PRINCETON, N. J. W ^C-^ Division . . .^^^*^^f?rt *: Q7^\ Section A.O.r.)--:. Shelf. Number L Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library AN INDEX PRINCIPAL WORKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS LITERATURE. EMBRACING NEARLY SEVEiNTY THOUSAND CITATIONS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED UNDER TWO THOUSAND HEADS. HOWARDH^IALCOM, D.D., LL.D. SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDENDA. Scire ubi aliquid possis invenire, magna pars eruditionis est J PHILADELPHIA J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1870. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., In the Clerk's OfiBce of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Peuns3'lvauia. '^^i>WV^?'i7VW* PREFACE. Nothing was farther from my mind, in commencing this b«cly of references, than the idea of making it available to others as well as myself On assuming the pastoi'ship of a church in 1820, I pur- chased, under the guidance of my honored instructors in theology, Drs. Staughton, Alexander, and Miller, about two thousand vol- umes. But to many of them I was a stranger, and often found that I had help at hand when it was too late for my purpose. For my own convenience, I arranged the entire contents of m}^ library in the manner here exhibited. For aid in future investigations, refer- ences were added, as important books came under my notice — in Reviews, or elsewliere. Lj'ing constantly on my desk for over forty years, and receiving almost daily additions, the book grew, without any sensible deduction of time from my proper pursuits ; and since my retirement from professional life, I have found pleasant occupa- tion in endeavoring to give it completeness. So far as I know, the work is unique, so that whatever may be its deficiences, it will be useful as far as it goes. There are biblio- thecas, each of which was received favorably by the learned, but all so different in design from this, that it will lose none of its value when placed by their side. Few of them can now be had, and nearly all of them were published more than a century ago, when there were few valuable theological books in the English language. Such as desire to consult them, are referred to the head " Biblio- graphy." Theology has become the mo^t voluminous of all the sciences. A minister now can read through very few of the teeming productions of the press, while there are many he must consult. In the English language alone, there are, I suppose, a quarter of a million of religious books. To become familiar with these, to say nothing of an equal number in Latin, German, and French, would require a thousand lives. Hence the absolute need of an aid like this, to enable the student to consult just those books, or parts of books, which will furnish him the requii'ed assistance. Persons who have given special attention to some one topic, will probably be acquainted with authors on point which are not here adduced. But such will not forget that other parts of the book, and perhaps that very part, will render them good service. (5) 6 PREFACE. The omission which they discover may have been through my igno- rance or oversight, but in thousands of cases, such omission is the result of self-imposed restraint. The book may be out of print, or very rare, or superseded by a better, or of small value compared with those which are mentioned. My aim is not to preserve the whole sum of theological literature from that oblivion which much of it merits, but to furnish I'eady reference to what is still both valuable and accessible. Nor am I willing to hide meritorious authors in a crowd; nor to waste a student's time in searching for books which he cannot find; nor by amassing references, useless or merely curious, to give my book a scholarl}^ and complete appear- ance, and destroy its utility. Zealous bibliographers enumerate every title they can find, though the book may be nowhere in ex- istence, and love to append to their notice, "rare;" "very rare;" "only fifty copies printed;" "unnoticed hitherto," etc. But I desire neither the credit of authorship, nor the gratification of the learned, and have no other ambition than to help the industrious. No small labor, therefore, has been spent in making careful omis- sions, and many more would have been made, were it not that a book may be of signal use, though not the best on the subject ; and may be within reach, when a better one is not. On a few subjects, such as " English Bible," and " New Version," all the writers which have come to my knowledge are named. " The Fathers " are constantly referred to, though the subject* may have been much better handled b}'" others. This respect seems due to antiquity. In all cases, their testimony as to facts is im- portant. It is desirable also to keep open the original sources of controversial theology, and to trace the succession of sacred litera- ture. That so man}' of the references are to old books, will be no objection to scholars. On some of the subjects, nearly all the litera- ture is old ; and the aggregate of the good theology of all past ages, is vastly greater than the amount produced in our single age. The zeal of publishers keeps new books before the public, and the student is much less likely to be ignorant of these than of those of older date. Lists of editions of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures, and of the Septuagint, Yulgate, and other versions, are omitted, because not only are the " Biblia " named separately in booksellers' catalogues, but there are numerous compilations of this sort, which leave nothing to be done in that department. I have mentioned the best of these under "Bibliography," and " Printed editions." Bodies of Divinity, Bible Dictionaries, Church Histories, and Commentators, are named in their proper places ; but as they are themselves works of general reference, they are not referred to under the several topics they embrace, except they discuss some one particularl}'^ and largely. The inquirer will, of course, consult such of them as are within his reach. The abridgement of titles is the result of much reflection, and has cost much labor. To have given them in full would have trebled PREFACE. 1 the cost of the book, \^ithout increasing its value. Enough of each title is given to preclude embarrassment or uncertainty. To assort books accurately is impossible, for some may properly be placed under divers heads; but all inconvenience on this score is obviated by the references to kindred heads. References ai'e not made to volumes and pages, because the diversity of editions would make them not only useless but per- plexing. When a work is divided into parts and chapters, the number is given. Single sermons and pamphlets are omitted, be- cause generally ephemeral, and always diflicult to find. The date of the first publication of a book is given,* where it seemed desirable, as under Commentators, Common Prayer, Concor- dances, English Bible, Geography, Histories, Missions, Palestine, Theology, etc. The date given in catalogues is only that of the edition there mentioned, and in some of the best, dates are not given at all. Let the owner of this book undertake to put the date of the first editions to the works named under any single head, and he will be convinced of the folly of attempting it for all. To do it as far as I have, has been very troublesome, and in many cases it required an examination of the biography of the author. In Law, Medicine, or Science, the date of a publication may be useful ; but theology has a positive basis in Revelation, and he who in 'any age writes well on sacred subjects, writes for all ages. If the student finds the aid he requires, it is enough. Resides, there are few im- portant books which have not been reprinted, perhaps more than once ; and some of the oldest are still being reproduced, often with valuable editorial improvements. Whenever a book relates to "the present time," or the state of a country at a certain period, the date is given, if possible ;f and when some particular edition is greatly preferable, it is designated. Observations on the comparative value of books are sparingly introduced, preferring to omit works of small merit, if there are good ones on that topic, not too rare, except when it seemed well to put the reader on his guard. The little reliance which can be placed on such notices is illustrated by the specimens below, selected because the}^ are the utterances of well-known men in regard to well-known books. Wake's New Version of the Psalms. " Well drawn up.'' " Notes judi- cious."— British Critic. " No value." — Okmk. McKnight on the Epistles. "Luminous and valuable." — Parkhurst. "Not ofteu paralleled." — British Critic. "Translation rash, uncouth, and * Some of these dates are disputed by scholars. I have intended to give those most usually assigned. f Guild, in his useful "Librarian » Mnnnnl," discriminates between intellectual and natural bibliogr;iphy. The former term he applies to the consideration of the contents of books ; the latter, to notices of the number of volumes, date, size, price, and rarity of editions or of particular copies. My tas-tes do not load me to the latter class of inquiries, and if tbej did, I sEould nut mingle both in one book. 8 PREFACE. ofleu ungrammatical. The notes tend more to perplex than enlighten." — LouNDEs. " With two exceptions, scarcely any doctrine is rightly stated." — Orme. Draper's Lectures on the Liturgy. " Perspicuous, sensible, and evan- gelical."— Eclectic Review. "No small portion is jargon." — Critical Review. Burnet's History of the Reformation was honored, as no other book ever was, by a vote of thanks in the British Parliament. " Impartial, liberal, laborious." — Prof. Smyth. "Burnet is, without doubt, the English Euse- bius." — Apthorpe. " One of the most thoroughly digested works of the century." — Prof. Spalding. "The style is mere chit-chat. I do not be- lieve that Burnet intentionally lied, but he was so much prejudiced, that he took no pains to find out the truth." — Dr. Johnson, in Boswell's Life. Dr. Samuel Clarke's Essays. " The most serious treatises Dr. C. ever wrote." " Very useful in all families." — Whiston. " Destitute of originality and acuteness ; nor is there any thing in the style to compensate for the mediocrity of thought." — Cunningham. Quaresmii Elucidatio terrae sanctae. "Not much esteemed." — Walch. " The most valuable work on biblical geography ever printed." — Orme. Gifford's Translation of Juvenal. " The 'best version ever made of a classical author." — Sir Walter Soott. " The baldest, and in many parts the most offensive of all the translations of Juvenal." — Hazlitt. Aikins' General Biograjyhy. " Evinces sound judgment, manly freedom, and correct taste." — Roscoe. "A worthless compilation." — Gifford. Echard's General Eccles. History, to A. D. 313. " The best of its kind." — Prideaux. " Of little value." — Lowndes. Jortin's BemarJcs on Eccles. History. " Pithy, learned, candid, and acute." — Dibdin, "Full of manly sense, ingenious strictures, and profound erudi- tion."— Vicess. Knox. "A vulgar caricature, distinguished not more for heartlessness and the absence of every noble feeling, than for the author's shameful ignorance of the subject." — Dowling. "There are few authors to whom I am so much indebted." — Dr. Parr. Fuller's CJiurch History of Britain. "Even the most serious and authen- tic parts are so interlaced with pun and quibble, that it looks as if he had designed to ridicule our Church."— Bishop Nicholson. " Simply a caricature of history, and a systematic violation of all its proprieties. Never was there such a medley." — Henry Rogers. " There are only two writers of the genuine history of our Church who deserve the name of historians — Collier and Ful- ler."— Bishop Warburton. " One of the most remarkable books in the language ; the varied powers of learning, sagacity, pathos, wit. humor, and imagination, all animating the pages of 'a Church history." — Henry Reed. " Sensible, pious, candid." — Bickersteth. Prettyman's Elements of Theology. "Well arranged, the reasoning clear and solid, well adapted for students in theology, and may be read with ad- vantage by the most experienced divine." — Bishop Marsh. " Merely shows how a creed may be made to signify any thing or nothing."— Williams. Milner's Church History. " Eminently pious ; an estimable treatise in the very spirit of the sacred writers." — Bickersteth. " Milner was destitute of the information necessary to an ecclesiastical historian." — Dowling. " The book has no intrinsic value, and will sink into total and merited neglect." — Dr. Hugh J. Ross. PREFACE. 9 Dunlop's History of Fiction. "He has executed a defective plan in rather a superficial manner."— Lond. Quart. Review. "An agreeable miscellany, which discovers uncommon information and learning."^EDiNB. Review. Beattie's Esaay on Truth. " Beattie's Essay is, I believe, every day more liked; at least, 1 like it more, as I look upon it more." — Dr. Johnson, in BoswelVs Life. " Beattie's book is even more remarkable for being abusive and acrimonious, than for its defects in argument and originality." — Edin- BURG Review. Hallants Constitutional Hist, of England. " Acrimonious, arrogant, un- just, ill-tempered." " The production of a decided partisan." — Southey, ^'n Lond. Quart. Revieio, 87:194. " Eminently judicial." " Its whole spirit is that of the bench, not of the bar." " Calm, steady, acute, profound. The most impartial book we ever read." — T. B. Macauley, Edinb. Rev. 48 : 96. The following are the prominent features which distinguish this undertaking from any other of its kind. 1. The alphabetical arrangement of topics, with writers annexed, instead of the usual alphabetical arrangement of authors, with their writings annexed. • 2. The multiplication of heads, so as to comprehend not only- principal subjects, but the widest range of theological literature. The number of heads, not counting those which merely refer to others, is over two thousand. 3. The magnitude of the work, comprising, as it does, about seventy thousand citatiojis.* This number is perhaps nearly doubled by the extensive lists of books, which are adduced undqr particular heads. See the table of such heads at the end of the book. 4. The including of the great Reviews, secular and religious. Unlike pamphlets and single sermons, these are bound, and acces- sible. A large. amount of the best theological literature is thus made available. 5. The analytical arrangement of the best English sermons. These contain a great treasure of both doctrinal and practical the- ology, and the number of my references to them is proportionably large, some articles consisting mainly of such, though only bound volumes are noticed. 6. The introduction of a wide range of authors not theological Nearly every head contains such references, and some are made up of them almost entirely."]" 1. The insertion of the names of prominent charactei's, scriptural and ecclesiastical, with their biographies, works, and the critics * Lowndes' Bibliographer's M.anual, though embracing all departments of knowledge, contains but nbout fifty thousand authors. Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, designed to name every writer in the English language, even of an ephemeral pamphlet, embraces hut thirty thousand authors. f See Biidhism, Capital punishment, Eleusinian mysteries, Ethnology, Geology, Hinduism, Mesmerism, Phrenology, Palestine, etc. etc. 10 PREFACE. upon them. Great, assistance is thus furnished for investigating the history of sects and doctrines. 8. The separation of writers on controverted subjects into three divisions, viz. : for, against, and historical. Every order, sect, and school, ancient or modern, is fairly presented, as far as is in my power. Leading men, of existing sects, have been written to for lists of their best writers, and the result, though sometimes helpful, has shown how much even they needed such a book of reference. 9. The numerous references to books which" do not, b}^ their titles, indicate their subject; thus furnishing aid which no ordinary cata- logues coifld supply. 10. The work is brought down to recent publications To three classes of persons I hojje good service is here rendered. 1. To authors, in furnishing them both assistance and restraint. To write well, a man must know to what extent and in what man- ner his subject has been treated by others. He may be wise, but writers, of whom he is ignorant, may have been more so. He may think he will enlighten the world, when his theme has been already better handled. It is not uncommon for an author to say in his preface that had he known the existence of a certain book, he would have made his own better, or not written at all. Active minds often adopt views unlike those of their cotemporaries, and perhaps lead off a party, not aware that similar notions have been published, refuted, and forgotten. Want of extensive reading is the root of many heresies and superstitions. 2. To students, in showing them where they maj find desired knowledge. Without such aid, they may stand in a large library, or even in their own, with all needed assistance at hand, and yet be helpless. Next to knowing a thing, is to know where to obtain the information ; and as no one can know much, the latter attainment, if extensive, is, on the whole, the better. The student is here intro- duced to the great minds of the past and the present, and taught who of them and what portions of their works will answer his inquiries or resolve his doubts. • 3. Purchasers of hooks for public or private theological libraries, or the theological department of general libraries, will here be shown how to make the collection symmetrical (a quality which few libraries possess), as well as comprehensive and complete. I am quite conscious of having made a very imperfect book. One life is not long enough, nor one man's knowledge of books extensive enough, to make such a work complete. But as the owner becomes familiar with this volume, he will find the undesirable omissions both fewer and less important than he suspected ; for books which might have been named under several heads, are given but under one, and the apparent omission is supplied elsewhere. I present PREFACE. 11 the result of my labors for just what it is — an arranged catalogue of many thousand books, in a single department of literature. These are books which theologians will never discard, so that what I have done is done forever. Future publications will be added by future editors, but they will add, from past publications, few of those which I have omitted. I do not presume that my book will incur no censures but such as it deserves. Some will think many of the references should have been omitted, and some, that many more should have been added. Some will find fault for the sake of seeming to know more than the author, and some for the love of fault-finding. Some out of ignorance, or lack of reflection, will condemn real excellencies ; and some will judge me by a standard which cannot be reached. I have pursued my work in full view of such considerations, content to pro-sade for future theologians a labor-saving apparatus. " Si quid novisti rectius istis, Candidas imperii: si non, his utere mecum." Horace. Ep. VI. Philadelphia, 1866. Notice. — The Latin titles occurring among English writers, are not there by mistake. It was once customary to give such titles to books in our own language. When a writer's name is in brackets, it indicates that the book was published anonymously. Some Reviews have several times commenced a " New Series," and some have been reprinted with altered paging. This has made some unavoidable confusion as to such references ; but the only alternative was to insert them with this disadvantage, or omit them altogether. "A Bibliotlieca, or account of books in English, continued to the present day, is a desideratum." — Bkkersteth. "A book which treats only of other books, is the touchstone of a genu- ine lover of literature. He will handle it with gentle reverence, and keep it at his right hand for frequent consultation ; while mere readers would throw the book aside as a dull and worthkss catalogue. "—Z.o«^o« ^arterly Re'vie-iv. "Book Catalogues are to men of letters what the compass and Ught- house are to the mariner, the digested index to the lawyer, the dispensa- tory to the physician, the sign-post to the traveller : in short, they are the concordances of litemtuve. ^''—If^estern Memorabilia. " Books can give new views of life, and teach us how to live. They soothe the grieved, the stubborn they chastise. Tools they admonish, and the wise confirm." — Crahhe. "A hbrary is not like a dead city of stones, yearly crumbling, and needing repair : but Uke a spiritual tree. There it stands and yields its precious fruit, from year to year, and from age to age :— thaumaturgic, for it can persuade men." — Carlyle. " Theology is by far the most voluminous of all the sciences. There is none that comes nearly up to it, in the amount, or what may be termed the dimensions of its authorship. It is a colossus of most precious and solid material, brought together by the multiplied efforts of a most pro- digious industry, and elaborated into form by the skill of many thousand intellects ; some of which equal, both in power and achievement, the most gigantic of those spirits that ever signalized themselves in any of the walks of philosopliic investigation, "—C/^«//«^r/. "Hi sunt magistri qui nos instruunt sine virgis et ferula, sine pane et pecunia. Si accedis, non dormiunt ; si inquiris, non se abscondunt ; non remurmurant si oberres ; cachinnos nesciunt si ignores. "—/??<:/^«r^ de Burj. 12 THEOLOGICAL KEFERENCES. Aaron. See bioqbapht. Taylor's (Dr. T.) Types of the Old Test. Abelard. Abelardi Opera (Various editions). Ouvrages inedits d'A. Ed. Cousin. 1836. Bohringer, die Kirche Christi. Gervaise, Vie de Abeillard. Frerich de A. doctrina et morali. Goldiiorn de Summis principiis theol. A. Schlosser's Leben e. schwarmers u. e. philos. Berington's Hist, of Abelard and Eloisa. Ability. See moral abiutt. Abraliam. See biography, faith op the PATRIARCHS, OFFERINO OP ISAAC, PATRIARCHS. Benson's (C.) Lectures. Lect. 14, 15. Beza's Tragedy of Abraliam. Blunt's Lectures on the hist, of Abraham. Bowdler's (Tho.) Sermons. Buddicom's Friendship with God. (40 ser- mons on the life of Abraham.) Calvin's Sermons. Conybeare's (Bp.) Sermons. Cooper's (E.) Sermons. Gilbank's Scripture hist, of Abraham. Gilfillan's Alpha and Omega. Chap. 8. Jebb's (Bp.) Sermons. Macduff's Sunsets on the Hebrew mountains. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Short's (William) Sermons. Stebbing's Hist, of A. and its meaning. Thompson's (P. E.) Lent lectures. Warburton's Divine legation of Moses. Wilson's (Tho.) Sermons. Abipones. See missions. Dobrizhofferi Historia de Abiponibus. (Highly praised by Southey.) Peramas de Vita sex sacerdotum Paraguay. Dobrizhoffer's Account of the Abipones : tr. by Mrs. S. H. Coleridge. The same : tr. by Dr. Southey, 1822. Abrahamlc Covenant. BAPTISU. Limborchii Theologia. Witsii Economia Foederis. See INFANT Abrahamic Covenant— co7i^»7Jued. Barrington's (J. S.) Theological works. Bowden's Covenant right of infanta. Buddicom's Friendship with (lod. Gregg on Infant church-membership. Janeway on the Abr. covenant. Kelly's (John) Congregational lectures. Maye's Technobaptist. MacKnight on the Abrahamic covenant Presbyterian Review. 3 : 529. Taylor on the Covenant of grace. Watt's Harm, of the Div. dispensations. Worcester on the Abr. covenant. Abrabamlsts. See PAnLiciANS. Abrogation of tlie Ceremonial l NOLOOY, DIFFICULTIES, QUOTATIONS. Althameri, Conciliationes locorum S. S. qui inter se pugnare videntur. (Excellent.) Beconi, Opera. 28 Apparent Contradictions — continued. Broughton, Concensus sacrae scripturae. Macri, sive Magrii, Antilogiae. Mayeri, Manuals biblicum. Manassah ben Israel, de conventia locorum S. S. quae inter se pugnare videntur. Matthsei Antilogia biblica. Mettingeri Ilarmonia in utroque Test. Thaddei Scrip, sacra a se non diversa. Turrettini Theologia Elenctica. Waltheri Harmonia biblica. Boyer's Critical conjectures, Ac. Burnett's Four discourses, Calamy's (Edward) Sermons. Cooper's Four hundred texts explained. Cox's (J. H.) Harm, of Scrip, vindicated. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 6. Falconer's Bampton lectures. 1810. (Dis- sonance of the Four Evangelists.) Fuller's (And.) Works. (A judicious and learned discussion.) Hallet's (Joseph) Notes on texts. Jenkins' Reasonableness of Christianity. Kennicott's State of the printed text. Remarks on select passages. Lindo's (E. H.) The Conciliator. Man's 3000 Seeming contrad. reconciled. Manassah ben Israel, The Conciliator. Paley's Evidences. Part 3. Ridgeley's Body of divinity. Sykes' Trnth of the Christian religion. [Thaddeus' (Jno.)] Reconciler of the Bible. (Notices 2000 seeming contradictions.) Whately's (Rich.) Essays. Essay 7. Wood's (Prof.) Works. Most works of this class find apparent contradictions iti a multitude of passages where there are none. Apparitions. See magic, superstition. Bekker, le Monde enchante. Brierre, Hist, raisonnee des Apparations. Boisardus de Spiritum apparitionibus. Cahagnet Arcancs de la vie future. Calmet, sur les angels, demons, &c. Grasse's Wissenschaftlich Geordnete, &c. Kerner's Seherin von prevorst. Jung Stilling's Theorie der Geisterkunde. Lavater de Spectris. Lenglet Dufresnoy, sur les Revelations par- ticulieres. Loyer (P.), des Spectres. Melancthoui Epistolse ad Hubert. Meisneri Dissertationes. Salverte des Sciences occultes. Stelling (W.), Geheimnissvolle Jenseits. Thyrffii (Pet.) Opera. Wierus de Angelis ct Demonibus. Zanchii (Hieron.) Dissertationes. Alderson & Hibbert on Apparitions. Abercrombie on the Intellectual powers. Analytic Magazine. 2 : 338. Aubrey's (John) Miscellanies. Baxter's Histor. treatise on apparitions. Berington's (Simon) Dissertations. Appariti an s — continued. Berthogg on the Nature of spirits. Bigland's Essays. Essay 7. Boismont (B.) on Hallucinations. Brewster on Natural magic. Burrowes' (E. J.) Hours of devotion. Calmet's Dissertations. Phantom world. Tr. by Christmas. Casaubon on Witches and apparitions. Christian Examiner. 12 : 106. Crowe's Night side of nature. 'De Foe's Secrets of the invisible world. Drelincourt on Death. (Preface.) Eclectic Magazine. 3 : 71. Edwards' (Bp.) Theologia reformata. Ferrier's Theory of apparitions. Frazier's Magazine. 2 : 33. 34 : 231. Glanvill's Sadduceismus triumphatus. Demon of Tedworth. Essays in philos. and religion. Hammond's (Henry) Discourses. Hibbert's Philosophy of apparitions. Jackson (Tho.) on the Apostles' creed. Jung Stilling's Theory of pneumatology. Tr. by Jackson. (Gives many remarkable accounts, including one related by John Wesley.) Lawton's (Edward) Lectures. Littell's Living Age. 13:529. London Retrospective Review. 11 : 66. Mather's (Cotton) Magnalia. Mather's (Increase) Remarkable provi- dences. (Furnishes an instructive picture of the state of society among the early settlers of America.) Moore's (Henry) Divine dialogues. Morton's Secrets of the invisible world. Museum of Foreign literature. 7 : 157. New England Magazine. 2 : 8. North British Review. 9:393. Quarterly Review. 9 : 304. 48 : 287. Radclilie s Origin and nature of the belief in the supernatural. Saunders on Angels and an angelic life. Sinclair's Invisible world discovered. (Cu- rious narratives, given as authentic.) Telfair's Actings of a spirit which infested the house of A. Mackie. 1695. Toplady's Sermons. Taylor's (Josejih) Mystery of ghosts. Appearance of Evil. See deportment. Fawcett's (James) Sermons. Rogers' (John) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Smallridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Appetites. See moral science. Baxter's Practical works. Hutchinson on the Nature of virtue. on the Passions. Ararat. See ark, QEOORAPHr. Amer. Biblical Repository. 7 : 390. Blackwood's Magazine. 28 : 24. 65 : 577. Foreign Quarterly Review. 15 : 288. 29 Southern Literary Messenger. 10 : 131. Westminster Review. 51 : 199. Arcliaiigel. See PHfLOLOar. Stengelii Hist, archangelorum. Plates. Witsii Miscellanea sacra. Tom. 2. Exer. 4. Clayton's (Bp.) Miscellaneous works. Rudd's Is Michael rfur Saviour ? Simpson on the Language of scripture. Arclisaeology. See christian antiquities, JKWISH ANTIQUITIES, COINS, EGTrT, HIEROGLYPHICS, VESTMENTS. Ackermanui ArchaBologia biblica. (Chiefly from Jahn.) AUiolis' Biblischen Alterthumskunde. Augusti's DenkwUrdigkeiten aus der christ- lichen Archaologie. Baumgarten-Crusius' Dogmengeschichte. Bauer's Hebr'aische Mythologie. Beschreibung die Gottesdienstlichen Verfassung der alten Hebr'aer. Bibliotheque archajologique. (Periodical.) Bohlen das alte Indien uud Egypt. Bruningii Compar. antiq. GraeciB. (" Exe- cuted with great learning and judgment." — Harwood.) Cremeri Antiquitates Sacrae. Donati Roma : vetus et recens. (1725.) Graevii Thesaurus antiq. Romanorum. Idem. Italiaj, Sieiliaj, Sardiniae. (Two very valuable works, in 60 volumes.) Gronovii Thesaurus antiq. Grajcorum. Hattemer's Denkmahl des mittel alters. Keil's Handbuch der biblischen Archseologie. Kinkel's Alte christliclie Kunst. Kleem's Cultur Geschichte. Jablonski, Opuscula varia. Jahn, Archajologia Biblica. Lamj', Ajiparatus biblicus. Millii Dissertationes. Montfaucon, I'Antiquite expliqu6e. Muller de Vitiis archfeologife biblicae. Nouvelle Encyclopedie theologique. Revue Archeologique. (Periodical.) Rosenmuller's Biblisch Alterthumskunde. Schilteri Thesaurus antiq. Teutonicarum. (A vast collection of curious matter.) Suiceri Thesaurus ecclesiasticus. Waltoni Biblia Polyglot. (Prolegomena.) ArchEeologia of Lond. Antiq. Society. 1770 to 1820. (Many hundred engravings. The contributors were among the first scholars in England.) Archaeological Journal. (Begun 1844.) Bruce's State of society in the age of Homer. Bryant's Observations and enquiries. Burton's Phraseology, manners, history, Ac, of Eastern nations ; as illustrating the sacred Scriptures. Cory's Fragments of ancient Phoenician, Chaldaean, Egyptian, Carthagenian, In- dian, Persian, and other writers. Cumberland's Sanchoniatho's Phoenician History, translated. Origin of the most ancient nations. Arclioeology— continued. Fosbrook's Elements of Archseology. (An excellent book for general reference.) Gale's Court of the Gentiles. (Origin of literature and philosophy, the ancient Jewish Scriptures, isputationes theologicse. Valentine de Rebus controversis. Brownson's Quart. Review. 3 : 327. Fourth Council of Lateran. Con. Abechtii (Joann. Georg.) Dissertationes. Daillasi (Joann.) Disputationes. Kamperi Hist. Indulgentiarum. Lasteyrie, Hist, de la conf. sous ses rapports religieux, moraux, et politique. Schmidt, Lettres sur la conf. auriculaire. Titus de Confessione privata. Ace (Dan.) on the Tenet of A. confession. Beard (J. R.) on the Confessional. Beamish on Auricular confession. Eclectic Magazine. 5 : 413. Eclectic Review. 4th series. 7 : 668. 19 : 72. 2.'! : 690. Evans' (B.) Modern Popery. 1855. Auricular Confession — continwd. Con. Foreign Quarterly Review. 35 : 188. Goodman on Auric, conf., as prescribed by the Council of Trent. Hopkins' History of the Confessional. Kitto's Journal. New scries. Vol. 3. Lasteyrie's Historj' of Auricular confession. Tr. by C. Cocks. (A tremendous blow.) Mendham on Indulgences and pardons. Peace (W.) on Auric, conf. and absolution. Poole's Dialogues bet. two Protestants. Reading on the Principal controversies. Salter's Hall sermons. Ser. by J. Burroughs. Taylor's (Jer.) Polemic I>iscourses. Todd on Confession and absolution. Young's (John) Lectures. Authenticity of tl»e Scriptures. See CANON, DEISM, INSPIKAriON, IN- TERNAL EVIDENCE, PrOPHECY AS A PROOF op REVELATION, REVELATION. Athenagorse Legatio pro Christianis. Augustine, de civitate Dei. Clemens (Alex.) Cohortatio ad Grascos. Justin Martyr, Apologia. Cohortatio ad Grajcos. Theojjhilus ad Autolycum. Arnobius, adversus Gentes. Bocharti Epistola ad Tapinum. Bullingerus de S. S. auctoritate, ets. See waldenses. Bardesanes. See heresies. Beausobre, Hist, du Manichajisme. Lib. 4. Ch. 9. Origen, Dialogus contra Marcionitas. Strunzii Historia Bardesanistarum. Barnabas. See LrvES of the fathers. Barnabffi Epistola;. (Many editions.) Heffele's Sendschreiben des Apost. B. Henfie de Epist. qua3 Barnabas tribuiter. Le Moyne, Exercitatiuncula. Menardus de St. B. et ejus epistolse. Papebrochii Acta et passio Barnabas. (Acta sanctorum.) Puccinell, Vita de St. B. Milano. Roidan, de Authentia epistola3 B. Saxe, de Adventu Mediolanum B. apost. 47 Ulman's Studien und Kritiken. Burton's (Edward) Lectures. Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics. Lardner's Works. Wake's Genuine epistles of the Fathers. See a list of all the editions in Ceixliek, Hist, generale des atitenrs aacres. Bartlioloiuetv. See massaore, Basil. See fathers. Assemanni Bibliotheca OrientaJis. Baertii Vita S. Basilii. Basilii Opera. Bohringer's die Kirche christi. Ducaei Basilii opera, cum notis. Erasmi Epistola3. Epis. 7. Peisseri Diss. hist, theolog. de vita B. Georgii Vita et doctrina Basilise. Gregory (Nyssen) Orationes. Orat. 20. Hermance, Vie de St. Basile le grand. Werenberg, Diss, de prudentia B. in refu- tandis hasreticis. Barksdale's Basil on Solitude. Berker's Exhortations of St. Basil. Ondin's Life and writings of Basil. Basllidians. Beausobre, Hist, du Manicheism. Lib. 4, e. 1. Chifletii Abraxas proteus. Grabbii (Joan. Ernest) Dissertationes. Macarii Abraxas. Massnetii Dissertatio in Ireneum. Mosheim, de Rebus chris. ante Constantin. Passeri Dissertatio de gemmis. TJhlhorn's Basilidianische System. Baxterians. See Calvinism. This name was given to writers who re- laxed the Calvinist system ; but no body of Christians is so called. Beatitudes. See sermon on the mount; aad also the various graces. Gregory (Nys.) Orationes. Anderson's (James S. M.) Discourses. Anderson's (Robt.) Discourses. 8 on this sub. Blackall's (Bp.) Discourses. Blair's (James) Sermons. Brewster's Lectures on the Beatitudes. Buck (Jas.) on the Beatitudes. Butcher's (William) Sermons. ' Butt's (Thomas) Sermons. Caunter's Sermons on the Beatitudes. Cennick's (John) Discourses. Clow's (J.) Sermons. Cobden's (Edward) Sermons. Cook's fJohn) Sermons. Crum's (Geo.) Mount of blessing. Cunningham's Morning Thoughts. Edward's (Dr. John) Theologia Reformata. Farrar's Bampton Lectures. 1803. Garbett's (Jas.) Lectures in Lent. Gardner's Exposition of the Beatitudes. George's Blessing of Chris, philosophy. Beatitudes — continued. Good's (E.) Lectures on the Beatitudes. Graves' (Rich.) Sermons. (4 on this subj.) Grove's (Henry) Sermons. Hambleton's (John) Sermons. Harris' (Robert) Twenty-four sermons. Horneek's (Anthony) Sermons. James' Index of passages from the Fathera upon every verse of Matt. v. Johnson's (Samuel) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Latimer's (Bp.) Sermons. Liefehild's Lectures on Christian temper. Mackay's (M.) Expos, of Matt. v. 1-10. Mather's (Increase) Sermons. Moberly's (Geo.) Sermons. Monsel (J. S. B.) on the Beatitudes. Norris (John) Sermons. Naylor's (The.) 8 Sermons on the B. 1828. Orr's (John) Discourses. Piggot's (Hugh) The blessed life. Prince's (Thomas) Ten Lectures in Lent. Smith's (Dean) Sermons. Watson's (T.) Sermons on the Beatitudes. Wintle's Christian Ethics. Beghards, or Beguins. See fratricelli. Hemmerlini Tractatus contra Validos. Mosheim, de Beghardis et Beguinibus. Behemoth. See natural history. Baieri (Joann. Guil.) Dissertationes. Bochartii Hierozoicon. Kirchmayeri (Joann. Chris.') Dissertationes. Mulleri Theologica Biblieae. Behnien. See bcehmen. Belgic Confession. Benthem's Hollandischen Kirchen. De Bress, Confessio Belgicaj. Maresii Foederatum Belgium Orthodoxum. ' Beelzebub. See satan. Benedictines. [Black Friars.] Acta Sanctorum ordinis Benedicti, in sascu- lorum classes distributa. 10 folios. Armelii Bibliotheca. Bucelini Annales Benedictini. Bulteau, Abrege de I'hist. de I'ordre St. B. Dacherii Acta Sancti Benedicti. Francois, Biblioth. generale des ecrivans de I'ordre de St. Benoit. Gregoris (Magni) Benedicti Vita. Jepes, Hist, general de I'ordre, &c. Le Cerf, Bibliotheque historique et critique. Mabilloni, Annales ordinis St. B. 9 v. fol. Pezii Bibliotheca B. ((Lives and writings.) Reyneri Apostolatus Bened. in Anglia. Richardson (J.), Praelectiones Ecclesiasticae. Schamel's Hist. d. alt. Benedictinerklos. Sczygielski, Aquila Polono Benedictine. Spittler's Geschichte des Benedictiner. Weissii Lyceum Benedictinum. 48 Edinburg Review. 89 : 1. Eclectic Magazine (same article). 16 : 433. Littell's Living Age (same article.) 20 : 433. Stephens' (Sir James) Eccles. Biography. Zeigelbauer, Hist, rei Uterarue ord. St. B. In 4 vols., fol. Gives not only the entire history of the order, but the lives of its prin- cipal members, and a classified list of books written by them, with a critical notice of each. Beneficence. See be.vevole.vce. Allen on Christian Benefieence. Christian Review. 10 : 200, 254. Clarke's Faithful Steward. (Prize essay.) Dick on Christian Benefieence. Fawcett's (James) Sermons. Gold and the Gospel. (Ulster prize essay.) Gouge's Riches increased by giving. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Sermons. Mason on the Human virtues. Simpson's Essay on Benefieence. Tcnnison's Sermons. (B. to posterity.) Wayland's (Francis) Occasional discourses. Zollikoffer's Sermons on education. Benevolence. Amer. Biblical Repository. 2d Series. 9 : 1. Amer. Quarterly Register. 8 : 241. Balguy's (Dr. 'Tho.) Discourses. Barnes' (Albert) Practical Sermons. Besley's Doctrinal Discourses. Black's (David) Sermons. Brown's Essay on Shaftesbury's characterist. Christian Examiner. 2 : 241. 13 : 137. Christian Monthly Spectator. 1 : 569. 4 : 113, 522, 617. 7 : 367. Christian Review. 2 : 85. 9 : 583. Dick's Philosophy of Religion. Doddridge's Lectures. Lee. 65. Dyer's (Geo.) Theory and practice of benev. Eden's Harmony of Benevolence. Fellow's Picture of Chris, philosophy. Ferguson's Sermons. Foster's (Dr. James) Sermons. Franklin's (Thomas) Sermons. Fuller's (And.) Socinian and Calvinistic Systems. Letter 8. Guardian, The. No. 61. Greathead on the Regard we owe to each other. Hale's Contemplations. Hall's (Robt.) Sermons. Housman's Principles and extent of benev. Hutchinson on the Passions. Jebb's (John) Excellency of Benevolence. Johnson's (Samuel) Sermons. Literary and Theolog. Review. 4 : 373. McCalla's Sermons. New Englander. 9 : 14. Pamphleteer. 13:391. 14:65. PufFendorf's Law of Nature. Lib. 4, c. 3. Stanford's (John) Sermons. Tucker's Light of nature pursued. Ch. 34. Tutty's Duty of universal benevolence. Wayland's Elements of moral science. Bk. 2. Benevolence of God. See attributes. Allestree's (Richard) Sermons. Amory's (Thomas) Sermons. Appleton's (Nathaniel) Works. Lect. 6 and 7. Balguy's Divine benevolence asserted. Baye on Divine benevolence. Bonnet's Contemplations of nature. Bradford's (The Martyr) Works. Carr's (George) Sermons. Carter's (Nicholas) Sermons. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Davies' (Prest.) Sermons. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 3. Dwight's (Tim.) Discourses. Disc. 8, 9. Emmons' (Will.) Sermons. Foster's (Dr. James) Sermons. • Gales' (John) Sermons. Hallett (Joseph) on Scripture. Grove on the Wisdom of God. (Refers Divine benevolence entirely to wisdom.) Harris' (Robert) Sermons. Hopkins' System of Divinity. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Langhorn's Sermons. Leland's (Tho.) Sermons. Pettitjjierre's Thoughts on Divine goodness. Robinson's Christian System. Saurin's (James) Sermons. Scott's (John) Sermons. Scott's (WiU.) Sermons. South's (Robert) Sermons. Strong on the Benevolence of God. Taylor's (John) Sermons. Venn's (John) Sermons. Wilder's (John) Sermons. Wood's (Prof.) Sermons. Wollaston's Religion of Nature. Benevolent Institutions. See educa- tion SOCIETIES, EXDOWMEKTS, VOLUN- TART ASSOCIATIONS. Butler's (Bp.) Sermons. Christian Examiner. 2 : 241. 7 : 307. Chris. Quart. Spect. 9:255. (On agents.) Edinburg Review. 1 : 578. 33 : 109. GifFord's Public charities of Eng. and Wales. Hazlitt on the Principles of charitable insti- tutions. New Englander. 5 : 28. Pamphleteer. 13 : 1. Quarterly Review. 53 : 249. Westminster Review. 2 : 97. Woodrow's Rise and progress of London religious societies. Bereavement. See mourkbbs. Allet's Christian's Support. Baker's (Arthur) Sermons. Beren's (E.) Sermons. (Death of children.) Brown's Comfortable Words. Coverdale's Book of Death. Dehon's (Bp.) Sermons. (Death of children.) East's Memoir of Miss Humphrey. Edwards' (Prest.) Sermons. Erskine's (Ebenezer) Discourses. 49 Bereavement — continued. Gataker's (Tho.) Sermons. (Death cf chil- dren.) Hall's (Bp.) Practical works. Harris' (llobt.) Sermons. (Death of children.) Logan's Comfort for bereaved parents. Lucas' (Rich.) Sermons. (Death of children.) Maefarlane's Why weepest thou ? Orton's (Job) Discourses to the aged. Patrick's (Bp.) Discourses. Russell's Letters, practical and consolatory. Shaebotham's Lamentat. in Rama hushed. Smyth's Bereaved parents consoled. Thompson's consolation for mourners. Bereiigai-lans. See waldenses. Alexandri (Hieron.) Dissertationes. Dassovii (Theodor.) Dissei-tationes. Haberkornii (Pet.) Dissertationes. Lupi (Christian.) Dissertationes. Mabilloni Prefatio ad Acta Benedict!. Mulleri Hist. Berengarianismi. vet. et novi. Oudinus de Scriptoribus Ecelesiasticis. Roy, de Vita, hjeres., et penitent., Bereng. Vernous, contra le pere Sirmond. Voigtii (Gottfr.) Bibliotheca. See an account of various treatises on the controversy between Beringer and the Pa- pists, touching the Lord's Supper, in Lupus, and OuDiN. Berkeley's Tlieory. See ideas. Pro. Berkeley's Principles of human knowledge. Con. Baxter (Andrew) on the Soul. Beattie's Immutability of Truth. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2. (Appendix.) Hamilton's Lectures on Metaphysics. Kaimes on the Principles of virtue. Mcintosh's Hist, of ethical philosophy. Reid on the Intellectual Powers. Besetting Sins. See temptation. Collison's (M. A.) Sermons. Cunningham's (J. W.) Sermons. Mason on Self-knowledge. Ch. 7. Newton's (Bp.) Dissertations. North American Review. 4:187. Pamphleteer. 6 : 269. Quarterly Review. 4:68. 36:1. Smith's (Dr. H.) Sermons. Beza. BezEe Opera. Baum's Th. Beza nach Handscriftlichen quellen Dargestellt. Bolseci Historia de vita, doctrina, Ac. liibliptheca Saf ra, 7;5Gl> Bible. See enqlish bible, revision, TRANSLATIONS. Bible Dictionaries. See dictionaries. 4 Bible In Common Scliools. See USE, ic. Bible Societies. Amer. Quarterly Register. 2:29. Blackwood's Magazine. IS : IGl. Brown's History of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1869. Christian Disciple. 5 : 146. Christian Monthly Spectator. 2 : 429, 48.3. 6 : ?,&, 62, 142. Christian Review. 1 : 299. 2 : 585. Dudley's Analysis of the system of the Brit. and For. Bib. Soc. 1822. (Gives forms of constitutions, blanks, by-laws, &c., for every sort of auxiliary.) Haldane's Review of the conduct of the Brit. and Foreign Bible Society. Second Review of the same. Hall's (Robert) Works. Monthly Review. 103 : 499. 124 : 1. Owen's Hist, of the Brit, and For. Bib. Soc. Pamphleteer. 1 : 47, 81, 151. 6 : 269. Phelan's The Bible, not the Bible Society. Quarterly Review. 1 : 354. Strickland's Hist, of the Am. Bib. Soc. 1849. Timson's Bible triumphs. (A valuable hist. of the British and Foreign Bible Society.) Warner's Hist, of the Br. and For. Bib. Soc. Wyckoff's Origin, history, &c., of the Amer. and Foreign Bible Society. Biblical Antiquities. See archjEology, biblical hlstory, illustrations of scripture, jewish antiquities. Biblical Criticism. See difficulties, FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE, HEBREW LAN- GUAGE, HERMENEUTICS, IDIOMS, PHI- LOLOGY, POETRY, PRINTED EDITIONS, QUOTATIONS, STYLE, SYNONYMS, VARI- OUS READINGS, VOWEL POINTS. Abichtii Ars distincte interpretandi. Baumgarten-Crusius, Exegetische Sehrifieu zum Neue Testament. Bengelii Apparatus Criticus ad N. T. Gnomon Novum Testamentum. Berger's Unterricht von der Deutch. Bibelu. Bloomfield, Recensio Synoptica. Bootii Animadversiones Sacrse. Boston, Tractatus Stigmologicus. Cameroni Myrothecium Evangelicum. Capelli (L.) Observationes in Nov. Test. Commentaria crit. in V. T. Carpzovii Critica Sacra in V. et N. Test. (Not only profound and satisfactory him- self, but gives references to the best writer^ on particular points.) Clerici Ars Critica. de Optimo genere interp. S. S. Cocceii Opera Exigetica. Crellii Opera Exegetica. Critica Sacra, (An invaluable collection, in nine thick folios, of the writings of the best biblical critics previous to 1700,) Crowaji Elenehus Scriptorum, &c. Dathii Opuscula. De Dieu, Animadversiones in Nov, Test. 50 Biblical Criticism — continued. Deylingii Observationes Sacras. (Quotes all the principal critics up to 1748 ; sustain- ing or refuting their opinions.) Eichhorn's All,a;emeine Bibliothek, . Kriti-sche Schriften, Ac. Elsneri Observationes Sacrte. Ewald's Gesch. der altesten Auslegung und Spracherklarung des Alt. Test. Fabricii Bibliotheca Grteoa. Greisbaohii Prolegomena. Com. criticus in Textum N. T. Symbols! Criticaj. Grawitz, These critique sur la lang. de Mat- thieu. (Asserts the Hebrew original.) Hageman Nachricht von der vornchmsten Uebersetzungen. Hegelmair Chaldaismi biblici fundamenta. Heideggeri Dissertationes SelectiB. Labores ExegeticiB. Enchiridion Biblicum. Hezel's Gesch. der bibl. Kritik des alten T. Hitzig's Kurtzgefastes exegetisches. Ilodius de Bibl. textibus originalibus. Houbiganti Prolegomena in S. Script. Hulsius de Heb. textu. (Against Vossius.) Hyperius de Sac. Script, lectione. Ikenii Dissertationes. ("Egregise." Walch.) Jerhovii Conjectanea in titulos psalmos. Kluit, Vindicias articuli o, >i, to, in N. T. Knappii Soripta var. exegetica. Kortholti Tractationes theologico-philol. Krebsii Observationes in N. Testamentum. Kuinoel, Commentationes Theologicie. Kype, Observ. in N. T. (" Nothing superior, or, indeed, equal." — Michaelis.) _ Le Clerc, Bibliotheq. aucienne et mo'derne. Le Long, Bibliotheca Sacra. Leigh, Critica Sacra. Supplementa. Lightfoot, Opera. Limborch, de Scriptura Sacra. Lindanus de Optimo gcnere interpret. Markii Exercitationes textualis. Millii Dissertationes. Montani (Arias) Prolegomena. Montfaucon, Hexaplorum Originis, Ac. Muntingii Expositio critica V. T. (A com- pend of the most valuable critics.) Noesselti Opuscula. ■ — • Exercitationes. Norberg (M.). Opuscula Academica. Polli Synopsis Criticorum. (This work, in 5 folios, is an abridgement and improve- ment of the Critica Sacra.) Reuschii Syrus interpres cum fonte N. Test. Graeco coUatus. RosenmuUeri Scholia in V. Test. (25 vols.) Scholia in N. Test. (S vols.) Schnurrer, Dissertationes. (On the age of manuscripts, and on various difficult texts.) Scholz, Curaj Critica3. Schulten's Animadv. philolog. et crit. de Utilitate dialector. orient, ad tuen- dam integritatem codicis, &c. Biblical Criticism — continued. Sciopius de Ars Critica. Simouis Historia critica. Spitzneri Inst, ad analyticam tcxtua. Storr, Dissertationes. Opuscula Academica. Tischendorf, Novum Testamentum cum ap- paratu et prolegomenis. Venemse Dissertationes Saoras. Wokenius de Elipsibus e textu Hebraice. Wolfburgii Observationes in N. T. (A valu- able supplement to Leigh's Critica Sacra.) Wolfii Bibliotheca Hebrwa. Cura philolog. et crit. in N. T. Alexander's (F.) Ecclesiastical Hist. (Inter- spersed with numerous learned and im- portant dissertations.) Alford's Greek Testament. (A revised text, digest of various readings, prolegomena, and critical commentary.) American Biblical Repository. 3d Series. 2 : 124. 3 : 95, 323. Bates on the Integrity of the Heb. text. Bengel's Gnomon. Trans, by Fausset. Benson on the Unity of sense. Bentley's Proposals for printing a new edi- tion of the Greek Testament. 1721. Berriman's Moyer Lectures. 1741. (Critical dissertations on 1 Tim. iii. 16. Defends the received reading, and gives an ace. of 100 Greek manuscripts not before collated.) Biblical Cabinet. 1832, and since. An Edinburgh periodical, embracing the works of Ernest, Planch, Tholuck, Tittman, Pareau, Storr, and others. Blackwell's Sacred Classics defended. Bloomfield's Digest of annot. on the N. T. Bowyer's Critical conjectures. (A collection of valuable observations.) Burton's Greek Test, with English notes. Butler's Iloraj Biblicae. (A series of notes on the Heb. and Greek texts, versions, and printed editions.) Calmet's Dissertations on the Sac. Scrip. Campbell's Four gospels, with Preliminary dissertations. Carsbn (Alex.) on Biblical Interpretation. Clarke's Hebrew criticism and poetry. Christian Examiner. 1 : 201. 2 : 210. 22:170. Christian Review. 1 : 697. 6 : 66. 13 : 545. Collyer's Sacred Interpreter. Con]ybeare's Lectures on Bible, doctrines. Cook's Inquiry into the Books of the N. T. Davidson's (Sam.) Lectures on Bib. Crit. Dedier's Dissertations on the Old Test. Dibden's Introduction. (An account of Bibles, Polyglots, and Testaments.) Dimock's Critical and explan. notes, Ac. Dodd's Dissertations on the Old Test. Dissertations on the Gospels. Doddridge's Lectures. Lect. 92 and 97. Dove's Vindic. of the Hebrew Scriptures. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 8:270. Edinburgh Review. 72 : 69. 94 : 1. Edwards' (Thomas) DissertationBc 51 Biblical Criticism — conlinued. Ernest's Inst, of Bib. Crit. Tr. by M. Stuart. Tr. by Terrot. Fife's Critica Sacrtc. Forbes' Principles of interpretation. Geddes' Prospectus of a new translation. Critical remarks on the llcb. Script. Gerard's Institutes of Biblical criticism. (A very good elementary work.) Gray's Key to the Old Test, and Apocrypha. Gray's Connexion between the sacred writ- ings, and the literature of Jewish and Heathen authors. Henderson's Elements of Bib. Criticism. Biblical Researches. Holston on the Word 2(lp? in the N. T. Horscley's Biblical Criticism. Hurdis on the first Ten Chapters of Genesis. Jebb's Sacred Literature. Jones' Critical Lectures. King's (Edw.) Morsels of criticism. Kitto's Journal of Sac. Lit. 1850, onward. Biblical Cj'clopedia. Lamy's Biblical apparatus. Lawrence's Critical remarks on detached passages. Reflections on important misrepre- sentations in the Unitarian version. Leigh's Critica Sacra. (Observations upon all the Greek words in the N. Test.) McGill's (Prof.) Lectures. McKnight on the Gospels and Epistles. Marsh's Course of Lectures. Letter to Archdeacon Travis. Methodist Quarterly Review. 3 : 34. Middleton's Doct. of the Greek article. New York Rev. 2 : 13.?. (On Germ. Criticism.) Nolan's Integrity of the Greek Vulgate. (Classifies the manuscripts, and vindicates the received text.) Owens (H.) Observations on the Gospels. Critica Sacra. Critical, Disquisitions. Introduction to Heb. Criticism. Piatt's Ethiopic biblical manuscripts. Pococke's Miscellanies. Preston's Phraseological notes on the Hebrew text of Genesis. Princeton Review. 9:266. Quarterly Review. 1 : 473. Roberts' Clavis Bibliorum. Sargeant's Compend of biblical criticism. Scrivener's Introd. to the Crit. of the N. T. Collation of 20 Greek manuscripts of the four gospels. Simpson's (D.) Sacred Literature. (A con- densation, into 4 vols., of a great amount of criticisms by the early Fathers.) Stuart's Elements of Bib. Crit. from the Latin of Ernest, Keil, Beck, Morus, &c. Tregelles' Account of the printed text of the New Testament. Edition of the Greek Test. 1861. Van Mildert's Bampton Lectures. Whiston's Essay toward restoring text of the Old Testament. the true Yong's Crit. Dissertations on the N. Test. See other authors on this subject, cited in Bp. Marsh's Lectures, HoHNF.'s lutroiluc- tioii, Oume's liililiotlieca Sacra, and Cai.MEt's Diclionury. Biblical Geograpliy. See oeouraphy. Biblical History. See JEWISH ANTIQUITIES. Alexandri Historia Eccles. Vet. Test. Alliolis Biblischen Alterthumskunde. Andilly, Histoire de I'ancien Testament. Bassnage, Histoire du vieux Testament. Bercherodius Lumen Hist. Sac. V. et N. T. Berruyer, Histoire du peuple de Dieu. Budda-i Historia Ecclesiastica V. T. Capelli Historia Sacra et Exotica. Carpzovii Apparatus Historia* Criticus. Eusebii Chronicon. Heideggeri Historia Patriarcharum. Hornii Historia Ecclesiastica. Josephi Opera. Kurtz's Biblische Geschichte, Langii Historia Ecclesiastica Vet. Test. Leydecker, Historia Eccles. Vet. et N. Test, Markii Historia Paradisi. Niehol, Hist. Sacra. (Acta ei'ud. 1712.) Robinson, Annates Mundi, sacri et secularis. Saurin. Discours historiques, critiques, ala. See rabbinical literature. Buddaji Introd. ad hist, philos. Hebr»orum. Despeire, Dissertations. Eiseumenger's Entdecktes Judenthum. Franck's Religion's philosophic der Hebr. Hottingeri Thesaurus. Lib. I., cap. 3. Joel's Religion's philasophie des Sohar. Knorr, Kabala denudata. Molitor's Tradition des Juden. Monk, Philosophic des Juifs. Morini Exercitationes. Rosenroth, Cabala denudata. Senstius de Kabala Jud^eorum. Simonis Historia Critiea. Waltoni Prolegomena. Wolfii Bibliotheca Hebraica. Butler's Horse Biblicse. Eclectic Review. New Series. 11:141. Etheridge's Jerusalem and Tiberias. .Joel's Religious Philos. of the Sohar. More on interjireting Moses according to the Cabala. 59 Monk's Philosophical Jewish writers, Oxlee's Doctrine of the Trinity. Cabirl. See idolatrt, mythology. Astorii (J. A.) Dissertationes. Heumanni Comment, de secta C. Relandi (H.) Dissertationes. St. Croix, sur les Mysteries du Paganism. Edinburg Review, a : 313. Faber's (Geo. S.) Mysteries of the Cabiri. Caiuites. Heumannus Com. de secta Cainorum. Call. See vocation. Call to tlie 3Iinistry. See ministry. Sadelii Vooatio pastorum. Sanchii .Dissertationes. Tossanus de Vocatione pastorum. Vireti (Pet.) Opera. Amer. Quartei-ly Register. 1 : 145. 7 : 157. Christian Review. 10:7. Manual of Ministerial education. Perkins (W.) on the Call to the ministry. Taylor's (Jer.) Office ministerial. Callixtiues. See syncretists. Calumny. See censoriousness, detraction, EVIL speaking, slander. Calvini Opera. Audin, la Vie, des ecrits, le devot., 2. Papal. 3. Reformed. 4. Arminian. 5. So- cinian. 6. Bohemian Brethren. 7. Fanatics. 8. (ireek. 9. Jews. Of expositions of the Church of England catechism, there are at least 250. 64 Catenae Patrum. See USE OE the fathers. Aquinatis (Tho.) in Lucam et Joannen Cat. Comitioli C. P P. Grajcorum xxiv. in Jobum. Corderii C. P P. Graic. in Jobum. Psalmos. Lucam. Johannen. Ittigii Biblioth. et Caten. Patrum. Lipomani Catena iu Genesin. Psalmos. Niceta; Catena in Jobum. Lucam. Possini Catena in Matthteum. : — Marcum. Roxas, Catena in Evangelia vi. Theodoki Catena in libros Mosis. The Catenas are very numerous, and, for the most part, verj- worthless. The above are given merely as specimens. Others are named in various places under the head Commentators. A verj' extensive list is given by Walcii, Bibliotheca jjatristica. Catliari. See albigenses, waldense3. Chatel, Histoire .de Languedoc. Codex Inquisitiouis Tolosanse. Ecberti Sermones adversus Catharos. Launoy de Scholis celebrioribus Caroli Mag. Limborchii Historia Inquisitionis. Moneta contra Catharos et Valdenses. Muratori Autiquitates Ital. medii sevi. Richiui Dissertationes. Schmidt (C), Hist, et doctrine des Cathares. Hurter's Hist, of Pope Innocent IIL Universalist Quart. Review. 7 : 363. Causation* See motives. American Biblical Repository. 2d Series. 2:381. 3:174. 4:217,467. 5:153. Boyle's (Hon. Robt.) Works. Brown's Philosophy of the mind. Buchanan's Modern Atheism. Christian Monthly Spectator. 3 : 5S3. Frazier's Magazine. 16:254. (Final causes.) Hume's (David) Essays. Irons' Doct. of final causes. (Admirable.) Mills' Exam, of Sir W. Hamilton's philos. Philosophy of necessity. Miller's Old red sand stone. (Final causes.) MiiUer's Christian doct. of sin. New Englander. 8 : 160. North Amer. Review. 12 : 395. North British Rev. 7 : 1. (Final causes.) Scott's Limits of metaphysical science. Travis (Henry) on Moral freedom. Whish on the First cause. Woods (Dr.) on Cause and effect C'aati6n. See PRnDESCE. Celibacy of tlie Clergy. Chrysostom de Virginitate. Gregory (Nys.) de Virginitate. Celibacy of tlie Clergy — continued. Eugenhagius de Conjugio Episcoporum. Calixtus (Geor.) de Conjugio clericorum. Campegius de Coelebatu sacerdotum. Carove's Coelibatz gesetze d. Rom. elerus. Erasmus (Rot.), Gedanken die Priesterehe. Espencaius de Continentla. Gaudin (I'Abbe) Les inconveniens du c61e- bat des pretres. Gusman de sacris ministris. Hosii (Stanisl.) Opera. Hubrici Defensio coujugii sacerdotum, Mayeri Dissertationes. Melancthonis Defensio conjugi sacerdotum. Orichovii Orationes contra Syricium. Osiandri Dissertationes. P. M.artyr de Ccelibatu sacerdotum. Sasii (Eeumenicum. (Extracts from Coun- cils, Fathers, &c.) Schmidii (.T. A.) Dissertationes. Smith de Coelibatu sacerdotum. Trefurt's Colibat aus d. gesichtspunkte. Wicellii Via Regia. Beaver's Doct. of the Scripture. BiUingsley's (John) Sermons. Hall's (Bp.) Polemic Works. Hall's (J.) Honor of the married clergy. Hey's Lectures on theology. Bk. 4. Martin's Traictise deelaryng and provyng that the pretended marriage of priestes is no marrige. Merrick's Marriage a Divine institution. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. Payne's Exam, of the texts which Papists cite, &c. TuUie's (George) Sermons. Wharton's Rise and progress of the celibacy of the clergy. (Reprinted in Gibson's Preservative.) Cellites. See lollakds. Censoriousuess. See evil BPEAEixa. Benson's (Joseph) Sermons. Blair's (James) Sermons. Bourne's (Samuel) Sermons. Brady's (Nicolas) Sermons. Christian Examiner. 35:311. Evans' (Dr. John) Christian temper. Faulkner's (Will.) Essays. Ess. 1. Jeter's (J. B.) Sermons. Kendall (I.) on Eccentricity. Mason's (Richard) Sermons. Parry's (Joshua) Sermons. Ceremonial Law. See abrogation. Creizenach's Schulchan Aruch. Dassovii Dissertationes. Maimonidea Opcra. Spencer de Legibus Hebrseofoili fitualib'us (" Of infinite use." — Warburton.) Witsii Theocratia Israelitarum. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 6. 65 Ceremonial Law — ccmtinued. Grcswcll's Discourses. (Comparisou of the Hebrew ritual with Christiauity.) Jones on the Mosaic distinct, of animals. Lightfoot's llorui Ilcbraicic. Lowman's Kitual of Hebrew worship. Mainionides' llcasons for the law of Moses. Trans, with notes, by Townley. Michaelis' Laws of Moses. Tr. by Dr. Smith. Stanhope's Boyle Lectures. Sykes on Christianity. Tappan's Lectures. Warburton's Julian. Weems' Expos, of the ceremonial law. Wines on the Ceremonial law. Witsii Egyptiaca. Ceremonies. See church government, KELiaiONS, RITES, WORSHIP. Cerlnthiaus. See qnostics. Alexandri (Natalis) Dissertationes. Bassnage, Annales polit. eccles. Buddcus de Ecclesia apostolica. (Opposes Bassnage and Faydit in some points.) Edzardi (Esdraj Henr.) Pisputationes. Faydit, Ecclaircisemens sur I'Eglise. Pauli (H. E. G.) Historia Cerinthi. Chaldee Language. Bagsteri Lexicon Analyticum. Beelen, Chrestomathia Chaldaica. Buddci Historia Eeclesiastica. Calmeti Dissertationes. Danzii (Jo. And.) Dissertationes. Fuerst, Coneordantia Chaldaica. Langius de Charactere primasvo bibliorum. Pfeifferi Critica Sacra. Reineecii Lexicon Hebraeo-Chaldaicum. Renferdus de Antiquitntc lit. Chaldaicarum. Sclieid, Lexicon Hebrreo-Chaldaicum. Winer's Chaldaischer Lesebuch. Wolfii Bibliotheca. Chaldee Paraphrase. Beckii Paraph. C. I. lib. Chronicorum. Clarke (S.), Varia> lectiones et obs. in C. P. Danzii Intcrpretes Ebrajo-Chalda^us, omnes utriusque linguaa idiotismos dextere expl. Fagii Paraphrasis. Hottingeri Thesaurus philologicus. Josephi Parajih. C. cum versione Latina. Lusatto, Philoxenus. Onkelos, P. Chald. in sacra biblia. Peterman de Duabus Pent, paraph. Chald. Simonis, Historia Critica Vet. Test. Smith (Tho.) Diatriba de C. paraphrastis. Winer de Onkeloso ejusque paraph. de Jonathauis in Pent, paraphras. Zunz's Gottesdienstliche Vortrage der Juden. Etheridgc's Targums of Onkelos and .Tona- tban ; with the fragments of the Jerusalem Targum. Translated from the Chaldee. .1865. (The first English translation.) 5 Hoy's (Dr. J.) Lcct. on Divinity. Bk. 1, ch. 9. The Targums are given in the Bibles of Bi XTOHF, BoMBEKG, aiid Others. Chance. See atheism, cauration, patk, NECESSITY, providence. Buchanan's Modern Atheism. Chap. 6. Bentley's Boyle Lectures. lt)93. Clarke (Dr. Sam.) on the Laws of chance. Hojie's Essay on tho doctrine of chances. Howe's (Charles) Meditations. Watts' Ontology. Change of Sabbath, gee Sabbatarians. Liebetrut d. Tag des Herrn. Agnew on the Sabbath. Amer. Bibl. Repository. ?.d Series. 1 : 366. Amuer's Weekly festival of tho Church. Barclay's Apology for the true divinity. Burnett on the 39 Articles. Chandler's (Sam.) Discourses. Doddridge's Lectures. Edwards' (Pres.) Sermons. Glen (John) on the Sabbath. (A valuable historical treatise.) Glenworth on the Sabbath. Hallet's (Jos.) Notes on Scripture. Holmes' Essays on the Sabbath. Jennings' Jewish Antiquities. Kennedy's Chronology on the Heb. text. Kennicott on the Sabbath. Lenfant on the New Testament. Jlalcom's Bible Dictionary. Art. " Sabbath." Mede on Ezekiel. Morer on the Sabbath. Orton's (Job) Discourses. Sharp's (Abp.) Sermons. Wallis on the Sabbath. Warren's (Edm.) Jews' Sabbath antiquated. Watts' (Isaac) Works. AVells' Practical Sabbatarian. Wilson's (Bp.) Obligation of the Lord's day. Clianting. See psalmody. Charity. See alms, love. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Barrow's (Bp.) Works. Bcattie's Elements of moral science. Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Blair's (James) Sermons. ' Blundell's (Thomas) Sermons. Calamy's (Benjamin) Sermons. Chalmer's (Thomas) Sermons. Conybeare's (Bp.) Sermons. Crosinge on Charity. Dwight's (Tim.) Discourses. Dis. 96, 99, 130. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Evans (Dr. John) on Christian Temper. Fenelon's (Abp.) Character of true charity. Foster's (Dr. James) Sermons. Girdlestonc's (Charles) Sermons. Hawkins an the Nature extent, &e. Haynes' lUustratious of faith. 66 C h a.rity— continued. Hole's (Matt.) Practical Discourses. Kurd's (Bp.) Sermons. Limborch's Christian theology. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Newman's (J. H.) Sermons. Oakley's (Frederick) Sermons. Owen on the Ep. to the Hebrews. Chap. 6. Paley's Moral Philosophy. Porter's (Ebenezer) Sermons. Riddle's (J. E.) Sermons. Salsbury's (Bp.) Nature and extent of C. Scott's (Tho.) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Smith's (Samuel S.) Discourses, Spring's (Gardner) Essays. Sumner (Bp.) on Christian charity. Taylor's (Jeremy) Discourses. Thompson (J. P.) on the Christian Graces. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Topping's Christian love. Tucker's Light of Nature. Ch. 19. Watts' (Isaac) Sermons. Whitefield's (George) Sermons. Witherspoon's Enquiry, &o. (Works.) Yonge's (James) Sermons. 2d Series. CUartrense. See carthosians. Cliastiseinoit. See afflictiox, bereave. ME.NT, DESPONDENCY, MOURNERS, SUB- MISSION. t Chastity. See uncleanness. Brown's Philosophy of the mind. Cave's Primitive Christianity. D wight's (Timothy) Discourses. Ogden's (Samuel) Sermons. Ovington's Christian chastity. Paley's (Wiiliam) Sermons. Rush on the Diseases of the mind. Ryan's (Dr. S.) Prostitution in London, Paris, and New York ; the most fertile source of personal and social misery. Scott (Tho.) on Female prostitution. Tait's Magdalenism. (Extent, causes, and consequences of prostitution.) Watts' (Isaac) Sermons. Wayland's Moral Science. Clieerfulness. See despondency. Bridges' Religion without gloom. Carter's (N.) Sermons. Fuller's Calvinistic and Socinian systems. Home's (Bp.) Discourses. Clierethites. Lakemacheri Observationes Philologicas. diernbim. See ark of the covenant. Dorien de Cherubinis. Grosmanni Philonis Judfei anecdoton. Markii Fascicula Dissertationes. Spencer de Legibus Uebraiorum. Diss. 4. C li e r wbi m — conluiued. Thalemani (C. W.) Tractationes. Velthusen, von den Cherubinen, &c. ZoUig's Cherubim-wagen. Christian Quart. Spect. 3 : 247. 8 : 368. Christian Review. 14 : 592. Hodge's Strictures on Sharp's Examination. Hutchinson's (John) Works. Killen's Our companions in glory. McLeod's Cherubim and the Apocalypse. Sharp's Exam, of Hutchinson's hypothesis. Simpson on the Language of Scripture. Smith's (G.) Doctrine of the Cherubim. Whitby's Scheme of Prophecy. (Appendix.) CUief Knd of Man. See end of man. Cliiliasm. See millenarians. Chivalry. See kniohts. Belloy, de I'Origine des divers ordres. Bonani Ordinum Equestrium. Cabany, Hist, des ordres de chevalerie. Clement, Bibliotheca curieusc historique. Favini, Theater d'honeur. Gruteri Chron. chronicorum ecclesiae. Lib. 2. Hermant, Histoire des ordres militaire. Honore, Dissertations historiques et critique. (Extensive and complete.) Lagerloefii Dissertationes. Zentegravii Dissertationes. James' (G. P. R.) History of chivalry. Mills' (C.) History of chivalry. Oxford Prize Essays. 1798. Choice of Company. See company. Christiau Antiquities. See ARCHyEOLOOY. Alt's Kirchenlehre in ihrer hist. Entwickel. Ammon's (C. F.) Fortbildung d. Christen- thums zur Weltreligion. Augusti's Christlichen Archaeology. Bachr's Lehre der Kirche, in den ersten 3 Jahrh. Bebelii Hist. 4 prioribus saeculis. Bingham, Origines Sac. antiq. eccles. Bcihmer's Christliche-Kirchliche Alterthums Wissenschaft. Callixti Historia eccl. Occidentalis. Sec. viii., ix., X. Caroli Memorabilia Ecelesiastica. Dodwellii Dissertationes Cyprianicae. Gfrorer, Gesch. des Urchristenthums. Guerike's Lehrbuch der Christlich-kirchlich. Archaeologie. Hagerup de Catechumenis ecc. Africanse in saec. V. Langhornii Elenchus Antiquitatem, &c. Locherer's Lehrbuch der Christlich-kirch- lichen Archseologie. Mammachii Origines ChristianaB. Martigny, Diet, de Antiq. Chretienne. Mosheimii Commentarius de rebus Chris- tianorum ante Constantinum. 67 Chrlstlani Antiqu.tles — continued. Nicolai de Moribus Christianorum vet. Pearsoni Opera posthuma. Rauscher's Gesch. der christlichen kirche. Rheinwald's Kirchliche Arehajologie. Sehone's Geschiehtforschungen. Semleri Com. de antiq. christianorum. Siegel's Handbuch der chris. kiroiil. alter- thiimer in alphabet, ordnung, mit steter Beziehung, a'tatis. Centuriiv Magdeburgenses. (Invaluable.) Choisy, Ilistoire de I'Eglise. Cleriei Hist. Eccles. (First 2 centuries.) Cotta's Kirchen Historic. Crevier, Hist, des em]iereurs Romains. Darras, Ilistoire de I'Eglise. To 1854. Dannenmayer's Leitfadeu in d. Kirchenges. Danz's Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. D'Aubigne, sur I'etudc de I'hist. Chris, et son utilite pour Tcpoque actudle. 1832. Diezii Succincta Hist, ecclesiastica. Dolling's Kirche und Kirchen. Bollinger's Geseh. der Kirche, am .7. 680. Dupin, Bibliotheque des auteurs eccles. Eugdhardt's Ilandbuch der Kirchengcsch. Ej)iphanii (Scholasticus) Hist. Eccles. (A Latin trauslat. of Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret.) Eusebii Hist. Ecclesiae. (The first regular church histor}'. Many editions and trans- lations.) Evagrii Hist. Eccles. (From 431 to 594.) Fabricii (J. A.) Lux salutaris evangelii. Dissertationes. Floury, Histoire Ecclcs. jusqu'en 1414. Continuation par Fabre " 1726. " parLacroix " 1776. (78 volumes in all.) Flugge's (xcsch. d. Rel. und Theologie. Franz's Zustande der Kirche in d. erstea sechs Jahrhunderts. Gfrcirer's AUgeraeine Kirchengeschichte. Gesch. des Urchristenthuins. Giesder's Kirchengeschichte. To 1848. Gronovii Observ. in scriptoribus eccles. Gruner's Kirchengeschichte. Gudii Disputationes et Observationes. Guerike's Handbueh der Kirchenges. 15 Cliurcli History, General. Hafels' (J. K.) Kirchengeschichte. Hagcnbaeh's Kirchenges. des 18 u.'19 Jahrh. Kirchenges. der drei ersten Jahrh. Base's Kirchengeschichte. Haymo, Hist. ecol. usque ad temp. Theodos. Henichii Hist. Eccl. (First 5 centuries.) Henke's Geseh. der Kirche. Henrion, Hist. Ecclesiastica. (To Pius IX.) Heppe's Ursprung u. Geseh. der Bezeichnung Reform. &e.) Hoffmann's Christenthum in ersten Jahrh. Holzhausen de Fontibus quibus Socrates, Sozomenus, et Theodoretus, in scribenda hist, sac, usi sunt. Hornii Hist. Eccles. (To Constantine.) Hottingeri Hist. Ecelesias. (Stops at the Council of Trent.) Hubneri Cent, quatuor, hist, sacra. lUyrici Catalogus testium veritatis. Ittigii Schediasma de auctoribus, &c. Hist. Eccles. (1st and 2d centuries.) Jablonski Institutiones hist. eccl. (" Great merit." — ^Bp. Walton.) Jageri Historia Ecclesiast. cum p&,rallelismo profanas. Klein, Hist. Eccles. Christianas. Koethe vom Einfluss des Kirchen historisch. studium, auf die bildung des gemuths und das Leben. Kortholti Historia Ecolesite N. Test. Kranzii Hist. Eccl. (To 1736. Acta erud.) Kurtz's Allgemein Kirchengeschichte. Lampii Synopsis Historitfi Ecclesise. Lange's Geschichte der Kirche. Laugii Instit. studii theol. littera. La Placette Observationes hist, eccles. Laroque, Adversaria Sacra. (Acta erud.) Leo's Geseh. der christlichen religion. Le Seur, Histoire de I'Eglise. Limborchii Epistolse. (By Arminius, Vorst, Grotius, &o. "A precious book." — Dr. Parr.) Linder's Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschte. Marcae Opuscula. (Acta eruditorum.) Marheinecke's Universal Kirchenhistorie. Matter, Histoire de I'Eglise. (To 1835.) Matthes' Kirchliche Chronik. (To 1858.) Meiner's Geseh. der Religionen. (To 1806.) Montrond, Tableau historique de la deca- dence du Paganisme en Occident. Mosheimii Institutiones hist, chris. de Rebus christianorum ante Con- stantinum. (Replete with references to original sources.) Natalis (Alex.), Ordinis F F. Praedicatorum. (Many editions. That of Bingen, 1790, 20 vols., 4to, is generally preferred. Said to be the best church history written by a Romanist.) Neander's Kirchen Geschichte. (To 1S34.) Nicephori Historia Ecclesiae. (To 610.) Nicolai Antiquitates Ecclesiasticse. Olshausen, Hist. Eccl. veteris monumenta. Geseh. d. zwei ersten Jahrh. Cliurcli History, General. Orsi Hist. Eccl. (To 1587. 50 vols., 4to.) Osiandri Hist. Eccl. (An admirable epitome of the Magdeburg centuriators, and^on- tinued to 1600.) Parei Medulla historia eccles. Peterson's Religions geschichte vom Stand- punkte d. Oflenbarung. Pfaffii Inst. Hist. Eccl. (Acta eruditor.) Philo, Historia Ecclesiastica. Philostorgii Hist. Eccl. (From 300 to 425.) Picot, Hist. Eccl. pendant le 18' siecle. Picteti Hist. Eccl. et civilis ; sec. xi. Raynaldi Annales Eccles. (A continuation of Baronius to 1534. Violently Papal.) Rechenbergii Summarium Hist. Eccles. Reffelt's Hauptsachlichste d. Gesc. d. Relig. Rheinwaldi Acta historico-eccl. Sec. 19. Rivet, Histoire de I'Eglise. RufBni Historia Ecclesiastica. Sackreuter's Kirchengeschichte. Sagittarii Introd. ad hist. ecc. (Furnishes a good account of the Councils of the 16th century.) Sandii Nucleus hist. ecc. (Strongly Arian.) Schaff's Geseh. der Apostolischen Kirche, nebst einer allgem. Einleit. in d. Kirchen- geschichte. Schelhornii Amenitates. Schleiermacher's Evangelischen Kirche. Schmidii (And.) Compendium hist. eccl. Schmidii (Seb.) Sagittarianre. Schmid's (H.) Lehrb. d. Kirchengeschichte. Schmidt (J. E. C), Handbuch d. christlichen Geschichte. Schoene, Tabula Hist, ecclesiasticaj. Schrock's Kirchenges. 45 vols., 4to. (What Fleury is to France, Schrock is to Ger- many.) Schroederi Hypomnemeta Hist, eccles. Semleri Hist. Eccles. (Neologist.) Sigonii Hist. Ecclesiast. (To 211. Papal.) Sleidani (J.) de Statu relig. et reipub. Carolo V. Cffisare ; Commentarii. Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica. Sozomeni Hist. Eccles. (A good edition of Socrates and Sozomen is that of Reading, 3 vols., folio.) Spanheimii (F.) Institutiones Hist, eccles. (Very polemic. " No better church his- tory."— Cotton Mather.) Spittler's Grund. d. Geseh. der Kirche. Spondani Annales Eccles. (An abridgment and continuation of Baronius.) Starck's (J. A.) Ges. d. Kirche d. ersten Jahrh. Staudlin's Geseh. u. literatur der Kircheng. Stubneri Tabular synopticae. Sueur, Hist, de I'Eglise. (To the end of the 10th cent. Continued by Pictet to 1700.) Suiceri Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus. Theodoreti Historia Ecclesiastica. Thiersch's Geschichte der Christl. Kirche in Alterthum. Thiele's Geseh. der christl. Kirche. Y6 Churcli History, General. Tillemont, Memoires, &c. (A vast magazine of facts.) Troutman's Gesch. der christliclien Kirche, Turretini Comp. Hist. eccl. (To 1700.) Tzschirner's Fortsetzung der Schrock. Usseri Historia Ecclesiastica. (To 1600. Written in the polemic spirit.) Vater's Kirchengeschichte. Venemae Institutiones Hist. Eccl. (To 1700.) Vitringa) Historia ecclesiastica. Voetii Disputationes. Walch's (C. G. F.) Grundsatze der Kirchen. Historic der Kezereien, Spaltungen, und Religionstreitigkeiten. ('•' The Ger- man Tillemont." — Dowling.) Walchii (Jo. G.) Hist, eccles. ("Opus ex- imium." — Weisman.) Miscellanea Sacra. Weisman (C. E.), Hist. Eccl. (One of the Pietists. "As accurate as Mosheim, and as pious as Milner." — Conybeare.) Zimmermann's (Dr. W.) Gesch. der Kirche. Bates' (Wm.) Lectures on eccles. history. Baumgarten's (M.) Hist, of the Apos. chur. Bede's Church History. To 1700. Bilson's Church of Christ. Blunt's History of the first 2 cent. (Drawn entirely from the Fathers.) Bright's History of the church. From 313 to 431. British and For. Review. 12 : 336. British Quarterly Review. 2 : 72. Burgess' Hist, of the first 5 cent. (Extracted from the Fathers in their words.) Burnap's Lectures. Burton's Church Hist. (To the 4th cent.) Campbell's (Geo.) Lectures. (Admirable.) Carwithen & Lyall's History of the Church. From the 4th to the 12th cent. Cave's Lives of the Apostles and primitive Fathers. (Embraces the first 4 centuries. Nothing better to this day.) Christian Examiner. 22 : 27. 29 : 174. 33 : 1. 48:411. Christian Quarterly Spectator. 3 : 433. Christian Review. 1:417. Clarke's Marrow of Eccl. history. Comber's Ch. hist, cleared from the Roman forgeries of Councils and Baronius. Cunningham's Tables of Eccl. history. Bollinger's Church Hist. Tr. by E. Cox. . Tr. by N. DarneU. Dowling's Introd. to the study of Ch. Hist. Dublin University Magazine. 16:252. Dupin's Hist, of ecclesiastical writers. Echard's Ecclesiastical History. (To 400.) Eclectic Review. 8 : 166. 16 : 402, 706. 30 : 192. Edinburg Review. 8 : 272. 62 : 132. Erskine's Sketches and Hints. Eusebius' Ch. Hist. (Various translations.) Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius. Trans. by Hanmer. Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret. Trans, by S. Parker. Chnrch History, General. Fleury's Church History. Trans, by J. H. Newman. (To 1414. Continued by Fabra and GoTijet.) Formey's Eccl. History. (With a particular ace. of the Methodists. Superficial.) Foulke's Manual of Church history. (To the 12th century.) Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Church. Book of Martyrs. Fuller's (Tho.) Ch. History of Great Britain. (To 1648.) Gieseler's Church Hist. Tr. by Cunningham. Tr. by Davidson. ("I prefer Gieseler's to any other church history." — Prof. Stuart.) Gillies' Historical Collections. (Describes the remarkable periods of the success of the gospel, and the eminent instruments of it.) Hardwiok's Hist, of the Church. (To 1620.) Hist, of the Church during the Re- formation. Hase's Church hist. Trans, by Blumenthal. Haweis' Church History. Hinds' Rise and progress of Christianity. Howell's (Wm.) Ecclesiastical History. Jeremie's Hist of the 2d and 3d centuries. Johns' Eccles. Hist, of the 2d and 3d cent. Jones' (John) Ecclesiastical Researches. Sequel to Jones' ( Wm.) Hist, of the Church. (Full as to Waldenses.) Jortin's Remarks on eccl. history. Kaye's Eccl. hist, of the 2d and 3d centuries. (Taken from various writ, of TertuUian.) King's (Peter) Constitution, discipline, wor- ship, &c., of the primitive church. Kurtz's Text-book of Church history. Tr. by C. T. SchaefFer. (A convenient con- densation.) Marsden's Hist, of Churches and sects. Maurice's Lectures. (1st and 2d centuries.) Merivale's Boyle Lectures. 1865. Millar's Propagation of Christianity. Milman's Hist, of Latin Church. Milner's (Jos.) Hist, of the Church. Monthly Review. 84 : 140. Mosheim's Eccles. Hist. (Tr. by McLaine; continued by Coote to 1819 ; improved with notes by Dr. Murdock ; and since edited, with additions, by H. Soames.) On the afi"airs of Christians during the first 3 centuries. Trans, by Vidall. Neander's General history of the Church. Peterson's History of the Church. (A good compilation for ready reference.) Povali's Course of historical sermons. Pridden's (W.) Early Christians. Priestley's Church History. Prince's Success of the gospel. Princeton Review. 5 : 47. 13 : 237. Reeves' Hist, of the Christian Church. Riddle's Eccl. chron. of the Ch. (To 1840.) Robertson's Hist, of the Church. (To 1122.) n Churcll History, General. Robinson's (Robt.) Eocles. Researches. Rose's (Hugh J.) Works. (Study of Church history recommended.) Schaff's Apostolic Church. Tr. by Yeoman. Soper's Hist, of the Chur. (To Constantine.) Solomon's Eccl. Hist. Tr. by Walford. Spanheim's Church Hist. Tr. by Wright. Steane's Religious condition of Christendom. 1852. Stebbings' Hist, of the Church, from 15.30 to the 18th century. (Designed as a continu- tion of Milner.) Stevens' Lectures on Church history. Stoughton's Ages of Christendom before the Reformation. Taylor's History of Christianity. Theodoret's Hist, of the Church. (From 322 to 427.) Thiersch's History of the Church. Timson's Ecclesiastical history. Townley's Essays on various subjects u: ecclesiastical history. Townsend's Eccles. and civil hist. (To the death of Wickliff.) Welch's External hist., &c. (First 3 cent.) Whitaker's (Wm.) Lectures. (Arian.) Woodrow's Church history. The above, on general church history, are all that the largest library need contain. The remainder of this article will consist of the church histories of particular countries ; and at the end will be found a bibliographical note, for the use of the curious. Churcli History, Local. AFRICA. See copts, jacobites. AlmeydfB Litterae ex iEthiopia. Bassnage, Hist, de patriarchat de Alexandr. Boniouri jEgyptiaca Bibliotheca. Capelli (M. A.) Dissertationes. Danhaveri Dissertationes. Dresserius de Statu religionie, &c. Eutychius de Origine eccl. Alexandrina3. Fabricii Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica. Goes, Religio moresque jEthiopum. Guericke de Schola Alexandrina. Hoffman's Schilderung der Missionen in Lande Joriba. 1859. La Croze, Hist, du christianisme d'Ethiopie. Leydekker, Hist. Ecclesiae Africanse. Lobo, Iter in Abj'ssiniam. 1650. Loescherus de Patrum Africanorum. Luderi Quinque Disputationes. Lvidolphi Historia iEthiopica. Morcelli Africana Christiana. Munteri Primordia eccles. Africanae. Oertelii Theologia uEthiopum. Sanchez, Historia Ecclesiaj Africans. Schelstraten Ecc. Af. sub Primatu Carthag. Sollerii Tractatus Historico-theologicus. Titelmannus de Fide, &c., ^Ethiopum. Ureta, Hist, ecclesiastica de ^thio])ia. Wanselbe, Hist, de I'eglise d'AIexandrie. CUurcli History, Liocal. Geddcs' History of the Ethiopian church. (Gives a full account of the Papal missions in that country.) Leydekker's African Church. Ludolph's Ethiopia. Fabricius, in his Bibliotheca Eccleeiast., names many other writers on the African church ; but of no use now. AMERICA, NORTH. Avilla, Theatro Eccles. de las Inglesias. Biselii Argonauticon. Chalmer, Nouveau Monde. Crantz's' Historic von Greenland. Le Clerc, Premier etablissement de la foi dans la nouvelle France. Loskiel's Mission d. Evang. Bruder. Moebii Dissert, an Evangelium ab apostolis etiam Americanis fuerit adnunciatum ? Oldenthorp's Missionen d. evang. Bruder. Urlsperger's Ausfuhrl. Nachrichten von der Salzburg. 1738. Velthusen's Nachr. v. d. Kirchenverfassung in Nord- Carolina. 1786. Witsii Exercitationes Academicas. (Dis- cusses the same topic as Mcebius.) Amer. Quarterly Church Review. 2:219. Backus' Church History of New England. 1766 to 1804. Baird's Religion in America. Map. 1842. Clay's Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. Coleman's New England colonies. Dwight's Travels in New England. 1820. Elliot's Christian Commonwealth. Episcopal Magazine. 1 : 15, 121, 345. Felt's Ecc. hist, of N. Eng. , 1845. (A valu- able collection of materials.) Foote's Histor. sketches of Virginia. 1855. Greenleaf's Hist, of all the churches in New York, from its first settlement to 1 850. Ecclesiastical History of Maine. Halket's Indians of North America. 1825. Hawkes' Contributions to the eccles. history of the United States. Higginson's Plantation of New England. Hobart (Bp.), Life of; by McVicar. (The preface, by Dr. Hook, gives the early historj' of the Episc. Ch. in America.) Holmes' Annals of America. 1492 to 1826. Hubbard's History of New England. Mather's (Cotton) Ecclesiastical history of New England. To 1688. Mather's (Increase) Missions to the Indians. IMorton's New England's Memorial. 1721. Peck (Rev. John M.), Memoir of; by Dr. Babcock. 1860. Neal's (D.) History of New England. Phillippo's Past and pres. of Jamaica. 1840. Prime's Eccle. history of Long Island, N. Y. To 1845. Reed & Mattison's Visit to America. 1836. Uden's New England Theocracy. Waylen's Eccles. reminis. of the U. S. 1846. Winslow's Planting of New England. Y8 CHurcU History, liocal. Winthrop's Hist, of N. England. 1630-1649. Young's Chronicle of the Pilgrims. AMERICA, SOUTH. Bollusii Hist, rerum in Peruana. 1604. Bourgoing, Vertus et bionfaits des mission. Fernandez, Tuba Evangelii. James' Religious state of South Amer. 1827. Murator's Missions to Paraguay. ASIA. SPe ARMENIANS, EUTTCHIANS, JACOB- ITES, MARONITES, MISSIONS, MONOPHY- SITES, NESTORIANS, SEVEN CHURCHES. August! (J. C. W.) Betrachtungen iiber den gegenwiirtigeu Zustand, hus, and others.) Bassnage's History of the Jews. Brekel on Circumcision. Calmet's Preface to Genesis. Preface to Epistle to Romans. Fawcett's (John) Sermons. Goodwin's (Thomas) Sermons. Le Clerc's 12 Dissertations. Tr. by Brown. Marsham's Chronological Canon. Montagu's Origines Ecclesiasticse. Reading's (William) Sermons. Revelation examined with candor. Staekhouse's History of the Bible. Vanderhardt's Prodromus. Whiston's (J.) Sermons. Circunicellians. Dietzii (S. G.) Dissertationes. Varellas, Histoire des revolutions. Circumspection. See prddencb, WATCHFUL.NESS. Cistercians. De Visch, Biblioth. scriptorum Cist. Gaillardin, les Trappists. To 1844. 81 Cistercians — continited. Henrique, Regula, constitutiones, Ac. Heylot, Ilistoire des Ordres. Le Nain, Histoire de I'ordre de Citaux. Manrique, Annales Cisterciensis. Ranee, Reglemens de la Trappe. Richardson, Prelectiones ecclesiasticae. Sartorii Historia Cistertium. Tissier, Bibliotheca patrum Cister. Visehii Biblioth. seriptorum ord. Cisterc. See a huge list of Cistercian writers in the Bibliotheca of Fabricius, and in De Visch, or ViscHius, above named. Citaux. See Cistercians. Cities. ^ Fregier, des Classes dangereuses, et le moyens de les rendre meilleures. Buckley's Landmarks of civilization. Chalmer's Christian econ. of large towns. Commercial discourses. Disc. 6. Guthrie, The City : its sins and sorrows. Huntingdon's The Church's work in cities. Kennaway's (Cha. E.) Sermons at Brighton. Newcombe's Harvest and the Reapers. Presbyterian Quart. Rev. 1:433. Todd's Moral influence of great cities. Vaughn's Age of great cities. (Discusses their influence on morals and religion.) Cities of Refnge. See types. Osiandri (J. A.) Dissertationes. Reis, Tractatus Theologicus de Asylis. Blencoe's (Edward) Sermons. Gouldburn's (E. M.) Parochial Sermons. Watson's (J. W.) Sermons. Civil Government. See divine right OF KINGS, MAGISTRACY, ORIGIN OP GOVERNMENT, ORIGIN OF LAWS, PAS- SIVE OBEDIENCE. Augustin, Opera. Guizot, rOrigine du gouvemment represent. Mably, Droits et devours du citoyen. Matter, Influence des lois sur les moeurs et des moeurs sur les lois. Zornii Deliniatio Theolog. patristicae. Aeherly's British Constitution. American Whig Review. 2:327. Andrews' (Bp.) Sermons. Aristotle on Government. Tr. by W. Ellis. Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons. AyliS"e's Roman Law. Bentham (J.) on Civil Government. Bever on the Study of jurisprudence. Blackstone's Commentaries. Brown's Law of Christ respecting civil obedience. Burke's Reflect, on the French revolution. Nature and end of civil government. Butler's Horse Juridicie. Chalmer's (Thomas) Sermons. Chitty on Criminal law. Civil Government — continued. Cunningham's (W.) Principles of Governm. Danville Review. June, 1864. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 3. Domat on Civil law. Donne (John) Sermons. Edinburg Review. 49:159, 273. 50:99. Fenelon on Civil Government. Ferguson's History of civil society. Filmer's (Sir R.) Patriarchal scheme. Freeholder's grand inquest. Franklin's (Benj.) Works. Gee's Divine right of magistrates. Gibbon's Roman Empire. Goodrich's Observations on Price's theory. Gresley's (William) Sermons. Grey (W.) on Civil government. Hall's (Robt.) Works. Hoadley's Institution of civil government. Hobbes' Philosophical rudiments of gov. Home's (Bp.) Origin of government. Sermons. Jones' (Sir Will.) Dialogue on Government. Justinian's Institutes. Latimer's (Bp.) Sermons. Leland's Advant. and neces. of Revelation. Locke (John) on Government. Matthews' (J. M.) Bible and civil govern. Mills' (James) Essay on Government. Murray's (H.) Inquiries; histor. and moral. Needham's Excellency of a free state. New Englander. 3:525. 7:530. Paine's (Tho.) First principles of governm. Pothier on Obligations. Pownall's Principles of polity. Price's Nature of civil liberty. Ramsay's (G.) Disquisitions on G. Russel's (Lord J.) Hist, of the English Gov. Ryan's Efi'ects of revealed religion. Schonberg's History of Roman law. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Seed's (Jer.) Sermons. Sheraton on Subjection to civil government. Stebbins on Civil government. Story on the Constitution of the U. S. Stuart on the Constitution of England. Sydney (Algeron) on Government. Taylor's Elements of civil law. Temple's (Sir Will.) Works. Tucker (Josiah) on Civil Government. Warwick's (Sir Philip) Discourses. Watts (Isaac) on the Civil power. Wayland's Elements of moral science. Westminster Review. 11:254, 526. 13:265. Wilson's (Bp.) Sermons. Wines' Laws of the ancient Hebrews. Wrottesley on Government and Legislation York's (Henry) Thoughts on Government. Civilization. See human progress. Guizot, Hist, de Civilization. Jonnes, Statistique de I'antiquite. Martin, les Civilizations primitives. Matter, Influence des lois sur les moeurs. Wuttke's Gesch. des Heidenthums. Civilization — continued. Amer. Whig Review. 2:80. (J. Q. Adams.) 3:611. 4:27. Balmo's Protestantism and Catholicity com- pared in their effects on the civilization of Europe. Blackwood's Magazine. 52:27. 89:27. Christian Examiner. 52:165. 64:233. Democratic Review. 6:208. 15:62. Dublin University Mag. 51:12. Edinburg Review. 68:243. 69:55. 80:132. Ferguson's History of civil society. 1767. Fourier on the Passions. Tr. by Doherty. Guizot's Uist. of C. in Europe, from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Hall's (Cha.) Effects of C. on Europe. Hamilton (Dr.) on the Progress of Society. Harris' Civilization considered as a science. McCabe's Lectures on Civilization. McKinnon's Hist, of Civilization. Lord's Lectures on Civ. and government. Moreton's C. as influenced by natural laws. Moseley's Progress of modern legislation. Seaman on the Progress of nations. Taylor's (Isaac) Essays. Essay 1. Tyler (R. H.), The Bible and social reform. (The Bible as a means of civilization.) Vaughn on Modern civilization. Vericour's Histor. analysis of Christian C. Clairvoyance. See mesmerism. Ashburner on Clairvoyance. Cahagnet's Celestial Telegraph. Davis' (A. J.) Principles of nature. Great Harmonia. Harmonial man. Several other treatises. Frazier's Magazine. 20:17. Gregory (Prof.) on Clairvoyance. Clean and Unclean Beasts. See SACRIFICES. Cleanliness. Littell's Living Age. 20:130. Clemens Alexandrinus. Clemontis (Tit. Flav.) Opera quaa extant. (Many editions. Some prefer that of Potter, 1715. The most recent, and pro- bably the best, is that of Migne. 1857. 2 vols.) Bernholdi Hyporanemeta. Bieloke de Clemens, ejusque erroribus. Cognat, Clement, sa doctr. et sa polemique. Dashne de yvm^n Clem. Alex, et de vestigiis neoplatonicis philos. in ea obviis. De Groot, Disputationes. Gieseleri Clement, et Origenis doctrinae. Ittigii Prefatio ad opernm Clem. Alex. Le Glare, Vie de Clement, Miiller (J. H.) Idees dogmatique do C. Tribbechovii Dissertationes. Walohii Miscellanea Sacra. Clemens Alexandrinus — continued. British Critic. 19:100. Conybeare's Bampton Lectures. 1839. Kaye's Writings and opinions of Clement. Le Clerc's Life of Clemens. Wray's Writings and opinions of C. The writings of this Father are not in tha English language, though they deserve to be, better than some of the others. Clemens Romanus. Clementis Epistolse. (Many editions. The most esteemed by some is that of Schwe- gler. 1847.) Assemani Bibliotheca Orientalis. Buddei Synti%ma Dissertationum theol. Cyprian (E. S.) de Clement. Rom. evangel. Ephraimi Homiliaj. Freudenbergeri Historia controversiae de Clem. Rom. epistolis. Grabii Commentatio de Clementis scrip tis, genuinis et supposititiis. Goltz, Gesch. aus d. apostol. Zeitalter. Herzog des Clem, von R. Brief. Kesleri Philosophemata potiora recognition. Clem. R. falso attributur. Nerreter de Fragmentis Clem. R. quod sub nomine epistolsB habctur. Oudini Com. de scriptis S. Clementis. Randinus de St. Clemente martyre. (Collects what has been said of Clement by credible writers.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 22:353. Burton on the Ep. of C. to the Corinthians. Cave's Lives of the Fathers. Chevalier's Translation of the Epistles of Clement, Polycarp, and Ignatius ; with introduction, &c. Lardner's Dissert, on the two epistles of C, published by Mr. Wetstein. (Shows them not to be genuine.) Credibility of the Gospel history. (Touching the two epistles generally re- ceived.) A list of the various editions of this Father is given by Fabricius in his Bibliotheca. The most esteemed is that of Schwegler. 1847. Clerical Habits. Miller (Prof.) on Clerical Habits. Moody's Hints to young clergymen. North Amer. Review. 28:503. Smith on Public Worship. (Treats only on the proprieties of the Sanctuary.) Stillingfleet's Amusements of a clergyman. United States Lit. Gazette. 6:377. Close Communion. Pro. Arnold's Scriptural terms of admission to the Lord's Su^jper. 89 Close Communion — continued. Pro. Baldwin (Thomas) on Baptism. Bayne's Strict communion vindicated. Bibliotheca Sacra. 19:133. Birt's Vindication of the Baptists. Booth's Apology for the Baptists. Braidwood's Purity of Christian comm. Butterfield's Free C. an innovation. 1776. (Reply to John Brown.) Christian Review. 16:210. 23:364. Curtis (T. F.) on Communion. Dagg's (J. L.) Letters on communion. Davis' (G. F.) Peter and Benjamin. Foster's (James) Sermons. Fuller's (Andrew) Works. Fuller's (Richard) Terms of communion. Gale's Reflections on Wall on Baptism. Hickes' (Dr. Geo.) on Occasional communion. (Reasons why Churchmen should not commune with dissenters.) Howell on Sacramental communion. Ivemy's Baptism necessary to communion. Keene's (Henry) Free address to Pacificus. Kifliu (Wm.) on Church communion. Killingworth's Reply to Robt. Hall. ' Foster. Bulkeley. Kinghorn's Baptism a term of communion. (Reply to Robt. Hall.) . (Other pieces.) Knapp on Close communion. Merriam on the Terms of communion. Morgan's Principles of Christian comm. Newman's Bapt. an indispens. prerequisite. Pressly (J. T.) on Communion. Remington (S.) on Baptism. Defence of restricted communion. Ripley's Reply to Griffin's letters. Strictures on Dr. Mason on Communion. Taylor (J. B.) on Restricted communion. Thomas (D. E.) on Christian Baptism. , Con. Brown's (of Haddington) House of God opened. Bulkeley's Plea for Catholic communion. Bunyan's Reasons for my practice. Peaceable principles. Foster (John) on Catholic communion. Griffin's (Edward Dorr) Letters. Hall's (Robt.) Terms of communion. Horner's Popery and close communion iden- tified. Mason's (John) Terms of communion. Noel (B. W.) on Baptism. Ch. 5. Pressly (J. T.) on Ecclesiastical communion. (Presbyterian.) [Ryland's (Sen.)] Plea for free communion. Sawtelle's The Lord's supper for the Lord's people. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 6:103. Towgood's Address to the opposers of free C. Watts on Communion. Worcester (N.) on Close communion. Clngnl. Balusii Miscellanea. Tom. v. and vi. Mabillonii Annales Benedictini. Tom. v. Coat of Treves. Smith's (H.) Apostolical Christians. (Au- thentic documents.) Cocceians. Cocceii Opera. Alberti AiTTAcuv KsfTTra.. Burmanni Synopsis Theologite. Kromayeri Scrutinium Religionum. Leydeckeri Fax veritatis. Spanheimii (F.) Epistolse. Van Till, Antidotum. Voetii Opera. (The chief opponent of C.) Witsii fficonomia foederum Dei cum homin. Coincidences of Scripture. See INTERNAL EVIDENCES. Burke's Horaj Evangelicee. Horaj Apostolicae. Blunt's Undesigned coincidences. (Escel'nt.) Graves on the Pentnteuch. Grotius' Truth of Christianity. Faber's (G. S.) Horaj Mosaicse. (Coincidences of the Mosaic record with profane antiq.) Coins. Augustini (Ant.) Opera. Vol. VIIL Plates. Bayer de Nummis Hebraeorum. (Contro- verts Cumberland.) Bergeri Numismata Pontificum Roman. Biragi Numismata. (Many engravings.) Brerewood de Ponderibus et Pretiis, &o. Bunting, de Monetis et Mensuris S. Scrip. Buxtorfii Dissertationes. (Ane. Hebrews.) Camerarii (J.) Dissertationes. Cavedoni (G.) Biblische numismatik. Coringii (H.) Dissertationes. Deylingii Observationes. (Anc. Hebrews.) Eckhel, Doctrina nummorum vet. (9 v. fol.) Foy-Vaillant, Numismata ^^-ea Imperator. Gagnier, de Nummis Samaritanis. Gesneri Opera Numismatica. 300 plates. Goltzii Opera numismat. (6 great folios.) Grasse's Handbuch der alten Numismatik. Harduini Chronologia Vet. Test. Hottinger, de Nummis Orientalium inscript. Samaritanis. Kock, de Nummorum Hebraicorum. Koehler, Remarques Historiques. Lavy, Museum Numismaticum. (The most complete work of the kind. It names 4879 Greek coins, and 5747 Roman; with engravings.) Lingen de Origine et inventoribus pecuniae et numismatum. Margraaf, Observationes. Occo Imperatorum Roman, numismata. Otii (J. B.) Epistolaj. (Samaritan coins.) Patin (C.) Dissertationes. Petavii (P.) Dissertationes. 90 Coins — cmitinmd. Rayheri (Sam.) Dissertationes. Rechenberghii Biblioth. nummaria. Reland de Nummis Vet. Hebrseorum. Scaligeri Opuscula varia. Schmidt de Drachmis a Christo solutis. Seldeni Opera. Semleri Vocabularia rei nummarise Gr., Lat., Hebr., Arab, &c., ex diversis auctoribus. Spanheim (Ezek.) de Prsestantia numis. Thottii Thesaurus Numismatum. Tresor de Numismatique et de glyptique. (18.^1. Very complete. Price $250.) Waehteri Archseologia Nummaria. Waltoni Biblia Polyglotta. (Prolegomena.) Waser (or Vaser) de Ant. num. Hebr. et Syr. Wedelii Exercitationes. Werholf's Bibliotheca Numismatica. Widmannus ad Matt. xxii. 19. Wilde, Selecta Numismata antiqua. Akerman'? Illustrations of the N. T. Cuts. Arbuthnot's Tables of ancient coins. Calmet's Dissertations. Tr. by N. Tindal. Cardwell's (E.) Lectures. (Greek and Rom. coins.) Cumberland on Jewish c'oins, weights, &c. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 22:215. Ede's Gold and silver coins of all nations. Madden's Hist, of Jewish coinage. 254 cuts. Monthly Review. 114:457. Murray's (John) Truth of Revelation de- monstrat. by an appeal to gems, coins, &c. Numismatic Chronicle. Periodical. London. From 1S44. 32 vols. Pelletier on Coins, Weights, &e. Princeton Review. 2:131. 28:238. Tilt's Essay on the Roman Denarius. Walch's (R.) Ancient coins and medals. Many plates. (Intended to illustrate the progress of Christianity in the early ages.) Walker (0.) on Coins and Medals. LiPSlus BUiliofh. Numarin, gives a cata- logue of all the authors who have written upon money and coins, up to the close of the 18th century. John Hearne, bookseller, London, in his catalogue for 1859, offers for sale about 700 works on this subject. Collegiants. See socinians. Colonization, African. See negroes. African Repository. Monthly. Washington, United States. Since 1825. Alexander's Hist, of C. on the West coast. American Monthly Review. 2:151. 4:282. Amer. Quart. Review. 4:395. 12:213. 18:245. Ashmun, J., Life of; by Gurley. Bacon's Plea for Africa. Bibliotheca Sacra. 14:622. Cary, Lott, Life of; by J. B. Taylor. Christian Examiner. 13:96, 200, 287. Christian Monthly Spectator. 5:485, 540. 10:358, 493. Colonization, African — continued. Christian Quarterly Spectator. 2:459. 4:311, 5:145, 631. 6:332, 445. 7:330, 503, 521. Colonization Herald. Monthly. Philada. Since 1835. Eclectic Review. New Series. 3:282. Foreign Quarterly Review. 26:213. Frazier's Magazine. 2:334. 3:114. Jay's (Will.) Character and tendency of the Colonization Society. Liberia Herald. Monrovia. Literary and TheoL Review. 1:62. 2:429. Maryland Colonization Journal. Periodical. Baltimore. Since 1841. Methodist Quarterly Review. 12:361. New York Colonization Journal. Period. Since 1850. Niles' Weekly Register. 13:164. 15 Sup. 42. 16:165, 233. 17:201. 23:39, 138. 24:.333. 25:175, 381. 26:270, 282, 373. 27:29. 29:329. 47:206. North Am. Review. 18:40. 21:462. 35:118. 41:265. 63:269. Oxford Prize Essays. 1815. (Tho. Arnold.) Princeton Rev. 5:257, 281. 12:169. 13:266. 16:57. Reese's (David M.) Letters to the Hon. Wm. Jay. (Reply to his book.) Southern Review. 1:219. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 6:322, 396, 539. Torrey on the Slave trade. United States Literary Gazette. 3:20. AVadstorm on Colonization particularly as applied to the AVest coast of Africa. 1794. (Describes also the then condition of Sierra Leone and Bulama.) Colporter System. Anneau, le Necessaire. Amer. Biblical Repos. 2d Series. 12:214. American Messenger. Period. New York. (Many fine articles on this subject.) Annual Reports of Amer. Tract Society. Am. Tract Soc. Bostoi.. Am. Bapt. Publica. Society. 6olportage as conducted by the Amer. Tract Society. (A tract. 1859.) Cook (R. S.) on Home Evangelization. Fison's History of Colportage. (An English abridgment of Cook's work.) Comfort. See affliction, consolation. Bolton's (Robt.) C. for afflicted consciences. Colquhoun (John) on Spiritual comfort. Durant's (Puritan) Comfort for the dejected. Gerard's Divine Meditations. Hall's (Robt.) Notes of sermons. Reyner's Sermons. Russell's Letters, practical and consolatory. Letter 6. Sharp's (Dr. J.) Sermons. Sherlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Sibbs' Saints' comfort. Letter to an afflicted conscience. 91 Sibbs' Heavenly conference between Christ and Mary. Stebbing's (Henry) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Christian consolation. Commandments. See moral law. Daunhaveri de Collegio Decalogo. Grotius (H.) in Decalogam. Philo-JudiBus de Decalogo. Selnecceri Pjedagoga Christiana. Thummii Opera. Turrettini Institutiones. Zanchii Opera Theologica. Anderson's (Bp.) Exposition of the C. Andrews' (Bp.) Pattern of doctrine. Babington's (Bp. G.) Works. Barker's (Peter) Exposition of the ten C. Barrow's (Bp.) Exposition of the ten C. Bird's (C. S.) Exposition of the ten C. Boyse's Exposition of the ten C. Blaekall's (Bp.) Sermons. Brady's (N.) Sermons. Bradford's Godly Meditations. Brougham's (John) Sermons. Bullinger's Decades. (Pub. of the Parker Society.) Bunne's Guide to Godliness. Burgess' Vind. of the moral law. (Against Papists, Arminians, Antinomians, and Socinians.) Burton's Exposition of the Decalogue. Candlish's Two great commandments. Clay's (John) Twenty-five sermons. Cleaver's (Robt.) Sermons. Clowes' (.J.) Sermons. Chaffer's (Rich.) Exposition of the C. Cudworth's (Ralph) Sermons. Dod's (John) Plain and familiar expos. Durham's (Jas.) Law unsealed. Dwight's Discourses. Disc. 100-132. Edwards' (John) Body of Divinity. (Ex- cellent.) Elton on the Ten commandments. Fidde's (Rich.) Body of Divinity. Graham's (John) Practical Sermons on the ten commandments. Glass' (S.) Sermons. (Plain and valuable.) Granger's Tree of good and evil. Hall's (Bp.) Works. Harrison's (Wm.) Sermons on the C. Hill's (G. D.) Practical sermons on the C. Hooper's (Bp.) Declaration of the ten C. Hopkins' (Bp. E.) Exposition of the ten C. Jefferson's (J.) Lectures. Jones' (Robt.) Sermons. Jortin's (J.) Sermons. Knewstub's Lectures on Exod. xx. Larkin's (E. R.) Sermons on the C. Laurie's (Dr. Thomas) Sermons. Leighton's (Abp.) Sermons. McCaul's (J. R.) The ten Commandments the Christian's rule. Marsh's (E. G.) Sermons on the C. Nance's (J.) Sermons on the C. Commandments — continued. Oakley's (.J.) Christian aspect and applies* tion of the Decalogue. Ogden's (Sam.) Sermons. Piggot on the Decalogue. Plumer's (Wm. S.) Law of God. Powell on the Decalogue. RoMnson's (Disney) Law and Gospel. Russell's Hulsean Lectures. Ross' (John L.) Lectures. Scott's (Tho.) Essays. Seeker (Abp.) on the Catechism. Stackhouse's AVorks. Stowel's (W.) Lectures on the ten C. Thornton's (H.) Lectures. Tudor's The Decalogue the Christian's law. Wadsworth (Benj.) on the Decalogue. Wcems' (John) Expos, of the Decalogue. AVhately's Exp. of the Decalogue. Commentators. ON THE WHOLE BIBLE. Augustine, Jerome, Origen. Brenii (Dan.) Notas in V. et N. Test. 1660. Brentii Opera. 1575. (Lauded by Luthee.) Alberi Interpretatio. 1804. Calmet, Commentaire litterale. 1707. Dissertations preliminaires. (Ex- ceedingly valuable. Home used it largely in his introduction.) Calovii BibliaHlustrata. 1672, (An immense storehouse of information, touching ver- sions, expositions, and other Biblical subjects. Strong against Papists and Socinians.) Calvini Prelectiones et Comm. 1578 Capelli Com. et notce criticie. 1600. Cartwright, Melificium Hebraicum. 1627. Castellionis, Annotationes. 1510. Clerici (or Le Clerc) Translatio cum com- mon tario, et Dissertationes. 1693. (Not so much a commentary as a series of criti- cisms. Armenian.) Coccei (or Le Coq.) Versio et Comm. 1701. ("Spiritualizes too much.") Critici Sacri in Biblia. 1698. De Dieu Animadversiones. 1631. Drusii Annotationes. 1612. Grotii Annotationes. 1631. (An unsafe guide; but Doddridge thinks "he has done more to illustrate Scripture by pro- fane learning, than all other commentators put together.") Heideggeri Enchiridion Biblicum. 1700. Houbigantii Notae crit. cum Proleg. 1753 Hugonis (Victor), Adnotationes. 1526. Hugonis (St. Caro) Postillae. 1487. Junii et Tremelii Biblia cum notis. 1600. Lapide, Commentarii. 1664. (12 vols., fol. Highly prized bj' Romanists.) Lightfoot, Commentaria Historica. 1659. Lutheri Commentaria. 1610. 92 Commentators* Marlorati Thesaurus in locos communes. 1600. (An abridgment of the best remarks of the Reformers.) Martyris (Petri), Commentaria. 1579. Mauri (Rabanni) Com. grammatico-criticus. 1534. (Verbal criticisms on the plan of Schaufelberger's Clavia Hoinevica .) Melancthonis Commentaria. 1543. Menochii (Soc. Jesu) Comment, ex optimis auctoribus collccti. 1719. Olearius' Biblische Erklarung. 1681. Parei Commentaria. 1620. Pellicani Commentaria. 1532. Piscatoris, Commentaria. 1638. (Armenian.) Poll Synopsis Criticorum. 1674. (Gives whatever is useful in the Critiei Sacri, and is more convenient and valuable, on ac- count of its admirable arrangement, and additional matter.) Quistorpii Commentaria. 1648. Raphelii Annotationes. 1700. (From Zeno- phon, Polybius, Arrian, and Herodotus.) Ravanelli Thesaurus Scripturse. 1660. ("One of the most useful books to a preacher, in the world." — C. Mather.) Schidii (Sebastian.) Commentaria. 1740. (" Erudite, accurate, and perspicuous." — Walch.) Schoetgenii Horse Hebraieas. 1733. Storr (G. C), Opuscula Aeademica. 1796. Tarnovii Exercitationes Biblicae. 1632. Thilonis, Medulla. 1683. (An epitome of Poole's Synopsis.) Tirini (Soc. Jesu) Commentaria. 1630. Tossani Paraphrasii et Annotationes. 1606. Tostati Commentaria. 1491. (24 volumes, folio.) Tremelii. (See Junii.) Venemas Dissertationes. 1747. Allen's (,Jno.) Exposition. 1765. Assembly of Divines' Annotations. 1651. Benson's Bible ; with notes. 1811. (Chiefly a compihition from Wesley.) Boothroyd's Improved vers, and notes. 1818. Brown's Self-interpreting Bible. 1777. Burder's (S.) Scripture Expositor. 1809. Calvin's Com. Trans, by various persons. (" Calvin's Commentaries remain, after three centuries, unparalleled for force of mind, justness of expression, and practical views' of Christianity." — Bp. Wilson, of Calcutta.) Clarke's (J.) Annotations. 1743. Clarke's (Adam) Commentary. 1810. Clarke's (Sam.) Analysis of the S. S. 1700. Clarke's (Sam., Junr.) Annotations. 1760. Clarke's (Samuel) Annotation and parallel passages. 1690. Cobbins' Comm. 1837. (A family book.) Coke's Common. 1803. (Plagiarized from Dodd.) Cornwallis' Observations. 1820. Davidson's Pocket Commentary. 1836. Diodati's Annotations. 1651. Commentators. D'Oyly and Mants' Bible. 1814. Dodd's Commentary. 1770. Dutch Annotations. Ordered by the Synod ofDort. Tr. by T. Haak. 1657. Fawcett's Family Bible. 1811. Gill's Exposition. 1748. (A great treasury of Rabbinical and Oriental literature; with criticisms. " In Rabbinical literature Dr. Gill had no equal." — Horne.) Girdlestone's Comm. 1835. (Short reflections for family use.) Hawker's Poor man's comm. 1822. (Family book.) Henry's Expos. 1731. (Pious and practical.) Holden's (Geo.) Christian Expositor. 1834. Ktilisch's Historical and critical commen- tary; with new translation. 1858. KnatchbuU's Animadversions. 1659. Lange's Comm. Tr. by Dr. Schaff. 1866. Le Clerc's Commentary. 1710. (Critical.) Mayer's Com. 1653. (A synopsis of pre- ceding writers.) O'Neill's Biblical Gleanings. 1854. (About 3000 selected comments and criticisms.) Ostervald's Bible. 1722. (Wholly superseded by better works.) Patrick, Lowth, Whitby, Arnold, & Lowman combined. 1769. Piscator's Commentary. 1638. Poole's Annotations. 1683. (Universally commended.) Roberts' Clavis Biblicum. (Some account of each writer, and the occasion, scope, and analysis of each book.) Scott's Commentary. 1792. (Superficial.) Sharp's (Sam.) Histpric notes. 1854. Shitler's Domestic Commentary. 1854. Sutcliffc's (Jos.) Commentary. 1840. Trapp's Comm. 1662. (Very valuable.) Wall's Critical notes. 1730. '(With amend- ments to the Hebrew text.) Wells' (Ed.) Paraphrase. 1708. (With a revised translation.) Wesley's (John) Notes. 1764. (Those on the New Test, are best.) Williams' Cottage Bible. 1825. Wilson's (Bp.) Bible. 1785. (Chiefly useful for its collation of the present with former English versions.) ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. Athanasius, Cyril Alex., Theodoret. Jewish. — Aben Ezra, Abraham Scholom, Jos. Carpi, Abarbanel, Kimchi, Medraschim, Levj', Gerson, Mosch ben Nachman, Solo- mon Jarchi, Ben Malek, Alscheich, Simeon, Maimonides, &c. Amama, Collatio Biblica. 1620. Baumgarten's Theologischer z. A. T. 1844. Bibliandri Commentaria. 1543. Boetii Commentaria. 1644. Capelli (L. & J.) Com. et notw critical. 1575. Dathii Vet. Test. Latine versio. 1773. 93 Commentators. Diodati Explicationes. 1635. Grynai Explicatio et Exegesis. 1584. Hackspanii Notte philologico-theolog. 1640. Leusdcni Clavis Ilebrseica. 16S6. Maureri Commentarii. (One of the best for mere Ilistorioo-Grammatical Exegesis.) Parei Opera Theologica. 1614. Pfeifferi Clavis. 1690. (Philological.) Rosenmulleri (E. F. C.) Scholia. 1821. (23 volumes of unsurpassed criticism.) Scholz, die heilige Schrift des A. Test. Schotani Commentaria. 1628. Schultenii Animadversiones. 1760. Schulzii Scholia. 1783. Starkii Synopsis Exegetica. 1741. Stephani Biblia. 1590. (Philological.) Zanchii Commentaria. 1600. Barrett's Synopsis of Criticisms on passages in which Commentators difiFer from King James' version. 1855. (The Hebrew, Septuagint, and English, are given in juxtaposition ; and the opinions of Com- mentators, on disputed passages, quoted and considered.) Hill's Lectures on portions of the 0. T. 1810. Keil & Delitzsch's C. Trans, by J. Martin. 1864. Orton's Exposition. 1791. (For families.) Patrick's Commentary. 1695. Pyle's Paraphrase and notes. 1 725. Richardson's Observations. 1655. PENTATEUCH. See Pentateuch, Samaritan pentAtboch. Isidore, Ambrose, Gregory N. Alcuini Interrogat. et Responsiones. 800. Altingii Opera. 1670. Aretii Commentaria. 1602. Bedffi Expositio. 725. Borrhai Commentarii. 1555. Burmanni Commentaria. 1670. Catena Grsecorum patrum in P. 1547. Chrytraji Commentarius. 1557. Drusii Annotat. ad loca difEcil. 1588. Fabricii (Geo.) Commentarius. 1584. Fagii Paraphrasis. 1540. Gesneri Disputationes XXXVIII. 1604. Hammelmani Adnotationes. 1600. Hartman's (H. C.) Historisch-kritische For- schungen. Herrheimer, m 1 r\ d. Funfbuchs Moses. 1854. Junii Explicationes Aiialyticae. 1639. Koolhaus, Observationes Exegeticse. 1751. Leusdeni Precepta Mosaica. 1686. Lyseri Commentarius. 1604. Marbachii Hypomnemeta. 1597. Marckii Commentaria. 1734. Meklenburgii Scriptura ao traditio. 1839. Mereeri Prelectiones. 1570. Osiandri Commentaria. 1676. ("Princeps." — Walch.) Commentators. Selnecceri Commentaria. 1559. Varenii Decades Mosaica3. 1659. Vater's Commentar. 1805. Von der Ilardt's Ephemeridem Philolog. 1696. Ainsworth's Annot. 1616. (Makes constant reference to the Greek and Chaldee ver- sions.) Alexander's (W.) The P. illuminated frou history, geography, &c. 1828. Allix's Reflections on the P. . 1650. Babington's (Bp.) Comfortable Notes. 1622 Blunt's Family Exposition. 1841. Brightwell's Notes. 1840. (Selected from Poole, Rosenmuller, Le Clerc, Schrank, Dathe, eholden every way to Chemnitius." — LKKitl.) Crameri Catena Gripcorum patrum. 1838. Doreha-i Com., Analysis. Ac. 1706. Ewald's (H.) UelxTsIjtn. u. Erklart. 1850. (Jualtheri .\rehetyj>i Homiliarum. 160 . Hiiiinielii Postilla in Evaiig. 1650. liuffmani Demonstratio Evangelium. 1773. (" Learned and judicious." — Okmk.) Lucm (De Bruges) Commentaria. 1606. Lyseri Paraph, et Commentaria. 15U0. Olearii Observationes Sacra-. 174.'!. Russworm's I'ntersuchung Uber den Ur- sprung. Ac. 1797. Saa (or De Sa*) Scholia. 1596. (Often re- printed.) Sandii liilerp. panidoxa> IV. Evang. 1670. Sarcerii Scholia. 1538. (.Manv editions.) Schulteti Exercit. 1624. (Philological.) Thonue (Aquin.) (Jlossa continua. 1200. Tischendorfii Synopsis, ordiuc chronologico, cum conimentario. Wallu'i Com. ex antiq. illustmta. 1053. Wichclhaus' Kommentar. 1855. Adatns' (Tho.) Exposition. 1805 and 1837. (•' Holy and solid." — Bi'. Wilson.) Bickerslcth's Practical reflections on the plan of a harmony. 1841. (Selwjtions from various expositors.) Birk's (T. R.) Hone Evangelicir. 1852. (Structure, design, creeds. Heurtley's (C. A.) Harmonia Symbolica. Moehlers (J. A.) Symbolism. (Differences between Papists and Protestants.) Nares' Discourses on the three Creeds. Swainson's Hulsean Lectures. 1857. (The relation of creeds to Scripture and to con- science.) Toplady's History of the Creeds. Out of the thousand books on this subject, the above are all sufficient: but a great list of others may be found in Lowndes' British Librarian. CREED, APOSTLES. Ambrose, de Fide Orthodoxa. Athanasius, in Symbolum Apostolicum. Augustine, de Fide et Symbolo. Cyril Alex., Expositio Orthodoxa? fidei. Amyraldi Exercitationes in Symbolum. Ashwell, Fides Catholica. Bassnage. Exercitationes Historicre. Beckell's Bekenntniss Schriften, Ac. Creeds — crmtinued. Bellarmin, Explication du Symb. Apotres. Bemboldi Commentatio. Borneri Institutiones Symbolicae. Budda?! Isagoge. Calli.\ti Disputationes. Callovii Dissertationes. Carpzovii Isagoge. Chytrsei Artie, de filio Dei. Cockburn in Symbolum Apostolicum. Danaei Explicatio symbol! Apostolic!. Erasmi Explanatio symboli quod Apostolo- rum dicitur. Eusebii Dissertationes. Fortunat! Expos. Symboli Apostolic!. Gernlerus de Originc Symbole A])os. Heideggeri Dissertationes Selecta;. Lyseri Disputationes. Marheineckii Institutiones Symbolicae. Meyerus de Titulo, Origine, Ac. Neumannus de Conditoribus symb. Apos. Oliviani Expositio symb. Apostolic!. Selneccer! Exegesis symbol. Apostolic!. Sennerti Symbolum Apostolicum. Strauchii Historia symboli Apostolic!. Streitwolf, et Klener Libri Symbolic!. Tentzelii Exercitationes. Ulmeri Symboli precipua Synodorum. Usseri Diatriba de Romana Eccles. Voetii (Gisbert.) Dissertationes. AVitsii Exercitationes Sacrae. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 3d Series. 1:577. Barrow's Exposition of the Apos. Creed. Baylie's Sermons on the Apos. Creed. Beza's Confession of Faith, with a computa- tion of Papistical errors. Bullinger's Decades. (Pub. by Parker Soc.) Burgess' Canons of the Apostles. Cave's Lives of the Fathers. Church Review. 1:332. Edwards' Body of Divinity. Gill's (Alex.) Sacred Philosophy. Griffith (Tho.) on the Apostles' creed. Heylin's Sum of Ancient Theology. Hey's (Dr. J.) Lectures. Bk. 4. Hooper's Confession of the Christian Faith, Hutchings on the Apostolic Creed. Jackson's (Tho.) Commentaries on the A. C. Ken's (Bp.) Exposition. Rennet's Paraphrase and Annotations. Kettlewell's Practical Believer. King's History of the A. Creed. (Valuable, especially for the quotations.) Lardner's Credibility of the Gospels. Law's Catechetical Exposition. Lightfoot's Works. Mercersburg Review. Vol. I. Moore's Mystery of Godliness. Pearson's Exposition of the A. C. Perkins on the Apostolic Creed. Poole's (George A.) Sermons. Princeton Review. 24:602. Seeker's (Abp.) Lectures on the Catechism. Stackhouse's Exposition. 134 Creeds — continued. Stephens' (Robt.) Discourses on the A. C. Toplady's Hist, of the Apostolic Creed. Towerson on the Creed. Viret's Dialogues. Witsius' Diss, on what is called the A. C. Yates' Model of Divinity. CREED, ATHANASIAN. See arianism, GENUINENESS OF 1 TIM. 3:16, TBINITT. Acta Eruditorum. Anthelmii Disquisitiones. Benzelii Dissertationes. Brunoni Commentarius. Comeri Symbolum Athanasii. Fortunati Expositio fidei Catholieae. Genebrardi Explicatio. Heideggeri Dissertationes Selects. Laurentii Explicatio. Parei Notte. Rixneri Disputatio Theologica. Tentzellii Judicia Eruditorum. Ashwell's Fides Apostolica. (^Appendix.) Bloomfield's (Bp.) Sermons. Burgess' (Bp.) Doctrine of the Trinity. Card's Uses of the Athanasian creed. Dennis (John) on the A. creed. Dodwell on the Athanasian Creed. Harwood's (Dr. Edw.) Dissertations. Key's (Dr. John) Thoughts on the A. C. Hook (W. F.) on the Use of the A. Creed. Home's (T. H.) Doctrine of the Trinity. Vindication of the A. Creed. Hist, and Analysis of A. C. Horbery's Defence and Explanation. Hull's Disuse of the A. Creed advisable at the present time. 1831. Jenyu's (Soame) Tracts. Lloj'd's Vindication. Miller's (Dr. G.) Doctrines of Christianity. Myers' Vindication of the A. Creed. Qucsnell's Dissertations. Prattent's Notes on the A. creed. Radcliffe's Creed of A., illustrated by parallel passages from the Bible, by quotations from Greek and Latin writers of the first 6 centuries, and by the Apostles' and Nicene creeds. Rotherham's Apology for the A. Creed. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Waterland's Critical Hist, of the A. Creed. Wheatlev's (Charles) Lady Moyer's lecture. 1733, 17.34- CREED, NICENE. Athanasii cKioati Tnorcoi. Baieri Disputationes Theologicte. Benzelii Dissertationes Academicae. Bull! Defensio fidei Nicense. (" We need no better help." — Knowles.) Heideggeri Disputationes Selectte. » Ittigii Hist. Concilii Nicajni. Melancthonis Explicatio. Creeds — continued. Selnecceri Exegesis Symboli Nicaeni. Waltheri Dissertationes Theologicae. Whitb}', Disquisitiones Modestae in BuIIi defensionem. Ashwell's Fides Apostolica. (Appendix.) Forbes' Explanation of the Nicene C. Gregorie's (John) Works. Waterland's Crit. Hist, of the Nicene C. Wheatley's N. Creed expl. bj' Scripture. Whitby's Remarks on Bull's Defence. For the creeds of particular churches or sects, see under their several names. Cromwell. Guizot, Vie de Cromwell. Villemain, Histoire de Cromwell. Cromwell, Life of; by Carrington. by 0. Cromwell. by T. Cromwell. by D'Aubigne. by Harris. by Headley. by Guizot. by Herbert. by Noble. by Russel. by Jos. D. Smith. by Southey. by Wilson. Blackwood's Magazine. 61:391. Burton's Hist, of the Lord Protector. Carlyle's Letters and speeches of C. Christian Observer. 19:811. Christian Quart. Spectator. 1:385. Eclectic Review. New Series. 1:224. Edinburg Review. 61:393. Noble's Memoirs of the Cromwells. Princeton Review. 17:1. Quarterly Review. 25:279. Tulloek's English Puritanism, ^'aughn's (Robert) Essays on history and philosophy. Crosses. See affliction, self-denial. Ambrose's Looking to Jesus. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Candlish's (Robt.) Sermons. Christian Review. 11:500. Daniels' (M.) Sermons. Hall's (Bp.) Practical works Hambleton on the Cross of Christ. Holland's (.John) Sermons. Hook's (W. F.) Sermons. Penu's (Wm.) No cross no crown. Princeton Review. 18:158. Cruciftxioii. See sufferings of christ. Cruelty to Brwtes. Barrow's (S.) Sermons. ' Benson's (Joseph) Sermons. 135 Cruelty to Bmtes— continued. Booker's (Dr. Luke) Sermons. Chalmers' (Dr.) Sermons. Creswell's (Dan.) Serm. on domestic duties. Crowe's Zorphilos ; or, Considerations on the treatment of animals. Daubeney's (Archdeacon) Sermons. Drummond on Humanity to animals. Erskine (Lord) on Wanton Cruelty. Fletcher's Inadequacy of penal law. Foster's Sermons. Graham's Apology for the Brute Creation. Granger's (Jas.) Sermons. Guardian. No. 61. Hall's Contemplations. Hawtry's (Charles) Sermons. Macauley on Cruelty to animals. Mant's Reflections on the Sinfulness, Ac. Moore's (Tho.) Sermons. Mushet's Wrongs of the animal world. Oliver's (Benj.) Essays. Ess. 6. Primatt on Mercy to animals. PuflFendorf's Law of Nature. Rawlinson (John) on Mercy to brutes. Reports of the London Society for sup- pressing cruelty, lic 'Worsbip. See PROPRIETIES. Decision. See indecision, indifference, PROCRASTINATION. Appleton's (Pres.) Works. Burroughs' (James) Sermons. Clarke's Nature and curse of irresolution. Coleman's (Tho.) History of Daniel and his friends. Cook's (John) Sermons. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Dorrington's (Theoph.) Sermons. Foster's (John) Essays. Gerard's (Alexander) Sermons. Heber's (Bp.) Sermons at Hodnet. Jeter's (J. B.) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Mace's (Daniel) Sermons. McGill's (Stephen) Sermons. Nichols' (Benj. E.) Sermons. Pyle's (Thomas) Sermons. Khees' (Abraham) Sermons. Ryan's (Vincent W.) Sermons. Summers' (Samuel) Sermons. Tennison's (Abp.) Sermons. Thomas' (David) The Crisis of Being. Tillotson's Sermons. Verschoyle's (Hamilton) Sermons. Wayland's (Samuel) Sermons. Decrease of Mankind. See population. Godwin's Power of increase of the number of mankind. Hume's Essays. (Pop. of ancient nations.) Malthus on Population. Wallace's Dissertations. Decrees of God. See election, OODESCHALCIANS, REPROBATION. Pro. AflFelmanni (Joann.) Dissertationes. Amj'raldus de la Predestination. Beausobre, Defence de la doct. de la Reform. Bucer, de Predestinatione. Calovii Systema locorum theologicum. Decrees of God — continued. Deylingii Observationes Sacrse. Erasini Opera. Gomarus de Predestinatione. Hottingeri (Joann. Jacob.) Dissertationes. Hulsemanni (Joann.) Breviarium, Kortholti (Christian.) Dissertationes. Kunadi (Andr.) Loci Theologici. Musfci (Pet.) Dissertationes. Perkensii (Guilielm.) Dissertationes. Polani (Amand.) Didascalia. Rheinhard's Vorlesung. iiber die Dogmatik. Scharfii (Joann.) Dissertationes. Schelvigii (Sam.) Dissertationes. Spanheimii (Fred.) Dissertationes. Turrettini (Jo. Alphonsi) Cogitations. Twisse, Dissertatio de Scientia Media. Zanchii Miscellanea Sacra. Amer. Biblie. Repository. 2d Series. 9:285. (Hist, of the doctrine.) Bagshaw's Practical Discourses. Berrv Street Lectures. Bibliotheca Sacra. 4:77. 19:400. Bradford's (The Martyr) Five Dissertations. Bradwardine's (Thomas) Works. Brown's Natural and Revealed religion. • Butterworth on Moral government. Part 4. Charnock's (Stephen) Works. Christian Monthly Spectator. 1:115. Christian Quart. Spectator^ 5:597. Coles on Divine Sovereignty. Cooper (W.) on Predestination. Dwight's (Tim.) Discourses. Disc. 14, 15. Edwards' Veritas Redux. Fawo >tt's Critical Expos, of Romans ix. Ful.'- s (Andrew) Essays. Gale s Court of the Gentiles. Part 4. Grimes' Doctrine of Predestination according to the Church of England. Hammond's Works. Helwys' Cause of man's condemnation. Howe (John) on Predestination. Hunt (John) on God's Eternal Decrees. King on Predestination and Foreknowledge. Knight's (Robt.) Doct. of predestination. Knox's (John) Works. Lambert (The Martyr) on Election. Leighton's Lectures. Lime Street Lectures. Matthews' (John) Divine purposes. Morton's Divine purpose explained. Musgrave's Doct. of the divine decrees. Polhill (E.) on the Divine will. Princeton Review. 12:225. (Controversy in the 9th century.) Pryme's Anti-Arminianism. Rice's God sovereign, and man free. Scott's Reply to Tomline. Sumner's Apostelical Preaching. Theological Essays, reprinted from Princeton Review. Toplady's Christian and philosophical neces- sity asserted. (Against Wesley:) Doct. of Predestination stated. 140 Decreeg of God— continued. Pro. Twisse's Clearing of John Cotton's doubts. ■ Riches of God's love. Scientia Media. Weeks (W. R.) on the Decrees of God. Whitfield (Thomas) on God's decrees. Williston's Sermons. — - — Vindication of the doctrines of the Reformation. Wilson's (Thos.) God's eternal purpose. Witsius on the Covenants. Book 3. .Zanchius on Predestination. Con. See arminianism, pelaqianism, ic. Decretals. CANON LAW, PAPAL BULLS. Augustini (Ant.) Collectio Decretorum. Burchardi Decretorum libri XX. Decreialia Gratiani, Gregorii IX., et de- mentis V. , Harduini Collectio regia maxima. Joseph (Octav.), Bibliographia Critica. Panoramitanus in Decretales. Schambogen, Commentaria in D. • Sehmitz, Medulla juris Canonici. Schonemanni Pontificum Epistolse. Steinbergii Notaj ad Decretum. Theineri Com. de Pontificum Epistolis. Van Aspen, Opera. Wagnereck, Expositio Decretalium. For a great list of writers on these epis- tles, see NuTT's Catalogue. A full account of the various collections of ancient decretals and canons is given by Doujat, Praeno- ttonum Canonicarum. Dedication of Churches. See places OF WORSHIP, PUBLIC WORSHIP. Hospinian, de Templis. Siberi Schediasma. Andrews' (J.) Sermons. Benson's (Joseph) Sermons. Beveridge's (William) Sermons. Brown's (John) Sermons. Bull's (Robert) Sermons. Burd's (Richard) Sermons. Burnett's (Gilbert) Discourses. Channing's (W. E.) Sermons. Everett's (Edward) Sermons. Gill's (John) Sermons and tracts. Goddard's (Peter) Discourses. Grey's (Richard) Discourses. Harrington's Antiquity of the rite of conse- cration of churches, as shown by the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers. Jones' (T.) Sermons. Kennitt's (Dr. B.) Sermons. Leng's (John) Sermons. Lyng's (William) Sermons. Marshall's (Nath.) Discourses. Pearce's (Zachary) Discourses. Shepherd's (John) Sermons. Smith's (John) Sermons. South's (Robert) Sermons. Taylor's (.John) Sermons. Watt's Holiness of Times and Places. Wesley's Sermons. Definite Atonement. See SUBSTITUTION, &c. Pro. Bellamy's Works. Brine's Efficacy of Christ's death. Calvin's Institutes. Coles on the Sovereignty of God. Finley's Extent of Christ's purchase. Gilbert on the Atonement. Gill's Body of Divinity. Hurrion's Scrip, doctrine of redemption. Jenkins on the Atonement. Malcom's (H.) Extent and efficacy of the Atonement. Marshall (A.) on the Atonement. Owen's Salus Electorum. Rushton on Particular redemption. Spaulding on Universalism. Symington on the Atonement. Sec. 11. Toplady's Works. Twisse's Riches of God's love. Usher (Abp.) on the Extent of Christ's death. Witsius on the Covenants. Lib. 2, cap. 9. Con. Amer. Biblical Repos. 2d Series. 10:110. Barnes (Albert) on the Atonement. Bellamy's True religion delineated. Bernard's Reply to Abp. Usher. Bibliotheca Sacra. 15:132. Dwight's System. Ser. 56. Griffin on the Atonement. Discourses. Hamilton's (William) Sermons. Huntingdon's Calvinism improved. Richards (Dr. James) on the Atonement. Strong on Benevolence and Misery. Treffry's Letters. Wardlaw's (Ralph) Sermons. A^atson (R.) on Atonement. Wert on Atonement. Chap. 10. Whitby's Discourses. Degrees in Glory. Pro. Cotta (J. F.) Dissertationes. Danhaveri (J. C.) Dissertationes. Miilleri Gradus vitae eteruEe. Neumanni Dissertationes. Balguy's (John) Sermons. Barrow's (William) Sermons. Boyse's Four last things. Bull's (Bp.) Sermons. Clarke's (G. W.) The Righteous Dead. Conybeare's (Bp.) Sermons. Edwards' Bodv of Divinity Fuller's (And".) Works. 141 Degrees in Glory — continued. Pro. Howe's Blessedness of the Righteous. Kollock's (S. K.) Sermons. Mant's (Rich.) Hapjiiness of the Blessed. Mede on the Reward in the life to come. Ridgely's Body of Divinity. Quest. 90. Russel's Letters, Practical and Consolatory. Letter 13. Thompson's (Edward) Sermons. Topladv's Works. Uuivcrsalist Quart. Mag. 14:129 . Watt's World to Come. Williiams' (Alfretl) Sermons. Woodward's (Henry) Essays and Reflections. Con. Spanheimii Opera. Degrees of Guilt in Sin. See deadly SIN, UNPARDONABLE SIN, VENIAL SIN. Baumgarten, de Gradibus peccatorum. Multerus de Diversis peocati gradibus. Tellerus de Ina^qiialitate peccatorum. Deism. See harmony of reason and faith, NECESsiry OF revelation, province OF REASON. Pro. Barthius (Jo. Henr.) de Vera Religione. Bodini (Joann.) Colloquium. Celsii Opera. Chawin, de Naturali Religione. Connor, Evangelium Medici. Constant (B.), Religion considerees dans ses sources, ses formes, Ac. De La Serre, Examen. de la Religione. Diderot, Pensees philosophiques. Gebhard, Cogitationes rationales. Gundlingii Observationes Selectae. Herbert de Veritate. (The first to make Deism a science. 1621.) de Causis Errorum. de Religione Gentilium. Hobbesii Opera Philosophica. Holbach, Christianisme devoile. Langsdorf's Gott und die Natur. Liebnitz, Opera Theologica. Machiavellii Discursis in Livium. Meyeri Philosophia. Mirabaud, Systeme de la nature. Muralt, sur la Religion Essentielle. Parizot, la Foi devoilee par la Raison. Peyrerii Preadainitse. Roell, de Religione Naturali. Rosseau, Confessions, &c. Emile. Various other works. Sue, Lettres sur la Religion. Vanini Amphitheatrum. Voltaire, Epitre a Urane. Lettres Philosophique. Various other works. Deism — continued. Pro. Blount's Anima Musedi. Life of ApoUonius Tyaneus. Oracles of Reason. Boliugbroke's Letters on History. Philosophical Religion. Various other works. Brown's Religio Medici. Chubb's Discourse on Miracles. Foundation of the Chris, religion. Subjects of the Old Testament. True Gospel of Christ asserted. On Redemption. Four Dissertations. Collection of Tracts. Previous Question. Collins' Enquiry into human liberty. Grounds of the Christian religion. On Free Thinking. Scheme of Literal Prophecy. Man's other voices. Vind. of the Divine Attributes. Elwell on the Incarnation. English's Grounds of Chris, examined. Evanson's Doctpne of the Trinity. Dissonance of the Evangelists. Letter to Dr. Hurd. Letter to Dr. Priestly. Hartley on the Human Mind. llobbes' Historical Narration of Heresy. Human Nature. Letter on Liberty and Necessity. Letter to the Duke of Newcastle. Leviathan. Hume's Essay on Miracles. Treatise on Human Nature. Dialogues. Kame's (Lord) Essays. Lyon's Infallibility of Human Judgment. Morgan's Moral Philosopher. Deism fairly stated. Conceptions of the Jews considered. Defence of the Moral Philosopher. Physico-theology. Reply to Chandler. Sacerdotism displayed. New Harmony Gazette. Pub. from 1825 to 1834, by R. Dale Owen. Newman's (F. W.) Theism. Paine's Age of Reason. (Numerous replies, viz., by Disney, Drew, Estlin, McNeille, Scott, Simpson, Watson, (fee.) Palmer's Principles of Nature. Shaftesbury's Charact. of men, manners, Ac. Syke's Innocency of Error. Taylor's Translation of the arguments of Celsus, Porphyry, and Julian. Tindall's Christianity as old as Creation. Toland's Amyntor. Pantheisticon. Christianity not mysterious. Volnej''s Works. Woolston's Discourses on Miracles. Defence of Do. 142 Deism — crmtinued. Pro. Woolston's Moderator. Supplement to Moderator. Second Supplement to Moderator. A multitude of other Deistical writers might be cited, especially in the German language, but the arguments are the same in all. Con. Origen, contra Celsus. Abbadie, Verite de la Relig. Chretien. Baumgarten, Opera. Bergier, Deisme refute par lui meme. Bullet, Responses Critique. (Refutes many cavils of the infidels of the 18th century.) Carpzovii Apparatus Historico-criticus. Crouzas, Examen du Pyrronisme, ancienne, et moderne. Deylingii Observationcs Sacrje. Dieeanni Schediasma de Naturalismo. Fabricii Delectus argumentorum veritat. relig. Christ, versus Atheos, Deistas, Ju- dffios, (tc. ' Grotius de Veritate Relig. Christianse. [Guenee] Lettres de quelques .Juifs. Houtteville, le Christianisme prouve par les ftiits. Huetii Demonstratio. Jacquelot, Defence de la Religion. Kortholtus de Tribus impostoribus. (Her- bert, Hobbes, and Spinoza. Langii Causa Dei et Religionis. Le Clerc, de I'lncredulit^. Lemper Vorbericht der Naehricht. Less' Wabrheit der Christ!. Religion. Limborch de Veritate rel. Christianie. Loescheri Prenotiones Theologicae. Mersen, Impiote des Deistcs. Mussei (Jo.) Dissertatio. {Cotitrn Herbert.) Musaei Examen Methodi Herberti de inves- tigatione veritatis. Noesselt's Wahrheit und Gottlichkeit, &c. Olearii Synopsis Controversiarum. Pfafiii (Chr.) Dissertationes. Picteti (Benedict.) Dissertationes. Placette, Reponse a M. Bayle. Rosemond, Defense de la Rel. Christienne. Stein's A])ologetik der OfiTenbarung. Titius de Insufficientia rel. naturalis. Tribbechovii Historia Naturalismi. Trin's Freydencker Lexicon. Turretin, de Veritate et Divinitate, &c. Wolfii Manichicisnius ante manichajos. Wollii Oratio in Collinum. AUix's Raflections on the Old Testament. Applegarth on the Human Understanding. Apthorp's (East) Prevjilenee of Christianity before its civil establishment. (Gives a very useful account of civil and ecclesias- tical historians.) Asgill's (J.) Reply to Woolston on miracles. Dei sm — cnntinwd. Con. Atkinson on Christianity. (Rep. to Tindall.) Remarks on a late work. (Reply to Morgan.) Atkey's Examination of " Christianity as old as Creation." Ayscough on Gospel Obedience. Balguy's Letters to a Deist. Bates' Infidelity scourged. (Rep. to Chubb.) Beard's Christian Relig. defended from the assaults of Owenism. Belknap's Dissertation. (Ans. to Paine.) Benson's Answer to Morgan. Bentley's Remarks on a late discourse, . in verse. 1810. Skinner's Tr. of the Psalms. Notes. 18,30. Smart's Metrical tr. of the Psalms. 1765. Smith's (Eliza) Tr. of Job. 1810. (Regarded by Abp. Magee as then the best.) Stather's Job in English verse. Notes. Stennett's Tr. of Sol. Song. Notes. Stewart's (C. E.) The New Testament and f its translations. 1855. Stock's Metrical tr. of Job. 1803. ("An en- tire congeries of precipitancies, mistakes, and mutilations." — Magee.) Metrical tr. of Isaiah. (" Close, ner- Tous, and manly." — Brit. Critic, 28:466.) Stonard's Tr. of Zechariah. Notes. 1824. Street's Literal tr. of the Psalms ; with pre- face and notes. 1790. Stuart's Tr. of Rom. and Excursus. 1832. Sturges' Remarks on Dudson's Isaiah. 1791. Swedenborg's Tr. of the Psalms. 1760. Sylvester's Tr. of the Psalms. Notes. 1754. Tatham's Tr. of Jf b from the Coptic. 1846. Taverner's Moste sacred Byble ; recognized wyth great dylygence, after the moste faythful exemplars. 1539. Thomson's (Cha.) Tr. of the LXX. 1808. (The only English translation, and highly approved.) Tr. of the New Covenant. 1810. Thompson's (John S.) Monotessaron : a new trans, and notes. , 1826. Thompson's (Lawrence) Tr. of the N. Test. from the Latin of Beza. 1575. Thompson's (W.) Tr. of the N. Test.; with critical notes. 1816. (In small estima- tion.) Thomson's (W. A.) Hist, of the translation and circulation of the Scriptures. 1815. Thorn's Revised tr. of Corinthians. 1852. Todd's (H. J.) Memoir of Bp. Walton. (Bp. W. was engaged on a revised translation of the English Bible in 1658.) Vind. of our authorized vers. 1819. . Observations on the metrical versions of the Psalms, by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others. 1822. English Bible. Todd's Account of our authorized version. 1834. Tomline'g (Bp.) Account of the English translations. 1820. Tomlinson's (R.) Tr. of incorrect passages in the common version. With notes. 1803. Torshell & Madden's Bible and Apocrypha; according to the earliest English versions. 1850. Trappe's Commentary. 1670. (Many excel- lent retranslations.) Tregelle's Tr. of the Apocalypse. 1844. Tunstell & Heath's Bible. 1541. Turnbull (Jos.) Tr. of the N. Test. 1856. Turner's Poetical tr. of the Psalms. 1824. Twell's Critical exam, of the late new ver- sion. (Mace's work, both as to the text and version, is here severely handled.) Tye's (Doctor in mvsyko) Actes of the Apos. in Englishe meter, wyth notes to eche chapter to synge; and also to play vpon the Ivte. 1553. Tyndale's Tr. of the N. Test. 1526. Pentateuch. 1530. Jonah. 1531. N. Testament, with the essential variations of Coverdale's, Mat- thew's, Genevan, and Bishop's Bible, as marginal readings. By J. P. Dabney. 1837. Umbreight's Tr. of Job ; with notes. Trans- lated by J. Gray. 1836. Vansittart's Tr. of the 49th Psalm. 1810. Wake's Liberal tr. of the Psalms. 1793. Wakefield's Tr. of the N. Test. 1790. (Unita- rian. Examined by Nares, Magee, Lawrence, and the Eclectic Review.) Walford's Tr. of the N. Test. Notes. 1837. ■■ Psalms. 1838. Walter's Letter to Bp. Marsh. 1823. (To show that Tyndale's version was not framed upon that of Luther.) Ward's Errata of the Protest. Bible. 1706. Webster's (Noah) Bible; with emendations of language. 1833. Webster's (Will.) New Testament from tho ancient Latin; with notes from the French of Father Simon. 1730. Wier's Tr. of Ps., and chrofi. arrang. 1830. Weiss' Tr. of Ps. ; with crit. notes. 1852. Ecclesiastes. " " 1857. Wellbeloved's Trans, of the N. Testament; with notes. 1833. (Unitarian.) Wellbeloved, Smith & Porter's Holy Scrip- tures of the Old Testament. 1859. Wells' (Edw.) Help to the understanding of the Scriptures. 1708. (A revised trans- lation of the 0. and N. Testament, with prefaces, Greek text, notes, &c.) Wemys' Biblical Gleanings. 1816. (A col- lection of proposed emendations, with im- portant various readings ; compiled from over fifty distinguished critics.) Tr. of Job: with notes. 1839. Wesley's (John) New Testament revised. 169 Engllgh Bible. Whiston's Primitive New Testament. 1745. (Important, as translating from the Codex Bezaj, tlie Clermont MS., and the Alexan- drine MS., as collated by Mill.) Whitaker's Histor. and critical Inquiry into the right interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures ; with remarks on Mr. Bellamy's translation. 1819. Answer to Wm. Rainhold. Whitwell's Tr. of Romans; with introduc- tion and notes. 1848. WicklifFe's New Testament from the Vul- gate. 1387. (Not printed till 1731, when it was published by John Lewis, with a history of the various English translations. A reprint was issued in 1810, with a good memoir of W., and a continuation of the history of English versions. A beautiful edition was published in 1850, by Torshall & Madden, who spent several years on the work, and compared about two hundred manuscripts.) Williams' (Benj.) Book of Psalms, as trans- lated, paraphrased, and imitated, by the most eminent English poets. 1781. Williams' (Rowland) Transl. of the Hebrew Prophets. 1866. Williams' (Tho.) Lit. tr. of Sol. Song. 1800. ■ N. Test. 1812. Willis' Tr. of Acts. 1789. (Not esteemed.) Wilson's Emphatic Diaglot, notes, and new tr. of the New Testament. 1866. Wilson's (Bp.) Bible, with notes. 1785. (Collates the received version, with pre- ceding and subsequent versions.) Winthrop's (J.) Tr. of the Apocalypse into familiar language. 1794. Wintle's Tr. of Daniel ; with notes. 1792. Witham's N. Test, from the Vulgate. 1730. Wolfe's (J. R.) Messiah in the Psalms, and Pentateuch. Woodhouse's Tr. of the Apocalypse. 1806. (Answers the objections of Michaelis.) Wordsworth's Tr. of the Apocalypse. 1829. (The Greek text, MSS. collations, and learned notes.) Worseley's Trans, of the New Test. Notes. 1770. (Pays special attention to the particles.) Wrangham's Tr. of the Psalms. Wynne's New Test, collated with the Greek. 1764. (Chiefly follows Doddridge.) Young's (Robt.) Tr. of the Bible. 1862. THB FIRST ENGLISH VERSIONS. (In the order of time.) A. D. 706. Adhelm's Saxon Psalms. 721. Egbert's Four Gospels. 734. Bede's Gospel of John. 880. Alfred's Psalms. 1340. Roles' [or Hampole's] Psalms. 1387. Wickliffe's Bible. 1526. Tyndale's New Testament. 1530. Pentateuch. English Bible. A. D. 1531. Tyndale's Jonah. 1531. Joyce's Isaiah. 1534. Jeremiah, Psalms, and Songs of Moses. 1535. Coverdale's Bible. 1537. Matthews' [or Rogers'] Bible. 1538. Cranmer's Bible. 1639. Taverner's Bible. 1541. Tunstell & Heath's Bible. 1550. Cheke's New Testament. 1557. Geneva Bible. 1568. Bishop's Bible. 1682. Rhemish Testament. 1600. Douay Bible. 1611. King James' Version. Some of these dates are disputed, but nearly all of them are certain. Cnmity of the Heart. See CARNAL MIND. Barnes' (Albert) Sermons. Cooper's (G.) Sermons. Cooper's (James) Sermons. Sherlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Way land's (Dr. Samuel) Sermons. Weston's (Bp.) Sermons. Kumlty of the World. Hall's Help to Zion's travellers. Leighton's (Abp.) Comin. on 1 Peter ill : 16. Ray's Persuasives to a holy life. Stennett's (Samuel) Sermons. Wayland's (Samuel) Sermons. Enoch. Libri Enoch, Versio Ethiopica. Heinii (J. P.) Dissertationes. Hoffman's Ueberset. mit Commentar. 1838. Amer. Biblical Repository. 3: Ewald's Origin, meaning, &c., of the book of Enoch. Hoffman's Trans, and commentary. Lawrence's Translation, and preliminary Dissertations. Murray's Enoch restitutus. (An attempt to separate from the book of Enoch the book quoted by Jude.) Stuart's Christology of the book of Enoch. Knquirers. See conviction. Enthnsiasm. Baieri (Joan. Guil.) Dissertationes. Bebellii (Balthas.) Dissertationes. Casauboni Commentarius de Enthusiasmo. Chladenii Introversio in se ipsum. Colberg's dem Platoniseh-Hermetischen. Corbini Enthusiasticum Pantheon. Gerdesii (Hen. Joann.) Schediasma. Himmelii Collegio Anti-enthusiasticum. Hoornbeckii (Joann.) Dissertationes. 170 E utiius i asm — conlinued. Jseger de Enthusiasmo moderno. 1709. Kahler de Hseresi Enthus. abominibili. Krohn's Gesch. der Enthusiastischen. Mori Enthusiasmus Triumphatus. Schrammius de Enthusiastis. Teustkingii Gynsecium haeretico-sanitico. Turretin, Preservatif, Ac. Zeltneri Breviarium controversiarum adhuc agitarum. 1724. Zentgravii Dissertationes. (Divine and Dia- bolical Enthusiasm.) Barclay's Apology. Bellamy's True religion delineated. Bidlake's Bampton Lectures. 1811. Casaubon on Enthusiasm as mistaken for divine inspiration. Caristian Observer. 19:800. Christian Quart. Spectator. 4:118. Edinburg Review. 71:124. Evans' (F.) Hist, of Modern Enthusiasm. Evans' (John) Sermons. (Effects of E.) Evans' (Theophilus) History of E., from the Reformation to the present time. 1752. Foster's Essays. (On the epithet Romantic.) Frazier's Magazine. 9:159. Green (Bp.) on Enthusiasm. Hawkins' (Robt.) Works. Hunter's Letter on Enthusiasm. Lavington's E. of Methodists and Papists. Locke on the Understanding. Monthly Review. 119:159. More's (Henry) Philosophical works. Notts' Bampton Lectures. 1802. Pickets' Academician. Scholar Armed against error. Vol. 2. Bcott's Force of Truth, Southern Literary Messenger. 2:321. Spectator. No. 2(11. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 3:256, 330. Stephens' Essays in eecles. biography. Sterne's (Lawrence) Sermons. Taylor's (Isaac) Natural history of E. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Wilson on Warrantable and unwarrantable inspirations. ZoUikoffer's (Geo. J.) Sermons. Envy. Abernethy's (Bp.) Sermons. Berens' (Edward) Village Sermons. Blair's (Hugh) Sermons. Burton's (Hezekiah) Sermons. Carrington's (J.) Sermons. Delany's (Patrick) Sermons. Fawcett's (John) Sermons. Hey's (Dr. John) Sermons. Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Sermons. Jones' (Walter) Sermons. Knox's (Vicessimus) Sermons. Lloyd's (Pearson) Sermons. South's (Robert) Sermons. ZoUikoffer's Sermons on prevalent vices. Epiiraeiu, Syrus. Ephraimi Opera; Assemanno editis. (Only complete edition. Six vols., folio.) Gregory Nys., Vita atque encomium Ephr. Assemani Bibliotheca Orientalis. (Has many extracts from E.'s works.) Augusti (J. C. G.) Quest. Patristicarum, &c. Coleri (Chr.) Disquisitiones Criticse. Hoyeri (Guil. Ernest.) Dissertationes. Lengerke, Com. erit. de Ephraemo interprete. Oudini (Casimer.) Dissertationes. Tentzelii (Guil. Ernest.) Dissertationes. Tischendorf, Codex Ephrsemi rescriptus. Vossii Sancta Ephraemi narratio. Burgess' Hymns and homilies of Ephraem. (The introduction gives an account of Syriac metrical church literature, <&c.) St. Ephraim's Select works. Trans, by J. B. Morris. Repentance of Nineveh. Translated by H. Burgess. Epicureanism. Origen, contra Celsus. Epicuri Vita, per Diogenem Laertium. Cicero de Natura deorum. de Fato et de finibus. Du Rondel, Vie d'Epicure. Gassendi Vita Epicuri. Lucretii Opera. Lib. IL Plutarch, de Placitis philosophiae. Lib. I., Cap. II. Rapin, Reflexions sur la Philosophic. American Quart. Review. 1:357. Brucker's History of Philosophy. Christian Examiner. 71:1. Cudworth's Intellectual System. Hume's (David) Essays. Ess. 15. Ray on the Creation. Part 1. Stanley's Lives of the Philosophers. Stillingfleet's Origines Sacrje. Bk. 3. Taylor's (Jeremy) Sermons. Tenniman's History of Philosophy. Epipltanius. Epiphanii Opera quae extant. (Several editions, the best of which is said to be that of Petavids, 1682. That of Migne, 1858, in three volumes, is much approved.) Assemanni Bibliotheca Orientalis. Gervasse, Vie de St. Epiphane. Oudini (Casimer.) Dissertationes. Papebrochii Commentarius de St. B. Whiston's Essays. Epipliany. Gregorii Naz., Orationes sex. Arzbergeri (J. Seb.) Dissertationes. Blumenbachii Antiquit. Epiphaniorum. Dehon's (Bp.) Sermons. ni Hare's (A. W.) Sermons. Home's (Bp.) Sermons. Newman's (J. H.) Sermons. Russel's (Alex. R.) Sermons. Episcopacy. See apostolical succession, CO.NFIKMATION, ORDISATION. Pro. Beveridge. Canon, vet. eccl. Vindicatio. Cosini Religio et Gubernatio. Downamii l>iss. de gubernatione Ecclesioe. Hammond (II.), Di^^sertationes quatuor. Juelhc Apologia Ecelcsiae Anglicanaj. Saravia de I)ivcrsis gradibus, <, HTPOSTATIC UNION, JACOBITES,' MONO- THELfTES. Cyril (Alex.), adversus Nestorii. Theodoret, Homiliae. Bassnage, Hist, de Eutychianes. Chrysologi (Petr.) Epistolae. Ecchellensi Eutychius vindicatus. Jablonsky, Exercitationes. Le Quien, Oriens Christianus. Leontii Dubitat. hypotheticse et definientes, contra eos qui negant esse in christo duas naturas. Liberati Hist, controv. Eutychianae. Rustici Disputationes adv. Acephalos. 12 Salig, de Eutychianismo ante Eutychen. Schroder (loan.;, de Eutychismo. Schroder (Nic.) de Eutyc. et ejus seetis. Simleri Scripta veter. de una persona J. C. Ursini Tractationes Theologioaj. Vogtii Historia Hferesiologicse. de Recentissimis Nestorii defensor. Evangelical Iiutherau Cliurcli. Marten's Symbol-biicher d. Evang. Luth. Kirche. Evidences of Cliristiauity. See ADTHENTICITY, DEISM, INSPIRATION,' INTERNAL EVIDENCE, MIRACLES, PRO- PHECr, REV^.ATION. Evidences of Regeneration. Appleton's (Pres.) Lectures. Backus on Ptegeneration. Baxter's Saint's Everlasting Rest." Bellamy's (Joseph) Tracts. Dwight's Discourses. Disc. 88 to 90. Doddridge's (Philip) Sermons. Ecking's (Sam.) Essays on Grace, &c. Edwards on the Ajfections. on the Revival iu New England. Spring's (Gardner) Essays. Toffin's Marks of the children of God. AVood's (of Andover) Works. Evil. See existence op evil, origin of OF EVIL, SIN. Alison's (Arch.) Sermons. (Evils of life.) Christian Examiner. 33:197. 47:227. 59:116. Christian Observer. 20:105. Cudworth on Eternal and immut. morality. Dale's (Thomas) Sermons. Foster's (James) Sermons. Gisborne (Thomas) on the Divine love. James (Henry) on the Nature of evil. Miiller's Christian doctrine of Sin. Oakley's (Fred.) Sermons. Shuttleworth's (P. N.) Sermons. South's (Robt.) Sermons. Universalist Quarterly. 3:167. (Uses of evil.) Van Mildert's (Bp.) Sermons. Young (John) on the Uses of evil. Evil Company. See company. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Alison's (Archibald) Sermons. Batty's (Adam) Sermons. Blair's (James) Sermons. Bolton's (Robt.) Letters and tracts. Butler's (Alban) Sermons. Cooper's (Archdeacon) Sermons. Dodd's (William) Sermons. Doddridge's (Philip) Sermons. Edwards' fJohn) Sermons. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Farmer's (John) Sermons. Guyse's (John) Six annual sermons. Hall's (Robt.) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons, 1Y8 Lawson's (Dr. John) Sermons. Parry's (Joshua) Sermons. Priest's (Isaac) Sermons. Thompson's Christian Theism. Gvil Speaking. See detraction, scak- DAL, BLANDER, TONUUE. Barrow's (Isaac) Sermons. Berens' (Edward) Village sermons. Blencoe's (Edward) Sermons. Carr's (George) Sermons. Enfield's (Williiiin) Sermons. Fiddcs" (Richard) Practical discourses. Francklin's (Thomas) Sermons. Jack on Evil speaking. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Lament's (David) Sermons on prevalent vices. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Shuttleworth's (Wm.) Essays. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Sterne's (Lawrence) Sermons. Tillotson's Sermons. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Zollikoffer's Festivals and Fasts. Evil Spirits. See demons. Jacobi I. (Britt. rex) Demonologia. Gottermasius de Exist, demonorum, e naturae lumine innotescit. Heideggcri Disputationes Theologicae. Heinii Dissertationes Sacrse. Mayer, de Malorum spirituum existentia. Pfaffius de Operationibus diabolicis. Platinaj Prelectiones Theologicae. Stengelii Dissertationes. Winzeri Demonologia in N. T. proposita. Beaumont's Historical, physiological, and theological treatise on spirits. Bekker's World bewitched. ("The best ac- count of the power of devils." — Lowndes.) Berg's Abaddon and Mahanaim. BuUinger's Decades. Burgh's (James) Crito. Casaubon's True relation of what passed for many years, between John Dee and some spirits. Christian Monthly Speet. 5:293. 10:650. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 10. Donaldson's Christian orthodoxy reconciled with the conclusions of modern biblical learning. Chap. 4. Draper's Doctrine of Scripture relating to evil spirits. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 16:.35. Edwards' Body of divinity. (On the Creed.) Foreign Quarterly Review. 6:1. Frazier's Magazine. 5:207. Gilpin on Temptation. Girdlestone's (Charles) Sermons. Glanvil's Sadduceism silenced. Ileber's (Bp.) Parish Sermons. Howe's (John) Works. Hutchinson's (Francis) Works. Evil Spirits — cnntinued. jMede's (Joseph) Sermons. Scott's (Walter) Existence of Evil Spirits. Seed's (Jer.) Sermons. Sharp on the Influence of Demons. Shepherd on Angels. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 2:491. Toplady's (Augustus M.) Sermons. Towusend's (Geo.) Sermons. Whately's View of the future state. Whewell on Good and evil Aagels. Wilson's (Bp.) Sermons. Evil Tlioughts. See THonoHTS. Chilcott's Treatise on evil thoughts. Gilpin's (William) Sermons. Goodwin's (Tho.) Vanity of thoughts dis- covered. Exaltation of Cliri^t. Liml)orchii Theologia Christiana. Markii Hist, exaltationis J. C. Martinii Demonstrationes. Sohnii Disputationes de filio Dei. Varenii (August.) Dissertationes. Bennett's Christian Oratory. Berriman's (William) Sermons. Burton's (Edward) Sermons. Russel's Letters, practical and consolatory. Watts' (Isaac) Glory of Christ. Example. See appearance of evil, COMPANT, DEPORTMENT. Alison's (Archibald) Sermons. Allestree's (Bp.) Sermons. Blackall's (Bp.) Sermons. Fawcett's (James) Sermons. Hickman's (B.) Sermons. Lamont's (David) Sermons. Latimer's (Bp.) Sermons. Melvill's (Henry) Sermons. Potts' (J. H.) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Skelton's (P.) Sermons. Smallridge's (George) Sermons. Steadman's (R.) Sober Singularity. Van Mildert's (Bp.) Sermons. Example of Christ. Alison's (Archibald) Sermons. Arnold's (Tho.) Sermons. (4 on this subj.) Barrow's (Isaac) Sermons. Barrow's (William) Sermons. Bennett's (W. J. E.) Sermons. Biekersteth's (J.) Sermons. Bisset's (Tho.) Sermons. (4 on this suDJeot.) Bradford's Boj'le Lectures. 1699. Calamy's (Benj.) Sermons. Channing's (W. E.) Sermons. Durand's (J. F.) Sermons. Fisk's (George) Sermons. Frey (C.) on the Example of Christ. Fuller's (Thomas) Sermons. 179 Example of Cllirist — continued. Hastings' (U.) Parochial Sermons. Home's (Cp.) Sermons. Hubbard's (J.) Berry Street Lectures. Kempis' Imitation of Christ. (Malcom's Edition omiis the sentiments objectionable to Protestants.) Markby's The Man Christ Jesus. Marshall's (Nathaniel) Sermons. Mason (John) on the Christian Virtues. Richardson's (William) Sermons. Riddoc!:'s (James) Sermons. Scott's (Tho.) Jesus a pattern. (20 good sermons.) Serle's Hora3 Solitariae. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Townseud's (George) Sermons. Van Mildert's (Bp.) Sermons. Ward's (Richard) Sermons. Waters' (Edward) Sermons. Watson's (Alex.) Sermons. Whately's (Rich.) Sermons. Wilks' (Sam. C.) Sermons. Williams' Private life of Christ. Wilson's (Bp.) Sermons. Zimmerman on the Knowledge of Christ. Elxcellence of Cliristlanity. See CHRISTIANITY, DEISM, INFLUENCE OP RELKjlON, LIGHT OF NATORE, PLEAS- URES OF PIETY. Morgues, Parall. de la monde chret. aveo celles des anciens philosophes. Gerard's Genius of Christianity. Hall's (Robt.) Works. Knox's Evidence and Excellence. Ac. Paynton's Evidence and Character of C. Watson's Tracts. Excitement. See emotions, passions, PEACE OF MIND, REVIVALS. Excommunication. See oh. discipline. Augustini Opera. Beza de Vera Excommunicatione. Bindrin de Gradibus excom. Judseis. Erastus (T.) de Excommunicatione. Godeschalci Dissertationes. Krackewitzii (Berthold.) Dissertationes. Meisneri (loann.) Dissertationes. Morinus d ; Diseiplina. Lib. IX. Opitii Disp. de Excom. ritu apud Judaeos. Orsi (J. A.) Dissertationes. Sirmondus Hist, poenitentise publicae. Eclectic Review. New Series. 5:229. Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Hey's (Dr. John) Lectures. Bk. 4. Hopkins' (Bp.) Sermons. Pirie's (Alex.) Miscellaneous Works. Prynne's Four serious Questions. £xe;afesis. See HERMENEUTies, philoloot, BOLES OF INTFRPRETATION, &C. Exhortation. See admonition. Sturmey's Discourses. Witherspoon's Works. Existence of Evil. See evil, optimism, ORIGIN OF EVIL. Bretschneider's Handbueh der Dograatik. Maimonides, More Nevochim. Par. III., c. 12. Rheinard's Vorlesiingen iiber die Dogmatik. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Balguy's Divine benevolence asserted. Baxter's (Richard) AVorks. Bonet's Contemplations of Nature. Butterworth on Moral Government. Dwight's Discourses. Disc. 15. Poster's (Dr. James) Sermons. Hallet's Notes on Scripture. Hopkins' System of Divinity. Ch. 4. Mandeville's Free Thoughts. Pope's Ethical Epistles. No. 1. West on Free-agency. Part 2. Existence of Qod. See atheism, light op nature, natural theology. Basil, de Providentia : Conscio 22. Epistolaj. Chrysostom, Orationes. Gregory Naz., Orationes. Orat. XXXIV. Gregory Nys., Orationes. Orat. II. Lactantius, Opificium Dei. Abbadie, la Religion chretienne. Sec. 1. Baumgarten's Glaubenslehre. Bunsen's (C. C. J.) Gott in der Geschichtev Callixti Dissertationes. Cicero, de Natura Deorum. Fenelon, Demonst. de I'existence de Dieu. Hennichii Demonstratio existentiaj Dei. King, de Origine Mali. (With Law's notes.) Meiner, Hist, doctrinas de vero Deo. (Highly. praised by Dr. Parr.) Melchoris (J. A.) Dissertationes. Mendelssohn's Morgenstunden. Parkeri Disputationes de Deo. Paschal, (Euvres. Tom. 2. Ruckeri Demonst., methodo mathematiea. Schroedelii Demonstratio ex idea a priori. Schwarzii Demonstrationes Dei. Stapferi Theologia. Cap. III. Vossius de Origine et progressu Idolatria. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Allen's Oracles of Reason. Sect. 2, Ch. 1, American Biblical Repository. 9:421. 2d Series. 5:273. 6:350. American Presbyterian Review. 4:357. American Quarterly Observer. 1:299. Appleton's (Jesse) Works. Lect. 1. Arrowsmith's (John) Discourses. Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons. Barrow's (Bp.) Discourses. Bates' Considerations of the exist, of God. Bennet's Philosophical Researches. Bentley's Boyle Lectures. 1693. Berkeley's Minute Philosopher. (Beautiful.) 180 Existence of God — continued. Bibliotheca Sacra. 7:326. ]2:.3.38. Boyle Lectures. (Most of the series.) Boyle (Robt.) on Final causes. Bridgewater Treatises. Brown (Wm. Lawrence) on the Existence, power, and wisdom of God. (Received the Burnet prize of $6,000, at Aberdeen, August, 1815.) Brown (Tho.) on Cause and Effect. Brownson's Quart. Rev. 2d Series. 6:141. Bryant'.s Authenticity of Scripture. Bullet's Existence of God demonstrated. Burnet on the 39 Articles. Charnock's (Stephen) Works. Christian Monthly Spectator. 1:414, 586. Clapham on the Argument a priori. Clarke's (Sam.) Demonstration. Clark (Jos.) Exam, of Dr. Clark's notions. Clark (John) Def. of Clark's demonstration. Clark (Geo.) on the Existence of God. (Intended as a supplement to Paley's Evidences.) Collibeare's Existence and nature of God. Crombie's Natural Tlieology. Ess. 1. Crouza's Art of Logic. Democratic Review. 21:102,25.3. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2, prop. 27, 28. Drew's (Sam.) Attempt to demonstrate, ;ton (Shutc) on Divine dispensations. Barry's Introd. to the Old Testament. Bates' Harmony of the Divine attributes. Bellamy's Works. Berry .Street Leotures. Vol. 1. Besly's (John) Doctrinal Discourses. Birk's Difficulties of Belief. Boston's Fourfold .'^tate. Bridges' Testimony of Profane Antiquity. Burnet's Archaeologj". Calcolt on the Fall, Incarnation, Ac. Chandler's I'osthumous Sermons. Charnoek's Works. Chauiicey's Dissertations. Christian Observer. 2:522. Clarke's (Sam.) Sermons. Collier's Sacred Interpreter. Craig's (William) Sermons. D'Oyley's (Dr. (Jeo.) Dissertations. Diss. 1. Sermons. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 8. Dwight's Sermons. Ser. 27 and 28. Emmon's (Nathaniel) Sermons. Felton's (Henry) Sermons. Fletcher's Appeal to facts. Foster's (Dr. James) Sermons. Fuller (And.) on Genesis. Diss. 4, 5, 6. Gilfillan's Aljiha and Omega. Ch. 4. Goodman's Fall and corruption of man, proved from reason. Green's (John) Sermons. Guyse's (.lohn) Sermons. Holden (Geo.) on the Fall. (Able and full.) Holden's (Lawrence) Sermons. Howe's (John) Sermons. Hubbard's Berry Street Lectures. Hunt on the Divine dispensations. Hutchinson's Moses, sine Principio. Jeffrey's (John) Sermons. Jenkins' (.loseijh) Sermons. Jones' (Will., of Xaylaud,) Sermons. Kennicott's Dissertations. King's (Abp.) Sermons. Le CIcrc's Dissertations. Mantou's (Thomas) Sermons. Mede's Works. Middleton's Examination of Sherlock. Miiller's Christian doctrine of sin. Panoplist. 3:446. 4:5. Pearson on the Creed. Potts' (J. H.) Sermons. Scott's Reply to Bp. Tomline. Sherlock on Prophecy. Shuekford on the Creation and Fall. South's (Koljcrt) Sermons. Tennis on Idolatry. Toplady's Works. Turner's Introduction of Sin. Waterland's Scripture Vindicated. Watts' Ruin and recovery of man. Witherspoon's Works. Lcct. 14. Witsius on the Covenants. Book 1, Ch. 8. Witty 'g Mosaic history of the Fall. Worfhington's Mosaic account vindicated. Fallen Angels. See bvil spibits. Busmanni (lo. E.) Dissertationes. Dorscheus de Satana: obscssionc. Fabrieius de Lapsorum Angelorum pcccato. Ilannekenius de Lapsu Angelorum. Olearii Dissertationes. Seldenus de Lapsu Angelorum. Baumgarten's Supp. to universal history. Boyse's (Joseph) Works. Gisbome on the Divine attribute of love. Henley's Dissertations on the controverted passages in Peter and Jude. Ac. Hunt's Historical Essay toward explaining divine Revelation. Hutchinson on Witchcraft. Reynolds on Angels. Scott's (Walter) Existence of Evil Spirits. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 2:491. Falling from Grace. See five poimts, PEKSEVERA.NCK. False CIirlBts. Christian Observer. 22:687. Fuller on the True Messiah. Jortiu's Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. Kidder's Demonstration of the Messias. Lent's History of False Christs. McLaurin on the Prophecies. Simpson's Key to the Projihecies. False Confldeuce. See self-deception. Falsehood. See, trith. False Miracles. See Apoixoxirs, mira- cles Of THE CHCRCII dF ROME. Albert! Observationes Philologicse. Bosii (Lambert.) Exercitationes. Brusson, Relation des mervielles quo Dieu fait en France. 1694. Chamieri Paustratiw Catholica;. Helvetius, de M. quae Pythag. Apoll. Tyan., LoyoUe, Ac, tribuunter. Raphacli Annotationes. Steph.ans (H.), Apologie pour Herodote. [Zimmerman] de Miraculis qua> Pythagorie, Loyola;, Ac., tribuunter. Chapman's Eusebiust Christian Observer. 14:565. 16:783. Clarke's Boyle Lectures. 1704-1706. Douglas' Criterion of miracles. Edinburg Review. .■?9:55. 52:388. 53:261. Edwards' (John) Theologia Reformats. Farmer on Christ's Temptation. Fleetwood on Miracles. Hill's Lectures on the Old Test. (Egyptian Magi.) 185 Jortin's Remarks on Ecclesiastical history. Limborch's Theology. Middleton's Free Inquiry into the miracu- lous powers, &c. Vindication of the Free Inquiry. Richardson's Choice Observations. False Prophets. See new peophets. Caroli Memorabilia Ecclesias. Grapii Comment, theol. de Neoprophetis. Groteste, Caractere des nouvelles prophecies. Van Dale, Dissertationes. Andrews on Divine Grace. Arnold's History of Heresies. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Blackall's (Dr. Oti'spring) Sermons. Blair's (James) Sermons. Ellis' Pseudo-christus. Kingston's Enthus. impostors no prophets. Lacy's Cry from the Desert. (Lacy was a prominent English prophet.) Marion's Prophetical Warnings. (A famous French prophet.) Stampe on Spiritual Infatuation. Vernon's Preservative against false prophets. Remarks on the impostor Hermas. Warburton (Bp.) on the prophecies of Arise Evans. False Sliame. Benson's (Joseph) Sermons. Cookman's (Dr. 'Tho.) Theolog. Discourses. Zollikoifer on the Fasts and Festivals. Fame. See ambition, honor. Buekminster's (J.) Sermons. Christian Observer. 1:218. Fuller on Commendation. Mason on Self-knowledge. Smith's (S. S.) Sermons. Venn's (Richard) Sermons. Oxford Prize Essays. 1806. Marsh. Familists. Arnold's Kirchen und Ketzer-Historie. Part II., Lib. 16. Bailieus' (R.) Wiedertfeuferey, &c. Bourn's Besohreibung u. Wiederlegung. Grevinchovius (Casp.) Dissertationes. Hoornbeckii Summa controversis relig. Martini Disputationes. Nicolai (Hen.) Revelatio Dei. (Pastor at Leyden, regarded as the founder of the "Family of Love." He wrote many treatises, some of which are translated into English.) Ainsworth's Refutation of H. Nicholas. Bourne's Description of the Familists. George's (David) Works. Knewstubs' Confutation of the horrible here- sies taught by H. Nichols. Micron's Confut. of D. George & H. Nichols. Rogers' Display of a horrible Sect. Rutherford's (Sam.) Spiritual Antichrist. A very curious book. Three of the chap- ters are on " the Familists of New Eng- land." Antinomians are severely handled.) Family Government. See domestic ECONOMY, PARENTAL DDTIK3. Family Religion. See family worship. Abbot's (Jacob) Fireside. Abbot's (J. S. C.) Child at home. Anderson's Domestic Constitution. Baxter's Teacher of Householders. Bell's (William) Sermons. Berriman's (William) Sermons. Buekminster's (J.) Sermons. Christian Disciple. 1:9. Clayton (H.) on Family Religion. Collier's (J. A.) Christian Home. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Dale's (Thomas) Sermons. Davies' (Samuel) Sermons. Dewar on Family Religion. Fisk's (Geo.) Sermons. Fletcher's Guide to family devotion. Garnier's (Tho.) Sermons. Gilfillan's Domestic piety. Gouge's Christian Householder. Halyburton's Great concern. Henry's (Matt.) Miscellaneous Works. Howe's (John) Sei-mons. Humphreys on Domestic Education. Hunter's (A.) Sermons. Innes on Domestic Religion. Jacobson's Family Instructor. James' Family Monitor. Jortin's (J.) Sermons. Kingsbury's Recommendation of fam. relig. Lewis' (T.) Discourses on Christian duties. Lucas' (Richard) Sermons. Mayo on the Religious care of families. Milnes' Practical Sermons. Molesworth's (J. E. N.) Sermons. Moore's (Dan.) Lectures on family duties. Morehead's (R.) Discourses. Nicholson's (Bp.) Sermons. Orton's Religious Exercises. Panoplist. 10:39.3. Parker's Domestic Duties. Parkhurst's Sermons. Richmond's (Leigh) Domestic Portraiture. Risley on Family Religion. Ryan's (V. W.) Sermons. Scamp on Family Religion. Sharp's (Abp.) Sermons. Sherlock's Sermons. Slater's Earnest call to family religion. Smith (B. M.) on Family Religion. Stennet's Domestic Duties. Trapp's Duties of domestic devotion. Venn's Complete duty of man. Walker's (Robt.) Sermons. Whitaker's (Edw. W.) Sermons. Whitfield's Sermons. Willison's Works. 186 Wroughton, on Religious Education. on Domestic Religion. Family Worship. See prater books. Alexander (Jas. W.) on Family Worship. Baxter's (Rich.) Christian Directory. Bishop's (Wm.) Sermons. Bogatsky's Golden Treasury. Brewster's Restoration of family worship. Bridges (C.) on Family Prayer. Burrows' (E. J.) Hours of devotion. Cecil's (Rich.) Sermons. Christian Examiner. 28:199. 61:182. Christian Disciple. 4:1. Chri-stian Observer. 11:486. 19:145. Cockrane's Manual. (Preferred by Dr. Chal- mers.) Collins' Necessity of family prayer. Colman's (Benj.) Sermons. Cooper's (E.) Sermons. Dale's (T.) Sermons. . Dalton's Family Altar. Dehon's (Bp. T.) Sermons. Dewar's Nature and obligation of fam. wor. Field on Household worship. Gibson (J.) on Family worship. Gilfillan's Duty of family worship. Hall's (Robt.) Notes of Sermons. Hammond on Family worship. Hastings' (H. J.) Parochial sermons. Jay's (Wm.) Domestic minister's assistant. Morris' (Jos.) Sermons. Nelson's (Robt.) Exhortation to fam. wor. Orton's (Job) Discourses. Princeton Review. 20:57. Seed's (Jer.) Sermons. Sladen (J.) on Family prayer. Warter's (John) Sermons. Fanaticism. Arnold's Kirchen und Ketzerhistorie. Calixti Disputationes. Catron, Histoire du Fanatisme. Colberg's Platonish-hermet. Christenthum. Corvini Enthusiasticum Pantheon. De Brueys, Hist, du F. de notre tems. 1737. Duttenhofer's Geschichted. Religions Schwa- ermereien. Fuestkingii Gyn^eeum heretico-fanaticum. Hottingeri Disquisitiones. Krug's (F. W.) Gesch. der protestantisch rel. Schwaermerien. Sontagii Anim.adversiones. Stinstra's Wiirnung von dem Fanaticismus. Turrettin, Preservatif contre le Fanaticisme. Wernsdoorfii Hylotheismus. Wideburgius de Fanaticorum earacteribus. Zeltneri Prolegomena eontroversiarum. Amer. Quarterly Review. 8:227. Bidlake's Bampton Lectures. 1811. Cecil's 60 Curious and authentic narratives. Christian Quarterly Spectator. 6:118 Collinne's Spirit of Fanatics. Eclectic Review. 1836. Fanaticism — continued. Edinburg Review. 59:30. Ellis' Pseudo-Christus. (Against W. Frank- lin and Mary Gladbury.) Fellows' Religion without cant. Frazier's Mag. 9:159. 37:312, 441, 549. Gray's Looking-glass for Fanatics. Henderson's Modern Fanat. unveiled. 1831. Mackay's Extraordinary popular delusions. 1852. Plates. Madden's (R. R.) Phantasmata. 1857. Owen's (Cha. G.) Scene of delusion. Stillingfleet's Fanat. of the Church of Rome. Stintra's Essay on Fanaticism. Letters to the Mcnnonists. Stone's Matthias and his impostures. Taylor's (Isaac) History of Fanaticism. Vole's Sources and Influence of Fanaticism. (Gives an account of the impostor Mat- thias, of New York. 1825.) Zollikoifer's (Geo. J.) Sermons. Farnoviaus. See socinians. Fasliion. See amusements, dress. Sehroederi.Commentaria philolog. de vestitu muHerum; ad Jesuit 3:16-23. Burnside's Religion of mankind. Essay 23. (The influence of fashion on religion.) Carr"s (George) Sermons. Foster's (James) Sermons. Hall's (Bp.) Sermons. Hill's Warning to professors. More's (Hannah) Relig. of the fashionable. Overbury's (Sir Tho.) Serious Queries. Owen's Fashionable world displayed. Stone's (Mrs.) Chronicles of fashion. (From the time of Elizabeth to 1840.) Tucker's Light of Nature pursued. •. Fasting. See lent. Ambrose, de Elia et Jejunio. Chrysostom, de Jejunio. Tertullian, de Jejuniis. Bazil, Sermones. Beveridge, de .Jejunio quadragesimal!. Marheineke, Theologia Moralis. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Alison's (Archibald) Sermons. Andrews' (Bp.) Sermons. Arnold's (of Rugby) Sermons. Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons. Becon's (Tho.) Works. (Parker Soc. pub.) Bennet's Christian Oratory. Berriman's (W.) Sermons. Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Bingham's Origines Ecclesiasticae. (Fasts of the ancient church.) Brome's Use, measure, and manner of F. Brown's (W. L.) Sermons. Cave's Primitive Christianity. Christian Observer. 2:75. Cowper's Expostulation. 187 Fasting — continued. Delany's (Patrick) Sermons. Francklin's (Bp.) Sermons. Gardner's Causes of the ineflScacy of Fasts. Gordon's (Adam) Sermons. Gregory's (Thomas) Sermons. Gresley's (W.) Parochial Sermons. Grosvernor's (Benjamin) Sermons. Harris' Lawfulness and use of public F. Harvey's (J.) Fast Sermons. Kirk's (Ed. N.) Sermons. Leland's (Thomas) Sermons. Lloyd on Religious fastings. Marshall on Sanctification. Mason's (Henry) Treatise on fasting. Methodist Quarterly Review. 9:205, Milner's Practical Sermons. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. Nelson's Fasts and Feasts of the church. Potts' (Archdeacon) Sermons. Reynolds' (Bp.) Sermons. Robinson's Hist, and myst. of Good Friday. Bancroft's (Bp.) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Simpson's Essay on Fasting. Skelton's (P.) Sermons. Stillingfleet's (Bp.) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Discourses. (Life of Christ.) Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Warburton's (Bp.) Sermons. Waterland's (Daniel) Sermons. Whitby's Appendix to Com. on Matt. ch. 6. Woodward's (Henry) Essays and Sermons. (On the question whether literal fasting is a duty.) Zollikotfer's (G. J.) Sermons. ("They dis- cover a talent seldom possessed — a know- ledge of the human heart." — Chalmers.) Past-Day Sermons. Adams' (William) Sermons. Allen's (John) Sermons. Amory's (Thomas) Sermons. Appleton's (Nath.) Sermons. Benson's (George) Sermons. Blackall's (Bp.) Sermons. Burgess' (Anthony) Sermons. Burton's (Dr. John) Sermons. Calamy's (Edmund) Sermons. Carrington's (James) Sermons. Chandler's (Samuel) Sermons. Chillingworth's (W.) Sermons. Disney's (John) Sermons. Evans' (John) Sermons. Gastrell's (Bp.) Sermons. Herring's (Abp.) Sermons. Hughes' (Obadiah) Sermons. Kirkland's (J. T.) Sermons. Porter's (Ebenezer) Sermons. Priestley's (J.) Sermons. Scott's (Thomas) Sermons. Talbot's (Bp.) Sermons. Tennison's (Abp.) Sermons. Wayland's (Francis) Sermons. Fate. See chance, decrees, free AaBNOT, NECESSITY. Arpe, Theatro Fati. Buchanan's Modern Atheism. Compte's Positive philosophy. Positive politics. Positive catechism. Cudworth's Intellectual system. Ch. 1. Toplady on the " Fate" of the ancients. See a great list of foreign writers in Arpe, above named. Fathers. See caten.?e, lives of the FATHERS, USE OF THE FATHERS. Acta Sanctorum. Augusti, Christomathia Patristica. Baltus, Defense des Peres. Bellarmin, de Scriptoribus Eccles. Eigne, Bibliotheca S. S. Patrum. Bonas Notitia Auotorum et Librorum. Callixti Adparatus Theologicus. Canisii (H.) Thesaurus. Cave, Hist, literaria scriptorum eccles. Cellier, Hist, generale des auteurs sacrSs et ecclesiastiques. Cotellerii Eccles. Graecae monumenta. Animadv. in Pat. apostolicis. Danzii Initia doctrinae patristicse. Despont, Bibliotheca vet. P. (30 v., fol.) Dowling, Notitia scriptor. S. S. patrum. Dupin, Bibliotheque des auteurs eccles. Fabricii Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica. Biblioth. Grteca. (Contains an ac- count oi all known Greek writers, and of all their editions, and commentators.) Flaccii Catalogus Testium veritatis. Gallandii Bibliotheca Vet. patrum. Grabsei Spicelegium patrum et hereticorum, Grynaei Monumenta patrum orthodoxograp. Goldwitzer's Bibliog. der kirchenv'ater. Guillon, Bibliotheque Choisie. Hefele Patrum Apostolicorum Opera. (De- scribes the best editions of each, and adds valuable notes, prefaces, and index.) Hennischii ^Etates patrum principuorum. Hilgenfeld's Apostolischen Vater. Huber's Philosophic der Kirchenvaeter. Hulsemanni Patrologia. Ittigii Biblioth. et Catenis patrum. Locherer's (J. N.) Lehrbuch der Patrologie. Lumperi Hist, de vitis, scriptis, &c. Mail Biblioth. patrum sanctorum. Martene, Thesaurus Anecdotorum. Migne, Patrologise eursus. (220 vols.) Mirsei Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica. Moehler's Patrologie. Montfaucon, Collectio Nova. Nourry Adparatus ad bibl. max. Patrum. Oberthuri Opera patrum cont. Gentiles et JudiBOS. Olearii Abaccus Patrologicus. Oudini Dissertationes. (Gives an account of each early writer, and an analysis of his work.) 188 S'at'herg — continued. Rheinwaldi Patrist. Homiliarum eoUectio. • Reliquae sacrae. (Consists of very scarce fragments.) Rossler's Bibliothek der Kirchenvater. Sandius de Veteris scriptoribus eccles. Schleichert, Institutiones Patrologiie. (Des- ignates interpolations and spurious works.) Scbonemanni Bibliotb. Patzum Latinorum. Schopfii Academia Jesu Cbristi. Schulteti Medulla theologiaj patrum. Suiceri Thesaurus Eccles. (A magnificent work, illustrating the Greek Fathers, his- torians, rites, ceremonies, language, &c. It answers as a complete index to those Fathers, and illustrates many obscure pas- sages of Scripture.) Tentzelii Exercitationes. Varenii Rationarium Theologicum. Walchii Bibliotheca Patristica. (An account of the books, editions, commentators, >oles on Scripture. Hooker's (Herman) Portion of the Soul. Howe's Vanity of .Man. Humphrey's Hulscan Lectures. L''49. Lancaster's Harmony of law and gospel. Lounsdale's Testimonies of Nature, Reason, and Revelation. Mant's (Rp.) Happiness of the Blessed. Masillou's Sermons. Wercier (L. P.) on a Future State. Mills' Relief of the Jew and Gentile philos. Nicolsou's Conferences between the soul and the body. Panoplist! Vol. 11. Parker's Law of Nature. Physical Theory of another life. Porteus' (Rp.) Sermons. Protestant Layman's [Alex. Copland] State of the soul after death. (Very compre- hensive.) Price's Evidences of a future state. on Morals. Reader's Views and Reflections. Romaine's (\\'illiam) Sermons. Sherlock on the Haj)piness and misery of the ne.xt world. Shuttleworth's (P. N.) Sermons. Spectator. Js'o. 111. Stuart's (Moses) Essays. Sturges' (Dr. John) Discourses. Talbot (Mrs.) on a Future state. Thompson (E.) on Future Happiness. Tillotson's Sermons. Tottie's (John) Sermons. Warburton's Divine legation of Moses. AVatson's Intimations and Evidences. [Whalely's] Scripture Revelations. Young's Night-Thoughts. No. 7. Alger's Criticnl hisiorj/, cited above, gives a complete bibliography of the subject, presenting the views of all nations and creeds, ancient and modern. OaleiiiMta. See me.s'.no.vitks. Comnielini Descriptio urbis Amstelodnmi. Schvn, Deductio jtienior historia Mennonit. Cap. 15-18. Stoupa's Religion der Hollander. Gaming. See lots. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Balmford (James) on Games of chance. Gamin g — crmtinufd. Brown's (Dr. John) Sermons. (This power- ful sermon is said to have caused tba suppression of public gambling houses of Bath, in 1760.) Collier's (Jer.) Works. (Essay on Gaming.) Delany's (Patrick) Sermons. Dcnham's (Sir John) Timely Advice. Dorrington's (Theophilus) Sermons. Dwight's (Tim.) Sermons. Ser. 124. Green's Gambling unmasked. The (iambler's life. Secret band of brothers. Reformed Gambler: an autobiogr. Hey's Pernicious effects of gaming. Holloway's Letter to Sir Richard Ford. Moore's (C.) Essays. Ess. 3. Rennel's (Thomas) Sermons. Ridgelcy's Body of Divinity. Rush's (Judge) Charges. Wilco.x's Glass for Gamesters. ZollikofTer's Sermons on prevalent vices. Gaudama. See bcdhisii. Gaurs. See magi. Gehenna. See bell. Benzelii Dissertationes. Balfour's Import of Hades, Gehenna, &o. Reply to J. Sabine. Reply to Prof. Stuart. Other treatises. Campbell's (Geo.) Preliminarv Dissertations. Fair (J.). The Elegchios. (Rej). to Balfour.) Livermore's Bible doctrine of Hell. Palmer's (John E.) Essays. Scott's (Russel) Lectures. Stuart's (Moses) E.xegetical Essays. Geniara. See talmcd. Genealo|;ie8. Felsdort"s Viilkertafel der Genesis. Burrington's Genealogies of the Old Testam. and Apocrypha; and also certain Kings of Egypt. Syria, 4c. Leigh's (Sam.) Scripture Genealogies from Adam to Christ. (Exhibits the nation, tribe, family, and jiosterity of every person mentioned in the Bible.) Morris' G. of every family in Sacred Script. Palfre3''s (J. G.) .-Vcadeinical Lectures. Genealogy of C'iirist. Benzelii Dissertationes. Braselmann's Messianische Stammbaum. Calmeti (.\ug.) Dissertationes. Calovii (.■M>r.) Dissertationes. Chcmnitii (M.) Dissertationes. Eusebii Historia Ecelesiastica. Flinsbachii Gencalogia Christi. Kockii Disquisitio e.xcgctico-historica de utraque geneal. Christi. 203 Genealogy of Ctiriat— continued. Lagorce, I'Arbre genealogique. Langi.i (loann. Mich.) Dissertationes. Lentzii (Saloin.) Dissertationes. Meigius de Steinmate Davidico-Christi. Michaelis (I.) de Temporalibus, &c. Rabani (Mau'i) Opera. Richardson, Pradectiones Ecclesiasticae. Vossii (Ct. J.) Dissertatio Gemina. Barrington's Genealogies of the Old Test. Beeston's Genealogies of Matt, and Luke. Berry's Scripture Tables. Bibliotheca Sacra. 18:410. Blair's Chronological Tables. Broughton's (Hugh) Works. Christian Observer. 11:72. Cochrane's (James) Discourses. (The two genealogies compared.) Green's Genealogy of Jesus Christ. Gres well's (Edward) Dissertations. Hervejf's (Lord Arthur) G. of our Lord. Kitto's Journal of Sacred Literature. 3:197. Luther's (Martin) Sermons. Methodist Quarterly Review. 11:593. Morris' Scripture Genealogies. Speed's Cloud of AVitnesses. Sympson's Explication of Christ's G. Vilvain's Theses of Divinity. Watson's Genealogy of Christ. Whiston's Harmony of the Evangelists. Yardley's Genealogies of C. reconciled. General Baptists. Baptist Repository. Periodical. London. Blackwood's Storming of Antichrist. Braidwood's Letters on Church order. Fisher's Baby baptism meer Babism. Foster's (Dr. James) Works. Gale's (Dr. John) Works. Haldane's (J. A.) View of Social Worship. Killingworth's (G.) Letter to Rev. Mr. Whiston. (A full account of their princi- ples, &c. 1757.) McLean's Apostolical Commission. Taylor (Dan.), Life of: by Adam Taylor. Principal parts of religion. Taylor (Adam) Hist, of the Gen. Baptists. Many of the writers under Baptists, pro., are General Baptists. The name implies only that they are not Calvinistic on the subject of the Atonement. Generation. See tbadcction. Gentiles. See pauanism. Gentleness. See courtesy, forbeaeanck, PEACEABLENESS, POLITENESS. Gentoos. See brahminism. Genniueness of 1 Jolin v. 7. Pro. Bengelii Apparatus Criticus. Genuineness of 1 John v. 7 — continued. Pro. Gerhardus de Tribus testibus in Coelo. Ketneri Hist, dicti Joannei de S. S. Trinitate. Wagneri (J. E.) Integritas 1 Joan. v. 7. Bull's Judgment of the Catholic Church. Burgess' Three letters to Dr. Scholz. Selection of Tracts. on 1 John v. 7. (Rep. to Griesbach.) Reply to the Quarterly Review. Butler's (C.) Horae Biblicae. (States the evidences on both sides.) Calamy's (Ed.) Sermons on the Trinity. Delany's (Pat.) Sermons and Dissertations. Edwards' (Bp.) Body of divinity. Emlyn's Enquiry into the authenticity, Ac. Gill's Commentary : in loco. Hammond's Commentary : in loco. Henderson's Mystery of godliness. (Refuta- tion of Sir Isaac Newton.) Hey's Lectures in Divinity. Huysch's Examination of Person's 4th letter to Travis. Examination of Wiseman's letters. Jones' (John) Letters to the Quart. Review. Knittel's New criticisms on 1 John v. 7. Martin's (D.) Critical Diss, on 1 John v. 7. Examination of Emlyn's reply. Mills' New Testament. (Giving the evidence of all antiquity, for and against, and his own judgment.) Selection of tracts on 1 John v. 7, by Bp. Barlow, Bp. Smallbrook, Dr. Bentley, and others. Sloss on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Smith's (Tho.) Miscellanea. Stillingfleet (Bp.) on the Trinity. Travis' Letters to Gibbon. (Replies to Benson, Newton, Griesbach, Wetstein, &o.) Wheatley's Lady Moyer's Lecture. 1734. Wiseman's (Nic.) Two letters on some parts of the controversy. Worcester's (Bp.) Vindication of the Trinity. Con. Griesbachii Diss. (At the end of his N. T.) Scholtz, Diatribe brevis, in loc. 1 Joh. v. 7. Semleri Introductio ad Nov. Testamentum. Simon, Critique du passage St. Jean v. 7. Smithii (Thomas) Dissertationes. Benson (Geo.) on the Epistles. In loco. Dobbins' (0. T.) Codex of Montford collated. Eclectic Review. 3d Series. 3:181. Emlyn's Inquiry into the authority, canonum, egory Nazianzeu. Gregorii Opera. (Edit. Benedictinoe. 1842.) Assemani Bibliotheca Orientalis. Bar»nii Annales. Bohringer's Kirehe und ihre Zeugen. Greoier, Vie de St. Gregoire. Heranance, Vie de St. Gregoire. Le Clerc. Vie de St. Gregoire. Masimi Explicatio loc. difficil. Greg. N. Melancthonis Orationes. Oudini Dissertationes. Ulmau's G. von Naz. der Theologie, Ac. Boyd's Select poems of Gregory. Christian Review. 3:467. Collier's Trans, of Gregory's panegyric on the Maccabees. Drant's Epigrams, Ac, of Gregory. Le Clerc's Life of Gregory. Ulman's Contributions to Church History. Translated by G. V. Cox. Westminster Review. 66:101. Oreg^ory IVyssen. Gregorii Nys., Opera. Assemanoi Bibliotheca Orientalis. Boehring>er die Kirehe Christi. Boye (Ludov.), Dissert, de G. Neocses. Prontomj Vita et Opera G. N. Moeller'fi lau's Nature. See analoqt op RELimON AND NATURE, INFLUEKCE OF RELIGION. Legge's (George) Lectures. Harmony of Reason and Faith. See DEISM, MYSTERY, PROVINCE OP REASON. Ackermann's Christliche im Plato. Engel's Religion nach Vernunft u. Schrift. Fuerbach's Philosophie u. Christenthum. Haferungii Mysteria neque comprehendi posse, neque tamen ratione adversari. Huetii Alnetanw Questiones. (" Beautiful.") lacqueot, I'Conformite de la foi avec la raison. (Reply to Bayle.) Kirchmeyeri Theses Theologicje. Lamy, sur I'Alliance de la raison avec la foi. Maius de Ratione in rebus fidei. Matter, Hist, de la philos. dans ses rapport avec la religion. Mentzerus de Consensu rationis humanae cum mysteriis divini. Murator iiber der Rechten Gebrauch der Vernunft in sachen d. Religion. Nahmmacher de Syncretismo phil. et theol. Boyle's Reconciliation of R. and faith. Candlish's (R. S.) Reason and Revelation. Edwards (John) on Truth and Error. Galloway's Mutual bearings of phil. and rel. Hedge's (F. H.) Reason and Religion. Hinton's (J. H.) Harm, of truth and reason. Mailler's Philosophy of the Bible. Mansel's Limits of Religious Thought. Mial's Bases of belief. Mortlock's Christianity agreeable to reason. Ragg's Creation's testimony to its God. Shuttleworth's Consistency of Revelation with itself, and with human reason. (Powerful.) Tournour's (E. J.) Twenty-four sermons. Harmony of CHaracter. See CONSISTENCY. Appleton's (Pres.) Works. Foster's (John) Essays. Harmony of the La-w and Gospel. Scharpii Symphonia Prophetarum et Apos- tolorum. Addie's Harmony of the Divine will. Alexander's (Wm. L.) Congregational Lec- ture. 1841. Alford's Hulsean Lectures. 1841 and 1842. Arnot's Method of grace. Bradford's (The Martyr) Works. Brown's Bampton Lectures. 1806. Colquhoun's Treatise on law and gospel. Gill's (John) Occasional sermons. Hamilton's Estab. of the law by the gospel. Lancaster's (Wm.) Doct. of a future state. Maclean's Unity of God's moral law. Mainard's Law ratified by the Gospel. Mainwaring's (John) Sermons. Smith's (G.) liar, of the Div. dispensations. Harmony of Revelation and Science. Bonar, Concordia scientiiie cum fide. 1665. (Curious.) Bouterwick's Religion und Vernunft. D'Aubigne, Foi et Science. Erdman's Vorlesung. zu Glauben u. Wissen. Kuhn's Glauben und Wissen. Pauvert, Harmonie de la religion, et de I'in- telligence humaine. Wiseman (Nic), sur le Rapport entra la science et la religion. American Eclectic Review. 2:186. American Quarterly Observer. 2:24. Bibliotheea Sacra. 13:80,631. 14:338,461. Blackwood's Magazine. 6:35. Bridgewater Treatises. Brougham's Advant. and pleas, of science. Buckland's Reliquite Diluvianae. Combe's Relation bet. science and religion. Dick's Christian Philosopher. Dingle's Harm, of Revelation and Science. D'Oyly's (George) Sermons. Exley on the First chapter of Genesis. Farrar's (Adam) Sermons at Oxford. Forbes' Progress of Science. Hampden's Philosoph. evid. of Christianity. Harcourt's Doctrine of the Deluge. Harris' Pre-adamite earth. (Popular.) Hitchcock's Relig. truth illust. from science. Kurtz's The Bible and Astronomy. Lewis' (Taylor) The Bible and Science. London Quarterly Review. 79:49. Mailler's Philosophy of the Bible. Melville's (Henry) Sermons. Morell's History of Philosophy and Science. Nares' Bampton Lectures. 1805. Nolan's Bampton Lectures. 1833. North American Review. 30:293. Pendleton's Science a witness for the Scri]\ Pratt's Scrip, and Science not at variance. Ragg's Creation's Testimony to its God. Scott's (R. E.) Limits of Physical Science. Silliman's Consistency of the discoveries of modern geology with sacred history. 214 Harm, of Revel, aud Science — cont. [Taylor's] Nat. History of Enthusiasm. Troup's (George) Art and Faith. Tullidge's Triumphs of the Bible. "Walker's (James) Sermons. Warburton's (Bp.) Sermons. Wiseman's (Nio.) Connect, bet. Sci. and Rel. Williams' (Cha.) First week of time. Wood's Mosaic creation illustrated by dis- coveries and experiments in the present age. 1811. Worgan's Divine Week. Wright's Creation and Geology. 1847. Hatred. See forgiveness, love. Abernethy's (Bp.) Sermons. Dick's Philosophy of Religion. Hey's (John) ^ermons. Limborchs Theology. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Hauglitiiiess. See condescension, HUMILITT, meekness, PBIUE. Hearing. See parable of the sower. Andrews' (Bp.) Sermons. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Baxter's (Richard) Practical Works. Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Bickersteth's Christian Hearer. Bloomfield's (Bp.) Sermons. Clapperton's (J.) Duty of hearing. Clarkson's (David) Sermons. Close's (Francis) Sermons. Collins' (W. B.) Sermons. Cunningham's (J. W.) Sermons. Davis' Profitable attendance on an evangeli- cal ministry. Downe's (John) Sermons. Dupre's (John) Sermons. - D wight's (Tim.) Sermons. Ser. 138. Easteheap's Lectures. (Six excellent ones on this subject.) Piddes' (Richard) Sermons. Fleetwood's (Bp.) Sermons. Girdlestone's (Charles) Sermons. Gisbourne's (Thomas) Sermons. Hampden'.s (R. D.) Sermons. Hewlett's (C. A.) Sermons. Hurd's (Bp.) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Knowles" (Thomas) Sermons. Leighton's (Abp.) Sermons. Lewis' (T.) Christian Duties. McGills (Stephen) Sermons. Mant's (Bp.) Sermons. Scattergood's (Samuel) Sermons. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Seabury's (B.) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Smallridge's (George) Sermons. Summertield's (John) Sermons. Wilson's (Bp.) Sermons. Yonge's (James) Sermons. Heaven. See degrees in glory, ir.iPLor- MENTS OF HEAVEN, PLACE OF Hl-.AVEN, RECOGNITION. Augustin, Opera. Chrysostom, de premiis Sanctorum. Lactantius, Institutiones. Lib. VII. Callixtus de Bono perfecte summo. Chytrajus de Morte, et vita eterna. Engel, wir Werden uns Wiedersehen. Gr'avell's der Mench. Gretzer (Jac.) Disputationes. Hildebrandus de Vita eterna. Lessii (Leonardi) Opuscula. Musieus de Eterna beatitudine. Nicolai Theoria vitae eternal. Nonnenius de Aucta beatorum gloria, post conf^ummationem mediatoris. Olshausen, Opuscula Theologica. Storr (Gottl. C.) Opuscula Academica. Ambrose's (Isaac) Sermons. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Bates' Four last things. Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Bonar's Morning of joy. . Eternal day. Bradley's (Charles) Sermons. Bradford's (John) Fruitful treatise, Ac. Broughton's (Thomas) Sermons. Bull's (Bp.) Sermons. Butler's (Alban) Sermons. Case's Mount Pisgah. Chalmers' (Thomas) Sermons. Channing's (W. E.) Sermons. Charnock's Works. Christian Observer. 17:360. Clarke's (R. W.) Heaven and its emblems. Gierke's (Richard) Sermons. Close's (Francis) Sermons. Davies' Glimpses of our heavenly home, Davis' (W.) The beautiful city. Dell's (Robt.) The blessed hope. Donald's My father's house. Dorrington's (Theophilus) Sermons. D'Oyly's (George) Sermons. Dunlop's (William) Sermons. Dwight's (Tim.) Discourses. Disc. 17. Edmondson's Heavenly world. Faber's (Geo. S.) Many mansions. Freeman's Heaven entered. Gahan's (William) Sermons. Garden's (Francis) Discourses. Gataker's (Thomas) Sermons. Goodwin's State of future glory. Green's (Bp.) Discourses. Hill's (H. F.) Saint's Inheritance. Hineks' (John) Sermons. Horneck's Glory of the other world. Jeuks' Ouranography. Killing's (J. M.) Our companions in glory. King's Morsels of criticism. Kollock's (S. K.) Sermons. Leifchild's (John) Discourses. Mant's Happiness of the blessed. Mather's (Increase) Glory of heaven. Meek's (Robt.) Heavenly things. 215 Heaven — continued. Melville's (Henry) Sermons. Merry's Phil, of a happy futurity. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Orton's Religious Exercises. Pierce's (S. A.) Riches of divine grace. Pirie's (Alexander) Sermons. Pott's (J. H.) Sermons. Powell's (Vav.) Three-fold state of the elect. Princeton Review. 27:269. Roberts' Nature, locality, cip. dogmatum. Reuss, Hist, de la theologie au siecleapostol. Sack, Com. qmc ad theol. histor. pertinet. Schwaz, Gesch. d. neuesten Theologie. 18J6. 221 History of Doctrines — continued. Schweizcr's Centraldogmen in ihrer Ent- wieki'lung innerhalt. Thcologisch-ethischen zustande d. 17 Jahrli. in d. Zwieherischen Kirche. Schroeck's Christliche Kirchengeschichte. Seileri Tlieologia dogmatico-poleinica. Simon, Hist, critique des dogmes. Sfaudliu's Gesch. d. theol. Wissenschaften. Suieeri Thesaurus Ecolesiasticus. Tholuck's Glaubwurdigkeit der kirche. Titmann's Gesch. d. Tlieologie in d. protes- tant kirche. Ulman"s Beitrag zur kirchen und Dogmen- gesch. des I^'. Jahrh. Vossii (G. J.) Theses, theol. et historicae. Historia de Controversiis. Walch's (C. W. F.) Entwurf einer vollsstaen- digen hist, der ketzereiu. Walch's (J. G.) Einleitung in d. Religions- streitigkeiten d. Luther. Kirchen. Wallenbureh de Controversiis de fide. Wetzer und Welte's Kir'chen Lexicon. 1856. Allen's (Rich.) Lives of the Fathers. American Biblical Repository. 3:143. Bennett's (James) Theol. of the early church. (Quotations from the Fathers.) Berriman's Moyer Lectures. 1723, 1724. (A historical account of the controversies on the doctrine of the Trinity.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 4:552. Boone's Book of Churches and Sects. Bull's Opinions of the Church for the first three centuries. Bunsen's Hippolytus and his age. (A com- parison of ancient with modern theology.) Burton's Ante-Nicene Fathers. Bampton Lectures. 1829. (Heresies of the apostolic age.) Casaubon's Origin of heresies. Cave's Primitive Christianity. Christian Examiner. 9:182. Christian Monthly Spectator. 9:27,249. Christian Quart. Spectator. 4:291. Christian Review. 7:586. Cunningham's Review of the principal doc- trinal discussions, since the Apostles. 1 868. Dewar's Hist, of German theology, from the Reformation to the present. 1844. Donaldson's Hist, of Chr. doctrine. To 1866. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 22:257. 26:428. Ellis' First half century of the Unitarian controversy. 1857. Erskine's (John) Sketches of history. Foulke's Christendom's divisions. Giesler's Church History. Giles' Writings of the 2d century. Hagenbach's History of doctrines. Horseley's (Bp.) Tracts. Jurieu's Crit. hist, of doctrine and worship. (Includes an account of all the ancient idolatries, so far as they affected Judaism.) Kahnis' Internal history of German Protes- tantism. Tr. by Meyer. 1856. History of Doctrines — continued. Ketts' Bampton Lectures. 1790. Killen's Ancient Church. Morgan's Infl. of Plato and Philo Judseus. Muenscher's Dogmatic hist. Tr. by Murdock. Murray's Hist, of religion. (Convenient.) Neander's Lectures. Tr. by Ryland. Newton's Review of Church history so far as concerns the progress, declensions, and revivals of evangelical doctrine. Osborne's Errors of the Apostolic Church. Priestley's History of early opinions. Princeton Review. 4:14,167. 19:91. 24:250. Schwarz's Hist, of the most recent theology. Since 1830. Shedd's (W. G. T.) Hist, of Christian doct. Sismondi's Relig. opinions of the 19th cent. Stackhouse's Origin and design of Creeds. Vaughn's Hours with the Mystics. Wallace's Theology of New England. 1857. Waterland's Critical history of the Athana- sian Creed. Whitaker's Origin of Arianism. Wilson's (Will.) Illustrations of the method of explaining the New Test, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians. (A vir- tual refutation of Priestley.) Wood's (Jas.) Old and New'Theology. (Ex- hibition of the controversy between new and old school Presbyterians in the U. S.) History of the Bible. See BIBLICAL HISTORY. Holiness. See godliness, imitation op CHRIST, mortification OF SIN. PER- FECTION, PRACTICAL PIETT, RELIGION ANl) BUSINESS, SANCTIFICATION, SELF- DENIAL, &C. Holiness of God. See attributes. Balguy on Divine Rectitude.* Bays on Divine Benevolence.* Charnock's (Stephen) Works. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses. Grove's (Henry) Works.* Mole's (Thomas) Sermons. Peabody's (A. P.) Lectures before the Lowell Institute. 1864. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Wisheart's (George) Sermons. Wright's Answer to Mole. * A controversy exciting much attention at the time (1730), but now forgotten, was curried on by these authors. Balguy refers the Divine actions to rectitude, Bays to benevolence, and Grove to his ivisdoni. Balguy and Grove are still valuable on general accounts. Holydays. See festivals. Holy Spirit. See operations, personal- ity, PROCESSION, trinity. Ambrose, de Spiritu Sancto. Basil, HomiliaB. Cyrill Hieros., Catacheses. Arnold, contra Socinianos. 222 Holy Spirit — continued. Cloppenburg, de Deitate Sp. Sancti. Fritzche, de Spiritu Sancto. Gerdin de Martyribus. Gerhardi Loci Thcologici. Hackspanii Disputationes Theologicae. Hassclbach's Studien und Critiken. Jahn (Alb.), Diss, ad quosnam pertinent promissio Spiritus. Lampe de Spiritu Sancto. Pfeifffrus de Divinitate Sp. Sane. Rungius de ^ternitate Spiritus Sane. Sandii (Christ.) Disputationes. Storr, Doctrina Christiana. Wernrichii Controv. contra Photinianos. Wittichii Dissertationes Academicee. Barrow's (Bp.) Sermons on the Creed. Berry Street Lectures. Biddle on the Divinity of the Spirit. Biddulph's Lectures on divine influence. Booth's Reign of grace. Buchanan's (James) Office and work of the Holy Spirit. Bullinger's Decades. (Parker Society pub.) Burnet on the Thirty-nine articles. Burton's Testim. of the, an te-Nioene Fathers. Calamy's (Edm.) Sermons on the Trinity. Carsdale on the Worship of the Holy Spirit. Christian Quarterly Spect. y:;^45. Clagget (W.) on tlie Holy Spirit. Edmondson's (Jonathan) Sermons. Edwards' Mission of the Holy Ghost. Estwiek's Pneumatologia. Gilfillan's (Sam.) Discourses on the U. S. Guyse's Divinity of the Holy Spirit. Hawker (Robt.) on the Person, Ministry, vvYS,BihUothequedei: auteura ecclesiastiques. Ignorance. See sins of ignorance. Butler's (Bp.) Sermons. Doddridge's Lectures. Proposition 10. Foster's (John) Essays. Hall's (Robert) Sermons. Rennel's (Thomas) Sermons. Reynerd's Sermons. (Secret faults.) Illustrations of Scripture. See COINS, GEOGRAPHY, JEWISH ANTIQUI- TIES, NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIBLE. Calovii Biblia illustrata. Celsii (Olaus.) Dissertationes. Dieterici lUustramentum N. Test. Goerii Antiquitates Mosaicae. Hartmann's Aufklarungen liber Asien. Hilleri Hierophyticon. Lamy, Apparatus Biblicus. Martin, Explications de textes difiBcile. Mey, Physiologia Sacra. Millii Dissertationes Selectae. 230 Illustrations of Scripture — continued. Perezonii Origines Babylonicse et Egypt. Eosenmiiller's Morgenland. Schiechi Sacrorum Ebraeoehrismaton. Tohren (Konrad) Dissertationes. Valesius de Philosophia Sacra. Warlitz de Moribus Biblicis. Witsii Miscellanea Sacra. Burder's (Sam.) Oriental customs. Bush's (Geo.) Illustrations, i. Gowan's Cut. v/ bouks oil the immortulity of the totil^ Flugge's Uimmelder Zukun/t,&ixA\)QKisIanlcind. See CIVILIZATION, homan progress, PERFECTABILITY OF MAN. Imputation of Adam's Sin. See FALL, ORIGINAL SIN. Carpzovii (lacob.) de Imputatione. (Against Whitby.) Garisolii Defensio Synodi Carentoniensis. Kahleri (Wigand.) Disputationes. Mussel (loann.) Dissertationes. Pfaffii (C. M.) Dissertationes. Placaeus de Statu hominis ante gratiam. Edwards on Orig. Sin. (Reply to Whitby.) Glas' (John) Notes on Scripture texts. Sandeman's Letters. Watts' Ruin and recovery. Whitby on the Imputation of Adam's sin. Imputation of Christ's Rigliteous- ness. See justification, substitution. Allix (P.) de Justitise Christi imputatione. Imputation — continued. Bernholdus de Justitiae Christi imputatione. Bullii Harmonia Apostolioa. Hoepfneri Disputationes duodecim. Holdeni Divinse fidei Analysis. Schmidtius (lacob.) de Justificatione. Baxter's End of the controversy. Various pieces on this subject. Bibliotheca Sacra. 8:594. Bull's Harmony of the Apostles. Burgess' True doctrine of Justification, Burnet's (Tho.) Boyle Lectures. 1724, 1725. Burton's Christian Bulwark. Chandler's (Sam.) Posthumous sermons. Cole (Tho.) on Imputed Righteousness. Edwards' (Pres.) on Original sin. Erskine's (Ebenezer) Sermons. Fuller (And.) on Sandemanianism. Dial. bet. Peter, James, and John. Gataker's Way of Truth and Peace. Goodwin's (T.) Restoration of Man. Grove's Posthumous works. Hall's (Robt., Sen.) Help to Zion's travellers. (Small, but very precious.) Hall's (Robt.) Sermons. Hervey's Theoron and Aspasio. Knight's (Titus) Sermons. Malcom (Howard) on the Extent of the Atonement. Nelson's Review of Bp. Bull. Owen (Jno.) on Justification by faith. Meditations and Discourses. Princeton Review. 11:553. Riooulton on the Spirit and tendency of Theoron and Aspasio. Romaine's (W.) Works. Sandeman's Letters on Theoron and Aspas. Saurin's (James) Sermons. Taylor's (Jeremy) Sermons. (Supplement.) Theol. Essays reprinted from the Princeton Review. Tyson (Wm.) on Imputed righteousness. Venn's (Henry) Sermons. Watts' Ruin and Recovery. Wesley (John) on Imputed righteousness. Whateley's (Richard) Essays. Ess. 6. Witherspoon's Essays. A controversy, prolific in books, has ex- isted on this subject for two centuries. A fair account of it is in Nelson's Life of Bull. Incantations. See magic Incarnation of Clirist. See GENUINENESS OP 1 JOHN V.*^. Cyrill Alex., de Incarnatione. Cyrill Hieros., Catecheses. Gregory Naz., Oratio in nativitatem Christi. Gregory Nys., Oratio de deitate filii. Baumgarten, Vind. vocis Oso;, 1 Tim. iii. 16. Calmeti Diss. (Prefixed to Com. on Isaiah.) Dantei Confirmatio orthodoxEe doctrinae. Gaillardi Specimen Questionum. Hackspanii (Theod.) Disputat. TheologicsB. 234 Incarnation of Clirist — continued, Martinus de Natura Jesu Christi. Schmidtii (Sebast.) Dissertationes. Schomeri (I. C.) Dissertatioues. Spanheimii (Fred.) Dissertationes. Zanchius de Incaruatione filii Dei. Zornii Delineatio Theol. Patristicaj. Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons. Balmer's (Robt.) Academic Lectures. Bedford's JVIoyer Lectures. 1739. Benson's (Josepli) Sermons. Berriman's Critical Dissertations. Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Biblical Repository. Jan., 18.32. Bradbury's Mystery of Godliness. Brownson's Quarterly Review. 2d Series. 4:136. 5:137. 6:287. Bull's Defence of the Nicene creed. Butler's (William A.) Sermons. Casaubon's Dissertations. Caswall's (E.) Sermons. Church Review. 4:428. Dimock's (Henry) Eight Sermons. Dow's (William) Sermons. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 42. Eaton's Mystery of God incarnate. Edwards (Pres.) on Redemption. Poster's (John) Sermons. Hacket's (Bp.) Sermons. (15 on this subj.) Hall's (Bp.) Polemic Works. — Contemplations. Harris' (Dr. John) Critical Dissertations. Hewitt's Points of Christian Doctrine. Hodgson's Summary of corroborating evid. Hopkins' (Bp.) Works. Hooper's (Bp.) Works. (Parker Soc. publ.) Horseley's Sermons and Tracts. Irving's (Edward) Sermons. Jamieson's Sacred History. Kidder on the Messiah. Kollock's (Shepard K.) Sermons. Lardner's Works. Law's (Wm.) Theory of Religion. Le Bas' (Cha. W.) Sermons. Magee on the Atonement. Mandell's (William) Sermons. Meldrum's Illustration of the Incarnation. Methodist Quart. Rev. 11:114. Moyer Lectures. 1737 and 1738. Neal's Berry Street Sermons. Owen on the Person of Christ. Pearson on the Creed. Sherlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Smith's (Sam. Stanhope) Sermons. Sumner's (Bp.) Sermons. [Taylor's] Apology of Ben Mordecai. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Trench's (Francis) Sermons. Usher's Mystery of the Incarnation. Velthusen's True reading of 1 Tim. iii. 16. Watson's (Bp.) Collection of tracts. Watts' (Isaac) Works. Wilberforce (R. I.) on the Incarnation. Williams' (Griffith) Sermons. Witsius on the Covenants. Incest. Sefi consanguinity, marriage to A wife's sister. Hottingeri (J. H.) Discursus Gemaricus. Amer. Bibl. Repository. 8:42.3. Fry on Marriage between kindred. Glas' (John) Works. Livingston on Incestuous marriages. Paley's Moral Philosophy. Ryan's Philosophy of marriage. lucomprehensiblllty of God. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. [Brown's] Things divine and supernatural. Caryll on Job. Ch. 27., v. 25. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 3, prop. 46. Fiddes' (Richard) Sermons. Grove's (Henry) Sermons. Hussey's (Christopher) Sermons. King (Abp.) on Predestination. Law's Notes on King's Origin of evil. Lucas' (Richard) Sermons. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Wisheart's (George) Sermons. Inconstancy. See constanct. Incredulity. See infidelity, unbelief. Iikdecision. See decision, instability, procrastination. Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons. Barnes' (Albert) Practical sermons. Cecil'? (Richard) Sermons. Chishul On Being almost a Christian. Clarke's Nature and cause of irresolution. Cunningham's (J. W.) Sermons. Dealtry's (William) Sermons. Denham's (John E.) Sermons. Doddridge's (Philip) Sermons. Edwards' (Pres.) Sermons. (Lot's wife.) Fuller's (And.) Sermons. Hickman's (Bp.) Sermons. Hopkins' (Bp.) Sermons. Horberry's (M.) Sermons. Knowles' (Thomas) Discourses. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Smith's (Sydnej') Sermons. Smith's (Henry) Sermons. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Townsend's (George) Sermons. Trapp's Preservative agt. unsettled notions. Venn's (John) Sermons. Wilson's (Bp.) Sermons. Yonge's (James) Sermons. Second Series. Independence of God. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Burnet on the 39 Articles. Clarke's (Sam.) Boyle Lectures. 1704. Collibeare's Theological Treatises. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2, prop. 37. Dwight's (Tim.) Discourses. Edwards' (Pros.) Works. Emmons' (Nathaniel) Sermons. Grotius* Truth of the Christian religion. 235 Independents. See Congregationalism. Indexes Expnrgatory and Pro- lilbitory. Brasichelleni Index libri expurgandorum. (Mendham's description of this remarkable book occupies 16 pages.) France, de Papistorum indicibus libr. prohib. et expurgandorum. (Give.« the author, occasion, contents, poral Atfairs. See CHIIISTIANITT ADAPTED TO MAN, HAPPINESS, PLEASURES OF PIETY. Balme, le Protestantisme compare au cathol. Carreire's Religion in ihrem Begritf ihrem Weltgeschichtlichen entwickelung und Vollendung. Dreolle, de I'Influence du principe religieux sur I'homme. Gregoire, de I'influence du Christianisme sur la condition des femmes. Laget, Sermons sur divers sujets. Meyer's Verdienst des Chris, urn den Staat. Neubig's Christenthum als Weltreligion. Pister, Inf. du Christianisme sur le droit. Reinbard's Geist des Christenthums. Rothe's Wirkungen des Christenthums. Senac, Chris, considere dans ses rapports avec civilization. Tittmann's Verhaltniss d. Christen, zur Ent- wickelung des menschl. Geschlechts. Troplong, I'lnfl. du. Chris, sur le droit civile des Romaines. 241 Influence of Christianity — continued. lunate Ideas — continutd. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Blakey's Temporal benefits of Christianity. Boyle's Basis of National security. Bryant's Mutual influence of Christianity and the Stoic school. Campbell's (George) Sermons. Chandler's Bampton Lectures. 1825. Channing's (W. E.) Miscellaneous Essays. Cook's Historical view of Christianity. Delany's (Patrick) Sermons. Douglass' (.James) Discourses. Durham's (J. E.) Sermons. Erskine's (Dr. John) Sermons. Fawcett's (James) Sermons. Fothergill's (George) Sermons. Gresley's (William) Sermons. Hall's (Robt.) Sermons. Hampden's (R. D.) Sermons. Hare's (Thomas) Sermons. Harness' Boyle Lectures. 182L Haverfield's\Tho. T.) Sermons. Hoare's Fitness of Chris, to improve the social condition of the nations which overthrew the Roman empire. Horseley's (Bp.) Sermons. Kennedy's Hulsean prize essay. 1856. Krasinski's Reformation in Poland. Lancaster's (Tho. W.) Sermans. Lupton's (Dr. W.) Sermons. Mackensie's Inf. of the Christian Clergy of the first 10 cent, on European progress. Meyer's Inf. of Prot. missions on the moral and physical condition of man. Monsell's (C. H.) Sermons. Morehead's (R.) Discourses. Porteus' (Bp.) Sermons. Rogers' (John) Sermons. Ryan's Hist, of the influence of religion on ancient and modern nations. 1788. Scobel's (Edward) Sermons. Sterne's (Lawrence) Sermons. Stillingfleet's (Bp.) Sermons. Tillotson's (Ab]).) Sermons. Westminster Review. New Series. 1:182. White's The gospel promotive of happiness. Influences of tlie Spirit. See OPERATIONS. Innate Ideas. See ideas, platonism. Pro. Ciceronis Tusc. Disputat. Lib. I. c. 24. Herbert de Veritate. Le Grande, Institutiones philos. Pars IX, Platonis Phaedo. Sanderson, de Conscientia. Beattie's Immutability of truth. Buffier on the Origin of opinions. Cudworth's Intellectual System. Ch. 4. King on the Origin of evil. Oswald's Appeal to common sense. Sherlock on a Future state. Taylor's (Tho.) Edition of Plato. 16 Con. Aristotle's Ethics. Crouza's System of Logic. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 1. Lect. 7. Lookc on the Human understanding. Pearson on the Creed. Stewart's Philosophy of the mind. Inquirers. See conviction. Baxter's Saint's Everlasting Rest. Bethune's History of a penitent. Carleton's Letters to an anxious friend. Henry's Letters to an anxious Inquirer. James' Anxious Inquirer. Matheson's Advice to religious Inquirers. Russel's Letters. Letter 16. Spencer's (Ichabod) Pastor's Sketches. Spurgeon's (Cha. H.) Sermons. 3d Series. Winslow's (Octavius) Inquirer directed. Inquisition. Arnoldus de Tractandis Hsereticis. Assemanni Acta sane, martyrum. (Vast.) Baker's Vollstsendige Historic. Bebellius de Inquisitione Hispanica. Benthem de Causis eonservati Papatus. Comensis Lucerna Inquisitorum. Dillou, Relation de I'lnquisition de Goa. Erasmus contra Monachos Hispanos. Fabricius, Histoire de I'lnquisition. Fereal, Mysteres de I'l. 200 plates. Lamothe, Hist, de I'lnq. en France. Leger, Hist, des Eglises evang. de Piemont. Limborchii Historia Inquisitionis. (The only work containing the acts of the Toulouse Inquisition agt. the AValdenses.) Llorente, Hist, de la Inq. d'Espana. Loescher's Romischen Huren Regiment. [Marsollier (J.)] Hist, de I'l. et son origine. Montani Inquisitionis Hispanicae. Pignatelli, Consultationes Novissimae. Sarpii Historia Inquisitionis. Servita, Historia Inquisitionis. Thuani Historia. Lib. III. Usserus de Eccles. successione. Cap. IV, Achilli's Papal Rome. Dealings with the Inquisition. Amer. Quart. Review. 18:142. Baker's History of the I. in Portugal, Spain, Italy, East Indies, and West Indies. 1736. Blackwood's Mag. 20:70,332. Cousta's Unparalleled sufl'erings at Lisbon. Davies' Hist, of I. to the present time. 1850. Dellon's History of the Inquisition at Goa. (Himself a prisoner there.) Dugdale's Spanish Inquisition. Garin's Mysteries of Popery. Gavin's Detestable Inquisition. Geddes' View of the I. in Portugal. Gibbings' Record of the Roman Inquisition. Were heretics ever burnt at Rome ? Gould's History of the Reformation. Lavalle's Treatise on the Inquisition. 242 Inqnisltioii— contmMod. Limborch's Hist, of the I. Translated by Chandler ; with a valuable introduction. Llorentes' Hist, of the I. in Spain. (To the reign of Ferdinand VII. This truly great work obtained for its author the cognomen of the Suetonius of the Inquisition.) Marchant's Bloody tribunal. (Historical.) Monthly Rev. 91:396,635. 92:473. Mora's Inq. revived. (A narrative of his sufferings and escape.) Museum of Foreign Lit. 2:110. 10:328. Niles' Register. 21:329. Paul's [Sarpi] History of the Inquisition. Piaza's (H. B.) Inquisition in Italy. Princeton Review. 21:174. Puigblaneh's Inquisition unmasked. Quart. Review. 6:313. 10:203. Servita's Hist, of the I. Tr! by Gentilis. Simes' History of the Inquirition. Stockdale's History of the I. Plates. Taylor's (Matt.) England's bloody tribunal. Timson's Origin, policy, &c. (With memoirs of its victims, and plates.) Insabliates. See waldenses. Inscription on the Cross. Altmanni Meletemata critica. Insolvency, Morality of. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. 7:352. 8:294. Inspiration. See canon. Carpzovius de Divina inspiratione. Credner de Librorum N. T. inspiratione. Dupin, Prolegomena. GauRsen, Theopneustie. Orotius de Veritate relig. ChristianEe. Henrici Lucubrationes. Huetii Demonstratio Evangelica. Potter, Prelectiones TheologicEe. Quenstedtius de Divina inspiratione. Sontagii de Inspiratione, ejusque ratio. "Waltheri (Mich.) Dissertationes. Appleton's (Pres.) Works. Lect. 26, 27. Bailey's (Benj.) Essay on Inspiration. Bannerman on Inspiration. Bateman (Josiah) on the Inspiration, &c. Baylie's (J.) Authority and Inspiration, &c. Bennett's (Benj.) Sermons. (14 on this subj.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 12:217. 15:29,314. Bingham (W. A.) on the Insp. of Scripture. Bogue's (David) Essays. Burgon's Bible and modern thought. Burnet on the 39 Articles. Art. 6. Butler's Anal, of relig. and nature. Part 2. Butler's (W.) Testimony of history. Calamy's (Edmund) Sermons. Calmet's Dissertations. Campbell (Geo.) on the Four gospels. Carlyle's Origin and authority of the S. Scr. Carson's (A.) Refutationf of Henderson. Review of Wilson, Smith, and Dick. Cellerier's Divine origin of the Old Testam. Inspiration — continued. Chalmer's Evidences of Christianity. Chris. Examiner. 8:362. 32:119,204. 35:340. Christian Review. 9:1. 12:219. Davidson's (Sam.) Text of 0. T. considered. Davies' (S.) Nature of the Divine agency as to inspiration. Dick (John) on Inspiration. Doddridge's Dissertations on the New Test. Dyer on the Inspiration of Sacred Scripture. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 1:91. 11:365. Emmons' (Nathaniel) Sermons. Findlay's Vindic. of the sacred books and Josephus. (Reply to Voltaire.) Fuller's Part of a Body of divinity. Gasparin on Plenary inspiration. Gaussen's Theopneustia. Tr. by E. N. Kirk. Gerard's Institutes of Criticism. Haldane (Robt.) on Inspiration. Hawker's Evidence of plenary inspiration. Henderson (E.) on Divine inspiration. Hervey's (A.) Five Sermons. Hinds on the Inspiration and authority, erality. See alms, benevolence. Allen on Christian Beneficence. Barrow on Bounty to the poor. Boase's Tithes and oiierings. Bowling's (John G.) Sermons. Gough's (Tho.) Surest way of thriving. Pike (J.) on Christian liberality. Porteus' (Bp.) Sermons. Wells' Rich man's duty. Woodhouse's (G. W.) Practical sermons. Ijibertines. Deylingii Observationes Sacrae. Hardouin de Synagoga Libertinorum. Liiberty of Conscience. See CHRISTIAN liberty, establish- ments, TOLERATION. D'Aubigne, die religiose Freiheit v. christ- lichen Standpunkte. Jurieu, Maximes de Morales. Saurin, sur les Droits de la conscience. Simon (Jules) la Liberie de conscience. Vinet's Freheit des religiosen Cultus. American Quart. Review. 17:319. Bayle's (P.) Commentary on Luke 14:23. Beatson's Divine right to religious freedom. Blackburn's Confessional. Brook's Historj' of religious liberty. Brook & Steane's Results of an investigation of Protest, intolerance in Germany. 1834. Brown's Rebuke to a ludicrous infidel. (The preface is a noble defence of liberty of conscience.) Bunsen's Signs of the times. 1856. Christian Disciple. 4:91. Christian Examiner. 10:87,385. Christian Review. 14:305. Clarke's History of Intolerance. Colebrook's (Geo.) Letters on Intolerance. Eclectic Review. New Series. 10:337. Edinburg Review. 21:293. Fish's (Henry C.) Price of soul liberty, and who paid it. Foster's (James) Sermons. Fowler's (Bp.) Libertas Evangelicus. Ibbot's Boyle Lectures. 1727. Montesquieu's Spirit of laws. Moyle's Doctrinal Works. New Englander. 3:392. 6:194. liiberty of Conscience — continued. Niles' Register. 16:226. 23:261. Pett (Sir P.) on Liberty of conscience. Pickard's Discourses. Piper's (Henry H.) Sermons. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 4:117,326. The Old Whig. Nos. 5,6,8,9,10. Underbill's (E. B.) Tracts. Struggles and triumphs of religious liberty. Westminster Review. 2:1. Whiteman on Religious liberty. Williamson's (David) Lectures. Iiife of Christ. See jesus christ. Liicentiousness. See chastity, FORNICATION, rORlTY, DNCLEANNE88. Life of Paitli. See walk. lilglit of Nature. Soe deism, existence OF GOD, IDOLATRY, NATURAL THEO- LOGY, NECESSITY OF REVELATION. Chauvin, de Religione Natural!. Creutzer, de Leibnitii doetrina. Diogenes Laertius, de Vitis Philosophorum. Fortlage's Darstellung und Kritik der Be- weiss fur das Dasein Gottes. Grotius de Veritate. Hammii Scrutatio principii primi. Hansennii (Petr.) Meditationes. Mori (Henr.) Demonstrationes. Enchiridion Ethicum. Pfhanner, Systema Theologise Gentilis. Platonis Opera. (De rebus divinis, &c.) Plutarchi Moralia. Poiretus de Deo. Proclus de Theologia Platonica. PufFendorf, de Officiis hominis et civis. Reimar's (H. S.) Naturalische Religion. Simon (Jules), Religion Naturelle. Velthusii de Cultu naturali. Vossius de Philosophia et Philosoph. Sectis. de Theologia Gentili. Walch's (C. W. F.) Naturlichen Gottesge- lehrtheit. Wolfii Theologia naturalis. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Barr's Summary of Natural Religion. Bates' (William) Works. Baxter's (Andrew) Matho. Blackwell's (Thos.) Sacred Scheme. Bourne's (Samuel) Sermons. Boyle Lectures for 1692,1695,1704,1713,1717, 1721,1747,1766,1778,1808,1 847. Boyle (Robt.) on the Veneration due to God. Bridgewater Treatises. Broughton's Christianity distinct from the religion of nature. Brown's Natural and revealed relig. Bk. 1. Bulkley (C.) on Natural Religion. Bushman's Introd. to the study of nature. Butler's Analogy of religion to nature. Calamy on the Light of nature. Charnock (Stephen) on Providence. 210 liiglit of Nature — continued. Cheyne's Philos. principles of religion. Christian Examiner. 52:117. Chris. Month. Spectator. 4:249. 3:85. Clarke's (S.^ Boyle Lectures. 1704. Conybeare's Defence of Revealed Religion. Culverwell on the Light of Nature. Cumberland's Laws of Nature. Dick's Philosophy of Religion. Dryden (J.) on Natural Religion. Duncan's (J. S.) Botano-theology. Duncan's (H.) vSaered Philosophy. Durham's Astro-theology. Physico-theology. Edwards on the Causes of Atheism. Ellis on the Knowledge of Divine things. Erbury's Confutation of Deism. Fiddes' Theologia Speculativa. Foster's (James) Discourses on social virtue. Gardner's (James) Sermons. Gastrell on Natural religion. Gerard's Evidences of nat. and rev. religion. Glover's (P.) Tracts. Greenfield's Connexion of nat. and rev. relig. Hale's (Chief Justice) Knowledge of God. Hall's (Robt.) Modern Infidelity. Hallet's Future state not proved by the Light of Nature. Haly burton's Insufficiency of natural relig. Harris' Eight Sermons on the being of God. Hey's (Dr. John) Lectures. Hume's Dialogues on natural religion. Jack's Mathematical Theology. Kames (Lord) on Natural Religion. Law's (W.) Theory of Religion. Argument a jmori. Case of Reason fairly delineated. Mackay's Progress of the intellect. Mole's Obligations of Natural religion. Morehead's Dialogues. Nye on Natural and revealed religion. Orr's (J.) Theory of religion. Parker's Defence of natural and revealed religion. Peabody's (A. P.) Lowell Institute Lectures. 1864. Ramsay's Principles of religion. Ray's Physico-theology. Scott's Christian Life. Part 2. Search. See Tucker. Sherlock on Providence. Simon on Nat. Religion. Trans, by Marsden. Squier's Natural and revealed religion. Stanley's Lives of the Philosophers. Stillingfleet's Origines Sacrse. Stuynoe's Salvation by Christ alone. Sturm's Reflections on the works of God. Sykes' Connection of nat. and rev. religion. Taylor's (Jer.) Ductor dubitantium. Necessity of faith in Christ. Tennison against Hobbes. Totham's Scale of truth. Tucker's Light of nature pursued. (Profound and clear. First published under the name of Edward Search.) liight of Nature — continued. Tunstell's Natural and revealed religion. Twells' Vindic. of the Gospel of Matthew. Tytler's Essaj's on important subjects. Wakefield on Public worship. Warburton's Sermons at Lincoln Inn. Watson's Popular evidences of nat. religion. Watts' (Isaac) Berry Street Sermons. Wayland's Elements of moral science. Ch. 7. Whiston's Astronomical principles of relig. Wilkes' (S. C.) Christian Essays. Wilkins' Principles and duties of nat. relig. Willatts on the Religion of nature. Wilson's (Jos.) Letters on religion. (A good introduction to Butler's Analogy.) Iilfe a Pilgrimage. Blunt's, Henry, Sermons. Boyd's, John, Sermons. Bradley's, Charles, Sermons. Bull's, Bp., Sermons. Bryant's, Matthew, Sermons. Conybeare's, John, Sermons. Dehon's, Bp., Sermons. Duche's, Jacob, Sermons. Girdlestone's, Charles, Sermons. Hare's, J. C, Sermons. Home's, Bp., Sermons. Potts', J. H., Sermons. Skelton's, Philip, Sermons. Walker's, Robert, Sermons. liimits of Hnman Knotv^iedget See PROVINCE op reason. Iiittlc Sins. See venial. liitiirgies. See book of common prater, FORMS OF PRATER, REVISION OF LIT. Pro. Brometii (C. H.) Dissertationes Friderici Liturgia vetus et nova. (Lutheran.) Krehl's Evangelische Gebete. Lorrain, I'Ancienne maniere de prier. Ashton's (Thomas) Sermons. Barclay's (P.) Persuasive to the people of Scotland to overcome their prejudices. Bennett's History of precomposed forms. Letter to Robinson. Bingham's Origines Sacrje. Blackwood's Mag. 18:573. Bowdler's (T.) Discourses on the Liturgy. Bull's (Bp.) Works. Christian Observer. 11:501. Clagget's Answer to objections. Croft's Bampton Lectures. 1786. Durell on the Public worship of God. Edwards' Theologia Reformata. Faulkner on the Lawfulness of Liturgies. Fisher s Defence of the English Liturgy, Freeman's Principles of Divine Service. Gorham on Public Worship. (Prize Essay.) Hall's (Bp.) Polemic Works. Hammond's Practical Discourses. Defence of the L. of the Ch. of EngL 2n Liturgies — continued. Pro. Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity. Jewell's (Bp.) Apology. Lindsay's Vind. of the Church of England. Mangey's (Thomas) Sermons. Mant's Sermons before the Univ. of Oxford. Maskell's Offices of the Church. New York Review. 4:109. Quarterly Review. 50:509. Shuckford's (Samuel) Sermons. Stebbings' (Henry) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Polemic discourses. Watson's (Thomas) Sermons. Wheatley on the Common Prayer. Con. Amer. Presbyt. Rev. 4:230. Boyse's (Jos.) Theological works. Remarks on Liturgies. Brekell on the use of forms in public prayer. Christian Exam. 49:258. 54:23. Clarkson (David) on Liturgies. Doddridge's Lectures. Parts 3d and 9th. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 144. Eclectic Rev. N. Series. 1:412. Haldane (J. A.) on Social Worship. (Able.) Harding's Reply to Jewell's Apology. Jones' Essay on Public Worship. King's Inventions of men in worship. Orton's (Job) Lectures. Owen (John) on Liturgies. on Church Peace. Pierce's Vindication of Dissenters. Powell's (Vavassor) The Common Prayer book no divine service. Robinson's (B.) Case of Liturgies. Letter to Wm. Bennet. Taylor on Public Worship. Account of prayer. Lilturgles, History of. See christian ANTIQCITIES, RITES AND CEREMONIES. Allatius de Libris eccles. Grfecorum. Assemanni Codex liturg. Orientalium. Augusti's Christlichen Kunstgeschichte. Bonae Rerum Liturgicarum, etc. Boquilut, Histoire de la Hturgie. Brandt's Homiletisch-liturgisches correspon- denz-blatt. Cave, de Officiis eccles. Grseeorum. De Vert, Explicatio hist, de ceremonies. Eisenschmid's Einige Gebrauche. Kirchengebrauche d. Protestanten. Friderici Liturgia, vetus et nova. Gavantii Thesaurus Rituum. Gerbcrti Monumenta vet. liturgiae. Grancolas, Lit. d'Occident et d'Orient. Hoffmanni Collectio rariss. et inedit, &c. Koecheri Bibliothcoa Liturgica. Koehleri Principia theologiie liturg. Krazer de Apostolocis necnon antiquis eccles. occid. liturgiis. (Very complete.) Lienhart de Antiquis liturgiis. Lindani Libri ecclesiastici Latini. Liturgies, History ot—cmfinued. Mabillonii Antiqui libri rituales. Martene, de Antiquis ecclesias ritibus. Muller s Lexicon des Kirchenrechts. Muratori Liturgia Romana vetus. Renaudoti Lit. Orientalium collectio. (Con- tains fifty liturgies, some of them declared to be 1,400 years old; with learned dis- sertations and notes.) Zaccariae Bibliotheca Ritualis. Rennet's Use of preconceived forms. Bingham's Christian antiquities. Ch. 13-15. Bray's Bibliotheca Parochialis. Brerewood on Languages and religions. Brett's Collection of liturgies. Bunsen's Hippolytus and his age. Clay's L. of Edward VI. and Elizabeth. Comber's Rise and use of Liturgies. Down's History of the Lit. and its revisions. Eclectic Review. 95:236. Frazier's Magazine. 23:33. Hall's Reliquaj Liturgicae. (12 liturgies, including the Middleburg, Saxon, Scotch, and American.) Heylin's Miscellaneous Tracts. Reeling's Liturgife Brittanicae. (The six liturgies from the time of Edward VI. to Charles II., in parallel columns.) Neale's History of the Eastern Church. Translation of the liturgies of Mark, James, Clement, and Chrysostom. Neale & Forbes' Ancient liturgies of the Galilean church ; with introd., notes, &c. New Englander. 1:469. Schaff's Ancient Catholic liturgies. In Bray's Bibliotheca is a list of the chief liturgies, of all ages. L'Estrange, in his Alliatice of divine offices, exhibits all the English Protestant liturgies ; with various readings, and a running commentary. Pae- SINI Liturg. orient, collectio, gives those of the East. Daniel, Codex liturgicus, gives those of the Papal, Lutheran, Oriental, and Reformed churches: with valuable notes. Bbunet gives those of various nations. liives of the Apostles. See apostlks. Lives of tlie Fathers. See fathers. Barbeyrac, de la Morale des Peres. Gerhardi Patrologia. Ildefonsus de Illustribus eccles. scriptores. Martene, Thesaurus Anecdotorum. Allen's Fathers of the first 5 centuries. Blakey's (R.) Primitive fathers. Butler's (Alban) Fathers and Martyrs. (Endeavors to exculpate them from the sharp censures of Barbeyrac.) Cave's Lives of the F. of the first 3 cent. Eminent F. of the 4th century. Evans' Biography of the early church. Le Clerc's Lives of the primitive Fathers. Lupton's Glory of their times. Wayne's Religious biography. 272 Ill-res of the Saints. See legends. liocusts. See natural history. Bornemanni (Olaus.) Dissertationes. Cellarii (Chris.) Schediasma historicum, &c. Gleichius de Victu loannis. Oldius in Domicilio, et victu loannis. Rabii Exercitationes Philologicae. Stolbergius de Amictu et victu loannis. Eisner's Com. on the New Testament. Paxton's Illustrations of Scripture. Sandys' (George) Travels. Shaw's (Thomas) Travels. Iiogic. See mind. Abicht's Philos. d. Erkenntnisse. 1791. Albertus Magnus. 1494. (Several treatises in his "works.") Aristotelis Ars Rhetoricoe. Demonstratio Log. verae. Baumgarteni Acroasis Logiea. 1761. Berg's Epikritik der philosophie. 1805. Caseii Summa vet. interpretum in universam logicam Aristotelis. Campenellae Philosophia rationalis. 1638. Crousaz, Systems de logique. 1725. Degerando, de I'Art de penser. 1800. Destutt, Elemens d'Ideologie. 1818. Engel's Methode d. Vernunftlehre. 1780. Ernsthausen's Inhalt der logischen Wahr- heit. 1804. Euler, Lettres a une princess. 1810. Feverlini (J. G.) Dissertationes. 1712. Fichte, Begriff d. Wissensehaftslehre. 1798. Hegel (C. W. F.) Wissenschaft der Logic. 1816. Hillegeri Institutiones logicae eclecticas. Kant's Logik. 1800. Krug's Denklehre, oder Logik. 1806. Laromiguiere, Legons de Philosophie. 1815. Leibnitzii Opera. 1768. Malebranche, Recherche de la Verite. 1700. Ramus (P.), Institutiones Dialecticae. 1545. Reinhold's (K. L.) Kritik der Logic. 1789. Rosenkreutz, Modifications de Logique. Sluteri Anatomia logicae Aristotelicae. Twesten's (A. D.) Logik. 1825. Aristotle's Logic. Bacon's (Sir Francis) Works. Barron's Lectures on Belles lettres. Belsham's Compendium of Logic. Bentham's (Jer.) New system of Logic. Blakey's (Robt.) Essay on Logic. Bohour's Logic. (Examples from ancient and modern authors.) Bosanquet's System of Logic. Brown's (Francis) Logic. Campbell's Philosophj' of Rhetoric. Christian Examiner. 40:263. Christian Quart. Spectator. 7:322. Coleridge on True and false reasoning. CoUard's Essentials of Logic. De Morgan's First Notions. Gambier on Moral evidence. Glassford's Principles of evidence. liOgic — continued. Hamilton's (Sir W.) Lectures on Logic. Hill's System of Logic. Houghton's Prodromus. Rett's Logic. (Analysis of Aristotle.) Latham's L. in its application to language. Le Clerc's Art of reasoning. Locke on the Human understanding. Mansell's Prolegomena Logiea. (The psycho- logical character of logical processes.) Mills' System of Logic. Milton's (J.) Ars logiea. Moberly's Lectures on Logic. Newman's (F. W.) Lectures. Reid's Analysis of Aristotle's Logic. Solly's (Tho.) Syllabus of Logic. Tappan's (H. P.) Logic. Tatham's Scale and chart of truth. Thompson on the Laws of thought. Waddington's Life of Ramus. Walker (J.) on Logic. Watts' Right use of reason. Weisley's (C.) Guide to Syllogism. AVhately's Elements of Logic. AVhewell's Historj' of inductive sciences. Philosophy of De. Logic for the million. See, at the end of Robt. Blakey's Essay on Logic, London, 1848, an alphabetical list of more than a thousand writers on this sub- ject. Few of those here cited are named in that list. The author of Reflections upon learniiiff, an able work of the last century, attributed to Mr. Baker, states that between Albertus Magnus, and the time of the Refor- mation, " there have been twelve thousand authors that have commented on the books of Aristotle." liOgos. See christologt. Carpzovius de Xoyoj Philonis non Johanneo adversaria. Dorner's Entwickelung-Geschichte der Chris- tologie. Eusebii Preparatio Evangelica. Kostlin's Lehrbegriff des Evangilium. Lampe de Aoyw vTroaraTiKi^, &c. Meier, die Lehre von der Trinitat. Misleri Theognosia. Winzer, num quid discriminis inter tov Xoyoi' et TO nvtvfia intercedat. Bryant's Sentiments of Philo Judaeus. Burton's Bampton Lectures. 1829. Dawson's Moyer Lectures. 1773. (On the Texts in which the word occurs.) Elmlicht's Theophania ; or, pre-existent Messiah. Howe's Critical Observations. Kitto's Journal. 3:107. Lady Mover's Lectures. (Waterland, 1720; Felton,"l728; Seed, 1733; Dawson, 1764; and others.) Lardner on the Logos. Lowman's Tracts. Tract 3. 273 liOgos — continued. Lawrence's (Rich.) Dissertation on the Logos. (Often appended to his reflections on the Unitarian version.) Luck's Dissertations. Methodist Quar. Review. 11:377,536. Pearson on the Creed. Smith's (J. Pye) Scrip, test, to the Messiah. Tucker's Light of nature pursued. Upham's Letters on the Logos. Watts' Dissertations. Diss. 4. Whitaker's Origin of Arianism. Whitby's Exposition of John Chap. 1. Iiollards. See wickliffites. Gellenius de Admiranda sacra et civili, Ac. Gramaye, Antiquitates Belgicae. Sanderus Brabantia et Flandria illustratse. Walchii (J. G.) Miscellanea Sacra. Apology for Lollard Doctrines. (Attributed to Wickliffc. Edited by Todd. 1842.) Knox's (John) Works. (L. of Scotland.) Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History. Walch's Dissertation on the Lollards. Liombards. See albioenses. LiOng liife. See lovf. of life, old aoe. liongsuffering of God. See patience. Iioquacitjr. See tongue. Cooper's (Archdeacon) Sermons. Dawes' (Abp.) Sermons. Fell's (Bp.) The Ladies' calling. Gouldburn's The idle tongue. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. fteyner's Rules for the govt, of the tongue. Richardson's (William) Sermons. liOrd's Day. See sabbath. Franke, de Diei dominici apud vet. Chris- tianos. Hartman, de Rebus gestis Christianorum. Hengstenberg, Ueber den Tag des Herrn. Liebetrut's Tag des Herrn. Agnew (.T. H.) on the Christian Sabbath. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Barnes' (Albert) Practical Sermons. Baxter's Chris. Sabb. (Reply to Whately.) Baylee's Statistics and facts on the L.'s day. Benson's (Charles) Lectures. Bloomfield's Letters to the Inhabitants of London. Brooks' Div. and moral oblig. of the L. day. Brown's Sunday Thoughts. Brown & Taylor's Discussion on the obliga- tion of the Sabbath. Bryan's (Matthew) Discourses. Bulkley's (John) Discourses. Burder's (H. F.) Lectures. Burnet on the 39 Articles. Burnside on the different sentiments enter- tained in Christendom in relation to the weekly Sabbath. 18 liord's Day — cfmtimted. Burton's Proper observance of the L.'s day Caudrey's Christian Sabbath. Chalmers on the Christian Sabbath. Christian Examiner. 30:92. 50:55. Christian Monthly Spectator. 8:449,571. 9:225,393. 10:225. Christian Observer. 16:315. 26:358. Christian Quarterly Spectator. 4:334. 6:580. Christian Sabbath, The. A series of dis- courses by Dr. Rice, Origin and history. Dr. Hague, Authority and perpetuity. Dr. Ganse, Duties. Dr. Adams, Benefits. Dr. Vinton, Civil relations. Close's (F.) Sermons. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. ■ Crolj''s (Dr. George) Sermons. Dealtry's (Wm.) Sermons. Dehon's (Bp.) Sermons. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 9. Dorrington's (Theoph.) Discourses. Dwight's Sermons. Ser. 105. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 22:697. Edwards' (Justin) Sabbath Manual. Edwards' (John) Discourses. Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Estlin's Apology for the Sabbath. Fairbairn's Theological Essays. Farquhar's Torch of time. (To show the advant. of Sunday to the working classes.) Fisher's History of the Sabbath day. (Its uses and abuses, with notices of the Puri- tans, Quakers, See Jesuits. Allegambe, Bibliotheca. Bartoli, Histoire de St. Ignace. Beavais, Vie de St. Ignace. Bohours, " " Bussier. " " De Silva, Hist, de Dom. Inigo de Guipuscoa chevalier de la vierge. (Satirical history of Loyola.) Hane's Leben und Thaten Ig. Loyola. Maffsei Vita et mors St. Loyola. Orlandini Hist. Soc. Jesu. Pars I. Pasquier, Cat. des Jesuites. Chap. 17. Possino de Vita et morte Ignatii. Ribadeneire, Vie de Loyola. Amer. Eclectic Review. 4:351. Bonhours' Life of Ignatius. Eclectic Rev. 4th Series. 26:84. Edinburg Review. 75:161. Foreign Review. 5:271. Museum of For. Lit. 4:319. N. Amer. Review. 59:412. Princeton Review. 26:647. Retrospective Review. 9:39. Stillingfleet's Works. Taylor's (Isaac) L. and the early Jesuits. Taylor (W. E.) on Popery. Wharton's Enthusiasm of the Ch. of Rome. Liuciferiaiis. Luciferi Opera omnia quae extant. Hieronymi Dialogus adv. Luciferianos. liuke. See lives of the apostles. Clauswitzii Diss, de Luca evang. medico. Frischii Dissertationes. Kirstenii Vitae Evangelistarum quatuor. Kochleri Sanctus Lucas Evangelista. Schlichteri Ecloga Historica. Spanheimii Exereitationes Academicse. Winkleri (loann. Dieter.) Dissertationes. Dunster (C.) on McKnight's hypothesis of the date of Luke's Gospel. IiuIceTrarmness. See baceslidino. Bramston's (Dr. William) Sermons. Burrow's (E. J.) Hours of devotion. Christian Examiner. 1:13. Collison's (M. A.) Sermons. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Davies' (Samuel) Sermons. Erskine's (John) Sermons. (2 on this subj.) Fellowes' (Robt.) Religion without Cant. Fuller on Spiritual declension and the means of revival. Gardner's (John) Sermons. Gatty's (Alfred) Sermons. Jackson's (Miles) Sermons. Masillon's Sermons. Mason (John) on the Human virtues. Monsell's (C. H.) Sermons. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. (Sermon by Matt. Sylvester.) Oakley's (Frederick) Sermons. Pictet on Religious Indifference. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Taylor's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Winslow's Personal declension and revival. ZoUikoffer's Sermons on prevalent vices. liUSts of tlie Flesh. See concitpiscencb, LEWDNESS, LOVE OF PLEASURE, SENSC- ALITT, &C. Liutlier. See reformation. Audin, Hist, de la vie de Luther. Becker's M. Luther in den Hauprzugen seines Lebcns geschildert. Buchholtz's Aufenthalt in Worms. April, 1521. Cochlfei Commentatio de actis et scriptis M. L. (Papal.) Danhaveri Memoria thaumasiandri L. Effner's Luther's Lebengeschichte. Fabricii Centifolium Lutheranum. Forstmanni Vita Lutheri. Hennige's Lebenslauf Luther. Hennegii Sanctus thaumasiander Lutherus. Hernschmidii Vita Mart. Lutheri. 280 lixit'h.ex— continued. Junckneri Vita L. et successorum. Keil's M. Luther's Lebens Umstande. Kies' (Ludwig) Luther's Leben und Tod. Kirchmayeri Disquisitio historica de M. L. Klein (C), L. corisidere coinme predicateur. Konig's M. Luther d. Deutsche reformator. Koeli, Ehrengedachtnis. Ledderhose's M. Luther, naoh seinem aussern u. innern Leben Dargestellt. Mattherii Historia Martini Lutheri. Melanchthonis Hist. vita3 Lutheri. Meurer's L.'s letzte Lebenstage, Tod, und Begriibniss. Michelet, Hist, de la vie de Luther. Niemeyer's M. L. : sein Leben und Wirken. Pfizer's Leben Luther's. Schoepffer's Anverbrandter Luther. Selnecceri Vita Lutheri. Spieker's Geschichte Dr. M. Luthers. Spangenberg's Predigten von Luther. Stang"s Luther : sein Leben und Wirken. TJkert's Luther's Leben. Vogel, Bibliotheca Lutherana. Zeibichii Electa hist, vitae et mortis, etc. Adams' (C.) Words that shook the world; or Luther his own biographer. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 3d Series. 1:130. 2:191. 3:55.3,594. Atterbury (F.) on the Spirit of Luther. Bell's Colloquia Mensalia. Blackwood's Mag. 25:26,200. Christian Examiner. 27:402. 30:148. 32:19. 43:98. 45:170. Eclectic Mag. 6:1. Edinb. Rev. 7:354. 68:145. 82:50. Toix's (John) Acts and monuments. Hare's Viudic. of L. from his recent English assailants. 1855. (Wm. Hamilton, Hal- lam, Ward, Newman, Ac.) Life of Martin Luther; by Bowers. — by Burkhardt. by C'roley. 50 plates. by Cubitt. by D'Aubigne. by Gelzer. by Haynes. by Hazelin. by Konig. by Martyn. by Meuree. by Michelet. ■ by Riddle. by Sears. by Stork. by Tischer. by Worsley. London Quart. Review. .3:201. Museum of For. Lit. 28:271. 29:446. 35:321. North Amer. Review. 63:433. Scott's (J.) Luther, and the L. reformation. Southern Lit. Messenger. 4:596. Stephens' (Sir James) Essays. TuUoch's Leaders of the Reformation. See a notice of '' all the extant works re- ferring to the labors of Martin Luther," in Vogel, Bibliotheca Jiiographira. ljutlierauism. See ArasBURO confession, CONSn B8T ANTI ATION. Pro. t Lutheri Opera. (Many editions; that of Halle, 1740-1750, in 24 volumes, is deemed as good, on the whole, as any.) Albert's die Griindliche Widerlegung eines paebstlichen Buchs. Augusti's Syst. der Christlichen Dogmatik. Bahrd, Systema Theologiae. Balduini Apologia pro Augustana confess. Bretschneider's Handbuch der Dogmatik. Chemnitzii Loci Theologici. Confessio Doctrinae Saxonicarum ecclesi- arum. (The famous confession drawn up by Melancthon, Bugenhagen, isme. L. I, c. 5. Bodinus de Magorum Daemonomania. Hyde, Hist. vet. Persarum. Magorum, &c. Schmidtii (G. F.) Magi advenientes. Adams' (H.) Diet, of Religions. Art. Gaurs. Amer. Biblical Repos. 3d Series. 2:517. Frank's (J. C.) Hulsean prize Essay. 1814. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of Rome. Magic. See witchcraft. Bekker, le Monde enchante. Giraldo, Hist, curieuse des sorciers, magi- ciens, &o., jusq'a nos jours. 1846. Horst's (G. C.) Zauber-bibliothek. Le Brun, Histoire des superstitions. Levi, Histoire de la Magic. Masse, I'lmposture des devins. Maury, la Magic. RSsie, Hist, des sciences occultes. Salverte, des Sciences occultes. Analytical Magazine. 13:470. Barrett's Celestial Intelligencer. Bigland's Essays. Ess. 8: Blackwood's Mag. 69:450. Brewster on Natural Magic. Colquhoun's History of Magic. Cox's (Francis) Detestable wickedness of magical sciences. 1561. De Foe's History of the Black Art. Historj' of the Devil. Dublin Univ. Magaz. 29:28. Eclectic Mag. 5:433. Ennemo'Ser's Hist, of Magic. Tr. by Howitte. For. Quar. Review. 6:417. Frazier's Mag. 22:1. Magi c — coniinued. Gaule's Magical Diviner pozed and puzzled. Godwin's (Will.) Lives of the Necromancers. (A very interesting and convenient book.) Littell's Living Age. 5:567. Mason's Anatomy of Sorcery and charms. North Brit. Review. 3:1,165. Salverte's Philosophy of magic and apparent miracles. Tr.ans. by Thompson. Southern Lit. Messenger. 6:629. Wilkins' Wonders of Geometry. AVright's Narratives of Sorcery and Magic. Writers on Satanic agency and magic have been diligently enumerated and reviewed by ThomASIUS, de Origine et progressu jiincessus inquiaitorii contra sagas. Magistracy. See banoorian controversy, CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Dentehmanni (loan.) Dissertationes. Echardi Opus de ordine eccles. et polit. Habichorstius deMagistratusetsuppliciorum capitalium Constitutione Divina. Hennichii (loan.) Dissertationes. Niehenckii (Geo. F.) Dissertationes. Scharfii (loann.) Dissertationes. Abernethy's (John) Tracts. Amer. Quart. Rev. 8:58. Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons. Berkeley's (Bp.) Works. Butler's (Bp.) Occasional Sermons. Colly er's (W. B.) Scripture duties. Lect. 8. Donne's (John) Sermons. Dublin Univ. Mag. 16:530. Dwighfs Theology. Ser. 114. Faringdon's (Anthony) Sermons. Gee's Divine right of the civil magistrate. Goodman's Obedience to civil powers. Graves' (Richard) Sermons. (ireen's Conscientious obed. to Governors. Gresley's (William) Sermons. Griffith's (Thomas) Sermons. Hopkins' (Bp.) Works. (Submission to rulers.) Ibbot's (Benjamin) Sermons. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Sermons. Latimer's (Bp.) Sermons. Leighton's (Abp.) Sermons. Lightfoot's (Dr. J.) Sermons. Neves' (Timothy) Sermons. Owen on the Power of magistrates. Reynolds' (Bp.) Sermons. Scott's (John) Sermons. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Sherlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Taylor's Duetor Dubitantium. Tombes' Saints no smiters. (A lucid argu- ment against the interference of magis- trates with religion.) Tottie on Subjection to civil powers. Tucker's Light of Nature. Usher's Power of the Prince. Warburton's (Bp.) Sermons. (Appendix.) Wilson's Duty of Magistrates. 283 magnanimity t Butcher's (William) Sermons. Witherspoon's (John) Sermons. Mahomet. Abulfeda, de Vita et rebus gestis Moham. Boulanvilliers, la Vie de Mohamad. ("A prolix fable." — Moshkim.) Gagnier, Vie de Mahomet. Savary, la Vie de IVJahomet. (" Of all the lives of M., this is the best." — Mills.) Turpiu, Histoire de la vie de Mahomet. Chr. Examiner. 9:360. 49:184. Chr. Quart. Spect. 3:169,176. Church Review. 3:401. Eclectic Magaz. 21:36. For. Quart. Rev. 24:1. Life of Mahomet ; by Abulfeda. by Addison. by Boulanvilliers. by Bush. by Hawkins. • by Wash. Irving. by Merrick. by Miles. by Muir. by Prideaux. by Savary. by Springer. N. Amer. Review. 63:496. 71:273. North Brit. Rev. 13:101. Southern Quart. Review. 18:375. 20:173. Maliometanigm. See koran. Al Koran : Lex Islamitica. (Many editions.) Andreas Confusio sectae Mahomedanae. Bibliandri M. Saracenorum principis, ejus- que successorum, doetrinae, ostol. evang. M. origo defend. Schuberti (loann.) Dissertationes. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Dehon's (Bp.) Sermons. Jones' (Jer.) Reply to Mr. Whiston's charge of dislocation. Marsh's Michaelis. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. nieaiis of Grace. See hearing. Charnock's (Stephen) Works. Darnell's (W. N.) Sermons. Dehon's Sermons on the means of grace. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 135,137. Foster's Essays. (On the epithet Romantic.) Fuller's (Andrew) Works. Griffin's Park St. Lectures. Lee. 7 and 8. Jelf's Bampton Lectures. 1844. Kcttlewell on Christian Obedience. Lawson's (Charles) Sermons. Martin's (Henry) Sermons. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. (Sermon bv W. Greenhill.) Scott's (Dr. John) Christian Life. ("Want- ing in Evangelical views." Bickersteth.) Wesley's (John) Sermons. White's (Hugh) Profession and practice. Mediation of Christ. See atonement, MESSIAH, REDEMPTION, &C. Ilaueisenii Dissert, de loco Gal. iii. 20. Osiandri Theologia Positiva. Schotanus de Jesu Christo mediatore. Balmer's (Robert) Academic Lectures. Bateman's (Josiah) Sermons. Rennet's (W. J. E.) Sermons. Berriman's (William) Sermons. Charnock's (Stephen) Sermons. Clarke's (David) Sermons. Clarkson's (David) Sermons. Flavel's Fountain of life. Foster's (James) Sermons. Hopkins' (Ezekiel) Sermons. Hurrion's Knowledge of Christ. .Jinu's on the Mediation of Christ. Knox's (.1. S.) Sermons. McLaiichlan's Way to (iod. Meikle's Nat. of the mediator, dispensation. Ogileu's (Samuel) Sermons. Owen on Redemption. Pearson's Nat. and benefit of Christianity. Symington on the Atonement. Thompkins' Christ the Mediator. Townsend's (.John) Discourses on Prayer. Townsend's (George) Sermons. Vaughn's (Charles J.) Sermons. Whiston's Sermons and Essays. Meditation. See contemplatioit, DEVOTION, SOLITUDE. Augustine. Meditationes. Gerardi (loann.) Meditationes. Gromatensis de Oratione et Meditatione. Riccius de mode recte Meditandi de rebus Divinis. Sturm, Betrachtungen iiber d. worke Gottes. Anthony's (John) Comfort of the soul. Augustine's Meditations. Tr. by T. Rogers. Bateman's (Josiah) Sermons. Bates' (Wm.) Works. Disc. 16. Bennct's Christian Oratory. Berkley's (Earl of) IHstorical Applications. Bogan's Mirth of a Christian life. Brown's Natural and Revealed religion. Brownrig's (Bp.) Sermons. Bryson's (James) Sermons. Bullar's (John) Lay lectures. Lect. 6. Burroughs' (James) Sermons. Butcher's (Wiliam) Sermons. Calamy's (Edin.) Art of Divine meditation. Capel's Daily Observations. Cawood's (John) Sermons. Chalmers' Sermons. (Difference between knowledge and consideration.) Charnock's Works. Corbet's Self-employment in secret. Davies' (Thomas) Sermons. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 146. Edwards' (Bp.) Theologia Reformata. Fuller's (Andrew) Sermons. Gerard's (J.) Meditations. Tr. by Winterton. Hall's (Bp.) Practical Works. Horneck's Great law"of Consideration. Howe's (Charles) Devout Meditations. Jones' Book of the Heart. Kennaway's (Charles E.) Sermons. Melville's (Henry) Sermons. Morehead's (Robert) Discourses. Palej''s (William) Sermons. Pearsall's (Richard) Contemplations. Quarle's Spare Hours. Sibbs' Divine Meditations. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Life of Christ. Thomas' (Bp.) Sermons. Townson's (John) Sermons. Usher's (Abp.) Manual of divine duties. Verschoyle's (Hamilton) Sermons. Waple's (Edward) Sermons. Warwick's Spare Minutes. (Excellent.) White's Divine Meditations. Wilson's Saera Privata. Young's (Edward) Sermons. Meekness. See beatitudes, pride. Bundy's (Richard) Sermons. Chalmers' (Tho.) Posthumous Works. Cock's (.John) Sermons. Coite's (Thomas W.) Sermons. Cook's (John) Sermons. Cooper's (E.) Sermons. Cooper's (James) Sermons. Cox's (Robert) Sermons. 292 Meeltness— crtn/iwM/'rf. Dunlop's (Will.) Sermons. Edwards on the Affections. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Evans on Christian Temper. Faringdon's (Anthony) Sermons. Henry (Matt.) on Quietness of spirit. Hunt's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Jones' (Will, of Nayland) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Knight's (Samuel) Sermons. Le Bas' (Cha. W.) Sermons. Logan's (John) Sermons. Scougal's (Henry) Sermons. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Spring's (Gardner) Essays. Sumner's (John Bird) Sermons. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Va«ghn (Henry) on the Fruits of the Spirit. Vincent's (Will.) Sermons. Whiehcot's (Bp.) Sermons. Whitaker's (Edw. W.) Sermons Wilkins' (Bp.) Sermons. Meeting Houses. See chtiroh archi- TECTDRE, PLACES OF WORSHIP. Melanclioly. See despondency. Baxter's (Rich.) Cure of Melancholy. Brady's (Nicholas) Sermons. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. (Kinds, causes, symptoms, and cures.) Clarke's (Samuel) Sermons. Clifford's Signs and causes of Melancholy. Fawcet's (Benjamin) Sermons. Kollock's (Shepard K.) Sermons. Marshall's (Nathaniel) Sermons. Moss' (Robert) Sermons. Rogers (Timothy) on Trouble of mind. Smith's (Dr. William) Sermons. Trebeok's (Andrew) Sermons. Whitefield's (George) Sermons. nielancthon. Melancthonis Opera Omnia. (Many editions. The last is by Bretschneider. 24 vols., 4to. 1836.) Melancthonis Werke. Herausg. von Koethe. 1830. Camerarii Melancthonis vitae narratio. Dresler's !Melancthon's Leben und Wirken. Hildebrandt's Melancthon. Knauth's (F.) Philipp Melancthon Kuhlmen's P. Melancthon. Ledderhose's Christliche Biographien. Matthes' Melancthon's Leben und AVirken. Meurer's P. Melancthon's Leben. Neubert's (H. M.) M. und die stadt Dresden. Strobel, Melancthoniana. Apologie Melancthons. Wohlfarth's Philip Melancthon. Melancthon, Life of; by F. A. Cox. ■ by Heppe. by Ledderhose. by Planck. nielauctlion — continued. Am. Quart. Reg. 15:306. Biblioth. Sacra. 3:301. Brit. Quart. Rev. 3:191. Chris. Examiner. 20:273. Eclectic Magazine. 8:27. Princeton Rev. 10:1. Quarterly Review. 14:236. There are various other lives of Melanc- thon. Several appeared in 1860, the ter- centenary of his death. Melcliisedec. Benzelii Dissertationes Academieae. Borgesii Hist. Critica Melchisedechi. Calmet, Commentaire. (Dissertation prefixed to the Epistles.) Deylingii Observationes Sacrse. Fabricii de Sacerdotio Christi. Gaillardi Melchesidecus Christus unus. Heideggeri Historia patriarcharum. Hottingeri Diss, philologico-theologicarum. Koerburgii Dissertationes Philologicaa. Kraftii Observationes Saeraj. Van Rein, Dissertationes Philologicse. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 3d Series. 4:495. Bibliotheca Sacra. 16:528. Broughton's (H.) Works. (Affirms him to be Shem.) Calvin's (John) Sermons. Chevallier's Hulsean Lectures. 1826. Close's (Francis) Historical Sermons. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses, (lill's (Dr. John) Sermons and Tracts. Glas' (John) Notes on Scripture texts. Gray on the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. .James on the Priesthood of Christ. Jerome's Epistles to Evangelus. Kollock's (Shepard K.) Sermons. Owen's (John) Dissertations. Page (Thomas) on the Types. Ridgeley's Body of Divinity. Sharp's (Granville) Melchisedec. Memory. See mnemonics. Des Cartes de Passionibus. Helvetius de L'Esprit. Tafel's Unsterblichkeit und Wiedererinner- ungskraft, vi\vian8, History ot— contimted. • Theobaldi Adumbratio eccles. Bohem. 1611. Tholuck's Vermischte Schriften. Vol. I. Verbeck's Kurzgefasste Geschichte, etc. 1857. Wengiersky, Historia. (The second written by one of themselves.) Amer. Quart. Church Review. 17:231. Benham's Origin, v Vear. See time. Berriinan's, William, Sermons. Davies', Samuel, Dehon's, Bp., Dwight's, 'I'imothy, Fletcher's, Joseph, Foster's, James, Foyster's, J. G., Francklin's, Thomas, (juyse's, John, Heber's, Bp., Hewlitt's, John, Hobart's, Bp., Home's, Bp., Seeker's, Abp., Shuttleworth's, P. N., Spurgeon's, Cha. H., " 7th Scries. Thayer's, Elihu, Yonge's, James, Nlcene Creed. See cbeeds. Nicolaltang. Balthasseris (Augustini) Disputationes. Hemmii (Andr.) Dissertationcs. Jauii (lo. (Juil.) Com. de Nicolaites. Mo.sheimii Dissertationes. Rothii (Eberh. Rudolp.) Dissertationes. Valckenieri (loan.) Disputationes. Burton's Lectures on the First century. Ncander's Planting and training of the Ch. Stuart (Moses) on the Apocalypse. Tillemont's Ecclesiastical Memoirs. Niue-veh. Blackburn's Rise and ruin of Nineveh. Fairbairn on Jonah. Layard's Nineveh. Ninth Commandment. See COMMA.NDMENTS, FAI.SER00I>, HTPOCBler, OATHS, gLANDER, TBOTH. 32t Noah. See bioorapbt. Gasseri Ultima fata Noaehi. Hahnii (J. J.) Xa>£ ayv^vo. Kircheri (Athanasii) Dissertationes. Benson's (C.) Lectures. Lect. 13. Gataker's (Tho.) Sermons. Jones' (Wm. of Nayland) Sermons. Horsele3-'s (Bp.) Life and death of Noah. Kelly's (Johnj Congregational Lectures. Potts' (J. H.) Sermons. Smith's (Henry) Sermons. Noetlaus. See patripassians. Nominalists and Realists* Abelard, Opera. Baumgarten Crusius, de Vero scholasticor. Biel, Collectorium ex Gulielmo Occam. Bruckeri Historia critica Philosophite. Chaldenii Hist, eccles. de vita Roscelini. Engelhardt's Dogmengeschichte. Koehler's Realismus u. Nomin. in ihrem Einfiusse auf d. dogmatischen Systeme d. Mittelalters. Occami Centiloquium Theologicum. (Various other treatises.) Roscellini Opera. Berkeley's (Bp.) AYorks. Brown's Lectures on mental philosophy. Brucker's History of philosophy. Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric. Cousin's Works of Abelard. Hobbes' Works. Hume's Essays. Locke on the Human Understanding. Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History. Reid's Intellectual and active powers. Stewart's Philosophy of the mind. Whateley's Logic. Bk. 4, ch. 5. Non-Conformists. See dissenters. Pro. Ainsworth's (Henry) Counter-poison. Alsop's Melius inquirendum. (Witty and dexterous.) Mischiefs of Imposition. Baxter's (Rich.) Works. (Many treatises on this subject.) Life of; by Orme. Bennett (Benjamin) on Separation. Beverly's Letter to the Abp. of York. Binney's Conscientious non-conformity. Dissent not Schism. Brett's (Thomas) Works. Burton's Conformity, Deformity. Calamy's (Edmund) Works. Canne's Xecefsily of Separation. Cartwright on Ecclesiastical Discipline. Answer to Whitgift. Collier's (Jeremy) AVorks. CoUings' Reasons for not praying in public by prescribed forms of others. Corbett on the Oath required of Non-conf. De Foe's New Testament. Test of Loyalty. Non-Conformists — continued. Pro. De Foe's Shortest way with Dissenters. (For this pungent satire the honest Baptist wa8 fined, pilloried, and imprisoned.) De Laune's Plea for Non-conformists. (With a fine preface by De Foe.) Dobson on Non-conformity. Earbery on the Power of the Prince. Various other pieces. Hales (John) on Schism and Schismatics. Heywood's Sermons and Lives. Hickes on the Christian priesthood. Jones' (Wm.) Lectures on Non-conformity. Dissenter's plea. Lowth's (Simon) Historical Collections, on Church power. Martin's Letters on Non-conformity. Milton (John) on True Religion. on Ref. in the Church of England. Neale's History of the Puritans. Owen's (Charles) Plain Dealing. Vindication of Do. Validity of the dissenting ministry. Owen's (John) Nature of Schism. Palmer's Non-conformist's Memorial. Prjaine's Practical Church. Robinson's (Robt.) Plan of lectures on N. [RoUe's] Answer to Bp. Patrick. Rule's Rational defence of non-conformity. Answer to Stillingfleet's Irenicum. Shrewsbury on Conf. to the estab. church. Strype's Annals of the Reformation. Ecclesiastical Memorials. The Non-conformist. Lond. 1S41 tothepres. Whiston's Scripture Politics. Con. Bascough's (Robert) Discourses. Rennet's (Thomas) Dissenter's Plea. Burnet's (Gilbert) Apology for the Church. Colet on Conforming and Reforming. Conoid's CRobert) Notion of Schism. Croft's Naked Truth. Dodwell (Henry) on Episcopal government. Hart's (Edward) The Bulwark stormed. Hoadley on Conf. to the Church of England. Kempe (E. C.) on Non-conformity. Lucy's Apology for the Church of England. OUyfFe on Conformity. (Reply to Calamy.) Page on Schism. (Reply to Hales.) Patrick's Friendly Debate. Pearson's Three plain reasons. Rye (George) on Non-conformity. Sacheverell's Rights of the Church. Stillingfleet's Unreasonableness of separation. Warner's Church of England's principles. Non-Conformists, History of, Bennet's History of Dissenters. Brown's Non-conformists of the 17th cent. Cornish's History of Non-conformity. Davids' Annals of Non-conformity. James' (J.) Protestant Non-conformity. Neale's History of the Puritans. ' 328 Non-Conformists, Hist, of— continued. Non-conformity as it was stated and argued by commissioners on both sides in 1661. Price's History of Protestant N. in England. Rees' History of Protestant N. in Wales, from its rise to the present time. 1861. [Reed's (And.)] Progress of Non-conf. 1825. England, during the 17th century, pro- duced innumerable publications on this con- troversy. Most of these are now obsolete, or very scarce : but the above can be had. I distinguish Non-conformists from Dissenters. The latter still e.xist and multiply. The former are those who were turned out of their parishes, in the 17th century, and their followers. I may not have divided all the citations accurately, as the terms are by some used interchangeably. Non-Essentials. See fifndamentals. Kon- Jurors. Pro. Agonistes' Philosophical Strictures. (Ably refutes Maeauley's statements.) Ames' Suit against ceremonies. Bisbie's (Nathan) Sermons. Brett's (Thomas) Works. Brokesby's Govt, of the primitive church. Collier's Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain. (Often reprinted.) Dodwell's Cause of Schism. Vind. of the deprived bishops. Defence of the Vindication. Hickes' (Bp. George) Works. Howel's Cause of Schism. Kettlewell's Measures of Chris, obedience. Lathbury's History of the Non-Jurors. (Every way sufficient.) Smith's Principles of Non-Jurors. Snape's Letter to the Bp. of Bangor. Steele's Letter to the Bp. of Bangor. Con. Bennet's (Tho.) Rights of the clergy. Non-Juror's separation examined. Bernard's Church apostolical. Dawson's Origin and obligation of laws. Hoadley's (Bp.) Preservative against the princijiles of Non-Jurors. Hody's Unreasonableness of separation. Milbourne's Legacy to the Ch. of England. Owen's (John, of Rochdale) Jacobite princi- ples examined. Parker's Case of the Ch. of England stated. Perrinchief's Indulgence not justified. Pillonier's Answer to Snape's accusation. Rye on the Non-Juror controversy'. Sparkes' Persuasive to unity. Stillingfleefs Unreasonableness of separation. Sykes on Schism. Welchman on Schism and Heresy. IVon-Reslstance. See divine rioht op KINOS, PASSIVE OBEDFENCE TO KINOH, RETALIATION, SELF-DEFENCE, WAB. Nostradamus. Nostradami Opera. Chavigny, Com. sur les centuries de N. Couillard, les Fausses propheties de N. Guynaud sur les propheties de N. Larivey, Six centuries de predictions. Le Clef de Nostrademus. Novatians. See cathari. Novatiani Opera. (Many editions.) Albaspinaci Observationes. Cornelii Epistola'. Dionysii (Alex.) Epistola ad Novatianum. Kenchelii (Steph.) Disputationes. Mayeri (lo. Ulriei) Excreitationes. Mus;ei (loann.) Exercitationes. Ottonis (To. Christop.) Disputationes. Paciani Epistolre tres ad Symphronianum. Schclvigii (Sam.) Dissertationes. Socrates, Historia. Lib. I. cap. 22. Sozomeni Historia. Lib. I, cap. 10. Bingham's (Joseph) Dissertations. Burton's Ecc. hist, of the 2d and .3d cent. Lowth's (Simon) Excerpts from Eccl. hist. Whiston's Sermons and Essays. Novatus.* Cyprianse Epistola?. Dionysii Alex., Epistohe de Schismate. Paciani Epistola? ad Sympronianum. ■■•■" Often confounded with Novatian, -whicli see above. Novels. See fiction. Number 666. See antichrist. Loescherus de Numero Antichristi. Potter, Interpretatio numeri 666. Bibliotheca Sacra. l:8i,384. Clarke's (Edw.) False prophet of the Apoc. Clarke's (J. E.) Dissertations on the dragon, beast, and false prophet. Cunningham's Chronol. of the Apocalypse. Dissertation on the Seals. Faber (Geo. S.) on the Prophecies. Recapitulated Apostacy the only rationale of the concealed apocalyptio name of the Roman emjjire. Frazier's Mag. 16:477. Fysh's (Fred.) Beast and his Image. (Able.) Habershon on the Chronological prophecies. Holmes on Prophetical Chronology. McDougal's Chronology of the Bible. Park's Concise Expos, of the Apocalypse. Potter's (Francis) Interpret, of the No. 666. Purvess-on Prophetic time. Rabett's Lateinos. Stevens (N.) on the Name of the Beast. Taylor's Important passages of the Revela- tions of John compared with corresponding l)assages in Daniel. Thorn's Number and names of the Apoca' ly])tic beasts. TurnbuU's Duration of the Papal kingdom. Wealth's Name and number of the Beast. 329 Wumber of tlie Saved. Brown's (R.) By-ways of the Bible. tecker's (Abp.) Sermons, herlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Numismatics. See coins. Oaths. See PERjrRr, profaneness, third COMMANDMENT, VOWS. Cicero de Officiis. Lib. I. Grotius de Jure. Lib. II, cap. 12. Lydii (J.) Dissertationes. Molembecii (B. L.) Dissertationes. Nicolai (J.) Diatribe. (Oaths of the He- brews, Greeks, Romans, &c.) Puffendorf, de Jure naturae. Lib. IV, cap. 2. de Officiis. Lib. I, cap. 2. Seldeni (J.) Dissertationes. Spenceri (J.) Dissertationes. Alcock's Nature and obligation of an oath. Andrews' Lawfulness and form of oaths. Barrow's (Isaac) Sermons. Benson's Test, concerning oaths. (Quaker.) Bentley on the Needlessness of an oath. Besse's Defence of Quakerism. Blackall's (Bp.) Sermons. Brownlee's Olsligation and form of a civil 0. Calamy's (Benjamin) Sermons. Chris. Quar. Spect. 1:4.38. Claggefs (William) Sermons. Davies' (Tho.) Faith and practice of a Chris. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 9, prop. 146. Edinburg Review. 59:446. Falconer's (Tho.) Sermons. Fox's (Geo.) Treatise against swearing. Fuller's (And.) Works. (Papers in London Missionary Magazine.) Gataker's Exam, of the case of Quakers. Godwin's Enquiry into political justice. Green's Benefit of oaths. Gregory's (Thomas) Practical Sermons. Gruggen's Hulsean Prize Essay. 1844. Herepot's Essays on truths of importance. Hey's (Dr. J.) Lectures. Bk. 4. Hooke's Testimony against oaths. Investigator. 4:63. Junkin's The oath a Divine ordinance, and element of the social Constitution. Lewis' Dissertation on oaths. Lucas' (Robt.) Sermons. Palsy's Moral philosophy. Sermons. Phipps' Swearing prohibited by the Gospel. Quarterly Review. 61:215,390. Rush's (Judge) Charges. Sanderson's Obligation of oaths. Sharp's (Abp.) Sermons. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Tyler's (J. Endell) Nature, origin, &c. Wake's (Abp.) Sermons. Wayland's Moral Science. Westminster Rev. 5:23. 39:80. Whitby's Commentary. Matt. 5:33. WhittL.„^i's Case of the Quakers. (Answer to Gataker.) Wynyard's (J. M.) Sermons on Chris, duties. Oliedieuce. See good works. Allestree's (Richard) Sermons. Anderson's (J. S. M.) Sermons. Arnold's (Thomas, of Rugby) Sermons. Bather's (Edward) Sermons, Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Boone's (James) Sermons. Chalmer's (Thomas) Sermons. Christian Observer. 17:140. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Emmons' (Nathaniel) Sermons. Faringdon's (Anthony) Sermong. Haynes' Illustrations of faith and practice. Holdsworth's (R.) Sermons. Jewell's (Bp.) Works. Kemp (E. C.) on Christian Obedience. Kettlewell's (John) Five discourses. (The measures of obedience necessary to a regenerate state.) Lamb's (Robert) Sermons. Le Bas' (Charles W.) Sermons. Marshall's (Nathan) Sermons. Maul's (J.) Christian Manual. Mede's (Jos.) Works. Newman's (J. Henry) Sermons. Porteus' (Bp.) Sermons. Potts' (J. H.) Sermons. Riddock's (James) Sermons. Rogers' (John) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Stillingfleet's (Bp.) Sermons. Stillman's (Samuel) Sermons. Tindall's (The Martyr) Works. Vaughn's (Charles J.) Sermons. Whichcote's (Benjamin) Sermons. Obedience of Christ. See JESDS CHRIST, OBEDIENCE OP. Obedience to Rulers. See banqoriam CONTROVERSY, CIVIL GOVERNMENT, MAGISTRACY, PASSIVE OBEDIENCE, &C. Allen's Uniform obedience to rulers an indispensable duty. Bellamy's Works. Brougham's (Lord) Speecnes. Brown's (.1.) Law of Christ respecting civil obedience. Carr's (George) Sermons. Carson's Review of Brown on civil obedience. (A very able book.) Charnock's Works. Church of Eng. Review. 4:381. Dublin University Mag. 16:530. Fuller's Calvinistic and Socinian systems. Circular letter on obedience. Gisbourne's (Thomas) Sermons. Jones' (Wm. of Nayland) Sermons. Kettlewell's Measures of Christian 0. Mede's Works. Discourse 39. Ridgeley's Body of Divinity. Quest. 92. Saurin's Sermons. Spring's (Gardner) Essays. Ess. 15. Taylor's (Jer.) Ductor Dubitantium. Tillotson's Sermons. 330 Venn's (John) Sermons Waples' (Edward) Sermons. Obscurity of Scripture. See biblical CRITICISM, DIFFICULTIES. Atterbury's Posthumous Works. Bourne's (Samuel) Sermons. Foster's Answer to Tj'ndall. Jackson's (Dr. Tho.) Works. Bk. 3. Leland's Answer to Tyndall. Limborch's Theology. Watts' Orthodoxy and Charity. Occult Sciences. See astrology, DIVINATION, MAOIC. Offenses. See church discipline, disci- pline OF THE primitive CHURCHES. Bradbury's (Thomas) Sermons. Calamy's (Benj.) Sermons. (Giving ofiFence to weak brethren.) Chandler's (Sam.) Sermons. (Duty towards offending brethren.) Denison's (Edw.) Sermons. (Sin of causing offences.) Fawcett's (John) Sermons. Quincey's (Samuel) Sermons. Vaughn's (C. J.) Sermons. Offering of Isaac. See Abraham. Calvin's (John) Sermons. Delany's Revelation examined with candor. Favell's (James) Case of Abraham. Francis' (Dr. John) Sermons. Grove's (Henry) Sermons. Jenkins' Reasonableness of Christianity. Jortin's (J.) Sermons. Newton's (Bp.) Dissertations. Whiston's (William) Dissertations. Offices of Ctirist. See jesus Christ, Offices of tlie Spirit. See HOLY spirit, operations. Old Age. See middle aqe. Cicero de Senectute. Witsii Exercitationes Acadeinicarum. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Alexander's (A.) Counsels to the aged Alexander's (J. W.) Sermons. Bacon's (Roger) Care of old age. Baker's (Sir Rich.) German pulpit. Balguy's (Thomas) Sermons. Baxter's Converse with God. Belfrage's Duties and consolations of age. Bernard's (Sir T.) Spurinna. Blair's (Hugh) Sermons. Boyse's (Joseph) Sermons. Brewster's Meditations for tho aged. Buck (Cha.) on Religious Experience. Burgh's Dignity of human nature. Campbell's Hermippus revived. Chaplin's (Jer.) Evening of life. Christian Examiner. 57:61. Cicero's Essay on old age. Tr. by Melmoth. Darnell's (W. N.) Sermons. (Respect for the aged.) Old Age — cmiiinued. Davies' (James) Address to the aged; witU devotions suited to their state. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Fawcett's (John) Sermons. Gerard's (Alexander) Sermons. Girdlestone (Cha.) on the Christian life. Hare's (A. W.) Sermons. Heygate's Evening of life. Jerment's Religion a monitor to the middle aged, and a glory to the old. Lavington's (Sam.) Sermons. Lawson's Sermons to the aged. Harriot's (Harvey) Sermons. Mather's (Cotton) Address to old men. Melmoth's Cicero's Cato. Mountford's (William) Euthanasy. Newton's (John) Sermons. Noel's (B. W.) Meditations for the aged. Orton's (Job) Discourses. Pearce's (Joseph) Sermons. Pinney's Infl. of occupation on health. Pownall's Intellectual Physics. Retrospective Review. 7:64. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Smith's (John) Paraph, on Eccl. 12:1-6. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Stanford's Aged Christian's companion. Steele's (Rich.) Discourses. Thornton's Solid Resources for old age. Tyerman's Religion the noblest employ. Vance's (W. F.) Sermons. Omens. See superstition. Bigland's Essays. Ess. 7. Omnipotence of God. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Appleton's Works. Leet. 4. Bradford's (The Martyr) Works. Brakenridge's (William) Sermons. Brown's Philosophy of the mind. Charnock on the Attributes of God. Chevalier's Hulsean Lectures. 1827. Clarke's (Samuel) Sermons. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2. Dwight's Theology. Sermon 7. Fenelon's Demonstration of God. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses. Lester on the Omnip. and Wisdom of God. McCuIlock's (John) Sermons. Nicholson's (Bp.) Sermons. Saurin's Sermons. Tillotson's Sermons. Wilkins' Natural Religion. Wood's (Prof.) Works. Vol. 4. Omnipresence of God. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Beveridge's Sermons. Blaekley's (Thomas) Sermons. Brakenridge's (William) Sermons. Bullinger's Decades. (Parker Society publ.) Charnock's Works. Dealtry's (William) Sermons. asi Omnipresence of God — coniinxied. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 6. Elliott's(E.B.)Omnip. of God. (Prize poem.) Enfield's (William) Sermons. Fawcett's (Joseph) Sermons. Francis' (.John; Sermons. Gough's (Strickland) Sermons. Heber's (Bp.) Sermons. Hopkins' (Bp.) Sermons. Howe's Works. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Knowles' (Thomas) Sermons. Leland's (Thomas) Sermons. Marshall's (Nathan) Sermons. Moore's (Bp.) Sermons. Miiller's Christian doctrine of sin. Newton's Principia. Norris' (John) Sermons. Pearce's (Bp.) Sermons. Ramsay's Philosophical Principles. Saurin's Sermons. Smith's (S. S.) Sermons. Spectator. Nos. 565,571. Tillotson's Sermons. Turner's (John) Sermons. Walker's (Robert) Sermons. Whitaker's (Edw. W.) Sermons. Whitby's Sermons. Yonge's (James) Sermons. Second series. Omniscience of God. See attributes, CONTINaENCT, SCIENTIA MEDIA. Abernethy's Sermons. Appleton's Works. Lect. 5. Ball's (Nathan) Sermons. Baxter's (Arthur G.) Sermons. Breckenridge's (Robt. J.) Knowledge of God objectively considered. Carr's (George) Sermons. Charnock's Works. Clarke's (Sam.) Boyle Lectures. 1705,1706. Posthumous Sermons. Conant's (Dr. J.) Sermons. Delaune's (W.) Sermons. Dornan's (Wm.) Sermons. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 6. Edwards' (Bp.) Veritas Redux. Fawcett's (Joseph) Sermons. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses. Natural Religion. Francklin's (Thomas) Discourses. Howe's Works. Jackson on Human Liberty. Knight's (Sam.) Sermons. Knowles' (Thos.) Discourses. Leland's (Dr. Tho.) Discourses. Miller's (James) Discourses. Miiller's Christian doctrine of sin. Ridgeley's Body of Divinity. Robinson's Christian System. Essay 4. Saurin's Sermons. South's Discourses. Spurgeon's (Cha. H.) Sermons. 2d Series. Tillotson's Sermons. Wilkins' Natural Religion. Ontology. See mikd, transcbitdbktausk. Open Air Preaclilng. Christian Observer, 1861. P. 725. Operations of the Holy Ghost. See ADVOCACY, fruits of the spirit, SPIRITUAL GIFTS, WITNESS OF THE SP. Boerueri Spiritus sancti Chrismati. Foertschii Sp. S. ductu filiorum Dei. Frankius de Usu et abusu officii elenct. S. S. Frisius de Officio Sp. S. (Economico. Klemmii Charitosophia. Neuman, de Unctione, omnia docente. Perkins, de Libera Dei gratia. Weissius de Officio Sp. S. mnemonico. Wernsdorfii (Gottl.) Dissertationes. Allen's (Tho.) AVay of the Spirit in bringing souls to Christ. Andrews' Doctrine of grace. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Arthur's (Will.) Tongue of fire. Baylej' on the Person and work of the H. S. Beaehcroft's (Robt. P.) Sermons. Benfon's (C.) Lectures. Lect. 13. Biddulph (Tho. T.) on Divine influence. Booth's Reign of Grace. Boston's Covenant of Grace. Buchanan's Office and work of the Spirit. Burgess on Grace and Assurance. Carter's (N.) Sermons. Christian Observer. 20:289. Christian Review. 11:510. Claggett's (William) Discourses. Close's (Francis) Sermons on the Liturgy. Crosthwaite's (J. C.) Sermons. Faber's Ordinary operations of the H. S. Flavel's Method of Grace. Gilfillin's (Sam.) Practical Discourses. Goodwin On being filled with the Spirit. Haldane's (James A.) Essays. (Judicious.) Hall's (Peter) Four Sermons. (Able.) Hawker's (Robert) Sermons. Hewlitt (J. G.) on the Holy Spirit. Hinton's Work of the H. S. in conversion. Home's (W. W.) Sermons. Howe's (John) Office and work of the H. S. Hurrion on the Work of the Holy Spirit. Jameson's (J.) Reality of influence, &c. Jenkins' Union of the H. S. and the Church in the conversion of the world. Mant's (Bp.) Sermons. Bampton Lectures. Milner on the Holy Spirit. Mortimer's (Tho.) Sixteen Lectures. Muir's (William) Practical sermons. Newstead's Offices of the H. S. in connection with the conversion of the Heathen. Nind's (Wm.) on the Operations of the H. S. Noel's (Gerard T.) Sermons. Nolan's (Dr. Frederick) Sermons. Owen's (Dr. J.) Pneumatologia. (Admirable.) Priestley's (Tim.) Christian's looking-glass Riddock's (James) Sermons. Romaine's (William) Works. Ryan's (Vincent) Sermons. 332 Operations of tlie H. G. — continued, Scott's (Tho.) Essays. (Highly commended by Dr. Gill.) Searle's Charis. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Sherlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Simeon's (Charles) Sermons. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Skepp's Divine Energy. (Pref. by Dr. Gill.) South's (Robert) Sermons. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 2:595. Spurgeon's (Cha. H.) Sermons. 1st Series. Stebbings on the Holy Spirit. Stowell's (W. H.) Work of the Holy Spirit, Sumner's (John Bird) Sermons. Thornton's Fruits of the Spirit. Tottie's (John) Sermons. White's Ofiices of the Spirit. Whitefield's (George) Observations on some fatal mistakes. Wills' Historic def. of experimental religion. Wilson's Sacred Pneumatology. Winslow on the Work of the Holy Spirit. Ophlr. See geography. Breytenbach, Itinerar. Hierosolymitanum. Calmeti Comm. (Diss, prefixed to Genesis.) Cellarii Notitia orbis antiqui. Huetius de Navigationibus Salomonis. Lipenii (M.) Dissertationes. Martinier, Lexique Geographique. Oldermanus de Regione Ophir. Ortelii Thesaurus Geographicus. Relandi Miscellanea. Tychsenius de Commerciis et navigationibus Hebr. ante exilium Babylon. Varerrii (August.) Disputationes. W^iehmanshausen, Dissertationes. Reland's Dissertations. Opliltes. Epiphanius adversus Hareseos. Fuldneri Commentaria de Ophitis. Joecherus de Ophiorum hseresi. Kelle, Ophitarum mysteria retecta. Mosheim's Gesch. der Schlangenbriider. Schumacker's Lehrtafel der Ophiten. Vogtii (loan.) Bibliotheoa. Wilkii (Davidis) Dissertationes. Opinion. See freedom of opinion. Necker, I'lmportance des opinions relig. Schuppii (Jo. B.) Dissertationes. Amer. Biblical Repos. 5:114. Bailey's (S.) Essaj's on the formation and publication of opinions. (•' A most valu- able work." — Sir J. Macintosh.) Balguy's Sermons and tracts. (Opinions no ground of discord.) Barrow's (Win.) Bampton Lectures. 1799. 'Bibliotheca Sacra. 18:246. Bolton's Curb to wantonness of spirit. Burnside's Religion of mankind. Essay 16. (The culpability of error.) Christian Examiner. 39:82. 47:209. Opinion — continued. Christian Observer. 1:775. 2:526. 14:300. 19:641. 25:661,725. Edinburg Review. 91:265,508. Flavel (John) on Mental Errors. Francis' (Dr. John) Sermons. Frazier's Mag. 41:237. Glanville's Vanity of Dogmatizing. Hartley on Mistakes in Religion. Hey's (Dr. John) Lectures. Book 1. Jones' Dictionar}' of religious opinions. Leechman's (William) Sermons. (Responsi- bility for opinions.) Lewis' Infl. of authority in matters of 0. Michaelis' Infl. of language on opinion. Necker's Importance of religious opinions. Palmer on the Foundation of relig. opinion. Powlett's (Charles) Sermons. (Danger of speculation.) Princeton Review. 18:58. Simpson on Religious Opinions. Smyth's (Theyre) Hulsean Lectures. 1839. Southern Quarterly Review. 21:341. Taylor's (Isaac) Works. (Responsibility for opinions.) Taylor's (J.) Liberty of prophecying. Sec. 12. Wardlaw's (Ralph) Four sermons on man's accountability. Westminster Review. 6:1. 24:135. Wilks' (S. C.) Christian Essays. Opinions of tlie Fatliers. See HISTORY OF DOCTRINES, USE OF THE FATHERS. Botsaeci Patrologia. Brunfelsii Confutatio sophistices et ques- tionum curiosarum ex Origine, Cypriano. Chemnitii Oratio de lectione Patrum. Echardi Compendium theologise Patrum. Eppelini Selectiones. Flaccii Catalogus testium veritatis. Gravinse Synopsis theologise vet. Patrum. Harenburgii Theologia primorum Christ. Lopezii Epitome sanctorum patrum, per locos communes. Neandri Theologia Christiana. Noury, Apparatus ad Bibliothecam Patrum. Petavii Dogmata Theologica. Piscatori Bibliotheca studii theologici, ex plerisque doctorum,< etc. Schmidius de sententiis Doctorum primitivae ecclesias. Schulteti Medulla theologize Patrum. Zornii Delineatio theologia? patristicae. Many of the Latin writers mentioned in this work, under various heads, quote largely from the Fathers, and some of them are avowedly mere compilers of their opinions. Oppression. See slavery. Hutchinson's (Roger) AVorks. Knowles' (J. C.) Sermons. Marriot's (George) Sermons. Ogden's (Sam.) Sermons on the 10 comm'ts Orton's (Job) Sermons. Stebbings' (Henry) Sermons. 333 Optimism. Pro. Leibnitz, Essai sur la bont^ de Dieu. Other treatises. Lil'e of. Godwin's (Wm.) Political Justice. Hartley's ()l).-:ervations on Man. New England Mnj;. 7:17. Pope's 'Essay on Man. Priestley's (.Joseph) Works. Shaftsbury's Characteristics of Men, itomcal sitccession, EPISCOPACY, MINISTRY. Buddei Exercitationes. Courayer sur la Validite des ord. Anglaise. Koenigii Bibliothcca Agendorum. Losii Dissertatio Inauguralis. Melancthonis Opera. Marinus de sacr. Ecclesias ordinationibus. (Contains many rituals for 0., from both Oriental and Western liturgies.) Schmidii (And.) Dissertationes. Brewster's Reflections on ordin. services. Brickel on Ordination. Campbell's Ecclesiastical History. Channing's (Will. E.) Discourses. Chris. Examiner. 17:177. Chris. Monthly Spect. 9:505. Comber on the Consecration of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Doddridge's Tracts. Dorrington's Dissenting ministry condemned in Scripture. Elrington's Validity of English ordination. Fuller's (And.) Miscellaneous Works. Hickman on Ordination. Hojikins' System of Divinity, llorselcy's (Bp.) Sermons. Ives' Confidence Encountered. .James (Dr. John) on the 0. services. Lavington's (Samuel) Sermons. Leechman's (Dr. William) Sermons. McCheyne's (Robt. M.) Sermons. McKenzie's Ordination Lectures. Neal's History of the Puritans. Owen's (James) True Gosi)el Church. Parker's (Dr. William) Sermons. Raikes' (A.) Sermons at ordinations. Theological Magazine. For 1802. Watts' Christian Church. Wright's (Sam.) vSermons. Ordination Sermons. Adams. Z., at ordination of C. Stearns. P.alch, T., " W. Patten. Barnard, T., " I. Nichols. Bcccher, Lyman, " Missionaries. Bentley, W., " J. Richardson. Billingsley, S., " W. Harris. Calamy, Ed., " J. Munckley. 334 Ordination Sermons — continued. Collier, W., at ordinat. of G. W. Appleton. Conder, J., " J. Stafford. Dwight, Tim., " E. Pearson. Elliott, A., " J. McKean. Fordyce, J., " Several. Foxcroft, T., " Himself. Hale, M., " J. Woodman. Henry, Matt., " M. Atkinson. Holmes, A., " D. Kendal. " W. Bascom. « H. Hildreth. Mather, Cotton, " W. Waldron. McKeen, J., " A. Moore. ]■ irter, Eben., " I. W. Putnam. iwgood, S., " D. Harson. iv'ood, Leonard, " Missionaries. Most ordination sermons are printed as pamphlets, and therefore are not here cited. Organs. See instrumental music. Origen. Origenis Opera. (Ed. Lommatzsch. 25 vols.) Buddei Exerc. de allegoriis Origenis. Douein, Hist, des mouvments dans I'eglise. Erasmi Vita, et opera Origenis. Ernesti Institutio interpretis N. Test. Gaudentii Dogmatum Origenis cum philos. Platonis comparatio. Gregorii (Thau.) in Panegyriea oratio. Hagenbachii Observ. circa Origenis method. interpretandae. Halloix, 0. vita, virtutes, et documenta. Huetii Origenis commentaria cum notis. Karstenii (J. A.) Dissertationes. La Motte, Histoire d'Origene. Le Clere, Vie d'Origene. Rosenmulleri Historia interpretat. Ruffini Liber de depravatione libror. 0. Simon, Hist. Critique du Vieux Testament. Tillemonte, Memoires. Zornii Exercit. de eunuchismo Origenis. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 4:33. Barrow's (Capel) Theological Dissertations. Bellamy's Trans, of 0. against Celsus. Biblioth. Sacra. 3:378. British Quart. Rev. 2:49L Burton's Bampton Lectures. 1829. Chris. Exam. 10:306. 11:22. Conybeare's (J.J.) Bampton Lectures. 1824. Conybeare's (W. D.) " 1839. Collinson's Bampton Lectures. 1813. (Gives a conspectus of all the numerous writings of Origen.) Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics. Eclectic Mag. 7:81. Methodist Quart. Rev. 11:645. Quart. Rev. 89:87. Redepenning's Life of Origen. Rust on Origen and his ihief opinions. Vaughn's Life and writings of Origen. Orlgenlsts. Athanasius, Orationes. Origenlsts — continued. Augustin, Liber ad Orosium. Jerome, Epistolae. Douein, Histoire des mouvements, etc. Fabricii Bibliotheca. Fontanii Historia litterar. Aquiliensis. Horbii Historia Origeniana. Huet, Hist. Origenianorum. Oudini Dissertationes. Prato [or Jerome], Dissert, de Monachis. Original Sin. See human depravity, IMPUTATION OP Adam's sin. Augustin, de Peccato originali. Bartolocci de Pec. orig. secundum Rabbinos. Broueri (P. W.) Dissertationes Theologicae. Calovii (Abrah.) Dissertationes. Chemnitii.Examen Concilii Tridentini. Chenevierre, du Peche originel. Hofl'mann, contra Errores poutificorum. Hulsemanni (loann.) Dissertationes. Meisnerus, an Peecatum origo formaliter sit, aliquid positivi ? Osiandri (Lucas) Dissertationes. PfaflBi (Christoph.) Dissertationes. Quistorpius, an Peecatum originale sit mere privativum ? Rivetus de Imputatione primi peccati. Stapferi Institutiones. Cap. 3, sec. 9. Turner, de Primo peceati introitu. Voetius de Propagatione peccati originalis. (Gives the Augustan, Pelagian, Semi- pelagian, and Synergistic theories.) Walchii Hist. doctrinaB de pecc. originis. Whitaker, de Peccato originali. Willet, de lapsu Adami et peccato originali. Balguy's Tracts. Barrow's (William) Sermons. Bates' Rationale of the doctrine of orig. sin. Baxter on Original sin. Beecher's (Lyman) Views in theology. Bibliotheca Sacra. 22:494. Boardman (H. A.) on Original sin. Boston's Fourfold State. Brine's True sense of atonement for orig. sin. Burgess' (Ant.) Doc. of orig. sin vindicated. Burnet on the 39 Articles. Chris. Month. Spectator. 9:625. 10:16. Chris. Disciple. 1:349. 2:183. Chris. Observer. 20:343. Chris. Review. 17:1. Chris. Examiner. 52:77. 53:93. Clarkson's (David) Sermons. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Delaune's (William) Sermons. Edwards' (John) Armenian doct. condemned by S. Scripture. (Answer to AVhitby.) Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Edwards (Jonathan, of Oxford) on Orig. sin. Fairbairn's Theological Essays. Hajdane's (Jas. A.) Answer to Drummond's defence of Edw. Irving. Hayward's (S.) Sermons. Hey's Lectures on Divinity. Bk. 4. 335 Original Sln—conttntied. Hopkins' (Bp.) Doct. of the two covenants. Howe's Living Temple. , Limo Street Lectures. Mede's Works. Milner's Practical Sermons. Owen (J.) on Original sin. Park Street Lectures, by Dr. Griffith. Paj'ne's (G.) Doctrine of original sin. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Smith's (Robt.) Vind. and illustration, A.*^. Stackhouse's Hist, of the Bible. Bk. 1, ch. 3. Stephens' (N.) Vindiciae fundamenta. Taylor's (Jer.) Liberty of prophecying. Theological Essays from the Princeton Rev. Todd's Declarations of the Reformers. Toplady's Essays. Essay 3. Trapp's (Josej)b) Sermons. Ward's (Samuel) Prelections. Watson's (Ale.x.) Sermons. Watts' Ruin and recovery. AVesley's (John) Original sin defended. Westley's Sermons. Whitaker, Concerning original sin. Wilson's (Thomas) Sermons. Witsius on the Covenants. Origin of Evil. See evil, fall, fallen ANQELS, PRE-ADAMITES. Beausobre, Hist, de Manicha?isme. L.V, c. 1. Bilfinger de Origine mali prsecipue moralis. Buddei Miseellan. Sacrorum. Pars IIL Calvin, de Peccato originale. Cheneviere, du Peche originel. Disputatio de Orig. peccato inter Flacium et Strigel. 1560. Haberkornii (Pet.) Dissertationes. Junii (Francisc.) Dissertationes. King (Abp.), de Origine mali. Leibnitz, Essais de theodicae. Martinus de Causa peccati. Matthajus de Origine mali. Scharfii Disputationes Apologeticae. Strangius de Voluntate Dei. Thummii (Theod.) Dissertationes. Tilene, la Cause et de I'origine du p6che. Am. Bibl. Repos. 2d Series. 8:314. 10:353. Am. Quart. Register. 15:113. Balguy on Divine Rectitude. Bayles' Origin of evil. Bays on Divine Benevolence. Bellamy's (Joseph) Sermons. Bennet on the Cause of evil. Biblioth. Sac. 7:254,479. Brougham's (Lord) Dissertations on subjects connected with natural theology. Diss. 3. Buttervvorth on Moral Government. Casaubon's Origin of temporal evil. Chalmer's Natural Theology. (On the theory of Leibnitz.) Christian Disciple. 1:300. Christian Exam. 33:169. Christian Rev. 7:520. 8:7. Christmas' ,Sin ; its causes and consequences. Cudworth's Intellec. system of the Universe. Origin of 'E'vil—cnntimied. Clarke's (John) Boyle Lectures. 1719,1720. (Answers Bayle.) D'Oy ley's (George) Dissertations. Diss. 1. Duncan's (John) Philos. of human nature. Edwards (Pres.) on the Will. Part 4. Dissert, on Liberty and necessity. Fenelon's Philosophical works. Ferguson's Principles of moral science. Fleming's Necessity not the origin of evil. Foster's (Dr. James) Sermons. Gale's Court of the Gentiles. Part 4, bk. 3. Gilbert's (Jos.) Reply to Bennett. Glanvil's Lux Orientalis. Grove on the Wisdom of God. Hussey's (Christopher) Sermons. Jefirey's (John) Sermons. Jenyn's (Soame) Enq. into the origin of evil. Johnson's (Dr. S.) Rev. of S. J.'s Enquiry. King's (Abp.) Origin of evil. Law (E.) on the Origin of evil. Lovett's Cause of evil, physical and moral. Muller's Christian doctrine of sin. New Englander. 1:110. Placette's Refutation of Bayle. Priestley's Disquisitions. Princeton Review. 14:529. Shepherd's Nature and origin of evil. Smith's (John Pye) Sermons. Squiers' Problem solved. (Not quite.') Stillingfleet's Origines Sacrae. Bk. 3, ch. 3. Todd's (II. J.) Declarations of the reformers. Universalist Quarterly. 4:221. West on Moral agency. Williams' Hypothesis respecting, &o. Vindication of Do. Young's Evil not from God. (One of the last and best.) A good key to the controversy on this subject may be found in Chissold's Connec- tion of theology, jifiycholoi/i/, and physiohih) Works. Frazier's Magazine. 20:549. Garbett's Doctrine of the Eucharist. Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King^ Godkin's Apostolic Christianity. Golightly's New and strange doctrines. Goode's Divine rule of faith and practice. Reply to Pusey's letter to the Abp. of Canterbury. Several pamphlets. Gouldburn's Education of the world. Graham's (James) Essays. Green &, McGill's Popery and Puseyism. Griffin's Seven answers to the seven Essays and Reviews. Gurney's Puseyism traced to its root. Haddam's (A. W.) Rationalism. Halley (Robt.) on the Sacraments. Hamel's Tractarian tendencies of the age. Hampden's Inaugural Lecture. (This lecture gave rise to " The Hampden Controversy," which produced many pamphlets, pro and eon, in 1836 and 1837.) Hare's (Archdeacon) Charges. Contest with Rome. Miscellaneous Pamphlets. Harrison's Who are the Fathers ? Holden's Authority of tradition. Howard's Scripture opposed by Puseyism. Huertley (C. A.) on Miracles. Hughes' Voice of the Anglican Church, (Cites many Bishops and Archbishops.) Hughes' (J. G.) Philosoph}' of Puseyism, Irons' Idea of a National church. Jelf's (R. W.) Unsoundness of the Essays, &c, Jelf's (W. E.) Supremacy of Scripture. Jordan (J.) on Tradition. Joyce's (J. W.) The National Church. Lawrence's Examination of the theories of absolution. Lee's (W.) Examination of B. Powell on the evidences of Christianity. Livingston's Remarks on Oxford Theology. London Rev. 14:512, 20:193, 69:291, 81:70, 339 Oxford Theology — continued. Con. Mcllvaine'a (Bp.) Oxford divinity compared with that of the Roman and Anglican Churches. Madge on High-church principles. Mansell's Theories of the history of man. Methodist Quart. Rev. 1:58. 2:272. Miller's Bible inspiration vindicated. Neville's Observations on the Oxford tracts. New Englander. 5:452. New York Eclectic Museum. 2:354. New York Review. 5:136. 6:198. North Brit. Review. 3:166. 5:418. Oakley's Tract No. 90 historically refuted. Page's Position of the Church of England. Palmer's Letters to Wiseman. Peace's Phases of Tractarianism. Poole's (Rich.) Grand Contrast. Princeton Review. 10:84. 33:59. Rawlinson on the Pentateuch. Rogers' Eclipse of faith. Defence of Do. Essays ; selected from contributions to the Edinburg Magazine. Robins' Defence of the faith. Rorison's The Creative Week. Rose's (H. J.) Bunsen and Dr. Williams. Scollard's Rome weighed in the balance. Sewell's (W.) Letters to Pusey. Shuttleworth's Not tradition, but Scripture. Simons' (C.) Answer to Essays and Reviews. Smith's (Geo. S.) Tractarian System. Spurgin's (J.) Anti-tractarian tracts. Stowell's (H.) Tractarianism tested. Taylor's (Isaac) Ancient Christianity, 'laylor's (C. B.) Sermons. Tractarianism not of God. Thompson's Bamptou Lectures. 1853. [Trimyard's] Life of Bp. Bonner. (Ironical.) Turton's Doctrine of the Eucharist. Observations on Wiseman's reply. Universalist Quarterly. 1:48. Vaughn's (Robt.) Essays on Theology. Weaver's (Rich.) View of Puseyism. Wordsworth on the Interp. of Scripture. A multitude of pamphlets on this subject have been published, especially between 1832 and 1852. Paganism. See budhism, druids, idola- try', JITTHOLOOT, SALVATION OF THE HRATHEN, FETI0HI8M. Arnobius adversus Gentes. Athenagoras, Legatio pro Christianis. Athanasius, contra Gentes. Augustine, contra Paganos. Basil, Homilice in Hexameron. Chrysostom, contra Julianum. Clemens Alex., Sermones. Cyril, Opera. Eusebius, Preparatio Evangclica. Gregory Nys., adversus Graecos. Justin M., Apologia. Lactantius, Institutiones. P a g u n 1 s m — continued, Origen, contra Celsum. Tertullian, de Superstitione. Adami Exercitationes. Exerc. V. Buddei (Fr.) Theses Theologicae. Buddeus (Gul.) de Transitu Hellenismi. Classenii Theologia Gentilis. Commodiani Instructiones. Ilottingeri Thesaurus Philologicus. Kortholt, de Religione Ethnica. Nahuys, de Ethnicismo. Pfanneri Systema theologia gentilis. Rechcnbergii (Adam. I Dissertationes. Rudiger, de Statu Paganorum sub imperat. Christianis post Constantinum. St. Croix, Mysteres du Paganisme. Tzchirner's Fall des Heidenthum. Van Dale, Dissertationes. Voetii Dissertationes TheologicEe. Appleton's Works. Lect. 15,16. Brucker's History of Philosophy. Campbell's Necessity of Revelation. Cave's Primitive Christianity. (Appendix.) Dollinger's Judaism and Paganism. Enfield's History of Philosophy. Fiddes on Moral Virtue. Ireland's P. and Christianity compared. Leland's Advant. and Neees. of revelation. Malcom's Travels in S. Eastern Asia. 1839. (Describes the religion of the Burmans.) Monthly Review. 2:153. Pritchard's Egyptian Mythology. (Designed to illustrate the briyhi of Paganism.) Tholuek's Nature and moral influence of P. Warburton's Divine legation of Moses. Pain. Butler's (P. E.) Sermons. Butt's (Thomas) Sermons. Locke on the Understanding. Watts on the Passions. Palestine. See bead sea, geography, JERUSALEM. jEtsingeri Terra promissionis. 1582 Allatii Symmictus. 1620. Bachiene's Historisch und geogr'aphisch Beschreibung von P. 1766. Baumgarten, Peregrinatio in P. 1594. Bisselii P.- Topothesia. 1659. Bourasse, Voyage dans la Judea. 1860. Breydenbachii Peregrinationes. 1486. Brocardi Descriptio Terrse Sanctae. 1619. Brocquiere, Voyage a P. 1432. Cattovici Itenerarium. 1617. Chateaubriand, Iteneraire. 1811. Cottard, la Judee au temps de J. C. Fabii (F. T.) Peregrinationes. 1845. Geramb, Pelerinage a Jerusalem. 1833. Gesta Dei per Francos. 1611. (Gives the exact religious and social condition.) Hasselquist, Voyages dan le Levant. 1749. Heidmanni Palestina. 1650. Kuttner's Geographio von Pal'astina. 1861. 340 Palestine — crmtinved. Kraft's Topographie Jerusalem. 184R. (Gives the descriptious of Jerus. from Josephus. Tacitus, and New and Old Testament.) La Roque, Voyage dans la Palestine. 1718. Lamprecht's Palastina. 1S46. Lucas, Voyage dans la Palestine. 1720. Munk, Descrip. geograph., histor., etc. 1845. Oumantz, Voyage au Sinai. 1850. Pierotti, La P. actuelle dans ses rapports avec la P. ancienne. 1805. Rathburger's P.; Land uud Volk. 1850. Raumer's Palastina. 1838. Relandi P. ex monumentis veteribus illus- trata. 1714. Reybaud, la Syria, et Palestine, consider^es sous leur rapport historique archseologique, etc. 1835. Ritche's (W.) Azuba. 1S52. Roger, La Terre Sn'. 1664. (A minute topographical dep^nption.) Saulcy, Syrie et Palestine. 1855. Schwarze's Heilige Land. 1852. Teuschert's Pilgerreise. 1858. Theoderici Libellus de locis Sanctis. 1172. Reprinted 1865. Thevenot, Voyage au Egypte, etc 1664. 'X^olter, das Ileil. Land Wanderung. 1855. Waltoni Adparatus ad polyglotta. 1673. Zeigleri Terrae Sanctae descriptio. 1536. Alton's Lands of the Messiah. 1851. Paul and his localities, as lately visited. 1856. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 2d Series. 1:400. 6:419. 8:219. Amer. Eclectic Rev. 3:369. Anderson's Wanderings in Israel. 1851. Arundale's Picturesque tour, Ac. 1837. Aveling's Voice of many waters. 1855. Bannister's Holy Land. 1844. Maps. Bartlett's Footsteps of our Lord. 1855. Benjamin's (Rabbi) Itenerary. (Accurate in the 12th cent. An abridgment is given in Pinkerton's voyages.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 1:221. Bonar's Land of Promise. 1858. Brocquiere's Travels in Palestine. 1432. Bruin's Voyage to the Levant. 1825. Baltinch's Holy land. 1834. Burckhard's Travels in Palestine. 1822. Games' Syria and the Holy Land. 1837. Cheyne's Mission to the Jews. 1837. (900 references to Scripture.) Christian Examiner. 27:88,245. 28:89,224. 31:222. 53:178. 63:211. Clarke's Travels in the Holy land. 1800. Crosby's (H.) Lands of the Moslem. 1851. Brew's Scripture lands in connection with their history. 1860. Durbin's Observations on the East. 1845. Eclectic Review. New Series. 1:1,626. Egerton's Tour in the Holy land. 1840. Fiske & Hershell's Palestine. 1842. Formby's Visit to the Holy land. 1843. Palestine — crmtinved. Foster's Norrisean Cambridge Prize Essay. (On the mode of illustrating S. Scripture from the relation of travellers.) Graham's Topographical Dictionary of P (Made to illustrate the Bible.) Haekett's Tour in the Holy land. 1855. Hardy's Places mentioned in S. S. 1835. Hasselquist's Natural History of P. 1745. Hibbard's Gcog. and History of P. 1851. Joliffe's Letters from Palestine. 1820. Jowett's Syria and the Holy Land. 1825. Kelly's Syria and the Holy Land. 1844. Kitto's History of P. to the present. 1852. Scripture lands. 1850. Atlas. La Roque's Voyage to Syria. 1722. Lamartine's Pilgrimage to Palestine. 1832. Landseer's Sabaean Researches. 1823. Leigh's Scripture Atlas. Lightfoot's Chorography of Canaan. 1684. Lynch's Exped. to the Jordan and Dead Sea. Maddox's Travels in Turkey and P. 1827. Mandeville's Holy land. 1564. Margoliouth's Pilgrimage. 1850. Plates. Maundrell's Journey to Jerusalem. 1697. ("A little book, but worth a folio." — Bp. Newton.) Methodist Quart. Rev. 2:5. Newman's From Dan to Beersheba. 1864. North Amer. Rev. 53:174. North British Rev. 2:215. 8:57. Olin's (Steph.) Travels in Palestine. 1843. Osborne's P., past and present. 1868. Petachia's (Rabbi) Travels. (12th century.) Tr. by A. Benisch. 1856. Pocock's Travels. 1743. Porter's Five years in Damascus. Princeton Review. 1:156. 13:583. Quarterly Review. 2:150. 54:155. Eansom's Biblical Topography. Roberts' Holy land. 1846. Robinson's (Ed.) Bib. Researches in P. 1838. Later Researches. 1852. Maps. Robinson's (Geo.) Palestine and Syria. 1837. llohr's Palestine in the time of Christ. Russell's Palestine from the earliest period to the present. 1832. Plates. Sepp's Jerusalem and the Holy land. 1864. Smith's (J. V. C.) Pilgrimage to P. 1852. Southern Quart. Rev. 9:285. Spencer's Egypt and the Holy land. 1850. Stanley's Sinai and P. 1856. Maps, plates. Stent's Holy land. 1843. Taylor's (B.) Lands of the Saracen. 1855. Thompson's The Land and the Book. 1859. Tobin's Land of inheritance. 1863. Walch's Amer. Rev.. 1:89. Whitby's Table of places mentioned in the New Testament. 1718. AVilson's (John) Lands of the Bible. 1847. Wilson's (W. R.) Travels in P. 1826. Wright's Early travels in P. (Comprises the narratives of Arculf, Willibald, Ber- nard, Soewulf, Benjamin, Mandeville, Broc- quiere, and Maundrell. With notes.) 341 Woodcock's Scripture lauds. ii49- This copious list is given, »nth dates, that the curious may trace the changes in the condition of tQe people. Pandects. See canon law. PantUelsm. See atheism. Papal Bulls. See decretals. Ballerin de Potestate eccles. S. Pontificum. Benedicti BuUariuin. Bullarium Magnum Romanorum : studio Coqueliues, et aliorum. 89 vols. 1849. Cherubini Bullarium Romanorum. Dupuy, les Libertes d'eglise Galilean. Eisenschmid's Romisches Bullarium. There are numerous collections of Bulls, and many of them with commentaries. Papias. Grabii Fragmenta librorum Papiae. (In his Spicilegium S. S. Patrum. These "frag- ments" are all that remain of this Father, and are gathered out of Eusebius, Ireneus, and others.) Lardner's Credibility. (Translates some of the Fragments, and is the only English version.) Parables. Bonneti (G.) Dissert, philol. theologies. Brouer de Parabolis Christi. Eilert's Homilien iiber die Parabeln Jesu. Grossmanni P. Christi ex rebus Romanis illustrata. Lisco's Parabeln Jesu bearbeitet. Rettburg de Parabolis J. C. Schulteni (W.) Diatribe de parabolis. Schultze de Parabolarum J. C. linger de Parab. J. C. indole poetica. Arnot's Parables of our Lord. Bailey's (Dr. J.) Mysteries of the kingdom. Bailey's (B.) Exp. of the parables. Bourn (Sam.) on the Parables. Bragge on the Parables. Bulkley's (Benj.) Sermons on the Parables. Burns' (Jabez) Sermons on the Parables. Chris. Monthly Spect. 1:505. Christian Rev. 8:199,588. Close (Dean Francis) on the Parables. Collyer's (W. B.) Lectures on the Parables. Cumming's (John) Foreshadows. (Poor.) Dodd's (Wm.) Miracles and par. of Christ. Drummond's Engravings of the New Test. Farrar's (John) Sermons on the Parables. Gray's (A.) Delineation of the P. of Christ. Greswellon the P. ("Sterling." — Lowndes. "Great and learned." — British Critic.) 9rinfield's {E. W.) Sermons on the Parables. Guthrie on the Parables. 1865. Horlook's Exposition of the Parables. Jortin's (S F.) Sermons. Kirk's (Ed. N.) Lectures on the Parables. Knight's (James) Discourses on the P. Parables — continued. Krummacher on the P. Trans, by Johnson. Reach's (Ben.) Gospel mysteries unveiled. (" Every time my attention is drawn to it, it enhances its value." — Valpy. "A book without which no minister's library is complete." — -De Coetlogon.) Lisco's P. of Jesus. Trans, by Fairbairn. Lonsdale's Exposition of the Parables. Mackensie's (L. J.) Lectures on the P. Moore's (Hannah) Works. Neander on the Parables of Christ. Norris' (William) Sermons. O'^ilvie's Bampton Lectures. 1836. Oxenden's Parables of our Lord. Princeton Rev. 5:481. Proudfit's (Alex.) Lectures on the Parables. Roberts' (Arthur) Sermons on our Lord's P. Scriver (Chr.) on Select P. Tr. by Berinstofif. Short's (Wm.) Sermons. Stanhope's Practical explanation of the P. Stanley's Conversations on the Parables. Stevens' (W. B.) P. of the New Testament. Stakes' (Dr. G.) Sermons. Trench on the Parables of our Lord. Trinder's (W. M.) Sermons on the Parables. Upjohn's Parables of Christ. Westm — continued. Anselm do Concordia gratiaj Dei cum libero arbitrio. Bradwardin, de Causa Dei. Home de Sententiis patrum. Jansenii Augustinus. (This great work col- lects all that Augustine wrote touching Pelagianism, even every scattered sentence. In an appendix is collated all the passages, in the other Fathers, relating to this con- troversy. It occupied the author twenty years.) Noris, Vindicise Augustinianse. Marii Opera. (The best edition is that of Baluze. 1684.) Mercntoris (Marii) Opera. Vossii (G. J.) Theses Theolog1c£e. Wiggers' Darstellung d. Augustinismus und Pelagianismus. Beza's Popery in patched Pelagianism. Biblioth. Sac. 5:205. Christian Rev. 3:411. Knox's (John) Answer to the blasphemoua cavillations, &c. Lit. and Theol. Rev. 4:469. 5:38. Methodist Quar. Rev. 8:436. Short's Bampton Lecture. 1846. Skepp (John) on Divine energy. Wiggers on Augustanism and Pelagianism. Williams' (John) Dissertation on P. The writers of the 5th century on this controversy, are mentioned by Boddeus, in his hagoge, Tom. II. The following histor- ical works sufficiently set forth the chief arguments. Pelagians, History of. Alvarez de orgine Pelag. hteres. et ejus pro- gressu et damnatione. Buddei Isagoge ad Theologiam. Daniel, Histoire du Coneile de Diospolis. (In his Opuscula.) Garnerii Supplemcntum Oper. Theodoreti. Jacobi die Lehre des Pelagius. Lilienthali Miscellanea Sacra. Longueval, Historia Pelagiana. Noris, Diss, de Synodo Quinta fficumenica. (A famous work, by a jiapal writer.) Petavii Pelagianorum dogmatum historia. Vossii Hist. Pelagiana. (Apologetical.) AValchii (J. G.) Miscellanea Sacra. Fairbairn's Theological Essays. Le Clerc's Life of Clemens Alexandrinus. Norris' (Robt.) History of Pelagianism. Usseri Antiquitates Ecclesiasticaj. Wall's History of Infant B.aptism. Chap. 19. Wigger's History of Augustinism and Pela- gianism, from original sources. Translated by R. Emerson. Penance. See popert. Dalla?us de Poenis et Satisfactione. Ledrou, Diss. IV de contritione. 351 Penance — continufd. Morinus de Disciplina poenitentiae. ("A work which contains whatever can be said on the subject." — Dupin.) Suiceri Observationes Sacrae. Butler's (Alban) Sermons. Cave's Primitive Christianity. Part 3, eh. 5. Gahan's (William) Sermons. (Papal.) Salter's Hall Sermons. Ser. by Dr. Hunt. Sterne's (Lawrence) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Polemic Sermons. AVharton (C. H.) on Penance. Penitent Thief. Bateman's (Josiah) Sermons. Blunfs (Henry) Sermons. Dealtry's (William) Sermons. Penn, ■William. See friends. Marsillac, Vie de Guil. Penn. Penn's (Wm.) Works. 2 vols., folio. 1756. Analytical Mag. 2:442. Bess' Confut. of the charge of Deism agt. P. Christ. Rev. 17:555. Democratic Rev. 29:130. Eclec. Mag. 21:433. 23:115. Edinb. Rev. 21:444. (Jeffrey.) 94:116,229. Life of Penn ; by Clarkson. by D'Aubign6. by Dixon. by Ellis. by Janney. Littell's Living Age. 8:617. 27:304. 29:297. 30:419. Meth. Quart. Rev. 12:119. N. Am. Rev. 66:109. Paget's Inquiry into the charges brought by Lord Macaulay against W. Penn. Sparks' American Biography. Westminster Rev. 54:117. Pentateucli. See Samaritan Pentateuch. ArnauJ, le Pent, defendu contre les attaques de la critique negative. Arnheim's Anmerkungen. Frazzeni Disquisitiones Biblicae. Gesenius de Pentateucho. Grandpierre. Essais sur la Pentateuque. Hartmann, Hist, kritischc forschungen, eta. Hcngstenherg's Geschichte des P. erwiesen. Authentic des Pentateuchs. Hufnagle de Pent, versione Alexandrinse. Koolhaas, Observ. philologico-exegeticse. Levi, Nouvelle traduction Franjaise. Meklenburgii (J. Z.) Seriptura ac traditio. Mendelssohn's Einleitung in Pentat. Mosis. Paulus, Commentatio eritica vers. Pent. Robertson! Clavis Pentateuchi. (The words in their order, with Latin and English versions, notes, &c. New Edition by Kinghorn. 1824.) Rosenmiiller, de Versione Pent. Persiea. Theineri Descriptio codicis manuscripti qui vers. P. Arabic! continet. Toepler de P. interpretatione Alexandrina. Tychseni Disputat. histor. philol. eritica. Pentateuch — continued. Alexander's (W.) P. illustrated. (Historical, geographical, and explanatory.) Alli.x's Reflections on the books of Moses. Amer. Bib. Repos. 2:681. 11:416. 12:458. Amer. Quart. Register. 9:59. f Bibliotheca Sac. 2:356,668. 4:188, Blunt's Hulsean Lectures. 1832. Veracity of the P. argued from undesigned coincidences. Brightwell's (T.) Notes on the Pentateuch. Brownson's Quart. Rev. 2d Series. 2:507. Caunter's Poetry of the Pentateuch. Christ. Exam. 28:147. 29:63. Eclec. Rev. 4th Ser. 9:415. 15:267. 28:694. Exeter Hall Lectures to young men. Faber's (Geo. S.) Bampton Lectures. 1801. Graves' Lectures on the Pentateuch. Grinfield's Apology for the Pentateuch. Green's (W. H.) Pentateuch vindicated. (Reply to Colenso.) Hamilton's P. and its assailants. (Meets every form of modern objection. 1852.) Havcrnick's Introduction to the Pentateuch. Translated by W. L. Alexander. Trans, by Thomson. Hengstcnberg's Genuineness, &o. Translated by J. E. Ryland. Jamieson's Use of sacred history. (Two preliminary dissertations.) Le Clerc's Twelve Dissertations. Lit. and Theol. Rev. 2:171. MacDonald's Introduet. to the P. (Discusses the genuineness, authority, and design.) N. Amer. Rev. 22:274. Palfrey's Academical Lectures. Parker's Bibliotheca Biblica. (A Comm. on the Pentat. from the writings of the early Fathers, with a catalogue of heretics cen- sured by them. This huge work is accom- panied by many Dissertations by Dr. Heywood, on the more curious and un- common subjects.) Popham's Extracts from the P., compared with passages in Greek and Latin authors. Porter's Pentateuch and the Gospels. Princeton Review. 2:549. 10:542. Smith's (Geo.) Lectures on the P. (Special reference to recent objections. 1863.) Thompson's Guide to the study of the P. Townsend's (George) Pentateuch and Job arranged in chronological order. Yeates' Collation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch. Pentecost. See nr ft of tongues, SPIRITUAI, GIFTS. Porfectability of Alan. See HUMAN prosress. Perfection, Christian. lis attninableneaa in this life, Pn,. Maciirii Homiliae. Osorio de Justitia Coelesti. 352 Perfection, Clirlstiau — continued. Osorio de Nobilitate Christiana. Rodriguez, Idea perfectionis Christiana?. Baker's (A.) Sermons on the afifections. Barclay's A.pology. Besse's Defence of Quakerism. Caussin's (Nicholas) Holy Court. Couling (Nich.) on the Saints' perfection. Fenelon on Christian Perfection. Finney's (Cha. G.) Lectures to Christians. Fitch (Charles) on Christian perfection. Fletcher's Checks to Antinomianism. Harrison on Entire Sanctification. Hunt on Entire Sanctification. Law (Wm.) on Christian Perfection. Life of Wesley : by Coke. Lucas' (Dr. Rich.) Practical Christianity. Mahan on Christian Perfection. Methodist Quart. Review. 1:123,307. 3:447. 8:293. 9:484. Oberlin Evangelist. Periodical. Peek's Doct. of P. stated ; with a critical and historical exam, of the controversy. Central idea of Christianity. Penn's (G.) Institutes of Macarius. Summerfield's (John) Sermons. Treffry on Christian Perfection. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Oon. Gahn, de Causis cur homo ad perfectam sanotitatem non pervenit. Melancthonis Loci communes. Amer. Biblical Repos. 5:166,406. 2d Series. 1:44. 2:143. 4:408. Augsburg Confession of faith. Ball's (Nathaniel) Sermons. Bates' Spiritual perfection unfolded. Cappe's (Newcombe) Practical Discourses. Christian Rev. 7:222. 9:232,481. Christian Quart. Spect. 1:1. Clarke's (Dr. Samuel) Sermons. Doddridge's Commentary on 1 John 3:9. Edinb. Review. 21:8. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Fox's (John) Reply to Osorio. (Powerful.) Gale's (Dr. John) Sermons. Hale's Methodism inspected. Lit. and Theol. Rev. 1:554. 3:5. Lucas' (Richard) Sermons. New Englander. 1:216. 6:177. Princeton Rev. 13:231. 14:426. Selections from Edinb. Review. 3:214. Snodgrass' Scripture doct. of Santification. Upham on Christian Perfection. Waterland's (Daniel) Sermons. Watmough's Practical Essays. Wood's (Leonard) Works. Period of Clirist's Ministry. See CHRONOLOor, duration. Period of 1260 years. See antichkist, DANIEL, MILLENNIUM, PROPHECT. Brown's (John Aquila) Eventide. Christian Observer. 14:427. 28:396. Cunningham on the Seals and Trumpets. Digby on the 1260 years. Ettrick's Second Exodus. Season and Time. Faber's (Geo. S.) Sacred Calendar. Habersham on the Prophetic Scriptures. Maitland's Inquiry into the grounds on which the prophetic periods of Daniel and John are supposed to consist of ] 260 years. Second Inquiry. Letter to Rev. W. Digby. Reply to Cunningham. Manchester's (Geo.) Times of Daniel. Whitaker on Prophecy. (Opposes Faber.) Perjury. See oaths, third commandment. Putfendorf de Leg. Naturae. Lib. IV, cap. 2. Barrow's Works. Blair's (James) Sermons. Burnet's (Gilbert) Sermons. Disney's Crying sin of Perjury. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2, prop. 56. Fisher's Guilt and danger of perjury. Green (Bp.) on the Wickedness of perjury. Paley's Moral Philosophy. Wake's (Abp.) Sermons. Whitaker's (Edw. W.) Sermons. Persecution. Augustine, Opera. Athanasius, Apologetiei duo. Athenagoras, Legatio pro Christianis. Clemens Alex., Opera quae extant. Justin M., Apologite dace. Origen, Exhortatio ad martyrium. Tertullian, de Prsescriptione Haereticorum. Abernethy's (Dr. John) Tracts. Bayle's Philosophical Com. on Luke 14:23. " Compel them to come in." Bray on Papal Usurpation. Childs' Mischief of persecution. Christian Observer. 10:13. Clarke's (Dr. Sam.) Sermons. Looking-glass for persecutors. Cotton's Bloodj' tenet washed. (Justifies.) Dick's Philosophy of Religion. Ch. 4. Doddridge's (Philip) Sermons. Doddridge's (J.) Lectures. Part 3. prop. 77. Duncan on Persecution for opinion's sake. Eclectic Rev. New Series. 7:573. Edwards' (Thomas) Dissertations. Emlyn's CThomas) Tracts. Evans' Peace and Persecution inconsi.«tent. Fariugdon's (Anthony) Sermons. Foster's (James) Sermons. Fox (Geo.), Concerning P. in all ages. Moderation of the heathen Emperors. Francowitz's Witnesses of the truth. Grosvenor's (Benjamin) Sermons. Hickes's (Dr. Geo.) Sermons. (What is P.?) Horneck's (Anthony) Sermons. Humphreys' (W. G.) Hulsean Lectures. 1850. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Life of Erasmus. (Has some fine passages touching the iniquity of Protes- tants persecuting Baptists.) 353 Persecntion—cnnfinui'd. Lactantius on the Deaths of persecutors. Trnntilatccl by Burnet. Liuiborch's History of the Inquisition. (In- trotluction.^ Martin Marinelate's Dialogue, wherein is laid open the tyrannical dealing's of the Lord JJishops!, &c. Arraignment of Mr. Persecution. Masillon's Sermons. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. Moyle's Posthumous Works. putt's Evangelical Christendom. Price's Morals. Salter's Hall Sermons. Ser. by Grosvenor. Shaftesbury's Characteristics of men, &o. Sumner's (Bp.) Sermons. Taylor's (jer.) Liberty of prophecying. Watson's Apology for the Bible. Wickliffe (J.) on Persecution. Williams' (Roger) Bloody tenet. Essays on religious liberty. Bloedy tenet more bloody. (Reply to Cotton.) Persecution, History of. Cyprian, de Mortibus persecutorum. Lactantius, de Mortibus persecutorum. Benkendorf's Kurtzgefasste Historic. Camboline, Hist. d. evenemens, etc. (France.) Cellarii Dissert. Academicse. (Under Nero.) Claude, Tableau de la P. sous Louis XIV. Comenii Hist, persec. ecclesiiie Bohemicffi. Coquerel, les Formats pour la Foi. Eusebius de Martyribus Palestinae. Fabricii Lux Bvangelii Salutaris. Cap. 25,26. Heumani Disputationes. (Under Trajan.) Huldrious de calumnii? Gentilium in Chris. Kirchmayeri Dissertationes. (Under Trajan.) Kortholti Paganus obtrectator. Persec. eceles. primitivae. Lazari Diss, select*. (Apostolic age.) Ruinarti Hist, persecutionis VandaliciB. Simonetta Hist, des persecutions. Tesmari Processus Gentilium in Christianos. Walch, Christianorum sub Diocletiano P. P. Neronianae Explicatio. Aikman's Annals of P. in Scotland. Aretius' Historj' of Valentinian. Backus' (Isaac) History of New England. Bathumley's Material passages of Ch. Hist. Benedict's History of the Baptists. Besse's Sufferings of the Quakers. Bion's Torments of French Protestants aboard the Galleys. 1712. Bowers' Lives of the Popes. Bray's Papal Usurpations. Bungener's Priest and the Huguenot. Bowers' Lives of the Popes. Burman on the Persecution of Diocletian. Chandler's Hist, of persecution. (From the patriarchal age, by Heathen, Papists, and Protestants, to George II.) Ciocci's P. at Rome in the 19th century. Clark's (Sam.) General Martyrology. Plates. 28 Persecution, History of—cnntinutd. Comenius' Hist, of the Bohemian persecut. Coverdale's (Miles) Godly, fruitful, and comfortable Letters. (Contains letters of Cranmer, Ridley, Hooper, Philpot, Brad- ford, Lady Grey, and many others. De- serves to be reprinted.) Croshy's History of the Baptists. De Castro's Persecution of Spanish Protest. Eclectic Rev. 4th Ser. 8:423. (Madagascar.) Ellis' Visits to Madagascar. 1850 to 1856. Enaroll's P. of Protestants in France. Fish's (H. C.) Price of soul liberty, and who paid it. Fox's (John) Acts and Monuments. Gibbon's (Tho.) Oj)press. of French Protest. Gough's History of the Quakers. History of the Edict of Nantes. (Being an account of all the persecutions that have been in France from its first publication to the present time. 1694.) Howie's Scotch Worthies. Ivemy's History of the Baptists. Lactantius' Death of persecutors. Trans, by Bp. Burnet. Tr. by Lord Hailes. Tr. by Dairy mple. (The best.) Lardner's Jewish and Heathen testimonies. Lloyd's Memoirs of the lives, actions, suffer- ings, &c., of those who have suffered for the Protestant religion. Lockman's History of Popish persecutions. Lombard's Ancient and modern persecutions. Marolle's Persecution of Prot. in France. McCoan's Protestant endurance under Popish cruelty. Neal's History of the Puritans. Niles' Register. 18:82. Rey's Persecutions by the French clergy. Robinson's (Anth.) History of Persecution. Schoberl's Intolerance of the Ch. of Rome. Simpson's Voice from the desert. (Persecu- tion in Scotland.) Symson's Persec. of the first 6 centuries. Taylor's (M.) England's bloody tribunal. Many plates. Westminster Rev. 2:1. Wilkes' History of the persecution of Protes- tants in France in 1814-1840. Woodrow's Sufferings of the Ch. of Scotland. Wright's History of Religious P., from tho Apostolic age to the present. 1816. Perseverance of the Saints. Abbot (R.) de Perseverantia Sanctorum. Acta Synodi Dordrect. Kendall (G.) Sanctis Sancti. Markii Medulla. Cap. XXVII. Prideaux Leetiones de controversis. Stapferi Theologiae Institutiones. Tarnovii Exercitationes Biblicaj. Appendix. Witsii Eeonomia Foederis. Lib. III. Zanchii Opera tlieologica. Vol. VII. Backus' (Isaac) Sermons. Baxter's End of Controversy. 354 Perseverance — cnntinwd. Brackenbury's (Edward) Discourses. Crisp's (Tobias) Christ alone exalted. Dawson's Vindication of the saint's P. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 8. Dwight's Theology. Disc. 87. Edwards' (John) Theologia reformata. Veritas redux. Edwards' (Pres.) Works. (Sermons.) Evans (J. H.) on the Doct. of final persev. Gill's Sermons and tracts. (Very clear.) Hale's Golden Remains. Hall ^Tho.) on Final Perseverance. Hall's (Bp.) Polemic works. Hall's (Robt. Sen.) Help to Zion's trarellers. Home's (Bp.) Discourses. Howe's Living Temple. Kendall's Doct. of the P. of the saints vind. Knowles' (Thomas) Sermons. Lime Street Lectures. Maurice's Sermons. Mavor's (William) Sermons. Oliver's (Tho.) Refutation of the Doct., Ac. Owen (John) on the P. of the saints. Paige on the Perseverance of the saints. Park Street Lectures. Lect. 11. Prynne's Perpetuitie of a regenerate man's estate. God no deluder. Ryder's (Bp.) Sermons. Saurin's Sermons. Spurgeon's (C. H.) Sermons. 8th Series. Stennet's (Samuel) Sermons. Taggart's (Sam.) Vind. of the doctrine of P. Toplady's Works. Tyler's Doctrine of the Persev. of Saints. Tyndall's (Wm. the Martyr) Works. Whately's (Abp.) Essays. Ess. 4. Whitby's Discourse on the five points. AVilliston's Sermons. Zanehius' Three tracts. Personal Identity. Butler's Analogy of relig. and nat. Diss. 1. Doddridge's Lectures. Proposition 11. Le Clerc's Ontology. Chap. 2. Locke's Essays. Bk. 2, chap. 27. Reid's Intellectual Powers. Watts' Essays. Ess. 12. Personal Reign of Christ. See MILLENARIANS, SECOND ADVENT. Personal Religion. See pract. piety, and the various graces, aud duties, under their proper heads. Personality of the Holy Gliost. See HOLT SPIKIT. Deutschius de Personalit. Spiritus S. Doederlini Theologia. Dorschei (loann. Geo.) Dissertationes. Gerhardi Loci Theologici. Melancthonis Opera. Noeselti Opuscula. Christian Review. 17:21.3. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 70. Personality of the H. G. — continued. Hawker's Sermons. Jenkins on the Holy Spirit. Middleton on the Greek article. Owen on the Holy Spirit. Pierce's (S. E.) Scripture Testimonies. Scott's (Tho.) Theological Essays. Ess. 13. Smith's (John Pye) Sermons. Stephens (Will.) on the Holy Spirit. Vaughn's (J.) Lectures. Lect. 8. Wardlaw's (Ralph) Discourses. Perverseness. Nance's (John) Sermons. Parry's (Joshua) Sermons. Peshito Version. See striac. Pestilence. Wedelii (G. W.) Exercitationes decades. Andrews' (Bp.) Sermons. Bridges' (Wm.) Works. (Expos, of Ps. 91.) Grindall's Remarks. (Parker Soc. publ.) Hooper's (Bp.) Homily. (In his works edited by L. Richmond.) Scott's (John) Narrative of the great plague of London, with remarks on religious preparation for pestilence. Peter. See bioorapht. Clemens Rom., de Rebus gestis, peregrina- tionibus, etc., Petri. Bibliander, de Vita, doctrina, operibus. Ellendorf, ist P. in Rom unci Bischof d. Rom. Kirche gewesen ? Korthoiti Dissertationes. Passaglia de prerogativis Petri. (Collects all the incidents in Peter's life. Canonical, Apocryphal, and Traditional, which seem to favor the doctrine of his supremacy over the other Apostles.) Sanctorii Acta Sancti Apostoli Petri. Spanheim de Ficta profectione P. in Rom. Stengelii Com. rerum gestar. prineipis P. Strauchii Diss, historico-theologica. Veleni Tract, quo 18 argum. adserunter Petrum nunquam Romge fuisse. Xavier (Hier.), Historia sancti Petri. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Blunt's Lectures on the history of Peter. Brown's (J. H.) Peter never at Rome. Christ. Monthly Spectator. 4:1. 10:172. Dehon's (Bp. T.) Sermons. Graves' (Richard) Sermons. Lake's (Bp.) Sermons. Lee's (Bp. Alfred) Practical Discourses. (His life of Peter is also printed separately.) North British Rev. 10:39. (On the question Was Peter ever at Rome ?) Scheller's Was Peter ever at Rome ? Sherlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Simon's Miss, and Martyrdom of Peter. (Preface, Ac, by McCaul and Cumming.) Taylor's Norrisean Cambridge prize essay. Thompson's (F. E.) Lent Lectures. Lect. 10. 355 Peter's Dissimulation. Bradford's (Charles) Sermons. Gilpin's (William) Sermons. Jay's (W.) Short sermons for families. Mason's (John) Sermons. McGill's (Stephenson) Sermons. Quenstedt's Dissertations. Rees' (Abraham) Sermons. Richter on Paul's Rebuke to Peter. Taylor's (T. G.) Conduct and ohiir. of Peter as giving evidence of the Chris, religion. Peter the Hermit. Oultreman, Vie de Pierre Thermit. Petrobruslaiis. See council of pisa. Bassnage, Histoire des Eglises Reformees. Codex Inquisitionis Tolosanas. Heckerus de Testibus veritatis. Sec. XII. Heltneri Petrobrusiani et Henriciani Testes veritatis. Seculo XII. Mabilloni Annales Bonedictini. Meisneri (loann.) Dissertationes. London Baptist Mag. July, 1862. PharaoH, Hardening of. Bloomfleld's (Bp.) Sermons. Bradley's (Charles) Sermons. Fleetwood on Miracles. Limborch's Theology. Bk. 6, eh. 9. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Saurin's Dissertations. Sherlock on Prophecy. Pharisees. See Judaism, sects. Brend's Unterscheid der Moral Christi und der Phariswer. Grossmaun de Collegio Pharisaeorum. Josephus de Bello Judaico. Opitii (H.) Exercitationes. Reschenbergii (L. A.) Dissertationes. Schmidii (loann.) Dissertationes. Ugoliui Trihasresium. Beausobre's Introduction to the New Test. Wotten's (Wm.) Miscellaneous Discourses. Philistines. Hitzig's Urgeschichte und Mythologie. Philanthropy. See benevolence. Ilorsford's P. the genius of Christianity. (With sketches of the most eminent philanthropists.) Philo Alexandrlnus. Klihn, Spieilegium Observ. ad N. Test. Loesneri Observ. ad Nov. Test, e Philone. Phllo Judaens. Philonis Jud;.) Sacred Literature. (Controverts many of the criticisms of Lowth.) Keble (.John) on Sacred poetry. Kitto's Journal. 1:94,295. Knickerbocker Mag. 6:189. Lowth's Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. Confutation of Bp. Hare's system of Hebrew meter. Month. Rev. 114:143, New Eng. Mag. 1:97. North Am. Rev. 31:337. 35:473. 63:201. Palfrey's (.1. (i.) Academical Lectures. Princeton Rev. 2:323. 3:429. Quar. Rev. 32:211. 78:13. Sarchi's Hebrew poetrj', ancient and modern. Taylor's Spirit of Hebrew poetry. (An ad- mirable work to be read in connection with Lowlh and Giltillan.j Williams on the Song of Solomon. (Introd.) Polemic Theology. See contexdfno FOR TlIK FAITH, HIST. OF DOCTRINES. Affelmanni Syntagma e.xereitat. academicar. Alberti Intere.^se prjccip. relig. Christiauor. Alstedii Theologia Polemica. Altingii Theologia Elenchtica Nova. Arnoldi Lu.\ in Tenebris. Baumgaiten (S. J.) BegrifFd. theol. Strcitigk. Beckmani Theologia Polemica. Bellarmin (Card.), Disputationcs. ("The most acute, com])rehensive, and candid of Papal controversialists." — Bl>. iNlAitsil.) Buddei Prograuuna de theol. polem. studio. Callixti Judicium decontroversiis theologus. Dis]iutationes de prajcipuis Chris. relig. ea])itil)us. Calovii de .Modo docendi et disputandi. Carpzovii Di.-iputationes Academicaj. Dannhaveri Poleraosophia. Esscnii Synopsis controversiarum theolog. Foerstchius de moderatione in controversiis. Fran/.ii Syntagma controv. theol. Disp. XII. Gcrhardi (Ernest.) Syllogo theologicarum. Gerhardi (In.) I>ip))utat. theologicarum. Hoencgg, de ])i-i|)ulationibus theologieis. Himmellii Metliodus tractandarum controv. theologicie. Hoornbeckii Summa controv. religionis. Hulsii Systema controversiarum theolog. Polemic Theology — conlinufd. Hunnii Disputationcs Theologicaj. Krackewitsii ]>isj). de pra'C. cn]iitibus, etc. Laurcntius de publicis disputationibus, et controv. de religione. Le Vassor de la Manicre d'examiner les differens de religion. Loescheri Prenotiones Theologieae. Mclancthonis Consilium de moderandis con- troversiis relig. Acta eruditor. Mosheimius de Theolog. non contentioso. Streittheologie. Muratorius de Ingeniorum negotio. Xeumani Theologia Ajihoristica. Olearii Syno|)sis controv. selectiorum. Osiandri Enchiridion controv. religionis. Petavii Theologia Polemica. Pfaffius de Prejudiciis theologieis. Prideaux, Manductio ad theolog. ])olemicam. Quistorpii Aphorismi. Reinhardi Theologia polemica. Runi])aM Introductio in theol. controversar. Sack's Christliche Polemik. Schuberti Institutiones theol. polemics. Suhulteti Steroma doctrina> cvangelicse. Sirnionili Opera. (A very extensive collection of patristic and other treatises.) Spanheimii Elenchus controversiarum. Stapferi Inst, theolog. polcmicaj universsB. (" Luculentum." — Walch. '"A master- piece."— Williams.) Turretini Institutiones theol. clenctica;. Usher, Hist, controv. inter orthod. et pontif. Van Till, Flp'ora ^Jtviri adversariorum. Vitringa' Hypotyposis Theologia?. Vopsii (G. J.) Hist, de Controversiis. Weidneri Collegium disj>ut. theologicum. Wernsdorf,de Fervore, tepore, et frigore,theol. Wildeshauseu Biblioth. Disp. theologieae. Witsii Oratio de theologo-niodesto. Bechman's Polemic Theology. Chemnitz's Exam, of the Council of Trent. Fabricius' Consid. of various controversies. Hagenbach's Historv of doctrines. I ley's (Dr. J.) Lectures. Bk. 2, ch. I. Luther's Works. (Generally.) ^Miller's Compend of jiolemie theology. Mosheim's Controversies of Christians. ( tsiander's Manual of controversies. Schmidt's Breviary. Schubert's Institutes of polemic theology. Van Mildert's Bampton Lectures. 1814. Wolfang on Religious Controversy. Political Economy. See civil OOVKK.NMK.VT, PROPERTT, SOCIALISM. Baudrillart, Etudes de j)hilosoj)hie morale, lilanqui, Hist, de I'economie pol. en Europe. Colins, Science soeiale. Julius, Vorles. iiber die Oefangnisskunde. Le Lievre, Principes Economique. Roscher, Princij)es d'Eeoiioniie politique. Rossi, Cours d'Econ. jiolitique. ISll. Roussell, les Nations Catholiques et Protes- tants compart. 1854. 363 Political Economy — contimied. Say, Traite d'Economie politique. 1815. Sismondi, Nouveau Principes, etc. Storch, Cours d'Econ. politique. 1823. American Quart. Review. 1:309. 2:47. Atkinson's Principles of P. Econ. as devel- oped by the Christian law of government. Bailey's (S.) Political Economy and Morals. Bastiat's Harmonies of Political Economy. Beddome's State of nations, past and present. Bentham's Chrestomathia. on Civil legislation. Blackwood's Magaz. 12:505. 15:222. 16:34. 17:207. 26:510. 27:22. Bowen's Principles of Political Economy. Broadhurst's Political Economy. Brougham's (^Lord) Four Essays. 1818. Burton's Polit. and Social Economy. 1849. Carey's (H. C.) Principles of P. Econ. 1837. Harmony of interests. Rate of wages. (Other treatises.) Cantillon's Analysis of trade, coin, &c., 1759, as developed by Christian law. Chalmer's (Tho.) Political Economy. Cobbett's Political works. 1801. Cooper's (Tho.) Lectures on Polit. Economy. Corbaux on a National debt. Craig's Elements of Political science. De Quincy's Logic of Political Economy. Democratic Review. 8:291. Deponte's Social Reform in England. 1806. De Tocqueville's Democracy in Amer. 1830. Dick's (And. C.) Nature and offices of the state. Dove's Elements of Political Economy. Edinburg Review. 62:337. 56:52. 57:1. 73:29. 85:223. Edmonds' (T.) Political Economy. 1828. Evans' Political institutions of America. Federalist, The. 1788. Foreign Quart. Review. 15:241. Franklin's (Ben.) Works. Ganilh on the Various syst. of P. E. 1812. Gibbons' (Alex.) Nature of taxation. Humphrey's Manual of Political science. Innis' (Wm.) Political Economy. Joplin's (T.) System of Political Economy. Laiug on the Causes and remedies of national distress. Lauderdale's Nature and origin of Dublic wealth. 1804. Lawson's Political Economy. Lawton's (Edward) Lectures. Lect. 3. Lieber's Essay on property and labor. Political Ethics. 1840. Political Hermeneutics. Liszt's National system of P. Economy. Macinnon's Wealth and power of nations. Macloods (H. D.) Elements of P. E. 1858. MaCulloch's (J. R.) Principles of P. E. 1824. Influences of taxation and the fund- ing system. McCullogh's (W. T.) Industrial history of free nations. Political Economy — cmitimied. Macindoe's Application of Scripture princi- ples to Government essential to prosperity. Mclniscon's Principles of P. Economy. McVickar's Outlines of P. Economy. 1825. Maitland's Nat. and origin of pub. wealth. Malthus' Principles of Political Economy. Mills' (J.) Elements of Political Economy. (A good school-book.) Mills (J. S.) on Unsettled questions. 1821. More's (Sir Tho.) Utopia. Newman's Lectures on Political Economy. New York Review. 3:1. North Amer. Review. 47:73. North Brit. Review. 2:1. Ouseley's Political institutions of America. Pamphleteer. 11:403. 17:289. (Political economy of the Bible. 29:33.) Purvess (G.) on National wealth. Rae's Political Economy. Ramsay (G.) on the Distribution of wealth. Reed (S.) on National wealth. Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy. Ross' Examination of the opinions of several writers on Political Economy. Say's (J. B.) Political Economy. Scrope's Elements of Polit. Economy. 1833. Sedwick's (Theod.) Public and private econ. Seward's (W. H.) Works. 1855. Smith's Causes of the Wealth of nations. Sjjence's Tracts on political economy. Stuart's (James) Principles of P. E. 1770. Thompson on the Distribution of wealth Torrens on the Production of wealth. Tracey's (De Strut) Political economy. Urquehart's Wealth and Want. Vethake's Principles of Political Economy. Walch's Review. 4:306. Wayland's Elements of Political Economy. Webster's (P.) Essays ; published during the American war, and to the present time. 1791. Westminster Review. 84:48. Weyland's Population and production as aifected by the progress of Society. Williams' (Nassau) Political economy. Yates' (R.) Basis of national welfare. The European Bibliography of this sub- ject may be found in the 2d vol. of Blanqui, HUt. de I'Economie politique en Europe. 1842. Politeness. See clerical habits, couRTEsr. Chesterfield's Letters to his son. Hogg's Lay Sermons. Knox's (Vicessimus) Sermons. Miller's Letters to a young clergyman. Trusler's Principles of politeness. Political Responsibility. Am. Bibl. Repos. 3d Series. 2:602. Am. Quar. Observer. 1:1. Am. Whig Rev. 14:357. Bates' (Ely) Christian politics. (Highly praised in the Christian Observer.) SG4 Political Responsibility— cwi^mwetZ. Baxter's (Kich.) Christian Directory. Bibliotheca Sacra. 23:73. Bullar's (John) Lay Lectures. Lect. 10. Christ. Exam. 10:327. 26:32. Christmas' (Henry) Christian Politics. (Re- views Paley.) Croxall's Scripture Politics. Cunningham's (J.) Political duties of minis- ters in times of great national excitement. Democratic Rev. 24:99. Dury (John) On ministers meddling with State matters, in or out of their sermons. Eclectic Mag. 3:145. Eclectic Rev. 4th Series. 8:401. New Series. 1:148. Edinb. Rev. 73:29. Frazier's Mag. 14:657. 15:423. 34:618. Gresley's (William) Sermons. Hague's Christianity and Statesmanship. Lieber's Manual of political ethics. f Miall's Politics of Christianity. Month. Rev. 108:365. Morier's What has relig. to do with politics ? New England Mag. 1:142. North British Rev. 6:133.256. Robinson's (Robt.) Miscellaneous Works. Sewall's (Wm.) Christian Politics. Sheppard's (John G.) Christian obligations of citizenship. Polycarp. See fathers. Polycarpi Epistola ad Philippenses. Balthasaris Doctrina Polycarpi. . Vita Polycarpi. BuUialdi Dissertationes. Cottelerii Patres Apostolicae. Crucigeri Oratio de Polycarpi vita. Groddeck, de Anno passionis P. Kortholtus de Persecutione cccl. primsevae. Moyne, Prolegomena ad varia sancta. Nourrii Dissertatio de Epistola P. Ruiuarti Acta sincera martj-rum. Tentzelii (G. E.) Exercitationes. Usseri Dissertationes. Cave's Translation of P.'s epistle. Chevalier's Translation of the epistle of P. Clementson's New trans, of the epistle of P. Elborowe's Epistles of Polycarp & Ignatius, with their lives and deaths. Wake's Epistles of the Fathers. Polygamy. See marriage, mormons. Pro. Freuden'hoefer's Eroerterung der Frage, etc. Lyser, Kurtzes Gesprach von der P. Diseursus de P. (Answers replies.) Madan's Thelypthora. Willenbergii Prajsidia juris Divini. Schediasma de Finibus polygamic licitae. Burnet's (G.) Defence of polygamy. Hanger's Life and opinions. Cm,. Bezse Tractationes Theologicae. Vol. 2. Polygamy — continued. Con. Calovii (Abr.) Disputationes. Heideggcri Historia Patriarcharum. [Lyserus] Kurtzes GesprEech von der P. Michaelis (J. D.) Paralipomena. Musaei (lo.) Dissertationes. PufFendorf de Jure. Seldeni Uxor Hebraicas. W^ernsdorfii Doctrina de polygamia. Zeidler, Tractatio de polygamia. Baxter's Works. Beattie's Elements of moral science. On the attachments of kindred. Bowers' History of the Popes. Cookson on Polygamy. Delany's Reflections on Polygamy. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 3. prop. 59. Dunton's Young Student's Library. Dwight's (Tim.) Svstem of theol. Ser. 121. Dwight's (S. E.) Hebrew Wife. Haweis' Refutation of Thelypthora. Hill's Blessings of P. (Replies to Madan.) Lit. and Theol. Rev. 4:182. Monthly Rev. Vol. 63. (2 capital articles.) Oohinu's Dialogues. Trans, from the Italian. Paley's Moral Philosophy. Book 3, part 3. Palmer's Exam, of Thelypthora. Penn's Remarks on Thelypthora. Salmon on Marriage. Shorthose's (Hugh) Sermons. Smith's Polygamy indefensible. Towers' (J.) Polygamy unscriptural. Wills' (T.) Remarks on P. (Rep. to Madan.) Polytlieism. See idolatry, MTTHOLoaT.' Pool of Betliesda. Arnold, Dissertatiouee philologicae. Frischmuthi Dissertatio Philologica. Outrein de Piscina probatica. (In Biblioth.) Wendelcr, Dissert, de Piscina probatica, etc. Witsii Miscellanea Sac. Exercit. XI, cap. 64. Hall's (Bp.) Contemplations. Book 4, see. 11. Jennings' Jewish Antiquities. Kollock's Sermons. Latter-Day Luminary. Periodical. Vol. 2. Poor La-ws. See political ecokomt, PAUPERISM. Amer. Quart. Review. 14:66. Analytical Mag. 2:17. 10:265. Blackwood's Mag. 8:1.9:217,563. 10:49,509. 11:133,373. 13':113. 16:457. 23:923. 33:811. 43:489. 51:518. 60:555. 61:261. Bosanquet's Rights of the poor. British and For. Rev. 4:1. Chalmer's (Tho.) Political economy. Sufficiency of parochial relief without poor laws. Christian Observer. 17:30,236. Cooper's (Sam.) Definitions and axioms. Dublin Univ. Mag. 30:606. 33:215,340,401, 656. Duulop on the Poor law of Scotland. Ellis (Wm.) on Education. 365 Poor Laws — continued. Edinburg Rev. 6:100. 22:181. .33:91. 36:110. 47:303. p9:227. 63:256. 74:1. 75:263. 77:207. 84:139. Frazier's Mag. 9:507. 70:373. Mahon (J.) on Poor laws. Martineaa's (II.) Poor laws and Paupers. Monthly Review. 87:201. 102:181. 121:309. 129:495. 130:593. Nichols' Hist, of English poor laws. 1854. . " Scotch " 1855. " Irish " 1856. North Brit. Rev. 2:471. 12:21. Pan-e's Principle of the English poor laws. Pamphleteer. 8:385. 9:217,563. 10:49,509. 11:133,373,551. 13:113. 21:391. Parliamentary Reports of England. Pashley's Pauperism and the poor laws. Quarterly Rev. 8:319. 14:120. 18:259. 19:79. 28:351. 33:429. 48:320. 50:347. 52:123. 53:249. Reports of the P. law commissioners in Eng. Richards' (Geo.) Sermons. (The immoral effect of poor laws.) Sedgwick on the Repeal of poor laws. Torrens' Poor laws of Ireland. Westminster Rev. 18:427. 26:357. Poor Men of Liyons. See waldejjses. Pope Joanne* Pro. Artopoei Dissertationes. Bassnage, Histoire de I'eglise. Blasci, Diatribe de .Joanna papissa. Capelli (Rudolph) Discursus Historicus. Carionis, Chronicon. Congnard, Traite si une femme ? etc. Cook, la Papesse Jeanne. Deckerus de Papa et Papissa Romana. Ehinger's altes und neues Pabstthum. Griiu's Panselieke Heiligheit. Kleine's (G.) Papstinn .Johanna keine Fabel. Lehmanni Infelix puerpera Joannes VIII. L'Enfant, Histoire de la Papesse Joan. Maresii Joanna papissa, restituta. Montague, la Papesse Jeanne. Nichols' vom Pabst Johanne. Papa Mulier; sive vera narratio de P. Jo. Platin<\3 Vita Christi ac Pontificum omnium. (All that relates to Pope Joanne was sup- pressed after the first edition.) Smetz, M'ahrchen von der Pap. Johanna. Spanheimii (F.) Disquisitiones historiae. (Highly commended.) Voetii Spicelegium. Wagenseilii Dissertatio de Joanna Papissa. (Gives a candid view of the arguments on both sides.) Witekindi Jesuitae. Cook's Dialogue concerning P. J. (Proofs from Popish writers.) Mayo's Pope's Parliament. North British Review. 12:192. Rutherford on Church Gov. Ch. 8, sec. 8. Pope Joanne — continued. Pro. Toplady's (Aug. M.) Works. Ware's Pope Joan. (Proofs from Romish authors previous to Luther.) Con. Allatii Confutatio fabula;, etc. Baronii Annales. ('• Makes havoc of primi- tive history." — Cowling.) Bayle, Dictionaire. Art. Papesse. Bellarmini Opera. Blondell, Eelaircissement de la question. Eckhardt, Hist. Francite Orient. Lib. XXX. Heumani Dissertationes Saerse. Par. II. Labbei Cenotaphium Joannse. Leibnitzii Flores sparsi in tumulum Papissae. Maresius [or Maret] de Papissa. Palthenius de Papissa. Raymond, Erreur populaire de la Papesse. Schottii Physiea curiosa. (Numerous curious dissertations on curious themes.) Littell's Living Age. 25:193. (The same as in North British Review.) North British Review. 12:354. (Adduces the arguments pro and con.) Various writers of eminence mention the female Pope as a fact of history, without discussing the proofs — such as Marian, a Scotch monk, 1060; Martin Polaccus, Abp. of Cosenza, 1277; Amabric, an Augustine Prior, 1362 ; and Korner, a Dominican, 1435. See a collection of the arguments by all the principal writers who reject the story of Pope Joanne, in Allatius, named above. Popery. See absolution, CONFESSION, ANTICHRIST, CELIBACY, COUNCIL OF TRENT, DECRETALS, IMAOES, INDULGENCES, INFALLIBILITY, JUSTIFICATION, KEYS OF THE CHURCH, MASS, MIRACLES, PENANCE, PERSECU- TION, POPES, PRAYER FOR THE DEAD, PROPHECY, PDRLJATORY, REFORMA- TION, RELICS, SUPREMACY, SACRA- MENTS, TRANSCBSTANTIATION. Pro. The symbolical books of the Roman Church are : The Decrees and Catechism of the Council of Trent, and the Symbol of Pius IV. Arnauld, (Euvres. (Powerful. Boileau calls him '' the most learned man that has ever written.") Arsdekini Theologia Ilniversa. (A great storehouse of authorities.) Becani Manuale Controversiarum. Beelingii Vindiciaj CatholiciS Hibernite. Bellarmini Opera. (In the judgment of Bayle, the ablest defender of the Roman Church.) Bossuet, Expos, de la doct. de I'Eglise. Hist, dcs variatijnr, de I'Eglise Pro- testantes. (Numerous other treatises, in the 59 volumes of his works.) Cassandri Defensio traditionum Patrum. Catharini Apologia pro veritate fidei. 366 Popery — continued, Campiani Rationes propositae in causam fidei. (" The Romanists account it an epitome of all their doctrine." — A. AVooD.) Cochlaeus cent. Augustinam confessionem. de Actis et scriptis Lutheri. Cotoni Institutio Catholica. D'Antecourt, Defense de I'Eglise. Dens, Manuale Theologicuni. Dollinger's Kirche und Kirchen. Emser's Wieder das unchristliche Bueh M. Luther. Fabri Antilogiarum Lutheri Babylonia. Haunoldus de Infallibilitate eccles. Romanae. Henrici VIII, Assertio septem sacramento- rum adversus Mart. Lutherum. Hosii Conf. Cathol. (A standard authority.) Mesnilii Doctrina et disciplina eoclesiae. Nicolas, du Protestantisme precede de I'exaraen d'un ecrit. de M. Guizot. Pole pro Unitate Ecclesiastica. Rocaberti Bibliotheca. (A collection, in 21 volumes, folio, of the principal papal writers previous to 1700.) Sardagna, Theologia dogmatico-polemico. Balmez's Comparison of Prot. and Popery, in their effects on civilization. Berriugton &, Kirk's Faith of the Catholics. Bossuet's Doctrine of Catholic Church. Variations of Protestant Churches. Brown son's Quarterly Review. Butler's (Chas.) Book of the Church. Vindication of Do. Campian's Ten reasons for embracing the Catholic faith. Catholic World. Periodical. Chaloner's Grounds of the old religion. Den's Moral Theology. (Standard work.) Dollinger's Church and the Churches. Trans. by McCabe. Dupin on Ecclesiastical and temporal power. Fisher's (John) Challenge to Protestants. Conference with Abp. Laud. Gother's Papist misrepresented. Husenbeth's Faberism exposed and refuted. Reeling's Alliance of heresy with Deism. Kellison's Gag of the deformed gospel. Examen Reformationis. Hierarchy of the Church. Kerrick's (Bp.) Primacy of the Apostolic see. Knott's Infidelity unmasked. (Reply to Chillingworth.) Protestantism unrepented destroys salvation. Lingard's Review of anti-Catholic publicat. Milner's Mohn) End of relig. controversy. Stapletou'o (Thos.) Works. Ward's Errata of the Protestant Bible. Worseley's Protestantism without principles. White's (Alex.) Confutation of Church-of- Englandism. Con. Albert's Wiederlegung einer Paebstichen Bucher. Popery — cnntinwd. Con. Amesii (The Puritan) Bellarminus enervatus. Antonii Pontificiorum doctrina publica. Balduini Diatriba Theologicse. Bassnage, Traite des prejuges faux et legit. Hist, des Eglises reformes. (Answers Bossuet's " Variations.") Baur's Gegensatz des Katholicismus und Protestanten. Baxteri Clavis Catholicorum. Bezas Opera. Beyer's Unterscheidungslehren d. Evang. u. Rom. Kirche. Botsacci Demonstratio quod Ecclesia Ro- mano papistiea non sit sancta. Bucer adv. Axioma Catholicum. Buddei Miscellanea Sacra. Bullengerii Antithesis evangeliese et papis- tic* doctrinse. Bungener, Rome et le coeur humaine. Calovii Mata^ologia Papistiea. Calvini Institutiones. Capelli Disputationes. Cassaudri Consult, de artio. religione inter Catholicos et Protestantes controversis. Chamieri Panstratias Catholicte. ("A per- fect encyclopedia on all subjects relating to the Popish controversy." — Palmer.) Coci Censura quorundum scriptorum qui a Pontificiis citari solent. (A most con- venient woi'k.) Cranmeri Defensio verse et Catholicaj doctr. Dallsei Opera. (Voluminous and powerful.) Danhaveri Opera. Dassovii Disputationes. De Croy de les Trois conformites, etc. Deyling, de Insignioribus Rom. ecclesia variationibus. Dominis (De) de Republica ecclesiastica. (" Of great use." — Fuller. " One of the most illustrious victims of the Inquisi- tion."— Petgnot.) Drelincourt, Abregee des eontroverses. Dresseri Observationes miscellanea. Drieri Controversi* precipuai. Eckhardi Pandectaj Controversiarum. Flacii Synodo VI Carthaginensi. Historia de primatu Papa3. Protestatio contra Cone. Tridentum. Catalogus testium veritatis. Various other treatises. Franckii Dissertationes. Furmanni Sanctitatis eccl. Rom. eversio. Gaupp, die Romische Kirche. Gomari Enchiridion controversiarum. Guntheri Demonstratio solida. Haberkorn's Griindlichon Wiederlegung. Heilbrunner's (J.) Uncatholisch. Pabsthum. Heshusius de Erroribus Pontificiaj ecclesiae. de Vera Ecclesia. Hieronymi (Pragensis) Opera. (Noble.) Hinckelmanni Papismi errores prascipui. Hoenegg's Evangelisches Handbiichlein. Hoepfneri Saxonia Evangelica. 36T Popery — continued. Con. Hospiniani Opera. (Learned elucidations of the history of the errors of Popery.) Ilunnii Opera. (Greatly prized.) Hussi (loann.) Scripta. Illyrici Opera. (Discusses most of the points in controversy.) Illyrici Catalogus testium veritatis. (Written to show what learned and pious men had admitted concerning the corruption of the Roman Church, before Luther.) Jameson, Roma-racoviana, et Racovia-rom. James (Tho.), Bellum Papale. (Shows 2000 instances in which the two " infallible" Papal editions of the Vulgate contradict each other.) Jewelli Apologia Eoclesise Anglicanae. Jurieu, Systeme de I'Eglise. < la Morale des Refoimes. Kesleri Bellum religiosum Petri ac Papse. Koecheri Biblioth. Theol. Symbol. (List of authors against the Council of Trent.) Observationes Selectse. Kortholti Papa Schismaticus. Disquisitiones. Krackewitzius de Ecolesise Rom. apostasia. Kromayer, de EcclesiiB Romanae apostasia. La Motte, les Fourberies de I'Eglise. Le Blanc, Theses Theologicae. Leopard (C), Le Glaive du g^ant Goliah. (Highly commended.) Leydekker de Veritate religionis Reformatae. Lutherus, Opera varia. Maccovii UptoTou xpsvio^ Pontificiorum. Magnin, La Papaute consideree dan son origine, development, et etat actuel. 1841 Megandri Petrus nee papa nee papistica. Meisneri (Balthas.) Consultatio Catholica. Praelecticnes. Meisneri (.Jo.) Dissertationes. Melancthonis Opera. Molintei Jugulum causte pontificiae. Morgenstern, de Eecl. vera et Catholica. Mori Inquisitio in mysterium iniquitatis. Antidotus adversus Idolatriam. Magui mysterii pietatis explanatio. MornaBi (Phil.) Tractatus de ecclesia. Mysterium Iniquitatis. Mylii Disquisitiones theologicse de ecclesia. Neumannus de Petrb a Petro alieno. Dissertationes. Osiandri Opera. (" Papa non papa." " De autichristus," etc.) PfafRi Demonstrationes solidfe. Pictet, la Religion des Protestants. Placette, (Euvres. (Greatly esteemed.) PutFendorf, von der geistliche Monarchic. Rainoldus de Romanae eccl. idolatria. Richter's Evangelische und Roemische Kirchen Lehre. Riveti Catholicum orthodoxum. Salmasius de Episcopiis et Presbj'teris. Scherzeri Dissertationes Theologicse. Schmidii (Sebast.) Syncresis. 'Po'pery— continued. Con. Schmidii (Sebast.) Petrus non Papa. Schulteti Panoplia Sacra. Medulla theologica patrum. Seldii Papismi et gentilismi comparatio. Spanheimii (Senior.) Epitome panstratis chamieri. Spanheimii (Junior.) Dissertationes. Speneri Opera varia. Steinbergii Anatome papismi. Stillingfleet, Opera varia. Taxe, des Parties casuelles de la boutique du Pape. (A damning exposure of cor- ruptions as existing in 1564.) Turretini (Alph.) Pyrrhonismus Pontificius. Turrettini (Franc.) Institutiones. Usseri Hist, controv. inter orthodos et pont. Van Till, de Petro non Pontifice. Viret, la Physique papale. la Necromance papale. Voetii Disputationes Theol. Pars 1. Vorstii Anti-Bellarminus. Wylie's Geschichte, Lehren, Geist, und Aussichten des Papstthums. (Prize essay.) Zuinglii Opera. Abbott's Roman and English hierarchies, and the abuses of Episcopacy. Achilli's Papal Rome, her priests and her Jesuits. Abernethy's Letters to Bp. Hay. About, The Roman question. Translated by A. T. Wood. Allwood's Prophecies relating to the Church. Papal Claims. Amer. Biblical Repository. 2:546. 4:252. 11:363. 2d Series. 10:159. 3d Series. 4:252. Amer. Eclectic Review. 2:446. Ame's (The Puritan) Reply to Bellarmin. Ashwell on the Roman Church. Bagge's Development of the Roman system not consistent with the welfare of the state. Balme's Protest, and Popery compared, in their effects on the civilization of Europe. Barbeyrac's Spirit of the Ecclesiastics. Barlow's Principles and positions of the Church of Rome. Barnard's Rhemes against Rome. Barrow's (Isaac) Works. Baxter's (Richard) Works. Beard's (John R.) The Confessional. (Ex- tracts from Papal sources.) Beecher's (Edw.) Papal conspiracy exposed. Becon's Display of the Popish Mass. Bedell's (Bp.) Life and Letters. Bell's (James) The Mystery unveiled. Bennet's (W. J. E.) Distinctive errors of Popery. Bennet's (Tho.) Confutation of Popery. Bentley's (Rich.) Doctrinal corruptions of Popery. Beza's Ten discourses. Patched Pelagianism. Bibliotheca Sacra. 2:451,757. 8:64. 368 Popery — coniiniied. Con. Bieheno's Signs of the times. 1805. Birbeck's Protestant's evidence. (From the Fathers.) Blackmoor on the Present state of the con- troversy between Protestants and Papists. 1765. Blackwood's Edinb. Magaz. 3:535. 26:331. 44:494. Blair's Letters to Wilbcrforce. Blakeney's Awful disclosure of the principles taught by the Church of Rome: being extracts from the Moral theology of Alphonsus Liguori. Boyd's Fathers not Papists. Bramhall's Safeguards against Popery. (A great collection of treatises by eminent divines of the 17th century.) Bray's Papal Usurpation in anc. and mod. times. (Contains much curious matter, especially in relation to y' old Waldenses.) Brit, and For. Review. 6:420. 7:457. 8:1. Brogden's Catholic Safeguards. (A very large collection of tracts by distinguished writers of the 17th century.) Brownlee on the Rom. Catholic controversy. Popery an enemy to civil liberty. Bull's Corruptions of the Church of Rome. Burnap's Superstitions of the Ch. of Rome. Burnett's (Bp.) Discourses. Burroughs* (Joseph) Creed of Pope Pius IV. Burton's Truth's triumph over Trent. Campbell's (John) Popery ; anc. and mod. Capper's Acknowledged doctrines of the Church of Rome, as set forth by its stan- dard writers. 1849. Cardwell's Enchiridion. (A collection of important tracts in 3 volumes.) Cartwright's Pope's deadly wound. Sermons at the Jews' Chapel. , Cheever on the Mixture of civil and eccles. power. (Reply to Bp. Hughes of N. York.) Chillingworth's Safe way to heaven. (" That masterpiece of human reasoning." — Warburton.) Christian Examiner. 2:353. 14:371. 39:284. 48:227,341. 56:223. 65:1. Churchman Armed. (A collection of effective treatises.) Clagget's (William) Works. Clarkson's Practical divinity of Papists destructive of Christianity. Claude's Posthumous Works. Cobbin's (Ingram) Book of Popery. Collette's Novelties of Romanism. Popish frauds exemplified in Dr. Wiseman's Lectures. Comber's Forgeries in the Councils of the first four centuries. Cox's (.John E.) Protestantism contrasted with Popery. (Consists of quotations from author? on both sides.) Cramp's Text-book of P. (Very useful.) Cranmers Works. Popery — continued. Co,,. Croft's (Bp.) Naked Truth. Culbertson's Lectures on the Apocalypse. Cullen's (J. E.) Voice of truth. (Small, but effective.) Cunningham's Apostacy of the Ch. of Rome. Curtis' Mystery of Iniquity. Dalton's Word of God vindicated. De Coetlogon's Sermons. De Croy's Harmony of the Roman Church with Gentilism, Judaism, and ancient heresies. De Foe's Curse of Popery. (Powerful.) De Sanctis' Rome. (As in 1857.) Dillingham's Mystery of Iniquity. Dodwell's Fundamental principles of P. Drelincourt's Summary of Popish errors. Dublin University Mag. 7:437. 12:548,686. 16:197,511. 23:715. 36:494. 38:369,719. Du Moulin's Keys of the Church. History of Monks. Defence of the Reformed churches. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 11:103. 22:299. 29:97. 30:296. New Series. 6:33. Edgar's Variations of Popery. (Very able.) Edinburg Rev. 72:119. Elliot's (Charles) Delineation of Romanism. (Drawn from acknowledged standards of the Papal Church.) Elliott's (E. B.) Warburton Lectures. 1856. Emlin's Frauds of monks and priests. Enchiridion Theologicum. (Tracts by Taylor, Barrow, &c.) Erskine's Spirit of Popery. Evangelical Review. 1:561. Evans' (B.) Modern Popery. 1855. Faber's Difficulties of Romanism. Fleming's (Robt.) Apocalyptical Key. Fletcher's (Jos.) Works. (His Lectures on Popery are highly praised by Robert Hall and J. Pye Smith.) Foreign Quarterly Rev. 27:184. 1:515. Foulis' History of Romish treasons and usurpations, collected out of their own approved authors. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Foye's Romish offices, legends, &o., literally translated. Fulke's'Rhemish and Prot. translations of New Test, side by side; with a confuta- tion, ments are given.) Philpot's Theological Letters. Pike's Curse of Christendom. Placette's Incurable skepticism of Rome. Poole's (M.) Blow at the root. Poole's ((ieo. A.) Testimony of Cyprian. Poole's (Matt.) Nullity of the Roman faith. Pope's (R. T.) Misquotations, &c. Porteus' Brief confutation, . TOMLINE.) Kelly's (.James) Lectures on subjects con- nected with prophecy. King's (Edward) Morsels of criticism. Kitto's Journal. 6:389. (Literal interp.) Lardner's Destruction of Jerusalem. Leach's Lectures on fulfilled prophecies. Lee's (S.) Sermons and Dissertations. (Takes the ground that all the prophecies of the Apocalypse are fulfilled.) Lyall's Propajdia Prophetica. McCaul's Warburton Lectures. 1846. (Pro- phecy as a proof of Christianity.) McLaurin on the P. relating to Messiah. McLeod on the Principal prophecies. Maitland's Connected view of prophecy. (A valuable collection of authorities from the Fathers down to 1849.) Marsh's Lectures. Lect. 20,21. Mead on the Prophecies. Meth. Quarterly Rev. 4:364. Morning Watch ; a quarterly journal. From 1828 to 1834. London. 25 Prophecy — continued. Monthly London lectures on prophecy. (Able sermons by Collier, Bird, Pye Smith, Fletcher, Orme, Ac.) New Englander. 1:103.' Newton (Bp.) on P. which have been fulfilled. Newton (Sir I.) on Daniel and the Apocal. Nolan's (F.) Warburton Lectures. 1837. Penn's (Granville) Christian Survey. Philips (J. S.) on the Interpretation of P. Princeton Rev. 4:358,511. 29:598. Purves on Prophetic time. Randolph's Prophecies cited in the N. Test. compared with the Hebrew original. Roberts' Manual of prophecy. (Compares the prophecies with the events which fulfilled them.) Robinson's Prophecies of the Messiah. Rule's Calculations of time, &e. Sharp (Granville) on Several important P. Sherlock's Use and intent of prophecy. Simpson's Key to the P. (Many editions.) Smith's (J. Pye) Dissertations. Discourses. Smith's (Dr. John) Summary view of pro- phecy. (A good abstract from Lowth, Newcombe, Newton, and Blaney.) Southwark Morning Lectures. (By Baxter, Fowler, Manton, Poole, Owen, s. See commentators. Crenii Opusculorum Fasciculus. Debrii Adagialia Vet. et Nov. Testament. Drusii Adagia Ilebraica. Schottii Adagialia sacra Nov. Test. Vorstii Diatribe de adagiis Nov. Test. Providence of God. See chanob, fate, GOVERNMENT OP GOD, UNEQUAL DIS- TRIBUTION OF GOOD AND EVIL. Lactantius, de Mortibus Persecutorum. Theodoret, Oratio de Providentia. Basil, Condones. .Chrysostom, de Providentia Dei. Backerus de Dei providentia circa mala. Bairus de Prov. Dei circa peccata hominum. Beza de Prov. Dei circa res temporale. Bormann's Lehre der Vorsehung. Burmanni Dissertationes quatuor. Danhaveri Disputationes Theologicee. De Vries, Exercitationes Rationales. Gomari Conoillatio doct. orthodoxa) de P. Heinii Dissertationes. Mali (Economia temporum Vet. Test. Martinii Com. de guhernatione mundi. Rechenburgius de Prov. Dei circa minima. Providence of God — conHniwi. Reynoldi Dissertationes Phllosophicae. Spanheimii Dissertationes theol. miscel. Turrettini Dissertationes. Diss, iv, v, vi, Twisse, Vindicatio Providentise Dei. Viret, de la Providence. Weismannus de Prov. Dei contra malum. AVittichii Exercitationes Theologicse. Zuinglii Sermones. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Appleton's (Pres.) Works. Lect. 8. Arnold's (Frederick) Sermons. Arrowsmith's (John) Discourses. Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons. Balguy's (Dr. Thomas) Discourses. Balmer's Academic Lectures. Barrow (Isaac) on the Creed. Baxter's (Richard) Works. Rennet's (Benjamin) Sermons. Berriman's (William) Sermons. Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Bidlake's Bampton Lectures. 1811. Binnings' (Hugh) Sermons. Bledsoe's Theodicy. Boston's (Tho.) Sermons. Bull's (Bp.) Sermons. Bullinger's Decades. (Parker Society publ.) Bundy's (Richard) Sermons. Burnet (Bp.) On the 39 articles. Cappe on the Government of God. Carr's (George) Sermons. Carson's (Alex.) Works. Cawton on Divine providence. Chace's Relation of Div. P. to physical laws. Chandler's (Samuel) Discourses. Charnock's Works. (Extremely clear.) Cheyne's Philosophical Principles. Christian Month. Spect. 9:175 Christian Quart. Spect. 8:1. Christian Observer. 1:64. Clarke's (Adam) Discourses. Clarke's (Samuel) Discourses. Ceiling's (Dr. Jno.) Sermons on Providence. ("Well done." — Cotton Mather. Conybeare's (Bp.) Sermons. Craddock's (Z.) Sermons. Crane's Prospect of Divine Providence. Croley on Divine Providence. Crombie's Natural Theology. Essay 2. Crosthwaite's History of Esther. Cudworth's Intellectual System. Bk. 1, ch. 5. Davies' (Samuel) Sermons. Dewdney on Special providences. Doddridge's Sermons. Lectures. Dowling's (J. G.) Sermons. D wight's (Tim.) Theology. Disc. 26 to 34. Duncanson's P. manifested in natural law. Fawcett on Divine Providence. Field on Divine Government. Flavel's Works. (Exceedingly precious.) Forsyth on Divine Providence. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses. Gifford's (G.) Great mystery of Providence. Gilpin's (William) Sermons. 388 Providence of God — continued. Goodman's (Dr. John) Sermons. ertj'. See christian. 399 Rellgioiig Orders. See monasticism, CARMELITES, DOMINICANS, JANSEKIST8. Remission of Sins. See foroiveness. Remonstrants. See stnud of dort. Pro. See arminians. Confessio : sive Declaratio sententiae pas- torum in Belgio. Cattenburgii Spioilegium Theologiae. Curcellfei Opera Theologica. Drieberge, de Predestinatione. Grotii Opera Theologica. Herbert (Herm.) de Predestinatione. Liuiborch, Theologia Christiana. Molinajus, (lo.) Armamentarium Spirituale. Vorstius, de Natura et attributis Dei. (Opera Omnia.) Con. See calvinists, decrees, election, aud the various other subjects on which Calvinists and Armenians disagree. For a great list of Remonstrant writers Bee Cattenburg, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Himoimtroiitium, and Theodoctus, Secta Jieh,ii. Remorse. See repentance. Repentance. See conversion, deathbed repentance, parab. of prodiq. son. Basil, ad Amphilochium. Chrj-sostom, de Compunctione cordis. Tertullian, de Pcenitentia. Antoninus de Contritione salutari. Bebellii Disputationes Theologicee. Breithauptus de Contritione. Eckhardi Dilucidatio Controv. Theol. HoflFmani Commentatio de Pcenitentia. Kortholti Disputationes Theologicae. Mayi Comm. in VIT Psalmos poenitentiales. Molinaeus de Pcenitentia et Clavibus. Perkinsii Theologia Metanaeologia. Eeudenii Sciagraphia loci de poenit. et ejus fructibus. Riveti Com. in VII Psalmos poenitentiales. Sennerti " " " Sontagii Disputationes Theologicae. Tarnovii Comm. in VII Psal. poenitentiales. Titii Disputationes Theologicae. Abernethy's (Dr. John) Sermons. Alison's (Archibald) Sermons. Allen's (Joshua) Sermons. Allix (Peter) on Repentance. (Against Papists.) Ambrose's (Isaac) First, middle, and last things. Arnold's (of Rugby) Sermons. Bailey (B.) on the Lost piece of money. Baker's (Arthur) Sermons on the saintly character. Balguy on Redemption. Baxter (R.) on the Penitential psalms. Persuasions to a sound conversion. Saint's Everlasting Rest. Bellamy's Nature of the Gospel. Repentance — coniimifA. Bern's Lectures on the penitential psalms. Bevcridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Biddulph on the 51st Psalm. Blencoe's (Edward) Sermons. Bloomfield's (G. B.) Sermons. Boston's Repentance unto Life. Bradford's (The Martyr) Good old way. Brewster's Meditations. Bulkley's (C.) Discourses. Bull's (j.) Sermons on the 51st Psalm. Bullinger's Decades. Carter's (John) Sermons. • Case's Sermons. Chandler's (S.) Sermons. Charnock's Works. Clay's (John) Sermons. Cole's (Thos.) Discourses. (" Highly evan- gelical and judicious." — Williams.) Colquhoun's Treatise on Repentance. Cooke's (W. G.) Sermons. Cooper's (William) Sermons. Davis' (Pres.) Sermons. Davies' (S.) Nature and Necessity of R. Deeoegleton's Portrait of the Christian Penitent. Dickinson's Letters. Let. 9. Dickson's Therapeutica Sacra. Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Ellis' Necessity of serious consideration and Repentance. Evans' (R. W.) Parochial Sermons. Finney (C. G.) on True and false Repent. Fisher on the Seven penitential psalms. Fuller's Gospel worthy of all acceptation. Gilpin's (Will.) Sermons. Goodman's (.John) Penitent pardoned. Graham's Only condition of final acceptation. Grant's (Johnson) Sermons. Gregory's (Thomas) Sermons. Grinfield's (E. W.) Sermons. Hall's (Robt.) Notes of Sermons. Hammond on R. (Practical Discourses.) Hervey's (J.) Sermons. Heylin's (John) Prodigal Son. Hildersham on the 51st Psalm. Hobarfs (Bp.) Sermons. Hooker on Contrition. Hopkins' Body of Divinity. Howe's Living Temple. Hunt's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Hutton's (F. H.) Sermons. Jackson's (Dean Tho.) Lent Sermons. Jebb's (Bp.) Angelic Joy. Kennaway's (C. E.) Sermons. Le Bas' (C. W.) Sermons. Logan's (John) Sermons. Magee on Atonement. Nos. 4, 5. Manstou's Lectures to young persons. Margoliouth's Genuine R. and its effects. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Morgan's Exposition of the 51st Psalm, Morton's (J.) The Penitent's prayer. Moss' (Robert) Sermons. Neal's (D.) Berry Street Sermons. 400 Repeiitance — cmitinued. Koel's (G. T.) Sermons. Osterwald's Theology. Owen on the IHdth Psalm. Patrick's (Bp.) Sermons. Paley's (William) Sermons. Payne on Repentance. Payson's (Edward) Works. Pearson's (II.) Sermons. Penn's (James) Sermons. Pratt's (C. 0.) Sermons. Pyles' (J.) Sermons. Robinson's Christian System. Ess. 40. Ross' (.John) Sermons. Saurin's Sermons. Scott's (Tho.) Theological Essays. Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Sellon's (W.) Sermons. Sheppard's Sound Believer. Short's (William) Sermons. Smith (Sam.) on the 51st Psalm. Smith's (H.) Sermons. Spring's (G.) Essays. Ess. 7. Stillingfleet's (James) Sermons. Styles' (John) Sermons. Swinnoek's Door of Salvation. Sykes on Redemption. Taylor's (Jer.) Doctrine and practice of R. Life of Christ. Discourse 9. Holy Living. Tajior's (John) Sermons. Thompson's (T.) Sermons. Toplady's (A.) Joy in heaven over a repent- ing sinner. Trench's (R. C.) Notes on the Parables. Usher's (Abp.) Sermons. (18 admirable discourses on this topic.) Van Mildert's Parable of the lost sheep. Walters' Discourses. Waterland's (Dan.) Sermons. Watson's Doctrine of Repentance. Watson's (Alexander) Sermons. Wells' (C.) Sermons. AVesthy's Helps to Repentance. Whitfield's (George) Sermons. Wilson's (John) Conversion of Zaceheus. Wilson's (W. C.) Sermons. Witsius on the Covenants. Wordsworth's Parable of the lost sheep. Wrangham's (Francis) Sermons. Wright On being born again. (Highly commended by Dr. Doddridge.) Wynyard's (John M.) Sermons. Zollikoffer's Festivals and Fasts. Repining. SeecHEERprLNEBS, contentment, PATIENCE, RESIGNATION, SDBMISSION. Reprobation. See decrees, election, FREE will, moral ABILITY, &C. I know of no book advocating the doctrine f absolute reprobation as a corollary to the doctrine of election. The nearest approach to it is by Twisse, in his •' Riches of God's tuve uiito the vtsscts of nitrcy" Reproof. See admonition. Blackall's (Bp.) Sermons. Blair's (James) Sermons. Finney's (C. G.) Lectures. Hall's (Bp.) Sermons. Hopkins' (Bp. E.) Works. McDonald's (A.) Sermons. Moss' (Robert) Sermons. Pyle's (Philip) Sermons. Simeon's (C.) Works. Smith's (Elisha) Sermons. Stebbings' (Henry) Sermons. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Republic of tlie Jetve. See JEWS, HISTORY op. Bertram, de Reipublica Hebrfeorum. Castellionis Reip. Heb. ex Josepho excerpta. Coringii (Herman.) Disputationes. Cuna?us de Republica Ebr»orum. Leydekeri Opera. (" Immense." — Orme.) Mcmochius de Republica Ebrteorum. Sigonius de Repub. Ebr. (Acta erud.) Ugolini Thesaurus antiquitarum sacr. Witsius de Theocratia Israelitarum. Zeltner, de Adoloscentia repub. Israel. Homes' Scripture history of the Jews. Jahn's Hebrew Commonwealth. Lewis' Hebrew Republic. Reputation. See ambition, fame, honob, LOVE OF PRAISE. Resentment. See forgiveness. Butler's (Albau) Sermons. Christian Rev. 9:212. Hey on the Malevolent sentiments. Resignation. See contentment. Adey's (William) Sermons. Anderson's (James S.) Sermons. Atterbury's (L.) Discourses. Barrow's (Isaac) Sermons. Bates' Works. Disc. 3. Berens' (Edw.) Village Sermons. Brinsley's Drinking of the bitter cup. Brooks' Mute Christian under the smarting rod. Buchanan (James) on Affliction. Burroughs on Resignation and Contentment. Carr's (George; Sermons. Chappelow's Silence a Christian duty. Charlesworth's (John) Practical Sermons. Clagget's (William) Discourses. Clarke's (Samuel) Sermons. Coney's (Thomas) Sermons. Crawford's (AV.) Sermons. Dickson's (David) Sermons. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 95. Emmon's (Nath.) Sermons. Faringdon's (Anthony) Sermons. Fowler's (Bp.) Sermons. Gerard's (Alex.) Sermons. Home's (Bp.) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Messinger's Sentiments on Resignation. 401 Resignation — ccmtinued. Newnham's Tribute of Sympathy. Patrick's (Bp.) Sermons. Penn's (John) Sermons. Simeon's (C.) WorKs. Smart's Duty of Christian people. South's (Robert) Sermons. Stewart's (J. H.) Discourses. Summerfleld's (John) Sermons. Wilcox's (Daniel) Sermons. Worthington's Great duty of Resignation. Resisting Evil. See FRIENDS, KEVENQE, WAR, Restitution. Bertheau's (Charles) Sermons. Beveridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Burns' (Richard) Sermons. Chillingworth's Works. Davies' (Tho.) Sermons. Ford's (Robt.) Sermons. Heylin's (John) Theological Lectures. Kidder's (Bp.) Sermons. Partridge's (S.) Sermons. Placette on Restitution. Ridgeley's Body of Divinity. Tucker's (John) Sermons. Restorationists. See universalists. Pro. Gerardi (Lud.) Systema An-ofaraoracrEM; : das est, ein Volst'andiger LehrbegrifF des ewigen Evangelii, etc. Atkins on Universal Redemption. Bourne (Sam.) on Future punishment. Brown's Restitution of all things. Burnett on the State of the dead. Clarke's (Rich.) Vind. of the honor of God. Hartley on Man. Newton on the Final condition of men. Petitpierre's Thoughts on Divine goodness. Ramsay's Philosophical principles. (Main- tains the doctrine of metempsychosis.) Stonehouse on Universal Restitution. Universilist Quarterly. 4:329. Vidler's Letters to Fuller. Whiston on the Eternity of hell torments. White's Restitution of all things. Winchester's Outcasts comforted. Dialogues. (Various other treatises.) Con. See eternity of hell torments. Brandani (H. Gebhardi) Amica disquisitio de diabolorum, etc. (Able reply to Gerard. Scores of other answers appeared, chiefly in the German language.) Goetzii Observationes Sacraj. I'anichen's grundlicher Beweis, etc. Klausing, de Eternis peccatorum pcenis. Lampii (F. A.) Dissertationes. Sinsart, Defense du dogme catholique. Vossius, Bekentniss der Liebe Gottes nach der Wahrheit, etc. , Wernsdorfius de Restitut. rerum omnium. 26 Appleton's (Pres.) Works. Lect. 47-49. Edwards against Chauncy. Erskine's Church History. Horberry's Script, doct. of fut. punishment. Isaac (Dan.) on Universal restoration. Lampe's Dissertations. Marston on Universal restoration. There is no denomination of this name. Those who hold the doctrine of future punishment for a finite period, and those who believe that all retribution for sin is inflicted in this life, are generally included in the name " Universalists." Restoration of the Jews to Canaan. See CONVERSION of the jews. Altingii Spes Israelis. Burnett, de Restoratione futura, etc. Calvert, Napthali : seu Collectiones, etc. Daguet, Traditiones des S. S. peres. Lightfoot, Promissiones Divinse. Willet, de Judaeorum vocatione. Barrington on the Divine dispensations. Bibliotheca Sacra. 4:337. Bicheno's R. of the J. the crisis of nations. Bickersteth on the Restoration, &o. Blaney's New translation of Jeremiah. Burnett (Bp.) on the Restoration, &c. Chris. Monthly Spect. 8:57,502. Clarke on the Promises. Clayton on Prophecy. (Makes it to occur A.D. 2015.) Crool's Restoration of the Jews. Doddridge's Lectures. Lect. 228. Draxe's World's Resurrection. Durell's Parallel proph. of Jacob and Moses. Ettrick's Reflections on the prophecies. Eyre on the Restoration of Israel. Faber's (G. S.) Downfall of the Turkish power. Faber's Connected view of the P. relating to the restoration of Israel. Fleming's Apocalyptic Key. Fletcher's Israel Redux. Friend of Israel. Periodical. Hershell's State and prospects of the Jews. Jewish Repository. Periodical. Lardner's (Nath.) Discourses. Lord's Lit. and Theol. Journ. 2:15,240,253. McNeil's (H.) Lectures on the prophecies. Maitland's View of prophecy. Maurice on the Appearing of the Tribes. Mayer on the Prophecies. Morning Watch. Periodical. Pirie's (Alex.) Works. Tyso's Inquiry as to Prophetic truth. Whiston on the Restoration of the Jews. Whitaker on the Prophecies relating to the restoration of the Jews. Wood's Believers' guide to prophecy. Resurrection. See identity. Athenagoras, de Resurrectione. Chrysostom, Homiliae. Origen, contra Celsum. TertuUian, de Resurrectione carnis. 402 Resurrection — continued. Bebelius de R. infantum nondum genitorum. Bernholdi Dissertationes Theologicae. Beza, Homilije. Callixtus de Resurrectione oarnis. Calovii (Abrah.) Dissertationes. Danhaveri (loann. G.\ Dissertationes. Fabricii de Relig. Christi. Cap. XLV. Gerhardi Loci Communes. Haberkorn, de R. efficacia et fruetu. Hottingeri Diss, theolog.-polemicarum. Mosheim, de Statura corjjorum beatorum. Segerus de Resurrectione embryorum. Teller de Dogm. R. per iv priora seeula. Wegneri de R. impiorum. Zornii Delineatio theologise Patristicae. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 3d Series. 1:212. Arnold's (Dr. Tho.) Sermons. Barrow (Isaac) on the Creed. Baxter on the Soul. Boston's Fourfold State. Resurrection of Clirist. See ASCENSION, descent into hell. Calovius de Christi Resurgentis majestate. Carpzovii Discussio diffieilium quorundam de morte et R. Christi. Daille, sur la R. de Christ. Gerardus de Gloria R. Christi." Ilottinger, de Resurrectione Christi. Meyerus, utrum R. Christi pertineat ad opus redemptionis ? Quenstedius de Fundamento R. Christi. Wesselius de veritate R. Christi. Adej^'s (William) Sermons. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Benson's History of the Life of Christ. Evidences of Christ's resurrection. Burder's Village Sermons. Butcher's (William) Sermons. Chandler's Witnesses of Christ's resurrection re-examined. Clarke's (Dr. Sam.) Sermons. Cook's (Geo.) Illustrations of Christ's R. Coverdale's (Miles) Remains. Dimock's (Henry) Sermons. Ditton on Christ's Resurrection. Dore's Essay on the R. of Christ. Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Garbent's Demonstration of the R. of C. Grove's Evidences of our Saviour's R. Hall's (Bp.) Contemplations. Bk. 4. Hopkins' (Bp.) Works. Horsley's (Bp.) Nine Sermons. Jackson's (John) Address to Deists. Lardner's Remarks on our Lord's R. Newcombe (Bp.) on the Difficulties in the Gospel History, r. John) Sermons. Glauvil's (Joseph) Discourses. Hammond's (Henry) Sermons. Hurd's (Bp.) Sermons. Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Sermons. Kearney's (John) Sermons. Knagg's (Thomas) Sermons, llogers' (John) Sermons. Stillingtleet's (Bp.) Sermons. Sutton's (W.) Sermons. Tillotsou's (Abp.) Sermons. Tottie's (John) Sermons. Trapp's (Joseph) Preservative. Van Mildert's Boyle Lectures. Whichcofs (B.) Sermons. Scotlsts. Duns Scoti o])cra omnia. (12 v. fol.) Frassenii Scotus Academicus. Hackhotfori Compendium alphabeticum. Hermanni Tractatus Tlieologici. Krisperi Theo!o:^ia. Opstraeti Theologia. Schopenii Universa Theologia. Varesii Promj)tuarium. Scribes. See Jewish astiquitiks. Hechtius de Secta Scribarum. Ugolini Thesaurus antiq. sacrarum. Beausobre & L'Enfant's Introd. to IST. Test. Calmet's Sects of the Jews. Lightfoot's Commentary. JIatt. 2:U. To'mline's (Bp.) Christian Theology. "Wells' Help to uuderstanding the Scriptures. Wotton's Miscellaneous Discourses. Scripture BiograpUy. See biography. Scripture Natural History. See NATURAL HISTORT OF THE BIBLE. Seal of tlie Spirit. See witness. Seals and Trumpets. See i:ommi;ntat ox the apocalypse. Cunuinghame on the Seals and Trumjiets. Gascoiue's (R.) Now Solution, Ac. 18-t7. Glass' (John) Five Letters. Hardy (S.) on the Principal prophecies. Harrison's (B.) AVarburton Lectures. Markwiek's (D. W.) Si.x Tracts. Moule's (Henry) Lectures. (First 6 seals.) Seamen. Abbot's (A.) Sermons to Mariners. Bains' Naval Discourses. Bassnet's (C.) Sermons. Blackwood's Mag. 9:414. Burder's ((leo.) Twelve Sermons to sailors. Christian Quart. Spect. 3:25.3. Clarke's (J. S.) Naval Sermons. (Charac- ter and duties of Seamen.) Flavel's Navigation spiritualized. Hanway's Seamen's Christian friend. Harris' (Dr. John) Brittania. (A prize essay. 1837.) Hay ward's (S.) Sermons. Haddock's Sermons to seamen. Mark's Sea Sermons. Philips' Bethel Flag. Ramsey's Sermons for the Navy. Reports of the various Seamen's Friend Soc. Ryther's Seamen's Preacher. Scoresby's Discourses to Seamen. Stockdale's (Percival) Sermons. (13 to S.) Wood's (J.) True honor of navigation. (Quaint.) Searcliing tl»e Scriptures. See KEAiiixo. Amory's (Thoiiias) Sermons. Clapp's (J.) Sermons. D'Oyly's (George) Sermons. Eveieigh's (John) Sermons. Fowle's (F. W.) Ten plain sermons. Frost's (John) Sermons. Gibbs' (Jos.) Directions for seaiching the S. Gilpin's (William) Sermons. Hervey's (James) Sermons. Nourse's (P.) Discourses. Patrick's (Bp.) Sermons. Scott's (John) Sermons. Scobel's (Edward! Sermons. Shuttleworth's (P. N.) Sermons. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Sterne's (Lawrence) Sermons. Williams' (Bp.) Sermons. Seat of tlie Soul. Des Cartes de Passionibus. Vitringie Dissertationes. Doddridge's Lectures. Propos. 4. Moore on the Immortality of the soul. Vitringa's Observations on obscure texts. Watts' Essays. Essay 3. Secession CUurcli. Anderson's (.lohn) Works. Brown's (John) Gospel truth stated. Rise and progress of Secession. History of British Churches. Dick's (John) Lectures. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 17:695. Erskine's (Ebenezer) Works. 411 Secession CHurcli — continued. Erskine's (Ralph) Works. Ferrier's Memoir of Rev. W. Wilson. (Con- tains a very good account of the origin of the Secession Church.) Frazier's Memoir of Ebenezer Erskine. Gibbs' Display of the Secession Testimony. Graham on Ecclesiastical Establishments. Hetherington's Hist, of the Ch. of Scotland. McCrie's Unity of the Church. McKerrow's Secession Ch. 1847. (Very satis- factory, though Gibbs is more copious.) Robertson's Hist, of the Secession Church. Hist, of the S. Ch. missions to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island. Struthers' History of Seotliind. Wilson's Def. of Reformation princijiles. Second Adam. Edge's (W. J.) Lectures. Second Advent of Clirist. See MILLENAKTANS, MfLLERISM. Chrysostom de Secundo adventu. Cyril (Hieros.) Catecheses. Cyril (Ales.) de Exitu animi, etc. Bengel's Erklarte Offenbarung Johannis. (In this and several other works he endeavors to prove the time to be 1836.) Bohm's Zeichen der Zeit. Ephraem Syrus, Opera. Henke Lineamenta. (Explains it away.) Hoelemann's Stellung Pauli zu der Frage urn d. Zeit d. Wiederkunst Christi. Schott (H. A.), Comm. in eos J. C. sermones qui de reditu ejus, etc. Stilliug's Siegsgeschichte der Kirche. Vossius de Adventu Christi ultimo. Abdiel [J. W. Brooks] on the Kingdom of Christ. Bayford's Messiah's Kingdom. Benson's (Joseph) Sermons. Bloomfield's Lent Lectures. (Ten volumes of discourses by England's ablest divines.) Bosthwick's Lectures. Brookes' (J. W.) Essays. Burgh's [or De Burgh] Lectures. Burroughs' Jerusalem's Glory. Caswall's (E.) Sermons. Chalmers' (Tho.) Sermons. Christian Observer. 28:226,450, Christian Review. 9:597. Chace's (Samuel) Messiah's advent. Coleman's Redeemer's Triumph. Cotton's (R. L.) Sermons. Crosby (Alpheus) on the Second advent. Doddridge's (Philip) Sermons. Dodsworth on the Second advent. Dowling's Reply to Miller's Lectures. Drummond's Defence of the students of prophecy. Duffield (Geo.) on the Proph. relating, Vmvnn*. 1 tfr^mr of M«n( •iok. rmoD*. Sd BerU*. .- ._....; .-trUKIIU. T*|>pM»'( (Uftvldj B«nDoiM. Mvcrvt 1*1 < ^1 Mnsoiu. iiiuD*. it ftad Scmoaa. I K.I SvnauM. ltt»l 8«mon«. a: W I .'•n«. Jctwliun. oiKuriAX csio«. ■••tarlsMlaM. 8m ■••wT. rsrrt. Att- n't Prr'ijMvr tn prmc* and noitjr. I ~crlariMiiilil. (OItm :iri*CiMi McU In lb* f l'bri*ti«a frccdea. <. 4 4«0. SrUiui'i Q— MAU 4. BdNM, la fatalur _ _ .... KfUiM •xxa whiek hsr* nMB nse* (tr r,.) •rwatua libw. I«M. (Vrir ti,. ,11 >'-'!l]. rMcktag la -•f •frr» 7^ Ameri' I. f I I 1 J I . _.. -_ ... I • ■ rrb(« aad rM«<« o< Um Lbiit^I < V of »ll Um CbarpltM '1 >• •(., .^1 ut ••«(• wbtcb ':'tijr *sd ttA- I. I ..,._.. \'' '• at*. \^ n*. \^ liipl>lvliUrr • U«i. I'rijuUa. ui tii* L , ti. 1M9. Her «larlaai. Km «T«u«a. Mrc«Hdl»ms. Km VAiJi»Ti*UMk IlBji>Dai;p. Ilitluirr 4r* Jntf*. Tom. lit. Far (ill. KrUiiviMvaMtM mr Iw 4mu ptwtf • i^lf>«. Viinnirm «>b*err«Uoa«a S«en». WrdartloM. -' rvion*. >\ilMjn (ill W»lic> < A •. lUI. Hvri*. sm ■i«r<>aT or i>urTaisM,atAi«io»«. »'aiui. •ar^AaiAVift*. Aniulil'* (<).i II III. d. K irchrD, Hr. ( Nii- rou* |Mirtr«tu. IW|(io« wiib ibf> ' omiurv, and (itp* lb* dalaila of all ii»- up U> U»« JCAT 170#.) Tbink* |» ' rr powrrfkl.) fiaili mi*. » ar.!:** • i^-^xtrr* oa F«aiaW pwmifitoo Wbiubar* (Kdw. W.j SvnaMa. 413 Selah. See biblical criticism, philoloot. Bartolocci Excerpta. (Ugolinus, vol. 32.) Calmet (A.) de nho. Hcumann de dSd Hcb. interject, musica. Micliijelis (J. O.) Exercitationes Theologicse. Pa?chii de D ;D philologica enucleatio. Pfeiifer, de Voce vexata PItD. Reine (M. H. C.) de lilD. (Ugolinus, torn. 32.) Calmet's Dissertations. Danville Review. June, 1864. Jebb's Trans, of the Psalms. (Appendix.) Self-Conceit. See conceit, humility, VAINULORT, VANITY. Self-Confidence. Barrow's (Isaac) Sermons. Bateman's (Josiab) Sermons. Bather's (Edward) Sermons. Bell's (William) Sermons. Boston's (T.) Happiness of fearing always. Christian Observer. 14:155. Disney's (.John) Sermons. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Fawcett's (Josej)h) Sermons. Free's (.John) Sermons. Henry's (Matthew) Sermons. Hill's (John) Sermons. Hoole's (Joseph) Sermons. Jackson's (Miles) Sermons. Johnson's (Dr. S.) Sermons. Langhorne's (John) Sermons. Lardner's (Nath.) Sermons. Mant's (Bp.) Lectures. Martin's (S.) Sermons. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Moore's (Hannah) Practical Piety. Parkinson's (R.) Sermons. Rogers' (John) Sermons. Shuttleworth's (P. N.) Sermons. Skelton's (Philip) Works. Smith's (Henry) Sermons. Taylor's (C.) Sermons. "Vincent's (John) Sermons. Webster's (.James) Sermons. Wheatland's (Thomas) Sermons. Self-Cultiire. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 5:75. Amer. Monthly Rev. 1:504. Analytical Magazine. 16:481. Bacon's (Leonard) Christian self-culture. Beard (J. R.) on Self-culture. Burder (H. F.) on Mental discipline. Sermons. (Self-discipline.) Channing's (Will. E.) Essays. Christian Examiner. 2:412. 9:70. 11:295. 37:331. 51:185. Democratic Review. 5:85. Foster's (John) Essays. (Admirable.) Grey's Thoughts on self-culture. Mason on Self-knowledge. Monthly Chris. Spectator. 8:388. Taylor's Hints to a youth leaving school. Self-Deception. See DECEiTFrnESS OF THK HEART. Alexander's (J. A.) Sermons. Arnold's (Frederick) Sermons. Baxter's Mischief of self-ignorance. Black's (David) Sermons. Blair's (James) Sermons. Bourn's (Samuel) Sermons. Burgess' (A.) Spiritual Pvefinings. Butler's (Bp.) Sermons. Butler's (Will. A.) Sermons. Christian Observer. 1:638,696. 20:150. Christian Quar. Spect. 9:42. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Danberry's Trial of the spirits. Dykes' Mystery of self-deceiving. Ellis' (C.) Self-deceiver discov'd to himself. Enfield's (AVill.) Sermons. Evans on Christian temper. Fawcett's (Joseph) Sermons. Fawcett's (John) Sermons. Finney's (C. G.) Lectures to profess. Chris. Hall's (Bp.) Sermons. Haweis' (T.) Sermons. Hort's (Josiah) Sermons. Howe's Living Temple. (Ed. by Chalmers.) Jamieson's (John) Sermons. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Sermons. Lamont's (David) Sermons. Mason on Self-knowledge. McGill's (Stephenson) Sermons. Morgan's (J. P.) Sermons. Sharpe's (Wm.) Sermons before the Univer- sity at Cambridge. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Spurgeon's (Cha. H.) Sermons. 7th Series. Stebbings' Sermons. Taylor's (Bp.) Sermons. Vincent's (John) Sermons. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Yonge's (James) Sermons. 3d Series. Self-Dedication. Bibliotheca Sacra. 18:143. Chandler's (Sam.) Sermons. Christian Observer. 20:737. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Davies' (Sam.) Sermons. Doddridge's Rise and progress of religion in the soul. Dow's (W.) Discourses. Edwards' (Pres.) Memoirs. Evans' (Dr. John) Discourses. Fish's Primitive piety revived. Ch. 3. Gold and the Gospel. (Prize Essays on giving in proportion to income, by Con- stable, Morgan, Spence, Ross, and others. 1856.) Hardwick's Christ and other Masters. Harris (Dr. Will.) on Personal self-dedicat. Howe's (John) Works. Vol. 1. Lavington's (Samuel) Sermons. Le Bas' (C. W.) Sermons. Short's (Bp.) Sermons. Watts on Prayer. Worthington's (John) Select Discourses. 414 Self-Defence. See duelling. Ballou's Christian non-resistance defended. Blackall's (Bp.) Sermons. Christ. Exam. 31:164. Clagget's (William) Sermons. Coleman's (C.) Sermons. Dodd's (Will.) Sermons to young men. Gresley's (William) Sermons. Grove's Moral Philosophy. Miles' (Cornelius) Sermons. Self-Denial. See bensualitt. Wahrenburg (C. H. W.) de Abnegatione sui. Windischmann Vorlesungen iiber Ethik. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Ashwood's Heavenly Trade. Attcrbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Bather's (Edward) Sermons. Baxter's (Rich.) Treatise on self-denial. Bloomfield's (G. B.) Sermons. (Self-crucifix.) Calvin's Institutes of Theology. Campbell (G.) on Temperance and Self-den. Cappe's Practical Discourses. Channing's (Will. E.) Sermons. Craig's (Edward) Sermons. Crisp's (Tobias) Christ alone exalted. (Very superior.) Bowling's (John G.) Sermons. Edwards' (Dr. John) Theologia Reformata. Erskine's (Dr. John) Sermons. Fawcett's (John) Sermons. Firmin's Real Christian. Fish's (11. C.) Prim, piety revived. Ch. 4. Foster (Dr. J.) on Self-gov't and Self-denial. Gilpin's (William) Sermons. Hale's (Sir Matt.) Contemplations. Hill's (G. D.) M^ayfarings in Christ. Hooker's Treatise on Self-denial. Home's (Bp.) Discourses. Jelf's (R. W.) Sermons. Jones' (Wm. of Nayland) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Kempis' Imitation of Christ. Mason on Self-knowledge. Part 2, ch. 1. McLean's Apostolical Commission. (Exc't.) Moncreiff's (H. W.) Sermons. . Muir's (.James) Sermons. Newman's (John H.) Sermons. Nicholson's (Will.) Sermons. Noel's (G. T.) Sermons. Polwheele on Self-denial. Preston's Life Eternal. Reynolds' (Bp.) Sermons. Scott's (John) Sermons. Serle's Christian Remembrancer. Spring's (Gardner) Essays. Ess. 10. Tucker's Light of nature pursued. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Whately's (Rich.) Essays on var. passages. Whitby's Annotations on Luke 9:23. Sermons. Whitefield's Sermons. Wilson's (Thomas) Sermons. Yonge's (James) Sermons. 3d Series. Young's (Dr. Edward, Sen.) Sermons. Self-Examination. Abbadie, I'Art de la connaitre soi meme. Adey's (Wm.) Sermons. Atkinson's (Christopher) Sermons. Balguy's (John) Sermons. Barker's (John) Sermons. Barr's Help to professing Christians. Baxter's Mischief of self-ignorance. Berens' (Edward) Sermons for a sick-room. Boyce's Ground of hope. Brewster's Meditations. Brooks' Unsearchable Riches. on Holiness. Buck's Dictionary. Art. " Self-Deception." Buddicom's (Robt. P.) Sermons. Burder's (Henry F.) Sermons. Burgess (Ant.) on Self-judging. Charnock's (S.) Works. Christian Observer. 2:205,408. 11:416. 20:1, 121,477,743. , Colquhoun on Spiritual Comfort. Corbet's Self-employment in secret. Dibdeu's (R. W.) Sermons. ^ Drysdale's (Dr. John) Sermons. Dyke's Mystery of self-deceiving. Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Ellis' Self-deceiver discovered to himself. Fenelon's Spiritual Works. Firmin's Real Christian. Fowle's (F. W.) Sermons. Gilpin's (William) Sermons. Gouge's Christian Directions. Goodhue's The Crucible. (Not always judi- cious.) Gurnall's Christian Armor. (Capital.) Guthrie's Trial of a saving interest in Christ. Haldane's (J. A.) AVorks. (Excellent.) Hale's (Judge) Contemplations. Hastings' (H. J.) Parochial Sermons. Hoare's (C. J.) Sermons. Jacomb on Holy Dedication. Jenks' Meditations. Johnson's (Dr. S.) Sermons. Lavington's (Samuel) Sermons. Leland's (Dr. Thomas) Sermons. Malan's Theogones ; or answer to the ques- tion, "Am I a child of God ?" Mason on Self-knowledge. Mead's Almost Christian discovered. ^Nlilner's (Is.aac) Sermons. Muston's (C. R.) Sermons. Newlin's (Tho.) Sermons before the Univer- sity of Oxford. Newnham's Tribute of sympathy. Palmer's Gospel new cfeature. Pattison's (E.) Sermons. Price's (Richard) Sermons. Rowe's Devout Christian. Scudder's Christian's daily walk. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Shepherd's Sincere Convert. Sherlock's Mercurius Christianus. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Sterne's (Lawrence) Sermons. 415 Self-Examination — crmtinued. Still's Hora; Privatae. Thomas' (Bp.) Sermons. Trail's Guide to Communicants. Trapp's (Joseph) Sermons. Valdeso's I>ivine Considerations. Vincent's True Christian Love. Waples' (Edward) Sermons. ■Warren's (Samuel) Sermons. Woodhnusc's {ii. W.) Practical Sermons. Zollikoffer's Sermons on the evils that are in the world. Self-Kxlstence of God. See existence OF GOD, INDEPENDENCE. Self-Go vernnient. Abernethy's (John) Sermons. Barker's (John) Sermons. Buckminster's (Joseph S.) Sermons. Claggett's (William) Sermons. Edmondson's Concise system of self-gov't. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses. Gouge's Christian Directions. Hewlett's (John) Sermons. Horneck's Law of Consideration. Ibbot's (Benj.) Sermons. Maurice's (F. D.) Sermons. Oakeley's (Frederick) Sermons. Wallin's (B.) Sermons. Selfislmess. Abernethv's (Bp.) Sermons. Christian" Observer. 20:378,507. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Finney's (Cha. G.) Sermons. Guyse's (John) Sermons. Hare's (J. C.) Victory of faith. Harris' Mammon; or, Covetousness the sin of the Church. Manning's (H. E.) Sermons. Miiller's Doct. of sin. Tr. by Pulsford. Richardson's (William) Sermons. Sartain's (Joseph) Sermons. Simeon's (C.) Works. Spencer's (Bp.) Sermons. Spirit of the Pilgrims. 6:623. Stennett's (Joseph) Sermons. Self-Kno-wledge. See self-deception, SELF-EXAMINATION. Abbadie, L'art de se connoitre soi-meme. (The author makes self-love the highest principle of virtue.) Wigandi Tj/toS-t Ssauroi'. (Contemplates man as innocent, fallen, renewed, and glorified.) Abbadie's Art of knowing one's self. Baxter's (Rich.) Mischief of Self-ignorance. Blunt's (Henry) Sermons. Buckminster's (Joseph S.) Sermons. Drew's Principles of Self-knowledge. Finche's Elements of Self-knowledge. Foster's (.John) Essays. Frith's (John, the Martyr) Works. Self-Knowledge — continued. Hickman's (Bp.) Sermons. Langhorne's (W.) Sermons. Langhorne's (J.) Sermons. Locke on the Human understanding. Mason On the benefit of self-knowledge. Noel's (Gerard T.) Sermons. Nichols' (Benj. E.) Sermons. Porteus' (Bp.) Sermons. Ravenell's [or Ravenhill] Nosce teipsum ,• or the sure foundation of true religion. Sterne's (Lawrence) Sermons. AVatts on the Improvement of the mind. Logic Zollikoffer's (Geo. J.) Sermons on prevalent errors and vices. Self-IiOve. Abercrombie's Moral Philns. Part 1, sec. 3. Barrow's (Isaac) Sermons. Butler's (Bp.) Sermons. Christ. Quart. Spectator. 7:564. Darnell's (W. N.) Sermons. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 1. Foster (James) on Self-love and its excess. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Kirwan's (W. B.) Sermons. Miiller's Christian doctrine of sin. Newton's (Bp.) Dissertations. Tennison's (Abp.) Treatise against self-love. Waterland's (Bp.) Sermons. Wayland's Elements of moral science. Self-Reliance. See self-confidence. Am. Monthly Rev. 1:504. Christ. Exam. 37:331. Self-Iiigliteousness. Bather's (Edward) Sermons. Bellamy's Nature and glory of the Gospel. Burgess' (Anthony) Sermons. Christ. Month. Spectator. 5:124. Crisp's (T.) Sermons. Glass' (John) Works. Jenks on Submission to the righteousness of God. Keach (Benj.) on Justification. Mather's (N.) Sermons. Milne's (James) Sermons. Semi-Arians. See arians, eunomianr, trinity, ic. Semi-Pelagians. See stnerqists. Buddei Hist. crit. theologize dogmaticaj. Gefl'kenii Hist. Semipelagian. antiquissima. Morainis Anti-Jansenius. (Full of valuable quotations.) Neander's DenkwUrdigkeiten. Prosperi Epistola ad Augustinam. Vossii Historia Pelagiana. Walch's Historic der Ketzereien. Wall's History of infant baptism. Wiggers' Augustanism and Pelagianism. 416 Sensuality. See i.ove of pleasure, morti- fication, PI.EASDRE, SELF-DENIAL, SOBRIETY, iC. Baxter's (Rich.) Christian Ethies. Case's Sensuality dissected ; or the epicure's motto opened and censured. Drysdale's (Dr. John) Sermons. Fordyce's Folly and misery of unlawful pleasures. Fowle's (P. W.) Ten plain sermons. Parsons' (J.) Sermons. Spencer's (Aubrey G.) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Holy living. Tottie's (John) Sermons before the Univer- sity of Oxford. Wise's (Thomas) Sermons. Zollikoffer's (Geo. J.) Sermons. Septuaglnt. Aristeffi Historia LXX. (This author is said to have been one of the Seventy. His his- tory is regarded as authentic by Vossius, Walton, Whiston, Brett, and others; but is rejected by Van Dale, Hody, and others.) Capelli Epistola ad Usserum. 1651. Eichorn's Einleitung ins Alte Test. 1795. Ernesti Institutiones. 1760. Fischeri Prolusiones de vers. Grfecis. 1772. Frankel's Histor. kritische Studien zu der Sept. 1841. Geret, de Causis discrepantiarum vers. LXX a textu original!. Grabii Dissertat. de variis vitiis LXX ante Originis sevum illatis. 1707. Henckius de Usu LXX in N. Test. 1711. Hody contra Hist. Aristeae de LXX. 1680. de Bibliorum textibus vers. Graecis. 1705. (''This is the classical work on the LXX." — Marsh.) Holmes et Parsons Vet. Test. Graecum. 1798. (See an extended notice of this splendid work in the Eclectic Review. Vol. 2.) Hornemanni Specimen Exerc. in LXX. 1773. Jahn's Einleitung in Alte Test. 1813. Landschreiber's Quellen zu Text, etc. 1857. Morini Prolegomena et Exercitationes. 1586. Miicke de Origine vers. LXX. 1788. Rosenmuller's Handbuch fiir Litteratur der biblischen Kritik u. Exegese. 1830. Scharfenbergii Animadversiones. 1776. Schleusneri Opuscula Critica. 1802. Simonis Histori Crit. de Vet. Test. 1741. I^sseri de Gra;ca vers, syntagma. 1650. Valesii Epistola de Versione Septuaginta. 1770. (Reply to Usher.) Van Dale, Diss, super Aristeam. (Great.) Vossii (I.) Dissertationes. 1640 AValtoni Biblia Polyglott. 1655. (Prolegom.) Aristeus' Hist, of the Sept. Tr. by Donne. Blair (Dr. John) on the Canon of Scripture. (Has a learned dissertat. on this subject.) Brenton's LXX. (With chronology, tables.) Brett's Dissertations. 1715. (On the difference between our English Bible and the Sept., though both translated from the Hebrew. In Watson's Tracts.) S e ptuagi nt — continued. Butler's HoraB Biblicje. Christian Examiner. 54:165. Christian Month. Spect. 6:404. Christian Observer. 20:543,610,646,746. Cruwys on the Archetype of the Sept. 1774, Ernest's Principles of interpretation. Trans, by Terrot. 1835. Grabb's Preface to his edition of the Sept. Gregory (.John) on the Septuagint. 1674. Grinfield's Apology for the Septuagint. 1774. (Asserts its biblical and canon, authority.) [Hayes' (Cha.)] Vindication of the S. (From Scaliger, Dupin, Hody, s. Lee. 6. Cowie's Hulsean Lectun-. 1 '53. D'Oyly's (George) Sermu.,-. Kitto's Journ. 3:136. 4:148. 5:225. 6:208,459. Oakes (A.) on the Sun standing still. Rawlinson's Bampton Lectures. 1859, Reading's (William) Sermons. Supererogation. See good works, JUSTIFICATION, POPERY. Smythaei de Missse sacrificio enarratio. Chauncey's Doctrine according to godliness. Coles on Divine sovereignty. Hey's (Dr. John) Lectures. Bk. 4. Leighton's Meditations on the 130th Psalm. Moore's Grand mystery of godliness. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. (Sermon by Tho. Lye.) Superstition. See apparitions. Baumgarten-Crusii Theses Theologicae. Bonnet de Causis S. inter Christianos. Buddaji Theses Theologicae. Crusius (C. A.) de Dissimilitudine inter religionem et superstitionem. Encyclopedic Theologique. Gerson contra Superstitiosos dierum observ. Le Brun, Hist, des practiques superstitieuse. Matthaei Analecta veteris Eevi. Picart, Superstit., Anciennes et Modernes. Thier, Traite des Superstitions. Werenfels (S.), Dissertations. Am. Quar. Rev. 3:423. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Bigland's Essays. Ess. 6. Blakeman's (Dr. E.) Philosophical Essays. 440 Superstition — continued. Blackwood's Mag. 3:188. (Welch.) 47:55.3. (Modern.) (;i:368,432,541,547,673. 62:166. Brown's Vulgar Errors. Buck's (Cha.) Religious Anecdotes. Calvin (John) on Relics. Chandler's (Dr. Samuel) Discourses. Cheke, Life of; by Strype. Claude on the Composition of a sermon. Cooke's (John) Sermons. Delolme's Memorial of Superstition. Dodwell's (Will.) Sermons. Durand's (Jas. F.) Sermons. Translated by Munkhouse. Durant's Memoirs of an only son. Edwards' (Bp.) Theologia Reformata. (On the 1st commandment.) Evans' Unhappy effects of superstition. Fellowes' (Robt.) Religion without cant. For. Quar. Rev. 2:556. (Naples.) Foster's (John) Contributions to the Eclectic Review. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Frazier's Mag. 11:218. 73:705. Grant's Superstitions of the Highlanders. Graves' (Richard) Sermons. Gregory's Essays. Ess. 3. Hewlett's (John) Sermons. Hoadley's (Bp.) Sermons. Hospinian on Popery. Ibbot's (Benjamin) Sermons. Leighton's (Abp.) Sermons. (Sermon on Heavenly Wisdom.) Limborch's Theologia Christiana. Littell's Living Age. 13:105,518. 14:83. 22:423. Lowell's (Samuel) Sermons. McDonald (J. M.) on Credulity. Manningham's Nature and effects of S. Marshall's (N.) Sermons. Museum of For. Lit. 3:372. (Popular.) 15:299. (Italian.) 26:15. (Scotch.) Naylor's Insanity and mischief of vulgar S. Newnham's Effects of physical influence on the mind, in producing visions, utationes. Sandii Bibliotheca Anti-Trin., etc. To 1684. Somneri Specimen Theologife Soharicie. Stapferi Institutiones. Cap. II, sec. 16. Witsii Exercitationes. Zanchius de Tribus Elohim. Allix's Testimony of the Jewish Church. Fathers vindicated. Am. Bibl. Repos. 4:20.4. Am. Monthly Rev. 4:29. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Barrow's Defence of the Holy Trinity. Bates' Works. Chap. 5. Baxter's End of Controversy. Bedford's (A.) Defence of the doctrines, &c. Berriman's Moyer Lectures. 1723, 1724. (Historical.) Biblioth. Sac. 3:499,760. 4:25. Bradbury's Mystery of Godliness. Bull's (Bp.) Defence of the Nicene Creed. Burgess' (Bp.) Introd. to the doct. of the T. Burgess' Collection of Tracts. Burton's Testim. of Ante-Nicene Fathers. Butler's (Wm. Archer) Sermons. Bushnel's Christian T. a practical truth. Calamy's (Edm'd) Sermons at Salter's Hall. Chapman's (Dr.) Miscellaneous Tracts. Cheyne's Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Christ. Month. Spect. 8:257. Christ. Quart. Spect. 6:259. Clarke's (Sam.) Scripture doctrine of the T. Cleland's Unitarianism Unmasked. Clements' Moyer Lectures. 1757. Crot'i's IJaiiipton Lectures. 1786. Crosthwaite's (J. C.) Sermons. Cudworth's Intellec. system of the universe. D'Oyly's (Dr. George) Sermons. Drumond (W. H.) on the Trinity. Eveleigh's (J.) Bampton Lectures. 1792. Trinity — cotilinued, Faber's Apostolicitj' of Trinitarianism. (The testimony of history to the antiqtiity of the doctrine.) Fuller's (Andrew) Works. Gastrell on the Trinity, and the way of managing that controversy. Gill's (.John) Sermons and 'Tracts. Treatise on the Trinity. Gilpin's (William) Sermons. Graves' (R.) Scripture Proof, Ac. Hale (Dr. Wm.) on Faith in the Holy T. Hartley's (T.) Trinity defended. Hayward's Sermons. Hey's Lectures in Divinity. Holden's (Geo.) Scripture Testimony. Holden's (Henry E.) Doct. of the Trinity. Hope's (C. D.) Catholic Doctrine. Home's Scripture doctrine of the Trinity. Horsley's (Sam.) Tracts. (Controversy with Priestley.) Howard's (Leonard) Sermons. Howard (J.) on the Trinity. Howell's (W.) The Trinity proved. Huntingford's Thoughts on the Trinity. Jackson (J.) on the Trinity. Jamieson's Sacred Histor}'. Jennings' (D.) Berry St. Lectures. 1733. Jones' (Wm. of Nayland) Ans. to Clayton on the Spirit. (Gives a particular account of the Hermetic, Pythagorean, and Pla- tonic Trinities.) Catholic doct. of the T. (Sufficient.) Preservative agt. modern Sueiniuns. Jones' (Sir Wm.) Doctrine of the Trinity. Kidd's Essay on the Trinitj'. (Reasons from reason, duration, space, tradition, u;i de Symbolis. Seliguiani Exercitationes. Wenisilorfii Auetoritas librorum symbolicor. Widburg de Auctoritate librorum symboli- corum et juramento. Balleutine on Confessions of faith. Bates' (S.) Creeds and Confessions defended. Blackburn's Confessional. (A work which excited much controversy.) Caj-d's Use of the .\thanasian creed. Carlisle's (Jas.) Use and Abuse of creeds. Church Review. 1:352. Duncan (J. M.) on Conf. of faith. (Against.) Dunlop's Ends and uses of Conf. of faith. Durette on the Abuse of Creeds. Glass' Works. Harthouse on Creed-making. Hook on the Use of the Athanasian Creed. Millennial Harbinger. Period. (Against.) Miller on Conf. of faith. (Reply to Duncan.) Panoplist. Vol. 3. Pressly on Church Fellowship. Wheatly's (Charles) Sermons at the Meyer Lectures. Use of the Bible. See readino. Use of the Bible In Schools. Bibliothcca Sacra. 1.3:724. 17:32.'5. Breckenridge on Denominational education. Cheevcr's Right of the Bible in com. schools. Clarke's (R. W.) Romanism in America. Ch. 9, 10. Colwell's Position of Christianity in the United States. Grimke's (Thomas S.) Works. (Address at Columbia, S. C, 1830.) Princeton Review. 26:504. Reports of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church. Reports 33 and 34. Tyler's (R. H.) The Bible and Social reform. Use of the Fathers. See traditiok. Augusti Chrestoniathiii Patristica. Buddei Isagoge ad Theologiam. Lib. II. Cave, Epistola Apologet. adv. Clerici Epist. Clerici Epistolae critiese et ecclesiasticaj. DailW', de I'Emploi des p6res pour le juge- ment des differences en religion. Ernesti Institutiones. F()rl)esii Instructioncs historico-thcologicse. Freppel, Ics Peres aposfolique. Gerardi Methodus studii tbeolog. Pars HI. Hottingori Introd. ad leetionem pntruui. ■ Disscrtationes. (Defends DailI6.) Vse of the Fathers— con/inucciaien of a host of opponents of that author.) Voetii Dissertat. Selectie. (Defends Daill6.) Whitby, Disscrtationes. (A convincing ex- hibit of the incapacity of the Fathers for Biblical interpretation.) Zornii Opuscula. (Defends Daillf.) Blunt's Right use of the early fathers. Boyd's (H. S.) The Fathers not Papists. British Critic. October, 1834. Byrth's The Fathers destitute of authority. Church Review. 4:497. Collinson's Barapton Lectures. 1813. Daillf on the Right use of the Fathers. Tr. by T. Smith, and edited in 1841 by.Iekyll. (" Brought the Fathers from the bench to the table." — Warbiuton. A work of un- common learning and strength.) Edinburg Review. 24:58. Edwards on the Authority of the Fathers. Reeves' Translat. of the Apologies of Justin Martyr. (In a dissertation at the end, he endeavors to confute Daille.) Selections from the Edinb. Rev. 2:480. Wickham (J. A.) on Baptism. ( Introduction.) Woodhouse's llulsean Prize Essay. 1842. Use of the Roman Alphabet. That i«, 111 reducing to icritiiuj iiiiinritt'-n languages. Lapsius' Standard alphabet for reducing unwritten languages to writing. Lobscheid's Chinese English Grammar. 1865. London Quart. Review. 11:143. Maleom's (Howard) Travels in Southeastern Asia. (Appendix.) Muller (Max.) on the Use of the Roman alphabet. Princeton Review. 10:396. Trevelj-an on the. Application of the Roman letters to unwritten languages. Vse of the 'World. See woRLDLiirsss. Bisse's Christian use of the world. Blair's (Hugh) Sermons. Bridge's (W.) Works. Brown's (David) Memorial Sketches. Carter's (B.) Discourses. Clapp's (J.) Sermons. Dawes' (Abj).) Works. Dunlop's (William) Sermons. Klwin's (F.) Sermons. Hoadly's (Bp.) Sermons. Mason's (William) Works. 469 tlse of tlie W orlA— continued. Moss' (Robert) Sermons. Norris' (John) Practical Discourses. Orr's (John) Sermons. Pearson's (W.) Sermons. Sibbs' (Rich.) Spiritual man's aim. Simeon's (C.) Works. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Taylor's (Thomas) Works. Tucker's (Josiah) Sermons. Venn's (John) Sermons. Warneford's (R.) Sermons. Webb's (Francis) Sermons. Usury. Ambrose, Scripta Moralia. Chrysostom, Homiliae. Grotius de Jure Belli et Pacis. Joly, Traite des Restitutions. La Porte, Priucipes Thcologiques. Leotardus de Usuris et coutractibus. Luzerne, le Pret de commerce. RuUie, Theorie de I'interet de I'argent. Amer. Quart. Review. 21:145. 22:177. Analytical Mag. 10:194. Banker's Magazine. 4:581.683. 5:712,781,842. Bentham's ( Jer.) Works. (Shows the impolicy of legal restraint.) lllackall's (Dr. 0.) Sermons. Blackwood's Mag. 24:68. Blaxton's English Usurer. (Quotes many eminent divines as opposed to usury.) Byles' Observations on the Usury laws. Cfesar's (Philip) Damnable sect of Usurers. Capel (Edw.) on Temptations. Democratic Rev. 27:221,328. Downhame on the 15th Psalm. Eclectic Mag. 24:345,455. Edinburg Rev. 27:339. Edwards' Body of Divinity. (8th comm'dt.) Fenton (Roger) on Usury. Filmer on Taking use for money Gregory on Usury. Holmes' Usury is Injury. Hunt's Merchant's Mag. 2:16. 3:516. 5:40, 115. 9:243. 24:59. Jellinger's (C.) Sermons. Mosse's (M.) Arraignment of Usurie. Museum of For. Literature. 8:507. Niles' Register. 24:143. North Am. Review. 39:68. (Alex. Everett.) Ord's (Mark) Essay on Usury. Pamphleteer. 11:165. 13:139. 23:421. Plowden on Usury and Annuities. PuiFendorf on the Law of Nature. Smith's (Henry) Sermons. Turnbull's (R.) E.xpos. of the 15th Ps. 1606. Whitehook upon Usury and its effects. Utility as a ]»Ioral Guide. Bentham's Introd. to Moral Philosophy. Brown's Lectures on Mental Science. Dymond's Principles of Morality. Edinburg Rev. 49:159,273. 50:99. 61:196. Hume on the Principles of Morals. New Eng. Magazine. 4:208,290. New York Review. 1:58. North Amer. Rev. 35:466. Paley's Moral Philosophy. Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. Southern Rev. 7:261. Westminster Rev. 11:254,526. 12:246. Vaiu Glory. See pridb. Laget, Sermons sur divers sujets. Blair's (James) Sermons. Boone's (James S.) Sermons. Bull's (Bp.) Sermons. Calamy's (Benjamin) Sermons. Charters' (S.) Sermons. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Goodwin's (H.) Sermons. Hunt's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Hurd's (Bp.) Sermons. Le Bas' (Cha. W.) Sermons. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Morison's (John) Sermons. Moss' (Robert) Sermons. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Tilly's (William) Sermons. Ward's (Richard) Sermons. Whichcot's (Bp.) Sermons. Vain Pliilosopliy. See PROVINCE OF reason. Bilstone's (John) Sermons. , Boys' (Henry) Sermons. Buddicome's (Robt. P.) Sermons. Burton's (E.) Bampton Lectures. 1829. Delany's (Pat.) Discourses. (2 on this subj.) Disney's (John) Sermons. Durand's (James F.) Sermons. Dwight's Theology. Halifax's (Bp.) Sermons. Kennedy's (Baillie J.) Donnellan Lectures. Markham's (Abp.) Concio ad Clerum. Moysey's Bampton Lectures. 1818. Parry's (J.) The Rudiments of the world. Partridge's (S.) Sermons. Patten's Opposition between the Gospel, and what is called the religion of Nature. Pearson's (Bp.) Minor Works. Purkis' Present pursuits in learning as they affect religion, considered. 1786. Sherlock's (W.) Sermons. South's (Robert) Sermons. Sydenham's (Humphrey) Sermons. Townsend's (J.) Sermons. Trapp's Danger of fallacious reasoning. Twisleton's Self-sufficiency incompatible with Christianity. Vaughn's (Henry) Sermons. Watson (T.) on False Philosophy. Wilkins' (Bp.) Sermons. Vain Thoughts. See thouqhts. Arnold's (Fred.) Sermons. Barrow's (Isaac) Sermons. Burder's (Henry F.) Sermons. Craig's (James) Sermons. Dorrington's Sermons. 4t0 Vain Tlioug^Iits — continued. Fiddes' (Richard) Sermons. Foster's (John) Lectures. Groodwin's (Thomas) Vanity of thoughts discovered and cured. Gordon's (D. W.) Sermons. Jowett's (Jos.) Fifty-two short sermons. Osterwald on Uncleanness. Richardson's (William) Sermons. Taylor's (R.) Sermons. Vain Words. See social intercoukse, TONGUE. ViJlars, Contre les vain sermons, etc. Barrow's (Isaac) Works. Bather's (Edward) Sermons. Dawes' (Abp.) Works. Flavel's Works. ("Cautions.") Gale's (John) Sermons. Girdlestone's (Charles) Sermons. Goode's (Francis) Sermons. Gouldburn's Essays. Lardner's (Nathaniel) Sermons. Littleton's (E.) Sermons. Melvill's (Henry) Sermons. Newman's (T.) Sermons. Oakley's (F.) Sermons. Rogers' (A.) Advantages of good discourse. Shorthose's (Hugh) Sermons. Stebbings' (Henry) Sermons. Stokes' (Dr. J.) Sermons. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Vaughn's (C. J.) Sermons. Whitaker's (E. W.) Family Sermons. Valentlnlans. See onostics. Irenieus, contra Hasreses. Lib. V. Clemens Alex., Stromata. Tertullian, adversus Valentinianos. Valentini Opera. Acta Eruditorum. MDCCXIL p. 183. Bassnage, Histoire des Juifs. Beausobre, Histoire du Manicheisme. Buddaei Dissertatio de Hseresi Valentini. Faydit, Hist, eccles. d. deux premiers siecles. Grabbii Spicelegium Patrum. Secul. II. Hooper (Bp.) de Valentinianorum Haresi. Lodbergii Disquisitio Historica de V. Losii Fiisciculus cousiderationum de diversis materiis. Souverain, Platonisme devoile. Chap. 8. Vitringae Observationes Sacraa. Lib. I. Hooper's Heresy of the Valentin ians. Value of the Soul. See sopl. Barker's (John) Sermons. Bishop's (William) Sermons. Blencoe's (Edward) Sermons. Bunyan's (John) Works. Burder's (Gfeorge) Village Sermons. Clarke's (Samuel) Sermons. Clarke's (R.) The Careless Merchant. Crossthwaite (J. C.) Sermons. Duchall's (James) Sermons. Fiddes' (Richard) Sermons. Value of the Soul — continued. Graves' (Richard) Sermons. Henry's (Matthew) Works. (6 Sermons.) Hyatt's (John) Sermons. Kattern's (Daniel) Sermons. Rennet's (Basil) Sermons. May's (William) Sermons. Moss' (Robert) Sermons. Newman's (J. H.) Sermons. Oakley's (Fred.) Sermons. Paley's (Will.) Sermons. Pyle's (Philip) Sermons. Quincy's (S.) Ser4nons. Reynolds' (Bp.) Sermons. Saurin's Sermons. Scott's (John) Christian life. Snowden's (W.) Sermons. Stillingfleet's (Bp.) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Sermons. Talbot's (Bp.) Sermons. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Value of Time. See procrastination, NEW TEAR, REDEEMINU TIME, TIME. Vanity. See humility, pride, self-conpi- DENCE, VAIN GLORY. Dunlop's (William) Sermons. Ersk'ine's (Ralph) Sermons. Francklin's (Thomas) Sermons. Hill's (G. D.) Practical Sermons. King's (Abp.) Sermons. Lament's (David) Sermons. Preston's Golden scepter held out to the humble. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Young's (Dr. John) Sermons. Zollikoffer's (Geo. J.) Sermons. Vanity of Man. See brevity of life, FRAILTY. Bingham's (Richard) Sermons. Bradley's (Ch-arles) Sermons. (Funeral ser- mon on Princess Charlotte.) Clarke's (Dr. Samuel) Sermons. Collet's (J.) Sermons. (8 on this subject.) Du Moulin's Heraclitus. Trans, by Darcie. Fernie's (John) Sermons. Grove's (Henry) Sermons. Hall's (Robt.) Works. (Sermons.) Howe's Theological Treatises. Laurie's (Dr. Thomas) Sermons. Leighton's (Abp.) Expository Lectures on Psalm 39. Lecture 2. Mandel's (William) Sermons. Mason's (John) Sermons. Mayhew's (Jonathan) Sermons. Newman's (J. H.) Sermons. Norris' (John) Sermons. Paget's (F. E.) The Living and the Dead. Quincey's (Samuel) Sermons. Reeves' (W.) Sermons. Reynolds' (W.) Vanity of Man. Slade's (James) Sermons. Vane's Retired man's Meditations. Warneford's (John) Sermons. 4n Vanity of the World. See use of the WORLD, WORLDLINESS. Berriman's (William) Sermons. Blair's (Hugh) Sermons. Beeston's (Edw.) Sermons. Bryson's (James) Sermons. Chalmers' (Thomas) Sermons. Conybeare's (Bp.) Sermons. Crowe's (Dr.) Sermons. Denison's (E.) Sermons. Doddridge's (Philip) Sermons. Emlyn's (T.) Works. Erskine's (Ralph) Sermons. Foster's (John) Lectures at Broadmead. Grove's (Henry) Sermons. Hobart's (Bp.) Sermons. Hopkins' (Bp. E.) Sermons. Howe's Vanity of man as mortal. Hunter's (Henry) Sermons. Johnson's (Sam.) Sermons. Langhorne's (W.) Sermons. Laurie's (T.) Sermons. Lucas' (Richard) Sermons. Markland's (Abraham) Sermons. Marshall's (Nath.) Sermons. Marriott's (Harvey) Sermons. Newman's (J. H.) Sermons. Newman's (T.) Sermons. Pierce's (John) Sermons. Pyle's (Philip) Sermons. Reynolds' (Bp.) Sermons. Riddock's (James) Sermons. Sharp's (Abp.) Sermons. Slade's (James) Sermons. Snowden's (B. C.) Sermons. Tuckney's (Anthony) Sermons. Warneford's (John) Sermons. Zollikoffer's (George J.) Sermons on the dignity of man. on the Festivals and Fasts. Varieties of Human Condition. See INEQUALITIES OP CONDITION, UNEQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF QOOD AND EVIL. Various Readings. See manuscripts, SAMARITAN PENTATEUCH. Amamse Keri et Chetib. Amersfoordtii Dissertationes Philologicae. Baieri Dissertationes. (The use and abuse of various readings.) Bengelii Gnomon Novi Test. (Admirable.) Apparatus Criticus. Bireh, Var. Lect. ad textum Nov. Test. (A very sufficient book for most clergymen.) Bode, Pseudoeritica Millio-Bengeliana. Buxtorfii Tiberias. Anticritica. (Reply to Capellus.) Capelli Critica Sacra. Carpzovii Critica sacra Vet. Test. Clerici Ars critica. Danzii Sinceritas scripturtB Vet. Test. J)e Rossi, Specimen var. lectionum S. S. (The result of a collation of 825 MSS. and 375 printed editions. A great treasure, conveniently arranged.) Various ReaAlngs^— continued. Dermoutii Collecta Critica in Nov. Test. Elias Levita, Opera. Fry, de Variis lectionibus Nov. Test. Grabe, de Variis vitiis LXX. Griesbachii Nov. Testamentum Grsecum. Prolegomena. Sj'mbolaj Criticas. Hilleri Arcanus Keri et Kethib. Hottingeri (lo. Heinric.) Dissertationes. Kennicott, Dissertationes. (Probably the best work on the subject for students. It has set at rest the controversy between Buxtorf and Capellus, with their allies, as to the purity of the Hebrew text.) Klemm, Critica Sacra Nov. Test. Laymari Animadversiones Massoreti. Luderi Dissert, de causis variantium, etc. Michaelis (C. B.) de Variis lect. Nov. Test, colligendis et dijudicandis. Michaelis (J. D.) Introductio. Millii Novum Testamentum. (Next in im- portance to Wetstein.) Montfaucon, Hexapla Origenis. Montani (A.) Apparatus Biblicus. Morini Exeroitationes Biblicae. Osiandri Oratio et Disputatio. Pfaff, de Genuinis lectionibus Nov. Testam. (Pfaif was the first [1716] to write syste- matically on the use of various readings.) Rechenbergii (Adami) Dissertationes. Reinhardus de Notis marginalibus sacri codicis Ebraei. Rinkii Lucubratio critica. Sauberti Variie lect. textus Graeci Matthei. Schroederi Dissertationes. Schulteus Dissertationes. Scholz's Biblisch-kritische Reise. Scholz, Nov. Test. Grtece. (Contains the various readings of 674 manuscripts, of which .322 are here first collated.) Schulze de Codice IV Evangelistse. Proleg. Shnurer, de Codicum Hebr. V. Test, estate. Tischendorfii Nov. Testamentum. Prolegom. Anecdota. Usseri Epistola ad Ludov. Capellum. Van Mastrichi, Prolegomena. Waltoni Biblia Polyglotta. Prolegomena. Wetstein, Nov. Testamentum. Prolegomena. White, Criseos GriesbachianEe. (Convenient.) Whitby, Examen Millii variantium lect. Wolfii (lo. Christop.) Bibliotheca. Baruh's Critica Sacra examined. (Shows these readings to be no mark of corruption or mistake.) Bates' Integrity of the Heb. text. (Contends with Kennicott on various passages.) Blackwall's Sacred Classics. Bloomfield's Gr. Testament, with notes, &g. Boothroyd's Hebrew Bible. (An approved selection from Kennicott.) Butler's Horse Biblicae. Chap. 17. Danville Review. June, 186.3. Davidson's Text of the 0. Test, revised. Edinburg Rev. 94:1. 472 "Various Readings — ccmtinued. Edwards' (T.) Dissertations. Green's (T. S.) Course of developed criticism. Gyle's (J. F.) Authent. of the N. T. with an ace. of anc. versions and the princip. MSS. Hey's (Dr. .John) Lectures. Bk. 1, eh. 8. Jenkins' Reasonableness of Christianity. Jowett's New Test, of Scholz; with the read- ings of Griesbach, Stephens, Beza, and the Elzevir, with the English version, and its marginal readings. Kennicott's State of the Heb. printed text. Macgill on the Manuscripts of the. Old Test. Marsh's Michaelis' Introd. to the New Test. May's Exam, of Simons' Critical history. Montfaucon's Origens Hexapla. Nolan's Integrity of the Greek Vulgate. (Pub. in 1815, and with valuable additions in 1830. Notices of this excellent work appeared in the British Critic, New Series, Vol. 1, and in the Quarterly Review, 26:328, in which last some of his positions ai-e refuted.) Piatt's (Jno.) Self-interpreting New Testam. (A valuable collection of criticisms from approved authors.) Pocock's (Edw.) Works. Quarterly Review. June, 1863. Rogers' (J.) Various readings of the Hebrew Bible. Scrivener's Jntrod. to the New Testament. Simons' Crit. hist, of the New Test. text. Tregelles' Introduction to the textual criti- cism of the New Testament. Wall's (Will.) Critical notes on the N. Test. Vaiidois. See waldenses. "Vedas. See hindcjism. Venial Sins. See sins of ignorance, SINS OP INFIRMITY. Billingsley's (John) Sermons. Jackson's (John) Six sermons i^reached in Lent. (All on "little sins.") Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. (Sermon by W. Jenkins.) Miiller's Christian doctrine of sin. Trans- lated by Pulsford. (Appendix.) Smallridge's (G.) Sermons. (No sins venial.) Spurgeon's (C. H.) Sermons. 6th Series. Veracity of God* See faithfulness. Versions of Scripture. See English BIBLE, NEW VERSION, STRIAC VERSION, REVISION, SEPTUAQINT, TRANSLATIONS, VDLGATE. Vestments, Ministerial. See rites. Braunius de Vestitu saeerdotum Hebra3or. Buxtorfiii (J.) Dissertationes. Dieterici Vestitus Saeerdotum. Picart, Ceremonies et costumes religieuses. (11 vols., folio. 243 plates.) Prideaux, de Vestibus Aaronis. Rabanus Maurus deCeremoniisecclesiasticis. Tiron, Hist, et costumes des ordres religieux, civiles, et militaires. Vestments, Ministerial — continue. Wichmanshausenii Dissertationes. Bullinger's Judgment that it is lawful for ministers of the Church of England to wear the apparel prescribed by law. Gylbyes' " Epistel to my louynge brethren that is troubled about y' Popishe apparel." 1566. Roberts' (Jos.) Oriental illustrations of S. S. Satchwell's Scripture Costumes. Scripture Costumes, engraved under the superintendence of Benjamin West, with historical remarks. Soltau on the Tabernacle, priestly vestm., &c. A controversy on the subject of clerical vesture, prolific in books and pamphlets, was rife in England in the 16th century, and is now renewed with warmth. Vicarious Suffering. See imputation, justification, substitution, &c. Balguv on Redemption. Bates'"Works. Chap. 13. Berry Street Lectures. Collis' Three Tribunals. Disney's (John) Sermons. Edwards on Original Sin. Evans (Caleb) on the Atonement. Hampton on Atonement. (Reply to Taylor.) Hey's Lectures. Knight's (Titus) Sermons. Ludlam's Essays. Ess. 4. Magee on Atonement. Mann's (Isaac) Theological Essays. Portal on Sacrifices. Part 4. Robinson's Christian System. Essay 28. Simeon's (Cha.) Works. Taylor's Apology of Ben Mordecai. Vesie's Bampton Lectures. 1795. Wardlaw's Discourses. Disc. 7. West on the Atonement. Chap. 3. Vice. See sin. Tzschirner Ueber d. moral, indifferentism. Balguy's (John) Discourses. Fawcett's (Joseph) Sermons. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses. Hall's (Bp.) Practical Works. Hall's (Joshua) Charac. of virtues and vices. Lament's Sermons on prevalent vices. Newman's (T.) Sermons in Carter lane. Peckhard's (Peter) Sermons. Rees' (Abr.) Sermons. (Progress of vice.) Tilley's Vice the cause of ignorance in relig, ZoUikofi'er's Sermons on prevalent vices. Virtue. See morality, moral philosophy, motives. Cumberland, de Legibus Naturas. Montaigne, Essais. Puflendorf de Jure. Adams' Nature and obligation of virtue. Adainson on Moral Virtue. Balguy's (Moral and Theological Tracts. (Replies to Hutchinson and Shaftesbury.) 4*73 Virtue — continued. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science. Becon's (Tho.) Works. (Parker See. pub.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 22:477. Botts' Answer to Warburton. Brown's Ans. to Shaftesbury's Characterist. Campbell (Archibald) on Moral Virtue. Chalmer's (Thomas) Sermons. Clapp (T.) on Moral Virtue. Colston's (Alexander) Essays. Cumberland's Law'of Nature. Ch. 1, sec. 4. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 3, prop. 48-51. Edwards (Pres.) on the Nature of virtue. Evans on Christian Temper. Ferguson's Principles of Moral Science. (As distinguished from Christian holiness.) Poster's (James) Sermons. Grove's Moral Philosophy. Wisdom of God. Hall's (Bp.) Practical Works. Hall's (Josh.) Charac. of virtues and vices. Hallywell's Excellence of moral virtue. Hopkins on Holiness. Howe's Blessedness of the Righteous. Hume's (David) Essays. Hutcheson's Enquiry into the idea of virtue. on the Passions. Innes on the Origin of moral virtue. Jameson on the Obligation of virtue. Kames on the Principles of morality. King's Origin of Evil. (Preliminary Dissert.) Lime Street Lectures. Mills' (W.) Theory of moral obligation. Mole's (Thomas) Sermons. (Nature of V.) Nettleton (W.) on Virtue and Happiness. Paley's Moral Philosophy. Park Street Lectures. Pinto's Essay on Luxury. Pope's Essays. Price's Review of the principal questions and difiBculties in morals. Rutherforth's Nature and obligations of V. Scott's Christian Life. Ch. 4. Shaftesbury's Characteristics of men, &c. Enquiry after virtue. Smith's (Adam) Theory of moral sentiments. (Cites various theories.) Thompson f J. P.) on the Christian Graces. Tidcombe's Sermons. (Tendency of virtue.) Tillotson's (Abp.) Works. Tucker's Light of Nature pursued. Ch. 29. Warburton's Divine Legation. Lib. I. Wardsworth's Christian Institutes. Watts' Essays. (V. and self-love reconciled.) Wilkins' Religion of Nature. Wollaston's Religion of Nature. Wright's Answer to Mole's Sermon. Vision of Coiistantiiie. See constantine's vision. Visions. See apparitions. Amortius de Revelationibus et visionibus. Brierre, des Hallucinations. Gerson de Discernendis veris visionibus a falsis. Nider, de Visionibus ac Revelationibus. Hawker's (R.) Operations of the H. Ghost. Lee (W.) on tho Inspiration of Scripture. Torquemado's Garden of curious flowers. (A curious account of strange events.) Visiting. See social intercourse. Visiting: tl»e Sick. Sjee PASTORAL visiting. Gregorii (Mag.) Pastoralis. Pars III. Lohneri Instructiones practica. Stearn de Visitatione infirmiorum. Addington on Visiting the sick. Berens' (Edward) Lent Lectures. Calvin's Tracts. Trans, by H. Beveridge. Cecil's Remains. Comber on the Offices for visiting the sick. Cox's (Wm.) Offices for the visiting, &c. Darnell's (W. N.) Sermons. Francklin's (Thomas) Sermons. Mant's (Bp.) Order for visitation of the sick. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. (Sermon by Matt. Poole.) Paley's Clergyman's Assistant. Searle's (Tho.) Sick visitor's Assistant. Spinckes' Sick man visited. -(With medita- tions and prayers.) Stonehouse's Offices for the visitation, &c. Taylor's (Jer.) Holy Living. Victor's Manual for visiting the sick. Wesley's (John) Sermons. Works on this subject are numerous, but contain few directions of much value. Paley's is most esteemed, but is very defective, both as to instruction, and emotional interest; and does not refer to appropriate portions of Scripture. Vocation. See effectual calling. Baumgarten de Vooatione Dei ad salutem, variis ejus gradibus, etc. Calovii Dissertationes. Kahlii Predicatio evangelii universalis. Schafii Fides Catholica. Wagneri Dissertationes. Bennett on the Gospel Dispensation. Black's (David) Sermons. Bloomfield's (Geo. B.) Sermons. Booth's Reign of Grace. Bunyan's Water of Life. Clarke's (P. P.) Sermons. Puller's Gospel worthy of all acceptation. Griffith's (Thomas) Sermons. Hooker's Soul's vocation. Jowett's (Joseph) Sermons. Marsh's (E. G.) Brief Survey,