7 ?-l: i h ^ v; 1 '^TdL y^ Aii^lT' il ^% '^A -4\ B-6C l» \ ^'■"'■' .*>'-">. -ij-ix i THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, | f I^fincMon, N. J. " f # § J From the Rev. W. B, SPRAGUE, D.D. Sept. 1839. ^ Case, *^'«'«''^.......X Book, I) '■"^-TTTiT^nr sec y fm ii " »i' " *'i o ''>%l'- , .^,^^ fV^^'i^' SERMONS VPON THE WHOLE BOOKE OF THE REVELATION. Sctforthby George tJiFFARD, Preacher of the V Vord at Mauldin in Eflex. REand that bloudy kingdome of Antichrift waxcth dark, their br ightneile & gloric is dimini(hed,wherfore they befb vcxed,that they gnaw their tongues for forrow.The fixt A n- gell alfo (as it is faid in the fame chapter) hath powred forth his viall vpon the great riuer Euphrates, & the water there- of is dried vp, that is to fay, the riches, the ftrength, the for- tification and munition of great Babell doth fodecaie, that the way for the kings ofthe earthisin preparing. The dra- gon, the bcafl^ and the falfe prophet, haue fent forth their mcffc^ngers THE EPIS7LE DEDICATORIE. meffengcrs , euen their vncleanc fpiritcs which arc like froggcs,into all lands vnto the kings of the earth to flirrc them rp vnto battaile.The lefuites, the Seminaric Prieftes^ arc difperfed in all countries . The armies of Gog and Ma- gog, which compaffe about the tents ofthc Saints J andthd bcloued citic, Reuel. 20. are yet but in part deftroyed. The beaft and the kings ofthe carth,and their armies are yet a!?- femblcd to war againfl: tl>e Lord, Reuel. 1 9. All thefc thingi come to paffe in the daies that wc Hue in . Now of larc yeares there cntred (as they call it ) into the holy League, Kings & Princes, binding themfelues with fblemne vow td do their vttermoft todeftroy and to roote out all that pro- fcfletheholygofpelloflefus Chrift: here is great confpira- cyagainfl: the Church. Andby thefiiigularblcfring of God, our noble Quecne h ith bene, and is the grcaceft defender and protestor ofthe holy worlhip, & true worihippers that is vnder heauen. The Churches m other countries hauc by her aide bene much fupported&i releeued in their diftrcC- fes.The Romifh bead &: his companie haue efpied (o much and do make full account, that all their wars & enterprifes againft the Church are to fmall purpofe, vnlefl'c they could firft fupplant anddcftroy her Maieftie . Andtoefteitthis their wicked defire , they haue inuented all thewaicsand meanes which poflibly they can . Their Pope ( who is the ftanderd-bcarer in that apoftacie) did long fmce excom- municate her Highnefle.He hath fro time to time fent forth hisleiuitc Prie(h6^ others, to workcallmancrof treche- fics, and traiteroufly to murthcr her royall Perfon: wherein the Lord God hath ofte preuentedthem miraculoufly y for which wc are bound mod deepely to giue mm thanks. 1 he A i King THE EPISTLE DEDICATORIE, King of Spainc, who hath giuen his power to the bcaft , fcnt ' his forces Anno 88.for to inuade her land,& to throw down her excellent Highnefle , from that facrcd authoritie & po- wer in which almighty God hath placed her , & miraculoufl \y proteded her, fighting from heauen againft her enemies, cuento the wonderment of the whole world. And what (hall we thinke, that ihey haue now done? Nay, looke how long that great fierie dragon , Sathan, that prince of darke- ncs dothburne in hatred againft God & his truth, fo long Amichrift and his adherents moued by his inftigation , will be reftles in feeking the fubuerfion of our religion, Queen, andcountrie. Then do weefpecially and aboue manyo- thers, ftand in neede of noble warriors & mighty men,who ' in fb great and waighty caules are to be guided by the moft high God, euen by the light of his moft facred word , that thioughhisblclfing they may profper and haue good fuc- cefle.Among other bookes of the holy Scripture, thisRc- uelationdorhgiue both (peciall inftrut^ion and direction, and al(bincour2gcmentvntothefewarrcs. For it doth not onlyprophefieofrh^manddefcribe them, and Ihcwwhat Iballbetheiftueofthe, but alfofetteth forth how the Lord himfelfe doth as it were found the trumpet vnto this bat- taile againft Babell, faying: Reward her euen as (he hath re- warded you, and giue her double according to her woikes, and in the cup that fliehath filled vnto you, fill her the dou- ble.In as much as ftie glorified her felfe and liuedinplea- fure,fo much giue ye to her torment and forrow, chap. 18. This prophcfie then is moft fit for the warriers of our time,: that defii-e to warre in the Lord, and for his truth. 1 haue ac- cording to my itiall abilitic expounded itin publike audi- tgry, TT^E EPISTLE DEVICjiTOk'lE] toric, as a matter very profitable forthedaies that we liue imandldoprefentandoffcrit to your H. not that my fim- pleexpofition is worthy to come into thehandsof foHo* norabic & (o learned a perfbn, where it can adde very fmall or rather no inftrudion: but I commend the prophefic it fclfeasa book mod fit foryourH.tobcexerciced in. And if it be requifite for all true chriftians to be inftruded in it, then much more is itneceflarie for your H.aboue others, to beeuen throughly acquainted with it, for which I can eafily render great and apparantrcafon. The enemies pre- pare themfelues withmightie forces, threatning great ter- ror vnto this land, euen as the waucs of the fea, readie to o- uerwhelmevs.Iffuch wars and troubles do come, there is on the other parr, and thatgencrally through this Realme, among all that loue the fafetie and good of their counrrey, arareexpe^ftation of great things to be performed by your Honor. Thisexpedationis as agreataducrfarieoppofcd, which your H.-lhall neucr be able to fatisfic without the An- gular powor, diredion, and blefling of God. And if your H. with an vpright heart , (hall firmely cleauc vnto the Lord GodofHeauen, that power of his, that diredion and ble(^ fing fiiall not be wanting . It may be fbme will obied , that , manie haue done exceeding great things, and to their great honour and commendation which haue had no true know- ledge nor feare of God , but led with vaine glorie, and with thcficrcenes of nature. lanfwerethat it hath benefo, but yet to their fmall good: for fomc of them hauing gotten great praife aud honor, haue in their life time fecne the bu- riall of the fame. Other fome haue left behindthcmafamc among meni but to what purpofc ? Can int breath of mea ^ A 4 which ' . THE EPISTLE DEDICATOR/E, which vttrcth their praife here vponearthj any thing coole or mitigate the heate of thofe torments which they fu- ftaine in hell?Looke vpon the valiant men of Ifraelljand be- hold what courfe they tooke, how they profpered 5 &c how their honor doth ftand both with God and men . King Da- uid in the name of the Lord flue that great Giant GoHah. And he faith:Bleffed be the Lord my rockejwhich teachcth my hands to warre, and my fingers to thebattaile. King Afa hauingthrownedowne idolatry inhiskingdome^and cau- fed the people to worfhip the true God 5 there came an ar- mie outofHthiopiatoinuadehisland, anarmieofathou- fand thoufands, he made his prayer to the Lord, reftin g v- ponhis power, and ouerthrew them,2.Chron.i4. The Mo-- abites & Ammonites gathered an exceeding multitude, & came againft that godly king lehofaphat: he affembledhis people to fad and pray , & in the aflfembly vttered a prayer himfelfevnto the Lord God ofheauen, and fo obtained a glorious victory, 2.Chron.2o.VVbatfhouldrfpeak of king Ezcchias, who after he had reftored the true worfliip of the Lord, had the enemies entring fo neare, that they compaf- fedleru'alemwith amightiearmie, where Rabfaka blaf- phemedthe God of heauen : but the king and the Prophet Eiayi lift vp their prayer vnto God,& the Angel of the Lord went fan that night, andflueinthearmie ofthe AfTirians, anhundreth fourefcore and fiue thoufand, 2. king.ip*. and2.Chron.52, He isthe fame God ftill vnto all that with - vprighrnes of hart cleauc vnto him,: & reft vpon his migh- ' lie power r ami whoibeuer they be tliat cafl away his; feare,] &difl]onoT him^ vndbubtedly they ihall not alwaies pr6£ "^ per. In the bool(c ofthe ludges there be ahi>fundricvali*» ' ant THE EP/STLE DEDICATOTLlE. ant menofwarre fpokcn ofjandlikewifc inocherbookcsof the holy fcripturc: and their worthie adcs be fetfonht I o- mic them,let your H. looke vpon the defcription of the war and the warriours againft Antichrift in thefe times, which is: in the ip, chapter ofthisbooke.For there is defcribed both our great captaine the Lordfefus, commingforth tabat- taile againft the enemies of his Church , and alfo the noble warriors and worthy fouldiers which fight vnder his banner,. I Taw heauen open ( (aith S. lohn) and behoJd there was A white horfe, and he that fate vpon him was called faithful! and true, and he iudgeth and fighteth righteoufly . Mis eyes were as a flame of fire:and vpon his head ai e many crownes: &he had a name written which noman knowethbutbim^- fclfc. And he was clothed m agafment dipped inbloud: and his name is called the word of God . 'Fhe' armies a'lfb' in heauen followed him vpon white horfes, clothed in finii; white linnen & pure.Out of his mouth went a fliai pe fword, that with it he might ftnkc the heathei>, for heftaltrute^ them with a rod of Iron: and it is he thatftall tread the winc-preffe of the fierceneflc and wrath of God almightie . Andhchad' in hisgarmeritand in his thigh a name written, the king ofkings, and Lord of Lords . And a little after it followeth:andlfawthebcaft, and thekinges of the earth, and thcil" armies gjtthered together to war with him which fate vpon the horfe, and with his armie . This battailc is fought vpon the earth, otherwife how do the beaft, and the kings of the earth and their armies fight > Moreouer, the armies ofChrift arc men vpon the earth, euen the god- ly kings,Princes^NobIes , & worthie captaiiies, which with the materiall fword defend the Goipell, and the minifters and THE EPISTLE DEVICATORIE. and preachers of the truth , which with the fpirituall fword fight againft Antichrift . Againft thefe the armies of the beaftandof the Kings do fight. Thefe are faidtobec the armies in heauen, becaufe their caufefor which they fight, is from heaucn, and alfo the power with which they fight* Thefe ride vpon white horfes, and are clothed in fine white linnen and pure. They come ftrongly, fwiftly , and checre- fuUy to this battaile. They come in finccritie, integrity, & purine offaith , ofloue, and of other affedions . For allis pure white about them. The warriours of this world, which warre according to the luftes of their flefh in ambition , in pride and crueltie: may be faid to ride vpon red horfes,and to bf clothed in bloudiegarmenrs. Put on that fine white linnen and pure, ride vpon that white horfe among this blcffedcompany, and follow this high captain e : and then (hall your H.pcrforme right worthy things to the glorieof God, to the good of his people, and to your owne eternall praifeandfclicitie. Your Honours moft duti- ful! to commaund: li^ ^h 'n; George Giffard. ' :/ftfioqvf.-3ft*is)ii-: The argument of the bookc,vnto the Chriftian Reader. TPtallnot be Amilfe(goodreMderyo fet downi hiefy the mutttri which are handled m this frophecte: Jeetttg the boekejeemeth dark VMto mat)j,jea fo darkejhat it cannot be made cleere to their f«- derfiandtng. True it i/, that if a man Uqht vponfome ^eece ofity C^ take it by tt felfe, he pialifind it dark: bat if he lookypon the whole ccurfe of the matters throughout the books > ^nd fee how thtneesbe iteratedjoe ^all find nofuch darknesas hefearetht&forthat rejpe^ Ifuppofe that a briefe opening tr necej[ane,lvvtllnot{fddvponan exc^m^itedtmftonofthisprcm fhecy into the maine parts, c^fo tntofubdsutfions'.but in a morepiaine or rude comrfi 1 wili proceed^ euen as the matters do lye m order. Firfiy therefore we are to know, that this book> ts aprophecte which openeth thefiate of things to come in the world from the time thitt it was giuen to lohn,^ iv^m to the great day of the generalliudge" went. The three fir fl chapter i are to be ioyned togetherjfecaufe in them there is no opening orforejhewing of things to come,but of matters that were thenprefent . For in tbefrfi chapter after the gener all title of the booke in threeverfes^^ the faluta- tion oflohn to thefeaen churches infmeverfes^ye haue thefrfi vifon^ in which the Lordappeareth vnto lo\\t\yCalltth him ^ authorifeth him,to reaiue this prophecy, to write it^& to fend tt to the Churches ;ef here the myfierie ofihefeuen flars, (^ of thefetien candlejt/ck^ ie opened. In the fecond chapter, CT* m the third, there it opened by feuenfeuerall Sptftles fentfrothe Lordjtheflate ofettery one of the y. churches of Afia^VKt9 which this prophecy was to befentfo that by the we v. ay fee in what ejiate the vniuirf I church militant was at that timefor as fome ofthefefeue as yet flood firmeye^ other fome had much declincd^fo was it with other churches. There be ma* ny right excellent injlruEitos in thefe three chapters, both for thepaflors ^for their fl'ckf & nothing dark^or difficult yhecaufe the Lord himfclfexpouded that mjflery of the 7. flars, rs" of the j. golden candfflickj.T hen next there be cyqht chapters to be toyned togetht r,beginmn:r at the fourth , (^fo continuing to the end of the eleuenth. In thefe cyght chapters there are fet out very briefly O" darkjy, thejumme of all the whole prophecy for ft reacheth to the gener all ludgement which thefe chapters c on- tame , as It is mojl eutdent by the oath oft he ^ingelchap,io.who fweareth that there fhalbe no more time but in the dayes of the voyce ofthefeuenth Anqelvvhen he fiiall beqin to blow the trupetwvhich triipet Ublovvne m the endofthe eleuenth chap^ tCKtUvhere there ts al/o a defcription of the lafh iudgemet. Andncwfor the particu- lars in thefe eyght chapters. In the fourth chapttr there u agCorious vtfion , which fet teth forth the mAieflie^the^lorie &praife of the mojl high (jod,that raigneth cr rultthouer all with hit tnfinit power yVvifedome^t^rouidence^^ iufiice ^fro wi^m t his reuelatio comet h.Fortt t s called the reuelatio of le fur Chrifl^vvhtch GoJgaue him cha. i . And vve reade in the beginning of the next chapjthat the boo k^ felled with feuen feales( which is this reuelatio) was in the right hadofhim that fate vpothe throncT hen further inthUfift chapter ^there is none jound'Si^orthy to ope the fealet of this booke but the Lamb/uen tht LordJefut alon^pvhojepraife'bcthw§*& An^ tels TO THE REE ADER. ^ehy And all creatures dofoMniforthj'hfn thefttmme ofthefe twochApters iSyfrtm how highjhow mighty Jhorv mfijhow iufl & hovf^ienofts a Godthtsprephecte ctm- methy& al/ofrohow worthy a mediator:who receiueth itt& openeth the feut feales thereof, In thefixt chapter we come to the reuealtng of the my [Series, when the Lamh Cpettethfiue cf the feuen feales. V»der the fir/l of them is figured the contjyefi which Chrifi ntaketh oner the nattof of the worldly this gojpel.Vtider the feeed, t he third C?- (he fourth, are refembledthe plagnet & tudgements which the Lord fendeth v* to the vfickedworldfor defftftng and abufing the fame his holy an^ ^rectons Gofpel For when the graces & rich treafnres ofgodarcpublifhed & offered voto men^ and theyfet light by them,blafpheme ^ tmpugne them^he fendeth blondie wars^fammeSf pefiilences andfuch like tn all ages, Vnder the opening of the fift feale^there t4 ^ewed the happie refi ofthefonles ofthoje which were murthercdby the tyrar.ts^ and cruell rage of the people for the tcflimony of lefts: And how thetr bloudcrieth alovedin the tares of the Lord for vengeance vpo thoje wicked me which fo cr nelly flue the. IV her- Upon vnder the opening ofthejixtfeale, there follow wonderf tillterrible fignes of Cods wrath,(^ comotions^euen to the horror of the mofl wtck^d. Alfo vnder the fame fxt feale is fet forth a ffir it nail plague of God vpon the worldy euen the (It^ying of the cottrfe of the holy GojpeljWhich isfgnred byfoure wicked Angels or dine Is ^ holding thefoure winks that they (l)old not blow. This in thefeuenth chapter ^xv here al^ it u Jhewedhow the Lordyet prouideth for his ele^l both of I ewes C^ Gentries ywhtcb tri- umph ^glorife Qodfor t^etrfalfiatio together with althe heauely compfi.nyof blef- fed Angels. In the opening cfthefettenth fcalejre figured out the great cfi plagues of all for the Lord Cometh to battellin hofltlc maner again/} the wicked worU^whsre^ fore 7. Angels do found 7. triipets,and ye k»ow that triipets are founded vnto war^ Inthemidfi ofthe/e horrible plagues the Lerd(fodfltllpreferHethhischurch,(^to declare fo muchybefore the founding of the trumpets, the Lord lefus appeareth m Z'i- ftofiandtngat the altar with a golde cenfer ^fweet odors. Ik thefoudmg ofthefrffy thefecod^the third and t he fourth trumpet ythe hatle and fire mingled with bloud, are cafiinto the earthythe great mountaine burning with firetscaft into the fea^ a great fiarfaHeth into thefoHntaines of waters e^ maketh the bitter, & the third part of thefun,ofthe mooney& ofthejlars isftnkecS^ darkened, By al which it meatfuch an vniuer fall plague in all parts of the world tn corrupting O" dcprantng th'pure reli- gioyOsfhold lay waflypoyfo & darkcycuen to the finalldefiruElion ofmanj.iVemajfiot thinkjt flrange that one plague is fet forth vnder diners figures, which is becaufe the Vniuerfality of it is defcribedby reaching to the heaues,to theearthyto thefea, C** to \the riuers ofwaters.To the earth a vvafitng G^ corrstptntg tepefi^to thefea a bur- ning moHtatne^o thefrejh waters a bitter fiar^& to thefunncy rkoone &fiars , t^idt T^^ch doth darks- ^ftcr thefe 4. trUpetsfoundediS.lohnfeeth an Angel flying tnthe widji^heauen^whom al/o he heard pronounctngy fVoyWo,woyto the inhabitants of the earth yC^ declaring that thefe three vvoesPiolibe at the/ouding of the three tru.- pets that remayned. For the plagues which come at the founding oftheje three irii'- petf are exctedtng great, yea thegreatefi of all other, The firfi of the, which is at the /ottndin^ of thtffttr^et^fef forth in the ninth chapter, fro the beginning of it vnto the TOTHE READER. the \i^verfe^ii the p/ague of the great Afitichrip, This horrthle pUgtteis defcrihtd 'Under a ^reAt ^arthat droppeth dowKefrom heautn^ to Vfhcm is giuen the key of the hottcm/fffepit^euen the key of hell . Starres in thti booke{M the Lordjhewethin the firft Chap.)doftgnifie the jilimflers of the CjofpeH. So that this plague which is the kwgdcme ofthegrent Antichrtft, comet h by a Aiimfler which falleth fro heauenh doUrinCytothat which is of the enrthyeci of the dwelt iffr he optneth the pit ofhell,^ hringrth m the (moke of ijiyiorance ^^ darkne^fe yQ^ error s ^vphich darkneth theayre <> the funne. Out of which fmoke bretd thefvfarmes ofLocuJis^whtch like Scorpios ttojhnfj mfti.Then at the founding ofthefxt triipetywhich begtnneth at the i ^.ver.ef the 9 .chap, there hemics againfi God and his Churchyand made war againft thejaints^ C^ ouer- came them,andfttte thoafand thoufands of them, in thofe tenfrft perfecHtions which htflories of old do report, /ir.dwhat power vnder heauecan be fjewedythat fo murde- red the faint s,fince Chrift,but the Empire of'R^ome?The other ts the beaft with two homes like the Lambe^which fpeaketh like the dr ago. This is the great Antichrift{as the Tapifls then.felttes arefircedto confiffe)& there fire it isfet forth^ how he fedu- ceth the inhabitants of the earth withffgnes dr wonders. He is both the fcucth head of the firmer beafi^anda beaft by him/elfi^exercifingdofible power, and there/ore the Angell,chapter i y,calleth him both the feueth head of the beaft ^i:^ faith alfo that he if the eight. He ereSleth the verie patteme or image of the heathen Empire that fir- mer beafl, and canfeth the inhabitants of the earth to wotjhip and to obey the Jame^ He caufeth allto recemehismarke , andnone may buy and fell > except he haue his marke^or his name, or the number of his name, where the tinmber of his name ts ex- prejfed.ln the i^,Chapter there isfir/l a vifion of the Lambe vpon mount Sion ,with his holy and pure compame of true and fincere vvorffjtppers , which finglaude and pray fe to Qod , For the Lambepreferueth them as his holy (^hurch miltar.t vpon earth inthe^ayes of that kjngdome of Antic hrifi: Thenfilloweth the fall of great Babell^which is that tyrannous kingdome of An- tichrift, Andherfallis by thepreachmg of the Gofpell,which the Angellreprefen- tingthe AdtnifterSydoth pub/ifh^ca/ling vpon all nations jki»dreds ytongues^and people to worjhipthe true Cjody& fo the worfhip ere^ed by AntichrtFtj being th e wcrfhtp of creatures, down itfallethythis is come to paffe tn our dayes:and there is vengeance detteuttccd againft all thofe which wiiluotfirfake that wicked idolatrous kingdome. • Then . 9 TO THE READER. Theytjilloweth in the lajtpart of the 1 4. Chapter^ de/cription eftbe lafi ittdgement Vttdertwofiq^HreSythe one 0) harueft t the other oft he vtnt^tge , The latter uideed which is cfthe vtntageydoth reprefent only the cutting dorvne of the wicked, & c^ Bwg them Ukjf clujiers of grapes into hell , which ts as the great wine prejje ofth* wrath ofGoLlnthe 1 5 .and 1 6.Qhapters there follorveth another, Vtfion offenen Att" gels with thefeuen luH plagues.Thej be the plagues which are povpred forth vpo the ktn^domeandfulfieSles of the great Antichrifiyjix of them in this worldjeafl tt might oe thought^fhallthej efca^e here Vntillthe la(l day? And thefeuenth which it at the day ofiudgement^the lafi andthegreatefl^euen that et email plagne. And be» fore thefe plagues are powred forth J thevtfiondothfhevfJhorvthefaithfHlldoefcape hemg fet infafetiein themtddefl of them,pajfing through thefea of this vcorld^which is called glaffie and mingled with fire f euen as the childrenoflfraeU dtd efiapefiem Pharaoh, when hepurfued them in the redfea^Mofes and the children oflfrael did fmg afong to the Lord;cvhe they vtere pajfed through: And fo they thatpaffe through thugulfi of the world and get the viElory ouer Antichnfi^ are fatdtofing the fan ^ of Adofes and thefong of the LambeSThc Angels potvre forth their vtals,and there ts a grieuotia forehand bloudfiiedby wars,there ts famine andpeflilence throughim^ moderate heate atfoure of them. And then atthefift the kingdome of the beaflwa' xeth darke by the preaching of the ^ojpellyWhich is an exceeding forrow vnto the 1- dolaters,andat the/ixt the great rtuer Euphrates ywhich is the fortification of 'Ba^ belldrieth vp^fothatthe way is in preparing f or thofe that jh all de fir oy her. tyind bereupothe dragon,the beafi (frthefalfe Prophet do befiir them^^ fend forth thetr Ambaffadors into all lands to get fir ces vnto bat tell agatnfl thofe rvhich defiroy thetr kjagdomeJVhich rear is now at the hotteft in our day es And thefolloweth thepotv- ring out oft he lalt vtalyWhich containeth together with the lafi vengeance ofeter'" nail ludgement ygr eat & horrible plagues ^oing immediatly before the lafi day.The t here followeth the I "J. Chapter ^where the Angelip^eweth vnto John q^reat "BabeS borne vp with the beafi with feuen heads ^and interpret eth vr.to h;m themyfierx of euery part » As what the beafi ts^vzhat is figmfied by the feuen heads, dr alfo by the ten homes ^and what they (hould do:and lafi ofall^vvho that woman is which (tt- teth vpon the beafi , CT fait hit ts the great Citie which ruleth ouer the kings oftht earth:'R^me ts the great Citie, %ome is great 'Babell^%cmeofneceffttie is the feat ofshe great ty^ntichrtfi -for what other Cttiein the world ii buildedvpon feuehih be fide Rome,which the Angell faith is meant by feuen keadslWhat other Citie in the world be fide %^mejhad thofe fine feuer all gouemements?ofvt hichfiue Were fal- len when lohn recetuedthis prophefieyOne waSyeuen the 8mpirey(^ one to come that is the *Papacie.fVhat other Citie hath Jhed the bloud of the Martyrs but %ome let the T^apifies (liew if they can.Then is %ome Babel^ euethe woman drunken with the bloud of the faints. In the 1%. chapter the fall of Babelis fet forth more at large ^ Shefallethbj the light of the Goifellforas chapter 10. the Angell commeth downe With the little booke open^fo here againe he commeth with great light, dr downefal- leth Babel yO- becometh the habitation ofdiuelsjhe hath comitted horrible things^ a&d aboHndeth iufinne^andthe people of god are called v^onto^Upartfiom her, and not TO THE REE AD E R. H9t' omly tb itJ>Ht aIi'o to execute vengeance vpon her , and to recompettce her for all the mifchieje thxtfhe hath,vvroHght,f^/td at her great fall and deffrftflion , there arc hroHght in her loners & friends yVV ay ling and lamenting verie dole fitly ^ euen all fuch at hafte comitted whoredome and luted tnpleafure wtth her, andgayned by her: for their plsafttre and their gaine is gone for (he commeth to vtter de(oUtion.Thenin Chapter 1 9. there ii firfi the voyce of the he^nenly companies prayfng the Lord for her fall and deft ru^ion.T hen is there alfi a very great toy a*7d reryctngjand pray/fj, ffr the celebration of the mariagc of the LmnfbeyVvhtch is the manage ofChrifl to his (^httrch^and the blejjednejfe ofthofe which ccme to thatfeafl . f^udfaflly there is in that (^haptcr a glorious defcrtptton oft he Lord lefus coming forth vnto bat tell with his armies^agamfl the Beafl andhis adherents , vvtth the vtElorie vzhtch be hath Oder them.i^^nd this is the fall Her throvo of Antichrijl , 'But there hath Myet bene no mention ofthedefiruElion of the chief enemy of all, that is to fay, fifth: dra- gon himfclfe the diitelly in the zo.^hapter therefore his tudgentetit and deflrnHion is Jet forth .And becaufe he hath bin a more gener all rvovker^ & his mi/chief hath ex- tended larger then the kingdome ofiSy^nttchrt/l^there is tn that 20. (fhapter an hifio" rie cfhimfet forth by tt felfe : hefedi^ced t he nations before the commirg of Chrtfly who at his coming bindeth him by the light of hi^^ofpellfromfeductngthe nations^ andfoholdeth hint fj fit vpfor tbejpace of a thonfandyeares, in which the Church dot hflorifi greatly, and many are raifed in the fpirttuall life . 'But when the thou- fandyeares are exptred,Sathan is loofed and goeth forth agatne tofednce, and by the great Antichnf, andby the Turke, gather eth innumerable multitudes into his ar- mies to fight agiiinjl the Church jWhich armies are called Cjod (^ Magog^but they Are alloucrcomeand defircyed and that oldferpent hymfelfi is caMght^ and together with his inflruments the Beafi and thefal/e Trophet^is cafl into et email fire to be tormented. After this we haue tn that lO.Chapter a goodly defcription cfthegene- r all mdgement, with the execution of vengeance vpon the vvick^dAAndthen tn the two lafi Chapters^hat is, in the zi. ana 12. there is defcnbedthe eternal/ felicitte C^ Bleffedeflate of the (fhurcht and that tn fuch goodly manner ^ that he is euen a verie hbcke or a ft one ^t hat is not moued therewith, %here be thegreateft rtches^andglo- ricyandioyes fhadowedout that etter wereheardof. After this in the latter part of the iz.^hapterfrom the tenth verfe , followeth the general I conclufion of this boo^e^ where the authoritie of it is ratified with fundry ratifications. If men do but ob~ Jirue this. g£nerall courjf of this 'Prophecie , andfiudioufly obferue the handling of matter Stthey fliallfinde nofuch dar^nefe as.tsfeared,much lejfefnallit be found . fo obfcure as the T^apifies do be are tn hand^ when they would driue men from the reading andfludie of it , becaufe tt painteth out great 'Ba- bellf that %pmi(h harlot, Farcrvellin Chrift, f $^r^1^ THE I. SERMON. CHAP. I. X . The %eUeUtion ofhfui Christ , which God^Aue vnto him to fjfip to his fir* Hants things which mufipjortly be done : andhejtgmficdjendmg by his Angel, "vnto his feruant John^ 1 . who bare record of the word ofGod^and of the teflimony oflefm ^hrifl^what- foeutr things he hath/eene, 3 . B/eJfed is he that readeth,and thty that heare the words eft his prophecy^ and ktepe the things which are written thcrem^for the time U at hand* qC^ Tisnot many ycares pafl (as yee know) fined did ex- *" "^^ pound this bookc cucn in this place , and vnto this audi- toric: and therefore Iea(^ anyfhould maruailc , why! vndcrtake to expound it againc , I let ye vnderfland,that there isgreat rcafon to moue me hereunto, as namely, that the bookeisa mofi excellent and a moft precious ie well, which God hath bciiowed vponhis Church, and great pitie it is, that all Gods feruantsare not throughly acquainted wiihitjcfpccially in thcfe times. The hoi/ Ghoft CzMh/B/fJJedis he that readeth, and they that heare the words ofthisprophe-. cj,And keepe the things which are written theretn.c^c, which fufficiently proucth it to be moft precious, and moll excellent, and the vfeofit right neccflary for all good ChriQians.and erpecially(asl layd bcfbre3in chef'c timcs.Ifany will fay, why r fpecially in thefe dayes?! et him marke a litle. This bookc (at Icali one great pare of it)doth dcfcribe & paint out as it were in liuely colours,thc ty ranous kingdomc ofAntichriftjCuen great Babylon,thc mother of whorcdomcs & abominations of theearth.Ic hath pleafed God, ofhis great goodnclTc,& abundant mercy towards his people, a little before our dayes , and in our d3yes,to powrc forth a viall of his Vv-rath vpon the very throne ofthat babylonicall bca[t,and to make his kingdomc W3XC darkc.Thc pure light ofGods word hath difplaycd & difdofed al their filthi- ncs.Thcirpower,theircihmation,thcirglory,thcir richest their dignity arc much come downc and dccaycd.Thcy gnaw their tongues for forrow>thcy be vexed in niind.They be ftudious now in lcarning,and ranlacke all corners, in what writers 'focuer to find any thing which may make fomc flicw of de%ncc for thcinrelucs. They U b^th fubtlc^aad Mofcmdlprat^tifcs : and all,ifit wcrcpofliblcjs to rc- 4 & (Coucr . i SERMONS VPON coucr their ancient g!orie,and to rcpaire the breaches which are made in the wal/es of their grearcitic. Js ic net then good that men fhould be armed againft them with the things rcuealed in this bookc? Is not now in thcfc dayes, the very hcate of tlie battailc bctweenc them and vs? and this prophecie leaucth them open, whereby yc may well pcrcciue, that there is great reafonto expound it againc and againe^ that • it may armc the feruants of God. But here will be obicdions and niev\ of rcafons brought forth, to proue that this Reiaelation is not to be medled \vitha!l,ncr in any wife to be expounded among the common people. The Papiib indeed cannot a- bide,thatthe people lliould haue any part of the holy Sciiptures in akno ane lan- guage, nor that they fhould haue any bkill orvnderftanding in them:becaufe all fa- cred Scriptures det'ecland bjwray their treacheries : but of all others^they cannot abide that this prophecie jfhou'd be ma«ie knownc, or expounded pubHkely. The ancient Fathers (fay they) the grcateH and Icarncdeli D >diox% of the Giurcii fincc the Apoftles times , confcffe that this prophecie is fo myl^icall and fo daike , that they could not vnderfiand it. And our Engliili lefuitesof Rhemes, allcdge for this purpofc a faying o^ Hierome^thdX theReuclacion hath as many mylicries as words, and that in euery vvord there is hidden manifold and fundry fenfes. Alfo they al- lcdge Z)i?«;^ BiOiop of Corinth ipeakingto like purpofe. The matter commeth to thisinefFo6t:Ifthe great learned Fathers could notvnderfland it,howcan any man of Icfifc learning take vpon him to expound it } is it not great arrogancie to fay we do vndcrftad it better then they did?Orfhal the vnlearned people be made to vn- derftand that which thofclearned Fathers could not attaine vnto ? Where there is fuch mylVicallfenfeand ambiguicie,what ccrtaintiecandierebe in thecxpoluion? And if the interpretation be not ccrtaine, but that one will fay this is the fenfe , an other will differ from him, and fay that is the fenfe, and a third from them bothjto vvhat purpofe fhould it be interpreted? Let not this trouble any man , or caufe hi m to thinkc it in vaine to fcrke for the interpretation ofthis prophecie, for all is but a blind cauil,and very eafie to be rcfel- Icd, which alfo 1 will now partly anfwer, and partly when we come to the hand- ling of the words in the text which I haue read. I doc , and I may boldly affirme, that a man of mcane learning in comparifon , may now in thcfe day es more cafily vnderftand, & expound this booke far more perfectly, then the Icarnedft Dodors could, and Fathers in ancient times. And further I fay , and can proue that it is no arrogancie to fptakc thus,becaufc there is great reafon for it,as one ©fthe ancien- teft Fathers, hentm I meane,in his fourth booke,chap.45 .doth flie w .For he vpon a faying in Daniel i i.of fealingvp the booke vntill the time dctermined:and from a faying out ofthe Prophet leremixty that in the lart dayes men fhould vnderibnd thofe things:inferreth,that euery prophecy before it take effei\is darke riddles and ambiguitie vnto men.But when the time came (faith he) and it commeth to pafle >\'hich was prophccied, then the prophecies haue a cleare and an vndoubtcd expo- fition. If this faying of his be true,(as none that hath icnfe can deny it)then this Rc- uelation hath many tilings in it , v\'hich vnto the fame IretntHs , vnto Denis, vnto Btermf^ vnto Augfijime , and ynto thercft of the Fathers were, as Irena^w fay th. THE REVELATION. 3 tyEmgntata^ datkc ridcjles.and anibiguitic,and might be taken diuerfc w^aycs, be- caulc they liued before the times in v\ hich they fliould be fuJfilJcdjWhich now vn- to vs that hauc fecnc thcm-coinc to paffe , hauc a clccrc and vndoubtcd cxpofi- tion. I will open this more particularly thus ; Somethings in this bookc were ful- filled before the daycsofthefeFathers,and fomc in the day cs in which they liued, tlicfc they did vndcrfbnd. Some things were figured out which fhould come. to pafic atter their daycs,as the conmiingof the great Antichrin,and all that he Oioqld do . They vndcrliood that luch a wicked dominion fhould be fct vp,yea fonic of them fa w plainly, and fo they teftiHc in their writings, that this monger, the man of finne fliould hauehis throncin Rome ; but that the BiHiop of Rome fliouid fo farre dcgcneratc,as to become the head and the Oandard-bcarer in this Apottafic, to fct vp idolatric and all blafphemous abhominations , and to perfccute the holy Gofpell oflefus Chri(i,they did notice. Hcreofitcanie,ors,and wife Princes fhould rather fee the truth,then afcw defpifcd perlons: but lookeinro the holy word of God , go into his lar,(iluary,asthe Prophet fpca- Icth Plalmc.75.and you fliaJl find it nothing at all which ihevobitih For in very dccdc It is thcjame argument, or rather 1 may fay , the lame blind cauill thaffhc Priefts anti Pharifies made againlt cur Sauicui Chrift , anJbgainfi ihofe that fol- lowed Um^Ioh.y.Thcy gathered a counccll,ihey fent their officers to apprehend 15 i Chrifi, 4 SERMONS VPON Chnft,and to bring him before them.Thcy fate and cxpc6led their comming , and the officers returned without him. Why haue you not(laid they)broughthim?Nc- ucr m3n(rayd the officers) fpakclikc this man.Then thcPhari/ies anfwerediArc ye alfo dccciucd? do any ofthe Princes , or of the Pharifies belecuc in hin) ? but this multitude that kno vveth not the law is accurfcd.Is not this vnto mans vvifcdome in ^11 hkelihood a very ftrong argument? Compare both fides together and fee. Here are the high Pricf ls,thc Pnarihes,the Do6^ors,thc Princes, and the ftudied men in the Scriptures : ai 1 thcfe cry out with one voice , and condemne Chrirt to be a fc- ducer,a 4cftroyer of Gods holy worfliip, a falfc Prophet. On thc.othcr Gdc, who follow Chri(V,who imbrace hisdo(5lL-ine,& beleeue in him?hischicfe difciplcsarca few fifliermcn, Then ccrtaine womcn_>and fomc of them that had bene <7rcnt fin- ners,as M^rj/ Magdalene ^'a^wd. (he that waflied his fcctc with teares,and wiped the with the haires of her head.Thcn next the Publicanes.and many both men & wo- men ofthe common fort.Herc is great oddes,if wc looke vpon men:How com- . Dieth it to palls that thefe latter haue their eies opened to fee the lioht.& the other liaue not? Mofes and the Prophets foretold of Chriftj defcribed him, fct foorth his death and paffion, and refurrcdion, the place where hefhouki be borne, and the ^ time when he fliould fuffcr,alfo that the chiefe rulers in the Church called the buil- ders.fliould refufe him being the head comer ftone. All thefe learned Priefts,Pha- rifies.and Princes,did read and ftudy the Scriptures,andyet a? Saint P^^WfaithjA^^. 1 3. they fulfilled che-voyces ofche Prophets, by putting him to death.What is the teafon?rhcy did fvvell in pride and ambition', and werepufFcdvp in opinion of their owneknowledge.Thcy had corrupted the truth with their own dcuiles.Thcy had in their blind imagination framed to themfclues fuch a Chrirt , that when the true Chrift was come they could not know him , but fulfilled all things that were vvritten of dim. The Scriptures ofthe new Tcrtament in like manner forefliew the comming ofthe great AncichrifhThcy paint him out in his colours , what manner •of one he fhould be,what he Hiould do,and where he fliould raignc. The Pope, his Cardinals,his great Prclates,and Dod^ojrs of allforts,ftudie and reade thefe Scrip- tures : t'.iey fpcake much ofthe comming of this monlier: they play all the parts in this tragedic,and fulfil all that is written of him,& yet do not know him:& why fo?Thcy be as proud as t!ie,Pharifies»they haue corruptedtbe holy Scriptures with the Icauen of their ovvne do6trine,inorc then they did fane and by many degrees. . They haue their fabulous inuenrions touching Antichrif^, fothat they cannot know him.Why then fhould any thinke it ftrange,that they cannot fee that which . poorc men and women do lee touching Antichrifl, when poorc Publicans knew Chrifi.and thePharifies could not?Thus hauing anfvvcred thcfe obiedions,wher- by they would driuevs from this booke , Jet vs now come to words ofthe text whichi did reade, The ReueUtton ofUfus Chnfi,^c.^t^oxt Saint John doth come to declare the vifions that were flie wed him,he vfeth a preface, which is contained in eight vcrfes. This preface confif^et^t oft wo parts:The one is theinfcription , or generall tide of the booke,in the three yerfcj that J haue xead vnto yoiuThc othg: hisfalutatio or greeting THE revelatio;n. 5 greeting which he fendcdi to the fcucn Churches, contained In the fiue verfcsnexc following. In this firft part ofthc preface , which is the title , there be two things •cj^icfly intended : the one is the high authentic ofthis propiiccic , the other is the lingular fruitc and bcnefite which chc Oiurch fliali rcceiuc by it. And both thefc are cxprcfled in the fir(t entrance , to prepare the minds ofthc hearers , to make tliem attentiue,rcadie to heart and to learne.and to carrie a good will and liking to. the things. For that which commcth from the mofl high God, with fo great autho- ritie & tor fuch lingular good ofthc whole Church, mull needs mouc our minds, with all due rcucrence and fubmillion to heare it. It mull needs fiirrc vp cur hearts to be willing to Icarne, yea to iouc and to delight in the things which we fliall Icarne in the lame , if we regard cither tlic authoritic ofoiir foueraigne Lord , or our ownc felicitie. But let vs come more particularly : the holy Prophets of God mold time, when they came to the people to vtterany mcfl'agc, Icall itfhouldbe fct light by, and dcfpifcd as the word of man, yfcd commonly this preface : Thuf /aj/th lehorta : AndhcAre the vvordof the Lord. In like manner Saint John being to deliucr this heauenly prophecy , to the endc wc Ihould not eftccme bafely of it, callechitthcReuelationof lefusChrill.whichGod gaucvntohim,&c. Our Lord lefus the cternall wifedomc which the Father poflefled in the beginningofhis way, before his works , before there was any time ; which was begotten before there were any decpes, and before the Mountaines were fixed. Prouerb. S.whois made vnto vs of God wifedome, i.Cor.i. is he through whofe mediation all thecoun- lilsofGod, cucn from the beginning, haue bene reucaled to the Church : as it is written : No man hathfeene God at a»y timct the onelj begotten Sonne which is in the bofome of the Father ^ he hath declared htm, loh. i .He then in old time fent the Prophet*, furnilhingthem with his fpiritc: hee was afterward inthefulncffeof times manifellcd in the flcfh, and taught all things : he being afcended into his clone, fent downe the holy Ghofl vpon his Apoiiles , which tookc of his, and ihewcd vnto them , lohn. 1 6. We may fee then that all tructh , cucn all the holy counfcis efGod , hauc bene giuen and opened to the Church through the mcdi- ationofChrift .-butbccaulehc was not then manifcHed in theflcfli, the Prophets fpeakcnot foclearelyofhis mediation in the deliuerie of the word , as Saint /o/j» doth here. They fay, heare the word ofGod. and thus faith the Lord, and Ichoua hath fent vs vnto you with this mcf lage:But lohn tcllcth that this prophecie which he bringeth is the Rcuclation of lefus Chrift , which God gauc vnto him,to Ilievv to his (cruants things which mull lliortly be done. Behold then all myHeries come from the moll high God,thiough Icfus Chrill the mediator in our flcfli. They be giuen vnto him , that he may llicw them , as wc fee in the fourth Chapter of this booke.the lambc taketh the I'calcd booke(which is this Rcuclationjout of theri^'hc hand of him that littcch vpon the throne , and openeth the fealcs thereof. C jod the I'athcr of our Lord Icfus Chrilt fo louing his Church,tliat he gauc his only begot- ten fonnc torcdceme and to reconcile it vntohin)felf,through hiscicfIc,giuc:haU thjngs with him.Wliatfoeuer thingsthcn arc good and co?»ucnientfor the Church to knowjhe giucthtlKiu: wherefore it is faid^that God gauc this Rtudationto le- B 3 fus S SERMONS VPON fusChrlftjto fhcw to his feruants things which muft fhortlybedone. The Lord IcfuSjwho hath loaed his fpoufc,and wafhed her in his ownc bIoud,hath fo tender a care ouer her,that what may do her good, and be for her fafety while fhc is here vpon earth in her pilgrimage in the middeH of her focs.he cannot withhold it from herrwherefore recciuingthis Reuelation,hefcndcthhis Angcll,and fignifiethtohis feruant lohn, the difciple whom he loucd , that he might receiue and publi/li the fame. Behold then the loue of the Father, behold the loueofrhe Sonne in giuing this prophecy , to open to his leruants che things that fhould be done,be fore they cometo pafTc. But ftill forthe authority of the bookc , ic commcth from the high Godjit is from lefus the mediator,it is lent by an Angelj,here is no blemifh ; but ic commeth alfo from a man.Indeede it commeih from a man.but from fuch a man^ and in fuch fort,that the authority is nothing at all diminifhed , for the holy Apo- flles and Prophets were but the inftruments ofthe holy Ghoii and deliuered no- thing of their owne,but whatfoeuer the fpirit by them vttered: as it is written: For ' thefrophecj came not in olde ttme bj the rvtllof man : but holy men of Qod ^akf as they were moued by the ho(j Ghoji, 2. Pet. i . This Saint lohn refpc6tcth when he fay th here of himfelfe;»6«:/j bare record ofthe word of God f and ofthe tefltmony of lefkt Chrifi^and of all things that hefavf. He doth not here vtter any thing but as a faithful! witneflc,euen as the tongue and penoe bf the holy Ghoft. Then is it our part humbly to rtoopc do vvne with all reuercnce, to hearken to God , and to our Lord lefus Chrift,who in fingular loue hath fent this Rcuelatio vntoalhisferuants. We muft cake heede that we defpifc not things comming from fo great and fo glo- rious a mediator , fending them vnto vs for our fpecialj good. Thus much for the high authority of this booke. Now cometo the fccond part, which exprefleth the fingular fruit and vommo- ditie which the faithful! fhall receiue thereby : B/effeduhe thatheareth, andthef that read the words ofthii Prophecy, andkeepethe things which are written there- in :for the time is at ^les had her confliCb,butnottliefc which now are to follow :Thcy heard and were taught by the Apoiiies,that fuch things Oiould come, but yet this prophecy which painteth out.and dcfcribcth things n;orc clcercly and particular- ly, was not giuen to them, becaufc they did but hcare ofthe dangers , andlcifc'ciipcu*ndcth loinc my ffcrics in the fir/J Chapter.which giueclccrelighccfpccially to the firllvilion.The Aiigcll cxpoun- dcth other,andcrpecially in Chap. 17. The writings ofMofcs and the Prophets, vnto which there be fundry allufions, and from which fiindry things are drawne, do mmifcft many things. So that indeed to be ignorant in it, is either wihully, or neghgently to dcfpife that which we may,and ought to know vnto ourhappines. Tlien remember when thou hearc(t any go about by the hardncs of the booke to diflvvadc from t/ic reading and hearing of itj fay remember, the Lord laithic is a Rcuclation : be not fo eafiiy driucn away tromir. Morcouer,ifany be ready to caiiili fiiuher,and to fav,it is a Reuelation,butnot vnto all . Ic was giiicn to Ichn , it mi^lit be giucn likcwifc to fotne fpcciall men, which could tel! how to vfc itjbut net lin- the vnlcarncd.Indecd the Papifls reafon after fuch for: ; but the next words d^o quite put them downc,when he fayth, To fijsvf to huferH.ims things which mtiji^oortly be done. That is, vnto ail Gods fer- uants, men and women, young and olde^ and therefore lohn'x^ commaundedto write all in a bGoke,::-i(l :o feud it to the fcuen Churches of Afia. Maike well that he fayth_,thatthisKeueiai:.on isgiucnto lefusChrift,to fhewto his feruants,&c.lf it cannot be interpreted, nor vndcrftood,how doth ir,orhow can it fhew things ? And if thou regard not or canft not vnderftand it, take heede , looke to thy felfe, leaft thou be found none ot Gods fcruants,for it fhcweth to the fcruants of Chrift things thatmuft be done. When the feruants of God whichwithall humility fubmit thcmfelucs,and depend vpon him to be taught, fhall hauc their eyes ope- ned to feCjthe wicked proud world,and children of the world fhall be blind , yea fo blind and fofarre from vnderftanding this prophecy , that they fhall fulfill the things which arc prophcciedin it. The Popifh Cleargy,the Cardinals, the Bifhops, Abbots.andlefuitc PrieHscouftirCjthey do not nor cannot vnderfiand it:whcre- by it is mod euidcnt,that they be not the feruants of Chnlt . Let none draw thcc away with their cauils, defire the Lord to open thine eyes , that among the num- ber of his feruants, the things may be flicwcd vnto thee which this booke rcuea- leth.Laiily,ifthisbookc be lo dai kc and fo my fiicall,that it cannot be vnderfioodr ifthe interpretation of it be vncertaine : or if the common people camot be taught to vnderdand it,& therefore are not to meddle wJfhit,how fhould the ho* ly GhoO (^^yElc^edis hcthat readeth , and thejf that hearcthewordt ofthufrc phccj^and ksepe the thtngt ivhuh tire rvritten thereiMf Let any man Judge that hath common fcnfc , flialla maneucr become blcffed by reading cr hearing thofe things which he cannot vnderlland.or which he is not to meddle withail ? ludge alio in this,whether part are we to belceue ? The Pope(who chalengeth to be the vicar of Chu/t,and lb guided by the fpirit of truth , that iudicially from his chaire he cannot erre)fayth this is a booke dangerous for the people to meddle withal). ThcCardinaIs,the Prelates inthatkingdomc,theIefuiiesand other,bearc men in hand that it is euen (o^ and that the fafcit \\^ for the people is,neucr to deale with it. The holy Ghoit by the pennc of Saint Ttflwproclaimethaloude , that they be i)lcflcdvvhichrcade,hcarc, and kecpc die matters here written, Who fayth the truth? lo SERMONS -VP ON truth? for they cannot both fpcakc rfuth, their fayings be fo flat contrary. Are yee not fure the holy Ghoft doth fpcake the truth? then doubt not but be as fure that the Pope and Papifis d© fpcake by a lying fpirite , cucn by the fpiritc of the diuell. Thus haue we in this firft part of tiie preface,thehigh authority ofthis booke com- ming from the God of glory, through the mediation of Icfus Chrift , and the lin- gular fruit which wefliallrccciuc thereby.Letit moue vs withreuerenceto beat- tenriue to the things vttered, toIearnethcm,andtoIoucthcm, that we maybe blclTed for cuermorc. Amen, THE II. SERMON. 4 . lohn to thefeuen Churches which Are in A/ta, grace he with yes , and peace, from him which is , and which was^ and which ts to corns , And from thefenen fpirits which are before his throne^ 5. And from Jeftu Chnfl, which isthatfaithfuSwitneffe^andthatfirfl begotten of the dead^andthat Prince of the ki*tgs of the earth , vnto htm that louedvs^ andwafhsdvs from oHrfnneSy in his hloudy 6. And made vs kj^g^ And Prtefls to Cjod enenhis father , to him Ifay^ be glory and dominion, for eftermore. Amen. 7. 'Behold he commeth with clondSyC^ eueryeyefhallfee htmyea euen they which pierced him through ^andallthe kindreds of the earth fhallwaile before h'tm^ ettenfoy Amen, 8. lam Alpha, «?«^Omega, the beginmng andthe ending faith the Lord which is^andwhtcb was, and which is to come^eften the iy4lmtghty. "E had in the three former verfcs , the tide ofthis booke, being the firllpartof the preface; and here vvc haue in thcfe fiuc verfes the fecend part,that is the falutation, or greeting, which lohn fende'th to the feucn Churches. Ic was the vfuall manner ofthe Apofties, when they did write vnto any,to begin with falutation, te(hfying there- by how vehemently they did loue them to whom they wrote,how well they did svifli vnto them , praying for their faluacion through the high blelTing of God . lohn was willcdfas yefec a£.erwardsin thi|phapter)to write this Reue]ationj& to lend \i to feuen Chui ;hes of A^ia,vvhich are named vnto him , that they might receiue this prophccy,and dcliuei: fQrth true copies ot it vncg other Chuj;ches,Aiid before '~ ' he THE REVELATION. ii he willdcclarc the vifions which were (hewed vnto him,hcgrccteththem!Guing- ly.If we compare his falutatio with that which Pau/Zi the reft vfc in their Epiflles, we (hall find in fubftance of matter no difference atall,butinthe manner and or- der he diftcrcth,vfing fuch a (tylcandluch dcrcripiionSjasarc agreeing to the Ma** ieftyofthisbooke. Con(idcr the thiiigs in particiilar,as they be fet downe , Touchingthe matter wiflicdinthefalutations vntothofe to whonuhey write, Saint 7*rf/y/(rwiflicth grace and peace,to the Romaines^to the Corinthians,Ga]athians, Ephefians,&c. and fometime.grace, mcrcy,and peacc,as to Ttmothy;An<\vnto Ttt»s. Saint John craueth the fame things for the Churches to which he fcndcth : zsyci^eCf John K> thefeuen Chttrcha which are in zAjiitj^race be T9nhye.,*nd peace^C^c.\^yt will demand what is meant by grace and peace, they flgnifie the free faiiour and good will of God towards mcn^ and alJ good things which flow from the fame . In a word, when the ApoHIes wifh for grace and peace,they pray for all fpirituallblcf- fings inhcauenly things,as Saint /'4///fpeakcth,Ephef.i. they pray for all the rich and precious trcafures which are giuen vs in ChriH, & manifcfted by the glorious Gofpell.Whcreupon I may here by the way note one thing briefly , touching the true miniflersofChrifl, what property they hauc: For we all confeflc that the bleflcd Apoflles were faithfijil Miniliers indced,and great patternstbr all other to follow.Thcy fpcnt their flrength in labouring,they paflTcd through all daungers and pcrilsjto difplay & to manifeft vnto the people the riches of the grace ofGod in Chrift lefus. It was looe oncly that conflrained them , both the loue they bare to Chrifljto his truth and glory ,3nd the loue and pity w hich they bare vnto men. Wherefore as they did preach the grace of God which bringeth faluation j fo did they inflantly pray, that the people might be partakers ofthefame,vnto their eter- nall blcflednelTc. The Miniflers which follow thefe fteps , are in the right way : but ifthcy preach and labour for filthy lukcr,inrcfpe6lofworldIybcneHt$;ifthey preach to magnifie thcmfelucs, to fccke their owne glory , they be not then true feruants of Chrift, although they fliould preach the truth. For if they fceke their owne^and not the things which arc Chrilis, is not their belly their God ? as Saint P^ute fpeakcthj Philip. 3 . Let all that labour in the miniflerie , not oncly fludie to find out the truth,and to lay it open, but alfo pray and wifli that the people may jmbraccthc fame vnto their eternall blcflcdncfle.S.Pm our Lordlcfus Chrifl , not mentioning the holy Ghoft:but /o/:>«hcre craueth grace & peace from allthe three perfons in the molt blefled Trinity ,which may fceme to bcfome difference, but verily in cffcd^ there is no difference at all. For when the holy Ghofl is not cxprcfly named in ihefalu- tationofthc Apofllej^, yet he is not excluded/ceing he is the worker of all in the hearts ofmcn: andtheretbre indeed thcreis no difference but only in the cxprelTc nicntion,betweene John and tlic other Apollles. Alfo this may be noted, that the Irfuall placing of the perfons is in this order, the Father , the Sonne, and the holy Ghoft:but /o^»beginncth with theFaiher,then next the hmy Gho(i,and fo com- Bocth to the Sonne inihc third place. This nwy not fccmc flrange, feeing there is ... ... ^^ 12 SERMONS VPON no degree ofdignltlc in one pcrfon aboue another : ihc Father Is not greater then the Sonne , the Sonne is not greater then the holy Ghoft. They be all of the fimc power,maieflic,and glory, none is before or after other .And it was more con- ucnient that Saint lohn iTiould here fet out our Sauiour in the third place, becaufc he makcth a large dcfcription of him , and in the fame fpcaketh of the laft iudgc- nient, and fo from thence commcth fitly to conclude his falutation in that high and magnificali maner which hedoth. Now let vs fee the dcfcription of euery perfon in the Deitic. He fpeakcth ofthe Father thus , Grace and peace from him which is , and mbich wm , and which U ts come. That is as much as to fay, from him that iseternail,immortaIl,andvnchan- geable, who hath his being ofliim fclfc , and giueth vntoall creatures their being. Saint Uhn ( as it feemeth ) by thcfc three words which he writcth in the Greeke, would exprefle the force ofthe name of God lehoua in the Hebrew ,or o^Eheie^ Exodus the third. Whom (faith Mofes) (hall I fay hath fent mc? Anfwer is made, fay Sheie hath fent me vnto ye : that is,I wil be;,or as they fay , the future tenfe may haue all times included in it , and fo it is as much as to fay , I am, I was, and I will be, hath fent me vntoyee. Ic may here be obic6tcd/is not rhe Sonne lehouafix She- it, he that is, and he that was , and he that is to come ? Is not the holy GhoH alio lehotta^ I anfwer, that refoeiling the tficnce, the Farher,the Sonne, and the holy Ghoft,are but one and the felfe fame eternall, immortall, and vnchangeablc God: but lohn fpeaketh here dilhnguifhing the pcrfons.And the Sonne being bepotten ofthe Father, the holy Gho(^ proceeding from the Father and the Sonne, the Fa- ther in this diftinguiOiing ofthe perlonSjispropoudcd as the fountaine ofthe Dei- tie, and the fountaine ofal! being, of life , of grace , and peace. According to this we (hall find fundrie places of fcripture , as when he faith, Cjodfe louedthe rvor/d, that he gaue his onelj begotten Sonne ^ th^t whofoetisr belecneth m him fhouldnot fe^ rift} , bnt haue life euer Lining , lohn. 3 . Godwas tn Chrisl reconciling the vzorldto himfelfi, not imprntng thetrjmms,7 .Cox.^y/Becaufeje arefonnes, god hath fent the jhirite of his (onne into your hearts^ which cheth "^bba^ Father, Galath.4. Then next he wiflieth grace and peace from the holy Gholt , the worker of all giace in thefaithfull/aying : And frothe feuen fpiiits which are before his throne. There be fundry gifts , and fundry operations , and yet but one holy Gholi , how doth Saint M«thcn call him feuen fpirits ? This hath caufed fometo take it ofthe Angels , not that Saint lohn fhould wifli grace and peace from them , as from the ' authors ofgrace and peace, but as they f iand as miniliring fpirits before the throne. And vpon rhistheleluitesof Rhemes lay hold,faying, that the holy Giiof^ maybe here meant , and fo called for his manifold graces. But they fay , it feemeth more probable , that he (peaketh this ofthe holy Angels : and fo they conclude, it muft needs be confcfied, that grace and peace is wiflied by the ApolKc, not oncly from . God, but alfo from his Angels. And hereupon they inferre, that it is not fuperfli- tiousjbut an Apo(iolicallfpcech,to fay, God and our Ladie bleiTe vs, God and his Anccls, or God and afi'y of his Saints hclpe vs , or bleffe vs. But there arc rcalons ill deed futficient co proue, that ihefe feuen fpirits be the holy Ghoft, and not the ' ■ ' ~ ■ ' ' jniiiiltriiig THE REVELATION. 13 mininring Angels . Let it be a light rcafon that thefc fciicn fpirits are placed be" twccnc the Father and the Sonne,as proceeding from them both , and of cquaU Maicfty and authority ; yea we muftnote that grace and peace is vviflicd from thcfefcuenfpirites ,eucn with the fame manner of fpccch , that they be wifhed from the Father and the Sonne,the coniundion coupling them all in one. Againc, Saint lohn fpeaketh of the holy Gho(i,as he appcarcth vnto him in vifio in this Re- uelation. Here arc fcucn Churchcs,which reprcfent all Churches. The holy Ghoft did workc fo fully and pcrfctliy in euery one of thefefcuen,as if he had bene in c- Lcryonea fcuerallfpirit(asa]foinallandeucry one through the whole world) and for that caufe is ihcwed in vilion chap. 4. asfeuen lampcs burning before the throne,calied there the fcucnfpiritcs of God. The holy Angels be the Lords Mi- ni(krs,but neucrl thinke in the Scriptures called the fpirites otGod. Euery An- gellindced is in fomc fcn(t a fpirice ofGod, but when theScripture fayth the fpi- rit of God,it is the holy Ghoft. Moreouer,the Angels are before the throne , and about the throne^but procecde not cut of the throne : but the holy G\\oi\ i'cwi and proceeding from the Father and the Sonne,commeth forth of the throne. For it is fayd.there proceeded out ofthc throne,Iightnings,and thundrings,and voices.and feuen lampes offire, burning bet'ore the throne .Doth not the conlkudion carry ic plainely, that thcfe lampcs which burnc before the throne proceeded out ofthc throne? Alfo the holy Angcls,alchough they be employed in the feruicc of Chrift, cxcrcifing his power and prouidence, yet the holy Gholi is in a moft high and pe- culiar manner the eyes and homes of the Lambc,that is, his abfolute wifcdome 8c power : as in the fixe Chapter thcfe feuen Ipirites of God arc called the eyes and homes of the Lambe ; by thcfe the Lambc opencth the feales of the booke. Thcfe feuen lampes,fcucn cyes,& fcucn hornes,do not worfliip before the throne, as the other: wherefore we may take itforcertaine^thatSaint hhn here doth wifh grace and pcace,as (xom the Father in the f\ii\ place^fo from the holy Ghoft in the ncxt.who is the worker of all grace and peace in the harts of men. • In the third place,hc wifhcth grace and peace from Icfus Chnft : he is the mc- diatour betwecne God and man : he alone hath wrought the reconciliation! he jsourpeace-makcr,thathath brought vs into fauour with God : worthily there- fore doth he wifh grace 2^ peace from him. FIc doth nor,as ye fee inbarctcarmes, according to the vluall manner, wiAt grace and peace from lefus Chrift , but fec- teth him foorth with a goodly dcfcription, full of excellent glory ,touching euery pan of his office,and the communicating the fame with vs. The parts of his.of- lice are in rhcfe,that he is the great Prophct,the mighty Pi ince,and mcrcifull high Piieft.The fitft is cxpreficd in thefe woidsyT hat fAuhfullvfitneJl'e.Uc. as the Prince ofallProphcts,broughtaIlthccounfclsofGod,and reuealcd them vnto men: ac it is written, No man hathfcene God at anj time, the onelj begotten Sonne whtch u$» the bofome of the pAther, he hath declared him,\o\\w.\ .\tx\c.i^.\{c did bearc record to the truth euery way: for being apprehended , brought before TiUte, and accufed,he asked him,v^r/ thou a King ? He aunfweriti ,for this cattfe was 1 bqrne^Cirfor thucAufecamelintQ the WQrld,thAt I wght btare witncf to the truth, " " "■ John.iS, 14 SERMONS VPON loh. 1 8. vcrf'. ^ 7. Wherefore Saint P<<»/ faith, f^e witnc([edt>nder T^ontiw ViUte\ a good confejjiony i .Timoth.6.hc opened all triith,& fcalccj it vp with his bloud.Buc it may be demanded,Did not all the Prophets fct forth the truth,and beare record to the fame as faithful} witnefles ? Did not the holy Apodles the faine ? Haue noc the Martyrs alfo fealed it in fome fort,vs'ith their blond ? What is here then afcri- bed vnto Chrift, which is not common with him vnto them? What matter of ex- cellent glory is here giuen vnto him ? True it is,that the Prophets and Apofllcs fet forth the found truth,& bare record vnto it,& arc ofright to becallcd faithful wic- nefles: but yet our Lord lefus Chrift is here by an excellency farrcabouethem al, fct in a peculiar glory to himfelfc alone,\vhcnhefayth,7'/:;><;/v«/-/:7/»//B'//'«^//i'.For he is not here called a faithfull witnefle,as one among the reli ; but as the Prince & head ofallProphets and witnefles.from whom they all rcceiued their light, & the •truthvntowhich they bare record. For he being the etcrnall wifcdomc of the Fa- ther, as Salowon bringcth in v.ifcdonie fpeaking, Prouerb.8. faying, (Jodpojjejfed me in the beginning ofhii wnto vs of God, Vfiifedome. i.Cor. T. ver.30. In him are all the treafures ofwifedome,andknon>ltd^e hidden.Coloff.i.vcT ,^ .Ail the Prophets from the beginning of the world had tlieir do6^rinc from him . He gaue them his fpiritto inlhudUhem in his counfels . He hauing with his ownc mouth vctcred & preached the whole Gof[ e! when he wal- ked vpon the earth, after his refurre^^ but defpife the words of his mouth. Then next he dcfcribcth him as the mofi mighty king,in thefe \\ords,Thatfir/^ begotten of the dead^and Prince vfthc ({ingr of the earth. Here be two parts in this glorious and kingly eftace ofChiili. The one is touching hisvidtory and conqueft ouerall the mighty enemies: and theotherisinhisexiltacioninglory,and prince- ly maieliy at the right hand of God, in which he fliali raigne for euerand cuer. Thcformer ofthcfe is exprefled thus^That prfi begotten of the dead.The coi-iqiicd ouer death and oucr Satan,was by dying and rifing againctiom the dead. Satan preuailed againli our firft parents, cali them downe into thraldome with all their children. Now as man was ouercome by Satan,and brought into captiuicy,io the Lord God wil haue a man to triumph ouer Satan,and to deliucr the captiucs frora vnder his tyrannic. The etcrnall wifedome of the Father tooke our nature, as it is fayd, The jvsrd was m^dejlcfb , lohn.i. And God fern his Jonne made of a woman. _ Galath THE REVELATION. i? Galatk4.andinthc fame nature ofours as a mort mighty king triumphed ouer Sa- tan,andouer death it fclfc.Br ama»came death^nndhyn man CAtne therefHrreUtcn /rflwr/?-iW.i.Cor. 15. Alfo the Lord had decreed, not oncly thatthe feede of the woman fliouldbreake the Serpents head, but alfo that it (hould be brought to pa(re,euen by that ouer which Sacan hath his donunionand Lordfliip , that is, by dcaiii.He tookc the humane nature that he might talle of death, and by death o- uercomc the diuell and death it fcirc . The hoJy Ghoii fcrteth forth ihcfe things, {^Ly'xug/BecaMfetherfforethechtidrenrperepaytakfrsofflrfh undbloud , he alfo in likemanner tookefurt of the fame,ih^t by deathjns miqlot uboh^} him that hath the Lordjhtp otter death,that is the diued Hcbr.2.vcrf i :\.ThU ts the kjun of glory , the L9rd (Irongayidmi^hty^the Lordmiqh;y w battas/e.PiiUi)e.2/^. He encountred by his death, with Sachan and with dcath_, riling agamc vidorioufly , and fo is That fir/i begotten of lite dead, Inh'ScroHc, He ipojledprwctpalitiet andpoweri ^ and ledthemin ftitrv openly triPtm]h»ig of^cr them. Co!ofl.2.vcrf.i 5. He tsafcended vf PK high , and hat b ledcaptiuity capttue : Ephef.^.verfe.S. He is called the firft be- gorccn fro.u the dead, bccanle^!! his biethren,euen all he redecmcd.fliall m their t;metlTiCUgh the vcrtuco: tiMihis mighty conqucft be raifed vp^and fet freefrora the bondage 01 covniption.He mult ratgne vntillall his enemies be made his foot- IXjoiC. H i Jh.i/h-'t d''iv len '■' rule yani all authority: andde tth pjali be fivallorved t p into victory: 1 . Cor 2 j. This is the g'orious victory of ourkingjCxpreflcdinthefc words,?" /j^r fffl l> -gotten of the dead. The other pait touching the glorious malefly, in which hcdothraigne and in which he ihail raignefor cuermore, is vttcred inthcfe words, 7" ^^r Trtnce of the* kj»gy ofiheearth.Hc to who:n ail power is giuen in heauen and carth,ashe fayth, Math.2<^. He that is exalted ac the right hand ofGod.as theApoftle fayth , Farr§ nboMe all principality ^ andp-ixver^ andmigh: , and Lordfjip, and euery name that is ftatt-edy^ot onely tnthu world^biit alfo in that to cowf .Ephcf. i .vzx^.zi.He to whom aflk*i!es fhallbowe^ofthvigs in hi anenyof thingt tr. earthy and of things "vnderthe >4rr^.Philip.2.verfc. 10. He that u afcendedfarreaboue allheauer.Sythat hemight fiXallthin)'jr.E^c(,^. verle.io.Euenhe, mu(] ncedesbe the Prince of all the kings of the earth ; for his kingdomc being ouer the heauenly mights and dominations, and hauing fubdued the infernal! powers, it is much more ouer the kings of the carth.Thus ye fee the glorious triumphant king , the man Icfus which was raifed from the dead. Now in the third place he defcribeth him,as our mof^ mercifull high Prieff, in this fort : To him that hath lotted vs^and wa^ied vs from our fi-nnes in hu blottd.Hcte are two members in this part of the dtfcription,hisloue,ashefayth,7'o///«»;W hath lonedzsyind the cflc6tiiall declaration of the faiTie,in ih\$y and" hath rvafliedvf from our ftnnes in his ^/o//^^ What greater proofe oi his louc can there be then tliis? We were all of vs vndeane iinners, mofl vgly ,fouIe,the children of wrath, hcircs - of dellrut^ion.That he might reconcile vs to his Father,he tooke our burthen vpon \\\\Xi,He bare our ftnnes m his body vpon the tree : i .Pet.i.vcrfc 24 . He woi made jlttneforvjfthdtvfc $n him might be madt the nghtcoHjnejfe ofCjod, a.Cor.j .ver.2 1. T© 16 SERMONS VPON To deliuer vs fro the curfe ofchc Iavv,f/^ woi made the r«>7^,GaIath.5.vft. 1 ^ .And ^'as it not a wonderfull louc,that he fliould giuc vp himfclfe to death, cucn to en- durcali torments and forrowes for vnclcane finners ? If when we were enemies, and dcferued nothing but hatred and curfe,he loued vs,and gaue vp himfclfe to be e ranfome for vs, how lliould we now doubt ofhis Joue,whcn his blond bach pur- eed vs from our finnes ? The Prieftes vnder the law ofcJ^o/i?/, did oftcr facrificcs ofilaine beafts,whofc bloud did not wafliaway finne,biit was a figure and a fha- dow of the bloud of this vnfpotted Lambc of God , which purgcth away all our finne ; as we may rcade in the Epiffle to the HebrewesThe holy word doth teach vs, that there is no other purging away of any finne , but only in this bloud of thff^ Lambe: as it is written, //B'e are new the fonnes ofCjedt hkt it doth not appeare what wePifttilfe: we know that when hejljallbemade manifefi, rvefjallife /the vnto him; IrecAMfe we P^ali Jee him as he is: i.Ioh. j.verf. i.2,Tothefamepurpofcit may be cited, which Saint P^w/fpeakcth.Rom.S.veif.ip.ofthereuealing of the fonnes of God. We muft then not lookevpon the prefcntcftateofthc faithfull.but what it {hall be; for here the fonnes ofGod which fliallfl line in glorie as kings, do lye fubicdrtvntocontcmptjVntobafcncffe, vnto rcproches,& vnto manifold miferics. Being waflicd then in the bloud of the Lambe, and clcanfed from all our fins ^vc are alrcadie the Tons of God, we arc kings , but wc may not lookc to come to the glorie in this world. • Now for the other, that he hath made vspriciJstoGodcuen hi* Father: this may fecmetobcbuta fmallmattcr, vntill weconfidcrwhatiiistobe pricfles to God . Nothing that is polluted andprophane can haue accede vnto Godtoaoidc in his prefence. A Priclt to God isfand^ified and pripiledged to come vnto himc- uen with fauour. As eucry prophane thing is abhominable4oGcd,fo cucry gift & oblation offered vnto him by fuch prophane ones is reic6led: but afandificdprielt CO God offering vp giftcs and facriiiccs, the fame aic dcligbtfomcand acceptable C vnt© i8 SERMONS VPON Tnro him.Wc are *II of v$ by nature vnclcane,prophane and abhominable to him, ind quite fhut out from hauing any acccflc into his prcfcnce. There were pricfts ofold time that did approch and offer gifts and facrifices which were acccptcd,but they were figures of Chrili, and offered vp ail in his mediation; for he alone is cur prieft that hath fan<5tified vs with his own bIoud,and made the way for rs to enter cucn viito the throne of grace, and as holy pricftcsto offer vp fuch facrifices as do pleafc him. We are not made pricfls as in the law to offer carnal! facrifices^accor- ding to the law of the carnal! commandement,(a3 the holy Ghoft fpeakcih.Hcbr. 7. verf. 16.) butrwearc pricih to offer fpirituall facrifices . We are mstde .^n hoh Pnejihoodt fo offer vp fpirituallpicrtfices acceptable to ^oAthrough lefus C^rifti X . Pet. 2. verf 5 .We are to confccratc our bodies a facrifice liuing,hoIy & accepta- ble to GodjRom, 1 2. verf. I . And as it is \vritten,^^»f«/? alv^aies by /7«»w(that is c- uen by Chrift)ojf^r to Cjod the facrifice ofpraije, that is thefrmt ofthelippei which fonfeffe his name . To do good and to dtJlrtbute forget notyfor wtt h fuch facrifice j Codisp/eafed. Heb. 1 3. verf. 1 5. i ^.Thefe befpiritiiall facrifices,therefore all true Chriltians may be called fpirituall priefls,and no one man is more a pricft then an other J no not euen the holy Apo(Hes,7't/«', or P4«/,or Uhnfirzny oiherjneithct is there any other pricfthood remaining among men, but this fpirituall prieflhood, Thelefuit Papifts in their annotations do grant that all true Chrifiians be fpiritu* all pricfts to God: but to fay that all be priclls alike, or that there ought to be none but fuch fpirituall prierts,they cry out vponjand fay ic is the fcditious voice o^^ore^ who faid to Mofes & Aaron , Aic not all the Lords people holy?They vfeihis ar- gument, that as hefhould be afcditious hcretike, that would reafo thus,all Gods children arc kings, therefore there ought 10 be no other earthly powers or kings to gouerne in worldly affaires ouer ChiUtians : foare they fcditious heretikcs that v- pon this place or the like would inferre, that eucry one in a proper fignification is a prieft, or that all be priefis al.kc, or that there ought to be none but fuch fpirituall prierts. We do not rcafon fo, they Icaue out that vpon which we fland . The ho- ly fcripture doth teach that all true Chnliians be fpirituall kings,and yet that there DC other kings alfo to gouerne ouer Chrillians, and ouer all other. The fcripture faith, all are pricfts to offer vp fpirituall farrificcj we fay that the fcripture doth not teach that there be any other pricfts, but thefe fpirituall priefts. They affirme, that therebe other pricfts (o properly calledjwhich offer vp in facrifice the Lord Icl'us to his Father. This is wicked blafphemie ,and as they cannot flicw by the w ord of God that any fach facrifice rcmaineth to be offered for thequicke and the dcad:fo can they not fiiew that the holy Apoftles or any other minifters of the gofpel were called priefts. When I fay they be not any of them called priefts in a proper fignifi- cation refbained to a minifiery,! mcane fuch priefts as offer facrificerfor the word Piieft is vfed confufedly in our tongue,fbr ifour endifh word prieft comcc^Prefi- ifiter^ then in that fence Peter may be called a prieft, feeing he was Prejbiter,.fii he tallcth bimfelfe, i . Pet, 5. verf. i . and fo are all minifters of the Gofpel! prieft^. For Bifhoppcs, Paftors, ana Teachers, are all called Trefbiteri^ that is ciders, cucn for nbcir office and jniaiftgry.But vvhen prieft is vfed for a facrificcr,thcn fl:»ail we find that THE REVELATION. i^ that neither Pittr nor any other iscallcda prieft,that is a facri fie ct, other wife then all Chriftians arc called pricfts or facrificcrs. All Chriftians arc not "Vresbitgrt^ for that is proper to ihcminiftcry and Church gouernors: but all Chriliians be facrifi- ccrs alike, there is no facrificc which fome offer, and not other Ibnie. Vpon this mention of the benefitc of Chrift , S. lohn brcakcth forth into lii9 pnife, fayingi To him (>eglorie and eieminion for cuermore^ Amen. He that is the faithfull witncfTe, cuen the prince of all Prophets: he that is cur mighty king hath oucrcome for vs death and the diuell, and is exalted at the right hand of God: He that is our tnacifull high prieft hath loucd vs and wafhcd vs in his bloud from oar fjnnes; He that hach made vs kings and priefts to God cuen his father: i^ not he worthy ofall glorie and dominion for cuermorc ? VVhofoeuer he be that fee\etl» that he is thus deliuered by Chrift from dcftru6tion,and aduanced to fuch dignity and glorie: how can he liay, but breakc forth with S. hhn into praifing and glo- rifying of Chrift ? In deed if we i^\c not our felues partakers of his glorie , our hearts are ftilliliutvp, and ourtongue^are tycd from glorifying him with ioy8c delight.lt maybefaidjhathhcmadevs only kings and piiefts? Hath he notalfo made vs Prophets? Yes, he hath alfo made vs Prophets: though S. lohn doth not mention that, he hath giuen ts knowledge of heauenlymyfterics: IwUlpowreotit of my /pint (fatth he ) vpon allflePt , andjoHr fames and your daughters p^alt pro- phecte &c,S.&. i, i7.Reioicc then in the Lord Icfus, and pi-aifehim witli glad- neflc ofhartjthat hath done fo great things for vs. Let not this vaine world, nor the tranfitory things which be in it,that are in deed in coraparifon but beggerly trafti, fdbewitch and befottc our minds, as to fet light by thcfcheaucnly trcafuresand dignities. For doubtlefle fuch as fct their harts vpon the luXis of this world , neucr regard thefc heauenly dignities. He addeth one thing further vnto this dcfcription ofChrift.and that is his glori- ous commingto iudgc the quicke and the dcid.'Beho/dhe cowmeth vetth chudes, andeuery eyefhAtljee him , yea enen they which pierced him through : and aU the kmdreds of the earth fhallvtaile before him , euenfo , t/imen . Why is this his commingto Judgement here defcribcd?Becaufcall this glorie and dignitiefhall then be made manifeft, not onely to the children of God which ftiall inhcrite the fame, but alfo cuen to the wicked. The glorie of Chrift is now publiftied, & how he doth communicate the fame with his redeemed: but all this glorie, both in his pcrfon, and in his chofen, is fcencofvs only by faith. It is farrc remoued from our bodily fcnces.We fee not him, & we Iccic our felues fubieit vnto great bafcnefle, ^and vnto a thoufand calamities . Saint lohn liftcth vp our mindes vnto this day, faying, beheld he commeth with closdes^ e>r . The kings and great ludgcs of this world haue a pompe and maieftic when they fit in judgement , but nothing com- parable to this that he Ihall come with cloudes, to fit vpon the throne of his glory. And thencucry eye lliall fcchim.Not onely the godly fliall behold the king in his glorie, but alfo all the wickecl,cucn the worft that cuer haue benc;yca his aduer(a- rics that did (b cruelly murder him. fhall be conftrained to their fhamc & cndlcflc forrovv to iookc vponliim, & vpon the glorie of his Saints, whom they fo hated &: C 2 dcfpifcd. ao SERMONS VPON dcfpifcd.Thcts flial all the^prophanc pcopIe,cuen al the kindreds of chc earth waiie before him : their forrow I^all then come vpon them, but all too late to find any place for mercy at his hands whom they hauc fo defpifed. They now hate and de- fpifc his vvordjchey raile vpon thofe which profefle icrchen fhal come their punifli- mcnt: for then Aallchey giue account for all their wicked deeds , when he com- ineth with cloudes, and when euery eye (hall fee him, eucn the eyes that now arc the eyes ofthc dcad,as well as the eyes of the liuing. Ye fee there mall be two forts ofpeopie : the one fort iTiall lift vp their heads and rcioyce,for the day ofiheir re- demption b come: the other lort (hall lament and mourne, and crie out dolefully withbictergiicfcandforrowjbecaufetheday of wrath and vengeance is come vpo»them. I pray you thinke well of this , and walkefo carcfi:lly now , andfo \\'ifely,that when that day commeth, ye may not be of that con^pany which fliall houle and lament,but ofthofc which with great ioy (hal be crowned with glory to raigne with Chrift.He that doth not ttudie now to know the wayes of God , and to walke in them,that he may at this fecond comming of the Lord be blefled, he is more then a foole, yea is more then madde . All our whole life ought to tend to thisjthat we may be accepted in that day ; and marke how Saint /ohn doth con- firme this with a double aflirma£ion,the one in a Greeke worci,and the other in an hebrew word,\vhich is, Ame,which is,So be ic.By this he doth not only fet downc the certainty of his comming, but declareth his vehement defire fir the fame: and thereby he giueth vs an example euen to long for it . For then the kingdom of Sa- than fliall be quite put downe , Sathan and the wicked (hall be (hut vp in the pri- fon ofhelhthe glory of Chri(i(hall (hine forth in full perfe6lion,and his Saints (hal be glorified with him. For both thefc refpedls , we haue caufc to long and to pray for the comming of this great day. Now remaincth the condufion or (hurting vp of this falutation, and it is a con- firmation of this grace and peace to come from God alone , who is ( as he faith^ VL/^lpha and Omega^ihzz is the beginning and the ending , for Alpha it the firft of theGreekeletterSjand^wf-j^^ is thela(i: he was before all,and gaue to euery crea* tiirc the being, he continueth for euer,and iupporteth all . Heiseternall and vn- changeable,that is,that was.and that is to come ; he is that Almighty , exerci(ing his power and prouidence ouerall, Andhere wemay note , that whereas before in the diftinguilhidg of the perfons in the Trinity,^^ that it Joe that wat^and he that M /* cQmeyiS fpoken ofthc Father,here to declare the vnity offub(tance, it is fpoken of the whole three perfons. Thus much for the falutation oiS,Iohn to the Churches. THE THE REVELATION. 21 THE ni. SERMON. 9 . 7 Uhn euenyour brother y Andcomfdrtion in tribulation, and in the Kinqdome Mnd patience oflefut Chnfi;tva4 in the lie called Patmoj,for the rpord of God Mndfor the wUneJJing ofleftu Chrtfl. 1 o, Andl was tnthejpirtt vponthc Lords daj^and heardhehmdtne.^a great voice y Ai tt had bene of a trumpet, 1 1 . J ^7»«^ : / am Alpha , and Omegas thatfirfi, and that lafi , that which thou feeji wrttc w a booke,&fendit to thefeuen (^hurches which are in AftAyVn-' to Epheffii^ andvnto Smyrnayandvnto Pergamtu , andvntoThyattra, and vnto SardUyand vnto PhtladelphtHy and vnto Laodtcea. 1 2. Then 1 turned backe to fee the voyce thatjpake with me:&when 1 woi tur- ned y I fare feuen golden candlefiickeSy I J . AnA in the middefl of the candUflicke^y one like vnto the Sonne of man j clo- thed with a garment downe to the fee te , and girded about thepappes with a golden girdle. 14. Hu head and haires were whttCyaiwhitewooll.and ai fnow y&hUeyet were Oi aflame of fire, 15. And hii feet likevnto fine braffcy burningoiin afornacefandhuvoice like vnto the found of many waters, J 6. And heehadinhisrtght hand feuen flarres : and out of hid mouth went a fharpe two edged ftvord^and his face Jhone as the Sunne (bineth tn hisflrength, 17. And when Ifaw himy 1 fell at his feet as dead:then he layd his right handvpon me y faying vnto mcyfearenotj am that frflyand that lafit 18, Andam altueybut I was deadjatidbehold I am altuefor euermorCf t/imen. t^ndl haue the keyes of hell and of death, ip. IV rite the things which thou haflfeenCy and the things which are, andthe thnjgs which (Ijali come hereafter. 20. The miTlery of the feuen Stars which thou fawefl tn my right handyandthe feuen golden candleflickes is this : the feuen Stars are the Angels of the feuen ^hurches : and the feuen candleffick^f/irc the feuen (fhurchef. ^®/' ®T' ^^^^ theprefacc confifting of the title ofthis bookc,& ofthe falutation "^•^/A w'to the Churchcs,Saint lohn commeth now to his narration,and dcda- ^A^reththefirftvinon which vvasfliewed vnto him , contained in three ^<^ Chapters. It fhall not be amiflc to lay open vnto you in the firft place to what end and purpofc this vifion fcrucdjWhich is three foldifor firft it was to cal C 3 an4 )2 SERMONS VPON and authorife S. John to writcrfecondljrjto fet vp the authority of this prophecy: & thirdly ,to declare in what eftate the Church then prcfcnt vpon the earth was. Touching the calling and auchorifing of S. hhtt^ Itmaybcfaid^washcnot one of the Lambes twelue Aportles, and had now many yeares executed the office of the Apoftkiliip right faithfully? What needed he,being an Apoftle,to be called a- gainCjOr to be authorifed ? It may be anfwercd , that this is a new and a fpcciall worke, and therefore rcquireth a new and a (peciail calling . Againc , it is as God dealt with the old Prophets : for when he would forefliew great and fpeciall mat- ters, he called diuerfe of them by very glorious vifions: as yce may reade what a goodly viiion ^f<^y had^Chap. 5.whac a vifion ful ofheauenly glory Sz^echte/hzd, Qhap.1. and what a vifion the Prophet Dame/hid, Chap.io.euen in niaieflielike -'^vnto this which S./ohn hath here.Thus it is then to be confidered: lohtt is as the old Prophets to forcfhew things to come, therefore the Lord appeareth vnto him in vifion,andcalleth him,and authorifeth him thereunio.as he appeared vnto them & called them.Thus much for the fir ft end, to which this firft vifion ferued. The fecond is ( as I fayd ) to fet vp the authority of the booke it felfe : which thing is to be dravvne from the high maiefiy,and gloryjand power of him that ap- peareth in the vifion,vpon which I need not to llay. The third thing is,that this firft vifion is to declare in what eftatethe vniuerfall Church vpon the earth was at that prefent time.For when the Lord wold reuealc in whatcafc his Cluirch fhould be eucn to the worlds end , he firft dedareth the prefent eftate thereof In deed there are but feuen Churhes named,the feuerall c- jftatcofeuery oneof which is opened in the two next Chapters.'but vnderthefe fe- ' uen,among which fome were in better or more perfedt cafe then other, the ftatc pfchewhoievniuerfall Church militant is laid open. It had bene a matter infinite to recken vp all the particular Churches that were then in the worId,& to hauc o- pened their cftatc.Thcreforeas this prophecy, whichis for all the fcruants ofGod in what Church focucr^is fent but to thofe fcuen by name: fo vndcr thofc leuen,all other Churches are comprifed. Thefe three things thus in generallobferued,now let vs come to the vifion,to c- ucry branch of the words in order as they lie , in which there be many particulars which conccrne the perfon that is called,the perfon that calleth,and the Churches whofe eftate is layd open. He bcginneth with himfelfe,who was calledby this vi- /ion^fay ing, / lohn^euenyoHr brother and companion t» nfiJtSfton, and in the Kingm dome ^and patience ofJeftu Chrtfi , ^c» Let it not fecme f trange that he nameth himfclfe againe,for this is at his calling^as ye fliall reade in the Prophet , when he cxpreffcth tliofe great vifions,how often he repeateth,/ ®/*w>/.But I may here a- gaine fpeake a iitle touching the former obied^ion . Was not the office of the A- ppftlcfliip, the higheft degree ofauthority among the minifters ofthe Church ? And was not Saint lohmxi Apoftle? And did not the Apoftles prophecy of things to come? Yea, but this prophecy which Saint lohn rccciuethhere goeth further then that which the ApoftJes had, it is a fpecialiReuel3tion,and therefore he hatli a new calling vnto it , which he doth not in vainc mention, faying, / /f'^w , In the next THE REVELATION. 33 next place he glueth himfclfe ccttainc titles , but not fuch as are fwclling or pon> pou$,nonotcuefuchashen;iight,asthctitlcofanApofllcorPropIiet,butofabro« thcrto all thcfaithfull.aiid of a companion with all thofe which were affl:(5lcd 8e pcrfccutcd for the Gofpeliof Chrift, vnderhopc of the glory to come . But why may fomc fay,did he not here take the title of an Apofile or of a Prophet/eeing he is to commend the authority of the booke?Was it not lawful) for the Apcftlcs and Prophets to takethofetitIcs?Yc$, but here was a particular refpc(5t, for which //»/• in the /pint M the ho!yGho(l,Ifye read the Prophet S^echtel^yt fiial find how he faith he was taken vp by the fpirit in the vifions ofGod, and caried to lerufalem. Saint P^«/ was by the fpirit taken vp into the third heauen, euen into Paradife, and faw things which could not be vttered,& could not tell whether he were taken vp thi- ther in the body, or whether he were only in foule taken vp out of the body . And fo whether the bodily fenfes of lohn did ceafe,his foule rapt for the time, I do not lake vpo me to determine, it is fufficiet for vs to know,that he was after a more the ordinary manerrapt in the fpirit,& made capable of foheauely vifios. Then in the next words the time is noted, when he faith it was vpon the Lordsday.lt is the day which Saint P4»/to the Corinths calleth thefir(tdayofthe wceke,i.Cor.i5.in vvhich the aflemblies did meet for the holyexercifes in religion; which is alfo eui- dent becaufe he faith.They came together that day to breake bread, Ads. zo.God created the world and all things therein infixedaycs , and refted the feuenth, wherfore he blefled the feuenth day & hallowed it.He appointed the feuenth day for the holy exerciles in the publike aiftmblies. There was foraewhat in that Sab- bath ceremoniall, as it appcareth plainly by the words of the Prophet Ssi^echiell^ where the L ord laith, I gaiieyoii my Sabbaths ^to be afigne betxveene you & me,thitt Ithe Lord do fanEhfe yofi : and alfo by the wordsofSaint T'^w/r, which faith,7"^tf Sabbaths and fejltiiall dayes werejh^dowef of thmgr to comc.Thc holy Apoftles therefore euen by the Scriptures, & by the dire6lion of the holy Ghoft,did change the day,& chole for the holy aflemblies the next day vnto it following, vpo which dayoutSauiourrofe from the dead. ThecauillofthePapiftshereis vaineandfii- uolous, affirming that the Apoftles had no fcripture to warrant this.nor any com- mandemcnt we readeof,but did change the day,netonJy otherwife then wasob- . ferued, but plainly otherwife then was prefcrii^ed by Godhimfelfeinthecom- mandemcnt,fceing God commanded precifely that the feuenth day , and not the eight fliould be kept holy.How wickedly would they draw from hence a power in the Church to abrogate things that are commanded by God in the Scriptures, and to eOablifh things not commaunded by the fame? for they faile in thefe two things: the firft, that they fee not how the obferuation of the Sabbath fo farrc as it was ceremoniall, was by the Scriptures to be abrogated. The fecond,that the holy * Apoflles were led by the holy Ghr»^ to deliuer all dodrine to the Church ; and the Church fince hath the hoi ie Ci-^linotinfuchmeafure, to hauc power to abro- gate any ordinance fet to ^ i perpctuall, nor to teach any new \hings,but to know and THE REVELATION. 25 and to continue in the do(5trine of the Apoftlcs.For as bur Sauiour preached all the whole Gofpelljas he faith, ^11 things th^t 1 haue heard of my father joaue I made l^owne v»to jou.lohn 15. vcrfc 15. (o he fentdowne the holy Ghoftvpon the ApolHcs, which led them into all truth, lohn i5. vcrfe 13. This Comforter did bring al things to their remebrancc vvhatfocucr he had faid vnto themjoh. 14.2^. And fo the holy Apoftlcs, cuenas Saint/' Tht caufc here,as alfo in Daniel] lo. is euident.that fuch a mctcall is chofen^as bc- (\At% the brightneffe, is alfo verie hard andftrong, to reprcfent as I faid^thc power which he hath to tread downe all his enemies : for he fhall make all his enemies his footftooIe,Pfalmc no. Ifthc moft fine gold wcrcequallin fhining colour with thiskindof bra{Ic,yetgoldis afoft bowing mctcall, and not fo fit to reprcfent •bis inuincible ilrcngth. He is ofmight indeed to ouerthro w all the mighcieli , and to dcliuer his.It alfo fettcthforch his mighc^that he faith his voice is like to the found o\ many waters. How the great nations haue bene called and fubdued vnto him by his mightie voyce, I will not (tand to rehearfe . Here arc yet fome parts of this foodly defcription remaining : as firlt, that he had in his right hand fcuen fhrres. he fiarres arc the Angels of the Churches , for fo the Lord himfclfe cxpoundeth itinthelaft verfcofthis chapter,where we will fpeake more ofrhem: but here wc may note.that Chrift in feeding & guiding his Church,vfeth the minifleiy ofmcn. Forlealiany fhould gather by this vifion, vponthis,thatChrift as King and Pro- phet is pre(cnt,& workcch all in his Church,that the miniderie (hould be in vaine, this figure is fct forth, that indeed he workcth all, but he workcth by the miniftcry ofmen. And how readily men dcfpife theminiffery ofthe Gofpell, imagining a fafctie vvithoutihe faa)e,we haue too nwch experience : but if thou wilt hauethc right hand ofthe Lordlcfustoworkevpontheejtoframetheeiritoan holy tem- ple.or tofafliion theetobc a liuing (ionc in thetcmple.or iffhbu wilt be dcfcndcci byhimfromall fpiritualleuUJ,fubmit thy fclfe vnto the minifterie ofthe GofpelJ, for thou fec(i the liarrcs be in his right hand , he workcth by them. To the fame r'lT n(c 3^ SERMONS VPON . purpofc alfo it is fct downc , That om of his mmth i9tntA two edj^eAfvord, The word of God is called the fpirituall f\;vord,Ephcf.6.and it is fiiarpcr then any two edged fword,Hebrcw.4. he workcth with this, the ftarrcs and this fword arc wcl fee together: for the miiiiftcrs of the Church ace to do all,both in feeding and go- ucrnin*' only by diat word which procecdeth out of his mouth. They can do no- thing without it,thcy are to meddle with none other word in the work of the mi - ftiftery, there isnonc other word that hath powerand authority. The Church of Rome boalieth much of the power aud authority of her word •• but if it come not out of Chrirts mouth, it hath no power.neicher arc they his miniftcrs whi::h dealc by a word which is not his.Whofe word it is, or whofe dodrine, his minifiersthcy be that teach it : if it be thedodtrine of Antichrift^euen thedodrincof diucis, then are they the minifters of Antichrift, and the fcruants of the diuell that teach it ; as they be Chrifts minifters which faithfully vfe this two edged fword that commeth out of his mouth. I know the Pope and all Papifts do boalt, that their word is thf word of Chriftrbut when they can fliew that it cameout ofhis4nouth,that it is to be found in the writings of the holy Apoftles and Prophets(which hauc vttcred alt that came out of his mouth j we will bcleeuc them. We know that whatloeuer do6lrine commeth not from his raourh, (as all that is not contained in the holy .Scriptures) it commeth out ofthenjouth of the dragon. Laftly.Sa'mt lohn cxprcf- ■fcth the wonderfull brightnefle ofhis facc,for he faith it did fhine as the funne flii- nethin his ftrength .that is, when the funne fhincth cleareft : for when the funne ri- feth, commonly the thicke vapours which are neare the earth, bctweene vs and it vvhile it is low,do dimnic the beames thereof, and fo when it gocth downe , then our eves can jn fonie fort ftedfaftly behold and looke vpon it. Sometime alfo the aire being oucrcaft with fomc thicke mift , we may looke vpon the funne, cuen at noone when it is at the higheft. But when it is at the highcft,euen at midday, and the aire clearc indeed, then doth it fliine in the hill ftrength, and then is no mortalt eye able to behold it ftedfaftly:fuch is the brightnefle ofhis face.Thc Prophet 7)^- « them,to the end that they might apply the do6lrine & cen- fures ofthe Church accordingly . This is true, but not all, there is a further caufe : And ifye confider that the paftors are commended , and reproued together with their flocks,fo thattheirowne eftate,and the ftateoftheir flockcs is layd open to be all one,ye may foone gather what it is.Such fhcphcards.fuchflockcs.fuch builders fuch building: the praife ofthe good , and the blame for the euill , lieth vpon the • Partors.God indeed buildeth his Church,Chriftfeedeth hisfiocke, but he doth it by the miniftery of me,as the holy Apoftle teachcth,Ephe.4.There is a great mat- ter depending vpon this miniftcry; for ifthe builders be wife,if they be expert and carcfull,the building goeth vp accordingly, very goodly andfaire. Ifthe fhepheards beftill ofthe fpirit of God, if they be full of faith, full oflouc, ful of zeale,and full of all holy vertues,fo that they be patterns in holy dbdrinc & godly conuerfation;thcn their flockes are wellinftruded,well fefl,and wel guided: there be very excellent fhecp for knowledge, for faith,for Ioue,for 2eale,and for all godHnefle,Contrariwife,ifthc builders be vnskilfull,thc building is vnperfe^^, they do but maire it:If the fhepheards be vnwife,ifthcy be negligent.if they be corrupt, . cither in doctrine or in manncrs,thefheepcremaine ignorant,thc fiieep arc w?ak,c andfeeble I' fiM -o, ^ i-"; And furthcr,as the fliephcards increafein graces.the flicepc Incrcafc (for God powreth forth his graces vpon the flockes of his minifters,) they bee the veflclsin which the treafure is brought,2. Cor.4.verfc.7. As the Ihepheards decay & waxe coldjthe fhcepc go backward and waxe cold with them , cucn as the kettle vpon the fire coolcth as the fire flaketh. Maruaile not then that the Lotd opening the flateof the Churches,doth it by o- pcning the ftate only of their paftors and teachers . Here is a leflbn for the mini- ftcrs ofthe Gofpcll , and here is alfo a kl£» for the people j the miniftcrs and pa- \ ftois THE RfiVELATION. "^ 37 ftors muft confidcr what a w'afght licth vpon their fhouldcrs ; ifthey performc the things which arc required at the ha'ndjof Chrifts true minincrs,thcy fhall(as Saiac Pan/Ciixh of T'lWtf/^iVjchap^if. v.i4.iy. 1 6,)Cauc thcmfclucs, and thofe thaclliall hcarethcm. Solikcwifcbnthecontraiy part,ifchcpaftors be vnskilfull , corrupt and ncgligcntjChey dcftroy the flockcs . Where there be good things in thefliep- heardsjthey flow forth vpon the whole flockcs; and where there be cuill tilings in thcm,thcy infed^ and deHroy-thc fhdepe, ' ^ ''^' ^j . ." ^,^'^ .p. ^ , . . Let rKj man thinkc that this is'tb afcribfc tod' rfiucH^riKofh fi.dc$vntoWn: but readc whacS.Prf«/writeth,i.C(>i^,j. vcrtp. Forivet-ogftherare Godsl-iborcrs, ye are Godr husbandry ^and G otis hutldwg. Hecompircth(^3syc fcc)thc Cliurchvn- to tilliage,as aifo vnto a building, and the miniflers they be the workemen that till amd drclTe theground,and that frame & fit the flones.and couple theip in the buil- ding.Now wcniufl needs confcflc,th3t it is Almighty 'God alone/iftat ii|akeththc r the Lord butld the hatife, their labanr ty iofi that bitUdit. But ycC ift1heOlrpencer,and'Mafon,donothew , and fquarc the timber, and the ftones, what building fi^ail weWiue? Wo'pld to God that all that haue t^ieroomes , and octupy thepla6eiof Biftiops and riaftors m tfic Church, wquld well and through- ly connder this. ' , .. ■ ', ..^. ,.^ , • t • .'l''H!:>u':i'.^-'>-^ '' And for that leffbn which thepcbpfe'afe .here to learri'c ,' it^'? trits : cucnto fee What a fingular blcffing of Almighty God it is ^ to hauc godly and skilfuJl payors, andwiftbifildei-s . And'Vvhitaiplag'ue andcurfeitison the other fide , to iiauc fucH as be naught : for b<'thty hc^^lcft as ground vnt!llcdj,^.an.d as ftones and tim- btfrhothewnfeWrthe t6tTls'S'Uil(^ihg,\vhcretlicy haiie naughty minilicrsPAre they not as rtieepe fcattcred'and deuoured ofthe wild beafles ? Ah poore men how they laugh, and how glad they \>ce ,cucn many of them,! when they fee him that fl>bu1drnftrulace is called Gods building. Thereisno ground fochurlifh,fo vnfitfor fcede , andfo plentiiuUin euill weedes, as the harts of ir.en are without continuall drc/Iing and tilling , vnfit for hcauenly feede,and plentifull in all vices. There is no timber, or flones which aske more la- bour to hew and to rquarethcm,then men doe to bee framed, and made fit to bcc coupled in the fpirituall building. Such then as hauc charge oucr foules, & be idle and negligentjfpending away their time in vaine paftimes,.folIow not the Ikps of Chriftand his Apofilcs,buc delkoy andfcattertheflocke,!ay the Lords husbandry waft and ouergrowne with^noyfome wecdes^and pul downe his Tempi c.Do the fe men make account that there is any iudgementfeate ? do they thinke they {hail c-, ucr be called to their reckening ? He that will beea true miniftcr of lefus Chrift, he muftmake account he hathenrrcd vpon a matter of continuall labour & carc[: vnlefiTche regard not what become of the Lords meepc , of his husbandrie and building. The Tecoiid vertuc is patienccThisis ioyned wfch labor in the Church,becaufe vyithoutitjthe labours^cannot be continued. Indeed where a man feeth goodfuc-I cefle of his tra«aile,ic caiieth him on forward to labour fore,cuen willingly. But in' the Church fome be Co dull and flow of capacity, that they mufl bee taught as the Prophet Ifay faith,like children new weaned,/LV^ thatthcChurchisa vcrieprcdoujt'hing.thac thctfore they i^ay' lo'i^e it moO teti^. derly, and fobc moued with a fcruent zealc , not to fuffcr thofe tHTligs wliich biilr^ and corrupt the fame. For if they can patiently beare to fee the gioric oftne Lord trodendownc, thcGorpclldcfpifcd,andthe precious Temple ofCod pciiluted. the loiicofChiilHsnbtintlicrir for ifthcy did louc him, they vfrould te'zcalpils tor his lake, . ." , • • . ■^. .,,,.»; ^ '» -(VVc cotiie nc^ tfe tlicf^i^thA^erttt^Fof vv]ijcir poyfpnto infe(5ltheflieepeofChrift,but he niuft endure/md doth endure the whole load and burthen of all theirlies , reprochcs, flanders , and ray- lings.And the Lord praifeth him,that he did bcare the patiently, for he faith,?" /;ifters of Chriii, and verie necclfirily it is required in them : for they flnll be fet vpon on eucrie fide. They niuH pull dovvne Sathan, he will roarc : ifthey be faint-hcartedjif rhey will be made affraid and terrified at euc- ry blaftjthcy can ncucr hold out in the workc.Ifthcy will haue peace in the world, they mufi let alone the building of Icrufalem, nay, ihcy muil be at peace with the diucU,andhclpcto pull downc Gods truth. Well, Chriii commended this man for his courage and fortitude, that nothing could make him faint, or waxc wcaric ofalhhe buvthen which was layd vpon him: let all the fcruants of God looke vpon his praife, for it is written for our inflrudiion^ that we may follow the fame Hithertohchathbcne commended, now fbllowiechhbdifpniife infomewhat: the words are thefe, Neuerthtlcffe I haue fomewhat agatnfi thee. Then although he were very excellently qualified for the workc of the miniftcrie, yet there is fomc fault which the Lord doth not concealc , but plaincly laycthitopen ; and what was it ? Ye fecit fct downc , cuen in thefe words, T hoti haft left thj former hue. VVc-may well lee by thofcformcr vcrtu^s,that hchad not lolt the graces of the holy Ghofi ( as the Papii Is would prouc from hence that the regenerate may fall from graccj but be was Ibmcvvhac decayed and gone backward inlouc;for by na- • ; ming 44 SERMONS VPON raing his former loue, he attributeth a louc vnp him now, but inTerior to the for. roer. For indeed although he that is borne ofX3(3d(as Saint lohn faith ) finneth not, neither can fin, becaufe his fcedc reraaineth in him,.and bccaufe he isborne ofGod, I . loh. 2. verf, p. Yet the graces of the fpirit may for a time decay in him, or lye fmothered, not flicwing fuch force; and that wc may fee in Damd^ and o- thcrholyperfous. . His and tlieir fauJ^ being thus laid open,here followeth firft an admonition , in- tbefc words, Remember therefon from whence^hou art f Aliens andrepent , and d9 th^frji workes.J\\\s admonition, as ye fee, doth confi/i of diucrs branches,aii ten- ding to this, that he might be recouered from his decay . Firrt, v.'hen iie biddeth him remember from whence he is fallen , it ilieweth that men do decline in reli- gion by negligence and forgetfulne(Te of former graces; and the way to recouer, is fobepiindfuilin what eftate wchaue bene, aboue that which we areprefentlyin, if vye be declined. Itteacheth alfo(^by faying from whence thou act fallen) how high they be lifted vp which loue God and their brethren, how precious a thing loue is before God, that the decay therein, is accounted fo great or fo foule a fall. For ifit were not athing ofvery great price, why Ihould icbc faid,remember from whence thou art fallen? Ye fee hpw highly Saint PanU cxtolletii loue, i .Cor.15.- And where it is not, all is in vaine , and the decay in it is I'o much the fouler fault, becaufe we are taught that we ought to grow and increase, yea more & m.ore to abound therein. Then he willeth him to repent; he being entrcd into a dangerous oourfeofdeclining and going backeward, the Lord lelus the great fhepheard , who Iceketh vp that which is gone afiraie, and recouereth that which is readie to hieJoftjfeeketh to hcale him by repecance. For when wcare awric,thcre is no way but toalter our courfe by repentancey & returnc againe into the right way.& that wc fliould not: imagine that thercpentance is but fome aftediion of the mind that lefteth within^headdeth, and do thefirffrvorkes . If we repent indeed, with the true and vnfayncd repentance, we Hiall ( as lohn Baptiii willeth, Matth. 3.) bring f^iXrth firuites worthy repentance. ■ * • ^O how rcaiiy aicW^ej whcn'our harts accufc vs that we are fallen or declintd.in aoy godly duties, astnzealdus ahdfruithjUprofeflioofthe GofpelUo reli infome inward touch thereofirtmind,andfon^ confefTion in fpcech,andneuer returne ro the ae rc« quired? Saint Patsie ftiewcth how he weht dill forward, Philip, 5. verl'e.i 2. This THE REVELATION. ^^^ 4$ This is to be anfwcrcdjthat when the Lord rcquircth that he fliould do the for- mer workes, it includcth not a perfciStion in which he might lawfully flay, but a proccedingfurther, forhewasinaraccinwhichhe was going forward. Jfa man be out of the way , and then fet into it againe,it is that he may go forward. Do the former workes, thou wcrtinagoodway going forward , now thougoeft backe- ward,rcpent, returne,and go in the former way . Then here is added the thrcatning ifhc repent not,and if he returne not to his former loue,and do the firtt works: it i$ in thefc words. Or elfe I wtllcome 4(^am^theejhortljy& wUlremtuethj CAndlcfiicke oHt of his place except thou repent. This is a fore thing.that Icfus Chrift will come a- gainfthiminpuninimentif hcdonot repent, it (he weth how highly he wasdi.^- pleafcd with this fault. If God be on our fide , who fhall be againft vs ? And ifhc comeagainflvs , whofhall beable torefcueordeliuervsoutofhishand, orany way to relicuevs?Thepumfhmcntthrcatnedis, I will remouc thy candlcftickc out of his place. This is not darke or hard to be vndcrflood , bccaufc we haue the Lords owne expofition: T he feuen golden candl^fltckfs , are thefeuen Churches, Here then Chrifi thrcatneth the Church atEphcfus.that if there follow not reperi- tance,both in their Partor and in them, he will remoue his Church from thence, ^ they fhall remainc his Church no longer. We know the parable of the vineyard let forth to husbandmen , which wouU not render the fruits of it,as our Sauiourtellcth, Math. 21. and how it is faid the vineyard fliould be taken from them, & let to-otherhusbandmcn, which will ren- der to him the fruitsin due feafon : and then how he cxpoundeth it plaincly , The Kin^dome ofGodfh^^Hh taken front je , andgmen to a nation that will bring forth the fruits thereof The Lord doth not threaten to breake the candlcltickc, but to remoue it vnto another place : for he neuer deftroyeth his Church : but when his Gofpcll is abufcd in one piace,he remoueth it to another; as when thelewes were obftinare, it was taken from them , and giuen to the Gentiles : and thefe Churches of Afiahere named,and many other famous Churches haue long fincc bin mifera- bly opprcflcd, and laid wafte by the cruell enemy the Turke. We fee then it is a fore threatning, euen to tcrrifie them from backfliding , and that they might feckc to recouerthemfelues from decay ,vnto their former eftate. Here is indeed a glallefor vs all to looke in : and the Lord of his tender com- panion open our eyes, that we may in it behold our felues.Firfl,let the minifters of the Gofpcll confidcr what a marucllous waight is laid vpon their {houlder$,in that the Angell ofthis Church hauing left his forhier loue, the whole flocke is thrdatned; why is it , but that they with him were gone backc, and had forfakcn their former louei'If they in his declining had not declined with hira.why (hold it be faid, I will come againft thee fhorily , and will remoue thy candleftickc out of his place, ex- cept thou repent ? Should they all be threatned, if they were not in faultPThe pa- yors then, thcteachcrs, the guides and (hepheards ouer the Lords flocke , had need to be carefull , yea verie carefull that they decay not in loue , nor in any fpiri- tuall graces; for if they continue andftand firmc and faithful to the end,inthe holf •woike of the miniftcric, they (auctbcaafclucs, an^ thofi: that hearc them. If 4(5 SERMONS VPON their louc and zealc waiccoldc, and the care ouer the flockc decay, they caft do wnc themfclucs by litle and )itlc,and not only that, but they hazard the flockes. It is no light matter for a man le take fuch a fall in rcfpedt of the waight of his own perfon:how much more that the deftrudion of the people is laid to his charge? Is it a rmall matterto be guiltie of the peoples bloud? O what need haue the mini- Iters of the Gofpell to be inftant with the Lord to guide them , and to kccpe them vpright, that they may rtand to the end , and with a feruent louc to Cht ift and his Church perforrac all nohe duties ! We may fee by this Angell of the Church of Ephcfus.that very notable men be in danger. And furely all that runne do not obtaine:for couetoufneflc,vaine glory, & am- bition do vttcrly in all ages oucrthrow fomc. Now for the pcopIe,ycafor vs all,wc are taught in this place,how hainous a thing it is before God to waxe cold in louc. No doubt to fecle the louc of Chrift through faith , & to be by the fame euen con- ftraincdto louc him with a feruent loue, and in him and for him tenderly to louc his Church;is a thing in moft high price before God^Sc bringeth forth great fruits. On the contraricpart, for thete fruits to diminiOi, and this louc to be abated and Ibll decayingjprouoketh fo farre the difpleafure of God,that he threatneth againft it grici|oufly. We haue feene what excellent vcrtucs the Lord commendeth in this fliepheard and his flocke, and yet notwithftanding he threatneth for the want of their firft louc,if they do not repent. Moft lamentable is our cHatc in thefe day es : for who can looke vpon any place where the Gofpell hath bin preached but euen a few yearcs , and not fec.I will not fay, decay oftheir firftloue, and oftheir former workcs, but euen in vcrie deed al- moft an vtter fbrfaking ? yea many there be which at the firf Shearing of the GoH. pell, were fo inflamed with the loue ofit,& had fuch a taft of the fwcetnefle therof, that they could not but acknowledge the great kindneffe ofGod towards thcm,& fecmcd to run zcaloufly from the wayes of wickedncffc vnto true godlineflc, and would euen flirre vp others, which now(as it is written,^. Pet, 2,) The do^ to hu vomit-, andthe fow that war rvapjed , to the WAlUwing in the mtre . And thinkc ic notftrangc,forourSauiour foretold this, fpcakingofthclaft times, Match, 24. verfe. 1 2. faying, Bccaufe iniquitie fbaU abound , the hue of many ^ all vf axe cold. Many ncucr come to haue any true loue at all,but defpife all goodnefle , and hate bitterly all that with finccreaff;fdion imbracc the light, and they raile vpon them, as Saint ?eter foretold, 1 .Pct.4.verf 4. The mifchief doth not reft in thefe.thefe haue not left their firft loue which they Heuer had, thefe are not of thofe which haue declined, and are willed to repent & to do the former workes, thefe arc not they that are willed to remember from whence they arc fallen.-but the backcOiding profcflbrs of the Golpell: I leaue this thing for them to confider. Here is yet one thing to be noted, and it is a great thing, and I would to God it ^crc deeply printed and grauen in our harts; for I am perfwadcd few do obfcruc it, both of teachers and people, wliich cafteth downe many . It will be (aid , that to Forfakc their iirft loue,is a thing obfcrucd,whcnit fallcth out,either in the mini- • flcis THE REVELATION. ' 47 ftcrs ofthc Gofpcl, or in the common proTcflburs. Yea butyet ic is not throughly obfcrucd in this point , that fomc do fccmc to thcmfclucs and to others to grow vpward, when as indeed they fall downeward, with a gricuous and moft dange- rous fall. They increafc in other gifts , as in cxperiencc,knovvIedge,7ndcr{tanding and fuch like, which are fit and necenkric for all Chriftians, and decay in iouc. •, *, *. *, Thus it is, when men arc firft iightened,their harts are much inflamed with louc andzcale : but there is often great defect ofkno\vIedge,&ofdifcretron,& of o« :..• ther good gifts. Time bringeth on thefc, and in time their loue waxeth cold: they doclpie fome errours in their waies(as who doth not? j which they do corre6bbut herein they faile, yea fall, that they corref him that hath an eare^&c. Beg of the Lord to haue the earesofour hearts opened ; and whereas ye fee many that haue thefe inward eares (hut vp,let vs giuc moft humble thanks to the Lord : for were it not forhismercie,wefliouldhaue continued euen like vnto them. TheholyGhoftis the fpirit of truth,the fpirit of wifdome,and of all wholfome counfell : and there- fore the fpirit whom we ought mo(i reuerentlyandattentiucly to hearken vnto. And as I faid,whcn we fee men fhut vp their eares, defpife his counfell , and walkc on liubburnly in their owne wicked wayes, we may fee how much we are bound to God that hath opened our eares:and let it moue vs to be fwift to heare what the fpirit faith to the Churches. The other part of this conclufion containeth a greatpromifc, euen the promife of eternall life, vnto euerie one that ouercommeth. There is no ouercomming,or gettinc viflorie where there is nobattell robe fought ; thisthcrefore puttcth vs in mind of the ftace we areherefetin,eucninthe fpirituallbattellagainftfinne, the world,and the diuell, as fouldiers vnder the banner of lefus Chrift: if we fight vali- antly ,and ftand to the end, wefhallbefaued: if we put on the whole armour of God,as S. l^Aule willeth , Ephcf. 6, If we ftand in the holy faith : for S. lohn faith, This U the viElorte vvtch ouercommeth the world, euen oMrfaith,i,lohn y.verf^., feeing then we haue no promife vnlcffc we ftand in thefeith, and ouercome all the power of the diuell and finne, let vs feekc by all meanes to haue our faith dayly in- creafed.lt is a moft worthy and blefled fight that is againft fuch deadly cnemics:let vsneuer faint, the Lord will vpholdvs ; hate the diuell and all his wicked wayes, and cleauefaft to that which is good, and yelballliue for cuer. This is the pro- mife which is vttered thus .♦ / vvillgiue vnto him to eat of the tree ofbfe , which is in themtdli oftheparadt/eofgod. This promife is made vnder a figuatiue fpeech: for in the earthly paradife wherin e^ut are the Synagogue ofSathan, Ip, Fearenone oftho/e things which thottJha/tfuffer'Jeho/dit (haRcome tofaffe, that the diuelljhalicafi fome ofyoutntoprtfon^thatye way be trtedy&ye pjaH haue trihuiatton ten dayes : be thoufatthfuUvnto the deathy and I wUlgiue t hee a crowne of life , II, Let him that hath an eare^ heare what the fp'tr it e faith to the Churches : he that ouercommeth fhaOnot be hnrt ofthefecond death. y jJ^^BO Q^C^Tj ^ He fecond Epifllc or mcflage is dirc^ 51 moft cxccllent.For albeit there is no one particular vertue naraed,yet whe he raith> thou art riV^/pcaking of the fpiritual riches^for in the worldly riches he was poorci it includeth all vertucs^if we ioyr.c ihis,that the Lord rcproueth no fault in him.A- mong many goodly vertues in the Church ofEphefus,thcrc was this blot,that they had declined and forfakcn their firft loue . Ocher paftours and Churches alfo arc found fault vvithaljfomc for one thing, & fome for apothcr:but here is nothing re- proued.Hcrc be ail Chriftian vertues both in the fhepheards and their flocks, and no groflc vice : For if there had bid any grofle fault_,thc Lord wold not haue con- cealed it,no more then he hath in the rcli. If we rcfpcihhe Angell ofthc Church at Smyrna, that is,the paflor^or paftory, (for vndcr one diuerfe pallors may be mcanf,as well as the whole cogrcgation)hc was rich in the precious faith ofour gloriousLord lefusChrirtjhc was rich in know- ledge and vnderlhnding of tj^eheauenlymylierics, filled with fpiricuailwifdome, he was rich in loue and zealc,in mec kncflc and patience : he was rich in care ani diligence to feed and guide the flockc of Chrili: for if any of thefe had bene wan- tmc, , how could ir be l"aid,thoH art rich ? how could he haue cfcaped without re- buke? Then if we refpedtthe Church it feltc , they were excellently well inl'lru- dted and fcd,and builded vp in the truthrthcy were rich,& enriched in all fpiiltuail gracesuhey were rich in vertues,and good works. ; yea their light did lo llunc be- fore men,that they might ice their good works, and giorihc God, as appcarcth in that thcv be not rebuked nor adnJoniOied to repent, nor :hrea:ncd,as the Church of Ephclus.Herc is then a worthy example for ail to follow^both paliors and pco- ple.What a good'y thing is it, to be thus allowed and comuiendcd of ChrilfPit is more comfortable then to enicy all the riches and plcafures vnder heaucn . But ic may be faid.vvcre they fo pei fcit that no fault could be found in themPh there any fo holy ,fo iu(t,fo pure &; vprigl.t \n his vvaics,that he may abide the trial & the fc- icccofthe highIu» fay , /fxve fay ive haue n9 fime we decaue our fclues and the truth is not in vs r We may not fo take it , that this notreproning ium for any fault, doth argue a perf d^ion I but the Lord doth not mention fmali things^but doth coutr them.This Church had her fraikics , buc was free fro(n grolfcofl^cnces. Behold herein the great kindncffe ofour Lord lelus Chril^jin couering all the frailties ofhis true fcruants. He is the iudgc before whom we fhall Hand^and we haue many impcrfcitions: how much haue we to reioycc, that he dealcth fo louingly? If he iJiould ncuer approue ot vs vntill he fhould find vs perfc6^,and in cuery rciped^ to be likcd,wc were vttcrlv loU and ca(t away tor cuerrbut in thofe that in finglencflcof hart do loue and obey him, ye fee allimper- fediions andfpotsarc coucrcd and forgotten. Let it encourage vs, fpecially fuch asferuehimin the mini/tery of the Gofpell, to be 'chcerefull in performing all good duties. Let vs not faint nor be difcouraged with any troubles, nor with the beholding our frailties/or he will dealc moll louingly with vs.I will now proceed to the words as they lie. That hp faith, thine aftlii^ion andpoucrry,it dothimport very euidcntly, that '*^ ^2 this 5ft SERMONS VPON this Church was aflailcd by cnemics,and To far , that it endured no fmall troubles. For the Lordjifthc troubles had bene fmall , would neuer hauc made mention of them. Morcouer, the poucrty which he doth ioyne with the afflidion , did grow partly from the fame: For the rage of the enemies was fuch , that they did in fomc places eucn flie vpon the goodsof the Cbrittians,and fpoile themcas ye may readc how the holy Ghoft doth tcftifie of the beleeuing lewes in the Church of ludea; how when they werelightened,they were reprochcd,aud fuftcred the fpoylingof their goods,Heb. x o ver.3 4. The Lord did know this aflfli^lion which his feruants did indure for his fake.- for the profeflion of his namebrought it all vpon the.If they had fufFcred as euii doers, it could be no comfort to heare from the Lord in his glory that he did know their afflif^ion :but being for the truth , it might incourage them notably , that their great captaine vnder whofe banner they did fight , beheld how valiantly they did acquitethemfelues,and (hewed his great liking & approbation thereof .He taught that they are bleflcd which fuffer perfecution for righteoufneflc fake,Matth.j.and here he tclleth this Angell and the Church, how he regardeth their fufferings. Let vs learne here then how to arnie our felucs againft temptatious: If it fal fo out that affliction do come heauy vpon vs^our nature is frailc,and the diuelis ready to fug- gefl, that we arc forgotten,3nd that Chriit doth not regard vs : will hee deale fo hardly withthofe whom he loucth ? Yea it is no hard dealing, for the holy Scrip- ture in many places as ye know, fetteth forth that thefe afflitTions are for the great good of the faithfull : readethe firll chapter ofthe Epiftle oflawcsy the firft of the firft Epiftlc of P^fA^r^and alfo the fourth,& the twelfth chapters oftheEpiftle to the Hcbrucs.and the latter end ofchc eleuenth chapter ofthe firii to the Corinthians, and ye fhall find how God affl;6teth his for their good. And now furdicr,that the Angell of this Church, and the whole company ofthe faithfull , were poore touching worldly fubftancc , it (heweth how they defpifed the riches ofthis world to gaincChrift,in whom indeed are al thetruetreafures:A» Mo fey is commended, that he rcfufed tobecalled the fon oi' Pharaoh; daughter, and chofc rather to lutfcr alBi6li6 with the people ofGod , then to enioy the plca- furcsoffin fora fcafon,eiTeemingthe rebuke of Chrirt,greater riches then the trea* furesofEgypr.Hcb.i i.ver.24.25.26. fo werethey here in the Church ofSmyrna content to fufter the fpoyling of their goods.rathcr then they wold be driuen from the open, bold and conltant profcffion ofthe GofpcU and glorious name of our LordlefusChrili* And yc know how our Sauiour telleth vs plainely,that if wc cannot find in our hearts to forfake all that we hauc in this world.and to take vp the crofie and follow him, we cannot be hisdifciples.The Scripture callcth the rich ma a foolc that built his barnes g;reater,&laid vp ftore,Luk.i i.vcr.zo. And our Sauior faith in the next verfe there foilowing,fo is cuery one that heapcth vp treafure,& is not rich toward God.Such then(by the words of Chri(i)as imbrace the Gofpell,although it fhold be to their vttcrfpoile inthe worldjthat the^ may be rich towards God in the true hcauenly treafurcs,be wife raea. And THE REVELATION. ^ "^ „ And on the contrary part.thcy that arc greedy of this world, & hcape vp riches and worldly itorc.not wiliingto forgoc them for the truthes fake, nor yet dcfirin^ to be filled with faith and heaucniy vcrtucs that they may be rich to God,bc ftaikc fooles. They prcferredrollcandtrafii before fine gold. In thii point we may not reafon vvith flcfli and bloiid ; for the world doth account them the ranckcft looles that hue , which for their profcffion will go fo farre as to endure the loflc of their goods and digr)itics,andljuein banifh'nent,in prifonjin pouertyj and in contempt.* becauic the worldlings are blind,and cannot fee the riches which thefe do treafurc vp.Moreouer , they magnifie them highly as wife fdlowes , which can fo carry themfciues, as to kcepc and increafe their wealth of what religion focucr , and to ciimbc vp in the world. When we Hiallfuffcr affli6\ion and be prcfled dovvnc with poiierty and other calamities,Ict vs call to mind thclc words of our S Amour, / l^ow ihtue afflii}to» d* fOHerty^bkt thou art rtch: and ifoui afiili(5lion come vpon vs for the Golpell.it will comfort vs much.Confider yet one thing further in thefe words touching the An- gel! of this Church of Snjyrna,for l*e (whether it be fpokcnofone or of more) was aflPiiitcdjhcwaspoore, and yet he was rich. He was a right excellent lliephcard, and tooke great paincs in feeding and guiding the flockc of Chrill ,and yet as ye fee his reward in this world was but fmali,for he lined in pouerty . What, did not the flocke care for him?ycs,ifthey had bene rich, he Oiould not haue bene poore. He doth not repine at it, he is not an hireling that dealt for filthy luker , bur dealt eucn ofloue, and as Saint Peter rcquireth.ofa ready mind , i. Pcr.5 . He faw what la- bours the holy Apoftlcs endured^ what daungers they paflfed through , and how poore they were touching worldly wealth. As Saint P,jti/e tcftifieth of himfeltc & his fcllowes, we are poore,and yet make many rich,2.Cor.6.v. i o.This is a worthy example for vs to follow: Ifwe haue gifts of learning for the miniftery ,and beim- ploycd,and take paincs to the comfort and benefit of the Church, wethinkcitfo vnworchy a thing to be in pouerty ,as that we are ready to be impatient at it , anci mnny thinke that the excellency ofthc worke of the minifteiy may warrant them toheapevp worldly rreafurs.euen to the detriment of die Church . If the charge be committed vnto vs, and we are to feede the flockc of Chriit , and the flocke be in that cftate that we cannot haue from them the wealth of the world to aboud in stny plentifull meafure , we muft be content with that which may fuffice cucn for ncccditie. We are not better then the holy Apofllcs were, we arc not better then the An- gell of the Church ofSmyrna,nay weil arc weif we walke intheir ileppcs, though wc come much behind th?min regard of their excellency. Then muli we looke for the reward of our hborSjin the fcruice of Chnft,and of his Church eucn as they did, and that is not in this world,but at the appearing of the great fliepheard.If wc will needs preach theGofpell, and take paines in liudy, and labour to net wealth and preferments here vpon earth,it fhall be fay d vnto vs,ye Iaboured,but ye had your wages, there is no further reward rcmayning as due vnto you.Alas what cafe fljalJ wc be in then ? cucn turned out with thofe whom tl\e holy Apoftk fpcakcth E j of. 54 SERMONS VPON ofjwhore belly is their God, that mind earthly things, Philip. 5 . Ohow much bet- ter Is it, to treade downc the loue o f the world, and to bend all our care and dili- gence to fcede the flockc of Chrift, waiting for that crownc of glory that islaid vp tor all Chrifts faithfull feruants and fouldiers ? Whatfoeuer become of vs in this world, I meane/if we (hould bee a as poore as Lr i'UJphemy of them which fay they are lewct and are not , but are the Synagogue of Saihan^hcxQ befoure things in thefe words,thc firfl is the blafphemy; the fccond thatthe Lord did know ic: the third , whothcy were that did blafpheme rand the fourthjin whataccout: they were before God_,whntfoeucrthey boaftcd thcmfelues to be.To be reuiled,tailed vpon and blafphemed by cuiil men , is a grieuous thing, cfpecially when it is for the holy profefiloo,vvhen the pure dod^rine^and the Lord of glory himfelfe are with moft vile & filthy ipeechcs railed vpon and blafphemed. Novvit wasmarucllousto heare with what tearmes they which were vnbelec- uers did raile vpo the Lord Iefus,as a falfe Prophet,a dccciiier,& one that did al by the power of the diuel.And alio to heare how they did tearme theGofpellherefie and ralfhood,and all that beleeue it heretickes,and curfed people. This is the blaf- phemy which our Sauior faith he did know. It is vttcrcd for comforc,tiiat the Lord faith he did know the blafphemy .for he will call the blafphertiers to account for k,as Saint P^r^y teacheih,i. Pct.4.verf 5. they flial not cfcape free,though the Lord feemcto v^'ink at the matter of their tai* lings vpon his feruants for a time. And the godly fhal haue great reward for fuffe- ring fuch reproch for the nameofChrilh For this we haue the plainc words of our Sz[i\on:\hy'\v\gfBle^ec(tireye when men reuiieyoUjandperfccuteyoH^andfay alma-' ver of efitll agamfiyotifor my fakf falCeiy - retoycCyand be giad for great uyourre^ Tvard in heauen, Mach.5 . Here we fee there is great reward layd vp in heaucn for iuch asarc raylcd vpon,reuiIcd, and reproched for the glorious Gofpell of Chrifi, yea (o great that he willeth them to reioy ce,for they are bJeflcd. Saint Peter faith, jfy e be railed vpon for the name o(^Chni\,'B/eJ[edareye: for the fpirit of glory and of God reftcth vpon you,which on their partis euill fpoken of,but on your part is glorified, i.Pet.4.verf.i4 . Now lay thcfe together with that Chrirt laithherc to K)is Church , J know the blafphemy ^ Q^c^ and you may fee it is to ict them vndcr- fbnd , that they wery very highly blefled in fufFcring fuch railings for the name of Chrill, AUfes by faith eOecmed the rebuke of Chrift greater riches then thctrea- furcff THE REVELATION. " ^ 55 fur« of EgyptjHcb.i I .Vnto the nature of man there is nothing alniof^ more gric- uous then to be dcricjcd and railed vpon^bccaure it fcemeth fo great a difhonor& imbafement : but if it be for the name of Chrift, that is , for the zealous and fincnc profcfTing of the Gofpcll.that we will not poure foorth our fchies and riinnc with the world vnto all exccflc of riot in drunkennef[e,filthy ribaldries, & all loofcncflc in vanities, that v\ c be railed vpon, and mocked, as in deriHon and rcproche they vfe to fay,they be full of the fpiritc,thcy be precifians,&:c. It is a very great honor and glory, let it not difcourage vs or make vs aOiamed , for what are we that wee fhould be accounted worthy tobearc any rebuke for the glorious fonne ofGod? Wc fee cuen at this day the great weakntfle of many , they bcare fome loue to the Gofpell, but they heare tiie reproch and railings which arc caft foorrh vpon thofc which follow it, and they dare not be fcene, Icafi they fliould be hated and moc- ked: for a iitle thing doth fnib them. Let vs fct before vs the example ofthis blcfTcd Angel of the Church at Smyrna, and of the faithfull Chri(lians thcre.They were blalphcmcd and railed vpon excee- dingly: and as wc fee wl^n any notable fhuinpet is carted, how they which hauc filchy things will caft them forth vpon her: (o did they cafi forth vpon thcfe holy fcruants ofGod, all the moft villanous railings and filchy ilnundersihey cculd dc- uife, and they went through, bare it f irongly, and neucr flirunke. And now to en- courage ihcm and all others that fliall come into the battaile thus to fight vndcr the banner of Chri(i againft the diucll and his fouldiers, the Lord himfelfe from his glory in the hcaucnsfendcth word,/ t^norv theiflnfphemj: I know how much thou art railed vpon, & what thou docft fufter for my fake. If men come in place where they heare their Prince railed vpon anddiflionoured, and they ftand bold in the defence of their Princes honour,do they not accouut it a great prefertncnt ifthcr- fore they be reproched?and doe not the kings and Princes ofthis world highly ac- cept of fuch faithfijlnes and loue of their fubiecb,& are they not ready to aduance them as mo(t truftic? And (hall not we then count it an honour very great, where the truth^eucn the Golpell of Chrift the molt glorious king,is ofvngodly mc,euen vaflals of Satan,railed vpon, if wc defend it , and magnific the dignitie of it, and Co fuftcr hatred, rcprochcs, reuilings and flaunders for the fame ? Or ftiall we tbinke that the Lord Icfus doth not know or regard what we endure for his fake, or will he not highly account of,and reward fuch faithfulnes?! bcfeech you think well of this.lct it not ftip out of your minds, be valiant in the defence of your kings honor. Now the third thing commcth for to be confidt:cd,and that is.whothcy were that did blafphemc this Church. All the infidels and heaihc Idolaters did raile vpo ChriftjVpo the Chriftians^& vpo rheChriftian religi6:but of al other the obfhnatc lewes did excell in blafphcmies,& were the moft bitter cncmies.But he faith here, they fay they are lewes.but are not.It is not meant tharthcy were notlewes ac cor- ding to the neni,(for they were the (ccd o( Ahraha according to theilcfh)but they were not lewes in that fenfe in which they boafted , that is to fay, they were not the true Church and children of God. For to be right lewes indeed, was to be the £4 true 5^ ^ -• SERMONS VPON true children of yi^r/c/; the Lord take th a way this doubt,and (2i!t\\xTf3ecliHeUfballcaJtfomeofyoH mtopri' j'onJhc diijcll fliallpuc into the heart ofthc Empcrour to pcrfccutc the Churches, andthediuellfhall inflame the hearts of inferiourgoucrnours and officers vndcr him,with bloudy and cruell hatred ofthc Chrillian name,and the diuel fhall fill the hearts ofthc blind multitude with mad furic,and fo they ashisinftrumcnts fhalrun violently vpon you.Iii this place we hauc a Icflbn caught vs to iudge of pcfecutios. When the true and faithfull fcruants ofGod are perrecutcd,thcrc is a! way cs a great {hew made by the PerfecutorSjthat it is for their mifdcmeanour. They do it(they will ray)euen in the zcalc of their dutic towards God, and no doubt many thinke fo.But in truth whatfoeucr they prctend,y c fee it is the diucll in them that doth all, they do but execute his will,they do but fatisfie their owne bloudy defires. The Powers are to punifh and roote out euill doers, and godly Princes do punifh and imprifon heretikesandfeducers.but where were euer any perfecuted by wicked tyrants for the truth but they pretend is it for euill ? Let vs be wife then,and lookc into the caufe for which men do fufFer,and not what is pretended. Here is a good leflbn for allthofc which oppofethefelues againflthe preaching and profefTion of theOofpcllj if ic might pIcalcGod to open anie of their eyes for to fee it. They bcare rhemfelues in hand oftentimes, chat they do well, yea, that they do good feruicc to God ,when as in vcrie deed the diueil beareth all the whole fway in their hearts.and fettcth them a woikc, they do but fulfill his lufls. Their hearts indeed are inflamed with wrath,butthe diuelisthebellowestoblo\^ vp,and to make the fire to flame,he moucth the heart, which they do not percciuc. They take craftie counfcll , and deuifc mifchieuous pradtifes , but the fubtiii diueil doth helpc to fuggcfl the fame into their minds. They giuechcir tongues to lie, to flaunder,to railc.and blafphcme , but the father of lies doth thruft them forward. And to fpcak<: in a word, whatfoeuer they do, he hath an oarc in it. He being their roaifter that fettcth them a workc,thcy (hal hauc their hire with him: then may we learne hero in what miferable cftate all the enemies of the true feruants of God be, the diuel hateth extremely the children of light,and couetcth to haue them rooted out: bccaufe his kingdome is hindrcd by them. And feeing he hath no way to dealc againfl tliem of himfelfc,but by temptations, which they rcli(f , he is driuen into a rage, and fceketh inflruments that hauc power, which may execute thatcruekie which he dc/ircth. Thefc, like blind men, run in rage & flirie, not knowing whofc fcruants they be, or whofe will chcy execute. He vfcth them but homely often- times : for when they haue told foulc lies, and raifed flaundcrs, and it fall out that the truth comtiieth to light,and all men fee they haue lyed fhamefully , fothat for a time they be halfe arhamed,yct he thrufleth them on againe,and how often fo- eucr they be taken tardie,yet they mu(^ on forward. Thus much that he faith, the diucll ca(feth into prifon. TIk kindnesofour Sauior to his faithful feruants hath appeared cuen in this,that hi^forcwarned the ofthc dangers to comc,& encouraged them not to fearc: but he flicweih It yet further by adding mofl comfortable things. The firfl of them is in ihcfc yjosds,That than m^nji be /rw^.This fctteih foith the counfel and piupole o^ the ^» SERMONS VPON the Lord,or to what end he would hauc them fuffcr affli(f^ion : and that is,not fot any harmc towards them,but indeed for their great good.For this trying which he fpcakethofisaright worthiething,and to the lingular comnioditie ofchefaithfuL Reade thcfirlt chapter of the EpiItlcofS./ vnto what intcgritie we are brought through the trying of our faith : and that the man is bleflcd which indureth temptations , becaufe when he is tryed, he fliall receiue the crowne of life,&c. Like wife ye may reade what Saint Peter faith touching the fame. Ye are in hea- uineffe through manifold afflidtions, that the triall of your faith (being much more precious then gold thatperiHicth , though it be tried with fire)might be found, to be to your praifc,and honour,an4;glorie, at the appearing oflefus Chrifi^ i .Pet. i. 6.ji Likewife in the fourth chapter of the fame Epiftlc jhe exhorteth them not to thinke it a flrange matter concerningthe fiery trial which was come among them, fortoprouethem. Tiienmarkethis,the diuell in a rage would terrific and throwc downe all,and (hrreth vp cruelJ and bloudy tyrants to make all the fhew of terror that may be : both the diuell and his inltruments do all of a moii wicked purpofe cuen with wrath and ma]ice,euen to tricifthey can with any fearc make them de- nie and fall from the truth; this is the triall they niake. But the high Lordoucr all, which gouerncth and diredleth all things according to his goodpleafurc, will hauc bis feruants tried to a farre other purpoie,and that is, as the gold is put into the fire Co be triedjto haue the drolTe and mixture burnt out, and fo to be fined and made naore pure & bright:fo the faithfull are caft into the fornace of affli6tions,thatthcy alfomay be fined and become more tried and pure. Is not this a good comfort to make vs cheerefully to bearc troubles for the Lords caufe ? what wife man indeed will not reioyce in that which is for his great good ? The next comfort here mini(ired,is in the fhortneflc of the time which this pcr- fecution ftiall latt,vttcred in thefc words: A»dye {haUbaae ajfli^ton ten dayes. A-1- though wefeele and find by experience that afflidions do vs good, yet our flraylc nature will hardly endure themlong,and in continnance of time wc waxe wearic andafereadietofaint,ifwefeeno liklihoodbutthat they will continue. For this caufe the Prophet proclaimcth in the Pfalme,Therod of wickedneflc (hall not re(t vpon the lot of the righteous , that the righteous ftretchnot forth their hands vnto vvickedne{rc,Pfal.i2 5. AccordingIy,the Lord forefhcwethto this Church at S my rna,that their perfe- cutionfor the greatyiolent heat and terror ofit,fhould not laft euer.noryet conti- nue longjfor he faith it lliould be but for en dayes. This is indeed averie fhort time , if we take it but for ten ofthefe naturall dayes, whereof euerie one confiftctb but of 2<^ houres .• but the holy Scripture fometimes in the Prophets,and namely in I>», a veric old man, after he had manic ycarcsfciucd the Lord Icfus, as a right faithful! iTiepheard ouer this flocke of God at Smyrna , did moll conftantly fuffcr , and died a glorious Martyr. Wc hauc not yet refiitcd vn- to bloud,(triuing againft fihnc, as the holy Ghoft fpeaketh, Hcbr. 1 2. Thebattcll being again(i finncjand the crowne of gloric fet before vs, let vs not faint nor giuc oucr for the flieading of our bloud ; forifwc do, if we yecki vnto the enemies, we arc not worthic to be crowned with the crowne of life. The Lord incrcafe our faith, andvpholdvs and keepevs vpright in the battc.'l.as his true and faithfull fouldicrs, cucn to the end. Thus much for the nanation of this EpilUe, now to the conclufion. Lft him that hath ameare^ htare what the jpirit faith to the Chnrches: He that OHercommcth (hallHot be hurt of the fecond death. Here is againe as it wereapub- Lke proclamation to ftirrc vp and to moue attention in all tliat hauc cares, to hcarc what the fpirit faith to the Churches. No man can hcarc except the Lord giuc liirnan care, let vs beg it of him inftantly.O wold to God wc could heare through- ly well what this is that he faith, he thatouercommcth lliall not be hurt of the fe- cond death: for then would iciiirrcvs vpto fight valiantly in the Lofjs battcll. 61 SERMONS VPOM *nd to ftandagainfl all the tcrrour of death, and torments whatfocucr . For what %ough \vc lie as yet fubic^l vmo the firli dcath,that is.the reparation of the foule ^(:om the body ,and fo our bodies putrific & tume to duit ?ycf holding the faith, & being thereby armed with the mighty power of God, we get the ridory ouer the Vforldj& ouer the Prince of this world/othat the fccond death, which is the cter- nail damnation both of fouie and body iii hcll,fhall not hurt vs. Our vi<5lorie then which we get through faith,hath a double comodity ; the one, that it deliuereth vs from the torment of the fecond deach(which were a great benefiCjif w e ihould be after without feeling,eithcr of good or euill^as the bealt is afcer he is dcady^and the other,that we rhall be crowned with the crowne oflifc. Thcfe two things be fo of tich waight,that it ought to mouc our harts vnto a dayly & cotinual care aboue all other things to feek to be cftablillicd in the moft holy faith,that we may ouercomc THE VI. SERMON. 12. Ar.dto the Atigellofthe (^h^rch which is in fergamHi^ roritejthife things fatth he that hath thefja^pejword wtth two edges'. X 2. -J Iznaw thy works ^^ where thou dwellefi ^euenwhere the throne of Seithan is ^ (frthoH hdlhejimy name^ andhufl not demedmjfa.th, eueninthofe dajes vzhen Antypoi mj fait hf a li martyr was flune among you^ where Stithan dvneUeth. 14. But I haueafevf thtngs a^uinfl thee ^becat4je thou hafi there the that mAintainff the d'jflri»e ofSaJaatfiy which tasfght "Baiaketo put a finmblingkloct'^ be- fore the children of Ifraelljthat theyjboit/deale ofweatfacrtficedto Idols, and commit fornication'. IK, Enen fohafl thoH them which matntaine the doSirine of the Nicho/aitanes, which thtrig I hate. 16. %epentfOr elfe 1 will come Vnto thee ^ortly^und will fght aga'mfl them with thefwoYct, of my mouth. 17. Let him that hath aneare heare what the ^irit faith vnto the Churches ^ to htm that ouercommeth wtll I gme to eate (J^llanna that is htdy and 1 vvtllgiue htm a white flone^^ in thefione a new name wrtttenyVvhtch no man k^owethf h'M he that recciuethtf. }Hc third Epifileis fent tothcAn^ri oft he Church iuPergamus.This ► Pcrgamus wasthe chiefccitieoi Plirygia, in which Chrifl had now khisfaithfull flocke. The Exordium of this meflage,is tro the defcrip- !:ion of the moft high and mighty fonncof God,dcfcribed only here with this one part of the vilion, that it is he which hath thcfliarpc fword with two edges: for by this one part they might be induced to thinkc vpon all THE REVELATION. ^ ^ 6^ allthefertofhisglorKr. This fword is the JineJy word which iscomeout of his mouth. It may light well be laid to be o iTiarpe two edged fword, for it flayeth fill and corruption in the faithfuii,and it killcth with cternall dcltrudhon all the vnbe- lecucrs and euill men, and cutteth downc all wicked hcrcfies.And here is mention made ofit/occaufe the Lord faith afterward, he would fight with it againtt chofc wicked corruptcrsofthat Church: euen thofe Ipors &: blots that were among th5, as S.lade Ipcakcth.Tlie Church and all her true children arc arn^cd with thii Iword again(Uhediuell,andaga!n(t all other enemies, audit fiiallflay &defiroy themaB. Thus much may lufficc touching the Exordium or entrance of this Epilllc. Tiien in the nariation he faith,/ j^«ob» thy wt!iefi where Sat ban hdth his throne. Thcdiucllhad preuailcd in all places of the world,and a$ a great Lord bare fway,bu t yet in iome places he did caric them deeper inco all biindnclle and horr j- b'e impieties then in other. And that is meant here wh5 the Lord faith,th3tSathan had his throne in Pcrgamus: he did raignc there in an exceeding high maner,hc had men fovnJcr his dominion, and wasfogreatacommaundcr, that he might attempt almofi what he woul J. What a place was this Ciiurch of Pcrgamus then planted in? and what an incommodious habitation had it ? They did dwell euen atSathanscourtgate, byhLsroyalipallacCjandby tliefearofhiskingdome,6ceuen in the inidliothisgard andgarrifons of his fouldicrs. Here was euen as fwcet a dwelling as Lot had among the Sodomites, of whom Saint ''Peter reporteth ,thac fron[i day to day he tormented his righteous foul-, in hearing and feeing thru- vn- godlydceds. For here the holy fcruants ofGod,abhoiTing filthy vncleanr>cHe both in words and deeds , were euen conftraincd to heare of and to fee much , which could not but highly vcxc thctJceing this is the cufiome of Sathans vafliils who he thrufieth headlog into all abominati6,if they fee nny vexed at it, to do it the more. What railings, what blafphcmics,whatrcprochesagainfi Chrifi, againfi hisGof- pcl and Churcli.were there powrcd forth,and did cucn as floudsrunne downc the jtrcpts.yc may couiedure.Whatfilihineflc or vnclcanncfic in ail other vices could there be \vanting?Tlic holy Gofpcll ofour Lord lefus Chriii js mofi pure and full ofheaueniy light,difclofii>g and condemning all fuch abhominations. Thefaithfull Chriflians which protege the faiw , waJkc as thc.cliildrcn ofthc light,andw'Uhauc ao 64 * - SERMONS VPON no fcllowfhip with the vnfruitfull works of darkncffcjbut reprouc thcm.Oh what a fpitc was this, and what a difgracc vnto Satan,that fuch a dodrinc, & fuch a c6- panie muft come and be fcatcd cuen vndcr his nofc , and cuen at his Court gates? And what a griefe did this ftrikc into the minds of his minifters,that now they muft be detected and rebuked , and could not fo quietly as before performe their feruicc vnto their great Lord with fuch pleafurc as before ? For it taketh away fomc of their delight in the doing, when euill men do percciuc their deeds be difcouered and mifliked.Thcn how mail was the diuell; what raeanes and wayes would hec Icaue vnfought, vtterly for to roote out this Church? And how ready were all his fcruants to accomplifh his will ? Satan their prince fitting in his throne , that is in deed in their hcarces which were his vaflals, he would kindle all wrath and rage in them, and inflame their hearts with all fauagecrucltic . Hereupon was raifedbit* ter perfecution euen vnto death. Then confider all this , and it doth highly raagnifie ( as I faid ) the valiant con- ftancy of this Church. For it is a6dc6yt>^nd thou kcepeft my ftame^ and haft not di- ■mied my faith , in the datef that tAntifas my fatthfull LMartjr Tvasjlaine among yoH, &G . Itftandeth thus for the ienfc, thou dwcUeft where Sathanrulcth as king, fitting vpon his throne, and hauing fo manye to obeye his will, raifeth vp all mifchiefes, terrours, anddaungers, euenfo farre that fomehauebeene auelly liiurthered among you , and yet thou haft ftoode conftant, thou haft nor beene a- fraide, nor afhamed to confcfle me, and to profcffe my faith , cuen in the middeft of all Sathans rout, when thou couldeft fee nothing but extreme dangers and pe- rils. This praife is great by reafon ofthefe circumftances. The gouernour of afhip and the mariners in a calme fea are not tried: it is no maifterie nor praife for them tokcepevpright: but if in boyftercus tempeftes , and through the raging fur£cs they can keepe vpright, and goe fafe through , it is to their great commendation . The captaine in wars and his fouldiers , are not faid to be valiant vpon no aftault ofencmiesj or for fome light skirmifh .• but if they bee fct vpon on eucrie fide, and compafled round about with fierce and terrible enemies, and are not then aba- fhed, nor fhrinke not, but ftand valiantly in the fight, and giue the repulfc to their enemies, who doth not magnifie their courage ? This Captaine ouer the Lordes bandatPergamus , andthofe Chriftian fouldiers, were wonderfully fet vpon by Sathanandhis armies, and yet ftoodeitouttotheendeasconquerours. Their fhip was tofied exceedingly , and yet they carry her fafe vnto the fhoarc r were they not worthie of high commendation? Yes, and the Lord from heauen giueth them the praife of it. Thus we fee the meaning of the words . Now let vs fee what is to be gathered more particularly from the fame. That they dwelled where Sathan had his throne, it fheweth firft what miferable eftatc all men are in without Chrift, eucn vndet the crucll tyrant Sathan, who ru- leth in their corrupt lufts, and holdcih them captiue to do his will. For albeit fomc are led more deepely into thraldome then others , yet all that hauc not Chrift raigningin them, are the fcruants of Sathan, and their cafe is very wofull. Sccpndly^this doth magnifie and cxtoU the inercicof God,that would fend his C^ofpcli THE REVELATION. ^^ ^5 Gofp«ll into fuch a ()lacc,cucn almoft asit were into hel/of could it be much bet- ter where Satha had liis throne?It may teach vs to offer the gofpcljifit be our cai- ling.eucn vnto moft wicked people, hoping that God may draw ac the Icaft Tome ot chem out of che iawcs oflSachan: the power of the heauenly do6trine is fuch. Thirdly ,as we may fce,it extolleth the might ot our Lord Icfus Chrift,noto«Jy in planting his Church iherc,but in preferuing it. For,will Sathan rr akc fmall refi- (iance when that is let vp which calkth him downe, and euen in the pJace where he dwcllcthPMcn can better endure that w hich they miflikc', if it be further froru them, then ifit be iull by them. Then that he faith, rhou haft kept my nameand not denied my faith,it is a moft excellent thing.TTie diucl laboureth nothing more, then through terror of perfccution to driue men from contefTing Chrift : & Chrill himfplfc faith^that if we deny him before men,he wil deny vs before his fathcr,and before the holy Angels, yea though it be fo that we cannot confefTe him but w ith cxcrcame perill of our liues. For our Lord lefus is a mo(t honourable king , full of glory , and fuch as are called to bearc his name,& to ftand in the defence of his glo- rv,it is the greatcli honour that in this word can light vpon any man : and fiiall rnen then be afhamed of him when he is blafphemcd? What an vnwonhy thing is chat?how vnworthy ai c they to be partakers of his fo great glory with himPSeeing if we will raigne with him in glory, w^ mult not refufe to beare his erode ,*and to be reproched for him. Let vs not flirinke though wc be compafled about with ne- uer fo many wicked enemies,but follow the example of chis Church of Pcrgamus. VVe flialhauethc famcpraife which they had from the Lord,wcfhallby hispower tread dovvneSathan,and raigne with him our Lord in his euerlaliing kingdom. It IS much to be marked.that he putteth both thefe two together. That they kept his n4me,and denied not his faith . For this (heweth that a bare confeflion of Chriftes name,i$ not fufficicnt^but we muft hold his do\5irine and faith: for the diuell coue- tcth that men may vndcr the bare profclTion of the name of Chrift, deny Chrift. li heretickes and wicked men hold of his name,they difhonor him more then fuch as vtterly deny him.The whole popery is broached vndcr the name ofChrift , which deftroyeth his dodrine and his faith, and fcttcth vp the doctrines of diucls. Now when they perfecute with fagot and fvvord all that imbrace and confellc the faith of lefus, many thinkc they may deny tlie do6b:ine,becaufe they deny not the name ©fChrill But let vs learnc out ofthis place that we muft not deny thefaith,or the pure do- <^\thieof the gofpel/ifwe wil confeflc Chrift aright.Ifthe diuel can driue vs fro the dod^rincjto deny that,cucn any principle of our holy f^ib,it is enough for him, he doth fcparate vs from Chrift. For we hauc no hold nor no part in Chrift but by a liuely faith,and the faith is founded vpon the pure doctrine of Gods word. VVhac comfort then can that man hauc in profcffing the name ot Chrift, which knoweth not the dodtrine of faith, defpifcth it rather, or he that knoweth it, and forfeareof daunger dcnicth it,ftill holding a profeflion ofChrifts name ? Thefe are baptized, «jidthc Church doth fwarme full ofthem , but the Lord in his lime will fanneouc fuch chaffe.Lcanic thou tlien to know the holy faitli, cucn all the pmc clo<5\j:ine of 66 ^ SERMONS VPGN Our Lord,ftand faft in it,fight the good fight of faith.Obcy and bring foorth fruit* igrecablcto Gods moft holy will:andlctSathan and his inftrumcntsvctcr all their malice againftthce:let them racke and torment thy body, let them fhcd thy bloud> and takeaway thy life.it is all they can doe, thou fhalt be crowned as a conqueror with the crownc of glory and cttrnall blcfTednefiTe.We are called, and haue giuen our names vnto ChriIi,to fight vndcr his banner againrt the diucll andagainft fin. This Church at Pcrgamus(as yc fc c) was euen in the edge and dint of the battaile. They flood valiantly vnto it. If we abide not fo fore brunts,nor fo bitter aflalts, and yet be madetoturnc our backs and to become cowards,vvhat excufc can be made for vs?No doubt Sathan is a great Prince,and hath a great flroke in all places,' vvherfoeuer a man be profef- fing Chrifl he cannot be out of the battaile: yet it is in fomc place more fore then jn other. Ifthc Lord haue fetvsasit wereinthehindermoftpart ofthecampe, where we indure but fmall afiaults in comparifon,and yet do faint, what wold wc do if we dwelt where Sathan hath his throne ? We are at the will of our Emperor to fet and place vs.in what ranke he willjand if he do appoint vs to encounter with the ofcatefl enemies,and to meet them in the face, the more fierce and firong they be,the more valiantly we muft refift : for wc arc furc of the vid^ory , There is no- thing more glorious in this worId,thcn to fight the good fight of faith,to pul dowrv Sathan from his throne,and to dclHoy finne.Sathan wil rage and roarc at this,they ihall haue much troubIe,which go about it, euen by as many as he can ftirrc vp a- gainfl them.Let no man dreame ofa quiet aduancing of the Gofpell.I fpeake the more ofthisvpon the worthy exaple of this Church .because there be many which can be content to hcare the Gofpell , and to fpeake well of it fo long as it bringeth no trouble,but they are weary ,& wil profcfie it no further then rhcy may without rebuke or danger. There be fome which betray the Lords caufe, and run from his tents to the tents of Sathan. They fought a while,and fccmed worthy foldicrs^but now fhakc hands with the cnemies,and figl.t for the diuc]I,and approue fuch wic- ked wayes as they haue before condemned. Well to conclude this point,thinkc not thy felfc vnhappic if thou bceft troubled much.and indureft hard things for the nanie ofChrill,but reioyce ifthou maiefl a- ny way be a mesne to brcakc downeany pccccof Sathanskingdome,& to further thekingdomcof Chrift. It is ablcfied worke, & not to be fhrunke at for any perilL Ifthe place where thou dwelieli.befo full of wicked men and of all wickednefl'e, that it may be faid,that Sathan hath his throne there, faint not, but remember this Church at Pergamus: it is not thy cafe alonc,and theraorc that the ftrength of fin increafethjthe more the malice of the enemies aboundeth ; refifi with the greater ■courage and flrength of Gods fpirite, for then is no time to faint , or to bee negli- gent. Now folio weth the other part,which commmcndeihthc conflancy ofthis An- «ell,and of the congregation with him,in profcfiing the name and faith ofChrifl; «ind thatiSjWhen there was pcrfecution vnto b'oud among thero,and fuch cruelty ^icwcd,ifit had bin pofliblc to terrific thcm,and caufcthcmto deny their profcf. iion: THE REVELATIONS ^^ 0j (lonifoT AfitipAt >Nii murdered by Sathan« fcruants^cuen for the zcalcof his wic- ked throne:and they ofrhc Church,profefling the fame ftiththat he died for, what could they lookc for butcrucll death? cuen to be dealt withal! as he was , vnleflc they would recant their dodlrine, and do as their neighbours about them did: and yet they ftood firmc and conftant ; chcir mind was milyfct, if they had bccnelaid hold of and put to it, to hauc giuen vp their Hues as AntipAt did, and to haue en- dured the fliedding of theirbloud, rather the fo much as in any outward fticw to deny their redeemer . The Lord God of his tnercy grant vnto vs the ] ike conftant boldncfl'e,iFeuer we be called vnto any trialJ,thac wcmaybe praifed by Chriftas rhey were. They were euen as Martyrs before God , that in mind they were thus fetled.and looked for none other buc crucll death and torments .• fo the thing was as done before God. Abraham did not flay his fonnc IfAac at the commandcment of God, but before God it was as done, becaafc he meant none other , and was lifting vp his hand to ftrike, but then was commanded to ftay his hand. The Angel! of the Church acPergamus and the flocke with him, were not aJI brought to fufFer the crueltie vnto death, but they looked for it, and made full ac- count, tliey went not one hairc breadth from the truth to fliun any perill, & this plcafed God . But here is mention made but of one that was put to death among them , that is Antipar : it is not vnlikebut that they murtheredmore befides him, being cheplace where Sarhan had his throne,but he is only mentioned,asa worthy roan abouc others . It may be ( as writers report ) that he was a pal W oucr that flock, eucn acaptaineto Icadethc bands , and therefore efpecially hated and kil- led: for the diuell doth fce'c who doth wound him or his kingdomc moft deeply , and againft him he is in thegreatcft wrath and furie . And his feruants like wife, his courtiers, the moreglorioufly tlie light breaketh forth in any,and the power ofthc truth,the more their madnefle iscnflamed, fof they will not haue any light come into the Lords hal!,but loue darknes rather then light, becaufc their works be euil. For eucry one that cuil do:h(faiththc Lord^ hatcch the light,and commcth not to the light. Qiin flue his brother Al'el^^v\^ why flue he him? ( faith Saint lohn ) bc- caufehis works were euill, and his brothers were good. r,' Wc!l,whethtrthis one bleflccf Martyr were flainc alone in that Church,orwhc- ther their cruelty extended further, and flue fome other, yet here we may behold the great prouidcnce and protection ofC^od ouer his, in bridcling the malice and rage of the diucll, and ofthc wicked.VVe maybe furc that Sathan doth defirc that all the faithful! were rooted out.if he had power to bring it to palle , it fliculd not fayle but be done. Here in the cicic Pergatnus, he fucetli in his throne as Kinj, the Church is compaflcd about with his rout of feruantcs , and all of them inflamed with wrath and furie by him, and yet but one man, or lome few flaine by them: why were they not all beate downe and dcliroyed? Wlio bridled this mighty ty- rant in the heatc of hi? difplcafure ? Euen tlie Lord lefus, who hath trodc downc Sathan, and can prcferue his Church, dwelling among a rabblcraent of as good as may be foundin hell. Let this teach vs, whenvvec behold the multitude of vngodly enemies, and F 2 thinkc ^ ^ * SERMONS VPON think« thitby mans rcafon all will downc, let it I Czy, teach vs notlo dcfpaire^but to remember that the Lord doth Co bridle Sathan , that hec will prcfcruchis little flockc eucn whereSathans throne is,& neither he nor the proudcfi feruant he hath, Ihall touch them further then may be for their triall, and their great good . Yc fee fell dogges which ait chained vp.how they barke and ftriue for to breake loofe at fuch as pafle by, that they may bite and tearc them: euen fo the diucls arc chayncd vp by theprouidcnce and rule which God hath ouer thera,that albeit they rage Sc ^et to hawe fcope to run vpon all , yet they can reach no further then he doth en- large their chayne.The vaflals ofthc diucll,whofe minds he doth pofTefTcfunie & gnafli their teeth , anciwifh that all were hanged vp out ofthe way,which wiiha- ny earneft and linccreafFc<5tion profefTe the Gofpellithey raile,they lie,tbey Haun- der,ihey fVir what they canrbut the Lord hath themchayned vp alfo: & although at fome times hegiueth them large fcope to atTii(S his people , yet hee fhortcneth their chayne againe, and tieth them vp,when he will rcfrefh with peace his poore feruants.Let vs not doubt of this/eeingthey could do no more hcre,where he faith Sathan did dwell,and where his throne was. Then further letvs .note what honorable mention the Lord maketh of his fer- uant /f«/;;)4if which was flafne; he calleth him hisfaithfull Martyr . For it tea- cheth vs,how dcarc and precious vntoChrifl the glorious Martyrs be: theperfe- cutors do account them the moft bafe and vile things vpon the earth^yeaeuen th« ofF-fcouring,and as it were the fcunjme, not worthy to Hue among men : they curfc and reproch them^they raile vpon thcm,they put vpon thenvall the torments which they can deuife : but contrari wife (as we be here taught ) before God they arc as precious pearles among heapcs ofbafe ftones.They arc blc{red,& after their paines here ended, they Hue with the Lord in glory : they bee honourable amorg the Angels in heauen: their memory is blefled vpon the earth among all pofterities tliatfeareGod. This may teach vs,to fearchout the holy faith,euenthc pure do<5lrine of Chrift, jhat found truth,vvhich he himfelfehath deHuered,3nd as the faithrtjlJ witneflfc fca- Icd with his bloud. And then it may encourage vs to Oand fafl in the open profef- (ion thereof, and if the multitude ofthc world i^e vp againftit and condemneit , yet let vsbe faithfiill euen vnto death^for there can be no greater honor , then this that he faith,My faithfull Martyr. Hitherto wc hauc feene the commendation ofthe Angcll and Church in Pcr- *amuE ; now followeth their reproofe in the matter for which they are rebuked of the Lovd.BHt I hatte (faith he)^ ferv things agatnfi thee . This Angellthenand thb fiockcare not without their faults, yea their groff? bIot,albeit they are the faithful! ibuldicrs of Chrilt.a thing worthy to be noted,leaft we cendemnc excellent Chur- Hchesfor fome faults. This is the mercy ofthe Lord, not to reie6^thc faithfull for the faults that 6cc in them It is not to encourage or bolden any to commit finnes careleflic , and to continue in the fame: for that is a great prcfumption and contempt : but it is to ^•omfort /uch as wid»il their heart lludic vnfainedly to pk-afe the Lord , and yet THE REVELATION. ' ^^ yet arc burdened ftillwicKcorruptflcfli, fo that in fdmc things they flip awrj^* Their fault was,that they hadthcin wliich held the dodrinc otBaJaam , & which held the dodrine oftheNicholaitans. Sec the diftcring frailties which be in Gods feruants fo long as they Hue here: the Angeli and Church at Ephcfus had declined^ and left their termer loue, & ycc hated the workesoftheNicholaitanSjlofarrc that they would not fufFerfuchas taught orhcid the fame to remaine in their fcllowfhip , The Angcll and Church at Pergamus, ftood in theirfaith and loue , and although they could not but hate the do6trinc of Balaam, and t^^e dod^rinc of the Nicholaitans , yet they negligent- ly fufFcred thofe Ijjottes and biottes (I meancthemcn which held the famej to re- maine among them . It fecmcth that the do6^rine of the Nicholaitancs , and the dodlrine ot Balaam was all one : butfetfoorth vnder the name of Balaam for to make it moreodious. Touching this Baalam,ye may reade in the bookc of Numbers chap. 22.andfo in the chapters following . Baiakf the King ofthe Moabitcs fent for 'Balaam the foothfay cr, and w ^ '" SERMON S VPON which like of any thing but true godlines.for that they cannot abide. Ifa mm will not powre forth himfclfc vnto all exccflc of riot, togowfe and fwearc, and to be filthy,they gibe at him by and by, terming him precife and one addided to Angu- larity, and railcvponhim with otherrcprochfiiIltearmes.Nay,ifa man make but the Jea(i fhe w of honeli conuerration,he fliall be fure to hearc ofit that way. Mod lamentable it is to behold thefe abufers of the grace of God. turning it in- to wantonnellc, as the holy Apoftle faiih, in what multitudes they fwarmc in the Church. Their very multitude , and cuftome caufeth them eucn to prcfcribe as if the right were on their fidc.But let them looke well vpon this place , ho w odious a thing it is to corrupt the Church ofGod.the Temple of God is holy and pure, and they be blefled which feeke to eflablifh the Chriflian people in all purencflc , and chaftity,both of body and foule: and curfed are they Aivhich do corrupt and defile, or be occahons to bring in or to nourilh pollutions among Gods people. Many can difcourfe gallantly to proue the indifferency of this and that ad^ion, and wliy may not a Chriflian do it , without all confiderationof the molt vile anU horrible abufes which are nourifhedand maintained by fuch meanes.Thcy are ve- ry zealous to haue nothing abridged of all that they fuppofe is grauted for flefhly pleafurc;buc for the glory of God, and for the foules of the people, theyhaucno , zealenor care at all.- for dcale roundly with them, and they will confelTc jthat in- deed manifold cuils,cucn foule fins do followjn fuch liberty .But many of them a- gaine haue this plailier for thac,fbr what one thing can we do(fay they)but we fin? We know there be many euils committed : yea and ye do laugh and fport your fchies at them. The Prophet faith , that riucrs ofteares did defcend from his eyes, becaufe men kept not the Law of God, Pfaim.r 1 9. but ye laugh.The fooleffayth Salomon)vni\iti\\ a fport offin ; and is it not firangc,thac among thofe which pro- felTe Chrilijthere fhould fuch monflcrs be found,as will get in men to make them drunken, that they may laugh to fee ihem either tumble like fwine , or hearc them railc and vrter all filthy fpccchesPO wretched dayes,the patience of God is great. Tncfe hearts fhall one day come to their account: for the Lord doth hate fuch fil- thy abominations, eucn as he faith he hated the dodtrine of the Nicholaitanes.Lei as many as feare God,fiand fait againft them in the way ofgodlincfle, hayc no fd ' lowfhip with them in their corrupt and corrupting wayes. :.«?v.'? • BeIoued,this admonition is fo much the more neceflary ,that there be not a few, but fwarmes of corrupting Nicholaitanes inthcfe dayes . And as ye fee a mighty floudbcarethdowneallthatflandcth before it that ftandeth not very faft : fo the geiierall (Ireame of their carnall impieties carieth all fuch away, as are not Hrong- ly armed with the feare ofGod. The Lord haiiing fct do wne the fault which was in this Church,now he callcth for repcnta:Ke:/?«>ptf/ir faith hr.Then the godly arc to repent ; yea that they ^re/or the moH godly that.liuc arc but in the way to pcrfeihon ; and fo hauc fomewhat dayly to amcnd^& repent for : they are to pray fo long as they liue,Forgiue vs our trefpallrs. Many fo foonc as euer they haue rccciued the protcdion of the Gofpell and left feme ot their grofleft fins,iii>agine that they be loly Chtiltians,ncucr liu- ^y«"g THE REVELATION. ^^ yr dying to rcforme dayJy thccuill afFedlions and corrupt lufts of chcir harts, and To in time they wither away and come to naught. Againe,our nature is ready to fwel, and cucn to chalcngc priuileiiges and liberties, if we hauc endured any auaults for the Gofpell:! was pcrfccuted (faith one) I was imprifoned,! was baniflied, 1 was fpoylcdof all my goods.Now tell him ofrepenraceifhe walkein fome grofle fins, and he thinkcth ye ofl-er him great wrong: as if tlic former fuffcrings had giucn c- ucn a full liberty.This Angellofthe Church at Pcrgamus had Hood in the battailc, and (o had the flocke,there was one fault among them,and the Lord willeth them torcpeiit.Andoutofall coiuroueiTieifwehaueltood intimcof afflidion& per- fecutionrailcdagainlhhetrutli,itmakcchmuchagainHvs,ifafcerwatdwebeouef- come ot the world ; for hauinc found the flrcngth of God to vphold vsin aduerfi- ty,in perfccution and terror, it we gaue not oucr our fclucs in carelefle lecurity of the flefli , fliould not the fame power preforue vs in time of peace and profperity, frombeingoucrcome with the loue of this \AOrld?And being ouercome,vvliat a fall haue we taken ? Alas fhall we glory in a fall ? Sliall we glory in that whereof wc ought to bemuchaniamedrOletvsrepenr,asthc Lord here requireth , for that which is aniifle in vs,whatfoeuer we are,or whatfoeuer we haue bene. After this admonition to repentance,here is added a threatning coiiditionaljthat is,ifthoudonot;for ifheiepcntcdjtherefhould come noharmc;but ifnot,inarke what he ihreatneth , / willcomc vnto theefljortly^and vrtll fight ag.tuisl them wtth thefvordojniy month . The Lord Jcfus is fayd to come diucrfe way es : he is fayd tocometofuccourhis whentheybeindilirelfe: but here he laythhewill come vmobattaile,and will fight againll that wicked crue, cuen with that fharpe two edged fword, which procccdeth out of his mouth. This is his mighty word, by which hewillflaieaJl the wicked. Buthctelleththe Angell of this Church , that he will fightagainit them, againll thofe Nicholaitanes , which taught to commit fornication and idolatry, w ho as Saint Peter faith, had eyes full of a(iultcrie,that could notceafeto finne, beguilingvn(Ublc foulcs:hedoth not fay he would fight agaiug him or againlt the Church ; yea but we fee this is a threatning againrt him and the Church,and therefore the Lords fighting againlt the Nicholaitanes inclu- deth fome punifhmcnr,alfo euen againft hini,and againft fo many of the flocke, as did not fo much fhun diem as they ought to do . For ic is net enougii for vs to condenine wicked hcrefics and vndcanc vices , butilie men which are guilty in them , ought to be cart fourth and auoyded,the Church muli be purged and rid of them. For how can fuch be fuffcred without a great finnc agaiiiii Almighty God? cfpecially when the fufferance is not only a prophanation otmoli holy things, as the ^iuingof thc,that is,the holy Sacraments vnto dogs and fwine : but the weakc are deduced and corrupted.Thus much for the narration of this EpilUe,now lo the condufion. Let him thAt hath an tare , heare what the /pint /Utth fo the Churches . This wc haue had in the two former Epifllcs , and not in vaine repeated, for we are dull of hcaring.and needetobec /lirrcd vp with often admonition. And feeing wc ihall be conquerors through faith,u bchoucth vs for to hearc,vulcfle v\cc will be ouer- F 4 ccme. 7« SERMONS VPON Come. We haue the diuell and all that he can make againft vs , yea euen our owne corrupt hartSjbut yet through hearing, wc flia! get the vi6tory , we fhal ftand faft, cucn vnto the cnd,and all fini(lied,we fhall ftand.Then fhal we obtaine the preci- ous promiles which are made : as here follow fotne. The firlt is , to him that oHer" comweth veill I giueto eate MannA that is hid . We know how the Scripture dotb fct forth, that God fed the children of Ifracll forty yeares in the wildcrndfc with Manna.Whereofit is faid in the Pfalme,that man did eate the bread of Angels: for that bread which was brought vnto them by the miniftry of Angels , is called the bread of Angels.as we call ours the bakers bread.This Manna ferued vnto a further vfe the to feed the belly, for it was a Sacramet, or a figure of ihecrue bread of life the Lord Iefiis,who is that bread of life which came downe from heauen,Iohn.5, That Manna, which the fathers did eate jn the wilderneffe , was vifiblevnto all , but this true Manna is hid,none can come nigh it, none can fee it, none can taft of it, but fuch as haue a true and liucly faith. They all indeede which belceue fhall re- ' ceiue fomewhatofit , euen as it were fome morfels thereof in thi»life prefent, (which are fufficient to make them hue) and in the life to come,they fhall be moft plenteoiiflie filled, and fed thereof with coniinuall delight: for it is not as our dain- ty meates , which when we are full wc loath : but the fweete tali continueth itill for euermore , Blcffed are they which hunger for this heauenly Manna , as they cannot but long for it, which once diO truly taft it : for all the fweet dainties in this world are but as draffe vnto it. Let vs then fight to the end that we may come to this heauenly delicate banquet . Souldiers fightto get fomewhat to liue on,to fare well,and to maintaine a countenance here vpon the earth : and fhall not we fight to come to this heauenly table? The other promife hore made vnto the conquerors;/ rcillgtue him a white fione^ and in the jione a now nAme written^ vfhuh no man k^oweth but he that recetneth it, . Itis out ofqueliion that vnder diucrs figures the Lord doth promife to hisfaithful fouldicrsjthe fame re ward,the fame dignity,felicity and glory ,according as diuers things mayreprefent it vnto vs*: as hereby the white ftone& the new name writtc in ie,which none knoweth but he which receiueth the fame,the remifiio of fins,ihc fandiification,the iuHification,the peace ofconfcicnce,& ioy of the holy ghoft,yea all the fpiritual graces,& the dignity which foliOweth with them/eeme to be here rcfemblcd. The conquerors were wont to haue fuch things giucn vnto them as might be apparant figures vnto others of their worthines:but here he faith,that the name is knowne to none bur to him that receiueth it. This is not fo to be taken, as though the glory and honor of the faithful fhal be hid or fecrct from the fight ofo« thcrs:but the ioy and conlolation,and peac€,are felt onely of him that bath them,and none can be p-iitaker with him.Thus much touching the meifagc to the Angellof the Church at Pergamus. ^ TOE THE REVELATION, 3 7 73 THE VII. SERMON. l8 Andvnto the ^ngelUfthe Church which it at Thyatira Vfrite^thefe things faith the fonne of god yvhich hath his ejes Itke vntoaflameoffire, and hid feet'likefi^e braffe, 19. / k^ow thy "vvork^ff and thy loue^ andfermce, and fait hy and thy patience yAnd thy worlds, and the lafi are moe then thefirfi. ao. Notrvithflanding Ihaneafetv things againfi thee y that thou fufferefl the woman lez.(ibely which calUth herfelfe a Tropheteffe^to teach y& to deceiue my feruantSy to make them commit fornicatio, and to eate meats [acrifced vn* to Idols : 21. And I gaueherfpaceto repent of her fomtcationyand P^e repented not. 22. Behold I will cafl her into a hedyand them that commit fornication with her into great ajjiiEltonyexcept they repent them ofthetr worses: 23. /tnd I wt/lkt/l her children With death : and all the Churches ^allkpowthat 1 am he which fearcheth the reines and hearts : and I vvillgine vnto enerte one ofjoti according to your zrvor^^s, 24. Andvnto you /fay y thereftof them of Thyatira ^ as many ashauenotthii learmn^y neither haue knowne thedeepneffe of Sathan(as theyfpeake) I wil put vpon ye none other burtheny 25. *BMt that which ye haue already Jholdfaf till 1 come. 26. For hethat ouercommeth,and ks'pethmy tfor^estntothe end jto him will I giue power oner nations y 27. ^yind hefhallrule them with a rodofyron: and as the vejfeis of a potter fsaU they be broken. 28. Euen as I receiuedof my father yfo will Igt^e vnto him the morning ftarre» 29. Let him that hath an eareyheare what the Spirit faith to the Qhurches. y ^^^gO -rf*rhcrert : feeing there is none whofc eyes pierce through, 6c with clcarc light behold all fccrcts, not that hath fuch lircngth/uch ftcdfalt- neHe 74 SERMONS VPON neflc and perfcd^ion in his vvaycs , but onely that mightic Rcdccmer^our Lord Ic- fusChrift. Then he faith in the fecond part,which is the narration, / k»or»thy vvorkj.Th^M wc fee he faith vnto all: and this is peculiar to him , and he can giue due praife^St a i\xi\ rcproofc,ncither more nor kfle the eucric one defcrueth. There is no pleading againft him,nogainfaying nor colouring otanie matter. He doth fir(i greatly com- mend this Angcll,as his worthie feruant and faithhill fhcpheard among bis flocke, and fo together with him the flocke is commended. The vertucs which he repor- teth to be in him, are generall and large, as loue, feruicc, faith, patience, 6: works, and the fame increafcd : for fo many lieps there be in his praifc. Touching the loue, whether we vnderitand it the loue he did bearc to Chiificr rhcloue he did beare to the Church, or generally ofthem both,ic is all one in efFed: feeing wc cannot loucthe Lord lefus, but we mul^ needs loue his Church , nei- ther can we loue his Church , except we loue him firft, Thefe go infeparably to- gether; and therefore wc mu(i take it that he loucd God,hcloucd Chri{i,heloued theGofpell,heloucd the Church. He was not void (as ye fee) of that which Sainc *7'4«/w,to cate of things offered vnto Idols, and to commit fornicati- on. It is (^as we may learneeuery whereby Saint Pabe/i^(r\oz that her name was fo) whether it were but one woman or diuers,but to fhew how odious and accurfed fhe was in his fight : whatfocuer fhc pretended, fhe was like lez.at'eU,^ cue no bctter,for 7tf*«^ thottbafi receiued and heard ^ andholdf^fiand repent J f therefore thou vfilt net watch,! will come on thee ai a theefe , and thoH^ialt not know vehat hower I Wilicome vpon thee. Tet thou ha/} a few names tn Sardfs,which haue not defiled their garments ; and they fha/J walke with me in white, for they are worthy. He that ouercommeth [hall be clothed tn white aray , and I wtllnot put out his name ont of the hookeof hfc^btit 1 v^.'/con/e^e his name before my fat htr, and before hts Angels, Let him that hath an earejheare what the Spirit faith to the £hurches. ^■^^O Q^>ik- dis.This Savdis was a very famous city, in which ( as wri- r^>JG i ters report) the Kings of Lydia kept their Courts, and in it now the King ofKings had fet his throne.The entrance of this meflagc , is alio from the perfon ofChrilf, ^sfThm faith heethat hatbthefeuen ^trites of God, andthefeue» Barres : that is, he who hath the holy Gho(l , whofc ma- nifold gifts he fent downevpon the Churches, as he pto- inifed his Apoftlc£,that he would before he afcended/end them the comfortei.lt js hcc which y fcth the miniftcry of men in the building of his Church, The Angcll of THE REVEL A't ION. g'^ ofthls Church , and with h>m the moftofhls flocks, were in a very weakecafc toijchinj^ fpiricuall rifc.and needed rhc quickning ofthis fpirit to put them in mind hereo^'rhc takcth this with fomc part oh\\Qy\(\on ^Thns fan hfntth he that hath the JeHenfpirtft ofGoLMfo he that hath the feucn Ihrs in his hand, is that great Lord who buildeth vp his Church by the miniftcry of men . This was good alfo for hitn to confidcr, thathe might remember he had the place ofa ftarre,and indeuour to performehis ofiicc. In the narration he tclleth him J i^jiow thy rvorl^s: but alas how poorc were his workcs? how poorc werethc works of the flockc? For here is no commendation giucn vnto him at all He is difpraifcd or difcommcndcd , he is admonifhcd to a-. wake & to rcpet,& he is threatncd grieuoafly if he do not amed,euen with a teni- ble threatning-Indeedhisdifpratfe is (ct downe in few words, as thus ( Then huji M»4me that thou linffl^h»t thou art death) But it is a difcommendation very great andgrieuous :for he wasa minificr, orrainifkrs ofChrKi, a fliepheard, ycaa Chri(han,ratherinfomc fhcw^nd outward account before mcn,then in deed and in truth before God: and fo werethe moft of the fiocke,as we fiiall fee afterward, but as dead. For when he faith^thouhaR a name that thou liuelt, what is it, buc as if he had fayd , thou hafl the roomc , and c fficc,and account among the Chur- ches of one that hath receiued the true f3ith,and fois ingraffed into me, and made partaker of my life, yea ofonethatisa minifterofthefame grace of life vnto others, butchou art dead? What a terrible mcllagc was this vnto him from heauen ? and how farre doth he difirr from the Angell of the Church of Smyrna ? and with hiai how farre did the flockc diffL-r from thofe S my means? For as it was a fingular com- fort vnto hinuo hauchis mmirtcry fo fully approucd,and his fheepe fo praifedby the Lord from his glory, thathce reprehended nothing at all in him and them; ^o muft it needs (trike this man as a terrible thunderbolr,tl lat he is fo deeply difallow- edjisthat no one thing is commended In him. Thefe then may ftand as contraries. If all the mini (iers ofChrift and all Churches at that time in the world had giuca fuch fcntence againf^ him,it could not haue had fuch force,nor haue ftrook fo deep, as comming from Chrill in his glory. For we fee how men can flatter thcmfelues^ and take it they haue great wrong offered them, when any thing is vttercd againft riic'n by men,which isfharpe, though it be from the manitcfl word ofGod , fuch is mans hypocrifie. Yea wc fliall fee them roufe vp thcmfelues as if they were eoeii of the befl and i^nofl faithfull min'iflers 6f Chrift,being nothing leflc, and cuen en- ter into comparifon vVkh the befl. But here ls"^no gaynfay ing.hcre is no colouring, he knowcth him throughly.both within and without,which fendethhim this mcf- fagc,and tclleth him what he is . No doubt this was a great mercy fhcwed to this man, and to that flocke,irihcydid fotake it, andrcpenr,to be told thus from hea- MCrt.but wc haue the fame. Tt may fcemetb be peculiar onely to this one man, or eothis one Church •, in effefl vnt» allfuch as hewas , feeing the Lord will hot nor ^ftnotjif he fliould fend vnto vs now ffon> hcauen,pronouncc any thing difagreo- ihg from that whidi he hath fct downc in his word.And leteuery one that is in the office dfthc minirtery^and that profeflcth the Gofpell, be fiiicci" chis, that as this Q z Loi4 S4 SERMONS VPON Lord knoweth his works, Co in whatfocucr, cither in his heart, or In his outward dccdsjthcy fwa^ ue from the holy word,he fhall hcarethc faine at the day of judg- ment, chat this man had Tent vnto him, Imeane according to the mcafurc of his fault.1t were beft for vs indeed to hcarc it no w,and repent cuen from the bottomc of our harts, but as I fay , we are all fo full of hypocri(ie,we can fee fuch a face & fo bolfter out all matters , that although our works tcttifieagainit vs that we be far worfc then this man was,y et we beare our felues in hand that all is well. This man did profefle the found do<5lrine of theGofpell, he taught the people m fomc fort the way of God, his life was not notorioufly euill or fpotted with groflc vices. For if any of thefe had bene wanting , how could it here haue beene omitted ? how (hould he haue had a name that he liued > or how could he iiaue beene fuffc- rcd to continue in his placcPFor (hall we think that the Churches euen then excr- cifcd no difcipline tocleanfe the miniftctie? It is a de are cafe then, that if a man that doth teach,and that cannot be dete£lcd of grofle finnes,but is thought to Hue an vprighi life,is yet neuerthclefle dead before God , if he haue not the power of the fpiritofGod in him to do all duties of a fincerc zeale and loue ofChrift, and not for an outward order & fafhion. Then thofe fhall lefle efcape iudgement that haue not fo much as an outward fiiew ofgoodnefie:that befofarrefrom hauing a name among true Chri(han$ that they Hue , that cuen the ignoranteli people can f iohtly difcerne and fay, their works be not the works.oftrue minifters ofChrift: we fee they be whoiemongers, drunkards, quarellers, common dicers, and fuch like. The Lord lefus Chrift hauing thus layd open vnto him.his eftate, and fo the c- ftate of the people there, now giueth him admonition and warning , & them alfo to repent. Be nvfuke ("faith he) andftrengthenthe thwgs that remainerrhtch are f^adte to die , We {ee how our Sauiour and his Apoftles do teach vs in many pisu. ces,that itbehoouethall Chriftians to watch,for weare in the midftofcrueJl ene- mies which feeke to fpoile vi:of all heaucnly treafures, and to dcuourvs. ^n4 of all pther,the paftors and guides of the Church are called vpon for the fame thing,! fay to be watchfull.Thcy be after a peculiar fort called watchmen: And this fhephcard was fallen faft a fleepc,yea euen into a dead fleepe, and into fuch fecuritie that the deuils had almoft ftript his foule,and bereft him and the greateft part of his flocke, of all graces and Iif(? ; and that little which was left , w^s cuen dying and withe- ring away . O moft mifcraWe condition , could;fuch a man get the place ofa ^'w ihop in the primitiue Church? Out pf doubt this man had great gifts in him both ofknowledge & zeale, at the leaftof zeale in fhew^when he was firft chofen into the place,tobe thepaftor in that Churchrfor the Churches at that time, when they ordained paftors, had either fome Apoftle, or Euangelift, or fome excellent men to dirca them,*nd fo farre as.thcy coul,d ^ecmc, tl^cy chofcthe very beft & fitteft men. Whereby wc rnay Icarnenof to wonder »w|icn fomc men. of great nptc, become eu en as nothing , and fall almoft quite away . Do ye not fee an example in this man? we may indeed iudge it moft likely he did repent, and was faued: for a man may thinkc this racffage from heauen would awake him ; but how ncarc the THE REVELATION. 8$ ihcpksbrinkcwashc before this mcflage was icnt ? He was men as the lampc where the oyle is quite ipcnt, fauing a marucllous little in the w icke , which doth ( as wc fpcakc) winkc, and winkc, and is ready to go forth,exccpt a ncwfupplyof oyle be poured in.Chriit doth not flic w fuchfauour vntocuery one,as to fend vn- to thcm,and to wacnc them in this fort from hcauen, & therefore many decline,& fall quite away. Indeed there be other fpcctaii racanes.as fharpc alEid^ions where by he roufeth lome out oTthcir fleepe : and fome are quickncd by admonition & rebuke from godly meaBuc yet let men beware how they decline neuer fo little and continue therein : for it is not in their ownc power to recoucr themfelues, & all that fall do not rife againe. Here the quelhon may be mou*d, whether this bee fpokcn of the AngcU of this Church alone, or together with his flockej as being both in one cafe. I haue already noted vntoyee,thatthe ftateofcuery Church is fet forth vndcr their pallor: for thefhecpe follow their fhepheard. If he be full ot graces , and of the power of the lpirit,thc flieepe arc well Fedjand arc in good cafc.If bt be barren and dead,they llamc alfo and pine away. So in this Church a few excepted ( as ye may fee vcrle.^.jchcy were in luch a dead fleepe , that the litrle which remai ned in them,was cuen ready to die. When he is willed therefore to bee awake and to ftrengthcn the things wliich arc ready to die , itisnotmcantthat hefliouldlooke to himfclfc alonCjbuc as the dutv of a fljcpheard require th, he is w illcd to looke a- niong his Ihcepc.For v\ hile he v\ as thus fallen into fuch a dead fleepe , the flicepe were Icattercd, the wolfe was broke in among them,& had made hauockc. Some went aflray , fome it is like were dcuourcdof the wolfe, many were fo bitten and torne,thar fcarfeanvlife remained in them,thc little which remained.was ready to die. Ifhe do not now awake and beflirrehim.to gather that which is goncaftray, tohcalethat vshich is brufed and broken , and to fupport and comfort the feeble, many ate cuen at the point to be loft. Thus much this admonition giucn vnto him importeth. A light not the Angell of this Church haue a very heauy heart toheare that fo many were endangered, and fo extremely, through hisfecurity ?and that a godly Church was thus fallen into decay ?It is not in vainefwhich now could not but en- ter into his mind )that the Lord God threatneth he will require the bloud of his fhcep which perifli through ncgligence,at thchandi ofthe flicphcard.Ifthe watch- man be allccpe when he fliould giue warning, and the fword come and deuour , it fhallbevjonhishead. They be in bad cafe then that haue fucli wathchmenand fuch Ihephcardb.but the fliepheards and watchmen themfelues be in worfe eflate* for th.'ir reckcning will be grcatcr,the bloud ofall the reft which perifli,fhal be re- quired at their hands. Thcclaufe which followeth, doth cxpreirc the whole matter fiirther and more plainely : for it doth as it were argue the caufes by the effcils, J haue »or(' faith he/ f oundthyrv or ke s perfe^ before God. This impcrfedion of his works .fheweththe imperfection of that in him, from whence good workes do fpring : that is , of hit faith^ aod fo of his louc, of his zcalc, ofhiscare, and ofall other fpirituall graces, G 3 tor S5 SERMONS VPON »or from tbefc inward graces, doc all good workes Tpring . What were then the workcs which were not full in him? All workes, euen the works which euery Chri- liian is bound vnto , and the workes ofhis niinificry, rhc workes ofafhepheard in his fl.)cke. He did preach ( for it w-ere a moltabfurd thing to thinkc otherwife of a paftor in thofc times ) he did adtnonifh and exhort men, he did-rebuke , how elle could he hauea name that he liucd ? But how weakely , and how coldly was all this done? not of any fcrucrit loue,but cucn for fafhionfake.Hedid buildjbut how vnpcrfcit was his building ? How farre oft were the moft in his'flocke , from that which fliould be in true Chri(hans?Alas being fallen into a dead fleepe,what good and perfect worke could he make among them?That he did was euen much like to a dreamc.But it will be faid,whofe workes be full and perfedl before GodPis there any man that can hauethatpratfc?! anfwcr,that all mens works are indeed imper- fe6i before God, but he fpeaketh hereof a further tnatter then of the common im- perfe6lions which are in the bcft : for where there is a foundnefle and fincerity of hart, the blemillies and imperfections arc not imputed,though they be many ; but where that is wanting, though the works may outwardly feeme before men to be many and good,yct before God it is farret>therwife:fbr God iudgeth mens works to be petrcd,not by the number or greacncfTe in outward fticWjbut according to the inward affi;«5lions of the harr. Now folio wcth another admonition, Rementber therefore how thou hafi recei- nedand heard, and hold fiifi ayid repent , It is 3 great matter which is here /poken. For this paftour and this Church was taught and gathered by fome one of thofc chiefe builders. They came with great power of the holy Ghoft.and after an hea- uenly manner vttcrcdaud declared the diuincmyltciies. And for this caufe they ate willed here to call to mind how they hadrecciued and heard, and to hold faff, and repent. We arc then taught in this place,that when we decline,or decay in the holy religion.it is by forgetting, and letting flip out of our minds.the do6trine and the graces which we hauc heard and rcceiued in former times . There bee many things that delight men, and their memory doth hold and keepc them lb faft , that they canneuer forget themifthey would ncuer fo fainc . The mylieries ofGod though the glory of diem be fuch as that our minds be euen rauillied for the time- withioy at the hearing and recciuing of them,yct how fuddenly do they flip away froravSjasifthcic had neuer bene any fuch thing. This commeth partly fromouf owncnatiirCjand partly from the diuell . Vaine and corrupt things clo agree with our vaine corrupt nature, and the diuell doth eftfoones fuggeft them: and ihey bee very light to carr ie with vs,and flicke fafl. The heauenly things are fo contrary to our aftedionSjthat for thqm to abide in vs is euen like fire and water put together, they be fo heauy,that we waxe weary, and the diuell doth what he can continu- ally to quench the light of them in our harts^andfo vtterly to rcmoue them.as that there may not fo much as any print of them be left behind , How dangerous a thing it is to be fo loofeand rechleflc hearers_,not oncly this example,but alfo that terrible threatning,Hebr.2.1eaft at any time yc ruune out,may teach vs. And now it is to be obfcrued,that in calling ypon him to rcpcnt,hc is willed to cal thofe for- ruer THE REVELATION. S7 mcr things to mind, and to hold them . Is this the way of repentance ? then many go a wrie, which hauc long fince heard and receiued the my ftcries of the Gofpcli, and do heart ft'.Ijbut not delighted, but with fomc new matter. Thefe are like the mill which is turned about dayly, but yet withnew water ; for the other paflhh a- way. The Lord willcth vs to kcepe that which we heare,and let it be rcnued dai- ly invs,and lb itfliall hauepower.-forit is not the hearing.the bare vnderftanding, or delight for the prcfent time , but the power cfthe dodlrine remaining in v$ which fliali faue our ionics. Therefore, although this fcntciice was Ipoken but to the Angcliofone Church.yet let vs kcepe it in mmd.Remem^tr how thou baft re- (etnedyandheardyandholdfafitandrepent. Herefolloweth now the tlircacning, ifhee fliall not repent . Itis a marucllous feuerc thrcatning and denouncing of wrath: If thou wtlrnot rvatch, 1 wtQcome on thee M a theefe , and thot4 {halt not know wh^t hower 1 will ante vpon thee . Ifthc pood man ot the houfc did know(fayth our Sauiour in another place) what howcr tlie theefe would come, he would watch,and not fuffcr hishoufeto dc broken vp. But the theefe watchcihhis time when men be fafteft on flccpe,brcakcth in killeth, and rtealcth. After this manner the Lord threatneth here , that he wiil come vp- on this Angellof the Church atSardis , and vponfo many ofthcflockcas wereia his cafe,if they continue fleeping. Yea and hec will be ftireto find themflecping : for he faith, thou llialtnotknowat what howerlwiJl come on thee. But for what will hee come vpon him thus fuddenly and vnwares ? furely euen to cut him ofFin iudgement. This dothflicw how muchChriftlefns is difpleafed with men that from care andEcaIeinrhccrueth,growinroadroufiefecurity , and fo bring ruine vpon his Church. And it is a notable place againft thofc which doefo mocke and daJIic, and which canfo pleafantly footli themfclues in all irreligious and worldly pro- phanenefle vpon hope of a good end. I, faith hc(in the iolity of his finnc, in which hce is fallen into a flecpe ) doe not care fo I may haue time to call for nlercy and pardon at the laft when I am ficke , and percciue I fliall die. What fliould a man trouble himfcKc that way vntrll he be ready to die? repentance fhall faue a man at all times. Markehereofoolifliman how Chrifi threatneth that he will come vp- on thee like a theefe, cucn while thou art a ficepc, and thou flialt not know of his comming. Art thou fure he will wcke thee when he commcth ? ( for none but he can wake thee out of this dead (lecpe.) Nay he threatneth to come fuddenly vpon thee, when thou flialt be (lill a flecpe, and fliall not know . Is this meant oneiy of fuddcn death ? We Ice God cutteth downc euer aiion one or other in all places fuddenly : which might be a warning vnto cucry one of r s to watch and to be in a rcadineflc.For why n)ay it not come vpon any one of vs as well? Cut what ifc man be fo fickc,and that many dayes,that he leemc to be in daunger of death, is he by and by awaked out of his flecpe in finne ? nay we fed many fickc,which looke not for death,and on a|fuddcn their vnderflanding is taken away, and they are cut off; And there be alfo that haue long time and looke for death , but are they cuenhc bcttcr,is it in their o wne power to a wakc,to belceuc, and to repent ? God giucth G ^ Uicfe 88 SERMONS VPON thefc gifcj, and is iilikcfiiich mcn^allhauc them which pfouokehim to wrath ? let not men truft to this .• for the Prophet in the name of the Lord willeih.to turnc vnto hira.and not to put offfrom day to day,bccaufe his wrath flial come fuddcn- Iy,and in time of vengeance he will deftroy thee . If we defire the Lord lo giue vs warning.and not to come vpon vs fuddenlyjas he here threatneth, becaufe we arc fo full oi imperfedions, yet it may not be a meancto hold vs in fecurky , but wee muH; as ye fee at all times watch . Thefe bee hard things which are fpokcn againft the paftorof this Church together with his flocke : therefore here tollovveth fomc mitigation , not towards him, nor towardsthe multitude of that Church which were in the like cafe that he was : but towards thofe which had kept the faith , and the right way without declining. Yet (faith he ) Thou hafi a few yiames at Sardis which haue not defied their garment f: an4 therefore they fiall vpalke wtth me in white, fer they antvor:hy. This not defiling oftheir garments is but a borrowed fpeech andhe meaneth that they had not polluted and fpotted their ioules and bo- dies with rhe filthy pollutions of/inne. But alas hee faith there were but a few of thefcjtorthe pollutions were fpreadouer the body of the Church :as it cannot o- therwiie be wliere the pallors and guides bee fo dead in their ipinif-lcrie . This is a great c6fort,that where there is fuch dcadnes in the rhepherd,yet the lord by lomc mcd ncs or other prefcrueth fome. There be fome godly faithfiill men I'cattercd a- mong rhe multitude :and the Lord is fo farre here from threatning ^hem,asdefiled vvith the pollutions ofl'iich as they were mixed among , and with whom they did communicate, that he promifeth them life and glory , for that is meant by this that he faithjthey flial! vvaike with me in white garments . Andtliar he fayth they arc worthy,it is nor meant chat men can mente etcrnall life by their workes: but their vv'orthinefTcis to be taken of a fiinefle , in that they were iul^ificd in Chrili as their fincere godly life did declare. Alfo hee promileih in the words following generally vnto euery one which o • uercommetn, the fame thing w hich before, though not in the fame words . Firit, that wholbeuer couercommeth,hc fhall be clothed in white garments . Then this is not athing peculiar vnto thofe few names in Sardis, which had not defiled their garments : all that by faith arc armed with the power of Chrift, and fo get the vi- li^ory oner the diueii, fhall be couered oner with innocency, withhcauenly glory and fhining brightnefl'e, eucn as it were vvith a large and precious garment.Thefc earments do moft fitly rep refent that rightcoufneffe wherwith all the bleflcd ones inall fknd clothed and couered before God : and it is not inherent righteoufnefTe, it is not from themfelnes,but giuen vnto them from another, and put vpon them : Blefled arc they whofe iniquities are forgiuen,and whofe finnes are couered: blcf. fed is the man to whom the Lord imputethno:hisfinne,Plalm 5 2. Then bleflied arc all thofe which hauc thefe white garments put vpon thc/or by them their fins «rc couered. Woe be to aU thofe that (hail bee found naked and vncoucrcd ^ not hauing thefe white garments, which ftand to be iuffifiednot by freieforgiuenesof •finSjOr by free imputation ofChrifts rigbteoufncs through faith,but by their own Vorkcs,: for albeit their deeds fccme to be many, and to be very glorious^ yet be- fore THE REVELATION. 8p fore God they fiiall be found nothing elfc,bur euen as a polluted and defiled gar- ment, yea eucn like dung. It is added further, A^^rAd^r wUll put cut hU name out of the l>ooke ofhfe ; hnt 1 willconfejfe his name before my fatherland, before his Angds, Thcfc be verie great & high promifcs: the Lord is faid to haue a booke oflife,in which all their naraes are written that fliail befaued. It is indeed but abonowedfpcech from the com- mon vfeamongmcn.applyedvnto our capacitie : for men cannot kecpe in their memorie a great multitude of names,and therefore they vfc to write the names in a booke : the Lord God necdeth no fuch hclpe, but yet to fhcw vnto vs the fta- . blencfle ot this cled^ion.and that no one of tliem whom he hath chofen can be for- gotten,it is faid , he liath written vp and regitired their names in a booke. But the faying here vfed, may feemetobe fupetfluous^y w;// not put out hig nAmeoutofthehookecfiife)[QcmoGoAsdccxi:t is vnchangeable, andnoone of God>elc6\whofe names are written vp,can be blotted Qu::when asl fay,it is not poflible that any one iTiould hauc his name blotted, why or how is it i2^\^^^N either will I blot his name out oft he booke of life .? Herein alfo we mull lcarne,that ourSa- uiour applycth his ipc:ech according vnto that which feemcth to be fo in our eyes; for when a man is an earned profelTbr of the Gofpeil, and his life to mans fight, framed according to the fame,hefeemeth to haue his name written in the booke oflifc,and he for his part taketh it to be fo : now when he falieth away , becom- meth an heretike, dcnyeth the truth in time of pcrfccution , or falieth into wicked ]ife,and focontinueth to the end, though his name were neucr written, yet he is (aid to b: blotted out,becaufe it is ma ie manifcH vnto men, that he is not of that companic of which hefeemed tobe.They wentout from vs({z{i\\S. I ohn) be- caufethey werenotofvs, forifthey h^ bene of vs, chcyfhould haue continued with vs.But this is to manifelt that all are not of vs,i .lohn 2. In the Church of Sardis,throughthat deadnclTe of their Bifhop,a great number that before time fcemed to be excellent Chriliians.and to haue their names writ- ten in the booke of life,had defiled their garments, and were fallen away: and that is the caufe why this promifc is made to the reft, I wtU nor put out his name out of the books of Itfe.tinA the the cotrary r.o the puttingout,is promifed in thefe words: 'But I rviUconfejl'e hif mime before my father^ and before his Annels. Then not to be putoutjistobeconfcfledby Chrifl: and to be denyed by Chrift before his fa- ther and the Angcls,is to be blotted our. It is no fmall matter to be accounted of^ to haue Chriil lefus in his gloric confeffe vs before his father,and before the holy Angels: and jf we walke worthieof the Gofpell , and confeffe hini indeed before men, he hath promifed that he willdoit-.andfo on the c^ntrarie part,what can be more gricuous,then to be .denied of him at that clay ? Depart fix)m me ye workers of iniquitiCjI know ye not. 7 hough they haue calt forth diucis, and done other miracles in his nan)c, and fo were taken to be regirtrcd vp in the booke ofhfe: yet being fuch as haue defiled their garments, eucn vvoikcrsof iniquitie , Chrifl will not confeffe them, but blot out their names. Therefore let vj which piofclVe the koly Gofpcl,lludy to walk in purcncflc 01 life;that Chiifl may acknowledge vs to be ^0 SERMONS VPON be his true dffciples.Now followcih the general! conclufion. Let him that hath an eare^heare what the fptru faith to the Chunhes.Tht holy Ghoft fpeakech nothing in vaine,and therefore we mutt hearc , not what he hath faid to oneChurchjOr iome things that he faith, but whatfocuer he faith vntoall the Churches. We fee what he hath faidto this Church, and what a pitiful! cafe it was in : it ought to warneall the PaHors and their flot!{es. Would to God there were not at this day, more then one for cucrie fcucn,both of the paftors & floclcs, in as badacafe,or worfetheaish-'redefcribed. This man made fomc ilievv, he taught the GofpelI,otherwife being in that office,ho w fliold he haue a n^me that he !iucd?He was not an open grollc finner.How farre be many from fo muchPThc only comfort and hope is ,that the Lord hath a few names among vs , that haue not defiled their garments, and for their fal?cs doth talie pitie vpon vs. THE IX. SERMON. 7. Attdvnto the AngeUofthe Church which is at Thiladelphiay write, thefe things faith he which u holy anei trne^ which hath the key cfBapiid, which openethyAndno man ^ntteth^vvhtch fhntteth and no mancpeneth. 8. / k»ow thy worses -.beheld, I haue fet before thee an open doore , ar.d no man canpjtst It : for thou hafl a Ittleftrengthyand haf} kept my vvord,andhafi not dented my name. ^, Behold, I wtllmake them of the Synagogue of Sathanfuvhtch c all t hem fe lues lewes^andare not, but do lye : behold, I fay, J nt/lmake them come andvvor- Jhip before thy feet e^andft^allknow that I haueloued thee. 1 0. Becaufe thou haji ksp^ t he word of my patience , therefore I will keepe thee from thehoure f tempt at ion, which will come vpon all the world^totrie them that ^ellvpon the earth, 11. *Btholdyl come portly Jjold that which thou haff^that no ma take thycrowne. 1 2 . Hsm that ouercommeth will I make a ptSar in the Temple of my God^and he P^allgo no more out : and I will write vpon him the nam: of my God , and the name of the cttie of my gody the new lerufakmy which connneth downe out of heauen from my Qod^and I will write vpon him my new name. 1 1. Let htm that hath an earejieare what the jpint faith to the Churches, THe fixtEpiftle is fent to the Angel! of theChurch ofPhiIadcIphia:this Phi- ladelphia was a citie of Lydiajnotvery famous,nor yet of the meancft.Thc Angell and Church at Smyrna arc highly commended , as we faw in the former chapter, and nothing reprehendcd:fo alfo here is commendation giucn to this THE REVELATION. pi this Angcll and Church of Philadelphia: goodly promifcs and comfortable arc made vnto thcin,and nothing rcproued , vnlcflc we take this as feme kind of ic* proofc.that he finh^Thon haji a Ittle (}re»gth. Here was then a worthy Partor,8C a worthy flockc.as we fliall fee by the particulars. Here is the Exordium alfo rakcn from the perfon of him fro w hom the mcflagc is fent : Thefe things fair h he that U holy unA truCyVvhichhath the key ofDautd^ C^c.Thefc things are peculiar only to the glorious Ton ofGod,howfoeuer the firlt of them may fceme to be common.For the Angels in heauen be holy,and no fpoc of impurity in them at all; they be true.eucn without any errour or lalfliood : buc yet not as ChriI^,for he is not only holy and true inhimfelf,but alio the fountainc ofliolmefle & truth vnto all others. Then next he doth mention that which is pe- culiarly afcribcd vnto him eueric where, as namely, the foueraigne authority, the dominion and goucrnment oucr the whole hoiifcof God, which is committed vnto him. The goucrnment is laid vpo his fhoulder,the Father hath committed ail powerinto the lundsofhisSon. He fettcth forth this power by the kcycs which arc to open and to fliufi cucn as the ftcwardand gouemour ouer an houfhold haththek'.yrscoramitted vnto him. Hecall^ththem thekcyes ofZ)rfw here is one holdeth the kcyes which will chruft them forth, and (hut them out ac the lali And againe, iFby wicked prelates^ any man contrary to the truth be caft forth,what is he the worfe? there is one o- peneth, and none can fliut, which will rccciue him in. Ifany had the po'ver of the Ktyts ( as the man offinne , the great Antichrift boaliech ) how could it be faid , I open and none fhutteth, I fhut, and none openeth ? Here is the onely gouernour oucr the houfe o^Damdy which is ncuer abfent fronj iiis Church , and therefore necdcth no vicar. Now we come to the narration, Z^^^ow thj/rvorhs : That the Lord doth know his workes andapproue them , as appearcth by this , that he blau^cth nothing in him, it might giue great encouragement to proceede . For woufd not any ofvs be glad to heare from the Lord, that the things which we do are pleaGnginhis light? He knowcthall our workes, and v;i!l bring them all vnto iudgeraent, let vs there- fore endeuour with ail our might to ferue and pleafe him. Then he faith; Behold I hauefet before thee an open dore , andne man can fhut it: This doth accord with that he faid^ I open and none fliutteth: he had made a paflage for theGofpcIi, to fprcade & to take place in conuerting men vnto God, and no force of enemies could withlland the fame. S . Pau/ victh the fame fpeech. l.Cor.i5. A notable point for vs to coiilider , that we may behold the workeof God in all times and places . We fee how the world is bent againli theGofpellj what power Sathan doth raife vp to pcrfecute & cxpell ic: we fee alfo how meane in outward fhew the minifters of Chrift are , and yet where he hath any e)c6^ and chofen people to be called home into his family , he openeth the dorc for them to enter, be giueth a paflage to his heauenly word : the diueli with all iiis power, e- uen with all the bands ofhis (buldiers, ftrugling and laboring to fhut it, are nota- ble. Here we may Icarne to know how it commeth , that the Golpell is rcmoued from (bme places, andK:ontinueth in other fome.Ciirili openeth ihe dore,& none can (hut it: he fhutteth and none can open it: where they be delpifcrs and abufc his Gofpcll,it fliall be eafily remoued : where his kindnefle is embraced , the truth loucd, and the fruites thcrofbrought forth, the enemies do rage and fret,they de- uife and prad^ifc all the wales they can, and yet cannot fhut the dore. Let vs thinke vpon this , Beho/d 1 hauefet before thee an open dcore^ which none f4«y^«r,and labour with all our miglttto ferue Chrill while wee feele itisfo. A- gaine, let vs take heede wc prouoke him not by our finnes to fliut vp the dore: lor as none can rake the Gofpell away from vs, fo long as we deale well with it, and pleafe him, foifhe be offended and will remoueit, who fliall be able to giue ic vnto vs? Enemies there arc very many of all forts in this our land, which labor to banifih the Gofpell & which indeed prouoke the Lord to depart avvay,&(as he thrcarned the Church at Ephefus)to rcmoue the candleflick.- butifthofe that fauor the Gof. pell euery whcre,would euen flir vp the graces ofGod in them.and let their louc ipring afrefli^euen to the glorie of God, and to the magnifying ofhis truth,thofc c- nemies THE REVELATION. 55 ncmlcs {hould ncucr be able to prciiailc againft vs : but he that hath opened the doorc , will open it ftill wider, and hold it opcn,lct them do all what they can. If the Lord fhut vp the doore , the finncs of Gofpcllcrs do prouoke him to do that : for he will neur to gratific the vngodly prophane enemies, fo plague thofc which fincerely embrace the tru th, and obey him. Would to God this might be well confideredintimeiforthefinncs of thofe which profcfle themfeKics Gofpellers (cuenin multitudes of the) are grownc vntoan exceeding hcighc.Sbal fuch as wil be Gofpellers condemne and rcproch the way of godlinefle ? Here isourfcarci here is our danger. ^ If euer any thing ouerthrow, or bring heauy plagues vpo thisland,it is this,that many abufe the Gofpel vnto tiicir couetoufnefle,an»bition,& other corrupt lufts. Will the Lord fiifFer the beauenly do(ftiinctobe made a cloakc for finne^and not be rcucngcd ? Manic do depend vpon the courage and flrength of men and mu- nition both by fea and land : but the fafetie of our land hath hitherto flood in this, that Chrifl fet a dore wide open, and hath giuen paflage to his Gofpell , which as yet none could fhut : and fo long as he holdeth this doore open,fo long our fafe- tie fhall continue. Whereupon it folio weth, that as they be the greatcft procurers of Gods wrath to be powrcd forth vpon vs , which vnder fome kind of profcfTing the truth,abufejprophane,& difgrace it : fo they on the contraric,arc the greatelt pillars of our peace.which withthankfull hearts embrace the Gofpell,eucn in fuch vprightncfleiSc finceritic , that they doglorifieGod in bringing forth the wortbie fruits thereof.Thou defircft to bring fome defence to thy country ,thou hcarcft of valiant warriersboth by fea & land,in wlKjm great truft is repofed .-thefe may be oucrthrowne when God takcthdifpleafuretfhcw thy finccrc godlineflc of heart, be faithfull in thy feruice vnto Chri(^,in magnifying & honoring cuery way to the vtrermoft of thy power, his holy and pure religion , and thou doelf more then anie of them. An armic of an hundred thoufand of the mofl valiant Capcaincs and foul- diers in the land are not of fo fure defence , as tcnne thoufand fincerc Chriftians, which with feruent zcale of Gods honour embrace his truth, worfhip & call vpo him, fhewing forth their faith by their holy conuerfation,in allthe workcsofcha- ritic.For thefe rctaine Chrift the king of glory flill holding open the doorerwhofc mightic power fhall proteif^ vs.Ititrifeinthy mind,where fliallten thoufand fuch be found ? do thy belk to adde one to that number thy felfc : and God may blcfTc thine example to draw on drhers alfo; The next words in the text do confirm^ this, when he faith to the Angel of thi» Church, Thou hafi a UtUj^ren^th , and hafi i^pt mj ivorci , andhttfi not dcnjedmy name. ThisPaftor & his fJocke' flood foundly & vpri^htly in the faith in the open profeffion and obedience of Chri rt s holy word : for the keeping of the word was not in word abnc (tor which they flK)uld neuer be praifed) but in deed alfo & in truth.The kirigdomc of Gbd is-not ir» words but in powerrand not cuery one thac faith, Lor d,Lord jfliall enter into the kinigdome of hea(jen(faith our Sauior)but he that doth the wJilofmy father which is in heauen. They flandingthus ,none can (hut the doorc which Chrifl had fct ope before them. He faith to this Angell,thou baft 5>4 SERMONS VPON s lia{) alide ftrcngth. He flood with hislitlc ftrength, and did great things, whtfrc<* in yvc may behold the marucllous wifedomc of God, that by wcake inftnimcnts would triumph oucr Sathan and all his power.No doubt it \s written for our coin- fort,tbat when vvc feele our fcUis weake,and that we haue but a litle ihcngth, and fee great and terrible power of the diucll and the world bent againft vs^we fliould not be difmaycd. For ifour faith and louebcinfinceritie,thoughbutasa grainc of inuftard fced,let vsnot ceafe to ftay vpon Chrill , and continue faithful! in his feruice,vvc fl"»all vndoubtcdly get the the vi6lorie.For when great things are done by feeble inftrumentSjby weake means, the power ofGod doth more glorioufly fliine forth.If the intlrumcnts be glorious and migntie in (heWjmens eyes are tur- ned vntothem,and they often ftand in the way to fhadow the gloric of the Lord. God giucth exceeding great gifts oflcarning, of knowledge, and courage vnto fuch as he raifeth vp to encounter the futtle aducrfarics: but ncuertheleflc ye fhall cuerfeelorae great learned men in all knowledge which he palTctlrby, litle or no good commingto the Church by them , & doth very great things by manie men of Icfle learning ; he is maruellous in all his wayes.It is certaine, that leffc eifts,and noLgodlyfimplicitie^ make vnfit rand the greater learning where it pufFethvp, hath not the blclflng of God; but employ that litle which thou hafl receiued with and vprigbt and good heart to the glorie of Chrift,& he will blefle it exceedingUe, Be faithfuU and humble bcfcxre him,and he wjl make thy litle lkcngth(as it is bcr^ calIed)do great things.in the aduancement of the GofpeU mcane lo the comfort ofGods people Iffuch as be exceedingly lcarned'(and haue not learned truehu- miljtie jdefpife thcc,thou art y et more blefled the they,thou hafl greater vfe of thy learning then thcy:for fpiritual! gifts ferue notfor ortentation, or for the glorie of the men which haue them, but tor the edification and good of Gods people. If thou haft but a litle frrength , as it is faid to the Angell of this Church , and doett imploy it well , thy praife is great. Thus farre touching the commendation giucn to this fliepheard and his flocke,no w follow the piomifes that Chrift makcth vn- to them. v.;Of : 7.7.':Jl. • The firfl is vttcred in theCewotdsiBeho/J^I vviSmMke themof the Symtpgtievf Satha»,vvhtch ca//t!jefn/e/(tes levies c;^ are nofybnt ao ijr. heboid J fay, I wilmake the come ^w or [hip before thy feet yC^ fjai k»ow th^t 1 hatte Zoned thcpjihc^ni^ox^ & tcachers,& the Chriflians in this Church were fo fincerc & conftant in the-holy faith and fcarc ofthc Lord,fhewingforth their godly dccds.thac he promiwlinot onely to hold openthe dqorc to let in iomc that wcr^ yet wi£hout,but alfo euen of thofc that were the moftb^tter enemics,thatis,of theynbeleeuing IcVvesrfor of all others the Icwcs did moiiWickcdly raile vpon & blalphemc Chnfl,condcmoc hisGofpcU, andperfecutcthe Saints ofGod.Theyglpried much that they were Iewes,that isjthc children of^^r^/57«aw,thcchofen. people ,,&thc true Gh«rcht)f God,which worfhipped him according to his law 4ci[iutredvtnt6 the hy Mafer* They faid they were Aiofes c^fciplcs : but the Lord faitji they lie , they be no, true leweSjthey.be not his Churcb,but arc indeed the Synagogue of Sathan. That he faitbjthcle fliall come and vvotlhip before his feet,ic is not meant that they fhould come THE REVELATION. 5*5 come hypoakically , nor compelled by any force againft their wjis , but indeed with conuertcd ban svnto the Lord. As »SW of a great perfccutor and woife,was conucncd & became a moli cxccllci fhcphcard:fo thcfc ofhatefull encmics,{hould be made tricuds, ami members of the Church. Here may we note diuers things:as hrlljin what lamentable ftace thclewcs are at this day .They take thcmlclucsto be iheoniy people whotn God loucth.andyc fee though they imbrac e the writings of Afajcs and the Prophets \\ hkh they vn- derftand not,yct bccaufe ihey rcica Chrift and his Gofpell , they arc indeed be- come the rin3goguc of Sathan.What matter is it what they haue bin of o!d?Thcy are to be pittied and prayed foruhcy be the kinfemen ©four Sauiour Chrilt accor- ding to the- fie fli, the L Old takep;ttievponthem,and draw them out of the iawes of Saihan, Then tiiat the doore was opened at Philadelphia vnto fome ofthefe, it may put vs in mind of that precept which Saint P/?»/giueth, i.Timoth. i.verf.iy. In mcekncffc toinllrud^ the gaincfayers, waiting when God will turne their harts : for he often fuffcreth fundrie of his chofen toerre and go aflray , to hate and lailc vpon the truth, and vpon thofe which profede it, whome afterward hebringth home, whcieby the riches of his grace arc manifelKrd. There bee cuermore fonie hypocrites in the Church, and fomc which beieeue but for a time; and it is a grieuous thing to the Paftours and teachers when they fee them fall away , efpecially it they haue bene fuchashaue bene of account for their for- wardncflc . But this is as great a comfort, that where the teachers continue their diligent labours, and walke in all godly fimplicitie, the Lord doth open the dore, and bring in cuen as it were to fupplic the places ofthofe that fall away , euen of their deadly enemies, ami fuch as there fecmed to be k arcc any hope of^ that cuer they fhould be turned to the Lord , The Chriflian people do heipe forward this bleflcdworkemuch, if they walke according to the holy rules of the word; for Chriflfaith: Let your light jo ^me before men^ that they may fee your good veerkes, ancigiorifieyoHr father rrhtch is tn heatten . They which know not the word (' as Saint Teeter fpcakcth) are very much moued where thf y behold ail godly vertucs in them which profclieit,and they willlay,itis a good religion. but where they fet cuill workes proceed fromthofc that profefle the Gofpell, and efpecially in thofe which preach it, this driueth them fiircher off, &opencth iheir mouthto fpcake againl^thchcaucnly do<^rincofGod . As hcthenisblcffed which is a meaneby his true faith and godlineffc to conucrt ioulcs, and to magnifie the holy religion:(o ishcaccurfcd whichlayeth a (Jumbling blockc before tiic blind, whereby they fail, and which caufcth the glorious name of the Lord to be blafphemed. The Papifts at this day do boali that they be the onely true Caiholikcs, as thefe lewcs did , butifwc examine their do6trinc and worlliip by the holy word of God,which is the only touch-fione of all truth, all(that are not (iarke blind ) may fee it is the dodtrinc and worlliip of diucls which tlicy hold and maintaine, euen the dod^rinc and woriliip of the great Antichrilt , They be bitter enemies againft all that! profefle the Gofpell. If we would haue thcraconuertcd, this is the way, e- ucnto follow the example of the AngcUand Church of Philadelphia, that n, bold 5# SERMONS VPON hold the faith conftancly, and bring forth all the good fruits thereof. But a$ our Sauiour faich, wo to the world bccaufc of offences , of ncccffitie it is that offtnccs do coroCjbut wo to the man by whom the offence doth come : fo wo to the lew, wo to the Jurke , wo to the Papifts , becaufe many which proteffc the GofpelJ, liue wickedly and lay liumblingblockes and offences which driuc them backe: and wo to thofe, euen to thofe Gofpellcrs, which lay thofe fiunibiing blockes in their way : their burthen fliall be great in the day of the Lord. That the L ord faich he would make the of the Sinagogue of Sathan to come & worftiip before the feet of this Anecil , it (he wcth thei r vnfaincd conuerfion : for fo long as they tooke the Lord lems to be afcducer, and all that bclceued in him to be but heretikcs , and children oiBelid , fo long I fay, they would neucr be brought to worfhip at their feet, nor be taught ofthcra,asoftnie teachers, which preached the faith of Chrif^. Neither could it cuer enter into their thought, that the Lord God loued them, (b long as they thinke that they preach herefics and falfc do(9Tiaes,euen blafphemies againfi God: but he faich here, Theyfhan know that lloue /^b^.Then fhould they know that the truth was taught in that Church, and God there truly wor/hipped, for elfe how could they know that the Lord lo- lled them ?The Minifters ofthe Gofpell,and all true Chrifiian people, when they be hated, defpifed, and railcdvpon by the blind world, euen as if they were but fcumme and droffe,let them remember this, that ftandingfaft in the way of the truth, and honouring the Lord, as it is written, he will honour them ; for he will make euen the enemies to know that heloucththem. And then there fbllowcth a rcuereuce ; for where men perceiue that God hath fet his loue, they cannet but giue regard. DoubtlefTe the Lord doth make it appeare vnto men, whom he li- J{eth,and whom he miflikech : indeed it cannot be knownc by riches or fuchlike things , but he powreth contempt vpon rich and honorable which are cuil,fo that their niemoriall doth Ihnke.-and he maketh the verie name fweete of thofe which fcarc him,euen as the fwecc fauour of a precious ointment. The Prophets in the dayes that they liued in were defpifed and perfecuted;but in the ages following honoured both of good and bad : the Scribes and Pharifies did garnifh their fcpulchers, Math.25. Thelikc may befaid ofthe holy Apoftles and blcffed Martyrs'.their fame is precious, andfliall be tothelaftday :foriti$ knownc God loued them. The Papifts which feeke all corners to find fomewhat that may colour and hide their vngodly facriledge, in giuingdiuine worfhip and adoration vnto crea- tures, lay hold of this place ; for to worfhip before the feete of this Angell , they Vfill needs haue to be, to worfhip this Angell , this Pafior ofthe Church at Phila- delphia. All men may fee that this is a weake argument to proue fuch a matter: for who doth not know that men come and worfhip before the feete of Chrifts Minifters in the affcmblies,and yet worfhip not them, but God onely ? Akhough this were enough to anfwerc fuch a flender cauill of theirs in defence of this that Cbrif^ fpeakech to Sathan,Math.4. Thottfhit/tworpjip the Lord thy god, and him fr$e/jjba/t thouJirHe: yet there is a further anfwcr; and that is,that the word is v- fcd THE REVELATION. 5^7 fed in the holy Scriptures indificrcntly for diuine wor(hip,and for ciuill worfliip.If the Lord faid hcre,l will make them of the fitiagogue of Sathan, come & worfnip before thy fcete,that is,I will make them come and worfhip theeryet will it makf. , nothing for the Popifh worfhipping of creatures , feeing it is then but that cii^ bowing of the body which is done vnto Pfinces,and rcuerend pcrforrs. The other promife which is macfc vnto this Angell and his Church, is in thefd yMixdsy'BecAHfethou haflkspt thewordofmjfatiettcp , therefore 1 willkeepe thee from the houre oftemptation^rvhtch vvilcome vpon all the world^to trie them tliAt dwell vpon the earth . It doth appearc by the firft words of this fentencc , that the Angell and Church at Philadelphia, had endured troubles and afflidions for the Gofpell/or he faith thou haft kept the word of my patience. This commendation could not be giuen.but where patience was fhewed in fufFcring for the truth, and the conftant holding of the fame r and bccaufc they kept the word, and would not by any trouble or danger be driuen from it,the Lord doth promife he would keepc them from being ouercome in the time of temptation which was to come vpon the world . Sathan being in extrcame fury defired to tempt , and the Lord for the triall of the inhabitants of the earth giueth him fcope. He raifcth vp fubtle and pe- ftilent hcretikes to feduce and to poyfon fuch as had rccciued the Jiuely word : he taifith vp alfo cruel tyrants to perfccutc with all the terror fitat maybe fhewed :hc raifcth vp indeed fo many euils and mifchiefes , a^ that he fetteth allon abroylc S^c in cGnfufion,many arc caft downe,but the Lord promife th the Angell & Church of Philadelphia , that becaufc they had kept the word ot his patience , he would keepe them fafe in the middeft of all thefc dangerous tcmptatiotis. This promife wemuft know is gencrall , that all they which fland confhnt and faithfullin the defence of the Lords quarrell,againft all enemies whatfoeucr,thcir doings are fo ac- ceptable vnto him,that he will keepe them cuen in the greateft trials that fhall fall out vpon the earth.He fayd to keepe them from the houre oftemptation,not be- caufe the temptation commeth not vpon them , but bccaufe being tempted they get the vi<5^ory. This is a fweete promife,aifd full of comfort vnto thofe that fland in the main- tenance ofthe Lords truth: we know not what grieuous triall will arife, but be faithfull now, and wearefuie Chrift will keepe vs when the liormes {hall be the greatest, and Sathan fhall be let loofe for a time ('for it is called the houre of tem- ptation, to teach that his time is limited jeuen to worke his whole will.And markc how Chrift callcth the Gofpcll the word of his patience , it teacheth patience , it flneweth that he which will imbrace it, and defire to haue his part in the fame,hec muft patiently bcarc the crofle, Ifthou wilt not beare rebuke, nor fuffer any loflc, orbeindaunger for thy proftfTion , what doeft thou profefllng the Gofpell? He callethitthc word ofhis patience, and thou wilt hold it and be free from affli- #yr- lyjholdthat thou haflythat no man tal^e thy crowne: Leaft we might thinke that the promifcs of Chriit fhould make them fecurc-and ncgligcntjthis is added: for it will arifc in mans mind , 1 haue promife made me that linall be deliuered, what necdc I ftriueand contend any longer ? Yea but we arc entertained into Chrifts feruice with this condition,that we mu(^ be faithfuU and fight euen to the end; and the na- ture of faith which layeth hold of the promifes, that he will make vs get the vi6lo- ry,is not thereby to take occafion to be flicke,but to take courage indcede to fight more valiantly. Chrift promifed he would deliucr them from the houre of temp- tatioa,but yet this goeth withall,hold that thou ha(i,ye muft Hand in the faith, yc muft not let go the holy do6lrine : for if ye do,ye loofe your Cro wne . None fhall be crowned but fhey yaathaue laydholdofthetrueth,arcarmedby it with the whole armour of Gad,and hauing finifhed all thingc,do ftand. And although a man haue fought Iong,yet il'he let go his hold at the laft, he loofeth all. Ic is certainc the power is ftrong which aflfailcth vs dayly ,to plucke out of our harts the liuely po- wer of the trueth , and it is a very necelFary warning which is here giuen, holdfafi that thou ^4/?.This is not fpoken,neithcr to fuch as yet haue neuerlayd hold ofthc hcauenly dodrine^but n? gled^ & defpifc it, neither to fuch as haue profciTcd with zeale and arc fallen backe and reuoltcd, but indeed onely to thofe which haue re-, cciued the faith.and itandin it . He that hath loft his hold, may bee willed if it be pofiible to lay hold againc of that which he hath let go. So may they that yet rc- fufe be exhorted to in^brace and loue that which hitherto ihey haue not : onely to the godly and finccre Chriftiaa it is fayd , hold faft that which thou haft,that none take thy crowne from thee. And tnarke how our Sauior doth encourage his feruant CO the batuile^by telling him he fhall fight but a litlc whilc.'^f W^ / ctme ^yicl(/j, faith he.Our nature is fraile,and the Lord knoweth it better then we our fclues,8c will not fuffcr vs to be held long vnder affli6iions,but moft gracioufly either quick- ly cndethjor mctigateth the fury ofthc battaile . Againc we aire ready to thinke a few dales of trouble very long.he tellcth vs that it is but a fhort time: and if we can indeed come to meafurc the time,and the waightofthem rightly with SzintTauI (who calleth them light and moraentane)it g\ueth great encouragement, We yvold continucjwc care nothow longin that which doth delight our flefli ,but for griefe and forrowes , we care not how little they be, or how foqnc they be ended.Well we are told he will come quickly, let vs beleeue him , let vs not flirinke nor quailc for a little . Thusfarrc touching the narration,, now, to the condufion of this •~^8«- He.c THE REVELATION. p. Here arc fct downc in this condufion, promiTcs very great to cuery one that o- ucrcommcth. In what particular Church rocucr,of what country, nation or pco- pic,man or woman, rich or poorc, bond or free, that gcctcth the vi<5lory oucr Sa- than^oucr fmnCjyca ouer what enemies foeuer, thcfeproinifcs belong indiftcrcnt- lyvtJtothem. The firrt is, Him tlut oHercommethyVin J m.il^ Aptltar in the Temple of my God, andljffhal^o no more ont. This isapromifc ofthcperpetuity and flableneflc of the glory and telicity which the conquerow Qiall obtainc and cnioy in the prefcnce of the moil holy God foreuermorc.Fora man to come to the hcaucnly glory^and to haue it in I'uch fort as that he may be ca(t out from it , were but a fickle and an \*n- ccrtaine eliate : but the Lord doth promife and affure , that he fhall be cuen as t firmc pillar in the Temple ofGod , which fhall ncuer be rcmoued. God is eternall & vnchangeablc,his Temple euen the habitation of his holinefle ftandeth for eucr. It mult needs be fo,thcn he that is a pillar in this TcmpIe,bo\\ fliall he decay , how (hall he be lemoued, how ihaW not he abide in his eliate world without end? In- dcedc to be fliut vp in a place,here fcemeth to be a bondage , though the place be neuer fo delighifomc, menloue to lookc abroad : how is this figure then fit to rc- prefcnt the endles ioy of the faithfullPIt is not meant they fhall be pent vp to ftand tkn it were in a corner (for the Tepleof God is moll large,in which they ftial dwell for eucr}but this fimilitude of the pillar is to fhew, that they fliall neuer be remo- ucd nor difplaced . Againe, in the prefence of Almighty God is the fulnefle of all ioyei, at his right hand there arc comely picafures for cuermorc , os the Prophet Dautd fpeakethjPfalmc. 1 6. To dwell with God there is no ftraightnes: to dwell vvith God there is no wearincflcjno defire to fee any further variety of all delights, for the infinite fulnefle is in him.Who will not flriue & fight againrt Sathan and al his bands offouldicrs,to come to fo happy and blrfled an eftate ? Chrift calleth his • father his God, for he fiithjwt/imake him 4 pillar w the Temple of my God . He is himfelfe etcrnailGod,eucn the eternal] Sonne ofthe Father , yea the wifdomc of the Father,wh6 he was not before, for the Father was neuer any moment without bis wifdomCjbut he is alfo man. And lb when he did hangvpon the croflcjhc cri- ed out with a (oud voyce, My Godjmy God, \vhjf lo*fi than forfaken me? And wheu he was rifcn againe from the dead , and appeared vnto Marte AfagdaleTu^ he wil- led her to go tell his difciples,wh6m he calleth his brethren,'5fW^ / afcen^ to my Tuther y And to yonr Father , iomyGod^ dndtojeurCjod^oo\'\Q^\$X.hcc2\x\\\Qi the lewcs.which deny that the Mcfliaspronufed to the fathers fhould be Godjbe* caufehc fhould as it is written in the Proplicts, make his prayer toGod.Shal God, fay they,pray vnto God ? Nay but the man which is alio God,prayed vnto Goil^ and callctli himoi\i the Lord then allow ofcoldncffe,which is as much as to haue no reli- gion at all,l meane no true religion? Doubtleflc that cannot be : for ye know how it is written, Si" a^eahns $n ^int . The Lord God requirethferuent loue and zcale in religion.When he faith then: / wold thou wert either cold or hot,k is not to fhew that there is any goodncfle in being cold, but to fct forth the badnefle of being be- tweene both,as we call it luke warme.To be cold is naught , yea very naught, but to be neither cold nor hot is worfe. And behold how our Sauiour cxpreflcth his dctcflation ofthis thing , faying, 7/ Vf ill come topaffe that J (hall fpue thee om of my moHth. That which men do vo- ^ rait or fpueout at their mouth, tlTedomackeabhorreth, andtheyreceiucit not a- "^«aine,but caft it away with dctefiation and loathing . Such then as the vomit is to tbc offended iiomacke,to the mouth , and co the man that fpcweth out , fuch are lukf THE REVELATION. 103 lukewarmeGofpclIcrs to the Lord Icfus Chrift , and fhall be cz{\ forth by him as loathfomevomit.A moft terrible fcntencc of iii«lgemct,v«crcd by the ludgc him- fclfe.lc might fray thoufands,5c ten thoufands in our daics,for ail is oucrfprcd with ncwtcrs and fuch liikcwarme Gofpcllers, as be here fpoken of. Indeed the ma- ncr of this denouncing iudgeni€t,fecmcth to betaken from licnce, that vvaternei- ther hot nor cold, but warmc, & as fve vfc to fay lukewarm*, doth prouoke the fbmackc to vomit. This is then an allegorieall ipcech, that the ftomacke of Chrlft dotli loath f uch,& he will fpuc them forth of his mourh.This is no fable, this is not the word of any mortall man, but of the moft blefled Lord hinifeife,thc only foil* tainc of all truth:I befecch ye let it not paflc away without credit, let vs bclecue ic aflurcdjy.Forthetimcwilicome when fuch haulters as are without zeale, and can ioync with all companies,and neuer be tormented, vexed nor grieued in their foules, by hearing and feeing the abhoraiiiable and rtlthy words and deeds of vn- godlymen.iliallbecaft forth with loathing and vcterdcteftation. But it will be laid, our time is nqt without zeale, men are hot, eucxy fort as theytake. lanlwcrc, that this is fpoken not ofeuery fieateto be wanting, for there is a true zcalc with loue and mccknes offpirit, which is from God, and there is a bitter zeale,which is from the flcl}i. Of tins latter, the Lord doth not fpeake, for it doth abound eueric where.Eucry falfe religion ,eucry herefie and Ce6i hath thofe which with great ve* hemencic and zeale ftand to defend it: but this zeale is from the flcfli . Oncly the Lord lefus and his truth find few which with pure zeale fland in defence of thcra. ^ The new ters, the lukewarme Gofpellcrs, which are neither cold nor hot, are car* '"••nef I and zealous,but not for the Gofpcll;but io defence of their owne waie|.In co- demningthofe that be fcruent in (pirittobe fooles, they canfhew thcmfelues very vehement. In defendingthecourfe which they themfelues do follow, if any difal- low it.they be very hot and fiery, looke not to hauc them lukewarme therein. Be ihefe men in fo euill a cafePAre they worfe then they that be cold? Yea,markhow the Lord layeth them open further: Btcatife thonftiyeft 1 am rtchyattcL ennchedy ^ 2 want nothing-.ttfid k»ovfefi not that thou 4trtr9retchedy4ndmifirabUy (^poore^and tAndyandnaktd. It is one Hep towards bleflcdneflc,for a man to know and to feele his miferie. And he that is in a miferable eihte, and thinkcth he is in good cafe , is fo much the further oflf.The lukewarme Gofpcller is moft wretched,& of all other imagineihhiseflatetobe thebeft. Therefore the Lord wifheth rather thatthey were coId,thcn neither cold nor hot. 1 befecch ye marke well, and let it be deeply printed and engraucn in your harts which the Lord vttereth here. It may do vs good, for are wenot growing lukc warmc,eucn as the Church to whom this mcf- lage was fent? Then looke what is laid of them and to them , let vs take heed the fame come not vpon vs. The Angell ofLaodicea, and the Church confifting of lukewarme Gofpellcr^' tookc themfelues to be rich, and enriched, and to ^ant nothing. Writers do re- port of that citie, that it was vcrie wealthie in worldly fubfbnce through vvollcn cloath.And where men abound in wealth, and Hue in pleafures, hauingallthinges ivhich the flefli dcfircth^they cafily grow iccorc,& imagine that they be in excel- «4 , fe?5 1i4 SERMONS VPON lent good cafe. But alas how farre are they dcceiued?What faith he that knovveth indeed what they be? Andknoxvefi not {'faith he) that thou art wretched, and mi- ftrable^and ^oere ^andhlind.and naked'^ Here is a great difference indeed, from that V/hich they did ioiagine of themfelues. Here are (as yee fecj diuers words heaped vp,of miferable wretchcdnefle, ofpoucrtie, nakcdnefle and blindnefle, touching fpirituall things. And why is this heaping vp ofwords,but to fet forth the certain, tie of a moft wretched eflate ? And why {o , but becaufe Gofpellers neither cold nor hote,ofali others need to be moft terribly thundered againft, that if it be pof- iible they may be btought to fee their raiferie . Let vs obferuc a few things in this place for the vfe of our rime. Chrift doth not fend any meflagc now , but this mefiage was fent once for all, and if euer to any, to a great number of Churches in thcfe daies. And then further, what aflTcmbly is there any where in all the world offincere Chriftians , but there aremingled among them many fiich lukewarme Gofpellers, haulting profeflbrs, and newters?Talke with themjand ye fhall find that they are perfwaded, & hauc this opinion of themfelues, that they be very happie men . They know that there is remififion of finnes through the bloud of Chrifi. They know and profefle all points ofdodrine fet forth in the Gofpell. How fhould thefe men be in euili cafe? Come then to the touchfioncto try the pure gold : come to the words which the Lord himfelfe hath vttered , and fearch by them and fcanne the true Chrifhan. Thou faiefl of thy felfe, I am a finner,! iooke for pardon through lefus ChriliThe ^y promifeis,allthat beleeucfliall befaued. I dobclecue.Itakemy felfetobc rich,, ' ^ & enriched, and to want nothing. Wei, but is thine hart enflamed with theloue & zealcoftheglorieofGod ? haft thou a burning dcfirethatthenarae and glorious Gofpell of Chrift may be magnified ? haft thou an carneft care of the good ofthy brethren? Doth this loue of thine brcake forth and ft-iewitfelfe in adfions tending to the faftic purpofe ? doth it vcxe and torment thee when Gods glorie is troden downe, when the holy truth fs defpifed and defaced , when the Church goethto decay and into ruines?Ifit be thus with thee,thou art well indeedrbut if thou doeft want this loue and zeale, making religion fo indifferent, and fo light a matter, be- ing in the caufesofGod neither cold nor hot, thinkc while thou wilt that thou art in good cafe, we know the Lord fayeth true, we muft giuc creditcto his words before all vaine opinions which men haue of themfelues, which are thefe; iAnd inowcfl not th^t thoa art rvretched,andmi/erai'/e,undpo0rey G^ biindyOnd naked, I may very well mention here that which Saint P/^w/ writeth : He that thinker h he ^othflafidy let him take heed he do not fad. l.Cor.i o . For we fee it plainely,that fomethinke they haue faith, and that they be rich, and that they be in very good cafe, when they are not, but indeed are moft wretched, blind and bcggerly.Mens opinion and conceipt doth deceiue them . We muft examine our feiues whether we haue the true zeale. Among the Corinths there were fuch G ofpellers, as could go into the idol temple with the heathen,and fcaft with them.at thofe feafts which they made at the worftiip & in the honor of their idols. They could reafo fmooth- iy to proue it lawfull as a thing iadi9b:€nt,but indeed they wanted Ioue,they wan- ; '•' V ' ted THE REVELATION. 105 ted zcalc againft nl fuch horrible abhominations,&. thcrfore tlieholy Apoftic fpca- kinp to fuch/aith, Let him that thtnketh heflandeth , take heedhefallmt. Then doubtlclTc the lukevvarmc Gofpcller doth thinkc he (hndeth, but doth nor. We hauc not the Idoll Temples of the heathen among vs : but we haue Papifls & fuch asdoraylcvponthcminirtersoftheGofpclI,andvponall that do profcffe it Wc haue them which be fo Joofe in life, and fo giuen oucr to follow the corrupt lufts ofthe flcili.that they cannot abide any which will not poure forth themfelucs to i the fame excefleot" ryot, or at the lead allow thereof: and there be GofpelIcK j which are '^o zealous^that they can be familiar with thc^Sc verie nierrie cuen whe^ they heare them (launder and reuile the preachers and profeflorsot the GofpelJ. What halting is this ? what newters are thcfe ? If there were anie loue ofGodor true zcalc in chem.how could they endure fuch things? Can a man abide to haue thofcreullcd and flandercd which are deare and precious vntohim?The Prophet in the Plalme tertifieth thus ofhimfelfe,i?i«tfr/ of tear es defcevid forth ofrntne eyef, becAufe men kfepe not thy Uvp. This was the zcale ofthe Prophet.And Saint Peter telHfieth oi Lot whe-hc did dwell in Sodome^that he vexed & tormented his righ- teous foule fro day to day,in feeing & hearing there their wicked deeds, i.Pet.a. And now a daycs we haue fonie Gofpcllers which can laugh cuen heartily at the committing of great linncs and enormous ofFences:it is a fport to make men, or to fee them made drunkcn.If I fhould enter into all particulars , I Oiould be tedi- ous. Yemayeafily fee what maner of profefling the Gofpell hath inuadcdour Churches,and how far it hath preuailed : namely vnto this , that they be accoun- ted the wifeft and the verie befi Chriftians.they carie away all the commendatio, which be neither cold nor hot: they be the men whichr are worthy to be magni- fied, that be lukcvvarme. • This is the e(iate now generally , how mifcrable.lct the wordsofChrift hlmfclfe here teHifie. All fecmcthnow happie, the Gofpell^thc Gofpell , is in cuerie mans mouth:but if the Lord will fpew out of his mouth all lukcwarmc Gofpcllers, all that be neither cold nor Bot.Ifall fuch thinking themfclues to be in happy cafe,ata indeed wrerched^Si mifcrab!e,and poore,and naked, & blind, whatll-Jall become ofmuIticudcsPLooke vpon many at this day, they haue the Brble,ihey rcadealitic 'now and then,they bring their bookes to the Church , they open them and lookc vpon the text at a Sermon but yet a man may dwell by them long and not be abfe to difcerne whether they fauour the Papilts or the ProtcHants. Well,let vs learne to iudge both of our felues & of othQrs,not as the world iudgeih,which can abide no zcalc in the Lords caufcs:but as our Sauibur Chrift hath here pronounced : or iay and do all what they can, his word fliall be found true at the lart. Wo be to newters', wo be to the lukewarinc Gofpcllers which arc neither cold nor hot. ChriltVvill fpew them out.he will reic(ft them with lothing and detcliation.Thck foulcs contrarie to their opinion,arevoidanddenitutc of all heaumly ornaments "^rid Ipirituail graces.Ifthey repent not they tnuft pcrifh, therefore let them hearc now what the Lord faith further to the Angcll of this Church. J coHnJelithee to buy ofmegoldtncd tn the fire, t hat thou matfi be ric hp- »^''' raiment 106 SERMONS VPON rAjment^hat thoumatfi he ctothed^that thy filthy nakedneffeappeAre not y^anttoint thine eyes with eje/alue^that thou matftfee. O bounteous Lord and gracious Sa- uiour,who giueth connfell to this Paftor and his flockc , how they may conic out of their milerie. Was it not great kindncfle that fuch a paftour & fuch a Church as this fhould be chofcn for one of the feucn,vnto whom this prophecy was to be fcnt? Is it not much,thatthey murtfland asoue of the feucn golden candlclVickes? Is knot raore,thathclaycth open their eiiate vnto themplaindy ? for whom would they haue bcleeucd among mcn,that fhold hauc told them \o much ? And yet he gocth further,and giuech them moii wholfome aduifc and counfclI,wher- Dy they may become veric blefled in alifprituall & heaucnly blcfJings.Thc coun- fcllis, to receiue from Chrirt all good rhings. He vfeth fp ecches anfwerable to thofe by which he layd open their miferie: TIsoh fay eft 1 am rich Cfaith hc)4nd tnriched,andk»ox»efinot that thoH art miferable, and po ore. He tliat hath plcn- tic of gold is not poorc, for gold maketh rich ; and fo he faith here, "Bfty of me gold tried m thefircythat thou maifi be rich. The gold which is tried in the fire, is the more pure without drofle and mixture ; and therefore to note the puritie and pcrfc(^ion ofthc heauenly riches giuento vs in Chrift, they are called gold tried in the fire. There is plentieoffine gold in Chrjft, to make vs rich vnto God: and we are called vpon to come and buy it of him. Then bccaufe he faid,7"^ff« artna- kidjhc {akhyBf»* art hlmdyhc faith, Annoint thint eyejwith eyefalue^that thou mayfifee.ln Chrift the remedies againft ail miferiei- are to be had. He hath this precious eye-falue for to beftow vpon vs: for he hath thcfpirit of lightjthe fpirit of all true wifdome, which doth open & illuminate the eyes of our foulesj which arc vtterly blind.OLord giue vs this precious cyc-faJue, that we may fee. Thus we fee the goodly trcafurcs which are in Chrift to make vs happy : but how doth he will vs to buy them of him? are the heauenly graces ofChrift fold?or bane we any thing for which we may buy the?For anfwer vnto this,wc are firft to note, that this buying is without any price giuen to him, it is to buy for nothing. We may not thinke this ftrange,for the like laying is in the Prophet : Oh euery one that thirftethycome to the water Sy & they that haue no monyyCome bny & eate'.come Ifajibny without mooey, and without price wine and mtlkefiCsiy 5 5.Herc ye fee |H arc c^Icd Cd buy for nothing : and fo is Chrift Icfus here to be vnderftoodFor alas THE REVELATION. 107 alas whathauc wc to giuc for fuch hcauenly trcafurcs? and what wateth the Lord Icrus?hath he not allfulncflc in himfclfc?arc not all good things his both in hcaucn and canh ? They be vvorlc then mad which imagine that the heaucniy trcafurcs can be bought with any price : but yet notwith(ianding wc are faidtobuy Jthenv after a fort,as I will lay open vnto you. Our Sauior faith, Thf kj»gdo»j cfheaueu Itkfto a trtafure hid tn thefieU;vfhtch when a mMn hathfennd he hideth , and for ioj thereof jt^oeth andfeOeth alt that ht hath^andhttycth that fie/4. A\Co he faith , The ki»gdome ofheanen U like to a mar^ chant man feeking goodly pearls'.which when he hadfound onepear/e of great price, went and/old all that he had and /'ought tt. Hov^' is this to be vnderftood? Firrt,yc fee the kingdom of hcauen is a moi\ rich thing,but it lyeth hid as treafure coucrcd in the eartli,6i: as a moll precious pearle which none ca value but he that hath skil that way. For albeit the riches of the graces ofChrift be dKplayed and laid open by the preaching oftheGofpcll, yet they lie hid to the world : and therefore the world pafTcth by thcm,and cilcemeth them not.But fuch as haue their eyes opc- ned,and do fee them indeed,are fo rauiflied with ioy and delight,and do make fo precious accountofchem,that inrcfpe6tand comparifon ofthe fame,they defpifc and let light by all other things which they poflcflc here in the world.When they with the eye of faith lookc vponthe fine tried gold & pure raiment which Chriil ofFcrcth,all earthly riches are vile vnto them, and but dung in coinpaiifon. When they behold the ioyes and fweet delights w hich they Hiall poflcflc for cucr , thac (hallraigne with Chriftin glorie, they contemne allflcQily pleafures,aud defpifc all earthly honours , as vaine and tranfitorie. When a man (^as Chrifl rcquireth^ doth forfakc father and mother, wife and chddren , lands and houfcs, yea all that he hath for to take vp the crofle, or when a man is fo prepared in his mind,prefcr- ring the kingdom of God before them all , this is after a fort to fell all that he batli to buy the precious pcarle,andthe fine gold & pure raiment.The Church at Lao- dicca was wealthic in worldly things,and cuen drowned in the louc ofthem,but the heauenlytreafures inChrifl ihey didlitle efleeme,whcrcfore this do6^rine was neccffaric for the^ to fell all,& to buy thofethings.lt was a mofl fit admonition for them, to pull their afFedions from the things here below, and to fct them vpon heaucniy things. Let vs then I pray you, remember fomc good Icflons from this place, and let vs be carefull neuer toforgetthcm : and that is, ifwc feclcour Iclues dull in religion, neither cold nor hot^nd fo imagine that wc be rich,becaufc wc be not as vtterdcfpifers,nor as the worfl fort of men, how farrc weare wide, how much we be decciued , feeing the Lord tclleth vs, that wc be indeed wtct- ched,poore,nakcd,and blind. The further,Iet vs know it is the louc of this world that doth beguile vs,wc louc riches,and all things which may fatisfie thelufls and delights ofthe f^clhrand then tliatweareadmonirhcdto fell all, and to buy the gold ttied in the fire , and the white raimetof Chrift. Finally ,that we muft annoint our eyes widi eye-faluc,thac v/e naay fee : for certainly if men were not blind, and fo through blindncflc make a blid choJfe,thatiS; prcfcrrc earthly things before licaucnly , they could neuer be io8 SERMONS VPON lukcwarme,but for ioy would fell alland buy thofe precious things of Chrii^.May wCjWill fomc fay, hold that fome men learned, and able learnedly and deeply to difpute in diuinitic, arc yet blind, for there be at all times learned diuincs, which arc neither hot nor coldPl anfwer,it is ftrange that fuch fliould be blind, & fhold need thiseye-falueto annoint their eyesrbut yet certainly they are blind. They do take themfelues without all comparifon to fee be(i,they thinkc themfclues rich dboucotherscbut being drowned in thcloue ofrichesand honours ofche world, being indeed blinded with the corruptible goldofthis earth, they neuer faw the ^lorie of thefe treafurcs which Chrift fclleth vs.and of which they can fo learnedly fpeakc: for if they had, the fight would rauifh them with ioy, they fhouid not be luke warme, but fell all, euen treade dowhe as dung ail earthlie treafurcs to winnc thofe.Bc out ofdoubt that all and eucrie which are neither cold nor hot , though they be neuer folearned,are blind,andmiferable,andpoorejand naked: and need to be called vpon to fe!lall,and with ioy,with loue,& with zeaie to buy this gold & white raimcnt.Yefiiall hardly perfwade anic that arc worldly minded,but that they arein good cafe, if they profcfle the Gofpell, how then lliall a man beable to perfwade a great diuine,which in his o wne opinion is eucu a light to all men,thac he is wretchcd,poore,nakedjandblind?If he will notbeperfw3ded,let vsbcleeuc the Lord Iefus,that all luke warme worldly minded Gofpeilcrs be eucn no better, though they feeme neuer fo learned and wife. But fee how the Lord proceedeth in admonition to this Angell & his Church: Thofe whom 1 lone 1 chafttfej^e zea/om therfore and amend, YJe. Ice how the Lord hath laid open this Angell and this Church euen to their great fhanie and reproch among all Churches^and to their o wne griete and terror : for they had a very high opinion ofthenifelues.& the Lord fetteth the as low. Now leall thisOiarp rebuke and chaftifement fhouid make them defpciatc,and caft them further ofJias taking it that the Lord didabhorre and hate them,he flicweth that it proceeded wholly ftomloue. Thenaturall parents that loue their children dearely , and had rather feele fmart themfelues^then ic fliould light vpon their children, will rather,though it be to their owne gricfe , make them feele the fmart of fliarpe chaiSifemcnt, then that they fhold be ynnurtured^and caft thefelues headlong into miferic.Thc holy Ghoft witnefreth,that our heauenly father dealeth after the fame maner.Heb.l 2. If inflrudtion and admonition by words will not ferue, but that we will runnc on vnto our great perilland hazard ofeternal dcftru6tion, rather then he will hauc vs perifl),thoagh he delight not in our miferies,yet will he prcfTe vs downe with re- bulce andforrow. The fame thing doth our Sauiourheretcfiifie, that of loue he doth chafiifc. It mixeth a great fweetncffc with a fliarpc reprehcnfion, when wc know it proceedeth from good will, and from loue, of fuch as be our friends, and wifh vs wcll.How much more then might this Angclland Church reioyce in the ftiarpc rebuke and chaflifcment here laid vpon them, when the Lord lefus profcf- fcth that he doth it of loue ? How far doth his loue furmount and excel! , to loue them that did not fhew anic he ate of loue towards him?Might it not make them cucn alharacd of themfelues , Scfo mouc a wrath and an indignation againfi their owuc THE REVELATION. Top owtr .vant of zcalc towarcfcs him? He did it to none ocher purpofejbut that they might repent and be faucd: and To he addeth, Be Kealonr therefore and amend.Yic did not tell them opcnJy to the end he might difgrace them, «hat they were wret- ched, poore, naked, and blind, but in vcrie deed that he miglit heaie them . There be difcafes fo dangerous, that the Phifition is forced to giuc very bitter & violent potions, or els he fliall do no good at all ; fo dcalcih the Lord here with him that caricthhimlclfe aloft vpon the opinion ofhis wifedome , and that he is rich in all fpiricuall treafures, and a man very happie, and huntcth after eftimation that way, there is no greater cut, nor more grituous wound , then to lay him open to be a blind foole, naked, poore, and very mifcrable. The heauenly Phifition mult either loofe him, or giue him this purgation to emptie his (iomacke: and that isthecaufc it is done in this manner. He difgraceththem openly, and withvcry*fliarpe threat- ning and terror,not delighting in their reproch,but they haucneede of it.that they may be brought to repentance , andenflamed with pure zeale, and fo be faued» Let vs obferue here what an excellent thing it is , to be ferucnt in fpirit . Let the worldly luke warme Gofpcller drily laugh and fmile at it,y ea let him haue it in vtter derifion as a mad thing: but let vs remember that Chrili faith : Be z^ealous there" jore Aftdamend. Againe,let vs know that the minifters of the Gofpel are to imitate the Lord Ic- fus, eue fharply to rebuke fuch as ftand in need to be fo dealt \vithali,but of a ten- der loue to fauetherr ioules; and let them know they are to take it well when it it to fuch anvfe, although they fcemc to be much difgraced.lt is better (faith our Sa- niour in thcGofpcU) to enter into life having but one eye, or maymed , then the whole bodie with two eyes fhould be caft into hell fire:' fo it is better for a mantes be layd open and difgraced, yea euen to his great reproch and fliame.and fo come to repentance and be faued,thento go in a wrong way euen with eftimation ancj credit vnto deftrud^ion. Behold Iflandat the doreattd k»ockey &c. Here is yet further kindues declared* the Lorddandethatthe doorc knocking to be let in . He isthegoodfhcpheard, he feeketh rp that which goeth aftray, he ftandeth knocking at the doore of mans heart to enter and to make it his Temple to dwell in.Markc here diucrs things : as firft that the Lord doth not onely knocke and call at the doore of mans heart, but continueth the fame; for he ftandeth at the doore, and hath flood at the doore, as the w ord importeth . This is much that he mufl waite vpon vs, mouing vs to rc- ceiue him: but the truth is , we neucr haue anic mind of him but when he doth ftand knocking at the doore of our heart. Then further behold how difficult a thing it is for the heart of man to rcceiue Chrift, and to be turned to God. We are fo well contented that the power ofdarknes fhallraigneinvs, wc take fuch de- light and plcafure in the corrupt luflesoffinne, and wc are fofali afleepc, that he may knocke and knocke againe, wc regard him not. But let vs take heed, for albe- it his kindncs is maruellous, yet he will not alwaies offer himfelfe, nor alwaiesbc found. Ye know how it is written: Ti* day ifjevpiUheare hts votce^ harden not jfonr heArn:Mdihcn,r9hi/e ft ts caUed to day.Hcb.^, And how terribly he thrcatncth. no SERMONS VPON that fuch as regard not,but dcCpiCc when be calleth, how they (hall crie vnto him when their mileric commeth vpon them, but he will not hcare, but laugh at their deftru6lion. Be no%^herforc too bold with him;if he hauc by his word and by the niotionsofhis fpirit,rtood dayly knocking at the doorcofthy hcart,(hcwing thy finnesjand mouing thee to repcntance^and thou haft made light thcrecfitakc heed leaft thofc knockings of his ceafe.and thine heart be niorehardencd/o that there is no feeling of anie godly forrovv vnto repentance.Makc much ofchis knocking, make much ofthefe motions of the fpirit/or manie that haue had great reniorfe & beginnings for to repent, are now hardened and boldcned in fin. Molt niiferablc are they which defpife his knocking and driue him away. On the contrarie part, thcybcathoufandtimcsblefTed which open vnto him^ andforcceiiie him. For marke what he iaith : If^f^ do heare my.veicc, and open the doore, I vtlicome in to him/mdvoiUfup with htm^andhe vfith W(r.What more happy guc(i can be receiued in ? what good thing can be wanting where he is ?If Chrift dwell in the heart by faithjifthe graces and power of Chrift be receiued in, all euili and miferic is driucn out,andall goodneffe and felicitie do fucceed. Darknefle is driuen out, the diuell is expelledjfinne is deftroyed,and horror of the dreadfull iudgcment doth vaniib away .There is light,thcreis God,there is righteoufneiTe, and peace,and ioy ofthe holy Ghoft.Full notably doth the Prophet 'DamdCet forth this, Pfal.24. when he iakhyUft vpyour heads j/e gates, and beje lift vpye euer Lifting doores^ and the king tfgloriePjaflcome in.fVhj t6 the king ofgloriehhe Lordjlrong <^ mightj^the Lord mtghty in batte{l.O\j,x enemies be ltrong,euen death,and fin,and the diuell,but he hath cncountred with them in batteil, and fubducd theni, fo that we receiuing in him,wereceiue in all heauenly power.We arc bafc and vile in our corruption : he is the king of glorie,and we through him fiiall be railed vp vnto glorie.He fcttcth it forth that we fliall receiue all good things by him, in thefc words, that tfany ope the doore^ he will come tn andjup with htw^ ^c. He bringeth all the dainties with him,& compareth it vnto a fuppcr,for we fliall be 'i^^ with them: we fiiall bccucn filled abundantly with ail fweet ioy esrthis fupper fhall ncuer be ended. But it may be faidjfeeing all the good things are from him,how is ic faid he will fup with vs ? what haue we to giue him any fupper ? He taketh ioy and delight incur faith, in our loue,in our obedience, or in all holy vcrtues which proceed from vs.For thefc arethofe fweet things which Salomon in his Song offongs , declaretli that Chrift delighteth in fro his Spoufe.But in this place the Papifis (iep in for free will: Chrilt Iefus(fay thcy)doch knocke,that is,he doth offer grace,and it ly cth in man to giue cofent by free wil,holpc alfo by his gracc.Like wife that faying in the Pfalmc,2i;^ vpyoHr heads je gates y andbeye liftedvpye eMerlafling doores^and the king of glory P$aUceme r«,feemeth to afcribe it to mans owne wil to open the doores ofthe hart to receiue in Chrift. We haue the plaine teftiraonies ofthe holy fcripturcs , that there is nothing left inman,no not fo much as to think a good thought,Gcn.8.2i . a. Corinth, 3. 5.Ephef. 2. i . Moreouer, ifa man could tliinke a good thought of himfelfe,thcn could he do fomewhat without Chrift,but Chrift faith, Withtnt me ye CdH d$ nothingtldtia i j.ycr. j. /* « God(i'd^ih S^Fanle^thAt vforksth in -yon b$tli THE REVELATION. in hotbto i»illatidto accomph!h,V\\\\,i.\tv,i'^ . Ifa man wili fay then, howarcthofe former fpccchcs to be coii(hucd ? Thus you muft vndcrfland: firit,that God wor- kcth vpon the hearts of mcn,not as men workc vpon blocks or ftoncs,which hauc no fenfc nor vndcrftanding : for man hath vnderrtanding, he hath a wilJ,hc hath aftcclions.Then fecondly , that free is oppofed to bond,& free is oppofed to com- pelled. In rerpc(ft of the one,raan hath free will,in rcfpedi of the other he hath nor. Man naturally loucth & delighteth in cuiU, hr^ will not forced nor copellcd , doth choofcthefamcrman dcfpifeth and reiec^eththc Gofpcll of his owne will. In this refpcdhis will is free vntoall cuill,thatis,he willcth cuil not compclIcd,but caried thereunto with plca(urc. But now touching the other, corruptio is fpread ouer al the powers ofhis foule, fo that he is in thraldomc and bondage vnto finnc , and hath not the freedome fo much as to thinke onegood thought. So farrc as the grace, the life, and power of Chri(i crucified is in him,to the killing of this corruption, in which his will is held captiuCjfo far is his will fet free, fo far can he will well^and do welhas it is witten, Jfthe Sonne make yefree^thenPjAllj/eh free indeed, So far (hall we confent to that which is goodjloue that which is good,and delight in that which is good; fo farrc fhallwc hate and abhorre that which is euili ; as this grace of Chrili increafeth in vs,fo we lift vp our heads in freedome more and more. Then markc what Chrift faith, No man commeth vnto me^ vple^e the Father that Jem me draw him, lohn 6, This drawing is not by force,but God reformeth the will & the afFcilions,fo that a man ioy fully receiueth Chrift,&therforc is faid to open the doores of his heart, Thusmuch touching this point.Now rcmaineththe conclufion ofthis Epiftle, He that outrcommeth 1 vftllgiue vnto him to fit wtth me tn my throne^ m 1 otter* came^andfit with my father in hid throne. This is a great promifc vnto euerieone that Oiall Hand in the battell and get the vid^oric. Chrifthathouercomcandrai- gneth in glorie,and they that ouer come fhal raignc withhim,though not in equal glory.Therecan be no greaterthingthentbis,letitthertoreput heart and courage into V5,to fight the good fight of faith againrt the diuell, againft finne,and againft all the enemies of God . If this do not moue vs , it is becaufe we haue not an earc to hearerlet vs therefore earneftly begge,that oureares may be opened more and iDore,that we may heare what excellent and molt worthy things the Ipirit fpea- kcth to the Churches. And thus we haue feene what the eftateofthefcuen Churches was,3nd fo be able to iudge of the Hate of the vniucrfall Church at that time : for by thefc feuen, yc nwy fee in whate eHacc all were. THE 1X2 SERMONS VPON THE XI. SERMON, C H A P. 4. X . After this 1 looked, e^ behold^A cioore was open in heauen^ d'the firjf veyce which 1 heard iW AS as it were of a trumpet talking with me, faying^ come vp hither ^and I willj^jew thee things which mufi he dene hereafter, a. Andimmediatly I was rauifhed w thejpirit, a»dl>ehold, a throne wasfet in heauen^and one fate vpon the throne. 3« And he that fate was to hoke vponhkevnto a laffer ft one ^and a Sardine ^^ there was a ratnborve rottndahout the thfone, inftght Itkf vnto an Smeraud, 4. tAnd round about the throne were f cure and twenty feates , and vpon the feates Ifawfoure and twente Elders ftttingyCloathedinwhite raymenty and had on their heads crownes of gold, 5, And out of the throne proceeded ItghteningSyandthundringSy andvoyces, and there were feuen lam^es of fire burning before the throne ^ which are thefe- ttenjpirits af^od. €» And before the throne there was a fea of glajfe, Itkevnto (fhrijlall: andin the middefl of the throneyAnd round about the throne were foure beafls full of eyes before and behind, 7« tAndthefirfi beafl was like a Liony andthe fecondbeaU like a Calfe^ and the third bea/} had a face like a OHanyand the fourth beafi was like a flying Eagle, S. And thefoure Ifeafis had each one of them fixe wings about hiWy& they were fuUofeyes witkiny and they ceafed not day nor mght ,fayingy holy, holjy holy^ Lord Qod Almighty fWhtch waSyandwhich isyand which is to come. ^, Andwhen thofe beafls gaue gloricyand honour, and thanks to htm that fate on the throneywhich huethfor euer and euer: IcThefoureandtwentie Elders fell downe before him that fate on the throne, andworpiippedhim that Imethfor euermore , and cafi their crownes before the throne yfaywgj II. Thou art wort hie Lord to receiue glorie, and honour yAnd power :for thou hafl created all things ^and for thy wilsfake they are and haue bene created* IN the former chapters we haue had the firft vifion'of this booke^ by which S. lohn was caIlcd,authorifcd and appointed to recciue this prophecie , andto write it in a bookc,and to fend it to the feuen Churches of Afia. We haue had alfofcucnfcuctalEpijftlcsorrafflagcsvnto the feuen Angels of tbofc feuen Chur- c]ics, THE REVELATION. n^ chcs. In wliich wc hauc fecnc by thofc fcucn what was the ftatc and condition of the yniucrfall Church militant at that time. For fomc were very excellent paflors, & had excellent flocks/omc were commcndedjand alfo in fomc things dilpraifed^ and fome were wholly difcommcnded . No doubt if the Lord had gone through all the particular Churches at that time in the world, it would hauc fallen out euen h . We hauc had alfo very worthy and precious promifei let tborth to all that gee the v\£ioiy in theChiilliao battailc. • Now folio wcth the fecond viHon^whichreacheih vnto the twelfth chapter ,fet- ting foorth the (tatc of things , cucn to ;i'.e worlds end ■: in which there is firft ( as namely in this Chapter & the next) fet forth how Chrifl recciucd this Reuclation from the hand of the Fathcr^to glue to his Church/or he calleth it before in the firlt Chaptcr,thcRcuelationof lefus Chrift,whichGod gaue him , to fliew to his fcr- uants,&c. And kere (hsM we fee how it was giuen him. In all this whole Chapter, the glotioiis maicliy ofGod Almighty _, from whom the Lord lefus receiueth this Reuelationjis dcfcribed & fet forth euen as lohniiw the fame in vifion.-now to the words as they lie. The things here rcuealed, be all from the fecret counfcls of God, they be heauenly , and therefore he faith , / lookeA,and behold a doore rvoi opemn heanenSW^v is this doore opened ? This doore is opened for to let him in to fee all thefe things which Oiould come to pafle:that is the firf^ circumftance . Then next he is called vp with a loude and glorious voyce; for helaith, Thefir^ vojce tvhtch J hcdrdyVfM as it wtre of a trumpet talking vith /» is to declare fas I faid before) how fwifi and readie they be in the feruice ofGod. Saint /o^» doth not fpeake here that theie couered their faces, and their feet, and therefore I cannot tell whether thefe Cwt wings , to each haue the fame fignification which 1 haus fhcwcd of the Seraphims. It is very like, but 1 do not affirmefor certaine. Then he faith: Thsy wercffiUofeyes mth'in. He faid before, that they were full of eyes before and behind,to fee & behold euery way for to execute their minif^ery and feruice to God.but this hath a further meaning , and that is , that they do not oncly behold things which lie open, but alfo things hid and fecret . True it is, that God alone is thcfearchcrofthe hart,but yet witball. we muff vnderftand , that as great lungs do make their feaets knowne vnto them which are next vnto them, fo the THE REVELATION. tx-^ the Lord opcncthfccrcts to his Angels . They arc made ro fee hid snd fecrct things. Then next he fhcvvcth how thefc glorious Angels do continually without cea- fingjlaudand magnifie God . For he faith, Thej cedfednet day nor tit^ht^ f*ji»^t holy, hofyyhoJjf Lord Cjod Almighty, rvhtch vras^Andwhuh is , and which is to come, Intliacthcydonotccafcdaynornight, wcmaynotthinkcit Grange : for though it bca wcarifomc thing vnto vs,ihat arc burthened with corrupt and dull flcfh ,to continue in praifiug God , especially becaufc we haue fmall delight in it : yet it is farrc otherwifc with that bleflcd company ofheaTien : they arc not burdened, it is tlicir whole ioy atjd felicity to glorifie God.and they are fo rauiflied with the louc thereof, that they can neucr waxc weary. In that they prociaimc holy^ holy^ holy^ it is to tcftifie that all his waies,yca euen all his moft fcucre iudgemcnts are iuft 8c vpi ight,& holy,ho wfocuer they may feeme vnto men.Therc is many fore plagues, and horrible iudgemcnts fet forth in this bookc , to be executed vpon the wicked world , which vnto the corrupt fenfc offlefii and bloud may feeme to be from ri- gour and cruelty in God, and the wicked do blafphemchim indeede as a cruell iudgCj when he cxccuteth vengeance vpon them: but rhefe hcauenly and glorious, and bicficd Angels, which are about the throne of his glory , and the minificrs to execute his will and his decrees , do pronounce that all that comraeth from him, is moft holy and iurt.Lct vs Icarne hereby when any thing doth fall out which fee- mcth hard and crucll^to fubmitour fclucs,and to reli vntill wc be made like to the Angels jfor then (hall vve fee, as they ^tt^ and know as they know, and proclaime as they proclaime.Nejit vnto his holincfle they fet forth his omnipotent po wcrjor they fay, Lord CJod Almighty. And then his eternitic,in which he is vnchangeabic, hauing his being ofiTimfcltc,and giuingthc being vnto all creaturcs.for they adde, IVhich vfM^andwhtch island whtch is to cowe.lhus vvc fee the nature and proper- ties of thefc hcauenly inftruments , in which God doth fet forth and magnifie his glorious maiclty . And now we are come to the fcucnth and laft thing, by which the high glory of God'Almighty is in this Chapter dcfcribcd.and that is,that he is praifed and magnified both ot Angels and men . For this praifc which the Angels giiie being fee forth he addcrh^that when thefoure beafts gaue gIory,and honour, and thanks to him thbt fate vpon the throne, which liueth for euer and eucr : The foure and twenty Slderr ^eUdowne before htm that fate on the th*-one , andworpjip- pedhtm that ItMethfor ettermore , Andcaft their crownes before the thrtne yfaytngg Thott art worthy 6 Lord to rec^iue glory ^andhonOHr^andf over -.for thou haft crea- tedall thtngr^andforthy whiles fiike they are^andh&ue bene created . Thefc fourc and twenty Eldcrsdoreprcfentall thcSaims,bothofthc auncicnt Church, as al* fo vnder the Gofpcll . And firO that they fall downc before thcthrone , it is by a fignc to teft ific their reucrencc in pf aifing of him, as alio to vvorfhip him : for the true Church doth worfhip him alone ; the true bclccuers fall downc to neither Saint nor AngcU,nor to anyimageorj:cliques,butonely vnto the moft highGod, In that they caft their crowncs before the throne , they emptiethanfclues before him of all worthincs tohaucany glory,acJcnowledgine that their crowncs of glory I ? arc mS -sermons vpon arc his tree gift , without any defert o r meritc of theirs. For why cll'e fliould they caft them downe before thethronc,butto cpnfcfle that God alone is worthy ©fail honour and glory? : ^:' i; •*. 'j " v 1 The Papilts thinke,thcnifclues great fiicpcfs to the Saints in hcaucn.and take ic they mufl needs accept of their fricndfliip , when tlicy be deuout worfiiippcrs of thc.m,as their Le^ettda aurea and their fefiiuals are iiufted full for moft in)pudcnt lies and fables,v\hat fucb and fuch a Saint did for fuch and luch that were their de- uout worfliippers : but thisplace doth fully confute the vanity of all fuch wicked andblafphemous forgeries. For «^- THF THE REVELATION. tip THE XII. SERMON. CHAP. 5. 1. And 1 f(tr» inthe ri^ht hAndof htm thAt fate vpon the throne^ a Ifookewritten vtithtn^nnd on the bachJiiefeaUdvftthfeHen feales, 2. ^y^ndl faw ajlron^ Att^e// tvhich preached rvith a /oud voice,who is Vforthte to open the booke^and to loofe thefeaicr thereof? 5 . And no man in heauen^ or tn earth, neither vnder the earth, vv 04 able to open the bookejneither to hike thereon, 4. Then I wept much, becanfe no man rvoifotindvforthj to open^dto reaae the booke ^neither to looke thereon. 5 . And one of the Sldersfaid vnto me^wcepe not ^behold that Lion which is of the tribe ofluda/hat roote ofT)ai4'uiJoath obtained to open the bookf^andto loofe the feuen feales thereof, 6. Then I behe/d^andio m themtddejl of the throne ^axd of the foure be a/is y and tn the middejl of the Elders ^Hood a Lambt at though he had bene kfl^^d^which hadfeu en homes andfenen eyes,vhtcb are thefeMenjptrtts ofGodyfent into alt the world. 7. ty^ndhecameoHdtooketkebookeom of the right hand of lAm that fate vpOM the throne, 8. And when he had taken the booke^the fottre beafies^ and the fottre andtwer-tie Elders felldowne before the Lambeyhatiing ettery tne harpes, and golden ttals fnll of odours, which are the praters of the Saints, 9. And they fanj^ a new fong^fayingy thou art worthy to take the booke and to c- pen the feales thereof,- becaufe tbou wafl killed , and hafl redeemed vs to God by thybhudyOutofeuery kindred^and tongue yandpeople^andnation : 10. And hafl made vs vnto our God Kings and Prtefis, and vve fhallraigne tfot$ the earth. I X. Then I beheld^and 1 heard the voiciofmany Angels roundabout the throne^ andabout the beafis and the Elders^ and there were tenthoufand times ten thou/and,and thou fund thoufands^ 12, Spying trtth a loud votce^worthy is the Lambe that was kj^d, to receiuepo- wer^and riches jandvvtf^edome, and flrengthjtind hoMor,andglory,andprai/e» I J. Anda/l the creatures which are in heauen, andon the earth ^ andtmderthe tarth^andin the fcA,and all that are m themjheard 1 fay in^^pratfe, and honor j and glory , and power be vnto him thatjitteth vpon the throne , andvnto the Lambe tor euermore. 14. ^yAnd the foure beafts fnid. Amen ; andthefoure and twenty Elder tfeHdoWKC and vvor Pupped him that liuethfor euermore, TN the former Chapter, wchauc had the dcfcription of the high maicny ofGod "■■the Father Almighty, who gauc this Rcudation to his Sonne Icfus ChniKIn this 1 4 Cha£tcr ;?©. SERMONS VP ON Chapter is fct forth vn£6 vs,firft a dcfcriptio of this Reuelatio: then next a defcrip- tionofthe Lord lefus Chrifl^who rcceiueth it at the hand ofhis Father; and laftly here is fet forth the niort glorious praife^which by the chiefe Angcls,by the Saints, by the multitude of Angels,and by all creatures in hcaucn , in earth, and vnder the earth, and in the fca,is giuen to Chrift . Of thcfe three parts confifteth the whole chapter.Le vscomc to the words as they be fct dosvne:/y4»'(faithhe)/«/^tf r/^^^ hand of him that fate vpon the throne y a bosk£Wrnten withiH^andonthe backejlde, fealedrvith feuen feales. The booke as appeareth afterward by the opening of the fealeSjis this Rcuelation.All the fecrets reiiealed in it come from the will, the coun- fell and decree of the moft high God,and are ordered by his prouidence,and there- fore are by virion ilicwed to lohn^io be in his ri ght hand . This right hand of the Lord doth all , this right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pafle, this right hand of the Lord hachthe prehemincnce:thisis one point ofthedefcription. Then further,that they be written in a bookc.it is to (he w,that they be decreed, and determined fo firmely and fo conftantly in the counfell of God, that none of them fhall faile,but come foorth,and be fulfilled in their feafon. That the booke is written within,and on the backfide, we are giuen to vnderftand,that there be ma- ny things to be reuealed.-for it is nor only a whole booke, wherein they be contai- nedjbutalfo written as full as might be,both within,andon thebackefide : they be many great things which fhould fall out in the world , from the time that lohn re- ceiued this prophecy .to the day of iudgemet.That it is fealed with fcuen feales: wc are taught , that they be the couniels and fecrets knowne oncly to the moft high GodjVntillit pleafed him to reueale them by his Sonne:for the number of the feales doth file vv,than hey be perfedty fealed vp. No mights,no th»oncs,no principali- ties, or dominations in heauen, did or could know any ofthofc things which arc written in this bookc,bcfore the feales be opened. Now that we may know, that lefus Chrirt, the onely begotten Sonne of God, which is from the bofome of the father, the mediator betwecne God and man, is the only reuealerand opener of his Fathers will : here is proclamation made vnto all creatures in heauen and earth , which is a part of the defcription of this booke, that only the Lord lefus is found worthy to open the feales thcreof.For he fayth, I faw a firovg Angell that preached with a /o/tae vojce ^who ts worthy to open the boo^e^ and to loofe ihc feales thereof: And no man in heauen ^ nor in earthy neither vnder the earthy was ahie to open the booke , neither to looke thereon . Let vs thea know for certaine, that our blefTed Lord lefus hath alwayes had this glory peculi- ar to himfclfe alone, that he is the opener of the counfels of God . He is the cter- nall wordjIohn.j.vcrf.i.Heisthe wifdomeofthe Father from euerlafling,and be- fore all creatures , as Salomon fetteth him forth , Prouerb.S.ver. ^^. No manhath fiene G^dat any rime, the onely begotten Sonne which ts tn the bofome of the Father, he hath declared htm , lohn. i.verf.iS. He fcnt his fpirit vpoi? the Apoflles,as hec had alfoofolde time giuen him to his Prophets, and fothe holy Scriptures were vVritten. Here do the Papiftslay in for thcii Purgatorj'^ud for their UntbHipAtrumx in- tjecdc THE 11 iv'E L A ri O N. Hi dccdtfic learned Papifts do rather defend both Lim^w and Purgatorie by tradi- tion then by Scripcurc,but yet where there may the Icaft fhew be made of Scrip- turc.thcy take hold: as the Rhemilts vpoB thefc words, that nb'ne in hcaucn,noriin earth, nor vndcr the earth was found wortbtc to open the booke,infcrrc thus, Bt (peaketh not of the damned i*i hell^ of v^om there com Id he no qHesliflud4y that roote ofT)M(4id^hath obtamcd to open the bookstand 1 9 loofe the fcHenfe'ales thereof. The ct2 SERMONS VPON Theftrong Angcll then did not preach with aloiid voycc, to find ifthere wasa« py other worthie to open the bookc , 4s a matter that might be , but to make it Jktiowne,that none indeecj was worthie but Chrift lefus alone. The Elder callcth jhirn that Lyon of the tribe of /«^<<,refpe6ling that prophccie of y4<»/^o^ in blefling Jn's fonne Ittda'Sai he fetteth him forth as a young Lyon that fhould take the pray, and as a moft ftately Lyon, which lying downe to llcepe, none dare raifc him vp, Gen.49.verr.9, Now it is moll certainc;,that vvhatfoeucr dignitie and gloric is a-- fcfibed to that tribe,it is in rcfpc^tof Clirift,who came of the farac.Hecailethhini .alio tint root o^Damd ,for according to the flefli he was the fonne ofZ>4W.But thcphrafe offpcech is from the Prophet Efaj/i for the Lord did threate fuch cala- mitie vnto the Ic vves, Efa lo.that he copareth their cutting downe,to the cutting tdowneofthc trees in a wood, and then minirtring comfort, chap. 11. lealt all might feeme to faile,he faith, that out oFthe ftockc of //^<#^,vvho was the father ot ID^uid, and out of his rootes fhould abranchfpringvp, vpon which the fpiric ofthc Lord fliould rcli,thc fpirit ofwifdoine & vnderftanding, the fpirit ofcoun- fcU and power, the fpirit of knowledge , and ofthc fcare of the Lord. This migh- ty Lord in battcll, this (irong Redeemer hath gotten the vi(Storic , and obtained to open thebooke,and to loofe the feuenfeales thereof. Now John hath his eyes opened, and feeth him that is worthie to open the bookc : and that which apper- taineth to the defcription ofthe bcoke being finifhed,now he defcribeth the ope- ner. For he faith, Thea I beheld., ar.dlo in the middeft ofthe throne^and ofthefoure beafiSyUnci in the middefl ofthc Elders fiood a Lamheoithougb hehadbene kjlledy which hadfeuen home i.^ and ftuey^ eyes ^ vzhuh are the Jeuen fpirtts of Cjed^ fent forth into nil the world. Firit, in this defcription it may feeme iomewhat ftrangc, chat hearing of a Lyon which had ouercome , now he ferth a Lambe: what diffe- rence there is bctvvecnc chefetwo,that is tofayja Lyon andaLambe,cueric man knoweth. But wc muft confider that our Lord lefus , in refpcdof the enemies, namely the diu,eli,dcath and finne,hath fhewed himfelfas a mightie conquering Lyon^eucn that Lord mightie in battclhtor he vanquifhed and fpoyled them,and tooke from ouc of their iawes the pray,euenthecaptiucs whom he redeemed fro vnder their powertbut in refped^ of his rcdccmed.heis that Lambe ofGod VNhich takcth away the finnes ofthe world.Morcouer,we muft note, that he neucr (lie - wed that mightie power ofthe Lyon more, then when as the vnfpotted Lambe he vvas facrificed vpon the croflc.lfhe Lambe flaincjcucrcometh all by his bloud: then do not maruell that the Lyon of ihc tribe of /w^^appeareth in the likcncflc ofa Lambe. This Lambe which was flaine,{tandcth in the middeft ot thethrone, not as the foure bcafts are faid to be in the middeft ofthc ihrone,and round about the throne, which are minifters.but he as being of equall maieftie with God thePa- ther.as Saint /^4«/be^rOod,is God,yca Codoucr all to Be blcffedfor euer, otherwifehow fhopld boihiRcn and Atlgcis falJdownc andwol- fliip^him? Isa not fiidjthou (halt worHiip the Lord thv^tjcid , and him only {halt thou feruc? Matth^. Confuler then how great he is, ofwhonae it is faid, let all the Angels of God worlliip him, Pla!.p7.vcr.7. Hebrew, i. Great is the glorie of the Angels in heaucn, and yet their grcatneflc and glorlcis fo fane vnder his,thac they wordVip him, euen wich the bighcft worfliip . And Jetndt vs then giue aWay any pact of his woifliipvnto any creature^ for that is a moft horrible ,wickedncfTe of the Papilh.It is faid ihcyhadAMerjone hArpeF,aHdvlsA thtyfM^ akrw f0»^^\{\» is 10 let torth the ioy and reioycing , eucathat fpirituall icy, whtch all the faithful! hauc through Chiifi.Indced itis great ioy which is wrought by hjmc which thefc mufit all inltrumcnts, and new ft>ng do dignifie.Tbis ioy remaincth iiiJl as frcfh a^ at the firlt, and therefore he faith,they fang a new fongitor a ibngis cuer the more delightfome while it isncw.What the matter of this new fong is, we ihall fee af- ter ward:hc faith , Ti hej 'had alfa '^aldenmkis.;fuil Dffvvtet odour s^vzhich a^^ the prayers oftheS^ifars. The meaning of this ii opened by the holy GhofthimfeJfe, by expounding that tbafcodo'TS arc the pra.crs of the Saints, whereby we fee how prcciousvcflels thehartsoftrne beleeuers arc before God, and howfwccte the praicrsare , which areoffcredvp vnto him outofthcm : for yefee the rials are-of pure gold, an d'that is the mo(t precious, mettall: the praiers offered. in thenu arc* fweet odours.Thcy dldburnc incenfe in the time ofthclaw,vvhich was fwect, noc^ that Godwas delighted with the fmcU of any corporall thing, but fpirituallihingsi were repiefcnted thereby, ci^en the prdcintii f weetnci]e.of true praiers oflSrred vp by his people. And thcrcfote the Prophet^wN/a'dehred that his praicr might be direcku bcforcthc Lord as(incenfc,PraI.i 41. Wc are foone caft downe, & taint infant praiers, as if God had no delight in tbcmrbecaulc he often iccmethto turrc awayliisiace, and not to regard. thcn\ while, wc askc andobtainc not at thcfirft> or fecond time, . , ,i'<'f:.i' '///.■.,• ;il' m 'ih:. .1;-^ , i" ~. \yu r X . ; Let vs thcrcforcfor <4jricncoiitagctnentircmcmbcr.thcy be f\^tct odori,when • chcybc tffaiihoflijretivpinCHrit't.Xhinkevpoii chit place, when wc think pi'a- y cr is litle worth. But NVo^tcach that praiers are to tie offered to God through the mediation of Icfus Chrirtonely, and thatjthe Sainocsand Angls arc not to hau6 »a- ny pact ofihis honour ,.;as'. And bejjcthc Pllpii^sldwwiqttK^^i'cy cbinkc) a Hrong argurotrtt tocoiitijt^vsj& to ptQi>^chat.»be!SAim8 io heati^ do oit:r vp the prayers oi'iiica in earth which fcekqvntipi them. I.tjismiich that our RhemKics will confeffe that th^failhf^Ubc SauKS v/WctiK^ liucypciithe cvth: for the ignorant Popiflifojt " a»dhafi redeemed vr vnto Godby thy b/oud, •Htpfeuery ktnredyandtongueyi:^peopief^ nation, d* hafimade vt vnto our Qod, kb*£A<^.pr.tefify& vfefi)ftlir(tignevpoifithee^ntb.1h^\s excellent 8c moft noble fong, foft'proeJaimcth the praifc Sfcworthioesof ilie bleflai lambc ofGod lefus Chrili, to be alone the opener of Gods fecrcts tojhe Church , Thotean vporthietot^ke- the hooke^ & to o^en thefealej thereof.Theic could none in heaue,nor in the earth, noy ynder the earth .be found , that was worthic to open the booke or to looke thereon,befidtsbintilone; great is the vvorthincfle then of the Lambc,abouc and bcyonrfall crcatyresv; r , . --j:. ■ \ •:; ■ : ■ - * ■ » Tb^sfiiblfowpth theiCoiTfirmationofthis worthiHcSjbyhishumbleobediencc t& his f^her.his loue andhenefits to the Church.FoE as Saint f*^$ from our vncleanncs>asthat we are rtiade ho- ly priefls to God, yea fons of^hc moft high, and fo great kitigs; and fha)I raigne in bcauenlygloric for cucr. For although it be faid , .wc fl^all raigne ypon the earth, yet THE REVELATION. 125 yet thiskingdome is heauenly : for the Saints fliall with Chrift rccciue the inheri- tancc^and be Lords and kings bothofheauen and earth. There fhallbc new hea- ucns^and a new cai th,in which rightcoufncflc fliall dwcll,as the holy Ghoft faith, 2. Pet, 3.1 5. The Lordpuc vs to be of that number which the 24 Elders do rcprc- fcntjthatfingthis newfongvntothe Lambc. Itiseuenthe mo(i ioyfull and the mofl blcded thing vndcrhciuen to behold the worthineflcofChrift, to fccle his bencfitcs,andtofct forth hispraifcin thcfame,vvith fpiritual mirrh and giadneflc, together with his Saints that do louchis name. A.iid in very deed if our eyes were opened to fee a litle into ths bottom of that gulfof miferies,out of which he hath redeemed vs by his bloudj and alfo in fome fort to behold the toppe of that g!o- rievnto which he hath exalted vs, we could not be (hyed from finging this new fong. The PipiHs by this place, becaiife it is faid, Thoa art rvorthy, ^c. hecattfe thou ir<«/?i^//it-^,afiirmcthatChri{i by his death did merit the highgloncin which he is cxalted.Molt foolifii they arc in this,for Chrifl God and man is but one per- fon,and although for a tine he humbled himfelfe, and tookcvponhimthe fliapc of a fcruant, yet the higheft glorie was his owne eucn then, and no robberie cueti tiien to be equall with God,as Tanle teacheth,Philip. 2 Therforc vnlcflc they wiH with one fort ofhcrcciks denie the perfonal vnion oFthe two natures in Chrift,or with another fortdcnie his equality in glory with the Father,how fhall they ftad in thiSjthat Chrifl by his death did mcrite hisgloriePIn the next place the infinite multitude ofhcauenly Angels about the thronc,the foure bcnlisand the Elders,e- ucn a thoufand times ten riioufand,and thoufandthouiandsjdo with a loud voice fet forth the worthineffe ofthe Lambc. V/orthy U the L^mbe (fay they^^ that rvas kiliedito receiuepov>er,oiv,a»da crowne vvasgiuen vnto himtand he went forth conqrtering that he might ouercome, 5. ty^nd when he had opened the fecond feahyl heardthefecondl^eafffay^ come and fee. 4. And there went out another horfe that vv^s redyand power vvasgiuen to him that fate t her eon /o ta^ peace from the earth ^and that they fjofi/d kt/ioneano'- thetyand there woigittenvnto htm agreatftvord. 5. Andwhen he had opened the thtrdfeale, I heard the third beafifay , come and fee : then I biheld^and lo a blacke horfe,andhe that fate theresn hadbalances in his hand. 6. ^nd 1 heard a voice in the widdefi ofthefoure beajisfayy a meafnre of wheat for a penie ^andthree meafures of barley for a peme , and oyie and wine hurt thou not. 7. And when he had opened the fourth feale^ I heard the voyce oft he fourth beaji fay^ come and fee, 8. And I looked, and behold a pale horfe, and h Is name tkat fate on hm wasdeath^ andheOfollorvedafter him, andpoiverwas gtuenvnto them oucr the fourth part oftheearthyto ktHwtthfword^ and with hunger^ aadwith death, andviiih the beafis of the eart h. (^'^^^ Hebookefealed with fciten Teal es, did the Lambc take ^^^2x out ofthc right hand of the molt high God his Father, ^^^S-^' nonein hcauc,or in earth, or vtxler the earth bcfides hiin alone,being worthic to looke thereon : and now he ope- neth the feals thereof, and fo difclofeth vnto his feruanc Ichn the myfteries contained therein, that he might deli- .ucr thcm'to the Church for the in{iru(5iion and vfe ofall Godsferuants. When he had therefore opened the firft fcale, /<>Aw faith he beheld it, and one of the fourc beaiis , with a mighde and glorious voy cc , eucn as it had bene of thunder , willeth him to come and fee, ^d when he looked, thtrc was a vvhite horfe , and he that fate thereon had a bow, THE REVELATION. 127 bowy /tud a croWKe vVASgtuen vntohiWy und he went forth con^uer'mg^th^t he might oHcrcome. Whatcuciy partofrhis vifion dothreprefcnt & fignific,wc are to confidcrras namely the horfchis colour, he that fate on him^the bo w,thc crowne,and his go- ing forth conqucring,that lie might ouercome* Some do cake ic,thac vnder the fi- gure of thcfc is let forth.how God for the wicked rebellion of the world,wil moft mightily and fpeedily (trikc them with the arroWes of peHilencc, and fo triumph ouer them by a conque(i. But they doubtlcfle are decciued, which fo expound this vi(ion,as the text itfelfc will makecuident.lt is a white horfe,marke that, for the white color in the holy Scriptures doth ncuer figure out that which is doleful, as the pcfhlcnccisa thing veriedolcful:butitreprcfentcchlight,innoccncie,puri- tie,ioy and gladncfic.Againe,as we fliall fcc,here follow fliadowed out vnder the other three horles and their riders horrible iudgcments, which arc executed vpon the world in t\ie difpleafure ofGod,for defpifing his maruellous njcrcic and kind- ncflc oftercd by Chrifi. Among which iudgements the pehilence is not the leaft, Tiiercfore in the opening of the firfi feale,by the white horfe and his rider, by the bow and crovvne,and by the going forth to conquer, is rcprcfcntcd a farre other matter, and that is, the glad tidings ofthcGolpell which the Lord Icfus brought, and whicii he fent abroad by his Apodles and iiiiniHers , and conquered and lub- dacd nations vnder him,and which he willl^ill fend forth to the end of the world# ]n this expoHtionjtaking this figure to reprcfent the going forth ofthc Gofpcl,c- iierie part doth nioft fitly agree, euen by the phrafes ofthc Scriptures : yea, the whole matter of this viflon is framed, as it may fccmc.by the agrecmct ofthefpee- chesoutofthe45 Pial. where the marriage of ChrifHo his Church is figured out by the maiiage of king Sa/omo with the daughter of /^S^r^/ij/j/fnus are the words fee 6o\\V\C, Cjtr il thjf fword vpon thy thigh^o I ho:4 wiohty one ^t he frvord of thy glory And comely beAMttf.ry^nd vi ith thy comply h*atiltfride onprnfhcrouflyfor the bttfi- fjejfe of truth andofmeekc rtghteonfhe(fr,th*ir thy right h.indmay teach thee terrible things. By thyfj^ifpe arrowes m the heart of the k^tgr memtei , the people flia/l fall vndtrthee.ln thefc words ofthc Prophetis fct forch the goodly & glorious con- qucltandvivi^oticofChriltoucrthe nations ofthc world, fubduing them vnder hiii»by the Gofpell, where he ridethtbrth, Hnootcth hisarrowes, and getteth the viclorie . But let vs compare the words in both places together more particularly. In this place the Prophet fpeaking of Chrift, faith, fVith thy comely beauty rtde on profper9HflytO-c.din<\ Saint lohn at the opening of the lirfi fcalc,leeth a white horfc and one luting vpon him,which goeth forth conqucring.If we rcfpcd the colour ofth's horfe which is white,doth it not reprclcnrthc comely. beautic &glorieof Chrift & his Gofpcll?If3ny will obiect that thoPfalmcdoth not fpcake of the co- lout of his horic : I anfwer, that in the 1 9 cluptcr of this booke,'^ff«rr,fo that the number i$ filled vp a^Kre: whtabv wc arc admomn-scd \o lift vp our hcades and to 13^ SERMONS VPON to looke for that bleflcd day .God hath fetthc number and the pcrfons whom he will call vnto martyrdomc,and the times wherein they fhal be called: i^appie^yea tbrife happic and bleffed arc they that be of this number. Let vs not be i'o much affraid to haue our blcudllisdtortheteliimonicofChrift:, ic isflia.pev tothe fljuiroraiicle dme,butyerecin what account chey be with God , ch?t were coiiliinceuen vnto death in theprofeffion of his name. IfwetrufUn our ownc fh-ength we H-iallfalhbut ifyve teelcour weakcnffflej,& trull in God,bc will make VS able to ftand. The opening of the fixt feale followeth ncxt,jn which there be figured out mott fearfull and honibletokensofGods difpleafure vpon the wicked world, and the horror of conicience wherewith all fprts of wofldly men are (iricken and terrified at the beholding of them. There weregrieuous things at the opening ofche fe- cond^thirdjand fourth feales:bu: now after the crie of the martyrs for vengeance, though the full vengeance be not executed , yet the Lord doth declare his wrath further , euen in a wonderfuU maner, and as it were with the alloniiliment of all creatures. So horrible a thing before God is the fauagc cruelty in fheddingthe bloud of true Chriftians^and lo much is he moued at thccry of their bioud:for the terrible things which now follow are vpon their crie for vengeance, Let vs fee the things. Firft,thcre was a great earihquakc.Then,the Sunneis darkened,& be- commeth asblackc as an hairc-cloath.The Mooneis turned into bloud« The liars fall,euenasafigge-tree cafiethhcr greene figgeswhenit is fliakenofa mightie wind. Heauen deparieth away as a fcrolc that is rolled , and euerie mountaine Sc He are remoued out of their places. This is it which Saint /Vf^r, A(51.2.did allcagc out of the Prophet foe/ : // {ToAllhe in the Uji dajcs^ faith GoA, I vztllporvn out of mjfpirit vpon alljlfjh ^ andyourja^j utK^ljour dat^i^hters p^allfrophedctjoptrj/ouKg men (hall fee vi[ions,yoitr old men jhaH ^reame arear/ies,0-c. And I vvtllgiue fignes mheauenaboue^ andtoktns tn earth beneuthyl^lohdy and fire ^ and the vapour of fhtoke: the StinpJaill be turned mto dark^cjfcy and the Alocne into bloud^ hcfore that great and not able day of the Lord come fY\\^iz fignes in heauen aboue,and tokctfs in earth bcneath,are fignes and tokens ofGods heauy diipleafure: for as his kind- nelTe cxcecdetb in the Gofpell,in powring forth the greatelt gifts and graces of his fpirit : fo is his indignation the more increafed, that luch mercies are not only defpifed and hated , but that aifo all cruekie is fliewed vnto thofe that embrace them.We reade of niightic fliakings and earthquakes in old time, by which many cities wereouerthtovvne: wcreadeofluch tumults, commotions, and Icditions among the n3tions,as if all were on fire,& turned into bloud.Moreouer,wc reade offuchconfufion,fuch feds and hercfies, that worldly incnhaue aj fcnfibly per- ceiued the wrath and difpleafiire ofGod,as if the Sunnc it felf were darkened, the Moone turned into bloud, and the fiarres fliould fall:yea,as if there were fuch an horrible concullion.as that the hcauens fhould depart,and the mountaincs 5: lies be remoued out of their places. We do not reade that the Sunne, the Moone, or the ftarres indeed, or the heauens,the mountains or lies were thus;but he that fhal rcadcthe hiltoricsand records of ancient writers, and fee the Jflatcol the world for THE /REVELATION. 13^ for twcIuCjOrthirtcenc, or foiirtccnc hundred ycarcspaft,in the times, and imme- diatlyartcrthe times ot'chofc ciucll bloudic llaughtcrsofChrifts martyrs,mufl: needs confcfle that God did wonderfully , yea fo wonderfully declare his wrath from heauen,as if thefe things fpoken of the Sunne , the Moonc & the ftarres,had bene vifibly reperefenced^to the eye. Tltofe ancient rimes were v;ondcrfull gvie- uousand lamentable to behold. And if we come downewardvnro later times ,in which the Poperie began to grovv& vvasfctvp(hoAfocucrthe Papifts fpeakeof a golden world) we Hiail readc ofluch terrible fiL^nes and tokens of Gods anger, as chelike haueneuer bene heard of For as hcrclies, fuperlhcion, idolarrie, and mens inuenticnj increafcd and bare fwayiothc defacing of the Gofpel,& of the pure woifliipofGod: and as hatred and enmiticinc»-eafeda^;ain!l Gods trucfer- uants , to the perfecuting and rooting of them out : Co God increaled his plagues andheauie iudgemcntsvpon the world. Great commotions, great bloudflieds, great peftilences, great famincs,yca great miferiesofall forts did euer anon ouer- fpread. Idon^tmiQikc, in thcfe tokens and figaesol Gods wrath in the earth- quakes, daikcnmg of the Sunne, turnitigtheMoone intobloud ,andthe ftarrcs fallingfron)henicnthchc.iu. ns departing away, the moiintaincsand lies remo- ulngjthacvveailo take a mvlHcallexpolnion. As by the carthquakcs^as our Sa- uiour,Mach.?4.forefhcwcd,therc fliould be famines, pc(hlenccs,and earthquakes in all places) we may take it, were flic wed the fliakings of the people, the chan- ges and alterations of kingdomes,ftates and religions. For the alterations were niarucllousin manic kingdomes. There werctuniulrs and comii)otions,and hi- deous broylc:. in a!l countries'. There haue beneflaughters , and turning all into bloud,when tyrants haiic pcrfecuted.The niinifleris ofthe Gofpell haue fallen and dropped downc from hcaacn,cuen fromchcir hcauenly lightjand other fuch grie- uous things. ' ' Now followeth thceftci't ofthcfe fignes in the heartsofdie prophanc woildly men of all degrees. All arc tcrrtficd, ayki that grieijoiiilv at the beholding ot thefe things. For he faithjT':/'^ ktnfr^s of th-f Mrthyt he great m^>y,i^yit!l.vh-' nJomen^ eueris hondm^'M, Afici (uer.yjrse man htdthimfsluesm cJen^rs^tld'i timefifr the raiksfiftfje' njoft»t(iin(rt,l\ icoir\pany of wicked lubicvihwcrc comnVirtlrf:; One wicked ta(5^$ to the diflionour and dammage ofthe king, and the king cor.Tmeth forrhto lookc vpon them, and tcHifieth his anger, they fcactcr ind runnrco hide themfclues: fo the Lordflicv\ing himfelfe from heaucii, with frarcfull f^gix?s of his difplea- fureat the eric of his martyrs , and fcr thed;3l^nour oftered toliisrwrrtc', the wic- ked enemies arc not able to abide his lookc,but fcactciJ e^ici \*i wayjanc hidethcm- fclues : they dcipilcd him before, when he fcemcdtotc ablenc and to kecpe fi- Icnce.They made a mockeof his Gofpell, and of his lonnc : they trodedowne his poorc fcruants. Now when hcfliewcth by terrible figncsrhat he bcholdcth them and is angric , they know not which way to turncthem. Death is a fcarefull thing, but not fofearfullas his prcfcncc : atid therefore they feckc foinc comfort if it might b: that way, willhing that the mouncaincs and rockcs might fall vpon them I40 SERMONS VPON thcm,and hide them from his prcfcncc. For they confeflc by thofc figncs, that the day of his wrath is comc,and that none can abide it. It maybefaid, when was this fulfilledPwhen do we rcadc that there was fuch a Tcare among men? We mult vnderftand that thefe things (hewed in vihon, were not fo fulfilled to the bodily cye,butthe holy Gholi vndcr thefe figures, doth fhew into what terrour of con- fciencc all the wicked enemies haue bene cafiinto^at the beholdingthc fignes and tokens ofGods difpleafure,and being priuic&remembriug all the iniuries and contempt fhewed againfi the Lord lefus and his Church.l hey do not repent:for an vngodly man commingto faith and repentance, fhiinnethnot the prefence of God,though he hauc griuoufly finned: but thefe defire they may not come into the fight ofGod and of the Lambe. They delighted thenifelues in their vngodly wayes,and now they perceiuc that God is offcndcd,for they gather it by his grie- uous plagues and fearefull fignes,they fee they muff come to iudgement,and that doth torment and trouble them. How great thinkc ye were the troubles and to- kens of wrath,when the vcrie tyrants are made to feele and confcfle, and that with (uch inward trouble andfeare, that Chrift is difpleafedfor the iniuries which they haue done vnto him ? They that reade ancient hifiories (hall find , that when the hand of God hath bene vpon them jorne ofthemoft cruell haue bene eu en forced to vtter,that it was for tormenting the poorc Chrift ians. And lookc vpon men at this day,aQdmarke the mort wicked and defperate delpifers and blafphemers of the truth,andifthcre fall out any fearefull figne,that God feemeth to come neare in difpleafurc,yc fliall fee them quake and perplexed for the time,in fuch fort that they cannot tell where to become. Their minds do as it were feeke darke dennes to hide thcmfelues in. Why is a Lambe then fo terrible ? He is a Lambe indeed e- uerie way to his chofcn, but moi\ terrible to all thefe w hich opprefle his chofcn. They bedeare vntohim,yea fodeare, that his wrath is kindled againft all that hate them. We may fee by this place.that wicked and prophane mockers and defpi- fers of the Gofpell,though they carie fmooth faces , are made oftentimes to fccle that which they would willingly be rid of. And let vs learne to kiffe the fonne (as the Prophet wdleth, Pdl.z.) leafihebeangrie. Let vs embrace with all gladnefle his truth : let vs obey him,and loue his people : and then what troubles and com- motions, and fearefull tokens foe uer fall out, we fhali haue inward peace and comfort. Yea,when death commeth we fhall hauc ioy , and be nothing terrified attheiudgement feat nor feare the ludge : but we fliall willingly endure to come into his prcfcncc.O what a treafure is this,and now in our life time to be fought for. Lord gtuevs wifdomcfor to doitAmen« THE THE REVELATION. Mt THE XV. SERMON. CHAP. 7. . And after that Ifatvfoure i^ngelsflAfiAon thefeure earners of the earth, ha/- Mnj^ thefoftre winds of the earthy that the vvrndsfhouid not if low on the earth fietther en the Je a, neither on ante tree, . Andl faw another Angellcomevpfromthe Baft, which hadthe feale of theft- mng God,and hecnedvvith aioudvoycetothefoure Angels yto whom power VfAsgiuento hurt the earth andthefeayfayingi . Hurt je not the earth, neither thefea, neither the trees ^ tillwe hauefealedths feruants of Qodin their foreheads. , ^nd I heardthe number of them that werefealed, andtherevvere feaUdan 'hundfeth andfoure and forty thoufandofallthe tribes oflfraell. Of the tribe ofluda were feaied twelne thoufand. Of the tribe of Reuben were fealedtweluethoufarj. Of the tribe ofGadwere fealedtwelue thoufand. Of the tribe of A/er werefealedtwelue thoufand.Ofthe tribe afNephthali were fealtd trveiue thoufand. Oft he tribe of (JH^naffes werefea/ed twelue thou- fand. Of the tribe of Simeon were fealed twelue thoufand. Of the tribe of Leui were fealed twelue thoufand. Of the tribe of l^achar were fealedtwelue thoufand. Of the tribe ofZabnlon were fealed twelue thoufand. Of the tribe of I ofeph were fealed twelue thoufand. Of the tribe ofBeniamin were fealedtw clue thoufand. After the fe things I beheld,anA lo,a great multitude, which no man could num- ber y of a/I nations , and kindreds, and people , and tongues, flood before the throne f and before the Lambe.cloathedwith long white robes , andpalmes in their hands. N the times ofthc opening the former fcales,vnder the perfccu- ting Empcrours, there were thoufands, yea thoufand thoufands cruelly murthcred for the Golpell , as it was noted before in the fixt chapter. Tiiey were iudgcdof thehcathcpeoplc,tobe fovilc and fo wicked, that lookewhatfocucrftrange plagues fell out in the world,thcy were faid to be the caufc of the famc,and fothey were put to death with cxecration.as tilings moft detertabIe.Moreoiicr,God fee- mcd to hauc fmall care of them, when he fuffcred them to be tormented and kil- led : wherfore leaft this iright trouble the minds of the godly ,or Icaatliey Hiold wane 141 SERMONS VPON Want amr cncouragcn)cnt or hartning to ftand boldiv in thetruth , in the opening of the fift fealCjthc roulesof thofc fo murthcrcd,are (newed to hhn in vifion to be inbleflbdeftate; & morcouer,thcre is rcuealed,that horrible vengeance doth re - raaineforthofe which had fo cruelly fhed their bloud. And further , as we hauc {cenc,after the crie ofthofe martyrs for reuenge of their bloud , in the opening of the fixt feale, the Lord God isfo highly dirplcafed,and his anger fo iuftly kindled for this vile contumely fliewed againft his Sonne , and againfi his faithful! mem- bers.that he manifcftly (heweth the fignes and tokens of his wrath in the heauens and in the earth, with fuch Hiakings , fuch darknefle, fuch horror and confufions, that all the prophane aduerfaries are maruelloufly terrified. Mort horrible was the Ibteofthe world at that time. Now it might be faid, thefefoulcsofthe martyrs arefafe,which are the Church triumphant,they be arriued vpon the haucn of fe- curitie,the waues and tcmpcfts cannot come nigh them:but now what ILall be- come of the Church militantjthc Church in carth^being in the confufed gulfcjand tofledinthedarknefle, in the time of the commotions and fearfull fignes here fpoken of? Yea.whenheaucn and earth fceme to be mingled together with futh confufed darknefJe, and when all things come to pafle which are (hewed at the opening of the fixt feale,and many more at the opening of the feucnth , which la- fteth to the end of the world ; it may be faid, what fhall become of them ? This doubt is anfwered, that the Lord Icfus doth fo prouide for , and fo preferue his chofen in rhemiddeft of all thefe horrible things,thac not fo much as one ofthem doth mifcarrie. To declare fc muchto the fingular confolation o( all the faithful], here is fet do wne in this chapter, which is placed betwcene the opening of the fixt feale and the feuenth,ho w lohn in vifion fa w thefe faithfull in earth fcalcd, and fct in rafetic,euenagreat & an infinit numbcr,hc heard the praife which they giue to Godj&hadfhewcdvntohimtheirhappieeflatc with ChiiiiSothen the Church in carthjthough in great afl:aults,euc in the time of Antichrift, is as fafeas the mar- tyrs inlieauen. And this fame did the Prophet Ice/zMo in a word cxprcfle,as Saint *Prr^rdothalfoalleage it, A6t. 2. for hauing told, thatthere{l:iould be fignes in heauenaboue,andtokcns in earth beneath, bloud, and fire, andthevapcur of fmoke, and that the Sunne fhould be turned into darknelle, and the Moone into bloud,&c.he zd^oxhylt jlaH come to pa([e,that vvhafoeuerjhalcallon the name of the Lord fhall ^(pySr/y*-^. Let the heauens and the earth be mingled, let darknefle, horrour and confufion be neucr fo great, blefied be the high prouidence , there (hall not one of Gods feruants periili. But let vs come to the words as they lie; that he feerhj^^r^ Angels (ianAmg vpon thefottre corners of the earthy&c.lt may be demaunded,whctlier they were good or euill Angels: for there be good Angels.and there bctuiJl Angcls:and we may find in the holy fcriptures,that God hath executed his iudgemets or plagues ypon wicked men,as well by hisheauenly ministers and holy Angels , as by infcr- nall fpirits the malignant wicked diuels. I take it out of doubt that thefe were vn- cleanefpirits,cucndiuelsofhcll, thefe fourc Angels here fpoken of : bccaufcihc plagues wh^ic with they are to hurt,are chiefly fpiritual,as we ihall fec,and fuch as die THE REVELATION. r.-j the diiicls do execute. That they ftand vpon the foure comers of the earth, it H .c- vvcth that they hauc power giuen the to plague vniuerfally ouer the whole world, and not in feme one cou ntrcy_,or in fome few places.For vnder Eaft,Weft,North, and Southjthc foure corners,or the foure quarters, the whole world is included. That ihey hold the foure v^inds, the quefiion is whether ihey hold them backefro doing harme,vntill their power be giucn to Ioofethc,or whether they haue power to hurt by holding them baclc.Ccrtainc it is, that the winds fometirae when they blow ouer loudjdo much hurt both by fca and by land. For they drowne fliippes, and ouerthrovv houfcs and trees: but yet tiie windes cannot be fparcd , they be fo wholefomc, and Pood for all things that line and grow.VVherefore I take it out of doubc.that thcfc foure Angels holding the foure winds that they fhould not blow vpon the earthjvpon the fca, nor vpon any tree, do it to hurtjaccording to the po- wer which was giuen vnto them. God is angrie and giueth them power, and they arercadie. Then let \Srfec what is reprefented by holding the windes from blow- ing. No doubt here is a fpiricuall plague reprefented, bccaufehere isfuch a fpeciall prouifo and care fliewedfor the Church, for her fafe keeping from fpirituall dan- gers. The fcruants ot God hauc their part in outward calamities , but that fealing ofthem which is here fpokcn of, fetteih them fafe fron) fpirituall infcdion,fo farre as to be ouerthrownc thereby . The blowing ofthe winds , do fitly reprefcntthc preaching of the Gofpcll, and that hcaucnlyinfpirac ion and breathing of the holy Ghoft which goeth with i:. Then on the contraric che holding of the winds, is the flopping of the courfe of the Gofpell , and fo the kcepingbackc ofthat heauenly grace. And leaft any (hold takethis to be but mans comcdure,vnderflandthat the Scripture it felft vleth this fimilirude,as wc may rende in the 4 chapter ofthe fong ofSa/ofTfOM, where theCfmrch fpeakcth thus : Ariic 6 North wind, and come 6 South windjblo w vpon my garden , and the fpiccs thereof Oiall flow, &c . What can be meant by thcie winds which ihc willicth to blov; vpon her garden,but the heauenly breathings of Godsholy fpirit and word? Will any deny this ? Then the holding of the toure windes reprefenccth the great and <^enerall plague of all plagues, euenthe Hopping of ibis whoicfomc breath through the world. That whichGodlciid: / m/i'powre outofrnj ^irif zpon a/ifie(h, is the highef^ blefling ▼nder hcautn; for the fpirit giueth life. But the world is eucr fo ynthankfull,& doth fet fo light by heauenly bicilings, doth fo hate iheiruth, & perfecute thofe which loue it . that God is highly offjndedj&i giueth power to the diucls to flay the Gof- pcll, & lo to bring in darknefle, and famine, and deHrudlion vpon all nations . Lay all the things then together which I haue noted^that the power giuentothcfc An- gels to hurt the earth is fpirituall, becaufc here IS luch fpeciall prouifion to fet the Church and all her children-nlafctie^fcalcd with the fcale of God. and bccaufe the brcathinoofthc windes in the Scripture doth refemble that heauenly infpiration ofGodslpirit, Avhich with the preaching of tlic liuely word blowcih vpon the Church: and morcouer that it is held backe from all the foure cornersofthc earth; and ye fee that there fliould cornea time when the Ciofpcl fliouldas it were ccafe, audnotbepublilhcd freely and openly in any countrcy of the worJd. Surely this bath i44 SERMONS VPON hath bene fulfilled many ycarcs together in the time of the tyrannic of the great Antichrift the Pope of Rome, which threw downe Gods worfhip, an/;/»theB3pti(tfaydofhim , He (h^WBaptiKjejee rvtth the holy Ghofi and vfttb fire} This fcaling vp oftheftruantsofGod in their foreheads, fay the Papiftsof Rhemcs , is an allufion to thefigne of the erode, which the faithfull beare In their forehcads,to Ibew they be not afliamcd of Chrift.I anfwer,that this is bucfriuolous , as any man may fee, yea a child may fee , if he confider that the fcale here fpoken of is the proper hgne ofGods ele(^ , by which they are fcuered and difcerned from all the reprobate, and by which they ftand fafc from all fpiri- tuali perils.No reprobate is figned with this leale, but many a reprobate is figned with the figne of the crolTc . And then feeing the fignc of the crofle is common to hypocrites, how can that be an allufion to it which fcu'crech the true feruants of God from all other ? But rhefe Papifts would blind the fimple people with any (hew. Surely they care not what groflenefle other men do efpy in thcm,fo the fu- perftitious and idolatrous fort may be kept blind, and haue them (till in admira- tion. This mighty Angell crieth with a loude voyce to the foure Angels , to whom power was giuen to hurt the earth,and the fea/aying •• hurt not the earth, nor the fea, nor the trces,vntill we haue Icaled the feruants of God in their forehcads.Thc Lord lefus hath all power in heaucrn and in earth giuen vnto liim.He hath the key c$ of death and of hell. He commandeth with authority the very diuels . And when power is giuen them for to hurt(as they haue no power, but as it is giuen them ) ic is rcftrained and limited, and fo farre,that they cannot plucke out ofChrifts hand, nor hurt fo much as one of his chofen. He fealeth them vp,and fetteth them h(c» If it were po(rible(ashe raith,Matth.24.)theele6l (hould be dcceiucd: butblcffed be his holy name, which hath made it impoflible. And further weare here to note, that thefe Angels cannot hurt the earth, & the fea,that is,not euen the worldlings, & reprobate jVntiil Gods feruants befctfree out ofdanger . Great is thekindnefli: of our Lord towards his redeemed. Z, 9 f made petition and kite to the Angels that lie might haue a city to flie vnto, and the fame being graunted , they willhimto makchafte thither,faying,that they could do nothing vntill he came thither . VVc rcade alfo , that when the Lord would dcftroy lerulalcm for ail the wicked abo- minations therein comniitted,hc (lie wed to the Prophet in a vifion, thedeftroyers commingltwrth with their weapons todcliroy : alfo a man girded in a linncn garment which went through as he was willed, and marked all thofc in their fore- head which mourned and cried out for the abominations there committed .-and the dcftroyers were to follow him,& not to touch any that was marked. Ezech.57. They could not dcfiroy thewicked,vnullihe godly were markedwid fer free. Let vs then be well aflured , that in the middeft of all Sathans deceits ,and in the very prime of Antichrilh tyranny , andofallmifchiefesandconfufionSjthofe fliallall Hand fafc which call vpon the name of the Lord; cucn all that call vpon him, as L the 14^ SERMONS VPON the Prophet fayth, in truth : for they be all fcaled in their foreheads with the fealc t>fthcliuingGod. Hcrcisthenthcwifcdoniejthepowcr,andprouidcnccofGod highly fee foorth and glorified, that draweth out cucry one of his fcruants out of this fwclling and raging gulfc, fo full of darkcncflc and ftormes , fo that no one of them doth mifcariie. The diuels and the tyrants do euen as it were throw wild fire , feckingtoconfumc,toouerwhcImcand todrownethem, butallin vainc, through the goodnelVe of God . Butwhyisitfayd that the fcruants of God are fealcd in their foreheads ? If the holy fpirit of proniifc, euen the fpirit ofadoption, be the feale,wherewith they be fealed,he is fct to in the hart,and not vpon the forc- head.To anfwer this, we muft here confider that in fpirituall things the holy Scrip- tures do fpeake as of corporall , applying all to our capacity . The fpirit.ihe foule, or the heart of man,hath no forehcad,as we fee in the head of the body , but yet is fay d to receiue the markc or print of this feale in the forehead , becaufe it doth o - penly appeare.And further we muii note, that it appearcth not onely to God and bis Angelsjbut alfo vnto men. .If ye will demaund, how doth this fealc appeare to men? I anfwer, that a man cannot carry fire in hisbofomc, and no heate appeare. In like manner , a man cannot be fealcd with the holy Ghoft, and carry it fo clofc jn his heart , but that it will appeare in the outward conuerfation and bchauiour and profeflfion . The good workcs, euen the fruites of the fpirit will fhc w them- IclueSjWith the witnelling of the triicth. Such as vvalke in euill workes,or make no profcflionofthc holy Gofpcll, fay what they will , there can be no print of this feale fccne in their foreheads. If v;e be fealcd, let vs declare our loue and zealc to the Gofpell,and our good deedes,and workes of mercy to our brethren tlvit be in diftreflc. Now foUoweth the number of the fcruants of God which arc fealcd : / heard thenumher of them that were fetiledy andthere were fealed an hundred ^ andfoure andfortte thoH/attdefal! the tribes of IfraeL The Church confiftethoflewcsand Gentiles : the levves had the prcrogatiuc to be before the Gentiles, and therefore hebeginneth firii with them.The Gofpell is the power of God to faluation ,to e- uery one that bclccucth,to the lew firf i,and then to the Grccian^Rom. i .verfe. 1 6. They are called the naturall branches,Rom.i i. Andfti the fame Chapter S.Paule difputcth,and flicweth that God hath his remnant (till among thcm.Somc of them be now and then in one country or other conuerted to Chri(i:but this great num- ber vnder the opening ofthe fixt and feaucnth fealc,do import a more gencrall cal- ling of the nation of the Iewes(if they may rightly be called a nation,being fo fcat- tcred among the nations ) which thing alfo Sam Paule fccmcth to prophecic of, Rom. 1 1 .T he number ofGods eled among them now in thefe latter dayes,is fct do wne to be an hundrcth and foure and fortic thoufand.Not that we arc to take it fo as that there arc iuft fo many, neither more nor lefle : but this number doth arife oftwelue times ;welue ; in that he fayth of euery tribe twelue thoufand . Which we are not alfo fo to vnderftand,as that there fliold be of cucry tribe an equal nu » ber, not moc, nor Icfleofone then ofanothcr: but this number of twelue is vfcd a^ thcperfed^ and full number,in as much as the Churchof the Icwcs was founded vpon THE REVELATION. i4>r vpon n^cluc Patr'urks, thetwelue Connctofltteo^. Vnto which our Sauiour liati rcfpcdt, when for to gather the difpcrfcd and loft fhccpc of the houfc of Ifrael, he chbfc twcluc Apoftles . /ohf$ heard the tribes feucraliy reckoned vp, and of cuery one fealcd twcluc thoufand.Then God hath not^'as S. Pau/ faith jcaft ofFhis peo- ple which he hadchofen : he hath a remrvant among them through the cledion of grace, which he relpCoteth, and fhcwcth by this particular rchearfall. But how is ir, that here are twclue tribes,arid yet feme left out? InAtOj^r we readethat /rf- coif had but twelue fonnes, and yet there are twcluc tribes to whomc the land of Canaan is dcuidcd,befidcs the tribe of Zl*flr/,which had no feucrall inheritance of a tribe slotted. Thus it came to paflc, theclde(i wastohauethcprciogaciue of the firft borne, both touching the principalif ie for Chrift the king to come ot him, & alfo to haue a double portion of the land . Reuhen was the eldeft, but he commit- ted incelt with oneot his fathers wiues, and fo was ca(t downc from this dignitie, Gcn.49.vcrf.5.4. Simeon was the next, and then Z^««,they are both dcpriucd of it for their cruell fad in killing the Sichemites , bccaufc their filler D$m$ was de- floured, lehuda he was the fourth,he preuailed and obtained the principalitie,and fo lAcoh fettcth hira forth in the fame chapter. Thy brethren (hall praifcthec, thy hand fhall be in the necke of thine enemies , thy fathers fonnes fhall bow to thee. It is manifcft,as it is faid in the Epiftlc to the Hcbrues,that our Lord fprong of /«- evnto our Cjod for €Hermore,es wbitein th bloud of the Lamhe , What is meant by thcfe J«?pg white robes? The innocencie,the holinefTe, the puri- tie and glorie, in which they iiand doathcd before the moft high God. They may not THE REVELATION. 155 not be naked, neither muft they conic in filthie garments , that fhall dwell in his prefencc.But whence haue they this pureneflc?ho\v comethey to be thus royally ciothcdPhow come they to fliine thus in gloric, and to be of this fhining & pure brightnefl'e ? It is told here, tha: they hauewafhedchcir robes, and niadc them white in the b'oiid of the Lambe. All ^<:jfrf«i/ children arc vncleane and moll fil- thie to behold : but thefe arc come to a fountainc and hauc wafiicd thcmfelues, and made them c!eane,othcrwifc they fhonld haue bene caft forth with the reft. This fountainc is the bloudofthe Lambe /or that dotli cicanfe from all finne.Hcre is the workc of faith , here is our iuftification , here is the treafurc of the Church. But how can the wafliingin bloud make a thing white ? Indeed bloud doth make red, but the bloud ofthe Lambe , becaufe it clcanfeth and maketh righte- ous and innocent, is faid to make white. The Papilis vaunt much of the indulgen- ces and pardons giuen by the Pope to take away finnc : they fay he hath the dif- pofing ofthe Church tteafures , the merites ofthe bloud of Martyrs : they glory of a righteoufneflc inherent in mens owne workcs,and they haue deulfed a num- ber of things to purge away linne, ycafome they fend vnto the fire of Purgatoric. None of all this hcauenly company haue lighp into their hands : tor here is no mention of anie thing wherewith they haue bene wafhedjbut only in the bloud ofthe Lambe. Againcjif their righteoufncffc and innocency were inheret,fticking in them astheirowne,cucnby the meritc of their owne workes.how fhoulditbc compared toa robe that is put vpon one? Thatwhich we haue not '^f our owne but by imputation, as the rightcoufncfle of Chrift through faith. t'lai. is fitly refem- bled by a garment, yea by a large and goodly garment put vpon vs. Bcloued,the bloud ofthe Lambe,his mcrits,his righteoufncffc, Isis innoceacic, are fufificientto cloath vs in the prcfcnce of God : let vs ftedfartly bcleeue and truft to the fame, let vs feeke to be wafhed and fandified in him : and let the Popifh fort ulcne with their pard«ns,thcir Purgatoric fire, and all their other wares which they fell for money. Such as will haue faluation among them, mull buy it vvidi iheirfiluer. Let them kcepc their markets by thcmfclues,and let vs wafli vs only in the bloud ofthe Lambe.Renounce thofc uinking inucntions of Antich: i't , v. hich derogate from the glorie of Chnlls paffion. Ifany thing can purge but his bloud,furely the thcpurging by his bloud is of no exceedinc; glorie : forthatis but meane which hath fuch companions.Moreoucr.by this purity through th^: bloud of Chrift, the faithfull are reconciled and brought into fauor with God,hc rcceiucth them into hisprefencCjCUcn into the orcfcnccot his glorie, to dwell with iiim, tofcruehim, and to be partakers of his t;lorie,to be vnder his pro.eihon from all haunes, & to liuc blefledly in loycs for cucr.For it followcdi, Therefore they are in the prefer}C0 cf the throne cfG odyiind ferne himdiiy andnight in hiitemp/e y andhethat fitteth vpoK the throne willdvpellamon'r th;m. O how great a dignitic is this, vnto which our blcffed Sauiour hath aduaunccd vs? Let vs thankfully receiue it,lct vs long to come to ir,lctvs lift vp our hearts from this miferableworld.Wcftiail dwell with the great king of glorie : in what honour and blillc Hiail vvc be then ? what fl^all be able to hurt vs anie mote? Indeed while the children of God iiuc vpon the carch> 154 ^ - S H RM O'H'S V P N earth, they be toflcd and turmoylcd With many miferics.They be pcrrccutcd,thcy be driuen out of their countrey,chcy bcimprifoned, they bcpoore, they bedefti- tute,thcy be hungry, they bechirflie,they fufFcr heate, & coId,& wearincfle; tlicy be ficke, they be fubieit to a thoufand mifchiefes and dangers:but now they fhall be rid from all raiferies and encombrances.For he {oilthiThejJha/^hfiKger no morpy tmtherthtrflany more^ wither Jhali the Snn liqht on them , neither any heate. By thcfe are vndernood all calamities and oppreHionSjand miferics,which we endure while we be here; noconcly inbodie, butalfoinfoiiie. Men feeke eucry way to hurt vSjin our bodies,in our goods,in our names,and in our liues. Tlic diucll he af- faulteth, he temptcth, he terrifieth, he raifeih all that he can againft vs. The Lord corre6leth, fcourgeth and chaftcneth, as a father doth nurture his children, that they may reucrence him, and ftand in awe. What forrowes, whatfighes, what groneSjwhat mournings;, and what tearcs do arife from hence, who is able to ex- prefle? How often do thefe things come one in the necke of another, euen as the wauesofthefcawhcnitistoflcd with mightie windcs ? How terrible vntoflcili and bloud is death it fclfe, which we are all Ui re we muft come vnto? And where is the comfort, but onely in this, that after alitle time,euen of triall ofour faith and patience,our graciousCod will rid vs of them all? that he will bring vs out of this troublefome fea, vnto the hauen of rell ? Seeing it is thus, let vs not faint, but take courage and be llrongto bearc ail aduerfities. All the elc(^^ofGod cemeoutof great affli6tion, Wny fliould we no: remember this, and not be cart downc in our temptations, as it it were ourcafcalone,orasifGod hadforfaken vs? If we endure and fuffer affliction as good fouldiers ofCiirift, we fhall Hand before the throne of God ere it belong, with pahries in our hands , and clothed in long white robes ofdignitieand glorie. For ourtimc oftriall,our time of pilgrimage is but for a few daies: if we be pinched with pouertie,if wefuffer hunger aud thirft,or be any way in diflreffe , God will put an end fpcedily , We fhall be with the Lambe , euen with that blefTed Lambe ofGod which taketh away jthc fimies of the world. The Lambe fhail be our lliepheard, and Hiall guide, and feed vs with all good things: for he fayth : The Lambe which is tn the middefi of the throne fi.'All gouerr.e theWy and ^laUleude them vnto the line ly fount aines of waters . Can a Lambe then be a fhepheard? Yea^fucha Lambe as this, for he is in the middeft of the throne. He is a Lambcto the flacke, but yet fo full of all might and power, that he is a moll vi- i^orious Lion vnto all the Wolues and deuouring hearts . The Prophet 1)a»idy Pial. 2^.proclaimethti)e Lord to be his fhepheard , and therefore he fliall lacke nothing. Hclodgeth him lafe in the folds or cotes, where there is plentie of grcene pafture. He leadcth him vnto the pleafant rtreames of rtill waters , both to coole heate, and to quench thir/i,and other duties he fetteth forth of a fliephcard. They be all included in this, that the Lambe fliall gouerne them , and leacie them to the fountaines of lining waters.The Lambe then bringcth vs vnto God,& the Lan^bc fcedcth vs when we be there with all hcauenly and fpirituall daintiej.He is rich/or it hath plcafed the Father,that in him all fulnefle fliould dwell, Col.i .How fliold they hunger, hoyv ibold they thirft any more, or how ftiould any eiiill come nigh them. THE REVELATION. 155 them, vrhonihe doth guicle,and whom he Icadeth to the waters ofIirc?WcI, and bleflcd , and a thoufand,and ten thoufand times blcflcd is he that is a Qicepe in this flockc : he fhalldnnke his fill of the waters oflifc.But what are thefe waters of life, orliuing watcrsjwhcreoftheftrcamcs do run continually /Our Sauiour (arth, He that helteuethinme,as faith the Script nre^ out ofhisbellj (haflflowripiersofvf4iter of/tfe.Th\s (faiththc Euangclilt j fpakc he of the fpirit, which they that belceucd in him lliould receiue : for thp (piritWas not jrct gm^en, becalifc Icfus was not yet glorified, Ion. y.vcr.^ 8. 3 p.VVe fliall then Hue by the fpirit, the life of God fliall be in vs ; we fhall be filled with ioy qnd comfort vnfpeakcable : wcfhail be in ho- nour and glorie for eucrmore.All our miferies,traucls,and forowes which we en- dure in this world, fhall be quite forgotten and varirfh away :for hefaith,(7(?^ fjoti Wipe away alltearesfrothttr eyes,\\. there were no teares in their eyes while they be here , yea if there were not many and plcntifuU fas the Prophet faith, Thott gittefl thy people pleKtie of teares to alnn^^znd as the Prophet *Z><«Wfaith,he wa- tered his bcd,and made his couch to fwimme with tearcsj it fliould not be faid, Cotifba/l vvfpear*ay al/ teares from their eyes Ji'hcy be great forrowes and griefes that do caulc men to weep and lament:yea fuch valiant men as D^j^ie/was.Think rot then while ye be here to liue in delicacic and pleafurcs oftheflefh, and yet to come to the heauenly ioyes. No,remember what Chrift faith, "B/eJfedareje that vveep KotVyJbrye pjallau^hy Luke 6.1 1 . Anci vvo be vnto ye whtch laugh how, for ye JhuU lament andvveepe,LukQ 6.25. It is much better to wcepchere inatfliditions foralitlciimc, and torcioyce for euermore in the world to come, with ioy vn- fpeakcable and glorious,thcn to hauc delight in the pleafures of linnes for a fea-? fon , and afterward to mournc for euer in the torments of hell. Thus hauc we fecucjthat not onlie the Martyrs which be of the Church triumphantarc in fafcty, but alfo the Church militant in earth.They arc gone befbre,kcpt by the power of God in the time that they continued in the battell : the fame power ofthe Lord fliall keepcvs,and we fhall follow andbeioyncd with them. Theytrufiedinthc Lord,and he did not tailc thcfh : let v§ truft con(lantIy,and continue fairhfull eucn vnto the death,and we fliall find him the fame vnto vs that lie was vnto tbcm.For hath he not made the fame promifc, and doth he not loue his people as well now as he did then ? For fliall we thinke that he is changeable ? or that he will noc.re- gard thofc that truH in him ? he is the fliephcrd oucr the vvhole flyj.kc,vvhich fliall be eucn to the worlds end. And feeing we be now in excccdinj^ ^cac dangers in thefe eu ill day es ('as the lafl times are pcrillousj aflure your fclucs I^chathafpc- ciall care oucr vs. O how mifcrablc and wretched are they wliif h defpifc , ; fuch a fhcphcard , and will not be fed by him I Let vs dayly vponourknccsinflantly beg ofGod, that vvc nf- ucr come to be ot that numbcrof fuch , \ , dcfpifcrs. And thus much ^ THE 1^6 SERMONS VPON THE XVII. SERMON. >GHAP. 8. i» tAndwhen he hdd opened the fenenth fe/ile , therevvMpUnce in henuen tihont hulfe An houre, 2. And Ifaxp thefeueH Angels whkh^9oii before Cjod^ and to them Were giuen feuen trumpets. 3, Then another tyingeUcame and flood before the altar , hauing a golden cenfer^ dndmuch odours was giuen vnto him , that be fhonld^offer with the prayers of aB Saints vpon thegclden altar which is before the throne, 4« And the fmoke of the odours ^ vvtth the prayers of the Saints , went vp before God out oft he Angels hand. y. And the Angelltooke the confer ^and filled it with fire of the altar^andcafi it in' to the earth jand there were vojces^andthun^erings^and light entngs^and earths ^itakes. 6, Then the feuen Angels which had the feuen trumpets, prepared themfelues to blow the trumjxts, 7. So thefirfi iyingeShlew the trumpet , andthere was haile and bloud mingled With Hre^ and they werecafi into the earth , and the thirdpart of trees was burnt ^and all greene gra^e was burnt. S. And tbefecond ^ngell blew the trumpet ^ and as it Were agreat mountaine burning with fire wascajl into thefea , andt%e thirdpart of thefea became fifoud, p. And the thirdpart of the creatures which were in thefea and had life ^dsedy <$* the thirdpart of the Psips were defiroyed, 10. Thenthe third Angellblew the trumpet ^and there fell a great flarre from hea- uenjburning like a torch, and tt fell into the thirdpart of the rtuers, and into the fount aines of waters. i 1. 9y4nd the name oftheflarre is calledWormewoodytherfore the thirdpart of the waters became vvormewood, and manie men dyed of the waters , becaufe they Vfere made bitter, u-:'-' ». -n. 12* vAnd the fourth AngeB blithe trumpet, and the third part of the Sunnewax fmitten,andthe thirdpart oft he MoonCyandthe thirdpart oftheflarresyfo that \ the thirdpart of them was darkened: & the day Wasfmitten^that the thirdpart •fit (ouldnot {htneiOttd Itkevfife the night, 13 And THE REVELATION. t^y 1 3 . And I beheld^ and hcArd one t^ngeliflymg in the middeji ofheduen , fAjing with A loud voyce^ tf'oe^ woe^ Vfce to the whaf>ttxnts ofthecArthJfecdnfe of the founds to come , of the three Angels , which wertyet to blow the trum- petr. E«rc now come to the opening ofrhe laft feale. For the booke,\vhich was in the right hand of him that fate vpon the throne,was fealcd with fcnen fcalcs : fixe are alrcadic paft,andnowthe Lambe openctb the feuenth. This rea* cheth vnto thclaft iudgement, which is at the fecond co- ming of Chrift,& therefore vndcrihis all things are fini- fhed.Thc opening ofthingsvnder this fealeare diuided intofeuen parts,atthe founding of feuen irumpets,& vn- der the laft ofthofc trumpcts(as we may fee in the latter end of the 1 1. chapter jis the day of iudgement dcfcribed. And in the tenth chapter , the Angell fweareih, that there pjallheno moretimey but inthedayts ofthevoyce of thejeuemh Angelly Vfhen hefhalbegmto blorv the trumpet.Thc vifions then which follow from the be- ginning of the 1 2 chapter to the end ofthis prophecie, do fct forth more largely and more clearc ]y,fomc fpeciall things,vvhich arc defcribed more daikly in the o- pcning of the fealcs.For the booke lealed with the feuen fcale?,contnineth all the whole matters which were to be rcucaled.Now to the words as they lye. S. /ohm (a'thjthat when he h^dopenedthefeuenthfealc^there was filence inheauenforthe pace ofhalfe an houre. What fhould this filence meane? Some lay it fignifieth co- fuhation^that as kings and mightie Princes^when they entcrprife great & waigh- tv matters.confult with mature deliberation : fo,though God need not anie coii- fultation,knowingalI,andhauingin his infinite wifJom decreed all tliingsryet to reprcfcnt to vs that vcrie great things are in hand, andthatboth /olwaudallo- thernughtbc prepared with due attention toreceiucthenj,this filence is conti- nuedforhalfe aniioure.Ochcrs dotakcitto ictforth aflonillimenrrasnanicly.that at the opening ofthis fcale, there appcarcfuch drcadkill iudgcmcntsof God to be executed vpon the world,that all the henuenly companic arc aftoriifhcd and a- baOied to bchold.Which ofthcfe is meanr,I wil not (bndto difciifle, becaufe they come both to the faineefFe^5^, for to declare the grcatncfic of the matteis now in hand.Greatand gricuouithings were reuealcd vndcr the opening of (omc of the formerfcalcs: but now follow greater and more grieuous: for here commeth the kingdomcofthc great AntichriiJ, and all the horrible plagues which go with it: as alfo the full pov. ring forth ofGods wrath atthc lafi day. So that it is no mar- uell though Saint lohn faw the cle<^^ fealcd vp,and fet in fafctie, when fuch th'rrvgs fliould fall our.Thcnnext, S.hhnfdiVi feuen Angels, to whom were giuen ffuen crumpcts.Thc Angels arc Gods feruants & miniftrrs, which are in a readincflo to dohis will.But what dothc feuentmmpcts rcprefert ? forwcmufttakcit that they fignificfonic'vvhac.They do rcprcl'cnt that God commeth againH the world as an enemic vnto battcll,cucn proclaiming v will they perfwadethat this is any (JT'/i- chaelfii any Angcll befides Chrift ? For doth he not perfourmc that which was fi- gured by thofe things vnde« the Law?Indced the things are finifhed, but yet for our capacitic the fame are fct forth againe vnto vs in the vifion.by the cercmoniall figure . For how (hould that heaucnly & inuifible thing, the mediat'on ofChrift, be more fitly fliewcd to vs by vifion , then vndcr that figure by which it wasflia- dowed out in time of the Law ? Who is the Priefi figured, but the Lord Icfus ? Who is the golden altar , but the Lord Icfus ? What are the fwcet odours with which the prayers of all Saints come vp before God , but the mofl fwcet media- tion of the Lord Icfus? For it isfaid. There was much odours gwen vnto him fbat he miaht offer with thepr.^jfers of nil Saints, vpon the golden a/tar which u before the throne. /Ind thefmoke of the tncemfeyVVith the prayers of the Saints went vp before Cj»dy out of the Angels hand. This may fecmc to be fomcwhat toprouC it was not Chrift himfclfc, bccaufc the odours arc giuen him : but the Sciiptore fai:h,yca Chrilt {i\i\\,/ill things areginenvnto me efmy Father:^ this is called the rcuclaiion ofIcfusChrift,wh>chGodgauchim, Iiisthcmoft iwceteinccnfeof Chrifts mediation, with which all the moft holy place in hcauen is perfumed. It is that fwcet inccnfc o\ his mediation, in which God is well pleafcd and delighted, with which our prayers afccnd as it were mixed with it,and fo become aifo fwcet and delightfome vnto God. Indeed without thefe odours our prayers could not befwecte andplcafantio God. Fot how can anie fwcet thing proceed out of fo corrupt and (linking vcffcU as we be ? but they arc fandiificd in him,and made fwcet with his fwect odours. The Lord is delighted with the fweetncllc of his • ft)nnc,and the prayers ofthe whole Church come vp before him , mixed and fea- foncd with his fwcctncffc, thcicforc he cannot but be alfo delighted with them. Then fccondly, vpon thefc words that .the Angcll doth offer with the prayers of all ISO SERMONS VPON •h SaintSjOur Rhcmifts do confcffc ^hat by Saints here, as alfo in other places of Scripture, are meant holy pcrfons in earth. Indeed it is a thing euident by the ^ord of God, that alltrtie belecuers haue this honourable and glorious title giuen them,and ofright belonging vnto them,to be called Saints , euen while they liuc vpon the earth. Why then hath it bene the vfe in Poperie.and is (till among all the ignorant blind Papi(^s,to account none Saints but fuch is are dead, and the fame canonized by the Pope } Though (lay thcy.eucn the RhemifhPapifls) it be hot againft the Scriptures, that the infcriour Saint or Angellin heauenfliouldoftc/ their prayers to God by their fuperiour there. Behold into what vaine foecula- tions men arc carried , when they arc bold to let themfelues againft the truth. What an infinite heape of Martyrs may the carnallreafon of man imagine, and fay they be not againii the Scriptures ? But let vs fee how thisouerthroweth their ownediuinity,andwhatabrurditicsitcarieth with it. If the inferiour Angell do offer vp his prayer to God by his luperiour, then this Angell is aboue alI,for heof- fcreth the prayers of all Saints. And thePapifts ray,the bleffcd Virgin is Lady and Queeneof heauen, and fo fuperiour to all Angels.How commech it then that fhe loofcth her place ? why doth not (he as the molt wortbic Mediattix next Chrift, offer vp the prayers of all Saints ? And if the inferiour Saint or Angell offer his prayer by his fuperiour , then this Angell offcreth her prayer among the relt : for heoffereth with the prayers ofall Saints,& fheis one among the Saints.How fliall (he offer vp prayers,and be a Mediatrix for others,whcn her o wne prayers are of- fered to God by another r" For as I fay, this Angell oftereth with the pray ersof all Saints : and this Angell offereth alvvayes,and none but he;feeingthis vifion doth fet forth not what was done at one timc,but what was and is done fo long as the Church doth and (liall continue vpon the earth. If this Angell then offer vp the prayers ofall Saints , and at all times (as it is manifc(l) where is the mediation of che Virgin cJ^^r/tf .andofother Saints and Angels ?whofe prayers do they offer vp , ifone offer with the pray crs of all ? Againe, if an inferiour Saint or Angell be^ to offer their pravcrs to God by their fuperiour Saints or Angels : then is it not lawfull for anie inferiour Saint to make a petition to God,but by the mediation of a Aiperior.What diuinitie «s this?Let it paffe,lct them alone. It fol!oweth,thar the j4natic might be faydjl faw that ftarre which fell. I take this fufricicnt to proue it to be another Itarrc. Som;: take thisftarrc for an Angell comming downc fpecdily from heauen, fent ofGcd to open the bottomledc pit.But how fiiall that be fo , when ftarrcs in this bookc do fignific no other Angels, but the Angels ofthe Churches, as Chap- tcr.i.that is, the miniOers ofthe Golpell ? This ftarre thcrtforcihat here fallcth, is fomc great Mtnilier,& of high cflimacion in the Church,as his power giucn yn- CO him may teach v$ to fee. And it yc demand v^ ho it was, I anfwer, the Church of Rome wasariglu worthy and famous Church . The Bifliops of Rome were ex- cellent men many of them fucceedingcach other , and I'ufFcrcd martyrdome for thcGofpclI : they declined and grew worfe and worfe,fofarre as to become the great Antichnft. This ftarre being of marucllous accountjfallingtrom the hcauen- ly brightnefle ofthe do(^iinc contained in Gods word , and from the true godli- nelfc, vnto humane inucntions , and wicked life, retaineth ftill an exceeding great power to do hurt.He hath giuen vnto him the key oftlicbottomlcfle pit: Sathan by him broachcth in all his hellifti dodVino . The Papifts boaft that the power which their Pope hath excrcifedfo Iong,is.thckeycsof heauen^and that at his plea- fure he can fend and let men in there .• and fo the Pope doth promife cternallifeat his pleafure.But the truth iSjthat his power is the key of hell, that key is giucn vnto him.to bring in diucliifh dodlrine,ignorance ofthe truth, darknefte,idolatry,fupcr- ftition,and all wicked errors : for he openeththebottomleftc pit , and thefmoke thereof, yeafodarkeafmokecommcthvp , chat the light ofthe Sunne and ofthe ayre are darkened. We did fee how at the founding ofthe fourth trumpet the third part ofthe Sunne^and the third part ofthe Moone,and the third pare of chc ftarrcs was ftriken^fothat the third part did not ftiinc : this was a great diminiftiing ofthe light,but nothing comparable to the darkcncflc here fet foorch. The courfc ofthe Cjolpcl was ftaycd(as we fee thefoure Angels held the fourc vvinds)mans deuifcs and fupcrftition greatly incrcafcdt, theclecre light ofthe moft pure dod^rinewas much dimmed, and foby litcie and little Antichrift was exalted: and when he was come CO his full ftrcngth.thepit ofhell being opened, that Sathan might fend forth whatftrong dclulion he would,thecafeis farre morcmiferable then bcfore.Maike what fimilitudc here is vfcd . For like as the Sunne with his bright bcames doth peircc through and lighten the ayre , and fo we haue light vnto thefe our bodily eyes here vpon the canhi andifatlitckc darkcfrookearilc,it darkencth the ayre, and keepcth the light ofthe Sunne backe from vs : fo Chrift Icfus with his glo- rious Gofpcll, fliining vpon the Ghurch,the fmoke ofthe pit ofhell , euen the il- lufions ofthe diuell, the inuentions of men, idolatry, errors,and fuperftition doc darken , orkcep£ backcthc bright bcames thereof from men . We mav plainly M J ' fcc i66 SERMONS VPON ice by this place>that in the kingdom of Anticlirift, grofle and palpable darkncfle doth oucrfpread all ; and chat men arc ignorant ofthe truth^and couered in blind- neire,by rcafon of the thickc finoke aiifing out of ihe bottomles pit.Thc do6>rinc 8c worfliipofdiuelsis now fet vp: this being one proper and infallible note of tliat horrible kingdome it is requifite thati Hiould Ik^ a litle vpon it . And if any man will obic^^ chat it is not ccr£a!nc,that this is a defcription of the kingdom of Anti- chrift; lfayitiin)o(tvndoubtedly certaine, and vvithoucail controuerfic, a de- fcription of Antichrifh full exaltation : and ifmcn be not wilfully blind, they can- not but fee and confeflefo much.For is it not certaine.yca fo certaine that the moft impudent aduerfaries cannot deny, that among other plagues the great plague vpon the world by Antichrift,is reuealed in this booke? Is it not alfo manifeli that in the opening ofthe Icuen feales al things are reuealed which fhould happen,cuen to the endot the world ? and therefore at che founding ofthe fcuenth trumpet is the day of iudgement,as we fee in the latter end ofrhe eleucnth Chapter: & as the Angellin the ncxtChapierdoih fvvearc that there fhall be no more time when the feuenth Angell fhal begin to found the trumpet,and that the myftcry of God fhall be finiflied.For all that folio werh from the beginning ofthe twelfth Chapter is but larger deicripci5s & plainer,of fome things gone before in the opening ofthe feales. Moreouer.is it not out of doubt.chat the kiugdomeof Antichrill is one ofthe grea- teft plagues? And will ye call into qucllion whether the three woes denounced by the Angell, be the three grcatellrThe laf^ ofthe three is the dreadful day ofiudge- inent : the lall fauingoncis the horrible kingdomc(as we fhall fee)of the Turke: and the firli ofthe three (which is this that we arc now in hand vvithali,is the wic- ked kingdome of Antichrilc . A llarrc fallen , a great miniiler ofthe Gofpell Hill in title,to whom the key ofthe bottomleffc pit is giuen,is tiie head ofthis kingdome next vnder the diudl. This one point ye fee, is molt cuidenc by the worde^- ofthe text , vvhereby we come to a i'econd point ; namely, that the Popery iii this king- dome,which indcedis more fuily declared in the Chapters foHowing.but yet to be proucd by this. For what kingdomeofftich power, as to agree with thedekripti- on here following can be fbund^rhat Iwch a liatre fallen to be the head thereof,but tliepapacie?let it belliewed if they can through the vniutvfail world .And now to comefurthcr, andtoproueitby thedarknede whicharifettiby the fmcke ofthe pit:is any fo fenfclefle as not to cake it oflpiritual darkncllcPls it meant that a fmokc fhall arifeout of the pic ofhell,and darken the ayre which we draw in,a nd the Sun in the firmament,which ihineth to our bodily cycs?No,lct the mol^ obftinate and rankcll Papill in the world deny if he can, thac this darkening is noc the darkening of the Gofpell, in which Chrift fhineth to the Church, as the Sunne co the world* Let fuch an one alfo if he can denie , that this fmoke is not the darkenefle of Sa- ihans kingdonie,ignorance ofthe my ftcrics ofChrilis Gofpell , through Jiaens in- ucntions and blind errors. And doth not this fitlie agrecto the Popery ? vva« not the Golpcll buried among them? were not all maner of humane traditions , errors, Iics,fuperlhtion, and idolatry, fet vsin (lead thereof? were not the people kept in •fuch exceeding. dafkneflc,as that they leceiued and were fed with aJmaaer ol lies, yea THE REVELATION. t^7 yea fo grofrc,as their Legends and fcfHuals do vvitneflc, that children do wonder how men could bebroughtto beleeue them?Hauc notthePapifb alvvaycSj& do not the lefuites as farrc as they dare for fhamc liill riiainraine,that ignoranccis clic ftiothero^dcuotion? God gauc his word in old time tohispcopie by A^o/gs and the Prophets in their ovvne language , willing all to readc it , and to meditate in ic nigiit and day , as ye may readc in many places . The holy Apoillcs deliuercd to the Churches the whole do(5^rine ofthc GofpeU, and taught them all the counfels of God in the tongue vvhich they vnderflood,cxhorting all pafloiirs to be diligenc in te3ching,and all people to let the word dwell plentcouily among chcm ; vvhich is dcanc contrary to that dodhine and pradlile ofthc PapiHs . For they kecpc the Scriptures from the peoplc,thcy will haue them kept blind without any light. Icaft they flioiild clpic their treacheries and falll:ood,and fo rcfufc to fup vp thofe filthy fhnking poyfoneddrcgges which they do giuc thera . And who hath broughtin all this darkneflc or Itnokc ot hell , but that Harrc fallen from hcaucn, which hath the key of the boitomlefle pit? Beloucdjif the word olGod be true fw hich I trult no man here is fo wicked to doubt ofjthe Pojjery is this darke kingdome, and the Pope that Rarre which hath ppencd the Pit of hell , and brought in fuch horrible darknellc and confufion.If they can fiiew likelihood in any other, let then), that ic may be dilcuflcd. Then next he fayth, Th^re came out ofrhefmoke Locufis zpo» thceanh,a»dznto them wjugtuen power, ^ithe ScorptoKS of the earth haue porvtr» Here is a fuither milery , for bchdc the plague ofdarknefle , there commeth from the fmckc another plague of the Loculis ; For as the fmoke ofthe bottomlefl'c pit doth darken the Sunne, fo ofthe fame fmoke the Locufts are bred . Let vs fee what this reprcfcnteth . Locuds arc but a vile vcrmine , but yet great fwarmes of them do eate vp and dcliroy the grecne things and fruites ot the earth , and make atruitfuU land wart: as ycc may reade the defcription ofthem,Ioel. 2. Thefc which arc l^re fpoken of be not common Loai(ics,but haue alfo the deadly poy- fon and power of Scorpions , to (ling and torment men to death . This is a moli pertilent vcrmine; whoarcreprcfentedby them ? By thefc are rcprefented all the Popilli Cleargy, their Pric(]s,thcir fwarmes of Monkcs, Friers, and Nunnes . For iirrt,all this vcrmine is not bred from thelight,hauingno ground in Gods word, but indeed from the fmoke ofthc pit . They are bred of ignorance, of error , and blind fiiperrtition ,thcy come from hcll.Let any leluite flic w, where vnder alhrrc fallen , there is any refcmblance ofthe Iwarmcs ot loculies bred of error, of igno- raoc^nd darknellc but only vnder the Popfs,in their hcapes and rabblements,yca cuenTwarmcs of Fiicrs,Monkcs,&: fuchlike.Haue not they oucrfpreadjnddiuclliilideuifes? who can declare rhc fpiriiuali mifcriesof thole dayeSjWhen together with tlic hellifli darkencrte.ihrou^'h the want of Gods word which lay buried and hid, thevenin-icuslocurtsdidoucrfprcadjwhich llonj; cucn as fcorpionsPHcre is againea doubt to be anfwcrcd^ which \\ this. When all was thus ouer whelmed in the darkneflc of that (inoke , and tlic earth eucry w hr re M 4 crawling /^S SERMONS VPON crawling ^ullofthcfelocuftcs^what became ofthc Church? this doubt I fay might arifc. And yc know it is the qucfiion which cuery Papiftpropoundethjwherc was your Church an h andrcth ycrcs pa(l?This qucftion is anfwcred in the next words. For as wc haue feene in euery danger prophecied before in this booke/pcciali pro- uifion madctofetthe chofen in faf'cty ; fo hcrethcfclocuftcs arc reftraincd from hurting of tliem which arcfcaled.Tueir p.ovvcr is limited only vpon the reprobate.* /or wc heard before how a! the feruars of God were fealed in their foreheads,ihcy are fealed with the holy fpirit of promifi: , which is the fpirit of adoption . And here is commandement giuentothclocuftesthat they fliallnot hurt the graffe, neither any greene thing,neithcr any trec,but onely thofc men which haue not the fcale ofGod in their fbrchcads.We fee the they could not touch the elecft of God. Here is the glorious po\vcr,t!)e prouidence and wifdome of our Lord lefus ChriH, that in the middeft of this darkneire,horrible to thinke vpon, cuen when Antichrift raignethin his full pride , his ck6i among thefe fcorpi.on locufts flying about their cares like fwarmes ofhornets , yet not one of them is iiong to death ; his flocke is defended. Then there is another commandcment giucn to thefe loculies.which is that they fliould not kill men, no not euen the reprobate : but that they fhould be vexed fiue moneths,and their paine fhould be as the paine that commeth of a fcor- pion when he hath (iong a man This may fecme hard at the firfl: , that they fliould . not kill them: for doth not the darknefl*e,and the venimc of thefe locultes bring vt- ter dcflrudion vnto mens loulcs ?fhall not the kingdomc or power of Antichrili flay men with the fpirituall death?ho w then is it fay d they fliould not kill them ? It is to be anfwercdjthat they fhould not kil them out right at once,but torment them with a lingring death; and therefore they are compared to fcorpions For it is fayd, that he which is Iiong of a fcorpionis tormented two orthicedaicsgrieuouriv be- fore he dieot it ; he hath a lingring paine. And vnto that paine ot fuch as lie in tor- ment ftong with fcorpions, is likened the paine of thefe which are ftong by thefe locufles. O miferable date of poorc blind fupcrflitious Papills, which drinkc in the poyfon of AntichriHs doctrine : what a fling doth it leaue behind? how is their conicience vnquiet ? how is it vexed and tormented? no tongue is able to exprellc it to the full : they fcele and know that they be foulelinncrs , they are fure alio that they murt come to iudgement . They are told of the torments of hell by the Scriptures,andofthefireof Purgatory by the Popifli fort : the doi5hinc offrcc iuliification in the bloud ofChrifl is hid from them,yca condemned asherefie ; all alfuranceofGodsfauour, all peace of confcience, aUioy in the holy Ghq|^ arc quite dcflroyed; they are fent to feeke cafe in the merite of their owneworkes, in Popes pardons and indulgences, by running on; pilgrimage to this Woll , and to that Idoll , by punifliing their bodies with whippings, faflings, and a thoufand in- ucntions : and when all is done,they are not fatisfied, they arcnoteafed, but the horror of iudgement , and tortures of confcience flill remaioe ; thefe fcorpion lo- cufles haue flongthem.For if any man will doubt of the torments which they fuf- rered in the blind Popery that were drowned in fupcrftition,beingflong with the falfe dodbinc and idolatry of thefe locuflcs , doe but markc their crxie ; for when they THE REVELATION. le^ they hjue run,run,run, cuery way tofeek cz(c, when they haucfpcnt their goods, and torracnccd their bodies with all the fharpc penances they can : yet at the la(t what do they? They giuc great gifts, they build Abbeyes to hauc trcntals of maf- fcs, and to be prayed for. Then nng,hn<;,{ing, ring,ring, ring, powrc the pardons into the grauc; call for the Friers: call for the poorer let plentifull almes be giuen to heipe the poore foulc to fome eafc from th^orments it was in : 6 filthy curfcd locultes, that thrurt in fuch tormenting poifon into the confcicnccs of miferablc men! 6 bieflcd dodrine of reconciliation through the bloud of the Lambe, which bringcth fwecte peace and ioy vnto the wounded foule ! It is fay d , they fhouM hauethis power to torment men fiue moncths.Thisis a comfort, yea a great com- fort, that albeit the difpleafureof God was great, for the contempt andabufcof his holy Golpell, and therefore as Saint Prf«/teacheth, i.ThclIii hewouldfend Ihong dcliifion, euen the darknefic and thefe vile locufts : yet it lliall be but for a time, yea kllc then haltc a ycare . J will not ftand curioufly about the number of yeares.but yet I take it that by thefe fiucmoneths, after the maner of the fpcechcs ofthc Prophets, fome fiue hundred yeares are to be vndcrftood . For the poperic hath beene in the power andfway to bring in this hellifh darkencflc, about the fpace of fiue hundred yeares, as we fhall haue occafion to note clfewhere . But howisittobc taken thai he faith, in rhofe daie« men fliall feck death and fhall not find it, & fhall defire to die, but death fliall fiie from them ? This doth fhew how fully their torment is like to thofc which are flong with Scorpions : for they lye in griciious paine ccrtame daics, & would fainc be rid of it by death, & death linge- reth. Surely the fupcrfVitious papifts void of all true peace of confcience, tormeted with the feeling of their finnes , and feare ofcomming to iudgcment , in all their feeking for cafe do but incrcafc torment. For that whi^h they drinkeinas a medi* cine to eale thenijis poifon which doth more and more encrcafc paine.No doubt fuch as be in that cafe wifh to be dead , fo that they might ncucr coriie before the ludge, and fo maybefaid tofcckc death. And thus hauing dcfcrlbcd the torment whcrewitliilicfclocu(lsn>ouldvexc the inhabitants of the earth, in the time of the great Antichrift, he returncth to dcfcribc the forme of them. W. fnith the forme of the locniis was like vntohorlcsprcpared vnto battailc,&c. here we haucamar- utllousdcfcriprion. Wjiatisapieldloculhoan hotfe? aixlyct thefe locuf^esarc like itronghorfcs prepared to battailc. Thepopifliclcargie, though the infcriout fort of them were baic in fliew like paltrie locuHs, yet were Hron^ and linked to- gether with rcadie and prepared minds,as horfcs to battell againR all fuch as fhold anie way but fo much aj mutter againlt the vfurped power and tyrannic of their kingthc Romifli Antichrif^. Who knowethnot this which cither liucthamong them now, or that readcth the hiftorics of the times pa(t ? ti.ev rufh flrongiy like horfcs to the battailc. There haue bene great troupes and armies of them, and fo bold as to bid battailc againfi the mightiell Emperors & kings in all Europc.Then next he faith, they had on their heads as it were crowncs of gold; they be but v'lc locudtSja deuouringvcrminc, good for nothing, and vet decked with honour as it were with crowncs of gold vpon tlicir heads . To vnderliind this, Ioo'ac wliac i dcuifcs Mk 170 SERMONS VPON dcuifcs they had to be io dignitie and eftimation : looke what priuilcdges &: im- munities they had,as not to be vnder the power ofkings: finally.Iooke what titles of honour and preheminencecuericLocufl didchalcngc, and ye muft needs con- felTe that ihcy had crownes vpon their heads like crowncs of gold.lndeed it is not faid that their crownes were ofgoid, but like gold. For the iionowr which God hath ordained , and the maieiiie which he giueth vii to Princes , is fet forth with crownes of pure gold. But chofe dcuifed ticks and honours of the Koinifli Cier- gic,though they gli(Ter,and fliew like gold^yet they be no crownes ofgoid, they be no honours to them which know the truth.Their great Lord himfelfe with his triple crownc,whofe glorie and magnificence was publillicd and cfleemed to ex- cell the maielly ot Empcrours^asfarre as the Sun doth excel! the Moone in biight- iiefle,is now coucred wich fhaiTiCand ignominiejt is no crownc ofgold.For who doth not knoWjthat it is no true magnificcce ordained by God , but giuen by thq Dragon? Vv^hat is dien the crowne of thci(r Menkes & Fricri? do not all men now fee it is no gold ? In the darke they fcenicd to be gold/o long as the imoke of the- bottomlefie pr: darkened the Sunnc : but now the Sunne fliineth, and we ice the QCvvncs were but like gold. He faith further ,that they had facet like fafes of men. They be not terrible to lookevponjinasmuchas they pretend all good, making men beleeuethatchcy can bring cheni vnto true bleficdncirc.For they will teach them true rcligion,true deuotio;),and giue them pardon of all their finnes.Manie things they promilc,and make a fairc face,rhat none may be affisid ofthem. They had haire like women ; they are dei'.cious and wanconjand full of whoiilli entifcnientsrtheir attire and ge- jRures wholly tending to allUiC vnto fpirituall whorcomc and fupcrliition : but their teeth are as the ceechof I.yonsrthe^ hauc Ikongand fliarpe teeth. Thcfe ate ilrange Locufts,in forme likchorfes tobactelKthat locke hke men in their faces, hauebaire like women,and teeth like Lyons. They be great deucurers , they cate vp all.Looke how they were planted and feated^S: fee whether they had not got- ten the fattcrt things in the earth which they fed vpon. Looke vpon the Abbeyes, the Priones,thc Nunries,and all religious houfes, and iudge what teeth they had. When there was not enough to fatisfiethemof temporail mens lands , then they prayed vpon Churchliuings , and m^de impropriations. If they had .continued, and bred fiiU.and their time of fiuc moncchs not hmiced , which is now expired, what alinolliliouldhauecfcaped their teeth ? The next words do fhew how flrongly they were armed:for he ixiihfT hey hadhahlpcrgicns^ lik^ t^hahbergions ofjron}lo\N can this 3grce,may fome ma fay, to the poore Popifli Prieits.Monks or FrierSjifthey be the Locufis?wcrethey armed in any fuch fort?Yea, ihc^' were ftrougly armed all of thcm.Their grand Captaine the Pope had fa terrified and brought vnder all Kings and Emperors, that none durft meddle with thebafcft- ofthefc Locufts ; they were exempted from the fecular power, and not to be iudgcd or corrcdbd by thefamc. If any King fliould take vpon him to punifli one, though neuer fo mcanc of their Clergic, for njurther/or thcfc/or whoredome, or anie notorious vice, the Pope as a dtcadfull God vpon the eatih,would by and by call THE REVEtATId'R I71 caft forth his terrible lightening and thunder, cuen his excommunication, as a- gainrta facrilcgiouscnemie that would robbc Saint T^'ffr. And then the com- nion multitude, vvorfliipping the beafr.duf ft not but renounce and denie their allcgcance, & (o vnlcde thofe Kings wold loofc their crowncs , they muft ftoopc tor ablolution. Was not this as ftrong an armour,as to hauc habbcrgions of yron? Thus the Locufts might do as they lift, and no harmc atalldonevnco them. If they were coniurers, riotous,whorcmongers, andmoft filthy in all wicked and Icud lifc.as the Monks, and Fricrs,& Prictfs were for the moftparc, yet was there no punilliment to be laid vpon them by Princex.^^Alfo their wings make a great noilc : for he i?i\ihyt he fouKd of their wings was as the found, of chariot s, zvh(» matite horfes runne vnto the hatteli. This is not the leaft matter that they make fo horrible a noife .-for it (triketh a great terrour into mens hearts. True it is, that the noifc is confufed, as what is all the noyfe they haue made or do make , to defend and vphold their bloudic kingdomc, but a terrible confufed andthrcacning noife • without all reafon ? The few Locufts which remainc at this day being difturbed, make a great noifc; how ^reat was it then thinkcyc^whenali Europe almoft was full ofthe fwarmcs and troupes of them ? BlclTedbe God which with a mightie Haft wind hath caft thcfc clamorous Locufts, which made fuch a noile with their w ings out ofourcoa(is,and drowned them in the lea. He faith, They had $aj/es itke vnto Scorpions ^itnd they had (itn^i in their ta^/ef. This is to flicvv their craftic flcighcby which they wind in for to do hurt, andftmg men priully ;-thcir flatte- ries and taire promifcs, and goodly fmooth words, do ihew no fuch matter thslt men need to fcare them : but in the en d,euen as it were with thctailc, thcylcauc a lling Ixbind them, cuen the poifon oftheirdiuellidi dodtnnc and falfe worftVrp, into which they Icdutc men . Atthisday, now when the light hath bawrayed ihcm, with whatwonderfull cunning do they wind in themkiiucs, and fting naa- nic in all pllaccs ? They make a Ihew of great zcale for the Cacholike Church, for the ancient t'aichyand for the Fathers , and the end of all is bnttolcaue the (hng ot their taile behind them, tliat is, their ov\ nc corrupt and and damnable do- Clrinc:forthey arc gone quite alJrayfroni the ancient CathoHkc faith ofthe god' lie Ruhers Doubticifcln^ay fpeakethiSjthat it was no great njaruell, that poorc ignorant mcninthctimewhcn theSun and the aire were darkened, vvcreUong aad ftong ag.iinc : but now in the time oflighr they are worthie a thoufand times to perilh which will let thctn touch them with theirtadc, toreceiueihe ffing. Touching the time in which power is giucnthem to hurt, I hauc fpoken before. And the laft thing iSjthat they haue a king oucrthcni,whichisthe Angell of the bottomlcllc pit. which is called Ab.tddon in hcbrue , and ingrccke ApoUjon : both the words are ofonc lignification.and that is dcIkoying.Then this great army is no: without a General!, vnder whom as vnder their Emperour they fcruc,whofe honour^dignity and powerthcy maintainc.lt is the Anpell ofthe bottomlcflepit: but who is that? whether is it thcdiuclicr the Pope ? No doubt pt-operty the di- ucll vi the Angell ofthe bo'.comlefle pit.Iiutthe ftarres arc Angel? oith; Churches: and this ftarre being fallen hath ikc key of the bottpmldlc pic committed to Wm: • where- ^|l /i7i SERMONS VPON wherefore I do fee no rcafon why he may not be called the Angcll of the botto- kflc pit for this rcfpe6l,that he opened the bottomlcflc pit, Thefc LocuiU do all acknowledge him to be their king indeed , vndcr him & for him they do warre. It is alfo very certainc that the diuellis their king, for he is the king of their king.Thc Popcdcftroyeth by the power ofSathan,who is indeed the great deftroycr.lt is a maruellousfliameforvschatwe arcnot asearneft towarrcvnder ourCaptainc lelus Chrift,as they be for their king,the Angell oi hcll,thc Pope and the diuell. THE XIX. SERMON. C H A P. p. 1 1. One vvofi is pafit (tnd hhoUyet two woes come after this. 1 5 , Then thefixt Ange/lh/ew the trumpet y^ I heard a, voycefrom thefeure hornet of the golden altar vrhtch is before Cjod, 14. Saymg to thefixt (tAngell,whtch had the trumpet Jloofe the f our e Angels^vhich are l>ot4nd in the great ritier Euphrates. t J. uland thoufands put togctbcr ? I fay how huge is an ai:Biic which is of two hundreth , THE REVELATION. 175 hundrcth armics^and euerie ofthem a thoufand thoufands ? But ic may be faid, where (hall vvc find that the Turkes murthering armies haue bene fo great.' I an- fwer that it is not meant, that thisarniiewasallatatimc: here is the full plague ofmanieyeaicsfet forth. Then it may be obicded, that this number commctfi fliort ofthe number of vvarriours which haue bene in the armies of the Saracens and TurkeSjifwc take the fpaceof /rtcc or feucn hundred ycarcs : for in this fpacc of time their whole armies would rife to a greater number then two hundreth ar- mies of a thoufand thoufands in euerie armtc, I do not doubt ofthat : for it is not the purpofe ofthe holy Ghoft to fct do wne the iuft and full number, but by this great and marucllous multitude to leade vs vnto an innumerable companie which Siould kill and dcliroy men. How could Saint John number fuch an armie^or did he (bnd to number tbem, may fome fay ? He anfwereth thisdoubr,and faith,he heard the number of them. He did not number them , but the number was toM hmi. Then ncv followeth a defer! prion ofthefe warriors,& their horfcs, a defcriptio indeed full of teriour.For thus they appeared in vifion ; firli^tiic riders had ficrie habbergions, and of Hyacyiith, and of brimrtone. Fire is a bitter thing, efpecialljr when it is ioy ned with brlrotione and with fmoke, which doth choke and (trangler for fmoke is refembled by the colour of Hyacynth:and the horfes and their riders therein are alike.For after he hath reported that the heads ofthe horfcs were as the he'ads of Lyons : which ("heweth their (lomackc, (irengthand fiercencflcrhc ad^ dcthjthat out of their mouthes went forth fire,and fmoks,and briinftonc. They come with a terrible crueltic & fierccneflc. Then followeth the great llaughter^ which is,that the third part ofmevcereJlAtKe by the fire jhs fmol^^0- the bnmfiong^ which came em of their mouths Hhc^ are flaitic with maruellous barbarous cruel- ty ,cither killed with bodily death as multitudes were.or drawn to that wicked re- ligion of Mahomet. For partly by extcrnall violencc,and partly by a futtle lliew of religion and dcuotion,thcy dcItroy:and therefore it is faid, their power ittntheir UioHthety andtn their tatles : andthat their tajlss.are like ferpemSyand haue heads vvhereTTiih they /;«rr,Thefe horfes may be diuels themfclucs for ought that lean fcc,for ihc diuels haue fet the Turks a worke and do. . And now that ihcfc things may the better appeare, I '.vil! briefly note vnto yc the beginning, the proceedings,and the order of the Turcilme. About thcycaro ofourLo.cd 591 was'«JUd did great things againft the Chriftians : but afterward there was THE REVELATION. 17^ was much ado to winnc from the Turkc t he holy land . The Pope , and the kings and Princes of diuerfc countries ioyncd together, and fcntan army vndcr Cjodfrej of Bullainc,of three hundrcththoufand footmcn,and one hundrcth thoufand horl- mcn. In the ycare iop9. Godfrey wan Tcrufalemjand was crowned king: thercfuc- ceedcdhim fiuc or fix kings in lerufalcm, which with the lo fie of much bloudkcpc the holy land (as they call it) which to maintaine the warresagainft the Turkcs, did ordainc ccrtaine orders, as of Templars , and knights of the Rhodes.Ierufalcni was lolt againc , with great (laughters of Chriflians in all pans thereabout, in the ycare l iS/.And within fhort time after that,the7'<*rMri a barbarous people, be- gan to be of power. Their firli Emperor was (^hangtm Qun . Diuerfc fuccecded, which greatly diminifhed the doniinion ofthe Turkes,vncll about thcyeare of our Lord I :? oo.for then the Empire ofthe Tnrtan was oucrthro wne , & the Empire ofcheTurkcsdidflourifh more then eucr before . Now come the greaceft mon- fters,and molt fauagc and cruellcll tyrants of all . Ottoman was the firft of them : he and his fucceffours with mofl cruel! flaughters ouercamc the Chrifhans in ma- ny countries^and fprcd the Turkes dominion very farre : but yet in the middeftof their glory^ there is a great gap made.Thus it \s2LS,Baiaz^thet the fourth Emperor ofthe Turkes wonderfully prcuailiug with great flaiightcrs ol Chrilhans^and lea- ding innumerable multitudes captiue out of Hungary which hcinuadcd .-andfet- ting vpon the Empcrour ofthe Grecians , wafling and dcllroy ing with fuch tcr- rour,that the Emperor craued aid,and Charlesi\\Q (ixt king of France , fent a po- wcr,and i/^f/rw«w<^king of Hungary went himfelfc with an army , which were o- uerthrowne mifcrably,and StgtfmHnd\\Vid\y efcaped.This wasin the yearc of out Lord I ^p'^.ISas^ijethes in this his glory,being for his terror and quickncfle in war ciWcd Hf/dnn , that is lightning , proceeded yet forward , and walkd Thracia, Myfia,Dardania,and Maccdoni3,and to the great terror of all Chri(lendone,bc- ficgcdConftantinople , It was fnppofed the city would be taken and vttcrlydc- (iroyed ; but in the meanc time (as it is reported) by the requeli ofthe E(nperour> came T4m-rUn the Scythian , with an exceeding greac army againlt the Turkc out ofScythia.T^tM*^//;? J- wasconttrained to rail e his ficge againll ConHantino- pic.and to go and ^ght with this TamrrUn . It is fayd that the army o^ Tamer' Un was an hundrcth myriadcs, that is, an hundreds times ten thoufand, or a thou- fand thoufands. BxiAiLcthes army was fiuc hundrcth thoufand , thatishalfe fo much. They fought rhisbactaile in thcyeare of our Lord 1^97. ncerc to the great riuer Euphrates, which is by Babel in Chaldca . There were flaiiie aboue an hun- drerh and forty thoufand ofthe Turkes . Euphrates feemcd rather to runnc with bloud then with water.Thc victory fell to TamerUn , who tooke 3Aiaz.etbci the great Turke and put him into an iron cage,and caried him about m flic w through Afia, hetrodc vponhisb3ckc,asvpona (toolc whenhc wcntio horlcbackcrhc made him alfo gather vp fcrappesvnder the table like a dogge.Hccaufcd the Em- prefTcthc wifcof'5.»4^;/i(;(r^, to be clothed in a fhott garment which did Icarcc coucr her fhame^ andfo to waitc and fill the cups to iIk Notlcs ofScytliia, in the N light X-/8 SERMONS VPON fight of her husband.ThcTurkc tookcthis fo hcauily ,that he bcatchis head againft the iron grate of his cagc,anii fo killed himfclfe. Thus was Conftantinoplc for that timc,&: allGrecia/rccd from the molt fauage tyranny of the Turkc.And then that horrible kingdome might fecme cuen as good as pulled downerbut God had in his iulhcc determined the plague for the vvickedneflc of thofe which profefTed his Son in word, and liued in lb foule idolatry. Tamer Un thus prcuailed , who though he flic wed this fauour and compalKon to th« Emperor of Grecia , yet was he one of the moli cruell tyrants that euer liucd . He was a poore mans fonne , and became a Captaine among robbers, and grew fo ftrong that hee found the meanes vpon occafion to become the king of the Pcrfians.lt he befiegeda city,the firft day he fet vp white tents : to fhew that if they would yeeld they fliould hauc mercy .The fe- cond day he fet vp red tents,by which he threatncd death.Thc third day he fet vp blacke tents, in token of extreame calamity ; and afterthefe were vp, no yeelding could be accepted,but they mult alldie,both great and fmall. And therefore befic- ein'' a city which yeelded not at the firrt, nor the fecond day.but flood the fetting vp his bhcke tcnts,thc Citizens fearing his cruelty ,fcnt forth all their litle children, their fonnes and their daughters clothed in white,and palmes in their hands, thin- king by the innocency ofthefe poore infants to mitigate the cruelty of the tyrant: but he lent his horfcmen vpon them,and trode them downe moft cruelly.One de- manded of him why he was fo cruel! towards all? And it isfaid.that he with a frow- ning rterne countenance looking awry,made this anfwer:Thinkelithou that I am a man,and not rather the wrath of God dwelling vpon the earth to the deftruvith wondcrfull fpccd came to Verna where Lakilia'-u was , not looking for him. There was amoft famous battell fought: it continued three day es and three nights without any apparance which fide Ihouldpreuaili?. The fields feemed toftand •with poolcs oi^bloud ; At length the Turke prcuailed,to the great flaughter of the Chiiftiaas.^^^jZrfw the king was flaine, and fo was the wicked Cardinal! InliAn^ which THE REVELATION. 17^ which perfwadcd him to brcakeand violate his league and folcmnc oath.This bat- cell was tbughc in the y eare of our Lord 1 444 . At'ter this the Turke did mar iicl- loufly rageagainrt Hungary, the againft Grecia, & other places, At this time Sct^n* derbeir the fon of a Chriliian Prince which was ouercome by the Turkc,and To his fourc Ions caricdaway,among whom this ScamUr^eg w a one ^ being a iranof wonderfuil valour (for therefore the Turke called him not by his ownc name which was Gforrrejout ScaruUrfe^ yii\2t iSy/iiexancUr the great) reuolced from the Turke,recoucred his fathers pofleifion.arid was a great plague to that fauagc king- dome . ButyettheLordGod vthich was wrath for the wickedneflc ot men, would haue it further preuaile. For now folio weth another 'JMahomet a moft cruell tyrant , which meant to fubduc the whole world.and indeed exceeded all his predeceflors in power. For be befiegedand wan Conlhntinoplc , and (o didouerthrow and put an end to the Empire of the Eart. He wan it in the yeare 1455. andtherchach euerfinccbcne the Royall Pallacc of the Turke . The winning of this city, and the oucrthrow of that Etnpireof the Grecians , was a manifcft token ofGodsheauy wrath , and did Itrike fuch a terrour into all Chrilliandomc , that many yeclded thcmfclucs to the 7'urkc, and many regions and cities he ouercame by violent warres , If I fhould Ihnd now to recite the horrible flaughtcrs of Chriftians , and the innumerable multitudes which the Turkcs haue led intocaptiuity, I fhould be more then tedi- ous . I fuppofc that by the Saracenes, the Turkes, the Taitarians.and Scythians, the third part of men haue bene horribly flainc : as it is fayd by Satnt lohn ,that tlic third pare of men were flaine . Many , did confefle that thefc plagues came vp- on them for (Tnnc,eucn that the word ofGod was defpifed,aud that all foulc vices did abound among the prelates .• but yet there was no amendnient of life , no re- pentance, but all grew worfe and worfe. For markc what Samt lohn fay th: tyind the remnant of the men which were not killed hy thefe phguef, repentednot of the worket of their hands , that they [hotiU not jvorfhip dtue/s , tmuidols ofgoldy^nd of finer y^iHdoflfra^eyaHdofj}otte,andofvvood^Vfhu:hniitherhearenergo, tyilfo they repentednot of their mnrther^ And of their forcery , neither of their fornication ^ Kor of their theft . If wclookc through all Europe, fo farrc as the Pope bare fway , ye fhill find that aien to the very time that the light of the GofpeJl brake foorth againe , the more the Turke with fauage cruchy andtyrannie, did Icadeinto captiuitic infinite multitudes , fo that 'there was a tcirour Ifriken into all mens hearts, thacashe hadfubducdallthe Eaft Churches, Co hee would alfooucr- runnc all the Weft Churclies, yet horrible idolatric increafed , and other wicked- ncfle dayly more and more . How were the people befotted ? how did they runne from Idoll to Idoll, which were but of gold , or filuer.or braHe, or ftone, oe wood, and had nofcnfe to hcare,to fee, or to go?The truth is, they worfiiip de- ucls which worfhip not the Lord as Satnt John here i'peakcth . And none worfliip the Lord which worfliipIdoIs.Likewife what cruell murthcrs did they coromir^ cfpccially vponchc true fcruanrs of ChriftPThc Monkes,the Friers, the Pricfts,thc Nunncs, how full of charmcs/orferics, witchcrafts, and coniurations were they, N 2 with i8o Sermons vpon with innumerable whoredoms, murthers and thcfts^Thc common pcoplc,yca all Torts did follow chcm. What fhould I here ftand to enter into particular dcmon- ftrationsjwhenallchatbc ofyearc^can teftifiejvnlefle it befuchasbe wilfully blin- dedjhow all agreed to that which Saint lohn here fetceth downe ? And now let thcmottflieandfubtill of all the lefuits which warre for Antichrirt, fhcw vs where they be in the world that haue bene plagued with this terrible armie fcnt is Gods wrath for worfiiipping of ldols,and the other vices here named,but oncly in the Poperie ? If they will leade vs vnto more ancient times , they may not : for this is in the opening of the feuenth feale ofthe booke,& in the blowing of the fixe trumpet , and therefore in the latter end ofthe world/ceing the day of iudgemet commeth when che feuenth Angell bloweth the crumpet. If they would turne vs ouer to the heathen nations>the We(i or Eatt Indians : indeedc che Weft Indians haue bene flaine in fuch multitudes, as it is almoft incredible : but then the Popifh Spaniards haue bene this murthering army,for they haue killed thcnxBut alas who cannot fee that this prophecy is chiefly fulfilled vpon thofe nations which profeflc Chrift?Poore and miferable is the ftiift of our Rhemifts vpon this place, which fay here are meant the portraitures ofthe heathen Gods : feeing they be gone Ion*' fince,& this is fpoken ofthe latter end ofthe world, in which none worfhip Idols ofgold,f]luer,&c.butthePapifis . BlefTedbetheLord whoby the light ofthe Gofpeli hath deliuered from worfbipping dumbe Idols, and fo from the feare of this horrible army . For where men haueinibraced theGofpel!, and repented of their abominable idoiatry,thcy haue no feare of him any longer. THE XX. SERMON. CHAP. 10. 1, An^I [aw anothir mighty zAngell c$me dorpne from hsAnen clothed with a cloudy an A the raineborv vpon his head, And his face vfos at the SufiJie, and his feete at pt/larf of fire, 2* Andhe had in his hand a Utile booke open, and hepttt hts right foote vpon the fea^and his left foot e vpon the earth, J. 4»dcried with a loud veyce^as when a Lyon roreth : attdnhen he hadcried, feuen thunders vttered their voyces, ^. Andtvhen the feuen thunders had vttered their voices, 1 was about to write: but I heard a voyce from heauen faying vnto me , ^eaie vp thofe thwgs which the feuen thunders haue fpoken^ and tvrtte then». not. 5 , And the Auge II which I fkw fiartd vpon thefea^and Vpon the earth, lift vp his hand 1 9 beauen : 6. t/ind THE REVELATION. i8i 6. Andfifare hy him which liuethfer euermtrtj vfhich created heAueu, mid the thtngs that therein (fCy andthe earthyandthe thingt that theran be , andthe Jea, and the things that therein be^that time^ould be n* moret 7. But in the dayes of the voyce of the feuenth A^getl^rvhen he jhallbeginto blov0 the trumpet, euen the mjflerj of God fhall be ^aifhed , ashe hath declared to huferuants theTrophetr. 8. .^dnd the voyce whtch 1 heard from heaften^Jpa^e vnto me againe^and fayd,Go take the little booke which is openin the handofthe Angelly whtch fiandeth vpon thefea^and vponthe earth. p. So 1 went to the Angell^ and f ay d vnto himyCitte meihefittle bool^, ty^ndhe fayd vnto mefTake tt^and eate tt vpy^itJhaHmaks thy belly bitter ybnt tt ^iiall be in thy mouth as frveete as honey. 1 o . Then 1 1 oohe the little booke out of the Angels hand, and eat it vp , and i$ was tn my mouth fwtete a* honey : but when I had eaten tt,my bel'ywas bit' ter, 1 1, And he fayd vnto me. Thou mufl prophecy a gaine among the people, andnati^ onSyandtongueSyand to many k^i»gs. ' ^T^^SJ!) ^i^^^a"^ ^^'^ vifion is ioyfuU ; for after the darke kingdomeof An- ^' ^^ ' . tichrift,and that horrible murthciino army of the Turkcs, I a mighty Angell commeth downc from hcaucn to relicue the poorc Church, and to be auenged of thole crucll ene- mies . The Lord preferued a remnant in the middcli of thofc plagues, cucn when the fmoke of the bottomlcfle pit did darken the Sunwe and the ayrc , when thofc fcorpion iocuftesdid fting and torment men, and when that hor- rible army whole hoifcs had heads like Lions , and fire, fmoke and brimftonc comming out of^ their moutkes, and deftroying the third part of men : but now hcfcndcth forth the Gofpcll againe,difpellingthedarkneflc and errors which came by the fmoke cf the pit, fcattering and de(troyingthe (iin- ging locufles , reforming*his Church , and gathering great multitudes of his Saints togcthcr.This vifion is fulfilled , or at the Icalt begun to bee fulfilled in our dayes; for we Hue vnder the opcningof the feuenth leale , and vnder the founding of the fixt trumpet.as it doth cuidcntly appcare by this Chapter.I will come to the text as it licth . The inighty AngcU whit h commeth downc from hcauen is the Lord Icfus Chrifihiiiifclte : for the things which arc here attributed vnto him, and by which heisdcfcribed, bee fuch as belong to none other but to the diuinc niaicOic , For that he is clothed with a cloud, it is a note of Chrifts peculiar glory. The rainebow about his head ( which of olde time was the facramcnt bctwecnc the Lord and all fle(h,that he would not any mote drowne the whole earth) is no lefle. This rainebow,alfo doth tcfiifie , that albeit he become dovvne with great wrath and terror againft his enemies , euen as the God of vengeance , yet full of mercy to hisfaitmull fcruancs . That his face dothdiinc as the Sunne, it is co the N 3 comfort i82 SERMONS VPON comfort and dcliucrance of his Church , cuen to difpdl all that fmoke ofthe bot- tomlcfle pit,as vvcfcethe Sun fcattercth and driueth away the thicke niiftes . And as the flinging locufts were bred ofthe fniokc,fo now thebrightnefleofhis coun<. tcnancc doth fcattcr and deftroy them, as vermine which cannot endure the light. The fwarmcs of them were exceeding great, and like to molt terrible Locufts they did craulc in abundance, & fpread therafelues oucr the face ofthe earth: but no w their nelh be deftroyed,and they are become very few in comparifon of that they were, and withall they be greatly diftrcflcd which remaineyet bchind.The bright (hining countenance of this Angell caufeth them to appeare moft vile and bale, not oncly to thofe which imbrace the truth , but alfo to the very fubie6lcs of An- tichrirt. Their glorie is defaced , their iliamc is layd open , and their llrcngth de- cayed. Hiyfeeteare as p/Sarf of fire ; This is fet downe for the terrour of his ene- mies, whom he will tread downe vnder his feet, & confume them with the fire of his wrath.Bcfore he commeth,the locufts arc of wonderfull power,Antichriftheld qII the Kings in Europe in awe, and excercifed tyrannie at his pleafure , thcTurke was terrible: but what arc they vnto this mightie and glorious Angell? what is their power towithftand him? Then further it is faid, that he had in his hand a litlebooke open. This booke is the booke ofthe holy Scriptures: for as we fee, the Bible is a large booke, if we confider it by it (dk , but yet in comparifon ofthe huge volumes of the ordinances and decrees in the popifh Church, it is but alitlc booke.The booke in thehand of him that fate vpon the throne was lhut,and fca- led with fcuen feales, that no man could looke vpon it: but this booke is open, to fignifte that it is to be looked vpon of all men, and openly taught vnto all the fer- uants of God. It was Oiut vp in the poperie, and lay buried in a ftrange tongue : no man taught it, which embraced theRomifh religion, butinfteed thereof mens decrees and muentions, and ail lyes and fables were preached by the popifh clear- gie, and bcleeucd ofthe people. The Laitie (as they call them) were in no wife to meddle with it . Fourefcore ycarcs paft,yelhouldnot feeitin the hands of any: flow it is open in the hands of thoufand thoufands , and ten thoufand thoufands ofGodspeople, which out ofic dolearnetoknowGod, andto worfhip hima- right in fpirit and in truth. It hath brought fuch light eftery where, that the fcor- pion locufts cannot deuoure vp the grcene things ofthe earth, nor fting men any longer in fuch multitudes as they did. It was faid before , when the third part of men were flaine by the fire, by the fmoke, and by the brimftone that came out of the horfes mouthes, that the remnant ofthe men which were not killed ofthofc plagues, repented not ofthe workes oftheir hands, that they fhould not worfhip diuels,andidds ofgold,&c. and the fame kingdomc and tyrannie ofthe Tutkc being fent of God in his wrath to plague Idolaters, as Idolatrie encreafcd, foit al- fo encreafedrfor the more the Lord plagued the world by th'cTurke, the morel- dolatiie encrcafed,and rhey were further and further from repentance:fo that cuen vpon the time that the Gofpel began to peepe forth, darkneflc was growne eucn to the full, Idolatrie was exceeding grofle, and the Turkes power did fo encrcafe, Jthat he was a terror vnto all Chriftcndome, & it was feared that as he had throwne dovvnc THE REVELATION. 183 dovvnc the Empire of thcEaft,and oucrrun allthofe Churchcs/o he would throw downe the Romanc Empire and fprcad himfcJfc oucr all the Churches in Europe. For as a terrible fire doth hang in theayre,and men looke with feare when it fliould fall vpon them : fodid he feemc to hang ouer all.But when this mighty Angell had brought this little booke open from heauen,and that men did looke vpon ic , and repent ofthcir idolatry , andturnctotheliuingGod,theplaguehath dcpartcdc- ucr fincc , and theTurkc hath not bene feared in thcfc parts where the Gofpell is preached : but God hath drawne his power another way , and fet him a workc clfcwhere. So that if men cannot be brought to belceue , that God raifed him vp as afcourgc and plague for idolatry, and other foule finnes in the Church , accor- ding to the wordcsof the former Chaptcr,whcn he fayth They repentedr.et of the workes of their handsy ^c. yet when they fee that at the opening of the booKc of God, and forfaking idolatry,the feare of him is remoued,Iet them beleeue it.What can we haue more piaine , then that this open booke in the hand of the Angcli, hath dcliucrcd vs both from the Pope and from the Turkc ? a moft happy opening of this bleflcd booke. Then it is fayd funhcr,that he put his right foote vpon the fea,and his left footc vpon the earth.Thisfheweth that he is Lord and ruler both ouer fca and land: for he treadeth vpon both,and ftandeth as ftedfafi and as firme vpon the Tea , as vpon the faft carrh.He cried alio with a loud voyce,as when a lion roreth. This is to ma- nifefi and to declare his wrath againrt his enemies,eucn againft the Locuftes , and the horfemcn of warre,and their horfes.He let them range for a time at their plea- fure.but now they fliall feele his hand , and thepower of his mighty and terrible voyce.Ifihe Lionrore,thebeartsofthe forreft tremble.The Lord hath vttercd his voycc againe in earth , and hath fcattcred his foes , he will in the ende makethcni tremble. And when he had cried (fayth S, John) fcuen thunders vttercd their voy- ces. It is net cxprcflcd what he vttered in his ftrong and mighty voyce, with which he cried as when a Lion roreth : but it appcareth euidently that it was concerning the terrible vengeance and fcucrc iudgements to be executed vpon the deflroy- ers and oppreflbrs of his Church . For that which fcuen Angels do vtter. at his call , is vttercd as if fcuen thunders fliould vtter their voyces . Thunder is a moft terrible thing, and for that caufe the moflfearcfull iudgements ofGodagainft the aducrfaricsare vttered by the voyces of thunders . He will thunder vpon them in his wrath,and horror ihallopprede them. The number offeuen , is a per- fed number in the Scripture : for the Lord made all things in fixe daycs , and re- fted the feuenth day : and therefore to denounce the fulncfle of all his iudgements, here are fcuen thunders vtter their voices. Thefe thunders did fpeake fo as they might be vnderflood : for S. lohn was about to write the things which they fpakc: he tooke it they were vttered for that end and purpoi"e,that he (hold deliucr them in writing to the Churches : but he rccciueth a commandement to the contrary. He is willed not to write , but to fcale vp the things which the thunders had fpo- ken. Why then were they vttered ? or was it not in vaine , feeing they be concear led?It wasnotinVainc :forfirft , though the particulars be not cxpreflcd whac N4 the iS4 SERMONS VPON thcthundersrpake,yethcrewe arctaughc,thac chere remainemoftfearcfulIUidge- ments for Gods enemies, which he hach thundred out with tcrrour againft them. And then morcouer,whenthe time commeth they fhall be feeneand vnder(tood, for they be fealed vp vntill that time: as we fee theAngell fpake to T>anie//»Thck things are fealedvpvntill the time determined, chap. iz.verC.^. Let vs then fully aflure our felues that there is great wra':h and vengeance of the Lord to bepowred forth vpon the papiBs, and vpon the Turkes,& vpon all fuch enemies ofthe truth, for all their crueltie fhewedtowardes his poore feruants. Their wickednedc hath bene and is exceeding great many waies, both againrt Gods truth, and againft his people : and no maruell though the Lord denounceth his wrath and vengeance againft them for the fame by feuen terrible thunders . Who fhall be able to ftand whe this commeth,eucn when the greatGod fhal thunder againft them from hca- uen? Let the Pope make merrie, with all his flinging Loculies which yet remainc, yea with all fuch as fauour and take his part:this is their Jot,and ye fee what cheare is prepared for them: mol^ horrible vengeance fhall light vpon them. The next part of this chapter fetteth Torth,how the Angel with a folemne oath, €uen by the lining God which created all things , afiFirmeth that the great day of God, the day of the generaJl i«dgf nent is at hand. This is for our inftrudion chief- Iy,which Hue in this laft age ofthe world; that we may be warned that the laft day isathafid.Thcbookeinthcright hand of him that fate vpon the throne, wa? fea- led with feuen feales.which the Lambe hath opened:vnder the feuenth feale com - meth this great day , This feuenth ieale is opened and as it were deuidcd into fe- uen parts, at the founding of feuen trumpets : fixe of thefe trumpets are founded alreadie. Yea it is cuident that the fixt trumpet was founded long fince : becaufeit draweth well towards fourefcore yeares fince this Angeil came downe from hea- nen with the litle booke open in his hand, and that the light ofthe Gofpell began to peepc out,and to difclofe the fouJnefle of poperie.For in the yearc ofour Lord 1 5 1 6. or in the yeare 1517. Minrtin Lmher began to call fome matter^ into que- flion touching the poperie» There remained but the laft trumpet to be founded when the Angeil made this folemne proteftation, and a good part ofthe time (\\\ct is expired. It is therefore as I fayd, euen to warnc vs that liue now in thefe daies , and hauc feene all thefe things fijlfilled, to be prepared,and to wait for the fecond comming of Chrirt. But let vs looke vpon euery part and circumftance in this oath,as the words ofthe text doleade vs. The iy^ngeli ('faith lohn) which Ifawfiand vpon the fea^ and'vpon the earthy lift vp hts hand to heauen. It is a cleare cafe , that in old time, they that fware,did lift vp their hand to heaue,thereby teftifying as by an outward ceremo- nte orgerture, that they called the God of heauen to witnelTc. And therefore A- braham when he would haue the Yv:\2^c/i ^odome vnderrtand that he had fwornc \i^ the moft liigh God, that he would not take any thing that was his, whe he had brought backc the captiues, vfeth but this fpeech; I haue lift vp mine hand to le- houa theGod mort high, poflcflbr of heauen and earth,Gcn.T 4.2 2. Then it is cx- prcfled,chat this Angci fware by him that liuethfor cuerraorc,&c.Thc lining God abnc THE REVELATION. 185 alone is to haue this honour,that wc fweare by his name in truth:and Co the Angell fwcarcth by him and by none other. I wil not (had here to confute the Anabap- tifts , which becaufe of thcfe words of our Sauiour , Srveare net aU: do hold it vn- lawfull now vnderthc new Tcliament to take an oath : wc fee here the Angell fwearcth . Bu: if anie flul thinke,how it can be, if this AngcII be Chrirt,& fo the liuing God,that he lliould fweare by the liuing God?the matter is ea/iiy anfwercd. Chrilt in the pcrfonofthe Mcdiatour is both God and man.And againethefcrip- turc CikhyfVheti there vvm no greater to fxprare bj^tho Lordfofore bji h^felfe, Hc faith notjthc creator of all things, or the Creator of hcauen and earth: which is as much in cfFc6t as hc fpcaketh, and doth teach vs , that he hath the ordering of all things,& hath in his owne counfell deaced the time when the world fhal hauc an endrbut which created the heaucn,& the things which be therein, & the earth, and the things which therein be, and the fca, and the things which therein be, &c. Here we fee the whole world is diuided into three parts : the heaucns, the earth, and the fca with their furniture, Euerie one ofthefe is vcrie great. & furniflied with marucllous creaturesrand when we lookc vpon them feucrally,it may leadevs in- to a greater wonderment at his glorie. And that is one caulo no doubt, why hc doth fpeake of them eucric onCjas it were apart. Wc are negligent in confidering the creatures to fee how they fct forth the magnificece of their creator,! he Lord r>o doubt could hauc CTcated all things at oneinftanc, but he made thera in fixe dayes^and fo we haue the m diftinguiflaed^to the end we might be moucdand led vnto deeper confidcrarion. And now followcth what he fware.and that is, TimgihaUbe ho msre^ but in the dayet of the voyce ofthefeuenth ryingeOyWhen he Piull begin to blorv the trumpet ^e^ uen the myffehe ofGodflulbefHlfilled, as he hath declared to hU feruants the Vro- phets.The time that Qiall be no more,is the time as it is now, for the Hate of things as they be : and that there fhall be no more delay or deferring of matters , but all fliall be brought toiudgement. Fornow wefcc commonly good matters tro- dcn downe,and euill caufes maintained, and no redfefle to be lud: but then there fliall be no more delay, but euerie thing righted that is amiflc. And this the An- gell fwearcth fhall be cucn when the fcucnch Angell bcginncth to blow the trum- pet. But why doth the Angcll take fuch a folemne oath that the day ofiudgemcn; rhall fhortly come ?The caufe is euidcnt : we fee how men in thcfe hl\ dayes arc drowned in worldly cares and plealurcs, cucn with as muchgreedincfle ,asifthe world were new bcgunne,and fhould lafl for eucr.Our Sauiour tellcth how they fhall cace and drinkc,marrie wiucs, plant, build, &c. and how the day fliall come vpon the vnawarcs eucn as a fna re .The things be law UjI inthcmfelues,&thatcau- fcth the more dangcrrfor many thinke fo long as they be about lawfuJl &: honeft ining3,:hongh they be eucn drowned and oucrwhelmcd in them, and expellall care and delight in hcauchly matters, that they cannot be blamed. Yea eucn thq faitlifull need to be furred vp; for the wife virgins do flumber and flcepc.Wehauc warning piucn vsin many places of the Scripture : but this warning,ifwc be noc vttcrly as dead flcfli, may couch andmouc vi,cucnto prepare our fclucs with our ioyncjj i26 SERMONS VPON loynes girded , and our Lampcs burning,to waitc for-thc comming of our raai- But what is this that he faith, Sfiett the myjierie of God fhall [;e fimihed ? It is the rewarding of the iu(t,and the punifliing of the wicked. The word of God,not on- ly the writings of the Apoftles.but alfo of theProphets,doth plainely fet forth & teiVifie both : that is to fay,what glorie God will befbw vpon all fuch as be faith- full and true vntohim,whichloue, obey and fcrue him : and on the other fide, what teribie wrath fhall be powrcd forth in full mcafure vpon all vngodly finncrs, and yet they be ftill a myftcrie : for the greater part thinke litlc of any fuch mat- ter, and the faithfull which bcleeucit, come farre fliort of comprehending it as it (hall be. For the high glorie of God fliall be exceedingly magnified both in the faluation ofthc iuft,& in the deftrudion of the wicked,which wecannot now ful- ly comprehend. Let vs thinke of it, and long for it , and be afTurcd we fliall then fee the greatcf^ and the moft wonderfull lights that cucr haue beneiecne. And a- boue alljletvs labour that the myrterie of God may be finiflied vnto our ioy and comfort.Nowisthetime^bewareyebe not ofthofc that (hall be raadcveflels of wrath. Now all that remaineth to the end ofthis chapter,is concerning the lltle booke which the Angel-brought downe open from heauen in his hand.Firft, lohn is com- maunded by thevoice which (pake to him ftom heauen to go take the Title booke . which is in the hand of the Angell Handing vpon the fca,and vpon theland.Saint John obeyeti) that commadement ofthc heauenly voice,and goeth to the Angel, requiring of him that he would giue him the booke.The Angel doth not only dc- liuer it to him, but withall commaundeth him to eatc it vp : and he telleih him he fliould find the tafte thereof fwecte in his mouth as honey , and bitter in his bel- lie. Which he found fo indeed : for he tooke the booke and did cate it,and it was fweete in his mouth,but when he had eaten it,his bellie was bitter.What this doth fignifie,thc Angell doth tell him in thcfe words, that ;&f wuft prophecte againea- moHg thepeopUj andriAtions^ andtenghes^ ttnd to many kif^gs. It is for greatpur- pofe that this booke is brought,and for that refpcd here is much faid of it. It is as I haue noted before,to declare that after the darkencfle ofthe Poperie,in which the holy Scriptures lay buried ,and mens inuentions & lies were taught , now to- wards the latter end ofthe world the Gofpell (hould be preached againe. For ye fee there rcraaine no trumpets now to be founded but the laft : there is but the laft woe to come. /o/;« then in taking the booke, eating it vp and prophecying vnto kindredsjtongues , people, and manie kings, reprefenteth not the Miniliers of old in the ages paft , but the Minifters of our time, which fliall preach the truth for the throwing downe ofAntichrift. Then let vs examine euerie parcelL There is firft a voyce from heauen, willing them to take the booke at the hand of Chrift. 'The Miniftcrs arc called of God, and by him they^re fet onworke : othcrwifc there could be no power, no authoritie, nor no good fucccffe in their miniflcrip. Againe, fee how the voyce from heauen fendeth them vnto that litle booke : for therein lyeth all the pgwcr and authoritie,And do wc not fee this fuifilicd ?Did not THE REVELATION. 187 not Luther, and all the reft of thofc noble inftrumcnts that God raifcd vp to rcco-- ucr his Church from vndcr the tyrannic of Antichnft, cucn by the direction of the holy Ghort,as by a voycc frorahcaucn.lcauc all humane dcuif(rs,and flieco the holy Scriptures for triall of all matters > And haue we not found, that fofoone as euer the Lord fcndeth his Miniftcrsto take this booke, then beginneth the workc a^ainll Antichrift? Doth it not wound them fo deepely ? doth it not fo difcouet afl their treacheries and abhominacions,that they will not abide to be tried by it f They fay there is no ccrtaintieiathc Scriptures to decide controuerfics. They fay the Scriptures be not fufficient tor all matters. Yea which is moft wicked,thcy fee themfelues abouc the Scriptures,affirming that the Scriptures haue no authoritic in rcfpe6^ofmen,but that which dependeth vpon their Church. Thus Antichrift and his minifters fct themfelues aloft aboue all , and will be tried by nothing but by their owne dccrces,thatis,by themfelues : for this istheirbulwarke, that their Church cannot crrc: the Pope in his ckaire iudicially cannot erre. But they come downe,and letvs in no wife be driuen from this licle booke which is dcliucrcd vnto vs by the Angell. Then ncxt,the MiniftersofChrift are to catcvp the booke : that is, they muft be fo painefull in the (tudie ofit,fo learne it , and know all points ofdodlrinc and inftrud^ions in it, and haue the power thereof in their hcart,eucn as if they had cat vp the whole booke. All their ftudics in otlicr bookcs mu(t be but hclpcs to bring them to the knowledge ofthis bookc.Ho w fweet is it in the mouth,what ioy and delight, the finding out and knowledge of the true dod^rines bringcthto a man while he is in the ftudiethcreof,all godly (iudents do know.How bitter it is in the belly , what indignation and griele it worketh when it is knowne and digeHed, to fee it defpifed,to fee errour,fallliood and abhominable wickedncfle exalted and magnified, all godly zealous niendofccle .Who is a right iludent in the holy Scriptures.which fecleth not that booke as fweete as honey in his mouth,& bitter in his bellie ? If thisbictcrncfl'e in the belly were not,n)en wold kcepe it fiill within them: but they as the Angell fayth, mull prophecy : againe,tbcy muft out with ic among the nations and people. They mufl inliruf which vtterly renounced Chrift , cannot In Co full a maner be faid to be the vttcr court of the temple oi Qod,fbr they be further remoued Then note how it was fUn the Temple:firfl:,there-was the moft holy place into which the high Prieft alone cntred once a ycare.T hen was there the holy place, into which the P:\dh did en- ter at all tin)cs.ThirdIy,there was the court, into which all the people might, and did come to worihip.Triis laft,thatis,thcccurc where all the people vvere,wasthc largeft rooiiic,and had farre the greateft multitude in it. Let vs lee then how it is to be taken. Through lefus Chrift all the clc6l are made holy Piicrts to God, & do not rc- maine in the vtter court of the Tcmple^as the figure was vnder the law, but haue an entrance into the mofl: holy place,as we are taught,Heb. 4.ver.i6.and lo.vcr. ip.20. And then on the other /ide,fo many as profefle Chrill and yet are not fan- ^ifiedjthey arc called Geciles/or they be fhll prophanerthe court without is giuc to them : they wornVip,but haueno accefl'e into the moli holy place, andfo fliall be caft forth , and (liall not be meafured with the true worfliippers.Thefc arc they which indeed proudly chalenge the mmc of the Catholike Church_,bccaufe they are by manic degrees the greateft multitude , Thefe take vpon them authoritie to frame a worflVip of God: thefedo tread downe theholy word ofGod as much as as in them lyeth , and muitlicr the true worfhippcrs. Let all ihe hcrctikes and I- dolatrous Papifts then boaft and glory of their niulcitudes,that they be Catholike, and defpifc the true worfiiippers,becaufe they be fo few.Let them proudly lift vp and aduauncethcmfclucs^bccaufe they profeffe Chnftin word, and chalenge authoritie to do cue what they \\[\ .We fee the holy Scripture is plaine againfi the, their multitude dial! not excijfc.thcy (liall be cut off, and not meafured and built vp with the true temple, which are the holy worihippcrsofGod. Then next here is {hewed how long the great Antichrift and his rout of prophane Gentiles, pof- fedingthe vtter court of the Templc,fhall tread downe the holy cine. The time is fet to be two and forty moncthiS : and that is three y cares and a halfc : for tweluc moncths to a yeare, three times twelue is thirtieand fixe , and then fixe moncths for the halfeyearcjdo make vp two and fortie. From this place the Panics do draw one argument, by which they would proue that the Pope is not Antichrift. After this maner they reafon : The Pope hath gouerned the Churc h many ycares: the great Antichrift iliallraignc but two and fortie moneths,which is three ycares and ahalfe: f for they do rightly confcfTe that the Gentiles which poflelle the vt- tej court of the templc,arcthc routof Antichrift)therforcfay they,itis impoffiblc that the Pope fbould be Antichrift.For anfwer vnto this: let it firft be demanded, doth not Saint lohn in this prophccic fpeake myftically,eucn as,the Prophets did in old time?they cannot denie this. And then demand furthcr,is not eucry day put for a yeare in the feuenty weeks which Damehhc Prophet fpcaketh ot?&: {o cucry weckeisfeuenyeares.And why may not cucricmoneth here then be put for tbir- tie yearesPwhich then do amount vnto 1 260 yearcs. Which indeed is a long time in comparifon of three yearcs & an halfe;but copared with the eternity of Chrills kingdome, it is as nothing. Aad tliatis one caufcwhy the Lord numbreth it by davc? THE REVELATION. I^i daycs & moncths which quickly run out.But then here will arifc another fcruple: Ifthc kingdomc of Antichriftdiall continue twcluchundreth and fixtic years, we Diu(i ciilier fay that the Billiop of Rome was Antichrift more then a tlioufand y cares paft,y ea aboue thirtcene hundreih/if we take his raigne to be no longer the vntill he was difclofcd by the Gofpell : or elfc we muft fay he haih yet long to continue. Let not this trouble vs,leeing it is moft clcare and out ofali controuer- fic,that in this booke,a number ccrtaine is put for an vncertaine. As in i;^e fcuenth chapter of this booke it is faid, that of eueric tribe there was fealcd twclue tliou- fand. And becaufc tweluc times twclue amount vnto one liundrcth fortic & foure, itisfaydchap. i4.thatromaniethoufands iiandwith the Lambe vpon mount Sion. Is any man fo vnwife, as to take it, that of eucrie tribe there fhould be fa- ued iuft twclue thoufand neither more norlcfle, and fo in all of the lewcs in thcfe latter dayes iuft an hudreth fortie & foure thoufandsto befaucd?& not rather that the Lord by a nubcr certainc doth declare that cue when his Church doth fecme vttcrlyto failc,hcfaueth agreat number,of which he cxprefleth not the luft funi. So in this place when God will comfort his people, hcfliewcth that Antichrift (halltread downc the holy citie but for a fhort time , that is , two and fortic mo- ncthsjwhich is but three yeares and an halfe,he meancth not to note the iuft nunv- bcr ofycarcs that he fhall continue. Thus much for the time of Antichrifts treading down the holic citicNow wc come to the builderSjtbe true mini(tersofthcGolpcll, which fhould be in all the rime ofthis trcacfing downe. 'But 1 mH gtne povfer to my two witiie(jes ,andthej [hiUpyophecie a thoufand tno hundreth andflxtte duyes^ clout hed in fcckc loth. hu- tichrift and hiscompanicbcing thofe Gentiles which pofleflc the vttcr court, do treade downe the holy citic,that is^the true Church ofGod , but fhall they quite dcflroyit? or doth God in this time of Antichrilh raigne forfakcit? or fhall there be none to rcfilt the tyranno js proceedings of AntichriH? This rr.ight be deman- ded, and here is a full ar.fwer, God dorh not forfake his Church, it fliaJJnot be fo troden downc as to be quite dcrtroycd he doth not Icauc it without true tea- cher";, which xcC\^ that wicked companic, by maintaining the Gofpcl,fo that thejr cannot vtrcrlieabolifli the tmth.The multitude indeed to uhom the court with- out the temple is giucn, is exceeding great , andthe trucworfliippersare fewin comparifon cfthcm: that huge multitude confpire againii the pure truth of (Jods wordand fetvp lyes: but God will haue fome witnt Ifes at all times to witncffe histruth^andtocon^emnc their fallhood and lies. And becaufc the law did re- quire that to cibbliflicuerie matter two witnefTcs fhould be at theleait ,andhis faithfull feruants in the prime of Antichtills raigne were vcric fcw,he fpeakcth of thclcaO number, which is fufticient by the law to be admitted for witncflcs. Thcfe are not to be taken then for two and no more, but for all thofe worthie fer- uants of Chrid, which fro time to time,both in the time of the perfccutingEmpe- rours,and a!fo when the Popcrie bare f\vay,werc raifcd vp and did teach the true wholfomc dochine, andimpugnethc great Antichrift, and his wicked Cler- gic. Thcfe two witncflcs cfthcLorddo prophcciCj^^thatis, they expound the liudy i^i SERMONS VPON liucly word, and feed Gods ele6t with wholefome do6lrinc, condemning bv the holy Scriptures all errors, idolacrie, and falfe worfhip , And how long ihall they propheciePeuenallthetimcofAntichriftcs raignc: for that is clcarely cxprcfTed. For take thirtie daiestothemoneth, and the thoufand two hundreth and fixtie daiics, is all one with two and fortic moneths . Antichrifl fliall with his compa- nic tread downc the holy citie two and fortic moneths , and the Lord will yet giue it, eucn that holy cicie ( for fo I take it rather then to fay he will giue power j vnto his two witnefles , to inftrudl, to comfort, and to build vp in the truth 1 260, daycs,that is, all that whole rime oi^i. moncthes . If Antichrifl tread downe the holy citie fcucn hundreth y eares, yea if it be a thoufand or more,ali that fame time the Lord would raife vp fotne or other , (iill to fuccecd in the true minifterie , to preferue the remnants of his people . There was no time then in all popcric , but lomehaue preached the Golpell, and (hewed boldly and plainely that the popifh kingdomCj is that bloudy kingdomcof Antichiift , and their woclhip , euenihe worfhip ofdiuels. It may be fome will demandjhow lliall this appcare, that there were cuer fome raifed vj>,which preached againihhe Pope and his deargy?! anfwcr,that all things are not written which were done in all places, but yet hiifories ofall times do tc- flffie fufficiently ofthefe two witncfles, that is, of a competent number of true teachers. It fnail not be needfull to mention thofe which were in the times of the heathen Empcrours, or before the kingdome ofpoperic wasgrownefkonga- gainfl the truth, but thofe oncly which in the middeft of the darkenefle, which (I fay jin the midit cfthe darkneflejwhen the fmoke of the bottomleflepit did oucr- Ipreadall, did preach the truth, and were perfecuted. LitheyeareofourLord 1 1 jS.which is now more then foure hundreth yeares paft , gerh^rdm and 1>t4l- cinus Nauarenfis, did carneftly preach againlt the Church of Rome , and taught that the Pope is Antichrift: that the cleargie and prelates of Rome were reied:,& were become the very whore of Babylon, prefigured intheReuelation.Thefe(as hiftories dotefiifiej came into England, and brought certaine others with them, who were bv the king and the prelates burned iu the forehead, and fent out of the Realme: & after were put to death by the Pope. In the yeare 1 1 60. Waldns, one of the chiefe men of the citie of Ltons in France^ was terrified at the fight of one that fell downe dead fuddenly: he fhewed great fruits of repentance, both by ex- ccrcifing the workesofmercie in relieuing the poore,and alfo by Inlirudting bicn- felfe and his family \\\ the word of God, and exhorting all that referred vnto him to the fame, and by tranllating certaine parts of the holy Scriptures into the French tongue, which he deliuered vnto many. He and a great number that recciuedin- (hu^^ion by him, maintained the fame dodlrine drawne out of the holy Scriptures which we do now, condemningthc Mafleto be wicked.the Pope Antichrifl, and Rome Baby lon,&c. They were threatned, and by violence ofperfecution Icatte- rcd into many places, and fome of them remained long in 5o^(ffww. In the yeare 121 2.the Pope caufed an hundred perlbns in the counccry oi AlfatMy whcreol diiictfcwcre noble men^co be burned in one day,for maintaining doiWne againlt the THE REVELATION. jp^ the dod^rinc ofthc Romifli Church . About the yearc 1250 almofl all the Chur- ches of the Grecians renounced the Church ofRome , bccaufc of their execrable fimonie , and fuch abominable wickedncflc. In the timeofthe Emperour Fredc' ricks ^^ fccond,abouttheycare 1240 there were in thccountrey ofSucuia ma- ny preachers, which prcachedfrecly againft the Pope and his prelates, affirming boldly that the Pope and his fay d prelates were heretickes. & fimoniakes, and fuch like.Intheyearc i2 50orthercabout,rore vp /frW^«/^M0A/hert Grcficd BiOiop of Lincolne, a man famoufly learned in three tongues , wrote diuerfe inucdtiucs a- gainft jhe Pope. And when he was ficke, and lay vpon his death-bed, which was at Bugden, he called one lohn Giles a preaching Frier , complaining of the difor- ders of the Friers and Romanc cleargy ,prouing the Pope to be an hcreticke. And fpeaking ofthe manifold abufes ofthc Church ofRome, and particularly abouc their couetoufnelTeand lechery ,he fay d they fliould not be dcliueredfroni the fer- uitude of Egypt but by ferce. And being fcarfc able to vtter his words, with fob- bing and w ceping his breath went away , and fo he departed in the yeare 1 25- j, which is now more then three hundrcth yearcs part , After his death the Pope would bauc had his bones digged vp, but was terrified by a vifion , Aboutthc yeare i jjo the Lord raifed vp diuerfe learned men, which openly and boldly im- pugned the Church ofRome: as Qregory Arrninenfis^ who layd open the abufes ofthe Romifh Synagogue, and confuted the popifli doctrine of free will. TahU" rmm Germany a preacher taught likewife. Trancxfcpu Petrarcha at the fame time.who calleth Rome the whore of Babylon,thc mother of error, the temple of herefic. And a 1 ittlc before that, hhunnet de rupe Sct(fa,\\as call into prifon for re- buking the popifli prelates for their great enormities , and for that he calleth the ^ Church of RomCjthe whore of Babylon,the Pope the minifler of Antichrifl, and ™ the Cardinals falfe Prophets. And being in prifon he wrote a booke, prophecying of the afflidlion which hung oucr the heads ofthc Spirituality for their vngodly life : he called his booke , yademecumin trthuiatione , Then was there Maifter £o«radtu Hdgtr , who taught more then twenty yeares againft the Maflc : he was afterward ftiut vp in prifon. gerhardH4T(J)idor \sxoix a booke againft the Monkes and Friers , which hec intituled LAchnma eccU/U . Abouc the fame time O were fp4 SERMONS VPON vvcrc LMichaell Cefenas , and Petrttsde Corhona^ and lohAnttes de Voliaco : there were condemned by the Pope and his adherents.The fayd /J^/c^Wwrotea bookc a^ainft the pri.ie,the tyrannic, and primacy of the Pope , accufing him to be An- tichrift, and the Church of Rome the whore of Baby Ion , drunke with thebloud of the Saints, &c. he left behind him many followers , of whom a great part were flainc by the Pope , fome of them were burned. About the fame time two Friers were put to death at Amnion for matters which they held againfhhe Pope: one of them was called ioha>ines%ochetatlada ^ who did preach that the Church of Rome was Babylon , and the Pope and his Cardinals Antichrili . About the y earc 136o.wasfet fortha writing againrtthc Pope and the popifh Cleargy , called a complaint of the plowman. About the fame time , jtrtnachantu an Archbifhop in Ireland, was raifed vp againfi Antichr:(t, he was a man of great learning and god- lineflcj his troubles were many, and the deliuerances great which God gauehim. In the y eare 1 3 d^^one SkholM Orem preached a fcrmon befoic the Pope and his Cardinals , in which he rebuked the popifh prelares,and denounced their deftru- ^irnnot to be farreofFfbr their moft wicked abhominations. About the yearc 1370 lined Mathias Purtlienfts , a Bohemian^ who wrote a large bookc of Anti- chrilt, and noteththc Pope to be the fame. About the yeare 1384 A^;/«< Arch- bifhop ofTheffalonica, wrote a large bookeagainft the Romane Church. About the yeare 1 590 many were put to death for the ^Gcfpeli, rcfufing the dodtrinc and woifhipof the Romifh Church.As at Bringa there were burned 36 Citizens ofMaguntia. IntheprouinceofNaibone there were to the number ofonehun- drcth and fortie w hlch chofe rather to fufFer all torments then to receiue the Ro- mi(h religion, and to deny the truth of the moft glorious Gofpcll . A good while betbre this time, there were 24 put to death at Pans . There were foure hundreih \lioted to be heretikes/oure fcorc beheaded, Prince ArwicricM was hanged ,& the La lie oftheCaiilc was ftoncd to death . In the dayes of king Edward ihc third, about the yearc 1371 hc^zn I ohn JV/ckJiffe oi Oxentbrd openly to dealc againfl thePopeandpopifndodrine . Thetinus wcrethen very grieuous, rhepopifh kingdome of AntichriH being rifen vp vnto very great ftrcngth and cruelty . King Bdrvard the third himfelfe being well learned and a valiant Prince greatly with- ftood popery ; he much fauoured and defended fVtckJiffe , in did diuerfe Noble men, in ib much thntMaifter fVtc^tffe&nd othersopenly preaching againftthc Church ofRomCjthe Pope & his prelates doing what they could,were not able to hurt him. After the dcatn c(Kino£dtvardthc was greatly fupported by the Lon- doneri ; and fo tfcaped the hands ofhis aduerfarics, liill proclaiming the holy and bcauenly dodhine ot the Gofpell againft the Romifh Antichrili. It pleafed God by his preaching, and by his bookes to giuc light vnto many in the land.Sun- driewere put to death, of whom the Lord Coi>harft was one y and diuerftflcd out of thcland , becaufe they wouldnot deny the truth which they had learned from him . That poplfli Councell ol Conlhncc 41 ycates attei his death , con- demning h's dodrinCj^aiiied his bores to be digged vp and burned . And as H^tc- itffef doitiiiic tookc plate here in England and fpread farrc , lo vvcrc (owe ot his >voikcs THE REVELATION. i^^ works caricd into Bohetnia,whcrc chey did more prcuailc.for about the ycrc r^io John Hnfft, w ho taught in Bohemia.with diucrfe others the iioly C iofpeiiof Iclus ChriQ,which a multitude zcaloufly imbraced,& thereupon renounced the Chu» ch ofRonie, was cited to appeare before the Pope,whIch he auoided.And about the yearc 1414 he was charged againc to appcare at Rome , then was he excommuni- cated , and much moleiiation followed , but he continued a coniiant witncilcof Chiift,and openly impugned the Romifli Synagogue,vntill the Counccll of C6- ftance, where he was condemned as an heieyke and burned. In the fame Counccll alfo Jerome of Prageja worthy feruat ofChrifl in rcfifting the Romifh harlot, was condcned and then burned. Thefc men were put to death, but Antichiift and all his power could not rootc out the Gofpcll in Bohemia.God raifcd them vp a valiantCaptainc lohn Ztfca-fln^ they put to flight great armies of the PapiHs that came againfl them , I will not (land to fhe w what perfecutions followed about this time in England, and what a number were vexed, and many put to death; they called them at that time LolIards.Come do wnc lo werrWhe the Romifli prelates had now long perfecuted , and feemed to haue rooted cut w ith fire and fword almoft all the profeflors and preachers of the Gofpell,the Lord rai- fcd vp new witncflb,men famoufly learned and godly.Among thcfe I'tfelw Qro^ mngenfir , who died in the yeare 1490 which is now an hundrcth and three yeares palt ; he was lb worthy a man, that he was called Z^(v.rw««^f, that is, the light of the world . Hedilputcd mightily and boldly againflPoperic, and prouedtheic dovSrincfalfc and wicked, and that the Popes keycs do not open but fliut heaucn gates. In the yeare 1 500 Hteremmtu Saftonaro/a a Monke in Italy , with two other Friers named Doyni '^kfytind Si!t*e(fer^ were condemned to death at Fiorence.Thcy taught and maintained againlt the Pope and the popifli do(5trine,the things which we do now. Thefc fiithfull witneflcs were not fruitlefle, asmayappeare by the pcriccutionsand murthcrings which followed after them in diuerfe places. In the raignc ©t King Henry the fcucnth,liued lohantj's Pkhs the Earle of Mtrandula; he wai but ^ 2 yeares old when hcdyed,and yet of great iearning.He made open cha- Icnge at Rome to difpute with any , againfl fundry points of popery : The po- piOi prelates wold notdifpute,but did article againfi him touching fufpition ofhc- rcfic. VVc arc now come downc cue within a very few ycres of the time that God raifcd vp his worthy fcriiantii/4^/« Lmher^zni\ thentogcther with him fundry o- therstopull downe Antichnfl, and to deliucr his poore Church from gricuous thraldome and miferablc bondage, lb that I need not to proceed any further. VVc may fee by tl.is that I haue noted , that the Lord cuev had fome lairhfull witneflcs which withflood the Romifli Antichrifl, and taught the truth to his pcc j le.Thus much then touching that one thing that the Lord had alwayes fome fauhr'ull mi- niflcrs of his Gofpell , euen in the depth ofpopcry. That he fpeakcth offo imall a numberof witneflfj : we are taught thereby not to depend vpon the greater multitude in the minifleric , butvpon rhofc which purely teach the tructh,andlcadc a godly Ijfc agreeable to the fame/ollowing the O 2 flcppej ,^^ SERMONS VPON fteppes ofChrift and his Apoftles.Thc PapiHs brag much oftheir m'jltitudes,and would thereby opprefle the faithfull minilters of Chrill as being few in nnirbcr. Some are much troubled at the fame: but what if the diuelland Antichrilt hauc cwotlvjufand feruants,for cucry two true feruants of the Lord?arethey the IcfTe to be rcf^ardcd? was not one E//^, being one true Prophet ofGod,betterthen foure hundrcthfaUe Prophets of S^^/jBe not troublcd,benot difmayed vvhcit fliali be .obiedcdjthefe be but few again(t many^but looke to the way oftruth and found godiincflejooke which hauc the rigjit on their fide.The malignant Church often- times haue exceeding many goodly prelates, when the true Church fcemcih to be almoflvttcrlybanifliedoutofthe earth. The truth of God dcpendcth notvpon the multitude of the voyces of men which confpire together . Itisfayd further that thefe two witnefles fhall prochecy a thoufand two hundrethand fixtie dayes clothed in fackcloth . This fetteth forth the apparell of Chrifts miniftcrs. In oldc time when men did faft andmourne dolefully ,thcy did vfc to put on fackcloth. -This prophecy fpeaking my (iically , andvnder figures is not to be taken here according' to the Ietter,thac the true witnefles of Chrili,cuen hisfaichfull preachers {haU all the time of Antichrift be clothed in fackc : but that indeed they fhall hauc a forrowfuU life here vpon the earth^yca fo full of gricfe and lamentation, as if they did alwayes faft and mourne. A very good place to (land a little vpon ,t^note the difference bctwccne the true miniftcrs ofChrifi , and the wicked pompous Anti- chrilhan prelates.Begin with the Prophets in the time cf the law. They werefent of the Lord to rebuke al eftates,& to reclaime the from their wicked waies.Whc they favv how (hfnecked the people were, and how rcbcllioufly they defpifed the counfclsofthc Lord; When they were hated and perfecuted , what was their life but a continual! furrow ? what could they do but mourne from day to day ? And bow meanc were they then in the eyes of the world > were they in pompe and io- lity? No verily, for with them it was as ifthey had alwayes bene clothed in fackc. When other men did folace and fport themfclues , they did lament and forrow. What fliould Ifpeake of the glorious ApofilcsofourSauiourlefus Chrift ? what was the whole life of that cholcn vcflell f 4.v/,aftcr he was called to preach the Gof- pcl!?The hiftory of the A6ts of the Apoftlcs fliewcth his life. Shall weihinke that ^<-/fr found any better entertainment then he did? Was lamer ^ or lohn, or any of the red in outward iolity? wcare fure they were not. Then Icaue them, and come downc to rhofe that ruccceded,and cfpccially in the time ofAntichrid , and what fhall we find bvit men clothed in facke ? God did manifeft his trueth vnto them, and raifcd them vp,and appointed them to be his witnefles . They did lay open the way of life , and reproue the wlferifh Baby lon.and all abominable vices . Their wordjSc their tcftimony which they bare was dcfpiled,& condemned almofl of all nien,cuenasherefie. AU that gaue credit to the lame , were deemed lanke herc- tike:;. Tney were cruelly perl'ecutedjaccurfed,andmurthered. They favv the wic- ked ilorilli.They faw idolatry, fuperflition^ and errours nioft abominable ,fctvp and maintained, and the woriiiip and glory ofGod trodcn downe. They faw the people reduced by the great Antichrirt/ittiDg in the temple of God, & led by Ica^ THE REVELATION. 1^7 pers into hell. Alas what could they find but forrow & griefc of han? bow could they now but be clothed infackePhow could they but mournc and lament ? Then lookc vpon the contrary /ide,the Pope & his Cardinals,his great prelates & Clear- gy mailierSjWere they cloihcd in racke,werc they in bitter griefe and forrow? Nay they haue bene with pompe, and pride, and out ward glory ar rayed in all precious cortly things.like to the Princes of the eanh ; as with gold,filuer,pc3rIcs, precious ftones,filkes,fcarIet,purple,and with all fine clothing.Thcy liuedin all pleafurcs & delicacie, feeding vpon ail the fattefithingSjand fweetefhhat might be gotten for monjsHcre we fee then a>cry great difference bctweenc thefc , and the true and faithfull witnefles ofChrift clothed in fackc.The hiliorics of thofc times do fhcw, wliat great complaints there were of the pride and exccfle ofthc Popifh Cleargy. And now whatfliall wc fay for our time ? Doubtlefl'c dic true minifters ofthc Lord haue no caufe to glue themfelues to the mirth, the iolity, ardbraucry ofthc vsorld.But there is caufe Iiill,yea eucn in thcfe daies to be clothed in fr.ckc;that is, to kiment and mournc.For how do wc fee the voice of God dcfpifed ? how is his glory dcfaccdjthe proud magnified, & vanity cxtoIled?Alas there is caufe ofgreac mourning to all thatloue the Lord,& we are not to thinkc that it will be better. If wc therefore wiliapproueouriclucs tobc the Lords faithfull witnefles, wc muftnoc feekc the pompe, the riches, thepleafurcs^the eafe, and the delicacie of this world : let thofe things alone for the miniflcrs of Antichrif^ , whofe bcllic is their God,which mind earthly things : but we muff painefully labour to aduancc the truth, to pull downeerrours and wicked vices : we muft lament and mournc to fee the truth fo muchdefpifed , the Lord our God I'o highly difhonored, aud men running headlong to dcfirudion . Then fhall wc pleafc Cod,ancl our minifiery fliall be blcflcd. Thus much for this time. THE jpS SERMONS VPON THE XXIL SERMON. CHAP. II. 4 . Thefe are tvto Oliue treer^ and two candtejitckes iftanding before the God of the earth, J, Andtfany wtllhfirt themyfire proceedtth out ef their mouthfandjhaideuour thetr enemies : for if any rvtiihhrt them^fb muft he be killed, 6. Thefe hatte power to f^jut heauen , that it raine not in the dayes of their prO' phecyia^y and hatte power oner waters to tftrne them tnto bloud^ andtofmite the earth with allmanner ofplaq^ties yOioft as they will. 7. Andwhen t hey haHefint{hed their tefiimonyythebeajl that commeth oHt of the hottomle^e pit pjallmake war againfl thetn^ and fb all ouer come them^ and jij all kill t hew, 8. And their corpfes (halite in the (ireetes of the great city^ which is called Jpiri" tnaUy Sodome and Egpyt^ where our Lordalfo tvoi crucified, p. Andthey of the people, and kindreds y and tongues, and G entiles ^fhaU fee their corpfes three dayes and an halfe , andjhallnotffiffer their corpfes to be put in graaes, 10, Andthey that dwell vpon the earth fhall reioyce ofter them , andthey fljall be glad, andthey (hall fend gifts one to another yfor thefe two Prophets tormen- ted the inhabitants of the earth. I r. But after three dayes and an halfe ^ the ^irit of itfe which came from God, (hall enter into them, andthey fhall /land vpon thetr feet yand great feareJhaS fall vpon them which fee them. I 2, ttAndthey heard a great voycefrom heauen ,faying vnto' them , come vp ht- ther . Q^nd they went vp into heauen in a cloude i andthur enemies faw them. 1 3 . And tn that houre there was a great earth<^uak^,aMd the tenth part of the city fellyandin the earthquake were fame names of mm ,/euen thou/and, and the refi were terrtfisd and gaue glory to the Godof heauen, yjj'^\ Aint John proccedeth forward in thedefcriptionofthcfe two wit- VCv^^iiv ncfles , of whom we fpake the laft time in the former verfcs. And ^i^2))(^^^<^^"^<^ to the eye of the world, or in externall fhew, the true mi- ^JP5?=ilx niflcrsofthcGofpellfecme very bafe , veryweake, and contemp- tible, and to hauc nothing excellent or prcciousin them : and moreoucr it lecmcth that they be ouercome,tiodcn downe, and vttcrly vanquiflied by their cuemics : lead THE REVELATION. t>p Ifaft we fhonld be caried awry with that opinion,thcy are here fct forth to be ho- nourable in the light of God, and fuJi offpirituall trcafures wherewith ihcy enrich the Churcbjand heauenly power alfo is in ihcn), wherewith they be armed , cucn vntoa mariieliousyii^ory and criuruphoucr thofe which fcemeto oucrcotne the. Tbisplaccisihcn, as wefliallfee, for to teach vs, that we mufi not eftecmeof Chrilisininiltersaccordingto outward appearance in externa)] glotvand worldly pompe, which indeed ihcy hauc not:buc according to the heauenly and fpirituaU graces and power with which they arc furnillicd , for the vvcapons of their war- farrc are fpiiitualj. Let vs looke vpon the v.ords as they lie . lie fayth they be two oliuc trees, and two candlcliickcs, &c. We rcade in Mofa-^ that the oyleof oliucs is vcrj fwcctc and precious . Anditis vfuall in the holy Scriptures (as ail do know) by fwcctc precious oylcs wherewith they did vfe ro annoy nt them, to reprefenttiie graces of the holy GhoIKThis heauenly precious oyle, cucnthefcfweetc graces of the holy Gholf, the Lord powrcth vpon his Churchby his faithfull minifters: and thcre- forethey are faydto be twooliuetrees, ihey hauethe fweetc oyle ofthefpirit, not to themfeJucs alone, but for others . They be alfo two Candleflickes : ye know whatthc vfcofcandlcf^ckesis.They bcare vp the pure light of Gods word,which from them Iliineth vpon men , as the candleftickes do bcare the candles let v^pon them. Then that they are fayd tojfland before the God of thecarth, it is to (hew, that they be his inHruments which ruleth not only in theheauens, but alfo in the earth , yea cuen then when all things fceme to be ordered at the wiU of Sathan & wicked men : for we will acknowledge that God ruleth in the hcauens, but in fMch times we can hardly belccue that he ruleth in the earth. We may note from hence what a precious vfe there is of the minifkrie of the Gofpcli : and what blcf- fmgs God doth giue by it . For what can be more ncccflary ? what can be more for our Ipiritual comfort and eternal] blefrednc(Te,then to haue the Lord powre in- to our hearts the heauenly and fpirituall graces of the holy Ghoft , which is figu- red by the oliue trees,and to flVme vnto vs with the true light.which he doth by his minilfers, as they are Gyd to be candleftickcs ? Here alfo the miniffers of the Gof- pcli may Icamc , if they will be true miniff ers of Chrifi , what manner of'pcrfons they ought to be , cucn frcfh oliue trees, and candlef]ickes,that is, full of heauenly graces dropping from them , and full of clcerc light , both in pure do6lrinc , and godly conucrfation . BlcfTcd befuch inrtrumcnts, that fiand before the God of the carth,yea a thoufand times bleffcd of God,their worke is fo precious.And wo be to them which hold the placc,&: through their darkneflc and flcfhly mind , arc nothing lelTe, then oliuc trees and candleffickes . Thus we fee what precious in- rtrumcnts they arc vnto the children of God : now let vs fee with what might and power they be armed againit the wicked enemies and prophanc worldlings . And #/(faythhc) any willhurt them, fitefroceedeth out oftheirmouthj and deuoitreth their enemies :for tfany vf til hurt them fo muU he be ktlled. Thefe 'oAue ^orver to fhut hcAuen that it rMme not in thedayes of their prophecy tng^ &c. It may feeme ftrangCjthatwcafcribc this which is hcic written vnto the ordinary minif^ersand G 4 preachers 200 SERMONS VPON preachers of the Gofpelh for where hauc thofc preachers bene fecnc or heard of, that haue had fire proceeding out ofthcir mouches to deuoure c'.ieir enemies? Where haue we known offuch as could (Imt the heauens that it fliould not raine? or that haue turned waters into bloud, andiiroke the earth with allmanerof plagues when they would? ?.rc there any fuch minirtcrs now? or haue wc read of fuch in time of popcrie? For anfwer vnto this, ye mu(t know that tbis booke nte- reth almoft all things myftically . For indeed the do6lrine of Gods word, which proceedcth out of the mouth ofhisfaithfullwitneflcs, isa fircthatfliall deuoure and flay all the wicked cnemies.lt fhall not (lay them with bodily death, for that way the beaft preuailcth againrt the feruants of Chrifl,but as a fire it fhall deuoure them for euer with a fpirituall death. O mightie is the glorious word of the Lord, and it triumphcth ouer all: for thofe whom it doth not purge as pure gold, it bur- neth thsm vp like drofPe. Let vs take heed how we defpife and refift it, and let vs beware how we become enemies vnto the true miniftersof it. For they be ftarkc mad, and know not what they do, which oppofe themfelues againft the mini- fters of Chrift . They muft be killed and dcuoured with this terrible fire, and yet they know it not. This is plaine enough touching the fire which procecdeth out of their mouth : but how fliall we vnderftand that which followeth, that they haue power to fhut heauen that it raine not, that alfo they can turne waters into bloud, and flrike the earth with all ma ner of plagues, which of all the preachers bath done thefe things? Thus it is, E/ias did fhut the heauens, that it rairjed not in three yeares and fixe moncths. Aiofes turned the waters into bloud, and flrokc the land cf Egypt with fundrie plagues. And now the faithftiU wirnefles of Chrift, thctrue miailters of his Gofpcll are compared to thefe two great Prophets Mofes and S' liaiy not that they fliall worke thofc myracles which they did in fuch outward things, but that they fhall be furnifhcd with a power in fpirituall things , which is nolellc.Thc great power of God is in the miniflcry ofrheGofpcl,as ye may reade 3. Corinth, I o. eucn to caft downe eucry thing which exaulteth it felfe againft God,&c,This power is not vifible,and therefore it pleafed God to furnifhhis pro- phets and his Aportles with the power to worke wonders vnto the iiodily fight of men, that thereby they might beled to confidcr ofthat inuifible power otGod with which they were armed . Now akhough the faithfull minifters haue not the power to worke thefe externall fignes and wonders : yctbecaufc they haue that glorious inuifible power which is the greater, they are fayd to haue alfo that po- wer to do outv;ard fignes & wonders, which was but as a witncffe ofthat other, I know that this is farre from the common opinion of men, becaufe they can fee , if a woder be wrought before their bodily eyes, but they haue no eyes of the foulc to behold the moftwonderfull and glorious power of the Gofpell, in throwing downcthe po vvcrof darknefle,cuenthekingdome and power of the diuell, infa- uing the faithfull, and dcflroying the rebellious. The Lordour God by thefe fpec- ches of (hutting of heauen ,' that it raine not in the dayes ofthcir prophecying, of turning waters into bloud, and f^riking rfic earth with all maner of plagues, doth lead vs CO tht coaiidcration ofthat Inuiriblc power which is in the true miniflcric ©f THE REVELATION. 2o"t ofliis word. Saint P^w/ faith, the Gofpell is the power of God vnto faluation, to cucry one that belccueth, Rom.i .It is thcarmc ofthc Lord , Efay.5 3 . Therefore let not vs be blinded to thinke meanly of it according to the outward fhcw ofthc minifters. I would ftand no longer vpon thcfe words, but it is needfull here a litlc toanfwerthepapilis. For from hence they draw one of their chiefc arguments, by which they would proue that the Pope is not Antichrift. Thys they reafon fif I may call it reafoning,which yet indeed is plainc doting.) li Enoch and Ettas hauc not yet come and rchlled the Bifhop of Rome,then is noc(ray theyjthe Bifhop of Rome AntichrifhButthcfctwo men £«crAand FJias^ haue not come and refifted the Pope,thercforc he cannot be Antichrift.For they take It that the two witncflcs here fpokcn ofare indeed E*toch and E/iat, and that they fliall come downe from hcauen in pcrfon, and preach againft Antichrili three ycares and an halfe , & then be killed by him , They haue for this^ the opinion of I'onie ancient writers, but in deed with varictic, & nothing as they vaunt and would make fliew of. They ftand alfo to proue the fame by the holy Scriptures , but failc vtterly therein. For al- though the holy Scriptures doteliifie, that Enoch was tranflatcd and fawnot death, and that Eitat wastakcn vp in a fierie chariot ; yet to fay that their bodies were rcceiued into hcauen we cannot; much lefle can it be proued that they fiiall come downe from heauen, and line among men, and preach againftAntich'-ifl^ and then be killed. Yes('fay the papifh) touching £//^x it isclearc, thacheniall come againe in peilbn, euenby the words ofthe Prophet Alalachy:Yj2\\o\^ I fend you £/mj thcProphetj&c.How importunate would thcfc papilis be,ifour Snui- ourhimfclfe had not expounded that faying ofthc Prophet couching the com- mingof £7m/?So they might hauc fornc colour of matter to prone that Antichril'l. is not yetcotncjthey will lircngthen the lewes in their opinion, thai t'ae Zvleffias is not yet corae.For when the Lord lefus Chrift the redeemer wascome,t!)c Scribes faidhcwasnottheChrirt, and why? becarethy 1^»g of the /^wittlesfhalljee thtir corpfes three dayesanda halff^ and fhall not fxffer their corpfesto be put wgraHes. Ofauage cruelcie ! they difhonourchcm all that they can , allowing the crueltieofAnti- chrift in fhedding their bloud : what beaHly cruekie is this? The time is alfo noted in which they fliall fcetheir corpfes lie vnburied to be three daycs and an half Be- fore he fpakc of42 moneths,which1j three yeares and an halfc,and of a thoufand, two hundrcth and three fcore daycs, which is the famcrbut here brcaufe he fpea- kethot the lying of dead bodies vnburied, he myftically callcth it three davesand a halfcjwhich is the fame time with the former. Then next is noted the ioy.thc gladneffcfic mirth which the inhabitants of the earth fliall make that thefc Pro- phets are ouercomc by the heart & fo cruelly flaine. For he faith, i\\zi t he inLilfi* tants of the earth Piallreioyce ouerthem, and be g/^rd,& f^a/l fendgifti one to aftO" ther. This doth flic w what an extreme hatred the blind world dorh bearc againfl the true Preachers of the Gofpcll. Wcmay learneby ic,how fart c they be from all cxcufe,vvhich in thcdarkcfi times of Poperie were led awrie into idolatiie ^ falfe rcligion.thuthey loued and liked fo well ofthe proceedings ofthc bea(i, and ha- ted fo bitterly the pure heaucJy dodi inc of the Gofpcl.It is eucn the fame which S,P4«/?fpcakcth,2 Thef.2.that becaufc tliey rccciucd notthc loue ofthe truth, that they might be faiied,God fhall fendtiiem (irong dclufion to bclceuclycsr that alhhey might be daned,which beleeucd not the truth,but had plcafure in vn- riphtcoufnclfc. For in rhc raimic of Ancichrifh fuch as jiauecnrc to \Vx Lords wit- nclTcs, and imbracedchcir holy dodhine were fan cu ,bi:t the o:hcr had plca- fure in vnrighteoufneflc,& were fo exceeding glad at the muitlitring ofthe Pro- phets, that ihcy fend gifts one to another, astliemancr is atioyfull times when mens hearts arc metric. But this is more cuidcnt by the ciaufc that followeth, whe be \i\i\\, thejf tvpo Prophets tormentedthe inhabitant t ofthe earth. Men arc glad and reioyce exceedingly when fuch are dclkoyed and taken away as did torment thcm,and thefc prophets did torment them. If the preachers ofthc Gofpcll be.the tormentersorthewovld , why fiiould the world be blamed for hating of them? Yci, for that they torment, it arifcth from the fault ofthe inhabitants ofthc earth, and notfromthc fault ofthe preachers. For what is it which doth torment , but the fire which commcth out of their inouth? and that is the pure doctrine of God. Now this (K)drinc to inch as IoueGod,is mofl fwecte & whoIefome,as thePro- phct Dautd vvitcnellcth^Pfalm. i^.but to thofc which loue darkncflc, and that take plcafure loi SERMONS VP ON plcafurcin vnrlghteournede, it is a tormenting fire, yea cuen a flame that (hall burne thcra vp,and dcuourc them for euer.Markc the contraric cfFed in the mi- niftrieofthctrue Prophets ofthe Lord.or the diucrfe working.To the faithful that loue the Lord, there is nothing more fweet and comfortable, then the hcauenly dodtrincofChrift vtteredby his faithfull fcruants^it doth cuen feed their foules^and fiU them with ioy and gladncflc , fo that they tenderly loue the mcflengers which bring it, euen as the inftruments of their etcrnall blefl'ednefle.But on the contrary part,to the inhabitants ofthe earth,euen to the men which haue their portion in this hfcjwhich delight in the waycs of their flefli, and follow fuch a religion as a- grecth to their owne wifedome,thispure doctrine of God bringethgrieuoustor- inent,and therefore they hate moft deadly the men which do vtter it. This place doth teach vs what a tormet it is to the reprobate, whe they heare they holy word ofGod nakedly and purely preached. This place doth open vntovs what is the caufethatthc holy Prophets in oldtime,and the Apoftles and faithful niiniliers of the word fince Chrifl:,haue bene hated perfecuted,& cruelly murtheredreuen this, that their do6^rine did torment the wicked world fo lore, that they could not a- bidcit.Maruellnot(brethrcn)that the godly Preachers at this day haue manic bit- ter enemies,for there be innumerable whofe confciences are fo euill,and that take fuch delight and pleafure in their owne finfulllnfts, that the holy word of God, when it is rightly preached,doth torment and vexethem wonderfully. Some do account it a great fault in the Preachers, when any ofthe people do florme and rage at their do6trine,and they would haue them fo to vtter the word,as to grieue or difpleafe none.-butlookvpon that which is here faid_,the true Icruants ofChrift fo faithfully dcliuer their meflage, that it ftingech and tormenteth the inhabitants ofthe earth, and maketh them euen.as mad men to rage in wrath and furie. Gods truth mui\ be vttered,Iet the inhabitants ofthe earth,v\hGm it tormeteih, broylc and take on ncuer fo much : yea let them with mad furie run vpon the Minifters ofthe Lord and murther them;yetthey mult not keep filence, they may not keep backe that fire which proceedeth out of their mouth, which doth torment and dcuoure the enemies. Againe,let all people here be warned how they oppofc the- felues againft the holy word.for it will torment them exceedingly.Seck to purge theheart,and then it fliall not be a tormenting fire,but a fweet and precious food vnto the foule, Blcfled are they which find it fo:and raort wretched is eueric one whom it tormenteth. Hauingthus farrefet forth the vidlorie ofthe beafl in killing the Lords witnef- fesras alfo his crueltie,and thefauage furie of his feduced multitude in difhonou- ring them after they be dead : hecommeth now to declare the I'pirituall vidtorie and hcauenly honour which thefe holy leruants ofthe Lord obtaineeueninthc fight and view ofthe world. They were al way es in triumph & honor with God : butin the world all the time in which Poperie preuailed,they lay as men couered with ignominie and reproch, condemned and accurfcd asheretikes. And then were canonized for Saints fuchasfhewedthemfelues valiant champions for the defence ofthe tyrannic of Antichrirt. After three dayes andahalfc,eucnwhen the THE REVELATION. 2o7 the time was come that Poperiemunbc difclofcd by the light of the Gofpell breaking forth,thcre followcth a great alteration.Thcfe Prophets arc raifed vp a- gaine.for he faith, that theffint of life which (Hmefrom Ged^^all enter tnio them^ dndthejPjallftaniivpoH their feete. This is foraevvhat mange: but we may not take this fo, as that the witneflTcs of the Lord, the Prophets which the beaft flue, fhall be raifed vp in their owne perfons ('which yet they fliallbe at the generall refurred^ion) but God doth here raife vp other witnefTes endued with the fame Spirit which they were, vttering and maintaining the fame truth,& the fame caufc againft Antic hril^and pulling downc his vfurped power. 7 his was firft fulfilled when God raifed vp his noble inlirumcnts and moft worthy feruants,maifler Z,«- ther ,M^\[\ct C'ili^wfPeter Martyr^ 'Bhcer, 2n6 manie other.This is fulfilled day- ly in all the faithfull MiniflersofCbrift, rai'edvp in all countries. Let no man thinke that this expofition is bcfide the holy Scripcure$,when ye fee that the Lord faid that he wold lend S/im the Prophec,& yet Hias came not in perfon,biit lohtt thcBjptifUnthefpirit and poWer of (f/i^j. And lojkc well vpon thecaufe, the fcruants of the Lord which were murthcred in time of Popcrie , or which were condemned as hcretikes,and fo lay ynder all ignominie and reproch among men: as U-^ickJiJfe, HtfffeyHierome ofPrage^ztiA many othcr,are ilicy not after a fort al- fo eucn raifed vp to life, yea euen in their owne perfons, when their dodrine and their caufc is moft niigli:ily defended by the liuely word which is come fro God? Do they not euen as it were iland vpon their feet againc? Is there net a great feare fallen vpon manie that fee it ? They neuer looked iot fuch an alteration , which worfliipped the bea^. And touching the words which fo!Iovv,is there not a great voyce from heauen to bid them come thither ? and arc they not afccnded vp euen in the fight of their enemies? doth not the mightie voyce of God in his word which is from heauen, dcare them from being heretikcs , and manifcfl that they weie true Prophets of the Lord , and now partakers of the hcaucnly glorie ? This word ( I fay) carrieth them vp into heauen, as it were in a cloud. This word fhe wetn that rhofe Popifli Samts whom Antichriftdi J canonize, as Thorns Xecl^ryind fuch Iike,were wic- ked Idolaters. The Papilh, and efpecially the lefuits do bite and gnaw at this ,but cannot tell how to rcmedieit. They labour with all.their might, itill to diOionour thofc worthiewitneffcsofthcLord , whom their king AntichriH flue, and to ho- nor thofe Popifli championSjbut all in vai.ie:for thii great voyce fro hcauen,eucil tlie dcare word is too flrong tor them,and do:h bcace them downe. It laycthopeti the filthinelle of thofe whom thev extbll , an J it aduanccih eucn to the heauent the true minilicrs of thcGorpdi wh >m they condemne. Here is yet another thing reinaining.an earthquake and the eft\. 6\ thereof. He faith, .'» r^.rr honre there vr.u a ^reat ra-^th'jrul^'.EiKr. at the time in which God railcth vp his fcruants t>> fprcad the light ■;! ImCiofpcll. to difcoucr all the wicked abominations ot A-nichrili ani ro giur honour to his former Pr phcis, '■'sin ih out tlii: great carth>] i.ikeJ3u'"vvll fomc fiv, '.%hcn!>e?.rd wc ! fnch ane3^(hqur.kc ? I auiwcr,that by this tanhc]uaKc arc UiCaiit the coamiOtici j^lhc fcditicns^ihc tu- niul.s zcl^ SERMONS VPON tnultsand warrcs among thckingdomes and nations of the world,which haue bin vcric great cuer fince the Gofpell brake fcrth.AlI that be of yearcs do know what great iliakings there haue bene, and yet are. And now touching the cfFcdt of this carthquske.tlic tench part of the great citie doth fall. The Rouiilli Sinagogue c6- nicth dovvne ,yea it conimcth downe d3yly,thprc is fuch a mightic ftiaking.Ma- nie.are departed from them, their glorie is im')aircd , yea they are conftraincd to forfakefome of their owne fuperfiiticus inucntionSj & to cqnfcfle chat they were errors. And further,thcre is this cfFe;.BIc{fcd be God,many repent in thefedayes,euen in the midrt ofchefe commotion? & fearfull Judgements ofGod. Yea they turne from the worfiiipping ofidols,and giue glorie to the God of hea- uen.In the time of the murtheringarmle,chap,9^vhen the third part ofmen were ilainejtis faid,that the reft repented not ofcheir idolatrie : blelledbe the times in- to which we are fallcn,aIthoughthey be other wife troublefomc,for in them God giueth repentance to manie. THE XXIIL SERMON. CHAP. II. 14. The feeondvfo i^pafij behold the third woe mil come anon. I J , And thefenenth Angell bier* the trumpet ^Md there were great voyces in hea- uen^ faying^ the ktngdomes ofthu vtorldare our Lords and his pirifij^ttnd he [hallratgnefor euermore, 16. Then the i^. Elders which fate before God on their feats, fellvpon their fa-' ces^and wor (hipped God, 17. Saytng, wegif/e thee thankjt Lord God Almightie, which art, which wajf, and which art to come : for thou haU receiued thy great might, andhafi ob» tainedthy kjngdome, 18. And the the Gentiles were angrie,andthy Vfrath Is come , and the time of the dead that they (houldbetudged, and that thou jhouldefl gtue rewardvnto thy feruants the 'Prophets and Saints , and to them that feare thy name fmall and ff€4^t^aMd^oHlde^ de^roy them wbich dejiroy the earth, 19 And THE REVELATION. iop I p /ini the Temple of GOD was opened in henuen^ and there WMifetue in hit TemfUy the arke of his Teilamenty and there followed lightnings jtindvo'tcej, ■ MndthMndrtngs^andearthqual^, andmnchhaile. . He opening of the fcucnth fcale of this bookc, is as yce know diuided into the founding oifeucntrumpcts:uhc fourcofthcm were founded, an Angel flycth in the mid- dcll of heaucn, faying with a loud voice, woe, vvoe.woe, to the inhabitants of theearth^that is three wocs^bccaufe ofthe three trumpets which were yettobe /bunded. Ac the fiift ofthefc three grcateft woes, w ce had briefly de- fcribed the darkc kingdome of antichrift . At the fccond trumpet founded, there was painted out the horrible de- firoyingarmieof the Turkcs. Thefctwobeingfulfilled, there remaincth but one which is the third. And therefore as it is fayd at the firft of the thrce,onc woe is paft, and beholdetwo woes will come afccrthis: foat the next itishcrcfaide, thefe- cond woe is pad, and behold the third woe commeth anon. This third woe is the greatert woe of all woes, cuen the laft woe.that is to fay,the wo of eternall iudgc- mentand vengeance. This is here defcribed at the foundmgofthc Ul\ trumpet . Here is then the day of ludgemcnt, and Ibnie delcription ot the things which fol- low that day both vpon the good, and vpon the bad . For this dcfcription.as wee fball fce,deuidcth it felfe into thefe t wo partes, that is to fay,the ioycs o f the good, and the torments, of the w icked. The former two woes, ihatis, the kingdome of the Pope,and the kingdome of the Turke being much fpenr, we are now to w aitc for the great day : for as the holy Ghofi fayth. The third noe will come anon. Jt i$ no cimc for men to liue now in fecuritie* Then he fayth, Thefeuenth /Ingell blew the trumfet, andthere were great voy^ ces in heanen, q-c. The Angell did denounce a woe, and it is faydc, the third woe will come : and now at the founding of the trumpet, here arc voyceshcard oftri- umphingioyandgbdnes. Howdoch this agree to a woe? Ye murt note that the three great woes arc denounced only againfl the inhabitants ofthe earth, the chil- dren of this worId,euen the reprobate. Now the ioy which is here fet forth is of an- other companic, cuen ofthe bicfl'ed Angels, and ofall the elcil and redeemed of die Lord. For wlien the grcatcft woe ofall beginncth vpon the dcLi!s,vpon Anti- chrifl.and vpon all the wicked, then beginncth airothegrcatcd ioy ofthe church, and ofall the heauenly com panie.How do the holy Angels and the Saints cxprcfTe thecaufeoftheirioy ? or what caufeofioyvtter they ? Saint lohn faith,therewere loud voices heard, faying, The i^ingdomeiof this worlde are our Lordes, andhis ChriJfjyOMd hefjallraigtefor enerrnore. Here is the caule of ioy expiefl'ed. Then ail their ioy is in this.and for this, that the kingdome of God, and of his fonne Icfus ChrilV IS fet vp,andniall(bnd for cuermorc, cuen world without end. Here is in- deede full caufe oftriumphing and reioycing,lor in this kingdom cFour Lord con- fiflcih the glory of God, the ^lory and the ioy ofall the heauenly companies : and p there- 210 SERMONS VPON ' therefore no maruell though there bee loud voyces o f ioye and triumph, at the full letting vp ofthcfame. Butitmaybefaid, doth not the Lord God raigneas king oucr al J the world euen now ? or did hce not eucn then lule when Antichrift bare fway ? Yea hath he not al vvaies raigned ? and is not the Lord lefus lifted vp in glo- ry at the right hand of God,& hath all power giiicn vnto him in heauen and earth, and dothraigncas Lordeand king ouer all? How then is this applycdtotheday ofiijdgeiTicnt,as though the kingdome of God,andofhisChrirt,liiouldtl\cnjancl not before then, be fet vp ? To anf wet this, wee muft note, that although the moft high God of glory is king ouer all, and hath exalted his fonnevnto thehjghcft maieflie,yet by hispermiffion,Satan the prince ofdarkenes,vvith his Angels exer- cife a kingdome and a dominion in darknes, in vnrighteoufncs, and fin^ and bea- rcth great fway in the world byhisminillersand fcruants the wicked and repro- bate, and (hnll doe eucn to the day of the generall iudgcmcnt. But at that day,(he whole kingdome of Satan, of Antichrili, and of all the wicked enemies, fhallbee quite and vttcrly beaten do wn,no reliques,nor remnants of the fame remayning. Thedeuils and the wicked fliall all be caft into the prifon of hell, and there be fliut vp in darknes,& in eucrlafting torments.They fli all range no more abroad to mo- lei? the feruants of God,nor to w orke wickednes vpon the earth.For wc looke(as Saint Peter fayth) for new heaucns, and anew eartb,in which dwellethrighteouf. nes,2.Pet.3 . this is it which we are taught to pray for d3yly,when we fay,Let thy kingdome come. And to all that hate the power of the deuill, with the workes of darknes,and thatloue the glory of God, and ofhisChrift,it is a moft ioyful time to thinkc vpon. The Lord lefus Chrili flial raigne(as the hcauenly fpirits do here pro- nounce) not for a thoufand yeares vpon the earth, v\ hich is the errour of the Chili- ^IleSjbut for euermore : Euen fo fiiall the bieflednes ofihe faints be with their head and king world without cnde. For fo long as God and his Chrift (hall raigne, fo long Qiall the Church inioy true bieflednes : and that is fo long as neucr fhall hauc an ende. Men arecarefull about the things ofthis life, and an hundreth yeares feemeth a longtime, butifourcyescouldbe opened to behold the time, euen the eterniiie and eucrlafting continuance of chc kingdome ofChrii}, it would makevs defpifc and fet light by tlie time prefcnt, and the tranfitorie things which are in it, andfo fee our whole hart vpon this glorious kingdome which fliall neuer decay or draw towards any end. Thinke often 1 pray ye, vpon thcfe reioycing words otihe holy Angelsjthe kingdomesof the world are our Lords, and his Chriftes, and hee fl'iall raigne for euermore. Thus much for the triumphant ioye of the Angels. Now folr loweth the reioycing of the Church. The 14. Elders doereprcfent all thechofen which are faucd.borhin the time of the la w and ofthc Gofpcll. The number of twelue doubled, refpeflcth the twelue ti ibe«, for the one : and the Church gathered by the Lambes twclue Apoltles, for iheother. Thcfcfirftdoefalldowncvpontheirfaccsand worfhipGod. They doc not worfhiponcanothcr,they worfhipno Angcll,butthey allworHiipGodAad yce fliall neucr findc in the holy fcriptures, that the true Church or ai.ymcnibet thereof, THE REVELATION. m ihereof.doth worfhip any butGod.For the diuinc worfhip is peculiar to the moft hi"h God alone, v\ho will not (as he fayih by the prophet) glue his lK)nour to any other. It is heinous facrilcdgc and robbery to giiie away any part of it vnto crea- tures. The popilli Synagogue the Church of Rome,doe woi fhip Angels, and pray vnto thciTj. Thepopifli Synagogue do worfhip Saintcs, and call vpon ihem,ma- kin" thcni mediators of intcrccflion. They do worfhip and call vpon the blefled Virgin, vpon the Apoflles, and Martyrs. The popi(h Synagogue doe worfhip dead bones,and rotten rel iques.yca euen thcbones fomtimcs ot wicked incn,fuch as Thomas Bcckct.Finally , the popifh Synogoguedoe woriliip Idols ofhluerand gold,ofbra{lc,ofwood,and of(^one, which can neither goenorfee.ond therefore indeed they worOiip deuils, as the holy Scriptures doe Batly charge all Idolaters ; therefore the popifh Synagogue arc nothing like to the heauenly company.which worfliip none but God. Learne therefore out ofthe holy Scriptures,and take heed to what companie ofworlliippers yce ioyneyour felues. If yee ioyne with them which WOI fliip God alone, there is plaine warrant enough in theliucly wordc: ]f yee will ioyne with them that make others Gods, (for what a man offeieth diuirc worfliip vnto.that hoe makcthGod) yee loUovv the wicked inucntion of the ficfli, and the diuilifli fuggcH ion of Satan, and the Lord in his word doth terribly threa- ten againH the fame. Kccpc your fclucs cha(l,bee pure wordiippcrs of God,coin- mit not fpirituall whorcdoine with deuils. It foUowcthjthat they giuc thanks and praife to God : H^egiuethee thanks Lord God Alo}ight}€,(\zvi\\'\ty)vs>hich art, which vrajl,and\vhtch Art to come, c^c. The SaintCi recciuc very great bencfites at the day of ludgemcnt.for it is the day of re- demption vnto them : it is the day in which they bcginnc to enter into the poffef- fion of their full glory;thc they receiue their bodies.! hey cannot therefore but with vehement affection breakcfooith into thankfgiuing for the fame. Such of Gods children,3snow beingcloggcd with the burthen oftheflcl"h,aredul to giue thanks for their redemption, Oiall then with moft quicke aftcilioniound forth thankfgi- uing and praife to God alone.Indecd we haiie the prom ifcs ofGod, which cannot lye, nor dcceiue vs, that we fhall be plucked outofmifcrie.and made partakers of his' glory in eternall blefl'cdnes : but our nature is fuch^as that wee are molt moued with the things prefent,which our fences doe apprehend. Let a man haue the pro- niifc and gift ol Tome rich inheritance here in the worldc, w hich is to coidc a long timeafccr,and it will mouehim.butnot fo much,as when hetakcththe poirelllon. The faiihrull doe worlli ip God, and giuc him thankes w hilc they be here, but no- thing as it flull beat the latter day.Then fee with kv hat tearmes they let forth God: Lord God (fay they) ^Imtghtie^ which arty rehuhwaji, andxihieh art tccomc. They lee now moft clcerely,ihat God by his almightic power trcadcth downe all the enemies,yea euen the llrongcft of ihcm,3nd plucketh forth his redeemed out of their hands. They fee in more perfect fort then while they liued here, that hce is God eternal, and vnchangeable,and fhall continue the fame lor eucr.l hat he baih giuenthc being vnto allcreatures, and fupporteth thcinby hisniightie wordc. Thcfc things they now Tec perfectly. Pa In 211 SERMONS VPON In the next words they render arcafon ofcheir thanks, faying, For thou haflre^ ceiuedthy great might, andbafl obteined thy l^ngdome, ]s this the caufc of their thanks? And had not the Lord alwaics his great might ? and doth hee not alwaics raignea^sKing? The Lord hath alwaies retained thefuinesofhis might, and (hall hauc no greater powerat the latter day then he hath now. Alfo he raigneth as king oner ail: but as it was fa'id before ,he doth permit a kingdoiy.c ci a power to the de- n ili,which when he tiiToweth down,he is faydii'.C-n to receiue his great might,& to - obtainehis kingdome.l he receiuing aien of his great might.is the cxcrcifing and putting forth of the fame, ioithe vtter ouerthrow of all the enemies, and full deli- ueranceoftheChurch. While Satan and wicked men doc bearefuchfway herein' the vvorldc : w hile the godly are oppreiTed and iniuried many waies : v\hile death bath flildominion ouer their bodies, andlliey lie in the duft,fubie6t vnto bafenes, vntoviierottennes and'corruption, where is-themightie power, and where is the^ kingdomcofGod ? Doe they not leeine to belaid a(ide for the time PBuft when he flieweth his power, and beateth quite downethc power of Satan, andplucl^cth his chofen out of the iawcs of death, then is he fayd to receiue his great might and kmgdome. And now marke well what caufe the Church hath to giuc him thanks for reccif uing his mightie power & kingdom: for by this meanes fhe is brought to her per- fefl faluation and glory .Our ful dcliuerancs,Iiay,doth fbnd in the mighty power of the Lord. And when he doth beate downe all bis enemies and raigne,then blel^ fed ("hall we be. When our Lord God fhall raigne,let all rcioyce and be glad, that bee of vpright heart,fGr wcfliall raigne with him. Hitherto appertaine all the ex- hortation sin the Scriptures, which will vsto reioyce in his holy name. Then to conclude this point of this triumphant fong of the Church : fechow all faluation i$ afcribcd to the mightie pov\ cr of God : and how the Saints doe thankc him alone fbrit.Itiswritten,a$ you know, faluation is of the Lord. And who giueth thanks for that which is his o wne ? Jf our works, or merites, or righteoufncs did faue ys, thefe thanks to God for his power and kingdome could not fland. Wee might itv fomefortthanke ourfelues;yea, wee might glory in our felucs, andinourownc, flrength. But the true Churchgiueth thankcs oncly to God, and glorieth onely in bis power and kingdome. Therefore thcpopifh Synagogue which glorieth inhet owne righteoufncs, is nothing like to the chaft fpoufeofChrift. Obeloued, truft in the Lord, and in his glorious power, for he alone is our Sauiour, and ourtcdec* nier. Then it followeth : And the Gentils were angrie, and thy wrath is come, and the time ofthc dead that they fhould beiudgcd, and that thou fhouldeft giue re- ward to thy feruantsthe Prophets, and to the Saints, and to them that fearethy name, both fmall and great. Thisis the latter parte of the ioyfull and triumphant fong ofthc Church. In the formcr,as we haue feene,thcy gaue thanks to God, thac he had recciucd his great might and kingdome : becaufe by it, and in it,con/ifteth the fclicitie of the chofen. And nowcomming to mention the wrath and venge- ance which is to be pouredfortb vpon the w icked : they firft doe fay^ the Gentiles were THE REVELATION. i^ wercangrlc. Asifthcyfiiouldfpcakcthus, thcGcncilcs, cucnalliheprophanec ncmicsottby Church,both forrainc and domcliical, haue had their timc/m which they were angric with thy people, and in their wrath did affln5^ and vexe them ve- ry lore : And nowe the cafe is altered, and the time of thy wrath is come to punifli them for the fame their wicked crueltie. 1 hcfpeech is very fittc/ccing there hath been no time.but tlic Church of Chrirt here in earth hath had very angrie enemies, and in their anger and furiCjthey flic vpon her, reuile and pcrfccutc her, and moft cruelly murder her childrcn.This wrath ofthe Gentilcs.and bitter rage again(^ thc- Church, which is moft deare & pretious to the Lord.is mofl highly difplcafinghis hcauenlyMaicflie: and therefore though hecfuftcr them, andTccmcto winckeai them, yet there is alimc to declare his wrafh vpon them, and that.as the ciders fay, is now come. ' • * Icisaftrangcthingtofeehowblindthc worldisrTheMiniftersof'Amichrif^, how angrft they bc,3nd how they fret and raj»e at althofev^hichloueandimbracc thepuredo(5lrinc ofthe moft glorious Gofpellof lefus Chrift? Andhowmaddc they bee, that men wil not rciicrence thelawesand curfcd decrees of Antichrift, and fo together with them worfli ip the beaft? And in their anger.how cruelly they runne vponyong and old,boih men, women and children/paring none,and mur- der them vpon hcapcs r Agaitic, the prophane worldlings, which take plcafure in ihclufts of (in,& would gladly walk without rebuke in all vncleannes,how excee- ding angry be ihey,v. hen the liuely c leere word is Tttered,v\ hich dothdifdofe and bcwrav them? And ifthey fee any ofthe people imbrace the holy do6^rine ofGod, and efchew vncleanewaics, how their wrath is then inflamed, they could euen find in their hearts to beate out their brainesrbecaufe the Lord letteth them alone, (I meanc he doth not powre forth vpon them the full mcafure ofhis wrath)they i- maginc that they fhall neucrcomc to any account for the fame. But let men re- member that which is here wricten,7^rongly,an<]>cuen.tcinan4 hii, cuenfijllyperfvva^icdi that if we vvillerchewthedreadfiilKM-atKa-iidheaui^ difpleafureof almightieGod, wc inui\ make tuiJaccounitoendivrc^thea-ngerof the Gcntiles.Fox this is the portion andlot.ot the Gbarcb,and ofaii her childreOjt(| bcare the anger of the Gcntilesi ." ''-ra. ,^ The next words are : And the time of the dead that they {hould be iiidg^d. Th« AngcU in the tench cjiapter did fwaiVeijthat time rbuld bf: no more but in the davcs of the voice of the fcucnthAngclljivherrheflialbeginne to blow the trumpet. Wq leehcrehow this agreexh W4th the fame,that now tiiedeadiyiaJtbciudged. Theq they ate deceiued which expound thcfe thinges tobecfuch asgoe a little before the la(t iudgement. For when this truinpe Hiall found, the dead Oull bee raifed vp incorruptibie : Chrift'%ith this commeth to indgethcquiekeandthe dead. Asto thisalfo thofefoimerthings,the receiuinghis great might and kingdome,and the cimeofinswrathdbeagree. Andv\hatlhalibcdo}ieatthisiudgCijiqnt?Thenexi; words doe lTievv,th3t when t bey fay,that ih'ou m aiefl giue reward to thy fcruaunts the Prophecs,and to the Saints , and to all tnit feai c thy name^both fmal and great: and that thou maiell deflroy them,that dcllroy tlie carth.This yee fee reacheth to both partSjjto ihercward ofihegodly,which dial receiue the ciowne ofglory,an4 to therendring vengeance and delkti^tion to the wicked^. for ail their vvkke4 t\aies.The bkfled ones which now flial raigne with the Lord in gloryjare dimded bito thefe three forts,the prophets.thc Saints and all that feare God,both fmall and great. No doubt men fhall in their feueralldegrees^not of merite(becaufc there is rone in the works of man)but of the fruites ot taith receiue the reward of glory. If amanfowefparingly,hefl-ialheapefparingly andif hefoweplenteoully,hefhalI rcape plenteoufly,as Saint Paul tellcth the Cprinthians, a.Cor.p, verf p. VVe arc called vpon to be rich in good workeSji. Tim. 6. We are willci^ to makeys friends with thevnrightcou&Mammon,Luk.i 6. OutS!iu\oux{a;\i\\^ff^hoficfu:rfhallgitic vnto one of thefe little o»es to drwl^.a cup ofcoUe ivateronely^in the »afneof(t4tfcim flcy verily I fayvyitoye, he fh'Allnot lofe hisrervnrds. Math. lo. By Prophets arc meant in a large hgnification, all that haue faithfully taught and infltud^ed the Church in the holy doikineofChriftjwhetherpricfts or prophets ofold in time of the law,cr3poHles,prophers,Euangelift3,paliors,and teachers in time ofthcGof- pell. All thefe, cuen according to their faiihrull feruice, and labours, fliall receiue their reward. Jt isfaidinthe Prophet Daniel, that they which haue taught other, (hall n-iine as the firmamcnt,Dan. 1 2. Great i] lall be the reward ofglory y pon the faithfull,andtrue Prophets. Then next it is faid. He will due reward to the Saints, and then to all that fearc his name,both fmall and grcat.Itiseuidentby the EpiIilcsofSaintPaul,asall"o by diueT^G^ •^[W H E fcocnd vifion of this prophecic, which bcglnneth at the fourth chapter, andcontinucthiothc cndof the clcucnth, being finidicd, v\'c arc come now to the third vifion, which rcachcth to the ende of this bookc, in which there beefundrie particular vifions. There be ia this no new matters (for all things were contained in thebooke fcaied with fcuen feales, all which fealcsaic opened, and the fccrcis difcloicd, in briefc and darke manner) but here wee (hall haue'Tome of the fame thlncs.cuen the chiefc and principaJl which haue beene (b briefly,and fo darkly vt- tereo in theopening of the {eales,'irt«licl4«r^;cly and more clecrciy for our better in- flrutilion, piintrd our. For we fliaiLnion Ice in goodly manner dcfcribed by avi- lion, firihhc Church militant vpon earth, vndcr the figure ofa woman clothed with the Sunne,&c. Thenisihcreadefcriptionofhcrchicfencmieihcdcuill,who as a mofl vgly monfier doth fecke to deflroy tlie bicfl'cd fcedc, and fo to deuoure her alfojby difpoflcfTing her ofthat eternoll bleflednes, of which (lie hath the pro- mife. Then next follow the defcriptions of the ch'.cfe and principallinflrumcntSj which this monfter the dragon, cuen the deuill vfeth againft her, which are dc- fcribed vnderthe figures ofa monfirousbcaft with fcuen heads and tennc homes, and ofa beaft with twohorneslikc a lambe,wnofc dominion & tyrannic againft the Saints arc fetfoorth. Then doc follow theruincs andvttcr ouerthrowof the power of thefc beafts, andthe plagues vpon the malignant Church which doth worship them, with the condemnation of them all, that is to fay, of both the bealh.andofthem that take their part jand of the dcuill. Andlaftly amoflfweetc and comfortable delcriptlon doth follow of the vidorie, oftheglorie, andofthc ctcrnall fehcitieof the true Church, after the finall de(ku6tion ot all her enemies. Tliefethingsatcrcueiled infundric particular vifions, but may bee called all one, put before G)Ccomc vnroihis vid^orie and glorious triumph, flic mud encounter with thofe huge and vgly forenamcd monlkrs, as wee fhall fee by their defcrip- tion. Come now to the words: tlKrcappeared(faythhe)agrcacw'ondcrinheauen, a woman clothed with the Sunne,&c. Here bcginncth the dcfcription ofthc liolic Catholdcc Church, which iscallcdthc Spoulcof Chiift, the Lambcs wife. And that wee may haue our mindes prepared vnto a due regard and rcuerend eftima- lion ofthe whole matter, w hich it. here handled :S. lohnfayth, there appeared a great wonder in hcauen. We sre rroucd at great wonden>",andhetdlcth that here is a great wonder Hiewed. Lobkcnot ihcnhefe for coainon matter?, and for fiich as arc butof fmall moment and litilerobe r<»nardcd : but for fHcbindcedeas Mctobcwontlrcd^i for their gtxratncSj and>vhiti>for ourgrv^fitandriTluation, ic nanf'cth. 2i3 SERMONS VPON ftandeth vs greatly vpon for to know. Fivft this being (as none can dcnyfc) • de- fcription oftbc Chucciimilitant vpon cartb^hercarifetb a queftioni: How is ittbac {hee appcarcth inhcauen, for tbis woman appearcth inheauenj and tbe .Church militant is vi)on the earth ? The anfwer is plainc and eafie enough to this. For wc muftvnderffand, that her birth is from heaucn» flice Fs borneot God, her inheri- tance is inhcauen, where fliefliallraignc with Chnft in glotie, Oicisbuta (kanr gcranda pilgrime, and that fcra time vpon the earth. Thisis the caufe that fliec appeareth in vifion, not vpon thcearth, but in heauen.f This is a great and a won- derfulhching to confider, if wee could throughiyvvayic. Biit.thc wonderisfarrc grcSitcr in the next words,, nan jeJy, that the CburTh appearcth in theperfbn, ami vnder the figure of a woman,and hath fiich monftrouscnemics.How fliall a wo-* manftand to fight againft fuch horrible enemies, and preUaile? What is a wo- man to the cruell monller the dragon here painted out? What is a woman to thofc great monftrous bcafts which follovv.icttjie nextchapteCi Vvh6m th« wprld wontketh at and worfliippech ? Ho w llia^bSwu^ght againli thefe ? how ijbdil (he, bein fafetiejOrhowflialinieliand? Isitno|^^-vonderofwonders,that Qic'i^ npc vtterly iwallowed.vp, and quite deftroyed ? She hath, indecde one w hich is on bet fide to vphold her, who is moft mightie& inuincible,in power farre abouc all her enemies, othcrwifeflie fliouldbe Iwallowedvp&vtterlydeuoured, athoufand thoufand times. Tlie moli glorious power of God, and of our Lotjd lefus Chrift^ fticweth it felffc in preferuing this feeble woman, aodjn giuingher vidorie oucji fomigbtie enemies. Allthathaue eyes to fee, muftneedes confeflbthatthisisa very great wonder indeede. And let vs for our inftruClion. learne, that wee bein* but as a weakc woman in our felucs, all our firength wherewith we be armed and made able toftand againftthc dcuillandagainft Antichrirtin the fpiritualibat- cailc,is from our Lord God. Wee are kept by faith,i .Pet. i .verf j.Our viw^oric is ourfayth, i. Ioh,5.verfe,<|i. Let vsalfo.asS. Paul willetbinhisEpiAleto theEphe- fians,put on the whole armour of God, other wife wee are but as a wcake vvoiman beforethefc hugeenemiej. Then it isfayd, that this woman is clothed with the Sunne.tbeMooneisvnderherfcete, andonhcrheadacrowncoftweluefiarres. Here is goodly attire : this isprctious and hcauenly decking, farre aboue the rich and coHly robes, and princely ornaments of the greateft Queeues that eucr liued vpon the earth. Here is a glorious woman, and full ofjigbt : tbebrightncs of Goci is Vpon her, (he (liinethpure andclcerc, (lie is clothed with therighteoufncs^and withthe innocencie and puritie of Icfus Ghrift, who is the fortnc of rigbtcoufnes, and therefore he fayth,(lie is clothed withthe Sunne. O bleffed woman : She trea- deth vndcr her feete things mutable and tranfitorie, €uen the things of this worlti, whichare fitly refembled by the Moone that doth altec&changc.which he faith is .vnder her feet.Her sflfcdip IS vpon heapenly fhingSjCljcn vpon thegloric promU^^ jind prepared for her m tibp world to conic, ,and in rcfpe6i of thelamc, -flicc trca,- ideth vnder her feete,, that js, (hecdeipifeth and fctteth light by all the tran(^toric f iebes., glorie, pompc, and carnall pleafuresofthis world. She isc;owned,ibr y> selyflieeisagrcat (^ecnc^ cucnthc Ipoufeofthe kingof kings; and hciaownft TH© REVELATION, 2ig ils^ntft oroide; OS prctiotiiiftones^ oripearles.^rtifanycori'iiptiblc tflinfl;, fuch at iKin^s and (^lecnisxlbivrie, biit of an hcaucnly matter aien oKcvveloc bVighc fla ForfhcOiaHbeexirowncii vvithincaircnly glory, attdli<^hcwH:c?hl"hallneucr failed vSheisb'rouplit rathe fmitionofthisheaucnly giory, by the purtffhiniug doctrine ot^he holy ApolHes, and thcrcfot eit lecmtththe number of twclue is vpon hes crownc: This is a thingialfoofgrcat wonder, that out offo bale and mifcrableci (iatc,yc3 cucnfcom the bondage of carrupiion and thraldomc of ctcrnalJ damns* pw iocavvlbiclcailwcilc tart dovvne,tlicLordidothh(tvphis Church into focxcew ding high glory. And here I pray yc allcoconiidei, and totakcicdsadeercdocfc h^ioVdciiLiercdin 6hi$place,thac lo many as will be the true children of the church, ihey mufi putonChti(t,they muddcfpilc this worlds and allthcvainepompe and the 'jlory thereof, with all riches and carnallplcafurcs, and as citizens ofthehca- ucnlycitie,euenlong after their coumric : And the word ofGodjCucn the dodrina of the ApofVlcsftiwli be their crowrte. In the next verfc ic isfayde^that the womarj .va* With child,andf(J neerc her time tobringfoitb, asthat fliec wasinihcpaines oflicrtrauaiietobedcliuercd.H'rreisa great matter to be noted. It appeareth plainly by the fiftyerfefollowingjtliat the child vvhichthew6man traucllcth in paine withall to bring forth js Cluili J efus the bleffed feed ofthe wo* niany who wns promifcd as the Sauiour that fliould breakc the ferpcnts head. For fhcrc it is faydothtnni, thatheHifeuld rule all nations with a rod of iron. And who is thatbut Chiiil the Sauiour ? Hee vvas proniifcd vuto Adam, and Euc'atthc ifirrtinparadifcjimmcdiatly afterthiirfall. This promile wasrenuedvnrothcPa- eriarches, and vnto all the faithf^ll in the timcofthelaw.The whole people of Ili-a- cll waited for the commingofdiisMcfTlas, which riiouldvanquifluhcdeuill and death. And albeit bee was bortie but ofone member of theChurch, that is, of the blcflcd Vitgyi Mjtic, in whQ^Q.w*oml>c;onel-y heiookc his flcfli , yet may it be laid thatthc whole ChurGl\cucndlhheclc^pt^God;, which were before hiscommingi .did cucnt^auailcw'itWpainc?o bring bimfprth, they had fucha longing, they had through faith ir> the promife fp vehement and feruentadcfireand expeflation of his birth. And thcrefor^hc l^th^ that the woman, that is the whole Church,cr)'ed traiiailinginbirth,aDd w as pa^n^d.thcy brought him forth by faith. Thus far Saint lobnhaih proceeded «n thc.defcfiptipn off he woman, which is euen now readie to bringtortb her Sauiour ;nPY»/h?»painnBth out ^hatvglyfoulcimonftcthcrencmy ,tlwdcinll,ashewaSBcrcwib^cdai>dlli,ewedintljevifionvntohim. Andthcrcapr :pcarcd (faith he) an other wonder in hcauen,bchoId a great red dragon. 6ic. Wee hvj goodcaufc why {,\\c womanpppearctUn bcaiien.alchoughfhc be warring vp- .on theearthibut ihismay icemca. Ikangc wondcr.that the deuill appeareth in hea,- uen. Hath this dragon any thing tod©cth«re? hathhc the power to cjotcrintoihe tbeaucns? 1.3 nothcUhis place ? what O^alll vycfay toihii ? i noted Vntoyee before, .that the Womai^^aiU hetbirth from he^uen, /I -e i^ bornpofGod ifnl heauen is her icountric,thcr€licthhe|finhcritai;i:c^Jnfcdnot(iinilcoproucthcfc things, for who is it that will doubt ofti»cm, or call chcm into quell ion ? Now becaufe thcdragon fcckcili tocall her quite do wncfrqiii this hcihi^hdigniiicand glorious hfc, and vttcrly 220 SERMONS VPON vuctly to (Icpr'mc and to difpoflcfleher ofthathcaucnly inheritance, he appcaretb by vifion altb in heaucn. It is to teach vs, that hecpurlucth hcrcuen thither, wheo be laboureth to caft her downc from that digt»itie. For the wholepraftife ofSatan is, to bring do Wne into condemnation in hell with hinifcife, cuen ail the ek6i and chofen children of God ifit were polTible. Hce enuicth thefclicitieofthe Church, and would draw her downe into perditionrand fo we fee then why in vifion he ap- pcarcthin heauen. It is not then that he hath any righc,any intcreii or place in hea* uen : but that he purfuech the woman in fonae lore thither* Heei$>amoft eouipu^ a moft hatefull and cruel! enemic of ours. •: oy viiq * ? tor ' \.r\h . • r : '?r - _- ; • s And now let vs fee what manner ofone he is,whathisdifpofition,quaIities,and propetties be. He is refembled by a dragon, which is a beatt Co fierce and cruel!, that he cannot be appeafed. We doe all abhorre it, and euen as it were tremble ac the name of a dragon: and therefore vndcrthis fi<:;ure is painted out the moft fa- uagemonflcrofalljfuUofalldragonlyfclncs. He is laid to bee a great one, and fo the more terrible: for iooke how much the greater, fo much the more terrible is a number to fignific many,and fo by thefe fcucn hcads^arc fignified the manifould and fundry cfcepc flciglits and fubtiU cies ofthis horrible cnemic,and as I fayd.eucn thcfiilnesofthcm. He is mort vclic and moU foulc in .il things.and yet through fleight he can colour the matters that hedealeth in,fo farrc and with fo great cunning as to transformc himfclfcinto the likenefic (as Saint Paul faith) of an angell oflight, and make the tbini's feemc good which he perfwadcih. Wichout the fpeciall wUcdome ot God therefore to puide vs.he Qiould out of dciibc dcceiue ail ; none,not euen the wife(t Hiould be a- blc to cfpic out^and to auoydc his fubtittics.He haih ten homes ; andby homes yc knowc righcwcll that the Scripture- euery where fciteth foorih, and refcmbleth. ftrcngth,and power,and might .Then it iscuident.ihat befides the manifold fub- tilties of this cruell dragon,hc is of wonderful force and might : for ten is alfo a pcr- fe conuerfatiomall graces doe wither in them. This prophecic muft needs be true i» all ages and times. The dragon fightcth againft the woman very fiercely, and al though he can not caft downe thcieaftof Godseletl, forChriftfayth, thefathc that gauc them me is ftronger then all, and none can take them out of his hands, loh. I o. yet hec preuaileth againft multitudes which are in the vifible Church,and which did fceme for a time to be very good Chriftias,2ealous of good woi ks. And no marucile/or if he draw down with his taile fo many learned teachcrs.and make fuchhauockc among them, what hrpcs of others which arcbutcoromon profcf- >A^ THE REVELATION. 213 forsthinkeyc, he doth ouercomc? Here is then a very good Icflbn for altheprca- chcrs and miniftcrs oi the Gofpell , yea cucn a warning for them ( if men will bee vrarned)to take hecd,that they be not of ihofc ftarres which the dragons tailc (hall cart do wnc. He rtrikcth in his tailc continually among vs,and tcmpteih with co- uetoufncsand ambition. It (iandethvsvpcn to fcare and to tremble, and to de- pend vponthc Lord with humble fupplication and prayer. For this place oughc to moneys to eric continually, Lord Icfuspreferue thy miniflers: bccaufcdoubc- ics, asheprcuailcth againrtmanyof the teachers, fo his taiie is walking, and he dothmort fiiriouflya(raiilcvsall:,yea wefhall allbecalt to the earth, if the Lord Icfusdocnotprcfcrueandkecpevs. Then itjsfayd further, that the dragon floodc before the woman, which was rcadie to be deliucred, to deuourc her child, v\ hen fhe had brought it foorth. This is amort wicked prav5tife, this is a moft daungcrous attempt, that he watchcthfo narrowly to deuoure the bleflcd fccdc, euen thcSauiourofthe world, fo foone as eucr he Oiould be borne. This was the read ie way to ouenhro w ^e woman alfo : for all the health and felicitie andfaluationofthc Church, dcpendcth wholy and altogether vpon the Meflias. If he fliould faile, all were loft. The time of his birth foretold by DanieltheProphet was now come. And markethefubtillprailifcof Satan, who vvatcheth when.and whcrche fhould be borne, and ftirreth vp Herod the king fubtilly to feeke him out by the wife men, Matt z . that he might kill him. And whc he did notpreuaileby one means (that is,the wife men being warned of God, returned home another way) he attempted another; for he fcnt and llew all the young children in Bethelcm, and round about in the bordest.thereof, from twoyeares old and vndcr, thinking by that nieancs to kill Chriftamongthem, O monOrous crucU dragon,which hath the tyrants oftbc world at his becke to com- maund ! For indeed he wrought by fuch wicked rulers againft Chrift, and by luch he worketh continually againli the whole Church of God. Well, fheebrlngcth foorth, and flie bringeth foorth a manchild^ and fuch an one, as fliould haue all the nations of the earth tor his poffcffion, and ouer w horn as a moft miglnie king, he fliould raigne and rule with an yron fcepter. This may in fonic fort be applied to all thefaithlull, m as much as they fiiall raigne with the Lord lefus their head, but moft fitly it is here to be vndcrftood of Chrift hiinfelfe, cucn as the fecond Pfalme doth flic w. This infant is the kiogofall kings. This babe is he which of old was promifed by the Prophets, that with his kingly power was to tread do wne Satan andhiskingdome, andtodcliuerthcprifbnctsandcaptiues outofhish.incis. No maruell therefore, though the dragon feeke to deuour him fo foone as he fliould b<>borne. But we fti all lee how he milfeih of his purpolc, for the child is taken tp to God, and to his throne, he is fct farre aboue the reach ofthe dragon, he cannoc deuoure bin). After a fortindecde the babe fofoorKashewasjjprnc, was taken vptoGod, and to his throne, though he remained Hill vpon the earth, when the Lordgauc warning tp the wifctncn, notioreturncbackeagaine to Herod, and ^^hen he willed lofcph toflye into E}?ypt, and when, by his moft mightic armc he kept him continually from allpcriJl, iiataafccking all waycs andnicancs for to dcftroy 224 SERMONS VPON dcftroy him. For the prcferuationof Chrift while hce wasan Infant, andlikcwifc while he entred into his office, was as miraculous, as if he had been taken vp into hcauen, euen to the throne ofGod and kept there. Thus the infant is fet in fafctic from theiawcsof thisfoule grcedie dragon, and after hispaffion hcafccndcd in deedevp to the throne of Godinheauen: but what bccommeth of the woman, howrhallfheedoe,howis flieeprouidedfor,orhow fliail fheeefcapchim ? Wee fiiall fec.that (he is alfo well prouidcd for. It is fayd,that (he fled into the wilder-* ncs. Behold here how Satans rage was fuch, that when he could notdeuoure the child, then he attempted fome other way vttctly to rootc out,;and to dcftroy the woman. Butrhceefcapcth him alfo; forQiechathpowergiuenhertoflye away from him into the wildcrnes. This plainly fheweth what he purpofcd : for if hce fought not vtterly to fwallow her vp, why fled (hee away from hi: prefcnce ? Buc what way is this to bee vnderftood ? what reafon is here for vs to thinke that fliee And the great Dragon tvas cafl forth, that ottldferfent called the de kill, and Satan, which feduceth the whole world: heewas cafllHto the earthy and hit AngelswerecafloHt with him. X o tyind I heard a great voice in he anen, faying^ Now isfalnation wrought , and thejlrength.andthe kjngdonteofonr God^and the power of his Chrijl : becaufe the accufer of oHr brethren iscajldowne, whichaccufed them before otir God, day and night, 1 1 nAndthey outrcame hirnby the bloudofthe Lamb*, andby the w»rdof their teflimonte,and they loued not their Itnes^euen vnto the death, 1 2 Therefore reioyceye heauens, andye that dwell in thUn. Woe be to tht inhabit tants of the earth,and ofthefea,for the denillis come downe toyou^ which hath great wrath, knowing that he hath but afhort time. N the former part oftliis chapter, wee had ffrft the de- fcription of the true Church : and then next w^ had fi- gured out her great cncmic thedeuill,and how he en- dcuoured and waited todcflroy the blcllcd feed eucn lefus Chrift fo foone as hcc fliouid be borne, and fo to t^^kc away the faluatiop of the Church : and mifling thereof, hce fought to roote out of the ezrth all thac lliouldbcc found to confcflchis holynaiwc. ChrilVis taken vp to the throncof God, out oftbe reach of the dragon, hce cannot de/iroy him being from hii birth miraculoufly protcc^cd.and afterhcc had finifhcd all things, afcendingvp intohcaucn. The Church alibis fo prouidcd for by fl ight in to the vvildcrnes, that hcc can not vttcriyd||i roy her from the earth. Thefe things we had in the former vcrfcs. Ju this part w rnch I hauc now rcad,hcrc is an other thing fetfordi, which is the chicfe and principall matter of all, wherein our whole ioy and comfort doth rell: and that is.how Chnfloucrcom- racth. Herethcreforeihcdragon,asitwasprocnifcd. the feed ofthc woman fliall breakc the fcrpents head. Here therefore wee Hi all fee a great battcll fou-ht bc- tvvccnc him and ChriO, in vvhich the dragon isouercoujc,ycaallthctajibfullo- Q^ ucrc6mc 228 SERMONS VPON uercomc him by the bloud of Chrift. Thefe bchigh and excellent things,yca cucn the highcft.vvhich we arc with great ioy, and with great attention togiuc eare wi- to. Let vs now come vnto it. j4»d theretvas (Caich hcc) a battell in hsauen.Thc place is named firft where ihisbattcll was fought tobebcaucn. Did not Jefus Chiift fight this batteilvpoii chccairh? Did the deuil! Icadehis armievpintoheaocn and fight there? Didhc not fpoyle (I meanethc Lord lefus) principalities.and powers, and triumph ouer chcm inhiscrofic? Surely he oucrcamcthcdcuill by his death vpon the crofle. If then this battel were fought vpon earth, how is it faid here, that the battcll v\ as iti heaucu ? could it be in heaucHj and yet fought in earth ?Foranfvvcre vnto thi», wee m;)fl conlidcr that which 1 noted vnto ye before, namely, why the dragon appea- red in hcauen, not that he had any [)lace, or right, or power, or entrance there, buc becaufc the woman is from heauen, her inheritance is in the hcaucns^and the dra- . gon would call her dowoc from it. Then ycc may fee chat the rcafon why hee ap- peareth in vifion in heauen, andwhy hcisfaiJ toiighnnheaucn, is'allone, cuen this the battcll is about heauenlythingSjhewotildpiucke do vvne the woman from thence, from cuerlafting glory into ctcrnall mifene» Thus much concernin"- the place. Then next here arc named the captaines on both parts in thibbattell, together v^ith their armics.Michacl and his Angels on the one fide for the Cni'rch,and the dragon and his Angels on the other fide again(i the Church. Heie is then the ioy- ningoftheba:tcIf, they^joth fight, yea they all fight on both fides, botli the cap- taines and their armies. Michael is the captaine on the bcfl part, and be isleius Chrift. This name isgiuen nim in the tenth chapter ofDaniel, where hce is called the firrtof thechicfc prmces rbecaufe he is the head of Angels, who arethechicfc princcs,bcingastheblcfled apofile Saint Paul C2lleththcm,princip3licies,mights, ihrones^and dominations. In the twelfth chapter of Danicl^hee is called M iciuel the great.or the greateft prince The word is an hebrue namc,compcudcd of three words, which confifleueryone but ofonerillab!e,whicharcthcfe,Mi,cha,andcl. Mijfignifieth who or which, cha, equallor hke,cl, the firong God : 'vlichnel then iignificthhcwhichii ecjuall with God. And we are taught that lefus Chrift tou- ching hibGodhead is equal with the father.ForSaint Paul(as ye know the placein his cpitileto the Phihppians) faith.ihat Chrift being in the ftiape of Cod,thought it no robbery to be equall with God, Then this Michael is lefus, forl^iec isequall with God. Here may now a queftion be moued,as thus : Did not this Michael on- ly ouerconrc the dragon ? Is there any other power bcfidesthcpowcr of our Lord ]efus, which hmJavanquiflaed Satan ? If not, hov e is it faide^ that Michael andji'S Angels fought againU the dragon ? This is cafijy .lunfwcred, that how foeucr Michael hath his Ani:els that doe fight, yet he alone hath the pov\ er which oiieT-' commcth the dcuijl .• for they all fight.in his name,and in his pow er. Yea to fpcake inoijproperly,i!icy bee but the miniftersantlinlirumcnts of his power. They bee then ioyned '.\ ith him in this battell.not that they fight in thciv o\vnc flrcngih,but ycaufc they be .his ininiiicis. Now THE REVELATION. up Nowbcfidcs rfichcaucniy fpiritcswhich arc not to bccxcludcd,thc blcflcd A- poftlcs,and other minilicrs oftnc Gofpcll whom the Lord raifcd vp , were the An- gels of Michael. Thcfc fought and doe fight againfl the dragon,v\hcn they deliuct forththc lightofthc hcaueniy truth; %%hcnthey teach the true worfhipofGod, and beatcdowne all faifc worfhip which is in Idolatric and error. Yea when they lay open the power of lefusChrirt, and hiifauing health: Do wnegoeth Satan and hiskingdomc euen by thefe. So then, when Pctcr.and Paul,and all other holy ferr uants otGod.euen as the Angels of this moi^ mighty prince Michael, doc fight a- gainft the dragon and againll his Angcls,and oucrcomc them : they fight not in a- ny power of their owiie, neithcrdoe they oucrcomc by any might oftheir ownc, but they fight and oucrcomc only in the ftrcngth and power of their caplainc.l his may teach vs, that it is not becaufc Chrifl needed any helpc, that his 'Angels doc fight withhim: neither is it to fhewcthat Satans power is fubduedbyanyothec might then by his alone. All that fight againll the deuill and his Angcls.and oucr- comc, fightwitbthcpowcrofChrift. Thus much mayfufficc forthc anfwering ofthatqueftion. Come now to the other part,The dragon and his Angels fought.This great ty- rant hauing obtained a kingdomc, is very loth to hayc it pulled dowuc or dimini- (hed, yea he fighteth and endeuoureth not oncly to vphold that he had, but alfb to enlarge hisdominion,yca euen fo farrc if it were podible, as vtterly to pull downs the kingdomcof God. Here is fighting then fortwokingdomes, euen betwcenc two great princcs,thc prince ofdarkncs.and the king of glory. The Lord of hoalls, euen the Lord ftrong and mighticinbattell,which is thekingofglory,Pfalm.24. willbreakedownc thctyranous power and kingdome of the dragon, andfctvp the kingdomeofgracc,andfaluation,and from hence arifeth the battell. But who are the dragons Angels w hich doe fight for him ? Shall wee take the dragon to be but one deuill,cuen thechiefc, whomethe Pharifees called Beelzebub,and all the rcltofthcdeuilstobchis Angels? Orasthcpapiflcslay, this great dragon is Lu- cifer,for fo they call the prince of the deuils, becaufc in the 1 4.chapter of Efay,vcr, 1 2 .it is faid, how art thou fallen from heauen Lucifer? whii h is fpoken of the king- dome of BabcU, and they ignorantly apply it to the deuill. For the king of Babell is compared for the brightnes of his glory, to the morning flarrc, which is called Lucifer. It may bee there is one deuill chicfe ai king ouer all ihc rcft,but I doc not yet fee howitisdcerclyproucdbytheholy kripturcs.]! know the vaniticoffomc isfuch, that they doc not oncly bclceuc that there is (asl fayd) one deuill as king oucr all the reft,which I will not affirme nor dcnic, but alfo belccuc the coniurer >j w hich fct forth that according to the goncrnments here am onj' nicn,thcrc be alfo an)ong the deuils, vnder thechiefc dciiiU, Princes, Dukes, Eirlcs, and great cap-i taines which hauc their armies vndcr them. U the holy word ofGod hath taught no fuchthing.thcn who hath taught it butthcfathcrofliesrBut if any man fhaD reply, and fay it is cleerc by this pbce,that there is one prince ofthe dcuils,and all the rcit be called his Angels. And likewife. Math, 1 5 .Cjoc ye curled into cucila ll ing fire, which is prepared for the deuill and his Angels. 1 fay as I did before, I doc not dc- Q^ Die, i?o SERMONS VPON : nie, as Idoenot aflRrme,'but that one dcuillmaybccthcchicfe, and asthc prince butyccldocnotfec, but that rather by this dragon the kingdome of deuils is rc- prefenied^and that if there be feuerall orders or degrees,becaufe Saint Paul calleth them principahries,and powers,and the rulers of the darkneffe ofthis worldjEohc, 6. yet they may be all included in this dragon. Who then will fame fay, be the'an* gels of the dragon which here doc fight ? It is no abfiirditie to call particular dcuils the Angels of the dragon, howfoeucrthey becall figured by him, feeingtheyall fight to maintaine and hold vp one kingdome. And moreouer by the Angels ofthc dragon,arenotonelydeuilsvnderftood,butalfotyrants,falfeteachcrs,corrupters of the truth^and herctikcs:for all thefe do fight for to vphold thepovvcrandkino. domc of the dragon. As Chrill and his angels fight on the one part,fo thefe with 4»e dragon fight again (I bim,on the other part. ,m It foUovveth, that the dragon and his Angels preuaiied not, neither was their place found any more in neaucn. This may fccme iobeebuthalfeacomfort,thac he faith^thcy preuaiied not : for a power fomctime doth nor preuaile,and yet is not ouercome,nordiminiflied. Doth Satan goeaway, and his Angels from this bat- tejl onely not peuail ing ? Are they not fubdued and vanquiHied ? Yes, that is out of queHion^hat our mightyprince hath broken or cruflied ihehead ohhc ferpenti He triumphed in hiscro{reouerprincipalities,andpowers.Satancomineth down from heauen fpeedily : As ye know how our Sauiour fpeaketh in the Go(pel,l faw Satan fall downc from heauen like lightning.They preuaiied not,not onely in op- pugning the whole Church, but alfo in not retaining that power which they had. For hauiiig feduced the large and mightie kingdoms ofthe world, infomuch that the deuils by the Gentiles were worfhippedas Gods; now Chrili finifhingthc blefied worke ofredcmption fo longbcfore promifed to the fathers; and now the pure light of the glorious gofpellfliining into the hearts ofGodschofen in all pla- ces, great multitudes were tranflated out of darkenefTe into thekingdom of light. Now is not the dragon able to plucke out ofthe bandes of Clirift, fo much as one foule of his clc(5l;and therefore the conqueft ouer him is great.But that which fol- loweth fcemcth fomewhat darke ; namely, that he fayth, their place was found no more in heaucn.Had the dcuils any place in heauen after they were become deuils? had they place in heauen till Chrilt fuffered? Nay we are taught that they were caft ,downefrom heauen when they finned, 2. Pet.z. By this is meant that they could / nolonger impugneor aflaulcthe Church touching her bleffcd cfiatein thchea- uens, with any hopetodifpoflcfTe her. Satan and his Angels had place in heauen I only to fight againft the chofen, and ncnv the fame is quitetaken away from them atthccomming and death ofthc Lord lefus. If any will fay,hetcmpteth all thcc- lecft fiil as he did beforc;he feekcih to caf? them do wne from heauen into the gulfc of hell as he did before : And moreouer, it may be fayd truely, that hcc could neuet from the beginning ofthe world pluck down one of Gods elc6t. What diflferencc js there then? why is It moref?.yd,thathisphceis found no morethcrcPTrucitis that he could neuer difinhcrite the Church,nor plucke downc into cternaTIdefiru- ^ionfomuchasoncofhcnrue children^ and fo in that refpeCl there can appear na 'A THE TCEVELATION. xji no difference at all: But yet wee muft conCidcr , that bccaufcthc battaileisnow fought,anciail things betbrc promifed are now fimfhed by the death and rcfurre- ^^ionofChrUi, theviilorieol Chriiiandhis Church is alcribcd to thistime, that now Satan is cart do wn. Againe, vvhri eas this huge inon Ik"r,partly by his flrengtb, and partly by his cr3ttincs,had long tisnc preuailcd,and thereby was made To bold thaccucrywayhceadailcd Cbrift lefus himfcltcrnovv liee t'cclcfh that be is ouer- comc, and that there reniaincch no hope for him cuer to adjilc againc in battaile, eithcrtheSauiourhifnleifc, orthcraiuation of the Church. Thcirplacein thatre- Ipcd is found no more in heaucn. Where is their place then found ? tor they be not quite put dowac as yet from h^^hiing, they haue aplacc, tliey be not yet quite difpoflcffedofthcirkingdomc ? It is exprcfled in the next vei-fc, that they be caft forth into the earth, out of hca- ucn then into the earth. Not.vcterly put downe then (as I (aide) from their king- which accufcd them before God day and night. This drapon did oucrcome out firft parents Adam and Euc and brought them into the gailtincs offinne: yea all their poftcriiic are ofncccf- fitic borne from them vncleane finners. Then is the iufticcofGod,fuch that where there is the guiltines of finne,there is damnation.All then being guiltic.the dragon doth ftand before God night and day, and requireth and iudgeih euen by the iu- fticc of God to hauc all damned in hell for euer. Herein then flood his power a- gainft all ; and as vnder a certainc right herein he fighteth : and the Lord God can not deny iuftice and right, becaufe he cannot denyhicnfclfe. How is the dragon then caft foorth from this ? Thus be is caft foorth,the Lord lefus is borne,cucn Mi- chael the moft mightie prince. He takcth all the (innes and guiltines of his peo- ple vpon him, euen to bcare them in his bodie vpon the tree. He fuffercth all the wrath and torments due for the fame, fo that with his ownc bloud he wafheih the whole Church, and maketh hercleane from all fpot. Then fhe being thus iuftificd and clothed in Chrift withperfct^tholincsandpuritiejthedeuillcanaccufeherno longer, nor lay any thing iuftly to her charge. All his right and power agaynft the cicit is taken away : and fo his place is found no more in heauen. This is it which S.Paul glorieth of,Rom 8. Who flial lay anything to the charge of Gods ehofen ? It is GodihatiuliiF.cth(faythhe) who is he that condemnethPiiis Chrift which dyed,yea rather v\ hich is raifed agiine, which is alio at the right hand of God, and maketh inter cefi'ion for vs . Who then ftiallfcparaicvs, from thclouc of Chrift? Behold then, bcloucd, the dragon caft foorth,becaufc he can no more lay any guil- tines offinne to our charge. Behold our faluation ratified in the death and rcfur- rctified the faluation of this woman in hcauen, and fet it fo faft that the dra- gon cannot fhakc it,fo alfo he prcfcrueth her in the wildernesofthis world, vntill luchtimeas Qiehath brought forth ail her childfen. The dragon doth caufc thou- fands of her children indeed to becruelly flaine in all places, but he cannot roote herout,nor make her barren, but flie fliail Uillcontinue in the world, bring foorth and nurfe vp blcffed children to God, eucn to the day ofthe generall iudgemcnc. Then the deuill doth temp'(:,the deuill doth perf^jcute, but he cannot piucke do wne the Church from heaucn/rom herfaluationjncr yet dcftroy her with bodily death out of tliis world. Thefe things are fixed and cftabliflicd by God, and it is impofli- blc that they fhould be altered But let vs fee how the woman efcaped drowning, forthe Bond purfucth her into the wildcrnes. Thecarth (fayth Saint lohn) holpe thev\oman, and the earth opencdher mouth, and fwallowedvp thcfloud which thedraaoncaft out of his mouth. Here is a wonderful! dcliuerance, bcholdc and confider, Our Lord is the Lord ofhoafl^s, and hath all creatures both iheliuing and the dead at his commandement to hclpe his Church.For as al things.whcn he willcih, (landevp and fight againd thewlfkcd, foalfo they fight forthe defence of the Church when he commaundeth them . The earth is the Lords.and all that is there- in; The earth acknowledgeth her Lord, andobcyethhis commaundcment: the earth doth helpe the woman.Wondcrfull is God i.i his prouidence:doth the earth hclpe the won-.an ? yca,which of his creatures fhall not hclpc his chofen, euen wil- lingly when he vvilhaue itfopforthoughitbefaidthat the earth holpe the woman, yet wcc mulUooke vp highcr,and kno wc that it is the Lord w hich doth it. For the earth doth it but as the Lordes handmaid, and being thereunto by him appointed. Then the holy GhoO doth not vfe this fpcech to draw our eyes from God . tf> fceke fuccourelfe where : but indeed fctteth forth his wonderful power and prouidcnce, which commaundeth and diredteth all creatures to thefe.uiceof hisChurch. But now ic may be demaunded whether this be t6 be-vndcrQood ofthe very earth in- deed,eucn the ground that wc tread vpon ?Nay,ycknov\ that in this booke things are to be taken myftically : and asheecompareth the hcrehcs, the lies, reprochcs, and (launders to a floud of waters caft foorth ofthe dragons mouth to carry away the woman : So he compareth the drinking & drying vp ofthe famc,a3 ifchc earth fiiould clcaue and fwallow vp a floud of waters : for there is no way to reflraine a great floud,but if the earth open and drinke it. This it is thcn,all the herefies,all the flaundcrs and lyes cart forth as a mightie floud to drowne the Church, ha;;e by the good proiiidence of God eucn as it were funcke in the earth, and hauc been ivvallowed vp.Thc Church rcmaincth in the world at this day after all thofe anci- ent crimes and flaunders caft forth againft her, they being as it were funcke into THE REVELATION. 241 tbc earth, and vanifhed. She is long fincc iuftificd and clccrcd from thofc foulc faults which the fubtill fcrpcntcaufed her to be charged withalJ , and brought in- to hatrcd.Grcat multitudes,eiicn of the wicked haue been compelled tocoiVefTc hct innoccncie,and co praifc her.Thc Ijercfies ofal the auncient hcrctikes are eucn Is it were drunkc vp by tlic earth. Some indeed Satati railcth vp in all places, as fie inftruments to renue thofc former hcrefies^btjt cannot prcuailc to rend & tcar^U in pceccs,and to vexe and make hauock as of old.Indeed the errors of poperic did oucrfprcad almoft all in time paft, euen like a flood ; but no \v,euen as ifthc earth had opened her mouth a great part arefuncke, and cuen the papifis themfelucs confcflcthat ilicy were ab-jfcs: and the rcfl oftheir matters can hardly retaine crc- dit,no not amon^ afcw. For not only the true bckcuers,uhich in thefe laft times are many, bi:t alio multitudes of mecre worldlings doe fee the vanitie ofpopc- rie,and doc dcfpife it. And in this high proui Jencc of God, encn the earth^that is theftatcofwordlythings^ond worldly mcn,haue miniftred (bmehelpc.For when any might ie crucll tyrant.belecuing the filthie lyes and flaundcrs raifed a "ainft the faiihfulljpurpofethto rootethcm al out,and ioyncth with other of rhe fimcmind: one thing or other rifeth vp ei^en of and about the earthly ftate, and holdcth them occupied and bufied,fo that they cannot performe their dcfirc againft the church. Great kings and princes in thcfe latter daieshauefworne each to oiher in a curfcd Icagucjwhich yet thty call the holy league,ihat they w il ioyne all togcthcr,& cueti dellroy from the earth all that profefic the holy Gofpeli, whom they indeed iud-^c to be wicked hcrctikes. Why hauc they notprcuailed ? the earth hath opened her mouth, the worldlie (htc hath been fuch that they nener could : but one way or o- thcr hauc had their hands full. The floods of lyes, of reproches.and flaundcrs calt forth by thofe that worlliip the bcaft,againft the faithfull and holy feruants cf the Lord,and with w hich the earcs ofprinces hauc been filled, and their mindes enfla- mcd to wrath and crucltie, and cuen by thismcanesfuncke. Indeede there hatic bcenhorrible flaughters committed,3nd many flaine in France andothercoun- tricSjbut the dragon isfarrc from drowning the woman with hisftinkin" floofl. If ye coniidcr v\ hat a few the trueprofeflors ofthc GofpeP. be,nnd what wonderful! power there is in the world in the hands ofihem tint hate them de3(ily,and v^ ifh them rooted out:ye fhall be conrtraincd to confefic that it is cuen a "reat miracle as if the earth did open her mouih.and drink vp the floods ofthe dragons lics^thac theflateof kingdomcs and earthly things is fuch.that they cannot accordinr^ to their defirc ioyne together to dcHrr^y the woman. And euen astheGofrclI was- through the fubtilty ofthe ferpenr,charged in old time to breed a I thofc moflroirs hcrchcs which fprung vp:fo .ilfo at this day the enemies cry OMt,that oiir doif^rinc doth bring forth all theherefics that arife.The Anabaj ti'is.thcLibcrtincs.rhofe ofthe fjmilic of loi.c, yea all fuch cxecrnblc mcnflcrs, arc by the fcruanti of An- tichiil'^jtcrmedasituere the childicn of thofe which preach the Gofpeli. But the fa!f>iood of this appeareh, and cueiuhc earth opcncth her mouth and drinketfi in thcfloodo!ihc;rfalfeaccuLtions.Furthcrmore,ith.arhp!calcdGcdinall3oe5to ,yfc the men of this world fundry vvaics to hclpc his Church : who are cuen as the R cardowne from ctcrnall blcficdnes, and cooke the foyJe, and himfelfe w as ca(i to th? earrh and all his.He laboured then to rootc her our from the face of the carth,and all the w-aies which he deuifeth failc of bringing his deflre to pafle.-and now he is more & more wrath,thathccannowaydeliroyher.Isnotthisaniadkindofwrath?asthisisiii thediuell,fo (liallyefee itcuidentinmanymen whorabedorhworkein. Ifthey be once inflamed with burning malice againft any man,!tcarrieth thcin with a defire to do them all the mifchitfe which they can. It is euen meateand dr inkcto them v^ hen they can hurr. Now ifthey prat^tife and deuife many wsycs and nncanes,and fee nothing will preuaile,they cannot hurt thofe w hom they lo bitterly hate ; that is a woncieifull flin?, it orieucth them and tormcntcih them fore, and euenkindleth in them a greater fire ofwrath and difpleafurc, and the heate of their furie burncth hotter within them. For as it is fon)e kind of quenching or fiaking the hcate and fire cf their mahcc,when they can execute their defircvpon thofe whom they fo dcadlic hate Jo the miffing of their purpofe,kindIeth the fame. Let men take hcedc, for it isa mofl curfed thing to be Iike,& torefeitjble the wicked diucls. Such as abound in malice are like thediueil,andrefemble him exceedingly: JfSatans wrath bee kindlcd,ihen he will not yet giue oucr. Giue ouer ? No, hcc will neuer giuc ouer vntiUhe be quite cafl down.Forhe could not preuailcagainft Chrifl but was cart dowD,yct he fet vponthe church. When he faw one way fucceedednot,hc fought another : when he could not dcflroy her out oft he heauens.hc attempted to roctc bcr wholly out of the earth. When he findcih that hccannot doe thatjvs wiuth is ftillklndicd more and more,andhc w illdc-c v^ hat he can to afflifi her. Here is tlic j&o euhe cannot doc wbathc will : therefore hce will doe vv hat bee cau. Kis ficric ^ cucll THE REVELATION. 045 crudl hatred and malice will not fuffer him to rcfK He will fiillbedcui(inr» what harmcs and niifchicfes h; can : and therefore it is fayd, he wtutvrathivnb thervo • tft4H,t»drveat4Mdmadevrarrfwithiheremt$4ttt«fhed,and al waies to.Hand readie to icpcll his afl'aults. Be- hold here a'.fo euen as it were the image of the diucl in many men (for as the rege- nerate doc bcarc the image of C jod their father who hath begotten the in the new andfpirituall birth, fo the wicked doe bearetlic image of their father ihediucll) which being ouercomc with malice thatraigncth in them, can nciier ccafcnor giueouer/ecking and dcuifinghowto hurt thole whom they hate, although they take neucrfomanyfoyles. If they cannot wreckc theirangerto the full, they will alfo aflay todoe what they can. If they bee foyled and foylcd againc, yea euen /hamcd,andcan fee no hope to doc h a Ifc lb muchharme, nor the hundreihpart which they wilh: yet they will notgiueouer, but if they can hurt but in a fmail trifle it fliall come. Here is the very image of the dlucll,v^hercyc fee this. Ye will /ay,it is a great thing v\ hich Satan is here fayd to doCjthat hcc v> arrcth againfl the faithful!. He doth wonderfully vcxeand torment the true Chrifiians here in the world. It isvery true,this is a great thing con fldered in it fclfc; but compared with thcothertwo,theonc,thathcfoughttoouerthrowthefaluationofihcchurch:thc other,that he fought to dertroy her at once out of the eartli, that flic might neuer bring forth any moc children to (jod,it is but a (\r\7l\ thing. And fo I fay,note it in men which burnein malice and wrath,& they can neuer giueoucr.thcirdiuciifli mind can neuer ref},thou gh it bee but in fniall trifles, yet will it fliew it felfc. The reafon is cuident, Satan the ficric red dragon cannot i ert, and heepoflcfleth their mindjthercfore they cannot reft,for he ihruflcihthcm forwafdjaiid wil in no v\ilc let them reft. If they haue lied, ifthey hauc flanderedjif they hauc done iniurles other wayes, and be conuinced,rebuked,& for the time euen fuffer fliamc.yet they mul} en a- gainCjhe euen thrufleth them vpon their nofes.O wofuU and lamenrablcenatcof flauerie and bondagc,which the feruants of Satan are held in,\A hen the fierce dra- gon filleih them full of his fieric malice,& will hauc them as reHles as himfclfe,e- uen till he bring them together with himfclf vnto cndlcs miferie.Ueflfl him there- fore.bcloucd, giuc not place vnto him by anger, and that by beafts arc figured cercaine great kingdomcsor Monarchics-As for your better in- ftru£lion,readcihereuenth chapter of Daniel, and yec (hall fee that the Angell doth (o expoflnd it,touching the fbure beaHs which Daniel favvc in vifion. Then \vearcoutofdoubtthacthisbcaftreprerencethagreatMamarchie,powerordo- minionjvvhichtlicdiucllvfcthashisinffruments to warrc agalnft the Saints. In deede v\ c muft note by the way , that the holy Ghoft doth not reprefent the ciuill power of the kings by fauagebeafts,for the ciuillpowerisofGodrbuthefigu- reth out the pride, the ambition,thecrueItie,theraucning, and the fauage quali- ties ofthofe mightie kings, which erc(5^ed an J vphcld thofe great Monarchies. We fee then what Is meant by the beaft : but how is he fayd to rife out of the fca ? c7 ficrce/wifc and fubfilLHi^fcctc are like to the fcctc of a Bearc ; and wc know a Bcarc,3nd liow vt;!y, and raucuing he is.His mouth is like the mouth of a Lion.Tbc Lien js the molt Ihtdy proud beaft ih It liueth.Wcll then we fee that thisbeaftjthisRomane Empire (as wee fliall fee it plainly proued to be the dominion of Romc.uhcn vvccome to the i 7,chaptcr, by the expolition of the Angell)haththc properties of thofe three beafis. There is craft, there is rauening, there IS pride, and many other fauage and beaHIy'lui^s, What {"hall the Church looke for at the hands ofthisbcart,but that which com- meih from Leopards, Beares, and Lions? And now Icaft wee might thinke that ihis monrter fliould not bee able to doe much harmCj ir is addcd,thanhe dragon gaue him hi* power, his fhrone, and great authoritie. The dragon is the great luighiie prince of darknes/he godofthisworld,hei$ vvorfhippedand obeyed, he is ofgtcac power and might in ail manerof vngodlincs,it is therefore a very hjoh ihrone,it is great digriitie and power among the inhabitants of the world, which he giueth vntobim. This mightie prince then the dragon fettcth him that is the beai^ aloff in might and glorie and dominion, chat he may execute his will in op- pugning the trueth^and murdering the Saints. But it may be demaunded : Do:h the dragon refigneouer all vncohim? doth he goe out of his throne, and let him haueall his doings.and all the glcne and the worrtiip ? Nay.it is not ii.eant fo : fot Satanholdethhisihrone.heisliilithegodofihewdtldjiheprinceofdarknes^and work^th mightily in the children ofdifobedience,and is worlliippcd fiill toocihcr with the beaft: For Saint lohn faythin that which foiloweth, they worshipped the bcaft,and they worlTiipped the dragon w hich gaue power to the beaft. Then the dragon doth not fbrgoe any honour in giuing hii throne and power to the beaft,but vfeth the beaft as his chiefe inftrUment, by whom heew3rketh,to get gloricto himfelfe ;for the throne of the beaft and his throne doe become all one fo that by the beaft hee fettcth rp all his abominations : they worke together, and are worllhippcd togcther,in as much as die beaft maintaincth idolatrie, and wor- ship of diuels. But here will arife another doubt : for S.Paul (peaking of the po- wers, fayih, that they bee of God, and willed that men ftiould obey the Romane Emperors, when they were headien : how then is it fayd,thatthediuell let vpthis beaft cuen the Rotnane Empire? This is eafie to bceanfwered. The LordGod d todeRroy herchJdren,and)iovv quite contra- rie the fame power js by ijiis Chrillian Eniperor applied altogether for her honor and defence. Wh9rc is now the dlagonsbeafl whic-bhcfetvp i;o warre againft the >vpman ? hce lyetj) Jv>w:for a tirtiewounded.eucn a? it were vntodcaih. This in idpede was^ut fpt ^. tjme, bccauie this deadly woun^i was healed yp againe by .yvjckcd Em|»?fpu)-^hat l)iCce^dtf4 and by the Popps^for it came to pafie that the Nfvhole powcrof the Empire, and of the Papacie ioyned together againft the Ghurch,and became j's bea/ilyin fcttingvpldolatrfc, and munleringthc Saints, fliseuer were the heathen, gmperours. The wound isK^led. Hereupon it follow- cch,tbai ibf world woud^rtd aftctthe bcaft. The domini^u anippers of God,and to oucrcomc them: the other cxprcffeth the largenesof his dominion. Touchin<^ the former of thcfc,it is certaine that he doth oucrcome them biic by an ou tw ard force and viiblorie in tormenting & i- fed and murdered here in the vvorld.For if we were not thus taught aforehand by the hoiyGhort.vverhould think that God regarded not thefe,butfauourcd ihofc that haue fuch power to tread them downe. O it is the lot of the Saints, to be cru- cHy murdered by the bea/ljthacis.by the Romanetyranie. How many thoufands did the Emperors flay in the ten great perfecucions? And what flaiighters haue the popes and their adherents caufed to be made? It is wonderful) to confider the vic- tories which theycuenas raueniiigwolues, haue had ouer the poor&lambesof Chrift ; and not in fome one countrieor nation, but in many great kingdomesj for power i5 giuen him ou«r cuery rribe,and tor>gue, and nation, ( which is theo- ther thinp fee forth in ihisverfe)and looke how fartehis dominion reacheth.fo far his fierce and fauagc crueitie againft all that will not woriliip him, fpreadethit felfe. Hereby it hath come to pafle that great heapes haue been flaine here in Eng- JandjinScotlandjin FrancCjin Gcrmanie, in the low countrics,and in other king* domes farre difiantfrom Rome.yet by tlie power and lawes ofthcRomartebeali What other Monarchic hath there been ouer the kingdomesot the world fince ChriO,but the Empire and papacie of RomePThcre be indeed that haue large do- minions, but nothing to that which is here fpokcnof. And if any will reply that Rome neucr had dominion ouer all the kinrcds,and nations, and tongues of the earth; I anfwere,thatthcholyGho(t her^asin other places, and names, Acl.i; nameth all nationSjtofignific very many. Now let the papiOsb^ag of their multitude,of their vniucrfalitiCjandconfent, a;id that thetcforethcy be catholike : Ye fee here that the hczli with fcuen heads^ (one of which heads is tlic kingdome of Antichrift)hath power giucn hi mouer c- uery tribG,and tonguc,& nation.Doth the largenes of his dominio mnke it good * Haih he the truthon his fidc,becaufche can flay in all nations.thofe that will noC worfriiphim'Howfoolirh are the rapiris in glorying oftheirmultitudes.and that they haue alwaies preuailedouer tnolevvhichhaucwithl^ood them ? Iceing the kingdome of the heart is here defcribed to be fo large, and io mightie,and killing in all nations thofe that will not worfliip the beaf-f. ' Now as it hath been dcdarcd.that hec fliall make warre againfl the Sa:nts,aA4 ouercomc them, that is, by an outward vicloric killing their bodies: fo in the next words hce llieweth the vi(ftori« which he (hall haue ouer the children of this Vvoild,by fcducingthem vntoeternall damnation. For it foHowetb^ A^datl the iahtr.httAnis of ihe €^rth iP}nllv?oiih's^him,Yc>hofenDimesAre Koi wriiienin thehooke 0fltfc of I he Lambe v^hich tvM kllkdfrom (he bsgtmmg^ of the world, Antichri l^ THE REVELATION. ^55 then prcuaileth oucr the bodies of the raichful,& oucr the foules ofchc vnfaithful. In the one he murthcrcth the bodic,but cannot hurt the foulc : in the oihcr,hc ca« ftcth bothfoule and bodie intohclI.Foi what flul become of all thofc which wor- rtiip the heart ? do they not forfakc God ? And marks here, how when Saint lohn hath fctforth that the bca'l fliallhauc power ouer all nntions.andfhall make war with the Saints,and ouercomc them ; he addeih by and by,that all the inhabitants of the earth Oiali worfiiip him : which is to note vnto vs, that looke vpon which lldc the out A ard power goethjthither do all the worldlings turnethcnifclues. And bccaufe the beaft condcmncth the true worlliippers of God to beehcretikes, and cruelly putted) them to death; they can fee no kirthcr, but gather byandbythac Gjd is with the beaft,andfo fall downeand worfliiphim^receiuingall his ordi-^ nanccs,his lavves,his decrees, and his do ftrines as oracles fromGod,not caUing any tiling that he doth into qncftion.Such force there is,I fay.in the outward po- wer to pcrfwade the blind world, which fee but according to the flcfh. We arc co note further in this verfe,w hen he faith,that al the inhabitants of the earth do wor- fnip the bcaft,that by & by he reHraincih it to the reprobate, faying, whofc names are not wrirten in the booke of life of the Lambe,&c. Although the multitude be exceeding great diatrcceiuc the religion of the beaft, yea fo great that the holie Ciholi tcrmeth ihcm all the inhabitants ofthc earthryetfome areexcepted, fomc doc renounce him, and that is all the eledt, whole names are written in the booke of lifCjhe cannot feduce any one of them vntodamnation. This is a goodly com- fort.that all his glorying of power,ofmultirude,of lcarning,or whatfoeuer, yea all his tyrannic againftthofc which will not afcribc vnto him that ^^hich bclonncth only to God,cannot dccciuc nor terrific any one.no not eiic the lead of the clc(5>j ■but oncly the vngodly which proudly defpile the holy dod^rinc ofthe Lord. Spea- king of the holy eleduon in Chri(t,(w hich he calleth the book of life ofthe lambe) he addeth,that this lambe was killed from the beginning ofthc world.ChriR was oftcred in facrifice as the vnfpotted lambe of God which taketh away the finnes ofthe world; And although he was manifefted in the ficfli in the later end of the world, and not flaine before, yet bccaufe the holy Patriarches.euen from Adam were faued by his blood : it is faid,he was killed from the beginning oftlic world. His death is alfoaseffekftuallnovVjandrhalbevntothe worlds end.as it was when he did hang vpon the croHc. The redeemer by the Lambe fhal be fafe in the mid- deit of all dangers: It followcth now, Ifdn^ m4» h4ue ane/trejet hint heare. This is to p.iue a note, that the things which arc here vt tcrcd be myliicall : they are not to be vndcrltood by thcfleHily eare,but fpiritually. Ifanymanhaue his care opened by the holic Gholijhe may licare and vnderftandthem : otl^rwifehecannot. For they whofc care God opcncth,vndcrf!and the myfteries ofthc prophccie, and they arc cleere ■vnto them : but to the ren,that is,to the worldlings they be fcaled vp^thc .annot heare norvndcrftand the, they (liall worfhip thcbeaft.afcribing vnto b.'m diuinc power and honor. After the defcriptio ofthc beaft,and calling vpon fuch to heare, as hauc an carc,hecommcth to denounce itidgemeiu and vengeance again/I this icitiblc 254^ SERMONS VPON terrible monfter. For fliall his power defend and fupporthim al waits againft the mightic reucnglnghandofGod? flull he nciierbcc called to iudgcn>cnt for his horrible blafphemieSjand tyrannic ? Yes vejrly for here it is fayd.hec that Jtadeth intocaptiuiciCjfliall goc into captiuiiic ; he that killerh with the fword, fhail bee killed with the fword. Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints. The hidge of the whole world is iuft,and wil recompcnce cuciy one according to his deeds. This bloodiellomanc Empire both former and latter, which hath fotyrannouflic opprefled the Church with bondage, and drawne infinite thoufands into cucrla- iUng captiultie, (hall alfo it fclfc bee caft dowoc, and the vpholdcrs thereof ftiall become the bondflaucs of hell world wichout end. They put to death with the fword the holy feruantsof Chrift .' and the fword of Gods wrath fliall kill them forcuer. The Saints are with faith cobeholdcit,thcynrc with patience to waitc for it. For by faith wee are to behold cleerely, that ti)e moft righteous God will rcfcueandfaiichisaftii6^ed feruants,and dcftroy their oppreffors : andbecaufein 'his holy wifcdome he appoyriceth the times and feafbns, wc mufl patiently waitc for the fame. THE -XXVIII. SERMON. CHAP. XIII. 1 1 ^ni I beheld anol her beaji afcending out of the earthy batting two hornet Uke a Lambs yhut hefpake like the dragon. 1 2 Andhe did all that the firfl beafl cottlido inhUprefence^andhe caufeth the earth and them that dwelt thereitfttoxrorjhip thefirfi beafi^whofe deadlte rvoftndwat healed, 1 3 cyind he dot h great vpotiders^fo that he makethfire come dowKefrom he A' Hen on the earth in thejight of men* J 4 And hefeduceth the inhabitants oft he earth by the fignes which he hadgi' uen him to doe inthefght of the bea^ faying to the inhabitants of the earthy that thejfpjouldmake the image of the beajtwhtch had the rround of a fword and did line. 1 5 And it was gincn vnto him togitte afpirit to the image of the beafi, fo that the image oft he beafi P)ouldfpeake,andfhoHld cetife that at many as wottld not rva>JJjip the beajlfhonldbe killed, 16 And he made all both fmall/;ndgreat,rich andpoon.fref Mndbond,to receive a marine in their rght hand fir $n their foreheads. 1 7 And that no man might buy orfeH,faue he that had the mark*, *r the tiame of the beafl^or the number of hU name, ' i8 Hen THE REVELATION. 25J 18 Htreu vifcdSmeJet him that h*ub vnderslttnd. n^ count the numtertfthg beaj} :for tt is the nuTtber of a ma»,a»d hu numher is f.-KC hnndrfih, three* fcore Md^xe. E had the dcfcrlptlon cf the heart vskh Teucn heads in the former pan of this chapter: and now hce p.iintcth out the bcaft v\iih the two homes like a Lambc,v,hich alfo doth warre agoinil the Saints. Abeaf),as v\cc haue fccnc, is a Itingdonie,! doniinion,or a power cxcrcifcd with tyrannous and bcaftly rjualities. And by this heart w ith the t^\ o homes, istiie kingdome ofthe great AniichrjItjCucn the kingdome ofihcPapaciedefcribed. This beadis called ihcfaircpr.ophet,chaptcr i^. B:it here anfeih a great doubt at the firlt : for if the feucn heads of the former bca(}, bee fcuen feuerall rtatcs or goucrnments, by which Rome hath ruled oucr the world : and that the Empire (which then (iood when lohn receiucd this prophc- cie) was the fixt of ihofe heads, and the monarchic of Popes the (euenih, vs ixch the Angell fayth was then to come,chapter 1 7. w hy,or how fhall the Papac ie be dcfcribed againc vnder another beall r Can that Empire of the Popes be both the feuenth head of that former bcaft, and alfo a beaft by himfelfe? Yea verely that he is in refpcc^ o\ the double po^ er w hich this fccond bcaft did challenge. For they.that is to fay the Popc,chaIlengc tJic lii£;licft power ciijill,ouer all Emj^erort and Kings, and the highcft power Ipiriruall ouer thefaith,ouer theconlcicnces •ndlbulcsof all men: which power is peculiar to Chriff, one js your dotiior c- lien Chri(J, Matthew 2 ^ So that this fecond Empire of Rome is fct foorthnot onely as an head of the former heart, but alio as a feuerall beartbyitfclfe. And riiismayaswell be, as that the Angell, chapter ly.faiihjthat the head which was not then come, {hould bee both one of the fcuen and the eight. If he bee one of the fcucn,andalfoihe eight, then is he fomcwhat befidcs an head of the heart", ycieuen a feuerall heart by himfelfe. But more of this when wee come to that, chapter. Now let vs procecde to the dcfcription of this monrtcr, which is not oncly the feuenth head of the beart,biit alfo for his differing power from all the reft, is alfo a feuerall beaftbyhimfelfe.Saintlchnfaiih.thathefawhimafcendingoutoftho carth.Hcrc is noted in this firrtdaufe.hisoriginall, ofwhatprogenleor rtockc he commeth,that the fcruants of God mny know what his dignitic is.howlbeuer he gbricth thereof. For the Papacie doth boart with full mouth, that their dignitie and powc r is from hcaucn. They glorie and bragge that Chrirt gaue it to Peter, and that ihcy haue it by fucceffion from him. Thws I fay they make their boart. But the holy (jhort tcllcth vs, that it arifcih outringctb fiomilK fcnfuaUic of man,and from the very diuclof hcU.ForS,Iamcj ioyncibi 25<5 SERMONS VPON ioyneth thcfc three together as agreeing in one, earthly, flJtifuaU^ and diuellifii. lam.3.verr.i 5. Let them then bragge wliile they can^ that their power is from heauen,vve hauc the decrc word of God that it is from the cartn^it is of man,it is ofthcdiiiell. In the next claiife he fayth, This heafi hath two hwnes //% 4 Lambe^ hut fpnke ltk« the Dragon. Here is a great difl-erence in ti^is beaft in 6ccdQ and truetb, from thatwhichheprctendethinfhew. Forheprerendeth andmakeih fhcwas ifhec were an innocent Lambe,and fayth that both his hornesfthat is,thctvvo powas which he challengeth,ciientheciuilandthe ecclefianicaii)arethc homes of the Lambe of God Chriit lefus : when as he hath receiued the f;iyd powers from die diucl,and in working is as the dragon,\vhich is noted in thele v\'ords,^«r hejpake like the dragon . I might here ftand to fhew at large how the Pope? of Rome lincc thetime that they vfurped to be vniuerfal Bifhops,cal! them felues Chrifts Vicars, and afiirme moft (hourly that he hath committed into their hands both the tem- poral! fword ouer all Emperours and Kings in the earth,to place and to difplace ac their wilijandalfo the fpirituall fword and powerouer all mens foules, tocarrie to heauen .and to throw downc to hell at their pleafiirc. I might like wife ftand to fhewjthat the Lambe indccdc is king©f kings, and Lord of Lords, and that he is cur^rcat high ptiefTjand hath the lordfiiip ouer the faith and confcienceofmcn, and that he hath not refigned either of thefe powers to any,but fitting at the right hand of the highcftmaie(iie,dothexercilithem himfelfejtothe great ioy ofal the faithful!. I might(Ifay)ftand to handle ihcfe things at large:but it is fufficient on* ly to note them/eeing there hauc neuer been any fo blafphemous as to challenge thcfehighpowcrswhicharcpeculiartoChrirtjbut the Popes which are the head {>nd (knderd bearers in thekingdomcof thePapacic. And marke this wcIl,how the Lord doth not fay,that he hath indeed the two homes of the Lambc,but two homes like to the Lambe. Forhowfoeuertlicy bragge in the Papacie, that their kiiT'ly and prieftly power doe bring fauing health vnto all that obediently fub- mit tlicmfclucs to the fame (as being the horncs orpowersof the Lambe ot God comn^iited vnto theiT)) yet the holy Ghoft to the end that the godly may not bee deceiued,faith,thcy are l^utljkc the homes of the Lambe,an'd.that they be indeed the very homes and powers of the diuel!,for he doth fpeakclike the dragon. Here aoainc is a larr,e field,if we fhould runne through all particulars to fhew how the Romifh beafl boalhngof Chrifls power, is no more but the mouth andinftru^ mcntoftheqrcat red dragon the diucll^toblafphnne God and histrueth.toper- fcciitc Ills Cliurch, to tread downe the Iioly worf]iip,and to fet vp the worfliip of Idols vea to teach and cftabl ifh hcre/lcs,crrors,and dod^rines of diuels.O the Pa- pacie'makc fhtew of horncs like a Lambe,butfpcakc like tlic dragon. Wee muft not then bee troubled withtheirvaincbragges^butlookc what the pure word of God (lotlucathvs, and reft in that. Whofocuer tcacbcth agninll that holy word, fjicakcah like the dragon. [t follow cth, 7 hat he did nil that thejirfl heafi could doe in h/sprefence. Here ii the ^reac power of the Papacie and the cfticacic thereof fee forth, that it is as mightic THE REVELATION. 1^7 migHtic and pcrformcth as much in the (cruiccof the dragon againrt God and his Church, as cuer the Empire of the heathen and wicked limperours could doe. Thisismuchjifwcconfider both the maicftic, and power oFihc Empire before Tc receiucd the deadly wound, and alfo w hat horrible things it did agajr.lt God and his Church throwing dowMC the trueth^ and fetting¥f»ldoIatrie, and murdering the holy feruantsof Chrift : and yet this (ccandbcali goeth as farrc. Yea doubt- lcs(as we fhall fee) he doth more, but the holy Ghoi\ notcth fir(i that he doth all that the former could doe. And ne caufcch the earth (fayth S. lohn) and them that dwcUthcrcin, to worfliipthefirfibeaf^, whofe deadly wound was healed. Thcfc words doe miniftera great doubt vntofome, how this fecondbeaftmayrepre- fenttbcPapacic, feeing the Popes doe caufc the inhabitants ofthe earth to wor- fliipthem^clues, and not to worfhip thehcathcn Empcrours which were before them. This doubt is eafily remoued.if wee confider but two poynts. The onc,thac the beafts arc not ^ men that ruled eitherin the Empire or in the Papacie, but the tyrannous power excrcUcd by the men with cruelland beaftly qualities. The o- thcris, that albeit the powerinthc Papacie commethvndcr thcnameofOirift, and with other termes, as it werevndcr another doake, yet is it the very fame in efFc6^, or a liuely image of that which the Emperoursdidcxercife. Thehcathcn Empcrours condemned the true worOiipof God, perfecutedall thofc withcrucll death which did imbrace it,and (et vpthc worfliip of falfe gods, and dodlrincs of dcuils.When that head had receiucd a deadly wound, -.nd was fomcwhatreuiiied againc, the Papacie raifeth and reneweth all that former beaf}lytyrannic,impug- ncihrthe trueth of God, maintaineihthc worfhip of Idols anddodJrines of diucls. Now when the inhabitants of the earth are compelled to worfhip this beaft, that iSjto fubmit themfelucs to this vfurped tyranny, to imbrace the la wes,the decrees, the religion and worlliip which it fettcthvp, they doc indcede worfliip th'coldc Romane tyrannic, which is brought in againc by the Papacie. Indcede the popes, and the papiftnc doc not allow of the old Romane tyrannic, but doe condemne ic to be ofthe dcuill.bccaufe it denied Chriftianitie, fct vp the worfhip of falfe gods, znd inurdcrcd the Saints 5and yet they compcll all men to worfhip that beal!. If this (hall fccme (Irange vntoany, let them conlidcr that the holy Ghoft doth not hccrc teach what the fecondbcalhhinkcth or intcndeth.but what he doih: for Sa- tan dan fo farrc dehidc the blind hearts ofnicn, that when their intents are to \vof« iliipGod, they worfliip dcuils. Ifamaninthc darkcintendcihrofctvponhiscA nemtctokillhim, andivnawarcs infJead ofhis cnemickilFeth hisownc fatherl (hall wcc fay that he hath not killed his farher, but his enemic, bccaufc his intent! wasoncly to kill his enemic and not his father? If wee confeflc that tube abfufd in the datknes ofthe bodily eyes : \^ hy fhall wee not confeflc it to be as abfiird in thedarknesofthcminde, tofayamanworfliippeth God, whenheworfliippcth deuils, bccaufc hisintcnt is toworfhip God, and noc deuils r'Thcn feeing it is (b^ whatfoeucrthcpapiflsintendjbecaurethcy brinj;in againeihcold Romane ty- rannic, rhcycaufc memo worfliip the former beaft. Ihcyihemfcluesaredccci- ucdinihcir intents: for the Iwly Apoftlc S. Paul prophecy ing ofthcro/ayth vnto S lu«X)thir^ i58 SERMONS VPON Tim othie, that the eiiill men and deceiucrs fhall waxc worfe and worfe deceiiung, andbcingdecciocd32.Timotb.3.ver.i3, Let it be^thcy thinke they do rightwhcn they pray to Saints and Angels, and make them mediatours, and when they vvor-i fhip Images : yea let it bc,they take it they doe Godhighferuice when they put to dcathallthat vvillnot obey their lawcs: yet in truth they bring in Paganifmc, and niurther the Saints. The popes arc worOiipped, not as men, but for their power which they haue vfurped, which powerof thcdeuillj and (o the former beaflis vvorfhipped ni them,vvhichihedcuill fet vp. . Then next itfollowcih^tbat this bead did grearwonders/o that he maketh fire come do wne from heauen in the fight of men, and deceiucth them that dwell on ihcearthbymeancs ofthofe fignes which he bath power to doc in the fight of the beaft.In thefe words,thcre be fet forth vnto vs tv?o things,ihe one is the fignes and wonders which antichrift fhall worke : the other is the efficacic ofthofe fignesin reducing the blind worlde. OurSauiourfaith, that the falfeprophctsfliouldarife and worke fuchfigncs and wonders, that if it were poffiblethe very elect rhould bedcceiucd,Maith.C4.,And Saint Paul fheUing die comming of the great Anti- chnrt faithjhiscomming fhal be by the efficacie of Satan, with al po wer,& figncs, and lying wonder?,a.l hefT.z. . Here is then the proper markc of thekingdome of AntichriH,lying fignes and wonders. . Now that wc may fee how fitly this agrceth to the papifi-nc,Iet vs call to minde bow they that ate for y bloudy kingdome docboaft of their miraclesj their 'figncs^ and.wonders. Their Li'^ff» to ■ THE REVELATION. ij-^^ fobctruc, andalfotocondcmHc the worniipofthofewbithwlthrtanii the fame. Then we fee the rcafon.why the cfiicacie of Saun to woikc wonders in thcpotc- ric,is compared to fire coin ming don nc from heaucn in the fight ofmcn,cuciibe- caufc the whole controucrfic bccwcene Elias and the Prophets of Baal was deci- ded by that fire which came do wne to (hewe whether part had the true religion. We may note then v\ h.n a great aduantagc the RomiHi bca(J taktih to fcducc the bHnd world: As thus, VN hen religion was in quc/hon in die daycsoiEliaSjtbe con- troucrfie was decided by the fire that came downcfromhea-Jen, info much that al the people fell vpon their faces and cridCjIchouahhce is Godjkhouahhccis God, Reade the hif^oric, i .king.chap. 1 8 . Now thisbeaftihepapaciecamcin.intimespaftcuen a$ ifbc had bin an other Elias, faying vnto all that withrtood him, lee it be tried bymirades, whetherpart hath the true religion. The holy and true worfhippcrsofGod makeanfwcrc, cue religion is exprelly deliiiered in the word of God, it is fully confirmed by the mi- racles ofChrill ai)d his Apoftles, wee worke no miraclcscoconfirmethat which is alreadic confirmed. This I fay,is the anfwerc of Gods true feruanrs. Then cried out the popifhroiit,wehaue miracles wrought in ourChurchtoconfirmc all that we do : Behold all people,and yee (hall fee. Then came the cftcduall power of Sa- tan to doe fonie Grange things v\ hich feeme wonderfull vnto the ignorant. T hen downefell the inhabitants ot the earth wondringat tliefc lying fignes and won- ders,nothing doubting but that the bcaft can caufe fire to come do wne From hea- uen.not onely this materiall fire, but the fire of Gods wrath to confume all his ad- uerfaries, both the captaines and their fifties. Thus hath Antichri(^ fcducedthc world with the power of his fignes and wonders, and caufed them tomurtherthc true feruantsofGod as no better then the priefisofBaaljthat could vvo;knomira- cletoconfirrae their worfliip. Now the world commethtobc at the commandemcnt of AntichrifJ, whomo they take tohauc fo great power to confirmcalhhat he doth with miracles fi^om heauen. And now he hath gotten them vndcr^he layeth his commaundcment vp- on them, faying to them that dwell on the earth, that they fliould make the image ofthe bcaft which had the wound of a f^vord and did line, for fo it followcth In ibe • text. Here isa matter of fome difficulty tobe weilvnderflood. Wee are furethjt the holy Gho(> doth hereby declare chat Annchril^ cnlargeth and (preadeth hh power by caufing this image to be made.But vvhat is this image ofthe beart,therc lyeihrhcdifficultiew Thefixt head of thcbcalt, that is the Empire, fofarrc as it was lyranousand beafily.hadrecefucd a deadly wound when Conllantineimbracedand defended the faith of ChrifK After .ilfo the Empire was rent in pceccs, fo rhatxhere was the Emperor ofth, and the I: mperor ofthe VVcO. The Empire ofthe WcfHeU qivtc dowr»e,fochat for the fpace of three hnndrcth yeares and morc,thcr« was no EirperoHTcfftheVVefi,vniill the Bin^opo^Rome Leo tlictbird-inadc Charles the great t'lekingofFrancCjEmp^mur. Nowhere was an Empire ofthe Welt againc ljttic mayfufficc. Whcrcl'orc to conclude this point.as the fecond bcaft hath in fubflancc of mat- ter fet vp the former bca(i to be worlliipped^whilcfi he bringeth in againc that old tyrannie againrt the (^hurch,th3c oppre.'hng and condemning the true worfhip of God, andthiterew^ingoFidolatrieand worfliipofdcuilj, eucn the fame, thous-h not vndcr the fame termes:fo likewifchath he in his fpirituall tyrannic, framcdhia hicrarchic,afccr the very forme of the aunciant Romane policie, and fo hath fet vp the liucly image ofthe former beall.Thus may ye fee what the image ofthc former bcatl is, hcrccred. Yet there remaincth one doubt, for it is fayd that this bead v-ithtwo homes like a hmbe, willcththe inhabitantsoftheearthtomakethel- mage of chc former beali. When as the popes thcmfclues, did vfurpe to haue that highcrt povTcriiv all things as tr)e heathen Empcrourshad, andtolwiueallooueiv- ned according to that tonne of goucrnment v\hich was in the Emplre.how can jt be laid that the inlubicants of che earth make the image > Doth not the beali him- fclfcmakeit?ye3,biit ihisis tobeaafwcrcd that the kings ofthc earih.and the peo« pic their iiibicv5^s giue their confent, or clfe it could not haue bcen.For ifthe ma- lignant Church,theSynagooucofAntichrilt,thatRominiclcrgic,had not fcduccd the kiugs and the people with the power of their lying wonders, and made ihcm bclceucthat they could bring downc fire from heauenvpon their enemies, they might haue required this image to be made.but not haue obtained it. But now it might arife in a mans m / nd thus, an Image is but a dead ihew ofa thing, and can doc nothing. The holy Gholi doth prcucnt thisobicion,and flic wcth that it bc- commcth morethcn a dead or an idle Image ; for he faith, the beaft had power gi- ucn him to put a fpiritc into the image ofthe heart, fo that the image ofthc beaft fliould fpcake, andfliouJd caufc, that as many as would not worlliipthe bcaft {houldbe killed. Hcrcisa wondcrfull Image.thathath life put into it, and power to doc (o great m3ttcrs.TljefX3!j>irh hierarchic is not a bare rcfcmblancc ofthc old Ro.uincpoljcic to rtand as a pii^ure in a waU, but hatha fpirite put into it by the falfc prophet (wiiich is the whole bodieof aliihc fallc teachers in that Romillia- poft afic)and Iprcadcth it /clic dnd fpcakcth with fuch power in all kinodomcs,ihat it c au fcth all fuch to be put to death,a'i will not worfhip the bealh Who knowcth not this ^ c hat as m any as wou I d not in all countries imbrace the whole popery(and fo in fucA worfliip that old tyrauicw hich maintained idolatrie) thcpopiOi hierar- chic wh c rcofthc pope is the top, then hii Cardinals, then his great prelates,inqui- fitors, and other officers did Ipeakcand condcmnctheniasheretikes, deliuering thcm.oucr being condemned to the fccular power, to bee put to death. And wee S J know a^z 'iSERMONS VPON know that the kings then durft not but put them to death, Icaftit (Tiould light •.vpon themfelucs. Thus were the poorc fticcpc ot Chrift killed by the mightic po- cwxrofthis icnage,,amllookc into thole kingdomes where the parts of i: yet te- mainc, and ye fliall fee how It oppreffeth the church. This is very much, but the bcallisnot yetfatisfied, but will haucaU forts ot" people brought intobondagc vnto him as his marked feruants. Yea,as men vfe to let a brand vpon their (hcepc and oLher cattcll,and to carc-niarke them, that it may openly and manifefily ap- pcareto \\homc they appertainc : To doth Antichrili this Rom ifh beaft, caufe all men in all kingdomes to carry in open view his markeorbrand.wherebyall niay fee that they doe appcrteine. vnto him. ForthusitfolJowethinihctcxt, Andhec made all bath fmall and great, rich and poore, free and bond, to i eceiue a markc ititheir right hand, or in their foreheads rand that no man might buy or fell, fauc the that had the marke of the name of the beaH.or the number of iiii name. ! Then we fee that among the people there is none fo fmal,or fo bafe,eithcr man or vvoman,v^ horn AntichiUi doth ncglcilrt, but will haue them marked and bran- ded. Amonsti->c Kings, the Princes, the Dukes and nobles, thereis notoncfo great, or fo lugh, but he muft Ibopc to recciuethis brand : feeing heecaufcth all •both Gnall and great to receiucit.Thcre is no man whichby the abundance of his liches andvvorldiy wealth, can buy out this matter. There is notihe pooreli beg- oer that {ball be let go. All free ntcn mult be bond to him : and bond men befidcs ^eir matters accocding to the flefh.muft haue a fpirituall Lord. None of all ihefc fliall be permitted to trafiique ui the world, or to be conueifant among men, vn- les the markc appeare vpon them.cithcr in their foreheads or in their right hands. Their hand is put for their adions, and the foreI»ead for their open protelTion, and in one ofthem at the Ieaft,eucry man muft openly declare that he acknowledgeth the Pope of Rome to bee the Lord ouer hisfaitb. Is there any man which dooth doubt ofthetrueih of this, I meanc that this was in cuerytefpedtfiilly performed inthcPapacic?Docnotallthat be of any ycarcs know, that fo many of all fortes whatfoeuer, as did not openly profelTc the Pope to bee their Lord, yeacuenin Chfillsftead^ Lord and head ouer the whole Church, were cruelly put to death? Could any, fpray you,which would not doc this,becfuflfercd to buy and fell,or to be conucr fant among men?Goc now into Spayne.and fee how you can liuc there : where a part of the image of the beaftyet ftandetb. Icall it but a part of the i- mace,not becaufe it is not as an whole image,but becaufe the image of the bcaft is called but one in all kingdomes/o larre as it was fpread, and in fundric king, domcsitisbrokendowne. r i It may here be demaunded, whether all thefe three bee put for one. the markc of the beaft, his name, and the number of his name ? I take it they arc not all one, but that the marke is a more fpcciall thing then his name or the number of his name. For who knovveth nor, that fome were more neerely marked vnto the Pppe, or with a more fpeciall brand then others? All the Laitie (as they called them) barchisname, orthcnumberof hisnamc, anddidprofeflc their numblc fubmiffion vnto all bis decrees, did woifliip him as their fpirituall Lordthathad the THE REVELATION. 2(^V the powcroucr the IpiritaallJifc; and death. Buthisclergicbfallforts.ashisCat*! dinaIj,hisBifliop$,his Abbots,his Monkcs, Friers, Nunnci,and Votaries,had fpc- ciall iiurkcs, and were molt necrcJy bound vnto hitn. Then wee fee ic is not in ' ▼ainechat the holy Gholimakcth adiflrrenccof thcmarke, feeingali arebran- dcd,but no: all alike : but fomcbcfides the common niarkc,haiicairo their Iciic"- ra!l,and i'pccial I marke. Thus we fee that all fores of people become as the marked or branded cattcll of the bcaft.and muft be fubicit to his will. The papilh thinkc they put a great queftion vnto vs, when they fay, where was . yourCnjrchan iiundrethyearespart? To anfwcrc this, aske them where thr true Ch'jrchofChriltwas, when the fecondbeafl, the bead with two horneslikca Lambe, diJcaufe all bothfnill and great, rich and poore, free and bond, to rc- cciuc the m.irkc of the bcaft, and that none might buy or fell but fuch ? were they nn perfecuci-d, co;ide;ttned as heretikcs, and murdered inalllands,wliich would not b:come his marked feruants > What can be more cleere then this ? What true Church ofCi>rirtihouId wee looke for, allthctimethatthisbea(lraigncth,buta perfccuted, fcattcrcd renvnant? And what doth the vniucrfalitie, the multitude andconfcnt offo many kingdomes fubmitting thcmfelucs to the Papacic, and worlliippitigthc Pope and hisdecrees, b.it plainly declare that they bee the very malignant Church, thefynagogueofantichriH here painted out? Rcadeallaun- cicnthiftorics of things that were done in the times ofpoperie, and fee what one thing cin bee found which doth not in all rcfped^smoft fitly agree with the dc- fcriptionof thiilccoiid b:art? Readchow they haue bccnvfed inall countries within the popilh dominion, which haue denied toimbracethepopifh idolatrous- religion, and fee whetherthcy doe not likewife in all refpcds agree with the eftatct ofthe true Church here defcnbed in this booke. Then ifit be fo.that the Romi(h> fynagoguethcpapilme, cnenthat idolatrous kingdomc, doe (b fitly and fully a* grcc with the dcfcription of this fecond beaft, and that the true Church opprcflcd by them, fhoiild at that while be but as a fcattered remnant perfecuted and Haine, why fliould they aske where our Church was ? It was perfccuted, opprcfTed, and fcattcrcd by the Romifh bead : they condemned andcruelly murdered all the true worQiippers of God that they could lay holde of: for they caufc all to bee put to death that will not worlliip the image ofthe bcaft. Now la(t of all S. lohn commeth to fhcw what the number ofthe name ofthis bealt is : for if wee come to kaow his name, what would wcdeHre more ? But the holy Gholt will not tell his name plainly, butmyftically, as other things in this booke, that the worldlings which Hull fulHil them may not fee them, and yet the faithfulfcruants ofGod doeatcaine to the knowledge of thcm.Thcrefore he faith, . here is wifedome, let him that hath vnderftandmg count the number ofihe beaft, for it is the nu mbcr o fa man, that is, fuch as a mm may be able tofindc our. A»d then he fay:h it is hxe hundreth, fixtie, and fixe. The fillables ofhis name fl^iall not bcefetdowne, but the letters ofhis name being numbred, are in number as they fignifie, put alltogcther,hxehjndr«h,fmic,and fixe. Here the papifls doe laugli, faying, that there be many names to bee found both proper and common, whofc S 4, kttcrss 154 SERMONS VPON letters being numbrcd docamountto this nuinhet 666. and therefore no certain- tic can be had that way. Allotheyfaynoonc Pope can bee named, the letters of whofc name make-that number.Thclcpapifts herein are moft grofle and abfurd : for we are not here to enquire about the name of any man, but abou t the name of akingdomc, for the bcaliis akingdomc. And what istlicname of the Romane Empire, andtiic name of the popifh hierarchic ? Are they not the I.atines? The Popes of Rome are all for Latinc, and wiilhaue no excrcife of religion but in La- tine, rhey condemne thcGrcckc Church, bccaufe it will not bee fubieit to their Latine lawes. They compell all men to pray in Latine. And touching the Bible, v%'hercasthcolde Teftament was written in the Hebrue tongue by the Prophets, and the new Tertamentin Grecke by the Apoftles and Euangelifts, they con- demne the fame, being the originall, as corrupted, and wiilhaue the Bible to bee authcntikcin no tongue but the Latine. I might procecdc inmoe particulars: but who knoweth not that the papscie is the kingdome ofthc Latines ? What then will fome fay ? what is this for the number of his name ?^ Thus it is, S. lohn wrote this ReuelationinGrceke, and the Greekeword LateittoSy whichfignifietb La* tinCjConiaineththe number fixe hundrcth fixtie and fixe.Thc bea^i is a kingdome, and the Papacie is the kingdome of the Latines : what other Monarchic can bee fhe.vedfincethe Rcuclation wasgiuen, the letters ofwhofe name containe this forefayd number ? Irentm an ancient father ofthe Church, yea fo ancicnt.ihat he rcporteth, that hce fa we and heard FelycarfWy w ho w as one that was a difciple of S. Iohn,thatreceiuedthisprophecie, mentioneth this word Li)crs ot'thc Lord fcat- tercdthinnc inmany great kingdomes, fee all together iiukc a^oodly coinpa- nie. Moreouer^bcfidesthelargcnesofthekingdomcs in which thcvbcfcattcrcd wc muii alfo note thclength ot the time : For chc poperie was iii iIk iltcngth and did floiirifh toureor huehundrcih yearei : in this time a fe .v at once amount to a great nutnbcr.being gathered out ol fo many nations. Howfocucr the marked fcriunts ofAntichrifldefpifethisfcartercdremnanr, bragging of their infinite millionsof milhonSjyeaoffo many thoufand thoufands, almolt as here bee perfons, yet tiii« fmallniJmbcr(imall Icallit in comparifcn of their innumerable heapes of people) fhal be found to be the true Cathoi.'kc Chiirch,and their multitude tlieSynagocue ofSatanwhonuhcydoewordMp. Thisbooke dothplaincly (hcwethit ihetruc Church is farrelcife in number then ihefalfe Church, and that iheTalfe Church fliallpreuaile in the world againltthe true feruants of God, and murthcr them: vvhat do tiicy then boa(i of their (Ircngtli and n>ul:itude?Doth It not make againd them ? yes verily. 1 tis alfo here to bee noted.that bow focuer the true w orfii ippcrs bedifperfed and fcattred one from another here in the world,yet they meet all to- gether in the vnitic offaith,& are ioyned lo the lambc their head.Our pipills con- tend for a vifible bodic in the world,or els it canot be the church ofChnlii As now at this day lince the difclofing of Antichrill there be many vifibic aflemblies tbit dor profeffe the gofpcl.But how could there be fuch aflemblies in the dayes when the kings and their fubie(f^s did worfliip the beal!,and thofc which rcfufed to wor- fiiip him were put to death ? True it is that in fomc places, there w ere fomc com- panies ofthofc which profcflcd the Gofpcll, and which condemned the dodhinc ofthc church of Rome to be Antichrilhan : whomeihc RomiflibealKvithallhis power could not fubduc, as the hiitorics doc flicw of the Bohemians, and ofthofc whomc they call the Waldcnfcs. The Lord had many fcattred people in this ouc countrie of England alfo, which imbraccd thetruc dodrine, and refufed to wor- fliip thcbeaf),butcfpecially in thedayes ofVVicklifFe,andccrtaincycares after. Thenitfollowcih, Hauinghis fathers name written in thcii foreheads. As the children of the malignant Church, which arecallcd the inhabitants of thecarth, haucilKmaikcof the beaft in their foreheads,or in their right hands,euen the name or the number of his narnc : fo the pure and holy worDiippers on the contrary part haue written in their foreheads, the name otrhe Lord God, w ho is the father of the lambc. What is this, but that a$ the fcruants of Antichrift are not aOiamcd openly tobearchismarkeandtoprofeffchisrcligion: fothcfe arc not aniamcdofthe ho- ly religion and worHi jp of God, but doe openly profcflc it before men. It is great reafon that this Oiuid be fo : nay it ic a veiy ablurd thing.that the popilli foit Hiuld glory in the name of the pope, and openly reioycc in the profeflion of his wicked inucntions,cuen in the worfhip ofdeuils,fi! that on the contrary part, ih.e true w or- fliippcri fliould be afliamcdofthcnamcofGod^that is,ofliisgof[Kll,orhi5rcligi- cn ^6Z SERMONS VPON . on and true wor (TVip:and therforc it is fayd here jhis fathers name is written in thca: f >rehcads. Ye haue many which arc time feniersjihat wii ray,thcy kccpe their con- fciencc to God, vvhcrt'as outwardly they do ioync with falicwcrftiip. Theybeate openly and outwardly to the view of the worldc the markc of the beaf t, and arc a- {lianicd to bcare openly the name of God, that is,thc profcffion ofhis holy trueili, v\hichconde.-nnethall falfe •*vorfhip;but fay they carrie that fecretly in their con- fl:icnce,v^hich they fay is cnough/ceingGod lookcs vpon the heart. Let fach mc Jearneoutofthisfcripturc.ihatnotwithlhndingtll thetyrannieof Antichrift.thc true worlTiippers doc carry the profeflion of his religion, as openly to the view of the world.asthcothcrdoecarry the marke and name of the bead. Ycamoreouer aske fuch men whether it be tolerable, that the feruants of God Ihould bee more aQiamcdofhis-name,theniheferuantsofAntichri[larea{liamcdofhcl?ShalGod haue lefle honour then the deuill ? Let them alfo remember that our Sauiour doth not fay he will den y them, and bee afhamed of them that fli all dcnic him, and bee aQiamed of him before his father in their heart and confcience : but he faithjhe wil denicthcm, and be afhamed of them, which arc adiamed of him, anddcniehim before men,Math. i o.verf. 32.33. Whofoeuer wil I be of this companie which are with the Lambe vpoH Mount Sion^thcy mull not be afhamed to haue it written in iheii; forehcad,that they profefle the do61rine of God deliuered vnto vs in the fcrip- turcs of the Apofilcs and prophets,and chat they vtterly renounce all idolatrie and falfcreligionjbroughcinbytheRomin-TAntichnft. Now as I faid, there be many \Vhich in the times ofperfccution,will lend their bodily prefence to the Idol fcruicc and worfhip of dcuils,flatteringthemfelues in thiSjthat they keepe their confciencp free to God profeflingthe faith of Chrifllecrccly to themfeiucs,but dare not bcarc his fathers name written in their foreheads: fo aretbcy not afcw cucn in the daies that the gofpel is maintained by Chrirtian princcs,v\hich carry them felues fo clofc and fo warily , that a man fhall not difccrne what religion they be of,or w hich part they fauour. There is ftrifc and contention , one part tor the holy dodrine of God, and an other for the RoiniOi inuentions,and thefe men are loath to difplcafe either part, and fo fwim betweene two ftrearaes. How will fuch bee boldc to carrie the fathers name writtenin their foreheads in the hcate of pci fecution,w hich dare not In the daics ofpcace.when the power of their prince maintaineth the gofpel open- ly and boldly profefTe the fame ? Well, to conclude this point, let vs remember, that thefc hundreth, fourtie and fourethoufandjwhich arc with the Lambc vpon Mount Sion,hauc his fathers name written in their foreheads. Ifwe make account to bee of this companie, that is, if we willbe true worfhippers,and cleaue vnto Cbrifl in his Church,euen vpon Sion his holy hill, then muft wee noti)cc afhamed openly to profefic the holy docftrine and pure worfliip of God,both in timcofpcacc, and in time of perfeciition. Wcc niufldifdainc co fee the marked fcruantsofth^bcafl cairic his name, and wceou f felues aflianicd of the truth ofChrifh Let vs honor the Lord our God.as much as thev honour the beaft, and tiie dragoff^ which hath giucn his power and throne to jhebcaft.. Let THE REVELATION, ^69 I. Let vs DOW gocfbrwarde with that which foJIowcth in the text : Andlhcarda voice from hcaufn, as the found ofmany waters, and as the found of a great thuo- clcr,and I heard the voice of harpers hirping with their harps.l-Iere is fet forth how thificompanicottnievvorniippcrsdpcniagnific andpiajlc God for hisgreatbt- nefitesand graces bcfto wed vpontliem. This is out of all doubt to dcclarc,that do thedrago whathecan,and when the beafl y dragons vicar thatRcmirti pope hath fpcnt all his power and policic to roocc out all true worfhippers,yet God w il hauc a companic in earth that fliall praife and glorifie his name : he w ill be worfhippcd in earth among the fonnes of men. For wemuH remember that the chiefe end of Ourcrcation and redemption is,that wefliouldglorificjaodextoll the praife of the creator and redeemer. Ihedeuil labourcthtohaueall worfhiphim,and that there (huld noncremaine to praife the true and liuingGod vpon the earth :but the Lord withrtandethhisprad^ifc herein, and referuethatalhimesaremnant,acfomctimes more, and at fometimcslefl'c, which call vpon his nan)C in truth, and glorifie him with praifcandthankfgiuing. And this is ic which Saint lohn vttereth here, when hcfayth, hechcard avoycc from hcauen^ as the found of many waters, aod as the foundofa great thunder,and the Toyccofharpers,harping with their harpcs. But it may here be faid.ifthis companic with the Lambe vpon Mount Sion, do e repre- sent the faithfull here in the world, whom thelambe doth preferue in the times that the great Antichrif^ doth roigi^e and lay w aft the Church : how then is this voycc heard from heauen ? Is not this fong of praife vcired vpon earth ? I anfwere, that howfoeuetthe Church bcevponthcearthasapilgrimc for a time, yet her birth is from heauen, herconucrfkion is in heauen, her inheritance is in heauen, fheeif taught from heauen to praife and glorifie her God. In thefc refpeils the voice and found of her praifing God may be faid to be from heauen, although it bee vttered^ vpon the earth. Icrulalcm(fayth S. Paul) which is fTomabouc,isfrce, which is the mother ofvs all Theafurthcr, here be three comparifons to expreffe the found ofthis praife, the firft.thatiiiiliketheconfufedforingnoyfeofmany waters: the fecondjthatic is a» the terrible noife of a mightic thunder : the third that there is the fvvcete melodie of barperSjiurping or playing vpon their harpcsAVhat ihefe things do meanc i sfoni- what difficlll to find : for they are expounded by diuers, after a diuerfe manner. If vs'e take it that the found is all onciii it fclfc,& the difference to be as the perfonthat bearethit,ditfcrethoralterethhiseIhte,thc it is thus: A mecre natural man hearcth nothing w he the prjilcsofGodaic founded forth but as the ccnfufcd noife ofma- ny waters. When thefamepartichathhisearcsopencdby thegrariousworkcof thcfpirit,andlcethhisowncvnthankfulnesandmilcry,thenthcfoundofthc\word, andthepraifcsvttercd by the Church, arc as a terrible thunder :bui after a mote i through and found conucrlion all isfwceteandplcafant, asmoftdeled^ablcmu- \ ficke.Doubtlcflrethcfcthing;aTcmof?trueinmany :anditmaybe,thisfcriplurc is to figt); fie fo much.But if we w ill rather apply it both to the parties that vtter the voyce,and to the fcucrall exercifcs ofthc Church,then it is to be taken thus : watew doc fignific (as the An^jcU (hcwcth chap. 1 7-) multitudes, tongucs^andkinreds of people. 270 SEHMONS VPON people. So the noyfc pf many water?, may very well be here taken, that thevc^cc of this prayfc h the voyce of a multiiutie gathered out o!"msny kindreds, nations^ longuesaiidpeople,; Fof the Lordgachcrcch iiiscledt out ot manyJcingdomca ajjdnations. And albcitihey bee fcuered by fcasanddif^anceofpiaccs, yet they nieete together in the vniticof faithin their head Chrid. Yea, ho v^lbcucr their Janguagcs doediffer, yet like asniany waters meeting together they make but one Ibund, and in thisrefpcd that the fubflancc and fumme of their leuerallvoy^ ccsis all one,euen the magnifying thepraifc ofGod.and the vtteringhisti;u£th,it jsTayd^that their voyce is as the found otmaHywacers. , tjb-Ijj ::i 1 hen foi the fecond, that it is as the voyce ofa great thunder, it may very wcH reprcfent the terrible judgements & thfeatnings which the feruants ofGod do de- .nofice apainli the wicked corrupters ofhis holy worfhip. Although the minilieri of Antichri(t,and the vngodly worldlings doe heare if with deaffe eares,yetjsit in-* deedc as a moft terrible thunder, Inthela(} place the fweetemelodieofthehar^ pcrSjdoth nie^vAvith wj:^ar fpiritua^lipy andgladnes tlie true belceucrs doe praile God, To prajfe God is nothing, vnles a man take great ioy, delightl,and pleafurc therein. In the time of the law God appoynted that his people fhould praife him in the publike aflcmblies with all manner of fweetc inflruments of muficke: what fliall wee imagine that God is delighted with the fweetenoyfe and harmo-! nieof In(iruments3 That were molHooiilli, ifweefhould thiiikcfo, feeing bis joyc^ are in himfelfe, and infinit: but it was to fhewc indeede that the heariand minde ofman mull ioy and reioyceinpiaifingthc Lord: AsSaint Paul rcquireth ofd»c Chriflians, thatthcy make melodic inthcir hearts to thelord, Itisaplace Vvorthie oreat and deepe confideration : for it may teach vs that when men do vc- ter the praifes of God, ifit be onely with a pleafure in the voyce, and for cuftomc and faQiion, it is a dead thing, not pleafingto Gpdatall^ut if we delight and ioy in c-Iorifyino and praifing God/o that it is euen like fucete and rieafant mufickc to out hearts : then doe -.vcptatfe him indeede with Iws Saints,and that isplcafing vntohim. Ohow men delight to hearethe praife of thofe whom they louetif yec loue the Lord, let your heart and tongue agree to magnifichis praife, and reioyce in his honour. Thedeuill appliethall his might and force to tiefiroy the praife of God,and therefore feekcth by all meanes to draw afide the hearts of m en from re- ioycin'^ in the Lord. Wee fee the perturbations, and diHempered affections that many are in,whercby,vpon euery light occafion,eiien as atthc wagging'ofa f^raw, they arc formented,, and difquict others, fo that they canirot reioyce in the Lord, and with qlad hearts fing forth his praife : but rather doe murmure.We muft take becde of that, and feeke'tohauc our harpes well tuned, that is our harts, that euca with fwecteand pleafantharmonie, they may found fcorth the praifes ot God. The fame deuiU alfo who corrupteth whatfoeuer he can, draweththc melodic from the heart into the mouth onely : for fdme lookc onely to the outward tunc, and are delighted with the skill of that: they chaunt and makea pleafant noyfeto the outward earc, but the (hingsof the heart are not tuned, there is no fpirituall dcb'ght inpraifing God,and v\hat doe fuchbui eucu bellow ? THE REVELATION. 271. /: It followcth, And they did fing as it wcrca new fongijcforcihc throne, atuJ be- fore cItc fourc beafts andrhe Elders.; AsS, Ibhn told vs of the melodieof harpers, fonow hccaddcih, thar they did alfo fingasit were ancwfong, vihich alio is toifcclarcvvithvvhstgladncy'andmirthof heart, the faithfuU doc founu forth the prMrcofGodsglory,Mcndocvfcfbrtofingwhcnthcybemcrrieandplad,asthe ApolWc filth, ft af)j merriejet htm fifig Pfaimef, And it is tobeeconfidcrcdihac* be fiithjtheir long wasasanewfong, A/Vccknov\cthatafongdoth delight mort when it is nc ;v,aiTd letfe as it waxethcotnihon, and .as w c fay,('lale. 1 he praifing. of God by the faithful! is moftauncicnt and continuall, and yet they continue ic withliichdelighr.asil it were ftill new. For if men vpona cuftome or common falliion vtterihepraifesofGodjVvithoutfcelingofioyandgladncsin the fame, ic isciien as a Oalc long. Therefore the godly rcceiuing daily new benefits, doc (iill tcncvv theirfong, that it vemainethasfrefliandpJcafant asatihclird, itncuer waxetholdeJn-the motions and atfcdionsoftheirminde." This is it that the holy Prc(phecl")auidfoofien callcdifcr, laying, Singtoche Locdca ncwfong,checrc- lully praifciho Lord. Hcrcis then no morcexprcflcd in thiyplacc to bee done bjr the Cluirch, then that. which ilie holy Gholialwaies called vpon thefeannti of God for to pcrformc. Wc muli then make accountjthat it is our part and duty to- ic^ne vvith-thcm,and to take more ddight in fctciiyg fortbthc praifc of God,ihen in ail earthly ioyest wcroiight to make it cuen as.tiietop and crowne of our plca- furcs: wccmurt^occheorefully vntoit, bothin pcii^ate-by our fcluci.andalfoin thcpubhkc alTcmblifcs, Behold tbentiis benefits and louing kindnes tov^ards vs^ that we may alvvaics rtio^t and triumph in his moi^ holy name. It is faid that they fing this new fong before the thronc,befoic the foure beads, and before the Elders. Alilioughthe praifc be vttcred by the Church vpon earth, ytt the fwcetc barmonip^oftlicii harpcs and long, con^mcthvpinto the hcpuens, berorcihcthroncof Gad^nd btfoifc bis holy Angclj;, ittAsmucliasthc Lo^d bea- rcth their prairc,and it is pleafing vnto him,andal(ballihc holy Angclsand Saint* dorcrioyccinthe'glorityitrgorGod.ItistlwwhoJcdnligiitof thebleffcdheaucn- Iy fpirits to praifctlw Lord^nd to hcai c his praifcs vttcred by men. It is cuen the fwectcft melodic and fohg thai can be vntothcin.We doc not rcadc olanypraife. offered vp by the fiithfull in all this bodke vnto any Angcjl or Saint, but oncly to himthatixtcth vponitbc thrtwicvand tbthc i;mil<°: for none is to be \Vitbhitn partaker of hs worship and<:;k>ijic MiQneis \vor■■ Here followeth next, thit this companic* which are with^thc Lambe vpoh mount Son, are ail virgins, and not defiled with women. Here is a companie, yci a great companie of chart and pure ones. 1 1 is mecte indecde that all they which accompanie the vnfpottcd Lambe fliould be fuch : All virgincs^ali chaft and pure tiffgmSy here is a goodly aflemblie; Here the pikpifis flrppcin and lay hold for the commendation offingle life, andfay it appcarcthhcrcby, that virgins alwayesac-* companie Chrirt inhcauen, and fohaue greater dignitic then others haue. This roaketh(asthey take it) for the finglc life of all their Priefts, Abbots, Monkes, Friers,Nunnes,and fuch like : for they be all vnmarried pcrfons.IfS. John had faid here thck bee vnmarried, it had been well for their purpofe : but he fayth not fo, but that they ace virgins^ not defiled with women. For all vnmarried pctlbns arc , not wrgincsjill that line in finglc life kcepfc not themfekrcs vndefilcd with women. We graunt that the popifh fwarmcsof fuch vcrmioeliue a (ingle life, but we will not graunt tb^m to be virgines.or not defiled with woTT»cn:for the earth hath been 611cd wicb the Bioke of the whorcdomcS| incelh, and abominable ^thie lulles of thcit THE KEvELATro^f. 1^^ cbeirPopcs^ their Carcfmak.thcfr Bidiops, Monkcs, Friers and N tmnes, Tbcf^ Bundreth/orticandfourethoufand virginsvvliicharc with the Lam.b«r,comc nc out of their cloyfters, they mu ft fcekc for them ibtne where el fc. Bucroaijiwcie them morcfully.lfay thcyare very muchouerfcentocxpouiTd this^p.'acrof fnglc life, or as I niayfpcake.of bodily virginitic. They fpcak^indeedreprochfoUy of marriage,but dare they fay that themarriagc bed is dcfiJed?ThehoiyGiiort faith; Hcbr. 1 5. that it isvndcfikd. Then vyhetl S.Tohn fayth.thcfc arc rrot defiled with' womcn,ifwecwiHlrndcrflanditcfti)iscorpGraHvirgrniricin(inglcl.'fc, miift ic notnccdesfccretlychargcail ttl^friedpcifonstbbec polluted bytiicirmarrianc > When the holy Scripture plainly affirmeth, that the marriage bed is not defiled, wcmaynotejcpoundthisplacctocontraricrhatplafnedoftrine; which uc mii(l ncedes doe if wee will expound it of fingle life : becaufein thisplace,virglns,and fuch as are not defiled with women, are put for thcfa!i)ething,and as I fayd.if wc takcitfojthcnfccrctly it impiiteth a defilement vnto all married pcrfons. llicn (tcing wee maynotcharge the holyordmance of God with pollution, wee mart heerc flyc viuo another kindc of vlrg^iiitie, andthatisa fpirituall vir^initie : as S.Paul fayth he did labour co prcfcnt the Corinths as a chart virgin to Chrift. The Lord fheweth that heedooth take his Church as his fpoufe, and ilie is called the Lambcs wife. There is then a fpiritual whoredomc uhen men commit idolatrie and follow the worOiippe of Idols, and the fupcrditiousinuentions of men, and do(9rincs ofdiuels. And there isa fpirituall virgjnitic where men arc not defiled with fuch whorifli women as the Idols and falfc worOiip. How often doth the Lordvfc fuch fpecche^by the Prophets, (as all that reade them can tell) that his people went a whofing when they worOiipped Idols ? Then thus it is : ihcfc hun- dretb/ortieand foure thoufand arc fuch askept thcrafclues from worfhippin" I- dolsofgold,of filuer,of braflcjof ftone,and ofwood,vvhich Oiould bc,aud were worfhippedinthekingdomeof Anrfchrift,as itiscuident by the latter cndc of the ninth chapter of this ptaphecie. A greatpart of this companie alio confining of married men,and marrrcd women,\vcrc alio chdft and pure as well as the reft from the bodily fornication. Therefore bc]oued,ifwecwill bee with the'Lambe* imbrace and hold faft that holy and pure worfliip which is prcfcribed in the word ofCod.and vtterly renounce all Idolatrie and all mens denifcs: for fuch chart and pure virgins are mcete to accompanieChrirt. Such as bee polluted with fornica- tion cither camall or fpirituall, bee not as chart virgins to bee coupled vnto Chrirt. He defciibcrhthis companie yet fbrthcr, and fayth, they followe the Laml>c whither focucT hepoeih. Tlie Lambcis their fhephcard,ihey know his voycc, and goe to w hatfocuer he callah thcm,and they v\ ill not hcare the voyce of ftranocrs, but doertye fi'om them, lohn ic. Antichrirt, et;cn allthc falfc prophets in the^po- pcrie, haucfought to make tbc whole Church in all kingdomes obey their voyce, and they drew infinite multitudes to iitibracc their doflrinc, and'to take their wicked decrees to be cucn as the oracles of God: but ihcfc they cannot neither by r deceit, 274 SERMONS VPON but that theyarc bought,as he faith^fro men. The Lambc bought them,and he boughc them wjrii a great price, not with corruptible things>(asS. Peter r3ith)asgold,orfiluer,but with the precious blood ofChrirt, as of a Lambe vndefiled and without fpot, i.Pct.i. ip.Heiheweih al- fotowhaicndchcyberedeeined.inihefc wordSjbcingthe firii fruits to Godand to the Lambc. By this wee tnurt vnderltand that they be confecrated and let apart toGod,aud lohisChrirt. They arc not to liue vnto thcmfelues, they are not to ferucfiiinc : but they are in all puritie to walkc withthe Lord their God. That he faithjthcre was no guile found in thcjr mouthcs,and that they are wichout fpot be-" for? the throne of God»it is not to be referred to their own holiacs^but to that pet- feiVrighteoufnes vvhich they haue by faithia.Chrift- J.<;nJl.v THE XXX. SERMON. CHAP. XIIII. - 6 T^e» Ifaxv another /lugellfite in the niiddefl ofheamnJjAuing an euerlafiittr, Gofpellto preach vnto t hem i hat dcoell on the earth ^anU to euery nation, atjd kinred,teMfffe,andpesp/f, , , ' \ . , y Saying with a load voyce : Feare Go ^. and gitte gUrie to him, for the houre of hi-: iudgemcnt in cofsi^: and ivor/hip htm that made heauen andearth^thefeOs andall i^efoMntaines ofrvatcr, 8 /ind there fa!la-ped.jnr>t her ^ ngefl Jay iag^it is fallen Jt is ftHen^Bahlon that great citiejorjheganeto ail ni^tians. to drtn^e the peine of the v^rath of her forhiCiition, ^ ^ A^jdthe third Argel/fol/o'^ edthem-faying with a loudvoyve:,if ^iftatr(^ his 'fKH^e, Andwhcfoetter recsit^eth theprtnr ofhu nume. k\ ^ Bhad thctlefcription in the fonn^p chapter, ofthc bcaft with A ^^^^/*^f fcucn heads that Hiould affliCithc Church, and tnorcpam is ctibrlyofthelciicnth head, which was noc then riicnuhen A. ^-^/' V ^^''^" rcceiucil this prophccie, w hie h is alfo fct forth by him ,*\ y . %'• '^"'-"' icUe asn bea(l with two homes HVea Lanibc,bci:'hcchinkcthr.cthcChurth wtterlie failed inearth when that bcafJ was worfliippcd in all lands,and nhen thole were cruelly murdered that rcfufcd to worfliip him : And now after this he commetli to fct forihthc mine and decay of this fbrefayd Idolatrous kingdome of creat Ba- bel!. This may wc hearken vnto with fo mut'h the more dheerefulncs of mindc, becaufe it is not oncly very comfortable vd it felfe but alfo that it fallcih out in our daies,and wc fee and behold with our eycsthcful<*ilingof it,bcingbe<'unnotycc fuli fourcfcore yecrcspart. The words of this text which I haue read vnto ye that doc concerne this mat- tcr,do deuide themfelues into ^ .parts^eing the voices of three angclsone foJIow- jng after anothcr.The firft Angei publiOieth the Gofpcll ot Chrilt vnto the nations ottheearth. Thefccondfolloweth,and proclaimeth,that great Babcllfeuenthc bloodic kingdome of the bcalt) is falkn. The third AngcHcriethout with aloud voice,and dcnounccth thedreadfuJJ vengeance of Almighty <'jod again(t al thofe that docnotturnc to his true worfhip.from that idolatrous worfhipof Antichnft. Here is the funvmeof that w hich I haue read vntoye. Thefc three Angels doe rc- prefcntthe miniOcrsot Chrift raifcd vp in thcfc lart daieSjto throw down the wic- ked poperie with the pure light ofthc Gofpel ofcChrirt, which I w^zdi not (}and to prouCjbecaufe the minilkrs ofthe Gofpcll arc c ailed the Angels of the Churi hcs, chap. I ;It IS thertorc faid,tbat the firft Angel hath an euerlafl ing golpel to preach, TIk truegofpell is called eucrlafiing. The popes of Rome vfurping the pow cr of the Lord to make la wes to the conlcicnce of mcn,fet vp the dunghill of thefr own niof^ hlthicabominations.fuppofingthatihcyhadeftablifhcd them fo Cure, that the holy doiiitrinc of God dcliurrcd by his Apoftlcs and prophctSjlliould rcuer ri!c vp againe.thcy condemning it to be hcreiie,& al thole to be herctikcs which im- bracc it. Rut ic is an cucrlafHng C jofpell,they cannot roote it out, nor fo kcepc it dovvn.but that it wil rife vp and flic abro3d:& therefore it is faid here,that the An- gcll that flicth in the middcft of heaucn, hath an eiicrlartingCiolpcll to preach. Let no man thinkeihac euer any power ofman Oiall bee able to aboIilTi it, Iccinq the whole power ofy Remancbeart,whichal the world wondrcd at could not keepe itvndcr. And let the Romanc prelates reuile it as new dod>rinc, becaufe it dilclo- ■feththcicwickcdiicSjycciti$ancucrlariingGofpel,not inucqicdby niai),Uit dcli- T ft ucrcd vje SERMONS VPQN ucrcdby Godhimfclfc 7rom the beginning, and Avail cowtipac tothccnd. AI do- ctrine of men flialU^all/or it is not euerla(iii>g. And now mark how he faith.that the Angcll which prcachcth this euerlafting, Gofpclljfiictb in the middeft of heaucn : This may feeme very ftrangc. What doth this figure out vntovs? It figureth out thefc two things: the firfl, that when the time was comc.thatGod would caftdowne the popcriCjtheGofpell (hould bee moft fwiftly carried and fpreadouer many kingdopaesand nations : and then the fecond,that no power vndcrhcuuen (hould bee ablet*^ ftpy the courfe thereof. Xhcfc be twogreat thing$,and here plainly figured : and now marke well how it liandeth. The Romane beall had great kingdoms fubi^d vnto him that did wor- ihip him : this Angell murt preach the Gofpell vnto them,thercforc it is fay d hec mult preach it to euery nation, kinred, tongue, and people, Tlie kingdomcsare very large, and therefore here is necde of expedition to carrie and iprcad it oucr ^Km, Wherefore it is not fayd, that the Angell ft?ndeph to preach, but that bee fli?th in the middeft of h€auen,th5« is, be carricth icaway very fwrftly vi)co thf hingdomes and nations of the earth* Was not this fuifilkd p wfe<^|y,wb(n Go4 laifed vp firft MartinLuther^and then manyotlier worthie inftrument« whicb carried the Gofpell into- many kingdomcs, and fprcad it farre and wide ? How fwifcly hath it runneouer large kingdonies fince that time? 1 necde not ftand to name die countries vntoye into whichit is fpread.^ Then to thefccpnd poynt,This Angell Qieth witbir in the middleft ofheauen : which figuttthout vnto vs, that it rs beyond the powerand reach of the beaft, tnd beyond the reach of tine Kings that ftandforthc kingdoinc of the bc«ft/.o ftop the courfe of it. Kings and Emperours haue had greac powcr^ad the Pope? liaue had greater then they all : but let alltheEmperouts,KiJig5jandPopCjS, ioync < their whole forces together,and fee if they can ftopacloud when itfliethabouc in the ayre. Ifthey cannot,ihen how will they ftop this Angell thatfiieth in the mid- deft of heaucn with the Gofpell, and publilheth ittothc n^itions ? The minifters et'iheOofpeil whom the Lord raifcdvp^as^ Luther, Mclap<5ihon,Bu?er^Pet«>: Martyr,Caluinc,Virctc,and many others, walked vpon the carth,^>id publjfl^ed $nd fprcad the truth through the nations: and yet they were fo far abouc the reach of the beaft/rom laying hold of their pcrfons to kill tnem, or to flop the course of iheir prcaching,thac ihcy arc figured out here toflje with it in the middeft of beat- Ucn. Suchas haue notobferued this arc very fencclefle and dull. Thus we fee how fpeedilyihcGolpelljfhould bee carried ouer tKe kingdomes of the worlds when' great Babel ftiould dDwne,and how no power vpon earth fhould be able to ftop itjthc Angel flying with it in the middeft ofheauen.Now \ti vs heare the do^rm^ it felfe which he preachet]),for the fumme of it is here reported, which is this,fay» ing with aloud voycc,FcareGod,&giucglorytohiiTi,forthe houre of his iudge* mcnt is coajc : and worjhip him that made heauen and cartb,ihe fca, and all the fbuntaincs of water. Whata wonderfull comfort and confirmation vnto v$ here isgiuen,to ftand in thedoflrinenowpubliftied agajnft y Romifti Antichrift,fee- iogtlieQolpcl which this Angel flicthwithalLeotuaitJcth the whole fun»»r»< pf all THE REVELATION. 277 ill the d6ipofdcuils,to bow and pray to Imac;es, which are nothing butvanitic andlies. Finally^this Angcll hath proclaymed,and proclaymeihftillat ihisday, prouingby the holy written word, thatalitheinuentions of popcrieare noihiny die but horrible prophanations of thcworfhipol God, andthcicfore^rh'Jt nica aretoiurncfromchem, and to feare, toglorific andtoworfliipihcsrucGod a- lonCjWiththatpureworfliip vvhich he hath pre/cribcdhi'hLs wnticuword. Let men cicaminecueryfyllableof that vvhich S. k)hnfcpoi :eih here to bethe voyce of the Angcllihatflycthinthemiddeft ofheauen^withantuerliitini^ gofrell to prcachto all nations, and fee it it be not in cuery refpc:) the fame that hath been, and is now preached by the Miniftersoftlicgofpe-'i. Andthcnconfidcrjno thac the popcricisflatcontraric.afcribingtocrcaturcs the thingivshich are peculiar to Gcdandto his Sonne l€fusChiift,v\hy fliould not wctake courage lo lianda- gaii.lhhcm, reioycingin that holy daitrinc which the Lord hath here vttered in vidon fo long fincc ? And now Jet vs fee whatcffcv!:^ the voyce of this An^^eU hath. Is this eucrlalhnf^golpellwhichchalcngcth all honour, glory, and worlhip to Cod alone, publ fr.ed in vaincio thenations of the world, againft thcking- domeof thcbealtf' No verily: ItthrowcehiidoAne. For inarke what hcfayth: And thcrtffoilowcd .mother Angcll, laying, itisfallcn, itibfallcn.Babylon thac greatCitie,^irflicgaucco3llnationsiocii:nkethewineof the wrath of her fcr^ nication. Sofooneascuer thegofpell brake forth and waspubliflKd amon^-'thc nations, calling vpon men to turne trom thcvvorftiip of creatures, toworfliio thctrucGod,downefalloiht!ickingdomeof Antichrift,thekingdoir.eofconlu' lion great Bahd, which opprcfled the Church, that Komilli tyrannic of popes, Nvhichcoufilicih altogether of Idolacric,furcrHuion,and wcrQiip of ccmls.Thc T 3 ji^hc 57? SERMONS VPON light bat hdifclofcd them, and men haue turned from thole abominations. TliC JjjjwTupprcfling the holy word of God, and fo bringing in thicke darkncs vpon J^nations in which hce had couercdthcm, fee vp himfelfe 6uen in the place of God.and did what helurtinthcdarkc.aUhis decrees being holden as the oracles of God,andhe was worfhipped as one that could both faue and deflroy. Now ac the voyce of this Angcll,thcre is fuchlight.that great kings and princes and rulers, withgreat multitudes of their fubieits, had their eyesopcned to behold that the RomilTi religion is idolatrous,ihat the Papacie is the very kingdome of the great Antichnrt : and fo whereas beforc,they worfhippcd the beaft,now they holde vp their hands onely to the God of heauen^and giorific him in his fomie Icfus Civil). Now vycre lawes made in kingdonies and prouinces , to aboliih that vfurped power oftheBifliop of Rome. Now were lawes and iniund^ionsfetforthjtodc* ftroy,roote out and deface allnionumentsot his idolatrous and fuperftitious wor- ship, which he had creeled in all kingdomcs. Now the Popes which were honou- redjcucn as Gods vpon the earth,while men fought remilTion of finnes]at theii* bands,and the blcflingof eternall life^as if they could bcftow it at their pfeafure, are fo farre from this honour and glory, that they be iudged the moft vile and a- borainable that liue. Is not Babcllthen fallen? where is their glorie, where is their dignitie and enunation.yea, where is all their terriblepower which they exercifed in times paft? If any will obicdthat the dominion of Rome is not quite downe. That b nothing: for it is not meant that the fall of Babell,andher vtterabolifh- ing fhould bee all at once.but her ruine fhall be by degrees. It is a thing determi- ned with God,and pronounced, that flie fhall downe : and therefore the AiigcU forto declare the certaintiethereofjdoubleth the fpeech.faying, it is fallen,it isfal- lcn,Babylonihat great citie. Who is there in the worlde, which is notalmoft a blocke, which fceth not that the Romifh power and tyrannic is call downe by the voyce of the Angell,that is, by thcdo6lrineof theGofpellnow preached? Behold here thepowcr ofGodstructh in throwing downe Babeli. Who could hauethoughtjliuing an hundrethye3respa(},and beholding the power andglocy of that Romane tyrannie,that fuch a Monarchic fhould fo fuddenly be cafl down, neuer toberecoucredagainc? Butasthe Angellfayth.thetimeof his iudgcmcnt is come, and in very deede (hong is he that iudgcth her. Nay, this is more then wonderful!, that whereas all the power of kings could not pull it downe (the kings fearing the Popes curfc) the voyce of doctrine vttered by a few men of no worldly po Aerhath done it.Yca I may fay furthcr,that there is no powcrof kings now able to hold it vp. For as it was beyond the power of kings to pull it downe, Co is it farre from thein now to be able to hold it vp.Thc bead hath bcfiirred him, andfcnt into all lands for to ftirrevp the Princes to put to death all that will not vs'orfliip him. And diucrs mightic kings and princes haue fo farre giuen theirpo- wcrto the beaftjthat they entrcd into aJcaguc (which they call the holy League) andvovved to ioynetogcthcr to rocte out from the earth al that imbraccthargof- pellhere viccrcd by^ie Angcll^and will not imbrace the Romifli rcligion,& wor- fliipihcbcaii.. Bntwhathaucthcyprcuailcd, feeing the Gofpcll hathfpread for^ ther THE REVELATION, tyg therand further? Many make doubt whether thepopcricbcc that kingdomeof the great Antichriftwhichfliouldcome. They cannot fee it to be a matter of full certaiDtic,w herein we may rcrt out of all doubt and controuerfic. Let them con- fider vvcIIofthisplacc,what the euerlafting Gofpell is whicli the Angell prcachcth to all nationSjkindreds, tongues and people. Let them alfo confidcrthat the fc- cond Angel after the pubIiIhingofihatdo(^rinc,proclainieth the fa II of Babylon ikatgrcatcitic.Then further Ictihcm fee whether it be not the fame dodrine now of late preached among nations, which the Angell here vttcrctb. And finally, markcwhetherthcpopeiie bee not caftdownc by it*Findingthclc things thus to concurrc.why (hould weedoubt,but that the papifmc vi the very beafi with two homes like a Lambc, euen the great Ancichrili ? And now brethren, how happic arc we,and how great ihankesand praife arc w cc with glad mindes to offer vp to God almightie,ihat we are borne and liuein the daieSjin which the Angcll flieth with this hcauenlyGofpel,and fee theruines of that idolatrous kingdonics,vvhich bath murdered (b many true worfliipper8ofGod,andfeduced (b many thoufand thoufandsjvntothc worfhipof diuels?Yeahowfoeuer theyraile vpon them, hap- pic and thrice happie arc thofc great feruants ofGod,Luther,Caliiin,Bucer,Mar- tir, BuUinger, Cranmer, Ridley, and •ciiers, which haue fuccecded and followc d* fince their daye$,and are indccde the Angell that flycth in the midde/i of heauen, to call men with the puredo(5\rineortheGof^>el,{rom worfiiippingthe beaft and dumbc IdolSjto worlli ip the true and liuing ( jod. Let vs alfo for our part rtep in, and with all our might fo farre as the Lord dothinabic vs,and call vs, ftrikc at the bead of this monfler.and increafc the ruines of wicked Babell. We all fee how the feruants of Antichrift beftirrethem, and efpeciallythofe wicked traytors thelc- fuites,tohcale the wounds that are giucn to their Idoll^ and torecoucrthc brea- ches, which are made in tfic walles oftheir great citie : and (hall not we be as for- ward in the i'eruice of the Lord ? Is there any thing here wherein we may {o much irioyce,asintherui!icanddownfallof Babylon, being fo horribly wicked ? For fee what the Angell addethas ihecaufe why the Lord God will execute flharpc vengeance vponhcr : for Hie gaue(layth he) to all nations to dnnke of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Here bccbutfcwword$,butyet theyexpreflca fea,orgulfeofmort wicked abominations committed by Babel, the Komifli fy- naeogue.Formarkc well cuery part of the fentcnce : Her filthincs is notcompaf- fcd in with narrow bounds, as committed in Ibme one kingdome : but fpreadeth it felfe ouer all nations : for he layth, fhe gaue to all nations to drinke of the w inc. &c. It is a foule thingbcforcGod to corrupt one man : it is more to corrupt a fa- milic,and ^o goc vp by degrees to a whole citie and to a kingdome, which is very much : and if it Hayed there, yet how horrible muft it ncedcs bee in the fight of God ? But Rome hath not ftayed there, but hath corrupted and fcduced all na« lions vntoldolatrie,fupcrf)ition,herefies,and worfliip of falfcGods: who is able then to declare the largenes of the fea or gulfe of allherabominationsPWhat madnes is it in the papilts to boalt oftheir multitudes ? feeing it is plainly exprel- fcdjthat the great AQtJchrift,lhc whore of Babylon Oiall giiic to all nations to T 4 drinke 280 .SERMONS VPON drinkcof hercup. And this is tbecaufc why the holy Ghoftcallcth Amichriflthe nianof finne. leroboammadc Jfraeltofinnewhenhe Ictvp the golden calnesto bevvorfhipped androm.ghtbccalledamanof (inne: but whit was hi^faA, be- ing in a Uctle corner among the tcnnc tribes, if ic bee compared to that which the Popes of Rome bane done in all nations? There is the man of finne indecde. Ne- uer was there any kingdome vnderheauen, that corrupted and feducedfo many nations vnto wicked idolatries,as the kingdomCjOrbeaft with two homes. ThiTs' much couching the large fpreading of Babels abominations: now marke w-iih what fpcechhe expreflethhepfinne. He calleth it the wine of wrath ofhtr fornica- tion. Becaufe the Lord vfeth this metaphor, that Babell offercth the nations a cupi codrinkeof, he alfo continuing the metapbor,calleth all her abominations wine, which Hie puttetb into the fame for them to dnnke. And then further that we may vnderdand what wine it is that fhe hath caufcd them to drinkc out of her cup, he calleth it the wine of her fornication. Although the Popes hauc fet vp or allowed ftewes^and filled the earth withfuch kind of whorcdomes yet this is not io n)uch to bee taken for that, as for that fpiricuall whorcdome, that idolatrie, fuperftition, and all filihie inuentions, by which they corrupted the holy ordinances of God, and fet vp a falfe religion. This is their cll'ltfe whoredomc, wherein they haue drawneinfinitcthonfandsofthoufands from God, to commit fornication with ftockes and (lones. And then laft of all, it isnot onely the w ine of herfofhication, but the wine of the wrath of her fornication. This fheweth that the Lord is prouo- kedto wrath and difpleafure,andfo to execute vengeance for her abominations. This wine of wrathmay be taleuen to the dregs . ft is the wine of wrath, for the iufl- God is prouoked thereby: therefore Babylon is fallen, it isfallcn. It is not pofTiblcthatdiis provide kingdome fhould ftand,thc mo(i high God comming to iudgemcnt againft her, cuentopowrc forth his wrath and vengeance, Here is a generall dodlrineforvs all to meditate often vpon. And that is, if the mightie kingdome ofthe world come downeforwickedneflejWhocanefcapcthatprouokethhimPFor ifheiudgethe nationsjiow fliall any one man efcape? And when yee fee wicked men flourifhi andbcfo mightie in the world that yeethinkethey muftncedcsfhnd^reH^cmbn Wow great Babell which made all kings to tremble at hcrpower, is fallen for her wickedrves. . So will the Lord Godofheaucn cafldowncaU the workcs of ni- quitie. THE REVELATION. iSi qiiitie. Now wee come to the v<^cc of the third Angcll,wh6dcn6un«th iudgc- racntand vcngc.incc vnto all ihofc which will riot turncfrotivWorfhippirigthc bcaft,to vvorlliii) ihe true God. And tirft it is to bee noted, that this Angcll is alio laydtovltcr his mcflagcwith a loudevoyce, which isto fhcw thcvehcmcncic thcrcofjwhich the llovv, thcdcafte^ and duJleares of njany caufcth. For albeit the lighcoFthcGorflcil harh turned lb grtfatrp»nltittjdesfrotTipopeiie,thai Babellhath c«ughra vcrV^ gt«ol fallj yet €yf»criehcecf6th rCafch vSjtfeat 'tTiany hauing bin Buz- Iedvplnpoperic;(iand vporyrhe'alitfAiu!fi*dt*it/a<^dgly denounced againft them. Thinke not therefore thap it is an ifiitempcface heatefor as i^mtjc fliiooth'Aihcifts tertne it raylmg)vvhef\ the true fcri/anrsof Chril) that pijblift^ tlicGofptll, doe with "grcktVbKeftiencic denounce vengeance againit the poJ>!fhidolat^f$ : feeing the Lord hath^let-e fi- gured it long before by an Angell. Nay rather know that this Angell figureth the trueminillcrsof the Gofpelljand therefore they execute not their office faithfully, which do it not. There be many alio which account fb little which religion be fee fonh, that they think thd^worlfiip God inboth.They cannot fec,but that the pa- p1 fts alfo bee good Chril-lianSjand vvorOiipGod : the voycc of this Angell is very necdfull for thcni,ihat they may fee what drcadfull vengeance the Lord denoun- ccih- againft the popifli worfliippers. Well, let vs come to the words which this Angell proclaimeth with fo loude a voyce. Ihey may all bee deuided into two pawes,! whdrcof the 6ne;noteth out with fuppofition the worniippers of the bealK' the other defc*ibfcijicyvnderpaineof damnation, and fo rcceiueth all hi« decrees as the oracles ofGod: Ifanyhold,that there is no rcmif- fion of hnncK but in thacfocictie and vnder that hcad,and fo will hjue his pnrdon > fiiomhim,or from (bn)eihathsuc that jiowcr from him, bclceuing that ilic Pope' hath that pov\et committed tf^hif. to pardon Whole finncs he Wiil^andthBt the" fitmc power is dcrioed fnidr.hlrtvas from the hesd and fountaineynto atfhis rh.uicling«:Ifany man holdrivcfe Ibrcfayd th;ngs,or carriean opcnprofclfioij or markc to llic v th-tt he holdcth thcm,& ioyncth in the Idol fern ice with that fy- nafoguc;orwifl^ih-tjo!ioyboi/iri Jf a man Hiould lie a- wholc yeere in fuch torment, were it not a wonderfull horrour? And the Angell faith here,that they (hall be tormented in fire and brimftone before the holy An- gels, and before the Lambe. They fhall be a gazing ftockc In their torments vnto the Angels and Saints,who (hal not pitie ihem,but rcioyce to (cc their confufion. And more ouer,they (hall not lie in thele torments for a y€erc,orforyeercs,but for cucr,as the Angcl-l dieweth. The fmoake (faith he) of their torments afc^ndeth vp for euermore.Wc know that if fmoake afceiKl vp,thc fiic is not quenched : there- fore it declareththat diis fire (hall neuer bee quepched. Yea further, it is (hewed, that it (hallnotbc withthem,asit is with men that fufFergrieuous torments here in their bodies which come by fittes, with fomeintermi(non,andfometimcsthey haue things that refrefti and comfort, and fometimes they fleepe and forget, or feelc not their paine: but the euerlafting torment of thcfe, as it were in fire and brimftone, (hall neuer bee eafed one minute of an hourc, neither by day nor by ni"ht. This is the portion ofthofe that wor(hip thcbeaft and hisimage,& rcceiuc the print of his name. Here is the good which the Pope doth bring vpon all that loqe and honour him. Oconfider it Ibefeechyerandimbracethcpurc and hoUc worfhip of God which he hath prefcribcd in his word.Cleaue faft vnto it,aiKi bee not dtawncl)y any torments to drinke ofthat whores cup : leaft yee drinke ofthc cup of Gods wrath. Itis much bcttertogiue your bodies to bee burned for the Loids truetb,then tobc tornacnted world without end in fire and brimftone. THE THE REVELATION. HTj % i?»^ mmmm THE XXXI. SERMON- CHAP. XIIII. I 2 If ere is the patience of the Saints^ here are they which keepe the commandg' n,ents ol (jod,af7d the faith of leftu, 1 3 A»(i I heurda voice from heauen:, faying vnto me, write, hleffed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth^ yea puth the/pirit, becaufe they refi from thtir UtoMrj,a»dtheir wor^t follow them, « E haucfcenc before \n ihtschapter,what terrible wrath and ?/ vengeance is denounced by the voice of the third Angcll.a- ^Cff^M gainft the worOiippcrsof the beaft : and now wee fhall fee V ^^k-'r-'js o" '^ coniraricpartjhow wellitfhall bee with thofc which g renouncing all idolatric and fuperftition, ftickc faft to the ^ tructh. The other are notfovnhappie, butthcfe fballbce as ? happie. But becaufc cither ofthelc,that is to fay.the happines of tlic one, and the vnhappincsof the other, is remoued farre from fenfe : here is a (enteiicc intcrlaced,to (iirre vp and co prepare the minds ot the godly vnto a deep confideraiion. For he faich^ here is the patience of the Saints, here are they which kecpe the conimandements of God.and hauc the faith of lefus. It isfayd that all thcpopifhworHiippersof Idols fhall be cafi into hell, and tormented with eter- nall flames.becaufc they for^ke the true God, and follow the lawes of the bcaft : in the meanc time they glory that the hcaucns are theirs, that their Pope can bring them thither: ihcyinfulcouer the godly, they reuile them as hcretikcs,theyperre- ciue and tread them downe. Here then is need ofp3ticnce,hcrc the holy icruancs ofGod are tried. Then on the other part, what precious promifes are made vnto all thofc that (lull taithfuliy and confl antiy imbrace the pure worfliip of the Lord ? But what appearance is tiicre now of any fuch thing ? They be afHid^ed and tormented here in the world, fo that of ail men theyfcemetobecthcmoft milcrable.Hcrc there- fore their obedience to the lawesof God,and their faith is tried: here may wee Icarnc a good icflbn.whcn we fee the wiched enemies of Gods truth florifh in the world.and oppre fie the poore feruanti of Chrift. If we can looke vp vnto the high prouidenccofGod,whogoucrneth anddifpofethallby his hcauenly wifedome: tf we cm with patience wait his time,\vc fhal euen in the greatcft aflaultslhat can coiriC,rcft afl'urcd of ihi$,chat God will pull down al proud tyrants which oppreffc hisfcraants^and'Ahich corrupt at.thcirplcafurc his holy worfliip.And that he will powrc-- 2S4 SERMONS VPOTSJ powrc forth his vengeance vpon them. And furcher^we dial nothing doubt how- focucrtbt faithful! beafflicf^cd iii this world.bue that thejr fhallbee raifed vp vnto glory : their li ate {})aH be exceeding good. Whifehieniudge by outward^ appca- rance,and by their owne vvitedorriejandcarnall (cnde in thefcthings.they be car- ried cicane avvry,and chufe to deaue to the ftronger parr.O let vs learne indcede, that we mull haue our patience tricdjOur obedience alio and faith^to fee how we will fiick to the Kiith Many do (tumble when they fee the proud corrupters,eucn Jike giants asitwercraigne ouerithego.dly,andpreflcchemdowncattheirplc3- furc,boaf\ingof cheir'.vifedome,of' their knowIedgCjof their faith and hope, as if they \**ereihe.vcry miine pillers of all trueth vpon the earth,reuil;ng as bale dung or droflc/uchasynrainediyOudicinali ilnglenes ot heart to picaie God, and chat < cicaue wholly to his word ; but if they could behold what is threatned to the one, •and what is promifei tothepthcCiit yvould ftayand vpholdcheraVerymuch. We ought' to falkn our eyes vpeivit,ihat it may ttay y'sin patiencCd ■ As wee haue therefore feenc the torments of fdolifters laid opcn^fo let vs come nawioithc^fentence'vtt^redy which decJ^teththe.fiaieof the gqdlie after this life : For we haue heard the vengeance denounced againfi the worfliippersofthe ibtaft^and the preparing ofthc minds oft^efaithfulI.lheard(f3ithhe)a voice from ihciuen/aying vnto rac,write,thcdeadiareblefled from henccforththat die in :hc •Lord,cLien fo faith the fpirit, bccanfe thjdy reft from iheir labours,and their works doe follow them. This is a nioft noble fentcnce,and worthy not onely to be gra- -uen in letters ofgold,but alio cuen in the labJesof theharr,and J befeechye write latVptherc. And we are to aote firft for expofition.ihat the chicfe or wholepith of matter of this.fentencois fetdowne in Few words in the middeft thercof,4nd the ilnattcrs of circumftance to commend the &me,goc partly before, andpartly fol- low ir.For the v\holc matter is in thefc words, The dead arebJcffed that die in the -Lord from henceforth. The matters of circumftancc which goe before ittofet ibrth the worthinesand authority iherof arc in thefc words; I heard a voice from hcauen.faying vnto mCjWrirc. And. that which foliowcth Hieweth reafbns why thofcdead arebJcfTed in tbcfe words, The fpiricfayth lo.becaufetheyreftfrom >chcir ia*30urs,and,theic workes follow therrii Iwili dealc wirh the words in tiiac order in which thcyle. Saint lohn heard a voice from heauen, which Oiewetlahc triithandexcellcncicofic^becaufcitcommerhfromGod.Thk which is from the rarth,Dr£ okn nnan,is of no dignitie,of no authoritie or crcdir,becaufc there is no- thiii^in man byn-ature.butlpirituall darknes,crror,fjliliood,andvntruth. There isTiothimjfcndthac which is pollu!;ed,vuclcane,and aboti^ihabid,' v^hich Satan the ■prince of darkncs^hr.th brought in.'Coiitrariwife;inhcadtn aiJ>ispufej and cleerd, and:fccc from crrour, all is excellent amd full ofdignitic, and this voice commeth fronihcatten;Thr5 voice commeth from thcifcrone of God,thac we may giuecrc- xlitiTmd.ic,as vnco an ihfalhble6raclc.lt fs iijoitrec]uihtcthat this laying,the dead are biefi-ccl which die in the Lord &omlienccfoiih^fh6uldb(yeiconfirm€d in tlwj iiianer,irib lb farre remoucd from idllfenccahdr^-Honofman. Forthc fjithfiiH Ibauc from time to time been rcprochcd,reuil4djdifiionoured among mcn,and V . manv THE REVELATION. 285 .many of ihcm cruelly inurdctcd^nd hauc lefcno fhew behind tbciii in the world ;V^•hy thcyHionld be in better cafe then others. The world reioycethand triutn- pbf tl) aga'uilUhcni,as if their end were mccrcfollie and inadnes. Wellja voyce from heaucn is tobc oppofcd agatnll all voyccs ofmen vvljat(bcucr,and wee mny iafclyrclt in it. Although wee doe not fcehowblcflcd the dead arc which die in ihe Lord, yet vvc niay (kdfaftly bclcrucit,bccauk this voyce commeth from hea- ucn which aftirmcth ic. Thcu.ij toiLovvcth,547/i»^ vnto mA, nrite. Saint John fhevveth,that hcdid not ©nly hcarcthc voice pronouncing fuch a matter, but alfo before it is pronounced, be is Willed to write it. Wrice((aich the voice)the dead are blefTed which die in the Lord from hcnceforth.Hc had a commandcmcnt in the firft chapter to write in a booke the things which he had (eene,& being now againe commanded to write this fny rng/hat it mii'-hc ftand in record vnto all poHcritics,it is to teach v5 that it is a faying right excellent & neccflTary for al the feruants of God, euen to cofirmc ihem againii all trQtiblcs,dauogers,rcproches,infamies,and againft the terror of death itfelfe. The moli high God hiinfelfc from hcaiien,hath willed his feruanc lohnto wrire,that thcdcad arc ble (Ted which dye in the Lord. But fee how the fpcech is framed, it is nocfayd indefinitely, generally, or abfolutcly without rc- itfsint.rhat the dead are bleHcdjbut thofe that dye in the Lord : For there is a dif- ference of the dead. Such as dye in their fins,death doth not difpatch or rid them /rora their m'.rcrieSjbu: is as the gate through which they pafle into the gulfc of jcndlctic woe. They paft'c from the Icfle mifcrics (which they haue endured in this lifir}vnto the gieatcr.Such as die in the Lord.that is,all fuch asare found in Chrift, death is as the gate through which they parte from all the calamities which light vponthem inthis valeof miferies,vnto endleflcioy and blifl'e.ForChrift hath o- uercome fin,tbcdiuel,and death it felfetHe hath led them captiuc and triumphed oyer the in his crolVc. All fuch as arc found in him,hauc all their fins aboli{hed,hi$ innoccncic is put vpon thc,they are reconciled vntoGod,how (hall any euillthen comenigh vnto them?Bcbold what a goodly thingit is todicintheLord:It is the fulnes of blific. And they that Hue in y Lord,as ye muft obferuc,are they that fhall die i n the Lord. I doe not denie,but that fome which fpent their life wickedly haue dyed in the Lord, as the thecfe for onc,which did hang at the right hand of Chrift. But this is a rare gift of God,they be more then mad foolcs which prefume vpo it. He that will be wifc,Ict him bend all his ftudic and care, euen in the whole courfe of iiis life to apprchcd the faith and liucly powerofChrirt,cuen to Hue in him,that be may die in him. Yea let all tlK w hole life bee no more but to learne to die well and bieflcdly.For if a man hy hold ofthe holy faith,and ftudy to pleafeGod with a pure confciencc,if he fetke the mortification ofthe old man with all his corrupt lufts.and fulfill notihcdcfiresoftheflefh: If bccputon thenewman,and walke jnthcvcTtucsof the fpirit,the vertue and power of thedeaihand refurtc^tion of Ghri(U&inhim,hedotiiliuc in yLord,when death approcheth he Oial haue peace of conlbicn ce,Iie Hiall reioyce that he fliali alio die in the Lord. There is no good- her aaalicf tot w toendeuourthcji this fame. And matkc well how he faith from bcQfcfoxtl^ .S<^ SERMONS VPON hcncc-forth, which is as much tofayjprefently, or forch-with. Theythat dyjo the Lord arc bletTcd by eturing in:o loy prclently, there is no delay. Their foules wander not vp and do wne,tbat it need to be iaid, God icl) their foules, God reft their lbules,as the fuperlhtious pa pifts vfc to fay. They arc not boyling in purga- .torie,and fo necdc praiers^ almcs,Dirgcs,mafles,and the Popes pardons to helpc them out, nor any other popifb filthy trafli. Yc feeihatthevoyceof God from henucnpronounceih, and willethlohn to write it, that the dead which die in the Lord are not oncly blelTed,but alfo from hence- forth, that is to fay, euen fo foonc as euer they bee departed out of this life, bccaufc they enter prefently into refi,and are freed from all their calamities, labours, and affliftions, which they endured while chey walked vpon the earth.Whacthen,fhall we beleeue this voyce of God, which S.Iohn is willed to fetdovvnc in writing,oi- fhallwec beleeue the popifh Church which afHrme,teach,and llifly maintainc the flat contrary? Which(chink you)dcferueth to be credited, the voyce of God from heauen,which telleth vs that they are prefently in bliHc and reft from their labours which dye in the Lord? or Tiiall we beleeue the pope and his liiauclings,w'hich for their gaine, do teach that many wliich dye in the true taith, andfo in the Lord,goc into the greiuous paines ofpurgatoric, and mult haue their helpc by Maflcs andpardonsto come out? There bee three places ffay they)vnto which thefoules ofnicn doegoe when they depart this life, hcauenj hell, and purgatorie. They which dycinaperfed: goodciiatCjgoe immediatly to heauen:they that on the contratie are found in a ftatcfo wicked that they bee not at all in the ftateof grace, gocdiredly to hell: andfuchasbeeina middle eBate betweencthefc, notpcrfeft, but hauing feme dro(feoftheirfinnes,andyctnotoutof the ftate of grace, thefc before they can goc to heauen.arecafl into that purging fire, andtarrie there longer or fliorter time as the matter of tbeirfinneis,or as they receiuehelpe from tbeliuing. This is thcpopiflidodVine, And when wee fay it is wicked, and that it dooth derogate from the bloud of Chrift, w hich onely doth purge the foule of man from finne : when we fay it is blafphemousthat the Pope dooth thallenge fuch power , as to fetchout foules out ofpurgatorie by hispardons,whichheiellethformoneyaiid when we truely affuiiie that there is no fuch purgatorie taught in Godsword,but that it ismansinuention,alleadging this place againfl it , that the dead are fortlv- with blcflcd v\hich dye in the Lord, becaufc they be at rcll : the Icfuitcsreply,that this place maketh nothing againfl purgatorie, and certainc vainc fhifts they haiic deuifed to auoyd it. As firfi they would haue ihcfc words in tne Lord, to be taken for the Lord, or for the Lords caufe,aQd fo they fay it is to be vndcrrtood oncly of the Martyrs v\ hich were flaine for witnellingthe Gofpel,whom their Churchdc" nyeth to goc to pnrgatorie,hut diredlly to hcaucn without delay .So they wil haue it :l)us,d)e dead arc blefled that dye in the Lord,ihat is the Mattirs,thcy goc forih- w ith to hcAUcn,3s this text teacheth; but yet others (fay they jgoeto purgatorie. Let it be limt in tlit Lord may be taken tobc,for the Lord:yet what reafon can be ilie^Acd wl)y fuch rcflraitit fhoulo bee made in this place ? Are not a! that dye in ChrUt^ttiie members of his myllicuUbodicf Arc not his merabcri coupled vnto bim THE REVELATION. 2S7 him astotheirhcadby a fpiritiiall vnion>Thcn doth not S. Paul fay,thathce was made hnhc for us, vvhic h knew no iinnc, rhat v\ c in hiii) iiiighe be made the righ- teoufncsof Ciod ? ^.Cor.J. What is this^but^hat the thinns v^hich arc in the body are imputed to d)i:hcnd: and that conttariv?i(c t1ic things which areinthehcad arc imputed to the bodic ? feeing the head, and the body [land as one ioyned to- gether. All the redeemed arc the body.andChrili the head, they be in hiiu, andhc iothem. Thatwhichiithcirs.isimputedvntotheuhcadChriH': as uamelyiheir' firu")e,thdrcurfe,thcirpcnaltie,theirdeath, all which he bare vpon the crofle,thac bcraigb?: abohnithcm. That ^^hich is his, is imputed vnto his body ..eiien his obc- dicncc,hisptiritie,and all good things that be ig him. He hath abohflicd their vn- lightcourncs, their cmfe, and their death: and hath put vpon them his righteouf- neSjhis blelfing.and his life. If thefe things be thus, (as thofe words of S. Paul doc plainly fhcA')hovv fhoiiidanythatdyeiha true member otChrift.whethct he die srsamartyr, orotherwife bee lent any where elfc to bee purged, butonelyin the bJoodof Chrili? Haucnot alhtruebeleeuersthcJrpardonthroiighChrift,anddie iohim aswcllastiiemarty«$?lf Chrirt were madefinne forall the members of his myHicail bodic which istheChtirch.and if cuery true member ot the Church, bee made the righreoufncs of Godi n him : then hovv fhall not all that dye in him forth-A ith be bicfled? Hach not the deathof Chrirt fufficiency in it felfe fully to a- boliil>finne,buthisvery trucmemberswhichbcin himardhein them, mult be cart into a fire to.purgc them ? Nay,they are from hence-fbrth blefled thatdicin bim» Our Jefuites reply yet further, that although ihefcwordsjihc dead arc frotn- bcncc-forth blcHed that die in the Lord, be taken generally for all that die in the ftatc of grace, yet it proueth nothiivg agamft pi'.rgatoric. How fo ? Forfooth they fhcw rcafons to prouc, that fuch as bee iti purgatoriCj bee in a more blcflcd e(hte then the godly whichliuevponthecarrh, which yet are called Ncfled euen while they Hue. FirlJjbecaufe the vvordsofthc text here be plaine,thatfuchasdicinthe Lorddocrert from their labours, they affirmc that the ioules in purgatoricmay bccfayd torcilinpcacc. Is it not ftrange that purgitoriemuft become a place of fuch happicrcii? But Ictvshearc what rcafonsthcybrinf^. Thcfoulcsinpurgato- ric (fay thcy)arc fetfree from the labours, atflii^^ioiis,andpcrfeci;tions ofthislife. . Sec how contrary the popiflifeduccrs arc vnto-thjmrdues. t^or when they would make tlieirgrcarcft game of purgatoric, they terrific the rich men by dekribing tliclK>rribleandvn(peakcabletornicntsthcrcof, ihatthey may bee readietobuie their pardons and their Maileswithanyexccedinggrcatprice, ratherthento lye • thcreoneday. Tllefireo^purgarorie(faythoy)dlffciethnotul^^a^,^nes,o^bittcr- nci of torment, from the tire of hcll.but oncl) that it lallcih not but for a timc,ihc foulecommcthoutof ir,buttheythatbeeinhcll ncucrcomcout. And thenfur- thcrthcyfay, ihattlic fire of hellexccedcthinhente ourcommon fire which wee banc heic,aMTiuch as our fire excecdcth painted fire. Painted Hredothburnc but aJittlc,and weal know that our fire dc id ibnrnc with oreatfmart, andifihefmarc- of the fireof piirrntorie hccjslarrt^ beyond tliat.asihatis beyond dicfmr^rt of* p.aintcd firc^l ihinkc they haucfmalhe(i which be in purgaiorie, When the P-^pc - would '. 288 SERMONS VPON would fill his coffers, then purgaccric fire burneth with vnfpcakcablc torments: •butwhcn the holy Ghort proftounccth,that the dead which dye in the Lord are forth- with bicflcdjbccaulc they relt from their labours, then rather dien there ft)all be no purgatoric,purgatoric (hall be a place of happie reft in comparifon of the aftiidlionsof this life.Sure if this doctrine of the Ic(uites ftand,the Pope were eucn almofl as good to haue no purgatoricat all. They fay, there goc no Martyrs intopurgatorie,fuchtbcnasgoethither,goebutoiitoftne ordinary afflictions of this life,and the fiate ihcre(they ray)is better then the fiate here: then the rich men, if it be lb, will not gjuc their money and thcirlands very faft to get out fb fpcedily froiu thence,bui eueii arme themfclues to bcare it : for they bee very loath to goc from hence, and if their eftatc here bee Icrfeblefled then there, what fhould they make fuch haftc to get out from thence ? Yea.fay tbe Papifts,for there they are out of the danger of finning. What then ? if they lye boyling in torments vnfpeakablc for their foriner offences, doe they reft from their labours ? Can it be fayd that they- be bleflcd becaufe they be at re(f ? Yca(faythcy)although the torments be great, yetbecaufe nonegoe into that purging Hrcbut fuchasgocto heauen, they arc lure ot their faluation,thcy know they fhall goe to heiauen after a time, which they could not for certaintieknow \vhiletheyliucdherc,andfo they reft and are blcf*" fed. Then ii fecmeth, that the foule may at the fame time fceIe,both vnfpeakablc torment, and vnfpeakableioy : which isabfurd. The whole man conftfting of bodie and loule,thc bodie being in paine,thc minde may rcioycc : but how both thofefhould be in the minde atonceletthem (hew. Well yet furtherjbecaufc they penceiue that thefe thcirfriuolous cauils cannotauoyd the force of this pla«:e, they procccde andfay,the word from hencc-foorth,doth not (ignific fromnhisprefcnt time forward,as if the Apoltlc had fayd, that after their death and fo forward they are happie: but noteth the time paftofthe Fathers vnder the law, with the rime of the Gofpell,in this (ence,that in the time of the law,the Fathersthat dyed in the (late of grace went into L/>w^«# P>> Therefore bcbucd, lay hoW of Chritt to liuc and <1ic in him,and bcc afTurcd that (o looncas cueryec d^paii thislifc.your foiHcs ihall bee carried into reft and ioy. Bclccucnoith^tfcarcfullpurgatoricwiiichis blafphcnious againrt the blood of Cbrift.and is maintained by the Popes of Home to get plcntie of money for their Mafles and pardons. . kfolIoweih,Thcrpirit fl\yth fb. This is added for confirmation, becaufc wCc arc fo bard of bcleefe.ThehoiyGbodis tbcrpiritorcnKhjandlicailirmfihfrom hcaucn,ihat the dead which ; fellieandraadncslsittlicnfbraman to haue abundaiKc ofriches, whereby hee might bcable to oiicrflow in good works, in aduancing the glory of God^ and rc- liculrigthc necdie,and doth rcm^inc as A barren withered tree which is planted where It hath no moif^mcPWha'/ccucr gift God hath befiowcd vpon vs whereby wcmaybcnblciodoegooddccdcsjlctvs not nc^^lc(^} the cimc,bur rake aJlocca- iions to be doint»,ihdt when vvec die our workes may follow vs, and that we may receii^etheblefrcditwardthr^tisproFnifcd. Some nccdcin(hnc>ion for the fbiile foii'i^ fellcfc for the bodie, doc what thOu canft to hclpc theni ; thou fhalt heaps vptrCafure, and lay a good foundation againH the time to come, i.Tiirt.6. But rfialfnot the wicked men Iniic their woikcs follow ihcm aIfo?Yea,ct;cn to their grcatrhamc: for all (liuH be accompanied And as the gpodworkcsofthe righte- ous doe follow them vnto their praife and gloric.-fb iheifu ill dccdesof the wicked flnliaccompanie them vntoiudgcment^ and euen into hell,thatthereihcy may Tccciiic rhe reward that thole their workes haue dcfcrued.lt were wciJ foi ilie vn- godiy it they might any way wind themfclues from the traine of their euiil deeds: but they cannot,forthey Oiall tollow thctn with a loud cry for vengeance. Let all fu eh therefore as be wife^preparcthemiiciuesfordcathj in doing fuchgood works as thcy.mSy reioyce iiu THE XXXII. SERMON. CHAP. XIIII. 1 %ell I hrufi in hts fhArpe fckfe on t he earth, indent donne the ap2 SERMONS VPON gYApei of the vhuyard offbt t4t'th, andcaji them intQ^the great imtfefiu 0/, the wrath of God, , , . . .^ 20 A^d the wtMcfit vfM trod&jivfithout the eitieyafidbtoidcante otifofthe;^if^f»^ fat etien vnto the horfe bridles, by thefpAce of a thor^fandandjixe hnKdretbi furlongf. Here bath been fctfoorth vnto vs before in this cbapter^thc rui^;,e pf 1 great Babell, which is the kingdoine of the beaft, and theiame ruijic wrought by the preaching of the Gofpell. The light of the tructh bringeih tiicm do wn.There was alfo vengeance denounced againf^ the wordiijjpersofthe beaft,and that in moft grieuous maneriNo^v El this which I hauc read vfcito you, hele is d.efcrjbcd their vttcr ouerj:hr9S\,and the vttcr ouerthro'A' of all thj.wickedjwhichiLall be at chcday of thegenerill iudge- ment.For here is.adefcriptionorihc lift iudgeinent,3ndpfthewrach of God.iMt fhallbe powred forth vpon all wicked Hnners. The whole matter ispainicdout Vnder two fimiiicudes : the one of the harueft,the other of the vintage. In the for- mer of thefe finii!itudes,thereis flr(ii ref>iipfentation/)r a defcription of our Lord Icfus the high iudge,coaiming inhisglory toiudge the world. Whewlie walked vpontheearch,andfpakeofthciudgcmentday,Matih.2 5.hefaidhewouldcomc in the cloudcs of heaiien.and fit vpon the throne of his glorie ; and here Saint lohn faithjlookcd.and behold a whitccloud.&vponthe cloud one fitting; hketa the Sonne of man. Here then is fuchathroHe,andfuchagIe^e,as all the kings and iudgcs ofthe e:3rth<:omc farre fhort of. They verily fit vpon high throncs,and iii great ma-eftie vpon the earth,but the throne and the maieftieh^tf defcribed isf^r grc3tcr,for it is hcayenly. There is no indge but he that can lift vp bin ifeife fo high as to fitintheclondesof heauen. Thisisiapccufiar glorie td that iudge,andic is not to bee pafled by^that hee faith^It is a white cloude vpon which he fitteth^ for thereby is rcprefcnted the vprightnes and integritic ofthe iudgc. The ludgcs vpoBcahhdoe fiailc often iniudgcineot,bdugcatried,^vviyfonieitinie with igpo- »nnec/ometime withaflFccSionseidierof loiieor oThatred,& fbmetimesihrough feare,yea and foine no doubt at fometimcare corrupted with bribes: but here is •no fuch thing, this fcate is white, eucn cleere.innocent.and pure from all fp.otor ■ ftaiuc. This is a right wGtthie commendation of ithe Iudge,that uomanOiall re- ceiue wrong iudgemeut from his mouth. The fenteace fliall bcc vpright,iuft, and '|>crf5cc^,bothro:heeneparc,andtotheothcr. . J • •... .; : It foiiowetb,That this indge fitting vpon the cloud, hath on his bead % golden crownc. Thisfheweth his auihoritie and pow er, for Chrift is as it were crowned king of kings^and Lord of Lords. He hath rcceiued all maieftie.and power, in fo much that euery knee (liall bow e, and all tongues fliall confelle that Icfus jSfthe Lord,t9 the glory ofGodrashere he tlu«.reprefc«tcthhinr»(tttjingyfpont]becldud, •js crowned witha, golden crcwvop, Thcnit is faid.that bechath a (iiarpe fickle in his hand. OurSauourhinjfelfcincertaineparabicSjMatth.ij.iikcncdthccndcf . dicvs'orld vnto Jaarue^l, and fo accordingly in this pUce ihciaft iudgcuicnf ,bc- THE REVELATION. xsf^ ^ tng^reprefcfltedbyliarucrtjiht Judge hatha fhanic? fickle in his hand, with x^hicli he coninictbfor DO reapc.For a lickic is forthar v(t,a;^c1c fickle is fignificd the iTrarpefeucririe ot iijfhco and ccngcince, Witlvvthich.ailUit •vkkcdfliallacthcdreaiiLUdayof iudgemcncbecucdowne.Thcfentenccofiii- flicc pronounced againfi ihem by the iudgcyfhali rhcy fctleto be a right fliar'(^c ificklcindccd ; irfliallcut (asvi'cray}cucnto die borte.'/i flUll fcap« thrtn cucn * 3Cornci«ilcaped,aiidthoy:fl>albeboundinlb(licaucs,a^id(JaUintotlieJakdi It may be Taid^at: -theiudgemcntfhill bccbothofiKciuft, andofthcvniuft. Ycabutthis figures (hewed tofct foordi iliic terrible wrath againft thcvniuftonely : forthe iuUlhal fceic no fuch fcucricieof ludgemcnt. It fhail be a rrroft happie and ioyfull day yn- tothcm^uenthcdayofrcdehiption. ^.-lir - jh .; 7,.;;..,.,i' .. ^. r • ^ Then it folio wcih : "kc daily fdf the Qiarpe fu klc t6 cut them all downer butyct wee know not binthiitthfrei^iaybec fomcgooddiOanceoftimcyctre- ifiahlhig to their full ripenes,6ncIyIcfVs be fiirethermicwjf! come of thiiiudge- rtienti ai)d therefore I bcfcech ye, let il bee your jire.iic/t care to liand fill in the V 3 true fi.94 //SERMONS, .VPON tt;u^fearc€>£.God,tbatvvccbccpotfound among tHofc that {haltfcefetbefliarpc ikkle. Tihwvit iftiai4 i|vj ^ri b:w4s ?f aped ; J tda a gccat harue/i, and ^ei thisirca jbo" c anr^ it all. :^?^d cibe nwghtie power and lirctigthof the iodgc, whichnnonc Oiali' bi ablcco withlhnd. .Foreuei> as-thecoiue iscalilycucaowne with the fickle, ami hath nopower to re/ift tb^reaplcrjib'fliaJl ail tbc'wicked, be they iicuer fo many^ .andn^^^fv^o nitghci?,.beflcutdrf»wne vwjdi cbe fickle of Gods iudgetacnt,aiidri6 wayibueabbtQ r)9hft.LXl¥;y. iliall^e ailrasripecbiDe:vrttoLhcriha,iipjcricklco£xhe iudge;^cn.4o€DQw eJ^flpUragedaetjiMuesmwickcdncSyljccdufetheyiije mtv^ thw iciyQethercin cogetherjand bccaufediey be mightic : butlet them tbiftke vp». onihis fharpehcklcvNJiicbOaaIi.be tbrull intothcthickcftof theni,andlliall cue th6nidowl??i>!yh3pdfuls*Xhc!T»gbt:ie_v^arrioutSvthc great princeii,and the kings of tHeearth, vAichall their nobles and trainp^ikallibe but a^ wedkcftrawtothc fickle. T^s iudo<,\V|^iiis harudt isoncacoaie, wUU'thtufi in his fhatpe fickle, andf jtt downfe.^HCtyltijgh'thirtg wbJcKe8^hi*ihit felfrag^irtlii Gbd. He will tix down the kingdonK0£thc-gr^at Antichri(i,t^lac Romifli bcaftiHc will cut down the whole kingdortvi ^darkhes : he will cucdowne the diuels tbemfelues, there ^allnothIi>gi',cm;iine now,the whole harueft (liall be reaped. Othatmen would coniid(fr this before handj?>ndbe wifc,and not biolderi tbemfelues for to doe eiiillj by the ir Hrengith and multitude^ Nowihcy iliand.fojrlMckkeiien as w halo regions oUornc and chiiike there is none but they; who (haUbciablctQiiurc tbeoi? Well^ let thembcfojhcre-coBjmeththereapcrr.and they ilnaEfiftde that there isonetocj bard for them,whiehw ill deftroy them all, who indeed hath afcairteredremoant which 1^ will fauC ThMsvv^e h^ujcfcerjeone ffg,'UreUy;whjchtbei«»dgerBe»Kday is reprcfentcd : .b,ut'theXbrddothr.ep«ef?nt;kfx)»4V\^bll^ eib the other, which Isof thtiyiflMgfl^. r ijjjiirri ^lorl it isri/' •n'^momr ii.cageco(fiimcihjt^K.hu>baridu)aipcomn)iBthwitb'aG»cJrpinfloi>J ment,which is herfciaMb called a fi is dcfcribed by two fimilitudes,the oot oi( the haru$rt,theoth«rithpipt fccuririe aiKldrowfincs. For vn ec fee 1k) wineo Ml^hk aiMjirporr(t,^ben>fdi:W:i0rf Mllvflt^geAf^oe.co c^cj as »f their df^iugs (Itv.ld neuerbe cailc4;tQfioy rc^ko^>i»gtyeftNvl>f:9((k.y dpibii^W ofit,it is bijtcuen 3s it were ja a drearne,bf a matter JTp fa rrfi ofr^#§ ifitlbpAiW.'V't THE REVELATION. z5^ bci ind therefore that f^i{'can:e(Ci^ythhi^ 4tut of the Temple which U in hAtimJh.tui^^g a [harpefckle. This Angcll 3 1'o reprc- fciucththc Lord leruHjwhoiliall iudgeboih ihcquicke and the dead. He isafceo- ded into hcaucn,he is exalted in glorie aboiic all, luting at tl«c right hand ofGod, and exercifing the fulnes of all [)0 a er, and from thence he fii all come with e.tcat glorie to iudge the vvorld,as ic is fayd hcr€, that the AngcII coaimeth out of the temple which is HI heaucn. Hcebaih alfoaiLarpefickle.befaurc the judgement is likened to the vintage: for with his hookeor fickle he will cut aivJ gather the grapes of the earth. What it figiiifieth I toldcyou befoie; for this fickle rcprcfen- teth the fame thine that the fickle of him that fate vppndie white clowde, which feapethihc haracA. Tbcfent,cpcc ofjudgei^jcnt Qiidl ciit dowHc Very (ciierely andCharfly. Weil^theIudgehaththis(liarpcicntcoc6rcadic,3nd expcileth the fijincs of time, which thcbrgh wifedom of (iod hath appointcd,v\hcn the clullas .ofgrapesfli all be fully ripe for the vintage. Forfo fooncas that time is come,hec Oiail prefcntly cut them do.vvne,and therefore fee v\hatfoIlovveth. Another tyftn- geU came out from the Altar nhtchha^power^Mtrfire^afidcryedmiha loud vojet to htm that had t he ftarpe fickle, andfaid, Jhrufi in thyPiarpefckJe^andgather the fltiilerj ^fthe vinfjard of th^ earth, far her grapes are rife. No w then the time is comc.becaufcwickedncs is growne to the full: the clurtcrsareripe,andcucn rcadiefor the wineprcfl'c.O mo(t wife God, which haft appoyntedthc times and the fcafonSjthy patience and long fufferingis great, it is meet that we fhouid wait thy good picafure ^pd w jU4.wl\ich difppicii all thiogs (o thy glorious praire,and to lb|:goodofdiyc^hQfci)pcop|c„ , : i ,. ^utlet vsoonK'morc particularly ro the tiutter. He faith.an Angel! came out fromthc Altar whichhad power oiicr firc.ThereisfoinedifticuUieiiuhelc words, but wc mult bee wife vyith' fobrictie. The Lord is faid to dwell in his holy temple iahcauen. In that temple and moft holy place wee haucagreat hit;hpne(i,our LoTjdlefUs, who is our Mcdiatour, and inicrceflor. There is fayd to bee an Altar, \vhichAltarmdcedc hcis: forhcc js bodi prie(),facrificcand Altar, it is fayd be- fore in thisprophcciejthat die fouLcsofthem that were flame for tlietcHimonic of lefuSjWcrevndcr the Altar. Then wee may take it, that the time of the lartiudge- roent,is decreed inthffecretcounfellofGod.andcomraech from the inncrmoft plaice i^i thetcmpic tfO rcprefcnt fomuch. '"^or i« the time ofthc law thrrc was a golden Altar in the moft holleplace,cucn in the prcfcncc ofGod. But why is tliis AngcU faid to haucpowcr ouer fite,or what is meant by that, there is the difiicul- tie \ Some doc take it,ihat by fire here is meant the vengeance ofGod,which vfu- fdly in ^hoUc Scriptures is calkd fire. And fo they uke the Icnce to bee thi:>;, that V ^ die 2g6 SERMONS VPON * the AngcU is the cxchitorof Gods wrath vpon ihc bloodie |{ing Vf j?y il^c whole vines doefeemc tobceouerfpreadiilmoftwith nothikigelsj^^ Itts Wtifto finde any great diiHersof godly men any wher<*: they bee fcatterc'd ir\'6 ^fw.re thiane.Whcn the Sonne of man niallpa* nic. Yeabut the companie fliaJI not comfort theeat all, but make nlic iudgemenii mote horrible : for they fhall be caii on heapes like grapes into a great lakc,wherc ihcyfhall bee preflcd together, vntill they doe eucn as it were Uvimmein their ownc blood. Let vs be vvarned,let vs lludieto kecpca coodcoia(<:rcnce,that vvcc may cfcapc from this horrible vengeance of the greatGod. For all woes, all for- lowes/all cuils and milciics fliall be vpon thofe which fliall be caft into this great wine facte of Gods wrath. What a fbilieis it, not oncly to lofc ecernall gIorie,but alfo to fall into this wofuU dcftru6tion,cuen foia few yncleanc lulls and pleafures of finne,which la(^ bu: for afeafora? TH£ ^CXXIir. SERMOiSf. .''"' CHAP. XV. I s^nd I farp another Jigne in heauert great and m^rueilous.feuen Angels ha- uing the fe Hen lafi plagues :forlfythetn is fulfilled the wrath ofQod. z And Iftrv oi it were AgUjfiefea mingled ntth fire, and them that hadgetten vt^orteofthebeaiiyandofhisimftge^amiofthenumber of biiname,fia*ui^^, the^lcffiefeAfhauiHgtheharpesofGod. ^ Anditaeyfuag thefong ofMofes theferuant ofGoi^andthefong oftheLamhci faying^G eat a^dmarue'tlom are fhj wcrk^s Lord G9dalmightte»iuU and true are t hy rvates ki ^g of Saints. , , , . ?. , , . ; . 4 yyhcfhallfiotftare thee Oijor^,andglarffie thy name for thou art hely, and all. nations P^alcome ^ worfhip before thee for thy iudgements are made mantfefi^ 5 And after that I looked,andbeholdthe temple of the tabernacle of rvitnes woe epininheauen, 6 And thepuen Angels came out. of the temple which had the feuen plagues xh^^ thedin pare and bright linnen, and haying their breafis girded with golden girdles. 7 And one efihafoure heaHsgaue vnto thefeuen AngeUfeuen golden walsfuS ofthe wrath of Godwhich Itueth for euermore. 8 iAnd the temple was full ofthejinoke oftheglerie of God and of his powered. HO fKa6 able to enter into the tempUttiUthefetienplagHesof theftnen Alt' , gebwerefalfilied, \/\7"E had the fall of Babylon fetforth in the former chapter, and how it Hiould comeiopaflcbytheptcachingofthcGofpell. Wcchsidairoadcfcriptioa of THE REVELATION.' igg ofihc'V\Tathof God which ili^H come vpon them at the day of iudgemcnt. And n6 \vjca(lvve might imagine.thatihcwoTfhippcrs of Antichfiftfhould be let a- lone,afld floiirifh at their pleafiirchcTe in this world.and efcapc free from punifli- mcrits vntill the latter day : here is a vifion in two chapters, cuen of purpofc to fee forth thcplagiiesofGod vpon the kingdome of the beaft,not onely that cndlcflTc torment before rpokenof,biit all the grieuouspuniniments which fliall come vp- oh thcm-in this life alio. That idohtrous and bloodie kingdomc ruled long, and Vfjth iiiighriccjfranny opprcfl'ed the people of God,but marke now how the righ- teous God doth rrcompence ihcm here in this world ; For the(e two chapters doc declare and fcT it forth at large. But before we come to the view of them,hcrcare other matters to be confidc- ird : 2^ firftj'thc entrance which Saint lohn makethvntoihis vifion, which is to tnoue 5hd^>t-eparcthc miridesofthe godly vnto attention. For when mattersarc notc6rtimohjiiorfijthasarclightortrifling,butgreatandwonderful,menoughc: to giue diligent heedc,to theend therefore that we may be attentiue. He begin- ne thin this wife, And I faw another fignc in heauen great and marueilous. If the figne be as hce I'ayth here,great and marueilous,ihen let vs looke for great th ngs, and fuch as we are to wonder at. Then hetelleth what hce faw, euen leucn Angels, hauihgthc feucn laft plaguesrThis is the ligne u hich hccalleth great and maruei- lous. God doth execute his wrath and vengeance vpon the wicked by hismini- ftcrs the holy Angels, v\l>ich arc here chercFjiclaidtohaiic the plagues in a readi- rtes,euenthefcnenlanplaguebv Seucnischenumberofpcrfcd^ion.and therefore irfehctcvfedtofigniFcthcfulnesof all the iudgements of God again(t wicked finners. They are ("ailed the feuen Ia(^ plagues.becaufe (as hce faith) the wrath of God is fulfilled in thein. I'here is the tiill accomplifhmenc and finiOiing of all plagues ;n diem. They reach from the time that theybegin, vwotheendcofthc World.and the laft of them beginnedi that plaguethat fliall lart for euer and euer. Then ih t^jcfe feucn ^e whole v^rathofGod ispovvred forth.Thereremainethno oWeplagweafcebrhtfir', Hauingihusbticfly made his entrance to the matter, then bcforchc coine todtcNrc thcexecntioi* of thcfe plagues by particu]ar,heexpref« futh alfo a Vifron wWch tw had together \\ ich the fame.touching the true feruants otGod. For cucr,u hen t; ;crc is any grleijoiis thing riicwcd and denounced againtt the wickcd,thert*is-a1fcJlomc viriontotcrch.thattheLordGod^cucninthemid- dcRoftiiccycciKiTttfhisven'jcancCjfctte.hhisferuantsinfafcty.foihatihewrath • t(iuchc(!S'n6lrh«»i(i the tcmpc:^sofGods vengeance: fbru-hcn he rainethdowne the famefrom . heaiici1,althoogh the good bee mingled ia the world with the bjd,yethec prefer- ueihihcm. This vvholb matter of the prefqsuaiion of the good,isdeclaredbv a fi- gure. F(!>t it i.4 likened to the fafc pallagco! thcchilJrenof Krachhroiioh t'hercd re'a,it1'whichrhc!rcnomics which purfucdx.drTUvcrcalloucrAhclmedanddrow- rtd. "For when the <;hildrrnoi lliracl came ou: of Hu^^'t, Pharaoh purfuing them • wiihhisho3(TjiheL9rdnarccdihevvatci6 0j..thcrcdfea, ib ibatthe tribes paiTcd . diough 30O: SERMONS VPON through on diie land.the waters ftanding as a wall on both(i cuen as Pharaoh and all his armie were in the red fea. But toieturne againc to the godly, S.Iohn faith, he faw them hauiog the harps of God. What arc tlicfe harps ofGod but inflrumentsofmelodiejThey arc the fpi- rituallioy,thegladncs,and the comfort whichGod hath giucjithcni, wi(hwhi<;h , they preparc'themfelucs to fmg praifestoth.e Lordfor the vicitory'and deliacrancp; which they haue obtained through his bkHIng and free gtace.l^orlookehowif if:^ faidjthai the Ifracl-tes being come to the flioarc,and there beheld the Egyptiani^^' dying.Mofcs and they did fing a fong of praifc to.God.bothfor their dcliucrancCi. ; and for theouerthrowofthc!r'cncmics,Exod.i 5. .^oisitfaidbcrc,thatthey which gctthcvictoricofthcbcaf}, palling fafl* through the gulfeof this woildyilanding . atthc fiioarc, and beholding the grcatnes of their ownedeliucrancc through* the grace of God,and the iudgemcni&andiwraihof the Lordc vp6n their enemies, haue THE REVELATION. 301 liaiJclurps whcpwith tliey prepare themfclucs to fing praL^ to God for the fame. And hclaitli^iheydid hngtlicfongofMofcs ihcleruantofGod: nocihat iliefc holy vvorrhip[>cri doc fiiig the fame words of that fong of Mofes,ExoJ. 1 5 ,buc he coiuinucththc figure, and chc meaning is that they hudandmagnific fhr Lord for their dcHiierancc, and for his iadgcmcnts which he c>;ccu':eth vpon their ene- mies, as Mofes and the cbddien of /fracl did for theirs out of the red Tea. It is then the fong of Mofcs,in that they extoll the name of the Lord as Mofcs did, that fa- ueth dicm from drowning in this great tcmpc(tuous fca of the \vorld,& that with his plagues ouervvl-jelmcth their wicked enemies in the fame: as Mofes andthtf. IfraelitespraifedGod, fodoethefcrthisisthc fong of Mofes. He faith alfo, that they did (ing the long of the Lambe. Thismuft necdesbc; it is meetcthcy fliould ftng the fong of the Lambe,for it is through theblood of the Lambe,that they get the vi51oric: the Lambc is their great cnptaine by whofe conduct they paflc through this great fea. The lambcdoth teach the how to offer vp their prailei,and thankes^and honour,and glorie to God his faihettluough his nanic. 1 1 is therefore the fong of the Lambc. And itisarightioyfull and fweete melodic which they make with thcirharpcs.being the harpcsofGod. They fing with exceeding great ioyandgladnesofmindc. . f, .;.i Jnthetimcof thehwjGodappoyrttcdthjt there fhould bee muficall inftru- ments and melodic in the pubhkcaflcmbly where they did praife him.VVhat flial v\'C thinkc that the Lord Ciod takcth pleafure in fweete tunes ? No, but when men praife hill) with ioyand gkidnesof heart, that is acceptable vnto him. And wbac a dull and detadpbifingofGod is ir,ifmen vtter with the mouth and take not de- light a:id pleafure in their hart in his prai(c? If to magnifie & praife the high name of God bee as pleafant and dclightfome to the heart, as the fweetcft mnfickc is to the care, then doe men praife him indcedc : then doc they loue his glorie. And to fhew this were ihofc inftruments ofmufick in the publike wordiip vndcr the law. And to that which was the manner then, doth this vifion alludc,faying,th3t thefe had theharp^sof God.that it.they extoll and praife God with great ioy and glad- lies of heart. Iris the fwcctef 1 and the moll comfortable melodic vnto them that can bee, to glorific the Lorde. Hfcre mult wcelboketo our felues, whether wee haue thelc harpes of God : for wee come together and make fliew that wee praife our God. If u e doc it of cuftome or falliion.and not with delight and gladnes of heart, taking more pleafure therein, then in all the fweetcH melodic in the world, ave'haucnottheh.upcs ofGod, our praife is not acceptable vnto him. Well now 'let vs fee what tiieir f)ngis. It isin tliefc wordes, Great and marncifousarcthy works Lord God Almightic.iuft and true are thy waies,king of Saints. Who fhall 'notfc;ircthccO Lord,and glonfte thy name,for thou art holy,and all nations fliaU .come and worHiip before thee/or thy iudgcments are made manifcfl ? ' Ficforc 1 lay open the particular pojtKs of this worthie long, it (hall not bee a«- BiifTcto coiifider wellto whom it is fiing, I mcanc wliofc praife it fcttcth forth, or to whom it ifcribcth al Jlorie.Uc ide it oucr,and markc it well.and you fhal rindc ^atitnugnificdi the praife of God alonC; aiidnotof any creature. Yea rcade in 502 SERMONS VPON all places of ihlsbookerVvhcre cither tHe A ngels in bcayeiijor the Church in earth doc praife atid magnific the greatGo(i,and ye fhall iinde that there vs no creature VTorlliippcd, and glorified with him. Nay, Imay fay turthcr,re3deandfcarch all the whole Biblc,both the old Tcftament and the new, euen all the writings of the Prophets and Apofiles, whiclvhaucdeliueredto the world, the doctrine of the I.ambc,nnd ye fhall not finde any wherCjthat any AngcU or Saint is worfLippcd, and praifed vvithdiuinc worfhip. The word of God, which isihc doiitrineof tho ianrjbej out of which this fong is drawne, and therefore cnllcd ihe fong of the Laii)be, tcacheth men to afcribc all glorie, and praifc, and w orlliipjand hcnoiir, and maitllieto God alone. And that there is no creature m heauen or ecrih wor- thic to be ioyncd with him, to beparrakcr withhim in his glcry,or to be worfbip- ped with any part of his wordiipi. For looke what the creatures hauc,they haue rc- ceiuedit fit>rn him and are all of them, though (omc be more glorious then other, to v^orniipandpr.^ifchisnametogether. Theie isnoonetobcfetvp fo high, as tohaue any part of his glorie. It is wicked facriIedge,andblafphcmousimpictic, to take any part of the diuinc worfhip andpraife, and to giue it to any creature. The Church therefore being taught by the Lambe,and altogether guided by his fpirit doth ling thisioyfuUwng of the Lambe. Thcyvyojfliippejhey prajfs.ihcy rn.ir,r;ii^e,?.nd cxtcll thcnameof the Lord God almighties ioyning none other with him. Jt is not therefore the fong ofthe Lambc which is lung in the popifii thurchjbecaufcthcy worfliip andpraifeandmagnifie creaiiirevhey giueihgnks jvntothem,asvntopatronesandiTiediatorsvpon whom thcycall.andvnto whom they afcribe their dcliucrance and prcfcruation. The Dragon_,and that beaft with xwoborncshaue taught their longs, of v\hich their Made bookeiS; full. For they that rcade them, if they haue their eyes opened, fhall fee them (li^fFcd full of blaf- pheinous facrilcgies, w hile.ihey worfhip the creatures, and afcribe vntc them the glorie and praife which is d\\c oncly to God, and to his fonnc lefus Chrift. Which part thciiis it bed and fatlil for vs to follow ? Shall we ioyne vvith ihefe that fland attheglaffie fea, which haue gotten the vi«5^prie ofthe beall, inpraifing Qocjitf lone ? Or iTiall we ioyiie w ith the Church of Rome,w hich honoureth eiicn with cH )inc honour,ihc creatureSjin ftead of the Creator? Shall v\ e worfhip Godor ly, (a, the Lambe tcaehcth,Matth.4. jor lliall wc ioync withthe papifisthat worfliip and gloriHethc creatures, with the glorieand worfliipthat is peculiar to God? li^ their M afle bockc they haue fongs ofpi ai(e to jihe Virgin Mary, in w hich they call hcr.their Mediatrix andfayfheis placed in the throne withGod the Father, and thr.t fhc raigneth withGod : this is in th^Mafle of bet AfTumption. They callhcrthc (Urre ofthe (ea, the Mother of gricc, thefountaincol mercie, in the Mafle of iiCT Vifuation. They call her the caufe of faluation,andthegateoflifc,in ihjMr.fle or he: Piirihca.tion. Tlicy crauebyhergraceto be fetinthe hauenof faluation,in the N' aHVof hcrCotiception. Thcyprcy that ihcy may bee dcliuered froiln the flamcsioflitll.bythemeritcsand prayers otSaintNicholas. Whatflioula •] flandin making paiticniarrcheaifall, they worfliip the Saints, and afcribe vrto thcixj ihe-cfticc of Mediacqrs, which belongeth only to Chrift. Shallvvcc, I fa.y, ioync THE REVELATION. 303 ^oyiic wUhihcminchij ihcir wicked lacr Hedge? No, Ictvs ioyne wichthc true Cntholil\cOiiJich,and vvorlliip God onc!y, tor fo doc the Angels and Saints m hcaucn. For ilicrc is no creature worthic to be ioyncd with God, to hauc any paic of (liuine vvorfliip : he is God oucr ail to bepraifcd for eucr. And now let vscoiJTCtv) the matter of this fong. I will notdiuide it into any partSjbiufiicwcucry branch 3S itlictb. Thcyfirit proclayme that the workcs of God arcgrcataadmarueilous.We may vnderftand this generally ofal the works ofGod/vhichthcfaithfuUdocbcholdc and wonder atrand vrcemay rellraineit to the particulars here inhand. The general! doth reach to the wonderfull creati- on, and fctcingvp the frame ofthe whole world, with all other things which haue fallen out in the goiiemrncnt and preferuation thereof. The particulars here in 1 a )d,arcthegre2t and miraculous preferuation of the true beleeuersin ihispulfc of the vvorId,thatthe Dragon and the beaft doe not drownethcm; and the execu- tion of Godiiudgemcnts vpon them that worfhip the bealh All citcumdances confidercdjthcy be both to be greatly wondied ac. And in them both,the Locde doth euidcntly declare that he is almightie,as they doe here praife him. What are the faithfull in themleluesincomparifonof the Dragon and of the bcafl, which puriue chcm in the fea o' this world ? It is the mightie hand of God that brinocth them fait to the (liore. It is the foiraculotis power of God from hcauen that prcfer- ueih dicm,for which they doe celebrate his praife. Againe,that the Lord plaj^ueth fuch mightie enemies,nndpulleth them downe,yea-bringcthtoruinethatnfi<->hiy monarchic of Antichrill.the wonder of the worid^it euidently manifcll^th his aU mightie power and prouidence, which none can withlhnd. All things are great, all things are marueiious in thcfc his workcs, if our eyes were open anddeere to behold them. , Then it followcth, luft and true are thy waies, king of Saints. As m the former claufc, they. celebrate the praife and glorieofGod, in that his almightie power hathmanifclkdicfelfc by workcs great and wonderfull: foin this they maguific him, that asaiuilking, nilingandiudgingwich vprightnes, all his waies arc iuft and true. When he executcth vengeance in rnoll iharpcandlJeuere niancr vpon thcwickcdjitleemcthvntothcfcnieand wifcdomcofthc Helli, to bee cruell ri- nour,and the vngodly doe murmuic and fret ac it : but all the faithful!, which hauc their mindeslightcncdwiththegraceoftheholyGhcfl, doc fee decrely, that all ■his waies aiciuli, and fy they glorifie and praife him for his righteous ludgemcnts, and plagucs.cxecutcd vpon the wicked. And lookc whatfocuer he hath vttcrcd in his holy word.citherin promiles to thole that obey him.orinihreatningsaqainft the rebellious, he peiformeth the lame,and foal! his waies are true. ThevTiairb- full fee rhcj^odly palfe through great alilidlions in this life, and they in^agine that • .the promiicswliichare nndcto fuch asfcareilic Lord are but words, Againe, Itbcy behold that wickeil men for a time doe fjourilli and profper.cucn in the inid^ filqH of the^r wjckcd^JCS,.^^dlheypronli^e tothcmfclucs fafcticfrom all euil!^ as if allthethrcatRingscjfGodygaindthceuill doers HiouUlcomcto iiothiti':;. This t^akcthilicmfQ Md.in dHhojioiingGod : Ijut the godly doe fee tliacnothin*; fliaiJ- g04 SERMONS VPON (hall faUtothcgroiiml of all thac hath proceeded out of tkc mouth of God, and therefore they prodaime that hiswaicsare true. In that they giue the Lord this liilc^that he is king of S3ini5,\\e mull not fo vnderftand it,as it he were king only oiierthe:n,andnot3iroouerthcvnholy,but that the vSaints doe receiucgood by his kingdome. He is their king to defend them, to comfort them, and to fet theni vpinhfcandgloric.hiskingdopneistheirioy. Hee hath aifo dominion and doth rviigneoucr the wicked, but foasitistotheirgriefe andendles woe. Forasina J(ingdomcthe faithful! fubic6lsreceiuc much good, and doercioycein their iu ft, vi6toriousandmighiie king, and contrariwile the rebels doe fcele his power to their gricfe : fo is it in the Lords kingdome. The iuft receiue ail good, but the re- bels are trodcn dovvne, and fhall fecie his iuQice, his hand and power, to their c- ternall woe. jMiu -.n .It is then added, Who {hail not fcare thee O Lord, and glorifie thy name, for thou art liolie ? The Lord is fo great a king.that he is to bee feared and glehfied of ail. The good doe feare him with a reuerend fearc that is ioyned with ioue : and* they doe delight in fetting foorth his praiie and glorie^euen the glorie of his great name. And the w icked which doe defpifehim, fhall be made to tremble Sc quake atliisprefcnccwith fcruilc feare: and a'beit they iouchim notnorhis g!orie,yet (It all he be glorified by them, yea he is plorified in their defiruc^ion. For houfoc- ■er they fhall cutfe and blafpheme in their horrible torments,yet the iuH fliall procbime that therein he is holie, and that he flicweth no rigour nor crueltie,but layerh th*at w hich is iuft vpon them. It isfaid further, All nations fhall come and worflup before thee,for thy iudgements are made manifcrt . By this it is (hewed, thathowfocuer the multitudes in the world doe confpiretogctherincafhngofF the yoke oFiheLord,andrebellingagainft him, yetthey fhail iutbccnde at the full manifeflationof his iudgements bow before him, and acknowledge him to be I ord and king ouerall. We fee daily what defperaceboldnes there is in many, as if chcy were lav\lcs and vnder no king. We may fee allbf if webe not wonder- full blinde) that fomc ofthe moft wicked, which Teemed to bee armed againft all tcrror,at fome (Irangehand of God vpon them, do tremble & bow for the time r hovvmuchmorcfhenniallalltheftoutelt be made to bow before him,and to ac- Jcnowlcdge his I'upremc power and gouernmcnt,at the terrible day of venge- ance ? when all nr ticns (hail come and worfhip before him, when (asthe ApoHlc Paul fayth) all knees fiiall bow vnto him, and euery tongue fl^allconfelTe thatle- fus is the Lord,to the prarfe cfood.lt is good therefore that we acknowledge the Lord to be kiijg,and tlvu withall dutifulnes we fubmitour fclucs tothcobediecc of his holefomelawes.and fo worfhip and glorifie him with holy worfliip. 1 he ;rebels fhall cuer'yoneofthem euentothe{louteft,be made to (loope before him, and to confefTehisfoueraigne powcr.whenit fliallbeto theirgriefc and I'orrow : -butthcSaints fliall rcioyec in their king,whom they haiie carefully obeyed and Vi'orfhipped.Andthusha^je wefecncthe ioyfiill triumphant fong of thofe which ^oodattheglal?iefea,whichhad gotten the vidlorie ofthe bea(i, of his image, and of the number of his name, The.battcllyctcontvnuethbctwcencthe bcalt and THE REVELATION. 305 and the falthfull.and if wc be not ofthis companie,VNhich with the harpes ofGod ,doc fingthis foiig of yiiftprjc to our l,ord God, we are but iallcafc : foiif w« cct^bt the virtoric v^erdrowrtc in tbi$ honibic fea. Tbetruc wocfliippcrs bciqg *hus fct, in fafctic Vpon the Hiore, bee returneth to the defcripuon pi the pbgucs which arc powredfoorth vponthekingdomeofthcbcafi eWf/fr/Zw/ffaiih he)/ lookfd,andb;hoidtl}etemfleofthe ta^erfiacle oj mtneswat open in heauen. This bookc fettcth Foiththe niaiters vndcc figu«e«,and itaihidctbtoihc ligurcs which were vndcr the law. There was ihe C^plC; which was as a fignc that God did d'A ell among them : for it was the royall palace oi their king. In this teinplc,ihcre was ihc moft hoHe placc,wherc was the arke of couenant, and the tncrcid featc : eucn the figne of Gods prefence. To (hew therefore that thcfc feuen lali plagues dot «ome from the counfell and decree of the mo(i high God vpon the kingdonxe of the beaft,the tabcrnack is open in iKauen, and the ieueo Angels , whrch haue the Icucn lad plagues come put from theiKe, 1 he deHrudtion of the kingdome of Antichritt,and all plagues vpon the popifli v\or{hippers come from tlic throne of God in heauen.He fendeth forth the miniliersof his wrath^whicb doe execute his will in plaguing the wicked. Thefe holie miniliers the bleflcd Angels, are readic with all integritieto doe his will: and therefore he faith,they were clothed in pure bright linnen,and girded acthcit biea(h,with golden girdles^ Thcnjt is fayd,ihac oneofthefourebea()$gaucvnto the feuen AngcJs, (euen golden vials tbll of the wrath of G O D which liueth for euermorc. 1 w jll not take vpon mce to. fpeakc further touching the minilhic of Angels then thus, that the Lord God doth r/c them as his ininiBers,boch for the preferuation of thegood.and ibr the execution of his judgements vpon the wicked^as vvc fee in this place. He (ayth,thc vials arc lof goldjbecaufetbc-Wo^kes of God arc purirand precious cuen in the deftru flion of the wicked. It isfayd,that they arcfuUofthc wrath of God, that We may know that the Lord will be throughly reuenged vpon hisenemies. And that he fayihjt is the wrath of God thatliueth foreuermore, it amplifieth the gricuoufncs of it. For the wrath of princes is heauie, but it hath an endc, becaufe they die : but the wrath ofGodneuerendeth,becaufc he liufiih for euer. Then laftof all he faith, thdt the tern fie tpm/mH of the fmekt ♦/ the glorte of Godyandof his power ^ttd*f mdn WM Mble to enter iwto the temflejHl t he fe$ten plagues of the fe Men Angeb were fulfilled. This doth allude to that which is written, i .King.S.where it is fayd,that jtheclowd filled the houfeofthe Lord fo,that the prielh could not ftand tomini- flcr. This fmokefignificth the prefence ofthe Lord, and his glorie. And wemuft note that the fame are reprefentcd rnto vs by a thick, and darke clowd of finok^, becaufe hit iudgements are vnfeftivhable, kndnone can behold hisglorie: but when all the plagues are fulfilled.which (hall be at thehfl day.thcn fliall we hauc a more fullfightof his maieftiefofarrc as creatures may, and fee into vprightnts of all his waits. And thus much for this time. 30^ SER-MONS'^PON THE XXXI ML SERMON. CHAP/ XVI. I Andlheardagreat volci!oMi>f iheTtmfle.fiyingiotheftMen Angeh^Cot yokr v^ies^fowrc out the feuetivUii of thsvpratb of Gopofsth}emwhschwor/hf'pped hfjiMUge. > 3 ty^nd theficond AftgeH fffiwed forth his viaUvpo* the fed, and it became at thtbhodof^de^mmt^andetieryliHinvthingdytdinthefea^ 4 And the third Angitifinvred forth hts viaS ypoa the rmers andfamrtaines if rMters^Hnd they turned toMood. ? ■'■■■'■ 5 And I heard the Angell of the vpvtihfa^] tordthotfart i^,which^irtfaHd i*>hichvfafiboly,ifecahf€thomhaftiudgedihefetiitngs'. 6 For theypjed the hlooi of the Saints and Prophet f^ndtherefhtethott haffgi- uen them blood to drinke:for they areworthie. 7 ty4nd Ihtardanother AngeUout of the Altar ft^in^^EiUMfo Lord Codal- mightieyiYMe andrighteotu are thy iudgements. • % And thefottrih Angeil paver edfmrth his viail vpon the SumsCyandit VAsgUien xtnt-ohtmto torment litenwit^heate of frc^. ' r^/ij.i ■ ^ Artdmenhoyledingreatheateyandblafphemedthenameof God which hath power oner thefe plagttes,andthey repented not togtue htmgUr-fe, ^^^^'^^^fW-. ^ ^*^ ^" ^^^ femi^f ^pt people of Egypt \Acte f^rikcn. VV'e readc in ExodiiSjCliap.y that God commanded Mofes and Aaron to take their haudful&of iheaflies ol a rurnace,and to caU them into ibe ayrc before Pharaoh, vvlnch ihcy did, and there followed a fore all ouqr Egypt vpon men, ycji cuen vpon the inchauiucrs ihcmfelue$,lo that they could not liand bcfurc Phara- oh fof the giicuoufncsof the fore. This u as the fixt plague of Egypt : and of the fc- uen JaH plagues v^hicharepowred foorihvpon the kingdomc of the great Anti,. chri(t,whichhaihhcldihc Church in ihrall & bondage as Egypt did, it i^ the fiill. But now it niay be dem^undcd what dm fore Hioul^ be ? The plague fort; i:> vciy ,gricoous,andthathathragedmightily,jimongthcPafi/]$;butitvvdlbc^i^idihjt jheChurchesof the ProtcHantsbauenoibccu free frojmhcfame^ but arcdiucis iin}esfliarpIycha(iifcdtl»ctcwith:an<;|hclC(f)c fpcakcthof a fore which is more peculiar to the popifh lort,fir(i to their votaries w hkh hau? the mark ot die bcall^ and then to the common multitude whith worfldp his image. There is'a new fotcwhtch is called the French pockjuhichii amort gricuous,andamo(i loatb- forae difca fc. 1 1 is called alfo /l/ar^Mi AV4;><>///4»«<.thc difcafc of Naplesjbecaofc it began fir lUbcrc. For about the yccre of our Lord i494.theFtench^ir.en and the Spaniards warring at Naples,this moll filihie difcaJegrew among them from the whores which VL ere ihcte in great number withchcm, beinga loreibatuas ncuerbcaidol before that imie. 1 his fore (asjt cannot bee denied) iifomcumcj taken by the infcdbon ofothcrs,and fo by that meancs lighrcth vpon fomc hcncrt perfons ; but vfually liglucth vpon fililuc wlvaremongcrs, being a moft loadv ibme plague cad vpondicmforthcirvnclcanelifc.Now we mayrcadeinihefird chapter ofihcepillle of Saint Paul to the Komancs,that when the Gentilestookc vpon them to rcprcfcncihcinuifiblcGod by images andlikcnelfeSjandJo tuvnccj the gloneofjhe incorruptible God.into die linjihtudc of ^corruptible wian.ar.d of birds and creeping things; God gaucihcmoucr into a reprobate fence, and into vile lulls to defile themfelucs.Euenfo in the poperic, when they became fo wicked, as to make the fimilitudcsof the inuifiblc and moft glorious Godhc.nd, oot oDcly inlikcne? of a corruptible man as the hcathen.butalfo (which is hor- X - rblc riblc anci bl/plWrtioilsi) hkea^art li ju)A^hrec faccs-in bne ? ind likdwifc when they did worliiip chofekTuagcSjand otliersal lb of Saints,tlve Lord t'auc them ouci into all vticleanncs. Fop where the fpiricuail whoredomc is commitred^thc bodi- ly vv'horedome folloWech. Hereupon itcamctopafle inthepoperie,that whore- dortie & ai filthincsfiot c6 be named.did ouctflow efpccially anfwng thofe which had'iht fpCdiail markcof the be!aft|as among tlw great prelates.the Menkes, tbd Friers, and theNunncs. The earth' was fiHed With the Itinkc of their horrible fiU ihinesaud whoredoms. A ndvpon thefethe Lord hath alfo lent this noifomc fore, (o that it hath been among them foi^the fpacc ofthishundreth yeeres. It hath light vpon the popifh French-men, Spaniards, and Italians, whicharc they thatmoft deuoutly wbrf^ip the imagcofthe beaft,but cfpecialiy vpon their Bifhops, Ab- bot$,PflcftsjMGnkes,Friers,and Nunncs,as wtitets doc report. Thus much for this plaguejWhichisthcfirftbfthefeucn. . • - i ItfoUoweth: Andthefeconduc vponthc warers.This AngelIproclaimeth,that ihecierrnllGod which is, which was, and which rhallbe(forro we may cranflate it) is iuftjbecaufc he hath iudged thefcthings.This latter claufe (he wethjthat it is to be taken that the vnchangeablc Goddeclarcthhimfelfetobcc iufl by taking vengeance. When hee fufFcreththc wicked to range vpon the carthat their pleaiure, tocorrupt and defile all things^ to blafphemc his naiTJC,to tread down his holy worfhip.and to murther his faith- full leruants; all holy Angelsdoeknow.and fo doc thefaithfull among men,that although there be no execution of iuftice and iudgen)eDC for a time, bot the fame is deferred and delayed, yet hee is a moft righteous iudge, and will in due time, •which is kno wne to his holy wifedome,ftand vp to doe his office. It is vnpofliblc thathefhouldlet goc the execution of iufticc: for hee is the iudge of the whole worldjhe is iurtice an4 Judgement it felfe. And therefore vnles he can bechangc- able and denie himfelfe,he cannot leauc iulticc vnexecuted.. When hee doth de- clare himfelfe by execution,thcn doe the creatures ice it,and acknowledge that be is iuft,as the Angell here faith,becaufc thou hart iudged thefe things. If we confider well of the matter, as it is in the Lord hin>fclfe, it is very certaine that he doth not become iurt,becau(e he iudgeth thefe things ; but indeed he iud-* geth thefe things becaulc hee is iurt. For the execution of this iuftice, is the cSq& ofacaufe which is precedent. Butaslfayd.rhe Augdl fpeaketh fojbecaufc by judging he manifei.'eth to the creatures,ihat Ijqjs JiiuH &a raoft righteous iudge: for the creatures cannot fee the things which are in God,butas hereuealeththeni. We poore men^beholding raoft horrible enormities & abominatbns ouerfprea- dingtheearth,indperceiuing no vengeance ofGod to follow, butalltopaHea- way (moothly,as if he regarded not the mattcr,are often halfc amazcdrbuc when the time commeth, and iuftice is executed, then we crye out. Lord thou art iuft, bccaufe thou haft iudged thefe things, ihatis.wec fee by this executioojihat thou art a iuft God,and wilt not fuffcr wickcdflesto efcape vnpuiviftied. This is a very neceflary doctrine for vs tobee weJl perfv^aded in.thatGod isa righteous iudge. For if we be not, we fliall with the wicked bee boldened vnto the committing of all ftnne. For they feeing, as Salomon fayth, that fentence is not executed fpcedjlic againft a matter, and their hearts are full in them to doe wickedly*: they imaginie that they Oiall euer cfcape^becaulc they doc efcape for the prefcnt time. Arid thit is it that the Pfalmift faith, The foole hath fayd in his heart there is no God; they are corrupt and become abominable.rorhethat faith in his heart that iuft venge- ance fh all not bee executed vpon all v\"*ckcdnes,denycth that there is any righttr ous iudi;e. And if iliere be no righteous iudpe.then isihereany Hod ? Surely God isa moft righieousiudge, Indeedeit is fo that hee doth not punish all offences here in thk lite,buc rcferueth them vnto the greattiav, but yet iice letteth not the wicked altogether efcape vntill rh.it ti rie, but meeteth with them now and thenj andihatinfiichfortthjt the faithful! doe fee plainly it is Gods hand, and do pro» elaiincwheo they lee tbcycngcance, as thcPiophet fayth in the Plalmc, Surely ibere- THE llEVELATION. 311 mime 1S2 God that iudgcch in the eanh, doubtlcs there is a reward for the riolue- ous,Pial.58.Wbcrcby we may fee it is a great bridle to the fcruantsof God, euca forcorcliraine them from wicked finncs, ihac they behold how God executed^ feme vengeance vpon the vngodly in this world, as aKb itisanencouragcmenc to fet them forward in the way of righteoufncb without fainting. Forbcholditjg that he is fo fcuere a ludge againlt the cuill doers,tbey muft ncedes coiled* th« be will plentifully reward iuchasdoe obey his holy will. ThcnthcAngelladdcthfurtlicr,Forthey{hed the blood cftheSainrsand Pro- pbcts.and therefore thou haft giiien them blood to drinke: for they arc worthic, icaft it might feemeouermuch rigour and feucritic chatGod dooth plague thcfc •wicked ones withall in giuing them blood to drink ; and that they doc as it wei^ fwimmc in blood, the Angellexprefleih their finne.by which they hauedefaued luch horrible punilLmenc^and for which he faith they are worthic to bee fo hand- led.They haucmany gricuous finnestliofc Idolaters, both againH the firlt table of thelaw,*ndagainft thefccond : but here is but one named, which is both for the grcatneSjandaifo that the plague is fitted vn to it. Touching the grcatncs of the finnc that it might appeare,hecalleth them the Prophets and Saints, whom they flew. The Prophets are theteachersoftheGofpcII, and the Saints are all the true belceuers. Thefebc all the children of the moft nigh God, they be very deare and precious vntoHm. All men ought to loue and regard them highly for their fathers lake. Then how horrible a finne is it not onely to defpife^o hate,andto reproach chcm,but aHb moft cruelly to murthcr and kill thehi? What plague can bee fufh- cicnt for fuch dcfpite offered to God? Ifone fhould take tfiechildrcn of a king and iotreaie them m fuchcruell and dcfpitefiill maner,hauing not deferucd cuili, who would not fay that ihefliarpeft death were too little for fuch villaines ? And what arcthcgreatertkingsoftheearth,hicomparifonofthehighGod?Thcdignitieof the children is according to the dignitic of their father. Then may we fecthat they which cruelly munhcr the Prophets and Saints,are worthic of all torments. As the Angell faythhere,for they are vvonhie.Thismay ftop the mouth of man, when he {hall repine at the feuere plagues which God fendcth vpon the world. Their linnc is fb great that they be worthie. Who thencanchargeGod wiihouer muchrigot orfeu^ritic ?Shall the wicked world woT(hip thcdiucll,andpcrformc his will ift rtiUrthenng the holy fcruantsof God, and fhftll not God plagucthcmfor (bdo^ ing? This for the greatnesofiheiroftcncc, now for the times of the plague. They (bed blood, fo cruell and fauage they bee, nnd the Lorde i^iucth them blood to ^rinke. They (bed blood among ihemfcluesjcuen v ntill ihc^' doc as it were drinkc their ownc blood. They that readc thchiftorics,fhallfindchowihepapif}s haue ninrthered the tru^worfhippers.and how' cuen among them againc tlierc hauc ibllowed cruell flaughters : and the cruell perfccutorserpcciallyhaucbeavas ic were barh^diftthcir ownc blood. The Lord doth thus f^thii^lagues to their (ins. The Egy{>cian$ werefo cruell and b!oo<^y .that they looke the male children of the Hcbicwci when they were borne and caft ihcm into the tiuers, atche time when X 4 Mofes jii SERMONS VPON Mofes was borne, and when Mofes was fent.the fame riuers were turned intoi^ blood : fo the plague ic fitted to their Hnnc. At this pbgue there is another AngcH whoni S.Iohn heard Prom the AItar/ayiag,Eucn fo Lord God almightie,truc and righteous arc thy iudgements. That this Angcil alfo is fayd to prodaime that God plagucth iu'iily,and is beard from the Altar, it hath thik fenfe, that God reuengcth thcblood of his martyrs. For at the opening ofthe fift feaIe,Saint lohn fayth, hec fa w the foules of them that were killed for the teft imonie of lelus^vnder the Altar, This voycc then commcth as it were from them,and in their behalfe. Their blood cryeth aloud for vcngcance,and the Lord beginncth to execute fomc parr of die famevportthcleruantsof Amichrift while they bee vpon the earth : and refcr- ueththcirfuU reward vntill the great day, when hevvillpowreoutall his wrath. Thusmuch asconcerning the third plague. uind the fourth Angell ^oxvred forth his viallv^n the Snnne^f bccommcth immodcraie,wl>ereby not only tlie fruits ofthe earth andajl gceetic things are fcorched and drycd vp, but alfo the botlics of men are di(lcmjpic«e4. Hereupon follow dearchs,and fundrie grieuou^s dileafes,as peftiIcnces,and,hol a- pues,with many noylbmeandgrieuouspaines. This plague hath been fore in thp nor countries which are popilTi, a,s in Spayne, PortugalljFrapf e,a,nd ItJ^y. ; Af»4 be fayih,thatmenboyled in lieate.and blafphcmed ihenape,andglorie. Now the darkening is in rcfpedl of tbcfe lat- ter, for their worldly power and glory is obfcured and waxcth darke. That throne was taken to be the chaircofPcter.and the Pope was cdecmed tobechis fucccf- for,and to hauc Chrili^ power here vpon carth,euen as a God to doc what be luQ. All men were glad to hauc his blclfing, trembling at his curfe, and feeking remif- fion^and pardon of their finnes at his hands. The^didall magnifie andcxtollhim as the n\oi\ holy father : Emperours and Kings did worfiiip him. But when the Angell had poured forth the viall vpon that throne, w hen the mnc w3» come that the light of Gods word fliouldbreakc forth againe: his thronccommcthinque- iiion, hisauthoritiecommcihinqiieflion, and is found bytheeuidcnt teftimo- nicsof iheiruetbto bevfurped. Whereupon it followeth. that all his lawes and decrees are not of God, but wicked and abominable. Whereupon further it is found,that it is the kingdome of the great Antichrift , the man of finne,ihe whore of Babel. So that great Kings,Princes,and multitudes of people, which honou- red him before as God, hauing their eyes lightened with the deere brightnes of Gods wordjhauenow loathed and defpifcd him, as themoli horrible and filthic Monftcr in the world. This is the darke;ning of that kingdome, this is it that hec faith,theirkingdome waxed darke. Andhowforea plague this is vnto them, and how neerely it doth toLch thera, the words following doe fbew, when he fayth, that they did gnaw their tongues forforrow» At the firH when the Gofpell began to pecpe forih,they did defpife it,as a thing which they could eafilie fupprefle.buc within a fhort time they found, that neither by their excommunication$,where- with in former times they had cueil as it were with lightning and thunder.- caufed kings and nations to tremble,neither by force of warrcs, norbybloodie flaugh" tcrs,neithcr by any skill in learning, nor by treacheries, they could any thing pre- uaikr,but that it d id more and morc.Iay open their hlthincs and ftianK. Then did they become.and fo doc they continue at this day,euen as mad men in (orrow and ragc.Nvhichthc holy Ghoft cxprefTeth.iQ faying that they gnaw their tongues for forro w. T hey be full of hcrie hatred,and cannot tell which way to be reucnged : for the more they (t.iue.the more they loofedailic. Fainp would they hauc the Po- peticreftoredto the ancient glonc, and they dcuilc what they can to bring it a- bout : but it will not bee, for their kuigdome waxcth darker and darker. This is the f^riefe of all gricfes vnto thorn. . Hcaddah.andtheyblafphcmedthcGodofhcauen, for their paines, and for ibcir fores and repented not of their workes. Here aga ine the holy Cihoft fhcw eth what effect rbc. plagues which Ciod fcndcth, doc worke in the reprobate. The more neerely men arc touched and prelTcd with the hand of God, the more they (houldbe ha nblcd and become penitcnt,as wee noted before. But tbcfe are fo fine from that, as that indcedc they bccakc foith into open Wafphcnues againft ^i($ SERMONS VPON the Lord God of heaucn : and tumc not from their wicked workes. Tt isnotpofo (iblc for a man to reckcn vp all the blafphemies v\ bich the BifiTiops of Ronne with their Cardinals,theirBill»ops,Abbots,Monks,andFricrs,haucvttcredagainft the holy doilrinc and vvorfhip of God, and cfpecially fincc it hath made their king-* dome to waxe darke,and their pompous glorie to come downc. And it is a thing to be vvondrcd ac,to behold their impuden ciein colouring and defending all the vvicked abominations uhichhauebcen,and which are committed among them. They defendthe fupcrflition, the idolatries, thchercfies.and foule errors whichin fonncr times their Church hath fet vp. Alfo the wicked maners of their Votaries, and other mo(t filthiedcedcs,iKey(ecke tocloakc ; yea they adde treafons,pcriu- ries,atjd miirdcrs.'n»is is the repentance of the papKls.now when the gofpollhatb bewrayed them. But let vs goe forward to the pouring forth of the fixt viall. Jt is faidjthat the fixt Angell poured forth his viall vpon the great riuer Euphra- tes,and the waters thereof dried vp,&c. The kingdomc of the heart waxed darkc at the pouring forth of the fift viall,but the fixt payeth them home necrcr.For it dri« eih vp the waters of Euphrttcs,fo that the way is laid opcnfor thofc that fhal (poilc and deftroy their citic,to enter into it,and to take it. Let vs giuc eare vnto ihis,for it is ioyfull vnto all Gods pcoplc,and it iseuen now in working.Thc waters of Eu- phrates are dried vp by little and !ittle,and do wax euery day more fliallow, to be- come fuch as men may wade oucr into Rome,cuen to roule Antichriftout of his pallace. But thiugs are here fpoken myrtically, and mufi: bee interpreted, Rome theciticof Antichrift.or the kingdome ofthe bcaft is called in this prophecieBa- bcU.Wcall know the reafon,euen bee aule it hath held the people of God inbon- dage,fbrfo did Babel in old time. Then looke what the fcriptureieacheth concer- ning the defhuc^ion ofthat Babel,and ye flial find that the holy Ghoft vfeth thofc fpeechcs here to fet forth the deftru6iion of Rome, andof the kingdome of Ami - chrift. In Daniel, chiap.5. is fet forth how Babel was taken by Darius,and Cyrus Kingsof the Eafl. For they were the Kingsofthc Medes and Pcrfians, which bc- fiegcd Babel. This citie Babel wasfo ftrong that they could not preuailc. On the one fide of it, andiuftbyit, did run the riuer Euphrates, ariuer very broad and ficepc.which was fuch a defence, that on that fide there was no pafling into thcci- tie.Cyrushad this deuife,he caufed the army to cut out great trenches and ditches, and fo to let out the riuer aboue before it came to the citie, and fo drawing out the waters,andderiuing them another way, he made the riuer fo (hallow before the citie ,that the fouldicrs waded oucr.and entrcd . To this the holy Ghoft here al- ludeth. Then is iteafic to fee what is here meant, when he faith, the waters ofthe great riuer Euphrates were dryedvp. For by this riuer is fignified the fortification of Rome this great Babel. It was of late a great deepc riucr,and not to be waded ouer. For when the world wondred afterthcbeaft,and faid,who is able to warrtf with the bca(^, how ftrongly was that kingdome, or that great citie fortified > The rich(*s. the glorie, the nonour,and the flrength thereof were exceeding great, thcfe are Euphrates , and the waters of thefc are'dried vp. The waters of this li- tier arc a great dcale flialiower then they were (bmc fiftic yeares paft,and doubt- leflc THE REVELATION. 317 Icflc th^y dric rp by little and I ittle daily. The Popes coflfers waxe cmptie^his crc- dite is impaired very much.his friends hauc forfaken him,his old rcuencvvcs out of fundriekingdomesdoefailcandfothc pafl'agc beginncihtolicopen to the kings of the Ealt.Rome beginneih to lie open to her enemies, the waters of Ixr Euphrates are become Co lliallo w^that men may alinoft wade oucr ihem, and in proceflcoftimcihey will bee dried vp,that menmay eafilypaffeouer.Thcy were lb decpe that no kings coiild leade theiram. .souer them: but the way fliall bt nndc eafic. But here it will bedcmaunded,wlK) arc thcfe kings of the Eaft, and howfiiall the citie of Antichrift betaken ?Thc things being yet to come, it is hard to tell how they fhali bc,or by whom. Rome fhall downe,th3t is moft ccr- taine : and whether by Chri(iian princes,or by the TurkeS,or other Eafteine prin- ces, we cannot tcU. ifanyfhal] fay.that the text is piainc,that the way (hall bee prepared for the kings of" the Eaft : I anfwere.that is but an ailufion.becaufe Da- rius,and Cyrus that tookeBabcll,dryingvp the waters of Euphrates,and leading ouer their armies,were kings of the Eaft. Well let v$ goe forward, the waters drie vp and they perceiue it, and bcftirrc them cxceedingly.For when men let out the waters ofa great pond that is fullot filhes,when the water waxeih low,ye fbaJl fee the fifhes take on wonderfully : io isicwiththcRoraifh Antichriffianrabblemcnt; theyfeele the waters of their ri- uer drying vp^and they tumble and toflceuery way. For behold what S.lohn ad- (dcth,//arv three vncleanefpiritsltkc frogs come ontofthemotith of the dragon^ont of the mouth of the beajl^andoutofthemomhofthefalfe^ro^et.^o!^ the mac- tec waxcth hor. And markc here who ioyne cogetber.the dr3gon,the bcaft,& the fallc prophet. The dragon is the diuell, the beaft is theRomane Empire,ihe faifc prophet is the papacic, who is alfo in one refpcdt a chicfe bead of the beaft,and as he is the falfc prophec,a beaft by himlelfc. Thefe three are no meane ones,& they conferK, and confpire together againft the Gofpeil/omaintainepoperie, which is here reprefcntcd by three fpirits which come out of their mouihes, which are all alikcjfor they be all like frogs,they be al of one nature and qualitie,for he faith. They be the fp'rits of diucis working miracles, and they goe tborth all vpon one bufincs : for he faith, they goe forth to the kings of the earth,to gather them to the battel! of the great day of( jod almightie.Doe ye not fee how they all three agree together in one? The diuell is thcchiefe,thebea(}andthc falfe prophet are led by bisfpiritrfor the fpirirs that come out of their mouthes are the fame with that which commcthouiof his. They haue all three one mindc,onepurpofe,onedc- fire,and pradifeone thing. What arc thefe fpirits then thatarcihelpiritsofdc- uils.like frogs, which goe forth to the kings ofthe earth ? Surely the lefuites and Seminarie pricfis, which are fcntfoorth into all lands vnto kings and princes to mouethemagainfl thcGofpcll^.ire moft fitly refembled by thefe vnclcane fpi- rits. For firll they come with the minde ofthe Pope, and of the Roman e Empire, and fo with the very mind and fpirit ofthe dragon. They come wiihdie very fpt>« Titsofdiucls^and with great cfficacic oferror do worke ftrange thinns.cuen won- ders to dccciuc che blind. They be like frogs, not onely that theic delight is in the Rit^g 5is SERMONS VPON OinkinopuddlcsofhlthiefupcrHicion.as frogs dclighcinmarifh places, but alfo ihat they kecpe a croaking and make a tedious noyfe. Tbey ibeke by treachciics, and all maneiof lev^ practifes to nioue feditions, ai;d rcbeliions,and tieafons, and all tor the maintenance ofilic popcrie. 1 will not here enter into any difcourre of their particular doings, v\hichhauc been fb famous here within our land, that ciien children cannot be ignorant thereof. How many of ihcm haue conipired the death ofourprince,andhaue their heads (iandingoucr London bridge? Let ihciit croake and take on while they w ill in all land>,and gather as great armies as they can, vet the waters of Euphrates lluUdailiediminirnanddricvp, and they doe but aflea»blc and prepare thcmfeiues to thellangbtcr in the great day ofGod alnii^htie. It isGod that bringeih th?*^dQVvnc,and no power of man can with- liandbim. -: -'I'j ■>: Then in the next placCjbccaufe here was mention made of the great day, there is a warning added, tor to (jii re vs vp vnto watchfulnes, to waite our Lords com- miof^. Behold (laithhc) Icomeas athcele. The Lord will come luddenly, and when he IS not looked for,as he teacheth by this compariron,Matth.?4.and Luke 12. That ifthe good man ofihehoufc did knovvat what houre the thee te would come.hc would not (leepc but watch, and not fufter hishoufeiobc broken vp. A thecfe commcth at vnwares vnto them that be afleepc. For which caule our Sa- uioiirfaythhere, Bcholdc 1 conic as a theete, I willcome when men flialhhinke lea{i,andihcyriiallbeecauohtasinanci. Wherefore they arc blelTedthat doc W3tth,and keepe their gannents,lcalli,hey walke naked, and men fee their fiUhi- nes I his watchln^ is to be vndcrdood of the minde,that it fall not afleepc in car- nail plcafures, in cares of this world, or iccurely wallow in finne,and to be fpoy- led of the precious garments of the foulc, w hich are giucn vs in Chrift lefus. 1 bis admonition is giuen more then once in the fcriptures.and reafons added to moue and to perfw adCjbecaufc the necrcr the end of the world is.iht more v\ orldly n»c will '»row, and Icfli: watchfull in minde vnto good things. I doe therefore bcfccch ve to confider ot it, and be warned. Doe not follow the multitude of the worldc herein, which as men afleepc in fin walke naked, and their filthincs is feene both to God and men. fhey w ill nm be w arned : but (bcloued) be ye warned aube voice ofthetordhimfelfe:whoistobebelceucd,andtellcthwhacisforourgood. And now where it was faid, that the vndeancfpirits, which came out of the mouth ot the dragon,out of the mouth of the bcafl, and out of the mouth of the falfc prophet, went forth vnto the kings of the earth to gai|ier ihsm together vn' • to batiaile: it is fl .e wed that they preuaile therein, I meane ibus farre as to gather ihemtoihebaitailc. Tiiel'c witkedminiflersof Antichrifl,guided andled with the fpirit of Saiaivlthough they cannot pteuailev\ith all kings and princes, yeC chty iiirie vpfome.whomthcyperfwadeco bend their force againftiticcaufe of God,aadaoainHhisfauhfulireruants. l^tufuch Kings and Nobles as God doth not by his Ipeciall grace lighten to btholde his iruetlJ,lyeopen to bee fcduced by their lieights. 1 hey are fo impudent in their tulieflaunders, with which they bur- then the profcflbrs of the Golpclh they aic lb importunate in boafling of the au- THE REVELATIOTf ff^ thorttic of their Romifh (ynagoguc : ihcy arcfo cunning to dcprauc and loper- ucrcihcholy Scripcurcs, ihattiicy much prcuailcwith lomc. It isiaidihcrctbre that they gather the kings with their forces together into a place called in hcbruc Armageddon, Here is darke fpeech^but the meaning is this.thac the Lord will de- rtroy thefcenemics of his Church with fo horrible llaughtcr, that the place Hiall takean3methereor.Forrovvemayreade,thatainongiheHcbrev\esit wasanvlii- ailthing where any famous thing ^cU out, to call the place where it fell out, by a name that did report the fame vdto po(teritie. This is lo vfuail aihing.as Uayd, that wholoeucrrcadcth the olde Tcltament fhallfindc it very often, io that in lo cleerc a matter, I will not allea gc any particulars. This is< hard to bee expounded what the word Armageddon doth /ignifie : becaufc Saint lohn wrote it not in hew brew letters,but in the greeke,and foraewhat alio in forme of a grecke name. For thciebcchebrew letters, which when a word is ti»rned into another language, I meane exprefl'ed with the charadersofanoiher tongue, cannot fitly becxprcllcd, and therefore are fundrie times left our. And this name jirmageddon is compoun- ded of two hebrew words,but with what letters in the hebrew it is hard to tell, or with what change allb of vowels. Some fay it commcihof Har^ which fignificth amountaine, and ^Ugiddo, which is the name of the place where the j^odly king Idfias was flaine: and fo this place fhould be called Armageddon, \\\c nrioun- taincofMegiddo,for the flaughter of kings that lliali bee there. Others doe ex- pound it to come of C^tfrnceoi'tfTt'chc temple ot heauen from the throne, raying,itisd(inc. This plague contau.ctlMl^.c molt i;enciallandtliemoHgiicuous wrath and vengeance of aliniLhtic (iod, V]>on the whole bodieofihckingdomc of Antichrid. ItcontainctKindcede IbrrinHgcinentsvponthem immediaily be- fore the lad day.with the wraih that fiiallfiieiiell fjrraketheRomilli religion, cuen with zealc and pureaft'edtion^t* xvoriliip the true andliuingGod, according to the rules ofhis holy word. Ano- ther part fliallHifiFcly clcauctothepopcrie, euenblindcd and befotred in their er-, rots. A third part not eating tor the one lide nor the other, but as men voyd ofre- ligion,iliaIlrtandasit wcreindifterent. Doubtles ofihis latter fort there be won- dcrfull many,which being men ot this world, lb they may inioy the world, the ti- chesand delights thereof with peace, they care not much what religion come. They can goe through in poperic, and when they be among papills commend it : and they can make feme fliew otthcGofpell among GofpclIers.No man can de- nicbut that this isrooft true : but yet I iliinke wee cannot for ccrtaintie affirme that it is here meant by the cleaning of the great citie into three parts. For mine ownepan 1 thinkeihe time ©f the powring-foorth of this fcucnthviall is not yet come : and therefore wecannot precifcly iay what it Qiall be.Surc we are,it fliall be a very grieuous calamity,and a grieuous rent,but in what manner,wc muftnot take vpon vs to fct foorth, feeing the fulfilling of prophecies is the c leere and per- fc6i interpretation ot them. 1 1 maybe it fli all be in Rome it feifc^and not to be vn- dcrftoodof the whole fociciie,which is fubic6\ to that Romanc tyrannic ; they that Hue when itcommeth,fliall fee it. Then is it faid further, And the cities of the Gentiles fell.This is vfually expoun- ded of the kingdome of the! urke, and of other kingdomcs of the Heathen which deny Chrift : but I fee noreafon to force thereunto. Indeedc vfually in thcholic Scriptures the Gentiles arc taken for thofe nations, which in no forte did profcflc the religion and worflupofthc true God ; but yet they that markefhall findc that fometimesinthe Pfalmesandinthe Prophets, theprophane multitude in the vi- fible Church arc called Heathen, Andfoin the 1 1 . chapter of this booke the Ro- mifli multitude, partly Pagans vndcr the crucll Empcrours, and partly falicChri- (tians vnder the Popes, are called Gentiles or Heathen : and fo this may be vndcr- floodof the cities of thofe prophane and wicked Idolaters which cleauctothc popcrie.that they fliall fall, I leaue it aUo as a thing as yet darkc. Then next he fayth, that great Babylon came in remembrance bcforcGod, to giuc vntohet the cup ofthc wineofthcficrccnesof his wrath. This whore of Ba- bell did imagine sNhileihe Lordc let her alone, that God did not re oard her do- ings. And Inch is the wcakenesofman, that cucn the faithfullarcreadietofearc when the wicked ate (utVercd to raigne, that God doth not remember ihcm : and thcieforc when this time commeth, the Romifh fynagoguc fliall fee andfeelc, that God remcTibrcth her. And u hen flic fliall bee inadc to drinke oftlie cup of the fierce wrath ofthc I.ord^all men fliall acknowledge thatfhe is not forgotten, and ihatalihoughhcr abominations do cfcapc for a time jctihallthcy not cfcapc Y for 1^12. SERMONS VPON lor eucr.Thcn is there further added, tkiteuery Ifle fltd,and the moimtaines were not found : which Oicwcth that there fliall be noplace of refuge for ihcfe wicked nien,whacunto they may flic for fuccour. Forin time ofgreat calamities men vie to fiie to the mountaincs to hide themfelues, or into Ifies. But in this temped and earthquake when the terrible God (iandeth vp to execute vengeance vponthelc vngodly enemies ofhisGofpel,{here fhallbc no place for them wherein they may hide themfelues from hiin,but his hand will findc them out. ^ Then laft of all he fayth, that there fell a great haile as it had been talents out of heaucn vpon the men,and me blafphemed God becaufe of the plague of the haile, forthc plague thereof was exceeding great, Wcereadehowthc LordGodcaft downe great Hones fromhcauen vponthe wicked, whomchce rooted o;;tofthc [and of Canaan, when lolua came and fought to place the tribes of Il'racll there : andlbitisfaid, ihatvpon thefe wicked in Antichrilies kingdome, hec will call downc hailc ftoncs ofgreat waight. Hee will fight from heauen againll them to beate them downe.vnto cternallde(iru6fion.But they will not rclent,but flill blaf- phemehim. And thus yce fee what a temped ofwrathremiineth for the wicked Papifls. Lctvs therefore cheercfulhy and louingly imbrace the holy Gofpellof God,that we may reioyce, when the enemies Hiallhoulc. For with this hailc they Ihallbee beaten downc into hell, where iTiall bee weeping and gnafhing ofteeib world without end. THE XXXVI. SERMON. CHAP. XVII. 1 Then there came one ofthefeuen Angels^which hadthefeuen via is and talked with me, faying VtJte ntexonte, Irvilljbetv thee the damnation of the great whore th^t (itteth vp on if} any waters. 1 With n horn haue Committed fornication the ki*fgs of the earthy and the Inhah- tants of the earl h are drunken with the wine of her fornication. 3 So he caryedme arvay into the wildernes in the lpiytte,and Ifawe a VDoma-njit vf- on a fear Ut colonredbeafl, fallof names of hlajphemiet which had fenen heads and ten homes, 4 Andthewoman which Ifaw was arraied in pi*rp!e and crir»fon,andgirdedwith g9ld,pretiot5ture«, but hauc the expofuionof Godbimfelfe, Why lliould wee any morccomplaine, and (ay the things be fodarkc that they cannot be vndcrllood ? or that v\ ee can haue no ccrtaintic of them ? what can wc rcquiremc^cbiit thcexpolitionof the Lord God himfelfe? Here the lefuicesyfe what fleightes they can to defend Rome, and their Pope, but they arc To cuidentlv noted, that they cannot coucr their fhamc but with fuchthinnc coueringsas cuery one may eofily lee through them. But now belouedjccingihe Lordc doth fo gracioufly by his holy Angell expound vnto vs the myHcrie of the whore of Babcll, and ofihcbeaft which bearcth her, letvs thankfully and rcucrently apply our minds to Icarne: and cfpeciailybecaufe thccxpofition ofthemyffericofthiis woman, and of the bcaft that b^arethher, is a cleere opening of the grcatcG part, and euen ot all the chiefert matters in this prophecic. This chapter is cucn as the key to open the clofct of the my(i cries of this bookc. But let vs come to the words of the text. Then (faith he) there came vnto me one of the fcucn Angels, which had the fe- ucn vials.and talked with mc,laying vnto mc.comc, I will fiicvv iliec the d jmnati- onofthegreat vyiiorc which fitteth vpon many waters. Here is tor this villonfa^ ' ye fee) firft fct downe the miniftcr by whom this vifion isfiicvvcd and expounded vnto Iohn,that is the Angell. And hcc was one ofthofe feuen \' hichhad the feucn vials ofthc urathor God, becaulc here followctii not onely ancxpolitionofthe myllcrieofthc great whore, buralfohcr damnation in the next chapter. Foithis Angcllisoncof them v\hich poureih forth vpcnherihe wrath and iud^cmentcf God. Secondly, it is noted howhccalleth Saint John to the recciuini?, of this fpeciail vifioii. For he laith^ccn.e I will fiien thee. And then is added what he wijlllicvv him^namely, the damnation of the vvli^fr. llic words after fome phrafc may bee Y z oip'"" 514 SERMONS VPON expounded thus.hvlll fl^w thee that damnable great whore which (ittethvpon many waccrs.Foras yet lohn had not I'ecne hci- in any vifion. And in that he faith. She (ittcchvpon many waters: it flic wcth that (he hath dominion ouer many na- tions and peoples, as we fliall fee afterward in thischapicr: for the angel! doth fo interprcie them. In the next words there is a reafon rendrcd,not onely why fhc Lscallcda whore,butalfo the^jieat whore.She is a whorc,becaufc (he hath com- mitted fornication ; fhe is the great whore, becaufe (Tie hath committed whore- dome with fuch gieatoncs.and withfo manycforhcfayth/.vith whom haiiecom- mittcd fornication the kings ofthe earth.Sc the inhabitants of the earth aredriinkc with the wine of her fornication. The church of Rome boalkth her felfe to be the chart fpoufe ofChril^.but Die rcicileth hislawcs, flic condemneth his pure vvor- fhip, and fcttetb vp a vvorlliip ofher owne,cucn all idolatrie and fuperH ition, the worfhip of dcuils, and fo like a mo/t abominable fihhie whore, hath allureci and drawen the kings ofthe earth, and t :icir fubiecls euen mightie nations to commit ipirituall whoredotn with her ^ for Co the fcriptnre fpeaketh of all thole that turne from the pure worfhip ofGodvntomen*inuenti^is. Andherewe aretonotc that he faith,the inhabitants ofthe earth are made drunke with the wine ofher for- nication.Forthisinaword cxpreflcih with what greedie defirc the blind idola- trous people Ihould receiue the decrees ofthe Bifliop of Rome , euen as drunken men fceke (HI topourc in wine.No man is able with words fufficiently toexprcflc how much and how madly men in the timeof popery doted vpo tlierotten filthy inuentions ofthe Pope.Hovv did ihey drinke vp his pardons and indulgences euen as men drinkevpfwcet wine? How ranne they after rtockes and (iones athis ap- poyntmcnt?and euen like men that are mad cirunkejooked to faue their foules by Iwilling in the very dregs of his inuentions.lt is rare to find any that haue the like true zeale to receiue into their foule the holy and pure oracles ofGodDoubtlefTc the drunken zeale of papitts to commit whoredome with this great whore of Ba- bylon^in vehemencie goeth farre beyondc the zeale generallie of tliofe that pro- fcfTe the holy Gofpell. Which thing indeed ought tq make vs much alliamed.For fhal they be more zealous ofmens inucntions,nay ofthe dcuils inuentions which poyfon the foulc vuto deit|i?then wc fhali be of the liuely words ofGod which bring grace and faluation. Let it fomcwhatf^irrevsvp. Itfollowetb,Sohe caryedmeaway into the wildernesinthefpiiit. Thean- gcll being to fliew vnto lohn the great whore pfBabell , caryctl\him away in the Ipirite.He is againc rauiflied in the fpirite as fometimes the prophets were when tifions were fiiewed vnto them. Andhcfaiih, he iscaryed into thewildcrncftcj, and there he hath the fight ofher fct before him. What ineaneih this^thitthc great whore is in the wilderncs ? I willfhew yee. The Lord in the prophetEfay calleth the gentils the wjlderncs: for among them there was no fruitfnlnes to God, but alllay barren and waft. Therefore it is fay d, chapter i 2. ofthisbooke, when the Church v\ as fpreadamongthe gentiles jthat Oice was fled into the wrldcrnes. By the fame reafon , the vifible Church is called a wildernes, when it is once laid wart and dcfoiatc. And Saint John Bapti(^commethcrying in the wilderncs.Thc great THE REVELATION. 315 great whore ofBabcH, is fcatcdin the Church whichisihcvinej'ardofchelordc, but fhc (6 vvafteth and dcftroycth fo fatrc.thac flie lurncth almoit al into a vvildcr- ocs,and therefore in ihc wildcrncs is (he fhewed vnto lohn.No fruitful! thing can grow necreher n^emakcch hauocke^and To right wel Hie appcarcih in the wUdcr- ocfle. Now after the place noted v\hcre hec faw her, lohn commeth ro paint her ovi and to defcribc her.And I faw(faithhe)a woman fit vpcn a fcailct coloured bca(f. The true Churchin the 12. chapter of this booke, appeared in vifion vnc'er the fiiapcofa woman clothed and decked with heauenlyand (piritiiailoriianieDts: And here the malignant Church the Romifh Synagogue, and the citie of Rome ic fclfe is figured and reprefented by a w oman alfo in goodly dcckint^, and in vcric pompousandcof^ly attyre,butnotheauenIy,but fuch as this world doth aii^bord : for itiis all but whorifhjlhe hath no fpirituall ornaments. This woman fittcthvp- on a beaft. It hath been (hewed you before in the 1 3 . chapter, that a beaO doth (ignifie a dominion, a rule, a monarchic. Forfomuchthe AngcUdoth (lieweiii Daniel. The Romifh rout, the Synagogueof Antichrift, andthcciticof Rome hath been fupportcd by amightic Empire and dominion which they hauc hcldc ouer the nations : Therefore the woman fittcth vpon a beaft. And this bcaH is fear- let coloured : for It is a bloudie kingdome. Yea and the Popes and Cardinals ia their greatcft pomp arcdothedin fcarlct.Thisbeafl isfulof namcsofblafphcmy. For that citie, and that Church hath been held vp by a moft blafphcmous goiicrn- inent,andby mort wicked iawcs. There is nothing initbutblafphcinievponblal^ phcmic agaic enemies doe grauntfirft, that thetruc Church is dcfcribcd with her or* ramcnts, chap. 12. And alfothey cannot denie, but that here is defcribedthe malignaiu Church. Then let the wife confider the dclcnptions of them both : ihctrue Church hath her ornaments, andher decking altogether heauenly and fpirituall. She is cloathed with the Sunne, the Mooneisvndcrhcr fcete, and on hcrhcadacrowneoftwclucrtarres. Here is all from Chrirt, hcreis all fpirituall and heauenly be wiic. The falfe church, fhee fetteth forth her felfe, fhee is very pompous to the outward eye, but all her decking and ornaments bee earthly, Sheis notcloath^d withthe funne, (heeis not adorned and bewtificd with the righteoufnes of Chrirt ; fhee hath not a crowneof twelueHarresvponherhcad, thedoi^rineofthe ApoUks isnothercrowne, itdothnotfhineinher, fhee hath no fpirituall riches: but fhee gljftereth withgolde, precious rtones, and pearles, and in all co(Hy ornaments of purple, fcarlet, crimlni, and of all manner of (ilkcs. And no viudge whether our Church which doth profeflethe Gofpell, orihepopifh Church belikdt tothat woman, chapt. 12. Yea, and iudgc whe- ther their Church or ours, belikefl vnto this woman here defcribcd, fitting vp- on thebeali. Yefhall finde that the Churches which doc renounce thepopc- rie,and profeflethe Gofpell, make no fliew in any outward pompe, but haue all their glory in the fonne of God. Theirbewtieis fpirituall, inuifible, and hid from the eyes offlefh and blood : the pure doi^rine of our Lorde Icfus Chri(f doth fliine among them ; it is their crowne, their glorie andbewiic. Theyfeekenot todrawe men to their religion, by the giitienngfhew ofoutward things: but by the heauenly treafures and rich graces which are giuen vntoys in Chrili le- fus. On the other fide, the Church of Rome, which extollcth her owne righte- oufncs, glorieih in her oA-ndodh-ine, and in her owne decrees, hauing no fpiri- tuall treafures for to lay open, for todrawe men by, vnto her religion, irimmeth vp her felfe, and all her religion with outward pompe ofriches, and ptecious at- tyres: all is in outward glorie, and in 'goodly fhewes. There is gold, pearles, precious fiones, and coffly garments: and take away thefc, and you takeaway all ; for there will remayne nothing that is worththe looking on. Jt falleth out fometime, that notorious harlots which trimme and decke themic'ues with colUy apparel, and goodly ornaments, and haue payntcd their faces, doefeeme Tcry be wiiful, comely and amiable ,which yet, thofe goodly garments taken off, and they put into mcane apparcll, and the paintingof their faces gone, areas homely and as hard fauoured women, asaman fhall lightly fee. And this isthc very cafe oUhc great whereof Babylon, theRomifh Church. Sheehath trinti med her felfe wiw coldly ornaments aboueall other whores in the world. Shec bath painted her face, and hath let forth her felfe in fuch worldly pompe, bcw- tie, glory and riches, as the like hath not been feene, and thereby hath won f:reat kings and multitudes, to commit whorcdomc with her, botfiwhilefhewashea- riicn, andfincc fhee hathbcen vndertbe Popes: and take away her outwardc pompc^ THE REVELATION. 327 pompc,and Hicc is the moft cuillfauourcd and beggarly whore that may be. She hath no iruclpirituall bcwiic, flic hath no true heaucnly trcafures tobcftow vpon her children. * It is added further, thatthis woman fitting vpon the bcaft, hatha golden cup in her hand, fuliofabhominatiorjs of her fornication? The Angel! fayd before thatthis great whore had made the inhabitants of the earth, drunken with the wine of her fornication : and nowhere invifion, isfliewcdthccupin vshichlKc hath offered the fame wine. For he faith, fhehadin herhand a golden cup. It is not in vaine that the cup is mentioned, becaufe it may be demaundedhowmcn /houldbe foeafiiieled todrinkcvp fuchabhominable filthie things? Surely the cupdoth inticethem. It is fucha goodlyfinc cup, for it is a cup of goidc; who would fufpca, thatfuchhorribleandfilthieabhominations offpintuall whore- domes Oiould come forth of fuch a fine precious cup? It is iodeedc agoldcn cup, andfuchasthewifeft manmayeafiliebeedeceiued wiihall, that is led but with humane wiledome. Andfoyce willconfefle when ye know what it is .-for what is this cup which this gorgious whore of Babel holdeih in her hand oi which the kings and nations doe drinke? What is it by which flieebroachethail her fihhic abominations? It is eucnthis, the title of die Caihohke Church of Peters chayre, and Chrifles Vicar: for they boa(l that they bee the Catholikc Church, Peters chayre they fay is at Rome, and the Pope hee is the Vicar of (Thrift. Is not here thinke ye a golden cup, will any man beafraidetodrinkeof It? Now into this golden cup, hath this-whore put allher fwill :forlookewhat- foeuer filthines m luperfiition , in idolatries and herefies, the Romifli Church hathdeuifed, theyhaue put the fame into this cup, andfo offered it to the kings and nations to drinke, and the cup hath made them drinke, making no quef}ion what they did drinke: for be itneuer focontraric to the holy word ofUod ific were once put into this golden cup, that is tofaye, the holy Cathohke Church hath decreed. ChnftesVicat fitting in Peters chayre dothcommaund, who al- moli would refufeto fuppeit vp? All lyes, dodrinesof deuils, euen filthie ab- hominations bcmg put into this golden cup, the world was fo ercedieofthem. that well was hee which might getthe firff draught : and they did fw ill them- felucs, euen vntill they were drunken. Herclay the chiefc dcceite : for if the filthie whorehad not craftily made her fuchacup, Oiecouldncuerhaucentifed the kings and nations to com nitte fuch abhominable whoredome with her Couldflice haue made them drinke rp herefies and errors condemned by the exprefTc written word of God? Could 0>c haue broughc ihcm contrarie to his flatcommaundcmcnt, to worOiip Idols ofgoldc andliluer, of braffc of wood and flone ? Could flie haue brought them not oncly to worfTiip the drinon but alfo tocondemne, topcrfecute and mo(t cruelly to murtherrhe hoiyandpurc worfhippers ofthe Lord? but that fliee had vfurpedand chalenged this title of Cathohke Church, andofthe power of Chrift, and the blindv^olId didbciceuc her They tookcit, that nothing could come forth of this cup, but that which Hvasfor the laluation of ihcii fouks. Wee are here taught a good leflon to bee Y 4. Villi- 3i3 SERMONS. VP ON vv'ifc^cucn tolofkc what is put into tbccop before wcdfinkcof itrorelfcoutof agoodly cup ot'^oM, we may •Ir'mlcc deadly poyfoii. Sotnany intinie* paliai.by tticwifcJomcorgods holy Iijiric, aiidby ti,;c lii;htor his pure worddid examine and trie ihe tliini;!>which '.veiepuc into this cnpTcfr.fcd todrinkc thereof, and fa- utd their lbj!ci,thoiiyh to their trouble in this vvorId:thus much touching thecup. Then it iollo wethj and in her forehead was a name written, a my.'lcne ; Great Babylon, the mother of vvhorcdomes and abominations of the carch. Sheehath' hernamc and herqualities written in her forehead, to bee openly (cene and read ofallmen. Wcevfc tofay, jfeuerie mans fauks were written in their foreheads, fome would pull down their hats very low: but this whore hatha namecxprcl- {jng her qualities, and all her abominable whoredoms written in her forehead^ . and yet isfo impudent that fliee is not afliamed at all. Shee hath the whores fore- head indeed: this is the great goodncs of God, that this whore hath her name written in her forehead, to the end that all his chofen (eruants might efchew her, and tjke heed of her whoredoms, Thename which is written in her forehcad,i$ great Babylon, and then herqualities are noted thus, the mother of whoredoms and abominations of the earth. Babel is confufion , Babel heldthe Church in capiiu jtie.Babcl was full of idoIatry.Rome is the great Babel^fhee hath mixed and contufed all in Gods worfliip : (he hath opprellcd the Church : flie hath aboun- ded in all abominable Idolatries r Shee hath not oncly committed all manner of whoredoms and abominations and filthines, butcuen as a mother of all thcfe thingSi file hath bred them, broughttKf m forth, and fprcad them ouer the king^ doms and nations of the earth, Shccis the mother indeed ofall filthines: for foi> great Babylon. But it will be faid,ifhcr name be fo openly grauen in her forehead, andherfilthie whoredomsfo manifelUy expreflcd, how commethittopaflcthar fomany hauebeen led away, and feduced by her to commit fornication? Did they reade the name,& yet imbrace her?The holy Ghoft anfwereth this in a word, that though her name and her qualities were written in her forehead,yet the world did not, norcould not reade it,for he fayth it is a my (krie. The whore braggetbi that (lie is the chall and pure fpoufc of Chrift : her whoredoms and abhominati- ons are foeuident that they be euen written in her forehead, andthe Lordhathfet a brand vpon her forehead wirh this name, great Babylon the mother ofwhorc- doms , &r. But yet it is a my (t eric, it is hidden from theblind world, and none of that Romifh fort can teadeit;butGods true andfaithfulferuants by the pure light ofhistrueih, as it were putting fpe(ftacles, doc behold moll clearcly the letters of this namein the whoresforehead.Oh fay fomc,ifRoinebeBabylon,ifthc Church of Rome be the Synagogue of Amichrif^, which carrieih her name written in her forehead, whyfliould not fo many learned men ofthat fide efpiefo much? Yec ft chere that her nnme is written in a my{^erie,which the papilh cannot perceiuc^ beingblindcd andbcfoitcd withthe loueofthe whore: tor this place fhcwecbc- liidently what an exceeding blindnes the popifh fott arc taken and held wiihall, that a name being written enen in the forehead, and that in cleare letters yet can not they rcadc it. This it iSjwhcn men dcfpifc the lightof Gods word^aad will foU lowc THE REVELATION. . jip lowctheifbwn inuciitions : they blind thcmfclues and are worthily blinded. But Ice V3 JTibracc the hciuenly light ofGods word,& we fhal fee the letters as plainc in the vvhorcs Forehead as inay be,that (he is great Babylon the mother ofwhorc- donii and abo.ninatioDsofthe earth: for it is thelighcof Gods word which ma- kcth vi able to fee and to vndcrdand myfteries. And thus fhall wccfcapc from the deceitioFthccup of this abominable harlot, andlhnd vpright in the fearcand true woriliip oFGod. Andifany doe not fee that theRomiOi Church is great Ba- bel,it is becaufc they be blind, or vnskilfull in the myfteries ofGod. Giue a fairc printed booke to a man that cannot reade, which knoweth not a letter, and what • is it to him?Euen foto fuch as haue nrot the light ofGods word, what is it that the name great Bjbylon is written in the foteheadoftheRomifh Church? rheycan- not rdde it : they cannot perceiue it ; they may eafily be made bclccue that it is a right holy Church. Well, we may fee then that fuch as bee fediiced by the whore of Babybn.it is through theirownfault, they dcfpife the true lights and focannoc reade the name that is written in her forehead. Againe we may note here the folly ofthcpapifts, for they wouldbeare men in handbecaufe the name is "teat Ba- bylon, that Antichriii (hould be one man, whofhould bceborcfeac Babylon in Cbaldea. Moreouer, thccauill of the RhemiOs is friuolous, when they haueconfeflcd thitRomc was called Babylon in the time that the Heathen perfecuting Empc- roursdid raignc there: when yet there was aglorious Churchtherc which was not Babylon. And fo doc inferre that if Rome bee the fcate of Antichrift, yet the Pope and his Church are not AntichrilK As though it were not euidcnt, that the Empire of Rome, that is, the bcaft which bearethhcrvp, fhould haue heads fuc- ceeding each other to fupport her as Babcll euen toher ende, and that the feuenih head was onely remaining to come when lohntecciucd this prophecie. Hauenoc the Popes borne her vp euen as the Empcrours did i* And let them fhew what o- therhcad there fhall be ofthebeatt. Saint lohndoth defcribethis whore yetfur- thcr,faying, I fa w the woman drunken, with the bloud of the Saints, and with the bloudotthcMartyrsoflefus. Thispartof thedelcriptionistoiliewthatthisgreat Babylon is the cruellmurthercrofall the Martyrs in the timeofthc Gofpell. Itis thebloiidiecitie, ycafo bloudie, that llic is euen drunken with the bloud of the Martyrs. This is a cicere markc to flic w vnto vs the citie which is called in a n)y- ftcr ie great Babylon, the mother of w horedomcs and abominations of the earth. For let the Papi(i fhcw vnto vsany other citiebefidcs Rome, which in the time of the Gofpell harh fhedthe bloudof the-martyrs.lfany willreplyandfay, their bloud hathbeen fhed in ail lands, and in cities very farre diftain from Rome. I an- fwere,that that is very true, but yet it was onely Rome that put them to death. For jnoldc timewhco the tirft perfccutions were, and many thoufands were cmeily murthcrcd in all lands.were they not put to death by the authoritie of Rome ? Did not the Empcrours of Rome commaund it? and was not the thing executed in their name and authoritie? Who can fay that Rome was not then thcfheaderof the bloud ofihc Martyrs? Andnowol latcriimcs,all that haue been ilaine for the tef^imonk 3?o SERMONS VPON tcrtimonicof thcGofpel, in Francc.in Spaync,in England,and in other countries ' who hath put them to death but Rome ? At who(c decree haue they been flainc* and by whole authoritie.but of the Popes of Rome ? Rome.Romc, hath put them to death. Rome is guilt ic of their bloud ; yea Rome the great whore is euen drun- ken withthcbloudofthc martyrs of lefus. Haue you reader heard of any other befidesRome? Haihthcrebeen any other power /ince the Heathen Empcrours that hath there borne fw ay and perfecuted befides the power ofthe Popei^or fliall we looke for any other to come ? If not, why (liould wee bee in any doubt to lay Rome is great Babeil that bloudic citic, and the perfecuting popiHi Church of Rome is the wicked fynagogue of Antichrift? Well, Saint lohn was in great ad- miration.and wonderment w hen he beheld this woman. He fa w her fit vpon fuch a monfter with feuen heads and tenne hornes,hc fa w her fo richly arraied and dec- ked with precious colily ornaments, hefawfucha goodlycuppeinherhand^fil- led with filthie whoredomes and abominations,hc fa w her name in her forehc ad, and her qualities painted out, and efpecialiy that fhc was drunken with the bloud ofthe martyrs, and wondred with great admiration. Forisitnotaflranocanda wonderfulhhing, that fuch a fine and daintie harlot (liould fodiinke vptiTe bloud of men, that (he iliould become euen drunken with the fame ? It is a monftrous thing,and moft fauage.fo to gorge in bloud. And let vs obferue how it falleih out with the murtherers ofthe true fcruantsot God : euen as it is with drunkards, the more they drinkc,the more they couetftill to powre in more. The more they fhed bloud, the moregreedily they defirefhll, and as drunken therewith they doe be- come in/ tiable. Jhis is the righteous iudgeraent of God vpon them. Letitad- monifh-sfor totakeheede, how wee make any beginning to warrcagainft the people ofGod,forhauingbegun,there is very great danger. The Angellaskethlohnwhyhemaruelleth? Not that the fight was not to bee wondred at, or that he fim ply reprehendeth his wondring : but he would not haue him aayasitwereaftoni{hed,oramazed with admiration, but ratherattend and couet to vnderftand the meaning. For that is m ans frailiie to wonder fo much as CO be hindred,and therefore the Angell callcth him from his wonderment, faying, I will fhewethce themyfterie ofthe woman, andof thcbeali that beareth her vthkh hath fcucn heads, and tenne homes. Here is a goodly thing, that wee niay not follow vncertaine coniec^ures, but haue a full and an vndoubted interpreta- tion ofthe miferies of this booke, the Angell expoundeth them. For the expofi- tion that the Angell here giucth.is euen as a key to open the clofet into all the chief things in this bookc.For if we vnderdand what is meant by this bea(t,by his heads and horncs, and like wife w hat the woman is, wee fhall vnderHand the chicfe and almoli all the whole argument of this bookc. Shall we then fet light by thisexpo- rition,when the Lord hath fent his Angell to giue it rNay, let vs with all thankfuU ncs and reuercnce giueearevnteit.and receiueihefruite thereof,that we may vn- derRand this prophecie, and not bee feduccd by Antichrift. Thus much for this time. THE THE REVELATION. S5I mmm THE XXXVII. SERMON. CHAP. XVII. 8 Theheafi vrhich th»H hafifeette, xvas, And is aot, 4ndjhall afcencle oHt of the bottomlespit , 4ftd ^aB goe into deflru^ion : and they that dtvell on the earth jhaH wonder y whofenames arenetvprtttenin thehookeofltfefrom the foundation of the world, whenthey keholdtbeheajithatrvasy andisnot^ and yet is, $ Here is the rmnd that haihwifcdome^ the fenen heads are feuenmoMntainej whereon the woman fittet h. I o They are alfo fenen kings :fiue are fatten, one is, and another is not yet eomty andivhen he cometh he mttji tarrte a Itttlejpace, I I And the heaft that was, and is not^ is euenthe eig ht, and is one of^thefenen, andfhallgoe info deftrst^ion. II And the tenne homes which thou ha/f fie ne, aretenne Kings, which as ye f bane not received a^ngdome, hutlhak reeeiue power, as Kings at onehottrc^ with ihejfeaji, 137 hefe ha ue one minde, and (hall gitte their fewer andflrengt h to the ieaft, 1 4 TTjefefb tU fight with the Lambe,andthe Lambe (halloMercome themjbecanfi he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and they that are with him, called, and cho fen, and fait hfhO, 1 5 And he fay d vnto me. The waters which thoufawefiy where the whore fttetb, arepeop 'es,andmtiltitHdes,and nations,andtonffttes. X 6 ^ndthe tenne homes which thou fawefl in the beafl, thefepiaU hate the whore,andJhaHmake her defolate and naked, and jhall eat e herfefh, andpjaS burne her with fire. 1 7 For God hath put into their hearts to doe his wi!l,andto doe rriib one confent,tO' giue their k^ngdome to the beafl, vntiU the words of Godbe fulfilled. x8 And the wonun whichthou hafl feene^is the great citie.wbicb batbtheking" dome oner the kj^gs oft he earth. O w wc come to the cxpofition: where the A ngel doth not tcl what the bcaftfignifieth: and yet men may t hi nke, that that fhould be the firft thing in the expofition. And doubtlcs fo it fhould, but that the Angell' doth not expound that which the Scripture before had cleerelyex- poundcd.For by bcafts.thc Angell telleth the Prophet Daniel.are fignified kingii Utyct not chc pcrfons of kings, but tbe^yranouj power cxcrciicd bythemby. fucccf!u>D«- .^2 SERMONS VPON ^ucccfTion. Wherefore wee mu (i here confidcr that ihisbeafiisnottobectakcB lorccrtaineperfons, but for a dominion exercifedby thofcpctroiw, whichhaue therein fucccdedcachoiher, knowing then what is mcantbyabeaft, which the Angdl doth hcreoinitie bccaufeit is in Daniel cleerely expounded, wcc may tlie better vndcrHand that interpretation which followeih. The beaftfaith hec, which ihou haft feene, wasandisnor, andfhall afcendoutofthebottomlcspit, !I nis may feeme a very flrangc andhardfpeech, tofay thebcaft was and is not, and Oiould afccnd againe out of the bottoralcs pic. Had the bcaft been in the world before the time that Saint lohn receiued thisreuelation ? was he then gone out of the world, and ibould he afterward returne againe? Yea vcrilyjet not that feeme (kan "C ; for the tyranous power of Rome had been very great before Johns time, ic was deminifhedin this time, and afterward fhould rifcvp againe to the former maieflie. Before that Rome wasgouerned by Emperors, and alfoin the dayes, and vnderthe raigne of her firft Emperors, Julius, Auguflus, Tiberius, and Claudiusjihcmaieftic and power of that Monarchie was exceeding great. In the dayes ofthcfe Emperors Nero, Galba,Otho,ViteUiu$,and Domitian,that former maic/iie and power was greatly diminished : And the fame was rayfed vp againe by the popes. But it vWil beobie^ed, that although ibcmaieflic and power of the Romanc Monarchic was not fo great when lohn receiued thisreuelation, as it had been in former time?, yei it could not be Paid, not to bc,but the Angell faith, the beaft which thou hali I'cenc was and is not. I anfwerc, that the Angell hin^fcUc ta- keth away this doubt, fordiat wee might know it is not to be tajjcn abfl)ii:tely, that he faith the bealHsnot, but for fomerefpeft, and in comparifcn he addcih thatthe beaft isnot, andyetis. How (hall weeexpound thcfc words, ihebcaft was and is not, and yet is, but that he is, but not fuch as he had been, nor fuch as he (hoi:ld be ? Then we fee there is no difficultie in ihefe words, fo we take ihcm altogether. Itmayalfo bedc.Tiaundcd, feeing the powers arc of God, how this Empire may bee faydto afccnd out of the bottomlespic? The bouomles piti$ hell, that which cotnracthfrom hellcommeih from the dcuill? lanfwere, that a beaft doeihnot reprefent fimpiie the power of gouernmcnt, which in deed is the ordinance of God, but the vfurpation, ihecrucltic, and the tyrannous abufc of the power, againhihe tructhand againftthc ChurchofGodrand fo wicked tyrannic of the heathen Emperors and the papail power afcendcth out of hell cucn from the very dcuili. They braggc and boaft in the papacie tha: they haueitfrom Peter, and he had it from Chrift, and fay that they be caft away that w ill not obey it : and the very tructh is, ic is ofthc dcuill, and they fall from God, which fubmittc ihemfclues vnto it, and verily the Angell faith it fliall gocio dcrtrudion, for as that which isof Cioddoeth notperifb, foallihatisofthcdc- uill mi( il necdes goe to dcftrufVion. When this beali afcendcth agrtineout ofthc bottomlespic, h^cc fliall carricfuch amaicfiic, that the inhabitantsoftlc earth (hall wonder. Surely ncucr any!powerin the world was fo much wondrcd at as the vfurpcd power and maicliic ofthc Pope. They (uppofcd that bee had • • povsct • THE REVELATION. 553 power euen asa God vpon theearrli, and that hce tniglit fend to hcaucn, and cart dowoe into hc!l wljoine hcc would. Hcmij'.ht depofc kings and Emperors, andjctvpalfociienachis pleifure. O how did the world v\*ondcr and tremble at this power? but yet the Angel! rc^raineth it to the reprobate, for none won- der at the beali but llich, whofc names are not written in the bookeoHi'^c. The laithfuU in alj ages cried out vpon the blafphemous vfurped power of the popes, and did not wonder at it. The Angel! addeth, here is the minde that hath vvifc- domc ; w hich is a preface to moue attention, when men Hial! vnderftand that it is found wifedomc, yeaitisfuch wifcdomeas Godhinifclfe commendeth, for amantovndcrffand the interpretation of the bcali, and of the woman :forhec that vndcrftandcth will not lie fcdnced by the popcric, but will abidefirmc in die true worlliip of God. Therchath alwayesbcenc muchHibtiltic vfed to drawc jTien to ihcRomilli religion, but the mmde which hath wifedome^that is to fay, that minde which God doth inHruil, and vnto which hec giueth vnderHanding, dothvndcrrtand the interpcrtation whicKthe Angell here malund it of fe- uen ofthe Emperors, fiuepaft before the time that the Angeilfpakethistdlohn, thcllxt ihenprcfent, and the lelicnthtocome. Butvvhat reafonisthereioleaue out the other wicked Emperors? Becaufethcy were not Romanes. They were Emperors ofthe fame citic, and as wicked as tfjcothcr. What then, fhall wee not thinke that the Angell fpeaketh here, as the Angell Ipeakcth in Daniel ? The foure great bcafies(faiththe Angell to Daniel) arefoure Kings which fhall rife. vpmthccarthjDaniel. 7.verfe. 17. Isitnotas clecreas thefunne, thatbyfbure Kinr;sare meant there, not fower menv\h:ch rnigncdas Kings, but foure king*- domes or monarchies, in which many men fucccedcdeach other, and raigned asKui^s? the whole Empire then or Monarchic ofthe Babylonians is called a Kino, which floodc long, andhad manylv'itigs byfucceffion. The like is to bee faid ofthe Kingdome ofthe Medcs and Pcifianj, and alfo ofthe rel-1. Why then rhalhvce not take feuen Kings licreto bee feuen kingly gouernements, by which tl.c woman had been borne vp? Rome was not oncly builded vpon fcucn hils, but alfo hiathbccn vpholdenby feifcnfcucrall orders cJf kingly power. For Rome w as bu ildcd by Romulus and Remus; and Romulus raigned King. Af- ter him fuccccdcd oihcr Kings of Rome, of which Tarquinius Superbus was thelaf}. The Angell frJth Hue cftlK heads wercfallcn, of which fiue, this was the iirii that fdiin ^thc faid Tarquinius ; for thercihe King^ ended. Then next were " _. ^ ..... . ... ConfuJl, THE REVELATION. 33j Confuls chofcn, and they goucrncdthc citie wiih kindly povycr: there Is the fc- cond head, Atccrvvard the Dcccmiiiri bare ihc chiefc Ivvay, and To hauc yc the third head. Tiien tbllowed the gouerncjirjem of Diftacors, asthefoui'.lihead: aiidihcn vvasthcrc a fife liacevAhich wcrcthc Triumuirl. Andchclc liueheads were hlleii before our fauiour was borne. For none ot chefe then bare ihe chiefc rule in Rome : but the fixe head, vs'hich was of Emperors, was then vp, when the Augcl! calked vvich lohn, whicn head begun in lulius Cefar, forheewasthclnlt Einpcror. Thii fixc head is it of which the AngcU faith, one is: and one isto come, This one to come is the feuenth and the laft, yeaeucn thela(i liateby . which Rome fli all bcefupportedinher magniticallpoiupcariddclicacie. And thish?ad. isthcpapacie,th!shAthijcccedcd the Empire, and this iscucniha grea- ter head ofall. For vader the Popes hath Rome been in Ifcrhighcft cxaltatign and g!orie. And now as this h{\ hc.id comnicth doane, downe alfo fhe whore com:nc:h. For the ftrcngth ofthc bcafhhat bcarethhervp, decaying and fay- ling.^fiKC cannot but failcand lye on thcduft. The Angcll faith, that this feuenth head 'Ahenheccommcth, muUtarriea little while. But will (orRe man fay, doth not thisfhcw thatir is not to bcctiken ofthe dominion ofthe Popes, forthey haiicraigricda loiK-riinc. lanfvvcrc, thatif wceconfideroftime according to man. fcucn oieyghi hundrcthyearcsisagreattunc: butifwcc clkeme thereof according to the ^l^^ptures, atlifiufand yearesis but a fmalltimc, for what isle jfit bccco'T)pa''ed withetcrnitie ? It is nowvvcll fpcnt, andthc bea^thatbea- reth vp the vviiorc will tailcvndei her, andllicc llull come downe with her gol- den c J ppe. The Ajigcll ad Jcth yet further, faying, the beafl that was and is nor, is cuen the eight, and is one of the fcucn, and fliall goc into dellru(5lion. Thcfe wordesbevery mylhcall, that hee fay th, the bead \n as and is not, applying it to the ialt head, that is, to the Antichriliian power which was not yet come. Foi" howcanitbecfayd that it was before, whenas yetic was not come? Forthc ty- ranny of popes had not been in the worlde. Surely confidcring all things here together whlciithc Angell fpeakcth, efpccially that hecfaythhcisthe eightand yet one ofthe feucn; For hereby it ismoli cuidcnt, and without all contradiili* on, that hee fpeaketh ot two powers, the ciuil, and fpintuall: for in refped ofthc ciuil power hcc can be but the feuenth head. And therefore that he is alfo fayd to be both one ofthc fcuen, and the eight, itmuft needcs folio. ve, that a> forci- uillkingly power one of the feuen, fo for the highef^ fpirituall inritUidtion which he would vfurp he fiiould be the eight. Then markcwhatlfay, the grcateiipowercfthebcafiniould be in the fpiritu- all iurifdi^^ion. Me is fiid before to hauc two horncs like the lambe : and this is that which he hath moft prcuailcdvvithall ofthe two. And in rcfpcilofthishorncS, lohn faith,ihc bcafhhat was and is not.Fortheciuill tyrannie ofRome was when the Angell fpake thcfc things vnto John, but the ecclefiafiicall tyrannie was not as yet come, I ireanc in fuch a kind and niancr as the Popes hadO this ecclefialli- call tyrannie ouer the faith and confcienccs of men is fuch, that Saint John giucth the name ofthc whole bcafl vmoir. For doubtlcll'c inr-.Tpcf^ ofthc terrene go- uanmci.tt 35^ SERMONS VPON ucrnmentjit could not well be fayd,the bcatt which was and is not, but in refpc^ that at that time when the Angcllfpakc this,thcfc wasnot(asI^ayd)thc]ikc^piri- tualltyrannie which afterward the dcuilof heladuanccd the popes vnto,althoiigh the Empcrours tookevponthem touching religion. It willbehcrcobictled, how can itberotaken.whenlicfaych.ihcbead was andisnot,andfliould a'ccrward af- ccnd.For in that hee fayih he was,it ihewcth clecrely that the tyrannic he fpcakcth cfjhad been cxercifcd in the world before the time of lohn : But who will fay that the fpuituall iurifdidtion of the Popeshad been before the dayes oflohn ? Is it not out of controuei (ic that it was raifed long after ? This then fcemeth flatly to ouet- throw that former expofition, feeing that thebealt which the AngciJ laith to John, is not,yet was,ihac is,had been in the world before that time, I anf^ere, thatalbc- jtthefpiritualltyranttieofthc Popes was not then, noryct had been cxercifcd by any popes before this time that hcrcceiued thisrcuelation, yctithadbccnpradli- led in the worldc in fomcmeafure before. Forthe wicked PricHcs in Ifraell, the ScribeSj and the Phanfics, had long time cxercilcd a fpirituall tyrannic againrt the people of God,againH the Prophets, and againli ihcfonneofGod himfelfe. The Church Iiad now eicapcd from chcm,and fo this beaft was downc : but the Popes were to raifc it vp againc,and to exercifc it more cruelly then the prielh and Pha- rifies had done. Thus wee fee why the Angcll faith^the bcatt that was and is not^is cuen the cight,and is one of the feucnth.and fhaltgoc into deft ru6lion.Oncly it rc- maincth to know how one and the felfe famc,(lioukl be both the eight,and one of thefcuei). This is very eaficjif ye confidcr the twopowers which the papacie hath chalen- gcd, and both of them the higheft, that is, the kingly terrene power oucr all men both highandlowe, eucnouer Empcrours and kings: and the Lord fhipouer the faith and confciencc of men. Both thcfc in the Pope doe concurre,and doc make but onebeaf^. And in rcfped of the ciuill kingly power hee is the feuenth head of the bead which beareth vp the woman : for hee i«the feuenth order of kings by which Rome hath been goucrned.Nowifwe refpccl the fpirituall tyrannie,which in old time the wicked priefts and Pharifics hadcxcrcifedj though not in fuch full cower, which tyrannic now was downc, Icrufaicm being dert toyed before John fccciucd this Piophccic,and therforc the Angell faith,thc beaft that was and is not : and if we rv'gaai this,ho ^v the Popes; did againc raife vp the fame,and pra(5^ifc it in more execrable manner then the other, ycemay eafily pcrcciuc w hy this beaft is boththceight,andoneofthe feuen. This is the rcafon why in the 13. chapter alio, the papacic is dcfcribed as a beaft by it felfe with the two homes, and yet is one of the fciicn heads ofthat other beaft. There are two beafts, hee is one of them him- felfe, and by himfelfe, and yet he is the feuenth head of the other. Here are feuen head5,hec is one of the feuen, and yet the eight, as the Angell fayth,fo wee fee how fitly thefc things concurre. Now he commcth to the homes. And the lenne homes fayth he, which thou hart fecne arc tenne kings. Wee know that homes in the fcripturedoereprcfenc lirength and might : and fo here for iheir miglit and power, ten kings arefigured by THE REVELATION. j?7 by the ten homes of the beaft.For kings are mightie.ThenbehoId what a mighty heart is thisRomanc Monarchy,vvhich luth the power of ten kings & kingdoms, cuen ashorncs to (h ike or to pufli vvithall ? In the feucn heads of the bca(i,'.vc fee that it muft nccdes be taken for in(i feiien,becaufc the AngcII faith^ fiue arc falfen, one is,and one is to come. Now for the tenne iiorneSjWhc thcr we fhall rake them for iurt tenne,or for more, there is ;he qucHion, there icmaineth the doubt. For if we number the kings and kingdomes, w hich were iubiciV to the Pope, wee findc them more then tenne . But yet fomefwho 1 fuppofe not led thereto by tiiis place but (imply confidcring the njatterjhaiicdefcribedihe kingdomes ofihecarth.and make iuHtenofthofe whichwercfubiecUo the Pope of Rome. Whether it bee foornot,this is euident.that there vvcretennekingdom^whichdcfcrjcd to bcc accounted as hornes/or their power and Krengthv\ hich they gaue to the church ofRome.Thefe arcthe kings oftheVVcn.thc kings ot Europe. But the Angcrfaid to Iohn,that they had not as yet lecciucd a k!ngdome,but fiioiild receiue { owcr as kings at one home v\ itli the benrt.This is foinev\hat hard to be vndcrflood.For had not ihefe kingdomes kings oner ihcm,at th:t time v\ hen the Angcll fpake this to lohn ? They were almoll all of them vnder the Emperor of Rome at that time. And they v\ere fubied in fuch fort that they had not a kingdome. Now v\ hen the fpeciall heart grew vp, cuen the fccond heart, that is, the papacic, together with him,theyreceiucdpov\ eras kings. FordoubtlcHc therewas a great alteration in the kingdomes vnder the Popes, from that w hich ihey had beene vndet the Em- pcrours. Tiicy receiue greater power, and they carrie another mindc toward tlic papaciethen the nations before did lowarcfthe Empire. The Empire held ihcm vnder by force and might,and fet rulers as oner prouinces, and againH thcif liking they in the kingdomes obey ; but to the papacic they fubniit themfclues for con- fcience and ot Joue, euenas to the holy Church. 1 he falfe prophet hath fcdjced thcm,and with him they receiue power as kings, he aduanceth the, for nowthcic power makcth forhim,ihcy be h;s ownchomes.Por markc what i. e Angel faith: 1 hefc hauc one mind, and fhall giue their power and ftrcngth to il c bealK Thcfc kings had all one mindc in time of poperie : For being fcducc3, they all held the Pope to be Chri(ts vicar,and t hat he might c:rric to hcauen^ and throw downe to hell. They tookcir, that looke whaifoeuer iheChurchofRomedecrcedJtmuft be obeyed vnder paine of damnation. And being all ofdiisiuindcjthey giue their power and rtrength to the heart. They doe all that they can to vpholdliim .and fo they become his homes : and he calleth them his fonncs: and wliiiert they rai ^ne, he faith he t;iigncth. Looke w hat he willcth they arereadie.-and therefore tlie aa- gell iddcihjhrfe/haflf^hf mih the Lamhe. The dragon \s againH Chrirt,thc Ro- mirti bead the papacie li lit vp by the dragon, and hee vnder the nameof Chrirt, feducc'.hthe kings to fight againH the holy Gofpcll, andagain(i thcChurchof Chrirt/m the defence of idolatrie andponirtifwperrtition. Beloued.didnor tl>c kings thus !igiit again!! the Latnbe?B it the Lan)beoucrcomir.et!idiein,forhcis ^bovical.'^hciikingof king*. Andthofethatbeonhislidc.enen lus fatd^K:!! fcr- uantsjus true worfliippcrs^gct the viCioiic alfo. For albeit il.c heart con Jcn»ned Z theai 33S SERMONS VPON them ashcrctiks,and then the kings put them to death, yet they gate the vidlory, for chey could not caufc them to forfakc the holy faith^nor to drinkc of the va horcs cup. Hcrcbcchofen, hcrcbecalIcd,herebefaithfulIones. Thefc conquer and tri- umph v.hen they fcemc to the world cobc oucrcome,becaufe their blood is fhcd. The Lambe hath oucrcomc,his truth doth Ihnd and flouriOi, his Church doth in* creafc, when the Romilncnonfler with his ten horneshath done all that he can, Bclouedjwhen worldly powers are bent agai nfl the trueth.let vs not forfake it, for itfhallgctthe viclorie :aflurcyourrcIuesChrift will preuailcouer them all. It followcth, and h? faidvntomc, the waters which thou fa weft where the whore (itteth, are people and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. Saint lohn in vifion fa w the whore (itf pon many waters,as he hath fet downe. And the Angcll cxponndcth what thefe waters doe fignihe: euen multitudcsof people of diuers nations and tongues. Then it is as much as to fay, that the whore fhall raigne o - uer great nations and peoples : her dom inion fhall be very large. This is to nieetc with the proudc bragges of the papifls, when they vaunt themfelues of their mul- titudesjvniuerfalitie and confent. They deride and fcorne the true profeflbrs of thcgofpell, bee aufe they haue been fofcwe^ and chalenge to themfelues the title of the vniucrfall and catholike church, brcaufe they haue fo great multitudes. You (fay they) you can fhcw but here and there a feweinall ages for this feuen or cyght hundrethyearcs, which haue taught and belccued as you doe : but wc haue had the confent and agreement of whole kingdomcs and nations , and tongues, which with one confent haue profefled the religion of the church of Rome.IsitIikethatyourfcvv,orourmultitude, is the true church? We anfwcrc, that if kingdomes, nations, multitudes, tongues, and people, be an argument to proue atrue church,bec3ufc they all agree in one religion, then the whore of Ba- bylon is the true church, for fhefitteth vpon many waters, which the Angcll faith are people,and nations,and kindrcds^and tongues. Shall wc acknowledge her to be the true Church,becaufe fhe hath with her golden cup,feduced fo many great nationstodrinke the wine of her fornication, and to commit mo(i abominable whoredome and filthines with her > Doth a multitude confpire again!! the truth, cucn to fee vp and to malntaine mans dcuifcs agamft the written word of God, make that they doc well, and thatthetructhis to be condemned, becaufe fcwe doe follow it? Ithinkeanymanmayfec thevanitieofthis argument of the pa- pifts,and how itmakcth flatly againft them, becaule the malignant church is defcribed to bee fo great: and yet it is one of the principall rcafons to drawc the blinde forte withall; for they vfe it thus, is it like that God woj»ld fuffer fo many nations, and that for fo long a time to goe awry ? Alas poreblindc crea- tures, doe they not (ec, that the whore of Babylon fhould decciuc the nations and people, and multitudes, and kindreds, and tongues ? What would tifey haucfpokcn more plainely> But wee fee if the Loidc doe not open the eyes, mcnwanJerinihcdarkencs, and cannot fee the clcere light. Well you fee be- loucd how this agrecth with chat which we had before in the 1 3 . chapter ; where thcbcaItwithtwohorncs,cauIcthaUforts of people, and that of all nations, to rccciuc THE REVELATION. 559 rcceiucthc markcof ihcbeaft, or the number of his name; and thatihofcAhich had not the iamc, might not buic or ftl). Yea ihcy muft be killed that would not worfliip the image of the bea(i. Here is the holy catholikc church of the poperie, here is their multitude, their vniueifalitie and conlcnt: here is great Babcl,tbe mo- ther of whoredomes and abominations of the earth : here is fliee that with her golden ciippe,hatlicntifed the kings and the great nations to commit all filthic whoredome with her, yea and to be eucn drunken w iih the v\ ine of her torn ic ati- on. And fhall this whore becaulc of hcrmuliiiudc brag that fhe is the true catho- likc church? Lctvsprocccd: And the ten homes whichthoufawefl in the heart, ihtrefliall hatcihcwhcre,and fhall make her dclolate and naked, andlliall eateherflcfh, andfhall burne her with fire. In ihisthc Angell fhewcth, that the fame kings which did hold vp the whore, fhallpuU her downe. Wee may not take it of the fame men, but of thofe that fucccede ifn the lame kingdomes. For the kings of Enoland,ofScotland,ofDcnmarke,ofFrance,and of other countries whichgauc their power to the bea(},are dead and gone, if v\ e refpcil the pcrfons of the men: and thofc which fiiccecdc them nov\ in thcfeknigdomes, which pull downe that vfurped powerof Rome, arc other pcrfons: butbecaufc they fucceedeandgo- ucrncinthcfamckingdomeSjthcyarc faydtobe thofe tennc homes of the beaft. ThispropheciCjOrthisinterpretationof the Angell doilieuidently {\ic\\ vntovs, that the kings of the fame countries which maintained the poperie, fliallpiill it downe. You may iudge by our ownccountrie. The kings of £ngland,at the lead diuers of thcmjin times pafi were one home of thcbeal^, and gauc their power to him, for to defend him. But King Hcniy the 8. King Edward ih 6. and Qiiecne E- lizabetb, haue pulled him downe what they can. Theyhauc for their pait made the whore dcfoiatc and naked : and fo haue diuers kings ot other lands done. This goeth forward daily, and in the end they fliall deflroy her. Arc they not moie then blind which lee not the fulfilling of this prophecie ? Did not the kings of Europe with oncconfcntgiuc their power to the bea(\ ? were they noteiienas homes for bim to pufliwithall? And haue notdineis of their fucceflorsnoA hated tl.cRo- milli vvhore,and made her naked ?Thele be alfo called the ten homes in the beaft, notbecaufe they beany ftrengihvntohim, but bccaufethey fit vpon the fame thrones of their auncellors, which maintained the popeiie. In that rclpcdthey bee the fame homes, hut aot for the w hore^but again! 1 her. And that wee may know the whole worke con.meth of God,ihe AngcU addeth, ForGod hath put into tliorhearts to doc his will, and todocwiihoncconfcnt, to giue their king- dofiic to the bead, vniill the v\ ords of God be fulfilled. This may fccmg hard i hat the Angell fayih, God put rtintoihc heart ofthekingsto maintainc the popcrie. Did not the diuell fcduce them ? Yes vertly. But yet after a fort the Lord doili it, when for the wickedncs of the world.hee in his righteous iiidgemcnt Icttcih loolc Satan to deceiiie. For fo the Apodle w riteth, God fliall fend them (hong delu li- on tobelccuc lyes,2.Tl.cfl'.2. The Lord thrcatncd for the conteirptof the Gof- pclUhathc would fend the great Amichrift, and that thcfc vsotdsof God might Iz be 540 SERMONS VPON be fu! fillctl.by his iufl iudgemcnt the kings were deceiued, & ftocd for the mam* tenanceof Antichrid. But now the time being come thac-the manoff.n (hoijld bee difclofedjand that moft fikhic whore (hoiild be pulled dowiic, the eyes of the kings arcopened,and they banifli out ofthcirkingdomes that Romifh power and Idolatrous rciigion^and Ictvp ihctrucvvorfhipof God. Here is an aUerarion in the liorncs rand this as I faidcommethofGod. Now the laft thing remaineth,andthatis, what this woman isvvhichfitteih vp- onthebeafh The Angell doth not inplaine tearmesrcy^thewoman,thegorgious whore which thou (a wcfl with the golden cuppe in i>er liand, is Rome : for that bad been open to all the wicked, from whom the matter is hid: but he fayrh a& much in efFe6t totliofe that hauc their eyes opened, as if hce had named Rome; when he faych^and the woman which thou ha(i Iccne is the great citie which hath thekin^'domeoucrihc kings of the earth. What citie held the dominion oner the kings of the earth ar rtiat time when the Angcli told this to Saint lohn.but Rome? Miferablepoore arethe Oiifts and cauilsofthelcfuites vponthisplace.Fainethey vould defend Rome from being this filthie whorc,3nd they fay if it bee Romc,ic was while the Heathen Emperours liued. That is true^but doc they not fee plainly iiithisbooke that the great Antichrirt fhouldraigiie in the fame citie where the Heathen perfecutors were ? VVellJct them that will be blind^beblind ftil! :wec fee it is mol\ euident, for the Anf|cU tclleth vs^that Rome is this filthie whore of Babylon . Lrt vs hate her, if we loue God, THE XXXVIII. SERMON. CHAP. XVIII. t yind after the fe thin ffs Ifaw another AageU come dorvneftom heaueti hauw£ greatfoxver.andthe earth vpoi lightenedwiih hisglorie, a And he cried oat mightily xvith a lowd voyceyfajing. It UfaUen.it it faUen^A- hylo>ithegre4tcitie,a»dtshecAnethehahitationofditteIs^andtheboldofAll fon(efpirits,Md a cage of euery vncleaneand hatefnll hird. 3 For all nations hatte drunks of the rviie of the wrath of her fornicat ion, an^ the kings of the eart h kane cowmidtedforn teat ion rvith her, and the Marchant^ of the earth haue vraxedrich.ofthe abi4ndanceofherfleafures. ^ ^/ind I heard another voyce from heauen, faying, Qome atvay from her my feo^le, thatyee bee not partaker of herfinnes, and that ye recetue not of her flagues. ^ For her finnes are come vp vnto heat4e*i, and God hath remen.hredher ini- q'^titteJi 6 Steward THE REVELATION. 541 6 Jtet^arde her etienMJhee hath riwardedy»t$, andgiue her doHble accor^ ding to her worker: ^ infinite m.crcie* feke blelle and profpcr the holy miniftrie of bis word,thit the earth may be more and more lightened,and that thcfe wretched papifts tbefe n, inil^ers of Antichriff, may haueneucr a darkc hole to couerthcmfelues in. Wefeeihcboldnesofthofc impudent men,and their t: auailes, I would it might moue all the fcr uants ofGod, tobecorac more zealous and vehement to fpread the light of the holieGofpell., Publifh andfpreadit,3ndletthe Lord workehisholic will and plcafurc,forit is the light and the power of the trueth.which muft ttrikc tbe^Jioke. And-he cryed out mightily with a loud voice,faying,lt isfallen,it is fallen,grcac Babylon,&c.The faithhil miniflers oftheGofpell proclaimc and thit vehemcnt- ly^tbat the poperie is fallen,yea that it is mof^ certainly fallen,and fhal neucr reco. ucragaine.They publifh withmightiezealc ihatRome is great Babell,and that her dominion ouer the kingdomesof the earth is come to an end; And albeit the papifis^labour with tooth and naile, omitting no treacherous pradife to recoucr her fall ,and loreftore her againe to her former dignitie,yea and beare the ignorant fort in hand that in time they fliall preuailc; yet this Angell mightilie deriounceth the cotitraric. If ye demaund how the miniliers and preachers of the Gofpel can for ccrtaintie publiOi this, feeing they be no prophets to fee w hat fhall be in time to come. I anfwerc,that this prophecie hath declared and dothdcclare cuidenily, that Rome fliall ncuerrccouer her fall, the pope fliallneuer bee cf^ecmed againe, butl3bourhe,andallthatbeforhim,bothkings&]cfuitepriefls, what they can, hcfliall daily by degrees come downc more and more, euen till thcvtterand fi- nal] THE REVELATION. 34j nail dcftruflioa And now what is Babylon, what is Rome, \\ hat is the Churchof Rome now fhec is fallen ? The Angcll tclleth vs, (he is the habitaiion of dcu jls,a cagcofcucryvnclcanerpiritc,andacagcofcucryvncieancanUhattfullbirdDoc ye not fuppole here bca fweet companie to ioyne v\ ithall?Ai that hauc any good- nes in them,doe forfake Rome with her moft filthy abomtnations.Thc deuils and vnclcane fpirjts.and vnclcane birds,bcarc all the fway there. Wee mull note that the Angell l»cre in dclcribing the dcltrudion of the Rom ifh Babel , folio wcth the delcription which the old Prophcts,Efay and leremy vie in fctting forth the dcfo- lationofthat other Babcll in theEaft. For Efaychap.ij.'and leremy chapter jr. doe fet forth what vgiy and horrible beads fliould dwell in that Babel,and w hat batefull vncleane birds Qiould ncaH there. Now as thofe vgly beads and cuill fa- uouredfowleswcreofold time the inhabitants ofBabcllin the Eart : fo thcholy phoft fhewethjthat Rome the WcP^crnc Babe ll,is the habitation of diuels^and the hold of ail vnclcane fpirit s. See bcloiic d the gloric of the Church of Rome,which boafteih her fclfc to be the pure fpoufe of Chrifi. No man,nie faith, can be faued, VDlclfe he bcco'T»e one of her obedient chiklren.-and the Lord faith,ihat fhe is the habirationofdiucl!>,7hcirdo<5)rinc is thcdod^rincof diucls, thcirworfhip is the vvorfhippe o( diuels, thtir \voi!;ci. 15 the vvorkesofdJucl>. For w hat dextrine doe they teach (a few thint',scx».eptcd) bi t fiat contrary to the written word of God ? What wor(T:ip but of Idols, and ofrotien boix-s ? And w hat arc their worktsbuc trcafons/editionSjperiiiiiesandilarghtersPIf mcubcc not blinde they may fce^ that Rome is the very habit anon of^liyels. Sit thengoodioyniiig withihem,oris it(3s fome take it) a matter lo inditfcrtnt tobeeofihcirChurch? Judge inypur feluesbrethrct). Yea but v\ ill lome man lay.if it were ccrtaine that Rome is Baby- Jon. Alas that men fhould doubt,thcre is nothing I norcfkcre. Iftiicrc were but one man in the worJd of (lature.proportion, and vifage fane differing from all o- .ther.and a right cunning painter fhould draw his pi(ftiirc in all ^wints from top totoe :could any doubt chat had lecnethefamc man,and then Oiouldfce his pi- 6^ure,but that it were his onelypid^ure? TheholieGhoftin this prophecic hath perfed^ly drawne the pi6lure of Babell,and they that pcrufe the pi theicyning with the ^operie, the imbracing thelawesoftheRomif'h Antichrjft, fhali plunge them decpe into the gulfe of nioft horrible plagues, and dreadftjll vengeance of almightie God, the voyce from rhc Lord faith, that her finnes arc come vpto heauen, and God hath rcmembred her iniquities. What plagucf tbinkc THE REVELATION. 345 thfnkc yc (hall follow thofc finnes which reach vp vnto hcauen ? What an heape of fmneshaih great BabcU the mother of whorcdomcs heaped and piled vp? How hath Rome filled the world with abominations ? This voyccdoth fctthem before vsinalumpe,and if a man would take ihefurueyof theminparticular,hecfhall ncucrbcc able. Who is able fully to declare thecorruptions,errors,abominabIc inucntions,fijperftitions,and idolatries,which Rome hath fpread vpon the face of thecarih? Who is able to fct out the filthie life of Popes, Cardinals, Abbots, Monkes, Priclts, Friers, and Nunnes ? The earth doth liinke of their vncleanncs. Their owiie hif lories doc teftifie very much. Moreouer,whatcrucItiehaucihey flic wed ? what flaughters and murders htuc they committed vpon the holic fer- uantsofGod,whichhauereproued their enormities? Whattreacheries,and what treafons doe they worke and daily pra6^ife,if they could bring them about? Now confider this I pray you, that who fo dooth not fcparate himfelfe from thenijbut is of their focietic and religion,hec is a member of that bodic,hec hath his partin all thofe finnes. Let not men thinkethus,! ncuerdid commit whore- dome nor inceft : I did neuer perfecutc nor fhed blood : therefore I hauc nought to doe with their finnes, if they baue fo heaped there vp,that they reach vnto the heauens. O bee not deceiued : for if thou docft not feparate thy felfe from BabcU, the voyce fromheauen tclleth thee, that thoufhalt bee partaker of her finnes, and fo confequently of her plagues. Her plagues fhall bee excee- ding great, becaufe her finnes doe reach vp vnto hcauen, and fo thy plagues fliall bee great,becaure thou art guiltic of her finnes. This isitthathefaid, whofocue^ dooth worfhippe the beaft orhisimage,orhath his marke or the number of his namr^hc fhall be tormented with fire and brinirtone in the prefence of the holic AngcIs,andoftheLambe. If yc take thcmtobecgricuous plagues which God doth inHi6l,not oncly in this life, but efpecialiy in the torments of hell, then fe- parate your felucs and come out from Babylonjcnounce the poperie and all Ro- mjfh trarh,andclcaiic fafttothc hoheCofpcllof lefus Chrifr, which fliall fauc your foulcs. Regardcnotthe clamors of the wicked papi(h,but obey this voyce from hcauen. 7 hey call v$ vnto nil filihie abominations, and fpirituall whorc- domcs, and this voyce calleth vs vnto the pure worGiip of God. Be not fcduced byihofewhich fhall fpeake thus vnto ye. Doth not ilie Church of Rome bc- Iccoc in Chrifi?arcrhey not Chrifiians? what though they diffcrinfome things, yet as long as they dcnic not Chrilt, why may notmenla'clyioyne themlelucs wiih them ?Indecdc they doc not denicChrift in word,but they both denichis drxf^rine and perfecute it. They profcfTe fomc godlinefl'e in fhe vv,but hauc de- nied the power thereof. And now further where the voyce Ijithj that God hath remembred her iniquities: It may bee faid, did the Lord God eucr forget them? crdidhc not regardthcm? Doubtlcffc they were alwaies before the Lorde, and he could newer forgctrthem : for there is no ignorance nor forgetfulnes in God. He is nqilrkc vnto a mor'tall man. But when the Lord paflcth by, and fuffcreth the wicked to goevnpuniOicd, when he doth not execute vengeance, they doc imagine tliat he doth not regard ihcir doings. They iuppofe that they fliall neuer btc 547 SERMONS VPON be called vnto any rcckcning. Alfo the faithfullarc \vcake,and according to flcdi and blood thinkeitlong,and areaflaulted with fome doubts, as if God bad for* ootten al thofc hard dealings ofthc wicked eneniies.When therefore the Lord ta- Kcth the matter in hand^and bcginneth to execute the office of a iudge,then doth he declare that he remembrcth the iniquities which are patt, and fo is (aid tore- member : forthehoIyGhoftinthercripturcappIiethhimfelfcvnto our capacitic, fpeaking of God. The godly feruants of Chrilt which liued in former times, and beheld thcblafphemies ofthc Romifli bcaft,and withall confidered how Jong the fame had continued, and faw no appearance of vengeance vpon them, had no- thing but faith in the word of God to fupportthcmjtherc was none outward thing CO lead them tofee that God did regard or remember the iniquities of Babel : but inthefcdayeswehaue bcfides the word of God, the fight and view of the thing before our eyes. VVec fee how God bath begun to execute vengeance, and how thatheremembreth, and will not let pafTe the wicked dcedes of the papiils. The v<^ce from heauen addeih yet further,faying,rc ward her, cuen as flie hath re a ar- dcd you,and giucher double,according.tohcr works: and in the cup that fhe hath filled to you,fil her the double. The fum of this is,that the feruants of God arc not -pnely to rcmoue and to feparate them felues from great Babylon : but alfo to exe- cute vengeance vpon her: for the Lord God thatiudgeih and cafleth her downe, •doth itbyinftruments. And as the 137. Plalmcpronounceth them bkfled that fiiould.execute vengeance vpon Babel, for the crueltic which fhe had (lie wed to the church : fo doubdcs we are to make account, that it is a thing nioft highly pleafingGod,whenhisferuantsfeekereuenge,euentothe'\;ll vpon this Roniifh Vvhore,for all the euill which fhe hath wrought vnto the Church. And to aflure v$ of this,ihe Lord from heauen willeth to rewarde her,and that double, yea euen to the full, for all the euill which fhe hath done to thehc>ly worO^ippcrs of God. Cut it may be fayd, vengeance is to be executed onely by fuch as beare the Twordc: priuate pcilbns are forbidden to rcucngc. How then is this to be taken ? Arc all the faithfull here willed to be reuenged vpon her,and to recompencc her for her e- uill decdes ? Or is this fpoken onely vnto fuch as be publike magiflrates ? To this I anfwere,that the recompencc of vengeance here fpoken ol js of diucrs forts.and fome way to bee executed by all the fauhfull people. Rome hath murdered the Saints,andflicd the blood of the Martyrs of Chrirt: now to reward this, and to (hed her blood, bclongeth onely to princes, and ciuill magiH rates. They be here called vpon.that way to reward her : and arcmuch to be blamed if herein they be negligent. Downe with her,make no doubt, the Lord from heauen doih will yc. And how, fhalhhc chriftian princes anfwcrc it before God, if they negledt this holy worke ? Againc,the Romifli fynagoguc,hath glorified her felfc,and her own decrees,boafting that flie hath auihoritieouer all : and rcuilcth, reprocheih, and condemncth them all as hcretikcs,whichreied her abominations. Now to be re- uenged vpon her in this,the miniflers of the word are to difclofc and to paint her forth to the world. They arc to lay open all her whoredomcs and moft fihhie trca- chciies. Theyarctomanifelhhatbcrdodiincand vvorfliip, isthcdodrinc and W'orihip THE REVELATION. 348 vvordiip of d'luels: that the Kings, and Pcinccs,and people, may hate and abhor her. Such as be feduccdby this whore, cryc out that the zealous preachers of the Gofpell doe railc and bl af pheme wlien they doe this: but what arc they to care for the rcprochesof finfull men, when the voyce from heauen willeth them to be rc- uengedvponlicr, andnottofpareiier? And then touching the priuatc perfbnj, thus tar they arc to be readic to execute vengeance vpon her,cuen to be rcadic and moft willing at the commandcment oftheir princes to deflroyatidpulihcr down. They arc alio as faraspriuate men may,to lay her open in fpeech, to help to wiilw draw fuch from hcrfocietic as be feduced. And thus ye may fee, that all the fcr- uants of C}od,b oth high and lo wc.eucn ofcuery calling.are called vpon ff om hea- uen,to fct vpon great Babcl,the mother ofw horedonies and abominationsof the earth, and to bereuengedvponhcr for all the euill which fhe hath done to the Church of God. Would to God this voyce,eucnfhisheauenIy voyce did found morcfhnlliiithcearesof all mcnj that they might bcearf)c(ily*n)ouedvntothis holy worke. It is rhcworke which the Lord froni heauen doihcalImenvnto.lt is that which is highly pleafingvntothe Lord, and in which we Qialldoe him great fcruice. Wjjcrcforc we arc to remember what is faid by the Prophet,ftirting men vp^to execute the Lords vengeance vpon the other BabcU in the Eaf^, as namely, Oirfed IS he that doih uhe w orke of the Lord negligently. Is Rome and the Ro- miOi rcligi o ) lo abominable to the Lord/or al their vngodly doings,both againlt his holy uorfnip and pco|)le ? h the time come, that he will liauehis iudgements nnd vengeance executed vpo-.i thcmPAnd hathhis voice from heauen called vpon all m.^n to reward that bloodic citic and wicked fynagoguc, and torecompcncc chcm double/orallthccuill which they hauc done tovs? and (hall wee then bee cxcufcdjifwc be negligent? Doth act the curfc then belong vntovs? Are we not of the number oT flouthfull feruants ? Doe we regard how much God is glorified, andhisChurcheafed.by thedecayand ruincsof that horriblckingdomeof the great Antichri ft? Let thcChriftian princes be rcadic to doe their office : let the preachers cf the Gofpell performc their duetie : and let all good people be ;eadic and not wanting forihcirpartjto execute the vengeance ofGod vpon this fikhie harlot. Doth n^t the Lord himfelfe as it were found the trumpet vnto vs from hea- uen? Ye fee how the fcruantsof Antiehriftdoe beflirrcthcm to maintaine their kingdome : They fight and ftriucfor the diuell.and are moft vehement : and fhall webcflackeintnecaufeof God ? Shall they be more forward and bold for their vsorflTip of the dragon and of the beaft^theo wee for the holy worfliipof God? Whenycc heareof the great trauailcs and labours of the lefuiteprielh, of their zealeforthe defence of popcrie, and how they aduenturereciotuJ}enes,a*dof^earles,andoffine lin- '»en,andofpMrple,and offilke^and of fear let, and of all manner of thin wood, ayidofvejfels of luorie.and ofallvejfels efmofl precious wood, andofhrajfe, and of iron,and of marble y 1 3 And ofSmamon, and odors, andoyntments,andfranki»cenfe,and wine, and ojle, and fine flower, and wheat e', and beajls and fheefe,andhorfes and cha^ riots, an i bodies and foitles of men. 14 AndthcMffUj which thyfonle Ufiedafier.are departed from thce,and all things. 350 - SERMONS VPON / h'mgs tv hich vperefat Mud excellent, dre departed frem thee, andt hohfhah , jlndethemnomore. 1 c 7 hs manthafits ofihefe things tvhich were m/ide rich, {hatiftandxfarre ojf from her,forfeare of her torment, tveepng and watlmg : 1 6 Saying, Altis, alas, that great citie which rvat clothed in fine linnen,and pur- i)lc,andfcArlet,andgtldedrvith gold And precious Jloaes , and pearles :fer in one hottre jo great rtches come to defolatton. 1 7 yind euerjpjtppe votiernour,andallthey that occhpie piifs andfliipmen^and Oi many as vforke tn thefajiooda farre ojf, 1 8 itAndcrted when theyfaw the f moke ojher burning, fiying^fVhat citie u Itkf to this great citie? 7 9 And they cajl daji on their heads, and criedrveeping,andwayling,and fay ing^ Alo/S, alas, that great citie ^ wherein were made rich all that had (hips tn the fea,hy reafon ofher.coUltnes -.for at one home isjhe made de folate. '^|^••V^:!?^■ Vch as will diligently readc the old Prophets, fli all finde it their v- "^If"^ '^riWI fi'^11 I'Tianncr.whcnfoeuer they would in mort liuely and efteiluall ^^rf'-. .'S^i ^°^t defcribethe dtflruftion of any kingdom orfamous cicic,to fct *v^^.f H^.^^^ foith ot to call for a fong of lamentatio: for by this mcancs the mat- '^ ■'■=^=^=^==— ler vvas more cleere, and did more affcdt and moue the minds of the peoplc.Novv ye are to remember that this prophecie,doth imitate thofe prophc- cies ofold : and fo the more liuely to paint out the ruines,and the vtterfubuerfion oftheRomifh Babell,eiicn of their monarchic, religion and citie it felfe^yeato declare how horrible the dcflrutlionof ihefc lliallbe^heere are brought in her loucrsof fundrie fortes lamenting andbevvayling her cafe: and ihcfc are kings, marchants.and lliipmafiers. Here bee indeede reafons rendred of the forrowc, and lamentation v. hichcucry fort ofthefedoe make. Some of them loued Babel t'orthe pleafures and delights 'in which ihcy lined vnder her, and others for their gaine. Her dcflru -552 SERMONS VPON thlsfecmc flrangcvntoanyman: for when the heauic band of God is vponany notorious vngodly man^yc Ojall hcarc him acknov^ ledge rhat it is forhis vngod- ly behauiour,by which he hath prouokcd the Lord : And he will wifli hce had li- ucdothervvife, feeling that all the delights and pieafurcs of the linnes arc vanj- {lie.d,and that the fting reniaincth.and yet lepenttthnot ; but if he recouer doth follow fte fanie waics againc as greedily as cucr before. Sonic will fay perhaps, if a man inthatcfhtedoefeele and confeflethat God purfueth his wickedncs, andv\i(hcth^ec had neuer lined in fuchfort, doethhcc not repent? lanfwcre, in fomckindeof repentance, bee repenteth for the time, but not vnto amend- ment: Heeisgiieuednotforthefowlncsof the finne,or hatred thereof, hcedoth lament not of any loue of God or of goodnefle, but indeed at the torment v\hich he fceiethfinnc doth bring. And therefore when the dread and feeling of ihe hor- ror of vengeance is ouet,he ru flieih againe into the fame finncs^and liueth euen as hedidbetbre. It folio weth in the text,that the marchants of the earth flicll weepc and wai!c ouer her/or no man buyeth their ware any more. Kings (wee hauefeene) which committed whoredomc and liucd in pleafurc with her, lamqpi for the fall of Ba- bel; and now come the Marchants with their part cf the lamentation. They wecpe and vvailejand the hcly Ghoft noteih the caufe, euen this, that no man any more buyeth their w arcs. Worldly mendclight in gainc,it is a fw^ctc thing vnto them, yea a very fwccte thing, nothing fv^eetcr. Looke then how much the Iw cctcr/o much the more bitter and grieuous is the lofle thereof. And hereof it conmieth,that the hope ofgaine failing,men lament and weepe dolefully. Take away the gaine of earthly minded men, and yeeeuenasit were plucke out their bowels. Beholdc then how the Marchants doe lan)cnt, becaule with the dc- .ftru(5^ionof theRomifh tyrannic, the hope of their gaine fjilcth , in as much as their wares liein theirhands,and no man w ill buy them. But let vs know who arc thefe marchants, and v\ hat be their wares. The wares are noted ;n the next verfcs folio wing,and there we arc to enquire w hat they be. The marchants thcmfelucs are notnamed, but knownebytheir wares,cuen popifh marchants, euen slhhac made gaine of the trafli and trumperies which were folde very decre in the pope« lie, by which men fought helpc for their foules. Torcckenvpall forts of thefe marchants which folde ibepopifh wares, would bee a tedious matter, and to no great ptjrpofcjrccing it is knowne that in the Church of Rome all things,and euen among all forts,* rem thchighcrt to the lowett,haue been fet to fale,and folde for rcadic money. The hv^orics of former times doe IT)ew,rhat in the papifme there \vasallouer,noihingbutcuenq^mnrtepf biiyingand felling, in which the mar- chniits of all forts were aiTembled. Who had any ofliceor roonie almoft among them ,but as irwcieiufon.eriucr or ditch Ipread his nets, and did fidi forgolde? Thtfennvchantb then doc bewaiic and lament ouer Babel, becaulenonianany lodger b'jycilulKir wares, nn J ihcy be vciy many. And now touching their wares VS'hif h no man biiycth any more.i hey be rchcai fed. 1 hey be iomcof them of the richcli things and njoH precious in the world^asof gold. THE REVELATION. 355 gold^uer,prctk>us (!ones,and pcarlcs. And all ofthcm befidcs, ofgreat account: As one fort offinclinncn, purple, filkc, and fcarlcc. An ocher lorcotcofHy wood, isof chinnc wood,ofiuoiie,& ofprctious trees. An other orbi.iffc,Iron,and mar- ble. Then come (ynamon, odours, oyntmenr, andfrankinccftlc, v^inc, oyle, fine flower, whcate,bearts,(herpc,hor{cs,chnriots. And lafi of all.ihc bodies and foules of men. Are chcfeihe|waresofihckingdomc of the great AntichriU? and will no man buy them any more i Do men let li^hc by gold or filucr ? do they not efleemc. pretious Hones and pcarlcs ? Arc filkcs and fcaricts now bcgtmnc to bee difpifcd ? OrwercanyofihcIecucrmoreeHccmcd then (hey be at this day ? Will not men in alllandes couet after thefc things eucn (o long as the world (tandeth ? And will they not gladly buy themPHo w then is it fayd here,that no man buycih their wares any more?Ianfwer,that the things whereof their wares were made are flill in price: but they had greatly incrcafed the value, and made their gaine very much by tur- ning them into their waresjwhiclrgaine is decayed. Gold is valued and eftecmed at the fame price it was, (o is filucr, pcarle, and pretious fionci. But now as they were in their hollo wedxhinges in the Church ofRome,in thcifjMaflcs.in Croflcs, Chalices,lmages,Myters, and fuch like, or in their adorning of flirine*, and tcra- ples.they be not regarded fince the popcrie went downe.They be no longer in rc- qucftjihey be no marchandife for any honeft man. Men will buy thcni as the metal or pcarle,or ftone is worth, but not at that cxccfliuc price which ihcy fold them at before as their wares. True it is that by Hcalch they fend abroad their Agnus dcies^ their hallowed beades, and other fuch trafli vnto the blind fuperflitious papirts in all landes,and io picke vp as it were pedlers/ome filuer, both nothing to the gainc which they made in the times that aic paR.For them now bobuy fine linnen,Glks, purple,and fcarlet,to fel againe,they can doe little or no good,there be other mar- chants can doe it better, and now turned into coapes, vcftiments, and all manner of popifh attire, no man will giue one penie the more, but the lefvc, and fo their ^ainc is gone. No man doth foeke vnto them now for their luorie and ocher fine wood, for bralfc,and Iron.and marble,to adorne Temple?, Idols, or monafterics. Their market for thefe things is pa(l,they can dazle the eies of men no longer with thefepompous Ihcwcs. Wonderfullgreatwasthcir gaine in ihefethinges when they made the world beleeuc that by fuch toycs they fiiould haue pardon^and me- ritcetcrnall lite: but now the word ofGod hath flieacd their falfe packing, they haue cold takings. In their ceremonies, and about their Idolatrous worfliip, they had their wares of fweet odours.of oile and franckincenfe, of oimmcnts,3nd wine, and fine flower,of which they made great gaine, w[iich now is alfog^ne. To feed the bellies, and to Icriie the pompe of the great prelates, there were fuch as proui- ded wheate,beafl»,flieepe,horfcs, and chariots. Now their kitchins w axing cold, and thicr pompous trainc decay iog.fuch officers may bep. Thus h^ue ye fccne fun- drie forts of their wares, which fince the poperiedecaycJ,arc butlittleinrequcf^, and the^marchants haue but fmall takings, by which the marchanducofthc Ro- mifh Church is fo clecrcly noted,that no man w liich hath had any fight or know- ledge how all was tof money in the poperie, can doubt but that the downfall of A a • popery 354 SERMONS VPON popcric is here dcfcribed. B;it ycr here is the laft braupch remaining, which doth morepcrfc6tly(ct ihem fortlithenanyofthereftjinasmuchasthcrecnuncncbc found in the world,vvhit h hauc made iuch gaine of mens foulcs as ihty haue. The Pope for money by bis pardons could bring what foules he lurted to hcauen. The Abbots and priors would fend them alio thuher, andaflurcthemofcternallblef- fcdnesbothif) foule and body, which would giue liberally to the maintenance of ' iheitdenncs. IZucrypopiili pried for a fumofmoney could draw out of his budget his wares,euen trcnials of ma{Tes,and diriges to bring the fou'es of the dead out of Pur^atorie,Whatniould I fpeokcoftheir common and ordinarie buying and (el- hng benefices, whereby the bodies and foules of men are eucnboughc and fold, as horfesand oxen are in the market ? A fweete gaine made the pope and his Car- dinals, Bifhops, Abbots, Monkes, Friers, and popifh prielks, w ith all thcrabblc- ment ofpardoncri and confcflors of the bodies and foules of men. Beloued, what cleerer defcription can bee made ofthe RomKli Church, then this which yee hauc here ? Was not the whole poperie a marre in which there waa byingand felling ofwarei?And v%'here areth'? (julesofmen fold tor money,but among them? Wherj ye fee fo many forts cf wares 'a hie h haue been eflecmed as moftpretious, being hallowed by the pope or popifli prelates, that men did giue great funis of money for, which now no man will giue oughcfor,rcmember this prophecicrand behold thewonderfuIlkindcnesofGod, which for theeftablifliing of his feruants in the truth.harh fo long before defcribcd thedowncfa!! ofgreat Bibel.For if men might doubt fo long as fiie (lood in thcloftines.ofhcr glory, yet the manner of her fall cakeihavvay all doubt, and crianifeftethher to beihc great whoie.Andhiuing thus declared that the ^vares pfhermarchantsare no longer falable, no man will glue money forthem.thcir inarket is done,they may packc and begoneuheholy Ghoft procccdeih to manitcrt, how the Church of Rome Hi allofe and forgoe all her plea- fanr,dclicaie,dajntic,rich,and pompous things. Ke calleihihemthe apples which her (bule lulled after, and the fat things. Thefe were fv\ cet apples v^ hich cuery rrcc doth notheare : butyeteuery kingdcme and nation vnder ihepapacie did affoord great plentic ofthem. They were very great apples : as monallerics,abbeyes,and great dignities whichcaryed with them much pompe,delight,andpleafures.Thefc ■v\'erefatthings,euen ofthe fatteftvpontheearth. And they aredeparted from them, jhcy haue loll them : yea which is the more grieuous,they haue loft them,and /hall neuer find them any niorc.Such as neuer had a thing,the want thereof doth not fo much gricue theni,|s it doth [hofe which had it and haue loft it. And he that hath loft a goodly plealant rich thing, his griefe is fo much the greater, if hehath loft it, not for a timc,bui euen as they fay,(br al euer.When the popifti fort do paflcby the great Monafteries, and Abbycs, and lee thenjinoushcapes,and remember thcfat rcucnewes and plcafurcs which they had^ and al the gloric and pomp^ which their great prelates had,it grieueihthcm,they ftiake their heads.iheywifh to haue thofc goodly apples and fat things reftored to them againe:butthat ftiall neuet come ro palTcjthey haue loft them for euer.This glorious harlot,t he Romifli church,feaftcd andfedher children daintily withfyveete and coftly fat things : but now hcrtaWc IS , THE REVELATION. S5S is bare, and her didicsarc empty: andhcr children in many [faces "arc j.I.irlto gnaw vpon a criift. What abundance of wealth had thole | opidi martliai.'s hca)>ed vppc , and at her dcftru<5!ion ihcy fliall (l^nu a taiicoft-', vvcepipf; and howling. Thcylouc hcrfor thciichcs andplcafures v\hichfhe brought ihcm, and therefore they are (brrowfuUat her tall. But alchoiitjh they lone hcfnener lb much, yettheyftandataroffanddarenotapproach ncerefortorcicue, ot for to ayd her, becaulc her torment and vengeance fliall be fo horrible. Komcihcn, and the Romilli Church and monarchy fiiall be deflroyed with fuch terrible ven- geance, that not one of all her loiier> and bcft friends flialldarc to come nigh, but (hall (land a far off! Thcmo(t which they can doe istocrieour, alas, alas, that great cicic, which was clothed in fine linncn, and purple, and fcarlct, and girded with golde, and precious Hones, andpearles : for in one hcure, (bmc great richescom to dcfolation. Markchere beloued what itiswhichgrecuetlithcpa- pilis, which caufc them to cry out, alas, alas: for itis worth the marking , be* caufc they pretend the care of Gods glorie and of mens fbulcs : but it is farre otherwifc. They hauc gloried in the exceeding grcatnes ofthcir citieand Church ; and n&w fee it brought to nought, and that is it which caufeth them mourn- fully to fay, that great ciiic. The grcatnes fticketh in their minde, Morcoucr they haucfn Rome, and intne Romaine monarchic been very rich, and richly decked with all precious things which they here recite, and wherein all their glory didconfirt, ihclofle ofthefc dothgreeue them full fore. For thcfe things being gone, what is there in all the Romifli religion worthy to be looked vpop ? The true Church of Chrift is decked with many heauenly gifts and fpirituall gra- ces, v\hich doc make her very glorious euen in the middeli of all diflreffes.afflifti- ons,andpouertie. The Synagogue of Antic hrift, that great whoreBabell, being deliituteof all graces, and Ipirituallprnaments, and fhining in the rich attyreof corruptible things, as of gold, ofpcarlcs, ofpretious ttoncs, cfpurplc,and of filks, vvlien ihcfcare gone, fhe is a foulc, filthle,vgly, and defortned beaft. Her friends doe lament, that thefc forich andpreiious things come fofodainly vnto vtter defo'ition. Then here follow a third fort which weremaderich byhcr mcanes, and they alfo doe grccuoiifiy lament and bewaileherdeHiud^ion. Thefe arc mariners and fliipinailicrs. While Rome had dominion oucr the kingdoms, and the Pope ru- led oucr all euen as a terrible God vpon the earth, there was nothing but trudg- ing oucr thefeas thither out ofalllandes, andagainc from thence there wasca- rying and recarying, info muchrthatan infinit multitude of rnariners andfliip- men were continually fet on worke and gained greatly there by. ToRome,and from Rome, to Rome, and from Rome, out of all countrie*, and into all coun- tries. Kings and great princes, Cardinals, and chiefe prelates which had the ri- ches of the world, v\'crc caricd and recarried. No maruaile then thou<^h ihcfc fliipmen and mariners are'broughc in among other her friends, bewailing her dcftiudion : when ihcy fliall fee the fmokc of her torment^ flandin^^ alfoafar A a s off. 3^(? SERMONS VPON oft*, and not daring toofFer hcranyhelpc, thcyfhall cry out, what chic was like vnto this great cicie ? It is here fayd lurcher chat they (hall caft duft on their heads. Among the Ifralites (as the holy hiftories doe tertifie) men in great forrow, didvcfc to caft duilon their heads. And therefore to cxprefTc the great gricfe of fuch as lofc chcir gaincby the fall ofBabylon, the holy Ghoft faicb, they caftdufton thcirheads. And they cry weeping and wailing, andfay.alas, alas, tlie great citic wherein were made rich allthachadlliipson thefea, byhercoft- lines. Wee fee che caufe here alfo cxprefled of their forrowe , euen the hope of their gaine taken away. Gallic is fofweere athingvnto worldlymen, thacthc loflTc thereof doth vexe them fore.Thc Kings forp|eafure,the marchants and fliip- inaftcrs for cheir gaine, doelament and bewaile thefall of Babylon. Her vtcer deliruftion is not yet come,butgrcailie decayed Ihee is, and many doe greatly mourne for the fame. Some of her well- witlcrs are in good hope ftill to holde her vp,and recouer her ruines wich che repayre of her breaches : and herein tliey bee exceeding induftrious,and venturous : for as in rhc warsye fliallhauemany bar- dic men that will ru(h forward e and hazardthemfelues with extreairi? perillto docfome famous exploit onely on this mind,chatif cheycan worke the fcat they are made for cuer,they lliall bee magnified and ijpnonrcdjthey Hiall comcto ri- ches and dignities. Euen fointhepoperiCjthcfe Tefuitcsthruftthemfeliies for- warde into mort dcfperate attemjxs, hoping chac if cheycan by treacheries and trcafons bring their matters about, and fovpholde the Babybnifli whore, fhee 'will aduance them with great dignities and preferments. For Jooke butvpon our ownc land.and if thepopcry iTiould get the dominion in ic againe,what great things rhoutd theBilliop ofRomehaueto bertow vponthofe his forward foul- diers? All is forgaine,buttbcy fhalllabourinvaine, andneuer come vnto it, but be diminifhedeuen to the vtcer oiJcrchr9Wof cheir citic and kingdomc, which lliall come in the time 'hat the Lord God almightie in his holy wildoinc h^thap- poynted. 1 bus we hanefeene the lamentation for the fall of Babell- now it /ball nocbeamifle herccoanrvverc vhtooncfnifc and cauili of thepapids. They'lte it focleerethatthis-prophefiedefcribingthe great Babylon, euen the kingdomc of Antichrift, fpeaketb of a cicie ruling oucrkingdomcs, which harh Ited che blood.of che martyrs of Chrill. There is no citic can bee found in chcwoiidb^ut Rome>,vnto which chis dcfcriptidn can 'aj;rcc This plainely condemneth the pa- pacie.andRomiflimonarcbie: andvnlesthe papifts can fiiift itoltTiomllome, they bee c]ukc vndom:. Lctvs fee chcn how ib.cy fluwc iheir cunning about this matter. They fay the whole companie of the reprobate, is caHed cbegr<*3t whore,chap. r 8. They fay chat the great citic which the Angcll faid h.^d domi- nion oner the kings of the earth, is the whole companie of the reprobate, as on the conrrarie, the whole focictie of the faithftjll is called the citie of God, Markc well I pray yon, is ic a fie kinde of fjcech co fay chat the vniuerfall corpes of the reprobate, or the whole conipanic of the wicked raigneth oucrche hng,s ©ftbeearih? Or /}iall Kings, Marchant?^ and Mariners liand a Eirrc off at ihc .i^ THE REVELATIOI^. the deflWtS^ion ofthc whole focictieoftlic wicked , andnioorn for their fall ^ Thcfcbcc vainc flvit^s, it is a citJe, and aonc other vMticin ihe vvorld, biitllomp. Ob(cruccuerythingwdl,and)cnialirccit moIlcJcaiC, i THE XL; SERMON. CHAP, xviir. 2 o O heanetts reiojce ouer her, Andyec holy iy^pajiies and Profhe{s.bec^"fe Cod hAthgiuenyoHTtHdfftfmftt on her. 2 I tyinda mighty Angelltooke vp aftone Itke a gruit mil[io»tt, andcafltt into the fea J fay tag, wtth ftich violence JhnHthHtgv^At citic 'Babylon be (afi, and [hallbefoHndednomoreataU^ 2 2 And the voice of harpers and muft ions, and of pipers and trtimpettersflia II be heard no more in thee at alband no craft fman ofvohatfoeuer cr^ he be.pialbe found any more in thee : and thefo/tnd of a mill (hall be hear^morent slim thee. iwiv, br;-. . , „»| 2 ^ And the light of a cifid/eJhaV/hine no more at all in thee, andthe votce of ihe brtdegroome andofthebrtde.fhallbeheardnomore at aliinthee.forthy mer^ chantt]were the great men of the earth, and with thine inchantments were deceiuedaHnatiens. 24 ^ndinher wasfoHndthebloudoftbeTrophets, andofthe faint s, and of aH that Were/lain vpofttbe earth. \ Ithcrto.in this ciapttrwchauc had fei before v5, in thcfor- mcr.vcrl'cs the faJl of great Babylon to be fo horribic,ihat Ikv loucrs andfricndesotdiuers fortes arc brought in, wayhng and lamenting for her. The kings wecpcandcry, ihcincr- chanrs and mariners, ihcy howlealfo : thci; gaiiic and their plcafurcs are gone. And now the holy Choii on the other fide doth liifrc yp all the fcruants of G O D , and callcih vponthcmtoreioyccathcrdcftruif^ion. For as on the one fiflkhcy lament, h on the other fide there nuift bercioycing. Rcioyceoucr her Ohcauen, faith tl)c Lord. Ishcr fallanddcliru^tionforequintcfor tiiegloricof God, andtbenood of his Church, that eucn the very hcauen , the fcnfclcs creature muft rcK>ycc thereat ? Indccdc to fpcakc properly, the hcauens cannot rcioycc, bcingVoy(;{c ofvnderftanding andfcnfe,buttocxpreflcthc thing with the greater vchen)cn- tie, and to declare what abundaric matter ofrcioycing there is in her fall.thc hca- U€ns(eucn as ifit flwjuld aftcdthcmjarc called vpon, in ftcad ofihofc that dwcl in Aa 3 the 3.5S SERMONS VPON thcheauensjor that fliall pofTefic themrgrcat Babel with her whoredomcs defiled all. She condemned the truth, and fct vp lies : Oie perfecutcd and murdered, aa4 bialphcmed the true woifliippers of God. Therefore who is there that ioucth thcglorieofvjod, that cfteemcth the truth, and wtdicthvv ell to tlie Church, buc iTiuitnecdes reioyceat herdellruilion? The holy AngeUinheauen, cannot Uit reioyce at it. The holy ApolHesand prophets, the Martyrs, and alJ the Sainres, muU needes bee glad thereof. And Co many vpon the earth as haue their conuer- fation in the hcaucns. For now (liall this inonlkr no longer opprefle them , nor yetblafphemethe trutn anymore. All that are good then, yeaeuen allthatloue the glorie of GO D, doe greatly reioyce at th'_* horrible deftruclion of Babell# And this is to bee obferued, as an vndoubtcd principle, that looke how much the more godly any are, lo much the more they reioyceat the delhud^ion of pt'peric. And looke how miieh more they reioyce, fo far further they beofffrom pityinggreat Babcll. Mofttruc it is, that the godlierthe man is, the mcnre per- fect in mercie and pittie, and compaflion : for thofe bee (petiall partes of godli- nes. But this muft be where pittie is to be fhcwed : and not where God will hauc vsto Ihewnone. Forour perfedion isto agree with theblelTed will of God. Now this reioycing ouer her fall, is nofmall incrcafeo^her torments. For where any man isifcigteatcalamitie, itfomewhat cafeththat men arc moued with pi- tie and compaflion towardshim. And if thofe that beholde his mifcrie be fo far from pitying his cafe, that they reioyce and triumph at the fame, what .an ex- ceeding iiicreafeofforrow doth thatbrirvg? Then when ihchandofGodis vp- onihe whoreof Babell, euenvpon Rome and the RomifhGhurch, to execute thcfcueriiic ot his wrath and vengeance, wcare forour parts to takeheede that wee bee not moued with anycotnpaffion, but are indccde taadde as much tor- ment as wee can, cuenby reioycing and triumphing at her deftru(ftiorj. Let no man here crie out, that this is crueltie : The Lord CSodhimfclfc callctb for it at our hands, buthee callcthnot for crueltie. And there is a caufe rcn^^ered why A/vcfhouldbegladand reioyce: itisinthefc words, forGOD hathgiu^your iadgement on her. That is, the Loriio6yjiH Tbtsis the type,and thcfeare the words vfed iagainftoMe Babel i andfrnw-tfonf- fidcrhow that agrecth with the famc'vvhich is hei^^fetdolvne'rahdyeoiliall ftc tbatthe diftcrencesareonely in this; that a|l things are bete vvitl*'^^atei?forffe of iudgcmentjtfe'exprefleasitwereadecpervengeancc, andamore hcauic and vnrecoucrabiedenrudion. Firft there is a man, here is amightie Angcll.-^ The inantakethafii)ncwhichindeedwilliincicc in the waters; here the Angell ta- kcthv-pagreasiftonelike a rrrilftoiric! thefcthe ibn&is^^ftihrothc fiucr:^crfe ^nto the dccpe fea:. All thefc doeiabiplific; thc-"matl«F if yec- 1O0i^e»^on thcni ToTeprcfitnt that Babel in Chaldca mou-Id finckeddwntfjntoiftirerie and^P- ftrudion and not rife vp againe, but lie ouerwbelmcd, a ftone is caft into the ri- yer which doth finckc do wne tothc boitomcand ri^thlhiere. To figure outa more THE REVELATION. ^61 more horrible dcflrnt^ioii of Rome and of the Romifl-i Synagogue, which for their m:>;l horrible abominations farrepad^ng that other, is in a rnyricric called •groat Babylon, here is an Angclhviih great might, who takcthvp a vcry'hcauie Hone, and wiiliviolcnceca.'icth it into the dcepe fca, where it Tinckcth downe tdthebottomc, andlieihcouered, paHallmeanes and heipc of man to fetch it vp againe. So fhall the RomiOi Babcl,euen with violence beecad into the dcepc gdUeof perdition and defolation, and fiullneiicrrifevp againe. Itisinthe Pro- phet Teremie, that Babe! fhouidfo be drowned or fincke as that ftone, and.nc- uerrWc ag^vne, although they fhould weariethemfelues. If a little fionc caft into the riuer did figure fo much, being cart in by a man; fliall wee thinkxthac Rome fliall lift vp her head againe, whole drowning, ouerwhelming, and finc- kingdeepc into perdition, is refembled by a great ftone likevntoa milftone caft "Tvith violence by i mighiie Angcll into the deepc fca? Let the p^pills vvearie themfclucs, as indccdc their labours are exceeding great, and their interprifes defpemej yet they Hiall ncuerfether vp againe. Sheciscaft downe deepe with Violence, like a veryheauic (lone Into the bottome of the fea of Gods venge- ance. Inde^de Rome Handeth yet, and the poperie is not quite downe, but they arc difdofcd , and their credit is cracked, their power dccayeth, ^nd fo this thing is begun, andthetimedraweihon, vvhenit fiiall bee fully accompliOied. Hee that l^adt)chtld the power, thcmaicftie, tlic pompe, the riches, and ihce- 'ftimacion of chat church, about fomcfourc-fcoreycares part, and lookcvpon it 'now, (hould fee a wond^rfull alteration. It Teemed then to bcc without all dan- ■gcr of being fhaken, the En>peror and the Kings, with all their might (loode vp to maintaine it. If any man did vtter but a word againft the vfurped power of the Pope, there was a folemne calling vpon Peter, and Paul for helpc againft him, •and it was thought hee milft downe to hell without fpccdie repentance. Who rbuld abiJethctcrtor of their curfe? DidnottheKmgs tremble and quake for fe^rcatit? And now hcc may caftlorth his lightnings and thunder (I mcane the Popc,)"!ike htcrHble god, Who doih regard the fame-* Doe we not fee that all is but an illufioh, and an cn»ptie lliadow or vifor ? If then that terrible bloodie king- domcbc f')farrecoir»cdowne,beyondallthoughtandespectationof man : why fliould we dC)ubt,but that in the time which God hath appoynted, it fiiall be vc- •terfy. ca(^ downc,and fof ruer ? *'-^ Now fdllo^^cth thcdcfcriptioh of Ivrreccrnalldefolation, vvliich isby dcniall "^ \ofth6ferhingS'(vhicharciiT»hei}titfsinhabited; Wee knowc that rich andmigh- «tieciticsatrfitIlof mirth andiolitic : There be harpcis,and other ipui]tians,there -btcppeWandtr\»hipe«er>;. Thefe are Jcnycdv'nto great Babcll, it is fayd, that th^rcflTaH nei>er bccthc vos-ce or found of diefe heard any more in her at all. '^Tftc my^tct3 hath been heard in her: but now all fhall bechufm. Here is one 55i SERMONS VPON one note then ofvtter dcfolation.Tlicn to another: A nd no craFtfman of w4iat(b- cucr craft he bc^ftiallbe found and more in thee. A ciiic may ftaud without melo- dic or p'cafant muficke : but it hath not been fecne. Put. cafe it mii^ht, yet this cut- teihdowne Romeviterly, andflieweth hercxtreamedefolation, that there <"hall neucr be found in her any artificer of what trade focucr. Can any citie Hand with- out artificers? Who (hall build and repayre their houfes Pwhofhallfurnifli ihein with houfehculd ftuffe ? v\ hat (ha! they do for their apparell and other oeccflaries ? In BabelltlicrclTiallbenoneofalhhele, therefore (he (liall not be inhabited, but lye defolatc for ciicr. Vnlefl'c we wiU imagine that a cicic may lland,3nd the peo- ple liiK' in the fame,withoutthc vfe ofthofe things which the artificers of all trades doe make and vtter. It may bee fome kind of trade being wanting, people might make fliift to line : and therefore it is fayd here, that in great Babylon there fhall not bee any one artificer of what trade focuer, which fhewcih her vtter defola- -tion. Then further it is added^ Andthcfoundofamill {hallbceheardnomoreataU in thee. This is yet a further note of an vtter dcftrudio.Of all neceflarics the people muOhaue bread, orclshowfliallthcyliue ? It they haue bread, itmu(komethis way, that they haue mils to grinde their cornc of which iheir bread is to be made. •Andhefayth that in Rome, which is great Babell, there (hall ncucr bee heard any more at all the found of a mill. There fliallbe no more grinding,therc (hall be no more baking : who then Aialldwellthcre? The Popes, the proud Cardinals and other great prelates, as the Empcroutsbefoie them, haue longtime been pampc- rcdandfedin her with the fineft f^owerof wheate. Many others of great efiatc haueliued daintily within hcrpalaces. Thcmillers and the bakers haue gayned much, and lined euen like genrclmcn,through the abundance of her delicacie ; all this (hall be quite cut ofF^thefound ofa mill fhall no more bee heard in hcrat all. Defolate then, def^roycd, wafted, and not inhabited of any, (hall fhec lye for cucr. Here is yet further added, And die light ofa candle fhall fhlnc no more in thcc at all. Godgiueth vsthe cleerc and comfortable light of the Sunne by day, by which men lee to walke, to bufic themfehics, and to performe all their works and neceffarie affaires of this life, Wlien the night commeth, and darkncs oucr fprea- (deth the face of the earth, then are thcyfaine tovfc theartificiall light of fireand candle. Without thefethcy canfee to doe nothing, they cannot well f^irre about, all is dolefull and dumpifh,and therefore wee fee that the vfe of the candle is very neccflarieandrgrcat, in all cities, townesand villages. Hereupon it doth foil owe, that feeing the light ofa candle fhall neuer fhinc any more in Rome, that Rome fliall lye defolate and foifaken for eucr. There (hall bee nothing but horrour and darknes, none {hall dwell there to (hut vphis yvindowcby nig^tfot w lij^a candle. " .. , J;..] ;,■ -; There is yet onething more, and that is. And the voyce ofthebridcgrpmc 9na of t he bridc,n .all be heard no more in thee at all. If cities be neuer fo popuJous.yet if there be no gcneration,thcy muft nccdcsin flioitiimccomc to be defolate and cmptie. THE REVELATION. ^6, cmpii onecaufeof the vengeance ot God vponthe Romifh Church, that her marchants ^\cregrownc to be the great men ofthe earth : feeing her falc and inarchaodize of all things bath been fucl),tbai we may wonder that the Lord hath fparcd thenrlo.lotig. l.l^., ,-t ; , ^jr Then followcth the fecond caufe of rhls" vengeance vpon her, in ihefc wordeSj And with thine inchauntment wei c deceiued all nat ions.This is a wondertull abo- ni ination, w hich hath drawne the heatiic indignation of almighiic C jod vpon her, that this Rome, andthib Romifli fynagogue hath played the wuch, and by her witcbcrafi hath bewitched all nations, andfeduccd them to commit whorcdome withhcr. The Popes of Rome and their clergie haue fet vp and maintaiflcdthek vfurpcdpo^vcr, with 'yes, with Heights, and with the illufionsot the deuill : and thutthc nations and kingdoms ofthccarih did belccue them, the holy Gholl call- leth 5^4 SERMONS VPOH lc:h it a vvitchene. And verely if Satan bad not euen bewitched the minds ofmen, how could ihey hauc doted in fuch iort vpon (o fonlc a (hum pet ? Lookc vvhatib- cuerihe ofFred in her golden cuppe, of errors, of iiercfies, oflupcrjftition, and ofi^ dolatricjorofany fpiriruall whoredomes, wherewith fhe did corrupt and pollute the holy WorQiipof God, the fediiced and bewitched nations did rcceiueatKl drinke vp the fame greedily. O the fiithic whoredomes and moll foule abomina- tions, into which Hie drew the people, hauing fo bewitched their mindes. And now (hall file for the fame, rcceiue heriudgement, and bearelthe burthen of che vcnqcanceorGod,whichilialldeHroyandlayherdefo]ateforeuer. Then we fee two'^caufes of her extrcamc miferie ; the firli, that they fet all things to fale : the fcr condjthattheybewitched with the illufions of Satan, the mindes of the people in allkingdomes, andfeducedthem tothe vvorfhippc ofdeuils: and now the third caufe remayneih whichis nottheleaft, which concerneth their crueltieagainfi: the holy feruantsof God, whofe bloud they hauc fhed. It is expreffedin thefe words, And in her was found the bloud of the Prophets, and oftheSaints, and of all that were flainc vpon thccarth. Is not hcrcafuflricientcaufeofdcflrudlion? Is nod here a bloudie citie ? For when he fayth,thatthc bloud ofthe Prophets and of the Saints wasfound in her, it is notto be taken as the papidsdoeglorie, that they haue the treafurc ofthe Church,they haue the bloud and the merits ofthe mar.tyrs, which for money theybeftowe, but that indeede Rome hath fhed the bloud of Gods feruants,and isguildetbercof.In that fenle he faith,the bloud isfound in her, it is vpon her, fhee is defiled with it, thfe Lord God hath fought and found it our. And now finccthc commingofChrift, wbatcitij: can the papiftsfhcwvntovs that hath llicd the bloud of the Prophets and Saints^butRome ? Inolde time, who flied the bloud of'fo many thoufandChriftians in all lands, buttheEmperoursof Ro me ? Was not all done by their authoritie ? The papifls thcmfeIucs,do confeffe thisjfor it is lb clecre that it cannot be denycd. In thefe latter dayes,thc Slaughters and perfecutions that haue been for the Cofpcll inall lands, by whofe power and authoritie haue they been, but of the popes of Rome? Romc'fhedthe bloud of oldjRome doth filed the bloud in thefe dayes.Rome therefore is great Babel here fpoken ofi that fhall bee def^royed for murtheting the Saints ofGod. Other Dabcll fo guiltie of bloud, they can fhew none. And thus wee fee thecaufesf)fher defirudlion, the Lord Icfus forhischo- fcn fake, bring it fpeedily to palTe. Afticn. THE THE REVELATION. g^j THE XLI. SERMON. CHAP. XIX. r Ani after thefe things, I heard a great voyce of a great multitude in heatieft, fi^ifg , Haileitiiah , faluation , and glory , and honour^ and poller , ife t§ the Lord our God: 2 "Becaufe htswdgemcKts are true and righteous y for he hath condernned the great vphore , which did corrupt the earth mth herfornication , and hath aueft' gedthe hlo/id ofhisferuAnts (hedby her hand, 3 And ngaine they faid Halleluiahy and the fmoake of her torments rofe vpfor euermore. 4 Andihe foure andtrventie Blders and thefoure beijis felldorvnejandyrerfhip- ptd God thAt fate on the throne,ftyt»g,Ame»,Hallelu!ah. J Then a voice came omfrom the throne faying: Traife ourGodallhis feruants^ and yc thatfeare him , bothfo? all and great , 6 And ! henrdel'kethe voice of a great multitude , and as the voice of many waters, at'd as the voice offlrong thundringes^ faying Hitllelutah:for our Lord Godalmighty hath raigned. 7 Letvs begl.td and reioice, andgiue glory to him: for the mortage of the Lambe ts come, ard his wife hath made herfelfereadie. 8 An J to her was granted s that fhe fhould be arayedmth pure fme linnen and PjintKg : for thcfi^e Itnnen is the r/gh'eoiif»es oft he Saints , p Then he faide vnto mee , PVrite , blejjcd are they which are called vntothe Lttmbesfupper . .-^ndhefudv^tomcy Thefe wordes of God are true, to And I fell before hh fete to worp^iphim : bnt he f^idevntomcy Sgethiudoe it not • / aw th) fellom fernant , and of thy brethren vohid: haste the te(iimo^ nte of lefnj . h^or/hipGod: for the te/li:rjot3te of /efts is the fpirttc ofpra-- phecte. i^Sf^ E- hniie fecnc in tlic formcrchar^tcr the dcHruilion ofcrcate Babcl paintcil out, and the lamentation, howling anil mour- f^\ ^^^ ""^ ^'^^ iiing that her loucis and friends do make for her .Now in this ^^^ '^ /'f /*i\j chapter in that wliich 1 hauc read vnto yoiu » here is fct forth [('*' A V X '^'^^^»' ^" ^^^ contrarie parte the icy, the rctoycing.ihe triumph, ^r^^ *' tlicprayfinp, and the ir.a^iulving of the name of God by Ji^t^^ • • nil the hcaucniy companies of Angels and of blclVcdfoiiIcs, and by all thctauhtuii vnoocartb^ forhcifall aadde()iudion> in that God hath iuducd 3<^<5 SERMONS VPON iudgcd her. Her deftruf^ion is taken hrauilyofthcm thajlouchcrrbutmoft ioy- full it is vnto all that loue God,and his glory. And that v^ c may know how ihc ho- ly companies in heaucn arc afFedicd with the downfall ofthis filthicharIot,all is by vilion opened and reucaled vnto John, and hee tcl^ficth it in writing vnto vs,all tilings in order. This is no fmallfauour, thefe be not trifles, that the Lord doth rc- uealc vnto vs,wha: the hcauenly companies doc. Let vs be attcntiue that we may ioync with them. There be thoufand thoufandsofholy Angels, as the holy fcripture doth teach, there be many foules of the Patriarks and other holy men, and for this caufe Saint lohnhcaretha great voycc of agrcat multitude, for all ioync together in praifing the high God. And although thcybeemanie, yet it is notaconfufed voiccthat they vtrcr, but a moll fweetc and pleafant harmonic, in which hee vnderllandeth cuery word, as wellas if the voice wcrcvttercdonelybyone. This is miraculous, cuen to teach, that the praifes of God are fet forth in moft excellent and pure ma- ner,with out all confufion,among the hcauenly companies. The firft word which . they vttcr is HalUIuiah. It is an hebrue worde, which is compounded oiHalUlu, which iSjpraife ye ; and M^jWhich is God. Whereby ye may fee that they doe firft -incite and ftirr vp each other to praife and magnifie the Lord.For this isthceflFeift of true iealc, where the creature loucth God indeed with fome intcgritie,not onc- lyto glonfie him^bnt alfo to call vpon all others to doe the fame.Thcy all eric out, HallehiUh^ chat is praife ye the Lord. And ihen they vttcr his praife thus, Salua- tion^ and i^lorie, and honour, and power, bee to the Lorde our GOD. Heerc be foure words in whith they fet forth his praife. In the firft,thcy afcribc vnto him faliiation. For he is theoncly Sauiour,aii health and ialuacion commeth from him •alone. Both men and Angels haue their faluation from him. There is no creature which doth faue it feUe. And here the fpeciall occsficn ii, that hee doth faue his chofen fei uants,cucn his v\hole Church/rom the tyrannic of Antichrift,andfrom the cruell dragon. Then next they afcribc vnto him glory and honour. For who is worihie of glo- ry and honour but he alone? There be many gloriccs and honorable things in his AnoeJji.and in hisSaints, butthey hauc them not of them felucs, he isthefcunuinc they haue receiued them from him.and vnto him is the praife,ihc glory & the ho- nor to begiucn for the fame, Thepapirtsarc all in worfhipping, honouring, and glorifying the creatures : and vainglorious men ftand vpon their ownc worthincs, and couct to be magnified:but the hcauenly company is wholcin glorifyingGod. Let vs(bcloued)cfchew fuch vaine glorie, let vs flic from fuch abominable popifli facrilcdgc, andioync with this hcauenly companie in glorifying andpraijfingour God. LalUy, they afcribc the power to the Lord God in this hcauenly praife. Ihcrc be creatures w hie h arc Hrongand mighty in power : but in God wc liue,vvc moue, and haue our bclng,as Saint Paul teacheih, A(5t. 1 7. fo that all power is from him. Looke whatfoeuer great thing is done by any might, (as here the cafting dovvne of "rcat Babel) whatfoeiier the inftnunents be ihatbc vfeih,eithcr men or Angels, the THE REVELATION. ^6j the whole glory rcdoundcth to God, in i$ much as they haue all their mightincflc from him. This praife being thus founded forth to God,thcre is ioyned therewith, and rendrcd a caufe.in thefe wordes : For true and righteous are his iudgemcnts : for he hath condemned the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her for- nication.and hath aucnged the bloud otitis feruants fhcd by her hand. Is not here great caufc why his glorious praife fliould bee founded forth ? Hee is the iudge of the whole world, hchaihthreatnedfeuere vengeance againii allimpietie, and in time hedoth cxecutethc fame, thereby manifeliing that his iudgements are true, and fliall not faile. Hee dothottentimes defcrrc them, but in the ende they come. Morcouer, w hen his wrath is poured forth.it feemeth to flefh and bloud, to be with ouermuchrigout and feucririe : but all the holy Angels and Saints doe plainely be- hold, and fo thcyproclaimc, thachij iudgementsvpon the \vickcd are righteous and iuft .The torments indeed w hich they fuffer and endure are mod grieuous.buc no more then they hauc deferued,& that doth all this heauenly companic ackno\w- ledge. True and righteous(fiy they)are his iudgements. If any thing do trouble vs when cither wee behold the htfauie wrath of God almightie vpon the wicked, or remember what he doth threaten againd all the workers of iniquitie: call to minde how the whole hcauenlycompantcsdofiibfcribc to his iudgementsastruc& righ- teous : and hold th-s as a moll tirme and vndoubted principle ,that if any thing do feemeowhcr vifcvncovs, it isbecaulc we are corrupt and blind, and that when wc arc fully fet free from all burthen of corruption, we fhal iudge eucn as the holy An- gels doc. Wee cannot now fee into the righteous waiesofour Lord God, as wee fliall then : and therefore wee mart now for che time refl in this, that wee are fure there isnovnrighteoiiInrswiihGod. Here wee muftnote then further, that the whole JKaucniy companies doe laud and magnifieihe LordGodj forhisiudge- menrs: Fot he doi h Oiew forch his gInry,not in the riches of his mercy alone which he cxtendcth vnto many o! his err atvircs.but alfo in the fcueritie ofhis iudgements. His vnfpeakable glory doth vttcr it (cl^c on both fides; and all his holy ones doprq- claimeit. A nd then they come ro the pariicul.ir,fay ing.For he haih condemned the great whore. All this map,nilying then of Godis for condemning and dcliroying Rome and the Romifh SynagO[;ue rforthar isc/cit Babclhhc mother of\.\horedomes and abominatJoni» of t!ie earth. And here they recite two generall heads of her im- pieties, for which the LordCiod in iiiMiced.)ih execute this vengeance vpon her. The one is,that ihe corrupted ihc earth with h:r fijrnication, which hath been fun- drie times mentioned: bccaufe it isathiigiio'l detellable before the Lord. His word and the true light thereof was fpreadjy his faithfull feruants farre and neerc among the nations: his pureworiliip was fet vp and imbracedofmany. Rome vnderthe perlecuting Emperoursa longtime did impugne, but could notprc- oaile. Afterward role vpthe vfnrpcdpoAerofthepopes, and by them this who- rifh citiebe virched and feduccd the nations and kingdomesofihee^rth, and led them into idofatrie and falfe reli ;ion,euen vnto foirittial whoredomc : and this is it which they fay, that (hee had corrupted the carin, w iih her fornication. Is fhe not woiiby 3^8 [SERMONS VPON worthietobecdcflroyed with horrible dcftruftion ? 1$ there anypitleto bee ta- ken vpon hf r, which hath corrupted (o many great kingdomes with her fornica- tion ? Yea arenotalltheferuantsof Godtorcioyce at the dcftru(5iion of fuch an one? It is no malice, it is no want ofcharitie, to wifh the vtter downfall and fub- iicrfion of Rome, andofthofc Romilli Antichriftianlawes, yea and offo manic wicked popifli enemies of the Church andGofpell, as in obttinatc malice per- fccute the truth : vnleife we vyill affirme(which isnioft wicked) that the holy An- gels and bleflcd Saints are in malice and doc want charitic: feeing all thefcdoe glorific and praifc God for the fame. What greaterper feclion in the creature,thcn to be like them ? Ate wee not taught to pray, Thy willbeedoncineanbjasitisin hcaucn ? Andnowmarke thefecond gcncrallbead which tl^ey recite of her impieties? And hath (fay they) auengcdthc bloudof hisfeiuants, (bedbyhcrhnnd. It was matter eiicn enough to mouc all creatures that louc the glory and truth ofGod,ro be glad and to priifc him for the dcrtrudlion offo monfirous a whore, which had corrupted the earth with hcxfornication rbutyet here is furilier matter as yce fee added: and that is her great crueltie infl:iedding thebloud of Gods feruants. Doth notthe innocent bloudof fo many thoufands of holy Martyrs cruelly mur- thredbytheheathcn Emperoursof Romein former times, and oflatter times by the Popes, calland crie aloud in theearesof the Lord for vengeance vpon that bloudic citie ? Is it not euen the office of God the righteous iudgc to bee auenged? 'lsitnotthenourparttowiOiforthetimcinwhichit{haIIbceaccomplifhed,and when It is come, together with all Gods holy feruants in moftrcioycing manner toglorific his holy name for it? The Lorde open our cies more and morejthatwc •rnayfceclccrelythe filthic whoredomesof Rome, how fliee hathcornipted the earth with the fame, and how horrible the crueltie is that fiiee exercifcd vpon the true worfliippers of Godjt^at fo we rp ay more earnc()iy,eue long to fee the wrath ofGodpowredfoorth vpon her in full meaCire: and with thefeheauenly compa- nies, afcribefaluation, glory, honour, and power, to the righteous iudge for the •fame. - It followeth.and againe they Caid^flalle/uiah. At the firft entrance oftheirpraifc which they oiflfer vp to God, they beganne with FJallelftiah^ declaring their vehe- ment zeale which they haueto fct forth his glory, in that they flirvp andprouokc each other to the fame. And now when they haucendcd, they vtter //ltV^/»M^a- ga:nc. What doth this teach vs? It doth teach vs that the Iroly Angels and all the bleflcd ccmpanie in heaijcn do neuerceafrpraiHugand glorifying the Lord God. 7heirIoue, their 2cale, v*^:rhcir delight neuerdiminilhcd.but when thcyhauevt- tered his prnifc,ihcy call ^or ii againe, fayir we arc here taught, v\ hen hcc faith,and againcthey faid, H^HelutHh, Then there came a voycc (faith hee) out from the throne, faying , praife our Godalihisferuants, and ycc thatfeare him, boihfmall and great. 7his voycc commethout from the throne, but yetnotvitercd byhimthatfittcthvpon the tlirone, but by foraecf ihofe glorious Angels which arc fayd to beinthcmid- :,c. Ithathbeenihemanerof olde,bothin Ifrael, and among the Gentiles, that firfl for a time there v\ as a contrail, a promife of matrimonic of cachparty to other, and then after that, a day was appt^'nted, in which they did THE REVELATION. 571 <5Id cclcbratctbcniariagc: So long as the church is in this world, fhe is but be- trothed to Chrifh andchenisthemariagcwhcnhc talvcth her vnto him, into the pofldllon of the heaucniy glorie, vvhich fiialTbc at the day of iudgemcnt. For fo Ipone as the mariagc isceicbratcd,the wife cncrcth with ficr husband, to bee par- taker of all that hce pofTeflcdi. And therefore it ishcrcfaid, thactheinariagcof the Lambe is come. Shcc lliall now no more, nor any ot her children, be vndcr affl«<5tion, being receiucd into the heauenly inheritance. The manage of the Lambcis come. He redeemed her with his blood,he hach wallicd her, and laniK- ficd her, and made her a glorious church to himlclfc by the fame his blood: and therefore Saint lohn calleth it ilie mariage of the Lambe : for al I this he wrought a«thc vnipotted Lambe of God lacrificed vpon the crofle, which tiketh away the fins of the world. Then further, it hath been eucr the maner when a mariage was to be folcmnized,that the bride doth prepare and decke her felfcuith jewels and Qrnaractits.and cortiy apparcll : and accordingly it is faid licre, that the Lambcs wife hath made hcrfclfe ready. We muft ncedes confeflc that this isathingmoft neceff3rie,that this bride fhould be decked and beautified: foi her husband is moft glorious and pure. There muftbenofpotorblemifli,therc muH be no impurity, nor no dcformitie,but all pure and glorious as is meetc for the wife of fucb an huf- band. The decking and the ornaments wherewith fliee maketh her fclfe ready, arcnotfuchas the brides here in th'n world doe vfc, which are the iewels and orna- ments of golde,of filuer.of pcarles, and of ("ilks and precious garments,and of o- ther like earthly and corruptible things : but they be heauenly , and incorruptible. And lead we fliould be ignorant what her ornaments be, theyarc fciforthin the next words which are ihefc,and toherit wasgrauntcdihat fhe fiiould bcarraied Withpure fine linnen and fhining. This is her decking wherewith Qie rnakcih hec ielfereadic. Itmaybefaid, isthis the mo(i precious and the moft glorious at- tire, or is this incorruptible? Pure linnen and fliining v\hich in olJc time they had,wasvcry prccious.butthebridcsof this v\orldalfohadit, and it was corrup- tible. And there bee other ornaments morccoHly. I 3rlfv^e^c,thatyee muft not take this literally, for this pure ftiininglmncnis but a borrowed fpcechto repre- fent another thing. And fo hce doth expound it, faying, the fine linnen is the righteoufnesof the Saints. It is not then fuch fine Inncn as is made and wornc in this worldc. It is heaucniy, it is incorruptible, it is £lorious. But what is this xighteoulnes, or iuflif^rationscf the Saints? We know how the Icripture tca- cheth that wc are iuftificd or made righteous by faith in Chnft. Our finncs are v-aflicd away in his blood, his righicoulfiesis imputed vnto vs. And from this faith there proceedc holy works which doe declare the fame, and inthaifcnfearc fayd to iuftifie. This teachcth vs how carefully we ought to prepare our fellies a- gainft the comming of our Lord Icfus, that v\e may be found holy and chaft and purebctorehim, to come to this mariage. Nowtl>e Anf;cll willcth Saint lohn to write, that they are bleflcd which arc called to the Lambcs fuppcr. Here are (Hll borrowed fpecches, to fet forth the matter. It was the vfe at a mariage, tomakc a great fcaft at night: and thcicforcall the heaucniy ioycsvnco which Chriftrc- Bb 2 cciuctb 372 SERMONS VPON cci'jetb his church, arcfct forth vndcc tbi« word, the Lambcs fuppcr. Hec ma- kcththcm this feall at his mariagc. 1 his matiagc feaft replcnifhed with all hca- ucnly dainties laftcth for cuei-. Therefliallbe ioycs and delights, worldwithout cnde. At the mariagc of his fownc a man of dignitic and wealth, wiildoc all that hccanfortoentertaincthegueftsin thebeftmaner. The kings of the earth then fliew their glorie and magnificence: and therefore the kingdome of heaucnis likened to a king that maried his fonnc,Matth.22. Howgrcat is thcfcaftof a kingatthemariageof hisfonnc? What royaltjc is there ? And what good ihino is wanting that can begotten for money? How great then is the banquet of the moHhighGodjthelCingof all kings, and in comparifonof uhomall the migh- tieft princes are but bcggers, at themariage of his lonne? TheliuingGod is an in- finite treafure of all good things, the abundance whereof, fhall rK>w be Oiewed forth in thisgreat fupper : and therefore Saint John is firfl: willed to writc,that they be blefl'ed which arc called to the Lambesfupper. And for confirmation he faith furthervnto Iohn,thefe wordsof God are true. Here is a wonderful! great thing fct before vs* Let vs take heedc we dcpriue not our felues, and be found witlwut the wedding garment. O beloued, labor for the holy faith, to be fancftified and mademeetetocometo thisheaucniyl'upper. Defpifc all thefe worldly vanities, and vaine delights, in comparifonof it. Forhcre is the honour, here is the life, here is the ioy and eternaU felicitic, and the God of truethhath promifed them. Bc!eeueGod,for his words,as the Angcll faith here to Iohn,are true. Ncuer doubt but that there is fuch a mariage,and luch a fupper prepared, and the happie guefts^ fliall be called thereunto. In the next words, Saint lohn doth record a fault which he himfelfedid com- mit: namely how he felldowne before the feete of the Angcll, to vvorrbiphim.' Where we fliall fee how alfbihc Angcll doth forbid him, fhcwing reafon why he may not in any wife doc fo. For when S. lohn had j told what he did,and what he purpofcd,asthat befell do wne before his fecte to worfhip him : he flieweth alio what the Angcll fayd,as thus, See thou doe it not, lamthyfellowfeniant, and of thy brethren which hauetheteftimonieof lefos, worflnip God : for the teftimo- nie of Icfus, is the fpiritof prophecie. Vpon this (cripture wc are firft to note,- that it is for thefpeciall infiruflionand good of the whole Church,that Saint lohn- rcportcthhisownc fault. For be yeewell affured, that where the holy fcripture recordetb the errors, the flippes, and the falles of the rRoft excellent feruants of God, it is for fingularpurpofe, and forthc neceflarie inrtru6)ion, and great goodof the whole ChurchjCuen of all Gods faithfull feruants. Wcmay firftcon- fider here howcafiethe fall is vnto Idolatrie, w hen fo notable a fcruant of God asSaint lohn doth flippe. He meant not to worHiip the Angcll as God.but being lauifhcd wiihtheglory of the Angcll whichhcbcholdcthheforgetteth himfelfr, and is ready to offer vnto him fome diuine worfhip : as wecfcc A(ft.io. How •when the AngellofGod had willed Cornelius to lend for Peter, and faidehce fliould tell him what he fliould doc, that when Peter came, he fell at his fccte t€> doe that which is not to be done vnto-aoy creature. The heathen people, being lefc THE REVELATION. ^^^^ left to walkc in the vanitic of their owne mindc, did worfhippt whcrcfccucr any diuinc gift did appeare in any creature ; and this led chetn to make many godv. And is it not tobccvvondrcdai: inbliiide men, when this ^rcat ApoHle at the brightnes and gloric of che Angel i forgctteth hi.u lelfc ? The papi'ds in the church of Komc haiie Fallen vnto as groire idclatrie as cue r did the hcathciijifnorgrcircr; forvvheiefoeucrany excellent diiiine<^irt hath been in any cicature,or imaf^iucd to haue bcen,thcre vnto that creature they offer diuinc v-iorfiiip, which belon<^cih oneiy toGod. 1 hey worniipSaint^ and Ange!s,thcy pray vnto ihcni, they dedi- cate Churches and Temples vnto them : they make them mediatours,patrons, and defendouts. They bowe dow nc alfo vnto jmagcs,and dead bJocks.they make fupplication vnto them, which,as the prophet faith, haiic cares and hoare not, eyes and fee notj&c. They doe alfo vvorlliipreiiques anddcadboncs;^ffi:ch as cither haue been holy men, or at the leaft whom they haue foefteeined. Shouldl ftand here to reckon al things which they worfliip with diqinc ho'ciifj vNhichis due toGod alone, I fliculd be very tedious vnto you: for how many fores of bufe creatures th!r>ke ye I might reheat fe of wood, and of iron and fuch like^ before I come to the Hinkingbrcetiies ol Frier Francis w hich they doe worHiip ? Wclljbcholde now in the fecond place (after ye haue obferucd how eaf.ly men fall into idolatrie,as to worfliip crca aires in which there appeare diuinegracesj whatafingular goodncs andprouidcnceof Godhere llicvveth it felfc towards his Church. This prophecic svasgiuentoinHruifl and toarmc the trueferuancs ofGod,ag3in(hhe idolatrous kingdome of Antithiid, that they might not bee draw ne away from his pure and holy w orfhipjVnto the worfhipping ofcreatures. Saint lohn that rcceiueih it as the holy feruant of God, and as the penman of^he holy Gho(},doth flip, and is readie to worfliip a creature. He rccordeth this his er- ror vnto all pofleritie.to take noticcofir. And not oncly that, but he flieweihalfo ^.JjgwtheAngell didforbidhim,and flicwreafon why neither hec nor any other might doeit. Bcholdchcrc('asI faid)rhc Angular goodneflcand prouideiicc pf Godjthat the flip of his feruant fliould be an occafion cucnB that bookc v\*hich painteth out Antichrifl,io cut downc all Antichriflian worfliip : for by the words of the Angell vnto Iohn,al the whole popcrie is oucrihro wnc, which is in adoring creatures. For if it bee not lawfull to bow downc and to worfliip To glorious an Angell.thcn is it not lawful! to worfliip any Saint. Ifit be not lavvfuU to worfliip liiofc hohc and excellent crcaturcs^then is icnot lawfull for to worfliip things which arc bafcr.as images of gold and of hluer^of brafTc.of wood and of ftonc : norallthofcreliqucsand rotten bones. For it is a mol^ clcere thing, thatif jany creature maybe worfliipped with religious worfliip,thcybce tliofc which are the htghcft in digniiic and gloric. But the words of this glorious Angell doc flicw plainlyihathcmay notinany wife be worfliipped. See (faith he) that thou doe it not. And he doth not oncly thus forbid him, but flicwciharcai'oPjwhichisin thcfc words : I am thy fellow lcruanf,andof iby brcthrcn,which haue the tcltimo- riic of Icfus. Worfliip God. Bb 3 O 574 SERMONS VPON O vvorthic fpeech tofet vpthc worfliip of God aIoflc,which the wicked idola- tersdoc caiiill at.biir can neuer darken the clcerencs thereof. Thusic i>andcth,no fellow leiuanc is tahaue that giuen vnto him by his fellow i'eruants vvhich is ti\Je to their Lord -. Then there is but one Lord ouer aUj which is God. AOhis-crea* tures ycacucnthe highefljthofe glorious Angels in hcauenhaue received from hiai al! the good things vvhichbe in thcm,they be but his feruants,andthc fellow feruiif-tsofhis Saincs.Thc fellow feruantsvnder one Lord mufi not worfiiip each other, and thcreforethe Angell faiih, Worfliip God. There bee degrees ofexcel- lencie,ofgifts, and ofdighitie in men and angels, but yet they be all vnder or»© Lofd whom they are to worfhip alone : which is here ratified thus: lam thyftl- lo'vv fcruant/ee thou doe it not, worfhip God. The ceffimonicof Icfus^ faith he,' isthefpiriVof prophecie. ThcAngell comining with thisteHimonicof iefus,as the holy Apoliles and Prophets did,faith he is their fellow kruant.hec commen- dethtoextoll andtomagnific the fame Lord lefiis. What exclamation the pa- piHs make againft vs that wee will not vvorlliip Angels and Saints, that wee will not bow nor kneele to their images,nor make our prayers vnto any but to God^al men doe know. O thefe heretikes,fay they, thefe heretikes are not friends to the Saintsand Angels, butdoe holdfrom them thcirrightand doe difhonour them. And thefe popiflT idolaters fuppofc that they doe highly delight and pleale iho holy Angels and bicflcd Saints, whenvvith facrilcdge they afcribc vino them the honourjthcglorieand worfhippe which is due to God alone. Whereas itisniofl certaine.ihat as it is the whole delight and ioy of the bleflcd companicsio heauea to haue the gloric of the Lord magnified :fo nothing doth mere difplcalcthctii; then when his word lip and honour is giuen away from him, cither to chemlelucS or to any other creature. And all of them will fay as this AngcUfaych here. Sec ye doc it notjWeareyour fellow fcruauLSjWorflilp God. This place being foclecrc, and fo lii'ong againffail idolaters, that with diuirw wor/Iaip doe adoi^ngcls and Saints, ai"id images of dead crcatuics. the iciuitcs baue bent all thepWcrof their witcesto weakcrtand to darken it by cauils, that fo they may hold fillie ignorant papifts Hill in their poperie: Firii, they make this diliin£i!on,that there is a diuine adoration called L4/m, and that fay they, is pe- culiar to God, and whofoeucr giucthit to any creature, comraitteth idolatrie. Then they fay there is a religious worfhip inferiour vnto thac,\vhich is called Dh' ka, which they fay is lawfully giuen vnto Angels and 5aints, and to their images. Tins is a friuolous cauill ; for in the fJebrew tongue,both in the fecond comman- ment,and in many other places oftheoIdcTelTament, this D/^Z/rf, vvhich in the Greeketongucrgnifiethferuice,ischallenged peculiarly to God. Anditisto bee proucdjthat in the ancient vfeofthe Grecke tongue Z-^t/rw, andD////<< did (igni- Jfie one ihing,fauingthat 'DulU was vfed forthe deeper fubicvi^iio in fcruice.Now fayihe lefuucsjSaintlohn miftookcthe Angdl, forhetooke bimto bee Chrift, bccaufe heappcared vnto hini in that fortjwhich we rcade in the firft chapter,an dcth. THE REVELATION. y^s d€ih,fhcwingihathccisnotChrift. I anfwcrc.rhat tocheirfojrmcrvainciliftiti- dion,hcrc ihey addc anviuructh: fordiatwas Chri(t in thcfirrtchaptcr,andye may fee hovvS.Iohn faith in the beginning ofchaprcr 17. that this Angell which flicwcth him the damnation of the great whore, and before whom hcc fallcth downCjWasoncofthefeucn Angels which had the feucn vials. This cauill bcinj^ anfwercdjlct vscome to another. They make an cqualitic bc- t wcenc Saint lohn and the Angell in honour with God ; io thar the Ani^cll know- ing his great graces and merited before Qod, wouid not accept of atly worfnip oK fubmiflion at hishands : though he in humilitie did offer it,as againe in clupc. : 2. v%hichhc would n6il)aucdone,if he had bccnprecifcJyaduifcdbyihc Angel buc a moment before,of error and vnducifiilnesinhiijfadt. If thisbce fo, why would not the Angell haue tolde it , that the Church might know how farrc her children might proceede in worllvipping of Angels ? Nay, why dothheefpcakc fo, as that he rcfufcthit at the hands not.of John alone, but of all that haue the teliimonic of Iefiis,yeaofalltheferuantsofGod:forhefaith,chapter22.that hceisihefollowo fcruanc of all that keepe the words of this booke. Then no Cnriftian is to w orfh^ this Angell,but,as he willeth eucry onc.worOjipGod. Doih the Angell fay, thcu (lult notdoeit,thou art as good asl ? Ifhcdoe,becaufe he faith, I am thy tcilow feruant,ihcn he makcih all the fcitbfuli his equals,and fo will bee worfliippcd of none. But fay they, Abraham adored the Angels that appeared vnto him,Gcn. 1 8. lofua fell downc flat, and adored the AngcJI that appcarchfch no man knoweth hut hrmfelfe, 13 Andhe vfOf clothedtvith a garment drpped in hlood:^ and his name u coiled the word of Goi^ 14 tAnd the warriors i? kith are in heat4en,follm>ed him vpon white horfesjclo- thed with fine linnenandpure, X J t^nd oHt of his month went afharpefmrd^ that with it hePtoald fmhe the- heathen: for he pjrul rule thr*»n'itharodof/ron:forhe ids that treadelh thewineprejfeofthefiereenesandxvrathefGodalmightie, '■' %6 ^yfndhe hid vpon his garment, andvpon his thigh a name written,the Ktng of K>ings,and Lordof Lories. , 1 7 And Ifaw an Angellflandin the Sfinne,who cried with a loud vojce, faying to aflthefow lest hat didflie by the middefl ofheauen, (fome and gather your feluest9gether,tothe fnpper of the great god^ X 8 Thatyemay eate thefie(hof^ttgT,tindrhefeJh ofthehigh ea^aines,andthe flepj ofthemfghtiemen,andthefle(l) of horfes^andefthemthat (it vpon the, andtheff/h of all free men,and of bondmen^of fmall and great. I?p Then Ifaw the beafi, and the Kings oft he earth, and their armies gathered together to makewarre agarnfi him that fate on the horfe, and with hit ar- mie. 10 Andthebeafiwastaken^and withhim the falfe prophet which wrought mi- racles before him,wtth which he [educed them that receiuedthe beajls mar^ and them that worpffpped his. image, both the fe were cafi altue into a lai^ that bfirneth with brimHone. z I tAndthe refi werefaine with the fworde of him that fitteth vpon the horfe, which commethoHt of his mouth: and all the birdes n ere filledwitb their fiePu I Twas roldc vsintheeleucnih chaptcrof this booke, chat tliebcaftafcending out ofthc bottomles pir,fIiou!d m^ke v^'arrc againft the minif iers of Chrirt,and ouercomc them. And againc it is faid in chapter 1 ^ .tl)at it was iMtJcn to him, to Warrc with chcSaints^andto oucrcomethcni.This hath been fulfilled and ispaft, and THE REVELATION. 377 andgonc; Aniichrift hath a long time murthercd the true vvorH^ippcrsof God, and that way prcuailcd againfl them and oucrcamc thcin : and noA the cafe doth. altcr,for here com mcth the t imc.that he and all hi $ flialhc ouercomc & dc(koycd forcucr in eternal! deHruilion. The deOroyer fhall be deftroycd, his time now commcth. Here is therefore a right glorious,and right glorious dcfcription ofour graund captaiiic Icfiis ChriO, with his armiccommingtbrthtobattcllagainrttl^e, and ouer'coniming thcm.Thc conquerors Oiall now be conqueredjihe dcfiroyers fhaii be (as I laid) all dcflroycd. Firft S.Iohn faich,that he law hcauen open, and from thence coinmeih forth this mightie captaine and his armic. We hauc fecnc before in this booVc.that the bcaf} arileth out ofthc bottomlcs pit,all his power is from hcl/,ciicnofthcdiuclI rand now thepower that fliall ca(Thimdowne,and dcflroy him is ot God from heauenrand therefore lohn feeih hcauen opcn,& this armitcommingfoorthtothcbattcll. As the bottomlcfle pit before was opened chap.^.foherclvcauen is opened. And as the great captaines,& mightie warriors, ride Vi'.to battel I vponf S. John (aithUut [lie name is written. Alldocrearlcaodknowihathehathlucha name : but kno a- it or com prchcnd it.they cannot. He knovvcth it,bcing the cter- nallwifedomcotthctather.Forthisycmuftholdasanvndoubxd principle,that the blefled Angels in heaut?, \a hich arc faid to behold the face ofGod^cannot be- hold huTj in his pericdtionrfor he is intinit,and how can any creature comprehend thacvvhich is mftnit? Inthcncxtpartofthedcrcription.hcflicwcthhowhcisa- rayec^orin what manner ofcloihing hccommeth; for he faith, he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood. This is theattyrcofhim that hath madeflaughtcr of hiscnemics: for a mightic man which in battel] flaiethwith the fword, hath his garments fprinkled and f}ain«l with blood candfuchastrode thewinc-prcflcjthc red iuyce of the grapes did (iaine their clothes. This great Lord ofourahaih made flaughtcr of his enemies in all ages, and hath trodea then> like grapes in the w inc- prcllc ofGods wrath: and therefore commingfoorth now to battell againft the bealf ,and the kings ofthe earth which take his part, he is fhewed in vifion clothed with his warlike garment, all fhincd with blood, toreprefent what fhall befall thefe enemies. This declarcththat hecwili now execute vengeance vpon them and dcrtroy them. Thenye may fee wiiat his garment dipped in blood, doth prc- 't;yid.A«d wee miili note, rhatall this is accdrdirtgto the ancient figure: for the Prophet fc-fay,thap 6:j .bringcthin Chriit,hauingwiadc flaughtcr of the enemies of his Church, with his garments all ihinci'l with their blbod. The wicked papifts "Tiow at jleafurc doe bIiiphen\ehi5tnicth,andperfecutethoie which doc prcfelle hrtheyinakc fmall acconntofany thrcatning whichhcchath vttcred : but they fliail rtnde him a'molhcrribleCJod of vengeance. His vengeance is here forefhc- -uicd'iahiscjiirmcnt. Woe bcto ai!hisctiC!nie9,wherthis'gann<>nrisonceputon: for hiw l>iall they ck ape ? Let vstakchecdc that wee be uotfound iqthccampc - 'of his enemies : qs all thofc bee whithimpiigne and hinder the coirricof his CjoI- pcii. Yea to bpefurc,thaLwecfhall not bee found among the encmieSjlet vs fight valiantly on his fide in maintenanceofthe holy faith, again(b,all the wicked cor- ruptersof the holy and pure rciigionjOtherwife vvedoe not our dutic. Thcnheaddcth,rhatbisname!sca!lcd,thevvordofC]od.Hehndbcfore,aswc haucfcenc, a name that none did know huthimfelfc, which is his incomprehetv fiblc mSiefiic : and here lite is fct toortivby a name that wee m ay vndcrfiand and know,and tnatis,hcc iscallcdthc word of God. This isnottobce takcnforthat wordof God which is written intheBiblc,orv\hichis pronounced: but as Saint lohn fpcakcch in the firf}> chapter of iiisCjorpc]l,huhcbcginninpwa&ihc word, and ther/ord was uitli God, and the word was God. This worcTofGod is very ,6odbmrclir,cucrt the ctcrnall wifcdonicofibc^'acher,thclccond perfoninthc rtioH.gloricits triniiic. He opcncth and manifcdcd) all the cbunfels of God : he is •tlicpubliilKi^ of liiswil'.in him;andby himih: father hath manifcficd hinifclfc to the world: whereby wc may perceiuc why he is called the word of God For as in mar^p, 580 SERMONS VPON man.thccounfelsand intents, and purpofes lye fecret and vnknownCj vinill by word he vtter them,and k is his word that manifeiieth the fame : jfo the Lord Ic- fusas the cflentiall\vorde.(which no Similitude can exprt.fle fully) openeth the counfclsofthe father.. Antichrift,aga.in(l whom hcecommctli foorth to battel], challenged tohimfelfe this glorie,that vshat he vttcred and decrced,Tt muft be ta- ken as ihe vndoubtedtrueth of God,andfo robbed this great Lord of his honor, for which he will now bercuengedvponhim. In the next place is fl^cwcd.ho w the warriors in heaucn doe follow him, which be on his part. For altix>uglvhc bee of that power, that hee can alone without the . hclpc of ar.y,denroy at oitce al his enem.ies,yea cuen with the breath ofhis mouth: yet notwith(ianding,hevieththe mimOrie bothof men and Angels, & h.ith great armies of iioble wsrriors to fight againft the beafh They are fayd to bee warriors in heaucn, not that they bee onely the Angels; biic becaufethe* miniftersot the Gofpell vponc3rih,and all the right valiant menbfwarre which fight with the matcriallfword againll An.tichri(t,doe not fight for any earthly caule, nor with earthly power, but for the kijigdome of heauen, and with heauenly armour : for thofc refpccls they arc likewifelayd for to be warriors in heauen. All thefe follow the great captaineIelijsChri(l,they fight vnderhis banner, armed with his might, for his caufe,and by his direction. Thefe ride all vpon horfes,thcy be fw)fc,flrong, and well appoyn ted alfo to the battel!. Theirhorfesbccwhite, which fignificth innocencieandpifritie; forthefe fight not as men hcere in the world commonly doe^lcd dicreuntoWith furie and v\Tajth,and with bloodie and cruell afFeftiors, or forvaincglorie : but with the lone and pure zeale of Gods glorie. Then may wee notCjthat as they haue a good caufe,fo they dge handle it well : they follow thpir capt3ine,andfland in the defence of the trueth, and ofGodsholyv\orfl-»jpagaJnft thellomifli bcaO, with all integriticand fimpiicitie.O what a oleflcd thing it is, bcIoued,to bcof this company^to fight vnder this captaine,vvKh lb holy and pure affed^ion .' Take courage and ({and ibt the glorious Gofpell, that wee may bee of this armic that follow ChriH vpon white horfes. It is fayd further, that out of his mouth went a iharpe fwordc,that with it hee fhould fmite the heathen. This is the weapon which he dooth fight withall,with v\ hich he lliall (hike the hcathcnjeuen all his prophane enemies. They bee Chri- ilians in name which w orfhip the beait, but yet heathen in deede. fhis f'.vordc commeth not out of any mouth but his, it is bisowncmightie worde. Itisveric fliarpe,yea as it is fayd in the epillle to the Helxc wcs,chapter 4.fharper ttien any two edged fword. With this he Hriketh and flayeth not onely wicked men, but e- uen the diuels.This pute word doth not only flay Anticbrift with fpiriiuall death, but alfo manitclkth and difdofeth their abominations, and fo wcakeneth their multitude, and laycth them open to the material! fword of princes. For in this laft battcll ofChriH againrtthc bea(i, there fliall bee not onely a fpirituall flaughter, but alfo a killing of their bodies Iiere vpon earth with the fword in warres. In the next place here is a frying out of the fccond Pfalme, that he Qiall rule them with a rod of itoD.The Prophet Dauid in that Pfalme dcfcribing the kingdom of Cbrift, vfcth THE REVELATION. 581 vfech this fpecch, that be fhall breakc them with a fccptcr of iron, and dafh them inpccccsHkcapottcrsveCidl. Aniron mace (loth eafilybcitc an earthen pitcher all 10 riicards, and w iih luch power fhal) Chrift bcatc downcall the wickcd,thcy (lull bcbut eucn hkcpot flieards. Tlie enemies arc very many,and they be migh- tic : for Satan tnu(kreihgreatarruJes,but Chrifl lefus alone is too (hong for them all. They bee arrogant and proudc,and lift vp thcmrclues in their multitude and rircngch,as if chcy could doc at pleaftirc what they luft : and yet in very dcedc arc but as earthen pitchers before him, when he fliali ihikctheni withhis ironrod. Here is alfo by another fimilitudecxprcflcdjhowheeriialldeltroy all the wic- ked. The duflcrs of grapes are cue downe and cart together into the wine-preflb, and then thrydottead the preffe to cru(h out the iuyce of ihem. Hell isihe great winc-prcfl'c ofthe wrath of God,.ali the vngodlyftiall bee call into itonheapcs cuen as cluOcrs of grapes, and theLorde ieftis ifhall(as he fayth here) tread this wJoc-pTefTc of the fiercencs of the wrath of God altnightie. There is yet one braumhofthedcfcriptionof thiscaptaiacrcmaining,whichis,thathchadvpon bis garment,and vpon his thigh a namcwrittcn,ihcKingof kings, and Lordeof lords. This is a name of great dignicie and glorie,ihathc is King of kings,and the ruler ouer al rulcrs.Thc kings ot the earth and the great men hauc many vnder thciu 'Ahichbetheir fubicdts tbutthefckingsthcmfelues bee fubiei^ vntoChrift, and he doth raipne ouer them. Wi fee then v\ hatmannerofonc he is which here commcth fooith vnto battcll, doubt .not of ihevidorie : for who is it that fiull widilbndc him? Tl)c bcalfand the falfe prophet arc flrongindeede, they hauc kings on ihcir fide, tlKyhajiCgrcaiarmics and powers, ihf y be fierce and cruell : but ve: they Hull all do wne.htTC is one that is too hard for them all,if they were teniie thouliind times as lhongasthcy;bee. And that folioweth now in the text : ••4bftasS.lobnhathretfoiitbciieglodfit,asDfoofujaUconqueli,itisbcreprociaimcd,defcribcd, andfetforthinan^^tiexcclicnt.and goodly naanDci./ ) oi:iv -c^tc L lfaw(fayth$.lttlfcn}an Angelli^aBdinthcSunnc'.'HeroitthcpracIaimer of the vi6tdric,andthe place in which he ftood for to prodaime it. It is an Angell^ c- uen one oftheheaucnlyniinifjersjwbich God hath appoynted to this work. And: as they that proelaitnc any ii)nttci;,fccke fomc placet© Hand in where they may bee bed heard: fotjujAngill (hndcth intheSunne. The Sunnegiucth light to. the whole world, it compaficth about, and the eyes of all are turned towards ic, arukhercfore the bftcH place to Ixc cholcn for this piirpofe. But here it may be fayd, the battel] is not yet foughr, here is then proclamation of viilorie, before thcbattell. Is d»ar a right order? I anfv\ere,tbat in mcnsmattcrsitis aprcpoftc- rous order : but not in Gods matters. It hath fallcnout oltcntimc$ in the w arres, vv^Knas princes haue Rone to battellwith their armies each againli other, that the fmajler arm ie and farre the weaker hath golden olKvic^orio. It isas it pleafcth' the Lord God of hoafis todifpofc. Wherefore in tlK>rebattaiIcs totriumphbe- for« ihevil^orKjUrDQ wifc^P captaine.and of the vic^orie which hcifball obtainejhetie foHoweth a briefe men- tion of the capraines and aiinics ofthe aducrfaries,w hicb arc (Ik wed vnto lohn in vifion alfo.For as it is with the kings ofthe earth w he they go forth vnto the wars, that they bring their armies, where they nveete togeiherand try it out,fobere thefc armies doemccte. There is muflring.there is ieuying of power, and there is raee- ting,and aflembli ng , atidipreparing as faft as may bee on the cnem ies part; I faw ffaith lohn) thebeafJ, andthe kings ofthe earth, and their armies gathered togc- ther,to make warre agarnft hjni that fateon the horfe.and with his armie.Hcre ye i'ee thai! which I noted in gcncrall, that here is great preparation, and the meeting of the armies : and now we may obferue fundrie particulars. As flrf^,the captainc ofchisarmic appearetb^fbr heefayth, I faw the bcaft. Chrift commctb formof^^is the leader in theother armic,and here in.this armie the beaft : for the beaft is their Gerierall. Some may demaund,ls not thediuell the graund captaine oucr all the armies of the wicked enemies of^ God? Doe they not all fight vnder his banner, and in the defence of his kingdome ? How iiitthcn that the bcaft is fcenc as the chicfc THE REVELATION. 585 chicfeonthis part ? Foranfwere vnto this,yc muft confider ihcfc three things: fir(t, that the diuell^'as it is in chapter 1:5. hath giucn to the bcjft his power and throne, and great autlwritic. Whereby wee are giuen to vilderftand.that Satan workcth by the bea(t,the beaft is but his inftrunient which he vfcth,and thepctbrc Satan is not hercexcludcdjalthough he appeare not in vifion. Then for the fccond, we may note,that in this vifion here arc (hewed vnto lohn, onely thofc which in open apparance make warre againft the Gofpell, & againll thofe vNhich profirfle it. Satan doth indcedc worke ail this warre which is made againft our Lord: but he doth it clofcly. Heftirrethvpthe beaHandthekin^^sof the earth which take part with thebcad and all theiraimieSjbutyctfoashe fcdu' ceth them : for hedoih nottellthem plainly chat they fh all fightfor him,tomain- tainehiskingdome,ortobe his fcru ants/or that would take away their courage : Neither doth he Ice them vndcrdand, that heeleadcth them againlt theLordlc- fus , againft the molt glorious Gofpell of GcxJ and against his Saints: for that were horribie,buthe bearcththcm in haind that they (hall fight for the Catholikc faith, and for the Gaiholikc Churchy againitherefies, and hcretikcs,and againft ucwe learning. Tluis 1 fay,he (educeth thcm,and ieadeth them vnto the barcell againft Chrift. riien may ye note, that although he doe not appeare in the vifion ac this batteli^becaufc he worketh clofely,yec he 15 their graund captaiiic, vnda wbofe banner they docallofthcm fight. The third thing then,why hie is not here felfbrthjn this vifion comming to this battel), is that he hath been lb generail a doer in all ages,that here followeth a fpc- ciall vifion for him in the nejrt chajKer. For as the beaft and all his power is here ouerthrowne, fo in the next chapter wee (hall fee how this great captainccuer them all,eucn the dragon,is taken, which fct them all on worke.* fhus may ye lire fomercafons,whyhedotbnotir»^ibisvi(ion appeare. Now touching the beaft heerefpokenofj which is thecaptaineinthisarmic, with whom fomckingsdoe ioync, itishc which IS fct forth ai)ddc(cribed,chap- ter 1 5. it is the Romane Bmpire,botij the former and rhelatter;that is both of the Empcrours whK h were heaiheb.and ot the Popes^as it is moft euidcnt in that 15. chapter. This beaft hath becne the murderer of the Saints,eucr fincc the time of our Sauiour Chrift. And aUhoughiliepovcrofrhis beaft, thtough the preach- ing of Gods holie wordc,is greatly dimioiftied, yet hee ceafeth not to w arrc (till tgainft Chrift, and ftiall doc cacn vntiil he bee vttcrly ouerthrowne: yea and morcoucr wee fee it euidcnt, that fbmc kings and great potenrates fliall ftill take hispartjCuen to thcendcAlfoniarke how ic is f^cwed Saint lohn.tbat the kings and their arnjics arc afTcmblcd with the beaft, te fight againft Chrift, They ioync clofe and faft together, the)' haue entered into a league, which they call the Holy League, and bound ihemlclucs by othe and vouc, 10 rootc out all thofe ihatprofefrcthpholicCofpcUj which they callherefic. It is greatlie to bee wifticdthat allkin^s and princes and Churches which haue renounced that idolatrous tyrannic of Amichrift,and imbiaccd the holicGofpell, would joyue as (irmcJic agaynii ihcm , 1 hey ;doc not oncly ac this day ioync fo together, but allb' 3S4 SERMONS VPON alfoarcfoinduflrlous and fo full of their crafiie fleights,andfubtill dcuifcs,and colourable rhcwcs as ic is wondcrfiillcoconfider. And (hall they bee fo diligent, and fo forward in fobad a caufe,euen to fighcagainft Chrirt,and that to ferue the diuell to their cternall deOrudlion ? AndOiall not we be asrcadie and forward to fland in the defence ofthe holic worlTiipand gloricofthe Lord our God, feeing itfliall bcvntooureucrlaftingfaluacion? Shall they doe more for their re warde with the diuell inhell.vvhofe fcruants tliey bee, and whom they doc obey : then we for the reward \\iuchChriftinheaucn,vvho»-nasourrnof^ gracious Lord, wc€ ought moft Willing to feruc ? Let vs be euen afhamed tp come behind thele wic- ked fouIdiersofAntichrift,which,herc ai'e gathered to the battell.Shah they bee more faithful! to their v\ icked Lord, then wee to our i;ood Lord ? They aflembic CO the batiell^andic follovveth prefeniiy,thebeal^ was taken, and the falfe pro- phet with him. It isdone without any difticuUic to Chrift,though their power be great : for he is of infinite power. Wee may note that here is awarre-hkephrafe V fed when hee faith the beaft istaki^n^andwithhimthefalfe prophet : for in the warrestliey vfetotakethcgfeat captaincsaliueif they can : lobe they here taken aliuc^not for t6f^acethein,beingipmooftrous rebels agajnii God, but for their greater lon-nentjas vve/hallfeeitherealfocKpreffcd. But what (kill we fay to*his,thatherc is mention of thcbeaft,and of thcfalfc prophet alfo? If the bea(i comprehend ail thcRomane Empire, both the former which w asof the heathcnBmperouirs.aiid the latter which wasofthe Popes, who is this falfc prophet, that 'V^Tought '»t>ir,a(fles,ihat fcduccdthcm thatworfhippe4 the beafts image,j»ji|d*et!ei^cd hismarke ? Js not this, iajfe prophet the Pope and bisClcrgie, which fcduccd the world with lying wonders ? Wee hauc anfwej;ed this before in the vifions which haue bin fhcwcd to S. John, as m chapter 1 3 . there were two beafts,the one w ith ^ucn heads.the other with tMofneB is the papacie. He is a feuerall betrtt by himfclfc, in that he cxcrcifethai)Qther.po\ver, bcfidesithe power of the hcathcjjuEmpctors of Rome,and he is one head^of the fame beall,in that hefct vp the image of thatrfor- m6rbcift,andcxercifed that po'wer alfo wl^chtb3t former bead hid done. And To the Angel, chap. 17. faich,.t(ha;t the ieurnth head of the bead is alfo the eight. In that hcc is one of thcieuen heads of thatformer bead, heis included inthat bcaft; and in:thatl>ee isthee^ght,thatis,an head by himlclfc,befidesthat other bea/i,thcrcinhe is'thcfaI|«prphft.Aildthcrforcasincl)3p.i ?.thercappearctwo beaOs which opprelTe theChurch : Co here againe t,l*ey he fet forth by two, that is, the bead and the falfe^pr/^phetjthatwee might kneng';andc into which thofc wicked ones fha 11 bee call,and euen iri mod- fearcful nianer,vvhich is exprcffed by.this.tbat tliey are cart inaliiic. Fortlwrcarc degrees of torments, and thoTc great jnaHcrs of mifchicfc fliall THE REVELATION. 38j jlhttllbaiie ihc greatefi torment, next vnto the diucls. All that take pan with them ire damned^ for hcc faith, they arc flainc with the Iwordc \%hich commcth ouzo( ChriUs mouth.thai is, with the word ofGod. And that is a fpitituall dcaili and c- iicrlaflin". Thus yc fee the end of ali Gods cnemics.cuenofall thacrppofcthem- fcluesagainli his iructh,andagain(t his Church. Andtocxprcflc thcgreatncs of thcOaughter, itisfaid,andall the birdes wcic filled with dieirficiK Thus much couching this vifion. ' THE XLIII. SERMON. CHAP. XX. e/vV.'\;j^..-^M\T > Saint lohnfaith.e^W 7 ftran Angellciep'eftdingfromheaMenihau'mgthe^y tfihe bptt^mleffe fttyand a great chawe in hu hand. I his doth not fet foorth Sa- tans finall deftiutifion,biit an ancient matter,that is^howlie was bound andchai- ncd vp in olde time. And therefore there is in this vifion preparation flicwed for that matter, for hcere commeth an Angell from heaucn with the key ot the bot- tomlcspitjanciagteatchaine. Here is the key ofiheprifoninto whithhe muHbe locked vp,and the chaine with w hich he muft there lye bound. Then who is this Angell, and when came he downe thus for to bind him,and tolock him vp in the bottomles pit ? f his Angell is our Lord Icfu$,thc great qhaine wherewith he doth bindhim.isthc holy and pure doftritieof theGefpell.thetime when he was thils taken and bound withic, was when firft Chri/i preached it, and then his Apoftles vnto al iiaiios. A lul no' v marke how he is bound. This dragon,as we fee is fet forth chap. 1 2 . luuing fcuen heads and ten horncs_, and vpon his heads fcucn crownes. He had with his mi^t and with his fubtilties fcduccd and ouercomeihe nations THE REVILATION. ^8^, of the earth, and raigncd as I ord and king^yca they wot fliippedhim as Cr^<\. iVrf all the wotfhip of ttichcaihen nations v^^^1c:flfe arttf HcfScibut ■'6S ibe riicrtibtrs ioynccj vtito thbir head rand d they zrt fjyd tolliie i'rtd t^Arar'JVc \\'ith Chrirt. This do-ihJfie is accbrdm^ id rfic woWs ^FChVifi'co FrisApoilfcs^Vc {^all fit vpon t wduc ftatcs,iudgihg.tht c Wduc ki ibes of Ifracl. And to that \^'iiffci» Saint Piul fiiih^Know yc not that we fhall iudge the Angels ? r .Gor.d.5 .Sothat it may vtry well be faid her€,tha^the foultsoftfec tnartyVs doc fit vpon featcs^and judge,and riignt wlf b Chriftt bik I caVc it^thaft iSiafirit lohn d6tIino^ hcrt al(^<; fct rorth^he(ktcofiheChU«Htriurt»phfrrA,i^thkiarts. -Ifiviijfaithtie) feat*wr was (hepawet ofourLord Icfui) excrclrcd vvhileft Satan lay bound with hfs'lfhaiht'; In tWs'tHbij'fand y teres th^fe'Churchcs didliuc andraignc withChrift. For that latter daufcwhichis^thcy didliuc and raigne, may very well be referred to the former pare of the ftntence : and not oncly to the foulcsofthemartyrs-'Ujhkliiiuc with Chrrft ffijr eiitf more. He fpcakeih t!icn,as I fupporcjhovvthc'churchhcre tponcarih Oiouldliuc knd raignc wiihChrifi tho/c thoufand yctes.in which the dragon was tycd vpfiom feducing :For all the faith- ful! doe after a fort liue and raignc with Chrift while they be hcie vpon tlic earth : feeing that through faith.theyouercome the world.as it is written: i.Ioh,5.Thcy fubdiie Satan,3nd finnc. This is to be obferucdagainrt the error of the Chiliafies, or Mrllenaries.They be'oothbn^/or Chl/tiU ih the Greckc tongue is a thoufand/ zndMtife rsfohiaiVy in rt^etatir^.'So that Ci^//Vi/*?r/,or y^i/i7r»rfr;) 'arc they vVl^Uh' fromthi^ Scripture did gathcr^that after the oiicrihrowofAntichrilVhe Lord Yc- fus would come, and with the faithfull raignc hcere a thoufand yecrcs vpon the e'anh.Andtbat in this lime, that Chrift/liould fo raigneas a great andglorioUs kihg Vp6r> Wrth, his fuSied^s Hioiild inloy all manner of earthW jple3(i4f cs and 3c?, lights. Thib fonff cVror iieottftitetlby the vvordsthatfblloyv ihihc t«Usi\x/^^ fccaftcfward. '^" tcr thofc thoufand yecrcs are cxpircd,cuen in thedaies that Satan againe being Ice loofe/educcih the nations. It may be anfwered,that the fecond beaii,ihe tyrannic of the popcs.whichis calledthc falfe prophet^ rpfcnot vpofa fuddcn^or at pncc, tiftit bydegrccs,and vyasgrownc to a great height before that full loofing of Satarx. Wc rcadp how Saint Paulfpcakeih of itj^ 2.Thcf.2. How the my/^crieofiniquitic (did worke euen in his time. If Satan in thole dales of the Apoftic when the grca- tcftpower wasfortobindehim,did fecretlylaythc foundations of tha? "-kked jip6tifl(ie,v\ c may well thinke that the worke was grownc to fomeperfc^ionjb^^ fore the thoufand yeeres were cxpircd^ : although not to fii^h as at the full loofing ?md after theloofing of Satan. So: then there might be,and was, great lyranj^ie v* fed againft the feruants of God before iSatans lpofing,by rfie fecond beaft, hmaj befome wil fay,that although thofe holy feruants ofGod which v^ ere put to dcaih^ bccaufe they would notworfhipthe image ofthc beaf^, were after the (houfancj y«ares,yet Saint lohn fccth tliem altogether in v^fion.with thofc v\ hie h were flaine by the heathen Emperors in the former part ofdiqfc tKoufand yeaies, ., If Wfi^ cake it fb, how could hefay , that they did liue and raigne with CbriH, th^^ thou-t iattdyeares? I take it therefore, that the words are thus to bee ioyncd, tiiatloho fawftats, and there were that fate vpon them , and iudgement was giiren vnto thcni, and they liued and ralgned with Chrifta thoufandyearcs, taking it ofihe Church in earth: andnottoioyn it to the foules which he faw, as to fay,^at they Imcdand raigncd with Clirift a ihcufand yecrs. For that thoufand yeercs then^ iirvvluch Satan was bound from feducing the nations (o generally a^ hec had done, THE REVELATION. 5pi done^cheGeipcllpmiailcd andconucrted vety many vnra ^od,ruIing ftnd ludg^i' ing,though not in fo ftiU mcifurc as in the former times. F^ in the limeof tlic A-' poliles,tbe light of the Gofpelhvas fpread farre and necre in the heathen k^rtg- do(nes,andihat with all pure linceritic. After their daics, abufes and comiptioni crept in,and fupcrftition increafed and that mote and more, but yet (b that euen to the full ihoufand yecres, thcprinciplesandgr<>undj of the hohc faith we^e iicld in great Churches. So although after iixehundrcthycercs the cieere finceriticdf the srueth was muchdimmed, yet there was a gcnerall power ftill^and they liued and raigned with Chrift which were quickened by the GofpeJl in all lands. The words which doc fallow doe more clecreJycarrie the fence this way. Forfirrt he eipoondcth the matter by the contrarie.A hen he faith^ the reft of the dead liued not,votill the tbpufand yecres were finished. Marke well this faying : for it opc- ncth much, together with thatcxpofition which foUoweifcof it. For indcedeth« words that follow doedeciarcincxpre(reandplaineminiier,whatlifc,and what fifing from the dead thisis to be vnderftood ofj which the rci\ of the dead doc not anainevnto. Touching the former, wherein, as I faid, he opcneth the matter by the concra- fic ; it is in ihefc words. the reft of the dead liued not vntill thefe ihoufand yecres were finifhed : here isfirft euidcntJy fhc wed that all wcie dead, and that one pare are raifed from death in thefe tbou/and yccrcs,and another part is not raifcd,who becallech the reft of the dead. Forvnlesfomc were raifed from death to life, in thofc thoufand yeercs,and others not raifed, how could it bee faid, the reft of the dead liued notj&c ? or how could hcfpeakeofa refurredion? To make this more cuidcnt,wc muft firft note the gcnerall eftate that all be in by natuie, both the c- led and the reprobitc,and that is,all be dead, for in regard of the elt^ which are raifed vp out of that gcnerall eftate,the reprobate are called the reft of the dead. What manner ofdeath this is, the holy Scriptures do euidcntly fet forth. Being aH corrupted in Adam,wcalldicin him astheApo(ileteacheth,i.Cor.l ^.Andthac is to be vnderftood,notoncly ofthisfeparation ofthe foulc andbodie,butal(bof« fpirituall death in thcfoule.cucn while wc hue hercFor whofocuer arc fcparatcd fromGod,thcreisno true life in them. Butiookehowthe diuels mayafteraforc be faid toliuc,and yet it isnohfc indced^but an euerlafiing death : fothe foulesof men although they haue natural powers and faculties in them by which they giue Lfic tothebodics,andinthatre(pc6^areimnionall,bccaufeihofcfacuhic$ ncuer -dyc^yet fo long as they be rnder the dominion of finne,thcy be dead touching the fpirituall life. And inthisftatcare all, both the ele£V and the reprobate, the elerc neucrthe better for it : buttbediucUand finnc haueeuenas. great povvrr o<;cc ^liem,as before. But here the Chihafles, ofwhomlcoid youbcforc,doe (ground ^eir c«0!r, becaufe hce faith, vntill the thoufand yceres w^otc finilhcd. 1 or thiis fpeechfeemetivto import that after the thoufand yecre$^finilhed,rheyfiiaUr;il'c ♦UoVvhomhijcalleththerertof the dead. For to fay they fiialliioc iiue vntill the thousand yceres bee finifhed, what is it but to fay that they fiiall then liue ? This then they take thus. Thatthediuell Qvillbee bound a thoufand yeeres, and then fhall all the faithfull be raifed vp in bodic,and raigne all that thoufand yeerps vp^ fitk the caf tb withChrift. And this f fay they) is the firft;»efurre(Sioni :: ': .i v * c! o :»i Then whcriithe thoufand yeeres are fini{}ied,thcy take it that all the dibidfhall IiuCjandthat theycall thefccond refurreftion. So they held that there fliouldbco two rcfurretStions of the bodie,thefirftof the faithfull; and tiie fecond of alltho dead. VVe doc bcJceue.for the holy Scripture doth fo teach, that all the dead both good and bad fliall rife with their bodies : but wee arcalfo taugbtby theword of God^that all fhalf rife at oncc,there fliall be but one relurrcftion of the bbdy.Thff firft tefutre^^ion thcreforef as it is hcrccalled^is in the foult,viihcn it is raifed from the death of finncOf which Saint Paul fpeaketh,fay ingulf ye be rifen withChrif^, feckc thofe things which arc aboue,whereChrift fiitcth at the right hand of God, ColofT. 5 .vcrf. I . Then to maintaine their opinion,thcy muft fhevr that there bee three refunc6tioi».IFor if there bee two of the bpdiei,theD f his which Saint Paul doth (peake of, miketh the third. Againe,thcy muf^ proue,which they can neuer^ tibat the xcfurrc6lionofthe bodies of the faithfully goetb before die refurre(5>ion which <. THE REVELATION. 5P3 which S.Paul fpcakcrh of to tlic CoJciTtans.If ye bee rifen with Chrifl : for there ftrrei^ion which lohn here fpeakcthof istbe Hrit. And as I faidjif itbeofbodies, tlicn isfhe rcftirfedtion ofthc bodies the Hrli : vvhicli is mo(i abfurd. Whereupon it4nulinc'.';ies follow, that iheHrii rcfurred^ion which Saint John herefpcakcth of,isnototthebodie,biit when the foi ilerecciueth thelifcot'Chrid. This Is the i\d\ refurreclion,and it is peculiar to the faichfull,thc re(iofihe dead doc not rife at all in this rcUirredion. BtJtyet the matter is not anfwered ; for that word vntill. For if it be lo, that the rclt of the dcan/l' 1; a U; i!s c!r ath or at his death he was niaried. So when it is faid.chat the rcfkol^tlicileid Ifued not.vnrillthethoufand yeeres were finifhcd,ic is as much as to fay they were ncuer raifed to thatfpirituall life. That thoufand yeeres was a time fn which many were railed to life at the found of the Gofpell: but there were mairy then notraifcd. For although Satan were bound lo thac he-^ could not fofcducetheharioijsashc had done, yet he did harden the hearts, and ■ blind the eyes of the reprobate.fo that they imbraccd not the life offered. Thcu wc fee what this firft rcfurre^tion is. And now that wc may bee raoued with the defircof it, euen to labour to haue our pare therein, here is the commendation thereof fct forth. Blcfted and holy (faith Saint lohn) is he that hath his part in this firft refurrc6tion,foronfuch the fccond death hath no power, but thcyfhall bee tlie priefts of God, and ofChrift,and ihall raigne with him a thoufand yeresThis is a fingular comtncndation ofthefirft rcfurrcdL.!(:<5ijr.acihq?:d Then it folIoweth,that he ftiall gee out to deceiuc the people, which'are in the fburc quarters of the earth. In this we hauc three things to conflder ; ihcfirft is the indufirie ofSatan,or his readines to doc mifchiefe fo foonc as cucr he gettethloofe. The holy Ghofi fhe weth^that he gccth out to feduce prefently ; For the diuels doe burne with fuch hatred againrt God, and fuch malice againft the fclicitieof man, that ihcy be reflles in fecking by all meancsto d^flionour his moft holy namc,and' to draw men to perdition. Wee muft prepare our fclues to looke for none other thing at Satans hands. Then the fecond thing is,ihat the eaill men are feduced and milled byhim. They aredece;ued,fuppofingthattheybein a good way, when he luth blinded thcm.and led them into the way of dclirudion. Which thing is to be well obferued : for it flicwcrh that all the rabblcmcnts that woifliip the beaft,. or that doe cleaue to the great Antichrift , thinkc they goc right,and that all aresfi vVrytbat ioyne not with them ; how elfc are they feduced by Satan? Inihepopcrl lie, cnen trom the higbeft tothc ioweft, blindncs is cart vpon theni,and they dote vpon the doiiiiiics of diuels. True it is, that the prelates and clergic men feduced thepeoplc, being thcmfelues firft feduced by Satan. As Saint Paul prophccied of them, fayins, Buttbcei)ill men and deceiuersfhall waxeworfeand\vorfe,dccei- uing,and beingdeceiuedji .Timoth.3.verf.i 3 .Doth notthis mitigatethc offtncc ofthe nreat Antichrirt and his fubieds,that poore foolifli men are feduced by fub- t/!l diuels? as hauing an intent to doe well(as we fee how they boaft of their good jitcnts in the poperie)and are beguiled? I anfwer, that it doth little mitigate their cflfcncc, feeing the eaufe of this fedu(^ion is in ihemfelues. Which S. Paul fliew- dk dealing about this fame malter,and (hewing how Antichriir fhould come by iReeft^i^uall power of Satan, 2.The{f.2. Hce alforendreih this caufe why God . \('0u!d fend this heauie iudgement vpon the world,namcly,ihat men receiued not ihelouc ofthe trueib. Godfentthegladtidingsof chsUofpell iogiuclight,and 1' >V; to THE REVELATION. ^97 tobring men vntocternaUbappincs rand they loucd darkncflc more then lighr, they loucd falfchood, vnclcanncs and lyjcs : and therefore Satan in the iuf? itidge- meut of G od is let loolc,cuen to /ill thein with ruchibingia&they lo^and were worthicor. .-^ 'jijhrD Jon LLoj .^.^ur'-n '^jtic n ,'mw.' Then there is the third poynt, which fheweth tliat Satan being Icrlobfc.he fc- ducethnot fomefewkingdomes, butall nations vpon the foiire quarters of tli€ carth.Amattcrworihiethenoting.bccaufethepapiftsdoe boaft and braggcfb much ofiheirnmlcitudes. They doe derpifcandcondemne the true profeflbrs of the Gorpeirbecaufe that for the fpace of thefe fine hundreth yceres,vntili now of late.they haue been very fe vv^and in a) that time alfo by an vniuerfall confcnt con- demned and reputed but as hcrctikes. Can fo many nations fvvarue, and fo lonp time.and a few others oneiy hold the tructh? Looke vpon this pIace,Satan goerh fborih to fcducc the people which are iii the foure iquarccrs of the earth. Here is an vniuerfalitie, hcere isa catholike confent in apoftaficand dcpartingfrom the trueih. And ifany fhall ioy,he went forth being let loofc after thethooiattdyeeres expired/or to decciue the people fo generally which are in the foure quarters of the earth : but did lie therefore preuaile fb generally ? Might it not be that he at- tempted To gc.ierall a mattcr.btit yet was refirained from his purpofe ? I anfwere, that the next words doc cuidently flic w,that hce failed not of his purpofe.but fe- ducedgcncrallythf nations of the earth; for otherwife'how fliould it beefayd, Gog and .Vagog,to gather them together to battell,whofc number is as the fand of (he Tea? And they wcrtvpintoiheplaincofthe earth, andcompaffcd the tents of the Sainisabout,and thcbcloued citie. Thefe words doe manircfilydcclare,an innu- merable mukittide which the diuellfeduceth, and gathertth together vntobat- C( iUs his fouldicrs,againlhhc true Church of Chrift. Wee fee then that Satan is gci cenloofe out of his prifon.and his chaineis off:the light of (he Golpel Hiineth Botjbut there is palpable darkncs.fo that he may now perfwadc almoft v\hat he will: and tlwrcforc now the multitudes arc great which heleadethaway.Hcrc be many things offered to our confideration in this defcription of the armies orGo<* and Magog: as firft it is to beconIiderearkc;but that is to be extended nofurtht^ then to thoft kingdom's Vb'hich were fubicihothcpopbric. And here by thefe armies 6f Gog and Magog, arcvndcrl^oodall the chicfc- enemies of ilw Cluirch in ihe(c laft timcs.fincc the loofuig; ^p8 SERMONS VPON loofing of Satan. Here are befides the fwarmes of papilh, the huge armies of the Turkcs: forhowiociierthe Papittsare fetagainli the Tuikes, and the Turkcs a-' gajnlt the Papifls; yet both again(t the holy Gbl'pell,anda|^ainft the true Church r as the Phaiifces and Sadduces could not endure each other, but yet were both a- gainl^ Chnft. I hen wearetoconfideraboutthenamesGogandMagog, what Should bee meant by them. Some doetakeitchac thefe names doe fignihecpue- rcd,andvncouercdj and arevfcdfor tonotctbetwo fperiall forts of enemies of the Cburch,ihe PapKis and the I urkes. For the Pope he commcth vndcrthe name ofChri(i,boa(iingthathc is his vicar, and that Chrifihath committed all power into his hands, and fohcisacoueredenemiejheis Gog: forvnder thatcouering he hath brcii ghc in and (et vp all his abominations. And the Turkc, he openly de- nieth and impugntth Chrirt,and {o is vncouered,that is Magog. Moreouer, they doe take it.that thcfe names, Gog and Magog, are to note of what countries the chicfe enemies fl:)Ould Ipi ing : becau fe in Ezechicl chap 3 8. and 29. in v\ hich the prpphr.a 4i)orc tuU expofition of this m3tter,we are to looke vpon that pro- phecic of the Pioph^rEzccihiel^gainlt Gog and Magog. Thus it is,the Lord by bis. fcruant Exechiel hauing promifed two ihings.that is!ihc bringing of his peo- ple outofthecapriuitie of Bibcl intotheirowneland, and their mftauration by Chrirtjchap 97, Leaft thcIev\esftiould take it that thefe twofhould cometogc- ther,orasitvvcrcncercatoneinftant ;thatistpfay,that fofooheas they were ret turned home from Babel, he would fend the Meflias : this prophccic ofGog^nd Magogi is to preuenttlTarerrofj and to teach them, that after their returne out of Babylon, they fliouldfuftcrgneqous calamities by many cruell enemies, before thecommingoftheMeflias: andwithall, there is fet forth whac horrible venge- ance God A'ould execute vpon thofe enemies. TlK)fc enemies were collected of diu?TS nationSjbut fcri^etj chiefjely vnder the, princes of Afia the leflcr ,of Syria,ati(i^ of '^cythiajipAvhiVh was the citie of Gog,at>d the land of Magogi or the citie cal- led the citie of Magog. Gog and Magog then are put foi: the princes of thofe countf ies, which were the chiefe captaines in gathering great and raightic armies vntobattaileagainrt the children of Ifracl, after they were come out of thee apti- uitic of jBabeLjr|]c Lord doth there iii one lurame,vnder the armies of Gog and yi agog.qoroprehcnd aW the enemies that fought againft them from time to time aficrtn<;.captiuitic!,ynt6.thc.commingpfChfitt. And nowfortheiapphcationof tnisvnto the enemies of the C hurchvi^derthe Gofpell: v^ce murt firlf note, that through thisbookcjasit is cuident, the fpcechcs and figures of matters aretakcn ouLof the hwe and the Proplict^ Now wlien che Lorde wbuld fet forth in one {iimi[tie:fi\\ the enemies of the Cburch,which Satan myl^erctb. after the time of W* loofing out of prifpn^befbre the comming of Chrift to indgement^thcre is no <)hc pbce moie fit to fee foith all thefe atmies^chcn thofe actniei of Gog and Magog : and THE REVELATION. ^f, and therefore the nahjc*, ciKnGogawflMagog^atf lieic brooghtin, tofctforiht tbcfc hygc aroijcsof ihoPo(!>e and of cbc Ttrkcj and of all fuch enemies. Mote* oueryearctonote,ihactheoucrthrowand delinKi^ion of all thole enemies is io fee forthin that ptophecie ofHzct hicl, that it doth fcruealfo moli fitly to declare the vengeance of God almigbiiea^aiiiHthele. Then we fee why tl-»cy be called the armicsof Gc»gandM>ii;«>^njmely,becaufcthoic v^xrethe great arhues of e- nernieswbieb tout;hc againllthc Chuxh in olde limcj and which the Lord in his vengeance did dcliroy. Let vrin the next place obferuc, that he faith they be gathered together vnto- battaile. Itappearethinthcwordsthaifollovv, againll whom they arc aflcmbled for to fight,euen againH the Saints. Here is the horrible crucJtic of Satdn,thai he is not content to feduce the^iations.andto leadethem into error, and from the way of life into the way ol deltrudion : buc alfo euen for to double their coodcmnali- on,hc fettech ihcm on worke to fight againli God, againl^ his trueth, and againft his Churcbi It is an hcauie iudgen>cnt of God, that men are led from the trueth to beleeuelycs,andfrorri ihcirucworlLipofGod^vnto the worship of diuels: but this is moregrieuous that they doe not /?ay there.b.nt crublly fight againli all thac will not torlakethetructb, and ioyne with ihcm. Satan herein dothcxceedingly^ blinde them,and let them in a rage. You kno a e how it is,and how it hath been with the papills, that they fight and warreRiofl bitterly againrt all that will noc worfhip the bcaft,condciiuiing them to be licrctikcs, and mcanot worthie to hue vpon the earth.. , • . . . 1 he next clad*e fay ^h, Whnfc nunaber isas the fand of the fea. This is wondeij- luU.how can thib be,'A hqo all (he men that eucr liucd in the world, put altogether^ are nothing comparable ro the fand otfome little part ot the fcaOiore, in mun- ber: howmuchlcflc can thisarmicbccin number as the land of the whole fc a? Wc mufhiotcthatthcrcisakindeof fpeech which wc doc call Hyperhlc^ which isancxccffiuelj^ccch. ihat the holy kriptur^dothfometimc vfc,whcn fbmeex- teedingqualitic orquantitieiitobecxprcficd. Asii< thiispiacc,becaul"ethemul-( tiiiidc v\ hich Satan hath leduccd to fight aganilt the Church, is fuch as no man isablct'irtocomprchendjor torcachvntothcinniiberof theminhis minde, the holy Ghof^ fnyih.thcy be m number as the fand of the fca. Hete it w ill be fayd a- gainc; Arc the number of the armies of Gog and Magog, that is.of the Papifts jnd furkes, innumcrablot>>thccapacitieof man ? lanlwcre, whocandoubtof that ? Doc but eonfidcrjoyour miridc thus : what a iiwltitude of people there be inHngIacd,itisenougbforaman,irnotmo!cch«:t\hismiodecancontaine,to fee into the number of them in fuch fort as to coinprcnend it. Then note that in the poperie,almoll all the land were for the Pope.eucn a tcwcihit v^ ere icatiered be- ing cxccprcd.'whoui they did i^r^cutp. Moriojier,ye;c mud-know that the king- dome oi England isbmalitilccoriKr, inc^piparilooof allthe grcatand large kingdomesuhich wcxefub^cdho ihc Pope, fheti wh^t is the number in thenl all, who is able to come n;gh,tothc numbnn^ thereof r And yet wc arc not come by many 402 SERMONS VPON many degrees to the toppc of the matter. Fornow you rtiufl comitwliatmutci- tudes there haue been in all ihefc kingdomes, which haueftood in the defence of the popiOi religion,and fought againrt ihcGcfpel/or the fpaccof ihcfe fiue hun- dreth yecres. Are ye not now come as it were to the fand of the fea ? and yet yet are not come nighrhc niaiter.For vmothcfeycmuft ndwaddeal the multitudes of the lurkesfor fo many handiieth yccrcs : for vnder Gog and Magog arc con- tained all that Satan hath fcduced in all lands to fight againfi the truth cuer rmcci he vvasloofed,andall thit he rtiallfcducc to the worlds end. Do but ponder thefe things in yoot minde^and fee if there be not caufc to fayjwhofc number is as the fand of the Tea. What cxtrcamc folly is ittheninthepapiftstomakefuch brags cf their multitudci?- Dothtbar proue them to bee the true Catholike Church^ Nay.if ye looke well vpon it,yc (hall finde that it doth euidcntly declare that they be a great part of thefe armies of Gog and Magog,whore nuniber is as the land of the (ca. The next words doc alfo Hie w the fame thing.when he fayth^they went vp in- to the plaine of the canh. They coiicr the face ofthe earth, and not of feme one kingdome,but eticn ofthe world. And in that he fayth,thcy compaflcdthe tents of the Saints about.and the bcloued citic.it dedareih not one ly how fmall a thing the true Church is in comparifon of them,eucn as a few tents, or as fome cititf which they inclofe round about:but alfo that their cndeuour is to fwallow vp and vtterly to dcrtroy all that profefl'eiheholieandpure worfhipofGod.Thehirto- ricsofthcfclattertimesdocfliew^ihatwherefoeuerinanycountrie where pope- rie had taken place,ihere were any that wdUld not worfhippe thebea(},hdW fu- riouflyihey did compafl'e them about to fight againft them. For the tents ofthe Saints and the bcloued citie,were in al lands v\ here any did with pure and fincefe faith worfhip the true God^and condcmoe the falfeworfiiip and enormities of the Romifh (ynagogue.Reade what they did ro the Waldenfes, n)orethcn tourc bundreth yeeres.pafl: how did ihcypcrfccute and fcattet them ? Readealfo how thcydciltagaitaft the Albigcnlcs,morethctt three hundrcthyerei part: where we may fee how often thfey afifailed Raytnundus the Earle of Tholoufe. About thofc timcs^and not long afcer,wce may rcade of diners excellent men,which cried out ofthe Romifli Antichrirt,whom they compafled about,and condemned as herc- tikes. After w*rd moic then two hundreth yccrcs pall, in the daycsofWickliifc and after,hcre was much Hir inEnglandjtheycompafrcdthe tents ofthe Saints about. What a Hirrekept the Popes and their armies againHthatfamousChurch ofthe Bohe. nians,how did they compaflc them about ? But v\ hat followcth? Fire (faith S.lohn)came downc from God out of heaiien aiul deuourcd them.No w he commethtofetf«)orth thedcflrudion ofthe armies of Gog and Magog, and of tlicirchiefi ca{*tainealf() which feduccd the.Hebcginncth with the armics.and flicwcfhhdw they Jrc C(jmfu^cd AA'ith fire ftbm heauen. It mit;ht bee faid : What i>^«ll become ofthe tents (jfthc Saints? vvytfhallbeeome of thebclouedcitic, whwaJltlrtfe iniiucncnble'multitudts dciccompaflc them about? Toanfv^crc this, THE REVELATION. 401 this,herc is flicwcd vliat the Lord God from hcaucrt dooth niiraculcufly dcftroy ihefc armies, and dcliucr his Church. Forihat is meant v\hcah^e faith, that fire camcdowne fromGodoutoflicaucnanddeuourcdihcm. Fc will be demanded: when was this ? or where was this fccnc? I anrwcrc,that5'c mu(i vnderrtand, that this isaray(licall fpccch. The truth ofGod iscomparcdto firc.and Co is his wrath a confuraing fire : and who feeth not,that by the hucly word,& by his vengeance he hath already begun to conlinne and to deftroy the popilji arin ies ? In the 3 8. chapter of Ez.ccluel.thc Lord doih threaten a tcmpcft of hailc,firc and brimftone vpon the armies of Gog. And accordingly he fpeaketh in this place of fire corn, ming downc from God from heauen,whichdorhdeuoure them. What way foc- ucr they bee deftroyedjit is the fire of Gods word, and of his wrath from heaucn, and wee murt acknowledge his miraculous power in prcferiiing his Church. Let not the multitudeofthe armies of Gog and Magog difcoura^cvs : for they were farre greater then they bee, and as the Lordc hath bcgun/o will he vtterly burne fhcm vp,and confumc them in his good time. Thus much for the deflru(5^ion of thcfe armies: Now touching their chiefccap- taiue,who hath (educed them, and led them forth vnto battell a^ainft the Lord. Shall he cffape ? No,heihallnotcrcape. He is thechicfc workerofall mifchicfc: and therefore it follow cth, The diuell which deceiucd them, was caftintoalake of fire and brimftone. This is that euerlafting firc,w hich our Sauiour faith,is pre- pared for the diuell and his angels. Here ftiali all the diucls be tormented for their finnes which they ha uc committed, eucn world without end. And here are alfo mentioned his chicfcinHruments which he hath vfed,ihe beaftand the falfepto- phetjihefc are ioyned with him in the 1 ake of fire and brimftonc : fo^fuch as fcrue the diuell here in the woilde, fliall dw ell with him for euer in hell, and there take fuch part as he-flialL The beaft is all the Heathen Empcrours of Rome,with all that ioyned w ith them in pcrfecuting and murihering the feruants ofGod. The falfe prophet is the Popes and popifh clergie, with all their adherents, which in ihefelatterdaieshauefo much corrupted the earth. Seeing this is the end of all Gods enemies,beIoued,let vs not feare them,but let vs Hand faft in the truth and conftantly renounce all their falfe worHiip and abominations : for theyfhali all downe withmoft horrible deftrtidionand ven- geance, when we (hall (^and,triumph and rcioyce in the Lord for euermorc. Dd THE. 401 SERMONS VPON THE XLV. SERMON. CHAP. XX. t r And I [am AgreAt whtte throne, tirtd out that fate on it y from whofeface fe.i hoth the earth and the heaften,and their p/ace was M9 more found. ti And Ifafv the deadhoth fmaU and great fl and he ftre (jod, and the books were . opened, and another hooke was open, which ts the booke of life, 4nd the dead Were iudged according to thofe things rvhieh were written in the bookes^accor- di»g to their deedes. 13 zAndthefeagaae vp her dead^and death and hettgaue vp their dead which were in them, and t hey were iudgedeuery man according ts his work's. 14 And death and heli were cafi into the /^ks of fire: thu-u the fecond death. I J ylnd lyhofoetter w*ii not written in thethebook^ ofhfe^woi call into the lakg offire^ HisScripture(beIouetl)containeih a defcription of the Ia(i iudgcmcnt. Wee hauc had the day of iudgemcnt fir gurcd diucrs rimes before iii this bookc, but more dark- ly,and here mere fully .and more cleerely. For that is the manner ofhandling thingcs in this prophecie: firft,to make as it wcrca darkc fliadow, and then afterward to drawa more liiielypidlure. Touching the parts of this defcription, we fliall ice them feucraily as theyconic. In theflr(l place tiie ludge himfelfe isdcfcribcd : for the firft vcrfeofthistext,dothfecfoorth themaieHiCjthc povvric,ai be fpcakcth,Matt.2 5 .which he Hiali fit vpon when hee commcth in the cJowdcs, and all the holy Angels with him. Then it is fayd to be a white throne. The white colour in the holy fcripcures is vfcdtoreprcfcntputiticandglorie. As hc<:rc it is to teach vs, chat this iudge fhall iudge THE REVELATION. 405 iudpe vpriglitly,and doc no man wrong. Among the judges ofthc earth ludgc- mcnc often Iwaructh and is pcrucrteddiucrswaies. And the wifc(t&thc bcft jud- ges arc vnpcrtcdl in kno vvledgc,and (6 do fomtimes miflc ofthc pcife.5^ Icntcncc. Againc the rcfpcdt of pcrrons,ciihcr with feare of the mightie.for loue of friends, or hatred ofenemics, and fuch like, doth leade the iudge awry: and fomctimes bribes do blind the eyes :fo that iudgemcnt is wre{lcd.Againft al thcfc the v^ hitc- ncsofthisfcatc i^joppofcd. Here is no i'por, but all ciccrc and pure. Here is no im- perfcd^ion through ignoranccHcre is no rcfpciiliiig of pcrfons through fenrc^ha- tredyOr loue,noryct any pcrucrting of judgement lor rcivard. Nowfollowcth thatwiiich dcclarcth the terror of the iudgc,in thefe words. From tphoffficejiedboth the e*trth (^ the heauen, and thetrfi lace wm no m^efoiid^ Lookc what we dread and feare, wee flie from theprefencctheteoffbrtohidevs, ■ chat we may not appearc in fighc : eucn fo to declare the mod terrible maitfflie of this iudge,the earth and thcheaucnsarc faidroflieawayiTomhisprcfcncc,and as ic were to hide themfducs, which is exprelfed in this, that their place was'no more found.For to fay their place was not found any rnore,is as much as to fay.they did not appcare any iriore.aswereadc^hap. 12. where the draqon and his anocls were cart down,it is laid,thcirpl:fccwas not found any more in heauen.Thcn the earth and the heauen here fly ing from his face and biiding thcmfclucs, doe fhew his ter- ror. And beloucd note it well,for ic is no Imall terror which is refcmblcd by ihit. The earth and the heauen are without fence.Tliey be very great and mightie crea- tures : and they hauenot finned. Now iftlieytrcmble,flic, and hide ihemfelucs out of his pretence, as not able to endure the terrour of bis fight : w hat fhal! wic- ked men doe? what fliall become of tliofe poore wretches? or howfhall they bee able to endure the cerrour and fcuericic of this iudge? They fiiall now be at their wittes end,and void of all fuccour or refuge. For vnto w horn fiiall they Bie for hclpe? or who fiiall dcliuer them from themoft dreadful! vengeance of ibis iudge? It is not fayd any where cllc in the Scripture, that the earth and the heauen Ihal flie fromhis prefence.and appearc no moic.Indccd our Sauiour faith. The powers of heauen fhall beemoued. Saint Peter faith, that the heauensfhall paffeaway with noilc,ihe elements flial melt w ith heate^ibe earth and the things that be therein (hall be burnt, 2.Pet.^. And now that Saint John fpeakcth more here w hich was flicwed him in vifion,namcJy,that theearth and heauen do flie his prefcnce.it is a myfiicall fpeech,cuen as 1 fayd.tocxprcflc the wondcrfull terrout that 0^1 all be. It may be faid,if fly ing his prefcnce wil fc rue,thcre be others will flic alfo. I anfwere, that the earth and the hcauens hauenot finned, and therefore they bee permitted in their trcnibling and terrour to flic and hide ihemfe]ucs,and arc not drawncforthbeforethe iudge. Biitas forthefinners.euen the wicked deuils, and vngodly men.lct them flie and hide themfclues where they can,ihey fliall bee drawnc foonh vnto iudgemcnt and execution. There is no darke corner for any one of them to hide themfclues in. Let them goe dow ne into the bottome ofthc fea,yei his hand will find thcni out,3nd he will draw them fbrtklhis thing would be well confidcrcdof,that there fhall be Tuch a terrour iq the iudge,that the earth Dd 2 an4 4P4 SERMONS VPON- andhcauen (hall flic nnd bide thcmfelues, that wc niaynowintiniclearnevvilc dome and be admoniQied.For wee fee hov\ bnld men are now in committing c- uili^noching at al regarding this terrorof the iudgCjWhichis here fctfonh.lt might enter into their hearts to thinkc thus.thc Lord will come to iudge the world, wee muft all appeare before him to bee iudgcd according to our deedes, hisfeueritic and terror will be fuclvhat the heauens and the earth wil fiie hisprcfence & hide theniTelues : what then fnall become ofvs, what cafe fLall we be in, which doe commit thcfe foiile fmnes ? O how fhall we then tremble and quake,and be eucn ouerwhelmed in horror ? Where rhall wc finde ai)y fuccour, when hee t)iat alone fliould helpe and fuccour vs is our great terror ? Is it not better for vs now to for- fakcour vngodly waies,and Co ftijdietopleafchim,thatwee mayreioyceathls comming?Mo{l vnhappie are they which fhall haue this terrible iudge againft them For how (hall they be able to endure the fire of his vengeance ? Thus I fay, men might thinke in their hearts when they hearc of fuch terror of the iudge. But it may then bee obie(5ted,if the heauen and the earth arc fo afraid at the terror of hisprelencCjiiot for any offence which they hauc committed, but atthcwrath wherewith he commeth armed againft the foule finnes which haue bin wrought by men as it were in their fight and view : fhall it not then be a moft fearfuU day vntoallmenPWho isfocleere and innocent as that hee maycome beforethis iudge? I anfwere.tlfat this iudge in all his glorious power and maief^ie, (hall not beany terror at all to the godly. It is the day of redemption vnto them, they arc willed to lift vp their heads and reioyce at it. For all their fins arc blotted out, and they fhall fiaud innocent without all fpot before this iudge,iheir redeemer.lt flial bee vnto them a day of all ioy and confolation. They are willed to long for the comming of this iudge. Thus mucli touching the iudge. Now to thofe who arc fortobeiudged. I faw(faiih he) the dea i both fmall and great ftand before God. Who are they then that f^and here to be iudged ? Euen alkhat euer haue liued vpoii the earth c- uer fince the beginning of the world^no one excepted. But when Saint Paultea- cheth, i.Cor. i y. that all fliail not die,but all fhall be changed : and when as wc fay ,hc fhall iudge both the quicke and the dead,bo w agrectb « with this,that here are none fpckcn of but the dead? I anfwer.that when Saint John faith here,that be faw the dead f^anding jt doth not exclude the liuing.For be fpeaketh only o t thofe, of whom there might be doubt. Thus it is, if not any of the dead^ that ei>er died in the world ofwhat death foeuer, fhall cfcapc from this iudgementrhow H-yall any of the quick be wanting?It is cuident ihen,that Saint John faw all both the quick arid the dead in vifion, fianding before the iudge. This is a great affemblie, euen the grcateft that euer vvas,or euer fhall be. Here again it may be demandcd,ho w this istobcvndetftood.that he faith,hefaw the dead both fmall and great.ls itcO be taken of the fiatnre of thei r bodies,or of worldly degrees that they Iiucd in here in this world ? For we fee that forac doe die very fmall infants, and fome grow vp firft and be men of great feature. Like wife wc fee how there be of all forts here in this world : Some be kings,princcs,and notlcs : others bee ifi low eflatc,yca very many THE REVELATION. 405 many poorc bcggcw. Now 1 take it, that .Saint John doth not call the dead here fmall and great in rcfpecf^ of the ftaturcoFthcir bodies.but in rcgarde of their place and degree in v\hich they lined. There arc all both high and lo we, both rich and poorc. I fpeake this becaufc it is a qiieOion whether any fti all rifein the fhtuic of • little infants. It is by fome maintaincd^hat all (hall rife i n a full ft aturc : becaufc at the rcfurredlion all lliall be pctie6\. And looke what age or rickncifcjhath taken'a- way fliall bcreftored, and what through want of yearcs is wanting, (hal be added. Wee are not indeed to be curious about this matter. Now folio wcih the chiefcO matter ofallinthis iudgemcnr, andthacis, after what manner they fhali be iud- gcd. It isexprcflcd in thefe words, And the books were opened, and an other bookc was opened, which is the booke oflifc, and the dead were iudged ofthofc things which were written in the books,according to their workes.Tt might be wondrcd bow all this great (Uiiititude fhould be iudged. We fee when earthly iudocs do fie in indgement what a 1 .ngtime it holdcth to trie and to iudgc a few perfoiis:Thcre is lb mucha dccforproo*esandeuidencccfinatterstobegiuen. Saint lohn fhe- weththatit fliali not be (oiac: but all niailprocccde according to the written recordesjwhicharc thcbookes. Thrrc fhall be none other cuidcncc. But what arc ihofc bookcs, or what writings according to the which iudgemcntfliall be awar- ded? Jtis eafieto knowc v\hat bookcs they are, eucn the confcience of cueric one. ForthisisawonderfullworkcofGcdjtbatheehaihgiucnvntceuerymana confciencc,a6it were a book,in which arc writtc vp al their thoughts,their words, and theirdecdes. A wicked man hath infimte vainc thoughts and vnclcane defires, night and day, they paflc away to him, but they b?e cucry one v^'rittcn vp in the booke of his confcience. A vaine wicked roan vitereih in his w hole life milltitudes of wordes, which are vaine, or lying,filthie,flaunderous, and blalphcmous. If hec fl-iould lofe his life he cannot remember all that he vttereih in one day : but in this booke they are all vvrittc;^ vp,and fhall come to iudgcment.Such a man commic- teth fins in action innumeratsle euen as the fand on the fea fhore,hee renien)breth fome of them, the greater pan heperceiueih not to be finnes,or they flip out of his mind, but they be euery one written in this booke ofhis confcience, and Hiall bee opened in iudgement.Yea further in the vnbeleeuers there be many things in their tbouj^htes, wordes, andworkes, whichfeemc to them to be excellent, which yet are abominablebeforeGod,whichj|lleth out becaufe they are blind and can nei« ther iudgerightly of thcintentsofthcirownehearts,neithcrin many things which is good and whic h is euil 1 .. No w in thii booke ofinc confcience, the decpc coun- fels and intentsofilie heart are written vp.and at this iudgcmcnt {>iall be difclofcd r For how fhall iudgement be perfc(51^ according totheir workcs,ifthefecret$of mens hearts be not laid open ? Ye fee tliercfore that the bookes fnall bee oycned : thcrc'fliall be cuidencevpon record, there fliall need no production of wicncfles, But w ill ibme fay, the companie will be great that comnieih to bee iudged,when all that haue liued in all ages, and in all countries of the world fliall bee raifcd and come togcthcr;and the bookes yvill be manic and large to be read ouer. Is not iierc Dd 3 an 405 SERMONS VPON an cndltlTe worke ?How long would it hold one, to readc ouet the thought cs;the wordcs and decdes of ohe nian ? I anfvver, that v\ec muft not concciuc To of thcfc bookcs,as chat there Oiall be any Handing to rcadc them. They fhall all appeare at ^ OTKC. All the hlchie vnclcanncs ofmens hearts fhall lie open to the viewe of men and Angels,and their own confciencc (liallthcn fhcw vnto them their deeds.thcir • w'ords.and their wicked thoughts. Then (hall theirin wards be as it were difplay- cd, Wc are thus tald aforehand, that the bookes fhall be opcncd,that we may bc- ware,and preucnt fo great a daunger.Ic is the great kindncs ofGod to giuc vs this warning rand more then itarke foolcs and mad men wc be, if it doc not moue vs to take heed.ButhowTfiallwetakc heed? we cannot auoid our appcarancebcforc thisiudge. Our bookes mo({ needes be opened when we come there .-there is not romcdie for this. Very true,but the danger is auoyded, when the bookes arc fucb, as we need not fcare pr be afhamed to haue them opened, but reioyce. For as the opening of the booki fliilbc the fhamc, horror, and vtter co'nfufion of one part, lb fhall ic be to the praife, honour, and glorie oFthe otherpatt. Such as are foulc within,and full of abominable '/ncleannes.being opened fl^.all flinke and be rcicc- ted:When the pure in hart (hal fee God, and greatly reioyce in his prefence.Wher- by we may plainely fee,that out onely way is to be purged in our heart from an e- uill confciencc. For ifthe heart beiincere and the confcience purc,the bcoke will ' open very fairc.Buc alas,vvho can attainc to fuch (inceritie of hirt.and to fuch pu- ritie of confciencc ? \Vlio(faith Salomon)can fay my heart Is cleane ? I am purged from myfinne. Who is it that is not priuie tohimfelfc of much vanitie,,and great impcrfcdtionsinthisbookcofhisconfciencePGodisgreatcrthenman, andfee- cth farrc more perfed"b!y into ftic heart of man then he himfclfc: How then fhall he '"abide his trial! ? how fhall he endure the opening of his fccrets ? For anfwere to this we arc to confider what Dauid faith, Blcffed is the man whofe iniqiiitie is forgi- uen.and whofc (inne is couered : blefied is the man vnto whom the Lord imputcth notlinnc, andin whof(;(piiitethereisnoguile,Pfa!in.3i^. Where all finandini- quitic is purged avvayjherefliall bee a fairebookc opened, that man need not to fcare. Whatthcnarcwe to doe all our lifelong, buttorefornjicthcbookeofour confciencc ? And this istobcdoneonelyby the holy word ofthe Lord.Tbcre we ijiall Icnrnc the true faith^by which we are incorporate into Cbrirt as members of bis mylHcall bodie. There is repentance taught, cuen how wcefliali forfakethe euill workes and doc the good. There is the t^ light to expcll all our darkenes,to corrcft all our errors, and to guide vs in the rignt way. We arc for to looke day !y into this word to find what is amiffcand by the fame for toreforme it.Ifwc attain vnto that faith that vvorketh by loue,happie are wc, our heart and confcience Hiall bee found finccrc. Fortouchinoallour (inn(»,they are wafhed away anddifchar- ged through the pretious bloud of Chrifl. And the fruitcs of our faith, eutn the workes of lone fhall appcarc and fland vp to our praife and glorie. Thcfc workes jndeede are vnpcrfcifVand full of fpots, but as all othor finnes arcblotted out,fo the fpots of thcfc fhalbe wafhed avvfiy,and they fliall be found perfctS^. Ifwe haue but ^c dead fjiih^ wc decciuc our felu^s, ourbookcs af c not rcfornUd^but all will be foulc THE REVELATIp;N. 407 foulc when they come to bcc opened. For then wehaue, aswcimaginc'.arioht faith, which ycc is without repentance. Then wee omitic thofe ducties which Godcommandcth, and boldly commit many finncs whichhcc hath forbidden, prci'uming vpon pardon ? The heart is hardncd daily more and more, and trcafu- rcth vp wrath, againft the daybf wrath. For doe we not all confcflc that without rcpentance.thcrcisnolalBation.Theconfcicnccis reformed dai/v by repentance. For as by faith wcc hauc free pardon of all our finnes: foby the fame ate wee dayly purged and fandlihcd, wee die vnto finnc andliuc vntori^htcoufnefie. Hethat is in Chrift crucified, tiie death oi"Lhri[] doth killfinnc in him, forhis oldcmanis crucified with Chrilt. Againe, he that is graffedtothe limilitudcof his death, fhall be alfograOcd to the fimihtudc ofliis rcfurredtion. Rom. 6 Then i:onfider for your repentance, without which yc cannot be faucd ; becaufeyour bookes v%ill be foule when they be opened, where that hath not bcene. Confi- dcr, Ifay, firil,forthe reforming ot you heart andconfciencc hjw finnc docth die in you. For by nature the mindcof cuery one is ouerfprcad with vanitie, and with ignorance of God : by nature the heart is full of all cuill Jults. There is couetoufneflc, there is pride, there i.fclfelouc, there is enuic, end hatred, there is cncltie, with many filthic vncleanc dcfires..Vnri!lthelc things bee blotted outofthebocLc, and better ihing!.put in their place, therein nofaluation : For ycfceit fetdoune, that the dead arc iudged according roihe things, wbicharc written in the Dookcs. It Hull notauailcamantocric. Lord, lord, ifnaughtic things be written vpinthisbooke. If thou uoenct repent for thy couctoufncs, andcart foorth a number of finnes, wiMdifpring from it, thou muftnccdcsbce damned. The holy ApofHcfaich, ihatcoi;etoufcnflc isidolatrie, for the world- ly wan doth fct riches in the placeofGod: and To maketh them an Jdoll. If thy 'hcaitbcfetvpon riches, if thou put thy truft in them, as if thy lifcdidconfiHin the aboundanceofthcm : blot it out ofthybooke.put thy truft in the Lord, fct thy hearts delight inhirn : and dcfpifc diis world. Ifthouhaft gotten goods vvrono- fuliy, reftore them to the right owners : Doe not flatter thy fclfcthat thou haft repentance, vnlcficthou fcclcfuch a worker forbce itthou haft gotten wrong- .fully others goods in time of thine ignorance. Thou diddcft therein commit theft. Nowtlioucommefttofec, how fowle a finnc ihoudiddeft commit, and the land, the houfe. or the goods euill gotten remaine ftill with thee : thou know- eft thou holdcft them wrongfully, and yet thou docft dctamc them; is this re- pentance? Nay is it not greater theft, then thy forrfter ? for at the firft thoudid- deft ftcale them being ignorant; and now thou withholdcft, and foeucn flea- left them of knowledge. Here js no repentance, but an increafc, and an heaping vpoffinne, forycc know the faying of our Sauiour: Thathce that knoweth his maftcrs will, and doth it not, fliall bee beat with many ftripcs. Then rcformc yout bookes, dealc vprightly, giue vnto cuer)' man his owne, bechbcrall and mercifullto the poore, cucn to the widowe, and to thefatherleftc; Forvpri£;ht dealing, mercieandpitie, arcgood things to be found written inyour bookes: They wUlmakcyecgladwhcnihcy come to bee opened. Ifyebceproude, vain- Dd 4 glorious. 4o8 SERMONS VPON glorious, and high minded: doe yec not rcadc, that Godrcfiftcththeproude? O what abonrjinablethings arc written vp againftyc, in your confcience? Lcarnc thcntoknovvcthevaniticofyour ownc mindcs, lcarnc to knowc your fclucs: hymblc your fclucs, and become meckcandlowcly in heart, for therein God is plcafcd. Wcepe, and lament for thclofcie pride ofyour hearts, which is fo abo- minable before God. And thenlhall yce not bcc afraidt to come to the opening of yourbookes, Lee notchchautievanitieof your hearts hauehcr uill fomuch, as tolTicwit felfe inexccfTe of apparell. Yec will fay,that a purple heart may lie vnder a courfe mantle ; and therefore the garment is not the matter. That is very true, but yet il^dclight in gorgeous apparell, bewrayeth the pride of the heart. If yec beegiuen to wrath, yec hguc then fct open (as it were) a widedoore vnto Satan to cnter,and to bring in many cuils. Wherefore the holy Apoflle faith, Be angry but finne not, let not thefunncgoe downe vpon your wrath, giue not placet© the diuell,Ephef.4, If yce doe (uffcr wrath to indurc, Satan worketh ha- tred, enuie, and crucll words and deeds. So that the booke of the confcience is fluffed with many fowlcthings. O labour now by repentance to blot them oat, andbcmceke, patient, andlong fuffering. What fhould I mention particulars from vice to vice, thisisthefummc, fearch the heart and confcience by the holy word of God,andfeeke to roote out all vices which ye fliall finde there, and to plant in the vertues which are wanting. If yec be wife,thinke alvv ajes of this ope- ning of the bookes, and let it be yout dailie care and trauaile,ftiirto reformc and to amend. What bufines haue wee of that waight, that may draw vs from this thing? Doth it not ft and vs greatly vpon to haue our rcckening bookes in good order againft this iudgement ? Is it not then requKite that our whole 1 ife, be cuen ailudleandalabourhow wemaydie well? Beloued to conclude this poynt,lec vs not hide our finnes and ourvnclcannes, but open and confcffe them to thrf Lord. Let vs|bc afhamcd of them, and bcwailc them,with the forowfull teares of true repentance: forif wedoenot,they fliall be opened and vncouered vnto our euerlafting fliame and confufion : feeing the bookes fhall be opened. Then it foUowethjthat another booke was opened which is the booke of life. Gf this bookc the holy fcripture fpeakethin diuers places, and notonelyin th& neweTeftamentjbutalfointheolde.Mofcspraicththe Lord to forgiuethe finne of the people,when they had made the golden calfe,and if not (faith he,) Blot me out of the booke which thou haft written, Exod. 32. But what booke is it, will fomc man fay ? It is the booke in which theirnames are written, whom God hath cic(i>(5d vnto eternall life. For out of the whole lumpe of mankind,being all loft in Adam, Godchofeofhisfrecloueand mercie, a remnant whome hee would rcdceme in his fonne: and the names of thcfe are written in this booke : which is here opcned,that we may know that the fairhfull doe not come to a terrible iudge, but to their Sauiour. But are their names then written indccde in a bookc, which fhallbce faucd? To thisIanfwerc,thatyemuftconfider, thattheholy fcripture in the high matters of God, applieth it felfe vnto ourcapacitie, and afcribeth vnto God fuch things as are agreeable vnto men. As wee fee when men take the names THE REVELATION. 40p names of great multitudes for any purpofejihey ^ritc them downe, becaufc they xannoc othcrwife remember them. Now God ncedcthno fuch helpe : butyct to fliew ihathe hath in his counfcll determined and decreed whom he v\ill fauc.itis faidhc hith written vp their names in a booke, and that is called thebookcof life. This booke Qiall now bee opened, and Co it {liall appearc, that (o inany as iheLordinhisvnchangcablecounrell hath decreed to bring to life, that he hath redeemed them in his fonne, called and fani^ified them by his fpiiitc vnto an ho» Jyconuerfation, and that now hcc will glorificthem. And he faith, that the dead weic iudgcd according to the things that were written in the bookcs, according CO their workes. The iudgement(as I noted before,) proceedeth according to theeuidcncc which is vpon rccorde, cuen according to the things v\ hich are writ- ten in the booke s, and chat is according to their decdes. For what arc written ia theconfcicncesof men butihcir workes.' So that, wee vnderftand by workes, not oneiy outward adliom, but alfo inward ihogghcs and fecret intents. Here isiiow a matter beyond all reafon, how the dead fhould all rife.againe : and therefore Saint lohnfpcaketh moreparticularfieof it. Men haue dyed of fundry kindcs of deaths r as feme haue beenc drowned in the fca ; fomc haue becne flaine in the wanes, fvimc haue been burnt to a(hes, others haue died in their beddfcs. Inthcfea, the hlLcs haue deuoured them, in thewarresthe fovMJes of the ayrehauc eaten their fleOi, as alfo the wildc beaftes. The aflies of the o- iher haue been fcattercd \\\)q can tell whither ? Shall alUhefe arife to iudgcraent? Saint lohn anfwcreth, and faith plainely, that the fea gaue vp her dead , and then death rendreih her dead, that is , if they were flaine with the fword in warrcs, or burnt, or put to any other death and neuer buried, now they rife. Like- wife hell or the grauc yeeldethvp the dead, that haue been buried. Then there Hiall not any one be wanting. For that diuinepovvcr which created allofno- thinf;,isabl»to gather together, and to giuc vnto eucry oMbis owncflcrh and bis owne bones. Andmarkehowhcrepeatcthitagainc: that they were iudged euery man ac- cord ing to his workes. VVhy is it repeated fo often ? Wc may calilic pcrcciue why it is repeated fo often reucnbccaufe men are hardly brought to bcleeue any fuch matter. Ye haue many horrible fwcarer*,blafphemers,raylers,and full ofhlthicri- baldfic,thatliue in ryot,indrunkennes,aiid in abominable v\horedomcs:tell them of this iudgem#ntd3y,andofthcirreckcning,and they laugh. And why? O, fay they,God is mercifull, wc will askc him forgiucnes. Ye haue others which line in wraih.in malice, in enuie and debate, whofc tongues are giucn to backbite, to lyc and to flaunder, andwhofc whole life alrnoft is nothingclfe burin feckinghow to harmc, and how to bee reucnged vpon their enemies, or vpon fuch as they vn- iulily hate. Talkcwidithefc, and tell them what the Scripture dooih pronounce vpon them,and they will anfwer.wc know that well enough: but we can in one quarter of an hourc fcrgiue all the world. Then haue yethcfc hautic proude per- rons,and thofe which arc couctous and worldly minded, fo that they doeopprcflc and dcfraude,they fpoylc the fatherles and the vvidow,theybribe,they cxtort.tiiey foifwcare^- 410 SERMONS VPON trfwearc thcmfclucs to get goq^s. Doe but trie thefe, and tell them^that tbcy murt come to iudgemcnt, and that they fliall bee iudged cucry one according to their decdes,and Ice what ibey will fay. Shall ye not heare this anfvvere, or fomc ■fiich like ? I mull liuc, I nnirt prouide for my i'elfe, I will repent for that which I docan* flcjandro 1 trull God will pardon me. Deale after the like maner with other forts of grieuous finners, and yec (hall heare them make the like anfwcre: ib that we may feeplainc!y,that men arc not perfwadcd that they lliall giue an ac- countof their dccdes. Then, as I fayd,ye may eafily fee the caufe why this is fo of- ten repeated, that they fhalleucryonebc iudged according to their workes: let men ihcrcf-ircbe fully affured ofthis. Let vs not be fo foolifh as to imagine, that Lord, Lord, and Lord haue mcrcievpon vs,'willcarric away the matter: but while wee haiie time, Ictvs turne with true repentance from thofecuill workes, tljat they may be blotted our. Such as doe finncprcfumptuouflyinhopcof par- don^ltnow ndt what repentance is. He that repenteth,is forrowfull in his heart for the finne which he hath committed, and fo doth lament and bewaile it, confcf- fin" it to the Lord, and crauing pattlon for it with teares. Moreouer he doih hate, dete(l,and loathe the cuill.bccaufe it iscontrarie to the holy will of God,and doth dilTionour him. Finally ,he doth renounce and forfake the euill and wicked decde. And all this is throiightheworke of grace, that his oldc man is crucified by the power of Ghrifls^leath. Then onthc other fide,hc dot^^ loiie entirely ,and from the bottome of his hcart^that which is pure and good : he doth eL^en hunger and third after it : hee is glad to performc it in adlion, and fo to bee full of good decdes, whereby he may glorifie God. This is the right way.and behold how farrc aw ry men doe goe from this: and therefore fliall be iudged according to their workes: let them crie out neuerfoloude, Lord, Lord, and Lord haue mercie vpon vs. It m ay be here dem aunded then, whether this be to be vndcrftocde of both p3rts,or whether the wicked onely fhall be iudged according to their wotke*. Our Saui- our declareth plainely, Matth.2 5 . that both the good and the bad Yball be iudged according to their decdcs: as. Come yeeblcflcd of myfather,&c. When I was hun^ric yee gaue me a-^ate,&c. And^Goeyc curfcd,&c. When I was hungrieye cauc me no meatc,&:c. For thus it is, the true beleeucr,w hofe true and liuely faith workcthby ch3ritie,foifaketh finne, and receiueth pardon, io thatnoeuill of his fliall appeare in iudge.nent : but the good deedes v\hich he doth fhall come forth and be rewarded wi^th gloric : And lookehow much greater they 6e, Co much the greater fliall his honour.his praife,and his glorie be with God. Now on the contrarie part, the w icked man, whofe works doc cuidently de- clare that he hath no true faith, dial 1 haue aM his deeds fct before him : and then according to the greatnes orfovtlncsof them, hee fhall rcceiue his damnation: forlookc how much greater his offences haue been, fo much greater torment fhall hee receiue. The nccier heccommeth in finning to the diuell, xhc deeper fhall hee bee caflv\ithhii« into horror and mifcric in the pit of hell. Would (Jod wee could bee well jerfwadcd of ihisj that eucry one fliall bee iudged according to his workes, ^, Then THE REVELATION. 411 Then it followcth, that death and hell were caf^ into the lake of fire , this is the fecond death: Here is the execution oFiudgementvpcn the reprobate, in this fcntcnce.and in the next. Alithc damned fhallbeccafiintoheJJ, whichhec calli#>the lake of fire: and fodie the fecond death. This fecond death itawo- fulldcath, andlalieihforeuerandeuer. Goeycecurfcd (faith Cluift) into cuer- laiiingfirc, which is prepared forthcuiuell and his Angels, Matth.2j. But this r aftrangemancrof fpeechihat hce faith, death and hell fliail bee caH into the Ir.ke of fire. What isdcath that hee (hall bee cafHntoeternall fire? Is death any creature that hath fenfe to fuffcr torments ? Surely death is not any creature, death is not any thing that hath a fubflance, death hath no fcnfc or feeling either of ioy or (orrowc. How then fliall death bee caftinto hell? Then further, the lake of fire is hell. How then doth hce fayjthat hell fhall bee call into the lake of fire"? Shall hell bee caft into hell? For anfwere vnto thefc things yee mull vn- dcrfhnd, that death and hell are here put for the heyres of death and hell: that is, for the reprobate that fnall beedamncd in hell and there dye for cuer. This fpcech wantethnothiscfficacie, but indecdcdeclareth the exceeding milene of there- probate, and their curfcd cHate to bee fuch in hell, that they are called euen death andhell. Opoore wretches that are euen death and hell it (clfe. And thenfinally hecrhewcih, that whofoeuer is not found writteninthc bookeof life, fhall bee caft into hell. Onely the clc<^ oi God which doc obey ^ndt honour him, fhall c- fcapc dam nation- THE XLVI. SERMON. CHAP. XXI. ^»(i Iftrv A new heauert and a wrv earth, for the frfi heauert and the first earthwerepajfcdaray^andthcre w^j nomorefeu And I fohn f^wthehily cttienerv lerufnfeWy come dorvne fi om God out of heauen^ prepared as 4 hr/de trimmed far her hujband, yind I heard a gre.it vojce out cfheaften,fayin^^, behold the tahernacle ofQod u IV if h men,and he will dvpcllwuh them : and t hty foallbe his people yand God- himfelfepjallheiheir God irith th: m. And God ft} all nye avtay xll teares from thetr eyes, and 1 here /hall be no more deJib,ncftherforrotr, neither cryirg^netther fhall there be any more paine, for I he fir si ihinjrs are p. :J[ed, ty^nd he that fate vpon the throne ffjd, behold I make all things netP : and he ftfd vnto me vf rite, for tbef- rrords are fait ^fnl I and true, S And' 412 SERMONS VPON , 6 tAni he faiJivntt me^ it is done, I am Alphaand Omega, the heginKtng 4ni the ende: I wiUgitteto him that is atbirfiy of the vfeU of the water of life freely. 7 Ht that. ouercommethJhallifiheriSe all thittgs/tad /mil hhu God and h0/ia!l be mjrfonnfi, ■ 8 Bht thefearefuUaMdvnheleemng.atidahoihinahlejandmMrthererttandvfhere" n)onns, they bee not made ot iron or of (ione.thcy doe fcelc them,and they doc wccpe: odicrwifc how fhould it bee faid, that God will wipe away all tcares from their eyes ? 7 hccearcs which chey fhed iKall be wiped away^and they rhallneucr weep any more. They (ball finuc no morc,they fhall not fcare death any more, there ihall be no griefc norforrow, O blcflcd people that fhall dwell wjth fuch aGod.Andmarkethc reafon that is rendrcd,whiclns partly in thcfe words, that he faith, the firft things arc pafTcd : and partly in the words that follow,and hcc that fate vpon the throne faid, Behold I make all thngs new. The firfl things, that is, the Ihtc in which the world is noWjis very grieuous and lamentable. Sinne is committed, for the diuell hath a kingdome.horrible confufion_,and afflictions doc follow. But all ihcfe for- mer things fliall pafleaway,and thcmofl mightie and holy God makcthall new. Ye fee that the words be plainc, which open ihe reafon ofthe rcniouingof all cuill fromtheelciftofGod rand now that we may be out of all doubt, for the certain- tic ofthe matter here is adi'ed; And he faydvnto me, write, for thcfe v\ords arc faithfull and true. Saintlohnis willed to fet it downe in writing, that the words are faithfull and true. And againc,it Is the etcrnall and vnchangeable God, w hich is expreffcd in this that hcc faith, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,that confirmeih it with this fjiecch.It is done. Things to conie,w hich are de- creed in the coiinfcllof God,are as certaine as iftht-y were paH. -for the Lord God cannotcrrc, neither can hcc alter and change, neither can any hinder his decree.. Looke what he hath determined before the world,hc may fay long before it come to paffe.ir is donCjfor it cannot be altered : and if he fay it is donc,although wc fee no likelihood yet wc may ground vpon his word,eucn as fuicly^as if wee faw the ihmgs fulfilled before our eyes. Now after he hath thus ratified vnto vs the full certain tic of thcfe things,touch- ing the new heaucns^and the new earth, and theholy ciiie, with the happie eliate. of thofc that Oiall dwell in it, hcc addeth certaine pro mifes, which declare on the one part what manncroFperfons Oiall enter and dwell in ic:and on the other part athrcatningrhewing whofliallbee thruf?out,and calUnto hell. Thefir^pro- mife is in thefc words.To him that is a thiff},\\ ill I giue of the well of the water of" hfc freely.Hcrc is cucrladinglife promitd vndcr a figuraiiuc fpcech, which is,ihac. It fhall begiucn vntomcn to dnnke of the v\ ell ofthe water of life. Men for thcii^ yfe in this nacuraPt life, doe draw waters out ofwelles.and freflifprings. Accor- dingly he fpealceth here of the fpirituall life which is giucn of God in Chrirt : The Lord CJod is the fouiuaine of liuing watcrs,and he hath put the life into bis fonnc, v.'h» is the well of tlw: waters of life vnto vs For thus he fpeaketh of himfclfc: If a- ny mamhirrt.lct him come vnto me and drinkc : He that bcleeuctb in me,as faith theScripturc,ouiof his bcllic fhall flow riucrsof water of lifc.Ioh.7.vcrf 37.38. . What the waters of life are, the Euangelif^ rhcwcih in the next verfe of that fc ucnth. chapter, fayi ng, this fpake he ofthe fpirit, that they which bdccucd in him . ' . (hould: ]i6 SERMONS VPOH fiioiildrecciuc. It is thcnafpirituall and an heaucnly life which is here promifcd. And yc muft obfcruCjthat it is giuen freely. If it were by mans defcrt^ho w fhould it be laidjl will giiie him of the well of the water of life freely? Is that giuen freely, which men doc earne,and may challenge as their due ? Indeed the holy Scriptures iomtiir.csvfethisphrafejthatmenaretobuyihofefpirituahhings.AsiRElayjj, All tiiat thiVn arc called to the waters, they are willed to come and buy . But it is addcd.that they may buy without filueXjand without any price : they buy for no- thing. True it is.that he which forfaketh,and is readie to loofe all earthly pleafurcs and commodities to aitaine to the ioyesof hcaucn,may after a fort be layd to buy them. Yet neucrtheleflcjthe Lord giueih them freely : eternall life is the gift of God. Now the chiefc thing that wee are to markedoothyet remaine, and that is to whom the Lorde will giuc to drinkeof the well of the water of life, which is ex- prcffcd in one vvoru,to him that is a thirft.Thc Lord promifeth to giue the waters of life: but tonooncbuttofuchasbcathirft.Themeaningof this isplaine,that there fliall not any be partaker of this heauenly bleding, but fuch as doc earnertlic couet and feeke after it. When a man is in a great heate,and forea thirft,ye know whnt a vehement defire bee hath of fomcwhat to quench his thirft. And fothc Lord to exprcfle the vehement defirc of heauenly and fpirituall thingswhichis in the faithfulljiecalleth it thirft. Ycknowhow ourSauioiir fpeakeih,Mat.5.Blcf- ^^ ^d arc they which hunger and thirft after righteoufnes, for they fhall be fatisfied. The Lord God offreth exceeding great and precious things : fuch as do not thirfk aft««hcm ,are defpifers,and doe fct light by them, and no dc(pifer (hall be parta- ker of the heauenly glory .Ye know the parable of the king that maried hisfonne, and fent foorthto call them that were bidden, and how they being addicted to their worldly cares and pleafurcs, fet light and made excufcs,Maith.2 2. Luk. 1 4. which men ncucrtaftcofthatfupper. Alfo ye know what the Virgin Mary fayth in her fong : He hath filled the hungric with good things, & the rich he fent away cmptie. Whoare thofe rich,butall theythat are full within themfelueSjand doc . not feelc their wants? Then is it euident(beloued3 that the firftfteppevnto true •^ bleifcdnesjis to know andtofeeleour miferie.For before fuch time as wee feclc our wrcrchcdnes,eucn what w ec are fubie<5t vnto through our finnes,wee cannoc couct rcmedie. For who fccke:h remediifor that euill which he doth not feele nor fcare ? If wee come indeede for to fee and to feele bow curled wee arc in our vn- c!cannes,and wiihall to know that the Lord hath giuen a remedie,we fliall vehe- mently thirft after the famc,cuen as after lining waters for to refrefh vs. Will not a wife man then enquire how he may know his miferie, and fo be brought to thirft after the liuing waters ? Surely (as 1 fayd) it is the fitft fteppe. We arc in our felues full ofallvnclcannes, and fuch as doth make vslothfomc and abotuinablcbefferc the Lord God: but we are fo blind that wc doe not perceiuefomuchjbutfwcH in pridc,as if we were very excellent, and defpife thcfaluation of God, He therefore that will know hi mfcUe,muft come to the word of God: for by that be (hall ^e what he i3,There is cleerclight,ihcre is. puritic and clcanncs required; there a man (hall TH5 REVELATION. 4I7 ftiallfindc cutallthcfoulc fores and deformities of the foulc,and all thefpirituall , difcafcs ofbodic and minde. Tlicrc he rhallfindc,that except he hauc remcdic, he , isvndcrthccur/candwrnthof God,and vtteriy forlornc. If hec once talk how fwccte the Lord is,by that liuely worde, hcc will thirft flill exceedingly for more. For afTureyour felues,that the more a mantafteth the waters of life,thc more he is ^ a thirft : and therefore the Lord doth not fay, I will giuc to him that was a thir^i " « and hath now his thirft quenched,but to him that is a thirl?. If any (lull deinaund and fay, how can that bCj that the more a man tafteth of thofc v\ aters of life, the more he (hall thirft ? or if it be Co, vJiiat benefit is it to caftc^'hen the tafting doth notqucnchbutincreafcihirft ? Ianfwcre,th?.tthc waters of life are fo exceeding fwccic and comfortable, that whofocuer hath once tafted fomedrop of them, hisfoule is inflamed and rauirhcd with the defire of tnorc/and fo he thirfteth more vehemently. He that ncueriaftcd any droppc of ihem,knowcth not of any fuch thing,and fo neuerthirRcih, And this is the reafon why i'omc men doc vehement- ly couct to reade the holy Scriptures,and to heare them expeunded/ecking daily 10 quench a thirft which is in them. And others there bee which hauc no delight at all in the word of God,ashauing no thirft to be quenched : they read ijot,they defpifcto heare fermonSjthey hauc no meditation. If they did know themfclues what exceeding miferie they be in.and did but fcele fome retreOi ing by the word , they would doc the fame thing which now they eft eemc to be follie and madnc's in others. They Iaugh,thcy fcoffc, and mocke at ihofe whom they fee to frequent holy excrcifes of religion. And it may be they will fay.what arc they the neerer for all their running,if their thirft be not qucnchcd,but daily more and more by their hearing increafcd ? I anfwer^that the more the thirft increafeth in men while they liuc herCjthe more they be bleffed : r>ot that the very thirfting it feUe is a matter of blcffedncs : but bccaufe the promifc is,that the thirft ie ftiall be fatisficd. The Lord God dothgiue-fomc droppes now of thofc fwecic waters vnto thcthirftiefoulcs: "which although they inflame their thirft, yetthey be comforted exceedingly by thcm,andrefreftied,inasmuchastheybeaffuredbythem,thatthcyftiallcomcto the full well of thofc waters of life v\hcre they fliallbe fully faiisfied. Markc well then belouedjwho they be that fliall be faued,eiicn thofc that be a thirft:thcy hauc tafted.and they fcekedaily for more. Examine thincownecftatc: doeft thou not thirft? If thou doe notjthine eftatc i;. verybad.Tliou knoweft not thy mifcric,thou * dcfpifcft the graccsofGod: thou n->altncucrdrinkcofihc well ofihc water of life, ' vntill fuch time as (houdocftthirft.VVhatfliouldlftand here to fpcakeof the mi- ferie of thefc times, in whichthcclcere ligUtof thcGofpell doth Oiinc, ftiewing the fountaine of the waters of life,aiid calling vpon men to come to thcin,and the multitude arc not atbii ft? Few thcrcbe which ihirftindccde, and they be had in derifion,and nnicii hated. Doc yc not fee there be many which neucr reade ouer fo much as the new Teflamcnt in their life, n6r once in the wetkc, care either to teadc or to heare fo much as one chapter of tiic Bible ? If the word of the Lord be preached eucn by their (-ioorc!;, the Icaft bufincs, and eiicn themcaneft plcafurc doihkccpe them backcfrom hearing. Is the promifc of life made vnto fuch ? P « — „TI / 418 SERMONS VPQN' ^ Then fGlloweihtheotlicrpromifc ioThelc words: He thatoucrcoramcth (liall inherit all [hingSjand I will be hisGod.and he ftiall bcmy fonnc. Here is againc apromifcofvcry great gloric and dignitie: for what greater gloric then tokihe- rit all things,and to be the Tonnes of God ? If God be our God and we bis fonncs, they be great things which we fli^ll poQ'cfle in iKc kingdcmc of heaucn. Then asyceconfidcriheheightand greatnesof thcglorie hercpromifed, fo raarke to whom icispromifedjvvbichiscxpreired ill thele words; hccthat ouercommcch. Forlcaft we might take it^thatbccaufe the Lord giueth eternal! life freely >that no- thing is required on our part.bu: that we.majf be idle , flouthfuIl,and negligent, befhewcththat none fliall inherit chat gloric, but conquerors, Wcarein a bat* taile, if we fight valianilyjand ouerconicour enemies, wee fhail be crowned; but if we be oucrcome and led aw ay capiiue,as prifoners taken in the warres, how can we be faued? Wehaue atorrupt nature full of finne and (iufiilllufts,and the diueU worketh in it very flrongly : and if w? doc notfubdue ic, and vanquiQi Satan,wc are taken as prifoncri; and held captiuc. . If we doc obcaine the true faith, we fliall bee armed with the power of bur Lorde to rcfili the diuell, fo that bee fhall not blindcthceyesofourmindes, nor harden our hearts, neither fliall anycuill luft thatisinvSj haue dominion ouervs, but we Hi all get the vi6^oricouer them all. This is a moft glorious vi(5lorie,whcn w e ouercome our ownc corruptiqn,and the power ofSatan which worketh in ic. O bcloiied,fuchgoodly things aredifficult, thinke not thatthey can be obtained ateafe.Thelufts and pleafurcsof finnearc wondcrfuU fweete and delegable vntp nature,it is ahard workc to deny them. Ic is euen as much as if a man lliould indure thcdigging out of his right eye, or the cutting off of his right hand. Satan alfo is marneilous fubtile and crahic : wcc haue no fafctie but continually to five vnto the Lord our God for fuccour. Wee xnuft rtand,a»d we muft get the viiitorie through his power,and '^ee muftbegge ^raccof him continually to thatcnde. For fnarkc now what fliall becomcofall thofe which are ouercome,which the next v'erredeclareih in thcfe words : But the fearefulljand vnbelecuing,and.tiie abomiriablc,and murthercrs, andvvhoremon- gcrs, and fprccrers. and idolaters, and all liars, (liall haue their pair in the lake which burr-eth with fire and brirJjfxone/Ahich is the fccond;de2tb. All thcfc forti of people arc conquered by Sat an,and by I heir o»wne]ijri»,ai3d arc led away cap* liueinrocucrlaliingwocaiidperdiLiGn. Itmaybe,demaunded;.are t-hefe all the lorts which aceoticrcomc? arethcrc; not nianyotHer wicked perJbnav^hich'arc ouercome of thcw-fM-ldjand of the prince of Dtie w^ildySlndby hira led away vDto hell ? Here is no-mencion of proud p<;;fons,of coyetous, nor of biafpbemers, he? fpcaketh not of tiaycors and rebels nor of fuch as difobey and difhonor their pa- rents: hcicis notapj? wtordpf thceucs, orvrurers,.eBS,;and irre'igicus pcrfons; nor of n,»an,v other,. laiifweic, t|ii*iit :J5 not tl)c niiud^and purpofeof the hc)lyG]iol},to name particularly all forts of v^Mcked pctfpns v\hich are vaflqni* ilicd by iinne and Sat3n,and led a-vvny captiue cohell: but namingfomc,all the reft arcvnJejflpodras ifit were 'addcd,alithefe and fiich like. Morcoucr^wcr-Tiaynote that fomc of die particulars expieficd be v-ery large, and may c ontaiue inany : as / nAmelv> .. /i THE'HEVELATION. 4IP namely^vnbelctfucrsij'aniiabotTimablercacFvfarre, they may Include all manner o» TUgodly men. But a littlcto the wor Jss he fpcakcih of ib.c ^loric of conquerors, and of thccndlcs mifctic of il¥>ic' which are conquered. And bccaiifcthac fcarc- full perlous arc not fie for W8nc,bijc arc cafdy ouercome,hc bcoinneih with rhem jiniong the captiues. The feaicfull arc they which feare men- more then God, contraric CO that precept of our Sauiour, Match. 10. Fcan? not them that kill the bodWjbucarcnocabretoktlUhcrouIcJ bur fcare h:iu rather which is able todc- (iroy both foule and bodic in hell. 1 he holy religion and worOiip of God is ha- ted andpcrfccutcd in the world : and ye hauemany which v\ ill profcde it no f«r- ther,thenthey may gofafc xind free from ihehacrcd and difplcafurc of men. Thcfe feare man abouc God, they be ouercome by Satan, and led to hell. All vnbclcc- UCTS want power to oucicoqic the world, and are hcldraptiue. Through vnbc- Icefe they are not lan6tified,but defpifeGodandbis tructHjthcy becouctous,thcy be-proudcjthcyi^c full ot molt fotilcabominjatioDs, anti bthfomelydoeliinkc in the fight of God. All malitioushatefull perfons are miuthcrcrs: fuch as be led with TUclcanqlufls be adulterers; witches arid forcerers there be of fundrieCbrts: the rupciditious idolaters which woriliip with mans inucntions,that rccejue the very do(f^rincs of dmels,andfoindqedc wQr(hip.4w^ls,arcioyned with iheni : allthac flauudcr prdcceiucwith failfehood and lyes come in among them, and are led to- gether as ptifo^ifrjinfothqlakathat biJtneth with fire and brimUonc,which is the Iccohd death. Beloued,if it befb, as lhopcyedoubtn6t,lct vs fight vahantly to get thcvidloric.thac wc may cfcapc frotn the danger of tins lake of fircand brim- ltonc,and rCigne as conquerors in cccrnall gloric. There is no one of vs but fhall be tempted vnto many finncs : but If tys rclili manfully, put labour therein (hall be blcilcd. Thus much for tliis time. i*.'.>'V,^^\ ^W'ift^-K '>ic\\'^^>'r;A^;:-iV< .-irx^^.V. THE. XLVIT. SERivlON. CHAP. XX I. p $yft$d there came vnto me one ofthefeittn Angels yVrhkh had thefeuen vials fan of thcJtMcn Uil. ^UgMs,^}^k^€,'fiiyifigjc9mt I'mU Jbtw thee tbebrtdf^theLamhcswtfe. ;.;?(; t.f,.' -jri- ;hiv I p Atii be, caritd me awaj in t^fjpirii n>tu^ '^ff^ftK t*pd an high fhaufitaine, a*>d ., ' ihe'JjfiPed tne thut great cide, that holy hrnfikm difcendiag 9m of heauen fromC^od, rAur.) I I llauing thegUry of Cody and her fhitnng mis ItkfVHto nfione moftpreeioHt, 4S a lu.ffer flone^cUere as Chrt^/tU, 12 t/indhM^ gYcatTfuHonhsgh^andhadtvoelHt gates^i^idat the gale stweht. Et 1 Angels, 420 SERMONS VPON AfigclStHnithe names vfritten, which are the twelve tribes of the children of Ifrael. J 3 On the Eafi part there were three gates^ and on the Northftde three gates, > on the South fide three gates,andonthelVeflfidethree gates. 1 4 A»dthe wall of ^ecitte hadtwelue foundations^ and in tbem the names ef theLambestweltte ApoFiies, 1 J And he that talked mth r/te had a golden reed.to meafare the citie mthaH, and the gates thereof andthewallthereef. 1 6 And the citie liy fouref<^uare,and the length of it is as large as the breadth of it^and he meafaredthe citie voith the reed txvelue thou f and furlongs, and the length ^and the breadth^ndthe height of it are e ;i . > 23 fiAnd this citjhath noneedeofthe Sunne^ neither of the Moone tofjine for the glory of (joddtd light it -and the Lamhe is the light^fit. . ' . 24 And the people Vf;hick are faued^fiallwalke in the light of it : and the kings of the earth Jhall bring their honour andglory vnto it, 1 5 Andthe gates of itfijaUnot be /hut by day, for there /hall be no night there, 2 6 And theglorie andhenot^reffhe Ge»filesfl>atlhe br-ought-vnto it. 47 cy^nd there fhaQ- eliter into h'y no vncleafie thing", neither whalfoeuer tvor- keth abomination, or lies : ^ut they rvhish are written in the Lambes booke ^fl'fi- fiH<^hoTy^cIiptuT<»,be!ow4;d<)c!^cforthth»th1l^ godly fhail 'jdi.vell with chc Lord as it were inatitie: Asycen^iayrcadff, iHebr.M i-th^t Abrahirtij^aiCjaiTdTaaVob dwelled iiriemi, in ^lieltindipf promircsi^ 'in a'ttritlg^.I^, afid fobkedfora j cicie that hath foundations, whole builder and framcr is God. „^'SaintPau!e alfofait^i th^toin Fii{iteuma\s Hffli: ircauetis, ^i!^l'phi!,3 . which is tranflatedcurconuerfation,but itisasmuch ar tofav,piirfi:ccdor.;cinaci:ic.Now as thisbeaucnlyhabitatiorj is called acitic ; fo THE REVELATION. 421 fohcrc it is Hicwed in vifion fliadowcd foorth and dcfcribcd, to bee a wondcrf'ult goodly ciiie,mo(t rich and prccious^andeucry way commodious. It is themindc and putpofe of ihcholy Ghod thus to fct it forth^ that wc mny ftriue to enter into it. For mcnwillliriuctoattaincvnto rich and precious things. And verily wc are more then blockcs and floncs,ifwebenotmoucd<.viththegloricoi'ihiscit!c vea cucn inflamed, andrauiflicd uiditheioucofit. Bud will cometothewordcs, which bccaufcchcy tend all vnto one generall purpofc, which I hauc noted, 1 will not (land largely vpon thcni. l-ir(i,hcrc is noted who llieweth him this vifion, when he fa ith,Tt was one cfthc fcucn Angels v\'hich had the fciicn vials, fillofihcfcucnlalt plagues, that faid vn- to him,come I wiU fliew thee the bride die lambes wife. In the 1 7. chapter he tcl- Icththatoneofthofcfeuen Angels fhcwed him the falfev%horifii Church great Babylon : and here one ohhem, whether the fame or not, it is not much mareriall for to enquire, doth fliew him the true (church the (poufcof Chrilt indeed. There Iohnfayih,hecwascaryed into the wlldcrnes, fbrthat whore laycthall wall :and here he is caryed vp into an high moun tainc,and there feeth this holy citic : for that place is fit for thebcholJing of the whole proportion, & they muH indeed afccnd vp from the earth in heaitnly contemplation, that \n ill take the vie v\ c oFit aright. And then in a word he Icttcth forth the great glory of this citic, when hee faythjha- uingthe glory of God. What tongue is able to cxprcfle'ihc great glory of almigh- tieGod ? Andthcnthcre isfliewcd, thntthis citiefliall flourifli and continue In her esr^ ccllent beau tie for euer: when hcfayth^hcrfhiningvvaslikcto a ffonetnoft preci- ous, toalarpercleerc^schrinall. Thelafperisot a grcenc colour^ but the lafper is not tranfparent,and therefore rnto it is added that which ii in the chryftall, that is clcerc quite through. Then both thcic together, the grccncncs ofihe lafpcr, and thcthrough clccrcncsof thechryHall, asitiheydid concurrcin fbrricflpncrnoft prcciou*, doc declare the fhining of this citic. This is a greencncs that floVrinieth for euer. Yc hauc goodly greenc things here in the world,but they w idicr in time, it fha'.lnotbc fo here in ihchcauenly lerufalem. The next thing is. That it hath a great wall and high. What the vfe of a wall is inacitie,ycdocknovv well enough. It is for defence and fifetic of the inhabitants}' by keeping out enemies. The wall then is the ffrengthofihe citic. This citie^this holy Icrjifalenijflia'.l not be affaultedby any cnemicsjfor Sstan and hi : companies (hall beOiut vp in hell : but yet it is faid to hauc a great high wall, to rcpiefau thi^ flrcngthand fafctic of it. No danger can approchvnto thofe which dwell in it. He faithfurther,thatit hathtwcluegatcs,andtv\elue Angclsat ihetweUicgatcs.This is commendable in a citic, that there is hard acccfrcfor the enemies, and eafic antl' commodious paftage in and out for the citizens, That fnme is noted in this citic^.' The wall doth defend by keeping out enemies, the gates arc for the friends tocn- tcr in by. And as in kings courts and citics,thcre be keepers of the gatcs,to fee who enter :fohcrc are twclucAngelsatei;erygateonc,todcclarcth3t\hcrenia!lbc no entrance in at thcfc gates for any, but the true citizens. And ihofc arcihcy which Ee 3 »K 412 SERMONS VPON are noted iiT the ncjttwordes, and che names written, which arc the names of the tvvelue tribes of UraelLThere is none which fhall be faued but Ifraell^a nd therefore here are the names ofche twelue tribes of Ifrael.Not that all are [rraci(as the Apo- Ole fpeaketh) which are of Ifrael. All are not the children of God, which are the children ofAbraham after the flefh. Againe,all the true beleeucrsofthe Gentiles, though they bee not the children of Abraham after the flefli, yec are they his chil- dren by faith,and areas it were incorporate into thetribesof Ifraell. All the faith- full i hen, cuen all the true worfhippersofGod, both of the le wes and Gentiles,are included within tht names of the twelue tribes of li'racl, and are written vp as the freemen ofthiscitie.So that all thefe doe come and atefuffercd to paflc^and toen- ter by the gates into the citie. It is added, that there were on the Eaftpart three gates, and on the Northfide three oaies,on the Southfide three gates, and on the VVcftfide three gates. We arc taught that the Lord hath hischofen and faithfijii fcruantsin all quarters of the worlde.and will gather them from the Eaft,from the Weft, from the North, and from the South, into the kingdomeofheauen. Now that which the fcripturcvt- teicth touching that point by plainefpceches in fundric places, here is figured out by the gates. For ihelc gates on all parts are to rtiew, that out of all quarters ofthe easth, the redeemed fhall bee gatheredr andentetinto bliffe. It is all one then, of >vhatkingdomeorpeoplean)anbee, fpthat he feareGodjand vvorkerighteoufi ncs.rhcpaflageliethopen to him intothiscitie.Thercflial not any one faile,waa- der or ioole his way , but all Qiall meete through thefe gate?. He addeih further .that the wall ofthe citie had twelue foundations, & in them the names ofthe lambes twelue Apoflleb.How is this to be takenPhath the church- nvore foundations then oncPDothnot the holy Apo(-lle Saint Paul teach that there is no foundation ofthe Church but Icfus Chrill? i .Cor. 3 . How then are the twelue Apofileshere iet as twcl^pfbiindations ? :Tothis I anfvvcre, that Saint Paule tea- chcthhoW thisis to be vndcrftood",when be faith,rhat we arc built vpon the foun- dation ofthe Apoftlcs and prophcts,IefusChrift being the head corner ftone. Thus it is,the doi^rine ofthe Apoftles and Prophets doth lay lefus Cbnft the only ioun- dation ofthe Church. Heere are therefore vnder the names of the Apoiiies^tobec vnderftood all the prophets,in as much as th^y all tcachbut one and the famedo-' ^rinc.This mu(^ needs be fo.bccaufe the holy Apoliks ^^ erein the laH times cho-'- £enby Chriftvvhen he walked vp^on the cart^:, but the Church was before, cuen^ from the be j^inningof the worlde, and had prophets which did inltrud her. The : prophets then being firft, why arc the Apoftlcs named for ail? Thcreafon is, that^ the dodrineofthcApoHIcs touching Chrift is more tlecre,the the dodlrine ofthe- Prophets. Moreouec, yec may fee thap the number of xwclue.is much vfcd in this prophccie. i .-.if;' ', ltfolloweth,hc that talked with me had a goldcnicediQ^riearufC the cJfy;with-» ali,anil the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. It is one. great d fcommoditicinaj ciiie,if it beYo that the inhabitants be fcanteJ fotroome : for then one doth annoy an other. lu this heauenly citie, thcic (hall bee no luch annoyance, but roome c- nough THE REVELATrOf5r: 4IJ HCHigh For all to dwell moft coir.JTiodioufly. Now to rcprefcnt this.tHccitie miA\ be meallircd, that the lai genes tnercof may bcekno'Aiic. And for thatcaufe the Angel! hath a golden rccdc to mcature withal). It vvastheii>ancrin feme couii- tfic6 where thole great recdcsdid growe.ro vfcthcm for mcatisring poles,beca!i/e they were very light and lit ioi fuch .* purpofc. Therefore the nicafuring pole here iscallcdarcede, uotwi:hltandiMgl)Ciaich it wa^ot gold. All things arc fbpreci* ousabouttliiscitiCjthacthi very meafuringrodisof pure gold, which it isto be nicafurcd wit hall. Andthenitisfaidjthatthecitielay fourcfquarc/andthelcngthof itisaslargc as the breadth of ir.This fctteih forth the (ituation and proportion of the cicic by a fquarc figure; in which the length andbreadth ajeallone. If ye bedefn-oiisto know what is lignified hereby, markcbucaliccle. A round thing may bee rolled and nioucd out ot the place morcealilicthcrra'fquare.Thac which (l3i>dethf<]uc\re flandcih fafi and vnmoueable. When hee faith therefore that this citie 1 ay fou re fquare,it reprefents, that it (iandeth faft for eiicr and cuer. TJie (Pronged built ci- ties that euer haue been vpon the earth,hauecome to ruine and decay; but the hea- uenlyhabitationsaredurable. k is one great and Ipeciall comfort, for all the "od- Jy to know, that their habitation is fo furely founded by their Lord God almigh- tie, that it cannot be moued. Thisis icwhichisfpokenin che Epifiletothe Hc- brevves,chapteri2.verfc2 8. Whcreforcteceiuing akingdomc that cannot bee fhaken,let vshaoe grace,whereby weniay folaueGod,ihar we may pleafc him. Then thcciiic is meafured.and ic is twelue.thoufand furlongs. This is a very large citie ifyccour.t the miles. Eight furlongs arc a mile, lb that the whole cominetfi to a thoufand and fiuehundreth miles. Andtlienic feemetheuidcntthat he mea- furedbutoncfquare,becaufcthefoure fquares wcrecquail. Then if one fquarc were 1 2 . thoufand furlongSjtfie wholeis foure times fo much, aiid then the com- t»aiVe about of the whole citic is fixe thoufand miles. Here may a quclfion be mo- ucd.bccaufc it is cuidem by the word of our Sauiour Chrift, thacthc multitude of the damned doth farre cxceede the multitude of thofe that lliall be faued. For he faith, the way is freight, and the gate narrow which leadeth vntolifc, and fcwc therebctjiatfiiKlcit. But the way is broad and the gate wide that leadeth vnto 'dclirudion, and many walkemit. If this.be fo,howcomhieth it that hell isdc- (cribcdiobcfofarrelcflcthpn'hcaucn? For Chapttrthe 14. the great wine fatic of ih^iwr^thof God(whicIafi5hell)ts troden,andbc faith blood came out by the fpaceofathoufa incomprehenfiblc? Can a creature fee jntothc depth of that which is infinite? TheLoidcwill rcuealc himfclfe lb farreas fhall bee a full fufficicncie for the happines of the creature. Othcrwife as Saint Paiilfaith^God dvYcllcth in light that nouccan conic vnto. This great inui- fibltt. 475 SERMONS VPON ^blcGodis the temple of that heaucniy citie, and the Lambe; fbrthe Lambe is of cquall maic(iic, power and glory with the father. There is none that is the Temple but God, but the Lambc is the Temple, whereby it is manifelf that the i Lambe is God. Morcoucr, the father doeth maniteH himfelieinhisfonne, the elei} are reconciled to God by Chrirt, and therefore he faith thattheLorde God and the Lambc arethc Temple thereof. VVefhall knovveGod,and we fhallbc* holdchiminChrift,andthroiighChrili wcfliaildwell with him for ciier. O be* loued, is not here happie dwelling? Haue we not great caiife to long after this lieaiienly iiabitarion, and euen with impatient dcfirc_, to waitcwhen this glorie fliall be rcuealcd. In the next place hec cotumendeth the light and the btightnes of this citie, which is fuch,and fo great, that he faith it necdeth not the funne nor the moonc to iTiine in it. And the reafon is tenured, that the glory of God doth light it, and jthe La mbe,|sjhe light of it. The Lord God is the father of lightes, heehathcre- jateddierunneandthcmoone, they be butdnnmc fparkes in comparifon of his glorie. Where his gloiie doth Oiine^w here the glory and light of the Lambe is, what ncede is thereof the light of the funne ox of the n)oone? Nay the light of the funne is fofarre inferiour to the brightnefl'e of God which fbineth in that citie,that it is as it were put out. For lookehow it is betweene a linall candle and thefunne, fo is it betweene the funne and that light of the Lambe lefus Chrifl, Set vp a httle candle inadarkeplace, it fhineth, and giuethlightfButfetitvp atnooncinthecleerc funne- iTiine, and where is then the light of your candle. > what vfe is there of it then? Euen fo the funne in the firmament is a goodly light, and fhinethdill bright ouer the world: butifthcbrightnesof God which ^ightneth this citic fliould fhine forth, the light of the funne ftiould bcG^>mcas no- ihuig. Moreouer yee know c whatout Sauiour faith in the GofpcJl, thatthc righ- teous fhall fhirK: as the funne in the kingdome of their father. W cuery one of Vjodscle6trhalIbeasbrigh:asthefunne (asitcani(Sfbcdenied vnlcffc wewill ;;aine- fiy our Lord) w hat neede (hall there be of the funne to giue light to them ? Hecaddcth, that the people which are faucdfiiall walkein ihe light of it. This i> a moiT ioyiull light which is prepared for ail ihechofen of God , they fhall walkein it. The wrckedil-iail be indarkenesandin horror, euen the deepe gulfc 9! hell. . What difti-rciice there fliall bee, you can cafilie conteiue. Men doe a little percciuehow vi)comfortable dat^enes is, andhowioyfuilandcheerefulia thing the light is : and at the lighting of a candle will fay, God fend vsthe lighc of iieaucn; Audit vvcie very well if we had the care to w-alke as the children of li.t,ht. For alas tiie w ifhing is liitle,vultyfie wc eodeDoui nioii earncftly to attainc ip the true faith, found knowledge of God, and lihccre repentance. Moftccr- t^i5i,)c it is.ihar^f we walkein darkenes here, committing ihc woikes of darkened eienthe wicked dccdes;Oifthe fiefli,;wcelha)i ncucrcnttjr into this light, but as (fhildfeii of darken?-?, bee call into.the darkep'tte. The kings of thf earth fi^all bring their honour and glorie vntoir. This isharder tobevnderftonde.Shall kings addc ^loiic to ihii citic? or (hall any carthlygioric beaddedtothat hcauenlre^ I - - -■ anfwcj THE REVELATION. 417 anfvverethat wc may not Co take it. They that come to dwell in this citic.doenor bring thcit glory with thcni,and fo as it were addc glory tothe citie,ncit!icr is there any earthly pompc or magnificence wliich can incicafc theglory thereof: but they finde their glory thcre,and the citic doth befto we it vpon rhem.Then muft we con- fiderhoA- the words mny be taken. And that is, thacthcre haucbccn great and glorious kings intlic earth which are faucd, as Dauid and Salomon with many o- thcr both in the timejof the lawe and vndcr the GofpclL Al! thcfeare faid to bring their glory to thiscitie, when thcydoq here as it wcrclay icdowne. Fortheylay it down after a fort, vvhcn as they recciue fo great a glory in this citie^that the glory Whichthcy had as kingcsvpon the earth isvaniOiedand gone. For what is the glory which king Salomon had, to the glory of the Icaft of Gods children in the kingdbmeofheauen? Hcfaith the gates ofitrhallnot be fhut by day, for there jfhall be no night there. They vfe to fhuc vp the gates of cities by nij>hc to keepe out enemies, and the gates of the cities are not fhuc by day,]vn!es it be for the fcare ofenemies that dobeliegcor ly in waitc.Herc fhall be no fcare ofany inuafion.and therefore he faith the gates fliall neu? r be fhut.For when he faith,the gates (hall not beefhutbydayj.itisas much as to fay, the gates fliall neucrbcefhut forthcday Iftlkfh cuer, whtch he declareth in the next words, v\hen he faith there Hiail be no night there. Tlic fun compaflcih about here, andfothefrccommcihafhado-vof the earth which maketh a night : for our night is no more but thcfhadovvof the earth. But in theheauenly lerufalem the Lord (jod is the light ani the lambc,and with him rherc is no vanab enes nor Hi idow by turning, lam. i . H r flieweth fur- ther tiiat all the glory ot the C Jcntils fhall be brought! vnto ir. A s I faid before,be the glory of the Gentih and kini^doms neuerlo great, yet there ii fhall be laid doane^ Andthcn tolioAetha terrible (cmeiice, that no vnclcane thing fhall enter into it,' neither wbatlbcucr worketh abomination or lics.This is diner >; ti mes rchcarfcd bc- caafc vn^odly men d.K'looch a.nl Hutertlic niclu.s, as though they fJiou Id get to heauenwellcnoiighfora!! their fioncs and abominable vrlcIeannes,a^d^lotvvith- ibnding all their t allliood ami lie s.They arc very much deceiucd. And marke how bcaddeth.but I'ley which are written in the lambcsbooke of life. Thi^jhevvctb plaincly that^the c.ed of God ate land:hcd,purged and clenfedfrom al hithv abo- minations andlirs'. Thcrefne if we will hiue aflurance that we be Godschofen, and that we fnal enter fnto thiseitie.n e mu(i be purged in our hearts from an cuil e£>iVkkncc,md we muti lead an holy lite^Tiie Lord graunt vs that grace. Amen. . THE 4^8 SERMONS VPON THE XLVIII. SERMON. CHAP. XXII. I . y^nd be (hewed me a p fire riuer of water of life t clear e as chryjlally proceeding otit of the throne of(Jod,and of the Umhe. 2 In middefjt oftheflrect of it, and of either fde of the rttier)»asthetreeofltfe» which hAre ttrclne manor of fruits, and ^aue fruit euery moHeth:atjdthe leauet eft he wood Jer tied to heale t he Gentiles, 3 And I here fl} all be m more curfejbut the fe ate of God and oft he Umhe (hall he in it, and his ferttAnts pjall ferae him. 4 And t heypjallfee his face, aftd his namejhallhe written i» their foreheads. 5 iyindthere (hall be no mght^and they neede no candle^ neither the light of the fmne: fgrthe Lorde Godgiueth them light, andthey fhaKraignefor euer" more. 6 And he fat d vnto me, thefefayings arefaithfuRand true, and the Lord Cjodof the holy prophets fent his ^ngett, t ojhew vnto his feruants the thingswhtch mufifhortlj be fulfilled. ^ 7 Behold I comep)ortlyyhappie is he that koepeth the wordes ofthisprophecie. 8 I am hhn whir, hfarv thefe things and heardthem : and when / had heard and feenCyl fed downetoworfbip bej ore the feet of the Angelwhich/hewedme thofe things, p But hefaid vnto mc fee thou do it not, for lam thy fellow feruant^andthe fellow feruant ofthy byetbrentheprophets^andof them whichkeepe the fayingsof this books :worJhip God. ^^^^ v E procecdcch yet a little fiirihcr in dcfcribing the blciTcd 5 cftateoftiicraithfull inthc kingdomcofiicau^n. Andfirft I here is addcdj Iiee (hewed me a pure riucr of water oflifc, R clecrc as chriClal]. It is a thing both pleafant and commo. jl dious, where there runneth a ficQie ftreame of clecrc and ~^.f pjire water through a citic. And to (hewe that there is SSS nopleafintncs nor good thing wanting in the citic of God, aint lohnfccthapurc riucr ofthe water oflifc running through the middcrt of ihc (Irect thereof. Merc .ire two-grcac things reprcfented by this rluer ; thebne is the ouerflo'.ving abundance of life whichthcgodlyfliallhaucinheaucn^ and ihc other is the perpetuity of the fame life. Thcfirft isetiidentinthis, that there fliallnotonelybclifc, butanoueiflovving Orcamc oflifc. The inhabitants (hall — drinke THE REVELATION. 429 drinkcasofthcftrcamcof afullriuer. There fhall be then nofcarcityoftbefpi- ritualllifc, which ouerfloweth inthismaner. The true Iifeis fwceteand prccU ous, and here it is in great abundance. The fccond poyntis, that this abundant life fhall be pcrpetuall, which isreprefentcd by this that they be liuing w atcrs, or running watersthat flow from the foiintaine. A landing water dricih vp and diniinifhethifitbemuchdrawnc.andnofiipply made : but waters that doe flow fromaficfhefpring doccontinue. What would jthelpe toinioy abundanccof life for a time, and then the fame to fade ? What a griefe would enfuc ? But the cledl are aflbrcd, that the hcauenly life fh ail ncuerfaile nor diminifli. Thfyftiall liucin perfect ioyes foreucr, eucn wotld without end: for this iwcctand plea- rantriuerOiall neuerdrievp. And it is to be obferucdthai headdethinthencxt wordcs^ namely that this pure riuer which iscleerc aschryflall, proceedethouc ofthe throne of God, andofthelambe. Forthis notcththe fountaineorfprinc; bead fronvw hence thisriuer floweth: andthatisthc Lord Godhimfclfe. God is the author and fountaine of life : this riuer therefore floweth forth from his throne. Andverely hcreisthecaufe, both of that abundance, andofthcpcrpe- tuiticof heauenlylife. Forthe Lorde Godis abottomles, and an infinitefoun- taine of life which canncncr bcediminiilied. He continucth the fame foreucr andeucr, giuing life in ail abundanccto hischofen. Yecfee therefore that the ftrcamcof tiTcfe moft pure waters doc flow outof the throne of God. And it is alfo welltobeobfcrued, that he faith, andofthelambe. Thelambe lefus Chrift hath the fame throne with the father, being cternall God with him, and the fa- ther (j'ueth life through his fonne vnto the world. Hec faith / am the bread of liforl^it camcdownc from heaucn Iohn5. Noman canhauc anypart ofiruc life horn God, but through the mediation oflefus Chrift. And therefore yeefec thai this pure riuer ofthe waters of life proccedctb outof the throne of God, andof tliclambe. So many then as with true faith belccuc in the Lorde Icfus, this riucrof the water of life fhall flow plentifully vnto them. Thcti hec faith furtlier, inrhe middefl ofthe flrcct ofit, and on either fide ofthe riuer was the tree otlifc. "here was in paradife a tree oflife which was a facramcnr vnto our firii parents, t'i?at continuing in obedience they fhould hue. So here is the tree ofli^'Jnthcope.' flrcct of this citie, andeurn on both fide? of that riuer watered by^-'te Utnc: which fipurcth that fpirituall focdc of cternaJ! life, which all the blcflbd company oi heaucn fliall receiuein Chrift lefu. Andthc treesbnrenew fruite twehic times in the yecrc, cucry moncth new: whicii doth /ii;nifie thnt thcfruitcso!- lifefh.ill bee al.vaies dclighifomc. Wee fee that if men haue their fill of fweetc things, it brcedcth a kindc of loathing, ifihcy haucnot flill changcand frcfli added. Wherefore to teach vs that men fiialf inioy thcmoft prcciousamilw^et fruiisof Hfc wichourall fuchfulncs asbreedctbanyloathint^, iris faid thit the trees doe beare fioit eucry moneth. What a ioy full thill];i is this ? Trieit who will, they fliall ftndcit mo(i.certaine that the great abund^^ncc 6f the fwccteft things workcth as I faid a loathing. Rut here where the fwectnes ofthe fruits fat cxccllcih all the plcafantefl delh^hts thai be vpon the earth, there fliall 430 SERMONS VPON fhallacucr beany waxing ftak, but thiey fliallcontinuc fliU a fwcct and ple*- I'anc world vvkhout end as at the firft: theyOial be as ic were ftillrenued, which is fignified, by this bearing twcluc mancr offcuites.aiery moneth new. And there is an other claufc added, that the Icaucs of the wood leruc tohcalc the gentiles. What fhall there be any dcfeafcs or fores, or paines among the glori- fied in the'heauens, that he faych the Icaues aretohealc tiie gentiles? It is moft- cercaineandgutoralcontroucify, that there /hal be no infirmity, neither iickncs pjine nor fore. How then wiH yce fay is this robe vnderftDod?Ianfwere,chat the arte othcahng doth con fiftofcwo parts, the one is prefcruatiue, which doth prciicnt all difeafcs , remouing or deliroying the caufes of them : the other is rettoratiuejthatis where thcdileafeiscome, and the health impaired, toremouc thedilcafe,andto reflore the health. Now albeit there be no infirmities in the kini^dome of hcauen and fo no ?fe of this fecond pare, yet through the Lor4 Icfusthc tree of hfc the faucd arc preferued and kept from all difeafes and griefcs, To that this dedareth a moltbJcfled life, notfubieitvotogriefes. Itfollovvetb, and there Inall be no more curie . Adam finned in the earthly paradife , and fo broughtacurrevponhimfclfeand vponnll hispoHeriiie,andhe was thruft forth, of paradife. But herefliall be no curfe, here (hail be nocaftmg forth nor fepara-i ting oFanypDe, that fhall once enter. It were a more hcauie cafeifthcflatC: vypie fuch tjhat any mightfall from it , If a man (liould rile yp vnto great wealth l and fionor, and then fall quite froiji it, would it notgreeue him more then ifhe had : neucrknowcnit? In like maner,ifa man fhouldattaine vnto the blefTcd life and olorie of the hcauens, and then hauea eurfc light vpon himtobecaflfortlyc r would be more torment and,forovve vnto him, then ifhe hadneuerbeenepar-. tajkcr thereof. Wherefore the holy Gholit^keth away allfeateand doubt ofany fiich matter, and faythjthere fhallbc no more curfe. Theyfhalircniaineinthac blcfiTcdefiate for cuer without any feaic. of danger. Here be reafonls added to . «onfirmethis,asfirlUhatthcfcatcofGodand ofthe lambe. (halbe init. Whctt: tbcbleflldGodfitte'.handraigneth reconciled to his people through thelambejTt what curie can there approch. fbut inthisholy lerufalem fhalbc the feate ofchc t liwifj God, he fiiall caignc for eucrmore init,noeuiI fhall then annoy. Tbis;i r ;i;h GoJdoth raigne in his lonne lefus Chrif^ , and therefore he fayth the* » :.,;c ofGod and ofthe lambc. It followeth , and his feruantsriialiferuehim. j Thiiconfirii.eth the matter , where the kingdome of God is fet vp,this. effe^St followeth, that his people obey him:for where God raigncth,thofcmuft needs feruc and obey hi:n 'n whome he raigneth. Now then in the holy lerufalem vvhcic the feate of God is , and fo his fcruants obey him,therecanbenofinnc coniiiiit(;9d, and fo il>cre can be no curfe. For where there is nofinnc, thcrcis no cutfc.It is t}ica CQ be noted, chat when he fayth,that his feruants flialferue him, thatthcfcruiccflialbepeifeC>,eueuasthc fcruice ofthe holy Angels is. They do wholy and a] together delight in obeying and glorifiyngGod : So lliall the fayth* full alfo when they bee vnbtirdened of this corruption. This feiuice of the Lord fliallbecnobafc thing nor any bondage: but a moll honorable and glori. ■ous THE REVELATION. 431 oiis freedom, for the fcruicc of our God(as wc vfe to fay j is pcrfe£^ flcedonj, Sij» and coi ruptionjCucn the vanitic of our o wnc mmdcs doth novvc hold vs fo vndcr, that vvc can not feruc him perfectly, but we Ihalbc fct free from the yoake thereof and then, as I faid, our feruice fhalbc perfedl. Then when the fcruicc and tlic o- bcdienceisperfedt.fothatthcreil-ialbcnofpotoffinnc, all daungerand fcarc of curfe, Of reparation is remoued. He fayth further, they i"hail fee his face, and his name fhalbc written in their foreheads. Thefebcc gieat pi iuilcgcs, and fuch as accompany true bleficdncs, and arcfar remoued from curie. OurSauiour faith,blefled ate the pure in hart for they Hiall fee God, Math. y. To bee in Gods prefence, and to bee able to behold him with ioy and comfort, as the holy Angels do behold him, is fo pcrre6^ and fp high an eltatc, that well it may bee brought in as a rcafon to fliewe , that in that hcaucnlycitie there can be none fubied to the fearcof any curfe, efpcciaU ly when they iliall beare his name in their foreheads as his peculiar. The wic- ked in fome fort fliall fee and behold the glorieoftheLorde God : but not with any loy therein, but withcxtreamehorrorand torment. Forthcn fhalltheypct- cciue what a glorious diuinemaicftieihcyhaue difpifed. O bcloued , here is a waightie matter, cuen this, that wee(ifwe be wife) endeuour with all the might ^andpoVvefihatwc can to be pure in heart, that fb ueemay attainc to this high. bleflTing, to fee God. Wee arc full ofimpure things,and our hearts frauglit with cuill dcfircs of the fiefii,fecketohaue them purged out, andto be replcniflied withtheheaucniy p.ifts and graces ofthe holy fpirit. Andnowchcc concludeth the de(cription of the hcauenlyioyes, with this fcntcnce, there flialbee no night, and they ncedc no candle, nor the light ofihcfunne : forthe LordcCod giuctlv them light, and they fliallraignefor eucrmore. Tliefw* wovdeJ containc gtcac and higli matters, and hauc no difficulty in them. The glorious light of heauca. is fct forth, that there fhalbe IK) night, no necde of a candle , nor the light of thcfunnc : bccaufc the Lorde God who in briglitncs iufiniicly excecdethall lights fhaiin^incvpon them and lighten them with his gloric. Here is againc the light ofhcniicn. And the oihcrclaiifv-'addcth. and they fhall raigncfor et^T- more. It hath bccncnicwcd before what a life they fiiouIJ liue,and howe they fl^ould (croc God without all fcireofdmi^cr, andnowcina wordehee louchctii tlic gloric and lv)nor of their life : they fliall raiijncfor cuerir.orc. WlK)raignc batkin>.,s?Theybrthcnaila! grcatc and.honorablc kings. What fliail not all this quicken and (lirvpourfpiiiccs? Shall not all this luoue vs to iccke after the wruckoowkJgcpfCiod, andafcerfpirituallihinges? If this I lay can not mouc Y< to diclcarc andfcv^iiccofGod, what are -wc ? Howe dull and howe fcnfclc . may It be clwunhc wcc-arc ? I bcfcech yereadc Ouer fomctimcsby yourfehics tl.c dclcriptiorvofdK-lKaucnly glofic v\hich is in tl)C former chapter and in the be- . ginningofdus. The wpidc3a:cplaincandcleare. Ye fhall cuenatihefiriihght behold tlicrichvll, the p!eafaiuc:l, and the moliglorious thingc that cuer ycc hcardof. Lcttl^louc, anddcllrcofitpoircflcyourhcartcs. ifyewiilfcc-kc, iti* fct before ycc, God haihpromifcd to giue it, vote all that longc after it. Hi- therto- 451 SERMONS VPON thcrtewchftuehadthedefcription ofthchcauenly lerufalem, to declare the hap- pines and glorie that the faints of God fliall liuc in for cuer. Now wc come to theconclufion of this prophecie.lt is agenerall conclufion, confifl ing of diners poyncs, whereof I hauc read the firft vnto yec, which is to fct forihjto confirme and to ratifie thcauthoritie of this booke. And ye fhall lecthat here arc fourethin prouokcd the Lord God 10 wrath, fhallhcby andby at his plcafurehaue the fpiritofGod and true faith? Shall he at plcafurc be regenerate incl>cnewand fpirituall birch? for without that no man can be failed, lohn 3. JBeiouedjet not men prefumptucufly commit wic- kcdnes vpon thishope that they will crie God mercic : but let them beletue the words otihisbookcjthat men for their vnoodlydeedes, in whichihcyhapedefpi- fed Godlliall be cart into thetormenisofhell. Andlet all that vMlldcalewifclic feeke fpcedily for true repentance, and fee if they can obtainc it. Tlie multitude ofthc wickeddamned foules, whicharenow inhcll, fbmcfor pride, couetoufncs, and extortion,fome for drunkennes gluttonic, and lecherie,others forharred.ma- licejand fu ch like^did all know that the things w ere euill which they committed, and prefumed vpon this, \^c will crie God mcrcie at our end. Surely if it were fo, that when men haiie committed all wicked deeds, they might by and by wafh a- way all with a few wordes, the way to heaucn Hiould be abroad way and eafie to find, quite contrarie to that which out Sauiour hath tau«ht. Therefore beloued, knowyeforceritintie,thaiihe wordesofthisprophcciebe faithfullandtrueinc- uery part : andfoin this,ih3t they which leade an holie life (liall be partakers ofthc joyes of hcaucn, and they thatcommit wicked deeds ftiall for the famCjbe cart into the torments of hcll. The mort gracious Lorde make vs wife tobelceuc thefc things, that we be not feduced. For then vndoubtedly wee lliall efchcw the !oule vices which wcfeedayly committed euen with contempt o*f God rand wee lliall be ftudiousofgood workes, that w cc may enter into that holy citie,and haue our part in that blelTedfellowlTiip. Conic then to the feconj which is the authoritic ofthc God ofthc holy prophets. Thefummc ofthc matter cometh to this inefled}, ihitthisprophecieisoFc- quall authoritic with the Prophecies ofthc pro;hcts which were ofolde,and lliall as cettaidy in cuety matter contained therein be accompLnied in the time,as they were in iheirs.Thc bookes of Mofcs, and of the other prophets w hich prophccied of things to come, arc iiifily helde in mo(i high andlacredauthoriiie, nsihc vn- doubted wordofGod. Then is ihisbooke tobcc htld in the fame account, in as much as the lame God euen the God ofihofe holy prophcts.is tl ic author of itifbt hefJrnthis Angclltoflicw theihings^whicharevttcrcdinit. Tlicntouchinp, that one point.nanicly that this booke is to (Und equall with theolde prophecics,in as much as that fame God ofihsfc holy prophets lent his Angellnow inthis, 1 1 ced ID fpcakc no further. Theotherpoint is.thntasihc PropK-ccicsofthofcold prophets were a ItitS filled in their time, foflialleuerychingin this.InEfay, inletcmie.inF.zechicl ii^ Dani- ic thereof,this might fuflice that euery thing hath fallen out from time to time,euen as this prophccie did forefliew. It is our great negligence.that wedoe not cleerly fee fo much. Well,«hcn tocondudc thislccond poynt,thc authoritie ofthis prophecie is equal with the prophecies that were of old ui the time of the lawe.and fhall as certainly be fulfilled as they were. Then in the third place the Lord Icfus is brought intoratificit, faying, behold I come fliotly.bleffed is he that kcepeththe words ofthis prophccie. This as ye fee confiftcth oftwobrartcheSjthe one, that Chrift faith he wil come fhortly; the o- ith:r,how well it fhall go with them which kcepe the words ofthis prophecicBut what doth the commingofChtift fcruc to the matter in hand? It toucheththe matter moftneerely: For at4iiscomming the full accompliflimcntniall be of all things that are here written. At his coming men dial find indeedjthat the words of this booke arc true.Then fhal ye Ice the kingdom of the great Antlchrift fully caft down.&y ful meafurc ofGods wrath poured forth vpon al his enimics:then fhali ye find»^ al wicked men flialbe deflroycd in hel as this book defcribeth.The glo- ry of the church fhall then bereuealed,fothat wee (liall then bee brought to the perfe(^ light,that they be blclTed which keepe the words ofthis prophecie.lt is but a little while before this (hall come to paflc, for he faith, behold I come fhortly. Well thcn,letTS f^and fafl for alittletime, and all controuerfies fhall beedccjded . Here is f^rluinj* and contending.here is cauilling and much deprauing ofthe word of God, and all to leadc the people into error and fiiperflition, and to make them jmbrace the dodlrine ofthe great Antichrif^rbut let men learncto know the do- itrincofihis prophccic.and to Ihnd in it.ond they fkali find and fecleat the com- ming of Chrilt, that they are therein bleffcd, What an encouragement ougbtthis 5obc vnto vs?Is there any thing to bee ptcfetrcd before true bk;frcdnes?ftisfayd in THE REvELi*.TIOR 435 ia the beginning of thisbookCjBIcflcd is he that rcadeth,and blcfled arc they that heare the words ofthis prophecic,and kccpc the things which arc written in it : for ihetimeisathanJe: Andhere iniheconclufion the Lord lefuspronoiincethtl^ faoac thing againe. Shall we then beieeue the popifh companie which aflirme that this book is not to be medicd withal ? Nay let vs know that the ai:thority of it is fa- cred and holy,and not onely that (for fo much the papifts do confede} but alfo that it is a right profitable bookc for all the feruants of God to bee excrcifcd in : which fhallcuidcntlyappeareatihecommingofChrift. Seeing then bcloucd, rhatdits isconBrmed vntovsdouble,Ict it Birre and mouc our minds vnto the doubling of our care and diligence. This ought to be, fbrwhydoththe Lordeilcicpcateita- gaine? Doubtleffc we are dull,flow,and ncgligent,oiherwife thefc fpuries fliould not be adderf ; and it w ill be to our great condemnation if we bee not moued t*hc more hereby. For it is the great kindnes of our Lord to Qicw vs w herein oi.r lafe- tic and blefledncs coufilkih, and how great a finne is it then, to defpifeot neglcft fuch kindnes? In the fourth place S.Iohn fetteth himfelfc as a witnes,faying,T am lohn vs hich fawthefe things and heard ihem. Histe(iimonie isofgreatwaight, though hebc but a man : for he is fuch l man as is firmly to be belecued in all that hee fpcakcth. He isan Aponie.aninlUumentoftheholy Ghoft, and fo guided by the fpirit, diat hefpeaketh and vttercth nothing that ishisowne. He was well know en to the Churches to be one of Chri(h Apo(lles, his authoritie among all the faithful! w as throughly knowne and approued.For yemurtconfider,thatlookewhatan Apo- flle didvtter, hedidvtteritbutas the inltrument of that fpirit whicbcanooterre. When he faith therefore, I am John which /aw thefe things, and heard them : hec giueth vs to vnderfland, that he was both an eye and an care witrjs. He bringcih notmatters.whichhchathreceiuedbyvncertamereport.Hedcliucrcththisbooke to the churches,thcy which receiue it at his hands do krio w him to be a moli faith- full letuantof the Lord,euen a great Apoftle, which dcliucreth not any thing but that which he receiueth of the Lord, andhcieflificththathcfaw ai.d heard all the tilings which he hath writte in this book. And the faithfulnes ofthis holy man doth (hew it felfe alfoeuen in this, that he for ihe good of die Church fpareth not to re- port his owne fault. For he tcllethhow befell downe againe to worfhip the An- gcll.and how the Angell chargeih him not to do it,rendriiig rcafons u htrcfcre he ini"lit not. Wc had the like before in die i 'j . chapter, u here 1 handled the inacter, fothitl need not but touch the matters here. Itistobeewondredatihatfogreat an Aponie/ortchlyreplenirhed with the fpiriie ot God Hiou'd faJc in fuch a mat- ter, and cfpecially the fecond time, when he had been oncebcrorc forbidden. But wc muftconfidcr, that the vifion fhc\\cdvnto him were fomaruclous, and the glory of the Angel fo great, thatforthe time he ror<;ctteMiimfclfc. Hcctookeit thathemuft fliesv (omercuerence in wcrOiip towards the AngcM, and c-octh be- yond that which is due to any creature, euen to bclto w vpon a fcruant,a creature. Tome f attofthat diuinc worfliip, which bclongcth peculiarly to the Lord the crea- Ffa tor- 455 SERIvlONS VPON tor. Forth.n ismanifcitbytnis, that the Angellhauing flicvvcdreafon ^vhyhee ir.ig'nt not doc ic viuo him, as namely being his fellow fcruant, and the fellow fcr- . uioiiot'ailtrucbelceuers.hewillethhimtodoe jtvntoGod. Forihc LordGodis alone to be worflupped withdiume worfhiprand the vvor(hiporAngels,cf faints, vtterly by this forbidden. In the popcrie they worfhip Angels and faintSj yea they worQ)ip f magcs,and rotten bones and reliques,«nd bccaiifc this place is fodircft and manifcH: againli them,they feckealifliiftsand cauilsto auoyde. And whereas Saint lohn tellethplainly,that it was oncofthc feucn Angels which had the feuen vials tull ofthc feuen lalt plagucs,which came vnto him chapt. i j.and faid,comc 1 will fhew thee the damnation of the great whore,whom he cbapt. ipiel downc to worCbip : andlikewife whcreashe faith chap.2i.ver.9.thcrc came one of thofe feuen Angels which had the feuen vials ful of the feuen laft pl3gues,an(tfaidjCome, I will fhew thee the bridethe lambcswifc, whomheisaboutto worfiiip, cbap. zz .The lefuites cauil and fay.that S. lohn tooke this Angel to be Chrit), fo meant to worlbip him with the higheft worfhip.For they would make the blind befeeue, thatthereisadiuine worfhip to be giuen to creatures, which if hahn had not paf- fed beyond taking it to be Chrift whom be wbrOiiippcdjlie fliould npt hauebeen rcprooned. Their other cauill, that it may beethe Angcll doth refufe it not as vn- " lawfuU, butbecaufe hewilinottakeit at the hands of fo great a perfon as lohn, is mofl foolifh. This iseuident, that albeit the holy Apoftles touching the deliucric of Gods word, did it fo perfc«5tly, that Saint Paul is bolde to fay, if an Angel from hcauen preach vnto you any other Gofpellbefides that lhauepreachcd,lei him be accurfed, G^th. i . yet were they not fo faire fan6ified as in their decdi in obey- ing the fame do6lrine to be as perfect as the Angels.For the Angel reproueth lohn with none othq;do6lrine, but with that which hee knew. Wee are taught htrcby how eafic the fall is vnto the worfliip ofexcellent creatures, and how ncccflaric a «hing it is to craue of the Lord God to fandtifie and guide vs fo with his fpitit, thaj v\ emay obey the do^lrinc which we know. For who did better know then Saint Iohn,ihat God onely is tobewordiipped with diuine worfhip? Who did vnderftand better then he, that Angels are but feruants of God, and that it is nor 1 a wfiiU to giue to ihem any part of the worfhip v\ hich is due to their Loid? THE k THE REVELATION, 437 THE XLIX. SERMON. CHAP. XXII. \ lO ti i ^ndhefaydvnto me^ SeaU fttt the words ef the profheeie eft his kooke :for the time fSM hand. He that isvnittfiy let htm be vmuftfltH : audhethAPisfi/thie, let him be fil' thiefittl: andhethatisiufi, UthimheiuflftiU: undhe that is holy ^ let him I • beholyfiill. -lij 1 > jindi behold I come ^uicl^y : and my rtwardis with me, that Imaygine vnf etiery one as hts works ptallbe. I J lam Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the endythefrfl and the lajt, J 4 hleffed are they which keepe his commandements : that their part may be in the tree ofltfe:and that they may enter tn by the gates into the citie, . 1 5 For without (hall bee dogges^ and enchant ersy and whoremongers y andrnMr- <5f n'l i iitherers,and Idolaters, and whofoeker lonethandmaketh lyes, -'■'■' OME part of the gencrall condufionofihis bookcl handled the lali liir.e : and now wee come vnro fomco- ^J^ ther. Andthc firlithing hereisa cemmaundetrenr, ia C^ which ]ohn is willed that hec fliould not fcale vp the ©*^W^ words of the profhccic of this booke: and a reafonis VV\\^' Tendrcdjbecaufcthetimcisathand. WhercfirHtocn- 1 - '^Cr*-^:^ "^i^ quire here whatfhould be meant by this not fcalini;, or ^^"^^■^"^3^ that he wiiicth that the booke fhouid remaine, or the ^ "^ words in the booke fliould remaine vnfealed. We know there be two fJKciaHvfcs offcalin* : the one is, when a fealeis let rofortocon- firiiic and ratillc a writing :.the other is, when a writing is fcaied vp, fo that it can tior,nor may not bcicad nor knowne. Touching the formciofihclc, we may not cake it that the words ofihis prophcciemiift bevnfcalcdinihatfenrcrfortheybc ratified.and ratified againc. Then it mu(l be taken in the latter, that isto ray.fcalc ihcm not vp, let them be open for all men to reade.tohearc, and to know. This is the plaine meaning • and toiichingthis ye Hiali readc in diuers places ofholy fcriii- turcrThc Lordlaytb.Rfay.iiyWCif. 1 1. that the vil'.onniouldbeaiihe'v^ordsofa l)ooke feaicd vp, which ihey cJcliucred vntoore that can rcadc, fay !r»j^,fc!ade this'I ^iray thee : then he fliall lay, 1 cannot; font is fealcd. The Prophet Daniel heafd fomeilung vtteredbyihc Angcll which hcedidnot vnderfland, andfavdrOmy dLord, what ihabbcibc end of ihclc things? Andhefayd, Goc thy way Daniel, for Ff 3 ihcfc 438 • SERMONS VPON thefc things are lliut vp and fealed vntill the time determined, Daniel, i J . Ye fee alio before in this prophccie chap.4.thc booke fealed with feucn feales.The things arc fealed vp and lccrcr,and as the lealcs arc opened,they be opened,reuealcd and * made knowiic, hi the tenth chapter of this prophecie-, there is an Angel commeth downefrom hcauen with a lictle booke open in his hand; and he crycd with a loude voyce as when a lyon roreth : and when he had c ryed, feuen thunders vtte- red their voyces. And when the thunders (fayth S.Iohn) had vttered their voyccs, I was about to write ; but I heard a voycc frorh-heauen laying vnto me.Sealc vp tlic things which the feucn thunders haue fpoken,and write cbem not. lohn had recei- ued a cotnmandement at tiie firft to write the things that tic fawe : and therefore when he had heard the mott dreadfull iudgeraents oi God denounced ap^ainft the enemies by terrible thunders, he was abqutto write what the thunders fpake, fo that the things might be read and kuowne : but the Lordwilieih him for tofcale them vp,they fh all not be knowne vntill the time appoynted doe come.Thus yoa m^f percciue what is meant by fcaling vp wotds, that isithat ihcy cannot be vn- derliood. And lo (as I fayd before) when hee willeth that the wordesof this pro- phccie (hall notbefcaled vp, itiseuidentthat hemcancth, they fh all be read and Icnowne, Thi^nraketh flatagainfl all thofe which affirme, thatthe words of diis booke arc fodarke that they cjinnot bee vnderftood. For by their affirmarion the WQcdes are Igaled vp: biitllie Lord fayth,they be open and oot fealed.Shallnc^ ive father giue credit to the word ofthc Lord,then to men ? If any flial replieand fay, wcfecleandfindc, that the words ofthis booke arc hard to beevndcrllood. lan- fwereihattheLfaultisinourfclues: weare fo negligent and careles. For if we did with that reuetenc care which ought to bee in vs, fearch after the knovvledge of the things reuealed in this booke, welliould findc that they be not fealed vp', but lye open tor ?o be knpwne. The lefuitcs doeafiiraie,tliat it is very little thac can ill thii booke be noted, inrcfped^. The truethis,they care not how little : for it paiii- Betlvout their kifgdoiwe : but whatfbcuerthey would bearc men in hand,bccaufc they Would nothauemen fecho-vvfuUy thepapifmeisdefcribcdintbisbookcto be the Antichriftianifme:yetlet vs hearken to the worde ofthc Lord, which fayth to lohn. Scale not vp the words of the prophecie of this booke. Then the reafon is addediforthe timeisathand. Thislsasmuchas iHicclhouldfay, thercis fomc Ijrefent vfe of the words of this booke, therefore they muft not be Jcalcd vp. .Mat- jtcrs prophccied in this Reuelation, did beginne to be fulhllcd eucn prcfcntly after they were Hie wed to S. lohn. There were great pcrlbcutions andatflidlions v[x>n the Church, andgrieuous calamities vpon the world. The myfterie of iniquitic, (as S.Paul fay th)dideuen thcnbeginnetoworke. It was then time that thefaiih- ful fhould haue this booke in the hands eucn open and vnfealcd, that they might be inftru(5led and armed againll all aOaults. They be therefore no friends, but©- ncmies to the Giurch of God, ihcy bee not for O^ridbutfor Antichrill,wbiifa would haue the words ofthis prophecie kept from theharidsof the people,andliC as it were buried. And for yout part (beloued^bc not difcouragcd, as rfthc things "Ottered in icvvcrc fodarke and myflical, asthatyoufliouldnotbceabletoattainc (lii CO. THE REVELATION. 4^9 to the knowledge andvndcrftandingofihcmtbut gincycur diligence viith-jc- uercndcatcofmindc, and you fliallfinde chat true vAhich is litre Ipoken, that the words of this prophccic ate not fealed.To thole indecdc wind) hauc no lone of the tnicth, noranydcfire to know the waiesofGod, butloue dark nes and delight in the vanities ot ihcir ownc iTiindejallthc who!'; vvordc oi God almc)(t,is as a book fcalcdvp. Euery thing alniollis hard and doiibtfiilJ vntuthcm. Ihcvarewortlw that the light it felle fhould be darknes vnto ihcm, andeucn ihatby v\hichthcy fiumblc and fall. and arc broken. Thus much touching that one part ofthe conclufion ofthis prophecie, wlicrc- inhc is willed not to fealc vp tlie wor Js ihcreof.Now let vs proceed vnto the next, which is in thefc words :He that is vniull, let him be vniiilt Oill : and he that is fii- tbie» let him be filthie Ihll : and he that is iuft, let him be iu (I liill : and he that is ho- liCjlet him be hoiieHiU : and behold I come quickly, &c. One part of thcfe words iscafie to bee vndcrflood,whcn he fayih,hec that is iufl, let him be iu!i (iili,ard he that is holy, let him bee holy fiill : biic how is the other part to bee taken, he that is vniuft jet him be viuult rt ilhhc that is filthie, let him be filthic Hill r Doth the holy Scripture allow,orcncouraj;e,orgiuelcaue to rnen to be vniult.or filthie Pbccaulc he faith, let him be filthie Hill ? i n other pi jccs the holy word of God calleth vpcn men that bee filihie and vniuli, to turrie fiom the euill w ayes : and here he fayth, let them bee fi'thic and vniuli ftill. I anfwere, here is no allow ancc, here is no en- couragement, here is nolcauegraunted vnto wicked incn to continue in their e- uill waics : but in very dcedea very terrible ihreatning, if ye take all the words to- gciher,and marke well the manner of the phrafe. For taking the words, as I fayd togcther,it mult be thus : he that is filthie, let him be filchie Mill, I will come fhort- ly and giuc toeucry one,or reward euery one as his workes HiallbcThat is.I will execute iudgement, I will powre foorth wrath and vengeance vpon fuch perlbns. Doc ye not fee that here folio weth(as we vie to fay in our proucrbe)a fo wer (a v^ cc to their fv^ectemeate? The Lord threatncch, asif heefliouldfay, they that arein their banquct,and take their delight in their filthie lulls and pleafures of finne, and by no meanes w ill beere(lraincd,let them alone, I will marre all their mirth ere it be long : for I will come and rew arde them accordingto their fihhines in the tor- ments of hell. Then ye may fee that this threatning is but in a manner of phrafe.as whenwefc^oneinan euill race obflinately bent and fctlcd to c»oe forward, and willgiueearetonoholcrome counfcll,wcewilifjy, lethimgocon, hewillfmirc for it in the end. We haue the like manner of fpccch in Ecciefiaft. chap. ir. where Salomon fpeakeththus.-Reioycc young man in thy youth.and let thy heart chcere thee in the daycs of thy youth, and walkein thewaycs of thine heart, andinthc fight ofthineeycs; but know that for alihcfethingsGod will brinp thee to ludgc- ment.A man would thinkcthat Salomon did encourage youthvnto all vain de- lights and picafures : as yee haue many men which vfe to fay, that youth will bee merie,andthinkethat nokinde ofvvantones,ryot,orIafcn)iousdealingistobee rcproued in them. Nay,ye fhall haue many eucn angry when they hearc one finde fault wich fuch dealings in young peifons : and they fay , they would haue youth F f 4 dealc :^o SERMONS VPON deaJelikc youth,ltbecommeththcmto follow all mancroffportsandpIcafiifeC Sui. h mei\ as be of chat opinion,could like well of thcfe wo rds of SaIomon,v\ hen he vvilleth the youth to walkc in all pleafurcs and delights: but the latter part doth pinch and bite them, where hee willeththeratoknowe for certaintie, that for all iholcthings, God will bring them toiudgenjent. If there were noludgc to call men vnto their account ; if there were no vengeance to be cxcouted vpon finners; if there were notornicnts in hell prepared for euill doers, it were the wifeft way^ with tlie Epicure, euen to follow all thecarnall pleafureswhicha man could de- uifc : but when it is fo that the end of them is fo bitter,men were beii to renounce them . Thus may you fee,that he doth not allow nor giue leaue vnto men to com- mit hnnc, when he fayth, he that is vniuft, let him be vniuft rtill,and he that is fil- ihie,let him be filthie l\\\\ : bur conrrarivvirc,by that phrafe or mancr of fpeaking, andby iliewingthat thcyflullcome toiudgemcnt, threatneth the euill doers. Men are bold and prefumpiuous now,euento defpife allholefome admonitions which the holy Ghoft giucthin the word of God, and to beape vpall mancr of finnes and tranfgreffion : neuer looking to heare more of them, when they be once done and pali : and readie they are for to pluckeouthis throtethat fhall rebuke and admonifli them. Let them goe on^faith the Lord^ihey fhall fhortly come to their account,andreceiuctheirde{crt.. Then touchingtheother part of the words, hethatis iuft, lethimbeiuftftillr and he chat is holy, let him be holy ftill : There is a promife included, yea,a great promifc, euen to incourage and llrengthen the godly conOantly to proceede in t'leir godlincs. It is but a little while, let them ftand fatt and continue to the endc which walke in thevsay of righteoufnesandtruehoiineffe, they fliallhauc their reward. For Icomcquickely, and my rcwardis withme, thatlmay giufe eucry man, as his wo; ke fhall bee. O beloued marke well , how that w hich is a moft terrible and feucre threatning to the wicked, is the molt comfortable and ioyfullpromifc that may bee to the godly. Chrift will come and giue rewarde; iafearcfull thing to him that hath committed thofe euill deeds whole rewarde by iuft dcfert, iseternall fire in hell. Chrift will come and giue reward, a mod chcer- full thin<' to him that hath feared the Lord, and renouncing the w ay of wicked- nes,hath Hiewed the fruits of a true and liucly faith , euen ail thofc holy worke* vhjch God hath prepared for his feruants to walke in, and which oHiis free mer- cie hehnch promife J to reward with 6iernall gloric. Is it not a good thing then for vs to Itudie daihe to pleafc Gad,and to (bnd fa(i in the fame, when there fliall ere it be long be fuch a diftcrence ? Is it not much better for vs. that the commiwg of ChriO. fhould be a promife vnto vs,rather then a threatning. For as I fayd, thac Chrid doth tell vs he will come quickely and reward eucry man as his worke fliaU bcjis a gricuou s threatning to thevngodly,and a comfortable promifc to therighr •tcous. ' And when he fayd he that is filthie, let him be filthie rtiil, it is to confifmc lb(J righteous in their righteoufnes, that they be not drawneawric by their exam' ■r']c. Let the w icked be wicked ftill,benotyou like them. We know what a force :he:eis in example for to draw men from good to euill: and cfpccialiy where wc .THE REVELATfOK. 4. WC fire the muTcitudc goc as it were vk hole with on confenr, and rto hctmc to foiw low. Yeefhallhearenianyvttcrri'calik^pecchesasthcrer'^'c-: - ■ my; equals,andmyinferioursdoethereihings,andrhall I walkcait ..ift thatmen ihall point, asonethat will be lingular? If Godpi;n;i ; v;c ' ,ainn*«! tionfucli as doc ihefc things, there are but a few that (hall efcapt rroirihcll. A-» gainftfuch vaine thoughts, the holy ghoft dorh arme the godly, and^hcu'Clh that howrocucr the multitudes of wicked pcrfons perfwadc themfclucs that there is no harme, yet is it farrc other wife, for they (hall ere icbeeiotighanethc wrath of GO^ in a full meafure powred fobrth vpon them. Our SauioiM Chrid as ycknow telleth in the Gofpcll, how the wicked (hail Batter thcmfcucs and /ay peace and all is well, and euen fuddcniy, when they fliall thinkc that :i:ey be fafe, (hall de(lru<5lion come vpon them, euen like a net that is fprcd ouer. t byfuchacomparifon thcholy fciipturedoth fetforththe thingsvntovs. When anetis laydfor birdcsthe Oiarpismade, thebaiteisiprcad, abirdecomniecha- lone, htteth looking vpon it but is afraid. Afterward fhe fecth many other bi: flocke into it, and then fhec is boldcned and goeth in among them, lb many doc harten each other: the fouler feeth his time and fuddcniy fpreadeihthe net oner them, and they arecaught. Euen fo here be the allurcmentes offinne, aslwcet baites, the Lord GOD doth threaten, foraeman is fraid at thefirfl, anddocth fomewhat refraine, vntillhce feeth the multitude flocking in, and no harmcto follow, but whatfoeuer judgement the Lorde deuounceth they laugh and de- ride it, hcealfo waxcthboM. But Ciirill will come, and at thelaft they (hall all haue, as it were a net fprcd ouer them. And this is the reafon why the Lord faith here, hcthat isvniuft, Iccliimbcvniudftill, lie that is filthy let him be filthy ftiH,. behold I come quickly, let the iuft and holy not bee moued with their boldncs, and I'o led to coinmit (innc, but let them goe on till their time doe come. Salo- mon in EccIefiaOesCliap. 9. handlcth this matter, and Hiewcth that thchtarc ofthe children ofiiicn is full in them to doe euill, becaufe all commcth aliketo all. A godly man profpcieth, a wicked man profpereth; A wicked man docth fall into aduer(itie and afflidtioii, and a godly mams alio afflicted. There ap- pearcihno difference almolt at all in outward things. How metric, howplea- fantandfulloftlclighcs, are many filthy men ?and how they abound in all riches and wealth ? which makcthtkem exceeding proud both againft God and man, asthc Prophet teacheth Plal. 73. and how this doth weaken many to'.ichifig the wayof godlincs Aho feeth not, that hath any light at all? Is it not then very needful! ihatthcfaiihrullihould bcarmtdwiththis.Lctihcmgoeon, let them be fiithie, llandyou fill in theright wayof godlincsandbenotdifcourapcd, 1 will fhortlycome to iiid^'ccnent, and they fliall haue their reward euen according as their v\orkc5 hatcbccnc. Letmehcrclpcakctluis mnchvntoyce, and ludgc •in your fclucs w iKthor it bee tlie cbunlell of man or the counfcU of the holv ghoH. *Ifit bceb tt thecouiilfjl ofinan. defpiicit aivainc: but if ycc cannot dcniebut thatit isth? mod wlio'efome aduifc which thefpirit ofthe Lorde giueih, tiien take hccdc h.jw yo« let light by it. Hce wiUcth him that iscutied into a good ' 44^ SERMONS VPON . way toftand faft and to continue. We fee many that hauc made fomc fhew,fo that there was great hope of them, bufthcy ate fallen backc, and returned eucn as a dog to his vomite, and as the fovv that was wadied, to the wallowing m the niyrc2.Pec.2. Ithadbcen better for them if they had neucr knownethetrueih, then fo to tumc from the holy commandemcnr. It is but a little while, but be th ac commeth will come at .d will not tarrie. Can wee not hold out for a little time ? I know ic is hard, our nature is fovaine, wee are fo corrupt, fo light and foincon- (lant: and the temptations and allurements bee fo many andfo forcible :buc feeing the end will be fo good to the iuli,and Co grieuous to the wicked,{hnd fa(h ifitwcrcbuttoefcape the damnation ot hell, it ihould bee ofwaightcnoggh to inouevs: then how much more that continuing in the true feare of God, and £;lQrifyinghim with good works, wee Oi all be partakers oftheioycsofhcauen? The glory is exceeding great which is fct before vs, if wee canHriue to enter. And ifit werefo that man fliould but lofethat glorie through their euilUife, ic were a great matter ; but when befidc that lofle, they goe alfo intohelI,cuen into a gulfeofcndlesmilcries, whatamadnesisit? IJeaucit to your confideration, wiH-iingcuerymanto thinkevpon thcl'e words, Hethatis vniufljlethimbevn- iurt ftill :Hethacisfilchie,lethimbefilthicftill: HethatisiuH,lethim beiuft (hlh He diat is holy, let him be holy ftill. And beholde J come quickly, and my re- warde is withme.to giue vntocuery one as his worke fiiallbee. Ifyce would but thinke vpon thcfe things, it might make you carefulland warie, but becaufe wee letflippcoutof our minde the day of iudgemcnt, and make account that our (innes pafleaway eucn as they bee committed, andfhall neuerbce called into quefiion, wee are bold not oncly to negled thofe holy and luft dcedes w hich the Lord hath appointed vs towalkein, by which wee fhould glorifie the name o f 4ns fonnc lefus Chrill which we do prorefli^ mindc, \\hcn hel'ayech he willcomeand giuevntoeueryoncas ills workcdmDbc: bitthey be the words of him that is eternal], almightic, and .vnchangcablc. And therefore he fayth.i am Alpha^nd Omega. Alphals the fitft of the Greekc letters, and J.ncga is the laiL Wherefore he cxpoundeth it faying, •the {ir!i and thclait, the beginning and the ende. In the firrt Chapter ofthis Pro- iphccicjthe Lord iayd,I am Alpha and Omega,the firrt and the lalh Whereby you ■Ifciteuidfixthathcisctcrnall God.equall with the father. Howls he clfcthebc- •^ihnmg,?nd^,he;cn(!c ? How iyhcothcrwifethefirftandthe lafl PThenmayyefee why Jt where addcdagainc, ciicnas 1 fayd, for confirmation. When we heareof great re A'ardpromikdatthccommingofourLord,vnto all thofc which ualkcm the iri;cth jt doeth not {o much moue vs, or affcd vs as It ought to doc,and why > cuenbecaufe we doc notgiue fofirme credite thereunto as we ought. We doc not throughly way and connder that the promife is made by him'^that is Alpha and0.ucga,cucnihcfiraandthcla(f,whoisalmightieandvnch3noeable. Alio whenthcthrcaijiingis vttercd againfhhc cuilldoers, thathee wilWccompence .^nto them vengeance for al iheireuill dccds,ic is dcfpifed.and ncg!e6ted,ci;en as if itcamebutfrom a mortallnun. Therefore wearehcre afliircd,that there iLall no ioie fall to the ground of the terrible vengeance denounced a s^ainiiihc wicked, in ^i much as it ptocecdeclmot from a mortall man,but fiom him that is Alpha and .Qojcga. -:,-..r:.;- ■;:.:• And herein bccaufc we arc dull, markc how the promife and the threatning are ogajnc repeated, Firll, the promife in ihcfc>vords, Bleficd are they that keepc his commandcinents.tha: their part may be in the tree o( life, and that they may enter ia by the ijat^s into the citic. Touchiii^ the tree, of Lfc,yc heard ofii bc^rc,v^ here he 444 SER^^ONS VPON be lpcak«h of the rhici- that runneth through thecititr. Alio wchaue fccne what « prjuilctigcii is to be ad.iiitced to enter into that hcaucniy iciufalem. And here wc icarne againe w ho fliall enter, and fo who (liall bee blefl'ed, eucn all that walke ia the f care oiGod, and keepchiscominandcments. Wc are generally of the mindc that a few vvords fhal carry away the matter,as ifmen for fayiHgLord^Lord^fhuld enter into the kingdom othcauen,but weare flil and often admonifiieti and told, that none (hall enter but fuch as doc the will of God. Is it not then our part firll to be (iudifius to learne to know the comrriandenieots,tj^ ordinances and wayes of the Lord our God ? For if we doc not know them,ho w fliall we walk^ in them ? Can a man walke in thofe waies which hcdoth not know nor vnderftand?Or flaal a man bee thought to haue any louc or defire to walke in that way^ whichhefee- kethnottoknow? Then fecondly, when wcdoc vnderftand the commanndemcnt of God, it is our dutic to put them in pra6iife,or eli wc arc ncuer the better: nay we arc in worfc cafe then before: for you know what our Sauiour faith in the Gofpcll,theferuant that knowcth his maliers will and doeth it noCjfhall be beaten with niany ftripcs. AndSaint lames handleih this point in the firli chapter of his Epiftle, whereha- i;ing fhewcd what benefite wee reCeiue by the word of trueth , namely , that we are begotten by it, he by and by cxhortet h men to be fwift to heare. And then further he vvilleth, that we fhould be doers of the word j and not hearers onely, d4- ceiuing our felucs. And then by a fimilitudeofonethat beholdeth his face in a glade, and by and by goethhii way and forgetteth what manner bfonchee is, hee, teacheth what a vaine thing it is to be hearers of the worde of God onely, and not doers. Afterward he tclleth v\hat a bleflTed thing it is for a man to be both a very , diligent liudcnt in the law ofGod, and alio a doer of the fame. Let vs then recciuc admonition.Let vs become wife vnto faluaciori: for they thatdothis which is here taught, become wile vntofaluation: they fliall haue their part in the tree of life they fhall enter in by the gates into the citie. Andfurely there is no greater foUic and madnes, then for men to content and fat'isfic rhemfehies with a bare hearing of the word of God presched.Dot'h not our Sauiour fay.Blefled are they that heare the word of God and kcepeit ? VVhatdoth heme.ine by keeping of it? Is it that they kccpcitiiimemorie, todilpute andtalkeofic, andnomore? Naytheyare •not faid to kecpc it,w hich doe not in deeds performe it. And the Lord faith, vvho- 'foeucr doth the will ofmy Cither which is in heauen ; he is my brother, fifter & nio- ther,Maih. 11.verf.50.Let no man then any longer be dcccioed ab->ut this point, butknowthatonclyfuchasdocthewillofGod/liallbeblefredforeuermorc. * Then folio v^eth the threatning, For withouffhall b': dogs and enchanters, and vvhorcmongers,and(r!urderers,and idolaters, and whofoeucrloueth and maketh lics.Hcrc are ihc coinpanic that Hi all not enter into the hoiy citie but fliall be with- ^ut^ftvsv fliallbe inl4c11. 'As the on* part whokeepe thc'commandements of God 'tire'bIc(Tcll, fo thefe-fikhic pctfons nfc accurfed. Butlct vs now lookevp^n tl^ ^vordes, he bcginnech w iih dogrr s. What arc ihefe dogges ? Shall yogges goe to hell r ijcloucd; ye may not take it that hec meanctb thcfe bcaflcs vvhiOiT7inablcanJ vilcin the fi^hi (»f the Lord, ubomhecallcthdogs. How be they degenerate, hC)vv haocthey forgotten themfeliics, which arc turned from men into dogs ? But Ice vs fee who they bee v\hom the holy fcripturc callcih dogs. Hirft, thevnskilfulland coutfious pricfts arc called durabe dogs, andgrecdie dogs, Efav y 6. Sofoulc a /inne it is to hauc the charge ouer the Lords people, and not faithruUytofted and guide them. Saint Paul (fpcakingofthefalle Apoflles, which corrupted the fimplicitie of the Gofpell) vvilleth the Philippians to beware ofdogs.to beware of euiU workmen, Philip.3. OurSauiourChriliglueihihisprc- cept, Giue not holy things to dogs, and cart notyour pcarles before Iwintf, leaft ihey tread them vnder their feetc, and the other turncagaineandrentyou,Matth. 7. verfe 6. where yc arc to note that there bee fome men who when the Gofpcll is preached vnto them are not moucd with wrath, butonely as it were negled and defpife the fame, whoarelikned therefore vnto f wine, and they arc called fwinc which tread in the mire pearles,and fo thefc tread vnder feetc the heaiicnly pearlcs of the Gofpell. Others there bee who when the Gofpell is preached, are moued with rage and furic, becaufothey cannot abide the pure dodrine. Thefc flic vpon thofe that preach it. They rend and teare them. They be called dogs. 1 hefc in old time murdered the holy prophets that fpake in the name of the Lord. Thefc hauc put the Saints and Martyrs of Chrifl to death. Thefc doe daily barke at the mini- fters andprofcfforsofihe Gofpell. VnderaChiiaian prince where the holy word of God is fetfotth.thcfc dogs do in fome fort(at the leaft many of them)con forme themfelues to the outward profclTion of it: andbecaufe the light of Godstrueth doth conuincc them, they dare not for fhamc find faulcwiththat,biitfaytheyrc- ucrcncc it, w hen as indeed they abhorre it in their hearts, and fccke to Hnde faultcs withthofc that doc publjfli it. How-fikhieand abominable thefc dogs are before the Lord, who is able to declare? Ye may rcadc what our Siuiour faith to his Apo- l\ks when he fcnt them forth at the firli, how it fhould bee caficr for Sodome and GoMiorihainthe dayof iudgement, then for thofe which fliouldrcfdfetohcarc their do(^rine,Math. 1 o. Then how horrible is the (inne,not oncly to refufc.but al- fotobemoued with wrath, cuuuo hate and perfccute thofe tiiat doe preach it ? Ycefliali lee many ofthefcvnclcr'nc and proplunc men in all places, whicheuen gnafh their teeth, that they cannot likcd.>gs runncvpon thoitthat rcprouc their euill workji,and like dogs rend and teare them. As thefc doc now vtter many hard andflaundcrouslpeecl)cs,a:Klminyrcproches:igain(iilicn)inia<:rsofihcGofpel, fo would [hey ifti.ne did fcriie,pcrfccutc them cucn to thcdQath.Theybclikedogs that arc chained vp fo lono is the Gofpell is maintained by the Chriliian prince. Here arc ioyned with thofe dogs^H inchaunters ,t hm \a horcmongers i hen mur- dercrs,thenidobtcrs,and la(ily,whofoeuerloi.c:h& makcihlics. There befundry fortes ofinchaunters.coniurcrs, witches, ind fuc h as deck by the dcuill, and by di- weliiL art. And how fouleand raonfiiousa ih:ng it k> for picnto dcalc and to be in league ^^e with ye t the (iafre.as J fayd js lefferthen the Sunne. To this it may bee anfwcred, that it is to fhew that cuen the very bl^ginning of all light vnto vs is from Icfus Chrift. We are couered vnder the night of fpiritualidarkncs : herifeth vnto vs as the morning ftarre, very bright and comfortable,aiid proccedeth euc n to be the full light of that clcere a nd blelied day that fliall fhine for eucr, where there fhall be no night.Thcn ye fee that thisReuclation commethfrom aperfon ofmoft high dignitie, exccllencie and glorie.and full ofallpretious things : andfo wee ought to eftccme ofit.Forcom- ming from him (as he fayth, I lefus fent mine Angell, &c.) wee muftknowethat there be very good things i n it,and fuch as doe neerely concerne vs. 1 he Angell is butrheferuaijt andmelfenger to teliifiejthe things. Now vpon thcfe words that our Lord faith, he is theroote and the generation ofDauid, and the bright mor- ning rtarrc, the fpirit and thebride fay, come. This fpirit is the holy Ghoft. The bride yc know isthe Larobes wirc,euen the Church.Shc hearing ofthefc excellent things in Chrift the redeemer and reftorcr, is inflamed and euen rauifhed with the defircofhiscomming, that fhe may haue the full fruition of them: Forallthecx- ccllcncie of thofe precious things in Chrift are for her. And leaft we fhould thinkc thptthishcrcarneft defite proceeded but from feme humainepalFion, when fliC craueth THE REVELATION. 449 crauethof him tocome,hcre is cxpreflcd that the fpirit alfo with her fayth.comc. Herrcqucdandcarndi defirethen oFthccommingofChri/Hsgood. But here willanleadoubc.hoA'thisistobcvnderlloodthatthchoIyGholidoorhpray for the comming ot Ghnll ? We know ihat he is God equal! with the Father and the Sonne. How then can he be laid to make thisrequcfl ? Can we fay that God doib prayPhidccdc vpon this and liichlikcplaces (ome haue wickedly held, that the holy Ghoft isa trcaiuie^andnotetccnallGod.But marke,! will iliew you howic is to be taken. It is the fame thing which S. Paul teachcth,Rom.8. Wee know noc (faith he) how to pray as wccought : but the fpirit himfelfe maketh requcft forvs with groningSjW hich cannot be exprclfed. And he that fcarcheth the harts know- eth what ihc meaning is of the fpirit : for he maketh interceflion for the Saints ac- cordingtoGod.Now belouedjookehow that placeof Saint Paul is to be vndcr- ftood,and fo mull wc vndciftand this ot S.Iohn. When he laiih.that the fpirit ma- keth requert for vs with grones ; wc may not take it that the holy GhoH is fubiedl ynto any gticfc or paffion : but hcc worketh thofc gronings in the hearts of the faithfull.Hc maketh them,or he teacheththem to pray with moli vehement dc- (itcs,eucn with fighs and gronings that cannot bee cxprefled ; and therefore he is fayd to pray w ith gronings. Eucn fo it is the fpirit that inftrudleth and teacheth, and inflameth the Church with the vehement dcfire of the comming of Chrift ■: and therefore he fayth,ihe fpirit and the bride fay,come. As S.Paul fayth then that the fpirit maketh requefl according tq God : fo wee are to take it here, when hec faithjthe fpirit.and the bride fay come,that the Church dkcdled and taught by the holy GhQft,moft y thenicntly longeth and praycih for the comming of Chrift, and that her praycranddcfire herein IS accoidjngto God, The bride verely could tjot pray ^husbut by y holy Ghoft^fhc could not haue that defire of hcaucnly things, but eucn with the children of this world fet her affe6tionsherebelow ; and there- fore to note v\ ho dire(Scih her to this heaucnly motioHjit is fayd,lhc fpirk and the bride fay.come. And let him that heareth fay come. It isathingindeedc peculiar to the bride to loue the comming of Chrift ; in as much as fhconly hath the fpirit which wor- keth that dcfire. A nd no w to teach how excellent a thing it is , Saint John dooih wifh cuery one that heareth tp fay come. It is as much as if he fliould ttirre vs vp to couct aboue all other things to bee one of the children of the Church.to bee in- ftru6^ed and guided by that fpirit which infiamcththe heart, to cryc come Lord 4ei'us.Hctc is a fpeciail thing to hec noted.- and that is,that the Church and all her 'chiW?cndpewaitefor,andvchementlydclircthec6mmingofChrift vntoiudge- mcnc.lf we feclcno fuch defire in vs ; is it not an argument againf^ vs that wc bee 4K>i led by that fpirit?Either wc are in loue with the things of this world, and could be content cucn to be featcd in them for euer,not thirlling after hcauenlythings^ or els our confcicncc doth foaccufcvs, that wcard afraidcwhcn wcehcaroof his comming. What an etcellcntthiiig is it to bee led by fuch a fpirit, that dooth lb purge the heart and refoime the coufcicncc, that the commingof the Lord Icfus Gg Ynto 450 SERMONS VPON vntoiudgcmcnt, which fhal bcmoft terrible and dreadful vntoothew.ynto them is moft ioyfuU and longed for ? Is not here a wonderful] diflerence betwccne the faithful! & the children of this world? Let euery man therefore make this account that if he doe not long for the commingofthc Lorde vnto Judgement, hee is not right,all is not well with him. For if he be a child of the Church endued with true faith^if he be led by the fpirit of God Jf he look forhis part in thofe heaucly things: how can he but crieoutin the fcruentdefircofhis foule,Come Lord Icfus, come quickly. I pray you therefore, let euery one looke vnto their owne heart, and fee what defire there is ofthis comming. If it be feeble and weake/eeke to be quick- ncd with moreabundanccofthe holy Ghoftrfeeketohauetheliuely hope of the partaking ofthofe things whichiliail bee maniftf* and beftowed at his com- ming. There beemanythings done heretothedifhonorofGod,anddcfacin"of bis trueth.Webehere fubie^tvntoathoufand calamities. The things be wonder- foil great which are layd vp in Chrift to bee beftowed at his comming : Oiall wee not long for them ? Thcnlcc hHnthat heareth/ay come.Doeyehcare that Icfus is the rooteand generation of Dauid;eucn he that fliall make the glorious reftaura- tion ?Doeyehearcthathe is the bright morning ftarre,and that by him wee fliall dwell in glorious lioht : and^will ye not fay come ? Will ye not long for the time when thefc things (hall be (hewed forth ? Then he addcth : vf «<^ he that ha thirjt, let him come. Ye heard before that the promife is made to thbfe that be a thirft.They be bleflcd that do thirft for the wa- fcrsof life: for they fliall come to the fountaineand drinke their fill. But fuch as benotathM'ft,wGcbee tothem, they defpife and fet light by heauenly things, the fountame fliall befliutvpagainft them. Theybeenotworthieto bepartakersof fo precious things, which cflceme them fo lightly. Woe bee to thofe then which <»rcxiot forbearing the Gofpell : if they had euer taflcd how fwcete the Lord is, they would ninne after it: but alas they hauc not taflcd. They loue their ownc wayc$,and they fliall be filled with their owne inuentions. They thirft after gold, and filuer,3ftcr houfes and lands.They delight in gay garmets. They coueteat th! \s delights and pleafures,euen to fill themfelues from day to day:and thefe things theyfliall abound in. But what arethey the better?for all thefe fliall vanifti and cometo nought. He that is a thirft for the waters of life, he thatearneflly def^rcth thofe heauenly bleflings which are beftowed in Chrift,ftiaU bee happie and blef- lcd with the Lord God i n heauen for euer. Thenthereisaddcdfurther:e^*<^A/;/&4f»r#J7y foiclec+e, tha»as many as haue their eyes opened,- both of learned and vnlcarticd^ may'fce ohcit kingdome dcfcribcd in it. Now leG it hercbcc coiiddcrcd, v^hcche^v^'ceorthcpapillsmay more rightly bee charged tOaddctothevvordeot'God. Weholdelhidiythat thcbookesofthcApolIles andPropiiets, eucn the booke* of the olde and hcwc Tertanienr, which the chur- ches fincc the Apolties time haue rcceiued for canoniciiil, aretheperfcdt wordc of God, and none other-.- Weeholdc that the Lordcin thefebookcs bath deiiuc- red his w hole counfciis and wiH, toiwhingthc faith and obedience which heerc- quircchof man. Wee holdc kidcedcjthat theworfliipof God is fo perfcd^lylec foith in thofc writings of the Apoftlesand Prophets, that all matters of religion are to bee ruled by that written word. We doe mainiaine, that whaifocuer is added asja maticrof religion, the fame is wicked and abominable. VVeeholde that all they which dare take vpon them to difpenfe with any part of the holy word, are cuifcd. Wee holdcindeedc that the word of God wiitten,is abfoliite- ly perfect, and all controucrfies to bee decided by it. Our aduerfaries take vpon them to maintaine that behdes the written word, there bee alfo vnwritten veri- ties, which arc kept by tradition. They adde to the holy Scriptures fundric bookes, which they take vpon them to make Canonicall: which bookes were ncuer written by any Prophets or Apoftles. They fay that the holy S ripturcs aredoubtfull and vncertaine, and not fuflicicnt to decide and to determine alt controucrfies in religion. They maintaine that the authoritie of the holyfcrip- tureinrcfped^ot men, dcpcndcth vpon their church. They holdethe decretal! cpifHesof their Popes, and Canons of general! Councelsin fomecquafitie witb the written word of God: in as much as they maintaine them to befrcefrom all error. In all thefe things, doe they not adde nor take away ? I fuppofe there is no manof vnderrtandiiig, which will notconfciTe that they doe both adde and di- minifli. What an impiidcncie is itthcninthc:», vpon this place to charge vs? Wc being lodecre, and (landing fo firme for the whole fcriptures, and for no- ihingbutlcripture, and they themfclijcsfoguiltie many waics. Let them alone, theihreatninghcre vttcred againlt fuch as adde or dirainiOi, mult needcscomc vpon them. Touchingthecaiiillof thole of the fimilie of loue, it is not worth ^xiic anfwcring. Some of them faye, that fuch as expounde doc adde to the holy fcriptures : but interpretation, and the true application of the vvordof G O D, is !io adding. Then Saint John addcth, hee that telVifieih thefe things faith, Bcholdc I comequickcly. This is toftirre vpthemindcsof the faithful! to watch for his comtning. For wee are dull, and thinke the commiug of the Lordef irre off. The rcafon is^that wee cannot rightly mealurctimc. For if wee Gg 3, could 454 SERMONS VPON could fee, it (liould appeare that a choufand ycercs is cuen aim oft as nothing : fot what is it to cternitie, which afcer many thouland thoufand yeercs^ commcth not anynccrer to an'cnd: for where there is no end, the end commethnot necre. Men thinkc the time of their life here a great long time, and veiy madly for a few plcafures of finne call away themfclues for cucr. We (hould remember that the end of the world is eucn come vpon vs,and that the Lord will come quickly ,and fo prepare our felues for hiscomming. The Lord faith he will come quickly, and Saint lohncrieth out with great zealc, Amen,euen fo,come Lord Icfus. This dcfire of his comming ought wee all to hauc.if we be led by that fame fpirit thas Saint John was. Then he concludcth this holy booke with the ItA part of the conclu{ion,thatis,by willing all fpiiituall bleflings vpon them, w hicb he cxprefleth in ihefe words : The grace of our Lord Icfus Chrifl be with ye all, A men. The Lord bring his prayer vpon vs. : Aflauli; ^"P^- \^A. ^^•ijl^. . , ■j^ ! tju^ ^fjl^-^- > ^ \.- tJv'