BV 4211 .P84 1835 Porter, Ebenezer, 1772-1834. Lectures on homiletics and preaching :i,KYS, THAMES DJTTON", SURREY, LECTURES ON HOMILETICS AND PREACHING; BY EBENEZER PORTER, D.D. PRESIDENT OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ANDOVER. WITH A PREFACE, AN APPENDIX, AND COPIOUS NOTES. BY THE REV. J. JONES, M.A. INCUMBENT MINISTER OF ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, LIVERPOOL. PUBLISHED BY R. B. SEELEY AND W. BURNSIDE AND SOLD BY L. AND J. SEELEY, FLEET STREET, LONDON. MDCCCXXXV. TO THE RIGHT REVEREND JOHN BIRD SUMNER, D. D. LORD BISHOP OF CHESTER, THIS ENGLISH EDITION OF A VALUABLE TRANSATLANTIC PUBLICATION, REVISED AND RE-PUBLISHED AT HIS SUGGESTION, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY HIS HUMBLE AND OBLIGED SERVANT, THE EDITOR. QICiL PREFACE BY THE EDITOR. One of the most important considerations connected with the Christian Ministry, and too frequently lost sight of in the present day, is its divine institution. When our Saviour quitted this lower world, he left the government of his church expressly in the hands of his Apostles, whom he promised to endow with every necessary gift, and whose decrees he declared should be binding upon his disciples to the end of time. Their official acts were virtually the acts of Christ himself, for they acted not only by his delegated authority, but under the immediate influence of his Holy Spirit. Now we know from their own writings, as well as from the testimony of ecclesiastical history, that they not only ordained men to the ministry themselves, but gave authority to others to do the same. Thus were Timothy and Titus empowered and enjoined to " set in order things that were wanting '* in the several churches which they visited, " and to ordain elders in every city." From that day to this, elders have been ordained by men who were severally authorized by their immediate predeces- sors ; and of every one who has been thus ordained, it may be said, in the language of St. Paul, that " a dis- pensation of the gospel has been given to him, and that woe will be unto him if he preach not the gospel." Vlii PREFACE. That the ministers of God's word and sacraments are to be considered as divinely appointed to their respective offices, may be deduced also from the general tenor of the writings of the New Testament. The apostle Paul, in adverting to the various agencies which were then em- ployed for the benefit of the church, and the spread of Christianity, traces them all up to the great Head of the church, as their origin and source. " When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. ... And he gave some apostles, and some pro- phets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teach- ers ; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." 1 In a similar manner he speaks of himself and his fellow- labourers, in his Second Epistle to the Corinthians, 2 where he traces up all to the same divine source: " All things are of God .... who hath given to us the minis- try of reconciliation." And in the same chapter he adds, " Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us." And is there not an important sense in which every Christian minister, inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to ' desire the office of a presbyter,' as a thing preeminently ' good,' and regularly set apart to the same, by the imposition of authorized hands, may now be regarded as an " Ambas- sador for Christ ? " And is he not justified in claiming from professed Christians such a recognition of his divine appointment, as is implied in the words of the apostle ; " Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God ? " i Eph. iv. 8, 11, 12. . 2 Chap. v. 18. PREFACE. IX But how much soever the ministerial office may be contemned by others ; how low soever their concep- tions of its authority or its source ; the minister himself must " magnify his office." It is of the utmost import- ance, that he entertain elevated notions both of its sanc- tity and its dignity. The welfare of the people com- mitted to his charge, no less than the formation and maintenance of his own character requires him to be well persuaded " of what dignity, and of how great import- ance the office is, whereunto he has been called." Hence the stress which is laid upon it in the Ordination Service of our church. ' And now again,' (observes the Bishop, whilst addressing those about to be admitted into the priestly office,) we exhort you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you have in remembrance into how high a dignity, and to how weighty an office and charge ye are called, that is to say, to be messengers, watch- men, and stewards of the Lord, to teach and to pre- monish, to feed and provide for the Lord's family : to seek for Christ's sheep that are dispersed abroad, and for his children who are in the midst of this naughty world, that they may be saved through Christ for ever.' There is a sense, doubtless, in which a Christian pres- byter may be justly styled the minister or pastor of his flock — their watchmen, their messenger, their steward : but in a still higher and far more appropriate sense he is the minister of Christ, the watchman of the Lord of Hosts, the messenger of Jehovah, the steward of God. As far as it respects the objects of his care, and watch- fulness, and ministration, he is theirs, but when his original appointment, the source of his authority, his ulti- X PREFACE. mate responsibility are referred to, he is wholly and entirely the Lord's. Such is the scriptural view which he should take of the transcendant dignity of his sacred office. If he regard it with less respect and veneration, he will not fail to act in many respects in a manner at variance with its true character — a more secular spirit, and meaner motives and designs than become the sacred office, will be sure to mar his ministrations. " The moment we per- mit ourselves to think lightly of the Christian ministry, our right arm is withered, nothing but imbecility and relaxation remains. For no man ever excelled in a profession to which he did not feel an attachment bor- dering on enthusiasm ; though in other professions what is enthusiasm, is in ours the dictate of sobriety and truth." i The reluctance which some persons feel to admit this view of the subject, may have arisen in part from a just indignation at the claims which have been set up by an arrogant priesthood to the almost idolatrous homage of a superstitious and ignorant people. But it should be remembered that the abuse of a doctrine or a truth is no just argument against the legitimate use. What, though proud and ambitious men arrogate to themselves that which is due only to their office, do they thereby make void the declarations and appointments of the unchange- able and faithful God ? No : "let God be true, though (very man be found a liar," — let his own divine institution be had in honour, though all who are invested with it be ' Hall's Sermon on the Discouragements and Supports of the Christian Ministry. PREFACE. XI deserving only of his displeasure. There is no necessary connexion between the dignity of the office, and that of the person who sustains it. The Christian minister who has felt the power of the gospel on his own heart, instead of priding himself upon his supposed personal dignity, will be filled with self-abasement at the thought of his unworthiness to be entrusted with so weighty a charge. His feelings will be those of the Apostle when he ex- claimed "who is sufficient for these things?" Whilst he magnifies his office he will debase himself. In this, as well as in every thing else connected with the minis- terial profession, St. Paul is indeed an illustrious ex- ample. He entertained at once the most exalted idea of his office, and the most humble opinion respect- ing himself. " Unto me," he observes, " who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearch- able riches of Christ." J What more lowly expression could he use, than that which he here employs or rather invents, 2 to designate his personal unworthiness? It did not satisfy him to say that he was "inferior" to other saints, or even the " least" of all saints: such was his humility that he could scarcely deem himself worthy to be numbered amongst them at all; and he could only say that, if it were possible, he was " less than the least." And yet we know, as well from his own testimony as from the history of his life, that he was not a whit behind the chiefest of the Apostles. If there be a cha- 1 Ephesians iii. 8. 2 £\axL.o$, tractator, concionator, &c. The address which he delivered was called by the Greeks o^iXia, that is, a familiar discourse, adapted to common people, from o[mao$, an assembly, a multitude. The Latins called it tractatus, disputatio, locutio, sermo, and concio, according to the subject and strain of the discourse. When the stated preacher was sick, it was customary for the deacons to read the homilies of the Fathers. Indeed it is evident that Stephen and Philip, two of the seven deacons in the apostolic church, were preachers ; * and from several passages in St. Paul's epistles, 2 as well as in the primitive fathers, it seems probable that the office of deacon was, in many cases, regarded as preparatory to the ministry ; though it did not of itself imply autho- rity to preach. The duties of deaconesses in the early Christian church, like those of prophetesses in the Jewish, were limited to offices of piety and charity, and to the private instruction of their own sex. The public preaching of women, which was so strictly prohibited by St. Paul, was disallowed in all the orthodox churches of antiquity. Accordingly the Council of Carthage adopted this as one of its canons; " Mulier, quamvis docta et sancta, viros in conventu, docere non prresumat." 1 Acts vii. and viii. 5, 26. - 1 Tim. iii. 13. 14 HISTORY OF THE PULriT. GENERAL ORDER OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. Place. — To the Jews, Christ often preached in the synagogue, and so did the apostles. Among the early Christians religious assemblies often convened in the streets or fields ; but more commonly in the houses of private persons, especially during seasons of persecution. In process of time, places of meeting were provided, which became common property, and took the name of churches, 1 by a figure derived from the assemblies which were convened in them. What sort of buildings these were, in the time of Diocletian, Eusebius informs us, in describing the wonderful prosperity of the church, which was suddenly darkened by the strife for preeminence among its ministers. ' But now,' says he, ' how should any one be able to describe those multitudes, who, throughout every city, flocked to embrace the faith of Christ ; and those famous assemblies in the churches ? For which reason, they were no longer contented with the old edifices, but erected spacious churches from the very foundations, throughout all the cities.' 2 And the churches erected by Constantine, * were richly adorned with pictures and images, and bore a striking resemblance to the pagan temples, both in their outward and inward form.' Pulpit. — The preacher addressed the people, in these ancient assemblies, sometimes from the episcopal seat, and sometimes, especially when baptism was to be administered, from the steps of the altar. The common place of the preacher, however, to give him a full view of his auditors, and to denote the dignity and authority 1 EKKXrjata. ~ Euseb, Lib. 8. Cap. 1. — and Mosheim, 1, 383. HISTORY OF THE PULPIT. 15 of his office, was a sort of rostrum, called tribunal, sug- gestum, ambo, and other names corresponding with the different purposes for which it was designed. A very usual appellation of this pulpit among the fathers was * the preacher's throne.' Thus Gregory Nazianzen says, 1 I seemed to myself to be placed on an elevated throne ; upon lower seats on each side, sat presbyters ; but the deacons in white vestments, stood, spreading around them an angelic splendor.' And Chrysostom calls the pulpit Opovog §3a,