tihxary of t^e t:heolo0ical ^^minaxy PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY Rufus H. LeFevre 4-. 1)^6,7 l>av+o«-i.O. I=.uc\l4 Kv/tjfiue- Un\+t4 ■y. '^^«.VV^^e^^ cWourcirN Proposed Edifice gf the Summit Street United Brethren Church M To be located at the Northwest Corner of Third Street and Euclid Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ISSUED SY THE BUILDING COMMITTEE c/ ^ ''«/^2^ /^ MAR 31 1953 w<^ Summit Street U. B. Church Dayton, Ohio Presiding Bishop, G. M. Mathews. Presiding Elder, C. W. Kurtz. Pastor, P. M. Camp. TRUSTEES W. F. Fackler. W. H. Cassel. Chas. Funkhouser. P. E. Little. O. J. Needham. Frank Wright. A. W. Drury. John S. Davis. BUILDING COMMITTEE P. M. Camp. W. F. Fackler. W. H. Cassel. Chas. Funkhouser. P. E. Little. O. J. Needham. Frank Wright A. W. Drury. G. A. Funkhouser. R. T. Shuey. O. B. Longenecker. S. D. Faust. W. A. Gilbert. Mrs. John Gilbert. P. E. Gabel. M. Weber. John S. Davis. S. A. Minnich. ARCHITECT, CHARLES HERBY, DAYTON, O. The Proposed New Church ^ ( )R a number of years the nieml)ers of the Summit Street L'nited Urethren I'hurch ha\e felt the need of a new, more commodious, and more modern church-building, one designed to accommodate to better advantage the various activities of the church, especially the Sunday school, Ladies' Aid, and other present organizations, as well as many other forms of religious and social work in contemplation. All this had been talked of for a long time, but no active work was done toward the new building until a little over two years ago. Then a very desirable location was purchased on the corner of Euclid and Third streets by the trustees ; and a little later a building committee was formed, plans were laid, and preliminary subscriptions were taken which amounted to $17,000.00, nearly all of which has been paid, and the remainder probably will be paid in a short time. The lot is paid for, and there will soon be $10,000.00 in cash on deposit for the new building. There has been a general demand among our members that the building proceed as soon as possible. In response to this demand, the trustees and the building committee have had various plans drawn by an architect, which were discussed, improved, and finally agreed upon as presented in this folder, subject to such changes as may be suggested by members or may seem desirable by the committee on further study. We think all will agree that this wdll give us a commodious, con- venient, and beautiful building, and one which will go far to arouse greater interest in the work of the church, religious and social. It is estimated that the building, according to these plans, built of pressed brick, with lledford stone trimmings, slate roof, steam heat, finished with plain oak and hard ])inc, will have cost about $55,000.00 when completed. A plan has been formed 1)_\- the committee to raise the necessary additional money, and it is ho])e(l that these ])lans will be satisfactory and will be closely adhered to. It now remains for the members to do their part. If the- members subscribe ])r()ni])tl\- and pa^■ into the treasurv $10,000.00. the building will be begun early the coming s))ring, with the hope that in a year we shall l)e able t<> occu])y the new and long- dreamed-of church home. When com]>leted, this church modious place in wliicli a (IcnduI Almighty God, and will be a monument lianded ddwn bv this to succeeding generations. will furnish a pleasant and com- l)e