/./^. 2./ LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N. J. Purchased by the Mrs Robert Lenox Kennedy Church History Fund. Division Q A ^ O G t .P4-Hfe. Section. y y y y y a Mtetor? of tbe Oosbenboppen IReformeb Charge fiDontaomeriP County?, Pennsylvania Part XXIX of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of The Pennsylvania-German Society By rev. WILLIAM JOHN HINKE, Ph.D., D.D. Professor of Semitic Languages and Religions in Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, New York ■^SICH LANCASTER 1920 Copyright, 1920 BY William J. Hinke Autograph Edition, 230 copies No 225 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. y PREFACE. Reformed Church History In this country has long been a subject of study. It Is Interesting to note that the first printed history of the Reformed Church In the United States was published not In America but In Germany. In the year 1846, the Rev. Dr. J. G. Buettner, the first pro- fessor of the first Theological Seminary In the State of Ohio, published " Die Hochdeutsche Reformlrte KIrche In den Verelnlgten Staaten von Nord-Amerlka," In Schlelz, Germany. But even before that time, the Rev. Dr. Lewis Mayer, the first professor of the Reformed Theological Seminary at York, Pa., had been busy gathering materials for the history of the Reformed Church. Unfortunately he died at York, In 1849, before he had fully utilized the documents he had so carefully collected and copied. Only a brief sketch from his pen appeared in I. Daniel Rupp's " History of the Religious Denominations in the United States," Philadelphia, 1844. A few years afterwards the Rev. Dr. John W. Nevin included a sketch of the German Reformed Church In America in his " History and Genius of the Heidelberg Catechism," Chambersburg, 1847. I'^ It he lamented that the Journal of Michael Schlatter was "the only record we have on the general state of the American German Reformed Church In the middle of the last century." ^^ In 1849, the Rev. Dr. Philip Schaff published In his "KIrchenfreund," Vol. II, a series of three articles on the "History of the German Church in America," In which he traced the origin and growth of the Reformed and Lu- theran churches through three successive periods. vi Preface. But the man who may well be called the father of Re- formed history in America was the Rev. Dr. Henry Har- baugh. He not only secured the manuscripts and docu- ments of Dr. Mayer for the use of the church and added to them many others which he collected himself, but upon the basis of these documents he wrote two splendid vol- umes, which told the story of Reformed history in America with such real enthusiasm and beauty of style, that they have always remained sources of inspiration for later students. They were: "Schlatter's Life and Trav- els," Philadelphia, 1857, and "The Fathers of the Re- formed Church," Vol. I, Philadelphia, 1857. In 1872, Dr. Harbaugh added a second volume to the " Fathers " of the church. In these volumes the lives and labors of the most important German Reformed ministers in Amer- ica were set forth. It remained for a former president of the Pennsylvania German Society, the late Rev. Dr. Joseph H. Dubbs, to write the first connected history in his " Historic Manual of the Reformed Church in the United States," Lancaster, 1885. Later he corrected and completed the story in his contribution to the "American Church History Series," Vol. VIII, New York, 1895, and especially in his beauti- fully illustrated and well-written work "The Reformed Church in Pennsylvania," published by our Society in 1902 as part IX of its "Narrative and Critical History." A new era was ushered in, however, in 1 895-1 898, when the rich treasures of manuscripts and documents, stored in the archives of the Reformed Church of Holland, were discovered and made accessible to American students. It was in this connection that the writer first became inter- ested in Reformed Church history. In the summer of 1897, his friend and colleague, the Rev. Dr. James I. Preface. vii Good, asked him to go to Holland, in order to copy and photograph the records which had been found. He car- ried out this commission in the summers of 1897 and 1898, with the result that, on the basis of the newly found docu- ments, the history of the Reformed Church in the United States could be entirely rewritten. This was done by Dr. Good in his important book " History of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1725-1792," Reading, 1899. The writer himself had the privilege of translating and editing two volumes of documents, in 1903 the " Minutes and Letters of the Coetus of Pennsylvania," and in 19 16 the " Life and Letters of the Rev. John Philip Boehm." They have placed German Reformed Church History in America upon a safe foundation. But there are other sources of Reformed history which ought to be made accessible to students. By no means the least important of them are the church records of the oldest Reformed congregations. This volume may be re- garded as a contribution to that subject. These church records have long been an object of serious study by the writer. Even before the year 1900 he had copied the first volume of the Goshenhoppen records. It was published in 1900 in Mr. Dotterer's " Perkiomen Region," volume III, and later, with notes, in the American Monthly Maga- zine of the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. XLII, 19 13. It is now republished, with some corrections, together with the other volumes of church records, which, when combined and correctly inter- preted, tell the story of the Goshenhoppen Charge. It is such a complicated story, that the records by themselves were insufficient to unravel the various difficulties and per- plexities. They became intelligible only when studied in the light of all the evidence which had become available in viii Preface. Europe and America. In the history of the Goshenhop- pen churches the writer has made use of all the documents which have come to light, with the result that he has been able to piece together a fairly complete and well-authenti- cated history. The manuscript was prepared in 19 14, hence many letters of Boehm are quoted more at length than they would have been if written after the appearance of Boehm's letters in 19 16. There only remains for the writer the pleasant duty to express his deep obligation to the pastors of the churches whose records are published in this volume. They placed most readily and gladly all their records and other his- torical documents at his disposal. They answered letters and sent photographs, most of which could unfortunately not be utilized, because of the high cost of engraving at the present time. The completeness of the book owes much to their kind cooperation. The writer is under spe- cial obligation to his dear friend, the Rev. John B. Stoudt, who first encouraged him to undertake the writing of this history, and then gave his most loyal assistance in every difficulty that arose. To him the book is most fittingly dedicated as a token of the author's indebtedness and appreciation. William J. Hinke. Auburn, October 15, 1919. y TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction 5-i8 The Goshenhoppen Region — Its Extent — Its First Appearance — Forms of the Name — Old and New Goshenhoppen — First Immi- gration in 1710 — The Rev. Paulus Van Vlecq — ^The Reformed Church at Whitemarsh — Its First Members — First Reformed Set- tlers in Perkiomen Valley — Immigration about 1720 — The Rev. John Philip Boehm — His First Churches — Earliest Reformed Set- tlers in Goshenhoppen — Indian Legend. CHAPTER I. Ministry of the Rev. George Michael Weiss, 1727- 1730 19-70 First Service of Weiss at Goshenhoppen — Peter Miller's Refer- ence to Weiss — Weiss at Heidelberg University — The Weiss Family at Eppingen — Arrival of the Ship William and Sarah — Captain's List of Passengers — Signers of Oath of Allegiance — Weiss the Leader of the Colony — Certificate of Weiss's Ordina- tion— John Philip Boehm in the Perkiomen Valley — Opposition of Weiss to Boehm — Mr. Andrews on Weiss — Ordination of Boehm — Weiss at Goshenhoppen — Book against Newborn — Book on Indians — Condition of Reformed people at Philadelphia — Weiss adver- tising for Pupils — Collecting Tour of Weiss and Reiff to Holland — Its Origin — Its Object — Reiff's Account of Tour — Power of Attorney given to Reiff — Letter of Skippack Church — Weiss and Reiff in Holland— Expenses of Tour — The First Printed Report on Reformed Church of Pennsylvania — Departure of Weiss from Philadelphia. CHAPTER II. Ministry of the Rev. John Peter Miller, i 730-1 734 -71-95 His Matriculation in Heidelberg University — His Life in Ger- many— His Father — His Arrival in Pennsylvania — His Meeting with Boehm — His Activity,- at Skippack and Philadelphia — His X Table of Contents. Ordination by the Presbyterians — His Pastorate at Goshenhoppen — In the Conestoga Valley — Letter of Conrad Tempelman — Pastor at Muddy Creek, Reyer's, Zeltenreich and Cocalico — His Activity at Tulpehocken— The Three Reformed Churches in the Goshen- hoppen Region — His Conversion in May, 1735 — Provost Acrelius regarding Miller — Miller and Conrad Weiser — Miller's Own Ac- count of his Conversion — Boehm's Account of Goshenhoppen in 1734 — Miller's Death and Tombstone. CHAPTER III. Ministry of John Henry Goetschy, i 735-1 740 96-130 Arrival in Philadelphia — Rev. Maurice Goetschy — Departure of Colony from Zurich — Journey down the Rhine — Their Expe- riences in Holland — Emigrants in Goetschy's Colony — Letter of John Henry Goetschy — Application to Presbyterians for Ordina- tion— Activity at Old Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp — Boehm regarding New Goshenhoppen — Boehm regarding Goetschy — Goetschy's Missionary Activity — Goetschy Circulating Letter of Wilhelmius — The Goshenhoppen Churches Subscribing for Pas- tor's Salary — Ordination of Goetschy by Dorsius in 1741 — Goetschy's Activity in Dutch Reformed Church — His Death in 1774- CHAPTER IV. Ministry of the Rev. Peter Henry Dorsius, 1741- 1744 131-148 The Dutch Reformed in Bucks County seeking Pastor in 1730 — Wilhelmius Secures Dorsius — His Studies in Holland — His Family at Moers — His Journey to America — Boehm and Dorsius — His Activity at Goshenhoppen — His Journey to Holland and Return to Pennsylvania — Boehm's Account of Goshenhoppen in 1744 — Decla- ration of Trust by Elders — Return of Dorsius to Holland. CHAPTER V. Ministry OF Frederick Casimir Mueller, 1745-1748. 149-157 Schlatter regarding Mueller at Goshenhoppen — Arrival of Mueller in Pennsylvania — Schlatter and Weiss at Goshenhoppen — Letter of Mueller to Schlatter — Departure of Mueller from Goshenhoppen — His Ministry at Berne — At Longswamp — At Muddy Creek — At Coventry — At Hain's Church — At Lebanon and Swatara — Muel- ler's Doubles. X Table of Contents. xi CHAPTER VI. Ministry of the Rev. George Michael Weiss, 1746- 1761 158-192 Weiss in New Yoric State — His Return to Pennsylvania — Weiss in the Coetus — Schlatter regarding Weiss — Letter of Weiss to Schlatter — Debt on Old Goshenhoppen Church Paid — Events of the Year 1750 at Goshenhoppen — Church Farm at New Goshen- hoppen— Weiss Welcoming Schlatter and Six New Ministers — Schlatter Bibles Distributed — Division in Coetus — Donations from Holland — Congregational Activity — Subscriptions for Church Land at Great Swamp — Disposal of Mr. Weiss's Property — Inventory and Account of His Estate — Will of Mrs. Anna Weiss — Letters of David Schultze. CHAPTER VII. The Period of Supplies, 1762-1766 193-214 Otterbein Called but Declines — (i) Ministry of John Philip Leydich — His Pastorates — His Activity in the Coetus — His Home — His Death — (2) Ministry of Philip Jacob Michael — His Arrival in Pennsylvania — His Pastorates — His Appearance Before Coetus — Chaplain in the War of the Revolution — His Activity After the War— His Will— (3) Ministry of Jacob Riess— His Arrival in Philadelphia — His Pastorates — His Activity at Goshenhoppen — Hi? Death — (4) Ministry of John Rudolph Kittweiler — His Arri- val— His Pastorates — His Activity and Death at Great Swamp — Patent for Great Swamp Church Land. CHAPTER VIII. Ministry of the Rev. John Theobald Faber, Sr., 1766- 1779 215-223 His Birth and Training in Germany — His Certificate from Palatinate Consistory — Letter of Alsentz to Faber — His Marriage — His Activity in the Goshenhoppen Churches — Called by Lancaster Church — Faber Preaching at Tohickon — Progress of the Goshen- hoppen Churches under his Ministry — Call to Lancaster Church. xii Table of Contents. CHAPTER IX. Ministry of the Rev. John William Ingold, 1780- 1781 224-229 His Life in Germany — His Arrival in America — His Checkered Career — His Activity at Old Goshenhoppen — Supplies at Great Swamp and New Goshenhoppen — His Pastorate at Reading — At Indianfield and Tohickon— Death of His Wife — Leaves Ministry. CHAPTER X. Ministry of the Rev. Frederick Delliker, i 782-1 784, 230-234 The Delliker Family at Zurich — His Parents — His Ministry in Europe — Arrival in Pennsylvania — Pastorate in New Jersey — His Pastoral Activity at Goshenhoppen — At Falkner Swamp. CHAPTER XI. Ministry of the Rev. Frederick William Van Der Sloot, Sr., 1784-1786 235-237 His Life in Europe — His Ministerial Descent — Arrival in Penn- sylvania— Activity at Goshenhoppen — Ministry in Northampton County. CHAPTER XII. Second Ministry of the Rev. John Theobald Faber, Sr., 1786-1788 238-240 Pastorate at Indianfield and Tohickon — His Return to Goshen- hoppen— His Pastoral Activity — His Sudden Death. CHAPTER XIII. Ministry of the Rev. Nicholas Pomp, i 789-1 792. . 241-248 Call of Rev. N. Pomp — Letter of Pomp to Goshenhoppen Churches — Autobiography of Pomp — Pastorate at Goshenhoppen — At Indianfield and Tohickon — At Falkner Swamp — His Book against Universalism. X Table of Contents. xiii CHAPTER XIV. Ministry of the Rev. John Theobald Faber, Jr., 1791- 1807 249-255 His Youth and Training — Licensure and Ordination — Letter of Delliker to Faber — Pastoral Activity at Goshenhoppen — School- masters at Old Goshenhoppen — Activity at Great Swamp — Letter of Senn to Faber — Call to New Holland. CHAPTER XV. Ministry of the Rev. Albert Helffenstein, 1808- 181 1 256-258 His Birth and Training — Examination and Ordination — Pas- toral Activity at Goshenhoppen — Later Pastorates — His Death. CHAPTER XVI. Ministry of the Rev. Frederick William Van Der Sloot, Jr., 1812-1818 259-266 His Life in Germany — Arrival in Pennsylvania — Licensure and Ordination — Pastorate in Northampton County — His Marriage — At Germantown — At Goshenhoppen — His Appearance — Pastorate in Philadelphia — In Virginia — In York and Adams Counties — His Death. CHAPTER XVII. Division of Charge and Second Pastorate of the Rev. John Theobald Faber, Jr., 1819-1833 267-271 Call of Goshenhoppen to Faber — Old Goshenhoppen Separates from Charge — Rev. Jacob William Dechant at Old Goshenhop- pen— Upper Milford Added to Charge of Faber — Faber's Sudden Death. xiv Table of Contents. SECOND PART. GOSHENHOPPEN CHURCH RECORDS. New Goshenhoppen Records 272-385 A. Volume I, 1731-1761 272-311 Lists of Members 272 1. Baptisms by John Peter Miller 277 2. Baptisms b}' John Henry Goetschy 281 3. Baptisms by Peter Henry Dorsius 284 4. Baptisms by Frederick Casimir Mueller 286 5. Baptisms by George Michael Weiss 288 6. Marriages by George Michael Weiss 301 7. Catechumens of George Michael Weiss 307 8. Miscellaneous Entries by John Henry Goetschy 311 B- Volume H, 1762-1832 312-384 I. Baptismal Records 312-353 1. Baptisms by Jacob Riess 312 2. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Sr. . . 314 3. Baptisms by Supplies 329 4. Baptisms by Frederick Delliker 330 5. Baptisms by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr 334 6. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Sr. . . 335 7. Baptisms by Nicholas Pomp 340 8. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Jr.. . 341 9. Baptisms by Albert Helffenstein 345 10. Baptisms by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Jr 347 11. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber,, Jr. . . 348 12. Baptisms by Later Hands 352 H. Burial Records 353-362 1. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Sr. ... 353 2. Burials by Frederick Delliker 359 3. Burials by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr 359 y Table of Contents. xv 4. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Sr. ... 360 5. Burials by Nicholas Pomp 361 6. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Jr. ... 361 III. Marriage Records 362-369 1. Marriages by John Theobald Faber, Sr. . 362 2. Marriages by Frederick Delliker 366 3. Marriages by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr 367 4. Marriages of John Theobald Faber, Sr.. 367 5. Marriages by John Theobald Faber, Jr.. 368 6. Marriages by Albert Helffenstein 369 IV. Catechumens, 1 767-1 808 370 V. Communicants, 1809-1815 379 Old Goshenhoppen Record, i 764-1 833 386-436 I. Baptismal Records 386-417 1. Baptisms by Jacob Riess 385 2. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Sr- 386 3. Baptisms by John William Ingold 399 4. Baptisms by Frederick Delliker 400 5. Baptisms by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr. 402 6. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Sr 402 7. Baptisms by Nicholas Pomp 405 8. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Jr 408 9. Baptisms by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Jr. 409 10. Baptisms by Jacob W. Dechant 410 II. Burial Records 418-423 1. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Sr 418 2. Burials by Frederick Delliker 422 3. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Sr 422 4. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Jr 423 III. Marriage Records 424-428 1. Marriages by John Theobald Faber, Sr 424 2. Marriages by Frederick Delliker 427 3. Marriages by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr 427 4. Marriages by John Theobald Faber, Sr 428 2 xvi Table of Contents. IV. Catechumens, 1 767-1 794 428 V- Communicants, 18 13-1 81 5 434 Great Swamp Record, 1736-1833 437-479 I. Baptismal Records 437-464 1. Baptisms by John Henr>' Goetschy 439 2. Baptisms by George Michael Weiss 439 3. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Sr 442 4. Baptisms by Frederick Delliker 450 5. Baptisms by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr. 452 6. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Sr 453 7. Baptisms by Nicholas Pomp 456 8. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Jr 457 9. Baptisms by Albert Helffenstein 458 10. Baptisms by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Jr. 460 1 1. Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Jr 461 II. Burial Records 464-469 1. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Sr 464 2. Burials by Frederick Delliker 467 3. Burials by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr.. 467 4. Burials by Nicholas Pomp 468 5. Burials by John Theobald Faber, Jr 468 III. Marriage Records 469-472 1. Marriages by John Theobald Faber, Sr 469 2. Marriages by Frederick Delliker 471 3. Marriages by Frederick Wm. Van der Sloot, Sr. 471 4. Marriages by John Theobald Faber, Sr 471 5. Marriages by John Theobald Faber, Jr 472 IV. Catechumens, 1 767-1 795 472 V. Communicants, 1814-1818 477 Index 480 X Table of Contents. xvii ILLUSTRATIONS. Autographs. Page John Philip Boehm 40 George Michael Weiss 45 John Philip Boehm 51 John Bartholomew Rieger 78 Peter Miller 92 John Henry Goetschius 118 John Conrad Wuertz 120 Michael Schlatter 161 John Philip Leydich 195 Title Pages. Book of Weiss against Newborn 42 Circular Letter of Reformed Ministers 167 Pomp's Book against Universalists 248 List of Plates. Facing Page Frontispiece. Pennsylvania Documents in Archives at The Hague, Holland Title Page of New Goshenhoppen Record, 1736 118 Old Goshenhoppen Church, built 1744 142 Cornerstone of Old Goshenhoppen Church, 1744 144 House of William Dewees, Whitemarsh 144 The Rev. Michael Schlatter 150 New Goshenhoppen Church, 1 770-1857 220 Organ of New Goshenhoppen Church 222 The Rev. Clement Z. Weiser 270 y 'HE region commonly known as Goshenhoppen J ^ extends along the Perkiomen Creek, in the M I upper end of Montgomery County, Pa., and ^^^^ i covers also small strips of land in the adjacent ^^^^ counties of Berks, Lehigh and Bucks. Ac- cording to Dr. C. Z. Weiser^ it is a tract "perhaps ten miles long and five miles wide" which ex- tends " from Treichlersville [Lehigh County] to Sumney- town [Montgomery County], north and south and from the Bucks County line to the Perkiomen, east and west. It is a region rather than a township." The name first appears in the public records of the prov- ince in the year 1728,- when on May 17, 1728, the inhabi- tants of Colebrookedale addressed a petition to the gover- nor, asking for relief against the Indians. They report that " we have Suffered and is like to sufer By the Ingians, they have fell upon ye Back Inhabitors about falkners 1 See C. Z. Weiser's Monograph of the New Goshenhoppen and Great Siaamp Charge, 1731-1881, Reading, 1882, p. 5; also his statement in Dotterer's Perkiomen Region, Vol. I, p. 64. - See Pennsylvania .'I r chives, First Series, Vol. I, p. 213 f. S 6 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Swamp, & near Coshahopin. Therefore, we the humble Petitioners, With our poor Wives & Children Do humbly Beg of your Excellency To Take It into Consideration and Relieve us the Petitioners hereof, Whos Lives Lies at Stake With us and our poor Wives & Children that is more to us than Life. Therefore, We the humble Peti- tioners hereof. Do Desire An Answer from your Excel- lency By ye Bearer with Speed, so no more at present from your poor afflicted People Whose names are here Sub- scribed." Among the 48 signers to this petition are several, like Christian Neuschwanger, John Mayer, Christopher Schmidt and Peter Bohn, who appear also as members of the Reformed church at Skippack.^ The name of the district was variously spelled. In the Journal kept in the Land Office of the Proprietaries'* it appears as Cowessahopin, Cowessehoppen, Cowissehop- pin, and other similar forms. Mr. Boehm uses^ Goschen- hoppen, Goschoppen and even Goschenhakken. Dr. Weiser quotes^ in addition : Quesohopen, Cosshehoppa, Coshen- hoppe, Coshahopin, Cowissahopen, and Coschehoppe. As the second part of the name appears in the names of two Indian chiefs, Enschockhoppa and Shakahoppa, Dr. Weiser concludes that the name is of Indian origin.'^ The Goshenhoppen region included from early times 8 See Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Vol. I, p. 122; Vol. VII, pp. 48. 60. * See Perkiomen Region, Vol. I, pp. 105, 118, 119, 140, 141, 151, etc. 6 See Journal of the P. H. S., Vol. VII, pp. 56, 122, 124. " Weiser, Monograph, p. 5. ' In the Perkiomen Region, Vol. Ill, p. 145, Mr. Dotterer raises the ques- tion whether " Goshenhoppen " might not be a German name, by calling attention to the German place name " Goshenhof." But the Dutch form of " Hof," namely " hoeve," shows that the final "f" in High German be- comes " V " or " w " in Low German, but not a single or double " p." The Goshenhoppen Region >j two sections, one nearer Philadelphia, known as Old Gosh- enhoppen, comprising part of Upper Salford township, the other farther north, in Upper Hanover township, known as New Goshenhoppen. Which one of these dis- tricts was settled first has not as yet been determined, so much is certain that, as we shall show later, ecclesiastically New Goshenhoppen was the first, for the first traces of a Reformed church organization appear in the New Gosh- enhoppen section. As the Goshenhoppen region is a part of the Perkiomen valley and the latter a part of Montgomery County, we shall preface the history of the Goshenhoppen churches with a brief survey of the general field. In the Journal of the Land OflSce of the Proprietaries,^ the Perkiomen valley, called Perqueaming, appears as early as 1717. On March 15, 1718, "Peter Wents" of Skippack paid quitrent for 100 acres for a period of ten years and for 50 acres for a period of 14 years. Hence he must have settled at Skippack as early as 1704. This makes him one of the earliest settlers of the Perkiomen valley. In 1730 his name appears^ as a member of the Reformed Skippack Church. His son Peter Wentz was one of the founders of Wentz's Church in Worcester Township in 1762.^^ But the full tide of German immigration into the Per- kiomen valley did not begin till the second decade of the eighteenth century. In July, 1728, the elders of the Re- formed congregations of Falkner Swamp, Skippack and Whitemarsh wrote to the Classis of Amsterdam :^i 8 Perkiomen Region, Vol. I, p. 28. » See an article by the writer in Dotterers Historical Notes, p. 102 f. 10 See " History of the Wentz's Reformed Church " in the Journal of the P. H. S., Vol. Ill, pp. 332-346, especially p. 339. '^The full letter has been printed repeatedly, first in the Mercersburg 8 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The first settlers in this widely extended region of Pensylvania were Christians bearing the name of Quakers. Hither came also men holding all sorts of opinions. About eighteen years ago [1710], there began to come in occasionally and to settle here and there, in places widely separated from each other, certain ones of the Reformed church. These came from different parts of Ger- many and from other places, and a few also from the neighboring provinces of New York and New Jersey, etc. In time these greatly multiplied, but, in order not to fall into the errors of those among whom they dwelt, they provoked one another to good works, by encouraging each other to hold religious meetings on the Lord's Day, etc., according to the doctrine and order of the Reformed Church, as far as it was understood by us. As the writers of this petition were themselves living in the Perkiomen valley, their statements are most natu- rally explained as referring primarily to this region. These statements find a welcome confirmation in the old record book^^ of the Dutch Reformed congregation, now at Churchville, Bucks County, Pa. In this record it is stated^^ that "on May 20th, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 17 10, Mr. Paulus Van Vlecq was installed pastor or shepherd and teacher in the Church of Jesus Christ at Neshaminy, Bensalem, Germantown and surrounding villages." On June 4, 17 10, the follow- ing consistory was installed at Whitemarsh: as elders, Hans Hendricks Meels and Evert ten Heuven, and as Revieiv, Vol. XXIII (1876), pp. 529-541; also in the Ecclesiastical Records of the State of Neiv York, Vol. IV, pp. 2425-2437, and in the Journal of the P. H. S., Vol. VI, pp. 303-316. In 1916, the writer published the whole Boehm Correspondence in Life and Letters of the Rev. John Philip Boehm, Philadelphia, Publication Board of the Reformed Church. In that book all the letters of Boehm, quoted below, are given in full. ^2 This record was published by the writer in full in the Journal of the P. H. S.. Vol. I, pp. 1H-134. 13 Sec /. c, p. 118. X The First Settlers 9 deacons, Isaac Dilbeck and William de Wees. The mem- bers of the Whitemarsh congregation in 17 10 were as fol- lows :^^ Hans Hendrick Meels, Evert ten Heuven, Isaac Dilbeck, Willem de Wees, Jan Aweeg, Johannis Yodder, Antonie Geertheus [Yerkes], Johannes Raevenstock, Ger- trude Rembergh, Elisabeth Schipbower, wife of E. ten Heuven, Mary Bloemers, wife of I. Dilbeck, Catrina Meels, wife of W. de Wees, Gertrude Aweeg, Anna Baer- ents, wife of J. Pieterse, Maria Selle, wife of G. ten Heuven. On December 25, 17 10, there were received by profession of faith: Sebastian Bartels and his wife Mary Hendricks and Caspar Staels. On March 31, 171 1, were received: Elsa Schol, Sebilla Revenstock, wife of Henry Tibben and Margaret Bon, wife of Caspar Staels. In 171 1 there were, therefore, 21 regular members of the congregation. The marriage and baptismal records of the congregation add a number of other names of persons, who may be called adherents of this first Reformed con- gregation of the province. They were: Herman ten Heuven, Peter Bon, Gabriel Schuyler, William Rembergh, Peter ten Heuven and Jacob Op de Graef. These were married by Dominie Van Vlecq, while he baptized the children of the following persons living at Skippack : Jacob Dilbeck, Cornelius De Wees, Gerhart ten Heuven, Arent Hendricks, Dirk Remberg, Hendricks Pannebacker, Jacob Pieterse, Rightijers Gaebel. In addition to the 21 regu- lar members there were, therefore, 14 Reformed adherents at Whitemarsh and Skippack from 1710-1712. Of these first Reformed settlers in Pennsylvania Isaac Dilbeck came with Pastorius in 1683.^^ I" 1690 Gerrit ^* See /. c, p. 120. 1^ Pennypacker, Settlement of Germantonvn, pp. 135, 190-192, 194; also Dotterer, Historical Notes, pp. 15-16, 23-26. 10 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Hendricks De Wees, probably the father of Willem De Wees, bought a lot of land in Germantown. In 1699 Evert ten Heuven, with his sons Herman, Gerhard and Peter, was a resident in Germantown, as was also Hen- drick Pannebecker. In 1700 Sebastian Bartels appears, in 1 701 Hans Hendrik Meels, in 1702 John Rebenstock and Michael Remberg, with his sons Dirck and Willem, also Peter Bon and Henry Tibben, and 1703 Antoni Gerckes. Some of these settlers took up land at Skippack, Hendrick Pannebecker in 1702; Gerhard and Herman In de Heuven, also Dirck and Willem Remberg in 1706; William and Cornelius De Wees in 1708. On September 29, 1709, the following Reformed set- tlers were naturalized by a bill passed in the Provincial Assembly and signed by the governor :^^ Isaac Dilbeck and his son Jacob Dilbeck; Caspar Stalls and Henry Tubben; Johannes Rebenstock, Sebastion Bartells and his son Henry Bartells; Evert in Hoffe and his sons Gerhard, Her- man and Peter in Hoffe. The ministry of Van Vlecq at Whitemarsh and Skippack continued from 17 10 to 17 13. On April 24, 17 13, he en- tered his last weddfng into the church record. On Sep- tember 21, 17 10, Van Vlecq applied to the Presbytery of Philadelphia^^ for admission. A committee was ap- pointed which considered his application and handed in a report, then " after serious debating thereon it was put to the vote, to admit him a member of the Presbytery or not, and it was carried in the affirmative." In 1 7 1 2 the charge 16 Keyser, Kain, etc., History of Old Germantoian (1907), Vol. I, p. 96. See also the paper on " Rev. Pauliis Van Vlecq," by the writer, in the Papers read before the Bucks County Hist. Society, Vol. IV, pp. 688-702. "^"^ Records of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Vol. I, pp. 17-40, for statements regarding Van Vlecq from 1710 to 1715- X First Reformed Settlers ii of bigamy was lodged against him, which, after thorough investigation, was sustained in 17 13. He was, as a result, suspended from the ministry. In 17 15 he is reported as having " run out of the country." A much larger number of German Reformed people came into the province of Pennsylvania in the period be- between 1720 and 1730. In a petition addressed by some members of the Phila- delphia Reformed Church to Governor Patrick Gordon, on November 23, 1732, they state :^^ That a great number of Protestants born under the Ligeance of the Emperor of Germany did, about ten years since [1722], come into this Province, and having settled in divers parts thereof, but especially in the city of Philada., formed themselves into a Reli- gious Society, commonly called by the name of German Reformed Church. The same statement is repeated and somewhat enlarged In a bill of complaint which the same persons submitted to the Court of Chancery of the Province on January 23, 1732 [-1733], in which they declared.^^ The said deponents ... say that for above the space of ten years by gone, great numbers of the subjects of the emperor of Ger- many, professing the Protestant religion or as 't is equally called the Reformed religion and having suffered hardships in their native countrj' upon the score of their religion, came over into the prov- ince of Pennsylvania and settled themselves in sundry parts of the s^ province and especially in Philadelphia. In harmony with these statements we find in the 18 This petition is a part of the Reiff papers, printed in the Reformed Quarterly Review, 1893, Vol. XL, p. 59 f. 19 This bill of complaint belongs also to the ReiflF papers, but it has not yet been printed. The original is in the Harbaugh collection of manu- scripts, now in the possession of Rev. Prof. J. I. Good. 12 History of the Goshenhoppcn Charge "Resolutions of the States of Holland and West Fries- land," that on June 12, 1722, the Raad Penslonaris (Prime Minister) reported to the States the arrival of a large number of families from Germany, which had come to Holland on various ships, with the intention of being transported to England, to be sent to one of the English Colonies, without any preparation having been made for their journey, or any invitation having been extended by the British government. He asked what steps should be taken. The States decided to confer with the authorities of the province nearest to Germany, to prevent the coming of any more emigrants. ^^^ In the year 1725 John Philip Boehm began his minis- terial activity in the Perkiomen valley. For the first com- munion services, held in 1725, he reported^" the following members : On October 15, 1725, at Falkner Swamp, 40 members or 24 males; In November, 1725, at Skippack, 37 members or 20 males; On December 23, 1725, at Whitemarsh, 24 members or 14 males. The totals for these three congregations were, there- fore, in 1725, loi members or 58 males. These three congregations of Boehm continued the organization ef- fected by Paulus Van Vlecq In 17 10, for of the latter's members we find Gabriel Schuler andGerhart In de Heven 1"* Taken from the Rotterdam Archives. -•'The number of males in 1725 is mentioned in the appeal of Boehm's elders to the Classis of Amsterdam, dated July, 1728, printed in the Jour- nal of the P. H. S., Vol. VI, p. 308. The number of members is found in Boehm's report of 1744, see Minutes and Letters of the Coetus of Pennsyl- vania, p. 18. See ali^o Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 160, 409. First Reformed Services 13 in Boehm's congregation at Skippack;-^ Willem de Wees, John Rebenstock and Isaac Dilbeck in his congregation at Whitemarsh.22 jf ^e \^2id the complete lists of Boehm's 10 1 members we would no doubt be able to find other con- necting links besides the five mentioned above. Such was the beginning of Reformed church life in the Perkiomen valley. The time when the first Reformed settlers arrived in the Goshenhoppen region cannot be determined with the evi- dence at hand at present. But it was most probably about the year 1720. So much is certain that in 1727 enough Reformed people had arrived In Goshenhoppen, so that a communion service could be held for them. In 1736 John Henry Goetschy, the boy preacher, en- tered the names of 45 heads of families into the Reformed record at New Goshenhoppen (seep. 274). Besides these there appear 68 additional names of men in the baptismal entries from 1731 to 1736 inclusive, so that there were at least 113 settlers, together with their families, in the New Goshenhoppen district by the end of the year 1736. With the help of Rupp's Immigrant Lists the exact time of the arrival of many of these settlers can be determined. The following is a list of those whom the writer was able to identify with some degree of probability i^^ 21 See the documents printed in the Journal of the P. H. S., Vol. VII, pp. 34, 48; also the letter from Skippack of May lo, 1730, quoted in His- torical Notes, p. 103. --These three men signed the appeal of July, 1728, see Journal of the P. H. S., Vol. VI, p. 316; as well as Boehm's letter of January 30, 1730, in Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, p. 34; Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 169, 191. 23 In the case of very common names like Jacob Mej'er and Jacob Miiller the possibility of mistaken identity must of course remain open. 14 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Earliest Reformed Settlers in the Goshenhoppek Valley. Names of Settlers. Time of Arrival. At Goshenhoppen. Johannes Huth September i8, 1727 Go. 1731 Johann Friedrich Hilligass September 18, 1727 Go. 1731 Hans Michel Zimmermann September 18, 1727 Go. 1733 Hans Georg Welcker September 18, 1727 Go. 1731 Ulrich Hetzell [Hertzel] September 18, 1727 Go. 1733 Benedict Strohm [Strome] September 18, 1727 Go. 1736 Frantz Stupp September 30, 1727 Go. 173 1 Burckhard Hoffmann September 30, 1727 Go. 1732 Johann Peter Hess October 2, 1727 Go. 1733 Michel Eberhart October 16, 1727 Go. 1732 Johann Philip Ried October 16, 1727 Go. 1736 Wendel Wiant August 29, 1729 Go. 1736 Johann Peter Moll August 29, 1729 Go. 1733 Valentin Griesemer August 29, 1730 Go. 1731 Thomas Hamma[n] August 29, 1730 Go. 1732 Abraham Transu August 29, 1730 Go. 1731 Lonhart Hochgenug August 29, 1730 Go. 1732 John Adam Stadtler September 5, 1730 Go. 1733 Johann Philip Emmert September 5, 1730 Go. 1731 Casper Holtzhausen [r] August 17, 1731 Go. 1733 Abraham Sahkr [Seler] September 11, 1731 Go. 1732 Johann Bartel. Gucker [Kucker] . .September 11, 1731 Go. 1732 Johann Michel Moll September 11, 1731 Go. 1732 Christopher Moll September 11, 1731 Go. 1733 Hans Adam Echelen [Euchelen] ..September ii, 1731 Go. 1731 Leonard Bock September 21, 1731 Go. 1737 Jacob Meyer September 21, 1731 Go. 1736 Hans Jerg Steger August 11, 1732 Go. 1737 Adam Hillegas August 11, 1732 Go. 1737 Georg Mertz September 11, 1732 Go, 1736 Georg Palsgraff September 11, 1732 Go. 1736 Hans Steinmann September 19, 1732 Go. 1733 Jacob Muller September 19, 1732 Go. 1737 Lorentz Hartman September 19, 1732 Go. 1736 Andreas Lohr ; September 19, 1732 Go. 1733 Johan Henrich Jung September 19, 1732 Go. 1736 Georg Peter Knecht September 21, 1732 Go. 1737 Hans Leonhart Herzel September 21, 1732 Go. 1737 Peter Matern September 30, 1732 Go. 173+ Peter Raudenbusch September 30, 1732 Go. 1733 y Reformed Settlers in Goshenhoppen 15 Johannes Geiger September 30, 1732 Go. 1734 Georg Michel Favian [Fabion] October 11, 1732 Go. 1736 Joh. Jost Ohlwein September 18, 1733 Go. 1736 Here are more than forty German Reformed settlers the exact time of whose arrival can be fixed and who, some time between that date and their first appearance in the New Goshenhoppen record, moved into the Goshenhoppen region. The others, whose date of arrival is as yet un- known, did not necessarily come before 1727. They may have come through another harbor, or reached Goshen- hoppen by a circuitous route. For it is a significant fact that of the Lutheran settlers at Old Goshenhoppen only three came before the year 1730, Kilian Gauckler, who came to America in 17 17, John George Weicker who ar- rived in 1724, and John Martin Deer in 1728. Of the rest, nearly thirty, only a few appear In the Immigrant lists, although they all came, according to the Church Record, between 1732 and 1750. This proves that the absence of a name from the Immigrant lists cannot be used as an argu- ment for or against the early arrival of that person. It must also be remembered that the immigrant lists are in- complete and that the names have In many instances been deciphered incorrectly. Although the time of arrival of the earliest settlers cannot be established definitely, it is certain that the year 1727 is the first fixed point In the history of the Reformed Church in the Goshenhoppen region. The Indian traditions, which gathered around the origin and meaning of the name Goshenhoppen are beautifully summed up in a poem of the Rev. Dr. C. Z. Weiser, which may fittingly be Inserted here.^^^ 23a The writer owes this poem to the Rev. John B. Stoudt, who kindly transmitted it for publication. l^ i6 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The Legend of Goshenhoppen. By C. Z. Weiser. Would you hear of Goshenhoppen, What it means and where it hails from Do not trust the pale-faced people, They are but of yesterday. 'Tis with them but speculation, Guess work oozed from fever'd brainshop. Like the webs from working spiders. Now they have it " Que-se-ho-pen," Then they say it's " Coss-he-hop-pe," " Cos-she-hop-pa," says another, "Cos-ha-ha-pin," writes a fourth one; " Cosh-a-hop-pa " — " Gosh-e-hop-pa," Or, again, " Co-wis-se-hop-pen," Till at last it's " Gosh-en-hop-pen." Who can tell in such a Babel, How to utter it correctly, How to rightly shape its body, — And divine its primal meaning? We must trace it as a river, Prom its mouth back to its source spring ; Trace and tail it up and backward, Through the periods and the ages — Till we find its secret rising. Long before Great Brother Omas Came to own his forest domain. Had the Redman shared the country Into tracts and into districts, Measured it by strips of deer-skin; Marked it out by trees and rivers. Or by hills and mountain ranges. X Indian Legend 17 Every tribe then had its domain, For to smoke and roam and hunt in ; And each tribe its Sak-e-maker, He whose name stood for the region, He who owned and bargained for it. Thus we know the great " Mough-ough-sin " Owned the land of " Pah-ke-ho-ma," Which is known and called Macungie, That was sold for two big blankets And four pairs of leather stockings, And four bottles of sweet cider. When we read of " Guch-i-o-thon," And besides of " En-shok-hup-po," And at last of " Shak-a-hop-pa," Who were ancient Sak-e-makers, Great big Injuns-treaty makers. These three ancient Sak-e-makers Ruled the vale of Pah-ke-ho-ma, Ruled the fair Per-ki-o-men valley, Shak-a-hop-pa stood as chieftain Over all the Sak-e-makers, Since he grew a foot beyond them, And came nearer the Great Father. Shak-a-hop-pa, the tall chieftain. Of the vale of Pah-ke-ho-ma, Sold and barter'd off his title For two hundred feet of wampun ; And for thirty feet of duffels; For some sixty feet of mattress ; Thirty shirts and thirty kettles; Shoes twelve pairs and thirty gimlets ; Sixty stockings, thirty scissors; Thirty combs and thirty axes; Thirty-one tobacco pouches; History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Thirty small tobacco cases; Seven awls and thirty glasses; Thirty bars of lead and powder; Thirty pounds of lead that reddens ; Beads poured into three full papers; Thirty pairs of bells that rattle ; Drawing knives one half a dozen ; And some eighteen caps with feathers; And as many hoes and handles. This was the consideration, Which Great Brother Omas tendered, For the vale of Goshenhoppen, To the ancient Sak-e-maker, Shak-a-hop-pa, the Big Smoke Pipe. X CHAPTER I. Ministry of Rev. George Michael Weiss, 1727-1730.-^ ^^^^N November, 1730, the Rev. John Philip Boehm m I wrote as follows to the Reformed Classls of '^ I Amsterdam :^^ ^,^W He [Mr. Weiss] preached at a branch place called Goschenhoppen, about ten miles from Falckner Schwam ; the last time on October 12, 1727, he celebrated the Lord's Supper without knowing the people, admitting among others two men from Falckner Schwam, who ought to have been taken to account because of their vicious lives. This passage gives us the first recorded date in the his- tory of the congregation. It names its first pastor and enables us to locate the first place of worship. It could not have been at Old Goshenhoppen, near Salford Station, on the Perkiomen Railroad, which Is hardly five miles from Falkner Swamp, but It must have been at New Gosh- -* For earlier accounts of Weiss see Harbaugh, Fathers of the Reformed Church, Vol. I, Lancaster, i^Sl PP-2^S-27A-'y Good, History of the Reformed Church in the United States, I/2S-i;^q2, Reading, 1899, pp. 1 13-152; Corwin, Manual of the Reformed Church in America, New York, 1902, pp. 896-899; Dubbs, History of the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, Lancaster, 1902, pp. 83-90; Hinke, Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 26-37. ^^ Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, p. 56; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 215. 19 /!-• 20 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge enhoppen, near East Greenville, which is about ten miles from Falkner Swamp. The first Reformed services were, therefore, held at New Goshenhoppen by the Rev. George Michael Weiss, the first pastor. He is such an important personage in the history of the Reformed Church in America, that he deserves a more elaborate biography than has yet been written of him. John Peter Miller, the later monk of Ephrata, wrote about Mr. Weiss as follows in his Chronicon Ephratense :^^ About the year 1726, the first High-German Reformed preacher, Weiss by name, arrived in Pennsj'lvania. He was born at Steb- bach, a Palatine place in the Neckar valley; studied at Heidelberg and finished his course at Koschehoppen [Goshenhoppen] in the county of Philadelphia. This was all that was known about Weiss's birthplace till 1897, when the writer visited Heidelberg and found there, in the matriculation book of the famous University, the following entry: 1 718, October 18. Georgius Michael Weiss, Philosoph. Stud. Eppinga, Palatinus. This entry shows that Mr. Weiss entered the Univer- sity of Heidelberg on October 18, 17 18, as student of philosophy, and that he gave his birthplace as Eppingen, which is about half a German mile southwest of Stebbach. On August 15, 1897, the writer visited Eppingen and found in the old church records of the town considerable information about the Weiss family. The oldest repre- sentative of the family, mentioned in the records,-' is Nico- 26 Chronicon Ephratense, Engl, transl., Lancaster, 1889, p. 70. 27 See article by the writer in the Reformed Church Messenger of Octo- ber 27, 1898, on "A Contribution to the Life of George Michael Weiss"; also in Christian Intelligencer of November 16, 1898. George Michael JVeiss 21 laus Weiss, a citizen of Gross Engersheim, in the Kingdom of Wiirtemberg. His son, John Michael Weiss, a tailor by trade, married on February 26, 1686, Barbara, widow of Jacob Stierle, citizen and tailor at Eppingen. This union was blessed with two children, Maria Appollonia, baptized December 26, 1686, and Barbara, baptized Octo- ber 7, 1689. But on June 30, 1692, the mother died, aged 44 years. On September 16, 1692, "Hans Michel Weiss, citi- zen and tailor," married a second time, namely Maria, daughter of the late Martin Frank, shoemaker in Bretten. This second union was blessed with six children, as follows : 1. Anna Catherine, Dec. 11, 1695, died July 9, 1696. 2. Eva Catherine, July 31, 1697. 3. Gorg Michael, Jan. 23, 1700. 4. Maria Elisabeth ) . ,, , „, . , , > twins, March 29, 1703. 5. Christophel j 6. Maria Elisabeth, born July 10, bapt. July 12, 1705. In the case of the first five children but one date is given in the record, without any statement as to whether the date of birth or of baptism is intended. But as the names are entered in the baptismal record, it is more probably the date of baptism. The dates of the last child show that baptism took place usually on the third day after birth. These entries prove that Georg Michael Weiss was not born at Stebbach, but at Eppingen. What is more re- markable is that, according to information received from the pastor of Eppingen, Stebbach never belonged to Ep- pingen ecclesiastically, but to a neighboring parish. What became of Mr. Weiss, after he had finished his studies at Heidelberg, is still unknown. We meet him again ten years later, when on September 21, 1727, he with fifty other Palatines appeared before the Provincial 22 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Council of Pennsylvania, in the Court House of Philadel- phia and signed the oath of allegiance to the King of England. As early as September 14, 1727, the Governor, Patrick Gordon, had called the Provincial Board together, to inform them that there is lately-^ arrived from Holland, a ship with four hundred Palatines, as 'tis said, and that he has informa- tion they will be very soon followed by a much greater number, who design to settle in the back parts of this province; & as they transport themselves without any leave obtained from the Crown of Great Britain, and settle themselves upon the Proprietors un- taken up Lands without any application to the Proprietor or his Commissioners of property, or to the Government in general, it would be highly necessary to concert proper measures for the peace and security of the province, which may be endangered by such numbers of Strangers daily poured in, who being ignorant of our Language and Laws, & settling in a body together, make, as it were, a distinct people from his Majesties Subjects.-'' In answer to this representation of the governor the board ordered, that the Masters of the Vessells importing them shall be examined whether they have any Leave granted them by the Court of Britain for the Importation of these Foreigners, and that a List shall be taken of the Names of all these People, their several Occupations, and the Places from whence they come, and shall be further exam- ined, touching their Intentions in coming hither; And further, that 28 This proves that the ship jrilliam and Sarah did not arrive on Sep- tember 18, 1727, as has been wrongly inferred from the list published in the Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XVII, p. 7. This list was drawn up on September i8, but the ship had landed before September 14, " lately " may mean a day or even several days earlier. 29 See Colonial Records, Vol. Ill, p. 282 f., for this list and the following extracts. Ship William and Sarah 23 a Writing be drawn up for them to sign declaring their Allegiance & Subjection to the King of Great Britain & Fidelity to the Pro- prietary of this Province, & that they will demean themselves peace- ably towards all his Majesties Subjects, & strictly observe, and conform to the Laws of England and of this Government. In consequence of this order a signed list was laid before the board at its meeting on September 21, containing the names of one hundred & nine Palatines, who with their Fami- lies, making in all about Four hundred Persons, were imported into this Province in the Ship William and Sarah, William Hill, Mas- ter, from Rotterdam, but last from Dover, as by Clearance from Officers of his Majesties Customs there; And the said Master being asked, if he had any Licence from the Court of Great Britain for transporting those People, & what their Intentions were in coming hither, said that he had no other License or Allowance for their Transportation than the above Clearance, and that he believed they designed to settle in this Province. This list of 109 Palatines, as submitted to the Provincial Board on September 21, 1727, has been published in Vol. XVII, of the second series of the Pennsylvania Archives, pp. 7-8, but it is so imperfect and inaccurate, full of typo- graphical and other mistakes, that it seems worth while to submit a corrected list. Such a new publication is all the more justified because the list as submitted to the board, indicates the number of people in each family, which figures, though important, were omitted in the Pennsyl- vania Archives. The list is as follows r^" 30 The original list is now in the State Library at Harrisburg, Depart- ment of Public Records, at present (1914) in charge of Mr. Luther R. Kclker, who very kindly allowed the writer to examine and copy the original list, as well as others mentioned later. 24 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge A List of ye Palatine Passengers imported in ye Ship William and Sarah, Will'm Hill, Mast",, from Rotterdam, Philad'a ye i8 September 1727. [I [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9 [10 [II [12 [13 [1+ [15 [16 [17 [18 [19 [20 [21 [22 [23 [24 [25 [26 [27 [28 [29 [30 [31 [32 [33 [34 [35 [36 [37 [38 Hans Jerrick Swaep ... 6 Hans Martin Levisteyn. . 2 Benedic Strome 2 Jan Hend" Scaub 3^/2 Hans Jerrick Shoomaker. 614 Abraham Beni 5 Hans Martain Shoomak'' 1 Frederick Heiligas .... 4^^ Hans Mich. Pagman . . 1 Sebastian Creef 4 Johan Habaraker 2^ Alex, Diebenderf 2 Hieronemus Milder 2 Johann Will™ Mey ... 2 Henericus Bell i Caspar Springier 4 Hans Heri". Siegler ... 3 Michael Peitley 43^ Hans Mich. Tiell 3^/2 Jan. Barn. Levinstey . . . . i Jacob Jost 2 Johannes Hoet 3^ Daniel Levan 8 Hans Mich'. Weider... 2 Andr"'. Simmerman ... 8 Leonart Seltenreich .... 2 Hans Jerrick Wigler. . . . z Wiir Jurgens i Johan Wester, sick i Will'" Heer 1 Hans Adam Milder.... 2 Anspel Anspag 2j4 Henrich Meyer 4 Adam Henrich 2 Jacob Gons 2 Ulrich Heere 3 Sebastian Vinck 2 Tonicus Meyer 5 126 Jacob Svvicker, sick i Hans Jer. Herzels 4 Jan Bernard Wolf 6 Steven Frederick %}4 Ann Floren 1 ^ Philip Fernser i Hans Jacob Eckman.... 2 Hans Fill. Heysinger... i Hendrick Witte 1 Hans Jerrick Hoy, sick., i Jacob Pause 2l4 Andr'^ Saltsgerrer i Hans Jerrick Wolf 2% Jacob Milder, dead 3^^ Hans Jerrick Bowman.. . i Johannes Wester* 1 Johannes Stroraf, boy .... i Hans Jerig Anspag 25^4 Philip Swyger 2 Christ. Milder, dead.... 2 Elias Meyer 3^ Peter Springier i Martin Prill 3 Joh. Tob'. Serveas i Peter Seyts 4^^ Johannes Eckman 4 Johannes Hend". Gyer, sick 2 Christ"". Labengygcr ... 2 Johannes Berret 4 Andrew Holtspan 4 Jacob Swarts 4 Hans Jerick Schaub... 3 Hans Mich'. Phaut'^.... 5 Christian Snyder 2 Bastian Smith 2 Johannes Barteleme i 92 [75] Tobias Freyc 4 ^ The Captain's List 25 [76] Johannes Tiebenderf ... 4 [77] Jacob Mast, Skipach 4 [78] Joseph Aelbragt 3I/2 [79] Nicholas Adams 2 [80] Jacob Meyer 2 [8i] Johannes Leyb 4 [82] Johanes Bait, Germt.... 4 [83] Conrad Miller, sick 5 [84] Christopher Walter 4 [85] Ulrich Hartsell, Skippach 2 [86] Hans Adam Stoll 3 [87] Hans Jerrick Guyger... 45^ [88] Hans Martin Wilder... 2^4 [89] Hans Jerig Viegle 6Y2 [90] Hans Jerig Ardnold, dead [91] Hans Jerig Cramer 3 [92] Hans Jerig Peter (?).... 2^^ [93] Albert Swoap i [94] Hendrick Gouger, sick.. 31/i [95] Diederick Roede i [96] Hans Jerig Roedebas, Skipach 2 [97] Hans Adam Beinder 4!/^ [98] Christopher Wittmer,... i [99] Hendrick Hartman 3 [100] Clement Eirn 2 [loi] Philip Jacob Reylender.. 5 [102] Johanes Mich'. Peepell. . i [103] Ernst Roede i [104] Philip Seigler 51^ [105] Philip Roedeull 2 [106] Rudolph Wilkes 3 [107] Hans Jerig Milder i [io8] Abraham Farn 4 [109] Uldrich Staffon 3 107 This is a true list of Passengers Imported in the ship William & Sarah, Wiir. Hill, Mast^, from Rotterdam among whom are no con- victs, given upon oath, by Tho. Tober. The totals of the three columns are said to be 126 + 92 + 107 = 325- But in reality the figures in none of the columns have been added correctly. The correct totals, supposing all the figures to be accurate, are: 118+91 + 108=317. The whole number of passengers was, therefore, much nearer 300 than 400. Of these colonists not more than 51 actually appeared on September 21, 1727, in the Court House at Philadel- phia to sign the following oath of allegiance: We Subscribers, Natives and late Inhabitants of the Palatinate upon the Rhine & Places adjacent, having transported ourselves and Families into this Province of Pensilvania, a Colony subject to the Crown of Great Britain, in hopes and Expectation of finding a Retreat & peaceable Setdement therein, Do Solemnly promise & Engage, that We will be faithful & bear true Allegiance to his * Name erased^ see No. 29. 26 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge present MAJESTY, KING GEORGE THE SECOND and his Successors, Kings of Great Britain, and will be faithfull to the Proprietor of this Province; And that we will demean ourselves peaceably to all His said Majesties Subjects, and strictly observe and conform to the Laws of England and of this Province, to the utmost of our Power and best of our understanding. The names signed to this declaration have been pub- lished repeatedly, but so full of inaccuracies, that a new transcript of the original is absolutely necessary. The figures placed before them identify them with the corre- sponding names in the first list. The signatures to the Declaration of Allegiance are as follows: Palatines imported in the Ship Will^ & Sarah, Willm Hill, Comm FROM Rotterdam who hereunto sett their hands, the 2ist of Sept. 1727, in presence of the GovR & Council. G. M. Weiss, V.D.M.31 [i] Johann Georg Schwab [4.1] Hans Bernhart Wolff [8] Joh. Friederich Hilligass Rudolff Leyb [19] Hans Michel Diel [10] Sebastian Graff [22] Johannes Huth [101] Filibs Jacob Rheinlender [104I Filib Zigler, X his mark [75] Tobias Frey [56] Hans Jerch Anspachcr [63] Johan Peter Seitz [78] Joseph Albrecht [64] Johanes Eckman [5] Jerich Schuhmacher [21] Jacob Jost [18] Michel Bottle [106] Rutolff Wellecker [92?] Jeorg Petter [88] Hans Mart. (W) Weller [89] Hans Jerg Vogelle [30] Willem Herr [67] Johannes Barth [16] Hans Caspar Spengler [90] Hans Gorg Cremraer [61] Hans Martin Mill [68] Andreas (A) Holsbacher [49] Jacob Bausel his [31] Hans Adam | Miller mark [35] Johan Jacob Cuntz [51] Hans Jerg Wolff 31 The Clerk of the Provincial Council (see minutes in Colonial Records, Vol. in, p. 284) wrote the name " G. M. Wey," but a photograph of the original, kindly furnished by Mr. Luther R. Kelker, shows plainly that it is " G. M. Weis." y Signers of Oath of Allegiance 27 [105] Philip Rutschly [103] Hans Ernst Rudi [59] Elias Meyer [25?] Hans Michel Zimmerman [27] Hans Gorg Welcker [57] Hans Philip Schweikhardt [12] Alexand. Diibendorffer [2] Hans Martin Liebenstein [95] Johan Diderich Rudi [40] Hans Jerg Hertzel [81] Johannes Leib [99] Joh- Henrich Hartman [17] Hans Georg Ziegler [11] Johannes Haberacker [33] Henrich Meyer [80] Jacob Meyer [84] Christoph Walter Henry (H) Sippen [71] Hans Michel Pfautz A comparison of these two lists shows how carelessly the captain's list was made. The writer made no attempt to ascertain the correct spelling of the names. He merely wrote down what he supposed he heard when the names were pronounced to him. For Welcker he heard Wigler and in a second case Wilkes. For Mill he put down Prill, for Miller he wrote Milder. Schweikhardt he turned into Swyger, Spengler into Springier, Rutschli apparently into Roedeull. In some cases the scribal monstrosities are so great that no identification is possible. No wonder that it is so difficult to identify immigrants, when the captains' lists are so badly corrupted and the passengers' own signa- tures are sometimes such awful scrawls that they need a second list as a key to decipher them correctly. The relation of Mr. Weiss to these immigrants has long been doubtful. The question whether he was merely their fellow passenger or the recognized leader of a colony could not be determined till very recently. There are now three documents at hand which answer this question. The first is the earliest printed report concerning the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, printed in Holland in 173 1. It was submitted in that year to the Synod of South Holland which met from July 3 to 13, 1731, at Dortrecht. In this report we find the following statement about the 28 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge religious conditions in Pennsylvania and the coming of Mr. Weiss to America r^^ But as the Quakers were not numerous enough to colonize this territory, William Pen, when he projected and built a city, called it Philadelphia, that by a name so friendly he might attract other Europeans thither. Not long after the first settlement many of the oppressed inhabitants of Germany, particularly from the Pala- tinate and from the districts of Nassau, Waldeck, Wittgenstein and the Wetterau, emigrated to Pennsylvania, with their wives and children and the proceeds of the property which they sold, whether more or less. Among them are Mennonites, Lutherans and Reformed, but at the present time the Reformed, holding to the old Reformed con- fession, constitute about half of the whole number, being about 15,000. The German Palatines, migrating from their own coun- try to Pennsylvania, year after year, were unable to provide them- selves with ministers. Finding no religious worship, many, at- tracted by the good morals and blameless conduct of the Quakers, joined themselves to them, preferring their worship to none.^^ At last four years ago, the Upper Consistory of the Palatinate sent over a minister by the name of Do. [Dominie] Weis, with a number of people migrating from the Palatinate. They formed a consistory at Schibbach, a place about six miles from Philadelphia. A wooden church was erected and he [Dominie Weis] preached for the congregation and administered the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. There most of the Palatines live close one to the other. In this report it is distinctly asserted that the Upper Consistory of the Palatinate sent Mr. Weiss with these 82 Two copies of the Report of 1731, entitled Berigt en Onderrigtinge nopens en aan de Colonie en Kerke van Pensylvan'ten, 2 pp. preface and i8 pp. text, are known to be in existence. One is in the possession of Rev. Dr. J. I. Good, the other was in the library of late Governor Pennypacker. The writer has used a photographic copy. 33 This is in agreement with the testimony of Muehlenberg, see Hallesche Nachr'ichten, new cd., Vol. II, p. 195. y Leader of Colony 29 emigrants. This statement Is supported by another re- port, which was presented on October 31, 1735, to the Synodical Deputies (an executive committee of the Synods of North and South Holland). In this report, Do. Wil- helmius, then pastor at Rotterdam, the best friend of the Palatines in Holland,^^ gave an extensive account as to how the Synods had come to take up the care of the churches in Pennsylvania. In it he wrote: These present Germans in Pennsylvania have immigrated thither from various parts of Germany, not in order to secure liberty of worship, which they enjoyed in their own land, but to realize better means of subsistence. Most of them came from the Palatinate, concerning whom the Great Consistory of the Palatinate, consist- ing of civil and ecclesiastical persons, addressed itself to the Synod of this country by means of letters, sent some years ago to me, and by me delivered to the Very Reverend Synod, showing that being oppressed as they were, they were not in a condition to furnish any assistance to these people, for the securing of any ministers of the Word, and asked therefore that our Synod would be kind enough to extend a helping hand. This the Synod subsequently accepted as an affair of the utmost importance, these people belonging to the pure Reformed religion and having been accustomed to our Catechism and Confession of Faith. . . . In the next place the condition of the church among them ought to be noted. They consist of several thousand, whose exact num- ber cannot even be guessed at, because they live scattered through the whole country in forests, without any civil or ecclesiastical union, so that those living in Philadelphia know as little about 3* John Wilhelrnius, son of William Wilhelmius, was born Decembei 4, 1671, at Hardwyk. He studied at Leyden, where he also took the degree of doctor of philosophy. He was first pastor at Twisk, then professor of theology in the Reformed University at Lingen, and finally pastor at Rot- terdam, 1713-1748. He died March 3, 1754. He was a faithful friend of the Reformed Church of Pennsylvania. See Biographish JVordenboek der Ncderlanden, 20ste Deel, Haarlem, 1877. 30 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge those living at other places, as we in Holland know about our co-religionists in Poland or Hungary. . . . These people have organized themselves in three places into con- gregations and have built for themselves three churches, of which the first is in Philadelphia, where they now have a small stone church, towards which those of the larger English church have manifested their liberality. The second is at Germantown, a vil- lage eight hours^^ distant from it, that being a large barn built upon the land of the notorious [befaamden] RyiiE and now en- larged, on which account they are in debt to the amount of 2500 guilders. The third [church] is at Schibbach. For the ministry of these churches Do. Wys [Weiss] has been in service, who came over with a colony of these Palatines [die met eene Colonie dezer Paltzers is overgekomen] and who now has left his service, having been called to one of the churches of New Netherland [New York]. The other is Do. Boom [Boehm], against whom the congregation is greatly embittered, and from whom they have no service. The third is candidate Rieger, who came over with another colony and became minister there, but now has openly turned Quaker and refuses to baptize children and pub- licly teaches, to the disturbance of these congregations, that one can be saved in every religion. There are a number of points in this report which de- serve special emphasis. We notice first of all that the grossly exaggerated figures of the 1731 report, regarding the Reformed people in Pennsylvania, have been materially reduced. Instead of 15,000 we read only of "several thousand," which is certainly much nearer the truth. We also learn that the Reformed people in Pennsylvania passed under the care of the "Fathers" in Holland in answer to the urgent representations made to them by the 35 This distance is of course much too great. Eight hours represent twenty-four miles. In reality the Reformed churches of Philadelphia and Germantown were only six miles apart. See the statement of Boehm in his report of 1734 in Minutes and Letters of the Coetus of I^ennsylvanta, p. i. y Report of Wilhelmius 31 Upper Consistory of the Palatinate. The first letter from the Heidelberg Consistory was laid before the South Hol- land Synod in 1728. Moreover, both Mr. Weiss as well as Mr. Rieger came with Reformed colonies to Pennsyl- vania. The statements about the three Reformed churches in Pennsylvania in 1735 are inaccurate in almost all par- ticulars. No small stone church, erected by Reformed people, existed in that year in Philadelphia. The reli- gious services of the Reformed people were rather held in an old butcher shop.^^ It stood on Arch Street above Fifth and belonged to Mr. Andrew Hamilton, who had rented it to Reformed and Lutherans for their joint use. The stone church of which the report speaks was rather built in Germantown. Mr. Boehm is authority for the fact that there was "a well built, pretty large stone church "^'^ in Germantown, erected by the Reformed people there in 1733. Finally it was the Skippack Reformed church ^6 Mr. Boehm, in his report of 1744, refers to it in the following words: " At Philadelphia we had thus far, in common with the Lutherans, an old and dilapidated butcher's shop, at an annual rent of three pounds; finally this was raised to four pounds, which we must pay alone, for the Lurtherans have built a church there 70 by 45 feet." See Minutes and Letters of the Coetus of Pennsylvania, p. 23. A similar statement is made by Muehlenberg, see Selbstbiographie, Allentown, 1881, p. 128. Zinzen- dorf calls it " an old barn," see Biidingische Sammlungen, Vol. Ill, p. 579; of. Hallesche Nachrichten, new ed., Vol. I, p. 39. It belonged to Andrew Hamilton, Esq., until his death in 1741, when it passed into the hands of his son-in-law. Justice William Allen. See Dotterer, Rev. John Philip Boehm, p. 9. Schlatter entered into the church record at Philadel- phia the following statement regarding it: "Thus far [till December, 1747] the congregation has worshipped, every other Sunday, in an old small house, made of boards, from November, 1734, together with the Lutheran congregation. But when the Evangelicals [Lutherans] built a stone church in the year 1744, we had it alone and paid annually to Mr. William Allen the sum of four pounds." See also Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 329, note 213. 3^ See his report of 1739, in the Minutes of Coetus, p. 12. K 32 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge which was built on the land of Mr. Reiff, not the church in Germantown, and that there was a debt of 2500 guilders resting upon It Is another remarkable exaggeration in the Dutch records, due no doubt to exaggerated reports that had come from Pennsylvania. In view of these Inaccuracies in the report of Dr. Wil- helmlus, his statement about Weiss might also be open to doubt, were it not for the fact that It is fully supported by a Latin testimonial which was given to Mr. Weiss by the Palatinate Consistory on May i, 1727. The original of this certificate Is no longer In existence, but a copy of It was entered by Mr. Weiss himself into the church record of the old Catskill Reformed Church at Catskill, N. Y., of which Weiss was pastor from 1732 to 1735. As It Is an Im- portant historical document which has thus far escaped the notice of hlstorians^^ we offer a translation of the whole certificate: Ordination Certificate of Rev. George M. Weiss, May I, 1727. Greeting to the Kind Reader! He who once foretold that at evening time it shall be light [Zech. 14: 7], when contrary to the hope and expectation of all, the King of kings and the Lord of lords shall, as it were, suddenly take his stand for His struggling Church, even as He appeared at one time to the Apostles in the night following the resurrection, when, for dread of the Jews, the doors were closed, — whence no one can doubt that in the same manner He will be near His holy Church, when it will be shut in by foes and deserted by its own. For thus it has pleased the Divine Wisdom and Goodness that just then 38 It was mentionrd by Dr. Corwin in his Manual of the Reformed Church of America, 3d ed., 1879, p. 544. The writer owes his copy to the kindness of the present pastor, Rev. John H. Dykstra, who very readily gave him access to it. Ordination Certificate of Weiss 33 when the Omnipotent has seen that the hand of the defenders has failed, the arm of the Lord should put on strength and claim for Himself His own, whereby should become all the more conspicuous that great Salvation, which was promised to the Sardensian circle [Rev. 3:4], numbering few survivors only, but also to each most beloved Philadelphia, when He shall see it [Philadelphia] drawing near and yearning to unite with Him: Then it will surely come to pass that, after its forces have become ver}'^ small, it shall grow into large forces, large companies and into an army formidable unto its enemies, to which even the most distant peoples and nations shall be accessible and doors shall be opened, never afterwards to be closed; whereby there shall be gathered to the Savior, the Son of God, a people wholly new, even if it must be sought in another continent. Wherefore, since the most excellent Sir, distinguished through ability and learning, George Michael Weiss, from Eppingen in the Palatinate, a candidate of Sacred Theology, determined to apply the divinely granted gifts to this most laudable use, that he might labor to the best of his ability for the extension of the King- dom of God, which is the kingdom of love; hence, after having devoted himself to the fine arts of the humanities and to philosophy, he consecrated himself wholly to the even sublimer studies of theology, in which he made such happy progress in a short time that he was deemed worthy to be permitted to undergo the exami- nation for the ministry. In this he proved his diligence to our Senate in such a manner that we not only hoped but were also con- fident that he would some day perform a useful work for the Church of Christ. Wherefore, since he announced of late that he had conceived the plan with some of his fellow-citizens and other friends, well known to him, to undertake a journey to the transatlantic parts of the world, if it should please the Divine Providence to entrust him there with the leadership of a congregational flock, to teach and to guide them there, and since he asked that to that end he be fully inducted into the spiritual office with the laying on of hands, Therefore, since the purity of his morals, his humility and espe- 4 34 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge cially his piety that flows from it, were well known to us, and since our Senate was at the same time well aware of the progress he had made in the knowledge of the theological sciences and in thorough acquaintance with the sacred languages, we hesitated all the less to grant his request since we could cherish the certain hope that the Chief Shepherd of the sheep, to whom his own are well known, though they live in the most distant parts of the world, would not withhold his support from the undertaking of an honest mind. Hence we have admitted him to the office of the ministry of the divine Word and have ordained him by the imposition of hands and by extending to him the right hand of fellowship in the sacred ministry. It now remains for us only to implore God, the best and the highest, the ruler of the world and the church, that He may prove himself to be the companion of his journey. May He bless his labors most abundantly and whatever plans he makes, whatever labors he undertakes, may He crown and advance them with the most desired success. Given in Heidelberg on the Calends of May in the year of our Lord MDCCXXVH. Director and Councillors of the Senate of the Palatinate Church. C. L. MiEG. Pl. Pastoir. P. R. FOLAD. In view of this document there can be no longer any doubt that Mr. Weiss was actually the leader of the colony, at whose head he appeared in signing the declaration of allegiance on September 21, 1727. Of the colonists who came with Weiss to Pennsylvania, apparently only four remained in Philadelphia, the rest scattered over the province. Those who are found among the Reformed members in Philadelphia are: Hans Michel Diel, Rudolf Wellecker, Hans Georg Kremer and Hans Companions of Weiss 35 Henrich Weller.^o To Goshenhoppen went five, Johann Friedrich Hilligas, Johannes Huth, Hans Michel Zimmer- man, Benedict Strohm, and Hans Georg Welcker. Alex- ander Dubendorffer appears later as a member at Great Swamp. Three settled at Sklppack,^^ Hans Georg Bow- man, Sebastian Smith and Ulrich Staffon [Stephen], and two in the Conestoga valley, Hans Georg Schwab and prob- ably Leonart Seltenreich. The rest have not yet been found. When Mr. Weiss appeared in Pennsylvania in 1727, he found the beginnings of religious life among the Re- formed people in the province already in existence. In 1725 the beginning had been made by two laymen, by John Philip Boehm in the Perkiomen valley and by Conrad Tempelman in the Conestoga valley. No sooner had Weiss heard that Boehm, a layman, was acting as a min- ister than he tried to stop him in his work. On October 2, 1727, he addressed a letter to Mr. John George Schwab,^i one if his travelling companions, who had settled in the V^ Conestoga valley, in which he informed him of his readi- ness to preach for the Reformed people at Conestoga, but also expressed his surprise that Mr. Boehm allows himself to be used as a minister, indeed that he usurps such privileges and authority as do by no means belong to him, nor have been accorded to him by the clergy, as I have learnt, to my satisfaction from the ministers here, but that he assumes so important an office miCrely at the instigation of the peo- 39 These names appear among others signed to a call which was given to Mr. Boehm by the Philadelphia congregation on April 20, 1734, see Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, p. 117; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 233. ^opor these names see the letter of the Skippack congregation, dated May 30, 1730, printed below, p. 58, and Dotterer, Historical Notes, p. 103. « Printed in full in Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, pp. 51-53; also in Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 212-214. 36 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge pie, while he cannot boast either of an external or of an internal call. . . . Wherefore I cannot conscientiously recognize Mr. Boehm as a Reformed teacher and preacher, until he submits to an examination and is ordained in Apostolic manner, which he will never be able to do. Weiss followed up this letter with a personal letter ad- dressed to Mr. Boehm^- on November 28, 1727, in which he challenged his right to the ministry and summoned him to appear in the manse of the Presbyterian minister in Philadelphia for the purpose of being examined as to his qualifications for the ministry. Mr. Boehm, of course, ignored this letter, but his followers called upon Mr, Weiss to produce a proof of his own claims to be considered a regularly ordained minister. Weiss showed them his Latin certificate from Heidelberg, dated May i, 1727, but none could read it. He was then challenged to produce a German certificate, which ordinary people were able to understand. As a result Mr. Weiss was compelled to write to Heidelberg, on December 3, 1727, and he re- ceived from the authorities there the following reply, dated April 26, 1728, of which he has also left a copy in the Catskill record book:^^ Certificate of Palatinate Consistory, April 26, 1728. Whereas Mr. George Michael Weiss, born in Eppingen, in the Electoral Palatinate and at present stationed as a High German Reformed minister at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, under date of December 3rd, of the last year, made his report to the Consistory *- This letter of Weiss is translated and printed in Journal of P. //. S., Vol. VII, p. 54 f. ; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 211 f. *^ First published by Dr. Weiser in his Monograph, p. 28 f., but with a number of minor inaccuracies, as my own transcript made directly from the record shows. My translation differs accordingly from his in a few places. Palatinate Consistory 37 of the Electoral Palatinate concerning the present condition of religion and of the church affairs there — And whereas, on this occasion he gave us to understand, that (although he received from this Consistory a Latin certificate of his life and doctrine at the time of his journey thither) he needs also a certificate in German, because of certain circumstances in which he is placed and especially on account of those who do not understand any other language [but German] : — Therefore, we testify, as we did before, that he is not only ortho- dox in his doctrine and unblamable in his life, peaceable and socia- ble in his conduct, but he has also been found edifying in the sermons which he has preached on several occasions, and we have no doubt that, if the Lord grant him life and health, he will be of great usefulness under divine blessing and be a means of edifying many souls. The infinitely good and merciful God and Father extend to him light and strength in full measure, from the fulness of his grace which is in Christ Jesus, that the work of the Lord now begun may, through his ministry, make great progress, that the wealth of the nations be brought to the Lord and their kings be led unto him.^3* Heidelberg, the 26th of April 1728. (L.S.) A. VON LuLS. L, C. Mieg. When Mr. Weiss shortly afterwards came in contact with the Presbyterian minister, at Philadelphia, Mr. Jedi- diah Andrews, the latter formed an equally good opinion of him, for on October 14, 1730, he wrote a letter to his friend, the Rev. Thomas Prince of Boston, in which he paid Mr. Weiss a fine tribute. He wrote :^* There is, besides. In this Province, a vast number of Palatines, and they come in still, every year. Those y*. have come of late years are, mostly, Presbyt'n, or, as they call themselves. Reformed, «aCf. Isaiah 60: 11. ^^ First printed in Hazard's Register, Vol. XV, p. zoo. 38 History of the Goshcnhoppcn Charge the Palatinate being about three fifths of that sort of people; they did use to come to me, for baptism of their children, and many joined with us, in the other sacram't. They never had a minister, 'till about 0 [read 3]*^ years ago, who is a bright young man and a fine scholar. He is at present absent, being gone to Holland, to get money to build a ch'ch, in this city; but they are scattered all over the country; those yt. live in Town, are mostly a kind of Gibeonites, hewers of wood etc. They are diligent, sober, frugal people, rarely charged with any misdemeanors. Many of 'em, yt live in the country and have farms, by their industry and frugal ways of living, grow rich, for they can underlive the Britons, etc. The first comers of 'em, tho' called Palatines, because they come lastly from that country, are mostly Switzers, being drove from the Canton of Bern, for they are Baptists,^^ and won't fight or swear. They don't shave their heads and are many of them wealthy men, having got the best land in the Province. They live 60 or 70 miles off, but come frequently to Town with their waggons, laden with skins, (which belong to the Indian traders), butter, flour etc. There are many Lutherans, and some Reformed, mixed among 'em. In other parts of the country they are, chiefly. Re- formed, so that I suppose the Presbyt'n party are as numerous as the Quakers or near it. The opposition of Weiss to Boehm's ministry Instead of driving Boehm out of his office, induced the elders of his three congregations at Skippack, Whitemarsh and Falkner Swamp to appeal to the Classis of Amsterdam through the Dutch Reformed ministers of New York. The petition *' This statement has caused a good deal of discussion, see Weiser, Monograph, p. 17 f., and Good, History, p. 117, note. The easiest solu- tion of the difficulty is to suppose a misprint of 9 for 3, because the letter as originally printed in Hazard's Register, Vol. XV, p. 200 f., uses the figure 9, not the word " nine," as the later reprints of the letter do. <8 This statement refers to a colony of German Mennonites, who settled in 1709 and following years along the Pequea Creek in Lancaster Count>', see Rupp, History of Lancaster County, pp. 72-114; C. H. Smith, The Mennonites in America, Scottdale, 1909, pp. 134-181. Ordination of Boehm 39 of the consistories of Boehm's churches was drawn up in July, 1728. A preliminary answer was given by the Classis on December i, 1728, and a final decision on June 20, 1729, in which the call, extended to Boehm by the peo- ple, was declared valid and the Dutch ministers of New York were asked to ordain Mr. Boehm. This ordination of Mr. Boehm took place in the Dutch Reformed Church in New York on November 23, 1729.^''^ On the follow- ing day a public reconciliation between Mr. Boehm and Mr. Weiss (who had also been summoned to New York) took place, in which each promised to recognize the min- istry of the other and confine himself to his own congre- gations, Mr. Weiss to Philadelphia and Germantown, Mr. Boehm to Falkner Swamp, Skippack and Whitemarsh. These promises were unfortunately not kept by Mr. Weiss, but he allowed himself to be persuaded by his followers to disregard them. Of the ministry of Weiss at Goshenhoppen little is known, and all that we know comes from the pen of Mr. Boehm. The first communion service, on October 12, 1727, has already been referred to. In the same letter of Boehm, quoted above, he writes :^^ At the above mentioned Goschenhoppen on the same 12th of October and later on the 19th at Schipbach, that is in the very place in which I had been regularly called, and also on the 26th in Philadelphia, in these public assemblies he spoke of me by name and declared me to be an incompetent preacher, w^hom he did not regard as fit to administer the holy sacraments. *^ The papers relating to the ordination of Mr. Boehm have been printed repeatedly. See Mercersburg Revieiu, Vol. XXIII (1876), pp. 528-557; Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York, Vol. IV, pp. 2+25-2437, 2468-75, 2478-88; Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VI, pp. 303-324; also Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 155-183. ^^ Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, p. 56; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 216. 40 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge In his report of 1739, Mr. Boehm writes of Goshen- hoppen as follows:^'' Of this congregation I know little, for it never wanted to be under our Church Order, but desired to be its own master. When Do. Weiss, as stated above, came into the country and created great confusion, they faithfully adhered to him. It was during his ministry at Goshenhoppen that Mr. Weiss made numerous missionary tours throughout the province. Thus he preached repeatedly to the Reformed settlers In the Conestoga valley. He was also the first Reformed minister who preached at Oley, unless Rev. Samuel Guldin was there before him, of which, however, we have no contemporaneous evidence. As to his activity at Oley, Mr. Boehm wrote as follows to Holland In No- vember, 1730:^" Mr. Weiss celebrated the Lord's Supper, without previous prep- aration, at a place named Oley, where the sect calling itself the "New Born" (originated) and baptized at the same time several children, among (as is reported) were also Indian children, who as unbelievers, go about like wild animals, without knowledge of God or of his Word. Of which he boasted with his own mouth before Peter Zenger, sexton of the Reformed Church in New York, as the latter himself declared. *8 Minutes of Coetus, p. 9. ^0 Journal of P. //. S., VoK VII, p. 58 ; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 217 f. Book of Weiss on Newborn 41 The contact of Mr. Weiss with the New Born at Oley called forth the first book written by a German Reformed minister in Pennsylvania and printed there in 1729.^^ Its title may be rendered as follows in English : The Preacher, / traveling about in the American Wilderness/ among different nationalities and religions / and frequently at- tacked,/portrayed and presented /in a conversation with a /Citi- zen and a New Born. / Treating of different subjects but especially of /the New Birth. / Prepared and /brought to light out of his own experience and / for the advancement of the glory of / Jesus, / by George Michael Weiss, V.D.M. / Printed at Philadelphia / by Andrew Bradford, 1729. The purpose of the book was to show that the doctrines taught by the New Born were neither rational nor scrip- tural. Their rejection of prayer and of the holy scrip- tures, their repudiation of the ministry and of religious worship, including the sacraments, together with their claims of perfect sinlessness could not be accepted because they were against reason and Holy Scripture. The reference to the baptism of Indian children at Oley, sometime between 17 27-1 730, is decidedly interesting. It is by far the earliest Indian baptism in Pennsylvania i^ knovyn to the writer. That Weiss was much interested in the Indians is shown by a book which he wrote later in life at Burnetsfield, New York. The minutes of the Classis of Amsterdam, under date September 3, 1742, " The only known copy of this exceedingly rare book was found by the writer in 1899 in the Congressional Library at Washington, D. C. For an account of it see Reformed Church Messenger of March 9 and 16, 1899; also Dr. Sachse's German Sectarians of Pennsylvania, Vol. I, pp. 155-159. It was reprinted and translated in Penn Germania, Vol. I, pp. 336-361. 42 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge DELR IN DER AMERICANl- SCHEN WILDNUSZ Luer Menfchen von verfchicdenea NatiQUcn und Rcligionen Hid und wieder Aerum W^ndciDe Ond ycrichicdcntlich Angefochtcfle PREDIGER. Abgeffifthlet und vorg€ftd)' prejudicial to this defendants affairs and interest, and the great displeasure and uneasiness of his most intimate friends and rela- tions. And this defendant saith that true it is a power was given to this defendant signed by the elders or church wardens of both the said congregations of Philadelphia and Skippack, but denies that the said power is of the purport or contents in the bill set forth or that he was thereby enjoined to observe the directions of the Classis in Holland, as may appear by the said power now in the defendants possession and ready to be produced to this honorable court, a copy whereof is to this defendants answer annexed, which this defendant prays may be taken as part of this his answer. This power of attorney, written in incoherent German, with several words left out, as well as poorly spelled, was, according to Reiff's copy [presumably correct] as follows :"- •52 Reiff's copy of this power of attorney is in the Harbaugh collection of manuscripts; printed in the Reformed Quarterly Review, Vol. XL, p. 58. Potter of Attorney 55 Power of Attorney Given to Reiff, May 19, 1730. Forasmuch as our pastor, Mr. Weiss, has resolved to take a journey, accompanied by Jacob Reiff, to England and Rotterdam, for the purpose of receiving the collection which is said to be lying ready there, [intended] for the erection of a church in this coun- try; authority is herewith given to Jacob Reiff to take entire charge, so that Mr. Weiss may be expedited on his immediate return with the same to Pennsylvania. Therefore we also entrust everything to his good conscience, and give him plenary power in everything. In testimony whereof we subscribe our names. Given at Phila- delphia, May 19, 1730. We hereby request Jacob Reiff to arrange matters in such a way that, if Pastor Weiss should or would not return to this country,®^ he, Reiff, may at once bring with him a minister from Heidelberg, and provide him with whatever is most necessary ; because if monies collected should be no longer on hand, we deem is unnecessary that Mr. Weiss proceed further in his journey, but that, according to his best judgment, Jacob Reiff should deliver the letters at their proper destination and personally ask for a reply thereto. Signed by all the elders of the two congregations at Philadelphia and Skippack: [Philadelphia] [Skippack] J. DiEMER, D.M.P. Wendel Keiber Pieter Lecolie Deobalt Jung JOHANN WiLLEM RoRIG ChRISTOFFEL ScHMITT Henrich Weller Gerhart (G.I.H.) IndeHeven George Peter Hillengass George Reif Hans Michel Frolich Georg Philip Dodder. Michel Hillengass. It is significant of the state of affairs that Reiff admits in his answer to the bill of complaint " that at the time when the said power was given, the said George Michael ^3 This statement shows that there was still a lurking suspicion in the minds of some of his members that Weiss would not return to Pennsylvania. 56 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Weitzius (alias Weiss) was absent and this defendant be- lieves it was given without his knowledge." When Weiss and Reiff left for Holland they took with them several letters. The consistory of the Dutch Re- formed congregation at Neshaminy, Bucks County, sent through Mr. Reiff a letter, dated May 3, 1730, to the Rev. David Knibbe of Leyden and the Rev. John Wilhelmius of Rotterdam,^^ asking them to issue in their name a call to a minister for the Dutch Reformed church in Bucks County at a salary of sixty pounds, and sending at the same time a sum of money to pay his traveling expenses. Two other letters, dated May 10, 1730, almost identical in contents, were sent by the followers of Weiss at Skippack, one to the Classis of Amsterdam, the other to the Classis of Rotterdam. As these letters have not been published before, we offer herewith a translation of the letter to the Classis of Amsterdam, which is the more interesting of the two, because 41 signatures of people living at Skip- pack in 1730, are affixed to it. It reads as follows :^^ Letter of the Skippack Reformed Church to the Classis OF Amsterdam, May 10, 1730. Very Worthy, Very Learned, our Highly Respected Gentlemen of the far famed Classis of Amsterdam. A whole congregation ventures, upon the request of the elders and deacons of the Reformed Church and Congregation at Skip- pack, to submit this present letter to the very Reverend Classis of 8* This letter, together with the old church records of the congregation, is now in the archives of the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J. It was translated and published by the writer in a paper, read before the Bucks County Hist. Society, January 19, 1918, on the Life and Work of the Rev. Peter H. Dorsius. <>5 The original of this letter is in the archives of the Classis of Amster- dam, " Pennsylvania Portfolio," new letters, No. 4. Letter of Skippack Church 57 Amsterdam with the request to look upon it with favorable eyes. It is indeed a great comfort to us here in this wilderness that a Reverend Classis has taken our affairs somewhat to heart, which favor we are certainly unable to appreciate sufficiently with a thank- ful spirit, yet it pains us that we are unable to accept and recognize Mr. Boehm as our minister, in whose behalf a letter was addressed to the Reverend Classis, in the name of the congregation at Schi- bach. This is due to the fact, that he did not hesitate, without our knowledge and against our will, to deceive with a false statement j'our Reverences, for whom we have and shall always maintain the highest respect. For in our name and with the addition of some signatures he asked and petitioned a Reverend Classis about things which we have not even thought of. We recognize that, in answer to Mr. Boehm's supplications, the Reverend Classis had the best interests of the Reformed Congregation in view and acted very wisely, but it was certainly desirable that Mr. Boehm should have made the same profession of his intentions here in this country as before a Reverend Classis, so that we would not be compelled to annoy you with complaints. We, the whole congregation in the neighborhood of Schibach creek, are well satisfied with our minister, Mr. Weiss, who, in answer to a regular call and upon our repeated requests and desires, undertook the service of the ministry among us. We are deeply grieved that he is to be taken from our congregation. It appears to us so hard, because we feel as if we were no longer worthy to hear the Word, which is the only saving means of grace, from a duly ordained minister of God's Word, who insists on a virtuous, loving and God-fearing heart. We can have great confidence in a man, who leads a good life, but little in one who has a restless head and mixes too much in worldly affairs. Rev. Mr. Weiss read on December 7, 1729, after his sermon at Schibach, the de- cision of the Reverend Classis regarding the ordination of Mr. Boehm which had taken place. But, as we were greatly dismayed about this, we asked Mr. Weiss to spare us in this, as we could not possibly accept Mr. Boehm and recognize him as a minister. The letter which Mr. Boehm had written some time ago to the Reverend 58 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Classis, had not been sent with our knowledge and consent. Now the Reverend Classis can easily see what to think of Mr. Boehm's petition and how he deceived us all. We hope that for this reason the Reverend Classis will not take it amiss, inasmuch as we do not wish to give thereby offence to the whole Reformed Church nor any occasion for slander to the mani- fold sects in this country. However, we heartily forgive Mr. Boehm for what he has done in this matter, if only he will give up his purpose. We herewith request the Reverend Classis to favor us with a reply in so impor- tant a matter, in order that we may be governed by it and not be hindered in our divine services. With all dutiful respect all of us remain greatly indebted to the Reverend Classis, Schibach, May lo, 1730. The most submissive and obedient servants of the Reverend Classis, Deacons and Elders of the Congregation at Schibach : Wendel Keupper Gerhart (G.I.H.) Indeheven Christophel Schmitt Hans Georg Reiff. Dewald Jung Johannes Scroll Johannes Lefeber Johannes Leman JosT Ferer Felix Guth Henrich H Huwer Jerg (G) Gernan Valentin ( V H A) Hans Amen LoRENTZ Schweitzer Johannes (O) Willhe Peter Wence Nicklas Loscher Christian Weber Peter Borger Jagob Keller Marte Hiltebeudel Ulrich Steffen JoHAN Jacob Arndt Hans Adam (H M) Mauer Johann Philb Ried Phillips Henrich Soller Johannes Lebo Bastian Schmit Hans File Steinheindig Jacob Heidschuh Jost Scheuler Jacob Hanf David Montandon Hans Jerg Bauman y Weiss in Holland 59 Carl Ludwig Keipper Friderich Scholl Andreas Hack Jacel Leidy Ludwig Schefer Georg Philib Dodder. WiLLHELM SCHMIT The point made against Boehm in this complaint was of course poorly taken. In order to have a valid petition Boehm did not need to have the signatures and consent of all the members of his congregations. It was enough that he had the signatures of all his elders. The plaint of the seceders at Skippack amounts simply to this, that Boehm did not take them, his enemies, into his confidence. There was no deception in that and no sensible man can blame him for not doing it. It was the part of wisdom to keep his own counsels. Before Weiss and Reiff reached Holland the Synod of South Holland had been held July 4 to 14, 1730, at Breda,^^ at which its president. Rev. Dr. Wilhelmius of Rotterdam, read a lengthy report. In it he stated among other things that the number of Reformed confessors from the Palatinate then in Pennsylvania was 15,000. They were increasing year by year through new arrivals. Only a few weeks before the meeting of Synod, three ships with 600 emigrants had passed through Rotterdam. The same report was also read before the Synod of North Hol- land, held July 21 to August 3, 1730. As a result of this report the church of Pennsylvania was earnestly recom- mended to the benevolence of the Classes. Weiss and Reiff arrived in Holland shortly after the ses- sions of these Synods. We first meet them at Haarlem^" 66 There is no evidence that Weiss and Reiff were present at the Synod of Breda. Their names are not mentioned in the minutes of that meeting. ^'' These dates are based on the list of contributions printed in the writer's " History of the Reiff Case," in Mr. Dotterer's Historical Notes, p. 153. There are three contemporaneous copies of this list: (1) In the ) 6o History of the Goshenhoppen Charge on August lo, where the Rev. Jacob Geelkerke handed them fl. 390, collected by the Synod of North Holland. A few days later, on August 15 to 16, they were at Rot- terdam, where the Rev. Alardus Tiele gave them, by order of the Synod on South Holland, held at Kuilenburg in 1729, fl. 696.12, and the Rev. Barth. Van Velse handed over the contributions of the Synod just held at Breda in 1730, namely fl. 79. At the same time they appeared before the Synodical Deputies, whose minutes of August 15 to 16, 1730, give us the following information: Weiss and Reiff before the Synodical Deputies. 1. The Deputies of the Synods have requested the Rev. Classis of Schieland to appoint some of her midst to make further inquiries, in accordance with the resolution of the Rev. Synod of South Hol- land, held at Breda, regarding the report touching the churches in Pennsylvania, which had been presented to the Synod. They hear with much satisfaction from the mouth of the president, Do. Wilhelmius, that a good opportunity will be aiiforded to do this, be- cause the Rev. George Michael Weitzius, minister at Philadelphia and an elder of that congregation*'^^ are at present in Rotterdam. 2. Who having been interviewed at length b> the Deputies about the condition of the church and the contents of the memorial, presented before Syond, it was resolved to further discuss the matter with them tomorrow at the house of Do. Wilhelmius. 3. Having met here, the above mentioned Do. Weitzius {a) presented to the Deputies his certificate of examination and the commission given to him by Upper Consistory at Heidelberg, Harbaugh manuscripts (see Ref. Quarterly Revieiv, Vol. XL (1893), p. 68 f.) ; (2) in the Minutes of the Synodical Deputies, under date April 13-16, 1739 (see Dotterer's Historical Notes, p. 153) ; (3) in the letter book at the Hague, 74, II, 3. pp. 15. 16. "''^Reif was not an elder, but only a member of the Skippack Church, see Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 237; see also his own statement, above, p. 46. y Weiss before Deputies 6i dated May i, 1727, and renewed by the said Consistory on April 26, 1728. {b) He gave an account of the large number of Reformed people in Pennsylvania, w^ho have been served hitherto by him alone and by a certain Philip Beem [Boehm], w^ho has set himself up as a teacher, although being without education and having no proper call, but who through wrong information was examined, it seems, and admitted to the ministry by one of the ministers of New Netherland, upon the order of the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, about which the congregation at Philadelphia and at Skippack wrote a letter to the Classis of Amsterdam and also to the Classis of Schieland, dated May 30, 1730, signed by forty-four persons, requesting that the above mentioned Beem might not be forced upon them as their minister. (c) He accepted the request to prepare a chart, showing the different colonies of the Palatines, the distance of one from the other, and how many churches ought to be built there for their service, and how many shepherds or teachers would be necessary to serve them properly, and he agreed further to give a detailed written account concerning the whole condition of the land and the Palatines living therein. The minutes of the meeting of September 12 to 14, 1730, add: "This report came after the close of the ses- sions and was communicated to the Deputies." It is very unfortunate that this report and chart of Weiss are no longer in existence, for they would have given us no doubt important information regarding the various German settlements in the province and the earliest Re- formed congregations. On September 4, 1730, Weiss and Reiff were in Am- sterdam, where they appeared before the famous Classis of that city. The Classical Minutes state? that: Do. G. Mich. Wijs, minister at Philadelphia, appeared with an elder of Schibach and made known that the congregation at Schi- A 62 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge bach, from which also a letter had been received, is very much dis- turbed and in great confusion, because the congregation refuses to recognize Do. Boehm as a properly ordained minister, who has been installed as their pastor, in accordance with the order of this Classis, by the ministers of New York, which can be seen in the Acts of January ii, 1729. His Reverence requested this Classis to take such measures as would restore the peace of the congrega- tion. Whereupon the Deputies for foreign affairs were asked to investigate this matter carefully and present their recommendations to this body. Further his Reverence requested a contribution to build a church at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, which congregation is recom- mended to the charity of all the congregations under the jurisdic- tion of this Classis. The two travelers remained in Amsterdam for several months. On October 18, 1730, the burgomasters of the city permitted them to collect fl. 600. A list of contribu- tions spread out upon the minutes of the Synodical Depu- ties under date April 14, 1739, shows that this sum was actually collected. The permit issued to them has been translated and printed several times, but as it is desirable to have all the documents, bearing on their stay in Hol- land, put together in one place, we may be pardoned for repeating it in this connection, with a itw minor correc- tions:°® Permit of Burgomasters of Amsterdam, October 18. 1730. The Burgomasters and Magistrates of the City of Amsterdam, upon the report made to their Honors by George Michael Weiss, minister, and Jacob Reiff, elder, as commissioners of the Reformed congregation at Philadelphia, concerning the miserable condition of the said congregation, consisting in general of poor and needy ^8 A contemporaneous copy of this permit in Dutch, from \vhich the above translation was made, is found at the Hague, Vol. 74, II, 3. X Weiss in Amsterdam 63 people, who were compelled by religious persecution or from lack of subsistence to emigrate thither, and after long and expensive journeys had to settle there empty handed; and being without places and opportunities for the exercise of their religion, and for the propagation of the Christian Reformed religion, have resolved, in order to so far come to the aid of these poor banished brethren in the faith, in the attainment of their desires, as to grant and per- mit to their aforesaid commissioners, being assisted by John Peter Bolthuysen, a resident of this city, that these same, within this city and its jurisdiction, may visit the homes of the good citizens and residents and may solicit of the same most courteously the gifts and donations of their Christian sympathy, such as they may be willing to contribute to them ; moreover, that they may accept such gifts and contributions with gratitude to the amount of six hun- dred guilders and no more. Done at Amsterdam on the i8th of October 1730. By ordinance of their Excellencies aforesaid (L.S.) S. B. Elias. On October 19, 1730, the consistory of the Reformed Church at Amsterdam gave fl. 150, through Rev. John Visscher, pro tern, president of Synod and on the follow- ing day the diaconate added fl. 600, through Wm. Coeven- hoven, deacon. During October and November private persons in Hol- land contributed fl. 217, so that the total of all the contri- butions received was fl. 2132.12. The last reference to the presence of the two delegates in Holland is found in the minutes of the Classis of the Hague, which mentions, under date November 6, 1730, a Latin letter of Do. Weiss, addressed to the Classis, in which he asked for their help and encouragement. The later movements of Weiss can fortunately be traced by an account which he submitted in May, 1738. At that time he made a trip from German Flats, N. Y., to Skip- 64 History of the Gosheuhoppen Charge pack, Pa., in order to bring the long standing " Reiff Case " to a final settlement. At a conference held at Skip- pack, Weiss submitted the following paper to be signed by his former elders. He did not succeed in getting them to sign it, but they made a copy of his statement, which ultimately fell into the hands of John Philip Boehm, who promptly forwarded it to Holland.*^^ The statement of Weiss was as follows : Statement of Weiss Regarding Money Collected in Holland. ScHiPACH, May 8, 1738. Account, made with J. Reiff, concerning the collected money, which he received in my presence in Holland at Rotterdam, Haar- lem and Amsterdam, from the respective donors, of which he made the following disposition, namely: Receipts, according to the collection book added together in sum total fl. 2104. — Expenditures, being for necessary expenses: 1. For voyage from Philadelphia to London without the provisions taken along £1 8. — 2. For provisions in London during about one mcnth, with the duty for myself and Jacob Reiff £5.sh.7.d.6. 3. For passage from London to Rotterdam for each I5sh. sterling, I chini [guinea] for the bed and 3sh. sterl. for the board. 4. Expenses for half a year's board in Holland and necessary travels, 700 Dutch guilders. 5. At Rotterdam, shortly before my return to London, Jacob Reiff gave me 250 Dutch guilders, with which I paid to pas- sage from Rotterdam to London (when J. Reiff remained in Holland, I5sh. one chini [guinea] for the bed, 6sh. for the board. ^^ Boehm's copy is in the Pennsylvania Portfolio of the Classical Ar- chives, No. 20. Return of Weiss to America 6$ The passage from London to Maryland £8.— without the pro- visions taken along. The journey from Maryland to Philadelphia by sea £3,sh.i2,d.i. Board in London i6sh. In addition for my labor and trouble I ask £50 for the year. N.B. Jac. Reiff declares to have paid me for clothes and books iiofl.14 stuivers. When pounds and shillings are referred to, sterling money is meant. This statement reveals the fact that Weiss stayed in Holland six months. Since he arrived about August 10, 1730, he must have left it about February 10, 173 1. Then he returned to Pennsylvania by way of London and Maryland. Besides collecting about fl. 2100 for the congregations of Philadelphia and Skippack and rousing much Interest for the Reformed people In Pennsylvania, the visit of Weiss in Holland had another Important result. It led to the publication of the first printed report regarding the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, which was laid before the Synod of South Holland, convened at Dortrecht from July 3 to 13, I73i,and was ordered printed by that Synod. The minutes of that meeting state regarding It: Minutes of South Holland Synod on Reformed Church IN Pennsylvania, July 3-13, 1731. The Reverend Deputies of the Synod reported, that, in obedience to the resolution of Synod, they had gathered full information, with the assistance of the commissioners of the Reverend Classes of Delft and Delftland as well as of Schieland, from the lips of Do. Georgius Michael Weitzius, minister at Philadelphia and from his elder, who have come over hither [to Holland], ■^° as well as from ^"This statement proves that the " Berigt " of 1731 was based on the reports of Weiss, but it was not actually written by him, as has been stated 66 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge thorough reports and letters, regarding the condition of the churches in Pensylvania, which consist of 30,000 baptized members, among whom are about 15,000 [adult] members. They were served hitherto by only one minister, namely the aforesaid Do. Weitz, besides by another, Philippus Beem [Boehm], who, however, has had no [preparatory] studies nor a call, but was forced upon the congregation rather than elected by it. They are now busy with the building of a stone church with materials from that country. They will need in course of time at different places four other churches, together with a minister and schoolmaster for each. . . . Furthermore, the Reverend Deputies read before Synod a draught of a church order [constitution], composed at the express request of the Palatine colonists in Pennsylvania, by their Reverences together with the Commissioners of the Classis of Delft and Delft- land, as well as those of Schieland, which according to their opinion (subject to correction) can be introduced to a large extent into the distant churches, in harmony with the usages of the Pala- tinate. . . . The Christian Synod is of the opinion that the Reverend Depu- ties and Commissioners of the Classes of Delft, Delftland and Schieland ought to be thanked for the trouble and efforts expended in this far-reaching aflFair and for the draught of a church order which has been read. This draught should be printed as quickly as possible, so that during the sessions of this Synod"^ their Reverences, the correspond- ing delegates as well as the members of Synod, may be provided with copies and thus be better able to express their opinion regard- ing it, that if necessary, the draught may be changed or amended and then be sent as soon as possible to the congregation [in Penn- sylvania]. The commisioners for this affair shall put such a title repeatedly. There is reason to think that the author of the " Berigt " was the Rev. John Wilhelmius, see Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 306, note 190. ^1 The Synod at which all these events happened was the Synod of Dort- recht (or Dort), held in 1731, and not the Synod of Breda of 1730, as has been stated by Dr. Good in his History of the Reformed Church in the United States, p. 136, and repeated by Dr. Corwin, Manual of the Re- formed Church in America, 4th ed., p. 897. X Report and Instriicttons 67 or statement upon it as shall make it evident that this draught is only an advice or counsel which the Deputies of this Synod, to- gether with the Commissioners of Delft, Delftland and Schiel'and, drew up at the request preferred to them, so that no suspicion may be provoked by it. This was done and the copies [of the draught] were handed over to the members present and to each Classis, according to the number they had asked for. Copies of this printed report have come down to us. One was bought by the writer in Holland for his friend, the Rev. Prof. J. I. Good, D.D. It is entitled : Berigt, / en / Onderrigtinge, / nopens en aan de Colonie/en Kerke / van / Pensylvanien. / Opgestelt en Uytgegeven door de Gedeputeerden van/de E. Christelyke Synodus van Zuyd-Holland, /benevens de Gecommitteerden van de/E. Classis von Delft en Delfsland, / en Schieland. Title page, one page of introduction and 18 pages of text, in small quarto. The title reads in English: Report and Instructions, concerning and for the Colony and Church of Pennsylvania. Prepared and published by the Deputies of the Rev. Christian Synod of South Holland, together with the Commissioners of the Rev. Classis of Delft, Delftland and Schie- land. As the title indicates the booklet consists of two parts: (i) a report, covering five pages, (2) an instruction for the regulation of the churches there, pp. 6-18. The report gives a brief description of Pennsylvania, its location, climate, nature of soil, products, metals and inhabitants. It then traces its history from the first occu- pation of the country by the Swedes, to its surrender to the English in 1665 and its acquisition by Penn in 168 1. It refers to the establishment of Philadelphia and the efforts of Penn to attract settlers to the colony. It states that 68 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge many inhabitants of Germany were attracted to Pennsyl- vania, Mennonites, Lutherans and Reformed, but that the last were nearly half of the whole population or about 15,000. This is, of course, a greatly exaggerated figure. Of the Reformed people it is said that, being without reli- gious services, many had gone over to the Quakers. Four years ago [1727] their first minister had arrived, Weiss, under whom they had formed a congregation at Skippack, but that one minister and one church was not sufficient for the widely scattered Reformed settlers. Therefore they needed the help of the Reformd Church of the Nether- lands. With their help even the Indians might be reached and converted. The log church at Skippack should be replaced by one of stone and four additional churches should be erected. The second part of the pamphlet, called instruction, proposes the complete organization of the Church in Penn- sylvania, looking forward even to the formation of a Classis, but demanding of its ministers subscription to all the formulas of unity, adopted by the Synod of Dort, in- cluding the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, De- crees as well as Post-Acta of the Synod of Dort. Two remarkable facts should be noted with regard to this proposed constitution for the Reformed churches of Pennsylvania. The first is that it exerted absolutely no influence upon the constitutional history of the Reformed Church. Mr. Boehm clung tenaciously to his own consti- tution, drawn up in 1725, which had been permitted by the Classis of Amsterdam in 1729, and which became the con- stitution of the Coetus of Pennsylvania in 1748. The other fact is that the opponents of Boehm circulated an interpolated manuscript copy of this constitution, written it was claimed by Do. Wilhelmius in Rotterdam, which Certificate of Philadelphia Church 69 declared that the church in Pennsylvania was an altogether independent church and could choose as their ministers whomsoever they pleased. Through this letter the oppo- nents of Boehm tried to justify their existence of a sepa- rate organization.''^^ When Weiss returned to Pennsylvania, in the summer of 1 73 1, he found the churches of Philadelphia and Ger- mantown under the care of another minister and as the Reformed congregation at Huntersfield, Schoharie County, N. Y., gave him a call, he accepted it and removed to the State of New York.'^^ Before Weiss left Philadelphia, however, he requested and received the following letter of commendation from his elders at Philadelphia. Of this letter, too, he has spread a copy upon the church record at Catskill, from which the writer copied the original German recently. The following is a translation of this certificate: Certificate Given to Weiss by Philadelphia Reformed Church. Copy of the Attestation given to me by my late congregation at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, after I had received a letter from Schohary, not far from Albany. Inasmuch as our late pastor, the Rev. Mr. G. M. Weiss, has now resolved to leave Philadelphia and go to Albany, to enter there '- A copy of this forged letter of Wilhelmius was sent to Amsterdam by Boehm. It is in the Pennsylvania Portfolio of letters at Amsterdam, new letters, No. 10. It is printed in full in Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 303-311- ^3 After a short ministry Weiss left Huntersfield in February, 1732. A testimonial given him at the time of his removal, February 22, 1732, from the Huntersfield congregation, is spread upon the Catskill record. Weiss received and accepted a call from the Dutch Reformed Church at Catskill, N. Y., dated February 8, 1732. He opened the Catskill record on February 25, 1732. His last baptism there was entered into the record July 6, 1735. 7o History of the Goshenhoppen Charge upon his calling, according to the divine providence, a credible tes- timonial is given him herewith by the congregation here, that, according to the obligations of a minister, he discharged the duties of his office piously, faithfully and diligently and led such a Chris- tian life that the whole congregation was well satisfied with him, as we also wish him the blessing of God for his undertaking. In testimony of which and in the interest of truth we, the elders of the Reformed Congregation, have hereunto set our signatures and affixed our seals. Given in Philadelphia, the 22nd of September 1731- JOH. DiEMER, (L.S.) PlETER LeCOLIE (L.S.) JOHANN WiLHELM ROHRIG (L.S.) Henrich Weller (L.S.) Conrad Reiff (L.S.) Gerhardt in de Heffen (L.S.) With this letter Weiss left Philadelphia and went to his new field of labor in the state of New York. w CHAPTER II. Ministry of Rev. John Peter Miller, 1730- 1734. N August 29, 1730, there appeared in the courthouse of Philadelphia a man who was destined to play a prominent part in the reli- gious life of Pennsylvania. It was John Peter Miller, the later monk at Ephrata, who came to Pennsylvania as a Reformed candidate of theology. The life of John Peter Miller has often been sketched,'^* but no one has ever attempted to gather together all the documents bearing on the few years which he spent as minister of the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania. This shall be our aim, to shed as much light as possible upon his short career as a Reformed minister. On December 29, 1725, there registered in the matricu- lation book of the University of Heidelberg "Johannes ^* For earlier accounts of Peter Miller see Harbaugh, Fathers of the Reformed Church, Vol. I (1857), pp. 301-311; Dubbs, Historic Manual of the Reformed Church, 1885, pp. 175-187; Good, History of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1725-1792, Reading, 1899, pp. 160-165; Dubbs, Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, 1902, pp. 94-99; Sachse, Ger- man Sectarians of Pennsylvania, Vol. I, passim ; also " John Peter Miller " in The Pennsylvania German, Vol. I, No. 2 (April, 1900), pp. 3-17; a'so Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 44-48. 71 72 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Petrus Mullerus, Altzbornensis." Alsenborn is a village about two and a half German miles northeast of the city of Kaiserslautern, in the Rhenish Palatinate, now a part of Bavaria. In the Burial Register of the Ephrata Community for the year 1796, John Peter Miller is recorded as having "died September 25, 1796, aged 86 years, 9 months."'^ Counting back 86 years and 9 months from the day of his death we are brought to December 25, 1709, as the day of his birth. Of his life in Germany nothing is known except a brief allusion which occurs in a letter from Ephrata signed K., a letter that was published in the Berliner Monatschrift of 1784, to which the late Prof. Jos. H. Dubbs first called attention.'^^ After giving a somewhat discouraging ac- count of the condition of the Ephrata community, the writer makes the following reference to Peter Miller: Peter Miller, the only educated man (in the society) studied in Heidelberg and was authorized to preach, but not to baptize. With thirty guldens in his pocket he left his father. Afterwards he preached in this country, and at the request of a German coun- try congregation was ordained by the Presbyterian clergy of Phila- delphia. After four years he resigned his congregation, was con- verted, baptized others and was himself baptized; and six months after the organization of this society he joined it. Previously he had lived as a hermit. A correspondence carried on with the Reformed pastor at Alsenborn, shortly before the Great War, brought to light some facts regarding the family of Peter Miller. His father was the Rev. John Muller, who from 1708-14 "5 Sachse, The German Sectarians of Pennsylvania, Vol. II, p. 516. This statement is corroborated by the inscription on his tombstone, see below, p. 95. ^c Dubbs, The Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, p. 98, note 99. John Peter Miller 73 was pastor at Zweikirchen and Wolfstein, near Kaisers- lautern. Later, from 1714-26, he was pastor at Alsen- born, and from 1726-41 pastor at Altenkirchen, near Homburg in the Rhine province. He died at Altenkirchen May II, 1741. His son, John Peter Muller, must have been born at Zweikirchen, during his father's pastorate at that place. Unfortunately neither the church nor the church records of Zweikirchen are now in existence, so that we are unable to supply further details. However, we now know that the reference to Alsenborn in the ma- triculation book at Heidelberg does not mean that John Peter Muller was born there, but that it was his temporary home, because his father was pastor there, when he matric- ulated in the university. On August 29, 1730, a list was presented in the court- house at Philadelphia, containing the names of seventy-five men, who with their families making in all about two hun- dred and sixty persons, were imported in the ship Thistle of Glasgow, Colin Dunlap,'^'^ master, having come from Rotterdam, but last from Dover, England, as by clearance from that port. They subscribed the " Declaration of Fidelity and Abjuration." Among these names is " Pe- ter Muller," in bold German characters. With Miller came a number of persons whom we after- wards find as members of the Reformed Church at Gosh- enhoppen. They are: Valentin Griesemer, Hans Jacob Diehl, Thomas Hamman, Abraham Transu, Hans Simon Mey. Lonhart Hochgenug, Bernhard Siegmund and Jo- hannes Scherer became members of the Reformed Church at Philadelphia and Christian Leman appears in 1734 at Skippack, while John Henrich Schmidt is enrolled in the same year as a Reformed deacon in Falkner Swamp. '''' The correction " Calvin Dunlap " in the Pennsylvania Archives, 2d Ser., Vol. XVII, p. 20, is entirely unjustified. 74 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Soon after his arrival Peter Miller came in contact with John Philip Boehm, who was at that time (1730) the only ordained Reformed minister in the province. Miller called on Boehm in his home and had with him a lengthy- conversation, of which Boehm sent the following report to Holland, in a letter dated November 12, 1730:^^ Letter of Boehm Regarding Miller, November 12, 1730. Meanwhile no peace can yet be expected, for there arrived this fall another man, named Miller, whose father is pastor in the Electoral Palatinate, under the inspectorate of Kaiserslautern. He likewise avails himself of the liberty of this country, and so far has been preaching to the seceders at Schipbach, as the enclosed letter, marked F, shows. He has promised them, as also the people in Philadelphia and Germantown, to take the place of Mr. Weiss until the latter returns. In order to carry this out successfully, he betook himself to the Presbyterians in Philadelphia (because he is unordained), that he might be ordained by them. This he told me himself in my house on October 19th, saying that in the pre- ceeding week he had handed to them his confession of faith con- cerning the points they had asked of him, and expressing the hope that the affair [of his ordination] would be concluded in the fol- lowing week, which so far as I know has not yet taken place. I warned him in a friendly way and advised him to go to the reverend ministers of New York and endeavor to have his ordi- nation take place in accordance with the church-order of the Re- formed Church, whereby it would stand a better test before the world. To this he replied, that such a course was far too cir- cuitous for him, if he could gain his end by a shorter way, he would take it, as there was no great difference in it. Moreover, he said, he would like to know who had given authority to the Classis of Amsterdam to rule over the Church in this country. He thought the King of England was more important than the Classis of Hol- ''^ Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, pp. 36-38; Life and Letters of Boehm. p. 199 f. Boehm on Miller 75 land. Then I answered that it was asking too much who had given her the authority, and that I did not care anything about that, but that I believed, if the Classis had no such authority she vrould not have taken us under her care and supervision, that I for one was subject to her and would always be glad to act under her direction, etc. Then I received this fine reprimand : " There is such a glorious liberty in this country that the people themselves are free to elect, accept and also dismiss their preachers. It is not right to attempt to deprive them of this liberty and to subject them to a Classis, which can then force upon them such ministers as she desires. Christians have liberty and are in this world under no head, Christ alone is their head in heaven." He also remarked that the people had called me only temporarily, until they could get another minister. I showed him my call. He said there was nothing in it, that they had called me for life. Then I answered him : " The Reverend Classis had recognized it as a lawful call, if he was wiser than the Classis, he would have to take it up with her. I furthermore reminded him, that I also regarded Christ as the head of his church, yet I believed that Christ ruled his church on earth through agents, wherefore I would rather be under supervisors divinely appointed, in order to preserve good order in the Church of Christ, than stand up on my own freedom." On this point he did not agree with me. It is interesting to see the difference in the character of these two men, thrown into such strong relief in this con- versation. Boehm methodical, exact, strong for order and church government, firmly attached to the customs and traditions of the fathers, seeing in them the safeguards of the Church. Miller, easy-going, chafing under restraint, glad to be free from the restrictions of the old world, car- ing little for traditions and customs, or even for the visible Church. To his sanguine temperament the ideal and spir- itual alone appeals. He thinks of the liberty of the chil- dren of God and the glory of the invisible Church. This 76 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge conversation furnishes us therefore the key to his later conversion. The elders' of Skippack, writing with Mr. Boehm to the Reformed ministers of New York, under date November 5, 1730 (in the enclosure, marked F, referred to the above), make the following statement about Miller r'^^ The harmful division, caused in our congregation by Mr. George Mich.iel Weiss and continued by him until his departure from here, contrary to all order and the solemn covenant made with him, all this has hitherto been kept up by Mr. Miller, who came to this country this fall. Coming into this country as an unordained minister and willing to be ordained by the Presbyterians in Phila- delphia (as we hear), we have no other prospect before us but a continuous division in our poor congregation. Our hope for a good and God-pleasing harmony, established in brotherly love, which we expected to be able to report with rejoicing, after the departure of Mr. Weiss, has been entirely taken away from us through the above mentioned Mr. Miller. The same unwillingness which the people of Skippack manifested to submit themselves to the supervision of the Classis of Amsterdam, appeared also in Philadelphia, under the inspiration of Weiss and Miller, for Boehm writes again i^*^ With respect to the Reformed people of Philadelphia, I have been compelled to hear repeatedly, with a sad heart, from several of them the reply, (when I recommended the good work to them) : " We are here in a free country, and the Classis of Holland has no right to give us any orders." This statement, however, has been prompted, as I believe, by the persuasion of Mr. Weis alone, which is now continued by Mr. Miller. It is rather curious to see how eager these independents ''^Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, p. 59; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 219. ^'^ Journal of P. H, S., Vol. VII, p. 44; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 205. Ordination of Miller 77 were to accept the benefactions of the Classis of Amster- dam, but when it came to accept their well meant advice, they drew the line. Consistency, thou art a jewel! Ordination of Miller in Philadelphia. We must now turn to the story of Miller's ordination by the Presbyterians in Philadelphia. On September 19, 1730, the Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia passed the following resolution :^^ It is agreed by Synod, that Mr. John Peter Miller, a Dutch pro- bationer, lately come over, be left to the care of the Presbytery of Philadelphia to settle him in the work of the ministry. Unfortunately the minutes of the Philadelphia Pres- bytery from 17 17 to 1732 are lost, so that it is impossible to give the exact details. A well known letter of Rev. Jedidiah Andrews, from 1698 to 1747 pastor of the old Buttonwood Presbyterian Church, supplies the omission partially. It was written on October 14, 1730, to his friend, the Rev. Thomas Prince, pastor of the Old South Church of Boston. In it he writes :^2 There is lately come over a Palatine candidate of the ministry, who having applied to us at the Synod, for Ordin'n, 't is left to 3 ministers to do it. He is an extraordinary person for sense and learning. We gave him a question to discuss about Justification, and he has answered it, in a whole sheet of paper, in a very notable manner. His name is John Peter Miller, and speaks Latin as readily as we do our vernacular tongue, and so does the other, Mr. Weis. Many years afterwards Peter Miller himself wrote the following account of his ordination to a friend in a letter dated December 5, 1790:^^ 81 Records of Presbyterian Church, Vol. I, p. 99. 82 Hazard's Register, Vol. XV, p. 201. 83 Hazard's Register, Vol. XVI, p. 254. 78 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge As concerning our transactions during that long term of our residence at Ephrata, I wish I could satisfy thine curiosity. I have published a Chronicon Ephratense, of which I could make thee a present, if thou art master of the German language. However I will do something to satisfy thee. In August 1730, I arrived at Philadelphia, and was there at the end of said year upon order of the Scotch Synod, ordained, in the old meeting house by three emi- nent ministers, Tenant, Andrews and Boyd. Peter Miller served the congregations, Skippack, Ger- mantown and Philadelphia, according to Boehm's letter of November 12, 1730, till the fall of 173 1. On Septem- ber 21, 1 73 1, the Rev. John Bartholomew Rieger arrived at Philadelphia, who became Miller's successor in these congregations. On November 22, 1731, the Reformed congregation of Philadelphia wrote to the Rev. Dr. Wilhelmius of Rot- terdam :^^ In order that the minister's chair might not remain vacant, since Mr. Weis has left us, we have, sometime ago, elected and accepted as our teacher the newly arrived Candidate Rieger, to whose plant- ing and watering among us the Lord may grant his blessing from on high. As a result we find Miller turning to the Interior Ger- man settlements. He first appears at Goshenhoppen. In *^ The original is in the Hague archives, 74, I, 10. Miller at Goshenhoppen 79 his report of 1739, Mr. Boehm locates him definitely at Goshenhoppen :^^ Of this congregation [Goshenhoppen] I know little, for it never wanted to be under our church-order, but desired to be its own master. When Do. Weiss, as stated above, came into the country and caused great confusion, they faithfully adhered to him. When he traveled to Holland in order to obtain the well known moneys collected there, they immediately clung to Miller, who, assisted by another person, continued to serve Goshenhoppen. By their serv- ices at Skippack, they kept the congregation there in a state of con- , tinued restlessness, which had been begun by Weiss. All my peti- tions, entreaties and warnings were in vain. In course of time Miller extended his activity. In 1733 we find him ministering to the Reformed people in the Conestoga valley, Lancaster County, and in the Tulpe- hocken valley, Berks County. On March 4, 1733, Rev. John B. Rieger and the Phila- delphia physician, Dr. John Jacob Diemer, write in a letter to the Synodical Deputies :^^ The church at Conestoga and vicinity has a preacher by the name of Joh. Petrus Miiller, who was ordained in the Presbyterian church here. He administers divine services there [at Conestoga]. The churches at Schippach, Germantown and Philadelphia have a preacher who came over a year and a half ago, Bartholomeus Rieger, who has taken the place of Do. Wys. He preaches one Sunday at Schippach, the second at Germantown and the third at Philadelphia. We learn still more about the activity of Miller in the Conestoga valley from a very important letter of Conrad Tempelman, who did for the Conestoga valley what Mr. Boehm did for the Perkiomen valley. He began the first ^5 Minutes of Coetus, p. 9. 86 The original is at the Hague, archives 74, I, 15. 8o History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Reformed services in that region. In this letter Tempel- man writes to the Synods of North and South Holland under date February 13, 1733:^^ Letter of Conrad Tempelman Regarding the Reformed Church in Conestoga, February 13, 1733. The church at Chanastoka took it^prigin in the year 1725, with a SiXiall gathering in houses here and there, with the reading of a sermon and with song and prayer, according to their High German church order, upon all Sundays and Holidays, but, on account of the lack of a minister, without the administration of Baptism and of the Lord's Supper. Thereafter Dominie Bohm served them, at first [1727] volun- tarily at the request of the people, later, after being fully ordained, he administered baptism and communion to them for the space of two years [i 730-1731], upon a yearly call, although he lived a distance of 21 hours [about 63 miles] away from them, being sat- isfied Avith their small, voluntary gifts. He also subsequently established a church-order [constitution] among them and the con- gregation chose elders and he himself exercised a strict and careful supervision, so that things went on in good order in this congre- gation. Further the writer reports that the congregation, on account of its enlargement and the great distances between the members, has divided itself into six meeting-places in Chanastoka, whereof three places are served by a Reformed minister, Johan Peter Miiller, by name, by whom also another strong congregation is served about seven hours [21 miles] distant, called Dalbenhacken [Tulpehocken]. But that they now, by reason of the division of the congregation, cannot any longer be served by Do. Boehm, as also not by the afore- said Miiller, both by reason of the great distance of the localities and because of the manifold occupations and heavy labor wherewith he is overburdened. . . . 87 Only an abstract of Tempelmann's letter in Dutch has been preserved at the Hague, archives 74, I, 14. Letter of Tempelman 8i The entire north side, 20 hours [60 miles] distant from Phila- delphia, named Chanastoka (which is no town, but a tract of land so named after a certain creek) is settled by Germans and English. There are three of the meeting places of the Reformed people, cov- ering an area 7 hours [21 miles] long and 7 hours [21 miles] wide. But they say further, that they can give no report to the Rev. Christian Synods of the 3 places, ministered unto by Do. Miiller. Nevertheless they hope that the said preacher will make known his own needs (inasmuch as he cannot well subsist by the free-will gifts of his people) as well as the condition of his congre- gation and his elders. . . . Regarding the three first named meeting places they give further report to the Rev. Christian Synods [Classis] of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, concerning the members and elders belonging to them, with the autograph signatures of the latter. It is signed Conrad Tempelman Reader of the Congregation (N.B. He seems to be the writer of the letter.) Members 55, Elders: Rudolf Heller (L.S.) Michel Albert (L.S.) Andries M . . . (L.S.) At the second meeting place there are the following number of members and elders: Members 51, Elders: Hans Georg Swab (L.S.) Johannes Gohr (L.S.) Conrad Werns (L.S.) At the third meeting place there are the following members and elders : Members 30, Elders: Johann Jacob Hook (L.S.) Andries Halsbrun (L.S.) Nicolaus (L.S.) 7 82 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The fact that Tempelman has given us the names of the elders of these congregations enables us to identify them. The first of these preaching places is now represented by Heller's church in Upper Leacock township.^^ The second is the Cocalico church near Ephrata, and the third is the Lancaster church. Its elder, John Jacob Hock, was elected the first pastor of the Lancaster church in 1736. As to the congregations served by Miller, we can only speak with some degree of probability. One was prob- ably Muddy Creek, for in the Lutheran Muddy Creek record two children are recorded as having been baptized by Peter Miller, one on January 20, i73o[3i]> the other on February 3, 1733.®® The second congregation seems to have been Reyer's Church (now at Brickerville) , Eliza- beth township, where Tempelman made entries in an old church record, beginning with the year 1735. The third was most likely Zeltenreich, near New Holland, where a Reformed Church was in existence in 1744, ministered to by Jacob Lischy. Sometime during this period (i 730-1 734), probably before the division into six preaching places had occurred. Miller also preached at Cocalico, near Ephrata, for in a list of pastors of that congregation, drawn up in 1766 by the Rev. John George Wittner, the name Peter Miller occurs. As this important list has nev^er been published, it may be well to insert it here in full, with some comments : S8 A full discussion of the evidence was given by the writer in the Reformed Church Messenger of January 4, 1900; also by Prof. Jos. H. Dubbs, D.D., in the " Earliest Church in Lancaster County," a paper read before the Lancaster County Historical Society, Proceedings, Vol. V (1900), No. I. See also Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 64. 89 A photographic reproduction of that page is given by Dr. Sachse in his German Sectarians in Pennsylvania, Vol. I, p. 237. Pastors at Co calico 83 List of all the Teachers and Pastors h'ho from the First beginning have officiated in the congregation at the cocalico, or the SO-CALLED Keller's Church. [i] Bohm [John Philip]. [2] Bechtold [otherwise unknown]. [3] Hoock [John Jacob, of Lancaster]. [4] Terapelnnann [John Conrad]. [5] Wieser [otherwise unknown, unless it be George Michael Weiss]. [6] Rieger, post et Med. D. [John B. Rieger, afterwards Doctor of Medicine]. [7] Fock [Lewis Ferdinand Vock]. [8] Peter Miller, in Ephrata Jaibetz.s^a [9] Loscher [unknown, unless it be Jacob Lischy, who preached at Cocalico]. [10] Joh. Waldschmidt [1752-1762]. [11] Deckert [John Henry Decker; 1762-1763]. [12] Friz Miiller [Frederick Casimir Miiller; 1763-1765]. [13] Berger from Reading, supplied the congregation for two years. [14] J. G. Wittner [1766-1770]. [15] Joh. Christoph Gobrecht [1770-1779]. [16] Anthony Hautz [1786-1790, September]. The first part of the list up to the fourteenth minister is in the handwriting of Rev, Mr. Wittner, by whom the record was begun. With regard to the earlier entries (Nos. 1-9) it should be noted that they are not in strict chronological order. Hence from the position of Peter Miller after Vock, who was pastor in 1750, it should not be inferred that Peter Miller served the congregation after that time, when he was Prior of the convent at Ephrata. The Reformed people would never have per- mitted that. The only safe inference to make is that Peter Miller was one of the early pastors of the congre- gation, while other evidence makes it certain that Mr. Wittner did not insert him in his proper chronological s^* In Ephrata Peter Miller adopted the name Jabez, based on L Chroni- cles 4: 9. It is there explained as meaning "Borne with sorrow." It refers no doubt to his remarkable conversion. The words " in Ephrata Jaibetz " were added about 1786 by Anthony Hautz. 84 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge place. This applies equally to all the other early minis- ters from the first to the ninth. In the light of all the available evidence, I offer the fol- lowing chronological list of the earlier pastorates : 1725. — Origin of the German Reformed Church in the Conestoga valley. 1725-1727. — Religious meetings in private houses conducted by Conrad Tcmpclman. 1727, October 15. — First Reformed Communion service in the Conestoga valley. Brief ministry of Rev. John Philip Boehm. 1728-1729. — Ministry of George Michael Weiss. 1730, May 30. — Formal organization of the Conestoga Congregation, now Heller's in Upper Leacock township. 1730-1732. — Origin of the Reformed congregations at Lancaster and Co- calico, and probably also at Muddy Creek, Reyer's and Seltenreich. 1733, February 13. — Six Reformed preaching places in existence in the Con- estoga valley. Reformed Ministers at Cocalico, now Bethany, near Ephrata.^<> 1. Ministry of John Philip Boehm, 1730-1731. 2. Ministry of John Peter Miller, 1731-1734. Miller's conversion, 1735, May. Visit of Boehm to Conestoga, 1735, May 11. 3. Ministry of Bechtold, 1735-1736. The ministry of Peter Miller at Tulpehocken has left its traces in several documents. Miller himself, in the Ephrata Chronicle (Engl. Ed., p. 70) , gives the following account : At that time the region of Dulpehakin was settled entirely by Protestants. These had agreed among themselves not to suffer among them any who were differently minded ; so that many who were of like persuasion came to them. But shrewdly as they con- trived it, God yet at last set up his candle on a candlestick in that then dark region, as will soon be narrated. These now had called the afore-mentioned P.M. [Peter Miller] to be their teacher. 80 A history of the Cocalico congregation was given by the writer in the Reformed Church Messenger, January 4-18, 1900, and continued in the Reformed Church Record, February 15-March i, 1900. Miller at Tulpehocken 85 which office he served among them and in other places during four years. The Moravian church record of Tulpehocken, now pre- served in the archives at Bethlehem, tells the following story of the origin of the Lutheran congregation there and Peter Miller's ministry among them:^^ In the year 1723 Tulpehocken was first settled and inhabited by people who had dwelt in Schocheri. Most of them were brought under conviction and made restless in their hearts while still resid- ing in Schocheri [Schoharie] through Bernhard von Thieren, who was their pastor there, and who had promised these people also to move to Tulpehocken and continue to be their minister. But he made only occasional visits, administered the Lord's Supper at various times, baptized also the children and then went back again to Schocheri. There came also at times a preacher named Henckel from Falkner Swamp to visit us and administered occasionally the Lord's Supper. He advised us to build a church, which was done in 1727. Peter Muller a Reformed preacher also came to us and preached sermons for almost two years. Afterward he went among the Seventh Day people [Siebentager]. It was during the ministry of Peter Miller at Goshen- hoppen that the three Reformed congregations in the Goshenhoppen district first come into view. Old Goshenhoppen appears first in the year 1730. On November 12, 1730, Rev. John Philip Boehm wrote to the Classis of Amsterdam :^^ ^1 The claim of the writer, in the Reformed Church Record and in the Reformed Church Messenger, to have " discovered " this record in the Bethlehem archives has been questioned {History of the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania, p. 447, note 520). The facts in the case are as follows: In the summer of 1902 the writer spent five weeks in the archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem and found there among other documents this church record. It was spoken of as a discovery (in the articles men- tioned above), because // ^as at that time unknoivn to Reformed historians. 92 Journal of P. H. S., Vol. VII, p. 43 f. Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 204. 86 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The same action [namely a request for organization] was taken in another small congregation, of about fifteen families, with the same humble request to the Reverend Classis. It is situated about ten miles from here. The place has as yet no definite name, but it is called after the river on which it lies Bergjamen [Perkiomen]. As there is no other Reformed congregation along the Perkiomen Creek, about ten miles from Boehm's home in Whitpain township, than Old Goshenhoppen, we have little hesitation in identifying the two names. This identi- fication is indirectly corroborated by the fact that, accord- ing to the Old Goshenhoppen Lutheran record, " in the year 1732 a warrant was taken up jointly by the Lutherans and the Reformed. In the fall of that year a union schoolhouse was built upon this land." In this school- house, the first of its kind in the charge, the religious serv- ices of the congregation were no doubt held. In 1734 the congregation at Great Swamp appears for the first time. On December 12, 1734, Rev. John Martin Boltzius, a Lutheran minister at Ebenezer, Georgia, wrote to Dr. G. A. Francke, head of the Institutions at Halle, Germany :^^ In the above mentioned Great Swamp there is also a small Re- formed congregation, which has its own pastor. In a preceding reference to Great Swamp the writer remarked : Not far from Oley is the Great Swamp, where the Evangelical [Lutheran] congregation has a preacher named Kaspar Steber [Stoever], whom the Rev. Schultze had ordained before his de- parture. This Steber is at present involved in a quarrel with his congregation, because they do not want to give him the salary that was promised to him. They are said to promise often something, 83 Quoted in Muhlenberg's Selbstbiographie, Allentown, 1881, p. 213. Baptisms by Miller 87 but when the minister preaches and applies the truth too strongly, they become rude and refuse to pay the minister's salary. The Reformed pastor in Great Swamp in 1734 can hardly be any one else than Peter Miller, This is cor- roborated by a letter of Boehm, who in a report to the Holland Synod, dated October 18, 1734, refers distinctly to Peter Miller's activity in the Goshenhoppen district. He writes:^'' Nevertheless one of them is still in this country, namely, Peter Miller. When this man could not bring the people over to his opinion, he quitted the ministry altogether and he is now^ an oil- miller. But what he was after, and thought of persuading the people to do, is plainly to be seen from this, overlooking everything else : About two years ago he went with one of his elders, w^hom he had installed in the congregation at Goshenhoppen into the house of a Seventh Day "Tumpler" [Dunker], and there they allowed themselves to be called brethren and to have their feet washed by him; and this is the truth, whereupon followed his complete apostasy. The two references of Mr. Boehm to Peter Miller's activity in Goshenhoppen, the one made in 1734 and the other in 1739 (already quoted above), definitely settle the fact that from 173 1 to 1734 Peter Miller was the Re- formed pastor in Goshenhoppen. This is corroborated by the New Goshenhoppen church record, in which 69 baptisms were entered by one hand from June, 1731, till July, 1734. At one of these baptisms, on April 16, 1732, "Johann Peter Miiller" acted as sponsor. This is no doubt the pastor. As these are the only baptisms which Peter Miller most likely entered himself, we reproduce the page bearing his name in facsimile. Miller's inclination toward the Ephrata Community ^* Coeius Minutes, p. 2 f. 88 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge began in 1732. Two years later it led to the surrender of his ministerial functions. But it was not till May, 1735, that Miller actually joined the Seventh Day Bunk- ers by public immersion. This act of Miller threw the Reformed people into consternation, as can be seen clearly from the accounts of Boehm, describing this remarkable and important event. On January 14, 1739, Mr. Boehm wrote as follows to Holland, regarding the Conestoga congregation :®^ Then Do. Weiss slandered me in this congregation by a very abusive letter, which I have in my possession. He thereby misled them and drew the congregation to himself. But soon afterwards he again left them, whereupon Miller went there to carry on the work of Weiss. At that time Miller drew also Tulpehocken to himself. I warned them frequently against this false spirit, but the misguided and simple-minded people clung to him, until finally the deception, with regard to which I had warned them so faith- fully came to light, and this Miller publicly went over to the wicked sect of the Seventh Day " Tumpler " [Dunkers] and was baptized in Dunker fashion at Conestoga in the month of April 1735.^^^ He took with him about ten families, Lutheran and Reformed, from the congregation of Dolpihacken [Tulpehocken] who fol- lowed his example. This caused a great alarm among the congregations. Those that were kept by God sent therefore again messengers and letters to me and once more asked for help, which I did not dare to refuse. Hence I again went to them, and there were on May 11, 1735, in the above mentioned first congregation or Hill church, at Cones- toga, 92 communicants. It is interesting to place alongside of these statements 85 Coetus Minutes, p. 8. ^^^ Miller himself stated repeatedly that this baptism took place in May, 1735. See Ephrata Chronicle, Engl. Transl., p. 73; also Miller's letter of December 5, 1790, quoted below, p. 92. Conversion of Miller 89 of John Philip Boehm the well known account of Peter Miller himself in the Ephrata Chronicle :9« The Superintendent [Conrad Beissel] soon after found occasion to make a visit to Tulpehocken with several of his disciples, where he was received by the teacher [Peter Miller] and elders with the consideration due to him as an ambassador of God. While on his return the teacher and C.W. [Conrad Weiser], an elder, accom- panied him over the mountains for six miles. The result of their visit in Tulpehocken was that the teacher, the elders and several others withdrew from the church ; whereupon a venerable Pietist, by the name of Casper Leibbecker, took the teacher's place in the church. Among these seceders was C.W., an elder of the Lutheran faith, a man who had received from God remarkable natural gifts and sound judgment. . . . Accordingly they were baptized together under the water, after the teaching of Christ; which was done on a Sabbath in May of the year 1735. Thus the teacher, the schoolmaster, three elders, besides various other households, went over from the Protestants to this new awakening. These same events are briefly reviewed and an excellent description of Peter Miller, as he appeared to his contem- poraries, is given by the Rev. Israel Acrelius, Provost of the Swedish Churches in America and Rector of the Old Swedes Church, Wilmington, Deleware. In his well- known " History of New Sweden," he gives a description of his visit to Ephrata, which he made on September 7, 1753, in company with his friend, George Ross. After describing the cloister and the religious life fostered there, he draws the following pen-sketch of Peter Miller him- self r^^ ^8 See English edition, pp. 71, 73. 9^ Acrelius, History of New Siueden (Memoirs of the Hist. Society of Pa., Vol. XI), Philadelphia, 1876, p. 374. 90 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge There was also a brother named Jabez, who, before his rebap- tism was called Peter Miiller. He had been a German Calvinistic Minister, came into the country, according to their custom, as a candidate for the Ministry of the Reformed Church of the coun- try, was afterwards ordained by the Presbyterian Minister, Mr. Andrew, in Philadelphia, and for a long time preached in the vari- ous parts of the country among the Germans before that, eighteen years since [1735], he betook himself to Ephrata. He is a learned man, understands the Oriental languages, speaks Latin, discusses theological controversies as well as other sciences; although, in his present condition he has forgotten much. He is of a good stature, with a friendly face and friendly manners, on which account strangers always get introduced to him, and seek his society. He is open-hearted toward those to whom he takes a liking, and is modest and genial. The brethren have great respect for him, and not without reason, for he is a prudent man, upon whom their order chiefly depends, although he gives himself no higher name than that of a single brother. In their Public Worship he reads the Scriptures and also baptizes when so directed by Father Friedsam. Another remarkable incident in connection with this con- version of Miller Is told by Mr. Boehm In his now ex- tremely rare book, which he published In 1742 against the Moravians. It was the dramatic burning of Reformed and Lutheran devotional books by the new converts. Thus far we had only traditional accounts about this event, which are now superseded by this contemporaneous account of Mr. Boehm. Criticizing especially the conduct of Conrad Welser, Boehm writes:''^ 58 Boehm's Getreuer Warnungsbrief, Philadelphia, 1742, p. 29. The only known copy of this now exceedingly rare book is in the possession of Rev. Dr. J. I. Good, who bought it at the sale of late Governor Penny- packer's library. Burning of Devotional Books 91 But whether we can entertain any hope with regard to him, let every Evangelical Christian think what kind of a man he is. Will he help to establish the honor of the gospel of Jesus Christ? For when Peter Miller, the former pretended Reformed minister of Dolpihaken, became a regular disgrace to our Reformed Church by letting himself be baptized in Dunker fashion as a member of the Seventh Day Tumpler [Dunker] sect, together with several others, this Conrad Weiser was one of them. (He was indeed a Lu- theran and at that time an elder of the Lutheran congregation at Dolpihacken.)^^ Moreover, when four Seventh Day Tumpler [Dunkers], namely Peter Miller (above mentioned) Michel Mil- ler, Conrad Weiser (above mentioned) and Gottfried Fidler, burnt with fire the Reformed Heidelberg Catechism, the Lutheran Catechism, the Psalms of David, the " Paradeys-Gartlein " and the "Exercise of Piety" [tjbung der Gottseligkeit], in all 36 books in derision and in disparagement, in the house of Gottfried Fidler, he was one of them. Nor has it become known that since that time he has turned from them in repentance and has again betaken him- self to his former Lutheran religion. ^^ The Lutheran membership of Conrad Weiser has been called in ques- tion recently, see Dubbs, Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, p. 97, note 96, but without sufficient reason. All contemporary writers are agreed that he was a Lutheran. This is the testimony of Boehm and Miller, in the extracts from their writings quoted above. Zinzendorf makes the same statement, see Fresenius, Nachrichten von Herrnhutischen Sachen, Vol. Ill, p. 710. Weiser took part in a Lutheran communion service, see Hallesche Nachrichten, new ed., Vol. I, p. 202. Muehlenberg reports him as a Lutheran, cf. Hallesche Nachrichten, new ed., Vol. I, p. 362. " At Tulpe- hocken, many years ago, some Lutherans, among whom was Mr. Weiser, had taken up a piece of land." Finally Weiser himself stated, according to Muehlenberg, that " he held the principles of our Evangelical religion," see Hallesche Nachrichten, new ed.. Vol. I, p. 449. The fact that Mr. Weiser acted as trustee of the Reformed Church at Reading (see D. Miller, History of the Reformed Church in Reading, p. 17), proves nothing, for he was also a trustee of the Lutheran Church at Reading, see J. Fr>', His- tory of Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, 1894, p. 18. 92 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The account of Peter Miller's activity as a Reformed pastor may fittingly be closed with another account of his conversion, written by himself on December 5, 1790, to a friend i^'^o Miller's Account of His Conversion. Having officiated among the Germans several years I quitted the ministry and returned to private life. About that time our small state was in its infancy: I never had an inclination to join it, be- cause of the contempt and reproach which lay on the same; but my inward Conductor, brought me to that critical dilemma, either to be a member of this new institution, or to consent to my own condemnation, when also I was forced to choose the first. In my company had been the schoolmaster, three elderlings (Conrad Weiser one), five families and some single persons, which raised such a fermentation in that church, that a persecution might have followed, had the magistrates consented with the generalit}-. We have been incorporated with said congregation in May, I735. by holy Baptism; When we were conducted to the water, I did not much differ from a poor criminal under sentence of death. Who- ever [ !] the Lord our God did strengthen me, when I came into the water and then in a solemn manner renounced my life with all its prerogatives without reservation and I found by experience in subsequent times, that all this was put into the divine records ; for 100 First printed in Hazard's Register, Vol. XVI, p. 254 f. Dor sins on Miller 93 God never failed in his promise to assist me in time of need. At that time the solitary brethren and sisters lived dispersed in the wilderness of Canestogues, each for himself, as Heremits, and I following that same way, did set up my Hermitage in Dulpehakin at the foot of a mountain,^"^ on a limped spring, the house is still extant there with an old orchard. There did I lay the foundation to solitary life, but the melancholy temptations, which did trouble me every day, did prognosticate to me misery and affliction : Who- ever [!] I had not lived there half a year, when a great change happened: for a camp was laid out for all solitary persons at the verj' spot, where Ephrata stands, and where at that time the Presi- dent lived with some hermits. And now, when all heremits were called in, I also quitted my solitude and exchanged the same for the monastic life, which was judged to be more inservient [" !] to sanctification than the life of a hermit, where many under a pre- tense of holiness did nothing but nourish their own selfishness. The profound impression which this remarkable con- version made upon the Reformed churches is seen by the fact that in popular story the number of converts grad- ually increased until it has reached several hundred. On March i, 1738, the Rev. Peter Henry Dorsius, who had not been in Pennsylvania when the events took place, wrote to the Synodical Deputies as follows :^^- In this connection [I wish to state that] Do. Muller, having fallen away from our faith, has persuaded no less than three hun- dred souls to go over with him to the errors of the Dunkers [Dom- pelaars], whereof very many promise to return to our Christian religion, if only they were deemed worthy, through the providence of God, of being provided with an orthodox minister. ^01 The same fact is told, with some additional detail, in the Ephrata Chronicle: "Soon after the Brethren erected a solitary residence for the teacher at the foot of a hill in Tulpchocken, where, however, he lived no longer than till the next November," Chronicon Ephratense, English trans- lation, p. 73. ^'^- The letter of Dorsius was spread upon the Minutes of the Deputies, under date June 16-20, 1738. 94 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Mr. Boehm gives as usual the best survey of this period in the history of the congregation. In his report of Oc- tober, 1734, he gives the number of members at Goshen- hoppen (presumably New Goshenhoppen), "according to the statement of some members as about 40." Of the charge as a whole he writes :^^^ Boehm's Account of Goshenhoppen in 1734. A fourth minister would greatly be needed at Goshenhoppen, about thirty-six miles from Philadelphia.^"* He might conduct services there every three weeks, and use the rest of the time to feed the poor sheep at the end of the wilderness, in the above mentioned Saucon, Macungie, Maxatawny and Great Swamp, who thirst for the hearing of God's word as the dry earth for water. Many people of these regions have already been to see me in great sadness, and complained of the pitiable state of their souls. There were also some, who being able to make the journey, have come at vari- ous times to communion in the congregation entrusted to me at Falkner Swamp, a distance certainly of twenty-five to thirty miles, and brought children to baptism, which journey, however, is im- possible for old persons and weak women, so that it is not to be wondered at (especially when one remembers that ;here are chil- dren who for lack of a minister cannot be brought to baptism until they are several years of age) that my heart breaks and my eyes are full of tears about this condition. But I cannot accomplish this work alone, for my years are beginning to accumulate, and my poor body is also getting feeble, since I must not only make long 103 Minutes of Coetus, p. 2. i°* This statement refers to New Goshenhoppen, as can be seen from a quotation of Thomas F. Gordon's Gazetteer of Pennsylvania, 1832 (quoted by Mr. Dotterer in his Perkiomen Region, Vol. I, p. 14) : " New Goshen- hoppen, a post town and village in Upper Hanover township, Montgomery County, situated in the forks of Perkiomen creek, 37 miles northwest of Philadelphia, and about 21 northwest of Norristown." The same authority states of Upper Hanover township: "The central distance from Philadel- phia is 35 miles northwest," /. c, p. 12. Tombstone of Miller 95 journeys and preach, but also, because these poor people are not able to support me, must support my large family with manual labor. After being for many years the moving spirit in the Ephrata community, Miller died there and was buried in the little cemetery belonging to the cloister. His tomb is next to that of Conrad Beissel, the founder of the so- ciety. It bears the following inscription : Hier Liegt Begraben PETER MILLER Gebuertig im Oberamt Lautern in Chur Pfalz Kam als Reformirter Prediger nach America Im Jahr 1730. Wurde Unter die Gemeine in Ephrata getaufet im Jahre 1735 und genant Bruder Jaebez. Auch ward Er nachmals ihr Lehrer Bis an sein Ende. Entschlief Den 25sten September, 1796. Alter 86 Jahr und 9 Monath. In English it would read: " Here lies buried Peter Mil- ler, born in the Oberamt Lautern in the Electoral Palati- nate. He came as a Reformed preacher to America in the year 1730. He was baptized into the congregation at Ephrata in the year 1735 and was called Brother Jabez. Became afterwards their teacher until his end. Fell asleep the 25th of September, 1796. His age 86 years and 9 months." CHAPTER III. Ministry of John Henry Goetschy, 173 5-1 740. AFTER the departure of Peter Miller, Gosh- enhoppen remained without a pastor for nearly a year. In the summer of 1735, however, a new minister appeared in the person of young John Henry Goetschy.^*^^ On May 29, 1735, the ship Mercury, William Wilson, master, from Rotterdam, landed in Phila- delphia with 186 passengers. Among them were Esther Goetschy, aged 44 years and her eight children: Henry, 17 years; Rudolph, 12 years; Mauritz, 10 years; Anna, 24 years; Barbara, 18 years; Esther, 16 years; Beat, 8 years; Magdalena, 6 years. With them came also Conrad Wuertz, who had married Anna Goetschy, and like John Henry Goetschy became a minister of the Reformed Church.106 These people, who arrived in Philadelphia on May 29, 1735, with the ship Mercury, formed a colony from Swit- zerland, and, as it is one of the few colonies whose his- "5 For earlier accounts of John Henry Goetschy see Harbaugh, Fathers of the Reformed Church, Vol. I, pp. 292-296; Good, History of the Re- formed Church in the United States, 1^25-1792, pp. 171-189; Dotterer, " Goctschy's Colony," in Historical Notes, pp. 171-173, 179-186; Dubbs, Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, pp. 104-110; Corwin, Manual of the Reformed Church, 4th ed., pp. 489-492; also Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 51-54- ^'^^Penna. Archives, 2d Series, Vol. XVII, pp. 113-117. 96 John Henry Goetschy 97 tory can be told with some detail, it will be interesting to trace them in their journey from Zurich, Switzerland, until they step upon the shores of the New World. The leader of this colony was the Rev. Maurice Goetschy, whose son, John Henry, became pastor at Gosh- enhoppen in 1735. The members of the Goetschy family had been for many generations citizens in Zurich, Switzerland. The first person of that name who is mentioned in the genealog- ical records of the city was Henry Goetschy, who in 13 15 A.D., was mayor of the city. Maurice Goetschy was born in 1686.^*^'^ On December 4, 1702, he matriculated in the Latin school at Zurich. On February 24, 17 10, he married Esther Werndli, and was in the same year ad- mitted to the ministry. In 17 12 he became first deacon at Bernegg in the Rhine valley (Canton of St. Gall), and in 1720 pastor at Salez. In 1733 he was deposed from the ministry. On March 8, 17 18 his son John Henry was born. The younger Goetschy matriculated in the Latin school at Zurich on March 23, 1734. But before he had spent half a year at school, his father with his whole family left for Pennsylvania. On October 7, 1734, the Nachrichten von Zurich, a newspaper of the city, published the following account of the departure of the colony of Maurice Goetschy :^°^ Departure of Mr. Maurice Goetschy from Zurich, October 4, 1734. The past Monday [October 4th], Mr. Maurice Goetschy, to- gether with his wife and children and with a considerable number 1**^ The statements regarding Maurice Goetschy and his family are taken from the Lexicon GeograpJilco-Heraldico-Stemmatographicum, zusammen- getragen von Johann Friedr. Meyss, A°. 1740, Vols. I-VII, manuscripts in the city library of Zurich (Msc. E. 54), Vol. II, Letters D-G, p. 806. i°8 Printed by Mr. Dotterer in Historical Notes, p. 172. 8 98 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge of country people, old and young, took passage on a boat, and started for the so called Carolina island, in the hope of meeting there with better fortune than he had found in his native land. He was urgently dissuaded by our gracious Lords [of the govern- ment] and by the local clergy, but he persisted in his resolution, and took his departure. Shortly afterwards another boat followed him with like, we must say, silly people, making a total of 174 persons for that day. Many thousands saw them depart with great pity for them, especially because they were undertaking so thought- lessly, with wife and child, and but poorly provided for, the dan- gerous journey of 300 hours in cold, rain and wind, now, when the days are getting shorter. Nevertheless, kindhearted and dis- tinguished persons supplied them with all kinds of articles, such as bread, shawls, caps etc. The following day the third boat started off. These were liberally provided, from the office of charities, with a large amount of bread, flour, stockings and other supplies. Especially the neighborhood of the exchange showed itself deeply sympathetic; nor will they be likely to forget what was given to them at the Salthouse for bodily refreshment. In like manner many merchants assisted them. Upon the last boat were 82 persons, who would have been worthy of more considera- tion if they had been compelled to leave for the honor or the truth of God. They must bear the consequences of their act, be they good or ill. At the same time, upwards of 20, induced by the wise representations of worthy gentlemen and citizens, changed their intentions, choosing the better part. They remained here and will be very kindly returned to their homes. Meanwhile we should pray God that the great number who have gone on this journey, may either soon return or reach the destination they so much wish for. May He fill their hearts with patience, and, as many sad hours are likely to embitter their voyage, may He comfort them with the thought that, if they remain faithful, a far better life is reserved for them. The journey of the colonists from Zurich to Basle down the Rhine is told at length in a pamphlet which Ludwig Departure from Zurich 99 Weber, one of the emigrants, who returned to Zurich from Holland, wrote and published at Zurich in 1735 as a warn- ing to later venturesome spirits.^^^ We shall follow his story in tracing the movements of the party. The emigrants turned from Zurich northward till they reached the Rhine at Laufenburg. Then taking a boat on the Rhine they came, on October 5, to Rheinfelden, where they had to show their passports. Towards evening of the same day they reached Basle. There they had to wait until a passport could be secured from Comte du Jour, the commanding general of the French army at Strassburg. It cost 44 guilders, which some gentlemen at Basle paid for them. After securing this passport they waited two days longer for the ships that were to carry them down the Rhine. Meanwhile several became impatient at the de- lay. A tailor from Lichtensteg advised them to take the road through France, claiming that he knew the way and was able to speak French. Thirty-one persons followed him, but nothing more was heard of them. From forty to fifty others resolved to travel through Lorraine by way of Namur to Rotterdam. They were fortunate enough to secure alms at several places along the route and, although they had many quarrels and difficulties, they finally reached Rotterdam eight days after the main party. At Basle eighty refugees from Piedmont joined them in a separate ship. The main party, consisting of 194 per- sons, embarked in two ships. They suffered intensely on the ships through rain and cold, against which they were but poorly protected with scanty clothes and provisions. 100 The title page of this pamphlet reads: Der Hinckende Bott von Caro- lina Oder Ludivig JVebers von Walliselen Beschreibung seiner Re'tse von Zurich gen Rotterdam, tnit derjenigen Gesellschaft ivelch neulich aus dem Schii-eizerland nach Carolinam zu Ziehen gedachte, Zurich, MDCCXXXV, Jy pp. 32. Only known copy in the city library at Zurich. ' ^ lOO History of the Goshenhoppeu Charge After leaving Basle their first encampment was upon an island, covered with trees and shrubs, in the middle of the Rhine. Such continued to be their night quarters, although the nights were wet and cold. Moreover the ships were crowded so badly that there was hardly enough room to sit, much less to lie down. There was no opportunity for cooking on the ships; and as they were sometimes com- pelled to stay days and nights on the ships, the cries of the children were pitiful and heart-rending. Whenever they could get ashore they cooked, warmed themselves and dried their clothes. Many would have liked to return home, but as the armies of the French and the Austrians lay on both sides of the river, they did not dare to risk It. Quarrels among men and women were frequent. Mrs. Goetschy, the chronicler tells us, often quarreled with her husband, called him all kinds of names and one morning tore a cane from his hand and belabored his back soundly. At night they saw the camp fires of the Imperial troops on one side and of the French on the other, which terrified them by their ghostly appearance. As they were afraid of an attack from one or both armies almost at any time, they refrained carefully from making the least noise, so as to pass by unnoticed. Nevertheless, they were stopped repeatedly. At Old Breysach, in the Breisgau, all their chests were opened and examined. Goetschy, who called on the commandant of the fort, was advised to leave im- mediately, as the French on the other side of the river were aiming three field pieces at the boats. Of course they made off with all possible speed. At Ketsch, near Schwetzlngen, west of Heidelberg, the dragoons of the imperial army stopped the boats and compelled Mr. Wirtz of Zurich, who acted as self-appointed commissar}', to go to Heidelberg and secure a passport for 30 guilders, from Journey down the Rhine loi the Duke of Wurtemberg, the commanding general of the imperial army. They were also forced to make an extra payment of two ducats for each vessel. Nine miles below Mayence the dragoons again rode after them and would not have allowed them to pass on, if their leader had not been of the Reformed religion. They took the meat away from Goetschy's plate with their sabers, which they swung about his head, so that he quite lost his appetite. Shortly before reaching Mayence from forty to fifty men had exhausted all their money, so that they did not even have enough to pay their boat fare. They were compelled to continue the journey on foot. At Mayence they were delayed four days because they could not agree with the captain of the boats about the passage money to be paid to Rotterdam. Finally they agreed on three guilders for adults and half fare tor children. After leaving Mayence their journey was a little more comfortable, for they had at least a chance to cook on the ships. Their spiritual needs, however, were sadly neg- lected, for, if we can believe the chronicler of the journey, the pastor, Mr. Goetschy, always had the pipe or the wine- glass near his mouth. Mornings and evenings, one of the men, Heinrich Scheuchzer from Zurich, read a prayer. When Goetschy actually did preach a sermon, in which he compared some of the leaders of the company to the fol- lowers of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, he almost caused a riot. When they reached Neuwied four couples were mar- ried by a Reformed minister: 1. Hans Conrad Wirtz and Anna Goetschy. 2. Conrad NaflF, of Walliselen and Anna N. — 3. Jacob Rathgeb and Barbara Haller, both of Walliselen. 4. Conrad Geweiller, a gardener. I02 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The Count of Wied desired them to remain in his terri- tory, offering to give them houses and land, but as he did not promise as much as they expected to receive in Caro- lina, they did not accept his offer, but left. From Neuwied they continued their journey down the Rhine until they reached Collenburg (now Culenborg) in Holland. There they were compelled to stop four days because of a strong contrary wind. Goetschy was invited to preach in the principal church at Culenborg, which he did with much acceptance. As a result a collection was taken up by the congregation for the party, so that each received one guilder. From Culenborg Goetschy sent a party of three men to Rotterdam, where he said two Eng- lish ships were waiting for them. The party consisted of Abraham Bunninger, a carpenter of Bachenbiilach, Jacob Issler, a tailor, and Abraham Weidman, a black- smith of Luffingen. At Culenborg they also sold their ships, which they must have bought at Basle, for 45 Dutch guilders, apparently a very small sum. Then, contrary to their agreement, they were compelled to take another ship to convey them to Rotterdam. In their hurry to get off several children fell overboard into the water, from which they were rescued with difficulty. Early the following morning they reached Rotterdam. Having reached Rotterdam they heard to their dismay that no ships were waiting for them. Moreover the cap- tain of the ship with which they had come wished to return at once, so they had to unload their goods quickly and, having no other place, they dumped them on the bank of the river on one heap. Mr. Goetschy received a letter from a certain Mr. Schobinger, a native of St. Gall, who was living at the Hague, asking him to come to the Hague. So he left the Arrival in Holland 103 emigrants to their own devices and with his son-in-law hurried off to comply with the request. In a few days Mr. Wirtz returned and comforted them with the news that several oxen would be sent to them from the Hague, that the States General would send them to England at their own expense and that a large sum of money had been collected for them in England. Unfor- tunately none of these statements proved to be true. A few days later Goetschy also returned and reported that the States General had offered him a position as a minister of great importance, that he and his family had thus re- ceived unexpected help and he advised them to secure simi- lar help for themselves. In this extremity some indeed tried to help themselves by begging, but in that they were soon stopped by the mag- istrate with a threat of a fine of 25 guilders. Meantime some became sick from want and hunger, and two of them died. A tailor from Buchs, Sebastian Neracher by name, who was married in Rotterdam, came to see them. Most of them were in an inn outside of the city. He took care of those from. Buchs. He brought with him a Mr. Scha- penhaudt, who interceded for them so successfully that many people took pity on them and distributed food and clothes among them. They also paid for their lodgings at the inn. Mr. Schapenhaudt presented their sad condition to Rev. Mr. Wilhelmi of Rotterdam, who advised them to go to the Hague and apply there to Mr. von Felss, at the Eng- lish embassy, to present their needy condition to him. Three men were sent to the Hague. When they reached the Hague, they first hunted up Mr. Goetschy and told him of their intention. He was greatly displeased with their plan and told them he had already spoken with Mr. I04 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Felss, who was sufficiently well informed about their plans and condition. Goetschy entertained the three men at dinner and then offered to send a letter with them to Mr. Wilhelmi at Rotterdam. After waiting an hour for the letter, he sent them word that he had already dispatched it with his boy. Hence they had to return to Rotterdam without having accomplished their purpose. Meanwhile Goetschy had been very successful in his interview with Mr. Felss, whom he calls an antistes,"*^ but who was a prominent statesman, probably the Grand Pensionary himself. In a letter, dated November 26, 1734, Goetschy gives a glowing account of this interview to Mr. Friess of Zu- rich,^ ^^ the city treasurer and a near relative of his. After having related their experiences to Mr. Felss, he answered him (according to Goetschy's letter) as follows: My dear brother, for six years we have been searching for a man through whom the churches of God in Pennsylvania, which con- sist of more than 60,000 souls, of whom 20,000 have not yet been baptized, could be organized. Divine Providence has sent you to us. Now I shall promote your call as general superintendent of the whole of Pennsylvania, which has more than eight cities and more than 600 boroughs and villages. You shall receive a yearly salary of more than 2000 thalers, until all has been accomplished. I shall see to it that the people get support from the Dutch govern- ment. But first you must write to your government for the requi- site testimonials and then you will be examined before the Generpl Synod. Consequently Goetschy implored Mr. Friess to help him in securing the necessary testimonials. His son, John ^^0 Antistes is a term used in Switzerland for the chief minister of a town. It was originally a Latin term, used of the chief priest of a temple, literally it is one who stands at the head, antisto = antesto. m A copy of this letter is preserved in the city library of Ziirich. De Rebus Saeculi XVll, Vol. XXXV. Rev. Maurice Goetschy 105 Henry, supported his father's request in a separate letter, saying that, if the testimonial from Zurich would be favor- able to his father, Mr. Felss had promised him to send him to the University of Leiden to study there for the ministry, so that he might become the successor to his father. Meanwhile Rev. John Wilhelmi [Wilhelmius] of Rot- terdam wrote also to Switzerland, to the Rev. John Bap- tista Ott of Zurich, to learn more of Goetschy's past. On February 5, 1735, Mr. Ott replied to him. He sketched Goetschy's life as student in the Zurich Gymnasium, as deacon at Bernegg and as pastor at Salez. He praised him for his scholarly attainments, as an evidence of which he states that it was popularly reported that he conducted family worship with the Bible in the original language before him. He acknowledged that he had been guilty of immorality, but expressed the hope that as the authorities in Zurich had dealt leniently with Goetschy, simply dis- missing him as a minister, so the Dutch people would find him worthy to send him out as their missionary."^ Whether this letter reached Holland before the time of the departure of the emigrants is doubtful, as Ludwig Weber states in his report that after his return to Switzer- land he heard that the party had left Holland on February 24, 1735- When Goetschy had received from Mr. Felss the assur- ance of his appointment as minister to Pennsylvania, he returned to Rotterdam and acquainted his party of emi- grants with his changed plans. Most of them readily ac- cepted his proposal to change their destination from Caro- lina to Pennsylvania. There were, however, some who refused to have anything to do with him. Weber reports 1^2 AH these letters referred to above are in the city library at Zurich. io6 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge 88 as taking ship to England, but what became of them is unknown. The rest, 143 persons, signed their names for passage to Philadelphia. They agreed with the owner of a ship [Schiffpatron] to pay six doubloons for an adult and three for a child. If any of them should die, the sur- vivors pledged themselves to pay their passage money. The names of those who registered to sail for Pennsyl- vania were, according to Weber's report, as follows: Emigrants in Goetschy's Colony. Home in Switzerland, Name of Head of Family. Number. Appenzell Jacob Mettler i Bachss Jacob Bucher, shoemaker 4 Basserstorff Heinrich Brunner i BasserstorflF Heinrich Diibendorffer 5 BasserstorflE Jacob Diibendorffer 2 BasserstorflF Kilian Diibendorflfer 5 BasserstorflF Heinrich Hug, wheelwright i Bertschicken Rudolph Walder 3 Buchss Jacob Schmid 6 Buchss Jacob Murer (Maurer) 5 Buchss Heinrich Huber 4. Buchss Conrad Meyer 3 DiebendorflF Jacob Dentzler 6 Esch Rudolf Egg i Flunteren Balthasar Bossart 5 Flunteren Jacob Schellenberg and servant ... 2 GreiflFensee Johannes Heid 2 Hirsslanden Caspar Notzli and his children . . . Illau Rudolf Hotz i Iloten Verena Kern 3 Langenhuet Hans Ott i Luffingen Abraham Weidemann, blacksmith. . 2 HennidorflF Hans Ulrich Ammann i Miilliberg Jacob Possart 6 Opffikon Barbara Eberhardt i Riesspach Heinrich Schreiber, " blatmacher ". . 4 Rumlang Rudolf Weidman, tailor 3 Steinmeer, Upper Hans Meyer 4 Stein Conrad Geweiler, and second wife. . 2 Colony of Goetschy 107 Sultzbach Jacob Frey 5 Wallisellen Heinrich Merck & Wallisellen Martin Schellenberg 3 Wallisellen Ludwig Lienhardt i Wallisellen Jacob Wiist i Wallisellen Hans Rudolf Aberli i Wallisellen Conrad Keller 3 Wallisellen Jacob Naff 5 Wallisellen Conrad Naff S Wallisellen Jacob Naff 2 Wangen Caspar Guntz i Windli Hans Ulrich Arner 6 Winckel Jacob Meyer 5 Zumraikon Jacob Bertschinger i Zurich Heinrich Scheuchzer i N. — Hans Miiller 4. N. — Jacob Miiller and brother z N. — Abraham Wiickerli 4 N. — Hans Kiibler 4 This company with some others who evidently joined them after Ludwig Weber had started on his return jour- ney to Switzerland, and whose names he could not there- fore record, reached Philadelphia on May 29, 1735, in the ship Mercury, William Wilson, master. It carried in all 186 passengers, 61 men, 51 women, 37 boys and 34 girls. The above list forms an important supplement to . the list in the Pennsylvania Archives, as it gives in each 1/ case the place in Switzerland from which the several per- sons came. The journey itself and some of the later experiences of the Goetschy family are given In a letter which John Henry Goetschy, then a boy of 17 years, wrote on July 21, 1735, to Mr. Werdmiiller, deacon at St. Peter's church in Zurich. As this letter has never been published and is quite inter- esting, we present it in full :^^^ ^13 Original in Zurich library, see Zusdtze ztim Lexicon Geograph.- Herald-Stemmatogr., Vol. H, F-H, pp. 196-199 (Msc. E. 62). 'G io8 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Letter of John Henry Goetschy to Zurich, July 21, i735- Very Reverend, Very Learned Mr. Deacon! I, the most submissive servant of my \try reverend, highly and very learned Mr. Deacon, cannot forbear to report to your Rever- ence, how we are getting along. After we had left Holland and surrendered ourselves to the wild, tempestuous ocean, its waves and its changeable winds, we reached, through God's great goodness toward us, with good wind, England within 24 hours. After a lapse of two days we came to the island of Wicht [Wight] and there to a little town, called Caus [Cowes], where our captain supplied himself with provisions for the great ocean [trip] and we secured medicines for this wild sea. Then we sailed, under God's goodness, with a good east wind away from there. When we had left the harbour and saw this dreaded ocean, we had a favorable wind only for the following day and the following night. Then we had to hear a terrible storm and the awful roaring and raging of the waves when we came into the Spanish and Portu- guese ocean. For twelve weeks we were subjected to this misery and had to suffer all kinds of bad and dangerous storms and terrors of death, which seemed to be even more bitter than death. With these we were subject to all kinds of bad diseases. The food was bad, for we had to eat what they call " galley bread." We had to drink stinking, muddy water, full of worms. We had an evil tyrant and rascal for our captain and first mate, who regarded the sick as nothing else than dogs. If one said : " I have to cook some- thing for a sick man," he replied: "Get away from here or I'll throw you overboard, what do I care for j^our sick devil." In short, misfortune is everywhere upon the sea. We alone fared better. This has been the experience of all who have come to this land and even if a king traveled across the sea, it would not change. After having been in this misery sufficiently long, God, the Lord, brought us out and showed us the land, which caused great joy among us. But three days passed, the wind being contrary, before we could enter into the right river. Finally a good south wind came and brought us in one day through the glorious and beautiful Letter of John Henry Goetschy 109 Telewa [Delaware], which fs a little larger than the Rhine, but not by far as wild as the latter, because this country has no moun- tains, to the long expected and wished for city of Philadelphia. When we reached here our dear father, because of the great and tedious journey and the hardships so unbearable to old people, was very sick and weak. On the last day, when we were before Phila- delphia, the elders of the Reformed congregation came to him and showed their great joy over him. They spoke with him as their pastor, who had been appointed to that position by the ruling per- sons in Holland, as was shown by his testimonials which he had with him. They discussed one or other church affair with him and showed their great joy. He spoke heartily with them, as if he were well. The following day they came and took him to the land. When he reached the land he was so exhausted by his sick- ness that he could not walk alone, but was carried in a chair to the house assigned to him. When they were there, they wished to talk with him about one or other subject. Of his own people none were with him but m.other, the children were yet on the ship on the water. Then he said : " It is so dark before my ejTs, let me lie down and sleep." As they did not want him to sleep in that room, since people were coming in continually and he would have been unable to sleep, they carried him upstairs to the bed room. In the middle of the stairway he sat down, lifted his hands to his heart and his eyes to heaven, heaved a sigh and died. On the third day a very distinguished funeral took place in the prin- cipal English Presbyterian church in Philadelphia, with a large attendance of people. All the members of the consistor>' of the Reformed church and very many of the congregation were present. Now we, his wife and eight poor, forsaken orphans, are in a strange land among strange people, who do not know us, poor and without comfort. We, therefore, commend ourselves most sub- missively to all those in Zurich to whom our misfortune will be- come known and whose hearts will be touched, in order that they may graciously grant us their assistance. It can easily be sent into this country, if they will only send it through Mr. Wilhelmius at Rotterdam, for which I ask most humbly, for the sake of the merciful Jesus. no History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Very Reverend Mr. Deacon, when I showed my testimonials, and the people saw that I had been engaged in study, they almost compelled me to preside over the congregations as well as I could. Hence, through the goodness of God, I preach twice ever)' Sunday and teach two catechetical lessons. For this I make use of the books which I have brought with me and through good diligence I am enabled, thank God, to perform this in such a way, that each and every person is well satisfied with me. Now the first Sunday I preach in Philadelphia both in the forenoon and the afternoon and alwaj's give with it catechetical instruction. On the second Sunday in Schippach, which is a very large congregation, a sermon and catechetical instruction in the forenoon. In the afternoon at Old Goshenhoppen, two hours [six miles] from Schippach, a ser- mon and catechetical instruction. It is also a pretty large congre- gation, as large as any in the canton of Zurich. On the third Sunday I preach in New Goshenhoppen and have catechetical instruction there in the forenoon. In the afternoon at Great Swamp [Grossen Schwam], which is also one of the large congre- gations. All this I can do through the strength given me by God's spirit, to the great satisfaction of the people. I expect to be con- secrated next Christmas by the English Presbyterians, in order that I may be able to administer the communion, unite people in mar- riage and baptize children. With the help of God I intend to do this. I would be able to do this all the better and put forth greater efforts for the souls of abandoned and confused sheep, if I had my library, which is in charge of Mr. Gorchen [George] Kromer. I therefore ask your Reverence most humbly, if at all possible, to send it to me very kindly, not only for my sake and the large num- ber of poor orphans left by my sainted father, but also for the sake of the many thousand strayed and shepherdless sheep, who go about in error and in a destitute condition, yea for the sake of the many heathen, who thereby might be led to the Lord Jesus, as has already been done. Given on the 2ist of July 1735. Henry Goetschius, Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. Goetschy before Presbyterians iii The condition of the land is as follows : There are in it English- men, Germans and French from all parts of Europe. Most of them are Reformed. The others are people of all kinds of imagi- nable sects, Atheists, Anabaptists, Quakers, Arians, Enthusiasts, Nestorians, Pietists, Mennonites, Waldensians etc., etc, many hun- dred kinds, for in this country there is perfect liberty of conscience. The Reformed are scattered through seven congregations and thus there is among many thousand sheep no shepherd. This letter bears the following inscription : Letter of Henrich Goetschi, minister at Philadelphia to Mr. Werdmiiller, " Diacon" at St. Peters in Zurich. In order to prepare himself for the next important step in his life, his ordination, Mr. Goetschy wrote on Septem- ber 26, 1735, to John Lavater, professor of Latin and Greek in the " Collegium Humanitatis " at Zurich, asking him for a certificate of his work and conduct while there. This certificate was written on May 28, 1736,^^* and it testified to the fact that, after having been Instructed In the fundamentals of the arts and ancient languages by his father he had entered the Latin school and spent there a year and that he had been " faithful and diligent In his studies, upright in his life and morals, modest and pious In his conduct." On May 27, 1737, Goetschy applied to the Presby- terian Synod of Philadelphia for ordination. The min- utes of that meeting"^ state that, a letter was brought in from Mr. Henricus Goetschius to Mr. Andrews, signifying his desire and the desire of many people of the German nation, that he might be ordained by order of Synod to the work of the ministr}% upon which the said Mr. Goetschius was desired to appear before the Synod, that they might see his cre- dentials and have some discourse with him ; which being done, he ^^* Archives of Classis, Pennsylvania Portfolio, new letters, No. ir. ^^^ Records of Presbyterian Church, Vol. I, p. 133. 112 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge produced testimonials from Germany, which were ample and satis- factory to the Synod respecting his learning and good Christian conversation; whereupon he was recommended to the care of the Presbytery of Philadelphia, to act upon further trials of him, with respect to his ordination, as to them should seem fit. Formerly it was supposed, without further investigation, as a matter of course, that the Presbytery granted his re- quest. But when the writer some years ago examined the unpublished minutes of the Philadelphia Presbytery, he discovered that this supposition was not correct. On the same day. May 27, 1737, the Presbytery met and took up the case referred to them by Synod. The minutes state :^^^ The affair of Mr. Henry Goetschius his tryale and ordination, being by the Synod recommended to this Presbytery, they took the same under consideration and agreed to meet tomorrow morning at Mr. Andrews' chamber, in order to take his tryale and then conclude upon what is further to be done in his affair as things shall then appear and Mr. Andrews agrees to give him notice that he may be present at the above time and place. May 28, 1737. Memorandum that three members of this Presbytery and three other ministers met at Mr. Andrews's chamber as above directed and having read an exegesis composed by Mr. Goetschius on the article of justification and discoursed with him largely in order to discover his qualifications for the ministr}^ they unanimously came to this conclusion, that tho' he appeared well skilled in the learned languages, yet inasmuch as they found him altogether ignorant in college learning and but poorly read in Divinity, his ordination to the ministry must at present be deferred. And therefore for his '^'^^ Minutes of Presbytery of Philadelphia, Vol. Ill, 1733-178+, a manu- script preserved by the Presbyterian Historical Society at Philadelphia. The extract given above was printed, frono copy furnished by writer, in Eccle- siastical Records of Neiv York, Vol. IV, p. 2684 f. Goetschy at Goshenhoppen 113 better instruction advised him (being willing to encourage him) to put himself under the tuition and care of some minister for some competent time, that he may be better accomplished for the work he is engaged in ; and they also agreed, that, considering the neces- sitous condition of the people, that they desire his labours, he may sometimes preach to them in the meantime, as he has done for some time past. The presence of Mr. Goetschy in the Goshenhoppen re- gion soon made itself felt in the activity of the people. At Old Goshenhoppen, the Lutheran church record in- forms us, in the year 1737, on January the 26th, the church land was sur- veyed and it was found to contain 38^ acres of land, with allow- ance for roads. In the same year, February 7th, [it was] entered in the office for Recording of Deeds for the City and County of Philadelphia, in Patent Book A, Volume VIII. p. 325, by Mr. Brockden. Anno 1738, January 12th, the expenses were paid by Mr. Michael Reiher in behalf of the Lutherans and by Jacob Keller in behalf of the Reformed. They were as follows: £ S. V 1. For 3834 acres of land 5. 17. 9 2. To Surveyor General for warrant and return — 9. o 3. For the patent to the Secretary of the Proprietor i. 5. o 4. For the recording by Brockden — 5. o 5. To Mr. Grashold for his trouble — 7. 6 Total £8^ 4 3 At Great Swamp warrants for land were taken out on May 23, 1738, and there was surveyed on the twenty-seventh day of September, fol- lowing unto Michael and Joseph Everhart a certain Tract of Land situate in Upper Milford Township, formerly in the County of Bucks, now Northampton . . . containing one hundred and thir- teen Acres and seventy perches and the usual allowance of six Acres per cent for Roads and Highways ... in Trust for minister, 9 114 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Elders and Congregation for the time being of the said reformed Calvinist and their successors settled and to be settled from time to time in the said several Townships of Upper and Lower Milford, the said Congregation having now erected [1762] on the said Tract a Church and School House for the use of them and their successors."^ At New Goshenhoppen John Henry Sproegel had do- nated a tract of land consisting of fifty acres. Unfor- tunately no deed was given and hence the date and the circumstances cannot now be determined. But that it took place at an early time is vouched for by the report of John Philip Boehm, written to the Synods of Holland on April 20, 1744. He writes :^^^ Regarding the congregation at Goshenhoppen, it has also a sui- table frame church upon a piece of land consisting of 50 acres, donated by some one, that all religions and sects should have the privilege of building a church thereon, and I lately learned from an old elder of theirs that the church is paid for. Two years ago four of them bought a plot. They intended to hand It over to the congregation for a parsonage if they were reimbursed for their outlay. How much it costs I do not know. The fact that John Henry Sproegel^^^^ was the donor of 11^ Printed by Dr. Weiser in his Monograph, pp. 42-46. 118 Minutes of Coetus, p. 26. 118a John Henry Sprogell (Sproegel) was born February 12, 1679. His father, John Henry, was an eminent Lutheran minister and head of a Lutheran Seminary at Quedlinburg, Germany. His mother was a daughter of the celebrated composer of music, Michael Wagner. Godfried Arnold, the church historian, married his sister. He came to Pennsylvania with his brother, Ludwig Christian, about 1702. In 1727 he is reported as having lived in the province twenty-five years, see Pennypacker, Hendrik Panne- becker, p. 86. In 1705 Pastorius says (see Pennypacker, History of Gcr- mantoivn, p. 76) that " about two years ago one John Henry Sprogel arrived in this province." In the beginning of 1705 both brothers were naturalized. John Henry Sproegell purchased about 600 acres in Potts- grove, on which he settled with his family. The present Sprogel's run Donation of Henry Sproegel 115 this land is not only traditional but it rests on good docu- mentary evidence. The congregation still owns a draught made by the surveyor, David Schultze, of which we pre- sent a facsimile, which is described by the surveyor as " a draught of a tract of land divided into several tracts, sit- uate in Upper Hanover Township in the County of Mont- gomery and State of Pennsylvania, containing together Fifty acres and 26 Perches of land. Being part of 13,000 acres, in former Times belonging to John Henry Sproegel and afterwards to Thomas Tresse, Senior, deceased." A curious fate overtook the donation of John Henry Sproegel. He died without giving the congregation a deed. The same happened to the Falkner Swamp Lu- theran Church. As a result the New Goshenhoppen con- gregation was compelled to purchase the land of the heirs of John Henry Sproegel. For David Shultze states on his draught, above referred to, that " in the year 1749 [it] was by the Agents or Trustees of the said deceased Tresse's Family, sold to the settlers thereof, and the above tract voas jointly purchased of them, by the Calvinists and Mennonists Congregations for the use of Churches, Meet- ing House, School House and Burying Ground." To an- was called after him and flows through this tract. From a stone in an ancient graveyard east of the borough line we learn that his wife, Dorothea, died August 7, 1718, aged forty years. A son, Frederick, died in 1716, one year old. (See Buck, History of Montgomery County, p. no.) In 1719 John Henry Sprogell gave fifty acres of land to the Lutherans in New Hanover township. Hendrick Pannebecker surveyed it and laid it out, the survey being completed April 17, 1719, see Pennypacker, Hendrick Pannebecker, p. 73 ff. His brother, Lodowick (Ludwig) Christian Sprogell, died at Philadel- phia in 1729. His will is No. 129 of 1729, Book E, p. 114. His sister, known as widow Sprogell, lived on Second Street, Philadel- phia, see advertisement in Weekly Mercury of February 10, 1730, quoted above, p. 45. She died at Philadelphia December 20, 1760, see American Ancestry, Vol. IV, p. 5. ii6 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge ticipate the later history, it may be noted here that in 1749 the congregation was again unable to secure a deed. Not before February 23, 1796, was the deed actually made out and the final transfer of the land to the congregation consummated. The church at New Goshenhoppen reported by Boehm as standing on the Sproegel tract in 1744, can be traced to a still earlier date. It had been erected before January, 1739, for at that time Mr. Boehm reported to Holland •}'^^ Goshenhoppen. As I have heard from people that live there, they have built a pretty large church at that place, which will be sufficient for them for some time, but it is poorly made of wood. Of the ministr}' of John Henry Goetschy at Goshen- hoppen we have a somewhat extended description by John Philip Boehm in his report of January, 1739. Goetschy, like Weiss and Miller, soon after his arrival came in con- flict with Mr. Boehm, because he entered several of his congregations. Hence Boehm condemned his work se- verely. Continuing the history of the Goshenhoppen church after the departure of Miller, Boehm writes i^^^ After these men had failed, they arbitrarily made Henry Goetschi their pretended minister, when he was hardly eighteen years of age and but half a year before had received the Lord's Supper for the first time from Do. Rieger at Germantown. Goeschi then undertook to administer the Lord's Supper and to baptize, to install elders and to marry people. In short, he did what belongs to the office of a regular minister. Goshenhoppen has him at the present time [1739] as its preacher, and permits him to establish and to carry on all this disorder from Goshen- hoppen as a center, not only at Skippack, but at other places also. He has done this, at Oley, where he has misled the congregation, 110 L. c, p. 12. ^-" L. c, p. 10; Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 277 f. Boehm on Goetschy 117 which was established by me in 1736 at their request, and he now also serves this congregation. At Tulpehocken he attempted to do the same thing through three un-called-for visits, but he was refused. Yet he continues such improper actions. Meanwhile this Goshenhoppen is a congregation or a place where a faithful shepherd and minister is greatly needed, through whose wise administration a flourishing congregation ought soon to be established. There are also several places near Goshenhoppen which should be provided for, as Great Swamp and Saucon Creek. These, although they might be served by the minister of Goshen- hoppen with the administration of the sacraments and sometimes with a sermon, yet need to be provided with readers, who have the ability to catechise, especially at Saucon Creek, because it is a some- what out-of-the-way place and many Reformed people live there. We learn more about the extensive activity of young Goetschy from the title page of the oldest New Goshen- hoppen Reformed Record, by which he informs us that he preached at eleven preaching places, namely at Sklppack, Old Goshenhoppen and New Goshenhoppen In Mont- gomery County; Great Swamp and Egypt In Lehigh County; Saucon In Northampton County; Maxatawny, Moselem, Oley, Berne and Tulpehocken In Berks County. In four of these places church records, begun by him, or containing at least entries by his hand, are still In existence. In New Goshenhoppen he entered 60 baptisms, begin- ning on April 25, 1736, and ending on September 24, 1740. He also wrote the title page of this record, prob- ably In 1736, when he began his entries. Moreover, we have from his pen the first list of members at New Gosh- enhoppen, 45 In all, written about 1736; and the first list of elders, elected April 25, 1736, namely John Stelnmann, John BIngemann, J. Georg Welcker and Henry Gallman. At Great Swamp he started a church record on April 24* 1736. On that day he wrote the title page of this ii8 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge record and entered, at the same time, a brief but compre- hensive constitution for the congregation and six baptisms into the record. In all he recorded there but fourteen bap- tisms, the last on February 28, 1738. On March 22, 1739, he opened the Egypt record with a Greek and Latin sentence. The Greek sentence reads: Ov8h aXe? jpd(f>i]<;, which means neither " Ohne Versuch schmeckt man nichts," as Dr. Weiser renders it,^-^ nor "nothing without writing," as Mr. Roberts translates it,^^^ but " Mayest thou write nothing crowdedly," or ren- dered freely: "Write everything plainly." These and other doubtful Latin and Greek phrases are of course remi- niscences of the Latin school at Zurich, and were evidently used by the young preacher to impress the German farmers of his congregations with his great learning. Only three baptisms in the Egypt records are in the handwriting of Goetschy. They took place on June 12, June 27 and September 30, 1739, but two other children were also baptized by him on earlier dates. John Traxel, son of Peter Traxel, was baptized "by Rev. Mr. Gotschi" on October 26, 1736, and Peter Roth, son of Daniel Roth on July 27, 1737. These two entries were probably made by Peter Traxel, " Vorsteher der Reformirten Gemeinde allhier," who acted as sponsor at the second baptism. 121 See Monograph, p. 15. ^--Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series, Vol. VI, p. 134. THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. ^&t^a^ ^^m^ V S&yyi-^ ^°^ r' Su TITLE PAGE OF NEW GOSHENHOPPEN RECORD, 1736. John Conrad Wirtz 119 On March 24, 1739, the Berne church record was opened by Mr. Goetschy. An earlier baptism which had taken place in May, 1738, was also most probably entered in March, 1739. On July 11, 1739, three children were baptized by Mr. Goetschy at Berne. At one of the bap- tisms, that of John Henry Jaeger, son of Philip Carl Jaeger, Goetschy acted as sponsor. Later dates on which baptisms were performed by Mr. Goetschy at Berne were : July 12, September 12 and November 26, 1739. In all there are fifteen baptisms entered by Mr. Goetschy at Berne from April, 1738, till November 26, 1739. Eleven other baptisms, from March i, 1740, till August 20, 1740, though entered by a different hand, may possibly have been performed by Mr. Goetschy also, as we know from the New Goshenhoppen record that he officiated in the charge till September, 1740. It was during the ministry of Mr. Goetschy that the first schoolmaster appeared in the Goshenhoppen region. It was John Conrad Wirtz, the brother-in-law of Goetschy. The exact time of his stay is uncertain, but the fact of his presence at Goshenhoppen is vouched for by Mr. Boehm. In his last letter to the Classis of Amsterdam, dated De- cember 2, 1748, he writes about Wirtz: He was accepted at Old Goshenhoppen to teach school, but they soon got tired of him and sent him away. Afterwards the Men- nonites at Cannastocka accepted him for the same work, but he was dismissed by them just as quickly. Later he assumed the ministry in various country con- gregations. From September, 1742, to December, 1743, we find him at Egypt in Lehigh County. When Schlatter came in 1746, he was ministering at Saucon, Springfield I20 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge and the Forks of the Delaware, now Easton. He was in these churches probably from 1 745-1 749. September 27, 1750, he applied to the Presbyterian Synod of New York for admission. He was received as a probationer by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, Sep- tember 3, 175 I, and was ordained by this Presbytery as pastor of Rockaway, N. J., June 5, 1752, He served this church and others in its neighborhood until 1761. He was then dismissed by the Presbytery to become the pastor of the Reformed Church at York, Pa., where he officiated from May, 1762, to September, 1763. He died at York, September 21, 1763. His numerous descendants have recently presented a beautiful memorial tablet to the Church in York, to commemorate his labors. Mr. Goetschy came in conflict with Mr. Boehm by cir- culating everywhere a letter of Rev. Wilhelmius of Rot- terdam, which Boehm claimed was forged. This letter gave the Reformed congregations in Pennsylvania the privilege to engage and dismiss their ministers at pleasure. Finally, in the spring of 1740, the letter fell into the hands of Mr. Boehm, who sent at once a copy of it to the Classis of Amsterdam and wrote the following important Boehm to the Classis 121 letter concerning It, in which he also touches upon his rela- tion to Mr. Goetschy.-^^s Letter of Boehm to the Classis of Amsterdam, April 4, 1740. Very Reverend Classis, Reverend and Devout Church Fathers! I had serious doubts about sending the enclosed copy to the Rev- erend Classis, believing that on its account I might be regarded with displeasure. Yet I thought it indispensably necessary, in whatever aspect I considered it, to let the Very Reverend and Devout Church Fathers see it, for they, in their exalted wisdom, wdl know what to do with it, in order that vour poor fellow- servant may be guarded against further trouble. This letter caused constant mischief and was the continual sup- port of the wicked associates of Jacob Reiff, since the time of its arrival in this country. (Do. Weiss brought it along from Hol- land)^ The Christian Synods in their letters to his Reverence Mr. Dors.us, have sufficiently declared their displeasure with the unordained preachers and hirelings. About eight years ago, I was shown this letter (of which the en- closed ,s a copy) from a distance, with the statement that they did not concern themselves much about me and my church-order; here they had a right church order and they knew what power and lib- erty they had. But although I tried hard during all this time, yet I could not obtain the letter, until a few weeks ago. It came by accident out of their hands into mine. Now I believe firmly that this letter was cunningly forged for 1st A long time ago I heard from the lips of Reiff himself that he had received the same from Do. Wilhelmi in the Dutch language and tlmt he had it translated into the German language in Holland. 2nd. Ihe signature is written by the hand of the translator, while the name of the translator is not mentioned. This ought to be entirely different. "3 The original letter of Boehm is in the Classical Archives at Am- sterdam. First printed in Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 300-303. 122 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge 3rd. The letter consists of six sheets, which have been sewed to- gether with a blue silk ribbon and sealed. I cannot believe that it is Do. Wilhelmi's seal, for I have his seal on two letters in three forms, none of which is like it. 4th. In these letters Do. Wilhelmi wrote me, after I had notified him that they did such things in the name of his Reverence (which they did as the letter shows) and he assured me, if such was done in his name it was done without his knowledge and approval. His letter was dated June 30, 1736. 5th. The so-called " Report and Instructions concerning Penn- sylvania," drawn up by ten commissioners and printed by order of the Christian Synods (probably in 1731) is almost uniform with the regulations of the enclosed letter. But nothing is mentioned [in the Report] about that which is contained in the beginning of the letter, in regard to the power and liberty which the letter grants to the people of this country and to the exercise of which it urges them.^^* The letter likewise does not say to whom money 124 Xhe letter of Dr. Wilhelmius is too long to be given entire. But a few of the more important paragraphs of the first part of the letter may be quoted. In the beginning of the letter the writer expresses his pleasure that he was permitted to appeal in behalf of the Pennsylvania churches to the church of Holland, with the result that the latter would take up the cause of the Pennsylvania churches and assist them with counsels and con- tributions. He expresses his regret to hear of their troubles and divisions, caused by the ordination of Mr. Boehm. He reports that he had trans- mitted their letters to their destination. The first he had sent to the Classis of Amsterdam, which, however, he informs them, continued to be of the opinion that Dom. Boehm should be supported in his position. Hence on November 21 [1730] he had submitted their second letter to the Classis of Rotterdam with the result that a committee of ten persons had been ap- pointed to investigate the whole case. But as their report would not be submitted to the Classis before next Easter, and as he did not want Mr. Weiss to return empty-handed, he would give them his own personal opinion in the matter. First of all he advises them to accept the counsel of the Classis of Am- sterdam in order to preserve by it peace and harmony among the churches, until after the death of Mr. Boehm a change would take place. By doing this they would be sure of gaining the favor and good will of the Classis, inasmuch as the ordination of Boehm had taken place in answer to a Letter of JVilhelmius 123 had been given in Holland. The printed pamphlet, however, men- tioned that a considerable sum had been placed into the hands of Do. Weis in Holland. Therefore I cannot believe that Do. Wilhelmi ever wrote such a letter. For this reason no one would be a more fitting person to lead the poor misguided people back upon the right way and to bring about unity, love and a God-pleasing order, by exposing such cun- ning and fraud, than his Reverence, Do. Wilhelmi, whom God may graciously reward for it. This would certainly be the case because many have passed away without being reconciled, and many have gone over to the sects on account of the trouble and dishar- mony occasioned by this letter, so that my heart often bled and sighed to God. I should be very glad to have a letter regarding it in my hands (for if it gets into the hands of ReifE's adherents, it will be hidden). Then, with the help of God, I would soon gather my sheep and perform my work among my congregations petition received from them and Mr. Boehm could not be removed from his office without much scandal and bitter feeling. After these sensible admonitions, there follow four paragraphs which are out of harmony with all that precedes and follows and which were no doubt inserted by Reiff and his followers. It is inconceivable that Dr. Wilhelmius could have written them. They read as follows: " In case this advice be not acceptable to you and your minds cannot unite with him, nor be edified, improved and comforted by his ministry and your church be exposed to ridicule and contempt, as you write in your letter and I have heard from the two delegates, I give it as my own per- sonal opinion, that, in order to remove the present and future quarrels, you have the divine right, given to you by God in Christ Jesus, which you can and must use, to elect on your own responsibility a minister according to the word of God and the church order. " For your nation, which is living in a free land, is a perfectly free church, dependent upon none, which has in herself the right to govern herself, to elect such elders as she may please, if it be only done according to the word of God. Being independent of every church in the world, whichever it may be, you can accept advice and follow it or decline to do so. This is entirely different with the churches in New Netherland, which have been organized by the church of Holland. " Inasmuch as this is so, the congregation of Schippach, Schwara and 124 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge with a double joy and my bitter sorrow would soon be sweetened. But as long as this letter has been here my work has been ren- dered useless among many. The slanderers and liars found it a weapon against me and I had to put up with a small compensation for all my difficult and wearisome toil and labor and thus lose my food for the support of my body. But the most painful result was that I had to see my labor made fruitless with many, because of the letter, and had to behold more harm in all the congregations of the whole country than I could bring about growth. The Reverend Classis can, therefore, clearly see that it is not my fault that our true church in this country did not grow. For Henry Goetschy has shown this letter everywhere and thereby caused me very much persecution, until he learned differently from his Reverence, Inspector Dorsius. Then he heartily repented and asked my forgiveness in the presence of his Reverence, which I granted him with all my heart. I also wish him success and inter- cede for him with God and our Reverend Church Fathers. He obediently submitted to the decision of the Reverend Christian Synods and desisted immediately. May God give him blessing and grace that he may become an efficient instrument to edify others. neighboring places, has the divine right herself to elect a minister whom she may find fit for that position, and it is my opinion that the following procedure should be adopted : The consistory should assemble and inves- tigate the conduct of the men, who in the name of the whole congregation •wrote to the Classis of Amsterdam, asking for Boehm and when it shall appear that they did not act truthfully, or that they themselves were de- ceived, the consistory must bring them to a confession of their guilt, and exclude these men from the table of the Lord and his communion, they being the cause of this disturbance. They should treat Dom. Boehm in the same manner, and if it be found that he deceived these men in their simple- mindedness, by his cunning and artifice, I suggest that these things be properly recorded and sent to the Classis, in order to justify yourselves and to assure the Classis that her resolution was based upon deceptive tales. " After this has been done, the consistory shall notify all male members to meet at the specified time and vote one by one for the election of a minister, acting according to the church order of the Palatinate, then pro- Forged Letter 125 I also made this suggestion to his Reverence, Inspector Dorsius, to propose to the Christian Synods, in sending the desired ministers, to ordain each for his particular place. For some places are more acceptable than others and the people also differ. I think that thereby future quarrels could be avoided entirely, and all w^ould have to be content. May God give his gracious blessing upon his work for the salvation of many. Your obedient servant commends herewith the Very Reverend Classis, your reverend persons, with all your families and holy service to the dear heavenly father and to the word of his grace and himself to your blessed and affectionate care, and he remains, Ver>' Reverend Classis, Your most submissive and obedient servant, JoH. Ph. Boehm, Minister at Falckner Schwam, Schip Bach and Weitmarge. Witpen Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, April 4, 1740. ceed to the ordination, and, in order that all this be done orderly, the advice and guidance of the nearest regular minister, that can be secured from Staten Island or Bucks County, should be requested, who should be present and preside over the whole transaction." No arguments are needed to prove that these sections constitute the for- gery of which Boehm complained. It is incredible that any minister in his right mind could have written them. They are not only inconsistent with Dr. Wilhelmius' preceding advice to submit to the counsel of the Classis of Amsterdam, but they are also inherently absurd. The ridiculous insistence on a supposed " divine right " of the congregation is enough to discredit them. Moreover, why should the writer have taken the great trouble to work out elaborate rules for the guidance of the churches in Pennsylvania (which follow these sections immediately), if in his opinion the Palatinate church order was sufficient for their government? The pity of it all was that the " Fathers " in Holland paid no attention to these just complaints of Boehm, allowing his enemies to go on unrebuked. The letter of Wilhelmius is dated December 31, 1730. Boehra's copy of this letter is in the Pennsylvania Portfolio, archives at Amsterdam, new letters. No. 10. It was printed in full in Life and Letters of Boehm, pp. 303-311. 126 History of the Goshcnhoppen Charge In the spring of 1740, Mr. Boehm visited the Goshen- hoppen congregations to secure from them, as he had se- cured from all the other Reformed congregations in Penn- sylvania, a statement as to what they were willing to give towards a pastor's salary. In March, 1740, Boehm reported as follows to the Classis regarding his visit to Goshenhoppen:'-'^ Concerning the congregation of Goshcnhoppen I know not what to say. I have been there three times, yet I have not been able to do anything, although I entreated them very urgently not to cast aside the grace of God, now so clearly visible. When I went to them the third time, they [namely the elders] held a meeting on the 2 1st of February, and a part of them promised me at last to come to me on the 26th or 27th in order to sign the paper. I also heard that the people in Great Swamp and those at Saucon Creek were not at fault. However I did not see any of them. Shortly aftenvards, however, they sent in a report through Mr. Goetschy; the New Goshenhoppen congrega- tion promising ten pounds, Great Swamp five pounds and Saucon Creek five pounds. The paper signed by the elders of the three congregations was as follows:^-'' (i). The congregation in New Goshenhoppen promises Ten Pounds. Herman Fischer George Steinmann Caspar Holtzhauser Andreas Greber (2) The congregation in Great Swamp promises Five Pounds. Felix B runner Michael Eberhard Christian Willauer Jacob Wetzel Elders Elders 125 The original of Boehm's report is in the Classical archives. Printed in Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 296 f. 126 Also in archives of Classis. See Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 293. Pledges of Goshenhoppen 127 (3) The congregation at Saucon Creek promises Five Pounds. Georg Best Frantz Blum Friedrich Scholl Tobias Baal Elders At the same time when Boehm secured these pledges for pastor's salary, he also proposed to the Classis that the congregations in Pennsylvania be organized into six charges. The last and sixth charge to consist of New Goshenhoppen, Great Swamp and Saucon Creek. It is strange that he passes Old Goshenhoppen by entirely, which was certainly in existence, as is evident from the documents which we have already presented. In repartitioning the congregations in 1740 (an earlier partitioning into four charges had been proposed by him in 1734), Boehm suggested not only how the congrega- tions might be most advantageously combined into charges, but he also pointed out where the residences of the minis- ters might be most conveniently located. Thus he wrote of Goshenhoppen r^^''^ VI. Goshenhoppen. As in the last two congregations [Oley and Tulpehocken], a place might here also be found for a minis- ter's dwelling which would not be too inconvenient in order to supply Great Swamp and Saucon Creek from it. The good feeling and spirit of cooperation, which was established between Boehm, Dorsius and Goetschy in 1740 did not last very long. In the winter of 1 739-1 740, Mr. Boehm had made an extended tour of visitation to all the Reformed congregations, traveling 300 miles on horseback to visit the various congregations, in order to ascertain how much each was willing to pay towards a pastor's salary. ^^"^ Minutes of Coetus, p. 16; also Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 298. 128 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The result of his visits was embodied by him in an elabo- rate report, which he placed into the hands of Dorsius, in order that he might transmit it to Holland. Instead of doing so, Dorsius made a summary of it in Dutch and sent that to Holland in his own name, giving there the im- pression that he himself had secured all the information which had been requested.^^s When Boehm heard of it he became very angry and on July 25, 1741, wrote a long letter of complaint to the Classis. In it he wrote i^^^ It seems to me that my sending over [a copy of] this letter [of Do. Wilhelmius] accounts largely for the ill-will, which his Rev- erence, Mr. Dorsius, bears me. For after I had secured this letter from Mr. Goetschi, after many efforts, and it became known to Mr. Dorsius, Goetschi came directly to me, brought me greetings and implored me to give him the letter again, under all kinds of pretense. He also said, that the Inspector, Mr. Dorsius, deemed it advisable to return the letter to the people, otherwise trouble might arise. But I thought that they were trying to make the letter dis- appear. I, therefore, declined in a friendly way and retained the letter. Now, whether his Reverence, Mr. Dorsius, is also of the opinion that every one in this countrj^ may do as he pleases, I leave to men, endowed with wisdom, to find out. For his Reverence ordained this young Goetschi, who caused so much harm here through the assistance of disorderly people and by the arbitrary transgression of our Reformed church order and customs. This ordination took place after he left Goshenhoppen, and had lived half a mile from his Reverence and studied under him for one year, on the 7th of April last [1741], with the assistance of Do. Frei- linghausen, of Randany [Raritan] and of another whose name I have not been able to find out as yet. But as far as I have heard, he is said to be one of the Tennents, who are of the Whitfield fol- ^-^ Incorporated into tlie minutes of the Synodical Deputies, under date March 7-8, 1741. 1-" In Classical Archives, Pennsylvania Portfolio, No. 14; see Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 324 ff. Goetschy at Tulpehocken 129 lowers, otherwise called Presbyterians. I shall try to make certain. This Goetschi, as reported in my last submissive letter, had indeed asked for my forgiveness, in the presence of Mr. Dorsius, of the wrong committed against me and promised to live according to all order. This occurred on the 21st of February 1740. But what he did soon afterwards (and it can hardly be thought that he did it without the knowledge of his Reverence, Mr. Dorsius) may be seen from the enclosure, marked C. He likewise made two oral offers to my regular congregation in Oley (according to their testi- mony) whereby this congregation also was separated and divided. Enclosure C. is a letter from the elders at Tulpe- hocken,^^'^ addressed to Mr. Boehm, dated April 20, 1740, informing him that Mr. Goetschy had written to them a letter in which he notified them that he and Mr. Dorsius would come to Tulpehocken in May and administer the Lord's Supper there. In his report of 1744, Mr. Boehm confirms and en- larges upon his previous statements regarding the ordina- tion of Mr. Goetschy and the conditions prevailing at Goshenhoppen. He writes '}^^ This congregation up to this time has claimed the privilege ac- corded to them in the letter which Reiff had when he returned from his collecting tour, and which purported to have been written by his Reverence, Doctor Wilhelmi of Rotterdam (whereof a copy may be found among the Pennsylvania papers). Hence they will not submit to any church-order. And no matter how much I may admonish them, they remain of the same mind. They had taken young Goetschi to be their pastor, but when Do. Dorsius arrived he withdrew from them, went to him, and studied a year with him, and after this year he was ordained as minister for Long Island in the month of April 1741, by Mr. Dorsius, assisted by Do, Fre- 130 Classical Archives, Pennsylvania Portfolio, No. 17. Printed in Life and Letters of Boehm, p, 342. ^•''1 Minutes of Coetus, p, 26; also Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 419. 130 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge linghuysen, of Raritan, and still another (as I learned afterwards) Tennant b}' name, of whom it was said that he was one of the Whitfielders. In 1739, the Synods of Holland had notified the Penn- sylvania churches (see Life of Boehm, p. 284) that they could expect no help from them, unless they would " refuse to hear the unordained ministers and hirelings." As a result Goetschy stopped preaching in 1740 (see p. 124), went to Dorsius, studied with him for a year, and was then ordained by Dorsius, Frelinghuysen and Tennent on April 7> 1741. In October, 1740, Mr. Goetschy had gone to Long Island where he visited the congregations of Newtown, Jamaica, Hempstead and Oyster Bay, which extended a call to him.^^- This he accepted and moved to Long Island in the following year. Thus he left the German Re- formed churches of Pennsylvania and assumed the ministry of the Dutch Reformed churches of Long Island. The validity of his ordination in 1741 was questioned and in order to preserve peace among his congregations and remove all objection he submitted to another examination and ordination in 1748. In 1743 Goetschy published a sermon on the "Unknown God," which he had preached in Dutch in 1742 at several places. After a long and successful ministry of thirty-four years in the Dutch Reformed Church he died at Schraalen- berg, N. J., November 14, 1774.^^^ 182 Corwin, A/<7n«<7/ of the Reformed Church in /?mmffl, 4th ed., p. 490 f. 133 Corwin, /. c, pp. 489-492; Sprague, Annals of the American Pulpit, Vol. IX, Part 2, pp. 15-17; Taylor, Annals of the Classis of Bergen, 1857, p. 185. CHAPTER IV. Ministry of Rev. Peter Henry Dorsius, 1741-1744. ^•^^N Boehm's report of 1744, quoted above, is found J I the earliest reference to the next pastor at Gosh- ^■B enhoppen. Continuing the history of Goshen- ^^.9 hoppen after the departure of Goetschy to Long Island, Mr. Boehm writes :^34 Meanwhile, since Goetschi is no longer with them, Do. Dorsius has several times administered the Lord's Supper to this people before his journey to Holland. This passage introduces us to a young minister, who had come to Pennsylvania in 1737. As early as May 3, 1730, the elders of the Dutch Re- formed congregation at Neshaminy, Bucks County, had written a letter to Rev. David Knibbe of Leyden and Rev. John Wilhelmius of Rotterdam, Holland, stating that, although small in number, they were anxious to secure a minister and had for that purpose canvassed the congre- gation and found that they were able to give 60 pounds, Pennsylvania currency, as salary to a pastor. Hence they asked these two Dutch pastors to secure them as a minister " a suitable young man of about 30 years of age, who has a distinct enunciation, is well grounded in the doctrine of ^34 Minutes of Coetus, p. 26. 132 History of the Goshenhoppeu Charge the tnith, able to instruct, admonish and to silence all adversaries, but no less edifying in his life."^^^ They also guarantee him a free dwelling, fire wood and a free passage for himself and his baggage to Pennsylvania. On May 29, 1734, Rev. Wilhelmius notified them that he had found a young candidate by name of Masius, whose father was pastor in the Low-German Reformed congre- gation at Altona near Hamburg. But when the time of his departure for Pennsylvania had come near, he had withdrawn. But, he informed them, that he had con- tinued his efforts and had, a few weeks before, found " a certain young man suitable and pious, 24 years of age, who still needs one year to complete his studies. He shows great desire and eagerness to preach the Word of God among you. This man, I believe, will, under God's gra- cious blessing, be a useful and successful preacher among you, and I heartily recommend him to you. But the ques- tion is whether you will grant him a year's time to com- plete his studies, and whether I can advance him for this purpose such an amount of the money which I have re- ceived from you, as will be necessary for it and for his examination and ordination in this country." He reports further that the money which Reiff had given him in their name was still in his care and that the reason why he had not written sooner was partly because he had had no earlier opportunity, partly because Reiff had failed to call on him before his departure in order to take a letter along. On October 30, 1734, nineteen members of the Nesha- ^ssThis letter, as well as the later letters exchanged between the Dutch ministers in Holland and the Reformed Church at Neshaminy, Bucks County, are deposited in the archives of the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J. This letter is printed in full in a paper, submitted by the writer to the Bucks County Hist. Society, January 19, 1918, entitled " Life and Work of the Rev. Peter H. Dorsius." Peter Henry Dorsius 133 miny congregation answered the letter of Dr. Wilhelmius. They expressed their willingness to wait for their pastor and gave Wilhelmius authority to use their money for him, but with the condition that he should see to his examina- tion, ordination and transportation to America. They also reported that they were already busy in buying 40 or 50 acres as glebe land for their pastor's use. On March i, 1735, Dr. Wilhelmius sent another letter to the Bucks County people. He expressed his pleasure that they were satisfied with his choice of a pastor. He reported that the young man, just about 26 years old and unmarried, had already made such good progress in the ancient languages, Latin, Greek and Hebrew, that he was instructing others in them. He was also well advanced in theological studies. He was a pious young man and was burning with desire to preach the gospel of Jesus in another part of the world. He had made him sign a paper, in which he obligated himself to go to Pennsylvania immediately after completing his studies, or to return the money advanced to him with double interest. Wilhelmius stated that the bearer of his letter was a Reformed min- ister from Switzerland [Rev. Maurice Goetschy], through whom they hoped the churches in Pennsylvania would be well organized. Another set of letters was exchanged between Wil- helmius and the congregation in 1736, and finally on May 22, 1737, Dr. Wilhelmius reported that Do. Dorsius had been ordained at Groningen and had left for Philadelphia with Captain Stedman. On April 5, 1734, Dorsius had matriculated at the Uni- versity of Groningen and on September 17, 1736, at Ley- den. The entry in the matriculation book of the latter university is as follows : 134 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Petrus Henricus Dorsius, 1736 Sept. 17. Meursanus, 25. T. This means that on the above date Peter Henry Dorsius, a native of Meurs, 25 years old, matriculated as a student of theology. This corrects the statement of Dr. Wil- helmius as to his age. According to his own statement In the matriculation book he was born in 171 1. Fortunately we are now able to present definite infor- mation regarding the family and age of Mr. Dorsius from the church records at Meurs (now Moers), which the present pastor, Rev. W. Rotscheidt, very kindly commu- nicated to the writer,^ ^"^ for which he deserves the grati- tude of the Reformed Church in the United States. Peter Henry Dorsius was the son of Johann Henrich " Dorschius" of Moers. His father was a widower when he married Peternella Gravers of Altkirch, on September 15, 1708. Their children were as follows: 1. Alethea, baptized November 15, 1709. 2. Peter Hendrich, baptized January 2, 171 1. 3. Abraham, baptized August 5, 1712. 4. Isaac, baptized December 22, 1713, died soon afterwards. 5. Isaac, baptized March 8, 1715. An older relative of his, who acted as sponsor at his baptism, Samuel Dorsius, entered the Gymnasium Adolphi- num at Moers on May 8, 1708. Isaac Dorsius, probably his younger brother, entered the gymnasium on May 5, 1727. His own name does not seem to be registered there. Hence he probably studied somewhere else. In 1734 he entered the university of Groningen, as we have seen, and in 1736 that of Leyden. In the following year he left Holland for Pennsylvania. He himself has given a description of his journey to 130 In a letter, dated February 16, 1914. Dorshis leaves Holland 135 Pennsylvania and his first experiences there in a letter, which he addressed to the Synodical Deputies in June, 1749. He writes :^^'^ It is about twelve years ago, after I had been received, on April 30> 1737) by the Classis of Schieland at Rotterdam among the number of the candidates of theology, and on May 29th of the same year had been ordained by the very learned theological faculty at Groningen to be a minister of the gospel, that, on July 1 1 ri737]> I undertook the great and dangerous journey from Rotter- dam to Pennsylvania, when we did not arrive safely at Philadel- phia till October 5th ; however, with the loss of many persons, who had died at sea and had been buried in the great ocean. Then I inquired immediately after my location. I learnt at once at the beginning that I, as well as others, had been woefully misled, and thus was sadly compelled to preach in the barn of one farmer after another, because there was no house of God ; and at the same time take up my lodging with one family after another in the woods [bosch], as they are accustomed to call it in this land. This made me think of returning speedily, but I was kept back by my con- science and the example of early Christians. Through the encour- aging and cheering letters of the very learned Rev. Mr. Ernest Engelbert Probsting, p. t., scriba of Synod, written to me in the name and by the order of the Reverend Deputies of both Synods, I was much strengthened to continue in the difficult work of the ministry which I had undertaken. Mr. Boehm refers to the arrival of Dorsius in a letter addressed to the Classis of Amsterdam on March 10, 1738, in which he says:^^^ Last fall there came to this country Do. Dorsius, as a regular minister of the Dutch Reformed congregation at Neshaminy, Bucks County, and with him another by the name of Van Basten, who, 137 Hague Archives, 74, II, 12. 13S Classical Archives, Pennsylvania Portfolio, No. i. See Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 259 f. 136 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge although he was not ordained, yet travels here and there through the country and preaches, saying that he had been sent from Hol- land. But he has given us absolutely no cause for joy. Turning to the immigrant lists of Rupp, we find that on September 26, 1737, John Herman von Basten/^** " Can- didatusS.Th.," arrived at Philadelphia in the s\i\^ Andre'iv Galley, John Stedman, master, from Rotterdam. This must have been the ship on which Mr. Dorsius came. We know from the letter of Dr. Wilhelmlus, quoted above, that he came with Captain Stedman, and we know from his own letter of June 1749, that he arrived on October 5, 1737. The latter is the date according to the "new style." It is, hovi^ever, surprising that the name of Dor- sius does not occur in the list as given by Rupp, while in the list given in the Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XVII, pp. 138-140, both names are wanting. The bill for the ship's passage of Mr. Dorsius from Captain Stedman and the receipt of Dorsius given to his consistory on September 28, 1737, are still in existence.^ '''^ They read as follows: Myn Heer Dorsius Dr. To John Stedman to his passage & goods P. 15: — to Duty in England P. i : '/2 to Citty Dues 3/2: to fresh Provision in England P. x'.Yi Total P. 19:0 '39 The immigrant list in Rupp's Thirty Thousand Names, p. 109, give us at last the correct Christian name of Van Basten. In December, 1738, Dorsius reports him as having preached at Amwell, N. J., and on Long Island and as being at that time at Fishkill, N. Y., see Ecclesiastical Records of Nev; York, Vol. IV, p. 2741. In 1739-40 he is reported as preaching at Jamaica, Success, Oyster Bay and Newtown, N. Y. But he was addicted to drink, hence his activity as a minister was brief. After 1740 he disappears. See Corwin, Manual, 4th ed., pp. 807, loii, 1016. i^" Part of church records at New Brunswick, N. J. Dorsius in Bucks County joy Receipt of Rev. P. H. Dorsius, I, the undersigned, acknowledge clearly and distinctly to have receded from the Reverend Consistory, elders and deacons, the sum of SIX and twenty pounds, fifteen shillings and two pence, Pennsylyama currency, for the passage money of person and goods together wuh the expenses from Rotterdam to Pennsylvania fo Captam John Stedman. Given in Philadelphia, September 2S, 1737. P. H. Dorsius, minister in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Dorsius and Boehm worked together very harmoniously till the spring of 1740, when Boehm in answer to the re- quest of the Holland Synods, communicated to him through Dorsius, had prepared his elaborate report of 1739, and had handed it to Dorsius with the request to send ,t to Holland. When Dorsius failed to do this, ooehm became very indignant. On November 30, 1740, the elders of Boehm wrote a defence of their pastor to the Classis, with affidavits re- gardmg the events that had taken place. In the affidavit it is said:^^^ When Mr. Dorsius, minister at Neshaminy, was at Goshen- hoppen on the 24th of September 1740, and baptized children, in his anger against our minister, Mr. Boehm, he burst out without any reserve, m the following expressions among others: " If Boehm says that I have not sent the letters, which he wrote regarding the church, to Holland, he lies like a scoundrel" and this he repeated several times. v^'^^^^ Privately to Boehm, Dorsius had admitted that the etter had not been sent off. In support of Boehm his elders wrote i^^^^ "1 Classical Archives, Pennsylvania Portfolio, No ic See Lih n.^ Letters of Boehm, p. 338. ^' " ^'^^ """^ ''- L. c. No. x6. See Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 339. 138 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge His Reverence [Mr. Dorsius] visited the congregations Saucon and New Goshenhoppen on his return home from Minisink. As far as we know he did not visit any other congregations in the back woods. At that time his Reverence had the young Goetschi preach the sermon and read the baptismal formula, while he bap- tized the children. Afterwards all that is stated above took place. It is impossible for us to let the case rest here because his Rever- ence has not only treated our beloved and faithful pastor so un- kindly, but he also attacked the respect due to the reverend men and devout church fathers, who established our pure divine wor- ship in this country. During the ministry of Dorsius, in the year 1742, the second schoolmaster appears in Goshenhoppen. On De- cember 21, 1742, the Bethlehem Diary reports a visit at Bethlehem of "John Adam Luckenbach, schoolmaster at Goshenhoppen." He was born in 17 13 at Winckelbach, near Hachenburg, in Nassau, Germany. On September 30, 1740, he arrived with two other members of his fam- ily at Philadelphia. He served as schoolmaster in various localities, first at Goshenhoppen. In 1743, we find him at Muddy Creek, where he assisted Jacob Lischy. When Lischy moved to York County, in 1745, Luckenbach ac- companied him and became schoolmaster in Kreutz creek. In 1754, he was schoolmaster in Allemaengel, Lynn town- ship, Lehigh County. He married Eva Maria Spiess, who bore him one son and two daughters. He died in 1785 at Saucon and was buried in the Moravian cemetery at Bethlehem.^''2a According to Boehm's report of 1744, already quoted, Dorsius administered the Lord's Supper "several times" before his journey to Holland, which took place in 1743. 142a See Reincke, Register of Moravians, pp. iii, 131, Schultze, Guide to the Old Moravian Cemetery at Bethlehem (Prog, of Pa. Germ. Soc, Vol. XXI, p. 14). Dorsius in Goshenhoppen 139 In perfect agreement with this statement we find thirteen children baptized at New Goshenhoppen on August 30, 1 74 1, and six children on September 4, 1742. Then there is a break in the baptismal record till May, 1744. In the Interval Dorsius undertook a journey to Holland. This was undertaken, as he explained later to the Deputies, be- cause there was no prospect of growth for the Dutch Re- formed Church in Pennsylvania, first, because their num- ber was becoming constantly smaller through sickness and death; secondly, because through intermarriage the mem- bers were lost to the church, and thirdly, because they had no school-teachers to teach the children the Dutch lan- guage. In view of this condition Dorsius desired permis- sion either to accept a call to another church or to remain in Holland. As his letter to the Deputies, written in June, 1749, gives an interesting account of this journey, it may be quoted in part:^^^ I considered all this very carefully, besides, the continual com- plaints of the consistory (which had to collect the pastor's salary), that they were no longer able to pay the 68 pounds of salary which they had promised, without injuring their own families, as they were not able to secure the promised salary from the congregation, but had been compelled to add each year enough money so as to complete the salary; hence after full deliberation I concluded to return to my fatherland and to undertake the difficult and expen- sive journey in the strength of the Lord of Lords, also to call the consistory together, submit to them my plans, ask for a certificate, in case it should happen that I would not return. This was done on the 9th of March, o.s. My just request was granted and a certificate was given to me, together with a petition to the Rev. Deputies for another faithful shepherd and teacher, at a lower salary, in as much as I might feel inclined to stay in my own coun- try. This certificate and also the letters written to me by the ^^3 The same letter of Dorsius quoted before, see note 137. 140 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge learned Mr. Probsting, I handed over to the Christian Synod of North Holland in the year 1743, in answer to the request of the Rev. Mr. Cornelius Houthoff, p. t,, deputy of the Synods. These writings are most likely still in the hands of the reverend gentlemen. Then I began the great journey on the 26th of May, 1743, o.s., from New York to Amsterdam, where I arrived safely and well on the 14th of July at Texel. Then on the 26th and 27th of July I appeared before the Christian Synod of North Holland held at Hoorn, in order to make known the lamentable and desolate condition of the American Reformed churches, especially of the Dutch people, over whom I had been placed as shepherd and teacher. This, however, did not have the result or effect, which I had desired or expected. I could not stay in Holland because on the one hand it was to be feared that the fire of war might break out between France and England, which would make the Spanish Sea, over which we had to sail, unsafe and dangerous to travelers, as to our grief, it proved to be the case in the spring of the follow- ing year. On the other hand, my domestic affairs (of which I do not wish to speak further) could not be arranged so as to make it possible for me to stay longer in Holland. Moreover, a suitable opportunity offered itself so that I could readily bear the expense of the journey and return home again. Hence on the 19th of October 1743, o.s., I again undertook the great journey across the sea, when after suffering, especially in the neighborhood of Ireland, many hardships and dangers on the ocean, common to the winter season, I did not reach Philadelphia till January 16, 1744, o.s., though in good health. From there I returned to Bucks County, where I tried to discharge the duties of the ministry faithfully. Shortly after his return from Holland, Dorsius visited Goshenhoppen again. Boehm in his report of 1744 refers at length to this visit :^^^ ^** Minutes of Cactus, p. 26 f.; also Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 419 f. Boehm on Goshenhoppen in 1^44 141 Boehm's Account of Goshenhoppen in 1744. As I learned on Tuesday after last Easter at Goshenhoppen from a ruling elder, it is arranged that he [Dorsius] shall again admin- ister the Lord's Supper to them in the next coming month of May. On this Tuesday after Easter, when I happened to come to Goshen- hoppen, I found this among them: On Good Friday, they allowed the base deceiver, Jacob Lischy, to preach in their church, who at the same time baptized two children. When I represented to two elders, who were together on this Tuesday after Easter, the impro- priety of this act in the presence of several people, in having per- mitted a Moravian to do such things they answered me that they themselves had held it up to him, but he had protested with an oath and called upon God to forsake him if he were a Moravian. He claimed to be a Reformed preacher from Switzerland. Then I showed them his Moravian hymn book, entitled " Shepherd Songs of Bethlehem, for the use of all who are humble," which before this was his own pocket hymn book, and came to my hands in a wonderful but honorable way, in which he had written his name with his own hand ; When they compared the letter he had written to them with it and saw that it was his own handwriting, they realized his wicked conduct, the more so because, when they told him that I had this little book, he denied it was his, say- ing that he knew nothing of the book, that others could easily write his name in a book; he could not prevent that, and that for this reason he had long regarded me as a treacherous Boehm, of whom he had heard before in Holland, etc. Then they acted as if they were sorry. But one among them, Michael Radner, con- fessed that it was his fault alone that Lischy had come into the church. Whereupon I took my departure. The next day I spoke with another ruling elder, who was not present the day before. This one said to me with a sad heart, almost with tears: "But what shall we do? Mr. Dorsius has told us we should not think that we could get ministers from Holland. We should ourselves see to it, what was to be done." The Hollanders had said : " What do the Pennsylvanians imagine themselves to be? They live in a 142 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge free country, have nothing to pay to any royal court, yet want to give but ten pounds in such a large congregation to a minister; then we cannot provide them with a minister," etc. Nevertheless I admonished them to remain steadfast in prayer, and without being discouraged to wait upon God's favor. As for me, I felt assured that if our pious church Fathers desired to admonish us or were displeased about anything, they would not thus rudely present it, but speak of it in an amicable and friendly manner, becoming to servants of God. But according to my expectations the affairs of our church would take quite a different turn under the providence of God and his guidance. And thus we separated. . . . Do. Dorsius has also promised the people at New Goshenhoppen to administer the Lord's Supper there on May 6th, and that on the 7th he would be at Old Goshenhoppen, situated about four miles from Skippack, where the Lutheran and Reformed people wish to build a union church (whereby again some members will be drawn away from Skippack, for until now this district had be- longed to Skippack) and on May 7th he will there lay the corner- stone. On this occasion the Lutheran preacher, Andres by name, and Do. Dorsius are each to preach a sermon. Do. Dorsius asked said Lutheran pastor to announce this from his pulpit for the benefit of his Lutheran congregation, which he did on April 8th. Afterwards I was told by some of my elders who were present that the Lutheran minister distinctly said: "Rev. Inspector Dor- sius will administer the Lord's Supper on May 6th at New Goshen- hoppen for the Reformed people, and on the 7th ditto, at the laying of the corner-stone of the union church at Old Goshenhoppen, he as well as myself (the Lutheran pastor) will preach the first ser- mon (which words a certain man who had heard them told me with astonishment in my house on the i6th of April). . . . P.S. On May 6th, Do. Dorsius administered the Lord's Sup- per at New Goshenhoppen, several persons from Falkner Swamp communed there without saying anything. On May 7th, the corner-stone of the above mentioned union church was to be laid ; a considerable number of people were pres- Cornerstone at Old Goshenhoppen 143 ent, but the day was rainy. Do. Dorsius did not come. It was postponed till Whit Monday, May 14th, old style. Do. Dorsius again did not come. But an elder of New Goshenhoppen was appointed to represent Do. Dorsius, and the work was thus accom- plished. The presence of Do. Dorsius at New Goshenhoppen in May, 1744, is corroborated by the church record, for on May 5, 1744, six children were baptized, and their bap- tisms entered into the church record by one of the eiders. The pastor who officiated was undoubtedly Mr. Dorsius. The cornerstone laying at the Old Goshenhoppen church is described more fully in the Old Goshenhoppen Lu- theran record, which has also preserved the agreement, then drawn up by the Lutheran and Reformed people. It is as follows: Agreement Placed in Cornerstone of Old Goshenhoppen Church, May 14, 1744. Anno 1744, May 14th, through the wonderful providence of the all-wise God and against all expectations, these two congregations, Lutheran and Reformed, began to build a large, beautiful stone church. In this year was laid the cornerstone, in which the fol- lowing writing was put and deposited : In the Name of the Blessed Trinity, Amen. Through the all-wise providence of God it has come to pass that both Evangelical congregations, Lutheran and Reformed, con- cluded to build a new stone-church, for which the corner-stone was laid today in the name of God. Inasmuch as under such circum- stances, and for the safety of both parties, a written agreement is necessary, showing in what manner each congregation is to conduct itself and what rights each possesses, therefore, the following con- tract has been made and established by us: First : We implore unitedly and with burning hearts the almighty 144 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge and all-gracious God, that he may not allow any discord or dissen- sion to arise among us, but may preserve us in love and unity, that our Christian work, undertaken by us, may have a happy issue. Secondly: No congregation, neither Lutheran nor Reformed, shall have any preference in the divine service, nor shall any con- gregation have more rights in the church than the other, but every- thing shall be done in love, without confusion and disorder, nor shall either congregation disturb the divine services of the other. Thirdly: We stipulate mainly and earnestly, that no false teacher, suspected of heresy, who adheres to neither the Lutheran nor the Reformed doctrines, shall under any circumstances be per- mitted or tolerated in our house of God, but in such a case either congregation shall have authority, right and power to close and lock the church against such a false teacher. To our posterity we wish temperal and eternal blessedness. And, inasmuch as Jesus Christ is the only corner-stone and founda- tion of our faith, who is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption, therefore may he grant that this our faith may be continued and preserved to all times, in order that we all at last, when heaven and earth perish, may be translated from the church militant unto the church triumphant, and then, before the throne of the Lamb, all of us, with one accord, may honor and praise God, through our dear Lord Jesus Christ. In testimony whereof the elders of both congregations have affixed their own signatures. Old Goshenhoppen, May 14, 1744. Reformed : Lutherans : Christian Schneider Michael REiHER-fhis mark Christian Lehmann Balsar Gerlach Bernhard Arnd Philip Gabel JOHANN ZiEWER. CoNRAD ScHNEIDER. As to the cost of the church nothing certain is at hand, because, in the first place, the two congregations have helped and given much, and in the next place, other friends have also contributed their share. THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. CORNERSTONE OF OLD GOSHENHOPPER CHURCH, 1744. (See Page 145.) HOUSE OF WILLIAM DEWEES, WHITEMARSH. (REFORMED PEOPLE OF WHITEMARSH MET HERE, 1725-1745.) Declaration of Trust in 1744 145 The cornerstone of the first church at Old Goshenhop- pen is still preserved in the right hand corner of the pres- ent building. It bears an interesting Latin inscription : LIberaLItas pLebIs i. e. The liberality of the people LVtheran.b atqVe Lutheran and also REFORMATS HAS jeDes Reformed this house Vna eXstrVXIt. unitedly has erected. I. C. ANDREW. PAST. LVTH. J. C. Andreae, Luth. pastor. The inscription is unique because the capital letters when added together give the year 1744. This can be easily demonstrated : Line i. LI. LL LI. = 153 Line 2. L. V. V. = 60 Line 3. M. D. z= 1500 Line 4. V. X. VXL = 31 174+ This ingenious method of indicating the date is prob- ably due to the Lutheran pastor, J. C. Andreae, whose name was put into the last line of the inscription. Shortly before the cornerstone laying of the Old Gosh- enhoppen church took place, the church wardens or trus- tees of the two congregations had drawn up a " declaration of trust," which because of its contents and remarkable English deserves to be published in full, spelling and all, verbatim and literatim. It is dated April i6, 1744: Declaration of Trust by Old Goshenhoppen Elders, April 16, 1744. To all Christian People to Whom these Presents Writings Shall Come Know Ye that We Michael Reyer, Churchwardens of the Lutherian Congregation & Jacob Keller, Churchwardens of the Reformirth Congregation of Upper Sollford Township in the 146 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge County of Philadelphia are Lawfully Invested by a Warrant of the Hounorable the Propriedais Date the twelfth Day of January anno Domini 1737 there was Surveyed and laid out on the Six- teenth Day of the Said Month unto us the said Michael Reyer and Jacob Keller of the County of Philadelphia a certain Tract of Land Seituate in the s^ Upper Sollford Township in the s^ County BEGINNING at a Post in a Line of other Land of the said Jacob Keller and Extending thence by the Same South East Seventy Perches to a Post thence by other Land of the Said Michael Reyer Southwest ninety three Perches to a Post at a Corner of Adam Mayrers Land thence by the same North west Seventy Perches to a Post thence by Vacant Land North East Neinty three Perches to the place of Beginning Containing thirty Eight acres and a quarter and an allowance Proportional to Six acres Per Cent, for Roads and Highways as in and by the Survey thereof remaining in the Surveyor Generals OfKce may appear- Now KNOW Ye that we the s^. Michael Reyer & Jacob Keller, Chosen Churchwardens of both the said Congregations have gath- ered so moch money as woult pay for s^ tract of Land and Cost and Charges to pay, and was agreed between them two said Con- gregations that this place shall be for no other use but to built a Shoolhause and in Fouture to come a Chirch to keep a School- master upon said pleace Either between the both Congragations or Every on for them selfes and also built a Church between both s^ Congregation or Ever}' one for them selfes and we Paid for said Land & patend warrant and Recortern and sum other Costs Eight pounds nine Shillings & Three pence of the money we gathered. Now because the Patend and also the Draught of s*^ tract Is made upon us and In our names weilst It Could not be Done otherwise, So we Prodest and Declear by and with this presents, that we or our Heirs, Exect% Administ^, or Assigns shall have no claim or Demand of in or to the s* Land or any part thereof From or after our Decease but to permit and Suffer the s^ two Congregations their Heirs and Assigns and Every of them to have, possess and enjoy to their own use for Ever the said Land and Every part thereof without any Let or disturbance of or by us our Exect' Dorsius returns to Holland 147 tfi s or any of the.r acts means consents or procurements Clearly K^e^ed ac,u,tted and Discharged of and from al, Ineumbran What So Ever by them had, made and Committed or Done or to be had made Committed or Done but the two Congarlgatlons b" tween them shall pay the Quittrend Due and for Ever » Ze to he Hounorable the Propriedars according as it is mentioned in the patend we have and Shall also have the two Congrigations the Re>ght and Power given in the patend to us, that we never have any more to Demand than another man of the s- two congrigations and that also for the true performans We give to Every Congri- gat,ons th,s writings from unter our hands and Seals Dated this .6th Day of Aprill in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and fourty four Annoque Domini 1744. Scaled & Delivered in the presence of us Christun ^X Lehman Michael X Rever (Seal) his "^ "'^""^ Adam X Meyrer Christian Schneyder fn place mark of JaCOB KeLLER (SeAL) Philad« ,a,h JanM737. Received of Michael Royer and Jacob Keller five pounds Seventeen Shillings & nine Pence in full for h,r.y eight acres of Land Surveyed to them in Salford Township m the County of Philadelphia. Received for the use of the Pro pnetaries. ^ ^ '^^' ^ James Steelyard. After 1744, Dorsius visited Goshenhoppen no more, a hough he remained pastor of Neshaminy, Bucks County, till 1748, when he returned to Holland. There he died about the year 1757. -=^ The last reference to him is in folia uZhJxTT: f ^''°"'" "^ ""'^"^^' ^^^^-- ''f ^he Re- Chuch nl VuJ"^' '■ ''''■' ^°°^' ''"^'^y ^f ^f- J^^formed 94. Corw,n. Manual of Reformed Church, 4th ed., pp. 439-31. The most 148 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge the minutes of the Classis of Amsterdam, under date Oc- tober 5, 1750.^'*^* From 1752 to 1776 his widow received support from the Coetus of Pennsylvania. extensive account of the " Life and Work of the Rev. Peter H. Dorsiiis " was given by the writer in a paper submitted to the Bucks County Hist. Societj-, see above, note 135. 1*^^ Ecclesiastical Records of New York, V^ol. IV, p. 3138. CHAPTER V. 0 Ministry of Frederick Casimir Mueller, 1745-1748. N July 7, 1745, a new handwriting appears in the New Goshenhoppen record. It is that of Frederick Casimir Mueller. On Sep- tember 27, 1745, he acted as sponsor at the baptism of a son of Johan Adam Mengel. On March 23, 1746, a son of Frederick Casimir Mueller himself was baptized with Johann Hoff- mann and Friedrich Helwig as witnesses. The record itself gives no indication that Mueller was actually the pastor of the congregation. All that can be inferred from the record is that between July 7, 1745, and April 28, 1750, he entered thirty-five baptisms into the record. But what is lacking in the record is fully supplied by other evidence. In Schlatter's private diary we read under date Septem- ber 20, 1746:^^^ I preached in the new stone church at Old Goshenhoppen, but inasmuch as a considerable part of the New Goshenhoppen con- gregation adheres to a certain hireling, Frederick Casimir Mueller, who was a school teacher but now wants to be a minister, I was not able to accomplish anything. I concluded to investigate this 14C Printed in Journal of P. H. S., Vol. Ill, p. iii f. 149 150 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge matter at some other time and then fix the salary. I shall also endeavor to bring about, with the help of God, unity in the con- gregation, since Do. Weiss is generally liked. But, whereas some adhere to the above-mentioned Fred. Mueller, it is necessary to use prudence, because he is a bold fellow and was in the congregation before Do. Weiss returned from Rhinebeck. At a later place in the same diary Schlatter refers at length to Casimir Mueller and sheds considerable light on his activity :^^" The above mentioned Frederick Casimir Mueller is the only one thus far known to me, who is not willing to submit to any order, but, as he states himself, will create as much dissension and division as possible. But I trust to Almighty God, that Mueller alone will not be able to hinder the progress of God's work, which other- wise is blessed everywhere. He has now 10 or 12 small congregations in and about Oley and in New Goshenhoppen about 18 men, who adhere to him and re- fuse to side with Do. Weiss, being so to speak bewitched with his bragging and assurance. During the whole week he rides about and tries to make the kind intention of the Reverend Synods ob- noxious to his adherents, pretending that if they submit to them they will lose their liberty and accept unbearable fetters. I asked him to come to see me in Oley on September 23rd. At that time he appeared to me rather favorable, and in view of your Reverences' counsel, I made to him the following proposition in the presence of Do. Weiss: Whether, if he were a true Reformed man, he would from now on abstain from administering the Lord's Supper and from uniting people in marriage, until I had written to the Reverend Fathers and received their answer, whether the Reverend Synods deemed it wise that, like Dom. Boehm in former years, he be ordained by a Coetus and be installed as a regular minister in a regular congregation? To this he heartily agreed, but on the following Sunday, through God's wonderful providence, ^^^ L. c, p. 119. THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. 1 Frederick Casimir Mueller 151 he made hfmself unworthy of the good opinion which I had formed about him. For he baptized children as before and announced he administration of the Lord's Supper in four weeks. Hence I lost all desire to write to you in his behalf. From the Hebron Diary, written by the Moravian pas- tors at Lebanon, it appears that Frederick was the call name of Frederick Casimir Mueller, for his name always appears there as Frederick Mueller. The same conclusion can be drawn from his own signature, which is usually Friederich C. Miiller. Rupp's Thirty Thousand Names, notes the arrival of three Friedrich Muellers from 1727-1744. On Septem- ber 30, 1743, a Friedrich Miller qualified, whose name was written by the clerk, probably because he himself was unable to vvrite. On September 24, 1742, a Friederich Muller qualified, who came in the same ship as John Jacob Kiess, another Reformed pastor at Goshenhoppen. A third Friedrich Muller arrived October 28, 1738 We are inclined to regard the second Mueller identical with our Frederick Casimir Mueller, because he was apt to make his presence felt shortly after his arrival. In spite of Schlatter's unfavorable opinion, Mueller preached acceptably to numerous Reformed congregations and no doubt did a good work, in his own way. It may serve, therefore, a useful purpose to put together the scat- tered references to his life and work. In a letter of Schlatter, dated October 3, 1746, which is lost ,n the original, but an extract of which has been pre- served in the Minutes of the Synodical Deputies of March 21-22, 1747, Schlatter states that Mueller had been a schoo teacher at a place near Mayence, in the Palatinate. m July, 1745, he appears for the first time in Pennsyl- vania, as pastor of the New Goshenhoppen congregation 152 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge On October 19, 1746, Schlatter visited New Goshen- hoppen again, in order to restore if possible order and har- mony in the congregation. His private diary describes his experiences at that time as follows :^'*'^ On the 19th, I traveled to New Goshenhoppen, 18 miles, to- gether with Dos. Boehm and Weiss, in order to remove if possible the division which had been caused in the congregation by the above mentioned Miller. I preached from II. Chron. 15: 2-4. After that I tried to gain the adherents of Miller with love and kind words and win them for Do. Weiss, but Miller, who was in the church, controlled his party to such an extent that all my efforts were in vain. He is said to have declared from the pulpit, last Sunday, October i6th, that even if the black and white wigs (meaning the Hollanders and Switzers), would come, they could not drive him away. Fi- nally I wanted to know how strong his adherents were and asked them to raise their right hand, but they refused, saying that they would not swear an oath. Then I asked them that, as a sign of their difference, they should put on their hats, but they refused that also. At last I asked that those who held with Do. Weiss should cover their heads, thus I was able to count the others against their will, namely 17 or 18 families. Thereupon I admonished them all to be peaceful and I caused the party of Do. Weiss, numbering about 30, to put upon paper their contribution toward his salary, which amounted to about 15 pounds and thirty bushels of wheat. In Schlatter's diary, as published by Dr. Harbaugh in his "Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter," p. 140, is this addi- tional sentence: "Although we did not, at this time, suc- ceed in accomplishing this object, yet the Lord interposed some time afterwards and restored order." Almost immediately after the visit of Schlatter, Mueller wrote him a letter on October 29, 1746, which, following the "old style," he dated October 18, 1746. As it is the 1*8/,. c, p. 160. Letter of Mueller 153 only letter of Mueller in existence and reveals clearly his attitude and spirit, we shall give it in full :^^^ Letter of Frederick C. Mueller to Schlatter. Goshenhoppen, October 18, 1746. I have thought much about you, since I saw and heard j'ou at Goshenhoppen, for the reason that I expect you to organize every- thing in good order. You ought to know that church questions cannot be treated like secular affairs, which was done nevertheless. At the city hall I saw how people were asked to raise their hands or make a sign with their hat. That is the way it looked at your organization, to the amusement of the sects. I do not wish to make j^ou proud, but simply to write }'^ou the thoughts of my heart. I care little or nothing whether you send a petition to Holland or not, nor will I allow you to forbid me any- thing. If I need a petition, my congregations are willing to draw it up themselves, for they can give the best testimonial regarding me. I am ready to submit to an honorable Church Council, but not to beg for anything, and if my congregations submit a testi- monial to the honorable Church Council as to j^ou and take as much interest in it as you, I shall have good help, but they will not drive me away from the congregations which love me heartily. You should know that neither money nor anything else will induce me to give up the congregation, even if Mr. Weiss's salary for two years be offered to me. You promised to secure me a place as a schoolteacher. I hope you will stand by your word, but if you are unable, because you can issue no command which the farmers must respect, I shall look for such a place myself. I wish you heartfelt humility from him w^ho can give abundantly. I shall report the outcome of the affair to the Rev. Mr. Bruj^nings in Amsterdam, whom I know and love heartily. Your ever ready (Servant) FrID. CaSIMIR MiJLLER. 1*9 Hague Archives, 74, I, 51 (9). 154 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge We cannot state definitely when Mueller left Goshen- hoppen. It may have been in 1747, for on September 29, 1747, Rev. George Michael Weiss reported New Goshen- hoppen as one of his congregations.^^*^ But inasmuch as Do. Weiss dates the beginnings of his ministry in 1748, it is more likely that Mueller withdrew in that year. Weiss heads his baptismal entries with the statement "from 1748 till the year 1758, the following adult persons were bap- tized, upon the profession of their faith." Also his cate- chumens were recorded from the year 1748. Neverthe- less, Mueller continued his visits to Goshenhoppen, for in 1749, January to July, he entered five baptisms into the record and one on April 28, 1750. The record book re- mained in the hands of Mueller's followers till 1757, when it passed into the custody of Weiss. But even as late as 1752 we hear of a Mueller faction in New Goshenhoppen. In order to realize the importance of Mueller for the Reformed Church, we must review his labors outside of Goshenhoppen. It is at present impossible for us to iden- tify all of the ten or twelve congregations in and about Oley, which Schlatter reports him as serving in 1746. We can, however, trace his activity in a number of con- gregations. In 1746, he appears in Berne, Berks Co. An entry in the Berne record by his hand reads: " Register [showing] how many and whose children were entered by me Fried- rich Casimir Miiller, at this time preacher, 1746." His handwriting stops in November, 1746. Then there is a break till February, 1749, when a new set of entries begins running till April, 1752. Though not written by Miller himself, it is barely possible that the baptisms were per- formed by him. ^'"^ Minutes of Coetus, p. 33. Pastorates of Mueller 155 In 1748, Mueller appears In Long Swamp, Berks County. After stating that the first church there had been begun in September, 1748, Jacob Weimer, the faith- ful schoolmaster, writes in the Long Swamp record : " After having completed this church to the honor of God and for their own salvation, they called the Rev. Fridrig Casemer Miller to dedicate this house and they accepted him as their preacher, who served them for some time." How long Mueller stayed at Long Swamp is not certainly known, but probably till 1752. In October, 1752, the Minutes of Coetus report'^^ that he was "supported by a part of that congregation" at Muddy Creek, whereby he was causing considerable trouble to the pastor, Rev. John Waldschmidt. On October 11, 1753, Mueller applied to the factional Coetus, held at that time at Cocalico, to be received as a member. But his request was not granted. ^^- In the same year Mueller appears as pastor of Coventry (now Brownback's) , in Chester County. On February 18, 1753, he baptized there the first child. His entries extend there till November, 1761. In 1762 he signed an account at the Heidelberg Church (now Hains' Church), near Wernersville, Berks County. In the same year he appears as pastor of the Reformed Church at Lebanon. On July 18, 1762, he dedicated the newly-built Reformed Church there, as is stated in the Hebron Diary. He opened the church record at Lebanon on November 24, 1764.^^^ His entries, eighteen in num- ber, extend till April 5, 1766. On September 28, 1764, "^^^ Minutes of Coetus, p. 73. 152 L. c, p. 108. 133 For the ministry of Frederick Casimir Mueller at Lebanon, see the writer's " History of Tabor Reformed Church, Lebanon, Pa.," in the Re- formed Church Messenger of August 4 and September 8, 1904. 156 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge the Hebron Diary reports the death of Rev. Mueller's wife, who was a daughter of Veronica Leidolt. The Moravian pastors at Lebanon speak of Mueller in a friendly way^^^ and exchanged visits with him. But while Mueller's handwriting stops in the Lebanon record in April, 1766, it is continued at Swatara till July 3, 1768. He probably died soon afterwards. Frederick Casimir Mueller has had the distinction of having had two doubles. In 1855, Rev. Henry Wagner published a Kurzgefasste Hwidertjdhrige Geschichte der Bergkirche in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, in which he refers, p. 4, to a Mr. Friederich, a Swiss minister, who followed Tempelman in 1760. He is said to have had a quick temper and soon returned to Europe. His name is perpetuated by Dr. Harbaugh in his Fathers of the Reformed Church, Vol. II, p. 384; by Dr. Corwin, Manual, 3rd ed., p. 265; and also by Dr. Good, History of German Reformed Church, p. 649. Later, when the Hebron Diary became known, it was found that, beginning with 1762, it men- 154 What appears at first sight as a very serious charge against Mueller is made in Saur's paper, Pennsylvanische Berichte, under date June i6, 1749, where the following notice is inserted: "Henry Adam of Maxetani makes known that his wife Maria has left him faithlessly and turned to (hat sich gewendet zu) Friedrich Casimir Miiller. None may loan or give her anything on his [Adam's] account, as he will not pay it." This statement does not necessarily prove that the woman had eloped with Mueller. She may have left her husband and entered Mueller's family as a servant. The New Goshenhoppen record proves that Mueller was mar- ried in 1745. The Hebron diary at Lebanon shows that Mueller's mother- in-law, Veronica Leidolt, was living with him in 1765. While in between these years he was constantly serving Reformed congregations. This would no doubt have been impossible if he had been guilty of adultery. The well-known facts of his life are best reconciled with the notice in Saur's paper by the supposition that Mrs. Maria Adam had become Mueller's maid servant in 1749. Mueller's Doubles ^51 tioned Frederick Miller as the Reformed pastor at Leba- non; see Klopp, History of Tabor First Reformed Church, Lebanon, 1892, p. 54. Alongside of these two men, Frederick Casimir Mueller was known as the Re- formed pastor at Long Swamp, see Harbaugh, Fathers, Vol. II, p. 380. Thus it came to pass that Mr. Frederick, Mr. Frederick Miller and Mr. Frederick Casimir Miller figured as three Reformed pastors in history, see Good, History, pp. 517, 649. The truth is that all three are but one man. The Lebanon Reformed church record shows unmistakably the handwriting of Frederick Casimir Muel- ler. Moreover, of the 18 children whose baptisms Muel- ler entered, he acted as sponsor in the case of three, sign- ing his name Friederich C. Miiller, in his well-known wretched script. CHAPTER VI. Ministry of Rev. George Michael Weiss, 1746-1761. m ,HEN Michael Schlatter arrived in Penn- sylvania in September, 1746, he found a new minister in the Goshenhoppen charge. It was the Rev. George Michael Weiss. We left Weiss in 1732 as pastor of Cats- kill and Coxsackie, N. Y. There he re- mained till 1735. His last baptism was entered July 6, 1735- From Catskill he went to Burnetsfield or German Flats, now in Montgomery County, N. Y. There he was pastor from 1736 to 1742. In the latter year he removed to Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, N. Y., where he served as pastor from 1742 to 1746. He then returned to Penn- sylvania. While pastor at Catskill, Mr. Weiss was married by the Rev. Petrus Van Driessen on November 25, 1733, to Anna Broenckh, daughter of John Broenckh, one of his parishioners, in her father's house. Weiss himself en- tered the record of the marriage into the marriage register at Catskill. The couple had no children. The time of Mr. Weiss's removal from the State of 158 George Michael Weiss 159 New York is fixed as about June, 1746, in a letter of Schlatter to the Synodical Deputies, dated October 3, 1746. The letter itself is no longer in existence, but an elaborate abstract of it was inserted in the Minutes of the Synodical Deputies, from which we take the following statement, regarding Schlatter's visit to Old Goshenhop- pen on September 20, 1746. He writes: On September 20th he [Schlatter] preached in the nearly com- pleted stone church at Old Goshenhoppen from II. Chron. 15: I, 2. To this place Do. Weiss was called from Albany and has now [September 1746] been pastor there for three or four months. Here he [Schlatter] attempted to restore order, but he could not persuade the congregation at New Goshenhoppen to unite with Great Swamp for this purpose, because they allowed themselves to be served by a hireling, Miller (who had been a schoolmaster at Steticheim^^^ near Mayence in the Palatinate), although there was hope for this [union] in the future. The same time of removal is indicated in the first part of Schlatter's private journal, dated December 15, 1746, and published by the writer in the Journal of the Presby- terian Historical Society }^^ There we read: Do. Weiss returned about six months ago from Esopus in the government of [New] York, for fear of the war about Canada and at the request of the congregation at Goshenhoppen. He is now willing to remain with his wife in Pennsylvania. To complete the evidence about Weiss's coming to Pennsylvania, we may add the passage from Schlatter's Diary, as printed by Dr. Harbaugh in his " Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter " :i" i^-* This name has not been transcribed correctly from the Minutes of the Deputies or from Schlatter's letter, for an inquiry at Mayence brought the answer that there is no such place near Mayence. 156 Journal of P. H. S., Vol. Ill, p. io8. 157 Life of Rev. Schlatter, p. 132 f. i6o History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Mr. Weiss, who several months ago, had fled from his church at Rhinebeck near Albany in New York, from fear of war, had come hither on invitation of this and other congregations in this vicinity. He is also beloved by many, yet, on account of the ad- herents of the one who had irregularly thrust himself into the service of the church, it is necessary still to exercise great prudence. On October 12, 1746, Weiss met with Schlatter, Boehm and Rieger at Philadelphia for a preliminary conference with a view to perfecting an organization of the Reformed churches and ministers in Pennsylvania. "This was the first assembly in which these Reverend Brethren had all been together, notwithstanding one and another of them had already been laboring about 20 years in this part of the Lord's vineyard. "^^^ On October 19, 1746, Schlatter, Boehm and Weiss met at New Goshenhoppen in order to overcome, if possible, the division existing there through the presence of Fred- erick Casimir Mueller. But although Schlatter succeeded in ascertaining the number of Mueller's and Weiss's ad- herents, being eighteen and thirty heads of families re- spectively, and although the latter promised fifteen pounds and thirty bushels of wheat to Do. Weiss's salary, yet Mueller could not be dislodged. It was probably not till 1748, when the baptismal record of Weiss begins at New Goshenhoppen, that Mueller withdrew, although he con- tinued to make occasional visits till April, 1750. Schlatter's estimate of Weiss was quite favorable in 1746, for in the first part of his private diary, dated De- cember, 1746, he reported to Holland :^°^ Do. George Michael Weiss is now minister at the above men- tioned places. He is, as far as I can see, innocent in the affair 15^ L. c, p. 136. ^'^^ Journal of P. //. S., Vol. Ill, p. 117. fVeiss at Coetus of ly^j.y i6i with J. Reif, for the latter always received the money, according to his own confession. Moreover Do. Weiss has asked him a thou- sand times for God's sake to settle this matter. His Reverence has otherwise a good reputation in this country and Do. Boehm himself told me, that Do. Weiss has always carried himself as a quiet, dili- gent, sober and orthodox minister. He also took the trouble to travel with me to " Tolpehaken " and " Canastoke." At the first meeting of the Coetus of Pennsylvania, held from September 29 to October 2, 1747, at Philadelphia, George Michael Weiss was present with delegates of his three congregations, namely. Christian Schneider and Daniel Hister, of Old Goshenhoppen, John Huth and Philip Ried, of New Goshenhoppen, and John Huber and Nicholas Montbauer of Great Swamp. From the second meeting of Coetus, held on September 295 1748, at Philadelphia, Weiss was absent. But shortly afterwards, on December 12, 1748, he sent a letter to Schlatter, excusing his absence because of sickness. In this letter he makes the following report regarding his congregations •}^^ In my congregations nothing of importance has taken place. They are quite harmonious. They only lack money in order to pay for the newly built church at Old Goshenhoppen and to give their minister his salary according to promise. For I have not yet been fully paid for the first year and now am still expecting the salary of almost a year and a half. The conditions with regard to this are very bad. The one pays, the other does not. Many ICO Hague Archives, 74, I, 51 (19). i62 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge depend upon the promised help from Holland. I stand on a very loose footing. If my congregations will not be able to give me my dues, I shall not be able to stay, but must seek my fortune elsewhere. With regard to the debt resting on the Old Goshen- hoppen church, Schlatter states in his private diary that it amounted to about 600 guilders or about 240 dollars. ^^^ The Old Goshenhoppen Lutheran record states with regard to this subject: As to the cost of the church nothing certain is at hand, because in the first place the two congregations have helped and given much, and the next place other friends also have contributed their share. And again : As to the interior finishing of the church, on July 12, 1748, a joint contract was made by the two congregations with the car- penter to make and paint the seats and gallery for 15 pounds. The pulpit was ordered and presented by Gabriel Schuler, Re- formed. The story as to how the church debt was finally paid is given in the Old Goshenhoppen Lutheran record as fol- lows: In the year 1751 there remained 30 pounds of church debts and, after consultation, we deemed it proper to send out collectors by the Evangelical Lutherans alone, because each congregation had its separate debts. Hence on November 7, 1751, the beginning was made by two collectors appointed for the purpose, who brought home on the 14th of December of this year 13 pounds and 14 shillings, not counting 1/3 of the proceeds which went to the col- lectors. For this may the rich Lord bless all benevolent givers in body and soul. Anno 1752, two joint collectors were sent out, one by the Lu- 161 Journal of P. //. S., Vol. Ill, p. 170. Goshenhoppen in i^S^ ^^3 therans, the other by the Reformed, in order to collect contribu- tions in the State of New York. They returned in this year, as our exclusive third part, ii pounds, 3 shillings and 9 pence. At the Coetus meeting held in 1749 at Lancaster, Weiss acted as secretary. In the year 1750 two important events occurred which stirred the congregations deeply. On May i, 1750, the following notice appeared in Saur's Germantown newspaper, called Pennsylvanische Berichte: It is reported from Goshenhoppen that there is a woman who has left two husbands that are still living and wanted to marry the third man. There are in that district three preachers, the one was so white [play on the name Weiss] that he would not marry the pair, but the other [play on the name Andre] who had before married the good woman to another man hesitated indeed, because the second husband lived so near, but the bridegroom, knowing that everything can be obtained from some people for money, heaven and salvation, Christ and forgiveness of sin, offered no small remuneration for the marriage. The reverend minister was pleased to accept and married them in the name of God, without proclamation (otherwise there might have been some objection) for 30 shillings. The farmers in his three congregations were startled, not knowing whether all their wives might not be married away to others. They formed a church council and consistory, deposed their minister, for they preferred to be out of danger. In June, 1750, the Goshenhoppen region was startled by a murder. The wife of one of its most respected citi- zens, David Schultz^®^ (whose tomb is in the New Gosh- enhoppen Reformed churchyard) was brutally slain by one of her servants. 162 For a sketch of David Schultz's life, see the Pennsylvania German, Vol. IX, pp. 499-505- 164 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge George Schultz, his wife and their son David arrived in Philadelphia with the ship Pennsylvania Merchant, John Stedman, captain, on September 18, 1733. They settled in the Perkiomen Region. On October 29, 1745, David Schultz married Anna Rosina, daughter of Abra- ham Beyer. In May, 1749, he bought 180 acres and 60 perches of land for 72 pounds 3 shillings, lying in Upper Hanover township, what is now East Greenville, Pa. As he was a surveyor, David Schultz was much away from home. During his absence the management of the farm naturally fell to his wife. In June, 1750, he had a servant, Hans Ulrich Sailer, whom his father-in-law, Abraham Beyer, had brought with him from Holland during the previous summer, on condition that he serve him seven years for the passage money. He was a Swiss boy, of a lazy and surly disposition. David Schultz thought that he could manage him with kindness, hence he took him and his indenture along to his farm. His wife found fre- quent occasion to urge him to do his work better. After- wards the young man claimed she even slapped his face, which may not be true. At any rate he took a decided dis- like to his mistress and determined to get even with her. In the night of June 14, 1750, he climbed through a window into her bedroom with a long, pointed knife. But as she turned around in bed, he left the room again. After some time he entered the second time but she turned again. On his third entry he found everything quiet. Then he stabbed her in the neck, cutting the jugular vein. After thus satisfying his revenge, he ran out and hid in a neighbor's haystack. Mrs. Schultz rose from her bed and went downstairs to call for help, but fell at the foot of the stairs upon her face, where she was found dead the next day. The murderer was soon caught and confessed every- Anna Rosina Schultz 165 thing. He was taken to Philadelphia, where he was placed on trial and found guilty of murder on October 22. He was executed by hanging on Wednesday, November 13, I750.i«3 Close to the New Goshenhoppen church is the tomb of Mrs. Schultz, with this inscription: Anna Rosina Schultzin Murdered June 14, A.D. 1750. Aged 29 years. Funeral Text: Jeremiah 9: 21. In 1750 and 175 1 the people at New Goshenhoppen made the first effort to secure a deed for their minister's farm. The details have fortunately been preserved by David Schultz, who interested himself more than any other in securing the property for the congregation. On Feb- ruary 3, 1776, he sent a letter to Mr. Rundle^^"* regarding this land, from which the following statements are taken : After all the land had been surveyed to the settlers thereof, agreeable the general agreement this tract was left vacant. Sometime before the general agreement was made, Edward Scull was ordered to survey the greatest part of his 13,000 acres, but after the general agreement was made and the remaining surveys were to be completed, he not having time to do it himself, ordered me to finish the remainder, under his examination ; which was done and [I was] employed with the Mr. Parsons, Ross and Green way. I accordingly surveyed the tract now in question on the 19th No- 163 The story of Mrs. Schultz's murder and of the trial and execution of her murderer is given at length in Saur's Pennsylvanische Berichte of July 16, 1750, November i and i6, 1750; cf. also Colonial Records, Vol. V, p. 488. The New Goshenhoppen record shows that David Schultz mar- ried his second wife, Elizabeth Lar, on June 27, 1758. This union was blessed with four daughters. ^"^ This letter was first printed in the Daily Norristoivn Register of March 6, 1883. It was reprinted in the Pertn Germania, Vol. I, pp. 364-368. 1 66 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge vember 1750, for the said congregation, in the presence of the elders or church wardens thereof, containing 42 acres, with allow- ance (of six acres per hundred for roads) at their request, with an intention to build a house thereon for their minister to live in, and continually to keep this same for such use forever. Also with intention, when it should suit them, to agree and pay for the land, with the above named three gentlemen. They immediately built a dwelling house and stable on it, dug a well and began to clear some land in the spring 1751. Their minister came to live there with his negro family; at his request the congregation allowed him for his better support to clear some more land. He continued from time to time with cleaning, though sometimes forbid by the congregation, till almost all was cleared a few acres excepted. In August, 1752, Mr. Weiss and other Reformed min- isters hastened to Philadelphia to welcome Schlatter and the six young ministers, whom he had brought from Hol- land. Their arrival was an event of great importance^^^ for the Reformed church In Pennsylvania and was fittingly marked by a meeting of all the Reformed ministers in the province at Philadelphia, from August 10 to 13, 1752. On September 2, 1752, Rev. John Philip Leydlch, pas- tor at Falkner Swamp, sent a letter to Rev. Jacob LIschy, 1*^^ The importance of this event was duly recognized by a Circular Letter, issued in 1752 by Messrs. Weiss, Leydich and Lischy. It was enti- tled: Circular Schreiben der Vereinigten Reformirten Prediger in Pennsyl- vanien, an dasige sdmmtliche nach Gottes JVort Reformirte Gemeinen: Darin sie kurzlich darlegen, 'wie der grosse Jehovah die von Sr. Ehrif;. Michael Slatter, V.D.M., an unsere Hochixi. Christl. Kirchenvdter iiber- nommene Commission zu ihrer Rettung und Hiilfe, in Gnaden gesegnet etc. Zu Allgemeiner Nachricht herausgegeben von Georg Michael JVeiss, Joh. Phil. Leydich, Jacob Lischy. Lancaster, Gedruckt Bey H. Miiller und S. Holland, 1752, 4to, pp. 11. The title page was published from a photo- graph taken by the writer, by Prof. Jos. H. Dubbs, in his Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, p. 165. The only known copy of the booklet is in the archives at the Hague, 74, H, 21. l\ Circular Schreiben 16^ pastor at York, in which he refers to the third school- He'wr'itl?" ""'"' "''°" "^"^ ^'' ''^^" P^"^-^d. Let me add a few words, regarding the bearer of this letter. icforinirfen IrcMgcr an tafi^e famrlicf)c nad)(BCtrfs28oit efpvmirfe ^cineiiicii; 2)iJnn fic fiirj(:d) DorlCijcii, SBic ^er ©rolfe 3 e i? b 33 si Mc t?on ©r (^fniv MICHAEL SLATTER, /:/).. v. (in unicrc ubernDmnieneffommiiTioii 311 iI)iti'tHctfim.] iiiit j^uifV, mOinahiigcfcgnct: '' fagungangcnommcrt, un^ rccht gd'wLVr ,?,„,, "f^T.>^'"^' «.,«> <)cm ^.1 itrcr,unacvb(,d;cn eccln, .,?g'nMnOc\v:;i.^^ •-"'' Slllgemeiiiei' ^ai)t\d)i (itimugtgttfn i,p;| JOH PHIL l.riYIJiCH^^^- ^^^^_____MC O r. LiSCllY. namely John William Wigand, at present schoolmaster at New t.on wm show you in detail. He cannot subsist in said congre- '•^^ Hague Archives, 74, I, 72 (3). i68 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge gation because of the division caused by the so-called Fritz-Mueller and Weiss parties. He has a special desire to work under the dear Brother [Lischy] and according to his instructions. In the following year the schoolmaster at Goshenhoppen received £5 s.8 support from the donations sent from Holland.^'5' In 1752 five hundred folio Bibles, sent by the Classis of Amsterdam, were distributed among the Reformed minis- ters at the meeting of Coetus. It was resolved to place one copy of these Bibles in each pulpit and to distribute the rest among the various ministers. It was resolved to send Do. Weiss 24 copies of the folio Bibles, one half to be sold and one half to be given to the poor, and with the same understanding the others were assigned.^'* These so-called " Schlatter Bibles " are becoming ex- ceedingly scarce. None seem to have survived in the Goshenhoppen congregations. For their identification the following may be noted. As stated in the minutes of Coetus, it was a large folio Bible, printed at Basel, " im Verlag Johann Ludwig Brandmiillers, im Jahrc Christi MDCCXLVII. When in 1753 serious dissensions arose in the Coetus, Weiss sided with Leydich, Steiner, Rubel, Waldschmidt and Wissler against Schlatter and his friends. This sepa- ration was due among other causes to the desire, as ex- pressed by Weiss, to " maintain love and peace among their congregations, inasmuch as they were not in favor of subordination to Holland and to our Coetal institu- tions and directions. "^^^ On September 10, 1753, a convention was held by the '*^ Minutes of Coetus, p. 89. 168 L. c, p. 69. 1C9L. c, p. 92. Holland Donations 169 dissatisfied ministers at the house of Mr. Weiss at Gosh- enhoppen and then an attempt was made by them to con- vene a regular Coetus at Cocalico, in Lancaster County, on October 10 to 12, 1753. At this meeting Mr. Weiss presided. But this attempt to wrest the control of Coetus from Schlatter and his friends failed, as the " Fathers" in Holland refused to recognize Weiss and his followers and threatened to withhold all donations from them. This threat was more powerful than all arguments and had the desired effect. At the Coetus, held at Philadelphia in October, 1754, a reconciliation took place and the two par- ties pledged themselves to forget their differences. Beginning with the spring of 1753, the ample donations from Holland put ministers and schoolmasters in more comfortable circumstances. The following table shows the total amounts distributed and the share that fell to Mr. Weiss and the Goshenhoppen schoolmaster: Year. Total Amounts. 1753 £363 S. 8 1754 .£289 S. 7 1755 £418 S.I5 d.6 1756 ^£366 S.12 1757 -£357 s. 2 d.io 1758 ^£385 S14 1759 ^339 s. 9 1760-61 ^337 S.17 d.io 1762 £321 s. s The last amount in 1762 was given to Mr. Weiss's widow. His salary during this period amounted to 40 pounds annually. Besides these contributions from Holland, Reformed ministers and schoolmasters shared in the benefactions of an English society, organized to maintain charity schools among the Germans in Pennsylvania. The first payment Weiss'* Share. Schoolmaster's £20 £5 s. 8 £20 £35 S.15 £27 S.IO £27 S.IO £1 S.IO £30 £1 S.IO £30 £1 S.IO £30 £2 £10 170 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge from this source was made on June 16, 1756, when ten Reformed ministers received 91 pounds.^"^ Similar pay- ments followed in the next three years. At each of these occasions Weiss received ten pounds, although no charity school was established in the Goshenhoppen region. The development of the Goshenhoppen congregations during this time cannot be followed in detail. Only at Old Goshenhoppen has the Lutheran church record pre- served some interesting details of congregational activity. During the year 1753, beginning May 3, the churchyard was enlarged at Old Goshenhoppen and it was surrounded by new posts, clap boards and new gates were put up. In 1754 a new stove was bought for 4 pounds. In 1755 all church debts were completely paid by the Lu- therans and let us hope by the Reformed people also. In the same year a new well and spring house were made. In I757> the church was improved both inside and outside with carpenter work. Five new windows with glass were inserted, new seats were put in and painted and a new roof was put on the kitchen of the schoolhouse. All was paid and the [Lutheran] congregation has still a balance of 6£ i8s. Qd. In 1757 a long and lingering sickness befell Mr. Weiss, which made It Impossible for him to attend the meetings of Coetus any longer. In October, 1759, Coetus met at Goshenhoppen " in the home of the sick Do. Weiss." Of the year 1759 we have the first statistical report by Mr. Weiss regarding his congregations. It was sub- mitted to the Coetus that met May 28, 1760, at Falkner Swamp, and was as follows :^'^^ I'^L. c, p. 144; also p. 198. 1''^ As the references to the Minutes of Coetus can be located in the printed minutes without difficulty, it is not necessary to give in every case Death of Weiss 171 At Old Goshenhoppen Do. Weiss has 30 families, at New Gosh- enhoppen 45, and at Great Swamp, 33. In 1759 he baptized in the three congregations 60 children, and instructed t,3 persons in the confession of Faith and received them as members. About the schools he could give no report. At the meeting of Coetus on October 21 to 22, 1760, held at Germantown, the congregations of Weiss expressed their willingness " patiently to bear with his age and in- firmity." In 1 76 1 Weiss reported 120 families in his churches. "He baptized, during 1760 and up to the present time, 45 children and received 36 members." This is the last reference to Weiss. He died in Au- gust, 1 76 1. David Schultz, Esq., in a letter to Daniel Rundle, dated February 3, 1776, writes: "Anno 1761 in August, their said minister, Geo. Michael Weiss died." Shortly before Mr. Weiss died, in May, i76i,the Great Swamp congregation made an effort to pay for its church land. Accordingly a paper was circulated (now much worn and partly torn) on which the members subscribed certain sums to pay this debt. A similar effort seems to have been made in Decmber, 1748, but was probably only partially successful. At that time the following members made subscriptions for this purpose : Subscriptions for Church Land at Great Swamp. Anno 1748 (?), December 26th, an agreement was made by the members of our congregation that we are willing to pay for our church land. Each one gives at his own free will as follows: £ s. Michel Kohler — xo the exact page reference. The minutes of Coetus were edited by the writer in 1903 under the title: Minutes and Letters of the Coetus of the German Reformed Congregation in Pennsylvania, 1747-1792. Reformed Church Publication Board, Philadelphia, 1903. 172 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge £, s Johannes Bleyler Johannes Huber Jacob Wetzel Jacob Dubs Christian Willauer Paul Samsel Caspar Erb Johannes Griesemer Michel Nussbach ... ^ , — lO Alexander Diebenderfer _ Peter Walbert ! ' ! ! ^ ' ' ' ' " _ ^^ Ludwig Bitting Abraham Ditlo Henrich Hitz Nickel Mombauer . — lO Henrich Huber Abraham Faust Henrich Bach Michel Braun ^ Peter Scholl _ ^ Nickel Bach _ ^ Philip Heger ..............._ \ Ruthe Fricki Dewalt Brauchler Jacob Rite Michel Eberhard _ ^ Matheis Bischof Abraham Kreither Ruthe Huber _ ^ Philip Brunner Joseph Eberhard ^ ^ David Streib Ulrich Riser _ ~ Gorg Lein Michel Hornberger Conrad Zimmerman ? Endross ? ? ~ 5 — lO 'T'''^' ^17 s.,3 As the cost of the land was only £17 i is. yd., it would not have been necessary to start a second subscription list, Subscriptions to Church Land 173 unless for some reason the first had not been paid, or at least had not been paid in full. The latter seems to have been the case. For on the same paper with the above sub- scription is the note : Today, April 10, 1749, I, Michel Kohler have paid for the church land eleven pounds ten shillings and for a warrant one shil- ling and six pence. JOHANN GeORG BlATT. On May 30, 1761, twenty members signed £20 2s. 9d. on another subscription list. This may have been only tentative, for on June 8, 1761, still another list was signed which read as follows: Subscriptions for Church Land at Great Swamp, June 6, 1761. On June 6, 1761, we have made an agreement to pay for the church land and whatever we promise we shall faithfully keep and pay. Christian Willauer and Valentin Huber are the deputies. The head of each family signs what he will give to the Reformed congregation in Great Swamp: £ s. d. Ulrich Spinner pays 2 o o Peder(?) Bleiler pays i o o Hcnrich Huber, the tailor paj's o 15 6 Henrich Huber, the wheelwright pays . . . . i o o Dewalt Brauchler, pays o 10 o Peter Sainsel pays i o o Paul Samsel pays o 5 o Nicklaus Mumbauer pays o 10 o Henrich Hitz pays o 7 6 Henrich Crob pays o 10 o Rudi Huber pays o 10 o Abraham Ditio pays o 15 o Henrich Bleiler pays i o o Rudi Frick pays — 10 o 174 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Jacob Huber, the [. . .] pays — lo Total £ii 2 Nicklaus Faust — 3 — Jacob Meier — 5 — Adam Willauer — 7 6 Lutwich Hersch pays 3 sh. for the farmer. Paul Samsel pays one sh. for the churchyard. Nicklaus Mumbaucr pays one sh. for the churchyard. Peter Weber pays 5 sh. for the churchyard. Disposal of Rev. Mr. Weiss's Property. When Mr. G. M. Weiss died in August, 1761, he left no will. For some unknown reason his widow, Anna Weiss, delayed asking for letters of administration till October 2, 1764, when they were granted to her and to Christian Schneider, as executors, inventory to be exhibited in the Court at Philadelphia on or before October 2, 1765. Before the inventory was filed, Mrs. Anna Weiss herself made a will on May 9, 1765. She died within a month after- wards, on June 2, 1765. On August 20, 1765, her will was pro- bated. By the terms of her will she not only freed, under certain conditions, her negro family, consisting of a man and his wife, together with nine children, but also bequeathed to them all the improvements of the farm, belonging to the congregation, on which she lived. By this act she involved the congregation in a long and tedious law-suit, and thus the history of the disposal of Mr. Weiss's property becomes part of the history of the congregation. In order to clear up this whole case, which has often been alluded to by his- torians, but was never fully understood, we present the following documents: [I. Letters of Administration Granted to Mrs. Weiss.] Book of Administration, Register of Wills Office, Philadelphia, Vol. G. p. 417. Memorandum, that Letters of Administration were granted to Anna Weiss and Christian Schneider in the Estate of the late Michael Weiss, dec. Inventory to be exhibited on or before the Inventory of Weiss Estate ^75 2nd day of October 1765. Given under the seal of the Register General's Office, at Philadelphia, the 2nd day of October 1764. William Plumsted, Reg. Gen'. [II. Inventory of the Estate of George Michael Weiss. October 2, 1764.] Office of Register of Wills, Philadelphia, 1764, No. 114. Inventory of the Estate chattels, moveables and Household goods of Michael Weiss late of Upper Hanover Township in the County of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylvania, Minister of the reformed congregation, deceased, as the same being valued and appraised by Adam Hillegas and John Coleman on this nth day of September Anno 1764. Six books mostly Latin, in quarto i. To one Book in folio, five dito in octavo, Latin o. to six books octavo Latin, Greek & Hebrew o. to fifteen small books, mostly Latin o. to the Table i. to the round Table ^ , o. to two old chairs o. to another round table o. to an old looking glass and a pair of Pictures o. to a pair of fire dogs o. to five pewter Dishes, two Basons i. to one dozen plates and one dozen spoons o. to two pewter Tea Pots & a coffee pot o. to six delft tea cups & saucers o. to two Cannisters & a funnel o. to Tea Kettles o. to a water pot o. to two Iron Pots with Pot-hooks. Two Pans o. to three Tubs two buckets o. to his Bed with the Bedstead and appurtenances 2. to another Bed with Bedstead 2. to three Cows, two Calves 9. to a side sadle i. 176 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge to an old Horse 3 to one gray Horse 4 to an old waggon with the Geers 11 to the Plough and Harrow i The amount of the first page brought over 43 to an ax, cropping Howe dung fork, pitch fork o amount to £43 appraised by Adam Hilligas Johannes Gallman There is fifteen acres of land a 35/ 26. four Hogs a 10/ 2. five sheep a 6/ i • d. o. o. o. o. 6. T. 5- — £29. 15- — [The last four lines are crossed out with the remark " to be out."] Besides the above there is a Negro Family belonging to Minister deceased, viz. A negro Man named Gideon, aged about 44 years old, but now a cripple, who is not appraised. His wife Jenny, aged 42 years with a female child about six months old, valued at £30 A negro lad, named Jacob, old 20 years 50, A negro wench, named Elizabeth, 18 years old 40. A negro lad, named Henry, 16 years old 40 A negro wench, named Anne Mary, 14 years old 30 A negro girl, named Catherine, 11 years old 30 A negro girl, named Margareth, 9 years old 25 A negro girl, named Susan, 6 years old 20 A negro boy, named John, 4 years old 15 Amounts to £280 appraised by Adam Hilligas Johannes Gallmann [Endorsed] Inventory of Mich'. Weiss's Estate Exhibited 2. October 1764. left said o. o o. o o. o o. o o. o o. o o. o o. o o. o o. o Account of Weiss Estate 177 rill. Account of Michael Weiss's Estate. July 8, 1766.] Register of Will's Office, Philadelphia, 1764, No. 114. The accompt of Christian Schneider, surviving Administrator of the Estate late of Michael Weiss deced. as well of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits which were of the said deced. and which came to this Accomptant's Hand and Possession as of the several payments and disbursements made out of the same. Imprimis 1764. The said Accomptant charges himself with all and singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits which were of the said deced. as mentioned in an Inventory remaining in the Reg"". Genl. Office at Philad". am. to.£28o. o. o The said Accomptant charges himself with the further sum of £129-11, being the app**. value of the goods and what the deceased's goods sold for more than appraised at including y" negroes The said accomptant charges himself with the follow- ing sum reced for work done by the Negroes to the following persons, viz. from Adam Hiilegas £ 3. 3. 10. from Jacob Derr 3. 5. 3. from John Wisler — 4 from Peter Hilligas — 17 from Andreas Greaver — 10 from George Miller — 2 from Bernard Bispham 3. 10. 129. Ditto with the sum of 30/ being what a large Bible sold for and not included in y* aforesaid Inventory £422. Item The said Accomptant prays Allowance for his several pa}'ments and disbursements made out of the same as follows, viz. — By cash paid for Letters of Adm 13 13 14. — — 17. — 178 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge paid sundry Expenses on appraising Goods amount- ing to £ I. 2. 6. paid David Shultz for services, etc — 5. — paid to Frederick Snyder for eight days services on business of the Estate by order of Wm. Plumsted, then Reg^ Gen' 4. — — paid John Ross for advice i- 10. — paid B. Chew Esq. for ditto i. 14. — paid Conrad Frank for sundry services in and about the Estate, allowed & approved by Wm. Plumsted, Esq 6. — — paid to Advertisements — 6. 3. paid Christian Hambach per receipt 1. 14. — paid at the office for these amounts 17/6 and a Clk for services 7/0 i. 5- — £ 18. 13. 9. By an allowance for reced '£422. 14 21. 2. 6. ditto on paying 4. 18. 13 — 18. 8. Ballance of £381. 19. i to be disposed of according to Law as follows: To the widow, one half £190. 19. 6'/2 To the Heirs of the decea'^ed £190. 19. 6V2 £381. 19. I £422 14. — Philadelphia July 8, 1766. Error exxepted Examined & pass'd Christian Schneider July 8, 1766. The Adm^ being first thereto sworn by Benj. Chew, Regr. GenK [IV. Additional Account of the Estate of G. M. Weiss. December 12, 1771.] The Additional Acct. of Christian Schneider surviving Admin- istrator of the Estate of Michael Weiss, deceased. The said Accomptant charges himself with the Ballance of the last settlement on the other side of this paper. .£381. 19. i. Final Account of Estate 179 The said Accomptant prays Allowance for the several payments and disbursements made out of the same since last settlement, viz. Paid expenses of Arbitration at Daniel Etters p. account Paid James Tilghman, Esquire, for his counsel and as- sistance in the affair of the Negroes paid Expenses of Arbitration at Mr. Davenport p. account paid Mr. Lewis Weiss for translating sundry writings from Germany paid for stating the add', ace*. 7/6 and for examing & passing etc. 17/6 By Leonard Thomas Bond for Negroes sold him at Vendue not received 82. By Andrew Oel for the remainder of his Bond for one Negro sold him 40. By the sum of 30. — being for one negro boy sold George Righter, received by Leonard Melchior .... 30. — — By paying £11. 11 at 5 p. cent o. 11. o. £164. 7. o. Ballance on this settlement exclusive of the above bonds £130 217. 12. 1. I. 18. 0. 6. 0. 0. I. IS- 5- — I. £ II. II. — Philadelphia, December 12, 1771. Error excepted 5- — £381. 19. Christmn Schneider. [V. FiN.^L Account of the Estate of G. M. Weiss. November 6, 1789.] The final Ace*, of Leonard Melcher and Christian Schneider as Administrators etc. of George Michael Weiss and Ann his wife both deceased. To Ballance on their first ace*, settled in Register's Office July 8, 1766 £381. 19. i Bal'. in favor of the said Administrators £272. o. — V2 £654. 9. i/^ N. B. Sundry Papers respecting the foregoing account are tied in a Bundle and lodged in the desk of this office. i8o History of the Goshenhoppen Charge By Am*, of their disbursements on 2nd Ace*, ren- dered in Reg. Office Dec. 1771 £ 12. By Am*, appraism'.s & sales of Negroes charged to the said Administrators in their first ace*, (the said negroes having since obtained their freedom and the Adm'^. obliged to refund 193 By Amo*. of Interest costs paid to Michael Bishop over and above first cost of Negro sold him 8 By Amo*. ditto paid Sam'. Heads Adm. over & above first cost of Negro sold him 70, By Amo*. disbursements etc. as per ist ace*, settim*. of Ann Weiss rendered 8th March 1769 109 By amo*. ditto on 2nd Acco*. of d". rendered Dec. 17, 1771 IIS By amo*. monies remitted to the Heirs in Germany.. 103 By Cash paid at Philad". by Christian Schneider to Geo. Mich. Weiss & Martin Weiss, Agents & Representatives of the Heirs in Germany 20, By Amo*. of Principal of Andrew Ohl & Leonard Thomas two Bonds given for Negroes sold to them — which Bonds the said Schneider assigned & delivered to the said George Mich'. Weiss & Martin Weiss as Agents & Representatives 122. By Cash paid Clerk for stating Acco* 2. By d". paid Reg*", for examining & passing this acco*. with copy — loH £654. 9. l'/2 Frederick Schneider and Henry Frantz, executors for the Testa- ment and last will of Christian Schneider, dec**., who was the sur- viving Administrator of George Michael Weiss afors*^,, on their solemn oaths do depose and say that the foregoing account as it stands stated and settled both as to the charge and discharge thereof is true and just to the best of their knowledge and belief. Sworn the 6th day of November 1789. Frederick Sxider Henry Franz Before me Geo. Campbell, Reg''. Will of Mrs. Anna Weiss i8i [VI. Will of Mrs. Anna Weiss, dated May 9, 1765, pro- bated August 20, 1765.] Book of Administration, Register of Wills Office, Philadelphia, Vol. H. p. i. In the Namce of [God] Amen. Whereas I, Anna Weiss, as Relict Widow of George Michael Weiss late of Upper Hanover Township in the County of Phila- delphia, Reformed Calvinist Minister deceased, do find myself in an advanced age and very weak in body but of sound mind and understanding and IVIemory, thanks be to God, and calling to Mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed to all men once to die, so do I on this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and sixty five make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. And first of all, I recommend my soul into the Hands of Al- mighty God that gave it, and do desire that after my death my body be buried in a Christian like and decent manner and as touching to my worldly estate I do hereby dispose of the same in the following manner. Imprimis, it is my will that all my Just debts contracted by me or my negroes be duly paid and discharged, and also that my here- unto named Executors shall demand ask and get in all the out- standing debts that are due to my deceased Husband for his serv- ices if they can be got, And further it is my will and I give and bequeath unto my beloved Cousin Leonard Brunk living in the County of Albany in the government of New York and to his Heirs or Assigns all my fine Clothes and Garments as also six great silver spoons and also my three Golden Rings as in full for his Hereditary Share and Portion of my Estate to be delivered to him on demand by my Executors. And whereas I have a Negro family consisting at Present of Eleven Persons as the .Negroe man named Gideon and the wife named Jenny, the man aged about forty four years and the woman's age about forty two, their children's names are Jacob about Twenty i82 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge 3'ears old and Elizabeth about Eighteen years, and Henrj- about sixteen years and Anne Mary about fourteen years and Gather ina about eleven j^ears, and Margareth about nine years, and Susanna about six years and John about four years and also a young female child about one year old named Eva, which all accordingly have been baptized to the Christian Protestant reformed Religion. And whereas lately some claim hath been made by a Relation of the s*^. deceased Rev''. Minister my s'^. Husband in favour of his other Relations in Germany claiming the half of our Estate, as also with an intention to sell said Negroes for slaves contrarj^ to the sentiments and Intentions of my s^. deceased Husband who died Intestate, so it is my will that the said Negroe children may be bound out to serve from time to time or as long as necessary in order to make up such a sum of money as may be required or ordered to be sent to the Brethren and Relations of my s^. deceased Husband in Germany for their Hereditary share and Portion, and further it is my will that all my said whole Negroe family shall after the time of my death be free, and I do hereby declare them altogether without distinction or Exception to be an entire free Negroe family, so that they never shall or may be bound out to eternal slavery, but shall hereby fully have and enjoy their lib- erty, only hereby excepted as above said to get so much money by servitude as necessary on the above said demand, as from year to year or otherwise as it shall seem best to my hereunto named Executors : And I do hereby further give devise and bequeath unto my said Negro Man Gideon Moor and to his Heirs and assigns as to my said whole Negroe family forever a certain Tract of Land situate in Douglas Township in the County of Philadelphia adjoining the land of Michael Read, Mathias Walther, Andreas Weiler and Philip Leidecker and containing fourteen acres and six Perches of Land which I lately Purchased of Peter Hillegas & obtained a Deed for the same with all Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever. To hold to them my said Negroe family and for their use and behoof forever. And I further give and bequeath all my Right Claim and de- Will of Mrs. Anna Weiss 183 mand (if any I have) of in and to any Improvement and Land where I now live unto the said Gideon Moor and for his and their Proper Use and Behoof for ever, saving to others their Right to the same if any they have, And I do hereby further give devise and bequeath unto my said Negro man Gideon Moor and to his Heirs and Assigns forever all the remainder of my Moveable and personal Estate as my other Clothes, chests, money, furniture and all and every sort of house- hold goods and Tools whatsoever. To hold to him the said Gideon Moor his Heirs and Assigns and to their only proper use and Be- hoof for ever, Provided hereby that all my debts now due by me be all regularly paid and I devise that all may be done according to the true Intent and meaning hereof, And I further devise that care may be taken that all the said Negroe Children may be taught & instructed in the Doctrine of the true Christian reformed Religion, in the best manner it can be done, and I do hereby wish that they all may enjoy hereafter endless Felicity. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my trusty and beloved friends as Jacob Arndt, Esquire, one of his Majestys Jus- tices of the peace for the County of Northampton and Peter Hille- gas of Upper Hanover Township in Philadelphia County j^eoman to be the sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby declare this and no other to be my last will & Tes- tament. In Witness and Confirmation whereof I the above named Anna Weiss have hereunto set my Hand and Seal. Dated the day and year as first above written. her Anna A Weiss (Seal) mark Signed sealed published and declared by the said Anna Weiss as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers. Johannes Wishler David Schulz Johannes Taubst 184 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Philadelphia August 20th 1765, There personally appeared Johannes Wissler and David Shultze two of the witnesses to the foregoing will and on their solemn affirmation according to Law did declare they saw and heard Anna Weiss the Testatrix therein named sign seal publish and declare the same will for and as her last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof she was of sound mind memory and understand- ing to the best of their knowledge. Coram Benjamin Chew, Esq"". Reg. General. Memorandum that Letter of Administration of the Estate of Anna Weiss dece^. with the will of the said Anna annexed were granted to Christian Schneider and Leonard Melchior (the Ex- ecutors in the said will named having first renounced) Inventory to be exhibited on or before the 20th day of September next and an acct. on or before the 21st day of August 1766. Given under the seal of the Register General's Office at Phila- delphia the 20th day of August 1765. n. Benjamin Chew, Reg'\ GenK rVIL Letter of David Schultze, Esq., to Mr. Daniel Rundle, February 3, 1776; printed in Daily N orris- town Register of March 6, 1883.] To Mr. Daniel Rundle. Sir! Whereas the Reformed Calvinist congregation in these parts have already had a considerable deal of trouble with that negro- man called Gideon Moor, who was a slave to their minister, the late Geo. M. Weiss, so that they are engaged in a tedious lawsuit with him and though I never inclined to be very much troublesome to you about this affair, yet as it seems that that congregation might possible lose their cause: if not properly assisted. So I find myself under necessity to give you some information of the matter, as short as possible, as the said congregation also most humbly request your assistance therein, as far as thought necessary. The more First Letter of David Schultz 185 especially, since you had a hand in the land affairs from the begin- ning and for the present time are looked upon by the parties as the chief of those parties concerned therein. We also hope that you will remember that about five or six years ago some of the members of the said congregation applied to you about the same cause, when you gave them your promise that they should have that land as soon as the affair with your partners was settled. But the better to explain their cause I shall be obliged to repeat the affair from its beginning. After all the land had been surveyed to the settlers thereof agree- able the general agreement this tract was left vacant. Sometime before the general agreement was made, Edward Scull was ordered to survey the greatest part of his 13,000 acres, but atter the general agreement was made and the remaining surve3's were to be completed, he not having time to do it himself, ordered me to finish the remainder under his examination which was done and employed with by the Mr. Parsons, Ross and Greenway I accordingly surveyed the tract now in question on the 19th Novem- ber 1750, for the said congregation, in the presence of the elders and churchwardens thereof containing 42 acres with allowance [of SIX acre per hundred for roads] at their request, with an intention to build a house thereon for their minister to live in and continuallv to keep this same for such use for ever. Also with intention, when it should suit them, to agree and pay tor the land, with the above named three gentlemen. They immediately built a dwelling house and stable on it, du- a well and began to clear some land in the Spring of 175 1 Their minister came to live there with his negro family; at his request the congregation allowed him for his better support to clear some more land; Though who [he] continued from time to time with c eanmg Though sometimes forbid by the congregation, till almost all was cleared, a few acres only excepted. The timber required tor budding, and mostly rails, was carried there by said people from tneir own lands. Since there was scarce any on the premises. The greatest part thereof was but a barren plain. Thev applied to Mr. Greenway about the land about 1767 or 1768, he returned for 1 86 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge answer, that they should have the land, but since some of the heirs were under age, he would not undertake to make a deed for it. We applied to you about it and received nearly the same answer. Anno 1 761 in August, their said minister, Geo. Mich. Weiss died and though the said congregation got another, yet out of com- passion to the deceased's widow, allowed her to live on that land with her negro family and left her the full use thereof, without demanding a penny rent of her for it. They rented another house for their new accepted minister to live in, until in the year 1765, June 2nd, the said, relict widow Anna Weiss died also, having no children, only her said negro family, he died without a will, but she made a will, whereupon she gave all her estate to the said negro family and also her right to the improvements, if any she had. But in my opinion she could claim no further right thereon. She only had the use and produce there during her stay on the premises and that only by permission of the said congregation. Then in about three months aftenvards, the said negro family were all sold for slaves by Christian Schneider and Leonard Melchior, who had administered for the estate. The said negro man with his wife and two children were sold to Leonard Thomas, an inhabi- tant of this township. Sometime afterwards the congregation got an inmate to live in the house on the premises. The said Leonard Thomas, weary of his negroes, allowed the man liberty and time to try for to obtain his freedom, during which interview the said Gideon, by some lawyer's contrivances came and took possession again of the said premises, about the latter end of 1767 or the beginning of 1768. This occasioned new trouble to the congregation. They soon after applied for the land to you and to John Margo- troyd and received yours and his promise in their favor, to get it done as soon as those affairs were settled, but they could have a deed for mortgage, on the i6th of February 1768. Sent with order to that negro-man to go of? from the premises with his family and effects within a week, otherwise he would sue him for trespass. Until, as I suppose in April 1769 (some think 17 70) the congre- gation being tired with the like vexations, went there and carried First Letter of David Schultz 187 his family and goods to his said master's house, repaired and fitted up the dwelling for their new minister to live in, who resides thereon since. He put the fences in good condition to save the winter grain for the benefit of the said negroes, who got the grain next harvest. But in return said Gideon sued them for trespass, which occasioned the trial in September court 1 770, when those of the congregation who done that act were obliged to pay a small fine, with a considerable deal of costs. Since this time the said Gideon hath sued them again for damages, that he says, he suf- fered merely by some trivials on rags, which he left lying before in the weather and muddled before his said master's house. His loss can be but very small, but though it be ever so little, yet it may prove probably possible, that the congregation might be sued again and also obliged to pay a considerable deal of costs too, and thereby be obliged to submit to this hero Lord South, if not timely sup- ported. I have further to add that several witnesses were also sued to give evidence in favor of the said negro but they refused to appear. Then before March Court last, I also had a subpoena sent me to attend in favor of the negro, but by reason of my weak state and condition of health, I did not attend nor any other wit- ness, nor did I incline to meddle with it till August last a writ of attachment was served on me and also on the other witnesses, for disobedience or contempt of court, by the high Sheriff himself, so that we have to thank the high Sheriff's generosity and benevolence for it, for not putting us to goal for it, for near a whole month till September court about this affair. A strange instance indeed to observe, that this great Lord South, who was but lately a slave and to whom almost every one of us, at one time or another, out of compassion to him proved to be a benefactor, on his being sup- ported by others, should have obtained so much power as to send six freeholders to gaol at his pleasure. God beware, that the mighty Lord South does not obtain power to treat the members of our honorable Congress in the same manner. This affair disturbed my mind terribly at that time, but we appeared in town on the 6th of September last, as the day appointed by the high Sheriff. Wm. Lewis and Fisher are the two lawyers i88 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge on the negro case. Mr. Lewis examined us, but found my testi- mony not to be that told him, but told us the case could not be tried now, but was put off. Andrew Maurer, who had been sued for said damages and thereby obliged to stand foremost on the congregation's part, did not take a lawyer till September court last, when he emploj'ed Andrew Allen to act on their behalf. The trial was to be had on the 8th of January, now past, when I was obliged to go to town again, at the request of Mr. Allen, for Mr. Lewis had acquitted me in September court, since I could not give my evidence in favor of the said negro-man's cause before September last. I had not been in town for the space of five years together, chiefly by reason of my weak condition of health. When on calling at Mr. Allen's he informed us that we should have some deed or agreement or writings to show that the owners of the land had either sold or at least promised the same to the congregation, in order to show it as their title to the land at court, without which he could not consent to let the trial go on. This was the reason that we called at j'our house three times on the same morning, the 8th of January past, in order if possible to obtain such writings. But by reason of your indisposition, we were prevented to speak to you about it, or to inform you of the importance of it, so that Mr. Allen thought it suitable to remove the cause to the Supreme Court, but we find that Mr. Lewis bound over his witnesses to appear again on the 9. March next, as at the next close of the Common Pleas Court. So I have now thought necessary to inform you of the circum- stances of this affair, in order that j'ou may observe how trouble- some the negroman hath already been to the said congregation who always have been and are yet ready to agree with you about the land and pay for it and have been long soliciting for it. For I conclude from the examination made on me by Mr. Lewis, that they intend yet to lay claim on the improvements, to which I think by no means that the negro can have a right, since whatever he did thereon, while a slave, they had the full use thereof, during their stay thereon ; and I don't doubt, if you can spare time as to con- sider the matter all over again, you will be of the same opinion. Second Letter of David Schidtz 189 I am sorry to trouble you with this long detail, but I should think it a defect, if I should not do, what is possible in behalf of the congregation. Well what we most humbly desire of you, Sir, to be done is this: That you would be pleased to make an agreement with some of the members of the said congregation and put the same in writing, for the said tract of 42 acres and allowance with . . . per land. I have made a new draught for the same to them, or if a deed could be made out now to the congregation, it will be found the better, before the time of the trial comes. Then we suppose all the vexations of the negro fellow and his supporters against the said congregation would terminate and be at an end. We think in these turbulent times we have and yet may expect trouble and calamity enough already. We shall ever remain, dear Sir, your most affectionate and hum- ble servant. D. SCHULTZE. By some boastings dropt by said Gideon, it seems that his lawyers intend to scruple the validity of our title in general to the land at court. All to Daniel Rundle, the 3rd February 1776, sent Febr. 6th pr. Andrew Maurer. [VIII. Letter of David Schultze, Esq., to Andrew Allen, Esq., February 3, 1776. Printed in the Daily Norris- toii-n Register, March 6, 1883.] To Andrew Allen, Esquire! 1776. February 3rd. Sir! About the affair of the bearer hereof, Andrew Maurer, I have to inform you at first, since we could not speak to Mr. Daniel Rundle, when in town, by reason of his indisposition, who is one of the three parties or owners to the land in question, so I have now wrote a letter to him of the affair very circumstantially, and alleged the necessity to get either a deed for the premises if possible or at least an agreement signed from under their hands. ipo History of the Goshenhoppen Charge I also wrote another letter to Thomas Pugh, who is executor for the last deceased Thos. Tresse, Junior, another of the said partners to the land. I spoke to him about it when in town, who promised to do all in his power in favor of the congregation, as to John Margotroyd, as the third partner. We could not learn where he lives now. What Mr. Rundle's answer will be I cannot know. One diffi- culty may perhaps obstruct the affair, for those three parties have been at variance with each other for many years past, and not yet settled, which hath been the chief reason, that no deed could be got out ever since the dec'd of old James Margotroyd — otherwise this land would have been long ago paid for. If our proposal for a particular agreement should not succeed, we have yet in reserve the general agreement, made with Parsons, Ross and Greenway, in April 1749, which on certain conditions includes the whole tract of 13,000 acres, signed by their own and many of our hands. Though it may not suit so well now, than if a new particular one can be obtained. We have further to mention, when on our return to town, we met the other three witnesses, that they then informed us, that on that afternoon Mr. Lewis had bound them over by recognizance in Mr. Biddle's offices, to appear and attend again on the 9th of March next, as at the close of the next Court of Common Pleas, as if the cause was then to be tried. Though as we understand from j-ou, that the cause was removed to the Supreme Court, which we should like much better, in order to gain more time, for we cannot know what difficulty we may find or what time will be required to obtain what is required. Now if you could prevail on Mr. Lewis, to send a written order to his three witnesses, Jacob Miller, Jacob Wissler and Ulrich Graber, not to attend on the said 9th of March next. Then they will stay at home, otherwise they will certainly attend for fear of falling into the same unwelcome disgrace as in August last. For what reasons Mr. Lewis hath, that he then acted in this manner we cannot know, if to increase the costs or for some other advantage? Second Letter of David Schultz 191 So we humbly desire that you would be pleased to rectify this affair. By some boasting words, dropt by that negroman, as I was told of when in town, I suspect that his lawyers intend to dispute the validity of our title in general to these lands, which I think is a matter of no concern at all to them, we had trouble enough in former times already, until the cause was decided by the Supreme Court, anno 1754 in favor of Parsons, Ross and Greenway. I could make out a large description of the whole, but I should now think it unnecessary, see paper No. 2. It is strange to observe that these gentlemen Fisher and Lewis and their supporters, of whom Mr. Israel Pemberton is looked upon as their chief, under the applauded pretext by assisting the needy and oppressed, by their endeavors are doing a considerable injury to a large number of people, especially at a time, when the utmost necessity requires it for every one to be as cautious as pos- sible to avoid contentions nor to give offence to any. I observed to you formerly, that I suspect those lawyers will perhaps lay claim again to that improvement, which if they do, it will seem so much the more strange, if they take for their founda- tion the foolish fancy of that old Irish low Dutch woman. I look upon them as gentlemen, who would proceed on good reasonings. They forget themselves so far, while under a laudable pretext, they are putting numbers to loss and unnecessary charges. This small tract of land will cost the people dear enough besides. The whole affair about the estate of that deceased minister hath to my opinion not been transacted according to law, nor agreeable to his will, nor even (if I dare say) to equity, for agreeable to the law, will and equity, the half of his relict estate should have been transmitted to Germany to his relations, to his brother eldest son, which hath not been done. There is a strong supposition that the minister had a good purse in ready cash, which was concealed at the appraisement by his widow and afterwards by the negroes, for she paid almost no debts contracted by his negroes during the four years she outlived her husband. Christian Schneider was after his death obliged to pay 192 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge above a hundred pounds debts and costs, if he has been repaid, I did not inquire. It must be true, since that can be proved by living witnesses, thus running the estate so much in debt in so short a time by his negroes while all the produce of the premises were also left him, it will appear, that he was none of the best economists, by the congregation gratis benevolence. Did any of his supporters consider the matter with more delib- eration, or think if any of their deceased tennants negroes should re-enter their premises and claim a right to their works done for their master, while slaves, how they would behave. I hope they would desist from what they are doing. Their own consciences (if any they have) would probably give them better instructions. To Mr. Allen Febr. 3, 1776. CHAPTER VII. The Period of Supplies, 1762-1766. • HEN Mr. Weiss died, the Goshenhoppen churches lost a faithful and able pastor. They struggled along for a few years with supplies, without being able to find a worthy successor. At the Coetus of 1762, held on June 30 and following days at New Hanover, three elders from Old and New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp were admitted and reported that these three congregations would remain inseparably together. They then urgently asked that a minister of the Coetus be given to them in place of their faithful pastor, Do. Weiss, now deceased. And if they might be permitted to name the minister they would choose Do. Otterbein. The Reverend Coetus took this under consideration and promised them to make known the answer through Do. Leydich. After they were dismissed Do. Otterbein refused their request because of trifling reasons. As Otterbein declined to serve Goshenhoppen, Leydich took his place. This is evident from the first entry in the second New Goshenhoppen record book, which reads : Church Record for the Congregation of New Goshenhoppen, from the year in which Rev. Weiss died [1761] [containing the 14 193 194 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge names of] all the children, who from that year to the year 1766 were baptized by me, Jacob Riess, Leyte [Leydich] and Michel and also those of later years. Taking the statement in the Coetus minutes and this en- try in the church record together, the most probable infer- ence is that Mr. Leydich followed Weiss immediately. In view of the willingness of the congregations to apply to the Coetus for a minister, the most natural supposition is that a minister of the Coetus first supplied them after the death of Weiss and that, when he was no longer able to hold them, they drifted into the hands of independent ministers. I. The Ministry of Rev. John Philip Leydich, i762-i763(?). John Philip Leydich was in 1762 pastor of Falkner Swamp and Providence (now St. Luke's at Trappe), Montgomery County, and of Vincent, Chester County. John Philip Leydich was born April 28, 17 15, and bap- tized May 5 of the same year, at Girkhausen, near Berle- burg. In Westphalia. ^^2 He was the son of the Rev. Leonhard Leydich, then pastor at Girkhausen. John Philip Leydich studied for the ministry and In course of time became assistant to his father. In July, 1748, he appeared before the Synod of South Holland, then held at Briel, where he was commissioned for service In Pennsyl- vania. We next meet him In Philadelphia. Schlatter In his Journal states :^^^ "On the 15th of September, 1748, to my exceeding great joy, came to my house, healthy and i"2 The facts about the birth and parentage of the Rev. John Philip Leydich were discovered by Mr. Dotterer, see his various articles in his Historical Notes, pp. 2, 50, 59 f. i"Li7^ of Rev. Schlatter, p. 182. John Philip Leydich in- happy, John Philip Leydich, with his wife and nvo chil- dren. Immedmtely after his arrival Leydich became pastor at Falkner Swamp and Providence. This incSen .s touchmgly described by Mr. Boeh™ in his las 1 «er wmt» on December ., :748,- to the Classis of Am: r„h''°p^,'''f Tt "™ "y ''"'■ ""'' !='"<' brother, the Rev hi call ,t f1 r *" '"" °'- ^^''^'■^'' -'"■"S'>' --Pted h.s call to Falkner Swamp and Providence, as Do. Hochreutner to Lancaster and Do. Bartholon,ie to Tulpehocken. Coe " Ji cZr wT H° '"""" °°- ^^•^'''■^" ^"^ °°- '^""'"'-'•^ ■" *e" charges, wh.ch commission was carried out on October ,6th at Falkner Swamp and on October 23 rd at Tulpehocken. ^■ Leydich was pastor at Falkner Swamp from 1748 to 1765; at Vmcent, Chester County, from 1753 to 1765 1° Coventry, now Brownback's, in Chester Countvfr'om 1769 to 1784; at Upper Milford and Salzburg, i^'Le igh CountMrom ,766 to ,77., and at Pottstown\-om t77o During the first twenty years of his ministry, Mr Ley- dich took a prominent part in the work of the Coetus He preached the opening sermon of the second Coetu ' September .8, 1748, but a few weeks after his arrva .' The s e IS true of the third Coetus, which was opened September 27, 1749, at Lancaster, "with a well arranged "■■ Classical Archives, Pcnnsjivania Portfolio No „ « ,■," j LeIUr, of Boehm, p. 44, f. rorttolio, No. 33. See L.je and 196 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge and edifying sermon by Do, Leydich." He was the presi- dent of Coetus in 1757 and 1760, and acted as its secre- tary in 1753, 1756 and 1768. In 1753 his salary is given as 40 pounds. After the year 1768 he retired to the back- ground. That may have been due to his failing health, for in 1757, 177 1, 1772 and 1776 he is reported as absent because of sickness or infirmity of old age.^'^^ On October 16, 1749, Mr. Leydich purchased one hun- dred and five acres of land in Frederick township, on the banks of the Swamp Creek. This became the family homestead. ^'° He died January 14, 1784, leaving three sons and four daughters. He was buried on Leydig's graveyard, a pri- vate burial place, in part located on land originally pur- chased by him. The inscription on his tombstone reads in an English translation: John Philip Leydich Reformed Minister was born 1715 the 28th of April Died January 14, 1784 Aged 69 Years 2 Tinn. 2: 3. How long Leydich supplied Goshenhoppen cannot be made out with entire certainty, but probably a year, for at the Coetus meeting of May 5 to 6, 1763, Goshenhoppen is referred to as vacant. On May 19, 1763, the Commissioners of the Classis of Amsterdam wrote as follows to the Coetus of Penn- sylvania : 1^5 For other sketches of Mr. Leydich's life see Harbaugh, Fathers of Reformed Church, Vol. II, pp. 24-28; Good, History, pp. 493-496. i'6 Dotterer, Historical Notes, p. 60. Philip Jacob Michael 197 Inasmuch as the congregations of Old and New Goshenhoppen as well as some others desire a minister, we have now a good oppor- tunity to send them a well tried teacher, who has done camp serv- ice with much praise in a Swiss regiment in the service of our country. This gentleman, who has a wife and several children, cannot decide to come over to you unless the congregations which desire his services shall have indicated how much they will be able to raise for his yearly salary and how much they are willing to send over for the traveling expenses of himself and his family; to which we expect a speedy answer. When Coetus informed the Fathers that the sending of traveling expenses to Holland was impossible, the expected minister from Holland did not materialize. 2. The Ministry of Philip Jacob Michael, i763-i764(?). In the opening statement of the New Goshenhoppen record, quoted above, Mr. Michael is placed after Mr. Leydich as the next pastor at Goshenhoppen. This is indirectly confirmed by the minutes of the Coetus of May 2 to 3, 1764, which state: Regarding Goshenhoppen, we mention that it is provisionally supplied with preaching by another minister, until it shall be in a better condition to call a regular pastor. The fact that the name of the minister is not given is rather surprising. Was it because Coetus was employing one who was not one of its members and did not want the Fathers in Holland to know the fact? This question sug- gests itself naturally and an affirmative answer becomes highly probable, because recently another letter has come to light, in which the same state of affairs is said to have prevailed in another congregation. In January, 1773, Simon Dreisbach, a member of the Indian Creek congre- ipS History of the Goshenhoppen Charge gation (now Stone Church in Northampton County) wrote to Rev. John Henry Helffrich about his congrega- tion as follows: A minister was promised us, as soon as one should come in [from Holland]. Meanwhile Rev. Mr. Leydich and Rev. Michael were to supply us until a minister should come in. Each of these con- gregations gave twelve pounds to the said ministers to come to us on a week day, every three weeks, for one year, which was done and our congregation got its share, until several ministers came in [Stapel in 1761 and Weyberg in 1762].^" In view of these facts it is highly probable that the un- named supply of Goshenhoppen in the Coetus minutes of 1764 was Philip Jacob Michael. It was at this same meeting of Coetus that he asked for admission. Although he was an independent Refonned minister, yet he did a useful work, that is well worthy of recognition. When Michael appeared before the Coetus in 1764, he is said to have been 48 years of age, hence he was born in 1716. Rev, Wm. A. Helffrich states in his "History of Some Churches of Lehigh and Berks Counties," " that he was a weaver by trade. "^"^^ A Jacob Michael, and the only person of that name before 1744, qualified in Philadelphia on October 14, 1 73 1, having arrived with the ship Snoiv Lonther, Joseph Fisher, master. We are probably justified in identifying this Jacob Michael with the Reformed minister, Philip Jacob Michael. Inasmuch as in Germany the second i'^" This letter was first quoted by Ben. Trexler in his Skizzen aus dem Lec/ia = Thale, Allentown, 1886, p. 107. More recently it was again brought to light by Rev. John B. Stoudt of Northampton, Pa., and published by him in the Cement Neivs of Siegfried, Pa., January 30-February 13, 1914; also in the Reformed Cfiurc/i Revieiv, April, 1914, pp. 206-218. 178 ^ni. A. Helffrich, Geschichte versc/iiedener Gemeinden in Lecha und Berks Counties, etc., Allentown, 1891, pp. 8, 79. Churches of Michael 199 Christian name serves as call name, the first is usually omitted. Mr. Michael first appears as minister in the year 1744. His first field was Heidelberg, Lehigh County. Rev. Wm. A. Hellfrich says of him in his " History " i^'^ "In the year 1744 a log church was built [at Heidel- berg] and dedicated by Philip J. Michael." On March 28, 1745, he signed a contract drawn up by the Reformed and Lutheran congregations, worshipping in that church. In 1750 we find him present at the dedication of Ziegel church in Lehigh County. On July 6, 1750, he signed a contract drawn by the Reformed and Lutheran members of that church. At the dedication of the church, July 29, 1750, Michael preached the first sermon and was the first pastor of the congregation. In the same year, 1750, the first church building of Jacobs church, in Jacksonville, Lynn township, was erected. Here again Michael officiated at the dedication of the church and was elected as the first pastor of the congre- gation.^^^ Two years later we meet him at Longswamp, in Berks County. Of this Jacob Weimer, the schoolmaster of the congregation, reports in the old church record : After this work [the building of the church] had been com- pleted to the honor of God and for their own salvation, they ac- cepted the honored Mr. Frederick Casimir Miller for the purpose of dedicating this church and accepted him as their preacher, who served them for some time. But when he left them, they looked for another shepherd and accepted the honored Mr. Philip Jacob Michael as their minister. During his and the preceding pastor's mmistry, Fridrich Holwig has acted as cantor and precentor until the present time when this was written. ^'" /-. f., p. 32. ISO/,. C, p. S3. 200 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge The ministry of Michael at Longswamp extended prob- ably from 1752-1753. In 1753 Michael appears in Reading, where he bap- tized a number of Reformed children. Curiously enough the baptisms are entered into the Lutheran record, possibly because the parents became later members of the Lutheran church. The last baptism of Michael at Reading took place on November 10, 1754.^®^ In 1 76 1 Michael dedicated the first church of the Ebe- nezer congregation, also called " Organ Church," in Lynn township, Lehigh County, and acted as its pastor from 1760 to 1770. In 1 76 1 Michael began his ministry also in the Weisen- berg congregation, in Weisenberg township, Lehigh County. He served that congregation until the middle of the seventies, or about 1775.^^^ During the same time, from about 1759 till 1770, he was pastor at Maxatawny, Berks County, now De Long's Church, at Bowers. In October, 1771, the minutes of Coetus report Maxatawny, " formerly served by Do. Michael," as vacant for some time and appealing to Coetus for a minister. In 1764 Mr. Michael appeared before Coetus. The minutes state : Philip Jacob Michael appeared with an earnest petition that he might be admitted as a member of Coetus. His credentials, from far and near show that, according to the rules of our Reformed Church, he has been faithful in doctrine, life and conduct for four- ^81 Daniel Miller, History of the Reformed Church in Reading, Pa., Reading, 1905, p. 12. A sketch of Michael's life is given there by the writer, pp. 13-15. 182 For Michael's work in these two churches see Hclffrich's Gcschichte, PP- 47- 39-41- Michael before Coetus 201 teen years [ 1 750-1 764] and constantly served the same congrega- tions in Maxatawny and therefore, he does not deserve the name of an adventurer or Moravian. He showed that twelve years ago [1752] Mr. Schlatter would not recognize or admit him because of unfounded reasons. Wherefore he would not apply again, although he labored continually in harmony with us.^^^ We can state this all the more readily, because all his congregations are well known to us and we know how he has unweariedly aimed for this end, and even now, in he 48th year of his age, he supplies with the greatest zeal twelve congregations. This earnest request and petition we could not refuse. But since he has not been or- dained, according to the order of our church, we herewith request permission, and proper authority from the Reverend Synods to ordain him. And as several of our number have heard him preach, and in his ministrations all is clearly in accordance with the Re- formed church-order in doctrine and life, we expect that our re- quest will not be in vain, so that we may thus be strengthened, by bringing under our control the congregations which he is serving, and comply with his reasonable request. We would not put our pen to this were we not convinced that it would be of advantage to us, and of greater profit to his congregations. We expect at tlie earliest opportunity a favorable reply from the Reverend Synods. In spite of this earnest plea the Holland Fathers re- fused to consent to his ordination in Pennsylvania, but demanded that he should come to Holland. That was of course impossible. Hence he did not press his request. The minutes of 1765 state: We shall leave Mr. Michael to himself, and say nothing further about him, because the Reverend Fathers seem much disinclined to grant our request, and he being aged does not press his case, and his congregations are satisfied with him without ordination. issTjjjs statement supports our contention, p. 198, that Coetus appointed Michael to supply Goshenhoppen in 1764. 202 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge In 1769 Michael founded the Lowhill congregation, in Lehigh County. On September 3, 1769, the first church was dedicated by him and he served as pastor of this con- gregation from 1769 to 1772.^^^ In the same year he also founded Michael's Church (named after him) in Upper Berne township, Berks County. When the War of the Revolution broke out Michael resigned his churches. On May 17, 1777, he was ap- pointed as chaplain of the first battalion of the Berks County militia. ^^^ After the war he again entered upon his duties as pastor at Longswamp. There he had served a second pastorate from 1762 to 1774. His last baptism was on October ^3) 1774- A third pastorate began there in January, 178 1, and ended sometime in 1785. A baptism on De- cember 25, 1785, was probably performed by Heinrich Hertzel, his successor. His will is dated May 6, 1786, and was probated at Reading, June 17, 1786.^^® Between these two dates he must have died. His will shows that he was the owner of 94 acres of land, situated partly in Rockland and partly in Longswamp township. He left to survive him a widow and five children. The last will and testament of Mr. Michael is an in- teresting document, which deserves preservation. It reads as follows: "< Helffrich, Geschichte, p. 43. ^^^ Pennsyl'vania Archives, 2d Series, Vol. XIV^, p. 257. The name given there is Jacob Michael, but that is in perfect harmony with German custom, which uses the second Christian name as a call name, dropping the first entirely. ^^^ Pennsylvania German, Vol. VIII, p. 191. Last mil of Michael 203 Last Will and Testament of the Rev. Philip Jacob Michael, May 6, 1786. (Register of Wills Office, Reading, Pa.) In the name of God, Amen. I, Philip Jacob Michael, of Rock- land township, m the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania Minister of the Gospel, Being of an old age and weak and sick in Body, but of a Good and Sound mind, memory and understanding Thanks be to Almighty God, and Calling in mind the Mortality of my Body, I being willing to make this my Last Will and Testa- ment, In manner and form following: First of all, I recommend my Immortal Soul into the Hands of Almighty God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Precious Lord and Saviour, and my Body to be Buried in a Christian like decent manner, at the Direction of my Dear Wife Sara. It is my will and I do Order that my said Dear Wife Sara shall hold and Enjoy free and Clear Dwelling abode in my Present Dwelling house, undisturbed and unmolested During her Natural Life, if she remains a Widow, and also such Proper Pieces of Ground and of the Garden as she will Properly want to and for her use near the said dwelling abode. And so much of my mova- ble Estate as will be Necessary to and for her use in housekeeping and so much Income of my Estate that will Properly be sufficient to and for her Livelihood, support and maintenance during her natural life, if she remains a Widow aforesaid, But in case she should Marry again, all aforementioned shall be disallowed unto her and she shall then receive nothing out of my Estate. It is my will that all my Messuages or Tenements and Lands I hold and possess, situate Partly in Rockland and Part in Longswamp Township, in the County of Berks aforesaid, Consisting in two Parts Containing in the Whole Ninety-four Acres of Land, or there- abouts, be the same more or less, Shall after mv decease within the time of one Year, be appraised by three honest, reputable free- holders at a Reasonable rate and value thereof, and such Proper 204 History of the Goshenhoppeu Charge Terms as may seem meet, having Regard to such Reservations for my Dear Wife aforesaid, And it is my -wiW That then my oldest son John Michael shall have the first Choice to hold and Enjoy for him, his Heirs and Assigns forever my said Real-Estate, with all and every the appurtenances, at and for said sum, as the same will be appraised aforesaid. And in Case he should not except [ !] thereof, then It is my will that my son Moses Michael shall have the next choice for him, his Heirs and assigns forever as aforesaid. And in case he would not except thereof, then it is my Will that it shall come to the choice of my son Philip ^lichael, to have and to hold the same unto him, his Heirs and Assigns forever as afore- said. Provided that such of my said three Sons aforenamed, who shall or will hold my said Real Estate as aforesaid, shall out of such appraised valuation Pay all my just Debts and then the Re- mainder sum It is my will shall be equally divided to and among all my Children, to wit, John Michael, Moses Michael, Philip Michael, William Michael, And Sara Michael, share and share alike. Item. It is my will that such of my Sons aforesaid as will hold my Real Estate aforesaid, Shall also hold my Wagon, Horses & Mares, with the Geers, Ploughs and Harrows and the Stock of Horned Cattle by the Appraisement, if he Chooses, and It is my will that my said five children shall have due regard for their said Mother, after my decease, and for her Livelihood, Support and Maintenance as herein aforesaid, And I give and Bequeath unto them my said five above named Children (observing my directions aforesaid) Equal shares and Portions, Share and Share alike of my whole Estate, And I do hereby ordain. Constitute and appoint my Trusty Friend Paul Grosscup, Esq. to be the Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills and testaments by me made. Hereby Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Tes- tament. In Witness Whereof I, the said Philip Jacob Michael, have Philip Jacob Michael (seal) Jacob Riess 205 orouT LoTd O ""rf ^"'/f ^'^ ^'^^' ''' '' ^^^' I" ^h^ Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Efghty-sfx. Signed, sealed pronounced and ^ declared by the said testator as his | last will and testament in the pres- ence of us, who at his request have hereunto set our names as witnesses to the same. Henry Hoffman George Bower Register of Wills Office, Reading, Berks County, June 17, 1786. Personally appeared Henry Hoffman & George Bower witnesses to the above written will and upon their oaths did severally Depose and say that they were present and did see and Hear Philip Jacob Michael, the Testator therein named, sign seal pronounce, Pub- lish and Declare the above Writing to be his Last Will and Testa- ment, and that at the time of Doing thereof, he was of sound mind memory and understanding, as they verily believe, and further that the names of said Deponents by them respectively subscribed there- unto as Witnesses, are each of his own handwriting, done in the presence of each other at the request and in the presence of the said 1 estator. ^"'^"^ "'^ Henry Christ, Register. His ministry at Goshenhoppen probably did not last longer than a year. In 1765 a new minister had come into the diarge. 3. Ministry of Jacob Riess, 1765-1766. The next minister of Goshenhoppen is introduced to us by the Coetus mmutes of May 8 to 9, 1765. Here we read : Goshenhoppen, about which j-our Reverences inquire, has taken an old, ordinary man, a shoemaker [Jacob Riess] for their mimV 2o6 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge ter, because we could not provide the members with some one to their satisfaction. Not much is known about Jacob Riess. It Is probable that he is identical with Johan Jacob Riess, who on Sep- tember 24, 1742, qualified at Philadelphia. We first find Riess as minister at Tohickon. There he opened the first church record in 1749 : Church Record for the Reformed Congregation on the Tohickon in Bedminster township, in which I have recorded those children which I, Jacob Riess, have baptized as Reformed preacher from the year 1749. The first baptism was entered by him on August 27, 1749, the last on March 28, 1756. At Indian Field, Bucks County, Jacob Riess opened the first record on June 3, 1753. The first baptism recorded by him took place on July 14, 1754. From that date till August II, 1766, he entered nearly 250 baptisms Into the Indian Field record. At Springfield, Bucks County, Jacob Riess opened the church record on August 24, 1760. From that date till December 18, 1763, he entered forty-seven baptisms into that record. At New Goshenhoppen Riess began the second record book, but the exact time cannot be determined. The bap- tisms are entered by families and he evidently made it a point to enter all the children of the families in which he performed any baptisms. Thus of the Cunius family he probably baptized himself only the last child, bom on October 7, 1765. The children born before July, 1761, were baptized by Mr. Weiss. Some of them are actually found in the first volume. His last baptism at New Gosh- Riess at Goshenhoppen 207 enhoppen was that of two negroes, father and son, brought to baptism by Thomas Mabry on January 26, 1766. The elders at New Goshenhoppen during the ministry of Mr. Riess were Johann Ehrhart Weiss and Michael Moll, the deacons Ulrich Greber and Peter Hillegas. At Old Goshenhoppen the oldest record book, now in possession of the congregation, was also begun by Mr. Riess. Here again earlier baptisms were entered by him. The first baptism which he himself may have performed is dated June 5, 1764, although the baptism which is actually placed first took place on January 22, 1765. The elders during his ministry at Old Goshenhoppen were Jacob Hauck and Johannes Goetz, the deacons Isaac Sumne and Andreas Ohl. It may be that David Schultz had this minister in mind when he wrote, on February 3, 1776, to Daniel Rundle: Anno 1 761 in August, their said minister, Geo. Michael Weiss died, and though the said congregation got another in his stead, yet out of compassion to the deceased's widow, allowed her to live on the land with her negro family, and left her the full use thereof without demanding a penny rent of her for it. They rented another house for their new accepted minister to live in, until the year 1765, June 2nd, the said relict widow Anna Weiss, died also, having no children, only her said negro family, he died without a will, but she made a will, whereupon she gave all her estate to the said negro family and also her right to the improvements, if any she had.^®^ The last baptism by Jacob Riess at Old Goshenhoppen took place on March 15, 1766. After that he disap- peared. His tomb is in the graveyard adjoining the To- hickon church. His tombstone bears the following in- scription : 1ST ggg above, p. i86. 2o8 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Jacob Riess Gewesener Reformirter Predlger Geboren den lo. April 1706. Gestorben den 23. December 1774. The minutes of the Coetus, held September 3 to 4, 1766, at Reading, inform us that Old and New Goshenhoppen, as well as Great Swamp have dis- missed their shoemaker, Ries by name. They earnestly request that we provide them with a minister. Resolved that they be taken under the care of Coetus, and that they shall have one of the first new ministers. At Great Swamp Riess has left no traces, but the above extract shows that he preached there as well as In the two Goshenhoppen churches. But while at Goshenhoppen Riess was preceded by Michael and Leydich, this does not seem to have been the case at Great Swamp. Tradition as well as direct evidence point to another pastor at Great Swamp, filling out the interval between the death of Weiss and the coming of Riess into the field. It was the Rev. John Rudolph Kittweiler. 4. Ministry of John Rudolph Kittweiler at Great Swamp, i 762-1 764. On September 28, 1749, Hans Rudolph Kittweiler ap- pears as one of 242 immigrants, brought to Philadelphia in the ship Ann, John Spurrier, master. The immigrants are described as " foreigners from Basel, Wirtemberg, Zweibriicken and Darmstadt. "^^^ Kittweiler belonged to the first group, for later he was known in his congregations as the " Schweitzer Pfarrer." According to recent investigations, carried on at the ^ss Rupp, Thirty Thousand Names, p. 214. John Rudolph Kittweiler 209 vVe Ir wTh f"^ "i^T'''' "J"''^"" ^'"'o'f Kind- 7r , K™ 7 '^'"''"^'" '^ ""= °"^ ~"""°"Iy used at Basel) was born (or perhaps baptized, which took place at the latest eight days after birth) on May 26, 17 16 at Basel, as son of Hans Jacob Kindweiler and his w-ife Catherine, nee Sporlin. This baptism, together with that othetF? ;:'''""' " '"''"'' '"'^ "^^ church record ot the it. Jilizabeth congregation in Basel. ., I-*"/' '■' "» '"'^^"" that Hans Rudolph Kindweiler studied m the University of Basel or was an ordained min- ister in Basel, as is stated by Rev. William A. Helffrich "» i-rom documents in the state archives at Basel it appears that in the year 1749 three hundred persons emigrated to Pennsylvania from villages, then belonging to the terri- t7 t , T.°^ ^'''- "^^' ""' °f -'^h emigrations from Basel had taken place in 1738. When the new movement began in .749, the government wanted to know what induced the people to leave. They gave poverty as the reason of their desire to leave for Pennsylvania Ihe name Kmdweiler does not appear in the lists of emigrants at Basel, probably because he was a free citizen ot basel. But when they arrived in Philadelphia, we find him as one of a company of Swiss emigrants. Mr. Kindweiler (or Kittweiler as he was known in Pennsylvania) appears first as pastor of the Weisenber^ congregation in the northwestern comer of Weisenberg township, Lehigh County, where he organized the congret gation and was present at the dedication of the first church ■•'The following facts were communica.ed la the writer by Mr Fr ^^^ Helffrich, Geschichte, p. 26. 15 2IO History of the Goshenhoppen Charge in 1754. Rev. Wm. Helffrich gives the following account of these events in his "History":'*^ The organization of the congregation took place about the j'ear 1747. Divine services were held in private houses as elsewhere. From 1749 that was done by Rev. Kitenweiler, who was known as the " Swiss Preacher " and resided within the congregation. John Holben is named as an elder of the congregation at that time. The building of the first church took place in June 1754. The church was, as everywhere else at that time, a log church ; but it was built better than others. ... As the Rev. Daniel Schumacher testifies, the church was dedicated by Rudolph Kitweiler and Jacob Frederick Schertlein, the first pastors of the congregation. . . . Both preachers, Kitweiler and Schertlein, were ordained ministers. He was pastor of the Weisenberg church till about 176 1, when he was succeeded by Philip Jacob Michael. Kittweiler also appears at Longswamp. The church record there informs us that " when the above mentioned preacher [Michael] had made his farewell, they accepted, about the middle of May, 1754, Mr. Rudolph Kiden- weiler, who preached 7 ^ years to the congregation. When he could not gain his purpose, he left the congre- gation defiantly." That must have been about the close of the year 1760. In 1759 Kittweiler was present at the dedication of the Eastern Salisbury Church, also called " Die Morgenland Kirche," Lehigh County. The Rev. Daniel Schumacher, first Lutheran pastor of the congregation, has preserved the following record of it in the old Lutheran church book:^»2 191 L. c, p. 39. ^^^ Hallesclie Nachr'ichten, new ed., Vol. I, p. 593; and '' History of the Jerusalem Church. Eastern Salisbury," in Proceedings of the Lehigh County Historical Society, Vol. II (1910), p. 72. Tombstone of Kittzveilej- 211 The Christian Evangelical Lutherans and Reformed, both ad- hering to the Protestant religion, have together erected a church in Salzburg township in Northampton County, in the year of the Lord 1759. This church was built after the Indians had again ceased to burn and kill in this neighborhood, and by poor people only, who were, however, assisted by their brethren with small contributions. The first preacher on the part of the Reformed congregation, at the dedication of this new church, was the Rev. Rudolph Kid- weiler, popularly known as the Swiss preacher. How long Kittweiler served this congregation is not known. The time when Kittweiler came to Great Swamp cannot be determined definitely, but it was probably some time after the death of Weiss, that is, about the year 1762. The evidence of his presence at Great Swamp consists of an entry in the Great Swamp account book and of his tombstone in the graveyard near the church. The inscrip- tion on the tomb reads as follows : HIER LIEGT BEGRABEN DER GEWESENE REFORMIRTE PREDIGER JOHANN RUDOLPH KITWEILER SEIN ALTER WAR 47 JAHR 9 MONAT 1ST GEBOREN DEN 2 JANUAR 1717 GESTORBEN DEN 2 OCTOBER 1 764. The entry in the account book, made March 31, 1766, states : Of the above mentioned money of Ulrich Spinner there was paid to the wife [widow] of Rev, Rudolph Gittenweiler £1.0.6. It is probable that during the pastorate of Kittweiler the Great Swamp Church secured a deed for its land. Although printed before, this document is important enough to be given a place here. It reads as follows :'^^ 193 First printed in Dr. Weiser's Monograph, pp. 42-4.6. 212 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Patent of Great Swamp Church Land, December i6, 1762. Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esquires, true and absolute Proprietors and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsyl- vania and Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, To all, unto whom these Presents shall come. Greeting: Whereas in pursuance of Warrants under seal of our Land Office, dated the twenty third day of May, one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight, there was surveyed on the twenty seventh day of September, following, unto Michael and Joseph Everhart a certain Tract of Land situate in Upper Milford Township, form.erly in the County of Bucks, now Northampton, Beginning at a marked white oak, a corner of the said Michael and Joseph Everhard's Lands, thence by Land of Bartle Hornberier South- West one hundred and thirty perches to a post, Thence by Land of Lawrence Erb North West one hundred and forty eight perches to a post, thence by Land of Felix Brunner North-East one hundred and thirty perches to a stone in a line of the said Joseph Everhard's Land, thence by the same South-East one hundred and forty-eight perches to the place of Beginning, containing one hundred and thirteen acres and sev- enty perches and the usual allowance of six Acres per cent for Roads and Highways, as in and by the said Warrant and Survey remaining in the Surveyor General's Office and from thence certi- fied into our Secretarj^'s Office more fully appears, And Whereas the said Warrant was granted and the said Tract surveyed thereon at the instance and request and by the direction and at the proper cost and charges of the Minister, Elders and Congregation of the reformed Calvinist Society settled in Upper Milford aforesaid and adjacent Township of Lower Milford, who have now humbly be- sought us to grant unto the said Michael Everhard and to Joseph Everhard, the son of the said first Joseph Everhard, who is since lately deceased, in Fee the said described Tract of Land in Trust for the Minister, Elders and Congregation for the time being of the said reformed Calvinist and their Successors settled and to be settled from time to time in the said Two several Townships of Upper and Lower Milford the said congregation having now Patent of Great Swamp Land 213 erected on the said Tract a Church and School House for the use of them and their successors. And we favoring their request. Now know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of seventeen pounds eleven shillings and seven pence lawful money of Pennsyl- vania to our use paid being the money of the said congregation by the said Michael Everhard and Joseph Everhard their heirs and assigns, the Receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the Michael Everhard and Joseph Everhard their heirs and assigns by these Presents and of the yearly Quit Rent hereinafter mentioned and reserved. We have given granted released confirmed and by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors as give grant release and confirm unto the said Michael Everhard and Joseph Everhard their Heirs and Assigns the said one hundred and thirteen acres and seventeen perches of Land as the same as now set forth, bounded and limited as afore- said. With all Mines Minerals Quarries Meadows Marshes Sa- vannahs Swamps Cripples Woods Underwoods Timber and Trees Ways Waters Water Courses Liberties Profits Commodities Ad- vantages Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and lying within the bounds and limits aforesaid. Three full and clear fifth parts of all Royal Mines free from all deductions and Reprisals for digging and refin- ing the same and also one-fifth part of the ore of all other mines delivered at the pitts-mouth only excepted and hereby reserved and also free leave right and liberty to and for the said Michael Ever- hard and Joseph Everhard, their Heirs and Assigns to Hawk Hunt Fish and shoot in and upon the hereby granted Land and Premises or upon any part thereof. To have and to hold the said one hun- dred and thirteen Acres and seventy Perches of Land and Premises hereby granted (except as before excepted) with their appur-' tenances unto the said Michael Everhard and Joseph Everhard" their Heirs and Assigns forever. In trust nevertheless and fo' the use of the Minister Elders and Congregation for the time bein of the said reformed Calvinist Society and their Successors settl and to be settled from time to time in the said two several To\-=*cr's ships of Upper and Lower Milford and to and for no other u? 214 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge purpose whatsoever to be holden of us our Heirs and Successors, Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Tamor in the County of Northampton aforesaid in free and common Socage by Fealty only in lieu of all other services. Yielding axd paying thereof Yearly unto our Heirs and Successors at the Town of Easton in the County aforesaid at or upon the first day of March in ever\" year from the first day of Marsh last one-half Penny sterling for every acre of the same or value thereof in coin current according as the exchange shall then be between our said Province and the City of London to such Person or Persons as shall from time to time be appointed to receive the same and in case of non-payment thereof within ninety daj's next after the same shall become due then it shall and may be lawful for us our Heirs and Successors our and their receiver or receivers unto and upon hereby granted Land and Premises To-Re-enter and the same to hold Possess until the said quit-rent and all arrears thereof together with the charges accruing by means of such non-payment and Re-entry be fully paid and dis- charged. Witness James Hamilton Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the said Province, who by virtue of certain powers and authorities to him for this purpose (inter alia) granted by the said Proprietaries hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Great Seal of the said Province to be hereunto Affixed at Philadelphia this sixteenth day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty two. The Third Year of the Reign of King George the Third over Great Britain. CHAPTER VIIL Ministry of Rev. John Theobald Faber, Sr., 1766-1779. AFTER four years of supplies, the congrega- tions were again provided with a regular pastor in the fall of 1 766. It was the Rev. John Theobald Faber, Sr. He was born February 13, 1739, at Zo- zenheim, south of Bingen, at one time in the l^alatinate, but now in the archduchy of Hesse He ma- triculated at Heidelberg University, February 5, 1760, as student of philosophy and theology. His examination as candidate for the ministry took place at Heidelberg on April 20, 1763. Three years later he left the Palatinate for Holland. At his departure he re- quested and secured the following certificate r^^^ Inasmuch as the Consistory of the Electoral Palatinate has learned with special pleasure that the Palatine Candidate for the Ministry, Faber of Zotzenheim, according to the commission given to h,m, intends to go to America as minister, therefore his petition made to us yesterday, namely that his eventual return to his father- Ml^^tZt '"' '^ ''""' "■"' """' "'^'"°'^' '" ""'' "^^'^"'^ 215 2i6 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge land might not be forbidden to him, is hereby not only granted, but on the contrary in such a case special regard shall be given to his advancement. In w^itness whereof the large seal of the Con- sistory's Chancery and the usual signatures have been affixed. Heidelberg, the 28th of April 1766. Consistory of the Electorate Palatinate J. W. F. Hads, Antz. Seal of the {seal} Reformed Consistory of the Palatinate. On June 27, John Theobald Faber, John George Wltt- ner, another candidate from Bellheim in the Palatinate, and Carolus Lange, a third candidate, from Innsbruck, Tyrol, appeared before the deputies, were examined and received their commissions and 250 fl. each as traveling expenses to America. Their ship left Rotterdam for New York on July 10, 1766. They arrived in Pennsylvania in September, 1766. Shortly after their arrival. Rev. John George Alsentz of Germantown wrote Mr. Faber the following letter:'^' Letter of Alsentz to Faber, September 19, 1766. Germantown, the 19th of September 1766. Very Reverend and much esteemed Sir! * My heart is full of thanks to the faithful Father for His gracious guidance of your Reverence and your happy arrival in our vineyard. My heart rejoices and I congratulate myself because of the help that has reached us, which we so much need. I have ^o-* This letter is now in the library of the Reformed Theological Semi- nary at Lancaster. It was placed at the disposal of the writer, together with a number of other letters from the correspondence of Mr. Faber, through the courtesy of Prof. Geo. W. Richards, D.D. John Theobald Faber, Sr. 217 understood that you preached yesterday in Philadelphia and that you will come up to me next Sunday. I have accordingly informed the Rev. Weyberg that I had announced a communion service and that you might choose a sermon fitting for the occasion. If that letter should have been delayed, I ask you herewith to make note of this. In addition I wish to ask you to notify me whether you prefer to preach in the forenoon or afternoon, so that I may be governed by your choice. This I may tell you in advance that in the morning the church will be best filled, because many people live far away. Hence it is the best service for a strange minister to be heard. Besides I ask you to inform me whether you are a Mr. Faber from Zozenheim and what the names of the other gen- tlemen are, I remain very respectfully Your Reverence's Faithful Brother Jo. Geo. Alsentz. P.S, More orally. Please attribute my brevity to my ill health. Faber reached his charge in October, 1766. On Octo- ber 21, 1766, he performed his first ministerial act, by officiating at a funeral at New Goshenhoppen. He made his home at first with Daniel Hiester. On February 29, 1769, £1.12.10, was paid by the Great Swamp congrega- tion as " house rent for the minister to Daniel Hiester. "^^® This remained the place of his residence probably till he married on August 7, 1770, Barbara Rose, daughter of Erhardt Rose of Reading. After his marriage he moved Into the parsonage, built on the glebe land near the New Goshenhoppen church/" At the Coetus of 1768, held September 8 to 9, 1768, at Easton, Faber reported for the first time the statistics of his congregations. Old Goshenhoppen had then 30 faml- ^^^ According to an entry in the account book of the congregation. ^^^ See letter of Mr. Schultz, printed above, pp. 184-9; ^sp. p. 187. 2i8 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge lies, New Goshenhoppen 90, and Great Swamp also 30 families. He had baptized during the preceding year 60 and confirmed 22. These figures increased only slightly during the next four years. Thus in 1771 he reported 40 families at Old Goshenhoppen, 90 at New Goshenhoppen and 40 at Great Swamp, 63 baptized and 25 confirmed. It is, however, remarkable that in his report of 1773 the sum total of his membership jumps from 170 families in 1772 to 260 in 1773, together with 87 baptized and 36 confirmed. In the last year of his pastorate, 1779, the figures were 270 members in the three congregations, 69 baptisms and 48 confirmed. Complete statistics cannot be given from the Coetus Minutes, as the reports for two years (1774 and 1778) are missing. It may, however, serve a useful purpose to give a sum- mary of his pastoral activity on the basis of the various church records. Into them he entered 764 baptisms, 262 funerals and 127 weddings. The record for the separate congregations stands as follows : At New Goshenhoppen he entered from January, 1767, till October 6, 1779, 312 baptisms; he officiated from Oc- tober 21, 1766, till August 5, 1779, at 126 funerals, and married from March 3, 1767, till September 30, 1779, 56 couples. His first class of catechumens was confirmed on April 17, 1767, his last on April 2, 1779. At Old Goshenhoppen he recorded from November, 1766, till September 24, 1779, 282 baptisms; from De- cember 26, 1766, till October 18, 1778, he held 82 funerals; and from January 20, 1767, till October 5, 1779, he officiated at 52 weddings. At Great Swamp he baptized from November 19, 1766, till October 27, 1779, 170 children; he entered 54 funerals from April 21, 1767, till June 11, 1779, and united in Faber at Goshenhoppen 219 marriage 29 couples from March 5, 1767, till August, 1779. These entries make it plain that Faber's pastorate ex- tended from October, 1766, till October, 1779. Faber was honored by the Coetus in being elected its secretary in 177 1 and its president in 1772. The ability of Faber as a preacher was recognized by other congregations than his own. When the congrega- tion of Lancaster became vacant in 1769 through the re- moval of Mr. Hendel to Tulpehocken, they called Faber. The minutes of 1770 state: "The congregation made an urgent request for an ordained minister and gave a special call to Do. Faber of Goshenhoppen." But since he had many scruples with regard to leaving his congregations he asked for four weeks' time to consider, which was granted him by the Reverend Coetus, and it was at once resolved that he might accept the call without waiting for a further decision of the Coetus. The Coetal letter of that year, written on December 7, 1770, reports that "Faber has concluded to remain at Goshenhoppen." In 1775 Lancaster became again vacant through the re- moval of its pastor, Charles L. Boehm, to Hanover, hence the Lancaster congregation renewed its call to Mr. Faber. At the Coetus held May 10 to 11, 1775, at Lebanon, "two delegates from Lancaster appeared with a written call for Do. J. Th. Faber, who, however, could not decide to leave his congregations." In 1779 the call of the Lancaster congregation was re- newed for the third time and was at last accepted by Faber. Before, however, recounting these final events in the ministry of Faber at Goshenhoppen a few other facts ought to be mentioned. 220 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge In 1773 the Minutes of Coetus state: Trumbauer Congregation, in Bucks County, which was at first served by Do. Gobrecht, and afterwards, from time to time by Do. Faber, asked the Reverend Coetus for Do. Gebhard. Gobrecht was in Bucks County as pastor of the To- hickon charge from 1766 to 1770, hence Faber must have suppHed that congregation from 1770 to 1772, when Mr. Wack became the pastor at Tohickon. A remarkable entry in the Coetus Minutes, connecting Gobrecht with Great Swamp ought to be mentioned. The statistics of 1769 and of 1770 report Gobrecht as serving Tohickon, Indian Field and Great Swamp, while at the same time Faber is reported as the pastor of Great Swamp and, moreover, the Great Swamp church record shows that the baptismal entries of Faber at Great Swamp run without break through 1769 and 1770 as through all the other years from 1766 to 1779. Perhaps the easiest way to get rid of this difficulty is to regard it as a simple mistake of the clerks of Coetus. Such an explanation would seem to be demanded for 1769, where the statistics of Gobrecht and Faber follow each other immediately and where Gobrecht is said to have reported for Great Swamp 30 families, 16 baptisms and i catechumen. Incidentally the same figures are reported by Faber for Great Swamp. Surely there must be a confusion in this case. But what caused the confusion in 1770, if there be one, remains unexplained. The progress of the charge under the care of Mr. Faber is seen in the fact that during his ministry two of the con- gregations built new churches. In 1769 the cornerstone was laid and in 1770 a large new stone church was completed at New Goshenhoppen. — o o CO z < cc UJ C3 I < z < > > CO z z UJ Q. UJ I Q. o X Z UJ I CO O O ^ UJ Z Faber called to Lancaster 221 At Old Goshenhoppen a similar stone church was built in 1772. In the same year a new parsonage seems to have been built at New Goshenhoppen. For in the Old Gosh- enhoppen account book, we find the following entry in 1772: Two and Twenty Pounds and eleven shillings were paid by Christian Hollebusch for the parsonage at New Goshenhoppen to Adam Hillegas and in addition 3 pounds to Abraham Seckler, as per receipt, dated June 7, 1772. Thirteen shillings 6 pence were paid to me by Ulrich Hertzel on account of the building expenses of the parsonage. Weygand Pannebecker. The organist and schoolmaster at Old Goshenhoppen from 1772 to 1778 was Henrich Hemsing, who at first (in 1772) received five, later six pounds as salary for playing the organ. The organist at New Goshenhoppen during this period is unfortunately not known, but the organ has been pre- served and what is more remarkable it is still in use. It is probably the oldest organ in use in the Reformed church. It was put into the second church in 1770 when it was finished. It was built by the well-known organ-builder Tannenhauser of Lititz, Lancaster Co., Pa. In August, 1779, the congregation at Lancaster sent the following call to Mr. Faber :^^^ Call of Lancaster Church to Faber. Lancaster, August 30, 1779. Reverend Sir: — It is without doubt already known to your Rev- erence, that the Rev. Mr. Helffenstein has left our congregation for some time past. In order, therefore, to obtain another pastor, the congregation assembled yesterday in the schoolhouse ; on which 198 Weiser, Monograph, p. 67. 2 22 History of the Goshenhoppeu Charge occasion your Reverence was unanimously elected. If you will, then, have the goodness to visit us and preach for us we will be very thankful. The Consistory, accordingly resolved, with the consent of the congregation, to send the bearer, William Jacob Schaeffer, to wait upon you, and urge upon you our call. Should you consent to preach a trial sermon, on some day of your own choosing, we will then be fully prepared to extend you the proper call. To this end, Mr. William Jacob Schaeffer is authorized to confer with you in detail. Meanwhile we remain your Friends. Done in the name of the Consistory of the German Reformed Church, Lancaster, Nicholas Job William Bush ludwig schell. But the people at Goshenhoppen were not willing to give up their pastor. Hence they framed and forwarded a protest to the Coetus. In it they stated that his charge "unanimously desires to retain him as their pastor; that he is greatly beloved by all, and that he is very useful." They furthermore promised "to give him £225 lawful money, sixty bushels of wheat and rye, the use of the par- sonage, fuel and the hay of a meadow." They expressed the hope that the Reverend Coetus " would grant their de- sire and allow Mr. Faber to remain with them." In spite of this protest, however, Faber left Goshen- hoppen in October, 1779. The Coetus Minutes of 178 1 report: "Mr. Faber has accepted Lancaster. He left Goshenhoppen because they did not give him the neces- sary support which they were sufficiently able to do." This plain statement stands in glaring contrast to the promises of the congregations. Indeed the salary of Fa- ber as reported for 1770 and 1771 was only £65. In 1785 he reported it at £100, while the highest salary any UJ O O CO z < cc UJ C9 I < z < > -I > (0 z z UJ Q. UJ I H 5» < Faber leaves Goshenhoppen 223 minister of the Coetus received in 1785 was £150. We are, therefore, justified in questioning the accuracy of the above translation. If a supposition may be ventured, the writer would suggest it to be a misprint for £75 or perhaps £85. That would be in harmony with general conditions. CHAPTER IX. Ministry of Rev. John William Ingold, 1780-1781. OME time In September, 1780, the following heading was put over a series of baptisms In the Old Goshenhoppen Record: "The following children were baptized by me, Johann Wilhelm Ingold, pastor loci." This heading is followed by fifteen baptismal entries, in the handwriting of Ingold, extending from Sep- tember, 1780, to July 30, 178 1. These entries introduce us to a minister of an entirely different type than his predecessors. On August 4, 1754, "Joh. Wllhelmus Ingoldius " ma- triculated in the University of Heidelberg, as a student of theology, from Simmern, in the Palatinate, at present in the Rhine province, in the " Regierungsbezirk" Koblenz. He was ordained at Heidelberg May 10, 1762. He ap- peared before the Deputies June i, 1774. He produced as his testimonials a letter of recommendation from Hos- pital, consistorial councillor at Heidelberg, dated May 23, 1773. He also had a letter from the German Reformed Church of London, where he had been pastor for four months, dated February 20, 1774. His credentials were found to be sufficient, and he was appointed by the Synod- leal Deputies. On June 9, 1774, a letter of introduction to the Coetus of Pennsylvania was given to him and 150 fl. 224 John William In gold 225 as traveling expenses. Shortly afterwards he left for Pennsylvania, where he arrived in the fall of that year. He had a very checkered career. From 1775 to 1790 he is mentioned in the Minutes of Coetus, serving in these fifteen years no less than seven different charges. His whole ministry was filled with quarrels. He paid no re- gard either to the resolutions of the Coetus or the wishes of his congregations. Hence he was constantly in diffi- culty. The verdict of Coetus on his ministry is expressed in these words: "Rev. Ingold during his stay with us has not conducted himself to the satisfaction of his brethren. "199 Shortly after his arrival he took Witpen and Worcester in Montgomery County. At Witpen (now Boehm's Church at Blue Bell) his baptismal entries begin Novem- ber 7, 1774, and end May 25, 1775. At Worcester (now Wentz's Church) a receipt for salary shows that his min- istry there began on November 10, 1774. It lasted for one year. At the end of that time the people were unwill- ing to continue paying him £75 as salary. At the close of the year the congregations offered a smaller sum, and said if he should not be satisfied with this they would close the church against him. Thereupon Mr. Ingold preached no longer for them, but continued to live in the parsonage until he no longer dared to remain there. He then moved to another house in the neighborhood, where he wholly consumed the gathered crumbs. His brethren were sorry for him, gave him oral and written advice, and helped him to Saucon. But here again he left immediately and went to Easton, hoping to draw the united congregation to him,i9»^ In Easton his baptismal entries begin on July 7, 1776, '^^^ Minutes of Coetus, p. 373. ^^^^ Minutes of Coetus, p. 373. 16 2 26 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge and continue from that date uninterruptedly till March 17, 1786. It was thus while pastor at Easton that the Goshenhoppen charge became vacant and was entered by him. The Minutes of 178 i continue the story: Easton being a small congregation and unable to support him, and he in addition losing the love of the people, and finally even being persecuted, tried to gain the favor of Goshenhoppen. He offered to take only as much salary as their kindness and free-will would give. The result was that two small congregations [Old Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp] allowed him to preach in their churches; but the strongest congregation, New Goshenhoppen, pro- tested against this, and many persons also in the two smaller con- gregations did not want to have anything to do with him, until he should be accepted by the three united congregations as their min- ister. Nevertheless, Ingold settled among these congregations on his own account. Hence there arose the greatest confusion among them which a committee of Coetus tried to settle. But Ingold opposed and frustrated the attempt of his brethren. When all these actions of this man were placed before Coetus, the following resolution was adopted : a. That the three united congregations shall meet for the elec- tion of a minister. Mr. Ingold may be a candidate in this election, if the congregations so agree. b. That this action be recommended, in writing, to the congre- gations and Mr. Ingold likewise be advised to help in bringing about this election ; otherwise the Coetus will be compelled to take extreme steps in his case. When Coetus met again on May i, 1782, at Reading, they report: Mr. Ingold, who was not present at the Reverend Coetus, having left the congregations in Goshenhoppen half a year ago, informed the Reverend Coetus by a letter presented by an elder, that he had begun to serve the congregations Easton, Dryland and Greenwich. The Reverend Coetus was obliged to approve of this action, because Ingold at Goshenhoppen 227 for several years ft has been thought advisable to allow all vacant congregations to call a minister of the Coetus according to their pleasure; even as a minister is also at liberty to accept such con- gregations at pleasure. This entry shows that Ingold left Goshenhoppen about November, 1781, probably because the election was unfa- vorable to him. The activity of Ingold in the Goshenhoppen charge can only be traced at Old Goshenhoppen. Besides the bap- tisms, to which reference has already been made, he en- tered a class of catechumens (22 boys and 19 girls) into the record on April 21, 178 1. Besides, he signed the ac- count of the treasurer on May 18, 178 1, with A. M. Ache, the schoolmaster. At Great Swamp different hands entered eleven baptisms from September 18, 1780, till July 22, 1781. According to the minutes of the Coetus of May, 178 1, Caspar Wack,2oo pastor of Tohickon and Indianfield, was supply- mg the Swamp church. In the minutes of the Coetus of 1782, held May i, 1782, at Reading, we read: The congregations Tohickon, Indianfield and Great Swamp which, by the departure of Mr. Wack, had become vacant, asked' through delegates for another minister. The Reverend Coetus could do nothing but give these congregations liberty to call a mmister. P.T!??u'' ^^''''' "''' '^' '°" °^ J"''" ^^"'■g^ Wack, who arrived at Philadelphia on September 16, 1748. Caspar Wack was born at Phila- delphia August 15, 1752. He was educated by Rev. Caspar Wevberg- icensed by Coetus in 1770; catchist at Lancaster, 1770-71; ordained June, 1772. His first pastorate was at Tohickon and Indianfield. 1772-1782 to which Nacomixon was added in 1773. He was pastor of German Val'lev, Foxh.ll and Rockaway, N. J., 1782-1809; of Germantown and White- marsh. 1809-1821; of Whitemarsh alone 1821-23. He died at Trappe, Montgomery County, July 19, 1839. See Harbaugh, Fathers. Vol. H pp. 173-192; Good, History, pp. 570-72. ' 2 28 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge During this period we find at New Goshenhoppen 17 baptisms recorded from June 18, 1780, till March 12, 1 78 1. Most of these entries are in the handwriting of the Rev. John Henry Helffrich,^"^ then pastor of Maxa- tawny, Heidelberg, Lowhill, Upper Milford, and Salz- burg, all of which, except the first, are located in Lehigh County, He was one of the strong men of Coetus, who did much to uphold order and religion in his own as well as in neighboring congregations. After Ingold left Easton in 1786, he went to Reading. His call to that congregation is dated September 14, 1786. After serving that congregation for a year and a half, which was rich in quarrels, he left it in April, 1788. Coetus does not want to put all the blame on him, but re- marks that "a repulsive conduct is likely to bring about such consequences." From there he went to Indianfield, Tohickon and Trumbauers. At Indianfield his baptismal entries run from June 19, 1788, till November i, 1789. While pastor there, he lost his wife. He himself made the following entry in the Indianfield record: "March 29 [1789], Mrs. Catharine Barbara Ingold, wife of the pastor died, aged 40 years, 6 months, 3 weeks and 4 days." At the meeting of Coetus held in June, 1790, he is reported as having been " rejected by his con- gregations." After that his name appears only once more in the official records of the church. It was to make his 201 John Henry Helfrich was born at Mosbach in the Palatinate, October 22, 1739. He matriculated at Heidelberg University, February 2, 1758. He was ordained in September, 1761; became assistant pastor to his father at Sinsheim and Rohrbach; was then vicar at Reyen, Kirchhard and Stein- furth ; was commissioned for Pennsylvania July, 1771; arrived at New York January 14, 1772. He was pastor of the Maxatawny charge all his life, 1772-1810, which consisted among others of Lowhill, Heidelberg, Kutztown, etc. He died December 5, i8io. See Heiffrich, Geschichte, pp. 73-86; Harbaugh, Fathers, Vol. II, pp. 240-251. Ingold leaves Church 229 separation from the church complete and final. In 1801 Synod notified him that by his continued absence he had excluded himself from the church. His name was there- fore dropped.^*^^ 202 For sketches of Ingold's life see Harbaugh, Fathers, Vol. II, p. 399 f.; Good, History, pp. 561-563; Miller, History of the Reformed ' Church in Reading, pp. 86-90. CHAPTER X. Ministry of Rev. Frederick Delliker, 1782-1784. AT the same meeting of Coetus, at which the departure of Ingold from Goshenhoppen was announced, we also find the announce- ment of the arrival of a new pastor. Mr. Daelliker informed Coetus why he had left his former field in New Jersey, including the congrega- tions Rockaway, Valley, Foxhill, and a few months ago, accepted a call from the congregations of Goshenhoppen. Frederick Delliker (or Dalliker) was descended from an old Zurich family. They became citizens in Zurich, 1376. During the seventeenth century there were at least three ministers in the family. The coat of arms of the family showed a man with two burning candles in his hands. This design was based on the name of the family which was originally " Talliker," meaning the " candle maker" (cf. the German Talg and the English tallow). These facts, taken from the " Lexicon Geographicum- Stemmatographicum "-'- ^ in Zurich, dispose entirely of the old tradition that the name of the family was originally 203 In the city library at Zurich, Msc. E. 54; Vol. II, pp. 5-8; cf. also above, p. 97, note 107. 230 Frederick Delliker 231 De la Cour and that he was, therefore, of Huguenot de- scent. The family was rather an old Swiss family and could not possibly have been Huguenot. What actually happened was that Frederick Delliker adopted for a time, while in French services, a French name. Hans Rudolph Dalliker, the father of Frederick Dalli- ker, was a painter and in 1750 became " Oberster Salz- hausdiener," which position was probably equivalent to the manager of the saltworks. His mother was Maria von Brunn of Basel, who married his father on March 23, 1732. She died March 23, 1754, while the father died April 23, 1769, at Schaffhausen. Frederick Delliker was born in 1738, according to the Zurich records. Dr. Harbaugh^^^ gives February 2, 1738, as the date of his birth, but that cannot be correct. His tombstone at Falkner Swamp states that he died Jan- uary 15, 1799, aged 60 years, 10 months and 17 days,^^^ hence the date of birth must have been February 27, 1738. According to the genealogical records in Zurich,' Fred- erick Dalliker was ordained in 1757. In the year follow- ing (1758), he became German "Diakon," or assistant minister in Geneva. In 1760 he became chaplain of the French regiment "Lochmann." It was while he was a French chaplain that he assumed temporarily the name De la Cour. The French name never appears in his later life. In 1766 he left French services. In December, 1766, he arrived at Amsterdam, and on April 17, 1767, he appeared before the Classical Commis- sioners. In May his presence and application for service m Pennsylvania was announced to the Synodical Deputies. He was examined at the Hague, June 25, 1767, signed 20* Harbaugh, Fathers, Vol. II, p. 382. =o=Roth, History of the Falkner Swamp Reformed Church. 1904, p. 37. 232 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge the formula of unity and was given his commission. When he arrived in Pennsylvania in the fall of 1767 (probably October), he was sent to Amwell, New Jersey, now at Ringoes, Hunterdon County, N. J, In 1768 Ger- mantown gave him a call but he declined it and announced that he had determined to serve, in addition to Amwell, Alexandria (Mt, Pleasant), Rockaway (Lebanon), Fox- hill (Fairmount) and German Valley, four new congrega- tions, which asked " to be taken into the fellowship of Coetus." At Rockaway his entries begin in the church record on November 6, 1768.^^^ In 1769 charges were brought against him at Amwell, as a result of which he left Amwell, but continued to serve the other congrega- tions. The statistics of 1769 report him as unmarried, residing at Rockaway, and serving the four congregations mentioned above. Delliker continued as pastor in New Jersey until the spring of 1782, when, through the departure of Ingold from Goshenhoppen, these congregations had become va- cant. In May, 1782, he informed Coetus that he had gone to Goshenhoppen " a few months ago." In entire harmony with this statement we find that his baptismal entries begin at New Goshenhoppen on March 3, 1782, at Great Swamp on March 10, and at Old Goshenhoppen on March 17, 1782. On June 6, 1783, he signed a re- ceipt for salary at Old Goshenhoppen from February i, 1782, to February i, 1783. This fixes the beginning of his ministry definitely as February i, 1782. On May i, 1782, Delliker made the following report of his congre- gations: " 170 families, 33 baptisms, 35 confirmed and 3 schools." This is the first definite evidence in the Coetus Minutes that each of the three congregations had a paro- chial school. 206 Chambers, Early Germans in Neiv Jersey, p. 105 f. Delliker at Goshenhoppen 233 At the meeting of Coetus on May 14, 1783, in Phila- delphia, Delliker is reported as supplying six congrega- tions in New Jersey, part of them his former charge, Rockaway, Valley and Foxhill, also in part Nolton, Hart- wick and Newton. At the same time he made detailed report about the three congregations of which he was the regular pastor. Of New Goshenhoppen he reported 95 families, 37 baptized, 17 confirmed, 2 schools with 48 scholars; of Old Goshenhoppen 45 families, 18 baptized, 8 confirmed, i school with 32 scholars; of Great Swamp 37 families, 12 baptized, 26 confirmed, i school with 31 scholars. Unfortunately we know nothing more of the two schools at New Goshenhoppen. The pastoral activity of Delliker in the Goshenhoppen charge can be summed up as follows: 141 baptisms, 21 funerals and 16 weddings. The record for each of the churches is as follows : At New Goshenhoppen he entered 77 baptisms, begin- ning on March 3, 1782, and ending March 21, 1784. There were 12 funerals from June 5, 1783, to March 11, 1784, and 7 weddings from March 24, 1782, to March 16, 1784. At Old Goshenhoppen he officiated at 30 baptisms from March 17, 1782, to January 18, 1784, at 4 funerals from February 12, 1783, to January 15, 1784, and at 5 wed- dings from August 6, 1782, to May 20, 1783. At Great Swamp he had 34 baptisms from March 10, 1782, till March 18, 1784, 5 funerals from April 17, 1783, and 4 weddings from April 23, 1782, to April i, 1783- From these summaries it is apparent that the pastoral activity of Delliker at Goshenhoppen extended from March, 1782, till March, 1784. During this time he was 234 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge not, as has been commonly reported, the pastor at Falkner Swamp. The ministry of Rev\ Nicholas Pomp came to an end at Falkner Swamp after the meeting of Coetus on May 14, 1783, when he is still reported as pastor of Falk- ner Swamp and Vincent. He did not leave these congre- gations till the fall of 1783 for Baltimore. Pomp's first baptismal entry made in the Baltimore records was on Sep- tember 15, 1783, and he himself states in that record that he preached his installation sermon [Eintrittspredigt] on the first Sunday of September, 1783. In the spring of 1784, Delliker was called to Falkner Swamp to become Pomp's successor. Delliker's first en- try in the Swamp records was made on April 9, 1784. At the Coetus meeting held on May 12, 1784, Delliker is reported as having gone from Goshenhoppen to Falkner Swamp. He remained pastor of Falkner Swamp and Vincent to the end of his life. He died at Falkner Swamp June 15, 1799, and was buried in the Falkner Swamp graveyard.^*'** He was a prominent member of Coetus, as is seen from the fact that he was the secretary of Coetus in 1774, 1783, 1786, 1788, 1789, and its president in 1775, 1787 and 1790. In 1789 he had the honor, as secretary of Coetus, to send a congratulatory address to Washington, on having been elected first president of the United States.^""^ An old man who personally remembered him described him to Dr. Jos. H. Dubbs as " a little, good-humored, red- faced man, with a shock of white hair."-*^^ -08* While pastor at Falkner Swamp Frederick Delliker married Maria Juvenal, October 12, 1786. The marriage is recorded in the church record of the First Reformed Church at Philadelphia (see Pennsylvania Archives, 2d Series, Vol. VIII, p. 663) and also in the Falkner Swamp Record, see Pennsylvania Archives, I. c, p. 603. -<"^ Minutes of Coetus, p. 434. -"^ Dubbs, Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, p. 195. CHAPTER XI. Ministry of Rev. Frederick William Van Der Sloot, I 784-1 786. AT the meeting of Coetus, held May 12, 1784, in Lancaster, "the congregations of Old and New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp re- quest Do. Frederick William Van der Sloot for their pastor. This Van der Sloot was born in Anhalt-Zerbst, and, according to his testimonials, has preached frequently, as candidate of the- ology, in the Cathedral of Berlin. For two and a half years he acted as inspector of the Joachimsthal Gymna- sium. As his other circumstances are the same as those of Do. Wynckhaus, mentioned in the previous article (they were not sent by the Fathers in Holland) , the same action was taken regarding him; that he shall minister to the said congregations until we have ascertained the opinion of the Reverend Fathers." The new minister at Goshenhoppen seemed by descent and training well fitted for his position and work. He was descended from a ministerial family. Both his grandfather as well as his father had been ministers before him. His grandfather, Friederich von der Schloth, was pastor at Barby on the Elbe River, southeast of Magde- 235 236 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge burg.2°^* His father, Friedrlch Heinrlch von der Schlott, was pastor of the Reformed church of Aken, 1725 to 1743, and of St. Nikolai at Zerbst, in the principality of Anhalt-Zerbst, from 1743 to 175 i. While pastor of this church he married Sophia Wilhelmine von Boiler, August 20, 1743. Their only son was Philip Wilhelm Frederick von der Sloot, born in Zerbst, September 27, 1744. Ap- parently later in life he changed his Christian name to Frederick William. He studied for the ministry and be- came pastor of Zornitz, Poetnitz, Scholitz and Nauendorf in the province of Brandenburg. Later he was conrector of the Latin school at Dessau and then for two and a half years Inspector of the Joachimsthal Gymnasium in Berlin. There he married, May 5, 1772, Louisa Henrietta, daughter of the Rev. Prof. Schultz, professor in the same school. According to his great-grandson, ^'^'^ he came to Pennsyl- vania in 1779 or 1780, leaving his wife and family (one son at least) in Germany. His first charge was in Allen township, Northampton County. In April, 1784, he came into the Goshenhoppen charge. At Great Swamp he entered the first baptism on April 18, 1784, at New Goshenhoppen on April 25, 1784, and at Old Goshenhoppen on May 2, 1784. At New Goshen- hoppen he entered 21 baptisms between April 25, 1784, and November 21, 1 784 ; at Old Goshenhoppen 6 baptisms between May 2, 1784, and October 14, 1784, and at Great Swamp 16 baptisms between April 18, 1784, and May 14, 1786. The reason for the sudden termination of his work at 208a xhe antecedents and history of Mr. Van der Sloot have been cleared up by one of his descendants, Lewis Vandersloot, who in 1901 published the History and Gencalof^y of the I'on der Sloot Family, Harrisburg, 1901, pp. 68; see especially pp. 9-17. 209 L. c, p. 16. Frederick JVilliam Van Der Shot, Sr. 237 New and Old Goshenhoppen is furnished by the Coetus Minutes of 1785, which read: As was stated in Art. VI of last year's minutes, Fred. Wm. Van der Sloot preached at Old and New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp. The former two congregations have now locked the churches against him on account of a very disgraceful and unlawful act; but the latter congregation, namely Great Swamp, still allows him to preach. This was the deed. He had left a wife and child in Germany, but married here a single woman. A short time after his marriage it became known through his own statements that he had another wife, whereupon his father-in-law took his daughter back to his home. Then Van der Sloot was locked out by the two Goshenhoppen churches. In corroboration of this statement we find the following entry in the New Goshenhoppen record, made by Van der Sloot himself: June 29, [1784], Rev. Daliker married me, Friedrich Wilhelm Von der Sloot, only son of Friedrich Heinrich Von der Sloot, late minister in Anhalt-Zerbst, Germany to Anna Margaretha Riedt, oldest daughter of Jacob Ried of Hatfield township, Philadelphia County. Judging by the church records, the ministry of Van der Sloot at Great Swamp ended in May, 1786. There was a baptism as late as May 14, and a funeral on April 3, 1786, by Van der Sloot. But it is possible that he was then merely a visitor, for even at the Coetus meeting of April 27 to 28, 1785, Faber reported Tohickon, Indian- field and Great Swamp as the congregations which he was then serving. The actual removal of Faber, however, to the Goshenhoppen field did not take place till the spring of the following year. Van der Sloot meanwhile returned to Northampton County, where he ministered to congregations in Allen, Moore and Lehigh townships. He died there in 1803. CHAPTER XII. Second Ministry of John Theobald Faber, Sr., 1786-1788. E left Faber in 1779 as pastor of the Re- formed Church in Lancaster. He began his work there in November, 1779, but he stayed hardly three years. The city life evidently contrasted unfavorably to his mind with the quiet country life in the Goshenhoppen valley. He became restless and homesick. One evidence of this is that the consistorial minutes were almost entirely neglected during his ministry. He, there- fore, determined to return to the lower counties as soon as possible. In September, 1781, the Indianfield and Tohickon con- gregations in Bucks County became vacant through the removal of Rev. Caspar Wack. Hence Faber accepted a call to that field, only fifteen miles from his former charge. His ministry at Indianfield began on July 14, 1782; at least on that day he entered his first baptism into the In- dianfield record. From that time till April 27, 1786, he recorded 57 baptisms in the Indianfield record. The latter date must have marked approximately the end of his ministry in that field, for in May, 1786, his entries begin in the New Goshenhoppen record. 238 John Theobald Faber, Sr. 239 On May 17 to 18, 1786, the minutes of Coetus report: J. Theobald Faber left Indianfield, Tohickon and Trumbauer's Church and accepted his former congregations of Old Goshenhop- pen, New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp. Apparently he was very happy to get back to his first friends. Dr. Weiser has preserved a tradition^^^ that on the day of his return his parishioners had gathered in the parsonage to welcome him. When nearing the premises, he stood up in a large wagon, and with uncovered head cried out: " Ihr Goschenhoppener! Ich ver- lass euch in meinem Leben nicht mehr. Hier will ich leben und sterhen." The reunion was a happy one and resulted well for pas- tor and people. In 1787 Faber reported of his three con- gregations 230 families, 76 baptized, 93 confirmed and 78 scholars in the schools. The whole record for his second pastorate at Goshenhoppen is as follows: 179 baptisms, 67 burials and 28 weddings. Unfortunately his ministry was not of long duration. His death was sudden and unexpected. The Coetal letter of 1789 gives us a con- temporaneous record of it:^" We have to report that the Lord has taken from us a brother, namely Do. Theobald Faber, late minister in New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp. His departure was unexpected. On Novem- ber 2, 1788, a deathly weakness attacked him while in the pulpit. Having finished half of the sermon, he, with difficulty, repeated the Lord's Prayer, He was then carried from the pulpit and an hour and a half later died in the school-house. It was remarkable that his sermon was on death, for he was just preaching on Jairus' 210 Weiser, Monograph, p. 74. 211 The traditional account given by Dr. Weiser, Monograph, p. 74 f., varies from this statement in several interesting particulars; cf. Minutes of Coetus, p. 431. 240 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge daughter, Matt. IX being the gospel lesson of that day. How dear he was to his people is proved by the fact that, altogether contrary to the custom of this country, they gave him a burial-place under the altar, also that they desired his oldest son for his suc- cessor, if this is at all possible. The elder Weiser placed a memorial tablet over his remains with this inscription : TRiTT leise! HIER RUHET DER EHRW. JOH. THEOB. FABER, EHEMALS GEWESENER PREDIGER DIESER GEMEINDE. GEBOREN DEN I3TEN FEBR. 1739, STARB DEN 2TEN NOV. 1 788. ALTER 49JAHR 8 MO. UND 1 8 T. His funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Blumer, then pastor at Allentown. His text was He- brews 13 : 17. Mr. Faber left behind him a wife and seven children, whom the congregation permitted to remain in the par- sonage for several years. They also aided his oldest son in his studies to become his father's successor. To Dr. C. Z. Weiser, Mr. Faber was described as " a man of small, portly figure, full of vivacity and jovial." His widow married again, a Mr. Christian Sheldt of Sumneytown. She outlived even her second husband and died, 82 years old, In the home of her son-in-law, Dr. Tobias Sellers. ^^^ 21- Weiser, Monograph, p. 75 f. CHAPTER XIII. Ministry of Rev. Nicholas Pomp, 1789-1792. AFTER the death of Mr. Faber the congrega- gations of the Goshenhoppen charge were for more than a year without a regular pas- tor. An entry in the Old Goshenhoppen records throws some light on this period : After the death of the sainted Mr. Faber, when the congrega- tion was without a minister, the following children were baptized, some by Mr. Roller, some by the ministers who visited this congre- gation, and, at the request of the parents, their names were entered by Johann Daniel Jung, schoolmaster. Rev. Conrad Roeller was from 1772 to 1799 the pastor of the Old Goshenhoppen Lutheran congregation. Four baptisms were entered by Mr. Jung from February to No- vember, 1789. In the New Goshenhoppen record the history is con- tinued by the next pastor: After the Rev. J. Theobald Faber had died unexpectedly on November 2, 1788, and the congregation had been without a pastor for more than a year, I, N. [Nicholas] Pomp, was called to serve in his place and commenced my ministry here, in the name of God, 17 241 242 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge in these congregations, in the beginning of the month of December 1789. Dr. Weiser In his " History "^^^ j^^g preserved an inter- esting letter of Mr. Pomp, which reveals his spirit and the conditions under which he entered upon his work in the new field. It reads as follows: Letter of Rev, N. Pomp to the Goshenhof'pen Churches. Baltimore, Md., October 2nd, 1789. To the three united Consistories at Old and Neiv Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp: Since it has seemed good to the Rev. Ministers, Hendel, Del- licker and Helffrich, that I should supply the three congregations of your charge, now without a pastor, I have concluded to lay before [you] certain conditions, without compliance therewith, I could not under any considerations acquiesce in your wish. First: The Widow and Family of the late Pastor Faber, still abiding among you, must not be made to suffer any sacrifice by my coming. The sainted Faber and I were bosom friends, and I can, therefore, rejoice the more over the warm and true regard which the charge has manifested toward his bereaved household, from love to his memory. Secondly: The membership must prove of one mind in the choice of myself as their temporary pastor. I cannot tolerate any dispute to arise, and will not consent to serve, unless the people arc a unit. Thirdly: No definite period of time must be fixed. I shall labor solely for the welfare of the flock, and in the same spirit in which I served at Falconer Swamp. As soon as you determine upon the services of the young Faber, or of any other devoted Pastor, I wish it in my power freely to relinquish the field in his favor. Fourthly: In regard to Parsonage and Salary I shall say nothing, I will leave all that over to yourselves, and agree to be satisfied with what you consider right and just. My family is small — 213 L. c, pp. 77-79. Nicholas Pomp 243 myself and wife. We need no roomy house then. It will not prove a hard task, I think, to find a spot for me to occupy. Fifthly: My removal will not be attended with much trouble and expense, as my goods can be conveyed by water from Balti- more to Philadelphia, and thence by wagons. The Consistories ought to assemble and deliberate over these several points. The matter is very important, and concerns the welfare of many souls, whose interests suffer in consequence of your want of a regular Minister. Consider well and prayerfully. May you be guided in determining on the wisest course. You can forward the result of your deliberations to Pastor Weyberg, who will report to me. I am affectionately yours. N. Pomp. According to Dr. Weiser, the joint consistory met at the parsonage on October 24th, concluded to comply with Mr. Pomp's conditions and extended to him a unanimous call, which he promptly accepted. In the beginning of the month of December, 1789, he moved Into his new field. Nicholas Pomp was one of the strong and Influential men of the Reformed Church and deserves a more ex- tended notice. About his life In Europe Mr. Pomp him- self has left a short, but fragmentary autobiographical sketch, which we reproduce In full In an English trans- lation i^^^ Autobiography of the Rev. Nicholas Pomp. I, Nicolaus Pomp, have deemed it well to write up an account of my life so that my late descendants may be able to read and see how their ancestor has fared in this world. I saw the light of day in Manbiichel, then in the Duchy of -1^ It was formerly in possession of Dr. Jos. H. Dubbs, who published it in part in his RejormeJ Church in Pennsylvania, pp. 190-192. It is now in possession of the writer. 244 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Zweibriicken, January 20, 1734. My honored father was Peter Pomp. My dear mother Elisa, his lawful wife. These parents brought me on the fourth day after my birth to holy Baptism. After which only this is to be noted that for three years I lay sick, as my parents told me. Nevertheless I got well again, so that I could go to school and was able to work. In my 14th year I had read the Bible several times and was also able to recite the Heidel- berg Catechism. Catechetical instruction, which I received from ministers, was so effective that I became a new man and loved the triune God heartily. With worldly people I did not want to have anything to do. Hence I sought solitude, where I could pour out my soul to God and in which my soul took much delight. My only desire for the world was this, that I might become a min- ister, whereby I could call sinners to repentance. But my father did not want to consent to it, because it would cost him too much to let me study, without which I could not become a minister. He, therefore, urged me against my will to take to tailoring, which trade means constant sitting and which, after a few years, under- mined my health completely. Hence my father did not insist that I should continue this trade, but gave me the permission to study, so that in time I might become a minister, if my health and his resources would permit it. I was now 20 years of age when my studying began with all seriousness. I spent a period of four years in school, where I learnt Latin and Greek as well as Hebrew pretty thoroughly. Then (in the 24th year of my age) I went to Marburg, in Hesse, to study theology in the university. Here there is a break in the manuscript, the lower part of the page being torn off. The stor}'^ is continued on the next page: Although they had before been inclined to disparage me, being unwilling to make me a candidate [of theologj'], now so were so well disposed towards to me, that without my request they were ready to assist in my ordination and introduction into the ministry. When information came from Holland that the Synod there wished Autobiography of Pomp 245 to promote me to the mfnfstry in America, I was ordained in the city of Cassel and sent with an excellent testimonial to Holland Ihe Synods examined me and, because they found me well quali- fied, they gave me 535 guilders for traveling expenses and a good recommendation to the congregations in America, which I was expected to serve. I was 15 weeks on the ocean from Holland to l^hiladelphia, where I arrived December 8, 1765. At the same time my ministry in Falkner Swamp and Vincent began After I had spent seven years with these congregations I marned Elisabeth Dotterer,-^ a widow with six children and no property but we lived happily together. I was not rich either, but we had as much as we needed day by day. One son was born to us ,n wedlock, who remained our only child and whom I called Thomas.-^ After we had raised him, I myself educated him for the jnmistry as well as I could. He became indeed a minister and has been a great comfort to myself and his mother to relate everythmg that happened to me at Falkner Swamp I was E,i.abe.h Antes, born Januar. a, (or Fe^::: %. "rw^^ e)" ::3T nee Dewees Wh . "'' "'"''' "^"^^ ^"^ ^^ "^^^^er Christina, she sfavld 111 h r T/, '"" '" ^'^ '-''' ^^"^^^ ^° ^^^hlehem, where D^t^^r^-rrhor^ ra^sij-h'^-r^^ ™-t^-"^^^^^ ^^^'- u I- L , .. cniiaren, two sons and tour dancrhtprc: Her husband d ed August 2? 1-7-71 <;j,. ,r,o • j • aaughters. R»,r \T u ^ T, ^"^""^ 23, 1771- bhe married again, April 2^ 1772 Rev. Nicholas Pomp, with whom she had one son Thnm.; p cu rj.,-^;:;',^- - -• - -- - -^ "z-,:t; H.t ordained in i7o< In th. flu , "' ^^^ ^^amined and a.nea in 1795. In the following year he became pastor of the Easton i^^/A^r. ./ //;, /?./or,„r^ C/n^rch, Vol. IV, pp. 15.30. ' 246 History of the Goshcnhoppen Charge only want to say this, that I remained 18 years in the service of this congregation and then I accepted a call to Baltimore in 1783. My departure from Falicner Swamp caused much bitterness and sadness among the people, for the welfare of whose souls I had cared so long and so earnestly. Hardly a single person wanted to be satisfied with my removal, although they could soon get another and perhaps a better preacher. Yet they were not satisfied with it. I also went away with a sad heart, but with the thought that I had done more good among these people than I had believed before. In Baltimore I could only stand it for six 5'ears [i 783-1 789] and, although I did my best to build up this congregation, I was unable to stay any longer with a quarreling church. For the new church which they had to build, caused a division into two parties and I could side with only one party. . . . [The rest of the manu- script is torn off.] At the meeting of the Coetus, held June 7-8, 1790, at Falkner Swamp, the three united congregations in Goshcnhoppen sent their dele- gates with a call for Do. Pomp, thus far minister in Baltimore. They desired to have him as their regular pastor in place of Do. Fabcr, deceased. But, as the parsonage of the congregation is still occopied by the widow of Do. Faber, whom one would not like to drive out, the congregations are advised to provide a house for Do. Pomp, and to continue the kindness towards the widow, as far as possible. At the same meeting Pomp reported about his new con- gregations. There were 200 families, 40 baptized, 52 confirmed, 3 schools with 120 scholars. But the ministry of Pomp at Goshenhoppen was of short duration. At New Goshenhoppen his baptisms extend from November 26, 1789, to July 25, 1790, and his wed- dings from December, 1789, to August 10, 1790. At Great Swamp ten baptisms were entered by him from Jan- Pastorates of Pomp 247 uary 3, 1790, to June 18, 1790. Only at Old Goshen- hoppen his ministry seems to have been longer. His bap- tismal entries there extend from January 3, 1790, to May 28, 1792. The annual financial settlement at Old Gosh- enhoppen, made on July 19, 1791, was written by Mr. Pomp. But one of the items of the account was "£2 5s for fire wood for Rev. Mr. Faber." At the meeting of Coetus on June 27 to 28, 1791, at Lancaster, Pomp is marked absent "on account of indisposition," but he is already called "minister in Indianfield." In August, 1790, Mr. Pomp began his ministry at In- dianfield (now called Indian Creek) and Tohickon. His entries in the Indian Creek record are headed with this statement : lis con- After I, Nic. Pomp had been called to the service of thi. con- gregation in Indian Creek and Tohickon and in the beginning of the month of August entered upon this service, there follow now the names of the baptized children of said congregation. The first baptism following this beginning is dated Au- gust 26, 1790. Mr. Pomp remained pastor at Indian f ^;ll^-^"g"st, 1797. From April, 1794, till August, 1796, Whitpain, now Boehm's church at Blue Bell, was part of his charge. In 1797 he retired to Easton to live with his son, Thomas Pomp, who had become pastor there. He died at Easton, September i, 18 19. It was while pastor at Falkner Swamp that Mr. Pomp wrote a book, by which he is best known. It was a refu- tation of the teachings of the Universalists, as contained in the^ book of Paul Siegvolck, entitled " Das Ewige Evan- gehum," which had been published in German by Saur the Germantown printer, in 1768. Pomp's book,' while' not a profound treatise, was a creditable performance. 248 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Translated into English the title reads: "Brief Examina- tion of the Doctrine of the Eternal Gospel, by which it is clearly shown that the Restoration of all things is vainly Surjaffagte SOemli IDag man tie IPietcrbrtttQtfng altei: ^inge in ber ^ettigen i5<^nft auf ^tit\)Xtr\ eif Itr grtunbe i«m ©turf bifST&ttt ton 9?. ' all became strangly affected, and many wept." In the spring of 1792 young Mr. Faber began his pas- toral work m his three congregations. Indeed he seems to have been so eager for his work that he officiated as a minister even before he was ordained, baptizing several children at Old Goshenhoppen in May, 1792. During the hrst few years he kept the various church records fairly well. Thus at New Goshenhoppen he entered 59 bap- tisms from the summer of 1792 to September, 1795, at Old Goshenhoppen he entered 24 baptisms from May 1792, to Aprd, 1795, and at Great Swamp i,^ baptisms trom the summer of 1792 till September, 1796. But after the latter date his records were entirely neglected, no en- tries of any sort being made after June i, 1797 It may 252 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge of course be that he kept private records in which he re- corded his ministerial acts, but judging from the incom- plete and careless entries actually made in the records, that is hardly to be expected. Fortunately the lack, of information regarding his pas- torate is partly supplied by the account books of the Old Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp congregations, from which the following interesting entries are taken. In the Old Goshenhoppen account book (opened in 1772) we find that on July 19, 1791, the congregation paid to the schoolmaster, Mr. Jung, 15 shillings. On June 15, 1792, there were paid to Mr. Faber, Jr., 15 shil- lings; to Mr. Peter Hollebusch for expenses to go to the Coetus 7s. 6d; to the schoolmaster Jung for the year 1791, £2. 5s. On December 5, 1793, Mr. Faber signed his first receipt for salary from the congregation, amounting to £24. 8s. I id. This was probably one third of the whole amount he received from the charge. Later on his salary increased. Beginning with the year 1803, Old Goshen- hoppen paid its pastor £33. 6s. 8d. From at least 1804 to 1807 Nicolaus Weinel was the schoolmaster of the con- gregation, who was paid £6 for playing the organ and leading the singing. The account book makes us ac- quainted with three of the early schoolmasters of Old Goshenhoppen, Henrich Hemsing, from at least 1772 to 1782. Then there was probably a change. Payments to the schoolmasters are noted from 1785 to 1789, but no name is mentioned. In July, 179 1, schoolmaster Jung is mentioned. How long he served cannot be made out. From 1804 to at least April i, 1807, Nicolaus Weinel served in that capacity. From the Great Swamp account book (begun in 1759, Great Swamp Account Book 253 but poorly kept, with many years, e.g., 1770 to 1793, en- tirely wanting), we have culled some items of interest: On August 5, 1794, the following payments were en- tered into the record : £ s. d. Paid to Mr. Hendel — i loYi paid as rent to Mrs. Levy for Mr. Pomp — 15 — paid to Mr. Jest Wiand to fetch Mr. Faber from Lancaster — 12 — paid to go to Coetus — 8 — paid to Mr. Hendel — 15 — " " ditto — 3 9 " " Mrs. Levy as rent for Mr. Pomp — 15 — " " ride to the Coetus — 5 — " " Mr. Philip Eberhard to go to the Coetus in Phila. [1792] — II — On March 19, 1796, we find: £ s. d. Paid to Mr. Faber, minister, on account of his salary . . 12. 7. 6. paid to the administrator of the late Mr. Faber for salary still due him 24. 11. 4. Received on March 15. 1796, from Philip Eberhard, Jacob Schmid, Johannes Jung and Philip Mumbauer, deacons and elders at this time, the sum of 100 dol- lars to secure a patent for the pastor's land [glebe] at Goshenhoppen. David Spinner. On November i6, 1797, the following items deserve notice: £ s. d. Paid for 15 bushels of lime for the schoolhouse — 15. — paid for the masons — 18. — paid for 12 pounds of nails — 15. — paid for glass 2. 16. 10. paid for 100 shingles for the parsonage 3. 15. — paid for 205 feet of boards for the same — 17. — paid for puddy — 4. 6. paid for a ten plated stove 6. — — paid to ride to Synod 3. 15. — paid for grass for use of Mr. Faber — 10. — 254 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge paid for springhouse at parsonage — lo. — paid for pump at parsonage 3. o. 7. On August 9, 1804, £2.14.3. were paid for repairs to the schoolhouse. Paid for a bake-oven in the parsonage i. 6. 2. On May 23, 1805, £6.2.10. were paid for repairs to the parsonage. From 1797 to 1804 John Jung signed receipts for re- pairs to the schoolhouse. He is probably identical with the schoolmaster Jung mentioned in 1791 in the Old Gosh- enhoppen book. In 1 801 the four united congregations of Northampton, Jordan, Union and Egypt extended a call to Mr. Faber to become their pastor, but he declined it.^^^ Faber attended the meetings of Synod faithfully, except in 1803 and 1806. In the former year he was sick. In 1807 he was secretary, in 1808 president of Synod. A letter of Rev. Jacob Senn, pastor at Tohickon and Indianfield, to Mr. Faber, referring to his sickness, is pre- served in the archives of the Reformed Seminary at Lan- caster. It is interesting enough to be inserted here:^^* Letter of Rev. Jacob Senn to Rev. John T. F.aber, Jr. RocKHiLL, February 22, 1803. Dear Friend and Brother! 1 received your letter and heard with pleasure that you are again improving. I entertain the hope, that (God willing) you will soon regain your former health and strength, and thus be able to attend again to your ministry, which is no doubt much to be desired both by yourself and your congregations. I have also had sickness in my family for a long time. My wife has been unwell for almost two years and sometimes I have had 218 Minutes of the Synod of 1801, Session I, §2. 219 This letter also was placed at the disposal of the writer by Prof. Geo. W. Richards, D.D., of the Lancaster Seminary. Letter of Senn to Faher 255 little hope for her recovery, but now (thank God) she is better again. As regards your request, I am willing and ready to serve you, but I cannot do it at the time set by you. I can never take away a Sunday (as you no doubt know yourself) without first informing the congregation and that cannot be done before three weeks. Three weeks from yesterday I am, therefore, ready to serve you, if that is agreeable to you. You may therefore announce it, if agreeable, that I shall conduct services for you on March 13th. With a friendly greeting to yourself and wife, I remain, (Address) Your Friend and Servant Rev. Mr. J. T. Faber, Jacob Senn. New Goshenhoppen. In 1807 Mr. Faber accepted a call from the New Hol- land charge, Lancaster County, where he remained pastor till 1 8 19, when he returned to Goshenhoppen. CHAPTER XV. Ministry of Rev. Albert Helffenstein, 1808-1811. CHOOLMASTER Nicolaus Weinel of Old Goshenhoppen introduces us to the next min- ister. In the Old Goshenhoppen account book he made an entry which fixes the exact time when the new pastorate began : On June 19, 1808, the young Rev. Mr. Helfenstein delivered his first introductory sermon here in Old Goshenhoppen, On Sun- day before he made the beginning at New Goshenhoppen. Albert Helffenstein was the fifth son of the well-known Reformed preacher of Germantown, John Conrad Al- bertus Helffenstein, and of his wife, Catharine Kircher, a native of Philadelphia. ^^"^ He was born in Germantown, March 13, 1788. He was baptized and confirmed in his father's church. He received his theological education from Rev. Dr. Christian Ludwig Becker, from 1795 to 1806 pastor at Lancaster, and from 1807 to 18 18 pastor at Baltimore. Dr. Becker was a fine scholar and pulpit orator and well qualified to prepare young men for the ministry. Nine- --0 They were married on February 11, 1773, at Philadelphia. Their marriage is recorded in the old record book of the First Reformed Church at Philadelphia, see Pennsylvania Archives, 2d Series, Vol. VIII, p. 678. 256 Albert Helffenstein 257 teen students received their theological instruction from him during the last sixteen years of his life (1800- 18 16). 221 After completing his theological training Helffenstein appeared before Synod, which met at his native place, May 15, 1808. At that time "a call was received from Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp for Mr. Albert Helffen- stein." Similar calls were received at the same time for other candidates. It was then resolved "that the candidates Messrs. Runkel, Jr., Gloninger, Schaffner, Becker and Helffenstein be examined this evening. The committee of examination consists of Messrs. Helffrich, Wack, Hoff- meier and Senn."-^- On the next day the committee " who were appointed to examine the several candidates last evening, reported, that the young gentlemen sustained a perfectly satisfactory ex- amination. It was resolved, that these young men be ordained this evening. Messrs. Faber, Geistweidt and Hoffmeier were appointed the committee of ordination." Helffenstein entered upon his work at Goshenhoppen immediately after the meeting of Synod, preaching on June 12, 1808, his installation sermon at New Goshen- hoppen, as the record of schoolmaster Weinel, already quoted, proves. On June 21 he had his first funeral at New Goshenhoppen. But his ministry was of short dura- tion. On May 11, 181 1, he entered his last baptism at New Goshenhoppen, The record of his pastoral work at Goshenhoppen is not complete. He only entered 70 baptisms, 22 funerals and 221 Good, History of the Reformed Church in the United States in the Nineteenth Century, New York, 1911, p. 13 f. 222 Minutes of the Synod of 1808, Session I, §§3, 7; Session III, §2. 18 258 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge 1 2 weddings into the records. There are no weddings recorded by him at Great Swamp and even the other en- tries are incomplete, most of them stopping in 1809. His ministry seems to have extended till October, 181 1, for on October 27, 181 1, he signed a receipt for salary for four months from the Great Swamp congregation. His salary was apparently one hundred dollars from each con- gregation. In July, 1809, 1 8 10 and 181 1, he signed re- ceipts for $100 each from the Great Swamp congregation. Dr. Weiser reports^^^ that like Mr. Pomp he resided at first with a widow Levy at New Goshenhoppen, later with Mr. Pannebecker, until the new parsonage was completed. Being a city boy and more accustomed to the English language than the German, he felt ill at ease among the German farmers at Goshenhoppen. He, therefore, ac- cepted in 181 1 a call to Carlisle, where he stayed till 18 19. Then he was pastor at Baltimore from 1819 to 1835. After that he left the Reformed Church, removed to Ohio and entered the Protestant Episcopal Church. In 185 1 he applied to Lebanon Classis to be received back to the church of his fathers. His request was granted with cer- tain conditions which he fulfilled. At the same meeting of Classis he presented a call from the Elizabethtown charge in Lancaster County, which Classis confirmed. He labored in this field till 1853, when he retired from the ministry. In 1859 he removed to Shamokin, where he resided with his nephew, Chas. P. Helffenstein. There he died January 30, 1869.^^* 223 Weiser, Monograph, p. 89. 224 For a sketch of Albert Helffenstein's life see Heisler, Fathers, Vol. IV, pp. 67-70. CHAPTER XVI. Ministry of Rev. Frederick William Van der Sloot, Jr., 1812-1818. AFTER Mr. Helffenstein had left Goshenhop- pen in October, 18 11, the congregations were without a pastor for more than a year. In November, 18 12, they succeeded in se- curing a new pastor. He himself has left a statement in the New Goshenhoppen rec- ord which fixes the time of his arrival. " On November 12, 18 1 2, I entered upon my ministry, but funerals did not occur till 1 8 13." This new pastor was Frederick William Van der Sloot, Jr., son of the former pastor. Frederick William Van der Sloot, Jr., was born No- vember 15, 1773, at Dessau, in the Duchy of Anhalt, Ger- many."-^ The following is a translation of the baptismal entry in the church record at Dessau : To Mr. Philipp Wilhelm Friedrich Van Der Sloot, appointed conrector of the Latin school of this place and to his wife, nee Schultz, a 3'oung son was born, Friedrich Wilhelm, early at one o'clock, Monday morning, the 15th of November 1773, and was baptized in the house on the same day. 225 For the history of Mr. Von der Sloot, Jr., see History and Genealogy of the Von der Sloot Family, pp. 18-23. 259 26o History of the Goshenhoppen Charge He studied In the University of Leipzig, and, after completing his studies, emigrated to America In the year 1 80 1. He landed at Charleston, S. C, whence he con- tinued his journey to Philadelphia. From there he made his way In a "market wagon" to Northampton County, Pa., where he found his father ministering to seven or eight congregations. In 1802 young Van der Sloot appeared before the Synod of the Reformed Church, which met from May 16 to 18, 1802, at Philadelphia. On Monday, May 17, a communication was received from the congregations in Allen, Moretown, Lehigh and Hanover townships, asking Synod to hold a tentamen with young Mr. Van der Sloot, and to place him in a position to serve them as their pastor. Resolved, that a committee of five be appointed to hold a tentamen with him. The following persons constituted the committee : Messrs. Hendel, Wagner, Wack, Sen., Runkel and Wack, Jr. On Tuesday morning, May 18, the committee consisting of Messrs. Hendel, Wagner, Wack, Sen., and Wack, Jr., reported that they held a tentamen with ^Ir. Van Der Sloot, and found his qualifications such that he can with pro- priety be licensed as a candidate for the ministry. Resolved that Mr. Van Der Sloot be licensed.--** Later on in the same session we read that, to Mr. Van Der Sloot, in connection with his tentamen, was as- signed the duty of preparing a sermon on Rom. 8:1. At the meeting of Synod, held May 8 to 10, 1803, at Lebanon, application was made this morning by the congregations of Mr. Van Der Sloot for his ordination. The subject was again taken into consideration this afternoon. It was resolved that Mr. Van 2-C Minutes of the Synod of 1802, Session I, § 5 ; Session III, §§ i, 6. Frederick Wm. Van Der Shot, Jr. 261 Der Sloot be ordained. Messrs. Helffrich, Pomp, and Hoffmeier were appointed a committee to ordain him in his congregations on the second Wednesday after Whitsuntide;--' (June 8, 1803). In May, 181 1, Mr. Van der Sloot informed Synod that he had left the congregations he had heretofore served and accepted a call from the congregation at Germantown. The call was confirmed by Synod.-^s Shortly after entering upon his ministry in Northampton County Mr. Van der Sloot had been married, on Novem- ber II, 1802, to Catharine Pauli, daughter of the Rev Philip Reinhold Pauli, of Reading, Pa. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Wm. Hendel, Jr., then pastor at Tulpehocken. Mr. Van der Sloot remained only a short time in Ger- mantown. As we have learned from his own entry in the New Goshenhoppen record, he came to Goshenhoppen in November, 18 12. The record of his ministry at Goshenhoppen is very in- complete. Even his baptisms were not fully recorded. At New Goshenhoppen are 21 baptisms by him from Jan- uary 24, 1 8 13, to August, 1818; at Old Goshenhoppen he recorded 20 baptisms from February 28, 1813, to Decem- ber, 1 8 17, and at Great Swamp 19 baptisms were entered into the record by him from May 22, 18 14, to November 22, 1818. The records of his funerals are entirely want- ing, five lonely burials at New Goshenhoppen excepted. While pastor at Goshenhoppen Mr. Van der Sloot also supplied the Reformed congregation at the Trappe, Mont- gomery County. Dr. Weiser draws this interesting picture of him as pas- tor at Goshenhoppen : 227 Minutes of the Synod of 1803, Session II, § 9. 228 Minutes of the Synod of 1811, Session III, § 15. 262 History of the GoshenJioppen Charge His large, burly form, his stentorian voice, his peculiar power to sing, pray and preach, his natural abilities and pulpit aptitude, his jovial nature, funded with wit and anecdote, his afifable and friendly mien — all these bold features of the man are still to be freshly traced in the minds of his old parishioners, and are likely to per- petuate his portrait life-sized to another generation.^^^ As now a full century has passed since the beginning of Mr. Van der Sloot's pastorate at Goshenhoppen, it is hardly probable that the recollection of his jovial person- ality and short labors is still so vividly retained by the present generation. His ministry at Goshenhoppen came to a close in No- vember, 18 18. From entries in the Old Goshenhoppen account it appears that his annual salary from that congre- gation was $200, the other two congregations contributing probably an equal sum. In December, 18 18, we find him in Philadelphia. As nothing has appeared thus far In English regarding his activity In Philadelphia, It may be well to Insert here a brief sketch of his labors there, based upon a recent inves- tigation of the writer. In the summer of 18 18, English church services were Introduced Into the old Reformed church at Philadelphia. The German element of the congregation, which had for years fought against their introduction, felt so much ag- grieved that they left their church and formed an Inde- pendent congregation. In July, 18 18, they rented the " Old Commissioners Hall " on Third Street below Green and asked a Lutheran minister. Rev. Karl R. Demme, to preach for them. On August 26, 18 18, they elected the Hrst consistory, consisting of four elders, four deacons and five trustees. On September i, 1818, they sent a petition --" Weiser, Monograph, p. 91. Van Der Shot in Philadelphia 263 to Synod, which met September 8 at Carlisle, asking that their action be confirmed and they be allowed to organize a German congregation. Their petition was readily granted and a committee was appointed to install the con- sistory.^^" This took place on September 20, 18 18. On November 9, 18 18, an election for pastor took place, as a result of which Frederick William Van der Sloot was elected. He hesitated at first to accept it, but after his salary had been fixed at 1,200 dollars, he accepted on December 2. On January i, 18 19, he delivered his intro- ductory sermon, in Zion's Lutheran Church to a large audience, preaching from the text Ezekiel 3: 17, "Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel." Under the leadership of the new pastor steps were at once taken for the building of a church. On February 15, 1 8 19, the congregation resolved to build a church 50 feet wide and 67 to 70 feet long. On March 27 the con- gregation was incorporated. In April a schoolhouse was bought on Rose Alley, the present Bodine Street. The cornerstone of the new church was laid with special services on May 9, 18 19. At this time the church was named " Salem Church," which is still its name. A spe- cial feature of the celebration were a series of hymns which the pastor had written and for which the schoolmaster, Jacob Bibighaus, had composed the music. The church was dedicated October 24, 18 19, with a still more elabo- rate celebration, for which the pastor had again composed the hymns and the schoolmaster had written the music. The following verses may be quoted as a sample of pastor Van der Sloot's German poetry: 230 Minutes of the Synod of 18 1 8, p. 14, §§ 10, 11. 264 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Ist's wirklich? — Nlcht ein siisser Traum? Dass hier, aus diesem oden Raum — Zu Menschen Gliick und Gottes Lob — So schnell sich dieses Haus erhob? Chorus: Nein! Nicht eIn Traum. Der Gott, der uns're Vater In friih'rer Zeit berieth, der ist auch spater — Noch unser Gott. In seinem Arm gestiitzet, Umschliesst er uns; er ist ihm nicht verkiirzet: Umschliesst er uns mit himmlischen Erbarmen — Beseelet uns mit Muth in Seinen Armen. Another verse refers to the name of the new church: Durch Christum war der Herr euch nah, Auf ! Singet laut Hallelujah! Zieht jubelnd in eu'r Salem ein: Der mit euch war, wird mit euch seln. But although the congregation had now a beautiful property and a new home, their joy was by no means un- mixed, for there was also a large debt on the property. But the members did not lose courage. Several commit- tees were at once appointed. One to collect among the members of the congregation. Another committee went to Baltimore where they succeeded in raising $208. Then they wrote letters to the different congregations of the Synod, asking them to take up a collection for them. To satisfy the most urgent creditors a mortgage of $5,000 was taken upon the property on July 23, 1821. In No- vember of the following year they asked the legislature of the state for permission to start, in accordance with a then prevailing custom, a lottery to pay off their debt. But their petition was apparently not granted. As they felt that they could not meet their obligations, Pastorates of Van Der Shot 265 the consistory, in January, 1821, fixed the pastor's salary at $800, but when Van der Sloot expressed his unwilling- ness to serve for that sum, they allowed him to take up an extra collection for the remaining $400. But such an arrangement could not be continued for any length of time. Evidently Van der Sloot, too, saw that their ex- penses had to be curtailed, hence he handed in his resigna- tion on December 26, 1823. The four years which Van der Sloot had spent in the congregation had not been with- out success. In 1819 he reported 304 members, 26 con- firmed, 50 baptisms and 19 funerals. In 1820 the num- ber of members had risen to 346. That there was also a healthy internal growth is shown by the fact that in Feb- ruary, 1 82 1, the first society of men was organized, and in April, 1823, the Sunday School. But the finances of the congregation could not be put on a sound basis till, on Jan- uary 5, 1824, Henry Bibighaus was elected Van der Sloot's successor at a salary of $400, which was better within the reach of the congregation to pay.-^^ From Philadelphia Van der Sloot went to Virginia, where, in March, 1824, he accepted a call of eight, later ten, congregations in Rockingham and neighboring coun- ties. Here he preached for about three years, until, in the spring of 1827, he was called to York and Adams coun- ties, where he served nine congregations — Pigeon Hill, Holtzschwam, Straher's, Rosstown and Franklin in York County, and Bermudian, Oxford, Abbottstown and Berlin m Adams county. These congregations he served up to the time of his death, which took place in Paradise town- 231 A more extensive history of Salem's Reformed Church at Philadel- phia, was read by the writer on October 15, 1899, in that church, and prmted \n the Kirchenzeitiing. 266 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge ship, on December 14, 1 83 1 . He was buried in the grave- yard of the Holtzschwamm church. 2^- Mr. Van der Sloot was a good linguist and he had also talent and taste for poetry. A number of his poems and hymns have been printed. As a minister he was an untir- ing worker. In the thirty years of his ministry he is said to have served thirty-three congregations. He was promi- nent in the counsels of the church. In 1821 he was elected clerk of Synod and in the following year its president. When Philadelphia Classis was organized in 1820, F. W. Van der Sloot became its first president and Jacob W. Dechant its first secretary. 232 For a sketch of F. W. Von der Sloot's life see Harbaugh, Fathers, Vol. Ill, pp. 118-121. 2!^:^^ ■*«"*...Jk CHAPTER XVII. The Division of the Charge in 1819, and Rev. John T. Faber's Second Pastorate, 1819-1833. ^^ry^lSTORY often repeats Itself. This proved to ^Jj^. be the case at Goshenhoppen. Just as the ^Hh^V elder Faber, after an absence of seven years, mr "■ was glad to return to the field of his first ^^^ labors, so the younger Faber followed in the * footsteps of his father, when after the de- parture of F. W. Van der Sloot, Jr., he accepted a call from his first congregations to return to them. The call extended to him is an interesting historical document which deserves preservation. It reads as follows :-^^ Call of the Goshenhoppen Congregation to Mr. Faber, Jr. Reverend Sir: — Inasmuch as the Rev. Mr. Von Der Sloot has resigned the office of pastor over us and accepted a call from the new German con- gregation in Philadelphia, we are compelled to renew our efforts to secure the services of another shepherd. At the suggestion of several members of the consistory of the congregation at Old 2"3 Weiser, Monograph, pp. 98-101. 267 268 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge Goshenhoppen, wc resolved to hold an election in the three congre- gations. As 3'ou have been our pastor in former years, as well as your father before, and as we have always cherished a peculiar love and affection for you, it is our heart's desire that you return to us again. This general esteem and confidence which we have ever borne you, manifested itself also, at the time of our election, on which occasion the congregations at New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp cast a unanimous vote in your favor. To this unanimity Old Goshenhoppen, it is true, forms an exception. There the election was not held on the appointed day ; but that congregation will be obliged to submit to the will of the majority — as is but right and proper. After having learned the result, we, the elders and deacons, in the name of the congregations, call the Reverend John Theobald Faber, at present pastor over the New Holland charge, as our minister and pastor over our congregations, to preach the word of God among us, to administer the holy sacra- ments, and to discharge all those duties becoming a faithful Chris- tian minister of the German Reformed Church, And as he who ministers at the altar shall also live by the altar, we, therefore, promise on our part, and in the name of the congregations, to pay you annually the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars; and be- sides, the possession of the parsonage, and whatsoever else is cus- tomary to be given as perquisites on funeral, marriage and con- firmation occasions. We now pray you to accept our call, which we as representatives of our charge extend to you, and to favor us with an answer, in writing, so that we may make arrangements to bring you and your dear family among us. Do not allow yourself to be discour- aged by the fact that the election was not held at Old Goshen- hoppen at the time appointed, but on a wholly different day — which was irregular — and that on that occasion a majority of votes was cast for the Rev. Mr. Zeller. Our three congregations constitute a pastoral charge — the majority of whose votes were cast in your favor. Though the two congregations elected you — unanimously, to say — and a minority of the third even, you will yet be the choice of the large majority of the charge ; and you are John Theobald Faber Jr. 269 hereby truly and solemnly called as its minister. If Old Goshen- hoppen should desire to sever her connection with us, we will, nevertheless, pay you the full amount promised. We fear greatly that our flock may be scattered, and on this account the more urgently request you to show your love toward us, by accepting our call. The Lord will in future be with us and bless His word to the salvation of our souls. Undersigned by our hands as elders and deacons of the joint congregations, and given by us on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1819. John Gery Adam Everhart John Hillegass 1 Adam HiLLEGAS VDeacons. Henry Ott j ^^^ Mich. Roudenbush J Jacob Dubbs The expectations of New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp that Old Goshenhoppen would acquiesce In the choice of the majority were not fulfilled. The opposition to Mr. Faber was so serious that they refused to recon- sider their action, but appealed to Synod for help. At the meeting of the Synod held on September 5 and following days of the year 18 19, at Lancaster, a letter from the Old Goshenhoppen congregation was read. In which the Reverend Synod was requested to permit them to secure services on Sunday afternoon through a minister of Synod. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Wack, Sen., Hinsch and Elder Graff was appointed to take this letter under consideration. On the following day the committee handed in the fol- lowing report: The committee appointed to consider the conditions In the Old and New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp congregations, report: " That they had found that Rev. Mr. Faber has been elected pastor by a very large majority In the New Goshenhoppen and Swamp congregations, the Old Goshenhoppen congregation, however, does 270 History of the Goshenhoppen Charge not seem to be inclined to Mr. Faber." It is the judgment of the committee that it would be advisible for Synod to give the Old Goshenhoppen congregation the friendly advice, to unite with the other two congregations rather than sever a bond of eighty-two years standing, for the committee cannot imagine how the Old Goshenhoppen congregation will gain anything by withdrawing from the union with New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp.'^* At the same meeting of Synod, in 18 19, John T. F'aber reported as his congregations Old Goshenhoppen, New Goshenhoppen, Great Swamp and Trappe in Montgomery County. He had baptized 90, confirmed 35, buried 34, and 202 members had communed. He also reported one school. The inclusion of Old Goshenhoppen was prob- ably due to the fact that the final decision as to the attitude of the congregation had not yet been rendered. When it was rendered it was adverse to accepting Mr. Faber as its pastor, in spite of the friendly advice of Synod. At the meeting of the Classis of Philadelphia, held at Philadelphia on April 30 to May i, 1820, a letter was read from the congregation of the Rev. J. Faber, in which they expressed their satisfaction with his ministry. A letter from Mr. Faber was also read in which he excused his absence because of sickness. The excuse was unanimously accepted. The minutes of Synod of 1820 show also what had be- come of Old Goshenhoppen. Jacob William Dechant is reported as pastor of Pikeland, Chester County, Old Gosh- enhoppen in Montgomery County and Hilltown. His baptisms at Old Goshenhoppen begin on December 25, 1 8 19. On December 30, 1820, he signed a receipt in the Old Goshenhoppen account book for 170 dollars salary. The separation of the Old Goshenhoppen congregation, which occurred in 18 19, was final. It never returned to 234 Minutes of the Synod of 1819, p. 19, § 15 ; p. 21, § 9. THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. REV. CLEMENT Z. WEISER. Faber's Death 271 the former charge. The congregation of Upper Milford took its place and remained under Faber's care to the end of his life. There is only one later event in the pastorate of the younger Faber which deserves some notice. It is the re- markable manner of his death, almost an exact reproduc- tion of that of his father. We quote fittingly the descrip- tion of Dr. C. Z. Weiser, who has done so much to pre- serve the history of the congregation -.-^^ Pastor Faber's history, like that of his sainted father, came sud- denly and solemnly to a close. At the funeral services of Mrs. Peter Maurer he was taken ill in the middle of his discourse, and sank away. The excitement of the congregation cannot well be described. It was on the first day of February, just forty-five years later than the time his father had received his final call to the eternal world. Several helping hands bore the sick pastor away to the school-house and subsequently to the parsonage. Here he lingered ten days. His death occurred on the loth of February, 1833, at an age of 61 years, 4 months and 11 days. His remains were laid alongside of those of his father, beneath the chancel of the church. Over the elder Faber's tomb were placed the words: "Approach lightly." Over that of the son: " Depart softly." With the division of the charge and the second pastor- ate of John T. Faber the first part of its history came to a close. In 1827 the first century of congregational life was ended. Having reached this point, our task is accom- plished and we lay down our pen, leaving the later history to some future historian. 235 Weiser, Monograph, p. 106. Cburcb IRecorbs of tbe (3o6benboppen IRefotmeb Cburcb 173U1830 TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY PROF. WILLIAM J. HINKE, Ph.D., D.D. Cbuvcb IRecovbs CHURCH RECORDS OF THE NEW GOSHENHOPPEN REFORMED CONGREGATION, UPPER HANOVER TOWNSHIP, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA. VOLUME I, 1731-1761. VOLUME II, 1762-1832. Translated and Edited by William J. Hinke, Ph.D., D.D. The church record herewith published has the unique distinction of being the oldest known record book of the Reformed Church in the United States. It is the property of the New Goshenhoppen Reformed congregation, which worships in the New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, a building standing about one mile west of East Greenville, Montgomery County, Pa., close to the east bank of the Perkiomen Creek. The book measures 7^ inches in width and 12^^ inches in length. It is bound in heavy, leather-bound, oak covers. The leather was at one time tastefully tooled, but it is now torn and shows the signs of age. It was also provided with iron clasps, but they have mostly disappeared, and only parts of them have survived. The number of leaves still in the book is eighty-one. They arc water-stained and yellow with age. The publication of this record is justified by both historical as well as genealogical considerations. It is on the one hand an im- 272 New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Title 273 portant source of family history' for the Goshenhoppen region, making us acquainted with some of the most prominent families in the Perkiomen Valley. But it is also important as a source for church history, because it contains the record of the ministerial labors of some of the earliest Reformed ministers in Pennsylvania. The title page is especially interesting and important. It was written by John Henry Goetschius (or Goetschy). Being undated it was formerly thought to have been written as early as 1731, when the first baptismal entries were made. But this is now known to be an error, because documents both in Switzerland and Pennsylvania prove that Mr. Goetschy did not come to Pennsylvania till 1735. As the title page of the Great Swamp record was written in 1736, so it is most likely the case with this record. At least we cannot be far from right when we say that it was entered about the year 1736. The title page reads verbatim et literatim : Das Buch Kost 5 schiling. Tauf Buch der Gemeind von Coschenhope. In welchem verzeichnet sind die Namen der Kinderen welche durch die H. Tauf nach dem Befehl Jesu under die Gemeine Gottes als Glieder an- genomen worden, im beyseyn Christlicher Tauf Zeugen, der(en) Namen samt der Getauften Kinder(en) Eltern von den (en) rechtmesigen Lehrern hier eingezeichlet worden. Gott wolle Ihre Namen mit dem Blut Jesu aus dem Siinden Buch ausl6sch(en) und in das Lebens Buch ein Schreiben. Amen. Joh. Henricus Goetschius, V. D. M. Helvetiae Tigurinae et cet. Pronuncia[n]s veritatem in Schippach, Alt Coschenhopen, Neu Coschenhopen, Schwam, Sacen, Aegipten, Macedonia, Missillem, Oli, Bern, Dolpenhacen. 274 Church Records of Goshenhoppen This means : This Book costs 5 shillings. Baptismal Book of the Congregation of Goshenhoppen, in which are recorded the names of the children, who, through H. Baptism, according to the command of Jesus were received into the congregation as members, in the presence of Christian wit- nesses, whose names together with those of the parents of the baptized children have been here recorded by the regular ministers. May God erase their names with the blood of Jesus from the book of sin and enroll them in the book of life. Amen. John Henry Goetschius, V.D.M., of Zurich, Switzerland, etc., preaching the truth at Skippack, Old Goshenhoppen, New Goshenhoppen, [Great] Swamp, Saucon, Egypt, Maxatawny, Moselem, Oley, Berne and Tulpehocken. List of the Heads of Families Belonging 10 the Congregation of New Goshenhoppen, Reformed Members: Herman Fischer Conrad Colb Joh. Michael Moll Fridrich Hilligas Michael Reder Joh. Bartholomeus Kuker Michael Lutz Andreas Lohr Georg Mertz Michael Fabion Henrich Jung Philip Jacob Schellhammer Leonhardt Knopf Jacob Knopf Caspar Kamm [l] Johan Steinmann [16] [2 1 Henrich Galman [17] [3 Johanes Bingeman [18] [4^ Joh. Georg Welker [19] [5 Benedict Strohm [30] [6 Philip Emmert [21] [7 Johanes Hut [22] [8 Abraham Transu [23] [9 Andreas Grebcr [24] [10 1 Philip Ried [25] [11 1 Georg Mess [26] [12 Joh. Georg PfalzgraflF [27] [13 1 Jacob Fischer [28] [14 1 Paul Staab [29] [15 Wendel Wiand [30] New Goshenhoppen — Voll. I. Member. [Zi] Caspar Holzhauser [32] Michael Zimmerman [33] Baltasar Hut [34] Niclaus Ensly [35] Jacob Maurer [36] Fridrich Maurer [37] Christian Knopf [38] Fridrich Pfanenbeker [39] Benedict Raderly [40] Valentin Griesemer [41] Lorentz Hartman [42] Georg Philip Dotder [43] Jacob Meyer [44] Daniel Lawar [45] Peter Walper[t]. 275 [This h'st of 45 members fs Jn the handwriting of Mr. Goetschius and was therefore made sometime between 1 736-1 739.] List of the Heads of Fam THE Congregation [i] Peter Beissel [2] Philip Ried [3] Berenh[ard] Gucker [4] Adam Bosserdt [5] Andres Ohl [6] Conrad Zimmerman [7] Jacob Ridi [8] J. Adam Hillikas [9] Georg Peter Hillikas [lo] Fridrich Hillikas [11] Henerich Gallman [12J J. Gallman [13] Andres Greber [14] Ullrich Greber [15] Wilhelm Griesemer [16] Peter Lauer [17] Michael Roeder [18] Jost Schlicher [19] David Schmidt [20] Jacob Gery [21] Valadin Griesemer [22] Caspar Holtzhauser [23] Leonhardt Griesemer [24] J. Georg Steinman [25] Benedict Strohm [26] Henrich Jung iLiES WHO IN New Goshenhoppen Belong to OF THE Rev. George Michael Weiss. [27] Michael Moll [28] J. Georg Welcker [29] Conrad Wannenmacher [30] Melchior Kolb [31] Michael Ried [32] Andres Mauerer [33] Abraham Segler [34] Weygandt Pannenbeek [35] J. Schell [36] Georg Zimmerman [37] Wilhelm Geiger [38] J. Nicolaus Jung [39] Georg Michael Kolb [40] Samuel Somani [41] J. Mack [42] Herman Fischer [43] Wendel Wigand [44] Jacob Mauerer [45] Friderich Mauerer [46] J. Huth, Senior [47] J- Huth, Junior [48] Philip Huth [49] J. Nicolaus Ohl [50] Henerich Gebel [51] Michael Schell, Junior [52] Jacob Fischer 276 Church Records of Goshenhoppen List of the Heads of Families who in Old Goshenhoppen Belong to THE Congregation of the Rev. George Michael Weiss. [i] Johannes Jost [2] Jacob Hauk [3] Jacob Weitman [4] Samuel Schiiler [5] Benedict Scliwob [6] Daniel Hister [7] Jost Keller [8] Hennerich Buhl [9] Felix Lee [10] Jacob Grub [ii] J. Hollenbusch [12] H. Hollenbusch [13] J. Werman [14] Jacob Isset [15] J. Gantz [16] J. Muck [17] H. Bamberger [18] J. Brunner [19] Andres Miiller [21 [22 [23 [24 [25 [26 [27 [28 [29 [30 [31 [32 [33 [34 [35 [36 [37 Philip Wentz Johannes Faust Kilian Zimmerman Ullerich Herzel J. Denig Hoffel Dickenschitt Jacob Hoffman Gabriel Schiiler J. Gotz Simon Mag J. Lee, Junior J. Denig, Junior Baltasar Lamper Philip Ried H. Bamberger, Junior N. — Dickenschitt, Junior J. Gotz, Junior N. — * Hildenbeidel List of the Heads of Families who in Great Swamp Belong to the Congregation of the Rev. George Michael Weiss. [i] Franz Rus [2] Ullerich Rieser [3] Ludwig Bitting [4] Alexander Diefendorfer [5] Peter Linn [6] J. Schmidt [7] Christian Miiller [8] N. — Muller [9] Jacob Diibs [10] Jacob Wetzel, Junior [ji] N. _ Kehler [12] Jacob Wetzel, Junior [13] Felix Brunner [14] J. Reiswick [15] Joseph Eberhardt [16] Michael Eberhardt [17] Michael Eberhardt, Junior [18] Uly Spinner [19] J. Bleiler [20] Hennerich Bleyler [21] Peter Bleyler [22] Philip Hcger [23] N. — Hitz [24] J. Huber [25] Abraham Faust [26] Hennerich Huber [27] Jacob Huber [28] Rudy Huber, the wagoner [29] N. — Huber, the tailor [30] Son-in-law of Mr. Hitz [cf. No. 23]. [31] Rudy Frick • N. — means that the name was unknown to the writer. New Goshenhoppen — Fol. I. Baptisms 277 [32] Abraham Ditloh [40] Valadin Kaiser [33] N. — Ditloh, Junior [41] Daniel Hucken [34] J. Nicolaus Mombauer [42] N. — * Huber, bro. of Huber, [35] Paul Samsel the tailor [36] N. — Villauer [Christian [43] A weaver living at Ditloh's Willauer] [44] G. — Weiss [37] Johannes Huber [45] N, — Kunius [38] J. Huber, Junior [46] David Streib [39] Philip Boehm, the locksmith [47] Andres Greber [These three lists were entered by Rev. George Michael Weiss, probably in the year 1758, when the record book came into his hands, according to a note entered on p. 37 of the original.] [I. BAPTISMS BY THE REV. JOHN PETER MILLER, 1731-1734.! In August, 173 1. Elisabetha, parents, Philip LABAAR and wife. Witnesses, Fridrich Hillegas and wife. Anna Maria and Jacob, parents, Fridrich MAURER and wife. Wit- nesses, Anna Maria Segler and Jacob Maurer. Maria Susanna, parents, Johan Georg WELCKER and wife. Wit- nesses, Maria Susanna Zimmermann. Anna Catharina, parents, Herman FISCHER and wife. Witness, Anna Catharina, wife of Joh. Mack. Johann Wilhelm, parents, Andreas HAG and wife. Witnesses, Joh. Wilhelm Schmidt and wife. Johann Adam, parents, Henrich RETHER and wife. Witnesses, Michael Rether and Susanna Zimmermann. Elisabetha Barbara, parents, Joh. Michael LUTZ. Witnesses, Frid- dich Hilligas and wife. June 6, 173 1. Anna, parents, Herman DECKER and wife. Witness, Anna, wife of Georg Best. Johann Adam, parents, Michael HEYDER. Witness, Johann Adam Blanck. Johanna Elisabetha, parents, Joh. Wilhelm LABAAR and wife. Wit- ness, Johanna Elisabetha, Frantz Stupp's daughter. Johann Abraham, parents, Abraham TRANSOU and wife. Witness, Michael Schell. August 22. Johann Adam, parents, Johann Jost KOB and wife. Witnesses, Jo- hann Adam Beuscher and wife. * N. — means that the name was unknown to the writer. 278 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Johannes, parents, Jacob DANCKEL and wife. Witnesses, Johannes Bingeman and wife. Anna Maria Elisabetha, parents, Jost HENCKEL and wife, Wit- nesses, Valentin Griesenner and his wife and Marie Elisabetha Henckel. September 21. Maria Margaretha, parents, Georg RAUTENBUSCH and wife. Wit- nesses, Jacob Danckel and wife. Johann Philip, parents, Johannes HUTH and wife. Witnesses, Jo- hann Philip Emmcrth and wife. October 31. Johann Jacob, parents, Wilhelm SCHMITT and wife. Witnesses, Jacob Keller and wife. 1732, April 9. Maria Magdalena, parents, Elias LANG and wife. Witnesses, Maria Magdalena, wife of Ludwig Schlosser, Anna Maria, wife of Georg Philip Schuman. Anna Elisabetha, parents, Johannes BLEULER and wife. Witnesses, Peter Diethert and wife. Johann Jost, parents, Joh. Jost SELER and wife. Witnesses, Jost Henckel and wife. April II. Wilhelm and Abraham, parents, Jacob SCHMIT and wife. Witnesses, Wilhelm Schmit, Abraham Saler. April 15. Johannes, parents, Johan Philip EMMERT and Maria Catharina, his wife. Witnesses, Johan Hut and wife. April 16. Andreas, parents, Burckhard HOFFMAN and wife. Witnesses, An- dreas Maurer and Anna Maria Zimmermann. Johann Peter, parents, Jacob WETZEL and wife. Witness, Johann Peter Miiller. Jime 4. Johann Wilhelm, parents, Hans Adams BLANCK and wife. Wit- nesses, Wilhelm Labaar and wife. Elisabetha Barabara, parents, Fridrich HILLIGAS and wife. Wit- ness, Anna Barbara, daughter of Kaspar Kamm. Anna Maria, parents, Thomas HAMMAN and wife. Witness, Anna Maria, wife of Christian Lehman. Anna Clara, parents, Henrich BISSBING and wife. Witnesses, Hen- rich Bissbing and wife. Christophorus, parents, Philip Jacob SCHELLHAMMER and wife. Witness, Christophorus Schmitt. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 279 June II. Johan Leonhard, parents, Valentin GRIESHEIMER and wife. Wit- ness, Johann Leonliard Hochgenuch. Johann Michael, parents, Joseph EBERHARD and wife. Witnesses, Johan Michael Eberhard. Elisabetha, parents, Johannes RENNBERG and wife. Witness, Adam Wanner. Anna Margaretha, parents, Joseph EBERHARD and wife. Witness, Margaretha, wife of Michael Eberhard. July 30. Johann Georg, parents, Johan Peter LAUER and wife. Witness, Jo- hann Georg Zimmerman. Andreas, parents, Jacob MAURER and wife. Witness, Andreas Maurer. November 24. Leonhard, parents, Johann Adam EUCHELING and wife. Witnesses, Leonhard Schmid and Anna Maria Herbig, both single. Susanna, parents, Bartbolomeus GUCKER and wife. Witnesses, Christopher Schmit and wife. Christophorus, parents, Peter WALBERT and wife. Witnesses, Christopher Schmit and wife. 1733- January 21. Susanna Catharina, parents, Johan Adam STABLER and wife. Wit- nesses, Philip Emmert and wife. Johann Fridrich, parents, Johann Fridrich MAURER and wife. Wit- nesses and wife, Fridrich Hilligas and wife. March 25. Johannes, parents, Paul STAP and wife. Witnesses, Johannes Hut and wife. Maria Margaretha, parents, Michael DOTTERER and wife. Wit- nesses, Hermann Fischer and wife. April 22. Johann Conrad, parents, Balthasar HUTH and wife. Witness, Con- rad Kolb. May 20. Johann Jacob, parents, Jacob FISCHER and wife. Witnesses, Jacob Hoffman and wife. Maria Catharina, parents, Johann Philip EMMERT and wife. Wit- nesses, Adam Stadler and wife. Johann Georg, parents, Ulrich HERTZEL and wife. Witness, Peter Moll. Catharina, parents, Christopher MOLL and wife. Witnesses, Jacob Fischer and wife. 28o Church Records of Goshenhoppen Henrich, parents, Johann BINGEMAN and wife. Witnesses, Henrich Rether and wife. Peter, parents, Georg RAUTENBUSCH and wife. Witness, Peter Rautenbusch. Joh. Michael, parents, Michael ZIMMERMAN and wife. Witnesses, Michael Rether and Susanna Zimmernnan. June 17. Johannes, parents, Casparus HOLTZHAUSER and wife. Witness, Johannes Bingeman. Anna Margaretha, parents, Adam WANNER and wife. Witnesses, Martin Budding and wife. July 15. Maria Barbara, parents, Herman FISCHER and wife. Witnesses, Andreas Eccert, single, and Maria Barbara Mack, single. August 12. Johann Henrich, parents, Peter HESS and wife. Witnesses, Henrich Rether and wife. Anna Maria, parents, Wilhelm LABAR and wife. Witnesses, Adam Blanck and wife. September 16. Anna Maria, parents, Peter DIETERTH and wife. Witness, Anna Maria, wife of Joh. Bleuler. October 17. Feronica, parents, Andreas LOHER and wife. Witnesses, Johannes Zechler and wife. Anna, parents, Jacob DANCKEL and wife. Witnesses, Georg Heilig and wife. November 11. Anna Barbara, parents, Joh. Georg STEINMAN and wife. Wit- nesses, Anna Barbara Steinman. 1734. January i. Johann Adam, parents, Christian WILLAUER and wife. Witness, Johann Adam Beuscher. Maria Margaretha, parents, Peter MATERN and wife. Witnesses, Henrich Buskerk and Margaretha, his wife. July 28. Johann Jacob, parents, Abraham TRANDSU and Anna Margaretha, his wife. Witnesses, Jacob Keller and Anna Maria, his wife. Anna Maria, parents, Michael HEITER and wife Catharina. Wit- ness, Anna Maria Heck. Johan Adam, parents, Hans Michael BUTZ [Lutz] and Maria Mar- garetha, his wife. Witness, Johann Adam Beuscher. New Goshenhoppen — Fol. I. Baptisms 281 Margaretha, parents, Joh. Georg KRONER and Anna Elisabetha, his wife. Witnesses, Johannes Geiger and Anna Margaretha, his wife. Johannes, parents, Joh. HUT and Anna Maria, his wife. Witness, Joh. Philip Emmerth. Anna Maria, parents, Joh. Philip EMMERTH and Maria Catharina, his wife. Witnesses, Joh. Hut and Anna Maria, his wife. [These 69 baptisms were entered during the ministry of John Peter Miller. The chirography is that of a well educated man and the natural inference is that Mr. Miller himself made these entries. His ministry at Goshenhoppen is placed beyond doubt by the letters of Mr. Boehm, quoted above (see p. 79). His state- ments are supported by the fact that in the 26th baptism, on April 16, 1732, Johann Peter Miiller acted as sponsor (see p. 278), a role which the pastor frequently filled in early times. Cf. the 56th baptism of Mr. Goetschy (see p. 284). and the 8th baptism of Frederick Casimir Miiller (see p. 286).] [U. BAPTISMS BY JOHN HENRY GOETSCHY, 1736-1740.] List of the Children whom I, J. Henricus Goetschius, h.ave Baptized IN THE Congregation of Goshenhoppen, A. 1736. April 25, Hans Martin, father Henrich SCHMID, mother Anna Marga- retha, witnesses, Hans Hut and Eva Maria, wife of Michel Sebastian. Same, Hans Petter, parents, Hans Adam STABLER and Susanna Caterina. Witnesses, Johannes Schellenberger, Anna Schellenberger. May 9, Georg Peter, parents, Fridrich HILLIGAS and wife Lisabarbara. Witnesses, John Jorg Gut and wife. Same, Philip Henrich, parents, Andreas LOHR and Christina. Witnesses, John Philip Emmert and wife. Same, Jorg Antonius, parents, Peter BEISEL and wife Susanna. Wit- nesses, Jorg Mertz and wife. Same, Eva Lisabeth, parents, Bartlimaus GUGER and wife Catharina. Witnesses, Fridrich Hilledagas[ !] and daughter Eva Lisabeth. Same, Fronegg [Veronica], parents, Michael ZIMMERMAN and wife Anna. Witnesses, Philip Doder and wife. Same, Catrina, parents, Michael HEIDER and wife Catrina. Witness, Catrina Herweg. Same, Susan, parents, Tomas HAMMAN and wife Susan. Witnesses, Christian Leeman and daughter Anna Mary. Same, Margreth, parents, Hans WOLET and wife Margreth. Witnesses, Herman Fischer and wife. 282 Church Records of Goshenhoppen May 23, Margret, parent, Philip RID. June 6, Maria Lisabeth, parents, Feltin | Valentin] GRISEMER and Anna Mary. Witnesses, Jacob Dihl and wife Maria Lisabeth. June 20, Sophia, parents, Wendel WIAND and Anna Margreth. Wit- nesses, Jacob Fischer and wife Sophia. Same, Anna Catharina, parents, Michael FABION and Dorothea. Wit- nesses, Fridrich Nuz and wife Catharina. Same, Elisabetha, parents, Abraham TRANSO and Anna Margretha. Witness, Elisabeth Schunk. Aug. I, Johannes, parents, Herman FISCHER and Margaretha. Wit- nesses, Johannes Magg and Margaretha Zimmerman. Same, Johan Chrlstophel, parents, Michael MOLL and Rosina. Witnesses, Christophel Moll and wife Anna Catharina. Sept. 5, Johannes, parents, Johan Jost OLLWEIN and Anna Eva. Wit- nesses, Johannes Magg and Maria Marg. Zimmerman. Oct. 10, Anna Catrina, parents, Hans SCHELLENBERGER and Anna. Witnesses, Anna Catrina Kem and husband Kaspar. Oct. 31, Johan Jorg, parents, Johan Philip EBERD and Maria Catrina. Witnesses, Johan Jorg Pfalzgraf and wife Anna Barbara. Dec. 5, Anna Maria, parents, Daniel SCHWARZ and Eva Gretha. Wit- nesses, Niclaus Ensli and wife Anna. 1737- March 27, Anna Margreth, parents, Michael REDER and Susanna. Wit- nesses, Georg Welcker and wife Anna Margretha. April II, Jacob Fridrich, parents, Conrad KOLB and Maria Barbara. Witnesses, Jacob Miiller and Eva Elisabeth Hilligas. Same, Johannes, parents, Jacob SCHMIDT and Apolonia. Witnesses, Jo- hannes Schuck and wife Anna Maria. Same, Anna Margreth, parents, Caspar HOLZHAUSER and Margaretha. Witnesses, Wendel Wiand and wife, Margaretha. Same, Hans Leonhardt, parents, Georg Peter KN'ECHT and Christina. Witnesses, Hans Leonhardt Herzel and Anna Maria Galmann. Same, Johan Andreas, parents, Andreas MAURER and Anna Maria. Witnesses, Andreas Sechler and Anna Maria Sechler. Same, Maria Lisabeth, parents George SCHUTZ and Anna Christina. Witnesses, Leonhardt Bock and wife Maria Lisabeth. May 8, Anna Margaretha, parents, Herman FISCHER and Margretha. Witnesses, Wendel Wiand and wife Margaretha. Same, Johannes, parents, Conrad WANNENMACHER and Barbara. Witnesses, Johannes Bess and wife Susanna. Nc-jc Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 283 Same, Anna Maria, parents, Niklaus ENSLI and wife Anna. Witnesses, Anna Maria Wagenseiler, daughter of Christina and Christopher Wagenseiler. Same, Maria Barbara, Anna Maria, parents, Ludvvig DETRER and Anna Barbara. Witnesses, Anna Barbara Heriger, daughter of Gottlieb Heriger, Hans Adam Hilligas, Anna Maria Steger, wife of Hans Steger. June 19, Elisabeth Barbara, parents, Jacob MAURER and Sophia Lisabeth. Witnesses, Fridrich Hilligas and wife Elizabeth Barbara. Same, Anna Margreth, parents, Henrich REDER and Anna. Witnesses, Hans Jorg Welker and wife Anna Margareth. July 24, Eva Barbara, parents, Leonhardt UX [Ochs] and Catrina. Wit- ness, Eva Bai-bara Kunius. Same, Maria Susanna, parents, Philip Jacob SCHELLHAMMER and wife Anna Margreth. Witnesses, Maria Lang and Susanna Schmidt. Same, Anna Catrina, parents, Ulrich ARNER and Ferena. Witness, Anna Catrina Strom, wife of Benedict Strom. Aug. 21, Johan Caspar, parents, Michael FABION and Dorothea. Wit- nesses, Johan Caspar Grisemer and his mother. Nov. 20, Elisabeth, parents, Hanes MAGG and Margreth. Witness, Elisa- betha Zimmermann. 1738. Febr. i, Anna Christina, parents. Johann Philip EMMERT and Mary Catrina. Witnesses, Johannes Hut and wife Anna Maria. Febr. 5, Johan Michael and Jacob, parents, Michael DODDER and Anna Maria. Witnesses, Wendel Wiand and Anna Margreth, Jacob Fischer and Sophia Lisabeth. Same. Philipina, parents, Wendel WL'\ND and Anna Margreth. Wit- nesses, Daniel Schoner and Maria Catrina. Dec. 3, Eva Margretha, parents, Joh. Jorg BREY and Maria Catrina. Witnesses, Conrad Tettrer and Eva Margretha Hut. Dec. 31. Joh. Adam, parents, Conrad KOLB and Anna Barbara. Wit- nesses, Johan Adam Hilligas and Eva Hilligas, his sister. 1739- Aug. 19, Johan Georg, parents, Herman FISCHER and Margaretha. Wit- ness, Johann Georg Mack. Same, Joh. Valentin, parents, Leonhart HARTMAN and Maria Catrina. Witnesses Valentin Grisemer and Anna Mary, his wife. Sept. 2, Jacob, parents, Jacob LINGEL and Anna Ursula. Witnesses, Jacob Fischer and wife Sophia. Same, Anna Lisabeth, parents, Conrad WANNENMACHER and Maria Barbara. Witnesses, Georg Jagi ( ?) and Helena Elisabeth. 284 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Oct. 24, Georg Ulrich, parents, Michael LUTZ and Anna Margretha. Witnesses, Georg Ulrich Engler and Anna Margareth. Same, Michael, parents, Georg Michael KOLB and Anna Elisabeth. Wit- nesses, Michael Reder and Susanna. 1740. Sept. 24, Johan Niclaus, parents, Jacob BISEKER and Anna Maria. Wit- nesses, Joh. Niclaus Mumbauer and Susanna Schmid. Same, Georg, parents, Michael ZIMMERMAN and Anna. Witness, Georg Zimmerman. Same, Jacob, parents, Johannes ZECHLER and Anna Maria. Witnesses, Jacob Maurer and wife Susana Lisabeth. Same, Isaac, parents, Conrad FREY and Ester. Witness, Henrich Gotschy. Same, Jacob, parents, Wendel WIAND and Anna Margreth. Witnesses, Jacob Selzer and wife Elisabeth. Same, Lisabeth, parents, Michael REDER and Susanna. Witness, Lisa- beth Zimmerman. Same, Lisabeth Margreth, parents, Michael MOLL and Rosina. Witnesses, Melchior Siissholz and Lisabeth. Same, Anna Margreth, present, Michael FABION and Anna Dorothea. Witness, Anna Margaretha Dankels. [in. BAPTISMS BY REV. PETER HENRY DORSIUS, 1741-1744.] Anno 1741, August 30. Johan Andreas, parents, Andreas LOHR and Cadarina [Christina]. Wit- nesses, Philip Emmert and wife. Andreas, parents, Caspar HOLTZHAUSER and Margretha, his wife. Witness, Andreas Greber. Johan Conrad, parents, Peter MUELLER and wife Maria. Witnesses, Conrad Kolb and wife. Johannes, parents, Georg WELCKER and Anna Margreth. Witnesses, Johannes Mack and wife. Anna Margretha, parents, Johannes MACK and Margreth. Witnesses, Georg Welcker and wife. Eva Elisabeth, parents, Philip RIET and Veronica. Witness, Ellsabetha Hilligas. Anna Maria, parents, Jacob MAURER and Sophia. Witnes'5, Anna Maria Segler. Catharina, parents, Jacob LINGEL and Ursula Anna. Witnesses, Jo- hannes Bingeman and wife. Elisabetha, parents, Johann Georg FRITLE (?) and Anna Catrina. Wit- ness, Elisabetha Ris. New Goshenhoppen — Vol, I. Baptisms 285 Abraham, parents, Philip LABAHR and Sara. Witness, Caspar Holtz- hauser, Sara, parents, Philip LABAHR and Sara. Witness, the mother. Eva Ellsabetha, parents, Philip LABAHR and Sara. Witness, Eva Elisa- betha Hillegas. Elisabetha, parents, Conrad WANNENMACHER and Barbara. Witness, Gorg Jorg and wife. 1742, September 4. Johan Michel, parents, Adam HILLIGAS and Margaretha. Witnesses, Michel Reder and his wife. Anna Maria, parents, Wendel WEIGAND and Anna Margaretha. Wit- nesses, Johannes Segler and wife. Elisabeta, parents, Bernhard DOTTER and Gertraut. Witness, the mother herself. Andreas, parents, Johannes SEGLER and Anna Mary. Witnesses, Wendel Wigand and his wife, Elisabeta, parents, Niklaus ROTENBURGER and Margareta Anna. Witness, Elisabeth Hatai (?). Joseph, parents, Georg Michel KOLB and Elisabeth. Witness, Joseph Fabion. These children were baptized the fifth of May, Anno 1744. Anna Maria, parents, Hans Rudolph ECK and Anna Cathrina. Wit- ness, Anna Maria . Johann Georg, parents, Molger [Melchior] SUESSHOLTZ and Elisabeth. Witness, Catarina Zimmerman. Johann Friederich, parents, Adam BOSSERT and wife Jacobe. Witness, Friedrich Gotz. Margreda, parents, Andreas MAURER and Anna Maria. Witness, Anna Margreda Lauer. Michel, parents, Michel MOL and Rosina. Witness, Michel Reitenbach. Th. Friedrich, parents, Jos. SEGLER and Anna Maria. Witness, the father himself. [These 25 children were baptized by the Rev. Peter Henry Dorsius, of Nehaminy, Bucks County. The entries were not made by him, but are in a wretched scrawl, made perhaps by one of the elders. The letters of Mr, Boehm, quoted above (see p. 137), make it evident that Mr, Dorsius was in Goshenhoppen. both before as well as after his journey to Holland, which took place from May, 1743. to January, 1744, The presence of Mr. Dorsius at Goshen- hoppen on May 6, 1744, is also vouched for by Mr. Boehm (see (p, 142). On the previous day he baptized the last six children,] 286 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [IV. BAPTISMS BY FREDERICK CASIMIR MUELLER, 1745-1750.] 1745- July 7, Daughter, parents, Peter MAY and wife. Witness, Michel Hubert and Anna Maria Maurer. Aug. II, Son, born July 21, parents, Andres GERBER and wife. Witness, Philip Ried and wife. Sept. I, Son, parents, Jorg Michel KOLB and Anna Elisabeth. Witness, Philip Emert and Maria Catarina. Aug. 25, Daughter, parents, Jacob SCHEL and wife. Witness, Anna Gertrant Griesemer. Sept. 8, Son, born Jan. 23, 1745, parents, Christian STROM and wife Anna Margretha. Witness, Benedict Strom. Oct. 27, Son, parents, Bernhart WANNEMACHER and wife. Witness, Jacob Wannemacher. Sept. 3, Son, parents, Wilhelm MACK and wife. Witness, John Mack. Sept. 27, Son, parents, Johan Adam MENGEL and wife. Witness, Fried- rich C. Miiller. 1746. March 23, Son, parents, Friederich Casimir MUELLER and wife. Wit- nesses, Joh. Hoffmann, Friedrich Helwig. April 7, Son, parents, Casper GRIESEMER and Elisabetha. Witness, Abraham Eckraann. April 6, Johann Michel, parents, Georg FREY and Christina. Witness Michel Huber and Anna Maria Fischer. April 6, Johann Jacob, parents, Jorg WELCKER and Anna Gretha. Witnesses, Benedict Strom and Catharina. June 15, Johannes, parents, Jacob LINGEL and LTrsula. Witness, Jo- hannes Mack and Margaretha. Aug. 23, Johannes, parents, Philip RAFFSCHNEIDER and Susanna. Witness, Johannes Hoffmann. Oct. 17, Michel, Jeremias, David, Daniel, Catarina, Johanna, parents, Jorg RAUTENBUSCH and wife.* Witnesses, Michel Roder, Valentin Griesemer, Andreas Graber, Weygand Pfannebecker. Nov. 1, Jorg Michel, parents, Jorg Michel KOLB and wife. Witnesses, Michel Kurtz and wife. Oct. 25, Anna Maria, parents, Jacob GORY and wife. Witness, Valentin Griesemer and wife. 1747. Jan. 26, Johannes, parents, Paul ANTONI and wife. Witness, Johannes Sechler. * Baptisms on Oct. 17th, entered by the same hand as those on May 4, 1744. Nevj Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 287 Jan. 31, Johanna Maria, parents, Lehnhart LOOTZ [Lutz] and wife. Witnesses, Johannes Otto and wife. March 15, Johannes, parents, Michel ROEDER and wife. Witnesses, Jo- hannes Mack and wife. March 24, Anna Maria, parents, [Wendel] WIEGAND and wife. Wit- nesses, Johannes Sechler and wife. July 26, Rutolph, parents, Johannes SECHLER and wife. Witnesses, Ru- tolph Maurer and wife. March 27, Paul, parents, Jacob LINGEL and wife. Witness, Paul Lingel. 1748. Sept. 25, Lisa Barbara, parents, Peter MAY and wife. Witnesses, Bar- bara Hoffmann, Lisa Moll. 1749. Jan. 21, Susanna, parents, Joh. MACK and wife. Witnesses, Michel Roder and wife. Febr. 12, Christina, parents, Hermann FISCHER and wife. Witness, Christina Moser. March 5, Henrich, parents, Wegand PFANNEBECKER and wife. Wit- ness, Michel Roder and wife. March 25, Cattarina, parents, Jacob GERY and wife. Witnesses, Valentin Grisemer and wife. July 30, Joseph, parents, Johannes SECHLER and wife. Witness, Joh. Sechler himself. 1750. April 28, Joh. Philip, parents, Jacob LINGEL and wife. Witnesses, Cas- per Burger and wife. [These 35 entries (except one or two) are in the wretched, but well-known handwriting of Frederick Casimir Miller. His pres- ence is also vouched for by the eighth and ninth baptisms, which con- tain his name. As the entries of Rev. Weiss began in 1747 (see p. 301), the ministry of Miller seems to have extended from 1745 to 1747. But the later entries prove that he made occasional visits to Goshenhoppen and baptized children there as late as April 28, 1750. As the record remained in the hands of his followers, he was able to make these later entries. Cf. the following note of Weiss on p. 37.] Before the church record made its appearance [in 1757], the 288 Church Records of Goshenhoppen names of the baptized children were generally taken care of and recorded by the parents themselves. [Note in the handwriting of G. M. Weiss.] [V. BAPTISMS BY THE REV. GEORGE MICHAEL WEISS, 1748-1761.] From 1748 till the year 1758 the following adult persons were baptized, upon the profession of their faith, by me, George Michael Weiss: Anna Maria Neiss, Georg Neiss, Stedler, the blacksmith and his bro. the wheelwright, Wife of Wilhelm Schuler, Wife of Samuel Schuler, Mr. Schambach's second wife, Philip Wentz, Peter Wentz, H. Pannebeck, N. Meyer, The two oldest daughters of Conrad Dotterer, J. Schell, Michael Schell, Elisabeth Sell, Peter Sell, J. Miiller, Joseph Miiller, The three daughters of Mr. Hucken and a son, Paul Neiss, Benjamin Sommer, Samuel Somani, Anna Maria Hildebeidel. Parents. Children. Date of Baptism. Witnesses. 1757- Michael Ried and Anna Maria Daniel Hamm and Anna Maria Dec. 2 wife Michael Roeder and Catharina Anna Maria Dec. 2 A. Margaretha Knauss Carl Dorr and Chris- Ullrich Ullrich Greber and tina Matthys Brickerdt and Maria Elisabetha Dec. 4 J. Jacob Dec. 7 Anna Margaretha J. Nicol Jung and wife Andreas OhI and Eva Wilhelm Wilhelm Horst, Su- Jacob Meyer and Anna Meyer Jacob Klotz and Sophia Nov. 3 Conrad Dec. 18 Wendel Dec. 24 sanna Horlacher Conrad Hillikas and Creth Miiller Wendel Wigandt and his wife New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 289 Parents. 1758. Peter Bleyler and N.* Daniel Hucken and Magdalena J. Adam Eckman and Christina Jacob Isset and Anna Maria Philip Ried and Maria Elisabeth J. Schmidt and Maria Elisa Johannes Huth and Barbara J. Adam Heckman and Anna Elisabetha Christian Setzman and Susanna Daniel Miiller and Anna Margaretha Wendel Kiihner and Rosina Dorothea Abraham Driess and J. Soberer and Anna Margaretha Philip Boehm and Catharina Walter Miiller and Anna Maria Caspar Hoffman and Dorothea Andres Maurer and Anna Maria Friederick Wigerdt and Maria Eva Peter Edelman and Maria Elisabetha * The letter N. is used Children. Date of Baptism Anna Maria Jan. I Maria Catharina Jan. I Maria Margaretha June 7 Maria Catharina Jan. 8 Balthasar Jan. 8 J. Jacob Jan. 13 Johannes Jan. 19 Christina Jan. 20 George Daniel Jan. 20 J. Daniel Jan. 20 Johannes Jan. 20 Johannes Febr. 4 Maria Catharina Febr. 14 J. Georg Febr. 23 Anna Maria Febr. 23 Samuel Febr. 26 Jacob and Anna Maria March 8 Anna Maria March 8 Maria Elisabetha March 11 in German to indicate Witnesses. J. Bleyler and wife J. Hucken Friedrich Miiller and wife J. Lee and wife Balthasar Fritz and Maria B. Fischer Jacob Wannenmacher and wife J. Huth and wife Daniel Neidich and wife Anna Mar- garetha Georg Daniel Peiffer and Eva Miiller J. Gallman and wife Catharina J. Rood [Roth] and wife Anna Barbara J. Neidish and wife Elisabetha J. Gallman and wife Catharina J. Georg Reider and wife Elisabetha Jacob Becker and wife Anna Maria Samuel Lieser and Barbara Lieser Jacob Mauerer Andreas Mauerer J. Georg Edelman and wife Maria Cath. an unknown name. 290 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents. Bernhard Wannen- macher and wife Catharina Jacob Morheadt and wife Anna J. Peter Nikum and Anna Maria Simon Hirsch and Anna Maria Philip Gressler and Anna Margaretha Christoffel Schuhmann and Maria Eiisa- betha Philip Wendel and Maria Christina Adam Bossert and Ja- cobina Michel Jo and Peter Stadler and Catharina Rudy Huber and wife Hennerich Huber and wife Anna Christian Hagel and Susanna J. Adam Iliilikas and Catharina Jacob Weidknecht and Anna Margaretha J. Schmidt and Ger- trudt Ullrich Spinner and Ursula Georg Schmidt and wife Children. Date of Baptism. J. Casper March 11 J. Michel March 12 Anna Catharina March 17 Anna Margaretha March 24 Maria Margaretha April 2 J. Wilhelm April 10 Johannes April 23 J. Adam April 23 Veronica April 23 Anna Margaretha April 30 J. Huber May 6 Jacob May 6 Mathys May 14 Anna Margaretha May 15 Jacob May 20 Wilhelm May 21 David May 28 Anna May 28 Witnesses. J. Caspar Brendt and wife J. Michel Gressler and Elizabetha Lee Georg Zimmerman and Anna Catharine Zimmerman Conrad Zimmerman and Anna Marga- retha, his wife Michel Bastian and wife Philip Lee and wife J. Wilhelm Geiger and wife A-nna Maria J. Lee, Maria Catha- rine J. Adam Lauten- schlager and wife J. Heil and wife Henrich Huber and wife Jacob Huber and wife Mathys and wife Elisabeth Barbara Anna Margaretha Bit- ting Jacob Funk and wife Anna Wilhelm Schneider David Streib and wife Susanna Henrich Huber and wife Anna New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 291 Parents. Henrich Huber and Susanna Valadin Huber and Barbara Andreas Mauerer and Barbara Christian Rincker and Catharina Philip Schmidt and Anna Catharina Wilhelm (?) J.Caspar Berendt and Elisa Lena Weigandt Pannebeck and Nelche Jacob Hamm and Maria Barbara Michael Eberhardt and Anna Roland Jung and Catharina Baltasar Stiel and Christina Jacob Ridy and Su- sunna J. Leonhardt and wife Jacob Schuster and wife Jost Schiicher and Catharina Adam Hocker and wife Georg Klein and Maria Daniel Hamm and wife Peter Lauer and wife Children. Date of Baptism. Abraham May 28 J. Peter May 28 J. Jacob June 29 Maria Elisabeth July 3 Maria Catharina July 3 Maria Sept. 3 Johannes Sept. 9 Sept. 3 Maria Catharina Sept. 30 Barbara Oct. 7 J. Henrich Oct. 13 Maria Elisabetha Nov. 13 Susanna Nov. 25 Elisabetha Nov. 26 Andres Dec. 4 Maria Margaretha Dec. 4 Eva Margaretha Dec. 10 Anna Sibilla Dec. 17 Elisabeth Dec. 25 Peter Dec. 25 Witnesses. Henrich Huber and wife Anna Peter Kuster and wife Dorothea J. Jacob Mauerer Samuel Siisserdt and Elisabetha Riess J. Martin Derr, Anna Catharina Semm Elisabeth Liser Joh. Schmidt and wife Maria Elisabetha Weigandt Panneback and wife Felix Brunner and wife Barbara Henrich Jung and Margaretha Fischer Jacob Spinner and Maria Elisabeth Ziegenfuss J. Martin Reyer and Susanna Horlacher Andres Heisser and his sister Maria Gertraudt Neukerch Peter Beissel and wife J. Jerger and wife Elisabeth Moll Peter Reiff and wife 292 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents. Isaak Somani with all his children 1759. Philip Heger and Anna Barbara Philip Huth and Anna Eva Feb. 3, was baptized Nicolaus Mombauer and wife Philip Jacob Egi and Catharina Johannes Huth and Anna Barbara Leonhardt Eggelin and wife Jacob Meyer and Anna Johannes Gotz and Anna Maria Abraham Dauber and Anna Christina Peter Wetzel and Anna Margaretha Martin Werflfel and Ann Maria March 22, were bap- tized by me, G. M. Weiss, upon their confessilon of faith, Henrich Van Sluys and Catharina Johannes Schell and Veronica Georg Zinimermann and Anna Catharina Children. Date of Baptism. Anna Barbara Abraham Elisabetha Christian Catherina Dec. 26 J. Philip Jan. I J. Jacob Jan. 12 David Brunner's wife, Anna Maria J. Henrich Febr. 4 J. Georg Febr. 18 Anna Catharina Febr. 24 Anna Margaretha March 4. Eva Elisabeth March 4 Anna Margaretha March 4 Maria Catharina March 19 Johannes March 19 Maria Barbara March 19 Eva Meyer, Anna Meyer Daniel March 25 J. Jacob April 13 J. Nicolaus April 16 Witnesses. Susanna, wife of Christian Brobst ( ?) Peter Christ and wife Catharina Jacob Christman and wife Anna Eva Her husband, David Brunner and J. Brunner J. Henrich Hei>s and wife Georg Heilig and wife Elisa Barbara Michael Roeder and wife Catharina J. Jost Keller and wife Eva Eberhardt Lavar Peter Haas and wife Catharina J. Wetzel Maria Barb. Rieser Daniel Hiester and wife Catharina Jacob Mauerer and wife Nicolaus Seibel and wife New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 293 Parents. Johannes Cunius and Catharina Johannes Frey and Elisa Barbara Jacobf Trolinger and Anna Maria Michael Lieser and Maria Elisabetha April 20, David Levi went over from Ju- daism to Christian- ity, upon the pro- fession of his faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized by me, G. M. Weiss, Georg Peter Hiliikas and Elisa Barbara Johannes Derr and Anna Maria Philip Lehmann and Anna Maria Zacharias Ditterer and wife J. Jacob Reiniger and Anna Margarethr Johannes Stab and Catharina Hennerich Bleyler and Susanna Johannes Martin and Anna Barbara Children. Date of Baptism. J. Nicolaus April 16 Elisa Barbara April 16 Anna Maria Catharina April 22 Veronica Dorothea April 22 David Levi Friderich April 26 J. G€org April 29 Elisabetha May 6 Christina May 9 J. Jacob May 10 Anna Maria May 10 Abraham May 20 Samuel Christian Johannes May 25 Philip Stein and Bar- Johann Henrich bara May 27 Witnesses. Jacob Geri and wife Fridrich Hiliikas and wife Elisa Barbara Peter Stroh and wife Caspar Hoffman and wife Fridrich Hiliikas and wife Elisa Barbara Jacob Wannenmacher and wife, also the parents of Zacharias Detterer Jacob Wittmer and Maria Cath. May Benedict Strohm and wife Anna Maria Peter Bleyler and wife Hanna Andreas Greber and wife Gertrudt Georg Peter Hiliikas and wife Barbara Joh. Gallman and wife Catharina Jacob Hoffman and wife Barbara -94 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents. Johannes Neiss and Anna Maria Jacob Geri and Ger- traudt Jacob Klein and Anna Maria Gabriel Klein and Elisabeth Dorothea Matthys Bruckerdt and Maria Elisa J. Georg and Maria Catharina Jost Keller and Mar- garetha Henrich Buhl and Su- sanna Michael Schmidt and Anna Maria Henrich Keppel and Margaretha Elisa J. Carl Derr and Christina Jacob VVeidknecht and Anna Margaretha Jost Weigardt and Barbara Jacob Pfannenbecker and Christina Jacob Hildenbeitel and wife Ulrich Greber and Anna Margaretha Michael Schell and Catharina Nicolaus Ohl and Anna Margaretha Johannes Spcrri and Maria Margaretha Children. Date of Baptism. J. Georg May 27 Johannes June 3 Anna Barbara June 17 Ludwig June 24 J. Henrich June 24 Elisabetha June 24 Jacob July 8 Henrich July 8 J. Jacob July 29 J. Henrich July 29 J. Martin July 29 Johannes Martin Aug. 5 Johannes August 5 Jacob Aug. 19 Johannes Aug. 19 Anna Maria Aug. 26 Anna Catharina Aug. 26 J. Henrich Sept. 16 Johannes Sept. 23 Witnesses J. Georg Weickerdt and wife Magda- lena Fridrich Helwig and wife Magdalena Anna Barbara Sieber Ludwig Bitting and Anna Sabina J. Nicolaus Jung and wife Anna Gertraudt Melchior Siissholtz and wife Elisabetha Jacob Isset and wife Magdalena J. Jacob Werner and wife Catharina J. Martin Derr and Anna Clara Hinter- leiter Johannes Derr and wife Anna Maria Conrad Seeler and Anna Susanna Dotter Johannes Klein and wife Andreas Greber and wife Anna Maria Jacob Griesemer and wife Anna Catha- rina Henrich Miiller and wife Anna Ger- traudt New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 295 Parents. Johannes Dieben- dorfer and wife Abraham Segler and wife Peter Linn and Anna Margaretha Henrich Grub and Adelheid J. Lee and Marga- retha Samuel Schiiier and wife Melchior Kolb and Catharina Peter Nicum and Anna Maria Abraham Herp and Gertrudt Jacob Walter and Ro- sin a Peter Stro[h] and Anna Maria Jacob Fischer and Hanna Johann Michel Hart- man and Anna Margaretha Samuel Hirsch and wife Anna Maria Peter Stadler and Catharine Andreas Ohl and Anna Eva J. Adam Hillikas and Catharina Andreas Greber and Anna Maria J. Martin and Anna Barbara Children. Date ol Baptism. Johannes Sept. 23 Johannes Oct. 7 Theobald Oct. 14 Anna Catharina Oct. 14 Elisabeth Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Anna Catharina Oct. 26 Philip Oct. 27 Abraham Oct. 28 Jacob Oct. 28 Catharina Oct. 28 Johannes Oct. 28 Dillo Jacob Nov. 4 J. Henrich Nov. 4 Eva Catharina Nov. 5 Andreas Nov. 12 J. Peter Nov. 28 Anna Margaretha Dec. 16 J. Michel and Eva Catharina Dec. 24 Witnesses. Henrich Miiller and Anna Gertraudt Johannes Segler Theobald Meglin and wife Elisabeth Henrich Huber and ^vife Catharina Alexander Negeley and Elisabeth Rieder Kilian Gaukler and wife Margaretha Anna Catharina Weber J. Philip Boehm and wife Catharina J. Nicol. Nicum and Anna Marg. Win- gerd Jacob Walter and wife Rosin a Abraham Herp and wife Gertrudt Catharina Moll Johannes Fischer and wife Catharina J. Jacob Holtzhauser and Anna Marg. Redmann J. Henrich Hirsch and Maria Marg. Scholl Melchior Kolb and wife Eva Catharina J. Wilhelm and Eva RIed Georg Peter HilliJvas and wife Barbara Ulrich Greber and Anna Margaretha Michael Roeder and wife Catharina 296 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parent's. Children. Date of Haptism. 1760. J. Kiinerdt and Agnes Fridrich Barbara Ja"- 5 Michael Bischoff and Barbara Maria Eva Jan. 6 Joseph Eberhardt and Anna Margaretha Catharina Febr. 17 Bastian Ruf and Anna Maria Susanna Febr. 17 Johannes Muck and Catharina Eiisabetha March i Adam Darms ( ?) and J. Peter Anna Margaretha March 2 Peter Hollenbusch and Maria Catharina Anna Maria Febr. 24 Wilhelm Geyer and Johan Michel Anna Maria March 23 Jacob Berger and Andreas Barbara March 25 J. Gotz and Anna Georg Fridrich Maria April 6 Benedict Swob and Susanna April 7 Philip Boehm and J. Jacob Catharina May II Thomas Gant and Maria Eva Margaretlia May 11 Henrich Huber and Catharina wife May 30 Peter Lahb and Creth [Margaret] May 4 Conrad Biehn ( ?) and Nicolaus Sophia Magdalena May 4 Michael Roeder and Catharina Jacob Isset and Mag- Eiisabetha dalena June % Witnesses. Fridrich Schmilin ( ?) Michel Eberhardt and wife Peter Wetzel and wife Margaretha Georg Adam Sang- meister and wife Nicolaus VVohlfaht and wife Catharina J. Peter Wetzel and wife Anna Marga- retha Henrich Beyer and wife Mary Magda- lena J. Michael Reiff- schneider and wife Juliana Andreas Beyer and wife Gertrudt Fridrich Wambold and wife Catharina J. Georg Welcker and wife Conrad Zimmermann and wife Anna Margaretha J.Adam Willauer and wife Anna Maria Henrich Huber and wife Nicolaus Finck and wife Maria Eiisa- betha Johann Arend Weiss and wife Daniel Hister and wife Catharina New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Baptisms 297 Parents. Christoffel Peirmann and Catharina Michael Jo and Ve- ronica Johann Jacob Mohr- hed and Anna Peter Sell and Catha- rina Rutolf Frick and Veronica Stephan Schoner and Christina Conrad Hillikas and Maria Margaretha J. Nicolaus Walber and Elisabeth J. Nicolaus Walber and Elisabeth Salomo Sell and Sophia Benjamin Sommer and Catharina Henrich Miiller and Gertraudt Georg Lauer and Bar- bara Johannes Freyer and Babara Michael Ried and Anna Maria Johannes Schmidt and Anna Gertraudt Jacob V^etzel and wife J. Henrich Ott and Catharina Conrad Ludwig and Anna Appollonia Peter Mauerer and Maria Margaretha Children. Date of Baptism. Witnesses. Jacob Jacob Miiller and wife June 8 Catharina Peter Jo and Maria June 8 Hoffmann Adam Hollenbusch and June 8 Maria Marg. Hoost Johannes Johannes Fischer and June 15 wife Catharina Matheis Mathys Scheiffeli and June 22 wife Gretha Ulrich Ulrich Hertzel and July 4 wife Johannes Johannes Schellenber- July 13 ger and wife Susanna David Streib and July 10 wife Elisabetha Elisabetha David Gissi and wife July 10 Elisabetha Anna Margaretha and Anna Marg. Bitting Elisabetha July 27 J. Ludwig J. Ludwig Lang and Aug. 3 wife Elisabetha Anna Elisabetha Jacob Danckel and Aug. 3 wife Elisabeth Anna Barbara Christian Miiller and Aug. 3 %vife Anna Barbara Georg Jacob Georg Peter Hillikas Aug. 10 and wife Barbara Elisabeth Jacob Maurer and Aug. 17 Elisabeth Ried Johann Henrich J. Henrich Mincker Aug. 17 and Eva Meyer Jacob Jacob Wetzel, Sr., Aug. 24 and wife Anna Margaretha J. Georg Ziegenfuss Aug. 24 and wife, Anna Margaretha Elisabeth Henrich Moll and Sept. 7 wife Elisabeth Anna Mattheus Mauerer and Sept. 7 wife Anna Berends 298 Church Records of Goshcuhoppcn Parents. Michael Hettenbach and Catharina Wilhclm Dickenschitt and Catharina Johannes Fischer and wife Jacob Huber and Catharina Elisabetha Ullrich Greber and Margaretha Johannes Danckel and Lenche [Nelly] Johannes Zeller and Anna Maria Johannes Wien and Appollonia 1761. Georg Peter Hillikas and Barbara Philip Jacob Egi and Gertraudt Abraham Friess and Anna Margaretha Adam Neudig and Anna Barbara Wendel Renninger and Anna Margaretha Mathys Brickerdt and Maria Gertraudt Jacob Weidknecht and Susanna Margaretha Georg Reinheimer and Maria Catharina Joseph Eberhardt and wife Children. Date of Baptism. Wilhelm and Peter Oct. 2 Margaretha Oct. 12 Oct. 19 J. Jacob Oct. 26 Sara Oct. 26 Johann Jacob Dec. 21 Catharina Dec. 21 Margaretha Dec. 25 A. Catharina Jan. 29 Elisa Barbara Febr. i J. Leonhardt Febr. 9 Anna Barbara Febr. 9 Anna Margaretha Febr. 22 Andreas Febr. 22 Anna Maria Febr. 22 Maria Margaretha Elisa March 21 Johann Benjamin March 22 Witnesses. Wilhelm Geiger and wife Anna Maria Peter Michael Schlo- necker and wife Anna Maria Christoffel Dicken- schitt and Maria Margaretha Paul Samsel and wife Margaretha Sara Lawar Jacob Dankel and wife Elisabeth J. Gallman and wife Catharina Margaretha Moll J. Adam Hillikas and wife Catharina Georg Heilig and wife Barbara J. Leonhardt Neudig Daniel Neudig and wife Anna Marga- retha Peter May and wife Juliana Andreas Jung and Elisa Barb. Wanne- macher Jacob Ratzel and wife Maria Lorentz Siissholtz and Anna Marg. Elisa Reiffschneider Michael Eberhardt and wife New Goshenhoppen—Vol. I. Baptis ms 299 Parents. Michel Eberhardt and wife Michael Scheib and Anna Barbara Christian Scheid and Maria Elisa Jacob Daub and Elisa- betha Jost Schlicher and Catharina J. Jacob Dankel and Elisabetha Jacob Ridi and Susanna Joh. Philip Schmidt and Catharine Johann Huth and Maria Barbara Simon Hirs and Anna Maria Ludwig Hirs and Catharina Michael Roder and Catharina Caspar Hoffmann and Dorothea Theobald Breuchler and Maria Felix Linn and Jaco- bina Adam Bosserdt and Jacobina J. Adam Hillikas and Catharina Henrich Laba[r] and Elisabetha Philip Ried and Anna Elisabetha Michael Raudenbusch and Anna Maria Children. Date of Baptism. Johannes March 22 Anna Maria March 29 Johann Georg March 29 Jacob April 5 J. Georg April 5 J. Henrich April 5 Anna Margaretha April 9 Johann Philip April 19 Eva Margaretha April 24 Simon April 25 Anna Maria April 25 Peter April 26 Anna Eva April 26 Barbara Elisa May 3 Peter May 3 Anna Elisabetha May 10 Anna Christina May 10 Leonhardt May 10 J. Philip May 10 Henrich June 7 Witnesses. Michael Bischoff and wife Johannes Gotz and wife Maria Joh. Georg Loness and wife Catharina Elisa Jacob Wigandt and Susanna Roder J. Georg Schlicher J. Henrich [Dankel] and wife Gertraudt Jacob Lang and wife Anna Margaretha Johann Martin Derr and wife Maria Gertraudt Jacob Christmann and wife Eva Margaretha Henrich Mathys and Veronica Peter Scholl and wife Anna Maria Peter Hillikas and wife Barbara J. Ulrich Kuhl and Eva Lieser Peter Wetzel and wife Catharina Andreas Ohl and wife Anna Elisabetha Henrich Funck and wife Anna Christina Leonhardt Beyer and Elisabeth Fux J. Philip Fischer and wife Philipina Henrich Hoffman and Cath. Raudenbusch 300 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents. Gcorg Zimmermann and Anna Catharina Michael Lieser and wife Jost Keller and Margaretha Peter Sell and Catha- rina Peter Lauer and Sara Philip Heist and Susanna Henrich Bleyler and Susanna Michael Resch and Anna Jacob Meyer and Anna Gerhardt Strieker and Catharina Isaac Soman! and Magdalena Paul Schwenger and Barbara Philip Huth and Eva J. Stab and Catharina Christoffel Heisser and Barbara Philip Becker and Maria Weijrandt Pannen- becker and Nelche [Nelly] Peter Stro[h] and Maria J. Cunius and Catha- rina Elisa Caspar Bucher and Catharina Children. Date of Baptism. Maria Elisabetha June 7 Johannes June 7 Maria June 21 Anna Margaretha June 28 Catharina June 28 Anna Elisabetha July 4 Anna Maria July 6 July 6 Anna Barbara July 12 Catharina July 12 Eva Elizabetha July 12 Nicolaus July 12 J. Stoffel July 19 Maria Margaretha July 19 Barbara July 26 Maria Magdalena July 26 Elisabeth Aug. 9 Henrich Aug. 9 Anna Margaretha Aug. 9 Maria Elisa Aug. 9 Witnesses. Maria Elisabetha • Johannes Keck and wife J. Nicolaus Schneider and Maria Gerkess Anna Marg. Welcker Johannes Cunius and wife Catharina J. Nicolaus Heist and wife Elisabetha Anna Maria Bleyler J. Sparri and wife Anna Margaretha J. Martin and wife Anna Barbara Valentin Neugisser and wife Catharina Andreas Ohl and wife J. Bisecker and wife Christina J. Stoffel Weiss and wife Jacob Wittmer and wife J. Georg Lauer J. Michael Bastian and wife Magdalena Melchior Siissholtz and wife Elisabeth Henrich Schwalbach J. Adam Dillo and wife Anna Marga- retha J. Schmidt and wife Maria Elisabetha New Goshenhoppen — Fol. I. Marriages 301 [The foregoing 240 baptisms were entered by Rev. G. M. Weiss. He died in August, 1761. See the history above, p. 171. It is not known who officiated at the two following baptisms.] Andreas Graber and Henrich Henrich Bitting Anna Maria Sept. 16 Jost Wiandt and Bar- Anna Maria Anna Maria VViand bara Oct. 7 [VI. MARRIAGES BY REV. GEORGE MICHAEL W^EISS, 1747-1761.] Those Persons who from the Year 1747 to the Year 1758 have been Married by me, George Michael Weiss, V.D.M. [i] John Neiss and Catharina Hahn [2] George Neiss and Anna Dotter [3] Jacob Arend and Anna Elizabeth Geiger [4] Abraham Arend and Catha- rina Ried [5] J- George Leidich and Cath- arina Arend [6] John Schicher and Catharina N. [7] John Gressman and widow Hauk [8] John Gressman's son and [9-10] John Gressman's two daughters and [11] Jacob Ried and Magdalena Leidich [12] J. Zirkel and N [13] Benedict Schwob and Su- sanna Welcker [14] Dietrich Welcker and Sara de Haven [15] Philip Wentz and daughter of Ulrich Hartman of Schipbach [16] Stoffel Wagner and second daughter of Bastian Schmid of Schipbach [17 [18 [19 [20 [21 [22 [23 [24 [25 [26 [27 [28 [29 [30 [31 [32 J. Breneman and N Benjamin Sommer and Anna Maria Scholl J.Denig and Elizabeth Eichel Jacob Riedi and Susanna Gucker Andreas Ohl and Eva Gucker Peter Beissel and Maria Schwenk N. Ohl and Elisa Barbara Gucker Michel Welcker and Anna Maria Ried Theobald Wink and Cretha Ried J. Adam N. and Maria Mag- dalena Beissel. Michel Ried and Anna Maria Mauer Michel Schell and Catharina Lauer John Schell and Veronica Mauer David Haag and Elisa Cath- arina Wagenseil Melchior Schultz and Cath- arina Kahlbach Adam Hillikas and Catha- rina Bitting 302 Church Records of Gosheuhoppen 1 33] Peter Hillikas and Barbara Hornberger [34] Philip Huth and Eva Weiss fss] Jolin Huth and Barbara Zimmerman [36] J. Arendt Weiss and Su- sanna Huth [37] Georg Schley and Catharina N [38] Caspar Berend and Elisa Lena Wannenmacher [39] Hennerich Berendt and Anna Maria Luer [40] Harmon Luer and Katharina Kieffer [41] J. Luer and Barbara Weber [42] Jacob Fischer and Hannah Dankler [43] Roland Jung and Catharina Fischer [44] Henrich Haas and N. Jung [45] J. Huebner and Anna Dotter [46] Jacob Zimmerman and Sophia Wigand [47] Abraham Segler and Bar- bara Moll [48] Henrich, a blacksmith, and Elizabeth Moll [49] Daniel Hamm and Anna Maria Segler [50] Wendel Lemli and Scharl. M. Wigand [51] Jacob Weidknecht and Creth [Margaret] Boehm [52] Antoni Hamser and Anna Marg. Raudenbusch [53] Benedict Strohm and Anna Maria N [54] Andreas Mauerer and Maria Barbara Steinman [55] Paulus Rothaermel and Maria Cretha Mauer [56] J. Schmidt and Gcntrude N [57] Leonhardt Griesemer and N. Leveber [58] Georg Lauer and Maria Bar- bara N [59] Michel Roeder and Catharina Erb [60] Henrich Lobach and Marga- retha Roeder [61] Michel Stab and Catharina N [62] Mathvs Reicherdt and Creth Hillikas [63] Nicolaus Jeger and Anna Hillikas [64] J. Kiefer and Barbara Hil- likas [65] Wilhelm Gedman and Su- sanna Jekel [66] Andres Greber and Anna Maria Bitting [67] Ulrich Greber and Creth Labar [68] Peter Laub and Creth Muss [69] Carl Doerr and Christina Muss [70] John Dankel and N [71] Hennerich Mueller and Ger- trudt Diefendoerffer [72] Nicolaus Ohl and Anna Marp;. Diefendoerffer [73] Gabriel Klein and Elisa- betha Dorothea Bitting [74] Alexander Dieffendoerffer and Gertrude N. fLeidig] [75] Fridrich Lang and N. SchoU [76] Christian Mueller and Elisa- beth Wetzler [77] Jacob N and Veronica Wetzler [78] J. Haag and Anna Marg. Wetzler New Goshenhoppen—Fol. I. Marriages 303 [79] Peter Wetzel and Creth Eberhard fSo] J. Mecklin and Creth Kehler f8i] N. Weitzel and Barbara Kehler [82] Andreas Muehlschlagel and Anna Maria Emet [83] Henrich Kumpf and Catha- rina Emet [84] Michel Eberhardt and Catha- rina Bleyler [85] Peter Bleyler and Hannah N [86] Philip Vackenthal and Elisa- beth Bleyler [87] Ulrich Hornecker and Bar- bara Eberhard [88] Ulrich Hornecker and Creth Eberhard [89] Valentin Keiser and Bar- bara Huber [90] H. Heger and Eva Huber [91] N and Creth Huber [92] Nicolaus Mombauer and Magdalena N [93] J- Adam N and Creth Hitz [94] Jacob Huber and Elisabetha Samsel [95] Henrich Huber and Barbara N. [96] Philip Schmidt and Creth Doerr [97] J- Goetz and Catharina N, [98] N. Zimmermann and Jacob Hoffman's daughter [99] N. Zimmermann and Jacob Hoffman's daughter [100] Of the Henerichs in Schip- bach several have inter- married [loi] J. Oftengraff (Op ten Graf) and N. Oftengraf [102] Abraham, a tailor, and N. Hamman [103] Henrich Bartholome and Elisa Barbara Erb [104] J. Reiswick and Creth Erb [105] N. Dickenschitt and N [106] Henrich Prey and N [107] J. Schmidt and N [108] Conrad Moll and Elisa Bar- bara Hill [109] Georg Weidner and Catha- rina Moll [no] N and Anna Marg. Moll [in] Diel Neiss and N. Hahn [112] Salomon Rockenstuhl and widow of Grossjockel ["3] J- Adam Schneider and N. Levan [114] J. Brobst and Jacob Levan's oldest daughter [115] Ludwig Workman and Cath- arina Braun [116] Richardt Klein and Elisabeth Horneck [117] Georg Hertzel and Catharina Neiss [118] Andreas Workman and Cath- arina Prey [119] Mathys Brickerdt and Maria Elisabetha N. [120] Andres Niet and Catharina N. [121] Georg Edelman and N [122] J. Mueller and N [123] Marcus Wannenmacher and N [124] J. Schmidt and Anna Marga- retha N [125] Lorentz Bamberger and Scharlotta N [126] J. Kugeler and Catharina Bamberger 304 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [127] Jacob Hildenbeitel and Anna Maria N [128] J. Button and N. Klein [129] Widow Fried and her serv- ant [130] Simon Hirsch and Maria Elisabeth Lauar [131] Philip Boehm and Elisabeth Cath. Mombauer [132] Philip Jans and Barbara Detweiler [133] Jost Keller and Hannah N. [134] Johannes Schneider and Catharina Dieringer [135] Johannes Jost and Creth Schneider [136] J. Koster and John John- son's daughter [137] N and Bastian Schmidt's daughter of Schipbach [138] N and Brenneman's daughter of Schipbach [139] Georg Meyer and Weide- man's oldest daughter [140] Philip Henrich's second son and N. Johnson [141] J. Georg Linckheimer and [142] Jacob Schaefer and Catha- rina, widow of Henrich Bitting [143] Abraham Schreiner and Anna Maria Schmld. [144] Samuel Somani and N. GrefF. [145] N. Henrichs and N. Gott- schalk [146] N and a daughter of the young Gottschalk [147] N and a daughter of the young Gottschalk [148] I. Son of Leonhardt Hen- nerichs and daughter of Paul Hennerichs [149] 2. Son of Leonhardt Hen- nerichs and daughter of Paul Hennerichs [150] 3. Son of Leonhardt Hen- nerichs and N [151] Son of Paul Hennerichs and daughter of John Frey [152] N and daughter of Christian Weber of Ma- detschi [153] Son of Kaiser of Madetschi and N [154] N and daughter of Jost Becker [155] Son of John Frey and daugh- ter of Paul Hennerichs [156] Son of Felix Lee and N [157] Servant of Uly Stauffer and his maid servant [158] N and daughter of W. Keiber [159] N and oldest daughter of Mathys Ochs [160] N. Obenbeck of Cockscreek and N. [161] J. Weitzel and daughter of John Gressman [162] John, son of Philip Zimmer and daughter of Kilian Zimmerman [163] Son of Lorentz Hennerichs and N. Gottschalck [164] Third son of Lorentz Hen- nerichs and N of Ma- detschi [165] W. Weitzel and \ of Dinikum [166] Henrich Gremmeling and Catharina, stepdaughter of Georg Heilig [167] N and Catharina, daugh- ter of Philip Zimmer New Goshenhoppen — Fol. I. Marriages 305 [168] N and daughter of Kil- ian Zimmerman [169] J. Weiss and N [170] Jacob N and Anna Weiss [171] N and N. Weiss [172] Henrich N and Anna Maria Gemehli [173] Henrich Huber and Christina N [174] Caspar Huber and Anna N [175] N. Weiss and N , widow living at Hosensack [176] J. Schlosser and N [177] Thomas Koch and N [178] Abraham Lucken and Mar- gareth Frey [179] J- Hoffman and Catharina Zimmerman [180] Caspar Hoffman and Doro- thea Lieser [181] Henrich Schmidt and Rachel Denny [182] J. Seller and Nany Johnson [183] Baltasar Rabanus and Ellsa- betha Kremer [184] Christian Buhler and Sarah Huntzberger [185] Melchior Schultz and Catha- rina Kohlbeck 1758. [186] Jan. 7, J. Adam Eckman and Christina N [187] Jan. 26, Balthasar Stiel and Christina Wickerd [188] Jan. 26, Johann Jacob Muel- ler and Margaretha Eckerd [189] Febr. 7, Johann Schwenck and Anna Cath. Christ. Huber [190] March 6, J. Martin Mueller and Catharina Gruen [191] March 30, Matthys Ritten- hausen and Catharina Von Vasen [192] March 28, Georg Schill and Eva Merg. Kraessler [193] March 4, Philip Heiss and Susana Schmid [194] March — , J. Jacob Huber and Anna Cath. Kehler [195] March 26, Wilhelm Mueller and Catharina Schultz [196] April 20, Joseph Schmidt and Catharina Frey [197] April 18, Johan Adam Wil- lauer and Anna Maria Linn [198] April II, Johan Peter Seib and Anna Maria Erb [199] May 2, Georg Reinheimer and Maria Cath. Suess- holtz [200] May 30, David Brunner and Maria Landess [201] June 6, Paul Schwanger and Barbara Biseker [202] June 27, David Schultz and Elisabetha Lar. [203] July 15, Henrich Fritz and Maria Anders (?) [204] Sept, 26, Mathys Kern and Veronica Weidman [205] Oct. 19, Georg Gangwehr and Maria Melchior [206] Nov. 14, Andres Beyer and Philippina Wigand 1759- [207] Jan. 4, Wendel Reiniger and Anna Marg. Mey [208] Jan. 9, Joh. Christ. Kahlbach and Anna Cath. Fabian [209] Jan. 18, Jacob Griesemer and Catharina Hahlmann 3o6 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [210] Jan. 27, Valladin [Valentin] [230 Scbillig and Maria Elis. Moll [231 [211] April 3, Joseph Eberhardt and Catharina Siege! [212] April 5, Henrich Huber and [232 Anna Cath. Huber [213] April 17, Jacob Beyer and [233 Anna Maria Worth [214] April IS, J. Zelier and Anna [234 Barbara Jeckels [215] April 20, Sylvanus Mabury [236 and Le Miatta de Blema (?) [237 [216] June 26, Andreas Haag and Christina Hinderleiter [238 [217] Aug. — , Peter Sell and N Alhvein [239 [218] Sept. 27, Peter Mauerer and C. Berst [219] Oct. 9, Peter Kumpf and Eva Elisabetha Kiefer [240 [220] Oct, 8, Johan Fischer and Catharina Gabel [241 [221] Oct. 26, Jacob Wetzel and Anna Maria Hag [242 [222] Oct. 23, Peter Weber and Anna Marg. Kayser [243 [223] Nov. 13, Johannes Wiehn and Appolonia Moll [224] Nov. 18, Daniel Gicherdt and [244. Barbara Mosser (?) [225] Nov. 20, Peter Samsel and Maria Catharina Sem [245 [226] Dec. 18, Henrich Jacob Ranch and Magdalena Kierner [246 1760 [227] Jan. 8, Ludwig Bieder (?) [247 and Margaretha Fischer [228] Feb. 5, Johannes Meyer and [248 Esther Contir [229] Febr. 26, Michael Roeder [249 and Barbara Mever Febr. 28, Wilhelm Rittenhaus and Margaretha Umstett March 25, Hartman Leiben- guth and Anna Barbara Hornberger April 15, Johann Michel Seib and Anna Barbara Eidel April 17, Jacob Kuester and Elisabeth von Vossen (?), J. Georg Lahr and Catharina Fink Oct. 28, J. Christian Scheitt and Maria Elis. May Nov. 25, Philip Lahr and Elisabeth Mack Nov. 25, J. Henrich Stedler and Anna Catharina Mack Nov. 26, Johann Fridrich Reiss, Lutheran minister at New Goshenhoppen, and N June 17, Johann Jacob Dan- kel and Elisabeth Roeder June 19, Simon Conrad Grt- neus and Anna Marg. Rab Oct. 14, Casper Bucher and Catharina Wannenmacher Dec. 14, Johann Michael Hettenbach and Anna Ma- ria Dahl Nov. 25, Johannes Mauerer and Anna Marg. Ohl 1761 May 12, Johann Philip Dosch and Veronica Eberhard May 12, Georg Fischer and Anna Barbara Eberhard May 19, Johannes Wetzel and Eva Meyer May 13, Philip Hahn and Anna Marg. Hiester June 16, Johannes Eberhardt and Cath. Elisabetha Ried. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Catechumens 307 [VII. CATECHUMENS OF THE REV. GEO. M. W^EISS, 1748-176 1.] From the year 1748 to the year 1758 the following persons have been admitted to the Holy Communion for the first time by me, George Michael Weiss, V.D.M. [Verbi Divini Minister] : Jacob Ried Catharina Ried Jacob Schneider Sara Schneider Veronica Schneider Creth Schneider Susanna Schneider Anna Maria Moy J. Moy Anna Maria Hiester Anna Maria Wegelin Elisabetha Wegelin Sara Gerkess Elisabetha Gerkess Hoffman's five oldest daughters Philip Zimmer's sons David and a daughter Elisabetha Ried Anna Maria Ried Eva Ried Sophia Mauer[er] Veronica Mauer[er] Barbara Mauer[er] Jacob Mauerer Andreas Mauerer Jacob Mauerer Mathys Mauerer Peter Mauerer Rudolf Mauerer John Mauerer Maria Eva Mauerer John Mauerer Elisabetha Mack Catharina Mack Creth Mack Creth Fischer John Fischer J. Georg Fischer Sophia Wigandt Philipina Wigandt Daniel Schwartz's two oldest daughters Cath. Holtzhacker Barbara Moll Elisabetha Moll Cretha Moll C. Moll Stoffel Moll Michel Moll Andreas Jung J. Wannenmacher Anna Lena Wannenmacher Elisa Barbara Wannenmacher Philip Berendt Michael Kolb Joseph Kolb Andres Holtzhauser Jacob Holtzhauser Creth Holtzhauser Michel Roeder Maria Creth Roeder Catharina Roeder Elisabetha Roeder J. Wendel Georg Peter Hillikas Conrad Hillikas Barbara Hillikas Philip Huth John Huth Elisabetha Schmid Henrich Rauch Elis. Christman Susanna Christman Maria Barbara Steinmann 3o8 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Creth Welcker John Welcker Catharina Stapp Creth Fink Elisabetha Fink Catharina Berendt Anna Maria Lur Barbara Lur The three oldest daughters of the old Steinraan Barbara Steinman Elisabetha Steinman Catharina Steinman N. Jung, daughter of H. Jung Catharina Wannenmacher J. Wiihelm Beissel Maria Magdalena Beissel J. Ried Elisa Barbara Gucker Eva Gucker Susanna Gucker Philip Boehm Creth Boehm Ludwig Hersch Henrich Hersch Creth, maid servant of Reider's J. Leonhardt N Creth Mueller Christina Muss Ludwig Bitting Henrich Bitting Anton Bitting Anna Maria Bitting Elisabetha Bitting Anna Marg. Dieffendoerffer Gertrudt Dieffendoerffer Godfried Dieffendoerffer J. Dieffendoerffer Elisabetha Rieser Maria Elisa Rieser Valentin Kaiser Anna Maria Kaiser Barbara Kaiser Anna Maria Linn Catharina Erb Elis. Barbara Erb Creth Erb Eva Erb Lorentz Erb Caspar Erb Ludwig Erb Joseph Eberhard's five sons Joseph Eberhard's five daughters Michel Eberhard's daughter Hennerich Bleiler Michel Bleiler Peter Bleiler Elisabetha Bleiler Catharina Bleiler Hanna, Peter Bleiler's wife Susanna, H. Bleiler's wife J. Siegel Ullerich Spinner's son Creth Huber Susanna Cath. Huber J. Huber Michel Huber J. Jacob Dandel J. Dandel Hanna Dandier Anna Marg. Dandier Michel Raudenbusch Peter Raudenbusch Georg M. Raudenbusch David Raudenbusch Jacob Wetzel's three daughters Jacob Wetzel's two sons M. Kehler's two daughters M. Kehler's son Scharlotta Herd Eva Herd Grossjockel's son Grossjockel's daughter Creth Willauer Anna Maria Willauer J. Adam Willauer New Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Catechumens 309 Anna Maria, maid servant of Con- rad Zimmermann Johannes Dubs Peter Lauer Georg Lauer Elisabeth Zimmermann Veronica Zimmermann Catharina Zimmermann Michel Zimmermann J. Zimmermann Peter SchoH's two oldest daughters Kilian Russ Georg Russ Elisabetha Russ Balthasar Lamper's sister's daugh- ters, Elisabetha, Barbara Sebastian Schmid's son Sebastian Schmid's three daughters Jacob Bruner . David Bruner J. Bruner Andres Beyer's son Andres Beyer's daughter The old Dreher's two sons The old Dreher's daughter Creth May Catharina May J. Faust N. Faust Ulrich Herzel's six sons Kilian Zimmerman's three daugh- ters Cath. Huber Maria Barbara Huber Elisabeth Brand Catharina Brand Maria Cath. Suessholtz Cath. Schroemling J. Goetz and his wife J. Georg Steinman Stoffel Walberdt Catharina Moll Conrad Moll Henrich Bingeman Gertraudt Bingeman Elisabeth Lawar Margaretha Lawar J. Kunius Abraham Ditloh and wife Henrich Mombauer Elisa Cath. Mombauer Abraham Faust's son Hitz's second daughter Samsel's two sons Samsel's daughter Catharina Mack J. Stab Leonhard Griesemer's wife J. Denich C. Lutz Philip Henrich N 's three sons Jost Keller Barbara Sem Henrich Arndt Sophia Dotter Anna Dotter Catharina Hahn Nany Dotter Christian Lehmann's three sons Christian Lehmann's daughter Andres Weiss's two daughters N. Herp and wife Jacob Gruben's daughter Anna Maria Emet Christiana Emet Catharina Emet Georg Emet Jacob Danner's four sons J. Danner's daughter Michael Stepp's wife Catharina Lauer Henrich Mueller Conrad Huth Conrad Huth's two sisters Peter Stedler Susanna Stedler 3IO Church Records of Goshenhoppeu Anna Marg. Stedler Michael Burkardt J. Adam Burkardt Christian Lawer Abraham Schellhammer Catharina Schellhammer Mr. Haack of Maxatani, three daughters and son Jacob Hildenbeitel and wife Handwerk's wife Henrich Eckman Elisabetha Lichter J. Herp Andres Herp and wife Catharina Hilli Adam Hilli Catharina Dieringer Manenschmidt's wife of Maxatani Son of Mr. Kutz of Maxatani Eva Lehmann Jacob Weidman's sister Peter Beissel's servant Jacob Ulrich Hartman's of Schipbach two daughters Catharina Bitting and her sister Maria Schmid W. Keiber's two daughters 1758 Alexander Diebendoerffer Philip Bitting Felix Linn Susanna Cath. Roeder Anna Maria Schambach J. Georg Fischer Anna Marg. Fischer Johannes Fischer Barbara Moll '^- Elisabetha Moll Catharina Moll Apollonia Moll Stoffel Moll Henrich Moll Peter Moll Elisabetha Mack Catharina Mack Anna Marg. Mack Anna Marg. Welcker John Welcker Maria Cath. Suessholtz 1759 Andres Ried Michel Hillikas Johannes Hillikas Elisabetha Bankens Joh. Steinraan Cath. Schmid Anna Maria Rieser John. Peter Eberhardt Anna Cath. Siegel Maria Elisa Fink Catharina May Eva Meyer J. Georg Mack Anna Maria Mack Elisabetha Kolb Elisabeth Mauerer Anna Marg. Mauerer Anna Maria Mauerer Catharina Mauerer Jacob Segler Johannes Segler 1761 Jacob Becker Jacob Wigandt Peter Pannebeck Georg Kolb Michael Kolb Jacob Welcker Nicholaus Nickum Anna Maria Pannebeck Marg. Suessholtz Anna Maria Geri Anna Sophia Ludwig Sophia Fischer Barbara Lawar Anna Maria Weber Nexv Goshenhoppen — Vol. I. Miscellaneous 311 Anna Marg. Aleigod (?) J. Lee Johannes Huester Daniel Huester Benjamin Schueler Catharina Zimmerman Conrad Leydich Susanna Mack Jacob Becker Anna Maria Mombauer Elisabetha Fink C. Faust Jacob Bischoff Susanna Bischoff N. Bischoff J. Peter Bitting J. Weiss J. Reiswick Catharina Mucker Anna Eva Hillikas [VIII. MISCELLANEOUS ENTRIES OF 1735-38.] [i] List of members who have died during my ministry: MDCCXXXVII— 18, December, Jacob Knopf died. His age, 75 years. MDCCXXVIII— 2, March, John Georg Pfalz- graff died, son of Georg Pfalzgraff, his age 2 years, 5 months. [2] List of couples who have been married in New Goshen- hoppen : 1735, Dec. 21. Daniel Schwartz [4] and Eva Marg. Raderli. 1736, June 22. Georg Peter Knecht, shoemaker, and Christine Herzel, daughter of Mr. Herzel of Schipbach. 1736, June 22. Georg Meyer and Maria Gerwegen, daugh- ter of Hans Gerwegen of Goshenhoppen, both single. [3] List of the new communicants, who have been instructed by me, Henrico Goetschio, and admitted to the holy com- munion for the first time and thus have entered into the Christian congregation, Oc- tober 10, 1736: JOHN HENRY GOETSCHY, Hans Adam Hilligas, son of Fred Hilligas. Anna Maria Galman, daugh- ter of Henr. Gallman. Anna Marg. Raehder, daugh- ter of the late Adam Reder. Anna Maria Knopf, wife of Leonhard Knopf, who came over from the Schwenkfelder faith into our most holy Re- formed faith. Eva Marg. Hut, daughter of John Hut. List of the men who have served under me, J. Henrico Goetschio, V.D.M., as elders of the congregation: A". 1736, April 25, were elected as elders: Johannes Steinmann. Johannes Bingemann. J. Georg Welcker Heinrich Galmann. A°. 1738, January i, were hon- orably released from the du- ties of their office: Johannes Steinmann. Heinrich Gallmann. In their places were elected: Benedict Strom. Philip Emert. CHURCH RECORD OF THE NEW GOSHENHOPPEN REFORMED CONGREGATION, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA. SECOND VOLUME, 1 762-1 832. Church Record for the Congregation of New Goshenhoppen, from the year in which Rev. Weiss died [1761], [containing the names of] all the children, who from that year to the year 1766 were baptized by me, Jacob Riess, Leyte [Leydich] and Michel and also those of later years. JoHANN Ehrhart Weiss, Jacob Riess, Pastor. Elder. Michael Moll, Elder. Ulrich Greber, Deacon, Peter Hillegass, Deacon. [I. BAPTISMAL RECORDS.l [i. Entries by the Rev. Jacob Riess, 1762-1766.] CUNIUS, WiLiiELM, s. of Johannes Cunius, born 1755, Jan. 24; sp. Wilhelm Griesemer and his wife. Cunius, Johannes, s. of Johannes Cunius, b. 1756, Dec. 15; sp. Jacob Krie- semer and Catharina Roder. CUNius, Anna Maria, d. of Johannes Cunius, b. 1759, March 14; sp. Jacob Goery and wife. Cunius, Anna Margaretha, d. of Johannes Cunius, b. 1761, July 20; sp. Michel Hartmann Dillo and wife. Cunius, Catharina, d. of Johannes Cunius, b. 1763, Sept. 27; sp. Peter Lauer and wife. 312 New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 313 CuNius, Johannes, s. of Johannes Cunius, b. 1765, Oct. 7; so. Johannes Kriesemer and Anna Marya Gohrisen. Fischer, Johannes, s. of Joerg Fischer, b. 1762, March 15; sp. Johannes Fischer and wife. Fischer, Joseph, s. of Joerg Fischer, b. 1763, Aug. 3 ; sp. Joseph Eberhart and wife. Fischer, Anna Margaretha, d. of Joerg Fischer, b. 1765, Febr. 13; sp. Anna Margaretha Fischer. Graeber, Ludwig, s. of Andres Graeber, b. 1752, Nov. 29; sp. Ludwig Bitting and wife. Graeber, Andreas, s. of Andreas Graeber, b. 1755, Jan. 6; sp. grandfather and grandmother. Grabber, Maria Elisabeth, d. of Andreas Graeber, b. 1757, July 6; sp. Dorothea Lisbeth Bitting. Grabber, Henrich, s. of Andreas Graeber, b. 1761, Aug. 6; sp. Henrich Bitting and wife Grabber, Anna Margaretha, d. of Andreas Graeber, b. 1763, Sept. 30; sp. Ulrich Graeber and wife. Grabber, Christina, d. of Andreas Graeber, b. 1765, Nov. 5; sp. Philip Graeber and Christina Bitting. Grabber, Christina, d. of Ulrich Graeber, b. 1756, Sept. 26; sp. Carl Derr and wife Christina. Grabber, Anna Maria, d. of Ulrich Graeber, b. 1759, Aug. 5; sp. Andreas Graeber and wife Anna Maria. Grabber, Eva, d. of Ulrich Graeber, b. 1763, Aug. 3; sp. Philip Graeber and Eva Lawar. Hillegas, Peter, s. of Peter Hillegas, b. 1756, Jan. 19; sp. wife of John Martin Abbel. Hillegas, Catharine, d. of Peter Hillegas, b. 1761, Jan. 23; sp. Adam Hillegas and wife. Hillegas, Elisabetha Barbara, d. of Peter Hillegas, b. 1763, Oct. 17; sp. Johannes Frey and wife. Rev. Leyte (Leydich) baptized (child). Hillegas, Johannes, s. of Peter Hillegas, b. 1766, June 15; sp. Johannes Hillegas and Christina Reichert, d. of Mathes Reichert. Mauer, Anna Marya, d. of Peter Mauer(er), b. 1762, June 28; sp. Jo- hannes Mauer and wife. Mauer, Johannes, s. of Peter Mauer, b. 1764, Aug. 8; sp. Michel Rieth and wife. Danckel, Henrich, s. of Jacob Danckel, b. 1761, March 21; sp. Henrich Muller and wife. Danckel, Johann Jacob, s. of Jacob Danckel, b. 1763, Jan. 6; sp. grand- father and grandmother. 314 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Danckel, Catharin'a, d. of Jacob Danckel, b. 1765, July 15; sp. grand- father and grandmother. Stroh, Maria, d. of Fetter Stroh, b. 1763, May 8; sp. father and mother, Stroh, Elisabetha, d. of Fetter Stroh, b. 1765, Sept. i ; sp. Johannes Stab and wife. Fischer, Maria Margreta, d. of Johannes Fischer and Catarina Elisabeta Fischer, b. 1760, Aug. 29; ?p. Georg Fischer and Maria Margareta Fischer. Fischer, Johannes, s. of Johannes Fischer and wife Catarina Elisabeta, b. 1763, Sept. i7;sp. Georg Fischer and Barbara Fischer. Fischer, Johann Philip, s. of Johannes Fischer and wife Catarina Elisa- beta, b. 1765, March 17; sp. Johann Philip Gabell and Elisabeta Cata- rina Gabell. Leyendecker, Conrad, s. of Philip Leyendecker, b. 1766, Jan. 29; sp. Conrad Ludwig and his wife Anna Abell. Hauswirth, Johann Jacob, s. of Jacob Hauswirth, b. 1766, Apr. 11; sp. Abraham Gerhart and wife. 1766, Jan. 26, Thomas Mabry brought two negroes to Holy Baptism. The father was baptized Mathias, sp. Mathias Barthel; the son baptized Bernhart, sp. Bernhart Eyl. [2. ENTRIES BY THE REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, 1766-1779.] Children which were baptized by me, Johann Theobald Faber and are herein recorded. Fatel, Petrus, s. of Peter Fatel, born 1767; Jan. 18; sp. Peter Heiss and wife. Fischer, Catarina Elisabetha, d. of Georg Fischer, b. ; sp. Johannes Fischer and wife. Hellicas, Elisa Barbara, d. of Conrad Hellicas, b. 1767, Jan. 8; sp. Georg Petrus Hellicas and wife. Maurer, Petrus, s. of Petrus Maurer, b. 1767, Jan. 31; sp. Petrus Pannen- becker and Anna Maria Maurer. Walder, Johannes M.atheus, s. of Henrich Walder, b. 1767, Febr. 12; sp. Matheus Walder and wife. COLB, Elisabetha, d. of Joseph Colb, b. 1767, Febr. 19; sp. Georg Michael Colb and wife. Wetzel, Johannes Jacob, s. of Johannes Wetzel, b. 1767, Apr. 18; sp. Jacob Wetzel. Conrad, Elisabetha, d. of Christian Conrad, b. 1767, Apr. 12; sp. Georg Mack and wife. Danckel, Johann Jacob, s. of Johannes Jacob Danckel, b. 1767, Apr. 27; sp. Jacob Danckel and wife. Nem Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 315 Sell, Elisabetha, d. of Henrich Sell, b. 1767, Febr. 18; sp. Weiant Panne- becker and wife. Bauer, Magdalena, d. of Abraham Bauer, b. 1766, Dec. 18; sp. Isaac Somni and wife. Maurer, Johannes Friedrich, s. of Andreas Maurer, b. 1766, ; sp. Friedrich Maurer and Anna Maria Risser. Grismer, Johannes Georg, s. of Leonhart Grismer, b. 1767, ; sp. Johann Georg Besbing. Ratz, Daniel, s. of Johannes Ratz, b. 1767, July 14; sp. Michael Stepp and wife. Paulus, Catharina, d. of Philip Paulus, b. 1767, June 28; sp. the mother. Segler, Anna Rosina, d. of Abraham Segler, b. 1767, May 31; sp. Michael Moll and wife. Graeber, Eva Barbara and Anna Christina, daughters of Andreas Grae- ber, born 1767, July 10; sp. Henrich Bitting and wife. Maurer, Fronica, d. of Rudolph Maurer, b. 1767, Aug. 11; sp. Fronica Frick and Rudi Frick. Rith, Elisabeth.a, d. of Michael Rith, b. 1767, Aug. 28; sp. Peter Hellicas and wife. Levi, Johannes Adam, s. of David Levi, b. 1767, Sept. 18; sp. Job. Adam Hellicas and wife. Graeber, Andreas, s. of Ulrch Graeber, b. 1767, Dec. 28; sp. Andreas Graeber and wife. Harn, Abraham, s. of Adam Harn, b. 1767, Nov. 12; sp. Abraham Segler and wife. JoRG, Anna Barbara, d. of Andreas Jorg, b. 1767, Nov. 28; sp. Matheus Brickert and wife. Englet, Elisabetha, d. of Caspar Englet, b. 1768, Jan. 16; sp. Ulrich Graeber and wife. Hellicas, Maria Margreta, d. of Joh. Helicas, b. 1768, Febr. 26; sp. Jacob Geri and wife. Holshausen, Joh. Nicolaus, s. of Andreas Holshausen, b. 1768, March 11; sp. Michael Holshausen and Catarina Wiant. Hellicas, Eva, d. of Peter Hellicas, b. 1768, March 20; sp. Georg Hor- lacher and wife. Schlieger, Anna Maria, d. of Jost Schlieger, b. 1768, Febr. i; sp. Stoflel Schlieger and wife. Staut, Joh., s. of Joh. Staut, b. 1768, June i; sp. Wendel Reiniger and wife. Fischer, Stina, d. of Wendel Fischer, b. 1768, May 12; sp. Joh. Segler and Stina Fischer. LiSER, Barbara, d. of Michael Liser, b. 1768, ; sp. Casper Hoffman and wife. 3i6 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Hoffmann, Maria Elisabetha, d. of Casper Hoffmann, b. 1768, Jan. i; sp. Michael Liser and wife. Segler, Jacob, s. of Abraham Segler, b. 1768, Sept. 15; sp. Jacob Segler and Margaretha Moll. WiLLAUER, Elisabetha, d. of Joh. Willauer, b. 1768, Sept. 12; sp. Henrich Maurer and Elisabetha Willauer. Moll, Michael, s. of Stoffel Moll, b. 1768, June 12; sp. Michael Moll. Dralinger, Johannes Petrus, s. of Jacob Dralinger, b. 1767, ; sp. Petrus Stroh, living in Erfort township. Schelle, Maria Susanna, d. of Joh. Schelle, b. 1768, Oct. 16; sp. Anna Maria Maurer. Wetzel, Petrus, s. of Joh. Wetzel, b. 1768, Sept. 23; sp. Petrus Wetzel and wife. CoLB, Georg Michael, s. of Josephus Colb, b. 1768, Sept. i; sp. Georg Michael and Eva Stelhvagen, Jr. Wiant, Josephus, s. of Jacob Wiant, b. 1768, Oct. 19; sp. Josephus Wiant and Anna Margretha Zimmermann, d. of Conrad Zimmermann. RiEDT, Jacob, s. of Andreas Riedt, b. 1768, Dec. 6; sp. Jacob Leydy and wife. Fischer, Christianus, s. of Joh. Fischer, b. 1768, Oct. 19; sp. Christianus Fischer and wife. Fischer, Johannes Georg, s. of Georg Fischer, b. 1768, Nov. 3; sp. Jo- hannes Georgus Mack and wife. Geri, Joh. Petrus, s. of Jacob Geri, b. 1769, Jan. 25; sp. Peter Hellicas and wife. Sell, M.\rgareta, d. of Henrich Sell, b. 1769, Jan. 14; sp. Margreta Welcker. Maurer, Anna Margretha, d. of Peter Maurer, b. 1769, Febr. 15; sp. Than. Maurer and wife. Rauch, Joh. Georgus, s. of Philip Rauch, b. 1768, Nov. 5; sp. Georg Stein- mann and wife. Suessholtz, Elisabetha, d. of Philip Suessholtz, b. 1769, March 3 ; sp. Benedict Moll and Elisabetha Reffschneider. Brennesholtz, Johannes, s. of Georg Brennesholtz, b. 1769, March 7; sp. Johannes Jung and Catharina Weiss. Suessholtz, Henricus, s. of Lorentz Suessholtz, b. 1769, Febr. 21; sp. Hen- rich Dass and Elisabetha Suessholtz. SCHINLIN, Stina, d. of Friedrich Schinlin, b. 1769, Febr. i ; sp. Melchior Kolb and wife. HoRNE, Joh. Erhartus, s. of Benedict Home, b. 1769, May 16; sp. Joh. Erhartus Weis and wife. Danckel, Joh. Michaelus, s. of Jacobus Danckel, b. 1769, May 31; sp. Joh. Michaelus Rheder and wife. New Goshenhoppen~VoL 11. Baptisms 317 VViEGERT Henricus, s. of Friederich Wiegert, b. 1769, Apr. 22; so Hen- nch Maurer and Elisabetha Suessholtz. HORLACHER, JoHANNES Georgus, s. of Peter Horlacher. b. 1769 June ro" sp. Georg Horlacher and' wife. Bauer. Susanna d. of Abrahamus Bauer, b. X769, May 28; sp. Valendin l-inck and Susanna Hupper. VVeis^ MICHAELUS, s of Erhard Weis, b. ,769. June ^^■, sp. Michael Knoeder and wife. Graeber, Johannes s. of Andreas Graeber. b. 1769, June aa ; sp. Henricus iiitting and wife. Hellicas MARI.A Margretha, d. of Conrad Heliicas, b. 1769, Aug. 3; sp. Joh. Schelleberger and wife. & i' v Herrsch. Elus, s. of Henrich Herrsch, b. 1769, July 24; sp. Ellas Lang and wife. ^ Spielmann, Jacobus, s. of Michael Spielmann, b. 1769, July 30- sp Ja- cobus Bossert and Margretha Wertz Grabber Johannes s. of Philip Graeber, b. X769, July Z3; sp. Joh. Rhoeder and Stina Bitting. ■' ^ ' 1 j Maenner C.tharina, d. of Joh. Petrus Maenner, b. 1769, Aug. 26; sp. Joh. Jung and Catharina Weis. WiANT David, s. of Elias Wiant, b. X769, Aug. X7; sp. David Levi and wire. STEiNMANN Anna Maria, d. of Joh. Steinmann, b. 1769. Nov. 29- sp Agnes Steinmann. widow ""'"'and iTi^"'' " "' ''^"''' ^"''"■' '• ''''^ °"- «= '^- J«'^- F'-l^" Hauswirth. Johannes, s. of Jacob Hauswirth, b. 1769. Nov. x- .p Joh Fischer and wife. ^' •' """HeT^'M^"'""'' '• "' ""^"^^ Reinheimer, b. X769, Nov. 2; sp. Henrich Maurer and Elisabetha Suessholtz """and '"fe'^""' '' '' ^"''' ^°"' '^ ''''' ^°^'- ^°= ^P" ^^^^ Wagner Levi^Hanna, d. of David Levi. b. X769, Dec. 4; sp. Abraham Diilo and LOESER. MARIA RosiNA d. of Michael Loese, b. X769, Apr. 26; sp. Philip Leidecker and wife. ' f- ^ ""'l' Leioecker, IVL.RIA EusABETHA. d. of Philip Leideckcr, b. X769, July xx- sp. Michael Loeser and wife. ^ ' ^ 22 3i8 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Krisemer, Margaretha, d. of Leonhart Krisemer, b. 1770, Jan. 17; sp. the mother Rudolph, Catharina, d. of Peter Rudolph, b. 1770, Jan. 5 ; sp. Wendel Wiant, Jr., and wife. Lauer, Anna Margaretha, d. of Peter Lauer, b. 1770, Jan. 24; sp. Anna Margaretha Reiss, living on the Oley mountains. Jorg, Joh. Georgus, s. of Andreas Jorg, b. 1770, March 12; sp. Georg Welcker. Wetknecht, Barbara, d. of Jacob Wetknecht, b. 1770, Jan. 15; sp. Jost Wiant, Jr., and Anna Barbara Reder. Moll, Johannes Georgus, s. of Stoffel Moll, b. 1770, March i; sp. Georg Moll and wife. MoTZ, Susanna, d. of Johannes Motz, b. 1770, March 4; sp. Matheus Motz and wife. Raudenbusch, Johannes Georgus, s. of Jeremias Raudenbusch, b. 1770, Apr. 24; sp. Bernhart Gilbert and wife. Nus, Catharina, d. of Conrad Nus, b. 1770, May 3; sp. Michael Raeder and wife. Jost, Johannes, an adult, bapt. Apr. 9, 1770, also instructed in the faith. Segler, Anna Maria, d. of Abraham Segler, b. 1770, June 2; sp. Johannes Segler and wife. Fischer, Anna Maria, d. of Georg Fischer, b. 1770, June 11; sp. Joh. Jost Wiant and Anna Maria Mack. Maurer, Johannes, s. of Joh. Maurer, b. 1770, June 9; sp. Johannes Cu- nius and wife. Segler, Sophia, d. of Joh. Segler, b. 1770, June 13; sp. Petrus Eberhart and wife. Trump, Elisabetha, d. of Adam Trump, b. 1770, Oct. 4; sp. Leonhart Krisemer and wife. Schmidt, Josephus, s. of Lorentz Schmidt, b. 1770, Oct. 23; sp. Joseph Colb and wife. Wiant, Susanna, d. of Wendel Wiant, b. 1770, Oct. 16; sp. Erhart Weiss and wife. Schuetz, Johannes Jacobus, s. of Philip Schuetz, b. 1770, Aug 18; sp. Jacob Schmidt and Elisabetha Erdmann. Pannebecker, Anna Maria, d. of Petrus Pannebecker, b. 1770, Dec. 4; sp. Anna Maria Kern. Reitenauer, Johannes, s. of Stoffel Reitenauer, b. 1769 (or 1770), June 15; sp. Johannes Klein and wife. Reitenauer, Johannes Henricus, s. of Stoffel Reitenauer, b. 1770, Oct. 9; sp. the father himself. CuNius, Joh. Philip, s. of Joh. Cunius, b. 1770, Dec. 6; sp. Philip Heiss and wife. Neiv Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 319 Heilig, Elisabetha Barbara, d. of Georg Heilig, b. 1771, Febr. 3; sp. Georg Michael Renter and wife Elisabetha. RiEDT, Philip, s. of Andreas Riedt, b. 1771, Jan. 26; sp. Philip Riedt and wife. Tralinger, Petrus, s. of Peter Tralinger, b. 1770, Dec. 20; sp. Andreas Riedt and wife. Gerhart, Elisabetha, d. of Abraham Gerhart, b. 1771, Jan. 2; sp. Daniel Neier and wife. Staut, Johannes Georgus, s. of Joh. Staut, b. 1771, March 17; sp. Georg Rosemann and Juliana May. Hellicas, Susanna, d. of Conrad Hellicas, b. 1771, May 3; sp. Jacob Danckel and wife. Meyer, Andreas, s. of Jacob Meyer, b. 1771, Febr. 9; sp. Andreas Maurer and wife. Spielmann, Anna Maria, d. of Michael Spielmann, b. 1771, Apr. 13; sp. Anna Maria Wertz. Mack, Catharina, d. of George Mack, b. 1771, March i; sp. Henrich Stettler and wife. Welcker, Georgus, s. of Jacob Welcker, b. 1771, May 9; sp. Georg Welcker. Frack, Joh., s. of Daniel Frack, b. 1771, Apr. 13; sp. Conrad Grob and wife. Mayer, Friedericus, s. of Jacob Mayer, b. 1771, May 12; sp. Friedericus Pannebecker. Horne, Joh. Erhartus, s. of Benedict Home, b. 1771, Apr. 5; sp. Rehartus Weiss and wife. Hellicas, Joh. Georg, s. of Georg Hellicas, b. 1771, Aug. 15; sp. Georg Horlacher and wife. Levi, Anna Margretha, d. of David Levi, b. 1771, July 7; sp. Abraham Dittlo and wife. Danckel, Henrich, s. of Jacob Danckel, b. 1771, June 30; sp. Henrich Mueller and wife. Geri, Joh. Michaelus, s. of Jacob Geri, b. 1771, July 13; sp. Joh. Cunius and wife. Gucker, Hanna, d. of Peter Gucker, b. 1771, July 5; sp. Maria Cath. Geiger. WiLLAUER, Johannes, s. of Joh. Willauer, b. 1771, Aug. 30; sp. Christian Wannemacher. Reinheimer, Johannes Philipus, s. of Georg Reinheimer, b. 1771, Sept. 8; sp. Joh. Philip Suessholtz. Nus, Jacobus, s. of Conrad Nus, b. 1771, Sept. 22; sp. Jacob Danckel and wife. 320 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Koi.B, JoH. Georgus, s. of Joseph Kolb, b. 1771, Aug. 10; sp. Georg Kolb and wife. Rudolph, Elisabetha, d. of Peter Rudolph, b. 1771, Sept. 4; sp. Joh. Jacob Schneider and wife. Bauer, Maria, d. of Abraham Bauer, b. 1771, Aug. 24; sp. Benedict Strom and wife. Faber, Johannes Theobalt, s. of Rev. Faber, b. 1771, Sept. 24; sp. Daniel Gros, minister in Saucon and Springfield. Dorworth, Joh. Philip, s. of Jacob Dorworth, b. 1771, Nov. 5; sp. Philip Schutz and wife. Sell, Henrich, s. of Henrich Sell, b. 1771, Sept. 19; sp. Henrich Panne- bccker. Steinmann, Maria Margaretha, d. of Joh. Steinmann, b. 1771, Sept. 17; sp. Sophia Maurer. Brennesholtz, Christian, s. of Georg Brennesholtz, b. 1771, Oct. 8; sp. Mueller and wife. Fischer, Hermann, s. of Georg Fischer, b. 1771, Nov. 15; sp. Joh. Fischer and wife. Lauer, Joh. Philip, s. of Peter Lauer, b. 1771, Dec. i ; sp. Philip Heiss and wife. Segler, Maria Barbara, d. of Abraham Segler, b. 1771, Dec. 7; sp. Maria Barb. Suessholtz. Horlacher, Elisabetha, d. of Georg Horlacher, b. 1772, Jan. n; sp. Georg Hellicas and wife. Moll, Margaretha, d. of Stoffel Moll, b. 1772, Febr. 5; sp. Margretha Moll. SUESSHOLLSS, EvA Catharina, b. 1772, Jan. 7; sp. Abraham Bauer and wife, d. of Lorens Suessholss. Wiant, Anna Maria Elisabetha, d. of Elias Wiant, b. 1772, March 13; sp. Rudolph Dresch and wife. Hellic.\s, Joh., s. of Peter Hellicas, b. 1772, Febr. 27; sp. Reichert Klein and wife. Raeder, Elisabetha, d. of Michael Raeder, b. 1772, Febr. 18; sp. Philip Laar and wife. Segler, Joh. Rudolphus, s. of Joh. Segler, b. 1772, Febr. 21; sp. Rudolph Segler. Eckert, Wilhelm, s. of Justus Eckert, b. 1771, Aug. 14; sp. Conrad Hel- licas, instead of Wilhelm Boos. Leidecker, Joh. Jacobus, s. of Philip Leidecker, b. 1771, Sept. 30; sp. Joh. Jacob Meisenheimer and Susanna Hupper. Wiant, Susanna, d. of Jost Wiant, b. 1772, May 23; sp. Jacob Danckel and wife. Neiv Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 321 Walter, Joh. Georg, s. of Henrich Walter, b. 1772, June i ; sp. Joh. Georg Ziegenfuss and wife. Hellicas, Joh. Jacob, s. of Joh. Adam Hellicas, b. 1772, Apr. 26; sp. David Levi and wife. Berret, Jacobus, s. of Casper Berret, b. 1772, June 15; sp. Jacobus Wane- macher and wife. Wiaxt, Wendel, s. of Wendel Wiant, b. 1772, Aug. 8; sp. Wendel Wiant and wife. Rautenbusch, Anna Maria, d. of Jeremias Rautenbusch, b. 1772, July 31; sp. Michael Rautenbusch and wife. LiESER, Maria Elisabetha, d. of Michael Lieser, b. 1772, June 28; sp. Anna Elisabetha Leidecker. Schenlin, Anna Maria, d. of Friedr. Schenlin, b. 1772, July 3; sp. Hen- rich Walter and wife. Wetknecht, Andre.\s, s. of Jacob Wetknecht, b. 1772, July 20; sp. And. Riedt and wife. Frack, Johannes Jacobus, s. of Dan. Frack, b. 1772, Sept. 4; sp. Jacobus Frack and wife. CuNius, Elisabetha, d. of Johannes Cunius, b. 1772, Nov. 6; sp. Leonhart Grisemer and wife. Maurer, Andreas, s. of Andreas Maurer, b. 1772, Jan. 17; sp. the parents. FiNCK, Johannes, s. of Valet. Finck, b. 1772, Oct. 5 ; sp. Joh. Nicol Finck. Maurer, Anna Barbara, d. of Peter Maurer, b. 1773, Febr. 7; sp. Mar- gretha Fisher. Hellicas, Johannes, s. of Joh. Georg Hellicas, b. 1773, Febr. 11; sp. Joh. Hellicas and wife. Krisemer, Susanna, d. of Leonhhart Krisenner, b. 1773, Jan. 14; sp. Philip Laar and wife. Krisemer, Joh. Friedrich, s. of Joh. Krisemer, b. 1773, March 5; sp. Fried. Hellicas and Catharina Krisemer. Willauer, Johann Georg, s. of Joh. Willauer, b. 1773, March 25; sp. Stoffel Reitenauer and wife. Segler, Ferena, d. of Abraham Segler, b. 1773, May 13; sp. Andreas Maurer and wife. Rauch, Daniel, s. of Philip Rauch, b. 1772, Nov. lo; sp. the father. Staut, Petrus, s. of Joh. Staut, b. 1773, Apr. 12; sp. Peter Finck and Bar- bara May. Danckel, Johannes, s. of Jacob Danckel, b. 1773, May 25; sp. Joh. Raeder and Christina Graeber. KoLB, Susanna, d. of Georg Kolb, b. 1773, May 16; sp. Peter Gucker and wife. 322 Church Records of Goshenhoppen RiED, Anna Margaretha, d. of Andreas Ried, b. 1773, June 22; sp. Conrad Hellicas and wife. Mertz, Elisabetha, d. of Nicolas Mertz, b. 1773, June 2; sp. Martin Kleber and wife. Faber, Daniel, s. of Rev. Faber, b. 1773, Aug. 3 ; sp, the parents. Rautebusch, Michael, s. of Michael Rautebusch, b. 1773, Sept. 21; sp. the father. Pannebecker, Anna Margretha, d. of Peter Pannebecker, b. 1773, Aug. 20; sp. Georg Welcker and wife. WlANT, Catharina, d. of Jost Wiant, b. 1773, Aug. 8; sp. Michael Raeder and wife. Levi, Jacobus, s. of David Levi, b. 1773, Aug. 22; sp. Jacob Lang and wife. EcKART, JoH., s. of Justus Eckart, b. 1773, Sept. 18; sp. Joh. Keuper and Maria Elis. Bernhart. Kohl, Catharina, d. of Jacob Kohl, b. 1773, Sept. 22; sp. Cath. Wiant. Fischer, Philip, s. of Georg Fischer, b. 1773, Sept. 9; sp. Philip Laar and wife. Segler, Jacobus, s. of Rudolph Segler, b. 1773, May u; sp. Jacob Segler. Stofflet, Anna Maria, d. of Michael Stofflet, living at Falckner Swamp, b. 1771, May 9; sp. Elis. Kiesler. Nus, SUSANN.A, d. of Conrath Nus, b. 1773, Nov. 3; sp. Jacob Danckel and wife. HoRNE, Elisabetha, d. of Benedict Home, b. 1773, Nov. 17; sp. Henrich Schmidt and wife. Kolbein, Susanna, d. of Joseph Kolbein, b. 1773, Oct. 20; sp. And. Jung and wife. Rauber, Elisabetha, d. of Jacob Rauber, b. 1773, Oct. 13; sp. the parents. Stein.mann, Johannes, s. of Joh. Steinmann, b. 1773, Sept. 8; sp. Joh. Schell. Kucker, C.'VTHARINA, d. of Peter Kucker, b. 1773, Oct. 29; sp. Henr. Stet- tler and wife. Sell, Johannes, s. of Henr. Sell, b. 1773, Nov. 27; sp. the father. Hellig.\s, Friedericus, s. of Conr. Helligas, b. 1774, Jan. 13; sp. Andreas Riedt and wife. Finck, Jacobus, s. of Valentin Finck, b. 1773, Dec. 6; sp. Jacobus Wittmer and wife. Reninger, Joh. Friedericus, s. of Fried. Reninger, b. 1774, Jan. 3; sp. Peter Helligas and Juliana May. Moll, Christophorus, s. of Stoffel Moll, b. 1774, Febr. ; sp. Christoph. Schlieger and wife. Walter, Elisabetha, d. of Henrich Walter, b. 1774, March 16; sp. Fried. Scheneling and wife. New Goshenhoppen — Fol. II. Baptisms 323 Stellwagen, Margaretha, d. of Hen. Stellwagen, b. 1774, May 19; sp. Con. Helligas and wife. Fischer, Hermann, s. of Wendel Fischer, b. 1774, Jan. 5 ; sp. Georg Fischer and wife. Jung, Andreas, s. of Andreas Jung, b. 1774, Apr. 26; sp. Erhart Weis and wife. SuESHOLS, Barbara, d. of Phil. Sueshols, b. 1774, May 8; sp. Het. Helligas and Barbara Sueshols. Bauer, Maria Catharina, d. of Abr. Bauer, b. 1774, Apr. 2; sp. Hen. Walter and wife. Rauch, Petrus, s. of Phil. Rauch, b. 1774, March 7; sp. Peter Stroh and wife. Neitelinger, Maria Elisabetha, d. of Bened. Neitelinger, b. 1773, Nov. 8; sp. Michael Hinerleiter and Elis. Beyer. GiLLEM, Andreas, s. of Con. Gillem, b. 1774, Jan. 19; sp. Andreas Graeber and Cathar. Gillem. Holtzehausen, Anna Maria, d. of Jacob Holtzehausen, b. 1774, March 25 ; sp. Henrich Muller and wife. LiESER, Maria, d. of Michael Lieser (who was buried the same day that the child was baptized), b. 1773, Dec. 10; sp. the mother. Segler, Joh,, s. of Joh. Segler, b. 1774, May 4; sp. Joh. Steinmann and wife. Leiedecker, Maria Rqsina, d. of Philip Leiedecker, b. 1774, June i; sp. the parents. DiMiG, Joh. Michael, s. of Peter Dimig, b. 1774, June 25; sp. Michael Rauter and wife. Wagner, Georg Fried, s. of Zacharias Wagner, b. 1774, Aug. 17; sp. Georg Heisst and Maria Heilig. Weiler, Johannes, s. of Andreas Weiler, b. 1774, Oct. 6; sp. Joh. Mack. Mueller, Anna Elisabetha, d. of Jacob Mueller, b. 1774, Sept. 30; sp. Jacob Koerwer and wife. Lar, Elisabetha, d. of Philip Lar, b. 1774, Oct. 18; sp. Froni Mack. Stroh, Peter, s. of Peter Stroh, b. 1774, Oct. 30; sp. the parents. Wetknecht, Michael, s. of Jacob Wetknecht, b. 1774, July 13; sp. Michael Huper and Magd. Zimmermann. Moll, Johannes, s. of Georg Moll, b. 1774, Nov. 10; sp. Stoffel Moll. Raeder, Magdalena, d. of Michael Raeder, b. 1774, Oct. 19; sp. Casper Erb and wife. Grise.mer, Jacobus, s. of Leonhart Grisemer, b. 1774, Nov. 28; sp. Joh. Jacob Geri and Marg. Cunius. KOLB, MAGD.4LENA, d. of Joseph Kolb, b. 1775, Jan. 27; sp. Georg Kolb and wife. 324 Church Records of Goshenhoppen DoERL, Retschel (Rachel), d. of Andreas Doerl, b. 1775, Febr. 24; sp. the parents, living in Hertfort township, Berks County. Emerich, Ludwig, s. of Ludwig Emerich, b. 1775, Jan. 27; sp. Ludw. Graeber and Margaret Mumbauer. Frack, Hekrich, s. of Daniel Frack, b. Febr. 19; sp. Henrich Hertzel and wife. Heckman, Susanna, d. of Joh. Heckman, b. 1774, Dec. 8; sp. Georg Heilig and wife. Espeschid, Eva Barbara, d. of Jacob Espeschid, b. 1773, March 24; sp. Joh. Neukomer and wife. Espeschid, Henrich, s. of Jacob Espeschid, b. 1775, Jan. 18; sp. Hen. Hapel. Wiant, Elisabetha, d. of Wendel Wiant, b. 1775, Jan. 20; sp. Elis. Weiss and Peter Helligas. Secler, Johannes, s. of Rudolph Segler, b. 1775, Febr. 27; sp. Nicol. Wol- fart and wife. Hellig.xs, Eva, d. of Georg Helligas, b. 1775, May 25; sp. Georg Hor- lacher and wife. WiNCKES, Henrich, s. of Peter Winckes, b. 1775, May 13; sp. Hen. Stettler and wife. Nus, Anna Maria, d. of Conrad Nus, b. 1775, May 4; sp. Hen. Walter and wife. Eckel, Johannes, s. of Philip Eckel, b. 1775, March 6; sp. Joh. Wilh. Cunius and Elis. Geri. Steinman, Joh. Georg and Petrus, sons of Joh. Georg Steinman, b. 1775, Jan. 26; sp. for the first the parents, for the 2nd Philip Rauch and wife. Fischer, Susanna, d. of Georg Fischer, b. 1775, June 14; sp. Jacob Segler and Susanna Mack. Levi, Sara, d. of David Levi, b. 1775, June 29; sp. Adam Schneider and wife. Mayer, Abraham, s. of Jacob Mayer, b. 1775, June 6; sp. Abraham Maurer. Helligas, Anna Maria Margaretha, b. 1775, June 14; sp. Adam Helligas and Magreta Hornecker. Raudebusch, Petrus, s. of Michael Raudebusch, b. 1775, Aug. 18; sp. the parents. Faber, Eva, d. of Rev. Faber, b. 1775, Aug. 28; sp. my sister Eva. Helligas, Anna Maria, d. of Conrad Helligas, b. 1775, Aug. 18; sp. Andreas Ried and wife. FiNCK, Anna Maria, d. of Valentin Finck, b. 1775, June 22; sp. David Sissholtz and wife. New' Goshenhoppen — P'ol. II. Baptisms 325 WOLB, Catharina, d. of Andreas Wolb, b. 1775, July 27; sp. Jost Schlieger and wife. RiED, Andreas, s. of Andreas Ried, b. 1775, Oct. 20; sp. Philip Neis and wife. Heckmann, Joh. Adam, s. of Adam Heckmann, b. 1775, Oct. 10; sp. Adam Ziegenfuss and Marg. Bobermayer. Tand, Daniel, s. of Joh. Tand, b. 1775, Oct. 19; sp. Daniel Mover and wife. KoLB, Petrus, s. of Georg Kolb, b. 1775, Dec. 20; sp. Peter Gvicker and wife. Pannebecker, Johannes, s. of Fried. Pannebecker, b. 1775, Nov. 4; sp. Joh. Neukomer. Hoffmann, Elisa Barbara, d. of Andreas Hoffmann, b. 1775, Aug. 21; sp. Georg Heilig and wife. Maurer, Anna Maria, d. of Peter Maurer, b. 1775, Dec. 29; sp. Joh. Mack and Anna Maria Schell. Weilller, Andreas, s. of Andreas Weiller, b. 1776, March 5; sp. And. Weiller and wife. Blum, Joh. Martin, s. of David Blum, b. 1776, Febr. i; sp. Martin Lang and Christina Hering. Kucker, Maria Barbara, d. of Peter Kucker, b. 1776, Apr. 16; sp. Joseph Kolb and wife. Kolb, Petrus, s. of Joseph Kolb, b. 1776, Apr. 18; sp. Petrus Kucker and wife. Steinman, Maria Catharina, d. of Joh. Steinman, b. 1776, Jan. 13; sp. Catharina Schell. Hittel, Anna Maria, d. of Adam Hittel, b. 1776, March 7; sp. Ben. Sell and wife. Jung, Anna Maria, d. of Andreas Jung, b. 1776, May i; sp. Joseph Kolb and wife. Segler, Juliana, d. of Joh. Segler, b. 1776, May 4; sp. Juliana Fischer. WiLLAUER, Joh. Jacobus, s. of Johannes Willauer, b. 1775, Oct. 26; sp. Jacob Wannemacher and wife. HOLSHAUSEN, ANNA Maria, d. of Jacob Holshausen, b. 1776, May 19; sp. Andreas Graeber and wife. Moll, Henricus, s. of Stoffel Moll, b. 1776, June 17; sp. Hen. Segler. WiANT, Johannes, s. of Jost Wiant, b. 1774, Nov. 15; sp. Joh. Raeder and Christiana Wiant. Fischer, Anna Maria, d. of Wendel Fischer, b. 1776, Apr, ro; sp. Joh. Mack and wife. Wiant, Johannes Henricus, s. of Wendel Wiant, b. 1776, Aug. 4; sp. Hen. Mueller and wife. 326 Church Records of Goshenhoppen SCHLIEGER, Anna Maria, d. of Hen. Schlieger, b. 1776, July 31; sp. An- dreas Miller and wife. Rudolph, Anna Maria, d. of Peter Rudolph, b. 1776, Aug. 17; sp. Maria Huper and Peter Lauer. ECKART, Johannes, s. of Justus Eckart, b. 1776, Aug. 28; sp. the parents. HoFMANN, JoH. MiCHAEL, s. of Casper Hofmann, b. 1776, May 18; sp. Michael Keck and Eva Liser. Heckmann, Joh. Philippus, s. of Adam Heckmann, b. 1776, Nov. 22; sp. Gabriel Bobenmayer. Mack, Johannes, s. of Joh. Mack, b. 1776, Dec. 19; sp. Joh. Mack. Horne, Susanna, d. of Benedict Home, b. 1776, Nov. 10; sp. Erhart Weis and wife. Espeschied, Joh. Jacobus, s. of Jacob Espeschied, b. 1776, Oct. 21; sp. Jacob Nus and Christina Wiant. Sell, Anna Maria, d. of Hen. Sell, b. 1776, Oct. 7; sp. Peter Helligas and wife. Raeder, Daniel, s. of Joh. Raeder, b. 1776, Dec. 16; sp. Michael Raeder and wife. Schmidt, , d. of Lorentz Schmidt, b. 1776, Aug. 26; sp. Georg Rein- heimer and wife. Messin, Johannes, s. of Thomas Messin, b. 1776, May 24; sp. Mich. Raeder and wife. Killer, Joh. Michael, s. of Martin Killer, b. 1774, Febr. 17; sp. Michael Raeder and wife. Killer, Susann.\, d. of Martin Killer, b. 1775, Dec. i ; sp. Con. Nus and wife. Maurer, Anna Margareta, d. of Andreas Maurer, b. 1776, March 25; sp. parents. Moll, Joh. Georg, s. of Georg Moll, b. 1777, Apr. 3; sp. Daniel Neier and wife. Frick, Susanna, d. of Hen. Prick, b. 1777, March 23; sp. Wendel Wiant and wife. Loch, Jacobus, s. of Peter Loch, b. 1777, May 12; sp. Maria Dorothea Wannemacher. Grisemer, Abraham, s. of Leonhart Grisemer, b. 1777, Apr. 16; sp. Abra- ham Grisemer and Elis. Geri. Seib, Friedericus, s. of Bernhart Seib, b. 1777, Aug. 31; sp. Fried. Wartin and Margretha Dresch. WiNCKES, Magdalena, d. of Peter Winckes, b. 1777, July 29; sp. Georg Kolb and wife. Brey, Eva Catharina, d. of Wendel Brey, b. 1777, July 29; sp. Georg Reyer and Eva Catharina Brey. New Goshenhoppen—Fol. 11. Baptisms 327 Mueller Joh. Georg, s. of Georg Mueller, b. 1777. Nov. 5; sp. Joh. Nicol. Schupert. Salomon, Maria Elisabetha, d. of Gabriel Salomon, b. 1777 Nov 20- sp Maria Elis. Etgae(?). ' ' '^' SCHLIEGER, JosT, s. of Hen. Schlieger, b. ,777, Oct. X7; sp. Jost Schlieger and wife. ^ SCHMIDT, JoH. JACOB, s. of Jacob Schmidt, b. 1777. Oct. 15; sp. Jacob Strauss and wife. Fischer, Christina, d. of Georg Fischer, b. 1777, Oct. 28; sp. Joh. Segler and wife. Helligas, JoH. JACOB, s. of Peter Helligas, b. 1777, Nov. 2; sp. David Hot- tenstein and wife. Weiller Joh. Jost, s. of Andreas Weiller, b. 1777, Sept. 28; sp. Joh. Weiller and Fronica Mack. RiEDT, Johannes, s. of Andreas Riedt, b. 1778, Febr. 17; sp. Jacob Riedt and wife. Kolb. Samuel, s. of Georg Kolb, b. 1777, Oct. 4; sp. Samuel Kolb. CuNius Johannes, s. of Wilh. Cunius, b. 1777. Dec. 5; sp. Joh. Cunius and wife. Reinheimer, Maria Barbara, d. of Georg Reinheimer, b. 1778, Febr. 20- sp. Michael Dijle and wife. Helligas, Magdalena, d. of Conrad Helligas, b. 1778, March S; sp. Con- rad Schellcberger and wife. M..YER, IsAAK, s. Of Jacob Mayer, b. 1777, Oct. -; sp. Andreas Maurer and Maria Maurer. Faber, Georgus. s. of Rev. Faber, b. 1778, Febr. i; sp. my bro.-in-law Daniel Roos and wife. Rudolph, Daniel, s. of Peter Rudolph, b. 1778, Apr. x; sp. Joh. Mack and wife. Panebecker, Maria Margaretha, d. of Fied. Panebecker, b. 1777, Apr o- rp. Hen. Alles and wife. Segler Georgus, s. of Joh. Segler, b. 1778, Febr. 8; sp. George Steinman and wife. Steinman, Johannes, s. of Georg Steinman, b. 1778, Tan. 29; sp. Joh. Segler and wife. Levi, Andreas, s. of David Levi, b. 1778, Apr. 28; sp. Andreas Ried and wife. Schmidt, Georg Petrus, s. of Philip Jacobus Schmidt, b. 1778, June 2- sp Christian Zoller and wife. Mueller, Joh. Henricus, s. of Hen. Mueller, b. 1778, June 29; sp. Hen. Bitting and wife. 328 Church Records of Goshenhoppen DiEL, Elisabetha, d. of Michael Diel, b. 1778, July 2; sp. Valentin Frick and wife. Jung, Susanna, d. of Andreas Jung, b. 1778, May 22; sp. Nicolaus Jung and wife. Staut, Jacobus, s. of Joh. Staut, b. 1778, Aug. 7; sp. Jacob Mayer and Sara May. KiESLER, Martin, s. of Martin Kiesler, b. 1778, July 18; sp. Jost Wiant and wife. Klein, Catharina, d. of Gabriel Klein, b. 1778, Nov. 5; sp. Joh. Cunius and wife. Christman, Joh. Phii.ippus, s. of Philip Christman, b. 1779, Febr. i ; sp. Antoni Steller and wife. Panebecker, Elisabetha, d. of Fried. Panebecker, b. 1779, Febr. 11; sp. Weiant Panebecker and wife. Frick, Magdalena, d. of Henrich Frick, b. 1779, March 2; sp. Wendel Wiant, Sr., and wife. Schmidt, Henricus, s. of Jacob Schmidt, b. 1779, Apr. 19; sp. Hen. Schmidt and wife. Eisenhauer, Catharina, d. of Martin Eisenhauer, b. 1779, May i; sp. Nicolaus Mertz and wife. Raeder, Samuel, s. of Joh. Raeder, b. 1779, May 8; sp. Conrad Xus and wife. Wiant, Joh. Henricus, s. of Jost Wiant, b. 1779, May 31; sp. Henr. Mueller and wife. Fritzinger, Maria Elisabetha, d. of Ernst Fritzinger, b. 1779, May 24; sp. Joh. Braun arid wife. Steinman, Joh. Georgus, s. of Joh. Steinman, b. 1779, March 13; sp. the parents. Sell, Catharina, d. of Henr. Sell, b. 1779, June 18; sp. Antoni Sell and wife. Fischer, Jacobus, s. of George Fischer, b. 1779, June 24; sp. Jacob Eber- hart and wife. Fischer, Margaretha, d. of Wendel Fischer, b. 1779, June 27; sp. Petrus Lauer and wife Margretha. KoLB, Anna Maria, d. of Georg Kolb, b. 1779, Sept. 18; sp. Samuel Stettler and wife Eckart, Georgus, s. of Justus Eckart, b. 1779, Oct. 6; sp. Joh. Theob. Faber and wife. [Rev. John Theobald Faber left Goshenhoppen in October, 1779, having accepted a call to Lancaster, Pa.] New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 329 [3. ENTRIES MADE BY SUPPLIES, 1780-1781.] Children Jacob, born May 7, baptized June 18 Catharina Elisabetha, b. July 9, bap. July 27 Andreas, b. July 2, bap. Sept. 3 Christina, b. July 31, bap. Sept. 3 Margaretha, b. Apr. 20, bap. Sept. 3. Wendel, b. Aug. 30, bap. Sept. 17 Andreas, b. Sept. 18, bap. Oct. 20 Johannes, b. Sept. 4, bap. Oct. 20 Henrich, b. Oct. i, bap. Nov. 8 Henrich, b. Apr. 27, bap. May ii Anna Maria, b. Sept. 16, bap. Oct. 8 Michael, b. Apr. 22, bap. May 13 Joh. Jacob, b. Apr. 18, bap. May 13 Michael, b. July 6, bap. Hans Adam, b. Nov. 12, bap. Dec. John Adam, b. Nov. 12 Jacob, b. Mar. 12 [Most of these entries 1780. Parents Leonhard Hartranf, wife Christina Peter Lauer and \vf. Margaretha Ludwig Graeber and wf. Elisabetha Henrich Buedding and wf. Eva Johannes Segler and wf. Christina Jacob Weiss and wf. Elisabetha Johannes Weyler and wf. Margaretha Conrad Hess and wf. wf. Margaretha Abraham Maurer and wf. Barbara Andreas Jung and wf. Susanna Christophel Moll and wf. Elisabetha Jacob Nuss and wf. Anna Maria Philip Christmann and wf. Margaretha Andreas Ried and wf. Anna Maria Georg Hillegas and wf. Elisabeth George Hillegas Witnesses Joh. Jacob Mayer, Creth May, single Johannes Fischer, Catharina Elisa, wf. Andreas Graeber and wf. Anna Maria Franciscus Leydich, wf. Christina Margaretha Fischer, widow Wendel Wiand and wf. Catharina Andreas Weyler and wf. Anna Maria Johannes Roeder and wf. Anna Maria Henrich Maurer and wf. Margaretha the parents Johannes Mack and wf. Anna Maria Michael Roeder and wf. Catharina Jacob Hahn and wf. Regina Michael Kolb and wf. Magdalena Hans Adam Hillegas and wf. Anna Adam Hillegas and wife Jacob Gery and wife Daniel Cooper are in the handwriting of Rev. John H. Helflfrich.] 330 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [4. ENTRIES OF REV. FREDERIC DELLIKER, 1782-1784.] List of the children Avho received Holy Baptism through me, Frederick Delliker, in this congregation of New Goshenhoppen, Anno 1782. Children Abraham, b. Nov. 20, '81, bap. Mar. 3 Samuel, b. Sept. 27, '81, bap. Mar. 3 Isaac, b. Feb. 9, bap. Mar. 3 Susanna, b. Nov. 27, '81, bap. Mar. 3 Michel, b. Nov. 30, 'Si, bap. Mar. 11 George, b. Oct. 13, '81, bap. Mar. 24 Peter, b. Dec. 3, '81, bap. Mar. 24 Peter, b. Oct. 16, '81, bap. Mar. 27 Elisabeth, b. Oct. 24, '81, bap. Mar. 29 Eva, b. Nov. 25, '81, bap. Apr. 14 Hannes, b. Sep. 25, '81, bap. May 5 Andreas, b.Mar. 3, bap. May 5 Andreas, b. Mar. 17, bap. May 9 Elisabeth, b. Aug. 30, '81, bap. May 11 Barbara, b. Nov. 4, '81, bap. May 12 Wendel, b. May 6, bap. July 16 Elisabeth, b. Mar. 6, bap. July 16 Parents Benedict Horning and w'i. Elisabeth Jost Wyand and vvf. Barbara Peter Heinrich and wf. Catharina Ludwig Greber and wf. Elisabeth Georg Hillegas and wf. Elisabeth Hans Georg Kolb and wf. Magdalena Peter Lauer, Jr., and wf. Margreth Peter Schell and wf. Barbara Heinrich Pfannenbe- ker and wf. Susanna Jacob Boshard and wf. Eva Andreas Greber, Jr., and wf. Anna Abraham Maurer and wf. Elisabeth Ernst Fritzinger and wf. Elisabeth Christian Wannen- macher and wf. Elisabeth Heinrich Sell and wf. Anna Maria Georg Fischer and wf. Barbara Hannes Zaerby and Witnesses Abraham Gerhard and wf. Margreth Conrad Nuss and Margreth Andreas Greber and wf. Anna Maria Dietrich Reier and wf. Elisabeth Michel Hillegas and wf. Catharina Georg Gugger and Christina Huber Peter Lauer, Sr., and wf. Susanna Peter May and Juliana Michel Huber and wf. Elisabeth Heinrich Schmid and and wf. Elisabeth Andreas Greber, Sr., andwf.Anna Maria Phil. Jacob Schmid and wf. Margreth Andreas Ohl, Sr., and wf. Eva Heinrich Sechler and Elisabeth Baeret the parents Wendel Wyand, Jr., and wf. Catharina Abraham Gerhard and wf. Margreth wf. Anna On May 26th was baptized by me, after preceding instruction, Barbara Benkes, wife of Peter Benkes, also confirmed and admitted to the Holy Communion, her age 24 years. New Goshenhoppen — P'ol. II. Baptisms 331 Children Jacob, b. May 31, bap, July 7 Heinrich, b, July lo, bap. July 28 Joh. Friedrich, b. Aug. 21, bap. Sept. 8 Anna Maria, b. Aug. 23, bap. Sept. 8 Anna Maria, b. Aug. 6, bap. Sept. Wilhelm, b. May 28, bap. July 28 Maria, b. Oct. 12, '81, bap. Dec. 2 Daniel, b. Oct. 26, bap. Dec. 6 Wilhelm, b. Oct. 28, bap. Dec. 6 Johannes, b. Oct. 30, bap. Dec. 7 Catharina, b. Mar. 13, '81, bap. Friderich, b. Oct. 30, bap. Dec. 14 Catharina, b. Dec. 15, '82, bap. Jan. 5 Joh. Adam, b. Jan. 2, bap. Jan. 9 Joh. Friderich, b. Dec. 5, '82, bap. Febr. 2 Peter, b. Dec. 9, bap. Febr. 2 Jacob, b. Dec. 14, bap. Febr. 2 Elisabeth, b. Dec. 25, bap. Febr. 2 Maria Catharina, b. Jan. 27, bap. Febr. 7 Magdalena, b. Dec. 2, '82, bap. Febr. 23 Parents Jacob Gery, Jr., and Elisabeth Adam Boshard and wf. Margreth Justus Ekarth and wf. Elisabeth Joh. Reder and wf. Maria Dietrich Reler and wf. Maria Elisabeth Michel Geier and wf. Catharina Georg Steinemann and and wf. Catharina Johannes Staut and wf. Juliana Johannes Mack and wf. Maria Johannes Schell and wf. Elisabeth Friderich Hillegas and wf. Anna Friderich Hillegas and wf. Anna 1783 Philip Weiss and wf. Anna Maria Andreas Ried and wf. Maria Peter Hillegas and wf. Elis. Barbara Peter Finck and wf. Catharina Martin Eisenhauer and wf. Maria Conrad Nuss and wf. Anna Margreth Conrad Hillegas and wf. Maria Johannes Segler and wf. Christina Witnesses Jacob Gery, Sr., and wf. Gertraud Heinrich Schmid and wf. Elisabeth J. Fridric Delliker and wf. Barbara Maria Catharina Neu- kirch Andreas Greber and wf. Anna Maria Wilhelm Geier and wf. Anna Maria the parents Peter May and wf. Juliana Philip Laar and wf. Elisabeth Johannes Maurer and Catharina Maurer Anna M. Hillegas Heinrich Huber, Sr., and Catharina Hil- legas Wendel Wyand, Sr., and wf. Catharina Jacob Boshard and wf. Eva Wendel Wyand, Jr., and wf. Catharina Conrad Finck and wf. Catharina Joh. Cunius and wf. Catharina Jost Wyand and wf. Barbara the parents Georg Kolb and wf. Magdalena 33^ Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Catharina, b. Dec. i, '82, bap. Febr. 23 Georg Peter, b. Mar. 2, bap. Apr. 5 Anna Maria, b. June 31, '82, bap. Apr. 21 Elisabeth, b. Nov. 16, '82, bap. Apr. 21 Catharina, b. Jan. 28, bap. Apr. 21 Parents Peter Schell and wf. Barbara Johannes Maurer and \vf. Catharina Joseph Kolb and vvf. Anna Maria Michel Huber and wf. Elisabeth Christopher Moll and Witnesses Jacob Schell and wf. Catharina Peter Hillegas, Sr.,and vvf. Elisa. Barbara Casper Baret and wf. Magdalena Catharina Hillegas, the widow Elisabeth Witman, Sr. wf. Elisabeth On May 24th were baptized, after preceding instruction, the following: Johannes Ris, single, aged 23 3'ears, Elisabeth Greber, wife of Ludwig Greber, aged 27 years, Susanna Reder, wife of Adam Reder, aged 25 years, Susanna Wigner, single, aged 20 years. The same were also confirmed this day for the Holy Communion. Henrich, b. Febr. 21, Peter Rudolph and wf. Andreas Hofman and bap. June 8 Johannes, b. May 18, bap. June 8 Johannes, b. Febr. i, bap. June 8 Peter, b. Mar. i, bap. June 29 Catharina, b. Dec. 11, '81, bap. Johannes, b. July i, bap. July 20 Anna Maria, b. July 10, bap. July 20 Andreas, b. , bap. July 29 Elisabeth, b. June 29, bap. Aug. 31 Anna Margreth, b. Mar. 25, '81, bap. Sept. 15 Georg, b. Jan. 13, bap. Sept. 15 Maria Magdalena, b. May 26, bap. Sept. 21 Jacob Schell and wf. Catharina Peter Schmid and wf. Christina Friderich Pfannebeck- er and wf. Elisabeth Friderich Pfannebeck- er and wf. Elisabeth Philip Christmann and wf. Margreth David Sussholz and wf. Maria Elisabeth Heinrich Maurer and wf. Philipina Ludwig Greber and wf. Elisabeth Andreas Weiss and wf. Margreth Andreas Weiss and wf. Margreth Heinrich Strohman and wf. Elisabeth wf. Eva Joh. Weyer and Mar- greth Schell Abr. Gerhard and wf. Margreth Peter Gugger and wf. Susanna Catharina Croppen Franz Wesco and wf. Eva Wilhelm Gever and wf. Anna Maria Andreas Maurer and wf. Anna Maria Christopher Moll and wf. Elisabeth Abraham Gerhard and wf. Margreth the parents Andreas Rid and wf. Maria Magdalena New Goshenhoppen—Vol. II. Baptisms 333 Children Peter, b. Aug. i8, bap. Sept. 21 Maria Elisab., b. Oct. I, bap. Nov. 2 Philip, b. Oct. lo, bap. Nov. 9 Magdalena, b. Dec. 7, '82, bap. Nov. 9 Margreth, b. Sept. 19, bap. Nov. 16 Catharina, b. Sept. 7, bap. Nov. 23 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 23, bap. Dec. 26 Job. Georg, b. Dec. i, '83, bap. Jan. 11 Maria Catharina, b. Dec. 24, '83, bap. Jan. II Catharina, b. Jan. 25, bap. Febr. 3 Jacob, b. Jan. ii, bap. Febr. 8 Peter, b. Nov. 23, '83, bap. Febr. 15 Peter, b. Febr. 6, bap. Febr. 15 Magdalena, b. Nov. 22, bap. Febr. 15 Elisabeth, b. Dec. 7, '83, bap. Mar. 7 Anna Maria, b. Dec. 8, '83, bap. Mar. 7 Elisabeth, b. Jan. 17, bap. Mar. 21 Heinrich, b. Aug. 20, bap. Parents Adam Raeder and vvf. Susanna Friderich Reifener and wf. Margreth Casper Baret and wf. Helena Christian Wanne- macher and wf. Elisabeth Jacob Berteau and wf. Veronica Jacob Nuss and vvf. Maria Michel Geyer and wf. Catharina 1784. Georg Lang and wf. Anna Maria Jacob Lang and wf. Sara Andreas Rid and wf. Maria Magdalena Heinrich Hirsch and wf. Catharina Jacob Gery and wf. Elisabeth Samuel Kolb and wf. Anna Georg Fischer and wf. Barbara Hannes* Crisemer and wf. Catharina Michel Doerr and wf. Margreth George Kolb and vvf. wf. Magdalena Georg Hillegas and wf. Elisabeth Witnesses Peter Trump and Eva Reder Georg Zumpero and Maria Elis. Resch Joseph Kolb and wf. Anna Maria Casper Baret and wf. Helena Christoph Schlicher and wf. Margreth Heinrich Jund and Catharina Reder Wilhelm Geyer and wf. Anna Maria Joh. Georg Roth and wf. Catharina Maria Catharina Lang, widow David Levi and vvf. Margreth Andreas Boshard and Maria Hirsch Peter Lauer and wf. Susanna Peter Maurer VV^endel Wyand, Sr., and wf. Magdalena Georg Hillegas and wf. Elisabeth Heinrich Schlicher and wf. Christina Friderich Schenling and vvf. Elisabeth Andreas Young and wife 334 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [5. ENTRIES MADE BY REV. FREDERICK WM. VON DER SLOOT, 1784.] List of the children who received Holy Baptism from me, Fridrich Wil- helm Von der Sloot, in this congregation of New Goshenhoppen, 1784. Children Joh. Adam, b. Mar. 14, bap. Apr. 25 Anna Maria, b. Mar. 25, bap. Apr. 25 Joh. Georg, b. Febr. 17, bap. Apr. 25 Joh. Georg, b. Mar. 2, bap. May 4 , b. Mar. 9, bap. May 1 6 George, b. , bap. May 31 Anna Margareta, b. May 10, bap. June 6 Elisabet, b. Nov. — , '83, bap. June 6 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 3, '83, bap. June 27 Anna Maria, b. May 1, bap. July 3 Andreas, b. Sept. 2, bap. Sept. 19 Elisabet, b. July 14, bap. Oct. 10 Anna Maria, b. July 27, bap. Oct. 10 Fridrich, b. July 9, bap. Oct. 22 Maria Catarina, b. July 6, bap. Oct. 27 , b. , bap. Oct. 31 Johannes, b. Sept. 4, bap. Nov. 15 Mar. Lena, b. Sept. 19, bap. Nov. 21 Parents Abraham Maurer Jacob Boshard Joh. Weigard Isaac Wides Lorenz Schmidt and wf. Susanna Michael Kolb and wf. Maria Magdalena Henrich Schlicher and wf. Christina Georg Grob and wf. Margareta Peter Benker and wf. Barbara Joh. Nicol. Muth and wf. Anna Margareta Justus Eckard and wf. Elisabeth Jost Wigand and wf. Barbara Henrich Maurer and wf. Philipina Jacob Ried and wf. Anna Maria Conrad Gillam and wf. Maria Catarina Joh. Georg Hiilegas Michael Hofman and wf. Catarina Henrich Segler and wf. Elisabeth Witnesses Adam Hiilegas, Anna Hiilegas Joh. Reder and wife Joh. Stand and wife Joh. Rheder and wife Maria Reinhcimer George Kolb and wife Adam Geri and wife Philip Lauer and wife Joseph Kolb and wf. Anna Maria Andreas Graeber and wf. Anna Maria Ulrich Graeber and wife Wendel Wigand and wf. Catharina Joh. Dotter and wf. Anna Maria V. d. Sloot and wf. Anna Margareta Susanna Hozhauscr Andreas Jung and wife Andreas Ilofman anc wife Michael Segler and Mar. Lena Kuker Nem Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 335 Witnesses Jacob Geri and wf. Elisabet George Derr and wife Rosina Michel Reder and %vf. Catharina Andreas Greber and wf. Anna baptisms were entered by Mr. Delliker.] Job. Nicolaus Muth Ludwig Graeber and and wf, Anna Mar- wf. Elisabetha garetha [This baptism was entered by the Rev. John H. Helffrich.] Children Elisabet, b. Sept. i, bap. Nov. 21 Joseph, b. Mar. 7, bap. Nov. 21 Sella, b. Aug. — , bap. Nov. 21 Michel, b. Aug. 13, bap. Sept. 25, 1785 Jacob, b. June 25, bap. Sept. 25 [The last two Elisabetha, b. Aug. 16, bap. Oct. 9 (1785) Parents Peter Lauer and wf. Margareta Joseph Kolb and wf. Anna Maria David Mi (May) and wf. Elisabet Adam Reder and wf. Susanna Ludwig Greber and wf. Elisabeth [6. ENTRIES MADE BY REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, SR., 1786-1788.] Children who were baptized by me, Job. Theobald Faber, in the year 1786. Job. Georg, b. Mar. 6, Carl Walter and wife Peter Timich and bap. June 4 wife Henrich, b. Febr. 27, Henrich Maurer and Moses Kel and wife bap. June 4 wife Henrich, b. Dec. 2, Job. Georg Kolb and Henrich Segler and '85, bap. June 4 wife wife Isaac, b. Febr. 22, '84, Cath. Schliecher Jost Schlieger and bap. June 16 wife Georg Adam, b. June Georg Adam Helligas George Maurer and I, bap. June 25 and wife Cath. Schultz Barbara, b. Apr. 14, Lorenz Schmidt and Joseph Kolb and wife bap. June 25 wife Henrich, b. June 4, Alexander Oehl and bap. June 25 wife Johannes, b. July 23, Val. Brobst and wife bap. July 27 , b. , bap. Peter Helligas and Aug. 6 wife , b. May 24, bap. George Huber and Aug. 6 wife Wilhelm, b. Nov. 3, bap. Aug. 6 Henr. Mueller and wife Abraham Levi Wendel Wiand and wife Job. Liestcr and wife Ludwig Graeber and wife 336 Church Records of Goshetihoppen Children Catharina, b. July 15, bap. Aug. 27 Margreta, b. June 30, bap. Aug. 27 Michael, b. May 20, bap. Aug. 27 Elisabetha, b. Apr. 14, bap. Sep. 9 Johannes, b. Sept. 27, bap. Sept. 29 Barbara, b. Oct. 7, bap. Oct. 22 Catharina, b. Sept. 18, bap. Nov. 1 6 Joh. Georg, b. Sept. 19, bap. Nov. 19 Michael, b. Dec. 16, bap. Nov. 19 Martin, b. Sept. 25, bap. Nov. 19 Barbara, b. Oct. 11, bap. Dec. 2 Maria Elisabet, b. Nov. 13, bap. Dec. 3 Wilhelm, b. Febr. 9, '79, bap. Conrad, b. Nov. 30, '80, bap. Johannes, b. Sept. 3, '85, bap. Johannes, b. Oct. 29, bap. Dec. 27 Johannes, b. Dec. 25, '86, bap. Jan. i Henrich, b. Nov. 29, '86, bap. Jan. 21 Joh. Jacobus, b. Oct. 30, '86, bap. Jan. 21 JohanneSj b. June 2, bap. Jan. 21 Parents Witnesses Georg Schencr and David Spinner and wife wife David Blum and wife Margreta Ried Jost Wiant and wife Michael Raeder and wife Joh. Bim (Boehm) Joh. Mueller and wife and wife Joh. Doerr and wife Georg Kolb and wife Joh. Daniel Jung and Adam Hollebusch and wife %vife Wendel Wiand and parents wife Andreas Benkes and Joh. George Grisemer, wife Elisabeth Kolb Jacob Huber and wife Michael Huber and wife Martin Eisenhauer and Martin Kleber and wife wife Joseph Kolb and wife Peter Benkes and wife Daniel Jost and wife Conrad Helligas and wife Knippell Knippell Knippell Knippell 1787. parents parents Joh. Raeder and wife Jost Schlieger and wife Joh. Schmidt and wife Joh. Schwenck and wife Joh. Diter and wife Henrich Graeber, Anna Maria Hilie- gas Joh. Mueller and wife Joh. Fischer and wife Isaac Wittes and wife Stoffel Schlieger and Elisabeta Strom New Goshenhoppen — Vol. 11. Baptisms 337 Children Parents Witnesses Anna Maria, b. Dec. Daniel Schwenck and Michael Rautebusch 15, '86, bap. Febr. 25 ^vife and wife Job. Peter, b. Oct. 29, Job. Heckman and Conrad Nuss and wife '86, bap. Mar. 4 wife Abraham, b. Febr. 23, Joh. Schell and wife Abraham Schell, Eva bap. Mar, 25 Horlacher Joh. Georg, b. Febr. Joh. Adam Geri and Henrich Schlieger and II, bap. Mar. 25 wife wife Catharina, b. Febr. 23, Christian Mueller and Joh. Cunius and wife bap. Mar. 25 wife Jacobus, b. Nov. 5, Peter Finck and wife Jacob Zoern and Ro- '86, bap. Mar. 25 sina Jung Georg Petrus, b. Jan. Georg Heist and wife Georg Roth and wife 6, bap. Apr. i Catharina, b. Jan, 15, Joh. Geri and wife Joh. Raeder and wife bap. Apr. 9 Sara, b. Dec. 5, '86, Fried, Panebecker and Henr. Panebecker and bap. Apr. 9 wife wife Henrich, b. Nov. 4, '85, Fried. Panebecker and parents bap. wife Catharina, b. Febr. 19, Peter Trumb and wife Michael Raeder, St., bap. Apr. 15 and wife George Adam, b. Dec. Conrad Netz and wife Georg Adam Zoern 10, '86, bap. May 5 and wife Jacobus, b. Jan. 14, Jacob Ried and wife Jacob Cronrad and bap. May 6 wife Jacobus, b. Mar. 15, Jacob Bossert and wife Stoffel Schlieger and bap. May 6 Catharina Raeder Adam, b. May 10, Adam Bossert and wife Andreas Bossert and bap. May 27 and wife Elisabetha, b. Apr. 29, Andreas Bossert and Henr. Schmidt and bap. May 27 wife wife Elisabetha, b. Apr. 23, Joh. Georg Helligas Joh. Nicol. Jung and bap. June 3 and wife wife Joh. Jacobus, b. May Casper Bambes and Jacob Brobst and wife 14, bap. June 17 wife Joh. Jacobus, b. May Adam Trump and Jacob Frey and Cath. 14, bap. June 17 wife Schultz Henrich, b. June 19, Joh. Raeder and wife Henr. Schlieger and bap. July 8 wife Johannes, b. Apr. 12, Joh. Fischer and wife Philip Fischer and bap. July 29 Magdalena Kucker 338 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Parents Witnesses Michael, b. June 16, Conrad Nuss and wife Michael Raeder and bap. July 29 wife Georgus, b. June 3, Peter Helligas and Georg Maurer and bap. Jul}- 29 wife Eva Helligas Carolus, b. June 22, Joseph Bitting and Carokis Sieg and wife bap. July 4 wife Elisabetha, b. Sept. 15, Henr. Segler and wife Anna Maria Segler bap. July 5 Anna, b. July 6, bap. Joh. Faber and wife parents Aug. 8 Joh. Jacobus, b. July Joh. Grisemer and Jacob Geri and wife 18, bap. Aug. 19 wife Johannes, b. June 30, Jacob Geri and wife Job. Cunius and wife bap. Aug. 19 Christophel, b. June Conrad Knoeple and Christophel Schlieger, 29, bap. Aug. 19 wife Elis. Grisemer Susanna, b. May 16, George Mich. Ko'b Peter Helligas and bap. Aug. 19 and wife wife Daniel, b. June 4, bap. Jacob Schell and wife Fried. Helligas and Aug. 19 wife Anna Margreta, b. Georg Mueller and Widow Anna Mar- Mar. 16. bap. Sept. 9 wife greta Johannes, b. June 10, Ludwig Greber and Jacob Stahl and wife bap. Sept. 9 wife Johannes, b. Aug. 19, Nicol. Muth and wife Joh. Graeber and bap. Oct. 21 Anna Maria Bitting Catharina, b. Aug. 12, Henrich Maurer and Michael Doderer and bap. Oct. 21 wife wife Petrus, b. Sept. 17, Jacob Zimmerman and Nicol. Zimmerman, bap. Nov. 12 wife Anna Maria Sell Elisabetha, b. Sept. 28, Matheus Hinerleiter Abraham Gerhard and bap. Nov. II and wife wife Joh. Henrich, b. Oct. Jacob Mayer and wife Joh. Wiltzen and Eva 5, bap. Nov. It Stofelsen Friedrich, b. Sept. 17, Fried, Schaefer and Joh. Barret and Elis. bap. Nov. 17 Elis. Berret Willauer Michael, b. Oct. 12, Georg Doerr and wife Georg Michael Kolb bap. Dec. 2 and Elisabetha Doerr 1788. Johannes, b. Oct. 15, Christian Wane- Joh. Berret and Chris- '85, bap. Jan. 5 macher and wife tina Roscho Nem Goshenhoppen~Vol. II. Baptisms 339 ^''''^^'" Parents Witnesses Petrus, b. Mar. xo, Christian War^e- Peter Roscho and wife •'^P- J^n- 5 macher and wife "-r't' ^'JT '' ^''°^ '^''" ^"'^ ^^'^^ ^^°«« Kehl and wife so, bap. Febr. 13 Nov. a7, 87, bap. and wife and wife Febr. 24 T u 1 Wife baTMa, ,/"■ '°' ^"^P' ^°'' ^"'^ "'=^^ Christian Stettler and T u T- I wife Tune 8 '■ '"'■ ■'"°'' *""'' ""'' "■"' '•"""'i? ''■•"''.r and 'Cjnl; b'- "■ ^'tl^r-^'-^^"" -« ^-.;H"".- and Cliildren Pi.-o^.f^ ^ Witnesses ttll \J^''' '' '"".' '^'"^'"^" ^"' J^^- ^«" -d Eli. Phi in' ha" k . '"^ '^'^' Christman Ph.hp, b. Apr. 2, bap. Henrich Sell and wife Benjamin Aug. 24 n°aX 0«. t-^- '■• "::?r' ■'-"■ -' -17 ^ch„-e.e. and ".rC'oV-./'^'- °B:2r--- Cannes ;„.a„d Cathanna, b. Sept. 2, David Suessholz and -JI' ' 86. bap. June 13 ^f. Maria Jacob, b. May .,, bap. G.nr, HiH.^as and David Spiner and wife Wife [The last three baptisms are entered by other hands.] 340 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [7. ENTRIES MADE BY REV. NICOLAS POMP, 1789-1790.] After the Rev. J. Theobald Faber had died unexpectedly on November 2, 1788, and the congregation had been without a pastor for more than a year, I, N. Pomp, was called to serve in his place, and commenced my min- istry here, in the name of God, in these congregations, in the beginning of the month of December, 1789, and baptized the following children: 1789. Parents Adam Bossert and wf. Margareth Henrich Schlicher and wf. Christina Johannes Staut and wf. Juliana Ludwig Graeber and wf. Elisabeth Joh. Nicol Muth and wf. Anna Margareth Children Elisabeth, b. Nov. 12, bap. Nov. 26 Susanna, b. Oct. 15, bap. Nov. 29 Magdalena, b. Oct. 31, bap. Nov. 29 Henrich, b. Sept. 24, bap. Nov. 29 Magdalena, b. Sept. 5, bap. Nov. 29 Witnesses Andreas Bossert and wife Georg Wiegener and wife Johannes Fischer and wife Dieder Raver and wife Georg Adam, b. Dec. 10, '89, bap. Jan. 2 Hanna, b. Dec. 20, '89, bap. Jan. 14 Petrus, b. Dec. 8, bap. Jan. 17 Georg, b. Dec. 29, '89, bap. Jan. 17 John, b. , bap. Jan. 17 Joh. Georg, b. Sept. 23, bap. Jan. 22 Elisabeth, b. Dec. 12, '89, bap. Febr. 25 Johannes, b. Jan. 10, bap. Febr. 28 William, b. Jan. 9, bap. Mar. 14 Peter, b. Dec. 24, bap. Mar. 21 Andreas, b. Mar. 11, bap. Mar. 22 1790. Joh. Adam Klein and wf. Elisabeth Joseph Kolb and wf. Anna Maria Jacob Stahl and wf. Hanna Johannes Stahl and wf. Elisabeth Abr. Witman and wf. Elisabeth Johannes Griesinger and wf. Anna Bar- bara Jacob Zimmerman and wf. Catharina Jacob Brauer and wf. Magdalena Friedrich Pannebecker and wf, Elisaheili Peter Gucker and wf. Elisa Jacob Bossert and wf. Eva Christian Schneider and wife Jacob Fink and wife Georg Wiesener and wife John Faber and wife Georg Leonh. Griese- mer and wife Margareth Zimmerman Joh. Moll and Cath- rina Eckl)' Wigand Pannebecker Peter Gucker and wife Andreas Bossert New- Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 341 Children Jacob, b. Jan. 5, '87, bap. Mar. 22 Catharina, b. Oct. 25, '89, bap. Mar. 22 Eva, b. Mar. 10, bap. Mar. 28 Catrina, b. Nov. 5, '89, bap. Apr. 2 Georg, b. Jan. 16, bap. Apr. II Elisabeth, b. Febr. 12, bap. Apr. 11 Jacob, b. Febr. 5, bap. Apr. II Maria Margreth, b. Apr. 26, bap. May 29 David, b. Nov. 29, '89, bap. May 23 Joseph, b. Apr. 22, bap. June 13 Peter, b. May 22, bap. June 13 Daniel, b. May 22, bap. June 27 Henrich, b. June 13, bap. July 25 Anna, b. Mar. 26, bap. May 22 ['91] Michael, b. Nov. 30, '90, bap. May 22 Parents Jacob Erb and wf. Maria Jacob Erb and wf. Maria Georg Heisst and wf. Elisa Gottfried Wieseler and wf. Eva Peter Finck and wf. Cathrina Jacob Doerr and wf. Anna Maria Abraham Hartranft and wf. Cathrin Adam Jost and wf. Susanna David May and wf. Elisabeth George Michael Kolb and wf. Elisabeth David Suessholz and wf. Maria Henrich Raudenbusch and wf. Catharina Michael Doerr and wf. Margareth 1791. Jacob Huber and wf. Christina Johannes Fischer and wf. Christina Witnesses Friedrich Heisst and wife Wendel Wiegand and wife Ludwig Gracber and wife Jacob Hirsch Conrad Hillegas and wife Joseph Kolb Casper Berry Daniel Schwenck and wf. Catharina Henrich Raeder and Maria Schlicher George Huber and wf. Elisa Michael Huber and wf. Elisabeth [The last two entries were made by Rev. John Wm. Hendel.] [8. ENTRIES MADE BY THE REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, JR., 1792-1795.] Those children are here recorded whom I, John Faber, baptized in the congregation New Goshenhoppen Anno Domini 1792. John Peter, b. Dec. 7, Peter Hillegas John Hillegas, Bar- 1791 bara Maurer Maria Catharina, b. Philip Mukenhaiipt Adam Zoern and wife May 31, '92 3+2 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Henrich, b. Mar. 29, '92 John Jacob, b. Mar. 13 Elisabeth, b. Febr. 13, '91 Eva, b. Mar. 1, '92 George, b. Mar. i, '92 Adam, b. June 28, '92 Jacob, b. May 4 Michael, b. June 25 , b. Aug. 8 Georg Michael, b. Nov. 26, '91 Magdalena, b. Jan. 19, '75, bap. , '92 Tobias, b. Febr. 4, '91 Jacobus, b. June 10, '91 Margretha, b. Sept. 6, '92 Caty, b. Nov. 11 Anna Maria Caty, b. July 9, '9t John, b. Dec. 26, '92 John, b. June 19, '92 Courtis, b. Febr. 6, '92 Gorsuaway (!), b. Febr. 6, '92 Jonathan, b. Nov. 13, '92 Friedrich, b. Aug. 14, '92 Anna, b. July 31 John, b. Sept. 9, '92 Parents John Stand William Schmith Jacob Erb George Miller George Miller Diederich Miller Peter Hillegas Michael Doerr Andreas Bossert John Schell John Raeder's step- daughter Fried. Panebecker Heinr. Segler Will. Schaefer John Doerr Casper Reeser George Welker John Berret Edward Larkin Edv?ard Larkin John Griesemer Fried. Zoern Jacob Goeri Jacob Goeri Witnesses Henrich John Braun and wife Elis. Rheinerts parents George Engel and wife Adam Miller and wife Jacob Hillegas, Anna Maria Hillegas Conrad Nuss and wife George Mumbauer, Catharina Leydich Peter Hillegas, Sr., and wife John Shell and wife Jacob Segler and Elisa Segler Conrad Hillegas and wife Casper Rieser and wife Peter Schuler and wife parents John Staud and Elis. Berret Samuel Cooper and wife Jiesbinon ( !) Lange and wife Peter Horlacher and •wife Adam Zoern and wife John Goeri and wife Michael Goeri and Magdalena Wigner Neiv Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 343 Children Parents 1793. George, b. Oct. 19, '92, John Walter bap. Jan. 3, '93 Daniel, b. Mar. i, '92, Daniel Jost bap. Mar. 24 John, adult, b. Oct. 8, George Walter — , bap. Mar. 27, '93 Susanna, adult, b. Jan. Michael Shell 20, — , bap. Mar. 27 Michael, b. June 26, John Raudenbush '92, bap. May 26 Jacob, b. May 8, 1790 George Kolb Susanna, b. Nov. 8, '93 Nic. Sechler Catharina, b. Nov. 29, Adam Bossert '93 Anna Maria, b. Nov. George Roth 17. '93 John, b. Nov. i8, '93 Heinr. Heist 1794- John, b. Nov. 11, '93 Daniel Sperr , b. Oct. 24 Heinrich Graeber John, b. Nov. 30, '91 Geiger Margretha, b. Dec. 3, Charles Henzey '93, bap. Dec. 25 Susanna, b. Nov. 8, '93 Philip Christman Christina, b. Dec. 31 Jacob Hausvvirth Wilhelm, b. Jan. 15, Lorentz Smith bap. Mar. 8 Elisabeth, b. Aug. 26, John Fisher bap. Nov. 1 Elisabeth, b. Mar. i, John Hauswirth bap. 1795- Margretha, b. Nov. 22, John Berret '94, bap. Jan. 21 Elisabeth, b. Oct. 25, Jacob Braisch '94, bap. Jan. 22 George, b. Oct. 21, '93, Jacob Braisch bap. Jan. 22 Conrad, b. Dec. 27, '94, Adam Jost bap. Febr. 12 Witnesses George Kolb and wife John Jost and wife John Shell and wife Michael Raudenbush Jacob Gilbert and wife Philip Christman Widow Bossert John Heist and wife John Heist and wife wife Andreas Graeber J. W. Geiger and wife George Rhod [Roth],, Margretha Reed H. Nicol. Sechler parents Wilhelm Stelwagen and wife Philip Fisher and wife Georg Heilig, Sr., and wife Michael Raudenbush and Maria Sell Jost Wiant and wife Adam Braisch and wife Conrad Hillegas and wife 344 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Witnesses Maria Hillegas Ulrich Graeber and wife Catharina Detweiler Elisabetha Schmitt Friedrich Maurer and Eva Faber Peter Hillegas, Sr,, and wife Michael Raudenbush and wife Jacob Frey and wife Children Parents Maricha (!) b. Dec. Peter Hillegas 2, '93 John, b. Febr. 24, '95, Andreas Graeber bap. Apr. 5 Maria Catharina, b. Leonh. Miller Apr. 2, '95, bap. Apr. 6 Salome, b. May 2, '94, Joseph Kolb bap. Apr. 21 Friedrich, b. Dec. 24, Jacob Maurer '94, bap. Apr. 19 Petrus, b. Mar. 19, '95, Abraham Levy bap. Apr. 19 Michael, b. Nov. 5, '94, Henrich Raudenbush bap. May 10 Jacobus, b. Febr. i, '93, John Frey bap. May 23 Sarah, b. May 3, bap. Margreth Copelberger Henrich Copelberger ger and wife Margretha, b. Sept. 12, Ludwig Ache John Pohlig '95 Daniel, b. Dec. 13, Samuel Rader and Johannes Rader 1807, bap. wife Elisa Sara, b. June 17, 1804 David Schultz and wf. Anna Barb. Kohl Barbara Abraham, b. Apr. 24, David Schulz and wife Abr. Levi and wf. Eva 1806 Anna Catharina, b. David Schulz and wife Joh. Hillegas and wf. J^'y ^4' ^808 Anna Catharina Anna Maria Magda- David Schulz and wife Samuel Keppler and lena, b. Oct. 28, 1809 wf. Maria Magda- lena Sus. Elisab. Barbara, David Schulz and wife Salome Fries and wf. b. Sept. 9, 1811 Susanna [Baptisms entered by various hands.] Children Parents New Goshenhoppen—Vol. 11. Baptisms 345 [9. ENTRIES BY THE REV. ALBERT HELFFENSTEIN, ,go8-i8ii.] List of those who were baptized here since ray presence here, June, 1808. Witnesses A. Helffenstein. Adam Ewald, Susanna Ewald Henrich Schlicher, Christina Schlicher Abr. Levy and Eva Elisabeth, b. Apr. 21, Georg Ewald and 1808 Henrich, b. Jan. i6, 1808 Johann, b. Mar. 6, 1808 Esther, b. June 4, i8( Anna Catharina, b. July 14, 1808 Johann and Catharina Hilligas wife Magdalena Johann Hillegas and wife Catharina Johann and Catharina Hillegas Samuel and Anna Wiant David and Barbara Schultz Jonas, b. July xo, z8o8 Georg Huber and wife Henrich Ranch and Elisabeth Rosina Hans Adam, b. July Hans Adara Hillegas Ludwig Graber and , ''' '^°\ , ^"^ Elisabeth ^ife Elisabeth Susanna, b. June 27, Georg Wenner and Johan Moll and Cath- ^^°^ wife Elisabeth arina Henr.ch, b. Aug. 5, Johan Leser and wife Abr. Marsteller and ,1 u . "'""" El'^abeth Johan, b. Aug. 5, 1808 Johan Leser and wife VVilhelm Will and "^""« Elisabeth Georg Wigner and Daniel Heil and wife wife Michael Hoffman and Johann Rauch and wife Jacob Griesemer and wife Christian Dorwart and wife Johan Schneider and Elisabeth Georg Kehl and Mar gareth Daniel, b. Sept. 16, 1808 Michael, b. May 15, 1808 Maria, b. June 30, 1808 Elisabeth, b. Dec. 31 1808 Margaretha, b. Aug. 19, 180S Samuel, b. Jan. 10, 1808 wife Philip Herzog and wife Johan Kucker and Marg. Lang Georg Kehl and Mar- gareth Samuel Kohler and Magdalena r>-. L ^ iviagaaiena Georg, b. Oct. 14, 1808 Jacob Fischer and wife Barbara Fischer Polly, b. Sept. 24, ,808 Johan More and Cath- Wendel Wiant and ^""a .Catharina 346 Church Children Records of Goshenhoppen Witnesses Samuel, b. Aug. 12, 1808, bap, Jan. i, Jacob, b. Apr. 16, 1808, bap. Febr. 6 Jacob, b. June i, 1809, bap. July 22 Susanna, b. June 24, 1809, bap. Sept. 17 Elisabeth, b. March 24, bap. Peter, b. Aug. 13, bap. Sept. 17 Samuel, b. April 17, bap. Maria, b. Aug. 7, bap. Dec. 10 Elisabeth, b. Oct. 23, bap. Dec. ro Johannes, b. Sept. 29, bap. Dec. 10 Jacob, b. Aug. 11, bap. Dec. 15 Alexander Cop€land,b. Sept. 17, bap. Dec. 15 Maria, b. Nov. 9, bap. Polly, b. Febr. 14, bap. Elisabeth and Rebecca, b. Mar. 6, bap. Apr. 2 Sarah, b. Febr. 15, bap. Apr. 15 David, b. Febr. 22, bap. May 10 Maria, b. Febr. 2, bap. May 7 Christian, b. Dec. 25, bap. May 7 Parents 1809. Samuel Kolb and wife Johann Siissholz 1809 Henrich Rauch and Jacob Berent and ^^^^^ Cath. Rauch Johan Siissholz and Johan Geiger, Cath. Siissholz Andreas Jung Susanna Jung Andreas Graber and Georg Wohnsidler and Sibella Barbara Jacob Schell and Andreas Graber and Maria sibella Johann Pfannenbecker Johann Schneider and and wife ^vife Jacob Hartranft and Johan Georg Hilligas wife and wife Daniel Staut and wife Johan Staut and wife Johannes Dimmig Jacob Fischer and wife Jacob Peck and wife Daniel Kepler and wife Antony Kehl and Bar- Henrich Bernt and bara Nancy 1810. Antony Kehl Philip Christman and Margareth Samuel Riither and Elisabeth Jacob Griesemer and wife Johannes Hiittel and Maria Johannes Sasseman and Christian Sasseman Barbara and Sophia New Goshenhoppen—Vol. II. Baptisms 347 Witnesses Carl Huber and Su- sanna Johan Siissholz and Barbara Henrich Keck and Maria Johannes Bolig and Margareth Jacob Loch and Molly Children Parents Elisabeth, b. Febr. ii, Georg Wenn and bap- Elisabeth Hanna, b. Jan. 6, bap. Jacob Siissholz and Magdalena Adam, b. June 18, bap, Jacob Hillegas and July 22 Rosina Sophia, b. Sept. 28, Jacob Bock and wife bap. Sally, b. Aug. 10, bap. Johann Sell and Bar Sept. 30 bara Juda, b. Febr. 23, bap. Michael Hoffman and VVilhelm Will and Sept- 30 Maria Nancy Miller Michael, b. Apr. 8, Georg Querry and Johannes Aerny and Anna Salome Conrad Heyl and Samuel McNoldy and Maria wife Philip Brey and Nancy Hans Adam Hilligas and Elisabet Philip Reed and Mar garetha bap. Sept. 30 Samuel, b. Apr. 17, bap. Sept. 30 Salomon, b. Jan. 18, bap. Sept. 30 Carl, b. Apr. 27, bap Sept. 30 the parents Georg, b. Sept. 28, bap. Jan. i Georg Steinman and Elis. Salome, b. Jan. 4, bap. Johan Fischer and May 19 Magdalena, b. Febr. II, bap. May 19 Anna Georg Steinman, Sr. Georg Moll and Eva Samuel McNoldy and Andreas Grabers and Magdalena Sibylla [10. ENTRIES MADE BY THE REV. FREDERICK WM. VON DER SLOOT, Jr., 1813-1818.] 1813. Sara, b. Dec. 16, '12, Johann Roth and Cath- Abrah. Levi and Eva bap. Jan. 24, '13 arina Magdalena, b. Aug. Dan. Hittel and wife Cath. Willauer 24, bap. Febr. II, '13 Magdalena Johan Adam, b. Dec. David Schulz and John Maurer, Cath. 17, '12, bap. Mar. 7, Barbara Hillegas, both single 13 Daniel, b. Febr. i, Daniel Rieser and Jacob Schell and wife bap. Mar. 7, '13 Maria Maria 348 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Maria, b. Jan. i6, bap. Mar. 26, '13 Elisabeth, b. Oct. 15, '12, bap. Apr, 16, '13 Salomon, b. Mar. 15, bap. Apr. 9 Maria, b. Apr. 24, bap. June 30, '13 Maria, b. Dec. 2, '13, bap. May i, '14 , b. Apr. 17, bap. June 12, 1814 Elisabeth, b. May 18, bap. Aug. 21, '14 Mathaus, b. Jan. 2, '15, bap. Mar., '15 Abraham, b. Dec. 8, '14, bap. May 15, '15 Henrich, b. June 22, '16, bap. Sept. I Henriette, b. July 21, '16, bap. Sept. 8 Daniel, b. Nov. 26, '16, bap. Apr. 6, '17 Catharine, b. May 6, '17, bap. July 20, '17 Jesse, b. May 5, '17, bap. July 20, '17 Samuel, b. Oct. 21, '17 bap. Dec. 14 Sara, b. Jan. 12, '18, bap. May 31 John, b. July 14, '18, bap. Aug. 23 Parents Jacob Wenner and Maria Ludwig Bernd and Elisabeth John Roder and Mag- dalena John Hallman and Catharina 1814. Fred. (?) Kohl and Barbara George Wiegner and Susanna John Siissholz and wife Barbara Michel Huber and wife Elisabeth Abraham Geier and wife Sophia Jacob Huber and wife Elisabeth George Walter and wife Regina John Sasseman and wife Barbara Georg Jacob and wife Elisabetha Jacob Mecklin and wife Catharina Peter Heilig and wife Magdalena Heinrich Scherr and Margareth George Walter and wife Regina Witnesses Johann Schlicher and wife Maria Andreas Grabers and Sybilla John Roder Peter Schell and Maria George Kolb and Anna Peter Steinman and wife Magdalena George Welker and Elis. Sell Jacob Huber and wife Elisabeth John Sassaman and wife Barbara Henrich Mumbauer and wife Catharina Magdalena Hummel Daniel Sasseman and Susanna Geier Catharine Staud Johannes Hoffman and wife Elisabetha Georg Welker and wife Catharina John Siissholz and wife Barbara John Hartman and wife Maria [11. ENTRIES MADE BY JOHN FABER, Jr., 1819-1833.] the parents Jacob, b. Sept. 13, '19, Johannes Hittel and bap. Dec. i, '19 wife Maria Salomon, b. Oct. 16, Jacob Steier and wife '19, bap. Jan. 2, '20 Catharina Gottfried Wissler and wife Eva New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Baptisms 349 Children Johann Friedrich, b. Nov. 2, bap. Apr. 12, '19 Uria, b. Jan. 8, '20, bap. Febr. 13 Jesse, b. Aug. 28, '19, bap. Mar. 26, '20 Rufina, b. Oct. 11, '19, bap. Apr. 9, '20 Tobias, b. Febr. 5, '20, bap. Apr. 3, '20 Maria, b. Jan. 10, '20, bap. Mar. 27 William, b. Febr. 18, '20, bap. Apr. 3 Edward, b. May 7, '20, bap. May 18 Carolina, b. Jan. 7, bap. June 4 Eleonora, b. Jan. 11, bap. June 18 Johan Georg, b. July I, bap. Aug. 27 Abraham, b. June 24, '20, bap. Sept. 10 Henrich, b. Nov. 23, '20, bap. Mar. 11, '21 Karl, b. Mar. 18, '21, bap. May 13 Susanna, b. Oct. 29, '20, bap. May 13, '21 Jacob, b. Febr. 24, '21, bap. May 6, '21 , b. Mar. 19, bap. Apr. 22 Georg, b. Apr. 11, bap. May 7 Anna Magdalena, b. Mar. 9, '21, bap. Aug. 30, 1821 Samuel, b. Nov. 3, '21, bap. Dec. 30, '21 24 Parents Job. Stephan DIehl and wife Elisabetha Andreas Weiss and wife Maria Philip Rith and wife Margareth Georg Kolb and wife Anna Catharine John Grenn and wife Sara John Roder and wife Magdalena John Graber and wife Christina John Moll and wife Eva Jacob Beck and wife Eleonora Johannes Jacob and wife Catharina Johannes Sasseman and wife Susanna Georg Mack and wife Magdalena Valentin Ache and wife Christina Georg Walter and wife Regina David Zimmerman and wife Magdalena Philip Sell and wife Elisabetha Daniel Christman and wife Elisabetha Philip Schmidt and wife Sara Jacob Sechler and wife Elisabetha Jacob Hilffiker and wife Maria Witnesses the parents Johannes Ritz, Catha- rina Christman Adam Hillegas and wife Elisabetha Samuel Kepler and wife Magdalena Jacob Kammery and wife Louisa Catharina Marsteller, widow Andreas Graber and wife Sibilla Andreas Graber and wife Sibilla the parents Carl Hillegas, Elisa- beth Willauer Jonas Borgen and wife Catharina the parents Heinrich Ache, Fro- nica Walter Karl Walter and wife Margaretha Susanna Zimmerman Abraham Sechler and wife Margaretha Philip Christman and wife Margaretha Catharina Reichart Mrs. Magdalena Det- weiler Samuel Roeder and wife Elisabeth 350 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children David and Elias, b. Nov. 9, '21, bap. Dec. 30 Liwayne [Lavina], b. Nov. 8, '21, bap. Jan. 27, '22 John Jacob and Karl, b. Jan. 19, *2i, bap. Mar. 13, '21 George, b. Febr. 5, '22, bap. June 15, '22 Isaac, b. Apr. 25, '22, bap. June 15 Eliza, b. June 13, '18, bap. Mary Ann, b. Febr. i, '20 William, b. Apr. i, '22 , b. Febr. 26, '22, bap. Aug. 18 Elisabeth, b. July 18, '22, bap. Sept. 8 Maria, b. May 26, bap. Sept. 8 Jonas, b. June 4, bap. June 25 Charles, b. Aug. 13, bap. Nov. 2 William, b. Sept. 14, bap. Nov. 2 Johannes, b. Sept. 10, '23, bap. Nov. 23, '23 Anna Maria, b. Jan. 2, '24, bap. Mar. 7, '24 Jacob, b. Oct, 27, '23, bap. Febr. 28, '24 Catharina, b. Febr. 7, '24, bap. Mar. 25 Maria, b. Oct. 19, '23, bap. Parents Andreas Weiss and wife Maria John Graber and wife Christina John Stcphanus Diehl and wife Elisabetha Valentin Ache and wife John Willauer and wife John Dixon and wife Maria ditto ditto John Kolb and wife Susanna Wendel Wiant and wife Peter Gery and wife 1823. John Wiand and wife Maria Henry Graber and wife Susanna Jacob McNoldy and wife Sara George Carl and wife Catharina George Marsteller and wife Salome Jacob Kemmerer and wife John Hersch and wife John Hofman and wife Maria Witnesses John Weidner, Lydia Smeyer, Henry Shell, Barbar Trumb Henrich Wickert and wife Lydia Jacob Wilhclm De- chant George Walter and wife Isaac Reifschneider and wife Christian Kolb, Nancy Zigler Samuel Roeder and wife Elisabeth John Gery and wife Catharina Wendel Wiand and wife Catharina John Gery and wife Daniel Heil and wife Catharina John Gery and wife John Roeder and wifi the parents parents Daniel Christman and wife Elisabeth New Goshenhoppen~VoL 11. Baptis ins 351 Children Daniel, b. Dec. 14. '19, bap. — , '24 Joseph, b. May 30, '24, bap. July ir, '24 Allen, b. May 17, bap. July II Amiina, b. Sept. 2, bap. Oct. 24 Maria Anna, b. Sept. 5. bap. Oct. — Rebecca, b. Dec. 6, '24, bap. Jan. 16, '25 John William, b. Nov. 2, '24, bap. Dec. 26, '24 Jacob, b. Mar. 7, '24, bap. Edward, b. Apr. 30, '24, bap. Aug. I Lydia, b. Jan. 31, '25, bap. May i, '25 Ruben, b. Mar. 26, '25, bap. [May] 23, '25 Levi, b. Mar. 24, bap. June 12, '25 Samuel, b. May 3, '25, bap. July 3, '25 Christian, b. Apr. 23, '25, bap. Sept. II William, b. Mar. 30, '25, bap. Nov. 6 G€orge, b. Dec. 12, '25, bap. Jan. 29, '26 Jacob Samuel, b. Mar. 13, '26, bap. May 14. '26 Catharina, b. July 8, '26, bap. Aug. 7, '26 Rhein, b. June 9, '26, bap. Sept. 17, '26 Parents David Shultz and wife Peter Gery and wife Elisabeth Jacob Bender and wife Susanna Philip Sell and wife Elisabeth Johannes Greber and wife Christina Philip Rufner and wife Peggy Jacob Hillegas and Hannah Witnesses 1825, Jacob Steier and wife Catharina Jacob Steier and wife Catharina Herry Graeber and Susanna Heinrich Moll and wife Abr. Meyer and Cath- arina George Carl and wife Catharina Henry Gaugler and Catharina Daniel Fitzcharles and wife Elisabeth Peter Gery and wife Elisabeth Jacob Hillegas and wife Hanna Peter Deisher and wife Maria Philip Berret and wife Elis. parents John Gery and wife Anthony Freyer and wife Susanna Jacob Sechler and wife Elisabeth Adam Wonsetler and wife Susanna Samuel Kepler and wife Samuel Kepler and wife Henrich Barent and Elis. Steier Peter Gery and Lydia John Gery and wife Jacob Hersch and wife Jacob Huber and wife John Gery and Mary Ann Schaffer John Gery, Sr., and wife John Jacob and Cath- arina Henry Halman and wife Catharina Samuel Kepler and wife Maria John Gery, Sr., and wife Catharina John Erb and wife Elis. 352 Church Records of Gosheuhoppen Children Johannes, b. Aug. 6, '26, bap. Oct. 29, '26 Rebecca, b. Oct. i, '26, bap. Dec. 10, '26 Rebecca, b. Dec. 31, '26, bap. Mar. 25, '27 Rachel, b. Sept. 27, '27, bap. Nov. 10, '27 Carl, b. Jan. 22, '27, bap. Mar. 25 Nathanael, b. Apr. 19, '28, bap. June 29, '28 Anna Elisabeth, b. June 3, '29, bap. Aug. 23, '29 Carl, b. Nov. 7, '29, bap. Apr. 9, '30 Carolina, b. Febr. 5, '30, bap. Apr. 11, '30 Isaac, b. Aug. 14, '32, bap. Oct. 21, '32 Johannes, b. June 2, '28 Maria Anna, b. Jan. 20, '31 Jacobus, b. Dec. 21, '32 Parents John Ritz and wife Sophia George Carl and wife Catharina John Graeber and wife Jacob Huber and wife Margaret Johan Graeber and wife Christiana Henry Steier and wife Elisabeth Jonas Nyce and wife Rachel Amos Antrim and wife Lydia Jacob Huber and wife Peggy Jacob Huber and wife Maria James Tagert and wife James Tagert and wife James Tagert and wife Witnesses Joseph Gery, Lydia Ritz John Heilig and wife Anna John Blanck and wife Henry Hofman and wife Catharina Salmon Wicker and wife Elisabeth John Ruekstiche and wife Christina Jacob Hillegas and wife Anna Henry Craeber and wife Susanna Peter Fegly and wife Elis. George Huber and wife Elis. the parents the parents the parents [12. ENTRIES MADE BY LATER Thomas, b. Oct. 27, '35 Johannes Gerhard and wife Lea Mahlon Jacob, b. May Johannes Gerhard and 8, '40 wife Lea Luisa Susanna, b. Aug. Johannes Gerhard and 2, '50 wife Lea Elisabeth, bap. May 4, Daniel Schneider and '34 wife Sara Johannes, bap. May 4, Joh. Steier and wife '34 Rebecca Robert, bap. May 24, James Taggert and '34 wife HANDS.] Georg Gerhard and wife Susanna Nathan Levy and wife Maria Louisa Kemmerer, ma- ternal grandmother Joseph Gery and wife Anna the parents Jacob Taggert and wife New Goshenhoppeti~VoI. 11. Burials y:>3 Children Parents Israel, bap. June 15, Franz Weth and '34 Maria Weth Esther, bap. July 27, Heinr. Edelman and 34 wife Judith, b. Oct. 10, '34, Jonas Kolp and Ester bap. Nov. 30 Kolp Carl, bap. Feb. 21, '36 Daniel Schneider and wife Sara Jonathan, b. Nov. 18, Johannes Roeder, Jr., *^ and wife Christina Lewis, b. Apr. 2, '48 Johannes Roeder, Jr., and wife Christina , b. Sept. 20, '50 Johannes Roeder, Jr., and wife Christina Witnesses David Staut and Cath. Jacob the parents Georg Kolp and wife Daniel Nuss and wife Johannes Roeder, Sr., and wife Christina Lewis Schiller and wife Anna the parents [IL BURIAL RECORDS.] Persons buried by me, John Th. Faber, who were also recorded bv me, as follows: 1766, Oct. 21. Abraham Seglcr's little daughter was buried. 1766, Dec. 8. Andreas Graber's little daughter was buried. 1766, Dec. 26. Jacob Meyer was buried. 1767, Jan. 3. Bernd Lent's little daughter was buried. 1767, Febr. 20. The old Mr. Layendecker was buried. 1767, June 4. A little son of Peter Hellicas was buried, named Johannes, aged I year less 14 days. 1767, June 23. A son of Georg Reinheimer was buried, named Johannes, aged 2 years, 2 months, 4 days, of New Goshenhoppen. 1767, July 20. A daughter of Johannes Staut was buried named Anna Maria, aged i year, 3 months, less several days. 1767, Aug. 17. A daughter of Michael Raeder was burled, aged 2 vears, 8 months, 4 weeks. 1767, Nov. 24. Peter Mack, brother of Prter Mayer's wife of New Gosh- enhoppen, was buried; born 1707, aged 55 years. 1767. Nov. 14. The wife of Mathias Walder was buried, named Anna Maria, born 1714, Nov. 4; aged 53 years, less several days. '768, June 7. A daughter of Peter Hellicas was buried, named Eva, born X768, March 20; aged 11 weeks and i day. 1768. An old woman was buried, born in the year (I don't know), aged about 60 years. 1769. March 7. A daughter of Mr. Lauer was buried, named Sara, born 1769, Jan. 23; aged 6 weeks and 3 days. 354 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1769, March 18. A daughter of Henrich Barleman was buried, named Anna Margaretha, born 1766, June 4; aged 4 years, 9 months and 5 days. 1769, May 28. David Mayn was buried; born in 1738; aged 38 years, 8 months and 15 daj's. 1770, Febr. 14. A son of was buried, named John Erhart, born 1769, May 15; aged 8 months, 3 weeks, 4 days. 1770, Jan. 21. Anna Margareta Faabin was buried; born 1749, Oct. 9; aged 20 years, 4 months, 9 days. 1770, Febr. 14. Michael Moll was buried; born 1700; aged 70 years. 1770, Apr. 10. Michael Huper's son was buried, named Johannes, born 1769, Dec. 16; aged 17 weeks and several days. 1770, Apr. 23. A son of John Jacob Danckel was buried, named Henrich, born 1761, March 21; aged 9 years, i month. 1770, Dec. 14. A daughter of Peter Panebecker was buried, named Anna Maria, born 1770, Dec. 4; aged 9 days and i night. 1771, March 25. Elisabeth Panebecker was buried; born 1750, June 8; aged 20 j^ears, 9 months, 3 weeks. 1771, Apr. 18. Anna Margaretha Danckel was buried; born 1696, Febr. 10; aged 75 years, 2 months, 5 days. 1771, July 27. Margaretha Getto Morin (a negress), daughter of Getto Mor, was buried; born 1756; aged 15 years. 1771, Aug. 27. Robert Bel was buried; born 1735; aged 36 years, 20 weeks and several days. 1772, Febr. 7. The old Mr. Conrad was buried; born 1699; aged a little above 73 years. 1772, Apr. r. Conrad Wannenmacher was buried; born 1701; aged 70 years, 3 months and 20 days. 1772, May 30. Magdalena Schuler was buried; born 1715. June 17; a^ed 57 years less 16 days. 1772, June 3. Catharina Gucker was buried; born 1696; aged about 76 years. 1771, Aug. 4. Georg Rcinhcimer's son was buried, named Job. Philippus, born 1771, Sept. 8; aged i year less 5 weeks. 1772, Sept. 6. Michael Raeder's daughter was buried, named Elisabetha, born 1772, Febr. i8; aged half a year less 4 weeks. 1771, Nov. 21. Peter Geseil was buried; born 1726, Sept. 7; aged 46 years, 2 months, i week and 5 days. 1773, Jan. 24. Sarah Laur was buried; born 1737, Oct. 24; aged 35 years, 3 months. 1773, Jan. 29. Michael Raeder's child was buried; born 1772, Jan. 16; aged X year, 2 weeks. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Burials 355 1773, Febr. 12. Michael Raeder's child was buried; born 1770, Apr. n; aged 3 years less 8 weeks and 3 days. 1773, Febr. 21. A child of Michael Raeder; born 1762, March 5; aged 11 years less 2 weeks. 1773, Apr. 8. A negro child of John Adam Hellicas; born about 1771; aged about 2 years and several months. 1773, Apr. 10. A daughter of Wilh. Geiger was buried; born 1756, Nov. 29; aged 16 years, 4 months, 10 days. 1773, March 17. The wife of young Mr. Mack was buried; born 1743, April 3; aged 27 years, 11 months, 13 days. 1773, May 18. A son of Andreas Jung was buried; born 1770, March 12; aged 3 years, 2 months, 5 days. 1773, June 3. Joh. Valentin Grisemer was buried; born 1688, Jan. 4; aged 85 years, 5 months less 4 days. 1773, June 22. A daughter of Rudolph Dresch was buried; born 1772, Aug. 7; aged i year less 8 weeks. 1773, Aug. 13. Peter Lauer's daughter was buried; born 1770, Jan. 24; aged 3 years, 5 months, 13 weeks and several days. 1773, Oct. II. A daughter of Michael Schell was buried; born 1758, March 10; aged 14 years, 7 months. 1773, Nov. 12. A daughter of Leonhart Kriesemer was buried; born 1773, Jan. 14; aged 10 months, 4 days. 1774, Jan. 5. A son of Henr. Rauch was buried; born 1773, Dec. 24; aged II days. 1774. Febr. 23. Anna Maria Gillwein (a negress) was buried; born 1750; aged 23 jxars and about 6 months. 1774, Febr. 2. Joh. Engel was buried; born 1706; aged 68 years. 1774, March 25. Adam Bossert was buried; born 1714; aged 62 years. 1774. June 3. A son of Conrad Helligas was buried; born 1774, Jan 13; aged 4 months, 2 weeks, 5 days. 1774, June 13. Michael Lieser was buried; born 1720; aged about 54 years. 1774, Sept. 18. A daughter of Joh. Georg Kolb was buried; born 1773, May 16; aged i year, 4 months. 1774, Dec. IS. A daughter of Abr. Gerhart was buried; born 1771, Jan. 2; aged 3 years, 11 months, 12 days. 1775, Jan. 15. A daughter of Philip Leidecker was buried; born 1774, June i; aged 7 months, 13 days. 1775, Febr. 14. A daughter of Conrad Nuss was buried; born 1773, Nov. 4, aged I year, 3 months, i week. 1775, Jan. 17. A daughter of the late Michael Lieser was buried; born 1774- Dec. 9; aged i year, 5 months, several days. 35^ Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1775, Apr. 19. The old Mrs. Steinmann was buried; born 1708, March 18; aged 68 years, 6 weeks, i day. 1775, Apr. 19. A daughter of Joseph Kolb was buried; born 1775, Jan. 25; aged II weeks, 3 days. 1775, Apr. II. A son of Justus Eckhart was buried; born 1773, Sept. 18; aged I year, 6 months, 3 weeks. 1775, March 6. A son of Georg Schutz was burled; born 1768, March 25; aged 7 years less 3 weeks. 1775, March 8. A son of Henr. Schneider was buried; born 1775, Jan. 24; aged 6 weeks, 5 days. 1775, March 14. A son of Jacob Kugler was buried; born 1774, Sept, 7; aged 6 months, 6 days. 1775, Apr. 27. Jacob Frack was buried; born 1690, Aug. 16; aged 84 j'ears, 8 months. 1775, Apr. 27. A son of Conrad Gillam was buried; born 1774, Jan. 19; aged I year, 3 months, 6 days. 1775, May 23. Anna Maria Reninger was buried; born 1745, May 6; aged 30 years. 1775, Aug. 15. Elis. Barbara Staut was buried; born 1748, July 24; aged 27 years, 21 days. I775> Aug. 9. A son of Peter Heisst was buried; born 1773, July 22; aged 2 years, 18 days. •775. Aug. 17. A son of Jacob Lang was buried; born 1774, Febr. 7; aged 3 years, 6 months, 8 days. 1775, Aug. 23. A daughter of Peter Maurer was buried; born 1762, June 28, aged 13 years, 7 weeks, 6 days. •77Si Sept. 13. A daughter of Joh. Cunius was buried; born 1772, Nov. 6; aged 2 years, 10 months, 6 days. 1775, Dec. 20. A son of Henr. Bachmann was buried; born 1773, Febr. 2; aged 2 years, 11 months, 14 days. 1775, Dec. 23. A daughter of Daniel Lambrecht was buried; born 1774, Aug. 9 ; aged i year, 4 months, 3 weeks, 3 days. 1775, Dec. 26. A daughter of Daniel Lambrecht was buried; born 1773, March 4; aged 2 years, 9 months, 20 days. 177s, Dec. 27. Ludwig Bitting was buried; born 1703; aged about 73 years. 1776, Jan. 6. A daughter of Joh. Schell was buried; born 1773, July 29; aged 2 years, 5 months, 8 days. '776, Jan. 22. A daughter of Jacob Holzhausen was buried; born 1774, March 25; aged i year, 9 months, 26 days. 1776, Febr. 22. The wife of Phil. Wischang was buried; born 1702; about 74 years of age. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. 11. Burials 357 1776, Apr. 25. John George Hering was buried; born 1753, Nov. 13; aged 22 years, 6 months. 1776, May I. A daughter of Henr. Mueller was buried ; born 1770, Nov. 13; aged 5 years, 5 months, 13 days. 1776, May 17. Catharine Weber was buried; born 1709, April 6; aged 67 years, i month, 9 days. 1776, July 5. Anna Maria Gertruta Reiter was buried; born 1709, Apr, 26; aged 67 years, 2 months, 7 days. 1776, Sept. 24. Rudolph Segler was buried; born 1747, May 4; aged 29 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, several days. 1776, Nov. 24. Margaretha Raudebusch was buried; born 1702; aged 74 years and 8 weeks. 1776, Dec. 26. A son of Wendel Wiant was buried; born 1776, Aug. 4; aged 20 weeks and some days. 1777, Jan. 7. A son of Caspar Bastian was buried; born 1777, Jan. 18; aged 2 weeks and 4 days. 1777, Jan. 7. A son of Joseph Leopold was buried; born 1775, March 26; aged I year, 10 months, i week. 1777, Febr. 5. A son of Jacob Wetknecht was buried; born 1757, March 11; aged 19 years, 10 months, 12 days. 1776, Oct. 20. A son was born (!) to Fried. Schell named Magdalena, witnesses Georg Kolb and wife. 1777, Jan. 5. The old Mrs. Segler was buried; born 1709, Dec. 25; aged 68 years, 8 days. 1777, March 3. Michael Huper was buried; born 1715, July 29; aged 61 years, 7 months. 1777, March 14. Johannes Gillam was buried; born 1761, Nov. 22; aged 15 years, 3 months, 3 weeks. 1777, March 19. Anna Maria Berret was buried; born 1699; about 78 years old. 1777, Apr. 12. Anna Maria Holshaus was buried; born 1740, March 19; aged 37 years, 12 days. 1777, Apr. 14. Peter Maurer's wife was buried; born 1740, Febr, 15; aged 36 years, 2 months, less a few days. 1777, Apr. 18. Benedict Moll was buried; born 1742, about November; aged about 35 years. 1777, May 4. Joh. Schell was buried; born 1729, Jan. 22; aged 48 years and 3 months. 1777, May 6. A daughter of Adam Hilligas was buried; aged 9 days. 1777, May 25. A child of Peter Loch was buried; aged 12 days. 1777, May 23. A son of Fried. Miiller was buried; aged 12 years, 2 months and 6 days. 358 Church Records of Gosheuhoppen 1777, Aug. 12. Three children of Andreas Weiller were buried, namely, two daughters and one son; the oldest daughter was born 1758, Ap. 16; aged 19 years, 4 months, less some days; the second daughter was born 1759, Aug. 25; she was 18 years less a week and some days; the son was born 1766, June 9; aged 11 years, 2 months, 2 days. 1777, Aug. 7. A daughter of Peter Maurer was buried; born 1773, Febr. 7; aged 4 years and 6 months. 1777, Aug. 4. A son of Herman Fischer was buried; born 1774, Jan. 5; aged 3 years and 7 months. 1777, Aug. 25. A son of Andreas Weiller was buried; born 1763, Oct. 6; aged 14 years, i month, 5 days. Eight days later another son was buried. 1777, Aug. 26. The old Mrs. Haas was buried; born 1702; aged 75 years. 1777, Aug. 16. Joh. Staut was buried; born 1776, July 27; aged i year, 3 weeks. 1777, Aug. 30. A child of Jacob Espenschiedt was buried; born 1775, Jan. 18; aged 2 years, 7 months, 8 days. 1777, Sept. 21. A child of Benedict Home was buried; born 1771, Apr. 5; aged 6 years, 5 months, 14 days, 1777, Sept. 30. A child of Peter Timich was buried; born 1776, Dec. 3; aged 10 months less 4 or 5 days. 1777, Oct. 22. A son of Jacob Miiller was buried; born 1766, Jan. 7; aged II jears, 9 months, 2 weeks. 1777, Dec. I. The wife of the Schoolmaster Schubart was buried; born ; aged 68 years, less 3 months and 4 days. 1777, Nov. 20. Margaretha Geiger was buried; born 1762, Aug. 4; aged 15 years, 3 months, 12 days. 1778, May I. A child of Martin Eisenhauer was buried; born Jan. 5; aged 4 months less 4 da3's. 1778, May 17. A daughter of Eberh. Christoffel Schart was buried; born 1762, Dec. 20; aged 15 years, 22 weeks and 3 da}-s. 1778, May 21. A child of Lorens Schmidt was buried; born 1776, Sept. 2; aged I year, 9 months, 17 days. 1778, Dec. 10. Georg Reinheimer was buried; born 1727, Febr. 21; aged 51 years, 10 months, several weeks. 1779) J^n- 2. A daughter of Peter Gucker was buried; born 1771, July 5; aged 7 years, 6 months, less 5 days. 1779, Jan. 12. A daughter of Peter Gucker was buried ; born 1773, Oct. 23 ; aged 5 years, 3 months, less 9 days. 1779, March 13. The old Adam Hilligas was buried; born 1717, Jan. 5; aged 62 years, 3 months, 8 days. 1779, May 2. A child of Joh. Sanger was buried; born 1775, May 31; aged 4 years, 2 months. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Burials 359 1779. June 7. A son of Henry Schlieger was buried; born 1777, Oct. 17; aged I year, 7 months, 3 weeks. 1779, June 15. A child of Conrad Nus was buried; born 1778, Aug. 17; aged 10 months, less 3 days. 1779, June 18. A child of Georg Hilligas was buried; born 1778, Oct. 5; aged I year, 9 months, 12 days. 1779, Aug. 5. A daughter of the late Michael Moll was buried; born 1739, about March; aged about 40 years. Record of those who died and were buried during the ministry of Fried- rich Delliker, V.D.M., in this congregation of New Goshenhoppen. 1783. January 5. Abraham, i year, i month, 14 days old; parents are Benedict Horning and his wife Elisabeth. January 11. Joh. Adam, 8 days, 8 hours old; parents are Andreas Rid and wife Maria. May 23. Johannes Steinmann, his age 39 years, 4 months. June 25. Maria, i year, 8 months, 11 days old; parents Georg Steineman and Catharine, his wife. June 30. Samuel Kolb, his age 29 years, several days. August 12. Georg Raudenbusch, his age 84 years. Sept. 5. Joh. Philip Rid, born 1698, Jan. 26; his age 85 years, 7 months, 8 days. Oct. 15. Johannes Mack, his age 32 years, 9 months, 4 days. He died by an accidental fall from a wagon within 17 days. Dec. 4. Elisabeth, 14 years, 7 months, 6 days old ; parents Daniel Ekbrett and Elisabeth his wife. December 5. Abraham Segler, his age 54 years, 2 months. He fell from his horse near his house and was found dead in the water. A°. 1784. Feb. 8. Catharine, 14 days, 6 hours old; parents Andreas Rid and his wife Maria. March ii. David Levi, his age not quite 56 years. Buried during the ministry of Fried. Wilh. V. d. Sloot. 1784. Apr. 25. Peter May, his age 70 years, 2 months, a Lutheran. June 12. Maria Nuss, nee Reder, aged 27 years. Oct. 16. Anna Margaretha, her father Georg Fischer; her age 19 years, 8 months. 360 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Those persons who were buried by me, Joh. Theob. Faber, in the year 1786. Date of birth. 1785, May 4, Sus. Cath. Nus, aged i year, several weeks. 1783, May 24, Petrus Huper, aged 3 years less 5 weeks. 1786, Apr. 27, Johannes Huper, aged i month, 2 weeks. 1786, May 4, child of young Grisemer, aged 4 months, 2 days. 1786, July 27, child of Val. Brobst, aged 11 days. 1786, July 18, child of Peter Hilligas, aged 7 weeks, 2 days. 1751, Jos. Leobold, aged 35 years. 1786, Sept. 27, child of Georg Dorr, aged 13 days. 1720, old Mrs. Benkes, aged 66 years. 1718, Nov. 6, Adam Geri, aged 68 years. 1786, Nov. 27, child of Jacob Geri, aged 2 years, 3 weeks. 1716, Oct. 16, Conrad Zimmerman, aged 70 3ears, i month, 3 weeks. 1761, Dec. 19, Peter Zimmerman, aged 25 years. 1787. 1764, Mar. 13, Henr. Herger, aged 22 years, 11 months, 11 days. 1775, Aug. i8, Peter Rautebusch, aged 11 years, 8 months, less 10 days. 1784, Sept. 29, Johannes Heisst, aged 2 years, 6 months, 2 weeks. 1786, Oct. 5, Johannes, Trumb, aged 6 months, 11 weeks. 1730, Jacob Holshauser, aged 57 years. 1767, Mar. 25, daughter of Phil. Jacob Schmid, aged 20 )ears, 2 months. 1709, July 14, old Mr. Wendel Wiant, aged 78 years. 1787, Febr. 23, child of Mr. Dimig, aged 3 months, 12 days. 1787, Aug. 10, child of Andr. Ried, aged 8 days. 1783, Nov. 22, child of Georg Fischer, aged 3 years, lo months, 11 days. 1784, Mar. 25. child of Joh. Bidling, aged 3 years, 6 months, 17 days. i735i Apr. 3, Joh. Fischer, aged 52 years, 6 months, 10 days. 1784, Febr. 6, child of Joh. Miiller, aged 3 years, 9 months. 1787, Oct. 9, child of Peter Trumb, aged 2 years, i month, 3 days. 1785, Aug. 13, child of Adam Roeder, aged 2 years, 3 months. 1783, Aug. 18, child of Adam Roeder, aged 4 years, 3 months. 1787, Oct. 12, child of Joh. Fischer, aged 7 months, 18 days. 1717, old Mrs. Jung, aged 71 years. 1713, old VVm. Grisemer, aged 75 years, several months. 1788. 1784, Febr. i, child of Jacob Stahl, aged 4 years less a month. 1787, Apr. 27, child of young Adam Schneider, aged 8 months, 14 days. 1786, Febr. 8, child of Georg Lang, aged i year, 11 months, 11 days. 1787, Aug. — , child of Mr. Schwartz. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Burials 361 1786, Nov. 29, child of Joh. Lambrecht, aged 13 months, 21 days. 1786, May 12, child of Zach. Wagner, aged i year, 8 months, 12 days. 1726, Cath. Schlieger, aged 62 years. 1783, Jan. 27, Maria Cath. Hillegas, aged 5 years, i week, 4 days, 1782, July 28, son of Ludwig Bitting, aged 5 years, 7 months. 1784, Mar. 5, child of Georg Dorr, aged 4 years less 4 days. 1784, Oct. 26, child of Henr. Panebecker, aged 3 years, 4 months, 5 days. 1788, Sept. 19, Joh. Georg, aged i year, 6 months. 1746, Hcnrich Maurer, aged 42 years. 1781, Febr. 9, Catharina, aged 7 years, 6 months, 4 weeks. 1789. Members at New Goshenhoppen who died and were buried by N. Pomp. Date of birth. 1768, Dec. 6, Jacob Rieth, aged 20 years 11 months, 28 days. 1718, Dec. 25, Peter Miller, aged 70 years, 11 months, 19 days. Buried Febr. 16, George Michael Kolb, aged 81 years, 25 days. Buried Febr. 16, Anna Maria Stroh, aged 59 years, 7 months, 2 days. Buried Mar, 25, Dorothea Hollebusch, aged 68 years. Buried June 16, Elisabeth Gehry, aged 25 years, 10 months, 21 days. Those persons who were buried by me, Joh. Theob. Faber, Jr. 1791. Date of birth. 1787, June 3, child of Peter Hilligas, aged 4 years, 6 months, 8 days. 1792. 1790, July 24, Susan, child of George Wigner, aged i year, 8 months. 1707, Sept. 29, Maria Kemp, widow, aged 82 years, 6 months, 2 weeks. 1716, July 27, Fried. Miller, aged 75 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 2 days. child of Joseph Kolb, aged 12 years, 2 months, 13 days. Andr. Weiler, aged 68 years, 5 months, 3 weeks, 4 days. wife of Stev. Shoner. wife of Georg Horlacher, aged 33 years, 2 months, 3 week, 2 days. May 6, Georg Orffer (?). May 12 (buried), Wife of Heinr. Miller, aged 56 years, i month, i day. March 1, Elisabeth. 1795- 1746, July 31, Anna Marg. Borleman, aged 48 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 4 days. 1717, Dec, Weyand Panebecker, aged 79 years, 2 months, 2 days. 362 Church Records of Goshcnhoppen 1785, Dec. 25, Susana, child of Godf. Wisslcr, aged 9 years, 2 months. 1785, Apr. 16, Jacob, child of Adam Hittel, aged 9 years less 3 days. 1787, Febr. 9, Catharine, daughter of Peter Trumb, aged 8 years, 3 weeks, 5 days. 1794, Apr. 23, Maria Cath., daughter of Henry Geiger, aged 11 months, 4 days. Names of those who were buried in New Goshcnhoppen in 1808. A Helffenstein [pastor]. Hanna Hering, died June 21, 1808, aged 38 years, 8 months, 14 days. Salina Wannemacher, died July 19, 1808, aged 4 years, 4 months, 11 days. Johan Kehl, aged 5 months, 5 days. Henrich Liser. Conrad Nuss, died March 18, 1808, aged 64 years, 5 months, 4 days. Conrad Heyl, a Lutheran, died Sept. 24, 1808, aged 59 years, 7 weeks, 4 days. Jacob Kehl, died Sept. 30, 1808, aged 4 years, 7 months, 11 days. Lorenz Siissholz, died Oct. 16, 1808, aged 69 years, 11 months, 5 days. 1809. 1805, July 17, Joel , aged 3 years, 6 months, 13 days. 1737 (about), Susanna Gucker, aged about 72. Those who were buried since the beginning of my ministry. On Nov. 12, 1812, I entered upon my ministry, but funerals did not occur till 1813. [V. D. Sloot, Jr.] Date of birth. 1813, Jan. 24, Magdalena Hittel, aged 2 months, 5 days. 1809, Dec. 25, Sophia Wigand, aged 3 years, 4 months, 24 days. 1773, Oct. 7, Marg. Gery, nee Steinmann, aged 39 years, 4 months, 13 days. 1743, Magdalena Sell, died 1813, Febr. 27, buried March 2, aged 70 years. 1812, Dec. 10, Israel, buried March 26, 1813, in the Schwenkfelder Ceme- etery, aged 3 months, 14 days. [HI. MARRIAGE RECORDS.] Those persons who were joined in marriage by me, Joh. Theob. Faber. 1767, March 3, Johannes Hellicas, son of Adam Hellicas, of New Goshcn- hoppen, and Anna Maria Geri, daughter of Jacob Geri, also of New Goshcnhoppen. 1767, May 26, Wendel Fischer, son of the late Herman Fischer, of Upper Hanover, and Juliana Schneider, daughter of Adam Schneider, of Douglas township. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Marriages 363 1767, May 26, Michael Moll, son of Michael Moll, of Upper Hanover, and Margaretha Schmeck, daughter of the late Johannes Schmeck, of Elsass township. 1767, June 16, Johannes Steinmann, son of the late Georg Steinmann, of Herford township, and Anna Catharina Maurer, daughter of the late Jacob Maurer, of New Goshenhoppen. 1767, June 23, Christoph Schliger, son of the late Johannes Otto Schliger, of New Goshenhoppen, and Margaretha Mack, daughter of Johannes Mack, of New Goshenhoppen. 1767, June 23, Friedrich Maurer, son of the old Friedrich Maurer, of New Goshenhoppen, and Catharina Beyer, daughter of the late Henrich Beyer, of Herford township. 1767, Nov. 10, Michael Hellicas, son of Adam Hellicas, of New Goshen- hoppen, and Catharina Geri, daughter of Jacob Geri, of New Gosh- enhoppen. 1768, Febr. 4, Andreas Riedt, son of Philip Riedt, of New Goshenhoppen, and Anna Maria Leidi, daughter of Jacob Leidi, of Franconia town- ship. 1768, June 28, Jacob Segler, son of the late Joh. Segler, of New Goshen- hoppen, and Christina Fischer, daughter of the late Herman Fischer, of Upper Hanover township. 1768, Sept. 6, Jacob Frack's son, Daniel Frack, of New Goshenhoppen, and Catharina, daughter of the late Jost Wiand, of New Goshenhoppen. 1768, Nov. 22, Jacob Kammerer, son of Friedrich Kammerer, of Upper Milford, and Andreas Maurer's daughter, Elisabetha Maria, of New Goshenhoppen. 1769, Jan. 10, Jacob, son of the late Joh. Taub, of New Goshenhoppen, and Anna Margaretha, daughter of Conrad Zimmerman, of New Gosh- enhoppen. 1769, Apr. 25, Georg Michael, son of Georg Michael Kolb, of New Gosh- enhoppen, and Eva Maria, daughter of Friedr. Stellwagen, of Marion township. 1769, Aug. 22, Conrad, son of the late Jacob Nus, of Upper Hanover town- ship, and Maria Margaretha Roeder, daughter of Michael Roeder, of Upper Hanover township. 1769, Aug. 15, Lorentz, son of David Schmid, of Plumstet township, and Susanna Kolb, daughter of Georg Michael Kolb, of Hanover township. 1769, Oct. 12, Jacob, son of Jacob Schlosser, of Old Goshenhoppen, and Anna Cath. Schwartz, daughter of Weiland Schwartz, of Old Gosh- enhoppen. 1769, Oct. 17, Jacob, son of the late Jacob Lutz, of Maxatawny, and Anna Christina Bossert, daughter of Adam Bossert, of New Goshenhoppen. 364 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1770, April 17, Jacobus, son of the late Jost Wiant, of New Goshenhoppen, and Catharina Schlichter, daughter of John Schlichter, of New Gosh- enhoppen. 1770, Sept. 30, Joh. Georg, son of Adam Hellicas, of New Goshenhoppen, and Elisabeth Jung, daughter of Joh. Nicolaus Jung, of New Gosh- enhoppen. 1770, Oct. 2, Melchior Kolb, widower, of New Goshenhoppen, and Anna Maria Stettler, widow, of Falkner Swamp. 1771, Jan. 4, Jost, son of Wendel Wiant, of Upper Hanover township, and Anna Barbara Roder, daughter of Michael Roder, of Upper Hanover. 1772, Jan. 14, Valentin, son of Joh. Nicolas Finck, of Herford township, and Eiisabetha, daughter of Melchoir Siissholz, of New Goshenhoppen. 1772, May 5, Johannes, son of Joh. Krisemer, of Leter (!) Creek, and daughter of Joh. Adam Hellicas, of New Goshenhoppen. 1772, Oct. 13, Marty, son of Marty Hiller, of Limerick township, and Anna Roeder, daughter of Michael Raeder, of New Goshenhoppen. 1772, Oct. 13. Jacob, son of the late Jacob Hohl, of New Goshenhoppen, and Magdalena, daughter of Jacob Datismon, of New Goshenhoppen. 1773, Sept. 23, Christian, son of Joh. Henr. Schmid, of Upper Milford township, and Maria Geri, daughter of Thomas Geri, of Rockhill township. 1773, Nov. 2, Peter, son of Engel Binkes, of New Goshenhoppen, and Bar- bara, daughter of the late Henrich Stettler, of New Goshenhoppen. 1773, Oct. 25, Adam, son of Zach. Haller, of Lynn township, and Catha- rina, daughter of Wilh. Geier, of New Goshenhoppen. 1773, Dec. 7, Andreas, son of Andreas Weiller, of New Goshenhoppen, and Anna Maria, daughter of Joh. Mack, of New Goshenhoppen. 1774, June 14, Albertus Spring, son of the late Andreas Spring, of New Goshenhoppen, and Barbara, daughter of Peter Gettel, of New Gosh- enhoppen. 1774, Aug. 14, Carl Schelleberger, son of Joh. Schelleberger, of Hatfield township, and Margaret Hellicas, daughter of Adam Ilelligas, of New Goshenhoppen. 1774, Nov. 20, Friedrich Panebecker, son of the late Weiant Panebecker, of New Goshenhoppen, and Elis. Neukomer, daughter of Joh. Neu- komer, of Lower Saucon. 1774, Dec. 27, Joh. Taudt, son of Michael Taudt, of New Goshenhoppen, and Susanna Benvil, daughter of the late Thomas Benvil, of Berks County. 1775, March 21, Joh. Klein, son of Joh. Klein, of Nentmil [Nantraill] township, and Cath. Bitting, daughter of Ludwig Bitting, of Great Swamp. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Marriages 365 1775, July 4, Wendel Wiant, widower, of New Goshenhoppen, and Mag- dalena Datismann, wife of the late Mr. Datisraann, but now widow. of New Goshenhoppen. 1775, July 2, Jost Wiant, son of Jost Wiant, of Upper Milford township, and Margareta Long, daughter of Peter Long, of Upper Milford township. 1775, Aug. IS, Jacob Bossert, son of the late Adam Bossert, of Lower Salford, and Eva Schlieger, daughter of Jost Schlieger, of New Gosh- enhoppen. 1775, Dec. 12, Henr. Schlieger, son of Jost Schlieger, of New Goshen- hoppen, and Christina Weiller, daughter of Andreas Weiller, also of New Goshenhoppen. X776, Febr. 20, Joh. Mack, son of Joh. Mack, of New Goshenhoppen, and Anna Maria Schell, daughter of Joh. Schell, also of New Goshen- hoppen. 1776, May 7, Joh. Roeder, son of Michael Roeder, of New Goshenhoppen, and Maria Cath. Wiegner, of New Goshenhoppen. 1776, May s, Valentin Schneider, son of the late Georg Schneider, of New Goshenhoppen, and Maria Wagner, daughter of Michael Wagner, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1776, June II, Henr. Panebecker, son of Weyant Panebecker, of New Gosh- enhoppen, and Susana Huper, daughter of Michael Huper, of Douglas township. 1776, June II, Joh. Adam Geri, son of Jacob Geri, of New Goshenhoppen, and Barbara Weiller, daughter of Andreas Weiller, of New Goshen- hoppen. 1776, June 9, Philip Vorschong, of New Goshenhoppen, and Anna Benges, of New Goshenhoppen. 1776, July 2, Adam Helligas, son of Joh. Adam Helligas, of New Goshen- hoppen, and Anna Schultz, daughter of Melchior Schultz, of New Goshenhoppen. 1777, Sept. 30, Michael Diel, son of the late Jacob Diel, of Upper Milford township, and Barbara Sussholtz, daughter of Melchior Siissholtz, of New Goshenhoppen. 1777, Dec. 2, Georg Faust, son of Georg Faust, of Tulpehocken, and Chris- tina Maurer, daughter of Andreas Maurer, of New Goshenhoppen. 1778, Jan. 13, Jacob Dorr, son of Joh. Dorr, of Great Swamp, and Mar- garetha Miiller, daughter of Henr. Muller, of New Goshenhoppen. 1778, Dec. 22, Dietrich Reiher, son of Martin Reiher, of Malbrick [Marl- borough] township, and Elisabeth Graeber, daughter of Andreas Graeber, of New Goshenhoppen. 25 ^^6 Chinch Records of Goshenhoppen 1779, Febr. 23, Jacob Nus, son of the late Jacob Nus, of New Goshen- hoppen, and Anna Maria Roeder, daughter of Michael Roeder, of New Goshenhoppen. 1779, March 9, Andreas Graeber, son of Andreas Graeber, of New Gosh- enhoppen, and Anna Weiss, son of Georg Weiss, of Upper Milford township, 1779, March 16, Joh. Petrus Helligas, son of Georg Petrus Helligas, of New Goshenhoppen, and Anna Maria Maurer, daughter of Andreas Maurer, of New Goshenhoppen. 1779, June 22, Jacob Brendel, son of the late Andreas Brendel, of Cole- brookdale township, and Elis. Ritschert, daughter of James Ritschert, of Daunaensich [Toamensing] township. 1779, Sept. 17, Georg Long, son of the late Elis. Long, of New Goshen- hoppen, and Anna Maria Graeber, daughter of Ulrich Graeber, of New Goshenhoppen. 1779, July 21, Ludwig Graeber, son of Andreas Graeber, of New Goshen- hoppen, and Elis. Joter, daughter of Jacob Joter, of Rocklin [Rock- land] township. 1779, Sept. 30, Peter Lauer, son of Peter Lauer, of New Goshenhoppen, and Margaretha Fischer, daughter of Joh. Fischer, of New Goshenhoppen. List of those persons who were joined in marriage by me, Friedrich Delliker. 1782. March 24, Georg Zerby and Maria Klein. June 25, Georg Grob, son of Jacob Grob, of New Hanover township, and Margaretha Lar, daughter of Philip Lar. Sept. 3, David Siissholtz, widower, of New Hanover township, and Elisa- beth Miiller, daughter of Peter Miiller, of Rockhill township. 1783- May 20, Samuel Kolb, son of Melchior Kolb, and Anna Maurer, daughter of Peter Maurer. 1784. Febr. 3, Heinrich Segler, son of Abraham Segler, and Elisabeth Gugger, daughter of Peter Gugger, of Upper Hanover township. Febr. 15, Philip Pauly and Elisabeth Mosch, daughter of Joh. Mosch, of Eastown. March 16, Hans Niclas Mud, Jacob Mud's son and Anna Margaret Greber, daughter of Andreas Greber, both of this congregation. New Goshenhoppen—Vol II. Marriages 367 List of the Persons who were united in marriage by me, Fridrich Wilhelm Von der Sloot. 1784. May XX, Johannes Keri [Geri], son of Jacob Keri. of New Goshenhoppen, and Susanna Wigner, daughter of the late George Wigner May 25, Peter Jost, son of Johannes Jost, of Fredrick township, and Eva Hillegas, daughter of Conrad Hillegas, of New Goshenhoppen June 27, Johannes Bergman, of Germany, and Anna Stromann June 29, Rev. Daliker married me, Friedrich Wiihelm Von der Sloot onlv son of FnedrichHeinrich Von der Sloot, late minister in Anhalt-Zerbs; Germany to Anna Margaretha Riedt, oldest daughter of Jacob Ried,' of Hatfield township, Philadelphia County. July 13 Conrad Wolf, son of Conrad Wolf, of Upper Milford township and Catharma Jakels, daughter of Jeremias Jakel, of Upper Milford township. Sept. 28, Peter Trump, son of Adam Trump, of Milford township, and Eva Rheder, daughter of Michael Reder, of Upper Hanover township. Those persons who were united in marriage by me, John Theobald Faber. X786. Aug. 6, Joh. Stephan Linck, of Malburi [Marlborough] township, and Margaret Maurer, of New Hanover, Dec. X9, Math. Hinerleiter, of Maxatawny, and Catharina Gerhard of Uouglas township. ' 1787. March 6, Jacob Maurer, of New Goshenhoppen, and Eva Hornecker, of the same place. March X3, Henr. Graeber and Christina Haas, both of Lower Saucon. March 13. Martin Wetknecht, of New Goshenhoppen, and Maria Pertroin. or Uld Goshenhoppen. Apr. 22, Petrus Stehler, of Upper Milford, and Christina Graeber, of New Goshenhoppen. Apr. 24, Jeremias Schiefer, of Upper Milford, and Catharina Schlieger of New Goshenhoppen. ' Apr. 24, Jacob Bierman and Christina Fischer, both of Berks County May 3, Weitner, of , and Wagner May 15, Wendel Wiant, of New Goshenhoppen, and Margaretha Sell, of New Goshenhoppen. June 12 Johannes Finck, of New Goshenhoppen, and Elisabetha Neudorf. in New Goshenhoppen. June 24, Peter Lang and Cath. Hageberg, both of Upper Milford township. 368 Church Records of Goshenhoppen June 26, Joh. Faust, of Frederick township, and Susanna Walber, of the same township. July 7, Georg Reinheimer, of New Goshenhoppen, and Margareth Cogg. Oct. 23, Georg Frey, of Limerick township, and Margaretha Griesemer, of New Goshenhoppen. Dec. 18, Peter Willauer, of New Goshenhoppen, and Rebecka Geri, also of New Goshenhoppen. 1788. Jan. 8, Joh. Martin Schmidt, of Malbork [Marlborough] township, and Barbara Wetknecht, of the same township. April 22, Georgus Maurer and Catharina Schultz, both of New Goshen- hoppen. May 6, Johannes Wittner, of Oly, and Anna Margareta Cunius, of New Goshenhoppen. May 13, Fried. Hering and Anna Levi, both of New Goshenhoppen. N. Pomp, minister of the three united congregations, has duly married the following persons, beginning with December i, 1789. Dec. 22, Philip Schmayer, of Macungie, and Catharina Miller, daughter of Peter Miller, of New Goshenhoppen. Dec. 26, Philip Hiibner, of Frederick township, Montgomery County, and Elisabeth Neiss, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1790. Jan. 17, Henrich Raudenbusch and Catharina Schneider, both of New Gosh- enhoppen. March 23, Johannes Dorr and Gertraut Schliecher. March 30, Johannes Raudenbusch and Salome Hildebeutel. June I, Christophel Schlicher and Gertraut Schneider, married at Upper Milford. Aug. ID, Michael Dotter and Maria Margareth Hillegas. Those persons who were duly united in marriage by me, John Faber, in New Goshenhoppen. 1793. Andreas Graeber and Sibilla Wolzetler. Samuel Erode and Barbara Berckstroser. Jacob Geri and Elisabeth Drelsler. Joseph Fischer and Barbara Miller. Jan. 22, John Christman and Catharina Wiant, both of New Goshen- hoppen. Febr. 26, Michael Moll and Elizabetha Sell. Apr. 2, Heinrich Rlioeder and Maragaretha Kowern. New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Marriages 369 May 7, Michael Diederle and Barbara Borlemann. June 2, John Hauswirth and Elisabeth Miller. Aug. 20, Jacob Roth, of Lower Saucon, and Margaretha Barkstroser, Michael Brauchler, of Berks County, and Elisabetha Kittelmann. 1794. Apr. 15. John Maurer and Maria Stahl, both of New Goshenhoppen. Apr. 15, Abraham Joder and Elisabeth Maurer, both of New Goshen- hoppen. May II, Abraham Levi and Eva Hillegas, daughter of Peter Hillegas. Nov., 1794, John Kuhler, son of John Kiihler, and Eva Siissholtz, daughter of Lorenz Siissholtz. 1795- Jan. 4, Johannes Loch and Caty Neudig. April 7, Daniel Zimmerman and Catharina Weiss. May 10, Henrich Boyer and Madlena Wissler. May 31, Jacob Ache and Maricha Hillegas. June 7, William Lick and Catharina Wiand. June 7, John George Hillegas and Maria Hillegas. June 25, Peter Gerhard and Elisabetha Himmels. June 28, Johannes Young and Barbara English. August, Johannes Hillegas and Catharina Hillegas. December, Henrich Sell and Margaretha Schmitt. November, 1796, George Staud and Hanna Sell. 1797, April, Michael Rhaudenbusch and Maria Sell. 1797, May, George Renninger and Mary Hein. 1797, June I, David Zerby and Maria Magdalena Jung. List of those persons who were united in marriage by me, i/^lbert Helf- fenstein. June 12, 1808 Peter Lepold and Cath. Richard, Aug. 14. Georg Reiter and Polly Freyer, Aug. 14. Mr. Ball and Miss Eberhard, Mr. Klein and Miss Mumbauer, Oct. 10. Mr. Gering and Miss Marsteller. Mr. Handschu and Miss Schelly 1 8 10. Febr. 9, Philip Freyer and Elisabeth Brey. Febr. 11, Abraham Reifschneider and Christina Schmidt. Hanrich Steuer and Elis. Freyer. Henrich Hauch and Elis. Schiitler. Wilhelm Koch and Bewey Waidermeyer. 370 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [IV. LISTS OF CATECHUMENS.] Children of the congregation of New Goshenhoppen who were confirmed by me, Joh. Th. Faber, in the year 1767, on April 17th, as follows: Boys 1. Friedrich Segler, aged 23 years 2. Joseph Segler, aged 18 years 3. Christian VVanemacher, aged 14 years Girls 1. Fronica Rid, confirmed by her- self because of sickness, aged 16 years 2. Elisabeth Grob, aged 15 years In the year 1768, April ist. 1. Johannes Mack, aged 18 years i. Anna Maria Wiant, aged 15 2. Erhard Hudt, aged 15 years years 3. Johannes Hudt, aged 14 years 2. Barbara Reder, aged 15 years 4. Erhard Weis, aged 14 years In the year 1769, March 24th. 1. Joh. Adam Geri, aged 17 years 9. Abr. Zimmermann, 2. Conrad Finck, aged 16^ years 3. Ludwig Graeter, aged 15 years 4. Benedict Finck, aged 15 years 5. VVilh. Pannebecker, aged 15 aged 14 years 10. Petrus Binckes, aged 16^/2 years 11. Jost Wiant, aged 16 years years 6. Stephen years 7. Jacob Geri, aged 14 years 8. Henr. Schlieger, aged years In the year 1770, May 13th. Schlieger, aged 19 i6'/4 1. Susanna Huper, aged 15^ years 2. Eva Schlieger, aged 15I/2 years 3. Cath. Kleber, aged 145^2 years 4. Sib. Cath. Wiant, aged 13K' vears 1. Michael Huper, aged 14^^ years 2. Joh. Schell, aged 16^ years 3. Joseph Kleport, aged 18^ years 4. Wilh. Kunius, aged 15^ years 5. Phil. Jacob Kolb, aged 18 3'ears Adult persons who were instruct- ed and baptized: 1. Phil. Lar, aged 28 years 2. Hen. Sell, aged 30 years 3. Susanna Gucker, aged 28 years 4. Anna Maria Kolb, aged 27 years 5. Magdalena, wife of Georg Kolb 1. Fereni Mack, aged 15 years 2. Barbara May, aged 15 years 3. Sara May, aged 15^2 years 4. Marg. Panebecker, aged 14^ years 5. Barbara Siisshols, aged 15 years 6. Marg. Schmitt, aged 14 years 7. Elis. Marg. Rosenauer, aged 15 jears 8. Anna Reder, aged 15^/2 years 9. Anna Christina Kraeber, aged 14 years 10. Fereni Schell, aged 15 years 11. Christina Maurer, aged 15 vears New Goshenhoppen — Vol II. Catechumens 371 In the year 1771, March 29th. 1. Georg Adam Hellicas, aged 15 i. Gertr. Schlieger, aged 15 years _ y^3" 2. Anna Marg. Geiger, aged 15 2. Friedr. Hellicas, aged 13 years years 3. Peter Hellicas, aged 15 years 3. Barbara Weitner, aged 16 years 4. Joh. Wetknecht, aged 15 years 4. Marg. Weitner, aged 15 years In the year 1772, April 17th. 1. Andreas Graeber, aged 17 years i. Marg. Elis. Graeber, aged 14 2. Andr. Benkes, aged 16 years years 3. Wendel Wiant, aged 16 years 2. Anna Maria Moor, aged 20 4. Jacob Kunsert, aged 16 years years 3. Marg. Hupper, aged 14 years 4. Marg. Hellicas, aged 15 years In the year 1773, April 25th. 1. Joh. Adam Bossert, aged 15 i. Mar. Cath. Schell, aged 15 years ^'^^" 2. Marg. Schlieger, aged 15 vears 2. Phil. Wetknecht, aged 16 years 3. Elis. Geri, aged 16 years ' 3. Peter Lauer, aged 14 years 4. Anna Marg. Graeber, aged 14 years 5. Anna Mar. Roeder, aged 15 years 6. Magdalena Zimmerman, aged 14 years 7. Cath. Kolb, aged 14 years 8. Elisabeth , aged 14 years 9. Anna Mar. Mauer, aged 15 years In the year 1774, April ist. 1. Phil. Eckel, aged 16 years i. Mar. Cunius, aged 15 years 2. Wenert Knop, aged 16 years 2. Mar. Kleber, aged 15 years 3. Georg Finck, aged i8 years 3. Anna Marg. Miiller, aged 15 4. Mich. Geiger, aged 14 years years 5. Christian Muller, aged 17 years 4. Christian Wiant, aged 15 years 6. Henrich Oehl, aged 15 years In the year 1775, April 14th. 1. Joh. Maurer, aged 18 years i. Elis. Zerny, aged 15 years 2. Henr. Segler, aged 16 years 2. Magd. Zerney, aged 15 years 3. Joh. Geri, aged 16 years 3. Emma Mauer, aged 14 years 4. Joh. Weiller, aged 14 years 4. Anna Maria Maurer, aged 14 5. Jacob Schell, aged 18 years years 172 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 6. Jacob Zorli, aged 17 years 7. Ludw. Zorli, aged 15 years In the year 1. Adam Roeder, aged 15 years 2. David Schultz, aged 16 years 3. Joh. Fischer, aged 14 years 4. Nicol. Muth, aged 16 years 5. Jacob Schell, aged 16 years 6. Michael Frack, aged 17 years 7. Jacob Frack, aged 14 years 8. Joh. Berret, aged 17 years 9. Hen. Berret, aged 15 years 10. Georg Kiicker, aged 15 years 11. Peter Helligas, aged 15 years 12. Joh. Doerr, aged 15 years 13. Schliger, aged 15 years In the year Peter Zimmerman, aged 15 years Henr. Heineman, aged 15 years 5. Anna Mar. Maurer, aged 16 years 6. Elis. Grisemer, aged 17 years 7. Anna Mar. Grisemer, aged 15 years 8. Cath. Lauer, aged 14 years 9. Anna Mar. Wiant, aged 14 years 10. Mar. Weiller, aged 15 years 11. Barb. Geier, aged 18 years 12. Christina Wiant, aged 18 years 1776, April 13th. 1. Marg. Fischer, aged 15 years 2. Christina Fischer, aged 14 years 3. Cath. Helligas, aged 15 years 4. Anna Mar. Geier, aged 14 years 5. Anna Schultz, aged 18 years 6. Elis. Helligas, aged 14 j-ears 7. Anna Marg. Cunius, aged 14 years 8. Eva Elis. Helligas, aged 14 years 9. Cath. Holhauser, aged 14 years 1. Jacob Halshausen 2. Henr. Geier 3. Peter Gerhart 1777, April i2th. Eva Graeber, aged 14 years Cath. Levi, aged 14 years Cath. Muller, aged 14 years Elis. Muller, aged 16 years Cath. Muller, aged 15 years Anna Maria Lauer, aged 14 years Anna Maria Reinheimer, aged 14 years Cath. Schultz, aged 15 years Anna Barb. Mayer, aged 15 years Christina Mayer, aged 14 years In the year 1779, April 2nd. 1. Marg. Wiegert, aged 15 years 2. Marg. Stroh, aged 16 years 3. Susanna Mess, aged 15 years Neiu Goshenhoppen—Vol II. Catechumens 373 4. Michael Jung 5. Joh. Griesemer 6. Henr. Stroh 7. Henr. Stroh 8. Henr. Graeber 9. Weiant Panebecker 10. Jacob Huper ir. Elias Ritz 12. Jacob Geri 13. Leonhart Hartranft 14- Phil. Rauch 15. G«org Rauch 4. Anna Maria Helligas, aged 15 years 5. Christina Huper, aged 15 years 6. Eva Trolinger, aged 16 years 7. Eva Helligas, aged 15 years 8. Cath. Cunius, aged 16 years 9- Eva Roeder, aged 15 years 10. Cath. Schleiger, aged 15 years ir. Marg. Lar, aged 15 years 12. Elis. Gucker, aged 15 years 13. Elis. Barret, aged 15 years 14. Elis. Lauer, aged 15 years 15. Cath. Roeder, aged 17 years iG. Elis. Helligas, aged 15 years 17. Maria Hartranf, aged 17 years On May 26th, 1782, the rich Delliker. following children were confirmed by me, Fried- Peter Schell Philip Fischer Johannes Maurer Abraham Sechler Johannes Moll Johannes Raudenbusch Heinrich Ringer Married persons: Barbara Benkes Single persons Catharina Ekhard Margaret Weitknecht Elisabeth Stromann Anna Stromann Elisabeth Barbara Jiillegas Anna IVTaria Schlicher Rebecca Geri Elisabeth Kolb Elisabeth Jung Magdalena Gugger Catharina Christman Barbara Baret Elisabeth Moll Elisabeth Barbara Horning Margareth Horning Catharina Horning Confirmed May 24, 1783. Married persons: Elisabeth Greber Susanna Reder 374 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Johannes Ris Daniel Weissel Jacob Rid Johannes Fischer Andreas Grebcr Abraham Zarn Andreas Weyand Peter Weyand Single persons: Susanna Wigner Christina Greber Anna Maria Zeller Catharina Zeller Rosina Segler Margareth Schell The following persons were confirmed by me, Friedrich Wilhelm Von der Sloot, in the year 1784: 1. George Huber, who was also baptized this day, aged 17 years 2. Wilhelm Geier, aged 15 years 3. Jacob Reps, aged 18 years 4. Jacob Kunius, aged 15 years 5. Christian Neukammer, aged 21 years 6. Barbara Jung, aged 16 years 7. Elisabeth Stroh, aged 18 years 8. Elisabeth Holzhausen, aged 15 years 9. Susanna Holzhausen, aged 16 years Married persons: 10. Christina Sell, 20 years. 11. Anna Marg. Schoener, 22 years. Children of the two congregations. New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp, who were confirmed by me, Joh. Theob. Faber, in the year 1787, April 9th. Boys 1. Joh. Faber, aged 15 years 2. Phil. Cunius, aged 16 years 3. Peter Roeder, aged 19 years 4. Phil. Lauer, aged 15 years 5. Joh. Staut, aged 18 years 6. Joh. Graeber, aged 17 years 7. Wendel Wiant, aged 21 years 8. Georg Stahl, aged 16 years 9. Joh. Stahl, aged 18 years 10. Wendel Wiant, aged 14 years 11. Adam Levi, aged 18 years 12. Michael Moll, aged 19 years Girls 1. Eva Maurer, aged 18 years 2. Cath. Stahl, aged 14 years 3. Maria Neukirch, aged 16 years 4. Marg. Helligas, aged 17 years 5. Susanna Helligas, aged 16 years 6. Maria Stahl, aged 15 years 7. Susanna Wiant, aged 16 years 8. Margareta Levi, aged 15 years 9. Anna Levi, aged 16 years ID. Anna Maria Fischer, aged 17 years II. Eva Helligas, aged 17 years New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Catechumens 375 13. Jacob Helligas, aged 15 years 14. Georg Staut, aged 16 years 15. Joh. Georg Fischer, aged 19 years 16. Georg Reninger, aged 16 years 17. Joh. Helligas, aged 15 years 18. Jacob Hauswirt, aged 20 years 19. Johannes Hauswirt, aged 18 years 20. Peter Geri, aged 18 years 21. Michael Geri, aged 16 years 22. Wendel Reninger, aged 17 years 23. Friedr. Maurer, aged 15 years 24. Jacob Mayer, aged 21 years 25. Peter Maurer, aged 17 years 26. Michael Kolb, aged 18 years 27. Georg Reinheimer, aged 19 years 28. Georg Welcker, aged 16 years 29. Georg Hustner, aged 25 years 30. Herman Bingeman, aged 20 ' years 31. Henr. Roeder, aged 17 years 32. Jacob Linck, aged 17 years 33- Phil. Riedt, aged 16 years 34. Joh. Fischer, aged 17 years From the Swamp Congregation the following children were confirmed together with those of the New Goshenhoppen congregation: I. Abr. Eberhart, aged 14 years 12. Elis. Maurer, aged 18 years 13. Anna Margr. Maurer, aged i8 years 14. Marg. Eckart, aged 16 years 15. Susanna Gucker, aged 18 years 16. Cath. Nuss, aged 16 years 17. Bebi Maurer, aged i8 years 18. Anna Maria Welcker, aged 18 years 19. EHs. Sell, aged 18 years 20. Marg. Sell, aged 17 years 21. Margr. Rid 22. Margr. Griesemer 23. Magd. Kolb 24. Elis. Dimig 25. Betti Reinheimer 26. Cath. Kolb 27. Sophia Derr 2. Georg Helligas, aged 16 years 3. Bastian Buchert, aged 17 years 4. Antoni Willauer, aged 16 years 5. Henr. Bitting, aged 19 years 6. Joh. Helligas, aged 15 years 7. Adam Willauer, aged 17 years 1. Hanna Huper, aged 16 years 2. Christina Hagenberg, aged 16 years 3. Eva Bitting, aged 19 years 4. Gert. Linn, aged 17 years 5. Cath. Samsel, aged 15 j'ears 6. Eva Samsel, aged 14 years Children who in the year 1788, on April 12th, were confirmed by me, Joh. Theob. Faber from the New Goshenhoppen congregation in the Swamp congregation : I. Christian Willauer, aged 23 i. Elis. Frack, aged 30 years y^^" 2. Elis. Willauer, aged 20 years 376 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 2. Jacob Berret, aged 15 years 3. Joh. Willauer, aged 15 years 4. Joh. Georg Moll, aged 18 years 5. Joh. Georg Helligas, aged 16 years 6. Joh. Helligas, aged 15 j-ears 7. Jacob Nus, aged 16 years 8. Martin Wetknecht, aged 26 years 9. Peter Trolinger, aged 19 years 3. Elis. Werner, aged 17 years 4. Mrs. Margaretha Frack, aged 24 years 5. Marg. Moll, aged 16 years 6. Marg. Jung, aged i6 years 7. Susanna Wiant, aged 15 years 8. Maria Steinmann, aged 18 years 9. Marg. Steinman, aged 16 years 10. Barb. Roeder, aged 14 years 11. Elis. Mengel, aged 15 years 12. Salome Christman, aged 16 years 13. Catharina Christman, aged 15 years 14. Susanna Trolinger, aged 17 years 1790 This year fifty-two children were confirmed and admitted to the Lord's Supper at Pentecost, of whom the following belong to the New Goshen- hoppen congregation: Boys Herman Fischer, aged 18; father, Georg Fischer Jacob Welcker, aged 17; father, Jacob Welcker Michael Raudenbusch, aged 16; father, Michael Raudenbusch Heinrich Sell, aged 17; father, Henrich Sell Philip Fischer, aged 16; father, George Fischer Johannes Sell, aged 15; father, Henrich Sell Carl Geyger, aged 18; father, Benjamin Geyger Jacob Reinheimer, aged 16; father, late Georg Reinheimer Friedrich Reninger, aged 16; father, Friedrich Reninger Jacob Neiss, aged 16; father, late Georg Neiss (received Holy Baptism at the same time) Georg Kolb, aged 19; father, Joseph Kolb Peter Kolb, aged 18; father, Michael Kolb Johannes Kunius, aged 21; father, Johan Kunius Girls Catharina Bostert, aged 14; father, Jacob Bostert Susanna Fischer, aged 15; father, Georg Fischer Mary Maurer, aged 15; father, Peter Maurer Maria Hillegas, aged 15; father, Peter Hillegas Margaret Steinman, aged 16; father, Georg Steinman New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Catechumens Z11 Eva Hillegas, aged 15; father, George Hillegas Maria Hillegas, aged 15; father, Conrad Hillegas Elisabeth Wieand, aged 15; father, Wendel VVieand Barbara Holshauser, aged 17; father, Jacob Holshauser Elisabeth Laar, aged 16; father, Philip Laar Susanna Zeller, aged 19; father, John Zeller Fronica Segler, aged 17; father, Abraham Segler Catharina Wiand, aged 16; father, Jost Wiand Sarah Levi, aged 15; father, late David Levi These children of the New Goshenhoppen congregation were confirmed on Pentecost of the year 1792 in the Swamp congregation by me, Johannes Faber, Jr. Boys: 1. Andreas Reed, aged 17 years 2. Andreas Young, aged 17 years 3. Jacob Levi, aged i8 years 4. John Panebecker, aged 17 years 5. Joseph Schmith, aged 21 years 6. Michael Hillegas, aged 16 years 7. Jacob Stahl, aged 18 years 8. Georg Steinman, aged iS years 9. Peter Steinman, aged 16 years 10. Friedrich Griesemer, aged 19 years 11. John Panebecker, aged 14 years 12. Joseph Fischer, aged 27 years Girls: 1. Elisabeth Schmit, aged 19 years 2. Magdalena Wiegner, aged 27 years 3. Anmaria Schlichter, aged 17 years 4. Polly Young, aged 19 years 5. Anmaria Young, aged 16 years 6. Margretha Panebeker, aged 16 years 7. Susanna Stahl, aged 16 years 8. Eva Mack, aged 17 years 9. Anmaria Nuss, aged 16 years 10. Barbara Guker, aged 18 years 11. Anmaria Griesemer, aged 18 years 12. Magdalena Hillegas, aged 15 years 13. Maricha Sell, aged 17 years 14. Susana Kolb, aged 17 years The children of the New Goshenhoppen congregation who on March 29, 1793, were confirmed in the Old Goshenhoppen Church bv me, Johannes' Faber, Jr. Boys : 1. Peter Staud, aged 18 years 2. Philip Christman, aged 17 years 3- Peter Kolp, aged 17 years Girls: 1. Eva Miller, aged 15 years 2. Susanna Schell, aged 18 years 3. Barbara English, aged 17 years 378 Church Records of Goshcnhoppen 4. Mary Sofia Weis, aged 16 years 5. Elisabeth Hillegas, aged 20 years 4. John Walter, aged 23 years (who received baptism at the same time) 5. Antony Kehl, aged 17 years 6. Charles Huber, aged 22 years 7. John Moll, aged 18 years 8. Heinrich Moll, aged 16 years 9. Stophel Moll, aged 18 years 10. Georg Moll, aged 15 years 11. John Wiant, aged 18 years 12. Wendel Wiant, aged 16 years Those children of the New Goshenhoppen congregation who on Easter of the year 1794 were confirmed by me, Joh. Faber, Jr., in this New Gosh- enhoppen Church. Girls: 1. Christina Fischer, aged 17 years 2. Anna Marg. Maurer, aged 18 years 3. Eva Griesemer, aged 15 years 4. Elisabeth Schuler, aged 17 years 5. Catharina Steinman, aged 18 years 6. Maria Hein, aged 17 years Boys: 1. Jacob Fischer, aged 15 years 2. Heinrich Christman, aged 15 years 3. Philip Christman, aged 15 years 4. John Griesemer, aged 17 years 5. Jacob Griesemer, aged 19 years 6. John Steinman, aged 21 years 7. John Reed, aged 16 years 8. Jeremias Relmer, aged 18 years 9. Jacob Deis, aged 17 years 10. Heinrich Fritz, aged 21 years 11. Joseph Fritz, aged 17 years 12. Heinrich MiHer, aged 16 years 13. John Mack, aged 18 years Those children of this congregation who on Easter of the year 1795 were confirmed in the Swamp congregation by me, John Faber, Jr. Girls: Boys : 1. Samuel Roeter, aged 16 years 2. Samuel Kolb, aged 16 years 3. David Christman, aged 16 years 4. Jacob Hillegas, aged 17 years 5. Heinrich Panebeker, aged 17 years 6. Heinrich Derr, aged 17 years 7. Andreas Levi, aged 16 years 1. Elisabetha Panebeker, aged 14 years 2. Susanna Young, aged 17 years New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Communicants 379 1808. Names and number of those who were confirmed this year and admitted to the Lord's Supper from the three congregations. Boys: 24. Isaac 1. Jonathan Griesemer, aged 16 years 2. Johan Geiger, aged 18 years 3. Jacob Geiger, aged i6 years 4. Georg Welcker, aged 17 years 5. Johan Welcker, aged 16 years 6. Johan Willauer, aged 16 years 7. Johan Beret, aged 16 years 8. Jacob Wenner, aged 22 years 9. Heinrich Mumbauer, aged 16 years 10. Jacob Kolb, aged 18 years 11. Johan Bussert, aged 18 years 12. Georg Nice, aged 17 years 13. Daniel Schissly, aged 18 years 14. Jacob Scheid, aged 16 years 15. Daniel Pfannebeker, aged 18 years 16. Heinrich Huber, aged 22 years 17. Georg Reed, aged 17 years 18. Peter Hilligas, aged 18 years 19. Henrich Kehler, aged 22 years 20. Henrich 21. Wilhelm Schuler 22. Jacob Ried 23. Samuel Schuler Girls: 1. Margareth Finck, aged i6 years 2. Hetty Wittis, aged 17 years 3. Polly Hillegas, aged 16 years 4. Cathr. Maurer, aged 16 years 5. Sally Hering, aged 16 years 6. Elis. Willauer, aged 15 years 7. Magr. Bleiler, aged 17 years 8. Cath. Bossert, aged 16 years 9. Sophia Neis, aged 17 years 10. Elisabeth Mumbauer, aged 18 years 11. Nancy Graber, aged 16 years 12. Susanna Bikhart, aged 17 years 13. Marg. Nusting, aged 15 years 14. Cath. Acker, aged 16 years 15. Hanna Waidemayer, aged 17 years 16. Maria Wiant, aged 17 years 17. Maricha Graber, aged 18 years 18. Margareth Houck, aged 17 years 19. Cath. Baumer, aged 17 years 20. Cath. Faust, aged 16 years 21. Christian Faust, aged 19 j'ears 22. Nancy Pack, aged 29 years 23. Esther Fischer, aged 24 years [V. LISTS OF COMMUNICANTS.] Names and number of those persons who partook of the Lord's Supper in the fall of 1808. Men: 1. Jacob Huber 2. Michael Jung 3. Philip Christman 4. Johan Goring 5. Godfried Wisler Women : 1. Margaret Christman 2. Susanna Goring 3. Maria Goring 4. Eva Wisler 5. Juliana Staut 38o Church Records of Goshenhoppen 6. Johannes Staut 7. Friedrich Hilligas, Sr. 8. Friedrich Hilligas, Jr. 9. Peter Finck 10. Harry Wiegener 11. Michael Goring 12. Georg Steinman 13. Antony Kehl 14. Samuel Roter 15. Daniel Oehl 16. James Pockly 17. Jacob Sechler 6. Anna Hilligas 7. Elis. Finck 8. Cath. Finck 9. Susanna Wiegner 10. Susanna Weiss 11. Anna Maria Goring 12. Elisabeth Steinman 13. Catharina Steinman 14. Barbara Kehl 15. Elisabeth Rother 16. Sarah Rother 17. Magdalena Oehl 18. Christina Huber 19. Cath. Huber 20. Susanna Schmidt 21. Cath. Zern 22. Sally Troxel 23. Margaret Miller 24. Catharina Hilligas 25. Elisabeth Maurer 26. Cath. Schmidt 27. Cath. Berdo 28. Cath. Schnell 29. Christina Berdo 30. Cath. Lutz 31. Mary Glory Names of those who on Oct. 24, 1813, after previous preparation, com- muned. 1. Heinrich Traxel 2. Sarah, his wife 3. Andreas Graber 4. Anna, his wife 5. Andreas, his son 6. Maria, his daughter 7. Anna Blank 8. Michel Rautebusch 9. Anna Maria, his wife 10. Conrad Hillegas, Sr. 11. Maria Margaretha, his wife 12. Samuel Roder 13. Elisabeth, his wife 14. Susanna VVelker 15. Margaretha, her sister 16. Johannes Mack 17. Conrad McNolty 18. Daniel Christman 19. Joseph Wiegner 20. Michel Gery 21. Jacob McNolt\- 22. Heinrich Moll 23. Heinrich Miiller 24. George Miiller 25. Abraham Levi 26. Eva, his wife New Goshenhoppen — Vol. II. Communicants 381 27. Susanna Schmidt 28. Maria Gilbert 29. Elisabeth Reifschneider 30. Cath. Althaus 31. Marg. Hillegas 32. Barbara Longenecker 33. Elis. Willauer 34. Margr. Wiegner 35. Sara Krenner 36. Susanna Geri 37. Christina Sechler 38. Elisabeth Walter Sara Mack Mar. Walter Margareta Maurer Elisabeth Oel Ego [V. D. Sloot] Sara Sell Names of those who on April 9, 1814, attended preparatory services and on the loth, on Easter Day, the Lord's Supper. 1. Jacob Welker 31. 2. Andreas Graber 32. 3. John, his son 33. 4. Philip Christman 34. 5. Margareta, his wife 35. 6. Daniel, his son 36. 7. Heinrich Traxel 37. 8. Sara, his wife 38. 9. Peter Fink 39. 10. Magdalena, his daughter 40. 11. Elisabeth, his daughter 41. 12. Michael Jung 42. 13. Catharina, his wife 43. 14. Johann Geier 44. 15. Georg Maurer 45. 16. Catharina, his wife 46. 17. Heinrich Pannebecker 47. i8. sSusanna, his wife 48. 19. Michel Moll 49. 20. Adam Miiller 50. 21. Adam, his son 51. 22. Heinrich, his son 52. 23. Georg, his son 53. 24. John Roder 54. 25. Magdalena, his wife 55. 26. Jacob Hillegas 56. 27. Rosina, his wife 57. 28. Anna, his sister 58. 29. Friedrich Hillegas, Sr. 59. 30. Anna, his wife 60. Alexander Oel Wilhelm, his son Elias Hirsch Elias, his son Jacob Gery Elisabeth, his wife Elisabeth, his daughter Jacob Huber Christina, his wife Jacob, his son Catharina, his daughter Andreas Jung Elisabeth, his wife Michel Huber Jacob Huber Elisabeth, his wife Daniel Roder Catharina, his sister Heinrich Roder Peter Hillegas Johann Georg Hillegas Maria, his wife John Gery Lorenz Kern Michel Moll Nathan Moll Jacob Moll Jacob Sechler Georg Walter Johann Walter 26 382 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 6i. Samuel Fried . 62. George Gery 63. Heinrich Schneider 64. Isaac Hergel ( ?) 65. Maria Hillegas 66. Maria Ried 67. Hanna Dottre (?) 68. Sus. McNolty 69. Maria Keppler 70. Salome Nuss Sus. Dimig Magd. McNolty Maria Lang Eva Kern Christina Graber Elisabeth Schneider 77. Ego [V. d. Sloot] 78. Elisabeth Meng 79. John Hillegas 80. Heinr. Sperr On September 25, 1814, the following persons communed: 1. Marg. Christman 28. 2. Catharina Christman 29. 3. Elisabeth Traxel 30. 4. John Gery 3i- 5. Susanna, his wife 32. 6. Karl, his son 33- 7. Anna, his daughter 34- 8. Alex. Oel 35- 9. Magdalena, his daughter 36. 10. Georg Wiegner 37- 11. Susanna, his wife 38- 12. John Wiegner 39- 13. Elisabeth, his daughter 4°- 14. Susanna Weiss 4i- 15. John Gery 42- 16. Catharina, his wife 43- 17. Daniel Staut 44- 18. Michel, his brother 45- 19. Catharina, his sister 46- 20. John Hillegas 47- 21. Catharina, his wife 4^' 22. Heinrich Freyer 49' 23. Magdalena, his wife 5° 24. Michel Hillegas S^ 25. Anna Margaretha, his wife (?) 52 26. Georg Hillegas 53 27. Adam Bosserf Johannes Schlicher Maria, his wife Jacob Hillegas Peter Levi Sara Levi Andreas Fink Michel Frey John Barret Magd. Steinman Maria Willauer Maria Klein Catharina Lutz Margaretha Fink Elisabeth Lutz Elisabeth Barret Ego, Von der Sloot Catharina Van der Sloot Elisabetha Gotz Susanna Schmidt Maria Reiter Elis. Klein Maria Adam , Judith Grosskopf , Heinrich Hirsch . Margaretha Levi . Cathar. Raut New Goshenhoppen—VoL II. Communicants 2>^z On the first of April, 1815, the following persons attended the prepara- tory services and on the second the Lord's Supper: 2 3 4' 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. rr. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 23 24 25, 26, 27- 28. 29. 30. 31- 32. 33- 34- 35- 36. 37. 38. 39- 40. Philip Christman Margareta, his wife Daniel, his own Andreas Graber John, his son Jacob Barret Rachel, his wife Heinrich Pannebecker Susanna, his wife Jacob Huber Christina, his wife Jacob, his son Heinrich Rochoe Catharina, his daughter John Hillegas Heinrich Schlicher Christina, his wife John Roder Oeorg Graber Michel Jung Catharina, his daughter . Elisabeth, his daughter . Susanna, his daughter Andreas Graber Anna, his wife Elisabeth, his daughter George Hillegas Maria, his wife Jacob Hillegas Rosina, his wife Anna, his daughter Jacob Frey John Roder Magdalena, his wife Cath. Roth Isaac Reifschneider Elisabeth, his wife Samuel Roder Elisabeth, his wife Andreas Jung 41 42 43 44 45' 46, 47- 48. 49- 50. 51- 52. 53- 54- 55- 56. 57- 58. 59- 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71- 72. 73. 74- 75 76 77' 78. 79- 80. Elisabeth, his wife Jacob Griesemer Susanna, his wife Mattheus Rummel Elisabeth, his wife Samuel Gery Susanna, his wife Michel Wiegand Peter Hillegas Mar. Hillegas Friedr. Hillegas Jonathan Griesemer Peter Kolb Daniel Sasseman Jacob Fink Michel Raut Catharina, his sister Philip Renner Daniel Christman John Gery Samuel McNoldy Jacob, his brother John Welker Margaret, his sister Henrich Schneider Michel Geri Henrich Roder Georg Hillegas Gottfried Coisler Eva, his wife Henrich Hirsch John Sussholz Magdalena Dettweiler Magdalena Walter Christian Graber Anna Maria Lang Elisabeth Graber Barabara Sell Salome, his daughter Elisabeth, his daughter 384 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 8i. Magdalena Heilig 82. Christina Schad 83. Magdalena Schmidt 84. Elisabeth Gerjel 85. Salome Graber 86. Maria Christman 87. Salome Levi 88. Margaretha Hillegas 89. Catharina Thiel 90. Margaretha Maurer 91. Elisabetha Schneider The following were confirmed: Boys: 1. Carl Levi, aged 16^ years 2. Samuel Dorwarth, aged 18 years 3. Carl Foster, aged 15 years 4. Jesse McNoldy, aged 155^ years 5. Jacob Schneider, aged 17 jears 6. Philip Bossert, aged 17 years 7. Carl Hillegas, aged 16 years 8. Daniel Diirr, aged 16 years 9. Samuel Diirr, aged 18 years 10. David Eberhard, aged 17 years 11. Joseph Rotburger, aged 15^ years 12. John Sell, aged i8'/2 years 13. Heinrich Sell, aged 16 years 14. Edw, E. \V. Francis, aged 16 years 15. John Rochon, aged 16J/2 years 16. Will. Rochon, aged 15 5^ years 17. John Moll, aged 17 years 18. Joseph Diez, aged 17 years 19. Henrich Rudolph, aged 16 years 20. George Ott, aged 20 years 21. Jerem. Rochon, aged 17 years 22. George Mumbauer, a^^ed 16 years Total, 92. Marg. Wannemacher 93. Christina, her sister 94. Susanna Geri 95. Salome Nuss 96. Elisab. Geri 97. Philip Ried, Esq. 98. Ego [V. D. Sloot] 99. Marg Ried 100. Marg. Bossert loi. Henrich Ruh (?) 102. Marg. Levi Girls: 1. Catharina Schneider, aged 16 years 2. Eva Graber, aged iS years 3. Mar. Graber, aged 16 years 4. Mar. Hillegas, aged 14]^ years 5. Christina Graber, aged 16 years 6. Maria Zeress, aged 16 years 7. Maria Jackson, aged 15 years 8. Sara Wisler, aged 15^2 years 9. Lydia Heering, aged 18 years 10. Susanna Stabler, aged is^-^ years 11. Maria Huber, aged 17 years 12. Cath. Schwenk, aged i5/4 years' 13. Sara Huber, aged 16 years 14. Maria Steinman, aged 15^ years 15. Marg. Jung, aged 15 years 16. Cath. Freyer, aged isYz years 17. Mar. Seyfert, aged 16 years 18. Veronica Walter, aged 16 years 19. Elis. Wiant, aged 15^^ years 20. Elis. Espich, aged 17 years 21. Marg. Ache, aged 15 years 22. Elis. Kirschner, aged 15 years 23. Cath. Scholl, aged 16 years 24. Elis. Sechler, aged 19 years 25. Christian Neiss, aged 16 years 149 CHURCH RECORD OF THE OLD GOSHENHOPPEN REFORMED CONGREGATION, UPPER SALFORD TOWNSHIP, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA., 1764-1833. Translated and Edited by Prof. William J. Hinke, Ph.D., D.D. Church Record for the Reformed Congregation in Old Goshenhoppen, in which are recorded the names of the children who were reported, as was announced by me, Jacob Riess, pastor, and were baptized by me during my ministry up to the year 1766. In this book other necessary church matters may be entered. Elders at this time: Jacob Hauck, Johannes Gotz; deacons: Isaac Sumne, Andreas Ohl. Members of the congregation as follows: Gabriel Schuler Peter Hollebusch Johannes Faust Johannes Kraus Nicklas Wolfahrt Fridrig Gotz Christoflel Dickeschit Henrich Bamberger Henrich Hiister Jacob Iset Samuel Schuler Wilhelm Schuler Johannes Muck Christian Hollebusch [I. BAPTISMS ENTERED BY JACOB RIESS, 1762-1766.] 1765, Jan. 22, a son was born to Johannes Muck, named Johannes in Holy Baptism. Witnesses, Martin Reyer and his wife. ^765, July 6, a daughter was born to Georg Kugler, named Mary Gretha in Holy Baptism. Witnesses, Henrich Bamberger and his wife. 1764, June 5, a daughter was born to Isaac Sumne and his wife, named Magdalena in Holy Baptism. Witnesses, Conrad Bien and his wife. 385 386 Cliurch Records of Goshcnlioppen i757> J"b' 25, a daughter was born to Jonhannes Goetz, named Elizabeth in baptism. Witnesses, Bernhart Goetz and Elisabeth Goetz. 1758, December 4, a daughter was born to Johannes Goetz, named Marga- retha in baptism. Witnesses, Johann Goerg Ziegenfuss and his wife. 1760, January 24, a son was born to Johannes Goetz, named Georg Frid- rich in baptism. Witnesses, Friedrich Wambold and his wife. 1762, July 7, a daughter was born to Johannes Goetz, named Anna Maria in baptism. Witnesses, Matthias Walter and his wife. 1764, June 19, a daughter was born to Johannes Goetz, named Christina in baptism. Witnesses, Fridrich Goetz and his wife. 1766, March 15, a daughter was born to Johannes Goetz, named Elisa Bar- bara in baptism. Witnesses, Volatin Hag and Elisa Barbara Bossert. [II. BAPTISMS ENTERED BY REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, 1766-1779.} Reformed Church Record for the members of the congregation in Old Goshenhoppen, in which were recorded by me, John Theobald Faber, in the year 1766, not only the names of those who were baptized, but also those who died and those who were married by me. Children who were baptized by me in the year 1766. 1766, Nov. 26, born Eva Elisabetha, daughter of Michael Alt. Witnesses, Andreas Ohl and his wife. 1766, Oct. 20, born Andreas, son of Peter Weyand. Witness, Andreas Ohl. 1766, Dec. 12, born Johannes Petrus, son of Georg Mayer. Witnesses, Peter Gavel [Gabel] and wife. 1766, Sept. 16, born Maria Magdalena, daughter of Jacob Schmidt. Wit- nesses, Henrich Bayer and his wife. 1766, Nov. 28, born Elisabetha, daughter of Ulrich Streib. Witnesses, Conrad Boyer and Miss Swenck. 1767, Jan. 21, born son of Jacob Iset. Witnesses, Henrich Bayer and wife. 1767, Jan. 21, born Andreas, son of Henrich Werner. Witnesses, Andreas Werner and wife. 1766, Nov. 6, born Susanna, daughter of Gerhard Strieker. Witnesses, Jacob Hartenstein and Catarina Klein. 1766. Dec. 5, born Hanna, daughter of Georg Hertzel. Witnesses, Philip Hahn and wife. 1767, Febr. 11, born Susanna, daughter of Friedrich Ducckenschueth. Witness, Susanna Dueckenschueth. 1767, March 6, born Maria, daughter of Johann Martin Wer. Witnesses, Christian HoUenbusch and wife. 1767, March 6, born Johannes Georgus, son of Lenert Grisinger. Wit- nesses, Johann Georg Gauckler and Margaretha Schmid. Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 387 1767, March 7, born Eva Elisabetha, daughter of Daniel Kaiser. Wit- nesses, Bernt Goetz and wife. 1767, April 17, a negro was baptized named Wilhelm. Witness, Mr. Hollenbusch. 1767, April 18, Mrs. Kan was baptized. Witnesses: Daniel Hiester and wife. The name Maria was given to her. 1767, Jan. 17, born Conradus, son of Johannes Hudt. Witnesses, Com- radus Zimmermann and wife. 1767, April 24, born Henrich, son of Henrich Hertzel. Witnesses, Peter Bater and his wife. 1767, April 9, born Catharina, daughter of Andreas Ohl. Witnesses, Daniel Hister and wife. 1767, April 30, born Johannes, daughter of Peter Loch. Witnesses, Jo- hannes Loch and wife. 1767, April 4, born Jost Friedrich, son of Friedrich Andreas. Witnesses, Jost Friedrich and his wife. 1767, June 12, born Jacob, son of Henrich Borlemann. Witnesses, Jacob Detweiler and wife. 1767. , born Johannes, son of Johannes Nais [Nice]. Witnesses, 1767, June 8, born Johannes, son of Johannes Miller. Witnesses, 1767, July 12, born Johann Jacob, son of Ulrich Hertzel. Witnesses, Ulrich Hertzel and wife. 1767, July 15, born Salome, daughter of Christian Hildebeutel. Witnesses, Salome Gerges and Adam Hildebeutel. 1767, Oct. 18, born Conrad, son of Peter Miner. Witnesses, Conrad Geise and wife. 1767, Dec. 2, born Margaretha, daughter of Michael Spielmann. Wit- nesses, Margaretha Wertz and son of Adam Bossert. 1768, Jan. 14, born Philip, son of Christian Reiff. Witnesses, Philip Gabel and wife. 1767, Nov. 27, born Johannes Georg, son of Peter Becker. Witnesses, Georg Lenert Krisinger and wife. 1767, Dec. 6, born Joh. Henrich, son of Joh. Leh. Witnesses, Joh. Ried and wife. 1768, Febr. 19, born Maria, daughter of Henrich Huhl. Witness, Mrs. Norbeck. 1768, March 8, born Maria Christina, daughter of Henrich Werner. Wit- nesses, Wilhelm Bayer and wife. 1768, Jan. I, born Henrich, son of Johannes Frey. Witnesses, Caspar Gann and wife. 1768, Dec. 16, born Elisabetha, daughter of Michael Groll. Witness, Elisabetha Wentz, 388 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1768, April 9, born Elisabetha, daughter of Job. Muck. Witnesses, Adam Bossert and wife. 1767, July 30, born Elisabetha, daughter of Job. Mainer. Witnesses, Job. Muck and wife, 1768, April 16, born Maria, daughter of David Geri. Witnesses, Joliann Georg Brey and wife. 1768, March ii, born Anna Sara, daughter of Adam Scheffer. Witnesses, Job. Ciein and Sara Dan. 1768, March 7, born Catharina, daughter of Job. Goetz. Witnesses, father and mother. 1768, May 22, born Christina, daughter of Lenert Loss (a negro). Wit- nesses, Lenert Schneider and wife. 1768, Febr. 28, born Joseph, son of Batin (a negro). Witness, Bastian Niel and Elisabetha Naiss. 1767, Nov. 8, born Georg, son of Georg Lortz. Witnesses, Georg Hertzel and wife. 1768, Febr. 7, born Catharina, daughter of Job. Georg Lortz. Witness, Catharina Wambolt. 1768, March 12, born Elisabetha, daughter of Conrad Cantzlert. Wit- nesses, Jost Keller and wife. 1768, July 30, born Maria Christiana, daughter of Georg Mayer. Wit- nesses, Wilhelm Bayer and wife. 1768, July 24, born Johannes, son of Nicolaus Wolfart. Witnesses, Job. Jost and wife from Falkner Swamp. 1768, Aug. 7, born Jacob, son of Ludvvig Herscb. Witnesses, Jacob Taub and Anna Margretha Zimmermann. 1768, Sept. 14, born Job. Adam, son of Conrad Rickhart. Witnesses, Joh. Adam Hollenbush and wife. 1768, , born , daughter of Wormen. Witness, Warmke, a widow. 1768, Nov. 5, born Susanna, daughter of Hister Damm. Witness, Susanna Walter. 1768, Dec. 14, born Philip, son of Philip Bayer. Witness, Peter Haust (?) 1768, Nov. 30, born Margreta, daughter of Henrich Schneider. Witnesses, Isaac Sommi and wife. 1769, Jan. 24, born Elisabetha, daughter of Bernhard Goetz. Witness, wife of Johannes Muck. 1769, Jan. 23, born Joh. Philip and Johannes Georg, sons of Georg Bub. Witnesses, 1769, Jan. 12, born Johannes, son of Jacobus Liethel. Witness, Antoni Liethel. 1769, Jan. 5, born Elisabetha, daughter of Antoni Lichtcl. Witnesses, Joh. Muck and wife. Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 389 1769, Febr. 2, born Johannes, son of Fried. Dickenschied. Witnesses, Christopfer Dickenschied and wife. 1769. Jan. 27, born Magdalena, daughter of Henrich Hertzel. Witnesses Phihp Mais and Margretha Hertzel. 1769, Jan. 19, born Elisabetha, daughter of Adam Stall. Witnesses, Marx Hertzel and wife. 1769, Febr. 14, born Anna Christina, daughter of Carl Doerr. Witnesses Hennch Loppel and wife. ' 1769, April 19, born Elisabeth, daughter of Valentin Haack. Witnesses Bernhard Goetz and wife. ' 1769, May 2, born Maria Susanna, daughter of Henrich von Huhl. Wit- nesses, Abraham Wolfart and Maria Schwartz. 1769, May 8, born Joh., son of Joh. Hudt. Witnesses, KilHan Zimmer- mann and wife. 1769, May 12, born Elisabetha, daughter of Peter Loch. Witnesses Jacob Unterkafler and Elisabeth Merkels. 1769, April 13, born Sara, daughter of Michael Groll. Witnesses, Jacob Wentz and wife Elisabetha. 1769, May 26, born Bastian, son of Bastian Haupt. Witnesses: father and mother. 1769, March 13, born Johannes, son of Salomon Gromly. Witnesses Joh. Herrger and wife. ' 1768, May 2, born Elisabetha, daughter of Ludwig Reimer. Witnesses Salomon Gromly and wife. Father and mother live in Falkner Swamp. 1769, June 28, born Jacobus, son of Conrad Minig. Witnesses, father and mother. 1769, July 9. born Benjamin, son of Jost Keller. Witnesses, the father himself. 1769. June 12, born Joh. Georgus, son of Georg Hertzel. Witnesses, Ulrich Hertzel and wife. 1769, June 30, born Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Graff. Witness, Anna Maria Lichtel. 1769, July 16, born Wilhelm, son of Henrich Werner. Witnesses, Wil- helm Bayer and wife. 1769, Aug. 7, born Daniel, son of Joh. Mueller. Witnesses, Daniel Hiester and Elisabeth Schneider. 1769, June 20, born Catharina, daughter of Fried. Andreas. Witness, Ludwig Hering's wife, a widow. 1769, Oct. I, born Susanna, daughter of Andreas OhI. Witnesses, Erhard Weis and wife. 1769, Sept. 3, born Joh. Philip, son of Marx Hertzel. Witnesses, Philip Nais and Margaretha Hertzel. 390 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1769, Aug. 30, born Catharina, daughter of Martin Liethel. Witnesses, Martin Bauer and wife. 1769, Sept. 7, born Magdalena, daughter of Henrich Hollebusch. Wit- nesses, Jost Hollebusch and Magdalena Schillig. 1769, Oct. 29, born Johannes, son of Wilhelm Bayer. Witnesses, Valentin Bayer and wife. 1769, Nov. 20, born Sophia, daughter of Henrich Kuppelberger. Wit- nesses, Joh. Hiester and Sophia Jung. 1769, Nov. 13, born Johannes, son of Joh. Hildebeutel. Witnesses, Georg Derr and wife. 1770, Jan. 31, born Joh. Georg Michael, son of Georg Michael Schwartz. Witnesses, Joh. Hudt and wife. 1770, Jan. 6, born Susanna Barbara, daughter of Georg Mayer. Wit- nesses, Joh. Petrus Gabel and wife. 1770, March 18, born Maria Catharina, daughter of Andreas Werner. Witnesses, Joh. Jung and Maria Cath. Menger. 1770, Febr. 4, born Anna Catharina, daughter of Andreas Weitman. Wit- nesses, Martin Lichtel and wife. 1770, March 20, born Johannes, son of Abraham Koebler. Witnesses, Johannes Koebler and wife. 1770, Dec. 28, born Johannes, son of Georg Draxel. Witnesses, Johannes Koebler and Avife. 1770, March 13, born Margaretha, daughter of Ulrich Hertzel. Witnesses, Margaretha Hertzel and Philip Fischer. 1770, April 13, born Jacobus, son of Conrad Worman. Witness, the father himself. 1770, April 9, born Maria Elisabetha, daughter of Peter Becker. Wit- nesses Georg Dill and wife. 1770, July 31, born Johannes, son of Valedin Hog. Witnesses, Johannes Goetz and wife. 1770, Aug. 16, born Maria Magdalena, daughter of Conrad Steiner. Wit- nesses, Zacharias Nais and wife. 1770, Aug. 24, born Catharina, daughter of Michael Groll. Witness, Catharina Wentz. 1770, Oct. 17, born Henricus, son of Conrad RIckart. Witnesses, Henrich Hollebusch and wife. 1770, Nov. 14, born Joh. Georgus, son of Petrus Loch. Witnesses, Georg Weickart and wife. 1771, Jan. 27, born Joh. Georgus, son of Marx Hertzel. Witness, Joh. Georg Hertzel. 1770, Dec. 14, born Johannes, son of Henrich Hollebusch. Witnesses, Joh. Hartenstein and Magdalena Hollebusch. Old Gosheuhoppeu — Baptisms 391 1770, Nov. 20, born Elisabetha, daughter of Christian ReiflF. Witnesses, Johannes Namgesser and Elisabetha Gauckler. 1770, Dec. 31, born Johann Philippus, son of Paul Hoffmann. Witnesses, Philip Fischer and Elisabetha Soger. 1770, Dec. 21, born Henricus, son of Henrich Dietz. Witness, the father himself. 1771, March 19, born David, son of Friederich Dickenschiedt. Witnesses, David Scheib and wife. 1770, Sept. 7, born Friedericus, son of Joseph Mueller. Witnesses, Fried- rich Dickenschiedt and wife. 1771, Febr. 11, born Joh. Georgus, son of Ludwig Mayer. Witnesses, Joh. Georg Weitmann and wife. 1771, Febr. 18, born Christina Elisabetha, daughter of Leonhart Koff. Witnesses, Joh. Nicolaus Eitel Mueller and wife. 1771, April 24, born Maria Barbara, daughter of Antoni Lichtel. Wit- nesses, Dieterich Reier and Barbara Muck. 1771, March 24, born Johannes, son of Hermann Ache. Witness, the father himself. 1771, June 9, born Susanna, daughter of Wilhelm Panebecker. Witnesses, father and mother. 1771, July 13, born Catharina, daughter of Henrich Daub. Witnesses, Nicolaus Wolfart and wife. 1771, May 2, born two children to Salomon Grimli, the one named Salo- mon, his witnesses, Jacob Klein and wife ; the other named Maria Magdalena, her witnesses, Georg Worman and Maria Wagner. 1770, Sept. 29, born Elisabetha, daughter of Conrad Minig. Witness, the mother herself. 177I1 Jwne 9, born Abraham, son of Conrad Worman. Witness, the father himself. 1771, Aug. 18, born Magdalena, daughter of Georg Weitman. Witness, Jacob Unerkofler and wife 1771, Aug. 2, born Joh. Jacobus, son of Martin Lichtel. Witnesses, Matheus Kern and wife. 1771, Aug. 22, born Maria Barbara, daughter of Peter Faust. Witnesses, Johann Hut and wife. 1771, Aug. 12, born Elisabetha, daughter of Andreas Werner. Witnesses, Ben Schuler and Catharina Minger. 1 771, Nov. 3, born Johannes, son of Georg Henrich Schneider. Witnesses, Joh. Numgasser and Margaretha Sommi. 1771, Aug. 21, born Anna Maria, daughter of Joh. Hiltebeutel. Witness, Anna Maria Hiltebeutel. 1771, Nov. 29, born Anna Maria, daughter of Joh. Hudt. Witnesses, Andreas Riedt and wife. 392 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1771, Nov. 12, born Michael, son of a negro, named Thomas. Witnesses, Michael Eiten Miiller, Jr., and Margarcta Somni 1771, Nov. 17, born Johannes, son of Daniel Kreiter. Witnesses, Henrich Sander and wife. 1772, Jan. 20, born Maria Barbara, daughter of Adam Faust. Witness, Maria Barbara Hut. 1772, March 5, born Joh. Georgus, son of Georg Mayer. Witnesses, Hen- rich Werner and wife. 1772, March 13, born Joh. Nicolaus, son of Andreas Ohl. Witnesses, Andreas Werck and wife. 1772, Fcbr. 17, born Joh. Petrus, son of Peter Maenner. Witnesses, Erhart Weiss and wife. 1771, Dec. 27, born Elisabetha, daughter of Jacob Mayer. Witnesses, Bernt Eitel and wife. 1772, Jan. 14, born Anna, daughter of Michael Groll. Witnesses, Maria Elisabetha Wentz. 1772, July 6, born Magdalena, daughter of Joh. Reinert. Witnesses, Georg Weickart and wife. 1772, Oct. 4, born Joh. Petrus, son of Isaac Horneker. Witnesses, Peter Mathias and Catarina Ncs. 1772, Oct. 4, born Joh. Petrus, son of Henrich Hollebusch. Witnesses, Peter Hollebusch and Margareta Hollebusch. 1772, Sept. 29, born Michael, son of Peter Stroh. Witness, the father himself. 1772, Oct. 15, born Susanna, daughter of Peter Loch. Witnesses, Elisa- beth Unterkofler and Jacob Weitman. 1772, Oct. 19, born Anna Maria, daughter of Conrad Rickart. Witnesses, Philippina Hollebusch and Henrich Ziegler. 1772, Nov. 8, born Anna Maria, daughter of Adam Faust. Witness, Anna Maria Faust. 1772, Sept. 6, born Daniel, son of Joh. Faust. Witnesses, David Hiestcr and wife. 1772, Sept. 6, born Joh. Petrus, son of Philip Jacob Eckel. Witnesses, Joh. Petrus Stroh and wife. 1772, July 28, born Catharina, daughter of Valentin Haack. Witnesses, Henrich Rorich and Catharina Lemer. 1772, Nov. 25, born Catharina, daughter of Benjamin Schuler. Witnesses, Gabriel Schuler and Sophia Werner. 1772, Dec. 13, born Johannes, son of Bernhart Goetz. Witnesses, Joh. Muck and wife. 1773, Jan. 22, born Catharina, daughter of Joseph Eckli. Witnesses, Joh. Zep and wife. Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 393 i773i Jan- 22, born Johann Wilhelm, son of Stoffel Brickert. Witnesses, Wilh. Brickert and Marg. Somni. ^773> Jan- 2, born Comradus, son of Conrad Worman. Witness, the father himself. 1773, March 20, born Jacobus, son of Fried. Dickenschiedt. Witnesses, Jacob Scheib and Elisabetha Sieh. 1773, April 3, born Catharina, daughter of Christian Reif. Witnesses, Joh. Braun and wife. 1773, Febr. 2, born Johannes, son of Fried. Rudi. Witnesses, the parents. 1773, June 17, born Anna Marg., daughter of Georg Moyer. Witnesses, Anton Hamscher and wife. 1773, March 24, born Joh. Philippus, son of Peter Maenner. Witnesses, Philip Weis and Marg. Panebecker. 1773, June 9, born Elisabetha, daughter of Henrich Werner. Witnesses, Johann Jost and wife. 1773, June 29, born Philip Jacobus, son of Georg Reinheimer. Witnesses, Philip Jacob Schmidt and wife. 1773, May 21, born two children to Adam Hiltebeutel, the one named Johannes, the other Daniel. Witnesses were Johannes Hiltebeutel and wife; for the other the father himself. 1773, July 11, born Abraham, son of Johann Hiltebeutel. Witnesses, Abra- ham Gerkes and Cath. Beyer. 1773, Aug. 3, born Cath. Elisabetha, daughter of Henrich Hemsing. Wit- nesses, Joh. Zep and wife. 1773, Nov. 9, born Anna Magdalena, daughter of Ludwig Mayer. Wit- nesses, Abraham Gerhart and wife. '773. Sept. 29, born Jacobus, son of Michael Groll. Witnesses, Jacob Wentz and wife. 1773, Dec. 2, born Johannes, son of Benjamin Schuler. Witnesses, Jo- hannes Schuler and Catharina Gaukler. 1773, Dec. 2, born Elisabetha, daughter of Joh. Hudt. Witnesses, Erhart Weis and wife. 1774, Jan. 25, born Paulus, son of Paul Hoffmann. Witnesses, the parents themselves. 1774, Jan. 30, born Johannes, son of Andreas Werner. Witnesses, Jo- hannes Schuler and Sophia Werner. 1774, April 15, born Elisabetha, daughter of Andreas Ohl. Witnesses, Michael Ohl and wife. 1774, Febr. 24, born Cath. Elisabetha, daughter of Martin Lichtel. Wit- nesses, Jacob Wettman and Catharina Hud. 1774, March 7, born Anna, daughter of Simon Contzler (negro of Mr. Hister). Witnesses, Jost Martin and wife. 394 Church Records of Gosheiihoppen 1774, March 11, born Christina, daughter of Christian Scheid. Witnesses, Henrich Schneider and wife. ^774. July iS, two children born to Henrich Ludwig Dop, named Cath. Magdalena and Maria Scharlotta. Witnesses Jacob Dartsch and wife, and Christian Scheid and wife. 1774, May 14, born Maria Elisabetha, daughter of Johann Hartenstein. Witness, Maria Hollcbusch. 1774, March 17, born Anna, daughter of Salomon Grimli. Witnesses, Samuel Panebecker and wife. 1774, June 9, born Catharina, daughter of Georg Henrich Schneider. Witnesses, Valentin Schneider and Catharina Somni. 1774, July 14, born Johannes, son of Adam Hollebusch. Witnesses, Job. Henrich Hollebusch and wife. 1774, Sept. 25, born Jacobus, son of Henrich Hollcbusch. Witnesses, Lud- wig Hartenstein and wife. 1773, Dec. 9, born Eva, daughter of Johann Jost Hollebusch. Witnesses, Jacob Schmidt and wife. 1774, Dec. 7, born Jacobus, son of Johann Jost Hollebusch. Witnesses, Jacobus Boyer and Anna Maria Hollebusch. 1774, Sept. 3, born Johannes, son of Christoflel Brickcrt. Witnesses, Val- entin Kugler and Elis. Kebler. 1774, Oct. 30, born Christina, daughter of Ludwig Hersch. Witnesses, Herrich Taub and wife. 1774, Dec. 30, born Johann Friedericus, son of Christian May. Witnesses, Friedrich May and wife. 1774, Oct. 10, born Christina, daughter of Henrich Strohman. Witnesses, the parents. 1774, Dec. 31, born Catharina, daughter of Wilhelm Antig. Witnesses, Catharina Hud and Johann Philip Wcntz. 1774, Nov. 24, born Catharina, daughter of Abraham Schaeffer. Wit- nesses, Philip Bayer and wife. 1774, Dec. 17, born Anna Maria, daughter of Adam Hiltebeutel. Wit- ness, Anna Maria Hiltebeutel. i775i Febr. 3, born Fronica [Veronica], daughter of Johann Roerig. Wit- nesses, Friedrich Dickenschid and wife. i775> J3n. 28, born Anna Maria, daughter of Christian Reif. Witnesses, Johann Benner and wife. 1775. J^n- 24, born Johannes, son of Conrad Bickart. Witnesses, Joh. Hiltebeutel and wife. 1775, May 26, born Henrich, son of Henrich Kopelberger. Witnesses, Henrich Ohl and Catharina Jung. 1775. April 9, born Philippus, son of Friedrich Rudi. Witnesses, Philip Gabel and wife. Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 395 1775. July 6, born Catharina, daughter of Abraham Wolfart. Witnesses, Nicolaus Wolfart and vsife. 1775, May 24, born Johannes, son of Jacob Mayer. Witnesses, Joh. Buch and Sophia Werner. ^775, April i8, born Rebeka, daughter of Michael Groll. Witness, Eliza- beth Wentz. i775> June 28, born Margaretha, daughter of Adam Faust. Witnesses, Peter Schreiner and wife. 1775, Aug. II, born Ludwig, son of Henrich Hersch. Witnesses, Ludvvig Lang and wife. 1775, Aug. 22, born Catharina, daughter of Andreas Ries. Witnesses, Henrich Schneider and wife. 1775, Oct, 7, born Johannes, son of Johann Jacob Schv.esfort. Witnesses, Joh. Nais and wife. 1775, Sept. 4, born Elisabetha, daughter of Friedrich Dickenschied. Wit- nesses, Henrich Killi and wife. ^775. Sept. 9, born Johannes, son of Georg Mayer. Witnesses, Joh. Nais and wife. 1775, Sept. 6, born Johannes, son of Henrich Haas. Witnesses, Michael Jung and wife. 1775, Oct. 20, born Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Hiltebeutel. Wit- nesses, Adam Hiltebeutel and wife. 1776, Feb. 28, born Georg, son of Christoffel Brickert. Witnesses, Georg Kessler and Cath. Martin. 1776, Jan. 23, born Johannes, son of Paul Hoffman. Witnesses, Joh. Braun and wife. 1776, March 13, born Albertina Philipina, daughter of Andreas Ohl. W^It- nesses, Nicolaus Handwerck and wife. 1776, March 29, born Johannes, son of Johann Eckli. Witnesses, Joh. Henemann and Barbara Nais. 1776, Febr. 16, born Elisabetha, daughter of Benjamin Schuler. Witness, Elisabetha Schuler. 1776, April 4, born Johann Henrich, son of Johann Hartenstein. Witnesses, Henrich Hollebusch and wife. 1776, May 18, born Elisabetha, daughter of Henrich Hemsing. Witnesses, the parents themselves. 1776, April 25, born Magdalena, daughter of Martin Lichtel. Witnesses, Jacob Wagner and wife. 1776, May I, born Magdalena, daughter of Henrich Taub. Witnesses, Abraham Wolfart and wife. 1776, June 30, born Regina, daughter of Georg Weitman. Witnesses, David Unterkofler and BIna (!) Pflaltzgraf. 39^ Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1776, June 8, born Margaretha, daughter of Christian May. Witnesses, Margareta Hister. 1776, June 8, born Johann Carolus, son of Sinnon (a negro of Daniel His- ter). Witnesses, Carolus Krieg and wife. 1776, July 23, born Anna Catharina, daughter of Henrich Stellwagen. Witness, Anna Cath. Koller. 1776, July 28, born Margaretha, daughter of Ludwig Mayer. Witnesses, Abraham Gerhart and wife. 1776, Aug. 25, born Cathairna, daughter of Jacob Bosert. Witnesses, Jost Schlieger and wife. 1776, Aug. 12, born Jacobus, son of Valentin Haack. Witnesses, Jacobus Bosert and wife. 1776, Sept. 25, born Joh. Georgus, son of Georg Hoerner. Witnesses, Georg Mack and wife. 1776, Sept. 22, born Johann Jacobus, son of Georg Henrich Schneider. Witnesses, Jacob Westman and Cath. Somni. 1776, Sept. 25, born Anna Catharina, daughter of Paul Knoeper. Witness, Anna Cath. Knoeper. 1776, June 29, born Catharina, daughter of Henrich Strohmann. Wit- nesses, Johann Zep and wife. 1776, Sept. 5, born Georgus, son of Georg Rueckstahl. Witnesses, Georg Bilger and Christina Hartenstein. 1776, Oct. 9, born Maria Magdalena, daughter of Andreas Werner. Wit- ness, Anna Mar. Werner. 1776, Dec. I, born Johann Matheus, son of Joh. Matheus Scheifiin. Wit- nesses, Joh. Math. Kern and wife. 1776, Oct. 18, born Anna Margareta, daughter of Abraham Wolfart. Witnesses, Hen. Wilh. Panebecker and Anna Margareta Gauckler. 1776, Nov. 9, born Eva Elisabetha, daughter of Henrich OhI. Witnesses, Andreas Ohl and wife. 1776, Dec. 31, born Samuel, son of Debit (!) Gehann. Witnesses, the parents themselves. 1777) Jan- 18, born Friedrich, son of Salomon Grimli. Witness, Friedrich Rudi. 1776, Sept. 27, born Petrus, son of Jost Hollebusch. Witnesses, Petrus Hollebusch and Margareta Keller. 1777, Jan. 23, born Magdalena, daughter of Adam Henrich. Witnesses, Catharina Hollebusch and David Unerkofler. X777, March 5, born Maria Margareta, daughter of Friedrich Rudi. Wit- nesses, Friedrich Rudi and wife. 1776, Dec. 26, born Susanna, daughter of Michael Groll. Witness, Maria EHs. Wentz. Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 397 1777, Jan. 23, born Maria Barbara, daughter of Adam Faust. Witnesses, Johannes Hut and wife. 1777, Febr. 14, a daughter born to the late Rudolph Segler, named Maria Christina. Witnesses, Johannes Segler and wife. 1777, Jan. 5, born Henrich, son of Georg Roerig. Witnesses, Henrich Roerig and wife. 1777, Febr. 25, born Ellsabetha, daughter of Henrich Roerig. Witness, Anna Maria Roerig. 1777, Febr. 14, born Elisabetha, daughter of Jacob Wagner. Witnesses, Maria Wagner and Valentin Schneider. 1777, April 2, born Comradus, son of Conrad Bickart. Witnesses, Chris- tian Hollebusch and wife. 1777, Nov. 10, born Johannes, son of Friedrich Loesch. Witnesses, Michael Doerr and Maria Schneider. 1777, April 24, born Johannes, son of Daniel Krauter. Witnesses, Joh. Krauter and wife. 1777, March 25, born Johannes, son of Carl Doerr. Witnesses, Wilhelm Antig and wife. 1777, May 25, born Elisabetha, daughter of Johann Huepner. Witnesses, Philip Bayer and wife. i777> June 19, born Berret, son of Berret Goetz. Witnesses, Jacob Bossert and wife. 1777, May 29, born Anna Margareta, daughter of Gabriel Klein. Wit- nesses, Anna Margaretha Cunius and Georg Klein. 1777, July 26, born Henrich, son of Philip Weis. Witnesses, Henrich Ohl and wife. 1777, September ii, born Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Schuler. Wit- nesses, Jacob Schuler and wife. 1777, Aug. 12, born Wilhelm, son of Johannes Heinemann. Witnesses, Joh. Nais and wife. 1777, Nov. 26, born Catharina, daughter of Joh. Jacob Schweisforth. Wit- nesses, Daniel Krauter and wife. 1777, Dec. 13, born Johannes, son of Abraham Nais. Witnesses, Joh. Gerhart and Magdalena Hertzel. i777i I'cc. II, born Elisabeth, daughter of Georg Mayer. Witnesses, Henrich Werner and wife. 1778, Febr. 21, born Samuel, son of Benjamin Schuler. Witnesses, Jacob Schuler and wife. 1777, Nov. 28, born Margareta, daughter of Andreas Werner. Witnesses, Henrich Woerner and wife. 1778, Febr. 16, born Michael, son of Jacob Wagner. Witnesses, Valentin Schneider and wife. 27 39^ Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1778, March 2, born Johannes, son of Johannes Hartenstein. Witnesses, Georg Gauckler and Christina Hartenstein. 1778, March 3, born Jacobus, son of Henrich Hersch. Witnesses, Jacob Taub and wife. 1778, March 25, born Georgus, son of Christian May. Witnesses, Georg Walbert and wife. 1778, March 31, born Catharina, daughter of Georg Weitemayer. Wit- nesses, Catharina Faust and Philip Wentz. 1778, March 11, born Jacobus, son of Adam Hiltebeutel. Witnesses, Jacob Klein and wife. 1778, April 17, born Johannes, son of Henrich Kobelberger. Witnesses, Henrich Nibel and Elisabetha Jung. 1778, April 10, born Johann Jacobus, son of Johannes Nais. Witnesses, Georg Buechler and Margaretha Huth. 1778, March 16, born Catharina, daughter of Paul Hofman. Witnesses, Georg Hertzel and wife. 1778, April 3, born Jacobus, son of Johannes Hiltebeutel. Witnesses, the parents themselves. 1778, July 16, born Eva, daughter of Jost Schatz. Witnesses, Eva Ohl and Baltzer Ricd. 1778, June 27, born Leonhart, son of Henrich Huhl. Witnesses, Jacob Schuler and wife. 1778, June 14, born Johann Henricus, son of Henrich Strohman. Wit- nesses, Job. Hess and wife. 1778, Sept. 20, born Georgus, son of Henrich Ohl. Witnesses, Georg Engel and Eva Ohl. 1778, Oct. 18, born Elisabetha, daughter of Henrich Mueller. Witnesses, Johannes Schweisfort and wife. 1778, Oct. 9, born Susanna, daughter of Jacob Weiss. Witness, Susanna We is. 1778, Dec. 5, born Elisabetha, daughter of Paul Knoepper. Witnesses, Henrich Ziegler and wife. 1779, Febr. i, born Jacobus, son of Philip Weiss. Witnesses, Jacob Straus and wife. 1779, March 23, born Petrus, son of Abraham Wolfart. Witnesses, Petrus Taub and Catharina Segler. 1779, March i, born Henricus, son of Benedict Home. Witnesses, Henrich Schmidt and wife. >779. J^n. 30, born Jacobus, son of Peter Maener. Witnesses, Jacob Weiss and wife. 1779. April 10, born Johannes, son of Math. Schenfli. Witness, Johannes Exel. Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 399 1779, April 31, born Susanna, daughter of Andreas Werner. Witness, Sophia Werner. 1779, May 2, born Catharlna, daughter of Joh. Jost Hollebusch. Wit- nesses, Catharina Hollebusch and Elias Hartenstein. 1779, April 9, born Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Loch. Witnesses, Georg Wettman and wife. 1779, April i6, born Georgus, son of Daniel Krauter. Witnesses, Georg Dorscht and Maria Langbein. 1779. April 15, born Maria Fronica, daughter of Johann Heineman. Wit- nesses, Joh. Nais and Fronica Heineman. 1779, March 31, born Johannes, son of Michael GroII. Witnesses, the parents themselves. 1779, June I, born Andreas, son of Georg Hen. Schneider. Witnesses, Andreas Ried and wife. 1779, May 20, born Christina, daughter of Friedrich Rudi. Witnesses, Hen. Bernt and Christina Gaulcler. 1779, June 7, born Adam, son of Jacob Bossert. Witnesses, Adam Bossert and Gertraut. 1779, June 28, born Daniel, son of Andreas Gamel. Witnesses, the parents themselves. 1779, June II, born Catharina, daughter of Conrad Bickart. Witness, Dorethea Hollebusch. 1779, Dec. 3, born Abraham, son of Abraham Nais. Witnesses, Georg Hertzel and wife. 1779, Sept. 12, born Daniel, son of Henrich Hemsing. Witness, Daniel Faber. 1779, Febr. 8, a child was born to a negro, named Seimen [Simon] ; name name of child, Sele. Witness, Barbara Hass. 1779, Sept. 28, born Wilhelmus, son of Jacob Schuler. Witnesses, Johannes Schuler and wife. 1779, Sept. 24, born Susanna Maria, daughter of Henrich Hollebusch. Witnesses, Adam Henrich and wife. The following children were baptized by me, Johann Wilhelm Ingold, pastor loci. Children Parents Witnesses Heinrich, born 1780, Georg Weidemeyer Henrich Bernt, Catha- Sept. 2 rina Rukshel Leonhard, b. 1780, Henrich Hirsch Leonhard Schneider Nov. 10 and wife Eva Elisabetha, b. Johannes Ohl and wife David Schulz and 1779, Febr. 20, bap. Barbara Eva Ohl Apr. II, 1779 400 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Johann Jacob, b. 1780, Aug. 30 Anna Maria, b. 1780, Nov. 14 Catharina, b. Nov. 18, 1781, Febr. 13 Peter, b. 1781, May 3, bap. 1781, June 24 Andreas, b. 1781, July 21, bap. 1781, Aug. 3 Elisabetha, b. 1781, June 27, bap. 1781, Aug. 5 Jacob, b. 1781, Aug. i, bap. 1781, Aug. 26 Maria Magdalena, b. 1781, July 15, bap. 1781, Aug. 26 Catharina, b. 1781, Febr. 20, bap. 1781, Aug. 5 Magdalena, b. 1781, July I, bap. 1781, Aug. 5 Joseph, b. 1781, July 29, bap. 1781, Aug. 26 Catharina, b. 1781, July 12, bap. 1781, July 30 Parents Henrich Strohman Jacob Straus Henrich Frick and wife Philippina Conrad Bikhard and wife Catharina Andreas Gemmel and wife Fronica Wilhelm Ohl and wife Elisabetha Joseph Eckli and wife Dorothea Jacob Scheib and wife Catharina Balthasar Ried and wife Maria Elisa- betha Valentin Kuchler and wife Elisabetha Henrich Faust and wife Catharina Margaretha Jacob Schuler and wife Elisabetha Witnesses Jacob Zoepp, Elisa- betha Ohl Philip Weiss and wife Anna Maria Wendel Wiant and wife Catharina Peter Baumann and wife Sophia the parents Georg Schedler and wife, Catharina Elisabetha, the grandparents Jacob Zoepp and Anna Maria Schneider Martin Scheib and wife Magdalena Philip Ried, Catharina Ried, both single Michael Kuchler and Sophia Becker Joseph Beringer and wife Anna Marga- retha Benjamin Schuler and wife Catharina Record of the children who received Holy Baptism through me. Fried- rich Dalliker, in this congregation of Old Goshenhoppen. 1782. Daniel, b. 1781, Dec. 31, bap. 1782, Mar. 17 Maria Elis., b. Febr. 3, 1782, bap. Mar. 17 Elisabeth, b. Febr. 21, 7182, bap. Mar. 17 Georg Scheid and wife Anna Maria Michael Guderman and wife Maria Jost Schaz and wife Catharina Daniel Creider and wife Catharina Georg Scheid and wife Anna Maria Philip Rid and wife Elisabeth Old Goshenhoppcn — Baptisms 401 Children Andreas, b. Mar. 8, 1782, bap. Mar. 29 Eva, b. Febr. 11, 1782, bap. Apr. 29 Catharina, b. Apr. 6, bap. May 9 Sophia, b. Apr. 24, bap. June 30 Anna, b. Nov. i, 1781, bap. July 21 Maria, b. Aug. 28, bap. Nov. 3 Job. Adam, b. Oct. 9, bap. Nov. 3 Elisabeth, b. Oct. 9, bap. Nov. 3 Philip, b. Oct. 28, bap. Nov. 24 Catharina, b. Nov. 4, '79, bap. Jan. i, '83 Margreth, b. Dec. i, '81, bap. Jan. i Johann Georg, b. Dec. 13, '82, bap. Jan. 26 Heinrich, b. Dec. 20, '82, bap. Febr. 16 Johann Jacob, b. Dec. 23, '82, bap. Febr. xG Maria Magdalena, b. Jan. 23, '83, bap. Mar. 9 Jacob, b. Febr. 22, bap. Apr. 6 Philip, b. Jan. 31, bap. Apr. 20 Georg, b. Mar. 15, bap. Apr. 20 Daniel, b. Febr. 17, bap. May 11 Parents Hannes Weiss and wife Eva Peter Loch and wife Eva Peter Daub and wife Catharina Johann Schuler and wife Catharina Thomas Sens and wife Anna Maria Jacob Wagner and wife Barbara Peter Miner and wife Elis. Barbara Peter Miner and wife Elis. Barbara Balsar Rid and wife Maria Elisab. 1783. Charles Landes and wife Catharina Charles Landes and wife Catharina Benjamin Schuler and wife Catharina Velten Kugler and wife Elisabeth Matheis Scheufely and wife Margareth Heinrich Schmid and wife Barbara Jacob Weiss and wife Elisabeth J. Heinrich Muller and wife Anna Elis. Johann Heineman and wife Barbara Christian Scheid and wife Maria Elisabeth Witnesses Andreas Ohl, Sr., and wife Eva Jacob Untercoveler and wife Magdalena Jacob Daub and wife Catharina Georg Schneider and wife Sophia Becker Henrich Schmid and wife Barbara Valentin Schneider and wife Maria Joh. Adam Neidich and wife Anna Barbara Peter Hochstatt and wife Barbara Philip Rid and wife Maria Elisab. Georg Hertzel and wife Catharina Georg Hertzel and wife Catharina Philip Mud and wife Barbara Jost Keller and wife Catharina Jacob Kugler and wife Catharina Sebastian Goetz and wife Maria Magda- lena Philip Weiss and wife Anna Maria J. Philip Zep and Catharina Henner Georg Schneider and Elisabeth Neiss Daniel Creider and wife Catharina 402 Church Records of Gosheiihoppen On May 24 was baptized by me, after preceding instruction, Anna Margareth Weiss, wife of Johannes Weiss, aged 2+ years; and on the same day admitted to the Lord's Supper. Children Eva Elisabeth, b. Apr. 27, bap. June i Hanna, b. Apr. 14, bap. June 22 Magdalena, b. Apr. 29, bap. June 22 A. Catharina, b. Nov. 18, bap. Dec. 7 Hans Georg, b. Dec. 8, bap. Dec. 28 Parents Wilhelm Ohl and wife Elisabeth George Meyer and wife Hanna Jacob Hauch and wife Margareth Johannes Neiss and wife Anna Margreth Peter Dinges and wife Anna Maria Witnesses Andreas Ohl, Sr., and wife Eva Heinrich Beyer and Charlotte Raudebusch Philip Gabel and wife Margareth George Hertzel and wife Catharina H. Georg Dast, Elisa- beth Has Joh. Jacob, b. Dec. i, '83, bap. Jan. 18 Regina, b. Nov. 17, '83, bap. Jan. 18 1784. Joh. Jacob Scheib and Peter Scheib and wife wife Catharina Christina Andreas Gemel and the parents wife Veronica Record of the children who were baptized by me, Friedrich Wilhelm Von der Sloot. Joh. Heinrich, b. Dec. Baltasar Ried II, '83, bap. Mav 2, '84 . Joseph, b. May 24, bap. June 13 Peter, b. May 3, bap May 23 Regina, b. July 25, bap. Joseph, b. Sept. 29, bap. Nov. 7 Simon Scentschler and wife Peter Daub and wife Catharina Martin Lichtel, Cata- rina Maria Drasch and Philip Ried Joseph Keller and wife Nicolaus Caupler and wife Maria Joh. Neis and wife Margaretha Johannes, b. Sept. 22, Johannes Buch and bap. Oct. 14 wife Catharina Joseph Ekli and wife Jost Keller and wife Dorothea Catarina Philip Gabel and wife Margaretha Those children who were baptized by me, Johan Theobald Faber, 1786. Johannes, b. May 4, Jacob Weiant and bap. June 5 wife Isaac, b. Apr. 10, bap. Jacob Schmidt and June 5 wife Georg Weiant and Elis. Rener Isaac Schmidt and Su- sanna Walbert Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 403 Children Joh. Henrich, b. Apr. 27, bap. June 18 Joh. Georg, b. May 8, bap. July 30 Barbara, b. Oct. 7, bap Oct. 22 Johannes, b. Sept. 22, bap. Nov. 12 Joh. Jacobus, b. , bap. Nov. 12 Jacobus, b. Dec. 31, '86, bap. Mar. 18 Margareta, b. Dec. 31, '86, bap. Mar. 18 Joh. Georg, b. Febr. 17, bap. Mar. i8 EHsabetha, b. Jan. 15, '87, bap. Apr. 29 Johannes, b. Febr. 27, bap. Apr. 29 Johannes, b. July 16, '86, bap. Apr. 29 Anna, b. July 16, '86, bap. Apr. 29 Michael (illegitimate child), b. Nov. 22, '76, bap. Cath. Appollonia, b. June 29, bap. July 21 Susanna, b. Sept. 2, '86, bap. July 21 Joseph, b. Apr. 17, '87, bap. Aug. 12 Scharlotta, b. Aug. 15, '87, bap. Oct. 14 Abraham, b. Aug. 2, '87, bap. Nov. 25 Maria, b. Aug. 25, '87, bap. Nov. 25 Anna Barbara, b. Sept. 26, bap. Nov. 25 Parents Witnesses Michael Gaukler and Jacob Filman and wife wife Jacob Salate and wife Joh. Salate and wife Joh. Daniel Jung and Adam Hollebusch and wife and wife Wilhelm Gerges and Joh. Hiltebeutel and wife wife Joh. Salate and wife 1787. Georg Scheid and wife Jacob Schaefer and wife Henrich Bossert and Adam Bossert and wife wife Peter Dimig and wife Isaac Hilligas and wife Ludwig Ache and Herman Ache and wife wife Peter Kuntz and wife Joh. Salate and wife Martin Lichtel and Henr. Schmidt and wife wife Henrich Schmidt and Martin Lichtel and wife wife Martin Lichtel and wife Michael Oesterlin and Peter Faust and wife wife Isaac Oschek and wife joh. Roscher and wife Henrich Stroman and Jos. Eckle and wife wife Friedr. Rudi and wife parents Joh. Schneider and Abraham Weber and wife Elis. Schneider Adam Hamscher and Peter Hamscher and wife Maria Weber Georg Weitemayer Joh. Ruckstahl and and wife Anna Barbara Diter 404 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Wilhelm, b. Oct. 5, bap. Dec. 26 Georg, b. Nov. 18, '87, bap. Jan. 27, '88 Sara, b. Oct. 17, '87, bap. Jan. 27, '88 Elisabeth, b. Febr. 12, '88, bap. Mar. 30 Johannes, b. Dec. 28, '87, bap. Mar. 30 Daniel, b. , bap. June I Johannes, b. Mar. 29, bap. June 22 Johan Henrich, b. May 7, bap. July 13 Johannes, b. May 29, bap. July 13 Magdalena, b. Febr. 21, bap. July 13 Anna Margareta, b. June 21, bap. July 13 Susanna, b. June 19, bap. Aug. 3 Samuel, b. Apr. 9, bap. Aug. 3 Jacobus, b. May 23, bap. Aug. 3 Catharina, b. June 21, bap. Oct. 5 Parents Adam Hieltebeutel and wife 1788. Jacob Hauk and wife Nicolaus Gauckler and wife Wilh. Enterscn and wife Henrich Mueller and wife Joh. Georg Wiittlin and wife Jacob Schmid and wife Michael Gukerman and wife Joh. Faust and wife Philip Schillig and wife Joh. Daniel Jung and wife Daniel Schwenck and wife Gabriel Schuler and wife Ludwig Age [Ache] and wife Jacob Schneider and wife Witnesses the parents Philip Gabel and wife Philip Gabel and wife Salomon Grimli and wife Henrich Schmidt and wife Daniel Herz and Cath. Lambein Joh. Schmid and wife Christian Scheid Peter Faust and wife Philip Gabel and wife Georg Schwenck and wife Conrad Grimm and wife Jacob Age and Marg. Hertzel Elisabeth Wentz After the death of the sainted Mr. Faber, when the congregation was without a minister, the following children were baptized, some by Mr. Roeler, some by the ministers who visited this congregation, and at the request of the parents their names were entered by Johann Daniel Jung, schoolmaster. Johannes, b. — , bap. Peter Hollebusch and Joh. Adam Hollebusch Febr. 14, '89 wife Susanna and wife Barbara Johannes, b. May 7, Samuel Schuler and Johannes Schuler and 1789, bap. May 31 wife Magdalena Susanna Meyer Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 405 Children Magdalena, b. Apr. 6, '87, bap. May 20, '87 Catharina, b. Oct. 13, '89, bap. Nov. 29 Parents Johannes Buch and wife Georg Herzel and wife Margretha Witnesses Philip Fischer and wife Ulrich Herzel and wife After I, N[:cholas] Pomp, in the beginning of the month of December of the year 1789, entered upon my ministry in the congregation of Old Goshenhoppen, the following children were baptized by me. beginning at the above mentioned time: > & & ^ 1790. Catharina, b. Nov. 14, '89, bap. Jan. 10, '90 Johannes, b. Oct. 16, '89, bap. Jan. 10, '90 Maria Elisabeth, b. Dec. 28, '89, bap. Jan. 10, '90 Andreas, b. July 5, '89, bap. Mar. 13, '90 Elisabeth, b. Dec. 25, '89, bap. Mar. 14, '90 Andreas, b. Jan. 23, '90, bap. Mar. 14 Jacob, b. Dec. 12, '89, bap. Apr. 26 Wilhelm, b. Jan. 11, '90, bap. Apr. 26 Henrich, b. Jan. 7, bap. Apr. 26 Elisabeth, b. — , bap. Apr. 26 (7 years, 9 months) Georg, B. — , bap. Apr. 26 (8 months) Elisabeth, b. Apr. 3, bap. May 16 Johann Henrich, b. May 23, bap. June 6 Susanna, b. Febr. 20, bap. June 27 Jacob Schmid and wife Magdalena Johannes Schichler and %vife Catharina Johann Daniel Jung and wife Ann Mar- greath Johannes Merckel and wife Elisabeth Jacob Hauch and wife Margareth Friedrich Nebel and wife Catharina Georg Weidenmayer and wife Elisabeth Gabriel Schuler and wife Catharina Martin Lichtel and wife Catharina Christoph Bickel and wife Susanna Christoph Bickel and wife Susanna Johannes Faust and wife Susanna Peter Hollebusch and wife Susanna Ludwich Ache and wife Maria Peter Deschler and Christina Faust Johannes Saladi William Penno and wife Andreas Hauser John Kohlhon Andreas Bage Jacob Ruckstahl and Cath. Lichtel Peter Deschler Peter Deschler ~) Johannes Roschon and Elisabeth Scheffeli Johannes Roschon and Elisabeth Scheffeli Peter Hamscher and Christina Faust Henrich Hollebusch, Anna Maria Holle- busch Friedrich Brod and Barbara Schneider 406 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Daniel, b. Apr. 19, bap. July 18 Joseph, b. June i, bap. July 18 Elisabeth, b. June ii, bap. Aug. 15 Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 5, bap. Sept.26 Maria, b. — , bap. Oct. 17 Margareth, b. Oct. 19, bap. Nov. 28 Christina, b. Nov. 27, bap. Dec. 19 Henrich, b. Nov. 29, bap. Dec. 19 Parents Friedrich Huebner and wife Christina John Tallaty and wife Elisabeth Valentin Lichty and wife Maria William Anderson Philip Huebner and wife Elisabeth Samuel Schichler and wife Magdalena Peter Faust and wife Elisabeth Henrich Faust and wife Catharina Witnesses Henrich Roschon and wife Jacob Sieber and wife Henrich Lichly and wife Georg Maid, Maria Crimle David Deschler, Maria ? Georg Dash, Barbara Schneider Paul Hoffman and wife Henrich Roschon and wife Maria Magdalena, b. Dec. 22, '90, bap. Jan. 30 Magdalena, b. Dec. 20, '90, bap. Apr. 3 Catharina, b. Febr. 12, bap. Apr. 3 Elisabeth, b. Dec. 14, bap. Febr. 4 Catharina, b. Dec. 14, bap. Febr. 4 Thomas, b. Febr. 13, bap. Febr. 4 Elisabeth, b. Febr. 11, bap. Apr. 24 Philip, b. Jan. 2, bap. May 15 Magdalena, b. Oct. 25, '90, bap. May 15 Rachel, b. Dec. 27, '90, bap. May 15 Margareth, b. June 5, bap. June 30 1791. Jacob Hedrich and wife Christina Jacob Schneider and wife Elisabeth Daniel Jost and wife Barbara Johann Mickel Faust and wife Elisabeth Johann Nickel Faust and wife Elisabeth John Jost and wife Benigna Johannes Buch and wife Catharina Philip Schillig and wife Salome Joh. Georg Wutte and wife Anna Samuel Cooper and wife Susanna Georg Doerr and wife Sophia Johannes Hedrich and wife Henrich Schneider and wife Jacob Jost and Anna Maria Hillegas Henrich Faust and Elisabeth Bayer Michael Oesterlein and wife N. Pomp and wife Jacob Schmidt and Elisabeth Bayer John Grimle and Elis- abeth Peters the parents Lorenz Jacobi and wife Johannes Bcrnth and Margareth Sell Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 407 Children Georg, b. May 19, bap. July 17 Magdalena, b. Oct. 20, '90, bap. July 29 Johannes, b. Dec. 5, '90, bap. July 29 Magdalena, b. July 31, '90, bap. July 29 Peter, b. May 8, bap. Aug. 28 Catherina, b. Aug. 30, bap. Sept. 18 Michael, b. Sept. 28, bap. Oct. 30 Jacob, b. Jan. 7, bap. Mar. 25 Jacob, b. Jan. 12, bap. Mar. 25 Samuel, b. Febr. 26, bap. May 28 Parents Michael Guterman and wife Maria Matheis Geist and wife Elisabeth Emmanel Karner and wife Catharlna Philip Kohl and wife Magdalena Martin Lichtel and wife Catharina Johann Daniel Jung and wife Anna Margaretha Georg Hertzel and wife Margareth 1792. Jacob Schmid and wife Magdalena Jacob Rudy and wife Catharina Johannes Schuler and wife Catharina Witnesses Georg Bayer and wife the parents the parents the parents Peter Deschler Friedrich Rudy and wife Michael Hartmann Jacob Klein and wife Sieber and wife Samuel Schuler and wife Magdalena The children who were baptized by me, John Faber, in this congrega tion, are recorded here. Abraham, b. Jan. 3, Johannes Rich '92 Jacob, b. May 11 Johannes Faust Joseph, b. Sept. 18, '91 Friedrich Huebner Johann Georg, b. May Johannes Salety and 17, '92 wife Elisabeth Maria Margaretha, b. John Stroman July 15, '93 Margaretha, b. Aug. Jacob Hauk 6, '92 Henrich, b. Nov. 6, Peter Renninger '92 Peter, b. Sept. 20, '92 Peter Faust Conrad Gerkes and wife Jacob Schmit and wife Peter Roshang and wife Philip Zepp and wife Maria Jacob Zepp and Avife Maria Nicolaus Gaukler and wife Henrich Leh, Molly Roschong Philip Hoffman, Mad- lena Ruhdi 4o8 Church Records of Goshcuhoppcn Children Parents Witnesses Antonius, b. Nov. 17, David Dickcnschicd Antonius Sell and '92 wife Georg and , b. John Nice Georg Hertzel and Ja"- 13, '93 wife, John Reichard George, b. Jan. 16, Jacob Schmith George Weiss and '93 wife Henrich, b. Febr. 6, Joseph Schmit Heinrich Schmith and '93 wife John, b. May 2, '93 Ludwig Ache John Ache and Mar- garetha Schmit Maria Margaretha, b. John Stroman Jacob Zepp and wife July 15 Elisabeth, b. Jan. 25, Jacob Wagner 1787 Barbara, b. Jan. 6, Jacob Wagner 1793 Abraham, b. Aug. 20, Jacob Wagner 1788 Anna Maria, b. Oct. Francis McLaw Abraham Salmon and 10, 1793 wife Heinrich, b. Nov, 25, Philip Jones Heinrich Schmit and 1793 wife Sophia, b. May 15, Catharina Werner George Derr and wife 1793 Those children who were baptized by me, Johannes Faber, in this con- gregation, from the first day of the new year to the first day of the next year. Anno 1795. Heinrich, b. Nov. 18, George Derr Heinrich Schaefer and 179+, bap. Jan. 22, wife 1795 Jacob, b. Febr. 3, 1795, Balser Reed Jacob Rudy and wife bap. Apr. 12 Josua, b. Febr.22,1795, Joseph Young John Neis and wife bap. Apr. 12 The number of those children who were baptized by me, A.[lbert] Helffenstein. 1808. Philip, b. July 9, 1808 Henrich Sell Christian Martin and Catharina Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 409 Children Johannes, b. Aug. 4, 1 808 Sarah, b. Nov. 10, 1808 Elisabeth, b. Aug. 2, 1808 Barbara, b. Febr. 2, 1 806 Sarah, b. Nov. 17, 1807 Wilhelm, b. Aug. 3, 1808 Nathaniel, b. July 27, 1808 Margareth, b. Aug. 19, 1808 Maricha, b. Aug. 11, 1808 Wilhelm, b. Jan. 6, 1809 Parents Abraham Hiltebeutel and wife Margaret Johann Reisinger and wife Deborah John and Margaretha Lind Abr. and Elisabeth Merkel Johan and Catharina Scheiwley Jacob Scheid and Elisabeth Tobias Sell and Elisa- beth Johann Schneider and Elisabeth Conrad Geyer and wife Wilhelm Schmidt and Sally Witnesses Johann Hiltebeutel and wife Maria Daniel and Elisabeth Rismiller George and Elis. Waidemayer Jacob and Elisabeth Scheiwley Johan Jost and Bina (!) Christian Scheid Georg Stahl and Mar- gareth Peter Acker and Elis. Esterlein In the year 181 3 the following were baptized by me, Friedrich Wilhelm Van der Sloot. Maria Magdalena, b. Dec. 4, 1812, bap. Febr. 28, 181 3 Johannes, b. Jan. 12, bap. Apr. 10, 1813 Heinrich, b. Nov. 10, 1812, bap. Apr. 10, 1813 fiermann, b. June 21, 1813, bap. Aug. 15 Christina, b. Dec. 13, 1812, bap. Aug. 15, 1813 Heinrich, b. Dec. 16, 1791, bap. Apr. 16, 1814 Daniel, b. Jan. 18, 1814, bap. May 15 Johann Friedrich Johannes Johns and wife Catharina Heinrich Zink and wife Elisabeth Valentin Achi and wife Catharina Daniel Fries and wife Barbara Johannes Gerber and wife Hanna Daniel Hiltebeutel and Elisabeth Johann Scheid and wife the parents the parents Adam Neidig and wife Maria Philippina Ganz the parents the parents 4IO Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Johannes, b. Jan. 23, 1814, bap. Apr. 3 Henrietta, b. Apr. 28, 1814, bap. June 26 Johannes, b. Apr. 11, 1814, bap. Aug. II Tobias, b. Aug. 9, 1814, bap. Sept. 18 Friedrich, b. Mar. 14, 1801 Jacob, b. Jan. 8, 1803 Johannes, b. Febr. 26, 1805 Valentin, b. Sept. 13, 1807 Georg, b. July 27, 1810 Samuel, b. Mar. 23, 1813 Jonas, b. Jan. 22, 1815, bap. Oct. 8 Sophia, b. Sept. 28, 18 16, bap. Nov. 3 Parents Heinrich Gerber and wife Catharina Ludwig Hummel and wife Margareta Jan ( !) Kieler and wife Barbara Abraham Kuppelber- ger and wife Elisa- beth Jacob Schmidt and wife Catharina [same parents] [same parents] [same parents] [same parents] [same parents] Heinrich Pikhart and wife Susanna Jan Schuler and wife Maria Nathaniel, b. Nov. 9, John Miller and Mag- 1817, bap. Dec. 28 dalena Witnesses Joh. Achi and Bar- bara Heinrich Schueck and Catharina the parents Michael Kuppelberger and Maria Schaz Jacob Klein, Sr., and Gertraut Jacob Klein and Ger- traut Jacob Klein and Ger- traud Jacob Schmidt and Catharina Peter Reichert and Sara Jacob Klein, Sr., and Gertraud Peter Schweisfort and Maria Ceorg Walter, Bally [Polly] Schaz the parents [Entries made during the ministry of Rev. Jacob W. Dechant.] Henrich, b. Nov. i, 1819, bap. Dec. 25, 1819 Nathan, b. Nov. 15, 1818, bap. Jan. 30, 1819 Maria, b. Nov. 21, 1819, bap. May 4, 1820 Johann Jeremias, b. Jan. 22, 1820, bap. Mar. 5, 1820 Jacob Reed and wife Maria Hertzel John Weil and wife Sara Georg Nice and wife Maria Philip Reed and wife Elisabetha Georg Herzel and wife Catharina Maria Schmidt John Ruckstuhl and Christina Nice Old Goshenhoppen — Baptisms 411 Children Heinrich, b. Febr. 10, 1820, bap. May 14 Sara, b. Nov. 17, 1819, bap. Apr. 23, 1820 Georg, b. Febr. 9, 1820, bap. June 4 Peter, b. Apr. 15, 1820, bap. June 25 Henrich, b. Febr. 27, i8i8, bap. June 14 Jacob, b. July 25, 1820, bap. Aug. 28 Urias, b. June 25, 1820, bap. Sept. 19 Matilda, b. July 13, 1820, bap. Oct. 8 Anna, b. July 8, 1820, bap. Nov. 19 William, b. Sept. 7, 1820, bap. Nov. 19 Anna, b. Sept. 19, 1820, bap. Nov. 19 Seth, b. May 18, 1816, Dap. June 20 Francis William, b. Oct. 15, 1820 Elisabetha, b. Dec. 10, 1820, bap. Mar. 4, 1821 Jesse, b. Nov. 13, 1820, bap. Mar. i, 1821 Anna, b. Febr. 7, 1831, bap. Mar. 25 Daniel Walter, b. Mar. 6,1821, bap. Mar. 25 Jesse, b. Jan. 22, 1821, bap. Apr. 20 Heinrich, b. Mar. 10, 1821, bap. Apr. 6 Jesaias, b. Febr. 16, 1821, bap. Apr. 6 Ester, b. Mar. 6, 1821, bap. July 8 Parents Jacob Schneider and wife Magdalena Georg Randzell and wife Catharina Johan Tengler and wife Susanna Michael Miller and wife Maria Jacob Klein and wife Susanna Jacob May and wife Elisabeth Heinrich Grob and wife Susanna Wm. Cooper and wife Baby ( ! ) Conrad Keeler and wife Catharina Jacob Rees and wife Maria Abraham Rees and wife Rachel Jacob Schmidt and wife Catharina Silas Himraelreich John Hauk and wife Elisabetha Math. Hertzell and wife Catharina Mathias Slemmer Jacob Slemmer Daniel Hiltebeutel and wife Elisabetha John Ruckstuhl and wife Christina Benj. Weil and wife Elisabetha Conrad Dotterre and wife Ester Witnesses Heinrich Grob and Magdalena the parents Georg Pikhardt and Cath. Graff Jacob Ruckstuhl and wife Barbara Heinrich Grob and wife Anna Maria Georg May and Cath. Fillmann Heinrich Grob and wife Anna M. Jacob Hauser, Maria Hilligas Reinhard Reeler and wife Philippina Wm. Antes, Rebecka Hefelfanger Abr. Phul, Maria Rees Johannes Klein and wife Susanna Samuel Schuler and wife Sarah John Dietr. Schmidt and wife Elisabetha Sam. Geisinger, Maria Hertzell Heinrich Zink and wife Elisabetha Heinrich Kerr and wife Anna the parents Lorenz Jacoby and wife Sara Wm. Weil and Maria Sell Georg Heffelfanger, Johanna Pannebecker 412 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Johannes, b. Dec. 31, 1820, bap. July 8, 1821 Charles, b. May 24, 1821, bap. July 29 Jefferson, b. Mar, i6, 1821, bap. July 29 Anna Catharina, b. May 6, 1821, bap. Sept. 9 Maria Magdalena, b. — , bap. Oct. 3, 1 821 Peter, b. Nov. 4, 1821, bap. Dec. 25 Elias, b. Dec. 6, 1821, bap. Apr. 3, 1822 Georg, b. Oct. 13,1821, bap. Apr. 7, 1822 Benjamin, b. Dec. 7, 1821, bap.Apr. 7, 1822 Elisabetha b. Febr. 8, 1822, bap. May 12 Elisabetha, b. Mar. 29, 1822, bap. June 9 Henriette, b. Febr. 14, 1822, bap. June 20 Johan Philip, b. , bap. Nov. 2, 1822 Levina,b.Jan. 29,1819, bap. June 30, 1822 Catharina, b. Jan. 14, 1821, bap. June 30, 1822 Isaac, b. Jan. 8, 1822, bap. May 19, 1822 Johannes, b. Aug. 18, 1822, bap. Dec. 24 Reinhardt, b. Sept. 30, 1822, bap. Febr. i6, 1823 Peter, b. Nov. 12, 1822, bap. Febr. 16, 1823 Parents Fr. Wagner and wife Hanna Abraham Schleifer and wife Elisabeth Jacob Mueller and wife Catharina David Zeis and wife Sara H. Long and wife Margaretha Georg Neis and wife Maria Isaac Gerhard and wife Magdalena Georg Mayer and wife Maria Jacob Schneider and wife Magdalena Charles Bayer and wife Sara Jacob May and wife Elisabetha Heinrich Hauk and wife Elisabetha Philip Hubner and wife Catharina Heinrich Ziegler and wife Catharina Heinrich Ziegler and wife Catharina Jacob Schneider and wife Hanna Johan Dengler and wife Susan Conrad Keeler and wife Catharina John Hauck and wife Elisabetha Witnesses Henry Rudy, Elisa- betha Dommenick Heinr. Schleifer and wife Dorothea Heinr. Keeler, Maria Dalleker Georg Emmert, Catha- rina Graff Magdalena Schuler Abraham Linsenbieg- ler and wife Chris- tina the parents Georg Keeler, Elisa- beth Kraus the parents Philip Christmann and wife Elisabetha Peter Nais and wife Elisabetha Georg More and wife Barbara the parents John Hein and Lus. Schneider Catharina Mayer Valentin Keely and wife Maria Joh. Schnayfort, Christina Groff Joseph Keeler and wife Maria Tobias Albrecht and wife Catharina Old Goshenhoppen — Burials 413 Children Johannes, b. June 23, 1819, bap. Aug. 8 Parents Jacob Hilficker and wife Maria Witnesses Johannes Bayer and wife Adelaide, b. Nov. 26, 1822, bap. Jan. 26, 1823 Sara, b. Jan. 31, 1823, bap. June i Friedrich, b. Febr. 25, 1823, bap. June 1 Saliane (!) [Sally Anna], b. Apr. 18, 1823, bap. July 13 Lydia, b. July 9, 1823, bap. Oct. 5 Jacob, b. Nov. 10, 1 8 14, bap. Febr. 29, 1824 Mente (?), b. May 24, 1819, bap. Feb. 29, 1824 Matilda, b. Nov. 24, 1822, bap. Febr. 29 Elisabetha, b. June 9, 1824, bap. July 25 Peter, b. , bap. July 25 Jacob, b. Febr. 19, 1824, bap. July 25 Elisabetha, b. — , bap. Aug. 15, 1824 Sara, b. May 4, 1824, bap. Nov. 7 Anna Catharina, b. May 10, 1824, bap. Nov. 7 Ester, b. Sept. 16, 1824, bap. Dec. 19 Jacob, b. Sept. 26, 1824, bap. Jan. 30, 1825 Josua, b. Dec. 19,1824, bap. June 26, 1825 28 Baptized by the Rev. Samuel Helffenstein. Mathias Slemmer and Jacob Slemmer and wife Margaretha Abraham Rees and wife Rachel Georg Hefelfanger and wife Hanna Heinr. Grob and wife Susanna Benjamin Weil and wife Elisabeth John Schuler and wife Maria John Kelly and wife Sara John Kelly and wife Sara Georg Nice and wife Maria John Weil and wife Sara Jacob Pannebeker and wife — Christmann John Heffelfinger Abraham Schmidt and wife Sara Samuel Taub and wife Catharina Charles Ba3'er and wife Sara Joh. Bedmann and wife Catharina Heinrich Klein and wife Susanna Hanna Hiltebeutel Conrad Neuman, Elis. Pannebecker Fried. Hildebrand and wife Catharina Jacob Hetler, Sara Kraus John Groff, Lydia Un- terkobler Jacob Reed and wife Magdalena Fried. Grimly and wife Elisabetha the parents Peter Weil and wife Catharina Philip Christmann and wife Elisabeth Sam. Unterkobeler, N. Scholl Jacob Faust, Sara Hauk Philip Ruthy and wife Elisabetha Jos. GraflF and wife Elisabetha Georg Emert, Sara Wagner Jacob Schneider and wife Maria 414 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Edward, b. Sept. 30, 1824, bap. July 17, 1825 Catharina, b. June \2, 1825, bap. Sept. 18 Franz, b, , bap. Sept. 18 Josua, b. Aug. 9, 1825, bap. Oct. 30 Albert, b. Sept. 16, 1825, bap. Oct. 30 Helnrich, b. July 12, 1825, bap. Oct. 25 Kidiane (!) [Kitty Anna], b. Aug. 20, 1825, bap. Oct. 25 Isaac, b. Sept. 24, 1825, bap. Oct. 26 Franciscus, b. Sept. 29, 1825, bap. Nov. 20 Adelheit, b. Sept. 18, 1825, bap. Nov. 20 Samuel, b. Nov. 7, 1825, bap. Jan. 22, 1826 Sariane ( !) b. Feb. 5, 1826, bap. May 28 Anna, b. Dec. 14, 1825, bap. May 28, 1826 Georg, b. May 2, 1826, bap. June 18 Jacob, b. , bap. Sept. 10, 1826 Johannes, b. July 30, 1826, bap. Georg, b. Aug. 30, 1826, bap. Oct. I Catharina, b. Oct. 28, 1826, bap. Apr. 12, 1827 Catharina, b. Dec. i, 1826, bap. May 20, 1827 Parents John Keely and wife Dorothea Jacob Faust and wife Barbara Salomon Andreas and wife Magdalena John Hauck and wife Elisabetha Friedrich Grimly and wife Elisabeth Jacob Hilfiker and wife Maria Michael Hartzell and wife Catharina Tillmann Kolb and wife Elisabetha Jos. Keeler and wife Maria Wm. Nice and wife Catharina Jacob Faust and wife Sara John Grimly and wife Mariane ( !) Michael Deker and wife Magdalena Jacob Wunderlich and wife Christina Jacob Zepp and wife Sara Fr. Canner and wife Elisabeth Georg Nice and wife Maria John Weill and wife Sara Conrad Keeler and wife Catharina Witnesses Salomon Grimly and wife Friedrich Wald and wife Magdalena the parents Heinr. Jost and Elisa Bayer Wm. Dechant and wife Rebeka Maria Dan. Hiltebeutel and wife Elisabetha Jonas Hartzell, Sara Klein Jacob Hilfiker and wife Maria Conrad Keeler and wife Catharina Jacob Reifschneider and wife Catharina Peter Faust, Becki Nice the parents Conrad Keeler and wife Catharina Jacob Scheid and wife Elisabeth Jacob Zepp and wife Catharina Jonas Hartzell and Catharina Reimer Sam. Scholl and wife Maria Joseph Schmidt and wife Maria Sam. Unerkofeler and wife Susanna Old Goshenhoppen — Burials 415 Children Johannes, b. Mar. 30, 1827, bap. June 10 Sara, b. Febr. 11, 1827, bap. June 10 Elisabetha, b. Jan. 29, 1827, bap. June 10 Anna, b. Jan. 13, 1827 Cammilla, b. Apr. 27, 1827, bap. Sept. 2 Johan, b. Sept. 17, 1827, bap. Oct. 13 William, b. Oct. 8, 1827, bap. Nov. 25 Wilhelm, b. June 16, 1827, bap. Nov. 25 Joseph, b. Apr. 11, 1828, bap. June 22 Nancy, b. Apr. 18, 1828, bap. Aug. 3 Jesse, b. Mar. 5, 1828, bap. Aug. 3 Jonas, b. June 23, 1828, bap. Aug. 24 Maria, b. Dec. 13, 1825, hap. Aug. 24, 1828 Mersers ( !), b. Mar. II, 1828, bap. Aug. 24 Rebecca, b. July 19, 1828, bap. Sept. 14 Hanna, b. Apr. 17, 1828, bap. Sept. 14 Matilda, b. June 27, 1828, bap. Oct. 5 Jonas, b. Sept. — , bap. Oct. 26 Sophia, b. July 19, 1828, bap. Dec. 7 Isabella, b. , bap. June 14, 1829 Parents Ben. Weil and wife Catharina Jacob Faust and wife Barbara Sam. Weil and wife Ester Jacob Fischer and wife Esther Jacob Bok and wife Anna Jacob Wunderlich and wife Christina Jacob Schmidt and wife Maria Wilhelm Nice and wife Catharina Michael Deker and wife Magdalena Benjamin Weil and wife Catharina Georg Zink and wife Lydia Jacob Reed and wife Maria Robert Yost and wife Elisabetha Robert Yost and wife Elisabetha Thomas Yost and wife Christina Salomon Enderson and wife Maria Sam. Weil and wife Esther Jacob Hauk and wife Susanna Sam. Slifer and wife Ester Wm. Nice and wife Catharina Witnesses Jacob Wambold and wife Catharina Jacob Wagener and Sara Wald Wm. Eisenberg and Sara Weil Conrad Geiger and wife Maria Jacob Quilmann and wife Margaretha Heinr. Grob and wife Esther John Hiltebeutel and wife Sara Georg Nice and wife Maria the parents Peter Weil and wife Catharina John Dreisbach and wife Elisabetha Jonas Hamberger and wife Dina the parents Alexander Yost, Maria Pannebeker Jacob and wife Elisabetha the parents Georg Borger and wife Margaretha Heinr. Moll and wife Elisa M. Ziegler and wife Nancv 4i6 Church Records of Goshenhoppcn Children Michael, b. June ii, 1828, bap. June 14, 1829 Joseph, b. Mar. 2, 1829, bap. July 26 Jacob, b. June 25, 1829, bap. July 26 Sara, b. June 28, 1829, bap. Aug. 29 Heinrich, b. Sept. 13, 1829, bap. Nov. 8 Jesaias, b. Jan. 16, 1830, bap. June 6 Philip Heinrich, b. May 3, 1830, bap. June 27 Catharina, b. Apr. 13, 1830, bap. July i8 Luisa, b. Febr. 12, 1830, bap. Aug. 8 Samuel, b. Sept. — , 1830, bap. Nov. 5 Heinrich, b. Sept. 9, 1830, bap. Nov. 5 Kidijane (!) [Kitty Jane], b. , bap. Dec. 12, 1830 Catharina, b. Jan. 25, 1831 Melan, b. Dec. 12, 1830, bap. Mar. 27, 1831 Elomine ( !), b. Jan. 30, 1831, bap. Apr. 17 Debora, b. Febr. 15, 183 1, bap. May 21 Heinrich, b. Jan. 22, 1831, bap. May 22 Hanna, b. Febr. 28, 1831, bap. May 22 Elisabetha, b. Oct. 21, 1830, bap. May 22, 1831 Parents Witnesses Michael Hartzell and the parents wife Catharina Johannes Weil and wife Sara Friedrich Schmidt and wife Maria Peter Acker and wife Ester Georg Schmidt and wife Maria Jacob May and wife Elisabetha Heinrich Grobb and wife Ester Daniel Weil, Catha- rina Schmidt Jacob Klein and wife Susanna Jacob Ruckstuhl and wife Sara Aker Heinr. Hauk and wife Elisabetha Hr. Franz and wife Sophia Philip Christmann and wife Elisabeth Sam. Weil and wife Jonas Hiltebeutel and Ester Sam. Schlifer and wife Ester Joseph Gompher and wife Maria Jacob Hartzell and wife Catharina Samuel Christmann and wife John Hartzell and wife Hanna Jacob Schmidt and wife Margaretha Sam. Leydy and wife Sophia Jonathan Scholl and wife Sara Jacob Grobb and wife Catharina Jacob Huebner and wife Barbara M. Hartzell and wife Catharina wife Elisabeth Wm. Wohr and Sara Scholl Jacob Mak and Sarah Geiger Jacob Hartzell and wife Maria Conrad Keeler and wife Catharina Daniel Kaiser, Mar- garetha Kaiser John Nice and wife Debora Heinrich Grobb and wife Ester Georg Hartzell and wife Catharina Philip Rudy and wife Elisabetha Old Goshenhoppen — Burials 417 Children Heinrich, b. Jan. 3, 1831, bap. May 22 Jacob, b. May 11,1831, bap. May 22 Heinrich, b. May 4, 1831, bap. May 22 Johannes, b. Nov. 26, 1830, bap. May 29, 1831 Sara, b. Aug. 7, 1831, bap. Sept. 10 Sophia, b. Oct. i, 1831, bap. Dec. 25 Sariane ( !), b. Febr. 15,1832, bap. Apr. 8 Rebecka, b. Oct.. 9, 1831, bap. June, 2, 1832 Johannes, b. Febr. 12, 1832, bap. June 3 Ester, b. Dec. 26, 1831, bap. June 3, 1832 Johannes, b. Oct. 20, 1831, bap. July I. 1832 Christina, b. Sept. 29, 1831, bap. July I, 1832 James, b. Dec. 12, 1831, bap. July I, 1832 Francis, b. Nov. 8,1831, bap. July 22, 1832 Mariane [Mary Anne], b. June 10, 1832, bap. July 22 Maria Anna, b. Apr. 26,1832, bap. Aug. 7 Daniel, b. Apr. 30, 1832, bap. July 22 Johannes, b. May 30, 1832, bap. Sept. 2 Sophia, b. Mar. 8, bap. May 18, 1833 Parents Enoch Roscho and wife Sara Georg Erb and wife Maria Jesse Ziegler and wife Catharina Michael Gaukeler and wife Ester Joh. Rukstuhl and wife Christina Johan Achy and wife Catharina John Andree and wife Catharina David Zeis and wife Sara Georg Pikhard and wife Maria Sam, Weil and wife Ester Joh. Weil and wife Sara Friedrich Focht ( ?) and wife Juliane Jacob Bok and wife Anna John Huth and wife Elisabetha Jacob Herzell and wife Catharina Georg Mayer and wife Catharina Henry Grobb and wife Ester Jacob Schneider and wife Magdalena John Ruckstuhl and wife Christina Witnesses Heinrich Faust and wife Margaret Jacob Erb and wife Magdalena Michael Ziegler and wife Hanna Leoy Leidy and Sara Geiger Daniel Grimm and wife Sara Heinrich Franz and wife Sophia Jonas Hilt and wife Catharina Elisabeth Friedrich John Schmidt and Maria Pickhardt the parents Sam. Weil and wife Ester the parents John Scheid and wife Maria Georg Hartzell and wife Catharina Jacob Quilmann and wife Margareta Abel Kahr and Marie Daniel Grobb and wife Hanna John Grobb and wife Maria Georg Poly 41 8 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Elders and Deacons who were installed by me, Friedrich Delliker, on June 30, 1782. Elders: George Herzel, Andreas Ohl, Sr. Deacons: Benjamin Schuler, Heinrich Hohlenbusch, Ilelnrich Ohl, Martin Lichty. [BURIAL RECORDS.] The persons who were burled by me, J. T. Faber, in the year 1766, as follows: 1766, Dec. 26, was buried Jacob Mayer, of Old Goshenhoppen. Persons who were buried by me, John T. Faber, in he year 1767, as follows: 1767, Jan. 3, Bernd Eitel's little daughter, living at Old Goshenhoppen, was buried. 1767, Jan. 7, Johannes, son of Antoni Lichti, was buried, of the congrega- tion of Rittschwell. 1767, April 6, Henrich Bamberger was buried, of the congregation of Old Goshenhoppen. 1767, May 8, Johannes, son of Johannes Maurer, was buried, of New Goshenhoppen. 1767, May 20, Andreas, son of Hermann Gerlach, was buried, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1767, May 29, Albertina, daughter of Andreas Ohl, was buried; aged 2 years, 9 months and several weeks, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1767, March 6, Anna Maria, daughter of Johann Merden [Martin] Wer, was buried; aged half a year, several weeks, of Old Goshnehoppen. 1767, Sept. 8, a son of Jacob Wentz was buried, named ; aged 2 years, 9 months, 5 days. 1767, Sept. 8, Johannes Alsentz, son of Johann Georg Alsentz, was buried; aged 4 years, 5 months, less 2 days, of Germantown. 1768, Jan. 31, Alleda, daughter of Sem (!) Schuler, was buried; aged 19 years, 3 weeks less 2 days. 1768, April 14, Peter Hollenbusch was buried; aged 59 years. 1769, Febr. 27, a woman, named Regula, of Old Goshenhoppen was buried; aged 70 years. 1769, July 10, Margaretha, wife of Jost Keller, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried; aged about 40 years. 1769, Aug. 24, Margaretha, daughter of Georgus Kiichler, of Old Gosh- enhoppen, buried ; aged 2 years and several months. 1769, Aug. 26, Elisabetha, daughter of Joh. Mainer, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried; aged 2 years and several months. 1769, Oct. 16, Elisabetha, daughter of Adam Schmidt, was buried, of Old Goshenhoppen, aged i year and i day. Old Goshenhoppeu — Burials 419 1769, Nov. 8, Johannes, son of Wilhelm Bayer, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried ; aged i year, 7 nnonths and about 8 days. 1770, March 6, Johann Petrus, son of George Mayer, of Old Goshenhop- pen, was buried; aged 3 years, 4 months and 20 days. 1770, April 19, Anna Catharina Eckert, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried; born in the year 1740, about April, aged 30 years, 4 months and sev- eral days. 1770, June 30, the old Mr. Panebecker, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried; aged 59 years, 4 months and 8 days; he was born March 10, 1710. 1771, Jan. 4, a widow, named Barbara, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried; aged 61 years less 9 weeks. 1771, Febr. 12, Ulrich Herzel, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried; born 1705, Aug. 20, aged 65 and a half years less 9 days. 1771, Febr. 12, Johann Marx Hertzel, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried. He was born 1746, date unknown, aged 24 years, 3 months, etc. 1771, March 16, Johannes, a son of Henrich Raess, of Indianfield, was buried. He was born 1754, March 26, aged 17 years less 10 days. 1771, March 18, Gcorg Wagner was buried. He was born 1702, Febr. 2, aged 69 years, 1 month, 16 days. 1771, May 8, Cornelius, son of Ernst Harr, of Indianfield, was buried. He was born 1749, Febr. i, aged 21 years, 3 months, 16 days. 1772, April 5, Eva , of Old Goshenhoppen, buried. Born in the year 1699, fl^te unknown, aged about 73 years. 1772, June 13, Henrich Mieker, of Old Goshenhoppen, was buried. He was born 171 5, date unknown, aged about 57 years. 1772, May 23, a son of Peter Maener, was buried. Born 1772, Febr. 17, aged 13 weeks and 3 days. 1772, July 12, Johann Cantz was buried. Born 1718, date unknown, aged about 53 years. 1772, July 12, a daughter of Wilhelm Demflin was buried. Born 1771, August 15, aged 10 months, 3 weeks, 5 days. 1772, July 16, Johann Petrus, son of Johann Leh, was buried. Born 1771, Nov. 14, aged 8 months less a few days. 1772, June 28, a child, named Jacobus was buried. Born 1771, March 10, aged I year, 3 months, 2 weeks and i day. 1772, Aug. 25, a child of Johann Mabri was buried. Born 1769, Nov. 13, aged 3 years, 9 months, 9 days. 1772, Sept. 28, Johann Mieker was buried. Born 1753, date unknown, aged 20 years, etc. 1772, Oct. 14, Henrich, a son of Henrich Hohl, was buried. Born 1759, May 6, aged 13 years and perhaps 5 months. 1773, Febr. i, Catharina Schuler was buried. Born May 4, 1695, aged 77 years, 3 months and several days. 420 Church Records of Goshenhoppen ^773} J3n. 14, a child of Benjamin Schuler was burled. Born 1772, Nov. 25, aged 7 weeks. 1773, Febr. 5, a child of Johannes Hudt was buried. Born 1771, Nov. 29, aged I year, 2 months, 4 days. 1773, March 30, a son of Friedrich Mueller was buried. Born 1767, March i, aged 6 years, 4 weeks. 1773. Aug. 12, a son of Henrich Hemsig was buried. Born 1771, Jan. 30, aged 2 years and a half, 11 days. 1773, Aug. 30, a son of Ludwig Hersch was buried. Born 1773, July 21, aged 5 weeks, 4 days. 1774, Jan. 29, a son of Georg Michael Schwartz was buried. Born 1768, June 8, aged 5 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 5 days. 1774, Jan. 31, son of Andreas Werner was buried. Born 1773, Nov. 6, aged 14 months, 3 weeks, 2 days. 1774, May 21, a woman, named was buried. Born 1730, Aug. — , aged 43 years, 9 months. 1775, Jan. I, Samuel Schuler was buried. Born 1717, beginning of Feb- ruary, aged 58 years. J775, March 20, the wife of Johann Faust was buried. Born 1720, June 25, aged about 55 years. 177s, April 3, a son of Simon May was buried. Born 1752, day unknown, aged 23 years, 6 months. 1775, May 31, a daughter of Johannes Hud was buried. Born 1765, Sept. 26, aged 9 years, 9 months, 2 weeks, 4 days. 1775, Oct. 7, Mr. Roerig was buried. Born 1698, day unknown, aged about 77 years. 1775, Dec. 13, the wife of Philip Gerig was buried. Born 1696, day un- known, aged about 79 years. 1776, Febr. 24, the old Jacob Hauk was buried. Born 1690, day unknown, aged about 87 years. 1776, April 9, the old Mrs. Hud was buried. Born 1707, day unknown, aged about 76 years. 1776, June 23, the old Mrs. Mebri was buried. Born 1699, beginning of November, aged 76 years and 7 months and several weeks. 1776, Nov. 30, a son of Andreas Werner was buried. Born 1774, Febr. 1, aged 2 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 4 days. 1777, Febr. 21, a daughter of Henrich Hemstich was buried. Born 1776, May 18, aged 9 months, i day. 1777, March 21, Joh. Simon May was buried. Born 1701, beginning of April, aged 77 years. 1777, July 12, a son of Joh. Jacobus Schweissfort was buried. Born 1775, Oct. 5, aged 2 years less 3 months. Old Goshenhoppen — Burials 421 1777, Aug. II, Erhart Weis, an elder, was buried. Born 1723, Jan. 6, aged 54 years, 7 months and some days. 1777, Sept. 4, a son of Jacob Wagner was buried. Born 1777, Febr. 14 aged 6 months, 3 weeks. ' ' 1777, Sept. 6, a child of Philip Bayer was buried. Born 1777, Jan. i, aged 8 months, 9 days. 1777, Sept. 6, a child of Peter Hofstatt was buried. Born 1774, June 25, aged 3 years, 2 months and some days. 1777, Sept. 6, a daughter of Henrich Werner was buried. Born 1768, March 25, aged 9 years, 5 months, 3 weeks. 1777, Sept. 20, a child of Peter Maener was buried. Born 1776, March 10, aged I year, 4 months, 8 days. 1777, Sept. 24, a child of Ludwig Moyer was buried. Born 1776, July 28, aged I year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 2 days. 1777, Sept. 29, a son of Peter Maener was buried. Born 1761, Febr. 10, aged 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 4 days. 1777, Sept. 21, a daughter of Henrich Hut was buried. Born 1769, May 2, aged 8 years, 4 months, 3 weeks. 1777, Oct. ij, a son of Friedrich Rudi was buried. Born 1775, April 9, aged 2 years, 6 months, 8 days. 1777, Oct. 19, a child of Adam Hildebeutel was buried. Born 1773, May 21, aged 4 years, 5 months less 3 days. 1777, Dec. 13, the wife of Martin Lichtel was buried. Born 1750, Jan. 12, aged 27 years,, 11 months. 1777, Nov. 15, a daughter of the old Mr. Goetz was buried. Born 1722, Oct. 28, aged 55 years, 2 weeks, i day. 1777, Dec. 12, Antoni Lichtel was buried. Born 1702, day unknown, aged 75 years and a half. 1777, Dec. 23, the old Mr. Goetz was buried. Born 1696, day unknown, aged 81 years. 1778, Jan. 27, the wife of Johann Huepner was buried. Born 1727, Dec. 5, aged 50 years, i month, 3 weeks. 1778, Febr. 24, Catharina Kraeber was buried. Born 1709, dav unknown, aged about 68 years. 1778, June 5, a son of Joh. Nais was buried. Born 1778, April 10, aged 7 weeks, 5 days. 1778, July 23, a son of Adam Hollebusch was buried. Born 1774, July 14, aged 4 years, 9 days. 1778, July 28, the wife of Christian Hollebusch was buried. Born 1709, day unknown, aged 69 years. 1778, Aug. 3, a son of Conrad Rickard was buried; born 1775, Jan. 25, aged 3 years, 7 months. 422 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1778, Aug. 27, Christian Holiebusch was buried. Born 1718, March i, aged 60 years, 6 months, less 6 days. 1778, Nov. 18, a child of Andreas Ohl was buried. Born 1776, , aged 2 years, 8 months, 3 days. List of the dead and buried during the ministry of Friedrich Daelliker, pastor of this congregation of Old Goshenhoppen. Anno 1783. Febr. 12, Wilhelm, son of Samuel Schuler and wife Elisabeth; aged two weeks and 5 days. May 3, Johann Adam, son of Peter Minner and Barbara, his wife, aged 7 months less 7 days. July 13, Anna Maria Magdalena Wenz, wife of the late Philip Wenz ; aged 61 years, 5 months, 11 days. 1784 Jan. 15, Georg, son of Heinrich Faust and Catharina, his wife; aged 3 weeks, 3 days. Under the ministry of Frid. Wilh. v. d. Sloot. July 10, Catarina Weigant, aged 82 years, 5 months. Those persons who were buried by me, Joh. Theob. Faber, in the year 1787. Febr. 27, Elisabetha Huepner was buried; aged 33 years less i month. * April 8, the wife of Peter Hauk was buried; aged 62 years, 9 months. May 12, a negro of George Hertzel was buried; aged 19 years less a quarter. Nov. 15, a child of Jacob Gerhart was buried; aged 3 years, 3 months, 11 days. Dec. 4, the young Henrich Bok was buried; aged 21 years, 4 months, 3 days. 1788. April 17, a son of our schoolmaster, Johann Daniel Jung, was buried, named Johann Friedrich; aged 4 years, i month, 12 days. April 20, Elisabeth Bittel was buried; aged 85 years, 3 months, i day. April 21, the old Mr. Dickenschied was buried; aged about 90 years. April 29, the old Mrs. Boyer was buried; aged 78 years, 8 months, 17 days. Oct. 6, a daughter of Johann Salate was buried; aged 3 years, 11 months less 3 days. Old Goshenhoppen — Burials 423 Those persons who were buried by me, John Theo. Faber, Jr, in this congregation. 1792. June 22, a daughter of Henrich Faust was buried; aged 4 months, 1+ days A daughter of Johannes Buek was buried; aged 5 years, 8 months, 27 days. 1793- Daniel Hofman, aged 66 years. Mrs. Gemmel, aged 43 years, 8 months, 2 weeks. Old Mrs. Moy, aged 90 years. John Neise's child, aged 9 years, 7 months, 19 days. Christian Scheid's wife, aged 54 years. John Scheid's child, aged 3 years, 6 months, 3 days. John Saladay's child, aged 6 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 3 days. John Saladay's child, aged 3 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days. Jacob Weyand's child, aged 9 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 2 days. Balser Reed's child, aged 9 years, 8 months, 3 days. Ludwig Mayer, aged 69 years. Ludwig Ache's child (born 1788, May 23), aged 5 years, 4 months, 3 weeks. Ludwig Ache's child (born 1790, Febr. 20), aged 3 years, 8 months. William Anderson's child (born 1788, Febr. 12), aged 5 years, 8 months, i week, 1 day. William Anderson's child (born 1790, Aug. 5), aged 3 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 3 days. John Leets (born 1731, Aug.), aged 64 years. Vaust, a small child, a few days old. George Hertzel's child, Johannes, born 1794, Febr. 27, aged i year, 11 days. Jacob Smith, born 1757, April i, aged 38 years, 1 month less 2 days. List of those persons who were buried by me in the year 1808, June 12. Magdalena Ache, died July n, 1808, aged 3 years, 2 months, 14 days. Johann Bidding, aged about 28 years, 10 months. Scharlotte Faust, aged 41 years, 6 months, 4 days. Jacock Zinck, died Dec. 14, aged 5 months, 8 weeks. 1809 Jacob Schuler, buried Febr. 27. aged 8 years, 7 months, 3 weeks. 424 Church Records of Goshenhoppcn MARRIAGES. Those persons who were united in marriage by me, John Th. Faber, in the year 1767. 1767, Jan. 20, Bernd, son of Friedr. Goetz, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Eva Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Mack, of New Goshenhoppen. 1767, May 7, Georg, son of Johannes Mack, of New Goshenhoppen, mar- ried Elisabetha, daughter of David Martin, of the Oley Mountains. 1767, Sept. 24, Georg, son of the late Mr. Brenneholtz, of New Goshen- hoppen, married Anna Maria, daughter of Samuel Mils, of Heidel- berg township. 1768, April 14, Georg Henrich, son of the late George Schneider, of Phila- delphia, married Elisabetha, daughter of Isaac Somni, of Old Gosh- enhoppen. 1768, May 30, Henrich, son of Henrich Diets, of Upper Salford, married Catharina, daughter of the late Mr. Gerhart, of Franconia township. 1768, Sept. 15, V^alentin, son of Valentin Haak, of Lower Salford town- ship, married Maria Elisabetha, daughter of Petrus Edinger, of Lower Salford. 1768, Sept. 25, Martinus, son of Anton Lichtel, of Upper Salford, married Catharina, daughter of the late Jacob Weidmann, of Upper Salford. 1769, March 28, Wilhelmus, son of Henrich Frey, of Lower Salford, mar- ried Christina, daughter of Mr. Heineman, of Lower Salford (the father is still in Germany). 1769, May 23, Joh. Schmidt, son of the late Wilhelm Schmidt, of Falckner Swamp, married Catharine Nungasser, widow of the late Mr. Nun- gasser, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1769, Aug. 22, Christoph, son of Jacob Bruckert, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Magdalena, daughter of Georg Kuchler, of Old Goshen- hoppen. 1769, Nov. 21, Simon Crineus, widower, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Margaretha Klapper, widow, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1770, Jan. 9, Wendel, son of Wendel Wiand, of New Goshenhoppen, mar- ried Catharina, daughter of Erhart Weis, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1770, June 21, Johannes Jung (the father is still in Germany), of New Goshenhoppen, married Susanna Walder, daughter of the late Jacob Walder, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1771, April 2, Johannes, son of Friedr. Kern, married Maria Magdalena Rudi, daughter of Dietrich Rudi, of Ridgewell. 1771, June II, Philippus, son of the Georg Schambach, of Lower Salford, married Margaretha Henrich, daughter of Henrich Henrich, of Hat- field township. Old Goshenhoppen — Marriages 425 1771, Oct. 27, Jacob Elinger, widower, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Barbara Schenck, widow, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1772, April 28, Philip x\ais, son of the late Joh. Nais, of Old Goshenhop- pen, married Elisabetha Leidig, daughter of Jacob Leidig, of Fran- conia township. 1772, May 12, Adam Hiltebeutel, son of the late Martin Hiltebeutel, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Salome Klein, daughter of Johannes Klein, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1772, May 19, Jacob Gerhart, son of the late Peter Gerhart, of Franconia township, married Elisabetha Detter, daughter of Conrad Better, of Franconia township. 1772, June 2, Conrad Gerhart, son of the late Peter Gerhart, of Franconia township, married Anna Maria Nais, daughter of Johan Nais, of Falckner Swamp. 1772, Sept. 15, Benjamin Schuler, son of Samuel Schuler, of Old Goshen- hoppen, married Catharina Mincker, daughter of the late Henr. Minker, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1772, Nov. 17, Rudolph Segler, son of the late Joh. Segler, of Old Goshen- hoppen, married Catharina Wolfart, daughter of Nicolaus Wolfart, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1773, May 27, Joh. Hartenstein, son of Ludwig Hartenstein, of Old Gosh- enhoppen, married Magdalena Hollebusch, son of the late Peter Holle- busch, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1774, Jan. 4, Christian May, son of Friedrich May, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Maria Elis. Krein, daughter of the late Joh. Jacob Kien (!), of Old Goshenhoppen. 1774, Jan- 6, Andreas Ries, son of the late Henrich Ries, of Old Goshen- hoppen, married Margaretha Somni, daughter of Isaac Somni, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1774, March i, Joseph Werner, son of Joh. Werner, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Barbara Graf, daughter of Jacob Graf, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1774, March 8, Joh. Roerich, son of Nicolas Roerich, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Regina Kaemmer, daughter of the late Jacob Kaemmer, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1774, Aug. 21, Abraham Wolfart, son of Nicolaus Wolfart, of Old Gosh- enhoppen, married Anna Margr. Panebecker, daughter of Weyand Pancbecker, of New Goshenhoppen. 1775, April 4, Jacob Weiant, son of Georg Weiant, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Salome Renn, daughter of the late Michael Renn, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1775, Nov. 2, Paul Knoepper, son of the late Conrad Knoepper, of Lower Salford, married Margaretha Hollebusch, daughter of Christian Hollebusch, of Old Goshenhoppen. 426 Church Records of Goshenhoppcn 1775, Oct. 29, Hartman Keil, son of the late Adam Keil, of Franconia township, married Catharina Herschberger, daughter of Abraham Herschberger, of Franconia township. 1776, Jan. 16, Henrich Ohl, son of Andreas Ohl, of Old Goshenhopp^, married Margaretha Sitzman, daughter of Christian Sitzman, of Lower Milford township. 1776, May 7, Jacob Wagner, son of the late Michael Wagner, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Barbara Deis, daughter of the late Peter Deis, of Lower Salford. 1776, May 14, Philip Weiss, son of Erhart Weiss, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Anna Marg. Schmid, daughter of the late Henrich Schmid, of New Goshenhoppen. 1776, May 26, Abraham Graf, son of Jacob Graf, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Magd. Wagner, daughter of the late Michael Wagner, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1776, July 2, Jacob Schmidt, son of the late Henrich Schmid, of New Gosh- enhoppen, married Elisabetha Weis, daughter of Erhart Weis, of New Goshenhoppen. 1776, July 2, Jacob Schuler, of Macungie, married Elisabetha Schneider, daughter of Leonhart Schneider, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1776, Aug. 20, Joh. Hiebner, son of Joh. Hiebner, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Maria Naiman, daughter of Marcus Naiman, of Limerick township. 1776. Sept. 3, Adam Henrich, son of Joh. Henrich, of Limerick township, married Anna Maria Hollebusch, daughter of the late Peter Holle- busch, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1776, Aug. 28, Abraham Berge, son of the late Joh. Ulrich Berge, of Lower Salford, married Salome Gerges, daughter of the late Wilhelm Gerges, of Lower Salford township. 1776, Oct. 22, Joh. Nais, son of the late Joh. Nais, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Catharina Hud, daughter of Joh. Hudt, of Old Goshenhoppen, 1776, Oct. 31, Joh. Heinemann, son of the late Henrich Heinemann, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Barbara Nais, daughter of Joh. Nais, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1777, Febr. 11, Joh. Schuler, son of the late Samuel Schuler, of Old Gosh- enhoppen, married Catharina Eitemueller, daughter of Joh. Eite- mueller, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1777, Febr. 4, Jonas Schatz, son of the late Philip Schatz, of Old Goshen- hoppen, married Catharina Ried, daughter of Phil. Ried, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1777, May 25, Abraham Nais, son of the late Joh. Nais, of Old Goshen- hoppen, married Magdalena Cantes, daughter of the late Mr. Cantes, of Old Goshenhoppen. Old Goshenhoppen — Marriages 427 1777, Aug 26, Gerhart Bingeman, son of Fried. Bingeman, of Limerick townsh.p, nnarr,ed Elis. Kentel, daughter of Joseph Kentel, of Lim- encic township. ' 1777, Nov. 25, Jacob Weiss, son of the late Erhart Weiss, of Old Go.hen- sZid; TnuV^'r'r'" '''""''^' '^"^^^" ^^^ ^^e late Henrich Schmidt, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1778, March 10, Johann Gerhart, son of the late Peter Gerhart of Fran- Zt .rTnljVT'u' ^^^^^'-^ ""^-'. daughter 'of Georg Hertzel, of Old Goshenhoppen. 1778, June 9, Philip Leydich, son of the Rev. Leydich, of Frederick town- ship, married Rosina Bucher, daughter of Dietrich Bucher, of Falckner Swamp. 1779, April II, Martin Lichtel, son of the late AntonI Lichtel of Old Goshenhoppen, married Catharina Graf, daughter of Joh Graf of Upper Salford. X779, June 13, David Graf, widower, married Anna Maria Henwin widow, both of Old Goshenhoppen. 1779, October 5, Felix Leh, son of Joh. Leh, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Margaretha Tresman, daughter of the late Joh. Georg Tresman of rrovidence township. List of those persons who were united in marriage by me, Friedrich Dellicker. T782. Aug 6, Jacob Seibel, son of the late Conrad Seibel, married Anna Magda- pTm f;"' ^^"ghf" °f H^"« Adam Zern, of Malbruk (!) township, Philadelphia County. September 19, Richard Herrison, son of John Herrison, of Union township. Berks County, married Catharina Zug, daughter of Abraham Zug, of UJd Goshenhoppen. Septernber 22, Godfrid Wiseler, son of Jacob Wiseler, and Eva Catharina Weiss daughter of the late Hans Edward Weiss, both of Frederick township. 1783. Febr. 20. Peter Dinges married Maria Haas, both of Malbrouk township. May 20 Johannes Buch, son of the late Jacob Buch, married Catharina Schlotter, daughter of Wilhelm Schlotter, of Upper Salford. List of the persons who were united in marriage by me, F. W. v. d. 1784. Nov. 25 Jacob Schoet, son of Henrich Schoet, of Whitpain township, mar- ried Ehsabetha Bock, daughter of the late Peter Bock, of Marlebrucht ( !) township. 428 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1794. Aug. 23, Solomon Grimly, son of Solomon Grimly, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Hannah Druckenmiller, also of Old Goshenhoppen. Persons ^vho were united in marriage by me, Joh. Theob. Faber. 1787. Febr. 27, Joh. Gipsen married Nensi [Nancy] Mils, both of Old Gosh- enhoppen. Aug. 14, Valentin Kili, of Montgomery township, married Maria Grimli, of Old Goshenhoppen. Dec. 2, Philip Schillig, of Skippack township, married Salome Grimli, both of Old Goshenhoppen. March 11, Gabriel Schuler married Catharina Ren, both of Old Goshen- hoppen. 1788. April 15, Peter Hollebusch, of Old Goshenhoppen, married Susanna Schell, of Falkner Swamp. List of the persons who were united in marriage by me [Albert Helflfcn- stein], in the year 1808, beginning July 12th. Philip Rudi and Elisabeth Taub, Oct. 17th. LIST OF CATECHUMENS. List of those persons who were confirmed by me on April 17, 1767, in Great Swamp, they being from the Old Goshenhoppen congregation. Boys: Girls: 1. Jacob Weiant, aged 21 years i. Maria Gan, aged 20 years 2. Henrich Faust, aged 16 years 2. Sophia Jung, aged 15 years 3. Philip Nais, aged 16 years 3. Catharina Jung, aged 14 years 4. Johan Nais, aged 13 years 4. Elisabetha Kuchler, aged 16 5. Conrad Ferdinand, aged 17 years years 6. Wilhelm Antig, aged 16 years 5. Anna Marg. Hollebusch, aged 7. Hardman, aged 17 years 13 years 8. A negro, named Coff, aged 30 6. Anna Maria Faust, aged 14 years years 7. Catharina Licht, aged 14 years 8. Christina Strieker, aged 13 years Old Goshenhoppen — Catechumens 429 April 10, 1768. 1. Daniel Schambach, aged 15 years i. Margaretha Somni, aged 14 2. Peter Hollenbusch, aged 15 years years 3. Peter Schuck, aged 15 years 2. Catharina Wolfart, aged 15 years 3. Maria Elis. Kaub, aged 14 years 4. Anna Christina Laub, aged 15 years March 24, 1769. 1. Christian May, aged 131^ years i. Magd. Hollebusch, aged i^Vz 2. Joh. Sem, aged 15 years years 3. Joseph Keller, aged i^Vi years 2. Barbara Keiter, aged i^Vz years 4. Wilh. Keller, aged ij]/. years 3. Magdalena Bruckert, aged isVz 5. Alexander OhI, aged 155^ years years 6. Joh. Adam Mueller, aged 13 4. Anna Mar. Hollebusch, aged y"" liVz years 7. Joh. Ohl, aged 131^ years 5. Barbara Muck, aged 14 years May 13, 1770. 1. Jacob Weitman, aged 15 years 1. Elisabetha Weis, aged 14 years 2. Friedr. Stall, aged 15 years 2. Maria Wolfart, aged 14 years 3. An adult named Jacob Schwartz, 3. Maria Hollebusch, aged 19 years aged 27 years 4. Magdalena Keller, aged 15 years 5. Magd. Ruckstuhl, aged 15 years 6. Hanna Sibilla Muller, aged 17 years March 29, 1771. 1. Valentin Schneider, aged 17^^ i. Anna Maria Schneider, aged y*^" 19^ years 2. Ludwig Schambach, aged 15 2. Elisabetha Jung, aged 15 years , y^^" 3- Elis. Barbara Faust, aged 15 3. Wilhelm Hiester, aged 14 years years April 17, 1772. 1. Ludwig Volckert, aged 17!/^ i. Elis. Doerr, aged 15 years y"" 2. Elis. Antig, aged 18 years 2. Wilhelm Daniel Bruckert, aged 3. Cath. Faust, aged 14 years 16 years 3. George Adam Derr, aged 19 years Besides these three men. 29 430 Church Records of Goshenhoppen April 24, 1773. 1. Henrich Hersch, aged 14 years 1. Eva VVeis, aged 14 years 2. Friedr. Mueller, aged 14 years 2. Catharina Hud, 14 years 3. Jacob Muck, aged 14 years 3. Catharina Somni, aged 14 years 4. Abraham Nais, aged 17 years 4. Marg. Hertzel, aged 16 years 5. Barbara Nais, aged 15 years 6. Anna Mar. Mueller, aged 16 years April I, 1774. Boys: i. Catharina Lueck, aged 15 years 1. Felix Leh, aged 18 years 2. Catharina Hollebusch, aged 14 2. Philip Riedt, aged 13 years years 3. Baltzer Riedt, aged 16 years 4. Wilhelm Ohl, aged 16 years 5. Johann Weitman, aged 16 years April 14, 1775. 1. Joh. Weis, aged 14 years 1. Anna Maria Hersch, aged 15 2. Samuel Schuler, aged 15^ years years 3. Georg Nais, aged 16 years 2. Eva Marg. Hud, aged 14 years 3. Magdalena Jung, aged 15 years 4. Magdalena Hertzel, aged 15 years April 13, 1776. I. Nicolaus Maenner, aged 16 years i. Eva Somni, aged 15 years 2- Ohl, aged 16 years 2. Cath. Hertzel, aged 16 years 3- Bossert, aged 16 years 3. Elis. Ohl, aged 14 years April 12, 1777. 1. Georg Kerschner, aged 16 years i. Barbara Hersch, aged 15 years 2. Jacob Schreiner, aged 14 years 3. Jacob Lehe, aged 16 years April 2, 1779. 1. Margaretha Wolfart, aged 14 2. Anna Trolinger, aged 17 years years 3. Margaretha Manner, aged 15 years Old Goshenhoppen — Catechumens 431 The following children were confirmed at Old Goshenhoppen by me, Joh. Wiih. Ingold, of this congregation, from Old Goshenhoppen. April 21, Boys : Jacob Rudi, aged 17 years Philip Neumann, aged 15 years Samuel Schuler, aged 14 years Ludwig Ache, aged 18 years Jacob Schuler, aged 17 years Jacob Ache, aged 14 years Ulrich Rukstul, aged 17 years Henrich Schuler, aged 17 years From Great Swamp: Henrich Huber, aged 17 years Valentin Huber, aged 18 years Conrad Nunnbauer, aged 16 years Peter Willauer, aged 16 years Peter Samsel, aged 17 years Emanuel Hecher, aged 17 years Georg Dittlo, aged 17 years From New Goshenhoppen : Jacob Maurer, aged 19 years Joh. Nicol. Zimmermann, aged 16 years Georg Maurer, aged 16 years From Kestenberg: Jacob Huber, aged 14 years Joh. Berkenstok, aged 15 years Henrich Huber, aged 19 years 1781. 1. Catharina Rudi, aged 16 years 2. Elisabetha Neus, aged iS years 3. Susanna Dikenschid, aged 15 3. Samuel Schuler, aged 14 years years 4. Ludwig Ache, aged 18 years 4. Maria Neus, aged 16 years 5. Jacob Schuler, aged 17 years 5. Charlotta Mayer, aged 15 years 6. Jacob Ache, aged 14 years 6. Catharina Ohl, aged 14 years 7. Ulrich Rukstul, aged 17 years 7. Margaretha Doerr, aged 18 years 8. Margaretha Walliser, aged i8 years 9. Susanna Hirsch, aged 15 years 10. Anna Elisa. Wund, aged 15 years From Great Swamp: 11. Catharina Huber, aged 14 years 12. Barbara Eberhard, aged 14 years 13. Catharina Eberhard, aged 15 years 14. Anna Maria Eberhard, aged 14 years 15. Margaretha Dittlo, aged 17 years From Kestenberg: 16. Magdalena Menxel, aged 17 years 17. Barbara Stahlneker, aged 15 years 18. Maria Gock, aged 16 years 19. Fronica Huber, aged i6 years On May 26, 1782, the following were confirmed by me, Friedrich Del- licker. Christian Bidhard Heinrich Ebrecht Conrad Hut Georg Weiss Sara Ebrecht Sophia Leen Veronica Heinemann Dorothea Holdenbusch 432 Church Records of Goshenhoppen On May 24, 1783, the following were confirmed: Conrad Misnner Heinrich Bock Daniel Frej'meier Johannes Schuler Abraham Zaerckel Anna Margareth Neiss, married Magdalena Schuler Catharina Zaerkel Those persons who were confirmed by me, Joh. Theob. Faber, on April 6, 1787, here in Old Goshenhoppen: Boys: 1. Henrich Hersch, aged 14 years 2. Peter Hersch, aged 15 years 3. Adam Bickart, aged 18 j'ears 4. Peter Bock, aged 15 years 5. Bil Schuler, aged 15 years 6. Johann Ache, aged 15 years 7. Daniel Berto, aged 20 years 8. Antoni Berto, aged 15 years 9. Joh. Grimli, aged 16 years Girls: 1. Sela Grol, aged 17 years 2. Balle Rudi, aged 17 years 3. Catharina Werner, aged 17 years 4. Marg. Hertzel, aged 17 years 5. Salome Grimli, aged 18 years 6. Maria Berto, aged 17 years 7. Catharina Lichtel, aged 17 years 8. Anna Maria Zanckmeister,aged 18 years 9. Elisabetha Scholl, aged 17 years 10. Susanna Scholl, aged 17 years Those children from Old Goshenhoppen who on April 12, 1788, were confirmed by me, Joh. Theob. Faber, in the church at Great Swamp: 1. Andreas Wetknecht, aged 15 years 2. Johann Stroman, aged 17 years 3. Joh. Georg Moyer, aged 15 years 4. Martin Schmidt, aged 22 years 5. Johann Keller, aged 23 years 6. Johann Weittemayer, aged 17 years 7. David Dickenschied, aged 16 years 8. Abraham Mayer, aged 17 years 9. Solomon Grimli, aged 16 years 1. Magdalena Moyer, aged 14 years 2. Anna Maria Stroman, aged 15 years 3. Anna Marg. Coppelberger, aged 16 years 4. Margaretha Wentz, aged 15 years 5. Magdalena Eckli, aged 15 years 6. Christina Mayer, aged 17 years 7. Catharina Eckli, aged 15 years 8. Catharina Groll, aged 16 years 9. Magdalena Grimli, aged 16 years Old Goshenhoppen — Catechumens 433 lo. Abr. Bingeman, aged 18 years lo. Elisabeth Reimer, aged 19 years 11. Anna Maria Lein, aged 15 years 12. Elis. Zaerkel, aged 18 years 13. Marg. Zaerkel, aged 16 years Those persons who on March 29, 1793, were confirmed by me, Joh. Faber, in Old Goshenhoppen: No boys Girls: Catharina Strohman, aged 17 years Catharina Weyer, aged 16 years Catharina Schweifort, aged 16 years Catharina Lichti, aged 16 years Magdalena Brickert, aged 16 years Magdalena Sassaman, aged 17 years Those children of this congregation who on Easter Sunday, 1794. were confirmed in New Goshenhoppen by me, Joh. Faber: Boys : 1. Jacob Maenner, aged 15 years 2. Christian Reifinger, aged 15 years 3. John Copelberger, aged 16 years Girls: 1. Catharina Reifinger, aged 17 years 2. Sophia Schmit, aged 18 years 3. Elisabetha Galester, aged 19 years Those children of this congregation who on Easter Sunday of 1795 were confirmed in Great Swamp by me, Joh. Faber: Boys: 1. Philip Bauman, aged 17 years 2. Conrad Bickhard, aged 16 years 3. John Hildebeutel, aged 22 years 4. Abraham Hildebeutel, aged 20 years 5. Michael Wagner, aged 17 years 6. Daniel Hildebeutel, aged 21 years 7. Conrad Geist, aged 21 years 8. Philip Fries, aged 21 years Girls: 1. Mary Hildebeutel, aged 19 years 2. Elisabetha Hildebeutel, aged 17 years 3. Mary Hildebeutel, aged 17 years 4. Susanna Kiehler, aged 19 years 5. Margaretha Geist, aged 18 years 6. Elisabetha Geist, aged 17 years 7. Catharina Geist, aged 15 years 8. Catharina Bruch, aged 16 years 434 Church Records of Goshenhoppen LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. Names of those who after preceding preparation partook of the Lord's Supper, administered by me, Fr. V. d. Sloot, on June 7, 1813: I. Johann Hildebeutcl 27. Catharina Graff 2. Georg Herzel 28. Johann Berns 3. Balthasar Ried 29. Elisabeth Grimli 4. Elisabeth, his wife 30. Hanna Grimli 5. Johann Keller 31- Elis. Fillmann 6. Ulrich Herzel 32. Maria Hering 7. Heinrich Reifinger 33- Christina Leistern 8. Philip Ried 34- Elisabeth Weidmann 9. Wilhelm Endersen 3S- Barbara Scheid 10. Friedrich Rudy 36. Anna Hoi 11. Heinrich Keller 37- Sarah Jacoby 12. Margareth, his wife 38- Elisabeth Scheid 13. Salome Grimli 39- Nathan Schue 14. Hanna, his wife 40. Christina Fridemann 15. Johann Kuppelberger 41. Catharina Schrifli 16. Johann Hederich 42. Gertraud Klein 17. Jesse Schmidt 43- Sarah Reichart 18. Elisabeth, his wife 44. Maria Schwenk 19. Peter Faust 45- Magd. Pannbecker 20. Elisabeth, his wife 46. Nathan Schw^enk 21. Heinrich Pickhart 47- Magdalena Wambold 22. Abraham Kuppelberger 48. Salome Barns 23. Henrich Hauk 49. Elisabeth Schmidt 24. Conrad Koler 50. Elisabeth Zink 25. Isaac Herzel 51- Nathan Baumann 26. Jacob Ried 52. Susanna Neiss Names of those who commenced on October 16, 1813, after preceding preparation: 1. Ulrich Herzel 11. Susanna Klein 2. Philip Ried 12. Barbara Meier 3. Heinrich Pickhard 13. Margareta Hummel 4. John Schuler 14. Sophia GroU 5. George Pickhard 15. Maria Herzel 6. Andreas Achi i6. Maria Schuler 7. Sophia Achi 17. Margaretha Faust 8. Margareta Kraus 18. Margareta Scholl 9. Anna Pickhard 19. Ego [I, Fr. v. d. Sloot] 10. Catarina Klein Old Goshenhoppen — Communicants 435 On April 23, 1814, the following appeared at the preparatory services: 1. Johann Neiss 2. Georg Herzel 3. Jacob Neiss 4. Johann Keller 5. Ulrich Herzel 6. Johann Achi 7. Wilh. Enderson 8. Heinrich Hauk 9. Balthasar Ried 10. Heinrich Strohmann 11. Michael Ziegler 12. Johann Christmann 13. George Wunderlich 14. Henrich Hutter 15. Margaretha, mother 16. Fridrich Rudi 17. Fridrich Scholl 18. Jacob Ried 19- Andreas Achi 20. Daniel Hauk 21. Konrad Kichler 22. Joseph Kichler 23. Henrich Hauk 24. Hanna, his wife 25. Philip Christmann 26. Elisabeth, his wife 27. Jesse Schmidt 28. Elisabeth, his wife 29. Nathan Klein 30. Johann Neiss 31. Debora, his wife 32. Margareth Neiss 33. Maria Miller 34. Elisabeth Ried 35. Jacob Ruckstuhl 36. Elis. Weidemeier 37. Barbara Achi 38. Sophia, the daughter 39. Catharina Wunderlich 40. Michael Herzel 41. Salome Krimli 42. Hanna, his wife 43. Elisabeth, the mother 44. Christian Oister 45. Barbara Scheid 46. Sara Reichert 47. Sara Jacobi 48. Elisabeth Schmidt 49- Sara Hauk 50. Nathan Nieler 51. Catharina Baumann 52. Maria Schuler 53. Nathan Gatter 54- Magdalena Wambold 55. Elisabeth Neiss 56. Magd. Koppelbergcr 57. Marg. Faust 58. Salome Banz 59- Ego, Fr. W. v. d. Sloot 60. Will. Neiss. Names of the communicants of Sept. 18, 1814 1. Christian Pickhard 2. Friedrich Rudi 3- John Salledy 4. Christian May 5. George, his son 6. Caspar, his son 7- John Hauk 8. Elisabeth, his wife 9. George Kolb 10. Catharina, his wife 11. George Herzel 12. Samuel Scholl 13. Georg Neiss 14. Catharina Taub 15. Catharina Groll 16. Margareth Nees 436 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 17. Katharina Kob 18. Maria Heering 19. Elis. Schmidt Names of those who appeared at the 1. Susanna Neiss 2. Johan Keller 3. Balthasar Ried 4. Elisabeth, his wife 5. Jacob Schmidt 6. Gertrud Klein 7. Ulrich Herzel 8. Wilhelm Schuler 9. Samuel Schuler 10. Catharina, his daughter 11. Margareth Lang 12. Johann Schuler 13. Samuel Schuler 14. Georg Neiss 15. Henrich Pickhard 16. Philip Ried 17. John Christman 18. Samuel Geissinger 19. John Endres 20. Michel Scholl 21. Michel Heffelinger 22. Isaac Grimli 23. John Grimli 24. Michel Koppelberger 25. Magdalena Koppelberger 26. Elisabeth Koppelberger 27. Henrich Hukker 28. David Salady 29. John Ruckstuhl 30. Jesse Schmidt 31. Elis. Salady 32. Jonas Wollfahrt 33. Johannes Schmidt Names of the communicants on Oct 1. John Ried 2. John Hukker 3. John Barns 4. Katharina Acker 5. Katharina Meier 20. Sophia Groll 21. Ego, V. der Sloot preparatory services, April 15, 1815; 34. Andreas Achi 35. Sophia Achi 36. Elisabeth Wollfahrt 37. Elisabeth Ganz 38. Margareth Neiss 39. Sara Boms 40. Barbara Scheid 41. Elisabeth Sellers 42. Maria Zepp 43. Sara Reicher 44. Susanna Klein 45. Katharina Herzel 46. Elisabeth Kraus 47. Elisabeth Kraus 48. Maria Pannebecker 49. Susanna Ried 50. Elisabeth Zink 51. Kathar. Schwenk 52. Maria Herzel 53. Peter Weil 54. Katharina Weil 55. Elisabeth Scheldt 56. Maria Enderson 57. Susanna Baumann 58. Margaretha Scholl 59. Catharina Baumann 60. Catharina Geier 61. Christina Baumann 62. Rachel Scheitel 63. Ego [v. der Sloot] 64. Marg. Hukker 65. George Herzel, Esq. 66. Jesse Schillich 12, 1815: 6. Maria Heering 7. Elisabeth Schmidt 8. Margareth Keppel 9. Elisabeth Fried CHURCH RECORD OF THE GREAT SWAMP REFORMED CONGREGATION, LOWER MILFORD TOWNSHIP, LEHIGH CO., PA., 1736-1833. Translated by Prof. Wi\i. J. Hinke, Ph.D. Church Record of the Christian Congregation at Great Swamp, In which are recorded: First, the articles of the Christian Church Order, which this Congregation (together with others in this land) has adopted. Secondly, the names of the children that have been baptized, their parents and their sponsors. The beginning was made in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1736, the 24th of April. Joh. Henricus Goetschius, V. D. M. Helvetico-Tigurinus. Memorandum of the Articles of the Church Order. I. Four elders, honorable men, who have a good report among their neighbors, shall be named by the minister and be elected by the majority of the voters. Each shall remain in office for two years. The Duty of the Elders shall be: a. To exercise good oversight over the members of the congregation and to make known everything disorderly, (i) to the minister alone; (2) to the minister and the other elders; {3) to the whole congregation, if the first and second admonition had no effect, in order that those who give public offense may not be tolerated in the congregation of God. 437 43^ Church Records of Goshenhoppen b. The youngest of them shall take up the collection for one year, the next to the youngest the following year, at every divine service. One of thenn shall collect the amount and keep it faithfully until the time of accounting, which shall take place every half year before the whole con- gregation. Expenditure of the Alms. The collections or alms shall be expended as follows: a. They shall be applied to needy persons who may be in or outside of the congregation. b. To the church or schoolhouse, if there is anything to improve or to build. c. For bread and wine at the communion service. Or whatever else may be found to be a necessary expenditure in the judgment of the Christian congregation. The Second Article, regarding the Congregation: 1. Every one who confesses the Evangelical Reformed religion and wishes to belong to this congregation shall make a solemn vow before God and men, and faithfully promise by the signature of his own name, that he and his household will be obedient to every divine ordinance. Other- wise he shall not be regarded as a Christian member, but shall be ex- cluded from all gifts and privileges which the members of this congrega- tion enjoy. 2. Each one shall contribute every year, according to his pleasure and ability, whatever will be necessary for the maintenance of the divine worship. 3. Should any member or those of his family lead offensive lives and will not show amendment of life through the preaching of God's Word or private admonition, he can expect exclusion from the Lord's Supper and even from the congregation. EBERHART, ELISABETHA, da. of Joseph Eberhart and Catherine, his^ wife, born June 2, 1742, bapt. July 18; sponsors, Joseph Zimmerman and wife Maria Elisabetha. RIDY, CONRAD, son of Jacob Ridy and Maria Elifabetha, his wife, b. Oct. 19, 1747; sponsors, Conrad Zimmerman, Dieter Mombauer, Anna Maria Schwenck, Margaretha Zimmerman. BRAUN, EVA CATHERINE, da. of Michael (!) Braun and Agnes, his wife, born Febr. 2, 1739; sp., Catharine Heist. BRAUN, J. GEORG, son of Jacob Braun and Agnes, his wife, b. Jan. 30, 1742; sp., Georg Heist. BRAUN, MATHYS, son of Jacob Braun and Agnes, his wife, b. July 10, 1744; sp., Mathys Nuss (?) and Catharine, his wife (?) Great Swamp — Baptisms 439 Names of the parents, children and sponsors. A. 1736 [baptized by John H. Goetschy]. Children Parents Sponsors April 24. Joseph Joseph Eberhard, Cath- arina, his wife Joseph Zimmerman Abraham Christian Willauer, Catrina, his wife Abraham Penny Anna Margreth Peter Titer, Anna the mother herself, Margreth Anna Marg. Titer Anna Margreth Valentin Keiser, Agnes Lorentz Erb, Anna Margreth Anna Margreth Jacob Wezel, Anna Michael Eberhart and Barbara wife Anna Sibilla Michael Kohler, Si- billa Peter Walper, Sibilla October 31, Anna Maria Georg German, Bar- Mathias Ox, Anna bara Maria, his wife Eva Catrina Georg Kunz, Anna Leonhardt Ox, Anna Catrina Catrina April n. A. 1737. Fridrich Joh. Georg Margsta- Fridrich Margstaler, ler, Anna Margretha Anna Barbara Eva Margreth Christian Willauer, Michael Eberhardt and Eva Catrina Margreth October 3. Joh. Jacob Michael Kehler, Si- Jacob Wezel, Eva billa Barbara Febr. 28. A. 1738. Felix Jacob Dups, Froneka Felix Brunner, Bar- [Veronica] bara Anna Margreth Michael Eberhardt, Anna Margreth Brun- Anna Margreth ner, daughter of Fe- lix Brunner Anna Maria William Eich, Mag- Mathias Ox, Anna dalena Maria [Entries by the Rev. George Michael Weiss, 1748-1751.] Ludwig Rippel, Sy- billa Maria J. Erhardt J. Erhardt Roos, Ma- ria Eva 440 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents February 12, 1749. Georg (?) March 5th [1749]. David Streib, Su- sanna Caspar Ritter, Anna Maria November 24, 1748. Georg Klein, Maria Catharina March 26th [1749]. Georg Hercker (?), Magdalena J. Schaut, Sybilla Catharina April i6th [1749]. Georg Bernhardt Rim, Anna Maria May 7th [1749]. Joseph Zimmerman, Elisabetha Franz Michel Bis- choff, Maria Eva June i6th [1749]. J. Henerich Matzinger, Anna Clara July 30th [1749]. J. Grisemer, Anna Maria J. Bernhardt Roos, Maria Eva August i8th [1749]. Ullrich Rieser, Anna Barbara August 20th [1749]. Wilhelm Mack, Maria Lisa Children J. Michel Veronica J. Martin J. Henrich Anna Rosina Lena Catharina J. Adam Andres David, Anna Lisa Sponsors J. Michel Eberhardt, Anna Maria Wetzel Ullrich Spinner, Us- sula Martin Ritter, Maria Gretha Jest Henrich Sasse- manshausen, Anna Sybilla, Catharina Wahverd Franz Roos, Anna Rosina Roos Peter Wetzel, Lena Catharina Keiber J. Adam Schneider and wife Anna Elisa Baltzer Baltzer Gering, Cath- arina Eberhardt Catharina Joseph Eberhardt, Catharina Susanna Else J. Jost Ohlwil, Anna Eva Felix Felix Brunner, Anna Barbara J. Daniel J. Daniel Kober, Ma- ria Eva Andres Greber, Gretha Greber Anna Lisa Zimmer- mann, David Streib, Susanna Great SwatJip — Baptisms 441 Parents Children Jacob Schmidt, Elisa- Jacob betha September 8th [1749]. Michel Keiber, Mag- Maria Elisa dalena November 13th [1749]. J. Daniel Kober, Ma- J. Erhardt ria Eva Michel Jung, Maria J. Jacob Adelheidt December 24th [1749]. Valentin Roth, Maria Abraham Margaretha March i8th [1750]. Jacob Mathys, Su- Barbara sanna Nicolaus Mombauer, J. Philip Magdalena Theobald Breuchler, J. Michel Anna Maria 1744, April 5th Jacob Dubs, Veronica Barbara 1746 Jacob Dubs, Veronica Margaretha 1748, October 28th. Jacob Dubs, Veronica Daniel 1750, October i6th. Jacob Dubs, Veronica Eiisabetha 1750, Nov. 4th. Jacob Buss, Catharina Christina 1751, June 2nd. Ullrich Rieser, Bar- Casper bara Adam Drumpf (?), J. Jacob Anna Maria Sponsors Mathys Ochs, Anna Maria Daniel Heller, Maria Eiisabetha Keiber J. Erhardt Gros, Ma- ria Eva J. Jacob Guckerdt, Margretha Abraham Kreider, Anna Margaretha Jacob Wetzel, Bar- bara Wetzel J. Philip Vaclcendael, Maria Catharina Mombauer Leonhardt Bock, Chris- tina Bock, Michel Schwenck, Elisa Samsel Jacob Wetzel, Bar- bara Wetzel Anna Maria Wetzler Daniel Chrlstmann, Margaretha Eiisabetha Huber Melchior Wecher, Christina Wecher Caspar Holzhausen, Margaretha Holz- hausen Jacob Wetzel, Anna Barbara 442 Church Records of Goshenhoppcn Children who were baptized by me, J. T. Faber. Parents Children Sponsors Christofel Reiter Anna Maria, 1766, Johannes Klein and Jacob Peiffer Michael Eberhard Simon Walder Johannes Jacob Stahl Nicolaus Schubing Jacob Bischof Martin Sax Christian Willauer Joh. Nicolaus Faust Benjamin Somer Henrich Bitting Philip Seller Rudolf Frick Jacob Keller Peter Wetzel Bernhart Kaufman Georg SchiJtz Peter Eberhard Georg Meyer wife Georg Stallenecker and wife Anna Maria Bleiler Nov. 19 Maria Elisabetha, 1767, Jan. 2 Anna Maria, 1766, Dec. 29 Johannes Jacob, 1767, Johann Jacob Keller Febr. 8 and wife Johan Georg, 1766, Joh. Georg Stahl and Dec. 6 wife Jacob, 1767, May 14 Holshauser and wife Catharina, 1767, Sept. Daniel Hister and 3 wife Johannes Stofel, 1767, Stofel Sax, Marga- Oct. 31 retha Huber, da. of Henrich Huber Anna Catharina, 1767, Christian Willauer Nov. I and wife Anna Margaretha, Susanna Mathes 1767, Nov. I Maria Margaretha, Henrich Hersch and 1767, Nov. 18 wife Henrich, Eva, 1767, Andrew Greber and Nov. 15 wife Abraham, 1767, Aug. the father 30 Anna, 1768, Jan. 26 Rudolph Hupper and wife Anna Barbara, 1768, Simon Walter and Febr. 5 wife Anna Barbara, 1768, Christian Mueller and Febr. 9 wife Leonhart, 1768, Jan. 4 Lenert Ochs and wife Georg Ludwig, 1768, Georg Ziegenfuss and March 25 wife Conrad, 1768, March Conrad Reiswig, .Anna 4 Maria Luni Magdalena, 1760, Jan. Nicolaus Mumbauer II and wife Great Swamp — Baptisms 443 Parents Jacob Reibcr Peter Weber Jacob Holshauser Henrich Betz Job, Maurcr Valendin Hupper Peter Strein ^"^■'^■■en Sponsors Christophorus, 1768, Stoffel Ott. Elisabetha March 12 Bayer Maria Catharina, Velten [Valentin] 1768, Apr. IS Lieser and wife Susanna. 1768, May 4 Jacob Danckel and wife Henrich, 1767, Nov. 8 Henrich Haas, Elisa- betha Reinhart Anna Maria, 1768, Michael and June 5 ,^;fe Anna Barbara, 1768, Philip Heger and Aug. 23 ^vife Anna Margaretha, Joh. Georg Ziegen- , f .,. , '768, July 21 fuss and wife a fo^ndhng was bap- Anna Elisabetha, Henrich Hupper and \T i"j- T^- , ^''^^' wife Valendin Dickenschidt Anna Maria, 1768, Michael Ried and ^<*^- ^ wife Anna xMaria Job. Jacob, 1768, Dec. Georg Schiitz and '*■ wife Elisabetha, 1769, Jacob Zimmerman, ^J^^'""^ ' Elisabeta Wagner Elisabetha, 1769, Jan. Jacob Keller and wife 22 Abraham, 1769, Jan. Jacob Stollenecker, . j^ Anna Elis. Reinhold Adam, 1769, Jan. 15 Adam Willauer and wife Petrus, 1769, Febr. 17 Petrus Lien and wife Georg Ziegenfus Philip Heger Joseph Eberhardt Simon Walder Christian Willauer Felix Lien Henrich Bleiler Joh. Umstaet Abraham Dittlo Petrus Schuler Jacob Mayer Daniel Frick Daniel, 1769, March i Petrus Bleiler and wife Elisabetha, 1769, Febr. Georg Philip Dill and ^ wife Abraham, 1769, March David Levi and wife 12 Catharina Barbara, Fried. Delb and wife 1769, March 30 Catharina, 1769, joh. Steinman March 30 Anna Maria, 1769, Johannes Hellicas and May 30 ,^ife 444 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents Christoph Henrich Jacob Weil Jacobus Hupper Henrich Bitting Henrich Ott Joh. Nicolaus Diets. Jacob Kehler Georg Schiitz Georg Steiner Fried. Diell Petrus Linn Joh. Cock Peter Eberhart Michael Hellicas Rudi Huper Peter Wetzel Mathias Sax Reinhart Kaufmann Simon Walter Georg Stiehl Jacobus Reibcr Andreas Walb Children Joh. Jacobus, 1769, June 3 Joh. Jacobus, 1769, July 8 Anna Eva, 1769, July 16 Ludwig, 1769, Sept. 28 Susanna, 1769, Nov. 28 Maria Evaj 1769, Dec. 22 Anna Elisabetha, 1769, Dec. 15 Joh. Georg , 1770, March i Susanna, 1769, Oct. 25 Jacobus, 1770, Jan. 7 Gertrude, 1770, March 23 Elisabeth, 1770, Febr. 6 Christina, 1770, Apr. 30 Rebecca, 1770, Apr. 3 Joh. Petrus, 1770, June 2 Anna Catharina, 1770, June 13 Michael, 1770, Aug. 13 Joh. Jacobus, 1770, Aug. II Anna Eva, 1770, Sept. 24 Joh. Jacobus, 1770, Dec. 4 Anna Margretha, 1770, Nov. 8 Anna Maria, 1770, Oct. 24 Sponsors Joh. Jacob Erdman, Margretha Bischof Jacobus Hupper and wife Nicolaus Samsel, Anna Eva Stallenecker Ludwig Bitting and wife Joh. Georg Ziegen- fuss and wife Franz Michael Bischof and wife Christoph Ott, Anna Elis. Dups Georg Ziegenfuss and wife Susanna Reiswig and Jonas Petri Jacob Spiner and wife Carolus Fred. Sili, Gertrude Cok Joh. Schmidt and wife Johannes Segler and wife Jacob Geri and wife Henrich Huper and wife Joseph Eberhard and wife Michael Breuchler, Catharina Sax Jacob Eberhart and wife Eva Olewein Jacob Holtzhauser and wife Fried. Mueller, Eva Margaretha Peter Eberhart and wife Great Swamp — Baptisms 445 Parents Henrich Mueller Peter Strein Peter Samsel Joh. HelHcas Georg Mack Joh. Nicolaus Faust Nicolaus Samsel Christoffel Sax Henrich Bleiler Philip Heger Michael Hellicas Balzer Stiehl Joseph Eberhart Jacob Maxel Jacob Holtzhausen Henrich Bitting Adam Romich Jacob Kehler Peter Wetzel Henrich Alles Joh. Neukomcr 30 Children Sponsors Susanna, 1770, Nov. Jacob Danckel and 13 wife Elisabeth, 1771, Jan. Peter Wetzel and 26 wife Abraham, 1771, Febr. Abraham Dittlo and 26 wife Joh. Georg, 1771, Georg Horlacher and Febr. 28 wife Elisabetha, 1771, Philip Mumbauer, Febr. 7 Elisabeth Neukomer Elisabetha , 1771, Caspar Berret and Febr. 15 wife Catharina, 1771, June Elisabetha Samuel 18 Elis. Margretha, 1771, Martin Sax and wife Aug. 15 Johannes, 1771, Aug. Petrus Bleiler 25 Joh. Petrus, 1771, Nov. Valentin Huper and 5 wife Johannes, 1772, Jan. Johannes Hellicas i6 and wife Joh. Abraham, 1771, Abraham Stahl and Nov. 29 wife Susanna, 1772, March Peter Eberhart and 5 wife Johannes, 1772, May 4 Jacob Eberhart and wife Maria Barbara, 1772, Georg Stahl and wife March 23 Johannes, 1771, June Joh. Jost and wife 24 Jacobus, 1772, March Michael Helligas 12 Joh. Jacobus, 1772, Jacob Stohlenecker, Oct. 26 Magdalena Weis Joh. Georgus, 1772, Joh. Georg Ziegenfuss Nov. 9 and wife Maria Elisabetha, Elisabeth Neukomer, 1772, Sept. 6 David Gangewer Joh. Georgus, 1772, Georg Blanck and Oct. 24 wife 446 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents Abraham Bachman Abraham Dittio Peter Ebcrhart Andreas Walp Georg Hoerner Peter Hogerberg Georg Sticl Jost Leobald Joh. Stocr Jacob Dorwart Henrich Ott Mich. HelHgas Christoffel Ott Baltzer StichI Conr. Worman Nicolaus Faust Adam Willauer Adam Ranch Joh. Ohlinger Peter Hagenberg Children Sponsors Elisabetha, 1772, Oct. Peter Gottel and wife 21 Elisabetha, 1773, Febr. David Levi and wife 7 Abraham, 1773, March Joseph Eberhart and 24 wife Joh. Jacobu?, 1773, Jacob Walp, Eva March 31 Schlieger Anna Maria, 1773, Jacob Weis, Maria Apr. 8 Roeder Joh. Petrus, 1773, Peter Wetzel and June 22 wife Elisabetha, 1773, June Theob. Franck, Elisa- 3 beta Berger Anna Maria, Marga- Philip Mumbauer, retha, 1773, June 12 Anna Maria Dittio, Joh. Maurer and wife Joh. Rosina, 1773, Leonhart Beutelman Febr. 7 and wife Eva Barbara, 1773, Barbara Spiner Sept. 9 Anna Eva, 1773, Aug. Jacob Kehler and wife II Elisabetha, 1773, Nov. Adam Geri, Elisa- 1 betha Neukomer Anna Catharina, 1774, Henr. Huper, Catha- Jan. 16 rina Ott Johannes, 1773, Dec. Joh. Helligas and wife 31 Johannes, 1774, Febr. Catharina Funk 8 Henricus, 1774, Jan. Hen. Matheus and 24 \vife Eva Jacobina, 1774, Feli.x Linn and wife Jan. 13 Catharina, 1774, March Melchior Knople and 19 wife Johannes, 1774, March Henr. Ott and wife 20 Johannes, 1774, Aug. Valentin Huper and 27 wife Great Swamp — Baptisms 447 Parents Felix Linn Henr. Bleiler Abraham Bachman Jacob Dorwort Jost Leopold Georg Stiel Joh. Helligas Henr. Bitting Joh. Nicol Samsel Daniel Dups Mich. Helligas Jacob Kehler Adam Romich Fried. Delp Jacob Rauber Conr. Worman Georg Mack Joh. Jacobi Joh. Kocken Doctor Lin Conr. Worman Philip Mumbauer Children Johannes, 1774, June 20 Anna, 1774, July 30 Johannes, 1774, June 30 Elisabetha, 1775, Apr. 12 Job. Daniel, 1775, March 26 Anna Maria, 1775, June 21 Catharina, 1775, June 3 Anna Margaretha, 177s, May 15 Johannes, 1775, Sept. II Johannes, 1775, Sept. 7 Michael, 1775, Nov. IS Eva Sibilla, 1775, Sept. 27 Joh. Adam, 1776, Febr. 10 Anna Margreta, 1776, March 19 child, 1776, May 18 Maria, 1775, Aug. 4 Susanna, 1776, June 3 Daniel, 1776, Aug. 2 Anna Maria, 1776, Aug. 5 Jonathan, 1776, Aug. 21 Andreas, 1776, Dec. 22 Johannes, 1777, Jan. Sponsors Joh. Linn and wife Anna Mad. Bleiler Joh. Halteman, Mar- garetha Schmid Daniel Dups and wife Daniel Lambrecht and wife Maria Christina Dall- man Michael Helligas and wife Anna Marg. Mum- bauer Michael Ott, Elisabeth Huper Martin Schwarz Joh. Cunius and wife Eva Stollenecker Christian Mueller and wife Wilhelm Rieser and Anna Margaretha Doerr Jacob Koehler and wife the parents Georg Hoerner and wife Peter Eberhart and wife Georg Rumfeld, Anna Maria Mueller Adam Willauer and wife the father Valentin Huper and wife 448 Church Records of Goshcnhoppeu Parents Adam Willauer Henr. Bleilcr Georg Dill Henrich Ott Joh. Halteman Georg Worman Ludwig Nuspickel Daniel Dups Joh. Olinger Jacobus Wolff Peter Weber Christofel Reitenauer Peter Schmidt Georg Helligas Georg Mack Joh. Linn Joh. Linn Georg Math. Kolb Joseph Eberhart Mich. Helligas Joh. Adam Geri Adam Romich Children Sponsors Maria Elis., 1777, Apr. Joh. Lin and wife 25 Lazarus, 1777, Jan. 21 Peter Bleiler Henrich, 1776, Nov. 7 Henr. Wenig and wife Johannes, 1777, Apr. 7 Jacob Kehler and wife Elisabeta, 1776, Sept. 5 Johannes Neukomcr and wife Magdalena, 1777, June Magdalena Worman 14 Ludwig, 1774, Nov. I the parents Anna Maria, 1777, Anna Maria Schwenk June 17 Joh. Jacobus, 1777, Christoffel Ott and May 4. wife Anna Maria, 1777, Joh. Hauser and wife June 17 Anna Barbara, 1777, Valentin Huper and July I wife Joh. Adam, 1777, Apr. Adam Willauer and 13 wife Catharina, 1770, July Peter Linn and wife 25 Anna Margaretha, Nicol. Goery and wife 1777, Oct. 5 Maria Eva, 1777, Oct. Cathar. Willauer 3 Johannes, 1772, Febr. Joh. Schmidt and wife 17 Elisabetha, 1777, Nov. Joh. Stahl and wife 29 Elisabetha, 1777, Dec. Elis. Weickert, Henr. 7 Schmidt Daniel, 1778, Jan. 17 Michael Eberhart and wife Eva, 1777, Dec. 20 Georg Horlacher and wife Barbara, 1778, Jan. 12 Jacob Geri and wife Barbara, 1778, March Joh. Theob. Faber 25 and wife Great Szvamp — Baptisms 449 Parents Henr. Bitting Joh. Jacobi Christofel Ott Georg Schiitz Jacob Do€rr Jacob Dueckcr Jacob Dorwart Philip Mumbauer Andreas Walb Conr. Worman Petrus Eberhart Gcorg Worman Valentin Beutelman Fried. Diel Daniel Dups Jacob Wolf Georg Hoerner Jacob Wittmer Fried. Weitman Joh. Linn Ludwig Nuspickel Jacob Rauber Children .Sponsors Andreas, 1778, Apr. 23 Andreas Greber and wife Elisabetha, 1778, Aug. Elis. Jacobi 30 Johannes, 1778, Sept. 7 Rudi Huper and wife Catharina, 1778, Nov. Georg Lang and wife 15 Michael, 1778, Oct. 20 Michael Doerr and Elis. Mueller Cath. Dorothea, 1778, Margretha Bayer Aug. 31 Daniel, 1778, Dec. 31 Daniel Doerr and wife Elisabetha, 1778, Jan. Ursula Spinner 9 Johannes, 1778, Dec. Joh. HelHgas and II wife Joh. Henricus, 1779, Michael Worman Jan. 30 Johannes, David, Jacob Kehler and 1779, Jan. 15 wife, the parents Maria, 1779, May 12 Henr. Ott and wife Johannes, 1779, Jan. Joh. Jacobi and wife 31 David, 1779, Apr. 10 David Spiner, Cath. Gaeri Joh. Jacobus, 1779, Jacob Dillinger and June 21 wife Jacobus, 1779, July 7 Henr. Huper and wife Petrus, 1779, July i Peter Eberhart and wife Elisabetha, 1779, July Philip Lar and wife 30 Johannes, 1779, Sept. 9 Henr. Bitting and wife Jacobus, 1779, Sept. i Adam Willauer and wife Susanna, 1777, July 30 Barbara Faber Catharina, 1779, Oct. Dorothea Bayer, 27 widow 450 Church Records of Goshenhoppen [Baptisms entered by various hands following the removal of the Rev. John Theobald Faber, September, 1780, to August, 1781.] Parents Children Sponsors Simon Walter Elisabetha, 1780, Sept. Jacob Keller and wife 18 Henrich Bleyler and Thomas, b. 1780, Dec. Valentin Huber and wife Susana 22, bap. 1782, March wife Barbara 15 Theobald Samuel and Joh. Jacob, b. 1780, Job. Jacob Lang, Anna Oct. 8, bap. 1781, Marg. Lang, single Febr. 6 Joh. Adam, 1780, Oct. Peter Theis and wife 8 Elisabeth Peter Smith and wife Anna Elisabetha, b. Christian Deily and 1780, Oct. 13, bap. wife Anna Maria 1781, Jan, 14 Johannes, 1780, Nov. Joh. Cunius and wife 25 Catarina Susanna, b. 1780, Aug. Christian Sneider and 9, bap. 1781, March wife Susanna wife Maria Adam Rotenberger eter Sr Maria Elias Kuter Christoph Reitenaur and wife Anna Maria Friedrich Weidman and wife Margareth Valentin Beidelman and wife Elisabeth Joh. Henrich, b. 1781, Henrich Bitting and Febr. 3, bap. 1781, wife Eva March 18 Daniel, b. 1781, Apr. Joh. Jacobi and wife 6, bap. 1781, Aug. Anna Philip Mumbauer and Magdalena, b. 1781, wife Barbara May 19, bap. 1781, July 22 Friedrich Diel and Abraham, b. 1781, wife Susanna Febr. 29, bap. 1781, July 22 Nicolaus Mumbauer and wife Magda- lena, grandparents David Spinner, single Record of the children who received Holy Baptism from me, Friedrich Delliker, in this congregation of Great Swamp, 1782. Peter, b. Oct. 16, 1781, Hannes Crisemer, Peter Eberhard, So- bap. March 10, '82 Catharine, his wife phia, his wife Anna Maria, b. Oct. Michael Hillegas, George Hillegas, Elis- 16,1781, bap. March Catharine, his wife beth, his wife 10 Margreth, b. Jan. 7, Johannes Dickert, Dorothea Beyer 17S1, bap. March 10 Elisabeth, his wife Great Swamp — Baptisms 451 Children Sophia, b. Oct. 25, 1781, bap. March lo Peter, b. Febr. 9, '82, bap. March 30 Adam, b. Febr. 27, bap. March 30 Elisabeth, b. Febr. 17, bap. March 30 Jacob, b. Febr. 3, bap. Apr. 21 Catharina, b. Febr. 28, bap. Apr. 21 M. Barbara, b. Febr. 12, bap. Apr. 21 Peter, b. Jan. 5, bap. May 12 M. Elisabeth, b. March 28, bap. May 12 Anna Maria, b. May 23, bap. June 23 Magdalena, b. Aug. 20, bap. Oct. 27 A. Margreth, b. Oct. 23, bap. Dec. 8 Jacob, b. Aug. 2, bap. Dec. 29 Daniel, b. Dec. 24, 1781, bap. Jan. 19, '83 Cath. Elisabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1781, bap. Jan. 17 Elisabeth, b. Dec. 15, 1781, bap. Jan. 17 Conrad, b. Dec. 18, 1782, bap. March 2 Elisabeth, b. Jan. 27, bap. Apr. 13 M. Barbara, b. Mar. 31, bap. Apr. 13 Parents Peter Hackenburger and wife Elisabeth Hannes Linn and wife Anna Maria Joseph Eberhard and wife Catharina Jacob Huber and wife Anna Maria Georg Reichenbach and wife Catharina Michel Doerr and wife Maria Margareth Sebastian Wendly and wife Barbara H. Nikel Ditz and wife Elisabeth Georg Mack and wife Barbara Hans Becker and wife Elisabeth Jacob Durr and wife Anna Margreth Adam Gery and wife Barbara Valentin Beutelman and wife Elisabeth 1783. Elias Cuder and wife Catharina Matheis Sax and wife Elisabeth Friedrich Weidman and wife Margreth Jacob Wolf and wife Margreth Georg Doerr and wife Sophia Georg Schuez and wife Catharine Sponsors Peter Eberhard and wife Sophia Peter Eberhard and wife Sophia Adam Geri and wife Barbara Jacob Eberhard and wife Elisabeth Jacob Gery and wife Gertraud Joh. Doerr, Jr., Ger- traud Schlicher Daniel Doerr and wife Barbara Heinrich Huber, Cath- arine Linn Jacob Koehler and wife Elisabeth Barbara Berger Hannes Durr, Sr., and wife Magdalena Hannes Hillegas and wife Anna Maria Peter Eberhard and wife Sophia Daniel Clein and wife Magdalena Heinr. Mambauer, Catharina Didlo Georg Horner and wife Susanna J. Conrad Wolf and wife Maria Elisa- beth Johannes Fischer, Elis. Gugger Valentin Cuder and wife Margreth 452 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Hannes, b. Apr. 25, bap. May 25 M. Elisabeth, b. June II, bap. July 6 Hannes, b. May 15, bap. July 27 Catharina, b. Mar. 15, bap. Sept. 7 Elisabeth, b. July 18, bap. Sept. 7 Wilhelm, b. Sept. 8, bap. Oct. 19 Anna Maria, b. Aug. 14, bap. Oct. 19 Christina, b. Sept. 26, bap. Nov. 30 H. Wilhelm, b. Oct. 8, bap. Dec. 21 Catharina, b. Sept. 29, bap. Dec. 27 Parents Georg Horner and wife Susanna Hannes Riser and wife Eva Simon Walter and wife Barbara Jacob Fux and wife Anna Maria Dewalt Samsel and wife Anna Maria Hannes Linn and wife Anna Maria Peter Deis and wife Elisabeth Peter Schmid and wife Maria Heinrich Biding [and wife] Eva Barbara David Spinner and wife Catharina Sponsors Hannes Hillegas and wife Anna Maria Georg Stallnecker and wife Elisabeth Hannes Riser and wife Eva Heinrich Mumbaucr and wife Catharine Jacob Huber and wife Elisabeth Christian Willauer, Susanna Schmid Hannes Riser and wife Eva Valentin Huber, Sr., and wife Barbara Andres Greber and wife A. Maria Georg Horlacher and wife Eva Catharina, b. Nov. ir, bap. Jan. 11 A. Catharina, b. Nov. 29, bap. March i8 1784- Daniel Kupper and wife Elisabeth Joh. Huber and wife Anna Baptized by me, Frid. Wilh. Von der Sloot. Catarina, b. Dec. 5, 1783, bap. Apr. 18, 1784 Joh. George, b. Mar. 5, bap. Apr. 18 Maria Barbara, b. Apr. 20, bap. May 30 Elia?, b. Apr. 27, bap. July II Peter, b. March 5, bap. July II Catarina, b. Apr. 5, bap. July 11 Daniel Dups and wife Elisabet George Doerr and wife Sophia George Klein and wife Barbara Fried. Tiele and v.ife Susanna George Mack Philip Mombauer Johannes Gery, Cath- arina Kupper Anna Huber Jacob Dillinger and wife George Kulp and wife George Klein and wife Maria David Spinner and wife Catharina Peter Eberhard and wife Heinrich Mombauer and wife Catarina Great Swattip — Baptisms 453 , ^^''''"° P-«ts Sponsors Anna Catanna. b. George Reichenbach Anna Marg. Hillegas. and wife Catarina Philip Eberhard'' March i8, bap. Sept Anna Maria, b. Apr. Valentin Kuter and Mari 18, bap. Sept. 13 Margareta a Fuchs, Georg Mueller Job. George, b. Aug. 2, bap. Aug. 21 Johan Jacob, b. Mar. 6, bap. Nov. 3 Anna Barbara, b. Aug. 3, bap. Nov. 3 Joh. David, b. Oct. 30, bap. Dec. 6 Joh. Daniel, b. Oct. 20, bap. Dec. 11 Joh. Catarina, b. Nov. 28, bap. Dec. 25 Joh. Abraham, b. Mar. 4, 1785, bap. Mar. 5 Johanna Eva, b. Nov. 6, 1785, bap. Mar. 5 Joh. Michael, b. Jan. 18, bap. Mar. 22 Joh. Catarina, b. Mar. 10, bap. Apr. 9 Johan Daniel, b. Apr. 7, bap. May 14 1785. Elias Kuter and wife Catarina Thomas Beyer and wife Christina Joh. Dickert and wife Elisabet Joh. Mombauer Michael Brauchler and wife Anna Maria Philip Eberhard and wife Margareta 1786. Valentin Beutelman and wife Elisabeth Joh. Rieser and wife Eva Georg Reichenbach and wife Catarina Heinr. Mombauer and wife Catarina Daniel Dups and wife Elisabeth J. George Horlacher and wife Ev8 Johannes Dickert Thomas Beier and wife Nicolaus Mombaur Daniel Klein and wife Catarina Eberhard Peter Eberhard and wife Barbara Stalnecker Michael Kuhner, Elis- abeth Ochs Joh. Mombauer and wife Heinr. Bergheimer and wife Rosina Children who have been baptized by me, John Joh. Peter, b. Apr. 12, Georg Mueller and bap. July 2 Anna Margreth, b. May 17, bap. July 23 Johannes, b. June 19, bap. Aug. 13 Joh. Martin, b. July 28, bap. Sept. 3 wife Jacob Huper and wife Joh. Huper and wife Henr. Kopelberger and wife Theobald Faber, 1786. Peter Eberhart and wife Margaret Heger Christofel Ott and wife Martin Yung, Char- Iota Maver 454 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Elisabeth, b. Oct. 15, bap. Nov. 5 Maria Dorothea, b. July 10, bap. Sept. 24 Joh. Jacobus, b. Nov. 10, bap. Nov. 25 Johannes, b. Nov. 4, bap. Nov. 26 David, b. Febr. 17, bap. Apr. i David, b. Mar. 30, 187, bap. June 3 Maria Magdalena, b. Oct. 19, 1786, bap. July 15 Friedrich, b. Jan. 20, bap. July 15 Johannes, b. May 21, bap. July 15 Johannes, b. Oct. 22, 1786, bap. July 15 Elisabetha, b. July 5, bap. Aug. 5 Magdalena, b. May 26, bap. Aug. 26 Jacob, b. Febr. 28, bap. Aug. 26 Joh. Henrich, b. Aug. 15, bap. Sept. 15 Johannes, b. May 13, bap. Sept. 16 Jacobus, b. Aug. 15, 1786, bap. Oct. 6 Jacobus, b. Aug. 5, bap. Oct. 28 Catharina, b. Sept. 16, bap. Oct. 28 Catharina, b. Sept. 7, bap. Nov. 18 Elisabetha, b. Oct. 20, bap. Dec. 9 Parents Sponsors Joh. Keler and wife Jacob Keler and wife Georg Mack and wife Dorothea Baier Wendel Reninger and Wendel Renninger wife and wife Joh. Huper and wife Joh. Dittlo and Cath- arine Huper Elias Kuther and wife David Spinner and wife 1787. Christian Huper and David Spiner and wife wife Valentin Beutelman Abr. Kehler, Maria and wife Cerfink Fried. Diel and wife David Spinner and wife Philip Eberhart and Joh. Helligas and wife wife Joh. Georg Krug and Joh. Georg Funk and wife wife Casper Riser and wife the parents Felix Brunner and Henr. Huper and wife wife Ludwig Reichert and Jacob Berret and wife wife Henr. Grob and wife Andreas Schutz, Su- sanna Schutz Henr. Zeislef and Joh. Zeusler and wife wife Jacob Wittmer and parents wife Georg Dittlo and wife Philip Mumbauer and wife Michel Breuchler and Christofel Ott and wife wife Joh. Georg Ott and Jacob Bischof and wife wife Emanuel Heger and Philip Heger, Elis. wife Schneider Great Sziamp — Baptisms 455 ^^'^^'^^ Parents Sponsors David, b. Dec. i, bap. Henr. Mumbauer and Job. Dittio Dec. 25 ^vife Maria Barbara, b. Anton Stehler and Philip Stehler and Dec. 4, bap. Dec. 31 wife vv-ife 1788. Johannes b. Nov. 4. Daniel Kupper and Joh. Helligas and wife 1787, bap. Febr. 8, wife 1788 Joh. Georg, b. Jan. 31, Ditter [Dietrich] Georg Hoerner and bap. March 2 Mueller and wife wife Jacobus, b. Oct. 26, Jacob Huper and wife Jacob Mekahl and 87, bap. Mar. 2,-88 Cath. Scholl Cathanna, b. Dec. 22, Henr. Huper and wife Jacob Mekahl and 87, bap. Mar. 2 Cath. Scholl Jacob, Christian, b. Joh. Georg Muller Jacob Kehler, Georg Febr. 25, bap. Mar. 2 \r.n j -r T , , ^ , Muller and wife Jacobus, b. Febr. 7, Michael Ott and wife bap. Mar. 23 Catharina, b. Nov. 13, Georg Ruh and wife Elisabeth Kehler '87, bap. Mar. 23 Margreta, b. Jan. 15, Philip Mumbauer and Ad. Bossert and wife bap. Apr. 13 ^ife Johannes, b. Mar. 21, Georg Schoener and Abraham Levi Eva bap. Apr. 13 ^-ife Horlacher Ehsabetha, b. July 16, Georg Dill and wife the parents 1775, bap. Apr. 13 Joh. Henrich, b. Nov. Georg Dill and wife the parents 7, 1776, bap. Apr. 13, 1788 Magdalena, b. Oct. 4, Georg Dill and wife the parents 1778, bap. Apr. 13 Catharina, b. Aug. 14, Georg Dill and wife the parents 1780, bap. Apr. 13 Margaretha, b. Dec. 5, Georg Dill and wife the parents 1782, bap. Apr. 13 Joh. Jacob, b. Mar. 25, Georg Dill and wife the parents 1785, bap. Apr. 13 Georg, b. Sept. 7, 1787, Georg Dill and wife the parents bap. Apr. 13 Jacob, b. Mar. 19, bap. Fried. Weittman and Jacob Burhart and May 12 wife ^vife 456 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Parents Sponsors Barbara, b. Mar. i, Job. Huper and wife Valentin Huper and bap. May 12 wife Elisabetha, b. Febr. 25, Peter Lang and wife Peter Hagenberg and bap. Mar. 12 wife Philip, b. Apr. 25, Job. Zeislef and wife the parents bap. Aug. 6 Daniel, b. July 8, bap. Christofel Ott and Georg Worman and Aug. 17 wife wife Jacob, b. July 8, bap. Peter Busch and wife Jacob Huper and wife Aug. 17 Henrich, b. Aug. i, Jost Reling and wife Henr. Huper and Su- bap. Sept. 7 sanna Klein Andreas, b. May 30, Widow Stahl Andreas Richer and bap. Sept. 28 wife Johannes, b. Sept. 7, Daniel Dups and wife Job. Dillinger, Eiisa- bap. Oct. 19 beth Ott Jacob, b. Aug. 31, Peter Willauer and Jacob Geri and wife bap. Oct. 19 wife Catharina, b. Aug. 3, Fried. Diel and wife Ursula Spinner bap. Oct. 22 Elisabeth, b. Apr. i, Abraham Bleiler and Ludwig Bender bap. wife George, b. Aug. 17, Isaac Klein and wife Georg Klein and wife bap. [The last two entries were made by another hand.] Children baptized by me, N.[icholas] Pomp. 1790. David, b. Oct. 5, 1789, John Huber and wife David Ditlo, Maria bap. Jan. 3, '90 Margareth Horn Henrich, b. Dec. 12, Jacob Krebs and wife Gottfried Wiesemer '89, bap. Jan. 3 Susanna and wife Joseph, b. July 2, '89, William Lickenbotten Daniel Heller, Maria bap. Jan. 3 and wife Eberhard Susanna, b. Sept. 18, Georg Hoerner and Peter Schmid and bap. Febr. 14 wife Susanna wife Johanna, b. Febr. — , Jacob Dillinger and Johannes Kehler and bap. Mar. 28 wife Catharina wife Maria, b. Oct. 3, '89, Georg Urman and Jacob Eugelmann bap. Mar. 28 wife Catarina Joh. Ludwig, b. Mar. Abraham Bleiler and Ludwig Bender and 16, bap. Apr. 1 wife Margareth wife Great Swamp — Baptisms 457 Children Parents Sponsors Georg Valentin, b. Oct. Michael Rudolph and Valentin Paul and I, '89, bap. May 9 wife Margareth wife Anna Maria, b. June Jacob Berend and 14, '86, bap. May 30 wife Magdalena, b. June 3, Peter Willauer bap. June 18 1792. Anna Maria, b. Apr. Philip Eberhard and 5, bap. June 2 wife Anna Marga reth John Willauer, Mar- gareth Hillegas Henrich Eberhard, Catharina Hillegas Children who were baptized by me, John Faber, A. D. 1792. Daughter, b. Febr. 8 Conrad Eberhart Elisabetha, b. Dec. 19 Peter Busch Anna Maria, b. Febr. Abraham Bleiler Jacob Weiss and wife 10 Children who were baptized by me, John Faber, in 1793. Heinrich, b. Dec. 19, Henrich Mumbauer Abr. Ditlo and wife '92, bap. Febr. 9 and wife Elisabeth, b. Jan. 4, Jacob Weis and wife Georg Herner and bap. Mar. 10 wife Susanna, b. Oct. 18, John Young and wife John Adam Rhodeber- '92, bap. Mar. 31 ger and wife Hanna, b. Sept. 7, '92, Heinr. Huber and John Huber, Hanna bap. Mar. 31 wife Samuel, b. July 31, Peter Dorder and bap. Mar. 31 wife John, b. Nov. 10, '92, Emanuel Huber and bap. Mar. 3 wife Heinrich, b. Febr. 12, Michael Weber and lap. Apr. 21 wife Anna Margreth, b. John Zeislef Weigert Godfrid Wiesemer and wife John Huber and wife Jan. 29, bap. Apr. 21 Maria Elisabetha, b. Febr. 29, bap. Apr. 21 Maria, b. Aug. i Jacob Rodenburger Christian Huber Catarina Mattinger, Heinr. Huber Casper Riser and wife Maria Elis. Stahleker, widow Ulrich Shitz and wife John George, b. June Jacob Sneider 24 Daniel, b. July 25 Adam Brauchler Fried. Wagner, Cath. Herings Daniel Klein and wife 458 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Parents Sponsors Joseph, b. May 14 Ulrich Shitz Velt. Huber, Eva Willauer Susanna, b. May 4 Peter Kuter Conrad Eberhard and wife Heinrich, b. Febr. 12 Michael Weber Heinr. Huber, Cath. Madinger Anna Marg., b. Jan. John Zeislef Caspar Riser and 29 wife Maria Elis., b. Febr. 27 Jacob Rodenburger Maria Elis. Stahlecker Susanna, b. Oct. 18, John Young John Rodenburger 1792 Hanna, b. Sept. 7, 1792 Heinr. Huber John Ruber, Nancy Weigert John George, b. July Jacob Sneider Fried. Wagner, Caty 14. 1793 Horinger Daniel, b. July 25 Adam Brauchler Daniel Klein and wife Samuel, b. Apr. 5 Peter Kifer 1795- V'alentin Paul and wife George, b. Dec. 15, Henr. Ott Jacob Eberhardt and 1794, bap. Mar. 2 wife Maria, bap. Mar. 2 John Welker Georg Ruch and wife John Adam, b. Jan. 8, Adam Schutze George Busch and 1795, bap, Apr. 5 wife Elisabetha, b. May 6, Sally Scheiffly Jacob Eberhard and 1792, bap. Apr. 5 Avife Jacob, b. Jan. 11, bap. Henry Mumbaucr Daniel Miller and Apr. 5 wife Joseph, b. Febr. 28, Nath. Wetknecht George Hillegas, bap. Apr. 5 Barb. Bertoin Anna Maria, b. Nov. Peter Bush Jacob Zerfinger 18, 1794, bap. Apr. 26 1796. Michael, b. Sept. 20 Ileinrich Eberhard Daniel Dups Anna Maria, b. Sept. 9 John Dillinger Jacob Dillinger and wife Record of the children Avho were baptized by me, Albert Helffenstein. Johan ( ?), b. Aug. 22, Johann Schitz and Ulrich Schitz and 1808 wife Eva Mat. Schitz Great Swamp — Baptisms 459 Children Johann, b. July 4, 1808 Hanna, b. Aug. 9, 1808 Samuel, b. Sept. 7, 1808 Maria Magdalena, b. Sept. 17, 1808 Michael, b. Nov. 28, 1808 Lydia, b. Oct. 23, bap. Dec. 3 Jacob, b. July 27, bap. Oct. I Sarah, b. Oct. 10, bap. Parents Jacob Wenig and wife Elisabet Henrich Stehler and wife Elisabet Adam Schneider and wife Elisabet Abraham Henrichs and wife Georg Dubs and wife 1809. Jacob Schwenk and wife Molly Michael Scholl and wife Jacob Schneider and wife Sponsors Johannes Boogter, Frena Boogter Henrich Romich and wife Magdalena Jacob Willauer, Su- sanna Miller Jacob Schwenk and wife Henrich Eberhard and wife Johan Dillineer and wife Maricha Johan Sechler and wife Elisabeth Johan Schultz and wife Eva [Irregular entries made by various hands.] Lydia, b. Dec. 17, 1800 Samuel, b. Febr. 20, 1803 Johannes, b. Febr. 14, 1806 Catharina, b. Nov. 27, 1809 David, b. Sept. 30, 1812 Daniel, b. May 26, i8i6, bap. Aug. 9, 1816 Reuben, b. June 17, 1816, bap. Aug. 4, i8i6 Ellas, b. May2i, 1816, bap. Aug. 25 Johannes Rodenburger and wife Anna Margaret Johannes Rodenburger and wife Anna Margaret Johannes Rodenburger and wife Anna Margaret Johannes Rodenburger and wife Anna Margaret Johannes Rodenburger Jacob Schwenk and Adam Rodenburger and wife Adam Stahlecker Peter Rodenburger and wife Jacob Deis and wife and wife Anna Margaret Johannes Rodenburger and wife Anna Margaret Daniel Dubs and wife Elisabeth Abraham Hendricks and wife Charlotta wife Wilhelm Dillinger and Anna Schwenk Jacob Dubs and wife Maria Samuel Ruecker and wife Catharina 460 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Children Anna Maria, b. Aug. 28, 1819, bap. Oct. 2 Elisabeth, b. Nov. 8, 1822 Marianne, b. Aug. 8, 1816, bap. Aug. 15 Parents Johannes Rothenburger and wife Margreta Johan Rothenburger and wife Margreta John Oel and wife Elisabeth Sponsors Joseph Dubs, Anna Rothenburger Cathrina Rothenburger Samuel Roeder and Elisabeth [Baptisms by Rev. Fr. Wm. Von der Sloot, Jr., 1814-1818.*] Parents Jacob Stauffer, Mar- gareth, his wife Henrich Dubs, Maria, his wife David Eberhard.Mar- gareta, his wife Daniel Eberhard, Ma- ria, his wife John Handschuh, Magdalena, his wife John Rudolph, Sara, his wife Wilh. Schiitz, Sara, his wife George Nees, Maria, his wife John Nees, Elisabeth, his wife Henrich Diirr, Elisa- beth, his wife Henrich Dubs, Mar- garetha, his wife Jacob Schwenck, Mag- dalena • These baptisms are Children Jacob, b. Oct. 21, 1813, bap. May 22, 1814 Salome, b. April 19, 1815, bap. June 4, 1815 Margreta, b. Mar. 21, 1815, bap. Jan. 28, '16 George, b. March 9, '16, bap. April 21, '16 Johann, b. March i, '16, bap. April 21, '16 Karl, b. March 8, '16, bap. April 21 Katharina, b. Dec 20, '16, bap. Oct. 19, 1817 John Elias, b. May 22, 1817, bap. Oct. 18, 1817 Joseph, b. July 7, 1817, bap. Oct. 19, 1817 Maria, b. Sept. 12, 1817, bap. Nov. 9, 1817 Hanna, b. May 6,1818, bap. June 6, 1818 Thomas, b. May 6, 1818, bap. June 28, 1818 entered in the account book. Witnesses George Mumbauer, Catharine, his wife Daniel Dubs, Elisa- betha, his wife Peter Diez, Susanna, his wife Johan Erdmann, Anna his wife Valent. Huber, Mag- dalena, his wife George Rudolph, Elis- abeth Miiller Johannes Buskirk, Katharina, his wife John Schaab, Hanne, his wife Joseph Kob, Cathar., his wife David Diirr, Elis. Birkenstock Salome Dubs, Elisa Sarburger (?) Jacob Theiss, Eva, his wife Great Swamp — Baptisms 461 Parents Jacob Did, Marg., his wife Abraham Hendriks, Charlotte, his wife Jacob Dubs, Anna Maria Henrich Huber, Kath- arina Christian Doll, Maria his wife Jacob Knecht, Katha- rina, his wife John Rudolph, Sara, his wife May 2, 1819, David his wife.* Children Susanne, b. May 24, 1818, bap. Aug. 30, 1818 Hanna, b. July 10, '18, bap. Aug. 30, '18 Jacob, b. July 18, '18, bap. Aug. 30, '18 Sophie, b. July 8, '18, bap. Aug. 30, '18 Washington, b. Aug. 19, i8i8, bap. Sept. 20, i8i8 Johannes, b. Sept. 20, 1818, bap. Nov. 22, 1818 Elisa Mathilda, b. Sept. II, 1818, bap. Nov. 22, 18 18 Etwein, aged 17 days. VVitn., David Spinner and Witnesses Cathar. Engelman, widow Abrah. Dorsch, Maria, his wife Michel Schneider, iMargaretha, his wife Jacob Hedrich, Sara, his wife John Klein, Veronica, his wife Henrich Diirr, Elisab., his wife Jacob Erdmann, Hanna, his wife [Baptisms by John Theobald Faber, Jr., 1819-1831.] Wniiam Shitz, Sarah, Elias, b. Sept. 24, 1819, Ulrich Shitz and wife bap. Nov. 13, 1819 Salome, b. Sept. 23, 1819, bap. Nov. 13, 1819 Henrich, b. Nov. 14, 1819, bap. Dec. 12, 1819 Marcus Luis, b. April 25, 1819, bap. Febr. 6, 1820 William, b. Nov. 24, 1819, bap. April 16, 1820 Joel, b. Jan. 20, 1820, bap. April 16, 1820 Ellas, b. April 29, 1820, bap. June 25 his wife Peter Engelman, Ma ria, his wife John Shaeffer, Su- sanna Henry Engelman and Elisabeth George Miller and Catharina John Miller and Eiis abeth Henry Derr and Elis abeth * Entered by another hand. 31 Cath. Engelman Christian Scherer and wife Paul Heller and wife John Mechlin and wife Jesse Stahl, Cath. Miller Jacob Mohn and wife 462 Church Records of Goshcnhoppcn Parents Daniel Eberhard and Maria Adam Wieder, Chris- tina, his wife Jacob Erdman,Hanna, his wife Heinrich Bauman, Sarah, his wife Peter Dietz, Susanna, his wife Peter Engelman, Ma- ria, his wife John Berkestock, Cath., his wife Jacob Derr, Magda- lena, his wife George Gerhart, Su- sanna, his wife Abraham Ditlow, Catharine, his wife Heinrich Huber, Cath- arina, his wife Peter Rau, Rahel, his wife Michael Eberhard, Elisabeth, his wife Daniel Rader, Eva John Berkenstock, Catharina Daniel Eberhard, Maria Jacob Derr, Magda- lena David Eberhard [and wife] Children Elisabeth, b. June 13, bap. Aug. 6 Maria Anna, b. June 27, bap. Aug. 6 Charles, b. June 14, 1820, bap. Aug. 20 Sarah, b. Nov. 29, 1820, bap. Febr. 11, 1821 Peter, b. Jan. 4, 1821, bap. March 4, 1821 , b. Jan. II, 1821, bap. March 25. 1821 , b. Nov. I, 1820, bap. March 25, 1821 , b. Febr. 22, 1821, bap. April 23, 1821 Thomas, b. March 20, 1821, bap. May 6 , b. , bap. May 6, 1821 Elisabeth, b. April i, 1821, bap. Jan. 17, 1822 George, b. Dec. 18, 1821, bap. Febr. 24, 1822 Maria Esther, b. Febr. 6, 1822, bap. March 17, 1822 Caroline, b. Febr. 18, 1822, bap. Febr. 27, 1822 Levina, b. May 26, 1822, bap. July 22, 1822 Lydia, b. June 25, 1822, bap. July 22, 1822 Thomas, b. July 30, 1823 VVilhelm, b. , bap. Oct. 26 Witnesses Samuel Derr, Elis. Erny Philip Weickcl and wife Conrad Rinker, Elis. Huber John Kline and wife Maria Abr. Dietz, Sophia Eberhard David Derr, Magd. Horlachcr And. Engelman and wife John Felman and wife Jacob Fassbenner and wife David Kuns, Mary Mumbauer David Huber and wife Geo. Wener and wife Catharina Kneppley, widow the parents themselves Anton Emig and Hanna Valentin Huber and wife George Miller, Maria Derr Georg Ditz and wife Great Swamp — Baptisms 463 Parents George Gerhart, Su- sanna, his wife John Kline, Elisabeth, his wife David Ebcrhart, Ma- ria, his wife John Rudolf, Sarah Jacob Derr, Magda- lena George Gerhart, Su- sanna, his wife David Huber, Susanna George Kline, Su- sanna, his wife John Funk and wife Jonathan Ditlow, Anna, his wife Jonathan Ditlow, Anna, his wife Jacob Dover, Lidia, his wife Jacob Dover, Lidia, his wife George Kline, Su- sanna, his wife George Gerhart, Su- sanna, his wife Children Enos, b. Aug. 17, 1823, bap. Oct. 26, 1823 Johannes, b. Dec. 15, 1823, bap. March 21, i823[24] Maria Anna, b. Dec. 3, 1823, bap. March 21, i823[24] Carolina, b. May 28, 1825, bap. Aug. 6, 1825 William, b. Nov. 5, 1825, bap. Jan. 22, 1826 George, b. Dec. 15, 1826, bap. March i8, 1827 Susanna, b. Febr. i, 1827, bap. April 29, 1827 Salomon, b. Febr. 12, 1827, bap. April 29, 1827 John, bap. July 5, 1829 Allen David, b. 19, 1825, bap. Dec. 2, 1827 Henrietta, b. Dec. 30, 1826, bap. Sept. 2, 1827 Jacob, b. Febr. i, 1824, bap. Sept. 2, 1827 Solomon, b. Oct. 24, 1825, bap. Sept. 2, 1827 Anna Maria, b. March 18, 1828, bap. June I, 1828 Susanna, b. April 8, 1829, bap. July 5, 1829 Witnesses Adam Eberhard and wife Margreth Diehl Conrad Eberhart and wife Daniel Eberhard and Maricha George Derr, Elisa Helman Philip Gerhart and wife Sara Daniel Eberhard and Anna Maria Isaac Kline and wife Barbara John Dubs, Elisabeth, his wife David Ditlow and wife Anna Maria David Huber, Su- sanna, his wife David Ditlow and Anna Mary, his wife Jacob Dover and Lidia, the parents Enoch Erdman, Re- becca, his wife Daniel Roder, Eve, his wife 464 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Parents Jacob Rudolf, Elisa- beth, his wife Conrad Reinhardt, Lydia, his wife Jacob Dover, Lydia, his wife John Rudolf and Sarah abeth Jacob Derr, Magda- lena Samuel Derr, Catha- rina John Rudolf, wife Sarah Jacob Dover, wife Lydia Witnesses Michael Rudolf, Elis- abeth, his wife Children Daniel, b. April 26, 1829, bap. July 26, 1829 Elisabeth, b. , bap. John Ruch, Elisabeth, Aug. 16, 1829 his wife Maria Ann, b. July 9, Jacob Dubbs and wife 1829, bap. Sept. 6, 1829 Sarah Anna, b. Oct. Samuel Rinker,Catha- 23, 1829, bap. Dec. rina, his wife 20 George Kline and Su- Johann Isaac, b. May Jacob Shell, Maria, sanna 3, 1829, bap. his wife Jacob Deiss and Elis- Levi, b. Aug. 30, 1830, Michael Reichenbach, bap. Nov. 21, 1830 Maria, his wife Sophia, b. Oct. 12, Joseph Miller, Sophia 1830, bap. Dec. 12, Everhart 1830 Sophia, b. Sept. 28, Michael Reichenbach, 1830, bap. Dec. 12, Maria, his wife 1830 Levina, b. Oct. 3, 1830, John Ruch, Elisabeth, bap. June 18, 1831 his wife Elisabeth, b. June 14, John Gerhard, Sophia 1831, bap. July 31, Eberhard 1831 [This concludes the baptismal entries by Mr. Faber.] Jacob Derr, Magda- Jacob, b. April 4, 1833 Peter Engelman and lena George Gerhart and Susanna David, b. June 13, 1833, bap. Sept. 8 Magd. David Kemmerer, Margareta Eberhard [These baptisms were performed by Rev. Andrew Strasburger. They are followed by 81 baptisms entered by the Rev. Daniel Weiser, from September 3, 1833, to January 25, 1863.] [BURIAL RECORDS.] Those persons who were buried by me, John Theobald Faber. They are as follows: 1767, April 21, the young Eberhard was buried, who lived in the congre- gation of Great Swamp. Great Swamp — Burials 465 1767, May 14, a son of Joseph Eberhard was buried, named Benshamer, from the Swamp. 1768, May 24, John Phil. Fackenthal was buried, living in the congrega- tion at Springfield. 1768, Oct. 3, Henry Grob was buried. His aged 57 years, of the Swamp congregation. 1768, Nov. 19, Franz Russ was buried. His aged 31 years, of the Swamp congregation. 1769, Sept. 6, Ulrich Spinner was buried. His age 52 years, 3 months, 3 days, of the Swamp congregation. 1770, June 22, Valentin Dickenschied was buried. His age 36 years, 7 months and 3 weeks less one day. 1771, Jan. 29, Peter Bleiler's daughter was buried, named Anna Catharine, of the Swamp congregation; aged 10 years, 11 months and some days. 1771, June 22, Christian Willauer was buried, born 1706, Jan. 20. His age: 64 years, 5 months. 1771, Nov. 18, Joh. Zoeller was buried; born 1728, Nov. 16; his age 43 years, 2 days. 1772, January 16 (or 23), Mr. Thowahrt's little son was buried. His name: George Jacob, his aged 2 years, 6 weeks and some days. 1772, Oct. 21, Jacob Kehler's daughter was buried; her name Anna Bar- bara, was born 1768, Febr. 5; her age 4 years, 10 months, 16 days. 1772, Nov. 3, Michael Eberhart was buried; born 1698, March 4th. His age 74 years and a half and 9 weeks. i773> J^n. 6, Agnes Kaiser was buried; born 1702, the date is unknown, her age about 72 years. 1773, Apr. 2, George Mecklin's daughter was buried; born 1771, Febr. 7. Her age 2 years, 2 months and 6 days. 1773, June 6, the wife of Mr. Zeiner died; born 1738, Dec. 3. Her age 37 years and some months. i773> July i5> Baltzer Stiel's child was buried; born 1772, Nov. 27. Age I year, 8 months and some days. 1774, Apr. I, Peter Linn's daughter was buried; born 1771, August 23. Her aged 2 years, 7 months, 7 days. 1774, Apr. 27, son of Ludwig Nusspickel was buried; aged 2 years, 2 days. 1774, May 5, daughter of Ludwig Nusspickel was buried; aged 6 years, 3 months, i day. 1774, June 15, daughter of Christophel Ott buried; aged 4 months, 28 days. i775> Jan- i5» Valentin Huper's daughter was buried. Her age 6 years, 5 months, 10 days. i775> Febr. 22, Theobald Brauchler's daughter was buried; aged 11 years, 3 weeks, some days. 466 Church Records of Gosheuhoppen 1775. June 24, Anna Margaretha Weis was buried; born April 7, 1706. Her age 69 years, 2 months and 2 weeks. 1775. Sept. 15, Jacob Rauber's daughter was buried; born 1773, Oct. 13. Her age i year, 11 months, 2 days. 1775, Oct. 15, Adam Rauchert's daughter was buried; born 1774, Oct. 9; aged I year less 17 days. 1775, Nov. 3, John Neukomer's wife was buried; born Febr. 28, 1735. Her age 40 years, 8 months. 1776, Aug. 15, Michael BischoflF's wife was buried; born 1722, March 17th, her age 54 3'ears, 5 months less 2 days 1776, Nov. 4, Jacob Wittmer's wife was buried; born 1742, about the mid- dle of Sept. Her age 34 years and about 6 weeks. 1777, May 12, John George Schonsebach was buried; born 1746, day un- known. His age, about 51 years. 1777, Aug. 3, Jacob Rauber's daughter was buried; born 1760, Febr. 6. Her age 17 years, 6 months less 5 days. '777. July 25, two children of Daniel Dubs were buried at the same time, namely a son and a daughter. The son was born 1775, Sept. 7; the daughter 1774, Jan. 20. The age of the boy was i year, 10 months and 2 weeks, the girl 3 years, 7 months and 4 days. 1777, Aug. 16, Joseph Eberhart's child was buried; born 1769, Jan. 22; aged 8 years, 7 months less 6 days. 1777, Aug. 24, Baltzer Stiehl's daughter was buried; born 1759, on Wed- nesday after ?; her age 17 years, 4 months, 8 days. 1777, Aug. 27, Mrs. Schansebach was buried; born 1723, May 8th, her age 54 years, 4 months, 3 weeks. 1777, Aug. 26, Jacob Wittmer's daughter was buried; born 1765, Aug. 4. Her age 12 years and about 3 weeks. 1777, Aug. 31, John Jacobi's child was buried; born 1776, Aug. 2; aged i jear and 4 weeks. Soon afterwards another one of his children was buried. 1777, Aug. 30, Michael Eberhart's wife was buried; born 1725, April 15th, aged 52 years, 4 months, 2 weeks. 1777, Aug. 30, Joseph Eberhart's child was buried; born 1772, March 5th; aged 5 years and 5 months less 6 days. 1777, Aug. 30, Rudi Huper's son was buried; born 1770, Jan. 2; aged 7 years, 8 months less one day. 1777, Sept. 7, Peter Weber's daughter was buried; born 1768, Apr. 15th; aged 9 years, 5 months. 1777, Sept. 22, Felix Bruner's child was buried; born 1772, July 14; aged 5 years, 2 months, 7 days. 1777, Oct. 14, John Lohe's child was buried; born 1770, July 10; aged 7 years, 3 months, 2 days. Great Sivamp — Burials 467 1777, Oct. 3, George Mack's daughter was buried; born 1776, June 23, aged I year, 3 months, i week, 3 days. 1777, Oct. s, Henr. Ott's child was buried; born 1777, April 4th; aged half a year. I777> Oct. 6, Georg Kern's son was buried; born 1772, Apr. 23; aged 5 years, 5 months, 10 days. 1778, Jan. 8, Henry Huper was buried; born 1715, Apr. 15th; aged 62 years, 9 months less 7 days. 1778, March 6, Felix Bruner's daughter was buried; born 1774, Nov. 19; aged 3 years, 3 months, 5 days. 1779, Febr. 9, the old Mrs. Schiitz was buried; born 1698, Aug. 20; aged 80 years, 5 months, 3 weeks. 1779, Febr. 10, the old Mrs. Willauer was buried; born 1710, about No- vember, aged about 68 years, 3 months. 1779, March 29, Rudolph Huper was buried; born 1722, May ist; aged 56 years, 10 months, 4 weeks. 1779, Apr. 16, Nicolaus Biber's daughter was buried; born 1776, Nov. 27; aged 2 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 4 days. ''779. June 11, Heter (!) Bock's child, named Susanna, was buried; born 1778, Sept. i8th; aged 8 months, 3 weeks and one day. List of those who died and were buried under the ministry of Fr. Del- liker, in this congregation. 1783. April 17, Michael Eberhard, aged 51 years, 2 weeks. April 18, Anna Maria Scholl, widow of the late Peter Scholl. Her age 65 years, i month, second weeks. April 27, Verena Rudolph, widow of the late Heinrich Rudolph; her age 64 years, 10 months. May 4, Margreth Holzhauser, wife of Caspar Holzhauser, aged 79 years. Oct. 24, Anna Huber, widow of the late Heinrich Huber, aged 67 years. 1784. Buried by me, Frederick William Von der Sloot. Sept. 6, Ulrich Rieser, born 1709, April 8, aged 75 years, 4 months, 20 days. 1785. Febr. 25, Daniel Hitz was buried, aged 85 years, 7 months. Sept. 7, Valentin Kaiser, aged 76 years, 11 months. 1786. March 26, Anna Maria Bleiler was buried, aged 82 years, 10 months. •April 3, John Mombauer's child, John David. Those persons who were buried by me, John Theobald Faber. 468 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1786. Aug. 17, a daughter of Daniel Dubs was buried, named Catharine, aged 2 years, 8 months, 10 days. Nov. 20, Peter Eberhart, a deacon, -was buried, aged 42 years and a half year. Dec. I, Peter Eberhart's wife was buried, aged 40 years, 4 months, 8 days. 1787. Jan. 6, daughter of Henry Huper, named Anna, was buried, aged 11 months, i day. Apr. 5, the old Mrs. Hitz was buried; aged 76 year, 2 weeks, i day. Oct. II, the old Mr. Reiswig was buried; aged 77 years, 5 months, 18 days. 1788. Febr. 28, Felix Bruner's daughter, Magdalene, was buried; aged 8 months, 2 days. Apr, 8, Anna Maria Sax was buried; aged 35 years, 2 months, 3 weeks and one day. May 31, Anna Rosina Bergheimer was buried; aged 37 years. Sept. 28, John Georg Miiller's child was buried; aged 7 months. Oct. 22, David Spinner's daughter, named Maria, was buried, aged 3 years, 2 months, 2 days. N. Pomp, pastor. 1790 Apr. 4, Anna Margaretha Reisswig, a widow, 77 years old. Those persons who were buried by me, John Theobald Faber [Jr.] 1790. John Swenk, a child, 3 years, 7 months, 2 days. 1792. Breuchler, a child. 1793. Jacob Ruber's child, 7 years, 2 weeks, 6 days. Jacob Mory, 66 years, 4 months less 2 days. Henr. Ruber's child. 1794. Jonathan Klein, born Dec. 24, 1794, aged i year, 2 weeks, 6 days. Anna Barbara, his wife, born April 4, 1732, aged 62 years, 10 months, 6 days. Anna Maria Rillegas, born 1746, Oct. 25; aged 48 years, 5 months, 3 days. Great Szvamp — Marriages 469 Those persons who were burled by me, Albert Helffenstein, in the year 1808. Barbara Ruber, died July ir, 1808, aged 72 years, 2 months, 7 days. Catarina Dillinger, died Aug. 2, 1808, aged r year, 5 months, 5 days. Andreas Engelman, 86 years, 4 months. Abraham Didlo, aged about 77 years. Joseph Eberhard, died Oct. 14; aged 72 years. 1809. Anna Huber, born Dec. 8 ; aged 83 years less 3 days. Valentin Huber, born May 7; aged 78 years, 2 weeks, 2 days. [MARRIAGE RECORD] Those persons who were joined in marriage by me, John Theobald Faber. 1767, March 5, Georg Sem, son of Georg Sem, of Lower Milford, and Elisabeth Reiswig, daughter of John Reiswig, of Upper Milford, were married. 1768, March 8, David Mehn, son of Adam Mehn, of Great Swamp, and Elisabetha Redelmeyer, daughter of the late Martin Redelmeyer, of New Goshenhoppen. 1768, April 4, Peter Linn, son of the late Peter Linn, of Upper Saucon, and Catharina Cock, daughter of the late John Cock, of Upper Saucon. 1768, May 26, Peter Schuller, son of Adam Schuller, of Upper Milford, and Maria Catharina Riser, daughter of Ulrich Riser, of Upper Milford. 1768, Nov. 17, Friedr. Dill, son of the late Simon Dill, of Pikeland town- ship, Bucks County, and Susanna Spinner, daughter of Ulrich Spin- ner, of Great Swamp. 1768, Dec. 4, Jacob Mack, son of Wilhelm Mack, of Rockhill township, Bucks County, and Catharine Drumbauer, daughter of Andreas Drum- bauer, of Franconia township, Phila. County. 1769, Jan. 3, Joh. Nicolaus Diets, son of Adam Diets, of Upper Saucon, and Catharine Bischoff, daughter of Michael Bischoff, of Swamp. 1770, Aug. 26, Joh. Nicolaus Sanfels, son of the late Carl Sanfels, of Lower Milford, and Anna Elis. Ott, daughter of Henr. Ott, of Upper Milford. 1771, May 14, Henr. Ott, widower, of Great Swamp, and Margretha Ziegenfuss, widow, of Tohickon. 1771, Nov. 17, Joh. dinger, son of the late Carl dinger, of Great Swamp, and Anna Maria Ott, daughter of Henr. Ott, of Great Swamp. 4/0 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1771, Nov. 26, Joh. Petrus Reiswig, son of Joh. Reiswig, of Great Swamp, and Maria Eva Engelman, daughter of Andreas Engelmann, of Great Swamp. 1772, May 5, Joh. Hermer, son of Joh. Georg Hermer, of Springfield, and Susanna Rciswich, daughter of John Reiswig, of Upper Milford. 1772, Nov. 22, Joh. Hauser, son of Jacob Hauser, of Macungie township, and Anna Maria Barb. Wolf, daughter of Wm. Wolf, of Macungie township. 1772, Nov. 30, Christoffel Ott, son of Henr. Ott, of Great Swamp, and Attli Hupper, daughter of Rudi Hupper, at Great Swamp. 1773, Jan- i7> Joh. Jacobi, son of the late Peter Jacobi, of Hekok ( !) town- ship, and Anna Eberhart, daughter of the late Michael Eberhart, of Great Swamp. 1774, Aug. 16, Philip Hederig, son of Peter Hederig, of Richland town- ship, and Cath. Scheib, daughter of Martin Scheib, of Hekok township. 1775, Nov. 14, Georg Adam Dorr, son of the late Georg Dorr, of Old Goshenhoppen, and Christina Heger, daughter of Philip Hegcr, of Great Swamp. 1775. Nov. 28, Henr. Weis, widower, of Great Swamp, and Margreta Burger, widow, of Great Swamp. 1776, Febr. 13, Philip Mombauer, son of Nicolas Mombauer, of Great Swamp, and Barbara Spinner, daughter of the late Ulrich Spinner, of Great Swamp. 1776, Aug. II, Joseph Hornecker, son of the late Ulrich Hornecker, of Upper Saucon, and Hanna Weber, daughter of Henr. Weber, of Upper Saucon. 1777, Febr. 4, Henr. Weber, son of Henr. Weber, of Upper Saucon, and Margareta Hornecker, daughter of Ulrich Hornecker, of Rockhill township. 1778, Febr. 8, Michael Ott, son of Henr. Ott, of Great Swamp, and Hanna Braun, daughter of Daniel Braun, of Upper Saucon. 1778, Apr. 21, Jacob Huper, son of Rudolph Huper, of Great Swamp, and Anna Maria Heres, widow of the late Mr. Heres, of Lower Milford. 1778, June 4, Jacob Klemer and Elisabetha Andres, both of Lower Milford. 1778, Sept. 15, Jacob Wittmer and Susanna Mack, daughter of John Mack, of New Goshenhoppen. 1778, Sept. 29, Joh. Becker, of Upper Milford, and Elisabetha Berger, of Upper Milford. 1779, Apr. II, Daniel Klein, son of Michael Klein, of Great Swamp, and Magdalena Brauchler, daughter of Theobald Brauchler, of Great Swamp. 1779, May 23, Michael Rudolph, son of Henr. Rudolph, and Margareta Ott, daughter of Henr. Ott, both of Upper Milford. Great Swamp — Marriages 471 1779, Aug. 9, Georg Michael Trumbauer, son of Andres Trumbauer, and Cath. Bock, daughter of Peter Bock, of Lower Milford township.' List of persons married by Friedrich Delliker. 1782. April 23, Georg Doerr, son of Hannes Doerr, of this congregation, and Sophia Stetler, daughter of the late Henrich Stetler, of New Gosh- enhoppen. October 29, Peter Kiifer, son of Johan Kiifer, of Tinicum township, and Cath. Ehsab. Engelmann, daughter of Andres Engelman, of Upper Milford. Nov. 26, David Spinner, son of the late Urich Spinner, and Catharine Her- lacher, daughter of Georg Herlacher, of Lower Milford. 1783- Apr. I, Heinrich Mumbauer, son of Niclas Mumbauer, and Catharina Didlo, daughter of Abraham Didlo, both of Lower Milford, Bucks County. Persons married by me, Friedrich Wiih. Von der Sloot. June 20th, Caspar Mumfeld, son of Henrich Mumfeld, and Catharina Schanzenbach, daughter of George Schanzenbach. Aug. 10, Jacob Tracksel, son of Peter Tracksel, and Margaretha Eberhart, daughter of Joseph Eberhard. Dec. 2, Philip Eberhard, son of the late Michael Eberhard, of Upper Mil- ford township, and Margaretha Hillegas, oldest daughter of Johannes Hillegas, of Upper Milford township. 1785. Aug. 23, Georg Ditlo, son of Abraham Ditlo, and Maria Magdalena Meier, oldest daughter of Wendel Meier. Sept. 6, Peter Weber, son of Peter Weber and Maria Reichenbach. Persons who were married by me, John Theob. Faber, in the year 1786. Nov. 21, Henr. Grob, of Lower Milford township, and Margareta Schutz, of township. 1787. May 15, John George Ott, of Upper Milford, and Catharina Bishof, of Lower Milford. 472 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 1788. Apr. 13, Philip Bitting and Elis. Derrscham, both of Great Swamp. These persons were married by me, John Faber, Jr., in the year 1792. Brauchler and Mack. 1793. Nov. 28, Christian Heger and Caty Long, of Great Swamp. [CATECHUMEN RECORD] Children w^ho were admitted by me, John T. Faber, on April 17, 1767, in the congregation of Great Swamp, to the Lord's Supper: Boys: Girls: 1. Jacob Mack, aged 21 years i. Catharina Mack, aged 15 years 2. Jonas Peters, aged 14 years 2. Margaretha Bischoff, aged 14 3. Jacob Huber, aged 16 years jears 3. Anna Maria Buchner, aged 14 years 4. Catarina Huber, aged 16 years 5. Anna Maria Winder, aged t\ years Confirmed at Pentecost, from Saucon: 1. Catharina Cock, aged 16 years 2. Elisabetha Cock, aged 22 years 3. A woman, Maria, Cock, aged 22 years 4. Henrich Faust, aged 21 years, from Upper Soucon In the year 1768, April i. were confirmed: 1. Peter Reiswig, aged 20 years i. Anna Maria Ott, aged 16 years 2. Henrich Frick, aged 17 years 2. Gertrude Cock, aged 15 years 3. Henrich Hupper, aged 17 years 4. Jacob Hupper, aged 16 years 5. Johannes Grob, aged 14 years 6. Valentin Heger, aged 14 years 7. Michael Ott, aged 14 years In the year 1769, March 24th: John Linn, 15 years Great Swamp — Catechumens 473 In the year 1770, March 13th, were confirmed: 1. Caspar Rieser, aged 17 years i. Christina Bachman, aged 20 2. Henrich Hupper, aged 15 years years 3. Petrus Cock, aged 15 years 2. Anna Maria Derr, aged 15 years 3. Anna Marg. Derr, aged 14 years 4. Cath. Mumbauer, aged 13 years 5. Elisabeth Gronert, aged 17 years In the year 1771, March 29th, were confirmed: 1. Joh. Hupper, aged 16 years i. Anna Maria Hupper, aged 14 2. Peter Frickel years 2. Anna Hupper, aged 15 years 3. Christina Heger, aged 15 years 4. Barbara Spinner, aged 15 years 5. Cath. Ott, aged 15 years 6. Anna Mar. Grob, aged 14 years 7. Elis. Hell. Linn, aged 14 years 8. Sara Faust, aged 14 years 9. Elis. Neukomer, aged 15 years In the year 1772, April 17th, were confirmed: 1. Joh. Wilh. Rieser, aged 15 years i. Elis. Berger, aged 15 years 2. Michael Eberhard,aged 16 years 2. Anna Maria Ditio, aged 15 years 3. Philip Eberhard, aged 15 years 4. Peter Bleiler, aged 15 years 5. Jonas Wetzel, aged 15 years In the year 1773, April 29, were confirmed: 1. Joh. Huper, aged 14 years i. Christina Doerr, aged 15 years 2. Georg Mohr, aged 15 years 2. Marg. Dits, aged 14 years 3. Joh. Peter Huper, aged 15 years 3. Anna Maria Schmid, aged 17 4. Christian Huper, aged 17 years years 5. David Spinner, aged 15 years 4. Anna Mar. Bleiler, aged 15 6. Henr. Mumbauer, aged 14 years years 7. Joh. Wetzel, aged 14 years In the year 1774, April ist, were confirmed: 1. Cath. Grob, aged 15 years 2. Susanna Faust, aged 14 years 474 Church Records of Goshenhoppcn In the year 1775, April 14th, were confirmed: 1. Henr. Ott, aged 17 years i. Anna Marg. Eberhart, aged 15 2. Phil. Ileger, aged 16 years years 2. Cath. Rauber, aged 15 years 3. Marg. Ott, aged 14 years 4. Elis. Still, aged 15 years 5. Marg. Heger, aged 14 years In the year 1776, April 13, were confirmed: 1. Georg Eckel, aged 15 years i. Barbara Ecklin, aged 14 years 2. Georg Doerr, aged 17 years 2. Elis. Doerr, aged 15 years 3. Christian Willauer, aged 15 years 4. Joh. Huper, aged 15 years 5. Wilh. Mueller, aged 16 years In the year 1777, April 12th, were confirmed: 1. John Eberhart, aged 16 years i. Hanna Hornecker, aged 24 years 2. Heinr. Grob, aged 15 years 2. Anna Huper, aged 15 years In the year 1779, April 2nd, were confirmed: 1. Henr. Stetler, aged 16 years 1. Marg. Stob, aged 18 years 2. Joh. Rauber, aged 16 years 3. Joh. Kehler, aged 17 years 4. Abr. Kehler, aged 15 years 5. Joh. Georg Ott, aged 16 years 6. Joh. Georg Eberhart, aged 15 years 7. Henr. Eberhart, aged 15 years 8. Jacob Engelman, aged 15 years 1782. May 26th, the following were admitted to the Holy Communion by mc, Friedrich Delliker: Philip Biding Anna Maria, his sister May 24, 1783. Cieorg Felix Linn Heinr. Bleuler Jacob Meixel Peter Delp Conrad Eberhard Adam Brauchler Henr. Georg Mumbaiier Johannes Samsel Great Sivamp — Catechumens 475 Henr. Nikel Samsel Matheis Welter Jacob Rothenburger Christian Heger Catharina Spinn Janette Samsel Elisabeth Funk Anna Marg. Hillegas Anna Christina Eberhard Anna Margaret Hillegas Catharina Hachenburger Catharina Samsel Elisabeth Meixel Margreth Doerr Anna Maria Koppenberger Elisabeth Heger Maria Servin Eva Servin On June 12, 1784, the following persons were admitted to the Holy Com- munion by me, Fridrich Wilhelm Von der Sloot: Johann Willauer, aged 17 years David Ditlow, aged 15 years Elisabeth Hachenberg, aged 17 years Children who were confirmed by me, Joh. Theob.Faber, on April 12, 1788: 1. Ludwig Bitting, aged 17 years 2. Jacob Kehler, aged 15 years 3. Nicol. Stehler, aged 16 years 4. Michael Wolder, aged 15 years 5. David Seller, aged 18 years 6. Joh. Romich, aged 19 years 7. Peter Romich, aged 17 years 8. Jacob Seller, aged 15 years 9. Phil. Dorwart, aged r6 years 1. Cath. Mack, aged 16 years 2. Anna Maria Horner, aged years 3. Anna Maria Ox, aged 15 years 4. Cath. Romich, aged 14 years IS Children who were admitted to the Holy Communion on Pentecost, 1790, in the Great Swamp congregation: Johannes Biding, aged 18 years, son of Henrich Biding. Georg Neukomer, aged 18 years, son of Johannes Neukomer. Jacob Daudy, aged 20 years, son of the late Wilh. Daudy. Anna Marg. Biding, aged 15 years, daughter of Henr. Biding. Elisabeth Horner, aged 15 years, daughter of Georg Horner. Catharine Hillegas, aged 15 years, daughter of Johannes Hillegas. Eva Willauer, aged 16 years, daughter of Adam Willauer. Elisabeth Fretz, aged i8 years, daughter of Henrich Fretz. Elisabeth Ditlo, aged 16 years, daughter of Abraham Ditlo. Barbara Dorwart, aged 16 years, daughter of Jacob Dorwarth. Magdalena Diel, aged i8 years, daughter of Fridrich Diel. 47^ Church Records of Goshenhoppen The children who were confirmed by me, John Faber, in the year 1792, on Pentecost: Anna Bleiler, aged 17 years Elisabeth VVillauer, aged 15 years Children who were confirmed on March 29, 1793: Leonhard Gebhard, aged 19 years Christian Dor ward, aged 17 years Children of this congregation who were confirmed <5n Easter, 1794, in New Goshenhoppen by me, John Faber: Lazarus Bleiler, aged 17 years Elisabetha Mumbauer, aged 17 John Mumbauer, aged 18 years years John Eberhart, aged 15 years Anna Maria Dubs, aged 15 years Daniel Eberhart, aged 16 years Barbara Berto, aged 17 years Jacob Dups, aged 15 years Eva Hillegas, aged 17 years George Herner, aged 16 years The children who were confirmed on Easter, 1795, from this congre- gation by me, John Faber: Michael Derr, aged 17 years Catharina Hillegas, aged 16 years Jacob Derr, aged 15 years Madlena Willauer, aged 15 years Henrich Ott, aged 16 years Catharina Huber, aged 17 years John Ott, aged 15 years Barbara Huber, aged 18 years John Ott ,aged 17 years Andreas Bitting, aged 16 years Daniel Dorwart, aged 16 years 1790. On January 24, 1790, the following elders and deacons, after having been elected for three years were installed into their offices: David Spinner Philip Eberhard John Huber Jacob Schmid Elders and deacons who were installed by me, Friederich Delliker, in the congregation of Great Swamp, on May 12, 1782: Elders: Deacons: Johannes Doerr Daniel Dubs Joseph Eberhard Christoph Ott j^ Grea t Swa m p — Co m m u n ica n ts A77 [Communicant Names of those who and on the 17th [1814] 1. Daniel Eberhard 2. Georg SchoU 3. Henrich, son 4. Cathar., daughter 5. Michel Ott 6. Johann Huber 7. Christian Doll 8. Christian, son 9. Nicolaus Ley 10. Daniel Dubs 11. Elisabeth, wife 12. Adam Rotenburger 13. Jacob Dubs 14. Adam Eberhard 15. Johann Oel 16. David Huber 17. Elisabeth Furer (?) 18. Johann Handschuh 19. Magdal., wife 20. Michel Scholl 21. Maria, wife 22. Jacob Schwenk 23. Magdalena, wife Lists of Rev. Fr. Wm. Von der Sloot.] on March i6th went to the preparatory service to the communion: 24. Wilhelm Mumbauer 25. Ester Mumbauer 26. Jacob Frener 27. David Spinner 28. John Rudolph 29. George Rudolph 30. David Mumbauer 31. Jacob Mumbauer 32. Michel Brauchler 33. Elisabeth Roteburger 34. Anna Maria Dillinger 35. Elisabeth Berthold 36. Eva Horlacher 37. Cathar. Spinner 38. Adam Dorwarth 39. Margaret Schafer 40. Susanna Eberhard 41. Magdal. Brauchler 42. Margar. Rieser 43. Sophia Levi 44. Ego, Von der Sloot 45. Maria Rieser Names of the catechumens: 1. Heinrich Gerber, aged 23 years 2. Valentin Huber, aged 22 years 3. Mattheas Rummel, aged 25 years 4. Philip Wannemacher, aged 18 years 5. Michel Frei, aged 19 years 6. Michel Staut, aged 19 years 7. Samuel Geisinger, aged 19 years 8. Andreas Fink, aged 17 years 9. Heinrich Hirsch, aged 15^ years 32 5. Margareta Wannemacher, aged 15 years 6. Katharina Staut, aged 16 years 7. Elisabeth Barret, aged 15 years 8. Sus. Bauman, aged 15 years 9. Kathar. Geier, aged 16 years 10. Salome Levi, aged 15 jears 11. Lydia Kerr, aged 16 years 12. Anna Geri, aged 16 years 13. Margaretha Christman, aged 15 years 14. Susanna Brauchler, aged 16 years 478 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 10. Daniel Salade, aged 17 years 11. George Ilerzel, aged 15 years 12. Jacob Ilillegas, aged 15^ years 13. Karl Gery, aged 16 years 14. John Ruckstuhl, aged 16 years 15. John Barret, aged 18 years 16. Alex. Mumbauer, aged 16 years 17. Jacob Rudolf, aged 17 years 18. Henrich Stabler, aged 17 years 19. Georg Neiss, aged 17 years 20. Joseph Kolb, aged 17 years 1. Elis. Traxel, aged i6 years 2. Elis. Lutz, aged 17 years 3. Elis. Gotz, aged 17^ years 4. Christian Wannemacher, aged years 15. Christian Bauman, aged 16 years 16. Catharina Geier, aged 17^^ years 17. Elis. Wiegner, aged 15 \ears 18. Elisab. Salledi, aged 15 years 19. Kathar. Schuler, aged 16 years Married Women: 1. Margareta Eberhard, aged 27 years 2. Elisabeth Hunsberger, aged 22 years 3. Elisabeth Hummel, aged 25 years 4. Catharina Huber, aged 23 years Total 43 [This first list is followed by other lists, on September 10, 1814, April 29, 1815, October 14, 1815, April 21, 1816, November 17, 1816, April 13, 1817, October 19, 1817, April 26, 1818, October 11, 1818.] Names of those who on April 13, 1818, were admitted to the Lord's Supper: 1. Jacob Schwenk 2. Magdalena, wife 3. George Diez 4. Elisabeth, wife 5. Valentin Huber 6. Adam Levi 7. John Ried 8. Hanna, wife 9. Adam Roteburger 10. Daniel Dubs 11. Michel Breuchler 12. Michel, his son 13. Susanna, his daughter 14. David Spinner 15. Katharina, wife 16. Henrich Dubs 17. Philip Dorwarth 18. Henrich Dorr 19. Elisabeth, wife 20. Michel Rudolph 21. George Ott 22. Samuel Derr 23. Jacob Derr 24. Ludwig Rudolph 25. Abrah. Mumbauer 26. George Schmeier 27. Elisabeth Schmeier 28. Henrich Mumbauer 29. Georg Rudolph 30. John Derr 31. Daniel Derr 32. Samuel Dietz 33. Jacob Rudolph 34. George Mumbauer 35. David Derr 36. Samuel Dorwarth 37. Jacob Schmeier 38. Eva Horlacher Great Swamp — Communicants 479 39. Eva Levi 40. Kathar. Spinner 41. Margareta Derr 42. Elisabeth Roteburger 43. Hanna Erdmann 44. Kathar. Funk 45. Kathar. Schiitz 46. Elisab. Oel 47. Anna Sax 48. Sophia Levi 49. Maria ( ?) Rieser 50. Elisabeth Huber 51. Margaretha Rieser 52. Maria Derr 53. Maria Derr 54. Esther Stah! 55. Hanna Rotheburger 56. Susanna Widemer 57. Kathar. Schwenk 58. Elisabeth Espich 59. Margaretha Schuster 60. Maria Brauchler 61. Maria Huber 62. Elisab. Wiener 63. Ego [Von der Sloot] 64. Anna Dorvvarth 65. Elisab. Dubs Names of the catechumens: 1. John Schwenk, aged 15I2 years 2. Henrich Diirr, aged 17 years 3. David Dorwarth, aged 17 years 4. Abr. Leidi, aged i8 years 5. John Mumbauer, aged 17 years 6. George Huber, aged 165/2 years 7. Dan. Knolety (?), aged 15 years 8. John Schmeier, aged 20 years 9. Jacob Kroh, aged 17 years 10. Joseph Geri, aged 16 years 11. John Scott, aged 19 years 12. John Rautenbusch, aged 17 years 13. Henrich Brauchler, aged 17 years 14. George Mumbauer, aged 17 years 15. Karl Rachon (?),aged 21 years 16. John Ritz, aged 18 years 17. John Huber, aged 17 years 18 19 Jonathan Dorwarth, aged 15 years George Mack, aged 27 years Kathar. Dorwarth, aged 16 years Sally Grenn, aged i6 years Kathar. Sell, a?ed 17 years Magdal. Sell, aged 15 years Hanna Maurer, aged 17 years Barbara Kolb, aged iSy2 years Kath. Schijtz, aged 16 years Sophia Traxel, aged 16 jears Marg. Faster, aged 18 years Mar. Rautenbusch, aged Maria Neiss, aged 17 years Kathar. Brauchler, aged 17 3'ears Susan. Dorwarth, aged 16 years Magd. Ditlo, aged 16 years Kathar. Ott, aged 21 years INDEX. ABBOTSTOWN, 265 Aberli, Hans Rudolf, 107 Ache, A. M., 227 Acrelius, History of New Siueden, 89 Albert, Michel, 81 Albrecht, Joseph, 25, 26 Alexandria, N. J., 232 Allemaengel, 138 Allen, Andrew, Esq., 189-191 Allen, Wm., 31 Allentown, 240 Alsentz, Rev. John George, 216, 217 Amen, Valentin Hans, 58 American Ancestry, 115 American JP'eekly Mercury, 44, 115 Amman, Hans Ulrich, 106 Amsterdam Classis, 7, 19,38,39,41, 43. 50, 56, 57, 58, 61, 74, 75, 8s, 119, 120, 122, 125, 126, 128, 135, 137. 148. 196 Amwell, N. J., 232 Andreae, Rev. J. C, 145, 163 Andrews, Rev. Jedidiah, 36, 37, 77, 90, no. III, 112 Anspacher, Hans J., 24, 26 Arnd, Bernhard, 144 Arndt, Jacob, 183 Arndt, Johan Jacob, 58 Arner, Hans Ulrich, 107 Aweeg, Gertrude, 9 Aweeg, Jan, 9 BACH, Henrich, 172 Bach, Nickel, 172 Baerents, Anna, 9 Baltimore, Md., 234, 246, 256 Bartells, Henry, 10 Bartels, Sebastian, 9, 10 Barth, Johannes, 24, 26 Bartholomie, Rev. D., 195 Baumann, Hans Jerg, 58 Bausel, Jacob, 24, 26 Bechtold, Rev., 83, 84 , Becker, Rev. Christian L., 256 Beissel, Conrad, 89, 95 Bensalem, 8 Berger, Rev. F. J., 83 Berigt, 28, 65, 66, 67, 68, 122 Berlin, 265 Bermudian, 265 Berne, 117, 119, 154 Best, Georg, 127 Bertschinger, Jacob, ip7 Beyer, Abraham, 164 Bingemann, John, 117 Biographisch Wordenboek, 29 Bischof, Mattheis, 172 Bitting, Ludwig, 172 Blatt, Johann Georg, 173 Bleiler, Henrich, 173 Bleiler, Peter, 173 Bleyler, Johannes, 172 Bloemers, Mary, 9 Blum, Frantz, 127 Blumer, Rev. A., 240, 250 Bock, Leonhard, 14 Boehm, Rev. Chas. L., 219 Boehm, John Philip, 12, 19, 30, 31, 3 5, 36, 39, 40. 50, 51, 57, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 74, 80, 83, 84, 87, 88, 90, 94, 114, 116, 120, 125, 135, 137, 138, 160, 161 Boehm's Life and Letters, 8, 10, 13, 481 482 Church Records of Goshenhoppen 19, 3i> 35. 36, 39. 40. 50. 60, 66, 69. 71. 74. 76, 82, 85, 96, 116, 121, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 135, 137, 140, 195 Boehm, JVarnunssbrief, 90 Bohn, Peter, 6, 9, 10 Boltzius, Rev. John Martin, 86 Bon, Margaret, 9 Borger, Peter, 58 Bossart, Baltasar, 106 Bottle, Michel, 24, 26 Bower, George, 205 Bowman, Hans Georg, 24, 35 Bradford, Andrew, 42, 44 Brauchler, Dewalt, 172, 173 Braun, Michel, 172 Broenck, Anna, 158 Brownback's Church, 155, 195 Brunner, Heinrich, 106 Brunner, Philip, 172 Bucher, Jacob, 106 Buck, Hist, of Montg. Co., 115 Bucks Co. Hist. Soc, Papers, 10, 56, 132, 148 Biidingische Sammlung, 31 Burnetsfield, N, Y., 43, 158 CARLISLE, 258 Catskill, N. Y., 32, 69, 158 Chambers, Early Germans, 232 Charity schools, 169, 170 Christian Intelligencer, 20 Circular Schreiben, 166, 167 Classical Archives, Amsterdam, 56, 64, 69, III, 121, 126, 128, 129, 137. 194 Cocalico, 82, 84, 155, 169 Coleman, John, 175 Colonial Records of Pa., 22, 26, 165 Conestoga, 35, 40, 79, 81, 84, 88, 119, 161 Congressional Library, 41 Corwin, Manual, 19, 32, 66, 96, 130, 136, 147, 156 Coventry, 155, 195 Cremmer, Hans Jorg, see Kramer Crob, Henrich, 173 Cuntz, Johan Jacob, 24, 26 DECHANT, Rev. Jacob Wm., 270 Decker, John Henry, 83 Deer, John Martin, 15 Delliker, Rev. Frederick, 230-234, 237, 250 Delliker, Mrs. Maria, 234 De Long's Ch., 200 Demme, Rev. Karl R., 262 Dentzler, Jacob, 106 Dewees, Cornelius, 9, 10 Dewees, G. H., 10 Dewees, Wm., 9, 10, 12 Diel, Hans Jacob, 73 Diel, Hans Michel, 24, 26, 34 Dilbeck, Isaac, 9, 10, 13 Dilbeck, Jacob, 9, 10 Diemer, Dr. John J., 44, 52, 55, 70, 78 Ditlo, Abraham, 172, 173 Dodder, George Philip, 55, 59 Dorsius, Peter H., 93, 121, 127, 128, 129, 131-148 Dotterer, Hist. Notes, 7, 9, 13, 35, 59, 60, 96, 97, 194, 196 Dotterer, Perkiomen Region, 5, 6, 7, 94 Dotterer, Rev. J. P. Boehm, 31 Drelsbach, Simon, 197 Dryland, 226 Dubbs, Manual, 71 Dubbs, Ref. Ch. in Pa., 19, 71, 72, 91, 96, 166, 234, 243 Dubs, Jacob, 172, 269 Diibendorfer, Alexander, 24, 27, 35, 172 Diibendorfer, Heinrich, io6 Inde.y 483 Diibendorfer, Jacob, 106 Diibendorfer, Kilian, 106 Dunkcrs, Seventh Day, 85, 87, 88, 91- 93 Dutch Reformed, 8, 38, 50, 56, 130 EASTERN Salisbury, 210 Easton, 225 Ebenezer, Ch., 200 Eberhardt, Barbara, 106 Eberhard, Joseph, 172, 212 Eberhart, Michel, 14, 113, 212 Eberhardt, Philip, 253 Eccl. Records of N. Y., 7, 39, 43, 49, 50, 112, 136, 148 Eckmann, Johannes, 24, 26 Egg, Rudolf, 106 Egypt, H7, "8, 119, 254 Elizabethtown, 258 Emmert, John Philip, 14 Endross, Mr., 172 Enschockhoppa, 6, 17 Ephrata Chronicle, 20, 78, 84, 88, 89. 93 Erb, Caspar, 172 Euchelen, Hans Adam, 14 Everhart, Adam, 269 Everhart, Joseph, 113 FABER, John Theobald, Jr., 249- 255. 257, 267-271 Faber, John Theobald, Sr., 215-223, 237, 238-240, 241, 242 Faber, Mrs. Barbara, 216, 246 Fabion, George Michel, 15 Falkner Swamp, 5, 7, 12, 38, 39, 142, 194, 195, 231, 234, 242. 245, 246 Faust, Abraham, 172 Faust, Nicholas, 173 Ferer, Jost, 58 Fetter, Richard, 48 Fidler, Gottfried, 91 Forks of Delaware, 120 Foxhill, N. J., 230, 232, 233 Frelinghausen, Rev. Mr., 128, 129 Fresenius, Nachricliten, 91 Frey, Jacob, 106 Frey, Tobias, 24, 26 Frick, Rudi, 172, 173 Friedrich, Mr., 156 Frohlich, Hans Michael, 48, 55 Fry, Lutli Ch. in Reading, 91 GABEL, Philip, 144 Gabel, Rightijers, 9 Gallman, Henry, 117 Gallman, Johannes, 176 Gauckler, Kilian, 15 G€iger, Johannes, 15 Gerlach, Balsar, 144 Germantown, 8, 30, 32, 39, 74, 78, 116, 261 German Valley, N. J., 230, 232, 233 Gernan, Jerg, 58 Gery, John, 269 Geweiler, Conrad, loi, io6 Gobrecht, Rev. John Christopher, 83, 220 Goetschy family, 96 Goetschy, John Henry, 13, 96-130, 131 Goetschy, Rev. Maurice, 97, loi, 102, 104, 133 Gohr, Johannes, 8r Good, History, 19, 38, 66, 71, 96, 147, 156, 157, 196, 229, 257 Good, Prof. James I., 11, 28, 67 Gordon, Gazetteer, 94 Gordon, Patrick, Governor, ii, 22 Goshenhoppen, 19 first occurrence, 5 forms of name, 6 location, 5 legend, 16-18 Gotz, Johannes, 207 484 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Graff, Sebastian, 24, 26 Great Swamp, 86, 87, 94, 113, 117, 126, 139, 161, 171, 193, 208, 211, 212-214, 218, 226, 227, 232, 233, 236, 237, 246, 251, 252, 258, 261, 269, 270 Greber, Ulrich, 207 Greenwich, 226 Griesemer, Valentine, 14, 73, 172 Gross, Rev. Daniel, 249 Gucker, John B., 14 Guldin, Samuel, 40 Guntz, Caspar, 107 Guth, Felix, 58 HABERACKER, Johannes, 24, 27 Hack, Andreas, 59 Hague Archives, 44, 52, 62, 78, 79, 80, 135, 153, 161, 166, 167 Hain's Ch., 155 Hallesche N acinic lit en, 28, 31, 91, 210 Halsbrun, Andreas, 8r Hamilton, Andrew, 31 Hamman, Thomas, 14, 73 Hanf, Jacob, 58 Harbaugh, Fathers, 19, 71, 96, 147, 194, 196, 229, 231, 266 Harbaugh, Life of Schlatter, 152, 159. 194 Harbaugh Manuscripts, 11 Harrisburg, State Library, 23 Hartman, Joh. Henrich, 25. 27 Hartman, Lorentz, 14 Hartwick, N. J., 233 Hauck, Jacob, 207 Hautz, Rev. Anthony, 83 Hazard's Register, 37, 38, 77, 92 Hebron Diary, 151, 155, 156 Heger, Philip, 172 Heid, Johannes, 106 Heidschuh, Hans Ph., 58 Heidelberg, Lehigh Co., 199, 228 Heidelberg Universit>-, 20, 44, 71, 215, 224 Heisler, Fathers, 258 Helffenstein, Rev. Albert, 256-258 Helffenstein, Rev. J. C, 221 Helffrich, Rev. John H., 228, 250, 257, 261 Helffrich, Geschichte, 198, 199, 200, 202, 209 Heller, Rudolf, 81 Heller's Ch., 82, 84 Hclwig, Friedrich, 149, 155, 199 Hemsing, Henrich, 221, 252 Hendel, Rev. Wm., 219, 250, 253, 260 Hendricks, Arent, 9 Hendricks, Mary, 9 Henkel, Rev. Anthony, 85 Herr, Willem, 24, 26 Hersch, Ludwig, 174 Hertzel, Heinrich, 202 Hertzel, Ulrich, 14, 221 Hertzel, Hans Georg, 24, 27 Herzel, Hans Lonhart, 14 Hess, John Peter, 14 Heuver, Henrich, 58 Hiester, Daniel, 161, 217 Hilligass, Adam, 14, 175, 221, 269 Hilligass, George Peter, 55, 1S3, 207 Hilligass, John, 269 Hilligass, John F., 14, 24, 26, 35 Hilligass, Michael, 55 Hilltown, 270 Hiltebeutel, Martin, 58 Hitz, Henrich, 172, 173 Hochgenug, Lenhart, 14, 73 Hochreutner, Rev. John J., 195 Hock, John Jacob, 81, 83 Hoffman, Burckhard, 14 Hoffman, Henry, 205 Hoffman, Johan, 149 Hoffmeier, Rev. John PL, 257, 261 Index. 485 Holland Donations, 169 Hollebusch, Peter, 252 Holtzhauser, Caspar, 14, 126 Holsbacher, Andreas, 24, 26 Holtzschwam, 265, 266 Hornberger, Michel, 172 Hottinger, Mr., 52 Hotz, Rudolf,' 106 Huber, Heinrich, 106, 172, 173 Huber, Jacob, 174 Huber, Johannes, 172 Huber, John, 161 Huber, Rudi, 172, 173 Huber, Valentin, 173 Hug, Heinrich, 106 Huth, Johannes, 14, 24, 26, 35 Huth, John, 161 IN DE HAVEN (ImHoffe), Evert, 10 In de Haven, Herman, 10 In de Haven, Gerhart, 10, 12, 55, 58, 70 In de Haven, Peter, 10 Indian Creek, 197, 206, 227, 228, 237, 238, 239, 247, 254 Indian Field, see Indian Creek Indians, 5, 40, 41, 43, 211 Ingold, Mrs. Catherine B., 228 Ingold, Rev. John W., 224-228 JACOBS Church, Lehigh Co., 199 Jaeger, John H., 119 Janssen, Catalogus, 44 Jordan, 254 Jost, Jacob, 24, 26 Journal of Presb. Hist. Sor., 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 19, 35, 36, 40, 50, 74. 76, 85, 149, 150, 151, 159, 160, 162 Jung, Daniel, 241, 252, 254, 261 Jung, Dewalt, 55, 58 Jung, Johannes, 253 Jung, John Henrich, 14 KEIBER (Keupper), Wcndel, 55, 58 Keipper, Carl Ludwig, 59 Kelker, Luther R., 23, 26 Keller, Conrad, 107 Keller, Jacob, 113, 146, 147 Keller's Church, 83 Kern, Verena, 106 Keyser, Hist, of Germanto^^;n, 10 Kidenweiler, see Kittweiler Kittweiler, Rev. Rudolph, 208-211 Klopp, Hist, of Tabor Ch., 157 Knecht, George Peter, 14 Knibbe, Rev. David, 56, 131 Kohler, Michel, 171, 173 Kreither, Abraham, 172 Kremer, Hans Georg, 25, 26, 34 Kreutz Creek, 138 Kubler, Hans, 107 LANCASTER, 82, 84, 163, 195, 219, 221, 238 Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc., Proceed- ings, 82 Lange, Rev. Carolus, 216 Lebanon Ref. Church, 155, 157 Lebo, Johannes, 58 Lecolie, Pieter, 55, 70 Lefeber, Johannes, 58 Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 210 Lehman, Christian, 73, 144, 147 Leib, Johannes, 25, 27 Leibecker, Caspar, 89 Leidy, Jacob, 59 Lein, Gorg, 172 Leman, Johannes, 58 Leydich, Rev. John Philip, 166, 193, 194-196 Liebenstein, Hans Martin, 24, 27 Lienhardt, Ludwig, 107 Lischy, Rev. Jacob, 82, 138, 141, 166, 168 486 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Lohr, Andreas, 14 Longswamp, 155, 199, 202, 210 Loscher, 83 Loscher, Nicklas, 58 Lovvhill, 202 Luckenbach, John Adam, 138 Lutherans, 15, 28, 31, 38, 68, 82, 85, 86, 90, 91, 113, 115, 142, 143, 162, 170, 200, 211 MABRY, Thomas, 207 Macungie, 94 Masius, 132 Matern, Peter, 14 Maurer, Hans Adam, 58, 146, 147 Maxatawny, 94, 117, 200, 228 Mayer, Jacob, 25, 27 Mayer, John, 6 Meels, Catrina, 9 Meels, Hans Hendricks, 8, 10 Meier, Jacob, 174 Mengel, John Adam, 149 Mennonites, 38, 68, iii, 115, 119 Mercersburg Revieiv, 7, 39 Merck, Heinrich, 107 Mertz, Georg, 14 Mettler, Jacob, 106 Mey, Simon, 73 Meyer, Conrad, 106 Meyer, Elias, 24, 27 Meyer, Hans, 106 Meyer, Hen rich, 24, 27 Meyer, Jacob, 14, 107 Michael, Mrs. Sara, 203, 204 Michael, Rev. Philip Jacob, 194, 197-205, 210 Michael's Church, 202 Mill, Hans Martin, 26 Miller, Daniel, Ref. Ch. in Read- '"S> 9i> 200, 229 Miller, Frederick Casimir, see Mueller Miller, Hans Adam, 26 Miller (Mueller), Rev. John Peter, 20, 71-95 Miller, Michel, 91 Minisink, 138 Minutes of Coetus of Pa., 12, 30, 129, 131, 140, 154, 170, 171, 193, 197, 200, 201, 217, 219, 220, 222, 225, 234, 237, 238, 239, 250 Minutes of Presb. of P/iila., 112 Minutes of Synod, 257, 260, 261 Moll, Christopher, 14 Moll, Johann Michel, 14 Moll, Johan Peter, 14 48 Moll, Michael, 207 Montandon, David, 48, 58 Montbauer, Nicholas, 161, 172, 173. 174 Moor, Gideon, 176, 182 Moravians, 85, 90, 138, 141, 156 Moselem, 117 Muddy Creek, 82, 155 Muehlenberg, 28, 31 Muehlenberg, Selbstbiograpliie, 31, 86 Mueller, Frederick Casimir, 83, 149-1571 159, 160, 168 Mueller, Hans, 107 Mueller, Jacob, 107 Mumbauer, Philip, 253 NAFF, Conrad, loi, 107 Naff, Jacob, 107 Neshaminj', 8, 56, 131, 132, 147 Neuschwanger, Christian, 6 New Born, 40, 41 New Brunswick Archives, 56, 132, 136 New Goshenhoppen, 7, 13, 19, 39, 87, 94, no, 114, 116, 117, 126, 138, 139, 142, 143. 149, 150, i5». 152, 154, 159, 160, 161, 165, 193, 197, 206, 208, 217, 218, 220, 221, 226, 228, 232, 233, 236, 237, 238, Index. 487 241, 246, 249, 250, 251, 257, 261, 269, 270 New Holland, 255 Newton, N. J., 233 Nolton, N. J., 233 Norristo-zvn Register, 165 North Holland Synod, 49, 50, 52, 60 Northampton, 254 Notzli, Caspar, 106 Nussbach, Michel, 172 OHL, Andreas, 207 Ohlwein, John Jost, 15 Old Goshenhoppen, 7, 15, 19, 85, no, 113, 126, 142, 143, 144 (Cor- nerstone), 145, 149, 159, 160, 161, 162, 162, 193, 197, 207, 208, 217, 221, 224, 226, 227, 232, 233, 236, 237, 241, 246, 247, 250, 251, 252, 261, 269, 270 Oley, 40, 41, 116, 129, 150 Op de Graef, Jacob, 9 Organ, Church, 200 Ott, Hans, 106 Ott, Henry, 269 Otterbein, Rev. Wm., 193 Oxford, 265 PALATINATE, Consistory, 29, 31, 32, 34. 36, 37, 49, 60 Pannebacker, Hendricks, 9, 10, 114 Pannebecker, Weygand, 221 Pastorius, 9 Pauli, Rev. Philip R., 261 Penn Germania, 41, 165 Pennsylvania Archives, 5, 22, 23, 73, 96, 118, 136, 202, 234, 256 Pennsylvania-German, 71, 163, 202 Pennsylvanische Berichte, 165 Pennypacker, Hendrick Panneback- er, 114 Pennypacker, Germantozun, 9. 114 Petter, Jeorg, 25, 26 Pfalzgraff, Georg, 14 Pfautz, Hans Michel, 24, 27 Philadelphia, 30, 31, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55, 62, 69, 74, 76, 78, no, 161, 169, 262 Philadelphia, Salem Ch., 263-265 Pieterse, Jacob, 9 Pigeon Hill, 265 Pikeland, 270 Pomp, Rev. Nicholas, 234, 241-248, 250, 253, 261 Pomp, Mrs. Elizabeth, 245 Pomp, E-zviges Evangelium, 247, 248 Pomp, Rev. Thomas, 245 Possart (Bossart), Jacob, 106 Pottstown, 195 Presbyterians, 74, 77, 79, no, in, 120, 129 Presbytery of Phila., 10, 77, 112 Providence, 194 QUAKERS, 8, 28, 30, 38, 68, ni RADNER, Michael, 141 Ranck, Johan Philip, 48 Raudenbusch, Peter, 14 Reading, 200 Records of Presb. Ch., 10, 77, in Ref. Church Messenger, 20, 41, 82, 84, 85, 155 Ref. Church Revie-vj, 198 Ref. Church Record, 84, 85 Ref. Quarterly Revieiv, 10, 46, 53. 54, 60 ReiflF, Conrad, 70 Reiff, George, 55, 58 Reiff, Jacob, 32, 44, 46-65, 121, 129, 132, 161 Reiff, Johannes, 48 Reiher, Michael, 113, 144, 146, 147 Reincke, Register, 138 Rembergh, Dirk, 9, 10 Rembergh, Gertrude, 9 488 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Rembergh, Michael, lo Rembergh, William, 9, 10 Rebenstock, Johannes, 9, 10, 13 Revenstock (Rebenstock), Sebille, 9 Re.ver's Church, 82 Rheinlender, Ph. Jacob, 25, 26 Rhinebeck, N. Y., 158, 160 Richards, Prof. Geo. W., 216, 254 Ried, Jacob, 237 Ried, Johan Philip, 14, 58 Rieger, Rev. John B., 30, 44, 52, 78, 83, 116, 160 Riess, John Jacob, 151, 194, 205- 208 Riser, Ulrich, 172 Rite, Jacob, 172 Rockaway, N. J., 120, 230, 232, 233 Rohrig, Hans W., 54, 55, 70 Roeller, Rev. Conrad, 241 Ross, George, 89 Rosstown, 265 Roth, Daniel, 118 Roth, Falkner Sivamp Ch. 231 Roudenbusch, Michael, 269 Rubel, Rev. John, i68 Rudi, Hans Ernst, 25, 27 Rudi, Johan Diedrich, 25, 27 Rundle, Daniel, 165, 171, 184-189, 207 Rupp, Hist, of Lane. Co., 38 Rupp, Immigrants, 13, 136, 151, 208 Rutschly, Philip, 27 SACHSE, Sectarians, 41, 71, 72, 82 Sahler, Abraham, 14 Sailer, Hans Ulrich, 164, 165 Salem Ch., Phila., 263-265 Salzburg, Lehigh Co., 195, 228 Samsel, Paul, 173 Samsel, Peter, 173 Saucon, 94, 117, 119, 127, 138, 249 Saur, Christopher, 165, 247 Saur, Pennsylv. Berichte, 156, 163, 165 Schaeffer, Wm. J., 222 Schefcr, Ludwig, 59 Schellenberg, Jacob, io6 Schellenberg, Martin, 106 Scherer, Johannes, 73 Schertlein, Rev. Jacob Fred., 210 Scheuchzer, Heinrich, 107 Scheuler, Jost, 58 Schipbower, Elizabeth, 9 Schlatter, Rev. Michael, 119, 149, 150, 151, 152, i6r, 166, 168 Schlatter's Bibles, 168 Schlatter's Journal, 149, 150, 152, 159, 1 60, 194 Schmauk, Hist, of Lxith. Ch., 85 Schmid, Jacob, 253 Schmidt, Bastian, 58 Schmidt, Christopher, 6, 55, 58 Schmidt, Jacob, io6 Schmidt, John H., 73 Schmidt, Wilhelm, 59 Schneider, Christian, 144, 147, 161, 174. 177, 178, 191 Schneider, Conrad, 144 Schol, Else, 9 Scholl, Frederick, 59 Scholl, Johannes, 58 Scholl, Peter, 172 Schoolmasters, 119, 138, 167, 168, 169, 227, 241, 252 Schools, 171 Schreiber, Heinrich, 106 Schumacher, Rev. Daniel, 210 Schumacher, Jerich, 24, 26 Schultze, Mrs. Anna Rosina, 164, 165 Schultze, David, 115, 163, 171, 178, 183, 184-192, 207, 217 Schultze, Guide, 138 Schuyler, Gabriel, 9, 12, 162 Schwab, Hans Georg, 24, 26, 35, 81 Index. 489 Schweikhardt, Hans Philip, 24, 27 Schweitzer, Lorentz, 58 Seitz, Johan Peter, 24, 26 Selle, Maria, 9 Scltenreich, Leonhart, 24, 35 Selzer, Jacob, 48 Senn, Rev. Jacob, 254, 257 Shakahoppa, 6, 17 Sheidt, Christian, 240 Siegvolck, Paul, 247 Sigmund, Bernhard, 73 Sippen, Henry, 27 Skippack, 6, 7, 12, 28, 30, 38, 39, 46, 47, 50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 64, 68, 74, 76, 87, no, 116 Smith, Mennonites, 38 Smith, Sebastian, 24, 35 Soller, Philip H., 58 South Holland Synod, 27, 29, 49, 50, 59. 60, 65 Spengler, Hans Caspar, 24, 26 Spinner, David, 253 Spinner, Ulrich, 173, 211 Sprague, Annals, 130 Springfield, 119, 206, 249 Sproegel, John Henry, 114, 115 Sprogel, Ludvvig Christian, 115 Sprogel, widow, 45, 115 Stadler, John Adam, 14 Staels, Caspar, 9, 10 Steger, Hans Jerg, 14 Steiner, Rev. John Conrad, 168 Steinmann, Hans, 14, 117 Stephan, Ulrich, 25, 35, 58 Stoever, Rev. Caspar, 86 Stoudt, Rev. John B., 15, 198 Straher's Church, 265 Streib, David, 172 Strohm, Benedict, 14, 24, 35 Stupp, Frantz, 14 Summe, Isaac, 207 Swatara, 156 Synodical Deputies, 29, 44, 52, 60, 62, 93, 128, 13s, 139, 151, 159, 160, 224, 231 TANNENHAUSER, 221 Taylor, Annals, 130 Tempelman, Conrad, 35, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 156 Ten Heuven, Evert, 8, 9, 10 Ten Heuven, Gerhart, 9, 10 Ten Heuven, Herman, 9, 10 Ten Heuven, Peter, 9, 10 Tennent, Rev. Gilbert, 128, 129 Thomas, Leonhard, 186 Tibben, Henry, 9, lo Tohickon, 206, 207, 227, 238, 239, 254 Transu, Abraham, 14, 73 Trappe, 261, 270 Traxel, Peter, 118 Trexler, Skizzen, 198 Trumbauer's Ch., 220, 228, 239 Tulpehocken, 80, 84, 85, 88, 93, 117, 129, i6i, 195 UPPER Milford, 195, 228, 271 Union Church, 254 VAN BASTEN, John H., 135, 136 Van der Sloot, Rev. F. W., Sr., 235-237 Van der Sloot, F. W., Jr., 258-266 Vandersloot, Lewis, History, 236, 259 Van Vlecq, Rev. Paulus, 8, 10, 12 Vincent, Chester Co., 194, 195, 234, 245 Vock, Lewis Ferdinand, 83 Vogelle, Hans Jerg, 25, 26 Von Thierem, Bernhard, 85 WACK, Rev. Caspar, 227, 238, 257, 260 Wackerli, Abraham, 107 490 Church Records of Goshenhoppen Wagner, Geschichte, 156 Walbert, Peter, 172 Waldschmidt, Rev. John, 83, 168 Walder, Rudolf, 106 Walter, Christoph, 25, 27 Weber, Johannes, 58 Weber, Ludwig, 99, 105, 107 Weber, Peter, 174 Weber, Ilinckende Bot, 99 Weicker, George, 15 Weidman, Abraham, 106 Weidman, Rudolf, 106 Weimer, Jacob, 155, 199 Weinel, Nicholas, 252, 257 Weisenburg, Church, 200, 209 Weber, Conrad, 89, 91 Weiser, Dr. C. Z., 15, 271 Weiser, Monograph, 5, 6, 38, 114, ri8, 211, 215, 221, 239, 240, 242, 250, 258, 262, 267, 271 Weiss, Mrs. Anna, 158, 174, 180, 181-183, 186, 191, 207 Weiss, Rev. George M., 19-70, 76, 79, 84, 121, 154, 158-192, 193.207 Weiss, Traveling Preacher, 41, 42 Weiss, On Indians, 43 Weiss, Johann Ehrhardt, 207 Weiss, John Michael, 21 Weiss, Nicolas, 20 Weicker, Hans George, 14, 24, 27, 35. "7 Wellecker, Rudolf, 25, 26, 34 Weller, Hans Heinrlch, 35, 55, 70 Weller, Hans Martin, 25, 26 Wentz, Peter, 7, 58 Wentz's Church, 7 Werns, Conrad, 48, 81 Wetzel, Jacob, 172 Weyberg, Rev. C. D., 217 Whitemarsh, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 38, 39 Wiant, Jost, 253 Wiant, Wendel, 14, 48 Wieser, Mr., 83 Wigand, John Wm., 167 Wilhelmius, Dr. Johannes, 29, 32, 46. 47, 48. 52, 56, 59, 68, 78, 103, 105, 109, 120, 121, 122, 128, 129, 131-133 Willauer, Adam, 174 Willauer, Christian, 172, 173 WilJhe, Johannes, 58 Wirtz (Wuertz), Rev. Conrad, 96, 100, loi, 103, 119, 120 Wissler, 168 Wittner, Rev. John George, 82, 83, 216 Witpen (Boehm's), 225, 247 Wolff, Hans Jerg, 24, 26 Worcester (Wentz's Ch.), 225 Wiist, Jacob, 107 Wuertz, see Wirtz Wynckhaus, Rev. John H., 235 YERCKES, Anthoni, 9, 10 Yodder, Johannes, 9 York, 120 ZELLER, Rev. Daniel, 268 Zeltenreich (Seltenreich), 82 Zenger, Peter, 40 Ziegel Church, 199 Ziegler, Hans Georg, 24, 27 Ziewer, Johann, 144 Zigler, Filib, 25, 26 Zimmermann, Conrad, 172 Zimmermann, Hans Michel, 14, 27, 35 Zurich Library, 97, 99, 104, 105, 107, 230 Date Due BX9566 .P4H6 A history of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Princeton Theological Semmary-Speer Library 1 1012 00021 2128