COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE t LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 H • J t Tm.B Wt esiiietM*\ AUTHOR OU ^'ft^ Ca LIBRARY HUNTINGTON L LIBRARY REF. NO, 5^< ORDER NO (A LLP mi|i|i|i|i|t|m II 'I '2 UNI> ANN i s kt* $f^ f4& oywSot Sfoth DATE /5*8t [BRARY c Z /o /^/9 P* S.T.C. NO./^JLP-l |l|llI|l|l|lHI|l|l|ljl|![llII|l|l|i|![l|m I'l'l 1 fERSITY MICROFILI &RROR MICHIG '•V AN EXPOSITION of the Symbole of the Apo- files, or rather of the <*j[rti~ clcs of Faith. In which the chiefe points of the etter Lifting and free cotienant bctweeneGod and the faithfull is briefly and plainly- handled. GATHERED OVT OF THE catechifing Sermons of G asper OLE VI AN TREV I R, yindnow tranjlated out of the Lntinc i ■ tongue into the Englifh for the benifite of Chrift his Church. . fy 10 UN FIELDE. ? AT LONDON, Printed by H. Middkthn, for Thomas zSMan, . andTobie Smith. ANNOi ijti. ' / f l JUL 11 1975 m (Mil ;al s i**S • I 1 1 ? '■ To the right honorable * and my very good LordiAmbrofeEaxle of Warwick* , Mafler of the Quecncs M-iicfties Ordinance, Knight of the no- bit order of (be Garter ont of her Makefiles mo ft honorable friuie cotmfcll, I. Ficldc his faithful! (truant rvifbtth with hk heart y qr ace from God the Father by Itftis Chrift, and conflancit in the trneth of the Gofpel/, to the tndt . jimtri. Fall the faultcsthat wc fall into, in theft dayesof our vanity i (right honorable &: my very good Lord) 1 know none thatdc feme greater blame, than to be vnthankrlill where wehaue receauedbenefitcs.And this is the cauft y I hailing take ionic paines in this pro-* fitable vvorke, (which I ambolde vnder your honours name , to offer to the whole Church ofGod:)I thought good tolcaueit in lieu of thankefulncflc, as x tcftimony both of your honours louc towards the truth of God, and of my humble ducty againc towards your ho- A.ij. nor I \ **~ m b J: i 4 ThcEpiJile nor and the whole Church of God to all poftcritie:fbrwho am I ihat I fhould not, whiles life lallcth, hue to the pro- fitc of the Church? and who arc you with all your honour, auclority, wealth, and liberties all the gifts which God in mcrcic hath bellowed vpon you, y you fhould not employ all to the mainte- nance of the truth, and defence of the Church, vndcr her Maicllic, wherein both high and lowe, reccauc the affu- rauncc of fpirituall blcflings, fcalcd in the hope of an cucrlafling kingdomc? And as y glory of God , is flic wed mort herein, that he defendeth his fpowfc, & hath bewtified her with giftes from a boue, that flic might be a pure andvn- dcfilcd fpowfc, chart and holy vnto him felferlo this is our grcatcrt glory of what Iftate or condition Co cuer w r e be , to be members of this Church, by the Com- munion whereof, we are his members. For he is the onely head of his Church, to giuc it gifts, to goucrnc it , & to lead it, to that great and cuerlarting initiati- on. There is no life, but from this head, nor any faluation but in this Church: wherein J*l '4. „.. gWW» Dedscatorie. $ A wherein as fynccrc do&rinc is profeflfed and out of his vvordc fhineth and dwel- 5 leth/o that holy obedience, of children j towards their father , and of feruauntes ■ towards their Lord, framed and confor- j med to his will, alwayesappcareth and flicweth it felfe. And therefore it is cal- led his how(c\bccaufc he is rhe hufband of it, the houfholdcr and mailer that ru- Icth in it, letting down his owne orders to his children and familic : wherein it is intollcrable prcfumption, (if not blaf- phemie) for any man to dare to alter or chaungcthc lcaft iote againlt his will . He is the Kingc and Pallor of it, and his Ll A eiz » *• . friendes ftande and hcarc him : his *t.i. Andthisisbothcalicd&isthe Church ] ij. ofthe tilling God j the foundation and ! piJlcrof truih^ the body of Chritt, the houfcofthchighclt, the keeper & tea- cher of the Goipcll , the mother of the faithful], clenfed of Chrifl: and pretious ynto him , This is no particularfyna- goguc,whoiifh and difobedient, im- pure and filthy , full of rebellion and is that fynagogue ofRome which hath departed from her full faith and loue : which although the PapHts would aduacc abouc the skies, (alvvaics like Cuckowcs fmging one & the fame fonge.and fhamelcfly begging y which they fliouldc chiefly proue:)yet they (lull ncucr be able, though they burlt their harts for it, to proue it to be either the Catholiquc Church of Icfus Chrifl:, or a member of it. For they maintainc another head befides Chritt, another wordc beiides the worde of Chiift, vn- written verities or rather abfurde vn- truthes, preferring the commaunde- ments of a finnefull man, before the vn- »phaungcable and cucrlafling tructhof Cod, And truelyj do not a little won- der. \ *w nw i imwm i Dedicatorie. 7 I dcr, what madncflc is cntrcd into their braincs,that with fuchO wlcs faccs,thcy • dare in the open Jightc of the Gofpcll, J fchritch forth their oldc abfurditics, as though now after the great in(lru6tiou J ofthc truth, they were able to thrull forth vnto vs(as in times pall when they lead vs in the darke) their counterfaitc ware , to deccaue vs, and (o turne vs a- way from the glorious lightc of our faU uation.We had thought they had jeeei- ued their aunfwerc long ngoc 3 & would rieuer hauc durflc to lookc the tructh in the face againe : but novvc as they are continually inftrtidtcd from that fame j enemy of truth, fo they bring forth their oldc rotten ftuffc, and their new Icfuites hauc furbuflied oucr their oldc argu^ ments ofthcii blindc prcdcccftors, & as if they were fpickc & fpannc ncwc,thcy offer them vnto vs # But we findc them pll of one mctall. This oncly is the diffe- rence, that whereas they were wont to fpcake in their ownc language and like themfclues,novve they fpeake in an o- ther diflcmbling voyce, and being in cafe to couch for feare of the whippe, A iiij they , t ' 8' . ThiEpiftle they hauc turned their ruftie roughncs into Tome fmoothnes , and like Angels oflighte, that they may haue fome en- tertainment amongc(t vs : and to the end they may infe6t the landc againc with their idolatries, and turne vpfidc downethe quiet peace the blcffingof the Gof pell hath brought vs,and drinkc vpourbloud, (as together withAnti- chrift their head they hauc done in times pa(^ and in the countries , where they hauc had entertainment rounde about vs j) with ftrong flactctic , they prepare cuen to crcepe into our bofomes . And hecc arc thole fpeaches vfed by Parfons Howlet, in y fraudulent and doubling Epi{Ue,that he of late hath prefumed to vvhoopc inthc cares of her Soucraignc Highncs , wherewith becaufc I haue . dealt more fully in another place , now I do but touch it. But as there is grcateft ciaungcr when foesbeginne to faignc, fo hauc wc Treated caufc to diltruft thefc enemies of God and of the com- mon weale, when they hauc made their Mpift. m tongues moftglyb and fmoothctodc- ffdfr ccaue vvithallj that as one faith vcrie ii I JHJfflg 10 The EptFtle wc reccaue that willingly of othersi which wc offer as a gift to others, & the hopcofrcccauing praifc maketh vs to praifcthofe to their faces of whom wc would be praifed. VV r e oftentimes rcfufe the praife of flattcrers,when they fpeake to our faces, and yet wc nourifh their flatteries in our mindes,andthinkc wc haue gained much with men, when God knowcth 8c our confcicnces tell vs that they arc forged and faigncd. Wc do not thinkc what we arc our felucs in deed?, but what we fecmc to be to others. And hence it is, that the moll men pufh at the opinion of the worldc: they labour to be well thought of, fetching the tc* ftimony of their credite , rather from a lying fame , than a founde confciencc. But happie arc they thatperfeftly ouer- ! come this vice, that neither flatter, nor bclcuc thofc that flatter, that depend not vpon the blafts of mens mouthes, but ftudie to approue themfclues to ! God, whofe iudgement is according to truth . And I befecch the Lord,that her J Highncs with all her Coufel & Nobles, j may be indued with thiswifdomc from abpuc, I, * I fir -* 1>edicator'te. n labouc, (bccaufc fuch asthcyare,arcin 'woiidagerof thcfefweetc poifoncrs)y \ they ma^fhun & auoyde their plcafanc hiihngs.For albeit now they crccpc, bc- caule they can not goc : yct the time was when they ran & made deepe turrovves cucn vpon our backs:\vhcn her maieftic fhould hauc found curtcfie,thcy execu- ted c ruelcie;w hen all fliould hauc found truth and loyalcic,they bent themfclues and their whole powers to kill both foulcandbody. ButI fee Sathan is like himfclfc, andhis children bearc his re- semblance : that which they can not | compaflc one way, they wil attempt an- | other, And therefore I wonder not, that I they arcfodainly turned for a time from ; Y rou gb courfc which yet lurketh hiddc in their bones, and which in times part I was wont to be their way,that now they flatter her who they then pcriccuted & put in daungcr of life; whom they fo vn- | curtcoufly entreated, & fomc with filch forow r repented y they had not grubbed vp the ftock, & paffed ouer the oraches: againd whom they hauc moucd fo ma- ny rebellions, and cntred into fuch trai- torous 3rty^i That traitor Stork [aid, it openly in the Varlea* ment houfe. ^nn t prim. of her High* net rnofl gratiom YAignc. I !i V * 1 I 12 77* EpiFtle tcrous and curffed pra&ifcs , fomc of their grea tcft Clarkcs, appearing in ac- tuall rebellion, and inuading her ma T icftics tcrrctorics and countries : I won- der not I lay, that now they call her highncs Chriftcs fubftitutc, their fcuc- raigneprincefle, fo extolling her vcr- tucs, as though her highncs goucrne- ment, the eftablifhing of Chriltian reli- gion , and the execution of her highncs lawes againft fuch traiterous offenders were inforced and againft hfcr will and purpofc. Thus they kiffe and kill togca- ther . The Pope their god in earth hath excommunicated her highncs, and San- ders (as it were their own mouth)to wit ncs their pcrfuafion, by vertue of that Bull which Mourton procurcd,and Fcl- ton (whom with Thomas Bccket for treafon they make a martyrXct vp,hath pronounced them all free from all du- tie and allcgeancc : andyetforfoth now they will ncedes be counted faithfull fubiedks. Allen in his feditious Apolo- gic of his cngli(TiScminarie,fpcaketh wire for obedience, and yet malapcrtly prcfumcthj to confute her highncs pro- clama- . 1 — ■ r ^y^ i Dcdicatorie, ' clamatios, made againft fuch runagates. I Their going beyond fca , is for nothing ] : but religion, & yet from them, & out of their fchoolcs hath fpronge,thc ground • of al feditious pra6Hfc$,y (tirring vp vn- [to fedition & rcbellion 5 in diucrfc places ? both at home and abroadc, the attemps ■j ofcompafling her maiefties life, which \ y lord long prcf erne to the maintenance | ofthc gofpcl,& their cofufion. And bc- \ caufcyman isfohot, fory wcaflureall : ranke papifts to be right traitors: he tcl- Icth vs y thofc pricfts & Icfuits, haue ex prefle comandement fro their fupcriors, I not to moue any fedition , or to meddle j \vith matters of llatc or tcporalgouern-^^^^ ) mct,but only by their pricfthood & fun- log£ap.6* (Slions, to do fuch duties as be rcquifite FoLyu for chriihan mens fouIes,which c5fillcth in preaching, tcaching : catechi(ing,mini Ho Z r . L • thing the facraments & fuch like . Fidt T«tZ~L* therefore we am were j that preaching, fonjhat teaching,catechifing,and minifying the none can U facraments is no part of popifli pricftes w//ofPr#* office. For they are in deede fas alio he fe^ j> will hauc them callcd^maffc pricftcs, in Jf M rj^ % tcfpcdl: of their abhominablc facrifice.^c*. And / iimiifffr>mifiii L, The Efiflh And as they fcarfc knew any pradlifc of thefc he nameth, (o for Catcchifing c j teaching the principles of Chriftian rcli- gion,thcy ncucr kne w v\ hat it ment. For f they could not fo much as abide. y Lords prayer, or crccdc , commonly c ailed the Crecde of the Apofllcs,to be in our mo- I thcr tongue. As forminillringy Sacra- , mcntSjthcy had neither calling lb to do, I j» neither yet kept any right forme in the adminillration, or taught: the vie of the. jjj And if their commiflion from their fpi- $ rituall fuperiors there, be fufficicnt cal- I ling to enable them to cntrudc them feiucs here, or to go into other coun- tries, like gadding Circtimccllionsrto dillurbeboth Churches and common wcales , where they hauc neither place I allotted, nor beingc aligned t either by I God or man: how can they fhcwvsthe I feale of thefc commiflioners commifTi- j on from abouc?But if they will draw all I audtority from that flranger,that man of I finneand pe:di:ion,whoashetakcth v- I pon him to giue a fpirituall commiflion, I (Ifhouldhaue faidc a fpitcfull) In for o confciwuA to excommunicate and to ab- folue !l V Dedlcatorie* Ij •folue from all finnes: then they (hould I firft proue that he rcceiucd his au&ority ^fromGod, and To they might hauc fome better allowance . But what au&ority can this ftraungc vfurpcr challcndge o- ucr the Lords inheritance ? How can he ablolue from finncs, who is the veric fonne of perdition ? And what audtori- ty can thefe fubftitutes hauc, to free from fchifmc and herefic, who are the greatcft fchifmatiques and hcrctiqucs ofthc worlde^renting thcmfclues from thefpowfeofChrift, from Chri(t him- felfc, andioyning fofa(t to Antichrift? JLct them fhewe vsby what tenor they ; holdc this priuilcdgc, whether in Fee jlfarmc, inSocagc,orin Capitc. Surcl am that thefe fpirituall keies, in their fc- |Uerallpriuilcdgcsarc annexed toy true , miniltcrieand miniftcrs of Chritt. And « though Matter Allen now be lomcwhat \ abated in his rcconing,who fraudulent- ly beginneth to diftinguilh betwixt the r jEcclefiafticall iurifdidionand Tempo- rail , and would pcrfuadc vs , that thefe newc creatures of the Popes making, take vpon them no dealing in flare mat- ters. • / 16 The Epi/tlt tcrs, and therefore , that they are farre from being traitors.-yct he kno weth,and Zi\ y worldc knovvcth who it is that hath viurped the audtority of both fwordes; and who they arc that thinke both vn- la vvfull without his allowancc;and whe- ther they hnuc a Bull or no Bull , yet he can not be To ignorant, or rather impu- dent to deny the Pope, and Pa pi ft sen- tcrmcdling by their Buls cucn with our Princes pcrfon and ftate . Her pcrlbn crownc and dignity, her right oucr all perfons in goucrning them according to Gods word>and keeping her fubicCts in ordcr,are matters of ftatc. And thcrforc the matter is not miftaken, concerning the Bull of Pius Quintus, that hath , if it be of force, taken the crownc which God hath fct vpon her highncs head, fro her,and difcharged all her fubiedts from.;' her obedience, And hovvfocucr he flat-, tercth, ycthcinfinuatcth too plainly,y! our Parlcamcnts arc no Parlcamcnts, our ciuill Officers & Church Miniflcrs, no Officers and Minillers, becaufc thcyj hauc not the approbation & allowance! ofhis holy father. And yet forloth,thcfcj Romifl li •am ^w n *Dcdicatoriel tj I] Romifh Romaniftcs^though they tuggc l\ with tooth and naile for to bring in this || Romifli iurifciivStion which is forrcine,a- gainfl the word of God, and againttthe lawcsofthisrcalmc , which the Pope : challengcth///^^/«/w i &yctcanflic\v I noeuidenccoutof that lawcforit,and ■ that oueralcaufcs &pcr(bns,bcrcauing. ' her Highncsof that principal! part of I her office, which is to lookc to Gods matters,yca though he excommunicate her as a fchifmatique , laying her as a pray open to the fvvords of her cnimics, yet mult they be friendes and no cm- micsjoyall and not traitcrous. If this be their truth, what is their trcafon? Nei- ther doth the example of Chrift and his Apoftlcsfuffering for the truth , nor of Daniel fcruing the true God , hclpe their caufc one whit, For Chi ill and his Apoftles were wrongfully charged, and thefe truly. They ftoodc for the truth Sc glory of God, and thefc againttit, and therefore all other idolaters, and folic worfluppcrsofGod, may aiwcll dial- lcndgcChriftandhis Apoftles for their patrons , as they, & with y fame truth, B j Bcfides n . 1 8 ThcEfiflle Bcfidcs,Danielfcrucd the true God,& was faitbrull to an heathen Prince;thefej fcruc a falfe God, and arc vnfaithfull to' their Soueraignc a Chriltian Prince. And albeit it were to be grauntcd, y Mafic, Mattins,ConfclIton,AbfoIution, Beads, Agnus Deics , and i'uch confecrated to- kens as they call them, indcede fuper-] f Htions trafh,and idolatrous trumpcric, were in thcmfclucs no matters of trea- fon , yet when runagates , cniniies to her Highncs, malicioufly bring them in as tokens ofreconciliation to thePope, withdrawing her people fro the dutiful obedience they owe her, diilurbc her ftatc, and hazard her Crownc and dig- j ^BtfAynitie; they doing all by the commiffion Morton, ofaforrcinc vfuiper,brcakingin tyran- frmCut- noufly both vpon the Church and ciuill * /wl goucrntnent, which ahvaics in it ownc in Come- naturc hath bene deemed treafon by the vail from lawes ofthis Realmc, & i'o llandctli ad- Stravitidge iudged, hauing neither place nor cal- ebmnedfor\ m ^ ro aring out againtt her Highncs J^^rightfuIIpoflcffionbychcir Bulls; thefc trout al this fupcrditions cofidered in thefc circum- ! tolurut. fiances, can no more be fundred from trcafon. : -■ - - - ■- ' u ^ Tttdicatorte. jp trcafon, than Jighte from the Sunnc, heate from the ficr, or moyltnes from water. And as true religion i$ an cnimy to all vices, fo fuperftition mod com- monly is friendly , & a companion with them. Truth and trcafon hardly agree, but falfhood and trcafon are concea- li ucd in the fame wombe, and nourifhed vp with the famemilke, and this is the caufe that Poperie hath had in all ages, her grcateft maintenance by trcafon, & treafon by it. How wickedly foeuer this runagate, to difcrcdire her highnes mo(l honorable and trutf ie Counfailors, would beare the worldc in handc, that fheandh rgoucrnment arc parted, that !j fhe is enforced, and as it were rauifhed ;i by fome about her,of her free right and •■' power ofruling, fo malapert is this per- king proftor of the Popcs,that vpon the fuddaine is become foloyall, and yet fcareth not to fhew his traitcrous heart, by fuchoucrt andmanifeft treafons.In dcedeitwerc an cafic thing here not to findca ftaffe, tobent tl/:s doggc, (that 1 may vfe his ownc word) but a fvord, ; or rather bcin£ vnworthy of the honour B jj of 50 TheEpiflle of heading,* rope ,to put an ende to his wicked had bin anhapy thing both for our church & country,if he had • bin in his mans place in the late rebel- lion & inuafio into Ireland. procured by fuch dutiful fubic&s as himlclfc to huue excufed him. I doubt not but our Lions, would haue found out his homes, what focucr vizard ot cares,he and ibch haue put on. Tiiic it is ,y the temporal ilatc & Ecclcfialtical arc diilinguifhcd. And as a man may be a good ciuil man,&yct no godly man , fo a man may be a ciuill lubic&,& yet is not a faithfull Sc religi- ous fubiedt.Cut yet cue as the church & commonwealth are twinncs, and the happincs and florifhing of the elder, giucs comfort and glory to the youn- ger, fo is it in thefe two Hates. If the mi nillcric,thc oncly meane to y fclicitic of] the Church,caufcit toflorifh; the com- mon wealth is the better. The loulcisy Jife of the body,and whileft they conti- nue together in perfcdle (iatc , itgocthjj well with the whole man, and loisicl with whole mankinde. No foulc hath true life, that is Separated from ChrUi'i thej Dedicatorie. 2j I the life thereof, neither are bodies any thing clfcjbut dead carcafles &carri5s J fro which y foule is departed. Firft ther- fore the Ecclcfiafticall (tate is occupied about y foule,& y Ciuill about y body. Eche keepe them within their liltcs to y prcleruatioofboth ) & intrude not one fc into an others office. The Churchc (tatc and goucrnment is wholy occupied in Church matters, and the Ciuill in com- f mon wealth mattcrs.And albeit yChri- ftian Prince hath authority from God,o~ uer all perfons;yct the Prince enforceth nolawesinGods matters to bindcthc confcicncc a$zain(thislawes.Thc Chri* ltian Prince, lookcth that Gods lawes be had in price, that all cltatcs keepe thcmfclucs in order , that cucry man do ■j his duty according to his order, and in- < fli&cth bodily punifhments vpon ma-* I lcfa&ors and offenders : and the other j execute that fpirituall fwordc, that pier- ccth further than the temporall, cucn to the foulc and confeience. When both thefe mcctc together,dwcll in one king- dome,and kiffc cch otherwhere is a ble£ fed ftate j and in regarde of Chriftian B iij Prin- 1 11 The Epiflte Princes , though treafon againft the one , can not be with any loyaltic to the other; yet we exempt fuch ignorant and f educed Papifts from the gilt of treafon; asfbeinglcdby fuch Capitaine Roma- nics, as Sanders and Allen are) oncly hauc a diflike of y truth, & yet bear du- tifull hearts to their Prince and Coun- try, hauing not in fuch oucrt and adtuall manner , hatched forth that curled and treacherous fcede.But Iwifh thefc with all my hcartc in time to take hcede , lc(l vvhilcft they nourifh and follcr this con- ceaucd fuperftition in them, they growe to the fame wretched attempts, that they fee others haue done & do daily to their great coil , & they pay(as they are \vorthy)the fame price for it . Let them in time therefore fcarc God , and honor thcKingc , obey God that they may obeyc their Prince. Poperie is the nurce & mother of trea- fon, rebellion, and confufion. Poperie hathalwaies beenaperkerand pricr in to princes grcatcftfccrctcs and inten- tions, for the maintenance of it ownc kingdome . True religion in decde tea* cheth DedicAtOYte. 2j i cheth all efbtcs, and taketh knowledge to reproue , whatfocuer is contrary to the light: But poperie,rufhcth into all matters and caufes, and chalcngcth and vfurpcth authorise oucr all perlbns > it taketh vpon it the alteration of king- domes,oucrturncth Princes crowncs, a* Iicnateth inheritances, & intermcdleth vniurtly in al thingsras I vviI(ifgod affift me)fiiew further if I be further vrged . I befecch your Honor pardon me , that I haucpaffed the boundesof an cpifile. Thefe creaking papirts cue compel me, who are fo fliamclefle, in y clccrc light of the gofpcll,ftill to prouokc vs.- But a day fliall come, y fhal reueale al things: inthemcanc time I nothing doubt of his mercifull goodncs( if we go chccrc- fully forward , and draw not his judge- ments vpon vs by our flacknefle & cold nefie towards the fynccritie ofhis truth) towards his poorc Church, towards her Maicftie,and the whole body of this c5- mon wcale. And thankes be to God/or that rich and vnfpeakeablc knowledge of his truth, wherby he hath enabled vs todifecrne and fee their errors. Of all B iiij bene* > * L ■i *4 Th$ Epiftle benefites this is moft precious; and I be- feech your honor in your placebo feekq the aduancing of it. Let them not be a- b!c to picuailc with you, that bewray their ownefhame, while!! withboaft- ing words, they .would fcemc to mount vp to hcaucn, and yet lie flat groucling vpon the carthjhauing nofparkc of hca- ucnly wifedome, or vnderfianding from the word of God. Onely they hauc a Few vv.aflc words, & a little lauiflilatine, wherewith thcythinkc toouergocand ouerthrow the lctlcd truth of God. Wc looked for high matter from our chalin- ging champion,at the lcaft/ceinghc co- ineth after al others ; wc looked for fom fliew of weightie and grounded argu- ments? but alacke^ur hope is fruftrate, for nothing appeareth, but that a man may finde in thefe goldc daics of know- ft ' e ^ c » cucninchofcyouthesandboycs \ thatyethauefcarfca farreof falutcddi- u. uinitie . His ten arguments are nothing f eh, but fd many paralogifmes, all taken r fro others, that wrote long before him; onely he hath turned the wrong fide of Seircoatesoutwarde. Bccaufe fome men Dedicatorie. ay nicn haue rcfufcd ccrtaine bookes to be numbred in the Canon of the fcriptures; for which yet they are not definite of fome testimonies, and yet fome of thole books hauc not bin denied of vs: there- fore we flie the fcripturcs,and Campion hath woon the fieldc already : becaufe the fenfe and meaning of the fcriptures hauc been diucrfly taken o( fome parti* cular , men in fome controucrfies, ther- forethe meaning of the fcriptures arc on his fide . Thus he braincch himfelfe with his ownc hammer, and cuttcth his ownc throte with his ownc fworde. As though all that profefle papiftrie, kecpe one fenfe and meaning in the interpre- tation of y fcripture : becaufe they boaft of the name of a Church , & the name of the Church is glorious, we loke wan at it, andmuftneedes flic, becaufe they com againll vs onely with y bare name. Wc make a church ofour ownc fafhio,a P 'Lit onic all Idea ,and an idle fancic. In dt- fcribing a church, wcvttcrlyoucrthrow it &C.A11 the hcrctiques that cucr were, arc our prcdcccflbrs,bccaufe papifts fay fo;& wc mult fubferibe to their church, B 5 oe I i6 Ttx Epttt/t or clfc to a church that is no whcrc.Thc forfooth al general Councels arc theirs, and vvcrcfiile albbecaufc ionic hauc er- red, and many hauc byn contrary one to anothcr.The Couccl of Trent dial liuc, Vvhc Kcmnitius fhalbc buried (if he take not hccde)vvith Arrius, & now \vc may truft them; for Iohn Hus brake the con- ditions that the Empcrour had fct him, and running away ,v\ Inch the Empcrour had forbiddjn vpon paine of his head, was iuftly not headed, but burned: nnd yet the Counccl of Conftancc debated fpccially of this matter, & thought they were not bound to the Empcrours pro- mif c.Hicrom of Pragc /pake freely in y Counccl), & rccanting,dcparted freely, but falling into his hercfie again, drunk of the fame cup. We refufc all fathers, he allowcth all and refufcth nonc,taggc and raggc arc welcome to him, all their crrours fhalbe defended for manifeft truth. Not i'o much as Dionifius & Hyp- poly tus ,but mufl be ranked amongeft the Do&ors . And if cuer any fearched the fcriptures , thefc did it, andfpene their whole liues in it. And all hiftorics make *DedicMorse. ty Smake for them , and our hiftoriogra- phers, for 1500 ycarcs together, arc emptie of all matter, failing of that they write for them and to maimaine their : caufe. And we can not deny but thac Rome was an holy Church , that their faith was famous, that Paule preached \ there , that a Ch'jrch was gathered in y Babylon, where Peter ruled, and Clc- whtthtr I mentfucceeded, &c. therefore all arc cimmfm \ his & for his religion. We further main- ceedtd Te~ tainc nothing but Paradoxes, and mon- $ l f * tl j7 H * flrous opinions, of God . ofChrift, of, . ! fj . man,ot grace,ot nghtcouinciic,or man- determined, ncrs , &c. And we mull necdes ipcakc and be vndcrltood as this luftic challen- ger will hauc vs to fpeake and be vndcr ltoode. OurSophilticationsare palpa- ble , and our barcnesin testimonies arc miferable ,he hath from heaucn ,from y earth , from Rofes, from Lilies , the one purpuled with martyrdom? , the other whited withinnoccncic . They hauc thofe that were flicpehcardes to all landcs, and all flockcs|of all faithfull, all were theirs, of all fortes, and none ours. And thus vvc arc confuted . But, my 2 8 The Eptfflc my Lord/it hath ben an old faid faw:The grcatcft barkers arc not the beft briers,' norygrcatelt boaltcrsy bdl fighters. I doubt not but he dial reccauc a ful an- (were in time. In meane time let him Sc al the papifls in the world,if they can, o- uerthrow y truth of do&rinc which vvc hold 3 y articles of whole faith 2c rcligio, depcueth not vpo any man or mans au- thority,but vpo y vndoubtcd lcriptures. If they can flic w better warrant tor that they holdc, let vshcarc their cuidcncc, but if their floarc be fo hcggerly,that y richeft of them ,and he that comes io ap- pointed to challcndge all in the name of al the reft- writing /which is with grea- ter aduicc than any iodainfpeaking can be) be faine to limpe, & finke in his cn- try;what flial we thinke wil be done ere the battcll be foughtPSurcly if we came with carnnll wcapons^it is like he would ouermatch vs, hauing mans wifedome, the world and the diucll on his fide; But thankes be to God,we come appointed with fpirituall wcapons,wc come in the name of the Lord,armcd with the migh- tic word of God, againlt all counterfait catho- flfe- *Dedi cMorie. ip j catholiques and hcrctiqucs. And if God ' blcflc her MaiciVics goucrnment/o thac f : the Gofpcll may procccdc in a fill mint- "j ileric, that the youth may be catcchifcd dc icaibned with fuch found inflru&ions as this booke yccldeth , & thofc that arc ! ancient may be confirmed, and the fro- ■ ward by an holy difcipline ordered: our |f youth,our aged, our common people of HI alibrts, flialbcablcto vaquifli Scputto J flight all fuch emptic&vaineboaflers. And this is the thing that I fought for 5 in traflating this excellent & found workc. Which 1 hope your honor will accept, ! according to that humble dutic and fcr- I uicc wherewith I hauc cucrmore hcldc my felfc Specially boundc to your good LordlLip as my lingular patrone, & as a principal! member in y church of God. The Lordc Icfus cftablifli your honors heart, & giuc you a fctlcd perfuafion in that cucrlatting trueth, y cucrmore you may feele the cofort Sc aflurancc of that blefTcd kingdomc, which he ib freely I; fcathpurchafed for you. Amen. Your good Lord/hips faitlifiill (cruantcuer to commaund. 10H71 H£ID£ f To the moft mighty and nobleTrime and Lord, Fricicrikc Countic Palatine by the Rbcnc, Duke of cither r Bauarta > Elcftorof the facrcd Romanc Empire , his moft orations Trince and Lorde , G after lent an Treair, w'tflnth from bit heart, grace ami peace from our Lorde Icjui Chrifim fcAscs //*r* <**? fir* fpecuU cm ft. (moft noble Prince £leclor t and my vert t good Lorde) which have moued me to the ptbhfljwgof this little bool^e. One>tbat I might profire the ftudions 'youth by thts eafie <$• platne dollrtnejo wit, to the end that by the tallc thereof they may be flirrtd vp and proito[\:d to the mmtfterte of the worde of Cjod. For vertlyjbey chtefty feme the Qostrch of Cbrtft, who allured by the fveetnes of the hcanerJy dotlrme (be~ taufe they have faffed how pood the Lorde ps ) and being fttrred vp trtth a care of pro- moting hh' glory } o jf cr vp to the faitbf/Jpeo- fie, yea rather to £hrtft himfelfe % their dili « gencc % zm*™m^ of the Author! 51 \ hence > yea and in a forte thcmfeltics alfo. \\And truely it is a great matter jut fro the tender j ere s to bane deeply tafted Cbrift in -his heaue/y dottrtne :for fro thence doth nc- \ ccjfarily flow {.ts Peter calleth it) that fame x.Pet.*. *? defire of thefyncere milke of his worde, and fame ferucnt defire of communicating of it vnto others, tetany good and learned men here , hnow> that this was the befl and principal caufe oftheptibltfhing hereof vnto who I comumcated(fomeyearespafi ) thofc things which now Ifet forth.andalfo decla- red thepurpofe of the pttbltfinng t her of: But hitherto \ I bane deferred the fame, be caufe 1 feared leaft thisftmphcitie ofteaching.and writing not f fled and laboured, pjould not . % fat is fie many, wherwiih Icndcuourednot fo much to fiede their cares m their mindes. An other caufe was, that it might be a tefti- monie ofdoUnne, avainft that fame tempefb which in many plac' is fiirred vp agatnfl this Church. Agamjt this, I would jet this bulwarke of fandejfperaduenture God who is mightte in the wea^e, would vouch fafe to appeafe the fame in the mbides of certainc more moderate than the rcfl,& alfo affvage %t a lit I e in others. For Ibaue thought of " that L 4« 51 TheEpiflle that fame great e power of God y whereby he hathfet vnto the fca her bouds: which wht it woulde fecme -with his hugenes y to over- whelm e the whole earth , by the comma un- demerit of Cjod y all his force is broken a- gainfl the foftc find ': Ihaue trttftcd there- fore that through thisfimple andpla'tne de- claration , of the groundes of our religion y which hitherto we haue vfed y that the Lord would bring fume good thrige to paffe , for the appcaf*ig of certain e mens mmdes, vnto whom peraduent tire ourtnnoccncie, hither -\ vnto hath beene leffe knowne. Aiany keepe 01 great flirre y although horrible dotlrinc founded in the congregation of this {fhurch> andfuch rumors are fcxttercd abrode farre gtnd wide . Some may fiy that cucn a fca oj fclaundcroiu rcproches , is vomited out a- gainfl vs, wherewith we might be drowned. But whie ragcyoU) good firs ? (for let it be fee for me , by your highnes leaue , euen to compcllthcm) ccnfidcr all the articles of our Christian faith 3 wiliyoufnde in any one a- tiyfuch maitcr of raging ? Be not all t hinges txaUed to the rule of God his word^andarc they not dire tied to edification tn true and found godlwes? Jfyouyourfelucsdoe not feele 1 of the Author 55 Qfccte that fame confoUtioninyout confeien- - ces of this doclrinej mil 'freely gtamt, thai tuft lie you rtfe vp agawjl vsiliut take heed '. ibefcechyoti , that you rtfe not vp Agawjl \ < jour owne conference ,agatnft CJod htmfclfe, V who in the conscience hath creeled his hhh . i fate. For certeinly nothing hath bin done of \ •) vs in comcrsWc hauc m wte y yea h. nunie- \ table wttnefes of the expo futon of this cbrj« *?ftan doclrine yea your highnes it fife y who i pjalreade the felfcfame tbinges hercjvhtch ! *p:btiquelyyou heaae now hard thefe fftcn jeres pafljtn which tt hath p leafed the Lord that fftjould dcliuet here vnto his (f hutch thefe prtnctpall grounds of the cbrifli- an faith . Yon haue now (mi ft noble 1 * £leclot)the catifes of the publtfbwg hetcufc which as Iknow to be true^fo I doubted not I to lay them open 1 your highnes . Now its touching that , which may pri- \ uately concerneyour highnes } this fhorte treat tfe lately drawnc out ofthofe citechi- ftngfetmom of the former ye ares, fljalbe at !the leafl wtffome fq^m feat ton of a fullminde , for a fpeci ill bentfte, for that ^ fijout htghnes hath giucn entette indent to ! that fame heauenly dolltwcjhe vndoubted C worde 54 The Epifllc word of the prophets and Apoflles revetted vnto men\ andalfo hath proc fired to many \ of the children of God > ( be hg gathered to- }\ get her vnder the wwges of your highncs, wth more than a fatherly clemencie) the pure doctrine of filiation , adminiftred al- together with an herotcal andprinctpallfpi- ?ttc y and altogether through the grace of I Cjod y with a ch car full minde . Now if a- I game, in this jour htghnes age % (whtch the I Lord vouch fafe to venue , a,s the age of the \ Egle )your htghnes by the reading of the I dolhineofGodhisprouidence y of the power I ofChriflhis re function , of the euerlafltng I right eovfnes now brought into light y and of the glorious goticrnment of all t hinge s , of Chrift fitting at the right hand of God the father , in the heartens, and e/pe daily of his Church j of which he is the head: tf yourc htghnes (Ifty ) by his merciftll acceptation an elect and noble member of his , do con* cciue any fpirituall glidncs in the middett I ofthefe ryiifcries of the Church 9 whereby \< Cjod doth alwaies exercife your htghnes faith , this certainly flja/be mygreate/f de fire, and the matter of all our toy. The Lord lefts continue your htghnes, (who haueby of thcAuthot j£ fo tpahy nteanes fo fanorablie comfortedme $n this f clones , and chiefly with that fame excellent gifte of Cjod , Imeane with that clear c wellwatcr)to inrich the fame agatne with allkmde of blcffinges ; Jogethcr with all your, fofteritiejo.tbe advancement of his glorte , and the conflation of Gods children. A memvntilthat famp eternal flonne of God fill vs with toye y gathered together vnio himfelfe into hsaue y with that fame fvectc and enerlafling fghte of himfelfe : pur highnes (Ifay>) with all that call vppon his tiame,& leadvs to thofefoutaines ofeiter- . lafting water Sd Amen, faithful) is he that hath promifedcr he wil bring it topafje . Ginen at He) del- • ' j berge the 1 9 .day of A larch >\ ^.AtinoT). 1ST** ■ - Your excellent irighnes his r*« moft boudQndyflfpcr Olcutan> . /minirter of Godiwordc. , liOiT kin 11 r •>•; thin C it. T* J * •MMI Minimi 1' To the youth adJiBedto true godlincfle, health &c. ^=;Hou haft vndcrftoode; . tlfaa nn$ moft dcarcly beloucd ' youth, and flower of the I Church, the purpofc of ; ;tTw<;^jrv;] this my little worke, by I the preface to the molt noble Elector j Palatine, oncly it rcmaincth that thou take it with the fame handc wherewith it is reached vnto thee, that is with the right hand and not with the left. Thac fhalbe done, if 1 fhall achciuc my pur- pofe,and by the grace ofGod^fhall kin- dle many horn amongeft you, to the fcrncnt Hudy of the holy fcripturcs.Surc ly I my fclfc being but yet a boyc , wa$ WoderRiliy 1 indlcd with a defire both of learning & teaching others concerning God; in outward fhew vpon very jfmall occa(ion,biitindccdc vpon very great: for I fell vpon the writing of a ccrtaine excellent learned man, where almoft e- uen to this purpofc he exhorteth youth: there is nothing more excellent (faith he) I 37 I hcjthcm for men to tcache others, con* J corning God as touching the creation I of mankinds, of mans fall into finne, of reconciliation and restoring of him a- I game through the fonnc of God that J iamc promifed fcede of the vvoman,that 1 fhall brufciheheadofthe ferpent, &c. Thcfc fecmedto me altogether rchgi^ ous and holy fayings, and it plcafcd the Lord by thcfc wordes to kindle in me y fparkes ofa fcrucnt defire both of lear- ning and in time to come, of intruding others, cither in the fchoolc, or in the Church. For I fct before mine ciesthe company of young men in the fchoolc, alfo the flockc of learners in y Church: What can be more notable ( thought 1) then to hauc there before mc, not or.cly young men, but alfo hoarc headed hufbandmen, who together with thy lclfcarebaniflicdfl'oparadifcjfor finnc, & like Ada til y earth, who for their old age are reucrend, and as fathers : many women alfo, who are as mothers: if the Lord will haue thee to fpeake his word vnto theic,and to inftrutf them of God, of the creation and prefcruation of the j " C iij worldc / mmmmmmsam 3* . worlclc, of the fubtiltic of the ferpent deceauing man, of the promifed falua- 1 tionby thefcedcof the woman: what : can be more comfortable 3 what can - happen vnro thee , more to be wi- \ fhed for of God ? feeing without the knowledge of thefe thinges men line more miferably than brute beads. The Lord continually after that time nouri- - flicd thefc fparks in mc^by his holy fpi- I rit, and by the reading ofthc holy icrip- * turcs.I wnsthenaboycoffifteeneyercs oldc,and a little beforcfor (hidies fake, fent to Paris by my parcnts.But to what pnde fpeakc I thefe thinges fo familiar- ly? Ifpeakeasa young man, to young men: hoping, that it will come to paffc, y thofc things which were not of fmali moment irt mymindc, willlikewiie in your mindes kindle ihc lparkcs, \n hich may engender that earned defirc aiwcll of learning, as of teaching.And fo much thcmore,wheyou fhall pcrccaue your fclucs, not only prouoked by my exam- ple, but alio (God gluing you grace,) jiolpcn by this my little labour. For although before I was fixtccne yeres oldcj i I 39 >. o!d,wlicIwa$fenttoPari$,Ihad fomc jdirc&ion by my fchoolcmaiftcrs , who liycarcly before Hatter did cxpoundc vn- j to vs in the fchoolc called TreHtror, the jjpaffionof our Lord Icfus Chrift, and \ were wont according to the mcafurc ! God had giuen thereto conferre the fi- h gurcsofthcoldcTcftament, with the i accomplifliing thereof by the paflion j ofChrift( a thing very comfortable, &: which afterwards,by the grace of God, I opened vnto me the whole fcopc of the | fcripturcs : )yet notwithftanding that handleading was more dark & oblcurc, by reafon ofthe multitude of mens tra- ditioSj in which,Chrift dead & railed vp againc w r as wrapped & darkened, in the popcdome,fo,that I couldc not well vfc that light, which by the conferences: comparing of thofc figurcs,and the ful- filling of the thinges thcmfelucsldid fee to fhinc in the paffion of Chrift: But yet for all that, thatfamewcakeforc- knowledgcin his time , Godblcflmgic, wanted not his excellent fruitc . But \\\ here dcarely bcloucd youth, you fliall fee Chrift, dead , and raifed vp againe, | C iiij With- h H if I 111 M 4° without afty mazes of mens traditions, foliuely letbcfore yourcics , that by y ilirc and vndoubtcd prophcticall ami apollolicail wordc, as it v\ere by the hand, yea ashy alight (Tuning in adaik place being brought vntohim,you may know c him trucly to be the famc,vvho was made vnto vs of God, to be our wifedome, rightcoufneffe, fan&ificati- on and redemption, as it is written. All that glory, let them glory in the Lorde. I.Cor.i. and that we arc complcatcin himrtoy Colofl.2. Laft ofal forafmuch as the vnthankcfulncflc of the world, dothdriuc away and fcarcmany both from learning and teaching, goc to, iliall not Chrift punifh the worldcfor this vnthankcfulneflc ? If he remaine faithful], ought not this to fatiific vs? Chrift: the Lord of hcaucn and earth v\ ill not fuftcryou fcruinghim, to be alto- gether dcltitutc ofneccfiavy things:but he that prouideth fcede to the fowcr,he alfo will prouidc bread for foodc. I hauc oftentimes thought of that fame laying pf Chrift, Lulc. 22. When I fent you without baggc and fcrippc and fhocs, vvan« ! 4 i wanted yc anything? his difciplcs aun- fwcred, Nothingrycajthcy did not once remember, whether they fhould neede any hclpe,for their iourny,& executing II ofthcir office . i hciamc Chriftyctli- ucth& raioneth God for euer.who hath y hearts ot al] in his hinds, y he may do good to all faithful! pallors • eucn as he hid commanded (be it y he (pake neuer a word) to the widowe of Sarepta,that Hue fhould giuc foode to her feruant Elias. Ihaisc alfo oftentimes thought of that fame laying of Daniel: that the reward of Chrift his feruantcs arc laidc vp for them, in the heauens. The tea* chers(faith he) (lull fhinc,as the bright- nes of the firmament>and they that haue brought others vnto rightcoufncs,fhali fhinc as the ftarres in euerlafting times* Let vs therefore content our fclucs ill our calling, with meanc things, and re* fignc oucr our fclucs to our heauenly father to be fed through Chrift at his hands, we, our wiues and our children: f >r he is the true fathcr,and will neuer be vnmindcfull of companion, & a father- ly care oucr vs, and to much the lefle he C v will •> : 42 ■ will be vnmindcfull, by how much Vc fhall be more mindefull of our calling. Wc may therefore fafcJy commute our felucs and ours to his prouidencc^which ought to fufficc for the ouercomming j of all hinderaunces & Ictts, Ipccially to them to whom God is all in all. Farewell. \ f An 791 I j q An Expofition of the ApoRlcs Crcede, or rather of the articles of the Chriftian faith. That the hhigdome of^hrifi is offered vnto vsin the Articles o\ our faith; and that the faithfull arc partakers of n^whileft they hue here. ^^1T is certaine,that there arc two T/7^? h fuirituall kinpdomes . etien ia fpirituall kingdomes , cuen io this worldc : to wit , the king- dome of daikcncs, and the king- dome of light: & it mull necdes be, thatcucry man be of one of thefe, whilcftheliucth here. Forfo Chriftthe king himfelfc fpcaketh to his cleft vellell/ A&s.z6. For this caufc hatte J appeared vnto thee, that 1 might appoint thee a minifler and witnes of thofe things which thou haft feene : And a little af- ter wards; That thou mightefl open their eyes, that they m'tght be turned from darfyiet to light , and from the power of Sathxn to God, and might reeeaue rewi- fjion of fmnei t & a lotte amongefi the fan£tiped t througb the faith which is in met . So to the Coloflians the fir ft : Giuingthanhft vnto God the father , who hath made vs fjtte to be partakers of the lotte of the Saint es hi tic light : who hath deliucred vsfrom the power ofdartyes, andtvanflated vs into the Jyngdome qf his dearely belonvd funne . Hereby it is clcarc ||ut there arc two fpirituall kingdomes, cuen in u*u 44 fity^r Oleuian in this wor!d:thc kingdome of Chrift,irJ which in very deedc arc all they that trucly repent & bclccuc in Chrift* and are alfo baptized into his tume r as alfo their chilJrcn,vnk(le when they (halbcgrowen and come to age , through vn* bcliefe they trie ft the benifite ofFicd : But the other the kingdome of Sathan and darkencs, in which all they are, which doe not rcpunt, and bclccuc not in Chrift, thefe partly aie not baptized, but open contemners of baptilmc: as the Tuikcs and Icwes : and partly againc arc baptized, but yet are impenitet,& vnbclceucrs: thefe albeit they be baptized and ioyne them* felues to the viiiblc Church,rtmainc notwith- landing in very dcede folong in the kingdom and power of darkencs, vntill they be conucr- tedandbcleeue. Mat. 28.1 .Cor/ vcrf.8. 9.10. jz. and 2. Cor. 11, vcrf.11 . Now fotafmuch as •the Articles of the fayth containc the fumrnc of that do&rine delivered by Chrift the king to his Apoftlesntisccrtaine , thac in them the kingdome of Chrift and all the piiuilcdgcs thereof arc ofTred and exhibited to all them that repent and bclccuc : & againe that we arc taught by thisconfeifion , whence wc may af- fure our felucs, that we arc true Citizens of the kingdome of Chrift ,yca and thnt in this lifc,& that wchaue a partaking with Chrift the king bimfelfe with all his benifites ; to wittcifwe bclecue with our heart , and confefle with oqr mouth. For that faying of the Apoftle isfurc, in the to .to y Romanes. : The xvorde U neare thee, in tly month and in thy hi art . Thk Hthat wordcof [fifth vpontheCreede. ^ fdth which we preach, to tvitte, that if thou (halt con* ftffe virh thy mouth the Lord Ie/us, and fhalt bcleene in thy heart , that God hath raifed him vp from the dtcd % thouftalt btfaaed. for with the heart man be* Ueneth vnto ri^hteoufneffe, and with the mouth man confiffirh to faluation. For the fcripture faith; whofo* ener btlteueth m him [hall n9t be afhamed. the kingdom? of Cbrifl is , and that the ncv/c coujmunt is adminiftrc J therein. Et vs tlicn fee what y kingdome of Chrift *~* is , which beginneth in the faithful in this woildc; which alfo in the fame fen fe is na- med the kingdome of Go J, and the kingdome ofheauen. Mat. 3, vcrf.i, Lu!c4.vcrf. 43. ani Chapiter 7. vcrf~28.Thc kingdomc of Chrift ia this v/o ride. is theadminifhationof faluation, whereby Icfus Chrift the king himfelfe, out- wardly gathereth to himfelfe through the Gof- pcll and facrament of baptifme, a people or vi- able Church, (in which many hypocrites arc mingled, ) and callcth them to faluation , anj adminiiheth and giueth himfelfe the fame (al- uation to which he callcth them, in thoic, who he accountcth for his cleft in this congrcgatio, whilcft that he maketh this outward vocation effcdhialLthat is to fay, callcth them torcpen* tancc and faith, by which they aunfwere to him that callcth : and whom he thus calleth, thofc alfo he iuftificth,not imputing their finncs vn- to them: whom he iuftificth, thofc alio heglo- rificth, purging {hem daily more and more from 4 triable* that through faith turning vnto him, they may receauein Child a double benefice, forgiucncs of their finncs.cV a lot amongeft the iandhticd, who daily ftudic fChnft cxhmting. them ) to bring forth the worthy fumes oi ic- [>cnuncc. For whom he hath cholen, thole lifcy Kith he called : whom he hath called, thofe al- io hath he itiftified : whom he hath itiftified, thoic alio he hath glorified. Firft thereto re Jet vsfce how Chriftour king by calling into his kingdomc, doth engender in men a defire oi being reconciled to God-then how he offreih vrtfo them the forgiucnes of their finnes, or rather the free grace of reconciliation and m* ftificarion, and therewithal! how he beginneth, their reftoring to cueilafting life and glory: how daily he fctteth it forward, and at length in the woiide to come doth fully finifli the fame. flow Ckriji the King en^endreth in hi* e- left the ftudic of reconciling thcmfclucs to God, and ho we he prefcruech and encrcaferh in them which arc reconciled , the ftudic of holding that reconciliation. C^ Hrift the King doth engender in his cleft V*^ the Oudie of rcconci'ing them ielucs to God: firft of all by fhcwinge that all men arc vndcr Cane, and in the kingdomc of darke- ned, vport the Creede jf.g ncs, efpecially becaufe that when all men hauc ; the knowledge of GoJ, naturally engrafted m . them, and the workc ofthelawc by nature ♦ written in their hemes, and by the thingescrc- : aredareconftreincd to knoweGod, notwith- ftandingdee nctglonfic him, but doc (innc contrarieto the hwc of nature. Rom.l. The which thing they witnes in their decdes, and tlieir ownc conicicnce doth corunncc their thoughtes, cither accufing orcxcufing their!, Againeby vncoucringall and cucric of their wicVedncfles, anH in accufing them by the iav.c . written, and by thcthreatmnges which arema- nifcft eueiiewhcre throughout rlic whole; p:o- phetes, many wickedneflcs alfo being heaped to gctheras plainely maybe feencin the Epilllc to theRomaines,Chap3. veif. 9 ,10,11,1 2,13. 14. And alfo by fhewing that this is the vnchange- able will of God , whereby he will nor oncly that all men be conformed to the Ijwc of na- ture, but alfo to the lawc written , othcrwifi that he will fo long accounte them for (inner* and enemies til they beconuerted,and through faith be reconciled vnto God. John, 3 vcrfj^. Rom.y.vcrf. 10,11. Secondly by fhewing what agreat cuil iin is. Such and fo great an cml fin is, that it deferueth the cucrlafring deflrudlion of ma.yca verily fo great an cuil,y it cannot by the euerlafling defrruftion of man be cieanfed. VVhcrcvppon it foloweth that Gnnc is a greater cuill , then mans cucrlafring damnation , fir- ing* lint the damned cannot by euerlaftin^ fames cleanfc or ouercome fogrcate an euill.' D % To tfM jo ' g 'after OlcuiJn To concludc,it is fo grcatc an fuuc of- fended the maieftie of God but with one finne, that the dclhuflion of all creatures were a lefic ctull . For certainly neither the deftruftion of all creature* yea if thev fiiouldc be brought to nothing , were a iufheient price for the clean- ling or one oncly fin ne: which couM net other- wile be clcanfcc! , but bv t!ie death of the fbnne of God . Thirdly by (hewing that the nature of God is righteous , and therefore that it doth accurfc all iinners, to witns well thei.e bodies as foulcs, as well in this worldeas in the world to come, Dcur. 28. vnlcflc reconciliation be made. For (o imputable is thisrighteouUJ dcs of God , and will to iudgc finncs, that not fo much as one finnc amongft fo many thow- laiiiics , which day ly arc committed , fhall ef- cape vnpumlhed . For eitl^cr it is puniHicd in vs or els in Chrilt : in Chrift it is once perfect- ly puniflied, fo that we repent and amende and bclccue in him • in our fellies it flulbc punifli- ed, if we haue an vnbelceuing hcarte and (tich a a one as cannot repent, asChrift faith: verily I fay vnto you,that men (lull make accounte tor cucric idle word in the da/ of ludgcmcnt. AU fo it this be; done in y tureen woo.I,what flial be done in the dry ? I. Peter, 4.verle 17,18 .To be fliorr,god is fo rigbtcous^md fo great an cuil is fin,y cue n when he doth f orgiuc finncs,he doth not yet alowc them .'and that he may flicw this thing he doth chaftifc them , in thofc that arc conucrted f yea , after the forgiucnes thereof witlunoft fliarpc feomges, asinDauid, yea n i .m .HP HWM i n i in f il l mpjupm 1 ,1 1 i n 1 in i h. i i Mp unjf i ^ vpon the Crcccle fi after God had fpokcn vnto him by Nathan the Prophet: The lord hath tah^nfrom thee thy fim: Wc fee by how fharpc whips he declared due he did I not allow y iin ofDauid f i.Sam*i2.ver.ii.iz.ij« • Fourthly by lee- ring forth the execution of the righteoulncsSc judgment of God, againft y impenitent & vn- bei'*cuing.Firft in y examples which he hath cx- ereifed & dayly doth cxcrcifcrafwcl in the wrin- ging terrors of c6fcience,whcrwifh the vnrepc- rant arc aflliftcd: as alio in thofe fame temporal puniflimcnts which although they be great, yet ( are the onely h'gncs of y wrath of God to come, rarrcgrcater.ycamoft great. For like as v patt- 1 ence & gentlenesof God is greater then y gen- tlenes of al creatures: fo alfo his wrath doth ex- eeedcy wrath of al creatures. Secondly by let- ting before their eyes y day of this wrath or the eucrlafling iudgcmcnt:as the fcripture doth of-' I ten times fee the fame afwclbeforc the eyes of y faithful as of the ynfaithful. By thefc & the like reafons Sc meancs taken outot the word of god Chrift the king doth cnf.cMcr in y miniftcricof y word through his fpiritc, in the who he hath firft called,*that fame ftudy of rccociling them- fclucs vnto God:fc in them which arc erriftuaU ly called &: reconciled, he preferucth & incrca- feth that fame ftttdic of holding their reconci- liation, and bringeth to pafle that they greatly efkeme fo great grace of reconciliation : and truly fomuch they cfteeme it, y denying them fclucs and all vngoJIincs, they wholly giuc tbcmfcluei through faith voto him , who with d a £0 fz Cojper OUuUn fo grcatc a price hath redeemed them from fo many cuills. After that Chrifl the King and Trieft of\ his Church hath cngendrcd in thole whom f hecallcth , the lladic of reconciling them* (elurs vnto God he ofF.rnh , andgiucthalfo vino them that fame lcconciliation & that in the foi mc of a coucnar.t,thc fumme whereof is contcincd in the articles of the faith. NOw as I haue faide alrcadic,that Time fra- die of reconciling thcmlclucs to God , in thofc that arc called of Chrift the King being wrought, he orTcrcth and giueth to them reconciliation it fclfe , and that in the forme of a free coucnaunt , i.Cor J.vcrf. 18.1^20. ai. and chap. 6. verf»i?.i<\ 17.18. Now the re- conciliation of nun with God , or rather this nutter of faluation in iauing by his mcritc and power the elc£t , is therefore called a co- uenaunt » and alio fct fooith vnto vs in forme of a couenaunt from God, becaufe th.cre isnd apter forme or mceter way of doing it, to make mutual! agreement bctweene the parties and to y eflabhihing of faith. For cucn like as men alter great enimitics arc then at length paci- fied in their mtodes , when they haue bcundcf thcmfelues by promifes and by an oath each one to othcr,to im brace peace y fo alio God, that our conlcicnces might be quiet 1 hath not {pared of his mcerc goodncs euen by an oath and co- ncnauntto bindc lumlelfevnto Vi» that arere- pen* \m n\\ mt * tw *~m**rr*w* uu i , i*| i mi n i m n i m » nm i > upon the Crcede. /j pentantand bclccuc in him \ andtofcalethe iamc w the feale of holy baptifmc, y he might adopt vs freely to be his cluldrcn.thar he might clcanfe v* through his bloode from all litinr, I and bcinv endowed with the holy <>Inft might rcnue vs to eucrlafting 1 lfc ^ yea aud that free- ly, that wee agr.ine being bound , vntothe fiith and worflup of this true Godthcfonnc and tJie holy Ghoft , \vc might fct foorth and aduancc this grcatc good nes of his. Moreoucr eucn like as tl:ere aic vvonte to be propounded, in mens coucnaunts ccrtainc headej, which they call articles , by which peace is begunne | and put in pradlife , both fides being fwornc : , foalib that fame diuinc coucnamu , wherein God doth reconcile vs vnto himfelfcfor cucr, is conteincd in ccrtainc heades or articles, which are the foundations of this holy recon- ciliation and where in God will hauc ctemall peace betwecne him fclfc and all bclccucrsto 1 be ratified. Now God had piomifcd by lo remic the Prophet that he wouldc ftnks: a newe couenatint with vs, not according to that coue- nant which he had nude with our fathers when he brought them out of the land of Egypt, bc- caufe they had made that coucnant voydc: but that this fliould be the couenant; that he would giuethehwc in the middeftofvs , and write the fame in our heartcs , and that he would be our God,nnd we 111 ->uld be his people.and that we fhould knowe' him, becaufe he is merciful! vnto our finncs and will remember our ini- : ^uiticspomore. Icrcmy,3r,Efai.f3 ^Ozcc*. D iij This j4 ^ A IP er Oleuian This coucnant the Lord hath made with vc through faith in Chrifl : and therforc wc mull knowc that the articles of our faith, containc y fummc Sc as it were v heads of that coucnanc which ftandcth in faith between God and vs. That the coucnant bctvccnc God and vs isfrecandvndeferued , and ftandcth only in faith : through which after that he hath put out the remembrance of our finncs, herc- nueththc beleeuers to his owae image nrilat this coucnant bctwccnc God and vs ** is free and vudefcrucd , and lcanclhvpoa no condition of our worthineile or me rites, but ftandcth by faith alone, hence it may I cafily appcarc. For in refpeft of God he pro- perly makcth the coucnant with vs.and he (ca leth in our hcartvs by his holy ipirit, that fame promife of vndeferued reconciliation offrct! vnto vs in the GofpcUTitus 3. ver,5 Cy.j.z.Tim 1. ver. 9, Gal. 3. \ci\6. 18.2^. In refpc&ofvj' this coucnant is rcceiued only by faith, whiles that freely and vndeferuedly the holy Ghoft jsgiucn vnto vs, who bringeth topjlle tha both we will and arc able to belecue the frc promife of reconciliation through Chrifl:. Eph 1. loci. 2. Efay.59. If you rcfpedl the n-cdiato^ vcrely our hcauenly father hath rcceiued him the price of reconciliation., and we hau fatifficdin him ; notwithftanding becaufeth incdiaror is freely giucn vnto vs , and imputet alio freely this mcrite vnto vs> cucu by this re: (0 Vponthe Crecde. jr fonalfathc coucnant is free. And (o tlifs wliole coucnant is mccrcly free, and confiftcth in faith alone : the oblation ot pro mile or grace in Chrift, and alfo thegittingof Chrift himlclfy 1 inrcfpectofGod i^ frcc:y rcceiuingon ourpirc : . js alio frecbccmfc ic is the works utGod in vs, j whereby he fcaleth his promilcinour hcartes, that being driucn we (hould workc , that is to • fry, that being made hclccucrs by him vvc might belccue. Ephc.z.vcr.i. 5. ^.7.8.^.10. All theie things arc plainlie comprehended in that fame promife of the new coucnant, which cucn now 1 brought out of the 3 1. Chapiter of Iere* my. Now thcendc why God would haucthi* fame coucnant to be free by all mcanes, is that rhc glory of God might rcir.rnc to him alone : the which drift of his counfcll hcluth cxprcf- f<*d in plainc wordes in the fame PropIwt.Chap. 33. Jndit (bribe to me a nvne ofio^aprayfe And an honour before a!l the tiAthnt of the eArth which /7m// he ire all the good that 1 doe vnto them,&c , And to theEphc. Chap. 1 ver.fA An other end is the peace of our confcicnccs. Rom. Chap. 4. Tor if thev which are of the U\ve Are : faith is become voyd t and the promife is niAde of none cffe£t t &c Sich therefore God faith that this whole coucnant is free and vndeferucd, and that it confiftcth in the knowledge of him, or rather by faith : through which alfo after that he hath aboli- fhed theremembraunccofourfinnes , he will rcnewc our hcartes • which he calleth to write his lawes in our hcartes: it is plainc and cui- dent that in the articles of our faith, fuch a • D iiij faith fm j 6 $ J fP er OUulan faith and knowledge of God is fct forth vnto vt] e which cmbraceih the free renv.fllon of finncs in n Chrift, and alfo thereof engendreth the inftau- : ration or renewing of man according to the i- j] ni&"eof Cod. Therefore in the meditation of the articles cf cur faith we muft cfpccially [ luinc our eyes to thefc two poyntcv. The Article* cf faith or that which ii com- \ ? monly called the A po files Ctcedc. t Dclictic in God tie father almighty matter ofbtMUti * and earth f and in Ufus thrift , his only fount our Lord % which w>?i conceauedby the holy Ghofl , bo) ne of the virgin Mary , fufjred vnder 'Pontius 'Pilate \ irttctfhd, dead, and buried : he dtfeended into hell, the $hird day he rofc agzincft om the dead, he afcendedin* to heahen, andfitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty ; from thence he fliall come to mdge the (jui^and the dead: 1 beUeuein the holy Ghofl t the holy CathoLque Church, the Communion ofSaintci t the tffmnei % the reftirreff»on of she body t ax4 the life euerlafling. What faith is. SEing therefore Chrifl the king himfelfeia the articles of the Chiiftian faith, which con- taine the fumme of the Gofpcll, offreth that (amc kingdomc of his vino vs : and through faith, by thevcrtueofhis fpiiitdoth effectually f onlcderate himfelfe vnto vs to the end he may rnignc invs: uoe to, let vs briefly fhewewhat faith i!. Faith is to alTent vnto God,his will be- ing tm^^mmmmmmmmmmm mni ■ mh p uhu i hi i i iii w » "Mi ■ ■" ■»■■ W"m p p i " f Vfon the ftecde. 37 irglcnowen, in cucry wordcofhis, as to the ouclytruc & omnipotent God, andfo togiuc glory to God : and not to confidcr any thing cither in ourfeluesor in any other of hi3 crea- tures, that fecmeth to be againft him : and in thiswordc . to behold as the fpeciall maikc the promife ot the Gofpel, for that the lather truely offreth himfelfcvnto vs in Craft, and through his holy (pitit freely are engrafted in Chrift , and more and more fanitifieth vs , and picferueth vs by the fame power, through which Ch lift was raifed from the dead, whereby he hath all things fubicft to himfclre , that the hope of euerlafting life being founded in this truth and power, it may be moft ccrtaine. This defcription of faith, firft comprchendeth the whole lifcofmau : whofc Angular a&ions and moments, muft necdes leane end reft vpon faith. For fuiely^hat which is faid to the Hcbrucsjyitbout faith it Is irnpofliblc tuplcjft God, is moft true, in all and lingular matters that are to be taken in hand. Rom. 14* rer 23. Then after thru it iectcth forth that pe- culiar grace of luftification offred in Chrift* and that rcftoring to euerlafting life, as the foundation of all bclceuers . Now this fame defcription of faith is fpccially taken out of the fourth Chap, to the Romanc^from the fix- penth vcrfe, and out of the firft Chapiter of th«? Ephefuns, from the 17. verfe, to the ende of both the Chapiters . That which is put in the defcription. of the will of God knowen > is therefore done, becaufc Sathan is oftentimes D v woont jt G after Olcutan woont to faigne another meaning of the worde of God, befides the will ofGod.Lcaft therefore that faith /hould ftray from the will of God, we muft indcucr, that as the Apoftle comman- ilcth in the i x. to the Romanes, all prophefy- ing or interpretation of the fenpture, be accor- ding to the analogic, or rule of faith : leaft the interpretation nght with the foundation or with any article of faith. We will fhewe it a Kb more familiarly after this manner: this is faich, to acknowledge that this is the vnchangeable will of God,and to reft in it, that freely he will giue vs that promifed ialuation by y Prophets, and that through Chrift the lame is giuenin deede, ( as the Articles of our faith witnefTe,) that is, to acknowlcdgctlut thefc things which arc contained in them, arc freely giucn vnto vs of God, according to the teftimony of all the Prophets which were from the beginning of the worldc, yei.andofChrift himfclfe, and to reft i\\ thisconft mt will of God, and giue this glory to God, that huh now already fliewed his omnipotent power in performing thefe promi* fes, fulfilling in deede the moft part of the Ar« tides of our faith : andalfoas yet doth (U 11 ex- crcifc the fame, in the applying of thofc bene- fices :and will certain ly fhewe it, in thple that rcmainc yet to be fulfilled in the Articles : nei- ther to confider any thing either in vs , or yet without vs in any creature that feemcth contra- ry to that fame grace and diuine truth promi- fed vnto vs, and already offred in Chnftjand at length fully to be accomplilhcd. Thg Vfon the freed*. S9 The partition or dutifion of the Creeie. THere arc fourc principal parts of the Creedf. The firft contain jth what webc- Iceue of God the father, who as he luth chofenysof his meerc mercy, in Chiift before the foundations of the worlde were Uidc'.Ephe* i . fo there is fet forth in the firft part ot the G'cedc the firftfountainc of the coueiianr.or reconciliation : and therewithal! is alfo caujjht what we mutt belccuc of the creation ol all things. Thefcccnd.whatwc mufl; belccue of lefusChriftthcfonncof God : in which pait,is comprehended the whole famine of the ouc- nmt & of our rcconciliatio. The third,wlut of the holy Ghoft, who by engrafting vs through faith in Chrift , maketh vs confederates with God^pplyingvntovs the mercy of the lather, and the redemption otthefonne. The fourth part is concerning the people, or of the Church with whom God had fhickeo his coueiunt: which part con tainethy effeftes of all the tor- iper, and the fruitc of our faith, afwell which \vc cnioyc in tin's life, as alfo , which we fhall cnioy cuerhiftin^ly, being fully knitre both body and foijle with Iedis Chrift our heade. Rules which fly all help e both our VKderfttn- ding and faith, in cucry article of faith, THc rules, which we ought alwayes to hauc before our eics # aiwcl in y expoudiog,as al- to (o Gafpcr Oleulin fo in the meditating of the Crecdc, arc thefc, Firft that i mans min Je knowe in eucryof the articles notonly the hiftory(which knowledge aloucisnot tofaluation, forasmuch asrhede- uills and doe tremble: lames i. )but alio that the heart it fclfc embrace through true faiih the promile of God, and the perfor- mance of the pro wife in Chrilt and for Chrift, which lyctli IndJein cucry of the articles. A As. 13. verf 31. andthw*3^. Kelolue therefore ally articles into the piomifes , or into the perfor- mance of them, & ( ) thou flult hauc in the ar- ticles officii all thekindesof that wonderful! tnion that we hauc with the father, with the fonne Icfus Chrift , and with the holy Ghoft, which throughout all the Gofp:ll is promiicd and giuen to the belccucr. I. John.14. an d the l y. The fecond rule ; In the applying of the promifc, looke vpon the counfell of God to witte, that to the fonnc of God a body & foulc was fo fafliionedand fitted , that thole thinges that were done in them, were done in the name of all belceuers:& fo done in deede, y the obo- dience, which was offred vp to the father in his porfon, by the counfell and gift of the father, are as truely thine, as if they had bene offred vp in thv fou!e& body , and y by the famceffica- cic, wherethrough that cuerlafting word quic- kened from death that whole made and glori- fied it, Hull alfo quicken and glorifie thee. For this is the counfell of God, this is his vnchan- geablc will, wherevpon we may fafely leaner now itismadc manifeftia the writings of the i m p .w»ui ■' ■ ■ '; MW ; q . II vyon the CrecAe. Si TrophetsandjpojJles \ to the Hcbr , Cap to.out ofthc40« Praline. Wherefore cntring into the world he iiid,5^cri^Vr & obtatio thou rvouldeft not, but a b:dy hafl thou framed vnto mct t &cThc 1 fi;id $ toe I am prefent ( in the beginning of the booty it is wr/tte of me )that ifyoulddo thy willO God. And a little after, Through which will we are fanffified* through the oblation of the body of lefts Chrift once Kifide.Vpo tluscounfcll ofGodalfoJcarieth the reatonofthe Apofilcin the 10 . toy Romain% tvhikft he faith, the rightcoufnejjc which is of faith, io lie faith / Say not in thy heart who fbaUafcendtn- toheaucn: Tor this U to fuhcChrifi cut of heartens or y who (hall gee downeinto the deefeithis is to bring Chrift from the deade .'But what faith \\dThe word h neare thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart . This U thai worde of faith t whkh wepreache, to witte, if thou ft) alt confeffe the Lord lefus with thy mouth: and ft: alt beleeue in thy heart , that Cod hath raJfed himvp from the deade, thou ft alt befafe. Tor we bclecue with the heart to right eoufne/?e y but we confefie with the mouth to faluatton % See the I. Corinth, i.vcrf 30. the Hcbr.2.verf.i4.i5 # to the R oman«, 5. vcrf.i 1.15.16 17 18. Alio I Cor. if* ycrf 20.H ij.i.Thcfl.^.veif H.and Chapiter. J. verij. 2 beleeue in God the father almightie maker ofheauen and earth. Tejltmonies out of the Prophets 34. The Lord of Hcafes , The Lord of Ho a fit * . a wi^htie % m ircijiJ ! rjid grati'iM God: Unv fttfftrint . and much in vndneiattd faith : uho fljtweft ntercie to thowfandcs , pardoning jrriqnim tit t and d f'e&fon and ftnnet : btfo re whom the inno- cent is not innocent , zho rtccnifenecfl the ittlqtdtti oft f )C father* Vff - 1 " the children , r\"/ t/Mo» //. e ds'l- ttreus children, and vpfto;t the tin* fitly i. Gene.j, 1h the be'iinritnv God v atcd he alien and earth , Nowt the earth wm dcfolate and v yde : and dar^cnes vat Vpptn the vtmofffaee of the ci,f:h , and the fyiate of G.I mooned it ft )'e vpp-m the face of the waters. lo.\. In the bc$wwti\ wa4 the worde jundthe word was with God : and that word n\ : GjI. J 11 1 hinges were vtide b) it , and without it was no thin 9 made tha: was tnsdr. .a n l to the Coloffians thefi, fi t and Vfal 1 04. Thou floalt finrle forth thy finite 9 and they f]) Abe created , and thou flyalt rentte the face of the earth. The defcription of God. f^ OD is a fpirirunll fubfhnce,ct:erhfting, ^J good, pure, afwcllcfanincomprchcnliblc glone as of an infinite wilcdomc raid pow- er, ot an vnchangeable lighteoultKs >vnfpeak- ablcmcrcic and moft: conftant tructh, to be fhortthconcly & (buemgne hnppires, and the father i^cucrbfting , the fonne thccueilafHng image of the father ,and the holic qhoft procee- ding from both . The nature of God is fhorcly and diligently cxprcfl'cd in the dcfciiptiori which is in Mcfes, Exod. 34. The Lord of of Iioaftcsi the Lord of Hearts , a mfchtic , mer- vpon the Creede* 63 mcrcifull and gentle God, long fuffcring and of great mcrcie and truc.&c. The profit e of (his defcription of God. t T^Hc vfe of this defcription is , [that the na- «*• tureofGod being knownc, wc fhould em- brace by true faith, as our onely and mod foucraignc God , andfhould fcarc to ofFendc him : to the end that through true faith and fcarc , 01 amendment of life, he mi<>htbc plo- rificd of v$ . For hrft when we hearc that God, whe hath promifed by an eucrlafting cooc- nant that he wilbc aGod vnto vs.isan vndcr- {landing , wile , cuci'laiting , good , righteous and mercifull God &c; wc conclude vcric rightly vppontt , of the verie forme of that free covenant: that he is not onely iuchaonc by nature, but alfoy he will (hew himfclfeto be fuch a one to vs beleeucis ; and that by au eucdaftifli* coucnant , though all creature* ftionld feemc to p:riuade vs to y contraiic . He that knoweth this nature of God» of whom he is rccciucd into coucnant * he luth larncmatter of trullipgin him , and of framing his life by faith , according to the will of God . Botlv ofthefe, to witliowc the knowledge of God miketh to faith and repentance, and lo to the cfLblifhing of the kingdome of God in vs , we will make plaine out of fume of his attributes. So great and (o conlbntis t!ic truth of God, that one word of the diuinc truth , padcth the truth of all Angels and men : bccaulc the truth of mm U $4 . C/j^r Olcu'tM of all creatures f dependethvpon the trutti of Cod, and hath the originall from that, and confifteth in that alonc:(o that the trurh of god, is the catile and foundation of all truth both in Angels and men. When therefore wewauer or doubt of any matter, why do we not confulr, whether there be not fome word ot the Lorde concerning that matter, whereof wc doubt? which being found, -vc may giuc our rrtindcs to reft, knowing afluredly , y the lead title "of the truth is more firme , then the whole frame of heaucn and earth . Urcmi 51. Mntr. >. vcrl. i8. therefore ir is in the iccond booke of the 10. Knowcyou nowc, that there Hi dl not fill anie thing of the word of the Lord to the "round . Alio his infinite power ought toincouragc vs , to truftin him: in him 1 lay, that mightic God, whocallerh thole thinges which are not as if they wcre.P v o # 4. Like as alio, that fame Apoftle further Ipeakcthof the faith of Abraham: He doubted not §f the promtfe of God through vnbeleifcJLut vxtrnade Rrongin faith , giuingglorit to God : Hebtgfnli} efiu- yea that he which had promt ftd % he alfo n\u able toper- forme it* And furcly how greatly diftruftdif- pleafeth God t as which dcfraudeih him of hit glory and how greatly the holicft men that arc ought to beware of ir, the Lord teachcth Num. to . And the Lord of Hoafb* (aid vntr V »yfe$ and Aaron, Forafimich as vr fhuie mt belecucd me, that you nioht fanEtsftt vie b fore the formes of Jfra* 4I , therefore you fljaU not lead this congee fatten into the Lvide vrhlch I hatteghun tbtnt* And hi th^ 31. of vpon the Creeds* Sf fi.yx. Nowheisnotoncly able to do thar,which he wil , (as in vcric decde lie wiU ]cth that thing which he hath promifed in his word:)but alfo in that which he willeth not, he abiJeth no refiftancc, which is as it were the o- thcrpartof the orr.nipotcncicofGod. Ifai,4?- There is none that can tafy out of my hand:Jt,difl do any thing^hofialliet //?Thc firft n thcrforc,thae in eueric thing wchatic the wil of God J n owne out of his word, which being once knowne, lee vsnot doubt, biuy Gods truth ismoft cofcanc, & altogether vnchadcablc. Morcouer Ice our mindes moilt vp to y almighric natttte of God, who mightily pertormcth in deede whntfoeucc he wil, neither abidcth any rciiftancc I giue euerlafini^ life to my fit epe, neither fiall they pe- ri fh for ener ? neither fid Any mataly them out of my band. My father rvho hathg'tuen the vnto me, is gret^ ier then all , neither can any man fnatch them out of the hand of my father. 1 and the father are one. Here thou haft both the moft conftant truth of the word of Chnft,and alfo hisomniporcncic.AnJ fo thou muft trufl: that God ofikreth hi mfclfc vnto vs in Chrift, a true and almightie God, in an cuerlafting covenant . And further, fhould not this felfcfamc nature of God , wherein he is true and almightie , pric!rcfscd - Sec the gtaue tefhmonics that are writcn concerning this matter , 1. Cor. 6.7. S9.11. and the firft Thef 4.67.8. Thecuer- Jailing nature of God alfo doth confirme our faith For fcingy fuch a one hath prom i fed in coucnant to be our God, who is cuerlafting, wc rightly gather thereof, that not onely our Joules (lull liucin God f but alfo thatour bo- dies fhalhe railed vp to life .'that the euerlafhng God ,may be indeede their God . And furely vpon thi^ foundation lcap.eth that rcafon of Chrift , whereby he prooueth againft theSa- duccs out of the vvorkes of thecouenaunt , the icfurreclion of the dead • Matt.n. verf. 32.. Ne i the r that onely , but alfo concerning this life, of that cuerlafting nature of God , doth a faithful ma gather newe courage and ftrcn^th, Ilai. »l vpcnthe Creede. 7/ Ifti.40.verf.z7. 29.31. And pfal.ioj.ycrf.f. Al- io that fame euerlafting nature of God ought Co ltir vs vp to repentances ,pet.vcrf.«. 13.14. ij . So ought aUo the holines of God, which is ioyned with his etcrnitie . i.Pct.i. verl 14.1). x£i7'i8.alfo,i Iolin.3.vcif.3. Ibdctut in God the father , iihls only begotten fount 1 and in tht holy GloFt* ftrtaine teftimoniesofthc dtuintlieof the fonne, according to thofe things that are attributed vnto him in the delcription of God, and order of the articles of faith. f T followeth that we flicwe.that God hath fo **- mamfefted himfelfe in his wordc, that thefc three perfons.thc farher,the fonne & the holy Ghoft, be that one oncly true God , in whom wcprofelVe to bclccue in the Creede, when we fay : We bclccue in God the father , and in his oncly begotten fonne, and in the holy Ghoft. Nowe a perfbn or v7nrdm % is a Angular thing, vnderftanding , willing , that cannot be imparted, or communicated to another, not vpholden of another, nor part of an other* That God the father who hath made heauen & earth, is fo manifeft, that eucn the vngodheft hcrcticjues denying the diuinitic of the tonne and holy Ghoft, dare not yet deny the diui- nitic of the father . That the fonne is a thing by himfelfe fubfifting, vndcrftanding, willing &c.and by nature God: although to the Chi- li iiij 7.cni wHx&Mmmmmmmv&Bm MM 7 2 9 a IP er Okuian *en$of thckingdomcof Chrift , it is plaine and at hand throughout the holy fcripcurc ; ycc it is pr ole that their memoric cucr and aoone »cfreflied with fomc clcarc and di- uinetcftimonics. Nowc wc will allcdgc firft Ionic tcftimonies according to the order of rhofc things which arc attributed vnto Cod, which wc luuc let uownc in the defctiption: then afterwards according to the courfc and or- der of the articles of the faith, Xi>*f The word or y Sonne is a fpiritual fubftancc. Toy Rom.x.verf.j. & 4.Hcb.ft : Io. 1 In the beginning wa* that word.Sc that word was with Gpd>and that Crutor f>f wor ^ wa? GoJ« Alfo, All things were made by \nwtn and n » an( ^ without it , was made nothing that was $*v$h. ' niade. verf.3. And to thcColoiT.i . By the beloued fonne, through whom wc haue re- demption w ** vpcrt the freed*. jj Jcmption were all things created which arc in vtrf.if. Jieaucnand which arc in earth, thinges vifiblc and inuifible:whether they be Thrones or Do- minions, or Principaliticsor Powcrs.All things I7« were created by him and tor him : Anil he is before all things, and in him all things con- fift. To the He b. the firft. He hath fpoken vnto vsby his fonne by who he hath made y worlds, Proucrb S.Iehoua pollefleth mc , from the be- vnfcsii* ginning of his way: I had y chicfty fro cuerlaft- &c. ing.fro y beginning before y earth was. When there were no depths was I fafhioncd , before there were routaincs running w warcrrbeforey mouncaincs were, and before the hill- was I brought forth. He had not yet made the earth, & the ftrearcs, & the height of the duft of the world :whcn he prepared y heaucns,I was there, &c.AndIo.y.vcr.i7,i3. My father worketh hi- thcrto,5: 1 work. Therefore rhc lewes (ought y more to kil himrnotonely becaufehshad bro* ken y iabbaoth: but (aid alfo y God was his fa- ther, and made himfclfe C(]uall vv God . To the Philippians the 3 . vcrf. 2,1. He worketh mi- racles by his o wne power : to wittc,not as one calling vpon God, but as one commanding by his owne auftority. Thou haft examples Mac. 8.vcrf.i£,Luk.?.and7, For he comnundeth the winde and the (ea,and they obey him , and he rcbukcth the fcarcfulnes of his difciplcs, Mark4.vcrf.394r. he giucth power alio vnto others to worke miracles, but by calling vpon his namc.Mark8.Afts .j.verf. rfi* andCap.4 vcrf io.And he is of an immutable rightcouf- Iieflejercm.i3. And chi* is the name whereby E v they 7* Gaftcr Olcuian they fhall call him , Ichouah, our rightcouf* ncfTe, Of an vnlpcakcablc mvrcic. Titus rhej. >crf.4. and thc&^nd Chapter. i n # of a moftconftam truth. Mat. 24. vaf.3f. The hcaucn and earth (lull palls , but my words.* flull not peri fli. Andthefirftof Iobn f Full of grace & truth. I0.14.vcrf 9 That fame wordc, if theoncly begone fonne of y father,andy co» Knontfy eternal image of y father. 1 0.1 . We hauc fecne Icgotun hisg!ory,as y glory of y on'ely legottcof God. finnt. To the Hcbr.l.vvho being the brightnes of his gloiy , ( the light from the light ) and very in- grauedtormc of his perfon oF his lubftancc, and bearing vp all things by the worde of hit Our Lord. powcr,&c.Andhcis the Lorde ot all creatures, but chiefly of t*i:e faithful 1 or of the Church, Io.i.He was in the worlde, and the world was made by him, but the worldc knew him nor: became amongeft his ovvnc, and his ownerc- cciued him not. Before he came into the world he wasafubfifting perfon, and Dr.uids Lord, from which Ch rift maintaineth his diuinitic in the 22,. of MatheWf faying. What thinkc you of Chnft?whofe fonncis he? they fay vnto him, Dauidcs: he faith vnto them, how then doth Dauid in fpirit call him Lord ? faying: The Lord fiid vnto my Lord , fit at my right hand, till I make thine enemies, thy footeftoole • If therefore Dauid cal! him, Lord, how is he his fonr.e? Alio Luk. verf.i .vcrfes 16'. 17. 43 . and vefl.7tf.77. And thou childe( Iohn Baptifl )flialt be cilled the Prophet of the moft high . F^r thou flult goc before the face of the Lorde to prepare vpon the (reede. jf prepare his waics, * thou flialt giue the kno w- ledge of faluation to his people. Malacb.4vcrC f . lo.i .This is he that commcth after mc that was before mc,&c. Io.2o,ver(.i8. Thomas an- fwereth, him my Lord an J my God . A£h 16* verl.31.and Chap.x8.veri. 10. So Chrift vtuJVLowxi conccaucd by the holyGhoft , that being concerned before that fubfhmi.ill wordc , and by him- by theholy telfelubfiftingj he tooke our flefli : Philip.** Ghofl. who being in the forme of God, thought it no robbery to be cquall withGod : but he made himfcltc of no reputation, taking vpon him the forme of a feruarite.Hebr.i. He tooke not the natures of Angels vpon him, but he tooke the fcede of Abraham, io.6.1 am that bread of life winch came down fro hcaucn. Io.i 6. Iwcnt out from y father, & came into y worlde, &c . and i.Timot^.Great is the myftericof godlmcs, God is manifeft in the flcrti . The Prophetcf r foretoldcthat this man which is borne of the vir- B ^ rni °f gine ,fhould not be a man, in fuch ( ftiould tH vsr & m * lubiiftofhimfelfe as Peter and Paulc : but the Md 9* true God, to wittc, the fecond pcrfon , bearing and vpholdi'ng that humaine lumpc, into the vnitieof the perfonknitte vnto him. Ifay7. Eeholdc a virginc lhalbe with childc : and fhal bring forth a fonne & thou llult call his name ImmxnucM y God with vs . Andinrhcp.A childc* is borne vnto vs : A fonne isgiuco vntovs: and the principalitie was vpon hisfhouldcrs, and thou fhalc call his name wondcrfull , coun- fcllcr, the mightie God, father of eternitic and prioce of peace . Ierem.13. I willrcarerp to Da 7* ' Gafter Oteuian Dauid a righteous braunch,and he (lull raigne king, and (lull profper.&c. And this is his name, whereby they (lull call him Ichouaour rightcoufncfle. Miche. f . And thou Bethlehem tuphrata , although thou be amongeft the thoufmdsof IchuJah,out of thee (hall there come forth vnto mc, which flulbe the goucr- nour of Ifracl : and his generations llulbc from oleic, and from the daies of eucrlalhng- ncs. Coloil'.i.verf 9. In him dwellcth all ful* Hefuffred nes of the Godhead bodily. He confefledbc- xmdtrTcn. f orc Pontius Pilate vndcr whom he fuffered, nut TiUte. t [ ut f^ kingdome was euerlafting, and thac therefore he came into the worldc* that he might giuc tcftimony of the truth. Io.iP, verf. 3^37-and Acls ^.vcrf.if. 16.17.30 ♦ When the fame iudgc iudged him, there is fulfilled that prophecy in the 11 .of Zachary , Mar. 17 . And they too!:c thirty peeces of filucr , the price of him that was valued, whom they of the chil- dren of Ifracl valued. And they gauc them for the potters fieldc, as the Lord appointed vnto nice. That which the Lorde foretolJe of the children of Ifracl prifing him then , when the coucnant was to be taken away, and the people to be forfaken , ( which he Signified by the breaking of the ftaffe , which was called the ftafFc of meekenes, or rather the (laffeofioyc) BntinChrift,Godmanifcftcdinthc flcfli, this full difanullance being athande,yeain all cir- cumftances it was fulfilled by a wonderful I Cmcifed They dial Jookc vnto him who they luue pcaiccd. This leho. vfovthtCreede. 77 Jchoua faith of himfclfe; and Iohn faith that this was fulfilled in Chrift. Cap.i9.vcrf.37»Anci the I. CoM.verf.8. If they had knowen. they Jud not crucified the Lordc of glory. Atts.J verf.n.Yc haucfliinc the prince oflifc.Dwrf. De*d+ The Teftamcnt was to be confirmed by the death of the Teftaror. Now the Teftator was God . Hebr. p.verf.itf. 17. And Cap.8.vcif.8.?. Adbio. God hath purchafed the Church mto himfclfc hy his ownc bloud. Buried, dH* rofe from death the third day. Rom. I. vc1f4.Ia1.vcrL 19 . Deftroyyou this Temple, and 1 will rearcit vpagaine in thicc dates. And Cap.10.verr.17A' 18. 1 lay downc my life, that I might take it againc . No man taketh it fiom meci but i laycit downeof my icllc : I hauc power to lay it downc, and power to take it a* game. L ■ That he is the true God that afcended into J . r lieaucn, the Apoftlc plainly tcachcth in the < *9'/ ;# "F* fourth to the Ephefians,vcr(cs 7.8 £. Tocucry *¥**% ***** one of vs is grace giuen according to the mca* • fuieof the girtc of Chrift : wherefore he faith, when he afcended vp on high, he led captiuitic Retfcendei capnuc.I03.vcrf.13. No man alcendcth rpto intoheaucn, hca- 7 1 Gafper Oleut** hcaucn( that is to fry by his ownc power: for others afcend being drawene) but lie that hath decoded from heau-.n. An J Iotf.ve1C3tf.and vcrf tfi. Alfo in the itf-Cap verf.iS. Hifitteth Htji'tethattbe right bind of God, and is wor- €Utht riebt flipped of Angels and men. Hcbr.i. To which bandofGod ofthe Angels hath he cuer faidc , (utc at my $be father r ' 9 »' u hande Hn the fame place ,all the Angels tlmkhtie. °* God fliall worfhippc him. And i Pct.J.vcrf. il.totheEphcfiansi. verfes 1021.23. to the Philippians i.vcrfc^.io. wherefore God lif- ted him vp on high 5c hath giuen him a name, which is abouc cut ry name. That at the name of lefiis cucry knee fliould bowc , both of things in hcaucn and things in earth, and things vnder the earth. And that ctiery tongue fliould confclle that leius Chrift is the Lordc, to the glory of God the father. See the firft to from thence f he Corinth. 1. vcrf. 2. Aftsp.vcrf, 14. He hath hi (hall power to iudge both the quickc and the deadc; come to anc * *"° ' 1C ls P r ^ l " e t0 a ^ "* e thoughts, fayingi iudveboth an ^ ^°^ n g 5 °f mcn > aru ' not °nely that, but ibcimcke a ^° ' )C l% m0 ^ * u ^ an( * ni ^S' ulc to execute and the fcntcncc.i.Cor.4,5. Iudgc nothing before the dc ; n V /hom wcbclecuc, Ibehem U Chrifthimfelrcgiueih , which is a notable to the hoi/ flimonic of his cuerlaftinggodhead.Ioh.i.vcrf. Ghojl* 13. This is he that bapcifcth with the holy ghoft . Afte. 2. compare thci7.verfc, I will powre out ( faith God) of my fpiritc. &c, with the. ^.vcrf. He hath fhed foorth this which you now behold and fee . Iohn,i6.vcrfc.7.and cap, lo.verf. 2t. He hath chofen vnto himfclfca catholicjuc The fob or an vniucrfall Church 1 from among *\\ c&thotiqui mankindc, Iohn.13. 16. 1 know whom I hauc church* chofen, and in the 15. chapter . You hauc not chofen me , but I hauc chofen you, that ye goc and bring forth fruitc , and that your fiuite re- mainc. Alfo in the 10. Chap.vcr1.16.and Chap. 11 verf fi. He wis prefent with this Church eucn from the beginning , as the eucrlafting king and pricft thereof. Hcb. 1 3. vcrf. 8 . Chrilt day & foreucr . Alfo the,i.3.vcrf. 19. 20. and the 1. Cor 10. Thou art a pricft for cucr after the order of Melchifedcck. and Hcb. 7. vcrj.To this church from the beginning he reucaleth the father & hhnfcIfc.Mat.11. No m£ knoweth the father but the fonne.and to whom focucr the fonnc will rcueale him. Alfo i.Pct. J.vcr/ u.Kccjuickcneth this Church from e- He will hauc hit Church holy vnto him and feparatedfrom ido- laters m fo Gafpcr OlcutM liters , and from thofc which prcfeflc not faitl* and repentance : and therefore he dire&ly op- pofcth the worfhippc of himfelfe in the Church agninft the worfhippc of fallc Gods. 14. My bclouc<\ ily from idolatry 1 that I may (pcake mole wifely, ludgc you what I fay. The cuppe of tliankclgiuing , whereby we giuc thankes, is it not the communion of the bloodc of Chnft ? And a little alter : Vcrf.r? 20. What thcrforc do I fay ? that the Idol is any thing, or that which is lacrificcd to Idols is any thing? yea this (I fry) that that which the Gentiles lacrificcthey iacnficc todiucls, & nottc God: and I would not y you fnouM hauc fclowflu'p with diucls. Yccanot dnnkcy cup of the Lord, & the cup of diucls; yccanot be partakers of the Lords table, & of the table of diucls.Do we pro- uok'. y Lord to anger? A re we ftrogci then he? He communicatcth himfelfe with the Sain* Thtemmti ft cs , that is, with all the eleft, andhedwcl- nhnof Jctli in them howfocuer they arc thiownc out of Samtttt* the world. Iohn, 14 vcrf.15. I and the father will come and make ourabidjng with him. And in the 15 chap.vcrl 1.4.AK0 i.Cor. u.ver. iz. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body which is one, (hough they be many, yrtarc butoncbodyifoisChrifr. Ephc.J.That Chrifl: may dwell in your hattcs through faith , Gala, i.verf. 20. Now I liuc no more , bucChrift liucth in me. Alfo lohn,i7. vc'-'f. %\. and i6» IU entreth into league and fellowship with the Church by the minifrerie />f the word and fa- cra- mmm vfontheCreede. ti c;rsmcntcs:5c he is prefect with iteuen from the beginning of the woild.and rcmaincth prcfenc yntothcend. i.Cor. 10. Let vsnot temptc Chrift, asfomcof them tempted, and were deftroyedof Scfpcntcs , Alfoi, Pet I. verf.ll, Matr.i3. Loe lam with you alwaics to the • cnJe of the world . He inftkutcd baptifmc thcfealeof thecouenant, and would hnuc vs no lefle baptifed in his name , then in the name of the father 8c of the holy ghoft: making pro- mife of ialuuion to them that beleeuc ;md arc baptifed, Matt. x8.vcrf. 19. Mar. 16. vcrf. 16. Co|lo.2.vcrfe,9, io,ii. i* (ic. H.verf. 16. and chap, ip verf.f . Is jw it is both blafphcmic to be baptifed in the name of any creature , and it is onely proper vnto God , to make promifesof faluation, and to fulfill them . Wherefore al- to Chrift is he, which baptifeth with the holy ghoft , Mat.3,vcrfe, n.Aft. i.verfi 18 31. He inrtitutcd the facrament of tlunkclgiuing , for thediuinc wor/hip of himfelfc , in the place of the Pafchall , as he faith : Do this in remem- brance of mc : Wherefore alfo Paulc callcth it the cuppe of thankefgiuing, whereby we giucthankcs : And concerning thefeale of the ncwe Tefhmcnt,he fpeaketh thus ; This is the newe Teftiment in my blood . Now it is the fame Lord ot Hoaftes.that had prorr.ifed a newe Teftamcnt, & who confirmed) the felffamc by his death, Iercm, 31. vcri. 33. and Hcbrewef ,?« Tcrf.17. Thcforgiuencsoffinnes.whichhe noroncly defcrueth by his death, but alfo giucth by his F ownc owne powcf, is alio a notable tcftimonie of tlis ibtUeut Godhead of Chnft. For he iuAifieth all his thcfivgiut' cleft, from the beginning of the wcriJ. Aft. Mi $f fins. ij.vcrf.lo.n. VVhictcmptcye To .< , hying fi ayoakevpontheDifciples nrck :s. rbrt neither L our father* nor we were able to beau? but b f y P grace of our Lord Idas Chrilt we b< lieu: r~ b j {aueJ.eucn a* they doe.Iol :n.8 veil, The Lord hath (worne and *"ill no: repa.t I him. Thou art a Pried for eucr af**i thror- I dcrof Melchifedcck . !>y, and Tor r!.-i*?fictt, ! were (innc^alvvaies foremen tothi be 1 one:*, f Nowy he clotli foigiuc (ins by his owne pcwer f f hcconlirmcth by a miracle. Man.*;. Jt;rtbac you may know that the fonne Oi i.Mi hath auftoriric in earth to torgiuc finnes (iLc; he faith to the nun fickc of the palfey) Arue, take vp thy beJ.and go into thy houfc: And in loh. x y he faith, Vnleilcl wafli thee, thou rtialt hauc no part with me. y , - The rcfurre&ioalfoofthcflcfliiia workeof ,-. '/-" alfo the inward rcnuing to euerla* . * nj fting life. Iohn.fverf.i. and i3 Asmyfathcr *W * railcth vp the dead and giucth them life , Co al- (o the (onne giucth life vnto whom he will. And the howrc fhall come , that all that arc in their giaues , (lull hearc his voycc.&e. Alio John^.vcif^^o.and in the n.chap. I am the rcfurrcftion and the life , he that bcleeueth in me, though that hec were dead, hec/hal line, fe whofoeucr liueth end bcleeueth in me.hc (hall not die for euer. By Chrift ftulfc e fulfilled that ofHofcai , Death is (Wallowed \p inviftorie, O i v I , vfon the Creed*. 8$ dea tli , where is thy viftorie?&c. X.Cor. ic # vcrf.jj. J7.andin the fame Chapitcr,vcrfcs 4f. And Chrifthimfclfcgiuctheucrlafting life. , f > loh i.Lifcwasin Jgiuectcmall fjr* 1 hrcvntomylhcepe, neither (hill they perifli u * YLl P in Sr i fcreucr, neither fhall any man take them out : ofmyhande , I and the father are one . All I thefethinges which wc hauc rchcai/ed accor- l ding to the order of the description of God,and j the articles of the faith, feeing they are of that forte, as can agree to none but onely to God, P they plainly conuince Chrift to be God by na- ture What daunger there is to be feared y tf we bclceuc not in the fonnc,as in the true cucr- laftingGod,ofthcfamc lubftaccc with the j father. T He truth It fclfc fheweth a mod prefent dauui;cr.Ioh,3.Hc that b etc tue thin thtfonnejs not iudged or condemned \ bat he that itlecueth not, U iudged already , becaufehe beleeueihno: htthi name of the onely begotten fonne of God. A nd in the .8.Chapirer, You are from hell , lam from aboue. You are of this rvorlJe y l am not of thk xvorlde : there-* fore 1 haiit fold vnto you , that you fball dyeinyour finnet. Moreouer it is (aid in the I.Ioh.Lvcrf.ij. fVhofoener denieth the fvnnejh&th not thefv.htr.tW* foiruhci. And in lob. \6 vcrf. J. Therefore the holy Ghoft hath forewarned •.tabytheApoftlc Peter, thaiwefhould talyheede F ij 9f t lEm* m $4 (j"$ er Olcufan efihefe dealers, i. Epift. Cap.i. Thctc were al- io falfc Prophets amongeft the people , asalfo there flulbc fal(e teachers among you, who fruit bring in deadly heretics, dny.n^thelorde ^ ho hath bought them , h^ fling vnto themftiues 4 jwift damnation y and many fyall follow ethiir ton* demnation* Novvc the 1 oidc who hath bought vs, is lefus Chnft , very God and man, as the fcripturc witnefleth. Ads. 20. God hath redecvicd his Church through his blood. Nowe therefore it fo be that any do not belceue , that be is the true God, that hath in mans nature /lied forth his blood, hedenyeth the Lord who hath bought him. 7efltmov\cs proving the Godhcadc oftht holyGhoft.that he is a perfdn and the true & eucrlaftingGod , aodnotany motion or thought, or any othei thing that is created, Jftrd/Mm TT Hat the holy Ghoft is fubfifting and God •*• by nature, nrft of all it is ilicwcd by the crcation l Geneff.*/iw//6f ffririi ofGodmouei itfclfe vfon the face of (he waters. In which wordl it is attributed to the holy Ghoft, that he wrought together in the creation of all with the father and the fonne. The creation is moft clearcly attributed vnto him . Plal.104. Sende forth thyfbirh t and they (Jjalbe created, and thou fJjall \ renue tie face of the earth. Therefore the fcripturc affirmeth that y holy Ghoft is lehouah, which ) is moft plainc outofthetf of Kay, and the z$. \ of Afts vcrf.ij t lfay,tf. And he faid(lchouzh of whom t • i. upon the Crcede. 9/ whom before in the fame Chapiter Seraphim haJ ened.Holy^Holy.hlo^, \ehouah } lord of hvaflt ) Goi and fay vnto tins ptoplc in hearing heart you % cnd vn- dcrflandnot : and in ft tint , fee you and kpowt not. Thele fame wordes which the l.ordcfpakc. Paiile, A<^m8. faith that the holy Ghoft !pjtkc> Vtry well( faith he ) fcakf the holy Chop by If aim the Vrophet vnto cm faihert>&c . Therefore the holy Ghoft is Iehouah. The fame is alfo plainc by other places, Icrcm.31. This is the eouenant that 1 will mal^e with the hctife oflfrael . .After theft daics faith lchotuh , In-ill glut wj tawt into their I J heart e &c. Now e the Epiftlc to the Hcbrews>Capio. verf. If. affirmcth that thefc fame wordes of the lord proceeded from the holy ghoft. The holy ghoft alfo himfclfc witnefTeth vnto vs . For af- ter he had forefhewed , This is my coucnanc that I will make with them, &c. The which aU folocl afTlrmeth, Cap.i. whom Peter alfo ci- teth and expotwdeth, that he may (hewe them as plainc effeftes of the holy Ghoft which arc altogether belonging to the power of the god- head:/ yiljfdth Lhouah f overt cut ofmyfyirit vfou allflcfh, and your fonm 1 and daughters fj all prybt- ft. And thefc rhinges which arc alledgcd now, to (hew that the holy Ghoft is God the crea- tor : by them alfo is flitwed that he is an vnder* (landing edence, euerlafting, good, righteous, i mercifull.moftireejof an infinite power and )\ moftconftant truth : neuerthelefle let vs yet i fccilfocertaincteftimoniesfeucrally concer- II . F.iij. niog '. S6 $ a JP er OUuian ning thofe thingcs that arc attributed vnto bim: which as they oncly agree vnto God, fa they plainly proue the holy Ghoft to be very God. That the holy Ghoft is an vndcrftanding cfTcncc,cucrlafting,and which giucth vndcr- plainly appeared* out of the ci.of Efai:T6« fpirit cf the Lord lebtuab is vpo me for thai Jehonah baib anointed me : to prea b vnto the mildi hehathftntme.Luk.^. Chrift tcacheth that he is he, vfon who is tbefp.rit oflehonah,for that he 4* pointed him . But to anoint inwardly, as Chrift properly is anointed, and by his ownc power to icn J to preach glad tidinges. and to giuc power zq preach glad tidinges aright,is a work of a pctfon trucly lubfifting, vndcrftanding, andofthccuerlaftingGod . Alfoit appeared by his cfTe&cs which arc rckoned vp in the?. tothcGalathians, that he is alfo good, iuft, pure, merciful!, moft free, and in deede as God communicating his giftes vnto other . The fruires of the fpirit is loue, ioyi peace, gcntle- ncflc, benignitie, goodnclTc, faith , foftnclTc of fpirit, and temperance . Andfurcly the lame Apoftle tcacheth that the holy Ghoft is the worker of thefc, and therefore God.i. Cor, j i. There are diner fit ie of giftes, but the fame fp trite. jind there are diner fitie of adm migration ijbtit God it the fame that workfth all in all . But the manifefla* I tion of the fpirit is giuen to ei4ery man to profit :c xvith- all. Vor to one is giuen by the ftirite , the worde of vifedome : and to another the worde of knowledge bp , she fame ftiriu. And a little after, BhtaUthefe things I vporrthe Crecdc. Sy thmyttvorUth mi* and the fame fpirite, difiributing tpiuerymanfutvaily aihewill , Loc hchadfaide bct'eie: There at: diucrlitie of adminiftrati- Oi:s, but Goi! is the fame that woikcth all ia all : afterwards (hewing that the fame holy fpirit is Gcd bimiclfe. he faith: All thefe things workctk one and the hmc fpirit.diftributing to cutry man feuerally as he will , Thitheis true* and tlut as Ood looking into the hcartcs, r.nd trying the thoughts it is taught in the 5. of the A fts , Titer ftvd,j4nan.'at>why bath Sat hart filled thy heart, that then (bouidrfl lie vnto the hcly Ghofl* and by and by he aJtleth , Thou hail not fyed vnt§ pnn t Utt vnto God. And that he procccdeth from J he rather and the (bene, not as a created mo- lion or induing, but as a perfon exifting , vn- dcrftanding, and of the lame clTcncc with the father & thefbnne,Chri(l teachcth in loh.Cnp. 14. ver(. 16 .T^oup that fame holy fyhit the comfor- ter, whom the father fhallfende in my name, he ft all feachyou all things, and flj all ptit all theft things into vim ntinde which 1 hauefaid vntoy ou. But this be- longed onely to God i.Cor. a.verf. 10.11.22, He luftificth and fan&ifieth the Church alvvcll as thefonne:i.Cor.i.6,i.PeM.nnd rcnucth it to cucrlafting life.Ioh.3.5: baptifcth into the fame body.t.Cor.ix. He dwellcth in the belccucis, and raifcth them vp fiom the deade. Rom 8. if hisftirit irh» hath raiftdvp lefts from the dead dwell inyou, he xrillalfo quicken ycur mortall bodies , by hii fpirit dwelling in yotu And verily he dwellcth ia vs, as in his ownc temple. Therefore the holy Choft muft ncccflahly be the true God.i. F iiij Cor* ft $ a JP er OlcuUn Cor3.vcrf.16, T> oe you not know e that you an thi temple of God , and that the fptrite of God doth dwtU fnjou?&c. Now in the i.Cor.cap.tfhc faith, Ti are the temple of the latino God , as God hath faide t l will dtvcllin them, and rvalue there. &c. Out of all which it is vnderftoode that the holy ghoft is the true and cuerlaftmg Cod. What Aitunger there is } ifrve bclccHcnot itf the holy ghoft. f F any bclccuc not in the holy Ghoft, be nej* * cher be lecuc thin the father nor in the (bone, and fo manifeftly belceucth not in God.* forat- much as the father and the fonnc cannot be knowen and be belecucd of vs, vnlcflc the ho* ly ghoft reucale it , who procecdeth from the father and chclonne, and is of the famcef- fence with both. J.I0.4.VCI.14.S0 therefore wc irouft determine : that if any man haue not the fpiritc of Chrift,thc fame is not hh.Rom.S. But if .my knowc not the holy Ghoft, neither alfa hath he it, Iohn,i4. The worjdc can notrc- ceaue the holy Choft, becaufp itfeeth it nor, neither lenoweth it. Therefore htthat know- cthnotthc holy ghoft, he is not of Cluift. But you knowe him (faith drift) becaufe heabi- dcth with you, and flialbeiti you. * ^hat the father , the fonne y andtheholy ghoft arc three diftincT: perfons , and yet that tky a/e one and the fame Jubilance . There- &. vfon the freed*. 9g THcrcforc thofc former being difpatchcdjto witr that the father , the fonnc and the holy ghoft,are thinges fubfifting of thcmfclues* tndcrftading,&:c«it folowcth alio that we teach that they are incomunicablc.or rather diftinc>, Gcne.l jn the beginning Cod created the heasicn and the earth , and the fyirite of Godwoucdstfelfe vpoH the face of the waters % AndGodfaid, Let there be a light t and the light was wade. Mat.j.Thc rrinitic of the pcrfons is plainly defcribed, to vvitt the forme clad in mans nature and baptiled, then y holighoftin a bodily forme as it wercadouc descending downefrom heauen,& abiding vp- on the fonnc .' Laftly y father pronoucing with a cleat c voyce out of hcauen , This is my beloued fonne in who 1 am irf//>/^t/fiAlfo J Mat,i8.vcr.i9. ioh.8.verf.i^,i7,i3.Alfo cap, 14 1{ow Iwillaflf the father , and he will gate you another comforter % that hce maie remaine with yon for enerAx\& % \<; 16. But when that comforter fl) all come, whom 1 w til fend vntoyou from the father , that f^irite of truth who frocecdeth from the father , he fhall witnefieofme. Alfo.cap, itf.vcrf. 7. Further that thefe three peifons.are one diuinecflcncc.thcfe places wit- ncs, Dcut 6. Heare ifrael, Thy Lord thy God is one God. And 3 1. See , l\am one and there is no other God befidc* me . Pfal. 18. Who is God be fides the the Lord } jindwho is Goibejidesour God} 2-King. jjlyowfora fuertie (faith Naaman SyrusJ that there is no other Godin all the earth , but onely in If- yjcL Ifai4i.434?,and 48. lohn, 10. landthe father >ne one. And the 14. ¥ Belect vnlelfe he had a fonnc from cuerlafting, and coefTcntiall , or of the fame fubftancc with him ; neither were the Sonne the oncly begotten fonnc of the Father, vnlcflc he were ofchc fame fubftancc with him 1 nex- therwerc the holy ghoft the fpi rite of the fa- ther and fonnc, proceeding from both, vnlclTc it were cocflentiall with the father and the fonnc. fVhat finite we receive by this , that we know and belceuc the father of our Lord Iefui Chrift, the fonnc and tic holy ghoft, to be . ••t vpon the ft cede. p? to be the onely true and ctcrnall God: and that there is no other God. T^Irftofallsforafmuch as this is thetruefcli^ * citie.that we fliould know the true God,be- caufc God doth communicate himfelfc vn- to vs through the knowledge of himfclfc : and fora funic h as our bodies and foulcs , were created and redeemed with a great price to this purpofcthatthcy might be the temples of the liuingGod in which he might beprayfed: wc know that this is truly and indcedc fulfilled in vs , through the knowlcdg of the true God , of the father, the lonnc , and the holy ghoft , as Chrift promifcth , John 14.16 I will af{e the father andbe (JiaUgine vmq you another comforter \ that he may dwell with yon for ater t to nit thefpirite of truth , which the world cannot receiue , becanfe it fe- gth him not .neither hath l^iowne him : But yon fyove him , becaufe he abydeth with you & foallbe in you. A 1 to v'er. i; . The father and 1 will come & mal^c our abiding with him. 1 .1 oh.^o. Secodly it is profitable 5c neccflaric that in our cal ling vpon God, wc fliould thinkc vpon what god we cal,to wit,vpo that fame true God,with whom we haue ftricken and cntrcd into a coue- nant of faith , and who hath witnefled inane- ucrlafting league that he wilbe a Godvntovs, and which he hath fcalcd vnto vs by the feale of baptifme , that fo wc might feparatc our inuo- cation , from the inuocation of Ethnickcs, Turkes,and fuch like: who call vpon thofc Gods that arc no gods , but arc deuifcd of the father mm 92 G after OlettUn father of all lining. For God cannot tolle- rateatany hand that there flioulJ be anyfe- Jowflup with his confederates , in the inuocati- on and worfliip of falfe gods ; the which thing the holy ghoft playnly pronounccth, I. Cor.*, vcrf.14^5. Now the fame Apoille yet further fettcth before our eyes, the grcatnes of the daunger, vnlcflc through true obedience of faith wee cleaue vnto the true God, whole con- federates we are , and altogether abftainc from al idolatrous worth jp or inuocarion, That whkb the gentiles offer, they offer to diuels & not to God. T^oxv 1 would not that ye fbouJd be partaken Wiih ditteh. Ye cannot drihkf of the cup of she Lori,& of the cup of diktis : Ye cannot be partaJ^rt of the table •fthe Lord, andof the tabic of diuels- For there fol- lowed after y fcllowfhip with the diuels table, fellow/hip alio in eucrhfting paincJ.Apoca.14. *cr.?, io,ii,i2.I uk.n vcr.49,fo,ji,fi. In God the father, RY the name of the father , we arc put in n-iinde of that fame mod (height couenanc confirmed betwecne God and vs , in Chnft Ins onely foone , and of his vnchangablc loue towards vs. Iohn,i 7 . holy father \cepe them throuoh thy name, whom thou haflgiuen me, that they ntaybeetne , euen as tree are one. Allo t Thatth$ world way fyiow that 1 vatfent from thee , andthai thou lour fl them (tunas thou haft luucdme . For albeit he be named fiuhtrjn refpeftof his cocternall fonnc : yet we rightly gather there- •f, that he is alfo in a free & fndefcruedfauor our ~ a """ 1 — — ""TTTCl vport the Cree&e. g$ aur father, becaufc he hath pfomifed in hit Tonne . that hec will Lecomc fuch a one vnto ▼s, and hath performed it indcedc , when he gauc his oncly begotten fonne to be our bro* ther,and made vs in his fonnc , reconciled vnto hirri fclfe his members , and Co adopted vi into his children . Ephe.i.vcif.f.Tohn.i.vcr.ix, Which thing nlfo ( hauing wrought that lime full reconciliation)Clmft witncflcth.Iohr, iq. I afcen d vnto my father, and to your father j to my God and to your CoJ. Wherefore the rrue Citizens ofthekingdomcof Chnft haueGod for their father imbracing them with the fame loue, wherewith he imbraccth his onely begotten fonne. Ephef.x.verf* 6. i.lohn.yerl 3,11. tAlrmgbiic. IBelecue that I amenned into league witfi almightic God, who alfo by his omnipotent cie worketh what focucr he wil in al v world* & whatfoeuer things he wil not or hath not de creed ,he hindereth.cofoundcth & fcatcrcth the; fo as it is impoflible y they fliould be done. For cucn like as he is almightic, in bringing that to paflc that he wil,(o in y that he wil not, he abi- deth no refinance , which is as it were the other part ofhisdimne power. Pf.135 vcr. 6j7.14.Efai. 43. 13. 5c 8. vcr. 10. Sc 46. 10.6c 19.3.11. iz 14. Ioh f io.ver(.^9 30 .Now let this omnipotcncy be aU waiesin fight toy confederates or rather faith* ful citizens of the kingdomc of God,eucn as the Lord from the vcrie beginning hath fee the fame before the eyes of Abraham the father 91 - Gaffer Olettia* of bclccucrs in his coucnnnt:! am God almighty] and before in the 1 5.Chapter,f tare not.Ahraham, twill ti thy fhieldt : Therefore I nuiftnoccon- iider any thing whatlocucr fecmeth to be a- gainft the diuine promifes, either in my ielfc or in all creatures, but Imuftgiuc praife to the omnipotent power of God, &: muft che.ue- fully followe God whither he calleth.Rom- 4,17. 18.19, io, ii. Heb. 11.17. 19. Creator of heauen andeartb. THcfe wordes maJce very much for the con- firmation of our faith in God almighty. For firft whiles we hauc a coucnant with the creator, who giueth fubftance and being to all things; we bclccuc that wc hauc a furc help in him againft all creatures, becaufc it is as cafy for the cieator to deftroy them and bring them to nothings it was once cafy for him to create them ofnothing.Gencf.i.Pfal.91. and 104. Se- condly forafmuch as the creator with whom wc arc in league.doth giue mouing & all things clfc vnto his creatures, lo that they can doc no- thing but as they arc diiuen of the creator, we muft conftamly holdc that whatfocuer thinges arcfent vpon vs by the creatures, that they arc font of God, yea and that for our good, and fur- ther in rcfpc&of theconftant and eucrlafting league that wchaue with the creator, & fo con- (cqucntty with all creatures, which thing is contained in this article of our faith, and is offrcd and defcribed vntovs by the Prophet Ofcc * i y*i I vpon the Creedel p} Ofceinhis i. Chapter, cucn to the endcof it* Thirdly.thc confidemionalio of the workea cf God, doth make fo for the confirmati- on of our faith, whiles that we knowc thatwc bauc league not with an vnknowen God , but with him who daily offrcth himlelfe vnto is to be felt ofvs.Afts.17. As alfo Dauid faith in the Ffalmcs*. Tafltndfeehw goeitht Lord*. Thcrforc all y creatures which we vfc daily, arc fo many tcftimonics vnto vs of Gods omnipo* tencie, wifedome,andgoodnefle towards vs. Tint chicfe points of the dottrine of CjocU prouidencc. BEcaufe we hauc faid that that fame omnipo- tencic of God, is not an idle, but a working and an e&lhnll omnipotence, which con- tinually flicweth it felfc in the conferuation 5e gouernanceofthc things which arc crcared;it tollowcth that we fet out that fame mod pro- fitable doctrine of Gods prouidencc and of the fruitcs thereof . Nowe there arc fiuc fpcciall Joints to be marked of euer:cone that i< in eaguewith God for y obtaining ofthrtftmc true knowledge of Gods prouidencc » and furc efhblifliwgoithc confidence and faith of tho heart. The fir (I point ofdoHrire concerning Gods prouidencc. FIrft of all let euery faithfull man, that isia icd£uc with God , vndoubtcdlv determine o * • . , WKS $6 Gafper OftuUtt with himfelfe , that God by the fclfc farmj omnipotencic , whereby he hath created all thjngs, doth alfo prcfciuc and continue the lame, and by his wondcrfull piouidcnccdotli goucrnethem. Hcb.i.vcrfcs 10 ii.n. Colofl.x. 16. And that nor onely by ionic vniuei fall rca- fon and motion , but alfo by a particular and Ipeciall, yea which ftretchcth it fclfc eucn to the leart iparrowes and to the mod contempti- ble haiies of our hcaJcs , vca further cucn to the dire&ion oflortcs, fo thatall things arc done by the dilpenfation and appointment of God, and fall not out at aducnturc or by chance : and therefore he nuift haue the fight of his minde alwaies bent vpon God with tvho he is in league as the chicfc caufc of all things. Teftimonics , Exod.zi, verf.13 He that bath not lien in waste for him , but the Lorde bath appointed him into hhhandci: Proucrbs. Chap.16. vcrf. 33. JLcttes are cafl into the lappc , and all the Judgement therof depended) wholy vpo the Lord. A and afterward vanifbeth away . And therefore yee ought tofaye, and if the Lord will , and we iiue,we mill doe this or that , Matt. 10 29. Arenottw9 ffarrowcsfouldfor a farthing , and one cf them falleth not on the grounde without your father ' And the haJres of your head alfo are numbrcd ? Feareye not therefore jee are of more value tb in many {far row et. All* vpon the Cr cede] p? AlfoDeutero. 28. Icrcm. 10,13. Proucrb. 10. A&es 14. Gene. 15. Iofeph (anh, It wasnotyott ~ - ihatfould me into Egypt, but I wxsfent beforeyou by *4> -S« the will ofGod % that I might pre feme your life. Iofeph knewe that he was not lould by chauncc , but by thecoimfellofGod , fo that he (kith he was fent thither by the will of God , in winch alfo hcrefteth. lob bufieth not himfclfc with complaints again ft the Chaldenn?; but lie faith, The Lord h At b giuen t and the Lord hath tal^en , llejjid 'w.I.tfc le the name of the Lord. Is God therefore the author offinne ? fJOd forbid. For God fo gouefneth all ^-* things by his prouidenccy in mcanc rime he continucth free from all finnc .' firft be- caufc he puttetli not malice into man , but the lame is ofthcdiuel. Iohn,-S. Although God vfc the fame as an inftrument to the fetting foorth of his g.Ioric. Secondly beciuie all anions are difcerncd by thtir endes: God in all anions hath an end agreeable with his vnchangable and eucrlalb'n^ rightw'ou'ncs.Now men whiles they errc from the minde of God, and horn his righteoufncsrcuealed in his word, rhey finne* The brethren of Iofeph haue an other ende then God . You, faith lo(cyl\jhcught culll againfl me , but God difpoftd it to good , that he wight bring ' >°* 10 • *° pafie dihiiat this day t and fane much people aline. The diucl in afth&mg lob, hath this end, y he may caufc him to blalphemc God,& draw lob lob.i, todefrruftion. The Chaldeans alio haue their feopc, that they may waxe rich by robbcrie. • i k MfclHWI pt (} after Olenlvt But God in all this bufincs fo dcalcth as lia may trie lobs faith and patience , and manifeft his owne gloric , and at length dcliucr him with Sathins confufion . So Dauid acknow* lcdgethGod todeale rightly and iuftly by Si- mey t as he (aith: Suffer him, for God hash commaon* ded hhn to curfe me : When as notwithftanding the fame Dauid pronounccth of the fame deede that Sim*} finned grecuoufly. i.King.L.8, And Siney alio confeilcth the lame thing. i.Sam. I^.i^. Becaufeforfooth God vfed ancuillin- ihument well , to humble Dauid to the cndG he might giuc to God the praifcofrightcouf- ncs and mcrcie ) but Slmty himfelfe had an endc St purpofecjuitecontrarie from the minde and lawe of God. And therefore forafmuch as there is fault in the inftrument, at length by the wondcrfull prouidence and iuft iudgement of God hcisuiawneto puni/hment. iKing. i.$6* 44.\Vhcreforc al tilings arc fo done by the pro- uidence of God , that he in meane time conti- nued free from all finnc; which is proper a- lonetothc diuel and to the corrupte nature of Iran. Arguments taken out of the ncvoe Teftu~ ment, whereby it is plainely (hewed thac God doth (o workc,that he remaineth voydc offinne. THcpaffion of Chrift is a notable doftrinc of this thing. For there were thcPhari- fces, Iudas, Pilate, yea and God himfelfe not UBJMEJ vpon the Creed*. pp iiot onely permitting but alfo working in it • and (hiking his fonne. Efai,fj. vcrff 6.7. j 7 fcl lor J c*/? //;* iniquities of vs all Vpcn him , ardiht lord xv oidd brufe him And afflict him. A 1 Co A c"l s 4 . verf.17.z8. Hf ro J dflJ Vontins Tila:e with the gen- tiles and people oflfracl, are indeed gatht redtogeather ggainfl thy holy fonne leftts whom thou h*(i ano)nted t *] that they might doe thofe thingci , which thy hand and eounfailc had determined to be done. Eucric one had their diucrfccndc.s; God had this cntlc. j\ that manktndc fhotild not perifh: Jul. s that he might gaine by betraying him .• thcPharifcs together with Caiphas the high pricft that they might prouide for their owne gIory;\vhichthey fawc to be weakened and /luken of Chrift,and alfo that the Romaines might not come and c; . Vttcrly deftroy their nation , and therefore that j G it was much better that one fhould die for the t | people: (whereas notwithdanding thchighc ! prieftof thatycarc vnwittingly and thinking a A quite contrarie thing , prophecied of the ends h which God hid determined with liimfc!fc:)Pi- a j late that he might not incurrc the difpleafure t | ofCxfar, which the Pharifcs thrcarned. .Vc. J Who will fay here that God finned in giuing j his fonne to the death , in puniflnngour linncs t j frith extrcame torments, both in the foulcand w j bodvr othis fonnejortering himfelfe thereunto ,J of his ownc accord for mankind? ? Who alia rr will fay that ludas , Caiphas, thcPharifcs and d 1 Pilate finned not in killing Chiift, whom they knewtohaue committed nothing wortlv of jj death, albeit they did not any thing tlut firft, G i) the too tj A fp* r Olctiian the hand and counfcll of Cod had determined i Bccaufc in doing this they regarded not, nor fee before their cics that fame fcope and purpofe of God, but had other endes, altogether ftraungc from the minde and will of God rcucalcd. The fccor.d yojnt of dotty mc concerning the prouidence of Cod# WE muft not ondy determine that all thinges are done by the difpenfation and appoyntment otCod, but alfothac al and lingular thinges are done for our good: and therclorc thou flialt bee (ure , that c- ucric thing that cemmeth to pr.flc flial be licalthfull vnto thee. Firftof ail bccaufc he hath bound himfclfe vnto thee (although vn- worthy^in Chnil, whiles he hath promifed. Now there arc notable promifes fet foorth in the 9 1 . 1 fa I: He that dwelleth in the heife of the mo(l highcfl,&c. Alio in Efaias the 49 J Villa woman fo f 01 get hir infant tha: fl)e trill not hatte e or>:pa(ficn vp- on thtfonne of her worn be } jltl)ough fljefhall forget it , yet no: rvitbflanding I trill not forget thee. Bcholde J hone written thee in >ny bolide < t ZlchariC;2. Ut th.u t u heth you, toucheth the apple of mine eye,&c. $$. Cafl thy care on the Lord t andbe fl?all Kourtfls thee, neither wilhe euer fiffir the right e- on.< tuflctte. I. Pet. J. Caf all ) our care vponGod: for h e caret!) for vi. R o m . 8 . IV e lyow that to them which loue God y all thtnges [ball fall out to their good. Bcholde rheic pronnlcs liucly painted foorth in the creatures, Tor thk caufe 1 fay vnto upon the Creede. /or vnto you , be not car efutJ for your tiff, what you fljall eat e fir what you fJjall dtint^e ; nor for your body ,u hat ycfhall fut on , Tor is not the life more worth than vteate t and the body wore worth than af par ell f Lottie if on thefoules of the a) re , they fowe not 9 neither tea ft , nor carrie into the barne , and) our heauenly father nonriffjeth them : are not yen n.u h better than they} T^ow which of yen by eanljngtanadde one cubite vnto Lis feature ? .And why are )ou care full for raywetittt came how the Lilies oj the fe tides grow % they arc not wearie \nrfiher fjtinne , but I jay vnto you % t\ hat Salomon in all Ins glorie was not affare/ltd as one ifihefe . 2\W // Godfo t loath the grtfte tj the ft Ide which is today, ar,dto morrow c is caf into the fur- nace : will he not cloathycu mtuh more , Oye of little faith ? Be ye not therefore care ft Jl, faying what fJjtll we eate, or what fljall we drinkf>or whtrcn ith fljall we be ctoathedlNow becaufe wc arc fallen from tho right of creation : Chtift there worthily ma- fceth mention of the father, carting the Eth- nickes in the teeth with their dillruft laying; Tor the gcnt:lcs require all thift thinges : But yi,ur hcivtenly father kpowtth that you hauenetdeof all ihife thinges . By both wind |he cilleth vs to the free coueiun* or | romiies in his fonnc ; and in him hecftabliflieth our confidence. In v fecond place therfoic,loolc vpon y pledge of al the pro- mifes after this manner : to wit vpon his oncly begotten fonnc i by whom not oncly lillici, but all thinges afwcll vifible a. jnuilible are created, and who yet vpholdcth and rmintci- neth them with the word of his power, Hcb.T* Who alio is appoyntcd hcireofnll thinges* I G iij fay • Miijufcuhifmiwift too $ 4 [p* r Oleuian the hind and counfdl of Cod ha J determined ? Bccaufc in doing this they regarded not, nor fee before their cics that fame (cope and purpofeof God, but had other endes, altogether ftraunge from the minde and will of God rcucaled. The ft cox A pojwt of doUrine concerning the prouidence of Cod. WE muft not oncly determine that all thinccs arc done by the difpenfation and appoyntment of Cod, but alfo that al and lingular thinges are done for our good: and therelorc thou flu It bee fure , that c- ucric thing that cemmeth to pnflc flul be healthfull vnto thee. Firftot'ail bccaufc ho. hath bound himfclfc vnto thee (although vn- worthyjin Cbnfr, whiles he hath promifed. Now there arc notable promifes fct foorth in the 9 1 . Mai: He that dwelled) in the he/fe of the moft bighcftx?c. Alio in Efaias the ^SVilla woman fo- foyget hir infant that fl;e trill not haue cowpaffion vp- en thtfonnc of her wombe } although JJje {ball forget it , yet not will -{landing 1 will not forget thee. Bcholde J haue written thee in my baude.t. Zacharie ; 2. He that tiMcheth you, touched) the apple of mine eye t &c. Pfilm.X2.and JJ, Ca(l thy care on the I.ord p andhe f; all noun flj thee, neither wdhe euer fuff*r the righte- ous toflctte. i • l } ct.f. C aft all ) our care vpon God: for he carcth for vt. Rom. 8. JVc kno-x that to them which loue God y all thinges fhall fallout to their good. Bcholde iheic promifes liuely painted foorth in the creatures, Mauh.6. Tor tbii caufe J fay vmo ■rxrr* upon the Crcede. lot vntoyou , be not car efntt for your lifejwhat you fljall eatc ,or whatyou fl?all drinl^ : nor for your body t w hat ye [hall put on . Tor is not th € bfc mo) e worth than vieate t and the body more worth than apparell .<* Lo>\e upon thefottles of the a) re , they fowe nut neither reap e , nor carrie into the barne , and )ou* heanenly father notniflje/h them : are not yen n.u.h better than they} 7>{otv which of yen by caxlingitn adde one cubite vnto Lis fixture ? .And why are )ou earefull for raymentU came how the b dies of the ficldcs grow, tl:cy arc not weatie, neither fpinnc , but I jay vnrvyut t that Salomon in all his glorie was not apparel/id as one efthefe . T^o w if Ccdfo c loath the g re fie if the fu Ide which is to day , ar.dto morrow e is caji into the fur- nace : will he not cloathyut mm h wore , Oye of little faith ? Be ye not therefore care full f faying what flail we eate t or what (Ijall we drinl^c/jr whtretx ith (ball we he cloathcdfNow becaufc we arc fallen from tiio right of creation : Chiift: there worthily ma- keth mention of the father , caftir.g the Eth- nickes in the teeth with their dillruft hying; Tor the gcnt:les require all theft thinges : But your hcoJunh father knoweth that you hone ncidc of all ihefe thinges . By both v/hicl |he called) vs to the free coucnanr or | romifes in his fonnc ; and in him hccftabli/herh our confidence. In v fecond place thcrfoie,loo!< vpon y pledge of al the pro- mifes after this manner : to wit vpon his oncly begotten fonnc i by whom not oncly lillici, but all thinges afwcll vifible as inniiiblearc created, and who yet vpholdeth and mainrci- netli them with the word of his power, Hcb.l* Who alio is appoyntcd hcircof .til thiftgcsi I G iij fay I oz $ a JP er Oleuian fay our hcaucnly father hath giucn this hii ionnefor thec to death, and hath freely ap- pointed thee a fellow heirc together with hi* i'onnc through faith • How therefore can it be that any creature fhould hurt thec,which with- out the prefent operation of the fonnc of God who is thy pledge, cannot fo much as mouc it fclfc } yea rather how cm it be that all crea- ture* through and for the fonne,in whom they Confil:,and of whom they are goucrned,and whereof thou art alio a fel low heirc, fhould not oeccllarilie be conftrained to feme thec and to workctothy good, yea cucn then^when they feemegreatiieftto be againft thee? So Panic Joolceth vpon this pledge in the 8.chaptcr to the Romaincs- What therefore fhal wc (ay to thefc thinges, If God be for vs , who /ball be agairiflvs} Verily he which hath not (pared his owncfonn but hath dciiucrcd him for vs all , how fhould he not alfo with hirp, gratific vs with all thinges ? The ihtrd poynt cf dotlrinc concerning Gods prouidencc. nrHoufecft without thec , partly men and J- paitly alfo other creatures, Bccaufe there- fore thou haft to doc with both, thou /halt not doubt that the prouidence of God doth go- ttcrncouerboth. And flrftofall, the moft high Jiath the counfailes , willes, endeuors , and tp be fhort, all the powers of men , whether they \t good or bad, inhisowneband, alwcll tbr the vpontbe Creede. to 3 the mitigating and turning of their mindesvn- to thee , as alio for the bridelingof their ma- lice. Of that \vc hauc an example in Gcnc.33. where Efau tmbracetli Jacob , whonotwith- ftindingwent out agawft him with a mindc altogether deadly. Call alfovponthc Lord with the fame confidence that Jacob did in the like danger. AlfoExod.3. I wil giue this people fauour with the Egyptians, and it Hull come to paffe , that when ye depart, ye Hull not depart emptic : of this we haut an example in Gcnc.35. When they went foorthf to wit Ja- cob and his fonnes) the fearc of Cod was vpon thofc Cities which were round about them , fo that they did not follow the fonnes of Jacob, Mcreoucr the prouidence ot God doth fopo- uerncouer other creatures, that what focucr can fall out from them to the faithful I jbeing his confederates , he turneth it to their good &: faluation. Rom.8.z8.7^oir vekpow that allthlnget Wrkt together for the bifi lutt them that hue Cod, The fourth fopt of doflrine concerning Gods prouidence. THc other are creatures which we fee nor, to wit Angels nnd diuels.of both thcfe,let a faithfull man fo fully perfwadc himfclfe: Firft that God vfeth Angels themlelucs as no- table and excellent fpiritcs to the minifteric and defence of his confederates , as he hath pro- mifed, Pfalm.34.and90.Hcb1.Gene.14* AnJ G iiij a« 1 104 ^ a $ cY OltHtM as for the diucls that lie in waite againft tht faluation of his cleft, albeit he gouerncth them not by his fpintc as he doth the Angels, !(ct no twith (landing he (o cui beth them in,by lis power ,as ic were with a bridle, that they can not fo much as mouc thcmfclucs, vnlcfle h farre forth as he differed) them: yea.and heco- ftrayncth them, though they refill it, to per- founnehis will, will thcy,nil they. lob. i.Luk, iz Ronu^.j. The f ft popit ofDottrwe concerning Cjods prouidencc. WE muftvfc the means that God offrcth, £< they arc gifts of his prouidexc.not for diftruft which turneth the heart from Cod, or for confidence in crea:urcs,bu: tor o* bedience: that we tempt not God pjffwg the J^oundes of cur vocation , or dcfpifing the plenties which are inftrumentcs of the diuine prouidencc, and prescribing vnto him an other meant of helping then y he wl helpvs by. Mat. 4.verf 7. When rhcdiucl would flicw the proui - denccof God, to the end Chrift fliould throw z himfclle downe headlong, becaufe God had pmmaunded his AngcU concerning him, that they fliould bcarelmnvpin their handes, he anfwerctl) , iris written avm\c,Thou fljaltnot tempt the Lord thy God. And Paple in the Atts. J7.vcrf. ;.i.laith,0 menye ought to hane obcied me, tndnot to hictt gone from Crcta t and hatte gained this kiinrie and lofic. Alio verf.30.31. mtsrm vfon the 'fteede. 10$ Thefirft vfe , or fruit e ; of that doUrine concerning the piouidcncc of God T^He firfk fruitcis thcglorieofCod . For a •* faithful nun wil glonfie God in al things, afwell profperousas hurtfull, from whom, through whom , and to whom,.ill thinges arc; and he will vndoubtedlie pcrfuade himlclfc both morning and euening, that God fliewcth foorth no leile power in the prefcruation and gouememenc of all thinges, then in thefirft creation. For verilie albeit God ceafed from the creation of all newe fortes or kindes on the fc- ucnthday:yethc hath not ceafed^icitherccalcth he to make lingular things dayly,neither doth he ccjfc to coferue & goucrne al things which are mndc,& he maketh ftil, as Chiift faith, Ioh. 5. My father workjth hither to , andlworkf • Now to bring fnorth and fafliionall thinges which growc and fpring vp dayly , by a prcient ope- ration : to conferuc all creatures , to goucrne all thinges yea the leaf! , to rule and bowe all mens willesiadde further, to gather the church dayly by the voyceof thcGofpell , and to railc vp the lame by the inward voyce of the Sonne from death euerlafting ,vnto life. Iohn,j.(A!l tyhich thinges verily he doth dayly : ) is of no IclTe power then once to hauc created heauca and earth Morcouerj let vscxtoll and glonfie his wifedomc, which forafmuch as it is altogether infinite , let vs thinkc daiely that all thinges G v that %o6 G 'after Olettum that arc donfc or wrought in the world • arc Co wifely done of God , as rhey could not be done wifclicr, Colloj.vcr.i6. DanM.verf.u.Efai.40. vcrf 14 1 ?. 16.17. Thefe thinges are contcined in that laying of Paulc . the depth of the ri- ihes aft el of the wifedome as of the kriovple dge ofGod! And a little after ! Tor of him , by him t andfor him creaU thinges. And being mooucd by thcfc,hc glorifiethGod, faying , To him be glory xwrld without end %J imcn . And furcly fuch is the dif- pofition ofthefaithfull , that the confiderati- on of Gods prouidencc , whereby the vngodly lake occafion to ftriue with God : hath this end with them, to make them glorific God. And principal ic in profperitic, in which we bcholcj more cuidently then in aduerfitie the bright face of God, to glorifie God- and this doftrinc of the prouidencc of God ought to in courage vs to true thankcfulncs of minJc . For what loeucr thing fallcth out piofperoufly , and ai we would defire, that,a godly man doth whol- ly attribute to God , whether hetaft his boun- tifulnes by the miniftcrie of men , or elfc be liolpcn cucn by infcnfible creatures . For this will he thinkc with himfclfe»in his minde: Surely it is the Lord who hath bowed y mindet ofthefe vntomc : it is he likewise who hath infpired his power into other creatures and doth ftill infpire it , that they fliould be inftru- mentes of hisgoodncdctowardcsmc. Icremi, J.Afls 3.14. The fecondfruite* The , vpon the freed*. to? THc iccond fruitc is patience , afwcll in our whole life which is full of mifcries , as al* fo in injuring perfections for the truth pf the gofpcl. And verilic- firft we will brcit- lyflicwhow the knowlcdg of the do&rineof Gods prouidence begetteth patience in vs. This bringeth forth impatieccin vs,becaufc we lokc vpon creatures y arc aducrfarics vnto vs. But in- deede wee looke nor vpon God , when as noc- withftanding he doth thefe thinges, not as an aducrfaricagninft vs , but as a father, Andvn- doubtcdly thofc fame afflidtions.whcrcwith he cxcrcifcth our faith and patience; what other thinges are they , then infhuments wherewith cucn himfclfc being prefent workcth , and that verily for this end he workcth^that all thinges according to his promifc, (no not y leaft thing or grcefc excepted) I (ay, that all things might worke together to our good. Rom. 8 . VVhatfo- cucr thinges therefore flul fall out cither pub- Jiquc or priuatc , afwcll ioyfull as hcauic, who- foeueris throughly perfuaded that God mod wifely gouerneth al things by his prouidence, and is fully reconciled vnto him inCluift,hc muft necdes take them no othcrwifc then as bc- nifitcs , yea and asbenifitesof God, and which vndoubtcdly arc to his faluation. VnlelTc therefore we will refift God who is onely wife, with the wifedome of our flefli . and become blafphcmcrs againft Chrift, as not hauing re- conciled the father fully vnto vs '. we muft not doubt any whit at all, that the infinite wifdom of God , by and for his goodncs worketh all things 'log Gaffer OU titan thingcs for our good , how foeucr it fccrvic o- thcrwifc vnto vs. And therefore n faithful man when he once knoweth the dodtrinc of Gods frouidence, he ftickcth not in creatures by which hcisaftiiftcd, or in the contemplation ofhisownc cuill , but he will rather liftcvp his mindetoconfidci the fatherly hand or the inoft wife Cod, whereby he is cluftifcd.and to that fame vndoubtcd good , that God through that fame atfhftion willhnuc wrought, and in his good time, will make manifeft. For God alwaies hath the end ioyncd with his ownc glo- rie t and the faluation of the faithful I. The con- iidcration of cither of thefe muft needes be of great force toimprioc, both that fame cjuiec moderation of nuuJe, and patience in his chil- dren. Whereof we haue notable examples in lofeph, Gene. 45 in Iokcap I. in the people of Ifrnel9Genc.Xf.vcr.i3. 14. Kxo. in Vaiiid z.Sam.i^. So hkewifc the knowledge of Gods prouidcuce, in differing pcrlecution forrigh- tcoufnes f.ike,doth bring fooith patience, I : j r ft becaufe the enimies of the truth cannot thinkc a thoughtjno nor moue n finger again ft V5, but by God not onely fuftcring it , but tucn wor~ kinp; it : To be fliorc , becaule they cannot ex- ceeded)?) r bound appoynted from eucrlafling. For fo Afts,4-thc Apoftlcs being in perfecutioa fnake by the holy ghoft ; Of truth they were ga* thered together againf} thy holy fenne lefm , whom thou anoyntcd^Herod & 'PoniiusTiUte together with the gent ilt s and thy peofU if; del , that they wight doe n'hatfocuer thy hand and tly tounfzile Ltd determined iejort to be d«ne . Alio Ioh. 7.3C.& thcS.vcrf 10. l.iko vyon the Grade* 7 o? Like as it was impofllblc therefore, y Herod, &! Pilate together with y gentiles & lewes fliould conclude moreiin d bring any more to paflc in afflifting Icfus Cluift our head , then the hand andcounfellofthc Lord hath ordained to b« done fro cucrlafting : To alio it is as impoffible, that the I lerods of our time,thc Pilatcs and the Plurifcs together with the rnaddc & bewitched people, fiiou Id t.ikc more in had 5c bring more to aflh&ing the members or Chnft,the the hand and counlcll of God hath firft decreed to be brought to pifle by them. Nowc he hath decreed nothing, that is not moft heal thfull for vs. The renfon of this confcquencc is, becaufe y conformitie of the mebers with y head Chrifte, flrrt in afflictions , and afterwards in gloric, is founded vpon the cuerlafling counfaile of God; vpo which alio is founded the padion of Cluift him(elfe,asit is:aught.Rom.^.i8.i9.vcrfcs. The Lift finite of the dotlrmc concerning the prouidcnccot'God. "He laft fruitc is that fame incredible fecu- -* rity, wherewith v Chnftian heart is cucr af- terward fenccd.for when innumerable cuils lie vpon the life of man , which threaten as many deatbes j when this light of Gods prouidencc fii all once fliinc forth vntohim, then at length is he relieucd from vcxation,fcarc,& in a man- ncr from all care , whereby he fully refolueth that he is rtceaued into the faith of God , &isa> confederate to him.cSniittfd to y care of Angels, free fro al digcr & hurt of creiturcsrneither y ha can rcceiuc any hurt of the, but k> tarrc as God being Iff Cajper OUuUn being their moderator, fliall vouchfafe to glue the place; who makcth that fame hurt to workc together with him, their goo J. Pi.17, r . 3 .& pfa. flJtifbaN cotter thee with his winges , and vnder his vringes thou ft} Alt befafe . His truth is thy ftjietdand helmctt « Thou fljalt not fcare for the fcare of the flight. AlfoPfal.118.vcrU Rom.S.vcrf.31.38. So Dauid bumblie beholding the nature of God, hopeth that Simcics railinges Ihould turnc to his good . t.Sam 16 verf.11. Verhaffet the Lord trill behold my affliction , and render me good f%rhU curfingthis day , By what awonderiull prouidence was Paule faued , with all rhc reft that were in the fhippc with him ? where eucci in the middeft of the wanes of the fea , and in roaring of the windes,al things toy /hew were confuted , there appeared euident and vndoub- tcd primes of the diuine prouidence, which draue the fhippc thither whence they migh fafc* Jyefcapc. Afte-i7. which tiling vndoubtcdly from thenccfoorth brought great fecuritic to Paule againft all the hurt of all creatures, and then cfpccially when he muft conic before Ne- ro , and Ihould wey with himfclfc , with how greatc piouidencc of God, contrarie to his ownc determination and counfcilc, he was brought thither . Morcoucr he concerned greater iecuricie for the rime to come by his de- Jiucrancc , in his firft defence / as he writcth in the i.Tim chap 4. l\o man affiled me y but all for ^ f$oke me , the Lord lay it not to their charge , but the Lordyaj frcfent ir:th we , andfirtw'hcncdme ; that through me the preaching flfonUie fulfilled j and all the vpon the Crcede. /// the GentiUi heart : jind 1 was de/tuered out of she mwtb oftheUon. And the Lord will deliver me from I euerieeuillwor{e f *andwill fyepe me to his heavenly \mgdome t to whom beglorie woride without end, A- men. This iscuen that coucnant , that the faith* full, that arc confederate to God the creator, hauc alfo ncccflarily with all creatures, be- caufc without the will of the creator, they cannot fomuch as rnouc, MrhcrcofHofcasfpcak- cthinthcz.chjp. \ THE I IL. THE SECOND PART CONCERNING THE fonnc,and our reconciliation. And in Icfus Chrift. Tefthnoniesout of tlic Prophets and Apofilcs. «.. «. Say 9. A chiMei* borne vnto vs 9 c9 rgS r UJq -^ ' fnne is ginen vnto vs, whofe go~ vr I H \a7v luemment flja'be vppon his Shoulder* tX ^-4 ^ ' uernment P hX ^ e v PP on hi* (boulder, V r-^-A I C^ &« w<*wr /£>•*/ ^ called J Fonder « / ^IflV^ *fttl t CoKnfai>or> the nightie God, ft lr" & ~ l ^\ ther of et'rnitie % V since of peace f peace. Matt. 1 She fjjal bring forth a fonne,& thou (halt call his name lefts: Tor he Qjallfme his people from their finncs. Furthermore all this is dh>nc , that , that night be fulfilled^ which the Lord hath fyoJ\en by hisTro- fhet faying : Beholde a virginc [ball be with childc 9 & fijal bring forth afutme, and thou fljalt call his name Emanuell , xchich is if thou interpret* it God with vs. Lul\. l.Thc Jngclfai:hvrjto Marie jh on flj alt call hit name lefts This man [fjall be great, and (J; all be cal- led the fonnc of the higheff. Jndth. Lordi God fjall giue I im the fat of Dauidhis fatl cr,& I c (J;al raigne 0utrthe houfc of Iacobfor eucr^andvf his fygdome theref;allbenoende. Why IHHM tyontheCreede. ti$ i tyhy we belecue in Iefm Ckriftjhe only be* gotten jfannc of God. WE bclccuc alfo in Icfus Chrift the onclic begotten lonnc of God.-Firft: becaufc the fonnc of God is of one fubftance & glo- ric together with the Father. Io.i. IVefawchis glorie a$ of the oncly begotten fonne of the father, TJicrforc in the firit Chapter to the Hebrues he i* called the briehtnes of historic, andengra- uen forme of his land the Faiher are one. Further becaufc the Father hath com- mandcd,that we belecue in the fonnc.* I'faim.2* Kifieyc the panne. And in the end of the fame Plalmc, lilcffid are a! they which truf?inhim.AHo t This is my belouidfonnc % in xrhomc 1 refi^ heare him. Nowc \vc fo heare the fonnc,cxpounding the commandement and promifc of the This is the nil of that myfxthtr who batbftnt me,tha$ whofoeuer feet!) the ferine and bclecueth In bhn t pjould haue cul rlaping Ufcjir.d I nil raifc him vp in thatbft dale. And m the I4.0fl0h.he f£t- Uiw in GodJbtlecM alfo in r»c . A nd t his is io fe- uerely commanded , that a moft grccuous pu- niflimcnt is denounced againft (uch asrchife the bencfitc offered in Chnil : He that belccucih not the fonnefljal not fee hfe t bnt the wrath of God abi* detb vpen him. Io,j , A lib the S.fnlejjeyon bcUeue that 1 am hc.yc (Jjal die inyonrfinnes. A ad the 1 I°» 1 Therefore lconfejfe that 1 bilttue in the forme of God.verie God,begotten of very God before all worldcs.To the Hebrues 3 Proucrb.8. And H that tf4 ty/P* OIcmU* that from my heartc, I fubmittc my willed this commandement an J promife of the father, that I am throughly pcrfuaded, although I be a wretch, that yet for this eternal fonnc of God, I am indecde recciucd , neither would he I (houldaddcthisthcgrcatcftfinneto my great and numfolde iinnes, that I flioulJ reieftc the fonnc ot' God freely offered, but that Ins deiire is that with all myloulel fliould rcfift all vnbeliete, and fliould dcliuer my (clfe alto- gether deuoide of ialuation, to be laued to this ionne,forafmuchasour hcaucnUc father hath io commanded* Whj thefonns of God is named lefw. nrile fonneofGod manifefted intheflcflri* •* named lefus, becaufc he hath faued vs# through his defert, and yet ftill fauethvs by his power from all our iinnes. Mit.i. A6IS4. Hebr. 7 Nowc thefruite that comes vnto mc by this knowledge, is this : Seeing God, that can not lie , Tit.i. hath giuen this name lefus from hcaufito his fonne manifefted in the flcih, that is to l.iyc, of a fauiour , I knowc and vn- doubtcdl/ afliire my Jelfe, that he fully and perfedlly faueth me, wholy both in foulcand body, and in this faith I call vpon him . As often as I hcarc therefore the name of lefus , I ought to remember the promife of the GofpcII that lyeth hidde in it : that he through his me- rite, hath faued mc from my fiunes # and by I i srr vpon the Creede. f/f by his povvcr , mortificth the remnants of finncinme, vntill lie fully dcliuer me from them : that he alfo cjuickeneth ine through his holy fpirite, an J that he cucrlaftingly kecpeth for me that fame faluirion pinch a led withfo great a price, i. Pct.i. and fo he bcarcth that worthy name for my fike, which was giueti vntohim by the father from heaucn , thirhe might fhewcthe truth of his namc,in truth an J effectually afwcl in my in the fal- uation ofal bclecuers. fie is faithful tin: bca- rcth that notable name of fauiour, and he that hath prouiifcd, /lull doc it. Chrift. Teftimonics out of the Prophets and Apo* ftles. TO the Sonne he faith y Thy throne God> Tfal^l is for ei*er and euer , thy fcepter } a right fc:p . ter y ihefeftcr cf thy kfnjdme . Thou baft lwed right e en/ ncfte ) and hated iniquitie : therefore hath God etten thy God anointed thee , with the cile pfgladneffe alone thy fellow es % Dan . 9, The ho* ly of holy fhalbe anointed, jfterwjrda hi faith , The Mtffiat (Ijallbe ait of- y and then the people flhtllde* flroyt the Citie ami the SaftShutry % \tiih that Captaine thxt (hall come. The Angel witnefied the fulfilling of this anointingjiiernfale nyet panding, \jd\e 1. Behold, 1 bring you glad tidinges of great i'.yejhatflj.ilbt to al the peovle:thaj a Stwotr is thh day borne vntoyon in i Hi the %])t citle ofD -uidwhi.h is drift the lord. The ttfjofti yntdtimde of the heatmtlie hofict , vitncjffesh the fame thing frai/tng G»d And fating , glorte so God in she highefl hcaucns,ar$din earth peace , and towardes men a ^bcd will. Mat. 1, Thcflarre and the wife men , nv/- fieffe Cln ifl } or the anoint td oj the Lcrde 10 be ftnt : and in the fcomlpf Luhf Symcon and .Anna the pro- fheteffe from the 15. Vftft t to the 41. who e alfo the prephefic oj Efaias is fene fulfilled \Ca& . ve r. 14 A no - ta ' It prop! j (fie uf Ifas.ts in the 61 . Cap. is fulfilled. Lul^e. 4. lefus came to 2{*^*rfth where he had bin brought ifp and entrcdas he was wont zpon thefibboth day m - to thefynagogue and rofe vp that he might r cade. 'I hen was gtv.en vnto him the Booty of the Prophet Efaie % and when he had opened the booty y he fund a place in wbhhe it was written Thefpiriteof the lcrde is vponme > bec~ufe that he annotated me that I [Jjould preach gUdde vdinges, he ftnt me to hcale she bro* t\ n in hearty that I ftjculd preach d.liucrance to ccp- /,/*'■', mdrea uerie offtghrso tl s blmde that 1 fl;ould fc i * i c.n a: I: be , tie that are d.ft, cfic d r Jlu d that 1 fljotdd preach the acceptable) care of the Lordc . -.jind when I e had refion d the booty ehft d vnto the mini- flcr.he fate djwneiand the cies of all that were in she (Jnagonu n ere (afit ntd on hi>n t Then he began to fay %nso them % I his day is the fcripture fulfilled in your cares. Mfo Mh the 1 o verf.$ 8 . The vniforor the aiiminted MeJJias, What we are taught by the name of Chrifi or anointed. B Y thctermeofChriftor snointfd, is taught that this pcrfon came with the commandc- ment of the father, and that the fame was ordained of him, that he fhold erett that Prieft- lykingdom,by the (copter of his ward & power oHiisipiritein this lifc,and fliould fimflic it in the life cucrlaftine. For Ii!:c as anointing wher* by at Gods coivtniancement Kingcs^Pricftcs, i and prophets were appointed amonglt his peo- , pic, withan outwarde and vifiblc oyle, was a publike teftimonic,thatCod would gouerne ft I efend his people by this perfou, & alio kepe & '■' H 3 vp- iMffi tit ^ n fp eY OleuUn vpboldc bis diuine worfliippc , and likewifc teach his peopleiand this pcrt'on had comman- dcmentofthis thing, that they might fufftc themlclucstobcgoucrned denied, and taught; fo the Jonncof God manifefted in the flcflic, concerning his manhoode is anointed, with the holy 'Ghoftc without mcafure ( which is the truth of that outward anointing) and fo js ordained and giuenof the father to be the king, pried, and prophet of his Church. Firft of all therefore the name Mefllas , or Chrift, feructh for a notable confirmation of our faith, to witte, whileft we vnderftand by anointing, that the fonnc of God hath commandement, in the very fame that he is Chrifl or anointed ; by Inskinglie power to kcepe vs by his cuerla- fling (aenhee to reconcile vs to the Father, and to open vnto vs al the will of the father; to fcc fhort not to reft,vntil he hauc beautified his Church with glorie andcuerlafting life. Ioh. *uvcrfei7. cap. 10. 18. Pfalme. 43. 6.7. to the Heb.i.ver.8.9. Alio cap J.ver. 4.5 Heb.j.vcr.9. .And foralmuch as the fonnc of God , that fame annointed or the Lord.hath his folemnc com- is ccitaine, that he wil execute it nioft faitliiully. Ofthefrute or confolation-jehich the faith* ful reccaue thereby. THe firft fruite is , that our faith hath a Cer* pine obiett or matter p refpefte, to wit, this vf off the Crccdc. t/p this fame ccrtaincpcrfon (cnt, and appointed from the Father with commandement , which now beginneth in vs that fame fpiritual and c- per lading kingdome, which is righteoufnes, peace and ioie in the holic Ghoft, in the ftcd of iinnc,cucrlaftinghcauincsand death- and flul finifli it aftcrwardes : and feeing that he hoU dcth vndcr his goucrncment and iron fecpter al thinges crcatcd.both his and our enemies , that is, both wicked men and diucls , that they hurt not cither his gIoric,or cur faluation, but ra- ther that eucn againit their willcs, they ad - uanccboth. Hence peace and ioyc anfc in thehcartcs of Lclccucrs , who arc citizens of this kingdomc . For as it mnft necdes bee thatal they be made (adde , that doubt vn- dcr what Lorde they are in this life, whether vndcr ChriftcorSatan : fo on the conrrarie it ] cannot be, but all they muft be filled with ioye, who by the inwardc teftimonic of the anointing of faith, and by the outwardc of holie l>aptifmc arc aflured, that they are vnder Chriflc the Kin^of righteouincs, and are t, an* fated out of the l^ngdome ofdartyicfje into the Ihi'g • domeofCbri(i t ColofKi. and luue the king- dome of the fonne of G O D cucn begone in 1 them , as Cbrifl faitl)>tht tftigdome of Cod is inyou t or am on? ft y oh. The Angel exhortcth vs to this ioyc, in v vericmanifeftation of this king. Luk. l vcife I o.i i. Be notafraiie: Tor beholdtl uringyou , jlad tydJtiget ofgre.1t ioye ,/ hat fljal be to all the f topic, to wit y thisdaieaSauiouris borne vnroyou, j ia the cicic of Damd,which is Chrift the Lordc. II 4 Hence j 20 CafperOletiutn Hence is the fame peace and good will in the hearccs of beleeucis, of which attcrwardes that fame multitude of hcaucnly hoftci doe men- tion in theirfongc: Gloiiein the higheft hea« uens to God, peace to the earth, A good wil in men. Like as therefore in times part when Salomon !>y the commaundement of GoA was annoynted, there was publike ioye amongeft the people of God : becaufe they knewe that Cod woulde doc :hcm good, and defend them by thchandeof a king : fo alio we when wee hcare out of the wordeof God, tlutour Lorde Iefus is Chii ; >, that i^, that f\me annoynted of the lorde, wc ought together with the Angels to be filled with an exceeding ioye of minde: being furcly pcrluadcd tlutcacn in this vcric thing that the heauenly father, hath appoin- ted, and invelic dccdcgiucn his ownc ionnc Chrift, that is annotated to be our king, that he docth openly from hcaucn declare, that hec by thisfonnc will become the cucrlafting redo* rcr and defender ot his Church, Why Chrift was annointed } not on cite to be king, but alfo Pricft? IT followeththatwc dcc!ire,whiehe wasnofc oncly annotated to bee a king, but alfo a Pricft . The rcaion is becaufc the kingdomeof Chrift was fo to beceftabliflied , thathemuft fatisfie for euer, the righteoufnes of God • and fo this begonne peace & piomifed grace might ftaic vj>pon a fure and found foundation. Now the vyonthcCrcc&e* !;>/ the foundation is the cucrlafting prlcflLood of Chriit, thatis, that fame gift which nor onclv by commaimdement , but alfo by folcmnc o:h ^n a wonderful wiicdomc and mcrcie,is from the father laide vpon this cci taine pcrfon, whereof thefc are partes. Firf: the prayer of (o great a p^rliiOitnoft pure and moft holy, toge- ther with a facrificeivurchablc with the linnes and wicked nefles of nil bclccuers. Io. i7.Heb, 7. die othcr,thc (hewing of himfclfe before the face of the father in the heauens, after this fa* crificcis offered vp. Hcbr.g verf.24. Becaiileit was ordained of God by en oath, and by an vnchangcablc decree of God, which we may furcly nuft to, that Chnft fliould flicwe him- felit(to wittclusowncbodicand foulc taken into thevnitic of his perfon , in which all our iinnes were punjflicd ) without ccaiing before the face of the father, that alwayesthscff.cacic of that facrifice once offered vp , might florifh and be of force beiore the father. Of the profile that we take by this that Chrift was anointed to be a pricft. THechiefeproStcis, that I haue a ccrtaine perlon , which hath bcrificcd for mce,and continually makctb inrcrccffio for me that y force of his inrercertio madc,& facrificc ofFred vp in earth, might alwaies be o: force in the fight of God, as it is (aide in the Pfalme no. The Lcrde hath fwornc and will not repent him: Than * an aTrie(! [oritur. No'we an euerlafting pricft II v. is 'i22 Gafper Oleu'tan is not without an cuerlafting vfe and fruite of his piicfthoode towarde his faithful! . But wcc will fpcake more ai'well of the kingdome, as of the Priefthoodc in the article of fitting at the right hand of God. Why alfi was he annointed to be a Prophet? THc reafon why hec was annointed to bee a Prophet, is becaufc that fame pricftly king- dome, in which cuerlafting righteoufnes and peace fliould flonflii wjs to bee eftibhfhed by the fceptcr of his worde , that is by the prca - chingof the Gofpcll* and in the power of the fpiritc whereby he was annointed. And truelie to was it foretold by Efoy>The/j>irh of the lord is %fpon me, becaufe be bath annointed me t that 1 fJjoiild f reach glade tydingetvnto the fo\ver\ be bathfent me, that lfjou/de be ale the contrite in heart , changeable will of God towards vs.whcrcby he hath freely chofen vs to himfelf in y fonne, and mi^ht frame vs to true amedcment,& to bcleuc theGoipel: yea might alfo confirmc his do- ctrine by mirncles,as by healing the blind, by xaifing vp the dead &'c, which neither thcdiucl noranie creature can folloive, That he might alio adioync the facramentcs as holy iigne* to the renewed coucnaunc , to wit baptilmc, and the Lords {upper. Morcoucr, concerning the pricftlie officii Ithinke it fo to belong to the coucnant: that cuenhke as the Prophcticall office of Clinftjinftiufteth vs of the couenaunc and of a full reconciliation with God in Chrift; fo the prieftly office goeth further,and offercth vpthe vcrie price of this reconciliation, to wit a peifcft facnflce with intercc(i;on,wherby the mediator of Gods righreoufnes docth pcrfc£lly fitisfic for our finnc^, which did let and kecpe of the coucnaunt , and without the clenling whereof that lame prophetical ambnfladgc fro heaucn had beenc taken in vainc to intrcatc of the coucnaunt : feeing neither wee can fttif- fie for our iinnes our felues,neither wouldGod deniehisowne rightcoufnts. Laftof all con- cerning that kingly office, forfomuch as it was not enough tor a mediator to luuc taught vs of thecoucnaunr.andto hauc fatxflificd it by the offering vp of his body and bloodc, vnleflc hce likewife fliould defend & maintain y coucnant againft y aflaults of y encmie, & fliould throgh his might build vp a people in himfclf day by day \yon the Crecde. / 2 7 vfeie more and more repairc& frame the fame, v! t r * n g endewed with fpintual giftes to cucrla- ?« fting life: therefore the heaucnlic father would that the fame mediator fliould be the head aal l ? £iuer,both of the conferuation of grace getter?, and of an effectual communicating, and main* *l teining the fame. Ephcf.i. 13.24. tr ii tl His onclic begotten Sonne. c. t7 Or he receauedofGodthe father ^honour y andglo,1 ■* tii % when there cant fuch a voice vnto him from u Testimonies out of the Tropkcts and */i- n poftles. It b C a: the excellent glorie: This is my beloved finnc in whom Jam welfUafe&jind this voice we heard when it came from beaiicn, when tire were together with him in the hoiie mountain? : and rr e haste a moflfhre worde oftho c Trofhetsjo ihe which ye do w el, that you tal^c heede >tt vnto a light that fhmeth in a darkc place, vmiltht day dawne and the daiejiarre arifc in your hear tes } fo that: ye f t Ft Inow thisjhat no prtf'cfe ofthefcripttire is of tny Urinate interpretation, tor the ptophipe came not in oldt. time by the will of wan; hut holie wen of Cod fpahf as they were mouedby the holie Ghofi ,Vjh!ni.z, lwilfbewc cut of the decree. The Lorde of hoaflcs hath [aide vnto me. Thou art my forme y this day hanc 1 begotten thee. jd\e of me, and 1 wilgine the nations for thy pofftfjtonthe endet of the earth , 1 fay, for thi right of thy pofttjfion.jind a little after. Kific the forme \ that he be not angrie And in the (tide » Blcjsed arc at whi. fe *28 Gafpcr Oleum Which trufl in him, *Al theft thmgtsagii not to D/<* $tid t bttt to the fount who is appointed hcirt of all things* Jii.dto the Utb, i. U*e h.xih ffrjfon Vnto vi by his founc % by when: calfo he ehutb made // c wo, id* : who leii ' tic InlvhtM* of she olnrh and the tnzraned fo: me of bis ftr'ot., and ?eai ing vp M thing pi by his mightie wcrde <£v, .And a little after . Into which cj the+Anoehfaidlz At auy timeflhtu arte my tonnes Z'his day ham 1 begotten thee &c m Jnd in the fauie place ; Jr.d agahtt when he b.ingtth his fi/fi begottt n fotmehitotl.e worldejse faith tjitidlet all the J welt rfGodwoipjip ht.r.'Pja. ?;. 1'tr 7. hj. IVc bunt feent his glurie as theglorit of the only Jon if God. & *vei\ lo.lie xtas in the world, & the world was wade Ly himilm the wo, Id I new /,/",»; tut, He camevnto his cwne, cs his ownt receaaed him not .• Rut as manie at reunited him, to tbttn ht gattef-jwer that ihiy fljadd tec made thefonnes of God, men to them that be* Ittttt in his name . What the meaning ofthefe wordes is y Hisoncly begotten ionne. HPHccndcof thefe wordes is, that our faith -* flioulde be (tabic, firfr, that \vc bclccuc in the triu- CoJ, when wee bclccuc in Ins on - lie begotten foi:nc,uho is begotten of the Jub- ftaunce of the father, and therefore by nature is vciic Got', as before is (hewed. Then alio, that we be no leile vndoubtcdly perfumed of the wonder!;: li l^uc of God towardesvs, fur-* mounting the louc of all creatures, who hath | ioloucii the world that he hath ciuenhisonc- j ivi Jy begotten fonne. tlut all that bclecuc in him /hould not pcrifli,but hauc cucrlufting hfc.lo. 3. And fo God nor only dcaieth withvs by p.o- miles and by oath : but alio bygtuin"hision in whom all the promifes arc yea and Amen, To be fliorr, chat all rhinges which he hath fufFercd for our faluation, and whatfoeucr thingcsfollowein the other articles of faith, be clicemed ot rhc worthinefle of thrspcrfon, which is rhconcly begotten iounc of God. Calat.4.vcrf4 5. Mat.^.verf 17. Why tkefcripturc callcth him the o:ich be- gotten ,(eeing all we which bclccuc, arc the ionnes of Ood. THercforc the Scripture callcth him the on- ly begotten fonne of God, that he may pur a ncccflary difference betweene Clinflc and all thcfaithfull. For Chrift is called , and indecde is the onely begotten fonne of God, becaufe he is v only cucrlafting fon ofvcuerla- fling father,begottcn of the fubfhnce of y ta~ ther before al worldsrand therefore is very God in who we ought to bclccue.Pro.S. Ioh.i.Now we arc called and are the fonncs of God, nor by nature, but by adoption and gracc,t!irough which, God hath vouchfafed to adopt vsto be his children, whileft he hath made vSjthrough faith engrafted into his fonne , his true and liucly members, who other wife were the me- ters of Sarhan, and by nature the fonncs ot wrath. loh.8.Ephcf.l.But in ireanc time , tluc fame adoption,aud name of the founes of God, r. >5 'tJ* ^ A ^ eY Oku tdn is not oncly an cmptic title; but when we art in truth members of the lonnc of God,we hauc by his grace a true communion and fcllowfhip withhim/inrcfpcft of which he is called the fii ft begotten amongeft many brethren. Rom. 8. And furelic if the Adoption made of men be not a vaine and an emptic title, but fuch an ac- ceptation cf another mans childc,to be a fonnc, whereby in tiuth all the right of fonncs is communicated vnto him, as if lie were a true and naturall fonnc : certainly by that lame a* doption of God , whereby we are fo engraffed into his fonne, that we arc gouerned & cjuic 1 - kened by his fpirit , wc do not onely rcccauc the title, but the full piiuiledge and right of the fonncs of God. llom.8. For he hath giucn this priuilcdgejdigniticjightjand power to all, as many as haue iccciued the Lordc lefus , that they fhould be made the lonnes ofGod.Ioh.i, I Andinthefirft Epiftleof lohn the fiift Cha- piter. That which we hone feene andhearde dtcUrt we vruoyou, that ye alfo may hauc fellow fhtppe with *vi % and our fellow fljippc or communion is with the fa- thered with his fonnc lefus Chrijl. And thefc thingt write I vnto you, that your ioye may be full. All the faithful 1 therefore hauc not a mcane and com* mon coucnaut, but a moft excellent couenant with God, whilcfthc will hauc his confedc-j rates,to be in the place of fonncs , making the members of his onely begotten Sonne, from whom they are ncucr plucked away, ind rege- nerating or rather renueing them through his fpirit; fo cxcelcnt & notable a coucnat,! lay, in ci3:ry mrnu ^onthcCreede. /^/ tucryrcfpcft,thatwc may freely fay with the Apofllc to the Rom.%jl>at he that hash not fa. rid his ownefonne, but hash gmenhim for vs all, hone can it be, that he (l)otildnot together with himgiue vs all thingts ? Yea , but this fame coucnanc grounded vpon fo excellent louc of God to- wardes vs, is io furc and vnmoueable, tlutwc may farther fay, with the fame Apoftlc , Jam perfuadedjhat neither death } nnr life ,nor j4ngellt % nor 'P rincipalule s ,nor powers , nor t hinges pre fens t nor thinges to cvme, nor height nor depth , nor any other creatUre , fhalbe able to feparate vs from she lotte of Cod which is in Chrifi Ufa our Lord. Our Lord f. Tcflimonics out of the Tropbetesdnd Apo* files. THe Lorde hash fold to my Lorde ,&c . jt n & ?f*lm.t to. Matthew 12 . verfeaz. 43 . Jcles.z verfe 36. Therefore all the houfe of Jfrael lytowe for a furctie , that God hath made him both Lorde and Chrifle y shis lefts 1 fay % whom ye haue crucified. The end and drsfs of she ft wordt is , that being entred into league with fo faithful a Lord(who hath redeemed them from the power cj darkenefe, neither with golde nor finer Jntt with bis owne blood-making the his ownt peculiar % andnotonelyhefo purchafid them, but he frotetleth and preferueth them being fo tur chafed jiiik afpeciallcare ) they might fafely and with afiured confidence ofminde comruitte thcmfeltici vnto him, )<** mdyeelde vjf shemfeluu so be l f eps for cuer. I ij Jgahi r 32 •$' t (P er Oleuian Jgaine th'cy are clfo admowfied % that they art not in their ^wne power y but Arc bought with a price that both in Iodic and futile which a.) e G'jds^tlicy way glorifi: God. 1 . Lorh.thiant € And to the ende all that arc coufiderate and be!cene,fIjou!de nillingly fiifjir them fttnes to be goucmed of fitch a Lords t to ir/V, by his worde and by hhffhit % who to the ende he might hone vt vnder hisiordfljtp & gone/ nrmnt^ was appoin- ted of the father head of the jir.gds^nd of all bcletters , Cone filled by the holy Cjhoft } borne of the l r trgt&c . The Vro'^hijteof H?ggaim rhe fecund Chap it tr Is more iv table : So faith the l.ordc then. Spcal^c nowe vnta Zcrubla')tl % thcfnnc of Shea!tiel> 'Prince of ludab, and to 1 1 ho/ha thefonne of leho\ali/{the high Triefl, And to the rtfdte of the p< op f faying , rvho is leftea- mongyott tlatfawethts hotife in her fi fl glorie , and bone doyoufic it nor e} If it not inyur eyes in com* farifon of it, as nothing ? Yet now faith the Lord* of hoaflctftengthcn thy f If r Zo ulbabel t &c jindaliilt after : Ti us faith the Lo, d God of hoafies, yet a little while % at;d I trill mom thcheauen and earthy and the thefca, andthedvieU/A: and I will nioue ell nati* on^andthe dffire of all nations foallcowe , and I will fill tint hottfe wi'h glory. faith the Lord of hoafics. Slitter limine x and golde is mine faith the horde of hoafle 1 . The glory of this Uft houfe fljalbe greater then thefifi , faith the Lorde ofhoafles. Of the virgmes bringing forth a childc. I Say Chapter 7 . The Lo rde (hall giueyou afigne: *Eeholdeavi>gne fhallbe with childe , and (had king forth a fotwe, & thou [halt (all his name lm- tnanudl .Thou haFJ the fulfilling of it y in the i.of Ma*hcw verfes 12. 23 , To which adde the Vrophcfit tflfy^l''*?' ?• MitU childe w borne vntovs* vpon the Creeie. ij? Jfomt Isgiutn vmo vs t and the goutrnenunt xt*p» cnhisfhoiilder t and he float cat hU name wonderful, CounfaUonrjhe tnighue God, father ofeuerhftngnes t Trince of peace . fulfilled in the z.of Lkke.vtr. x r.14. The meaning of the ivordes:rrhichwsu cort~ cenujed by the holy Ghoft,boinc of the vir- ginc Marie. T^He meaning is, that the cucrlafting Sonne * of God of the fame Jubilance with the Fa- ther , without any putting off, of his diuinc nature, without any conucrfionorcommixtio, was made that which he firft was not, to wit man, which the Scripture enterpretcth , He tooke the f:edc of Abraham,th:it is our flefh of thevirgine Marie, and his vcrie humane (oulc, and that by the power of the holy Ghoftc, that he might be like vnto his brethren in al things, iinnconcly excepted, Ioh. 1. And to the Mebr.x. and the fourth:!. Tim. 3. Rom.i. The confolation which a faith fut man con~ ccaucth by this pure conception. WE conceaue hereof this confolati6:firft,y we hauean vndoubtcdand true media- tor with God, in al thinges that wchauc todow him,as who hath not oncly the com* munio of onCjbut of both natureMo wit diuine and humane. Aoaine that he is fuch a Media- tor,who(c bodic nnil Joule in the veric ccnccp* tion were fanttified : firft that he might be a 1 J pure r §40 £j a $ CY Olcuian pure and holie facrificc, through which all our corruption might be cleanfcd,that it might noc be laidcvnto our charge. Hcb.7. verfes 16.17. Rom.7.vcrfc ao. and the 8. verfc i. Moreoucr Co y end that y ciFicacic of Ins fulncs, might by litlc and little ianclifie this defiled lumpc of ours, vntilhcdcliuer vs fully from that fame natural corruption, and by the fame holie fpi- tite.whcreby that (tibfhntial wordc hath fan- tfified both foulc and bodic, cucn. from the *vombc,might alfo reforme our foules and bo- dies in the tunc appointed of God, according to his ownc image, Io.i.vcrlc 16. & Uk* i.Cor.i J. ycrfe4j.47.48. Tbedrtfteandpurpofeoftbis article, And how ncccfTaric y true vndcrflanding therof is. THis fame article concerning the pcrfon of Chirft.whichconfiftcthof two naturcs,thc humane & the diuinc,knittc together by a pcrfonal vnion.cucrlaftingly A' yet the proprie- ties of cither being l:ept cuerlaflingly , contai- fieth the foundation and pillerof thp kingly Priefthoodof Chrift,and confequcntly of his cucrlafting priefthood betwixt God and men. For it is mans happines,to be loyned with God, the fountainc of al goodncs,i.Ioh.i. Contrari- %vife it is the greatcft vnhappincfTc to be fcpara-r ted from God. But man had feparated himfelfc by finnc from God, and had cntrcd intoceue- rant with the deuill. Eucn like as therefore Ch(*e yvas a ccrtaine perfou by whom finnc crj- ttcd H.iflKiltl ■iilflili iiK^.t,,^,!.). vpon the Crcc&e. t$y trcd into the world,and by finnc death , and Co became as it were the caufe and foundation of falling away from God, & cntring into league with the diueh foalfo muft there be accr- taine perfen appointed of God , that might be the foundation and exui'c of reconciliation, andofneuer breaking that fame coniun&ion with God,thefounuincofall happinedc. Now this pcrfon is the cucrlafting fonnc of God, with all the proprieties of the diuinc nature, and very man, with all the proprieties of mans na- ture. And euen like as there muft both thefena- tures, true and found,thc proprieties of either being kept in one pcrfon of Chrift to reconcile man to God, and toftnkc thiscouenant;fo alio tokepe thiscoucnant , that according to the promife&oathof God it may be cucrlafting, both natures muft remainc for cucr found with their propricties,vnlcflc we will hauc the couc- nant , in the vcric piller and foundation to be fluken. Tiicrefcre Satan hath alwaies gone a- bout , and yet doth by his inftrumentes, cither altogether to denie one of the natures , in the Mediator of the couenant,or elfe vttcrly to o- uerthrow it. For cucn like as when the roote of a tree is hurt, the braqnehes alfo wither, and no fiuitc can be hoped for; cuen fo the doctrine being corrupr,conccrning the pcrfon of Chrift, and the two natures in the fame pcrfon 5 toge- ther with their diftinct proprietics,thc doctrine alfo of the Prieftly.and Kingly office of Chrift rcmaineth corrupt, which arc, as it were y fruits $f the doctrine concerning the pcrlon. Thi 'J40 $ a JP er OletitM The cAttfes of this foundation ,and firft jvhj the mediator muft rcmaine vcric man, and that cuerhflinglic. Irtping the proprieties of thehumaincnaiu:c, THe end ofoncc taking & neticr putting off againemans nature, was that God might declare his vnchangeabic rightcoufnes and wrath againft iinnc.and Ius mcrcie towa;dc^ vs. His iufhee, Hay , and his wrath wlnkft he will not fomakc hi$coucnant,thathe be found vn- righteous and a Iyer, who had trucly and righ- tcoufly pronounced : in what day ibeuer you Hull catc of that tree , you Hull die the death. And Hal. f. Thou art nor a God that wilt ini- quitic.TJiereforchc punifhed finncin the flefli of man, yea in the flc/Ii of his onely begotten fonne; that his high and vnchangeablc lightc- oufnefJe, truth, and wrath againft iinne, might be manifeft to the whole worlde : His mercy, whileft he punifheth not our fins in our felues, which notwithftanding hemight iuftly do,but deduct h liis wrath vpon his onely begotten fonne, that he might in very deede declare his infinite mcrcv towardesvs. Therefore wonder- fully, and with great wifedome, the rightcouf- neflc and mercy of God do mcetc and agree to- gether, or rather that Time loue towards man- Kindc in Chrift Iefu. I will fpeake more large- ly tint th(i matter may bemoreeuident. God going about to enter into coucnant with man, or willing to reconcile man cucrlaftingly vn- to vpon the Creede. 14 i co himfelftwold yet (6 flicw his mcrcic.y he de- nied not his ri^hteoufnes, which is cfletial vnto him,& which he can no more denic, the lie caa denic himfcif.Now the fcucrc & cxaft rightc- ouinesof God required y forafmuch as corrup- tion and tranfgrdfionclcaucd in mans nature, that is to fay both in our fouleand bodie : fo alio in the lame, that is in the nature of man taken of the fonnc of God,ofy Tame fubihncc, and like in all thinges vnto vs ( iinnconcly ex- cept, which neither bclongcth to the fubllancc nor to the properties of man as he was created or God) there fliould be a l.ui(fadioi 4 , and re* paire.For like as by one man finnc hath entrcd into the worlde (as the Aportlc faith to the Rom.cap.j.) and by finnc death , and lo death hath palled vpon all as much as al hauc finned ; and as by the difobcdience of one maa manie are made linncrs*. fo by the obedience of one many are made righteous. Alio. If by the finne of that one many arc dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift through grace, which is of one man Jefus Chrift,hath abounded to* wardesmany. Wherefore Crrifl mud be very man both in foule & bodic, who by obedience cuen to death, and tothe death or the erode, might fa ti flic the vnchancabic righteoufnes of God, who would not punilhe that in Angels, becaufc men had finned, but in the veric nature of man : thcieforc the fonnc of God tooke not Angcls,but the (cede of Abraha,that i\the very nature of man of the feede of AbrahamHeb.z. Sccondly,it behoucd the mediator or the c- ucila~ 7y* Gafptr Oleuidn ucrlafting coucnant to bcc brothcrlic affcflcd towardcs vs,and therefore he mull be our vcrie brother in dccdc,and abide !o for euer, with all the proprieties of a vcrie brother in deede, as is plaincly taught in the fecond chap, to the He- brucs: He tlut fan&ifieth, and they which arc lanclified are al of one. For which caufc he was* notafliarncd tocal them brcthren.faying,! will declare thy name vnto my brethren: in the Iftiddcft oi'the Church I will fing praifes vnto thee. And that we may knowe, that like as tire Sonne of Gcd was not a/hamed , to become once our brother , with brotherly affcclion, 5c other veric humaine properties: (o alfo y he is not now aflumed of vs,ncither that he hath put offnaturc or afFeclio, and other very properties of man,and of a brotherly nature, the Scripture faith in the end of the Chapter. Whcrforein al things it bchoued hrm to be made like vnto his brethren, y he might be merciful & a faithfull Iiic pried in thinges which were to be don with God,that he might make reconciliation for the iinns of the people. For in that he (uftcrcd,whc be was tempted, he is able to fuccour th m which are tempted. Andlraftnny man fliould cauil,thatChnl> ^frcr his afcenfion into hcauen bega to be of vs.and to put oflfthc na- ture of a brother, that is that vcrie nature of man, and the properties thcreof:Hearc what the (pirite of tructh faith farther in 4.cap.of y fame EpifUe.Hauingthcrfore an high prieft which liathentredinto the heauens,eiun Icfusy fonnc of God, let vs hold faft our profciFion. For we luuc vponthe Creeie] 14$ fiauc not an high Prieft,which canot be touchci with the feeling of our infirmitic3,but was in al thinges tempted in like fort, yet without Cnnc. Let vs thcrfore go with confidence (now he fee the foundation of confidence to be in this, that we hauc an highc Bifhop , who not oncly hath the nature of God, but al lb of man, a very bro- ther in dccd,hauing not put of the properties o£ nature, fo y he can hauc compaflion vpon vs) to the throne of grace, that we may obtainc mercy and fin Jc grace tohclpein the time of ncedc* Thirdly.God hath confirmed by oath , that the fruite ot the loines of Oauid, mould raignc forcuer. Pfal.133. and the 8^. It muft necdes be therefore that Cliriftc this king be of the fub- ftancc and loines of Dauid : and continue an eucrlafting kinge, and very man \ not oncly ia name, but in the very fubltance and properties ofanaturall fruite fprong from the loines of Dauid, and abiding and raigning worldc with- out end, in the throne of Gods maicilicin the higheftheauens.Hebr.i. Which thingebrin* gcth vs exceeding ioye in eucrlafting life , foe that we fhall behold our nature, in our brother and hcadc Chrift , to be adorned with fo great gloric in all eternitic. CaufeSj for which it muft needes be , that the mediator of the couenant, be very God, with all the properties of God. THccaufcs for which it is neccllaric that the mediator be not oncly very ma,but alfo ve* ry God^c thcfc.Thc chicfc caufci*,bccaufe Coi r t44' G.ifj?er Oleum God would declare his infinite loue. And tin's h the meaning of that , So God ]oued the worlds (To I (ay)tlur he gaue his only begotten fonnc, 6:c. The fccondcaufc is rext vndcr this : be- caufc he had rcccau d a commandement of the father, that required an almightic worker (to wit a commandement ,by his meritcand vcrtuc to fauc ihceledtj Nowe there is but one Al- migi n ■: > . Out of this fame fecond catile > which properly bclongeth to Chnft, thefecndesarcderiuediThcfirft con- cerning defartc. For thcreiore mud the Media- tor be vcric God, that, that tame obedience of Chrift.wLeieby (b great a pcrfon,which is equal to the father* humbling himfclfe in the nature of man, that the curie might be made in it, might be from the beginning of the world for al ctcrniric to come a matchablc price, or ra- ther a price of redemption lor thefinncs of all the eledl of the whole worlde. cucn that the price might wey dovvne our (nines. Therefore in the 20. of the A dies it is fiide, That Gcdre- deemed his Ciu, ch with his blvud. And in the 9 to the HebrueS, Alio , grace hath abounded about the fault. This obedience of the Sonne when it is made a facrificc forvs, it furmountrth all obe- dience of Angels.and al oilier cr amies. Theiecond end is, that feting he muft bea Sauiour,no Idle in vcrtuc then in meritc : he mud firft in himfelfe ouercc me cur finne , the wrath of God and death Nowc that 'he waight of the infinite wrath of God in tl:c nunhoodc might flandfic oucrcomc,and moreoucr that he tyontheCrcc&e. §4$ tie might raifc himfelf fro death ,it was neccfla. xyy he thatftiould fufF^r, fhould be very man in inch fort,that he might together be infinite, that is the true and cuci Lifting God: that is, that his manhod fhould be perlonallic & infe- perablic vnitcd to his godheade, of which it fliould vpholden.that our faluatioa might not ' by any meanebcin danger, feeing it is im- portable that y vnion fliould be diflolued . For God alone could not die ( as one of rhc aunci- cnt fathers hauc wittilie fa id ) neither could man alone ouercomc death. Therefore to the Rorruns Ca.iJic faith y'he is declared to be the fonnc of God by the power of his refurrcftion. Moreouer by his power* it bchoucd himalfrt to oucrcome finnc and death in vs ( loli.j . ) to' wittc bygiuing faith, 1 whereby that mcritc might be applied vrito vs y and the holy Ghofte through, who he might reftoie in vs the image of God, and cjuicken vscuerlafting!y,and olla maintaine that faltfation fo gotten : Now for- afmuch as all thefe things arc of nnturc belon- ging to him who is almightfe, it wis ncccfla- Sry that he by nature fliould be God almightie: For who could hiue performed that, but he 'irou^h whom man in tire bccrinninrr was made after the image of God ? Cololl. x.j^ who could haue giuen the holy Ghoft which 19 God,but he which is God himlclfc? who could taue reftorcdeucrlarting life, but y fame word, the fonnc of God, in who life i9 from y begin- ning? Io.i.Finaly forafmuchas God hath laid, I *m y Lord, & befides me there is no (auiour,it '146 $*$** Olailan was ncceiTarie that our fauiour Chi id, which by the decree of God was appointed, to obtaine and beitowc ialuatim,fhouId be very God, with all the properties oi the Uodhead, omnipotence^ ternirie.infinitcnnicfUcand glonc , without which he could neither be a bauiour, nor abide for cucr. Why tbofefame two matures waft be vtiited in the Mediator. T^Hat the foundation of that fame coacnant * ofgrace.or rather of that conjunction be- twixt God and vs might be firmc.GOD would hauc thefc two natures in Chnfl to be knit together after a wonderful wir, by the vnion of perfons . Now when wc fay y thediuineand humainc nature of Chriftc are perlonallic knit together , we vnderftand y the ionncwhois God, hath taken mans nature into the vnitie of his perfcn,and fo God is ma- nifeftedin thcflefh.and made man , but in the Ecrlon of the fonnc,and (o as the proprieties of oth natures rcmaine (afc»afwel that the falua- tion of men might be obtained by that meane, that he had appointed ; as alfo that it might be maintained and continued for cuer. For falua- tion could not hauc ben obtained, vnlclTc manj xuture,and the nature of God had bene knit to* cctherin a pcrfonall vnion : Fnft, becaulc it Lad not becne the bloude of the Sonne of God, that was to be Hied; and (o it had not bene vpo'n the Creed/. fjy bene a facrififcc worthic enough/or the finnci of the whole worldc. Morcoucr, the hu. nianitic Could not haucbccnc able to fuftaine the wrath of God, neither hauc abolifhedthc finnes that were hide vpon]ir, vnlcfle the diui- rmie had ben coupled vnto it, into the vnitic of thcperfon,by amoft firmcand altogether vn- loofeableknotte: both which, that lame man Chrift by the power of his dminitie, being pcrfonally knittc vnto him, hathperfourmed. Aftsio. Philip. i.Hcbr.rp.i4.Co!oil!i.vcr£i4. JJ. And much Idle alfo might faluation no we obtained be maintained, vnlcfle they were knic together, and might fo rcmainc for cuer . For cuenhke as it was required tor the entry to that pricfthoodc, and for the prouiding of full fatilfa&ion, that there fhould be the body and foulc of the fonnc of God , in which there might be fatiffa&ion : fo alio that the pricft- hoodc might be cucrlafting.and an euerlafting intcrccflion be made for vs,it muft bc.that that fame humane nature be properly belonging to the fonne of God, which he mull fliewe betore the face of the father in hcauenjn w Inch, as our finnes arc once cleanfed', fo it might be the pledge of our reconciliation for eucr.Pfal* no. i.andthc4'. Matth.n. vcrf44. Morcoucr that fame man Chrift, could not by his vertuc and powd' be a fauiour, vnlellc al(o he the diuinc nature ioyncd vnto him, into the vnitic ofperlon, from which, together as alfo from the father piocccdcth the holy ghofte , who buflgeth v* into the pofletlion of Chrift.cngrat- K i fctU tjf CJ after Oleukn fcth vs fnto Chriit, and bcgcttctb v$ agalne Jrt* lo cucrlafHng Itic. i Cor.ij.vcrfc 1x.4f.R0m, 8.vcr(c8 9. And iurcly as they can net any more fall from cuci lairing lilc, whiche arc truely onccengraffed into Chriftc by the ho- ly Ghofte : (o that very worde , the euei laftiug SonneofGod, of the Jubilance of the Father, to wit, that fame very fountainc of life , in which life was from the beginning, lohni, **H*rmtic. taken in the nature of nan to endure cucrla- fringly,muft dwell badly ,i\\m is to fay, pcrfo- nally. For feeing that iame highe maicftic of God , was moile farrc lepirited from our wretched condition , and yet notwith (landing, liee had appointed for hir» infinite loue to- ward vs molle wretched caftawaycs.through grace to ioync his diuinitic , which is the fountaine of all happines,to the end it might endure for cucr, it was ncedefull, that hec fliould alfo ioinc our humane nature taken ou: of the lump,: of rrnnkindc vnto his diuinitic by a vnion.Col. 1 . verfc 9. 10. Othcr- wi(c we fliould not haue had nccrencs enough, noi* fufficictit ftedfaft kinrcd (it it were) with God, which might allure our faith, that God Joth truely dwel with v?,Sc that Chrift is , and cacrlaftingly fliould be,Immanuc!>thatis,God tvilh vs. I(ai.7.Mat.i. What the ^cy final vnton is , Andrvherefore it is that the properties of both natures muft remainc whole and iound in it* The vponthe Creed*. tjd ^THc perfonaJ I vnion, is the knitting togc* •» therof two natures in Chrift, towjt, of the diuinc and humane: in which, admitte that the one be and remjinc the maker, and without beginning : and the other be and remains cre- ated, and therefore hauc a beginning .• one be of the fame ( together with the Fa- ther; the other be of the Time fubftancc with vs: one be almightie, becaufeitis God;theo- therbenot almightie becaufc the creature if not the creator, neither arc there two almigh- tie ones, but one almightie one : one be and rcmaine infinite , but the other be not infi- nite but finite, lulling a finite head, armey, feetc.&c. Admitte (Hay ) that thele natures aremoft diucife, and rcmaine euerlaftingly diftinguiffced in their properties (tor asmucli as the creator will eucrlainngly rcmaine di- ftindl from all creatines, yea from that famf lumpc which it hath taken) yet notwithftan- ding, they arc io coupled together , that they make one lndiuidtmm , to wit, Chnftc. All this may be fcene by the conception, in which thacfamc pcrfonall vnion was once perfectly madcjncithcr was it eucr afterwardes otherwise made. I0h.L3.cap 14. Hebr.i.i6. Seeing thcr- fore that thecouenant of faluntion , betweene God and men, is euerlafting,it muft necdes be concluded that in the peilon of Cluift as m the foundation , thefc two natures arc (o eucr- laftingly vnited together, that in mcanc fcalon thcrructhof cither nature, rcmaine for cuer wkh their propertics,and that neither be (wal* K 3 lowed iso § a f} ?er Oleaian lowed vp of the other, vnlcifc we would haijc thecoucnantto be weakened and plucked vp from the very foundations.For cucn like as for y entring into the coucnant and reconciliation with God, that both thofc natures in the medi- atour, muft be true and found, keeping their properties : io affo forafmuch as the coucnanc & conijjnftion muft endure in all eucrlafHng- ncs, that this Time our true and very flefh and bones may enioye the fame happines, &: y after our rclurreclion^ bchoucthalfo thac in the foundation, to wit in the mediator, vporj whome the office of fauing vs , is qucrlafting- Jy laidc, there rcmaine for euer the fame whole humaine nature both foule and body, flefli and boncs.For the nature of any one becing oucr- throwcn,or the properties thereof denied , the coucnant it felf falleth, that isjt can neither be cntrcdinto,nor be prefcrucd^s before js (hewed Stiffrcd vnder Tontitu Pilate. Teft'tmomcs out of the Trcpbets and Apo- files, whereby it is (Lcwcd, that Chrift muft not die by tumult : but muft fuffer vnder a iudge : and that when a ftraungq magiftrato fhould excrcifc iudgement. tfdtftt T 1 £ was reckoned among* f} the wicked. Therfore, 4- *he mufl notperifl? by tumult, but muft be iudged or reputed amongeft the wicked. IVherto alfo that be- longeth:He was wondedfor cur iniquities, & [mitten for otrr wiclfdneftet. The chaftifemct of our peace rva4 vpon him,and in his ftrifes we were healed \jnd in the fame place, He wai tal^cn aw J} by indgetni w/i There - Jvre he muft come into (nd^rmcntJf'ttb thc/c Trcphe- ticali vponthe Crcede. ' i si ticall fayinget , agreeth truely that Prophetical! ex- plication of Chrifl , rvljich U extant in the^S. of Lnle. Beholde vre goe zppe to Hnrufulcm , and all thinges flialbe ju'filledthrj arc written by the Vrophetes con* cermnv thefonne of wan . He fljalbe'dcLuered vp to tht nations^ andfhalbe t?jodjd t and eutli entreated of then, jind after they ft all haue whipped him , they fhaU {ill him, and the third day he fija/l*rife againe. ^ndl.uUthez^. To tlvfc that went to Tmaus, he faith, fjolcs and flow e of hear te to bclceue all things \ which the Prophets haue fpo/yn. Ought not Chrifi to haue fv.fferedthefe thinges and to enter into his glorie* jind bt ginning from Mofes and all the Trophetr - y he interpreted in all thefcripture , thofe thinges which w ere concerning him.Jfts ^Thcy gathered themftluei truely together againfi tly holy fonne lefts whom thou anoint edfl. He) ode alfo and Pontius Vtixtc with the nations & people ofjfracl, to doc whatfocuer thy hand *Lid Cottnfel had fir fi determined fhould be done. TS{ox» that he muRfuffer, when afiraunge magistrate exe- cuted iudgement (the which thing the very mention of Tontirts Tilate ftieweth ) thefe Vrophefes witnefe: Cenef.^). The Trophcfic of the Patriarch lacob.The fecpter [hall not depart from ludah till Schiloh throughly fulfilled when the fceptcr was tranflatedfrom ludah y and when Tilate in the name of C (far executed itidgemen: j4ndthe Vrophcfe ofZachary in the 6 .cap. that a braunch fljaU buiide a Temple, the glory wherof fhould become greaser f hen the glorie of the firfl Tcple. jtndthen mufi altogether be fulfill // f,i{c this (faith the Etungelift ) fignifyingwhai death he [hotdde die. And in the 3. of the Act. verf iS.Gala. }. wherein that fame diume fentenc e is cited cut of the ii . chap. of Dent. Chrifl hath redeemed vs ft om the curff, of the lawe,wbile[i he is made the airjji for vs. Tor it is written ^Curfied is eueric one that ban* geth vpon the tree , that the bit 'fling of Abraham in the nations, might appcare in lefts ChriJl.Marl^ 1 J. They cruftficd aifo with him two theeues , one at his righ$ hande, another at his left. And that fcripture wasful- filled which faith ,and he was numbred with the wicked, l.Tet^.cttt ofEfay 51. hee that did no finne, neither wxs any guile founde in bis mouth. And a little after, Who beare our fumes in his owne bodie vpon the trec t & Why Chrift mufl rather bee crucified then fuffcr anic other kinde of death. THe death of the croffc was accurflcd of God.Galj. Therefore God pronounced the fentenceofacurfe , by Pilatcs mouth a- giinft Chrift. The ende is, that he might take away our curffc and the blcfTing promifed to A- brahara might come vnto vs.VY'hen God laid in (he i/tf Cafper Oleutan the law, Curflcd is lie that hangcth vppon tree* he knewe, that his fonne fhouldebc lunged v- pon the tree, Thcicforc Chrift fuffcred not thiskinde of pumfhmenc at aduenturc,or by theonely will of the Icwts.but by thefingu-. larprouidence and couniaile of God.A&esi, Fat feeing that an execrable and curded kindc ot cleafli was due to cur wickednedes, & hor- rible cffcnccs, and this (ame death of the erode wasaccuiied, not onely by mens iudgcmenr, but by Gods owne fcntence? Dcut. zi. Itmuft ficcdes bctlnt Chrift our pledge, mud vudcr- goc thiskinde of death, thai by fatisfieng, hec might free vs from the curdc. SoPauladmo- nifhethvs, that Chnflc had takcu away our curde,that he might communicate lus blcfling vnto vs , whileft he was hanged vppon the tree. Gala. 3 YVheieforc wemoreclccrcly vnder- fhnde by the erode, as the iignc of curdc, fhat the burden of the crude, wherewith wee were oppreiled, was laide vppon him, which we could not vndcrdandc by any other kindc ot death . That Chrift was tmely and in deedc wade a curdc for vs, neither yet for all, is there any contumely orrcproch offered vn- to him byvs,lorlo faying. /"^Hrift wastruelyand not feigncdlic made a ^-^curfle foi vs, as the holy ghoft ipcakcth. Gain. 3 And that veric thing the Apoftlc proucth by that voice of God ; Curded is cue- *y vpon the Crcede* tf? Tj one that hangcth on tree. And vcrilic, God did not oncly know, what manner of death his fonne fhoulde die, when he fpakc that, but al- io the death of thc erode , which he pronoun- ccth there accurflcd, was determined and de- creed cucn then , to the fon. For in y confiftetli all our hope, in thacappearcth the infinite louc of God, that cui God hath powrcd foorth,rru- ly and not fcigncdly, all his wrath vpon Chrifl his fonne , that he hath curflcd , truely and in decde without any figure, that lie might true* Jy rcccauc vs into fauour, fo that imlccd,vnlelle Chnft had alfo bcenc God , he had remained in that cut fle forcuer , whereby it pa fled trorrt vs. For otherwise, if th c wrath of Cod had ben faigned : then alfo had thc obedience of thc fonne bcenc faigned,and alfo thc hcpeofglo- ric which wee looke for, in vainc. Neither 19 it to be feared, that by this meanes any rcprocfi is offered to the fonne of God : For here Chrift is to be confideied in thefc qualities which hec hath net in him'clfc, but by imputation in rc- fpeftofthe office of a mediator, which condi- tion he willingly tookc vppon him, that wee igainc being minified by faith , might bee his brethren, and hcircs together with him of the fimekingdomc . For wee belceuc, that hec did truely beare the cwilcof another, (aide vppon him, by doing whercoi hce bothycldcit high obedience to G hI his father; and alio by oucrcommingrhat cm fle which I^ce tookc y- pon him , nunifefted hit Jjuine power. r fjf Gn^erOleuUn TefUmonies out of the Prof betes and Aportlcs. IT eametopaJ?e neither by chauncenor at aduen*. tun that Chrifl died, but fo it was fore tolde of God : Genejit j. The /cede of the woman [hall bruife the ferpentesbeade, and thou (halt bite his heele ♦ To this agreeth the place of the Hebrcwes chapter I. T$r as much then at children are partakers of fiefhe and bloode y he alfo himfclfe likfwife tootle parte with them , that hee might defiroye through death , hint that had the power of death , that is the dJuel. The facrifjees of the oide Tejiament for Jinne, were fha- dowes t ofthefacrifce to come ^ of which thingit it fo written in the 10, to the Hebrewes % and aljo the frophefe out of the 40. Vfalme it expounded. The tawc obtayning a fliadowe of good thinges to come 9 and not the verie image of thinges, can ncuer with thefefacrificei which they offer yeare by ycare cont'h* finally } fanclife the commers vnto it. And a little after: Wherefore entring into worlde hee faith , (Vfalme 4 1 .) facrfce and offering thou wouldtfl not: but a bodie haft thou ordcincd mee % Burnt offer inges and facrifice for fnne thou haft not allow ed % Then faii\c 1 , Loe I am prcfent ( In the beginninge of the boolj it is written of mce) that 1 fhoulde doe thy vrillfi G I) ( which hee fo expoundcth there of the voluntarie death of Chrifl e) through the which Will wee are fan fl- fed by the offering vf of the bo- *•*• vport the Crcede. / ;$ bodie of lefm Chrifl once made for all. Thefacrifice of jibel , was acceptable to GoJ, eind in thefacrifice ofl^oah it is [aid that Godfmelied* fw eetefm ellsng fauour. G enefis 9 , And whit? becaufe they were figures of the facrifice of the Meffiah. To which place of the 9. of Gene, Void had regarde ni the 5. to the Epbe/iam, when he faith, ChriFie gone hirnfelfe for vs an oblation and offering to God p of 4 fwcete fmeUing fajicnr : The Tafchall Umbe con- tained a maniftfl and as it were a vfible prophefse of the death of Chrjfl, as lohn the Ettangelifjueach m ethinthc 19. Chapter % that that prophtfie was ful- filled by the wondtifitll prouidtnee of G*d , There fl) all not a bone of his be broken. IVhkh albeit it was ffoken of the boaues of the Vafhall lambc , Exodus 1 1. j ct no: with Handing he faith that it was tritely fulfil- led in the death of Chrifl, fay ing t that when hee wat deadeJjH legges were not broken , as were the thecues. Where alfo lohn teacheth that an other frophefie rthichis written in the ix.of Zacharie was fulfilled, Thry floall fee whomc they haue pcarced, whin one tf the fouldicrt , had pearced Chriflcs fide , and by and by there i fined out water and bloode . Of the Taffeouer alfo, thou hail in the I. Cor. ? . Our pajjeo- her isfacr/ficed for vs, euen Chrifl. Mfo that fame datlie facrifice ^didfet before our eyes , thefacrifice of Chrifl to come, l.ucrie daye morning and Lutning * lam be was offered vp . Hitherto belong thofe faike placet, lohm.vcrfe.yy and the l. 'Pet. verf 19. ]f*y 11 Me was cut of from the land of the lining, for the t) anfgrefjion of my people, hee wot wounded . To this agreeth that of the 9. of Daniel, The Mefjiasfhall he cut off\ and this m«fl be fulfilled before lo ufalem be de/hoi* 160 GdjpirCieuiaH ieFlrcyei.JgAint, If ay y .3 . When heefhatl haui iaide downe his foule for afacrificeforfirme, hee (hall fee afeede that fh all prolong his day a. Jndby tht knowledge ofhimftlfe my right eont feru aunt f}) all iu. jhfie many, and hee himfelje (J: all be are their iniqui lies . Zicharic 9. Tho u alfo fljalt bee fatted by tht blood 'e of thy coucnaunt. 1 hone fent out thy bondonej, $ut oj the cefierne wherein there is no water. Chrtfithe hcade of all the Vrcphctei forefhevt* eth his death in the I 1 4 of luhn * P'criUe, vertlie I fay •vntoyctt, except a grain of come falling into th*. earth he remained) alone: hut if it be deadt it brin- gcth much fruit e. .And in the 1 o. chapter 1 5 .1 C. 1 7. j 8 , vcrfes .j\nd Matth to.zS , Sec alfo a wonder/all frophefieby the mouth of Caiphxs, lo t 11 # verf 4?. JO. J 1 .51. I. Cor. i*.l hauc deliuered vntoycu firfi of all that which Ireceautd: towitjhat Chrtfie dyed for ou>*finnes according to the fcr/ptures . Dauid in the 114. Tfalmeprophcfiethofthe ftone refuftd by the builder t % &Chrifl teach eth that that prophtfc had *n accompliflnnent in his death t Matth 4 it . in that parable of the fonne, the heir of the viniyarde, flaine ofthofefame hutbandmen of the vincyarde. verfet 3 B.j 9. forfo he faith y haueyee not reade in the f crip - turet.The ft one which the builders r elected f t he f*me is made the chief e corner flone i This is done if the horde y and it is wonder full in our eyes , &c. jinl when the chief e of the Vriefles and Vharifees had heardehis parables, they Irieewt thofe thinges to bee ffeoken concerning them. Hcrevnto bclongeth that fame excellent power which fJuwcdit fclfe in the 4. of the Jcles , of that reicled Hone (by dearh.JfVhen they had placed them meaning the Jpofllei in the mid- vynthcCrecdc. ify fntddefl ofthm: By what power, or in whore name Jog you this} Then Veterfull of the holy Ghoft faith vn- to them: Oye chicfe of the people t and elders ofjfiael forafmticha*thet]t*cfiionis thU day , of the benefits beflowedvppon thefickf man, to wit howe this man is fated) he it l^iowen vntoyoti a!l t andto all the people: that through the rucne of lefus Chrifl cfT^a^treth whome you hruc crucified , xvhowe GOD hath raifedvp from death, by this 1 fiy % doeth this man flande whole endfounde in your fight . This is tlmt floneihatwai cfteemed as nothing of you builders which is made the chief c corner flone . ^either is there faluation in awe other. Jnd a Uric after .They feeing hmfiande with thofe that were healed , they cosildefay nothing again fl it. Why Chrifi died. ^T H E ende of Chriftes death, was to fatisfic -* thcrightcoufnes and wrath of God for our finnes, andfoby dying to deftroye and a- boliflifinnc,in which all the power of fathaa confifted 4 For in as much as finnc by the iuft Judgement of God raged vppon mankinde.hi* wrath was appealed, and fatisficd for iinnc,and all power taken fro it,that it might not raignc in the bclecuers. i.Ioh.j.To this endc was the fonncofGod manifeftcd, that hec might dif- loluc the workes of the Diuel : both which the Apoftlc plainly ioyneth together i. Cor, f. if, n. and Rom- 6. 7. 8. 1 Tim. ' i6z, §*$** Oh *"*>* OfthcfrkiteS) whereof we are made parta- kcrs by the death of Chrift. TH E firftfiuite is , that the obedience of Chrift is our righteoufnes before God. For in the death ot Chrift faith fpccially loo- kcthvpon that fame voluntarie, anfliee powred ugh hit htade 9 m*M 1 66 Gafper O/cuian T^we many difdaJned and were offended amongflthtni ftlues faying, to what end is thU waft of the ointment} For this might hauc btenefolde for more, then three Imndred f>encc>and giuen to the poore y and they raged a^atnfl her : But lefts faidejetbet alone : why tron* ble you her, fine hath wrought a good workf on wee. For the poorey ou (l)aUhauc aliases withy on % & when you will you may do them good } but mceyou fhalinot bane, Shee hath done that fljee could . For fl)ee came afore hand to anoint my body to the burying . 7'hefe thinges hath Marine Where wc fee that the holyqhofl by a/ccret 'tnflinfl through that woman , hath in that fame vifible ointment, Jet before the ties of all , as it reeve a vifible prophefe of the death ajid burixll of Chufl. To wbjt tnde the buriall of Cbrifte tcndcch:and which arc the fruitcj or it. BVrial is a part of the humiliation of Chrift. For it is the proceeding of his death. The firft fruit therefore of this article is the co- firmation of our faith, that wee doubrenot, Chnft being dcadeindcede andbuiiedfor vs, that he was fo farre foorth humbled, that ncy - thcr death nor buriall can hurtc vs f foraf- much as the wrarh of the father is truely and and indeede pacifird . For cuen likeas Ionah, ]yho was a figute of Chart, being once caft in- tQ vpon the Creed?'. / 67 to the fca, the ftormc cenful » and a great calme followed: eucnfo Chrifte foretohfc chat hee /houlde be cut of fro the number of thole that liued, and fhould be placed in the heart of the earth, tint he might reconcile the father vnto vs, being angric for our finnes. Which thing forafmuchas Chrift the mediatourof the co- ucnaunt , hath in deede fulfilled, as is contay- ncd in this article, wee doe worthilie belccue it. And this in dcedc is the firftefruiic of Chrift his burial !• The Iccondc : This article alfo maketh to rcpcntauncc and amcndcmcnc of life. For like as Chrift dcade by finne, rcftethin thegraue: fo wee by the vcitue of that communion, which wee hauc with Chrift deadcand buried, wee ought altogether to c- ftccmcour oldc man by the power of faith, and bv the teftimonieof Baptifme,to he bu- ried together with Chrift , that true reft be- ing reftoredto our consciences , wee nnye reft from our workes , that is from ourfinncs, and fo beginne heerc that cucrlafting Sab- baoth vntill by thevcrtuc of Chrifte, it bee fully accomplished in vs. So Paulc when hee fayde in thc£. to the Romanes, that wee are baptifed into the death of Chrift, hee by and by addeth, that wee are alfo buried with Chrift bybaptifme into death: to wittc,that hee might exprclTe , that by the vertue of that communion wee hauc with Chrifte, it is brought to pafle, in acontinuall coutfeand proceeding that wee morrificour oldeman. i.iiii # Apd 16$ GaJperO/euiM AndbciTdcsthefeprincipall endes and fruitci \vl crcof we haue Ipokcn, this is alfo to bead- dcd.that buriall is an euident figne,that Chrift: wasdeadein deede Vponhis death depended fatisfuftion for finnes, and therefore it beho- uedthattobe moft certaine, and no place to be left of doubting , Noweall doubtingc of liis death is taken away, when he was buried as other dead men are, and that according to thcfcripturcs.Ifay.j3.vcrf. 9. Notwithfhnding the principall and proper endes, arc thoic wc* haue before mentioned. He defcendedinto hel. Teji monies out of the Prophets and A potties. SJintVeter citeth the\6Vfalme inthe fecond of she Ac1s t of Chrift his defending into hell , faring: This man being deltuered by the determinate coun- fell and foreknowledge of God % afteryou hadsahfn with wielded hands,} oh haue crucified and fiaine % rvhom God hath raifed vpjoofing theforroxvei of death, becaufe it was impofpble that he ftjould be holdcn of it. For Da* uid faith concerning htm, I beheld the Lord abases before mee.For he is at my right hande that 1 [Jjould not be ftja^en. Therefore did my hearte rcceiue cum* fort y and my tongue reioyfed t &;dfo my flefb doth refi in hope. Hecattfe thou flj alt not lca:ic my fottle in hell, norjfuffer thine holy om to fee corruption . Thou haft made the itaies of life Irxowne vnto mee^and thou pj all yefleniPj me with gladiicfjft in thy fight* Of vpon the Creed e* 1 69 Ofthefalfe vnderttandingof thu article, where alfo is entreated of Lymbus, and of tlic firft beginning of the error thereof. TTKat it followcth in the Crccdc that Chriftc * defcended into hclhflul we fay that it hath hatli this fenfe .• that Chrifl defcended into Lymbus,in which place there is neither ioic nor forrowc,that he might deliuer the fathers from thence;orcls that he defcended into the place of the damned^ No,notfo. For firft it iscui- dent, that the fathers alio before the death of Chrift had ioyc and comfort , as it appcareth Abraham and Lazarus. Bcfidesthat the word Hell is not taken for Lymbus in any place of the fcripture . Nowe the beginning of the error concerning Lymbus, is that many thought and yet doe thinke, that finncswerc not forgiuen before that Chrift fuftered. And the paifion of Chrift had his effect and power fromcucrlafting. For Chrift ycftcrday and to day, for cuer and the lame world without end. Hcbr.13.-S. And Paulc to the Romanes 4. defi- ned iuftification by Dauid : Blcflcd arc they whofe iniquities are forgiuen. Therefore in the time of Dauid, before Chrift had fufPcrcd.finncs were forgiuen by confidence and truft in that ficrificc of Chrift to come. And in the fame Chapter he faith, that wc obtaine happines and remiifionof finncsby no other meancs , then whereby Abraham obtained it who is the fa- ther of all bclccucrs. So Math.8.Many fluli L S come i70 CjafycrO Ionian come from the Haft and from the Weft, and flul fit with Abraham, Ifaack, and Iacob, Jn the kingdemeof Heaucn. Seeing therefore that this fame crrour prcuailcth againft the Scrip- ture, that the Fathers had not remiiTion of finncs before Chrift fuffred.from thence fprang this other errour concerning Lymbus . For it was too harde to thruft the fathers dovvnc into licl: bccaulc as they Cofefle, there is no redempti- on out ofiiel:^ to place them in eucrlafting fc- licitic, they duft not:becanfe Chrift hauing not yet furt'ercd,tlicy thought their finncs were not yet for^iucn.They found out thcrforc a middle which there was neither fclicitic nor forrowe, which in the fchoolcs they called Lymbus, as if they fliould fay the porch of hell. And fo the dinell endeuoured to darken the gieatnes of the etficacie of Chriftes facrifice, whiles he denied that the Fathers had rcmiffion of finncs in the ohlc Teftamcnt by faith in the ficrifice to come : and therefore he deuifed vn- to them Lymbus : euen like as hee faigned Purgatoric for thofc faithful ones, who were dead after the lufFcving of Chrift. That to the fame en.Ic nlfo the power of clcanfing from finncs might be withdrawen from the pjflion of Chiifte, againft the manifeft worde of God. I.Iohn.r.7. 1. Neither is it to be fuffercd in any cafe, that we fay that Chrifte defcended into hell, that is to the place of the damned, that there Jic fliould ouercomc death,and the diuel for vs t or that he fhould fuffer any newe tormcntes,for that m»- vpon the Creede, ' #7/ that he both oucrcamc Sathan , by bis death, and after death fuffcrcd no more forrowes by which he fhould deliuervs from the power of Satlun,thc Epiftleto the Hcbrucs doth witnes chapter 2. That he might by death aboliftihim which had the power of death y is the diuel,& might fct as many free as by the feare of death throgh al their life were fubieft vnto bondage, Alfotothe Coloflii. 14.15. And Luke the E- uangclift witnelleth that he deli ue red vp his fpinte to the keeping of his father* Neither can it fitly be taken of the fhewing forth of the vi- clone of Chrift in hell , for that belongeth to that exaltation which at length he began in his refurredtion : nowe the defending of Chriftc into hell ptrtaineth to his humiliation, as Peter exprcilely in the fecond of the A£tc$ teacheth by Daiud.Thefc thingesmany of the auncienc fathers more diligently waying, thought that hell was to be taken here fimply for the grauc. But if it had becne no other thing, it had not bcenc ncedcfull that the fame fhould be re- peated in the articles more darkcly , that be- fore nowe was fpoken more clcarely. Of the tYue meaning of this article } He def* cended into hell. 'T'Hcrc is no doubt but that the defcending of <* Chrift into hell , is the lcweft and cxtrea^ meft dcgiee of Chrifrs humiliation, wherby lie hath humbled himlelfe for vs ; and as it were pu: i?2 *j a fl )er Oletihm put offhisglorie, making himfelfc ofnorepu* tation. Afts i. Now wc mud fee what manner of humiliation that is,by the thingct that arc iignificd by his detention into hcl.Thc figni- ficjtions arc thefe- hcl lignificth the grauc , ic- condly by trani1jtion,thc place of the damned, thirdly cxtreame (oirowcs.PialmciS I.Sam,*. fourthly it is taken for the condition, which is in btiiijll and which folio wcth the lame i or els for that fame ful ftate of extrcame ignomi- uicto wit,whiks they that are buried, lie op . prcfled and as i: were (wallowed vp of death, I- faias 14.II.IJ.1617. Ofthefirftfignificjnonwe hauc (aide, why the defecniion^nto hell muft not be taken fimplie for burial in this place. The other fignificauon a!(b to wit.thc defcenfi- on to the place of the damned, wc hauc (hewed not to agree to this article . There remaineth two fignifications, to wit, the (orrowes of mind and that lame ftate or condition, which follow- eth thole (orrowes and burying it fclfc. In ihc firfc (Tgmficarion Chrifte in his whole pafnon, not onely in his bodicbut in his foule cfpeci- alliefelt tbofe fame horrible anguifhes which Peter callcth the of death, Acles 1. In the verie entrance of this mod icareful bottom- les pit the voice of Chriil doth witnes this very thing, Matth.26. Myfculi is heauievnto death: in the proceeding into the fame bottomlefTc gulfcthcdroppcs ofblouddoc alfo witnefle a greater anouifh of the mindc , which fell from his face vpon the earth, Lu'.e xi. And from the feric bottomc of this gulfe proceeded)' voice of vfonthc Creedei t?f ©fChrift witncfllng his cxtrcamc torments :0 Codify Godythy haff thou for fJ^en me > Matth.i7 # Jnvcrncdceatc becaufe we haue not oncly Ca- ncel in boJiti but principal lie alio in foulc ani deferued the wrath of God : it behoucd our pkdge Chrift, before that righteous tribunali icare of God to fcclc the wrath of God not only in bodic, but alfo in foulc, and to appcafe it, that he might be th^ redeemer not oncly of the bodicbutalfo of the louIe.t.Cor 6.10 Of whih matter there is a nJtiblc place to the Hc- brucs Cap.f vcrf.7. Who (that is to fjy Chrifl) in the dayes of his flefh did offer vp prayers and Amplications, with lit ong crying and tcircs vtv to htm that was able to fiuc him from death, an.l was alfo heard in that which he feared, and though he were the fonne , yet lea.ned he obe- dience by the thinges which he fuffrcd, and be- ing confccratcd was made the author of eternal faluation vnto all them that obey : where alfo this is tobcobferued , that the willing obedi- ence of Chrift is (cene in that fame defcending of Chrift. And therefore Saint Peter alfo 1. Ept- ftlecap.i calltth Chrift the Paftor of foules. Nowealrhougii that Chrift in his paffion did onely fcclc thefe ioirowes of hel for a time,ycc notwithstanding this lame humiliation of the fonne of God, into rhofe fame extrcamc for- rowes of hell enduring oncly for a time, is c- qual with thofe cucrlafhng paines , which in finning a^ainftthe eternal Go. Ij'.vcliauc defer- ucd : (cctng that fame perfon God is cuerlafting who hath fo humbled it fclfc iu lui humainq qacur'Ct •yjjHPW ^ t |py.w« iwwiw m i t p^T^iy ^74 GafperOkuiM nature, tint it felt the forrowes of hell. Whicft alfois thecaufc why thole fame forrowes m Chriftc, could but laft or, ely for a time, vn- dcr winch the vngodlie lie overwhelmed for cucr • Neither is there any cauie why any man fhouldthinkc , that thefcthinges which are attributed vnto him of the Euangehftes, to wit i hcauincfle, feare, and to conclude, forrowc, all which doe fprmg of infirmuie, to be vnmcctcfor the perfon of Chriftc. Firft for bec:u!e Chrifte not for his ownc , but for our caufc tooke thefc thinges vpon him of his owncaccorde, and therefore they withdraw nothing from his power and ftrcngth. Moieo- uer this infirmitic of Chriftc was pure and free from all finnr, alweil becauie he continued in true obedience , fo that he fuflfercd fuch great tormentes without any blafphcmic againft God, asalfo becaufe he left not off, to hauc hope in Godi admit he were vexed aboue mea- furc , when hcccafcd not to call him his God, of whom he cryeth out that he was jbrfaken. Hcbrues. ?. veifes 7, $.9- This (unification which is the thirdcin ordcr,to wit, otrhc for- 1 rowesof the minde fpringing from the curfe, doth ccnrcinc a profitable and ncccfliric do- ftrine agreeable with the holie Scripture , and this fignification were fufTicicnt for the expoun- ding of this articlc,fiuinc;tlnt two pointesdoc Jctjboth that in the death of Chnft which was accurfed thole lame (orrowes fpringing from the feeling of the curfe aie comprehended , and that fame article of burying is adioyned. The later im illinium it mi rtrMir .ii. vponthe Crcedc. $}} Uw fignifiation therefore of hell, is that fame condition which is in burull andwhiclt followeth the fame, that is to (ay, whiles they which arc buried , lie opprcflcd and as it were fwal lowed vp of death. And therfbre Dauid fai- CthJVhifljal cofeflt (bee in tbegrawiVh, 49.15,16 El'ai X4.ll.if. Id. 17. Chriftalfo would humble {limiclfc eucn vnto this fame vcrie ftate,that he might lie vntil thethirdeday as Jonah in the bcllic or the whale, (wallowed , and asitwerc oucrcome of death . For lo the Scripture fj>ja!:eth of Ionah,the figure of Chriftc praying out of the bcllic of the fiflie. Chapter a. verfe 1. In my affliction 1 hauc called vpon the Lord, and he hath heard me, from the bcllic of hell hauc I called vpon thee, and thou haft hcardc my voice. And in the fourth verfe, But I haue fride I am caft away from thy fight , yet I will looke towardes the temple of thy hoiincfle. And verfe 6*thc barrcs of the earth haue flmrtc mcin foreuer.Saim Peter ioyneth both figni • ficjtions together in one & the fame verfe Aftes 2* faying, Whom God railed vp loofiug the for- rowesof death, becauie it was impoflible that he fliould be holden of it # For nrft in thofc wordes, thofc fame forrowes ot death without all controueific, arc thofe fame extreame tor- mentesnotoncly of thebodic but principally of the mindc.wherwith God would brufe him, Efaic 53. and in which he bung fct and placed he crieth out, My God t wy God t n'ly haft thou for/k* l\cnme> Moreouer Pctcc addcth that then thofc iamc fonowes of death were loofed, when God ray- 'ly6 Ga^erOleutM railed him ¥p from the dcad,bccaufe that it wai impofliblc thathe mould be bolden of it: in which wordes he manifefUy iovn^th that ftatc which followed the forrowes or death , and the burial with the forrowes thcmfclucs. And why fo ? For although the bodie lying in the i;rauc were voidcof all forrowcand ofall Icnfcand feeling (when Chrift was truely^andin deede dead) notwithftanding feeing that death it Jclfe, which was continued in the graue,lccmed to be nothing clfe.but as it were the vidtoric & ful triumph ouer thofe fame forrowes and tor- ments, Chrifc is then worthily faide to haue o- uercomethcfc fame deadly and deiperate for- rowes^f which are truely the forrowes of hell) when bcini?; dead heouercamc death, that he with hi: might liuc cuerlaftingly with God. Seeing therefore that it is ccruine, that Peter cntreateth thcie of thcexticamcft degree of the humiliation of Chrift, it followeth thar by his defcendiog into hell , there is noted notonely the forrowes of death , but alfo that extreamc fhame,asthcvi jj |i |ljW J p *,UH i|i nuHM III III ■ 1**1 ill i I - ^/rii/aAtttM Ai,-„-* ly 6 Ga^erOleutan railed him t f> from the dead,bccaufe that it vvai impofliblc thathefhouldbc holden of it: ia which wordes he manifestly iovnith thatftatc which followed the forrowes or death , and the burial with the forrowes thcmfclucs. And why fo ? For although the bodic lying in the s;rauc were voidcof all forrowcand ofall fenfeand feeling (when Chrift was truely, and in deede dead) notwithstanding feeing that death it fclfei which was continued in the graue,ieemed to be nothing clfe, but as it were the vi&oric^ ful triumph ouer thofc fame forrowes and tor- ments ,Chriftis then worthily faide to haue o- uercome thole fame deadly and defperate ior- towcs,f which are trucly the forrowes of hell) when being dead he ouer came death, that he with hi: might liuc euerlaftingly with God. Seeing therefore that it is certaine, that Peter cntrcateth thci c of the cxti earned degree of the humiliationof Chtift, it followeth thar byhu defending into hell , there is noted notonely the forrowes of death , but alfo that cxtrcamc flume, as the viftorieol forrowes, whiles being holden in the graue euen vnrill the thirdc day, he lay as it were oppreiled of death. Euic 53. ver. 8. And in vcrie deed although Chrift were greatly humbled vpon the crollc , and was ac- counted of the enemies as one torlornc of God, and alfo cried out that he was forfaken of God : yetnotwithftanding their mi ndc was not con- tented, neither had their rage and madnes toge- ther with Sarh ;ns ben fatilfied. vnlcfle hce had lien wholy fliut vp and opprcfled iu the graue, and vpontheCreedel 177 and Co had bene ho! Jen of death. They fli-we tint fame difcontentedncSiLct him come dawn from the croffe.and we will bclccue in himrand albeit they doe fo triumph oucr hfm 9 whiles Chrifttruclv felt thofe farrowes of hcll>(as al- io he witnellcth tlic fame by his Voice)yct nor. withstanding it was but lulfe the triumph of Satan, or as it were eucn begon. For cucn they by whome Sathan had triumphed oucr Chnile as forfaken of God and no we oppreflid , they were doubtful & careful to continue the fame viftoric,and therefore defiic that the fepulchrc maybe kept, and they alfofct their fealevpon it. Match. 17, vrrfe 6z.6$. AnJ why doe they this thing? euen becnilc they fawe that it fliould be an imperfect or rather no vi&oric, vnlclle a!fo after burial the poiTeflion ofviftoric mi^ht be continucd,that is the cutting off of Melius as one altogether forfaken of God. Daniel in the 9. Chapter fecmeth to haue expreilid thii erpac humiliation of thc fonnc of God: The Muffin [Julie cut offend there [Jjalbe none to wit , that [Jul hehc him t hc (fjxlbe vtterly forfaken. yea whiles he doth notonely forefliewc that , but alfo tore- fliewcth an other, that it flul come to p-iflc that hewii eftablifli his coucnant : and in thefc- ucnth Chapter, that he may fftablifh an cuer., lifting' kin^domc , hee plainely prophecicth, that hec /lull after that cxtreame abafinj of him felfe rife againe a vi&orious Conque- iour # 3. MorcouerbcfiJcs thefc. Paulc flicweth J.Couj.outof Oice thc Prophet, that then M ac at length Chriftcs viftoric fhalbc pcrfeft, and the deliucraunce from lull in Ins member*, vrhen he fhall alio dcljuer their bodies, out o! that vile eftatc in which they lie buried (for they arc fowen in dishonour, verfe 41.) & fhall ioyne them vnto their foulcs: When this bo* die fhbiecf to eviction f!)jl put on ( faith hee ) an incon upt nature, arid this mo, tal foal put on immor* tahtic $'<>en (Ijalie fulfilled that which is jvri:ten t Dcatk it f ration id ; p in viflorie , desth,vhere is tly vi fieri e ! hell, where if thy fling! Therefore a: long as the graue holdcth them in pnfon, (but it holdeth them tucn till the refuiredlion) lo long it hath fomc viftoric : and that fhal be fulhc taken from it in rhc refurreftion of ou f bodies. So alfo as long as death and the graue heldc Chrift dead, and as it were van- qui/hed, fo long continued their power oucr him : nowc the Tame is fullic taken from him when he arofe from the dead . Laflly the very order it felfc of the articles themfclucs /hewc tMt by the defcending of Chrift into hcll,thcrc is noted that fame cxtrcamc ignominic which followed his buriall , the which thing alfo if manifeft by thcantithefis orcontraric compa- nion of Chnfte his exaltation. For to thefc lame three dcgrces:H* is dead^tried^anddefcendei into hel, there arc fet thefc three , he is arifen 9 af. tended into heauen , andfitttih at the right hand : a« gainft death, is fet relurrcclion into life : a- gainft the graue the houle of death, is fet hca- lien it fclic ; agiinft the defending into hell, vpdn the Creedel Hi tithe extrcameft degr c of humiliation in diC- honour, is fee the fitting at the right hand of GOD the Father Almightie, which is the higheft degree of exaltation ingloric Of the finite. of ChriflehU defecntion in* to hell. HP HE fumme therefore of cither fignifica- -* tionof Chrifte his difcending into hell, fof whichc the latter agree th more pro- perly to the order of the articles of the faith) is.thatChriftmuft throughly be humbled or rather forfaken of God, to the end that wee might not be forfaken of G O D . Firft his diuine nature not (hewing forth his power that he might feele the forrowes of death not onely in the bodic, but alfo in the foulc* moreouer the fame wordci or rather diuine nature keeping it fclfc in fccretc,and for a timemot quickening that lumpc of flcfli that it had taken : but permitting the boJie pul- led from the foulc for the (pace of three dayes, to be in the hand or power of the grauc. that byallmcancs, Chrift might bee thoroughly humbled and made of no reputation for vs, to the end wc might be allured that not onely ourfoulesarcdcliuered from the forrowes of death ; but that alio all ignominic , and difhonour, is chafed from our bodies by this Chrifte, and his mcritc, and by thecfli- cacic andvertue of him at the length fully Mi (f * ^^^iwwwwNi^' I So Cjafycr Oleultn to be rake away >albeit they behslilc for a time ihutvpin the graue as it were conducted of death. To be fliort ,iaith('ul mindes doc con* ceaue Co much the greater confidence and truft of the loueof God,and fame fit I clean- ing which is made by the Ibnnc, as they fee Chrift to be made more humble and abiccT:,& tluc without finne,and io much the dearer they fee that their falaation did coft him. The third day he rofefom thedc.xd. Teflimonies out of the Projh»tes and slpo* Ales concerning the reluiredlion ot Chnft. JVi/.ltf , 0# * PHoh wilt mtfuffcrthj holy one to fee corruption. •*" jiclcn.Men and b. tthren (faith Peter) I via} bohlely fpca! when he fballmal^e his foule an t-fferingt fot fnne}iefl)All[te the [cede that fjall prolong hie daJcs, gni vponthe Crecde. its end thexrill of Jehonah fljall proffer in hii bandes. There is alfo cited ofVatd t Acls l$.the 5 J. Chapter of Efjy y and the 1 the 16 . to the etide hot map fljewe that Chrift muft rife againe, that he might de* dare him f elf c to be thevtryfnneofGod(l{om.l.) andthatthat fame coucnant of God made with D*tud might befirmc and enerlafling, T^owe Vculc\frr,;on is on this for :e,Alen and brethren, ytufotina of the fLckcof jbra\) unhand thofe ao;ong(Fl you thatfe.we God y to you is this wo; de of faluanon fent . Tor the inhabitantes of JnnfJcm and their tuUrsbeeaufe they lycwe him tiot,nor yet the wordes of the prophet es which arc read eucty Sabboth day , they hatic fulfilled xhem in condtmninghim , and though they few. d no caife of death in him yet def red they Viiue to kill him. Jind when they had fulfilled all thinges nhieh were mitten of him, they put him beeing talyn downe from the tree into afepulchre, but God raifid him from the dc-d % and he was feene many dales of them , which tame vp with him from Galile to Hierhfalem which tt/e his witnepei vnto the people, yind we preach vn- io)ou t hut touching the prorrifc made vnto the fa* then, God hath fit filled it vnto vs their children t in that he ra'fedvp lefns y euen at it it written in theft* c r .nd Pfjlme,Thou art my fonnejhh day haue 1 begot* ten thee. Dfowe in afrmeh as he hath raiftd him vf from the> and he fljallno more retumeinto cor* 'fttption, he hath fide t \ will (me you tliofe fame firmi find good things of Dauid Wherefore he faith alfo in tfi other place, Thou wilt not fuffer thine holy one to fee corruption Howbeit Dauid after he had ferucd his time by the counfaile of Gudheflept & wets laide with M father t,&f*JVC cmuption: but he whom God rai- Ai % fed / tj - $ a J}> er OlcHiAH fed vp fatft Ho corruption . Be it krtowne vnto yon therefore men and brethren, that through this man k preached vnto you ihc forgiucnes of fmnet\ and from all things from which you could not be hipped by the lawc ofMofeify htm tuery one that beletueth is iufiifi- gc'iBewwc therefore leaf! that come vpon you rvhhh is fpofyn of in th* 'Prophet Daniil y and other Vrophetei forefljcrveboth:that both the Meffi.:s is to be cut of t and yet notipithRandin^ that he fhall raigne for eucr, Therefore he mufl be quickened againe. For abiding in death, he raigncth no /. Daniel 7, and y. loim i.DrJh oy this Temple, and 1 willraife it vp 4. gtme in three c imputed, that h co fay,to them which bclcue W vfon the fieede. / tf in him who hath raifed vp our Lorde Icfus f;om the dead , who was dcliucrcd for our (nines, & raifed vp againc for our iuftification • What hath the father done by deliuering Chrift to death/ He luih dcliucrcd him for our jfinnes, he hath punifhedour finncs in him. And what hath he dene by raifing him vp ? He hath iufti- fied all in him: for when he had deliucred him, that is the belecucrs , fo'that their (Ins flul be no more hide to their charge , bu: righte- ©ufncslhall be imputed vnco them. For thefc vvordes raifed vpfor our iuftification y txc to be vn- derftoodc of imputation, as by this itiseafic to bee fecne, becaufc that in the laft verfe fauing one he hath iaide that righfeoufnes is imputed of him who hath raifed him vp , and in this laftc verfe he namcth it our iuftification in him who is raifed vppc . Loe that which before he had [\\ called imputation of rightcoufncs,this hce na- meth now our iuftification. V/hat,fcr that the lame Apoftlc in the I. Timoth.3. faith, And without controucrfie great is the myftcrie of godlincfTe,Godmanifeftedin the flcfluuftifi- yA cdin lpirite,feencof AngcIs,preachcdvnto the Gentiles, bcleucdon in the world, & tcceyued vpintoglorie: doth he not manifeftly fhewe 'M that that fame true God who was manifeftcd in the flefhe wherein alio lie fuffcred : by the fpi- rite which he oppofeth again ft: the* flefhe, that is by the power of his ownc diuinitie whereby he raifed vp the flefhe from the dcadc, was iu- ftified, and that not from his owne finncs, but fjom ours which he had taken vppon him.'Af- Mv. icr 1 ii ttt G after OUuian tcr which railing vp and iuftification of him their folowcdv tcftimonic of AngelsJ publikc preaching of the rcmiffion of fins through him vntothegenti!es,thc bcUcfc which waseiucn vntohim.and to be /hort thercceiuingof him vp into gloric : all which tcftimonics vcrcly couldc not luuc fo!Iowcd,vnIeilc he had becne iuftified from our finncs, by riling againc tho- rowc tl>c power of his diuinitic. For neither couldc the Angcli giuc witnes of him as or the Sauiour if he had 'remained oppreilcd in our condcmnation.ncithcr rcmifllon of iinnts hauc ben prcched in his name,if fro the in our name kc had not beene fully iuftified : neither faith lauc bene giucn to him, if oppreflcd cf flnnc 5c death he could not haue giuc y holy goft,whicb is y author of faith: neither could he hauc ben rccciucd vp into glory vnlcdc y fame flefh,vpor* which all our (itines nad beenccaft (Efay 53.) tad becne iuftified from then), when it was rai. fed vp from death ,to which by the counfaile of death ir was condemned. This is that fame power of the rcfimcdrion of Chnft, whereby y lightcoufnes wh ich is not of the lawc , but the rightcoufnes which is of God, is brought forth through faith, concerning which Paul Phil. 3. in an vndoubtcd and full pcrfuafion of faith 9 gloricth after this manncrras touching y righ - tcoufnes which is in the lawc,l was blamcleflc, but the things which were vantage vnto mcc, thofe things I accounted loflc , inrefpeft of Chnft, yea dou'otles I thinkc all thing! lofTc for the excellent knowledge fake of Chriftc Icfus my Lordc, for whom I depriuc my fclfe of vpon the ftccde. 1 1§ ofal thefe things,^ accoumoc them for doling, that I may gaine Chrift, and may be founde in in him not hauing my lightcoulncs which is of the lavvc, but that which is of Chrift through faich, the righrcoufnes which is of G OD through faith, that I may knowehim, & the force and power of his rcfurredlion. Therefore alio Paul, Rom. 8. not onely oppofcth death as the price and redemption againft condem- nation but alio of the rclurreftion as the abfo- Iution,ind as it were a higher degree. For fo he iaith , JVho is it that ft all condemnc } It is Chrijl which is deadest rather which is rifen againe. -. \V hy alfo doth Peter reckeny rcfurre&ion of Iefu* Chrift to be the coucnaunt of a good c6fciencc: vnlcfle it be becaufe then the cjnfciencc is clcrc and rcftored into libcrtie,when that fame light of iuftification in the refurrcftion of Iefus Chrift (hall/hinc vntoit ? Therefore then at length the coucnaunt of Bjptifme is ratified in belccuers, when faith fliall hauc obtayned this victonc in our hcartes, fee the i.Pct«3 And hi- therto makcth that flame courfc and order of propounding the Gofpell, which the Apoftlcs kept in the A£lcs,to witte, why they fo great- ly vexed, that hec whome they had crucified, was raifedvpagainc from the dcade»«and why they fct out in him being raifed vp fro y deade, iuftification or rather forgiuenes of fin^to wir» becaufe as our fins arc condened in the death of Chrift : (o our abfolutio is in his rcfuneftion: Thcrforc whe Paul A &.i 3. flic wed forth ydeath of Chrift, and proued his rcfuric&Jo by many ICi- I fe.vA* l!$ G after OkuUn rcafon*. at the length he concludcth , Brethren,' be it therefore kno wen vnto you, that through tins nun is preached vnto you, forgiucuefle of finnes , andliom allthingcs from which you couldenot beiuftified by the lawe of Mofes, by him cueric one that beleeuethis juftified. And thofc lame worJcs that went before, doc flicv\cthut Paul doth gather that lame concl u- fion concerning i unification, nor oncly of the death, but alio of the lefurre&iou of Chrift, winch wordesarcin this fort, Wccallo preach vnto you the Umepromife . which was made vnto the fathers, which God hath fulfilled vnto their children, that is to (ay to you, hailing rai- led vp leius. And furcly that fame courfc or mancr of propounding of the Go(pel,vvas a- grccablc tothecommaundement. For why,by the commandement of Chrift was the full gof- pcll lent at length after therefurredion , to the gentiles and to cueric creature, as Chtiftc faith in Luke: Forfo u behooucd thatCluift flioulde fuller and tilea^iinc fiom the dead the thirdeday, and remiflion ot finnesbc preached in his name tc all nations : to wit beciufe thea at the length theft things might be fullie pub- lifhcd in Ins name.iftcr he had borne our finncs in his body vppon the tree, and had nfena- f line being iuftjficd from them. For then was the Goipcll lull all manner of waves, ( i.Cor. 15. i. 2. 17.) and the grace of mftjficaticn moft full and abounding ouercuciie fault in all and oucr all that do belceue. The fumme therefore •rthc fitftfruit of the relurrc&ionof Chrift, is vpon the Creed*. / >J> s$ that our finnes can no more bec laidc to our charge then to Chriitc himfelfe: and that in Chrift wc are accounted as righteous and inno- cent as Chrift was when he role from the dead. Forafmuchasby his death going before, hec hud taken away our fin nes tin ough obedience, nowe hereof it rolloweth fe.inghc arofc iuftt- lied, who before as a (inner was condemned, & acciirfledof God in cur pcrfon, that hec was iuftified in our mme horn our finncs. Neither is there any cauie, that any man fhoulde mcr- uell that Clirift by rifing from the dcadc, was iuftified from our iinnes, and wc in Clirift be- fore we were borne, foralmuch as the Apoftlc laich 2. Tim, i. that that lame grace was giuen vntovs before all vvorldes. but manitcfted in the Ion and yet alfo manifefted in the Golpcll, fee alio Ephcf i. i Oftbefecondefrmteofthe refirrcHion of Chrift. THe feconde fruite is viuificaf'on or cjuickc* ning: becaufcas Chrift y is iuftified from oui finnes by riling ngainc . and thercwithali is quickened : lo he that beleeueth in Chrift ? is both iuftified and quickened, as the Apoftic teacheth Ephcf.x.vntil I the n. verfe. Therefore Paul Rom. 5. callcth the fame iuftificaiion of li(e, and oppofcth it to the-faiU of condemnati- on;^ maketh an antithefis or matching of contraries betvvene finne that raigncth to death, aud ;hc nghteoufucs of Chrift, winch whoio- I Vy-2 , GafyerCUuUn eucrrccciuc,thcyraigne in life, verfes, i?. t9* ii.And in deede fo,as not oncly Chrift workcth in v$ not oncly that fame ncwclifc: but alfo Chrift is that life himfclfc, nsbim fclfc faith: 1 a?n the way t the trueth t and the life. Iohn 14.6. And Gala.i. 10. T^owe 1 line no more , but Chrifl litteth in r/^.Viuificarion therefore is the feconde fruit of thcrcfurrcdhon of Chrift, to wit, for thatChrift iiimfclfc alwayes liuing is become cur life through faith,and bccaulc by the verruc which \vc drawc from our hcadc Chrifte through the ipiritc of faith, we arifc in this life into ncwnci oflifcjthat by liuing purely and hohly, wee might wholy confecratcour fclues to the will of God. Tim thingthc Apoftle tcachcth Col. 3. If yecbe rifcnnithChrif},fect^ thofethingei treabuue^ where Chrifl is fitting at the right hands of God. Care for heavenly thinges and not for e rrtbfy. For this caufe alio the fclfe fame Apoftle faith, Horn. 6. tlutfVe arc planted into the iimilituJc of the death of Chrift that being partakers of lis rcfuircclion, we might walkc in newnes of life, In which wordes he not onelyicttcth out the rcfurreclionof an example for vs to follower but alfo especially tcachcth that this thing especially wrought in vs, that by the vertucof the refuneftion of Chrift, wee might rife agayucinto a ncwe life. of Vfon the Creede* iga Of the third fruit of the YefurreElion ofChrift. HThc thirdc fruit which is ioyned with the fe- «* cond, is the aflurancc of our perfeuerance in faith and of full vi&oric againft (inncand death For cucn like as Chi ift dycth no more, but liucth the life which ncuer can faile, (for in that he is dead', lie is once dead to finne , but in that he liueth,hc liueth to God, death flial hauc do further dominion ouer him # Rom.6 )fo they that arc engrafted into Chrift through faith,do drawcoutof him a foirituall life, from which they can ncuer fahand which no not in the ve- ric Reparation of the body and of foulc can bee cxtinguiflicd^as Chrift faith, lfarryman^eepemy word he fial/ neuer fee death. Iohn 8. Jf, There- fore feeing the faithfull liuc this life of Chrift in an entrance or beginning, the force and na- ture whereof fhed into their minds from Chrift is fuch as it can ncuer altogether die: they arc a!fo affured of the full consummation and per* fc&ingofk. The fclfc fame thing alfo Fcter tcachcth i/Epift, I. Blefedbe God and the fa- ther of ar lord lefus Chrifl, who of his great made huh begotten vs into a imelyhcfe through there* furreftion oflefus Chrifi from the dead: And vcrfc 4. &c 6. he laicth the caufc & foundation of a liue- Jy hope in the mcrcic of y father & rcfurrc&io ofChrift:bccaufc as Chrift after yhec arofcin our ti £*£•< / y 2 G after Cteuian our name by the mercic of y father lie al waie$ liucth : fo hope alfo hath a permanent and in- durable life in him, partly regeneration being begone, and partly it loketh tor it in that fame full conlumm.nion and fimfhing. In the fit ft to the Ephefians.verfcs 1^.2,0.23 .there is a nota- ble place moft fit and ogiceablc vntothisdo- ftrinc: to wit that God doeth fhewe foorth y felfc fame power in vs, whiles he j^iucrh vs raitbi which hec wrought and declared in his lonne, when he railed him vp from the dead, and that fame fubftantiall word it fclfeto bcthat,which fillcth all in all thinges, The fame alfo 1. Pet. I.vcrfc3 t f. 2 Cor.4. m,i^ And from hence flowcth that fame certaintic concerning full vi&orieag.iinft finnc, agiinft the afTau Ires of fathan and death. For like as that cucrlafting wordc in flefli which it tooke, and which in it owncpowcr it raifed from the deadc, John 10. oucrcamcour finne imputed vnto him &' death: Jo alfo that (ame euerlafting wordc flu 11 not ccafc,dwellingby grace in the faithfulltbutvt- tcily to abolilh in thofe alfo the remnaunrcs of iinneand death , already ouercameby hisver- tue and power. 1. Corinthians, if. verl. 54. 57.58. 1. Iohn J.4 5. For by no other ver- tue and power, but by the r eric fame whereby that cucr lifting worde in that receiucd lumpe ouercame our fin and death, we know alfj ac- cording to the promifc the fame wordc alfo working in vc, that wee flull vanquiftic and o- ucrcomcjo 4. Becaufc he is mightier that 1$ in ts theu he chat is in the worldc. This cerrayo- tic . tyontheCreecle. i 9 j fie of ourpcrfcuemmccin rruefaitJi, and of a full viftorie through faith bringeth to pafl'c that we take all thinges from hishande, whe- ther they be thinges profperous or full of ad- uerdtie, being fully perfuaded that all thofc thinges doc haften the fruition of that lame vi- ftonc, which now is gotten forvs by Chnft.i. Cor I ? Thanhs be to Godrvho hath oiuen vs viclo- tie through our Lord JefmChnfi. T l\c) ainc is in the i. Cor. 4. if. Concerning the laft finite of the refuYrctti- onofChrift. CEing y not only our foulcs but alfo our bo- ^dies^re mebcrs of our head (Thrift, through; thcbonvlc ofthefpirit of faith: i.Cor.^.vcr.j. If. Rom. 8. n # therefore in the rcfurrcftion of ourheadcChrift , our bodies ha<:e a ccrtainc pledge and feale that they arc not onely ray fed vr i'rem linn .« : -: *!:< Vfe, as was flicwcd in the fecond frcintuitaikjj fcl'r £me bodies which arc yet mortal!, haiie both neweth- i/:;tofe- aerlafting life, and through that fcmc°nuickc- ning Tpiric of ChnfUre 1 vp&ircd to the fruition of him, and to true immorcalitic in the end of thewotld, ;fi aljo y Ai haut hoped t h.xuing heard the worde of trueth , euen the gof- fell of your (vitiation: in which alfo after that )c bclec- ued,ye xcerefealed with the hoi) /]>;, ite offromftjtohh che is the cavnefl of our in'icrita.'oue whiles xve are ***• deemed two liber tie to the prafe of hh glorie. A I . though therefore wee die. yet wHinll rifea- gaineintoanimmoitall life »bccaufe both the right of life is adiudged vntov manijtfl fulfilling cf theft fore fringes concerning the afa nfi<,n of Chrifl t Marhf \ in the plate nowe aledged,and lul s e in hi* Enangelicall hifiorie/JjapteriOf Loe I doe fende the promife of my father vpponyou : but tar'te ye in the citie ofleru* falerv.vntiU yee Lee indued with power from on high. Tsjow he ledde them out into Bethaniah and J-} ting vp bishandeshe blejfed them. And it came to pa fie thai whilti he llejjidthem % beir>g feparate from them, hci vat carried vp into heaven t and they wc rfi/ipping him % returned to Urufalemwith great ioye.aud were con* tinnaJy in the temple lauding andpri)fin .And now e brethren 1 /{nowe thai throun vp on the Creede. ty? $hrough ignorance ye did tin ft things \*salfo did your gomrnjUrs t Lut thofe thir.ges which Cod before had foewtdbythemouthof althis f>rcpheter t that Christ (Jjctildtfiijfcrjje hath thus fufillcd. jim end your I ties therefore atidturne , that yourfinnes may be put away, whin the time of refrt firing fl) all come from the pre- face of the Lord,andnhen he fljall fendltfta Chrifi which before was f reached vntoyou .• whom the hea- nenmuflcontaine,vnullthe time that all tinny bee reflored which God hath fp.kf ft by the mouth o] v ali hk holy Vroplxtsjince the world began. } 1 The meaning ofthefe tvordes , He afcen* dedtnto heaven. HP HE meaning is , I beleeue Cluiftc vvlio * according to his diuinc nature was alwayes in thchcauens.Iohn i.and 3. niter that he ha J fulfilled the office -of ambaffigc , and by the (pace of fourtiedayeshadinftrutted hisdilci- pies concerning y trueth or his that fame true bodic of his, that was taken out of the fubftance of Marie the virginc , that it hnnged vppon the erode, was deadc and buried, that being glorified rofe againe>y in the fclfe fame body I fay together with a very humainc & refonablc foulchc amended into the hcauens, iwhere y feat is of cucilafting felicitic.The fcrip- 'lure in the firfl: Chapter of the A*\ 2oo Ca^erOleuUn tookcvppon him, when lice ftiouldebcecont demncdin them: lb muchleilccouldehchauc cntrcdinto that fame high light wherevnto there was no way, & whither no impure thing couldcattaiiiCi yea where Cod docth fhewe himfclfeto befecne oi: the blclled* Icilc he had becne fully iuftified for our linncs, and we in him whea he alcended thither in our name. John. 14 The holy Ghoft fljall reprocue the vorldt ofrightcoufnet } becaaft 1 goe to the father, arj you (1}aU fee me no more. Fv»r like as it was not lawful! for the high prkft to enter into the ho- ly ofc holicftj without bloodc for his owne fins, and the (in ncs of the people f Kcb.j. 17. fo that fame true fan&uaric had not bcene open to Chrift, to wit, that fame entiic into heauen, rnlcflcfirfthchad fatisfiedforour fins, which I he had taken vpGn l)im . Heb* 1 . verfe Land p. vcrfc7.11. 11. Therefore whiles Chrift doth entei into that fame fanctuarie not made with hnn.lcs, heauen it fcUc, by his owne bloodc: it is a furcdemonftration, and thereby the world isconuinccd.rhaceuerlafltng righteoufnefle is brought by Chrift as Daniel had forctoldc. And furcly thcApoftlc Ephcf.4. docth lay out that fame afcenfion of Chrift as a publike te- ftimonicof ouriufti(ication,asit were in a tri- umph robe beholden of the eyes, of our faith, When he afcended on high he led captttiitit captive. & gxicgiftcj vnto men. Surely lie led notcaptiui- tie with him intoy hcauens,th:tisto fay death & f:n: for neither is there any place there for finnc 3c dcath.Wlut thenfThat fame afccnfioq vpon the CreeAe, '20% irasasitwcrc a publikc tcftimonle of flnne oucrcomc ; andof damnation taken away, and of righteoufnefle obtcincd and of full vi&orie. Againc,that fame cntricinto that high fan- »V ftuanc,isnotoncIy a tcftimonicof oar righ- teoufnes $ but alio that fame abiding in tha fame ianftuaric % and fhewing of "himfclfc j before the Father ,is an cucrlaftmg continuance of the fame righteoufnes; to wit, whiles by the vcrtue oi his onely one facrifice, being iuftiricd \ for eucr from our fioncs, he appearcth there in ournamc,that we might be eftecmed righte- ous perpetuallic in him, and to the ende lice might giue giftes vnto men, to wit the giftes of thcholieGhoft,amongcft which the Apoftlc j doth fpcciallie commcude faith , whereby he doth engrafTc vs into him felfc as members vn- to the head, and doth applic hisbencfites vnto ysEpheC4.vcrf.11.131j. id. But of this fame /hewing of Chrift before the Father, there will be a more fit place,when we flul entrcate of tha fitting at the right hand of God. \!\ How the death jefarreBton> afccnfion^and fitting of Chrift at the right hand of G O D, make to the iuftifiution of faith. T) Vt nowe feeing before mention was made *-^of our righteoufnes in the death and refur- reftion of Chriftcfomc man will demands cot without caufe , by what waic and mcanc* the death, icfurrcttion andafcenfion* and the N J fitting j 02 ' Cjttjper Olcuian fitting at the right hand t of God, doth make t6 the iuftification of Faith. I. The obedience of the death of Chrift, is the thing it kl!e that is imputed to vs to iightc- ouinefle. For that latilfieth for our finncs : nei- ther is i there any thing wanting to this obedi- ence ,as Chrift faith: It isfin/fbed. And the Apo- (lie Rem. 5. doth let the obedience of Chn(l } a- gainft our his G D that iuftifieth ,n /;? fJjal condtmne ? // h Chrift whhh isdtad(loc the nutter for which we arc iu (tiffed from accufation and condemnation, the death of C\ui(i)yea or rath cr which is rifen *ydm(\\ hich is an vndoubtcd token that that fimc death of Chrift which he tooke vpon him, was fuflkicr.e for the full ablolution and forgiuencs of our iinncsrotherwifc he mu(t hauc abiden in death) rthois alfo at the right hand of God % (which yet is a greater teftimome that the captiuitieof finnc and damnation is vanquished : lb that nowe wc are deliuercd and iufhficd through Chrift from xt^which alfo makfth uitreatie for ur.whilft he fai- eth.for vs. which alio fljeweth that there is far- ther a newe confirmation of our faith to be ad- ded to the neite of the free iuftification tho- rough Chriltc, to\yit, that hce al(o is at the right hande of Cod , whether he could not hauc come,vnkfle he had beene iuftificd from our finnes : and that he cntrcatcth alfo for vs, to witwhileft by the power of that oncly ono facrifice,heappeareih euerlaftingly righteous for vs.i.Iohn.i u And »<' jto 4 (Jafitr O/cuian And (6 that fame abiding at the right Iwndc of Cod and (hewing him ielfc before the Fa^ jJicr, is a continuing of tl. at cuerlailmg njfti- fication of ours, to the end that there fliould be noplace IcFt for any accularion againft be- iceucr&.'fb tu!l eucrie manner oj vvaie is our iu« fhfication in Chrift, (oeuerlaftirg and io vn- dcrpropped vpon mod fure foundations to the knowledge whereof Paule in the place nowc allcdgc«i, would lcadevs by thofe argumentes, as u were by ccrtaine fleppcs and degiees. Ofthefecondfrttite of the afcenfwn. HTHe fecond fruite is, that by his afcenfion in- * to heauen,he hath made vs to fit with him in hcauenlie places, Ephcf.2.£ So that we do not onely in a naked hope looke forheaucn: but we poilcfTc it in the head,and in Chrift our brother: afwell becaufc that fame earthly, and bodily plcdgc.which he hath taken of vs , full expiation & cleanfing, being mudcof our fins, doth poiTcflc the hcauens nowc in our name : a* al(o becaufc we our felucs doe poflcfle a fpi- ritual and heaucnly pledge reccaued againe fro him, to wit the fpirite of Chiift dwelling in vs: & fo by the power of the holie Ghoft through faithin the promifeofthe Gorpcll wc arc in- graffed into him.And thcrfore Ro. 10.6.8. The which il of faith fairh thus, Say ttct in thy heart, nho [halafcendinto heauen ? That U to bring Chrififrom about % &c. Hut what faith it ? The vordtUnt&ithce^aienir.ily mouth } a/id in thine hears OD Qpon the Creecle iei Itartjhat U , Mat fame vrorde of faith which t vei freacbe. Surely tlic fpirituall firft fruitcs of this do* flrinc arc moft fweetc . For it biiogcth to!pafle by the power of Chrift his fpirite , that now ia a certain and vndoutcl hope in our head Chrift, we pofleflcheaueo. Therefore let vsconfiime ourmindcsin this mod profnible do&rinc by fomc moft cuidene oracles of y lcripturc-Chriit himflhe no wc about togocinto tharhcaucn- ]y pofleff.on in our namc,ipeakcth on this (ore, 1 onn . 14 In my fathers bcufe there arc many abyding places Jf it had bene otbcrwifc I hadtoldeyou, I go t<* pnpjtreaplaceforyou. The fame Iohn.Chap.20. 1 aft end to my } uthtr } 4t,d to your father 3 to my God y & toyomGod. The Apoftlc alfo maketh vs fo fureof the ceruinrie of the earneft and pledge which Chnithauingofvs, hath aduanced into thehcauens, that he faith in the fecondof the Ephefians, that God hath wade vs tofnte wtihChrifl in hcaucnty places. Againe , offending that fame carncitor comforter vnto vs Chrifte fpcaketli thus in I oh. 1 6. ifpeakf the truth vnto you ft it pro- fitable for you that I got: for if I go not, thar fame com- forter (hai not come vnto you. Peter alfo witneflttb of this fame carneft already fent in A 'i o 6 Gafper O/etohn him doth Ififi the pledge of the fie fh in himftlfe as the tamefi of the whole ftmmc. Tor like as he hath left the ear tie ft of his fpirit with vsfo alfo he hath tabfriof vt ihe eartiefl of the fitfJj,and hath aduanced into hcauen the pledge of the whe lefimme hereajter to be brought thither, lie quiet therefore Ofirpj and lloudyou h.xue xfn,pidboth heauen & the bjngdove of God in Chrifl, ir if they denit you in Chrifl % let them alfo Chrifl to be in hcauen % \xho haue doited heancn vn.oyou % Of the thir definite. THc third fruitc is, th;:t Chrifl therefore fit- tcth in rhc higheft heauens, that through his power filed into our hearts,from thence he may dravve vsfrom thefc earthly and carnal things prdcnt.and may quicken them and lift them vpto defne and meditate vpon hca- ncnly and fpiritual thingcj to come . Philip. 3. Our cGuciiation is in hcauen , from whence wc looke for our horde Icltib Chnft. He Jit tcth at the right handofCjcdthe F*u thcr Almtghtie. Tcjlimomcs out of the ^rophetcs and *A+ pofllcs, T3faImciro. lehouah hath j "aide, fine At my right ** hand/vntil 1 put thtne enimies as a fvotcftooU vn~ tier thy feet e. lehuuah fljal fetid out of Sion the rodde tfthy ftrength - rule in the middefl of thine enemies. Alio , the Lor de bath faorne, and it fl)all not repent Lim,tIxM art a Tricfl for cucr after the order of Mil* tUfedeJ). And Chrifl tcachetlun Matth.aa. to- wardes o •-- Vfon the Cfcc&tn ~io? wardes the cnd,that this prophecie 1$ to be Yn- dcrftoodeof him. And Chrift being adiurcd of the high prieft , conEcflah hinifclte to be both the fonneof God, and that he will ouercomc his enimies fitting at the right hand of God. Mi ttbk 16/3 y 6j{ ,Jind the high frtefi anfweringfaid vnto bins, I adime thee by tie lining Godjbat thou tell vt whether thou be Chrifi thatfoune of God ilefus faith vntohim^thoubafl [aide : Ncuerthclefle 1 fay vn- to you, hereafter flu! you lec the Tonne or man fitting at the right ha nd of the power of God 8c comming in the cloudes of heaucn. The fulfil- ling of that prophefie of Dauid concerning the fitting at the right hand of God is extant in the Itf.or Markc,^/^;* the Lord bad fpolyn vtuo them % \ he was rectaued vf into beatten andfitteth at the right hind of God, and A£t.a.ver.33.3*.& f.ver. 31. and (0 that fame [lone refufed of the builders w>u made the head of the comer .Act 4.vcr IO.ii.ix. Which ftone tut from the mount aint without bandes,gottb to the right band of God to breakf altbe reft of the kingdoms: hit bis kingdome (Jjal fiandfur nto which of the Jn: els f Aide he at any time , ft fit my right hand til I make thiut winJet tbyjooijloit\ Nowe feeing God is not a bodily ful>ftancc,& therefore hath neither right or left hande , at which Chrift fliotild ftand or litre; it is minifcfl that thelewordcs and manner of (pecches, arc taken from men and worldly thingcs:by which holic thinges anfwering in fome lorte, our in firmitic might be liuely let before our eyes & cxplancd. Forinvcrie deedemento whomcj they graunt or giuc cither equal hono r , cr tlut which is nextc vnto thcrnfelues^thcy arc wont to place them at their right hand, that in thif vcric thing they may teftific that honour, 1, King^.Pial.4^ What the ftttwgat the right hand ofCjoi the Father is, THat fame fitting at the right hand of God the Father is the exaltation of Chrifte in his kingdoms and pricfthoodc : to wit,tluc fiowcheadminiilreth his kingly and pricftly office, not as before in infirmitic and miferie, but in a manifeft & heauenlie maieftie & glory, it Therefore vpon the Cr cede. io? Therefore then thou doeft trucly bclccueia Cbrift his fitting at the right hand of God the father almighnc, when thou belceueft that he doth entreatc for thee in heauen in high glory, and that he doth gouerne his kingdome with a mighty power, fo that he doth heave thee, doth more cffc&ually endue and defend thee with the fpirjte of confolation and wifedome , then if he were yet in the earth, and rtiouldc fpeake with thee.Aft.5.3l.H/w hath Godliftcdvp with his right hand to be a Prince and a Sanionrto giiie rcpen~ to lfraelandforgiuenet of fmncs: And Kphe.I. Be hath rajfed him vpfrom the deadend fctte him at his right hand in the heanens favre aboue allprincipa - iiiie, and potter % and might t and domination ,and tucrk I name that is namcd t not oneiy in this world.but in that which is to come ; and h.vh made all thingh fubitSl Hinder hk feete, and hath appointed him head to the Chttrch itfdfe oner all tblnger, which is his bodie t encn theftdnefie of him which filled) all in all thinger. A!fo to the H.bruesS. verier 4 . 1. Peter 3. vcrfe'iz, ty thefe places ic is plainc that the Scripture fumeth the fitting at the light hand of God, not that fame adminiftration of the kingdome and prieilhoodcj which for the voluntane aba- ling of Chrift was weaker and more obfeure: hut that famepcrfedt goucrncmcntjionour.nnd gloricof Chrift, which was free from all infir- mities openly manifefted and declare 1 : into which then the firft entrance was, when he arofe againefiom death, afanded into heauen, and there in an vnfpeakablc gIoric,dec!arcd himlelf to be Lord of al creatures in the fi^ht of all ho- fcc Angels and men. O What \ 21 o $*(?** Oletisdff What fruit e the faith fall rcccineby tktt fame fitting ofChriftatthc right handeef God, 01 rather by that exaltation of Chriftc in his kingdomc and piicfthood. Flrft concerning that fame exaltation of Chriflin thepricfthood, thofc that are in league with Gjd,docrcapc from thence th: conlolaiion: that they knowc that this couc nam of "race bv the interceilion of this media- tor kept and maintained cuetlaftingly, as it np pcaretl),Hcbr,8.vcrfcs 6. and u . the which in tei cell ion is the (hewing of him fclfe before the face of the fatlicr,thatthccfficacieand ftrcngt! of that (acrifice once offered vp for all, might continually be in force: and this fame pcrpetu all will of keeping it, in this Mediators agree- able with the will or the Father, accepting tha: fame facrificeonceoffredvp foian cucrlalting reconciliation, nndapprouing this endcuorh the mediator of maintaining it according n theoathcrPfalmc no- The Lordehath fwornc, and it /lull not repent him , thoaarta pricft for eucr after y order of Melchizcdek : or that I may fpenke a little more largely : Firfl al 1 th confederates doc reapc this fruite in the cxalta tion of Chrift in the priefthode,that they kno\r that the Mediator of this cuerlailing couenan: isentrcd into that fame fan// vpon the Creedc. ttie father for vs:and fo may maintcm that fame coucnantoncc cftabli/hed foreucr, and may confirmc it by his intcrccflion in the heauenly throne of his Maicftie. I. The tcftimonics of the cuerlafting confer- uation of this free couenanr, appeare in the eight to the Hcbrucs^crfe 6, But now our high pncftluthobtcineda more excellent miniftc- ne,in afmuch as lie is the intcrccifor of a more notable coucn.inr* which is ratified by more excellent promife^&c.Alfo in the 7,to the He- brues, .And that not without an oath, for thefe are fVAdeprieflcs rrithout an oath ; but this is wade wtth m oath by him that [aide vnto him , the Lordc hath \\orne K andit (Ijahtot repent himjhou art a prieflfor fuer after the order cf Mekhifcdech . By fovmheit Jtfttf made a fur e tie of a better Tcfiament , for among theft many were made priefies by rcafon that death fufred them not to endure-fiut this man becaufetha: he tndttreth for cntr>hath apcrpetiuHpricfhod, By which. he is able alfopcrfcclly tofxue thofe which come to God tlrrough him ^nermorc lining to mafy intcrcejjio for vu II. Concerning the appearing of Ciiriftcin the fight of God for vs, and the pcrpctuall vcr- ue of the ficrificc of Chrift once offered vp,ir is Written Hebru. 9-verfc 24. Chrifte entered in nto a fan&uaric not made with lundes, which a patternc aunfwering vnto the true fanftu- kriej but into hcauen it felfc, that lie mayap* kare nowe in the fight of God for vs. And Jeb. io.ver.12. This man t after he had offend one Orifice for fnnes, fit tetb without any intcrmpthnjhai for tuer % at the rilbt hand of the Father. 6 Oij III. As J ! - : 1 \* II J ' I m 212 $ a ff er OteulM III. As touching the will in thefonneof mainteining it f and of the Fathers will in ac- cepting of u,thc oath doth witnefl'c, whereof God will not repent him : and ccnfequently neither will it repent the fonnc of receiuing the office of being an eucrlafting Sauiour,Pfal.Ilo. Rom. 8 JVbojhallaie any thing to the charge of God his chofenf U is iufltfiahphofljal condemmf It is Cbnjl which is dtad. yea rather n hich ii rifen a* gai»e t who is alfo at the> ight hard of God : who afi PiJ^ih requeflfor vs. Out of which wordes that iamcconllant will in thclonne of keeping vs before the fight of the Father, which Paul com- prchendeth in iiitcrcciiion/s vndeiftoode: anJ which anlwcreth vnto the will of God, whereof he (pake before, Ir is God who iuflificth. Thcr fore the faithful, they cannot doubt of that c ucrlafting reconciliation with God, afwell be caulcthat famccucilaftino office of reconciling is laide vpon Chrift: as alio becaufe Clnift cxe cuteth the fame with moftc highe power anby she mercies of God t thai ye gun if your bodies a lining facrifce y holy and auep f able vn~ to God &c, 1. Pet. 2.vci (e 5. Tee alfo at lining foules % bey i buiided vp into afpirluallhcuft' and holy priefl- hood % to offer vp(pi, small facrificcs vnto God by lefut Chrift . Wherefore alio it is conteincd in the fcrip- vponthe Creedi. 2tj tcrlpturc ,BeboM 1 put in Syona cbiefe comer flone 9 tlefl and pre thus : he that bile cue ib therein, fijall not leafliamed.And Hebm.13. verfcs 15.16. alfoto the Phil ip.Cap.r.vcrfcsji. and 12. filled with tbe fruiter oj right eonfncjfe which arc in} on by lcftu Cbyifl to theglone andpraife of God. The fourth fruit e. X^Ora/imucli as the faithfull arc members of •^ Chrifte making intcrceffion for them in highgIorjc,he doth not oncly through his interceilion nuke their fufferinges holic,but al« fo glorious in the fight of GoxhPial.ii&verfc if. Tretioutin tbe fight of God is the death of his weefa cnes. Alio in the Pfal^tf.verfe?. andPhilip.i, veifci7. . Tea and though 1 be offered vp vponthe thefacrifice andferuice of y r,ur faith , 1 am glad, and tcioyfc with you all . Tor the faj;ie caufc cJfo be yee t glad and reioyce with vie. Thcrforc the lufliingg of the Chuich me wonderfully fanftified and made glorious, through this high Bifiiop ma- king interceflion in gloric . To be fhort^vhat focuer things were plainely and magnificently infritutcdofGod, concerning the pricAhoode ofthcoldc Tcfhmcnc, and the facrifices , and were done according to that fpirituallpattcrnc y was (licwed to Mofcs in the mount, we hauc y full truth and perfeft fruit ro cnerl.ifting confo* Jationinthc priefthodof Cluifbnot only as he J 1 admmiftred it in humiliticw fo great power, y by one oblation he made perfeft for cuer thole Oiiij that . | hi; mi in ni"«MnM !! ii */ 6 (jafper OlenUn that were /anftified: but alfoin that lie liucth alwayes tothis.cnd,to makcinterceflion forvs f and (o bringcth to pallc, that wealwaycsen- ioyc the fruitc of his facri(icc,and the trueth of all thofe thinges which were promifed of God by the figures of the ohle Teftamcnt. Therefore when we read the Scriptures of the olde Tefta- meet, wrought to liicvp our minJes hither : I fay to this pricft, pcirourming that vnto vs cue* ric moment in high ploric, that God had/pro. mifedbythe mouth of the prophctr , a r id by thofe vifiblc ceremonies . For whatlocuct threes are written, they arc written for our lean in? t Rom i54.For example fake, Exod.39. that the high pricft did beare vpon his moul- ders the names of the tribes, and did bcare thofe twelucpretious ftones before lusbreft cntiing intothc fanftuaiic , in remembrance of thole twelue tribes of IfraeljthatChrift cxccutethac this day with ijrcat glorie: He hath vs the true KracI alwayes in his bred and frtfl) m moria before the li«*ht of God as prctious (tones. To be fhort we knowc and perceauc the full fruic of the exaltation or Chrift in his Prieft- hood in eueilafting life with wonderful admi- ration, when in prefence wcfliall beholdc that fame exaltation of our high pricft in glorie : cucn as the high pricft himfclfc prayed loh.17. Fathcr.thofc that thou haftgiue vnto me, I wil y they be with me where lam , that they may peholde that fame glorie which thou haft giuen vpto me. ma vpon the free Ac. 2l 7 What the exaltation of Chrifl is in his kingdomc,wbich is the other part of the fitting of Chnft at the right hand of God. TH Eldngdome of God is the reftoring of faluarion through theworde and fpint in the cleft, defcended from a inoft wile and mightie heade Chuft, and a defence agiinft the enemies. This kinpdomc when it was in this worlde,beganne in humilitie,as he faith, repent ft amend^'or the kingdomcof God is at hand. The exaltation therefore in this kingdomc is that fame placing in higheft degree of honour § to the end the fonne may flicw himfclf openly before the Angels, & blcfTed men in great light to be the king and heade of nil thce!ccl,and by flicddtng his power euen vnto vs with a greater cflicacie then when he was in his body in the earth, he may rcftore and reparc life and falua- lion by the wordennd fpirit in hisclcclc, and rruy defend the againftal cncmics.Eph.i.ii.ZL The father hath placed Chrifl .tt his right handinthi heanensfar abouc all power & principality, & might and dominion, & euery name that is named not in this rrorlde onely, but in that which is to conic , and he hat!} made all thinges fubi eft vnd and for the edification (I fay ) of the body of Chrifte , till wee all meete together in the unitie of faith , and that acknowledging of the Sonne ofGOD vnto a per fc ft man, andvnto the ftteaftire of the aft of the fuintfe ofCbrifi . Alio, Ut n 1 S* 229 Gajf& OleuUn Let vt altogether grow e vp in him which ** the heade, to wit, Cl.rfl, hy whome all the bodie fitly tyitteani compafl together by all the ioynts for thtfurnimi thereof \ according to the fffccluall fowe; which h in the me.tfure ofcnerief>art t the whole receaueth incr'aft ttfthe bodie , vnto the edifying ofitfclfe in hue. Chnft therefore raigncth vnto vs at the ri^ht hande of the father , that powringout the holy Gholt vpon vs, he might be cfTc&ual by y mmtftcric, nnd through the fpiritc might nuke vs his me- hers, and might aduaunce his (pirituall king- dome day by day in vs, vntill he might fully ioyne vs vnto lnmfelfe being pcrfc&ly regenc* rate and wafhed againe from finnc and cor- riiption,and fo he might be God all in all. I, Corinthian?, if. The tkirde fruit e. rPHE thirdc fruit is the defenfe of y Church «*• againftall our enemies, (nine, the flefli,thc worlde , tyrantcs, diuels : all which our hcaucnly father calleth the enemies of Chrift: and inverse dcedche fheweth day ly examples of his power in oucrtbrowing them. Pfal.iro, The Lorde hath J aid to my Lord, fit at my ri^ht hande t njntill 1 maJ^e thine enJmies afoonfiwle vnto thyfeete, lehoua fhall fendc the fcevter of thy flrtngth out of Sion t rule in the middefl of thine enimia. S u re I y 4 wonderful coniolation that we arc his brethre, yea his members, to whome all power is giuen in hcaucn and in earth, without whofc will and «n vpon the Creede. 22 1 #powei\neichcr thcTurkcs nor antichriftcan dcuife any thing againft the Church , no nor conclude or mouc (o much as a finger for the executing of their couniailcs : fo that Chriftc xaigncth in (uch fort in the middeft of his ene- mies, that he will not be (hue our,no not out of their mod fecrcte couniailcs. Yea we arc the brethren and members of that Chrift,by whofc moft prefcntdiiiinepowcr,all men arcgouer- ned,and all creatures in hcaucnandin earth; fo that wee may (aye with full fecuritic of minde with the Anoftle , Rom.mcsS. Wh* fljall feparate vt from the lout o( Chi ifl-fbsM tribula- tion? fl; all angw(lj}fhall per(etution} fljall hunger) (Jjal iutkednes}[}jall danget tfljallthefvord) (as it is i; rutin} Tor thy fake arc we filled a!! the day long t we are coun- ted as (Ijeepe appointed to the (laughter) yea but in al thefc thinges , we are more then conquerors through him that hath loucdvs .Tori am perfuadedthat nei- ther death t norlife , nor angcU t nor principalities, nor porverr t nor thinget prefentnur thinget to come, nor hightjnor depth ^nor any other o cature (I) all be able so ftparat Vifrom the lone of Cnd % xehich is in Chrift Jcfns tHvLord. If when Chiift raigncd in humilitic the diuels were conftramed to aske him lcauc, howe Hull they nowe dare to attempt anic thing againft any member of 'Chrift, after that Chrift is a'xended on high & hath led captiuitic captiue, vnlcflc firft they (lull entrcate the Lorde Chrift } But faithful! is Chrift cm Lorde, who fhall not fuffer vsto bee tempted , about that net (l)all bee able /o^co-m. Corinthians 10. It* (hen \ \ f i'i i'-fi Ut i 22 G after Cleuuiti then when lie goucrnc d his kingdom in liumt- liric and great t,tlic lea was flill,whcn he (aid, Mar 4. £//?/#; What fhall be now done, he raigning in high glorie when he vvil declare his wiT.ns were but by a bcckcigainft: y ftormc? of perfections? Biuwcearc the members of fo great a Lordc , and of Chrift, and therefore he not only can , bur alfo will y which is mod healthful vino vs. An! doe not we nowe much more defcrue that Chrift flionld vpbrayde no Icfle vnto vs then vnto the Apoftles ( alacke for fonowc) that fame faintnes of faith, becaufs that in the tempeftes of aduerfitics, in the me- ditation of fo great thinges our faith docth mount vp no higlier/Sce an example of defence Aa.i3.ver.8.but is patient toward v$ and wouldehauc noman topcrifli, but all to come to repentance. Eut y day or the Lord wil come as a thecfc in the night, in v which y hca- uens flull pafle away c with a noife,ar,d the ele- ments flull melt away with hcate,and the earth with the workes therein flull be burnt vpScc^ ing therefore that all thefe thirgis mud be dif- foIued,what maner or perfens ought ye to be in holy couerfation and gcdlinclle, looking for andhafting vnto that day of the Lord, by the which the heauens being on fire flull bee Jif- • I i) 2 2 4 Gafper Jillolucd and the ckmentes Hull melt with lie at? W&j f his article u added vnto the former. T His article is added vnto the former, for the greater confirmation of our faith. For becaufc Chtift fitting at y right hand of his father, docth fo cxercife his kingly power of judging, partly by defending his that arc in coueiuut with him , that yet in the mcane while hce kecpeth them vndcrthe erode and wronges of their enemies jto mortifie finnc: partly (o bridling the vngodlie.A&csii. that in the meanc lealon he leaucth many t hinges vnpunillud, to the endchis long fuffcrauncc may exclude all excufe: and therefore Chrift cur Lordcwillto the endc that wee bee not troubled with any miferies or crueltie of ene- mies, that wefliouldc \\\i vp our heades with true confidence of minde to looke for his com- ming.that the greater our mifcric fhall bce,thc more certainc wee may bee, that the daye of cur triumph is at handc,and o( the riglueoui dcftruftion of all the wicked enemies of God. That the generall and Lift lodgement mu ft of ncccilitic be, that we may bee armed a- £ainft thofc fcotners, whome the holy Ghoft hath foicflicwcd fhoulde be, by Pe- ter the Apoftle in thefc laft times, A ■i p Vpon the Creedt. 22 f A furc foundation may bcc taken from the •^•Vighteoufnesof God, and the ftatcof the righteous in this life, as Paul hath conclu- ded in the 1. The I. I . Tor it U a right eo:u thinge l xchh God to recommence tribulation to them that trou- ble you\ and to you which are troubled \releafe with vs> when the. horde lefts fhaU/h tree hhifelfe from hot* tten with his might ie Angels m JUmingfiri t frc % Forafmuch therefore as that rccompencc is not in this life, which the righteoufncS of God re- quireth, and this notwkhftanding this righte- oufnes rcmaynethfirmc& vnmoucable with God for cucr. that the wicked maybe pun iflicd, the Godly may receiuc that lame promifed re* leaf e.thc re vpon the A port le infer rcth,t hat that % i* is a manifeft token ot the iuft Judgement of God tofolloweof the commingofthc Lorde, Furthermore this foundation being hide, the deftruttion of the citie of Fcrufalem maic bee added: which Chrift ioyncd with the prophe- cieof the laft iudgemenr,not without a great & wci^htie caufc,ihat is to fay , the figure with the thing fignified : that wee might no more 1 doubt or his wrath to come vppon the vngod- ly in the day of iudgcrnet.thcn ot the flume of the Icwes forefhewedot Chrifr, which vet they bearc before our eyes. Matth. 14. Luke 21. Of the meaning of this Article. TH E meaning of tins article is •• I doe be- lecue that Ielus Chrifte doeth notoncly nowc excrcile his kingly power of iudgc- * n g> ] i m 226 §*§ CY OUuUn ing, by his vcrtuc from hcaucn by dittcrfc ex- amples atwcll in defending the godly ,asrcprcf* j(ing the wickcdibut alio that he rtull folemn- ]y conic from hcaucn from the right bandc of the power or God in a corporal! pre fence , tho- rowly to nidge all men, as well thole tluc arc departed out or this lite fro the beginning that the worldc was created, whole bodies flial rife againe; as thofc whomc that Jay (lull finde re- maining yet lining in this vvoilde, who fhall foudenly be changed. Nowe forafmuch as to liulge is to jbloluc the innoc jnt & to beautific them, and to condemnc the wicked , and to pu- nifh them: I bclecuc that he Hull fo iudgc, that hec (nail fully dciiuer the godly, and bcutifie them with cccrnall gloiic: ek coutrarivvife that he (lull fully execut the condemnation vppon the contemners of fo great long fullering & pa- tience.ind fo fhal diowne fathan ( as Pharaoh) with all his armic in eucrlafting deftru&io.but he flial bring in his confidents fully deliucred from al tyrannic of the wicked into y fame true heaucnly inheritanccas into the landc of pro- mile: to which Pau! would hauc vs to loke, whe he faith, as often as ye fliall cat of this bread, <3c driokeof this cup, yc flial flievv forth the Lords death vn til hiscommingagaine. W hj the camming of Cbrtft is notfofeare- ful vn to the faithful. T^Irft ycaufc doth coforty faithful for which * lie Inal come to indgc. Nowychicfecnd of y coming ngaine ot'Chrift 50 iudgemcnr,ii (he tyon the Creeds. izf tlie glorifying of the Church, is to fay,tha* finnc an article alio of judgement is dcliuo fed, not to flukc,but to confnme and eftabliflio our faith. Howe we ought to make onrfelaes rea^ die to Judgement, WE muft prepare our fcluesto thciudge- ment of Cnriftjby faith and a good con- fciencc : that is to fay,by a faith which leancth vppon a faft and fure foundation : and by the fruitcs of faith which doc benre witneflc, of it , and with which it is excrcifed; Nowe the foundation of faith is not our mcrite, neither in whole* nor in part: but of Chrift alone, who dcliucrcth vs from the wrath to comc.i.Thefl. I . for no man can lay any o:l her foundation, then that pbich U laide alreadie, to xvitjefus Chrijl. I. Cor # 3. The which alio is manifcflly vndeiftood by tho wordesofthe iudgc himfelfe: For fhft he faith, Come ye bleficdof my heavenly father : No we wee are not blcflcdby , or in ourfclues, but by Chrift, by ivhome we arc both deliucrcd from the cur He, and alio adopted to be fonncsofthc rnecrc good will , and free purpofcof God. Catat. 3. Ephcfi. i.i.Thciudgc further addcth, Toficfiefor an inheritance she tyngdomt prepared for yon from the beginning of the rvorlde , If an i nhe- ritance:thcn no mcrite: If prepared from the beginning of the worlde; then not gotten by $s which yet vt ere not. Andthcfc things con- cert vfon the Creede. 22 p reining the foundation whercvpponour faith leancth. Nowc after that I am allured through faith f that lam one of the flicepe of Chrift, which he hath redeemed not with golde and filucr, but with hisownc blood: Imuftcndc- 2 uour that I may hauc tho(c fame markes wlicrc with by his (piritc hec is wont to marke his fheepcto wir, fruits worthie repentance/which are,that 1 feede Chrift being hungrie,and giuc drinke vnto him being thirftie in his mebers; that I receiuc Chrift by hofpiulitie inftran- gers.&c. But the faithfull reft notvppon thefc workes of thankcfulneflcjike as alfo they flull fay in the Judgement, Lord, when law we thee, hungric and thiiftie.and gauc mcatc 5c diinkc vnto thee ? But they flull onely rcftc vppon Chrift, who is made vato them of God, wife- domc,rightcou(nc%(an may makcijiea partaker of Chrift,& al his be- nefits, Ioh. if. This coniun&ion with Chrift & his bcncfits.which the holy ghoft docth workc jnvs,y (cripturcdoth cxprcife with great force when he faith, y the holy ghoft doeth fprinklc vs with the blood of Chrift, i. Pet i.doth make ys members of Chrift, i. feede vs vv Chrift,Ioh.£. doth make vs drinkc of Chrift, r. the n. and doth build vsvpon Chrift, Eph.i. In which the office and end of the holy ghoft giucn vnto vs,is flicwed y through faith it may moft ncercly knit vs vnto Chrift,and may work y like things both in y mebeis & head,fe- i:ig it isy fame fpirit,y is to fay,y very fame life & glory, Rom.8. Ibcleeucythe holy ghoft as the true & very God wil workc thefe thmges in mewhich he hath promifed vnto mcy beleue; cue as thele his peculiar cpithctons & names do declare: that he is y water flowing vnto cuerla- Hinglife # Iohn.4.7.A water which flial deanfe mc vpon the Creeds* 233 me, Ezek. 3^. i.Corinthians^.Anannoynting which flul rcmaine in vs,i.lohn.i. the (cale and earned of inheritance: in nil which it is promi- sed vnto vs that he is giucn vnto vs to comforte vs in all aduerfities, to helpers in our infirmi- ties, to make intercciTion for vs with fighes and groncs that can not bccxpreiTed, ( forafmuch as wcknowe not to pray as we ou^ht) ant! fo that he be our true comforte or aduocate,who f uffcrcth not vs to be dedicate of his couni ailc and hclpc, but handleth our caufe him'clfe, to ihc ende he may be in vs and remaine with vs foreuer, Iohn.16 . To him I truft,tohimI wholy deliuer my fclfe to be gouei ncd, com- forted, and quickened in the father, and in Icfus Chnfle his fonne, who through the holic Ghofl: make their abiding with vs. The allying of thisdoElrine to the cone- nant of grace. HT Hat fame euerlafting coucnant that God * hath ftricken with Abraham , the Sonne of God in mans nature, taken of the fecde of Abraha hath confirmed ,by fatiffy ing the righ- tcoufnes of God perfectly, in manner as 1 hauc confeflcd in the former articles of faith .Nowc itreftcth that the holic Ghofl cngraffe vs into Chrift through faith the true feed of Abraham, and fo powrcout that blcfling, promifed to A* braham and his fecde vpon vs, and by the ear- ned of an eucrlafting inheritance. Paulc faith in the third to the Galathians, that in the Gen- tiles the blefling of Abraham is extant in Chrift P v Icfug 1 1 J i jpn ii mm».wMi"wi W i i mn 'tw i wup i M f M . ,.i., ^ 1 $34 fy 1 IP er Oleuian Icfus,that we might receaue the promifc of the (pint through faith. And a little after , ?$orv t* ^Abraham And to hisfeede were thepromifes wade ,hc faith not, 8c to the leedc* ,as (peaking or many: but ,and to thy [cede ( as of one) whkhitChrifi.kX- fo, jindifyee be Chnftt, then are ye f Abrahams fiedi & hdrct by pi romife: And Rom.^.S.i.Cor.l. 21.22. How the holy CJhofi isgtucn^ and howc we know whether we haueitorno. HTHc holy Ghoft is giucn by the miniftery ** of the Gofpel as by an ordinary meane.Gal. $.ThUoncly would 1 learne of you % reccmedye the ffirit by the worlds of the law e, or by the hearing vj faith preached? Alfo Ephefi.i. vtrfeij. and i.Cor. n. verfeij.Now thou /halt knowe by the wor- king of the holy Ghoft that thou art a partaker of the holy Ghoft. Forcuen like as thou fecft not the windc,l)ut doftfeele his operation ; Co the holy Ghoft is know.en by his Chrift tcachcth John j.Thefcarc the principall and chicfe worket, of the holy ghoft in vs;faith, inuocation, cVgroncs.l. Cor. it. ISo man can fay, tordlepis.lut by the holy Ghoft \ and the z. Cor.4, becaulc wchauc the fame fpirit of faith, accor- ding to that which is written: ibctcev.eandihcr- forelfpea\c : fo we alio belecuc, and for that caufc we alfo fpeake.Ro.3. Eecat.fe we arefenna, therefore God hath giucn the fpirit of the fume into €ur heart a, by which we r.rie jibba Father. A nd in die fame placc,77;* fpirit mal\eih intcrce/Jion for vt x pithgrcntt thai cannot be vttcred.Btfuks thtfc.thc bcin{2 vpov the Creed?* 2 31 icing difpleafec] with our felues.atid the hatred of finncor rather the battcll againft finnc Ua Cure , nnd vndoubted token y we hauc the'holie Ghoft,& that we arc ingraft.-d into Chrift. For the flwfli figntcth not againft it (clfe. Rom ,8. There Is no condemnation to them which in thrift lefta t wbkh rvalue not after flcjb, but afar thefpirite. THE FOVRTH PARTE OF thcCreede. Ibzheutth? hobo Ccithoh'teChnfch , the communion ofStiintes. Testimonies out of the Trophetes and tA~ poftlcs. r^V.mfis 9 God enlarge laphethjh.1t he may dwelt ^■*#m the tabernacles if Sent, T.faie J4, Kcioyce y barren whici) doeft not bring forth , brcakf forth \ into pralfe, and rcsoyce which cl'tddeft net bring foorth f becanfe moe are the Scnncs of the de folate t thcn of the married wifefoith the horde . Enlarge the place of thy tentcs x and let them ff 'read out the enrtaines of thy habitations. And a little after \ For he that made thcejf thy hufband(whofe name is the lord ofhofies ) and tJjy redeemer is the holie one cflfacl^vho fl).-tlbe cal- led the God of the whole world, jilfo to the Gala* thiam \.vcrfeu. rnd Efaie 6o.vcr.\.i, &c.Jriff t be cnlighrcnedMcanfe thy lpp^rwww^»wc;w(T wi W^il ^ i >^ ii' J i J) 236 . C] after Olcnian fjal rvalue to thy light .and Kinget to the brightnefie of thy rifing. Ezccli. 37.vcrfes.z1 14. an J Clnpt. 10. Jbni there fiat be one fljeepcheard } and one fljeepfolde, lohn n.vcrfc Jt. And not that lelus mould die for that nation onely.but alfo that he fhold gather together in one thechidrcn of G O I) %vhich were fcattcred,Apoc ? 9. 10. Thou haft redeemed vs vnto God , through thy bloud out pfcuciie tribe,and tongue^coplc, and nation. What this fart contcineth. HP H E fourth part conteineth the effect of all I * that went before. Forcxcept we will that the Father hauc fent his (onnc in vainc,and that his fonnc alfo hath fuffcred, and is rifena- gaine in vaincjthat the holic Ghofl was promi- iedand fent in vaine: wc muft needes belecuc that the effect of all thefc is,that the Father in Chrift by the power of the holie Ghoft doth fcuildcvpa newe people vnto himlelfc , whom Lcforc he had freely chofcn,with whom he do- cth enter into a free couenant,and to which he doth communicate him felfe and all his benc- £tcs,F.faic ?3. When he flial laic down his foulc a facrifice for tranfgrcffion, he fhal fee the feede that flial prolong his daie% and the will of Ic- touah mal profper in bis handle. Eph.i.ver.rf # ■I The weaving of thefe wordes y I beleene the Otholike or vniucrfal Church. I Wioj the Church is called Holy. "D Ecaufe none can be vnited vnto God.vnlciTb "he be holie and purc,cucn as God is holie Sc pure: therefore I doc vndoubtcdly bclccue that God doth iuftific and alfo purge thofc whom he hath cholen to tin's inseparable vnion to holinelle and innoccncic of lifc,that the glo- rie of God may fliinc in them, Rom. 8. Ephcf.y # Nowe the Church is holy two maner of waics r by rcnouation.and by imputation. By rcno- uation in itfclfc, that famcholinciTc is oncly begun .• Rom.7 . Of this lame fir ft mameroE holincflc t it is iaidc,z.Cor.7. IVortyng your fan- £?ification,%nd i.Thef.4.vcr.7.But by imputation her holmes is moft pcrfett in Chuft,as be (aith t vpon the Creeds* iff THe meaning is that the fonnc of God, euenf from the beginning, (Matt.n.vcr.ii.)ga* thercth and buildcth vp a people vnto him* felfe.from the whole bodie or rrunkindc, cle^, ftcd before all worldcs,whom Chrift raifeth vp becing dead in finncs,and rcconcileth vnto him felfc by the minifteric of his wordc,and rennet!* by faith to life cucrlaftingjohn J. vcrf.8. E- phcf.i.vcr.i ,1.3. and Chap. y.vcr£i£. which he adioyncthvntohimfclte as his fpoufe or wife, that all the true members of this people ma/ luue true fcllowfhip with Chriftc and mutuall amongeft them (clues, both in this and in the ifc cucilafting, I. Iohn. i. Amongeft which pco* le I truft my felfe to be enrolled and neucr to e blotted out from thcm > 17. r ■'* ■ ■■-■ iiuk »mvvpi.+x mymwwr* miiwa 'is f Gajper Oleum Jftnflifie myftlfcfur them An this fccond manner cf hotindlb I belceuc that there is no finoe, no death in the Church, that is to fiy.that no fault, orpunifhment is imputed to the true members of the Church. Bccaufc tliey th.ic bclccue in Chrift,are notfinncr$,arcnotgm!tic oF death, but arc /imply holie.and righteous, Lords ou-r linnc and death in Chnft, and hue fbrcuer.Ro. J« the abJ I I ,BJ,< "" ' " - " T "f l *fWfWH Q* 240 GifterOleUtan the Church, they hauc right to communfcat in hearing the vvordcyn prayers, and rccciuing of the facramcnts.Efai. 2.2.3 Y ca a " *hc faithful liauc commandement that whercfoeuer there is a viilblc aiTemblic of the Saints, that they ioync themfclucs vnto it, and by no mcancs feparatc them fclucs from that Comunion. The Church alfo is bound to rccciuc them, and to the vttcr- inoft of her power, with a chcercfull mindc to communicate thofc mcancs which arc commit- ted vnto her, fuch as all bodily and fpiritual hclpcs arc to the common faluarifi. And as tou • ching that fame inward vmon or fcllowfhip, it hath as it were thcie degrees. Fir ft al 1 the elcclc Jiauc the fame right of the children of God,that is common to all : and {o the fame Father in hcaucn,Rom ,8, Secondly, all the clecl: are endued with the fame faith, whereby eucn from the beginning, they were cngrjffcd into the fonnc or God, and yet are engrafted, which is a forciblcand an ef* lefluall calling. . Thirdly, the fame fauour of iuftiilcation in Chrift is common to all vnder the olde & newe Teltament. Fourthly , glorification is alfo common to the rvholc bodie : (o y the inhnbitationof the Fa- thir,thc Sonne, and thcholieGhoft^vaiahvaics the fame vnder either tcftamtnt. to which fcope and end al rhc gilts of the holie Ohoft flowed for y common building vp of the whole bodicthat at length the glorie or the king may fully fliine ia the whole bodie. J J* tyoti the Creed*. s^t thelectte theforgiueneffe offmnes. i i *TcFl 'monies ont of the ProphctesandA* poftlcs. JE rem ie 3 1 . / wiHhaue mereU vpon their iniquities, and I wiU not remember their fmnei any more : & Chspttt\$. alfoTfal.ioyO my foule, blt/Je thou /*• hottaj.and forget not all his 6ehifites m y who forgiucth al thine iniquities^ whohealeth all thine infirmities. Mid a little afier t He hath not dealt xctth vs according to ou> finnet yteithtr hath he rewarded vs according t* our iniquities. For ai the heauent dre high abcue the iarth ; fo hash his mercie preuailed towurdes thofe that fc«re him. Js farre as the is from the JVcft % pt fane hath hi put our offenfesfrom vs. j4nd\,lohn m j. The blond of his Sonne Iff us Chrifl hath purged vt ftim all our finne. The benefit a which Ch> ifl conmtu* tiicateth vnt$ his Church , by the vertue of the Lolie G')of} t are fet out a little more fully in thefe la/I ar~ hides, 2>(owe his benefitci are to be confidercd twe m A?mer ofwziet. Tirfl in r if peel ofthepofitfjion which nehai4e in this life .and in which \vefi*\nde. Moreover inrefbccl ofthefull enhying and per feci ton of them , tchich "undoubtedly wef)?£be partaker* of in the Ife tv tome. 1 vnderfland the foffefjion 0} the b 9 wim n i mn * 9 *****P*F1*P l *tW* t * m 2+6 ( J J JP cr OlcuiM The meaning of this article. T He articles that followejcontcinc the con- tunution or perfecting of thofe fame be- nefltcsofChiil\,to vvitj that fame blcfled life, vvliich wciiul hue. both in bodicandloulc in the kingdome of our hciucnly Father, bec- ing fully ioyned with our head Chnflc, becing fully regenerate and tranlToimed into his i^ mage andglorie, i.Cor.i?. Philip.3. For our foules,asfoonc as they flull pallc out of thii lifc,lhal enter into the red: of their Lorde: for that whichc was fpoken vnto the beleeuing alio fpoken to all the faith full. Nowe indiCcndofthcwotldc their bodies being ta- ken againc,thcy (hall cnioy (ull happincflc. -And certainly the vcrie fimc bodies, which ha* uin^ put ofFal infirmitic.fhal put on incorrup- cion l incomprchenfibIcpowcr,& gloric, a tafte whereof Chrifte f^ue \ntQ his Apoftks in the mount: Match. 17, for lie was era nf formed be* fore them, and his face did ihinc as the funnc, *nd his garments wete^Iifknngas the li^ht, That the dead afwett righteous tu vnrigh* teous mull necdes nfc againc. HPHc hath moftfurcj -■ and certaine foundation*. Firft of all the in-' finite power of God, whereby hecouldcrc- £te our bodies of nothing, and vvlicrcby he can brine ««■■■! I I . I.^I.M.^I I I^MM; upon the Cretde. 247 bring all thingcs vnder fubiedtion to himfelfc. Gene. x.Rom.4. Philip. 3.Furthcr his vnehange- able will, wherein he hath declared his rightc- cufne5,vpon which foundation , the reafon of the Aportlc (i.'^fhefT. 1.) Icancth. For it is a righteous thing, with God (ffaith hc)to render affliction vnto them which affiift you , and to you who aie affiiftcd, rcleafc together with vs, when theLordc Icius /hall be rcuealcd from hcaucn with the Angels of his power. The righteoufnes of God recjuircth, that not other bodics.butcuen the verie bodies, of the wic- ked be afflicted , and that the bodies of the godlic rcceiue that promifed rclcafc : rowc vvhatfoeuer God can,and will thatofneccflitic is done* That the fame bodies ^hich we be arc here, /halrifeagaine. TT Hefe vcric fame bodies and none other con- •* cerningthcfubftanccjfliall rifcaeainc. For God is the fountainc of lifewho hatn taken in- to his couenant not halfc man, but whole man, and therefore flial quicken our bodies that arc confedcrats vnto him. For. the God of Abraham of Jfaak.and'of facob,whoisalfoourGod , is not the G O D of the liuing, but of the dcadc, likcasChrift himfclfe prouetli the reftirrcfti- on by the couenant. Therefore theft* vene lame bodies \n rcfpc&ofthc fubfhnce,fhall rifea- giinc. But if any man will a:kc concerning Q^iiij tic W*' »«WM z+t gajper OUhUh the qualities ,thcre is a great diucrfitic,ind fo (f that fame voice of Chnfte to be vnderftoodc, Matth.ii. that in the rcfurrc&ion we flul bee as the Angels ok God in hcaucn ♦ And Chrift fj ith,Matthcwc 13. Then the righteous flull fliinc as the funne . For tins ciuie the bodies of the faithtull arc called clarified bodies of the clearenes of the hcauenlic light where- with they are enlightened ; and they are called glorious bodies, of that fame glory which ap- peared in that func clearenes, (as in the face of Klofes^R fniritual bodies of the Ipintof Chrift by which tbey are quickened & bewttfied , not to retumc againe to nothing. Now the caufc of this our gloiious refurrc&ion is fct forth in the third iruite of the 1 efurreclion of Chrifte. In* deede the bodies of the wicked flull alio rife igainc»*s I (hewed before when I fcttc fcorth the foundations of the rcfurre&ion- And Taule cxpreflcth tliit: A&cs:^ But in 3 condition and cjualitie diucrfe from theged- Jy . For infirmitic, flume , corruption and mi fay flull not be taken from the bodies of thevngodly: but like as they rife in flume, fo by the Judgement and power of God they flu! bee confirmed in flume and corruption: fo that they flu 1 be made immortal! and incor- ruptible in corruption and death it felfc, not to beeconfumed with any tormentes, but as it were hot burning yron, they flull burne for euer f Daniel n. Some flul rife to cucrlafting fiumc; v?on the fteede. 14} flume: and Math. if. The reafori is, bcCaufc not onely the firft death, but alfo the feconde, which is eueilafting,is the puniflimcntof finnc comirtcdafwcll in body as in fbulcagainft: the ipfinite maicftie of God. . And life eucrlaftiiig. Tejltmoyjies out of the Tropbetes and Apoftlcs. TjSay ^4- Wifi 4. Jndfinctthe beginning of thi +-*wwldf they hafte not heard nor vnderftoode with the eare y neither hath the eye feene another God lefide thee, which docthfo to him that waitethfor him. The which place Paul citeth . i.Cor. I. which the eye hath notfeene t which the eare hath not heard &c*And ini\ ofthejfoc, And God fy all wife away all tear et from their eyes, and there [hall be no more death, nei- ther firr owe nor crying. The meaning sf this article. T HE meaning is: I bclceuc that the fame life which is in IefusChrift, flnll bercuea- ledalfo in mce: CoIofT. j . Yom life is hid with Ch rift lb God When Chrift our life flu! t be made manifeft, then fliall you nlfo be made rrunifeft in glorie. The name of eucrlafting life comprchcndcth in ir all that famchappi^ neile and gladncflc both of foulc and body, which the foulcs enioyc by and by after this Q^y. life >/• G after Olent** life through Icfus Chriftc, and which alfo the bodies ioyned tothcfoulcs flull cnioye with them, when they (hall be taken vp into the aire that they may bee alwayes with the Lordc i # Tl)cfl.4. Iconfcfle not oncly this cucrlafhng life : but I truft that it is prepared & proper to me. Chrift confirmed* this.proprictie and fee- ling begun thereof, which a fill fruition fliall follow, laying, Vcrdy^crily,! fay vntoyou.he that heareth my wordes and belecueth on him that lent mc.harh euerlafting life, and /ha! not come into judgement, but he hath palled from death to life. John, f.tcrf. 14 The Apoftle out of the Prophctc Efay. 1. Cor. 1. docdi fo flu- dowecutthe full fruition and the cnioying thereof, as wluch c:.n not be comprehended by any thought or /nderfhnding in this lite.whi- che the eye hath not feenc &c There is a nou* bJc pifturc of it in the Apocalips.cbaptcr 11. where amongeft other thingeshc Iairh,I hauc motfeene a temple in it: for the omnipotent Xordcisthc temple thcrcof,that isthclambe. Neither docth this citic neede funnc or moonc *o fliine in it . For the gloric ofGod hath en- lightened it.and the lambcis the light thereof. For Gcdtc whome in Chriftc wee flull then becfo fully ioyned and knit as thejountainc of all goodne% that beyond him there is no- thing to be deflred, to the ende wee might bee truehc happic, aj bee faith to the father of all cations, and fo roall beleeuersGcnefis iyj am thygrcatc rcwardc; and Plalmc 16. Pauid faithi — ,.!,», .n .1, ^.11,1 n.^iiiir^ vpon the fteecte. 2/f faith, Iehouah is my portion, ThUfountaync doeth plentifully powrc out it fclfc vppon vk aFtcr thcrefurre&ionof our flcflic > as the A* poftlcccachcth that God /hall bee ail in all. The fc op cor vfi of this Article. ^PHcfcopcis tint the faithfull may knowe# -* that their full and ftaycdfelicttie is nor in this earth, and that he that hath begunc Jus workc in vs,\vilalfo perfect it. Of which knowledge there is a threefolde vfc. Firft the remembrance of our departure hence iotod- ueil liiing life to that famcchiefc& high good, will not lufFcr our hemes to bee fattened here to thefc earthly thingts a! the Apoftlc fayth, a Corinthians ?. And therefore we are alwaie* of good comrorte, and wee kn owe, that feeing wee are ftraungcrs in body , wee arc hardcly abfent from the Lordc ( for wee walke by faith and not light) but wetrufland ra:hcrdc- fire to depart out of the body and to goe to dwel with the Lord. And for thiscaufc we en* dcuour that both dwelling & departing hence we may bee acceptable vnto him. So in the 8. to the Rom. wee our fclucs which hauc the firft fruitesofthe fpintc, do gronc with our fclues waiting for the adoption, that is, the redempti- on ofour bodies. i # Pct.i'.palTe the time of yoiir abiding here in fearc, hec callcth it an abiding here, but not a dwelling. The m v m i BB5 2f* Gajper Olcuian The fecondevfeis patience and cdnftaneie. For this fame full fclicitie is propounded to be bclceucd, to this end that the fjithfull, when they Hull marke that fame tafte of happincflc, which they fcclc by the firft fruits of the fyi* rit , and fhall pcrceiuc that they arc farrc of from the full huitionand cnioying of it, in rcfpeclc ofthc manifold ftrifc which they haue with fundric tribulations.which God v(cth ai inftrumentes to mortific finnc and to conferuc thim to the hcid Chrift, they fhoulde not in the mcane (eafon be any whit at aldifcouraged, but turning the eyes of their mindes to that till bappines.thcy fliould waite with a peaceable nindc for the day of the rcuclation. For Co faith Chrift Luke u.Yc Hull be luted of al mc for my name fake, but an hearc of your headc flnll notperifh; poflcfl'cyour foules through patience. And i. Tim. l. If any man ftriuc^hc is not crowned.vnleUe he Ariuc lawfully. Nowe this fame fecond vfc ought fpecially toarmc the miriflcit ofthc wordc.with an in* uincible fortitude againft the vnttunkefulneflc cfthc which they doe good againfl the will thereof, againft pinching niflimcntcs,and to be fliorr fundncdaijngcrs: that if (o be that the courage of their minde,be fometimes Picflcddownc rnder the burthen of calumities.thcy remember that that fame great weight cf the glory prepared be put in y other feale ofthc ballance: which without all doubt fliall fo oucrwey it, thatitfhal nuke that fame firft to be moft light-For this caufc wee arc not flue- vfon the Creedf] 2jj fluggifli faith the Apoftlc x. Cor.4. but though our outwardc man pcriih.yct the inwardc man is dayly rencwed.For our light afBittion which is but tor a momcnt,cau(eth vntovs a far moft excellent, and an eternal 1 weight of glorie. Let tlut/amcprofriifcallb brought bythcAngef, be a! waves in fight , which albeit it be commo to all the faithful, as all arc prophctcs : yet ic fpecially is dirc&cd to minifters in Daniel cap. li. And the wife (lull /hinc as the brightnellc of the firmament, and they rhatturnc many to rightcoufncfjhal fhinc as the ftarrcs for cucr <3c cucr. Thcrefoie Chrift alfo faith, Your leward is great in hcaucn. Matth. f . Let them alfo be* lecue this thcmfelucs which teach others to bc« lecue. The thirdc yfe is y certaintie of pcrfeuerancc in faith: that is to fay, that we belceuc that the Lord will ncuer (utter that we Hull vtterly fait from grace: becaufe he will hauc vs to belceuc ruerluftinglifc. If I muft belceuc eucrlafting life , I trult not without caule alfo that 1 flulbc kept in the way; As Peter plainly rcacheth, i.E- pilt i.5.which arc kept by the powerof God through faith vnto uluation, which is prepa* red to be (howtd in the lad time. And i. Cor.i. ^.Gddisf^ithiull by whom ye arc called into the fellowfhippeof hisfonne Icfus Chrift our Lor Jc: to him be honor and glorie world with cut end. Amen. *12{IS. «&» Page. Line. Fault. Corre&ion. 69 4 *\ tf *? >7 19 1 12* 17 114 1 »J7 11 MS 7 IS< \6 15J ** U9 3° l6o 1 18$ 8 189 it 198 *° a 105 18 reW , «of e fiough tffftludtiitf* YtAii^tmbracc Lim by. teddy dnddotb. fading* read, fying povvtr $ poere» feme, fame,, redd, Oe both' rtddy bi vpboUtfit *•!• 5?' rt*d t Godmdde. S*. 5 3; vvhtH, vvhmt* rexed, VT'td* vvitMf word* rtidjjdjdifti uaiuciifvid . - ii hum Minium