine of yEons, which they so assid- uously promulgated, was derived from this hidden treasure of ecclesiastical tradition.' To such assertions the champions of orthodoxy were prepared to furnish a triumphant reply, for they could show that the Gnostic system was inconsistent with Scripture, and that its credentials, said to be derived from tradition, were utterly apocryphal. They appealed, in proof of its falsehood, to the tradition which had come down to themselves from the apostles, and which was still preserved in the Churches " through the successions of the elders." ^ They could farther refer to those who stood at the head of their respective presbyteries as the witnesses most competent to give evidence, " We are able," says Irenaeus, " to enumer- ate those whom the apostles established as bishops in the Churches,^ together with their successors down to our own times, who neither taught any such doctrine as these men rave about, nor had any knowledge of it. For if the apostles had been acquainted with recondite mysteries which they were in the habit of teaching to the perfect disciples apart and with- out the knowledge of the rest, they would by all means have communicated them to those to whom they intrusted the care of the Church itself, since they wished that those whom they left behind them as their successors, and to whom they gave their own place of authority, should be quite perfect and irre- proachable in all things." * Had the succession to the episcopal chair been regulated by the arrangements of modern times, there would have been ' Irenaeus, iii. 2. Tertullian, " De Prasscrip. H-eret.," § 25. ' " Ad earn iterum traditionem, quag est ab apostolis, qux per successt'ones presbyterortim in ecclesiis custoditur, provocamus eos." — Irencrus, iii. 2. ^ Irenaeus here speaks in the language of his own times, and refers to the presidents, or senior ministers, of the presbyteries. In like manner Hilary says that the change in the mode of appointing the president of the pres- bytery was made by the decision of many priests (multorum sacerdotinn judicioj, though the title /r/f^/ was not given to a Christian minister when the alteration was originally proposed. * Irenaeus, iii. 3. THE BISHOPS ATTEST THE TRADITIONS. 469 little weight in the reasoning of Irenatus. The declaration of the bishop respecting the tradition of the Church over which he happened to preside could have possessed no special value. But it was otherwise in the days of this pastor of Lyons. The bishop was generally one of the oldest members of the com- munity with which he was connected, and had been longer conversant with its ecclesiastical affairs than any other minis- ter. His testimony to its traditions was, therefore, of the highest importance. In a few of the great Churches, as we have elsewhere shown,' the senior elder no longer succeeded, as a matter of course, to the episcopate ; but age continued to be universally regarded as an indispensable qualification for the ofTfice," and, when Irenaeus wrote, the law of seniority was still generally maintained. It was, therefore, with marked propriety that he appealed to the evidence of the bishops ; as they, from their position, were most competent to expose the falsehood of the fables of Gnosticism. V. It is well knpwn that, in some of the most ancient coun- cils of which we have any record, the senior bishop officiated as moderator ; ' and, long after age had ceased to determine the succession to the episcopal chair, the recognition of its claims, under various forms, may be traced in ecclesiastical history. In Spain, so late as the fourth century, the senior chief pastor acted as president when the bishops and presby- ters assembled for deliberation." In Africa the same rule was observed until the Church of that country was overwhelmed by the northern barbarians. In Mauritania and Numidia, even in the fifth century, the senior bishop of the province, whoever he might be, was acknowledged as metropolitan. ° In the usages of a still later age we discover vestiges of the ' Period ii., sec. i., chap. iv. ; and Period ii., sec. iii., chap. vii. ^ According to a very- ancient canon, no one under fifty years of age could be made a bishop. See Bunsen's " Hippolytus," iii. 56. Even in the time of Cyprian much stress was still laid upon age. See Cyprian, Epist. Iii., p. 156. ' See Period ii., sec. iii., chap xi. See also Bingham, i. 198. * Miinter's " Primordia Ecclesise Africanae," p. 49. See also Bingham vi. 377-379- ^ Bingham, i. 201. 470 THE BISHOP GUIDED BY THE ELDERS. ancient regulation, for the bishops sat, in the order of their seniority, in the provincial synods.' Still farther, where the bishop of the chief city of the province was the stated metro- politan, the ecclesiastical law still retained remembrances of the primitive polity ; as, when this dignitary died, the senior bishop of the district performed his functions until a successor was regularly appointed.' Though the senior presbyter presided in the meetings of his brethren, and was soon known by the name of bishop, he originally possessed no superior authority. He held his place for life, but as he was sinking under the weight of years when he succeeded to it, he could not venture to anticipate an ex- tended career of ofificial distinction. In all matters relating either to discipline, or the general interests of the brother- hood, he was expected to carry out the decisions of the elder- ship, so that, under his presidential rule, the Church was still substantially governed by " the common council of the pres- byters." The allegation that presbyterial government existed in all its integrity toward the end of the second century does not rest on the foundation of obscure intimations or doubtful in- ferences. It can be established by direct and conclusive tes- timony. Evidence has already been adduced to show that the senior presbyter of Smyrna continued to preside until the days of Irenaeus, and there is also documentary proof that he possessed no autocratical authority. The supreme power was still vested in the council of the elders. This point is attested by Hippolytus, who was then just entering on his ecclesiastical career, and who, in one of his works, a fragment of which has been preserved, describes the manner in which the rulers of the Church dealt with the heretic Noetus. The transaction occurred about A.D. 190.' " There are certain others," says ' Binius, i. 5. Fourth Council of Toledo, canon 4. ' Bingham, i. 204. ' Bunsen dates it about A.D. 200. "Hippolytus and his Age," p. 114. The recently-discovered treatise of Hippolytus against all heresies shows that Noetus appeared much earlier than most modern ecclesiastical histo- rians have reckoned. THE CHURCH GOVERNED BY THE ELDERS. 4/1 Hippolytus, " who introduce clandestinely a strange doctrine, being disciples of one Noetus, who was by birth a Smyrnean, and lived not long ago. This man, being puffed up, was led to forget himself, being elated by the vain fancy of a strange spirit. He said that Christ is himself the Father, and that the Father himself had been born, and had suffered and died. .... When the blessed presbyters heard these things, they summoned him and examined Jam before the Church. He, how- ever, denied, saying at first that such were not his sentiments. But afterward, when he had intrigued with some, and had found persons to join him in his error, he took courage, and at length resolved to stand by his dogma. The blessed presby- ters again summoned him, and administered a rebuke. But he withstood them, saying, 'Why, what evil am I doing in glorify- ing Christ ? ' To whom the presbyters replied : ' We also truly acknowledge one God ; we acknowledge Christ ; we acknowl- edge that the Son suffered as He did suffer, and that He died as He did die, and that He rose again the third day, and that He is at the right hand of the Father, and that He is coming to judge the quick and the dead ; and we declare those things which we have been taught.' Then they rebuked him, and cast him out of the Church.'' ' About the time to which these words refer a change was made in the ecclesiastical constitution. The senior minister ceased to preside over the eldership ; and the Church was no longer governed, as heretofore, by the " blessed presbyters." The synods which were held all over the Church for the sup- pression of the Montanist agitation, and in connection with the Paschal controversy," adopted a modified episcopacy. As parties already in the presidential chair were permitted to ' Routh, " Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Opuscula," torn, i., pp. 49, 50 Oxon, 1858. This extract proves that the Church of Smyrna continued under presbyterial government long after the time of Polycarp, Other Churches about this time were in the same position. See Eusebius, v. 16. " During the Paschal controversy the Churches of Jerusalem, Caesarea, and others, sided with Rome, and then adopted her ecclesiastical regimen. It had been generally adopted in Asia Minor during the Montanist agita- tion. 472 CHANGE IN THE CHURCH CONSTITUTION. hold office during life, this change was not accomplished in- stantaneously ; but various circumstances concur to prove that it took place about the period now indicated. The fol- lowing reasons, among others, may be adduced in support of this view of the history of the ecclesiastical revolution. I. The Montanists, toward the termination of the second century^ created much confusion by their extravagant doc- trines and their claims to inspiration. These fanatics were in the habit of disturbing public worship by uttering their pre- tended revelations, and as they were often countenanced by individual elders, the best mode of protecting the Church from their annoyance soon became a question of grave and pressing difficulty. Episcopacy, as shall afterward be shown,' had already been introduced in some great cities, and about this time the Churches generally agreed to follow the influen- tial example." It was thought that order could be more effectually preserved were a single individual armed with in- dependent authority. Thus, the system of government by presbyters was gradually and silently subverted. II. It is well known that the close of the second century is a transition period in the history of the Church. A new ecclesiastical nomenclature now appeared;' the bishops ac- quired increased authority ; and, early in the third century, they were chosen in all the chief cities by popular suffrage. The alteration mentioned by Hilary was, therefore, the im- mediate precursor of other and more vital changes. III. Though Eusebius passes over in suspicious silence the history of all ecclesiastical innovations, his account of the bishops of Jerusalem suggests that the law abolishing the claim of seniority came into operation at the close of the second century. He classes together the fifteen chief pastors who followed each other in the holy city immediately after its restoration by Hadrian,* and then goes on to give a list of ' Chapter vii. of this section. '■' That the Churches in various places were still governed by elders, see Euseb. V. 1 6. ' The word catholic came now into use. The minister of the Word was called a priest, and the communion table an altar. * Euseb. V. 12. EUSEBIUS AND THE CHURCH OF C^ESAREA. 473 others, their successors, whose pastorates were of the ordi- nary duration. He mentions likewise that the sixteenth bishop was chosen by election.'- May we not here distinctly recognize the termination of one system, and the commence- ment of another? As the sixteenth bishop was appointed about A.D. 199, the law had been then only recently enacted. IV. Eusebius professes to trace the episcopal succession from the days of the apostles in Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem; and it has often been shown that the accu- racy of these four lists is extremely problematical ; but it is remarkable that in other Churches the episcopal registry can not be carried up higher than the end of the second century. The roll of the bishops of Carthage is there discontinued," and the episcopal registry of Spain there also abruptly termi- nates. But the history of the Church of Caesarea affords the most extraordinary specimen of this defalcation. Caesarea was the civil metropolis of Palestine, and a Christian Church existed in it from the days of Paul and Peter." Its bishop, in the early part of the fourth century, was the friend of the Emperor Constantine and the father of ecclesiastical history. Eusebius enjoyed all needful facilities for investigating the annals of his own Church ; and yet, strange to say, he com- mences its episcopal registry about the close of the second century ! " What explanation can be given of this awkward circumstance? Had Eusebius taken no notice of any of the bishops of his own see, we could appreciate his modesty ; but why should he overlook those who flourished before the time of Victor of Rome, and then refer to their successors with such marked frequency ? ^ May we not infer, either that he deemed it inexpedient to proclaim the inconvenient fact that the bishops of Caesarea were as numerous as the bishops of Jerusalem ; or that he found it impossible to recover the names of a multitude of old men who had only a nominal ' Euseb. V. 10. The word x'^'P"~"^''^i^' here employed is indicative of a popular choice. See also the " Chronicon " of Eusebius. * Miinter's " Primordia Eccles. Afric," pp. 25, 26. 3 Acts X. I, 45-48 ; xxi. 8. ■* " Hist." v. 22. * " Hist." V. 23 ; V. 25 ; vi. 19 ; vi. 23 ; vi. 46 ; vii. 14, etc., etc. 474 NO SUDDEN REVOLUTION. precedence among their brethren, and who had passed off the stage, one after another, in quick succession ? V. A statement of Eutychius, who was patriarch of Alex- andria in the tenth century, and who has left behind him a history of his see from the days of the apostles, supplies a re- markable confirmation of the fact that, toward the close of the second century, a new policy was inaugurated. Accord- ing to this writer there was, with the exception of the occu- pant of the episcopal chair of Alexandria, " no bishop in the provinces of Egypt " before Demetrius.' As Demetrius be- came bishop of Alexandria about A.D. 190, Christianity had now made extensive progress in the country ; " for it had been planted there one hundred and fifty years before ; but mean- while, with the one exception, the Churches still remained under presbyterial government. Demetrius was a prelate of great influence and energy ; and, during his long episcopate of forty-three years,^ he succeeded in spreading all over the land the system of which he had been at one time the only representative. It is not, indeed, to be supposed that the whole Church, prompted by a sudden and simultaneous impulse, agreed, all at once, to change its ecclesiastical arrangements. Another polity at first made its appearance in places of commanding influence ; and its advocates most assiduously endeavored to recommend its claims by appealing to the fruits of experience. The Church of Rome took the lead in setting up a mitigated form of prelacy ; the Churches of Antioch and Alexandria followed ; and, soon afterward, other Christian communities of note adopted the example. That this subject may be fairly understood, a few chapters must now be employed in tracing the rise >and progress of the hierarchy. ' " Annal." p. 332. See also Stanley's " Eastern Church," p. 113, note, ' See Lardner's Works, viii. 99. Edit. London, 1838. * Eusebius, vi. 26. Toward the close of his episcopate Demetrius held several synods in Alexandria, at which a considerable number of bishops were present. CHAPTER VI. THE RISE OF THE HIERARCHY CONNECTED WITH THE SPREAD OF HERESIES. EUSEBIUS, already so often quoted, and known so widely as the author of the earliest Church history, flourished in the former half of the fourth century. This distinguished father was a spectator of the most wonderful revolution recorded in the annals of the world. He had seen Christianity pro- scribed, and its noblegt champions cut down by a brutal mar- tyrdom ; and he had lived to see a convert to the faith seated on the throne of the Caesars, and ministers of the Church basking in the sunshine of Imperial bounty. He was himself a special favorite with Constantine ; as bishop of Caesarea, the chief city of Palestine, he had often access to the presence of his sovereign ; and in a work still extant, professing to be a Life of the Emperor, he has well-nigh exhausted the language of eulogy in his attempts to magnify the virtues of his illus- trious patron. Eusebius may have been an accomplished courtier, but cer- tainly he is net entitled to the praise of a great historian. The publication by which he is best known would never have acquired such celebrity, had it not been the most ancient treatise of the kind in existence. Though it mentions many of the ecclesiastical transactions of the second and third cent- uries, and supplies a large amount of information which would have otherwise been lost, it is a very ill-arranged and unsatis- factory performance. Its author does not occupy a high po- sition either as a philosophic thinker, a judicious observer, or a sound theologian. He makes no attempt to point out the germs of error, to illustrate the rise and progress of ecclesi- (475) 476 EUSEBIUS AND JEROME. astical changes, or to investigate the circumstances which led to the formation of the hierarchy. Even the announcement of his Preface, that his purpose is " to record the successions of the holy apostles," or in other words, to exhibit some epis- copal genealogies, proclaims how much he was mistaken as to the topics which should have been noticed most prominently in his narrative.' It is doubtful whether his history was ex- pressly written, either for the illumination of his own age, or for the instruction of posterity ; and its appearance, shortly after the public recognition of Christianity by the State,' is fitted to generate a suspicion that it was intended to influence the mind of Constantine, and to recommend the episcopal order to the consideration of the great proselyte. About six or seven years after the publication of this treat- ise, a child was born who was destined to attain higher dis- tinction, both as a scholar and a writer, than the polished Eusebius. This was Jerome — afterward" a presbyter of Rome, and a father whose productions challenge the foremost rank among the memorials of patristic erudition. Toward the close of the fourth century he shone the brightest literary star in the Church, and even the proud Pope Damasus condescend- ed to cultivate his favor. At one time he contemplated the composition of a Church history ; ' and we have reason to re- gret that the design was never executed, as his works demon- strate that he was in possession of much rare and important information for which we search in vain in the pages of the bishop of Caesarea. No ancient writer has thrown more light on the history of the hierarchy than Jerome. His remarks upon the subject frequently drop incidentally from his pen, and must be sought for up and down throughout his commentaries and epistles ; ' His anxiety to exalt the hierarchy is strikingly exhibited in his address to Paulinus of Tyre, whom he describes as a " new Aaron or Melchisedek, like unto the Son of God." Ecc. Hist. x. 4. ' The " Ecclesiastical History " of Eusebius was published shortly after Constantine first publicly recognized Christianity. That event took place in A.D. 324, and with the same year the history terminates. ' " Vita Malchi," Opera, iv., pp. 90, 91. Edit. Paris, 1706. Jerome's testimony. 477 but he speaks as an individual who was quite familiar with the topics he introduces; and, whilst all his statements are con- sistent, they are confirmed and illustrated by other witnesses. As a presbyter, he was jealous of the honor of his order ; and, when in certain moods, he is very well disposed to remind the bishops that their superiority to himself was mere matter of human arrangement. One of his observations relative to the original constitution of the Christian commonwealth has been often quoted. '' Before that, by the prompting of the devil, there were parties in religion, and it was said among the peo- ple, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, the Churches were governed by the common council of the pres- byters. But, after that each one began to reckon those tvhom he baptized as belonging to himself 9in6. not to Christ, it wa3 DECREED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD that one elected from the presbyters should be set over the rest, that he should have the care of the whole Church, that the seeds of schisms might be destroyed." ' Because Jerome in this place happens to use language which occurs in the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, we are not to understand him as identifying the date of that letter with the origin of prelacy. Such a conclusion would be quite at variance with the tenor of this passage. The words, " I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas," ' are used by him rhetorically ; he was accustomed to repeat them when describ- ing schisms or contentions ; and he has employed them on one memorable occasion in relation to a controversy of the ' " Antequam Diaboli instinctu, studia in religione fierent, et diceretur in populis, Ego sum Pauli, ego Apollo, ego autem Cephas, communi presbyter- orum consilio ecclesias gubernabantur. Postquam vero unusquisque eos quos baptizaverat suos putabat esse, non Christi, in toto orbe decretum est, ut unus de presbyteris, electus superponeretur caeteris, ad quem omnis ec- clesiae cura pertineret, et schismatum semina tollerentur." — Comjnent. in Tztum. The language here used bears a strong resemblance to that em- ployed by Lactantius long before, when treating of the same subject — " Multae hasreses extiterunt, et instinctibus dcemonum populus Dei sczssus est." — Instit. Divin., lib. iv., c. 30. * I Cor. i. 12. 478 JEROME'S TESTIMONY. fourth century,' The divisions among the Corinthians, noticed by Paul, were trivial and temporary ; the Church at large was not disturbed by them ; but Jerome speaks of a time when the whole ecclesiastical community was so agitated that it was threatened with dismemberment. The words immedi- ately succeeding those which we have quoted clearly show that he dated the origin of prelacy after the days of the apostles. " Should any one think that the identification of bishop and presbyter, the one being a name of age and the other of office, is not a doctrine of Scripture, but our own opinion, let him refer to the words of the apostle saying to the Philippians, * Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, ivith the bishops and deacons, Grace to you and peace,' ^ and so forth. Philippi is one city of Macedonia, and truly in one city, there can not be, as is thought, more than one bishop ; but because, at that titnc, they called the same parties bishops and presbyters, therefore he speaks of bishops as of presbyters without making distinction. Still this may seem doubtful to some unless confirmed by another testimony. In the Acts of the Apostles it is written ' that when the apostle came to Miletus he ' sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the same Church,' to whom, then, among other things, he said, ' Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost has made you bishops,* to feed the Church of the Lord ' " Hie locus vel maxime aclversum Hasreticos facit qui pc.cis vinculo dis- sipate atque corrupto, putant se tenere Spiritus unitatem ; quum unitas Spiritus in pacis vinculo conservetur, Quando enim non idipsiim omnes loquimur, et alius dicit Ego sum Paidi, Ego Apollo, Ego Ctpha:, dividimus Spiritus unitatem, et earn in partes ac membra discerpimus."— -C(?w;«^«/, in Ep/ies., lib. ii., cap. 4. Again we find him saying : " Necnon et dissen- siones opera carnis sunt, quum quis nequaquam perfectus, eodem sensu, et eadem sententia dicit. Ego sum Pattli, et ego Apollo, et ego Cephce et ego Christt. . , . , Nonnumquam evenit, ut et in expositionibus Scripturarum oriatur dissensio. c Sec. I. ' The reader may find the quotations in the preceding chapter, pp. 456, 457- ' Thus Milner says that " so far as one may judge by Clement's Epistle," the Church of Corinth, when the letter was written, had Church governors " only of two rajiks" ■\^xt^h^\.^xs and deacons. — Hist, of the Church, z&vX. ii., chap. I. Bishop Lightfoot bears the same testimony. * As the letter supplies no trace whatever of the existence of a bishop in the Church to which it is addressed, Pearson is sadly puzzled by its testi- mony, and gravely advances the supposition that the bishop of Philippi must have been dead ''Nhun Polycarp wrote ! " Vindiciae Ignatianag," pars ii., cap, 13. Rothe is equally perplexed by the Epistle of Clement. He says that, " in the whole Epistle there is never any reference to a bishop of the Corinthian community," and he admits, that, when the letter was written, "the Corinthian community had no bishop at all "; but, to support his favorite theory, he contends, like Pearson, that the bishop of Corinth must also have been dead ! " Die Anfange der christlichen Kirche," pp. 403, 404. Strange that the bishop of Corinth and the bishop of Philippi both were dead at the only time when their existence was of any historical value, and that Jto reference is made either to them or their successors ! 31 482 HERESIES THREATEN TO DIVIDE THE CHURCH. to oppose them, so that all their efforts were effectually checked or defeated. The most- ancient writers acknowledge that, during the early part of the second century, the same state of things continued. According to Hegesippus, who outlived Polycarp fifteen or twenty years," the Church con- tinued till the death of Simeon of Jerusalem, in A.D. 116," " as a pure and uncorrupted virgin." " If there were any at all," says he, " who attempted to pervert the right standard of sav- ing doctrine, they were yet skulking in dark retreats ; but when the sacred company of the apostles had, in various ways, finished their career, AND THE GENERATION OF THOSE WHO HAD BEEN PRIVILEGED TO HEAR THEIR INSPIRED WISDOM HAD PASSED AWAY, then at length the fraud of false teachers produced a confederacy of impious errors." ' The date of the appearance of these parties is also established by the testi- mony of Celsus, who lived in the time of the Antonines, and who was one of the most formidable of the early antagonists of Christianity. This writer informs us that, though, in the beginning, the disciples were agreed in sentiment, they be- came, in his days, when " spread out into a multitude, divided and distracted, each aiming to give stability to his own fac- tion."* The statements of Hegesippus and Celsus are substantiated by a host of additional witnesses. Justin Martyr," Irenaeus,* Clemens Alcxandrinus,' Cyprian,^ and others, all concur in rep- ' See Euseb. iv., c. 11. * Euseb. iii. 32, and iv. 22. ' Euseb. iii. 32. Hegesippus, as quoted by Eusebius (iv. 22), speaks of a certain Thebuthis, who began secretly to corrupt the Christian doctrine " on account of his not having been made a bishop," apparently referring to the time when Simeon was appointed to preside over the Church of Jerusalem. A similar story is told of Valentine. But the statement of Hegesippus is vague, and throughout the whole of the first century the terms bishop and presbyter were used interchangeably. * Origen, " Contra Celsum," iii. § 10, Opera, i. 453, 454. '' " Dialogue with Trypho," Opera, p. 253. " " Contra Haares." i. 27, § i. ' " Strom." p. 764. * Epist. Ixxiv., Opera, p. 293. The ancient writers speak of all the early schismatics as heretics. Thus Novatian, though sound in the faith, is so described. Cyprian, Epist. Ixxvi., p. 315. When, therefore, Jerome speaks HERESIES THREATEN TO DIVIDE THE CHURCH. 483 resenting the close of the reign of Hadrian, or the beginning of the reign of Antoninus Pius, as the period when heresies burst forth, like a flood, upon the Church. The extant eccle- siastical writings of the succeeding century are occupied chiefly with their refutation. No wonder that the best champions of the faith were embarrassed and alarmed. They had hitherto been accustomed to boast that Christianity was the cement which could unite all mankind, and they had pointed triumph- antly to its influence in bringing together the Jew and the Gentile, the Greek and the barbarian, the master and the slave, the learned and the illiterate. They had looked forward with high expectation to the days of its complete ascendency, when, under its gentle sway, all nations would exhibit the spectacle of one great and happy brotherhood. How, then, must they have been chagrined by the rise and spread of heresies ! They saw the Church itself converted into, a great battle-field, and every man's hand turned against his fellow. In almost all the populous cities of the Empire, as if on a concerted signal, the errorists commenced their discussions. The Churches of Lyons,' of Rome, of Corinth, of Athens, of Ephesus, of Anti- och, and of Alexandria, resounded with the din of theological controversy. Nor were the heresiarchs men whom their opponents could afford to despise. In point of genius and of literary resources, many of them were fully equal to the most accomplished of their adversaries. Their zeal was unwearied, and their tact most perplexing. Mixing the popular elements of the current philosophy with a few of the facts and doc trines of the Gospel, they produced a compound by which many were deceived. How did the friends of the Church pro- of the early schismatics, he obviously refers to the heretics. Irenaeus says of them, " Scindunt et separant unitatem ecclesise." — Lib. iv., c. xxvi., § 2. In like manner Cyprian represents "heresies and schisms" as making their appearance after the apostolic age, and as inseparably connected. " Cum haereses et schismata postmodum nata sint, dum conventicula sibi diversa constituunt." — De Unitate Eccles., Opera, p. 400. ' The existence of heresy in Gaul in the second century is established by the fact that Irenaeus spent so much time in its refutation. Had he not been annoyed by it, he never would have thought of writing his treatise " Contra Haereses." 484 " PARITY BREEDETH COXFUSION." ceed to grapple with these difficulties ? They, no doubt, did their utmost to meet the errorists in argument, and to show that their theories were miserable perversions of Christianity. But they did not confine themselves to the use of weapons drawn from their own heavenly armory. Not a few presby- ters were themselves tainted with the new opinions ; some of them were even ringleaders of the heretics ; ' and, in an evil hour, the dominant party resolved to change the constitution of the Church, and to try to put down disturbance by means of a new ecclesiastical organization. Believing, with many in modern times, that " parity breedeth confusion," and expect- ing, as Jerome has expressed it, ''that the seeds of schisms might be destroyed," they sought to invigorate their adminis- tration by investing the presiding elder with authority over the rest of his brethren. The senior presbyters, the last sur- vivors of a better age, were all sound in the faith ; and, as they were still at the head of the Churches in the great cities, it was thought that, with enlarged prerogatives, they could the better confront the dangers of their position. The principle that, whoever would not submit to the bishop must be cast out of the Church, was accordingly adopted ; and the new system was expected in due time to restore peace to the spir- itual commonwealth. At the same period arrangements were made in some places for changing the mode of advancement to the presidential chair, so that, in no case, an elder suspected of error could have a chance of promotion." An immense majority of the presbyters were yet orthodox; and by being permitted to de- part, as often as they pleased, from the ancient order of suc- cession, and to nominate any of themselves to the episcopate, they could always secure the appointment of an individual representing their own sentiments. In some of the larger ' Valentine himself seems to have been a presbyter. He at one time ex- pected to be made bishop. 'Such is the statement of Hilary: "Immutata est ratio, prospiciente concilio, ut non ordo sed meritum crearet episcopum, multorum sacerdo- tum juchcio constilutum, ne indignus temere usurparet, et esset multis scandalum." — Cofitmcnt. in Eph. iv. JEROME NOT INCONSISTENT. 485 Churches, where their number was considerable, they usually- selected three or four candidates; and then permitted the lot to make the ultimate decision.' But the ecclesiastical revolu- tion could not stop here. Jealousy quickly appeared among the presbyters ; and, during the excitement of elections, the more popular candidates were not willing to limit the voting to the presbytery. The people chose their presbyters and deacons, and now that the office of moderator possessed sub- stantial power, and differed so much from what it was origi- nally, why should not all the members of the Church be allowed to exercise their legitimate influence? Such a claim could not be well resisted. Thus it was that the bishops were ulti- mately chosen by popular suffrage.' Some contend that there is inconsistency in the statements of Jerome relative to prelacy. They allege, in proof, that whilst he describes the Church as governed, till the rise of " parties in religion," by the common council of the presbyters, he also speaks of bishops as in existence from the days of the apostles. "At Alexandria," says he, " from Mark the Evangel- ist [by whom the Church there was founded], to Heraclas and Dionysius the bishops [who flourished in the third cent- ury], the presbyters always named as bishop one chosen from among themselves and placed along with them Mn a higher position."* It must appear, however, on due consideration, that here there is no inconsistency whatever. In the Epistle where this passage occurs, Jerome is asserting the ancient dig- nity of presbyters, and showing that they originally possessed prerogatives of which they had more recently been deprived. In proof of this he refers to the Church of Alexandria, one ' See Period ii., sec. i., chap, iv., pp. 302, 303 ; chap, v., p. 317. * At an early period, out of three elders nominated by the presbytery, one was chosen by lot ; subsequently, out of three elders chosen by lot, one was elected by the people. See pp. 302, 317. We find something analogous in the history of the previous hierarchy. Thus, in ancient Rome, a new mem- ber was originally chosen by the co-optation, or selection, of the existing college of pontiffs : afterward, the college nominated two candidates, o! whom the people chose one. See " Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Ro- man Antiquities," art. Pontifex. ^ Collocatum. * Epist. ci. " Ad. Evangelum." 486 JEROME NOT INCONSISTENT. of the greatest sees in Christendom, where for upwards of a century and a half after the days of the EvangeHst Mark, the presbyters appointed their spiritual overseers, and performed all the ceremonies connected with their official investiture. But it does not therefore follow that meanwhile these overseers had always possessed exactly the same amount of authority. The very fact mentioned by Jerome suggests a quite different inference, as it proves that whilst the power of the presbyters had been declining, that of the bishops had increased. In the second century the presbyters inaugurated bishops ; in the days of Jerome they were not permitted even to ordain presbyters. Jerome says, indeed, that, in the beginning, the Alexandrian presbyters nominated their bishops, but we are not to conclude that the parties chosen were always known distinctively by the designation which he here gives to them. He evidently did not intend to convey such an impression, as in the same Epis- tle he demonstrates, by a whole series of texts of Scripture, that the titles bishop and presbyter were used interchangeably throughout the whole of the first century. By bishops he understands the presidents of the presbyteries, or the officials who filled the chairs which those termed bishops subsequently occupied. In their own age these primitive functionaries were called bishops and presbyters indifferently; but they partially represented the bishops of succeeding times, and they ap- peared in the episcopal registries as links of the apostolical succession, so that Jerome did not deem it necessary to depart from the current nomenclature. His meaning can not be mis- taken by any one who attentively marks his language, for he has stated immediately before, that episcopal authority prop- erly commenced when the Church began to be distracted by the spirit of sectarianism.' ' A few passages of the letter may here be given in the original. " Mani- festissime comprobatur cundem esse episcopum atque presbyterum Quod autem postea unus clectus est, qui casteris prjeponeretur, in schis- niatis remedium factum est, ne unusquisque ad se trahens Christi ecclesiam rumperet. Nam et Alcxandrias A Marco Evangelista usque ad Heraclam et Dionysinm Ep'scopos, presbyteri semper unum ex se electum in excelsiori gradu collocatum episcopum nominabant." — Epist. ci. ad Evangelum. THE PRIMITIVE MODERATOR. 487 In this passage, however, the learned father bears unequiv- ocal testimony to the fact that, from the earliest times, the presbytery had an official head or president. Such an arrange- ment was known in the days of the apostles. But the prim- itive moderator was very different from the bishop of the fourth century. He was the representative of the presby- tery— not its master. Christ had said to the disciples, " Who- soever will be great among you, let him be your minister ; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your serv- ant."' Such a chief was at the head of the ancient presby- tery. Without a president no Church court could transact business ; and it was the duty of the chairman to preserve order, to bear many official burdens, to ascertain the senti- ments of his brethren, to speak in their name, and to act in accordance with the dictates of their collective wisdom." The bishop of after-times rather resembled a despotic sover- eign in the midst of his counsellors. He might ask the advice of the presbyters, and condescend to defer to their recom- mendation ; but he also negatived their united resolutions, and caused the refractory quickly to feel the gravity of his displeasure. Though Jerome tells us how, for the destruction of the seeds of schisms, " it was decreed throughout the whole WORLD that one elected from the presbyters should be set over the rest," we are not to suppose that the decree was carried out, cdl at once, into universal operation. General councils were ' Matt. XX. 26, 27. ^ The view here taken is sustained by the verdict of learned and candid Episcopalians. " When elders were ordained by the apostles in every Church, through every city, to feed the flock of Christ, whereof the Holy Ghost had made them overseers : they, to the intent that they might the better do it by common counsel and consent, did use to assemble them- selves and meet together. In the which meetings, for the more orderly handling and concluding of things pertaining to their charge, they chose one amongst them to be the president of their company and moderator of their actions." — The Judgment 0/ Doctor Rainoldes touching the Crigitial of Episcoi)acy more largely confirmed out of Antiquity, by James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh. Ussher's Works, vii., p. 75. See also Hallam's "Constitutional History," ii, 180. 488 * PROGRESS OF THE CHANGE. yet unknown, and the decree was sanctioned at diflferent times and by distant Church judicatories. Such a measure was first thought of shortly before the middle of the second century, but it was not very extensively adopted until about fifty years afterward. The history of its origin must now be more mi- nutely investigated. CHAPTER VII. PRELACY BEGINS IN ROME. Any attentive reader who has marked the chronology of the early bishops of Rome, as given by Eusebius,' may have observed that the pastorates of those who flourished during the first forty years of the second century were all of compar- atively short duration. Clement is commonly reputed to have died about A.D. lOo ; " he was followed by Evaristus, Alexan- der, Xystus, and Telesphorus ; and Hyginus, who was placed at the head of the Church in A.D. 139, and who died in A.D. 142, was the fifth in succession. Thus, the five ministers next in order after Clement occupied the post of president only forty-two years, and, with the exception of Hyginus, whose official career was very brief, each held the situation for nearly ' Pearson has endeavored to destroy the credit of this chronology, and has urged against it the authority of the " Annals of Eutychius " ! " De Successione prim. Rom. Episc." He had before labored to prove that the testimony of these "Annals " is worthless. " Vindic. Ignat." pars i., c. xi. "^ The chronology of Popes," stands thus : Evaristus, Alexander, Sixtus (or Xystus), Telesphorus, Hyginus, Pius, Anicetus, Soter, Eleutherius, Victor, . by Bower in his " Lives of the A.D. ICO to A.D. 109. A.D, 109 to A.D. 119. A.D. 119 to A.D. 128. A.D. 128 to A.D. 139. A.D. 139 to A.D. 142. A.D. 142 to A.D. 157. A.D. 157 to A.D. 168. A.D. 168 to A.D. 176. A.D. 176 to A.D. 192. A.D. 192 to A.D. 201. (489) 490 THE TIME OF HYGINUS. an equal period.' But, on the death of Hyginus, a pastorate of unusual length commences, as Pius, by whom he was fol- lowed, continued fifteen years in ofifice — a term considerably more extended than that of any of his five predecessors. Reckoning from the date of the advancement of Pius, we find also a decided increase in the average length of the life of the president for the remainder of the century; as, of the ten in- dividuals in all who were at the head of the Roman Church during its revolution, the five who followed next after Clement lived only forty-two years, whilst their five successors lived fifty-nine yQzxs. Thus, there is at least some ostensible ground for the inquiry whether any arrangement was made in the time of Hyginus, which may account for these statistics. The origin of the Church of Rome, like' the origin of the city, is buried in obscurity ; and a very few facts constitute the whole amount of our information respecting it during the first century of its existence. About the time of Hyginus the twilight of history begins to dawn upon it. Guided by the glimmerings of intelligence thus supplied, we shall en- deavor to illustrate this dark passage in its annals. The fol- lowing statements contribute somewhat to the explanation of transactions which have hitherto been rarely noticed by modern ecclesiastical writers : I. A change in the organization of the Church about the time of Hyginus, accounts for the increase in the average The following is the chronology of Pearson Clement, Evaristus, Alexander, Xystus, . Telesphorus, Hyginus, Pius, Anicetus, Soter, Eleutherius, Victor, . — Minor Works, ii., pp. 570, 571 died A.D. 83. A.D. 83 to A.D. 91. A.D. 91 to A.D. lOI. A.D. lOI to A.D. III. A.D. Ill to A.D. 122. A.D. 122 to A.D. 126. A.D. 127 to A.D. 142. A.D. 142 to A.D. 161. A.D. 161 to A.D. 170. A.D. 170 to A.D. 185. A.D. 185 to A.D. 197. PRELACY BEGINS. 49I length of the Hves of the Roman bishops.' If the alteration, mentioned by Hilary, was now made in the mode of succes- sion to the presidential chair, such a result followed. Under the new regime, the recommendation of large experience had still much weight in the choice of a bishop, but he frequently entered on his duties at an earlier age, and thus the ordinary duration of his official career was considerably extended.'' II. The time of Hyginus exactly answers to the description of the period when, according to the testimony of Jerome, prelacy commenced. The heretics then exhibited extraordi- nary zeal, so that " parties in religion " were springing up all over the Empire. The Church of Rome had hitherto escaped the contagion of false doctrine,' but now errorists from all quarters began to violate its purity and to disturb its peace. Valentine, Cerdo, Marcion, and Marcus appeared about this time in the Western capital." Some of these men were noted ' I have endeavored, from the records of the late Synod of Ulster, to estimate the medium length of the incumbency of a moderator for life, being the senior minister of a presbytery of from ten to fifteen members, and have found that the average of thirty-six successions amounted to between eight and nine years. In these presbyteries young ministers gen- erally constituted a considerable portion of the members. Had they all been persons advanced in life, the average must have been greatly reduced. ^ During that part of the second century which terminated with the death of Hyginus, the average duration of the life of a Roman bishop very little exceeded eight years ; whereas, during the remainder of the century, it amounted to nearly twelve years. According to the chronology of Pear- son the disproportion is still greater, being as eight years dnd a fraction to fourteen years. If we insert the episcopate of Anacletus, it will be nearly as seven to fourteen. ^ In the verses erroneously attributed to Tertullian, the Church of Rome is represented as in a flourishing state when visited by Cerdo. " Advenit Roman Cerdo, nova vulnera gestans Detectus, quoniam voces et verba veneni Spargebat furtim ; quapropter ab agmine pulsus, Sacrilegum genus hoc genuit spirante dracone. Constabat pietate vigens Ecclesia Romae Composita a Petro, cujus successor et ipse Jamque loco nono cathedram suscepit Hyginus." * Euseb, IV. II. Irenasus says that Valentine, the most famous and for- midable of the Gnostic teachers, " came to Rome under Hyginus, was in 492 THE TIME OF HYGINUS. for their genius and learning ; and they created no common ferment. They were assiduous in the dissemination of their principles, and several of them resorted to very extraordinary and unwarrantable expedients for strengthening their respect- ive factions. An ancient writer represents them as conduct- ing their adherents to water, and as baptizing them " in the name of the Unknown Father of the universe ; in the Truth, the mother of all ; and in Him who descended on Jesus." " Others again," says the same authority, " repeated Hebrew names to inspire the initiated with the greater awe." ' These attempts at proselytism were not unsuccessful. Valentine, in particular, made many converts, and after his death, when Irenaeus wrote a refutation of his heresy, his disciples were still numerous." The account given by Jerome of the state of the Christian interest when it was deemed necessary to set up episcopacy, is not so completely supplemented by the condition of the Church at any other period. Never certainly did the brethren at Rome more require the services of a skilful and energetic leader, than when the Gnostic chiefs settled in the great me- tropolis. Never could it be said with so much truth of their community, in the language of the Latin father, that " every one reckoned those whom he baptized as belonging to himself and not to Christ";' for, as we have just seen, some, when baptizing their disciples, used even new forms of initiation. Never, assuredly, had the advocates of expediency a better opportunity for pleading in favor of a decree ordaining that " one chosen from among the presbyters should be put over the rest, and that the whole care of the Church should be his prime under Pius, and lived until the time of Anicetus." — Contra Hceres., iii., 4, § 3. Cyprian speaks of " the more grievous pestilences of heresy breaking forth when Marcion the Pontian emerged from Pontus, whose master Cerdo came to Rome during the episcopate of Hyginus." — Epist. Ixxiv. He adds, " But it is acknowledged that heresies aftet wards became more numerous and worse." — Epist. Ixxiv., Opera, pp. 293, 294. ' Euseb. iv. 11. See also a fragment attributed to Irenaeus in Stieren's edition, i. 938. ' See Mosheim, " Commentaries," by Vidal, ii. 266. • Hieronymus, " Comment, in Titum." PRELACY BEGINS. 493 committed to him, that the seeds of schism should be taken away." ' III. The testimony of Hilary, who was contemporary with Jerome, exactly accords with the views here promulgated as to the date of this occurrence. This writer, who was also a minister of the Roman Church, was acquainted with a tradi- tion that a change had taken place at an early period in the mode of ecclesiastical government. His evidence is all the more valuable as it contains internal proofs of derivation from an independent source ; for, whilst it corroborates the state- ment of Jerome, it supplies fresh historical details. Accord- ing to his account, " after that churches were erected in all places and offices established, an arrangement was adopted difTerent from that which prevailed at the beginning." " By "the beginning" he understands the apostolic age, or the time when the New Testament was written.' He then goes on to say, in explanation, that it was found necessary to change the mode of appointing the chairman of the presby- tery, and that he was now promoted to the office by election, and not by seniority.* Whilst his language indicates distinctly that this alteration was made after the days of the apostles, it also implies a date not later than the second century ; for^ though it was " after the beginning," it was at a time when churches had been only recently " erected in all places, and of- ' Hieronymus, " Comment, in Titum." '^ " Tamen postquam in omnibus locis ecclesiae sunt constitutas, et ofificia ordinata, aliter composita res est, quam coeperat." — Commefit. in Epist. ad Ephes., cap. 4. ' " Ideo non per omnia conveniunt scripta apostoli ordinationi, quae nunc in ecclesia est ; quia haec inter ipsa primordia sunt scripta." — Ibid. " " Ut non ord'o, sed meritum crearet episcopum." — Ibid. Hilary appears to have believed with Jerome that the Church was originally governed " by the common council of the presbyters," but that, meanwhile, with their sanction, or under peculiar circumstances, deacons might preach and even laymen baptize. Such, too, was the opinion of Tertullian. See Kaye's "Tertullian," pp. 226, 448. Hilary, however, maintained that this arrange- ment was soon abrogated. " Coepit alio ordine et providentia gubernari ecclesia ; quia si omnes eadem possent, irrationabile esset, et vulgaris res et vilissima videretur." 494 THE TIME OF HYGINUS. fices established." The period of the spread of heresies at Rome, at the commencement of the reign of Antoninus Pius, and when Hyginus closed his career, answers these conditions. IV. As Rome was the headquarters of heathenism, it was also the place where the divisions of the Church proved most disastrous. There, the worship of the State was celebrated in all its magnificence ; there, the Emperor, the Pontifex Max- imus of the gods, surrounded by a splendid hierarchy of priests and augurs, presided at the great festivals ; and there, thousands and tens of thousands, prompted by interest or by prejudice, were prepared to struggle for the maintenance of the ancient superstition. Already, the Church of Rome had often sustained the violence of persecution ; but, notwith- standing the bloody trials it had undergone, it had continued steadily to gain strength ; and a sagacious student of the signs of the times might even now have looked forward to the day when Christianity and paganism, on nearly equal terms, would be contending for mastery in the chief city of the Empire. But the proceedings of the heretics were calculated to dissi- pate all the visions of ecclesiastical ascendency. If the Ro- man Christians were split up into fragments by sectarianism, the Church, in one of its great centres of influence, was incal- culably injured. And yet, how could the crisis be averted? How could heresy be most effectually discountenanced ? How could the unity of the Church be best maintained.? In times of peril the Romans had formerly been wont to set up a Dic- tator, and to commit the whole power of the commonwealth to one trusty and vigorous ruler. During the latter days of the Republic, the State had been almost torn to pieces by con- tending factions ; and now, under the sway of the Emperors^ . it enjoyed comparative repose. It occurred to the brethren at Rome to try the effects of a similar change in the ecclesias- tical constitution. By committing the government of the Church, in this emergency, almost entirely into the hands of one able and resolute administrator, they hoped to contend successfully against the dangers by which they were encom- passed. V. A recent calamity of a different character was calculated PRELACY BEGINS. 495 to abate the jealousy which such a proposition would have otherwise awakened. Telesphorus, the immediate predeces sor of Hyginus, suffered a violent death.' Telesphorus is the first bishop of Rome whose title to martyrdom can be fairly established ; and not one of his successors during the re- mainder of the second century forfeited his life for his relig- ion. The death of the presiding pastor, as a victim to the in- tolerance of heathenism, threw the whole Church into a state of confusion and perplexity ; and when Hyginus was called upon to occupy the vacant chair, well might he enter upon its duties with deep anxiety. The appearance of heresy multi- plied the difficulties of his office. It could now be asked with no small amount of plausibility — Is the presiding presby- ter to have no special privileges? If his mind is to be har- assed continually by errorists, and if his life is to be imperilled in the service of the Church, should he not be distinguished above his brethren ? Without some such encouragement will not the elders at length refuse to accept a situation which en- tails so much responsibility, and yet possesses so little influ- ence? Such questions, urged under such circumstances, must have been felt to be perplexing. VI. As there was constant intercourse between the seat of government and all the provinces of the Empire, the Church of the metropolis soon contrived to avail itself of the facilities of its position for keeping up a correspondence with the Churches of other countries.* In due time the results be. came apparent. Every event of interest which occurred in any quarter of the Christian world was known speedily in the capital ; no important religious movement could succeed with, out the concurrence and co-operation of the brethren at Rome; and its ministers gradually acquired such influence that they were able, to some extent, to control the public opinion of the whole ecclesiastical community. On this occa- sion they, perhaps, did not find it difficult to persuade their co-religionists to enter into their views. In Antioch, in Alex- andria, in Ephesus, and elsewhere, as well as in Italy, the her- ' Ireneeus, iii. 3, § 3. ^ See Period ii., sec. i., chap, iv., pp. 304-305. 496 THE CHAIR LONG VACANT ABOUT A.D. I42. etics had been displaying the most mischievous activity; ' and it is not improbable that the remedy now proposed by the ruling spirits in the great city had already suggested itself to others. During the summer months vessels were trading to Rome from all the coasts of the Mediterranean, so that Chris- tian deputies, without much inconvenience, could repair to headquarters, and, in concert with the metropolitan presby- ters, make arrangements for united action. If the champions of orthodoxy were nearly as zealous as the errorists,' they trav- elled much during these days of excitement. But had not the idea of increasing the power of the presiding pastor orig- inated in Rome, or had it not been supported by the weighty sanction of the Church of the capital, it would not have been so readily and so extensively adopted by the Churches in other parts of the Empire. VII. Though we know little of the early history of the Roman see, we have evidence that, on the death of Hy- ginus, there was a vacancy of unusual length ; and circum- stances, which meanwhile took place, argue strongly in favor of the conclusion that, at this time, the change in the ecclesi- astical constitution indicated by 'Jerome actually occurred. According to some, the interval between the death of Hyginus and the commencement of the episcopate of Pius, his im- mediate successor, was of several years' duration ; ' but it is clear that the chair was vacant for a twelvemonth.* How are we to account for this interregnum ? We know that subse- quently, in the times of Decius and of Diocletian, there were vacancies of quite as long continuance ; but then the Church was in the agonies of martyrdom, and the Roman Christians were prevented by the strong arm of imperial tyranny from filling up the bishopric. Now no such calamity threatened ; ' Irenaeus, i. 24, § i ; i. 28, § i. ' Thus, Valentine travelled from Alexandria to Rome, and after\vard set- tled in Cyprus. Marcion, who was originally connected with Pontus, and who taught in Rome, also travelled in Egypt and the East. ^ " Blondclli Apologia pro Sententia Hieronymi," p. 18. Blondcl makes the vacancy of four years' continuance. * Pearson's " Minor Works," ii. p. 571. VALENTINE A CANDIDATE FOR THE CHAIR. 49/ and the commotions created by the heretics supply evidence that persecution was asleep. This long vacancy must be other- wise explained. If Hyginus had been invested with addi- tional authority, and if he soon afterward died, his removal was the signal for the renewal of agitation. Questions which, perhaps, had not hitherto Ijeen mooted, now arose. How was the vacant place to be supplied? Was the senior presbyter, no matter how ill adapted for the crisis, to be allowed to take quiet possession? If other influential Churches required to be consulted, some time would thus be occupied ; so that de- lay in the appointment was unavoidable. During this interval the spirit of faction was busily at work. The heretic Marcion sought admission into the Roman pres- bytery ; ' and Valentine, who was now recognized as a presby- ter,^ no doubt supported the application. The presbytery it- self was divided, and even Valentine had hopes of obtaining the presidential chair! His pretensions, at this period of his career, were sufificiently imposing. Though he may have been suspected of unsoundness in the faith, he had not yet com- mitted himself by any public avowal of his errors ; and as a man of literary accomplishment, address, energy, and elo- quence, he had few compeers. No wonder, with so many dis- turbing elements in operation, that the see remained long vacant. Some would willingly deny that Valentine was a candidate for the episcopal chair of Rome, but the fact can be estab- lished by evidence the most direct and conclusive. Tertul- lian, who had lived in the imperial city, and who was well ac- quainted with its Church history, expressly states that " Val- entine hoped for the bishopric, because he excelled in genius and eloquence, but indignant that another, who had the superior claim of a confessor, obtained the place, he deserted the Catholic Church." ' The Carthaginian father does not, indeed, ' Epiphanius, " Haeres." 42, Opera, torn, i., p. 302. " See Burton's " Lectures," ii. 98. ^ " Speraverat episcopatum Valentinus, quia et ingenio poterat et eloquio Sed alium ex martyrii prserogativa loci potitum indignatus de ecclesia au- thenticos reguls; abrupit." — Adv. Valent., c. iv. 32 '498 THE LETTERS OF PIUS OF ROME. here name the see to which the heresiarch unsuccessfully- aspired, but his words shut us up to the conclusion that he alluded to Rome.' And we can thus discover at least one reason why the history of this vacancy has been involved in so much mystery. In a few more generations the whole Church felt compromised by any reflection cast on the ortho- doxy of the great Western bishopric.'' How sadly must many have been scandalized had it been proclaimed abroad that the arch-heretic Valentine once hoped to occupy the chair of St. Peter ! VIII. Two letters still extant, and supposed to have been addressed by Pius, the immediate successor of Hyginus, to Justus, bishop of Vienne in Gaul, supply corroborative evi- dence that the presiding pastor had recently obtained addi- tional authority. Though the genuineness of these documents has been questioned, the objections urged against them have not been sufficient to prevent critics and antiquarians of all parties from appealing to their testimony.' It is not improb- able that they are Latin translations from Greek originals, and we may thus account for a few words found in them which were introduced at a later period.* Their tone and spirit, which ' Tertulllan states that Valentine at first believed the doctrine of the Catholics zn the Church of Rotne. " De Praescrip." c. 30. When he came to the city he was admitted to communion. He set up a distinct sect after Pius was made bishop. It is impossible, therefore, to avoid the inference that he was mortified because he was not himself chosen. Tertullian here confounds Eleutherius and Hyginus. ^ The unwillingness even of Tertullian to say anything to its prejudice has been often remarked. See Neander on a passage in the tract "De Virg. Veland," in his " Antignostikos," appended to his " History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church," in Bohn's edition, ii. 420. See also the same, p. 429. See also " De Pudicitia," c. i. ' They are quoted as genuine by Binius, Baronius, Bona, Thomdike, Bingham, Salamasius, and many others. Bishop Beveridge speaks of one of them as of undoubted authority. " In indttbitata illius epistola." — Antwt. in Can. Ap. See Cotelerius, i. 459. Pearson rejects them as spurious, whilst contending so valiantly for the Ignatian Epistles. * Such as Missa and Titulus. But that Pastor really did erect a place in which the Christians assembled (or worship, as stated in one of these let- ters, is not improbable. See Routh's " Reliquite," i. 430. Pearson objects THE LETTERS OF PIUS OF ROME. 499 are entirely different from the spurious productions ascribed to the same age, plead strongly in their favor as trustworthy witnesses. The writer makes no lofty pretensions as a Roman bishop ; he speaks of himself simply as at the head of an humble presbytery ; and it is difficult to divine the motive which could have tempted an impostor to fabricate such un- pretending compositions. Though given as the veritable Epistles of Pius by the highest literary authorities of Rome, they are certainly ill calculated to prop up the cause of the Papacy. If their claims are admitted, they rank among the earliest authentic records in which the distinction between the terms bishop and presbyter is unequivocally recognized ; and it is obvious that alterations in the ecclesiastical constitution, made under Hyginus, must have prepared the way for such a change in the terminology. In one of these Epistles Pius gives the following piece of advice to his correspondent : " Let the elders and deacons respect you, not as a greater, but as the servant of Christ." ' This letter purports to have been written when its author anticipated the approach of death ; and the individual to whom it is directed was just placed in the episcopal chair. Had Pius believed that Justus had a divine right to rule over the presbyters, why tender such an admonition? A hundred years afterward, Cyprian of Car- thage, when addressing a young prelate, would certainly have expressed himself very differently. He would, probably, have complained of the presumption of the presbyters, have boasted of the majesty of the episcopate, and have exhorted the new bishop to remember his apostolical dignity. But, in the to them on the ground that Eleutherius is spoken of in one of them as a presbyter, whereas Hegesippus describes him as deacon afterward in the time of Anicetus. See Euseb. iv. 22. But it is- not clear that Hegesippus here uses the word deacon in its strictly technical sense. He may mean by it minister or manager, and may design to indicate that Eleutherius was the mosX prominent officiat personage under Anicetus, occupying the posi- tion afterward held by the archdeacon. It is also not improbable that, among the officials of the Roman Church in the times of Pius and Anicetus there were two persons of the name of Eleutherius. ' " Presbyteri et Diaconi, non ut majorem, sed ut ministrum Christi te observent." 500 THE LETTERS OF PIUS OF ROME. middle of the second century, such language must have been strangely out of place. Pius is writing to an individual, just entering on an office lately endowed with additional privileges, who could not yet afford to make an arbitrary use of his new authority. He, therefore, counsels him to moderation, and cautions him against presuming on his power. " Beware," says he, " in your intercourse with your presbyters and dea- cons, of insisting too much on the duty of obedience. Let them feel that your prerogative is not exercised capriciously, but for good and necessary purposes. Let the elders and deacons regard you, not so much in the light of a superior, as the servant of Christ." In another portion of this letter a piece of intelligence is communicated, which, as coming from Pius, possesses peculiar interest. When the law was enacted altering the mode of succession to the presidency, it may be that the proceeding was deemed somewhat ungracious toward those aged presby- ters who soon expected, as a matter of right, to obtain posses- sion of the seat of the moderator. The death of Telesphorus, the predecessor of Hyginus, as a martyr, was, indeed, calculated to abate an anxiety to secure the chair; for the whole Church was thus painfully reminded that it was a post of danger, as well as of dignity; but still, when, on the occurrence of the first vacancy, Pius was promoted over the heads of older men, he may, on this ground, have felt, to some extent, embarrassed by his elevation. We infer, however, from this letter, that the few senior presbyters, with whose advancement the late arrangement interfered, did not long survive this crisis in the history of the Church ; for the bishop of Rome here informs his Gallic brother of their demise. "Those presbyters," says he, " who were taught by the apostles,' and who have survived to our own days, with whom we have united in dispensing the word of faith, have now, in obedience to the call of the Lord, gone to their eternal rest."" Such a notice of the decease of ' That, in the time of Marcion, there were Roman presbyters who had been disciples of the apostles, see Tillemont, " Mcmoires," torn, ii., sec. par. p. 215. Edit., Brussels, 1695, ' "Presbyteri iili qui ab apostolis educati usque ad nos pervenerunt, cum NEW USE OF THE WORD BISHOP, 50I these venerable colleagues is precisely what might have been expected, under the circumstances, in a letter from Pius to Justus. IX. The use of the word bishop, as denoting the president of the presbytery, marks an era in the history of ecclesiastical polity. New terms are not coined without necessity; neither, without an adequate cause, is a new meaning annexed to an ancient designation. When the name bishop was first used as descriptive of the chief pastor, there was some special reason for such an application of the title ; and the rise of the hierarchy furnishes the only satisfactory explanation.' If, then, we can ascertain when this new nomenclature first made its appear- ance, we can also fix the date of the origin of prelacy. Though the documentary proof available for the illustration of this subject is comparatively scanty, it is sufficient for our purpose ; and it clearly shows that the presiding elder did not begin to be known by the title of bishop until about the middle of the second century. Polycarp, who wrote at that time," still uses the terminology employed by the apostles. Justin Martyr, the earliest father who has left behind him memorials amount- ing in extent to anything like a volume, often speaks of the chief minister of the Church, and designates him, not the quibus simul verbum fidei partiti sumus, a Domino vocati in cubilibus aeter- nis clausi tenentur." ' Pearson (" Vindicice," par. ii., c. 13) has appealed to a letter from the Emperor Hadrian to the Consul Servianus as a proof that the terms bishop and presdy/cr had distinctive meanings as early as A.D. 134. The passage is as follows : " Illi qui Serapim colunt, Christiani sunt ; et devoti sunt Serapi, qui se Christi episcopos dicunt. Nemo illic Archisynagogus Judseorum, nemo Samarites, nemo Christianorum Presbyter Ipse ille Patriarcha, quum yEgyptum venerit, ab aliis Serapidem adorare, ab aliis cogitur Chris- tum." Such a testimony only shows that Pearson was sadly in want of evi- dence. This same letter has, in fact, often been adduced to prove that the terms bishop and presbyter were still used interchangeably, and such is certainly the more legitimate inference. See Lardner's remarks on this letter. Works, vol. vii., p. 99. Edit., London, 1838. ^ " The Philippians appear to have continued to live under the same aris- tocratic constitution (of venerable elders) al>out the middle of the second century, when Polycarp addressed his Epistle to them," — Bunsen's Hippo- lytus, i., 369. Bishop Lightfoot concurs in this view. 502 NEW USE OF THE WORD BISHOP. bishop, but the president.'' His phraseology is all the more important as he lived for some time in Rome,' and adopted the style of expression current in the great city. But another writer, who was his contemporary, and who also resided in the capital, incidentally supplies evidence that the new title was then just coming into use. The author of the book called " Pastor," when referring to those who were at the head of the presbyteries, describes them as " THE BISHOPS, that is, THE PRESIDENTS OF THE CHURCHES." ' The reason why he here deems it necessary to explain what he means by bishops can not well be mistaken. The name, in its new application, was not yet familiar to the public ear ; and required to be inter- preted by the more ancient designation. Could we tell when this work of Hermas was written, we could also, perhaps, name the very year when the president of the eldership was first called bishop.^ It is now pretty generally admitted that the author was no other than the brother of Pius of Rome," the immediate successor of Hyginus, so that he wrote exactly at the time when, as appears from other evidences, the transition from presbytery to prelacy actually occurred. His words fur- nish a very strong, but an undesigned, attestation to the novelty of the episcopal regimen. X. But the most pointed, and certainly the most remark- able testimony to the fact that a change took place in the con- stitution of the Roman Church in the time of Hyginus is fur- nished from a quarter where such a voucher was to have been, least of all, anticipated. We allude to the Pontifical Book. This work has been ascribed to Damasus, the well-known bishop of the metropolis of the West, who flourished in the ' TT/^owrwf , Opera, pp. 97-99. " Euseb. iv. 11. ' " Episcopi, id est, prcesides ecclcst'arwn." — Lib. iii., simil. ix., c. 27. There is a parallel passage to this in Tertullian, " De Baptismo," c. 17, "Summus sacenlos, qui est episcoptts." This is, perhaps, the first instance on record in which a bishop is called the chief i)riest. Hence the necessity of the interpretation " qui est episcopus." Pastor considered an explana- tion of the title "episcopus" equally necessary. * Neander supposes this work to have been written a.d. 156. "General History," ii. 443. ' See Period ii., sec. ii., chap, i., p. 334. TESTIMONY OF THE PONTIFICAL BOOK. 503 fourth century, but much of it is unquestionably of later origin •, and though many of its statements are apocryphal, it is often quoted as a document of weight by the most distinguished writers of the Romish communion.' Its account of the early popes is little better than a mass of fables; but some of its details are exaggerations, or rather caricatures, of an authen- tic tradition ; and a few grains of truth may be discovered here and there in a heap of fictions and anachronisms. This part of the production contains one brief sentence which has greatly puzzled the commentators,' as it is strangely out of keep- ing with the general spirit of the narrative, and as it contra- dicts, rather awkwardly, the pretensions of the popedom. Ac- cording to this testimony, Hyginus "ARRANGED THE CLERGY AND DISTRIBUTED THE GRADATIONS." ' Peter himself is described by Romanists as organizing the Church; but here, one of his alleged successors, upward of seventy years after his death, is set forth as the real framer of the hierarchy.* The facts already adduced prove that this obscure announce- ment rests upon a sound historical foundation, and that it vaguely indicates the alterations introduced into the ecclesi- astical constitution. If Hilary and Jerome be employed as its ' So high indeed is its authority that many facts taken from it are recorded in the " Breviary." Even Bunsen appeals to it. See " Analecta Antenicasna," iii. 52, 53- ■^ Binius makes the following abortive attempt to explain the statement : " Quod hierarchicus catholicae ecclesis ordo, quo presbyteri episcopis, dia- coni presbytens, populus presbyteris et diaconis subditus est, ab Hygino compositus esse hie dicitur, non aliter intellis^i potest, quam quod Hyginus hierarchice ecclesiasticag jam tempore apostolorum a Christo Domino con- stitutce, et a Sanctis Patribus ipso antiquioribus comprobatas, quaedam dun- taxat injuria temporum et scriptorum deperdita addiderit, vel eadem quae Divino jure instituta, et a patribus comprobata sunt, hac constitutione sua illustraverit." — Concilia, i. 65, 66, ^ " Hie clerum composuit, et distribuit gradus." — Binii Concil. i. 65. Baronius, ad annum, 158, ■* When referring to this statement Baronius says : " Porro quod ad gradus cujusque ordinis in Ecclesia, quo ecclesiastica habetur composita hierarchia, jam a temporibus apostolorum h^c facta esse, Ignatio atictore et aliis, tome primo Annalium demonstravimus ; verum aliqiia antiques formce ab Hygi- vio fuisse addita, vel eadem illustrata, a:quum est cestimare." 504 . TESTIMONY OF THE PONTIFICAL BOOK. interpreters, the truth may be easily eliminated. At a synod held in Rome, Hyginus brought under the notice of the meet- ing the confusion and scandal created by the movements of the errorists ; and, with a view to correct these disorders, the council agreed to invest the moderator of each presbytery with increased authority, to give him a discretionary power as the general superintendent of the Church, and to require the other elders, as well as the deacons, to act under his advice and direction. A new functionary was thus established, and, under the old name of bishop or overseer, a third order was virtually added to the ecclesiastical brotherhood. Hence Hy- ginus, who took a prominent part in the deliberations of the convocation, is said to have " arranged the clergy and dis- tributed the gradations." . The change in the ecclesiastical polity which now occurred led to results equally extensive and permanent, and yet it has been but indistinctly noticed by the writers of antiquity. Nor is it strange that we have no contemporary account of this ec- clesiastical revolution. The history of other occurrences and innovations is buried in profound obscurity. We can only ascertain by inference what were the reasons which led to the general adoption of the sign of the cross, to the use of the chrism in baptism, to standing at the Lord's Supper, to the institution of lectors, acolyths, and sub-deacons, and to the establishment of metropolitans. Though the Paschal contro- versy agitated almost the whole Church toward the close of the second century, and though Tertullian wrote immediately afterward, he does not once mention it in any of his numer- ous extant publications.' Owing to peculiar circumstances the rise of prelacy can be more minutely traced than that of any other of the alterations introduced during the first three centuries. At the time the change was considered not very important ; but, as the remaining literary memorials of the period are few and scanty, the reception which it experienced can now only be conjectured. The alteration was adopted as an antidote against the growth of heresy, and thus originat- ' See Kaye's "Tertullian," p. 414. TRACES OF THE RISE OF PRELACY. 505 ing in circumstances of a humiliating character, there was little disposition, on the part of ecclesiastical writers, to dwell upon its details. Soon afterward the pride of churchmen be- gan to be developed ; and it was then found convenient to forget that all things originally did not accord with existing arrangements, and that the hierarchy itself was but a human contrivance. Prelacy soon advanced apace, and every bishop had an interest in exalting " his order," It is only wonderful that so much truth has oozed out from witnesses so preju- diced, and that the Pontifical Book contains so decisive a de- position. And the momentous consequences of this appar- ently slight infringement on the primitive polity can not be overlooked. That very Church which, in its attempts to sup- press heresy, first departed from divine arrangements, was soon involved in doctrinal error, and eventually became the great foster-mother of superstition and idolatry. It may at first seem extraordinary that the ecclesiastical transformation was so rapidly accomplished ; but, when the circumstances are more attentively considered, this view of the subject presents no real difficulty. At the outset, the principle sanctioned produced very little alteration on the general aspect of the spiritual commonwealth. At this period a Church, in most places, consisted of a single congregation ; and as one elder laboring in the word and doctrine was gen- erally deemed sufficient to minister to the flock, only a slight modification took place in the constitution of such a society. The preaching elder, who was entitled by authority of Script- ure ' to take precedence of elders who only ruled, had always been permitted to act as moderator ; but, on the ground of the new arrangement, the pastor began to assume an authority over his session which he had never hitherto ventured to ex- ercise. In the beginning of the reign of Antoninus Pius the number of towns with several Christian congregations was but small ; and if five or six leading cities approved of the system now inaugurated at Rome, its general adoption was thus se- cured. The statements of Jerome and Hilary attest that the ' I Tim. V. 17. 506 THE CHANGE EASILY ACCOMPLISHED. matter was submitted to a synod ; and the remarkable inter- regnum which followed the death of Hyginus can be best ac- counted for on the hypothesis that meanwhile the ministers of the great metropolis found it necessary to consult the rulers of other influential and distant Churches. If the meas- ure had the sanction of these foreign brethren, they were pre- pared to resort to it at home on the demise of their presiding presbyter. Heretics were disturbing the Church all over the Empire, ' so that the same arguments could be everywhere used in favor of the new polity. There was a vacancy in the presidential chair at Antioch about the time of the death of Hyginus ; and in the course of the next year, a similar va- cancy occurred at Alexandria.' If the three most important Churches then in Christendom, with the sanction of a very few others of less note, almost simultaneously adopted the new arrangement, the question was practically settled. There were probably not twenty cities to be found with more than one Christian congregation ; and places of inferior conse- quence would speedily act upon the example of the large capitals. But unquestionably the system now introduced gradually effected a complete revolution in the state of the Church. The ablest man in the presbytery was commonly elevated to the chair, so that the weight of his talents, and of his general character, was added to his official consequence. The bishop soon became the grand centre of influence and authority, and arrogated to himself the principal share in the administration of all divine ordinances. When this change commenced, the venerable Polycarp was still alive, and there are grounds for believing that, when far advanced in life, he was induced to undertake a journey to Rome on a mission of remonstrance. This view is corrobo- rated by the fact that his own Church of Smyrna did not now adopt the new polity; for we have seen' that, upwards of a • Euseb. iv. ii ; iv. 19. Dr. Burton has well observed that Alexandria and Antioch were " the hotbeds from which nearly all the mischief arose, which, under the name of philosophy, inundated the Church in the second century." — Lectures, vol. ii., p. 103. ' Period ii., sec. iii., chap, v., pp. 470, 471. POLYCARP'S VISIT TO ROME. 507 quarter of a century after his demise, it still continued under presbyterial government. Irenseus was well acquainted with the circumstances which occasioned this extraordinary visit of Polycarp to Rome ; but had he not come into collision with the pastor of the great city in the controversy relating to the Paschal Feast, we would never have heard of its occurrence. Even when he mentions it, he observes a mysterious silence as to its main design. The Paschal question awakened little interest in the days of Polycarp, and among the topics which he discussed with Anicetus when at Rome, it occupied a subordinate position.' " When," says Irenaeus, " the most blessed Polycarp came to Rome in the days of Anicetus, and when as to certain other matters they had a little controversy, they were immediately agreed on this point (of the Pass- over) without any disputation." ^ What the " certain other matters " were which created the chief dissatisfaction, we are left obscurely to conjecture ; but they must have been of no ordinary consequence, when so eminent a minister as Polycarp, now verging on eighty years of age, felt it neces- sary to make a lengthened journey by sea and land with a view to their adjustment. He considered that Anicetus was at least influentially connected with arrangements which he deemed objectionable ; and felt that he could obtain their modification Or abandonment only by a personal conference with the Roman pastor. And intimations are not wanting that he was doubtful whether Anicetus would treat with him as his ecclesiastical peer, for he seems to have been in some degree appeased when the bishop of the capital permitted him to preside in the Church at the celebration of the Eucharist.' This, certainly, was no extraordinary piece of condescension ; as Polycarp, on various grounds, was entitled to take prece- dence of his Roman brother;* and the reception given to the * " Quanquam sunt inter scriptores ecclesiasticos qui putaverint Poly- carpum Roman venisse, ut quaereret de festo paschatis : ex his Irensei ver- bis luce clarius elacet, ob alias causas loannis apostoli discipulum Roman profectum esse." — Stzeren's IrencEies, i., p. 826, note. '^ Euseb. V. 24. ' Stieren's " Irenaeus," i. 827. * First, as his senior ; and secondly, as a disciple of the apostles. 5o8 PRELACY EASILY INTRODUCED. " apostolic presbyter" was only what might have fairly been expected in the way of ministerial courtesy.' Why has it then been mentioned as an exhibition of the episcopal humility of Anicetus ? Obviously because he had been previously making some arrogant assumptions. He had been, probably, presum- ing on his position as a pastor of the "new order," and his bearing had been so offensive that Polycarp had been com- missioned to visit him on an errand of expostulation. But by prudently paying marked deference to the aged stranger, and by giving a plausible account of some proceedings which had awakened anxiety, he succeeded in quieting his apprehensions. That the presiding minister of the Church of Smyrna was en- gaged in some such delicate mission is all but certain, as the design of the journey would not otherwise have been involved in so profound secrecy. The very fact of its occurrence is first noticed forty years afterward, when the haughty behavior of another bishop of Rome provoked Irenaeus to call up cer- tain unwelcome reminiscences which it suggested. Though the journey of Polycarp betokens that he was deep- ly dissatisfied with something going forward in the great me- tropolis, we can only guess at its design and its results; and it is now impossible to ascertain whether the alterations intro- duced there encountered any very formidable opposition ; but it is by no means improbable that they were effected without much difficulty. The disorders of the Church imperatively called for some strong remedy; and it occurred to not a few that a distracted presbytery, under the presidency of a. feeble old man, was ill fitted to meet the emergency. They accord- ingly proposed to strengthen the executive government by providing for the appointment of a more efficient moderator, and by arming him with additional authority. The people were gratified by the change, for, though in Rome and some other great cities, where its effects were felt most sensibly, they met before this time in separate congregations, they had ' It was a standing rule of the Church that a strange bishop was to be thus treated. See " Didascalia," by Piatt, p. 97. See also lyth canon of the Council of Aries, held A.D. 314. PRELACY GRADUALLY ESTABLISHED. 509 still much united intercourse ; and as, on such occasions, their edification depended mainly on the gifts of the chairman of the eldership, they gladly joined in advancing the best preach- er in the presbytery to the office of president. At this par- ticular crisis the alteration was not unacceptable to the elders themselves. To those of them who were in the declinfe of life, there was nothing very inviting in the prospect of occu- pying the most prominent position in a Church threatened by persecution and torn by divisions, so that they were not un- willing to waive any claim to the presidency which their seni- ority implied ; whilst the more vigorous, sanguine, and aspir- ing hailed an arrangement which promised at no distant day to place one of themselves in a position of greatly increased dignity and influence. All were agreed that the times de- manded the appointment of the ablest member of presbytery as moderator; and none, perhaps, foresaw the danger of add- ing permanently to the prerogatives of so potent a chairman. It was never anticipated that the day was to come when the new law would be regarded agrany other than a human con- trivance ; and when the bishops and their adherents would contend that the presbyters, under no circumstances whatever, had a right to reassume that power which they now surren- dered. The result, however, has demonstrated the folly of human wisdom. The prelates, originally designed to save the Church from heresy, became themselves at length the abettors of false doctrine ; and whilst they grievously abused the influ- ence with which they were entrusted, they had the temerity to maintain that they still continued to be exclusively the fountains of spiritual authority. Prelacy was not set up at once in the plenitude of its power. Neither was the system simultaneously adopted by Christians all over the world. Jerome informs us that it was established " by little and little "; ' and he thus refers, as well to its grad- ual spread, as to the almost imperceptible growth of its pre- tensions. We have shown in a preceding chapter," that in ' " Paulatim vero, ut dissensionum plantaria evellerentur, ad uniim om- nem solicitudinem esse delatam." — Comment, in Tit. " Period ii., sec. iii., chap, v., pp. 464, 466, 470, 473. 510 REMNANTS OF PRESBYTERIANISM. various cities, such as Smyrna, Cassarea, and Jerusalem, the senior presbyter continued to be the president till the close of the second century ; and there the Church was meanwhile governed by " the common council of the presbyters." ' In many places, even at a much later period, the episcopal sys- tem was still unknown." But its advocates were active and influential, and they continued to make steady progress. The consolidation of the Catholic system contributed vastly to its advancement. The leading features of this system are now to be illustrated. ' But the presiding elders now began generally to be called bishops. " Thus, though, as we may infer from the testimony of Tertullian, Chris- tianity was planted in North Britain in the second century, the universal tradition is that originally there were no bishops in that country. According to an ancient MS. belonging to the former bishops of St. Andrews, and to be found in the " Life of William Wishart," one of their number who lived in the thirteenth century, the first bishop created in Scotland was elected in A.D. 270. See Jamieson's " Culdees," pp. 100, loi. CHAPTER VIII. THE CATHOLIC SYSTEM. The word catholic, which signifies universal or general, came into use toward the end of the second century. Its in- troduction indicates a new phase in the history of the ecclesi- astical community. For upwards of a hundred years after its formation, the Church presented the appearance of one great and harmonious brotherhood, as false teachers had hitherto failed to create any considerable diversity of sentiment ; but when many of the literati began to embrace the Gospel, the influence of elements of discord soon became obvious. These converts attempted to graft their philosophical theories on Christianity; not a few of the more unstable of the brethren, captivated by their ingenuity and eloquence, were tempted to adopt their views ; and though the great mass of the disciples repudiated their adulterations of the truth, the Christian com- monwealth was distracted and divided. Those who banded themselves together to maintain the unity of the Church were soon known by the designation of Catholics. " After the days of the apostles," says one of the fathers, '' when heresies had burst forth, and were striving under various names to tear piecemeal and divide the Dove and the Queen of God,' did not the apostolic people require a name of their own whereby to mark the unity of those that were uncorrupted ? . . . . There- ' Song of Solomon, vi. 9; Ps, xlv. 9. "Sub Apostolis nemo Catholicus vocabatur Cum post Apostolos haeresesextitissent, diversisque nomini- bus columbam Dei atque reg-inam lacerare per partes et scindere niterentur ; nonne cognomen suum ecclesia postulabat, quas incorrupti populi distingueret unitatem ? " (511) 512 THE CATHOLIC SYSTEM. fore our people, when named Catholic, are separated by this title from those denominated heretics." ' The Catholic system, being an integral portion of the policy which invested the presiding elder with additional authority, rose contemporaneously with Prelacy. When Gnosticism was spreading so rapidly, and creating so much scandal and confu- sion, schism upon schism appeared unavoidable. How was the Church to be kept from going to pieces ? How could its unity be best conserved ? How could it contend most successfully against its subtle and restless disturbers? Such were the prob- lems which occupied the attention of its leading ministers. It was thought that all these difificulties were solved by the adoption of the Catholic system. Were the Church, it was said, to place more power in the hands of individuals, and to consolidate its influence, it could bear down more effectively on the errorists. Every chief pastor of the Catholic Church was the symbol of the unity of his own ecclesiastical district ; and the associated bishops represented the unity of the whole body of the faithful. According to the Catholic system, when strictly carried out, every individual excommunicated by one bishop was excommunicated by all, so that when a heresiarch was excluded from fellowship .in one city, he could not be re- ceived elsewhere. The visible unity of the Church was the great principle which the Catholic'system sought to realize. "The Church," says Cyprian, "which is catholic and one, is not sepa- rated or divided, but is in truth connected and joined together by the cement of bishops mutually cleaving to each other." * The funds of the Church were placed very early in the hands of the president of the presbytery ; ' and though they may not have been at his absolute disposal, he soon found means of sus- taining his authority by means of his monetary influence. But the power which he possessed, as the recognized centre of ecclesiastical unity, to prevent any of his elders or deacons from performing any official act of which he disapproved, constituted ' Pacian, "lipist. to Sympronian," sees. 5 and 8. Pacian was bishop of Barcelona. He died a.d. 392. ' Epist. Ixix., 265. 266. ' Justin Martyr, Opera, p. 99. THE BISHOP DISPENSED BAPTISM. 513 one of the essential features of the Catholic system. " The right to administer baptism," says Tertullian, '' belongs to the chief priest — that is, the bishop ; then to the presbyters and the deacons,' yet not without the authority of the bishop, for the honor of the Church, which being preserved, peace is pre- served." ' Here, the origin of Catholicism is pretty distinctly indicated ; for the prerogatives of the bishop are described, not as matters of divine right, but of ecclesiastical arrangement.' They were given to him " for the honor of the Church," that peace might be preserved when heretics began to cause divis- ions. Though the bishop could give permission to others to cele- brate divine ordinances, he was himself their chief administra- tor. He was generally the only preacher ; he usually dispensed baptism ; * and he presided at the observance of the Eucharist. At Rome, where the Catholic system was maintained most scrupulously, his presence was considered necessary to the due consecration of the elements. Hence, at one time, the sacra- mental symbols were carried from the cathedral church to all the places of Christian worship throughout the city." With such minute care did the Roman chief pastor endeavor to dis- seminate the doctrine that whoever was not in communion with the bishop was out of the Church. The establishment of a close connection, bet\yeen certain ' According- to the " Apostolic Constitutions " the deacons were not at lib- erty to baptize. Lib. viii., c. 28, "^ "De Baptismo," c. 17. ' Tertullian thus corroborates the testimony of Jerome. * " In the sixth century the clergy of Italy complained to Justinian that, owing to the vacaficy of sees, ' an immense multitude of people died without baptism.' Even so late as the time of Hincmar (the ninth century) baptisms were still performed by the bishop, and they alofte were cojisidered canoni- cal."— Palmer's Episcopacy Vindicated, p. 35, note. ' " It appears to have been the custom at Rome and other places to send from the cathedral church the bread consecrated to the several parish churches." — St tiling fleet's Irenicum, pp. 369, 370. "Thomassinus shows that in the fifth century the presbyters of Rome did not consecrate the Eucharist in their respective churches, but it was sent to them from the principal church." — Palmer, p. 35, note. 514 THE CATHOLIC SYSTEM. large Christian associations and the smaller societies around them, constituted the next link in the organization of the Catholic system. These communities, being generally related as mother and daughter churches, were already prepared to adapt themselves to the new type of ecclesiastical polity. The apostles, or their immediate disciples, had founded congrega- tions in most of the great cities of the Empire ; and every so- ciety thus instituted, now distinguished by the designation of the principal ' or apostolic Church, became a centre of ecclesi- astical unity. Its presiding minister sent the Eucharist to the teachers of the little flocks in his vicinity, to signify that he acknowledged them as brethren;" and every pastor who thus enjoyed communion with the principal Church was recognized as a Catholic bishop. This parent establishment was considered a bulwark which protected all the Christian communities sur- rounding it from heresy, and they were consequently expected to be guided by its traditions. " It is manifest," says Tertul- lian, " that all doctrine, which agrees with these apostolic Churches, THE WOMBS AND ORIGINALS OF THE FAITH," must be accounted true, as without doubt containing that which the Churches have received from the apostles, the apostles from Christ, Christ from God ; and that all other doctrine must be judged at once to be false, which savors of things contrary to the truth of the Churches, and of the apostles, and of Christ, and of God. .... Go through the apostolic Churches, in which the very seats of the apostles, at this very day, preside over their own places,^ in which their own authentic writings are read, speaking with the voice of each, and making the face of each ' Thus Rome it called the " principal Church " in regard to Carthage. Cyprian, Epist. \\\, p. 183. '' Tertullian refers to this when he says, " Una omnes probant unitate cominum'cai to pacts di appellatio fraternitatis, et contesseratio hospitalitatis." — De Prascrip., c. 20. * " Ecclesiis aposlolicis matricibuset originalibus firlei." See also Tertul- lian against Marcion (book iv., c. 35) where Jerusalem is called " the womb of religion. " * " Cathedrae apostolorum suis locis praesident." These words clearly in- dicate that the Churches founded by the apostles were now recognized as centres of unity for the surrounding Christian communities. UNITY OF CHRISTIAN SOCIETIES. 515 present to the eye. Is Achaia near to you ? You have Corinth. If you are not far from Macedonia, you have Philippi, you have the Thessalonians.' If you can travel into Asia, you have Ephe- sus. But if you are near to Italy you have Rome, where we also have an authority close at hand." ^ But the Catholic system was not yet complete. In every congregation the bishop or pastor was the centre of unity, and in every district the principal or apostolic Church bound together the smaller Christian societies ; but how were the apostolic Churches themselves to be united ? This question did not long remain without a solution.^ Had the Church of Jerusalem, when the Catholic system was first organized, still occupied its ancient position, it might have established a bet- ter title to precedence than any other ecclesiastical commu- nity in existence. It had been, beyond all controversy, the mother Church of Christendom. But it had been recently dissolved, and a new society, composed, to a great extent, of new members, was now in process of formation in the new city of Aelia. Meanwhile the Church of Rome had been rapidly acquiring strength, and its connection with the seat of government pointed it out as the appropriate head of the ' It is worthy of note that, in the second canonical epistle ever written by Paul, he warns this Church of the coming of the Man of Sin (2 Thess. ii. 3). It appears from the text that thus early it was identified with the system which resulted in the establishment of the Papacy. It is equally remarka- ble that the Bishop of Thessalonica was the first Papal Vicar ^v^r appoint- ed. See Bovver's " History of the Popes," Damasus, thirty-sixth bishop; and Gieseler, i. 264. ^ "De Prsescrip." xxi., xxxvi. ^ The tendency of " Church principles " to terminate in the recognition of a universal bishop has appeared in modern as well as in ancient times, " What other step," says a noble author, " remains to stand between those who hold those principles and Rome ? Only one : that the priesthood so constituted, invested with such powers, is organized under one head — a Pope The space to be traversed in arriving at it is so narrow, and so unimpeded by any positive barrier, either of logic or of feeling, that the slightest influence of sentiment or imagination, of weakness or of supersti- tion, is sufficient to draw men across." — Letter from the Duke of Argyll to the Bishop of Oxford, p. 23. London, Moxon, 1851. 5l6 THE CExVTRE OF CATHOLIC UNITY. Catholic confederation.' If the greatest convenience of the greatest number of Churches were to be taken into account, it had claims of peculiar potency, for it was easily accessible by sea or land from all parts of the Empire, and it had facili- ties for keeping up communication with the provinces to which no other society could pretend. Nor were these its only recommendations. It had, as was alleged, been watered by the ministry of two or three "" of the apostles, so that, even as an apostolic Church, it had high pretensions. In addition to all this, it had, more than once, sustained with extraor- dinary constancy the first and fiercest brunt of persecution ; and if its members had so signalized themselves in the army of martyrs, why should not its bishop lead the van of the Catholic Church ? Such considerations urged in favor of a community already distinguished by its wealth, as well as by its charity, were amply sufficient to establish its claim as the centre of Catholic unity. If the arrangement was concocted in Rome itself, they must have been felt to be irresistible. Hence Irenaeus, writing about A.D. i8o, speaks of it even then as the recognized head of the Churches of the Empire. "To this Church," says he, " because it is more potentially princi- pal, it is necessary that every Catholic Church should go, as in it the apostolic tradition has by the Catholics been always preserved." * Many Protestant writers have attempted to explain away the meaning of this remarkable passage, but the candid stu- dent of history is bound to listen respectfully to its testimony. When we assign to the words of Irenaeus all the significance of which they are susceptible, they only attest the fact that, in the latter half of the second century, the Church of Rome was acknowledged by one who had been specially indebted to its bounty, as the most potent of all the apostolic Churches. And in the same place the grounds of its pre-eminence are ' This is the reason assigned for the Primacy of Rome in the 28th Canon of the Council of Chalcedon, held A.D. 451. * Tertullian says that John, as well as Peter and Paul, had been in Rome, " De Prasscrip." xxxvi. ^ " Contra Haeres," iii., c. iii., 5 2. THE BISHOP OF ROME. 517 enumerated pretty fully by the pastor of Lyons. It was the most ancient Church in the West of Europe ; it was also the most populous ; like a city set upon a hill, it was known to all ; and it was reputed, by its admirers, to have had for its founders the most illustrious of the inspired heralds of the cross, the apostle of the Gentiles, and the apostle of the cir- cumcision.' It was more '* potentially principal," because it was itself the principal of the apostolic or principal Churches. It has been already stated that every principal bishop,'' or presiding minister of an apostolic Church, sent the Eucharist to the pastors around him as a pledge of their ecclesiastical fellowship ; and the bishop of Rome kept up intercourse with the other bishops of the apostolic Churches by transmitting to them the same symbol of catholicity.' The sacred ele- ments were conveyed by confidential churchmen, who served, at the same time, as channels of communication between the great prelate and the more influential of his brethren. By this means the communion of the whole Catholic Church was constantly maintained. When the Catholic system was set up, and the bishop of Rome recognized as its Head, he was not supposed to possess, in his new position, any arbitrary or despotic authority. He was simply understood to hold among pastors the place which had previously been occupied by the senior elder in the pres- bytery— that is, he was the president or moderator. The the- oretical parity of all bishops, the chief pastor of Rome included, was a principle long jealously asserted." But the prelate of the capital was the individual to whom other bishops ad- dressed themselves respecting all matters affecting the general ' " Maximae et antiquissimae et omnibus cog-nits, a gloriosissimis duobus apostolis Petro et Paulo Romae fundats et constitutse ecclesice." — Irenceus, iii., c. iii., § 2. - We find this designation in some of the early canons. See Bunsen's " Hippolytus," iii. 50. ^ Euseb. V. 24. * See the statement of Cyprian in the Council of Carthage, " Opera," p. 597; and Jerome, in his Epistle to Evangelus, " Opera," iv., secund pars, p. 803. 5l8 ROME AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. interests of the ecclesiastical community ; he collected theii" sentiments ; and he announced the decisions of their united wisdom. It was, however, scarcely possible for an official in his circumstances either to satisfy all parties or to keep within the limits of his legitimate power. When his personal feel- ings were known to run strongly in a particular channel, the minority, to whom he was opposed, at least suspected him of attempting domination. Hence it was that by those who were discontented with his policy he was tauntingly designa- ted, as early as the beginning of the third century, The Supreme Pontiff, and The Bishop of Bishops.' These titles can not be gravely quoted as proofs of the existence of the claims which they indicate ; for they were employed ironically by malcontents who wished thus either to impeach his parti- ality, or to condemn his interference. But they supply clear evidence that his growing influence was beginning to be for- midable, and that he already stood at the head of the minis- ters of Christendom. The preceding statements enable us to understand why the interests pf Rome and of the Catholic Church have always been identiiied. The metropolis of Italy has, in fact, from the beginning been the heart of the Catholic system. In ancient times Roman statesmen were noted for their skill in fitting up the machinery of political government : Roman churchmen have labored no less successfully in the department of eccle- siastical organization. The Catholic system is a wonderful specimen of constructive ability ; and the same city which produced Prelacy, also gave birth, about the same time, to this masterpiece of human contrivance. This fact may be established, as well by other evidences, as by the positive testi- mony of Cyprian. The bishop of Carthage, who flourished only about a century after it appeared, was connected with that quarter of the Church in which it originated. We can not, therefore, reasonably reject the depositions of so com- ' " Pontifex scilicet Maximus, quod est episoopus episcoporuin, edicit : Ego et moechis et fornicationis delicta poenitentia functis dimitto." — Ter- tullian, De l^udicifia, c. i. " Ncque eniiii quisquam nostrum episcopum se esse episcoporuin constituit." — Cyprian, Con. Car., Opera, 597. THE WORD "CATHOLIC." 5ig petent a witness, more especially when he speaks so frequently and so confidently of its source. When he describes the Roman bishopric as " the root and wouib of the Catholic Church^' ' his language admits of no second interpretation. He was well aware that the Church of Jerusalem was the root and womb of all the apostolic Churches ; and when he em- ploys such phraseology, he refers to some new phase of Chris- tianity which had originated in the capital of the Empire. In another place he speaks of " the see of Peter, and the principal Church, whence the unity of the priesthood took its rise''^ Such statements shut us up to the conclusion that Rome was the source and centre from which Catholicism radiated. This system was only gradually developed, and nearly half a century elapsed before it acquired such maturity that it at- tained a distinctive designation.' But as it was currently believed to be admirably adapted to the exigencies of the Church, it spread with much rapidity; and in less than a hun- dred years after its rise, its influence may be traced in almost all parts of the Empire. We thus explain a historical phe- nomenon which is otherwise unaccountable. Toward the close of the second and throughout the whole of the third centuiy, ecclesiastical writers connected with various and dis- tant provinces refer with peculiar respect to the Apostle Peter, ' "Ecclesice catholicse radicem et matricem." — Epist. xlv., p. 133. "^ "Navigare audent et ad Petri cathedram atque ad ecclesiam principalem unde unitas sacerdotalis exorta est." — Epist. Iv., p. 183. " Nam Petro primum Dominus, super quern cedificavit ecclesiam, et unde unitatis originem instj- tuit et ostendit, potestatem istam dedit." — Epist. Ixxiii., p. 280. See also Epist. Ixx. — " Una ecclesia a Christo Domino super Petrum origlne uni- tatis et ratione fundata." ' The word catholic first occurs in the Epistle of the Church of Smyrna, giving an account of the martyrdom of Polycarp, but that letter was not written until at least twenty years after the event which it records. See Period ii., sec. i., chap, iv., p. 306. It is remarkable that the word is not found in Irenseus, or used by his Latin interpreter. The pastor of Lyons, however, recognizes the distinction indicated by the word catholic, for he speaks of the ecclesiastici, or churchmen, and of those " qui stmt undique." Stieren's " Irenasus," i. 430, 502, note. The word catholic was quite cur- rent in the time of Tertullian. 520 THE HEAD OF THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE. and even appeal to Scripture ' with a view to his exaltation. Their misinterpretations of the Word reveal an extreme anx- iety to obtain something like an inspired warrant for their Catholicism. The visible unity of the Church was deemed by them essential to its very existence, and the Roman see was the actual key-stone of the Catholic structure. Hence every friend of orthodoxy imagined it to be, as well his duty as his interest, to uphold the claims of the supposed representative of Peter, and thus to maintain the cause of ecclesiastical unity. It was to be anticipated under such circumstances that Script- ure would be miserably perverted, and that the see, which was believed to possess as its heritage the prerogatives of the apostle of the circumcision, would be the subject of extrava- gant laudation. Ambition has been often represented as the great principle which guided the policy of the early Roman bishops ; but there is no evidence that, as a class, they were inferior in piety to other churchmen ; and the readiness with which some of them suffered for the faith attests their Christian sincerity and resolution. Ambition soon began to operate ; but their ele- vation was not so much the result of any deep-laid scheme for their aggrandizement, as of a series of circumstances pushing them into prominence, and placing them in a most influential position. The efforts of heretics to create division led to a reaction, and tempted the Church to adopt arrangements for preserving union by which its liberties were eventually com- promised. The bishop of Rome found himself almost imme- diately at the head of the Catholic league ; and, before the close of the second century, he was acknowledged as the chief pastor of Christendom. About that time wc see him writing letters to some of the most distinguished bishops of the East,* ' Particularly Matt. xvi. i8. Clemens Alexandrinus says that our Lord baptized Peter only, and that Peter then baptized other apostles. See Kaye's " Clement," p. 442 ; and Bunsen's " Analecta Antenic," i. p. 317. See also Origen, "Opera," ii. 245 ; and Firmilian's "Epistle." ' Even Polycrates of Kphesus admits that he had been requested by Vic- tor to convene a synod. Euseb. v. 24. About sixty years afterward Cyprian writes to Stephen of Rome requesting him to send letters into Gaul that THE THEORY OF CATHOLICISM. $21 directing them to call councils ; and it does not appear that his epistles were deemtd unwarranted or officious. Unity of doctrine was speedily connected with unity of discipline, and an opinion gradually prevailed that the Church Catholic should exhibit universal uniformity. When Victor differed from the Asiatic bishops relative to the mode of observing the Paschal festival, he was only seeking to realize the idea of unity; and, as the Head of the Catholic Church, he might have carried out against them his threat of excommunication, had he not in this particular case been moving in advance of public opinion. When Stephen, sixty years afterward, dis- puted with Cyprian and others concerning the rebaptism of heretics, he was still endeavoring to work out the same unity; and the bishop of Carthage found himself involved in contra- dictions when he proceeded at once to assert his independence, and to concede to the see of Peter the honor which, as he ad- mitted, it could legitimately challenge.' The theory of Catholicism is based on principles thoroughly fallacious. Assuming that visible unity in one organization is essential to the Church on earth, it sanctions the startling in- ference that whoever is not connected with a certain Qcclesi- astical society must be out of the pale of salvation. The most grinding spiritual tyranny ever known has been erected on this foundation. And yet how hollow is the whole system ! It is no more necessary that all the children of God in this world should belong to the same visible Church than that all the children of men should be connected with the same earthly monarchy. All believers are " one in Christ "; they have all " one Lord, one faith, one baptism "; but " the kingdom of God cometh not with observation," and the unity of the saints on earth can be discerned only by the eye of Omniscience. Marcianus the bishop, who had sided with Novatian, "being excommu- nicated, another may be substituted in his room."— Cyprian, Epist. Ixvii., pp. 248, 249. ' Thus he says : " For neither did Peter. whoi7t the Lord chose first, and on whom He built His Church, when Paul afterward disputed with him about circumcision, claim or assume anything insolently and arrogantly to himself, so as to say that he held the primacy." — Epist. Ixxi., p. 273. 522 THE ROMAN BABEL, They are all sustained by the same living bread which cometh down from heaven, but they may recei\fe their spiritual pro- vision as members of ten thousand separated Churches. All who truly love the Saviour are united to Him by a link which can never be broken ; and no ecclesiastical barrier can either exclude them from His presence here, or shut them out from His fellowship hereafter. But a number of men may as well propose to appropriate all the light of the sun or all the winds of heaven, as attempt to form themselves into a privileged society with a monopoly of the means of salvation. The Church of Rome is understood to be the spiritual Baby- lon of the Apocalypse, and yet one point of correspondence between the type and the antitype has been hitherto over- looked. The great city of Babylon commenced with the erec- tion of Babel, and the builders said, " Go to, let us build us a city, and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." ' Civil unity was avowedly the end de- signed by these architects. Amongst other purposes contem- plated by the famous tower, it appears to have been intended to serve as a centre of Catholicity — a great rallying point or landmark — by which every citizen might be guided home- wards when he lost his way in the plain of Shinar. In the " Pastor of Hermas," perhaps the first work written in Rome after the establishment of Prelacy, the Church is described under the similitude of a tower !^ When Hyginus "estab- lished the gradations, ' the hierarchy at once assumed that ap- pearance. And the see of Peter, the centre of Catholic unity, was to be the great spiritual landmark to guide the steps of all true churchmen. The ecclesiastical builders prospered for a time ; but when Constantine had finished a new metropolis in the East, some symptoms of disunion revealed themselves. When the Empire was afterward divided, jealousies increased ; the builders could not understand one another's speech ; and the Church at length witnessed the great schism of the Greeks and the Latins. In due time the Reformation interfered still ' Gen. xi. 4. ' Book i., vision iii., § 3, etc. THE ROMAN BABEL. 523 more vexatiously with the building of the ecclesiastical Babel. But this more recent schism has given a mighty impulse to the cause of freedom, of civilization, and of truth ; for the Protestants, scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth, have been spreading far and wide the light of the Gospel. The builders of Babel still continue their work, but their boasted unity is gone forever ; and now, with the exception of their political manoeuvring, their highest achievements are literally in the department of stone and mortar. They may found costly edifices, and erect spires pointing, like the tower of Babel, to the skies ; but they can no longer reasonably hope to bind together the liberated nations with the chains of a gigantic despotism, or induce worshippers of all kindreds and tongues to adopt the one dead language of Latin super- stition. The signs of the times indicate that the remnant of the Catholic workmen must soon " leave off to build the city." The final overthrow of the mystical Babylon will usher in the millennium of the Church, and the present success of Protes- tant missions is premonitory of the approaching doom of Rom- ish ritualism. It is written : " I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him ; for the hour of his judgment is come : and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, be- cause she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." ' ' Rev. xiv. 6-8. CHAPTER IX. PRIMITIVE EPISCOPACY AND PRESBYTERIAN ORDINATION. It has been already stated that, except in a few great cities where there were several Christian congregations, the intro- duction of Episcopacy produced a very slight change in the appearance of the ecclesiastical community. In towns and villages, where the disciples constituted but a single flock, they had commonly only one teaching elder ; and as, in ac- cordance with apostolic rule,' this laborer in the word and doctrine was deemed worthy of double honor, he was already the most prominent and influential member of the brother- hood. The new arrangement merely clothed him with the name of bishop, and somewhat augmented his authority. Hav- ing the funds of the Church at his disposal, he had special influ- ence ; and though he could not well act without the sanction of his elders, he could easily contrive to negative any of their resolutions which did not meet his approval. It is abundantly clear that this primitive dignitary was or- dinarily the pastor of only a single congregation. " If, before the multitude increase, there be a place having a few faithful men in it, to the extent of twelve, who are able to make a dedication to pious uses for a bishop, let them write to the Churches round about the place," says an ancient canon, " that three chosen men .... may come to examine with diligence him who has been thought worthy of this degree If he has not a wife, it is a good thing ; but if he has married a wife^ having children, let him abide with her, continuing steadfast in every doctrine, able to explain the Scriptures well." " This humble functionary was assisted in the management of his ' 1 Tim. V. 17. ' See Bunsen's " Hippolytus," ii. 305, and iii. 35, 36. (524) PRIMITIVE EPISCOPACY. 525 little flock by two or three elders. " If the bishop has at- tended to the knowledge and patience of the love of God," says another regulation, " let him ordain two presbyters, when he has examined them, or rather three." ' The bishop, the elders, and the deacons, all assembled in one place every Lord's day for congregational worship. An old ecclesiastical law accordingly prescribes the following arrangement : " Let the seat of the bishop be placed in the midst, and let the presbyters sit on each side of him, and let the deacons stand by them, .... and let it be their care that the people sit with all quietness and order in the other part of the Church." '' Thus, except in the case of a few large towns, the primitive bishop was simply the parochial minister. Toward the close of the second century, the bishop and the teacher were designations of the same import. Speaking of those at the head of the Churches, Irenaeus describes them as distinguished by their superior or inferior ability in sermoniz- ing ; ' and a well-informed writer, who flourished as late as the fourth century, mentions preaching as the bishop's peculiar function.* In the apostolic age every one who had popular gifts was permitted to edify the congregation by their exer- cise ; ' and, long afterward, any elder who was qualified to speak in the Church, was at liberty to address his fellow-wor- shippers. When Origen, prior to his ordination as a presbyter, ventured to expound the Scriptures publicly at the request of the bishops of Palestine, Demetrius, his own ecclesiastical supe- rior, denounced his conduct as irregular ; but the parties by whom the learned Alexandrian had been invited to lecture, boldly vindicated the proceeding. He (Demetrius) has as- serted, said they, " that this was never before either heard or done, that laymen should deliver discourses in the presence of bishops. We know not how it happens that he is here evi- dently so far from the truth. For, indeed, wherever there are ' Bunsen's " Hippolytus," iii. 36. " " Apost. Constit," ii. 57. ' Kai avTE 6 rrdw dwarog kv Tidyu tuv kv Talg EKKT^Tjaiaig npoearuTcov, erepa tovtuv kpel {ovdEig yap vTvep tov (iiSdaKalov) ovte 6 aadEvfjq kv rcJ 16ysQ very presbyters h^- fore you who did not observe it, sent the Eucharist to those of Churches which did." ' Irenseus here endeavors to teach the bishop of Rome a lesson of humility by reminding him repeatedly that he and his predecessors were but presbyters. The pastor of Lyons speaks even still more distinctly re- specting the status of the bishops who flourished in his gen- eration. Thus, he says : " We should obey those presbyters in the Church who have the succession from the apostles, and who, zuith the succession of the episcopate, have received the cer- 1 The statement of Jerome is not inconsistent with the fact that the senior elder was originally the president or bishop, for he was recognized as such by mutual agreement. Neither is it at variance with the idea that the el- ders sometimes made a selection by lot out of three of their number pre- viously put in nomination. Even after bishops began to be elected by gen- eral suffrage, the people were in some places restricted to certain candidates chosen from among the elders by lot. Cyprian apparently refers to this cir- cumstance when he says that he was chosen by " the judgment of God" as well as by the vote of the people. Epist. xl., p. 119. The people of Alex- andria, toward the close of the third and beg-inning of the fourth centur)', were restricted to certain candidates. See pp. 302, 303, Period ii., sec. i.. chap, iv. Cornelius of Rome is said to have been made bishop by " the judgment of God and of his Christ " and by the votes of the people. Cyprian, Epist Hi., pp. 150, 151. '•^ Euseb. V. 24. CHRISTIAN MINISTERS ORDAINED BY PRESBYTERS. 533 tain gift of truth according to the good pleasure of the Fa. ther : but we should hold as suspected or as heretics and of bad sentiments the rest who depart from the principal succes- sion, and meet together wherever they please From all such we must keep aloof, but we must adhere to those who both preserve, as we have already mentioned, the doctrine of the apostles, and exhibit, with the order of the presbytery, sound teaching and an inoffensive conversation." ' " The or- der of the presbytery," obviously signifies the official charac- ter conveyed by " the laying on of the hands of the presby. tery," and yet such was the ordination of those who, in the time of Irenaeus, possessed " the succession from the apos- tles" and "the succession of the episcopate." Some imagine that no one can be properly qualified to ad- minister divine ordinances who has not received episcopal or- dination, but a more accurate acquaintance with the history of the early Church is all that is required to dissipate the de- lusion. The preceding statements clearly show that, for up- wards of one hundred and fifty years after the death of our Lord, all the Christian ministers throughout the world were ordained by presbyters. The bishops themselves were of " the order of the presbytery," and, as they had never received episcopal consecration, they could only ordain as presbyters. The bishop was, in fact, nothing more than the chief presby- ter,° A father of the third century accordingly observes, " All power and grace are established in the Church where ^ " Contra Hsreses," iv., c. 26, sees. 2, 4. " Quapropter eis qui in eccle- sia sunt, presbyteris obaudire oportet. his qui successionem habent ab apos- tolis, sicut ostendimus ; qui cum episcopatus successioite charisma veritatis certum secundum placitum Patris acceperunt ; reliquos vero, qui absistunt a principal! successione, et quocunque loco colligunt, suspectos habere vel quasi hsreticos et malas sententise Ab omnibus igitur talibus ab- sistere oportet; ad h sere re vero his qui et apostolorum, sicut prasdiximus, doctrinam custodiunt, et cum p7'esbyterii ordine sermonem sanum et conver- sationem sine offensa praestant." "^ This was long the received doctrine. Thus, the author of the " Ques- tions on the Old and New Testament " says, " Quid est episcopus nisi pri- mus presbyter ?" — Aug. Qucest., c. loi. 534 ^^^^ METHOD OF ORDAINING A BISHOP. elders preside, who possess the power, as well of baptizing, as of confirming and ordaining." ' An old ecclesiastical law, recently presented for the first time to the English reader," throws much light on a portion of the history of the Church long buried in great obscurity. This law may well remind us of those remains of extinct classes of animals which the naturalist studies with so much interest, as it obviously belongs to an era even anterior to that of the so-called apostolical canons.' Though it is part of a series of regulations once current in the Church of Ethiopia, there is every reason to believe that it was framed in Italy, and that its authority was acknowledged by the Church of Rome in the time of Hippolytus." It marks a transition period in the history of ecclesiastical polity, and whilst it in- directly confirms the testimony of Jerome relative to the cus- tom of the Church of Alexandria, it shows that the state of things to which the learned presbyter refers was now super- seded by another arrangement. This curious specimen of an- cient legislation treats of the appointment and ordination of ministers. " The bishop," says this enactment, " is to be elected by all the people And they shall choose ONE OF THE BISHOPS AND ONE OF THE PRESBYTERS, .... AND THESE SHALL LAY THEIR HANDS UPON HIS HEAD AND PRAY." ' ' " Omnis potestas et gratia in ecclesia constitua sit, ubi praesident ma- jores natu, qui et baptizandi et manum imponendi et ordinandi possident potestatem." — Firmilian, Epist., Cyprian, Opera, p. 304. ■^ See Biinsen's " Hippolytus," ii. 351-357. See also Fabricius," Biblioth. Grsecce," liber v., p. 208. Hamburg, 1723. \ The earliest was framed only a few years before the middle of the third century. In a.d. 228, several bishops united in the ordination of the pres- byter Origen (see Euseb. vi. 8, 23) ; whereas, according to the second of these canons, a presbyter is to be ordained " by one bishop." They were called apostolical perhaps because concocted by some of the bishops of the so-called apostolic Churches. * The collection to which it belongs bears the designation of the " Canons of Abulides," — the name of Hippolytus in Abyssinian, as their calendat shows. Bunsen, ii. 352. The canons edited by Hippolytus were, no doubt, at one time acknowledged by the Western Church. ■■ Hansen's " Hippolytus," iii. 43, and " Analecta Antenicaena," iii. 415. AN ANCIENT BISHOP AND A MODERN PRELATE. 535 Here, to avoid the confusion arising from a whole crowd of individuals imposing hands in ordination, two were selected to act on behalf of the assembled office-bearers ; and, that the parties entitled to officiate might be fairly represented, the deputies were to be a bishop and a presbyter.' The canon illustrates the jealousy with which the presbyters in the early part of the third century still guarded some of their rights and privileges. In the matter of investing others with Church authority, they yet maintained their original position, and though many bishops might be present when another was in- ducted into office, they would permit only one of the number to unite with one of themselves in the ceremony of ordination. Some at the present day do not hesitate to assert that presby- ters have no right whatever to ordain, but this canon supplies evidence that in the third century they were employed to or- dain bishops. It thus appears that the bishop of the ancient Church was very different from the dignitary now known by the same designation. The primitive bishop had often but two or three elders, and sometimes a single deacon,* under his jurisdiction : the modern prelate has frequently the oversight of several hundreds of ministers. The ancient bishop, surrounded by his presbyters, preached ordinarily every Sabbath to his whole flock: the modern bishop may spend an entire lifetime with- out addressing a single sermon, on the Lord's day, to many who are under his episcopal supervision. The early bishop had the care of a parish : the modern bishop superintends a diocese. The elders of the primitive bishop were not unfrequently decent tradesmen who earned their bread by the sweat of their brow : ^ the presbyters of a modern prelate have gen- * Eutychius intimates that the Alexandrian presbyters continued to ordain their own bishop until the time of the Council of Nice. It is not improb- able that, until then, some of them continued to take part in the ordination, and the statement of the Alexandrian patriarch may be so far correct. '^ See Bunsen, iii. 45. ' Where the bishop, as in the case contemplated in a canon quoted in the text, had to depend for his official income on the contributions of twelve families, it is plain that the elders could expect no remuneration for their 536 THE ANCIENT BISHOP. erally each the charge of a congregation, and are supposed to be entirely devoted to sacred duties. Even the ancient city bishop had but a faint resemblance to his modern namesake. He was the most laborious city minister, and the chief preacher. He commonly baptized all who were received into the Church, and dispensed the Eucharist to all the communicants. He was, in fact, properly the minister of an overgrown parish who required several assistants to supply his lack of service. The foregoing testimonies likewise show that the doctrine of apostolical succession, as now commonly promulgated, is utterly destitute of any sound historical basis. According to some, no one is duly qualified to preach and to dispense the sac- raments whose authority has not been transmitted from the Twelve by an unbroken series of episcopal ordinations. But it has been demonstrated that episcopal ordinations, properly so called, originated only in the third century, and that even the bishops of Rome, who flourished prior to that date, were " of the order of the presbytery." All the primitive bishops received nothing more than presbyterian ordination. It is plain, therefore, that the doctrine of the transmission of spiritual power from the apostles through an unbroken series of episcopal ordinations flows from sheer ignorance of the actual constitution of the early Church. But the arrangements now described were gradually sub- verted by episcopal encroachments, and a separate chapter must be devoted to the illustration of the progress of Prelacy. services. As the hierarchy advanced these ruling elders disappeared. Hence Hilary says, " The synagogue, and afterwards the Church, had elders, without whose counsel nothing was done in the Church, which, by what negligence it grew into disuse I know not ; unless, perhaps, by the sloth, or rather by the pride of the teachers, while they alone wished to ap- pear something." — Comment, on i Tim, v. I. Some late writers have con- tended that these eiders {seniores) were not ecclesiastical officers at all, but civil magistrates of municipal corporations peculiar to Africa. It must, however, be recollected that Hilary was a Roman deacon of the fourth century, and that he speaks of them as belonging to the Church before the civil establishment of Christianity. CHAPTER X. THE PROGRESS OF PRELACY. We can not tell when the president of the presbytery began to hold office for life ; but it is evident that the change, at whatever period it occurred, must have added considerably to his power. The chairman of any court is the individual through whom it is addressed, and without whose signature its pro- ceedings can not be properly authenticated. He acts in its name, and he stands forth as its representative. He may, theoretically, possess no more power than any of the other members of the judicatory, and he may be bound, by the most stringent laws, simply to carry out the decisions of their united wisdom ; but his very position gives him influence ; and, if he holds office for life, that influence may soon become formid- able. If he is not constantly kept in check by the vigilance and determination of those with whom he is associated, he may insensibly trench upon their rights and privileges. In the second century the moderator of the city presbytery was invariably a man advanced in years, who, instead of being watched with jealousy, was regarded with aff"ectionate vener- ation ; and it is not strange if he was often permitted to stretch his authority beyond the exact range of its legitimate exercise. Evidence has already been adduced to show that, on the »rise of Prelacy, the presidential chair was no longer inherited by the members of the city presbytery in the order of seniority. The individuals considered most competent for the situation were nominated by their brethren ; and as the Church, espe- cially in great towns, was sadly distracted by the machinations of the Gnostics, it was deemed expedient to arm the moder- (537) 538 GROWTH (^F PRELACY. ator with additional authority. As a matter of necessity, the official who was furnished with these new powers required a new name ; for the title president, by which he was already known, and which continued long afterward in current use,' did not now fully indicate his importance. It was, therefore, gradually supplanted by the designation bishop, or overseer. Whilst this functionary was nominated by the presbyters, he might be also set aside by them, so that he felt it necessary to consult their wishes and to use his discretionary power with modesty and moderation ; but, when elected by general suf- frage his authority was forthwith established on a broader and firmer foundation. He was now emphatically the man of the people ; and from this date he possessed an influence with which the presbytery itself was incompetent to grapple. As early as the middle of the second century the president, at least in some places, was intrusted with the chief manage- ment of the funds of the Church ; ' and probably, about fifty years afterward, a large share of its revenues was appropriated to his personal maintenance.^ His superior wealth soon added immensely to his influence. He was thus enabled to maintain a higher position in society than any of his brethren ; and he was at length regarded as the great fountain of patronage and preferment. Long before Christianity enjoyed the sanction of the State, the chief pastors of the great cities began to attract attention by their ostentatious display of secular magnificence. Origen, who flourished in the former half of the third century, strongly condemns their vanity and ambi- tion ; and though his ascetic temperament prompted him to indulge somewhat in the language of exaggeration, the testi- mony of so respectable a witness can not be rejected as untrue. " We," says he, "proceed so far in the affectation of pomp and state, as to outdo even bad rulers among the pagans ; ' Thus Firmilian speaks of " seniores et prcBpositi," and of the Church "ubi prcEsideni majores natu." — Cyprian, Opera, pp. 302 and 304. ' Justin Matryr, Opera, p. 99. ' In the days of Orij^en the episcopal office was not unfrcquently coveted for its wealth. Origen, Opera, iii. p. 501. See also Cyprian, Epist. Ixiv.. p. 240. PRIDE AND POMP OF THE CITY BISHOPS. 539 and, like the emperors, surround ourselves with a guard that we may be feared and made difficult of access, particularly to the poor. And in many of our so-called Churches, especially in the large tozvns, may be found presiding officers of the Church of God who would refuse to own even the best among the disciples of Jesus while on earth as their equals." ' In these remarks the writer had doubtless a particular reference to his own Church of Alexandria ; but it is well known that elsewhere some bishops in the third century assumed a very lofty bearing. ■ It is related of the celebrated Paul of Samosata, the bishop of Antioch, that he acted as a secular judge, that he appeared in public surrounded by a crowd of servants, and that he took special pleasure in pomp and parade ; and yet, had he not lapsed into heresy, his overweening pride would not have brought down upon him the vengeance of ecclesias- tical discipline. In the third century the chief pastor of the Western metropolis was known to the great officers of govern- ment, and perhaps to the Emperor himself. Decius must have regarded the Roman bishop as a formidable personage when he declared that he would sooner tolerate a rival candidate for the throne, and when he proclaimed his determination to annihi- late the very office." It was not strange that dignitaries who affected 90 much state soon contrived to surround themselves with a whole host of new officials. Within little more than a century after the rise of Prelacy the number of grades of ecclesiastics was nearly trebled. In addition to the bishop, the presbyters, and the deacons, there were also, in A.D. 251, in the Church of Rome, lectors, sub-deacons, acolyths, exorcists, and jani- tors.' The lectors, who read the Scriptures to the congrega- tion * and who had charge of the sacred manuscripts, attract our attention as distinct office-bearers about the close of the ' Comment, in Matt., Opera, iii. p. 723. '^ See Period ii., sec. i., chap, v., p. 322. ' Euseb. vi. 43. * Tertullian, " Prasscrip. Hasret." c. 41. This office, even in the fourth century, was often committed to mere children — a sad proof that the im- portance of reading the Word effectively was not duly appreciated. 540 ^isHors ciiosEX by the people. second century. The sub-deacons had the care of the sacra- mental cups ; the acolyths attended to the lamps of the sacred edifice ; the exorcists ' professed by their prayers to expel evil spirits out of the bodies of those about to be baptized ; and the janitors performed the more humble duties of porters or door-keepers. At a subsequent period each of these functionaries was initiated into ofifice by a special form of ordination or investiture. It was laid down as a principle that no one could regularly become a bishop who had not previously passed through all these inferior orders ; ' but when the multitude wished all at once to elevate a layman to the rank of a bishop or a presbyter, ecclesiastical routine was compelled to yield to the pressure of popular enthusiasm.' The great city in which Prelacy originated was the place where these new ofifices made their first appearance. Rome, true to her mission as " the mother of the Catholic Church," conceived and brought forth nearly all the peculiarities of the Catholic system. The lady seated on the seven hills was already regarded with great admiration, and surrounding Churches silently copied the arrangements of their Imperial parent. In the East, at least one of the orders instituted by the great Western prelate, that is, the order of acolyths, was not adopted for centuries afterward.^ The city bishops were well aware of the vast accession of influence they acquired in consequence of their election by the people, and did not fail to insist upon the circumstance when desirous to illustrate their ecclesiastical title. Any one who peruses the letters of Cyprian may remark the frequency, as well as the transparent satisfaction, with which he refers to the mode of his appointment. Who, he seems to say, could doubt his right to act as bishop of Carthage, seeing that he had been chosen by "the suffrage of the whole fraternity" — ' Origen makes mention of them, Opera, ii. p. 453 ; and Firmilian, Cyprian Epist. Ixv., p. 306. " Cyprian, Epist. lii., p. 150. ' As in the case of Fabian of Rome. Euseb. vi. 29. * Bingham, i. 356, 359, INTERFERENCE WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE. 54I by " the vote of the people " ?' The members of the Church enthusiastically acknowledged such appeals to their sympathy and support, and in cases of emergency promptly rallied round the individuals whom they had themselves elevated to power. But, as all the other Church officers were likewise chosen by common suffrage, the bishops soon betrayed an anxiety to ap- propriate the distinction, and began, under various pretexts, to interfere with the free exercise of the popular franchise. In one of his epistles Cyprian excuses himself to the Christians of Carthage because he had ventured to ordain a reader with- out their approval. He pleads that the peculiar circumstances of the case and the extraordinary merits of the candidate must be accepted as his apology. " In clerical ordinations," says he, "my custom is to consult you bcforeJiand, dearest brethren, and in common deliberation to weigh the character and merits of each. But testimonies of men need not be awaited when anticipated by the sentence of God." * The sanction of the people should have been obtained before the ordination ; but as persecution now raged, it is suggested that it was found inconvenient to lay the matter before them ; and Cyprian ar- gues that the informality was pardonable, inasmuch as the Al- mighty himself had given His suffrage in favor of the new lector; for Aurelius, though only a youth, had nobly submit- ted to the torture rather than renounce the Gospel. The ordination of Aurelius under such circumstances was not, however, a solitary case ; and there is certainly something suspicious in the frequency with which the bishop of Carthage apologizes to the clergy and people for neglecting to consult them on the appointment of Church officers. In another of his letters he announces to the presbyters and deacons that " on an urgent occasion^' he had " made Saturus a reader, and Optatus, the confessor, a sub-deacon." ' Again, he tells the same parties, and "the whole people," that " Celerinus, re- nowned alike for his courage and his character, has been joined to the clergy, not by human suffrage, but by the divine favor "/ ^ Cyprian,, pp. 177, 178; xl., pp. 119, 120. * Epist. xxxiii., p. 105. ' Epist. xxiv., pp. 79, 80. *■ Epist. xxxiv., pp. 107, 108. 542 ORDINATION BY BISHOPS. and at another time he informs them that he had been " ad- monished and instructed by a divine vouchsafcment to enroll Numidicus in the number of the Carthaginian presbyters." ' These cases were afterward quoted as precedents for the non- observance of the law ; and from time to time new pretences were discovered for evading its provisions. In this way the rights of the people were gradually abridged ; and in the course of two or three centuries, the bishops almost entirely ignored their interference in the election of presbyters and deacons, as •well as of the inferior clergy. New canons relative to ordination were promulgated about the time when the city presbyters ceased to have the exclusive right of electing their own bishop. The altered circumstances of the Church led to the establishment of these regulations. The election of the chief pastor of a great town was often a scene of much excitement, and when several of the presbyters were candidates for the office, it was obviously unseemly that any of them should preside on the occasion. It was accord- ingly arranged that some of the neighboring bishops should be present to superintend the proceedings. The successful candidate now began to be formally invested with his new dignity by the imposition of hands ; and at first, perhaps, one of the bishops, assisted by one of the presbyters of the place, performed this ceremony.'' But the presbyters soon ceased to officiate at the ordination. At the election, the people and the clergy sometimes took opposite sides ; and, in the contest, the ecclesiastical party was not unfrequently completely overborne. It occasionally happened, as in the case of Cyprian,' that one of the presbyters was chosen in opposition to the wishes of the ' Epist. XXV., p. Ill, * Bishops and presbyters continued to ordain bishops in the time of Ori- gen. His " Commentaries on Matthew," written, according to his Bene- dictine editor, in A.D. 245 (see Delarue's " Origen," iii. Prasf ) speak of bishops and presbyters " committing whole churches to unfit persons and constituting incompetent governors." — Opera, iii., p. 753. ^ It would appear that the five presbyters who opposed Cyprian consti- tuted the majority of the presbytery. Cyprian, Epist. xl., pp. 119, 120. See also Sage's " Vindication of the I'rinciplesof iheCyprianic Age," p. 348. ORDINATION BY PRESBYTERS. 543 majority of the presbytery; or, as in the case of Fabian of Rome,' that a layman was all at once elevated to the episco- pal chair; and, at such times, the disappointed presbyters did not care to join in the inauguration. The bishops availed themselves of the pretexts thus furnished to dispense with their services altogether. At length the power of admitting to the ministry by the laying on of hands began to be chal- lenged as the peculiar prerogative of the episcopal order. In many places — perhaps before the middle of the third century — elders were no longer permitted to take part in the consecration of bishops ; but Prelacy had not yet completely established itself upon the ruins of the more ancient polity. Sometimes the presbytery itself still discharged the functions of the bishop. After the martyrdom of Fabian in A.D. 250, the Church of Rome remained upwards of a year under its care,° as the see was meanwhile vacant ; and about the same period we find Cyprian, when in exile, requesting his presby- ters and deacons to execute both his duties and their own.' It was still admitted that presbyters were competent to ordain presbyters and deacons, as well as to confirm and to baptize; and the bishop continued to recognize them as his " colleagues " and his '■'■ fellozv-presbyters.'' " It is clear, however, that the re- lations between them and their episcopal chief were now very vaguely defined, and that the ambiguous position of the par- ties led to mutual complaints of ambition and usurpation. The Epistles of Cyprian supply evidence that the bishop of Carthage, during a great part of his episcopate, was engaged with his presbyters in a struggle for power; ' and though he asserted that he was contending for nothing more than his legitimate authority, he was sometimes obliged to abate his pretensions. In one case he complains that, " without his ' Euseb. vi. 29. ° Cyprian, Epist. xxxi., pp. 99, 100. ' Cyprian, Epist. iv., p. 31. * Cyprian, Epist. xxxiii., p. 106 ; xxxiv., p. 107 ; Iviii., p. 207 ; Ixxi., p. 271 ; Ixxvii., p. 327. Euseb. vii. 5. '" Thus we find him going so far as to complain that his presbyters " with contempt and dishonor of the bishop arrogate sole authority to themselves." — Epist. ix., p. 48. 544 COUNTRY BISHOPS FORBIDDEN TO ORDAIN. permission or knowledge," his presbyter Novatus, " of his own factiousness and ambition " had " made Felicissimus, his fol- lower, a deacon";' but still he does not venture to impeach the validity of the act, or refuse to recognize the standing of the new ecclesiastic. Felicissimus seems to have been or- dained in a small meeting-house in the neighborhood of Car- thage ; and as Novatus, who probably presided on the occasion, proceeded in conjunction with the majority of the presbytery, they no doubt considered that, under these circum- stances, the sanction of the bishop was by no means indispen- sable. The manifestation of such a spirit of independence was, however, exceedingly galling to their imperious prelate. From the manner in which Cyprian expresses himself we may infer that he would not have been dissatisfied had Novatus and the elders who acted with him obtained \\\'s, permission to ordain the deacon Felicissimus. But at this period the bishops were beginning to look with extreme jealousy on all presby- terian ordinations, and were commencing a series of encroach- ments on the rights of their episcopal brethren in rural districts. These country bishops,' who were ministers of single congrega- tions, and who were generally poor and uninfluential, soon suc- cumbed to the great city dignitaries. By a council held at An- cyra in A.D. 314, or very shortly after the close of the Diocle- tian persecution, they were forbidden to perform duties which they had hitherto been accustomed to discharge, for one of its canons declares that " country bishops must not ordain pres- byters or deacons ; neither must city presbyters in another par- ish without the written permission of the bishop." ' This canon illustrates the strangely anomalous condition of the Church at the period of its adoption. It takes no notice ' Epist. xlix., p. 143. See Neander's "General History," i. 307, and Bur- ton's " Lectures on the Ecc. Hist, of the First Three Centuries," ii. 331. Burton repudiates the attempts of Bingham and others to explain away this proceeding. ■^ They are called so for the first time in the Council of Ancyra. They had before always been called simply bishops. It has been remarked that we never find any chorepiscopi among the African bishops, though many ot them occupied as humble a position as those so designated elsewhere. ^ Canon xiii., " Canones Apjst. et Concil. Berolini," 1839. COUNTRY BISHOPS AND CITY P cESBYTERS. 545 of country elders, as the proceedings of such an humble class of functionaries awakened no jealousy ; and it degrades country bishops, who unquestionably belonged to the episcopal order, by placing them in a position inferior to that of city presbyters. Sixty years before, or in the middle of the third century, three of these country bishops were deemed competent to ordain a bishop of Rome ; ' but now they are deprived of the right of ordaining even elders or deacons. It is easy to understand why city presbyters were still permitted, under certain conditions, to exercise this privilege. As they constituted the council of the city chief pastor, their influence was considerable ; and as they had, till a recent date, been accustomed even to take part in his own consecration, it was deemed inexpedient to tempt so formidable a class of churchmen to make common cause with the country bishops by stripping both at once of their ancient prerogatives. The country bishops, as the weaker party, were first subjected to a process of spoliation. But the recognition of Christianity by Constantine gave an immense impulse to the progress of the hierarchy, and the city presby- ters were soon afterward deprived of the privilege now wrested from the country bishops. The current of events had placed the Church, about the mid- dle of the third century, in a position which it could not long maintain. As the growth of Christianity in towns was steady and rapid, the bishop there rose quickly into wealth and power ; but, among the comparatively poor and thinly-scattered popu- lation of the country, his condition remained nearly stationary. When Cyprian, in A.D. 256, addressed the eighty-seven bishops assembled in the Council of Carthage, and told them that they were all on an equality, he might have felt that the doctrine of episcopal parity, as then understood, must be given up as indefensible if assailed by the skill of a vigorous logician. Who could believe that the bishop of Carthage held exactly the same official rank as every one of his episcopal auditors? He was the chief pastor of a flourishing metropolis ; he had several congregations under his care, and several of his presbyters were ' In the case of Novatian. Euseb. vi. 43. 35 54^ RISE OF METROrOLITANS. preachers ; ' but many of the bishops before him were ministers of single congregations, and without even one elder competent to deliver a sermon.'' In point of ministerial gifts and actual influence some of the presbyters of Carthage were, no doubt, far superior to many of the bishops of the council. And who could affirm that Paul of Samosata, the chief pastor of the capital of the Eastern Empire, was quite on a level with every one of the village bishops around him whom he bribed to cele- brate his praises? No wonder that it was soon found neces- sary to remodel the episcopal system. The city bishops had a show of equity in their favor when they asserted their superi- ority, and their brethren in rural districts were too feeble and dependent effectively to resist their own degradation. The ecclesiastical title metropolitan came into use at the time of the Council at Nice in A.D. 325,' and there is reason to be- lieve that the territorial jurisdiction it implied was then first distinctly defined and generally established ; but the changes of the preceding three-quarters of a century had been prepar- ing the way for the new arrangement. Many of the country bishops had been reduced to a condition of subserviency, whilst a considerable number of the chief pastors in the great cities had been recognized as the constant presidents of the synods which met in their respective capitals. It is easy to see how these prelates acquired such a position. Talent, if exerted, always asserts its ascendency ; and the metropolitan bishops were generally more able and accomplished than the majority of their brethren. They could fairly plead that zeal for the good of the Church prompted them to take a lead in ecclesi- astical affairs, and their place of residence supplied them with facilities for communicating with other pastors of which they often deemed it prudent to avail themselves. When the synod 1, et in the metropolis, the bishop of the city was wont to en- ' These presbyters were called Doc/ores. Cyprian, Epist. xxxiv., p. 80. ' Even at the time of the Council of Carthage held A.D. 397, a bishop had sometimes only one presbyter under his care. See Dupin's account of the Council. ° Biiigham i., 198; and Beveridge, " Cotelerius," torn, ii., App., p. 17. RISE OF METROPOLITANS. 54/ tertain many of the members as his guests ; and, as he was ele- vated above most, if not all, of those with whom he acted, in point of wealth, social standing, address, and knowledge of the world, he was usually called on to occupy the chair of the mod- erator." In process of time that which was originally conceded as a matter of courtesy passed into an admitted right. So long as the metropolitan bishop was inducted into ofifice by mere presbyters, the circumstances of his investiture pointed out to him the duty of humility ; but when the most distinguished chief pastors of the province deemed it an honor to take part in his consecration, he immediately increased his pretensions. Thus it is that the change in the mode of episcopal inaugura- tion forms a new era in the history of ecclesiastical assumption. About the middle of the third century various circumstances conspired to augment the authority of the great bishops. In the Decian and Valerian persecutions the chief pastors were specially marked out for attack, and the heroic constancy with which some of the most eminent encountered a cruel death vastly enhanced the reputation of their order. In a few years several bishops of Rome were martyred ; Cyprian of Carthage endured the same fate ; Alexander of Jerusalem, and Babylas of Antioch, also laid down their lives for their religion.' At the same time the schism of Novatian at Rome, and the schism of Felicissimus at Carthage, threatened the Church with new divisions ; and the same arguments which were used, upwards of a hundred years before, for increasing the power of the president of the eldership, could now be urged with equal pertinency for adding to the authority of the president of the synod. In point of fact the earliest occasion on which the bishop of Rome executed discipline in his archiepiscopal capacity was immediately connected with the schism of Nova- tian ; for we have no record of any exercise of such power un- til Cornelius, at the head of a council held in the Imperial city, deposed the pastors who had officiated at the consecration of his rival." From this date the Roman metropolitan presided at all the ordinations of the bishops in his vicinity. ' See Period ii., sec. i., chap ii.. p. 274, and p. 323. * Euseb. vi. 43. 54S RISE OF METROPOLITANS. To prevent the recurrence of schisms such as had now hap- pened at Rome and Carthage, it was arranged about this pe- riod,' at least in some quarters of the Church, that the presence or sanction of the stated president of the provincial synod should be necessary to the validity of all episcopal consecra- tions. There were still, however, many districts in which the provincial synod had no fixed chairman. Hence an ancient canon directs that at the ordination of a member of the hie- rarchy, " one of the principal bishops shall pray to God over the approved candidate." " By a " principal bishop " we are to understand the chief pastor of a principal or apostolic church ; ' but in some provinces several such churches were to be found, and this regulation attests that no single ecclesiastic had yet acquired an unchallenged precedence. As the close of the third century approached, the ecclesiastical structure exhibited increasing uniformity ; and one dignitary in each region began to be known as the stated president of the episcopal body. In one of the so-called apostolical canons, framed probably before the Council of Nice, this arrangement is embodied. " The bishops of every nation," says the ordinance, " ought to know who is the first among them, and him they ought to es- teem as their head, and not do any great thing without his consent But neither let him do anything without the consent of all."' This canon is couched in terms of studied ambiguity, for the expression " the first among the bishops of every nation " admits of various interpretations. In many cases it meant the senior bishop of the district ; in others, it denoted the chief pastor of the chief city of the province ; and in others again, it indicated the prelate of a great metropolis who had con- trived, to establish his authority over a still more extensive ' Probably in some of the great councils now held at Rome and Antioch. See Euseb. vi. 43, vi. 46. Novatian is spoken of as a person by whom the Church was " split asunder." Euseb. vii. 8. " Bunsen's " Hippolytus," ill. 50. Another canon says: " Ht' who is ■worthy ottt of the bishops .... putteth his hand upon him whom they have made bishop, praying over him." — Bunscn, iii. 42. ' See chapter viii. of this section, pp. 514, 517. * Bunsen, iii. ill. CONTESTS FOR SUPERIORITY. 549 territory. The rise of the city bishops had completely de- stroyed that balance of power which originally existed in the Church ; and much commotion preceded the settlement of a new ecclesiastical equilibrium. During the last forty years of the third century the Christians enjoyed almost uninterrupted peace ; the chief pastors were meanwhile perpetually engaged in contests for superiority ; and about this time the bishops of Rome, of Alexandria, and of Antioch, rapidly extended their influence. So rampant was the usurping spirit of churchmen, that even the violence of the Diocletian persecution was not sufficient to check them in their career of ambition. A con- temporary writer, who was himself a member of the episcopal order, bears testimony to this melancholy fact. " Some," said he, " who were reputed our pastors, contemning the law of piety, were, under the excitement of mutual animosities, fo- menting nothing else but disputes and threatenings and rivalry and reciprocal hostility and hatred, as they contentiously pros- ecuted their ambitious designs for sovereignty." ' What a change had passed over the Christian common- wealth in the course of little more than two hundred years ! When the Apostle John died, the city church was governed by the common council of t^ie elders, and their president sim- ply announced and executed the decisions of his brethren : now, the president was transformed into a prelate who, by gradual encroachments, had stripped the presbytery of a large share of its authority. At the close of the first century the Church of Rome was, perhaps, less influential than the Church of Ephesus, and the very name of its moderator at that period is a matter of disputed and doubtful tradition ; but the Dio- cletian persecution had scarcely terminated when the bishop of the great metropolis was found sitting in a council in the palace of the Lateran, and claiming jurisdiction over eight or ten provinces of Italy ! These revolutions were not effected without much opposition. The strife between the presbyters and the bishops was succeeded by a general warfare among the possessors of episcopal power, for the constant moderator ' Euseb, viii. i. 550 IMPORTAN'CE OF CHURCH POLITY. of the synod was as anxious to increase his authority as the constant moderator of the presbytery. About the close of the third century the Church was sadly scandalized by the quarrels of the bishops, and Eusebius accordingly intimates that, in the reign of terror which so quickly followed, they suffered a righteous retribution for their misconduct. Discussions respecting questions of Church polity are often exceedingly distasteful to persons of contracted views, but of genuine piety, for they can not understand how the progress of vital godliness can be influenced by forms of ecclesiastical government.' At this period such sentiments were probably not uncommon, and much of the apathy with which innova- tions were contemplated may thus be easily explained. Be- sides, if the early bishop was a man of ability and address, his influence in his own church was nearly overwhelming ; for as he was the ordinary, if not the only, preacher, he thus pos- sessed the most effective means of recommending any favorite scheme, and of giving a decided tone to public opinion. When a parochial charge became vacant by the demise of the chief pastor, the election of a successor was often vigorously contested ; and when an influential presbyter was defeated, he sometimes exhibited his mortification by contending for the rights of his order, and by disputing the pretensions of his successful rival. But as such opposition was dictated by the spirit of faction, it was commonly brief, ill-sustained, and abortive. The young, talented, and aspiring presbyters were strongly tempted to encourage the growth of episcopal pre- rogative, for each hoped one day to occupy the place of dig- nity, and thus to reap the fruits of present encroachments. The bishops resisted more strenuously the establishment of ' The following observation of a distinguished writer of the Church of England is well worthy of consideration : " The remains of ancient ecclesi- astical literature, especially those of the Latin Church, teach us that the corruption of Christianity of which Romanism is the full development, manifested itself, in the first instance, not in the doctrines which relate to the spiritual life of the individual, but in those connected with the consti- tution and authority of the Christian society." — Litton s Church of Christy p. 12. METROPOLITANS ESTABLISHED WITH DIFFICULTY. 55 1 metropolitan ascendency. An ecclesiastical regulation of great antiquity,' condemned their translation from one parish to another, so that when the episcopate was gained, all farther prospects of promotion were extinguished ; ior the place of first among the bishops was either inherited by seniority or claimed by the prelate of the chief city. Hence it was that the pastors withstood so firmly all infringements on their the- oretical parity ; and hence those " ambitious disputes," ' and those " collisions of bishops with bishops," ' even amidst the fires of martyrdom, over which the historian of the Church professes his anxiety to cast the veil of oblivion. 1 " Can. Apost.," xiv. " Concil. Nic," xv. Before the end of the fourth century, Gregory Nazianzen classes this enactment among " the obsolete laws." ' Euseb. " Martyrs of Palestine," c. 12. ' Euseb. viii. i. CHAPTER XL SYNODS— THEIR HISTORY AND CONSTITUTION. The apostles, and the other original heralds of the Gospel, sought primarily the conversion of unbelievers. The commis- sion given to Paul points out distinctly the grand design of their ministry. When the great persecutor of the saints was himself converted on his way to Damascus, our Lord addressed to him the memorable words, " I have appeared unto thee for .this purpose, to make thee a minister an*d a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the Avhich I will appear unto thee ; delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive for- giveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanc- tified by faith that is in me." ' When a few disciples were collected in a particular locality, it not unfrcquently happened that they remained for a time without any proper ecclesiastical organization/ But the Christian cause, under such circumstances, could not be ex- pected to flourish ; and, therefore, as soon as practicable, the apostles and evangelists did not neglect to make arrangements for the increase and edification of these infant communities. To provide, as well for the maintenance of discipline, as for the preaching of the Word, they accordingly proceeded to or- dain elders in every city where the truth had gained converts. These elders afterward ordained deacons in their respective ' Acts xxvi. 16-18. ' Such was the case with the churches mentioned Acts xiv. 23, and Titus (552) ALL EARLY CHURCHES NOT FORMALLY UNITED. 553 congregations ; and thus, in due time, the Church was regu- larly constituted. In the first century Christian societies were formed only here and there throughout the Roman Empire ; and, at its close, the Gospel had scarcely penetrated into some of the provinces. It is not to be expected that we can trace histori- cally any general confederation of the churches established during this period, or demonstrate their incorporation ; as their distance, their depressed condition, and the jealousy with which they were regarded by the civil government,' rendered any extensive combination utterly impossible. At a time when the disciples met together for worship in secret and be- fore break of day, their pastors did not invite public attention to the business of the Church, or assemble in multitudinous councils. But though, in the beginning of the second century, there was no formal bond of union connecting the several Christian communities throughout the world, they meanwhile contrived in various ways to cultivate an unbroken fraternal intercourse. Recognizing each other as members of the same holy brotherhood, they maintained an epistolary correspond- ence, in which they treated of all matters pertaining to the common interest. When the pastor of one church visited another, his status was immediately acknowledged ; and even when an ordinary disciple emigrated to a distant province, the ecclesiastical certificate which he carried along with him se- cured his admission to membership in the strange congrega- tion. Thus, all the churches treated each other as portions ol one great family ; all adhered to much the same system of polity and discipline ; and, though there was not unity of juris- diction, there was the " keeping of the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." In modern times many ecclesiastical historians ' have asserted that synods commenced about the middle of the second cent- ury. But the statement is unsupported by a single particle of 1 Trajan regarded with great suspicion all associations, even fire brigades and charitable societies. See Pliny's " Letters," book x., letters 43 and 94. * Such as Mosheim, " Instit." i. 149, 150; Neander, "General History," i. 281. 554 SYNODS OF APOSTOLIC ORIGIN. evidence, and a number of facts may be ad Uced to prove t'nt it is altogether untenable. There is no reason to doubt that synods, at least on a limited scale, met in the days of the apostles, and that the Church courts of a later age were simply the continuation and expansion of these primitive conventions. We know very little respecting the history of the Christian commonwealth during the former half of the second century, for the extant memorials of the Church of that period are ex- ceedingly few and meagre ; and as the proceedings of most of the synods which were then held did not attract much notice,' it is not remarkable that they have shared the fate of almost all the other ecclesiastical transactions of the same date, and that they have been buried in oblivion.' It is nowhere inti- mated by any ancient authority that synodical meetings com- menced fifty years after the death of the beloved disciple, and the earliest writers who touch upon the subject speak of them as of apostolic origin. Irena^us, the pastor of Lyons, had reached manhood when, according to Mosheim and others, synods were at first formed ; he enjoyed the instructions of Polycarp, the disciple of the Apostle John ; he was beyond question one of the best informed Christian ministers of his generation ; and yet he considered that these ecclesiastical as- semblies were in existence in the first century. Speaking of the visit of Paul to Miletus when he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the Church,' he says that the apostle then convoked " the bishops and presbyters of Ephesus and of the other adjoining cities," * — plainly indicating that he summoned a synodical meeting. Had an assembly of this kind been a ' During the first forty years of the second century, Gnosticism did not excite any great agitation, and as the Church courts were occupied chiefly with matters of mere routine, it is not remarkable that their proceedings have not been recorded. ■^ We have no contemporary evidence to prove that ordinaiions took place in the former half of the second century, and yet we can not doubt their occurrence. An act of ordination implies the existence of a church court of some description. ' Acts XX. 17. ' " In Miieto enim convocatis episcopis et presbyteris, qui erant ab Epheso et a reliquis pioximis civitatibus."— Ct^/z/ra Hicrcs. iii., c. 14, § 2. SYNODS IN THE SECOND CENTURY. 555 novelty in the days of Irenaeus, the pastor of Lyons would not have given such a version of a passage in the inspired narra- tive. Cyprian flourished shortly after the time when, accord- ing to the modern theory, councils began to meet in Africa, but the bishop of Carthage himself unquestionably enter- tained higher views of their antiquity. He declared that con- formably to " the practice received from divine tradition and apostolic observance^' ^ "all the neighboring bishops of the same province met together" among the people over whom a pas- tor was to be ordained ; ' and he did not here merely give utterance to his own impressions, for a whole African synod concurred in his statement. Subsequent writers of unimpeach- able credit refer to the canons of councils of which we other- wise know nothing ; and though we can not now name the places where these courts assembled, we have evidence that at least some of them were convened before the middle of the second century. Thus, when Jerome ascribes the origin of Prelacy to an ecclesiastical decree, he alludes evidently to a synodical convention of an earlier date than any of the meet- ings of which history has preserved a record.' Did we even want the direct testimony just adduced as to the government of synods in the former part of the second century, we might on other grounds infer that this species of polity then existed ; for apostolic example suggested its pro- priety, and the spirit of fraternity so assiduously cherished by the early rulers of the Church prompted them to meet together for the discussion and settlement of ecclesiastical questions in which they felt a common interest. But when Christianity was still struggling for existence, it was not in a condition to form widely-spread organizations. The business of the early Church courts was conducted privately, they were attended ' Cyprian, Epist. Ixviii., § 256. " The new bishop was often chosen before the interment of his predeces- sor; and even when the senior presbyter was the president, it is probable that the neighboring pastors assembled to attend the funeral of the de- ceased pastor, and to be present at the inauguration of his successor. See Bingham, i. 150. ' See chapter vi. of this Section, p. 476. 556 EARLY SYNODS CONDEMNED MONTANISM. by but few members, and they were generally composed of those pastors and elders who resided in the same district and who could conveniently assemble on short notice. Their meetings, in all likelihood, were summoned at irregular inter- vals, and were held, to avoid suspicion, sometimes in one city and sometimes in another ; and, except when an exciting question awakened deep and general amxiety, the representa- tives of the Churches of a whole province rarely ventured on a united convention. Our ignorance of the councils of the early part of the second century arises simply from the fact that no writer during that interval registered their acts ; and we have now no means of accurately filling up this blank in the history. But we have good grounds for believing that Gnosti- cism now formed the topic of discussion in several synods.' The errorists, we know, were driven out of the Church in all places ; and how can we account for this general expulsion except upon the principle of the united action of ecclesiastical judicatories? Jerome gives us to understand that their machi- nations led to a change in the ecclesiastical constitution, and that this change was effected by a synodical decree adopted all over the world" — thereby implying that presbyterial gov- ernment was already in universal operation. Montanism appeared wliilst Gnosticism was yet in its full strength, and this gloomy fanaticism created intense agitation. Many of the pastors, as well as of the people, were bewildered by its pre- tensions to inspiration, and by the sanctimony of its ascetic discipline. It immediately occupied the attention of the eccle- siastical courts, and its progress was arrested by their emphatic condemnation of its absurdities. It is certain that their inter- ference was judicial and decided. " When the faithful held frequent meetings in many places throughout Asia on account of this affair, and examined the novel doctrines, and pro- ' The old writer called Prasdeslinatus speaks of several synods held in reference to the Gnostics before the middle of the second century. He may have had access to some documents now lost, but the testimony of a witness who lived in the fifth or sixth century is not of much value. " " In toto orbe decretum est ut unus de presbyteris electus superponeretur caeteris." — Cotn. in Titiim. THE PASCHAL CONTROVERSY. 557 nounced them profane, and rejected them as heresy," the Montanist prophets " were in consequence driven out of the Church and excluded from communion." ' The words just quoted are from the pen of an anonymous writer who flourished toward the end of the second or begin- ning of the third century;'' and, though they supply the earliest distinct notice of synodical meetings, they do not even hint that such assemblies were of recent original. The Paschal controversy succeeded the Montanist agitation, and convulsed the whole Church from East to West by its frivolous discus- sions. The mode of keeping the Paschal festival had for nearly fifty years been a vexed question, but about the close of the second century it began to create bitter contention. Eusebius has given us an account of the affair, and his narra- tive throws great light on the state of the ecclesiastical com- munity at the time of its occurrence. " For this cause," says he, '* there were synods and councils of bishops, and all, with according judgment, published in epistles an ecclesiastical de- cree There is still extant a letter from those who at that time were called together in Palestine, over whom pre- sided Theophilus, bishop of the parish of Caesarea, and Nar- cissus, bishop of the parish of Jerusalem. There is also another letter from those who were convoked at Rome ' con- cerning the same question, which shows that Victor was then bishop. There is, too, a letter from the bishops of Pontus, over whom Palmas, as the senior pastor, presided. There is like- wise a letter from the parishes in Gaul of which Irenaeus was president ; and another besides from the Churches in Osroene and the cities in that quarter." ' It is obvious from this statement that, before the termina- 1 Euseb. V. i6. '' See Routh's "Reliquiae," ii. 183, 195. ^ Mosheim ("Commentaries" by Vidal, ii. 105) has made a vain attempt to set aside the Latin translation of this passage by Valesius, as it com- pletely upsets his favorite theory. But any one who carefully examines the Greek of Eusebius may see that the rendering complained of is quite cor- rect. It can not be necessary to point out to the intelligent reader the transparent sophistry of nearly all that Mosheim has written on this subject. * Euseb. V. 23. 558 TERTULLIAN'S testimony CO^XERNING SYNODS. tion of the second century, synodical government was estab. lished throughout the whole Church ; for we here trace its operation in France, in Mesopotamia or Osroene, in Italy, Pontus, and Palestine. This passage also illustrates the prog- ress of the changes which were taking place at the period under review in the constitution of ecclesiastical judicatories. As the president of the presbytery was at first the senior elder, so the president of the synod was at first the senior pastor. At this time the primitive arrangement had not been altogether superseded ; for at the meeting of the bishops of Pontus, Palmas, as being the oldest member present, was called to occupy the chair of the moderator. But elsewhere this ancient regulation had been set aside, and in some places no new principle had yet been adopted. At the synod of Pales- tine the jealousy of two rivals for the presidency led to a rather awkward compromise. Caesarea was the seat of govern- ment, and on that ground its bishop could challenge prece- dence of every other in the district, but the Church of Jerusa- lem was the mother of the entire Christian community, and its pastor, now a hundred years of age," considered that he was entitled to fill the place of dignity. For the sake of peace the assembled fathers agreed to appoint two chairmen, and accordingly Theophilus of Caesarea and Narcissus of Jerusalem presided jointly in the synod of Palestine. In the synod of Rome there was no one to dispute the pretensions of Bishop Victor. As the chief pastor of the great metropolitan Church, he seems, as a matter of course, to have taken possession of the presidential ofifice. A few years after the Paschal controversy the celebrated Tertullian became entangled in the errors of Montanism, and in vindication of his own principles published a tract " Con- cerning Fasts," in which there is a passing reference to the subject of ecclesiastical convocations. "Among the Greek nations," says he, "these councils of the whole Church are held in fixed places, in which, whilst certain important ques- tions are discussed, the representation of the whole Christian ' See Period ii., sec. iii., chap, v., p. 463. tertullian's testimony concerning synods. 559 name is also celebrated with great solemnity. And how wor- thy is this of a faith which expects to have its converts gath- ered from all parts to Christ ? See how good and how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ! You do not well know how to sing this, except when you are holding communion with many. But those conventions, after they have been first employed in prayers and fasting, know how to mourn with the mourners, and thus at length to rejoice with those that rejoice." ' Greek was spoken throughout a great part of the Roman Empire, and at this period it was used even by the chief pastors of the Italian capital, so that when Tertullian men- tions t/ie Greek nations^ he employs an expression of equivo- cal significance. But, no doubt, he refers chiefly to the mother country and its colonies on the other side of the ^gean Sea, or to Greece and Asia Minor. It is apparent from the apostolic epistles, most of which are addressed to Churches within their borders, that the Gospel, at an early date, spread extensively and rapidly in these countries ; and, at least in some districts, its adherents must have now made a considerable figure in any denominational census. They were thus emboldened to erect their ecclesiastical courts on a broader basis, as well as to hold their meetings with greater publicity, than heretofore ; and, as these assemblies were at- tended, not only by the pastors and the elders, but also by many deacons and ordinary church members who were anxious to witness their deliberations, Tertullian alleges, in his own rhetorical style of expression, that in them " the rep- resentation of the whole Christian name was celebrated with great solemnity." ' These Greek councils commenced with a ' Tertullian, " De Jejun." c. xiii. 2 " Aguntur praeterea per Grcecias ilia certis in locis concilia ex universis ecclesiis." ^ " Ipsa representatio totius nominis Christiani magna veneratione cele- bratur." Mosheim argues from these words that the bishops attended these assemblies, not by right of office, but as representatives of the peo- ple ! He might, with more plausibility, have contended that they were held only once a year. " Ista solleinnia quibus tunc praesens patrocinatus est sermo." 560 tertullian's testoiony conxerning synods. period of fasting — a circumstance by which they were dis- tinguished from similar meetings convened elsewhere, and as they thus supplied him with an argument in favor of one of the grand peculiarities of the discipline of Montanism, it is obviously for this reason they are here so prominently no- ticed. If, as he contends, these facts were kept so religiously by the representatives of the Church when in attendance on some of their most solemn assemblies, there might, after all, be a warrant for the observance of that more rigid abstinence which he now inculcated. But though .this passage of Ter- tullian is the only authority adduced to prove that councils originated in Greece, it is plain that it gives no sanction whatever to any such theory. Neither does it afford the slightest foundation for the inference that, at the time when it was written, these ecclesiastical convocations were un known in Africa and Italy. We have direct proof that be- fore this period they not only met in Rome, but that the bishop of the great city had been in the habit of requesting his brother pastors in other countries to hold such assemblies.' There is, too, satisfactory evidence that they were now not unknown at Carthage," and Tertullian himself elsewhere re- fers to the proceedings of African synods." He must have been well aware that they had recently assembled in various parts of the West to pronounce judgment in the Paschal con- troversy; for the decisions of the Gallic and Roman synods mentioned by Eusebius were published all over the Church ; and the reason why he refers to the convocations of the Greeks was, not because such meetings were not held in other ' Euseb. V. 24. Hippolytus complains of a bishop of Rome that he was "ignorant of the ecclesiastical rules" — a plain proof, not only that synods were in existence in the West, but also that a knowledge of canon law was considered an important accomplishment. See Bunsen, ii. 223. ' Cyprian (Epist. Ixxiii.) speaks of a large council held " many years " be- fore his time " under Agrippinus," one of his predecessors. This bishop was contemporary with Tertullian. ' In his book " De Pudicitia," c. 10, he speaks of the " Pastor " of Her- mas as classed among apocryphal productions " ab omni concilio eccltsia- rum " — implying that it had been condemned by African councils as well as others. SYNODS AND THE AMPHICTYONIC COUNCIL. 561 lands, but because these, from their pecuHar method of pro- cedure in the way of fasting,' supplied, as he conceived, a very apposite argument in support of the discipline he was so desirous to recommend. If historians have erred in stating that synods commenced in Greece, they have been still more egregiously mistaken in asserting that the once famous Amphictyonic Council sug- gested their establishment, and furnished the model for their construction. In the second century of the Christian era the Council of the Amphictyons was shorn of its glory, and though it then continued to meet,' it had long ceased to be either an exponent of the national mind, or a free and inde- pendent assembly. It is not to be imagined that the Chris- tian community, in the full vigor of its early growth, would all at once have abandoned its apostolic constitution, and adopted a form of government borrowed from an effete insti- tute. Synods, which now formed so prominent a part of the ecclesiastical polity, could claim a higher and holier original. They were the legitimate development of the primitive struct- ure of the Church, for they could be traced up to that meet- ing of the apostles and elders at Jerusalem which relieved the Gentile converts from the observance of the right of circum cision. The most plausible argument in support of the theory that the Amphictyonic Council suggested the establishment of synodical conventions is based on the alleged fact that these ecclesiastical meetings were at first held in spring and autumn, or exactly at the times when the Greek political deputies were accustomed to assemble.' But this statement, when closely examined, is found to be quite destitute of evidence. Tertullian does not say that the Greek synods met twice a year, and we know that, at least half a century afterward, they assembled only annually. This fact is attested by Fir- ' The prevalence of the Montanistic spirit in Asia Minor may account for this. ^ See Potter's "Antiquities of Greece," i. 106. It consisted of only about thirty members. 2 See Mosheim's " Commentaries," cent, ii., sect. 22. » 36 562 GREEK COUNCILS HELD IN FIXED PLACES. milian of Cappadocia, in his celebrated letter to Cyprian. " It is of necessity arranged among us," says he, " that we elders and presidents meet every year ' to set in order the things intrusted to our charge, that if there be any matters of grave moment they may be settled by common advice." * The author of this epistle lived in the very country where synods are supposed to have assembled so much more fre- quently half a century before, so that his evidence demon- strates the fallacy of the hypothesis adopted by some modern historians. About the beginning of the third century, or at the time when Tertullian wrote, the members of the Greek synods acted on an arrangement not then commonly adopted ; for they met together in " fixed places." These " fixed places " were the metropolitan cities of the respective provinces. The pastors and elders had not yet generally agreed to recognize the chief pastor of the metropolitan city as the constant moderator of the synod. In the case of the bishop of Rome the rule was already established ; but, in other instances, the senior pastor present was the president. The constant meet- ing of the synod in the principal town of the province tended, however, to increase the influence of its bishop ; and he was at length almost everywhere acknowledged as the proper chairman.' At the Council of Nice in A.D. 325 his rights were formally secured by ecclesiastical enactment. About the same date synods commenced to assemble with greater frequency. " Let there be a meeting of the bishops twice a year," says the thirty-seventh of the so-called Apos- tolical Canons, " and let them examine among themselves the decrees concerning religion, and settle the ecclesiastical con- troversies which have occurred. One meeting is to be held in the fourth week of the Pentecost, and the other on the 1 2th day of the month of October." ' ' " Per singulos annos seniores et praepositi in unum conveniainus." ' Cyprian, Epist. Ixxv., pp. 302, 303. ^ In Africa, however, this arrangement was not established even in the fifth century. There, the srnior bishop still continued president, * This canon differs from the fifth of the Council of Nice, as the latter re- THE EARLY CHURCH GOVERNED BY SYNODS, 563 As soon as the light of historical records begins to illustrate the condition of any portion of the ancient Church, its synodi- cal government is discovered ; and though the literary memo- rials of the third century are comparatively few, they are amply sufficient to demonstrate that ecclesiastical courts, on a tolerably extensive scale, were then everywhere established. About that time the controversy relative to the propriety of rebaptizing heretics awakened much acrimonious feeling, and the subject was keenly discussed in the synods which met for its consideration. Nowhere is any hint given that these courts were of recent origin. Though meeting in so many places in the East and West, and in countries so far apart, they are invariably represented as the ancient order of ecclesi- astical regimen. They all appear, too, as co-ordinate and in- dependent judicatories ; and though the Roman bishop, as the chief pastor of the Catholic Church, endeavored to induce them to adopt uniform decisions, his attempts to dictate to the brethren in Spain, Africa, and other countries were firmly and indignantly repulsed. There were fundamental principles which they were all understood to acknowledge ; these prin- ciples were generally embodied in the divine Statute-book ; it was admitted that the decisions of every council which adhered to them were entitled to universal reverence ; but, though the reservation was scarcely compatible with the genius of cath- olicity, each provincial convention claimed the right of form- ing its own judgment of the acts of other courts, and of adopt- ing or rejecting them accordingly. The most influential synods held before the establishment of Christianity by Constantine, were those which met in the latter part of the third century, to try the case of the famous Paul of Samosata, the bishop of Antioch. The charge pre- ferred against him was the denial of the proper deity of the Son of God ; and as he was an individual of much ability and address, as well as, in point of rank, one of the greatest pre! ates in existence, his case awakened uncommon interest. quires the first meeting to be held "before Lent." It is doubtful which canon is of higher antiiquity. V 564 THE SYNODS OF ANTIOCH. Christianity had recently obtained the sanction of a legal tol- eration,' and therefore churchmen now ventured to travel from different provinces to sit in judgment on this noted heresi- arch. In the councils which assembled at Antioch were to be found, not only the pastors of Syria, but also those of various places in Palestine and Asia Minor. Even Dionysius, bishop of the capital of Egypt, was invited to be present ; but he pleaded his age and infirmities as an apology for his non- attendance.' In a council which assembled A.D. 269,' Paul was deposed and excommunicated ; and the sentence, which was announced by letter to the chief pastors of Rome, Alexandria, and other distinguished sees, was received with general appro- bation. All the information we possess respecting the councils of the first three centuries is extremely scanty, so that it is no easy matter exactly to ascertain their constitution ; but we can not question the correctness of the statement of Firmil- ian of Cappadocia, who was himself a prominent actor in sev- eral of the most famous of these assemblies, and who affirms that they were composed of " elders and presiding pastors." * We have seen that bishops and elders anciently united even in episcopal ordinations ; and these ministers, when assembled on such occasions, constituted ecclesiastical judicatories. A modern writer, of high standing in connection with the Uni- versity of Oxford, has affirmed that " bishops alone had a definitive voice in synods," ' but the testimonies which he has himself adduced prove the inaccuracy of the assertion. The ' Under Gallienus, about A.n. 260. ^ Euseb. vii. 27. ' This was the third council held on account of Paul, as it is stated in the synodical epistle that Firmiiian came /Tvi'ce to Antioch and died on his way to it at this time. At the preceding councils Firmiiian seems to have pre- sided. See Pusey on the Councils, p. 92, note. Dr. Burton says, " It being generally the custom/(9r f/ie oldest bishop to preside at these councils, it is probable that this distinction was given at present to Firmilianus." — I.ect. Ecc. Hist, of Firtt Three Cent., ii. 390. The rank of his city could not have given him a claim. * " Seniores et praspositi." — Epist. Cypriani, Opera, p. 302. *"The Councils of the Church." by Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., p. 34. Oxford, 1857. BISHOPS AND ELDERS SIT TOGETHER. 565 presbyter Origen, at an Arabian synod held in A.D. 229, sat with the bishops, and was, in fact, the most important and influential member of the convention. In A.D. 230, Demetrius of Alexandria " gathered a council of bishops and of certain presbyters, which decreed that Origen should remove from Alexandria." ' About the middle of the third century, " dur- ing the vacancy of the see of Rome, the presbyters of the city took part in the first Roman council on the lapsed." '' At the council of Eliberis, held in A.D. 305, no less than twenty-six presbyters sat along with the bishops.^ In some cases dea- cons,* and even laymen, were permitted to address synods ; '' but ancient documents attest that they were never regarded as constituent members. Whilst the bishops and elders sat together, and thus proclaimed their equality as ecclesiastical judges," the people and even the deacons were obliged to stand. The circular letter of the council of Antioch announc- ing the deposition of Paul of Samosata is written in the name of " bishops, and presbyters, and deacons, and the Churches of God''; ' but there is reason to believe that the latter are added merely as a matter of prudence, and in testimony of their cordial approval of the ecclesiastical verdict. The here- siarch had left no art unemployed to acquire popularity, and it was necessary to show that he had lost the influence on which he had been calculating. It is obvious that the pas- tors and elders alone were permitted to adjudicate, for why were they assembled from various quarters to uphold the doc- trine and discipline of the Church, if the people who were themselves tainted with heresy or guilty of irregularity, had the liberty of voting? Under such circumstances, the decis- ion would have been substantially, not the decree of the ' Pusey, p. 58. ' Ibid., p. 66. ^ Ibid., p. 95. * As in the case of Athanasius at the Council of Nice. * As witnesses and commissioners may still be heard by Church courts. * " Graviter commoti sumus ego et coUegae mei qui prsesentes aderant et compresbyteri nostri qui nobis assidebant." — Cyprian, Epist. Ixvi., p. 245. " Residcntibus etiam viginti et sex presbyteris, adstantibus diaconibus ei omni plebe." — Concil. Illiberit. ' Euseb. vii. 30. 566 INFLUENCE OF MEETINGS OF ELDERS. Church rulers, but of the multitude of the particular city in which they were congregated. • The theory of some modern ecclesiastical historians, who hold that all the early Christian congregations were originally independent, can not bear the ordeal of careful investigation. Whilst it directly conflicts with the testimony of Jerome, who declares that the churches were at first " governed by the common council of the presbyters^' it is otherwise destitute of evidence. As soon as the light of ecclesiastical memorials begins to guide our path, we find presbyteries and synods everywhere in existence. Congregationalism has no solid foundation either in Scripture or antiquity. The eldership, the most ancient court of the Church, commenced with the first preaching of the Gospel ; and in the account of the meet- ing of the Twelve to induct the deacons into ofifice, we have the record of the first ordination performed by the laying on of the hands of the presbytery of Jerusalem. A few years afterward the representatives of several Christian communi- ties assembled in the holy city and " ordained decrees " for the guidance of the Jewish and Gentile Churches. The con- tinuous development of the same form of ecclesiastical regimen has now been illustrated. This polity was based upon the prin- ciple that " in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." ' At the meetings of the elders, information was multiplied, the intellect was sharpened, the brethren were made better acquainted with each other, and the Christian cause enjoyed the benefit of the decisions of their collective wisdom. The members had been previously elected to ofifice by the voice of the people, so that the Church had pre-eminently a free con- stitution. And it is no mean proof as well of the intrepidity as of the zeal of the early Christian ministers that, at a time when their religion was proscribed, they sometimes undertook lengthened journeys for the purpose of meeting in ecclesiasti- cal judicatories. They thus nobly asserted the principle that Christ has established in His Church a government with which the civil magistrate has no right whatever to intermeddle. It » Prov..xi. 14. SYNODS PERVERTED BY THE CITY BISHOPS. 567 lias been said that the early Christian councils " changed nearly the whole form of the Church," and that by them " the influence and authority of the bishops were not a little aug- mented.'" This is obviously quite a mistaken view of their native tendency. The face of the Church was changed at an early period, simply because these councils yielded with too much facility to the spirit of innovation. Had they been always conducted in accordance with primitive arrangements, they could have crushed in the bud the aspirations of clerical ambition. But when the city ministers were rapidly accumu- lating wealth, their brethren in rural districts remained poor ; and when councils began to meet on a scale of increased mag- nitude, the village and country pastors, who could not afford the expenses of lengthened journeys, were unable to attend. Meanwhile Prelacy established itself in the great towns, and the influence of the city bishops began gradually to prepon- derate in all ecclesiastical assemblies. When the prelates had once secured their ascendency in these conventions, they made use of the machinery for their own purposes. The people were deprived of many of their rights and privileges ; the elders were stripped of their proper status ; the village and rural bishops were extinguished ; and at length the ancient presbytery itself disappeared. The city dignitaries became the sole depositories of ecclesiastical power, and the Church lost nearly every vestige of its freedom. But, long after the beginning of the fourth century, many remnants of the primi- tive polity still survived as memorials of its departed excel- lence. 1 Mosheim's " Institutes," by Soames, i. 150. CHAPTER XII. THE CEREMONIES AND DISCIPLINE OF THE CHURCH AS ILLUSTRATED BY CURRENT CONTROVERSIES AND DIVISIONS. When the Christian community was contending against the Gnostics, other controversies contributed to prejudice its claims in the sight of the heathen. The destruction of the temple of Jerusalem by Titus had prevented the sticklers for the Mosaic law from practicing many of their ancient cere- monies; but there were parts of their ritual, such as circum- cision, to which they still adhered, as these could be observed when the altar and the sanctuary no longer existed. In the reign of Hadrian a division of sentiment relative to the continued obligation of the Levitical code led to a great change in the mother Church of Christendom. About A.D. 132, an advent- urer, named Barcochebas, pretending to be the Messiah, and aiming at temporal dominion, appeared in Palestine ; the Jews, in great numbers, flocked to his standard ; and the rebel chief contrived for three years to maintain a bloody war against the strength of the Roman legions. The Israelitish race, by their conduct at this juncture, grievously offended the Emperor; and when he rebuilt Jerusalem, under the name of Aelia Capitolina, he threatened them with the severest pen- alties should they be found either in the city or the suburbs. Some of the Jewish Christians of the place, anxious to escape the proscription, resolved to give up altogether the observance of circumcision. Others, however, objected to this course, and persisted in maintaining the permanent obligation of the Mosaic ritual. The dissentients, called Nazarenes, formed themselves into a separate community, which obtained ad- (5O8) THE NAZARENES. 569 herents elsewhere, and subsisted for several centuries. At first they differed from other Christians chiefly in their ad- herence to the initiatory ordinance of Judaism; but eventu- ally they adopted erroneous principles in regard to the person of our Lord, and were in consequence ranked among heretics." In the history of the Church, the Nazarenes occupy a sin- gular and unique position. Their name is among the earliest designations by which the followers of our Saviour were known,' and though by many they have been called the First Dis- senters, they were the lineal descendants of the most ancient stock of Christians in the world. The rite for which they con- tended had been practiced in the Church of Jerusalem since its very establishment ; the ministers by whom they had been taught had been instructed by the apostles themselves ; and all the elders connected with the holy city joined the seces- sion. It is alleged that a number of Christians of Gentile origin, uniting with those of their brethren of Jewish descent who agreed to relinquish the Hebrew ceremonies, chose an individual, named Marcus, for their chief pastor, and that at this period the succession in the line of the circumcision " failed." " This statement can not signify that some dire calamity had swept away all the old presbytery of Jerusalem. It indicates that none of its members joined the party whose principles now obtained the ascendency. And yet, though the adherents of Marcus were charged with innovation, they acted under the sanction of apostolical authority. They very properly refused to continue any longer in bondage to the beggarly elements of a ritual long since superseded. Though the seceders could urge that they were of apostolical descent, and that they were supported by ancient custom, it must be admitted, after all, that they were but a company of deluded and narrow-minded bigots. The evangelical pastors of the primitive Church repudiated their zeal for ritualism, and gave the right hand of fellowship to Marcus and his newly-organ- 1 See Mosheim's " Commentaries," cent, ii., sec. 39; American edition by Murdock. ' Acts xxiv. 5. * Euseb. iv. 5. 570 THE NAMES EASTER AND WHITSUNDAY. ized community. The history of the mother Church of Christendom in the early part of the second century is thus fraught with lessons of the gravest wisdom. We see from it that the true successors of the apostles were not those who occupied their seats, or who were able to trace from them a ministerial lineage, but those who inherited their spirit, taught their doctrines, and imitated their example. Though, in this instance, the disciples at Jerusalem nobly emancipated themselves from the yoke of circumcision, it ap- pears, from a controversy which created great confusion sixty years afterward, that the whole Church was disposed, to some extent, to conform to another Judaic ordinance. The embers of this dispute had been for some time smouldering before they attracted much notice ; but, about the termination of the second century, they broke out into a flame which spread from Rome to Jerusalem. The name of Easter' was yet unknown, and the Paschal feast, at least in some places, had been then only recently established ; but at an early period there was a sprinkling of Jewish Christians in almost every Church throughout the Empire, and they had at length induced their fellow-disciples to mark the seasons of the Passover and Pen- tecost^ by certain special observances. The Passover was re- garded as the more solemn feast, and was kept by the Chris- tians in much the same way in which it had been celebrated by the Jews before the fall of Jerusalem. A lamb was shut up on a certain day ; it was afterward roasted ; and then eaten by the brotherhood.' The time for this observance, and some ' The English name Easter is derived from that of a Teutonic goddess (Eostre) whose festival was celebrated by the ancient Saxons in the month of April, and for which the Paschal feast was substituted. See Sharon Tur- ner's " History of the Anglo-Saxons," ii. 15. ' Pentecost, called Whitsunday or White-Sunday, on account, as some allege, of the white garments worn by those who then received baptism, was observed as early as the beginning of the third century. Origen, " Con- tra Celsum," book vili. Tertullian, " De Idololatria," c. 14. We have then no trace of the observation of Christmas. See Kaye's " Tertullian," p. 413. The celebrated Saxon festival of Geol, or Jule, occurred at the period of our Christmas. Sharon Turner's " History of the Anglo-Saxons," ii. 19. 'See Mosheim's "Commentaries," by Murdock, cent, ii., sec. 71. Dr. VICTOR AND THE QUARTO-DECIMANS. 571 other circumstantials, now formed topics of earnest and pro- tracted discussion. One party, known as the Quarto-deci- mans, or Fourteenth Day Men, held that the Paschal feast should be kept on the day when the Jews had been accus- tomed to eat the Passover, that is, on the fourteenth day of the first month of the Jewish year; ' and they celebrated the festival of the resurrection on the seventeenth day of the month, that is, on the third day after partaking of the Pas- chal lamb, whether that happened to be the first day of the week or otherwise. The other party strenuously maintained that the eating of the Paschal lamb ought to be postponed till the night preceding the first Lord's day next following the fourteenth day of the first month. They recognized this next Lord's day as the festival of our Saviour's resurrection, and they considered that the whole of the preceding week till the close should be kept as a fast not to be interrupted by the eating of the Passover. The most determined Quarto-decimans were to be found in Asia Minor, and at their head was Polycrates, the chief pastor of Ephesus. At the head of the other party was Victor, bish- op of Rome. The Church over which he presided did not originally observe any such appointment," but some of its members of Jewish extraction were, on that account, dissatis- fied ; and about the time of the establishment of the Catholic system, the matter was settled by a compromise. It was then arranged that the festival should be kept ; but to avoid the imputation of symbolizing with the Jews, the Friday of the Schaff seems disposed to deny this, but he assigns no reasons. See his "Hist, of the Christ. Church," p. 374. ' Even as to this point there is not unanimity — some alleging that our Lord partook of the Paschal lamb on the night preceding that on which it was eaten by the Jews. ^ This is distinctly asserted by Irenaeus. " Anicetus and Pius, Hyginus with Telesphorus and Xystus, neither did themselves observe, nor did they permit those after them to observe it. And yet though they themselves did not keep it, they were not the less at peace with those from churches where it was kept, whenever they came to them, although to keep it then was so much the more in opposition to those who did not." — Euseb. v. 24. See also Cooper's " Free Church of Ancient Christendom," p. 247, 572 UNCERTAINTY OF TRADITION. Paschal week and the Lord's day following, or the day on which our Saviour suffered and the day on which He rose from the dead, were selected as the great days of observance. This arrangement was pretty generally accepted by those con- nected with what now began to be called the Catholic Church; but some parties pertinaciously refused to conform. Victor, as the head of the Catholic confederation, deemed it his duty to exact obedience from all its members ; and, deeply morti- fied because the Asiatic Churches persisted in their own usages, shut them out from his communion. But it was soon evident that the Church was not prepared for such an exercise of authority, as the Asiatics refused to yield ; and when some of Victor's best friends protested against the im- prudence of his procedure, the ecclesiastical thunderbolt proved an impotent demonstration. The Paschal controversy was far from creditable to any of the parties concerned. The eating of a lamb on a particular day was a fragment of an antiquated ceremonial ; and as the ordinance itself had been superseded, the time of its observ- ance was not a legitimate question for debate. Each party endeavored to fortify its own position by quoting the names of Paul or Peter or Philip or John ; but had any one of these apostles risen from the dead and appeared in the ecclesiastical arena, he would have rebuked all the disputants for their triv- ial and unholy wrangling. We have here a notable proof of the absurdity of appealing to tradjtion. Within a hundred years after the death of the last survivor of the Twelve its tes- timony was most discordant, for the tradition of the Western Churches, as propounded by Victor, expressly contradicted the tradition of the Eastern Churches, as attested by Polyc- rates. In this case the apostles were misrepresented. Peter and Paul certainly never taught the members of the Church of Rome to eat the Paschal lamb ; for the Jewish temple con- tinued standing till after both had finished their career, and meanwhile the eating of the Passover was confined to those who went up to worship at Jerusalem. Philip and John may have continued to keep the feast according to the ancient rit- ual till shortly before the ruin of the holy city; and if, after- EASTER FESTIVAL UNNECESSARY. 573 ward, they permitted the converts from Judaism to kill a lamb and to have a social repast at the same season of the year, they attached no religious importance to the observance. But now that both parties were heated by the spirit of rivalry and con- tention, they extracted from tradition a testimony which it did not supply. Vague reports and equivocal statements, handed down from ages preceding, were compelled to convey a meaning very different from that which they primarily com- municated ; and thus the voice of one tradition was employed to neutralize the authority of another. It is a curious fact that the custom which now created such violent excitement gradually passed into desuetude. At pres- ent there are few places' where the eating of the Paschal lamb is continued. But otherwise the practice for which Victor contended eventually prevailed, as the Roman mode of cele- 'bration was established by the authority of the Council of Nice. What is called Easter Sunday is still observed in many Churches as the festival of the resurrection. But the institution of such a festival is unnecessary, as each returning Lord's day should remind the Christian that his Saviour has risen from the dead and become the first-fruits of them that sleep." This Paschal controversy generated no schism, but other disputes, which subsequently occurred, did not terminate so peacefully. About the middle of the third century disagree- ments respecting matters of discipline rent the Churches of • The Armenians, the Copts, and others, still observe this rite. Mosheim's "Comment.," cent, ii., sec. 71. As to the continuance of this custom at Rome, see Bingham, v. 36, 37. "^ Socrates, an ecclesiastical historian of the fifth century, has expressed himself with remarkable candor on this subject. " It appears to me," says he, " that neither the ancients nor moderns who have affected to follow the Jews have had any rational foundation for contending so obstinately about it (Easter). For they have altogether lost sight of the fact that when our religion superseded the Jewish economy, the obligation to observe the Mo- saic law and the ceremonial types ceased The Saviour and His apos- tles have enjoined us by no law to keep this feast : nor in the New Testa- ment are we threatened with any penalty, punishment, or curse for the neg- lect of it, as the Mosaic law does the Jews." — Ecc. Hist., v., c. 22. 574 THE LAPSED AND THE TICKETS OF PEACE. Carthage and Rome. At Carthage, the malcontents sought for greater laxity ; at Rome, they contended for greater strict- ness. At that time the confessors and the martyrs, or those who had persevered in their adherence to the faith under pains and penalties, and those who had suffered for it unto death, were held in the highest veneration. They had been even permitted in some places to dictate to the existing eccle- siastical rulers by granting what were z^XX^^ tickets of peace ^ to the lapsed, that is, to those who had apostatized in a season of persecution, and who had afterward sought readmission to Church communion. These certificates, or tickets of peace, were understood to entitle the parties in whose favor they were drawn up to be admitted forthwith to the Lord's Supper. But it sometimes happened that a confessor or a martyr was himself far from a paragon of excellence,^ as mere obstinacy, or pride, or self-righteousness, may occasionally hold out as firmly as a higher principle ; and a man may give hisbody to be burned who does not possess one atom of the grace of Christian charity. There were confessors and martyrs in the third century who held very loose views on the subject of Church discipline, and who gave tickets of peace without much inquiry or consideration.' In some instances they did not condescend so far as to name the parties to whom they supplied recommendations, but directed that a particular in- dividual " and his friends" ' should be restored to ecclesiastical fellowship. Cyprian of Carthage at length determined to set his face against this system of testimonials. He held that the ticket of a martyr was no sufificient proof of the penitence of the party ' This system was in existence in the time of Tertullian. See Tertullian, " Ad. Martyr." c. i, and " De Pudicitia," c. 22. ' Cyprian speaks of a confessor spending his time " in drunkenness and revelling" {Epist. vi., p. 37), and of some guilty of "fraud, fornication, and adultery." {De Unit. Ecc, p. 404.) ' Thus Cyprian says, " Lucianus, not only while Paulus was still in prison, gave letters in his name indiscriminatrly written with his own hand, but even after his decease cox\\\w\x^i\ to do the same in his name, saying that he had been ordered to do so by Paulus." — Epist. xxii., p. ^^. * Cyprian, Epist. x., p. 52. THE SCHISM OF FELICISSIMUS. 5/5 who tendered it, and that each application for readmission to membership should be decided on its own merits, by the proper Church authorities. The bishop was already obnoxious to some of the presbyters and people of Carthage ; and, in the hope of undermining his authority, his enemies eagerly seized on his refusal to recognize these certificates. They endeavored to create a prejudice against him by alleging that he was act- ing dictatorially, and that he was not rendering due honor to those who had so nobly imperilled or sacrificed their lives in the service of the Gospel. To a certain extent their oppo- sition was successful ; and, as much sickness prevailed at the time, Cyprian was obliged to concede so far as to consent to give the Eucharist, on the tickets of peace, to those who had lapsed, and who were apparently approaching dissolution. But, soon afterward, strengthened by the decision of an African Synod, he returned to his original position, and the parties now became hopelessly alienated. The leader of the secession was a deacon of the Carthaginian Church, named Felicissimus, and from him the schism which occurred has re- ceived its designation. The Separatists chose a presbyter, named Fortunatus, as their bishop, and thus in the capital of the Proconsular Africa a new sect was organized. But the se- cession, which was based upon a principle thoroughly unsound, soon dwindled into insignificance, and rapidly passed into ob livion. The schism which occurred about the same time at Rome was of a more formidable and permanent character. It had long been the opinion of a certain party in the Church that persons who had committed certain heinous sins should never again be readmitted to ecclesiastical fellowship.' Those who held this principle did not pretend to say that these transgres- sions were unpardonable ; it was admitted that the offenders might obtain forgiveness from God ; but it was alleged that the Church on earth could never receive them to communion. ' Apostasy in time of persecution was considered a mortal sin. Adultery was placed in the same category. Cyprian, Epist. Hi., p. 155. At one time Cyprian himself held the sentiments of the stricter party. See his " Script- ure Testimonies against the Jews," book iii., § 28, p. 563. 576 THE SCHISM OF NOVATIAN. Cornelius, the bishop of Rome, supported a milder system, and contended that those who were not hopelessly excluded from the peace of God should not be inexorably debarred from the visible pledges of his affection. The leader of the stricter party was Novatian, a Roman presbyter of pure morals and considerable ability, who has left behind him one of the best treatises in defence of the Trinity which the ecclesiastical literature of antiquity can supply. This individual was or- dained bishop in opposition to Cornelius; and, for a time, some of the most distinguished pastors of the age found it difficult to decide between these two claimants of the great bishopric. The high character of Novatian, and the supposed tendency of his discipline to preserve the credit and promote the purity of the Church, secured him considerable support ; the sect which derived its designation from him spread into various countries ; and, for several generations, the Novatians could challenge comparison, as to soundness in the faith and pro- priety of general conduct, with those who assumed the name of Catholics. The agitation caused by the Novatian schism had not yet subsided when another controversy respecting the propriety of rebaptizing those designated heretics created immense ex- citement. Cyprian at the head of one party meintained that the baptism of heretical ministers was not to be recognized, and that the ordinance should again be dispensed to such sectaries as sought admission to catholic communion ; whilst Stephen of Rome as strenuously affirmed that the rite was not to be repeated. It is rather singular that the Italian prel- ate, on this occasion, pleaded for the more liberal principle; but various considerations conspired to prompt him to pursue this course. When heresies were only germinating, and when what was afterward called the Catholic Church was but in process of formation, no one seems to have thought of re- baptizing those to whom the ordinance had already been dis- pensed by any reputed Christian minister.' In the time of ' The imposition of hands, by an orthodox pastor, was deemed sulTicient to make up what was wanting in the heretical baptism. See Euseb. vii. 2. THE BAPTISMAL CONTROVERSY. 577 Hyginus of Rome, even the baptism of the leading ministers of the Gnostics was acknowledged by the chief pastor of the Western metropolis.' The Church of Rome had ever since continued to act on the same system ; and her determi- nation to adhere to it had been fortified, rather than weakened, by recent occurrences. As the Novatians had set out on the principle of rebaptizing all who joined them,^ Stephen recoiled from the idea of deviating from the ancient practice to follow in their footsteps. But Cyprian, who was naturally of a very imperious temper, and who had formed most extravagant notions of the dignity of the Catholic Church, could not brook the thought that the ministers connected with the schism of Felicissimus dispensed any baptism at all. He imagined that the honor of the party to which he belonged was irretrievably compromised by such an admission, and he was sustained in these views by a strong party of African and Asiatic bishops. On this occasion Stephen repeated the ex- periment made sixty years before by his predecessor, Victor, and attempted to reduce his antagonists to acquiescence by excluding them from his fellowship. But this second effort to enforce ecclesiastical conformity was equally unsuccessful. It only provoked an outburst of indignation, as the parties in favor of rebaptizing refused to give way. This controversy led, however, to the broad assertion of a principle which might not otherwise have been brought out so distinctly, foi it was frequently urged during the course of the discussion that all pastors stand upon a basis of equality, and that the bishop of a little African village had intrinsically as good a right to think and to act for himself as the bishop of the great capital of the Empire. It is very clear that at this time the unity of the Church did not consist in the uniformity of its discipline and ceremonies. The believers at Jerusalem continued to practice circumcision nearly a century after the establishment of Gentile Churches in which the rite was unknown. On the question of rebaptizing * Cyprian, Epist. Ixxiii., p. 279, and Ixxiv., p. 295. * Cyprian, Epist. Ixxiii., pp. 277, 278. 37 578 DIVERSITY OF DISCIPLINE AND CEREMONIES. heretics the Churches of Africa and Asia Minor were diametri- cally opposed to the Church of Rome and other communities in the West. As to the mode of observing the Paschal feast a still greater diversity existed. According to the testimony of Irenaeus there was nothing approaching to uniformity in the practice of the various societies with which he was acquainted. " The dispute," said he, " is not only respecting the day, but also respecting the mamter of fasting. For some think that they ought to fast only one day, some two, some more days ; some compute their day as consisting of forty hours night and day ; ' and this diversity existing among those that observe it, is not a matter that has just sprung up in our times, but long ago among those before us," ' When Cyprian refused to ad- mit the lapsed to the Lord's Supper on the strength of the tickets of peace furnished by the confessors and the martyrs, he departed from the course previously adopted in Carthage ; and when Novatian excluded them altogether from commun- ion, he acted on a principle not then novel. There was at that time quite as much diversity in discipline and ceremonies among Christians as is now to be found in evangelical Protes- tant Churches. As we descend from the apostolic age, the spirit of the dominant body betrays a growing want of Christian charity. There soon appeared a disposition to monopolize religion, and to disown such as did not adopt a .certain ecclesiastical Shib- boleth. When the great mass of Christians were organized in- to the Catholic Church, the chief pastors branded with the odi- ous name of heretics all who did not belong to their associa- tion. The Nazarenes originally held the great doctrines of the Gospel; but they soon found themselves in the list of the pro- scribed, and gradually degenerat'ed into abettors of very cor- rupt principles. Those members of the Church of Carthage who joined Felicissimus acted on principles which the pred- ecessors even of Cyprian had sanctioned, and yet the African prelate denounced them as beyond the pale of divine ' In Stieren's *' Irenasus," i. 824, there is a diiTerent reading of this pas- sage, according to which some continued the fast forty days. ' Euscb. V. 24. ILLIBERALITY OF THE CATHOLICS. 579 mercy, Novatian was not less orthodox than Cornelius ; but because he contended for a system of discipline which, though not unprecedented, was deemed by his rival too austere, and because he organized a party to support him, he also was stigmatized with the designation of heretic. The Quarto- decimans, as well as those who contended for Catholic rebap- tism, must have been classed in the same list, had they not formed numerous and powerful confederations. Thus it was that those called Catholics were taught to cherish a contracted spirit, and to look on all, except their own party, as out of the reach of salvation. Their false conceptions of what properly constituted the Church involved them in many errors and tended to vitiate their entire theology. But this subject, too important to be discussed in a few cursory remarks, is reserved for consideration in a separate chapter. CHAPTER XIII. THE THEORY OF THE CHURCH, AND THE HISTORY OF ITS PERVERSION. — CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. '* I AM the good Shepherd," said Jesus: "the good Shep- herd giveth his \i(e /or tJie sheep My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they folloiv me: and I give unto them eternal Hfe, and they shall never perish^ ' The sheep here spoken of are the true children of God. They constitute that blessed community of which it is written, " Christ loved the Church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.''^ The society thus described is, in the highest sense, " the holy Catholic Church." Its members are to be found wherever genuine piety exists, and they are all united to Christ by the bond of the Holy Spirit. Their Divine Overseer has promised to be with them " alway unto the end of the world,"' to keep them " through faith unto salvation," * and to sustain them even against the violence of " the gates of hell." ^ Though they are scattered throughout diffei;cnt countries, and sepa- rated by various barriers of ecclesiastical division, they have the elements of concord. Could they be brought together, and divested of their prejudices, and made fully acquainted with each other's sentiments, they would speedily incorporate; for they possess " the unity of the Spirit," ' " the unity of the ' John X. II, 27, 28. '^ Eph. v. 25-27. * Matt, xxviii. 20. * I Pet. i. 5. ' Matt. xvi. i8. • Eph. iv. 3. (580) THE CHURCH VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE. 581 faith," ' and " the unity of the knowledge of the Son of God." But these heirs of promise can not be distinguished by the eye of sense ; their true character can be known infalHbly only to the Great Searcher of hearts ; and for this, among other rea- sons, the spiritual commonwealth to which they belong is usually designated " ^/te Church invisible^ ' The visible Church is composed, to a considerable extent, of very different materials. It embraces the whole mixed mul- titude of nominal Christians, including not a few who exhibit no evidence whatever of vital godliness. Our Lord describes 'it in one of His parables when He says, " The kingdom of heaven is like unto a net which was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind ; which when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world : the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." * In the first century the profession of Christianity was peril- ous as well as unpopular, so that the number of spurious dis- ciples was comparatively small ; and so long as the brethren enjoyed the ministrations of inspired teachers, all attempts to alienate them from each other, or to create schisms, had little success. But still, even when the apostles were on earth, some of the Churches planted and watered by themselves were involved in error, and agitated by the spirit of division, " It hath been declared unto me of you," says Paul to the Corinthians, " that there are contentions among you. Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul, and I of ' Eph. iv, 13. "^ Eph. iv. 13. ' No writer since the Reformation has discussed the subject of the Church with more learning and ability than the Rev. Dr. Hodge, of Princeton. Those who wish to be thoroughly acquainted with all the bearings of the question should consult his "Essays and Reviews," New York, 1857. Also the Princeton Review. See also an article of his taken from the Princeton Review in the British and Foreign Evangelical Review for Sept., 1854. * Matt. xiii. 47-50. 582 THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ." ' The same writer had occasion to mourn over the apostasy of the Churches of Galatia. " I marvel," said he, " that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth ? " " The Church of Sardis in the lifetime of the Apostle John had sunk into an equally deplorable condition, and hence he was commissioned to de- clare to it, " I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, a?td art dead." ' The circumstances which led to the organization of the Catholic system have already been detailed, and it has been shown that the great design of the arrangement was to secure the visible unity of the ecclesiastical commonwealth. The Catholic confederation was supposed to comprehend all the faithful ; and it was expected that, not long after its establish- ment, it would ring the death-knell of schism and sectarian- ism. According to its fundamental principle, whoever was not in communion with the bishop was out of the Church. To be out of the Church was considered tantamount to be without God and without hope, so that this test condemned all who in any way dissented from the dominant creed as beyond the pale of salvation. Its assumptions, involving a decision of such grave importance and such dubious authority, were ac- knowledged with some difficulty ; and the question as to the extent and character of the Church led to considerable dis- cussion ; * but the horror of heresy, which so generally pre- vailed, strengthened the pretensions of the hierarchy ; and at length every candidate for baptism was required to declare, as one of the articles of his faith, " I believe in the holy Catholic Church." ' According to one interpretation the sentiment embodied in this profession was perfectly unobjectionable. If by the holy Catholic Church we understand the Church invisible composed ' I Cor. i. n, 12. « Gal. i. 6, iii. i. ^ Rev. iii. i. * Thus, Melito of Sardis wrote a work " On the Church." Euseb. iv. 26. ' Apostles' Creed. For another form see Bunsen's " Hippolytus," iii. 25. 27. NO SALVATION OUT OF THE CHURCH. 583 of all the true children of God, every devout student of the Scriptures is bound to express his belief in its existence and its excellence. This Church is precious in the eyes of the Lord ; it is the habitation of His Spirit; and the heir of His great and glorious promises. But the holy Catholic Church, in the current ecclesiastical phraseology of the third century, had a very different signification. It denoted the great mass of disciples associated under the care of the Catholic bishops, as distinguished from all the minor sects throughout the Em- pire which made a profession of Christianity. A sincere and intelligent believer might well have scrupled to give such a title to the mixed society thus claiming its application. It is quite true that there is no salvation out of the Church, if by the Church is meant that elect company which Christ died to redeem and sanctify ; but the Word of God does not warrant us to assert that the eternal well-being of man de- pends on his connection with any earthly society. Even in the days of the apostles, some who were subjected to a sen- tence of excommunication were the excellent of the earth. " I wrote unto the Church" says John, "but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words, and not con- tent therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the Churchy ^ This Diotrephes seems to have been some way- ward and domineering presbyter who took the lead among his fellow-elders, and who induced them by the influence of com- manding talent, combined with superior worldly station, to support him in his wilfulness.' But it is very foolish to sup- pose that the brethren who were thus cast out of the Church were thereby eternally undone, for such certainly was not the judgment of the beloved disciple. Faith in Christ, and not ' 3 John 9, 10. '^ He appears, for certain reasons now unknown, to have been dissatisfied with some disciples who had been engaged in missionary work ; and he had influence sufficient to procure the excommunication of the brethren who entertained them. 584 THE TRUE CHURCH NOT THE CHURCH VISIBLE. a relation to any visible society, secures a title to heaven. Thousands, admitted into Paradise, like the thief on the cross, have never been baptized ; ' and we might point out number- less cases of individuals in the wonderful providence of God led to a saving knowledge of the truth, who have never had an opportunity of joining a congregation of Christian worship- pers. But those who assumed the name of Catholics were continuatly dwelling on the importance of a connection with their own association ; and, assuming that they were the Church, they appropriated to themselves whatever they found in Scripture in commendation of its excellence. The prom- ises addressed to the Church in the book of inspiration refer, however, not to any local and visible community, but to the " Church of the first-born which are written in heaven "; ^ and the Catholics, by misapplying them, were led to form very ex- travagant notions of the advantages of their position. The ascription of the attributes of the Church invisible to their own association was the fundamental misconception on which a vast fabric of error was erected. By reason of the indwell- ing of the Spirit in all believers the Church invisible is catholic, or universal, that is, it is to be found wherever vital Chris- tianity exists ; for the same reason it is holy, every member of it being a living temple of Jehovah; it is also one, as one Spirit animates all the saints and unites them to God and to each other; and it '\s perpetual, or indestructible, for the Most High has promised never to leave Himself without witnesses among men, and all His redeemed ones shall be trophies of His grace throughout all eternity. But these attributes were represented as belonging to the Church visible, and this radi- cal mistake became the parent of monstrous delusions. The ecclesiastical writers who flourished toward the end of the second and beginning of the third century exhibit a consider- able amount of inconsistency and vacillation when they touch upon the subject ; ' but, half a century afterward, the language ' He would be a bold man who would assert that all the pious members of the Society of Friends are in a hopeless condition. » Heb. xii. 23. ' See Rothc's " Anfange der christlichen Kirche," p. 575. ERRORS OF THE CATHOLIC THEORY. 585 currently employed is much bolder and more decided. At that time Cyprian does not hesitate to express himself in the strongest terms of high-church exclusiveness. "^//," says he, " are adversaries of the Lord and antichrist who are found to have departed from the charity and unity of the Catholic Church." ' " You ought to know that the bishop is in the Church and the Church in the bishop, and if any be not with the bishop, that he is not in the Church!' "^ " The house of God is one, and there can not be salvation for any except in the Church." ' " He can no longer have God for a Father, who has not the Church for a mother." * Though the Catholics were a compact body, forming the bulk of the Christian population, their system failed to absorb all the professors of the Gospel, or even greatly to check the tendency toward ecclesiastical separation. In their contro- versies with seceders and schismatics, their own principles were more distinctly defined ; and, as they soon found that they were quite an overmatch for any individual sect, their tone gradually became more decided and dictatorial. But the theological position from which they started was a sophism ; and, like the movements of a traveller who has mistaken his way, every step of their progress was an advance in a wrong direction. Some of the more prominent errors to which their theory led may here be enumerated. I. The theory of the Catholic Church recognized an odious ecclesiastical monopoly. Pastors and teachers are " for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ "; " and yet a sinner may be saved without their instrumentality. The truth when spoken by a layman, or when read in a private chamber, may prove quite as efficacious as when proclaimed from the pulpit of a cathedral. That kingdom of God which " cometh not with observation " is built up by " the Word of His grace "; * and " Cyprian, Epist. Ixxvi., p. 316. " Epist. Ixix., p. 265. ' Epist. Ixii., p. 221. * " De Unit. Ecc." p. 397. See also Lactantius, " De Vera Sapientia," lib. iv., p. 282. ' Eph. iv. 12. » Acts XX. 32. 586 ERRORS OF THE CATHOLIC THEORY, SO long as the Word exists, and so long as the Spirit applies it to enlighten and sanctify and comfort God's children, the Church is imperishable. The evangelical labors of the pious master of a merchant vessel have often been blessed abun- dantly ; and among the tens of thousands afloat on the broad waters, who seldom enjoy any ecclesiastical ministrations, may be found some of the highest types of Christian excellence. Though regularly ordained pastors are necessary to the growth and well-being of the Church, such facts show that they are not essential to its existence. But, according to the Catholic system, they are the veins and arteries through which its very life-blood circulates. All grace belongs to the visible society called the Catholic Church, and of this grace the Catholic ministers have the exclusive distribution. Without their in- tervention, as the dispensers of divine ordinances, no one can hope to inherit heaven. No other ministers whatever can be instrumental in conferring any saving benefit. Was it extra- ordinary that individuals supposed to be intrusted with such tre'mendous influence soon began to be regarded with awful reverence ? If the services they rendered were necessary to sal- vation, and if these services could be performed by none else, they were possessed of absolute authority, and it was to be expected that they should act as " lords over God's heritage." Under the Mosaic economy none save the descendants of a singe individual were permitted to present the sacrifices or to enter the holy place. In the celebration of the most solemn rites of their religion the Jewish people were kept at a mysterious distance from the presence of the Divine Majesty, and were taught to regard the of^ciating ministers as mediators between God and themselves. This arrangement was symbolical, as all the priests were types of the Great Intercessor. But every believer may enjoy the nearest access to his Maker, for the Saviour has made all His people "kings and priests unto God." ' The ministers of the Gospel do not constitute a privileged fraternity entitled by birth to exercise certain func- tions and to claim certain immunities. They shouJd be ap- ' Rev. i. 6. ERRORS OF THE CATHOLIC THEORY. 587 pointed by the people as well 2a for them, and no service which they perform implies that they have nearer access to the Divine Presence than the rest of the worshippers. In the New Testament they are never designated priests^ neither is their intervention between God and the sinner described as in- dispensable. But Catholicism invested them with a factitious consequence, representing them as inheriting peculiar rights and privileges by ecclesiastical descent from the apostles. Ac- cording to Cyprian, " Christ says to the apostles, ajid thereby to all prelates who by vicarious ordination are successors of the apostles, ' He that heareth you, heareth me.' " * About the commencement of the third century the pastors of the Church began to be called priests,' and this change in the ecclesiasti- cal nomenclature betokens the influence of Catholic principles on the current theology. The Jewish sacrificial system had ceased, and the Hebrew Christians were disposed to transfer to their new ministers the titles of the sons of Levi ; but, had not the alteration been in accordance with the spirit of the times it could not have been accomplished. It was, however, justified by Catholicism, as that system set forth the clergy in the light of mediators between God and the people. This misconception of the nature of the Christian ministry gener- ated a multitude of errors. If ministers are priests they offer sacrifice, and are intrusted with the work of atonement. It is true, indeed, that the monstrous dogma of transubstantiation was not yet broached, but forms of expression exceedingly liable to misinterpretation, began to be adopted. Thus, the ' If our authorized version of the English Bible is to be regarded as a standard of correct usage, the word priest can not be properly employed to designate a Christian minister. In the New Testament, as stated in the text, a minister of the Word is never called z. priest {lEpevc), and the latter term when used in reference to an official personage in our English Bible, always denotes an individual w/to offers sacrifice. To call a Gospel minis- ter a priest is, therefore, to adopt an incorrect expression and to insinuate a false doctrine. * Epist. Ixix., p. 264. * Thus, Tertullian speaks of the " ordo sacerdotalis." " De Exhor. Cast." c. vii. 588 ERRORS OF THE CATHOLIC THEORY. Eucharist was styled " a sacrifice," ' and the communion-table " the altar." ' At first such phraseology was not intended to be hterally understood/ but its tendency, notwithstanding, was most pernicious, as it fostered false views of a holy ordi- nance, and laid the foundation of the most senseless supersti- tion ever imposed on human credulity. Every genuine pastor has a divine call to the sacred office, and no act of man can supply the place of this spiritual voca- tion, God alone can provide a true minister,' for He alone can bestow the gifts and the graces required. Ordination is simply the form in which the existing Church rulers endorse the credentials of the candidate, and sanction his appearance in the character of an ecclesiastical functionary. But these rulers may themselves be incompetent or profane, and if so, their approval is worthless ; or, by mistake, they may permit wolves in sheep's clothing to take charge of the flock of Christ. The simple fact, therefore, that an individual holds a certain position in any section of the visible Church, is not decisive evidence that he is a true shepherd. But according to the doctrine of Catholicism, whoever was accredited by the existing ecclesiastical authorities was the chosen of the Lord. When certain parties who had joined Novatian were induced to retrace their steps, they made the following peni- tential declaration in presence of a large congregation as- sembled in the Western metropolis: "We acknowledge Cor- nelius bishop of the most holy Catholic Church chosen by God Almighty and Christ our Lord." * Cyprian asserted that, as he was bishop of Carthage, he must necessarily have a divine commission. Nothing, indeed, can exceed the arrogance with which this imperious prelate expressed himself when ' Cyprian, Epist. Ixiii., p. 230; Ixiv., p. 239. " Cyprian, Epist. Ixix., p. 264. Cotelerius, i. 442. The Eucharist is called a sacrifice by Justin Martyr (see his Dialogue with Trypho, " Opera," p. 260) apparently in a figurative sense, but when dispensed by a minister called a priest, such language became exceedingly liable to misconception. 3 In proof of this see Cyprian, Epist. Ivi., p. 200, and Ixiii., p. 231. In the former place Cyprian says, " Mindful of the Eucharist, the hand which has received the Lord's body may embrace the Lord himself ." * Heb. V. 4 ; Acts xx. 28, xxvi. 16. ' Cyprian, Epist. xlvi., p. 136. ERRORS OF THE CATHOLIC THEORY. 589 speaking of his ecclesiastical authority. To challenge his conduct was, in his estimation, tantamount to blasphemy ; and, to dispute his prerogatives, a contempt of the Divine Majesty. Once, in a time of persecution, he retired from Carthage, and he was, in consequence, upbraided by some as a coward ; but when a fellow-bishop, Papianus, ventured to ask an explanation of a course of proceeding which betokened indecision, Cyprian treated the inquiry as an insult, and poured out upon his correspondent a whole torrent of invec- tives and reproaches. He is God's bishop, and no one is to attempt, by the breath of suspicion, to stain the lustre of his episcopal dignity. " I perceive by your letter," says he, " that you believe the same things of me, and persist in what you believed This is not to believe in God, this is to be a rebel against Christ and against His Gospel Do you suppose that the priests of God are without His cogni- zance ordained in the Church? For if you believe that those who are ordained are unworthy and incestuous, what else is it but to believe that, not by God, or through God, are His bishops appointed in the Church." ' After indulging at great length in the language of denunciation, he adds, in a strain of irony, " Vouchsafe at length and deign to pronounce on us, and to confirm our episcopate by the authority of your hearing, that God and Christ may give you thanks, that through you a president and ruler has been restored as well to their altar as to their people." ^ n. The Catholic system encouraged its adherents to culti- vate very bigoted and ungenerous sentiments. They were ' Epist. Ixix., p. 262. See also Epist. Iv., p. 177. "If any amount of dif- ference of opinion as to the truth or untruth of the teaching of a geographi- cal priesthood will justify separation under another Christian ministry, then it at once ceases to be true that there can be but one bishop, or one priest, over any given area in which such differences exist ; there then tnay obviously be as many bishops, or as many priests, as there may be different bodies of men differing from each other's teaching in what they deem suffi- ciently essential points to justify separation." — Letter from the Duke of Argyll to the Bishop of Oxford, p. 8. '^ Epist. Ixix., p. 264. 590 ERRORS OF THE CATHOLIC THEORY. taught to regard themselves as the " peculiar people," and to look on all others, however excellent, as without claim to the title or privileges of Christians. How different the spirit of the inspired heralds of the Gospel ! When Peter saw that the Holy Ghost was poured out on men uncircumcised, he recog- nized the divine intimation by acknowledging the believing Gentiles as his brethren in Christ. Conceiving that God him- self had thus settled the question of their Church member- ship, " he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord." ' But men who professed to derive their authority from the apostle, now showed how grievously they misunder- stood the benign and comprehensive genius of his ecclesiasti- cal polity. The dominant party among the disciples had not long assumed the name of Catholics when they sadly belied the designation ; for nothing could be more illiberal or un- catholic than their Church principles. All evidences of piety, no matter how decided, if found among the Nazarenes, or the Novatians, or the friends of Felicissimus, were rejected by them as apocryphal. The brightest manifestations of godli- ness, if exhibited outside their own denomination, only roused their jealousy or provoked their uncandid and malicious criti- cisms. The Catholic bishops acted as if they moved within something like a charmed circle, and as if a curse rested upon everything not under their own influence. Their proceedings often displayed alike their folly and inconsistency. Tertul- lian, for example, was a Montanist, and yet he was the writer from whom Cyprian himself derived a large share of his theo- logical instruction. " Give me the master^' the bishop of Carthage is reported to have said when he called for his favorite author." Thus, an individual who, according to Cyprian's own principles, was beyond the pale of hope, was the teacher with whom he was daily holding spiritual fellow- ship ! The bigotry of the party appears all the more inex- cusable when we consider that some of those who differed from them taught the cardinal doctrines of the Gospel, as zealously and as fully as themselves. The Novatians seceded ' Acts X. 48. ■'' Jerome, " Catalogue of Ecclesiastical Writers." CATHOLICISM OPPOSED TO GOD'S WORD. 59I from their communion merely on the ground of a question of discipline, and yet the Catholics could not believe that any grace existed among these ancient Puritans. The Novatians might exhibit much of the beauty of holiness, and shed their blood in the cause of Christianity,' but all this availed them nothing in the estimation of their narrow-minded antagonists. " Let no one think," says Cyprian, " that they can be good men who leave the Church."" " He can never attain to the kingdom who leaves her with whom the kingdom shall be." ' " He can not be a martyr who is not in the Church."^ Every man not blinded by prejudice might well have suspected the soundness of a theory sustained by such brazen recklessness of assertion. HI. Nothing, however, more clearly revealed the anti- evangelical character of the Catholic system than its inter- ference with the claims of the Word of God. The Gospel commends itself by the light of its own evidence. The official rank of the preacher can not add to its truth, neither can the corrupt motives which may prompt him to proclaim it, impair its authority. As a revelation from heaven, it pos- sesses a title to consideration irrespective of any individual, or any Church ; and God honors His own communication even when delivered by a very unworthy messenger.^ " Some indeed," says Paul, " preach Christ even of envy and strife, and some also of ^ood-will What then ? Notwith- standing, every way, whether in pretence or in truth, Christ is preached ; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." " But Catholicism taught its partisans to cherish very different feelings, for they were instructed to believe that the Gospel itself was without efficacy when promulgated by a minister who did not belong to their own party. They could not challenge a single flaw in the creed of Novatian,' and yet they stoutly maintained that his preaching was useless, and 1 Some of those called heretics had many martyrs. Euseb. v. 16. " " De Unit. Ecc." Opera, p. 399. 3 <« £)e Unit. Ecc." p. 401. * " De Unit. Ecc." p. 401, * Jeremiah xxiii. 21, 22. ' Phil. i. 15, 18. See also Mark ix. 38, 39. ' Cyprian himself makes this admission. Epist. Ixxvi., p. 319. 592 CATHOLICISM OPPOSED TO GOD'S WORD. that the baptism he dispensed was worthless as the ablutior of a heathen, " You should know," says Cyprian, *' that we ought not even to be ctirious as to what Novatian teaches, since he teaches out of the Church. Whosoever he be, and whatso- ever he be, he is not a Christian who is not in the Church of Christ." ' " When the Novatians say, ' Dost thou believe re- mission of sins and eternal life by the Holy Church?' they lie in their interrogatory, since they have 710 Churchy " Strange infatuation ! Who could have anticipated that one hundred and fifty years after the death of the Apostle John, such miserable and revolting bigotry would be current ? The Scriptures teach us that, in the salvation of sinners, ministers are nothing, and the Gospel everything. " Whosoever," says Paul, " shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. .... Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.'' ^ Cyprian did not understand such doctrine. He imag- ined that the Word of God had no power except when issuing from the lips of the ministers of his own communion. The Catholic Church must put its seal upon the Gospel to give it currency. Without this stamp it was all in vain to announce it to a world lying in wickedness. The Catholic pastor might be a man without ability ; he might be comparatively ignorant and of more than suspicious integrity ; and yet the King of the Church was supposed to look down with complacency on all the ofificial acts of this wretched hireling, while no dew ot heavenly influence rested on the labors of a pious and accom- plished Novatian minister ! When men like Cyprian were prepared to acknowledge such folly, it was not strange that a darkness which might be felt soon settled down upon Chris- tendom. In the preceding pages the history of the ancient Church for the first three centuries has passed under review, and a few general observations may be not inappropriately appended to this concluding chapter. The details here furnished supply ' Epist. lii., p. 156. ' Epist. Ixxvi., p. 319. * Rom. x. 13, 17. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 593 ample evidence that Christianity was greatly corrupted long before the conversion of Constantine. Much of the supersti- tiort which has since so much disfigured the Church was, in- deed, yet unknown. During the first three centuries we find no recognition of the mediatorship of Mary, or of the dogma of her immaculate conception,' or of the worship of images, or of the celebration of divine service in an unknown tongue, or of the infallibihty of the Roman bishop. But the germs of many dangerous errors were distinctly visible, and when the sun of Imperial favor began to shine upon the Christians, these errors rapidly reached maturity. The Eucharistic bread and wine were viewed with superstitious awe, and language was applied to them calculated to bewilder and confound. A system of penitential discipline alien to the spirit of the New Testament was already in existence ; rites and ceremonies un- known i;i the apostolic age made their appearance ; and in t|;ie great towns a crowd of functionaries, whom Paul and Peter would have refused to own, added to the pomp of public wor- ship. Some imagine that in the times of TertuUian and of Cyprian we may find the purest faith in the purest form, but a more intimate acquaintance with the history of the period is quite sufficient to dispel the delusion. A little consideration may convince us that, in the second or third century, we can scarcely expect to see either the most brilliant displays of the light of truth or the most attractive exhibitions of personal holiness. The waters of life gushed forth, clear as crystal, from the Rock of Ages ; but, as their course was through the waste wilderness of a degenerate world, they were soon defiled by its pollutions ; and it was not till the desert began " to rejoice and blossom as the rose," that the stream flowed smoothly in the channel it had wrought, and partially recov- ered its native purity. At the present day we do not expect as high a style of Christianity in a convert from idolatry as in an individual trained from infancy under the care of enlight- ' TertuUian did not hold the doctrine of her perpetual virginity. See " De Monog.," c. 8, and " De Carne Christi," c. 23. Neither did he believe in her immaculate conception. See Kaye's " TertuUian," p. 338, and Jer- ome's " Tract against Helvidius." Du Pin, i. 346. 38 594 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. enecl and godly parents. By judicious culture the graces of the Spirit, as well as the fruits of the earth, may be improved ; but when a section of the open field of immorality and igno- rance is first added to the garden of the Lord, it may not forthwith possess all the fertility and loveliness of the more ancient plantation.' A large portion of the early disciples had once been heathens ; they had to struggle against evil habits and inveterate prejudices ; they were surrounded by corrupt- ing influences ; and, as they had not the same means of ob- taining an exact and comprehensive knowledge of the Gospel as ourselves, we can not reasonably hope to find among them any very extraordinary measure either of spiritual wisdom or of consistent piety. When the Church toward the middle of the second century was sorely harassed by divisions, its situation was extremely critical and embarrassing. Christianity had appeared among men bearing the olive branch of peace, and had proposed to supersede the countless superstitions of the heathen by a faith binding the human race together in one great and harmonious family. How mortified, then, must have been its friends when Basilides, Marcion, Valentine, Cerdo, Mark, and many others began to propagate their heresies ; and when it was to be feared that the divisions of the Church would prove as numerous as the religions of paganism ! Had the ministers of the Gospel girded themselves for the emergency ; had they boldly encountered the errorists, and vanquished them with weapons drawn from the armory of the Word ; they would have approved themselves worthy of their position, and ac- quired strength for future conflicts. But whilst they did not altogether neglect an appeal to Scripture, they were tempted in an evil hour to think of sequestrating their own freedom, in the hope of overwhelming heresy with the vigor of an ec- clesiastical despotism. By investing their chairman with arbi- trary power and by making communion with this functionary the criterion of discipleship, they sanctioned a perilous ar- ' One of the most distinguished and sagacious of modern missionaries has called attention to this fact. See Livingstone's " Missionary Travels in South Africa," p. 107. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 595 rangement and indorsed a vicious principle. From this date we trace the commencement of a career of defection. The bishop and the Church began to supplant Christ and a knowl- edge of the Gospel. Bigotry advanced apace, and conscience found itself in bondage. The establishment of the hierarchical system, though im parting, as was thought, greater unity to the structure of the Church, did not really invigorate its constitution. The spirit- ual commonwealth is very different from any merely earthly organization, for it has no statute-book but the Bible, and it owes explicit obedience to no ruler but the King of Zion. Freedom of conscience, in obedience to the Word, is the heri- tage of all its members ; and every one of them is bound to exercise the privilege, and to resist its violation. Its unity consists, not in adhesion to any visible head, but in cordial submission to its one great Lord and Sovereign. When a change was made in its primitive framework, its essential unity was impaired. After the elders had handed over a considera- ble share of their authority to their president, they were not expected to take such a deep interest in its government as when they were themselves individually responsible for its official administration. They still, indeed, acted as his coun- sellors, but as they no longer held the independent footing they had once occupied, they could neither speak nor act so freely and so energetically as before. Thus, when one mem- ber of the ecclesiastical body was permitted to attain an un- natural magnitude, others ceased to perform their proper functions, and the whole eventually became diseased and misshapen. And the new arrangement entirely failed in checking the growth of the errorists. After its adoption her- esies sprung up as rapidly as ever, and the multitude of its sects continued to be the scandal of Christianity even in the time of Constantine." Their suppression is to be attributed, not to the potency of Prelacy, but to the stern intolerance of I Maximian, in his famous edict of toleration, lays great stress on this circumstance, " De Mortibus Persecutorum," c. 34. See also Euseb. viii. 17. 596 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. the Imperial laws. By the rigid enforcement of conformity the Catholic Church at length reigned without a rival. The extant ecclesiastical writings of the third century de- monstrate that the doctrine of the visible unity of the Church, as represented by the Catholic hierarchy, already formed a prominent part of the current creed. As there is " one God, one Christ, and one Holy Ghost," it was affirmed that there could be but "one bishop in the Catholic Church."' This theory was inconsistent with the fact that there were many bishops in almost every province of the Empire ; but the in- genuity of churchmen attempted a solution of the difficulty. It was asserted that the whole episcopacy should be regarded as one, and that each bishop constituted an integral part of the grand unit. " The episcopacy is one," says Cyprian, " it is a whole in which each enjoys full possession." ' " There is one Church from Christ throughout the whole world divided into many members, and one episcopate difi'used throughout an harmonious multitude of many bishops." " We have seen that the Roman prelate was already recog- nized as the centre of ecclesiastical unity. A misunderstood passage in the Gospel of Matthew* was supposed to sanction this ecclesiastical primacy. " There is," said the bishop of Carthage, "one God, and one Christ, and one Church, and one diair fotmded by the Word of the Lord on the Rock." " Though the Roman chief pastor was theoretically only the first among the Catholic bishops, his zeal for uniformity had now more than once interrupted the peace of the Christian community. The erection of a new capital and the subsequent dismember- ment of the Empire considerably affected his position ; but, within a certain sphere, he steadily endeavored to carry out the idea of Catholic unity. The doctrine reached its highest point of development after the lapse of upwards of a thousand years. Then the bishop of Rome had become a sovereign prince, and was the acknowledged ruler of a vast and magnifi- ' Cornelius to Cyprian, Epist. xlvi., p. 136. * " De Unit. Eccles.," p. 397. * Epist. Hi., p. 156. ' Matt. xvi. 18. 'Cyprian, Epist. xl., pp. 120, 121. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 597 cent hierarchy. Then, he swayed his spiritual sceptre over all the tribes of Western Christendom. Then, verily, uni- formity had its day of triumph ; for, with some rare excep- tions, wherever the stranger travelled throughout Europe, he found the same order of divine service, and saw the ministers of the sanctuary arrayed in the same costume, and practicing even the same gestures. Then, wherever he entered a sacred edifice, he heard the same language, and listened to the same prayers expressed in the very same phraseology. But what was meanwhile the real condition of the Church ? Was there love without dissimulation, and the keeping of the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.? Nothing of the kind. Never could it be said with greater truth of the people of the West that they were " foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another." There were wars and rumors of wars ; nation rose up against nation and kingdom against kingdom ; and the Pope was generally the cause of the contention. The very man who claimed to be the centre of Catholic unity was the grand fomenter of ecclesiastical and political disturbance. The Sovereign Pontiff, and the Catholic princes with whom he was engaged in deadly feuds, were equally faithless, rest- less, and implacable. Freadom of thought was proscribed, and the human mind was placed under the most exacting and intolerable tyranny by which it was ever oppressed. The mutilation of this Dagon of hierarchical unity is one of the many glorious results of the great Reformation. The sooner the remaining fragments of this idol are crushed to atoms, the better for the peace and freedom of Christendom. The unity of the Church can not be achieved by the iron rod of despotism, neither can the communion of saints be promo- ted by the sacrifice of their rights and privileges. " Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." ' Christ alone can draw all men unto Him. The real unity of His Church is, not any merely ecclesiastical cohesion, but a unity of faith, of hope, and of affection. It is the fellowship of Christian free- ' 2 Cor. iii. 17. 598 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. men walking together in the fear of the Lord, and in the com- fort of the Holy Ghost. It is the attraction of all hearts to one heavenly Saviour, and the submission of all wills to one holy law. Looking at the past condition or the present as- pect of society, we may think the difficulties in the way of such unity ailtogether insurmountable; but it shall, in due time, be brought about by Him "who doeth great things and unsearchable, marvellous things without number." Its reali- zation will present the most delightful and impressive specta- cle that the earth has ever seen. " Every valley shall be ex- alted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low ; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain ; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.'' ' " Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice, with the voice together shall they sing ; for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion." ^ " And the Lord shall be King over all the earth ; in that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one.'' ' Amen. ' Isa. xl. 4, 5. " Isa. Hi. 8. » Zech. xiv. 9. THE END. INDEX. Abgarus, 254, 363. Abraham, 351. Abulides, 534. Academics, 5, 178. Achaia, 100, 116, 343. Acropolis of Athens, 108, Acolyths, 539. Acts of the Apostles, 136, 159, 408. Acts of Ignatius, 380, 382 ; of St. Thomas, 374 ; of St. Andrew, 374 ; of Paul and Thecla, 388. Adamnan, 137. Adonai, 351. Adultery, 575. Advantages of Synods, 566. yEgean Sea, 151, 374, 559. ^lia Capitolina, 334, 568. ^ons, 394, 395, 468. Affusion, 197. Africa, 254, 271, 284, 436; the senior bishop there, 562. Agaps, 441. Aged bishops, 463, Agrippa, 123, 124. Agrippinus, 560. Alexander of Princeton, in, 120, 230. Alexander of Jerusalem, 274; of Rome, 464, 489. Alexander Severus, 255, 272, 422. Alexandria, 102, 130, 153; plague in, 297 ; elections in, 303 ; church of, 474, 485 ; presbyters of, 485, 530, 532 ; bishops of, 530, 549. Allord, 32, 67, 93, 98, 207, 224. Altar, 446, 472. Ambrosius, 345, Amen, 424. America, 287, 319. Ammonius Saccas, 343. Amphictyonic Council, 561. Anachronisms, 382. Anacletus, 464. Anahuac, 287. Ananias, 54. Ancient Church Presbyterian, 459. Ancyra, Council of, 544. Andrew, 33, 34, 41. Angels of the Churches, 237, 241. Anicetus, 304, 488, 499, 508. Anointing, 438. Antioch of Pisidia, 67, 138. Antioch of Syria, 56, 68, 104, 343, 368 ; synods of, 406, 563, 564 ; church of, 474; bishops of, 356, 549- Antonia, Tower of, 119, 125. Antoninus Pius, 265, 343; heresies in reign of, 483, 494. Antony, 286. Apelles, 455. Apocalypse, 151, 161, 163, 237, 398, 408. Apocrypha, 8. Apollos, 102, 103, 215. Apollonius of Tyana, 93, 108. Apologies, 250, 333, 339. Apostasy, 575. Apostles, 36, 39, 50, 74; to remain twelve years at Jerusalem, 59 ; gradually enlightened, 169; their position, 212 ; mode of acting, 214, 220; others sometimes so called, 455- Apostolic Churches, 514. Apostolic constitutions, r88, 427, 513; canons, 534, 548, 562. Apostolic succession, 42, 43, 536. Apostolic fathers, 332, 335. Appeals in Jewish courts, 226, 229. Appeal to the Emperor, 87, 123. Appearance, Personal, of Jesus, 17. Appii Forum, 131. Apt to teach, 209, 210. (599) 6oo INDEX. Aquila, 97, 104, 116; version of, 345- Arabia, 55, 153, 254, 342, 343. Archdeacon, 499, 528, 531. Archelaus, 13, 29. Archippus, 133. Areopagus, 95. Aretas, 55. Argyll, 515, 589. Annghi, 288, 322. Aristarchus, in, 118. Aristicles, 264, 367. Aristo, 455. Arius, 42, 345. Aries, 254. Arnobius, 349. Arrius Antoninus, 269. Artemon, 413. Ascension of Jesus, 26. Ascetics, 285. Asceticism, 403. Asia, 104, 148, 232, 269. Asiarchs, 1 11. Asia Minor, iii, 118, 245, 309, 327, 342. Assassins, 120. " Athanasius, 286, 297, 415, 565. Athenagoras, 334, 367, 398, 414. Atiienians, 90, 93. Athens, 90, 264. Athos, Mount, 313. Atonement, 23, 174, 417; Gnostics rejected it, 403. Attica, 90, 95. Attributes of Christ, 172. Augustine, 38, 185 ; on Matt. xvi. 18, 330 ; praise of celibacy, 404. Augustus, I, 30, 318. Aurelian, 275, 280, 327. Aurclius, 541. Auricular Confession, 452. Autolycus, 253, 291. Babel, 522 ; the Roman, 523. Babylas, 274. Bacchus, 397. Badias, 526. Baluzius, 347. Baptism of infants, 194, 431, 432; errors regarding, 419; mode of, 436; by the bishop, 513; of Jesus, 15- Baptismal controversy, 577. Baptist. John the, 15, 35. Baptislerium, 197. Barbarous nations, 3. Barcochebas, 568. Barnabas, 55, 58, 62; the apostolic father, 334, 367. Baronius, 151, 368, 498, 503. Barrow, 330. Bartholomew, 32. Basil, 327. Basilides, 340, 394. Baths of the ancients, 197. Baumgarten, 37, 67, 159. Baur, 354. Baxter, 331. Bengel, 157, 224. Bentley, 377. Berea, 89. Bernice, 123, 124. Bethlehem, 12, 28, 29. Beveridge (Bishop), 498, 546. Bible, 420. Bibliotheca Sacra, 238. Bingham, 303, 327, 423, 426, 433, 436. Binius, 312, 470, 498, 503. Birth of Christ, 28. Bishop, the word in the Ignatian epistles, 383, 384; its new mean- ing, 500-501. Bishop of bishops, 518. Bishops, or elders, 208 ; succession of, 301 ; great number of, succeed each other in a short period, 464, 465 ; called overseers, 479 ; chosen by the people, 485 ; presidents, 502; had wives, 524; preached, 525 ; dispensed the Eucharist, 526 ; trading, 528 ; at Alexandria, 529 ; made by presbyters, 531 ; called presbyters, 532 ; ordained by bish- ops and presbyters, 534; income of' 535' 53^ ; manage church funds, 538 ; in council ot Carthage, 545; disputes of, 549; sit with elders, 565 ; all equal, 577. Bithynia, 148, 253, 262. Blandina, 268. Blondel, 303, 324, 496. Blood, Abstinence from, TJ. Blunt, 375, 388, 410. Boanerges, 33, 152. Body ot Christ, i8r. Bona, Cardinal, 378, 498. Books, Sacred, of the Jews, 7. Boston, 449. Bower, 314, 328, 489, 515. INDEX. 6oi Bread in Eucharist, 442. Brethren and disciples, 74. Breviary, 313. 316, 457, 503- Britain, 153. British Museum, 377. Brown's " Hor^e Subsecivas," 91. Bruno, Thomas, 461. Bucolus, 455. Buddhists, 286, 404. Bunsen, 2S7. 301, 310, 314, 317, 360, 369. 377. 50'- Burrus, 131. Burton, 67, 73, 214, 506, 544. Cabalists, 345, 396. Caesarea, 51, 121, 214, 343; church of, 473, 475 ; bishop of, 558. Caesar's household, 142, 150. Caius, 140, 335. Callistus, 315-317 ; cemetery of, 320, 323, 350- Calvin, 331, 389. Cambridge, 377, Camerius, 464. Candlesticks, Golden, 238. Canon of Scripture, 163-164, 408. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 359, 466. Capernaum, 17. Cappadocia, 148, 348. Caracalla, 272. Carpi, 526. Carpocrates, 183, 395. Carpophorus, 315. Carpus, 137. Carriages, 117. Carson, 196. Carthage, 254, 305, 321,336; church of, 346, 473 ; synods at, 560. Catacombs, 313, 318-321, 441. Catechumens, 271, 438. Catholic, use of the word, 306, 384, 472 ; its first occurrence, 519. Catholic Church, 311, 580, 582. Catholic system, its theory, 521 ; its rise, 301, 511-514; its illiberal- ity, 515, 579; its errors, 585-591. Catholic epistles, 161. Cave, 32, 136, 153, 336, 355. Celerinus, 541. Celibacy, 285, 382, 404. Celsus, 344, 482. Celtic language, 335. Cemeteries, 275. Cenchrea, 102, 116, 526. Cerdo, 301, 491. Ceremonies, 568, 578. Cerinthus, 183, 480. Chapters and verses, 163. Chastity, 382. Chevallier, 425. Chief priests, 226. Childhood of Jesus, 13. Chorepiscopi, 544. Chrestiani, 145. Christ worshipped, 411. Christians, why so called, 57 ; their piety not transcendental, 283. Christmas, 570. Chronicon of Eusebius, 151,272,465, 473- Chronology of Eusebius, 489. Chrysostom, 207, 330. Church, its meaning, 224, 234 ; angel of the, 239 ; of Rome, 299, 306 ; built on Peter, 326. Church courts met privately, 230. Church of Jerusalem, 40, 72 ; its ex- tent, 224. Cilicia, 51. Circumcision, 70, 78. City bishops, 546, 549, 567. City presbyters, 545. Clarkson, 240, 425. Claudia, 153. Claudius, the Emperor, 145. Claudius Lysias, 120. Clemens Alexandrinus, 3^9, 351, 416, 418. Clemens Romanus, 136, 140, 321, 456, 481 ; death of, 488. Clementine Homilies, 231, 374. Clergy, when so called, 527. Clermont, 254. Clinic baptism, 437. Cloak or case, 137. Codex, Alexandrinus, Augiensis, Bezs, Ephraemi, Sinaiticus, Va- ticanus, 75, 224, 457. Collection for poor saints, 1 18. Collier, 205, 228. Colosse, 107, 138, 244. Colossians, 134. Columba, 137. Commodian, 347. Commodus, 268, 308, 316. Communion of saints, 234. Community of goods, 46, 47, 58. Concubine, 269. Confederation of churches, 225, 231 232. 6o2 INDEX. Confession, 447. Confessors, 574 ; some drunken, 574. Confirmation, 194. Consociation of churches, 233. Constantine, 279, 295, 475, Constantius Chiorus, 278. Constitution of the Church, 454 ; its importance, 550. Constitutions, The Apostolic, 427. Conversions interdicted, 270. Conybeare and Howson, 53, 60, 107, III, 119, 132, 133. Cooper, 302, 324, 346, 571. Corinth, 95, 116; church of, 154, 305; 456. Corinthians, 109, 114, 477. Corn ships, 127, 130. Cornelius the centurion, 51, 60, 214; of Rome, 324, 532 ; his mildness to the lapsed, 576. Corruption of man, 171. Costume, clerical, 428. Cotelerius, 303, 332, 369, 371, 382, 431- Council of Jerusalem, 72-79, 228. Councils, 469. Counsels, 403. Country bishops, 544-546 ; elders, 545- Courtezans, 4. Creation out of nothing, 180. Creed, 176, 406, 582. Crescens, 266. Crete, 106, 161, 215. Crispus, 97, 201. Cross, 286, 287, 288, 438. Crucifixion, 23,49, 158. Cudworlh, 9, 93, 94, 402. Culdees, 510. Cureton, 359, 360, 361, 373, 374, 386, 388. Cursive MS., the most ancient, 75. Cybele, 397. Cyclades, 371. Cyprian, his life and character, 346- 348; on tradition, 410; on bap- tism, 437; on the Rock, 326, 521, 596; opposes Stephen, 521; his presbyters, 526, 542 ; chosen by the people, 541 ; rejects the tickets of peace, 574 ; his bigotry, 584 ; his arrogance, 588 ; his admira- tion of Tertullian, 590. Cyprus, 47, 66, 153. DAEMONS, 81. Daille, 354, 361, 380, 385. Damaris, 95. Damascus, 53, 55. Damasus, 320, 476, 502. Daniel's prophecy, 149. Dativus, 526. Davidson, 137, 139, 161. Day in prophecy, 49. Deaconesses, 220. Deacons, 48, 207, 458, 493. Decius, 273, 274, 275, 322, 346. Delarue, 344, 542. Delivering to Satan, 200, 201. Demetrianus, 288. Demetrius, the craftsman, 1 10 ; Bi shop of Alexandria, 342, 474, 525, 529. Demiurge, 394, 395, 397. Demosthenes, 90. Deputation to Jerusalem, 71. Diana, 107, iii, 112. Dictator, 490, Didascalia, 188, 407. Dion Cassius, 151. Diocletian, 256, 275-278, 426. Diognetus. 165, 334, 417. Dionysius, 95 ; of Alexandria, 274, 485, 528, 564 ; of Rome, 327. Diotrephes, 583. Discipline, 199, 568; not uniform, 578. Dispersion of the Jews, 8. Dissenters, The first, 569. Docets, i8[. Doctores, 546. Doctrine of Jesus, 18 ; of apostolic church, 168 ; of early church, 405. Doctrine of Peter, 363. Domitian, 149, 153, 162, 246, 280, 481. Double honor, 209. Dove, 318. Dress of ministers, 194. Druids, 204. Drusilla, 122. Dunbar, 371. Dupin, 8, 290. Duumviri, 83, 87. Earthquake, 84, 86. East, Turning to the, 425. Easter, 570, 573. Ebion, 183, 41 1, 480. INDEX. 603 Ebionites, 411-412. Ecclesiastes, Paraphrase on, 349. Ecclesiastici, 519. Ecclesiastics secularized, 527. Edessa, 254. Egypt, Flight into, 13, 29; its pro- ducts, 130; spread of gospel in, 254 ; Gnostics of, 394 ; ordination in, 531- Elagabalus, 272. Elders, 58, 72, 198, 208, 209, 227, 234, 457, 470; ordained deacons, 552; made the bishops, 531; ruling, disappeared, 535. Election, Popular, 48, 67, 219, 473, 540. Eleutherius, 308, 488 ; confounded with Hyginus, 498 ; a presbyter, 499- Ellicott, 105, 114, 208. Elrington, 389. Elvira, or Eliberis, 290, 565. Empire, Roman, its boundaries, I ; fall of western, 151 ; population of, I ; resources of, 2 ; union of many nations in, 3 ; corruption of, 4. English liturgy, 291. Epaphroditus, 133, 242. Ephesian letters, 108, 109. Ephesians, 134, 359, 362 ; Epistle of Ignatius to, 373. Ephesus, loi, 104-113, 117, 214. Epicureans, 5, 91, 93, 94. Epiphanius, 54, 99, 183, 413, 497. Episcopacy, Prmiitive, 524, 526. Episcopal succession, 300, 460, 532 ; ordination, 533. Epistles of commendation, 235, 295. Epistles of Paul, 160. 161 ; of Peter, 161. Era, Christian, 28. Erastus, 97, 137. Essenes, 7, 2i, 178, 184, 284. Etheridge, 384, 463. Ethiopia, 534. Eucharist, 307, 431, 444; improperly designated, 446 ; Polycarp dis- penses it at Rome, 507 ; adminis- tered by the bishops, 513, 536; sent to other churches, 514; with- held by Cyprian, 574 ; called a sacrifice, 588. Eunuch, Ethiopian, 50, 51, 433. Europe, 80. Eusebius, 22, 229, 252, 300, 359, 362, 432, 460 ; his account of the bishops of Ceesarea, 475 ; as an historian, 478 ; his chronology, 489. Eutychius, 463, 474, 530, 535. Evaristus, 464, 489. Evodius, 356. Excommunication, 199, 203-204. Executors, bishops not to be, 528. Exorcism, 438. Exorcists, 253, 540. Extraordinary teachers, 206, Ezekiel, 288. Faber, 49. Fabian, 274, 318, 322, 543. Fabricius, 534. Facts of the gospel, 299. Faith, 71, 171. Famine, 59. Father, the bishop's name, 463. Fathers, 331 ; apostolic, 332, 335 ; absurdities of, 352. Fasting, 448-450, 558, 560. Felicissimus, 544, 575, 577. Felicitas, 271, 272. Felix, 122, 123. Fell, Bishop, 347. Fellow-presbyters, bishops so called, 543- Festivals, Jewish, 72, 228, 421. Festus, 122, 123. Fidus, 436. Fig-tree, cursing of the, 20. Fire brigades, 553. Firmilian, 467, 562, 564. First among the bishops, 548, 551. Flavia Domitilla, 151. Flavins Clemens, 150. Formalism, 70. Fornication, l^, 78, 201. Fourteen years, 73. France, 254, 306, 335. Frauds, Pious, 409. Friday of the Paschal week, 571. Friends, Society of, 584. Fulgentius, 217, Fuller, 153. Fulness of time, 9. Funeral of the bishop, 555. Gaelic, 335. Gaius, 97, 118, 380. Galatia, 104, 148. Galatians, 105 ; epistle to, 161. Galerius, 276, 278, 280. 6o4 INDEX. Galileans, disciples called, 57. Gallienus, 255, 327, 422. Gallio, 100. Gallus, 274, 297. Gamaliel, 52, 98, 227. Games, 264. Geneva N. T., 163. Gentile converts, 69. Gentiles, 121. Germany, 298. Gibbon, 275, 294. Gieseler, 271, 306, 443. / Gihon, 351. Girba, 526. Gladiators, 291. Gnosis, 182, 392, 395. Gnosticism, 180, 181, 392, 396, 554. Gnostics, 109, 181, 336, 391, 492. Gods of the heathen, 6. Gordian, 272. Gospels, the, 16, 162, 408. Goths, 254, 327. Governments, what, 207, 208. Grace, 417. Greece, 80 ; synods did not com- mence in, 560. Grecians, 47, 55, 56. Greek extensively spoken, 4 ; by Paul, 120; Greek Church, 438; Greek nations, 559; Greek coun- cils in fixed places, 562. Gregory the Great, 403. Gregory Nazianzcn, 238, 551. Gregory Nyssen, 349. Gregory Thaumaturgus, 349, 353. Gregory of Tours, 254, 430. Greswell, i, 30, 264, 357. Griesbach, 56, 138. Growth of the Church, 249. Guerike, 427. HaCKETT, III, 112, 128. Hadrian, 264, 269, 334, 483, 501. Hagenbach, 402. Hales, 49. Hallam. 294, 487, Hammond, 354. Hands, laying on of, 64, 438, 530 ; of bisiiops and elders, 542, 543. Hardy, 404. Hartung, 425. Heathen mythology, 5, 6, 173, 174. Heathen priests, 83, 253. Heathen worship, 146. Hebrew, fathers ignorant of, 351. Hebrews, 47 ; epistle to, 138, 160, 162, 479. Helele, 354, 357. Hegesippus, 300, 310, 335, 482, 499. Helps, 207, 208. Henry, Matthew. 353. Heraclas, 485, 528. Heresies, 178, 185, 336, 481-483. Heretics, 179, 324, 495. Hermas, 310, 334. Hennias, 416. Hermogenes, 183. Hero, 359. Herod the Great, 2, 12, 28, 29, 145. Herod Agrippa, 59. Herodian, 280, 305. Hexapla, 344, 345. Hierapoiis, 107, 244, 335. Hierarchy, 475. High priest, 36, 99, 216. HiIar)^ 461, 467, 484, 493, 536. Hincmar, 513. Hippolytus, 309, 313, 316, 340, 372, 534- Hodge, 581. Holy Ghost, 76 ; worshipped, 414. Homer, 218, 371. Homoousios, 406, Home, 160, 164, 174, 277. House of the church, 382. Houses of worship, 422. Hugo de Sancto Caro, 163, Humanitarian, 412. Huntingdon, Robert, 354. Hyacinthus, 243, 527. Hyginus, 300, 301, 303; prelacy be- gins in time of, 489-492, 494, 499 ; arranged the clergy, 503 ; acknowledged heretical baptisms, 577- Hymenaeus, 183. Ialdabaoth, 396. Iconium, 67, 68, 69. Idolatiy, 289, 290, 348. Ignatian epistles, 372-390. Ignatius, 262, 356-358, 367-369, 371, 463. Illiberality of the Catholics, 579. Illyricum, 1 16, 153. Images, 289, 290. Immaculate conception of Mar)', 593. Immersion, 197. Immorality of ministers, 284. Incidents of Christ's death, 24. INDEX. 605 India, 130; gospel in, 254. 1 Infant baptism, 194-195, 431, 432, | 435- Infant communion, 443. Infants slain at Bethlehem, 13. Inspiration, 169, 407. Instrumental music, 193, 429. Intermarriage with heathens, 293. Invisible Church. 581. Irenaeus, 253, 364, 468 ; his life and character, 335, 336 ; on baptism, 431 ; on the Eucharist, 445 ; on the Church of Rome, 306, 516 ; on the meeting at Miletus, 554. Irvingites, 245. Isaiah, 189. Israel, mistaken meaning of, 351. Italy, 80, 153, 357, 531. JACOBSON, 357, 370, 383, 430, 455. Jailer, 85, 433. James I., King, 478. James, the brother of John, 33-34, 60. James, the Lord's brother, 33, 34, 35, 146, 161 ; not Bishop of Jerusalem, 230, 460. Janitors, 539. Jennings, Rev. Isaac, 238. Jeremy Taylor, 1 3. Jerome, 337, 338, 459 ; his character, 476 ; his account of the hierarchy, 477-480 ; not inconsistent, 485- 486; of the rise of prelacy, 491 ; of the bishops of Alexandria, 529, 530. Jerusalem, 22, 45, 60, 138; its fall, 148, 157; its influence, 231; re- built, 334 ; ancient church of, 465- 467, 472, 473; bishop of, 558. Jesus Christ, 11, 144, 156, 168; mis- take as to His name, 351, and age, 352; worshipped, 411. Jewish conjuror, 68. Jews, their condition, 6 ; aversion to gospel, 52, 68, 83, 97 ; sects, 6. John the Baptist, 15, 30, 48, 49, 103. John the Evangelist, 22, 35-36, 149, 151-152 ; his epistles, 161, 480 ; in Patmos, 242 ; epistle of Ignatius to, 359- John Mark, 67. Jones on the canon, 373, 388. Joseph of Arimathea, 150. Josephus, 29, 178, 239. Judas the traitor, 18, 32, 52. Jude, 34, 150, 161. Judea, 22. Judgment of God, 532. Julia Mamm^a, 343, 364, Julian, 269. Julius Valens, 322. Junius, 383. Justin Martyr, 266, 418, 424, 448 ; his life and character, 266, 332, 333. Justinian, 399, 513. Justus of Vienne, 428, 498, 531 ; of Jerusalem, 463, 467. Kashisha, 284. Kay, Rev. W., 56. Kaye, Bishop, 252, 253, 401, 406. Kennett, 422. Kiss, 438, 439. Kitto, 288. Kneeling, 442. Koran, 156. Kuinoel, 224. Kurtz, 314. Lacedemonians, 425. Lachmann, 56, 75, 138, 174, 224, 234, Lactantius, 279, 349, 585. Lampridius, 255, 422. Languages of Roman empire, 3, 129. Laodicea, 107, 151, 240; council of, 423- Lapsed, The, 574. Lardner, 252, 474, 501. Large towns, 539. Larroque, 354, 443. Lateran, 313, 549. Latin extensively spoken, 3. Latin Church, 204. Laurentius, 436. Laying on of hands, 64, 438, 576, Lectors, or readers, 539. Lee, Dr., of Dublin, 318; of Cam bridge, 360. Legate, 239, 243. Lent, 563. Leonides, 270, 341, 342. Libellatici, 270. Liberty of conscience, 48, 281. Libya, 153. Licinius, 279. Lictors, 87. Life of Christ, 11. Lightfoot, 192, 194, 198, 209, 226. Limoges, 254. Linus, 301. Lions, the Christians to the, 264. 6o6 INDEX. Litton, &"], 212, 226, 550. Liturgies, 191, 192, 425, 438. Livingstone, 594. Logos, 413. London, 370. Lord's day, 187, 295, 425. Lordship, 218. Lord's prayer, 348, 426. Lord's Supper, 194, 197, 198, 334, 440-446. Lot of the episcopacy, 303, 317, 485, 532. Lucius, 323. Luke, 22, 140, 142, 157, 158. Luther, 52. Lycaonia, 67. Lydia, 81, 434. Lyons, 254, 267, 268, 280, 308. Lystra, 68. Macedonia, 114, 116. Machaerus, Fortress of, 15. Macrianus, 274. Magians, 401. Magnesia, 358. Magnesians, 359, 374. Maitland, 319-322, 328. Malchion, 413, 527. Malta, 127, 129. Malta Brun, 22. Man of sin, loi, 151. Mani, 399-401. Manicheeans, 400, 403, 417. Manner of Christ's teaching, 18-19. Mannulus, 526. Marcellus, 328, Marcia, 268, 308, 315. Marcion, 337, 340, 395, 491, 492 ; his activity, 496 ; seeks admission to Roman presbytery, 497. Marcus Aurelius, 252, 265, 280, 335, 397. Marcus, Bishop of Jerusalem, 465, 569. Maria Cassobolita, 359. Mariner's compass, 127. Mark, 22, 153, 157, 486. Married clergy, 321, 337, 382. Mars' hill, 92. Martyrdom, 364, 385. Martyrs, 574. Mary, the mother of Jesus, 11, 33, 263, 320, 385 ; epistle of Ignatius to, 359. 374- Matter, 181. \ Matthew, 22, 32, 34, 157, 158. j Maurice, 240. i Mauritania, 469. ! Maximilla, 397. I Maximin, 272, 278, 280, 313. I M'Crie, Dr., 330. \ Meats offered to idols, "]"]. Medhurst's China, 286. Media, 153. Meier, 359. MeHto, 335, 582. Memphitic version, 251. Mesopotamia, 153, 558. Messiah expected, 9, 168. I Merivale, i, 30, 129, 130, 294. ; Metropolis, 562. ' Metropolitan, 469, 546-548, 551 ; I called father, 463. Middleton, 253. I Miletum, 137, 138. Miletus, 117, 137, 232, 478. Milk and honey, 438. Mill, 75. Millenarians, 183. Millennium, 163, 398. Milman, 13, 129, 147, 337. Milner, 389, 481. Minerva, 90. Ministers of the Word not priests, 587. Ministry of Jesus — its length, 22, 49; its fruits. 31. Minucius Felix, 6, 292 ; on the cross, 287 ; on images, 289 ; his style, 341. Miracles of Jesus, 16, 17,20; discon- tinuance of, 252. Misquotations by the fathers, 351. Missa, 498. Mode of baptism, 196. Moderator, 459, 460, 469, 487, 562. Moesia, 254. Mohammed, 156. Monachism, 286, 363, 403. Monarchians, 415. Monogram, 287. Montanism, 372, 556; of a Roman bishop, 398. Montanists, 293, 408, 435, 472. Montanus, 397, 399. Morality of the Christians, 250, 292. Morcland, Sir Samuel, 462. ; Mortal sins, 401, 451. j Mosheim, 179, 269; on synods, 553, I 557. 567. INDEX. 607 Multitude in Acts xv. 12, what it means, 74. Mtinter, 305, 469, 473. Muratorian fragment, 310 Myra, 127. Mysterious manifestations of Jesus, 15- Mystics. 95, 345. Mythology, 5, 6, 174, 249. Napoleon, 329. Narbonne, 254. Narcissus, 463, 465, 557. Nathanael, 32, 35, 36, Nazarenes, disciples so called, 57, 146, 178 ; heretics, 569. Nazareth, 11, 28. Neander, 377, 409, 544, 553. Neo Cassarea, 349. Nero, 126, 138, 147, 148, 153, 162, 280. Nerva, 249. New Testament, its excellence, 165. New York, 370. Nice, 327, 406, 452, 535, 562. Nicodemus, 22. Nicolaitanes, 183, 184. Nicomedia, 276. Nicopolis, 106. Nile, 351. Nitrian desert, 354, 360. Noah's descendants, 38. Noetus, 415, 470. Nomenclature, A new, 472. Northcote, 313, 318, 320, 441. Novatian, 324, 482, 547, 576. Novatians, 324, 577, 592. Novatus, 544. Numidia, 296, 469, Numidicus, 542. OCTAVIUS, 341. October, 562. CEhler, 336. Onesimus, 134, 294, 380, 381. Ophites, 396. Optatus, 329, 525, 541. Ordain, 215. Ordinary office-bearers, 206. Ordination, 63-65, 211, 219; Pres- byterian, 528 ; at Rome, 531, 532 ; Prelatic, an innovation, 533 ; by bishops and presbyters, 542. Organization of the Church, 223. Oriental theology, 394, 395. Origen, 40, 41, 157, 270, 285,331; his life and character, 341-346 ; on the Ignatian epistles, 363, 371, 388 ; on infant baptism, 432 ; on the Eucharist, 445 ; his ordination, 534 ; preached betbre it, 525. Original MSS. of N. T., 164. Original sin, 410. Osroene, 558. Ostian Way, 140. Owen, 190. Pacian, 512. Psedagogue, 340. Palestine, 174, 342. 373, 377, 473. Palmas, 557. Palmer, 192, 513. Pamelius, 347. Pantasnus, 339. Pantheists, 93. Papacy, Rise of the, 329, 330. Paparius, 464. Papias, 41, 335, 336, 383. Parables of Jesus, 19. Paraclete, 398, 435. Paris, 254, 313. Parthenon, 107. Parthia, 153, 254. Paschal feast, 309 ; controversy, 335, 471, 507, 532, 557, 570-573- Paschal Iamb, 570, 572, 573. Passover, 58, 197. Pastor, 498. Pastor of Hermas, 334, 364; con- demned, 560. Pastoral epistles, 114. 214, 216. Pastors, 207, 208. Patmos, 151, 242, 243. Patripassians, 415. Patristic errors, 350-352, 419. Paul the Apostle, 52-54, 60, 61, 63, 64, 70-72, 84-101, 118, 299; at Rome, 131 ; second imprisonment, 136; martyrdom, 139; epistles of, 408. Paul of Samosata, 42, 285, 327, 382, 423; his views, 413; rural bishops around him, 527 ; his pomp, 538 ; deposed, 565. Paul the hermit, 286, Paulinos, 476. Pausanias, 93. Pearson, 481, 501 ; on the Ignatian epistles, 354, 361, 366, 372, 389; on chronology, 464, 489, 490. 6o8 INDEX. Peleg, 38, 39. Penance, 419, 452. Penitents, 202. Penitentiary presbyter, 452. Pentateuch, 7, 193. Pentecost, 46, 102, 121, 169; on the first day of the week, 189; no sponsors at its baptisms, 433 ; synod at, 562 ; called Whitsun- day, 570. People did not vote at Council of Jerusalem, 73 ; nor in synods, 565, 566. Pepin, 329. Perga, 67. Pergamos, 237. Perpetua, 271. Persecutions, 144, 258 ; said to be ten, 279; causes of, 280; Decian, 451. 547; Valerian, 547; Diocle- tian, 276, 328. Persia, 153. Persons of the Godhead, 414-416. Portinax, 269. Peshito, 207, 251, 383, 458. Peter, 33, 35, 45; at Rome, 139; first epistle of, 480 ; second epistle of, 141 ; his martyrdom, 142 ; not prince of the apostles, 299 ; the rock, 310, 325, 326 ; baptized other apostles, 519. Pharisees, 6, 21, 121, 178, 188. Philadelphia, 237, 240, 359. Philadelphians, 359. Philemon, 133, 134. Philetus, 183. Philip the apostle, 32, 36, 149; the evangelist, 117, 206. Philippi, 80-81, 368, 478. Philippians, 88, 135, 136; epistles of Ignatius to, 359, 370, 374, 382 ; of Polycarp to, 367 ; of I'aul to, 480. Philo Judasus, 239. 345, 351, 364. Philosophers, their infiuence, 5. Philosophy, its tendency, 4; its in- efficiency, 91. Philosophumena, 314, 315, 316, 317, 320, 321, 341. Philoslorgius, 254. Philostratus, 93, 108. Phoebe, 220, 221. Phoenice, 343. Phoenix, 165. Phrygia, 104, 365, 397 ; Pacatiana, 161. Phygellus, 183. Picts, 298. Pilate, 23. Pius, 303, 334, 428, 489, 490 ; his let- ters, 498-500, 531. Pius IV., Pope, 313. Places of worship, 194. Platina, 329. Plato, 5, 90, 180; philosophy of, 394, 402 i his trinity, 416. Piatt, 188. Players, 291 ; playhouse, 291. Pleroma, 393. 394, 395. Pliny, 262, 356, 411, 442. Plurality of elders, 208. Polianus, 526. Politarchs, 89. Politicians perplexed by Christ, 21. Polity of church, its importance, 550. Polycarp, 266, 303 ; his epistle, 332, 455,458 ; letter of Ignatius to, 356, 359. 378, 382 ; baptized in infancy, 430, 431 ; his reference to Ignatius, 367-370 ; visits Rome, 506, 507. Polycrates, 520, 571. Polygamy, 292, 293. Pomptine marshes, 131. Pontia, 151. Pontifex Maximus, 494. Pontifical Book, 502, 503. Pontius the Deacon, 275, 285. Pontius Pilate, 23, 375. Pontus, 148, 349. Pope, 328, 458, 463, 466. Popular election, 48, 67, 219. Person, 361. Porter, Sir R. Ker, 287. Porlus, 309, 315. Postscripts, 161, 214,369. Pothmus, 268. 280, 335, 463. Potter, 425, 561. Practical excellence of the gospel, 250. Pr^edestinatus. 556. Pra;torian Prefect, 131. Praitorium, 133. Praxeas, 415, 416. Prayer, 191, 339, 426; standing at, 424, 430. Preaching, 191, 210-21 1, 427 ; plau- dits at, 428; preaching elder, 211, 221. Precepts, 403. Predestination, 175, 417, 418. Prelacy, 311; begins at Rome, 489, INDEX. 609 490, 493, 494; Its rise, 505, 512; easily introduced, 508, 509; Je- rome's account of it, 555; grad- ually advances, 567. Prelates, 240, 535 ; pomp of, 538 ; said to be successors of the apos- tles, 587. Prelatic ordination an innovation, 533- Presbyterian Church of Rome, 458. Presbyters, 234, 471, 481, 484; com- mon council of, 477, 566 ; of Alex- andria, 530; ordaining, 542,543; sat in councils, 565. Presbytery, 66. 202, 219, 226, 227, 317,427, 459.487. Prescott, 287. Presentation in the temple, 28. President, 454, 455, 461, 484, 502. Presiding presbyter, 302, 484. Prideaux, 191, 239, 241, 425. T'riest, The English word, 587. Priest of Jupiter, 68. Prince Albert, 360. Principal churches, 514, 515 ; bishops, 516, 517, 548. Priscilla, 97, 103, 104, 116, 211. Proculus, 269. Progress of prelacy, 537, 538. Prompter, 424. Prophecy, 65. Prophets, 40, 54 75, 193, 207, 228. Proselyte of the gate, 51. Providence, A particular, 418. Psalms, 167, 192, 423. Psyria, 371. Ptolemais, 415. Ptolemies, The, 288. Purgatory, 403. Pusey, Dr., 564, 565. Puteoli, 127, 129, 131. Pythoness, 82. QUADRATUS, 264, 367. Quart odecimans, 571. Quirinius, 30. Rawlinson, Sir H., 360. Reader or Lector, 427, 539. Reading the Scriptures, 164, 191, 193, 426; prayers, 424. Rebaptism, 324. Recognitions of Clement, 346. Redeemer, 168, 172. Reeves, 137. 39 Reformation, 290, 319. Regeneration, 431. Religion of heathens, 4. Repentance and penance, 451, 453. Representation of the Church, 559. Resurrection of Jesus, 25, 45, 49, 187; festival of the, 571, 573. Rhone, 335. Rigaltius, 336. Robinson, 30, 37, 39. Rock, The, of Rome, 596 ; Peter the, 310. Roman — See Empire. Rownan bishop for the Montanists, 314. Romanism, 299. Roman poets and historians, 2 ; pres- bytery, 461. Romans, Epistle to, 116, 139; of Ignatius to, 359, 362, 365, 366-373. Rome, its wealth and greatness, 2, 130; its intercourse with Car- thage, 336; its population, 129; Church of, 132, 142, 160, 162, 254, 299, 306, 473 ; its influence, 304, 494-496 ; its statistics, 323 ; Bi- shop of, 327, 374, 517, 549; Cle- ment of, 456 ; origin of Church of, 490; catholic system begins at, 513, 515, 518, 539; bishop of, at head of catholic league, 520; ignorance of Bishop of, 560 ; Paul embarks for it, 127. Root and womb of the Church, 519. Rothe, 67, 354, 481, 584. Routh, 335, 406, 471. Rufinus, 432. Rufus, 368, 369. Ruinart, 266. Sabbath, 188, 189, 190. Sabellius, 345, 415. Sacrament, 197, 443. Sacrificati, 270. Sadducees, 6, 21, 121, 178. Sage, Bishop, 347, 542. Saint as a prefix, 160. Salamasius, 498. Salvation, none out of the Church; Samaritans, 36, 39, 50, 51, 182. Sand-diggers, 319, 321. Sanhedrim, 32, 45, 121, 184, 216,. 226. Sardis, 152, 237. 6io INDEX. Satan, 346 ; delivering to, 200. Satisfactions, 419. Saturday, 187. Saturninus, 364, 394. Salurus, 541. Sntil, or Paul, 66. bavi;^ny, 462. Schaff, 106, 189, 294, 400, 571. Schism, of Novatian, 324, 327, 547 ; of Felicissimus, 547, 575. Schismatics, called heretics, 482. Scholz, 138. Scotland, 255, 510. Scott, Thomas, 353. Scribes, 19, 227. Scriptures, 7, 164, 169; consistent, 172 ; burned, 276, 277 ; commit- ted to memory, 407 ; seized, 426. Scrivener, 224. Scyra, 371. Scyros, 371. Sects, 595. Secundinus, 526. See of Peter, 381, 519, 522. Selden, 37, 220, 226, 530. Seleucia, 66. Seneca, 1 00. Seniority, 303, 469, 470. Senior, presbyter, 460-463, 470, 484, 531 ; bishop, 469, 470, 562. Septimius Severus, 269, 280, 309. Septuagint, 8, 344. 457- Serapis, 286. Serenius Granianus, 264, Sergius Paulus, 66, 150. Scrvianus, 501. Seven churches, 152, 238, 244. Seventy, The, 30, 37, 45, 54, 57. Seventy nations, 37. Shepherd, Mr., 348, 413. Shepherd of Hermas, 334, 364, 382. Shepherds of Judea, 30. Shipwreck of Paul, 127-129. Sibylline books, 376. Silas, 84. Simeon, or Niger, 54. Simeon of Jerusalem, 185, 263, 464, 465, 467. 482. Simon Magus, 182. Simon Zeloles, 41. Sitting at the Eucharist, 442. Six hundred and si.\ty-six, 151. Sixtus, 274, 464. Slavery, 294, 295. Slaves, 433. Smith's Dictionary of Geography 107, 129, 371 ; of Antiquities, 197 425, 485. Smith of Jordanhill, 127, 128, 129. Smyrna, 237, 356, 358, 370, 464, 47a Smyrn^ans, 359, 363, 374, 386. Socrates, the philosopher, 90, 91 ; the historian, 286, 573. Sopater, 118. Soter, 489 ; called a presbyter, 532. Sozomen, 254. Spain, 136, 138, 153, 254, 469; church of, 473. Sponsors, 433. Sprinkling, 437. Spurious writings, 373. Standing at the Eucharist, 442, 445. Stanley's Eastern Church, 474. Stars, Seven, 238. Stationary days, 450. Stephen, the first martyr, 49, 144; of Rome, 323, 325, 326, 350, 521 • against rebaptism, 576 ; excom- municates other bishops, 577. Stephens, Robert, 163. Stieren's Irenjeus, 37, 303, 336, 351, 382, 507, 578. Stiliingfleet, 461, 513. Stoics, 5, 91, 93, 94. Strabo, 97, 240, 526. StratJEas, 455. Stromata, 340, 350, 351. Subdeacons, 539. Subintroductit, 285. "Subsecivie, Horaj," 91. Suburbicarian Provinces, 327. Succession, Episcopal, 301, 460, 476, 532. Suetonius, 145. Suffrage, 3 1 7. Suicide, 85. Sulpilius Severus, 148. Sunday, 424. Supreme Pontiff, 322. Symmachus, 345. Synagogue, 8, 191, 198, 226, 227, 239- Synods, their history, 552 ; of apos- tolic origin, 554, 555 ; at first few, 556; held generally, 558; con- demned Montanists, 556; ruled the church, 563; of Alexandria, 474- Syria, 71, 342, 368, 373; in the yEgean Sea, 17 1 . INDEX. 6ii Syriac of Ignatian Epistles, 360-361, 370, 374- Syrian deputation, 72. Syricius, 312. Tacitus, 121, 142, 147, 148. Tarquin, 376, 377. Tarsians, 359. Tarsus, 51, 52. Tatian, 350. Tattam, Archdeacon, 354. Teacher, The bishop, 525. Teachers, 54, 65, 207, 208, 228. Teetotalers, 350. Telesphorus, 301 , 464, 489 ; martyred, 495, 500; called a presbyter, 532; did not keep the paschal feast, 571. Temple service, 191, 192. Tennent, Sir J. £., 404. Tertullian on Ezek. ix. 4, — 288 ; on the phoenix, 165 ; on the angel of the church, 241 ; on the perpetual virginity of Mar)', 264; on Matt, xvi. 18, — 310, 326; his life and character, 336-339, 350 ; his fan- cies, 352 ; on venial and mortal sins, 401; on baptism, 432-434; his account of penitents, 448 ; on synods, 558. Tc'xtus Rcceptus, xiii., 138. Thebaic version, 251. Thebuthis, 482. Theodotian, 345. Thcodotus, 412. Theophilus, of Antioch, 253, 334, 414; of Csesarea, 557, 558. Theophorus, 355. Therapeutae, 284, 363. Thessalonians, 100, loi. Thessalonica, 99; its first Papal Vicar, 515. Thomas, 32, 35, 41. Thorndike, 498. Thrace, 254. Thraseas, 464. Three taverns, 131. Thundering legion, 252. Thurificati, 270. Tiber, 273, 309. Tiberius, 30, 53, 55, 375. Tickets of peace, 574. Tillemont, 49, 457, 465, 500. Timothy, 69, 114, 137, 206, 215, 217, 380. Tischendorf, xiii,, 138, 224. Titles of canonical books, 159-160. Titles of Christ, 172, 173. Tiiulus, 498. Titus, 106, 115, 161, 215-218, 228. Toledo, 470. Toleration, 261, 282. Tongues, 193, 207. Tortures, 266, 278, Toulouse, 254. Tours, 254. Tradition, loi, 169, 204; Roman 307, 409 ; attested by bishops, 469 its uncertainty, 572. Traditors, 277, 426. Trajan, 249, 262, 264, 356. Trallians, 359, 374. Translation of bishops, 551. Translations of N. T., 251. Transubstantiation, 443. Tregelles, 75, 174, 224. Trinity, 175, 339, 350, 413, 414. 4l6. Troas, 117, 137, 356, 359. Trophimus, 118, 137. Trustees of British Museum, 354. Trypho, 333. Turner, Sharon, 570. Tutelary guardians, 6. Twelve, The, 31-36, 41, 48, 59. Two years old, what, 28. Tychicus, 118, 134, Tyrannus, 105, 107. Tyre, 346, 476. Ulster, Synod of, 491. Uniformity, 236, 577, 578. Union, Bond of, 553. Unitarians, 412. Unity, Catholic, 516, 518. Unity of God, 9, 416. Unity, of the Church, 185, 224, 235, 512; promised, 598. Unknown God, 92. Ussher, 354, 361, 378, 389, 487. Vacancy, Episcopal, at Rome, 496 ; at Alexandria, 506. Valens, 367. Valentine, 42, 301 ; his system, 394; his activity, 497 ; at Rome, 498. Valentinians, 336, 339. Valeria, 257. Valerian, 274, 275, 280, 348. Valesius, 139. Vatican MS., 277; Library, 313, Lapidarian Gallery, 319-322. 6l2 INDEX. Venial sins, 401 451. Venus, 66, 96. Vicarious sacrifice of Christ, 23. Victor of Rome, 308, 309, 312, 335, 413, 489, 521 ; supports Montan- ism, 314 ; holds a synod, 557, 558 ; opposes the Ouartodecimans, 571. Vienne, 254, 267, 308, 531. Virginity, Perpetual, of Mary, 593. Virgins, 285, 348. Visible Church, 581, 584. Vitringa, 37, 152, 203, 207, 288. Vossius, 354, 361. Voting, 67, 317. Vow of a Nazarite, 1 19. Waddington, 438, Wake, 357, Wall, 432. Warburton, 352. Water of baptism, 437 ; in the wine of the Eucharist, 442. Westcott, 162, 251, 384, 409. Western Empire, 151. Whately, 435. Whiston, 30, 359. Whitby, 157, 217. Whitsunday, 570. Wieseler, 59, 115, 131. Will-worship, 404. Wilson, 196, 430. Winckelmann, 313. Wisdom, the Spirit so called, 414. Wise men from the East, 12, 28. Wishart, William, 510. Wombs of the faith, 514. Wonderful character of Christ, 27, Wordsworth, 160, 162, 163, 306, 314, Worship of the Church, 187, 226^ 421. Written Word, 169, 171. Xenophon, 91. Xerophagife, 450. Xystus, 323, 489 ; called a presby- ter, 532 ; did not keep the paschal feast, 571. Year of Christ's birth, 28. Yehovah, 351. Zacchaeus, 34. Zeal for martyrdom, 269, 385.. Zebedee, 35, 36. Zelotes, 33. Zephyrinus, 3H, 3^S. 3SO. Zoroaster, 399, 425. Zosimus, 368, 369. Zumpt, 294. Date Due — }■ ^ Date Due ,■■ . 7 V- /:. 1 1 '. ., \ /S ^^"9^^ N^TH. S^ t^ ^