M & !&* COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE ? LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY a** V Q'} "ia^ m c % L ^^h~L4&T>£) >/Jf/f# r THE Safe Relisiok OR THREE >isputatio: For the Reformed ATHOLIKE R.ELJGlOfk AGAINST \j POPERY, j oving that Popery is againft the Holy Scri- tures 5 the Unity of the Catholike Church 5 the confent of the Antient Dodfcors, the plaineft Reafon, and common judgment of fenfeit £el£ By > Tiichardnaxter* Contra Kationem ? nemo fobrms : Contra Serif turas7 nemo Chriflianu* : / Contra Eeclefiam, nemo Pacific^, Senferit. Auguit.de Trinit.L4.G6. fine. London Printed, by Abraham Miller , for ThmasVndeYhill ar the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, and Francii Tytonzx. the three Daggers m Fleet-ftreec, 1657. — 1 _ ^ . ~ * / :| TO THE Proteftant Reader. Hen the motion was firfi made for the Publishing of thefe Papers, it feemed to me to be as the Carting of water into the Sj|U fo great ts the Number of the uearned Wri- tings of Proteftant Divines againft the Papijls (which will never be well anfwered ) that the moft elaborate addition may feem fuperfluous -7 much more thefe hafly Difputations prepared but for an exercife which is the Recreation of a few Countrey-Minifters at a monthly meeting , when they eafe themselves of their ordinary work. But upon further consideration , I f aw it was , The Calling of water upon a threatning fire, which the Sea it [elf doth but refrain. Its more A 1 En- To the Proteftant Reader. Engines than a few that are openly or fecretly at tvork atjhis time, to captivate thefe Nations again to the Romane Pope. When fo many hundreds , if not thousands are night and day contriving our fedudion , under the name of Reconciling us to the Churchy if no body coun- terwork them, what may they not do. It's not enough that- we have had Defenders > and that their Books are yet in the World, old Writings are laid by \ though much fronger than any new ones : But new ones are fooner ta- ken up and read. The Papifi shave of late been very plcntiftill > and yet very [paring in their Writings. Plentiful, of fuch as run among the ftmple iriyidicious people infecret , fo that the -Countries fwarm with them \ But fparing of ]uch as may provoke any Learned man to a Con- futation : That fo, they may in time difufe m from thofe Studies > andfo di fable the Mini fry therein, and catch tis when we are fecure through a feeming peace , and fall up on m when we have loft our fircngth. And I am much afraid that the generality of cur people (perhaps of the befj are already fo much difufed from thefe fludies , */ts to be much unacquainted with the Nature of Popery , and much more to fee k for a preserva- tive againfl it , and a through confutation of them. So that if Papifts were once but as fully out among us in their own likenefs , as they are To the Protefhnt Reader. are under the names of Quakers and other Secis, what work would you fee in many places ? I doubt many would follow their perntcim wayes , and fall like Sheep of a common rot-, or people in a raging peftilence , especially if they had hut the countenance of the times : Not through their firength , hut becanfe our people are naked , , and unmeet for a defence. The work that now they are upon, is, i. By Divifions, and Reviling the Miniflers , to loof- en the people from their Guides ; that they may be as a Majlerlefs Dog that will follow any body that will whijlle him. 2. To takedown the Miniflers maintenance and encouragements, that they may be dijabled fo vigor ou fly to re ft ft them. 3. To hinder their union, that they may a- bate their firength , and find them work^againfl each other. 4. To procure a Liberty of [educing all they can under the name of Liberty of Confidence , that fo they may have as fair a game for it as we: And ignorance and the common corruption of na- ture (efpecially fo heightened by a cuftome in fin) doth befriend the Devils cauje much more than Gods y or el fie how comes it to pafs that the Godly are jo few , and Error > idolatry and impiety doth fo abound in all the earth ! A 4 5. To To the Proteftant Reader. 5. To break the common people into as many Seffs and parties as they can y that they may not onely employ them againft one- another > but aljo may hence fetch matter of reproach , or gainfl our profefsion in the eyes of the World. 6. To plead under the name of Seekers again ft the certainty of all Religion 5 that men may be brought to think that they mujl be either of the Popifi profefsion or of none. And indeed when all Secis have done their worjl it is but two-, that we are in any (Treat dan- ger of (And of thofe I think we are in more danger , then the moH are aware of ) And that is*> 1. Papifts .- who plead not as other par- ties y onely by the tongue y but by exciting Princes and States againfl us •> and disputing with the Fagot or Hatchet in their hands: And if we have not Arguments that will confute a Na- vy, an Army > or a Powder-plot y~we can do no good again ft them. 2. Prophanenefs \ animated by Apoftate In- fidels : This H the Religion that men are born in. A}?d mm that Naturally are fo endeared to their luflsy that they would not have the Scri- pture to be true , will eafily hearken to him that tells them it is filfe. Tea fo much doth Popcn befriend men in n vie torn cciirfe a that (o?ne are apt to )oyn thefc 1 To the Proteftant Reader. thefe together , thinking at the heart that Chriftianity is but a fable : but yet for fear it jhould prove true , they will be Papifis y that they may have that eafie remedy for a referve. if Cod will preserve us but from thefe two dangers j Popery ^ and Prophanenefs animated by infidelitie, it will goe well with Eng- land. The moft of my former Writings having been bent againfi the later ; I thought it not amifs to let go this one againfi the former. That jo I may entice the common profeffors to a little more [erious Study of thefe feints , and fttrnifh them with fome familiar Argu- ments that are fuited to their capacities , that every deceiver may not fnd them unarmed. And here I thought it befi to defend our own profefsion and overthrow theirs in the main > and not to fiand long upon particular contro- verfies > except that one of the Refolution and Foundation of our Faith , which is the great difference. Jet that private unfiudyed men may underhand wherein the particular differ- ences lie *> I have given them a Catalogue of them in other mens words in the end > as re- folving not to do it in my own. In fJyort , I have here made it plain that Popery is againfi Scripture , Re of on , Serf? , and To the Proteftant Reader. and againjl the Unity and judgement of the Church. i. Hither Scripture is True or nov true r. if not , Popery u not true , which pleadeth its warrant from it ( And fome vf them Argue , as if they purposed to dijprove the Scripture, and to imitate Samfon > in pulling down the houfe on their own heads and ours, in revenge for the difhonor they have j'ujfered by theScri- ture.) if it be true ( as nothing more true) then Popery is not true , which palpably con- tradicteth it , as in the joints of Latin fer- vice , and denying the Cup in the Lords Supper , audmany other is mo ft evident. 2 . Either the Catholike Church is one , or not : if not , then Popery is deceitful , which maketh this its principal pretence , for the us- urping the limver\al Headjlnp. if it be One then Popery is deceitful , which is renounced by the far greater part of the Catholike Church, and again renounceth them •> and jeparateth from them, becaufe they will not be fub)eci to the Pope , who never yet in his greatefl height had the actual Government of half the Chri~ (lian world. 3. Either the judgement of the Antient Doctors is (ound or not : if not, then the Church of Rome is unbound > that is (worn to expound the Scripture onely according to thtir concent- To the Proteftant Reader, concent : if it be jound, then the Church of Rome is un found > that arrogate a Uiniver- fal Government and Infallibility > and build upon k foundation , that was never allowed by the Antient Doff or s (as in the third Difput. I have fully proved) and which mofl Chrifltans in the world do fill re)e£i. 4. Either Reafon it felf is to be renounced or not : if it be , then none can be Papifls but mad men. Jf not > then Popery mufl be renounced y which foundeth our very faith up- on impofsibilities > and teacheth men of necef- fity to believe in the Pope as the Vicar of Chrifl y before they believe in Chrifl > with, many the like which are afterwards laid 0- pen. f. Either our five Senfes , and the J>udve- ment made upon them , is certain and InfaU lible or not. if not , then the Church of Rome y both Pope and Council are Fallible y and not at all to be trufled. For when all their Tradition is by hearing or reading , they are uncertain whether ever they heard or read any fuch thing $ and we mufl all be un- certain whether they Jpeak or write it : And then we mufl not onely fubfcribe to Franfc. Sanchez 5 Quod nihil fcitur, but alfo (a ay that Nihil certo creditur. But if fenfe i?t certain and Infallible > then the Church of Rome y To the Proteitant Reader, Rom,e even Pope and Council are not onely Fal- lible ■> but certainly falfe deceivers and deceived* For the Pope and his Council tell the Church that it is not Bread and Wine which they take-, eat and drink in the Eucharifi. But the fenfes of all found men , do tell them that it is. I fee that its Bread and Wine , I fmell it y I feel*>, / tafte i%\ and fo?newhat /hear to further my ajjnrance .* And yet if Popery be not falfe , its no fich matter. One would think the dulleft Reader > might be quickely hire refolvedy whether Popery be true or falfe. Look on the confecratcd Bread and Wine, touch tt , jmell it y tafle it , and if thou canfi but be fure that tt ts indeed Bread and Wine , thou maijl be as fure that Popery is a delufi- on. And if thou canfi but be fure, that it is not Bread and Wine > yet thou maifi be fure that the Pope or his Council, nor any of his Doff or s are not to be believed. For if other mens jenfes be deceitful r theirs and thine are fc too. But theje things are urged in the following Difputations. Its worth the observing how much they are at odds among t hem fe Ives , about the Re- fohtion of their Faith , and how y neer fo?ne of them come to m of late > as in The. White' s Sonus Buccina; , and Do^or H. Holden To the Proteftant Reader. Holden d^Refol. fidei, and in Crefly and V^ne and others may be feen : And the tr fil- ly followers in England think verily , that theirs is the common Doctrine of that Church. And how folicitous Creffy and others are. to take that Infallibility out of our way ax a ftumbling fione , which the Italians aud moft of them y make the Foundation and chief cor- ner-ft one. What a task were it to Reconcile but Bellarmine W Holden < Knot and Cref- fy (' both in Englifh. ) White had fo 'much wit in his Defence of Rufhworths Dialogues, whn he wrote in Englilh , to carry on the matter as fmoothly > as if they had been all of a mind. But when he writes in Latin, How many wayes of Refolution of Faith y that are unfound can he fnd among the Pafijls as dif- ferent from his own ? Vid. de fide & Theo- log. Trad:, i. Seft. 28. 25?. Reader , Adhere to God, and the Righte- oufnefs of Chriit 5 and the Teachings of the Holy Ghoft 3 by the Holy Scriptures , and a faithful Miniftry, in the Communion of the Saints , and as a member of the Catholike Church 5 which arifing at Jerufalem 5 is dif- perfed over the world . containing all that are Chriftians •, renounce not right Reafon, or thy fenfes ; and live according to the light which 1 o cue j/roteitani rvcducr. which is X'ouchfafed thee » and then thou (halt be Cafe from Popery and all other pernicious damning errors; Marc. 10.16^. 4i<, 2>, To *To the Literate ^Romanifis that mil read this Hoo\% Men and Brethren^ Writing that fo much concerneth yourcaufe5 I think. 5 fhould ten- der you fome account of its publi- cation 5 efpecially when I know that not onely the.divulging5 but the holding of the Do&rine contained therein , is fo hainous a matter in your eyes, that if I were in your power 5 the fufpicion of it might bring me to the Rack and the Strappado y and the confeffion of it would expofe me to the flames, I have many times confidered D that you could never fure endure to torment men in your Inquifition, and confume them to afties, and fo induftrioufly to embroyle the Nations of the earth in blood and miferies, to work them to your minds 3 and fet up your own way 3 if you did not think it right 5 and think them exceeding bad whom you thus de- ftroy. To the Liter Ate Romamjts* (troy. I find that my own heart would ferve me to ufe Toads and Serpents, and deftroying Vermine, half as bad as you do Proteftants , that is, to put them to death, though not to torment them fo long : but for gentler and more harmelefs creatures , I oould not do it without a great relu&ancy of my nature. I muft needs therefore by your works bear you record that you have a zeal for God-, but fo had iome before you that guided it not by know- ledge,, Rom* 10. 2. And I fuppofe your way is undoubtedly right in your own eyes,or elfe you durft never profecute it with fuch violence:And yet one that was once as zealous in his way, and ihut up the Saints in prifon , and received au- thority from the high Priefts to put them to death, and compelled them to blafpheam, did afterward call all this but madnefs^ Affs 26. 9, 10, 11. Butmethinks I find my felf obliged, when I fee men differ from me with fuch height of confidence , to give them fome Rea- fon of my differing thoughts : And yet it is no great matter of fuccefs that I can expeft from this account. To make any addition or alte- ration in your belief, I have no great reafon to expe<5t 5 while you read my words with this prejudice , that they are damnable herefie; and depend upon him whom you fuppofe in- fallible , for the fafhioning of your Faith* And if v o we literate Komtimjts. if I (hould fay that I expett fatisfadion from youy with any great hope, I itiould but diilem- ble. For I have not been negligent in reading fuch writings of your own as might acquaint me both with your Faith, and your Theologi- cal Opinions 5 and can lcarce reafonably expedt that any of you lhould fay more to fatisfie mej then thefe contain. For any of you to recite the Canons or Decretals ot your Church or popes, in a writing to me is in vain : For I have them at hand already , or can have them at a trice. And if you lay any thing to me by way of Aniwer, which is not mthofe Canons or Decretals , or folemnly pronounced alrea- dy by your Church to be de fide , you can give me little aflurance bf its verity \ but your own writing muft incur all thole reproaches , which Knot beftows on the Dc&nne of- C hilling- worth 5 and we hear from you io frequently,^ or the defect of Infallibility. But-yet, let what will come of it , I ihall leave fome flender Te- ftimony to pottenty , that I diflented not from fomany confident men , without giving them fome or the Reafons of myciilent. . I was born and bred here anion? the Pro- feffors of the Reformed Catholik Chriftian Religion. When I was young, I judged of your Profeifion as I was taught , and the pre- judice which I received againil it. did grow up with me, as yours doth againil us. Yet re* r a 3 ceiving fiftMing.much good to my foul by ParfonsJkxk ok Refolution corr§fted(when I was but fix teen years of Age) it run much in my mind 5 that Jkre there were fome among you that had the Fear of God. - When I was capable of . it, by Age and Studies yr J made fome diligent fearch into your Writers, that J might know the true ftate of the controverfies betwixt us. But ftilll confefs I read them with prejudice and partiality % till at laft I attained (as far as I can Hfid^rftand by my own heart) fuch a love to the:truth, and an impartiality in my Studies and judgement of thefe things , that I read your Writers , withas free a mind (I mean , $$ willing to find what truth was thereto be found ) as I do the Writings of Protefhnts themfelves. When I had diico v ered undoub- tedly .that in fome coftrinal points 3 the diffe- rences were made by moil on both fides, much greater then they were , and much grea- ter then the moft Learned on both fides that had any moderation , did conceive them to be, I was the more confirmed in my refolutions to be impartial in my Studies ,.. and fo have proceeded (if I be a competent judge of my own mind) to this day. And after all, lam leftinthedifl'atisfadion which I here manifefL And by what {heps my averfenefs to your way hath been brought on fince I began to fearch in-, to it impartially, I (hall here further declare. Rrft, To the Literate Romanijls. Fir ft, I have been moft offended with thofe doctrines and practices 5 that did inoft notori- ouily run againft the ftreamof the Holy Scri- pture -7 for here the cafe was fo plain that with- out any lingular acutenefs it might be difcern- ed : as in your Latin Service of God with thofe that underitanditnot, your adminiftring the Bread in the Lords Supper without the cup • that Image- worfhip which your Writers do maintain 5 forbidding Prtefts marriages 5 with many fuch like. And yet fufpe&ing my own under {landing 5 I read what your Writers fay alfo for thefe : But when I faw how palpa- bly they ihrccd the text,, it increafed my dif- like : And then knowing that you contradi&ed the Scriptures in thefe 5 and finding withal that you build your faith upon your Churches Infal- libility , I was exceedingly turned againft your profeffion , when I (aw your foundation fo clearly overthrown. But yetthis was not all : There was fcarce any thing that more offended me5 then the tendency of your Doctrines .> to deftroy the Knowledge of the people y and lead them en in ignorance , and pleafe and de- ceive them by a company of ceremonies , in- ftead of a Reafonable fervice of God : and the manner of your worilup I could never digeft. Other things did grate very hard upon thofe .truths which I was confirmed in , but theft went againft the very bent of my heart > and [a 23 croffed To the Literate Romanijls. » -croffed the very ends of my Religion and' my Life. Your keeping the Scriptures from the Laity 5 as for as you do t, and maintaining it fo commonly to be the Original of Kerefles to tranflate them into a known tongue -, and ma- king it fo deadly a crime to have a Bible which they can read $ with your Latin Service aiore- faid, and the formalities and.fceni.cal worfhip inwhichyoutrainup the ignorant vulgar with many other things in your do#rine :nd pra turn my back up- on Heaven, as the onely way to attain it, this will not eafily down with me : I know that God is light, and with him is no darknefs 3 and that Chri(l is the light of the world,. and his fpir.it is the illuminater of the£aints,cmd the word is a light to our feet, mdgiveth wifdome to the fimple: > And yet would you have us refufe this Light , and choofe the Darknefs i I know that Satan is thefrircc of darknefs, & a ftate of death is a ilate of darinefs , tending to outer darknefs : and that it is the laving way of God to tranflate men out of darkenefs into his marvellous Highi i And yet would you perfwade me that this is the way of Life i What a difference is thers between this dodlrint of yours , and the very; fcope of Scriptures , and antient Writers , and the fenfe of a gracious foul ? Solomon would have men to Hide the commandment with them , and incline their ear towifdom > and ap- ply their hearts to understanding, and cry after knowledge, and lift up their voiecfor under ft and- [a 3] ing, To the Literate Romanifis. ingj and fee k for it as filver-> and fe arch after it as for hid treasure, prov. 2.2,3,4. And is your Do&rine like this^ I fay bids, To the Law and the Tefiimonj. If. 8. 20. And the Bereans are commended for fearching the Scriptures daily to fee whether the things were fo that were taught them even by Apoftles : And will you forbid this , and burn men for to pro- mote their falvation i Did not Paul write his Epiftles to the Laity as well as to the Clergy < You muft ftrip me of the grace of God, and reduce my mind to a itate of darknefs *, before I can ever entertain thefe principles of dark- nefs : For light and darlmiefs will not have com- munion. If by Arguments you would per- fwade me , fo plainly againft the life of na- ture , as that I am bound to blind or kill my felf in order to my good , there's fomewhat within me that would confute them befides reafon ; And why fhould not the Life of Grace alfo be a principle of felf-prefervation < As for your Reafon , that men muft let alone the Scripture and hearken to their Teachers for fear of hereltes, it will never take with me till I can believe you to be lefs fufpefted guides then Chrift and his Apoftles, and till I can be- lieve that a Scholar may not learn of his Book & his Teacher both without any contradiftion. And then for your devotions , it is not all the Arguments in the world 5 that would ever re- To the Literate RomdMjts. reconcile me to them, while I have that „La\v in any prevailing meaiure written in my heart, that teacheth me to worfliip God in Spirit an^l in truth- What man of Spiritual experience can choofe butdiftafte your way of worship 5 that doth but read over one ofyour offices? and Lady's pfalcers, and fee the atte&ed repetition of words 5 and the ludicrous kind of devoti?- ons3 which you teach the people , more like to charms then ferious prayers to God ! efpeci- ally if he alfo obferve the huge number of cere- monies which the very body of your worfliip is compofed of. As there is iomewhat in nature, that hindereth a man 5 from delighting to eat chaffe j or feeding upon meer air •, fo is there fomewhat in the new nature of a Chriftian , that is againft this trifling and jefting with God. * Another thing that * The abominable wick- hath ericreafed my diftafte ¥™\ orl >'our Wj£> r . J even the Romane Cardi- ot your wayes.is the com- nais flftnifdves , is pro- mon unffOOlinefs Of your claimed by many that ° J have^ been your Priefts and turned from you : as Coply , Sheldon , Bjxhorne, and many more fakh Sheldon fin his Survey of Rome : Miracles, jf>. 1 8. having fpoken of the Cardinals Sodomy ) [Believe k Reader , the abominations which are committed by thefe purpured Fathers, and the Sup ream Fathers of that Syna- gogue are fo deteftable, that 'they pifs '-all narration either of modeftor immodeftpen. J And it's long fince Petrarch^ Dant?s\Av:ntin%Panfitnf.Clem(tn?itySabt and more of your own Writers hive faid enough, to fatis- fie us of your fanftity. Many a one that hath been deed to Popery in England , have been cured by a journey to ft#ft?,feeing the abominations of that place. 1*4} fol- To the Literate Romamfis. followers. I have endeavored as well as I could to be acquainted with them where I came and I have known but very few of them, but have been either Whoremongers, or Swearers, or Drunkards, or Gamefters,or fenfual livers : nor did I ever meet with one to this day , to my belt remembrance, that manifefted afpiri- tual frame of heart , or had an/ delight to fpeak of the workings of God upon the foul 5 and the fweet communications of the love of Chrift, or could give any favory account of any fuch fpiritual workings in them : but all their Religion was to f tick to the Romifh Church , and go on in their ceremonious forms of wor- ship, abftaining from this meat, or that, and rioting and pampering their flelh on Holiday es, &c. If I had know n this to be the cafe onely of the common people in Italy joy Spawpr France, I fhould not have wondered : for I know that moil: of the people , do take up their Religion but upon carnal accounts , and accordingly will ufeit : But tolind it thus in England^ where your number isfmall, and you pretend to hold your Religion in fo much felf-denyal , the flare being againft you 9 and therefore your party fhould be the pureft zelots, and ihew the face of yowr dodfcrine in its greateft glory 5 this makes me judge of the tree by the fruites* And the obferving of this hath made me ad- mire , To the Literate Romamfts. mire 5 that ever you can make the holinefs of your Church 5 the matter of fo great oftenta- tionasyoudo: Yea that fuch men asH.P.de Crefiy can have the face to pretend that your admirable holinefs in companion of ours5 was the means of their conveificn to. you. Un- happy man ! with whom did he converfe whik he teemed a Proteftant < or where did he live < But this was not his fate alone ♦, but of divers of his ftrain. When they are earned Prote- ftant95 abhorring the power of the Re- ligion ^ which they profefs , and avoiding and reproaching the praddcers of their own Religion , and fo have no communion with them 5 nor experience of their holinefs •, it is a righteous thing with God to leave them to fo much biindnefs 5 as to run iiomjEnghnd to Rome for htflinefs h and that becaufe they abhorred purity ^ they fbould be fo blinded as not to difcern the beauty of it 5 and yet to dote on the name and coate of it , which may be put on in the morning , and off at night. And indeed this hath fomewhat increafed my averfnefs} toobferve that by how much the more godly and confcionable any are of our profeilion^ the more they are againft yours : and that fo few of this fort are turned to you 5 that I yet know not certainly of one 5 that e- ver feemed a Godly perfon. And the com- mon ignorant fort of people that know not what Tt; the Li for at? Romanifts. what a Church is, nor what Religion is ■ and that live in fenfuality and wickednefs ; are the favourableft to your wayes , yea fo forward to promote them that many of them would quick- ly be yours if the times were but changed to you • and thefe are the people that I have known become your prolelites. When we have loft our labor upon them , and left them in their wickednefs , and they that were filthy are filthy ftill, then fome of them turn Pa- pifts D and this forfooth in admiration of the nolinefs of your Church : When I confefs for fome of them, I have not been forry to hear that th£y we're turned to you : for I thought 5 it may be the liking they have to you, might make them hearken more to your reproofs , then to ours • and poflibly you. might per- fwade them from Whoredoms and Drunken- nefs ; and Swearing 5 and Lying 5 when we were out of hope : But when I perceived that they fled to you for an indulgence in their fin 5 becaufe fome of thefe are but ve- nial fins with you , and they have a palliate ce- remonial cure at hand to befool them 5 I then acknowledged the juftice of God againft them. I am none of thofe that think that there is none among you {hall be faved. I have read that in fome of your Writers , that perfwadeth me it came from a fan&ifted heart. I am ready •cb acknowledge and honor the Spirit of Chrirt where- To the Literate Romamjls. wherever I can difcernit. Butlmuft profefs that I was never yet fo happy as to converfe with a Papift, that manifefted an experienced, gracious, heavenly mind -? though I am truely willing to make the heft of them. And that your Church fhould be as the fink or channel^ to receive the excrements and filth of ours, is no great argument of its holinefs in my eyes. And if a few that are lefs fenfual turn to you, it is commonly , as far as I can difcern , the Te- nants or fervants of fome of your way, that are led by worldly refpefts , and they are fuch - ignorant fouls that they know not what the Religion is which they are turned to, nor are a- ble to give a reafon of their change. I have fpoke with fome affe&ed to vour way, and fome turned to it, that have thought our do- ftrine wfts yours, and vours was ours ' for in- ftance, that we taught that men misht live without fin , and you taught otherwife : and have deny ed that you hold the co&rine of mans merits , and divers the like. Are not thefe good Catholikes , and well converted , that be of our mind , and do not know it i And I ob- ferve among your own Writers , that ufually thofe that write in the moft heavenly ftrain^ are thofe that give fome wound to your profeffion, by fome confiderable oppofition, as Miranh- U^ Gerfon^ Bernard^ and many more. To the Literate Romanifts. And it hath more difofre&ed me to your way, to obferve how low the defign* of your Religion is, in comparifon of ours : You can let the common people be as blind 2s Moles , and worfhip they know not what ! And youal- moftconfin Religion unto Votaries and Cloy- ilers. Whenas the defign of our Religion is to make the generality of our Paftoral charge more holy by far then your retired Votaries. And (as far as I am able to learn ) I do verily think that there are in the fmall Town that I live income hundreds of fouls, that have more true felf-denyal , humility \ acquaintance with the faving works of Grace , abhorrence of fin, delight in God, and believing ferious thoughts of heaven , then is to be found in twenty of your Monafteries. When I am in ont of their meetings which you account but a curied SchiC- matical conventicle, I can behold their diligent attendance, their humble learning , their mo- deft, orderly, ferious devotions, and afterwards their painful recollections and improvement of what they learn. But among you, Ifhould fee a dumbe (hew , a pompous oftentation , compounded of Ceremonies, and words which are as no words,being not by the people under- ftood. And lam certainly informed by tra- vellers that have known them, and by your own confeflions, that you have Priefts even like your people and your fervices. Even un- learned To the Literate Komamjls. learned men , that are but able to read their Mais • like fome of the woi ft of our old Rea- ders, whom we have caft out : However you may have learned jefuites and Fryers 3 that are bred up chiefly tor your Theological wars, while the people that live in peace under you are famiilied. It hath alio much increafed my difaflfe&icn, to obferve, by what grofs kind 6r cheating you carry on your caufe. Yon make a noifewith the oftentation of Miracles $ but we can never fee one of them, nor have certain proof of it. I confefs if I could fee them5 they would work on me much : and I would go from Sea to Sea to fee one : but I know not whither to go with the leaft hope of fuch a fight. You talk much of perle&ion 5 and keeping the Lav of Cod without fin : But how long will it be before you willfhewus one of thofe Chiefs perfect men < I have enquired of thofe that I thought moil likely 5 and they have told me that fuch men* there be in the world 5 but would not be intreated to (hew me one of them* Nay5itama7ethme!) that you fliould glory of perfection, where it is fo hard to find fincerity, and to meet with a man that will not curfeand fwearD and whore 5 and be drunk. Yea more to find that after this oftentation of perfe<5tion5 you come fo lew as to make thofe to be perfect which we fuppofe to be in a damnable ftate : For J o the Literate Romamfis. For how many abominable fins do you make to be venial C Do I need ro tell you what fome of &°,,VIlW[lters % of Fornication , and of a Pneft rather keeping a Concubine then a wife • aixd what games have come to the Church b y Whoi-ehoufes. and what a trade it is at *„ J ,na Venice ^c To give inftance but in the fin ot lying, how light do you make of it' vea you fear not to teach your Englifh profelyt« That IA lye is a mortal fin, when it is any Leat Monorto God or notable prejudice to J #£ bor-x Otherwife if it be meerly offciousorfeft- W "< ¥■ iW^MtMey are the woi dsof &T, (they lay Henry Turbervile) in his Cate- chifm ^pag. 160. Yea he faith ^.268 That LSj this mmufi know when a finis morial, and when vem a.1- Becaufe to any mortal (m it \ re- quired, both that it be deliberate and perfectly voluntary- ^ And then fet altogether and confider what your Writers make of venial fin- no worfe then your Dodor Thorny faith, that ■ genial fin hath not perfect am rationem peccati but is Analogically called fin : and thai "none $ contra Legem- quia venialiter peccans nonfacit quod lex prohibet, nee pretermits id ad mod texperprtceptumobligat, fed fact t p-mef U- T% Y/frT^6 La»>~»o/ forbidden And that it deferves not damnation-, and eternal fumjhment is not due to it , but temporal onely, iz.q.ffl+a.l.c.&q.l&.a.i.c. And that it mdu.ceth not a blot on the foul, 12. (j. 89. a i.e. But onely as it hinder eth the lufire of Grave, and therefore may be done- away without the infufion of habitual grace, 3.^.8.7.2.*-. Apply this now to your Lift inftanced cafe. It feems now that the Law of God forbiddeth not Lying y when it difhonoreth God but a little and not greatly^ or when it is a prejudice to another but not notable , It forbids not men to lie Offici- ouily or in jeft •, as H. T. fpeakes. Nay it feems if you cur fe or fwear or blafphcam the name of God, or kill your own Father or Mo- ther5 it is but a venial fin 5 if you do it not de- liberately ^ and perfectly voluntarily. And is not here a fine do&rine to make men perfect * Have you no way to make your felves perfe but by making the Law of God l'mperfeft i How can you perfwade us to value fuch per- fection < Doth H. T. think that a man tha hath the ufe of Reafon is not bound by God iq deliberate ot all the weighty adtions of his life J And if a man fhall kill and blafpheam inpaffi- on5 and fay Q/ did not deliberate 5 4nd there- fore it is no fin : God did not forbid it we*:~\ Shall this excufe him < Or is fuch dodirine to be en- dured among Chriftians : Jf God do not make it a reafopable mans duty to ufe his reafon in the greateft things, and to deliberate of what he faith or doth 3 I know not what either Rea- fon To the Literate Romanifts. jfon or Law is made for. I think on the con- trary that [ Not deliberating 5 efpecially in weighty cafes is a heinous fin \ and the principal caufe of all other fin , in many of the ungodly. So I fay of the other limitation : that (it beper*- feff ly voluntary'] Paflion may make a blaiphe- my or murder but imperfectly voluntary $ and yet that proveth not that God forbiddeth it not. For the will it felf is under a Law , which puts it upon duty 5 and not onely re- trains it from finful volition or nolition : And therefore if the will do but fufpend its aft 5 in whole or in part. r and thereby let the com- manded faculties miicarry 5 I (hall yet believe that this is forbidden^and a proper-fin. What if you have a charge of the fouls of your flock \ and you fleep while they are milled: Or if you were a Phyfician, and had charge of your patients lives 5 and you tall alleep till they are part recovery -7 are you no linner ; and do you not go againft the Law < Yes, you are a mur- derer : For though the thing be not voluntary quoad afftm voluntatis, it is morally or imputa - tively voluntary 5 propter \omifstonem actus. If Wolverhampton Papiits be fed with fuch do- ftrineas this-, they may well be many ^ but they are unlikely to be good. Inconfiderate- nefs (which I took for one of the itaoft de- ftroyingfins) itfeemsisanotable prefervative from fin 2 For be fur e you deliberate not D and you you break no Law of God what ever you do» And if there be no Law againft Lying, except the lyes of the higher ftfain that are by H. TK excepted, no wonder then if Papifts be Lyars. And can you think it any injury to you if from hence I interptet, not onely many of your Hiftorical writings (fuch as the Image of both Churches,^.) but alfo much of the jug- ling that is in England at this day. If you put your felves in the Garbe of Quakers, Euthufi- afts , Anabaptifts, &c. and pretend that you are of their opinions, and deny your felves to be what you are, as long as you think that thefe lies are pious, and rather honor God,then greatly dijhonor him , and rather do good to o- thers , by promoting the Catholike caufe, then notably tn]nrc them , can any man (ay , thats of your opinion T that they are againft the Law of God i And why call you that a venial fin , which is againft no Law , when fin is a tranjgrejfion of the Larv , and wbitt there is no Lmv there u no tranfgrejfon y i Ioh. 3. 4. Rom. 4. 1 5 • And why fay you that veniam mcretur , when yet you fay that fdnam dte-rnam non meretur ! How can there be vtnia fine mento vcl debito yan the Literate Komdnifts. and no point defide^ what is the \ummd Pot efta*^ and yet all that is dc fide 5 even our Chriftiani- ty and Salvation muft be refolved into it? And doth not this dire&ly tend to infidelity? Would you have ferious Chriftians deliver up them- felves to fuch a maze as this for the obtaining of unity i What the berter are you for a judge of controverfie, in all thofe hundreds of differen- ces that are among your felves 5 when your judge either cannot or will not determine them? Are not we as well without him as you are with him? plain things that are paft controverfie have no need of your judge ! It is no contro- verfiewithus whether (Thrift be xhzMefsiah^ whether he rofe £ afcended and will judge the world : And if we go to darker points 5 your own judge will fay nothing or worfe. Why do you cry out fo much agamft expounding the Scripture otherwife then according to the fence of the Church 5 when your Church will give you no interpretation of them ? Do not your expoiitors differ about many hnndred texts of Scripture \ and neither Pope nor Council will decide the controversies ? Thefe are therefore meer delufions of the world y with the empty name of a judge of controversies. And indeed you fometime ihew your felves that you have no fuch high conceit of your Pope (whatever you would make the world believe ) as to truft bis judgement. Your own VxkftWatfon tells us To. tic Liter**? Rcmanijts. us in his Quodlib.pag. 56. 57. That thejefuites cc [Preached openly in Spain againft Pope Six- QCtus the laft of all holy memory 3 and railing a- cc gainft him as againft a mod wicked map y and "monfter on earth : they have called him a " Luther ane heretick , they have termed him a ccWolf^ they have laid, he had undone all cc Chriftendome ir lie had lived: and Cardinal cc B ell ar mine himfelf as judge paramount being cc asked what he thought of his death, anfwer- cc ed5 £)ui fine ptnitentia vivit? define paniten- cc tia mcritnrrfrocnldubio adinfernum dejcendit : and to an Fngliih Doctor of our Nation he faid, " \JZonceptts verbis , quantum capio , quantum H fapio, quatrtum intelligOj dejcendit ad infer - "num.'] And yet we mufthold our Belief in Chriit on the credit of iuch a mans infallibi- lity. But yet I have not come to that point. of your Schifme which above all things in the world doth alienate my mind from your pro- feflion. And that is your reparation from all other Chriftians in the world r I find in my felf fo great an inclination to unity D and the title QCatholike] is fo honourable 5 in my efteem, to them that deferve it 5 that if I had found you to have the unity and Catholike Religion and Church which you boaft of, it would hive much inclined me to your Church and vva y . But when I find you like the Donatifts confining the [b4] Church To the Liter Me Romanifls. Church to your party , and making your felves aSe&andFaacob. d Vitriaco Hift. Orient, c. 77. And which is more 5 the whole Church for many hundred years after Chrift were far from being the fub- jeds of the Pope of Rome ! And indeed had Chrift no Church till the Pope became univer- fal Monarch? Muft Paul be datrtned becaufe he was not one of Peters fubje&s i Do not your confeiences know that fwearing obedience to the Pope of Rome , was a thing unknown for many hundred years, yea that it is a novelty in the world < Muft Chrift lofe for ever the moft of his Chiirch , even thofe that never heard To the Literate Romanifts. herrd oi'Rcme; becaufe they believe not in the Pope * Never fliall I be Papift while I breath ~ if I muft be engaged to fend the moft of the Ghriftianson earthy to the Devil, 2nd that upon fnch an r^xc-wnt as this. Thefe things are F6uric3 tl>olike5 fo unchriftian, fo inhumane, that I wonder and wonder a hundred times, how any learned 5 fober men among you i are able to believe them. For my part I am a re- [olvQ^Cathldih 5 that own the universal Church of Ch/ijl ; and cannot limit my charity to a corner or a faction $ efpecially Fo grefs a one as yours. I own not the errors or other fins of any of the Churches , Fo far as I can difcover them : But if I muft make them Hereticks ?nd unchurch them for thefe ( yea even thoFe that ro under the name of Neftorians , and Eutichians ) I muft needs put you in amoegr them 5 who I think do erre more grofly then they. But I am none of your judge : Nor none of your moft rigid adverfaries. I am one that hive been oft called a Papift in print 5 for avoiding Fome of thore extreams, into which fome others have run from you. I am one that cannot choofe but hope that there are thouFands that fhall be Faved that profefs themfelves of your Church and way. But that I cannot do Fomy Felf , and the pveafons why I cannot do it, I have thought good here to let you know. Many more there are 3 but I 7 o we Literate Romamjts. I have mentioned fome of them in the following Difputations , to which I refer you. I can truely fay this in the prefence of the Lord that knows my heart , that if I knew it my felf , I would mod gladly turn Papilt before I fleep if I could difcern it to be the way of God : Yea if I had but any probability of it , and knew but the man that could give me fatis- fa&ory evidence on your fide , I would wander from Sea to Sea to find him , as weak and unfit for travail as I am. And therefore if any learned man among youy have fo much confidence o£ his way, and charity to my foul , as toper [wade me to his opinion, hefhallaiany feafonable time be rvellcom, and I (hall thankfully entertain any e- videncethathe can bring, according to my ca- pacity. But then I muft defire him to deal plainly and compare facet , and not to juggle Under the vizor of a Seeker , or any other Sedt -, for that way will never take with me. And I muft further here profefs that this pa- per comes not with any cruel or bloody defign againft you. I write not to exafperate the Go- vernors agAinft you, fo far as to deal unmerci- fully with any of you. And whereas under the vizor of the feds before mentioned you are of latefoearneft in pleading for a toleration r deal but impartially like honeft men , and I will fet in with you. Procure but a toleration for the To the Literate Romanifts. the Reformed Chriftian Religion in Italy and Sfaine and your part of Germany Vortugal^&c. and I fl- ould willingly petition the fovereign Powers in England that you might have as much liberty here : But that you fhall have full liberry here 3 andProteftants have none where you can hinder it 3 this is not equal dealing. But how comes it to pafs that you that pretend fo much to unity are in this alio of fo many opini- ons ; the Englijh Papifts are for liberty of Re- ligion 3 and the Sfamjh and Italian are againft it i But I muft cry you mercy : I now con- fider, It is but your ielves that you think have right to liberty here 5 and others fhould have it but in order to yours. As hardly as you think you are ufed in England^ you live openly a- mongus, and no man that I hear of layeth hands on you : When you know if a Spaniard or Italian be known to be a Protefiant, hee's as fure tormented and burnt at a flake as the coat is on his back. Do ycu not know this to be true:' Were I in thefe places where your Re- ligion hath its will 5 I know one leafe of this book would caufe me to be burnt to afhesrthat I am alive is becaufe I am not in your power : But tor my part I wifli not the fhedding of one drop of your blood, nor your imprifonment or banifliment^but only your moderate and necef- fary reftraint from open iniquity and feducing of thofe that are unfurnifhed to encounter you. I u. (j urn, x>*K^*t j.vu//;urtt /frj« I havelbme invitation to make this profeffw on, by the ufage of a Juflice of Peace of this County ^ who was fo far your friend as to cen- fure me and others for a late Gratulation, and petition to his Highnefs the Lord Prote&or, iubfcribed by many juftkes, and by the Grand Jury and thoufands of the County ^ and to centure the faid petition to be of a 'cruel and bloody complexion •, inferring to your honor and the reproach of the Reformed Churches, a vindication of your Religion from the guilt of the Powder-plot and Spanifh invafion, and other foreign bloody a&s, and charging as much on the Reformed as can be charged on you, ac- cording to the Hiftory , called [The Image of both Churches.'] And what was this bloody petition of this County < Why i when you hadmurthered, andbaniihed, and lfarved fuch a multitude of the poor Proteftants in Savoy, and we were aflured of it by a Narrative from the Lord Protestor himfelfj inviting us to con- tribute to relieve the remnant , in the fenfe of your continued bloody dealings, and of the fad caieof thofe poor people, and the favor of his Highnefs toward them , we returned him a thankful acknowledgement of his care, and ad- ded our defires to ufe the moft eifeftual means to hinder the growth of fo bloody a do&rine, left it lhould reach our felves at laft, yet adding that we dtfired no rigor as to your perfons : but craved craved the promoting of the Reformed Reli- gion , and of unity among our felves as the means of our prefer vation. The world is come to a fair pafs : when our brethren are murdered by thbufands, we are bloody for mentioning it^ and blaming you tor it , and defiling our felves to be preferved from your dodxine and rage > fo as without any rigor to ourperfons. Alas poor Proteftants ! When your throates are cut by the merciful Papifts 5 you are cruel and bloody for faying fo 3 When they have killed one half, the other half is bloody if they de- fire to efcape. By my good will Tie never come to the Bench for Juftice where this Gentleman, hath power : For if I accufe a thief for robbing us, or a murderer for murdering twenty of my friends, I may on thefe terms expeft to be ac- counted cruel for complaining: Yea though I adde [I pray Sir fpare the perfon of the Mur- derer : onely do your beft to prevent the death- of the reft of my friends]] I may look to be told its a bloody requeft. But perhaps if leifure fervelmay fay more to this Gentleman , in a full Reply to his paper. Yea I am fo far from defiring your blood y that I hope I have given you no abufive lan- guage. Sure I am, I come far iliort of the lan- guage that you give one another , where you may judge me to be moft (harp. I had once very Reverend thoughts of your Father Par- Jons To the Literate Romanifts. fons when I read his book of Refolution , and thought that if ybu had any good one it was he. And yet your own Prieft Wat j on calls him [An Athealfiratagemitor,^^. 160. A baftardly Vi- car of hell, p. 1 5 7 • fadge far amount on earth under the Divelin Hell, p. 156. The arch couf cner, p. 1 49. That he was a bafiard , unhonejily begot, bafely born , a Wolfey in ambition , a Midas in immundicity,a traytor in attion,^. 108. That all Catholikes mufl depend upon the Arch- friefi, the Archpriefl up on fat her Garnet, father Garnet upon father Par fons, and father Parfons upon the devil, the author of all rebellious conf pira- cies, treafons, murders,dif obedience, here fies, and all other fuch diabolical and bloody deftgnments as this wicked Refute hath hitherto devifed~] p. 1 5 1 I One that as fure as you live on earth, doth c arena more for the lives of all the Catholikes them- f elves, then for fo many dogs lives, in a time of infectious plague .~\ p. 153. Tea (faith he) que- fkionlefshe could rvifh in his heart , to Jee all the feculars and other Catholikes in England hanged rather then to befrufirate of his conceited ^apo- nian Monarchy. Tea I verily think he would be the hangman of them all himfelfi rather then his platform fhould fail, if it food upon Jo defperate a point : as a fitter off ce for fuch a bafe irregular baflard,then to come neer Gods holy Attar,&cc.~} gyodlib. pag. 153,154^ I will not foul my paper with any more concerning him. And To the Literate Romanics] And of the Jefuites in general I have thought that there are^ among them Tome temperate vertuous men : but your Prieft Watson faith, jpuodlib. p. 346. [I call them tfefuitical, that is , the Faction of jefuites > by a breviation, to avoid circumlocution > in one word expreffing them to be a factious, [editions y ambitious, ava- ritious, treacherous ^turbulent y Machivilian , A- theal con fori , that abnfing the rules of their focie- ty , and quite perverting the conrfe} caufe, infti- tution, and intent of their order ,&c,~] The rea- fons he gives at large, p. 340. And p. 108, {The jefuites have a fpecial privikdge in two things. One is to ?nake all things to be believed asGofpel, be it never Jo falfe that they [peak cr write : another y to make all things be judged falfe, be it 04 true as the Gofpel it f elf .ih at any other pal write or fpeak without their approbation ' But if direttly againft them -? cut up 071 it% it is not to be hear dy fpoken of> or once locked upon— And withal? the vilejl parts thai can be played , ere counted atts of zeal among their, if done by a Father : fo as it may be any way covered with ei- ther of their two principles ,frt licet ^propter bonum fecietatis ,vel crdrne ad Deii7n.~] And p. 149/he m^es their principles wh^Omnif pro tempore ', et divide & impera. And p, 150. 151. he af> firmeth that it was the Jefuites own choice and doing that the Papifts had not toleration in England ^ becaufe by fiifferings they 'Would £ c 3 have To the Literate Romdnifls. have the people more paffionately ferve their ddigns. j This is the language of your own brethren (even more as well as he) but not mine. To conclude ^ concerning thefe following Difputations 5 I need not tell you3 that they are none of the elaborate writings of any cham- pion of the Proteftant caufe5 challenging your Anfwer : but a few hafty (yet confidered) lines, delivered in a monthly meeting of a few Coun- try Mini fters/or mutual eciification,by one that never pretended to much skill or will for fuch Difputes. if any of you have a mind to try your Jlrengthyvsebolrfy challenge you to do it on thoje mentioned by me in the end: to whom let me add Dr. Crakenthorpe^ efpecially againft Spalatenf. and DalUus on feveral particular fubje&s, as de Pmis & fatisfacl. de Imapntbus, de le'ywits and the reft. I pretend not in to fmall room to hand- le the particular differences between you and t us ^ but to give my general reafons againft you5 and to choofeout one particular about our foun- dation and yours. For I had read in Ccfierus Bnchtr. c. defum. Pont. p. 1 5 ' 1. 1 5 2. That No- men Fetra plus tncludit quam fundamentum^ fundament a^quippe edifcium jnftinent, Petr+au- t em feu Rapes ipfa fundament a > & Apojloli alti fundament a dicuHtur. Petrus vera ut Rupes fo- lidijfima , eti am fundament a ipfa continety & ne in err ores & vhta labantur detinet author it ate pafto- To the Literate Romanifts. p aft or alt. ] AndSkulkemus faith Apol. fro Bell9 c.*6. p. 255. Pontiftcia poteftas eft velut car do 7 fundament um ( & ut uno verbo omnia com^ plettar) jumma fidei Chriftiana. Gretfer laith Bef. c. i.l. i.deverb. Deiy. 16. Idfolumpro verbo Deiveneramur acfujcipimus, quod nobis Pentif ex ex cathedra Petri, tanquam fupremus Chriftianorum magi ft er , ommumquz contriver ft arum Index deftmtndo proponit.~] Bellarm. faith lib. 4. de Pont, c, i, In con- troverfiisReligioms ultimum )ndicium eft [ummi Pontifcis. & cap. 3. fclnm Petrum Chnftus vo~ cavit Petram,& fundawentumi) non petrum cum Concilio. Et ibid, Petrus & quilibet e)us [uc~ ceffor eft petra & fundamentum Ecckftu -— Ejus prxdicatio &confeffio eft radix mundi> & ft ilia errarety touts mundus erraret. — Ex quo apparct tot am frmitatem conciltorum efje a Pontiftccynon partim a pontifice,partim a Cencilio.'] The Pope then is your foundation 5 yea your Church : For faith GretjerDef.c. 10, /. 3. de Verb, Dci.f. 1450. Per Eccleftam intelliqirmts pontifcem Ro\ manum> qui pro tempore Ecclefta mviculamme- deratur. Etp. 1451. EccUftam papam inia- pretaniur : Non abnuo^] .But the Frencbhave another foundation. But that we renounce both yours znd theirs > I thought meet to tell you in the third Deputati- on. Acept this account from , Your friend Ri$ Baxter. . [C2] THE mmmn T HE CONTENTS, Difp. i. QJT IX J Hither the Reformed Catholike Chriftian V V Religion, commonly called Trotejhnt , be a fafe way tofalvation ? A ff The terms explained to fag. 1 1 Thefirft Argument p. 1 1 The fecond Argument p. 14 The third Argument p. 1 6 Argument fourth p. 1 7. to 26. Obj. I 7>#* Religion is but eney anfwcred p. 26. Obj 2.7 /;* tr tie Religion hathftill had a vifibls Chnch profejfing it p. 3 2 Obj. 3. Tiw Religion h^th no certain t eft to dif cover it m p. 40 Obj. 4. Tou have feparated from all the Churches in thew&rld p.41 Obj. 5. Tou are divided irito'Scfff, and havenotmitj among your f elves p 42 Obj. 6. Ton have no infallible certainty of jour Relt- ijcn p,43 Obj 7. Ton want many Articles of the faith p. 45 Ob;. 8. Tou condemn one amther ibid. Obj. The Contents. Obj. 9. Tour titles /hew you are SeBaries p. 46 Ob j. 1 0. Yon found us in pojjejfton : where Vras jour Church before Luther ? 47. to 5 2 A ^Defence of TZiJhep lifters Serm of the Churches u- nity, againft the cenfutatiw of Paulus Veridicus : p. 52. to 77. wherein the cowmen Arguments of the Tapifts againft m are refetted. x Difp. 2. Q^ Whether Pepery b$ afafe way tofahati* en ? Neg. p. 78 The term QPopery 3 and the reft explained, to p.84 Twelve proportions for the full anjwering of the cjuifti- on p. 84 Argument 1 . Popery U huilt upon and refolved into a a notorieus falfhood p. 9 1 Argument 2. They hold Chrlftianity it felfon agrsund utterly uncertain, if not, certainly fatfe. p. 93 Argument 3. They are dij agreed among themf elves in the very fundamentals p. 1 04 Argument 4. Popery u a novel prof ejfion, unknown to the Apoftlesand Primitive Church p. 106 Argument f. They make a new Catholike Church p. no Argument 6 They are the greateft Schifmaticks en earth p. 126 Argument 7. Popery is an uncertain changeable things f& that a man can never tell when he hath it all p. 1:8 Argument^,. They exprejly contradict th* Vcord of God, andfet up man above it p. 142 Argument 9. They worjhip the creature with Divine The Contents, tyorjbip p. 153 The monftroufnefs of Tranfubjlantiation p. 1 54 Arg, 10. They turn Gods worfhip into fcenical 'forma- lities and Ceremonies p. 161 Arg, 11. Popery i* upheld by moft wicked meanesy and jo by Satm p. 164 Arg, 12. They adde to all, impenitemj and uncure* ablenefs p, 171 Arg. 1 1, It plungeth men into certain perjury p. 1 72 Objections for Popery, Obj. I. It is delivered down from the Apoftles : p. I75. Obj. 2. They are a true Church : p. 177. Obj. 3. <^yf Papiji maybe faved: p. 179. Obj. 4. There is but one true Churchy and t hats theirs p.180 Obj 5. They have unity , univerfality , antiquity 9 juccejfion: p. 181. Confuted. Difp. 3 .Q. Whether the infallible judgen ent of the Ro- .inane Papa andhu Clergie muft be the ground of our belief of the Chrijlian dofitrine* or of our receiving the holy Scriptures at the word of GWfNeg. p. 186 The Refolution of the Trot eft ants faith ibid.- The Popifh confujion about the refolution of their faith • p. 189 Three quejtions contained in this one, i.pyhtther the Pope and hU Council bejud&e of contr over ties ? The truth opened in ten propofetioxs p. 195 Argi.p. 199, Arg.2. p.2CO. Arg,!. p.202. Arg 4. p. 203 Obj. Shall every illiterate perfon be judge of the fence of Scripture ? p. 205 Q^2. pvhetherthe Tope be infallible in this decifive judgement which hepreterJeth to} p. 208. What The Contents. What infallibility we bold p. 209 Ananfwerto that »>hich 1&z\\&?tti\T\t faith for the Popes infallibility p. 2 1 3 . to 22 1 An anfwer to Knots arguments againft Chillingworth p. 221. to 240 Arg. 2. againft their infallibility from common fenfe p. 24O Argument 3. from experience : p. 248.^.4. p 152. *r£$- P— 53« *'£-6- P-256- ^7- P-257- ">X 8 p. 258. *r£ 9. p. 259. *rf. IO. p. 2 60. drg.11. p. 262. 4rf. ]2. p.267.^.13. p. 267. drg.14. p. 268. ^. 15. p. lOj.arg. 16. & 17. p. 272. arg.iS. p. 274. arg. 19. p. 277. **>*£. 20. p. 278. Q_* . whether onr faith muft be refolved into the infal- libility of the Remane authoritative judgment p. 278 Two more Argu. againft the Popes judgment p. 279 That we muft not receive our Religion on the credit of hk judgement, manifeftedin twenty queres p. 28 1 How Dr. H. Holdenfhuns the circle p. 282 The ancient Fathers and Church fully againfi them p. 295- *035i Their Obj. againft us for our want of infallibility , an- fwered p. 351^0356 More out of antiquity againft them p. 3 5 7. to 3 64 Their own ufuraption againft Scripture p. 3 65 Vineentius Lirincnfis againft them p, 368. to 373 Dr. Fields Catalogue of Popifh errors p. 3 75 Jlppendix, Hi/hep Downames Catalogue of Popifh er- rors : p* 381. to {be end. Errata. Errata. PAgc 3 1. line $$. read^ep.n,: ai.dele it p. ixA.z^.v.from p 20.! 8 r. wdfci p. it. l.uit. dpurptfelyp-ip l.g r. goodp. llJ.i%J.(dtkf>8$Ty .38 l. i8.r. ut p. 38. Mar. So Dr White, &c. fhould be primed p. j^.l.io.d. w«p. 44.I.1 3. r. tfr#p.4*« I.9 r.^^rcp.48 1 t4. r decide** p*50 .1.1 r. fttnptcmesp.lzA. 11 r, MzjptunCb ijH&vsp ^8 l.f«r. Smtm. I. 7 r. ftferil. 25. d.oniibettejirmtesl is v.ibt p f 9.L2 4.-. c72 1 t!d- wep- 75. 1. 26 r.i* p. 17 ^ .!.25.r fcfiwij lu\\ d it p 187 1. 27. add 61* p. 1 89 Mac add /owe * 92 I. 4 add and p 202I22J. u* p 209, -7.d. ifte p. 2 2,6 l,i r. mi7!UQhed\.i r #»Ji\ ;6.t.uvquc- ftwnibly p.2$<-l.i 3cd rot p 245 I.7X tUudjvg p. 247 f. 9.^. /e(/'p 2-9 Mar-r. ^r^r^j p.2^ai.J°*f tbeitv r.tyfti*n4\. 27, 3ad 720J 25 ».'. 1 5.r. iccrrc/p 25 f.Mfair. r fH€ceedi»gptG9 \ ? 3. r w;// p. 27*;. Li i.r. tpiffrfii p V 1. 1. ?£.*. ifcr p, 28$ 1 1 1 r. tppifUB p-2. 4-1 2 r fftep 28 ?.l. ulr. r.impfrliio p. 286 1. 7.r. apenump.19 .1.2. id. i*p,$o8 Li8.r judtcul?. $09 l.iS.r. fCff» /utt- p. ji4.j.28.r ifeiri p. IJ.i.l 27. r. VHiontanus p ?J?.1.8 r. Tdtianusp. -41.1 ;2.r cantrip 34^ . 1. iy.r. fuburlirsrus L$2.r, beaded p. }4t.\ ?6r to us v. $481.2. r KMMfitfL 4 r. autkers p. 355.i.:o r.wer^ 1. 23 r.provttk p .'356.!. 2- r rtthrtbtop. $^8% Marg. add de\,i%,r.liurit p. . $9.1.3 i.r. /ecttr* p. 564 I. 1 1. d. i. e. p. 566.I Ar. GUfip.^7o.\^,u fuifftijr p. 371 1 28. add K>*£** ^ A HE £rcat bufinefs of &he Divel the Enemy of Mankinde, is to keep man from that Salvation, which Chrilt hath fo dearly purchafed , fo graci- oiifly offered , and hath appointed us fuch excellent helpes to attain : To which end it is /?/4/zr/?endeavor,thatmenmay not know or Believe that there is fuch a Felicity , and what it is, aod how much ta be defired j and his next^ to keep therh from knowing the way to it • and thtlaft is, to keep them from walking in that way when they kniiw it, B' *Y By the firft means he keeps from Salvation , all A- theifts and Heathens that know not,or believe not the life to come : by the fecond , all Infidels that Believe not Chrift to be the way, and all Hereticks tbaf Be- lieve not thofe Truths which are of abfobte ncceflft- ty in lubordination to Chrift : and by the third , all Hypocrites aiidunfand:ifiedr ungodly, impeni- tent men , in the vifible Church , that yet have a ftperficial Belief of thefe Truths. Our Queftion in hand is for the efca ping the fe- cond of thefe fnares.by difcovering which is the fafc Way to Salvation rThe Policy of thcDevil hath always endeavoured to hinder the world from knowing this way, by thefe two means : Firft, if it be poffible by keeping them in utter darknefs,that this way may not be revealed to them, or being reveaied , may not be underftood; Secondly, or if that will not do, by making fuch a number of by-ways on every fide,that the true and onely way may hardly be difcerned. And this is his end m raiting fo many Herefies ; and this is the courfe he takes to miflead them that have efcaped from the darknefs of Infideliry. He begun this trade betime , evert in the dayes of the Apoftles : They faw the multifarious off- fpring of the Deceiver fpreuting up apace in their own times : yet did it ne- ver enter into their thoughts to tell the Church , that by this,all Herefies (hould be known , That the Church of Rome fkould condemn* them , or to fend it down to all pofterity as the true touchftone to tell them which w*is the onely right way amoEg all thefe Herefies , to wit , That Which id believed by the P pe or Church vf Rome. This had been a ready andeafu'way for the Apoftles to have prefcribed, and for us to have received > if it had been true. It might (I) might have faved them much labor in giving us that Body of facred Dodrine which they have made indeed ths Touchitone of the fafe way y and it might have fpared us much more labor of fearching and ftudying which is the way; and we might all have fent to Rome , and been refohed without any more ado. Surely the A poftles were not fo envious to our eafe and fafety , as to have filenced this eafie way if they had known it themfelves. Cut as every Here- tick when he findcth out a New way , doth con- demne che Old , as inconfiftent with his New, fo do the Papifts ; Since this new way hath been cryed up, that \^No man can come to heaven but £jRome]] it is their bufinefs to deter people from any other way * and to that end, to tell them that there is no fafe way but theirs. As the Quakers tell us, that there is no way to Heaven but theirs, and fome * Anabaptifts fay * *lach contrary to ^4. • it wid/cefl£3 who faun that the there is no way to Heaven Ri,pt'i2ed Jo crucifi, but by being Baptized (again chrift apin, onbolfid. as they are) fo do the Papifts /;* 4. c. 5. p. (mtbi) 196. tell us that there is no way to ( Though I fuppofe he Heaven but by Believing £d " fac on the °:her in the Pope and Church of l "' Rome^ and obeying himas the head of the Church. I never faw the place, but fure that Town hath fomd admirable excellency in itf that the God of Heaven fhould fomuch fet his heart upon it, as to endow it with fuch a ftuperidious Prerogative , that no man fhould be faved from everlafting Torment that doth not Believe in the Bifliop of that City , and obey him as the univerfal head. Its a wonder to me , tha: he that fet not his heart fomuch on his Temple ae fern/Mem, or on that chofen people | as not to for- B 2 teH fake them for their fins , ahd chat hath the Heavens fcrfrs Throne, and to whom the Sun it feif is as Darknefs , (hould yet be fo taken with a Town cal- led "SMe , built and long inhabited by Idolaters, de- filed with the blood or thoufands of Martyrs , a- gainft which the fouls under the Altar cry out [_How long Lord Holy and true wilt thou not avenge our blood ,&c.~] as to ordain that no man in the remoteft parts of the world, even the Antipodes that never heard of the name of Rome, can be laved, though he (hould never fo much believe in Jefus Chrift,unlcfs he Believe in the Bifhop of this Town and obey him : when yet with Andrtidltu and other Papifts, its a hard queftion whether a man may not be faved in thofe heathen Countries without believing in Chrift himfelf. Is it not a marvaile that we never read that Rome was once named by Chrift himfelf, and that it never was put into our Creed as one of the neceffary Articles to falvatton ? efpecially when wc find there the C*ih6U\e Church, and Communion of Saints,which fure would have been fome way intima- ted to be the Roman? Church or that which is head- ed by their Bifhop, if it had been fo indeed. I find but three names (ftri&ly fo called ) in theCrecd3and the\ Popes or Rcmf.ne Churches is none of them: One^ Jefus Chrift, and the other is hers that bore him, and the third is his, that Judged him to death ; and this indeed was a Romane name, and if the ho- nor of it in the Creed will do thert any fcrvice, lee them make their beft of it. But however, this advantage the enemy of the Church hath got by it \ that the new Romane Title, hath made the old Catholike Title feem queftionable to#nany , and now fo great is the audacity of the ^ lifuro-- (;) ing Pope, that he not onely queftioneth whether any Chriftians fhallbe faved that believe not in liim as well is in Chrift , but he flatly denyeth it ; and what he cannot get by Scripture and reafon, he would get by threatning and terrible words to affright the fim- pie, telling them that Proteftants are not of the true Church or Religion, norinafafe way to falyation, becaufethey will not be the fubje&sof the Pope of Rome : Well, v/e fiiall briefly prove our way to be fafe , if not to the fatisfa&ion of perverfe, arjibiri- ous, or paffionate and prejudiced nien, yet \ doubt nottothefacisfaftionof all humble, impartial^ di- ligent perTons, that are willing- to. know the truth, and deny themfelves , that they .may know it, and do not ftifle it by their lufts , or irnprifon it in un- righteoufnefs in their by affed resolutions. And firft we (hall briefly open the termes. By * [Religion~] here we mean, the * Religion in ' Dortrine de credendts & azendis * a- crhe firt* fcR,cc «* 7 leems to be (as fyartinim)proprfi4fli$ ejus qui res divina* ftudiofe Relegit , picmk ergo, though the word be thence variowfly ufed. (i) LaftantiM.Uhh (Inftit. li, 4. <;. 18J Hacconditkntgig- vimur, ut gencrarai nes Deo jufia (^ deb ha Dbfequiz prekmws , biric (dum novcrimm huiic'l'cquamur Hoc vinculo pietxtk ob- firiaiWeo (?\tli&ti (umus i unit iff* Rcligio nmenacccpit 5 nonut Cicero interprctatutcft a Relegeiido. CMclim id nomc* Lucretius interprctttus eft, qui nit, Religionum fe nodos txolvere. liierotne in c. 9, Amos, & Auguft. de viaRd. c. $5- & Re- trad. L 1. c, ij. & li. 10. deCivir. Dehc*4. are for the fains derivation. • 0) Mscrob. Saturn, li. $, c, $. ServmSulpitius Religmem rjji diftm tradidit qua propter fanftiwem aliquum remota ac fepo- fijn nobis fittqujtfi a relinquendo dictx.&iC. vid. Martin in verb. Sometime Religious h taken for the fame with frcreds and fo is sfptyed to Perfons, Actions, Things, Places, Ttatijgfc we here take it for a prescribed way to falvation, or that which by us is Believed or profeiltd to be fuch : and this is our Religion. B 3 bout (<5) bout matters to be believed and pradifed, which we hold and profefs as of Divine Revelation, and in- jundion, in order to Gods Glory and our faWati- on. For though this be but the means towards thofe holy Affedionsand pradices which are of neercr ne- ceffity to our falvation , as being the necefTary ef* feds of the former ? yet is it not this later • but the former that we are now inquiring after ; Not of Subjective y but Objective Religion : not of the fde: qua^ but the fides qua creditur : not whether rre be true to our Religion and fo truly Religious, but whether we be of the True Religion , or Jhold that Dodrine which will fave them that are true to it, in Belief and Pradice. I (hall not much ftop the plain Reader therefore with any further and nnnecefTary inquiry into the Etymology of the word Religion , which fome derive (i) a Relegendo, fome (2) a Re- ligando , and fome (3) a Relegando & Relmquendo •* But as long as we underftand what is meant by the word , we fl^all not ftiek ac the Etymology or pro- priety. By the £ Reformed ~] Religion , we mean , the Chritlian Catholike Religion , as it is feparatcd from Popery: and fo by this word we do diftinguifti our Churches from the Romane Sedaries. For, it is not every Reformation (much lefs every thing fo called) that-here we have refped to , but the Reformation by which we caft off Popery it felf , which becaufe it was in one Count rey done by a foIemnProteftati- onof certain Princes and Cities againft Popery, hath been fmce called the Proteftant Reformation , and our Churches the Proteftant Churches and cur Religion, the Proteftant Religion. Our (?) Our Religion is called Catholik* * becaufe it is , the Religion of the Gacholicke Church, which is f> called a ^ *** , hecaufe itisuniverfal , confiftir.g not onely of Jews and their Profehtes,_a$ heretofore, nor of one Town like Rome , and thofe that wi!! he the fubje&s of the Bifhop of that Town , as the Pa- pifts dream, but of all that Believe in the name of Chrift through the whole world , holding the Foun- dation or points of abfolute neceffity to falvacion-> and not again denying them by any fuch contra- di&ing Errors, as will not confift with the pra- dical belief of the faid Fundamentals. As that was called^ Catholtke Epifile , which • was dire&ed to the whple Church , and not tfc any one perfon or people; fo is that the Catholike Chu-cb which contained^ all Chriftians. As tstiuftin was wont to defcribe it againft the Donatifts (who would have confined it to the ad - verfaries of Cacilianus and followers of cDanatw in sAfricke) that the true Church was that which was fpread over the world by the Gofpel which was commanded to be preached to all Nations, beginning at ferufalem :• fo do we. By the Chriflian Religion.! fuppofe we are agreed, is meant the Religion of Believers in Chrift , or that whereof Chrift is the Foundation and prefcriber , and faith in him the firft a& , whichmuft contain all the effential parts ("though it may poflibly want ma- ny integrals) or elfe it is not to be called the Chrifti- an Religion. They that were called Chrifts Difci- ple$ were afterwards called Chriftians firft at Antioch^ AB. 1 1. 26. To be a Chriftian therefore, and to be Chrifts Difciple is all one. Note therefore , that as the word Re ligion denot- B 4 eth (S) eth the film of doftrincs and way of falvation abfo- lurely neceflary , fo it is but One in all the world (that's true andfaving) and that is the Chrifrian Re- UgUn. So that if a Heathen, Jew or Maho'metane ask me what Religion I am of, in oppofuion to theirs, I will fay, Tara a Chriftian', and not onely that 1 am a Proteftant : But if a Chriftian aske me what Religion I am of , I will fay , I am a Re- formed Catholike Chfiftian : for fuch a queftion in the mouth of a Chriftian ufually implieth that I am a Chriftian, snd inrendcth thedjfcovery of what fort or party of Chriftians I belong to. But indeed Chriftianity is not many but one , and therefore Chriftians & Chnfiians are not of many Religions \* but of one: No nor Chriftians at all, that are truely fuch, if by Religion you mean, afjficmc ofdocirir.es in the main, yuctfiary or Efficient to ftlyation ( or conceited fo to be :) For,as there is no fuch Body of Doftrine but Chnfts, forroman that is indeed a Chriftian, can believe that there is, feeing fuch a Be- lief contradideth the cffentia'sof Chnftianity. , But among thofe that call themfefves Chriftians, there are fomeHcreticks that deny or plainly fubvcrtfome pare of the eftentials- of Chriftian Religion. And among thofe that are Chriftians, fon.e fcave'fcch dangerous corruptions as do much hazard the fal- vacion , and tehd to fruftrate them of their benefits of the Chriftian Faith , and thefe very cornipr.tons •they Entrde by the name of Part of their Religion , as the Papifts do : In which fence Imuftfay, I am riot of the fame Religion with them , though I hold xhe fame Chriftian Doftrine as they , becaufe I hold not their mixture , and add not thofe corruoti- ons which they make a part of their Religion. The (?) The name Protcftant I rcjeft not , becaufe it was ta < ken'up on a juft occafion : but I take it to be too ex- trinfecal , and private to be the ftanding denomina- tion of my Religion; as being not taken from the nature of the thing, but from an occafionali aftion of a few men in one Countrey ; though it intimarcth that all of their judgemenrin all other Countries,do virtually at leaft make the like Protection in the maine. I do therefore rather choofe to fay that I am a Reformed Catholike Chrifiian ; and when fcall my felf a Proteftant , this is my meaning. So that by the name \^Chri(lian~\ which exprefleth all my Religion it felf Pofitively confidered , I am differenced from Heathens, Jews, Mahometans, and all Infidels, andthofe (by fome called Hereckks) who ufurpe the name of Chriftians , while they deny part of the very efTentials of Christianity. And by the name \JZatholikf\ I adde nothing Pofitivc to the former , but onely intimate that I am of the Univer- sal Chufch,and negatively exclude my felf from all di- vided parties,or from any that are yet in thatChurch, and yet take up any dividing titles or wayes therein, though they withdraw not from it; as they are fuch, 1 am none of them 1 and therefore difclaim (when I exprefs my Religion ) fuch private names • I am no Lutheran , Calvinifi^ ssirminiatt^ Papifi, Socinian \ &c. but a Catholike. But yet when I fay lam a Reformed Catholike, I purpofly declaim the Corruptions of Popery , and in that word renounce their Errors as fuch, as by the word Catholike I renounced their Schifme : Andfo I may agree with Luther , Calvin or any man in Re- formation, fo far as they hold to the word of God : fo that if malicious adverfaries will put the name of f.o) Sed upon the Catholike verity, and call it by the name of Ztiinglianijme , Luthtranifme, Calvinifme or the like , pretending that it had its fpring from thefemen, they fhall not by fuch unworthy means, remove me from the Catholike Religion, nor yet caufe me to own their Corruptions , becaufe they have named the oppofition of them as a Herefie- eytuguftine would not turn Donatifi , becaufe they named the Catholikes Chilians *; nor would Proffer turn 'TtUpfify becaufe they called the Orthodoxe, Prcdeftinamns or Fatalifts, qor would Athanafius before them turn Arrian becaufe they called the Orthodoxe Tritheifts. It is not other mens fatten- ing upon us the name of a man , or of a Sed that proves us Sedaries ^ or that we had our Religion o- riginally from that man. Yet do we fo much reve- rence their names, that we re Joyce in their labors for the Church , a^d blefs God for them , and endea- vor to imitate them in their holy dodrine 2nd lives , though we make none but Chrift the Lord of our Faith As for the terms of the predicate they need no great explication. By falvation we mean princi pally Everlatiing Glory ig Heaven: By theW^jtoit, we mean the means appointed by God for the attain- ing it. The principal means indeed is Chrift him- jfelf , who is eminently called , The way , and no man comcth to the Father but by him. But in fubordinauoo to Chrift all other means are the jviay. By a fafe Vpayy we mean a way that infuo genert is Jjufficient to the attainment ot the end; fo that all that fmcerelyare that way ftiall attain that end ; A certain means of happinefs to all that faithfully ufe it. For 00 For it muft be known that no Religion for found Doftrincs^ will fa ve a man that isnot faithful in the reception and improvement of them. ATrue Religion will not fave him that is not True to his Religion. And therefore it is no wonder if multitudes even of Proteftants do perifh, though their Religion be the 6nely Religion in the world. For they are not heartily of the Religion which they profefs. They have that doftrine which is the feal , and fit enough of its own nature quantum infe to imprint the image of God upon their fouls ; But if they keep this feal in their Chefts, and apply it not effedually to their hearts , they may have unholy hearts and lives , though they profefs a holy faith and Religion , and therefore may perifh for all that profeffion ; yea and perifh moft deplorably becatife their profeffion doth aggravate their fin. If a maris Religion ( or believed do&rines) be bad in the maine, the man him- felfmoft needs be bad too; and therefore no man of fuch a Religion can be faved : But if a mans Re- ligion (or profeffed doftrines) be never fo good it is poffible he may be bad that doth profefs them : and then no Religion can fave a wicked man. So that of the true Religion fome are faved ,but not all : but of a bad Religion (in the main) no man can be good, or be faved. I come to the Arguments by which I prove the Affirmative, that [The Reformed Catholike Ckrijii- an Religion, commonly called Protefiant, is afafe way tofafoation. Arg. i. That Religion which beft agreeth with the word of God, above all other Religions in the world , is a fafe , yea the fafeft way to falvation • But the Reformed Catholike Chriftian Religion com- CO commonly called Proteftant i doth beft agree with the word of God: therefore it is thefafeft way to falvation. One would think among Chriftians the Major ihould he unqucftionable : But here the corrupt Ro- m&mjls have prefumed to make a new word of God, " that fo the -determination of the cafe might beim- poffible , unlefs we v/iil go up to thefe Phiiiftines to {liar pen our weapons : For they deny the holy Scrip- ture to be, the whole, word of God , or fuffi- cient to be the Rule for deciding of controverfies in matter of faith, and tell us,that unwritten Traditions are another part : And thofe Traditions arefuch as are received by the whole Church as delivered down from thfl Apoftles y and that whole Church is onely theJiomane party; and thus do they by their own Authority undertake to damne all the reft of the Chriftian world, and make themfelves onely theCa- thoiike Church : and by this trick of wit they have got one half of Gods word into their clofets , and chat it is his word, which they fay is his word : And that you may know that they are no blabs '. or r.eveal- ers of fecrets, they have for forne hundred years kept this clofe as a fecret to themfelves ; yea from them- felves as well as to us: fo that when the:cQmmon Proverb takes that to be a fecret which one or two Knows , but not when three know it; yet thefe men have a word of God which all the Catho- lic Church is the keeper of, and yet thofe that keep it, know it not themfelves , much lefs can we that .{land by come to the knowledge ofit;but we pi uft all wait till the laft Pope have breathed out his J.^ft determination , before the Catholike Church that is faid to keep it can come to know what is the whole whole wofd of God. And fo among them it is come to this pafs , that to be judged by Gods word, is to be judged by the Pope and his entrufted Sub- jects. But if any man whatever bring us forth a Tradi- tion, and fay, that this is the word of God and came down from the Apoftles , we (hall defire more then his word for the proof of it. And when he brings us as good proof that Lis Tradition came from the Apoftles, as we (hall bring him th#t the Scripture came from them , then will we cheerfully receive his Traditions : but not without fufficient proof , up- on the boaftings of corrupted intcrefled men. • As for the Minor, that our Religion is moft agree- able to the Scriptures, I fhall now fay but this to the proof of it. Firft,we take the Scriptures for the on- ly Teft or Rule of our faith and practice; and we tye not our fclves to any other by -rule which may force us to a mifiinderlianding of it. It is onely the Scri- pture that we ftill profefs doth contain our Religion : And it is the chief part of the Quarrel between us and Rcme^ that they will not take thisl word for the perfedor fufficient Rule of Judgement. It is this word onely that we appeal to , and defire to be judged by: AndthePapifts wilful declining of this Tryal and Judgement doth give any impartial obfer- ver fufficient caufe to fufped , that they take the Scripture to be againft their caufe , or elfe why (hould they not have as much confidence in it, and commit their caufe to it as well as wTe. 2. To run over every point of difference between us and them, and prove our part by Scripture , would bea very eafie work, but it would make this Djfputationfwelltoobig. And it is donefo largely and Cm) and often already by our Writers that it i$ lefs necef- fary. If any of them corn plain for the omiffion of this part, let him but affure me that he will ftand to the Judgement of Scripture, and I (hall quickly and willingly enter the lifts with him , and go over this part of the task again. In the mean time let it fufficc to tell young Students, that Amtfint his Bellarminus Enervattu hath fpoiled all their caufe of this defence and manifested Scripture to be fully againft them, in a little room ; which may fpare them the reading of niany larger. And for the meer Engtifh Reader, Mr. Ri. Bernard in bis book called, Look beyond Luther, inhishelp annexed to it , hath given a brief and ef- fectual difcovery that Scripture is not on their fide, in an enumeration and proof of many of the points in difference, between them and us : which for bre- vity, I refer them to. Ina word, if the Scripture be true, then that Re- ligion which agreeth with them is a fafe w&y to falva- tion : But the Papifts confefs that the Scriptures are true : Therefore, &c. The Major is plain , in that Scripture affirmeth of it felf, that it is able to make us wife unto falvation, and furnifh us to every good work , and is written that we might believe3and be- lieving might have life in Chrifts name, &c. fob. zg. 3 i . 2 Tim. 3 . 1 6, 1 7. Of which we have faid fome- what in a (hort Determination of that Queftion by it felf. Arg: 2. That Religion is a fafe way to Salvation, by which the Apoftles and the Churches in their days wercfaved: But by the Reformed Catholike Chri- ftian Religion, now called Protectant, were the A- poftles and the Churches in their dayes faved : there- fore it is a fafe way to falvation. The 05) The Major with reafonable men n*deth no proof. There is not many Religions but only one that are a fafe way to Salvation : and thai which the Apoftles went in and the Churches in their dayes , is undoub- tedly that one. God hath not fince taken down that Religion and fet up another, and made that way fafe td us, which was unfafe to them. The Minor is thus proved , The Apoftles and Churches in their dayes were faved by that Religion which is contained or exprefled in the holy Scri- ptures : But that is the feme with this which is called the Proteftaht Religion. For proof whereof I refer hofoever believeth in him Jhould not feriflj but have everlafting life. But Proteftants believe in him; and fubvert not, nor nullifie that belief by any contradiction ; therefore they fhall not perifh (if they be true to their profeffion ) but have ever- lafting life. Mark: 16. 16 Go and preach the G off el to every creature : he that Believeth and ts rB aptized Jhall it faved. But Protectants believe and are baptized. Oij. So Hereticks and wicked men may fay. Anf But not truely : For 1. Heretncks truly fo called, that cannot be faved , do not Believe the whole Do&rine which is fundamental or of Abfolu&e necefiity to Salvation. Let .them (hew that by us if they can, 2. As Hereticks have not the true faith , fa wicked men are not true in the faith ; The former want the fides qua & qt*a both , that is, both true objeftive and ftibje&tvfc faith : and the later want true fob* jedlve faith at lead. And fo they will confefs tha: ' (W) that many a Pope hath done. Rom. 10.9. If then confefs with thy mouth the Lord Jefus , and (halt believe in thy heart that God raifed him from the dead, thou /halt be faved. For with the heart man bclicveth to righteoufnefs , and with the mouth confeffion is made unto falvation. But thus do the Protcftants ; therefore they fhalj be faved. The Do&rinc which Peter preached to Cornelim was fufficient to fave him and all his houfe, Aft. 1 o. J4. But every word of that is believed by the Proteftants, therefore it may fate them. The Jaylor is projnifed, AS. 16. 3 1. that if he will believe on the Lord Jefus Chrili he (hall be fav- ed. So Heb. 10.39. Luk* 8. 12. It is not faid, If thou ttrilt believe in Chrift and the Pope of Rome thou (halt fee faved, eAtt. 4. 12. [Neither U there Salvation in any other : for there is none other name nnder heaven given among men^ whereby we mttfi be faved~] Therefore not the Popes name. In A€t.i$.i. It's faid that certain men came down from fndaa taught the brethren , that except they were circum- cifed after the manner of Afofes they could not be faved : againft thefe Panl wrote the Epiftle to the Galatians , where you may fee how to think of fuch : And in the like manner do the Bapifts teach men, that except they believe in the Popa of Rome , and except they believe that there is a Purgatory , and that Im- ages may be worfhiped, ana that the confecrated Heft may be adored , and that we may pray to faints departed, and that thePrieft muft take the Sacrament while the people only look on, and that only the Prieft nauft receive it in both kinds , and the bread alone may ferve the people , and t&at prayers C % api (20) ' and other Church -fervice (hould be in. the Lutinc tongue when the people underftand it not , with abundance more of their vile inventions , I fay, thofe that believe not all this, they fey cannot be laved; But what fay the Apoftles, Elders, and Brethren at ferufalem , when the former cafe is brought before them ? They would not hare men tempt God, by putting a yoak on the moft of the Difciples, but believe that through the Grace of the Lord Jefus Ghrift, thofe that ufed nose of thofe ceremonies (hould be faved as well as the Jews, Verf. 10, Ti. And the fum of their Decrees or anfwer is \ that [Thofe men who went oue from them and trou- bled people with fuch words , did but fubvert their fouls, by faying that they muft bs circumcifed and keep the Law, and that they gave them no fucfh com- mandment ; and that it feemed good to the Holy Ghoft and them ro lay upon the Gentiles no greater burden than thefe neceffary things, &c^ The Pa-> pifts thus go out as from the Apoftles, pretending an A poftelical Tradition, and impofeupon the whole Chrifttan world a multitude of Ceremonies and Do- ctrines as neceffary to falvation , which are not to be found in the holy Scripture. How (hall we know whether thefe men indeed have any command or Tradition from the Apoftles for any fuch courfe? Why i. Let them (hew their Commiffion, and the proof of their Traditions. 2. We fully difprove them from the Apoftles owne words. It feerns good to the Holy Ghoft and the Apoftles to lay on the Gentiles no greater bu iea then the ne- ceffary things here named; and by thefe they may be faved, and they that te&ch otherwife are pro- nounced by them fubvertersof fouls, that had n$ com- command from them for what they did. Bat it feemcth good to the Pope and his fafti.on to lay on the Gentile Churches unnecefiary things, and mul- titudes of them, pretending a neceility of them, when they are none of the four that are hereonely made ncceflary by the Apoltles , nor are fo made by any other word of Scripture ; and fome they impofe on pain of damnation , which they will not pretend te be of neceffity themfelves. By proportion there- fore we may hence judge, that the Papifts are meer falfe pretenders to A poftolical Tradition, and fub- vertcrs of fouls, and that the Proteftants may be fa- ved for all their prefumptuous fentence to the con- trary. The Gofpel which Paul preached to the Corinthi- ans , and which they received , was fuel) as would . fave them , if they kept it in memory, viz,, that Chritf dyed for our fins according to the Scriptures, and that he was buryed, and that he rofe again the third day,e£r. as Vaul witneffeth, 1O.1 5. 1,2,3,4. And the Corinthians by the beliefe of this Do&rine, were a Church of God and faaftified, 1 Cor. 1.1,2. But the Proteftants believe all that the Corinthians received to make them fuch a Church and fan&i- fied and faved ; Therefore the Proteftants are fo too. John wrote his m Gofpel that men might believe, and believing might have life, J oh. 20.30,3 1. There- fore he that bclieveth that Gofpel (hall have life ; but the Proteftants believe all that Gofpel; therefore they (hall have life (fuppofing it to be a true faith that worketh by love.) The Jews that heard *Fcters Sermon, Ail. 2. were converted and added to the Church (even three thoufand fouls) and put into a C 2) ftate ftate of Justification by Believing that Sermon, vtrf. 37, 38,41,46,47. But the Proteftants believe all that Peter preached in that Sermon : therefore they alfo are of the Church and j.uftified. Andleaft the Accufing Devil or Papifts, rtiould trouble the peace of any of his people, Chrift hath proteftedit with his own mouth, Job. 5. 24 \_Veri- /j, Verily I fay unto pu^ He that heareth my word and believed on him that fent me , hath everlafiing life , andfhaR not come into condemnation , hut itfaftedfrom death to life ] Me thinks this (hould make any Be- lieter tremble at the thoughts of condemning thofe that Chrift hath protefted . (hall not be condem- ned. Chrift hath promifed that all thofe that receive his words, and in whom his words abide , (hall be be- loved of the Father and have everlatting life, and be heard in what they aske, fob. 1 4. 2 3 ; & 1 5 . 7. Doubt - tefe that which Chrift himfelf preached was the true Gofpel, and fo far fufficient that whoever believeth itfhallbe faved. Ochcrwife Chrift could not have converted any foul , fo far as to have brought them into a fiate of Salvation by his Doftrine : and then Peter and the reft of the Apoftles were not true Chriftians by the belief of the Doftrine of Chrift,Buc if the Dofti ine which Chrift preached be fufficient zq make true Chriftians and Church- members of thofe that receive it , then the Proteftants are fuch : For,they believe every word that the Evangclifts re- cord of the Dodrine of Chrift. And if the Papifts fay that there is more of his Doftrine neceflary to falvation, -which the Evangelifts did not record in Scripture, 1 . We call for their proof of it, and 2 . We knew'W the Evangelifts did purpofely write the four (»3) four Gofpels or Hiftorics of Chrift?of purpofe to ac- quaint the world with his Nature^Biril^Life^o&rine DearirandRefurrcdion,e^.£*^ profeffeth that he wrote his Gofpel upon pcrfeft underiian4ing of all things from the very firft,which conteyneth a Decla- ration of thofe things which are mod furely believed among us, even as they were delivered by them that from the beginning were eycWitnefTes and Minifters of the Word, Lnk. i . i , 2, 3 , 4. And he tells us Aft. 1. 1,2. that he wrote his Gofpel of all things that Jefus began bbthto do and teach, untill the day in which he was taken up. It would therefore have been an exceeding -biemifh to the Evangelifts that wrote of fet purpofe both the Hiftory of Chrifts Life and Doftrine^ if they had left out any part of it that was of necemty to falvation. Proteftants there- fore that believe all the Gofpel do believe fo much as may bring them fafely to falvation. If Chrift him - fclf be not a fufficient Teacher, nor the Gofpel it felf a fufficicnt Do&rine of Life Then whither (hall we go to feek it ? Then Pet^r himfclf was not the Rock, nor a trucChriftian by Chrift3 Teaching : And then the Pope ceuld not derive that from Peter which he had not. But Peter himfclf thought and taught o- therwife. He faith Q Lor d whether flail we gQ ? we know that thou haft the Words of Eternal Life ] For my part I will take Peterssounkl , and go to Chrift for the words of Eternal Life , which are purpofely recorded by foar Evangelifts in the Gofpel : Let who will go to the Pope for anothet Gofpel , to fup- ply the fuppofed defects of this , for I will net. Ih Aft. 22. & 26. and other places P*»/preacheth fo much of the Gofpel, as might have made true C 4 Be- (Z4) Be/ievers, and all that, the Protectants receive. The Church of Rome when Paul wrote his Epiftle to them , were a true Church, Rom. 1.7. and all the Do&aine that Paul writeth to them we do be- lieve. TauiteWtth the Elders of Ephefm^ Aft. 20. 27. that he had not fhunned to declare to them the whole councel of God : and this is fummed up in ^Repen- tance toward Cjod , and Faith toward our Lord Jeftu Cbrifi~] verf. 21. And whatfoever Paul hath writ- ten to thefe Ephefians or any other Churches or perfons,we believe. But what (hould we talk any more with fuch an ajrrogant unreafonable fort of men , that dare main- taine that the belief of all the Holy Scripture is not large enough to falvation. Atheifts and Infidels fay of the Scripture , that it is too big to be all true : And Papifts fay that it is not big enough to bring a man to heaven that believeth and obeyeth it. Shall the Holy Ghoft endite a Volume as big as the Bible, and when he hath done (hall any pretending to be Chriftians, perfwade the world that he that believeth all this, (hall be damned if ht believe not the clofetr Traditions which the Romane Biftiop pretendeth to be the keeper of? Nay fee the ftrange contradi&ions of this giddy faftion ! They lockup this Scripture it felf from the common people in an unknown tongue : They damne the tranflating of it as the root of all Herefies, and burn men to a(hes for ufing the Bible; when they cannot keep'it unknown any kmger, they tranflate it themft! ves as far as they can to their own advantage , and puck forth with their perverting Annotations; and yet when they have all done, they condemne any that (*2) that read it without a fpecial licence from their Or- dinary : which in England and France they fome- time grant to avoid fufpicions ; but in Spaine, Italy y &c. too few if any at all. And when they have written voluminoufly to prove that the Scriptures are not neceflary to the people for falvation , and that Ignorance is the mother of devotion , they come back again, and difpute againft the Proteftants, that the whole Scripture is not fufficient to falvation, and he that believes but the 'Scriptures is not in a fafe way to falvation. Icfeemsthen that the Popes Ca- nons are more necefTary then the Scripture ; For a man may be faved without the knowledge of Scri- pture , but not without the knowledge of the Ca- nons of the Pope : Yes,- that he may too : if fome of them miftake not, if they will but implicitely be- lieve that the Church of Rome is the Catholike Church, and that the Pope is the infallible fqveraign of the Chriftian world, i and believe fome Articles of the Creed upon his credit, he may be faved with- out either Scripture or Canons , fo he be but ready to believe and obey whatever (hall be offered to him by the Pope for the time to come. Moreover Chrift and his Apoftles do frequently promife Remiilion and falvation to all that truely Repent , that love God in Chrift , that mortifie the fie(h,&c. but all this do the Proteftants, and their Religion teacheth them to do it. Vaul concludeth that, There is no condemnation to them that are in ChriFl fefu* , that w'alk^ not after the fie Jb but after the fpirit, Rom. 8. 1 1. But the Proteftants are in Chrift Jefus , and their Religion teacheth and en- gageth them fo to walk: therefore there is no con- demnation to them (that do fo) and they may with the (a6) the fame Apoftle, Rom. 8. 33, 34. Challenge all the Papiits in the world. , It is God that juftifieth, who (hall condemne us? Paul telleth Timothy that the holy Scriptures are able to make him wife to falvation , 2 Tim. 3.15. therefore they may make us alfowife to falvation, And he addeth , that [_ All Scripture is given by in- fpirationof God , and u profitable for DoHrine , for reproof \ for correction , for inftr uElion in right eeufnefs, that the man of God may be perfeEl, throughly furnijb- ed unto all good workjf]ver\. 16, 17, It were endlcfs to recite all that proveth the falvation of them that believe and obey the holy Scriptures. But this all true Proteftants do. I (hall therefore leave this taskeyand next hear what the Papifts can fay to the contrary , and what they are able to produce to prove that we are not in a fafe way to falvation. Obj. 1 . There is but one fafe way to Heaven : The •Proteftant Religion is not that one way : Therefore not a fafe way. The Minor is proved thus : that Religion which the Church hath owned from the A- .poftlesdayes till now, is that one way : The Pro- teftant Religion is not that which the* Church hath fo owned : therefore it is not that one Religion. The Minor is proved by parts : 1 . As to Doftrine, 2. as to Difcipline, 3- astowodhip. 1. The Church ever fince the Apoftles dayes , hath- maintained the Do&rines of, 1. Free-will to good or evil, 2. of Predeftination upon forefeen faith , 3 . of mans me- rits, 4. of Juftification by Inherent Grace, 5. a- gainft the certain Perfeverancc of all the Juftified , and confequcntly againft their certainty of falvation. 6. Vow- (*7) 6. Vowed Chaftity and Monaftical Life. In Difcipline the Church ever held, i. The Popes Supremacy and IJniverfal Jurifdi&ion ; 2 The Government by Bifhops over Presbyters : 3. Ordination by them, and not without them. 4. Pennance and Confefli- on of fin. 3. In matter of Worlhip the Church Imh ftill ufed, 1 . Chryfme to the Baptized. 2. Im- pofitionof hands in confirmation. 3. Thefacrifice of the Altar. 4. The Crofs. 5. Holy dayes. 6. Fafting dayes. All which the Proteftants have caftoff : Therefore they are not, of the fame Reli- gion- Anpto. 1. To the Major Propofition of the main Argument, I anfwer. The word \J*ff\ referretb to fome Danger that we are fafe from : The way may be called fafe therefore, either in refpeAof fin or damnation : Alfa this way may be called \jnf\ in re- fped of the Effentials of Religion, or elfe in refpeft of fome inferior truths and duties , that are not of abfolute necefiky to falvation. And fo I fay that there is but one Religion as to the Effential and abfo- lutcly neceffary points , in which a man can be fafe from Damnation. And there is but one Religion as comprehending all the Integral parts, in which a man can be fafe from fin : But yeFthat Religion which in the Effentials and Abfolutelyneceffary points is but one, may yet eonfift with errors in lower and leffer things in the minds of thofe that hold it; and yet be a fafe way to falvation,though not fo fafe as to freemen from all fin.And confequently there may be differen- ces among true Chriftians that {hall be faved, though there be nothing but perfed Harmony in the entire Do&rifle Dodrine of ChriiHan Religion as delivered from Chrift and his Spirit : ,Becaufe no man holds that Dod rine entirely and per&dly without any error or ignorance , and therefore there will be much diffe- rence among thofe that (hall be favsd. To the Ma- jor of the Pro-fyllogifme, I arstwer, Implkitelyand in Generals the Church hath owned the perfed truth in all ages , becau^ it hath Believed that all that God faiih is true, and that the Scripture is his word : But explicitely Zf\d particularly the Church hath not held alijihe truth of Religion, in any one age iince the A- poftles. For every man on earth hath been Ignorant , and themoft knowing men erroneous in fome things : feeing we are all imperfed,and here know bat in parr. And fo one particular Church might erre in one thing, and another in another thing,as the differences about Eafter, Rebaptizing, the Millennium, Infants Communicating, ejre. {hew they did. And of the fame Church one Member might erre in one thing and another in another thing : it being as certain that no two men on the earth are in all things of the fame minde, as that none on earth*are perfed: in knowledge. To the Minor I anfwer, that the Religi- on called Proteftant is die fame in all points abfolute- lyneceflary to falvation which the Church hath flill owned : And in other inferior points, the Churches having not been all or alvvayes of one minde , fome ages were more pure , and others more corrupt : The Proteftant Religion is neerer to that of the pur- er times then the Papifts is : It is the fame in theEf- fentials ; it is the neereft it in the Integrals ; it is more remote from latter corruptions intrQduced in times more remote from the Apoftolical pu- rity. To Tothc particular inftances of our differences from the former Churches, I anfwcr particularly. l.For Free will to God, if yon mean a natural freedome, which is [[the wills felf-determining Power 3 fo the Proteftants maintain it as well as the Fathers. If you mean a moral freedom from ill-inclining habits, which is properly a right- difpofuion, fo the Fathers maintained it not. Oh). Let Scultetu* in Medulla Tatruw and others of your own Writers be judge who ftill number this inter n&vos Patrttm. *s4*fw. Scultettuand Calvin and others might, miftake the Fathers fence and- think that they fpoke of moral Freedom, when they fpoke but of natural, which is infeparable from the will And its like that they did fo, feeing the Fathers maintained Original fin, which is that pravity of humane nature , which , is clean contrary to moral Free-will. 2. And if the Fathers were for a Free-will in a moral-Ethical fence, fb is one part of the Proteftants as much as they were: And if they were in the right , foare thofe Proteft- ants ? If in the wrong then the other part of the Pro- teftants are in this, in the right. '3. This is a point that men may differ in, as much as the Fathers did from us,and yet be in a fafe way to falvation. 4. The Dominicans and the Jefuites differ about it as much as we and the Fathers ; yea, they cannot yet agree, what natural free- will is. 2. For Predefti- * in this the Ancicnci differ- •nation upon forefeenfaith. ed gmong themfelves Jujiin * I . There is no Decla- ant* M* f ©Hewers being for ration of the Churches jfcWurt RcddHiittioii and for Reprobation «• feenunbeief: arfd others being for Predeftiagiion \ ie- dios) upon forefeet aiinde mindc in thofe times about it , but what is found in the wrigtings of particular Do6?ors. 2. We confefs that men areEle&ed to Glory and Juftifica- tien from guilt, upon forefeen faith : But we fay withall that they are Elefted to that faith; and that God did forefeeitas a thing which he intended to give f and not as a thing which corrupted unregene- rate nature would produce. 3. And wefayaifo, that this is a point that men may differ in that yet arc in a fafe way to falvation. 3. As to the point of mam merits, we fay; that the Fathers differed from us but in word and not indeed : It fcemed good to them to call every moral aptitude or Ordination ad ^Pr&mium , that is, the Rewatdablencfs of our a&ions , by the name of merit; and every Rewardable work meritorious. We thinke it fitteft to forbear this name. This Verbal difference makes not two diftind Reli- gions. 4. As to the point of Juftification , we confefs that the Fathers commonly called that Juftification which we now call Sandification. And we our felves maintain that Sanftifieation dothconfift in Inherent Graces. This difference therefore being but verhai, the Religion and the way to falvation is neverthe- lefs the fame. * Auftin , Profper -5- As for the pwnts and of a Monaftical lc i u or Eremetical life ; we think that moftofthe Churches fiace the firft century , have departed from the Apoftles Do&rinc in thefe points ; and and therefore we appeal to the Scripture. But yet we know that thefc are not points of abfolutc neccf- fity to falvation ; fo that whether thofe Churches, or we were miftaken , yet is our Religion the fame, and both they, and we in a fafe way to Hea- ven. * 2. For matters of Government and Difciplinc we fay i . That we undertake to manifeft it as cleare as the light, that the Popes Supreme Headlhip, and univerfal jurifdi&ion, is a novelty introduced above fix hundred years after Chrift. 2. Far Diocefanc Epifcopacy and their ordination, fomeof the Re- formed Churches do own it : But it is not a matter foneceflary to Salvation , as that all men that will be faved muft nteds be of one-minde in it, 3. We confefsand maintain the neceffity of true Penitence and fuch confeffion of fin as is neceffary to manifeft' Penitence to the Church after a notorious fcandal t and of confeflion to thofe that we have wronged : and of private confeflion to our Paftors, in cafe that we cannot have a through care of our wounds, or comfort to our confeiefices without it. Laftly, as for the Ceremonies mentioned which the former Churches ufed , and as for the bare name of a Sacri- fice and Altar ( while they agreed with us in fence) we take them not to be matters of fo great moment, as muft make them and us of two Religions ; as if both were not in a fafe way to falvation. The heft men on earth may differ in as great a matter as one of thefc : and if they ifi a miftaken :real (hall depart from the Apoftles , fo that we cannot imitate both the Apoftles and them, we had rather of the two leave them then the Apoftles; yet holding with them ftill in the maine. Ob. (**) qb). The Religion of Proteftants differs from the Abiiliae and Greek Churches and all thef world as well as the Romkne , and therefore cannot be a fafe way. Anfw. i . If chat be not a fafe way which dif- fers from the Greeks, Abaflines, &c. then the Pa- pifts way is much lefs fafe then ours : for they do not onely differ from them , but un-Church them and condemne them to Hell , and fo do not we. 2. We are <3f the fame Religion with them : onely we have by- Gods great mercy call ou: of that one way fome (tones of offence, which they have not; yet caft out. Ob). 2. The true fafe Religion hath had avifible Church profiling it from Chrifts time till this day : But the Protd-tant Religion hath not had avifible Church, profefling it to this day : therefore it is not the true fafe Religion. *Anf. The Major leafilygrant and difclaim the needlefs fhift of them chat would deny it. But the Minor I deny : If they, call for the proof of that vifible Church, and aske where it was before Luther^ w'e fay that it was wherever Chrift hadaChruch: From CRrifts time full many hundred years after,evea at Rome, it felf and many other places : and from Chrifts time to this day it hath been in Ethiopia, Greece^ Egypt y MefipotamU, and many other Coun- tries t if not ftill among the Romanifis therafelves : for full proof of which, note, that it is from the EfTentiais , K 11 J Effentials , and points of great neceffity that we de' nominate our Religion ; ::nd every difference in lefier things doth not make a diftind Religion : clfe there were as many Religions in the world as men. Note alfo that the main difference between us and the Papifts is, not that they deny the fubftance of our Religion direftly , but that they fuperadde a great many of new Articles to the old Creed, and have made their Religion much larger then ours , many of their new Articles confequently fubverting the Fundamentals which they profefs. So that our Re* ligion is, and ftilt hath been among the Papifts, and other Churches : and if they adde more to it , that makes it notceafein itfelf to be what it was Our Religion is wholly contained in the Holy Scriptures, and that all the Churches have ftill allowed of : The Papifts themfelves confefs it all to be the Word of God, which we appeal to as the onely Touch- ftone and rule of our faith. Obj. So you would make our Religion and yours to be all one. Anf. As the word Religion fig- nifieth the Effentials of the Chriftian Faith , or the points of abfolute neceilicy to Salvation , fo our Religion is with you , and is owned or confefled by you : As it fignificth all thofe points that are conceit- f^neceflary to Salvation with the profeffors, fo your Religion is not all, but part, with us : Andasitcorn- prehendeth alfo all thofe Integral parts, which a man may confefledly be faved without , fo he do not wil- fully rejeft them , fo yours and ours do much differ • And that your Religion is not all with us is no lofs to us ; becaufe the points of yours which we difown are both novel additioss of your own brain , and al- fo fuch as contradid the acknowledged verities. D Where* Wherever then Chrift had a Church that did believe all the Doftrine of the Scripture , and fpecially1 the Creed, die Lords Prayer, the Decalogue y theDo- drine of the new Covenant , Baptifme , the Lords Supper, and the Miriiftry ; there was our Religion before Luther : If any added hay and ftufeble, if their work be burnt , and they fuffer lofs , yet our Re- ligion among them is the fame ftill. Ob), But do not you make this Negative a part of your Religion;- that nothing but Scripture is to be believed^ divina ? and what Church was of that Opinion ? dnfw. i. We have oft at large (hewed that many of the ancient Doftors of the Church have aflerted the Scriptures fufficiency at large , and appealed to them as the fiilhReveiation of Gods will concerning all things ncceffary to falvation , and the fufficient Rule to Judge of conrroverfies. 2. If they did any of them think that the Church had a fupptradded Revelation by Tradition , in points of order, of no neceilityto falvation ; this doth not make them and us to be of two Religions \ or wayes of Salvation , as long as they do not introduce any dangerous or deflruftive points under that pretence. Ob]. But the Church ftill held thole things as ne- ceflary to Salvation which you deny. Anf. We deny that to be true: Some of the points in difference are novelties of your own, which tke ancient Church didiiever hold : the reft are fuchasthey never laid fuch a ftrefs,as mens Talvatiort upon. To conclude, Let it be confidered whether this Argument may not damne your felvcs which I turn againft you Thus. The truefafe Religion hath had a vifible Church profeffing it from Chrifts time till now: now : But the Religion of the Romaxifts (as com- prehending all poiats of their faith,«or made by them to be neceffary to falvationj hath not had any vifible Church profeffing it of many hundred years after Chrift : Therefore ic is not the true Religion , nor a fafe way to falvation, The Minor I (lull undertake more feafonably to make good : And eur Divines have done it already. No doubt but common reafon and juftice rcquir- cth, that you chat call to us fo earneftly for.a Cata- logue of the ProfefTors of our Religion in all Age* fhould be as much obliged your felvcs to give us a Catalogue of yours : yea and to give it firft, becaufc you are the firft in pleading the neceflity of it. Un- dertake this task therefore, and perform it well, and you {hall carry the whole caufe. Give us a Cata- logue of any, beiiies impeached Hereticks , that did own your main points of Popery for many hundred years after Chrift , and we will give youafullac« count of fuch ascontndifted thofe conceits and be- lieved as we do, and let both be compared together, andletthemoftfatisfa&ioa and the fulleft evidence carry if You make a meet* empty noife among the vulgar , of Antiquity and Universality , and call for a proof of the perpetual or continued visibility of our Church , as if in this you had the adrantage , and the ballancc did turn on your fide : When as (though we know that there is no fuch neceflity of our proof in this as you pretend yet) we know your difad vantage here to be fo great , that if you will but be perfwaded to this way of tryal, it will be to the utter fhame and confufion of your caufe. Whats the matter elfe that you ftill appeal to the latter or prc- fent Church, and that is only to the Roman* ,and thats D 2 onely onelytoyour felves? If we do but invite you to a tryal by Scripture; and the Fathers and Records of the three firft ages , you prefently fcorn the motion and fall upon the Fathers with accufations, as if they had not underftood or believed all that was neceflary to faivation ^ or to the being of a Chriftian or a Church ; for you fay they did not meddle with tfaefe controverfies ; and fo you call us down to the latter or prcfent times, as hiving equal authority with the firft: To which we fay, i.That the filenceof the firft times .concerning, thefe matters, if there were no more (as yet there is) is fufficienc to prove that they were not then taken for any naceflary points of faith. For , Though our Records of the fecond Age be very fiiort , yet both .they and much more thofe of the third and fourth • Ages do containe flich pur poTely undertaken , explications /of the'Ghrifttan faith, that we cannot imagine fuch a mukimde of neceffary points would have been omit- ted. I 2. And though the Paftors of the prefent age have equal Authority in Ruling their Congregations, with thofe of the fecond , yet they cannot give us fo furean account what was the dodrine ai)d praftice of theformer Ages/ nor any way prove it to us but by producing fuch records. The Papifts themfelves are fo far from denying that the Ancient Fathers and Churches did hold the Pbfirivc part of our Religion, that they hold it thera- fdves ; For they themfelves profefs to believe every book of holy Scripture that we do: They fay they believe the Creed called theApoftles, and the Ni* ceneaniCovftantiHopolitaneCtccd, and that of t/f- thanafitui and lb do we (ftill taking- the holy Scri- pture onely for our Rulej fo that their own tongues muft (37) nuift confcfs the Antiquity , and Univerfality , and fucceilion of our Religion :• For this is ours. But all that they have to obejeft is this, That we can name no Churches or Fathers that held our Negatives, To which I fay , I. The Negatives (atleaft, for the raoft part of them , if netallj are the mcer confequences of the Affirmatives and Pofi- tives, andirnplyed or plainly included in them : For example, when our Religion faith \Thm (halt wor- ship the Lord thy God^ ana I him only Jh alt thouferve'} this includeth the Negative [[Thou (halt not worftiip or ferve Saints, Angels or ac% 4* 10# any other, fave only by a fervice and honour duely fubfervient to the fervice and worfhip of God : and therefore that we give not Divine worfiiip to the confecratcd hoft, or the Virgin Mary , or to any other meer creature. Our Religion teacheth us £to do all things to edifying] iCcr. 14. 26. Thisinclud- eth the negatives [[that we muft not worftiip God ia an unknown tongue or Onedifying manner, bleating and bellowing out our prayers in hideous or ridicu- lous tones.] Our Religion maketh it the Minifterial Commiffion , to teach the Nations and Baptize, Mat. 28. 19,20. This includeth the Negative that women or lay men fhould not fo teach ^that is, as Comrnifiioned officers ) nor baptize : Thisaffirmative^P^rwasfentto Dif- * 2 ' **% ciple Nations] includeth this Negative [Peter was notfent to be the fixed Bifhop of Reme, arid there torefide. This affirmative [The Apoftles are the Foundation of the Churcb] includeth this negative [/Peter alone is not the Foundation of the Church] This Affirmative Qlt is bread and wine which we take and eat and drink in the Eucharift] containeth or im- d 3 ply- (}8) plyeth the Negative, that |[It is not Chrifts flcfti and blood, which the bread and wine is tranfubftantiated into] I might thus inftance in many more : Our Ne- r _ gatives are contained or implyed fSS 52" A*™^s which V oot bring > O.i hold or confcfs your fe|y«. logue of thofe that in all ages have maintained our Nega. tions of tfeeir corruptions , becaufethe Corrupters were net then rifen up 5 and how fliould w^ prove that the Church ©►- pofed an error before it was hatched. 2. I anfwer further , that we haveexprefs negaT tives alfo both in Scriptures and Fathers ; in the main points of difference between us and the Papifts. We have a plain £ Thau Jhalt ttat make to thy [elf any Graven Image , &c. Thou Jhalt not bew down to them nor tyer&ip them^ &c. "] We have a plaice Qln the Church I had rather fpeak five words with my underftanding that I might teach others alfo, then ten thoufand words in a tongue] (unknown) 1 Cor. 14.29. We have a plain [[See thou do it not, fori am thy fellow fervant ] Rev. 22. 9. And fo of the chief differences through the reft. 3. If we had but this one point proved, thatQthe holy Scripture is a Efficient Rule of Faith] it fully warranteth all our Negatives wherein we differ from the Papifts. For, to Believe all that is in Scripture,and that this is fufficient , will furcly warrant as to ex- clude their additions. And we have oft proved that the firft ages did maintain the Scripture fufficiency. This one anfwer doth fully juftifie us againft this ca* vil of the Papifts. The Ancient Church and Fathers believed the Scripture and the fufficiency of that Scripture as containing all points of faith : And fo do we. we. And fo alt Popiih faich is excluded (Though w e confefs many Ceremonies and points of order were then admitted as from the Ouircfo. 4. Negatives beceune necdTary ro be exprefly af- ferted by occafion of Hereiies. And therefore who can wonder if many of them are never mentioned till thofe herefies did call them out. When there was no man fo impudent as to fay that £The Pope of Rome is the Univerfal Biftiop and Governor of the whole Church]] or that [[God muft be worlhipped in an unknown tongue] or that [Images muft be wor- {hipped] who could expeft that the Church (hould have occafion in words to exprefs it as a part of their faith that [The Pope is not the univerfal Biftiop ; not infallible, &c7\ and fo of the reft ? If Popery had rifen fooner , it had fooner been contradifted. 5. There may be an hundred Negatives made ne- cefTary hereafter by herefies , which it is notnecefla* ry now to put into our Creed or confefiions , be- caufe they are not yet Sufficiently 'contained or im- plied in the contrary Affirmatives. If Hereticks a- rife that fay that man hath feven fouls ; that the foul returns to be GodsEflence,and was fo eternally;that there are fourteen Sacraments ; that Infants muft take Orders ; with a hundred the like ; then it might be Receflary for us exprefly to deny thefe ; and (hall they then tell us that our Religion is new and theirs ©Id, becaufe we cannot prove that any did before deny theirs ? So what if we could not prove that any before had faid QThe Pope is not the Univerfal Governor ?] that is becaufe there was none fo (ham- Jcfs for fix hundred years as to fay he was. Whefe Religion then is proved new by this, ours or theirs ? But I (hall fay fomewhat more to this anoa in the end> D 4 Obj. K$°J Obj. 3. That Religion which cannot be known as having no certain teft to difcern it by t can be no fafe way to falvation ; But fuch is the Reformed Religi- on, therefore, &c. The Minor is proved : If they hav« any fuch teft , either fit is Scripture , or fomc confeflions of their own : But neither of thefe : therefore not Scripture : For that is appealed to by many Religions , and therefore can be no proper Teft todifcerneoneof thfcmfrom the reft; Befides it knows not fomuch as the name of the Reformed P rot eft ant Religion : Not any confeffion : for they .have no one which they agree in , but one difclaim- eth what another owneth : And they have none agreed on by a General Couneel , or by all them- felves. Anf 1. The. Teft of our Religion is the holy Scripture ; This we profefs joyntly to be the Rule of our faith and life: To this we ftill Appeal, If we mifunderftandit in any point,wc implicicely renounce ail fuch errors , becaufewe explicitely in general re<* nounce ail that is contrary to the Scripture. This may be the true Teft of our Religion though others fall- ly pretend that theirs is more agreeable to it. Many things maybetryed by the famcTouchftone, and weighed by the fame ballance; whereof Tome may be currant, and others unfound, or light. May not the Law of the Land be the true Rule of our obedi- ence to our Governors , though the Rebellious or difobedient (hould pretend to be Ruled by the fame La#s. 2. They (40 2. They are not all diftind Religions which the Papifts call fo : Many appeal to the fame Scriptures, who agree in the maine concerning the fence , and difagree onely in fome inferior things. Thefe are not feveral Religions. 3. Our confeflions do fhew how we underftand the Scripture ; wherein we agree in the main , as the Harmony of Confeflions teftificth , though in fome leffer things we differ. Ob). 4- They that have c&uflefly feparated from all the Churches in the world are not of the true Religion nor in a fate way to Salvation : tut fo have the Proteftants done : for they are divided both from Romane Church, the Qreekj^ AbaJJlnes^ ^Armenians, and all : therefore they arc not in a fafe way. Anf Its one thing to withdraw from fome corrup- tion of a Church and another to withdraw from the Church. 1. We that are now living did not with- draw from Rome or any of the reft : for we were ne- ver among you or under you. 2. Our Fathers with- drew not from the Church as ChrifUan or Catho- like, but from the particular corruptions of the Ro- mane fa&ion , in Do&rine,Difcipline,and Worfhip; rejecting their lately ufurped Tyranny ,by which they would have ftill obliged them to fin againft God, As we are commanded to withdraw from each parti- cular Brother that walketh diforderly , fo muft we from a particular Church when they will be fo di& ordered, as to Tyrannize over the univerfal 3* The Church of Rome re jeded us by a caufelefs excommu- nica- .(42) nication, who were not de jure under her power. 4, We ftill profefs our felves of the fame Church with the Greekj , sAbajfines^ Armenians , Cofties^ and all others on earth that hold the Scriptures, and that fo hold the Anticent Creeds or fundamentals of Chriftianity; as that they do not evidently fubveri' it again by contradidory Errors : Iftheyholdno Errors but what may confift with a true belief of the Fundamentals i« the fame perfons (though by an un- feen confequgnce they may contradid them) we fe- perate not from that Church fo as to difclaim it from being a true Church : And therefore its not true that we io feparate from all the world : but as to the Lo- cal Perfonal Communion or prefence , we dare not joyn with the trueft Church in the leaft known fin : But in that refped we cannot be faid to fepa- rate from the Greeks o» Abajfincs , that we have no opportunity of Local Communion with. While all men are imperfed, one may fee that Error which another feeth not : and to feparate meerly from a fin of one man or a Church is not fimply to feparate from the man or Church. Obj. 5. That Religion which hath no unity in it {elforconfiftency, but is broken into many Seds, and ftill running further, is nofafewayto falvation. But fuch is the Protectant Religion , therefore. Anfto. We deny the Minor. Our Religion is #ne, fimply one, and raoft confiftent , and ha- ving one fure ftanding Rule , not fubjed: to changes as yours is ; even the word of God himfelf. The fame (4?) fame Rule that the firft Churches had f and the fame Teft by which the Chriftian Religion was known of old, when the Belief of thrScripture,and particularly the Ancient Creeds, and the a&ual Communion with the true Church , was the teft of a Catholike the oneinDoftrine, the other in Communion, as free- ing him from Schifmes. We believe all the fame Ar- ticles, and we divide not from the Catholick Church. If any depart from Scripcures as to the fence in points absolutely necefTary , they ceafetobeof our Religion. If any depart from it in lefler things , they may yet be of the fame Religion with us • but fo far we difown them , if we know it. Popery hath no,fure teft, or means to prevent mutation. But we have in that we fix on the Immutable Rock. If Anabaptifts, Scparatifts, or any erroneous perfoas live among us, fo far as they hold thofe errors fo far they are none of us : And if any err, whom we dare not rejeft, we yet rejed: their errors, and take them for ro part of our Religion. And if this Argument hold, it will much more condemne the Romanifts who have more diverfity of opinions and wayes a- mong them then the Proteftants, as may in due place be fliewed. Ob). 6. That is not the true Religion norafafe way to Heaven , which men can have no Infallible certainty of. But the Proteftant Religion is fUeh : For they all profefs their Church to be fallible. Anp*. Wemuftdiftinguifh between a man that May be deceived, and a man that Is deceived : And f44) between Infallibility in the Objed: , and in the Subjed: or Intellect. And between Infallibility in the abiblutely neceflary points, and in fomc Inferior fmaller matters. And fo I Anf. i . The Rule of our Religion,?/**., the word of God , is Infallible , yea the onely Infallible Rule of Religion : and there- fore we have an Infallible, and the onely Infallible Religion. 2. The weaknefs of the Recipient muft be differenced from the Religion which hathnofuch weaknefs There is ftill the certainty and Infallibility of the Objeft , when the believer through his own weaknefs may be uncertain. 3. No man is Falfm a&ually deceived, while he believes that do&rine of our Religion, that is, the holy Scripture ? And this we are certain of. 4. No Chriftian mfctifn comfojito^ nor no Church is fallible , or can err in the Funda- mentals or points abfolutely neceflary. For if he do fo, he ceafeth to be a Chriftian , and that to be a Church, 5. In fenfu divifo , he that was a com- mon believer, may Apoftatize from the faith , and fo may a particular Church : and therefore is falli- ble, but is not, as is f&id, Deceived, till it turn from the Infallible truth. 6. The beft man or Church on earth doth know but in part, and therefore erreth in part,and thcrfore is fallible in part or in lower things, So that it is not the leaft proof of the fallibility of Scripture or the ReformedReligion,that men may A- poftatize from it, or that they m&y ftaggcr in Believ- ing an Infallible Truth, or that we are fallible in lefler things. All true Believers are aftually Infalliblly per- fwaded of the Truth of Gods Word,and particularly of all things abfolutely neceflary. Ob). (45) Obj. 7. That Religion is not true nor a fafe way to heaven which wanteth many Articles of faith ; But the Proteftant Religion wantcth many Articles of faith : Therefore. An/ft. 1. We rauft diftinguifh of our Religion as it is in the ProfcfTed Rule , and as it is Impreffed in themindes of men : In the former refped: , we fay that our Religion wanteth no Article of faith : for Gods perfeft Word is our Religion : But in the minds of men Religion is more or lefs imperfed ac- cording to the ftrengch or weaknefs of mens faith. 2. We rauft diftinguifh between true Articles of Faith, and falfe ones made by the Church of Rome, We are without the latter (but want them not^ but we exped that they who call them Articles of faith, do prove them fo. Obj. 8. Your Religion is unfafe by your own Teftimony : You condemne one another : the Lu- theran condemneth the Calvmift as Blafpheaious , impious, and damnable : the Calvimjis condemne the Lutherans : the Anabaptifis both : and every fed is condemned by others : Therefore. Anf. 1. The Churches confeflions pafs no fuch condemnation; nor any moderate fober men, 2. If two children fall out,&call one another Baftard, they arc never the more Baftards for that, nor will the father (46) father therefore call there fo ; elfe what will become of your Jefuites and Dominicans. Obj. 9. The very name of Lutherans yCahi*ifts3 Trotefiants, do plainly exprefs a Seft or party, dif- ferent from the Name {Catholikg ] which denoteth the true Church which only holds the true Religion : And the very name £ Reformed"] is novel , and no proper title of the Catholike Church ,. but oncly a cloak for your Schifme , which difclofeth the novel- ty of your Church and way. Anfw. 1 And of how much better fignification think you, is the name £Papift] or £Romanift ? You call your fel*es Catholikes,and we call our felves Catholikcs : You fcornfully call us Lutherans , and Calvimfis which are names that we difclaime , and then argue from your own impofed names. Would you have us do foby you ? And as for the names of KP rot eft ants, and Reformed, we ufe them not to ex- prefs the Effential nature of our Religion , but : the Accidental Removal of your Corruptions. So that though Scripture or Antiquity talkenot of QA Pco- teftant , or Reformed Religion] by name , yet it commendeth to us that fame Religion , which we now call QProteftanc, or Reformed] but then it could not fo be called, becaufe you had not then hat- ched your corruptions and deformities, which are prefiippofed to our Reformation. The man that fell among thieves, when his wounds were healed, was a £Cured man] whereas before he was not a cured man, becaufenota wounded man : And yet he (7) be was the fame man as before -, and the Thceves chit wounded him would have made but a foolifti plea, if they would have difpoflefled him of his In- heritance on pretence that he is not the fame man , and have proved him not the fame, becaufc he hath not the fame name, it being not a Cured man that owned that inheritance before. 0£j. 10. Where the Catholike Church is, there the Catholike Religion is , and ne where clfe : But the Catholike Church is not with you , but with us • For,you found us in Pofleffion of the name and thing and then departed from us as Hereticks in former ages did from the Church : Therefore it is not you but we that have the true Catholike Religion, which is the onely fafe way to falvation. Anfw.i. The Church muitbe known to be true and Catholike by the Religion which it ownctb, and not the Religion by the Church. You begin at the wrong end: As if J would prove fuch a thing to be a Vertuc becaufe it is in fuch a man, as Iiftecm , when I ftiould rather grove him to be honeft and Virtuous, becaufe that which is firft,proved honefty,fc Vertue dwelleth in hifti. 2. Did we not find the Greek** £- thiopianand other Churches in pofleffion of the name of the] Catholike Church as well as you ? Yet you would difpoflefs them. 3. Wc found you in Pofleffi- on of All in your own account : and all is yours if your felves muft be Judges. But in the account of the Greeks Abaffine and other Churches we found you in Pofleffion but of the name of £ A Church]] and not [The (4&) £TheChurch]] apart of the Church Catholike, and not the whole ; a Corrupt part and not the Head, or the Pureft part. 4. We departed not from you as a Church, much lefs as the Catholike Church, but as corrupted : Nor do we yet deny you to be a Church, but to be a found Church or' the Catholike Church. Concerning this and the former Queries, efpe- cialiy [when our Church was in all Ages before Lu- ther"} we (hall clear our felves by giving* the true ftate of the cafe , which wi*l Juftifie it felf. ChriftcametobethePhyfician of difeafed fouls 1 In hisGofpel he'proclaimeth his office, and calls them to him felf for cure, and prefcribeth them the means : But he takes the time of this life for the ac- complifhing it , and cureth no man perfe&ly till death. His Church therefore is as an Hofpitalor a City fo infe&ed, that there is not one in it that is perfe&ly found ; One of the deepeft radical difeafes is Pride, which corrupted the blood evqn of the A- poftles themfelves. So far that it broke out into fuch, an Itch , that they could not forbear contending whofhouldbe the greateft even in the prefence of Chrift himfelf. He derides the controverfie, telling them [with you it (hall not be fo, but lie that will be great (hall be the fervant of all. "] This difeafe of Pride was ftill alive in part, even wherever it was mortified, fo that fuch like defires of fuperiprity were excited by it a!fo in the Apoftles fucceflors, the Paftors of the Church in following ages. But it came but to a troublefome Itch till Confiantines time: For the nailes of Perfecution did fo claw it , that the corrupt blood waa let out,and the Itch was frequent- ly abated by the fmart : Bat when Ctnjtantine lifted up (49) up the Bifhops with honors, revenew, and the ad- junction of fecular power to their wills or cenfures, then the itch turned to a plain Scab , the corrupt blood continuing, and the liarifying fcratches of perfection ceafing. But this overfpread not the whole body , theCatkolike Church much lefs all a- likc : but it feized mainly upon the Clergy who fhould have been examples of humility and felfde- nyal to the reft : And principally on the Cleargy of thzRomane Empire, and fome others that they infefted : But on none fo much as the Bifhop of Rome, andhisCIergys. For Rome being the Impe- rial feat , and drawing to it the glory, riches, and obfervanceofthe world, the Biftiop of that place muft needs be accordingly magnified and obferved : efpecially becaufe that he being at the Emperors ear might have pleafured or diipleafured almoft any Prince or Prelate in the Empire. Aft laft by translation of much of the Glory to Conftantinople , the heat of the difeafe was conveyed thither too, fo tkat John of Conftantwople and Gregory of Rome , contended a- bout the Univerfal Supremacy : John laid the firft claime to it, becaufe he was Biflaap of the Imperial feat. Gregory laics no claim to it hirnfelf, but con- tradið Johns ^ pronouncing it a note of Anticbrift to claim the title of Univerfal Bifhop , little think- ing that his own fucceflbrs would have claimed it fo foon. At laft Phoca* being helped by the Romane Biftiop to poflefs the throne of his murdered Prince, doth help the Pope to the Title of Univerfal Bifhop, and the glory and ftrength of Conftantinoplc abating, Rome did the more eafily hold what they had gonj By this time the Scab was turned to a Leprofi Or that fuch Reformed Churches are new things that were not before : The Reformation may be new as to the latter Ages, fince corruption prevailed , but the Religion or Church- ftate is not new.Its a fad cafe with the Church when its corruptions are come tp be ounted of itsefTence , fo that he that will not re- taine the corruptions, muft not be accounted to be a Chriftian or a Catholike at leaftf and he that will be cured muft be accounted to be killed- The Church was a Church before it catcht the RomfoSwb or Le- profie, and therefore is a Church where that te cu- red • and I think far better without it , then with It. E By By all this therefore it evidently appeareth that the Papifts do moft vainly charge us with novelty and call for a Catalogue of How far we account the the profeflbrs of our Re- Cfcurch ot home a true uLzIl „7k^ -u- ~^™i Church, , and yet th: Pa- h8l0n'. Whe" ^ T'*" pacy no trnc Chureh. Sec ty 1S theirs , and then- ■$umwi in his exad baok de felvesdoyet profefs our Ettkfu cm. Bettarm. tptr. Religion , though to it Vol. a.«/.i 019. And the they have adde pag.9.10,1 1. Is againft our aflertion that we are bf the feme Reli- gion, and Church as the ^redans, tA?gjf$ian's9Chr* filing fupply the defeds of Scripture ; but take them and Church cuftomes and conltituti- ons to be onely for matters of order and determina • tion of fuch circumftances as it belonged not to the perfection of Gods Laws, to determine, but were to be left to the wifdom of Governors; the Scriptures containing fufficient for falvation : They believe with the Proteiiants thnt Justification is not by the Merit of works : And that it is impollible for us properly toMerlt ex condirnt theleaft mercy, rnuchlefs the Kingdom of Heaven at the hands of God : They have butoneord*r of Menkes, viz. of S? Baftl, and thofe not fuch as the Papifis, that live a privare, unprofit- able, droanifh life • but their Monafteries are as Col- ledges to fit them for the fervice of God in the Church,and thence they oft proceed to be Priefts and Prelates : They take your Pope to be condemnable for his pride, cruelty and preemption : his pride for pretending to an univerfal >urifdiftion,and ufurping a power to depofe Princes and difpofe of their Crowns: his cruelty in perfecuting other Chriftians for their differing judgements : and his preemption in grant- ing ing pardons and deliverances from Purgatory. In ft word they take the Papifts for Schifmatieks and ac- cordingly condemne them with a folcmne condemna- tion. The Afhfcovites and Ruffians admit not Priefts or Deacons to Ordination unlefs they be marryed : and they refufe to communicate with the Romane Church. The Egyptian Chriftians allow not of Bap- tifrae in any neceility whatfoever but enclyby the Prieftand in the Church, and adminifter the Sacra- ment of the Eucharift in both kinds : they give noc the Lords Supper or extream unftlon to the fick. They deny Purgatory and prayer for the dead : They marry in the fecond degree of confanguinity without difpenfations ; They elevate notthehoft : They re- jeft all the general Councels after that of Ephefns : They repute the Papifts to beHereticks, and avoid their communion no lefs then of the Jews ; Moft of thcfealfo is commoa to the Abajfmes , who alfo ad- mit Marriages of Priefts and Biftiops , and eat flefli on Fridayes , communicate ftanding in both kinds. Are all thefe nothing? What, no one difference , with this Popifh Veridicns ? I will notdefire him to take my word for all this , becaufe I will not take his for the contrary , nor will I turn him to any Pro- teftant for fatisfa&ion , unlefs he will better ufe that one which himfelf citeth ( Sands Relation of the Weft. Relig. or Eurcpa SfecuLp.zs^&c.) But I may with reafon intreat him to believe his own bre- thren the Papifts , and the Greeks themfelves : And in fome of them he may fee many more dif- ferences then I have here named : For Sample i'n their rpcffevin. de Rebus Mofcov. at large. See alfo ConclL Florent. Sejf. 18. ferem. Pttri- C?8) fMriarcb.Conft. in Refp. i. ad Germ. Zonar. AnnaL Tm&* 3- in Imper. Leo. Nilm de^rimat. Papa. Bar- lam de Primatn Papz. figebert in Chron. ad ann. 1054. Leb&Epifi* adEprfcop. Confiant. facob. a fitriacQ hiftor. Orient. Sigifm. de Rebus Mufcov* Quags*, defcripu Mufcov. Sacram de Errorib. Ru- ihtn* Beleri. Relat. Thorn, a fef. Conver. Gent. Gui- UeL de Rubri. Itiner. Tartar, Oforim de Reb. Eman- uel. Saligniac.Itiner. Alphonf. a CaFiro contr.Haref. Damian a (foef Prateol. de Harefib. Alvarez kifior. Ethhp. (which yet hare much falihood) Gmd. fnwm* de H&refib. TZurchardm Defcript. terr. SaTtEl. If our confuter cannot have leifure to read all thefe , let him onely read Thorn* a fef. & Pofevin. dereb. Mofcov. & Appanat. Sacra* and fee to his ihame what his own friends fay againft his falf- hoods. And that all thefe Chriftians are as confiderable as all the Papifts in the world , far over matching them for number, is apparent : Much more when we adde to the Cjrecians and 'JMofcovites^ and Copt%s% all the Syrians jhe Georgians, thz Indians oiSimtThomas the Abaffines, theJVefiorians, the facobits, the Armeni- ans^ and the Maronites, and to them as Proteftants, where then \% the Papifts Univerfaiity , and how few are they comparatively , and how plainly do they play the Donatifts (but that it is on a far worfe ground ? ) The Patriarch of Confiantinople alone hath under him in Afia (as Brierwoodnoteth ) the Chriftians of Natolia (excepting Armenia the lefs and Cilicia) of Circaffia^ CMevgrclia, and of Raffia : And in Eu- rope alfo the Chriftians of Greece, Macedw, Epirm^ Thrace, (59) Thrace, Bulgaria, Rafcia, Sextia, Bofma^JValachia, Moldavia, Podolia,md Mnfcovia ( till lately) to- gether with all the Iflandsof the *s£gean Sea , and others about Greece , as far a^ Corfu , with qiuch more. And as is noted in Ctiropilat. de Offic. Palaf. Con- fiant. & Offic Mag. EccL he hath under him, The Archbifhopof Cafarekifi Cappadocia ; l.Ephefu*, 3. Heraclea, 4. Ancyra, 5. Ci^hum, 6. Sardis j^Nicomedia, S.Nice, y.Calcedon, 10. Mitylene, 11. Theffajonica, 12. Laodicea, 13. Sjnad*, 14. Jco~ nium, 15. Corinth, 16, Athens, 17. Patrt, iS, Trapezuntium, 19. Larijf their friends, they may think that he deferveth not puniftiment but pity , becaufe he is fo bad that he could not ( morally, that is, he would not ) help it But they fay, we teach that mens Wills have a ne- ceffityof finning impofed on them. But we have learnt that Habites do not determine the Will natur- ally , nor alway infallibly , but leave it free to a na- tural felf-decermination : But yet we know that it prdinarily deterrnineth it felf according to predomt ■ nant habits. And there muft be fomewhat extraor- dinary to procure the Will to determine it felf to good where it is habitually inclined to evil. So much may ferve to vindicate our Doftrine about Freewill ; And as for the caufe of its captivity , it belongs not to this fubjeft to fpeak of it , but to that of Origi- nal fin (where the laid Dodlorfo notably playeshis part ) to which we fhall not now digrefs. The next inftance of the Papift is this £ They (i e. the Qreekj maintain ) J even Sacraments, yoti mt7\ Sepl. i This is another very immodeft untrutlr.I won- der that men dare venture their fouls upon a Religi- on that muft be thus upheld by faSfhoods. Your own Writers before alledged, witnels that the Greek* deny the very ufe of confirmation and extreame Unftion : and how then can they account them Sa- craments! Nor do they take Marriage for a proper Sacrament. 2. We cannot difpute this point with you upon the bare name • Give us the definition of a Sacrataent , and we (hall give you our Reply. As a Sacrament fignifieth any Chriftian myftery, ormy- fterious Ordinance fignifying fome Spiritual thing i we doubt not but there are more then feven Sacra- ments , but not as it fignifieth, an inftituted figne, to feaV (*5) fcal the Covenant of Grace , and exhibit its great benefits. Calvin hath yielded to you , that in a larger fence Ordination is a Sacrament He next addeth \JT bey fay that Chrift dyed for all mankind; Ton fay not ^ but onelj for the £Utt7\ RepL Still more confufion , do not your own Schoolmen and other Divines fay chat he dyed , for All men fuf- ficiently , and for the Eled onely effeftuaUy ? And fo do we ! where then if the difference ? Not fo much in this point as in another conjund: : You fay that its mans Free-will , that is the chief differencing caufe, in making Chrifls death effcdual for thefal- vation of the Eleft ; and we deny it , and fay that it is Gods fpecial G race. 2 . Do not you know that about this and the former point of Freewill , you differ as much among yourfeh'es, and that we fay no more then your Dominicans do ( no not fo much in the point of predetermination. ) 3 . Do you noc know that half the Protectants ( thofe whom you call Lutherans) do hold universal Redemption as well as you? Be it right or wrong therefore you {hould not impute the contrary to all. We fay that it was the fins of all mankind and not onely of the Eled that lay upon Chrift in his fufFering : and that God as Legiflator of the old vi- olated Law hath received a fufficient fatisfadion for all, and that hereupon a conditional Pardon is grant- ed to all by a Law of Grace, and that thecondition is but their Acceptance of what is freely offered (ac- cording to its nature and \x(t) and that all and onely they that perform this condition (hall have Adual pardon ancttajvation. But then we do notfay,that Chrift did equally intend the procurement of the per- formance ef this condition : but that he giveth fame (66) an infeparable fpecial Grace which (hall infallibly procure ic , which he doth not to others , who yet have fo much as (hall leatfe them in their own cen- iciences and at his bar without any juftexcufe. I pray you fliew us next what the Greeks fay more then this. In particular that Reverend man againft whom yon write hath an excellent M.S. abroad forllniverfal Redemption. The next feigned difference between us and the Greek? is this \They csnfefj that God hatlq given fnj* fieient Grace to every one to he fatted : Ton not 3 but only to the £le£f\ Repl. You again wrong them , fhew us where they fay fo if you can. You own tkat Doftrine your felves it feems ; and thereby difco- ver your enmity to Grace ; Do you think that e- very childe, ignorant (ot, or wicked perfon hath Grace fuffident to falvation ? If he have fufficient , either he needs no more, or he may be laved with- out more. And then it feems converting Grace is needlefs toanlafidel, for he hath enough already: then it feems, you will be beholden to God for no more Grace after the firft hour of your converfion, riSV after the firft hour of your life or ufe of reason, to your death. For if yon had Efficient for falvati- on the firft hour, then what need you anymore; you will it feems pray God to keep it to himfelf, for you have enough already. I will tell you what the Greekj and we , and fome of your felves hold , that is „ that every man hath fo much Grace ( that is, Hdpeand Mercy contrary to Merit) as is in its own kind fufficient to make him better then he is, and to bring him neerer to Chrift or falvation , and which his owne will is obliged to make effe&ual by a nghc entertainment and improvement , and might do; f«7) do: But we do not fay that all men have fuffieient Grace to belie veto jollification, or fuffieient tofal- vation; nay we fay that no Believer hath fuffieient Grace to fal vation , till the foul pafs from the body : forftillhe hath. need of preferving Grace to thelaft breath. Men that are at a great diftancc from Chrift may have fuffieient Grace to come neer to him j and juftly perifh if they refufe or abufe fuch Grace % though they never had Grace fuffieient to believe ; becaufe it is their own fault that they had ic not. The next pretended difference, is £Theypraj and offer Sacrifice for the dead : Ten nof\ RepL I will fee your proof of this too, before I will believe you. We know they do it not in the Popifh fence , that is for delivering. fouls out of the fire of Purgatory , becaufe they deny fuch a ftate. If you will read this Reverend Bifhop whom you oppofe in his Anfwer to the Jefuites challenge, on that point , you will fee the difference between the Ancients ( and fo the Greeks) praying for the dead and yours. He addcth \_Jhey invocate Saints and Angels ; joH noQ Repl. Of this alfo fee Bifhop VJber in the fore- cited place. We take this for their error : and we do not take our felvcs to be of a different Church or Religion from every one that erreth. Hcnextaddeth [Thejwtrfbip the Crofs And Im- ages : joh not~\ Repl. But they do it not as many of yours , with Divine worfhip. Their worfhip is buC reverence for the Relation fake ; and they will not fo much as ufe any Statues or Graven Images as yo» do. And do not thofe you call Lutherans , do fl* they in this (though how rightly I fay not ?) F z Hee (6F) He addcs [Thej honor r cliques : jou nof\ Rep. We honor them as far as they have any true Relation to any honorable perfon. But we will not therefore carry them about us to keep away the Devil, or forge a multitude of lies about the cures which they miraculoufly perform : Nor do the Greeks fo far as I know or hear. The next is [They Maintain Traditions : jou nof\ Repl. They renounce your Traditions which are pre- tended to be part of Gods Word, fupplying the de- fects of Scripture which is but the other half : For they maintain the Efficiency of Scripture to falvati- on. And fome Traditions both they and we maintain: As the Tradition of the Scriptures themfclves down to our hands ; the Tradition of the Sum of Chrifti- anity in the Creed and Baptifm, &c. Of which fee what I have faid elfwhere,in the Preface to the fecond part of the Saints Reft Edit. 2. &e. And in the de- termination in a book called, The unreafonablenefs of Infidelity: And fee what the Biftiop, whom you op- pofe hath faid againft the Jefuite on Tradition. The next is \They AnricuUr confejfun : jou nof\ Rep. 1. TheChriftians that deny your communion are divided in this : Thefe called Neftorians and ma- ny more deny Auricular Confeflion : and others ufe it . 2 .We deny not our fel ves,bur that it is the duty of Chrlftians when fin Iyeth on their confidences , or when they have fain into it , and know not the way out a gain to have recourfe to their faithful judicious Guides for advice herein for the fafety of their fouls, and fo far to confefs as is necefTary to fuch advice and fefecy. But we do not believe that we are bound to tell the Prieft of every fin , no nor of every hain- ous fin : for in fome cafes we may have a fitter care. I I will not go to a Pyhfician for every prick of a pin , or cut finger, which many neighbors or my felf can cure as well as he : I will not fo far ncedlefly trouble him : Nor will I go to a bad unfaithful Phyfician , when I can have a better; nor yet to an ignorant man, becaufe he hath got the degree of a Docftor of Phyficke, when I may go to an able man that pro- feffeth not Phyfick. You know the Applicati- on. Its next faid [They Enan«elkal councels and workj offptpererrogation: Ton not ] Rep. We acknowledge that there arc many very good works, i. Which are the duty of fome few Chriftians upon fome fpeci- al occafions, and not of all or moft. 2. Which are fo the duty of thofe few, as that yet many of them arc laved that perform them not ; being not made of the fame neceility to falvation as fome other duties are. And we fee not how any man can reafonably imagine, that there is any work more excellent than others , which yet is not a duty ; when God hath command- ed \is to love him with all our heart , and might, and ftrength^ and to imploy all talents to theutmoltfor his Glory : and that any Duty can be negleded without fin, isasabfurd. How the Greeks and we differ in this, we fhall better know when you (hew and prove it to us He next adds £ They the Merit of good JVorks : yen not ] We acknowledge, that Good Works are pleafing to God through Chrift , and rewardable ; and they fay in fence no more ; We thinkc not meet to quarrel about the meer name. They re- nounce and abhorre the Popifh Merit of con- dignity ex proportion operi* ; as is before faid. F t, In (70) In the next place the cenfuter alledgeth his proofs of all thefe differences from us , and confent with them. Thefirft proof is out of AH. Tbcolog. Witten- berg, in Crifpin.de fiat ti Eeclef. in thefe words [The Greek ^Romane Chnrci^ are divided onely in the contrtverfie of Primacy ^and yarktj efCeremcnj~^RepL I have not Crifpinius now py me, and therefore can make no other anfwer but this , that if he be truely alledged , yet i. Abundance of great differences (as about Sacraments, Orders, Traditions, &c ) may be comprifed in that of Ceremony. 2^ Elfe your own Writers will tell you that this is a miftake. His fecond proof is from Sir Edtoin Sands Europe Specul. To which I fay 1. How unworthily did you conceal the multitude of differences mentioned in the fame Author in the fame place between you and the Greeks , and fay there was but one i 2. By Purga- tory Sanhs tells yeu after he means not your Purga- tory : And its known the Greeks deny it : Though they think that the Saints have fome lets degree of glory diftant from the face of God before therefur- re&ion. 5. About TranfubRantiation and uhe Mafs Sands is miftaken. Tht Greeks hold a kind of Real prefence , but not Tfranfubftantiatjon : And the Mafs of the Papifts doth abundantly differ from theirs (as in the denyal of Tranfubftantiation , elevation , &c+ may appearand is at krge by many of ours ex- prefled , which may fave me the labor of a reci- tal.) Next the ignorant Prieft would by a Syllogifme p; ove the Bifiiop a Papift , and in the making of his SyHogifmeheis out before he could reach the con- o fion , and begins again , and yet would not blot out his former error, fo wary is he that he lofe not a line line of his own writing. The mended Syllogifme is this \Thofe who embrace the Communion of the Greci- an Church notWithfianding the error of fupremacy , cannot in reafon refufc the Communion of the Romane for the fame : But Mr. Uftiers Church embraeeth the Communion of the Greek Church notwithfianding that Srrort Therefore ,&c] RepL I. To the Major it is falfly fuppofedchatwe refufe your Communion for that Error alone : It is for that with abundance more. . 2. To the Minor, I anfwer by denying it: and fay you fhamelefly flander the(Jw^Church:They main- tain not any Power of Governing the whole Church as the head of it, and Chrifts Vicar general, nor any infallibility, &c% as you do. Next he will prove that Mr. V fieri Church can have no Union or Communion with the Greeks Church at all : and that by this Syllogifme [That Church which is a member of another Church , that other Church muft alfo be a member of it : 'But the Greek Church it no member of CMr. Ufhers Church : therefore Air. Ufhers is no member of the Greek Church.'] The Minor he proveth from feremiasVa- triarch of £$nftantir.ople and Refponf. 'jBaftl. Ducis Mofcov. Rep. i. The part is not a part of another part,a member is not a member of another co-ordi- nate member; but of the whole. 2. I fay i the proofs of your Minor are vain. It is not two mens fayings that tan make the Greeks Church and the Pro- teftants fo dif- joyned as not to be members of the Univerfal Church. If Italy tell France , and France again tell Italj that they are no part of Europe , it is not therefore true. If Canterbury tell Torl^ that they are not a part of England, it is not therefore true. Every childe is not a Baftard that is fo called F 4 b>} by an angry brother. IF Patriarch Jeremiah fit your turn (which I know not , for I have not feen him ) why may not we as we]] plead the confent of Patri- arch Cyri/l , whofe Proteftant confeflion you may fee in Aljleditu's Euclucopadia • and elfewhere ? Next he comes to the $s4bajfmes \ where ( after the mention of their circumcifionj he as falfly affirm- eth , that \Jn all other things thej profefs the faith of the Catboltke Church acknowledging the Pope the fn- preme head thereof, and Chrifis Vicar upon earth~\ which he proves by a confeflion exhibited to Gregory the 1 3 . and recorded by Pojjevine. Rep. This is to make the foundation like the fuperftrufture , and de- fend falfliood with falfhood: If you were fo ignorant yourfelvesasnot to know the Romane jngling about that confeflion , you could not imagine the learned Bifhop fo ignorant. Notonely your own Godignm derebm Abaffinorum , may tell you , but the gene- rality of your fadion may fare inform you by this time, that all your cunning induftry cannot get the fiAbaffines under your Papal Yoak. And if you fhou/d prevail for the time to come , thats nothing to the time paft. The Abaffines (to let pafs their errors wherein they differ from y on and us) do com- municate in both kinds , they believe the fouls of In- fants departing unbaptized to befaved becaufe they fpring from faithful parents : They rejeft Statues or ma fly Images : They elevate not the Sacrament , norreferveit after Communion : Their Priells , la- bor, but beg not : The Emperor conferred Bifhop- ricks and Benefices : They ufe no confirmation nor extreame unftion : They admit a firft marriage in Bifhops and Priefts ; They eat flefti on Fridays, And vet \15J ye* this man faith they differ not from them. The fecond Chapter is the meer ebullition of foo- lifti malice , deferring no reply to thofe that do not defire to be deceived. He would prove that accord- ing to th^fe laxe principles of our charity , we may agree with Jews, Turkes, Mahometans! As if we needed a difpute to prove that thefe are no Chriftians, and that, the Greeks ^ Abajfines^&cc. are : But fuch difputes do the Papitts puc us upon. The Biftiop had concluded in his Sermon, that £Vf we fhould furvey the fever al prof ejfions of Chrift Unity that have any Urge fpread in any fart of the world i and put by the points wherein they differ one from ano- ther , and gather into one body the reft of the Articles therein all generally agree , We fhould findefo much truth in them , at being foyned With holy obedience may be fuffcient to bring a man to ever lafling falvat ion ; neither have we canfe to doubt but as many as do Walk according to this rule, neither overthrowing that which tbey have bftilded by fuperinduc&g any damnable here - fies thereupon > mr otherwife vitiating their holy faith , with & leud and wicked conversation , Peace jhall be upon them and Mercy and uptn the Ifrael of God7\ And what hath the Confuter to fay againftthis? Why firft he begins with the Sacramonts , to try whether thofe commonly agreed on may fave. And here he firft tells us, that£ Some Churches are for fe- ven , fome for three , and feme for two ^ and no more: therefore here is no agreement^ Rep. I . Let the nominal differences about the word Sacrament be firft laid by ( unlefs you think that word aeceflary to falvation) and then we (hall the better fee what real difference remaineth. 2.The two Sacraments then are confefled by f7+) by all , and the uie of the reft which you call Sacra- raents : This much (in its own place) then may fave, where no more is confeffed. 3 . You vaiply put in the excltifiw of wore , for thats none of the things that all agree on: All agree that ther^arc two Sa- craments : and thofe may fave. But all agree not that there is but two. This man therefore feems to dote 5 when he (hould gather up the common agree- ments according to the Bifhops propofal , he gathers upthedifagreements, or vainly precendeth that we agree in nothing. What, do not you confefs that Baptifme and the Lords Supper are Sacraments ? and do not we do fo too ? Next he comes to the ufe of Baptifme , and faith that £ The Romanes and Greeks i fay , that there is no other ufe of baptifme but to Veaflo away fin : The Protefiants of England and Geneva fay , that it is no laver of Regeneration at all , but onely a fed of Gods promife made to the party baptised: and that the childe unbaptized may be favedand the baptised damned.'} Repl. 1. You make your fclves (much more the Greeks) worfe then you are. Do cot your own maintain that Baptifm admitteth into theChurch and granteth many other priviledges , befides wafti- ing away fin. 2. We fay, that to the children of promife it doth fecondarily and by obfignatton wafti away (or pardon) fin by way of obfignation andfo- Jemne exhibition , as the promife doth primarily as a deed of gift or legal Grant: asalfo that in the fame way it fecondarily convcyeth further Grace accor- ding to the capacity of the fubjed , and admitteth into the Church. And all this is commonly confeft by your felves and all Chriftians of the Greek or Abaf fine Churches, &c. This much alone without your addi* (75; additions is as much (at lcaft) as is neccflary to falva- tion , to be believed concerning baptifm. Next he cometh to the Lords Supper , and faith t that one party holdeth the real prefence and the o- ther not ? And what of this ? Doth that prove the inefficiency of what all are agreed on ? what we hold, you deny not : We hold the fignifying f and fealing and exhibiting ufe of the Sacrament (though we deny Tranfubitantiation ) And dare you deny thefe ? We hold that it is the commemoration of the facrifice of Chrifts body and blood offered once on the Crofs for the fins of the world : and that it is a means of Church- communion : And dare you de- ny thefe ? Lay by your Additions , and that which we are all agreed in is enough to falvation. His next inftance is about Faith ; Becaufe we fay, that Hiftorical faith may be in Devils , and Miracu- lous faith in the wicked, and CWw*defineth juftify- ing faith to be a firme and certain knowledge of the love of God to us,^. and the Lutherans, that it is an undoubted peufwafion of the pardon of our fins and adoption,^, and this faith is by the Councel of Trent condemned to the pit of hell , therefore he concludeth that there is no faving faith common to Papifts and Proteftants. Repl. Here again you vainly and fallacioufly bring in the difagreements, and over pafs the agreements. i. We are agreed that all thofe which the Proteftants call the Canonical books of Scripture are the word of God : and true , and particularly all the Articles of the Creed , and many things more : We arc agreed thatChrift and life is offered by the Univcrfal pro- mife in theGofpelto all that hear it : and that all muft firft believe the truth of this proraife and then heartily (76) heartily confcnt to the offer and accept the benefit , afnd alfo believe and fear the threatning , and joyn fincere love and obedience to all this. This we are all agreed in : And this is certainly faving to all that fincerely believe and do as they thus profefs. But then, whether Hiftorical faith be common or not ? whether affuranceor ftrong perfwafion of pardon , be faith, or juftifytng faith 5 with other the like , thefe we are not agreed in ; and without thefe we may be faved. The next exception is only this, The Bifhop tells usnotwhatbethofeHerefies thatdeftroy this com- mon faith. Rep* And doth that crofs his former charitabte conclufion ? What ? becaufe he under- takes not an alien task? Why in general, they are any thing that is fo held as that the common Articles of faith cannot be held with it , and that practi- cally. The fum of the next paflage , is this {That its ab~ fur d for Hi to call them the true Churchy or fay they may befavid , Vvbtn Vee have charged them with fo much error and idolatry Jkc ] Rep/, z; We onely fay that you are a polluted part of the Church. 2. If your falvation be made fo difficult by your errors look you to that: The Biflhops conclufion (of the fufficiency of the comrrmniter credit a ) is nevertheless found, though you deftroy your felves by your cor- rupt additions. 3. Multitudes among you believe not your Infallibility, Tranfubftantiation , and many the like errors. 4. Many that behold them as o pi - nions fpeculatively,mayyet hold the contrary truthes pradically, not difcerning the contradiftion. I would gladly have (hewed the vainty of the reft of that Pamphlet, becaufe I fee he hath contrad:ed moft \ #' moft of their common cavils into a narrow room ; but the reft is lefs to our prefent purpofe, and the fame things are already anfweretl by many • and therefore I (hall no further Digrefc in the purfuk of this Conftiter , having already faid fo much againft the chief of their ob jc&ions , as may leave the im- partial Reader confirmed in it , That notmthftand* ingtke P of ifk cavils to the contrary , it U apparent that the Chrifiian Catholike Reformed Religion cm- monlj called Protefttnt * afafi way to Salvation. Qu- (?») Qu^E R Y* Whether Topery he afafe way to Sahationi Neg* }T is not as other mens Judges that we determine this Queftion; to their own matter do they ftandor fall : but it is to render an account of our own Be- lief and pra&ice , and for our further confirmation in the truth for the defence ofitagainft gain-fayers , and for the eftablifhing of our peo- ple againft the fophiftry and fcdu&toa of Deceiv* ers. For the explication of the terms , I (hall tell you i . What I mean by Popery. 2. What I mean by Sal- vation. 3. What by the Way to it. 4. What by the word Safe. 1. Popery is a certain farrago, a mixture of many grievous errors in the doftrine of Fatth,Government and Worfhip, exprefled in their Authorized writ- ings, \f* J ings , cfpccially in their decretals and Councils, cor- rupting the Chriftian Religion which they profefs ; the whole being denominated from that one falf- hood , that the Pope of Rome is , the Univerfall Biftiop, andVifibleHcadof the Univerfal Church and Chrifts Vicar-General on earth , and that only is the Catholike Church , and thofe only Catholiks that (o believe. Where note i. That the Papifts profeffing to be Chriftians, do firft own the fubftance of Chriftian dottrine, and then corrupt it, and contradiA it by this fardle of their own inventions fuperadded.They profefs to believe the holy Scriptures to be the word of God, and to be true : every Book that, we be- lieve (and more,) They profefs to believe all the Ar- ticles of the ancient Creeds commonly called the A- poftles , the Nicene , or Conftantwofolitane. It is not the Chriftianity or true doftrine which they pro- fefs , which we call Pcpery. 2. It is therefore onely their own invented corruptions , by which they contradid: the Chriftian verity which they profefs, which we caH 7operj. 3 . Note, That the common denominating corruption, is the forcmentioned do- ftrineof the Popes Univerfal Epifcopacy and Head- fhip, or a fuprearaacy at leaft , if not Infallibility : and that the Catholike Church , and the Romane Church is all one : and the Pope is the vifible center of its Unity. 4. Note alfo that as to the reft of their corruptions , they agree not among themfelves what is to be eftcemed of their faith or Religion, and what not : and therefore it cannot be expeftcd that we (hould give you an exad enumeration of the points* of their faith i and fo a compkar defcription of Po- pery, which is fuch a felf-contradi&ing unreconcile- able able hodg podge. But their errors may be diftri- buced into thefe three rankes. i gThofe that are e- ftabliftied by the Pope and his ( fuppofed ) genera! Councel : Thefe they all receive and own. 2 . Thofe that areeftabliftied by the Popes Decretals without a Council. Thefe fome own as points of their faith , and fome rejeft them. I will not adde as the third, thofe that are eftablifhed by a Council without the Pope ; not becaufe there never was a Council that diflented from him in Good, but becaufe it is a diffi- cult matter at leaft to find any Council that did go beyond or without him'in Evil, or erred without his Approbation. 3. The third fort therefore (hall be thofe opinions that are commonly maintained by their mod Approved Writers which are publifhcd in books that are lieenfed and commended by the Popes Authorized agents , but are not determined by the Pope or his Council. Thefe though they contend for , and lay great weight on them in their difputations,yet dare they not own them as any part of the matter of their faith, left they feem to be what they are ; divided and mutable. A man would think that thofe volumnious hot difputes about Divine things, did intimate that the Authors did fide divink believe thofe points which they do fo zealoufly dtf- pute of. But if it be their pleafure , that we fhould fbdiftinguifh, t¥e will call the reft the Popifh faith or Religion , and thefe laft, the Popijb opinions , be- caufe we would fajlen on them nothing but their own. If you ask me, which be thofe doftrines which *bey take for points of faith , which we.call Popery • I muft refer you to their Decretals and Councils on one fide, and Gods word on thz other j and all the doctrines CO Doftrincsin thofe their Csnoos or determination* that are againft the word of God, are thedoftrine* which wc mean by this name. If they do lay greater ftrefs upon any one point than others , its likely to be on thofe that are put into their Creeds and Vows, and therefore I (hall onely recite the latter half of their Tndentine Creed , feeing they will own that or nothing : When they have begun with the ancient Confiantinopolitane Creed , containing the true Prin- ciples of Chriftian Religion , and have ended that they proceed thus as followeth. Tht*s4poftolkal and Ecclejiaflical traditions f and the refi of the Obfervations and conftitutions of tiie fame Church , / do moft firmely admit and embrace. I admit alfo the [acred Scripture according to that fence Which the Holy 'Jftfather the Church hath held and doth hold , to whotrt it belongcth to judge of the true fence and interpretation of t be Holy Scriptures : and I VpM never take and interpret it , but according to the unanimom confent of the Fathers. I doprofefs alfo that there are [even truely and properly Sacra* ments of the new Law infiituted by Jefu* Chrifi our Lord , and ncce(fary to the falvation of mankind , though not all to every one ; to wit7 Baptifme , Confir- mation , the EuchariH 7 ? ennance^ extreamt ZJntti- on^ Order , and Matrimony : and that they confer grace ; and that of thefe > Tiaptifmc^ Confirmation^ and Order , cannot be reiterated without Sacriledgc. I do alfo receive and admit the received and approved Rites of the Catholike Church in thefolemne Admini- ftration of all the afore faid Sacramsnts. 1 do embrace and receive all and ftngular things which in the He Ij Council of Trent were defined and declared about Ori - ginalfin and fufiification. In like manner J do pro- G fefs (8») fefs that in the Cfrlafs there is offered ie God a true pre* per, and propitiatory facrifice for tbf. living , and for the dead ; and that in the mofi holy Srerament of the JBucharifi there u Truely, Really, and Substantially , the body and blood , together with the foul and 'Divi- nity of our Lord fefus Chrifi ; and that there u a change made of the whole fub fiance of Bread into the Body , and of the \\>hole fub fiance of Wmc into his blood • which change the Catholike Church calleth Trafubfiantiation. I confefs alfo that under one kind cnely^ whole and entire Chrifi % and the true Sacra- went is taken. I do confiantly hold that there Up fur- gator y , and that the fouls there detained are holpen by thefuffrages of the faithful. As alfo that the Saintr raigning with Chrifi , are to be reverenced and cal- led upon , and that they do offer prayers to God for hs : and their r cliques are to be reverenced (or honoured.) I do mofi firmely affert that the Images of Chrifi and of the Mother of God- ever a Virginia* alfo of ether Saint s% are to be had and kept , and thai due honor and Vene- ration is to be given them. I affirm alfo that the poller of Indulgences u left by Chrifi in the Church, and that the ufe of them is mrfi wholefome to Chrifiian peo- ple. I acknowledge that the holy Catholike and *Apo- Jiolike Church of Rome, is the Mather and Mifiru of all Churches: And I do promife and fitiear true Obe- dience to the Pope of Rome fucceffor of Bleffed Peter Prince of the C^po files, and the Vicar of fefus Chrifi, sflfo all other things delivered , defined and declared by the facred Canons, and Oecumenical Councils, and efyecially of the holy Synod of Trent , I do without doubting receive and profefs : and alfo aU things con- trary 9 and all here fie s whatfoever condemned by the Church 9 andrejetted, and Anathematiz>fd , do I in likf like manner condemne, rejeli and Anathematize. 1 true C at holike faith 9 Without which no man can be fay ved9 -which at the frefent I do voluntarily profejfe 9 andtruely hold 9 ihtjamt will 1 fake care to hfild and csnfefs entire and invioUte y by Gods htly y moft cok- ftantlj9even to the laft breath of my life; and as much as in me lyeth , to be held , taught and f reached , by tbefe that are under me, or thofe whofc care belongs to me in my office. This I. N. do Fromife , Voto , and Sftear , Jo help me God , and thefe holy Gofpels of god. So far the Trent Confeffion , which I the ra* chcr recite that you may fee what their Religion is in their own words and oaths ; where you fee alfo that this is but a fmall part of it ; for it is moreover as large , as all the Council of Trent f and all other Oecumenical Councils and holy Canons ; of the Im- poffibilitiesand felf-contradi&ions of which faith, we (hall fay more anon. So that I conclude that it is not Chrifttanity , but this additional Leprofie which we call by the name of Popery ; they believe this much more then we (or a great part m and how fliamcfully or ihamelefly he doth it , any Learned man that will fearch the records and perufe the cafe , may foon difcover. 2 It is notorious that Councils have erred. I (hall not now intermix my Teftimonies to interrupt the plain courfe which I have begun , but rather giv« yeu the proof of all this diftinftly By it felf in the nextdifputation. 3 . The Papifts themfelves confefs this that we af- firm. I mean, One part of them do cenfefs that the Pope may err fas the Trench) and the other (the Italians and Spaniards ) confefs that a Council may erre. One faith the Infallibility is not feated in the Pope ; and the other that it is not fealed in a Coun- cil , particular or general , of which fee Bellarmine de ConciliU lib. l.cap. io. & n. In which laft he feeks to prove that a General Council may crre. i . When they diflent from the Popes Legates. 2. And when they confent with the Legates , if thofc Le- gates gates do crofs the Popes inftru&ions. 3. Yea if the Legates have no certain Inftruftions , the Coun- cil and ail they, may confent in error : And he proves the two former by the inftanceof the Second Coun- cil of Ef befit* , and the Conftantinofolitane Council in the time of Pope Nicholas the firft, which erred , faith he , becaufe the Popes Legates followed not his inftrudlons. The third he proves by the Coun- cil of BafilSeff.z. which together with the Popes Legate did by common conlent Decree, that the Council is above the Pope, which now ("faith Bell- drmine) is judged erroneous. 4. Some Popes themfelves have confefTed that they are not the feat; or chieffubjed of the infallibility: As Adrian the fixth.who hath wrote his judgement of it, that the Pope may err out of Council. And in my opi- nion we (hall do the Pope much wrong ifwe (hail not believe him when he fpeaks the truth , and tells us that he is fallible. Did rBellarmine better know Pope Adrians underftanding , then the Pope knew his own ? Surely I muft do as I would be done by : and if any man (houJd perfwade me that I know that which I do not know , or that I am infallible , when J know my felf fubjeft to error. I (hould confi- dently expeft that all pien would rather believe me of my felf then believe another of me that fpeaks the contrary : AJnd fo will I believe Pope Adrian that he was fallible. But of this more in the next difputation ; where you (hall have fuller proof >!• (5>?) Arg. 2. IfPoftrj do build even the Chrifiian Reli- gion itjelf(8) notorious Whoremongers, Sodomites, Murderers, Poifoning their Predeceffors to get the Popedome, Simonifts, buying the Popedom with money, &c. were capable of being true Popes ? 14. If they are not capable, then we muft all know that all the Popes were none fuch , when the Papifts themfelves confefs $hey were fuch, before we can know that they vyere the infallible fucceflbrs of Saint Peter. 15. But if fuch may be Popes, then muft we know why a Mahometane maynot as well be a Pope ? or how an enemy of Chrift and the Church fhould conic to be a Son of Promife , and the Vicar of Chrift , and the head of the Church , and whether fuch were infallible in their judging fallhood to be truth, as they did ? 16. And we mftft know, that the Pope ondyis lawlefs , and under no power of Canons, or De- crees of former Popes and Councils? Orelfe many fuch Canons will proclaim their calling null : and fo the facceffion ftill hath been interrupted* And if the Authority of the former Church oblige the Pope to believe, e.g. the truth of Scripture and Traditi- ons, then why muft not. the Authority of the for- mer Church in its Canons be as obligatory to him in point of duty and penalty, andfo null his call- ing.? HelLrmine faith that it is agreed among all CatboTiks that the Pope as a private Do&or may erre, through ignorance, even in univerfal quefti- citi's of faith: Alfo that many Papifts and Pope A- cWian the fixth himfelf tacghc that the Pope as Pope may be a Here tick,, and teach Herefie, fo it be out a General Council : And that moit of the reft ($9) reft do only hold , that whether the Pope be a He- retick or not , yet he cannot define any thing here- tical , as to be believed by the whole Church ; this faith he, is the moft common opinion : Bellarm. de Rom. Pont if. /1.4 cap. 2. Now this being fo we muft be refolved, if a Pope beaHeretick in heart, and open profeffion, and yet if a General Council be called 3 this Pepe cannot give his fentence in it according co his own belief, whether indeed we can prove that God hath promis- ed to caufea Hcreticke Pope to diflemble, and to fpeakagainft his own judgement , which is to lye, though the thing that he faith be true , or yet to tye his tongue that he fhalJ not be able tofpeak that which he believes , and fpeaks at other times ? 18. And whether the promife which theyalledge to tfiis purpofe (I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not) be indeed fulfilled to a Heretical Pope.* If not, then its evident that this promife belongs not to all Popes. If yea, then the faith of a Heretick doth not fail ; which Hellarmine himfelf confeffeth tobefalfe. And here note what a naked ihameful (hift it is that BeUarmine makes about this text ? He faith that [Inhere are two things promifed there toVt- \ ter : The firfi mhat Peter fhould never lofe the true faith , though tempted by the Devil ; The other privi- ledge #, that he as Pope fhould not be able ever to teach any thing contrary to the faith ^ or that in his feat no man fhould ever be found that fhould teaeh againfithe faith : of which priviledges 9 the firfi perhaps was not derived to his fucceffors , but the feconk undoubtedly Veas derived to them ~] So faith TBellarmine de Rom. Pcnt.li. 4. cap. 3. Now mark how contrary this is to the fence of thfi . H 2 text* (100) text. The promife that Chrift made to Peter y was not to his tongue but to his heart : not that he (hould not fpeak againft the faith , for he did deny Chrift % and curfe and fwear that he knew not the man : but it was that his inward belief (hould not fail , and fo that he (hould not fall from Chnft, and confeqaent- ly indeed that his heart (hould reduce the tongue it felf. Now BelUrmim confefleth that perhaps that part of the promife that concerneth faith it felf, reacheth not to Teters (ucccffoi't > but onely that which concerneth the tongue : which was diredly none at all ; fo that he gives up the true promife made to Titer , which was that his faith (hould not fail, and not that his tongue (hould not fail , and . he forgeth another in its ftead. 1 9. How can we be affured that this or any pro- mife belongeth to the Popes , when the Papifts them- selves fay that they were made to Peter before he was Pope. For fo *BelIarmine is fain to anfwer,when we fay Peter bimfelf erred in denying Chrift , te faith \_Saint Perer when hedenyed Chrift , Was not jet made Pope : For its manifeftthat the Ecclefttfti- cal fufrewaej Vtas given him in the Ufl of John, when Chrift after the refurreUion hid him Feed my ftiecp] BelL de Pontif li. 4. eap. 8. 20. It is of neceility that all Chriftians who believe upon the Popes authority , muft know who it is that is the true Pope , and to be believed : And when there are many Popes at once pretending to that in- fallibility and authority, how can all Chriftians be refolved which is ihe true Pope when one Countrey owns one, atid another owns another , whom (hall the vulgar own that are out of reach and uncapabk ef undcrftanding the quarrel ? And then , who knows infws which of them muft be fuceeeded by thencxf? Nay can learned men tell? Nay can- the Cardinals tell that choofe them ? And are we (ure that any of the pretenders are true Popes ? ShaU we hear TBellar- mine in one particular cafe, that is in his anfwer to the 37. inftance of Heretical Popes , to wic, fohn 23. who befidesopen Adulteries , Murders and o- ther horrid wickednefs , of which no left then fifty three Articles were put in.againft him at the Council of Confiance , all confirmed , faith Bellarmine , by certain witnefles , he was moreover accufed of molt pernicious Herefie , even of denying the Refurre&i- on of the body, and everlafting life. And to this Bellarmine anfwereth Qoannem 23. nonfuijje Ponti* fcem omnino certum & indubitatum i proinde non nee * ceffario ejfe defendendum, erant enim eo tempore tres^ qui Pontifices ha fori volebant, Gregor. 12. Benedict. 13. & Johan. 23. nee poterat facile judicari qui* e- orum verusac legitimes e(fetPontifex cum non deejfent jingulis dcttiffimi pv.troni7\ that is [_J anfWer that John/^ 23. Was not altogether the certain and un- doubted Pope , and therefore he is not necejfarilj to be defended , for there "to ere at that time three that would be accounted Popes, Gregor. 12, Bencdid:. 13. and John 2 3 . and it was no eafie matter to judge Which of them was the true and lawful Pope , When there were not Wanting to each one of them mofi Learned Patrons r\ And yet the fame "Bellarmine faith, deConoiL 11 1. cap. 8. that its almoft the common opinion that this John, Alex $. were true Popes. You fee then the cafe of the poor people accord- ing to the Romifh Religion : They cannot know the word of God Co be his word but on the authorita- tive determination of the Pope : apd who is the H 1 true (to,) truePopeitisimpoffible for them to know, when even moil Learned men cannot know, and BelUr- mine himfelf fo long after faith, it could not eafily be known. 2 1 . Mereover, how can all Chriftians many hun- dred miles diftant know whether indeed the Cardinals chofe and conftcrated him that is in the feat , or whether he forc't in himfelf, or bribed them to pre- tend what xms not done , and fo whether he have all theeflentials of his call. 22. And if a Council muft be the determiner ei- ther with the Popes, or alone, How (hall the Chn- ftian world know that Chrift hath promifed infalli- bility to a Council, when there is no fuch promife in the word : much lefs can Infidels know this in or- der to their believing the word of God. 2 3 v And how (hall we all know what is a General Council, and when we have one? whether it muft be alkhc CJeriftian/Bifhops in the world that muft meet? or the delegates at leaftof all? or whether forne Countries „ or part of all may ferve ? and then what Countries or pares it muft be? B&llarm. de C$nc. I. X'C.ij. Saith, that once the Patriarchs muft beprefent, but now its not neceflary becaufe they are all Hereticks or Schifmaticks. And how ihall ive know that ever there was fuch a thing as aGeneral Couocil? For my part I fee no probability that ever tnere were many, if any one fuch Council , was the Council of Trmt General when, the greateft part. of the Chriftiaa world was abfent?When all the Biihops of *y£thicpiar€gypt, Paleftin? T Greece, with all the Turkes dominions -were abfent s befides the Pro- teftahts, and moft of the Popifh Bifhons themfeltfes. 24. Howfliall wc be furethat ailthefe, ytot the greater part of them are true Biftiops and lawfully called? If as BcUarmint faith de CorxiL L 2. e.g. That the contrary be not manifeft , be enough, chen mans error can make Gods promife of Infallibility belong tothofethat it was never made to ; or elfe God hath promifed infallibility to all that maybe Popes or Bifhops for ought we know : and then ic belongs not to the Pope and Bifhops, but to all tint feem fuch. 25. Yea that all thofe Bifhops or moftdefcend by uninterrupted fucceifion from- the Apofties , which is made necefiary , If they plead onely the Bifhop of Homes fucceffion to warrant ail the reft , before the forementioned particulars be well anfwer* ed , it will appear that Romes (ucceffion hath been . frequently interrupted. 26. Howfhalimen at adiftance be fure that the Conncilsare indeed confirmed by the Pope ? 27. How(hal/webe fure when all is done that we have the right fence of the Canons or Decrees of fuch Councils , when they fpeak as ambiguoufly as the Scripture ,• and the Papifts think they can have 90 certainty of the right fence of that without a living judge : And if there be a living judge (till of the fence of Councils,eithcr he is as infallible as they, or not : If not, then he cannot make us infallibly certain by his Authoritative determination. If he be , then what need of a Council , when he is infallible alone ? 28. When feveral Popes and Councils contradict one another ; how (hall we know which of them to believe? And this is no rare matter among them ? •29. When the Pope and Council contradict each other, how (hali the people know which is infallible ? H 4 30 When 0) ral Council that is infallible , and that the Pope is fallible : The Italians maintain that a General Council is fallible , and the Pope is infallible. Some others think that both of them are falli- ble feparated, but both infallible when they con- cur. And fome think chat they are both infalli- ble though feparated. If the Church be the foundation ., and all muft be received upon its in- fallible authority, then no man can be faved that knows not which this infallible Church is : ei- ther therefore the French or Italians , one part or the other of them do erre in their very fun-" damentals , when one faith , This is the fubjed of infallibility , and the other fay,. Thi* is it. And if a Pope or General Councel differ , to wtom muft the people hearken ? One part of them faith that the Pope is above the Council ; and other? of them fay the Council is above the Pope , and of this mind have been General Councils themfelves , as the Council of Bafil and Cmftance^ and of this mind Bellarmne names 3 Car- dinal Cameracenfis , Cardinal Cnfanus , foh. Ger- fonjac. Jlmain£,ax&. Florentine 7>dn§rmitan, Set. What a ftrange impudency then is it of thefe mea , to make the filly deluded people among us be- lieve , that they are all of one mind , and its we that are divided : when as they are never likely to agree in their very principles and great funda- mental , who it is thai is the infallible Judge ? And till men know who it is , what the better are they to know , that fuch a judge there is fetfng that the fpecaes exifteth only in the indivi- dual , and no man can believe him ,. or apply him- felf to him as the infallible judge , till he know that it is he indeed that is fuch. See- Seeing then according to their own principles, ei- ther the French Papifts or the Italian and Spanijh Papifts muft be in the way to damnation , how (hall we know which itisand which to joy n our felvesto with any fafety ? Were it not for weakening the Popes intcreft, they would burn the French Papifts as Hereticksaswell as us. Arg. 4. If popery be a new hvifed way te heaven fitch as the ^Apo files never kneVv nor the £hur*h af- ter them for many a hundred year (in the main parts of Popery ) then is it nofafeVvajtofalvation : But the Antecedent i$ true: therefore fo is theconfequent. The confequence they will not deny,that which the Apoftles & the PrimitiveChurches went in is only the fafe way to heaven(for there are not many fafe ways) But that which the Papifts as Papifts go in,is not that which the Apoftles and Primitive Church went in : therefore it is not the fafe way .And chat the Apoftles and firft Churches knew not Popery, but it is a new Religion, or new corruption of Religion, appeareth by comparing the particular points withScripture and Antiquity : For Scripture which is the trueftAnti* quity , it rrjay give any indifferent manjuftcaufe of fufpicion that the Papifts do fo obftinately refufe to be tryed by it; which plainly fhewes that they take it not to be on t-heir fide. And for the Councils and Fathers , far the firft three hundred years or much more , they ordinarily feom us for mentioning them to this end , becaufe they fay they wrote not of the points now in controvertie , and therefore are uafit to determine them. But did not thofe ages take up thur filth on the fame grounds as we fhould do now? And Oo?0 And can they be all filent about the onely ground of faith ? If the Pope of Romcs infallible authority had been the ground , would they not have told us fo ? How could they convert the infidels, and confirm believers without acquainting them with the grounds of their Faith ? And what they took for the grounds their writings {hew. Nay he that fhall faithfully and impartially perufe the Writers of the firft three- or four or feven hundred years , is blind if he fee not the novelty of Popery > and in particular of the Popes infallibility , univerfal headfhip and Epifcopa- cy \ and his pretended authority to be the Judge of controverfies , with the reft of his ufurpations. Our Divincs, Chamier , Jewel, VJher , Fieldi and many others have manifefted this fo largely, that it would be fuperfluous for me to do ic after them , and fomewhat will necefTary fall in with the nest dif- pute. I do not deny but that mafiy ceremonies , and many controverted dodrines were very ancient : as the ufe of Chrifme , and a white garment, and milke and honey to the newly baptized, exorcifme, confir- mation by imposition of hands , the Memories of the Martyrs^with prayers and praifes at thevr graves, or places of fuffering ; the oft ufe of the figne of the Crofs, the observation of Lent (as well as Eafter zxAivhitfonttie) not to kneel on the Lords day , not to eat things Strangled or bloody, fo the doctrines of the power of Free- will , and predefti- nation upon forefeen faith , and the mifufc of the terms ^\Svierit and Jufiification ]] the denyal of the perfeverance of all Saints,^, were too early and commonly entertained- But thefe be not the things that we call Popery 3 nof wherein the great differ- ence (toS) ence between us , and the Romaxifts doth confift. But as for uhe great points in difference between the Papifts and us , it is lo evident in all antiquity , that Popery is a novelty, and that they have devifed a new way to heaven which the Apoftles and the Churches for many hundred years did never knowf that otrely grofs ignorance of the Churches records, or a willingnefs to be deceived , can keep men from the knowledge of it. And here I might eafily prove what isfaidof the novelty gf Popery , even from the confeiiions of their own rnoft learned writers, that fo they may not fay, ic*is concluded from our own mifunder- ftanding of Antiquity ; But that it would fwell this difputation beyond the intended bulk and bounds. I (hall onely give a brief touch in a few points of mo- ment , which may (hew you what to think of their charg4ng us with novelty , and of their general pre- tences to Antiquity. I Of the humane Ordination of Papacy , and its late increafe beyond its ancient bounds, and the limitation of Ecclefiaftical Power; I (hall defire you to fee what in the following Difputation is cited out of their Cardinal Nkol. Cufanus , a man fo violent for the Sugtnian faftion , that lALxdnas Sjlviiu , afterward Pope Pim the fe- cond lamenteth that fo learned a man (hould be the pillar of that Popes caufe j and a man fo clofe to Papal intereft, and fo addi&ed himfelf to domineering, that he oppofed his Prince Si- gifmHnd Duke of Anfiria 9 and caufed the fame Pope Pim the fecond to take his part , and ex- communicate Sigifmund and all his Counfailors , and his fubjefts, for taking this Cardinal prifoner N by (top) by force of Armes • of which fee the flory'in GV- dtftttsfNWh Gregor* Bemburgs ( oncof the Princes txcommunicated Counfailors ) his Defence againft the Pope and Cardinal : Yet this man hirafelf in his books de concordiahixh confefied enough todeftroy the Popes eaufe , and takedown the Roman? tyran- ny , if they would ftand to the principles of that confeffion. Others alfo in the next deputation are mention- ed as mo that fubjeft , which I fliall therefore now pretermit. Tolidore Virgil a Learned writer of theirs in his lib. 8. de Invent. Rmr.caf. 5- /><*£• 475- 476. Saith \Jtem ut nullum convent urn indict , nullumque a qui- bu[v* dttum haberi return liceret fineRomaniP ontificii authoritate . Marcellm primus omnium fanxit , dt» inde fulim &*Dam*fH6 & Gregorim Mud idem fia- tuere^ £ •• €. \^Al[o that no JJjembly ( or Council) fhould be c Ailed , mr any aU of tvhomfoever be efieemed ratified without tie Authority of the Pope of Rome , thu Marcellus Vs>a$ thefirfi thAt did ordain % and after- ward Julius rfWDamafus and Gregory did ordain the fame thing^ And though this fufficiently proveth the novelty ; yet Polidcre is miftaken in taking this part of PapalUfurpation to be fo ar.cient.For he took it on the authority of the decretals,whkh are meer fiftions. Of which I refer the Reader to Blondeilm de Decretal. The fura of whofc cenfore on Marcellm Bl'ndeU' dc *«"<- Epiftlesis this [As the fre- P2^**7'40*- quent Barbanftne fhew the Author, fo the following oft the verfion of Hiertme , the excribing of divers inftances out ( V.O) OUt of .Innocent, Leo, Hilary , Gregory, Adrian i. awl Acacim , (hew that he was many ages later then Marceilns^\ See alfo the full evidence that he giveth in his ceniures againft the Epiftle ofS.fulius and 1)a~ mafas ; and for Gregory, his Eptftles to the contrary purpoie are well known. So that by Polidorm eon- feflionthis Papal ufurpation is a novelty : but in- deed many hundred years neerer then he imagin- ed. And what good this ufurpation did, himfeff con- feffethin the following words [Though a fir ft broke - the conventicles gf Heretickj — — Ita deinceps nihil attulit commodi, cum per idjampene defitum fit a con' cilis- habendls, in quibiu cuntla ex aqm traiHarentur ^Fontifice, Romano cjufmodi negotium non magnopere curante^] i. e. £ Afterwards it did no good, When by reafen of this, Councils are almoft ceafed , in which all things fhould be equally handled, the Pope of Rome not much regarding any finch matter^ Where he add- eth [fThat therefore Pope Martin the fifth in the Coun- cil of Conflance decreed that a Council fhould be called every tentj^y ear, Vvhich hitherto hath wot been kept, and therefore Religion vro ws daily yp or fe~\ Where by the way we may fee what power the Laws of the Pope and General Councils have* and what a Religion Po- pery is, which fwcareth men to believe and obey the Decrees of fuch Councils, which no man ever obey- ed fince they were made : For th^re hath been ne- ver fince a Decennial Council ; And the Pope himfelf by confirming that Council which decreed that a Council is above the Pope, did fliew himfelf obliged to obey it, and fo to have called a Council accord- ingly. But all others muft fwcar to that as Gods Word and infallible , which themfelves contemne. But to proceed. The (ill ) The fame Tolidore yirgit.lib.8.cap.ig.4$6. fhcvvs that the beginning of Indulgences was not till Grego- ry appointed his ftations, and made them a reward, And (hewing that thy were grounded on the Do- drine of Purgatory 9 he bringeth in Bifhop Fijher of Rochefier to witnefs, I. Thatlndul- p^^r , ♦ gences are lately brought in. 2. And Lutbtrnm. that even of Purgatory tsipudprifcos nulla v el ejuam rariffima febat mentio; fed & Gr$ck ad hunc ufqne diem non eft credit um efle : yuan din e- nim nulla fuerat depurgatorio cura7 nemo quefivit. in* dulgentias, nam ex illopendet omnis indulgentiarum exiftimatio. Si to II a* pur gat or turn > quorfum indul- gentiarum opn* exit ? Cocperunt igitur Indulgently^ poftcjuam adpwgatorii cruciatm aliquandiu trepida- tumeft"] i.e. \jVtth the ancients there was no men' tion of Purgatory^ or exceeding rare : And the Greeks believe not that it is to this day : And as lon% at there was no care about 'Purgatory, no man fought for indul- gences ; for all the eftimation of indulgences dependeth upon that. If joh take aVvay ftolidedif[ent~\ i.e. £ Hav~ ing once have to fpea^ that fe ft did marvailouflj iucreafe; Which ii calkd Evangelical, becaufi they I ajfirvt .(HO m that no Lavt is to be received which belongeth to fa Iv at ion but what id given by Chrifl or the Apoftles~\ Thus you fee what the Proteftant Religion is and whence called Evangelical, and wherein it principally differeth fropi Popery, from the mouth of a Papift himfelf ( an Agent of the Popes with the King of England H. 7. An Archdeacon , and at laft the Dean of Tauls in London , from whence he remov- ed becaufe of the entrance of the Snglijb changes under R 8-) And though he fay that it tkeh begun , meaning Luther s particular Reformation , yet what is like to be the end of it in the next words he fubjoyneshis Prognoftick \jJManfururn ut videtur quoad Chriflus ipfe popular** fuum culpa reflorum it a in duasfeElas fejunfttim , rttrftq coegerit , a quo iftud optima* qnifque maxime petere precarique debet , ut ne major indidemfiat Religimu labes~\ Q Its like to remain till Chrifi himfelf Jhifll again bring together his people^ Who bj their Rectors fault are * Nfe ntha: ]5 "lls this divided i*to tWo * Sells ; the Fapius a Sett as r / , well as the Reform. from, ^omeytrj good man - C(j. ought cjpecuiuj to beg ana pray for it 3 left Religion do daily decay ] more and more. T!;e novelty of their dodrine de ejficacia Sacra- . wenti ex op ere operatois.not onely by fubtile Scottu but many more of their own confeffedto.be new. More of their corruptious are by their own Writers confeiTed to be novelties j and there- fore it is great immodefty in the Papitts to pretend the Antiquity of Popery , though we ealily grant them the Antiquity of tl^fir Chrifti- aaicy. In fo much as they agree with us they may prove prove their Religion to be ancient: but its new in the points wherein we differ , acd moftnewinthe grcateft differences. Bifhop V flier in his Anfwer to the Jefuites challenge, and in his book de Statu & fucceffiwe Scclefiar^m , hath proved the novelty of the main body of their corruptions, efpecially the points of whofe antiquity themfelves moft boafted of, andchis diftinftly and fully to their perpetual confafion, beyond all reply. If therefore the Romamfts would have us return to their communion (not to their iubjediom; for that we never owed them) let them hut caft off their novelties and return to the ancient faith and pra&ice of the Rom.vte Church f and we ftiall do it fpeedily and do it gladly : They (hall fee that we arefo &r from affeding an unneceffary feparation , that we will embrace them. in a lawful communion with alt t our hearts. I cannot better exprefs my hearty de- fires of this, then in thole hearty words of Ukr* Zanchy Vol. 3. The/, de Ecclef Milit. Tbef. 19. C&L 540. \_Nonenim ab Ecclefia Roman a fimpliciter & in omnibus defecimm • fed in Mis duntaxat rsbnt in quibus ipfa defecit ab ayfpofiolica , at que adeo a feip* fa , vcteri & pur a Ecclefia : neque alio difcejfimns animo , quam tit fi correct a , ad prior em Scchfia for- mam redeat , nos quoque ad illam revert amttr , & communionem cum ilia in fuii porro ctttibm hakeatnm : £luod itt tandem fiat > toto animo Domino fefum pre* camury £htid enim pio caique optatius 9 quam ut ubi per baptifmum renati fumm , ibi etiam in finem nf- que vivamus ? modo in Domino ? Ego Hier.Zanehius. Cum tota meafamilia tefiatum hoc volo totp Ecclefia Chrifii in omntm eternitattm. I i Ar£ V*5 Arg. 5 • IfToftrj do make * neW Cat he/ike Church, \\>hich \*w never kno^n for many hundredyears after Chrifijken it it no fafe way tojalvation. Hut popery dotb make a new Catholike Church that was never known of m&ny hund'edyears after Chriji : therefore its no fafe way to falvation. The confcquence of the Major will not be denyed; for they confefs that Chrifts Church is but one; He had not a Church of one fort for the firft ages, and a Church of another fortfince:though its accidents may vary, yet fo doth not itseffence. The Minor I prove thus,That which the Papifts make to be the Catholike Church, is only all thofe Chriftians that acknowledge the Pope to be the univerfal Biftiop and head of the CatholikeC htirch,having univerfal fapreme jurifdi&i- pn, and the Church of Heme to , be the Mother and Miftris of aii other Churches,and its cnly a Catholike Church convertible with the Romane Church. But fiich a Catholike Church as this was never known by the Apcftles, orofmany hundred years after Chrift : Therefore Popery maketh a new Catholike Church, which the firit ages never knew. Its true that'when Rome being then the ruliag City of the world did come to own Christianity, that the Glory of the Empire occasioned the Bifhop to be &\- tedPriwafedisEpifcopiw^s one that was to take place ofthereltof the Patriarchs, who had their fcveral orders -or places affigned them (as Alexandria to be the fecond, Antiocbthe third,^,) which BelUrmine confeffeth might be after lawfully changed: but as A- lexandria had not the Government of Antioch by chat predecency/onekher hzdRome any government, or the reft: And as Constantinople was afterward fet up above (U7) above Alexandria and Antioch (and claimed to be a- bove Rome) fo might it as lawfully have been fee up above Rome But what ever be feud about the r quar- rels of precedency,which pride begun and cberifhed , yet its moft evident in all antiquity.that of many hun- dred years after Chrift, there was no fuch Catholike Church in being,or known,as was centred in the Pope as the head or univerfa! Bifhop or Governor , or in Rome as the Mtftris of the reft. We have long ago challenged them to give us the leaft proof of fuch a Church in all antiquity, and they give us nothing, but fuch forced paflages that are nothing to their pur- pofe, that its hard for the moft charitable rational man to believe that they do indeed believe themfe! ves, and do not know that they hypocritically endeavor to cheat.poor fouls by their vain cavils.All the Papifts on earth will never be abletoanfwer what our Divines have faid already to prove the novelty of their Papal headfhip : nor can all the Popes fervants in the world bring us one word of currant antiquity for many hun- dred y* ars after Chrift , to prove that ever fuch a Church was once dreamed of3as they now call the R<** mane Catholike Church. Indeed Rome was called then, a Catholike Church,and fo was Alexandria, Antioch, and all that held the Catholike faith,and were not he- retical : but it was never known* till Boniface had u- furped the Title of univerfal Bifhop above 600. years after Chrift (which he procured by ^boc/u a Murder- er that ufurped the Empire when he had (lain the Em- peror Manrititu) that the Romane Church and the Catholike Church was all one,or that it was neceflary to make any particular Church or perfon Catholike, that they acknowledge the univerfal headfhip and ju- riftli&ion of the Romane Pope, much lefs his infalli- bility. 13 To 0.3) To heap up Records here would *but flop the plain Reader in hiscburfe; and fomewhat (hall be fid of it in the next difpute : Onely I now fay , that if any one queftion whether indeed the Romane Catholike Church as now conftituted be ameer no- velty I here offer my felf to the fuller proof of it, and fhall defire no better recreation of fuch a fort then to entertain a dtfpute about it with any Papifts that will undertake their caufe. And here I rnuft needs annex this obfervation • What a ftiamelefs cheat it is by which the Papifts do delude the ignorant , perfwading them that theirs is the old Reltgion , and the ancient Church which hath continued from the Apcftles without interrup- tion ; and that we are men of a new Religion , and of a Church that had never a visible being till the dayes of* Luther, 9 Cofierms the jefuire in the Preface to his Enchiridion iiiftru&etb his deluded novices how to deal wirti the Proteftants by urging them with three Qneftions ('which we fhall refoive anon to his ilia me) and the laft of them is a challenge to us [To name one man before Luther that agreed with us in all things] But we challenge , and moft confidently challenge all the Papifts on earth to name one man for ihrec hundred years after C hrift (I might fay fix hundred year.<) that agreed with them (not in all things but) in their very Articles of Faith , yea* in theii Church fundamentals , yea in the very defini- tion of the Catholike Church: We challenge them to name us one man and (prove it) that ever knew or owned fuch a Church as Catholike that is now fo called a;id owned by them. We confidently ra (ard challenge all the Papifts in the world to dilute the point with us) that their Church asPo- pi(h pifti , is a new thing, unknown to our forefather ^ of the firft ages ; that Popery is a fardel of new do" ftrines , unknown to thefirft Churches We ad* mire at the immodefty of chefe men to aske ns where our Church was before Luther, and to call it a new Religion which we profefs, and to ask us whether we think our felves wifer then all the world was hereto- fore in the purer! times? Wedomoft confidently return on them their own demands? We would know from any of them where their Church was for three hundred (yea for fix hundred) years after Chrifts birth ? And we wonder how> they can think to be faved in a way that was not known for fo long time I Do they think themfelves wifer then Chrili andhisApoftles', and all the Chriftian world forfo many hundred years. Again we challenge them to (hew us the leaft proof that ever there was fuch a thing forfo long time, as a Githolike Church con- vertible with the Romane , and headed by the Pope as the univerfalBifhop having a univcrfal jurifdiftion o- ver the reft, or an infallible Judgement in determi- ning of controverfics in matters of faith. It is none of the leaft of our Reafons why we dare not be of the Romijb fa&ion or opinions, called by them their Church and their Religion , becaufe it is fo new, and we dare not venture our fouls upon new wayes , nor dare we believe that Chrift hath two forts of Churches eflentially different fince hisRefurre&ion ; one fort before the Popes univerfalheadfhip, and the other fince : nor dare we once imagine that Chrift had no true Church on earth till Pope Boni- face would needs be the univerfal Bifhop , or till Reme was advanced to the dignity and titles which it doth now ufurpe. I defire no better iffue then this I 4 of of our difference : Let any Papifts living bring out their caufe to the tryal of antiquity, and let them that are of the moft Ancient Church and Religion, carry the caufe. If we prove not theirs new and ours the moft ancient, or if they prove theirs more Ancient then ours (as fince Cbrifts Referred:ion)then we are contented to be of their Church and way. Arg. 6. If the Papifts be the great eft Schifmatkkj upon earthy moft defperately rending the Church and feparating themfelves from the maine body of the viable Church jhen Popery U not ajafe yvj tofdvation. But the Papifts art the greateft Schifmatkkj on earth, moft defperately rendingthe Church , and feparating them- felves from the main body thereof: 'Therefore Popery is nofafeway tofalvation. The confequences of the Major will be confeffed by themfelves. It is only the Minor, therefore that is to be proved : which is too eafily done , being a mat- ter of fad. - Firft, The Papifts do a&ualiy rend themfelves from the greateft part of Chrifts Church on earth, con- demning all others to everlafting fire : 2. They do lay the grounds of a continual fehifme, in making a new center of the unity of the Church : of thefe two in order. i. He that fhallconfider of all the Chriftians in ths world at this day, who fubjed not themfelves to the Pope of Rcme , and may truly be reputed to be of the Catholikc Church, will fee that the Papifts are but a fmallfsrt of the Church: But efpecially if we confider them as they were not many ages ago,much more numerous then now they be. The Grecians t the Syrians called CMelchites , the UMcfiovites and QUI) ,, Ruffians , the Georgians, all of the Greek* Religion befides the multitude of the fame Religion dif- perfed throughout the Tnrkes dominions ; alfo the Abajfins^ Egyptians, Armenians, Jacobites, who are neer of a mind, and differ from the Papifts, and fub- mit not to their authority : Befides all the Reformed Churches xnGermany, Sweden, Denmark Hnngary, Tranfylvania, Tlrittain , Ireland , France , Belgia , Helvetia , and other parts with thofe in the Indies ; I fay confider of all thefe Chriftians together and it will appear thai the Papifts are but a few to them, or not neer fo many as they. But if you further con- fider of the ftate of the Chriftian world not many ages ago, when the Turkes had not yet fubdued the Eaftern parts , and when the AbaffUn Empire was much more large, and Nubia and other Countries had not revolted , it will appear that we may well fay that it was but a fmall part of Chriftians compa- ratively that did acknowledge the univerfall head- (hip and jurifdi&ion of the Pope , or fiabmit them- felves to him : befides many other points of Religi- on in which they differ from him. I know that the Papifts fay,tt>at thefe are all either Hereticks or Schif- maticks , and fo no part of the Catholike Church. But the accufation of Schifme is the mecr voice of Schifme , and for Herefie , its true that all men and Churches hgve their errors, which yet deferve not the name of Herefie : The Jacobites and the reft that are neer them , are afraid of acknowledg- ing two Natures in Chrift , left it lead them to make two perfons with the Neftorians ; but yet they are not plaine Eutichites : and both they and the Neftorians acknowledge Chrift to be perfeft God and pgrfeft man ; only the Neftorians do amifs name (lit; have thefe. two natures, two ferfons- and that the Eucicheansin flying too far from them are afraid to call them two Natures , though they confefs the Godhead and Manhood to be really diflind; yec they fay that both are as it were conjoyned or coup- led into one Nature : fo that wife impartial men think that theEutichices (or at leaft thefe Chriftians that arefocaliedatnifsby the Papifts) do butmifufe the term Nature for the term Per/on a and fo deny two ^erfms onely in fence, and two Natures only in name, and that by the fame mifufeofthe terms the Neftorians do affirm two Natures onely in fence, and two Perfcns in words onely. Of this I define the Reader to confider What Luther hath faid de Conciliis* This I muft needs fay , that if I did not exercife the fame charity in judging of the Romanifts, as I do in this excufe of the Jacobites , and other Chriftians that are not of their 'Communion, I fliould be forced to cenfure the former much deeper then the latter , and if by air their errors I muft hold the reft to be Here ticks or Schifmaticks , I muft by the fame meafure judge the Romanifts to be doubly Heretical , as I cercainly know them to be moft noto- rioufly Schifmatical. For though I know that they are not fo barbarous and unlearned as moft of thefe forementioned Chriftians ? and alfo that they are free from many of their miftakes , yet withall they have many more in ftead of them which the other are free from. And for the Proteftants they are Hereticks only on this fuppofition, that the Pope be Judge. By this time then it partly appeareth how great a part of the Church of Chrift the Papifts do differ from. But 0*1) Rut yet this is not all , nay the fmalfer part. For if you will but confider the ftate of the Church of Chrift for the firft three hundred , yea five or fix hundred years , you will find that the Papifts do dif- fer from them all, even from the whole Church. For then the Popes univerfal Epifcopacy and jurifdidion was not known in the world (as is faid be- fore.) All thefe doth the Romane party now feparate themfeves from : All thefe they do pronounce to be no true Churches or true Chriilians , but Heretieks and Schifmaticks : All thefe do they condemn to the pit of Hell. They have now concluded that onely thofe are of the true Church , that acknowledge the Mafterlhip or univerfal Headfhip of the Pope, and the Miftnsfhip of the particular Romane Church which none of all thofe forementioned did. They now conclude that none can be faved but who are of this (new-framed ) Church of theirs. Now I do appeal to any reafonable impartial man alive , whether there be any more notorious Schif- maticks on earth , then thefe men; that dare un* church the far greateft part of Chrifts Church on earth at prefent,& the far pureft, and renounce com- munion with them all , and proclaim them Heretieks or Schifmaticks , and fentence them all to the flames of Hell : Yea that dare do the like by ajl ages of Chriftians that have gone before them ; yea that dare unchurch and damne to Hell the whole Church of Chrift for many hundred years ! For what do they lefs when they unchurch and damneall that ac« knowledge not their new made univerlal Bifhop which thePrimitiveChurch never did? And when rhey make tha: to be efTcntial Bto the Cathol&e Church which which the firft Catholike Church did never know ? I know there be feme Enthufiafts and Anabaptifts and fuch giddy perfons,that do as the Papifts do,condemn all the Churches of Chnit except themfelves. But yet the Schifme that they have made hereby is nothing to that which was made by the Papifts , who have fet theChriftian world into a flame of diflention , and make it their very bufinefs daily to blow it up; and do noun(h ;o many Colledges of Jefuites and other orders to that end, What nocorious impudency is it then in thefe men to tell us that *e arc fchifmaticks, & feparace from them and aske us, how wc dare ;udge all our forefathers to damnation , a»d why we will pot be of our forefa- thers Religion ? and do rtot obferve how they con- dernne themfelves by ail thefe queftions. What more evident then that the Papifts have feparated from all other Chriftiars in the world? How dare they con- demne the far greateft part of Chriftians on earth to eternal torment? yea and (by plain confequence, though they will not acknowledge it ) the whole Church of Chrift for many hundred years? were it but one foul that they ftiould prefume to oenfure , they might well bethink them of an anfwer to Panls Que- ftton, Who art thou that judgeft another mans fer- vant? to his own mafter doth heftand or fall , When Paul wrote that to the Church at Rome , he knew of none then that would juftifie the judging of all the world, and fay, They are my fecvants,or fubie<3:s,and therefore I muft judge them. Do the blind Papifts think that any fober confederate impartial Chriftian can be of their mind , and damne the moft of Chrifts Church on eard^meerly becaufe they will not be fub- jed to the Pope of Rome. If this Article be fo necef- fary to falvacion, Why do not we find it in any anci- ent till) cnt Creed? Why muft we not fay £ I believe in the Pope of Rome'] as well as Ql believe in God?] Or if indeed it be the Pope and Romamfis that is meant by £the holy CatholikeChurch]why would not the com- pofers'of the Creed tell us fo ? And why did none of the ancient Churches undcrftand and expound it fo ? And why did no age add the word [_Romane] and call it Qthe holy Romane Catholike Church.] 2. And then withal, befides the prefent Schifme which they have made,they have laid the ground of a perpetual fchifme. For they have made a new defini- tion of the CatholickeChwch , and made it another thing then it was before , and they have made a new head and center of its unity ; fo that all the old fort of Chriftians to the end of the world,that cannot change their Chmxh and unite to the new head and center, muft needs be of a different body ifrom the Rornanifis. And if thefc men fay that it is the reft of the Chriftian world that firft withdraws from tbem. i . Let them prove that the Greek % Ab&jfins & the reft of tfie Cbri- iiian world that deny fubje&ion to them,except tbefe in the Weft, were ever under them. 2. And as for the Reformed Churches if they weje drawn in heretofore (I mean their forefathers) to countenance the Rowijh ufurpation & tyranny ,they withdraw only from that ufurpation,&feparate from/Jew* only as it is a faftton & not as from a Church. If we be drawn into a fchifm &feparationfrom all the Chriftian world ,by the fraud oi Rente ^ it unlawful for us to repent & retarn to the unity of the Gatholike Church, and to renounce the Schifm that we were guilty of? This is our great (in? wc are fchifqnaticks becaufe we will not continue fchif- rnaticks? we are Scnifmaucks by c< ftingoff the Schifm of Rome, becaufe we wii: i:or be Sehifms ticks by conti- nuing to feparate from all the Churches elfe on earth. 3. But \ • 3. But let us come to the tryal with them who laid the firft Schifmatica^ Principle? Was it not they that firft defined the Catholike Church as equipol- lent with the Romanel and firft made the univerfal Headfhip of their Pope to be the ceater ? Did ever Peter or Paul or any Apoftle do fo ? Did they give us fuch a definition of the Catholike Church ? Or did the Church do fo for many a hundred year after them ? Prove this well , and take all ; and we pro- mife to turn Papifts without delay, The plaine truth is this. The Catholike Church for many hundred years after Chrift was that Body of Chriftians who were united or centred only in Chrift the head , and held communion in the fundamentals or great and ncccffary points of faith and worfhip : and had no ' norcal head or Center : But the worldly greatnefs of the City of Rome , occafioneth the inflation and protld ufurpationof her Biiliop , and he will needs make himfelf the Center of union and univerfal head, when there was no Center or head, but Chrift before : And is not this the vileft Schifme that men can tell how to be guilty of? fuppofe that the ?\ing of Spaine having his Dominions remote one part from another, fomein Europe; and fome in the Indies , that for five or fix hundred years the In- dies (hould acknowledge no other bead but the.King of Spaine 5 and the Governors of each Province {hould receive their feveralCommiflions immediately from him , and ftand in no regimental ilibordinati- on to one another i but onetabe bound by the King to have communion and h©M c^rrefpondence for their mutual fafety and the common good : If now after fo long time the Vice Kvng of Mexico^ (hall by Degrees make himfelf the fovereign of the reft , firft firft claimir-goncly thefirft place in their Affcmbiies, bee: itiic he is Governor of the greateft City; anil then requiring them toxio nothing without him, or hisconfent , and at laft proclaiming himfelf the head of the Indies under the King of Spaine , and than none are fub/efts to the King but thofe that profefs themfelvcs alfo fubje&s to him f but all the reft are rebels and tray tors , and to be ufed accordingly ; ex- horting and commanding all to fall upon them and ufe them as fuch : And all this upon pretence that Spain is fo far off, that the King there \% invifible and inacceflible to them in the Indies , and therefore the King hath given him a Commiffion to be his^fcb- ftitute,as being more vifible and acceffible.If now the reft of the Prcfidents,Governors and Provinces,{Ral.l refufe to acknowledge the Headfhip of this man, and {hall declare that they dare center to no head , but the King of Spaine without his exprefs Commiffion manifefted , and the Provinces of UWexico and the adjacent parts onely fhall be otherwife minded and iubjeft themfelves to theufurper, who is it that caufeth the Schifme in the King of S pains dominions? And which partie is it thatholdeth ta the ancient terms of unity ? and which are the dividers ? I need notftandto make a particular application : It ise- ven fo, between us and the Pope with his Romanifts. The Church of old was centred onely in Chrift and headed onely by him ; At laft the Pope pretending Chrifts diftance and invifibility , and a Commiffion that he hath from Chrift to be his Vicar General (written^ letters that n*>ne can read but himfelf and his party ) will needs become the vifible head and center: and whereas before thofe onely were the rebels that rejefted Chrift now all muft be re- bels bcls that are not fubjcft to the Popes. And to aggravate the crime by the addition of hi- pocrifie , all this Schiime and reparation muft be carryed on by a pretence of unity : They make the poor fimplc people believe that the Pope being the Head and center, there is no unity to be held but in him , and that we muft all be guiltv of Schifme that unite not in him, and that all our divifions arecaufed by our departing from this center of unity : when it is himfelf that hath divided from the reft of the Chrifti- an world , and would drown the infamy of it by accufing others of the fame fin that he is fo notort- oufly guilty of. By which we may well fee, that ac- cufing others is none of the fureft figns of innocen* cy , but too common a trick to divert the fufpition from themfclves. When the Papifts that are the greateft Schifmaticks on earth , do make fuch an outcry again ft us as Schifmaticks , becaufe wie have repented of our joyning with them in their Schifme, and will not confederate with them in evil , againft the Laws of Chrift, and the ncceflary means oi the unity of his Church. Arg. 7. If the faith of Papifts as Papifts^hkh is it that we tall Popery , bi a meerly uncertain^ changeable thing , fo that a man can never tell when he hath it aU then is it no fafe way to Salvation.' Bat the faith of Paptjh (as fuch) u fuck a meerly uncertain change- able thing : Therefore it ia no fafe way to Salva- tion* The confequence of the Major , I fuppofe they will grant. For how on that be a fafe way, 1. which is uncertain, 2, $nd changeable ; when the true way to to falvatioa is one and the fame , and changeth not finee Chrift had eftaJblifhed arid lealed his Laws. All the queftion therefore is <*f the Minor : which I prove, i- From the Popifh principles, 2. From their Pra&ices^both which do plainly ihew that their new Religion is a meer Weather-cock chat mult fit with the winde of the mutable conceits of the Pope and his Clergy. Even like the Religion of the Enchu- fiafts that wait ftill for new Revelations to befuper- added to the Scripture. And firft for their principles, one is that [[The Scripture is not the whole word of God , or Effici- ent rule of faith or manners • but oncly a part of the Word and Rule ^ and that unwritten Traditions are the other pare : Yea Rujbworths Dialogues, BelUr- mine , and the reft of them ordinarily , tell us that Scripture was not chiefly given to be a Rule of faith at all : faith 'Beliarm* de verbs deili. 4. cap. 12. £jF*- nts Scripture pracipum non eft* utfit Regulafidiijed ut varils document is, exempli*^ adhortatjonibpu, nunc terrendo, nunc inftruendo , nunc minandt, nunc cqh- folando adjuvet n$s in kae peregrinati$ne. ] that is \_The chief end of Scripture , u nut to be a Rule of faith: but that by divers documents^ examples \adkor- tations , fometime by affrighting , Jhmetme by in* jirutting , fometimt by threat nixg , fometime by com- farting , it may help tu in thi* our peregrination C\ It ss then unwritten Tradition* that are part of Gods Word, and at lcaft part of the Rule of faith : And where thefe Traditions are to be found , and what they arc , and how many , and by what notes they may all be known, either they dare not tell us , for fear of bringing mens faith to a certamty , from un- it der ocr the lock and key of the Pope , or elfe in telling us they do but cloud the buiinefs with general terms , or elfe difagree among themfelves. That the Scripture it felf is delivered to us infallibly, we doubt not : and thereby we know the Canonical books: Bat this may be done without another word of God : The aft of Delivery from the Apoftlesis not a new Revelation or Word of God , but the na- tural means of conveying the word to thofe for whom it was intended : And the ob]tU of that Aft of Delivery was not another Word of God, but all and onely thefe fame Canonical Books: To that I know which is the Canon (among other reafons) tecaufe I can prove (not by another Word of God , but) by infallible humane Teftimony ( fuch as I have of the Laws of this Land) that the BiHe , and thefe particular books in ic were aftuaHy delivered by the holy Writers to the Churches. If God write the two Tables of ftone*, and therein make known that they are his Laws , and then Deliver thefe to Aiofes, this Delivcrwji is not a new Wor&of God, but a neceffary aft for the promulgation of the Word : So that if youaske an Israelite how he knows, whether onely the ten Commandments, and ail thofe ten were contained in the Tables? He can prove it to you by the Tables Delivered , and by proving the Aft of ^Delivery , though he could bring no other word of God which told you what was in thofe Tables. And indeed, if thefe muft needs be another Word of God, he fides the Delivering Afts to prove the former to be the Word of God, and tell us its parts, then there muft alfobe another werdtodif* cover that fecondWord to be the Word o' God, znd another to difcover that , and To in infinitum. Our Our acknowledged neceflary Tradition , therefore is not another materia tradita , or Word of God i but onely one of the al~t*s pradtnii , and ad ef de- livering the fame matcer or word. But tor thePapiih that will have another part cf the Rule of Divine faith , they will never be able to tell us wrtat it is, and where , and to let us under- itand when we have ail, *Be£ arm Ine de verbo dei mn Scriptoli. 4 cap. 9. layes down five Rules by which we may know the true Traditions. The firft is \jvhen the whole Cliurch tjnbraceth anything as a point of faith , which i* not found in the Scriptures of God\ We mufi. needs fay >. that this was had from the tradition cf the %Apoftles. ] The fecond is \whtb the univerfal Church kzepeth Jomewhat Which none could conftitute but Gody and Which is not found written, we mufi needs jay , that this was delivered from Chrifi and the ^p-flUsT^ The third is Q That which is kept in the univerfal Church , and through all times paft, is defervedlj judged to have been inftituted bj the nA* poftles , though it be fuch a. thing as the Church might injtitute. ] The fourth is \_ When all the Doftorsof the Church do with one confent teath that fuck a thing defcendedbj Apoftolical Tradition , either Congregate General Councel , or Writing it apart in bookj , this is to be believed to be an Apoftoli'ke Tradition. T The fifth Rule is this [_ That is Without doubt to bo believed to defe end from Apoftolical Tradition, which iihildfor fuch in thyfe Churches where the fucceffion from the Apoflles is entire and continued.^ Thefe are Hcllarmines five Rules. But 1 . What the particular ApoiUlical Traditions are which are Gods Word according to thefe Rules, he hdd more wit, or lefs honefty then to let us un- it 2 dtf- Or) derftand. Is it becaufe the word of God is indeed yet unknown ? or cannot be known? ©r becaufe it is not fie to make it known ? or becaufe the Pope muft pretend to the keeping of thefe hidden Laws, that fo the world may receive them at his mouth ? 2. And I would fain know whether thefe Rules of *B diamines to know the unwritten word by, are themfelves the Word of God, or not ? If they be, are they written or unwritten , and how known to be fo ? If not, then it feems we may have Rules and means which are not the word of God , by which we may infallibly know which is the true word of Gcd? And then there needs no unwritten word to deliver or prove the written word. 3. And why may not another Doftor by thefe Rules , know the unwritten word , as well as the Pope^ and another Church as well as the Ro* mane} 4. And why may not the Chriflian people through the world procure from fome one charitable Pope, through lo many hundred years , a Catalogue of thole unwritten verities, that the word of God may be once commonly known, and men may knojv when they have all, without uncertain dependen- cies on the Pope, or travailing in vain to ieWtd know. 5. And for thofe few that Bdlarmint hath inftan- ccd in, viz,. The perpetual Virginity of the Virgin Marj, The Baptifme of Infants, the validity of He-, reticks Baptifm, the faftofLent, the inferior orders cf the Clergy , the veneration of Images. To the firft, I fay , It is no Article of Divine Faith , but of humane Ecclefiaftica! : The fecond is proved fully out of Scripture ; And fo is the third, if you take it of fuck fuch Hcreticks (in a larger fence) as exprefly exclude nothing eflential to baptifm , but exprefly include it all: But for the reft , BelUrmine fhould remember hoCv dfwhere he defendeth the Council that required the rebaptizing of thofc chat were baptized by the Paulinifts, becaafe they were Anti-trinitarians. For Lent, I fay, no more can be proved of it, but onely that it is an ancient Ecclefiaftical conftitution. And the inferior orders are apparently novelties, intro- duced after the firftage,ifnot thefecond too, and not mentioned in any of the firft writers , but the fum of Church Officers enumerated without them. Much more novel is the unlawful ufe of Images in Churches or as immediate inftruments to excite devotion in prayer, and for other lawful ufe, we deny it not. 6. But principally I would intreat Bellarmine and the Pope that hereafter they would obtrude no un- written word upon us,but what is proved to be fuch , at leaft by his own Rules. Let us have fome proof that it proceedcth from the univerfal Church f and not their naked word without evidences. And then wemuft intreat them to be fohoneft, as not to unchurch the Gnekj, Abtjfwe:^ Armenians \Pro~ teftants , and all the Chriftians in the world except Romanifts y that fo they may be the whole Catho- like Church , and then prove any thing to be the word of God by their own Teftimony alone. Nor yet to perfwade us that fuch a Council as theirs at Trent conteined the whole Catholike Church real or representative : nor yet to bring us two or three - Fathers , and fay that thofe were all the Doftors of the Church. K 3 . More (J4) More particularly I anfwer to his Rules in order. To the firft I fay. i. That prove if you can that e- ver the whole Church embraced any thing as a point .of Divine faith which is not contained in the Writ* ten Word 2. If the whole Church embrace rt , then it is no fecret , and therefore we al! may know it , yea and a&ually do know it as well as the Pope, To the fecond Rule I fay , You may prove a mi- ftaken obfervanceof rites by the greater part of the Church, but prove that the Vehole Church kept any thing unwritten, which none could conftitute but God: But if they did, ftillitmuft needs be known to all, and therefore not controvertible, or locktup m the Popes clofet Prove alfo that the univerfal Church may not erre in fome lefler matters about Chrifts fuppofed conftitutions. To the third I fay, If by \jill times pjft~] you in- clude the Apoftles , then we grant your Rule : but meer Eccleiiaftical Carions may be obferved throughall times (hortly after the Apoftles, and yet not -as Apottolical , but Ecclefiaftkal : Yet when you come to try your Traditions by this Rule, Iain not out of doubt that you will but difgrace them , and fail your Readers juft expectations. To the fourth I lay, 1 . 1 will believe you, if you fpeak of ail the Doctors of the Church next to the Apoftles, or fo neer as that the danger of miftaking was not great. 2. Rut I do not believe that you will find any of your Traditions afferted to be Gods Word, by all the Doftors of the Church (nor neer alt) in any one ^ge : unlefsyou make your fadion to be all - The lad Rule is but a meer trick of wit to get the key ity) into the Popes hand alone : To which I fay, i . A hurch rjiat hath had an interrupted fueceilion of true Paftors from theApoftles , may fall into many errors in procefs of time , which in TertuEians and Iren&m dayes, when the memory of all the Apeftles pra&ices were fo frclh^ they could rot fall into fo eafily. 2. Thofe Churches have received their un- written verities, 'cither by writings from their pre- deceflbrsor without: If by writings, why cannot others find it there as well as they ? If without , it muft be an uncertain, and mutable means ; or by a means fo publike itill that all as well as they may know of it. 3. And wt undertake to prove that the fucceffion of. true Paftors of the Romijh Sre hath been long ago , and often interrupted. And therefore'this Rule will not ferveyour turns. But though I have been long upon this principle of the Papiiis to prove the uncertainty of their faith, yet the next is the chief that I intended, which alfo proveth the mutability of it. 2. The Papifis ordinarily hold that as torn , that ^ Gods Word which the Pope with his Clergy fay is Gods Word ; and that his determination or Decla- ration that this or that is a point of faith, doth make it to hs a point of faith , and neceffary to be believ- ed to falvation, which before was not fo ; So that according to the Papifts , the Churches faith qnuft alter at the Popes pleafure (at leaft with his Clergy) And by new declarations £nd determinations, he may make them a new Article of their Creed , when he will : fo that their faith is as mutable and fallible as their Pope ; and this they are themfelves aware of: and therefore feign him to be infallible that they may prove their faith infallible : which if they could do K 4 fas (as they never can) yet fiill their faith is mutable by their own eonfeilion , if not by revocations , yet by new additions as tow : fo that their Religion is in continual progrefs or flux , and groweth in quanti- ty as every Pope doth adde his Determinations. Now I would know of any Papift in the world , or of the Pope himfelf if he would condefcend to fuch con- fiderations , whether they are fure that yet they have all that is made neceffary'to be believed to falvation , upon fuppofal of their determination ? How can they tell but that their fucceflbrs may make the Creed as long again as it is , and make their Religion another thing ? I know they will fay , that -as to them no more is de fide then the Pope determineth to be fo, But then, i. If he would not determine it, no man (hould be bound to believe in Chrift, and fo HOnc be damned for unbelief. 2 If it be a benefit ' to have all points of faith determined , Why are they not dsne, but one Pope muft adde one , and another 2cdQ ano- ther to the end of the world (if Chrift {hould let them go on.) 3. Sure the preaching of any one Apo- file or other Preacher of the Gofpel in the firft age did leave the unbeltevers without excufe ; and not onely the Cathedral Determination of Saint Peter And why then doth not any Prea- chers Revela'tion of Gods will from his Word , oblige men now to believe as well as it did then? And 3. It is evident and undenyable that their praftice is according to their principles. The Po- pifh Religion changeth fo faft by the new addi- tions ('37) dons of fevcral Popes , that it is not the fame thing now, as ic was heretofore. Look but into the Oath , or Trent Confeflion which I recited in the beginning ,. and you may prefently fee how their Religion is fwclled bigger then it was,' All the Popes Decretals , or at Jeait all the Ca- nons of Trent , and every General Council (at leaft , ^confirmed by the Pope) do enlarge their faith, as they adde any thing to what went be- fore. What a multitude of things arc de fide now , that were not fo within a thoufand years? What man can give up himfelf to fuch a growing Religion , where we muft waite on the Pope, as the Enthufiafts do on God, for new Additional Revelations ? And cannot know when we have all or halfe. How can they tell but their Creed may fill more volumes yet be- fore that all their Popes have done with it ? Nay further note , that the Pope can make not onely new wayes to Heaven , but feveral wayes to Heaven at once. He could once dif- pence with the Bohemians for receiving in both kinds , and yet make it neceflary to the falvatt- on of others , to take it but in one , becaufc he fo decreed it to be given. So that there fhall be one Creed in one part of the world, and ano- ther in the reft. It is a damnable Herefie in parts that are ab- folutely under his power, for thevuglar te read the Scripture in their own Tongue. But in England , he can make it Lawfnll , left it hin- der his defignes , though his Doftors have long determined that it is the Mother of all Here- fies. So So chat Popery is not the fame thing in one Country Visit ism another* nor the ferae thing ztRome it felf in one age as it is at another. To give you a frefh example : How long have the Dominicans and Jefuites, the Janfenifts , and the Molinifts been in contention aboue'Predeftination , Freewill, Predetermination , Uoiverftl Redemption, &c> and one party condemned the other, profeffing their opinions to be heretical i a-;d deftru&ive tq» •the Catholike faith ? as is to be feen in the writings between rPetavim> Ricardw, and Vincentim^ Lenis\ tUat From&ndm^ with many "more before them : But when they fpe^k to us about thefe matters they per* livade.us that it is onely about certain Shool points thac'the-y differ ,.and not about any points of faith : For they are not points of faith to us till the Pope have determined them. And while the eager con- . tenders on either fide endeavor to have the Pope determine the controverfie on their fide, no Pope durft do it for fear of iofing the reputation of his infallibility with the adverfe party; and fo the un- merciful Popes have long fuffered their Doftorsto live in contention, and to write voluminoufiy a- gainftone another, and their Romane Church to be broken into parties , becaufe they would not once open their mouths to decide the difference. But now at laft it pleafed Pope Innocent the tenth(though he durft not touch the principal points ) to favor his jefaiccs fo far as to determine^ five of the controver- ted points for the Molinifts againft the Janfenians (when Pope Clement was once about determining all for the Dominicans as tt^cy thought ) Mark here the agreement of the Papifts, and the ftability of their faith. Before the determination each party main- tain- (n9) tained their way as de fide , and accufed the other as Heretical i fome boldly prognofticated ( as our Thomas lAnglu* alias white ) that the Pope would never determine the eontroverfie about Predetermi- nation. Acd now the Pope hath tryed the ftomacks of his Dominican* with the Determination of rhefc five Articles. Firft, to fee how they will digeft them before he went further : And he pronouoccth them to be Heretical, and fome of them temerarious, im- pious , and blafphemous too , condemning them with Anathema : Now thofe become points of faith on one fide, and Herefies on* the other which were none before. Till this Determination the Church of Rome wanted five Articles of their Creed , or had five fewer then now they have : A man might have been faved before, that had believed, that Q Liberty from necejfitj u not neceffarj to LMerif^ with the reft of them , but now all of that belief muft be damned. And was not the Pope unmerciful to the poor Do- minicans, to fend them all to Hell, that cannot change their belief, knowing how hard it is for a learned Tribe , efpccially fo countenanced by Au- guftine, and Thomas, to alter their mindes unfeigned - ly at a word. And yet in the Trent Confeflion they muft all folemnly fwear and vow that all things deli- vered, defiued, and declared, bythefacred Canons and Oecumenical Councils , efpecially that of 7>*/tf, they do without doubting receive and profefs ; though no man had ever heard the Popes Reafons ; yet if he do but fee the Determination of their Church , he muft prefently not onely believe the contrary 'to what he believed before , but do it alfo without doubting ; though they'l confefs millions are faved that* believe Chrift to be the Son of God , though not not without doubting. Well : but fee what unity is procured by the addition of thefe new Articles to their Oeed? The French Doftors afcribe to his holinefs that the faid Articles may be taken in feverai fences : The one fence is Heretical, Lutheran or Cal- vinian^ but that is a fence , That* the toords lawfully ufed will net hear, but mely may malignantly be fafi- enedto them (fay they) The other fence ( which is genuine and proper ) they Defend themfehes , as true, and as pertaining to the Belief of the Church , as theTtoBrine of Auguftine , and as defined by the Council of Trent , and tire contrary Opinion ei Mo- lina and the adverfaries others maintain to be Pelagi- an or Semipelagian, See here whatthrPapifts them- felves now do impiicitely charge upon the Pope; That he (by his exprefs uolimited condemnation ) doth malignantly faften an Heretical fence en the words , which properly they will not bear , or clfe that hccontradið Auguftine and the Council of Trent f and Anathematizeth the Chriftian faith, and maintaincth the Semipelagian Herefie of CMolina. And yet muft we judge either their Pope to be in- fallible; or their Church to be at fuch unity in faith as they would make the ignorant vulgar beIieve?Morc of the like contention about his holinefs Determina- tions you may fee in Tho. whites Appendicnla ad fonum Bnccina , and Franfcus Macedo his Lituus Lufttanm : In all which you may fee that all the com- fort that the poor Dominicans have left them (even their hope of fal vation if they be Papifts indeed) con- fiftethinthis, that the Popefpeaks one thing and means another , and that ( as white fo merrily faith, in fo fad a matter ) The wife father of the Church Was necejp tated for the appcafwg of contentions , to grm (140 grtnl lh* wtort turbulent party their TPords , ank the more obedient fArtj their fence : fo that when the Pope hath done all that he can to determine their contro- verfies, they will ftill &y, that he determined but the words (nay he doth but grant one party their words ) and not the meaning : gnd fo not onely fenc€ , but bare terms muft be made Articles of faith. And here you may fee the great force of the Pa- pifts arguing for a ne4ce/fity of a living Judge to de- termine of the fence of Scriptare , becaufe the Scri- pture is fo ambiguous that each one will elfe wrcft it, bis own way : And do we sot fee, that the Pope can- net, after fo many years deliberation , determine five ftiort Articles fo exprefly and plainly , even when he dotb it of purpofe to decide the controjtr- fie, as to make his learned Doftors anderftand him ? but that each party doth take his Words to be either for,or not againft their opinions, and bold their opi- nions as faft fince his determination as before : And fo tiiey do by Angnftine, Thomas and the Council of Trent : each party confidently perfwading the world that they were of their fide. And may not God have the honor of fpeaking as plainly as the Pope or Thomas or the Council of Trent ? and cannot we well be without the Docifion.ef fuch a Judge, as cannot fpeak fo.as to be underttood by hi$. grcateft Doftors himfelf. So that the Principles and Practices of the Roma- nifts do affure us that their faith is unfixed 9 grow- ing and mutable • they may be one year of one Relt- £ion,and another year of another ,as pltaft the Pope: A Dominican might have been fared at any time fince the creation till Maj 3 1 . 1 65 3. when the Popes Deter 040 Determination was dated : but rifrw they mud all be damned for herefle. There is a new way to hea- ven made 1653. that never was before : and for ought they .know to the contrary before their Popes have done Determining , there may be five hun- dred Articles more in their Creed. So that for my part I defire not either to be (hut out of heaven at the pleafure of every new Pope, nor to be of To uncertain and changeable a Religion ; Andleannot think therefore that Popery is a kk way tofaiva- tion. Arg. 8.. ThatDoBrine Which derogatethfrom the written Wordof God , and fetteththe Decrees of men above it* enabling them to contradict its KX 26. Luk^6. 3. ■£»£. 10. 26. And Mofes commandeth Urael, the Priefts, Levites and all the Elders thus tJJctft, 31. 11, 12,13. \When all Ifrael it come to appear before the Lord thy God in the pUce ^hich he fhall chovfe , thon fhalt read uns Law before all Ifrael in their bearing ; Gather the people together, men and w&men and children 3 and the jlran*er that is within thy gates , that tiny may hear , and that they may ham 5 and fear the Lord your God^ find obferije to Jo all the words of this Law ; and that their children which have not known any thing maj hear and lean: to fear the Lord your God , as Ung as ye live in the land,&:c~2 It was therefore in a known , tongue that itomft be read; And when the people un- j derftocd not the old Hebrew tongue in which the Law was Britten , by reaion of the change of their fpeech • ( H9 ) in the captivity, NcbemUh caufed them to understand the Reading, Nch.S.8. No doubt, by expreinng it in the language which they underitcod. Ar.d yet the Papifts forb.d ihe unlearned, that have mod need of teachings , the ufe of the holy Scriptures in a known tongue , and make it the mother of all Here- fies. How impioufly againft God , and how cruelly againfl; men t is this committed ? Muft the God of heaven fend down his Spirit to didatean illuminating Doftrinc to his Prophets and Apoftles for the world? muft he give them a perfeft Law, by which Truth and Herefie muft be difcemed ? Muft he fend his own Son to preach the Gofpel ? and caufe his inftruments to write it , in a language belt known to thofe than they converfed with , or to the world that was to be converted by it ? And muft this Dodrine now be made the mother of Herefies , and kept from the eyes of the people that ftiould learn it ? What, muft the onely rule that condemneth Herefies , be made the caufe of them? Muft the light jvhich God hath given the world, be blamed for 411 the Darknefs of mens errors? Or muft men be kept from the light , for fear leaft it lead them into Darknefs? This is the Popifh Piety and Charity : Xn ftead ofc" ! helping to Illuminate the dark world, asattpreach- I ers of the Gofpel fhoulddo (Aft. 26. 17, 10.) they I muft have all the unlearned to put out their eyes f I and be led by their guides , and truft their fouls I with them , for fear left if they have any eyes in I their heads , and any light to walk by , they fhould ftumble or erre through the imperfe&ion of their ; fight. L 5 And 05°) And yet the Paptfts, who fo much pretend to tint - ty, are various and changeable in this high point of their abomination , as well as in other things. For when they once fee that they cannot keep the Scrip- tures from the people, becaufe the Proteftants Tran- flations are among them* then they will permit them to read their own Tranflations : And upon this ac- count the Rhemifts tranflated the New Tcflamcnt into Englifb-r when they faw they could not wholly fupprefs and hrde that light : And on this account it fcffi&t our Papiftsin England^ and feme other parts where the Proteftants abound among them, are per- niitted by their Priefts (with fome warnings of the ijcedleflnefs \ and the danger of it) to 1 cad the Scri- pture in their Country tongue : When as to a Papift sn Spaine or Italy it is no Jefsa crime then to m«rit the Rack or Strappado of th'e Inquificion , and its ftrange if they be not burnt for it at a ftake. So that I have rnet with fome feduced Papifts in England , fo ignorant oi their courfc abroad , and fo gulled by the lies of their companions or Priefts, that they would not believe that they do any where forbid the vulgar to read the Scripture in their own tongue ; but i^ere confidently perfwaded that ie was our flan- der of them : fo that thefe poor people believe that the Sun is not fct in Spaine at midnight , becaufe it {hin$$ at noon in England. Let them read but fob. Arbor em Theefoph- l$.c. 9. Andradim 'Defevf.Con- cil. Trident. L 4 Petrm Li^etus ^Dialog, defacris li- brit in vulg* E/oaj non evertendu ♦ HofiHS Dialog, dt Coinmnnion, &C. Pttrmfutor de Tranjlatione BiblU: 'BelUrm. deverbo Dei 1.2. r. 15. &\6. S aimer on. in iCor./f^?.26.i8;0/.iii3, l Pet. 2. 9, And God is the father of lights, Jam. 1. 17. And Satan is the Prince of -the powers of dairknefe, Luk^iz 53/ Rev 16.10. And Ghrift hath told us, that he rfiatwalketh in dark- nefs ftujpnbleth and knoweth not whither he goeth, foh. 12. 35, 46. And that oyery one that doth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light left his deeds (hould be reproved; but he that doth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made mani- feft, that they are wrought in God^foh. 3.21. The Papifts therefore give us reafon to think they have not the truth, were it but in this enmity which they bear unto the Light. Ar£. (•53) Arg. 9. That dottrine which teacheth men to worjbip the creature with Bivine Worfhip, is no fafe way tofal- vation* Hut Popery teacheth men to worfhip the crea- ture With Divine Worjhip : Therefore it u nojafe Way tofalvation. The iflajor will not be denyed by Papifts: The Minor I prove by one inftance onely (at this time :) and that is , their worfhiping of the confecrated Hoft or Bread in their Mafs, and at other times. He that worfhipeth the confecrated Bread with Divine worfhip , dorh worfhip Jthe creature with Divine worfhip : But the Papifts worfhip 'the confecrated Bread with Divine worfhip therefore. They deny the Major 3 and tell us, that it is no longer Bread but the Body of Chrift: But that they wor- fhip that thing which we call "Bread , and they call Chrifts "Body ^ with Divine worfhip, they do not deny. Onely fome would excufe them from the guilt of Idolatry (which is a worfhiping the crea- ture inftead of the Creator) by this, becaufe they think it is Chrift that they worfhip , and fo interpre- tatively it is he in deed fnd the worfhip right. But if they will think that to be Chrift which is not Chrift, and then worftiip it, that will not excufe therafrom being fomckind of Idolaters : What if they will think a Ranter or Quaker to be Chrift , who call them' felves Chrift ? are they therefore excufable if they worfhip them ? Then why might not the old Pa- gan Idolaters be juftified, or thus excufed , fee- ing they thought that the Sun and Moon had been Gods. And when they worfhiped an Im- age , they thought that fome Deity had affixed this 054) this fpecial prefencc to that Image : What if an Eg yp*. tUn thought that an Oxe was God , or that a Deity did dwell in him, were they therefore no Idolaters ? And then, how hainoufly God taketh the fin of Ido- latry, the Scripture fully witneffeth. That which we have to do , therefore is oncly to enquire whether indeed it be bread or Chrifts body, a creature or the Creator which theywor(hif > Con- cerning which there is fo much faidby Doftor Feat If againft Fijher , and by Peter CMartjr againft $mkk% and elfwbere, and by feVee/, Foxe% and abundance more , that if people would read ic, I fhould think it vakHo fay any more. I (hall onely annex thefe Reafons ( very briefly ) which come firft to my thoughts to prove that the Bread is not turned in- to the very body of Chrift , but remaineth Bread ftill. i . If the Bread were Chrifts real Body , then Chrift had two real bodies : for he had one fitting at the table, which delivered the Bread , and if the Bread were another , he had two ; or elfe the body that Chrift fate swd lived with , was not a whole body, but a part : But Chrift had b«t one body , and that was entire. 2. It would follow alfo that Chrift had a living and a dead body , a fenfible and infenfiblc body both at once. 3. It would follow that the Apoftles did tear Chrifts true flefh, and draw out his blood as well astbc Jews did. 4, Yea and that they began to the Jews, and did it before them ; And therefore why (hould the Jews a&,and theirs be fo much differenced ? 5, It will follow that cither #Chrift had one body tornc (-55) tornc by the Jews, and another by the Difciples f or elfe that one part of his body onely was crucified and not the whole : lor the other part was eaten and drunk by the Difciples before. 6. Alfo either Chrift had one body that did Rife again and another thai never rofe , or elfe it was but one part ofChrifts body that rofe from the dead; for the other part was eaten and drunke be- fore. 7. The like may be iaid of his afcenfion ; Then it is not Chrifts whole body that afcended up into heaven: for part of it was eaten before by the Di£ ciples, and digetted by them. 8. It will follow that Chrift s glorified body is cor- ruptible , and may be digefted by a mans ftomacke and turned into dung : For fo is that which is eaten, 9. It will follow alfo that Chrifts body may be- come an integral part of our very natural bo^yes andfo his body is become finful , as being a natural part of a (inner : for the Bread and Wine do nourifh us, and turn into our fubftance. 10. Yea it followeth that Chrift doth thus tarn into the fubftance of every child of the Devil that eateth the confecrated Bread, and drinketh the Wine. For they certainly nourifti him and turn into his fubftance : A raoft horrid confequent : Fop what communion hath Chrift with Belial} 11. Nay (which is in fome refpeft more horrid and abominable to imagine) it will follow, that the Glorified body of Chrift may turn into the fub- ftance of a moufe or a Dog : for if they eat it the bread will cerrainly nourilh them , and become their fubftance. * It erf) 12. It will follow that either Chrift hath aninfen- fible body, or elfe men hurt him by eating him in the Eucharift. 13. Icfolloweth that Chrift hath as many thou - fand bodies ,• as there be eonfecrated hofts, or elfe that by continuation of parts it is every where , and filleth ail the world (which the Papifts difa- vow. ) 14. Itfolloweth that Chrifts body admittethof augmentation f and either dajly or weekly receiveth new made parts , or elfe that he harh new bodies made daily. 1 5. Alfo it followeth that a creature (either the Jkkeror the Prieft) may make God , or make his Saviour , at leaft inftrumentally : which is a horrid imagination, 1 6. It followeth that either Chrifts body hath the accidents of colour, :afte,dimenfion, &c which are there fenfible, ox elfe that thofe Accidents have no fubjed, whicliisacontradi&ion. 17. Ie followeth alfo that Chrift hath not indeed a true humane body, if it be fuch as is before im- plyed. 18. And it followeth that the body of Chrift is (part of it) condemned , hated of God , and tor- mented by the Devil. Becaufe his body was turned into the bodies of many millions of wicked men, which rauft be fo condemned, hated and tormen- ted. 19. Alfo it followeth thai the Scriptures are not true, which tell us that the heavens muft receive him (in that humane nature which afcended from earth) till the times of the reftitution of all things, A&. J. 2 1 . and that he (hall come again to judge the world. 20. Laftly 20. Laftly it will follow that a man muft not trnft his fences : that though my eyes, my f zncl^my tafte, my feeling, tell me that this is Bread and wine , yet they are all deceived : and not mine only but all the fenfes in the world , to which they are objeded. And if that be true, i. What reafon have I to truft any Papift living? For all my good opinion of him muft be ultimately refolved into fomething that I fee or hear of him : And it feems, I am uncertain whe- ther I fee or hear him indeed or not. 2. And then how can I tell that I or any man is fure of any thing ? For if the fenfes of millions in perfed: health may be all deceived in this, why not in other things % for ought we know ? 3. And then how can any Papift tell that the Brend is turned into Chrifts body ? If he fay, becaufe the Church or the Scripture faith fo; How knoweth he that ,but by hearing or feeing ? and therefore for ought he knows his fenfes may be de- ceived when he thinketh he hearethor readcth fuch a thing, as well as when he thinketh that he feeth , feeleth, fmelleth, and tafteth Bread and Wine. And is there not need of very ftrangely cogent evidence now to impell them to believe againft the concurrent vote of Scripture , fenfe and reafon ? And what is the ground of their contrary belief? Not the Ancient Church (unlefs they willfully or negligently deceive themfelvcs ) for the ftream of antiquity is full againft them : fofull that its hard to believe that any of them thats verft in antiquity can truly think that antiquity iar for them > if they have but the common reafon of men to underftand what they read. What is it then that bringeth them to this belief? Is it the Scriptures ? Thats not likely, becaufe they make fo light of it , and fwear to take it cm) it in the fence of the Church f or ancient Do&ors (in which lait they are here and oft raoft defperatcly forfworn) It muft be then upon the Authority of the prefent Church, that is, the Pope and his Clergy, that they entertain this hard belief. That is|, The Pope and his Clergy believe it , becaufe they fay it themlelves, and the reft believe it becaufe the Pope faith it. And is it truely poftible that any man (hould have fo good a conceit of himfelf , yea or any other think fb well of him , as to believe unfeignedly fo great a thing upon fo weak a ground ? Can the Pope therefore believe it becaufe he doth believe it ? Or is it not too probable that thoufands of them are of that Belief which ^JAUlantthon fometime told them of very fmartly [Ton Italians ( faith foe) Believe Chrifi is in the Bread , before yon Believe that thtre is any Chrifi in heaven 3 while they pretend to a faith above men (that is, to believe Impoffibilities upon the Popes credit) I wifh they prove to have the com- mon belief of Christians ; and that in heart they do not (as once one of their Popes did) account the Gofpel but a commodious fable. But let us foppojfe that indeed it is the word of God thac is the grotind of their ftrange belief,and th^Hoc eft Corpus menm, This is r/ty bodf\ is the very word that doth convince them, as fome of them do pretend. I would here be bold to askethem that fay fo, a Queftion or two. i • What,if the Ancient Church had intecpreted this Text as we do, againft your Tranfubftantiation ? would you then have believed it upon the bare Au- thority of this Text ? What need I ask this ? Your own Oaths and Profeflion faith, No : It is not theft any evidence in this Text that com pellcth your be- lief. And let meadde, that if I prote not (in a fair (•59) fairjdebate upon a juft call) that tfie ancient Church for many hundred years after Chrift , was againft Tran&bftantiation, I will give all thePapifts in Eng- land leave to fpit in my face (for all the high expref- fions of the Eueharift that forae fathers have.) 2. What is there in thofc words [This is mj bocij\ that can perlwadc any fobcr Chriftian to their ftrange belief? What is if, becaufe that they are pro- perly and not figuratively to beunderftood? And how is that proved ? Is it becaufe we muft not force the Scripture , but take it in the plained , otvious fence? Icafily grant it. Sut who knows not that both in Scripture and in all our common fpeecfa , the figurative fence is oft the moft plain and obvious , and the literal the moft improbable? What three fentences do we ufc to fpeak together without fofne figurative axpreflion f I will appeal to any unpre- judiced man of reafon , whether a Chriftian that fhould newly read thofe words of Chrift, and had ne- ver heard them or read them before , would not fooner take them in our fence f then in the Papifts? They may eafiiy try this upon a new convert, if they pleafe : and I dare make their own confeiences judge, if they have any left to befriend a common truth. What is there more in [This is mj Bokf\ being a Sa- cramental bufinefs , then for a man that is in a room among many Images , tqfay [This is Peter or Paul, or this is Auguftinc or Hierom or Chry foftomc?]] And would not any unprejudiced ftandcr by fuppoft that the moft obvious fence of thofc words is [This is the fitturc of Peter, Faul,tfrrj Or would a mancafily believe that it was the meaning of the fpeaker , that this Pi&ure was the very real fle(h and blood of P t- ttr and PauI, and all other Pi&ures that ever fhould be be made after the fame exemplar , (hoald be (o tran- fubftantiated ? So what is the obvious fignification of thofe words [ ThU u my body ] but [ Thu u the Sacrament or Reprefentation of my Body} ] Efpe* cially when hts real body was diftin&ly there prcfent, and he exprefly biddcth them [ Do this in remem- brance of me7\ 3. I would defire any Papifts living to tell me, why the Text doth not as much oblige him to believe that [The Cup is the New Teftament~\ fubftantialiy without a figure, as that [The Bread ts his Body} For the Text as exprefly faith one as the other, Lnk^zz.zo. Thu Cup is the new Tefiament in wy Blood.'} Yet I fuppofe*hey will be content to fay that by [The New Teftament} is meant, the Sacra- ment or Seal of the New Tellament. 4. Why will not thefe blind wretches believe the Holy Ghoft,who calls it Bread ac the eating after the confecration ? 1 Cor* 1 1 .26,27^28. three times together^and tells us that the ufe of it is to remember and (hew the Lords death till he come. I might here adde to this in the next place their worfliiping oi Saints, efpeaally of the Virgin Mary, with prayers to her as the Queen of Heaven, to for- give their fins, and to command her Son to forgive thera, with abundance more of fuch impious, idola- trous or faqrilegious expreflions, as might make the ears of a fober Chriftian even to tingle. But thefe things have been fo oft told them , and are fo viftble in their Offices and other.* writings that I {hall pafs them over. As alfo their worfhiping of Images, and publike ufing them tq that end in their Churches: Though moii of their Laity that I have met with, fay that they ufe them" buc. for a remembrance of the Saints and d$ not worfhip them .( and thats bad enough (15.) enough in fuch cafes) yet their learaed Schoolmen and Doftors tell lis another tale , as is too vifibie ih many of their writings. Arg. io. That l^vttrive V?hich teacheth men to turn the mofi of Gods worfiip into meer unreafonable ceremonies and vdtn formalities of mans deviftng , is not afafe ftaj to falvation. Hat fuck is the diUrine of Popery : 1 hereforeyScc The Major is certain : For i. God hath takeri down the ceremonial Law which he himfelf had made, and theiefore will raot give leave to mantQ fez up another in its ftead, and to burden his Churc a with unnceflary things 2. It is contrary to the freedom and fpiritual ftateof the Gofpel Church. TheApoftle bids us (land faft in the liberty where- with Chrilt hath made us free : And Chrift faith, that God is a Spirit , and they that worftiip him , muft worfhip him in Spirit and Truth: for fuch worfhipers the Father feeketh : And he telieth the formal cere- monious Pharifees , that they worftiipped God in vain, teaching for doftrines the Commandments of men, C>f^. 15. 6, 7, 8,9. 7^.4.23,24. Gal. 5.1. As for the Minor , it were tedious to recite but half the R$mijh ceremonies and formalities with which they both delude and burden poor finners. For the word of God in a tongue which they tnderftand , they muft hear a found of a ftrange language which they underftand not : In* ftead of finging praifes with the heart ( as David ) and with the underftanding (as Paul rcquireth) they fing over prayers and Scri- ptures and other things in uncouth notes and in the M Laun*f Latine tongue, which the people underftand not : The Eucharift or Lords Supper is alfo celebrated in Latins and the prayers and prailes ad joyned ; and the Cup taken from the people : and all turned into a mecr (hew, by elevation of the hoft , adoration of it, gaping while the Prieft doth pop the Bread in- to their mouthes. Prayers alfo are ufed in Latine , fo that the fubftance of publike worfhip is thus made a very Pi&ure , or unreafonablc fervice : Yea, they teach them to pray partly in Latine in private , and partly with vain repetitions , multiplying over the namejefu, nine times together , and rchearfing o- ver their canting fhreds, and numbering their pray- ers on their beads to keep tale , and obferving fuch and fuch hours , and praying to Saints, to one Saint for this and another for that , giving die elogies and prayers and praifes to the Virgin Mary , that are due to God alone : Sacraments they multiply : even Marriage which in the Clergy is a deadly fin, and the avoiding it by the Laity is a work of fupererogati- on , yet rauft it be a Sacrament. The Rules of their feveral Monaitical orders , were tedious to recite : Touch not,* tafte not, handle not: fuch meats muft not be eaten on fuch a day ; fuch orders rnuft ufe fuch mears, and forbear fuch : other Orders forbear o- ther meats ; fome muft be thus {horn, (haven, cloth- ed ; and fome thus : Much of their Devotion con- fifteth in being fprinkled with Holy Water, anointed with Chryjjpe : creeping to the Altar; ftriking on thebreaft; making and wearing the Crofs; fetting it up, and worfhiping it in high wayes and Church- yards, worfhiping Crucifixes; and bowing before the Images of God, the Holy Ghoft in the form of a Dove, and of the Saints; sravelling to certain Images yl6i ; Images and (brines in Pilgrimage, offering to them > efpeciaily to our Lady at iorne famous places ; com* parting the Church fo oft; formal penances : ob~ lerving multitudes of Holy-dayes for the Saints > hearing fo many Ma Acs , faying fuch or fuA words, carrying Palms , taking afhes , carrying banners 4 following the Croft, and hott in procefiions , and worfhiping it, bearing candles : In Bapcifme,faltingf croilin^ fpathing, exorcizing, wafhing hands : Alfo bapti£tngbels;Ceremoniousconfecrations;fayingDir- ges,and Mafles for departed fouls : forfwearing mar- riage : renouncing propriety : pardons and tndul- " gencies from the Pope; with abundance of the like delu'ory carnal formalities in which much of the Popiih devocion doth confift. And how can any unprejudiced man, that is but pofleffed with the Spi- rit of God , and truely knoweth what it is towor- {hiphim, imagine that God is pleafed with fuchhi- ftrionical gaudes, and childifli things? Iconfefs the reading of their very books of devotion, their office; to our Lady , and other* the like , which arc ftu-ffed with fuch fuperftitious and unreafonablc paflages, feems enough to me to turn the heart of a fober man againft their way. For who can think that the Holy and Bleffed God will be delighted in their vain bablings and childifli cantings, and affe&ed repetiti- ons of words,and faying, and hearing we know not what I would any wife man regard fuch cxprefllons of love or honor ?If your friend or your child (hould cxprefs his Love and refpefts to you by raimicfc geftures, and gambals, and making ftrange faces, os repeating over your name nine times in a breath , or ridiculous canting*, complements and aftings tike a Stage Player, would you applaud, or delight in fuch M 2 ex- ( \6i cxpreffions of love and honor as theft? Or would you not rather fey as the Philiftine King of T>a- vU^ when he fpit, and feraped on the Wall, Have I need of mad men ? It is fare a carnal un- reafonable do&rine , that leadeth men to fucb car- nal unreafonable fervices, of that God who will be ferved reafonably in fpirit and in truth. They that have but an Image or fhadow of Faith and Grace, and' can expeft no more of Glory, arc like enough to be well pleafed with thefe Images and mcer fhadows of Gods worflhip : But its ' like to be otherwife with him that hath a fpirit of fupplication and holinefs within him, and hath known by experience what it is to walk with God, and offer him acceptable facrifices , and to re- ceive the tokens of his acceptance and approba- tion. Arg. II. If Tope rj be maintained cotmrnnly bj mofi rvic^rd and abominable meant s i and fo by the 'Devil , then it is no fafe Way to Salvati- &n> But the Antecedent is too true : There- fore, &c. I fpeak not here of the meer mifcarriages of fome of their party ; but of the Pillars by which the Popes Kingdome is fupported ; which chat it is by abominable wickedneffe , I (hall give you but thefe few inftances following. i. The very bufi nefs or prize which they fo much contend for, is Pompe , Greatnefs , Do* minion , yea Tyranny in the world : fo that it is evidently Pride, Vain-glory, and Covetouf • BC& chat fets thein ^n, and is the Spring of all their their c^ntefb. Whats the chief parr of the quar- rel, but whether the Pope and Cardinals ot one City , even Rome , (hall be the Rulers and Ma- tters of all the Chriftian world , and all Prince* and People obey them ? What unprejudiced man can be fo blind, as not to fee thai thiseon- teft is Tyrannical, and that their 'Dominion is their Religion , and their Pride is their faith , and time the queftion is but that which one would think Chrift had once fufficiently deter- mined , Who (hall be the greateft ? Did not Chrift chide his Difciples for this conteft ? and fay , With you it (hall not be fo f But the Pa- pifts , having no better way to prove the Scri- pture a nofe of Waxe , and as flexible and mul- tiform , as they accufe it to be, then by makirg it fo to rhemfelves by ahufive violence and per- ver.ing it , puting by the plaineft words that Chrift can (peak , and will take his Decifion for no Decifion, when it makes againft the Decifive Power of their Pope. 2. And this is yet further manifeft , in that fuch a multitude of their Popes have been Whore- mongers , Murderers , Heretickes , Siraoniacall , buying the Popedome with money , and poyfon- ing one another to obtain the Popedome , and living in it liker beafts then men ? Of all which I oncly appeal to Platina and other of their own Writers. 3. Another Pillar of Popery is moft unconfeion- able impiety : They can difpenfe with the vileft fins for the promoting of their Kingdom. They can dif- penfe with Oaths and with obligations of fubjefts M 3 to (t66) to their fovereignes, with leagues of Peace and ami- ty among Princes, yea they can themlelvcs a&ually promote and execute the moft abominable impieties , that will but help them to attain their -ends. I will now onely inftance in that which is frefti before our own eyes in England. The Papifts know that Ana- baptifts and Separatifts are erroneous ; they know that Ranters and Quakers are abominable; and yet for their own ends, dare they here in England , put on the vizard of Anabapcifts and Quakers, and with all poflible fubtilcy and zeal, and unwearyednefs, go up and down to feduce the people to be Anabaptifts and Quakers , as they did a while ago to be Seekers, if not Infidels. This is fufficiently known and proved not only by the P'opifh [pretended Jew that turned Anabaptift at Hexham , and was taken at Newcttftle^ and others of them taken , but by many other Tefti- monies, feme upon oath of thofe that have heard fuch confeffions from their mouthes ; and many haveknewn them in the Quakers AfTemblies, that have feen them before elfwhere : And all this is done by them that they divide us and break us in pieces, and fteal a credit to ttieir pretended unity and Church Government , and turn the hearts of the people. from our Miniftery , and unfettle them, and make them more capable and receptive of their own opinions, and that they may make o- thers abroad beiieve that we r.re all running mad. Andean that doftrine be of God, which teacheth cien to do ftich abominable things ? Or is that like to be theeaufeof Chrifrthat muftbe thus upheld? Is tfeat perfon guided by the Spirit of Chrfft, that dares draw others to the vileft blafphemies and wickednefs in a diffembling garbe , that fo he may promote his own (i<>7> own caufe? certainly Chrift needeth net fochhypo- crifie,and wickednefs for the promoting of his I dom ;• but it feems the Pope doth need it for ! is 4. Anot^r of the Pillars of Popery is molt groli and impudent lying. Did I not know it to be true, I durft not accufe them of it, I will give you but thefe three inftanccs following, 1 . They do raife and with greateft confidence pro- pagate , meft (hamelefs lies of thofe whom they takeAr their leading adverfaries. We read them in the open writings of CochUw , Ticlfe > Staphilm, Thyraus 9 and many more. What abominable ftories have they of the Death of L&iher, Otcolam* -paditu, Bucer^ Calvin, and others; which it is- very unlikely that they can be fo blinded with malice as to Believe themfelves ? What conference do we ever manage with them which they do not mifreport ? Witnefs the lace ridiculous paffage after the confe- rence between Fificr and Doiftor Featly and Doftor White, when they boaft^d beyond Sea of the num- ber of Converts, and in particular oftwoEaries, and this to the Earl of Warwick^ himfelf (npt know- ing him ) who was fained to be one of them ; and who had been a witnefs of their wcaknefs. And how poorly doth trejlon in his Pamphlet put this off. 2. The next inftance I wiU give is their abominable lying legends, by which they have befooled the peo- ple , and made themfelves ridiculous to the world , and occafioned others to qucftion their reports in o- ther things. I (hall give you a tafte of forae of them, as Doftor Featly hath gathered them to my hand in his Epiflleto the forefaid conference, yet with the Authors that report them > that you may try whe- M 4 ther thcr they bewionged. As that Saint Brigii laid her wimble., and Saint AUtlme his chcfible upon a Beam of the Sun which fupported them (vit. SanS. Brigit. & vit. S. Aldclmi. ) That Saint Nicolm while he lay in his cradle faded Wednefday and Friday • thefe dayes he would fuck but once a day ( Fefiivale de S&ntto Nicol ) That Saint Patrick* caufed a ftoln Sheep to bleat in the belly of him that had eaten him {Legend, de St. Patricio) That the Corps of Saint Laurence at the coming of Saint Sttfbens body fmiled for joy, and turned himfelf to the o- ther fide of the Sepulcher to make room for him (Legend, de S. Stefh.) That Clemens wrote a letter to Saint fames feven years afcer he was dead ( Clem. Fp.ad J-ac. in Fp. Pent if.) That Saint ^Denis cdxrj' cd his head in his hand three miles , and refted at each place of the ports, that are fet between Paris and Saint Denti (Brett & piUur. Dionyf) That Saint Qunftaue held the Devil fait by the nofewith a pair of Tongues (Leg deDanft.) That the chamber of our Lady was carrved by Angels through the air from Pale/fine to Lontte in Italj ( Hijl.de N oft re "Dame de Lintto.) That our Lady helped Saint The* mas Secret to mend or itieh his haircloth *( Annot. in Clcrnanges ex C then Popery is not a fafe way to Salva- tion. I would here have added as the fourteenth Argu- ment : That Popery is a mixture of old condemned errors, formerly called Herefies; which the ancient Church hath teftified againft ; and therefore it is no fafe way to Salvation : And here I Ihould have tryed their particular errors not yet mentioned , or in- fixed on, as their Doftrine of Merits and Juftifica- ticui tion thereby, Satisfactions, and many Semipelagian errors, Image- worfhip , with many the like : But that this is beyond my prefent intended fcope , and purpofed brevity , and is fo fully performed already by fo many unanfwefable Treatifes of our Di- vines. Let us next here what is faid of moft moment , to prove Popery to be a fafe way to Salva- tion. Ob j. I . That Religion which hath been delivered do^n from the Apflles to this day without interruption , u a fafe way to Salvation (For it it the fame that the A~ fofiles and all the ancient Chriftians were faved in) ISutjhe Religion of the Church of Rome is that which hath been delivered down from the Apoftles : There- fore^ &c. Anf i . There is a change of the very fubjeft of thequeftion- It is [JPopery] that we aredifputing of; and this argument inftead of Popery fpeaks ©f [[The Religion of the Church of Rome .] The Religi- on of the Church of Rome hach two .parts ; Firfl:,the Chriftian Faith : Secondly, their own corruptions de- praving and contradi&ing this Faith : Thefirft as it ftandetk alone uneontradi&cd in the Religion which we profefs : Thcfecond is it that we sail Popery, and fay, It is no (afe way tofajvation. 2. And of this I deny the Minor , and fay that Popery is not the an- cient Religion , the Apoftles and Primitive Church never knew it : There was no fuch creature as a Pa- pifi: known in all the world till fix hundred years af- ter the birth of Chrift : It was about 606. when Pope Bonifact did firfc claim his univerfal Papacy and Head- (176) Headfhip: and after that it was not till about one thoufand years chat the ufurpation and Tyranny was confentcd to any thing generally in the Weft : And even the multitudes, ftiil di (Tented , and fomeop- pofuion wa 5 ftill made againft it ; and all the Efterne Churches and the reft of the Chriftian world did dif- fent. Of thefe things there is enough faid to filence all the Papifts on earth in Biftiop Vfber de contin. fuecejfione & ftatp* tcclef. Occident, and his Anfwer to the Jefuites Challenge, and by Bifhop feVee/t,&vtd Doftor Field, and in many of the old Treatifes a- gainft the Pope publifhed together by Goldaft/u , which ftiewus that he fetled not his Kingdom with- out continnual oppofition and contradi&ion. We affirm that Popery is a meer novelty , and chal- lenge all the Papifts in the world to prove the Anti- quity of it. When they have once arrogated to themfelves the name of theCatholike Church, and taught the people to believe as the Church believes , that is, to believe that all is true which the Pope and his Clergy will report of themfelves, it is then an eafie matter f&r them to prove any thing to be true which makes for their turn : then they may fay? The Fathers are for than ', and that they have their Pa- pal fovereignty from Sz Peter , when there is never a true word in it. Then they may frame and forge new Decretals, and cutout of the Ancient Writers that which is againft them , and bring forth fpurious wri- tings under their names ; and tell the people that our Religion begun with Luther : for its eafie to prove any thing, where themfelves are the Judges, and no witnetfes but their own muft be heard: But if they dare leave that hold, and come into the light, its eafie to evince the novelty of Popery (though not of eve- ry particular error they hold,) Obj. (v?) Obj. 2. ////?£ Church of Rome £* *? ***** Church $ then Popery is a fafe Way to jalvation : But the Church of Rome is a true Church : Therefore, &c. The Antecedent is granted by meft Protectants : The conjequence & good ; for it is the true Religion that ma- keth a true Church and Popery is their Religion* If their Religion be not true^ their Church is not true t If their Religion be true, then their Church is tme ; ana if Church and ReJigiw be true, then thej are in a fafe Xvaj to falvation. Anfw.i .The worc'QChurch] doth ufually fignifis amongChriftians^aChriftianiociety, or a company of Christians aflbciated for Gods worfhip and mutual edification:fometime any companyof Chriftians whe- ther fo affociated or not : fometime thofe are called QChriftians] as diftinft from Infidels, who profefs nioft of the fubftance of Chriftianity , but deny fome part , or who profefs the whole fubftance or the fun- damentals, though they cootradift it again by plain confequence in other luperadded poftts : Though thefc as compared with the Orthodox are wont to be called Hereticks. We deny not but that the great- eft Papifts arc fuch Chriftians, and that as the word « [[Church ] is applicable to combinations or compa* nies confifting of fuch materials ; fo far the Roma- nifts are a true Church ; fuppofing that we oneljk ipeak of Mctaphyfieal Truth. But as the word QChriftian[]is takenfor one that fo holdeth the funda- mentals of Chriftian Faith, as not to fubvert them by plain confequence after he hath profeffed them, foic is yet under difpute whether the Romanifts be a true Church , and therefore not to betaken as granted. N How- vever thofe Protcftant Divines that grant them to be a true Church, do fay that it is but by a Meta- physeal verity, convertible with the eflence ; but that Morally it is a falfe Church and not a true ; as a thief is a True man, that is, truely a man t but he is not a true man, that is, not an honeft faithfull man, 2. The thing called [The Church of Romf^ con- lifteth not of Homogeneal parts : or, at leatt that word fignifieih feveral forts of perfons. There arc fomethat with the Pope and his Cardinals entertain Jth'e full body. of Popery, andenflave the reft : There 'are multitudes of the people, that filently live 'un- der them, and let them alone, and are defiled by them in many things , but receive not the great and moft dangerous part of their corruption. Thefe are not equally to be called the Church, nor are they equally in danger of damnation. 3. I deny the confequence of the Major Propor- tion ; For if the Church of Rome be a true Church it is becaufe they are true Chriftians, and not becaufe they are Papiffc : fo that to argue £ The Church of Rome is a true Church , therefore Popery is a fafe way to Salvation] ^ as unfound as to argue \jGebezi the Leper is a living man : Therefore the Leprofie is a thing fafe of profitable to mans life] Popery is the difeafeof their Church, and Chriftianity is it that makes them a Church : You may well therefore con- clude that Chriftianity is a fafe way to heaven; bat not that Popery is fo. To the confirmation I anfwer, That the Religion of Papifts hath two parts : The Chriftian Religion, as they are Chriftians , and that maketh them a true Church if they be one. And the Popilh cor- ruptions, (#9) ruption?, which denominate them Papifts, and chat makes them not a true Church , nor is a fafe way to falvation. Obj. 3. If Papifts may be faved^ then Poperj is d fafe way te falvation. 'But Papiftj may be fated : Therefore^. Anf To the Antecedent or Minor I anfwer , that Papifts be not all of a fort : fome may be faved, and fome cannot, if they fo live and dye. If you aske who may and who may not t I anfwcr.that all thofe of them that hold the fubftance of the Chriftian faith, and that pra&ically, notwithftauding their errors } or that hold no errors but what cenfift with the Praftical holding of the Chriman faith, thefefhall be fayed : But all thofe that finally hold any error which for matter or manner is inconfiftent with the Pra* fticat holding of the Chriftian faith, (hall be con- demned. 2. To the confequence of the Major I anfwer, by denying it ; and that on the aforefaid account. If a Papift be faved,it is not by ^Popery ,but fr*m Popery. Ic is therefore no better reafoning than to fay Qlf a Le- per may live,then the Leprofie is wholforae,or a fafe to prefcrvc life] I have already fpeke more to this. If fuch do live , it is with more trouble, and left comfort , and its fewer that lire loag with it, then of other founder men : Menlhould not caft themfelves into a courfe of great doubt and difficulty as to their falvation, and whea they have done encourage them* felves in it , becaufc other men of moderate and charitable mindes are afraid to conclude that they ftiall certainly be damned? Is it not a great probabili« 'N 2 ty C*0 ty or danger of damnation very terrible, though you were not certain to be damned. Obj. 4. There u but one true Church , and con* fequentlj bnt one fafe Vvaj to Heaven : That one Church is the Romane Church : And therefore they and onely they, are in the fafe way to Hea- ven. Anfw. If you fpeak of the Universal Church , which is Chrifts body , there is but one and that is all true Chriilians. But if you fpeak of parti- cular aflfociations of Chri-ftians called particular Churches , there are many thoufands : And fo we fay that the Church of Rome is (at beft) but one particular Church , or one combination of feme particular Churches under the Bifhop of that City : But that Rome , or the Romane party * are / the" whole of the Catholike Church of Chrift ,• we do with abhorrency deny. 2. If the Church of Rome be any part of that Univcrfal Church , and fo in a ftace of Salvation, or way to it, it is not as Papitis, but as Chri- ftians, as was faid before. And therefore though there be but one fafe way to Heaven , yet that one being hot Popery , but Chriftianity '" why may not other Chriftians be in a fafe way to Hea- . ven , as well as the Papifts ? efpecially who are free from thofe dangerous difeafes vJherewith the Papiits Chriftianity is corrupted. OK. (i3.) Obj. 5. That Church which hath V nit jy Vniver- fnlityy Antiquity^ and nnintteru^ted fucceffion of Pa- fiers and dpoftlesy is the onelj true Chnrch , and con- sequently onelj in thefafe way to Salvation, T>nt fuch u the Church of Rome : therefore. Anfw. 1 . This concludeth not the point in Quefti- on QThat Popery is a fafe way to Salvation.]] 2. We deny the Major, and blame them, that they ftiil thruft it on us without proof. To theparticu-, lars , i, If Mahometans have unity, or If Satan be not divided againft Satan,, it doth not follow that they have the true Church ; men may agree in evil. 2. where was your univerfality alfo , when there were fcarce feven Biftiops left that were free from the plague of Arrianifme ? Univerfality abfolute(lb thaG all errors or other parties (hould be excluded) the Church hath never had the happinefs to enjoy fir.ce thcbeginingofitsflouriftiingin the Apoftles dayes. Univerfality comparatively, that is, the greater part the Arrians had , at Ietft of the Bifheps. The do- ftrine of the Millenaries, with many fuchlike may plead more antiquity than Popery can : And as for fucceflion, there is no doubt but a Biftiop or Church in the line of fucceflion may turn Heretical ,and have fucceffors in their Herefie. Have none of the Greek Churche$,nor Alexandria, A ntiech&c.h&d a (uccefli* on till it fell into the hands of aHeretiek?and it would have beeen no good plea for the firft Heretical Bi- fhop or Church to plead fuch fucceflion. If there be not a fucceflion in Apoftolical doftryie , the fuc- ceflion of perfons will be no proof of the truth ■ or foundnefs of the Church, N 3. 3. Ar.d (iSi) 3. And for the Minor of your Argument, Ian- fwcr. I. The Ethiofian, Alexandrian and other Churches can as truely boafl: of thefe qualifications as Rome. 2. The Papifts lay a higher claim to them then they can make good. Asr 1. I have (hewed al- ready how far they arc from unity , who are not only of fo many Religions or wayes of Difcipline; and of fo great diftance in many doftrinals, as the controverfies among themfelves do manifeft, butal- fo are fo difagreed about the very center of their uni- • on, their infallible foveraign Power, whether it be in the Pope 3 or a GenA'al Council, or both ? Be- sides their unity is but of their own party, theRo- manifts : And (ball other parties are at fome unity among themfelves : er many at Icaft. \ij$h* of Confiantinofle had prevented the Pope , and got the Title of univerfal Bifhop, or Pope, as he did (by compofition^} of univerfal Patriarch ; and had pre- tended chat this would have united the Churches , I think it would not have juftified his caufe. 2. How can the Papifts for ihame pretend to uni- verfality either as to the prefent or former ages ? Is it nothing that all the Ethiopian, Greeks and Reform- ed Churches are not of their party , befides many a thoufandmore? Or will they arrogantly condemnc ill the reft of the Chriftian world as heretical , and then fay that they are the whole Church ? Did they not learn this of the Donatifts ? But what is become of their modefty who pretend to an univerfality, for the tknepaft , when all the Chriftian world was againft their prefent belief, and chere was not fuch a thing as a Famft known (and revealed to usj in the world of fix hundred years after the birth of Chrift. 3. And ('83) J. And for their fucceffion,we undertake to prove it interrupted long ago, and that there were no true Bitt\op$atRcwc of a long time : Though men have fat there that were chofen by Cardinals, and call themfclves Bifhops or Popes , yes if according to the Scriptare and ancient Councils, they were mat- ter utterly uncapable of that form , then its plain that they were but Statues , and had but the nsme without the thing, i. e. the office or authority, and therefore arc unworthy alfo of the name it felf. Let nae name two or three of their own Writers that bear witnefs of this. And firft their great parafite Cardinal Baronim faith (ad an* 912, §8.) \_what then was the face of the holy Romane Church ? how exceeding filthy, When the moft potent and yet mefi for- did whores did Rule at Rome ? by whofe pleafure Sees were changed , Bifhops were given % and Which is a thing horrid to be heard , and not to be fpoken , their fWeet hearts (or mates) were thrufi *»rc Peters chair v being falfe Popes , who are net to be Written in the Ca- talogue of the Romane Popes , but cnely for the ward- ing out of fuch times. ] And after he welladdesto (hew that the interruption was not like to be onely in the fucceffion of true Bilhops £ And what kind of Cardinal Priefts and Deaeons think you We mufi im- agine that thefe monfters did choofe ? when nothing u fo rooted in nature as for every one to beget his dike] See tqore in Taron. ibid. PUtina fpeaking of the evil of thofe times (de "BenediB. 4.) faith that [fBy am- bition and bribery the holy chair of Peter was rather feUed ony then f*f[efjedr\ Geneirard(in Chronolog. I. ^.fecul.io* ) fpeaking of the great unhappinefi of that age, faith, that [_In this one Mng it Was unhappy that for nrer one hundred N 4 and (.84) And fifty years about fifty Topes hid wholly fall away from the vertue of their anceftors , being Apotattici, eslpofiatkive pot ins qnam Apefiolici , Biforderly and Apcftatical, rather then ApoftolicaL~\ WJiat (hall we think of all thole that murdered thtir pf edeceflbrs to obtain the place, were they cap- able of being true Biftiops ? What fhall we fay of Pope cfo'/w/fcr the fecond who was a conjurer, and sgrced with the Devil to help him to be Pope, and by the deceit of the Devil was again deprived of it by fuddain death ? Doth the Devil make true Biftiops of conjurers? I know the deceiving Papifts Would make the fimple people believe that all thefe things that we fay of their Popes art lies of our own forg* ing : but men that have eyes in their heads may fee who are the lyars Their own Writers do common^ Jy affirm the fame that we affirm. A Cardinal of their own (Benno) in vita Bildebrandi , affirmeth this of Pope Sihejler : and he lived in the times next him, and therefore might know. Platina another of their own affirms (in vita Silvefi.) that [_ Gef- bertus impelled by ambition , anddevillijh defire of rule y didfirfi by bribery (or Simony) get the Archbijhoprike ofRhemes, then of Ravenna, andatlafioj Rome, the 'Devil giving him more of hi* help, but on this con* dition, that after his death he Jbouldbe wholly hu^ by ^ch&fe deceits he had obtained fuch dignity. ~\ The like hath LyrainGlcfs. ad cap. 14. Maccab. I. z. find a timkitude of their Hyftorians unanimoufly confirm it. Yea zALmm Sylvim who was a Pope himfelf (degefiis Concil. BafiL L I.) faith £ Wt are not igno- rant that (Pope) Marcellinus did at Cefars command t'ffer incenfe to Idols ^and that another y, which is a great" er and more horrible thing , did come to be Pope $f Rome Rome bj the fraud of the ^Devil-J^na word if Mur- derers, Adulterers , Conjurers that <*me jn ^ ^ Devil , and Heretickstinay be true BiftiO^pf Rome and yet a man that believeth not the Popes ^jverI verfal Vicarfhip can be no true Catholikc Chrifticu then it feems, it is a greater fin not to Believe in the Pope then not to Believe in Chrift , or then it is to bargain with the Devil , or be a Murderer or Adul- terer? Certainly thefc men were as uncapable of being true Bifhops when thefe things were once pub- likely known of them (at leaft) as a Mahometane would be : And therefore there hath been many an interruption in their fucceffion. And many a fchifm there hath been wherein two or three Popes have raigncd at once, and he that- had the greateft ftrength bath carryed it, when his Right was not the great - eft, [Query; cm) E R Y. OS Whether the Infallible fudge* mentof the Romane Vofe^or his Qlergy mujl be the Qround of our c£elief of the Qhriftian DoBrine, or of our %eceh^ ing the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God? N. * !ftggAving already enquired whether the TR Romamfis or the Reformed Churches ' are in the fafe way to Salvation ; we fhall now more particularly enquire whether their faith or ours be built on the furer grounds. Our Belief is thus refolved : we believe the Chriftian Dodrine to be True , becaufe the True God is the Author of it. We difcern that God is the Author of it , both by his Intrinficke and Extrinficke Seals or atteftations of it : in that it beareth his image and fuperfcription, and is confirmed by his undoubted uncontrolcd Mi- racles, (.87) racks , and other effe&s which lead us to the eaufe. The revealing containing figns or chara&ers are the the holy Scriptures. That thefe Books were written by the Prophets, Apoftlesand Evangelifts, and were confirmed by Miracles , and are uncorrupted in the main , we arc infallibly affured of, by the evident certainty of the hiftorical atteftation and Tradition : For we depend not barely on the credit of adeceiv- able or deceitful man ( fuch as is the Pope of Rome ) or of any fallible fociety of men ; but on fuch Hifto- ry as we can prove by plain reafon to be infallible , containing in it, befides theTeftimony of the Pope and all his party, the fame Teftimony alfo of all the reft of the Chriftians in the world , yea and of the very Hereticks who were enemies to much of the truth ; and enough alfo even from the mouths of Infidels to confirm us : fo that by this infallible hi- ftory , and univerfal Tradition , we have a fuller difcevery that thefe Books are the fame that were written by the Apoftles,^. then we have that the Statutes of Parliaments in the Reign of King James or Queen Elizabeth are the fame that they pretend to be: And to a man that heareth not God himfelf or the Lord Jefus or the Apoftlcs , and hath not their immediate infpirations , we know not how the Laws of heaven (hould be more fitly delivered in an ordinary rational way , nor what fwrer other means fuch as we can expeft , who live at fuch a di- ftanccfrom the firft receivers of it : unlefs we would have God to fpeak to every man as he did to Mofes or have Ghrift or Apoftles ftill among us , or un- lefs God muft make us all Prophets by his extraordi- nary infpirations. And laftly , the true meaning of this word we underftand as we do the meaning of other (M) other Laws or writings having moreover the aiBftance of the fpirit , which is neccffary bccaufe of the fublimity and fpirituality of the matter , and the neteffity of the great effeds upon our hearts : Our Teachers by Tranflation and fur- ther inftruftions are our helpers (as they muft be in other things that we would learn ) and by the help of them without and of the feint with- in , we are able to underfland the meaning of the words (efpecuHy comparing text .with text) and fo receive the far&ifyng iraprefs upon our hearts. And thus is the Faith of the Re- formed Catholike Refolved. He recciveth tne Bible frem the hands or mouth of his Teach- ers (and perhaps firit believech t&em fide hnma- m ; that it is Gods Word : ) He knoweth that this Book was written in Htbrew and -Greeks by the PropTiets and Apoftles, by Infallible Hyfto» ry or Univerfal Tradition. He knoweth that they, did it by Infpiration of the Holy Ghoft , by the Image of God which he findeth on it , and by the uncontroled Miracles by which they fealed it. He believeth it to be True , bc- eaufe it thus proceeded from the Holy Ghoft , and fo is the Word of God who is moft True. Of the Refolution of our Faith according to the Proteftant Doftrine. See L. da Plejjis of the Church, cap. 4. Tranjlat. pag* 121, 122, 123. and Conradm 'Btrgius Prax. CathoL Can. p. 208. 209, zio. Difp. 2. § 125, 126. To this fame fence. Vid. & SibranL Lttbbert. Princip* Chrift* Dogm. li. I. fag. 20&C. What C «9 J What the Refolution of the Romane faith is, the Qgeftion which we are now to difcufs (Jo{h intimate in part,for it cannot be laid down in one propofuion, becaufe they are of fo many minds themfelves Indeed we may fee in this their foundation that Popery is a very maze and dungeon; for the builders of this 2fa£f/areallin confufion at the laying of their firft ft one. Yet this much they feem to be moftly agreed in : * That the Scripture is ? B^f ^ Vefbo ^ ,, f the word of God, and fjp. 2. \>&nar ihlL L 4> part of the Rule of faith cap. 3. 'Sellar.ibj. $x.iq. and duty, b but not the ^retfer.de ^gnefc script. cap. whole Rule,nor the whole £ ** f*08- Vd%$- T°m- h Word of God h* that ?* &■£?&?£ unwritten Traditions .are judgement of the prefent the Other part , c and the Church is Gods word. vid. judgement of the prefent ^elch; cf*™- ». * • <• J.f. j. Church is Gods Word af- T?ur^ in r"'« <* •ter a fort (as they fpeak) That the Scripture hath its Authority in it felf from God the prime trxtifafrvxquoad nos,zs to us,it hath its Authority from the Church-.That it is the aft of Tra- dition or the unwritxen part of Gods word to tell us that the Scriptures are the word of God,or a Divine Revelation- d And that it is the Office of the Church- to judge d«*awAra» »w- both of this Tradition and the % *;??****;£ „ • tr j j fi $Mnic$.prmtp. deft. Scripture; as alio to decide all & g € t,i,& it\9.£. S-refponf *d*rg.$. E* in mtrov. rcl. Contr. 44. $• **V'. a. & ^enfinfjutbfr.Ecclef- I.3.C. i6.§.4. & TurnebuMTetragOKifm.c. 6. §.2.g & Grttfcr %>tfeuf. iftim capitis al. M75, i'>76,&iVcfe*f.c. 10.de FertoGel.1411. fed econtrd mcliua fcribentcm leg. Feter. de Attmo in Cent, 1 . j«, 1 ,*r*» 3 . liter a HE.iy Ljrtvttm troteg. in Btblifr con* controversies m Religion, and to judge which is the true fence of Scripture : and that this Church muft be one only,viftble,infatlible,authorized thus to judge by Chriftjand this is oncly the KomafjtChurch. Thus far the raoft of them feem to be agreed. But when thefe my fteries of iniquity come to be opened, they fail all to pieces. For i. Sometimes they fay that the judgement of the Church is Gods ward after a fort : fomctirae that it is fpme middle thing be- tween a Tefttmony Divine and t r r io^^iS.O-15. the f0rmal : < BUE I COnfcfs EtUb.de ubcro At- this controvetfie is more ver- bitr. c g. § At Ca bal then real. ) 3. f And what) tholici. Gretfer.r in place here to affign to theTefti- 8&L.>&j& monyofthcCtarch, .hey * infcnt.i.difi. !*.§ 4. noc aSrecd neither, g 4. Efpecial- Mdicr.in 11* Tbom. q. l.a 1. fee. $. £ Ltgc Riveti nofiri Jft&og.fic.feript. cap. 20. futrc^Vifp. defidc I.fc8. 7. § * 1. 5 pid.vdent. Tom. 3. Dtfp. 1. qu. x. pttnft. 7. $ 12. 7rigof. tnfummmBonavcn.qu.i. at. 1. (mrei (contra feipfum) defideVifp. 5. §. $. BeUarm. (cm* tra feipfum) general in controv* fine. vid. lif Jb Uc!^ of faith, hecannoterr (though nolLc 7. {<&.$. in matters of fact he may) and that he is Infallible in hisXrmrts^and Coun- cils , though not as a private Do&or. Others r fay that he cannot err when he intendeth to binde the whole i JJJf4*' *' ,4^ Church to receive his fentence,or r*™£t ^Je xifp^. when he teacheth the whole feft, 8. § 4. vdtnt. Church. f Others fay that the Tom- i.mfp. \.qu* Pope may err even defining in *-P ?• § 40. Council i but not in errors ma- J E2R * ^ -r n >, ~, , , , . (umm.de Eeclq.c.iz, nifeft to the Church but onely in &U.+ pm. i.e. 16. new or not manifeft points. c O- raltnt.ubi(uptccLz}i thers come yet neerer the mat- r VH viipbon. a a- ter, and tell us merrily , that the flr$ u- l *to.\>*tt\% Pope cannot fo err in judgement. c' 4* - about matter of Faith , becaufe when he firft erreth thusjieceafeth to be Pope : but this is a hard con- clufion in the eyes of their brethren. The like difagreements there are among them a- bout the infallibility of a General Council : fome will make it the proper feat of Infallibility , and fay that the Pope cannot err if he be guided by the Council ; elfc he may • Others u fav u ^c^irm- dcCeucil. II z. cap. z. Vulem, that ' a General! Tm' *' w^1, *M t-P***** § «-f «£ Council may err, § 10. BtUtm. deConciLlL z. c&p. it. if it be not confir- med by the Pope , yea though the Popes Legates did confetic : or if they do not fallow the Popes in- ftruftions; But that they cannot erre if they follow O them, them, or be confirmed by him, So BelUrmine^ Ca~ j*«*andche late champions. And if the Pope and Council differ (as they have (hrewdly done , when Councils have depofed Popes for herefie and wicked- nefs ) fome x fay, that we may * Turmrm. (umm. m0re fafely follow the Council l!i? ' 'c ft *i*dL*d; S then the Pope. But others y fay defenf. fid. Trtdent. , f rt . . * UJX fJ 26. the clean contrary, and place the y Vtd. Bclltm. it Infallibility in the Pope onely,^ Fontif* k. 4' csp. $. and make it his work to reclaim staple*. C*n 6 qn. the Council. 2. art. 5. Valentin* Tm.i.Diff. x.jk. i.punft. 7. §-4f. So Canusini ethers. Though they are thus all in pieces among them- felves everi about thefe their fundamentals , yet is ic the cuftome of their deceitful Writers , to make the fimple people believe that they are all agreed, and to tell them that they have theQConfent of theliniverfal Church , and of all the Chriftian world , and they have Univerfal Tradition] &c. that by the noife of thefe big words , they may do that which they can- not do by argument. Thus Doftor Fane their late profeHte, and divers others do in their writings o- veriookingall their own difagreements, and palling on as confidently in their boafts of the Q Univerfal Confentjas if they were either fuch Novices as underftand not their own Religion, or fuch hardened feducers, as are not willing that others fhould un- derftand it. Here are in this our Queftion contained three of the greatcft centrovcrfies between us and the Papifts. 1. Whether it belong to the Pope or RouMneChmxh, to be the Judge of Faith and Scriptures to all the world ? 2 Whether the Pope or his Clergy be ir« fallible in judging of matters of Faith? 3. Whe- ther our Faith muft be refolved into this infallible judgement of theirs ? Our intent in this prefent Dis- pute is to deal moft wi:h the fecond , yet fo as it is connexed with the other two ; and therefore (hall take them in on the by , but fay lefs to them diftinft- ly ; and the rather becaufe there is fo much fatd al- ready by our Divines, as all the Papiffo on earth will never be able folidly to anfwer : To let pafs all thofe beyond Sea that have effe&ually confounded them, we have 7>rittans enough to hold them per- petual work : as fcm/l, Bfignotts^ tvhitaker, White, Field^ V (her ^Camera, Bar wins ^avenant ^hilling- worth ( to whom they have lately loft their caufe , by (hewing in a vain and frivolous Reply , how little they have to fay againft himj with many more, who will either remain unanfwered, or the anfwerswill be worfe to the adverfaries caufe , then filence ic felf ; which we have fufficient ground already to foretell. As to the firft of thefe controverfies ( to difpatch it in (hovt) as we diftingaifti between Judicium De- fer etionis, Dinftionis^ & Deciftonis , a Judgement of Difcretion , of Diredion, and of Decifion, fo we know that it is onely the later that properly denomi- nateth a Judge in the publike and ordinary fence* Take our do&rine in thefe few Proportions. 1. We fay that every Chriftian hath a judgement of Difcretion, to know that the Chriftian Faith is true, and Scripture is the word of God : Or elfe he were no Chriftian, or faith were not an ad of judge- ment, or Reafon, but a bruitifh thing; This there- O % for* (l$6) fore weconfefs the Pope either hath or ought to have. 2. Every Paftor of the Church hatha judgement of direftion ; that is, it beloageth to him by office to be a Director of the people , and to teach thofe the Chriftian Faith, that yet receive it not , and to con- firm thofe in it that have received it : And they ought to have abilities for the work of this office. If therefore the Pope were a true Paftof , Bilhop , or Preacher, this power we fliould confefs to be in him, as in others, 3. It belonged! to thefe Teachers alfo , to be fpe- cially careful to preferve the facred Scriptures from corruption , and to deliver them down to pofterity in the purity as they receive them, and to translate them into known tongues, that the people may un- derftand them. Though others alfo have a part in this work, yet the Pallors of the Church have by Of- fice the chief eft part. 4. It belongeth to them alfo to be witneffes and informers of the people , how themfelves did receive the Faith and Scripture from their Anccftors , and to fhew them how it came down to our hands by certaine Infallible Tradition from Age to Age. 5 . The Church guides they are both Prefer vers of theSeripture,Witneffesof the Tradition,and Teach- ers of the truth,and have fuch a power of judging as beloageth to all thefe three. 6. In thefe a As of their office they ought to be Believed, and that on a threefold account. 1. Be- caufe of the evidence which they (hew to prove the truth of their Affertions : Though ftriftly this is ra- ther to be called tz timings and fo Knowing, then Be- lieving Csr) ■Hiving : and is common to Teachers with any others that fhewthe lime proofs; Yet it being fuppofed ' that ordinarily they have much more Knowledge in the things which they teach then other men have, therefore we may well fay that it more belongeth to them to convince t and more efficacy is in their Teaching be( aufe of their proofs, and better enter- tainment is due to their Teaching. 2. Such a Belief alfo is due to them as all men fhould have in their own profeflion , wherein they have long ftudyed and laid out their time and labor i and wherein they are commonly known to excell other men. Every man that is left ftudyed in Law , Phyficke, or any other Science or Art is bound in reafon to give fome credit to Lawyers, Phyficians and o- thers that Study and Pradice thole Arts. This is but a humane Faith. 3. Befides this credit before mentioned which Infidells themfelves may give to the Minifters of the Gofpel (according to their capacities ) there is a further credit due to them from / profefled believers , and that is , as they are officers authorized by Chrift , and have a promife of his afliftance to the cad of the world : which though it make them not infal> lible in all matters of Faith , yet doth it aflure them of a more than common help of Chrift if they are his fervants indeed. 7. There is more of this kind of Belief due to many Paftors (ceteris faribm ) than to oae, and to the whole Church than to any part, O 3 8. The (i98) 8. The credit of the Church or any Paftors in witneffiag to the faith, dependeth on their compe- tency for fuch a Teftimony ; which confifteth in their fufficency or Ability , and their fidelity, which they are rationally to manifeft that it may gaine cre- dit with others. 9. la things which God hath left undetermined in Scriptures and committed to the Governors of the Church to determine of , they have a Decifive Power. 1. For the Time or Place, or the like cir- cumflancesof Gods worfhip they are neceflary in General (viz,, there muft be fome Time,Place, &c.) but not in fpecie ( fuch a Time, fuch a Place is not neceflary, unlefs it be fome that God hath already made choice of ) Here the Church guides muft Au- thoritatively Determine, whereupon the people are obliged to obey 5 unlefs in fome extraordinary cafes, where the Determination is fo perverfe and contrary to the Genera{ Rules which Scripture hath given for it, thatit would overthrow the fubftance of the du- ty it felf. 2. And in cafe of Church cenfures,when any man is accufed to deferve Excommunication , the phurch Governors have a Judicial Decifive Power,as to thofe ends,thcugh not to make a man guilty that is Innocent , yet to oblige the people to avoid Com- rnunioh with the perfon whom they Excommuni- cate 5 except in fuch palpable mal-adminiftration and evident contradidion of the word of God, which may nuttifie their fentence (for even here their Power is not unlimited.) 10. No man or company of men (muehiefs the Pope) hath a proper Decifive Judicial Power in mat- ter of Chriftian faith , ©r whether the Scripture, or any part of it$ be.thewordof God or not? For For the opening of this , underftand what we mean by a Decifive Judicial Power : to wit, fuch as a Judge hath in a controverted caufe, where the Plain- tiff and Defendant rauft ttand to his Judgement , be it right or wrong : fo that though the fentence be not juft, yet muft it be Decifive and obligatory : fo that he hath Power to Judge in utramque partem^on either fide , and the judgement muft be valid. Such a Decifive power no creature hath in thefe cafes, that we have now in hand. Where let it be ftill remembred, that it is not the name, but the Thing that we contend about. If they will call that a Decifive Judicial Power , which is fo limited to one part, or fide, that it {hall not be va- lid or obligatory to the ftibjeft if it erre , or go pn the other fide, 'concerning which all men have a judgement of Difceming granted them by God (fo far as they are able to Difcerne, they have leave and authority) then we eafily grant, that every Paftor of the Church is thus far the Judge of Faith and Scri- pture ; That is, if any man doubt whether the Scri- pture be the Word of God , and ask a Preacher or Biftiop, he hath Power to fay, Yea: but not to fay No : But this is no Judicial Power : but a Teach- ing and Witneffing aft : For the people are bound to difobey them, if they erre, and therefore bound to try whether they erre or not ; and not to follow their judgement further then it is right and found : therefore they have no deciding Judicial Power : which I prove thus. Arg. i. If the Pope or any other had ftjch a Ju- dicial Decifive Power , then might they oblige us to Believe that there is no God , that Cbrift is not the Redeemer, that Scripture is not the word of God , O 4 and (sooj and f© they might caft Faith and Scripture but of the Church : But this is falfe and abomi- nable ; therefore the Pope hath no fuch Pow- er. For the confequence , it is manifeft , fsppofing that the Pope fhould give judgement againft God , Chrift , or Scripture, then men muft (by this Do- ftrine) be bound to obey it,and forfake God, Chrift, and Scripture for the Pope. Whereunto add a fecond Argument from a further abfurdiry ; Then either iuch as renounce God,Chrift, and Scripture may be faved5or elfe God bindeth men (by the Pope) torenounce him and the faith to their own damnation. But both thefe confequents are falfe and abominable : Therefore. I know they will here reply, that we muft not fup- pofe that the Pope can err in his judgement , and therefore being infallible , he will certainly make no fuch falfe Deafion. To which I fay, i.Why then, fhould it be faid that God hath given Authority to; decide in utramqKe partem , on cither fide?, Doth God give a man Authority to do that,which he hath promifed him and all others that he fhal never do:But he will keep him from ? This is to make Gods Com- rmfnonstobe impious, and his Grace to the Pope onely to hinder the execution of them in an impious way. Who dare fay openly that [God hath given authority to the Pope to judge decifively and obliga- torily that there is no God, Chrift or Scripture, though he will gracioufiy hinder him from fo doing] If the Paptfrs fay that they do nor fay fo 3 I would know then what their judicial power in thefe mat- ters is? Is ic onely this , that the Pope hath Power to judge, ehit there isaGoJ, a Chrift, a word of God? (lOl) God? &c. Why fo have others as well he ? If they ftialldaretofay, that matters of faith are not fuch to us ("that is, we be not obliged to believe theraj till the Pope have determined them : I anfwer , What / is no Heatken or Infidel bound to Be- licVe that there is a God , a Chrift , a Scripture, till the Pope tell him fo? Shall all Infidels be excufcd in judgement, that had the Gofpel preach- ed to them by any other Chriftians except the Pope ob others in his name? Is no man on earth bound to believe in Chrift that knows not the Popes mind in the matter ? And muft men be- lieve in the Pope before they believe in Chrift ? And muft they believe in Chrift onely becaufe the Pope bids them , or becaufe they firft believe in the Pope ? I do not think that either the eares of Good Chriftians , or rational Infidels will re- liih fuch dodrine. And what is this Believing in the Pope that muft go firft? Is it not to takehim to be Saint Teters (ucceffor , and that Saint Pe- ter was Chrifts Difciplc , who had a prottiife of' infallibility, which is now devolved to the Pope: And muft this be believed before men believe in Chrift ? We muft believe what he promifed i and who were his fervants, before we believe in hifcafelf ? This is a ground too like the Popi(hfu- perftru&ure. But perhaps, they may in time grow mode- rate , and tell us , that it is not in all points of faith , but fome onely that the Pope is made Judge : He may not judge about Chrift him- felf . whether he be the CMeJpah , but about his Dodrines? (toi) Anptoli. By what warrant will they diftinguifli, and claim power in one, which they have not in the other ? 2. Is it all, or fome of Chrifts Dodrines that the Pope is Judge of? If all?then it leeras he muft judge whether he that Believeth (hall be faved, or not ? Whether we fhouid love God or hate him ? Whether we {hould feek firft Gods Kingdom, or worldly vanities ? Aud whether a man (hould com- mit Murder, Adultery, Theft, &c. or not ? May he decide thefeon either part ? or on one only,as others may do > May he judge that there is no Judgement, Refurre&ion, or lifeEverlafting ? I know they dare not (ay it : If it be but fome of .Chrifts Doftrines that the Pope is made Judge of, then let them tell us which it is, and give us their proofs, and they fhall hear more from us . Let it be the fmalleft point they will imagine ; Hath God given power to the Pope to contradict him and give him the Lye? If God faith, It is fo : May the Pope fay , It is not fo ? What if the Pope fay that the Gofpel ©f Mat hew or Lake op fohrt is no part of Gods word ? Muft we believe him? What if he tell as that the world was made in five days and not in fix?Muft we believe him? 2. If they yet flye to his infallibility, I (hall fpeak more to tliat anon ( though the former anfwer may well fufficethem) But to another. Arg. 3. The Scripture is Gods Law- The Pope is not the Judge of Gods Law : therefore he is not the Judge of Scripture. The Major I hope no Chriftian will deny. The Minor is evident from the nature and ufe of Laws and Judgements : The Law is Norma judicu in jadi- cando : th.e Judges Rule : He is not to Judge the Law, but the caufe of particular perfons by that Law. In- deed (203) deed as to the right guidance of his own aft of De- ceive Judging the caufe of the perfon , he hath a Judgement of diferetion concerning the fence of the Law ; but, as if he Judge upon a falfe expofition of the Law, the party may appeal from him, fo (which concerneth our prefent cafe) he hath no power to Judge the Law it felf: As he cannot make a plaine text to bear a falfe fence , or oblige the fubjeft to believe a falfe fence : fo in a doubtful cafe it belongeth to the Law-givers onely to interpret their own Laws. Onely a fentence of a lawful Judge grounded upon a falfe expofition, may fometime be executed among men where juftice cannot be had : but no man is bound to Believe that it is true and juft ; fames tells men what it is to pretend to be a Judge of the Law infteadofdoingit, and leaving that to the one Law' giver, JW4.1 1,12: And if the Pope be made Judge of every controverted difficulty in Scripture, then why is h^ fo unfaithful that he hath not hitherto written ui an infallible Commentary on it ? and why doth he not determine all the controveriies abouc it that among his own followers remain yet undetermi- ned ? (of which more anon.) Arg. 4. If the Pope be made the Deciding Judge of Faith and Scripture , then either of the plain points, or onely of the controverted difficulties or of both : But not of the plain points ; For 1. That which is evident and not under controverfie , needs no Judge : To the ignorant there may be need of an interpreter and teacher, but not of a Judge : 2. Such texts of Scripture do oblige us whether the Pope Judge of them or not : Therefore there is no need of his judgement that they may oblige us. Who dare think that a man is not bound by the word of God, to to love God above all , to believe the Refurre&ion of Chnft, and of us, to love Chrifts difciples,^. unlefs he know the judgement of the Pope. Do not all Laws of the Land obiige the fubjeft upon the bare legiflationand promulgation, before the Judge med- dle with them ? If they did not firft oblige us to du- ty, there were no place for cfce Judge tofentenceus to punifnment for difobedience. Ic is the Legiflator that obligech to duty by his Law^ proclaimed or any way publifhed in his aame * But judgement interve- neth to oblige men to punifhment , and bring it to execution, and to help them to thae which by the Law is their right. If therefore it be evident in the very nature of Laws and judgement, that we are ob- liged by Gods Laws to Believe and obey them in the feveral particulars before any judgement of the Popes 5 it is then but dotage to talk of a Judicial Decifive power in the Pope to oblige men to Believe thofe fame dodrines, and obey thofe fame precepts of the word. And for the dark and controverted texts, i*. Thofe are not of that moment, as that mens falvation muft lye upon the expolition of them. The points abfolutely neceffary to falVation are plainly delivered. 2. Obfcurity (hews the need of a Teacher, but not of a Judge. At leaft itsplaitf, that when any Teacher (hall remove the obfcurity , thofe texts oblige us as well as the plaineft. 3. As I faid , If the Pope be Judge of ail difficult controver- ted texts, he is an unfaithful Judge that wiil not ex- pound them to u$y and decide fo many eontrovcrfies as yet depend. What good will it be to the Church to have fuch a Judge of difficult controverted texts of Scripture, as in the confeioufnefs of his ignorance dare not give us his judgement ? but hath left ^em un- K w7 J undecided thefe fifteen hundred years ? This dumbe Oracle that hath eyes and fees not, and a mouth but fpeaks not , is not a fit foundation for the Churches Faith. 5. Where God calleth men to Office and Power,he accomplifheth or fitteth them in fome meafure for the performance of ir.butGod hath not fitted all Popes, no aor any, to Jugde Decifively of all controverted difficultyes in Scripture, and Reli- gion : Therefore he hath not made them Judges of them. The Minor (hall be further proved a- non : Many Popes have been ignorant , and un- learned ; many Heretickes , unfit to decide all fuch contf overfies ; and they have (hewed their unfit- nefle by their non performance or ill perform- ance. The great Obje&ion of the Papifts is this. Obj. 1. What ! Shall every one be the fudgb of Scrip tire ? and take it in Vrbat fence he p leaf e ? (ball every unlearned- man or Vpoman expound it ac- cording to their dWn fancies ? then we /hall have variety of expoftionf. whether is it fitter for the Church or every fimple felloty to be fudge ? Anfw. 1. Neither? Hath God made fubjefts to be Judges of his Lawes by which they muft live , and by which they muft be judged ? Nei- ther they nor your Pope, muft be Judges of the Lawes , in a proper fence , but obeyers of it. 2. We fay not that the people fhould expound the Scriptures as Teachers of others (unlefs in their own callings, as to the children fervants, &c when they are able) This we refcrve to the Officers of th* Church. 3. Nor 3C Nor do we fay that any people muft expound Scripture according to their own fascies or mif-guid- ed conceits , but according to the true meaning of them. 4. Nor fhould they in difficult cafes which are paft their underftandings, prefume of their own wit to know the right meaning; but have recourfe to the Teachers that God hath fet over them , that fo by their help they may learn the meaning of that word which they underftood not. 5. And if their Teachers be Angular , or give them juft caufe to fuf- peft their skill or fidelity , they have more reafon to regard the Judgement of the Judicious, then of the ignorant , and of the whole Church then of any one or few ; fo far as the credit or authority of men, muft fupport a learner while he is a learning. 6. Bun what 1 Is it indeed fuch a monftrous heretical conceit in the eyes of a Papift , that every Chriftian (hould have a judicium difcreticnu^ a Judgement of difcern- ing to perceive and difcern which is truth and which is falfhood ? Good Lord, whether will the heat of contention carry men ? Why if they muft not have this difcerning judgement. 1. Then God doth bind them all to be fools, and ignorant. 2. And then Re- ligion and the Chriftian F^ith, are the endowments of bruits that know not what they hold or do, and not ofN Reafonable men. 3. Orelfe they that will be Chriftians muft have no Fmth or Knowledge; which is a contradiction. Is not Faith an aft of dif- cretion ? Muft not he that believeth the Refurrefti- on, and Everlafting Life , believe them with his own underftanding ? And doth he not in believing them, Judge them to be True , and Judge the con- trary doftrine to be falfe ? 4. Why will you read , or preach Scripture to the people i if yeu woiald not not have them receive it,by a judgment of difecrning? would you aot have their judgment difcern theTruth of whatGod hathwrittenjOr the Prieft fhal preach to them? 5. Doubtlefsyou will allow them a judge- ment of Difcretion , about the Popes Decrees and Canons , and your own Determinations. How can they believe you , if they do not by judgement dif- cern the things you fay to be true ? And why will you not allew them the like towards God and his Word? Will you fay, It is their duty to believe the Pope3and their fin to believe God ? Or its their duty to undcrftand the Popes Laws , and their fin to un- derftand Gods Laws? Why/ what do youfaylcfs when you yield them a judgement of difcretion as to the Pope or Church , and deny it in Refpeft to the Word of God ? If you fay that they will mifunder- ftandthe Scripture. I anf. 1. So will the Pope and the beft and wifeft man on earth in fome pambecaufe while we are here , we know but in part. 2. Their error is their fin : But doth it follow that they may not fee at all, for fear of miffing their way ? Muft they put out their eyes/ and be led by the Pope, for fear of erring ? Muft they not know or labor to know , for fear of miftaking ? Will any Matter take this well of his fervant , to put out his eyes , or do nothing , for fear of doing his work amifs ? Or re- fufc to go his journey , left he mifs the way ? Then wenauft not judge of the Popes Laws neither, and confequently , not judge them to be true , for fear of erring in our judgement. When you prove that the Church of Reme is the tru<2 Church , would you not have the people judge of your proof for fear of err- ing ? This is even to make beafts of Christians. 3. What are Teachers for, but to guide them, and help .help them to underftand. If you are afraid left they (hould erre, be the more diligent in inftrufting them. But this is the difference between the work of aPo- pifh Teacher and ours. They make it their work to put out mens eyes that they may have the leading of them, becaufe they are troubled with an imperfefti- on in their fight , and therefore will erre if thofe imperfeft eyes be lefc in their heads : we make it our work, by all means we can life, to cure their eye fight that they may be able tp~ fee themfelves , in the mean time advifing them , while their eyes are under cure , not wholly to truft to them, but to ufe the helpe of others , to fhew them the way , and to tell them of dangers. The Proteftant will fet his Childe to School that he may learn to know, that which through childifhnefs he knows not : But according to the Popilh way, we flaould forbid them all books or learning , left they rmfunderftand them ; and let them never knowauy thing left they know amifs. The next ftep, is to fend them to Bedlam. The Apoftle would have men have their fenfes exer- cifed todifcernGoodandEvill, Heb. 5. 14. The Pa- pifts would not have the people to have a Judgement of Difcerning : If they muft not Difcern , they muft be ignorant: When God fo much requireth andex- tolleth knowledge. Bat Tie leave this Queftion , and pafs to the next. Qu. 2. whether th$ Pope be .Infallible , inthis'De- cifive lodgement which he pretendeth to ? Which we deny. But before I come to give the reafons of our de- nval, nyal , I (hall further declare our judgement about the whole matter of the Churches Infallibility , that the true ftate of the controverfie may ap- pear. And uWeeafily grant that as thereisanObje- ftive certainty in ail.points of the Chriftian Faith % and in the very truth , to the Pope is infallible whiic he beiie%eth anddeclareth nothingbut the truth. He and every man elfe that fpeaks according to Gods word , is fo far infallible, becaufe that word is in- fallible. They need not thank us for this concef- fion. 2. We grant that ^either the Church of 'Rome (if a true Church^or any other particular true Church can erre in funchrcrtentals, or in points of abfolute neceffity tofalv^tion , in fenftt cowpojlto; that is, while they remain a true Church,they never deny the effentialsof a true Church : For if they once deny the eflentials 9 theydo^^mi^-ceafe to be a true Church. 3. We grant that Chrifts univerfal Church fhall never deny any one point of faith eflential to Chri- ftianity, orabfolutely neceflary to Salyatten: For then Chrift (hould have no true Church on earth ( when the whole fhould thus Apoftatize or turn Hereticks) and all the then prefent world fhould be damned. 4. The Church as Reafonable fenfible men are infallible in many matters of fad , of which they may give us unerring reports : as that, This Bible was delivered as the word of God by their Anceftor s , as they might teftifie it was delivered to them : and that • this Creed or fum of Faith alfo was thus delivered in the words now in ufe, &c. P 5 .There 5 .There is an infallible certainty in the evidencewhich the former Church hath left, and the prefent Church poffefTeth,to prove that this fame Scripture was writ- ten by the Apoftles and Evangclifts, and was delive- red to the firft Churches, and from them, down to us : and that multitudes of miracles were wrought for the confirmation of the Doftrine contained in them. | 6. An illiterate perfon may have an infallible cer- tainty that all points neceffary to falvation are ex- prefled in certain tranflations of Scripture, and that lb far, and much farther, they are truely tranflated, and that fuch things there are in that Book as the Readers affirm thereto be /though himfelf cannot read them. For all this is infallibly difcovered by common confent , and efpecially of adverfaries : When all men that are certainly able to judge , and arehoneftand impartial, affirm it without doubt , and thofe that would gladly eontradift it, as being by their interefts carryed thereto, yet cannot do it , or at lead not with any considerable" pretence : This gives men as infallible a' proof, as the common tefti- mony of msn doth , that there is fuch a City as fyomipx Par it which we never favv. 7. And we further grant , all that Teaching and Wicneffing power to the Church officers, which was exprefled under the laft Queftion ; and all that due- neis of Belie* and obedience to them , which was there afferted. So much for our Concefiions. But we deny, 1. That either the Pope of Ronse^ or a General Council arenaturally or fupernatural- ]y priviiedged from all error in matters of Gods re- vealed will , or that they are priviiedged from the dacger or pqffibility of teaching thefe their errors to other?, {2UJ other^evcn to the Church. 2« We deny that the Pope or the RomaMeCkrgy are fecured from- the danger of Apoftafie or Herefte : They may fall fo far as zo de- ny the Fundamentals or Effendals of Chriftiantty : though the Umverfal Church fhall never fofalla- way. We fhall firft fpeakor the Popes Infallibility, and afterward of a General Council , that wemayfpeak to the feveral parties among the divided Papifts here. And againft the Popes Infallibility we thus ar- gue. Argn. i, They that lay claim to this Infallibility 4 do give us no proof of their daim : Therefore they cannot expeft that we (hould believe them. The proof lyeth on the pretenders , who give- us no proof. If they can prove it, it muft be either by his na- tural perfection, or fome fupernatural endowment^ by which the Pope muft be more Infallible then other men : Th« former they pretend not to (and no won- der) The later they do pretend to : But, if God fu- pernaturally haveafcertained all Popes of an Infal- libility in matters of Faith , then he hath done this either by his written Word, or by unwritten Tradi- tion , or both : by which it muft to us be proved : But he hath done it neither by hi* written Word, nor by unwritten Tradition. For Tradition they muft (hew it us, either in certain monuments of the Church which are in ftead of writing (but that they cannot do) or elfe in the mindes of all the rtie'ftibert* of the Church. For that which co^cerneth all their F z Sal- (ill) Salvation, muft be delivered to all : But this they cannot fhcnv : Nay we fliew them the contrary : that is, thegreateft part of the prefent Church on earth denying any fuch Tradition : and the moft ap- proved Writers of the former Ages , telling us the contrary , and all taking the Pope as fallible, fo that they cannot givers one line .of any one Father or Council for many hundred years after Chrift , that ever had fuch a conceit as theirs- And if they will pretend to a private Tradition which none but them- felvcshave received and are entrufted with i and fo make themfelves the abfolu&e Judges of their own caufe, and give us no proof but their own words , we will believe them as faft as we can, but we muft defire them not to be too hafty with us. And for the written Word they cannot thence prove a grant-of their infallibility, i , Becaufe they teiius that we cannot know the Scripture to be the Word of God, but by their infallible judgement: Therefore we muft know their judgement to be in- fallible firft; and therefore it is firft to be known fome other way, and not by Scripture- Indeed hare they have long tired themfeives in their Circle, which fome of them would hide by vain words if they could, but Bolden and others of them are for- ced to confefs it, and that they have noway out but by retiring to the univerfal teftimony or tradition as an infallible evidence, in fteadof the Authoritative judgement, or infallibility, or private Tradition of the Church of Rome. They tell us that we cannot know the Scripture to be the Word of- God , but fey the infallible judgement of their Church (And* that is in the Iffue of the Pope) And when we call for the ( «J ) the proof of that infallibility, they refer us to the Scripture. So that this is plainly to fay that neither Scripture- nor Papal infallibility can be proved; and fo to forfake both Popery and Chriftianity : Then it. feems,nQ man can know the Popes infallibility but u \ - on the authority of Gods word, which cannot it felf be known till that infallibility be known. It muft be Gods Grant, written or unwritten that muft prove their infallibility : But that word or Grant , written or unwritten, cannot bs known to be of God , till we firfi>know their Authority to judge , and infalli- bility in judging : It evidently follows therefore kef cording to them, that neither one nor the other can be known, becaufe ao one of them can be known till the other be firft known. But 2 If we could know the Scripture to be Gods Word, before we know their infallibility in judging, yet we cannot know the true fence of that Scripture (as ihey confidently tell usj firft : AVell then, lam one that doubt of the Popes infallibility, and demand his proof : BelUrmine turns me loLuk^zz. I have prayed tbsJ thy faith fail not. I muft know how I (hall be fare chat this is the meaning of thaC Scri- pture (which is fo little apparent to an oidinary eye) He hath nothing to tell me , but that the Church faith fo : And how (hall I know that the Churchis in the right ? Why becaufe it cannot errfc. And how fhall I know that ? Why by this Text. And fo they are amazed in another Circle , paft recovery. For they cxprcfly and frequently. tell u$, that the Scri- pture is no good evidence but when it is rightly ex- pounded : and that no exposition is right but that which is given by the infallible judgement of the Church j and fo the Popes infallibility cannot be P 3 known (2I4) known till the true meaning of Texts be known that prove it 5 and the true meaning of thofe Texts can* not beknown,till their infallible judgement be firft known: What follows therefore , but that neither of them can be known ? The true produft of Pope- ry. This is the ufualfuccefs of falfe arguing for a good caufe ; to overthrow both the caufe and argu- ment ; fa do the Papifts as much as in them lyes overthrow both Chrifts Do&rine and their own 3. But let tis examine the particular proofs from Scri- pture that they bring.His firft p wot (/ 1k4.de Pontif. cap. 1.) is from Luk-22> £Simon, Simon^Satanhath defer ed, tec. but 1 have frayed for thee that thj faith fai/e not > and when thou art converted^ ftrengthen thy brethren7\ Doth this Text fay that the Pope QiRome is infallible ? Yes, if you will take Bcllarmines word. And firft he tells us that ( among themfelves ) there are three feveral txpofitions given of this Text ; and it is but one of the three that will ferve their turn : r Good ftili ! And how (hall we know that this one which'.2?*//drwi0*hiton, is the right? Let anyinv partial man perufe his rcafons, and make his beft of them : For indeed there is no reafon in them. But on the contrary \ fhall prefume to tell them , why I fuppofe that this Text doth not talk of the Popes in- fallibility. 1 ; Becaufe here is never a word either of the Pope, or of Rome, or of Infallibility. 2. Be- caufe the thing here promifed is exprefly retrained to one individual perfon, Simon.. 3. The thing here promifed was about Peters perfonal Faith,, and not about infallibility in judging. For 1. In that refpeft that Satan dsfired to fift Peter, in thatrefped Chrift promifed the not failing of his Faith. But it was in refped refpe&of his perfonai Faith , and not his Cathedral judgement that Satan is here (aid to defire to fife him: Therefore,^. 2 It is exprefly faid to be Qhis Faith]] that fhould not fail : But his Faith , is not his tongue or Cathedral fentence : words be not Faith. 4. It is not all degree of infallibility or not failing that Chrift prayeth for to Simon : but he onely pray- eth that his Faith may not be overcome , foreseeing that it would (hake \ and that he would deny him : So that this is no promife of perfeft In- fallibility to Teter himfelf as appeared by the if- fue. 5. Peter himfelf was to be converted from- fome failing : Therefore he was not exempted from it ; And the cafe here in hand is fueh as that converfion had refped to. Therefore it was not, that he fhould not fail in Cathedral Determinations ; for he was not converted from fuch, HelUrtnine here moll immo- deftly would intimate that the text fpeaks not of Pe- ters convention from any (in , But of his turning to his brethren to fpeak to them ; as if it were £ When thou turneft thee to fpeak to thy Brethren, ftrengtfe- en tberri] Nothing but the Popes infallibility, or the grofs fallibility of common reafon , could make a Jearned man think that this is the fence of the Text. » 6. The Papifts pretend that here is fomewhat pro- mifedto Peter which tjie reft of the Apoftles were not partakers of : But that is not fo : For, if it were fas it was) that he fhould not Apoftatize : the fame was given to them all (except Judas) If it had been that he fhould be infallible in teaching the Church, fo were the reft too as well as he. The reafon there- P 4 fore (si6) fore of mentioning Peen m (faith HclUrminc) that cnely out of the literal fence cf Scripture ejfettval Argu- ments are fetcht:~] Rut Cellar wine bringeth no one Argument for the Popes infallibility out of the. lite- ral fence of Scripture: therefore he bringeth no one effeftual Argument from Scripture. But yet one other Argument he hath, though not from Scripture, and no more : and that is from a double pretended experience : And his firft experi- ence is [That in all the other Patriarchal feats there have been Heretickj^ but not in that of Rome.] t But here 1. Bellarmine muft be judge, or the Pope who is a party, before all the Patriarchs can be thus con- demned. 2. And what if that were true ? Can he fay the like of all the Bifhops, as well as Patriarchs ? If not, they may as well hence prove themfelves in- fallible, as the Pope can do. 3. Whether ever there were in the chair at Rome either Vopt Liberies an Arrian, Pope Uonoritu a Monothefte, Pope fohn denying the immortality of the foul , with abun- dance more fuch like, we (hall have fitter opportuni- ty to open anon, to the fhame of this experinemt of Cellar mines. His His fecond experiment is that [The Pope without a Council hath condemned many Herefies , which upon that very account have been taken for true Herefies by the whole Church of ChrifF] Anf But you muft firit unchurch the greateft part of the Catholike Church, and damne moft of the Chriftians on earth , the Greeks, Armenians , Abaffmes^ &c. and make your own fa&ion , to be the whole Church of Chrifl % before you will ever give us the leaft proof of this. All the Church doth not do that which your flatter- ers do. Nor did the ancient Church do any fuch thing. As other Bifhops condemned Herefies as well as the Pope, fo many a Herefie was judg- ed fuch by the faithful , without any fhore in- terpofition of the Pope then another Bi- (hop. Having feen thus how little their great Champion hath to fay for the Popes infallibility, I could will- ingly have look't about me into fome of the reft of them , to fee if they can fay any more ; but that its known that moft of them tread the fame path Only I may not over pafs the new way that fome of them have taken up of late, to prove their infallibility , and to avoid their common Circle. And this you may fee in the Jefaitcs late fupcrfieial anfwer to Chi/- lingftorth. Forfooth, they tell us, that when they prove the infallibility of their Church from Scripture, it is but for our fakes becaufc rce confefs the Autho • rity of Scripture , but not of their Church. But when they go according to the true nature and order of the matter, then they fetthe Church before the Scripture, and independantly of it,] The rcafon of thi« Jefuitc (fuppofed to be Knot) is this |[ Becaufe the Church is before the Scripture, and becaufe the Miracles f»») Miracles wrought by the Apoftles did firft prove their own infallibility , and from thence fecondarily th^ infallibility of their Do&nne. And when we are in hrgh expertations of the proofs of the Romane infallibility by bis Arguments which are Independant of Scripture, and before the belief .of it , he tells us that it is by the like Aaguments as the Apoftles proved their infallibility, which he thus enumcrateth So the Church of God by the like fill continued Argu- ments and Notes 3 of many great andmanifeft Mira* cles, Santtity, Sufferings ViElory over all forts of enemies ,. converfion of Jnfidels , all which Notes are Aaily more and more, confpemm and convincing , and fhdl be ertcreafwg the longer the Vvorldjhall/aft ] And withall he tells us, that £ Theft Miracles^ &c. prove them to be infallible in All things, and not onely in fome , or elfe we cannot t*noty which thofe fame be, and tyhat to believe and what not.~] Thus you have the fum of the new Fundamentals of the Romilh faith , and of the famous confutati- on of Chilltngworth. But all thefe Knots are eafily lofed without cutting ; yea (hake them onely , and they fall loofe like juglers Knots. i. We eafily grant that Chrift the head of the Church was before the Doftrine by himfelf deliver- ed in the flelh , as it containeth many things fuperad- ded to the old Teflament and the doftrineof John Baptift. 2. Its evident that Chrift himfelf gathered his firft Gofpei-Church by preaching his Dodrine, thai is,„ he drew ^ernto be his Difciples, by convincing them that he was the Mejfiah, the Lamb of God thac takes away the fins of the world; fo thac this his Doftrine was before this his Church. 3. We («3> '3. We grant that the Apoftles were Apoftles be- fore themfelves did preach the Gofpel as Apoftles : But it was the Gofpel, and preacht by Chrift, before they preach'c it. 4. We eafily grant that both Apoftles and Gof- pel were long before the writing of this Gofpel , which we call the holy Scriptures. 5. Wegrant chat the Apoftles Miraculous works did fufficiently prove, not fbme onely , but all the Do&rine which they delivered to the Church or any part of it, in the name of Chrift and as his : For though they confirmed onely thofe Doftrines which were delivered in execution of cheir Commiffion, yet feeing God would not have fetto this Zeal, if they had gone beyond and agatnft their Commiftion , therefore it alfo aflbreth us that they kept clofe to it. But this proved then not infallible before they re- ceived that Comrnifiion , nor afterward in arty point which theyihould deliver as their private opinion, which they fathered , not on the Infpiratton of the Spirit. The Apoftles were not infallible ^about Chrifts Death, Refarredion , and Afcenfion, when -they underftood them not : The Difciples were not infallible about the Acceptablenefs of Infants to Chrift, when they forbad them to be brought, Thomas was not infallible aboutChrifts Refurredion when he believed it not.Petcr was not infallible when he gave Chrift that SatanicJtl councel, for which he was tantnm non (alcnoit) excommunicated, LMat 16. 22,23. Even prefently after the great promife to him ; Nor when lb denyed that he knew Cbrift, with ctirfes and oaches ; nor when he diilembled and Barnabas with him, Gal 2. 6, We maintain that the Apoftles Dodrine thus fealed < 124; fealedby Miracles, and Delivered in Writing to the Churches, doth carry with it an Atteftation from God of its infallibility, if there be never more Mi- racle wrought in the world. For the proof of this I refer the Reader to my Determination in a Book Intitled , The Vnreafonablcnefs of Infide- lity. 7> It is this fealed Doftrine contained in Scripture, and preached by Minifters, which converteth men to •Chrift, and raaketh them Chriftians , and therefore it is in order before the prefent Church and*he caufe of it. 8* We deny and confidently deny that God hath Commifiioned the Pope to do the*work which hie Commiffioncd the Apoftlesto do, and gave them the power of Miracles to confirme, that is, to Atteft the Works, Sufferings, Refurrection, and words of Chrift as eye or ear witneftes of them from himfelf *- and to be the firft promulgators of feme of his Laws to the univerfal Church, and to deliver down an in- fallible fealed Scripture, to all fucceeding Ages, and by the ordinary working of Miracles to convince the unbelieving world. Let him fhew his Commifti- on for this Apoftlefhip if he would be believed. 9. We a? confidently deny that the Pope is a Pro- phct,or isinfpiredby the Holy Ghoft, as the Pro- phets and Apoftles were,that fo they might infallibly deliver us Chrifts doftrine. 10. And they cannot expeft thnt we (hould be- lieve till we have fome proof of it , that the Pope,or the Church of Rome hath the Poirer of working Mi- racles, or are endowed with a fpirit of Miracles, or that they can convince thofe that deny the Scriptures by their own Miracles that they are the true Church, or Cm) er that ever they confirmed thofe points by Miracles; which is now catted Popery. Thus much to let the Jefuite know where wc dif- fer from him : And now to the point : We call for his proofs, which he heiementioneth to us in gene- ral names Non *°**/ br-fis* And Antonine b that Saint fu£j,iftt p, \ , ™™\ Dominiek wallet in the rain ank c, 4. § 6.&>c* 7. § 8, was not wet *y and hi* Heck* lying (pc *« §4. Math* allniqhtin the river y Were taken F*™ bift- ^ngl. m cut dry and without hurt: That >$*&*-&»& the fame Fryer fpyed the Devil fitting in the Church like a Sparrow , and calling him to him, deplumed him s andfo put him to d great reproach : "And that he made the Divel hold him the candle in his bare fingers tilUthey were burnt : that a leacherous Priefi by kif* fing his band, "toot cured of incontinency . That Saint Bernard by blejfing their Ale f and giving if font* Q^2 lewd (228) lewd perfons to drink^, caufed Gods Grace to enter in- te them ; That he made an old Grandamt of above fcarfcore jears eld to give fucj^ to the Infant , when the mother was dead : That he killed Fljes by Ex- communication ; and excommunicated the Divel , and thereby difabled him from lying with - Women : c That Saint Francis turned a \ Vix^ K*™rpr*fi*' Cafonintoa Fijb , andwater $n- €ZTZVSZ t0 wi" : mi' thet ^c^d forth &Lcgend.bae recitm ^ater, and Anchors to fmmme ; Preacheth to Birds and Beafis , to praife God, tillthej were Jo attentive to his doUrine^ that they Would let him touch them , and would not de - part till he gave them leaves and had blejfed them with the fign of the Crofs ; converted a cade Lamb by preaching to him, fo that he Would frequent the Church of his own accord , and kneel before the Altar of our Lady at the Elevation of the Hojl : By Which ex* tmvle, Surius calleth on the Heretickj to learn towor- fijip the Ble fled Virgin y and to adore the Sacrament. Alfoy that he caufed Swallows, Grajboppers and a Wild Falcon to joy n with him in the Traifes of God.~] Abun- dance more of the like, more foppifh , and too ma- ny to be here meddled with , their Legends are full of; And thefeare their proofs of their true Church and infallibility by which they may be known by them that believe not the Scripture, I think indeed that thefe proofs are well faid to be In* dependent of Scripture ; for the lefs a man be- lieves the Scripture, the more he is like to believe thefe. But by what certain or probable Teftimony (hall we know that ever, fuch things were done? What / muft we needs believe every doting Fryer that gives us (zip) tis but his bare word, and chac many a year (if not age)aftcr chefe Miracles are fuppofed to be wroughi: Maft we believe them that fo ftiamefully con- trad^ one another? Math. Par u d ^ ^ * faith that Saint Franc is was branded hcwj f.j^ * with his five wounds fifteen dayes before he dyed: BuilScxavcnture , Vincentin* and Snriiu fay he had them two years before he dyed. Nay muft we bclive as the very foundation of our Faith, that which the Papifts themfelves believe not ? How commonly do they among themfelves deride thefe ftories, as pious fraudes , and fome of cheru foundly ehide the Authors. I will at this time cite but the words of one, and that is no Babe, even CMelch* Cantu , whom H diamine referreth us to fo oft. *c [_Lib. II. cap. 6. pag. (mibi) 33. 34. ghudaw 4e enimeornm ant vcritatis amor e indntti , anti^gcnpti " pudoris&Q. That is, Someof them (the Heathen u Hiftorians) either induced with the love of Truth , M or in ingenuous modcfty,did fo far abhor a lyc^than '* perhaps we (hould be nowafharaedrthat fome hea- u then Hiftorians were truer then ours. Ifpeak ra- " ther with grief then in reproach ; the Lives of <€ the Philofophers are much more feverely (that is, " truely) written by Laertixs, than the Lives of the " Saints are by Chriftians : and SxtuniHt did fas "more incorruptly and more entirely fct forth u the affairs of the (Romane) Cxfars, then Catho- " likes have fet forth, I fay not the affairs of Em- " p?rors , but of Martyrs, Virgins and confeflbrs. M For they But ours do for the molt part either " follow their own affe&ions, or elfe of fet purpofe Q^3 "forge " forge fo many things % that indeed I am not onely - " cero thought 'Dernofthener nodded fomtime j and " Horace thought fo of Homer himfelf. For though Q 4 " they " they were excellent, yet but men.- And the fame > /art. 1. tt*. " Church groundeth theCanonization £ c . c. " of Saints, are true] And their 9 An- twiniM Florent faith of the vifions of Bernard and Urigit about the Virgin Alaries con- ception " [They are fantaftick vifions and mens "dreams] And their Claudius £fpew I*'™ f*"cJaith " [No ftable is fo full of " dung , as the Legends are full of " fables .— Yea very fiftions are in their porteflcs] *?m. 1. And Gerfon^ "[All thefe the Church . receives,and permiteth them to be read, cc not as certainly true , but more attending to whac " might be in pious recogitation,then to what indeed "was done] And Dodiox white then made a chal- lenge to tfccm , that we will admit of all thofe* Mi- f^tlcs,, which are reported by fuch men, as fome *>f (*3J) of their own Writers do openly Note for Lyars. c Which challenge the p „„ . ... , y§ ** /v r» 1 u j • j •- e W^/W Works 6>L Popifti Reply cr had no mind it ^ Mg ^ feemsto take up. But though it belong to the Romtrtijls to prove their Miracles (whiih prove their Infallibility with- out Scripture) and not to us to prove the Nega- tive, yet I ihall try to (hame their confidence by a few pertinent Queftions , when it {hall appear how little they have to fay in anfwer » them Jllj. And firftl defire to know of them whether the Miracles that prove their infallibility without Scri - pture are wrought by the Frefent Church t or by the Church of former ages onely ? If by the prefent, why cannot we fee them? Why are we ftillfcnt to Saint Brigit , or Saint Francis , or Saint Somebo- dy that is long ago dead and gone ? We thought once we had had one neer us here , I mean, the Boy of Bilfony who did wondrous things in favor of the Papifh 3 but in the IfTue, by the induftry of Biftiop Merten he was proved to be a counterfeit , and con- feffed himfelf trained up by the Papifts for the cheat. But if it be onely the Generations that arc dead and gone that wroughjt Miracles , thea I would further aske. i. Doth it not feem then that your Church is Apoftate , in that it hath loft the gift of Miracles , which you fuppofe fo necefTary ? And how will the Gifts of your predecefTors prove your prefent infal- libility, any more then the Gifts of the predecefTors of the Cjreek^ Bifhops will prove their infallibility that now are? 2. If paft Miracles may ferve with- out prefent, then what need any more than the old Miracles of the Apoftles ? And then why are not all all the Apoftles fucceffors infallible as well as the Pope? Seeing all the Apoftles had the gift of Mira- cles (and many thoufand more ) Therefore thofe paft Miracles (hould prove all Bifhops infallible that fuceeeded them. 2.^£efi. I defire alfo to know whether it be your Pope himfelf that Works thefe Miracles , or fome other perfons ? And if others , whether it be oncly fome of your Church , or all ? If it be the Pope himfelf, why then have we moremurthers then Miracles charged on your Popes by your own hifto- rians ? and why will not hisholinefs do fome Mira- cles in charity to poor Hereticks? Why do you boaftno more of you Popes Miracles J One Icon- fefs we read of in the Golden Legend , that Pope Leo the firft by the means of a woman kiffing his hand was fo vehemently tempted with luft, that he was fain to cut his hand off: but the Virgin Mary having companion on him, joynedhis jiand to his body again. But this is no foundation of our faith. But its plain that it is Saint Hecket , and Saint Bri- git and Saint Katharine that you (end us to for Mira- cles, and not to the Pope : And then I would further know whether one mans Miracles will prove ano- ther man infallible unlefs they were wrought in con- * firmation of the affertion of that other mans infalli- bility ? It fhould rather prove Saint Urigit and Saint Katharine infallible that are faid to have the Revelations and Miracles , then the Pope, that had none. Would it prove the Patriarch of Csnttanti- nople infallible , if any one that is under his Govern- ment (hould work a Miracle ? ? Or are you fure that there is no Miracle wrought among the Grecians, A- bajfines or Armenians > More- 03 0 Moreover, if you are All Miracle Workers, wliy can we never fee one , nor have certain proof of one ? But if it be but fome very few of you (as good as none) how will that prove the infallibility of your whole Church? When' the Apoftles wrought Mi- racles, that proved their cW» infallibility : but that proved not the infallibility of all in the Church nor of every teacher in it, nor of the greater number of them 3 • £liicft- *f y°ur PoPe *n(* Church be proved infallible, by fuch Miracles as the Apoftles were doth it not follow then that all your Popes are infpi- rcd perfons or Prophets as the Apoftles were by which the gift of infallibility was conveyed to them? 4. jjhffi. Yea will ic *not follow that all your Church arc infpired Prophets, if all your Church be thus infallible : But you cannot expeft that we fhould too eafily believe thefe. If you have Apoftolick in- fallibility grounded on the like Miracles , then rauft you not be each one dif- ;undly infatlible,as the Apo- ftles were ; and not onely altogether ? 5. £u/ft. And is it not plain then that all your di&ates are Gods word , if you have the fame feal and infpiration as the Apoftles had? And foyour Pope, at leaft, i£ not each one of you muft make us new Revelations , or new Scripture : And is not this hainous arrogancy, thus to equal your felves with Prophets and Apoftles , when you are none ? They could but be infallible, and fo you fay is the Pope , They could but feal jheir do&rine by Mira- cles, andfo you fay #efi. Will you grant thart we are all infallible here in England^ if we can prove any Miracles done among us and by us? 7. £>ueft. Is it not abfolutely ncceffary to the vali- validity of the Tcftimony of a Miracle, that it be not conrroled by fome greater Miracle or evidence ? Ocherwife the Magicians in Egypt , and .yimenxAin- gus might have gone away with better refutation. But your pretended Miracles are controlled b^ far greater and furer, and therefore of no force: For yours are to confirm a dodrine contrary to the Scri- pture, which was confirmed by many furer Mira- cles. This we are ftiil ready co prove, though here we take it for certain : bucyouufe to decline that tryal. 8. Jll*rfi Is not every Prieft infallible , and every Church that hath the Eucharift, according to your doftrine ? For fure Tranfubftantiation is a Mtracle : I do not think you wil! deny it. And a Prieft, even in deadly fin, may bean inftrument of this Miracle, if your Church be infallible. Is there then no Eu- charift among the Abaflines % Greeks, or any that iUbje¬ toyou ? Or are they all infallible? And if Miracles be as common as Tranfubftantiation , the priyilcdge proved by them muft be as common. So much to Matter Knots firft proof of his Infallibili- ty without Scripture. i His fecond Independent proof, js£San&ity3 But Sir i. Are all Saints infallible? Sure you dare not iay fo ? 2. Will the Sanftity of one man, as Saint Francis or Saint cDomimcke4i prove the infallibility of the Pope that hath no Sandity? By what means? Ra- ther if Saints be infallibfe, a Murdering, Simoniacal, Drunken, Fornicating Pope (as yours confefs many of them were) are not like to beinfal{tble ^ efpeci- ally Saint "Brigit cannot make the Pope infallible by that San ftity, that would not make or prove her fdf infallible. 3- Who (*}'). - ;. Who muft be judge of your San&ity and ours? Your felves no doubt. For my part, if my falvation lay wholly upon the pa/ling of a righteous cenfure between us in this point , I moft needs pro- fefs, that even in Sngland, where the Papifts fhould be of their belt fort, beeaufe it is not the common way of the Nation , but a difcountenane'e way , and where they are but few , yet I have known fo few of them that have not been common Swearers, Curfcrs, Drunkards, Whore- mongers, or the like, and yet fewer that evermani- fefted any ferious minding of God and the life to come, or any experience of the work of Sanftifica- tion on their hearts; and who fhewed any more ho- linefs than what lay in certain ceremonies, words, gefturcs or other formalities; and on the contrary I know fo many Protcftants of heavenly hearts ("as far as I can judge) and obedient lires ; that there if no comparifon , in my moft impartial judgement be- tween Papifts and Protcftants in matter of holinefs. If this therefore be the proof of infallibility , fure God will excufe me, if I take England to be as infal- lible as R ome^ beeaufe lie requires me not to put out ray eyes, nor to fay the Swan is black, and the Crow white , beeaufe the Pope fhail fay fo before me. And yet we ftill difclaim all pretences to fuch infallibi- lity. The third mark that Knot brings, is their [^Suffer- ings.;] But i. Sure the Pope fuffers but little (in this life : but in the next, let him look to himfclf) How then do other mens fufferings prove him infallible? 2. Do not the poor Greek Churches and other Chriftians under the Turks, fuffer more then the Ro- rnanifts? 3. Do 3 . Do they not Aake us fuffer incomparably more then they ? Is it not impudence almoft inhumane af- ter the murder of fo many thoufands of the Albi- genfesy fV-aUenfcs, 'Bohemians^ after the Maffacres. in France^ Savoy, Ireland^ the burnings in SnfUnd^ the Powder-Piot , after their bloody inquifition of fo long continuance , and the reft of this kind , to tell the remnant of their furviving neighbors , that their Sufferings prove them infallible, while ouir itnfbrings prove us Heretical ? 4. Is it not ambition and defire of Rule that is the very cauie which they contend for? Whatstheun- reconcileable quarrel fo much as that all the world will not be fubjt&to them ? And yec the Sufferings of thefe men prove them infallible ? If one Butcher Hf»rj-the third of France, and another Henry the fbarth , and others would blow up the Snglifb Par- liament with Gunpowder, is the Pope infallible if fome of thefe be hanged ? Or what if iome of them have fuffered from infidels ? Are not others as ready fo to fuffer as they ? and have fuffered as much as they ? The next mark that he layes down is £Viftory o- ver ail forts of enemies] But is it over their minds , or over their bodies that they mean ? If the firft , who muft be judge of their vixilories, but them- selves ? I never heard any of them plead their caufe but in my judgement they had the worft. There is no party but may turn divers others fo their opini- ons, Mahomei'htth got Far more followers in the world then Chrift, and Heathenifm than either. If Papifts can turn all thefe, why do they fuffer thern- felves fttll to be confined to fo fmall a part of the world ? And if it be victory over mens bodies that they they mean, I fay the Iikfc. Have not the Turkes a larger Dominion than the Pope ? Have they conque- red the Great Turl^, the Great Mogol, the Grand Cham of Tartary^&i? Are we not as infallible as they on this account , when we conquer them ? It feems then, when Papifts arc fo induftrious to enlarge their Dominions, to deftroy their enemies byPoyf- oning or dabbing Kings, or other means , it is that they may have a further Teftimony of their infallibi- lity. The laft mark which the Jefuite raentioneth, is £the converfion of Infidels.] But i If that be a fure Mark, we af e infallible as well as they : Foi we have been means of converting Infidels, And fo have the Greeks Churches , and o- thers that difown the Popes infallibility. 2. If that Argument be good, then it was not only the Apoftlcs, but all that converted Infidels at the firft (or after) preaching of the Gofpel, that were infallible : which fure they never pretended to. 3 . If it will prove any body infallible, its liker to prove them fo that did convert any Infidels , then the Pope that onely gives them leave or order to doit. 4. Let them not boaft too much of their convex fions , till we have a better chara&er of their new made Chriftians , and a better report of their means of converfion, then Accfia and other of their own Jefuites give us, who have been eye wkneffes of the cafe. To cut men off by thoufands or millions, and force the reft to Baptifm, as cattle to watering,when they have nothing of a Chriftianbut the name and thatfign, andfpme forget the name it felf ; this is not . not a converfion much to b^ boaftcd of. Nor muft they think that all are Chriftjans that the King of Spain conquereth for love of their Gold and Silver Mines. The Apofties did not con vert Infidels by an Army, but by the word and miracles; but it is the King of Spaines fouldiers that have been the effeftu- al preachers to work the conversions that you have moft to glory in. If the Jcfuit had put his proofs into well formed Arguments, what fluff fhould we have had? So much for the Anfwer to Chillintmrtb , and the new Fundamentals of the Romifb faith, by which they can prove their Pope fnfallible without being beholden to Scripture for its help ( Andlmarvaile not at their contempt of Scripcure-Tefticnony to them, unlefs there were more, or more appearance for them then there is.) Having confidered the Papifts proof of their infal- libility J (hall next (though it be more then the caufe obligeth me to)fay foraewhat to prove the Negative, and fo proceed to my fecond Argument againft them. Argn. 2. If the common fenfes of found men (or their fenfible apprehenfions) be fhfallible, then the Pope with his pretended General Council is fallible : But the common fenfes of found men are infallible : Therefore,^. I know not how we fhould come nccrer hand with aPapift, nor to plainer dealing, then to argue from common fenk. And as to the Antecedent , Either fenfe is infallible , or it is not : If it be , I have that I feek. If not, then mark what follows. i. Then ( W) I. Then no man can be fure that the Chriflian Reli- gion is true : For the proofs of it all vanifh, if fenfe be not infallible. If you plead the Miracles of Chrift and his Difciples , no man was fure that he faw them. If you plead the death and Refurrefti- on and Afcenfion ot Chrift, no man was fure he faw them , and therefore could give no aflurance of it to another. All the Difciples fenfes, and the worlds fenfes were for might be/or ought we know)dccerv- cd. Nor are you fure that any writings or traditions came down to us from the Apoftles : For the eyes of the Readers and the ears of the hearers might be de- ceived. 2. And then moft certainly the Pope him- felf and all his Clergy are fallible : For they cannot be fure of that which the Apoftles and following Church were not fure of > Nor can they be fure that in reading and hearing,their eyes deceive them not. And I take it for granted that the Pope and his Cler* gy do ufe their fenfes, and by them receive thefe mat- ters into their inrelled. Nay if fenfe be fallible, no man in the Church of Rome can tell whether there be any fuch place as Rome , or any fueh perfon as the Pope at all, or ever was. Nay what elfe can any man be fure of? I fuppofe you will marvail why I beftow fo many words on fuch a point ; But you fee what men wc have to deal with : When all the quarrel between us muft be iflued by this point, whether common fenfe be infallible ? For if it be, we infallibly carry the caufc: Yea whether it be or be not, as (hall ap* pear* I come nftct therefore to prove the confequence : and that I do thus. R tM The judgement of the Pope and his pretended Ge» neral Council fcdiredly contradi&ory to theappre- henfion or judgement of common fenfe ; therefore if common fenfe be infalliblc,the Pope and his Coun- cil are fallible. The confequent is unqueftionable ; the Antece- dent I prove by this known Inftance. Common fenfe takes it to be bread and Wine that remaineth after the words of confecration : The Pope and his Council fay, it is not Bread nor Wine that remains after the words of confecration : there- fore the judgement of the Pope and his Council is dire&ly contradi&ory to the apprehenfion of com- mon fenfe. For the firft, I appeal to the fenfes of all men that ever received the Eucharift. Whether feeing, feel- ing, fmelling, and taking, do not as plainly cake it to be Bread and Wine , as they do an^ other Bread or Wine at their own tables ? and whether they can fee or tafte, or fmcll, or feel, any difference to give them the leaftcaufe of doubting? I am fure I have the judgement of thoufands and millions on my fide, which in a matter of fenfe among found men, is cer- tainly enough. And if thePapiils are fomadas to tell me, thatitis othcrwife with their fenfes ; and will ferioufly profefs that their eyes, and tafte,^. do not take thefe for Bread and Wine , but perceive that they are not, I will take tkem for (hamelefs lyars, or madmen ; and I fuppofc no man in his fenfes will blame me for fo doing. Well ! itspaft doubt that all our fenfes tell us its Bread and Wine , < as confidently as they tell us any thing iS fuch. And it is certain that the Pope and his Council tell us it is not Bread and Wine : Jf our eyes be infallible that read (*55) " the 12. Benedict, the 13. andfebn 2-3. and it could ly, yet not conjunftly, I (hall onely now fay, thac the concefiion thac each of them dif- junftly may err, deftroyeth the force of all thofe Arguments which are brought for their infallibility • and therefore will prove it of them alfo conjunftly. But we have yet further proof* Argn. 7. If the very fubftance of Popery be no- thing but a fardell of errors brought in by the Pope and his Council to corrupt the Chriftian Religion a? mong them, then certainly the Pope and his Council may erre : But the Antecedent is true : Therefore fo is the confequcnt. All the Qgeftion being of the Antecedent , and it being proved before in the former difputation , and fully by our writers againft them, I (hall thither for brevity refer you. What impudency is it to intro- duce fuch abundance of corruptions contrary to the exprefs word of God and after all this to fay \ they cannot erre when they have fo plagued the Church with their errorf?They teach men to ferve God in an unknown tongue, and fpeak and hear they know not what,to worfhip the Bread with divine Worfihip, to receive onely the bread, when Chrift ordained that they ftiould have the cup, and fo do abolifti one half of the Sacrament, they adore the Virgin Marj and other Saints; they plead for jnftification by the merit of their own works, as having a condignity of the reward ; they make the Church a new thing by ma- king a new head and center of unity and a new and daily mutable Religion, in a word they poifon both Church policie, Worlhip and Doftrine by their err- ors; and when they have done they ftand to it that they cannot erre. Like a Leper that ftiould maintain he cannot poflibly be Leprous, when he is covered with it already : or like a fwearing or drunken beaft, that ftiould fvvear that he never did fwear nor was drunk, nor ever can be, whenheiyeth drunk in the dirt, and breaths out his oaths. What need any im- partial difeerning man any other proof that the Pope and the Church of Rome is not infallible, then actu- ally tQobfervethefwarm of their errors that have troubled the Church ? Argu, 8. If the Popes the mfelv-.es sre to be believ- ed, or if they are not to be believed, they are not infallible. But either they are to be believed or not: Therefore. If they he aoc to be believed, what need there any more proof .? Jf they are, what need there alfo any more proof, when they tfcerafelves confefe chen> felves fallible. ? Not a Pope for; above fix hundred year^afrer Chrift did ever pretend to infallibility as cm be proved : Pope 4M*n the fixtb, one of the rnoft Learned and beft that -ever they had this many hundred year?, hath written his judgement that the Pope (V9) Pope may crrc. And I think he is likcr to know himfelf , as to his infirmities, than aay of his flat- terers are. His words pre thefc Be Sacram. Confirm, art. 4 a&fin* tC \jDico^ cjnod p per £celefiam Rom cl man&m i*tclligAtptr c.iput ejH*, p*ra Ponsifex^ cer- cc rum ifi qtiodfojfit crraro, itiuv* in iu qna tangnnt *'fidim; hare fin per [turn dstcrminztjxmem aut chert* c* talent afterendo ; plures cnimftterurit Pontifices Ro» *l mam btreticijTbat k [I liiy, chat if by the Church "of Rome be meant the Head of it, to wit, the " Pope, it is certain that he may erre , even in thofe " things that couch the faith by dilerting herefie by *i his. Determination or Decretal: for there have ma- w fpcak againft his own mind, if he be infallible , (o an ignorant man (in thofe points) muft i. either have his ignorance cured fuddainly by prophetical infpira- tion : or clfc 2. muft fpeak as in an extafie,without or befidehis own mind : there being no other way im« aginable. And as for the Minor I prove both parts of ic. i. That Popes are ignorant of many Divine truths, I prove thus. i.They that are ignorant of many truths revealed in the Scriptures, are ignorant of ma- ny Divine truths : For Scripture being Gods word, all that is therein revealed is Divine truth. But Popes have been ignorant of many things revealed in Scri- pture: therefore I need not fure ftand to prove the Minor, for they confefc it themfelves. And if the Pope understood aU the Scripture, be were fure the moft damnable finner in the world, for not revealing his knowledge to others, 2 .Yea fomc of them have been fo notoriously ignorant and unlearned that their own Al^honfm a Cajiro faith ^tdverf. haref. li, i.e. 4.) that an. 12.10. They are threatned to be gi- ven over to blindnefs, that they mvy not underftand, 7/ j4tt.2$.26s 27 Jttar.^ 12. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wifdom,P/*4/.i 1 1.10. God proraifech to teach the humble Pfal.15. ^ut c^c proud he ft ill refift, when he giveth to the humble his grace, 1/^,5.5. f aw. 4.6. i And (i6$) And not oncly the minds of the wicked , but their tongues are deceitful, even when they know the truth, fothata wicked Pope may lye and deceive. Tftl. 36. 3. Prov. 12. 5. Man J. 22. Rom, 3. 13. I confefs that a wicked man may have fome kind of fuperficial knowledge of all thofe do&rincs (dif-jun- dlyatlcaft) which arc known to true Believers; but as he hath no folid knowledge of them, fo he hath no promifc or afTurancc of infallibility in that which he is capable of knowing : Nor is it fo like that a blind deceitful man fhould be univerfally or- thodox. And for the Minor, that many Popes have been notorioufly wicked, I need not prove it, while their own Hiftorians and difputcrs toot do fo commonly confefs it. Its well known what wickednefs the Councils that depofed them charged upon fome, and what poifoning, and other murders, Simony, conju- ration, inccft, common adulteries and other wicked- nefs, is by the writers of their lives and other Hi- ftorians charged on fo many more, that I (hould but trouble the weary Reader to no purpofe to cite them. Read the lives of Pope Sylveftcr ("the Witch) the 2. *s4lexander the 3 . and the 6. John 1 3 . and the 22. and the 23. Gregory the 7. Vrbane the 7. &c. in Pia- *ina, Luitprtndu* , Fafcicultu temforum, Martinm PoloKHtficz. Tici»H4 hifi.Ii.6. of * John 1 3. ftews that his * «* * which I prove thus. 1 . The Plea of the Romanifis is that their Biftiop is the fucceffor of an Apoftle who was infallible, and lb the Promifes belonging to him, do belong alfo to his fucceflbrs. ' And thefueceffors.of the reft of the Apoftlcs may have the fame plea : For ail the Apo* ftles,after the HoIyGhoflrfell on them,were infallible, as well &% Peter : And therefore their iuceeffors hava as fair a plea as Teters fucceffors. Obj. 'But there vpo4 net th: lil>e promife made to the reft for their fuccejfors ftability as wot to Peter. Anfw. t. There can no greater a promife to Peter* fucceffors be Slewed, then was made Mat. 28. 29. to them ail {^Lo 1 am withy ou alwayes even to the end of the \XtorId2 2, The Papifts (according to their new fundamentals) mult not plead Scripture promifes for their infallibility; for they fay, their infallibility is in order firft known, evidenced and to be proved,, before >cfore it be known that Scripture is Gods word. i 2* The plea of the Romanifis for their Popes in- allibility is, that he is the fucceflbr of Peter. But he Bifhop of Antncb might as well pretend to be he fucceflbr of Peter , and yet he pretendeth not to nfallibility : Therefore, c^tf. That Hiftory which tel- eth us that "Peter was Bifhop of Romey doth tell us hat he was Bifhop of Antiechalfo; yea and that he vas Bifhop of Antisch before he was Bifhop of Rome, b that Antmh is undoubtedly the ancienter Church. What rcafon then can thePapifts give why theBi- hop of fiAntioch might not as well piead that he is ? eters fucceflbr f as the Bifhop of Rome} llnlefs hey could prove that Peter did by his Jaft Will and Teftaroent bequeath the honor of fucceflion, and the >ri viledgesof infallibility to Reme onely ; which they iave not yet (that I can find) been fo bold as to go hout to prove. Otherwife, if one muft needs be referred, why fliould not the eldeft, unlefs they be lifinherited, and the younger hath the Hefting, vhich muft be proved. Whence is it but from the lonor of their Antiquity that *sfniioch9 Uierufalem^ Alexandria, and Rome fhould be preferred as Pa- triarchates before all other Churches? And if An- nuity be a good reafon for tfiat, then why fhould wtferttfalem&nd Anthch on the fame account be preferred before Rtme, feeing its beyond ail doubt :hat they were both the more ancient Churches , in4 Antioch the more ancient feat of *Peter r in the judgement of them that make him Bifhop of either. >o that its clear that other Churches have as much $r nore to fay for infallibility then Rem jxho yet make io prentence to it. Argn. C'?0 Argn. 16. The Apoftlesthemfelves werenotin* fallible till the holy Ghoft fell on them t nor by any other help without the extraordinary infpiration of the Holy Ghoft (for before, they underftood not that Chrift muftdye, rife and afcend,till it was done: but Peter Mat, 1 6. 20. diffwadeth him from fuffering) therefore the Pope if he might plead fucceffionfrom *JPeter^ cannot exped more then Peter himfelf had • and therefore cannot exped his infallibility without his fpirit and infpiration : And therefore thofe Popes that have not the Holy Ghoft % and that infpiration as Veter had, cannot pretend to be infallible, as his fucceffors : For they muft fucceed him in the caufe, if they will fucceed him in the effe&s. Argu. 17. If the Catholike Church be infallible, then the Pope and the Church of Rome are not infal- lible : But the Papifts fay the Catholike Church is in- fallible ; therefore according to their own dodrine it muft follow that the Pope and Church of Rome arc * not infallible. The argument being ad bomintm and the Antece- dent their own, all the doubt is of the confequence : which I prove thas,either it is the real or reprefenta- tive body which they muft call the Catholike Church: But both thefe are againft the Popes infallibility : Therefore. 1. For the real, no man can poffibly know all their minds, nor ever expeft that they (hould in this life be all of a minde : therefore it is the Major pare that we muft have refped to , %% its ufual in all fuch Bodies Bodies, or Aflemblics. Now the greater part of the Catholike Church on earth, is and hath betna- gaiaitthc Popes infallibility. That it is fo now, is well knownjcvrn-all cheGrceks,AbalIin, Armenian, Reformed and othtr Churches are far naoie then the Papifts. 2. And that ic hath been fo formerly the pills themfeh I will noreafc this time but one of the molt learned and k lem, Mei Canm LocTbeoL/i&cap.JjcI. (>x:bi) 201 . " £ r turn cfi fiquhdem vehement er, riona Gratis jolnm* "fed . rctitu orbu.dpifcdphiUt Rom an a i% Scclejix Wivifcgidm tabefaEidrslur. At que habe- Ci bant pro feilU q-iidcmy & Ifiiferaiotum arwa, & »f ,: in, c^. Pope Adrian and the fe- ££3? %: °tt' cond Council of Niee H him confirmed, decree for adora- tion of Images : And the Council of Frank ford de- termined the contrary - againft the faid Council of Nice, though die Popes Legates contradifted them. So did the Council of Paris ug.fma.Drftif.nApoL anm g25# who cxamined , fart 6 e. 17. Dtvif. i. ($> J * fdtt.i.c .S.E/w/.i. (? part.z.c.sene complained that [He never jet (aw a Council have a good end, but things Were made w&rfe by it nnd not better. ] And Hierom (in Epift.-ii Galat.) faith [That is the doElrine of the Holj Ghofi Which u delivered in the Canonical Scriptures, again ft rvkichif Councils determine any thing I account it $ickea^\ Inftances of the errors of Councils w& have too ma- ny. The Council of Neo- L*&-frbsn.Jtvmldi.tbcf. cefarea, confirmed by Leo the L^rm de CmillUpg. fourth and by the nrit of g7 88, 89, 96,0V. Nice (as faith the Council of Flerence [efs. 7.) condemned fecond marriages, con- trary to Scripture, 1 Cor. 7. Though Bellarmine vainely excufeth them by plaine forcing their words. The fourth Council at Carthage , forbad Bifhops to read the Gentiles Books, which yet the Apoftle makes ufe of, and the Church hath everfince al- lowed. The Council of Toletane. 1. Ordain that he who inftead of a wife hath a Concubine, (hall not be kept I from the Communion : which Bellarmine alfo falfly excufeth. The fixth General Council at Conflantinofle hath many errors , which 'Bellarmine confeffeth , and laycth the caufe on this that they had not the Popes authority : Whereas Pope Adrian approved T 2 them* v'-ii , f r them*, and the feventh ^Adrian \i\\h)jie Jextam jj- nodum cum omnibm canonibm recipere ; he receiveth thejixt Synod with, all itsCanons andconfeffeth it to be Eivinsjtht Council at Confianee decreed that a Ge- neral Council is above the Pope : and the Council at the Laterane under fulius 2. and Leo 10. decree that the Pope is above a General Council Sefs. n. The Council of Caleedone abrogated the Afts of the fecond Council of Ephefm^ and decreed the contra- ry. The Council of Trent ,#is notorioufly erro- neous, and contradifteth theConncilof Laodkea and Cart hag. 3. about the Canon of Scripture. - The number of their contradictions and errors is too great for me here to recite. Many of our writers a- gainft the Papifts give you large Cataloguesand full proof of them. See Doftor Sutline. ft. 2. de Condi, cnp. l. What Greger. Naz,ianz>* And Bierome fay of them , I toucht before : Hila- ry li, de SjmdU exelaimeth againft the errors andblafphemies of the Councils of Syrmium and An- cjrk ■: *s4ugnfiine faith lu 3 cortt. Maximni, c. 14. \_Nec ego N iceman , nee ttt debes Arirninenfe, tan « quam prAjitdicaturm prof ere concilium , nee ego hujus authcritate 9 nee tu tllim , detinenu ] He faith alfo lib. 2. de Haptif. [^Concilia -plenaria prior a, a pofterkribus emendari~] That is [[Former Coun- cils that were full have been mended by later ] Bellarmines deceitful (hifting anfwers to thefe tefti- monies , are not worth the repeating. Ifidore faith * Cc jQ^otiefcunqne in gefiis lC-J>**™-oMfi.%o ^ConcUkrum Sfcors fen. See Audradm Confeffi* J . J ons of this Cent. Cbemniutib. 1. * " tentia Of 7) ) willing to fee them and know of them if they be true, but though we have lived in the midft of Pa- pifts all our lives, yet could we never to this day fee any fuch matter from them , nor hear fo much as of .any probable proofs of any. And would they have us in a matter of falvation to believe every prating boafier that will tell us of Miracles and (hew us no fuch thing, nor any proof of them > J£f**/?. 4. Whether thofe that do not go this moft abfurdway (of proving their Church infalliblevtoan infidel that yet believeth not Gods word , and fo by means antecedent to the belief of Scripture) muft not unavoidably confefs that Gods word muft be firft believed before the Popes or Churches infallibili- ty or authority (smd confequently our faith depend- ed! not in them, nor is refolved into them) orelfe tbey are inextricably infnared in the Popifh circle , and contradidingly do make two primo credenda^ the Church or Pope,the firft to be believed , and yet the word of God is firft to be believed ? And do not Holden^ Vane, Knot^ and others of them fee this , who therefore (hun the circle , and ufe not the old fhifcs of 'Secanm and others to blind the eyes of thofe that fee them in it ? Whether I wrong them H.Helden himfelf (an Englifhman, and Dodor of Pari*-, (hall be judge, who thus commcndeth his own new devifed Founda- tion or rcfolution of the faith,in his Divin.fid. ana/yf. II i. c. 9 pag. 180. " [Ex qnibm patet kancCbri- u HUn<& fidei analjftm hand inciden in labyrinthnm ct Respondent; ex univerfa confentientu Eccleft* after. Rem "fpondent, ex revelato Dei verbo. Adeoutncnau- Ct denies fidem Divinam in certitudine & evident ia na- cc turali fundare 9 incirculum hunc inevitabiliter il- k< labtintur, & in orlem turpiftime fait antes , fidem cc q nam ipfa prima ratio format & efficit, rations ex' " pe rem reddunt - voluntque homines rationales " mentu ac judicii partioipes% infidei aftenfu eert lores (c efte, qmmvel ratio poftulat, ^l apfrobat^Hafitant " quiff* Theolegi quidam afteverare & agnofcere cC quia omnia argument* . etiam firmijftma, omnefque " rationes, itemevidentijfima^ quibns univerfam Met "Divin* & Catholic* traditionem folidam errorU <€ immunem & infullibilem efte demon f ramus adeo *" vet it at em banc evincant, tit nulla prorftu ful ft a* " berrationis facultas ? Ideoque opinantur Cbriffia* cc nor urn animos adhuc it a vacillantes & fuHuantes " dereliElos efte, ut privatum aliquem & fwgularem u injiinttum perneceffarium autument- quo omni fi- c| dei Chrtfiiana ajfenfui certitudo & infallibilitas dii cC vina (at ajunt) attribuatur. Nos ant em levibus Cc hi fee & voluntatis opinationibm fidei divina &, " Religion** Chriftiana certitudinem & foliditatem tc inniti aut fundari , nequaqnam judicamus, ' That it in Englifh " £From hence its evident that • || this refolution of theChriftian faith, doth not fall " into the common Labyrinth and circular fhift in u Which Divines are commonly wont to be involved " who do frame and fafyion the refolution of faith " aecordiiip to the common and unheedfully ex- ."amined " amined opinion.For when they are asked, how they Omnibm qtiidem iApoftolis re- if we be Chriftians. Jfyteft. 5 . To proceed , I am very defirous to know know whether it be upon the credit of the prefent Church (Pope or Council) or of thofe former that are dead and gone, that we muft receive our faith and the Scriptures ? Or upon both ? Jf it be on the credit of any former Church, then would I know of which age? whether of the neercft , Or the middle, or of the firft and remoteft age, that is, from the Apoftles and the Church in their dayes ? If from the laftage% then i. How know we their Teftimonv? If it be by their writings , Canons or Decrees, why cannot other men who are much wifer and better , undcrftand thefe as well as the Pope ? And why do they not refer us to thofe writings , but to their own determinations ? If it be by the Fathers telling the children what hath formerly been believed, then, why cannQt I tell what my Father told me, without the Pope, and better then the Pope that never knew him ? 2. And then it muft be known upon whofe credit the former ages did receive that faith and Scri- pture which they deliver down to us ? Doubtlefs they will fay , from their predeceflbrs ; and they again from their predeceflbrs , and fo up to the Apoftles. And why then may not we take it , immediately on the credit of the Apoftles as well as the firft ages did ? fuppofing that we have the media- tion of a forehand to deliver to us their Writings, without meditation of the like infpired prophetical perfons, or of any priviledged infallible judge of the faith j And if it be on this Teftimony of former ages that we muft receive theScripture as the wordof God, I (hall then proceed further to demand, ^uefi, 6. Why may not the Greeks, Abaffines, Proteftants, &z. that acknowledge not the Popes authority or infallibility, receive the Scripture as the word (i88) word of God, as well as thePapifts ? Do they think that ©one elfe in the world but they can tell what was the judgement of the formerChurch?What records or Tradition have they which all the reft of the world is ignorant of? Or dare they fay (if they have the face of Chrifti:r/!s) that none of ail the Chriftians on earth, but Papiftsonely, have any fufficieat evidence .that the Scripture was written by the Apoftles , and delivered from them, and that this is it which is now in the Church? Can no man indeed but a Papift know the Scripture to be the word of.God, upon juftifi- able grounds ? But if it be on the credit of the prefent Church (or both ) that we muft take the Scripture to be Gods word, then I (hall further defire to be in- formed, 'J%igft- 7- What is it which they call the prefent Church : Is it i , The whole number of the faithful. 2. Or a major vote, or part. 3. Or the Biihops, or Presbyters in whole or part. 4. Or a Coancil chofen from among them, 5! Or :he Pope ? If the firft, JW?. 8. Do they not then make all Chriftian* infallible as well as the. Pope. And fo they are in fenfa comp&pp in the effcntials of Chri£ianity and the whole Chuixhftial! never deny thofe eflentials , but 1. whole particular Churches may, and 2. the whole Church may erre forae fmaUer errors againft the revealed will of God « the Apoftle Cellethus that we know bur in part ; and- as in many things we of- fend all, fo'in many things we err all. And more- over if this be their knk. JVtteft. 9« Will it not then follow, that the Pope cannot be proved infallible, becaufe it is moiicertain thae cm that All the Church doth not take him to be iofalffc ble ; no nor the greacefl part of Chriftians in the world. Yea if they will tajte none for Chriitians but Papitts, yet it will hence follow that there is wo cer- tainty that either Pope or Council are infallible. For the French take a Pope to be fallible, and rhe Ita- lians and others take a General Council to be fallible'. and therefore the whole Popifti Church being net a- greed of it, we cannot be fure that either of them is infallible. And moreover on this ground I demand, £l*e(t> io. How fhall we know (in very many cafes at leaft) either which is the judgement of the whole C hurch or of the major part ? What oppor- tunity have we to take the account ? Or can no poor Chriftian believe the word of God, that cannot take an account of this through the world ? The fame Queftion alio I would put, if they take all or moft of the Paftors for this Church. jQueft. ii. But if they take a General Council for the Church, I would firft know , How we fhall be fure that ever there hath, at leaft, thefe thoufand years^been eVer a true General Council in the world? The Popifti Doftors ( as Doftor Bolden de Refolvt. fid. II i; cap. 9-pag. 156.) fay that \Jtmuft arife to that degree of aniverfality that there may not be any fufpicion of con/piracies and combined factions , that ft every prudent man may be able heartily to fay that the Ajfemblies Are trnely General* ]] And is it fo i when there arc none but the fworn obliged vaflals of the Pope of Rome , and the Greeks, Ethiopians , Prote- ftants,^. and moft of tfie Charch are abfent ? and when it is a known combination to promote thtir own efpoufed caufe ? Jhteft. 12. And then i? the whole foundation of (apo) Divine faith cxtind and loft, when there is no Gene- ral Council ? Ic may be we may have no General Council of a hundred or fix hundred , or a thoufand years together? Have we no Church then? Or no certainty of Scripture or of the faith } If they fay that we are certain by the determinations of former Councils, then they fpeak of the Church that is paft and gone, of which I moved the doubts before : And the Canons of thefe5 we can read and underftand as well as the Pope : But when we appeal to former Councils and Ages, they would hold us to the pre- fent Church, and that muft be their own : and fo be fare to be judges in their own caufe. j^ 1 3 I would know alfo whether it were by the judgment of a General Council that thefirft Chur- ches believed the Scripture to beGods word?Did not tUeChurch of Rome believe theEpiftle to l\\zRomanesr and the Church of Corinth believe the Epiftle to the CerinthUns , and fo the reft.to be the word of God, ss foon as th*y received them by an undoubted mef- iengerfrom Paul ? Or did they ftay till they had the judgement of a General Council or of all the Churches ? Indeed they made ufe of the intervening humane (bnt certain) teftimonv, of him that was the peifeagee or bearer of theEpiftle,to know that it was the writing of Paul indeed : and fo we ftill maintain the neceflity. of a credible humane Teftimony that thefe writings came from the Apoftles hands : But Tychicm ", onTretthimm , or 7 imothy , or Onefi* mm, were not a General Councils nor the whole Church And doubtlefe 'thofe Epiftles that were ' written to each particularChurch were received by all ►the reft of theChurchesupon the credit of that parti- cukr Church as having received it from an Apoftle: and C25>0 and not that the particular received It from the uni- verfal. How did rhe univerfsl Church know that . thofe Epiitles were written by Tavlto Titw, Timo* tbj^ ^Philemon, to the Ephcfuins, &c. but on the re- port of the perfons and Church to whom they were written ? or elfe of thofe particular perfons or Churches to whom the Apoftk did communicate a copy of them j£#f^. 14 And how did all the Church know the Scripture to be Gods word before the Council of Nice , when there had been no General Council to determine the bufinefs ? JJHueft. 15. DareaPapift undertake to juftiiie at Gods judgement all that part of the unbelieving world , for not taking the Scripture for the word of God , who have feen or heard it , and had all other teftimoniesof it, but never knew of tke TefUmony , of the Pope or a General Council? Shall none of thefe perifh for this unbelief? £hfffi. 16. And if it be dre Pope that they call the Church, and take it to of this infallible judge, I then demand, How knows the Pope that the Scri- pture is Gods word, or that the Chriftian Faith is true ? The like alfo I ask of a Council : How doth that Council know it themfelves from whom we muft know it? Either the Pope and Council Bauft believe it becaufe they firft believe theiwfelves,and fo take it on their own words,or elfe on the words of fome others. If the former, then theyBelieve it becaufe they Believe it : then they are the original of their own belief,and believe themfelves firft , and then would have alt the world to believe them. And this is not onely to be fo arrogant as to be the God of themfelves , and the Church , but alfo fo impudent and unreafonable a i U 2 to (2Q2) to believe themfelves without rcafon, and to exped: that all others ftiould do fo too. But if it be not frcm themfelves that the Pope andCouncil believe the Scri- pt ures/rom whom then is it ? not from any others of the preientChurch doubtlefs.therforc it muft be from the former Church : And if fo i. Have not we the fame means to know that the former Church belicv - ed the Scriptures as the Pope hath,and therefore may believe it without recourfe to him, and as infallibly as he? 2 And then it feems that according to their dodrine the Pope and his Council receive not their faith or the Scriptures on the fame ground as all the reft of the Church muft do : fo that the Church muft have a twofold foundation of her faith, whereof one isneceflary only to one part , and not ro the other that is, All the reft of the Church muft believe the Scripture to be Gods word , becaufe the prefent Pope or Council faith fo (having firft believed their infallibility ) but the Pope and Council themfelves need not any fuch gro^id of their faith? Arid this diftinftion is not maOT between the Laity and the Clergy in general : But even the Clergy themfelves out of Council, or who never urcre of the Council (which fare is more then a hundred for one)muft thus differ from the Pope and Council in the foundation of their Faith. This is another tafte of the famous Romane unity .• Paul faith there is One Faith: but if two divided Foundations , or Reafons of Belief do make two Beliefs, furely the Church of Rome hatfe two. jQucft. 17. Do you believe that the Lord Jefus Chritt understood the do&rine of your Papal Autho- rity ana infallibility , when he fo chid his Apoftles for ftriving ftriving who ftiould be greateft : and tclieth them fo expredy , that the Kings of the Gentiles exercife Authority over them, and are called, Gracious Lords : but with you it (hall not be- fo : And when hs lets before them a little cbild«4nd celleth them that he^that will be greateft among chem, muft be as that child: that is, that humility is the thing that they muft ftrive to be great or excell in > and fo to ferve one another in love Alfo when he commandeth them to call no man on earth Father or Ma- ftcr , that is , of their Faith. Did ever Chrift di- reft the world to go to the Church of Rome to know whether he be the Chrift , or whether the Scripture be his word or not ? JQwft. 18. Where is the Faith of the Church when the Pope is dead, and-when there are three or four at a time , and when there is an inter- ruption by Schifme thirty years together , as it is known there hach been : Hath not the Church then loft her faith by lofing the foundation of it ? Or whether then muft poor Pagans have re- cGurfe to know that Scripture is the Word of God ? If Infallibility furvive in other Paftors , then it feemes it is not the Pope onely that is infallible , but others as well as he. And was not the Churches Faith refolved in- to the Infallibility of a Woman in Pope foanes dayes ? I know the Ihifts ©f BelUrmine and Onufhrim to make the werld believe that the Story of Pope Joane is but a Fable ; Flo- rimondtu Rtwondus is common on this fob- bed. But the cafe is out of queftion thus farre , that we have neer fifty of their own Writers , U 3 efpe- 0*94) cfpccially old Hiftorrans that give us the Hiftory of this Pope foane ; as PUtina invit. fob* 8. Sabellicus ^Snead- L i. Antoninus Archbifhop of Florence fart. 2.U. \6.Chaleondjla It, 6, Marianm Scttus^ Mar* tinm Polonxt , Fafcicul^s Temforum^ Nauc/er^s , , Volaterane^ Textor. Carjon , Sigebertm Gemblacen- fis, UMat. Patmeriw^ CMaffans&c. And I marvailevwhy thePapifts fhould be foindu- ftriousinrefcilingit, as if their caufe lay more on this then other things. If a Conjurer, a common Whoremonger, a Murderer, a Simonift , a Here- tick , may be the infallible judge of the faith , why may not a woman ? Hath Chrift laid more on the Sex then on aJl thefe? fpecially if (he had but kept her felf honeft , I fhould have thought fodtne had been better then folm the 22* or 23 . and many ano- ther that yet was of the more worthy gender. jQtffft; 19. And further I would know, If theCi- fy of Howe were con fumed with fire , or the Pope- dome removed from that Sea (which "Bellarmine confeiTeth , it is not impoffile to be done ) where then were the infallible head of the Church , and what were become of theRomifh faith ? If they fay that this can never be , and that Chnfts promife im- plyeth the prefcrvation of the City of Rome, I an- Jwer, 1. It will be long before they will give us any proof of that. 2. Their own writers confefs the contrary. 3. Let the end determine it. But if they fay that infallibility is not tyed to the place, but to the Perfon , who (hall be Peters fucceffor, I an- fwer, we thought hitherto that to be Peters fuccef- for, and to b€ the Bifhop of Rome , had been all one with them, If another man that is no Bilhop of i may hz Peters fucceffor , then how (hall we -know (*S5> know who have fucceeded him all this while ? v not theBifhop of Alexandria, Eiernfalem, cp- or other place as well as the Pope ? fpecially why noc the Pamarch of Antiocb juho is faid to be the z]dcit fon of Sainc Peter, as inheriting his nrft chair e- I doubt, if Rome were extinft , and the B;fhop of Mentz,) or Cullen, ox Vienna, or themes, or Par id or any other (hould pretend to be the infallible head of the Church, not only the old Patriarchs but their neighbor Biftiops would much contradift it ; and the world would be at a great lofs to find the Popifh faith or infallible head. Jjhteft. 20. Laftlylwill appeal to the conference of any Papift that hath any confeience'left , and hath read the Fathers or Hiftory of the firft Ages of the Church whether the reft of the Biftiops and Curches in thofe times did believe the Scripture upon the credit of the infallibility of the Pope or thcRomane Church ? Did the reft of the Apoftles receive the Gofpel on the credit of Peter , or were they fent by him ? or did they receive their authority from him ? Do they find that ever the Apoftles, or any follow- ing Bifhops of the Church did take fuch a conrfe to bring men to the faith , as firft to teach them that the Romane Pope or Clergy were infallible , and therefore to perfwade them to believe the Scriptures or Chriftian faith, becaufe they fay its true. Is ic pofiible that any learned Papifts can ferioufly believe that this was the ancient way of believing } Do they think in good fadnefs that the world was converted to Chriftianity by this means > Sure it is fcarce pofii- ble that they fhould be fo far diftraded by their pre- judice and fadion .? Do they read in Clemens Rom. or Alexandria, in Ignatius ^ ftftia, Irenatm^ Tertul- U 4 Han other of chofc times, e men co ChniBamty , did crcr ufc this Po» i^thisun Didchtyfirft presch the Pope and R It muft needs be therefore that their firft flop muft be at the Jyfe j >r propo- sition , even at this principle of the G. arches in- fallibility ; and therefore certainly their moti objecti- ons would have been againftit, and themoftofthe Chrft tan D (tors labor would have been in the de- fending of it : But chat its certain they thin believed no fuch thinf ,and the Church was at that time utter- ly unacquainted with the foundation of the prefent ■Rmifb faith. Moreover, if this Popifh foundation had been then known, do you think chat the Fathers would not have appealed to Rwe , for a decifion of all their perplexing controverfies ? What readier way tohaveiilcncedail gain-fayers, and ended allftrifes, and to have faved the labor of fo many volumes , then to have beftowed their pains with all diffenters upon this one point alone [That Rome is infallible^ and then havefent them thither for fatisfaction in all the reft. Common reafon muft needs have told men of fuch principles , that this was the way ? But do we find that this way was taken ? How come we then to have fo many volumes-ofthe Fathers controverfal writings , and not one Book, or Chap- ter, or leaf or line, to prove the Remane infallibi- lity ? And becaufe the ofder of our difcourfe hath brought us up to the judgement of the Fathers, I fhall here give you a brief tafte of their judgement in this point , and fo conclude this argumenta- tion. In (w) In the contention about Safitr day between the Emftem & rrejlertt Churches, p.L*w w.th the ^« ff2ir2*!2""**- Bilhops refitted the Popes ju- * dicial determination^;^ 198. And therefore doubt- lefs they believed not his infallibility nor univerfal jurifdi&ion. In the Council of Nice, thefirft that fubferibed was SnfiathitH Patriarch of Antioch before the Le- gates of the Bifhop of Rome : Theodor. li. 1, c. 7. So did Hofius Biftiop of Corduba in Spain, as Athanaf. Apolog. 2. In the Council of AfricJ^ the Popes Legates had the laft place, Cone. Afric. Can.ioo, In the Council of fj^^*!*'*1**6* Calcedon there was 157. Tub- y fcribed before Philip the Popes Legate. In the fifth Council of Covftantinople \ Menna their Bifhop was Prefident : EvagrU. 4. c. 38. And if the Pope had not then fo much as the Pre- fidency, how much lefs an univerfal jurifdi&ion with infallibility ? When Stephen the Biftiop of Romi determined ju* dicially againft rebaptizing Heretieks, and excom- municated Firmiliatnts for not aflenting, and wrote to Cyprian about it, what did they do? Did they either fubmit to the judgement of the Pope as infal- lible, or obey him it their univerfal Ruler? No,but Cyprian , Firmilian , 'with the reft of the Bi- (hops, did unanimoufly jo'yn agairtft che Popes de- cree. I would fain know by what fpeftades the Papifts can ( 6o can read thefe words of * Cy iailibility in them ? In his Epift. 74. ^ Vempeitm, he faith t( us " [1 have " feat a Copy of our Brother Stephens letters which "when you read you will fee his error, more and cc more, who endeavoured! to maintain the caufe of V Hereticks againft the Cnnftians, andagaintt the "Church of God, For among things which he the Scr** " ginal of Gods tradition,hu- i€ mane error ceafech, and whatfoever was in cloudy "darknefs, it opened in the light of truths- -If the ift-99) faith tCQEventheP0pe'of Rome muft not be called " the umverfal Bifhop.] Gregory called the great Btfhop of Rom ^ but a few years before Boniface claimed the univerfal Epifco- pacy , wrote thus againft John of ConjUntinofle who would have had fome fuch - _ A Q title "[Noneofinypredc- G^^-8°- "ceffors would ufe this prophane word (vi*>. tini* " vcrfal Bifhop ) becaufe if one will call himfelf mended by the later, * Qr Corrcaed# "when by iome experiment k(zc dico, bacdicis, ''fedaudiatww, h- Auferantur.ergo ^ ilk de medio ,&c. Away with thofe things from a- " mong us , which we bring againft one another , " not out of the Divine Canonical Books , but from ,c elfwhere — * Slftia note httmanis dcctimlntk&c&z- cc caufe I will not have the holy Church to he^de- f* rnonftrated by humane documents , but by Gods " Oracles. For if the holy Scriptures have placed' the " the Cfiurch in Africa alone, and in a few places of ~< " praifed) by the Councils or church ? res,fkc. How do we prove that the Books of our u Religion are wticten by Divine infpiration ? Many " wayes , of which the firft is the truth of Scripture cC it felf, then the order of things ; the agreement of "precepts, the manner of fpcech without aftera- ction (or compaflesjand the purity of words: There g " is added aHb5 the quality of the writers and prea- u chers ; that meer men could not have delivered Cc fuch Divine things, and vile men fuch high things, " and uneloquent men fuch fabtile things, unlefs they t6 were filled with the Holy Ghoft. And the force of CC. , . „ ort, . •' If you doubt of any thing «™l n + *& <"'; "know what is written-- &fndia Erf/^r \n his fir 3 Aonc x tationsiaith that [pac olim forttjfevcrt, nunc rn*g*d ex parte emmntata funt ,viz. ^gupf** quM Eitgubienfem Epifcopnm cum Romano, nee put at ullum Kpifce- pum Alio majonmeffsuifiquifenui fuperat bmilttate, (& non fuut. Epifefpum quovisftccrdotepreflantiertmejfey nifi qttod jus bibet or. ditvmdi-'] But in feis latter Annotations he merrily leferreth aA the equaiiry in their rcfpe&tothc Beacon*; thai he might fees to tbtte the oftcBSc. cc omnes 'Barbara nationes, unum Chrifttm adorant, vitiarum, & paupcrtatta bumilitas , vel fublimior- 4c em velinferiorem mEpifcopum non facit.' Cater am " omnes Apoftdornm fttcceffores funt. Sed dicU% *6 Quomodo Rom& ad ttftimonUim Uiaconi presbyter . ^fifl^m"- **! ^ *• W/785. and alfo in /?*$// works transla- ted by Mnfsulm Sdit. BafiL 1565 Tom. 2. pag. 1 7.) * '[^Seeing every Church as being Chriits body is to "be watched over (or looked to ) with greateft 1 • care and diligence, then fpecially yours, which an- cc ciently wa$ , and new is and is efteemed,almoft (or "nigh) the mother of all Churches, on which the " Whole Chriftian Commpnweakh doth caft their c: ctyes even as the encompailing circle doth on the ".center, ;not onely for the fouhdnefs of dodrine tc;long divulge d; to all , but alio for that confpicuous " grace of Concord which God hath given them — ] What would the Papifts fay , but that this were for their fupremacy,- if they found but thisnruchinhim for the Church Q)i[Jlowje. And I think there is no.Jy Nation, .the. Kingly cc .PriefthQcd>Yas fo far arrufs lift \A was diftrfc&ed in- c ■' to fix liurujced opinions dnd .errors ; And fpoiled "and wafted by the Devil. •] If. the Popes JM^nar-. chicai Govtr&ment was thep ji foot, then it leans that Govenh^entwillno more prevent fedg and er- rors then the.^orft ' : If it wefe not ;, then 1 . They are now iifuj$eft, 1. And -they cannot prove out: way 0"5> way of Government to be wrong by the multitude of errors that are in the Church. Baftl was far from reiolvinghis faith into the Popes infallibility when he wrot his AJcetka ( orf at leatt £u(t'Athixs SebaftienmAithzy . r% r i. AluX p. 197- be his) when (fag. 195 .Tom 2. t ran flat. Uiittfculi, Bajil) he faith cC[Itis a manifeft lapfe of faith, and ap- " parent vice of pride , either to refufe any thing " which the Scripture containeth, or to bring in any " thing which is not written : feeing Chrift faith \ " Mjfieep hear my voice , and prermfeth, Butano- " ther they will not follow , but flye from him, be- " caufe they know not a ftrangers voice.] And fag. 193. he faith, that fometimes he had ufed unwrit- ten fayings againft hereticks "[[But never aliene i6,eol.2. he faith " {jCommen- 44 dat autem fideibujw integritatemjkQ. The intcgri- " ty of this faith is commended by the Authority of "the Gofpel and Apoftolical doftrine — For this "foundation ftandeth ftrong and unmoved, &c.~] And he maketii it a remedy againft all Here- fies. And in his Commentary oh tMat. Canon. 8- fag. 498. he faith "\_Igiturfect4ndttm h^c Ecclefnz intra " qu • . r^^r \ c \.u It is a great doubt whe- to the ancient Gofpel faith tner this Book were wrk- and not to Synods, His ten in covJUntius his life words are in Epift. vel Lib. time or fince his death : *d Gonftant. A*iufi. par.(E- ofwbich &* Hiemim. de dit.Parif. ) 307 308. where ^*M«Jj^- having (hewed how he had 7I4, 7^/BelUrmtn. de Scripter.Ecclef.pag. (nibi) 8 j. But its plain by the Epiftle it felf, thatic was written as to Conftantius aliyc^ though its pofTible, as Hetttrmint con- je&ureth , that he might be dead 3 and Hi'Mry in France noc know it j For its clear that was wrinen a little before or afcer his d3ath , even the fame ycare tUc he dyed. Y 4 erred erred in looking after Councils , he faith tl £ Recog* '4 nefcefidem quam^ficc. that is, Reacknowledge that " Belief which thou defireft to hear from the Biflaops " but heareft not. For they of whom it is required 'c do write their own things, and do not preach the €i things of God ; they have drawn about an endlefs " and perpetual circle. For the modefty of humane '' infirmity fliould have contained all myfteries of " divine knowledge in thofe bounds of confcience <€ onely, which he believed in, and not after a Be- lief confefled and fworn in Baptifm, in the name £g* the Council, .. , ' % .,, . , . ot thole umes. heavenly miiteries who do iC calumniate in our profeffions of the faith of God, c- we decree yearly and monethly Beliefs of God; we u repent of our decrees,we defend them, we Anathe- Cf matize thofe thac were defended, we damne other c' mens matter in ours, or they damne ours in theirs^ " and biting one another, weareconfumed one of a- " outher. A Belief is again fought for,as if there were * "nobeliefe. A belief muft be written , as if it were " not in our hearts. -Being already regenerated by V faith,we are now tsught to believe : As though the Rcge- "Regeneration were without Belief. We learn " Chrift after Baptifm; as if B'aptifm could be any ^_ , 1Jt ''thing* without the faith of BaS^TC° ^ "#-?• 309. Among cc thefe fhipwracks of faith, " the heritage of our heavenly patrimony being now " almoft profligate , it is the fafeft way for us to re- " tain that firft and onely Evangelical Belief confef- " fed in Baptifm and underftood , and not to change tc that good Belief which onely I have received and tc heard. Not as if thofe things which are contain- * t-l. r -t c »r. " cc* *n c^e Council of our * The Council of Mtccs io* nifim AreopyTertH/lian ^Origin , Clemens Alexandry AthenagorAs, Fatiantu, tArnobitu, AtbanAfius, La* Bantiu4i JMy XaftltHS SelencU, Ambrofe, Tbeoderet, Vamafcene , Iftdore Hifydl. Gau&entim UrixUmu^ Vincentitu Li. rinenfis, Salvianus AlaffiL Cafarim Arelatenf. Al- cHinns.vel All?inpu,Beda, Vigilitu, Joannes Afaxen- tiusy Alcimns Avitm proffer , Fvlgentiw, Oectime- • mh$3 TheopbyUih. Bernard^ with many others, be- fides all before named : of whom, fome fpeak fully to the point, and all the reft call us to the word of God in Scriptures, for the refolution or ground of our faith , and not to the authority or infallibility of the Pope of Rome. I (hall onely itay fo long as to adde two or three of theeldeft (thoggh briefeft) and two or three Canons of lome Councils , becaufe there vyill feem more weight in their teftimonks. And for any Reader Papift or Protectant chat would have more Teftimonies to this end (to fee whether \i be Rowes authority or infallibility , or rather the Scrip- tures, that is the Teftimony which mult fupport our ftith, and is fir-ft to be known) I defirc thetn to read them ajready collected in Chamier, in Do&or Spit- live, iii Sibran£u4 Lubbertm de prineip. Chrift. Dog' mat. in CMmnititu , and Bcli^rmihe himfelf who re- dteth them out of Cbemniiiui , and prete»deth ('and (su) (and vainly pretendeth) to anfwter them, to whom Lnbbertus , and many more of ours have therein rc- plyed : B»t ipecially read that excellent Treatife of Philip Mornaj Lord dn Plejfis of the Church. _ . . Clemens Romanm in his E- Clemens Rom. ad Cmntb. p|ffle tQ the Cwi%thUn$ ufeth not once to them any argument from his authority and infallibility, which fure he would have done for the healing of fo great a fchifme, if it had be^n true* JSlaywhcn he doth earneftly preis them tofubmitto and obey their own Presbyters , he never requireth any obedience to himfelf'or to the Rowan* Church. Nay fo far is he from taking any notice of any uni- verfal Monarchy or infallibility in himfelf that he doth not fo much as take notice of any Bifhop di- ftinft from a Presbyter in their own Church, not once call them to be determined by any fingle or fu- pereminent Biftiop at all • but onely to obey theie Biihops or Presbyters, . Ignatius writing to the Igmim a Rom. , RomMes caMh thm Jy the Church Q whs &&vJ.&Yim h xrfit& %&&.* VfyMef* ] £j£f^s & prafedet in loco regioni* Romamrunf] or a$ Bifhop Vfber-s ancient Verfion hath it \_^f*f & fr Svff* lKKKti Certainly a Negative Argument from the filence of the writers of thofe time?, is a fufficient confutation of the Ro- mifh ufurpation. .« * r*f.. Volkarp in his Epiftle to m(im, Mf*. a Pb,i. £he Pkiii/piaHS f 9£mdeth that that Church Qco be fub;e& to the Presbyters and Deacons as to God and Chriii] not mentioning any other fuperior Biftiop, much kfs an univerfal Bifhop to whom alio- they muft befiibjed. And whereas Yakns one of their Presbyters was fain ( with his wife) into fom? fin which felicarpe profefleth his forrow for, he doth not direft them to feek remedy it any higher power, bur perfaadeth them to reduce him themfelvbs as a ftraying member. And having before mentioned divers hercfi.es of chofe times., be addech as the Remedy , not an advice of appeal to Rome , or to feeke for their deter- mination , or to hold to their infallibility, but [A/j c&7&ki7rofef TJJJ (AcLTZlol.ii'TX TCOV KvKXtoV y. fy 7tt* yv i7nsp&luuev~2Le. [_ Wherefore leaving the vanity of many , and falfe doftrines ,« let us return to that Word which from the beginning was delivered to us.] It is to the firft word, and not to Rome that this blefled Difciple of John doth fend the Philifpians for liability againft errors. Iren&us is laid by Euftbius SSmS^J* ec~ (AS* m,n lcap.26.) to have (harply reproved Vi&or for breaking the Churches peace, by excom- ~L Mt, ~, . municatingthea^/r^Chur- The A fa Churches. ^ abpuf Eafter day ( and tells him that [The like was never heard of] and that [[his predeceffors did other wife] therefore ha took" no: Victor to be infallible. And Cm) And it is apparent that all the Afian Churches who flood againftr*ffar and were excommunicated by him, did little dreary that, he was the univerfal Bi- ihop or infallible. Nay their Bifhops \_ fharply re- prehend him and their werdsare yet extant]] faith Eufebius. Moreover in the fame Chapter of Eufebhts it is expreflfed by Iren&iu to ViEt- ., . . or, that Peliearp thtBikiple FQb'"h tMi of John differed from tsfnicttnt, and neither of them could be perfwaded to alter his opinion. Therefore Tolicarp never dream't, cither that Che Remane Bi- fhop was infallible, or was his Governor, whom he (hould obey. And its worth the reading in the 24. and 25. Chapters of Eufebim , how confidently Policrates oppofeth Vittor^ alledginga General cuftome from theApoftles, andrefolveth never to change his cU- ftome : And the Bifhops and Churches here in Eng* land , did follow the fame cuftome , and differ front Rome. And in the 28 Chapter Eufebitu rQentioneth an ancient writer, that oppofed the herefie of ' Anem$n% and whereas they alledged that ill the Bifhops of Rome till Zefhjrinw were of their raind , and prea- ched it, even Viftor hia>felf (that is, againft the Godhead of Chrift)he anfwereth them thus "[This iC peradventure might fcem to have fome likelihood of truth , if it were not oppugned, firft of all by the holy Scriptures, next by the books of fundry a nulh intra Africam in com* ''mmionemfufcipiatHr.'] That is [[It feemethgood *£. 245. I fhall onely adde to thefe Teftimonies fore- going , the witnefs of fome of their own party. I have before (hewed that one part of their Church denyeth the Popesinfattibility , and the ei- ther a Councils : and that they are not agreed about the ultimate refolution of their faith. Their Cardi- nal Nic> Cufanus ti. de Concord. Cathol. c.13. & 34. maintaineth that QAHBiftiopi arc equal as to the jurifdiftion , though not as to the execution, becaufe the executive exercife is reftrained by eertain pofitive bounds , and that for the better , to bring men to God,\diich when it ceafeth,the pofitive rights ceafif] And hwfaith that in time of neceffity a fim pie Prieft may ablolve even one that is excommunicated by the Pope; And concludeth that the Papacy is but of Pofitive rigt.tj and chat both it, and all Majority a- mong (146) mongBi(bopsiscohftitutedby fobjecViooal cenfent , that the power of binding andlofing is immediately from Chrift , and therefore that Priefts are equal , and that thedifticAion of Diocel^and that a Biftvop fkould be over the Presbyters, arc of pofitive right: And that Chrift gave no more to Pettrthento the reft of the Apofties , nor faid more to him then to them. Yea and he aiidetb, that if the Bifhop of Trt- vers were by the congregate Church chofen to be their Prefident at)d head , he ftiouid properly be more the fuccefifor of Titer then the Bilhop of Rome-2 Tnis is l'lain dealing for a Cardinal. * That the like paflages are *Q in Math. 20. Horn. 3 5. par . 900. 901. it isfiid as follow- °JZ ,TlLm'k- «h ,» iFruSlurr, bumlitatu """"■ ** >°°- ,8" ^terreftria p$fuit primatum ealeftem, & primatw Ci terreftris fruBum 9 pofuit confuftonem c ale ft em. " M*}£*nque ergs defideraUpriwatum c deft em , fe~ u quatur humlitatetn terreftrem; qnicnnque atitem * deftderat ^ primatumin terra, inveniet c onfufionem " in calo : at jam inter fervos Chriftt nonfit de prima* " tncertamen\ That is £ He hath made the Celeftial u primacy to be the fruit of terreftrial humility : and u the fruit of earthly Primacy, lie hath appointed to " to be Celeftial confufion*. " = ^L , "Whefoever therefore dc- l^lll' ' " fireth Celeftial primacy let Gm.G6.VM& se rh*mfclw« nof '* knowing that by this u means thev (hall thraftjthemfelvcs into the loweft] S flare. The Hke he hath in Hemil. on Math. 18. I ftiai! now (em it to the confederation of the im- partial , by tins fmal tafte of the judgement ©f former tmes , whether the Romane infallibility &nd umverfal government were a thicg known [to the Church of Cfcrift of old , or yielded as foon as amh>. ought? And whether this be a fit ground for to to build eur faith upon, or re* (150 refolvc it into ? And if any would fee more of the refiftancy of their ufurpaiions , even when it was at the higheft, he may read in Mich. Goldafiiu a multitude of Volumes, that will give hira further in- formation : or inBiftiop Vfier de $Hcfie$. &ftat. Ecclef. he may find enough in narrower room. Thelaft part of this difputatiori fhould confi&of an anfwer to the Popifh Arguments for their caufe : but I can find fo little irf any of their writings thats worthy to be taken notice of, more then what is anfWered before, thatlfhallnot need to ftand lo*ig upon this. They tell us that, if cur Church be not infallible, then people havefmall reafon to hear us or regard us ? or to tnift their falvaciot? on the dof&rine which we deliver to them, fedng for ought we know, or they know, we may but deceive them, asbein||firft our felves deceived; fo that this makes way to infi* I delity or uncertainty of the faith , if the Church be not infallible » This is their all, the fir ft md laft , for ought I can find (thats worth the repealing ) and of how little value this arguing is, me thinks fhould be very eafie to apprehend. i . Look back to the ftatingof the Queftion , and remember how far we fay the Church is fallible, and how far infallible,andit may fuffics to confute all this. 2. Its not all one to be abfolutely infallible, and to be a&ualiy Not-miflaken. Nor to be certain of fame things , and to be certain of all things that bughc to be known or believed : Mor to be cer- 'ain by fuch external evident of verity and inter- nal (31*) nal grace , as is ordinary to the faithful , and to be certain by a pretended priviledge above all the reft of the world ; even knowing the conclusion as fuch without knowing the medium. We are certain that Scripture: is Gads word : and certain that we are certain ; and therefore pro tempore infallibly certain : And if we (hould fay that we are certain that no true Believer (hall ever fall from this certainty , we {hould fpeak more agreeably to the Proteftant do- ftrine then to yours, who fay that they may fall a- way. And we maintain that there is ftill an Obje- ctive certainty or Infallibility (if I may ufe the word aftively) in the word of God and every fentence of it , which* can never fail , if our faith (hould fail. And we can manifeft to our hearers fuch grounds of their belief, as are infallible t and will never deceive thpfe that truftiji them Your argument therefore moft vainly fuppofeth i that nibiis faith muft be grounded on the word and credit of their Teachers , and that therefore they canhavenoftronger a faith, then is anfwerable to our credit with them. But its no fuch matter : It is Gods Veracity and not ours that is the formal ob jed of the hearers faith: We do not defire (as it feems the Papifts do) that they (hould take their faith on truft from us , and believe all on our words. We do but reveal to them that word of God 9 which is the ground of faith ; and we prove it to be the word of God, and (hew them that in it which will prove it feh to be fo : fo that as long as ourReafons,. Proofs, Evidences are infallible , what neceflity is there that the fpeaker muft be infallible , and that in every thing that ought to be believed ? Are all the "Preachers.of the fami/h fa&ion infallible ? You will fav„ fay, no, your felves. Muft they not therefore be heard? Or may notthedo&rine which they preach beget a certain belief in the hearer? You will, I know, with one voice, fay, that it may and doth. How then do fallible men agiong you, by preaching bring men to an infallible faith (infantum) and why may it not be fo with us? Will yod fay that you preach in the name of the Pope who is infallible? Why but, how do your hearers know that; Muft they take it on the preachers word, who proclaim- eth himfclf fallible ? Why then , may they not as well take it on our words that Chrift and Scripture is infallible ! When we fay , we preach in Chrifts name , as confidently as you fay that you preach in the Popes name? and fo your do&rine and ours fhould be both uncertain , if both retted on the fal- lible preachers word. But if you will not bid your hearers take your word, but will undertake to de- monftrate to thtm by cogent evidence, thac you are fent by the Pope, and thac he is infallible , and thac you fpeak nothing but what he infallibly warranteth you to fpeak ( all which will be incumbent on you to prove) then will we much more eafily and truly prove, that God is true and that Scripture is his word (which is all that is incumbent on us to prove; feeing an infallible word , of an infallible God, mutt , be heard, how fallible foever we may be) fo that you might eafily fee, if you would that your task is in- comparably harder then ours (even as much as to prove a falfhood is harder then to prove a truth.^ How will you approve of fuch reafoning as your own in other cafes ! What if ten men that have been at a fight, come home and tell yotf , which fide had A a the 054) the better ? though they are all fallible , may they not poffibly give you fuch infallible proof of whan they fay , as may make it certain ? What if all the Lawyers in the Land are fallible men, yea and all o- ther men in the Land ; and do not know all things , nor all that fhould be known about the Lawes? Doth it follow that thefe fallible men, may not infallibly know themfelves and infallibly prove to others, even by certain hamane teftimony , uncapable of deceit, that this or that is indeed a ftatute Law of the Land made by King and Parliament? Do all men hold their lands and lives by Law, and fo many dye at the Gal- lows by Law , and yet is it uncertain whether they be the Laws iudeed or not , and all becaufe the men that fay fo, are not infallible ( and all are dead that faw them made!) Why but a man may be certain of many a thing that yet is no: infallible in all things, nor in all that he ought to know. Your argument therefore is ftrong againft your (Stores , who refolve mens faith into humane credicf but its nothing a- liainft us , who refolve it- into Gods veracity , and teach not men to take all uppn truft from our bare words. It is fiifficient that God is infallible when we per fwade thejgj to believe , and that we can infallibly prove to them that the Scripture is Gods word , and what itcontameth in the points of neceffity to falva- tjton, We can without infallibility in all other matters, infallibly prove to them what God re- quired! .them to Believe and Do as NccdTary to Salvation.lt is the infallibility of our proofs.and not of our bare words, that is neceffary to mens belief. But the Papifts exped: their milled flock fhould take their bare word, and fd make the faith of their followers, a humane faith- and to blind thebufiriefs they pre- tend (w ) tend co a certain infallibility as if their fayings were Divine. Men will makeufe of Phificiaifs for their bod:V- though they be not tfffal vjnight they do it with encouragement, iF they could in- fallibly tell them the true cure of every rnonal difeafe , though there were an hundred fmaller difeafes that they could not cure , or a hundred queftionsin Anatomy and about/The nature of dif- eafes which they could not refolve. Why then fhould men conceit that the Miniftry is vain that is not infallible- and knowethnot all things. Hath Gods Church been without infallible ordinary guides from the creation to this day, andwemuft now begin to feign a Neceflity of their infallibi- lity? Let it be [efficient that God, and the extra- ordinarily infpired Prophets and Apoftlcs are in- fallible , and that we have Teachers that can in- fallibly prove to us what he- requireth of us in his words in points of Neceffity to our everlafling happinefs. And for themfelves , pietending to infallibility makes them not, nor procureth them infallible, whereas their voluminous errors , and the wick- ed pradices grounded thereupon , and their fre- quent felfcontradi&ions and mutations, do pro» claim aloud to the world that they are both de- ceivable , deceived and deceivers : while the holy Scriptures whofe fuffieiency they deny is by them- felves confefled to be of infallible verity. We are refolved therefore by the grace of God , in a bufinefs of fuch moment as the ever- lafting faviag or lofing of our fouls to yintfire A a 2 mi (556) and bottom all our Hopes* on that word of God vvhofe infallibility they confefs, then on the words of men who pretend to infallibility, and notorioufly declare the vainty of thofe pretences. Some 0>7) cWa fiftj C.^SJiO' CsKfr tP^fe*V «*£?4 £0/^ W0>r 0/ *^ 5w* 0/ Antiquity in the main Controverfie between us and the Pa- fifts , to declare further who it is that is of the New Religion, CYrill.HierefoL Catechef 4. SeB. defpiritufantto, pag. (Edit. Parif. 163 1.) 30. A« ytf 7ne\ tw Se-'.av )y dyluf n$ wt$za<; {jLuwpaVyStc. i. e. For concerning Divine things , and the holy myfteries of faith, nothing, no not the fmalleft thing ought to be delivered without the Divine Scriptures; nor to J)e brought forth by fimple probability , nor by *t3l a train of words. Nay do If the TonRue of man not fimply believe me my felf "n>ak PIain thls ,$ when I fpeak of thefe things to thee , unlefs thou receive a demonftration of the things which I fpeak from the Divine Scriptures For the very fafety of our faith , refteth not on the ele- gancy of fpeech, but on the proof of Divine Scri- ptures.] And pag. 36. SeB de Sacra Script, he telleth you what Scriptures he meaneth earneftly diffwading from the Apocryphal books , and numbering the feme oneiy which we own as Canonical, fave that he faith Q.fsptyu'g puiT ^4is^% *& Sfltxiw K&i li&qhw \ ariil omittech the E'pift. to Hebrews and the Apocalypfe A a 3 A&& And CatecheJ.17.fAi.191- Ke fetli CMdwe now alio ingenioufly corifcfs that we will not ufe humane reafonings; but will only commemorate thofe things which are in the holy Scriptures : for this is moft fafe as Saint IW, i.Cor. 2.4. And Cattclatf. 1%-fAg. 220, 22 1, 222. See how he defcribeth the Catholike Church without the leaft intimation of the R omane defer ipripn. Augufi. Cart, lit eras Pttiliani li. 3. cap. ,6. fag. Edit.l>ari(.\Z7-) tiLt. \_Prei«defivede Chrifto, Jwede ejus Scclefia, Jive de quacttnque alia re qu& per' Note here, 1. That it is, tinet fid f,dem utr&mque no- Fedefu vel qumnque re a- « Km jicAm mJ 4_ hi, that Atijlm (peaks, J ,. . . A . t That ifs im cLibm, 1M»E miP4rarn ?> " 1** dtxtt> and therefore not an Ap- Licet il n©S, Jed mntm quod gument onely for fuch as Jecuttu adjecit, Si Angelus de deny the Church and c3ej0 vobis annunciaverit pre- ragarg«m«#. ?.Sodo terc,mm quod in Scripturis we procure the tiamesor , Vl or - 11 • Popifii hatred. kgalibus & Evangeltus acce- ^ piltis , anatfiema fir. ti^c 4. So may wc (ay [As if vobifeum & cum oimibm we bau bid rhe tfpoftks quos Chrifio lucrati cupimus fuc nothing in the Bible aBitantes^ Atque inter €*tera Dei lieru promt jf am legimm {frjictttprcmijj* efi in omnibus giniibus reddi cerni- mm^ prtdicdntes, ab iu quos ad ejus pdcificumgre- attrahi cupimm^ pro aftione vratutrttm flainmas innm odiorum."^ That is ^Moreover, whether it be of Chrift , or of his Church, or of any other which pcrtaineth to our faith and lift , I fay not (W) not Eifwel who are not to be compared to Mm who fiid [Though fte] but tfrat which be next added [If an Angel from heaven (forfl preach toyouany other thing then that which you have received in the Scrip- tures of the Law and the Gofpel , let him be accurf- ed. While we deal thus with you and with all men whom we defire to win to Chrift , and among other things , do preach the holy Church, which we find promifed in Gods Scriptures, and which we fee to be placed in all Nations as was promifed, we have de- fer ved (or procured) the flames of hatred from thofe whom we defire to draw into its pacifike bofome in ftead of thanks.] And he proceedcth [as if it were we chat fo loag before had bid the Prophets and A- poftles that they (hould not put in their books any Teftimonies , by which the faftion ( or party) of 'Donatm is proved to be the Church of Chrift.] ThcEpiftle/t^ Dcmetriaa&m commonly reckoned the 142. among Atsgufiir.es cap. 9. faith [Sciioita- cjite in Script uris divine (per cjhos folas potts flenam Dei intelligere voluntatem)&CQ.~\ By the Divine Scri- ptures alone thou maift underftand the full will of God.] I know the Lovaine Do&ors put this Epiflle in the Appendix and con je&ure it to be of Pelagita : but 1. it (hews the do&rine of that age : 2. Never did Aufiin contradid it , but oft fay the like. Auguft. depeccat. Merit. & Remijf. li. 2. cap. 36. pajr. (mibi) 304. faith t% [Talis popnlm tit prtdixi, ernditHi in Regno cdorumper duo teft amenta vetm Gr novum, non declinans in dextram fnperbaprefumpti- onejuflititt, necjuein fwiftramfccHi/a delettathne pec* j cati, in terram illivu fromijfwnis intrabit : ] & poftja j [XJbienim de re obfeuriffima difpntatur , non adjx- vantibm ei7\ i. e. £But Scriptnres.i.Thats plain- other things which without ly faifc : for -T&tunus did the Authority and Teftimo- »ot lo- 2. He Jpeaks of re • / ^u a~ ~c all fuch traditions there ™es of Scripture they do of fore of the Popifh. their own accord find out and feign asof'Apoftolical tradi- don the fword of God will cut down. ] And he in (3*) inftanccth in the faftings and other aiifteritics of the Tatiani , which he faith they fuffer cauflef- The fame Hierom againft Helvidius faith \Vt h wete pteafed with noe^tf WheiC are the r * " reli of his cavils. the,c words or CorjjtanHne , and Bellarmine vainly endea- voreth to le(Fen their efteem, becaufe Gonfiantine was no Doftor of the Church. , ., , n Salvias faith V Sifcirevis W. //. J . p^ (« cap%^. X_£j*}d ft novella aliqaacon- tagio (aft) iagio non jam portiuncuhrn tantum , fed tofcam pdriter Ecclefiam commacnlare cenfturi ^ i.e. £But what if any novel contagion , (hall not onely ftain a fmali part of the Ch vclf, bat alfo the whole Church?] Aprefumptuoui Queftion in the Papifts fence 1 But what faith he to it? doth he fay, it is impoffible ? no but £Tuhc item provide&it y ttt'-4ntiqHitati inhe- re &t: qua fror fits jam non pettft ab till* mvitktisfraude fidftcf\ i. e. Then let him fee that hi llick to antiquity, which cannot at all now be feduced by any fraud of novelty. ] Here t. he fuppofeth tint the prefene Church may allcrre ; 2. He makes the remedy to bean" appeal to the ancient Chnrdi , and not as the Papifts , to* appeal in all cafes to the prefent Church or Pope. (Ccfrerm rfeefcs by a citation out of Tertxtivtn in his Annot. to detort both.) 8 . Laitly note diligently, that it is not in all cafes that Vincentitu leadeth usfto the exposition of the Church and Fathers , but onely ( as in the weighty cafe beforefaid fo) in cafe 6f [jhdnewnefs of errors, when they firft arife : before they falfifie the Rules of the andent faith * , letlthem be forbidden by the ftraights * That \ten*il*j of to] and before by^ JWftfiJjJ-f-g large fprcadingof thepoifon tend t0 antiquity them- they endeavor to vitiate the Celves. volumes of our Anceftors : But dilated and inveterate hcrefies are to be fet upoit this way, becaufe by the long traft of ticae , they have had a long oecafion of ftcaling truth (that is, Antiquity and other figns of truth.) And therefore as for all tbofe Ancient prophaneffes of fchifmes or he- tefics, wc muft by no means convince thera, but by the onely authority of Scripture ^ if there be need, for*) or avoid them as certainly already of old eonvi&ed and condemned by the General Councils of Catho- like Pricfts. ] They are his own words tranflated , f4g\ 677. Edit. Teriomit&pag. $7, 88. Edit. Colon. 161 3. So that you fee Vincentim fuppofeth error may in- fed nil the Church , and may grow old and fo feem to be the Trutb, and in fuch cafes onely Scripture muft be pleaded againft it, unlefs alfo we can pro- duce fome ancient Council that hath condemned it. This is the very c;afe between us and the Papifts : Their hereficsareold, and far fpread, though not univcrfal nor of ucmoft antiquity : therefore be- tween us and t?^na the Scripture only muft be plead- ed.Where there is no need of a judge by reafon of its plainncfs we need not go to the Ancient Church; where there js Kced of an Expofitor , we are con- tent to deal with ihem on Vlncentita grounds , and to admic 0; that which ubique^ ftwftr & ab minibus bath been held in ppint of faith ; if 'they will do the like fc And indeed this is our very Religion. Will the Papifts but difpute their cauft with us on thefe terms We (hall readily joyn iffue with them , anddoubtnot of a good fuccefs. Of this fee more in our Conradm Bergius Prax* CatkoL divin. Canonu. th. Cm) THe Difpute which we have hitherto managed being only againft Popery in the grofs, and two or three branches of it onely in particular ) I had thought to have annexed a Brief enumeration of the particular errors of the Papifts , that the vul> gar might obierve and avoid them; and therein I , thought to have endeavored the true ftating of the differences between us , both .-for the avoiding of error on the other extream , and alfo that we may take out of the Papifts hands thegreateft of all their advantages againft us , which is the falfe-oppofed opinions and unfound Arguments of fuch as thus erre on the other fide : But perceiving how it would lengthen this work beyond the intended limits, and how certainly all thofe that (o run into cxtrcams would fall a quarrelling with me for not ftating the controverfics according to their fancies , I have thought beft for anfwering all my ends at cheaper rates to give you the chief of the Popifh errors in the words of Do&or Feild , and to that end to tran- fcribe his feventh Chapter of the third Book ; that fo the limplc Reader may have fome help to in- form him without a commixed means to pervert him . And for thofe that defire to fee the Proteftant Do&rincfolidly defended , and cannot have ^me to read many books, I know not of any one thfct they may more profitably and fafely read to that end then the faid Book of Docftor Field on the Church ; and cfpccially the Appendix to the third pare , which is Bb i but (374) but the Defence of this very Chapter , proving it in particulars , that the Wcftern Church was Prote- ftant and not Popifh even in the worft times before Luther s Reformation; and that the Papifts were but a feducing tyrannical party in the Church, en- deavoring to obtrude their errors againft the mind of the generality of good men : In whichh eha.th quite broken down thofe pretences of Vniverfalitj and \_AU the Church'] which the Papifts do fo fondly boaft in. D lUo} (?75) (^^ - ^ ^ WwwwwmWww T)r> Feild 0/^ (A* Qhurch^ li» 3» Cap* 7, Of the feveral points of difference between hs and our adverfaries 5 wherein fome in the Church erred , but not the whole Church. F Or neither did that Church , wherein our Fathers lived and dyed , hold that Canon of Scripture 9 which the Romanifts now urge ; nor that infufficiency they now charge it with; nor corruption of the Origi- nals, nor necejfity of following the vulgar Tranflati- on ; nor the Herefies touching t»ans creation brought into the Church by certain barbarous Schoolmen , as that there are three different eft Ates of men; the fir ft of pure nature , without addition of Grace, or fin ; and two other , the one of (jrace , the other of Sin : That all thofe evils that are found in the nature of wan* fince hk fall , at Ignorance % Concupifcence , Contrariety between the better and meaner faculties of the Soul y difficulty to do well, andpronenefs to do evil9 were all natural , the conditions of pure nature, that u> of nature, asconfidered in itfelf, it would come forth from God : That thefe evils are $ot finfrd y nor had their beginnings from fin , that t he j were the con- fcquents (37<9 fecjuents of nature in the ft ate of creation , but re- trained by addition of fupernatural Grace , with* out which thj integrity of feature was fuS and perfeSl : Tkit men in the ft ate of pure nature , that is , as they might have been created of God in the in* tegrity of Nature , without addition of Grace , and in the eft ate of Original ftn > differ no otherwife , but as they that never had , and they that have loft rich and precious cleathing; fo that Original ftn is but the lofs of that , without which natures integri- ty may ftand : That no evils are brought in by the fall 9 but nature left to her ft If to feel that which was before , but not felt , nor difcerned while the addition ef Grace bettered nature : None of thefe errors , touching the rftate of mans creation, were the DoElrincs of the Church , but the private fancies and conceits of men* So likewife touching Original Sin H there were tlaAt taught , that it is not inhrtnt in ?ach parti" cxlar man born cf Adam, but that Adams perfon- $1 fin is imputed ontly : That the propagatisn of ftn is not general \ Mary being Cvxctivsd without Ori- ginal ftn : ThAt the pumjhment cf it is not any fenftbte fmart , or pefitive evil 9 but privative cmly\ and that therefore there is a thifd place s neither Htll , nor Heaven , named, Limbus Puerorum ; which is a place , whereas, feme thinly, they, who are condemned thither 9 though they be excluded from the Kingdom of Heaven \ and ad pofftbility of jver Ing thither , yet are in a Hate of natural hap- :s , and do enjoy the fwttt content of Sternal •\ Theft Pelagian Hereftzs were taught in the tsrch of God, but they were net the VoUrines ' the Church* being Condemned rejected and re- futed (177) fitted , as contrary to the CfoifiUn Verity , by ma- ny worthy members and guides of the Church : who a* they never received thefe parts of falfe DoQrine: So Uktwifi the* Church wherein they lived , neither knot* , nor approved that difiinttion and difference of venial and mortal fins , which the Romanift snow Teach , nor power of nature to do the works of the Law according to the fubfiance of the things com- manded 9 though not according to the intention ef the Law-giver to love God above all , and to do aUi* ons morally good , or not finful , without concurrence of fpccial Grace , nor eleftion and reprobation de - pending on theforefight of fomethingin us pofitive or privative ; nor merit of congruence and condignity • nor works of fupererogatien ; nor courfels of per- feftion , as they now teach ; nor jufiifcatien by perfection of inherent qualities ; nor uncertainty of Grace ; nor feven Sacraments properly fo named , nor local prefence ; nor Tranfubflantiationy nor or all manducation of the body of fchrift , nor real facrificing of it for the quicks and the dead : nor re- miffion of fins after this Life , nor tormenting of the fouls of men dying in the flate of Salvation in a part of HeH , hundreds of years , by Divels in cor- poral fire ( out of which , prayer Jhould deliver them) nor that the Saints hear our Prayers , know or art acquainted with our particular wants : nor the grofs idolatry in thofe times committed, and intolerable abufes found in the number , fafhion , and w&fhip of their images : nor their abfolution , as now they define it : nor treafure of the Church growing cut of the fuftrfiuity of Saints merits, not rewardable in tkem[elve*\ to be difpofed by the Pops far the fupplj of other mens wants to rtltafe thtm out out of Purgatory ly wa% of indulgence : nor the in- fallibility of the Popes judgement , and, plenitude of his power fuch and fo great that he may depo/e Trinces s and difpofe of their Crownt^ a«d demies, and that whatfoever he dc1* be may not be brought into order, or dtppfedby author it) -f the whole world in a general Council. Thefe are the errors which we condemne and our ad' verfaries maintain and defend : thefe we are allajfured were not the DoEtrines of that Church wherein our Fathers lived and dyed , though we do not deny, but they were taught by feme in that Church* All thefe we offer to prove to be error in matter of mr Chrifiian faith, and that feeing we could have peace no longer with our adverfaries , but by approving thefe impie- ties, we hadjuft caufe to divide cur felvesfrem them, or (to ffeall more properly ) tofuffer our fe Ives to be accurfed, anathematized^ and reje&ed by them, ra- ther then tofubferibe to fo many errors, andherefies , contrary to the Chrifiian, and Catholike verity. Where- (V9) WHcreas thePapifts have little elfe to fay to us , but onely to call ftill for a Catalogue of Profeflbrs to prove the fucceffive vifibility of our Church ; we require of them firft an anfwer to thofe Writings that have been extant fo long on this fub- jeft : tfptchlly Blihop V/ier defucceffione ^ Statu Ecclef and his anfwer to the Jefuits challenge ( De- fended by Matter Sing and Mafter Puttoc^) Dodor fields Treat, of the Church, efpeciaUy the Appen- dix to the third part ; Simon Birkbeckj Proteftants evidence: Dodor whites Way to the true Church Abbot zga\nfk>Hi/l.Illiricus his Catalogues tcftiurn ve- ritatu. Mornajs two Treatifes of the Church, and theMyftery of iniquity (to fay nothing of that of the fA&fyfohan* Lidii JValdenf. Nicol. Vignhr Ecclefiaft. HiBor. And the confeffions of your own Writers: Your after Pope *s£n&M Sylvius Hiftor. Bchem. and that commonly cited pafTage of ydUr inquifitor Rain- nerim , which I will ad joy n. Rainerim contr. Waldenj. cap 4. Inter omnes feElas qu& adhucfunt &fuerunt^ non eftpermciofior Ecc/efia quam ea Leoniftarumyidque tribus de caufis, 1 . Quia eft diuturnior : aliqpii enim dicunt quodduravit a tem- pore Silveftri : alii a tempore Afoftolorum. 2. Quia eft: gtmralior : fete enim nulla terra eft in qua hac fetta non [it. 3. £hria cum omnes aliaftSiaimmani0 tate Blafphemiarum in Deum audientibus horrorem in- ducant ; h quod coram omnibus jufie vivant, & bene omnia de Deo credent , & omnes articulos qui in 0«o) fywbolocontinentur : folummodo Romanam Ecclejiam bUfphzmant ct Cleram. That is £ Among all the Sefts that yet are and have been there is not a more pernicious to the Church then that of the Lyoniiis , and that for three caufes. i. Becaufeitis the more ancient (or of longer continuance) for fome fay that it hath endured from the time of Sihtficr • others from the time of the ApofUes. 2. Becaufe it is more general, for there ts fcarce any land in which this fed is not. 3. Becaufe, when all other feds do by theimmanity of their blafphemy bring horror into the hearers; this of the Lyonifts hath a great fliew of godiiriefs ; in that they live righteoufiy before all men , and they believe all things well concerning God, and all the articles that are contained in the Creed: onely they blafphem the Romane Church , and the Clergy. To this adde what I cited out of Cahhs tvA others before. Lailly, Give us fome tolerable anfwer to all that* voluminous evidence of your oppofitions,by Princes, Prelates, Divines and Lawyers, which Mich. Golda- fttis hath colle&ed and publtfhed, on his volnmes ds Menarche & confiitnt. Imperial. A P. U*l> m &S5 I APPENDIX. A Tranflation of Biihop Downames Catalogue of Popifh Errors, lib. 3. ^ Antichrifio cap. 7. To fat is fie the earnejl defires of fome of the un- learned y who would fain know wherein the 1 Papijls differ from us > that they may be the better fur mfhedagamfil them > and may the better underfiand thofe that under other Titles carry about their doctrines. BEcaufe I find many ig- norant perfons both un- acquainted with the Errors of the Papifis, and yet very defirous to know them , I have adventured to tranflatc a larger Catalogue of them, gathered by Biflhop George Do^name in hisBook written to prove the Pope Antichrift lib. 3. cap. 7. fag. 1S9.&C. though it cannot beexpe&ed that in fuch brief expreffi- ons y the true point of the Becaufemany of theft Errors are delivered onely bj particular T>ofl;ors , and all be not of a mind as to the fence , and f owe of the words may admit a to* lerahle and Orthodox meaning, 1 thought meet to adde thefe A- niwadverficns f to ac- quaint you in what fence we re)eU them. What I pafs by \W//,<- diflfe- difference , (hould iti all lie plain , before them that are unacquainted with the con- troverfies, yet becaufe I was refolved not to give you any fuch Catalogue of my own gathering ,■ aridkhew not where to find one fo large as rot-he number of errors, and brief as to theex- prellions, I give you this as I find it. out AninMdvcrfion % J leave upon them as it u here charged \ and alfo ; - * thi dife- re nee to lie plain. — Biftiop W (38j) Bifhop G.D.Cbap. 7. A Catalogue of the Errors of the Church of Rome. THe Errors of the Papifts are either about the Principles of Divinity or the parts of it. The principles of Theology &re the Holy Scrip turn : Here thePapifts have many errors. 1. They deny the HolyScripture which is of Divine infpiration to be the onely Rule, and Foundation * of 1. a 7%*tii% as the Faith. Authentic ke ftgn cf Gods Wi/l : For we all confefs that thrift and his A fifths arc the foundation of faith , as the Authorised chief reveahrs • and God himfelf onely as the principal efficient^ and Chrift the Mediator it U not of God. 2. See Radars* firfi 2. In the denying that o- centrcverjie. riginal righteoufoefs was na- tural to man before the fall (created after Gods Image in Righteoufnefs and holinefb. 3, A poffe mori , 3. In affirming *hat mor- anda poffe non mori tality was natural to man bc- whe not then Natu- fore the fall (which yet is ral : But a non poffe not from God the author of mori ,x or an attual nature.) * non mori Vcere to be the reward of obedience • and u now given by Chriji* And anon poffe non mori , or an attual death 7are the fruits of fin, 4,5.-' I would thej 4. In placing Paradifc would prove thisTra- where the waters of the dithn to be Apoftdical flood did not reach it (which yet covered all the earth,and were fifteen cubits higher then the higheft moun- tains.) 5. Forfcorb they would have that Paradife (of ien) yet untouched , thatitraay be a pleafent ha- bitation to Henoch and Elias , yet living in mortal where they place them as behind the fhgc , v may be ready toad: their parts in the fable (1*9) lJnthUtktj no more agree among them" J elves then with m. To the Article of creation is annexed the Article of providence. i . In this the Papifts erre, in making mans aftions not to depend on Gods Provi- dence i but on mans Free- will , which they make the abfolute Lord of ks own aftions. 2. And that they are not determined of God (accor- ding to whofe determinate Council things come to pafs AB. 2. -J0/&4. 280- but that God rather(who work- eth all according to the Council of his will) doth follow the determination of the will of man. 2. Saith Dave- nant, the pint of Pre- determination is a eentroverfee between the Dominicans and, fefuites , Schick Pro* tejiants have no mind to 'trouble themfelves with : Rut they that do are not of a mind in it, no more then thej 3 . And that he foreknows them from eternity on- ly in mans will. 4. Alfo in (hat they 'inter* pret the adjon of God as judge , puniftiing fin with fin , hardening men , giving them over to their lufts, and to the temptations of Satan, to be naked permiffion fas if the judge or Magiftrate might not deliver a male- faftor to the hangman, as executioner of his judge- ment to be puniflied j but 4, God doth net caufe fin even Vehen it is a punijhment ; but onely permilttth it ; "But by fuck a fermijfiofr m proceed* eth from a pHnifbing intention, ^ndfe he Jtifilj ^ithholdeth his grace , and giveth men over to the poorer ffihe devil&their wn wfcs Cc 3 fhould (390) ftiould not oncly permit him to be punifhed1, that is, not hinder it. § 3. Of Redemption. INtheDo&rine of Redemption and Salvation we muftconfider. j. Whence we are redeemed , to wit from fin, and a ftate of obftinaey 2. By whom, to wit, 6y Chrift, who is the author and foundation of our Salvation. 3. By what means the benefit of Redemption and Salvation is applyed to us : where, of the Covenant of God, thcMiniftry of the Word and Sacraments. 4. The effefts of Gods Grace in Chrift, or the degrees of Salvation , which are fruits of the Merits of Chrift applyed to us. In all thefe the Papiftsdo filthily erre; for as to fin (which interceded) between the works of Creati- on and Redemption , as a medium) they teach. 1 . That the blefled Virgin was free from all fin 0- riginal and a) •" oncly as a ftript man , and a naked man. - 6. Others would have iE to be a very fraall fin,and lefs then any venial fin; and therefore necdeth no repentance ; nor ispunifhcd with pain of fenfe, but onely with pain of lofs. 7. Others deny original fin to be properly fin, or that any thing is found in infants that properly hath the nature of fin. 8. Metaphors are 8. That we are not by na- mt ufua/ly the fittefi ture dead in fin but fick : nor terms to $ ate contro- do they acknowledge in us an verftes in. We have impotency to fpiritual good, virions habits and the but a difficulty :nor thatFree- abfcence of Rectifying will to fpiritual good is whol- habits : call this what ly taken from us , but hind- you Will. Free mil is red and tyed. either Phyfical (and that all men horve as they are men) or moral ; which u i,Tobe free from a legal refiraint from good (and this all have) or to be free from vicious Habit j : and this onelj the fan&'tfcd have \ and that but in part. 9. It is the wofi no- 9. That men are naturally ble contr over fie among inclined to love God above the Schoolemen : and all. Thomifis , and the greatefi part feem rather nerre on the other extream: and the Scotifis that hold this to rettifie them , do give fuch explications of their dolhine , as are well Worth eur ftttdy , as you may fee in Rada's firfi contro- verjie. 1 o. CMans Will is 10, They attribute to man the Ruler of it f elf un- a will that is the Ruler and derGod: and its fully Lord of it felf : fuch asbc- free from that neceffty longeth to no creature : Yea they Cm) they fay that the will of man is as free from Necefiity as the Will of God. ii. They deny the will of the unregenerate to be a fervant. 12. They deny alfo that all the worlft of the uaregeratc are fins : or that the unrege- nerate fin when they do the works that are commanded. which is contrary to its natural ejjential Li- bertj. ii It is a willful fervant onely. 12. The matter of their works u oft good i but becaufe their end. and manner is alwayet wrong , therefore they fin in alt : for bonum eft ex caufis integris. 13. The will is free and not free i^feveral fences. 1. It is not free from Gods Govern- ment. 2. Nor from its natural inclination to good in general; and therefore cannot will e- vilds evil. For thefe were but flavery. 3. Nor is it free from the moral forceof a darke and twing]udg~ ment. 4. Nor from temptations. $. Nor from its own vicious diff option^ till grace free it. But its free \ 1. From any natural determination to evil , or to un- known good in particular. 2 And free from coaUion or violence. 3 . And from a phyfical efficient immediate exterior determiner 9%n ordinary natural \or fmful a&i* ens. 4. And its free from fmful habites in that mea- sure as it isfanffified. 14. That there is in mans 14. No guefiionbfit freewill, not onely a pofti- the will is potentia bility or paliive power , but a&iva naturalis, or alfo 1 3. They fay that before all grace a man hath freewill not onely to works natural and moral, but alfo to works of piety , and fupergatu- ral. (594) : hath fucfo an attive alfoan aftiYC power tofpiri power : which is im- tural works. ployed in fpirituals Vvben it is inclined by a habit thereto ; but till then mil not att fpiritually : not becau/e the natural faculty is abfent , but btcaufe the inclination without which it will not aU , is abfent • 1 5 . No doubt but un- 1 5 . That the unregenerate der the common grace can prepare and difpofe of Chrift , an nnre- themfelves to juftificacion. venerate man may do that which hefballbe more difpofed to converfion by then elf* he would have been : as our practical Divines all teach , and we are fain daily to preach it to our peo* pie : or elfe ^ejhall make but til workycith them. 16. many by con- 16. That a wicke^ man by gruous merit do mean doing his bell may congru- no more then the fore- ouily merit the grace of faid Aptitude compara* juftificacion. tive to others. 17. This alfo fame 17. God neceffarily gi- V rot efl ants hold: But veth grace to him that doth no wicked man ever hisbeft. did hub eft. 18. There u a com- 18. That the efficacy of mon grace whofeeffica* preventing grace dependeth cy is laid on the will , on the freedome of the will. as Adams was ; And a fpecial which (hall infallibly bote and change the will. 19. A f elf -contra- > 19; That every tranfgref- diBionxto defcrve par- greffion of the Law ( which don. yet pronounceth every man accurfed accnrfcd that continueth not in all things commanded in the Law to do them) dcfervcth not death : Bat that there are many fins of themfelves, and of their own nature venial , and defcrving pardon. 20. That charity is not 20. Some fin is but violated by venial flns , and confequentiallj again [i that they are not aginftGods love ; and other fin di- precepts, but befides them. reQlj , but all is a- gdinft Gods Laws. 21. That the blood of ?i« Who ever de*> Chrift is not neceflary to nyeth that fin maj be wafti thera away , but that done% away Vvithent they may be done away by Chrifis blood doth Holy Water, knocking the know little of fin or breft, Epifcopal benedi&ion, Chrift* and other ridiculous means. 22. That fin is called mor- 22. Mortal fin , tal becaufe it brings death ly'As to merit, is all upon the foul, that is, de- fin\ 2. As to fignifi. priveth it of Gods grace. cation , fjmptomati* cally it is all fin in- confifientwith regeneration. 3. Effc&ually it is all that eventually kills : which is in feveral degrees and forts. 23. And they teach that by every mortal fin, grace is loft and charity expe&oratcd. 24. That this mortal fin is any that (hall obtain the wills confent , though the a& be not per- formed. 25 . That the fins of the regenerate are in the fame fence mortal, even thofe committed of ignorance and infimity. 26. And that it is fucb a 26. O unmerciful mortal fin to neglect or not men .1 that will dfgfo ob- 00, many fits then to en- obferve any Eccleiiaftical trap foor fouls in law, or tradition of the Ro- nton al fin. mane Church. 27*28. Many of , -27. That the fin againfi the ancients alfo were the Holy Ghoft is not unpar- of this mind : of which donable. 1 fee my Treat, againft infidelity Tart. 1. 28. Nor that its impofllble for him that commits that fin to* be renewed by Repentance. § 4. Of Chrift. IN Chrift are confiderable, 1. His Perfon, 2. His Office. About his Perion he crreth who thinks not rightly of his Godhead, or of his Manhood, 1. About Chrifts Godhead thofe Papifts erre that deny Chrift to be eLylfam God of himfelf, for thats as much as to deny him to be Jehovah. About the Humane Nature , both Soul and Body they erre. 2. Of this fee the 2. For they deny that the writings between Dr. foul of Chrift did incrcafein Hammond and Mr. wifdom and grace ( which f earns : many School- Luke exprefly affirmeth ) men fay otherwife. -L#k: 2. 52. ;, Or that he was ignorant of the day and hour of thelaft judgement (which yet himfelf confeffeth? CMat. 13. 32.) 4. They fecm to give him a phantaftick body that neither confifteth of dimenfions,, nor occupieth a place, which when he was born did not open the wombe 09?) wombc of his mother , and when he rofe did pene- trate the ftone of the fepulchre , and when he infli- tuted his Supper, lay hid under the Species of Bread and Wine. 5 .Yea that they mayftablifli that monftrous opinion of Tranfubftantiation,they feign him to have a body that can neither be ken, nor felt, nor circumfcribed, that is in innumerable places at once : which is not made of the fubftance of the bJcfied Virgin , but of bread (as wine of that water, fob. i. 9.) and which fuftaineth the accidents of bread ( as their fubjeft) For they can devife no other fubjeft after the tran- fubftantiation of the bread : Whence it follows, that they aye no more accidents of bread but of Chrifts body. 6. And as to Chrifts 6,7. Saints on earth Office,they teach that Chrift mnft intercede tinder is Mediator onely according Chrift for others , ej- to his humane nature. pecullj Paftors rphofe 7. They deny Chrift to office it is. And w>e be the onely Mediator of in- ♦ may fray them to pray terceffion but joyn with him for m : But not the Angels and Saints. Saints departed. 8. They teach that we muft pray to Saints to in- tercede for us. 9. That we are heard by the Saints fufFrages and Merits. 10. They deny Chrift to 10. AH P afters ef be the onely Prophet, whofe the Church ; do hold voice onely muft be heard , their office in a fubor- fpiritual King , and Pricfl of dination to Chrifts theNewTeftament. 'Prophetical Office : And many a Prophet there hath been under Chrifi : But none tht.t hath the But Office of being the univerfal infallible Teacher of the Church at the Tope would be. But they make the Pope alfo the chief Prophet and Paftor , King and Monarch , and Prieft. Whence it follows that the Pope is not oneiy oppoiied to Chriit as his adverfary i but as his Rival. ii. A 11 Christians ix. And they make other are Priefts to God , to faerificing Priefts alfo of the offer up fpiritual fa- New Teftament, having an orifice, metaphorically external vifible Priefthood , fo called : And Paftors and that according to the or- offer up Chrtft Kepre- der of Melchizedecl^ : whofe fentatively, Comme- office it is to facrifice Chrift moratively and Sacra- again and offer him to his Fa- mentally , but not re- ther. ally. The name Priefi is not worth contending a* bout. 1 2. That the (unchangeable) Priefthdod of Chrift the eternal Prieft , is made eternal by the fuccefiipn of fuch Priefts. 13. That an Eternal Priefthood requireth an E- ternal Sacrifice , but is not Eternal, unlefs it be of- ten facrificed. 14. That this Eternal facrifice can be nothing elfe but the facrifice of the mafs. 15. No doubt but 15. That Chrift (who is Chrift merited the glo- God over all biefledfore- Mfyingof 'his ownhw vei ) did merit for himfelf, mane nature »: *But *B ellarm.de Chrift olit'yxap**). that was but confequential to his meriting for us. 16. Some of them 16. That Chrifts merits prvfefs that bf merit , are not the onely meritori- thej mean but Re- ous caufe of falvation ; But they (3*9) they hope to be favcd by wardablenefs by pro- their own and other mens mife: which we main- merits. tain. § 5. Of the eutward means. LEt us now come to the external means, to wit , Gods Covenant, and the adminiftrationofthe Covenant in the Miniftry of the word and Sacra- ments. The Covenant is twofold, 1 . Of works , or the Law. 2. Of Grace, ortheGofpel. 1. Thefe two the Papifts 1. Its no Covenant do almoft confound : for cf works in Pauls fence y they plainly make theGofpel or as Mofes Law wot; a Covenant of works , and Hut humane ABions call it the new Law , which are its condition. And prefcribes a more perfe A o- as all the Ancient* ufe bedience then the Law it felf, to call it the new Law, for the obtaining of juftifi* fo its juftlj , feeing cation and Salvation. Chrifi i* the King of the Church and it hath the nature of a Law. But the fromife is the chief fart : and the moral precepts prefcribe no other ohedi* ence then they did before in nature : *But Pofitives are added. 2. That faith is ftirrcd up, and fo fins forgiven by the preaching of the word,they fay is a fiftion of the Hereticks of our Times, 3. That the Sacraments 3. In this thej have are not feals of the pro- fome new friends a* mifcsor Covenant of God , mongpurfelves. nor (4oo) nor inftitutecf ro confirm the promifc. 4. Sofayfome An- abaptij fcr. 5. .Iwonldwecmld fee thU in the fruits andproof. But de o- pere operato tbej are not themfelv.es. agreed of the fence. 4. That Circumcifion was a feal of the Righteoufnefs of faith onely to Abraham. 5. . That Sacraments of the new Law da confer grace that makes us acceptable, or juftifying Grace, ex operc 0* perato% i. e. upon that very account , becaufe the exter- nal Sacrament is adminiftred, if they put not the Bar of mortal fin. 6. That grace is contained in the Sacraments as in a veffel, nay that the Sacraments are Phyficalinftru- raental caufes of Grace, and that they do work ho* linefs by a power put into them by God , as the heat of the fire is the caufe of the burning of the wood. 7. That there is neceffart- ly required the intention of the Adminiftrator to the truth of the Scramcnt , as leaft of doing what the doing Church docs. 7. His real intenti- on u necejfarj to make it * lawful adminiftr a- tion 04 to himfelf, but not to others : but his feemingintentionjrfW their own feeming in- tention isneceffary to the external being of the Sacra* went that it be no nullity : And the 'receivers real intention is neceffary to the effetts and well being of it to himfelf. 8. That there are feven Sacraments of the new Co- venant inftituted by that,nei, ther fewer nor more, It is not the name of a Sacrament that We contend about s but the nature and. defini- tion. 9. That (4°0 0. That io the Sacraments of Baptifm , Confirmation, and Order tfiere is imprinted in the Soul by God a Cha- racter or certain fpriricual and indeleble fign or rnarke, fo that they cannot be re-ite- rated-: In the other Sacra- ments there is oncly an orna- ment or drefs imprinted in (lead of a Charafter or io. That the obfervacion of the Ceremonies which they ufe in the Adminiftrati- on of Sacrafflfnts ( though invented by themfelves) through will-worfliip is meritorious and part of Di- vine worfhip. 9, They k^cW not Vohat to make of this Character thtmfelves many Schoolmen m#ke it to be but a Relati- on : And we confefs that B/iptijw ^Ordina- tion jkC* do fix hs in a Relation to God. mark. lO.They that thinly it their duty to ferve God by fitch inventi- ons , -will eajiij be drawn t§Winkj*o Vcell of their invented Work*. § 6. Of 'Baptifm. T Hat all Infants before are pofTcffcdby the Divel. 2. They grant a power to women (even fueh as are ua- baptized therafclvcsj to bap- tize.) 3. That Baptifm is not on- ly neeeffary , by neceffity of 1. My nature nil are Satans captives ywhich exorcifm will not deli- ver mfrom. 2. This error ( in cafe of Neceffity ) fame ancients and Councils held. 3 . Some of them ex* cept thofe thai have D i pre the tot um baptifmi : tfane can be javed (401) precept (which we confefs) but alfo to be limply neceffa- ry to falvation by neceflity of means : for none can be faved without Baptifm. 4. That the efficacy of Baptifm does not extend it felf to the future , but one- ly to that which is paft. 'without the thing fig" mfiedin 'Baptifm : but they maj without the ^.There u aground tyorkjaid for the par- don of future fins \but no aElxal pardon of them. 5. That the laver of Regeneration is not profitable tothofethat fall after Baptifm. 6. If the Pope were 6. That* there is in Bap- tifm a iiient and implicite oath of obedience to the Pope. 7. That no fin remaines or is left in the Baptized : for fin is wholly taken ivtAy by Baptifme , not onely fo that it is not imputed , biK being. 8, That Baptifme alfo does confer grace to the Baptized extpere operate by the work done, by which h^istruely and formally juilified. 9. In many things 9. TL \t the Baptifm of they agree, andin ma- John was noc the fame Sacra- ment , nor had it the fame force and efficacy with the Baptifme which is inftitiued by Chrift ; as if Chrift were the head of the Church we mufi needs be bap' ti^ed into him. 7. Hcnrf comes it then to appear in *B, as : d$ thej come to fo as that has no o. what goes with it in mofi , before they ccmetoa*e. tiy thej differ were all corfifs : Of h fee Z;uichy oft av;-df\ ( A°\ ) not jieAuthor of fufo/$ Baptifrne. lJPThat after the Bap- lo.Srthe Antler.ts tifm of fohn they muft needs thought „ and I thinks receive the Biprifme c^ ttthefaftflwaj, Chrift. n.ThattheBellsaretobe 11,12. There s 'no Baptized by the Bifhops or end of humane inven- Suffragans with a foleam tions when once wen Rite. depart from the Scri* 12. They life atfd urge piure fuffickncj and fome unprofitable and faper- give Way to their own ftitious Ceremonies as if they felf conceit ednefs and were neceflary both before arrogancy. Baptifm and after. For, 1. The Baptized are figned with thefigaof the Crofs on the forehead, on the breft , on the eyes, on the ears, onthenofe, and on the mouth; that all the fenfes of the body may be guarded with this fign; for by vertue of t\\is figne, are the Sacraments compleated, and the Divels ftratagems fruftrated. 2. They give them hallowed Salt to eat, that be- ing feafoned with wifdom , they might be free front the ftink of fin ; and may not putrifie again. 3. They play the Conjurers about little children* as if they were fuch as were pulled out of the hands of the Divel, and they blow the wicked fpirit out by their breath, That one fpirit may be driven out with another. 4. They touch their neftrils and ears with fpitle^ * faying, Ephata, be opened. 5. They anoint them with confecrated oile in the breaft, that they may be fortified againft the adver- sary, and he may not be able to perfwade them unto unclean and hurtful things : They anoint them alfo D d 2 ' between w (404) t* between the (houldcrs, that they may receive fb^gth to bear the Lords burden. After Baptifm, they anoint the top of the head of him who is newly Baptized with Crifme or Oyle. After this facred Un&ionthey cover his head with a holy veil, that he may know himfelf to en joy a King- ly and Prieftly Diademe. They give him a lighted Taper, that he may be taught thereby to fulfill that Evangelical command, So let jour light fhine^ &c § 7. Of Confirmation. 1 .^T^HE Sacrament of Confirmation is more wor- JL thy then the Sacrament of Baptifm, for as it is done by greater Priefts (t/;VBiftiop») which can- not be done by lefs, foalfoitis to be had and held with greater veneration and reverence. 2. That Confirmation does excel Baptifm in re- gard of its effeding grace to well doing. %* That the Sacrament of Confirmation does conkr Grace making us acceptable , ex of ere operato, 4nd indeed more then Baptifm does 4. In which the fulnefs of the Holy Ghoft is con- ferred, viz,, ex open operate. 5 The matter of this Sacrament is Chrifme, or unftion, which they call the Chrifme oi Sajva- vation. 6. That by this holy Chrifme made of Oyle and Balforn , and fmeered on the forehead in form of £ Crofs , the fevenfold Spirit of Grace is given. 7. For that the holy Spirit is given to us by Oylc, as it was given to the Apoftles in the form of fire. 8. That (405) 8. ThathewillncvcrbeaChriftian, that is not by. Epifcopal Confirmation Chrifmated. 9 Inftead of Impofition of hands , the Bifho.p, gives him that is confirmed a boxe on tbeeare, to confirm him forfooth , and to drive away the Divel. § 8. Of tkeSacharifi. i, TN the Sacrament of the Eucharift they teach JL and urge the corporal prefence of the flefli of Chrift. As if that Sacrament were inftituted to nourifti bodies and not fouls. 2.And that the body and blood of Chrift is made re- ally prefenc in the Sacrament byTranfubftantiation,or convcrfion of the whole fubftance of the bread iqto the very body of Chrift , and of the whole fubftance of the wine into his very blood. 3. That this Tranfubftantiation is made by reciting the Sacramental words, Uqc eft corfmmwm^ This is my body. And therefore they call thefc operative words. 4. That thefe words are to be muttered with a low murmuring : as if Chrift had fpoken them Ma- gically toinchant the Bread, and not to inftrufthis Difciples. 5. Thus they expound them, This ( I e. under thefe figures) is my body, and yet they urge the lit* teral fence, or ?* t*?*r. 6. That the body of Chrift is made of the Bread in the Eucharift as Wine was made of water. Dd 3 7. And (4o5) 7. And yet that the Priefts when they make the Body of Chrift of the Bread, do not produce it (04 feme will have it) but do change the fubftancc of the Bread into the very pre exifting body. 8. That after the words of confecration , the meer accidents, and indeed all the accidents of the bread and wine do remaia. 9. That not fo much as the firft matter doth re- main after the change of the bread. ra That the fubitance of the bread is confumed andceafeth to be and yet is not anihilated. 11. That the fubftance of the bread ceafing, the fubftance of the body of Chrift fucceeds, and is con- tained under the accidents of the bread. 12. That thofe accidents are not in any fubje&t nor do they fubfift of themfelves , but are up- held by God after a fiipernacural manner. 13. That they are in fomewhat elfe, but do not in •♦ herein it. 14. That the body of Chrift does remain in the hoft , as long as the accidents of bread remain un- corrupted. 15. That as long as the body of Chrift is in the hoft, It is accompanied with Angels. 1 6. That in the corruption of the fpecie?, there is matter fubftituted by God, in that veryinffynt in which thofe fpecies ceafe to be, and in which fome- thing elfe is Generated. 17. That the fubjeft of thefe Accidents is quanti- ty , which alfo it, felf is an accident , and which they feign to fubfift without a quantum that hath di • menfions. 18. That the Elements of the Sacrament of the I arift do not nourifh if taken in a great quantity, with- (4&?> without a Divine Miracle . And therefore neither do they MHriJbthe mice that take a [mull quantity without 0 miracle. 19. But as they take .away the fubftancc of the < Bread and Wine , and lo with' that the fubftanceof the Sacrament : fo they rob die Body of Chrift of almoft aii the effential properties of a true body by this i ;f Tranfubftantiation. 20." And as they feign the Accidents of bread in the Sacrament without the fubftancc of it • fothcy mnft needs feign the fubftance of Chrifts body with- out the Accidents of it. 21. Many do teach the prefence of Chrifts b(jdy., affirming that one and the fame body of Chrift undi- vided does exift uponinnumrncrabie Altars, and eve- ry where whole. 22. That the body of Chrift being in many places at once, and yet not in the fpace between , is not difcontinuedordividedfrom it felf in refpeft of its proper fubftancc 'or quantity, but only is divided from it felf in refpeft of place. 23. That one and the fame body of Chrift be- ing in heaven and on earth, yea in innumerable places on ear*!i at once is indeed vifible and palpable in hea- ven, but on earth invifible, and beyond all our fen- ks : There it is limited and circumfcribed; here tis unlimited, thereit has its Dimenfions, here tis free from all dimensions. 24. Moreover they teach an Oral and Capernaiti- cal Manducatioh of the flefh of Chrift, for they fay the body of Chrift in the Eucharift is really and fen* fually touched , broken, and eaten. 25. Yea that wicked men receiving- the Sa- crament of the Altar , do chew the body of Dd 4 Chrift, Chrift , and break it with their Teeth. 26. And upon the fame account , is the very body of Chrift devoured by Mice and Doggs,if they chance to eat the hoft, 27. By reafonof this Myftery of Tranfubftanti- ation, they call the Sacrament or confecrated hoft , their Lordan&God. 28. That theMafs Prieft when he makes the S?cra« meut, or (as they themfelves fpeak) the Body of Chrift, he is the Maker of his Maker. 29. The Prieft does adore the confecrated Hoft 5 and does offer it to others by lifting it up to be ado- 30. And for the fame end they keep it and carry it in folemn Proceilion , that it may be publikcly a- dored. 31. That the Eucharift when it is carryed to the fick is to be adored by all thofe that meet it,thofe that do adore it are to have indulgences, thofe that don't #dore it are to be counted Hereticks , and are to be perfecuted with fire and fvvord. 32. By this Bread- worftiip they commit great idolatry ^ whilft that they adore a peice of Bread , with the worfliip of LatrU, which is oneiy due to God. 3 3 . In honor of this Breaden-God they celebrate thefeaft of the body of Chrift. 34. Although they confefs Chrift did adminifter this venerable Sacrament with both Elements of Bread and Wine, and though they acknowledge this Sacrament was received of the faithful in the Primi- tive Church with both Elements : Yet they deter- mine that it is to be communicated to the Laity in. anejrindor Element oneiy , and forbid the Priefts gtv- (4°?) ingit to the people in both kinds, upon pain of ex- communication. 35,. They teach that whole Chrift is in either of the Elements , and that the wholp Nature of the Sacraipent is to be found in one of them, neither is any more profit reaped from communion in both kinds then in one. 36. Nay that he gets more who communicates in one, in obedience to the Church, then he that communicates in both without that huge fruit of 0- bedience. 37. But this taking away of the Cup from the peo- ple may feem a fmall matter ; for it is done but once. every year, at which time the Sacrament is given to the people : For in all the reft of the MafTes which are continual and daily , they deprive both the people and the Clergy that do not confecrate it of both kinds. For in private Maffes it is held forth to be feen by the people and Clergy , and to be adored, not to be received but onely by the Prieft that makes it. 38. They urge a mixture 38. 7 'his the ant i- of Water with the Wine in tnt Church ufed^nd I the Cup as moft nccefTary. fhould net refufe it ei- ther way. 39. And theyafTert that the Body of the Lord cannot be rightly taken , but of thofe that faft. 40. They have converted the Sacrament of the Eucharift by which God communicates Chrift f o us, into a real Sacrifice in which they do offer up Chrift to God. 41. Alfo the Table into an Altar and the admini- ftraror of the Sacrament into a Prieft after the order of Mekhizjtdeki 42. They 42. They fay th;s new Sacrificing is required J that Chrifts Body may begin to be an obla- tion. - 43. That Chrift in thelaft Supper did offer his body and blood m both kinds of Bread and Wine, to God tfae Father as an oblation. 44. That Chrift did once offer up himfclf for us upon the Crofs5in the Mafs often by the hands of the Prieib. 45. That tis one and the fame facrifice which is done in the Mafs , and which is offered on the Crofs, one- ly they differ in the manner of oblation being with- out blood. 46. Every Mafs Prieft offering Chrift to God the Father , prayes God to accept that Sacrifice, and to command that it may be carried by the hands of an Angel unto the high Altar of God. 47. And therefore they make the Prieft Mediator between God and Chrift. m^ 48. The Prieft in offering that Sacrifice to God for thers, is a Mediator between God and the men for whom he celebrates the fcfafs. 49. That Chrift, whenhefaid in the Supper, "Dq this y commanded the Apoftles and their Succeffors , that they fhouid Sacrifice him and offer him up to God the Father- 50. That by the fame words Chrift did appoint his Apoftles to be Priefts. 51. That one never to be repeated offering of Chrift , by which he hath confecrated thofe that are fanftified for ever , They do offer thoufands al- moft infinite times, 52. Nei- (4») 52. Neither do they do it onely at divers times and in divcr9 places , but in the fame Temple they celebrate divers Maffes at divers Altars. 53. They alfo celebrate Ma(% (i e they offer Cbrifthirafelf to God) for the honor of the Saints, to obtain their interceffion with God. 54. That the facrifice of the Mafs,which they con- fefs is without Blood t istruely propitiatory for the living and for the dead. 55. That the fame facrifice is impetratory not on- ly of Spiritual but Temporal blcffings: hence they are wont to celebrate Mafs, i. e. offer Chrift to God, for the obtaining of health, for defence, foraprof- perous journey , for vidory in war, and all ofber fuch Temporal benefits ; yea for Hor fes and Hoggs, &c. 56. By the MafSj which being hired they are wont to celebrate for others : They fay,they can ap- ply to them the vertue of Chrifts death to take away their fins, and to obtain all manner of bene- fits. 57. By Maffes are fouls delivered out of Purga- tory. 58. To conclude, They have moft filthily pollu- ted the Sacrament of the Eucharift with a multitude of foolifh Ceremonies, which were too long to re- hearfe; And yet in the obfervation of them they place the worfhip of God, and merited urge them as moft necefTary , and not to be omitted without rjiortalfin. § 9. C41*; § 9' Of their Sacrament of Penance. i. The word (Sa- crament) is not fit matter for much (on- nation. 2» There isfome dif- ference in the terminus a quo attd&d quem as the Law dijfercth: but not fnch as to make one a Sacrament anh the other none. Publike pr&fejfion of Repentance for open fcandalous fins , is a needful dutyy fin fully negleUed by us, as it ps brought to a Sacra- ment and ceremony With them. 3 . This is a cer- tain truth : but that freewill is enabled and moved by Gods grace. 4. CMany of them by merit mean but that ex pado, it is the qualification of thefe to vat ion . 1. *np flat Repentance QPe- A nance^is a Sacrament properly fo called. 2. That Repentance in the New Teftament is ano- ther thing from that wkiA was in the old, and alfo that in the new Teftament which is after Baptifme is a- nother thing from that which is before : For that Repentance which is in the Old Teftament , or before Baptifra , is not a Sacra- ment. That faying of Lu- ther is herefie, A new Life is thebeft Penance. 3. They fay contrition is an Aft of the Will, done by the power of Freewill , or a forrow voluntarily affum- ed. 4. That contrition does deferve forgivenefs of fins. whom God hath promt fed Sal* 5,6,7, (4«3> 5. That its neceffary to 5, 6, 7,&c. Jnfiy- juftifkation thatfin9 all and ing from their inven- cvery one (as far as may be) ted way of Ccrfeffxn, be confefTcd to thePrieftas we* have Umexiably to a judge. wronged the fouls of men , by difufing fa much 4U Chrijl hath made our duty and neceffary, And the ancient Churches ufed, and we mttfi ufe before it will be well with hs. 6. That this confeffion i* meritorious of remiffi- on of the fault, the leffening of the punrlhment , the opening of Paradife , and of confidence of falva- vation. 7. Without Sacramental (which they call Auri- cular) Confeffion or the vow of it , fins cannot be forgiven. , 8. That fin which was declared under the Seal of Confeffion is by no meanes to be difclofed (though it were the Crime of Treafon or Rebel- lion. 9. By the doftrine of fa- 9, 10. Some of them tisfa&ion, they do facrilegi* by fatufying god , oufly , and blafpheraoufly wean no more then the derogate from the fatisfa fti- anfwering of hu wiB9 on of Chrift. concerning f$ much of dnty or fftjftring a* he hath laid upon us* But others worfe. io They teach indeed the fatisfadion ofChrift to be full for all , both in refpeft of the fault and al- (o the punifhment • but by way of fufficiency ; not by way of efficiency; but fatisfa&ion by way of fuffi- ciency onely deferves not the name of fatisfa&ion. 11. They fay the fault be* 11. The everlafi* ing remitted , there remains ing punifhment being a (4M) remitted, the temporal a debt of punifhment to be funifhwcnt of God by paid, for which fatisfaftion the Magifirate, or by muft be made. fatherly cajiigaHon may remain. And fart of it doth remain on us all For he chafieneth whom he loveth. 12. Thatrfacisfa&ion is required for thecompen- fation of the wrong done to God , and the fatisfying of divine juflice. 13. That a juftifledman may truely and properly make fatisfation , not onely to the Church, but even to God himfelf, namely for the guilt of punifh- ment ; which remains to be expiated after the fault is remitted. 14. That it is unbecoming Divine Clemency to re- mit fin without our own fatisfaftion. Three waves \\*c are faidtofatkfe the Lord. 1.5. As fatufjipg 15. Firft, By patiently God y fgnifieth but a bearing the fcourges andpu- fine ere doing our duty, nifhments laid on us by God. we may be [aid to fa ti*fie him : Bm to make him reparation for the wrong we have done him, or fat & fie hi* Law by perfetl obedi- ence, or hU Vindictive f#ftice by our fufferings here, U impoffibh. 16. Secondly, By voluntary undertaking laborious works. 17. Thirdly, By undergoing the punifhmentim- pofed bv the difcrecion of the Prieft. 1 8 . Chafiifcment is 18. That all the afflictions a. true and proper f]??~ of the faithful are to be ac- cies of punifhment a* . co#ttwd for true and proper greed on. puni(hfnents of fin, i9.Tha£ (4*5) i9- That the calamities , which are laid upon the juft after converfion, are to be born in fome fence to compenfate their offence. 20. That it is not fuffici- 20f 2%%&c. As fa* ent that we repent except we tisfjing God u but alfo fatisfie God by painful f leafing him , all our and fatisfa&ory works. duties fatisfie. 21. Amongft thofe painful works, they reckon their Whippings of themfelves, and Pilgrimages unto the places of the Saints,^. 21. Prayer they reckon 22. Prayer and a amongft penal works. holy life u a delight and great benefit *y but accidentally may be treublefomc fo far as we are carnal, and therefore requirethfome felfdenyaL 2 3 . Fading alfo and Almes deeds they teach to be fatisfadory works. 24. That one man may ft- 24. One wan may ttsfie for another, but lefs do a duty that emdue- fuffering is required of him eth to another -s fpiritu- that fatisfies for another. al good, but not by me' rit. 25. That the fatisfaftory and penal works of the Saints may be communicated and applyed to o- thers. 26. That the vertuc of 26. The Right ufe Chrifts l^pod is applyed to of Abfo[utiQn apply us by the Pryfts abfolution. eth Chrifts blood de- claratively. And is too much laid by in mojl Churches. 27. That by vertue of the Priefts abfolution', eternal punifhment is turned into temporal , which alfo the Pricft impofes according to his difcretion. 28. That (4i6) 28. That the words of abfolution arc not onely a fign but alfo a caufe of remiffion of fin , or that they do effect juftificatiomfor by the Priefts abfoluti- on is fin driven away removed ex of en operato as a cloud by the wind. 29. That a man cannot be reconciled to God without a Sacramental abfolution. 30. That Sacerdotal abfolution hath that force of juftifying ; becaufe many defiring reconciliation and believing in Chrift are damned, onely becaufe they died before they could be abfolved by a Prieft : or (as they otherwife exprefs their meaning ) do perifh for that onely they could not have a reconciling Prieft, 3 1 . To Papal abfolution we refer the Jubilees and their fale of indulgences. 32. Alfo in the year of Jubilee (which they have reduced from the hundredth to the fiftyeth , and thence to the twenty fifth) they promife full re* mifiion of all fins to thofe that vifit the Temples of Teter and Tanl, and the Lateran Church. 33. They affcrt that there is a treafureof over- flowing fatisfadions in the Church not onely of Chrift, but alfo of the Saints which the Pope by in- dulgences can apply both to the living and dead , by which they are delivered from the guilt of punifli- ment before God. 34. That #fouls are freed from Purgatory by in- dulgence?. 3,5. They confefs there is no need to adde the fatis- fe&ion of the Saints to the fatisfadion of Chrift (which they cannot deny to be" infinite and alwayes overflowing) yet they (to whom gain is godlinefs) thiak meet to add them. 36. Net/ f41>) 36. Neither do they beftow indulgences for a few dayes or years, but for many thouiands of years : from whence it is raanifeft they do but maki a jeft of the Article of the day of judgement which according to their own opinion will put an end to Purgatory , and all temporal punifhments. 37. To conclude in all their Sacramental penance they make no mention of faith at all, and of Chrift fcarce any. 38. For Repentance (Penance) which they will have to be a plank after '(hip wrack' they fay confifls (on the penicents part) in contrition ; auricular con- feffion,and fatisfa&ion < on the Prieits part in Sacra- mental abfolution , as the aft of a Judge , vvhofc words are, Idoablblvetheefromall thy fins in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghoft. 59. That that is a pious prayer which fome are wont to ufe in Monafteries after abfolution given for fin : let the merit of tfie pailion of our Lord Jefus Chrift , and the blefled Virgin LMarj , and of all Saints, the Merit of Order, and the burthen of Rc« ligion, thehiimility of Confefiion, the contrition of heart, the good wotks which thou haft done, and wilt do for the love of our Lord Jefus Chrift, be- ftead thee for remiffion of fin, and increafe of me- rit and grace, and for the reward of Eternal Life, Amen. EV §10, (4i3) § 10. Of extreamVnttion* i , fTpHat the extrearn Unftion is truely and pro- X perly a Sacrament of the New Teftameat,and indeed an ordinary one, :• That this Sacrament doth confer grace, mak- ing us acceptable ex epere opcrato : doth reftorc health to the lick , and blot out fins if any re- mains 3 . That by this Un&ion (which they apply to the eyes, to the ears, to the mouth, to theloynes, and to the hands) God doth grant to the lick whatfoever is wanting by that fault of the fences. 4. That by this Sacrament a man may fome- times be faved , who (hould otherwife plainly be damned. 1. That Ordination is truely and properly a Sa- crament of the new Law , conferring to the Or- dained Grace making him acceptable ex epere ope- rato. . 2. There are feven,or rather eight Sacraments of Order,all whieh are truely, or properly called Sacra- ments, viz. The Oit'rrox Porters, of Readers, of Exorfifts,of Servitors of Sub-Deacons, of Deacons • and Presbyters,and Biftiops. 3. In every one of is given to the Ordained, the ftven fold Grace of the Spirit, yea Grace making them acceptable, and that ex opere operato. 4. That anointing is required in Ordination. of ^ (4lp) Of Marriage* i. That Matrimony, though it were iaftitutedin Paradifc , is tru^ly and properly a Sacrament of the new Law. 2. And therefore does confer grace upon the married , making them acceptable , ex opere ope* 3. That the Church has power to conftitute im« pediments chat (hail hinder marriage. 4# That the Church has power to difpenfe with the degrees of Confanguinity forbidden of God, and to make more degrees which (hall not onely hinder marriage, but break it. 5. That marriage confirmed, not confummated^ is alfo diftolved, in refpeft of the Bond , by the en- trance of one of the parties into a vow without the confent of the other. 6. That the folemn Vow of Chaftity , and holy Orders , are an impediment both hindring marriage to be made , and breaking it being made. 7. Aifo difference of Religion docs not onely hinder marriage to be made , but alfo break it being made. 8. That marriage contra fted between Infidels , when either is converted to the faith, is broken, viz,. bccaufc that marriage was not a Sacrament. 9. That the Church of Rome did rightly prohibit marriage of old to the fcventh , but afterwards to the fourth degree of Confanguinity , according to the Canonical rule of reckoning ( but the fourth de- gree of Canonical reckoning is the feventh and eighth in the Civil Law.) Ee 2 io.fhaft ( 4*°) io. The Spiritual kindred (which arifeth forfooth from ttapufm and Confirmation) may hinder mar- riage to be made, aud break it being made. § II. Of the Efttts of Grace. NOvv follow the Effeds of Grace or the de- grees of Salvation, fuch are vocation, juftifica- tion, &c . i. Geds love or fa- i. Where firft the Papifts vor U our Radicall do egregioufly erre in ex- Grace , from Which pounding rife word Cgrace] flow both Relative ef- for when the holy Spirit , fetts in fxrdon, jufii- fpcaking of thefe effe&s of fication^doptiov, and Divine grace, faith we are Ph^fical in onr Reno* juftiikd by grace, and faved vMhn : all Which are by grace, ^. By grace they called alfo Grace. underftand not the free fav- our of God in.Chrift, buc the gift of grace inherent in us : as if the Scripture did not fay we are caiied, juitified , and faved by the fame grace we are eledted and redeemed by. 2. And then when they divide the grace of God into eternal grace, which they call the cverlafting love of God: and temporary fuch as the benefit of vocation and juftification are : again they divide this temporary grace into grace freely given, and grace making acceptable, both which they will have to be a quality inherent in us , as if either all grace which they call' temporary , did inhere in vs , or that which doth inhere in as were not all freely given. 3. Grace (4») 3. Grace making us. ac- 3. To deny cither ceptablc they will not have Relative or 'Inherent to be the grace of God, by Grace , u to deny that which he loves us and makes without which there is us acceptable to him, accord- no falvation. The ing to that, wherein he hath neceffity of Pardon tit made m accented in the btlov- Icajt, many of them ed : but to be grace by way confefs. of habit remaining in us , by which we love God, therefore they, call charity a grace making us acceptable, as if by rcafonof its force and merit men were faved of God. 4. Moreover when they 4. No doubt but divide grace into fufficient till have fo much grace and efficacious grace they fay that they may believe fufficient grace is given to all and be faved , if they and every man even without will ( fincerely) Be- theChurch, by which they caufe though vzWtcxt-' have a power to will, and dere be not credere, as they can if they will,believe, Dottor Twifs anfWcrs and by believing be faved. *7, yet credere eft vo- luntatis,^ Auftin an- fwers it. But the tpapifls, effeeially the Dominicans affirm not, fufficient grace to belief to be given to thtfe that hear not the Gofpel : but enely fufficient grace to do that Vehicjitendcth to this further trace. 5 . If any want fufficient grace to avoid fin, they do not truely fin, neither are they guilty of fiq before God. 6 That in the firft aft of 6. The will is firfi converfion, the will is not fqjfive in receiving paffive. the "Divine influx, but attive in the eliciting its 0 vena. •' •Ee 5 7. That (4n) j.The will hath na* 7. That it is in the power turalPower or faculty of mans free will to refift or to refift or yield jvhich yeild to efticacioui grace.* will not be brought in- to all for yielding, becaufe it wanteth moral power J hat is ft is dlj -inclined, "But to refift it hath too much moral Power ^hich is impotencyjetfuch as grace can heal. § 12- Ofjuftiftcathn. BUt now the do&rine of Juftification they utterly overthrow. 1. perverting the 1. For firft they con* term , thej caufe a found juftification which ft rife about a^ or d. is an aft of God* without us , as Redemption, Recon- ciliation, Adoption, with Sanftification and Inherent Righteoufnefs : and (6 confound not onely the Goipel with the Law, but quite take away Juftifica- tion it felf , the chief benefit wc have by Chrift in this life. 2. Some of them 2. They teach men to lay muke merit of ccngrH- the caufe of juftification and ity ( which they fay , the merit of falvation in prectdeth fnfticati- thcmfelvcs. en) to be properly no merit. And feme of them* deny that there is any proper merit of condignity at all : 73 ut others aregrofs in this 3. The term Re- 3. They will have remif- mifjicn alfo they abufe, fion of fin to be a blotting of meaning by it , ths tlieiji out,by which not only the (4*3) the guilt butalfothe irregu- larity it felf is aboiifhed. givenefs they take in with it. verbal centroverfies. 4. As in warming,the cold is expelled by the conning of the heat : (o in juftification fin is aboiifhed by the infufi- on of rightcoufnefs. change of ctir tjtml** ties , or pitting < ( fin it felf \ though for- Andfo thej make many 4. This is true of S }anttifi * cation , which is the thing they mean h Juftification : But by this abufe of the terms 9 they mifinter- fret Scripture* And alfo they fo much hide the very being of pardon by perverting the Words that fignifieit, that its hard to find in fome of them, whether they con* fefs any fitch thing as pardon. 5. Neither will they under ftand juftification in the Scripture , as a Law-terra to be oppofed to condem- nation, and San&ification to pollution. 6. The Scripture teaches 6. As to the AH f fandificacion to be an aftion they make it their.own of God : they make the fe- by merited grace : but cond juftification, as they call it, not Gods adion but their own. 7. Whereas the Scripture teacheth that we are juftified by the grace of God intima- ting the inward moving caufe of juftification , which is the free favor of God in the habits and the grace affifting , they fa j it of God, and the aUJay mofi. 7. This is their verbal error : no doubt that Which they mean by juftification J hat is, Santlification , con- fifteth in Inherent grace. inherent in us : which Chrift : the Papifts under- ftand grace , or rather graces yet in the Queftion of juftification (wherein the holy Ee4 Ghoft 8.. This they fay of juftification taken for fanilif cation^ but not as taken for Pardon* But they are led full to mifinterpret Scrip tures by mij under - /landing tkp word. (4*4) •Ghoft oppofes works to grace) are not moreoppof* ed to works then their firft juftification is to the fe- cond. 8. When the Scripture teacheth that we are juftifi* ed by the righteoufnefs of God, and the blood of God i. r. of Chrift who is God (for by his obedience and blood, we are juftified, and he is our righteoufnefs) I fay by a righteoufnefs which is not revealed in the Law, and therefore not inherent, but which is revealed in the Gofpel without the Law. They underfland a righteoufnefs infufed by God and inherent in us. 9. When the § Scripture teaches that we are made the righteoufnefs of God in Chrift, as he is made fin for us, and fo that the obedi- ence of Chrift is communica- ted to us for juftification, as the difobedience of Adam for condemnation namely by imputation ; But they fay we are ;uftified not by the imputation of the righteouf- nefs of Chrift, but partly by the infufion of habitual righteoufnefs, viz,, in the firft juftifieation, partly by our own performance of aftual righteoufnefs or good works in the fecond juftification. 9 Still they wean frxttiftcation , When they/peak^ efffiftifica- tion, 'But they con- fefs that Chrift sfuf ferities and obedience are the werito-ri&tu vaufe of our Pardon and Renovation , both Which they nfeto com* prize in the BWdf Jufti- fication. jo. What (4*5) io. For they contend for 16. They may as 2l doable juftifieation; the well talh^ of a third firft which confifts in the in- and jonrth juftificati* fufed habit of charity , the on , for fanUif cation other in meritorious works, hath more degrees then two. But donb^ejfe there is fitch a thing as that which thej mean by a fe- cond juftifieation / if thej leave cm merit : for there is aBual obedience andincreafe of grace. Whenas the Scripture The Scripture faith teacheth that we are juftified we are juftified by be- by faith without works i. e. not by inherent righteouf- nefs , but by the righteouf- nefs of Chrift apprehended Gofpel, and^accepting by'faith, and therefore that him entirely as Chrift, we are not juftified by faithas it is a part of inherent righ- teoufnefs , for fo with other graces it fan&ifies us Jnor by any other faith , then that which apprehends the righte- oufnefs of Chrift , or by any other grace(becaufe there is no other befide faith that apprehends Chrifts righteoufnefs) and therefore by faith alone. ii. The Papifts on the contraryteach faith tojuftifie as it is a part of inherent 'righteoufnefs. Jieving in the Lord fefus Chrift, that is, By a(Jenting to his that is , by becoming true Chrtftians 9 or Chrifts Difciples. For a believer and a Difciplein theGofpel ufnally fignifie the fame thing, 12. And not fo much to juftifie , as to-difpofe us for juftifieation , by obtain- II. Itdethfantiifie 04 a part of inherent righteoufnefs : and it is the receptive condi « tion of Pardon. 12. / would they fa id no move but that it dijpofeth to it , for ing (4%6) then they would not ing remiffion, and deferving fay it deferveth it. juftification. 1 3. For, fay they, faith and Repcntaace do jufti* fie as difpofitions, and meritorious caufes ex con- gruo. 14. Still they mem 14. Bat that charity is Sandhfying. properly the juftifying grace. 15. An abfurd 1 5 . And the form of jufti- fpeech: but the j adds fy ing faith. that its not the form of faith at faith, but of faith and all other gr 'aces \as faving or 04 a ftrifr Life. And we agree that faith i& "principally in the will : and the Velle u bj the Schoolmen called the Diligere. 16. Its unreafon- 16. And yet that true jufti- abh for thtm to call fying faith may be feparated that jufiifjing faith , from charity. fthich Hants' that which they take to bt the form of it. 17. And therefore that a man having true faith may be damned. 18. Neither do they ac« knowledge any fpecial faith which apprehends the righ- teoufnefs of Gh-rift, but they fay that is fufficient , which confifts in a general confent, without all affiance(yea even without knowledge ) which ^ they call implicite faith. 19 For they fay faith is better defined by ignorance then knowledge. 18. They fay it mufi be explicite in fome points, which We call effential) and that * we muH believe in Chrifi 04 fat isf ling juftice and meriting for tu pardon and fanElifcation. 19. That s but fome of them. 20. Nei-- 20. Neither can they in- 20. Thej manage dure by any means that we this eontroverfie in the fay faith only juftifiei . dark. , not agreeing tvitb m in the fence of the termes of the £^ueftien. 21. When as the Scrip- 21. Neither faith ture plainly excludes works nor works are proptr as caufes from the aft of caufes, juftification , though it re- quire them in the fubjed: or perfon juftified , as ne- ceffary fruits of juftifying faith , by which believers are iuftified that is declared to be juft; but they afTert that we are not juftified before God by faith onely but alfo by works as the caufes of juftifica- tion. 22. And in this matter they make fames plainly to contradift Pattl. 23. And they invert the difpatation of Paul, as if the Queftion he difputes were, whether faith jufti- fies without works, but whether works juftifie with- out faich. 24. That men are juftified by the obfervation of Gods, and the Churches commands. 25. That mendeferveremiffion of mortal fins by repentance, Almes deeds, forgiving injuries, conver- ting an offending Brother , and other duties of piety and charity by which we do not deny but our belief of the pardon of fin is'confirmed. 26. And that venial fins are purged away by the repetition of the Lords prayer , by ftriking the breft, by fprinklingof Holy Water, and the Bifhops blefling,c£r. 27. That a wicked man may defervc juftifyfng grace > ex congrm , arid that this merit of con- • i gruity fruity is when the firmer doth his utmoft. 28. They deny juftifica- on be to proper to the Eled;. 29. That no 'man in this life ought certainly to deter- mine that he is of the number of the cleft. 30. That every one mufl doubt of the remiffion of their fins. 2S. So did the An- cltnts>tven Auguftine him f elf , and too ma- ny Protcftaxts. 29. This alfo Was too common With the Ancients f and is now with the [aid P rot eft- ants. 30 Some of them yield a certainty cf prefent Rtmiffion and justification, and mo- ralco'/ijellural certainty of Salvation. 3 1 . No man can be certain of his juftification with- out a fpecial revelation. 32. That no man in this world ought to feek an infallible certainty of his falvation or juftification. 5 3, That doubting of the pardon of fin is not an infirmity but a vertue. 34, For any one certain- ly to believe that his fins are forgiven him throughChrift, is abominable preemption. 34. To be certain of it. is a great mer - cy : but to believe thzt it is a thing Written in Scripture, that 1 am pardoned , is not a duty : for it is not there 35. About this they differ : See Magro in fent. that faith hath xertaine evidence , which Ariminenfis tnd* others confute , 'aying it hath evidence of credibility , "but not of ccr- 35, That faith which the Apoftlc calls the fubftance,& evidence, and full affurance, they will have to be doubtful and uncertain. ^ainty* 6. Alfo 36. Alfohope, which yet the Apoftle commends as an Anchor fure and ftcdfaft, arid that makcth not him^hat hopes,a(hamed. § *3« Of SanHif cation and good fVorkj* i. *"TpHat concupifcencein i. The meer appetite A the regenerate is no is no Jin , but the cor- fin. rnption and rebellion of it #. z. That the regenerate 2. I maid We could or baptized may perfectly fee one of them do it fulfill the Law. ' once. Its a fhamefal arguing for perfection bj bare words \ when none of them will give h* a proof §f it by their ewn example. .3. That the works of the 3. They that be- righteous are limply and ab- lie ve this 9 knoy* mt folutely righteous. themfelves. 4. That fins are expiated by good works .accord- ing to the proverb, forfooth, he that fteals much and gives a little, (hall efcape. 5. That good Works do 5. Pifcator and 0- concur by way of efficiency ther of wrs main- to falvation, or are necefTa- tain this. Though ry not onely for their pie- a meritorious efficient fence,but for their efficiency. ' cy we all deny, 6. And that good works are not onely fuch as are commanded by God : but fuch as are voluntarily undertaken by men wich a good intention. % 7. That the gpod works of 7. The Scctifts and the righteous not onely jufti- many mere of them dc- fie f43°) ny this : but fo do not fie, but &lfo by way of con- Bellarminc and many dignity deferve eternal life, others. both for the Covenant* fake and alfo the works them- felves. 8. Waldenfis uni 8. And that that is merit ethers of them deny mil of condignity by which a merit , but thuts not man indued with grace and common^ fee inftances the holy Spirit after he hath in mj Confejfion. deferved the habit of love by former merit doth by his good works and their condignity deferve eternal life. % 9. To the merit of condign ty there is required an equality of proportion in the merit to the re- ward.' 1 o. To the good works of the righteous eternal happin^fs is as well due as eternal fufferings to the fins of the wicked, 21, That in every Chriftian work, proceeding from grace the merit of Ch:ifts blood is applyed. 12,. That Chrift by his death merited that our works might be fatisfaftory for fins, and meritorious of eternal life, or thus, Chrifc merited that by our own merits we might attain falvation. 1 3 . That every aft of charity ,or every good work proceeding from Charity, doth abfolutely deferve eternal life. 14. That good works are meritorious of three tilings, viz,, of remitting the punifhment, of incrcafe of grace, and of eternal Life. 15. That a righteous man may deferve for himfelf an increafe of righceoufnefs by way of condignity* 16. Nei- ( 4$0 1 6. Neither do they think th«y muft truft to their own, but to other mens merits alfo. 17. That one believer may merit grace fe&ano- ther by way of congruity. < 1. That a juftified and fan&ified man may fall from the grace of God both tcrtally and finally , and perilh for evet\ 2. That the grace of juftification received , is left by every mortal fin. 3 . The grace of juftification being loft by fin, yet faith is not loft. 4. That faith is loft by every aft of unbe- liefe. 14.0/ geod mrkj particularly , of fafling. %■ 1. /^\F Fafting I have fpoken already ,^hatthe V-/ Papifcs place Rafting in the choice of meats. 2. That their fafts arc hypocritical. 3. And fuperftitious. 4. That fafting even as it is obferved by them (which indeed is the meer mockery of atruefaft) is a work fatisfaftory for fin , and meritorious of eternal life , they impioufly and blafphemoufly teach. 5, Their prayers they pour out not onely to God but to Angels and Saints. 6. That .we may lawfully and mcriiorioufly be- . feech and pray theSaints both to inte rcedc for us with Gedf and to give afiiftance to us. 7. They (430 7- They teach men toconfcfs their fins to the Saints that are dead. 8j> That God reveals our prayers to the Saints which we put up to them, and yec that we muft go to them as Mediators betwixt God and us. 9. They call upon God reprefented under fome figure or ftiape. • 10. They mutter their prayers before images fay* ing, fometimes the Lords prayer before a pidureof the Virgin Marjt or of fome other Saint, and Ave Maries before a crucifix. 1 1 They pray not onely in the name of Chrift , but alfo they believe they fhall be heard for the pray- ers and interceffion of the Saints. 1 2. Neither do they pray for the living onely, but alio for the dead. 1 3 . That a general intention of worfhipping God is fuffirient when they pray, though they neither un- derstand nor mark what they fay. 14. They teach their Difciples to pray in an un- known tongue, and fo without faith t without un- der Handing , without feeling like Parrots. 1 5. They teach them to number their prayers up- on certain Beads, and to pay God , as it were a task of numbred prayers, 16. In which alfo they teach them mightily to tau- tologize, and to hope they (hall be heard for their much fpeaking. 1 7. They not onely reckon the Salutation of the bleiTcd Virgin , and the Apoftles Creed amongil their prayers, but alfo teach them to fay a hundred and fifty /Ae UWaries, and after every ten tAve Maries , one Tater Nojlzr , and after fifty , one treed. 18. And 1 3. And that prayer (even fuch as they are wont to bablc before piftures in an unknown tongue, ei- ther for the dead or to the dead, without faith, vjfch* outunderftanding , without feeling) is afatisfacto- ry work for fin , and meri-orious of eternal Life. 1 9. Alfo Aimcs-deeds to be m£ritoriotis and fatif- faftory. § 15. Of Glorification. 1 . A S to the ftatc of Believers after this life, they J\. teach, thac Heaven was (hut, till Ghrifts paflion. 2. That the thief converted on the Crofs, was the firft of all believers that eiitred into the heavenly Paradke. 3. They make three receptacles of Souls after death, befides heaven and the place of the damned, viz. limbm patrvm, limbm infantum , and Purga- tory, to which they alfo adde a certain kind of flour- ifhing, light, fvveet, and pleafant Meadow, in which they place certain fouls who fuffer nothing , but re- maine there for a white , becaufe they are not yet fit for the beatifical vifion. 4. That the fouls of the faithful before Ch rifts re- furre&ion were in a fubtcrraneous pit , which they call limbm Patruw. 5. That the fathers dead before Chrifts afcenfion were not happy. 6. All little ones dying 6. Some of them, before Baptifm , they thruft fay they are f unified Into limbm infant tim > to be alfo With the pMti if F f puniftied (4H) fenfes. See Concius . puniftied with eternal pun- Traftat. in the end of jlhment of lofs, not ©f fence. JmTenii Auguftin. * The faithful which deparr, either with venial fins upon them , or with the guilt of punifhment(the fin being before remitted) tbeycaft into Purgatory, to be burnt there with corporeal fire,till they be fully purged. 8. That thefuffrages of the Church fuch as the fa- crifice of the Mafsand prayer , penal and fatisfafto- ry works , as Almes-Deeds, Falling, Pilgrimages, and the like, do profit the dead in Purgatory : and e- fpeciaily indulgences by which the fatisfaftory works of others are applyed to them. 9. For the Pope can communicate the prayers and good works of believers to them; whence it follows, as Albatus laid , the condition of the rich in this cafe is better then the poor, becaufe he hajth where- withal to get fuflfragesforhim. 10. That the Saints in Heaven do not onely pray for the living on earth in particular, but alfo for the dead in Purgatory. 11. That the Saints are our mediators and advo- cates with God , underflanding our prayers and neceffities, and therefore to be called upon to pray for us. 1 2. That the Saints after death do obtain whatfo- ever they defireof God, becaufe chey deferred it in this life. 13. That their merits do profit us for falva- tion. 14. That the Saints are helpers and coworkersof our falvatioa Ljjf, That the faithful living, are ruled and go- verned ( 451 ; verncd by the Spirits of blefTed men 1 6. That the Saints arc to be Caaonized by the Pope , and betqg Canonized eq be worfhiped. 1 6. Bcllarmine confejfeth^tkat inftt$h cafes of faff and par- ticular judgement thereon the Pope may %And fe no ^papifts living can be certain* but that they praj to the damned fouls in hell f whom the Pope mifiakjngly canonized. 17. Therefore we muft fly to the Saints in our mifery. erre §16. Of the Chunk i. HpHat the holy Catho- X like Church that we believe, is vifible. 2. And alwayes is vifible. 3. That it depends not on Gods eleftion ^ nor on true I, 2t Tet we con* fefs a Catholike vifible continued Church. 3. Some of our own fay as much of /ate; but they mean it of the vifible Church bnely. faith and Charity , that one belongs to this Church. But even wicked and reprobate men are members of the Ca- tholikc Church. 4. That the Catholike Church is no other than the Roman, or tfaat which the Roman Pope is over. 5 . That the Catholike Church , and the Pope of Rome are the fame terms. 4. This is the heart of Popery. tiz 6,Ne? (4S<5) 6 Neither are there any Catholicks,but thofe of the Romifli Church. • 7. That he is a Catholike who believes all that the Roman Church delivers, whether it be writren in the Bible or not. 8. That there is no falvation out of the Roman Church. 9 That the notes of univerfality, antiquity, unity, and fucceflion in the Apoftles doftrine do agree unto it. 10 That the fincere preaching of the Gofpel, and lawful adminiftration of the Sacrament^ are not a certain no:e of the Church. 1 1 . To acknowledge the Roman Pope , and to be under him as the Vicar ofChrift , the onely Paftor, the head of the whole Church, is a note of the true Church. 12. That the particular Reman Church is the Mo- ther, Miftris, and Lady of all Churches : yea the Mother of Faith. 13. Thar the Roman Church did obtain the pri- macy from our Lord and Saviour himfdf 14. That the Roman Church hath power of judg- ing all, neither is ic lawful for any to judge her judg- menr. 15. That the Reman Church hath authority to deliver doftrines of faith, without or befide the Scri- ptures. 1 6. That the Roman Church cannot erre in faith, much lefs fail. 1 7. That the Romjn Church cannot erre, in inter- preting Scripture. § I- (43* ) &• *7- C The Head, vU. Of the Reman Church 2 The Pope. ^The Members. i . >TpHat the Roman Pope i . Hence Pcpery , J, is the head, founda- and Papifts are deno- tion, husband , Monarch of minated. the whole univerfal Church, the univerfal Bifhop , or the Bifhop of the whole world. 2. That the Reman Pope is the rock upon whom the Church is built. 3. The names which are given to Chrift in the Scriptures, from whence it appears he is above the Church , all of them are given to the Pope. Vnto this ts4ntichriftian throne he afcends by a gradation of moft impudent lies, fnch a* thefe. 4. That the univerfal Church cannot confift, un- lefs there* be one in it, as a vifible head with chief power. 5. Therefore the external regiment of the univer- fal Church is Monarchical. 6. That the Monarchy of the Church was infti- tuted in Veter. 7. That "Peter in proper fpeech , was Bifhop of Rome , and rem ained Bifiiop there untill death. 8. That the Pope fucceded Peter in the Ecclefia- ftical Monarchy. Ff 3 9- Nei- (4*8) g. Neither do they give the Monarchy of Ecclefi- aftical power, but of temporal alfo to the Pope. i o. Neither do they make the Pope Chrifts General Vicap on earth, but Gods alfo. 1 1. They give a certain omnipotency to him. 12. They give him power of depofing Kings and Emperors , and abfolving their fubje&s from the oath of fidelity. 1 3. Moreover, without fhame they defend,thattlhe Pope teaching frofti his chair cannot erre. 14. That his words when he teacheth from his chair, are in a fort the word of God. 15. That the Pope cannot erre, even in thofe things which belong to good manners , or in the commands of morality f as well as in matters of Faith. 16. We muft pioufly believe,that as the Pope can* not erre as Pope ; foas a private perfon he cannot be a heretick. 17. Mmhofthtfe 17. That the chief autho- by tbt French is afcri rity of interpreting Scrip- bed to a Generate oxn- ture is in him. rttfj and denjedtothe J* opt : fo weU are they agreed in their fundatnen- tab. 1 8. That the Pope is the chief judge in controver- sies of Religion. 19. We muft appeal from all Churches to him. 20. They give him authority to difpenfc with hu- mane and Divine Laws. 21. They give him power of abfolving men not onely from fin, but from punifhments , cenfures , jaws, vows, and oaths. 22. Alfo of delivering men from Purgatory. 23, Of (459) 23. Of Canonizing Saints, and giving them ho- nors,that they may be prayed to in the Pubiike Pray- ers of the Church, that Churches and Altars rftay be built for their honor , that Maffes and Canonical hours be offered publikely for their honor, and feaft- dayes be celebrated , That their Pi&ures be drawn with a certain fplendor, that their Reliques be put in- to precious boxes , and publikely honored. 24. We muft believe that the Pope (Vphofomtinte J) fits Murderers , Traitors, King-killers , and ether Capital offenders into the Calendar of Saints and Martyrs) never errs in the Canonizing of Saints, § 18. The Members of the ChurchSC™§reef ed in r* j - u „ K Councils, or are confidered,either as ^Severally . 1. T^He office of convoeating General Councils, X properly belongs to the Pope. 2, That in no cafe a true and perfeft Council can be called, without the Popes authority, no not if it be neceflary for the Church , and yet the Pope will not, or cannot call one, nor if the Pope be a heretick. And therefore that a Council held without the Popes Authority is an unlawful meeting or Conventiclc,not a Council. 3 . That Jtis the proper office of the Pope, that by himfelf or his Legates, he be prefident of theuni- verfal Council, and as the fupreme judge do mode- rate all. j F f 4 "4. That (44°) 4- That the decree of a General Council made without the confent of the Pope, or his Legatees un- lawful. 5. The French a- 5. That the Power of con* gree not te thefe. firming or rejc&ing General Councils is in the Pope of Rome , neither are -the Councils authentical , unlefs they be confirmed by the Pope 6. Tbat the diftin&ion of lawful and unlawful Councils does depend upon his oneiy will. 7. That the fentence of a General Council in a matter of faith is the laft judgement of the Church, from which it cannot appeal : yet that we may appeal from a General Council to the Pope. 8. That the Pope can neither be judged nor pun- idled by a Council or by any mortals. 9. That the Pope cannot fubmit himfclf to the co - aftive judgement of Councils. 1 o That the Pope is abfolutely over the univerfal Church, and above a General Council, fo that he can acknowledge no judgement above him, 11. Wcmuft believe with Cacholike faith , that General Councils confirmed by the Pope cannot erre Hcitfcer in faith nor manners. 12. That particular Councils approved by the Pope cannot erre. 1 3 . That the power of the Pope and Council to- gether , is not greater then the Popes alone. Tut- r. scrim. /. 3.*. 41. 5-ift w (440 § 19. Of % the Members by themfelves. I . np Hat to make a mem- 1 . Of the vifible X berofthcCatholikc Church we fiaj the Church, there is not rcquir- fame. ed grace, or any internal vir- tue , but a profeffion of faith is fufficient. The Members of the Church confidercd feverally, are, The Clergy. The Laity. 2.|That Clergy men are not held under civil Laws, by an^coaftivejbutonely dirc&ive bond. 3 . That Clergy men breaking the Civil Law , can* not yet be punifhed by any civil Judge, nor be brought before the Tribunal of Secular Magi- ftrates. 4. That the goods of the Clergy , both Ecclefi- aftical and Secular , are free from the Tribute and Taxe of Secular Princes. 5. That men are to be prepared for receiving Or- ders, by the firft fliaving. 6. By how much the higher degree of Order any one is in, by fo much the larger (having is he to be crowned with. 7.That fingle life is alwayes joyncd to holy Orders, by Divine right. The (44*) ' Seculars ( Of the loweft Order.** Th» !efs as The Popifli \and thofe * Of the higher OrderA PrcsVy*cr$« Clergy are <( either ^ which they call <^The great- eras Bi- fliops. 1 he tfopiln \and tflote ^tntae Higher Order.A Clergy are < either «^ which they callfal.6$ . Make a joyful noife unto our Lady all ye lands, Pfal. 66. Let Mary arife and let all her enemies be fcattcred, Pfal. 68. In thee O Lady, do I put my truft, let me never be pat to confufion, DelU ver me in thy mercy ^Pfal.ji. Make a joyful noife un- to our Lady all ye lands,ferve her with gladnefs, Pfal. 100. And foin the reft , all which they fay nre to be fpoken out of a pious affe&ion to the Blefled Virgin. 17. They prefer the Saints to the rule of the world, and the Government of the Church, as if they were the worlds Presidents , and the Churches Reftors. Yea they fet them in the fame place, as the Heathens of old did their titular Gods and prefervers : and aC fign unto them fevcral Provinces, Offices , and jurjfc didions ( becaufe it would be a vaft burden for every one to look to alt ) For, every Region, e * very Parifh^cvcry Fraternity of Artificers have their \ titular Gods and Patrons. So P. fovius calls them, Hiftor- lu 24. in the end. And there came forth late- ly a Commentary of Philip the 39. Bifhop of the Church at Eiftreet , of the titular Gods of that Church, Sc Richard ^Wumbald^Wdfurg. And we may as truely affirm of the Papilts what Cjreaorj de valentia faies of the Heathens^ For that very thing fayes he, we may apprehend them to be idolaters,be- caufe they diftribute their fcveral Provinces of offices to feveral creatures,as to Gods, &c. There are certain Saints for the cure of every diC eafe (448) cafe almoft, and for curing of evils : as Sebaftian and Rochm for the plague : Apollonia for the tooth-ache ; *Antony for the Wildfire or Gangrene : Ottilia for fore eyes : Quiriniu for Fiftula's, Sigifmondzxti Pc- trcnella for a Feavcr , zApollinaru for the Privities (as Triapm of oid) Liberia* for the Stone, and alfo Benedict. Wolfangm cures Convalfions , Romantu the poffefled, Valentinm the Epilcpticks (as Hercules oi: old) Anajlatius fuch as are mad. The work of delivering Captives is committed to Leonard, of aflifting in war to George (as of old to UVtars. ) Nicholas, and Cbrifiopber are Patrons to Seamen : the three Kings, viz,, of C alien to Travel- ers : \JMargaret to women in childbirth(as Juno Lw cinaoi old.) Gregory and Katharine to Students (as Appotto and Minerva of old.)To Merchants Erafmns, to Painters Lm*$. to Smiths Sufogius, to Shoo-mak- ers Crifpin^ to Taylers-£?#ft!»40, to Potters Goactu, to Weavers Severing* % to Carpenters fofeph, to horfe- men GW^if, to Hunters Eufiaebim, to Whores ^/ra and Maudlin (as Venwt and P/cra of old.) They appoint ,4#/?*» for Divines, ^#0 for Lawyers, Cofman and DamUn tor Phificians (as of old D arbary , and Katharine. 18* The Reliques alfo of the Saints they worfliip and reverence r of which I will relate twe{ve4errors and abufes of the Papifts, as they are noted by y Chemnitins. , i . That the bodies, afties, or bones of the Saints are to be taken out of their graves , and placed in fome high place, as upon the high Altar , or fome other confpicuous place, and to be drefled with gold and filver, and filk,e£r. 2- That thofe Reliques ought to be carried in pub» like proceffions and prayers , and to be (lie wed and offered for Chriftian people to fee , and touch, and 3. That fuch Reliques are to be approved by the Pope ; and that approbation is to be by canonizing them. 4. Thattis a Angular and meritorious worfliip of God, if the people to obtain help by it, {hall touch, kifs,or walk before with an adoring raiiid and gefture, or (hall do reverence to thefe Reliques, by candles, filke coverings, garlands or other tire like ornaments. 5. That the grace and power of God (which they fay is in them or prefent by them) is to be fought for ll in thefe Reliques : and th;i£ they are made partakers Gg of of it, who do touch them or behold thcra. 6. That \\s an acceptable facrifkc to God , to offer up precious gifts to thefe Reliques. 7. Many indulgences for fin , are promifed to fucb as touch and kifs them, &c. 8. That our prayer is the better, worthver, and more acceptable to God , if it be done by or before the Saints Reliques, by whofe merits we may obtain help : A.d therefore in our neceilities we muft make Vows, and take Pilgrimages unto thofe places,where the Reliques of Saints arc held to be, chat we may call upon them for their help. 9. That it adds much to the holinefs of the Sacra- mentof theEucharift , if the Saints Reliques are fet inclofcd upon the Altar, pay that the Altar is confe- crated by their touching it. 10. That the Saints Reliques may be lawfully laid over one, or carried about or,cs neck in devotion and faith to God, and the Saints whofe Reliques they are. 11. Oaths among the Papift* are taken by touch- ing the Saints ReHques that T<> th* dbfigation of the oath may be d'^ided bewxt God and the Saints. 12. All places among the Papiftsare full of un- certain, counterfeit, and falfe Reliques, to which without difference the ff.mevcneiaiiun and honor is given 19. Tfaey make tbem Pi&ures to worfhip them. 20« Tne^difpute, that Images of God are noc forbidden. 21 That Images are properly and per fc to be worfhtped. 23. That Images are to be worshiped with the fame worftup, as is due to the Perfon, or Exemplar. 24. They (4V) 24. They defend Pilgrimages to holy places, and Reliqucs and Saints Pifturcs : and chey promife large indulgences to Pilgrims. 25 That the Crofs of Chrift is to be worshiped withthe\vor(liip Latria. 26. That they are in fome fort fan&ifkd who touch the Reliques or the Crofs. 27. That fome hoiinefs accrues to things that are figned with she Crofs. 28. That the Sacrament of the Alcar, orthehofl: confecrated, is to be worshiped with Latria. 29. They adore the Pope as a kind of Deity. 30. The greateft part of the Popifli Religion is raeer fuperftition , and wil-worfhip: yea meerhyr pocrific, or a form of godlincfs, refting in external works and obfervations. 31. They worlhip God after the commandments of men. 3 2. they defend the ceremonies invented by them- felves or taken from JieWs or Heathens to be a part of worfhip pieafing to God. j?. Andtobcobferved , as the Law of God. 34- That their obfervation deferves remifiion of fi* 35 That no ceremonies 35. I veouU thej appointed by the Church can hxd kq companj in tlm be omitted without mortal error. fin, nor without fcar.dal. 36. That things confecrated by themfelves , a* holy Water, Agnus £>a's,£fc. have fpiritu.ai effe&s, to drive away divels,to blot out fi^&c. 37. They conjure fait (yea and herbs) andcor.fe- crate it, that it may be healthful to the mind and bo- dy of thofe that take it. G g 2 38. They (45* ) 38. They Baptize and confecrate the Bels,making them Godfathers, to fright away divels, and drive a- way Tempefts. 39. That their ringing.does profit the dead, 40. The Chrifm being confecrared the Bifhop and Presbyters faiute it, in thefe words, GodfaveSt. Ckrifma Ave S. Chrifma. 41. They give it a power to confer upon the a- nointed health to the body , and holinefs to the foul, and fo the Holy Ghoft htmfelf 42. That every Church fotemnely confecratcd , is indued with a divine vertuc: 43 . The many abufcs of fafting and prayer I tou- ched before. 44. They teach men to fwear by the creatures. 45. They deny oaths to be fit for the perfeft. 46. Vows made to the Saints they defend. 47. That the Pope can abfolve from the bond of vows and oaths. 48. They confecrate feaft dayes to the worftiip of Saints. 49. And fbme they confecrate to patronize their own errors as the feaft of Conception, the feaft of Affumption of the Biefled Virgin, the feaft of Chrifts body, and of Peters chair, 3nd of all fou\$,&c. 50. That feaft dayes are in truth more holy then others. 5 1 They exempt the Clergy from the fecular yoke, i.e. they exempt Ecclefiaftrcks , both perfons and goods from the obedience of Temporal Lords, and from their jurifdiftion in perfonals and reals,' in civil things and criminal^and therefore that the civil judge cannot punifh Clergy-men. 52. That the Clergy is not bound to pay tribute to Fringes. 5 3. That (4« ) 53. That the Rebellion of a Clergy- man againft the King, is not Treafon. 54. That the Pope can forbid fubjeds to keep the oath of fidelity, to Chnflian Kings , if they be fuch as acknowledge not the Re?nan fea. 55. That the Pope can abfolve fubjeds from the oath of fidelity. 56. That the Pope has power to depofe Princes. 57. That the fubjeds of fuch Princes are bound to obey fuch a fentence, if it be published. 58. That if grave and learned men (fuch as the Jejtktes tfpuiaSj are) frail judge any Prince to be a Tyrant, it is lawful for their fubjeds to overthrow them, and if they want power to poifon them. 59 That the fubjeds of the moft Chriftian Kings, whom they call Lutherans and Sacramentarians, are free from all bonds, and that they may lawfully de- flroy their Kings. '■60. That 'tis not lawful for Chriftians to tolerate a King that is an Infidel or a heretick indeavoring to draw men to his Sed , but they arc bound to depofe him,, 61 . That the ancient Chriftians did not depofe fuch becaufethey wanted power. 62. That the Pope may give the Kingdoms and Principalities, and Lordihips of ali thofe whom he judges hereticks unto his Rowan Catholikes , or may adjudge them to thofe that can lay hold of them. 63. That 'tis not oncly lawful, but meritorious to kill Princes that are excommunicated by the Pope; 64. They fuffcr Stews, and ftouily defend their toleration. 65. They forbid the Clergy to mary. 66. That Prieft does better , fay they, that keeps Gg 3 a (454) a Concubine , then fee that marries a wife. 67. That marriage after the vow of Chaftity , is worfe then Adultery. 68. That fingle life ("even as it is vowed and prafti • fed in the Roman Church ) is a w orftiip mod accept- able to God, and fatisfa&ory for fin , and merito- rious of eternal life. 69. That the Pope with a whorifh intention , makes gain (as Leno did ) by the proftitinion of Wborcs. 70. That all faults are fold at a certain price, ic the Popes Taxe. * 7 1 . An officious lye they allow of. 72. They approve and teach the Miftery of equi- vocation. 72,73. ThU may 73. The aft of counter- give m fome light into feitingand diflembling with the ]ugllngs of iur greattsen, they commend,as times. good and profitable. 74. They fay Faith is not to be kept with Here- ticks. 75. That the defires of the will going beforeaf- fent, are not fins. i 76. Neither is concupifcence a fin ia the Bap- tized. 77. That in concupifccoce there is onely the evil of punifhment not ©f fin. 78. By that command, thou (hale not covet, it is not forbidden , that we have no eviL de- fires. I have recited a huge Catalogue of errors t to which I doubt not but many more may be heaped up: Asthofe (which we are refuting in this book) about f (4)5) " about Antichrifl : By all which it appears , that the oppofition of tke Pope to Chrifb truth, is not a particular oppofition, as in feme her etitks hut «ni- verfal , fuch as we may look for from Antichrifl:, Thus far Bilhop G. Dowttame. F 1 N^l S. M^M-^MMM >3& An Alphebitical TABLE, Made and annexed by the S'TATION E R, -A ABajfws notfubjeft to the Pope p.72 ^/W/W^ofthePopifh Religion p.4. iza$- Afrtey Wherein the Churches not fubjed unto Rocne*-^™? p. 7 5 The Papifts agree not about their fundamentals p, 104 ^ffy/wVjontheProteftant fide, 16. 35,36,37. See Fathers. Apofiles ignorant of the fundamentals which Rome holds forth p. 2 Were very injurious to the world ( if ihePopifh Bo&rine be true) in not (hewing us the ncereft way to Heaven p. 3 Arguments for theProteftant Religion p 1 1 .14,1 6, 7 Hh Atmnh. An Alphabetical Table* jfrntAh. The Bifhop of Armah defended againft Paulw VeridicHs p. j 2 B BEfore. Where our Religion was, before Luther ^ p. 3448 Belief. Of belief due to Paftors p. 1 97 c CAfe flated between the Papifls and us p.48.52 Catholicke what p.7 Papifts make a new Catholike Church that was not known for many hundred years after Chrift p. 116 Ceremonies p. 161 ChriftUn Religion what p. 7 — but one p. 7. Chrift, the extent of his death p 6$ Church. That the Catholike Church alwayes held the pofitive part of our Religion p, 17 In what fence the Romanifts are a Church f p. 177 They are Metaphyfically a true Church , but mo- rally a falfe Church +> p. 278 Churche/not fub jeft to the Pope , and how far they differ from him p. 53. to 55. 121 Of a larger extent and greater inumber then the Ch of Rome rP-S8,5T9 Circle FAn Alphabetical Table. Circle of Vtpi&s p. 284.2 13 Communion with Rome promifed upon Termes • P- 115. 126 Contradiction of Popery to it felf ^ P 93 Ceunceloi Trent it's new Articles n 81.172 How hard to know which is a true General Cc p. 2 1 1 . to 278 loan. Of Pops 7^0 p- 293 Judge. Of Faith and Scripture whom * p. 195 'judgement Of difcretion p. 1 65.206 Of Direction p. 196 Jttftification. Oijuftification p. 30 L /W» Service p. 145 j Lying Legends p. 165 M MA/k^s. Popifh warkes of a true Church ex- amined. Means by which Popery is upheld p. 164 Merits * An Alphabetical Tabic. Merites. p. jq Miracles. Popery not fealed by miracles p, 225 Popifli miracles , what ones p. 227 — - not to be believed p. 228 N NSgatives of the Proteftants are the confequen- ces of their Affirmatives p. 37. Juftified from Scripture and Fathers p. 3 8 Novelty of Popery p. 1 1 2 Proved by Popifh Authors p. 1 1 8 , r 1 9 o OAth. The impoflibilities and contradidions that the Pop/ih oath ingageth men unto '? P- l7z Objections of 'Papifts anfwercd p. i6f 29. 32, 33, 34 . 40,41,42,43,44,45,4(5,47'. 175, 177, i79] 180, 181,605. One Religion in all that are faved p zj Protcftants Religion cne notwkhfhnding; then differences p. 42 Other Churches have as fair a plea for Infallibility zsRome v. z~o H h 4 ^ frf&lf An Alphabetical Table* P PApjbs own al! our Do&rine for fubftance p. 79 Millions of tbem do not cordially imbrace the PopifhDo&nne p. 85 Or know wfiat Popery is ibid. That many fuch may be faved p 86 Yec not by Popery but from it by the Chriftian faith p. 88 This acknowledgement is no prejudice to our caufe p.89 Are not agreed about their Fundamentals p. 104 The great-eft Schifmatickes en earth p. 120 Their idolatry p. 153 Their Traditions difproved p. 20. 1 3 1 Their Sandity compared with Proteftants P- 237 Their difagreement p. 93 The Doctrines wherein tfoey differ fromProcett- ants p. 19-24. 142, 143. 189, 190 Their faith uncertain, p.125. and mutable, p. 1 3 5. 141 'Penitence p. 31 Terjury. Popery plungeth men into perjury p. 172 . Perfeverance p. 30 Peter. Of the promife made to Peter p. 1 00. 2 1 6, 217 Pope. Popes may ^rr P-91- • --have erred p. 2 5 7. 248 Some 1 An Alphabetical Tables Some have been very wicked p. 269 How unpofiible to know who is the true Pope, fuppofing there (hould be one p. 97. 102 How much is neceffary for all to know that be- lieve upon his authority p. 97. to ido The wickednefs of fome Topes p. 1 01 . 184 The firft Pope that procured the title of head or u- niverfal Bifiiop was Boniface p. 1 17 The prefent Pope Inmcent , his new Articles of faith, or his determinations for the Moliniits a- gainit thejanfenians p. 138 Pepijb Dodrine, the abfurdity of it p. 4. 39 Makes it neceffary to believe in the Pope as well as inChrift p. 4 Pcperj what p. 78,^. 142. 162. *74 Is a newdevifed way to heaven p. 106 No fafe way to falvation, Arguments p.9i.to 172 Very changeable p. 137 Power of Decifion p. 198 Predeftination p. 29 Primitive Church received not the Scripture up- 00 the credit of the Romane Pope or Church p 295 • - Its judgement in that point p.298 Troteftant Church, where before Luther p. 3 2 Is onenotwithftanding their divisions p. 54 Proteftants their Religion a fafe way to falvation, Arguments r. i'i. 14. 16 Take the Scripture for their rufe and judge p. 13 Have a promife of CUvation p. 17. Whence they denominate their Religion No feparates from the true Church p. 41 gucftions Q An Alphabetical Table, . Q Veftions about the Popes or General Councils judgement p. 280 REal prefence in the Sacrament p. 1 54 Reformed Religionfwhac p. 6 Religion, that term explained p. 6 Refolved. Into what the true Proteftants belief is refolved p. 186 Rome. How highly advanced by God (if we will be- lieve the Papifts) above Jerufalem and all other Cities P-3,4 Romanifts make a new word of God p. 1 2 Deny the Scripture to be the whole word of God p. 12 Tell us unwritten traditions are another p. 12 Keep the Scripture from the people,and why,p.is See Papifts. Salva^ An Alphabetical Table, S SAlvation, Save. Hindrances of it p. z True Religion will not Save him that is not true to it p. ii Salvation what p. 83 Proteftant Religion a fafe way to Salvation Arg. 1. p. 11 All that arefaved,are favcd by one Religion p» 17 27. not Popery p. 89 What fort of Papifts may be Saved, and what not p. 1 79 Safe way what p. 84 Whether Popery be a Safe way to Salvation p. 78 Schifmatickc The Papifts the greateft upon the earth p. 120,^. How any man may know, that they were delivered by the Writers of them to the Churches p. 130. 186 Of expounding Serif ture p. 206 Serif ture kept from the common people by the Pa- pifts p. 24, 147 Seuce, It's infallibility that the Pope is fallible p. 242 Separation of the Proteftants p. 41 Smalnefs of the Rcmane Church to the Catholike Church P-273 Subjett. The Greek Church not fubjett to the Pope P- S3 Sticceflion of Bifhops in the Church of Rome ex- amined p. 183 ) An Alphabetical Table. Succefs and victory of the Papifts as a mark examin- ed p.238 Sufferings df Papifts how little to others, p. 237. no true mark. T TErwesof Religion Reformed, Catholike, Chri- ftian, Proteftant, Salvation, Safe way explained p.5,6,7>8,9 Testimony of the Paftors of the Church to the Scri- pture, of what credit p. 197 Tr editions of the Papifts p. 20. 1 3 1 The Protcftants acknowledged, neceflary Traditi- on is not another part of the rule of Divine faith as the Papifts make their Traditions to be p 131 Tranfubfeantiation, againft it p 1 54. 245,246,247 Trent , It's Councils new. Articles p. 5 1 Trent Articles p. 173 u U Niverfd Church, not the Church of Rome , which is far lefs then all the reft that hold not communion with her p, 58. 182 An Alphabetical Table. W WAj to Salvation what p. 83 wicked Popes. p. 269 Werd of God, the Popifh do&rine about it p. 142 Writings 9kigaed p. 169 Writings of the Aneidnt3 corrupted p. 169 F 1 3^1 S. More Emu's* p»}8&Marg.l.i.r.nwMT*ptan. 1$. Marg. dele trap. $90. 1, t. d. n^ p. 400.I. penult r. C'fov/f p.4oa.Marg.r.vo**«l. zi.r.iJta* rt p%+i8Xi6.r. one of tbefc p.4zi.l.u!r. Marg.r. rnnaH p. 427. 1, 17. addflttp.4iM.z*,Ma:g.r. Afcjwp. 44^*1.8. v.fortbusibey teach their foHomnto adtreln.v%0fficej^4^7^i9M 24.6: 17. r. tuUltrj p. 448.1,27.1:. Barbara. f • ' sXr H