Stom f ^e Si^i^tavt of (profeBBor ^amuef (gtiffer in (giemoti? of 3ubge ^dntuef (gltffer QStecfeinrib^e (J^resenfeb fit? ^amtief (^differ (jSrecftinribge feong to f ^ feifitari? of (princefon C^eofogicaf ^eminarj ^\V \^\'>>" ..v>^)iHiirsi^?D_.i(Sjn(i>-!t?,igM mm. •ii.-ii.©- 7 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. BACCALAUREATE DISCOURSE DELIVEUED TO THE CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY, ON THE SAIiBATH IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT IN 1820. BY ASHBEL GREEN, D.D. LL.D. Late President of Princeton College, New Jersey. s2 My Dear Brother Breckinridge, You solicit me for an essay or a sermon, for your forthcoming periodical. I have neither time nor strength to write any thing, de novo. But I send you my Baccalaureate Discourse to the candidates for de- grees in the College of New Jersey, on the Sabbath im- mediately preceding the annual commencement, in 1820. - This Discourse has never yet been published : and, although not exactly appropriate to Theological Students, yet I think it contains a good deal, which, if duly regarded, may be profitable to them, as well as to all other studious youth. Yours affectionately, ASHBEL GREEN. Philadelphia, August I5th, 1832. LITERARY DILIGENCE, &c. "(Seesr thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand beford mean men.'''' — Prov. xxii. 29. " In the sweat of thy face ehalt thou eat bread," was a part of the malediction pronounced on many at his first apostacy from God. From that time to the present, almost every human attainment cr possession, of much value, has been the fruit of industry and vigor- ous exertion. The law of our present condition, how- ever, which usually renders laborious, diligence essential to the acquisition of whatever is valuable, though origi- nally a penal enactment, furnishes a striking example of that divine benignity, which is seen in very numerous instances, mingled with the divine chastisements. Take man as he is in his fallen state, with all his disor- dered propensities, appetites and passions, and he is al- ways unhappy when found without employment; with- out something that gives excitement to his mind, acti- vity to his body, and occupation to his time. A man of much leisure is commonly dissatisfied ; an idle man is always wretched. On the other hand, he who is con- stantly and laboriously employed in lawful business, has usually the best enjoyment of life ; Ihe best health 220 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. of body, and the greatest serenity of mind. Ho is ani- mated by hope arid expectation, conscious that he is pur- suing the coui-se which leads directly to all those attain- ments and distinctions, which are the objects of human desire ; which aspiring minds covet for the gratifica- tion of their ambition ; which virtuous minds seek and value, that their ability to do good may be increased. These remarks^are plainly sanctioned by our text — de- livered, let it be remembered, under the guidance of in- spiration, by the wisest of men; by a prosperous prince, mbst deeply skilled in the knowledge of human nature, and- most thoroughly acquainted with the course and tendency of human affairs. " Seest thou a man diligent in his bjjsiness ? he shall stand before kings, he shall not stafid before mean men." I have chosen this sacred maxim as the foundation of the present address, because, though I am aware that it is applicable to business of every kind, yet I think it peculiarly applicable to the occupation and pursuits of a Scholar. In discoursing upon it, my object will be to recommend literary diligence, by showing its nature^ necessity, and happy consequence^. The subject, in all ita extent, is too copious to be treated with the requi- site fulness, in a single discourse ; and as the first of the points I have mentioned, namely, the nature of literary diligence, may be considered as n whole by, itself, I shall confine myself to this on the present occasion.* In entering on this discussion, I earnestly intreat you * The necessity, and hnppij consequences of literary ditigence, were considered in a subsequent discourse. LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 221 to keep in mind tliat it is to be considered throughout, both by the speaker and hearers, as the discussion qf an interesting part otreligious truth and duty. This is im- portant, not only that wo may mutually regard what is incumbent on us, on this^ sacred day, iiut in order to do justice to the subject, itself; for t am persuaded that it can neither be fully understood nor felt, with its proper force, unless it be examined and contemplated in the light of religion. I do not, indeed, deny that men may sometimes be found who, upon mere worldly considerations, are regular. in their lives and indus- trious in their habits. But I do affirm,' that as no- thing but. a regard to the authority of God will en- sure his approbation, either in this life op in that which is to com6, so there is nothing as effectual as this, to lead us to a cleap and extensile .view of what is really incumbent on us ; nothing that mil make us feel the obligations of duty so sensibly ; and nothing, consequently, that will furnish so powerful an -excite- ment to a life of persevering and laborious activity in our proper callings. Beyond all question, he who re-, gards exertion and industry as a part of the duty and service^whicli Jie owes to his Maker, is influenced by a consideration which must operate with the greatest force and steadiness ; which' will be most likely to pre- serve him from all improper jneans or endeavours to promote his own interest ; and which must also pow- erfully invigorate and ' support his mind, and even fill it v.'ith pleasure and satisfaction, from the hope of re- ceiving the approbq,tion of the greatest and best of Be- 222 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. ings, whose commands he obeys and whose eernce he performs. It is to be understood, however, that although, in ilhis- trating.and enforcing the text, I shall make it my care to exhibit and inculcate the truth which it contain s^ as a doc- trine of religion, and as deriving its weightiest sanction ftoia the divine authority ; yet this will not prevent my showing that it is a doctrine which may be sustained, il- lustfated, and enforced, like many other religious trutlis, by reason, experience, and the principles of huma nnature. In considering the nature of literary diligence, that I may render the subject as practical as possible, I \Vill begin with stating some things which are adverse or hostile to it — some difficulties with whidh every indus- trious student will haVe to Contend, aftd some errors which he must endeavour to avoid. - ' Indolence, you knotv,'.rs the exact opposite of in- dustry or diligence. Whoever, therefore, intends to be industrious, must guard against the indulgence of indo- lent feelings and habits, with all, the resolution and vigi- lance 6f which he is capable. He should think much 'of the sin of being idle, and of losing an^ part 6f that pre- cious time, Tor the whole of which he must render a strict account te God. Man was not permitted to ba un- occupied even in Paradise ; and we have had occasion to remark, that since his fall, it is, in a pecuHo-r manner, the law of his nature and statp, that he must labour. No affluence of fortune, no distinction of rank or birth, can justify any one in leading an idle life. The indis- pensable law of the Gospel is, that " no man liveth to LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 223 himself." He is bound to servo God and his genera- tion unceasingly — with his best exertions, and with all his influence, talents and property. The man who would cherish the spirit and habits of industry, should think often on the loss which every idle hour will occasion ; a loss absolutely irreparable, since every subsequent hour will demand its full share of duty. He should consider, that although it may re- quire an effort, sometimes a painful one, to throw off lazy feelings, yet that a man always feels better when this is done, than when he gives way to indolence and inaction; and that he provides not only for present, but for future enjoyment ; because he does that which will, on rejiection, afford him pleasure, instead of pain. Slug- gishness and sloth are so truly degrading, that it is scarcely possible to fear them, hate them, and despise them too much. To guard against them effectually, it may be useful for young men, at least till habits of in- dustry are well established, to prescribe to themselves a daily task, and to resolve, in ordinary circumstances, not to sleep till it be accomplished. Again : he who would be diligent in business, must carefully avoid spending too much time in company. Retirement, you know, is essential to study and literary improvement. Nothing, indeed, can be farther from my views, than to recommend an unsocial disposition, or re- cluse habits. Advantages of the most important kind, and obtainable by no other means, are to be derived from social intercourse, and mixing suitably and discreetly with the world. It is, moreover, by such intercourse, T ii24 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. that the man of true benevolence finds many opportuni- ties and occasions, which he would otherwise miss, of doing good to others. But an excess in this particular, is certainly one of the greatest dangers, against which a studious youth, especially if he be fond of society, will find need to guard. Of the company of idlers and loungers he must resolve to rid himself effectually — with- out offending them, if it be practicable; but by offending them, if he cannot otherwise accomplish his purpose. But we must go farther. In order to be industrious, es- pecially in literary pursuits, we must be careful of spend- ing too much time, even in the best company. From not duly considering this, young men of great promise have sometimes marred their prospects, and disappointed the expectations they had raised. By an inordinate love of company, from which they suspected no injury, because it was reputable and honourable, it has come to pass that they have remained superficial, when, otherwise, they might have been profound ; they have become gentlemen, but not scholars ; in a word, though they have adorned so- ciety, they have never been capable of managing its most serious and weiglity concerns. It is, therefore, of much importance to learn and practice the self-denial requisite to forego the pleasures of society, whenever they would interfere with regular study, or professional engagements. Nay, an industrious student must en- deavour, as far as the obligations of religion, benevo- lence and courtesy will permit, to prevent unseasonable and useless visits to himself: and with suitable address, this may usually be done, without giving lasting or serious LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOI^IEXDED. 225 offence. To a diligent man, time is invaluably precious. It will always grieve him when any portion of it passes unprofitably; and in every lawful way he will be careful to save it, or to turn it to some good account. Farther. One who intends to be really and effectively diligent in studious business, must not indulge a desul- tory, fluctuating, or unsteady state of mind. Scarcely any thing is more hostile than this, to the necessary ac- quisition of science, nor, indeed, to a thorough know- ledge of any subject. Such knowledge can rarely be ac- quired but by gradual, and sometimes by slow advances; and he who is impatient of such advances, he who will not steadily and perseveringly pursue a subject till he understands it clearly, and comprehends it fully, will seldom be more than a smatterer. Sir Isaac Newton is reported to have said, that he thought he possessed no uncommon talent, beyond an aptitude for patient think- ing and laborious investigation. We sometimes see men, not otherwise incapable of improvement, nor, so far as we can judge, disqualified for rising to eminence, who seem as if they could keep to no one study or pursuit long enough to bring it to a successful termination. They oflen enter on anenterprizc Avith eagerness, but before it is half accomplished they are out of conceit with it, and must try something else. In active life, this unhappy temperament manifests itself by driving its subject from one profession to another, or from one place or project to another, without end, and with certain loss both of property and character. To counteract this unpropiti- ous disposition of mind, a portion of which is no un- 226 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. common misfortune, studious youth should make a point of resisting it resolutely, from the very first. Let them deliberate well before they enter on any undertak- ing ; but when entered on, let them resolve never to give it up through weariness or disgust, till it be accomplish- ed. Let them fix it as a maxim, to complete whatever they begin. Have they selected a subject for composi- tion ? Let them never change it for another, whatever inclination may suggest, but pursue it closely, till they have discussed it in the best manner which their talents will permit. Have they set out to make a literary at- tainment? Let them not alter their purpose, nor flag, nor waver in it, till the acquisition be achieved. Have they chosen a profession ? Let them think only of emi- nence and usefulness in that profession, and never suffer their minds to be discouraged, enfeebled or depressed, by dwelling on the advantages, the pleasures, or the hon- ours of another. Have they commenced business in a particular place ? There let them pursue it, with a de- termination not to remove, but on the most weighty considerations. All general maxims admit of some ex- ceptions, but to those now suggested the exceptions ought certainly to be few. Another enemy to effective literary industry, nearly allied to that which has last been characterized, is the love of miscellaneous reading, or of the pleasantcr parts of general literature, or of attempting light compo- sitions, indulged to the neglect of those severer studies in which eminence, both in science and in professional business, must always rest, as on its proper basis. This LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 227 is a mischief which often begins early, and continues through life. It frequently commences in a grammar school, or during a college course, where the youth dis- regards or neglects the regular studies of his class, or contents himself with a very superficial knowledge of them, and consumes his time in reading entertaining books, of every description and variety. Such a youth is no very promising candidate for distinction in after life, as a scholar, a divine, a lawyer, or a physician. He is in danger of retaining his early habits, so that though he read much, his reading shall profit him but lit- tle. He may accumulate a heterogeneous mass of infor- mation ; but still without possessing a thorough acquain- tance with any one branch of useful knowledge. Of his professional business, if he is ever found in a profession, it is likely he will know less, than of many other sub- jects. Such a man may become the author of a tale, or an ode ; but will, probably, produce nothing valuable on any important concern of life. Let me not, however, be misunderstood. I would be so far from condemning all light, or general reading, that I would remind you distinctly, that no scholar ought wholly to neglect it. There is, as Cicero has long since remarked, a kind of common bond of union among all the liberal arts ; so that they are mutually auxiliary to each other. General knowledge always enriches and liberalizes the mind; and it will ever be advantageous, in various ways, to a professional man, to possess a con- siderable portion of such knowledge. I frequently refer to professional qualifications, because T 2 228 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. in this country, at present, there are not many men of education who are not professional men. It may be re- gretted that such should be the fact, and we have been re- proached on account of it; but, from the state of society, it could not be otherwise. Few among us have, hither- to, possessed the means of obtaining a liberal education as a matter of ornament, or as a source of refined plea- sure, or with the expectation of writing for the public on subjects of taste or science. It will readily be granted, that those who entertain any of these views may properly indulge their inclination for general read- ing, more freely than others. But even these will err egregiously, if they do not pursue improvement on some definite plan or system ; and if they do not also devote a principal part of their earlier studies to the attainment of that substantial literature, on which alone they can, advantageously, superinduce the more elegant and or- namental parts. " Not even in trifles, triflers can excel, ' Tis solid bodies only polish well." But to those who have professional employments distinctly in view, general reading ouglit, through the earlier part of life, to be an amusement rather than a business. At most, it should be no more than a by- business. Both duty and interest dictate, that the strength of their minds be laid out on genuine science, and professional studies. Form your habits, therefore, on this plan, and retain them unbroken, till you are satisfied that you may LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 229 change them without injury. In a word, be of the character which the text contemplates — let your dili- gence be in your business. Let other things be your recreation, or the subjects only of occasional attention. It should indeed be a part of the plan of every busy Scholar, to render even his relaxation improving to him- self, and if possible, useful to others. Once more — Diligence in business, if we would secure its full benefit, must be so conducted as not to injure health. This is a most important consideration, which few studious youth estimate as they ought, till they are taught by experience — by an experience, alas! which often comes too late to be useful. Let it by no means bo supposed, that it has been my intention, in any thing you have heard in this address, to recommend that your application to study should be unceasing — Far from it. Such an application, I well know, is not even calculated to effect the greatest progress in study itself An inces- sant poring on a subject renders the faculties obtuse, and stupefies and bewilders the mind. To study ad- vantageously, the mind must be clear and vigiorous. In that state, more will be done in a few minutes than in hours, or days, of lassitude and exhaustion. It should never be forgotten that the mind, as well as the body, may act feebly ; and that, in regard to both, it is by vigorous efforts only that obstacles are removed, and difficulties overcome. Now, in order to act with energy and perspicacity, the mind must have suitable rest ; and he who does not rest enough to qualify the mind to put forth all its energies, will certainly not study to the 230 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. most advantage. To loiter and doze over a subject or a book, is one of the worst practices in which a student can indulge. Better it is by far, to apply vigorously, while vigour can be sustained, and then to relax alto- gether. Different individuals can, no doubt, bear dif- ferent degrees of close study; but there are few who can, with safety or benefit, employ in this way, more than six, or, at the utmost, eight hours, in the day ; and these ought generally to be divided into two or three portions, with an interval of complete relaxation be- tween them. It is also to be recollected, that not only must the mind have rest, but that tlie body must have exercise. For the want of this, we have seen numer- ous and melancholy instances of youth, of the best hopes, whose literary career has been interrupted almost as soon as begun ; and themselves, indeed, frequently con- signed to an early grave. Whether there be any thing in the American climate, constitution, or habits, which is peculiarly unfriendly to a sedentary and studious life, I am not prepared to say; but it seems to me, that it is far more common in this country than in Europe, for studious men to ruin their constitutions, so as cither to die young, or to render life a long disease. To prevent this as far as possible, I am of the opinion that a student ought to make it, not merely a point of prudence, but a part of his religion, to take daily and sufficient exercise. Besides what he owes to himself, is he not bound to ren- der to God and to his fellow men, the greatest amount of service of which he is capable? And do we not know that this service is greatly diminished, nay, often LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 231 entirely prevented, by the want of that health which due exercise is essentially necessary to preserve ? Let no one say that he is too youn;^, and firm, and athletic, to be always guarding against disease. I am not recom- mending an effeminate anxiety about health and life. This often defeats its own purpose; and is, in fact a dis- ease in itself. No truly — But I do earnestly inculcate the importance of constantly recollecting, that health is more easily kept, when it is possessed, than regained when it is lost ; that as both our comfort and usefulness depend on it, it is a sacred duty, which we owe both to ourselves and to others, to endeavour to preserve it ; that, under the divine blessing, it is chiefly to be pre- served by a proper regimen ; by forming and maintain- ing good habits, of which the taking of daily exercise is one of the very first importance. As, therefore, every thing we shall do, is best done by system, let every student prescribe to himself what he deliberately judges necessary, in regard to the point before us, and then re- ligiously adhere to the rule which he adopts. Having thus noticed, at some length, what is most adverse to literary industry ; the errors in regard to it which must be avoided, and the difficulties which must be surmounted ; a very short and summary statement will now suffice, to show in what it directly and dis- tinctly consists. It consists, then, in a steady, labori- ous, unwearied, but discreet attention, to the most im- portant subjects of study, while one is in training for active life ; and in the same attention to professional studies and duties, after he has entered on such a life. 232 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOJOIEXDED. In his preparatory course, the youth who is dihgent in business, in the spirit of our text, will bend his mind most assiduously to the acquisition of language and science, as the essential prerequisites and preparatives for every liberal profession or pursuit. He will not slight any study in a system of academical education, under a vain conceit that it would, if pursued, be useless to him, or do him little good. He will, in this, yield himself entirely to the opinion and direction of his teach- ers; having already learned that the utility of elementary knowledge cannot be judged of by him who is acquiring it. He will, therefore, apply himself to the acquisition of classical learning, of mathematical and physical science, of the knowledge of composition and elo- quence, of logic, and the philosophy of the human mind, of historical information, and of the principles of morals and religion. On these he will diligently employ his time and his best efforts. When he has selected his profes- sion, his great aim will be to understand it thoroughly. No general and superficial knowledge of it will content him. He will endeavour to go deep into every part of it — to become acquainted with its radical principles, with all its details, connexions, bearings, results and ap- plications — in a word, to be a master of it. With this view, he will make a considerable part of his general reading auxiliary to his professional pursuits. When he enters on the practical duties of his pro- fession, he will consider himself as devoted to those du- ties. All his arrangements will be made to favour and forward their full and perpetual performance. To this LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 233 the order of his family will be made subservient. For this he will aive up every interfering pleasure and en- joyment. For this he will refuse no necessary sacrifice, nor grudge any requisite labour or exertion. Thoso who seek him in the business of his profession, will easily find him always ready to attend to their con- cerns, and find that it is always safe and advantageous to confide them to him. In fine, he will consider the duties of his profession as constituting the great busi ness of his life, and as forming a sacred trust, for which he holds a high responsibility both to God and man. I must pointedly notice, that every thing must be reduced, as far as possible, to method or order, by him who would be diligent in business to the most advan- tage, fie must make an orderly distribution of his time, fixing, as far as he can, his hours of study and business, and those of rest, amusement, relaxation, and exercise. He must also make a methodical disposition of the different parts of his business ; so that he may take up every thing that he docs, in an orderly manner. His papers and his books — the implements of his occu- pation — must have a careful and orderly arrangement ; so that every thing may immediately bo found when it is wanted, without confusion and the loss of time. It is thus by putting method into all his business and con- cerns, and inflexibly adhering to it, that a man is able easily to accomplish what, to one who is unacquainted with the effects of order and industry united, appears utterly impracticable. Let me add, that as neatness 234 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. and order are certainly favourable to each other, a scholar should, from the first, be careful never to sepa- rate them. I must also particularly remark, that strict and scrupulous punctuality, in regard to appointments, and to engagements of every kind, must characterize him who tliinks to save time, to do much business, and to possess the greatest weight of character. But before concluding this part of the subject, I should feel myself chargeable with a most criminal neglect of official duty, if I did not tenderly counsel and entreat the youth whom I address, and indeed all who hear me, to appropriate, in the orderly distribution of their time, a certain part of every day as sacred to the exercises of devotion. Without prayer there can be no true religion. To speak of a prayerless Christian, would be to utter a per- fect solecism. It is by prayer that all intercourse with heaven is carried on, and all its blessings secured. And without the blessing of God, dihgence itself will render no man truly prosperous, even in this world. " The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." (Prov. x. 22.) The frowns of provi- dence may blast the wisest and the best conducted plans and efforts. Of this the author of our text elsewhere reminds us. " I returned, (says he,) and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill ; but time and chance happeneth to them all." Be sensi- ble, then, of your entire dependence on the God of pro- vidence and grace, to succeed and bless your literary LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 235 diligence ; cultivate an habitual sense of that depen- dence ; and by daily prayer, implore a favourable issue to all that you undertake. Numerous instances, I ad- mit there are, of men who rise to vs^ealth, station, and in- fluence, and yet live and die without piety. But in every such instance, remember that prosperity is grant- ed not with the smiles, but in the displeasure of Hea- ven. " The prosperity of fools shall destroy them. The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked." They are neither to be envied nor imitated. Consider, I be- seech you, how dreadful it will be, if all your distinc- tions and influence among men, shall only serve to in- crease an awful account with God, and to aggravate your final condemnation : And this they will assuredly do, if you remain unreconciled to God through Jesus Christ, and live in the neglect of prayer, and the other duties of genuine piety. Be assured that nothing will have so happy an influence, to direct and animate you in all duty, as daily and fervent prayer, both in the closet and in the family. It v.'ill bring you comfort and sup- port under all disappointments, trials, and afllictions. It will be your best recourse in all difficulties, straits, and embarrassments. It will also make you regard as mat- ters of duty, what the prayerless regard as matters merely of choice or prudence. It will render you con- scientious and careful in avoiding all the errors, and in overcoming all the difficulties, relative to a life of indus- try, which have been pointed out in this address : And best of all, it will often fill your minds with those sweet and divine consolations, which at once lighten the bur- 236 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. dens of life, sanctify the soul, and anticipate the bliss and the rest of heaven. Whether, therefore, you consult your present, or your future destiny, your temporal or your eternal interests, the exercises of devotion are all important. Insure their performance, by setting apart the specific hour and place, at which, in ordinary cir- cumstances, they shall receive your daily and undivided attention. With devout exercises in private, connect a reverential regard to all the other demands and institu- tions of religion. Never let the engagements of secular business violate the sacred rest of the Sabbath. Make no plea of necessity on tliis account, beyond what is fairly warranted by the allowance of the great Lord of the Sabbath. Be regular and exemplary in your atten- dance on public worship; and never, if you love religion, be ashamed to make an open profession of it before the world; remembering the solemn and impressive declara- tion of the Saviour himself, "Whosoever shall be ashamed of me, and my words, in this adulterous and sinful gene- ration, of him also shall the son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Fathor, with the holy an- gels." And now, if in the minds of any of you there still lurk a suspicion, that so high and exact a regard to the demands of religion as I recommend, must necessarily interfere with that diligence in business, which it is the main object of my discourse to explain and inculcate, I would, in conclusion, beg of such to lay aside all specula- tion, and to attend, for a moment, to the facts of the case. Facts, numerous and unequivocal, demonstrate, that strict LITERAHY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. 237 piety may be united, because it often has been united, with exemplary and successful industr}'. There have been, taken collectively, a host of such men as Selden, and Boyle, and IJoorhaave, and Pascal, and Hale, and Gardiner, and Thornton — scholars, lawyers, physicians, soldiers, and merchants — who have been disting-uished, in the highest degree, for profound erudition, or for pro- fessional activity and eminence, or ler both, and at the same time for devoutness of spirit and sanctity of life. Let nothing, therefore, induce you to yield to an unhal- lowed suspicion and prejudice which such examples as these should counteract. Never attempt to separate the duties which a divine precept has joined together ! But be "diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." Candidates for the honours of the College, in the en- suing week ! This subject, chosen and treated with reference to the circumstances in which you now stand, has, throughout, been particularly addressed to you. No- thing materially occurs to me, to add to what you have already heard, except a few words, in anticipation of the remaining part of my subject, on the necessity and happy consequences of diligence in business, and then to bid you all farewell. Unhappily a notion has gained currency among us, that diligence is not necessary to youth of genius and talents ; that regular and laborious study is rather the indication of a dull and plodding mind ; and that it is 233 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. of course the prerog^ative and the tendency of powerful intellect, to neglect, and even to disdain, all close and systematic application. A more senseless and perni- cious notion than this, could not easily be conceived. It is so unqualifiedly false, that I confidently affirm, with my venerable predecessor Dr. Witherspoon, whose words I quote — "that there is not an instance to be found, of a man's arriving- at great reputation or use- fulness, be his capacity what it might, without industry and application." Grotius, and Newton, and Milton, and Locke, were they without genius ? Yet they were among the most laborious students and thinkers that ever lived. Besides, there is a very arrogant assump- tion here. A young man first takes it for granted that he has superior powers, and then, from this self-flatter- ing postulate, concludes that he may neglect study. Does he who reasons and acts in this manner, give evi- dence of mental energy or of mental weakness ? I leave the answer wuth yourselves. Receive it, my young friends, as incontrovertible truth, that diligence in business, all the diligence of which you have heard, is necessary, indispensably ne- cessary, to you all. No matter what are your talents — without diligence, you can neither be useful, nor truly respectable. We allow to talents all their just claims. Doubtless he who is richly gifted with them, may go forward in knowledge and improvement, with an case, a rapidity, and to an extent, not to be equalled by those of more moderate endowments. Still, no endowments from nature can ever supercede the necessity of exertion, order and industry. And often, very often, it is seen, LITERARY DILIGENCE REC0M3IENDED. 239 that a man of ordinary powers, by application and at- tention to business, comes, in the language of the text, to " stand before kings ;" and not unfrequently leaves him who vaunted of his genius, and indulged in idleness and eccentricity, to " stand before mean men," or to sink into utter insignificance. In looking forward into life, therefore, make your calculations that all your success is to depend, under the divine blessing, on your own efforts and industry ; and to be in a great measure proportioned to them. Friends may put you in the way of business and repu- tation, but nothing can keep you there, but your own merit and exertions. Adopt and adhere, then, to the whole system which has been delineated to you in this address. Doing this, you will have reason to hope that, in a few years, if your lives shall be prolonged, you will occupy some of the first stations of usefulness, influence, and honour, in our country. But I must rcnewedly counsel you, that in contemplating all your prospects and in forming all your purposes, you do it in an hum- ble reliance on God to preserve, succeed, and bless you. I would wish to avoid saying any thing needlessly to damp your youthful ardour. But in this parting ad- dress, I must remind you distinctly, that all you have heard, relative to a life of diligence and its happy conse- quences, has been predicated of a contingency, which as I have passingly hinted, may never take place. Your life is uncertain — You may not live to be diligent and successful in business. You know that the stroke of death has brought to the dust, and hurried to his final u 2 240 LITERARY DILIGENCE RECOMMENDED. destiny, one of your friends, who only a 3'ear ago was standing, as you do now, to hear my last monitory words. Any one of you may follow liim, in the year that is to come : and instead of each individual flat- tering himself that he will certainly escape, it will be more wisely done, if each individual shall resolve to act as insensible, that he may be marked as another victim. Yes, my young friends, the first and indispensable concern of you all, is to see that your peace be made with God througli Jesus Christ. "Seek first the king- dom of God and his righteousness," and trust the assur- ance, that other " tilings shall be added unto you.'' It is my parting earnest request, that you make no de- lay in this great concern. It will neither prevent nor interfere with any other duty. You will never be so well prepared to live as when you are prepared to die. My fervent prayer for you all is, that you may be pre- pared for both. While you live, may you live to the glory of God and to the good of mankind ; and hving thus, may you — if such be the divine will — live long and happily I May you be the joy of your parents, the delight of your friends, a treasure to your country, and a blessing to the world ! May you at last die in peace, and may we meet in Heaven ! These, dear pupils, are not formal wishes — they are cordial, earnest, paternal desires and petitions, which, in parting from you, I offer up in your behalf to our common God and Father. Nor shall I, while I live, cease to follow you with my prayers. The God of our fathers bless you I Farewell.