^r^ •sccz ■u j^ m The Humble J^ ^A^^ ^M D VI C El ASSEMBLY i V IN E Sj Now by Authority of Parliament fitting M Sit Westminster, 1 Concerning ^ ]k LARGER GATECHISM, M Piefented by them lately to both Houfes of ^ PARLIAMENT: i With the Proofs thereof at large out of M the Scriptures. ^ 7he kcond Edition. ^ ■' » r 'Ail (€• r: LONDON, ^ Printed by 5v(jrij^« for the Company of StationerSyindJ. Koth- '^W we/j ac the Fountain in Cheaffide. ■f f f |.f:f If ###f #f f .-f^K-f Wf ^1^ (^(A» The Right Honourable the Lords and Commons Affcmblcd in Parliament* The humble Advice of the AfTembly of Divines' now , by Authority of farliament j fucing itiyEStMlNSTKR, Concerning a Confeffion of Faith, CHAP. I. of the hly Scripture, tLthough the Light of Nature 5 and the works(d)Ronj.2.i4i of Citation and Providence do (o far manifcft ^^'^' ^4«]/*"' thcGoodncffc, Wifdom, and Power of God^.Xfcfd&S as to leave men unexcufable (a J ; yet are they „ot the Lan>,d9 not fufticicnt to give that knowledge o{ God by nature the and ofhis Will, which is neceffary unto falva- ^^^'"i^ comai- tion C^). Therefore it pleafed the Lord , at fundry times, ^e/^avingnol theLaw^are a Law uMotbemfelvetf v. 15. 3 whirh (hew the workof ih^Low wrutenin then hearts^their confcience alfo bearing witnefs^tod their thoughts the mean while acujtng^ or elfe excufing one another ^ Roniti^ 19,20. ▼. 19 "^Bcaaic thai which may be i^ewn of God, is manifeft in them^ for God huh/heweA it uoco them. "V^^ao '] For rhc iDfifi' ble thing! of hiro, from the Creation of the world are clearl^^mf^tiDg underftood by the thiDgi that are nnade, ercn his eternal power an^ gortheatJ,' (olj^at they are without excufe. Pfal 19.1,2 3. v. i. ") The heavcB$rffc//e4/Mre iu them that do their. Rom. a. 1. therefore thou art inexcufable^O man whofocver thou art that ja(lgcfl,for iv herein thou jadg8 Will unto his Church (c) ; and afterwards for the better fundry rrwfx.preferving and propagating of the Truth , and for the more «nd in dhers^nte eftablifhmcntand comfort of the Church againft the cor- manners fp»kcj.ypt;JQn of thefle(h,and the malice of Satan and of the world, umo'Tl" Fa^^o commit the fame wholly unto writing (dj : which maketh thcrj by the the holy Scripture to be moft neceffary f^j i thole former Prophets. ways of Gods revealing his Will unto his people, being now COProv. 22.ccafed(f;. ip, 20,21. T. -'^ cd cood to me alfo hiTiog had perfcd uoderflioding of all thingi from the very fir(\,to write onto ihee in order nioft excellent Theophilusi r. 4. 3 that thou mightefi kpovf r/)f cm^/nr? of thofe things, wherein thoohift been inl^roftcd Rom. 1$. 4.forwhif focver thing* were written aforetime were mitten for oor letrniog,thae we throogh pa- tience and comfort cf the Scriptorcj, might hare hope. Mir. 4 4, 7, 10. v. 4. 3 Bat he anfwered and faid,7r « written, man (hall rot kavc by btead alone, hot by e?try word that proceedeth om of the mouth cf God* v. 7.] J«f°» ^"'f* ""*° him, it is written again, thou (halt not tempt the Lord thy God.T.io.^ thenfaich Jefos noio him,get thee hence Satan for it U mitten, thou (hah worfhip the Lord thy God, and him only (halt thoii fcrve'lfa 8 io 20.T.19 3 Aorf when they (hill fay onto yoo feek onto them that hare familiar fpirit$ and onto wizards that peep, and that mctter^ (hoold not a people feek onto their Gorf. for the living ro the dead/ v, 20. ] to the Law and to the Tef^iroony, If rhev foeak not according to thii mrdtU \% bccaufe there 11 no light jn thero,(e)2Tiro . 2 i< And that from a child thoxi hajikpcwn the holy Scriptures i which are able to make thee wife unto Salvation throogh taith which ii in Chrift Jefoj. 2 Peter 1 19. wc havcalfoawjorf/«rfwsri of Prophecy, wheretjmoye dovfell thu yt take heed, it to t Il.Undcrthe name of holy Scripturejor the Word cf God writtenjare now contained all the Books of the Old and New Tcftament, which are thefe. OftheOldTeftament. Genefis. /• Samuel. Efiher* Exodus. IJ' ^irationofGod, and it profiiablefor do^rine, for reprotfyfor corre^ionjor inftruHion in right eovfne/sf III. The Books commonly called Apocrypha, not being of (*)Lok.24 27, Divine infpiration, are no part of the Canon of the Scripture; 44-»-27] And and therefore are ofno authority in theChurch ofGod,nor to^J^'"*^'*^^^' be any otherwifc approved,or made ufc of,than other hum*ne Pnpbets\ he Writings (A). txpomdedtxmo iheminallthe Scriptorcs, the things cOoceToinf himfelf. ▼.44. ~\ And he faid Doro them, thefc arc the words which I (pake onto you, while I was yet with you, thjtall things tnaflbcral. filled whfch are written in the Law cf Mofes, and in the Prophets, and in the Pfal. concer- ning me. Rom. 3 2. Mach every way, chiefly bccaofcontd them were committed the Or/xcles of(kd. 2 Pet. i. 21. for the Prophecy cdwe not in old time by the will of manja^t ^oly men of God (jstkcinhey wcrtmovti by the holy Ghofi' IV. The f4J [!.) sPc!. r. IV. The authority of the Holjr Scripture « lor Which ic whercDoto ye is to be received, becaulc it is the Word of God {i). dowell iliatyc take heed, a&unto a light thatihiQcthm xdirkp!*ksti they wert moved by the J/gl) Ghoft, 2. Tim. 5, \6. All Scripture is given by infpiration d/Go«f,aod i$ profitable for dodriocifor reproot^for cor« re^ioojorionn AtoDiorighteoaraefs. i John $. 9. If wc receive the witocft df men, the witnefs of God U greater^ for this i$ the witncf* of God, which he hath teftjficd of his Sod, 1 Thct. 2 i$. for chit caofe alfo thank we God without ccafiogibecaQft when yc received the xrorrf o/Gorf which ye heard ofn$,ye received it oot/«rri&?»or<or(/o/(7odf,whichefFcftaally worketh alfoioyoa ih^t believe. {IQ I Tiro. 3. V.We may be moved and induced by the Teftimony of the iSBatifltar. Churcbjto an high and reverent cftcem of the holy Scripture \l '^''^a^'rtTO- A"d the heavcnlinefsof the Matter, the efficacy of the j^oowhowthoaDoarinc, the Majefty of theStiiCj the confcnt of all the oDghtcft to be. Parts, the Scope of the whole ( which is, to give all glory to have thy fcIfGod, ) the full difcoveryic makes of the only way of mans "fG^d ^h°ch^**^*^*°"j*^*'"*"y ^'^^"^ incomparable Excellencies, and the h the Church 'nt»'"c perf eftion thereof , are arguments whereby it doth a- of the living bundantly evidence it felf to be the Word of God 5 yet not- God,thti)i//ir withftandingjour full perfwafion and alTurancc of the infaliblc ^lf ^''"J"^, "^truth.and divine authority therof, is from the inward work of I jihn 2. 20, the Holy Spirit , bearing witncfs by, and with the Word, in 27.V.20.3 bot our hearts (I). yeharcaoHn- lihnfrom the holy tne, aod ye know all thingi. V. 27 . ^ bat the anotnung which ye have received of him 4i/rf(r/i!>z/ifo«,and ye need not that any man teach yoo •,botas th-ffamc anointing teachcth yoa of all thiogs^and istrotb,aDd is no lye.and cvenas it hath taoght you, yclhall abide io him. John 16. 13, 14; v. 13. J howbeit whsnhe ihe5l»/mo/ truth IS come, he will f oicle vou into all rrath , for he fhill oot fpeak.ofhi'rfetf h.it whaifoever htfhaUbsatttbatfhaUheffeakt^nd he will fiiew you things to come, V. 14. 3 fee fhaIlglorificme,for htP)tUrcceiveotmive and fhall fhcw it unto you, iCor ».io,ii, i». v.io.] but God bath revealed tbem to ushybis Spirity fox tbt ifirit/earcbetb all tbings.ye a the deep things of God.V.ii.for what man knowcih the things of a man, lave the fpirit of man -^ which is in him, even (o the tbirgtefGed, knowcthnoman,battfc«Sfm«e/G«i. V. iz ^ ' now we have received not the fpirit of the world,fc»t tbci^firit wbicbisofG6d,xhit we might ^flow the things that are freely given to uj of God. Ila.jp. i i.at for me this is my Covenant with thrm !aith the Lord, myipirittbdtisupontbee, fl«4 w;wori*whichIhavcput in thy mouth n»tll not depart out of chy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy feed, ;noT out of the mombof tbv feed* feed, faith the Lord, from henceforth and forever, V 1. The VI. The whole Council of God concerning all things necef- (n) % tiin ^ firy for his own Glory , mans faivation, Faith and Li/c is el-ij/oiz.v.i^.j ther esprefly (iet down in ScripturCi or by good and neceffa- And that from ryconlequcncc may be deduced from Scripture; unto which f JrJ''^ '**°" nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new rcvela- ^1 scrimet tiom ot the Spirit, or traditions of men (w J. NcvertheUfs, which «'«&/« we acknowledge the inwaid illumination ot the Spirit of to make tbu God to be neceflary for the faving under ftanding of fuch "''^f «"»» /''^' and Societies, which arc to be ordered by the Light of Na- Scrip ure is gi- ture, and Chriftian Prudence, tccording to the general Rules v therefore they are to be tranf- fpcak nor ac- jjced into the Vulgar Language of every Nation unto which w(I»i'"?tTs b" '^^^ ^^"^^ ^^^' ^^^^ ^^* ^^"^^ ^^^°^ dwelling plentifully in ciufc* there is **'> '^^y "^^^ worfhip him, in an acceptable manner (w)^ and no light in through patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have them« Aftsif.hopefx}. 1 (.And to this agree tbewordt of tbe Prophets, as it is written. Job. f . 39, 4^. v; J9] Search the Serif turet, for in them yc think ye have eternal life, and they ate they which teftific of me. verU 46. } for hid ye believed iMofes,ye would have btlieved mcjorbe mote of me (t) johnj.jp. fearcb^ tbe Scriptures, for in them ye think |e have eternal life, and they are the^ that teftiBe of me, («) »Cor,i4,6,9 u, 12,14, 27, x8, v.6.] Now brethren, If I comt unto yon fpeakptg mitb tonguest what (hill I profit you, except I fhall fpeak to you either by revelation, or by know* ledge,or by prorhefyingior by dodrine. v.. 9.3 $0 likewife you,except ye utter by the tongue vfords eapeto be uuderftood , how (hall it be known what is fpoken, for ycihall fpeak in- to the syr. v. 11, ] therefore if I ^nownottbs meaning of tbe voicei i fhall be unco him that Ipeakcch a Barbarian,ittd he chat fpcaketh (liall baBatbman unto me. v.ii.JEvcn To ye for- a(much asycarcitalcus of fpiritual gifts, fcek that yc may excel] tothc edifyingoftbc Cbunb. V. 24. JbatiiiW Pro^'befie, and there come in one that believes nor, or one unlcafr- ntd.be /i convinced of all, he is judged of ail. v.37. If aoy man fpeak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, orat moil by three, and that bycourfe, ind let one interpret, v, 28, ] But if cherc be no interpreter, let htm kiepflence in tbe Church } and let him (peak to himiclf and to God. (ir)CoU J, 16. Let the Word of Chrift d(peUinjouricbljindU»i[tdomf teaching and ad.Tionifliing one another in P{alms, and Hymns, and (piriiual Soogs, lingingwith grdce/«;'i/Hr&MmtotheLord. ('x) Rom, 15.4. for whatfocvcr thing? were written jfore* time, were written for our learning, that we ii!>ro«5& f<«re/2« andcetaJortoftbeSerifturet might have hope, (;)2pct.i.2o. IX. Theinfalible rule of Interpretation of Scripture is the » V Knowing 5'cripture it (elf, and therefore when there is a quefiion about noPropt'ec "^of '^^ true and full fenfe of any Scripture ( which is not manyfold thescr«ptu?c°is^"t onej itmuft befearchedand known by other places that of any priwd^fpeak more clearly Q). inttrfretatim. V, n ] for the prophecy came not in cf>A time by tbe Will ofmant but holy men of God fpake as thtyvictemovtibji tbe holy GhoJl.Adii i?,n,|6.v. 15.3 Aadtotbisa^reethevfordsof the ProphetSfiiit is wntten- v. 16.] After this iv»iilretun, and will build again the Taber- nacle q( David which is W.lcndonn, and I will build ag«n the mints thereof, and I will fet it iip» X, The <1) X. The Suprfme Judge, by Wtiich all controverfies of Re- (^mt,^'i,^^ ligion ire to be detrrmincd , tnd all Dccitres of Councils^ 3*-' 29] ]c- Opinions of Ancient Writers, Doarines of in'tn, and private '^^'^ fthTtoJ^ fpiritsare to be examined ; and in whofe fenirnce we arc to tiitVi> , Yc do reft ; can be no other but the Holy Spirit speaking in the crrewor fznovpi Scriptures (%), '"2 '*' ^'''l' * ^ ' tkres, not the power of God* v. ^i^] Butastoochiog the rcfarreRioo of the dead, havie you not read thit which wti fpokeo to yoa by God.fayiog. Eph. 2. 20. Alid are built trpoo thc/d«n- dation 9fthe?ropbettandApoflies^]e(u%CMi\ hitnfelf being the chief corner ftone. Aftf 28. 25. And when they apr ed not amoog thcmfclvei, they departed after that Pam/ had fpokc one word, well f^aketbe Holy Ghoft by Efaias the Prophet ooto oor Fatheri. CHAP. n. Of Godi and of the Holy trinity. THcrc is but one only (a), living and true God (h)^ who a^-v p^^^^ - i» infinite in being and pcrfeftion (c)^ a moft pure Spi- Hear O ifrael, rit f i^/mvifible (e)^ without body,parts f/Jjor paffions C^j, the Lord our God it oneLord, t Cor. 8. 4, 6,y, 4.3 A< cooccroiog therefore the eating tifihofe things that are offers cd in facnhcc onto Idols, we know rhat an Idol it nothing in the world, and that there ri none other but one, t. 6.3 Bat to us there is but one Gid the Father, of whom are all thingf, aodweinhioi, and ooc Lord jcfut ChrtA by whom are all things, and wc by him. (^) iTbef.i.^i for they rhemfcl^eilhiwof us whattnannerof entringin we bad onto yoa, and how ye turned to God from Idols to (ctrt the living and true God, ^er. 10. 10. Bat rhc Lord ii the rr)/eGo<^, heis thelii/ingGod, and ineverlaftiDg King. (|c) J?bii 7 8.9 V. 7»]canft thou by fearchrng find oat God, canfithou find out the Almighty unto perfection f v. 8.] Ir is at high at heaven^ what caoH th' o do, deeper than hell, whatcanll thon khow .' ♦,9, The meafure thereof it longer than the earth, and "broader than the fea. Job 26, 14. Lo thefe are parts of hit wiys, birr Aow little aporti- on is heard of htn>t but thcthunder^f bis power who can underjtand f (rf) John 4. 24. God is a spirit ,tnd they that worihip him^moftworflfiip him in Spirit and in troth. (e)ir7m. 51.t7.now onto th"? Kiogeteroal, immortal, /»i;'y?^/^, the only wife God, be hoooar aiid fglory for ever fcod ever. Amen. (/) Drat. 4.15, |5, v.f 5-3 take ye therefore good heed tinto yoor fe!?b/}»i,(aicb the Lord, and told G0itf/4roj^V. 14.3 can any bide bimfelf in fccrct places, thai Khali not fee him, faith the Lord | do not i fiU heaven aai earth i faith che Lord.( jj[> Pfalm 9^0. a. Before the Mountains were brought torth,or ever thou hadft formed the earth and the woridjcven /rOMC ivfflafling to tverlajiing thou art god. i.Tim.i.i7#&r4{>aM was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Altabam andlai^ tmto hitn,f am the Almighty Gorf,walk bcJorc me, and bt thou pcrfed, Rcv.4.8^. And the fcuc Isieafts bad each of them fix wings about him, and they were full of eyes within, and they reft Bot day and night faying, Holy, boly,bo!y, Lord God Almighty, ^Wich was.and is , and is to come, (n) Rom.16.z7. lo God: only vPifebi glory, through JcfusChrift forever,>f»K».(<>)ira, 6.1. And oixjryeduntoanother andfaid, He/;>fro(;,fc9//,«»6eLofi#/Hff^f,tbr whole earth is full of hisgloty. Rev..4 8. See Letter M. immediately forf going, (f) Pfajm 115; ?. But ©ur God is in the heavens, be hath done whatfotvtr be fleafetb* (q) Exod.j. 14. And God laid snto MtftSy I &fn that I am, and he faid, thus (halt thou lay unto the children of Iftael , I am haihfent me umoyou. {r) Epb, i. ii.In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predeftinattdaccQ'ding to the porpofe of kim.ytboworketb alt things after tbe Council ofbk »wnwiU.{()'P'Ov.i6.4 thtLotdbnh made all things jorhimfelf, yea even tbe mcl(ed for tbt Jiy o/fwi/.Rum.ii.j^. forof him and through bim, and to him are all things ^ to whom be |lir;tor«.ver and ever, ^fflfW.^I) 1 John 4 8,i6. v.8 ] he that lovetbnot,knowethnot God, iot 'Odislove.y . 1 6. and we have known and believed the love thatGodhatbtous; ^odk tovet and he that dwelleth in }ove, dwcllcth in God, and God in him. (») Ex. J4. 6,7, v.6,3 And the Lord palled by before him and proclarmcd, The Lord,ibe Lord God, mercifuland graiieus, long (uferiug and abundant in goodnfjjt and ttutb. V yT^eepngnercyfortboulandt, Jorgiving iniquity and traufgreffiontandfint and that wtll by no means cle^r the guilry,vi(icing the iniquity of tbe Fathers upon tbe children, and upon the childrens children,tMifo tbe third and to the fourth gcBcration.(i»)Hcb.iu6.but wttKout faith it is impc flible for ropleafe him, forhe thatcomethtoGod tnuft believe that br is, and thzt he iiM re warder of them tbatdUi^ gently feeli bim. (x) Nthcm. 9 U, U- *• ? * ] ^J°*» therefore our God,tbe grear,thc mighty cod the urtible Gci, who keepcft Covensnt and Mercy, let not all the trouble Term little be- fore thee that hath come upon us.on our KinjSj on our Princes, and on out Priefts,and on out Prophets, and on our Fathcr$,and on all rry penple.fincc tbe timt of the Kings of A^iii un- to f bis day V. ? r] Howbeu thm art ;«/? tn all that it brought ufon us , for thou bafl donerigbt^ feut vee have doBC mm not acquit the wielded , the Lord hath hit way in the whirl- wiod, aod in the Aorin,aod the clouds are the doft of his feer. Exodus 34. 7. keeping mercy for thoufands, forgirii gitiiquity, and traofgreflion, and fio, asd that will by no means clear the gMilty,tifimg the ioiqoity of the fathers npon the childieo, asd opoD the childrcos children, unco the third and fontth gencratioBi n. Godhathalllife (a), glory (b), goodnefs fO* Wef- (^> ]oho $ 26 fednefs (dj, in, and of himrelf ; and is alone in , and unco for as the F^. himielf all-fufiicienc , not ftanding in need of aqy creatures '/'^''.^^^^'^ '^/'^ which he hath made ( ej , nor deriving any glory from |" ^u"*/^'^' ^* them r/;, but only manifefting his own glory, in, by, "nto, , "fhlj 5^0 JJ and upon them : He is the alone Fountain of all beeing, of hare life in whom, through whom, andtowhom are all things (g) -, andhitnfelf. (&) hath moft Soveraign Dominion over them , to do by them, Aft» 7.»« And for them,or upon them whatsoever himfelfpleafeth (h). ^n^llll^/^^^^^ his fight all things are open and manifeft (ij, his knowledge Fathers hear. is infinite, infallible, and independent upon the crci-keo, the God of ture Ck)y fo as nothing is to him contingent or uncer-^'*"^ appeir- cd unto our Father Abrahntn^ when he was in Mefopotatnia before he dwelt in Charran. (c) Pfalm 119.68. thou art gtod and doeft good^tr*r.\\ mt thy %itxme%. (g »he inhabitants of the earth,and none canfiay bis hand, or [ay unto him^ What dofttbou ? ( i ) Heb. 4 1 3 Neither is there any creature that is not manifeft in bis (if,\\t.bm all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him wifh wbonr) we have to do. (^)Rom. 11.33,34 Terfe 33 Oli thi depth of the richesMhofthe wifdom and knowledge efGod, howQnfearchableare his judgements, and his wayespift finding rot .•? Terf 34^ For who hath known the mind of the Lord^ or who hath been his counfeller ^ Pfalm 147. 5. Great is oar Lord aod of great power, his undtrjianding is infinite. C 2 tain Cio) (/) Afti 1 $.18 tain (I.) He is moft holy in alt his councils, in iM his works^ *"?'•"' .j'^^.^and in all his commands («.) To him u due from AngeU vorks '*from*"^ ™^"» ""'^ *^*^'"y Other cieatiire, whatfocver woiftiip, Icr-. thcbegiooiog vice, or obedience he is pleaied to require oi ctiem (/? J, of (he world. EZik. 115. Anf^ the Spirit of the Lord fell opoo(ne,»Dd faid onto roe. fpeak^thoifiich the Lord, Thui ha»e ye faid O houfc of Ifrael^ for /^noir the things that come intoymv mind every one of them (/w)Pialni 14$, 17 Thel.ordis righteous in all his ways^ and holy in alibis worlds. Rom. 7. 12. Wherefore the Law is holy^ and the Commandment holy and jafl and good. (n)Rev. 5. 12, 13,, 14. v. la.Jsaviog Wirha lou< yoxu^Worthy u the Lamh tha mhh fliSD,ro receive power and riches, and wrjdom and ftrength^and honour and glory ,tnd bUUiog v. 15.3 ^^^ cfery creature whi<;4i !» lo heaven, aod od the eaith, and iv del the car rh, anr^ fixh asa'CiD the fca, aodall that arc in then) heard t'^fayinf^ hle0iig^ honour, gl^ry and power be unto him ibttfitteih upon the throne, and uDtc the Lamb for cvcratid ever, Veru 14^ Aad the foDrbeaAs faid, Amen^ aod thcfcQraod twenty £!der»/e// down and worfh'pped him that liTCth for ever aod ever. (o)ijoho 5.7 III. In the unity of the God-head there be three Perfons, ^^^ '\^^\'"'^o(ont (iibftance, power and eternity ; God the Father, God VJmdtn hc7. 'h« Son, and God che Holy Ghoft (0.) The Father is of none, »eo, the Fa. neither begotten, nor proceeding: The Son is eternally bc- jhcr^thcWcrd gotten of the Father (p:) the Holy Ghoft eternally proceed- aod the Holy jng from the Father and the Son Cq) three are one. lAtt. 5 16, 17. v. 16] And Jefas whco he wa$ baptized, went op Rraight way ootof (he water, and loethc heavens \»erc opened uoto him, and he fa w the Spitit of God dcfcendtng likr a Dove, and lighting opoo him. vcrft 17^ Aod Icca voice from heaven faying, Tl}i4 U my beloved Son ^w gvhomlaoi well piraftd. Mat; 28. j^.Go ye therefore and t-a. h n I Nation*, Baptizing them/nfibe Nameof the Father, cftheion^and 9f the Holy Ghoft, 2 Cor; 13, 14, The g. ace of the Lord JefusChcif^, atin thclofreof God,aof4 thee- tninunion ot the Holv Ghoft be with you all,i4wew. (/>) John 1.14,15, verlc 143 And the Word was made flclh, aod dwelt among uj, and we beheld hii glory, the gloiyatof the only begotten of the Father, foil of grace and troth. Veffe iSjNo man hath feenGodatauy titue, the only begotten Son which it io the bofnoie cfihe Fa(her,hc hath declared h'ln. (5) John i<;f26 Boi when the Cotuforrer ij come, whom 5 willfrnd onto yoofrom the Father,eTcn the Spirit of troth, which proccrdrth from the Father,h«(hall trftifieofroe. Gal. 4 6, And beraofe you ar« foDl,God hath fent forth the Spirit of hi» Son into y oar hreand Sidon. they would have repented long ago infack'Clcth andafhes: V. 13") And thou Qafernaum which art exalted onto heaven, (halt be bronght down to hell .• for if themighy woiht which have beeo done inrhcehari been done 10 i'orfowi, it woald have remaioedantil thit day. (e)Ao/« 911,13.16,18. ▼. 113 For the children being not mercy 00 whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardocth. III. &y the decree of God* for the man ifeOation of bis glory. Come I chIr"'thVc^°"^* ™*" '"^ Angels (f) arc prcdcftinated unto evcrl»fting befoneGod ft^'^^i *"d Others fore-ordaincd to everlaftJHg death (g.J the Lord Jefas Chrift,torl the cleft Aogcli,th«t thoa obfcrvc ihefc thiog$,witbout preZ fcrriof obc before another, doing nothing by partiality. iV4f.25.41. Thenfliill he fay alfo ontu them on the left haod,Dcpart from ye carfcd into evcrlafting fire prepared for the Devil and his Aogels. Qg ) Rom. 9. 22, 25 verfe 223 What if God willing to (hew his wrath, and to tnake his power knowo,cndurcd with moch long- fefFcring the t^f/h// tf wrath fitted to dtftruUhn'i vcrfc 2^] And that he might make known the richciofJui glory 00 the veffels o/wfrc7,which he had afore prepared unto glory, Kph.i,5,dj verfe 5"! Hiring prcdeAmatcd as onto the adoption of children by Jcfos Chrift to himfclf accor. ding to the good plcafurc of his will, vcrfe (5] To the praifc of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Prov. 16, 4. The Lord hath made aH things for himfclf, yea even the wicked for the day of e?il. ih')2Tim.2.i9 IV. Thefe Angels and men thus prcdeftinited and forc-or- rhV7oandVtV^""*^» ^^^ particularly and unchangeably dcfigned, and their onofG d ftan*"""*^*^ *^^° certain and definite, that it cannot be eitherin- dcth fore, hi* creafed or diminiflied (b.) Ting this Seal, tbe Lord i^noweth them that are hit. And let every one that nameih the Namcof Chrift depart from iniqaity. /oA/i 13. 18. Ifpcaknot of yooall , I knovo tfhom I have chofttt^ bat that the Scripture may be fulfilled, he that eatcih bread with mc, haib lift up hit heel agaioft mc. (/)£;*. 1. 4t9 V. Thofe of mankind that are predcfiinatrd unto Life, II V. 4 J Ac- God, before the foundation of the world was laid, according hath'cbofe'n ui ^° ^'^ eternal and immutable purpofe, and the fccret Council in him before »nd good pleafure of his Will,hath chofcn in Chrift unto ever- the fonndatio lading glory (/,J out of his meer free grace and lovCjWithouC 9|*'^' ftf'^'u '"y fore- fight of Faith, or good Work?, or pcrfeverance in bi" holy and ^*'^"°^ ^^^^^ °^*"y °'^*^ ^^'"8 '" ^^* creature, as condi- vvithontblame tions, orcaufes moving him thercnnto C^,J and all to the before him in praife of his glorious grace (I. J love, verfe 93 Hiving made known Onto ni the myftery of his will , according to his good pleafure whichhe hidpurpofedinhimfclf. verfe 11] in whomalfo we have obtained an inheri- tance, being ;)rf(^e^/»npurpofeandgrace^whkh was given us io Chrift ]<{a% Before the world began, i Thcf. $.9 For God hath nor appointed us to wrath but to obtJinfalvation by our Lord fcfos Chrift. {kj Romam9. 11,13,15 Seelcrier E.iromcdjjtly foregoing Ephcfuns i;4, 9. Sec letter I. immediatly foregoing. (/) Ephcfiaos I. 6, 12. verte<5 3 To the praife of the glory of his grace^ wherein he hath made Ds accepted in the beloved, verfe 123 That we ftiould be to the praife of his elci ry, who firft irafted in Chrift. * - vr.As C13; VI. As God hith appointed the Elea unto glory, fo hjitb be, by the cternil and mott tree purpoie of his Will, fore-or- c^ViPetcr 1 1 dainedallthc means thereunto fw.JWheicforc they whoareEka accord- elcfkcd, being fallen in Adantytre redeemed by Chrili (n, >re «"£ »« the effeftiully-"-^ r..... :„ ^.._.*. ....,, .. .. . r.,.,, — ..j- due iealon, power tniougn laicn unco salvation [p.j iNeither a re any other redee med by Chrift. effcftually called, juftified, adop- oTtheSpirit ted, lan^iHed and (aved, buuii g cleft oply (a, ) uoto obedience ^ ^ tni f^r in-line of the blood of Jefus Chrift. Epb. u 4^ 5 ▼• 43 Accordjof at he harh chofen uiio him before the foundation of the world, thit we ihunlA be holy and without blame \atiorc him in love. ?.5 J Having prcdc Ainjted ot onto the adoption ot children by jefo* Chrift to bin>fclf,accordiog to the food pleafare of his will. Ejiib.a.io For wc arc hit work- raaoftiip created lo Chrift Jefui unto good worlw, which God hath before ordained that we fhould walk in chctn* 2 Thef. 2.13 But we are boond to give thanki al way to God for yon brethren beloved of the Lord,occaufe God hachfrooi the beginning thoffoyoa to falvaiion throtgh fanaificatioo of the Spirit and belief of .the troth, (n) i Thef. 5. 9, to verfc 93 For God huh not appointed ds to wrath, bnt to obfaio falvacion bv '^uc Lord ]cfu» Ch ift. verfe lo^ Who died for oi, thar whether we wake or (lecp wejhouli live together with A7m.Tit.2.i4.whogjive hiH»fcUfor ui,ihat he mighr redeem us from aU iniquity^ and ponhe onto hitnTclf a peculiar people zcilouf of good worki. (0) Romi 8.30 Moreover >whocn he did predcftioatc, them he alfo called, and whotn he called, them he alfo juftihed, and whom hr jufiified, ihem he alfo stonficci. Eph.i. 5 Having predcftinated u$ onto the adoption of children by Jc^us Chrift unto hiBi(elf, according to the good plcaforc of hit will. 2 Thcfr.2.13 But wearc bjuod to girc thanktaiway ro God for you brethren beloved of the Lord, bccaufc God hath from the beginning rho; fen you to falvatioo through fanAification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth, fpj iPeter 1.5 Who are kept by the power of God through Faith onto Salvation, ready ro be revealed in the laft time. (5) John 17. 9 I pray for them,! pray not for the world, bn t for them which tiiou h*ft gif en me, for they ate thine. Roro.8.28 A0I we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to theaa that are »he called according to hit parpofe. Refer the Reader to the end of (he Chapter. John (5.64, 65. vcrle 64J But there arc fotne of you that believe nor, for jclns knew from the be- ginning who ihey were that believed not, and who (honld betray him. verfc 653 And he faid, Therefore faid I onto yoo, that 00 man can come onto me except it were gi- ven tJnto him of tny Father. Job. 10.26. But ye believe not, becaofe yejirenot of my ihcep,at I faid Dotoyoo.Joho 8.47 He that isof God,hearcthGods wordt,ye therefore hear them not, becaofe yc arc not of God. i John 2. 19 They went cot ffom at, bat they were not of us, for if they had been of ns, they would 00 doubt have continued with as: but they went oat thai they might be made maoifefi that they were not all of oi. VII. The reft of mankind God was pleafcd , according to the uofearGhable Coundl of his own Will , whereby he extendeth, or with-holdeth mercy, as he pi cafe tb^ for the glory of his Soveraign Power over his Creatures, to- paiTe by^and to ordain them to difhonour and wrath for theic (r)Mit.ii,tf (in, to thcpraife of his glorious jufticc (r.) 26. V. 15] Ac thatttme ycfus snrwered and faid, Ithtnktbcc O Father Lord of Heaven «ncl eirrfa, be* ctufs rhou haft hii tbcle things fmn the m[e diii prudent, aui ba(t revcalti them uma babes, V. 16] Even To Father, for loic fecmcd good intfayfighr. Rjtn. 9, 17, i8,i«, z2 vcrle 17J For cbe Scripture (aich unto PbarcK^, even foe thii Uoie purpofe have I rai(ed thee up, that I might (hew my power in thee, and that my Name might be dechred tbrmgbout all the eanbm ver. 183 rbere(ore hath he mercyon whom he will have tnercy, and whom he wiUbchard* neth. ver. a i j Hath not the Po;ter pawer over the clay,of the fame lump to make one veflfel uato honour«and another unto diihonour f v. ii] What it God willing tojhepf bit vfrathitni to tnafije bis potter ^»o»m endured with much long fufFcring, the veffels of wrath Bttcd to de« ftrudion? a Tim, a. 19, 20. ver. 19] Nevcrthelefs the foundation of God flandetb fure, having chii fcal,the Lord kno mreth them that arc bis.and let every one that uamech the N aMC of Chtift depart from iniquity, ver. ao] But in a great houfe, there are nut only ve£els_of gold and fitver,but aUo of wood and earth, and feme to honour, and font to dijhonour.jade ¥.4^ For there are certain men crept in unawaret, who were before of old ordained to this eondem" nation, ungodly men, turning rhe grace of our God into lafciviouinel;, and denying the onljf Lord God, and oar Lord Jcfus Chrif^. i Peter i. S. And a flone of tumbling, and a rock of Defence, even to them which ftumble at the Word, being difobcdicnr, wbeicunco aUo they were appointed, (ORom9,:o. VIII. The doftrine of this high Myftery of Prcdeftination Nay but O is to be handled with fpecial prudence and care (/,) that men "hou "bat "!*"*"^'"S 'he will of God revealed in his Word,and yielding plyell arainft obedience thereunto, may, from the certainty of their effe- Godi* fhallthcftual Vocation, be affured of their eternal Elcftion (t.) So thing /brmed (hall this Doctrine afford matter of praife, reverence, and ad- fay to bim that miration of God (h,) and of humility, diligence, andabun* ^h^Th "' ^i'^^^^ confolation to all that (inccrely obey the Gofpel (nf.) mc tbutl Rom. |i< } J. O the depth of the riches both ofcbewirdom and knowledge of God, bow «8/i;tfrcl&" dli/e are his Judgements, and his wayetpafi finding cut f- Deut. 19,19, The lecret tbingtbe* long unto tbe Lord our God,but tbofe things which arc revealed belong unto at and to our chil- dren for ever, that we may do all the words of this Law. (f) iPect. 10. Wherefore tbe rather brethren give all diligence to make your calling and eledion fucf, for if ye do cbefe things, ye (hall never fall, (u) Eph. i. 6. To the praife of the giory of his gracfi wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Romans 1 1. ^}* See letter S.immediacly forego- ing. (»^ Romans II, J, ^, 20, V.J ] Even fo then at this prcfent time alfo there, A rem« n3nt accordingto the tledion of grace. (6) And if by grace, then it is no more of works, other wife grace is no more grace: But if it be ot works, then it is no more grace, otberwifc workisnomce work, veric lo] well, becaufeof unbelief they were broken o^, and thou flandeif by Faith} be not high minded, but fear. % Peter i lO. Ssz letter T. immcdiatly foregoing. Romans 8. ;j. Who (hali lay any thing to the charge of Gods Eled/ it is God that juitiHetb. Luke 10. ao.Nocwithftanding in chis rejoyce, a^t that the Spirits are fuh- jcSt unto you, but taibcr tejoycc btcaufeyour name$ art written in bta^nt CHAP. CHAP. IV. OfCreation, IT plcafed God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft (a), for (a) Htb. i. 14 the manifeftation of the glory of his eternal powcrjwiidom, ^"'^ »" t^'^e and goodncfs (b) j in the beginning, to create , or make of !*^ ^^^^ ^P°* nothing the World, and all things therein, whether vifibic iJ","o"n°Xm or invilible, in the fpacc of fix dayes^afld all very goodfc^. he hat'b ap- pointed heir o£ alt thiDgs.by whom alio he made ihe worlds. Jo6« 1. 1[ j, v, i,} The fame was in the be- ginning with God. V, 3.] All thing! terc made by him» and withoac him was not any thing made, that was made. Gen. i, i. And the earth was without form and void , and darkneife WIS upon the face of the deep: And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, fob z6» t^. By his Spirit he hath garniOied the heavensi his hand hath formed the crooked Serpents fob g^ 4, The Spirit of God ha'h made me , and the breith of the AI« mighty bath given me life, (b) 7{,inn i. 20. Foriheinvifiblethingsof him, from the Creation of the world, are clearly fccn, beiiig underflood by the things that are made, even bis eternal power aodGod* head, fo tbacchey are without excufe. Jcr. lO. i a, He hath made the earth by his power, he hath cftablilhcd the world by his wifdome, and bath firctched ouc the heavens by his difcretioni P/d/m 104, 24, O Lord how manifold are thy works f In wifdombaft thou made them all, the earth is full of thy riches. 7/if/m j^, 5.6, v. ; ] He loveth Righteoufneffc and Judgemenr, the earth is full of the goodneffe of the Lord. V. 6,"} By (he word of the Lord were the heavens made , and all the holts of them by the breath of bis mouth* (c) See the whole fitft Chapter ofGcMCis,Utb, 11, }, Through faith we undcr- ftand, that the worlds were framrd by the Word of God, So that things which are feen, were not made of things which do appear. Ccl, 1. 15, For by him were all things created that are in heaven, that are in earth, vifible and invifible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers, All things were Created by him and for him. A^s 17^ 24, God chat made the world, and all things therein,(eeing chat he is Lord of heaven and cartb,dwei« leth not in Temples made with bands, II.AfterGod had made all otherCrcatiireSjhe createdMan, (d)Gen.utj male and female (cij, with reafonable and immortal fouls (e), ^° GodCreat- endued with knowledge, righteoufneffe , and true holinel?, «<^ •"'"'" *"» after his own Image f/J , having the Law of God writ- X"lm/|c*if God Created he him.Malc and Female Created he them, (e) gen» a. 7, And the Lord God formed man of the r^ul^ of the ground , and breathed in bis noflrils the breath ohifc , and man became a livingSoul, EccUf,iz^7» Then (h»ll the duft return to the earth as it was, »ndtbe$piric AiiW return unto God.who gave it. Lw^e 2 j. 4^ . Jeluj faid unto him,Verily I fay unto thcr, todayfhaitthoubewitbmeinPiradilf. SMat. lo. z8. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the loul, but ra»her fear him which is able to deftroy both foul and body in hell, (f) gen, 1.26. AndGodfaid, Let us make man in our Image, after ouc likenefTe, and let them have dominion over the fifh of the fea , and over the towl of the air, over the Cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that cteepeth upon the earth. Col. j, 10. And b we put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge, after the Image of him tb .t Cf Cited him. Efkt 4, 24. And thit ye put on thit new man which tf- tetGod is Created in tigbtcoufncfs and true holinels, Ci r«>n (16) (/) Rdm.2 14 ten in their hearts (g,^ and power to fulfill it (h :} and yet F^ "'h'en^the""^^'^ a poffibility of iranfgreffing, being left to the liberty (/m^e/w/bJci&of 'heirown will, which was fubjcft unto change (i.) Befidc tiave not the this Law written in their hearts, tuDtohca< ▼eo,«od miae uDderiliDdiog (ctorocd unto mcaod I bleflfed the tnoft high, aod I praif. cd and honoared him >h«t livctJi for ever, whofe domici' n ii an cvcrlafting dotnioioo, and hit KiDgdoo) ii from genrratiootogrneratioti. Vcr(c 3$"^ And all the inhabitants of the earth are rcpated a» norhiog : aod he doth accordir g to hit will io the army of hcavcn,and among the iohabitintt of the earth, and oooecio'tay hiihand, or fay note him, what dofl thoa ^ Pfalm 155.^ Wh«ifo«?«r the Lord pltafcd, that he did in hea- ftn and in carth.and in the Scasj »od all deep pUces. Aft* 17 2$, 26 28. v, 25J Nei- ther is worfhtpped with mens hanr^men< Mdtth, 4. 4. Bat he aofwcred and faid, it it written, man fhall not Jive by bread alone, but by every word that procccdcth out of the mouth of God* ^ob. 34. lo. Therefore hearken unto me ye men of undetflacdiog , far be it from God that ye (hoold do wickcdner»> and from the Almighty, that yc fhonld commit iniqui- ty. (m)Rom. 4, 19,20,21. V. 19. 3 And being oot weak in Faith, he coofidercd not by his own body now dead,vvhen he was an hutidred years old, neither yet the deadncfs of Sartihs womb. V. 20. 3 He daggered not at the prrmife of God throogh unbelief, bat was f\F0D5 in Faith , giving glory to God. V. 21. 3 Ard being folly perfwa-led, that what he hadpromifcd,he wasableaifo to perform. {n)2Khgs6.6. Ao'lthemaoof God faid, where fell it, and he fhcwcd him the place, and he cot down a (^ick and caft itio thither, and the iron did fwim,D4n 3. 27. And ihePrtncet,Governoors,and Cap- taisi, and thcKings Counfellen beiog gathered together faw thefe men upon whofc bo- dies the fire had 00 power, nor was an hair of their head fio£ed,neither were their coats changed,nor the fmcU of fire had paffcdon them. IV. The Almighty powerjUnlearchable wifdom,and infinite good- nefs ofGod fo far manifeft thcmfelvesin hisProvidcnce,that it ex- tcndeih it fclf even tothefirft Falljand all other fins ofAngeis and Meo (19) Men (o)i and that not by a barcpcrmiflion (p) , but fuch as (o)Rtfw,ti.ji; hath joyned with it, a mod wife and powerful bounding (q)^ 3;. 34. verfe and otherwife ordering, and governing of thein,ina manifold J*0 Pof Go<> difpenfation to his own holy ends Cr) : yet fo, as the finful- J''^ condud- ncffc thereof procecdcth only from the creature , and not unbewTf ' th« from Godjwho being moft holy and righteous, neither is, nor he might have can be the Author 01 Approver of fin (7J. mercy upon all. V.?,.Oh the depths of the riches both of the «f ildocn and knowlcdse of God , how unrcarcbabic arc hii judgements, aodhiswayes paft finding out I terle 54.] For who bath known the mind of the Lord, or wh» hath been his Counfclicr? x$Amt. 14,1. And again the anger of the Lord was kindled againft //r«/, and he moved Vavii againft them to fay, go number IfiaU and ]udah. i Chun, ai. i. And Satan itood up againft Ifntl , and provoke J Z)tfp/4, who fliali then fay, wherefore haft chou done fo f Aei$ i, »}. Him being delivered by the determinate Council and foreknow ledge of God, ye hive taken, and with wicked hands have cruc fied and flam. Affi 4, a7,i8,' verfe 17. ] For of a truth againtt the holy child Jefus whom thou haft anointed, both HeretL and Pontius F;/fll with the Gentiles, and the people of Ifrad were gathered together. Verfe a8.] For to do whatfoeverthy hand and thy Council determined before to be done. (f)Mi i4, 16. Who in times paft fuffered all Nations to walk in their own wayes. (q) Plalm 76. 10 Surely the wrath of man (hall praifc thee,the remainder of wrath (bsh thou icitrain. il{tvg* 19. 18. Becaufc thy rage againft me, and thy tumult is cpme up into mine cares, therefore I will put my hook in thy nofe , and my bridle in thy lips , and I will turn thee backby the way which thou cameft. {r) §ew« 50. ao. But as for you, ye thought evil againft me, but them down like the myre of the ttreefs. v. 7.] Howbcit he meaneth not lo, neither doth bii heart think fo,but it is in his heart to deftroy and cut oft Nations not a few. v. la.] Where, fore it (hali cume to pafle, that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount ZM»,and oa*ferufaltm,\ will puniOi the fruit of the ftout heart of the King of AJiyrit, and the glory of his high looks. {[) ^awt x. ij. 14. 17. v. i^.J Let nom^nfay when he i» tempted,! am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted wtth evil,ncitber trmpicib he any man, V. 14.] But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own ]u(t and enticed^ V. 17.] Every good gift and every perfcft gih is from above, and cometh down ficm the Fa- ther ot lights, with whom there is no variablcnclle ; nor (hadow of turning, i ]chn x. v6. For ail that is in the world, the luft of the flcHi, the luft of the c yes, and the pride of hfc, is not of the Father, but is of the world. P/e/m 50. 2 1 . Thefe thing* baft thou done and I kept aience: thou thougbteft that I was altogether fuch aoae ajtby fclf,but I will rcprov: thee, and fet them in order before thine eyc!^ V The (t) aGhron, V. The moft wife, righteou?, and gracious God doth of- 3t.2f>i6, ii» tenciaies leave for a Teafon his own children to fflanifold tern- *• J?-l^"'j?fj ptations, and the corruptions of their own hearts, to chaftifc not again ac- '^^"^ ^^^ ^^^"^ former fins,or to difcovcr unto them the hid- cordinjto the den ftrength of corruption, and deceitfulnefs of their hearts, benefit done that thejr may be humbled (ty) andtoraife them to a more unto him, for cjofs and conftant dependance for their fupport upon himfelf, r/ S**"!,***' ^"^ ^° ^^^^ '^^™ "'^'^^ watchful againft all future occafions of forerK w« ^^J ^nd for fandry other juft and holy ends (u.J wrath upon him ^ind upon ^udibtnd^erafdttm, V.»6] NotwitbftandingH£i(el^fdiE> hum- bled faimtrlf for the pride of bis heart (both be and the inhabitants of jerufalm ) fo that the wrath of the Lord came not upon them in the days oiHeitkiAb. V, jt] Howbcit is the bu(ine(s of thr EoibaiTadours of the Princes ofBabjlon, who fcnc unto bim to enquire of the wonder tha; was done in the land, God Uft bim to trj bm, tbat be migbt know cU that was in hhbeart. 2 ^am. 24*1. And again the anger of the Lord wu kindled againft J/fde/j and he muvcd 7>avid againft them to fayj Go number Ifracl and Judah. (u) 2 Cor. 1 1,7,8 9. y 7, ]( And left 1 (hould he exiltcd above mca(urc,tbrough the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the Btfti.ihe meffengcr ot Satan to buSec roe, left I (hould be ex» alted above meafurCi V. 8] For this thing 1 bcfough. the Lord ibrice, that it might depart from me. V. 9] And be laid unto mCtCMj grate it (undent for tbee, for my ftrengtb is made perFr£tin weaknefs ; moftgladly therefore will I glory in mine inBrmities, that the power ofCbriftmayreftuponme. Pfalm 7} throughout. Pfalm77*ii to the twelfth ] Icryed unto God with my voice, even unco God with my voice, and he gave ear unto me. V. 10 3 And I faid, This is my inBrmity j But I wilt remember the years of the right band of the moft high, V. I z] I will meditate alfo of all thy works , and talk of all thy doings. See Mark 14 from the 66 verfe to the end, with John zi. t $, 16, 17 v« i$] So when they bad f]ined,]cfus faith to Simon PeHt,Simon Ton of Jontifjioveft tbou mc more than thefe f He faith unto bim,¥es,Lord, thou knoweft tbat I love thee, he faith uoto bim, Feed mj lamb$t V,i6] He faith to him again the fecond time, Simon fon of ^onaif loveft tbou me I He laith un|o him , Yea, Lord, thou knoweft tbat 1 love thee, He faith unto him, Feed myjbttf» V, 17 ] He faid unco him the third time, limon fon of Jonas, loveft thou me i Vetef was grieved, be- cau(e he faid uiko him tbe third time, Loveft tbou me ; and he faid unto him , Lord , thou knoweft all things, thou knoweft tbat Hove thee,]:rut laith unto him iFeed my Jheep, (i»)Rom.i.i4 Vlr As for thofe wicked and ungodly men, whom GOD 16, z8, V 24] 25 g righteous Judge, for former fins doth blind and !llfo«vc^bt°tn^''^*=" (^>) ^^^^ *^^*" ^^ "°^ """'y with-holdeth his up to unclean- E"ce , whereby they might have been inlightoed in their nefs, thrrugh underftandings, and wrought upon in their hearts (x:) tbe iHfl I of tbtir but fometiraes alfo withdraweth the gifts which they omn hearts, to diftioncurihfir own bodies be.weentbemfelves. V. 26] For this caufe God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did charge the natural ufc into (bat which is a- gainft nature. V.18] And even as tbey did not like to retain God in theit knowlc£lge,God give them over to a reprobate mind, to do thofe things which are not convrnient. Rom, 11.7, 8. v, 7] What tben Ifratl bath not obtained, that which be feekctfa forjbut rbe eiedion have obtained it, and the reft wtre blinded. V,8] According as it is wriutn,godbatbgiventbem tbe^ifitofjlumbtrt eyes that they (hould notfce, ears that they (hould not hear unto this day. (X) Ocut 29, 4> Yet the Lord bath not given you an beatt to pcrccive,and eyes to fee, and cars to heariURto this day. bad hadfjfjjand eapofeth them to luchobjcftsas their corrnpti- (yOMit.ig.ia on makes occaiion o£ fin (z'J and withall, gives them overt'^r whofoe- to their own lufts,the temptations of the world^anfl the power J''^ ^"^ » ^^ of Satan (a:) whereby it comes to pafs that they harden them- gj'™^ "^,"jj ^J felves, even under thofe means, which God ulethfor thefott> iriaihavcaicre ningof others f^O abuodaDce; but whofoe* Ttr hathnor^from httr (hill be taken away eten that he hith, Matthew 25. ap. For uo- to every one that hath (hall be giTcB , aiid hc(hji]lhave abusdaocc. but f( on him that hath not, (hall be tak«oaway,e?en that whuh he harh. (si) Dfor. 2 30 Bat S/*o» king cf Nejkbon VI oxi\d not let u) pafiby hiu ', for the Lord thy Godbatdned hjsfpnititnd n ade hi» hca t ob(\ Date, that he atighr He! firhun iDtu ihy hand, ai ap^'tarcth (hit day.. 2 King 8. 12,13, V. 12] And If^siael (iid^ why weepeih my Lord .•? and heaofwrcdj bccautc I know che evil thai th u wilr do unto ihe children of 10 ac I : their flroog boldt Witt thou fct on fire , ard heii jootigmeD wilt thooflay with the fwrrd , and wilt da(h their childrcn,aDd r»p up thtif women wiih child. V, 13] And /r tcoofncfi. (6) Exod* 7. 3. And I will harden Fharachs heart, ap.drooltlply my figns and mywonderi in the \»nd of Eg}pt. Exiduj 8, 1$, 32, v. 15] Eat when Pharacb faw there wasrefpitc he hardned his heart ,ttii\ hrarkeocd not unto them, as the Lord had /aid. V/ 32^ And Fharaoh hardened hit heart ax this time airo,reithei would t c let the people go. 2Cor.2. 15, 16. V. I5l For we are unto God a fwcet favour of Chrifi, in them that arc faved, and io them that perifh. V. 16'] To the etie,we. are xht favour of death amo Attth.and to the other^the faveur of life vnto lif< : Aid whoti frfRcieoifoc theff thingi .■' Ifai. 8. 14. And he (hall be for a SanHuary : hatfottftotieofjlumb/tng^. tod for arock^ofc-jfetice to both the houfcsof Tfrael', for agin and for a fnareto theinha- bitantsofjtrufalem. i Per. 2 7, 8. v. 7^ "Z^/ifo >o« ih< refore whichbtop\e^hearye indeed.but under fl and not ^ tnd fee ye indeed ^ but perceive not. Y. lo] Make the heart tf this people fat, znAtrnkt their eari heavy, and (hot their eyes, left they fee with rheir eyes, anrf hear with their eari,ind nndcrf^atid w'lh their heartland convert and be healrd. Afti 28. 26 27. \:361 \ Say ing,(?o unto this people and fay ^ Hearing yefhaH hear, andfhaS not underfikndjeeing ye- fhaO fee and not perceive. V. 27] For the heart of this people is W4Xr,i g,of$, and their eyei arc dall of heariiJg,and their eyes hive they clofed, 1ft they fhoold fee with their eyej, and heir with their ears, anj underAiod with their hearts, and flioald be con« verted, and I (honid heil them. VI T. As theprovidence of G O D doth in general reach to all Creatures } fo after a mofl fpecialmanner^it t24ceth care of i (c) I Tim, 4. of his Church 9 and difpofeth all things to the good there- lo.Fortherc- offcj* fore we both laboar and fafFer reproach, becaufc we trafl io the liviog 6od, who 11 the Savioor of all men, crpccially of thetn that believe* Amos 9. 8« 9. v, 8.^ Behold the eyes of the Lord God arc upoo the finful KiDgdotn , and I will dci\roy it from off the face of the earth, faving that I will not utterly deftroy the hoofe af Jacob,(tith the Lord, v, 9.] For Io I will comoiand, and I will fift the hQufe of Ifraei among all Nations, like at cora it (Ifred inafive, yet (hall not the lead grain fall 00 the earth. Rom.B.iB. And wc know that all things work together for good , to thetn which love God , to thecn which are the called according to hit purpofc. Ifa. 4$. 3, 4, $, I4> r» ^Tj For I am the Lord thy God, the holy one of (frael thy Saviour, I gave Egypt for thy raofom, Ethitpia and Seba for thee. T. 4.3 Since thou wafl precious in my (ight,thou hafl been honourable, and I hare loved thee, therefore will I five men for thee, and people for thy life. v. $. 3 Fear not, for I am with thee, I will bring thy feed from the Eafl, and gather thee from the Weft. r. 14.3 Thai faith the Lord your Redeemer, the holy oneofT/r^f/iforyonr fake,I have fent to B^^/Zon and have broDghc down all their Nobles and the Caldcans, whofccry ii in the fhips. CHAP. VI. Oft be full of Man, of Sin, and of the Vmifhment thereof, (a)Gen. ^a^, /^Urfirft Parents being fedwced by thefubtilty and temp- And the Lord \J fation of Satan, finned in eating the forbidden fruit^^J. ^e wom«° This their fin, God was pleafed , according to his wife and What is this holy Council, to permit, having purpofed to order it to his that thou haft ownglorvf^j. done?Audthe » ' ^ -' woman faid. The Serpent beguiled me,aDdI did eat. iCar. 11. 3. But I fear leift by any means, as the Serpent begoilcd £i;e,throngh h«s fnbtiliy, fo your minds (hould be cor- rupted from the fimplicity thit is io Chrift. (^) Rom. ii . 5 2 . For God hath concladed them all in onbehef, that he might have mercy upon all. (c)Gem^.6^ IJ. By this fin they fell from their original righte- 7,8.v.6.]And oufncfs and communion with God (c ) , and fo became SanVaw'tTm 'iMd in fin f rf J , and wholly defiUed in all the facul- the tree was good fir food.and that it was pleafant to the eye»,8nd a Tree to be defired to make one wife, (he took of the frtjit thereof and did ear, and gave alfo noto her hofband with her and he did eat. V. 7 3 And the eyes of them both were opened, and thty knew that they were Diked, and ihcy fewed fig.leaves together, and made themfelves aprons, v. 8. J And fhcy heard the voire of the Lord God, walking inthcgsrden, in the cool of the day: And Aiam and his wife hid themfelves from the prcfecccofthe LordG©d,amoDgft the Treesof the garden. £cc/. 7. 29. Loe this onely have I found, rhit God hith made man opisghc, but ihcy have fought out many inveotJom. Ronu 3. 23. For all have fin- ned and come fhort of the glory of God. (rf) Gem 2. 17. Bat of the Trre of the know- le 1ge of good and evil, thon (halt not eat of it, for in the day thou eatcft thereof, thou (lialtftKelydie, Epb, 2.1. And yoa hath he qnickened who were dead io trcrpilTes and fiost ties tfes and pacts of Soul and body ( tf }. COTir. My. Udco the pure all things are pure, but unto tbetn tb»t are defiled affd unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and ccnfcitnee It dtfiltd. Gen.6,^. And God [in thii the wickednefs of man was f reit in the cartb,and that tverj imtginaPifu of the tbougbtt 0/ hit beart^wai $nlj evil CBminuatlj, Jct.i7.9.The UaUis decdtjul above'«|l things ^d^iidefptratcty nitiitdfnho can know it/Rom.' j,|0 to 19. V. ioJA» « »» wrttten,There is scne figbttout ytiQ not one. v.i i.) There is none iht undcrjiandetktibat is itvnc thatfetli,evenfoinCbrift,(h2lial]bemadealive.v.4;.] And fo it is written.The firft mio Adam wai made a Hvivgfovltxbe laft Adam wai made a quickning Spirit. V.49,] And as we ha9E born the image oftkt eartbly^iit alio (hall bear the image of the bcaven;y.(^;PfaIm 51 5 Behold I nn Jhapen in iniquity , 3nd in fin did my mother conceive me, Gtn-$.},AndAifl»i lived an MO year$,andifgattf^onrjijb/i#«>H//;^ene/,,afferhisiwj,»o^ f.» Who can (ay,I have made my heart c|ean,I am pure from my Gttf Ecclcfy. ao.For there is notajaft man upon eartb that doihgood and finnc:hnor.(»j)Ra»j. 7 5.7.8. ij.v, 5,] For when we were in tbe f^c^i.tbc motioas oi fin which were by the Lawjd'd work in our membtr$,ta britig forth fruit unto dcatb.V.y.] What (h»ll we fay then? is the Law fin? God fotbid, Nay I bad not known fin,bwt by tbe Lawsfor I had not known luif,(xeept tbe Law bad raid.tboit^ fhili not covet. V,8 3 BJt fin taking occafion by the c«mmandmenr,wrought in me all man* nerofconcupifccnce, for without the Law fin was dtac', V.i5.]I tbank God through Jefus Chnftou Lordrfothen with t^emind I my felfferve the LawofGodjbu: with tbe fitth.tfee law of fifl. Gil.f. 17* For the flelh luftcth againft the fpirir^nd tbe Spirit agiinft the ficfh ; and thefe are contrary tbe one to tbe other, b that ye cannot do the things that ye would. (r) ifohn J 4- Vl» Every fin,both orginal and aftual being a tranfgrtflion of the gVhofocvtrcoo.righaous law ofi£od,aQd conrf ary thercuntoC»},doth in its ownNa- mitttih fiu »£urc, bring guilt upon the finner(c); whereby he is bound over to the tranfgrettctbal- fo tbr Law,fot fia is the tranfgrt flion of tbe Ljw.Ce) Rffw.a.if^Wbich (hew the work ofthe Law wtitten in their hearts, their confcitnce alio btarirg witneffc , and their thoughts tbe mean while accufingor elfc excufi,ngone another. Raw ? 9 ip.v,^.] ^Vbat then better are we than they/ No in no wi^fjfor wc have before proved bothjcws andGcntilcSjtbat ibey are all under fin.V.i^.] Now we know, that what things iocvtr tbe Law faith, it faith totfatm who ere under tbe Law 1 that every uKUtb Biay be ttcppcd^ andall tfrc irotld may become |uilijf before God* • Wratlr Mfrath ofGod (p)t ahd curfc of the Law (q)* itid fo made fubjcft to C/')^/*f/•^.^ dcathCO. with all mifcrics fpiritual (f), temporal ($), and eictnal(«). ^^°[f^'^^^^ eonvcrfation io times paO,io the lodi vf oar fleOi, falfillJDg the defircs of the t^^fh, and of the aiiod, aad were by tjarare the children of wrath, evco as others. (^) Gal. ;. lo. For It many as are of the works of the law are aodcr the curfcifor it is writtco.Ourred is every one thit cootinaeih oot in all thiogi which are written in the book of the law, to do thc(9. (r) /l»m. 6,2^. F«r the wages of finis death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jclos Chnftoar Lord.(/') Epht4> >8. Having the uoderftandingdarknci, bciog aitcoatcd from the life of God/hrough the ignorance that is in them,bccaQfe of the bliadocfs of their heartr. (r) Rem, 8. 20. For the creature was m^idc fabjed to vanity, not wiiltogly , but by rczfooofhxn whohathfubje^ed the fame in hope. Lam. $.39, Wherefore doth a living man cotnpfain, ■ man for the poainiineni of his fins ? {u) Mat, 25 41. Then (hall he fay alfo to them on the left hand, Dfpirc from me ye cirfed, into cvcrlartiog ftre.prepared for the Devil and hii angcli: 2 Thef.i-g. Who (hall be panifh- ed with ever lafliogdeftrodion, from the prefeocc of the Lord, andfrom ihcglotyof his power. CHAP. VII. ' " Of Gods Covenant with Mjh. THc diftjnce between God and the Creature is fo grcatj C^yfa. 40. 1$ that although reafonabic Creatures do owe obedience *4J5, 16. 17. unto him as their Creatour , vet they could never have any hilh diceaed fruition of him as their Bleffednefs and reward, but by fomcthe Spirit of voluntary condefcention on Gods part, which he hath been the Wd .<^ oc pleafed to cxprcfs by way of Covenant (a), f'^n"*'*" ff°h taught him.'r. I4jyv;th whom took hecoflofel.' whoinftroftedl him , and taught him in the paths of jjigemcur, aod taaght him knowledge, and (hewed to him the way of ander(^andit>g?v.i5 ^S^hold.the nations arc as the drop of a backet, aod art co-jnted «« the ffnall duft of ih.' balaoct;B4hold,hc taketh up the incs as a very l!tcleihir)g.v.i53 Lebanon is not faffic;«'nt roburn, nor thebeafts rhercoffoilicieQt foraburot offcfiog. v,i6.'J All nations b^ forr. Mm areas o(»fhing,and thty are counted to himlcfs then no- thing, aod vaoity. Job 9 52 3?.v.32"lForhcisnotaroan,as!am,that Ifhouldatjfwer him, aod welhouid come togcthirrio jadgmenr.v. 9.] Neither it there aoy diyi-tnan betw xt uf, that might lay his hand apon ui both. 1 Sam. a. 25. Ifone man (in a^sioll another, the Judge (hall jaHg^ hicoi but if a maa fin^gaiDfl the lord, who (hail intreat forh«in.'i7Job 3 <; .7,8.v. 7 .3 If thou be righteous, what girefl thou him, or what receiveth he of ihioe hiivJ/v 8 J Thy wick«dnef»may horta man at thooart.and thy rtghteouf- Dcfs may profit the fooof man. LvJ^eij. lot Solikewifc ye, when ye (hall have done all thcfe things which are commmded yon.fay , we are QoprcHtable fcrvants, mc hive doDC that which was oor doty todo. i4^/i7,24,2$.v, 24. 'J God that made the vsorldand ill thing* t hercin,reriog that he it Lord of heaven and carth,dwelleth cot ioTemplcs niade with hiods. V. 2$. 3 Neither ii worfhipped with mens hands, at though he cecdcd aoy thing, fceiDg he giveth to all life and brea(h,aDd all thlcgt. F 2 II. The C26) (h\G I 2 '^* "^^^ ^^^ Covenant made with tiiaa , Was a Covenant ol" And tht^Liw Works (Jb)y wherein Life was promifed to Adam\ and in him it not of f«jth, to his Poiterity (c), upon condition of perfcft and pcrfonil but tbe roan obedience C^J. thatdoththetn (hill live in then),(c) Rm.io.^t For Mof««defcribeth th« righteoufoef* which i« of the L«vv,ihii the man which doth chefe things (hall hve by them. Ram. 5. 12, to 20. See page foregoing. Chip 5. Letter/, (rf) Gen. 2- 17, Eotttf the Tree cf the knowledfc of good and cvtl.thou fhilt ooi: cat of u,fot in the day thac tboo cateft thereof then/halt furely dye,Gal. ^. 10. For ai many at arc of the worksof the Law,areundei:thecutfc, for it is written. Cur fed it every one thatcontiooethnociD all thtsgi which arc wilttca InthcbookoffheLiw, CO do them. (OG"'? 2'* 111. Man by his Fall having made himfelf incapable of Life ^» ' he Law then ^y that Covenant, the Lord was pleafcd to make a (econd iniiltofGod°?C'0> commonly called the Covenant of Grace : wherein he God foibid:for freely offcreth unto CnncrsLife and Salvation by Jefus Chrift, if there h«(f requiring of them Faith in Him that they may be Saved f / J, beenaL/JB»£i'jjjjpromifing to give unto all thofe that are ordained unto coold havs'g^Lile his holy Spirit , to make them willing , and able to be- venlife.vc\\\s lieve f^> riibteoufnefr {hot}]d h»ve been by the Law. Rom. 8. 5. For what thcLawcouIdnor do, inihtrit viiswealitbroiigh the fle/b.GvA {cDdiDghi% i^noSon io rhelikecefioffiDfoI fl fh, and for fia condtrored (in tn 'he (l^fh. Rom. 5 20, 21. v. 20, Therefore by the (ieedj of* theLaw^ thert /hall no flf/h be juftjfied in hit Ught, forbytheLJw it the knowledge of ftn.v. 21. J Bat now the r/^Ateow/n<'/jofGod,»'7/A(?«f/Af £, is manifcfted, being wit* BtflTcd by the Law and the Prophets. Gen. 3 . 15. And I will por enmity between thee and the woman,and between thy feed and herfeed,it ihall IfrMJ/e ihy head, tnd thon (halt bruifc hit hee). I fa. 42. 6. I the Lord have called thee in riihceoofocft, and will bold thiee hand, ard wiH kc'P -hce, and g'tre thee for acovennnt ot ihc pecpIc,foralrght of theGcot)lf«. (/) Marke j^. 1 5, 16. v. 15.3 And he faidnoto thein,go yeintoall the world, and preach the Gc^el to every creature. v» 16. J He that believeth and itb>p» tiZcA, /tiallbefaved :but he that belicveth not, fhall be damned. ];hn 3. \6. For God fb lo»ed the wor'd^ibat he gave hit only begotten Son,ihar whofoever believeth in hitn (hould no'peri/h. but have everlafting life, Romans 10. 6, 9. v. 6. J Bat the lighteouf.^ m[s which it c// the New Tejiament in my bloody this do ye at oft a> ye drick it id re- mcuaberaoce of tne. V. This Covenant was difFcrently adminiffred in the time of the Law, and in the time ol the Gofpel (i): Under ihcC02Cor.|A Law it was adminiftred by Promifes, Prophecies , ^^^'■•^"^s who aifo hath Circumciiior), the Pafchal Lamb, and other Typs and Ordi- j^^^^^ q, ible nances delivered to the people of the Jews, all £orc-fignify- mioiftrn of ing Chrift to come (10, which were for that time, fufficient theNcwTefti- and efficacious through the operation of the Spirit, to inftruft 'P^" » j"°'„ and build up the Eleft in Faith in the promifed Meffiah f/J, ,|,g jjQt oJ by whom they had full remilTion of (in6,and eternal Salvation: spirit , for the letter kil- leth, hot the Spirit gJTeth life. V. 7 ^ Bat If the mioiftration of death written and ecgraveo in ftoncs was glorio&i, foihat tJieChiUrea of Ifrael conld Dot ft;df*A!y behold the face of ^o* fe$^ for the glory of his coontcDancc,which glory was to be dotie aw«y •, Y. 8 ]] How fhall bo t the miDiftratfao of the Spirit be rather glorious.'' V. ^. For if the roimflratioDof condemiiatioo be glory,Tnoch more doth the tniniftration o\ righteoDfoefs exceed io glor ry.(^)See theS. 9, lo.Chaptertiof the ^eirew/./lom4/iJ 4. 11. And he received the lignofCircatncifion, a Teal of therighteoartsefs of ihefjith which he had yet being an* circQtncifed, that he might be (h< father of all thecn that belitt^ , though they be OQt circtiincifcd, that lighteoofocfsfnight be impotrd noto them alfo. Col. 2. H,i2.v.iliJ Id whom alfo yc areCircomcifcd with the circoTncifioD made with haods^in putting otf the body of the fins of the flefh, by the ctrcumcifieD of Chf ift- r. 1 2.3 Buried with hitn inBapiifm, whereiqalfoyearerifen with him, throogh the fiiih of the operation of Gorl, who harh raifcd him from the dead, i Corioih. $.7. Porge out there- fore the old leveo, that ye may be a new lump , as yc are uolevencdt For even ChriftthepalTeoTer itfacrificedfor as. (/) Corinth. 10. 1^2, g 4. r. is]Moreover bre- threa, I woold not that ye (hoold be ignorsii%how that all oor Fathers were ondcr the clood, and all pafTed throD^h the fea. ▼. 2. '\ And were all baptized boto Afofes in the clood, andiothe fea. v. g. j Anddid allear the famefpiritDal tnear. r. 4. ]^nddidall drink the fame fpiritoal drink, (or th(;y dr>rk ^f ihefpiritual rork that followed them, and that rock was Chrift, Hebrews i\. 15. Thefe all dyed in f8ith,Dot haviFg received the promifes, bot having feeo them afar oft, and were perfwaded of thtm.and embra* eed them, and confeffed that they were (Grangers and pilgrims on the earth. JohD8.5i$4 Yoor father Abraham rcjoyccd to r«e my day,aod he faw ir, and was glar^* F 3b and j ^ (m)Gi]. 3. 7' and is called the Old TeftamcHt Qm), 'Koowycthcrc* forc,thit ihcy which ire orf«ith,th«ftffle are the childrca of Abrihim.v.S 3 Md the Scripture forefcciog (hat God would laftifie the hcatheti through fiithjPreached before thiGofpcl UBto Abraham,fayiog, Id rheefhalUU oatiombeblcffed.v.^.j So thco,tfaey tvhichbe offaith,irc blcitcd with faithful Abraha(n.v.i4.^That the bUffiog of Abraham might come on tbcGemile» thcooghJefusChfin, that we might receive thepromirc of tUe fpirit through faith. Cn)CoI. 2.17. VI i Uadec cheCSofpei, wheft Chrlft the fubftatieeCu), V9as exhibi- Dcarth.'rtiiirhmorefha11 not wecfcape,if we torn away from him that fpeakrthifrom hcavcn.v.26.3vvhofe vcice thro (hook thcearth,hiit now he h» h vr'>"'ifcd,fayiog,yet once more 1 (hsk^-not rhe earth only,but alfo the heaveM.v.27,] And 'his word.yet once morefignifieth the rrtcoving of thofe things that are fhak«o,as of rhirg* that are made, thitthofe thing! which raoBot be fhtken. may remain. Jer. 31. 33»34^ 33'35at this fhallbethcCoveSMotthjit I will make withthehodfcoflfraelafttr ihife days, faith fe 2.i$ito 20. v. 1$."] Having abolilhedio his flcfh theenmtrv,cveDthe law ofcomms!idmeots,conraificdinordioijaccs,fpr to^akeinhimfelfcftwaiOjOOentw , inan,fo makieg peace. v. 16.3 And that he might reconcile both amo God in one body 'by the crofj.haviogflaio the enmity thereby. v.j7.3'V'9dcamcand preached peace to yoo ihst were afirnff, and to them that were oigh.v. 18 ^''orthrecgh him we both have^ia acccfsby one fpirit onto theFaihcr.v.i9<3Now therefore ye arc 00 more flraogers aod foicioeOjbat fellow citizeoi with ihefaifltSjand of the hosfliold of God. New C^9) New Tefiament frj. There arc aot thsreforc two Cove- (^^^^Ip^j^^-^ Hants of Grace, digering in (ubfiance^bQC on« aod the (ame, Likcwife afb uoder various Difpenfaticns (f)» tfw cap aftec fupperj r»yiog. This cup i«iiJ«T^cw Tcftamtnt in my blood, which isflied for you. (f^Gfl/.}«i4 j6. V.14 J That the bleffiog of Ahrsham ntgbf come upon the Gentil«9 tbrou£hJcfus Cbrift, that we might reclcve cbc protni(e of the Spirit through faitb.V«i6] Now to a/6brabam and his feed fr«K the promifes made, he (aith not, And to (cedijas of [ntny,but as of onc,aad to thy fccdj which ii(;btift.A^i JiM'V.j.JFor what faith the SttipturcM^wfctfMj believed God,»nd It was counted ujiio bim for rightcouinefs. V.6.JEvCn as David slfo defcribetb the bteffedmfle ot the mm unto whom God imputeth righteoufncne witbout worlrs. V. iS.J Therefore it it of f3itb,that it might be by grace,to tbc end the promifc migfat be fate, to all the feed, not to that only which is of the law, but to that alfo which is of the faicb of A&rtf- lidmjwboittheFathtr^usall. V.17,] As it is writt(0,f have m:detbeea Father of many Natiooijbcfor; bim whom be bclieved,cven God.wbo quicknctb the dead,and caljctb thofe things which be not,as though they were. V. aj.]Now »t was not written for his fake a|on8» th;t it was imputed to bim^V^a4<]but lor us alio,(o whom it (hati be impute.Piicfi(c)>and King(orda>ned before the foundationof the world.but wasm^nifelt in tbefe laft times for you ^obnt»i6, ForGod fo loved the world.tbat h6 gave his oaly ' egoten Son,ihat whcfoever bdicveth in faim.fhould not pcrifli.but hive cveriaR'tng life. 1 Tim i, f. Forcberc is one God, and one Mediatour between God and men,(j)e man Cbrif^}efu». (b)6LSii ^, ii. For -^c/^s truly fatd unto the fathers, A Prophet (hitt tbt L rd your God raite up unto you of your brethrenji kc unto me, him (hall ye hear in alltbingi,whitfocver be fliaUfay unto you^ (t) H<^,f.5,<,V^y^] So alfo Chriftgionfied nat bimfclftto be made an high Priefl,bui be that Uid unto him,l hcu art my Ion, to day have I begotten thee. V, 6. ] As be (lith alfo in another place,Thou art a Priefl forever, ifter the order ^iMtUhifeicck^ {i) Kdlm »,tf. Yet have I fet my King upon my holy hill of Sion, Lui^e i. 31;. And he fkalt teign over the faoufe of Jacob for ever, and of U» kingdom tbctc (ball be no end. of r«;Epkcf. r.ofhisChurehf^JjthcHcir of all thingsf/J , and Judge of the aj. For the Worldf^^ ; Unto whom he did from all eternity give a Pco- fausband is the pic, to be his feed (h), and to be by him in time Redeemed, head of Che caHed, Juftjfied, Sanaified, and Glorified ( i ), wife even {o * "^ Cbfift is tbe bead cf tbe Cburcbjtnd be is tbe Itviour cftbe body, (f) Hcb.i.i.Hath in tbefe Uft dayesfpoken unto us by bis Son,wibm be batb affmted btircj all things , ty nbom slfo he made the worlds,(g) Ads 17.^1. Becaufe he hith appointed a day,in tbe which he mlljudgt tbe 09rUiQ righ£eoufncfs,6; tbe man mbom be batb Mdaintd , whereof he hatb given aflurance unco all men,in that he bath raifed him from tbe dead, (h) John 17,6. 1 have mtnifefled thy Name unto the men itbicb tbougaveft me out of tbe world,thiM tbey were,and tbeugavtfi tbem tne.and they have kept thy notd,V[iUtt.io.w4 feed [hall fervf bim,it (hail be accounted to the Lordforageneration. Ka.n.iO.Yetitplcafed the Lordtobruirehioi. he hath put him to Sfief.when thou (hale make bit foui in offering tor Rn.be/IiaUfee bisfeed^ht (hall prolong his dayes, and the pleafure of the Lord (hall profpet in bis bands. (ijiTim.z.^.Wbo gave himfelf a ranfem [or alittobe teftified in «e,becaurc of theLoid thy God, and for the holy one efIfrael,for ^e&ii^^/ 1 7 :] Wherefore in alt things it behoved him to be made lilie unto bis brethren, (hat be might be a merciful and faithful h'gb Prieft in tbisgs pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the fins of the people, Htb.4. 1 5. For we have not an high prieft who tenvot he touched w'ith tbe feeling of our infirmities , but xtas in all points tempted li^e as vse are, jet rf ithout fin. (m) Luke i. i7,3r,?f.v.i7.]re,V;{ i,)And btbold thou (halt c08(;riv(;/nrif|i|Mrem&, and bring forth a (on, and (haltcill his name jcfus.V,^;. ) And tbe Angel f nfvrered and fa id unto her. The Hoi) Gboft JhaU come upon ibce, and the pvrtrof tbe Kigheji P}dl tvtrjhadoia thee, therefore alfo that holy Thing which (hall be born of thee,fliall be called theSon of God.Gal,4,4.See Utter (^) iroaiediattly foregoing, ConviTffion, no Convcrfion, Compofition, or confufion (n)» Which pcrfoii is very God,andvcry Min,yct one Chrift the only Mediator C") ^^^« ^^^ between God aod Man (o), forcgoioi tct; Col. 2, 9. Foe m him dwcUcth alt the falneflc of the God- head bodily. Ronii 9. $* Whofc are the Fa^ thers, andofvvhom,aicoiicerBing thetlcfli, God came, who is over all, ChrHlbleflfcd for erer. Amen, i Fester 3. 18. ForChrift alfo hath ooce foffered for fio, the joft for the uo}a-(\, thit he tnight bring i3t to God, being pac to death io the tlcfti, but ^uickoed by the Spirit. 1 Tm.^,i6. And without cootraverfie.grctt isthemyftcry ofGodliBcf*, God was mamicfl in tt)c flclh, joAified io the fpirir, fccD of Angels, preached uato the Gestilc), believed on in the world, receircd op into glory, (0) Rom.i. 5,4. ▼. 3. ] Con- cern'iDg hh Soo Jcfuk Chrin our L6rd,which was made of the fctd of D4i/7o, Matth.28. 18. And Jfuicame and fpake unto them, faying. All power is given unto me, in heaven and in rarth. Afts 236, Therefore let all the hoofc of Ifrael ko w liTuredly.thatGod hath made the fame Jcfc* whomyehivccri>rified,both]L'jrdand Chnft. IV, This office 5 the Lord Jcfus did moft willingly un^ G' " dertaker fx)prai. 40. 7,dcrt2ke (x); w hich that be might difcharge, be Wis made uftdcr the 8. V 7. ; Then Law('>)»and did perfciSlly fulfill it(^)jcndured raoft gricvcxis tormcats faid l^UJcome immediately in his Soul (a), and moft painful fufifcrings in his Body in the volume (b): was crucificd,tnd died (0: was buried, and remained under the of thy book it power of death ; yctfaw no corruption (d)ii On the third day he is written of arofc from the dead (e), with the fame body in which he fuffered (/), ^h ^' *j f ^"^ which alfo he afcendcd into Heaven » and there fitteth at the mUOmioI f'g^t^a"^ o^his Fithef C^;, making intcrceflion (^), yt^,tby law is within my beirh Heb, 10. 5, to 11, v $. ] Wherefore whca be cometh into tfae iwocId,he faithjSacriBce and offering thcu wouldeft notjbut abody baft rhou prepared tnr,v.63 In Burni-ofFcrings and facrifices for (in.thou baft had no pl6arurc,v.7,3 Then faid IjLo I come, in the volume of thy book is it writtcf of mf,to do thy wiU,0 God,v.8.] Aboveiwhen be faid, Sacri6ce,and of]^ring,and burnt-ofifcringSiind offering for fin^thou viouldll not, neither b^dft pleafure tbercin,which are offered by the iaw.v.9.] Then faid hc^LoItome to do thy mil (O God^be takcth away the firft,tbathc may tftsbliih the recood,v^io,]By the wbitb will 'mtitt fftndided tfarsugh the cfifring of the body of Jefus Cbrift once for all, John 10, 18. No man takcth it ftocn me, but / Uyit down of my (elf t \ have power to lay it dowo,tnd I b to hcavcD. Adi 10,42. Aod he commaDded utro preach unto the people, aod to teAi- fie that it wai he, which waj ordained of God^ to be the Judge of the quicl^and dead.tAit, J5.40, 4i,4a.v. 40. "J A» therefore the tarci are gathered and boroi in the fire, /byj!i4// it be in the end oi this world, v. 41.]] The Son 9f man fhallfettd forth hit Aogel^atirl they Ihall gather out of his Kingdom all ihiog* that ofteod, and them which do ioiqaity. 9* 42^ And (hall call tiietn into a furMce of fire, there rtiall be wailiPg and gnalhiogof teeth. Jude 6. and the Angeli which kept not their firft eflatc, but Ictt their own habi- tation, hehathrefervedio everlafting chares under darkoefs, unto the judgement of the great day. 2 Pet. 2. 4. For if God fpared not the Aogels that finned,bat call rhemdown iioto hell, and deltviredtbem into chains of darkocfs, to be referved unto judgement* V. The Lord Jefus by his pcrfeft obedience and tacrifice ol {k) Rom $,19, himfelf, which he, through the eternal Spirit once offered up *'°f " ^y °'^^ unto God, hath fully fatisfied the juftice of his Father ru :??*" '^'^°^*'" J , V J ..I -I *i 1 ►,.. I n- ^ - 'dience oiinw and purchiied, not only reconeilatfon, but an everlafiing in* were made fio- heiltance in the Kingdom of Heaven forall thofe whom theoers.fo by the Father hath given unto him (IJ, the ebadience c(oae,fhal fr,a» tiy be tnade righteous, Utb. 9. I4,i(5, v. 14 ] How much more fhall the blood of Chrift who through the eternal Spirit offered hinafclf wirhoat fpot to God , purge the confci- ence from dead work* t© fer ve the livingGod^v. i6]Fcr where a teflamcot is,there raufl ■ Ifo ofneccffity be ihedeathof thcTcftsior.Hcb. 10.14. For by one offering he hath- perfe^edfor ever them that are fatiBified. Eph. 5.2. And walk in lovc,»s Chrift alfo hath lo?ed Bs, and hath given hiinfclf for nj, an ofFcricganda facrificc to God, forafweer ftnelling favour. Root.3.2 5,26.v. 25.] Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation through faith in h « blood,to declare his rifhteoDfuefi for the remiilion of fins that arc pall thto ugh the forbearance of God. V. 26 ] To declare, I fay, at this tinnehis nghte- oufoefjthatheinight beJBft, and thcjoftificrofhirn that bciic?rthio Jefus.(/)Dtfw, 9* 24, 25, V. 24 ] Seventy weeks are deierujined iJpoo thy people, upon thy hojy Ci- ty, to fiaifh the tranfg ellioo, and to make an end of fio, and to latkc reconcijiaticn foe iniquity, and tobricgin evcrlaftingrighteowfccfs, and to feal op the vifioo and the prophecy, and to anoint the mofl holy. v.25. And after threefcorc and two wetkt fhali Me fiabbe cat off,but not for himfclf,and the pcopK- of the Prfntc hat ft-iall come fhall dcftroy the City and the Saoftuary, and the end thereof (Vij)} be wiih a tlood, and onto theend of the war defolatsooj are determined. Col. i, 19. 20. v. 19 '| For it plcafcif the Fathcr,that in him lliould all fulnefs dwel.v.20 '] And hsving madcpeace thtoogh thebioodofhisGrofl'c,by hira to reconcile all things unto himfelf, by hiro,I fay,whe' ther they be things inearth, or things in heavecEph. i. 11,14. ?. ii 3 In whom alfo we hire obtained an inhtrirance, being predeftinated acccordirg to the porpofe of him who worketh all things after the Cooafclof his owewill. v. 143 Which is the carntft of our inheritance, nntillthc redemption of the purchafcd poflcUion, unto thepraifc of his glory. John 17. 2. As thou haft given htm power over a|i flcfh, that he fhould give eternal life to asmany as ih-iu hift giveohim. Hsb 9.i2,i$.v. 12J Nsitherby the blood of goats and calves, but by his owu blood he entted in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. v. 1 5] And for thiscaufc he is the Mediatoc of the New Tfftameor,that by means of death.for tberederoprion of the trmigrfifioP* that were under the firft TcftamcDt, ibey which are called might rc-esre ihc p omifc r34 VI. Although the work of Redemption was not aftuall/ wrought by Ctirift till after his Incarnation , yet the vertuc, efficacy , and benefits thereof were communicated unto the Eleft in all ages (ucceffively fi om the beginning of the world,in and by thofe Proraifes, Types and Sicrifices, wherein he was re- vealed, and fignified to be the feed of the Woman , which (m)Gil4A' J. Should bruifc the Serpents head : and the Lamb flain from the v.4)But when beginning of the World 5 being yeftcrday, and to day the the fulttcft o/fame, and for ever (m)* the time vfdf , , , . , ^ . . comt, Goifent forth his Son made of a womao„inadc under the law. v. t j To redeem them thttxftre under tbe La^t «hat we might receive the adoption of foos. Gen, j.i 5. And I will the worW.Heb.ij ,8,/*[h/ ^tr//J.»&c (aoteye{l€rii!jf,atti to iaj^ avifor tvcr, VII. Chrift, in the work of Mediation, aQ:eth according to both Natures, by each Nature doing that which is proper to /«)Hebi9,i4.itfelffffJ :yct by reafon of the unity ofthePerfon, that which See letter lOisproper to one Nature , is fometimes in Scripture attribu- Scriptare the j jj to the Perfon denominated by the other Nature (0), fccondji Pet. J. i« For Chrift alfo hith once fuffered for fins, the juft for the unjuft, that be might bring us to God,being fut to death itttheftcjb.hut quicfined by tbefpmt.{o')ket%io.zi,Tiki hecfl there- fore unto your relves,and to all the flock over ibe which the holy Ghofl bath made you over- leerij to feed the Church ot goi, which be bsth funbtfed with his own blood, John j. i ?. And m mM bith afcended up to heaven hvit be that time down from heaven , even tbe {on ofmau, which is in heaven* i John 1,16. Hereby perceive we the love of godfiectuifebelaiddovtnbii lijc for us,and we ought to lay down our lives foe the brethren. • OMohn^ ?7' V^^^' '^^ *'' ^^°^* ^^^ whom Chrift hath purchafed Re- 39. V.J7. All demption,he doth certainly and effeftually apply , and com- that the Fa- municate the fame ff J, making interceflion for them (q\ and thergjveth me,i.gygjijtjg unto them, in, and by the Word, the myfteries of fh&ll come to ^ . J / OTC,»nd him that comeih to mc, I will in no wife caft our. v. ^9, And this is the fathers will which hath fentmc,thatof all which he hath iivenmi:y\JhouldlofettotbiTig,bin(hoali uifc it «]> again a: the lafl day. John 10, a 5,16. v.i 5] As the Father knoweth mc, even (0 know I the Fath(ir,and I lay down my life for the (heep, v. 16.] And other fheep I have which arc not of this fold, them alio I mu^ bring, and thtyfhaU hear my voice, and there (hall be onefold,3t\d one fliephcard.(j) i John i.i.i.v. i.]My little children.thcfc things I write unto you,that ye finnot,and if any man fin,we have an Advocate vfiib thefatbefyfefusZbti^ the righteous, v.a.] And he is the propitiation for our fins,and not for ours only,but alfo for tbefm c/the whole world. Rom, 8. ] 4. Who is he that condemnetb? it is Chrift that died, yea rather that i$ rifen agtin,who is c vcn at the right bandofGodtfiho alio malittb inttrcefmfor us. " " " falva- r3^; falvation fr^^fff equally periwading them by his Spiritjto be- (OJobm^.r^, licvc and obey , and governing their hearts,by his Word and »y.v.i?]G*cat- Spirit(/J, overcoming all their enemies by his Almighty "'°''^'^*''>9<» Power and Witdom/mruchniannerjand waye8,asare moft con- IJ*!*-''''" 'H"' fpnant to his wonderful and unfearcbablc difpenfation (tj, down bis^lifc for hiiftknds* v.ij.jHencefortblcall you not fervams , for thefcrvani knoweth not what his Lord dotb, but I bavc called you friends , for all things that I have beard of my FatberJ have made linomn «»r0/0».Epb:f, i.7t9t9.v*7.3[n whom wc bavc tedemption ibrougb bis blood^tbe forgiven* Bef) of (ins, according to the richesof bis grace.v.8,]Wherein be bath abounded towards us, in all wifdom and prudence, v.p.] Having made tinomnumo us the myjfery of bis will, according tb his good pjeafurc which he bad purpoied in bimfcif. John 17.6. 1 have manifefted tby Name unto tbemen which thougaveft me out of the world,tbine they werc,tbou gaveft them mc,and they bavc kept thy Word* (/) John 14.1^ And I will pray the Father, and be (hall give you another Com(orter,thit be may abide mtbyou for ever.Hcb.-i 2. z.Seeking unto ^tfuSf tbe Au- thor andfini[her ofourfaitbt who for the joy that was fet before biai,cnduted the Ctofff.defpi- ling the ihame^and is let down at tbe right hand of tbe throne of God, 1 Cor.4.i3.We hayl ing tbe fame ffirit of faith, tccotding as it is written.I believe, and therefore have I fpoken , we aUo believe, and therefore fpeak,Rom,8.9,i 4,v.9.JBut ye are not in tbe flffh,but intbeffiritif if fo be^tbat the S'pmi «/G«iiwe//iN/0M,nowif any man have not tbe fpiritofChrill , he is none of bis.v.i4]For as many as arc led by the Spirit ofGodjbey are the fons of God.Rom. 1$. i8,i9.v«i8]ForI will not dare to fpeakofanyof thofe things which Chrift hath not wrought by me, tomake the Gentiles obedient by word. v. 19.] Through migbryfignsand wondetSjby the pwer oftbeffirit ofGodSo that from Jerufalcm, and round »bout to Illyri- cuffl.I have fully preached the Gofpel of Chrift. John i-j ,17 ,SaiMifii tbim tbrctigb thy truth ^tby Word is truth, (t) pralro iio.i.Thc Lord (aid unto my Lord,(it thou at my right hand, till I ma^eihine enemies tbj footflool,i Cor.if.i$,a6.v.25,]Hcmufi reign till be bath futAll ene* mies under his feet,\ni6.']The la[t enemy that (hall be fayiDg,Of every tree ic ihc garden thou niayeft free- ly eat. V.I 7.^ But of the tree of the keowledgc of good and cvj|,thoa ihait not car, foe in the day that thone^it&fi thereof, thou fnslt farely die.Gen.g,6. Acdvvhcn the womaa faw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleafani to the eyes, and a tree to be deiirrd to make one wirff,(he took of the fruit ihcreof,aQd did car,cDd gave alfo onto her hasband with her, and he did car. fd) Rom. $.<5, ni.Maft by his fall into a flate of Cm, bath wholly loft all rbih- For when we ty of Will to any fpiritual good accompanying falvation(^) ;To a$» wercyet with- a natural man, being altogether avcrfe from that good (0> and dead oatftreogth.m in fin (f), isnotable»by his own ftrength, to convert himfclf, orco duetimechrift prepare himfclf thereunto (g)» dyed for the sngodly.Rowi.8.7.Beciafc the carnal tninde is enmity agiitifl God.for it is not fubjcft to the Law of God,neithcr indeed can be. /oAn. 15. 5. 1 atn the vine, ye are the branches, he thatabiicth tntnciand Iinhia9,the fatnebringeth forth tnuch froir, for without iBcye can do iioihitig.(O^0ffj.3 10,12. v.ie.3 ^* h '» written, there is noce t ighteoo9,oo not one* v.i2<3 They are all gone out of tb« wiy, they are togerberbecot»«urprotitable, there is none that doth good, no not onc.(/)£ii/;.2.i,5iV.i.3 And ycij hirh hcqoickned, who were dead in trefpaffes and fini.v. 5.^ Svao when we were dead in f]D$,hath quick- nedos together withChrift.by grace yc are faved. Co/, 2 13 And yoobcsogijeadinyour l5ns,aEd the BncircamcifionofycUrflclVi^hathhe qaickotd rogcthiir wirhhits, having forgiven yoo all trefp8ne$»;(^)7oft"^.44,^5'V.443 No tnao can come f* me, except the Farher which hath fent me draw hiai, and I wi)J raife him op Kt the !aftday,v.65.'] And he faid, Therefore faid I nmo yoo,that no msa can come unto f»ie,e3:cept it vv orher»,v.4.3BatGod who §j rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he lovfd ns. v, 5. ] Even when we were deadinfiQS, hath qaickncdtjs together with Chrift, by graceye arefaved. itfor.2.14. Bat the natural raaoreceirethnot the things of the Spirit of God, for they «refooli(h- ncft unto him.ncither can be know them, becaofe ihty are fpiritnally dircerned.r/>«/3; 3i4,5' ^*5* 1 For wconf fclvesaho were fometimej fool'fh, difobediesr, deceived, fccviogdivcrlc lofts and pleafurc*, liviug in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one anothcr.v.4. ~} Bat after that the k ndaeft and love of God our Savionr toward man ap- peared, V. 5. 3 Not by works of ri|bc*oufnefi which we have doue, but according to feis mercy he f«vcdos,by the wslhing of regeneration, and rcncwicgof theholyGhofly IV.WhenGod cronvcrts a finner,and tranflates him into the Hate of grace 3 he freeth him from his natural bondage un- der r37; d«r fin (h}i and by his grace aloncjcnables him freely to will, .^v ^^^ -- --. and to do that which is (piritually good (Oi yet fo^as that by who hath d«- reafon of his remaining corruption, he doth notjperfcaiyjnoriivercdusfrom only, will that which is good,but dOth alfo will that which is »be power of -vil rh ) darknefs, and us into the Kingdom of his dear S»n^]o&8 8.^4. j€.v.;4,}e(u! aniwered rhem,Vcri'y,Teti« ly^lfiy unto you,wbofocvercommit{ethfin,istbcfetv3ntoffin# V.36] Ifthc Son therefore (ball make you frce,yc ftiiU be free indeed. (»')TW/,ni j.For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do, of his gcod pleafurt. Kom 6i\i,ii. v,i8.] Bcin| then made free from fiD,ye became the (ervantt of rigbtcourncfs. v,az,]But now being made free from (in.and be- come fCcvants of God,ye have your fruit unto ho! jacfs , and the cnd,evci lafting life, (li) ^at^ 5.i7,For the flcfli luftcth jgainft the fpirit,snd the fpirit againft the fldh&, thefe are contra- ly the one to the o(her,ro that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Jiom 7.1;, 18^,19,21,131 V If .]For that wbicb I do,I allow not/or what I ii«ould,thac do I not,buc what I hatc,tbat do I,v.i8]ForI know that in mc,thatis,inmy Hefh.dwelUthnogood thingjorto willispfC- fcnt with mr,but bow to perfo:m that which is go««IJ find not, ▼• 19. ] Pbr the good that I wouId,I do not,but the evil which I would ndt,ihat I 4o, v.ti.][ find then a lawatbat when I would do goodjcvil is prefent with mc.v ij.] But I fee another law in my members warring againft the law of my miQd,and bringing mc iniO captivity to the law of iin, \qrhic^ is in my members. • V* The will of man is made perfcftly , and. immutably free (O^f^* 4^ «?• to do good alone, in the fiate of Glory only f / ). "^''^ T* *•' unity of the faitb,snd of the knowledge of the Son of God,untoa perfed m}n,unto the mes- furc of the ftaeurc of the fulnefs of Chrift.Heft^i j,x? .To the general afli CHAP. X. Of Efeanal Calling, A LI thofe whom God hath prcdeRinated unto life , and^^ \ r^^^ 8. thofc only,he i$ pleafed in his appointed and accepted 50. Moreover, time, effeftually to call (a)y by his Word and "''•^Qi ^e did pr«dcflinate, tbem he a\fo cal!ed,and whom be called, them he alfo juftifird, and whom he ju{tified,them he alfo glorified. TJOOT.ii. 7. What then, ITrael bath not obtaimd that wbkb bcieekcth for, bur the elcftjon hath obaincd it,and the reft were blindcc'.Ef^r^, i^io,ii. v. 10. J That in the difpcnfation of the fulncfi of times he might githcr together in one, all things in Chrift, both which are in he3vcn,3nd which are in tbeeartb,cvcn in him.v.i i.Tn whom a fo we have obtained ao inheritance, being predeftinaced Recording to the purpof« of bim, who workcjh ail (hings af(«( ibe (^ouniei bf bi& own nill^ Spirit (&;iri>eAj.i J. Spirk(^)jQUtof that Rate of fm and death. In which they are by fta« *4' v.ijO VVcture, to Grace and Salvation by Jcfus Chrift (0 ; enlightfting their ate bouod w mindes,fpiritually and favingly toundctftand the things of GodC«f); w>ytoGodfor^*^'"^^^^^'^^^'^^^*"°^^°"^' *"^ S»ving unto them an heart of you brcthien ^^^^(^^ircncwing their wilis,and by his Almishiy power determining beloved of tbe*^ ^^"^ ^^ '^^^ which is good(A),and effcftually drawing them to Jcfui Lord, becaufc^h*'^ (i) ! yccfo> asthcycome moft freely , being made willing Cod bath frooi the bcgianingchofenyou'tofilvatiofl through fanaificatlonofrbefpirit, and be lief of the troth/ ¥.14,] Whercanto he called you by our Gofpcl,to the obtaining of the glory of theLord Jeluj Chrift, 2C:#r, g.^^^-v.^.] Forasmuch asyeare manifeftlydeclarcdtobe tbeEpiftleof Chrift, miniftred by us.writceo not with ink, but with the Spirit of th* living God : not ii> tables of ftonCjbut in fteftly tables of the hcart.v.6.'] Who alfo made m able minillcrs of the NcwTf ftamenc.not of the Ictter.but of the Spirit , for the Utter killctb,but the Spirit giv«tlt \ii<.(e)'I^m.8.2. Forthe Law of the Spirit of life inCbrift JcfuSjhach made me fiec from tfa€ Law offin and death. E^fte/. 2, i,to6.v,!»] Andyouhathhcquickcncd who were dead in trcfpafTes and fins, v, a. J Wherein in times paft ye walked, according to the courfe of this world,according to the Prince of the power of the air,thc fpirit that now worketh Li the chil- dren of difobcdience, v«?.] Among whom alfo we all had our converfation in times paft, in the lufts of our fliih.fulfilUng the defircs of the flc(h,and of the mind,and were by nature the the children of wr»tfa,even as others* r. 4,] But God who ii rich in mercy, for fcis great love wherewith he lovtd us,v.5.]Even when we were dead in (ins,bath quickned us together witk Chrift(by gtace ye are fivcd;tT/»i.i,9,io,v,9.] Who hath iaved us,and called us with an ho- ly calling,not according to our works,but according to his own purpofe and grace,which was given us ia Chrift Jefus before the world began, v. 10.] But is now made manifeft by the ap- pearing of our Saviour Jcius Chrift, who hath aboli'Aied death,and hach brought life and im- mortality to light through the Gofpcl, (d)Acis i6. 18, To open their eyes, and to turn them &om darkneiTe to light, and from the power of Sitan unto God.thit tbcy may rccievc forgive* ne(fccffins,ind inbcritanceamongft them which are fan&ificd by faith that is in me. iCof. a« 20.i2.vio.] But God hath revealed them unto usby his(pirit,for the Spirit fearcheth all ti}ings,ye3,the deep things of God. v,i».]Now we have receivcdjnoi the (pirit of the world, i>uttbe(piric which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Efhsf, I.i7,i8,v.i7*3 That the God of our Lord Jefus Chriff,tbe Father of glory, may gjvc unio you rbe fpirit of wtfdom and revelation,in the knowledge of him, v. 18. ]The eyei ofyourundsrfianding being enlightned,that ye may know what is the hope of hiscailing,and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the *aint8,(0 F^cijj. j5* z6. Anew heart alfo will I give you , and a new fpirit will I put within you , and I will take a way rbe ftony heart out of your flcfii, and I wiJi giveyouan heartof6e(h. if) Extk* ip. 19, And I will give them one heart, a»d I will pnt a new fpirit within you , and I will take away the ftony hcartoutof their fleih, and will give them an heart of fleih. Phil, z.ij. For it is God that worketh in you, both to will, and to do of bis good pleafute. T)eth Jo, ^, And the Lord thy God will circumcife thine heart,and the heart of tby fecd,to love the Lord thy God,with all thine heartjwiih all thy foul,that thou mayeft live.E^/. ? 6»»7. And I will put my fpirit withTJ in you, and caufe you to walk in my ftacuces, and yc ihill keep my Judgements, and do themj (g) Bp&f/. 1^(9^ And what is the exceeding greacnefTe of his powcrtous-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty pofict^JobnS^ 44j4y» v, 44.] No man can come to me, except the Father(v«hicb hath power) draw him, and I will raiie him up at the laft day^, ^».45>] It is wrirten in the Prophets, And they (ball be all taught of God, every map therefore sfeithith hcardi andijash learned of she Father, cometh unto mt^. by his grace (^)« 0)CaoM.4. D.iw tec, wc lo ice,l will 10 DO wif« caft out. Rom. 6. 16,17,1 8. v. 16 ;| Koow y« nor, to whom ye y tdd your fclv€» rcrvaDt^ to obey,hi$ fcrfaotj ye are to whom yc obey, whtthcr of fin uato death, or of obtdicocc ddio rightcoufccfj. V. 173 But God be 'backed that vc were the fcrvanti of fia,bai yc have obeyed from the heart the forme of dcftrine which wai dehvcrcdyoo. V. 183 bang then made free from fjn,ye became the ferraoii of rish- teouftiefs. ° ' II. This cfFcDd«a can be. Eph. 2. 5. Even when we wrre dead in fins, hath qt>if kned fas together with Chrift (by grace ye arc faved.) (/} JoAn 5 37. /^Il that the Father giveih roe, ihall come 10 me,and him that comcth to n^c, I will in no wife csft out/ E^ekj 36.27. And I will pot tny fpirii within yoo.and caofe yoii to walk in my ftatt^tes acdycftiallkeepmy judgements and do them. John. $, 25. Vtri!y verily Ifayunto* you. The honr iicom.ng and now is, when the dead flisli hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear Ihall live. III. Elea infants, dying in infancy, are regenerated and, >, , «^ favedby Chrilt through the Spirit (m), who workcth^^^,^ , i5-j And they broDght unto him al/o infanti.that he fliould touch them, bot when his Dii- ciples faw it, « hey rebuked them. V. 16 ] Bat Jefas called them untn him, and faid. forferhttle children to come unto me,ar.d lo.bid them not.for of fiich is the Kingdom of God. A^s 2, 38, 39. V. 38 3 Then Pcier fiiJ nnto rhem,rcpcnt and be baptized eve- ry one of yon, m the Natije of Jefuj Chri) Mat. 22. the Miniftry of the Word fpj, and may hare fome common 1^ For m<«i7 operations of the Spirit f^Jjy^^ 'hey never truely come unto *recallti^\^x Q^^-^^^ and therefore cannot be faved (rj : much leffecan jjj' A'wJ, °* men, not profefling the Chriftian Religion, be faved in any 22, Maoy will other way vvhatfocver, be they never fo diligent to frame fay to me in their lives according to the light of Nature, and the Law of thatday.Lord, ^^^^ Religion thcy do profcffe (f). And, to alTert and main- Lord, hairc we ° ' * ■^■^ not pfophefied in thy Name .♦* and in thy Name h«ve c»ft oat dcrili, and in thy Name done many won- derful works;' Mar»i 3 20, 2[. v. 20 1 Bot he that received the feed inco ft«ny placej^ the fame it he that hcareth the Word.flnrf even with joy receheth ft. V. 2 1 ] Yet hath he mt root in himfelf^bat datcth (ot a whilc,for when trir)ol»ticDor|jeifccotioo aiifeihbe- caofcofrhe Wor!J,by andby heiioftended. Heb.5. 4, J- v: 4] For it i« itnpoffibiefor thofe who were once enlightned^ and bate tafted of the heavenly ^ifr, acd were partakers if the holy Ghoft. V. $ 1 AtJd have ta(\td the good Word of God, and she psweri of the world to cotse. (r) John 6. 6Ay6St66, v. 64 'j But there are fotr.c of them that believe not, for Jeftt knew from the beginning, who they were that believed not, and who fhonld betray him.V. 65"] Andbcfaid, Therefore fay I onro you, \hn no man can tome mto me, except it were given onto hioi of my Farhv^r- V. 66 '] From that time many of bit Difciples went bacl^ and walked no more with him. John 8 24. 1 fiid therefore unto yon, ihtx y on fh all dye in your fins ^ for ij yow believe not tha' I m he, yeu/baSdje in your fins. {!) ASi 4. 1 2; neither is there SalvatUn in any other, for there is none other name «n- der heaven given tmopgi\mtv,wherebf we rnnjl be faved John 14 6. Jefajfaith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Sph. 2^ 1 2. That at that time yc were wfthout Chrifi, bcinj aliens from the coramon wealth of Ifraeljfod ftrangcr* from the coveninti of ptoroife,havJng no hope,acd with* cut God in ihc world. John 4. 22. Yc worfhip ye know not what, we itiow what wc worlhip.forfalvationisofthejew$. ^ohniu-'^. This ii life eternal, that thcy might know ihce3,thfi onely tcac God, and JcJos Chrift whom ihoahail fent. tain, thit they may, is very ptraieionj, and to be deteft-CO * ]okn 9. ^ '^ Whofoevec tnngreflcth «Dd abidi// reign in iife,&; ovCffefus Cfcr//^.v.i8,] Thcrefo:c as by the offence of one.judgment came upon ail men to condtmnition. even (0 by the rigbteoufncjs ofone^ the frc© gift came uptin ail men tfijujiification ojUfe»v i9]For as by one mans diiobedcrcemany wcK madefinners: To by the obedience oj one ^(hz\[ many be made righteous^ (<) Aits »o.44. While Peter yet fpake thele words, the Holy Gbofi fell on ill them which heard the word.Gaf, I, ii,Knowingihatamanisnot juftifiedby the worbof tbelaw, hut by the faitb of Jefui Ctirz/tjCvcB we have beJicud in Jefus Chnfl, that we might ht juftifjed by tbt faitb of ^fut Cfcr}/t,and not by the works of the iaw,for by the works of the law fliallnoflcfhbe juftifiedf VQ'\'^>9' AndbefounJinbimjnothavingourownrighteourrKlSjwbichis of the law , but ihw vfhjcb isthrough the faitb of GbTifi,!:httig\ntfin{f)9is ttbubis of God bj/ faith. Arts ij,?8, g9.v»^8.]&: tt koownurito you i;bereforfstnen andbretbren.that and isnodcad faith, but wor^- (Ohm* t, rj I tihby lowz Ce)» 12. 16. v. 17,] if it hath uot war\s,u iwi being alone. v.ts.Sceft tboo how faitb wmgbt with bllwo^ksaad hj worlit was faith msd'' perfeSi, v. 16.] For as tbe body without the (pirit is dead {ofahb without work' itduialfo. Gal. ?, 6. For in Jefus Chrift, neither citcumcifion avsileth any thing, nor uncircumciiion^but faitb wbhb moflieth bj love, III. Chrift by his obedience stftddeathid id fully difcharge the debt (A Rom,* B- mi of all thofc thac are thux juftifiedand did make a proper , real, and 10:19.?. 8«iEnc full fatisfai^ion to his Fathers J .ftice in their behalf (/;. Yet, in as God ' com- much as he was giveaby the Fxchcr , for them (g) j and, hism«nded bis obedience and fatisfa^ion accepted in their ReadC^;-, and both'ove towards freely, not for any thing in them ; their Juftification is only of free"' • '" '''** Grace 0) ; that both the exa^ ju(5Hce,and rich grace. "'^y* "'* *»''* jfec finne?s» Cbrift dieifor us. ?.9.JMu<:h more ihtn being juftified by his hloodt m§)aU he foved frm wrar,defolstions are Jctermined.IIai| $ ^.^i^.6,\o,itj'i 2. M.^,]-^\xtc' y he huh born our griefs 3 aTid carried o.tr (omws ^ yet wcdid efteem hiai ftrickcn, (mit en of G djjnd afRifted.v.j.nBut he wis wounded for our tranfgrefm fiottiyhz wa? bruifcd /oroMr inquities, the cbajiilmcnt of our feace Wjj mjjck him , and «i»b his firipeswe0rehe(iUd.y.6.']A\\ wf,lil(c (ht< p havt goneattrayjws have cut red tv:ry one to bis own way.and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. v. 10. ") Yet it p'.eafed the Lord te bruife him, be bath p^t him togrieft when thou fhalt mai^e his (out an vfferiag jorfinM (hall fee his Iced b? fhall prolong b!$d;yci,and the pleafure of the Loid flisl: pccfprr in hii hand.v.it] He (hill fee of thctnvclof his !Oul,uid (hill befati^ficd.by his know jcdgs fhill my righteoijs fervtnt juftifietnany,torfac/iE>(«/^6Mr ^6f/>/n/^«/t/fi.v,u.J Ihcrtfrrc will I divide bim a por* tion with «')egreat,and he (bill divide the fpoil with the Jf bng , bfcn-fr be bitbi pound out 5iU.For he hatb mad>- bim to be fm for us ^who knew no fin.tbat we might be mado the rightc- oufnrfjof God in btm,Mat/^i7, And lo,a voice from bcavinjfr-yUgjThis is my beloved Son inishom I amvtell ptea(ed,Eph,^.i,?ind walk in love, as Chrift alio bath loved us.and hjtb gi* ven bimfelt for us an oficring and a facrifice to God.for a f«tetfmeUingiaviur,{i)KorTtti, 14, "Bein^ jufiifiedfrulf by bis grafCytbrough the redcmpcion that is in Cbrift Je''us.Ephcf.»,7. In fvboQ[iwc bavcredcisptionby bis blood, tbe forsiveonefs of (in5}gt» tbe rift^i o^bis? H 3 of (yRom.?.a6.of God, might be glorified in the juftification of finncrs (k). TodccUrc, I fav ,it this timcjhJs rigbteoufnefs, that be might bejufl,iad tbejuflifitr ofNn thst believetb in jjyj, Epbef. t. 7. That in the jjcs 10 come be mighi/lcy tb( SXieUlVg mho OJ tit lfa((^m his kindn«fs towards u$,tbcougQ JcfuJ Cbnft. ft ^V. God didj from all eternity, dccfee to jufiific all the AndthesVripE^^ft f/j, andChrift did, in the fulnefsof time,dye for their luix forefeeingtms, and life again for their juftification fwj : netcthelcflfe, tbitgoi tvouli chey are noc jiiftified, until! the holy Spirit doth in due time jujtifieibt bea- aftualiy apply Chrift unto them (n). tbtn tbrm^ faitb. Ptcichti before the Gafpel uwo Abraham, raying} In thee (hall all nations be bleffed. 1 PeM«x,i9,to.v.t.]E/fS .finowl€dge of godtht Fatfaer.through jui«ifi« cationof ibefpifitinn i> -bcwJiencc , and (prtnkling of «hc blood of Jcfui Chrift. v ij^Bue mitb tbe preeiwt hlsei of thrift , as of a !aa^b without bl^raifliyand withcm fpot, v.io.jWho verily wnt fott'Ordsitiid before iht foundatitn of tbe vporldfiut was maniftft in th«(e laft times for you.Rojn.8 . ^o.Mrarc vcr , trhom be dti pre deft iMte^ihtm he alio callcd,ind whom he csU Itdi, them he alfo]Upptdi^'yA wbom he jultifiedjthcm be alfog!orified,(ni)Gal.4 4.Butw&rt tbefulneft of tbe time wds cotnefiai fent torth his x.v.i.] My little children,ihefe thinjs I write untoyou.that ye fin noi,iod if any man fm, we bave an A^ votate mth the Fatbetf Jelus Chrift the rightcous.v.i,] And be is the frofitiationfor ourfint, and notforouis oniyi butalfoforthefinsof the whole wotld. (f^ Luke ii.^i, ButI bave prayed hcihtt.tbat tbjfsitb failut , aadwhen thou art converted ftrengt'nrn thy brethren. 1 Johi 10.8 And I give unto them eternal life, and tbejfhaU never fcrith, neitber fhall opj man flucfi them out of mf banin Hcb^xo.i^.For by one offering be batb iirfeSledfor tvcfi them ibae arefandificd. their r45; their fin3,beg pardon,and renew their faith and repentance f 3-^ (?) Pf.Sp. jrJ If they bre^V tny ftamtes.and keep not my comandment5,v,j j.]Then will I vifit (faeir*traoV greffiofM with tbe rod.and thtif iniquity mthftripet, y, j ^JN- vetcbeleffe my loving kiodncfs w«il I not ttU(rl;^ifie}rmbim,nw fuffer royfaitfefulnefs to faii.pralm 51.7, roi^.v.7.]P«r*e mevfitbb)ph'i* 1 ihallbecican,wflyfe»i<,<2»i I Jhall be whiter thtti the (nan ^y, 9,'] Mtketnc to bedr ]oy and glsdmfe.tbet the bones wbicb thou bafi broktn may r« joycc.v.p.^H/rfe tbj face from inyfinty and olotout alltny inquuies.v.io]Creatcin meacleanbcarr,OGod.and renew a right fpirit within oae. v.u }Catt me not awaj from tbj ftejence , and (ake not thy holy fpitic from nr.c. v.it] Reftnrr unto n^etbe j$f of tbj lalvation , and uphold mc with thy ftee fpirir. VU\m ji 5.1 acknowledge rnji fnuntitbeCitad mint iniquity hatrc I not hid,I fijd,I willcon- feflc my trinfgreffiont unto the Lord, mi thou jofgeytfi tbe iniquity of my fin. Mm. 16,7^; And Peter remerabrrd the words of Jefus , which faiJ unto him , before the cock crow tboa ftajt dt ny me thncc,& he went outitfwtpt bitterly. iCot. 11,3^1? i.v. Jo,]For this ttuf? many tre weak.andfiilih »n»ong you,»nd many flcf p. v.j i.] But when we a;e judged, we are cbaJfeH<- ciofthcLcrt'.thit we ftiouldnat be condemned with tbe world, Luke i 10, Andbcholrf^ tboujhalt be dumb.itid jwl able ttipia^, antill the iiy that tbefe things (hall be petformedjfe<« Mufe tbou believe^ not my »0riy,«hich ftiall be fu!61|ed in their fearon. V I. The Juftification of Believers under the old Tcfiament, was WGil. j,9,i| in allchcfererp.fits. one and the fanic wichchc Juftificadonof Be- ^4»v 9]Sothen licvers under chc New Tcftamcnt (t)* «hcy which be of faith , sre llejjed tritbfaiihful Abraham, v.i }.] Chrift hath redeemed mftom tbe eurfe of th law, being midc a curfe fot as j for it is writtcn,Curred isevery one that hingcth one a tree.v, i4.]Thac tht blejjing ofiAbrabam iraght come on tbe GtntiUs , through J-Jus Chrift.that we miohr re. ceivctif promifc of the fpirit, through faub. Rom.4.x»,2j,»4.v.ij ] And tbereforc'itwas ioiputedtohioQ forrighteoufne(s,v.i^] Now it was not written for bts falie alone^thit it was imputed to birr ,v. 14 ]Bt»t /or «*tf/fo,ro whom itfhallbe inpu-ed, if wt believe on him that railed up Jtfus our Lord from the dead. H own ^on, mjo'e of 3 womasi, under the Law. V.^.J To redeem thf iw that were under tbe 'a«», tkat we tnjgbtrtciive the adoption of fons,{b} Rom. 8 .47 And if chi Idrcn, then beirs.beirs of God, anti foynt heirs with Cbrilif if fo be that wc fuff«r with bim.tbjt wemaybeairoi/or/^&dt^^eti^cr'Jobn i>ii But as many as received hics^ SB ihttagave be fower to becomi tbefons »/G0^,cven to tbcm that believe on his N.i;xit« Nam«r^ C^6) (cjjer, 14- 9- Name put«ponthemf<:J, receive the fpiritof Adoption^) , Yet thou , o {,,y^ acceffe to the Throne of Grace with holineihf^J, arc m- midtt 0^115'^^'^^ ^'' cry,Abbj, Father^/;, are pitied^^;, protected f/,J, and»»eatecaUP'<>v»d<^<^ forfjJ,and chaftened by himjas oy ^Fathcr^j^J^ ycc led by tfay never c^ft of! (i)y but fealed to the day of ledemption ; >w), name,leavt us and inherit the proniireiC;7)3as heirs of everiafting(klvation('(7j not, X Cor. 6? 18, And will be a father unto you,and ye fiiill be my fon$ and d»ugbfers,raitb the Lord AI-' raigfaty,R«v,j.iz,Hiai that ovcrcomctfa , will I aiafcc a pillar tn the Temple of my God, and he (hall go no more out, and I will write upon him the nime of ray God, and chcntme of iheGtty of myGod, whicbis new Jtrufalem, which cona.th down out of heaven from my God,and I will write upon hJra my new name, (d) SJpm. 8. 1 5. For ye h^veaot rirceived the fpiritof bondt flothful,but followers of them who tbroug6 faith and patience inhcrit,ti3e promifes.(o)i Tc«. 1 j, 4.v. j,] B'efled be the God and Father of our Lord JeCus Cbrift,wbich accotding to his abundant mercy,hath begoccen us agam unto a lively hope,by the refurteftion of Jefus Chtilt from the dcad.v»4.]To an inheritance iocer- mptiblc and undefiled, and that fadeth not awiy, rcfcrvfd m heaven fcr you. Wtb, i . 14. Ate they not all mmiftrmg fpirics^fent forth to minifter for them who fiiall be heirs of falyation? G H A P XIIL Of SanUification. (g this, that our old min is crucified with bimj that the body of fin oieht be dcftroyed.that henceforth wc (hould not fervc fin, - - dwelliDj f 4?; dwdliWR in them (h) : the Dominion of the whole body of fin is (3) Johu* ly dcftroycd (r). and the fcveral lufts thcreof'are more and more weak-> '7* Sanftifit ned and mottificd(d,bccaofc God ha I h from the bcgiooiDg rhofeoyoa to falvarion, ihioogh facAifi* catiODof the fpifiT,andbehefof the troth. (c) Rom. 6,6, 14. V. 6 IKoowing thi$ thar ODr old tnan i< crucified with hinn, th«t the body of fin nttght be dcitroyed, that heticc4 forth wc ihould not fcrrc fio. V. 14 "] For fio (h>ll DOt have domioioo over you, for yooarc ont uodcr thclawv bnt uDder giacc. ((!')GaI. $.24. Aod they that are Chriftf, hare crocificd rhe flefh, with the aflFeaioni, and lofii. Rom. 8. 1 3. For if yc live after the tlefh, yc (hiD die -,bar if ye throogh the fpint, do monific the deeds of the body, yc Ihall live, (ej Col. i< 1 1. StrcBtheticd with all anight accordiog to hi>;glorious po- wer, onto all pituncc, and lorg^fofFcnrg, with joyfulncfi* Eph. ;. 16,17, i8,ip»Va i^^ Thjt he would grant yoD, according to the riches of hit gloty, cobcftrcnthocd with mi|hc,by hit fpiricio theioocr tnati. V* 17^ That Chnft may dwell ioyoor hearts by tai(h, ihic yc being rooted and froonded ioiove.V.18^ May beable tocompreheod wich ail Saioti, what is the breadth and length, and depth,and height. V. ip ^ And to know rhclovcofehfifi, which paflcth kpowledge,thatyc might be filled with all the foinefs oi God. (/) 2 Corio, 7 i. Having therefore thefe promifcs, dearly beloved. Ice OS cleanfe onr felvei from all fitthiocft of the flcOi and Spirit, perfcAiog holincfs io the fear of God. Heb. i2« 14. Follow peace with all mcD, andhohnefi, withcot which 00 nan (hall fee God. lI.ThlsSanftificatton i» throughout, in the whole matt C^) ; yetCs) « Thef. 5; imperfc^ in this lifei there abidcth fiiU fome remnants of coiruption^S ^^^ theve* in every part (h) • whence arifeth a continual, and irrcconcileable,^^'?* ''^^***^^ war; the HcOi lufting againft the fpirit, and the fpirit againft thc|i°j,^;f * yj'J ^<^^(iJ^ prayGrd,yoDC whole Spirit,and Soul, and body, be preferved blamclcfle noto the cotniog of cut Lord Jcfus Chr jft .(Jj) 1 John i , 10, If wc r»y rhat we have not fiooed, -we ntake hiOD a liar, and hii Word IS not inns. Rom. 7. 18, 25 V. 18 "] Kor I know that iome, that ii,fn tny tlclh dwellcthno good thing : for to »il!,icprcfeot withmc,but how to pcrforai that whichis good, I find not. V. 2;. ^But I fee another law in my metrbers, warrittg againfttheLaw of my tnind,aDd bnrg«ngme mto captivity to the law of (id, which is in my tnemberi. Phil. %, 12. Not as thoogh I had already aittined, ciihn were already perfed,bur I follow after, if thar I may apprehend thar, for which alfo I am apprc" heodcdo(Chr!ft Jffni. (/^Gal. 5.17. For the flefh lafteth againft the Spirit ,aO'lthc Spirit againft the fle(h,aoci thcfe are contrary the one to the oihcr, fo th«t ye raonot do the thingt that ye would, i Per. 2 11. Dearly beloved,! bcfecch yoo, as ftracgcrs and pilgrims,ab{\ainfrom fl<(hly loAs which war agaicA the foul. 111. In which warre, althouj^h the remaining corriiprioDjfor /-^^^^ , a timcjmay much prcvailCi^jjyetthrougi the continual lupply gj , fj, ,no.* thrr law io my members, warring againO thr Law of my mindc, and btingiog mc jmo captivity to the Uw oi fio which is in my mcmbcri. c ' I * of Rm. 6f 14. of ftrength from the ranftifying Spirit ofChriil, the rege* ^w fip (hall ncrate part doth overcome {I): and To the Saints grow in ilSoioD'%vccS''ace (m}, perfeaing hoiincts in the ftar of God (n), yoo, for ye arc oot under the Law, bacooder grace, i joha $' 4.Wha(focverisbornoF God,overcoincththe world, and this is the ▼idory that overcometh^che world, efeil oar faith. Eph. 4. 15,16.7. i$^But fpeakiogthe troth io love, may grow op iato hint in all things, which is the head, even Chrift^ V. 1 6 3 From whom the whole body fitly joyned together, and cotnptfledby that which every joyot rDpplieth,accordiog to the cifedual wotkiogio the meafore of every parr, inakethiocreafeof the body, onto the edifying of it fclf 10 love; (m) 2 ?et. ;. 18. Bat grow in grace, aod ia the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour jcfus Chrift ; to hicn be ^ory, both no w,aod for ever, Amttt, dCor. 3: 18. Rut we all with open facc,beholdiogasioa glafTe, the Glory of the Lord, ire changed unto the fame image,frotn glory to glory ,evca as by the Spirit of the Lord* (n) 2 Cor. 7. I. Having therefore thcfe promifcs, dearly beloved, let us rlcanfe oar telve&from all fihhiocfs of flcfh aod fpiritt pcrfcdiog holicefs io the fear of God. CHAP. XIV. Offaving Faith, Che __ „__ . ight 50 perdition, by the Miniftry of Word (c) : by which alfo, and by the ad- biit of thetnminidration of the Sacraments and Prayer, it is encreafed who believe, j^d ftrcngthned (d). to the ftvJOg a . y of the foul, (i) 2 Cor. 4. ig. We having the fame fpirit of Faith, aecordrog is h is writ- ten, T believe and therefore have I fpoken,we alfb believe,and thererore fptik £ph.;« 3(7, 18. 19. V. 17 J That the God of oar Lord fefusChrift, the Father of glory ,toayfire ^nto youtbeS/ifit of wifdom, and revelation, io ihekoowlcdgeof him» v. 18 J The the eyei of yoor ondrrftandiog being enljghtoed, that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his iohericance in the faints* v# ipj And whit is the exceeding greatnefs of his power to u». ward who believe, accordifag to the working of his a:»igbry power. Eph. 2. 8. For bv crace arie ye faved, through i^ith.aod (hatoot ofyourfelves, it is thcgiff ofGod. (c)Roai. 30.14,17. v, 14] How ithen fhall they cill on hiaj» io whom ihcy have nor bflieved, aod how ftull ihcy hep Jicve if) him,of whom they have not heard? and how (hall they hear without iTriach- er.'' V. 17] So then faith cometh by hearing, aod hearicgby theWordofGod. (d) 1 Per. a. 2^. As new born babcs,defire the fincere inilk of the word, that ye may grow hereby, A^s 20. 32, And mw.brethreo, I coaimeod yon to God,aod to the word of hii f race, which i» able ro build you op, and to give you »a inheritance among all thenf^ which are fanftified, Rom. 4. II.. Aod he received the figo ofcircumcifion, a fetl of the fighteoofacfs of faith, which he had yet being oocircomcifed, that he nsighibe the Fa- ther of all them hit believe, though they bsnot circomcifcd.thatrighteoofnefs wight be impated to them alfo» Luke 17.$. Aod the Apoftlei faidaoto the Lord.eocreafc oor faithiRora. i, i5,i7.v. 16 J For I amootalhamedof th?: Gofpa|ofChc!ft,forit is the power of God unto falvatioo, to every ooc that bpli«vctb,io the Jew firft, aod alfo to the Greek, v. 1 7 'j for thcreio is the tighteoofoefsof God rcvttlcd, from faith to faitfa^ n it 9§ wriotco, the jail ftull live by faitho^ H.By II. By this Faith tChriftianbclieveth?o be true; 1nhnCotvttlsf,^7,f,nA ^» revealed in the Word, for the authority of ©odhirofclffpcakingXn/uid onto' therein (0» and afting diftcrcmly upon that which each particular the Womm paflage thereof contaiaeth ; ycelding obedience to the commands(/), no w we b«I trembling at the threatnings (^),and embracing the promifcs of God '""c oor, be. for this life, and that which is to come (^). But the principal a^s of""/* ^^ thy faving faith, are, Accepting, Receiving, and Rcftine upon Chriftl*^*"!' ^°IJ^ alone for Juftification,Sanftification,and Eternal Life, by venue of „*''>,,?"*'''S theCovenantof Grace (0. ,:^'- ' CwtKl is indeed theChrift the SivioorofthcWorH. i Thef. 1. 13. Forthij caufcalfo thark If c God withaat ceafiog, beciafc when yc rcctivcH the word of God which ye heard of Df , ye received it, not a$ the word of Men, but as it it in truths the word of God which ef. feaually workeih alfo in yon that belie? e.ijr.hn $, 10. He that bdjevech oo the Son of Codhatbthevfitnefsinhimfelft he thatbelicvethDor, God beth made hitna lyar, be- cjjjf«lMbe!ieyethnpiihejecordt.ha;God^.».?epfJbi>ioPjiJ5y24. 14. Bo/ this Icon- feifcuoto thee, that after th« w*y which they call h«r«fie.io wor fliip I the Cooghanbelief,but was f\rong in faith, givmg glory to God. Mat. 6. 30. Wherefore ifGodfoCloaththcgrafle of the fi«Id whidh to day is, and ro morrow ii caAinto the o«en,(ha]l he not much more cloaih yon,Oye of little of faith ? Mat.fi.jo. When Jefus heard it he marvelM,jnd faid to them that followed, Vcri:y f fay unto yoo,l > ave nor foondfo great faith, no not inlfrael. (iJLnkc 22. 31,32. v. 31, And the Lord faiti, Simon, Simon, Behold ijtan hath defired to have yon, that he may fifty on as wheat. V. 32 ^ But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail nor, and when thoa art converted l^reniheo thy brethten. Eph. 6. i6. Above all, taking the Ihieid of /aith, wherewith vt (hall be able to qnench all the fiery darts of the wicked, i John. $, 4i 5« V. 4 3 For whatfoevcr ii born of God overcometh the world, and this is 1 he vi^ itory that ovtrcometh the world.evcn oar faith, v. 5] Who is he that overcometh the worldjbat he that bclicvcth that Jefos is the Sob of God .^ growing in many tothe attainment of a full ifTiirance through (m')Heb.^.ii.Ctirit f /ff J> ffhois both the Author and fi»i(her ok our "• V] And Faith (^ff). we aefir« that CTcry one of yoa do (hew the fame diligence,to the fall aflaraticc of hope umo the rad. V* 12. Thatyc beoorno«thful,bat followers of them who throu^ faith and peiieocc icihcrit the promifes. Hcb. 10.22. Let di draw otar with a ime heart io fail a(Turao:e of faithi ha?iog oar hearts fprioklcd from an evil coDfcty > hat was fet before him, codo* red the Crofff , dcfpifiog the fliamc, and it (et down ac the right hand of the thionc of God* CHAP. XV. of Refentmee unto life. (4) lech, 12 |-j Epentance unto lifcjis an evangelical grace frf^,thc Do. p?are opoa ■■^ ^"^^ to be preached by every Miniaerof the houfe of ^^^ Gofpel, as well as that of faich in Chrift Q)> David and ttp- ^ on the inhabicantt of Jer5fa}em the fpfrit of grace, and of fapplicationi,and thev flvtil look apon tne whom they have pierced,aod they fhall cnaarn for him* a>0Dc m orocih> for his only fon,& ihall be in bitter oers,as one that is id bitterrefs for his firft boro.A£ts 11 id. When they beard ihcfe thjrgt they held their peace, and giortfied Cod faying,.^ Then hath God alfo onto m gtaoted Fepeotaoce onto lif(. (^) Lnke 241 47. And that repentance and reiniflion of fms (h n d be preached in his name atnoagali uatiooi,begiDf Ding at Jeraralem.Mirki.i$. And fayiog^The rioie is foifi|lcd«aod thcKiegdom ofGod is a: hand, repent ye and believe theGofpel. Ad>20.2i« TefMfyingbotb to the Jews, and' l]£6 to the Gtecks, repentance toward God, and faith toward oor Lord Jefus Chcift* H. Ey it a (inner, out of the fight and fenfe, not only of the danger » but alfo of the filthiners and odiou(hefs of his Sins, as contrary to the holy nature^ < •nd righrecus law of God ; and, upon the apprehenfion^ of his mercy in Chrift to fuch as are penitent, fo grievs lof^ and hates his fin ^ a^ to turn from them all onto G<4 Gocl(0» purpofifigatid endeavouring to walk with hmbtltiaciO ^X*k' >• wiycs of his Commandments (d)^ io, ji, v. joj Ttacrefore , i will judge you O boufe of Ifrael every one according to hit wiyes^aith tbe Lord God,Tepenc and tUin your rdves from all your (ranf|rcffion$,fo iniquity (h«il not be your ruine.v,)i]Caft away from you all your tran(grc(fi ns^wbccel y ye ban tranrgrcfled>*nd make you a nen bcarc and a ncwTpiritifor why «»iUye die.OHoufcof Ifraei^E^it )6« a mcnftruom clotb, tbou (hale fay unto tr,gei tbee bcncc P/aim $1.4, Agiintt tb;e , cbee only have 1 (inn-d , and done this evil in tby (igbc thac tbou uiighteft be iuthfied when tbou fpealeft,ind be clear when tbou judgcft./cr.g 1.18,1^. v. 18.31 have (ure- lyheardEfibMim bemoaning blinfelf thus, Tbou.baft cbaftifcd me,& I «vascbafti(ed,asabul« lock onaccuftomed to tbe yodk,rurn thou me and I (hall be tornedjtbou art the Lord my Godt V i9,]Sutely after that I was turne ,1 repenrediand after that 1 was inftruded, I fniote upo» my cbigb; I was a(liamed,ye3,even confounded, becaofe I did bear tbe rrproacb of my youtb. $Otl t* ia,t{.v.i2.3Tbereforc alfo now,(aitb tbeLord,(ttrn ye even to me with all your hearty and witb?afting,and with weeping, and with mourning, v. i;,3 And rent your heart and not your g«rments,and turn unto tbe Lord ycur God : for be is gracious and mcrciful,flow to an- gcr.and of great kiBdncffr,»nd rcpcnteth bim of the evil, Anot y.i j, Hate the evtl,and love Che good,andeftabli(h judgement in tbc gne : it maybe that tbe LordGodof HoHl will be gracious unto tbc remnant of Jo{epb,P^d/Aw 1 19: 118. Therefore I efteem all tby precepts con- cerning all things to be right J and I hateeveiy falfe way.i^of.j. n. For behold, tbisfelf (ame thing that ye forrowed after a god\y rorr,wbat carefulnciTe it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of your fclves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear,yea, what vehement defircjyea^ what zea|,yea,wbat revenge: in all things ye have approved your felves to be dear in this mat* ter.(i) Pfalm » i9*^>f9* 106 ^^,3 Then (hall I not be afhimcd, wb? n I have refpeft unto all thy Commandmtnts.v,59« 1 rhought on my wayes,and tuned my feet unto tby teftimoniesi V.io6]l have fworn,and I w ll perform it,that 1 will kcrpthy righteous )adtemenis. Luke 1,6. And they were bo b righteou before God, walking in ail the commandments and otdi» nances of the Lord b ameltflk t I^ingi aj.aj. And like unto him there was no King before him, that turned to the Lord witb all bis bearr, and with 11 bis foul,and wirb all his might, according to all tbe law of A/0/ei,ncitbcr after him arofe there any like him. lU, Although Rcpencance be not to be rcftcd in as any fatif- (e) E^'ig. W faftion for fin,oratif c*u(e^ofthe pardon thereof (ej^ which? 1. j»»v.ji. j is tbe aft of Gods free grace in Chrift (f) yet is ic of fuch^''*" *^*'' y« " remember your own evil wayes, and your doings that were not good, und fK?H loatb your felves in ytur own. fi^btjtor your iniquities and for your aborainaiidns.v.jx jNot for your fakes do 1 thi$,faitt tbcLordGodjbe it known unto you.be afhimed andcoofounded for your own v^ayes,0 boule oflkatl. Ete%,i6.6j,62,6g.v.6i ]TheR tbou (halt remember thy wayes, and be afhimed, when tbou a»»lt receive tby fifttrs, thine elder and thine younger, and 1 will give them unto Ihcc for Daugbters.but not by thy Covenanr.v.^i.J And I wii] eftsblilh my Covenant witb> ibeeiand tbou (half know that I am tbe Lord. v.«^»3 That thou m^yert nmember and be eonfounded,and never open thy mouth anymoi«,bccaufe of thy (hitoe^when I am pacified w* ward thee, for all that thou baft|dont,(aitfa the Lord, C/; Ho/. 14. 2,4. v.t,J Take witb you words.and turn to the Lord.fay uiko him, Take away all loiquity.and receive us graciou(ly» io will we render tbe calves of out lip,, v 4.] I will heal their backHding, 1 will love them freelj^Jor mine anger is turned away from him. ^om, j. 14. Being juttified freely by bis grace through tbc redemption that is in Jefus Cbriff. Epb.uf.ln whom we have ledempticn. tbtough bis blood,U)iC forgivenncfle of lins,accordiog to tbe riches of bis grace. i i twcc(Erii {i)tu\eiui, necedicy to all (inners, that none may exped; pardon, with- you nay,biiccx- ^^-^ cept yc repent yc (baKall likcvfife peri(b, »,y,]' ««'' 7°" flay,bate»ceptye repent ye fliallall liJccwife pedih. hHt 17. }0,j i.v.p'j And the times of thit ignocanceGod winked at , bat navr commandetb all oitn every where to repenc.v.9 1. ]BecauTe be hath appointed a day , in the which he will judge tbe world in rigbteoufnefs , by that man wbotn be bath ordained| whereof he hath {tven aH'urance unto all incni in that be Jiatb laifed him from the dead. (b)Rm,6. %i: IV. As there is no iin fo fmall,bnc it deferves damnation^ i&); ^?r^^* 'J'S«fo there is no fin fo great , that it can bring damnation upon buub?t«!'of "'Oft who trudy repent fO- God is eternal life,througb Jefus Chrift out Lord. Rmi. f j». Wherefore aiby one man Hn entred into the worid.and death by Xin,and fo death paflcd upon all men,for that all have (mncd.Matd ».j64 I fay unto you,tbat every idle word that men Ihall fpeakjthey (hall give accooni thereof in the day of judsemeni. (i) Ifa.^^j^ Let the wicked forfake his way, and tbe unrighteous man bis thoughts,and Ice him return unto the Lord , and be will have mercy upon bim , and to our God>for he will abundantly pardon^RomS^ i. There is therefore now no condemnation to ihem which are in Chrift Jclus, who walk nor after tbe flelh but after tbe fpirit.l^is,! i^>i8, V.16 ]Wa(h ye.make yc clean, put away tbe evil of your doings from before mine eyes, ceafe todoevil«Vii8<]Comenowlttusrcironrogetber,raitbtbeLord: though your fins be as Ccatln^thcy (ball be as white as fnowithough they be ted like Cri(Blon,thcy (hall be as wool, CVW'i9'U' V. Men ought not to content themfelves with a general Keep back tby Repentance , bat it is every Mans Duty toendeavoar to rc- ftomprefump.P«"' of*»»« particular fins particularly (J^ ). wouitins, let them not have dominion over me, then (hal) I be upright , and I (hall be innocent from the great iranfgrefSon. Luk.19.8, And Zdthtus ftood and faid unto tbe Lord, Bcbold Lord, the balf of ray goods I give to the poer,and if I have taken any thing from any man by falfe accu* Cation, I reftore him four*fold.irim«i>ij)i9«v>i3 1] Who was before a Blarpbcrrer,and a Per- fecutor, and injurious, but I obtained mercy becaufe I did it ignorantly in uRbclief* v. i^ j (This is a faitbfu] fayingiaad worthy of.alMMepiation, thatChiift Jefus came into tbe world! to (17c (inners, of whom I am chief, • : -'. VI. As f53; VI. As every man IS bound to make private conftffion of (/)•!?«'• u«y J his fins to God , praying for the pardon tbercof(/Ji upon4iS,7, "_»*»« which, and the forfakjng of them , he fliall find mercy (m) ; *• D Agamft fo he that fcandalizeth his Brother or the Church of Chrift, ^ir" °"!' *'**"! ought to be willing by a private or publick confcflion, anddonc"iA/s cWl forrowforhis fin, to declare his repentance to thoTe that arc in tby fijbtv offended fffj, who are thereupon to be reconciled to himjtb't tboa and in love to receive him (oj, i»igbteft be juiUgcd when thou fpeskeft, and be deaf when thou judsen. v,f .^Behold, I was (bsrpen in iniquity , and in fin did my Mother conceive nae.v.7 ^Purge mc with Hyflbp.and I (hall be ciesn.waih me,and I (ball be whicct than fnow. V.9 3 Hide thy face frota my (ins, and blot out all mine imqui- ties4V.i4eIivec mc from blood»(uilttn«rs,OGod.thou God of my r>lvscion:and my tcngae fiialt Gng aloud of thy righteoulnefs, P/diw ja* 5)6iV.y.] lacknowledge my fin untothee, and mine iniquity have I not hid, I laid I will confcffe my tranfgreffions unta the Locd,(bou forgaveft the iniquity of my fin.Selah^ v.6,3Por 'his (hall every one that is godly pray umo thee,in a time when thou maycft be foond: furely in the goods of great waters,tbcy fliall 00c come nigh unto himj(>n)Pfow.28. ij.He that coveieib his fins ihailnotprofper.but whofo coDfciTeth and forfaketh thcm,(hall have mercy, i ]«jb» 1.9. If we confeflc out finshe isfaith* ful and juft to forgive us our fins,and to deanfe us from ail unrigbteoufnefs {») }ames ^ . 1 6,. Coofefle your faults one to anotfaer,and pray one for another, that yr may be healed } tbecf» fefiual fervent prayer ofa righteous man availeth much.Lui^e t7»|.4=v.5.]Take heed to your felves;If thy brother trefpafleagainft thee.rcbukehim.andif he rcpcBt,forgive him, v,4,l And if he trefpaffe againft thee feven times in a day , and feveo rimej in a day turn again to thee,fayiog, I repenr,thou (halt forgive him,^oJh.7,i9*Ani Jvfhua hid unto t/icban^my Son^ ^ive, I ptay ttce,glory to the Lord God of lttael,aod make conftflion unto him j and tell mc now what tbou baft done,hide it not from me.P/tf/w 51. Tfctoofhour, (0} a Cor^a,8.Wh«rc3 ioitl htiuch yooytbit you wwU confirm ywrUveuwardsbim, ?" :-~^-^> t- CHAP. xVL >0odWork, are onlyfnchas God hath commanded \n{a)MUh,6,ti ". his holy \Nord(a)^ and not fuch as, without the warrant He faaih (hew- thereof, are deviled by men, out of blind zeal, or upon'^*^">0«»''"5' ,,,,._. what is good, iiid what dotb the Lord require of thee, buttodojuftice, and to love mercy» and to walk humbly with thy God ? 7{om, ix.i. And be not conformed to this world, butbeyetranf* formed by tbt renewing of your mind.tbat yo may prove, what is that good, that acceptable andperfcftwillofGod, Hei. ij. zi.Make you perf eft in every good work, to do his will,, working in you that which is welUpIeafioj in bis fitht, through Jefui Cbrift , to w^om be {lory for wr and ever, Amen, , any (54; C2)Lttt«rt, 1^. 9, any pretence of good intention (b). *' ihcvv»o?{h%me,«ach!n8forrallhisbrnefitstoward$ mcfv.u JI will eakc the aip of fal vitioii,ind call upon the N*mc of the Lord i Fer. 1,9 Bur ye ate a chofen eenerition,3 royal Prietthood an holy natioo.a peculiar people,that ye (houid (bcw forth the praifes ot hitn,who hath called you outof darknefs into fai* marvellous bgbt.fc) 1 Jtbn a, j, V.v i.l And hereby we do know that we know bim,«f we keep bis Commandinems. v. 5. 3 But who fokecpcth his word,in him verily is the love of God perfcfted, hereby know we thatweareinhim.i P«.i.5.to ,,. v,,,] And brfides this givmg all d^.gence.adde toyouc Faith, Venue ; and to Vcrtue,KLao wlcdge. y,6 l^nd to Knowledge, Temperance ; and to Temperance.Patiencejand to p«icnceGodJtiief,.v.7G And toGodlmcfs.BrotherJy.kindnefs, and to Brotherly.kindncfs,Charity.v 80P°'/* «^«f« j.'^^S'bc myou^and abound.they mak^^ you that ye (hill neither be barren,nor unftuitfu! in the knowledge of our Lord Jefus Chrift. V o T But he that lacketh thelc things, is blmde.and cannot fee fat ofF,and hath forgotten that he wa » P"f g'd fro'" bis old fios, v., o] Wherefore the ratber.brc Are«,g.ve diHgence to make you> call.nl and eledion fure ; for .f ye do tbefc things,ye ftiall never ral|,(/) z at 9 a. For I know the forwardnels of your minde , for which I boaft of you to them of madoma .that Acbaia was ready a year ago.and your zeal bath ptovoked very many.Mit.5 16 Let your t.ght fo iPine before trien,that rhcy may fee ?our goods works,and glorifie ycu Father which is in V«i,n ff)rit X « holinefsithey may have the end, eternal life (/). will of God, pUiGn^,yemaj put to fiUnce the ignmnee of fooli(h men. (f) i Pet.i i x.Having yo *r"onver- fatton rjytivft ^inong tbe GcnciltSjtbat whereas theyfpet^ agamjfytu as evil (lo€rs,they may bj jour goad, worlit which thty flull bthoU, gtorifie G9i tn fhe day of vifiiation, ,'^hii. i u.Being iil.cd n uh ^h-^ fruits of riibtcoufncfs which are by Jcfui Cfarift, mf the gUrj ana praife pT Goi.Jnhn »5.8. Herein h mj Father glorifiid, that ye bear much fruit, fo (hall ye be my Difci- pUt-ik) Eph.i* iQ.F r we are bit iforkma7tJhip,treated in ChxiR Jtiai nmogcudiforhyyfkklk God bith bcforf ordained Q»r wr Jhould vfaUi i»ik»i.(/;Rom.6,ta,But now being made free from fin,aRd buomefervants toQod^yc have your frutt unto holinefj,«Bi the end evettafting life 1 1 1, Their ability to do good works, is not at all of themfelves, r»i )Tohn i' but wholly from the Spirit of Chrift (m). And that they may be en- 6. v,4 1 Abide abled thereunto, bcfidcs the graces they have already received, there in iie',and I in is required aa aft ualinfl.iencc of the fame holy Spirit j toworkinyoo j as the them to will and to do. of his good plcafure («) : yet are they not hrancb cannot hereupon to grow negligent . as if they were not bound to perform ^^" fru" of »t any duty.unlcffe, upoa a I'pecial motion of the Spirit; but,they ought ^''f ' **'^^P* ^' to be diligent in ftitring up the giaccofGodjthat is Jn them (o;. "^"'^ '" '''« Fine , no m»re eat je^exupye abide tn me.\^6.]lfi man abide not in me,he is eaft ftrtb as a branchy and is wi- the*td, lad men gather ihem and caft them into the fife,ind tbey are burned. E2*^k,{6 16,^7' v.»6,]A new hcartalfo will I jiveyoUjandanew fpiritwill Iput wichtnyou,?,nd'i wiirrake away Che ftony heart out of your flelh, and I will {iv- youanheartof fli (b. v^??] And / mil fut my Sfirit mitbinyou, and eaufeyott to wdli in mj jUtutts.wd ye fiuSI krep my juugtments, and do tbem, (n) Pbjl.1.1 j For it it God that wforl^etb inyau both to will audto doofb^s ona pl-afurt Phi .4.13 I can do all things tbrougbabrijt sfbiibftrengtbeneth me,t Cor.j,^,N^>i that we treHt§uitnt ofeutftlves to tbinl{ any tbtng ai of our icives : but our j i^ffiiiency is 0} God^o) PfatWz,tt.WtJCtefQre my beloved, a»ye have always obeyed, not as mtnv pcieccc "njy ,'but now much more in my abfcncr ,wor4 out your fahiiion with feof and trmblin^^Hc^,6 i i.i 2, v,ii.]And wedefire thatitrery one of yo\.>dojbe0 tbefame diligence to thc/uH allnrance of hope unt.< the end^v.it.] That ye bemtjlotblul, buctol!ow«rjot ihcm, who through fajth and patience inherU the promifc, t Pet.i,?,5,io,n.v.j,] According as lis divine power hich given unto as all things that pertain unto life and g'^d Unels, tijroogh he knowledge of him chat bach called ui to glory and (re'tue v,?.] And bifi iex ail tbUgiving all diligence , addc ro your Fiitb,Vcrt«r|an J to Vertur,Knowledge,v.io.] Whetcfot e the rather Brechren,g/x;; dili- gence toma\e yeur calling and eU Aion furc.«fer if yc do ihefe things ye fhjll never fali.v. n.] For fo an entrance (hall be miniftrcd to you abundantly ,tnto the ever lafting Ktngdcm of out Lord and Safiou'"Jf "US Chrift, \{t6^j And there is none that calltth upon thy Name, that Jiiretbuphimfelfto take hold of rbce .• for thou haft hid thy face from usjind haft confuroed us,becau(cof oui :ni€|jltie$,t,Tim i 6..Wherefore I puttbec in remembrance /?7diiieM^;>«/> tbegiftofgod^mhich i •• in thee, by the putting on of my band;. Ads z6.6 .7.V. 6.] And now I iland, and »m judged fur the hope of ths promife made of Gt5d unto our Fathers, v.7. ] Unto wiiicb ptoojt'e our King ^grtppg^l am .ccufedof the }c«v^. Judc v, aOjZi.v, to] But y; Beloved, luilditt^ up your fdves 071 your moji holy faith J prsymg in tfacbcly GboXi v.n,] J^rep jour fttve$ inibe love oj Gw^.iooking for i^t mercy of our Lord Jelus Chrift unto t icrDal life. K IV.rhcy T50 I V. They, who in their obedience j attain to the greateft height jWhich is ^>oflible in this lifejare fo far trom being able to fup€rcrogace,and to do more than God requires, as that they (f) Luke 17. fall (hort of much which in duty they are bound to do (p). lOiSoiikenilc ]re« when ye (hall have done all thele things, which are commanded you,ray,We are unprofiw table rcrvaats,we have done that wbicb wasourc'utymdo.Nf&tj.az.Andl commanded the Lcvites (h3t they (hould cleinfe themfelveajand that they {hould come and keep the gates,to fan&iBc the Sabbath day. Remember me O my God, concerning this a!fo,and fparc me ac« cording to tbt greatneife of thy mercy.f 06 9'a,j.v.t3 I know it is of a trutb,bac bow (hould manbcjuft wiih God? V. 3«] If he W)U contend with htm , be cannot anfwerbian one of a tboufand.^ii/. f. 17. For tbt flc(h lufteth agiinft the fpiritjand the fpiritagainft the Bdh^aDd tberc arc coatraey the one to the otber,[o that ye cannot do the things rhat ye would* V, We cannot i by ourbcft Works, merit pardon offin,or eternal life at the hand of God , by reafon of the great dif» proportion that is between them and the glory to comeiand, (i) Kdw, j.io) (he infinite diftance that is between us and God , whom, by '^^''^'J^" ^themjwe can neither profitjuor fatisfie for the debt of our for- '^aw tbirc ™*^ finsC^J.but when we have done all we canjWe have done &all no fle(h but our duty, and are unprofitable fervants (r)',znd, becaufcj^ be jaftificd in as they are good,they proceed from his Spirit f/j; and as they liis(igbt,forbyare wrought by us, they are defiled, and mixed withfomuc^ the Law is the Itnowlcageof (in. Rom.4.x,4,6. v.i.^fct if yihrabam were juftified by worksjfae bath where- of to giory,butoot before God.v^4.) Now to him that workecb, is the reward not reckoned Qfgr»ce,butof debt. v.(^.)£venas Z>dt;/iairoc)efcribeth the bleffednefs of the man unro Whom God imputeth righteoufnefs without works, E|;fcc(.x.8,9.v.8.)For by grace are ye fav« ed through (aitb.and that notot yourfelves,ii isthegiftof Ood.v.9 )Notof works,lcftany man (hould boaft.ri>.}.5,<,7.fv5<)Not by works of rigbteoofnefs, which we have done, but according to bis mtrcy.be Uved us by the wafl)ing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy GboU.v. 6,) Which he (hedonusabundantly^tbiough Jcfos Gbriftour Saviour.v.7,)Thac being juftiBcd by bis grace , we (hould be made heirs, according to the hope of eternal lifcj ' 30jn.3a8. For I reckon that the fufiFerings of this prefeot time, are not worthy to be compa*; ted with (he glory that (hall be revealed in us.Pfam 16, t, O my Sou!, thou haft (aid unto the Lordjthoi a rt my Lordjmy goodncfs ex tendeth not to tbee, Jeft. 1 1, z^g, v. t ) Can a roan be yrofitable unto God,as he thai is wife may be prcfitjble unto hirofelf ? v.j.) Is it any plea- sure to the Almigbty.tbat tboa art rightcous?or is it gain to him tbat thou makcft thy wayes nerfed? Jo&^j,?, 8. v«7)Ifthoube righ(cous,wbatgivefltboubim/ 01 wbatreceiveth be o( tby hand f v. 8 .) Thy wickcdnrfs may hurt a man as thou atr, and thy ligbceoufnefs may^ pr< fit the Son of man (r) Luke i7.!0,$ce Letter (^) in this Cbap'er {() QaU% 21,19 v.ax); 9(11 the fruit of the fpirit IS Love, Joy, Peace, Long ruf)crtng,CcmUnc(s,Goodne(s, Faitb^ Vo2^j./Mtckncfs, Tcmperance,againft lucb tbete is no Law* weaknefsand imperfe^ion, ctuc they cannot endure the fcve' (0'/<'*'^4'!^> rity of Gods judgement (tj. But we »rc »\l as an uadcan thing,»ndall our r'gbrepufneffc i are a< fiUhv r^ges, and we do ail fade as a leaf, and our ini- quuies like the windc have taksn u» twsv. galauaKi ^ 17 Fv>rtbcflffti uftethagainft the fpirit, and the Ipiritagainft tht fi fr,*!dti.t.u 3rrcrrir»'fy t,?? one to ibe other, foth»t ye cannot do the things that ye would Rom.j n,i8,v.,^,] Fo- thst wbuhl do,lallownof,for what I would,thatdol not.bu wfajil &a(r,ihat doLvjS ]1 know that in me (that iiininy flcfti) dwelleth no good thing, for to will 1 prcitm win mc. but how to pcrtorm that which isgoodjl finde not. Pialm 14J. x. And f ntf r not into JHr'ge tnent with tby fetvant, for in ihjf figbt (h»Il no man liviiig be juftificd* Fjalm 1^0.3. It thou Lord (houldft mark iniquitiet|0 Loidwboftialiftand.' VI. Yet notwithftandingjthe Pcrfons of Belie vers,being ac- («) Ep6i i. 6» cepted through Chiiftj their good works alfo are accepted in To the praife hini (u)y not as though they were in this life wholly unblam- ?(*•** glory of ^bleand unreproveablcin GODS fight C»p; j but that , he ^b^^jn*'*"; looking upon them in his Son,is pleafed to accept,and reward bath made us that which isfinccre,aUhoitgh accompanied with many weak- accepted in the neffes and imperfeftions (x). beJovcd;tF acceptable to God by Jtlus Chrift. Eitoi. i8- ^8, And it (hall be upon Aannt forehead, that nA&nn tnay bear the iniquity of the nojy things, which the children of Ifrael (hall hallow in alIthcitholygift$,andit(hi"be always upon bisforehead.thattheymaybe accepted before the Lord. Gtntfiti^, 4. Andjit«/facai(o brought of the firftlingi of his flock, And the Lord had refped unto Abel,ind his offering* Hebrews^t i.4.By faith Abel offered unto God a more cxccUent facrificc than Cain , by which be obtained witnefle , that he was righteous* God teaityingofhisgift«,andbytthebeingdead,yetlpeaketb, Cw)^cfc.9,io. If I joftifie my felf, mine own mouth (hall condemn me , if I fay 1 am perfed, it fhall alfo prove me per- vcrfe, P/d/w 14?. 2. And enter not into judgement with thyfervant,for intby fightli.all no man Iivmgbe juftified. (x) Heft. i}.xo,ti.vzo.] Now the God of peace that brought igain from the dead our Lord Jcfu$,that great fhepheto of the fhetp.thiough the blood ot the cver- lafting covenanf.v.ai.JMake you perfeft in every good work to do his will, working in yoa that which well pieafing in his fight, through JelusChnft, to whom be glory forever ani ever, Amen. 1 Cw. 8. it. For if there be 6tft a willing mind , it will be accept d according to that a man hath, and not according to that he bathnot,He&.^ to. ForGodisnot nnrigb* eeousjto forget your work and labour of lovc.wbicb ye have (hewtd towards bis name,in tbae yehaveminiltredtotfaeSaintJ.and dominifter. A/d«,iy.»i, ij.y.zi.] Bis Loidfaid unco him, well done, thou good and faithful fervant,thcu had been faithful over a few things , I will mike thee ru'er over many things, enter thou into tbe )oyof tby Lord, v.xj] His Lord faid unto him well done thou good and faitbtul iervant, thou hafl been faithful over a few things, I will mike thee ruler mi many tbings,cntet ioco the joy of thy Lord, V 1 !. Works done by unregenerate men , although for the matter of them, they may be things which God commands , and of good u(e both to themlclves , and o- K 2 thers r58j (>") aK'Qf»j 10. thers (j) i yet, becaufc they proceed not from ah heart purified bf 50, 21. T' 30] faith (x) ; nor *rc done in a right manner, according to the Word 4nd the L'vsd ^a)'; nori to a right end, the glory of God (b) j chey are therefore (in- fiid oDto /? ful, and cannot pleafcGodjOr make a man meet to receive grace from th a haft'^done^^^ ® • ^"*^ y"' '^^^"^ "^^^^^ of them is more finful , and dif- w:U in cxccatiog thit which height ia mine cyo, and had done onto the hoafc of Ahab accordtog to all that W2i la env heart , thy Chiidrsa of the foarth generatioa (hsllfltonihe ihroneof Ifrael.v.^iJBar/efcit took no heed to walk in the Law of the LoidGad ofSfrad.wirh all hi» heart, far h« departed not from the Cixuof Jeroboam, which made Ifrael to fin. I King* 21. 27, 29. 7. 27 'j And tt cacne to pa ft when Ahab , hesrd thofe words, that he rent hitcloatht, and pur rack'Cloath apoo his fi (h, and f!(^^^,»od lay 10 Sack cloath, and went foftly. t, 29- Sceft thou how >I* who «it up my peoplr.n thfy <«t bread, and ctll not upon the Loffl, Ffal %6 5. J The wof dj of hit mourh *re ioiqnity •nd deceit, he hatb left offjobe w'^fe and do geod. Jibii, 14 15. ▼• 14J Therefore ihey fay onto God, depart frrmw, we defire not the kpcwledge 'ftby wayes v, I5l What ii the Almighty, that we/hvMldfetvehitn } arrd *hJi prcfit (hail we have, if w« pray unto h.m / Matth, 85 4«, 42, 45 45 V. 41J ThrnftaUhe fayalfouHto thcmoo the left hand , (/ep 5, 9. Who are ^ept by the power ef God through faith untofalvation, ready to be revealed inihelafltTme. Verfep.) ^^^ctv^l-.g the end of your faith, ti^mht Salvation of yeur Squ1s» [b) 2 Ttm, 2. 18, 19. V. 18J Who concerning the troth hare erreH, faying^ the refurreft'on is palj already ^ an flierp for the flaaghf er.^ v. 37 ] Nay,in all thcfe thing* we arc more than Conquerours .through him that loved ttt ▼•S^] t^or lam perfwaded, that neither death, nor life, orr Aogcts, nor principaluies,norpower$,nor things prefcnt.nor things to cftme. v. 393Sor h ighrh. Dor depth,oor any other creature, Ihall be able tnfeparat Uifrom the love of God which it inCbriji fefm our Lord. John 17. n, 24. t. ii] Ad4 now I am 00 moreio .he world, bat thcle are in the world, and I come to thee, holy Father, k?ep through fhine own Name thofc whom thoo h*ft aivcn me,that they may be one,as we are. v. 24 J Father, I will that they alfo whom thou haft given mejbe where /47i,thaf they may beho/d my glo- ry » which ihou haft given mf, for thou lovedft me before the foundation of the world. JLhW 22.32. ^\xi I have prayed for thee ^ that thy faith fail not ; and when thou art con- vctfed, ftreogihen thy brethren. Heb. 7.25 Wherefore he is able tofave them te the ut- term f?, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveih to mal^e merceffionfor themt frf") 7o)brt 14. 16,17. V. 16] And I will pray the Father, and h» (hall gi»t you another Comforter^ that he may abide with you for ever. v. 17] Even the Spirit oftruth.whom the world cannot receive,becaafe it (ecth him Dot,neithcr kooweth h»m,bDt ye know him, for hedweHeth with you^ tnifljaH beinyou. 1 fohm, 27. Batthe anointing which ye have received of him abideth inyou, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the fame anoiniiog teacheth you of all thi!igi,jn^ is truth.and is no Ije,and even as it hath taaghtyou, ye (hall abide in him. i Jo()« 3 9. Whofoever is born of God, doth not commufin, for his feed remainethio him, be cannot fio, bccaofe he ii bornofGod. fe\ jer. 32,40. ^oi I w'lW make an ever lafting Covenant with them, thtt I wjllnoiturn iway from them to do them good.boi Iwitlput my fear intbt'n hearts, that theyfhaH not depart fromme. f/) Jolb/i 10.28, And I give unto them eternal life, ani they (hall ne- ver p<:rf(h, neither fljall any manpluck,them out of my hands. 2 Thefi 3. 3. Bat the Lordk faithful who fljaUftablift} >ow,and keep yoo from evil .ijoh.2. ij.Thev went out from us, bat they were not of us, for if they had been ofw, they wouldno doubt have continued with Hi but they went oot,that thty m ght be made mamfcf^ that they were ootall of os. * III, Nevcrthclcfle, they may, through the temptations of Satan «id of the World , the prcvalcncy of corruption re- maining Urvacioii] nue _ _ , ^- ,- - — grieve his holy Spirit ff^j,come to be deprived of fomemea- nycd before fure of their graces and comforts (Ij^btvc their hearts hard-}^*" ■''> ^"V* ed|fwj,and their confcicnces wounded fwj, hart, and fcan-JJ'fjj^J^yj-J^f dalizc othersfijjjand bring temporal judgements upon them- en.V.723 And (c\seh(p), he dcDycd I- gain with ao * oaih, 1 do not know the man. v.74 ] Then he began to curfe and fweir, fayirg^I know not thctnan. Audimmcdiaily the Cock crew. (AjPfal. 51. the title and v. 14; (he title. To the chief Mofician.a ?U\m of Daviiy nhet}iV«ri6tfff the Prophet came note him, af- ter he had gone in to Bath/beba. ▼. 143 Deliver me from blood goiltiocfsO God,rhoa God of my falTatioo,aDd my tongue (hall fiog aloud of thy righteonfnefj. (i) Ifa. 64, 5^ 7. 9. V. 5 3 ThoH raeeteft him that rejoyceih and worketh nghrcoafoefs, thofc that remember thcc in thy wayct : behold thon art wroth, for we have finned, in thofe it continuance, and we ihal>befaved.v,7.]And there it none thitcallerb upon thy Name, that ftirreth op himfclf to t»ke hold of thce-.for thou hifi hid ihy face from Bs,and haft coofnrtred utbecaufe of our iDiqaictcsv v. 93 Bcnot wroth very forr, O Lord, neither remember iniqoiry for ever .• beho)d,fee we befccch thec.we are all .hy people. 2 Sanr, 11. 27. And when the morning wa«p»ft, Darid feot and fetched her to h;ihoDfr,and (he became hii »ifr^ an^l bare him a ft»o, bur rhe thing that David ad donf, d^fpieafed the Lord. {\) Eph. 6 30. And grieve not t be holy Spirit of God ^ whrcbv vvc arc fealfd unto heoay ofied»ff.ptioo.(/)PfaI. 51. 8,10, 12, ?. 8 J Make me tohear'pj and gladt. nefs that the booei which th: o hafi broken may re Joyce. ?, 10 Create in me a cleans fefdcf^OGod, and renew aright fpir it withinme, ▼. \i.']Ktflore unto methe)6y oftbyfalm vation, tnA nphnld me wiih:hy trerfpirit. Rf?, 24, N evert hrUffe i have foiccwhac *g*u>iiihet, becawfe thou hafi left thy firflloiie, Caoti 5>*, 3, 4, 6, ?. 2\ I fleep bot my heart wakcth, icii the voice of my beloved that koockerh, laying, OpcQ to me my Sifter, my love, my dove, my noc?tfikd» foe my head is filled with dew, and my lockj with the dropi of the mght. v, 3I I have pi}t oft my coat^how fliall I put it on.*' I have wafhcd my feet, how (hail I defile them.''v«4jMy beloved pot in hii hand by the hole of the door, aod my bowel* were moved for hiro, v. 6. 'j I opened to my beloved, bat my beloved had withdrawn himftif and was gone, my roQl failed when hefpakc; I fooght him,bnt 1 could not find hm J called him^ but he gave me no anfver. (m") Ifa. 63; 1 7,0 Lord, why haft thou made u$ to en e from thy ways, and hardned our hearts from ■ tbyfearyxetwtifor thy fervanti fake the tribes of thine iohcrit?nce, Mtikd.sa.For they confidercd not the miracles of the loaves, for their heart wa* hardened. Ma . k 16. 14* Afterward he appeared unto the eleven, as they fatstmcar, and upbraided them for their onbelief and hardrefs of heart , becaofe they telrrved not them which had fecn him af?er he was rifen. C") Pf«l- 37 • 3. 4- v: ?0 ^ hen I kept filtnce, my bones waxc • ed olds through myroaring all the day long, v. 4, } For day and night thy hand was heavy Dponme, my moifturcis turned roio the drooftht of Summer. Pfalm. 51.8, M'keme to henf joy ant* gladnefs.that the bones which thou haji broken may rejoycc. (0) 2 Sinr, 14 14. H wbeir, beciofe by this deed thou haji given great occafion to the enemies of the Lordto blafpeme^^htcMA alfo that is born uoto thee (hill forely dye. Pfal. 89. 31, 22. ▼. }r. ffthev break my ftitntcs, andkeepnot mv commaniimenrt v. 32. Tbeoir;/// wfit their tranfgrefJUon with the rod, »9A their iniquity tfiith flrtpes. i Cor. 11. 32. Bot when wcarc judged, wc are cbafinedofthe Uri^ that w« fliould not be coodcicncd wicDi». i John ? 14,18,19, 2 * 24. V. 14 1 W^e know that we have paffed from death oato life, becaDfc we love the brethren : he that loveih not hii broihc; Abidejh id death. V. 1 8 ] My little children, let u$ not love in word, neither in torgae, but in deed and iri troth, v. 19 1 Aori hereby we do know that we are of the truth.fn^ fhall fiffure tur hearts before him. \2i'} Beloved, ii VAT heart condemn «/ ner, then have we confidence toward* Gocf. ». 24] And he that k'-epeth his cotmnandtnenii, d welleih in hitn,and he »n Wtm.and hereby we kpow that he «izVe^6iiiui,by,thefpifiithathchathgivenu».i])hi'5 i^.Thefe thiugihavcl writ- ten unto yoQ that belisve on the Na«ie of the Son of God, that ye may know that yc haveete. >al life, and thit ye may believe on the Name ofthfSon of God (rfj Rom. 5. a 5. v. 2 ] 3y whom alfo we have ac eHe by faith into hii grace.wherein wc (ia«d a»d rejayceiohopeofthegloiy ofGod. V. $]^Bdhnpeniakcih oofunamed, bccaofe the ioveofGod is (hcd abroad iooor heart*, by the holy Ghoft which wai given to d». II. This certainty i» not a bare conjectural and probable perfwaiion , gcounded upon a fallible • Hope Hope (e); but an infallible alTurance of faith » founded upon (e) Heb, 6, if, the divine truth of the promifes of falvalion(/J > the inward '9 *'"'3 ^°<* evidence of thofc gnccsunto which thcfc promifes arc made "* *^*^" ^^"^ (g)y thetcftimooy ofthefpirit of Adoption witneffing with *oudQfccw the our fpiritschat we are the children of God (h) : which Spi- fame diHgence ritis the earned of our inheritance, whereby we are fealed toio tht fiiU a^u* the day of redemption (ij, tanee •/ bofi unto the lni,^ T,i9.]Which hifemehiuat iuinebcfoftbefeul, both fureiudfttifdf ttndnhichcMttthinm to tbac fvitbio che nil. (f)Hcb.6. 17,18. v.17. WbrretnGod williDgmore Abundantly to (hcivantothe hcitt i^fj^'omiicthtimmmabililji of bis counftl , ($nfirmeditbjanoiitb, v.iS.^ That by mtimmutable tbtngt^tn «f bich it wii impoQibic lorGodto lyctwe might bavc afitong tonloUliOM,nho bate fled for refuse to lay bold upon the hope fct before us. {g) xPetct i,4tU io,ii.v.4.]W«iercby ^re given unco uiczceedins grtat tmi fwUm fromifes , that by ihefe yOH migbt be ftrtatiers oj tbe imne nature^ having etcipcd rhc corruption that it in the world thcougb \Mi^^^*%,^^ti^bti\dt%ih\%, ghingiiligcneeMitto yurjtitb^vwue i and to virtue knowledge, v.io.] Wherefore tbe rather bretbren,give diligence to make jouf i&Uing and tte^ «F«B fure. for tfjc d9 tbtft tbings jeJhaU ncv heableto (omprehend vfitbtll Saimt, wfaac is ihe breidfb, and Icngtb.and depib.ind the hiigbt. v.ip.] And to know the love of Chrift , which paffcth knowlcdgfjthat ye may be filled with all the tulntflTe of GodJm) i Pcf.i.io.j Wherefore the rather brethren , give diligtnce to mafie your calling and ek^ion \ure, for if yj do thefe tbingj, you Q^sU never fal|,{B) Rom, 5.»,IjS v.i.3Tbcrcfore being jM/|;/fi &>/«'!&, viebavefeace mtb God through our Lord Je[usChrift.v,x,]8y whom alio we havs acctiTe by faith into bis gtace wherein we (land, and ftjcyte in bopt oj the glory ofGod.v,^ . ] A nd hope ma\etb not ajhrtn^ e4,bfu tic *now,th»t whenb« lliaH appear, we tbaObe like himjfor wcfhall fee bimas be s«.. v.?J And fvery min ifcat bitbJbisbopeiv bim, fnnfietb bimlelft even at be it pure* Pla)^ »?o 4 3B*it there is fmgiv.nnf fs witb thce.tbattboantayefi befeared^i John i 6.7.^,6. ]If we -fay tba . we havs fetlovc^flnp mtb bim. and walliin darljtefst w< lye, and do not the truth.v 7.J Bunf !^e waikiorl-c light as he isiii tbe light, we have fcUowfliipontffith another, and the blitod 0} fefut Qhrift bit Son cUantetb ui from alt /^w, "^ IV, True r6$; IV. True believers may have the affurancc of their ralvt-(i)^Cinf,^.i; tion divers wayea Qiaken, diminiftied, and intermitted, as, by?»^.»'»'li}^«Pi negligence in preferving of it, by falling into fomefpccial fin, ^•»* °°y '»/\" which woundeth the confcience, andgncveth the Spirit ; byj^^Jy^^^^'^," " fomc fuddcn , or vehement lemptatioHj by Gods withdraw- beloved ihic ing the light oi his countenance , ifid (uffering even luch as knockeih. fay- fear him to walk in darknefs and to have no light (p) : yet i^g> Open to are they never utterly deftitute ol that feed of God , and '"*» ^y ^*"» life of faith, that love of Chrift, and the brethrcn^that i^nce- "oy/mUodi- rity of heart , and confcitncc of duty , out of which , by fiied*j for my the operation of the Spirit , this AfTurance may, in due time, bead is filled be revived (q) ', and by the which,in the mean time, they are with dew, and B))' locks with the drop! of thf nijht.v.j,]! bive futtffmyeoat , btwpjalllfut iton f I bdve wajhed mfftct, bomP)all I dtfiie tbtn ? v»^J I opened to my beloved, but my beloved bdd witbdfavtn bimfelft and was gone j my foul failed when be fpikc ; Ifougbtbim, but I tould net find bim t ! caUed bm^tbigBvemenoanfwtT.'PCtlm ^i,«,i»,i4.v.8.]Mikcn^ctohcarjoyandgiadntf!Sjchat tibc btnei wbicb thi/u bujt bro^^en mejr ftjojce. v. i > ^Rejtcre unto me tbe joj 0} it/Sd/wit/cnjand up' bold me witb tby free Spir.t v. 14,] Tftlmr me ^rom bleoiguiltintft, O God,thcu God of my Salvation; and my tongue (htllfinf aloud of cby fgbtcouInefff.Epb. 4. jojJJ^v ?o.] And gritvenot tbebolj ipifitof God, whereby ye are leaiedunto the day ofrcdempeion.v.3i.]I.e£ all fciit«rne/>,and wratbiind angtf and clamoufiind evil fpeaking be put away fmm you, with aIl8i(i/icc.Pralm77ti,to UaV. t/j I cryed untoGod witb my voicci even unto God with my Toice,aod he gave ear unto me. v. i. ] I» tbe day of my troubte IJougbt the Lord j mj lore ran in the night, and teafednoti myfeul fefufedtobecomfmed,y.i,']ittmembredGod, and wat treub. ledtl compiajned, and mj fftrit wat ovembelmed Sclah, v, 4. ] tbou boldejt mine eyes waliing i I tmf»troubledtbat I cannot fpeii.y^^2'^ have canfidered the dayesofoltljihc years of ancient limes, v.6 ]I call to remembrance my forj in the night^ I commune with mine own heart, and my fplf if made diligent fcarcb. v 7,] Will the Lord M^pj^/offver? and will hcbcfa" voufable no more f v,8,] 1$ bis mercy clean gone for ever> doth bit promijt fail for tvermoref v 9 ] Hatk O06 forgotitn to be gracious? huh be inaB^er/fewtitpt/x/fH^frmercjCii' SciafaiV.io.]And I faid thli is ay »r firmity.bm I will remember the years of the right band of the molt high. Mat.20,69;70.7i,7», v.69 ] Now Petet fate without in the Palace j and a dam[tt came auto himjaying. Thou a|fo waft with Jefui of Galilee .v.70,] Bm be denyed bejore thefn«U» fay- iiigjl know not what thou (aytfV.v,7 1,] And when he was gone out into the Porch, anetbtr maidjavt bimtandfaid unto them that were ihtte^ThisjeUow was alfo witb Jefm of Nax^retb* t.7»i] Anec Letter P. iinoi«diacely fo;r*oing. L 2 fuf ported (r) Micah.7.7, fupported from utter defpair {t)» 8j y. V. 7. J Therefore 1 will '00k onto the Lordj 1 will wait for the God of ffiy falfatioo; my God wi!lhcjirmc. V.8]Kc;nycenotigaiotlme»OnRiDeEocmy *, when I fail, Khallcrifc} wheo I fit io dtrkoeU, the Loid (hall be a light ooto me. V. 9. ) I will bear the iodig* nation of the Lord, becaufe I hare Hnned agajuA him, aotill he plead my caafe, aod cxc* CQte /adgemcot for me \ he will bring me forth to the light,aod I fhaii behold hit rigb- teoofocfi. Jer. 32,4o> And I will make an cTerla(\iD£ CovcDzot with them, that I will not tort) away ttom them,to do them good, bot I will pot my fear in their hcartt,ihac Ihcy (hal not depart from roe. Ifa. 54.7,8,^,10. v.7)For a fmal (Bomeoi hate I forfakeo thee J bot with great mercies will I gather ther.^. 8.) In a little wrath Ihidmyfc£c from thee,for a moroeot;boi with ef crlaftiog kiodoefj, will I have tncrcy on thee Jaith the Lord thy Redeemer. V. 9.) For thit is as the waters oiNoah aoro mcj for as I have fworn that the waters o{Noah Ihoold noraorcgoorer the earth*, fo hare I fwornthac I woald not be wroth with thee, nor rcbnkc thee. V. 10) For the moaotaios (hall de> parr,aDd the hilh be removed, bnt my kiodnefs 0iaU not depart from thee,T)either (hall the Gorenaot of my peaca be reoaoved.faith the Lord^that hath mercyon thce.F/^za.i* My God, (cy God, why haA thoa forfakcn me ? why art tboo fo far from helping me» aod from the words of my roaring. Pfi 88. Throoghaot. CHAP. XIX. Of the Lavp of God, W ^"l*'"^*^'/^^ O ^ gave ^o Adam a Law, as a Covenant of Works, by faid icf OS ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^""^ ^*'"» ""^ *'^ hispoflcrity, to pcrfonaU make man jn entire, exa ft, and perpetual obedience j promifed life upor» our image, afttr ^^^ fulfilling, and threatned death upon the breach of it : aiul oar hkcneffc; indued him with power and ability to keep it Cpt ih^v han fonghroii: many snvfrc»'^i^*. J/^S. 28 2? An-f ao:n man hcfai(?», ILThfs (67) II. This Ltw, after his fftll, continued to be a pcrfed rule (*) J«ffl" r; of righteoufqefs, and, as fuch, wah delivered by God upon *^« ®*" **'°^® Mount Smii, in ten Commandments, and written in two ,2° oVj^fe^u » Tables C^): the four firft Comnjandnients containing our oHiberty, and duty towards God s and the other fix, our duty to man (c), continuet'h tbcrein,fae be* ingnot a forgetful bearer, batadoetoFtbework, this man Oiall be b!e(fcd in bis deed. jamf^a.S, io,ti|ia. v. 8] If ye fulfil the royal law, according to the Scripture, Thoifr ihalt love cby neighbour as cbcfelf, ycdonrelJ. Viic} For wbofocver ihall keep the nbole Lawi and yet offend io one poioc, he is guilty of all. vmO For be that (aid, Donotcom- OQit adultery, faid alfo, Do not kill ; now ifthoucommiino adultery) yet if thou ki!l,tboir attbccotneatraofgreflourof the La«r, v^ia] Sofpeakye, andfodo, as they that fhall^ be judged by the law of liberty. S^om.ij.S,^. v,8] Owe noinanany thing, but loveone aootben for be that lovctb another, hath fulfilled the Law. Y.9] For this, Tbu (halt not commit adul(ery« Thou flialt not kill, Thou (bait not fteal, Thou flialt not bear faUe wit- ncfs, thou (halt not covet, and if there be any other Commandment,it is briefly comprehen- ded in this faying, namely. Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy felf, Z)e«t. 5. 32. Ye ihall oblerve to do therefore, as the Lord your God hath cocimandcd you j you fiiall not turn afide to the right hand, or to the left, Z7eH>. 10.4. And he wtotoii the Tables, accor« ding to the firft writing, tjbe Unemmavintnu^ which the Lord fpake unto you ki the Mount, out of the midiioftbe fite, in the day of the aflcmblyj and the Lord gave tbrmuntO' tne. £Mi. 24*> And the Lord (aid unto Afo/ei, hew tbec two Tables of ftone , like unto the firft; and I will write upon the Tables, the words that were in the ficfl Table, whicb ihoubrakcft. ^0^^'- ^** )7*S^« J9>4<'t v, J7] Jefusfaid unto him. Thou (halt love the Lord tb; God with all thy heart,and with all thy icu), and with all thy mind. v. g8] This is the fifft and great Commandment, v. jp'J And the fecond is like unco it,Tfaou fiialt love thy neighbour as tby felf. v« 40] On thefe two Commandments han/^ all the Law and the Piopbeis* III. Befide this Law, commonly called Moral, God viz% {i) Heh.^.Ch^ pleafiedto give to the people of Ifrael, as a Church nndcr age, Wefc.io.i. For Ceremonial Laws, containing fcveral typical Ouiinanccs , '^^j^jjjjj^'^l partly olWorfhip, prefiguring Chrift, his graces, adions, Tuf- jq^j jj,i^g3 to ferings,and benefits (d) ; and partly, holding forch divers in- come, and not flru^ions of moral duties (e). All which Ceremonial Laws the very imsge of the things^ can never with thofe lacrifices, which they offered year by year continually, make the cum- crs thereunto pcrfcd. Gal. 4. 1, a, %. v. i J Now I fay, that the heir at long as he is a child, difff reth nothing from a frrvanti though be be Lord of all. v. a, ] But is under tutors and governours, until the time appointed of the Father, v. j] Even fo we, when we were cbil* dren, were in bondage under the rlemtnts of the world, Colofliant 1. 17. Which ate a [haiowPf things to some, baxtbe hoij is of Cbrift. (e) 1 ^or. f. 7, Purge out there- fore the old leaven, that y e msy be a new lump, as ye are unleavened ; for even Cbrift our Jiffeovetistacrificedfor us, a Cor, 5 17. Wherororc come out from among tbetn, and beys (cparatc, fiith the Lord, and touch ttot the unclean thin^ , and I wiD receive you judt ver, z\. And others Cave with fcar, pulling tbcm eut of the Bit; hating even the gariseau fpot; ted by the Bc(h. L 3. vs. ff) Col. 2.14. are now abrogated, under the New Tefta»ent f / J. i6, I7.r. !4"J Blottin{ oac thchaod wrstiogof Ordioaocei thit wisacainftDs, which wiicoDtrtry to QSf and took it odc of the way, oailiog it to hit Crofi^ V. 1 5 ^ Let oo mao therefore jajgeyoa ID meat, orindriDk, or in rcfpcd ofacy holy day, orof iheocw Mooo,oc of Sabbath daycs.V.JlT^VVhich are a (hadow of thiogt to coinc,bat th^ body it of Chrifl. Dan. 9. 27,8tC( JHcthallcottfirm the CoTcaaot withoiany for one week) aodio the midA of (he week, he Ihall caofc the facrifice and oblitioo to ccsfe $ and for the over* fpreading of abomiaations, he (halt inake it deroIate,even uotill the conincHmtiioo, ind that detcrmitied (hallbe ponrcd opoo the dcfolate. Eph. 2. 14, i5. v. 1$ ] H«viog abo- lifhed in hii flsQi the cDOiity, cTcn the law of Comtnaudtnenct, costaiucd io OrdintB* CCS, for to tnakcofhimfelf twain, one new roao, fo rnaklBg peace. V. 16 ^ And th?t he might rccoacile both unto God io one body by the Crof»,aa7iDg (lain tic cnoiity there* by« Cg)Exod. 21. IV.Tothemalfo, as a Body Politick, he gave fufidry Judicial Chap. Exod.Lawes> which expired together with the (late of that people; not 22. I. to (he obliging any othei no Wifurther than the general equity thereof may ?9-^-S«b^/h require (^). 10 the Bible, ^ ^* Gcn.49. loJThe Scepter (hill not depart fromjj/irtfi.aor aLaw giver from between hi« fecjpjntni Shilob cotne} and onto him fllill the gathering of ihe people bf. Wich. i Per, 2. 13,I4.». 13. 3 Submit yonr felyesto every ordinance of mao for th« Lord* fake, whethtritbetoiheKiogasfuprcme, V.\\'] OruntoG^vcrnoofJ, asonio them that arc ftoi by him, f'jr the puoifltiment of evil dotri , and for the pr»ife cf them that do well. Mat. $. 17, ?8, 59. V, 17 3 Think net that I am come to rfcnroy the Law, or the Prophet!, I am not come to deftroy, bat to folfii!. V, 38 J Ye hjve beard that it hath been (aid, An eye for an eye, and a tooth, for a tooth. V. 59 '] But I fay onto yon, That ye refi{i not evil ; but whofoever (hall fcnite thee on thy i ighc cheek, torn to bim the other«iro.iGor.9.8,9,io.v. S.^Sayl thefe thinfsai a m80,or faith not iheLaw the fame alfo ? V. 9.3 For It it written io the Law of Mofes^ Thoa ihaji not muzzle the month oftheOx, that treadethoat the corn i doth God take care for Oxen ^ V.io 30r fjith he it altogether for oor fake? for oorfikei no doabt thiiiiwritten,that he that plow, €iht(hoold plow in hope;and that he that ihrt(hf th in hopf,(hoold be partaker of hit hope. (i!))Rom.i? 8, V. The Moral Law doth forever bind all, as well jufli- 9 'o-^' ^ *"** fied perfbns as others to the obedience ttiereof (hy,2Lnd that, ^L ^"^B^o*"^'- °"^y ^" regard of the matter contained in ir, but alfo in LovVwofknhrefpeft of the authority of God the Creator who gave iff /J. no ill to hisNeicher doth Cbrift in the Gofpel , any way dilTolve, neighbour , thcsefoielovcis thefalfiUingofihsLJW. Eph. 6. 2. Hoooor thv Fahcratid Mother (which is the firft commandment w'hproaMfe.)! Joho 2. 3 4.7 8 v. 5. ] And here- by we io kaow,thit we know him,if w< keep his Comraandmcncs. V.4. 3 He that fai»h Ikaow.hiai,aod kcepcth not hii C >m«astnicou, ii alyar,aDd the truth n not in him. v. 7. 3E cthrcn, I write no new CommaDlmcot unto you, but anoldcotamandmenc vvhichyehadfiom thcbegionitg. The old comnnndmeut ii the Word, which ye hare heard from th^ Beginning, V. 8. 3 Again a nr w commindmtnt I write i30to you, which thing i» true in hii) and yol), bccaufe fhcdajkntfsispjll, and the true light now (hi- ncshCOJirn. 2. lo, 11. Sec in Letter B, but (69) but much ftrcngthen this obligation (b, ), (i^) Mat, {. 17 iSja, Sec 17 in Letter G, V.18] Fjr,feriIj(,I fay unto you, till beavttt oni artb pifs , ctttjot, or one tittle, Jhall in w wi\4fa(t from tbe Law^ttUaUbefnlfiUed, V. 19] Waofoever therefore Qjajj break tne oftbc(€ Itaft Commndmenti^ ani/hali ttatb mnfo^ he fiitll be taUed the Uafl in tbe H^ingim pflmven t but wholoevtr fhall do and tcJcb th«m,the faitic (hail be called great in the King- dom of heaven, James x> 8, Sec in Letter B; before, Rom. j. 31] Do we tben maks wd tbe Law through Faith I Godfcfbid, yea, we eftubup) tbe Lam VI. Alcbough true Believers be not under the Law, « a Cove- /n Rom 6*i nam of works, to be thereby juftificd, or condemned (0 j y« i$ itForCnlbal'not of great ufe to them, as well as to others ; in that, as a rule of life have dora/nicn informing them ofthc will of God, and their duty, it direfts, and over you; for binds tbcm to walk accordingly (w) j difcovering alfo the finful pol- jeu are wt un^ lutionsoftheir nature>hearis, and lives (m); foas.cxaminiBgthcfti-'^**' tbe Lai»f fclvc! thereby they may come to further convi^ion of, humiliation ^"* under grace. for, and hatred againft fin {0) ; together with a clearer fight of thc^*' *■ "^* J Knowing ibat amMttnotjuftifiidbjitbettorfiieftheLaWfbuihythefihlxoCJ^fusChnti ; cvsn we have fcclitted in jefus Cbrift, that we might be juHificd by the faith of Cbrift' and notby the wotks ot the Law j for by tbe worlis of the Law (hall no fitjh befufiified. Gal. 9, i;{. cbriji hatb reietmed us from tbe tarfe of tbe Law, beiog made a curfc for us j for it is writtenjCurf. ed is every ocetbat hangeth on a tree. Ga! 44, 5. v,4]But when thefulne/sof tbc\ime yin comcjGod fcnt forth hii Son made of a woman, made under the Law, y, 5] To redcetn- ibem that were under the LiWj that wc might receive th"5 adoption 0/ Sons. ASis i?» 20^ And by hirti, all that believe are juftifitd from all tbinjs, ffem tebichje toul'd mt bejuftifiei h) the LavfoJMofef, Rom. 8, i. There is therefore now no eondtmnation to them which Lord 1 fo then voiib tbe mind^ I mj/jslffervs tbe Law ofgodibat with the flefti the ia^w of fin. Pfilmiij 4,5,6. v,4.J Thouhiiicommandedus to keep thy precepts tiiligtntly, v, c.'l O that my ways were dncfied by thy ftatuics, v, 6] Then fl^alll norbczfiismcd, when I bavercfpeft unto all thy Commandments, i Cor. 7. 19. Circumcifion is nothiog, and an» circumcifion (S nothing, buttbe l^eepingoftbeCotHmandmemsof God Ga|. j* 14, i5> 18,10, ao.xT, 21,15. Sec in .he Bible. R^m. 7.7. What Giall wefjytdcn ?• istfaeLiwfin? God forbid; Nay, / bidnetlinownfmy but b) tibeLawj for I had net known luft.exctpt the Lsw had faid, Thou fli»l! not covet.(w^ Rom. mo. Therefore by tbt^d-d- of thrLaw, there fhall no flf (h be jutlifird in his fijht, for by the Law ii tbe ^Mwledie o}fitt, (o) James i. »j, 14 15. v. I?] For if nnym^nb? a bearer of the Word, and not a doer, he is like un(oam»n| beholdinghi$na(H 4(?:sinagl3f>. v,24] Forhebefaoldeth himfcif, and goeth his vtiy[ and ftraight- way fo-gettcth what manner of man he was. v. 15] But wholo look^th into ihe pcrfeft law of liberty, and cootinusth therein, he being not a forgetful bearer, but a doer ofthe work, fhismanft)j|Ibrblefledinhisdecd, Rom, 7. 9, 14.14. v. 9] ¥ot I was alive mitboutthetaw once, bat wbtn tbe Cemmandmtnteame^fm revived^ and I died, v.14] For wc know that tHe Law is fpirttua. hut J-arr, carnal, fold under J^n, v. 24] O wtctchcd man that lam, lebo ^all delivor m e from tbe bodi of ttii death ? need f7o; frt Gil.? U^^^^ *^*y ^*^* of Chrift, aod thcperfeftion of his obedience Whttt{oTc\hc(p), It is likcwife of ufcto the Regenerate, to reflrain their Ld» wn our corruptions, in that it forbids iin (q) : and the threatnings 5Mm9/f(f>ofic(erve toihew, what, even their Sns delervc ; and, whaC "*rj'^"'"''*^affliaions, in this life, they may expeft for thera , although mieht be iSfti' ^^^^^ ^^^^ '^'« ^"^^*= thereof threatned in the law (rj. The fied by Faitb. promlfes of it, in like manner, (hew them Gods approbation Rom. 7 X4.«$. of obedience , and what blefTings chey may expe^ upon the V. »4] *" be- performance thereof (fj j although, not as due to chem by foreimmedm.jj^gL^^^ as a Covenant of Works fO* So as, t mans doing o! »*. inLei-Soo'^> *^^ refraining from evil, becaufe the Law encourageth ter M.Rom.S. to thc one,and deterrcth from the ocher,is no evidence of his what the Law (wli mt it in tbdt it was weali through the Se(h, God fcndinc bis own Son in tbelikcnefs of finful flc(h, and for fin.condemoed fin in the Bc(h. v. 4] Thit cberightc* cuCneUoftbeLivr migbtbcfuiSlledinus, who walk not after thc flcfti, but afrertheSpi. rit. li) James a. 1 1. For he (bac faid, Vo not commit tdultery, faid alio, Z)o »$t l^iU v now if thou commit no adultery, yec if tboa killithou art become a tranfsreflbur of tbt Law, Pfalm 119. toif 104, {x8. v.!0 13 1 have nfrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep thy word : v. 104 jTbrough tby precepts I get underftanding ) tbereforc I bate every falle way. V. I tSJ Therefore I efteemaii tby precepts concerning all things to berigbt; »nd I bate every falfe way. (r)E£ra9. i{> 14. v.ij] And after all that is come upon us, for out evil deeds, and for our great trefpafs, Teeing that thou our God haft punithed us IcTs than our iniquities defervc, and baft given us Tucb deliverance as this. v. 14] Should we again briak tby Commandmentf, and joyn in affinity with thc people of thefc abominations? would* thou not be angry with us, till thou badfl coofumed us, fo that there ftiould be no remnant nor efcapingf Plalm 894 }o. to j $. v. go] If hiscbildrenforfake my Law, and walk not in my judgements, v. ji] If they break my ftatutes, and keep not my Commandments, V. }t~) Then will I vi(it their tranfgreinon with the rod, and their iniquity with ftripcs. V- if] Nevertbelefs my loving kindncfs will I not utterly take from bim, nor fuffer my^ faitbfulnefs to fail. v. ^4] My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. (/) Lev. i6. to the 14 verfe ! See in the Bible,with i Cot.6i 16. And wbac agreement bath the Temple of God with idols i for ye are thc Tetiiple of the living God, as God hath faid, I will dwell in tbem,aod walk in them } and I will be their God,ind ibcy (hallbe my people, Eph.6, a, ?. v. a] HonourtbyFatberandtby Mother, (which is the fitft Commandment with promife) v. j.] That it may be well with thee, and thou mayeft live long on the earth. P[alm 17. u. But the meek (hall inherit the earth, and ihati delight themfelvcs in thc abundance of peace, with Mat. f. $. Blefledaretbe meek, for they (liall inherit thc earth. Pfalm 19. U. Moreover by them is tby fervant warned, and in keeping of them, there is grca: reward, (t) Gil 1.16. Knowing that a man is not juftified by the works of the Liw.bucby th€ faitb of Jcfus Chrift jeven we have believed in Jcfui Chrift.tbai we might be juftified by thc faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the Law ; for by the works ofthe Law fiiiU no fle(h be juftified. Luke 17.10. So likcwife yc, when ye (hall have done alltboi'e things which are commanded you, fay, wc irc unprofitable fervantr, we have not done that which vf as out duty to do, being being under the Law ; and, noc under grace (u). (u) Rom.S.U; not fia reign therefore in your mortal body,that yc (hould obey it in tbe luft$ thereof /v. 14) For fin fhiil not hive doaainion over you.for yc arc not under the Law.faut under gracM Pel, 3. 8,to i5.¥.8) Finally, be ye all of one mind, hiving compaffion one of another,lovc as bre* thren,bcpitifuI,bccouricou$.v.9) Not rendring evil forevil.or railing for railing j but con* trariwileblcfling, knowing tfaatyc are thereunto called, that ye (hould inherit a blcffing, v.!0)For he that will love life.and fee gosd dayes } let him refrain his tongue from evil , and his lips that they fpcak no guile, v.i i]Let him clchew evil and do goodi Let him fcek peace andenfucit.v.ia]Far the eyes of the Lord arc over the righttousj and his car are open unto Iheirprayer*. but the face of the Lord i$ againft them that do evil.' with P/d/m {4.1 a.to l7.v.ia]What man is he that dcGreth life, and loveth many dayes , tbatb he may fee good t v.tj'J Keep thy tongue from evi|,and thy lips from fpciking guile.v.i4] Depart froin evil and do good,feek peace and purfue it. v.is] The eyes of the Lord are up»n the rigfateouij and his ears open unto their cry« v, 16} The face of the Lord i$ agatnft them thxt doevil tocutoff the remembrance of them from the earth. He6.ix.a8,x9.v.a8) Wherefore we rcceiv. ing a Kingdom which cannotbe movedj let ashave grace whereby we may fervc God ac» ceptably with reveccncciand godly fear, v.a^) Foe our God is a confuming (irc^ VII. Neither arc the forementioned Ures of the LawCw)C?tf/.j;zi. contrary to the grace of the Gofpel, but do (wcctly com- ^s «bc Law ply with it (rp) , the Spirit of Chrift fubduing, and enabling *J^" *2»«nft the will of man, to do that, freely and chcarfuUy , which the JJV T gSS will of God revealed in the Law , rcquircth to be done (x). forbid, For if T I L- L • iJL 1.0 .. therehadbccn a Law given.wh.ch could have given life, verily righteoufnefs (hould have been by the Law. (x; Excf1.16.x7. And I will put my Spirit within you.and caufe you to walk in my Statutes • and ye (hall keep my judgements, and do tbcm.Hc&.S.io.For this is the Covenant that I will' make with the bou(eofIfracl,afccrthofediye$,faith the Lord.I will putmyLaws in their nJiods,and write them in their hearts ; and I will be to them a God,a^d they (hall be to me a people: with J«« ji. j j. But this (hall be the Covenant that I will make with the houfe of Ifrael.after thofe dayes.faub the Lord,I will put my Law in their inward parts, and write i! in their hearts J and I will be their God, and they (hall be my people CHAP XX. « OfChrift'm Liberty^ and Liberty of Gon/cience, THe Liberty which Chrift hath purchafcd for Believers under the Gofpel , confifts in their freedom from the guilt of fin , the condcmnig Wrath of God the ^ cuifc C72> {d)Tiui. i4lcutfcoftheMoralLiw,(<«), andinthcfr being delivered fromthif who gave prcfent evil World, bondage to Satan and dominion of fin (b)^ from bimfeU for usj^^g gyji of affiiiftions, the fting of death.the viftory of the grave, and that he mijhc jycrlaftiog damnation (c) ; as alfo in their ttK acccffe to God (d), ^ redeem «>jnd their ycclding obedience unco him » not out of flavifla fear , but oT. ,ndoi"»<:hilde-likc love and willing mindcrO. All which were common, dfie unto hiin.»l^o to Believers under the Law if). But under the KewTetiarocut felf a ofculiarthc liberty of Chriflians is further enlarged in their freedom from the • p«ople,z«alousyoak of the Ceremonial Law, to which the Jewifli Church wa» cf good works.fubjeftcd {g) ) and in greater boldnefs of acccflfe to the thrsae of X Thef. u lo, And CO wait for bit Son from heaven » whom he raifed from the dead, even Jefus which de* liveied us from wrath to come.Gal.}.i),Cbrtft hath redeemed us from the curfe of rbe law, be ng made a curfe for us ; foe it n writteni Curled is every one chat btngeth on a Tree^- (^y Gil. I 4.Wbo gave bifflfelf for our (ins,that he might deliver us from this prtfent evil wrfld. according to the will oi Godiand our Bather, C«2.i.t).Who bath delivered us from the power of darknefs » and hath ctanflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. Ads x6. 18. To open their eyes , and to turn them from darkocls to light, and from the power of Satan unto Go^ that they may receive forgivennefs of fins and inheritance among them wb»ch are fanfiificd by faith that is in me. Rom,6. %4.fot (in ihall not have dominion over yoU|for ye are not un»' der the Law»but under grace. (c^&on.S.aS. We know that all things work together for good to them (bat love God, to them who are tbe called according to bis purpoic/Fyd/K 119,71 It it good for me that I have been afflided 3 that I might learn thy Statutes. 1 C^w.i j.54,5 j.j^^ f7>v celved the Spirit of bondage ^gain tofcar.bu; ye have received tbt Spirit of adoption,whereby we cry A'bba Father. 1 John 4^8 There is no feat in love, but prrtc^ love caftetb out fear $ beciufe feat bath torment \ be tba: fearcih is not made perfeft m love. (^/) Gtf/.j,^,i4. » ^y So then they which be of faith, are bieffsd wath f liihful tAbtabam. f.14] Thar the bleffing of i4&/tfw *hiifp}ie be of tbe i"/) /m^which tbey that believe on bitnjbouldnseive : iot tbe bolf Qboft wit not jet given, bccaufc that Jefus was not yet glori- fied) I Cor.{.i{,f7,i8.v.i{.And aot as Mofes, wbi<.b put a vail over bis fate, that the children of IfracI could notjtedfaftly looli to tbe tnd oftbat which it abolijhed v.17) Now the Lord ittbtt Jpirit,iDdwbiretbeiftmof tbeLord is, there it libeitj. maS) hut vie »\l with of tu face, btm holding as in a gi alTe, tbc glory of tbe Lord, arc changed into the fame image , tiom glory to gloryjcvenasby (he Spirit of tbe Lord* , II.GodaloftcisLordofthcConfciencef^) J add hath left it free ^%^ J*«nM f from the Dofi^rincs and Commandments of mcn,vwhich arc in any'** There ii thing contrary to his Word; or bcfidc it.if matters of Faith,ot Wor- ^*^^^*giwu (hipCOSo that.to btlicve fuch Doftrine8,or to obey fuchCommantJi "°® " ,'**^V* out ofConfcienccis to betray trucLibcriy of Coftfciencc(w):and^ihe Y'a '° ?' rcquirinj5of an implicitc Faith, and an abloluic and blind ot)edicnce»^i.' ^^^J Jj,j° judeeft inother'Roj i4.4.Who art thou that judgeft anoibcr mans fcrvant, tobii own tMafief heftandetborfalletb, y.a, be fiiill be holdcn up ; for Cod is atle to make him ftand.l,/) Ada 4.i9«Buc Percr and ^citra mfwcted and faid unto them, whether ic be right in the fight of Cod to hearken unto you, more than unto God, judge ye. A^s $ « 29. Then Peter and the other Apoftlci anfwerrd an J faid^we ought to obey God rather than tnan.i Cor.7. ag, Ye arc bought with a price, &tn«i ye i6c/erv0MfFtftibrr, which is in heaven, v. 10] Neither be ye called Mtlietiyfofone iij/our M after ^ even Cbrifl. a Cor.i. 24. Hot for that we have dominion over J9ur Faith i but are he'p rsof yout joy, forby fairbye ftand. Mat, 15^9, But in vain they do ¥ioi(tiifhni,teccbingfor7)9Sfrines tbe Comtnsndmentt oj men, (w)Col, x,to,2z,»j, v.aoj Wherefore if yc be dtad nitb Chrift, from the rudiments of ibc world, wkj^as tbeUgb living in the world,4rcye (ubjeS to ordinaneesi v,a t)Wh(ch all ate to perifti witri tbe uHcgio/ter i^e Commandments and doStunes of men, v. ti»} Which 'hings faivc indeed a flic w 0/ wiidum in witl-worjhif and humilitji,tnd negleHing of tbe bodjy not in any honour to the Utisfyiog of tbe flelh,G3).i lo.Vordo) now perlw^de roen^orGodi'ordoireek toplcafr oncn/ fcri/Z/ftp/ftf/'- ■' ed men, I ^tttld not be tbefefvant of Chrift. Gai.s.4,<;, v. 4] And that bccaufe of falfe bretbrtn llnav«a>e^ inr>ughtin,wbocaine in privily 10 (fj out our lib€tty,fibich we have in Chiilt Jefuf, that thty might bring us into bondage v.5] To whom we gave place by fubjcftion , no not for an boufjibit 1 be tru^b of the i^ofpel might continue with you, Ga', f . 1. Stand fa^ therefore in tbr iiberty wbcrcwitb Qbrijt batb made utfree, and be not intangled *giin with tbej/oke of boil' C70 (n) Rotn, 10. is, to deftroy Liberty of Conlciencc, and Rcafon alfo (u), 17. So iheo fiith Cometh by heariog.and h«aring by «h« Word of God. Rotn. 14 23. He that doobtr; ethi»r1imDfdif Iw c»t, bccaofc he eaccth norof faith •, for whatfocvcrisooc of faith iifio. If*. 8 20. To the Uw, and 10 the leftimony, if they fpcaknot accotdiog to this word, if iibeciufe there imolightin thcta. Aiti 17. ii.Thvfc were more noble shan thofe io Thcffalonio, io thit they receif ed the word with all readioef* cf mind, and fcirched the Scriptures daily, whether thofe things were fo. J ^ha. 4 22. Yeworfliip yekaownot what, we know whit wc woifhfp i forSaifation j» of the J?wj, Hof. J* n.Ephraim isoppreflcd, and broken in jadgementj becaofe he willingly walked after thcCotnmaodinent.Rcv. 13 i^%t6, 17. ▼* I2.'J Aadhcexercifeth all the power of the fifft bcjft before him, and caofcth the earth, and all them which dwelt rhcrein, to wor* fliip the ftrft beift, vvhofe deadly wound vra* healed. f.i6.~\ He Ciufcrh all both fonall and great, rich and poor, free and bound, to recci? e a mat k io then right hind, or io their fore head. ». »7 "J And that 00 man might boy, or fell, fave he that hid the OBark, or the name of the bealt, or the nambcr of hi» name. Jt r< & 9 The wife men are aftia* ined.they arc difaiayed and taken ; Lo, they hi?erc; or in the manner of pub- r c° j^J'"i*°'^ liflhing or mamtaining them, are deft ruiSivc to the externalll.„°„. V -* Peace and Order which Chrift hath cftabliOied in the Church, iji'^u"?;?!!;^ they may lawfully be called to account, and proceeded a- arc worthy of gainft by the Ccnfures of the Church Qi), and by the power of the dcith) not en' Jy dethefimc, but h«vep!e»fure iothem thit do thetc. with i Cor.5. 1, S, ii»i3. v. 1.3 It i» .fpcr* tcdcoaiDoQiy that there nforuicatiooamccgyoa , and fuch foroicatiob, at i nctlo oaach a\ oained atnot)gi\ the Gentiles , that one fhoolH have hh Faiheri wife. y. 5. 3 To deliver (acb a oDt onto Satan, for the drftruftion of the fltfli, that the fpuit inay be faved in the day cf the Lord jefos. V, 11.] But bow I have wrictcDunto you hot to keep company, tf acy that it called a brother, be a foroicatcr, cr covetout , or ao idoU' ter, ora railer, or adroi kttd,craD cKtonionrr, with fnchaoDc, no doc cat. v. ig*'! but them that are without God jadgcth: Therefor^ pot away from atnoug yourrelvct, that wicked peifoc. 2 Johov. io, if. v. jo. ^If there come any onto yon, andbring rot thit doAnoe, receive hiro not into your hoofr, neither bid him God fpeed.V.n'] For he ti)a'ibiddcth him God rpccd,ii partaltcrof hisevil deedt. 2 Thef. 3. 14 And if toy mat) obey not our word by thit Epifile, note that man, and have co ccmpary with him,that hcmay bcaOiamed. And 1 Tim. 6.9, 4, 5. ▼• 3 3 If any man teach oiherwife, and confcDt not to wholcfome wordi, even the wordt of our Lord Jefut Chrift, and to the do^rinc which ij according to godlineft. v, 4] Heisproui^,. knowing nothing, but doting about queftiont,, ard firifct of word*, whereof, cometh envy, ft ifc, lailiogt,. evil fnrmifingt. V. 5. ] Pervtrfe dilpotingt cf men of corrupt tcindj, and defiitute of the tfOfh, foppofiBg that gain it godlineftjromfurh w;thdraw thy fclf. Ta i. 10,11,. 14. V. 10] For there arc many unruly at5d vain talker$» ard dcceiveri,efpcci?lly ijiey of ihecircumcifjoc.V.i 1, Whafemouih? mtftbc(lopped,whofi.b»crt whole honfej, teachirgfhingt which they ought ror,foi filthy lucreifakr.V.ig^ Thii witrefiii nae^ whtrcf;jFe rebuke them (harply, that thry maybe fouadio the faith. Tir. 3.10. Amao^ that J$anHerctick,aftcrthcfirft and (econd «dn onition, rtjrft. With Mar. 18. 15, i5, i7'''»i5]Moreovcr,tfihy brother (hould trefpafi jgairft thef,^o and tell him hit fault between thee 8r hiii alonr,ifhr fhiilhtar thce,thoD haflgiined thy brother. V, 16. Bet if he will Dot hear f hee, then take with rhce, one or two more, that in the mouth cf two or three witotfTet, every word may becf\abli(hcd. V. 17 '] And if he fliall regUft to hear thctT', tell it unto the Church-, but if he ncgltft to heart fie Church, let him be Doto ihceas an heathen man, aad a Poblicane. i. Tt<7i t 19,20. v. ip'U^oldicg faith aad ag od confcif ncc,wh'ch fume havirg put away, ccncertsiiig faith hi vt made fliipwra^k, V. 203 Of whom it Hymenem and Ahxarder^ whom I have delivered nnto Satan, that they u.ay IcatBoot toblafphtme. Rev. 2 2, r4 i5i 20. v. 2"! I know thy woikt^and thy labour ) and thy patience, and hrw tbon caolt not bearthcro which are evil, and thou haf) tryed then, which fay they are Afoftles^ and are nor, and hafl found thtm Ii> an. V. i4jBot I have a few (hingt »?am(i ihee,becaufe ihou h«ft there thtm that hold the do^tioc of Balaam, who taugh Balac to caft a flumbltng block before the children oflfraej, loeat thiogtfacfificeduntJ Idoli. and to commmlt fornication, v. 15 ]]S» haft thou alfo their that hold thedc ArincorthcA^/co/AirAn/,which thing I hair.v,2o^ JNotwirhftanding, I have a few rhicgt agaicft thee, bccaufe thou fnffercft that woinau ^'fi^f^e/, which callcth her fclf a Prophctert,to icach.aod fedocc my fervants to commie loroic«tion,aDd to eat thiogi facrificed onto Idols. Rev. $ 9 Behold I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, whkh fay they are 3 eft upon the bcafts, tbcfc (hall bate the whore, and Chill make her dcfoiate, and naked, and ftiall eat her fiefh,and fhall burn her with fire, v.i/) For God hatb put in their far art» to fu|. fil bit will,and to agree, and to give theirkingdom unto the beaft,until the word ofGod (hall befutfijied. NeA,i?.i$,i7,tx,ix,i?,}0. v-i?) In tbofedayslawl »njH4«t&,fooie treading wrinepteiTes on the Sabbath, and bringing in (heaves,and lading Afrei,as alfo wine grspes, and figs,and all manner of burdens, which tbcy brought into }€rnjdlem on the Ssbbattj day j and 1 tcflificd againft them in the day wherein they fold vi^uah. v, 17^ Then I contended with the Nobles of fai«&,and faid unto tbem,what evil thing is this that ye do,and profane tbe Sabbath day i v.ii) Tfetn I teftified a jainft them,& laid umo them, why lodge ye about the wall/ if yc do (0 again,! will lay bands on you: from tbat time forth,came they no more 00 the Sabbath, v. xa^ And I commanded tbe Levites that thry (hculd cleanfe tbemrelves,and that they (hould come and keep tbe gates,to faodific the Sabbath day. Remember mr,0 my God.conccrning thisalfo.and fpare me according to tbe greatnefs of thy mercy. v« x j) And 1 contended with them,and curfcd thrm,and Imote certain of tbem,an(J pluckt ofFtbcir hair, and made them (wear by God, faying, "Ye (hall not give your daughters unto their fons, nor cake their daughters unto your fons.or for your feives* v.jo) Thuscleanftdl them from all Grangers, and ippointcdcbc wards of the PrieifSiand the Levites,evcTy one in bisbufinefs. 1 Kings ij,5,6,9,20,ai, v,«f^ Ani be put down the idolatrous Prieft, wbom the Kings of *^udib had ordained to bum inccnfe in the high placet in tbe cities of Jwddfr,and in the places round about ^erufaltm i cbtm alfo tbat burnt tnccnie unto Baal j to tbc $»s,and to tbt Meon, and to tbe PtanttSi and to atl tbe heft of heaven, v.6) And be brought out the grove from tbe houfc of theLord,witbour ]crufa\em,\xt\to the brook Hiidfon^tn^ burnt ic at tbc brook I^fdron, and ftampt it fmall to powder,and call tbe powder thereof upon the graves cf tbe chiLtrn of the people, v,^^ Meverthelers,the Priefts of the high places came not up to tbe Altar of tbe Lord in ^frufaltmjbm they did cat of the unleavened bread jmong tbeir bretfarent v.ao) And he Hew all the Pucfts of the high places thar were there, upon tbe Altars, and burnt mens bones upon tbcm^and teiurned 10 jtfufalem, v. xi)And the King commanded all tbepeop'cy ^*y'0S>K< cp Che (>affeover unto tbe Lord yourGod,as it is written In the^ook*of the Cove- nant. X Chron.}4. 3;, Andjofiab took away all the abominations out of ail tbe coontreys, that pertained co the children oijfratl, and made all that were piefenc in Jfrdti to (er¥e, even to tofervetbe Urd then Goi\ aod all hi* i«yi they (f«pirtcdf not ftom foUuwing the Lord God of (heir fttticri. a CAron. 1 5*i2,i$,i5>. v f a>} Aod they cntcrctf ioto a Cotcdiqi to (chr doit of thy feet} and rhoofhah k ovrt hi[Ti,(hafl fay onto hitn,thua (hilt i>ot li*c ; for thou fprakei) lies io the Name of th< Lord j and hit father 8e his mother that begit hia3,(haH thro^ him thorow^whco he prophcfieth*. CHAP. XXI. OfKeligious IVcrfhipy and the Sabbath Day, THe light ot Nature ftievscth thar there is a God, who^^N j^^^^ ^^2^ hath Loril(h»p and Soveraignty over all,i» good,and doth For the io? i- good uncoall, and is therefore to be feared) loved, praifed, fiblethiogsof called upon, trutted ki^ and (icrvcd, with all the heart, and •^''"'ff**'" '[j* with all the(ou),and with all the might (a J, But theacccp- ^'•/iJJ'"^"^]!^ tai>le way of woi (hipping the true Godjis infticutedby him- clearly 'feco, felf, and (o limited to his own revealed will, that he maybeiDg nnder- not be wor (hipped according to the imteinations and devi- ftoo^* *»y «he ^ things that are mad<,CTeB his eternal power and Godhcad,fo that they are wtrhonr excnfe. All. 1 7 24 Goit that made the worlds and aU things therein^ feeing that he is Lord of heaven and fdrrA, dvNelUth not in Teitiplcttnadc with hands. Pfalm iip^SThoo art good, aod dolignod,!each me thy f^atotef. fer.io-.j. Who would net jear f)ber,0 King of Nations.' for to th^e it doth appertain; forafniuch as among all the wife men •f the oitioni, and in all rheir K\TigAova%ytbire is none li^t unto thee, ?(t\.^\.2^.0lovethe Lord^ailyehis< /^//if/, for the Lord prefetreth the faithfal,aod plcotifally rewardcth theprond doer. Ffalm ift. 3. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praifcd ; (0 fhalt I be fa- Tcd from mine enemies. Aom 10.12 Forthercis no difference between the jew and the Greek \ for the fame L^rd over alt, is rich unto ail ih4t call npon him. Ffal. 62. 8« lyujf in him^ at all times yt ftoph^ poor oor yoarhcatt before him, God is a refuge for ot. fs/h. 24 14. Now therefore, fear the Lord, ioAferve him infincarity, and in tF«thi and pot away ihc § ods wlwrby Q- fathers fervefi on the other fide of the fl od,. »ndi^^Egypt, and ferveye the Lord. /If«r^i2 93, And co lore him with all the hearr, and with ail theanderOand ng, and withaii ihciool, and wuhallhcfticngth, andto loTC his ncighboar at bimfelf, is mote thao all whole barnt-offcriogt aod faccificcsi C7^) 0)Dfii3t. la/cesofraeh. otthe Suggeftionsof S«an, uftdcr thy vlfible rcprc- 3 2. wint (en cations, or any other way not prefcribed in the holy ScripturcC^^. thirglocrcrl ' , ' command yon, obftcTC ro do ic •, Thoo (halt not adde thereto , dot dimiDifh from it. Mar. 15.9, But in Tain they do worfliip me.teachingfordoftrioei thecoromandmeoti ofmeo. Afti 17.25. Neither iiworlhippcd with mcoihindi, 15 though he needed any thiog, feeing he giveth to all life, ted breath, and all ihiogs. Mat 4. 9. 10. ?. 9] And faith onto hitD.all thefe things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worfhip me; v.io "] Then faith Jefui unto hlta.gct thee hence Satan, for it is wriitcD,ThoD (halt wor- ihip the Lord thy God, and hiffj only (halt thoo fer»e. Dent. 1$. to the 20. See in the Bible. Exod. 20.4, 5, 5. r. 4 'J Thoo (halt not make unto thee any graven image, or aay iikenefs ofaoy thiogthat it in heaven above,or that is in the earth becacth,ot that is in rhc water under the earth. ?f 5.] Thoo (haltnotbowdgwcthy felf to them, nor ferre them •, for I the Lord thy God , am a jealous God, ? ifiting the iniqoity of the F«. (hers upon the children, onto the third and foorth generation, of them that hate me. ti 6. "] And (hewing mercy unto thoafandj,of them that love roe, and keep my Com- mandments. Col. 2, 25. Which ihjpgj have indeed a (hew ofwifdorain wil-worlhip ■nd hatnility, and ncglediog of the body, qet io aoy booour to the (atisfying of the flc(hi (0 Mar.4. 10. n.Rcligious Worlhip is to be given toGodjtheFatherjSon, ?" H^?{^.'?and Holy Ghofti and to him alone (c);not to AngelSjSaints, jVh" 22.That°^ *"y ^'^^^ creature (d) : and fince the Fall, not without a alltnenfliouldWediatorj nor in the mcdiatio:! of any other, but of Chrift honour the aloneC^J* ' Sod, even as they honour the Father ; he that honoureth not the Sonjionoareth not the Father which bath fant hina. 2, Cor. 13. 14. The grace of oor Lord jefo» Chriff. and the love of God, and the Communion ofthtH JlyGhoft, be vviib you all. i4'»»en,(iro,we bothhavcanecccfsby onefpirit unto the F«ther. C0I.3.17, And whatfocvcr ye do in word, or deed , do all io the Name of the Lord ]cfQs,giTiog thanks to God, apd the Father by him. (/) Phil. 4 6. III. Prayer, with thankfgiving, being one fpccial part of Re- Be careftil for ligjous worfhip f/J, is by God required of all men Q) 5 and rn°every thing ^^*' it may be accepted, it is to be made in the nameoi the by prayer and fupplkation rohh thanksgiving, let yonr reqa;fls be made knowa BOto God. (^) Pf. 6$i 2. O thoa that hcareft prayer^ unto thee (hall all fl<^ come. Son ^on (h), by the help of his Spiht f/J, according to his Will (J) }ohh i^ (iQy with underfi:anding9 reverence, hi'mility , fervency, y» *4. *i '?3 faith, love, and perfcvcrancc ("/) 5 and if vocal, in a known ^"'^ '**'S!mT 'Hjime f That will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son, y.14] If ye fliall ask any thing in tt»y Kime,! will do itj Peter.*.?. Ycallosslirrlyrtonrsarrbmlt upafpiritualbcuff , in holy "J»tieft.hood, to offer up fpritualfacrijlce, atsepiabtetogoi bj^efus Q>rifl. (i) Rom.8. x6» Likewifethefpitita|fobc!pfthourinfirmitir', tor wr know not what we fliould pray foras weou(ht» but lfceS"Ji>/u«/e//,»jtf^etfe/»wcej^(>»/(>fMi,wichjroatiiogs which cannot be lit* fcred. JX) » J''^'" f ^^ ^^^ •'^'S ^^ ^^"^ confidfncc we have in him , that if we atk any thing ttmiitg to hit will, ht heareth us. Q) Pfa|tn ^17.7. Fdr God is the King of all the eittb.fing "ye praifcs with undcrftanding, Ecclcf. j. 1 a, v.i] I{(cep thy foot vfbtn thou ^ot(l to the beufe of C?erf,andbe more ready to hear.tban to give the tacnfice of fools ', for they coofider not that th ey do evil, v.x] Be not rajh With thy tnentht and /« not thine heart be bafiy to otter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth $ therefore let thy words be few* Hebrews I2a8. Wherefore we receiving a Kingdtm which cannot be moved, Ictus have |race,w hereby we may ferve God acceptably ft iih revtunce ani godly fear. Gen. 18.17. And tAhrahdfb anfwered and faid, behold now, I bdve tafien upon me tofpta^ to the Lord^ which am hut dufl and «Jhe$. Jamri j. i6» Confcfs your fanltJ one to another.and pray one ior another, Khat ye owy be healed 5 the effeftual fervent prayer of a righteous man aveileth much James ».^. v,6]But let him askin faiths nothing wavering j for he that waveteth, is like a wave of the Sea , dtiven with the wind and toffed.v.7]Fot let mt that man /WnJ^, that be JhaU receive iiny thing of the Lord. Mat. 11. S4. Therefore I fay unto you. What things loever yedefire, .when ye pray, belfivt that ye receive them, *Qd ye (liall have them.Mat 6.11,14,15. v uJAnti forgive us our debts, as we^ergive curdebtoun. y.14] For ifje forgive men their trelpaffes, jom heavenly Father will al(o\oTgive yoa* v. 15] But 1/ je forgive n6t men their trefpaires,«f/- tberwiUyour Father forgiveyourtttifiifes. Col 4,i,Lontiuueinprayery tnd watch in the fame withthanlgiving. Epb.6 j8 Pw^/b^ <«/wtf;w, with all prayer and fupplication in ibefpirit, and watching thcreMntowit^tfCjier/'evfWwc , and fupplication for all Saints, (w) iCor. 14. 14, ^ or ifl fray in $n unfinomn tongue, my fpirit prayctb, but tBine under^anding it un. fiuitjnh IV. Prayer is to |3C made for things lawful (n)^ and for all (n) i John y. ^fortsof tpcnlivingior that fhall live hereafterfol.-but not (or M. See letter K. (tf)iTinj.» i,i,v.i]I Exhort thcrefore,that firft of allfupplications.ptayers^and interceflioni, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. v. a] For Kings, and for all that arc in authority, that we rosy lead a quicf,aod peaceable life, in all godlitufsand honcfty, John 17. soi Neither pray I for thefe ^tonejhut for them aliOtWbieb (hall believe on mc through ibeir word.i Sam. 7 19* There- fore now, let itpleife thte to blejje the houfe of thy fervant , that itmay continue for ever bt^ fore thcc} for thou OLordGod haft fpokcn it 5 and with thy biefling , let tbehoufe of the fervm be blejfed f^r ever, Ruth 4. i x. And let thy houfe be like the houfe of Vbarex, (whom Ttfinar bate uatojNid^; of the feed which xhe Lord fhiU give ihee of this young woman. N the ( go ) ^f) V Tanr; iilthe dead (p)y nor for thofe of whom it m^y he known , that 11,11,2 J. v.ii) they have linnedthc fin unto dcadi Cq)» Then raid his ' fervjntj onto him , what thing it ih is that thou haft done t thou didft fajl arid weep for tbe cbHdt wbiUit mts alive, but when the child »ii deady thou didft art ft and did tat bread, v. it) And he faid.while the child WM yet alivc,I tilted aad wc^cjfoi I Uid,who can tell, whether God will be gracious tome, that the child may live? v. ii.)!Butmwbtitdtad,wbtrejore Jhoutd Ifajl f can I bring him back again ? I ftiall go to hiw^but he (hall not teiurn to me, Luke i6.ij,x6 ?.x5)But Abraham laid, Son^'cmemberrhatthouin'%/i/, Solemn Fafling z, and thanksgivings, upon (everai '9- Go ye occafions <«, which are, in their fevcral times, and feafons, to '''"K^°n**i"'' be ufed in an holy and religious manner b. jionf^ slpViz.' iog tbem in tfae nimeof thcFatberaandof toe Son^andofthebolyGbofl.tCor.if.i^.to verfe 19. Seeia cbe B iblr,i/4 jfi x 4i.And tbey continued ftedfaftly in tbe Apoftics Dodrine and feilcw (hip, tniitt breikitigoibrcidt and in prdjers.{x)T>(ttt6,ii. Thou (halt fear the Lord (by God, and fervc bim,and (hair fwear by bis iMmc.Afejbcm.io.29.Tfacy cleave to tbeir brctbreD,rheic Nobler,and entered into t curre,and into an oatb to walk in Gods Law , wbifb was given by Mofo tbe fcrvant of Ood ; and toobfcrve, aoddoalltbe Commandtnenti of the Lord our God, and his JudgetnemSj and bis Statutes, (y) Ifa. 19. 11. And the Lard (hall be known to Egypt, and tbe Egyptians (hall know the Lord in that day, and (hall do facriBcc and obia* lion; Yea, Tbey (hall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it. EteUf. f,4,f.y. 4] When cboM voweft a vow unto God , defer not to pay it, for be bath no pleafurc in fools, pay that wbicb tbou baft vewedcf eting?, be blcded the people in \ht naitie ot the Lord d\ Hufil* y. 20] Thtn David returnU to bltli Us bciipMd -, ahd Mfcbil the daughter of iSftntl ciiat oat tb meet Z7jvii,and (aid^Huw glorious was the Kingof Ilrael to day,who uncovtred bimfctficb day^in cbe eyes of the handmaids of bis fetvantt, iis one of the vain fcUoWs (hamtleOy Uncd- vtrcth bimicif ? 1 Tf r. g . 74 lik<^m(€ye htiibatds , dmU ifith tbem according to kno*!i?a|e^ sivinghonour unto (he wife as unto the weaker veile!, and as being beirs together of rat sraceof life,that your prayers be not bindred, A^s 10. 2. A devout man^ohe tbat feared God with all his hou(e,whicb gave much Alms to the peopre,and praytd to God alway. (g) Mat, 6, I f. Give uithii day our dailf bread, (ft} Mar.$.6, But thoutwhenthouptayefi, enttrint» thy cloftt^aHd when thou hafijbut thy door^ pray to thy Fatter which is in fecret, and thy Father vhich feeih in tectet, (haii reward the< openly. Efb6,it, Praying almy$, wtbatiPtajct and luppUcation in the Spitit,and watching thcrebnto^ with all perltvtr; nee and fupprcari- on forall Saints, (i) Ifa.s6, 6,7* 1-6] Alio the fens of the ftrarger, tbatjoyntbmjthtsii^ ibt Lord to Jerve 6/w,ind to love the name of the Lord, to be bis fervants,tver'y one thj; keep, eth the Sabbatbjftotn polluting it, and takctb hold of tny Covenint v v, 7] Evfit tbUn mil I hTingtomyboljwountais^ and ma^tbtm joyful in my boufe off rayer: their burnucffcnngs, and their fscnficcs (hall be accepted upon m ne Alrar : for mine boufejhall bt calltd an beufe of fraytrfer att peefle. Hcb. 10. ay. %otjorfdiiing'tbeaQmh\tng of yiur ftlves tigetbcr, as the manner of (ooie is: but exhorting one another, ana 10 much the more, as ycu fee the day approaching. Prov, t, »o, 11, 14. v. 20] ^ijdom cryttb miibout, (be utterttbbtr voiieintbc greets, v. ii']Sbecryctlnntbc chief place efcencourlCf in the opening of the Gates in the Ci« ty,(h: utterccb her words,fay>ng, v. 14] Beouie I have called,and ye refufed,! have flretcbc'd CUE my hand, and no man regarded : Prov.8. j4« Bleffedis the m^in that hearcrbroe^ vatebivg daily at my ^attSt wamng at the pojti of my doors. Aft« i {.41. And when the Jews were gone out o( the Synagogue, the Gcntticsbcfought tharth/e vords might be frtacbcdio tbem the next Sahbatb. Luk.4,16. And he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up, and at bis cultom was, be went into the Synagogue on the ^ahiatb day, andftcod up for to read^ A&$i.^x. And they continued jiedjafily in thcApo(tie» Dudiine and fellow (hip, and in breaking of btead, and in prayers. VII. As it is of the Law o'i Nature^ that, in general, a due proportion of time be fct apart for theWoilhip of God; fo, in his Word, by a pofitive, Moral, and perpetual Com- KQandeaienc y bioding all men , in ail ^geS) he hatb parti- cuiarlyi tnUHy ^ffUnfiM Ont day in Seveft, for a Sabbath, to be (k^) Exod »o kept holy uiitd hion i^: which » from the beginning of the S, io,ii.v.8]] Iwoild to the rciuhcdtion ci GhriA , was the iaft day of the ^^?^^t^J '''* week 5 and, from the fefurreftiott of Chrift, was changed into r "''^f 7^/'^ the firftday of the week /, which, in Scripture, is called the v. 1 03 Em the LUrds dky thi 8t)d h to be Continued to the end of the world, /et/en/^ da^ u as the Cibriftian Sabbath ». '*f Sabbath of the Lord thj t>.rf : u 't\ \hi)*p)ah hot d9 afiy «?5*%, thoi!,nor thy foo» uor thy diO|hter, t^3r oian-ler- ii^t^bdr thy maid' riervabt,bor thy cat(cl,oor thyltraoger tvhicn iiwiihiorhyg^atcs.t.it']) ^br fh iVxdiyi ihcldrd tlia^c hcsnD«Ddearih,(hcfca,aDdan that in thtm i%,ahdreftm ed tbefitintb day^^ophtrejore the tird blepd the SabbAth day^and halioifed it, Ifa. 55. 2,4, <5,7« t.:^~] Bit fled ik ihfc man that dnth thii, and the fonofrnao that laycth hold ooir, that l(t^eth the Sabbath frotnfoliutwg it,»tA Vetftxh hi» hand fiom doirg any ctil.T.^] Fbr thtt faith the Lord unto the EuButht that l^eef mji Sabbaths^ aod chuf< the ihiegs that plcafc roe, aod talc hold of iry CovetJ«t:<« v.d,aDd7. Sec ie Letter I.forrfoitif. (i)t^cb.d 2,$. V,2] Abd Ob the fcvcoth day, Cod ended hit work which he hhd made, tr>6be'rejfed on theftvtnth day from all hit works which he had nudc^ v. 93 AndGcd tteffid Thefe'vemh day dndjan^ified it : brcaufc that veD order to the Churches ctGaiatia^ tytn fodo ye. T.2] Vpon rhe.fifft dafj 0/ the ypeekj^i krery ont of you lay by hinrHlt. i%ott,as God hath profpct ed hin),(hat tbcrt be no gathering when I coioe. A^s 20. 7. And'vfm thefirft day oft^e iveei^,when the Difciples came logeihcr to break biead,P<(M/prtachrd roihctn, ready to deptctoD thctnrrrow^and comiDDed his fpeech until inidfit|ht« l[f7])Fcv.l.io.I,aDd heard behind mr a great vcire,a»otc Trnmper. (n) £xod<28. 8,10. See Lettci K.uith Mat. 5- 17,18. T.i73Tbinl not that 1 am come to tKitroy The laTVjOr tiieProphei»,1aii) tiict ccire to dt(1ioy,bur to fulfil, v. 183 For ve- rily I fay onto yoo,till heavco and earth pafs,oce jot, or one title, (hail in no wife paft froiB the Law, till all bcYolfillcd. VIII. This Sabbath Isthehltfpi'hbly uhto tlic Lord, when ircn, (e) Exod. 20. after a due preparing of their hearts, and ordering of their common 8. 5ee beforr.^ iflFairs ticfore hand, do not only obferve an hoIyRcfl, allthet)ay,E«od. 1^.2.3, from their ownvorks, vrords. and thoughts, about their worldly ^5, 2<5,29,3o. employmcntsiand recreations o,but aifo arc taken up the vvholc time T**^ J And he ' faid tnto the. This is that which the Lord hath faid. To morrow is the reft rf ihr holy Sabbath uBto the Lord .• bake that which you will ba\e to day^andfeetb that ye willfeeth^tod that which reinaineth . ver, lay op for yea to he kept aniil the EnomtLf . v, 253 AoA Mofes faid, "Bat that to day, for to day ii a Sabbath unto the Lord ^ today je /hall not find it in t4K Jfield. >.26~] S>x days ye (hall gather It, but on the feventh, which is the ^abbath, in. it there fhail be Done. ▼. 29] See, for that the Lord hath given you the Sabbath, therefore hegireth yoo 00 the fixihday,the bread of two days : abide ye every man in his place: letno cnangoout ofhis place onthefcventhday. v.303 So the people rcAcd oa the feTcnthday. Exod.'ji. 15,16,17. v. i$3^ixdaystnay workbc done,but in ihefevenih • day, is the Sabbath of reft, hcly to the Lord : tvhofoevcr doth any work in the Sab- bath dav,hr fhail furcly be put to death, v.idj Wherefore the Children o{ Ifrael {h*\[ ' lieep the Sabbath, to obfetvc the Sabblth thrcughoot their generations , for a perpe> toal Covenant. 1. 17 ] It is a ftgo between inc and the children of //>«(/ for ever : ftir fa fiK days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the fcvcoth day he refled, and was^ N i, icf re filed. (%0 B^ktfhcd Tfi. 58. 13. Iftf^oH turn away thy font from the Sabbath, from dohgtbyfUa^ure Vn my holiday, .nd call «heSibbathad cerniBg this alfo, and fparc me iccordiog to the greatocfi of ihy mercy. i>. to the 13. See in the Bible. Of lavpfnl Oaths and Vows. (a) Beat. 10 A Lawful Oith is a part of Religious Worlhip a, wherein, 83 Thoo (halt j_^upon juft occafionj the pcrfon (wearing foleninlyjcalleth 'h^God^iim^^'^ to witnefs what he affertcth, or promifeth 5 and to (halt° thou judge him according to the truth or falfliood of what be ferfc, and to fweareth b. him (hall thoo clearc, andfwear by his Name. (3) Esod. 20. 7. Tbou/kalt net take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltier* that takech hi» Name in vain. LcT. 19 12. And thoulhalt not fwear by my Name falfly, neither (halt thoo ptophiBC the Name of thy God : I am the Lord. 2 Cor. 1.23. Moreover, T call God for a record upon my fool, that to fparc yoo, I came not as yet into Cor/nrA. 2 Chroo. 6.22,23. ▼. 22"| \{ tmto fin 9gi'w{\ b\% oc\ghhouv, and an oath be laid upon him to make tim (weary and the oath come before thine Altar in this toufe: ▼. 23. J Then hear thou from hcaTcn, and do, and judge thy fervants, by rcqairipg the wicked, by recompen- flog his way upon his own head) aad by jcfiifjing the rightcout, by giving him accor* ding to his rightcoufDcfs. II. The r85; II. TheNitneofGod only, is that by which men oughrtO/.^n.^,^ ,,. fwcar» *nd, therein it is to ufcd with all holy fear »nd "Vcrcncc c. ^i^oo fj:!| Therefore to fwear vainly or rafbly , by that glorious and dreadful fear rhe Lord Nimc ; or to fwear at all, by any other thing, is finful, and to be thy God , and abhored yoarSons,or for voorfclvesiEzra.io. $.TheoarofeEzra,aBd made the chief PciefH, the Leviics, aod all Ifrael 10 fwear, that they fliould do according to tbit> word .* aod they fwarr.^ III. Whofoevcr takcth an Oath, ought dulyto confidcr the (iYEmi.io.- weightincfs offofolemn an Aft ; and therein to avouch no- J"'" letterB. thing, but what he is fully pcrfwaded h the truth g. Neither l^^^J^' fl^fi, may any man bindc himfclf by Oath to any thing, but what fwearThelordi is good and juft,and what he believeib fo to be, and what helivcth.iutrath, is able and relblved to perform h. Yet it i» a fin, to fcfufe*^ iodgcmeot*, aod io rightc* oafocfi.aod thfiNitiooifhallbleffe themfelveiiohim^and in htm (hill they giory. (6)' Gen«24. 2, ^^ 5,6, 8. p.V. 2. ^ Aod AbrabamUxA potohijeldtft fcrvaotof his hOufe^. that taled over all that he hjd : Ppc I pray thcc thy hand aodcr my thigh. V. 9 [] Aod I will make thcefweatby the Lord the God of heaven, acd the God of ibeeaith, that thoafhilt not takea wife onto my Son, of the daughters rfthe Canaanit es ^tmongi^^ whom I dwell. S^.^l Aod the fervaot faid ut\ro him,Pcradvtoturc ihevforoao will oof be willitigto follow me into this laod,maft loecdi bring thy Sooagiioooto the Land< from wheoce thou camcR •'' V.6^3 ^od Abraham hid onto him,Eew«re ttjoir.thatthoB . bring oot my Sob thither agaio. V. 8.3 Aod ifthe womao will ootbe williag to follow thee, then thou (halt be free from this my Oith, only bring oot my Soo thither agaioj V. 9, And the fervam put his hand under (be thigh ot Abraham hii Mafter,and (were to him coDocroiog that matter. it\ Oath touching itty (hiog th« U good and jaC(> being IfDjpofed by (;i)Natii.$ !9,lawful Autboticy<« .21. V-iplAod ,, , ^ . . the pricft* ftiill charge hereby aoOtth, «od uy oeto me wooiin, If no mao hath lyeq with thee, «od if thoo bift not gone afide to uocleanncfs with aoother inftcad of thine Hnlbind be thon free from thi« bitter water that caofeth the corf*. V. 2 1 j Then th« FrufifliAll chitrge the woman with an Oath nfcurfing s and the Prieft fliall (ty unto the woman, The Lord make iht a carCc 4 and an oaih among the people, when the Lord doih make thy thigh to rot,aBd thy belly to fweif. Neh. 5 12. Thcnfaid they, we will reftorc them, and will reqaire nothing of them j fo will wedoaithoa faycft : then I called the Prtefts,and took an Oath of them, iha? thty Ihoald do according to ilm pro- mife.Exod. 22.7, 8, 9,io,u.V. 7 "J ffa man fhal I deliver onto hi jocfghboor money, or fluff to keep, and itbeftolleo oat ofthetBaoihoufe,if the thief be found, let him pay doable. VSTIf the thief be not foond,theo the Malier of thchoofcflujl bebroaghion* to the jodgo, to fee whether he hate pot hi» hand unto hit oeighboun goods. V. 9 3 Forallmanncroftrefpafi, whether it be for Ox, for Afj, for Sheep, for Ray meat, or for any manner of loft ih;og$,which another chalcogeih to be bi>,thc canfe cf both par- ties (hill come before the jo or mental refervation ^ Pfal. 24.^. J jj cannot oblige to (in; butjin any thing not finful,being taken, Sean bands'' **^ ^*"^^ ^° performance, although to a mans own hart /. Nor and a pure'tsit to be violated,although made to hereticks,or infidels ;». heart , who hath not Tift up his Sool Onto vanity, nor fsvorn deceitfully. (/) i Sam. 35.22,92, 9;, $4.V.22 3 So and more alfo do God onto the enemies of Ddt)/(/, if I leave of all that pcrtsia to him by the morning IighT,at)y that piiTeth agaicfl the wall V.S2 3 And Da* vii faid onto Abigail^ BlefTed be the Lord Godpf Ifrael , which fcor thectbii day to meet me. V. 99 3 And blcfTed be thy advice, and bleffed be thon, which haft krpt roe this day firom comming tofhcd blood, and from svcDgiogtny fclfwith mine owo bands V. 94 3 Pot" *o '"V deed, as the Lord God of Ifrael liveth, which hsth kept me back from hurting thee, except thou badlt haftcd and come to meet rue, far«ly (here had not been left onto Nabalhy the morning lighf,any .that piffeth a^aiofl the wall. Ffal. 15.4, Xfi^whoreryes, a vile pcrfoo is contemoed ;bat he honourerh them that fear thcLord^ he that fwearcthto hitowahart,aod chingcth not. (^w J Ez«k. I7- 1<5, 18. ip.V. idj yrbyvowts unto the moft High. Ce«.*8.»o,xiiX 1.V.XO J And Jacob vowed a vow, faying, i{ God will be with me , and will keep me in this way that 1 go 5 and wdl give me bceaa to eat , and raymtnt to put on. v.nj So that I come again to my FathersJbonfe in peace: thonfhall the Lord be my God. v.ix] ,Andtbisftone,wbicbIhaveietfora Pillar, fhiii beGodsbcufe, and of all that tboufhalc give mr , I will furely give a tenth unto the^ 1 Sam,i. u. And (he vowed a vow, and faid , O Lord of Koft$,lf thou wilt jodecd look on the affli^ftion of thine handmaid , and remember me,and not forget thine hanomaid , but will give unto ihuie handmaid a min-child , then 4(»ill I give him unto the Lord, all the daycs ot his life ; and there (hall no Rafor come upon his head. ^^01.66. 1^14. See Letter N. PMij ».».?4 5. v,»] How be (ware unto the Lord, and vowed unto tbe mighiy God ot)aiub. v.? j Surely I will not come into the Tabernacles Cf my houfc,norgoup intomv bed J v-43 1 will not give flees umo my eyes, nor flumbet to mine cyt.Hds } iv.f] ilnaU i find OUt a plHcfoi the Lofd, «a htbitanon for the mighry God of Jflidfrj " O -- VlIl.N») (-88; (^) Ads »j. VII. No man may vow to do any thing forbidden in the iz, 14. V. IX. Word of God , or what would hinder any duty therein And when it commanded , or which is not in his own power, and for the w» day, cer- performance whereof he hath no promiie or ability from lews bmdcd Grod q. \n which refpeft, Popifti Monaftical Vowes of perpe- to^ciher , and tual fingle life,profeffed Poverty,and regular Obedience , are homi ibm- fo far from being degrees of higher perleftion , that they arc ftlvcs under a fuperftitious and iinlul fnarcs , in which no Chriftian may in- wr/e , laying, . ..^.r jidtber eat nor drtniJill tbej bad kltlei ?iul. v-t 4] And tbey came to tbc chief Prieftt and£lder$,and h'xi^c have ifouni tuf Itlves under a gnat eurfe , that me pciU eat nothing ^ untiU we have /lm?aul^ Mark 6. 6 And tb« K ng was exceeding (ottyfjietfoTbis Oaths fal^Cf tnd for tbiitfaliet ifbiify jat mtbbWibevouU not rejeSlber* NaLi^b.30.f,9,i2,i{.v. 5 J But if her Father difallow bee in the day that he bearctb^not any of faer vowSjOr of ber bonds».wberewitb (kt hath bound bee (iouljthall ftandj and the Lord (balHorgive faerjbecaufe ber Father difal lowed ber. v.8] But if ber husband difallow on the day that be beard it, then be (hall make her vow which (he vowed , and that which (be uttered wicb her lips , wherewith (he bound ber fou^ , of none cifcd,and the Lord (hall forgive her. v. i i^But if her Hutband bath utterly made them void 0M ihe d(^ be beard tbem^thtn wbaijoever proceeded out of her lips conctrning her win , or concern* ivg the bond of her foul,[biU notltandjber Husband bath made them void^ and the Lord (ball for- jive ber.v. 1 3] Every vow, and every binding oa[b 10 afHtdthc (oul, ber Husband may eRa* li(htt ,or ber tlu!>band may make it void,(r) Mat,i9.u,ix.v.ii3 Buthefaidunto tbem, AU men cannot rtctivt thisfajivg , five to wboin it is given v t»] For there arc fome Eunuchs, which were fo born from tbtir Mothers wqpnb: and tfaeieare(omc Eunuchs, which were a»ade£unuchsof men: and tbercbe Eunuchs^ which have made thetDtelves Eunuchs fee she Kingdom of Heaven lake; he that is able to receive it. let him receive it. i Cor 7.1,9 v.i^ Keverthe|e[s to avoid tornicnion^let every man bdve bit ovut wife f andlet every woman have ^erownbmband, v ^.Em if the/ caanoteontain^ let tbem mar>y , for it is better to marry than so burn. Epbe(,4 z8. Let him taat ftole, fteainomoret but rather let bim labour, worthing V/tfr h'r b}$>4. v*r. the puniQiment of evil doers a. f «» f»«'' A*"' "^ ee fubjicl unti tfu bigbef fowers :fef there is no power but 0/ Goi, tbe powers that be, are ori&inei oj god,y,2 ] Wboloever therefore tcpfictb tbe potter^ refiiUtb tbe ordinance ofGodttna tbcy that rclift,(h»ll receive to tbemlelvcs daoiDation.v.^] For Rulers are not a terror 10 good vforlis, but to tbe evil, wile tboD then not be afraid of tbe power? do that which is good, and tbou (halt have paife of tbe Tame . ¥,4] Yot i^e ii tbe Minifttr of God to tbte for good: but if thou, do that wbicbit tviU be afraid t forbebearethncttbe (word in vaint for he is the Minister ofGod, a rtvm* gcr to exetute math upon bint that dotbewt. 1 Pcc.x. i},i4,vi^] Submit your felfto every ordinanceofmanj for tbe Lords fake, whether it be to the King as (upreme ^v. i4~|Or unto Governours, as unto tbcm that arc Cent bjr l^im , for tbe puuifbment of evil doers , and for thi prSfeoftbemtbtHdoweU, II. It is lawful for Chrifiians to accept and execute the (i)Prov.8.iy, Office of a Magiftrate when called thereunto b : in the ma- *^. v,ij]B7we naging whereof , as they ought efpecially to maintain Piety, JJj^!„,^/'5"' Julttce, and Peace, according to the wholfom Laws of each fret^uftiee. v! Common-wealths: To, for chat end, they may lawfully now tS'j'BjmePfiH' under the New Tenement, wage War upon jud and necef- cts ful$t ani fary occafion f/. " Nobles, even att tbe fudges of theeartb. Rom. i?.l,j,4,$ee in L«cter A. (c) VM,tiiOtiiiU,v.io']Temilenow therefore, flnd tor aU that arc '11 aukuvt.iy , »v»)» *»■»»•»/ >»wu » uhic»(<»w ytuyfaun » *» •••'^•■•'••'>f« andbonefiy, Pul.8a.{,4,v,a] Z)«/£»i tbe poor and FatherleQe-. T^ojujticetothe tiffltHtdand need}. M. ^]T>tUv€r tbe poor and netdy, Tlidtbem outoftbehaniofthe vnclied- ti» Andhovfjhall they prectcb excfft thejfbefent f As it is written , How bcaotiful are the feet of ibem ibti prcacb the Golpcl of pcace,jnd bring glad tiding* of good things ! Heb.y 4, And S)o man takctk this honour unio himlclf, but bt that is called of God, as war Aaron. (/) Ifa. 49,t?. And flings Jhallbe thy nurfing Fathers^and Queens thy nurfing Mother t : they (hall bow down (0 thee, with their face towards the carcb , and lick up trie duft of thy feet, and tbcu fliilt know thai I am the Lord . fottbeyftiallnotbeaftiamedtbtt wait forme. Pial.iai.^. Bccjufcoftbchoufc ofthe Lord out God, I will feek thy good. E^rtf 7. ij, iy,»6, 17, 28. V'. V}] Whatfocver iscomminded bythe God of heaven, Jetitbe diligeiuly done, for the bouk of tbc God ol heaven: for why fhould there be wrath againil the realm of tbe King and bis Cons ? V. tf'j And thou E^^a^thtx tbe wifdom of thy Gud,tbat is in thine band, fet Ma* giffrats and Judges, which may jadgeal. tbe people that arc beyond tbe River, all fucbas itnnw the Laws of thy God, and te»cb ye tbitn that know them not. v, 16] And wbofotvef fijallnctdstheLavfofsbyGodi and tbe Law of tbt J^tng, let judgemeM be executed Speedilj, ufonbim, whether itbt unto deatb,or to baoijhment, or tteonJi{cation of goods^ or to imfrifonm tnent. v. 27] g ciTedbcthe Lord God of uur fathers, which bath put fucb a tbmgasthis in tbc Kings heart, tobeauciBe thehouicof the Lotd, which is in ^trufalem, v« 283 And hath extended mercy unto mc,before tbc King and bis CounrcliorS,and before all the Kin^S mighty Princes ; and I v^as ifrengthened, as the hand ofthe Lord my God was upon me, and I gathered together out of i/roc/cbief men to go up with me. Lev. 14.16. And he that Ualfbemtth tbe name of tbe Lord, hejhillfurelybe fut to deaibi and all the Congregation fhall certainty ftone him, as well the flrangcr, as he tbaii is born in the land, when heblafpheoig cihthc nimeof the Lord,Cliallbepaitodeatb. Dcuc. i). (, 6, 12. v.^.^ And that Propbet> or that dreamer of dreams^ fhall be fut to death, bccaufe he hath fpoken to turn you away from tbe Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of E^yft, and redeemed you out of tbc Sioufc of buadagc,to tbiuft tbce out of the nay, which the L^id thy God commanded thee to walk.: walkirt, roftiUthouputtbeevilawtyfromihemi^oftlsce. f.6,1 If thyhmhtr the fan of thy morher.or thy foo,or thy daughter, or the iriff of tby bofoiiir,or ihy friend which is at tiiinc own foul, entice tbet fccreiiyj ijyjng. Lot us fo and ferve other gods, which tbou ban not known, tbou, nor tby Fathers. v.ii.J If tbouniilifaearfay inoaeo/thy Citifs Kkicbthe Lord thy God htthgiten thee, rodwcif there, faying, i Kings 18.4. Heremcvcd tbe high ftacet, and btaKt tb* imtgot^ Md m imn tbtgtiyvn, and bra\t in piecej the braten Serpent that Mofcs bad made ; tor unto thole dayi the children of Ifrael did burn incf nfc UBtoit, twj be called it Nr/.tt^«. iGfcrofl.t?. i. totbe^.SceiDthtBibic* iKing.ir.i to the wJ. set in the Bible. % Chron, 14. jj. Aitii Jcfiah mk awaj ctt the abmivathns. cu't of all the Countreys that pertained to tbe children of Ifrael, and made alltfm were preint in tlnelt^(erte,ewn tajcrve the Urd their god,»Dd a)! bis days they departed not from follow- iog the Lord til. God of cheir fathers. >Cfarcn,i5,ii,f?. v. 12, And rbcy entered into* Govenanr, to Itek tbe Lord God of tbeir fatbery.wiib all their heart, and with ail their fcul* v; 13O That wfeofjcfer would not (cek the Lord God of Ifrael, Ibmldbe futto death, whe*^ therfmallorgreat.whrthermanorwoman. (5) iChron. 19 8, 9, o^ n. v. 8] Morccvee in ^erufaUm did Jtbtjhaphat ftt of the Ltvites^ and of tbe Priefls, avd of the thief ef tbefatberr 0f Ifrael Jor tbe judgement of tbtUrd andforcontrowrfiei, wbcn CAey returned to Jerula- lem. r, 9,] And be charged them, faying, Thus Qiall ye do in the fear of (be Lord, faithful- ly, and with a perfcft heart, v. 10.] And what caufe foever fhall come to yoo of your bre- thren that dwell in their Cities, between blood and blood, betneen Law and C oroaiind- ment. Statutes, and Judgement*, ye (hiitl even warn tbcm» thac tbty treipafj notafr^.nlt the Lord, and lo wratb comt upcn you, and upon your brcibrf n : this do, and ye fhail n'^i tref. pifs. V. II.] And behold -yfmtfjfwft the chief Pncft is over you in a4l matters or rhc Lord r and Zebadiih the fon of l[hmi(l 'he ruler ol the hauf- ot Juslih, foe »ll the King* marters andaUothe Lcvitesfhull be Ofhccts before you, deal cout.»giouliy, and the Loto {hall be wkh the good, iChton. 19 and 30 Chapters. See in thr Bible Mar. 1.4,, v.d.lAnd when he bad gathered all tbe chief Prjeils. and Jc ibcsof the people tcgctber, he demanded^ ofthem. where Cbriflfhould be born/ V.5J Aodihey faia umobim, in Beihlebcro ofr Judea, fot thus it is written by tbe Prophets, IV. It is the duty of People to pray for Magiftrates j^, to (h)tTim. i,t,z^ honour their perfons i, to pay them tribute and other dues v.i] I erhort ^, to obey their lawlul Commands , and to be fub/eft to 'herelore, that their Authority for eonlcience lake /. Infidelity or difference %^ ^mjup^ in Religion doth not make void the Magif^rates jiift and le- J„ 7wer«/r gal Authority, nor free the people from their due obedience m,«d^w>g of tbafiks he- made for aUmeti, v. 2,] ForKingi, and for all that are in authority^ that wr may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinefi and hooefty. (i) i Pet. 2. 17. Honour all men, love thebtothtrhoodjfearGod, honour the King. (^) Rom.ij,6,7. v.6.] For this caufe pay you tribute alfo, fortbeyare GodsMiniflers, attendingcontinually upon this very thing,. V. 7.] Render therefore to all their duej, tribute to whom tribute is due., cuflom to whom' cuftom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour, (i) Rom. 1 j. 5. Wherefore ye muft needibe fubjeft, not only for wrath, but alfo for confcience fake. Titus j. i. Put thtm in mind to be fubjc^ 10 principalities and poncf s, to obey MagiRiatei,to be ready to doevery- goodwotk, CO' (ni) I P«. 2. to him w • from which Eccleficftical perfons are ftot exempted n ; iSiH »^-V' much Icfs hath the Pope anypowcror jurifdiftion over thcmi in I J. ;i Submit j^gj^ Dominions, oi over any of their people ; and leafi of all to dc- everv ordi*° P^*^^ '^^"^ °^ ^^^^^ Dominioas, or hvcsjf he fhall judge them to be n«Qcc of MioHcrcticks, or upon any other pretence whatfocvcr 9, for the Lords fakf, whether it be to the Eiog ft faprctncj V.14 ] Or onto Goyernoanji Dnto them that arc feat by him, for the puoifhrneot of evil doers, andforchcpraifcof ihemthat do well. V, id 3 At free, aod not ufing yoor liberty for a cloak of oialicioafoeft, but as thercrvaottofGad, (n) Rom.13. i* Lee every foalbefubjcd unto the higher powers : for there it do power bJt of God, the powers that be, arc ordained of God. i Kingt 2* 9$. Aod the Kiog pat Benaiah the Son Jehoida io hit room over the HoH , and Zadock. the Pricft did the King pat in the room of Abiatbar. Aftt 25. 9, 10, 1 1. V. 9 3 But Fe^ ftot, w jlliog to do thfi jewt a pleafure, atifwcrcd Panl aed faid, W beiier ro marry than to burn* I II. It is lawful for all forts of people to marry, who are ^ . „ . ^ able with judgement to give their conlcnt e. Yctit isthc4^ Marr*iigc*is duty of Chriftians to marry only in the Lord / ; And honoorablc io all,andihebed' nndefifcd^bnt whore- mongers and adnltereri God will judgr* i Tim. 4: 3. Forbidding rO marry, and commanding to abHain from meats which God hath created to bere* ceiredwirh thickfgiringof them which bditTeasrl know (he troth, i Gor, 7.?6,37, 98.7.3^3 But if any manthiok, that hcbehaTethhianfeifuDcomdy towards hit Vir* gin, if ftie pafs the flower of her ajje, and need fo require, let hitp do what he will^he finoeth not .* let them marry V 37] Nevertheleft ,he that J^aodeih (ledfaft io hit hcarr, having no necefhty, bnt hath power over his own wilKand htth fo decreed in his own' heart that he will keep hit Virgin, doth well. V. j8.]So then, he that givcthherin- roarriaec doth welUbut he that giveth her not in marriage, doth better. Ccn.24.$7, 58.V.573 And th':yfaid, Wewillcall the damfell, and enquire at her month. V.$S, And they called Rcbckah^ and faid onto her, Wile thoogo with this man? and flu raid, I will go. ichere^ C90 (f) I Cor. 7 therefore fuch as profcft the true reformed Religion (hould hot m»f- 39. The ^wife ry with infidcls,Papifts or other Idolaters.Nciiher (hould fuch ai are 11 boQDdbyihe gQ^jjy ^e unequally yoakcd, by marrying vrith fuch as arc notori* her * HotbiDd °"^y wickcd in their lifc,or maintain damnable Hcrcfies^* li?cth, botif her hatband be dead.fhc it at liberty to be married to whom (he wilI,oo ly io the Lord. Q)(7f/t. 94. 14. And they (aid onto theoj. We cannot do tbii thing, to give our Sifter to to one that is vncircumcifed : for that were a reproach aoto as. Exod, 34. 16. And thoo taJ^e of their daughters tinto thy Sons, tud their daoghrertf o a whoring after tHeir godi, and make thy %ovi go a whoring after their fodi. Deut. 7.3,4. V.g J Neither /halt tbo* ma\e marriages with them : thy Daughter thou /halt not give unto his Son, nor bis Daughter /halt thou ta\e nntothy son. V.4J For the^ will turn away thy Son from following me.tbat they mayferve other (?o<^f,nfoWifl*the anger rf the Lerd be bindUd agaioft yoo, and de- stroy thcc foddeflly. i King- ! i 4 i^or it came to paf> when Solomon wai old } that hit wives turned away hk heart after other Gods: and h'n heart was nor pcrttA with the Lord iiiiGodiat wai thcheartot 04i/7«f hit Father. it^eA. 19. 2$, 26.27. V. 25 3 And I con* tended with them, and corfcd them, and fmotc rerrainof thctn, and plucked off their liiir,aodmade ihcm fwearby God, faying, Te fl}all not give your Daughters unto their SonSy nor talif their Daughter* unto jour Sons, or /(ir your felves. Y. 2:6'\Did not $o\ovboxk King ofjfiaelfin by thefe thingsi Yet among man.v Natiou,chere waa 00 king like him, «vho wat beloved Qf hit God, and God made him King over all Ifrael, neverthelefs even f^^' ^^ ^ rod, 1$ it mt lawful fortbte to bdvt tbj 'Bnthtn Wife. Lev.i8.i4,to a9.v.X4]0«/f/< not j^ut fdvtt in any of l{7(/«(<>fn^<.'forinatl(hcrethenirionsaredcfilcd,wbfch Icalt out before you.v.t5]Andthe hod is defiled .• therefore I do vifit ibe iniquity thereof upon ir, and (he land it frit vomiteih ont her inhabitants. ▼.i6]Ye (hall therefore keep my Statutes, and my judg(mcnts,3nd (hall not commit any of th«fe abominations, aeither any of your owa Nation«nor any ftranger that fojourocth among you.?.»7](Fot all thcfeabominations,iiave the oicnofthcIaniidoHf, which were before you.and the land isdc(i!ed)v.&8] That the land fpucnot you out alfo^whcn y« defile ieus it (pcwed out the Nation! that were bcfo^yoB.Cii) Let. jo. 19, zo.ii.v.ipl And tboujhalt not uncover the nal^cdmjje of thy Motbirt St^itT, nor $ftbj Fathers Sijltr /for he unc»»etetkjiis near kin : tbcy ii.all bear their iniquity, y.io] And if.a man fhsU l)t with bU Vnfiltt ^i/%e bilk uncovered hit ofAles oakednefs; they (hall bear their (in; they (hail die childlcfs. V. » r] And if a manfhall ta^e bit Bwbers tf^ife , it is as umloan thing : he hack ufi« coveted his Bcotbcrs nakeddcis, they (hall be childlcf5. V. Adultery or Fornication committed after a central, (0 Mat, 1. 18, being detefted before Marriage , giveth juft occalion to the »?> *o« "• j8] innocent party to diffolvc that Contraft /. In the cafe of ^w'^^J^IJ^S Adulwry after Marriage , it is lawful for the innocent party lA "L .1; n «-^ • Art r^ • & ^ W 3 9 On I U I S to fue out a Divorce m : and after the Divorce to marry ano- wife { ^vhen t% ther,as if the offending party were dead n. ha Mather Aftf)7 was efpoufed to ^oftpb, btfere they tame togttber,(he watfouni witb cbili ttftbe Holy Ghoji, r,i9] Tbtn Jolcpb bcr busbani being a juft man , and not willing 10 make her a publick tXiinple, wat mittdtd to fut btr avfO) privily, v.io]But while he thou|ht on thefe things , Behold ifac Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a drcam,raying, ltff3i>v. jij It hathbteo faid.Whofoevetfhall put away his wife : letbim give ter 1 writing of divorcement, v.? 1] But I fay unto you, Thit whofotverfhallfut awaj bis Wiftt favingj^rtbecaufeofFornimi^nyCiahih her to commit Adultery. and whafotver (hall mairy her that i$divorced,committeth A('ultery,(ii)Mar,i9 9. And I fay unto ycu, Wholo. tyerfhaUfut avtij bit ff^ife^ except it be for Fornication, and fliall marry another, committeth Adultery and whofcever marrieth her which is put away, doth commit Adu'tery.Rom y.t, 3.V.2JF0T the woman which hath an husband,is bound by the Law to her Husbani), lo long at he livcth ; but ij the Husband b§ dead , ^t it Itojed from tbe Law oftbe husband, v. j ] So then, If while her Husband iiveth, ihc be married to another man,(lie (lull be an adulterelst but if btr buiband be deadj fhe is free from that Law, io that Ihc is no aduUcrclTe though (l:e be married to another mani VI. Although thecorrupticns of man be fuch as is apt to ftudy arguments unduly to put afunder tho(e whom God hath joyncd together in marriage; yet nothing but Adultery, or fuch wilful defertion as can no way be remetiitd by P the (96) g the Church, or Civil Magiftratc, is caufc fufficicnt of diflbl* (o)MiN i?^^ yjj^g jjjg jjQjjj Qf Marriage <) ; wherein a publickind orderly latthnnfithe.courfe of proceeding is Co beobCerved } and the perfons con- Mofes,bKtu(c cerned in ic noc lefc to their own wills and dilcretion in chelc of the h*rd. own cafe p, ncfs of your ' hearrs, foffcred you to put away your wirej .« but from the begioo'ogit wasuot fo; V. y 3 S" before in Letter N, i Cor. 7. 1 5- But if ttie onbclicTing depart, let him de« part i a Brother or a SiHer it not under b ^ndage tafuch cafes : but God hath called at to peace. Mat^ 19. 6. Wherefore they are no more twain, but one ^ fh : what there* fore God hath joyocd together, let no roan pat affaoder. (jE"") D:or. 24. i 2,5 4 V. i^ When amaohaih taken a wife, and tnarried her vaodit come to pafi, that fhcfiod no farour in hiteyes.bccaofe he haih Sound fome aDCleannefs in her,iheo let hitn write her aBill uf divorcemeDt, and give it in her hand, and fend her oat of hiihoufe. V. 2 ^ And when Ihe ti departed out of his houfc, (he may go, and be another mans wife« V. ^] Aod if the latter hufbaodhiteher, and write her a Bill of divorcement, and giveth it loher haod,andfendethheroot of his hoafcor if the latter hufl'iod dic,which tooh her to be his wife. V, 4 ^ Her former hufbinJ which fcnt her away may not take her again to be hit wife, after that (he it defiled i for that is abomination beiore the Lord, and thou (hale not cauCc the Land to fio, which the Lord thy God gireth thee for ao io.' IbcriuDce. €HAP. XXV. Of the Chtirch, (<»}Eph.Mo,'npHe Catholick orllnivcrfal Church which ig invif?b!e,con- Th ^^' •^' * h^ -1 ^'^' *" ^^^ "^^'^ number of the Ele^, that have been, j ifpJoJ" ion arcjor (hall be gathered into one,under Chrift the Head there- of the fulnefsof > »nd is the Spoufe, the Body, the (ulnefs of him that fil» 10/ times, he kch all m all a. raight gather sogethcr in one all things ioChfi(l,boch which are in heiven,and which are on the earth, «ven in him. V. 22 3 And hath put alt things uQd<:r his fcer, and give him to be the head overall things to iheChu^rch. V.253 Which '*'^" body,, the fuJoefs of him that filjeth all inalUEph. $, 25,27, 52. V. 2j J For the bufbicdis the head of the w^fe.eveoas Chnft is the head of the Church , and he is the Saviour of the body, V. 27 3 That he anight prefcnt it to himfclf a glorious Church, not having fpot or wrif>kle, or any fuch thing,but that it (hould be holy, ao(3 without blemtfh. V.92J This isagreat myftery: but I (peak concerning Chrift and the Church Col, i* 18. And he is the head of the bo* dy,th« Church: who is the beginning, the & ft boro from the ticad, that is all things, be B)i|bt have the prchcniiDCDce» 5L The (97) II. The vifible Church, which is alfo Catholick or Unlverfal uh- a j i cor i dcr the GofpclCnot confiacd to ont Nation,as before under the Law) 2 lluto i he confifts of all thofejthorowout the world, that piofefs the true religi- Church of God t)n b'^ together with theirChildrcn c and is the Kingdom of the Lord which is «Co» Jcfus Chrift d^ the Houfe and Family of God ( , out of which there f 'o'h.ro ihem Is no ordinary poflibility of Salvation/. thatarc finfti- ......... fi^** '0 Chrift Jcfdi, called to be Saints, with all that in every place call upon thenameofjefui Chrift oar LorJ, both iheir$ aod ouri.i Cor. 1 2. 12,1 3.V. 12 3For at the Body i« ooe, ani hath mjoy memberi,aod all the metnberi of that one, bciog oraoy.are one body, fo alfo ii Chrift. V' ig 3 For by one Spirit, are we all Baptized into ooe body.whether wa be Jewi or Geoiile*, whether we be bsod or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Pfal. 2. 8. A«k of nae and I ftiall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermoft parti of the earth foe thy poftcffioo. Rer. 7, 9. After ihi» I beheld, and lo, a great niultitode which no man oohU number of all Nation»,and kindred* an^ people.and fODguc»,ftood before the throoe,aod before the Lait)b,cloathed with white tf?bei, and paint* in their hiods. Roro. 1$. 9, 10,11, ib. V. 9 ] And that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his aaercy, as it is Wf hren. For this caofe, I will confefs to thee among the Gentiles, and fing unto thy natne. V. 1 o J And again he faith, Rcjoyce yc Gentiles, «uh his people.- V. 1 1 . And again, Praife the Lord all ye Gentiles, and land him all ye people. V. 12 3 And again, E^aias faith, There ftiall be a root of Jefle, and he that ftiall rife to reign over the Gentile»,fn him ftiall the Gentiles troft. CO ' Cor. 7. i\. For the unbelieving husband is fanftiftcd by the wife, and the unbelievlrg wife i« fioftifted by the husband, elfc were your children oncle«D,butnow they are holy. AS* a. 39. For the promife is to y 00, and to your Children, and to all that are afar off, even «» many as the Lord oar God ftiall call. Ezek, i<5.2o, 21. v. 20 3 Moreover, thou haft tiken thy Sons, and thy DJughtcrs,w.hom than haft born onto Hie,and tbele baft thoa facrificed unto them to be devoured, is this of thy whoredoms a fmall matter ? V. 2 13 That thou haft fliin my children, and devoored them, to caofe them to pafs thorow the fire for them/ Rom: Ii. 163 For tf the firft fruit be holy, the lump is alfo holy j andifthe root be holy, fo are the branches. Gen. 3. 15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy feed and her feed : it ftiall broife thy head, aad thou ftialtbruife his heel. Gen. 17. 7. And I will eftablifti my Covenant between mc and thee, and thy feed after thee in their generations, for an everliftirg Covenant, to be a God onto thee, and to thy feed after thee, (rf) Mat 13 47* Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net, that was caft into Sea, and gathered of ifcry kind. Ifa. 9 . 7. Of the increafe of his government and peace, there ftiall be 00 end upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to eftabifti it with Jadgemcot, and with Joftice,jfroro heoceforth,eveo for ever: the Zeal of the Lord of Holts will perform this. (e) Eph. 2. 1 9. Now therefore ye are no more ftraogcrs and foreincrs, but fellow Ci- liZcoi with the Saincs, and of the houfliold c f God. Ep^h.^.ij, Of whom the whole Fa- mily in Heaven and Eirrh is named. (f) Ads 2,47. PraifingGod,and hiving favour with all the people .• and the Lord added 16 the Church daily, fach as ftioold be fayed. il L Unto this Catholick Vifible Church, Chrift hath gi- ven the Miniftry , Oracles, and Ordinances of G«d for the gathering and perfcaring of the Saints, in this life, to the end of the World ; and doth by his own prefence, and Spirit, ac- P a cording (s)tCor» 12. cording to his promifc, make them effectual thereunto ^. a81 And God haih fci (now <» tfjc Church, firft Apaft!e$, fecoodwily Prophets, thicdiy Tcachert,af- lec thatmiriclc«ith Dgiftt of healiD|>,h<1pt,goveroa)eots,divcrrKiesof tonguet.Eph. 4, 1 1 12, i J. V. II "I \od heiavefofte Apojilet, andfome Prtyphets^and fome Evanielifts, andj*me Paftors and Teacher t. V. 1 1 J For the perfeihmg of the Saint y, for the wo; l^oj the Miniftry^ for the edifying of the bodyofChriil. V, 15 ] Till we all come in the unit j of the faith and of the linowledge of the Son ef God unto aperje^ man^ unto the meafure cfthijia* ture 9i the futnefs ofChn^. Mu. 28.19, 2o.y ip ] Gi yetherefore and teachall Nationr^ baptizing them m the name of the Fathsr,andoftbe Son^and of the holy GhoJt»v.2o'jTeaching them to cbfervsall things Hfhatfoever I have comtnandedjou^ and lo^ I am with you almay^ even unto the endofthe world. Atneo. If. ^9. 21, As for me, thk U my Covenant with them^ . faith the Lord ^ my Spirit that k upon thee^ and my words which I have put in thy mouths, (baU not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy feed^ nor out of the mouth of thf feetlsfeedjaith the Lori, from henceforth and far exer. IV. This CathoHck Church hath been fometinjes more, (^)Roin. II J^.fometimcs leis vifiblc A. And particular Churches , which 4 ^°^JYi*^!^ ^^^ members thereof, are more or lc(s pure, according as the fhrprnphlti^ Doftrine of the Gofpel is taught and embracedjO^dinances attd digged* adminiftredj and Publick worBiip performed more or Icfs dowa thioe purely in them i. AJtars, and I am le^t alone, and they feek my llff . V.4 "J Bat what faith the aofwer of God,oDto him? ^haverefervedtomyfelf,feventh]ufandmen,v/ho hsve not bowed the knee to the Image filBaal. Re? 12. 6 14. V. 6] Aad the womtr fled into the wildefnefs,v/htTt(hchnk a.ylscB prepared ofGud, thii they (hou'dfced her there a thoi>find two hundred and BSjfeffcoredayes. V. 14 J And t« the womm v^ere j;ireo two wJngt of a gre»t Eigit, ifhat Oietriihi flee»nto the wilderoefi, in her place :where ftve i> oourifhed for a time, at)£ititne», aodhalf a time,fiomtht fice of iheS*'^peor. (i) Rev- 2. and 3. Chapter throoghout. See io the B b!e. i Cor. 5 ^» 7'V 6 '\ Y:>or gbryiog it not good, ksow ye Btsr, tbit a little leaven teayeneth the whole lump.W 7 ] Purge oot therefore the old lea- wen] ye may be a new Imp, as yc arc ooJeaTCDcd, for ercQ Ghrift our Paffcovcr it facri- iS:edforus. (J) I Cor. 15. V. The Purcft Churches under Heaven are fubjetSl both td 12. Koi now niixture, and crrour k- and fomc have Co degenerated as to wefeeihorow become no Ghu.-che* of Chrift , but Synagogues of Satan /• «8'*^t^*'!^*''' Keverthclcfs, there (hall be alwaycs a Church on earth, to bjt then face so face .' now I know in part) but then (hill T kryovr even ai alfo I am known. Re?, a.9. Chip. See in the Btls.Mit. 15 24,25, 26,27,28^29, ?o, 47. Seeia the Bibje. Re».i8 2, Aod hecryed roightJly with aftforg voice,f»yin«»,Biby4on t^eg'-eat is fallen, is falx Sen, tad U beame th; Habitation of Devils , and the holdof every foul ^>iritf and a sage of every nnclean and hurtful Bird.?iOTD. 11,18,19,20,21, 22, V. 18 3 Botft ooiagainft jhe braachei : but if ibou boaft, thou beirc(\ not the root, btit the root thee. V. 19] Thou will ftv then, the branches were broken ejf, that I may be grafted io. V.20 ^ WelU* iicaufe cf unbelief they were broken ofM thou ftindcft by fy Mat. 23. 8, 9, 1 o. V. 8 Bat be not ye called Rabbi : for one ii your Maner,EveB Chrift ; and all y e a; e brethren. V 9 ] And call tm xtita your Father open earth: for one i> yoor Father, which isioheaf^n. V.io Jisfdihei beyecalled Mafler: for one is yoor Mifter, even Chrift. 2 Thcf. a. 3,4,8, 9.V.3J Let no inan deceive yoo by any tnaans : fsrihac day (hall not come, except th«re come a falling aviray ii;H, ajsdthat^ao ofliiiberc* yealed, rbe Sob tf perdition. V. 4 ;] Who opprttth and exalieth biin(elf above all thai- if called God, or that is woi (hipped : fo that h«a«Godfir«eth in the Temple of God, Aiewiog htttfeif that he is God. V. 8 J And then (hall thar wicke.i be revealed, whom theLor^l (hillconfome wih the Spirit of hi» moQth.and (hall dcftrcy withtbe bright- Deft ofhi'scotniDirg. V. 9] Even him, whofecoimniogis afrcr the working of Satan, with all hJ»powerandfigoej,and lying wonderi. Rcv.3 6. And he opeoedhii month in blifphemy agaisA God, to blafpheme hit name and bit Tabernaclct , acd them thi*; dwell in Heaven. CHAP. XX VK OfcommmionofSaintSn 2..y }i- ^ k Lt Saints that are united to Jefus Chrift their jL\. Head, by his Spirit, and by Faith, have fellowftiip '^ with him in his g.race8 9 fuffsrings, death , refurre£lion' \ 1 (lOO ) (-•) 1 3o'»J« ' aftd glory a : And being utiitcd to one tftother in love » they have S.Tnit which communion in each others gifts and graces b, and are obliged to the and heir *de°.P"fo'^"'*"<^s of fuch duties, publick and private, as do cooduceto clue we aoto*^^^''^ mutual good, both in the inward and outward man c. yoo.thit yealfo may have fcUowfhip with ai » and truely our fcllowfhip ii with the Father, and wichhij Sod Jcfos Chfjft. Eph, 3. i^, i7, i8, 19, V. 16 jThithewouM grant you accordiDg ro thcrJchei ofhii flory, ro bcltrengthncd wifh might, by his Spjritio the inner man. V. 17 J Thit Chnft may dwellin yourheartiby faith, that yc being rooted and grouodcd io lore- V. i8 ] May be able to cotBprehend, with all Saiotf, what is the bredih and length , and depth, and height. V. 19. And to know the Iotc of ChriftjWhich p*lTe(h knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulnefi of God. John. I. id. ABdofhsifalneft have all wc received, and grace for grace. Eph. 2. 5,d. V. 53 Even when we were dead in frof^hath qaickoed d» together with ChriA (by grace ye are fared ) V. <5 ]] And h»th raifed us up together, aad wade os fit together in hea- venly places in Chi if) Jefui. Pf 3 10. That 1 might know him, and the power of hie rcforrc Aion,and the fcilow (hip of bis fuffericg, beiog made conformable aoto hit death. Rom, 6. $, 6. V. $ ^ For if we have been planicd together in the likcncfs of his death, we fhall be alfo in iJie lihcnefs of hh refurredion. V. dJKoowing this,that our old man '» cracfied with him , that the body of fip might be deftroyed , that henceforth we fllOBld notfervefin. 2 Tim. 2t 12. If we fuflfcj-.we (hall alf» reign with him, if we de- deny him, he aj/o will deny ui. C*)£ph.4. 15, i<5. V. 15 3 Bat rpeakingthe troth id love, may grow up onto him in all things, which is the head even Chrifl. V.id^J From whom the whole body fitly joyncd together, and compared by ihat,which every joync fopplieth, according to the efftdiual working in the mcafore of every part,maketh iq. creafe of the body, onto the edifying of its felf in love. iCor. 12. 7. Batthemini« fcftation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 1 Cor. 3. 21,22, 23. V. 21.3 Therefore let no man glory in mcnjor all things are yoori.V. 22] Whether F<« and in prayer, v. 46 ] And they continued daily with one accord in the Temple, and break* iogofbreadfron] btui'eiohoure, did car their meat wich gladnefi and Gnglcner$of heaitj. Ifat »i J. And many people (halt go ud ray,come ye.and let ui go up to the mountain of the Lord^to the boufc ot the God o' fac9b,%t\d be nillte3cbusofhisways,and we will walk in- bis paths: foroutof Z ion ftisll go forth the Law, and the word of the Lord from Jeiufa- leirt. iCor.ii ic When ye come togethertherefore into one place, this i$ not to eat ibt Lords Supper, (e) ^(?j i. 4.53 45. v. 44] And all that believed were together, and had all things common. v,45 ] And (old their poflfeflTions and goods, and parted them toall men, as every man had need, ijtbni. I7i8ee in letter C« a (»«r. 8. and 9. Chapters. Sec in the Bible, Ads ii.ij^jjo. V. 19] Then the Di(ciple$,every man according to his ability, deter* rained to fend reliefunto the brethren which dwelt in Judca, V. jo] Which alio they did,, and lent it to the Eiders by the bands oi2arnabas and Seult 111, This Communion which the Saints have withChrift, (f)CoKi, iS^. doth not make them, in any wife, partakers of the fubfiancc '9- v.it] And of his Godhead, or to be equal with Chrift in any relpeft : ^^ ^* l*^*^/'!** either of which to affirn),isimpious,and blafphemous f. Nor ^l *t "^^I^;! ■ II' • •! I />• •■' trfHurcOjWuo 1$ doth their communion one with anothefjas Saints,take away, the beginning, or infringe the title or propriety which each man hath in bib the firfi-bbm goods and poffeflions ». from the dead, tbatisctltbings^ be might bavc the pretminence. v. i^] For it pleafed the Father ifcat in bim (houldall (ulntfs *well. I Or. 8. 6, But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom arc all things, and we in him,and one Lord Jelus Chnft, by whom are all things, and we by h;m, Ifa» 41. 8, 1 im the Lord,that is roy N -me , and my glory will I not give to anotheri neither my praifc 10 graven Iflfiage*. iTim. 6.15,16. v. 15] Which inhistimcs he iLiIl Qirvr, who is the bleffed and only Potentate, the K.ng of kings, and Lord of Ictds. v. 16] Who only bath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hub fc^n,or canfee/owhom be honour and power evcrlaftiEg. yimtv. Pfal.45. 7. Tfaoulovcit rigbreoufBe(s, and hatcft wicfccdnefs : therefore God thy God hatb anointed thee with the •ylofgladncfj above thy fellows. Htb i,^,^. v. 8J But unto the Son he faith, Tbjtbrtne, Gfdiisfer evtr and tvtrj a Scepter of righteoulnefs,i$ the Scepter of thy Kingdom, v, 9 ] Thou haft loved righteeufnelSjiBd hated iniqu'ty.therefore God.evt n thy God, barb anoinr»^ ed thee with the oyl of gUdnefs above thy fellows, (g) fixod. xo. 1 5] Thou (halt not fteal, Eph. 4, at. Let him that ftole, fteal no more : but rachcr let him labour, working with hi& own bands the thing which is good.that be may hive to give to him that ncedeth. hds 5,4, Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after ii was fold, was it not in thine own Eowcr? why baft tboucoftccivcdthiscbirg in thine hearth thou haft notliedunto mcn^ ut unto G«d* CHAP^ C H A P. XXVII. Of the Sacraments. (d)Rom. 4.U. QAcnments ve holy Signs and Seals of the Covenint of Andherecei?- QGracc^i, immcdiady inftituted by God^, te reprefenc cd the Ceo of Qj,rift and his benefits, and to confirm oar intercft in him c : Ui^^of the *s alfo to p»t a vifible difference between thofc that belong rigbKouCncfi unto the Churoh,and the reft of the world d : and folemnly to of the faith engage them to the fervice of God in Chriftj according to which he bad, [^[^ Word^. yet beiiT| un- circutncifcditfaat he might be tht Father of ail them that beirevr,thQu^h theybe oot circutn- cifcd, that rishtCDufnc^s might be imputcii to them alfo. Gex). 17,7,10. v. 7] And I will eftabliOi my Covenant between me and thee, and thy feed aiccr thee, in their generations, foran cverIaftineCovenant,to be a God unto thee and to tby feed after thcei v.ioj See below inLetterF. (&)Mat. a8< 19] Go ye tbcrefore,and teach all nations, baptising them in the nameof theFather,andoftbe Soi),aivlof the BdyGhoft. iCor. ii, ^^ For I biverttth^ ei 9/ tbe Lordftbat vrbitb alfo 1 delivered mtoj/oUftbat tbe Lwd ftfrn^bejamt vigpt in which be was betrayed, took.f^reai, (0 ( Cor. 10. i5 . The cup oi blefliag which wc blefs.is it not tbft comcnunioo of the blood of Chtift ? the bread whicb we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift f i Cor.ii. if, x6. v* 1%] After the (a.-nc mmner iKo, he took the cup when he had (upped,rayiDg,This cup ii tbe NewTcftament in my blood: this do ye,as often as ye drink ir,in remembrance of me. v. »(] For as ofcen as ye eat this bread, lad drink this cup,ye do (hew the Lords death till be come. Gal. {. 7, And this I fay, that the Covenant that was confirmed before of God in Chrift, tbe Law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot difanul, that it (Kould make tbe pr«mife of none cHed. (d) R«m. if. 8. Now I fay. That Jefus Chrift was t Minift? r of tbe circumcifion for tht truth of God, to confirm tbe profflifes made uMoebc Fathers. Ex0d.ta.4S. And when aftranger Ihalj (o. joutn with ther,ind will keep tbe Piftover to tbe Lord,lct x\\ his mal*s be circumcifed, aaj then let him come near and keep lt,and he (hall be as one born in the Und : for no uncir* cumcifedpetfon (hall eat thereof. Gen, J4. 14, And they faid unto tbem.Wc cannot do this, to give cur Sifter to one tbacisuncircumcifed; for that wcreateprojch unto us, (<) Rom. 6. J, 4 V. ?3 Know ye not that fo many of us as were biptized into Jt(usCbrifl,we(^e bap- tized into hi J dCith i V, 4.] Thcrefo c we are buried with him by baptifm into death, that like as Chrift was raifed up from the dead,by the glory of the Father: even fo wc alio Ihould walk innewnefsodife. 1 Cor 10. 16, ti. v. 16] Sec in the Letter C, v.ii] Yecannoc drink tbe cup of tbe Lord, and tbe cup of devils : ye cannot be partakers of the Lords Table, and of tbe Table of devils. I T. There is in every Sacrament a fpiritiral relation, ot Sacramental union between the Sign, and the Thing (ignifi- ed : whence it comes topafs, that the names and the cffcfts effefts of the one are attributed to the other/. (/) Gen, 17S ic. This iiiHf Cnentint fihlch jt ftiiU l man fo account c/uf , as ofibi Minijieriof Cbri[ttiud Stewards of tbe myjlerieiof God.Htb,^,^, And m man tt^eib tbit honour unto him'^ (eljtbut b€tbat it called of Godtas wat Aaron. (i, V.The (i) I cor. io< V The Sacrim cnts of the Old Tefttment , in regard of the '»«»Ji4«» »] fpiritual things thereby fignificd and exhibited, were for fub- Moreover btc. ftancc.thc fame with thofe of the New /. tbren,I wouM ...,,,.*. aot that ye flioald be ignowntjbow that eUcuf Fitbertmtt under the cloud , and all pafled through the fea.v, i] And were all bapfiJKsd unto Moftiin the cloud, and in the fea.v. {, And did all eat the fame Ipiritual meat, v.4] And did all drink the fame fpirituil driRk, ( for thcj drank of that fpitinial rock that followed thcni,and that rock was Chrift.) c K A P. XXV in. Of Baptifm, CffJMat.iS'.ij. "O AptiTm is a Sacrament of the New Tcftamcnt, ordained Sec in* icttet D by Jcfus Chrift rf, not only for the folemn Admillion of K» of Chap, the party baptized into the Vifiblc Church k : but alfo to fote|oinj. {b) ^g y^^Q ^im a fign and fcal of the Covenant of Grace c , of For'^bv o^c ^'* ingrafting into Chrift d^ of Regeneration e-, of RemifiioR Spirit an °we ofSinh/,and of his giving up unto Gcd through Jefus Chrift^ AUbapujcdftita to walk in newncC> of lileg Which Sacraments is by Chrift* fantbady-f «bc- own appointment to be continued in his Church until the ahcybewcjew* ^j of theworWiu or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Xpirit= (<) Rom. fj . sijAndhe received the fifnof ar®' See in tbe Bibles Ad.z.4i.Then tbey tbat|killy received his word weft baptixtd -. aad tbc fame day there were added unto tkrm about three tijcuiaRdfiutt.Ad.K^. ^i And be took tbem r, and many u'.bcr tbiogs there be, which they have tccetvcd to huld,ak tbe waibiDg of cupsand potS) braided vc0cls,and of tabiei, IV. Not only thofe that do aftually profefs faith in , and obedience untc Ghrift /, but aUb the Infants of one, or both believing Parents, are to be baptized m* iQf) them. ^^^^' felv«s,bciijg not baptized of him. Ex6d. 4. 24, 25,2^ V. 24 1 Aodit came to pafs, by the way in the inn,that the Lord met him, aod fooght to kill him.V 253ThcDZip- porah took a fliirp Aonc and cut off the forcfkin of her Son, aod caft it at h s feet, aod {aid,Sarcly a bloody hosband art thou tome. V, 26'} So he let him go; thcr.flirfaid, A bloody hosband thou art,becaufcof the circDmcifioo.(o) Rom. 4.11. See in letter j^,. Aftt 10.2,^4, 2.2, 31, 4$, 47. See in the Bible, (p) Afts 8. 15 23* V. 133 Tiifo Simon Ssimfelf bsiievei alio .* and when he was Baptiztd,he contifoed with Philip, lod won- dered, beholdiog ifie miracles and figocs which were done. V; 23 J For 1 perceive that s^^aartioihcgail ofbitterocfs, andiotheboQdofioiqtiicy* VI. The efficacy of Baptifm is hot tycd to that moment of time ^ . , . g wherein it is adminiftted q .* yet , notwiihftanding by the right ufc l^illelasao'. of this Ordinance , t.he grace promifed is not only oftered, but re- fwci cd Vcri* a^Y exhibited and conferred by the Holy Ghoft, to fuch ( whether !v,Tenly,l fay of age, or infants ) as that grace belongeth unto, according to the EQtoth«c,tx< counfel ofGodsowa Will, in his appointed time y. cept a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he canaor eorer into the kingdom of God. V. 8. 3 The Wind bloweth where it lifteth , and thon hcarcft the fotind ihcfcof, bot cao(t not icll t^heoceit comeih, and whither it goeth .• fo is every one that i$ born of the Spirit* fr) Gal. 3. 27. For as many ofyou , as h»vcbeen baptized into Chi s»i, have put oa Chrift, Tit.3 5. Not by work* of righeoufaefs which wc have dotic, but according la his mercy, hefivedoi, by the wafhing of rcgeoeratioo, aod r«n*.w!tg of the Holy Ghoft. Eph. 5- 25,26. V. 25 3Hofbanfi»iove your W!vh rill he come, i Cor. jo. 16, 17,21. V. 16 iThc cap ofbhfliog whi«h wcblc(j, is it not the commiioioa of £h<; blood of Chrsft ?^ th« bread which webveakjijit not theeommaoiorjof thcbody ofChrift / V. 17 j For we being many are one btcad at3d one body .* for we arc all partaken of ihat onebreid. V« 21.3 Ye Cannot dri? k the cap of the L:rd, and ihccapof D:vtli, ye cannot be parra« kciicf the Lords tabic, ar^d of >hc Table of dcvih. I Cdf. 12. 1;. For by om fpirit arc weallbjp:ixed into one body, whether we be Jcwioc Gtnttlci, whether wcbcbontt or f(ce \ and hif e bt eo all tnade to drick into one Spirit. 11. In this SacramentChril^ is not offered up to his Father; nor any real Sacrifice made at all , for rcmiffion of fin (*)Heb.9'22^ ofthe quick or dead ^, but only a Commemoracion of 22 V'Aodal* that one offering up of Himfelf, by Himfelfupon the Crofs, moftiii things once for all: and a fpiritua! oblation of ail podible praife arcbyihcLm unto God, foi^ the fame c i So that the Popilh Sacrifice of pafged with blood : and without (htddipg of hlond, there is no remifTion.V. 2 5 'JNory't that hefhoold cflfer brtofelfofren, at the high Prjeft cnteretMiTfO (hehnlv placeevery year with the blood of others. V.a^jFor then mufi he ofteahave fuflFered fioce the fonodatioo of th? world.* bar now once in he f.r\^ ofthe world hath he appeared to»putaway fin, by the Sacri* ficerfhimfelf. V 283 So Chrifl wis once offered to bear the fio* of many , andanro thofc that lof k f r \\\x\ (hiil he appear the (econd tttne, withont fin, noro falvation; (0 I Cor. II. 24. 25, 26. See then in If tter A Mat, 26. 2d, 27. V. 20 '\ And at they w«rc earing, J efui took bread and bUffcd ir, and brake ir, and gircit to hii Difciplei, and faKl. T^kc, rat, this it t»y body. V. 27 ^ And he took the cop lod gare thinkv, aoi- gar c it to thcui, faying. Drink yc ill of it« the: (rf)H^^ ,^/j,;^. 9en muflrtttivt- mliUbe t'mtt ofuftimion of all things, which God bath fpoken by the mouth ot all his holy FtophetsGnce the world began, i Cor. it. 14, a$, i6. v. 34.] And when be bad given* thanks, hcbrakeir, andfaid, Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for ycu, this do in remembrance of me. v. t $.] After the fame manner aifn , be took the cup when he bad fupped, faying, Thiscupistbe Ntw Tr0»ment ir myblcod, this do ye as oft as yC drink it, in remembrance of me, v. z^.] Sec Letter L. Luke 24, 6: 39. v.6.] He is noc here, butisrifen, recoember bow be Ipake unto yco when h« was in Galilee, v. j^] Be-* hold my bands and my feet, tfaatitislmyfclf, handlemc, and fee, for a Spirit basb not ficfh and bones, as yc {#« me have* .V V 1 1. Worthy Receivers outwardly partaking of the vifible fiioj #«Meor."i\ i8 vifiblc Elements, in this Sacrament n, do then alfg inwardly ^ee iD Ltittt by faith, really and indeed, yet not carnally and corporally, t,. (o) I Cor. jj^ij fpiritually rcceive,and feed upon Ghrift crucificd.and all *^f'^*bTffn"^ benefits of his death: The Body and Blood of Chrift being whichVcbUfs, then,not corporally or carnally, in, with, or under the Bread is it not ibe a^nd Wine *, Yet as really, but (piritually,prcfcnt to the faith communion of of Believers in that Ordinance , as Elements themfclves are the blood of to their outward fenlcs 0. Chrift ? the bread which «ve brcakj is i( not tht 6}7i!i« v«6.] Your glorying ia not good; know yc not that a little leaven Icavcnctb the wbole lump f v. 7<] Purge out therefore the old leaven,tbatye may be anew lump^as ye are un'.eavenedifor even Chrift our Pafsover is [acrifice.d for us v. 13.] But them that are without, God }udgetb* Therefore put away from among your fe'vcs that wicked perfon. ftThef'3. 6«i4ii{* V 6%"] Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord }cfus Chriil that ye withdraw your felvet from every brother that walketb diforderly, and not after the tradition which beteceived of us. v. 14.3 And if any man obey not our word by thi} Epi(\Ui note that min,and have no company with him, that he may be aftiatned. v. i)] Yet count him not as an enemy , but admoniih him as a brother, Mattb, 7,-613 Give noc (hat which is holy unco the dogs, neither caft your pearls befoic fwine, left they tr^ample ibcm under their feet, and turn again and cent you, CHAR CiiiJ G CHAP. XXX. Of Chnrcb Cenfures* | -^^ THe Lord Jefus, as King and Head of his Church, hath therein appointed a Government, in the hand of Church Officeis, Diftinft from the Civil Magiftratc a. V.6, ] For onto ai a child it born, unto as a Too it giveo, and the Goreromcot fhili be Dpon hii fhouldcrr, aod hit oacnc fhill be called wondcrfa), counfcilour, the mighty God.thecfeslaflir.gFa'^hcr, the Prince of peace, V. 7 ] Of thcincreafe of hisgovern- nieat and peace there (iiall be no end ; Qpon the Throne of David, and opon htt king* dom,to order ir,and to eftablifh it with judgtneor,& with juftice.from hencefonh even f,>revcr:thezciIofthoor,fh«t they may doit with joy,and not with grtef, for that isnnprofi.ablefor yoo,V.24^ Sa?uteall them thit have the role over yoo.and alliheS«l«t»-, they of Italy filore you. 1 Cor. 12,28. And God hathfet foroe in the Charch,fir(\ Apoillfi,fecondariIy Prophet*, thirdly Teacheri,afrcrthat miracles, then f ifti and hf aliDgs, helps, governments, diverfitici of tongaes. Mu. 28. i8, ip, 20, V, 18 1 And Jefas cjnne md fnkc unto them, faying. All power is given unto aic in hea- ven and inearth. V. ip 1 Go ye therefore and teach all nation*, biptizingihcra in the ramc of ?h<: Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghoft, V. 20. Teaching them to obferve all things whstfoevcr ( have commanded you: aodlol am with you alway, even anco the Cdd of (he world, ilz/rf/i. I T. Tothefc Officers the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven are committed ; by virtue whereof they have power rcfpeftrvely tore- tain, and remit fins ; to (hut that Kingdom againft the impenicenr, both by the word . and Ccnfmes ; and to open it unto penitent ijnncrs by the Miniflry of the Gofpd > jind by Abfo- R lutioD {h)Utt,t6»[9* lucionrromCenrures.asoccafion (hall require B, And I will five unto thte tbe litp of the t^ingiom offieavtitt and whatfoever tbottpMt bind on earth tfhaU be bouniin Heaven.' ; and nhaclocvcr tbou/t7i/t looje on €anb,Jhall be loojtdin Heavtn.Mn, 1 8. 17,18. V 17] And if be (hall ncgled to heat them, cell it unto the Cburcbjbut if he nrgleft to hear the Cburcb,let him be u^to tbee asaa hvnbcn maAand apoblican. v.t8] Verily I hytintoyoUfWhatfoiverjeJhaUbini on earth, ^M be bound in Heawnt and tfbatjoevtr jt Pidl loofe on eartb,{haU be loo(ed in Heaven,]ofiti lo.it.ztjt^ v^2i] Tbcnfaid Jciusiotbem again. Peace be unto]fou,tsin]f Facbcthathfent me}evc^ rofrnj I you. v. ai] And when be bad faid this, he breathed on tbeni} and faith unto tbcoi , Rrcciv- ye rhe Holy Gboft.v.zj]} tf^hofefoever fins ye remit^thef are remitted untotbem', andwboj'ejoeverfinsyeretam, tbtyarc retiined. a Cor.i.6j7,8. v»6] Suffircient co fuch a man is ihis punijhmttttf which wasinfiiclei •/ W(J»/,v 7] $0 toat contrariwifc ye ought r»hert«/«r£/ve him , »nd corotort him, left per- haps fuch acne fhouH be fwallowed up with overmuch iortow, v.b]WhcfcfofC 1 btlcecii fos^ihit yQ\x wotUdeonfirm your love lOYntds him* III. Churcri Cenfures are neceffiry for the reclaiming and gaining of offendmg Brethren, for deterring of others from the like offences , for purging out of that Leaven whicb might infc6t the whole Lump, for vindicating the honour of Chi ift,and the holy p' ofeflion of the Gofpci , and for pre- venting the wrath of God, which iBight juftly fall upon the Iff t Cor. 5. Churchy if they (hould luffer his Covenant and Teals thereof iC&dpitorough- to be profaned by notorious and obftinate offenders c, oti:]See in the Bfa c.i Tim, 5.to. Them that fva rebuke before all ^tbat otbtrs alfo may fear. Mat 7.6 Givt Mt that mbieb it holy unto the dtgi, neither oft ye your pearls before fwine, IcA they trample them under their feet , and tu'^n again and rent you. 1 Tiin.i.so.Of whom is Htmtveus ^ and Alexindtr, whom I have delivered unto Satan , that they may learn not to blafpbeme. &Cof.ii.a7. to tbe end, fee in tbe Bble* Jude V. a^] ftnd others lave witb fear , puUin^ shem^out of the fite : httipgeyan the garments fpotced by tbe flcfh, IV. For tbe better attaining of thcfe ends, thf Officers of the Churchare to proceed by Admanition, Sufpcnfion from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper for a feafbn j and by ex- (ijThef.f.ii, communication from the Church according to the nature And vrc be< q£ j (^g crime,anJ demerit of the perfon d, ftecbyou brc. *■ thrcn, to know ibcm which labour amofig you, and are over you in tbe Lord, and admonffh l^u* i Thef 3 6,14, 1 5. v. 6 1 N )«r we comcnand you bre'.hren y in the nime of our Lrrd^ jelus Ghriit, tbatye withdraw your felves from every biotber that walkethdiforderly, and not after the tradition which he received of U5, v. 14] And if any man obey not our word by this Epiftle, note that man md have no sompany vtith bim, that he may be afhamrd v, 15] Yet count him not as an enemy Jnm admonijh htm at a Brother , 1 Cor 5.4,5,1^. v. 4] tn tbe name of oar Lord Jcfu! Cfarift,when ye arr gitfaercd tog:rbfr,and my Spirit wih tbe power of our Lord J.(iwtChtii},y,^']ro dilivir fuib a one untoSatan , for'hc dcf^ruSion of thefitfti, that the Spirit may be laved in the d^y of the Lord Jelus. v. i ^J But them that are without, God jtjdgesbi thertiote put dway fr<>Ki amo^g put ielvtt that wicked fa fon. Mit,i8. 17] And if ha &aliiiegl(drohear (heri^tsU it to tbe Church :b\n ir bencgtcAto iiear iht Chatcb^lgt him be M^totbc as an heathen man and a publisan^ Tit. j»io, A man that i) an HerMick,<»/rer thtfirjf *Hlti9nfudmonitii)»ireie^ ~ CHAp Ciii) r*"^! CHAP. XXXI. Of S J nods And Councils] FOr the better Governmcnt,and farther edification of the (d) aa U, »; Cbarch} there ought to be fuch Affcmbiics as arc com- 4,6.v. »iw'heo monly called Synods or Councils a, therefore Taut, and ^ am abas » bad no fmall diflention and difputatbn with them , they determined tbat Pou/,tnd "Bdtni" bis. and certain other of tbcmi Oiould go up to Jerufalem unto the tdpcfitet and Elders about tbisquefimsV,^ Aod when they were come to Jetufalcm.thcy were received of the Church 6ndofii7e 4^f)/t/»,4»i £/iefj J and they declared all things that God had done with tbcin/ V.6] Aui tbc t4{oftlei ani Eldcrt came t9gitbtr,for to sonfider of tbit matter, * II. As Migiftrates may iawfuly call a Synod of Mimfter$ (6) ifa. 49 tj; and other fit per(ons to confult andadvife with, about mat- And^^ngs fhat ters ot Religion^ : Sa,if Magiftrates be open Enemies to the ** ^^ ^^ffi*& Church, the Minifters of Chrift, of thcmfelves by virtue of j^^jj*'' » J*^ their Office : or they, with other fit persons , upon delfga- ih"aurfieg»fo' tion from their Churches , may meet togcrhcr in fuch Af- thmi 'hy (hall fcmblies c, bow down to thee withthrir ftce toward the earth,and lick up the duft of thy feet,ind thou (bilt know that I am the Lord: for they Ihali not be afliamed that wait for me* 1 Tim. 1. 1,2. v.i]I ixhort therefore that firft of »!l, Supplications, Pfayers, Imerccflionf, and giving of thinks, be made for al! mm. v.ij WorK^ngt.and for aUtbit arei* ambotity, tbatme nay lead i timet, 2nd paceibk life, mall godlincfsaodhonefty, aChroo. 19 8, to i ». See in the Bible, x Chron. 19 and jo.(.hapterS chrou|hout] See in the Bible. Mat. a.4^,v,4] And when be bid gathered ali the chief Priejii flfliSctifejJofMie people lojether, be imaridtd of tbetnwfbete Chrift flmld be born v j] And ihtyfaiduntohim, inB-thlehem of Judea, for tiiunt is written by the Propbe:. Prov.ii 14. Where to counfel it.tbe people faU,b\it in the multitudeoi Counltttors there is fafety. («) Afts ij a,4,it,x?,a5. v Qtiurchjco receive complaints ia cafes of maUadminiitration; 'a' *^' ^^'a?' *"^ authoritatively to determine the fam^e ; which Decrees Seci^MhrBibVc and Determinations, if confonant to the word of God, arc Aati^ 4. ind to be received with reverence and fubmiffion jnot onelyfor as they went their agreement with the wordjbut alfofor thePower whcre- thotow th* ^ jj^gy jj.g made, as being an Ordinance of God, appointed dehv«ccd tie thercHtito in his wora^. the decree} for , to V-rp tbit were orJaiaed ofthe Apofilcf and Elderi which were at Jcruf»Icin. Mat. i8»i7,i< 19.20. V. 17 J Andif heftlillnegleft to hear them, tell if Dcto theChurch: batifheD«Kicft to hear [hcCharch,let him be uDto thee at an hothco niaD,ao(i a pa- TiliciD, V 18 1 Venly I fiy notoyoo, Thit whatfoe»cr ye (hall bind on earth, (hail be bosnd ID Heaven, aod whatfocver ye (hill loofc on earth, (hill be loofcd in Heaven. V. saiAgaiol fay Dt»to you,That if two of you (hall agree ooearth.ai tnaching any thing that they (hall »fk,»'. (hill be done for thetn of my Father whtch is in Heaven. V. 20 JFor ^Mcrc two or three arc gathered together iomy naaie,thcrc amrinthcmidd of them* ir ^E h s 20 ^^' ^'' Synods or Councils fince the Apoflle* times, whe- ABd are' built ther general or particular, may err; and many have erred. Bponihefoan« Therefore they are not to be madtthe rule of Faith or pra- datioo of the ftice^ but to be ufcdasaa help in both e^ Apofllct and Erophet«,]efojCh'^ifthiinfcIfbeiBg the chief corDefftonr* Aftsi?. 11. Thefewere- toiorc noble ihan thofeinThtfrilonjca, in that they received the word with all readi-. Bcfi of triad, and fcarched the Sciipturei daily, whether thofe things were (0. 1 Cor. 2. $, That your Faich (hould not (\aod in the wifdom of men, bu: in the power of God< aCor. r. a4. Not for that wc Iravedomioioa over ycnrFaithjbnt arc helpers of your joy ; for by faith ye ftand,, (/) Uke 12; V. Synods and Councils arc to handle or conclude no- 13, J4.V. 13] thing but that which is Ecclefiaf^ical : and are nottoifi. comp'J'n? fatd tcrmeddle with Civil Affairs which concern the Comon- onto hitn, Ma- wealth, unlefs by way of humble Petition in cafes extraor- •fter, (peak to dinary 5 or by way of advice, for fatisfaftion^cf Confci- rey Brother , encc.if they be thereunto required by the Civil Magiftrate fi t}ia«hediT3de a / a ^ a j the inherit taace withcse* V.i4~] And hefaid nntohim,Man,vbo made me a jadge, or a divider overyoo.'' John 18. g6. 3 J«fu« "ofwered, My Kingdom it not of ihit world : if- sny Kingdom were of this wsrid, then woold my fcrvantsBght, thatlfhoold ootbe. (Stlivered Ko ihc Jcwt ; bat qow i> my Kingdom not from hcocc. ^ GHAPf CHAP. xxn. 0f theflctte of Men after Deaths and of the Refurre^ion of the- Vead THc Bodies of Men after Death return to duft , and fee corruption a : but their ScjuIs C which neither die nor C'*) Geo#9.r^> fleepj having an immortal fubfiltcnce, immediately return J," ',*},* '^"^ to Godj who gave them k The SoiHsofthc Righteous, be- fh»lt thooeac ing then made perlcft in holinef* arc received into the high- bread, fiJ7 r*o« eft Heavens, where they behold the face of God in light and ''^"'f««''^o fhe glory,waiting for the full redemption of their bodies c : And ^^<""'^t^'»' ^"t the Souls oi the wicked are caft intoHelljWherc they remain °akeiii!*fordoft in toiments and utter darknefs, reiierved to the judgement thoo art,& to of the great day ^. Befides thefe two places for Souls fepa- <^"ftt'io"^«>« rated from their Bodies j the Scripturt acknowiedgeth ^'J'^p'''^^''^:, "O'lC- after h« had fcrTedhitowQ geoeririoo, bv »h< will ef God, fel! oo flfep, lod wii WJ onto hHFathcri, aoiUaw corrnprioo, (A) Lok 25.43 And Jtroi fiid uoto him, Vtriiy I fay unto thcc, to day ihalt thoD be wuh tnc io piradife. Eccle. 1 2. 7. Thtn (hall the daft rttoro to the earth ■I it w»» .* aod the 5pirir (hall rctoro unto God who gave ir. Heb. 1 2.23, To thcp rail alTeffibly and Charchof the firfl born, which arc written inHcavco, and to God thejudgfof all,.aDd to theSpirirjof juft aaeotnad?pcrfeft. a Cor. 5,1,5,8. V i] Fojwtkoow, rhii ifoor earthly hoofc of thii Tabernacle were difolred, 'wt hate « boilding o( God, an houfe not made with h*ndj, eternal id the Hcavcot. V. 6 ] There- fore we are alwaycs coDfid^ttr, knowmg that whilcft we are at home in the body,we are abfent from the Lord. V 8 ^ We are coBfidcnr, I fay. and willing rather to be abfeut from the body, and to bepteient with tlie Lord. Phil, i, 23. For lam in a ftraightbe*- twixt two,haviog a defire to depart,and to be with Chrift which it far better. Cc] Afti j.ai.Whom th«H»-aT«n»moftrecdve,umilfhe thnejof rtftitotioDofall thiogi,whKh^ God hath fpokeo by trie month of all hi» holy Propheti, fince the world began. Epb,- 4- 10. He that dcfccoded, it the fame alfo that afcciided up far above ail heavens that hemight fill all thinfi. (rf)LDkc 16 23, 24 V. 253 And inHcil he lift up hiiiryes be- ingintorinenti,andfeeih Abiahamafar off, and Lazaret In hi$ bcfom. v. 243 And he cryedsod faid,Father Abraham have mercy npcDrne,and find Lazarni that he roavdip ihe tip ofhi» finger in water, and cool my tongue, fori am tormented with thijflimei Afli i.2§ That he may take part of rhii Miniftry acd ApoRlcfhip, from which ]oda»' by tranfgfelTion fell, that he might go to hii own place. Jnde. V, <5,7. V. 6"} And the Angeli which kept not their fii ft eftita,boi left their own hibiiation,he hath referved ■ io everUfting chiio$ under darkncf»» unto the Jodgemeot of the great day. V. 7 ] E»en as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Gitici about them, in like manner, giving thcmielves over to Fornication, and going after ftrange flefh, are fet for an example, fuffeiirg thc«t vengeance of eteroall fire, i Pet. 3' ip. By which alfo he wecMod preached unto ihe Spirict in PrifoB. R 3 I L hti Cii6) it) iThef 4.(jr 1 1, At the laft Day fuch as arc found alive (hall not die » but be Tbtnmttbich changed f: andallthedeadfhall bera.i{ed up, with the felffanrae are tlive and bodies, and none other, although with diflPerem qualities, which umain, fhaU be Q,j^i| i^g ynitcd again to theit fouk for ever /. taught up toge* tber with tbem in the clouds, to meet tlie Lord tn the air, and To (hall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Cor. f f . $ t , ; 1, vcrfe 5 1.] Behold I flic w you a myftcry, we JbiU n*t all P.eep, but we fhaU all be cbanged, vec fe f » ] In a m«meut^ in the twinliHrg of an tyt, at the lafl Trump, (for ihe Trumpet thai} (ound, and the dead (hall be raifcd incorruptible , and we Ihajl be changed ) (/) Job 19. 16, 17. vcrfe i6»] And though afje- my skin, worms deitroy this body, yet in my fit jh Ijhall fee Goi. vcrfe z/,] Whom I (hall fee for my fcif, and mine eyes (hail behold, and not another, though my reins be conlumsd within me. t Cor. 15 41, 4}, 44- verfe 41,] So alfo is the rcfurredion of the dead, it is Town in corrupiion, it » raifeiin incoffuption, verfe 4;.] It is fown in difhononr, it is ra}(ed in gl$ry i it is fown in netknefs^ it it railed in power, verfe 44.] Ft is fown a nacuiai body, it ii rai(td i (piritucU bodjf thu^ is a natural body, and (here is a fpiritual body, 1 1 1, The Bodies of the uftfuft (Ball by the power of Chrift, be raifed to diftionour ; the Bodies of the juft by his Spirit, unto ho- A d ha Vbope ^^^^ * ^^ "'''^^ conformable eo his own glorioui Body^, cowards God, which they tbemfelves alfo allow, that there fhill be a tefurredionoftbedead, both of the jjuft and unjuft, Joh« 5. i8, 29. verfe 28. Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves (hilt hear his voice t vcrfe 19] And (hall come fo((h,they that have done good, unto the rcfurredion of life, and they that have done evil, unto the re# tUrredion of damnation. iCor. f. 41] See in Letter F. Phil. ^ 21. Who (hall change one vile body, that it may be fafliiooed like unco bis glorious body, according to the working whereby he it able to fubduc all things unto himiclf. CHAP. XXXIII, Of the iafi Judgement, GO D hath appointed a day wherein he will judge Che World in righteoufnefs by Jcfus Chrift a , to becauiebehattj f^Qjjj all Power and Judgement is given of the Fa- appointed a day j » w» in the which he will judge the world in rightcoufncfs^by that man whom he hath ordxiocd, whereof he jath given alTutancc amo all m^n,intbat kc raifctiaim from the dead, f"7j ther h. In which Day, not only the Apoftatc Angels fhall be (3) ]oh. $.a»; judged Cjbut likcwiie all perfons that have lived upoa earth 27 V.aa'JFoc frail appear before the Tribunal of Chrift, to give an ac- '•''J Faiher count of thek Thoughts, Words,and Deeds ; and to receive MiD^uth«h according to what they have done in the Body^ whether comraittedall ■good or evil rf. jadg^mcnron* ° to the Son. V. 273 \n1 hith gi»f n hitn anthoriry to c xecoteTttifgeiicot alfo bfcanfc he ii the Sou of Vi^o. (c) 1 Cor- 6. 9. Know v- nor thir w« (hall jodgc ibt Aogclj, how moch more thing* iiiai pcrtaJa to this I'ft / Jode V. 6 ] See letrcrD* Chapter forcfoiog. 2 Pcu 2, 4. Koi i( ^jod fparcdoot rhe Angelt (hj>t rioacd,ba.{caAthctndowoto Hell, aoddtrii- irered them aotocbaioiof dirkoffi, to be refetved onto jtidf citienr. QdJzCotiS 10, For weoioftMl appear befote the jadgemcoi feat ofChrili, that every ooc may receive the thiogi done*n hii body,accof dirg to that hr hith doDe,whcthcr ir be gocd or bad* Eoclef 12 I . FdB^ d (hall bring tvery work into judgeoienr, with every fecret thing, wherfic'i ti be good.or whether i- b e»»LRoin,2^i6 la the day when God thai) jodge ihefecretsolMeoby }tk$ Chrift.accordtig to roy G^fpel. R'^tn. 4. 10,12. V. 10 J Bat why dot(\ (hou)adgc thy Biorhci ? or why doft thoo fet at oaothcthy Brorher.' wc ihiil all Oiod before ihcpdgernnit feat olChrif). V. 12 ] So then every ooc of us (hall giveaccouotof himfetftoGod. Mar. 12. 3^6, 37. V. 56 'j Bat I fay oocoyoQ^thar every idle word that men ihall fpcik,:hey ihal! give accoDoc thereof in the day ofJadgcmcDCv V. 37 3 For by thy words choa (h»:c be juftided, and by thy words thoo (hah be coii>^ deinocd. II. The end of Gods appointing this Day, is for the manl- feftation of the glory of his Mercy,in the eternal falvation of the Ete^, and oi hi«< juftice, in the danmitioR of the Repro- bate, who are wicked and dilobedient.For then fhall the righ- teous go into everlafting Life , and receive thatijlncfsj of Joy and refrcfhing which (hill come from the prefencf of the lord ; but the Wicked, who know not God, and obey not •thcGo(jpel of Jefus Chriftjfhall be caft into eternal torments, tnd be-puniftied with everlafting dei^ruftlon from the pi;c- {e)Krtts<§ §4, lence of the Lord, and from the glory ot his Power e. »o»h« eno.sce in I he Bible* Rom. 2, $,d.V.5]Butaftcrthy hardntfi anJ itrpenireot hsarr, treafurefl op onto thy fclfw a hagainll ihc day of wrath, and reveluion ag^inft rhe righteoos judgeojeor of Go '.'V 6 2 Who (hall redder to evtry Mao according to n\t deedi, RotP-, 9. 22, 29,7. 22 j W.lat ifGod» willing to (hew hit wrath, and to makf hi» power known, endured wi.n much longfufferiog the vvff'h of wrath, fitted ro deftruftion, V.23 ] And (hit he tDig'itOBakekDOWDthertchciofhisgiojy, oothe vefTdi oflVfcrcy which he had afore ptc;arcd onto glory. M«. 2$ 21. Aadhij Lord (aid unto him, Well don«* thou good and faithful Servant, thou hali been faithful over a few thmgf, I will make thee rnler over many things, enter thoo into the joy of liiy Lord, Afls 3 19. Repent yc therefore and be converted, that yoor Cos irray bvblorfcd oar, Whetv the times of the r^rfrcfhing. fballcomcfroCB tbcprafcoceorthclord. ^Thcf. 1. 7,8,^, lo] Sec in the Bible, llLAsr ff)2 Ph^ Scriba. ^ Adomoram ByfieiJ^ Scriba. Imprimatur, JAMES CRANFORD. FINIS. Q ThcLARGER CATECHISM Agreed opoo by the JSSEM'BLY of TUFI^CJBS At Westminster. fully Queft. \TT Hat is the chief and hiohefl end of V V man ? A. Mans Chief and Htgheft End,is, toglorifie God rf, and Cfl^^^:-}' lly to enjoy him forever^. ^ZlTCl and to him arc * - ^ •" thing*, to whom be glory for erer. Amen, i Cor. to. 51. Whfrhtr therefore ye eit or drink or wharfoever ve do, do all to the glory of God. (6) Ffal. 75. 24. to the end. Ttioo fhile gaide Hie with thy counfeli, and afterward* receive mc to glory ; whom hi? e I in hea- ven but thee? and there is none on earth that I defirc befides thee. My fl fh and my heart fail, bat God i» the (\reogthof my heart, and my portion for erer. For lo they that arc far from thee (hall penfli , thco (halt dcftfoy all chcm that go a whor- iig - m rhse •, but it i« good for me to draw nigh to God ; I harepotmy troflin the Lord God, that I may declare all thy worki. John 17. 2i,22;23. That they all may tcooeaithoD Farherartin me, and lio thee, that they alfo may be one in a«, that the world may believe that thoa haft fent mejand the glory which thoo garefi oie have I given them-, that they may be cnc,even as we arc one, f io thero,and thoo io me, that they may be made perfcft io one, and that the world may know that thon haft fcen mc and haft loved them as thoa haft loved me. ' Qii,eft. H01V doth it appear^ that there is a God ? Anf. The very light of Nature in man, and the works of (c)Roro j.i^, God, declare that there is a God c, but his Word and Spi- 20. B:caufe . , r/- J • r /I • . , 'f^'f which may be k^own cfGod, i» mamfeft m them, for God hath (hewed it onto them ; For the in»irii|c rhirgt of him from the creation of the world, arc clearlv fceo, being on. drrftood by the things that -re made , even hi* eternal power and Godhead fo that they are without excafr. /'[rt/. 19. i, 2, 3. The heavens declare the glory of God and ihcFifm»mentfticweth hit handy. work; Day onto day nttereth fpeech, and night unto night (hewfth Knowledge. There is no fpeech nor la-gnage wherc\heir voice b not heard. i4/?J 17. aS.For in him we live, and move, and have our bang. S 2 ,ic (-122 J (rf) I Car. 2. p. rit only, do fufficiently, and cffcaually reveal him unto men ao.Bota».ui« for their falvation d. wticcco, Eye haih not fccn, nor car heard, neithsr hath it entredinto the heart of man, th« thjcgs thit God huh prepared for them that Iotc hitn : Bat God hath revealed them unto as by hii Spirit, for the fpjrit fearcheth all the deep things of God. 2 Tinii 3.15,16.17, Aod that from a child thou hift known the holy Scnptares , which are able to make thee wife DotofaWation through faith which ii in Chrift }«fu». AUSfriptorc is given bj infpiration, and is profitable tor doftrjoe, for reproof, for corrcftioo, for iDftroai- 00 in rifehteoorntfj, that the tnao of Godaiay bepcrfsft.tbrocghly fornifhed onto all good woiks. Ifai. 59* 21. Atforme.ihii istny Covenant with thee, faith the Lord,tiiy Spirit which is opou thic, and my words which I have pur into thy mouth, fnill not depart oat of thy month , nor out of the mouth of thy ff.cd, nor out of the mouth of ahy Seeds feed, faith the Lord from hcaceforth and for ever. Qj^ What is the word of God ? (02Tim.3.i5. A. The Holy Scripture of the old and new Teftament arc All Scripture the word of God e, the only rule of Faith and Obedience/r D4 given by in- fpiratioD. 2 Per. i. 19,20. Wchavcalfo 1 more fare word of Prophecy, wherennro ye do well th^t yetakc heedi,a» DOto a light thar Ihincth into adaik pl*cc, aotil the day dawD, and the day'ftar anfeinyour h«arts. V 20"] Knowing this firft, that do pro* ghecy of iheScripcorc is of any private iorerprctarioD, V. 21^ For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of mac, bet holy men of God fpjks as they were moved by the Holy GhoR.ff^Eph. 2.20. Aodareboiit opon thi foundation of the Apofties,aod ffophstt, JcfosChiift himfelf being the chitf Corner ftonc. Rev. 22, j8 19 For I te- ftifis unto every man, that hcareth the words of the Prophecy ofthijbook, if any TOa&lhiH adde ucla ths(e things God fhtll adde unto him the plagues that arc written in this bool .Yi 9'] And ifany aiao (hall tike away from thi words of thr book of this ProplKCy,God fhiil i.^ke sway h'S part oor cf the book cflife.ard ont of the holy city, j»nd from the things which arc written in ihi» bock. Id, 8. 20. To the Law and to the Icftimooy, if they fpe«k nc i according to this word, it is becaufc there is no light in them. Lukf 16.29,31. fhfy have iVo/Vf and th? Prophets, let them hear thtm : ifihcy believe not /Wo/pf and the Prophets, ctither wiil they be peifwarfed thorgh one rofe from the dead, G*l. i. 8, 9. But though we or an angel from heaven, prear.h any other ©ofpcl unto you, then ihat which vre have preached untoyon.lct hitn be jccorfed. As we laid btforc, Co iay I now ."giio, ifany mzn preach any other Gcfpel unto yon, then thac yeha?etcc4i?cd,lcihimbc accurfed. 2 Tim. 3, 15,16. Bsforc QJFJo^ doth it appear that theScriptures are the word ofGodl fg)^ofi8.ii. cS.. The Scriptures manifert themfdves to be the word of 1 have writtci: Q^^ ^y theip Majefty g, and Purity fe i by the confent of all 10 them the ^tcai things of my hw, bat they were counted as a ftraoge thing. 1 Cor. 2.6,7,15. Howbcit wefueak wifdom among them tlut arc perfcft, yet not the wifdomof this worlj, cor of tl»c Pi iocts of this world that come to nac'ght, btitwefpeak the wifdom ofGod Jna vnyftcrv, even the hidden wifdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory. Which things alfo wc fpeik, not in the words which mans wifdotn teachcrh, but which the H^lyGhoft teachetb, comparing fpiritual things with fpi* rttual. Pi. nj/.iS, 129. Open thou naine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things oat ©f thy Law. TnyTcllicnonjes are wonderful therefore doth my fool keep them, (fc) pr.i2,(5. The words of the Lord are pore words, asfilver tried in a furnace of earthy ]uuriticd rercatia\cSi PI. h? 14c. Thy word is wy Eare,thcreforc thy fcrvant loTttb it th the part!, ahd the fcope ofthe whoIe» which is to give all glory to C»^Aft>io,i3» God^; by their light and power to convince and convert finncrj, To hun give to comfort and build up believers to lalvaiion / : but the Spirit of »ll the pro- beating witnefs by and with the Scriptures in the heart of man, is phctiwitocfj, aloneable fully to perfwade it that they arc the very word ofGodm '^*^ throogh ni$oitrse,who- focvec believctb ID him, (hill receive remiiiiOD of fini. Aft. 25, 22. Hiving ihercfore obtJincdhclpofGod, IcootiDijc ant th » day, wancflTiogborh to ftnili and g/ear,fay' ing none other thiogi thcnthjfe which ihc ProphetiaDd Mofcidid fay (h:>uid come. (^)Rocn. 3 19 Now wckaow that whit thiogifocvcr the Law faith, it faith to them wh 3 arc under the Law, that every mooth may be ftopped, and all the World become guilty bcforeGod. (^/j Aft* 18.28, For he mightily convioced the Jews, and thai Pub- Jick!y,fliewiDgby the Scnpiuic that Jcfus wasChrifl.H b, 4 12. For the word of God h quick and powcrfal, and (hirpcr then any two- edged fwoid, pieiciog even to the di- vidiog»fuD:ieroffoDl aad rpirit,and of the jnimsaDd marrow, andii a difcerocr cfthc thought* and intent* of th« heart, jam. i .fS.Of hii own will btgat he oj.witb the word of t.uth, that wefhooldbeakiad of firft fruits of hijcreaturet. Pfal. 19. 7,8, 9. The Law of the Lord it perfeft coBveriiog the foul jthe teftimony of the Lord it fate, ma- king wife the finple: the fiatatei of the Lord are right , rejoyciog the heart .* the commiadmeot of th« Lord jt pure, enlightnirg the eyct .♦ the fear of the Lord is clear,, endariDg for ever : the ;jdg«ments of the Lord are troc^aod righte oa$ ah ogtth.T.Rom, 15 4, For whatfoever thiBgt were written afore tf.Tie,wer« written for our learnicg,. that w«, throogh patience and comfort of tba Scriptorei might have hope. Afttzo.ja. And now brc(hfen,[ commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build yon op, and to give yon an inheritance atnong all them which ire facflifi. ed.(m)7cfcn i6. 13, 14. Howbcit when /f(? the Spirit of truth iicome, I/e\y[\\ga\ic you into all truth, for fie ftiall not fpcak of hirofelf, but wharfocver He fh*ll hear, that fhill /^t?fpeak,aod He witl'fhcw you things to come, i John 2. 20. 27. But ye have at) Dcftion from the Holy O.ie, and ye know ail thingt. V. 27 ] Bji the anointing which ye have received of Him, abdethioyou, and ye need not (haj any man teich you, but as thefimc anointing leachethyoo of all ihingj, and is troth, and it no lie, and even as it hath tanght you ye (hill abide in him. fohit 20 51, Bit ihcfeate written that yc might^xlisve, thatJcfaiisthcChtift theSoa of Gjd.and ih«t believing y^niighi have: life through hit name. ' Q^Vhit do the Scriptures principally tejch > A. The Scriptures principally teach, what man is to be- C") ^ rim. n lievc concerning Godjand what dutyGod requires ornnanw. '^ ",°'^ ^*^^ found, words, which thoa haft heard of me, In Faith and Love which is in Chrift jcfus. Q^TFhat do the Scriptures mal^e known of God I /i. The Scriptures make known what God is Hcb m.(S fons ia the Godhead p , the Decrees q^^ and the exe- Bur wiihoor faiih it it im> poffible to plcafe God, for he that cometh to God mnft believe that he is, and that he is a rcwatdcc of them that diligently feck him. (p) iJcbitS. 7- For there are three that bear record iu heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghoft, and rhtfe three arc One. (,g) Aft. 15.1415.18. 5!imeon hath declared, how God at the fiift did vifit the Geatilei, to take oat of them a people for his name. V 1 53 And to this agree the words of the Prophets as 'tit writiea V< 18 ] Kaowo odio God arc all hit works from the bc« giDOJDgof the World. S ^ cntion (f)t^Sl. 4 17, cution of HisDecrcesr. »8 For ot a truth againft the holy child Jefosywhom thou haft anointed, both Herod and Pontius Filate vrith the Gentilcs,«nd the people of ICrael were gathered together. V 18.] For to do what- soever thy bandi and cby councel dcietcnincd before to be done. Q^ What ii Gsd} (Ofobn^, 14, 4, God is a Spirit/: in and ofhimfclf infinite in Being t, Gto- God isaSpi- ry«, Blcffcdncffc*, andPcrfe(aion x,All-fufficientji,Etcrnal^,Un- rit , and they changeable a, Incomprchcnfiblc b, Every wlicre prcfenc c, Almieh- tbat worship tv^, Knowing all things e, Moft wife/ MoftHoly^,Moft Jufti^, oliJ^hfrnTn ^^^ Merciful and graciou!, Long-fuffcring, and abundant in Spirit aid Soodncffe and truth. Truth. (!) Ex»d. J. I4. And God faid unto Mofes I am that I am t and he faid, thus (halt thou fiy unto the Children of Ifrael,! am hath fent me unto you. J«& ji.7,8,9.Canft thou by fearching 6nd out God^ Canft thou find out tbe Almighty unco perteAion ? it is as high as Heavcnjwhat canil thou do? deeper then Hell,what canft thou know f the mcafare thereof « longer then the earth.and broader then the fes, (u) ASi. 7. a. The God of Glory appeared uncoour Father Abrham, when he was in Me{opotamia,bcforc h: dwelt in Charran. * tTim, 6 tf .Which in his times he (hall fhew.who is tbeblciTed&onty Potentate,theKing of kings, and Lord of lords, (x) Af^r. 5. 48. Beye therefore perfcft,evcn as your Father who is in Heaven is perfeft, (jp) G«». 17 i. When Abraham wis ninety years old and nine,the Lord appeared to Abraham, and faid to him.I am God AlKufficient; walk before me and be thou ptrfea,(^) Ffal, 90. i. Before the Mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadft formed the earth and the world.evcn from evclafting to everlahing thou are God. (a)Mil,i,6 For I am tbcLord.l change notvtherefore yc the fons of Jacob are not confumcd. Jaw. 1.17. Every good gift and every pcrfcd gift is from above , and comttb down from the Father of ligbt$| wich whomisnovariablcneffe.ncitherihadow of turning. (6)il^j«, 8,17. But will God in- deed dwell on the earth .■' Behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee ; how much lefs this houfe that I have bailt-Ct) Pfat-i ^9.1.10 1 }. OLord thou haft fcarched me and known mejthou knowcf^my down-litnng and mine up-rifing,and thou underftandelt niy thoughts afar off, &c. Whither (hall 1 flee from thy p efcnce f'<<}2t«v.4.8. And the four brails had each of them iix wingsabout bimj and they were ful! of eyes withinj & they reft not day and night,faying,HoIy,holy,holy, Lord God A mighty, which wa$,and is,and is to coQie,('e)Hf^,4,i j Neither is there any ctcaturethat is not man-fcilinbis figbtjbut all things are naked and opened unto the eyes ofhimwith whom wcbaveeo do,Vfal 147,$ Great isthc Lord and of great powerj hisuodcrftanding isinfinite.(/;Ra»i 16, 7, TcGod only wife be glory througbJdusCfariftjfor ever. Amen, (g) l(a. 6.?. And one cryed unto another arad faid, Holy,ho|y(stbcLord ofhoft5|rhe whole earth i. full of his glory Rrv.iy.^. Who flull not fcarthec OLord and glorifie thy namei" For thou only art holy:for all nations (hall come and wo; (hip before thee jtor thy Judgements are made manifeR.(^j2)ea»,? 1.4, He is the reck j his work is perfeft ; for all his ways arc judgement ja God of truth and without iniquity, )uft and right is he,f/)Exsi.j4,^.TheLordpa(Tfd by before him and proclaiiaed, the Lord, the Lord G Jd,merctfui and gracious, long«fuffering and abundant in goodncfs and]ttutb. (k) '^tu(. 6. 4, 0^ Are then more Godi then onei HeatOIfacl, A. Thcrc is butOBConcly, chc living and true God. the Lord our God is one Lord,!(4(jy.8.4 6. Asconccrningcbereforcthceatingof things of- foicdinfacrifijc toldcis, we know that an Idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none othet God but one, — But to us there is but one God, the Fatber^of whom are all thin4s,and wein him, and one Lordjcfui Chrift.by whom are all things, and we by him. J A, It ij proper to the Father to beget the Son »», and to the Son to (w) H-Thcn faid /, Woe is m'-, for I am undone ,becau(e I am a man of unclean lips,for mine eyes have feen the King the Lord of Hoftjl -.Alfo /heard the voice of the Lord,(aying,Wbom fliall I fend? and who will go for u^.' then I faid, here am I, (end me. This compared wiih ^obn ix, 4i.Tfacfe things faid Efaias, when be (aw His glory.and fpake of Him. And witfa^ffjiS. ly) ' And when they agreed not among tbemfclve»»they departed, after thatTdtti had (poken one wordjif «// (pa\e the Holy Gboft b/ Efaias the Prophet to our Fathers, i. fohn 5. xo. And we know that the Son of God is come, and bath given us an underftanding, that we may know iiim that is true; and we are in him that ii true, even in bis Sod ^c(hs chrift i tbisistbetrut Goi^ and etetnallife.AHs^.ij^.^w Peter faid, Anan*'i, why hath Satan (iiicd thine heart to lie u tbe Holj Gboftt and to keep back part of the ptut of the land } whiles i» rem Mned, was it not thine own? and after it was fold, was '( not in thine ownpowerf why haft ihoucoa* ^civcd this thin( in tby iscarU tbon baft no**iei uvto mettf but unto God. butes f, ( power kaotvo,eQdurcd with cr.uch long-fufferipg the vcfTcIs of wrath nited to dtftru(3ion, and that he might make known thcrkhcs of his glory on the vtfTclscf jT.ctcy, which he had before prepared unto glory .'* P/<»/ot 33.11. The counfel of the Lord ilaodeth for ever j the thoughts of his iieart unto airg-cnerationi. Q^ What hath God e^ecially decreed concerning Angels and men? A- God by an eternal and immutable decree, out of his mcer love, for the praife of his glorious grace to be mani- (*) irm.S 21 fefted in due time, hath elt£^ed fome Angels to glory *, md 1 charge thee |,^ Qhrilt hath ch&fen fome men to eternal life, and the means before God,8c th: Lord jefuj Chrift,and the eleft Aogeii^^hat thoo obferve thsfc thing* without prc- fttricg oDcbcforc.anoihcr, doiDgcotbiCg^^partialiiy. \ — there- thereof x,and alfo according to his (ovcraign power, and the (x) Ef&.!.4,f,' unfearchable counfcl of his own will,f whereby he cxtend«th, ^* According or withholdeth favour, as he plcaretb ) hath pafled by and JJ^^J* J*'!* fore-ordained the reft to diflionour and wrath, to be for i,{qj before the their fin inflifted,to the praite of the glory of his juftice j). foundations of tbc world} tbae fve fhoald be bo1y,and withoat blame before bim in love | baving predeftinaced lu unto (be adaption of children by Jefus Cbrift>to bim[e](,accordiog to tbc good plca(ure of bis wili,to the praife of cbe glory of bis graecnfaereio he batb made us accepted in (he beloved, i Tbef, a.i{}t4. But weare bound t« give 'faankstoGodalway for you i Brethren, beloved of the Lord,becauic Cod bath from (he beginning cbofcn youto (alvation through faodification of the Spitit.and bdiei of the truth j wbercunto be called yon by tbc Gofpel, to the obtain- ing of the glory of the Lord Jefus Chrift; (;)R0in.9. 17,18— »i,ix.For tbc Sciipture faith Hn< to Pbaraob, even for this tame purpofc have I raifed thee up, that I might fliew my power in tbee,and that my Dime might be declared tbroug&out all the eartb.Thereforc bath he met* cyoo whoo) be will have mercy , and whom he will be bardencth. — Hath not the Potter power over bis clay, Gf the lame lump to make one veflicl unco honour, and another unto dif^ honour f What il God Willing to fiiew hit wrath, and to make bis power known, endured with much long (uftmng tbc veHcIs of wrath Bitedrodeftrudionf Hat lt,%$y 16* At that time Jclusanfweted and (aid,I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, becaufe tbou baft hid (bcfe things from (be wile and the ptudent, and baft revealed them unto Babes. Even lo,Father,for io it lecmed good in thy (i^ht. x Tim x. to. But ia a great boule there are not only vedcU oFgoId and of filvcr, but alto of wood and of earth, and lome to faonour,and fooie to diOiunout.^ttie v.4 For there are certain men crept in unawatcsi who were before of oU jraaiatd to tbis cenitTntidtiott,ungQii^y mrn,turnir g the grace of God into watonnefs, de< nyingihconiy Godandour Lord J:iusCbrilt, t Pet,iS. And a {tone of Rumbling, and a rock of ofience to thcoa that tiumblc at the word, being difobedicnt , wbereunto aifo they wcce appointed. Q. How doth God execute his Decrees^. yi. God cxccuteth his> Decrees in the works of Creati- on and Providence j according to his infallible fore-know- ledge,and the tree and immucablc counlel of his own will a. j^^^ '•'llf' o ' In wDom alio we have ob- tained an jnbrritanee,being predeftinaied according to the pmpole of Him.wbo wctkcth all things according to the counfel of his own will, QJf^hat is the work of Creation 1 A^ The work of Creation is that, wherein God did in the beginning, by the Word of his> power, make of nothing, the World and all things therein , for himfeU, within the^pace {&)Gin.\MtVi of fix dayes,and all very good rf. i r.j.Tbrougb faith wc uo> derftand that the Worlds were frimed by the word cf God , fo that things which are (etn, were not made of things which do appear. Prov.i6^4. The Lordfaath made all tbingsfor bimlclf jea even the wicked for the day of evil* T QJHow C >2S J Q^Hovf did God create Angels> ijt) Col I. ^6. A. Cod created all che Angels h , Spirits c, Immortat J, for by him Holy e,excelling in knowledgc/j^mighty in power^,to execute wcreaUthiogs his CommandmcntSjind co praife his Name A, yet fubjeftto cr«ted tb« change i. arc 10 heaven, ° , , , , —f and that are in cartbjvifible and fovifible, whether they be Thrones,or Dominionj,or Prjni cipjlities, or Powers, all things were created by him, and for him. (c) P/ii/.io4.4,Who mak. eth his Angtls Spirits, his Mtnifters a fljme o\ fire, (J) M.i.U x i. jo. For in the Refarredion they neither marry nor are givenin marriage j but are as the Angels of God in heaven. (c)Af (l() ga. K 17. ^- After God had made all ochcr creatures, He created man ma!e jjoGod crested and female^, formed the body of the man of the dufl of the Mm in His ground /> and the woman ofche rib otthe man m , indued them' ownImage>in with living, rcafonable, and immortal fouls", made ihcm after his the Image of ^,^^ image 0, in knowledge fjr'ighteoufnef'j and holinrflie^. having GoJ creatcdHe ^^^ j^^^ of Qod wricten in their hearts r , and power to fulfill it/i himj Male and female created he thrm* (D^tn.tj, And the Lord God formed Mm of the d«ft of the eround,and breathed imo bis noitrils the breath of life, (to) Gen. i; a i. And the rib which the Lord had taken from man, made He a woman, snd brought bcr unto the man. (») Gtn, a. 7. And the Lord God formed man of the duft of the ground, and breathed into hit nottril* the breath of li^e.and mm became a living (oul. Cotupare this with ^c&, j5.ii. Whotcach- tith u« more then the beaRs of the earth, and makes us wifer then the towls of heaven. And T»ith Eiclef.\i,7, Then (hall the duft return to the eartb, as it was, and the Spirit fliill return iio God who gi^c it. And with Mat 10, iS. Fear not tfatm who can kill the body, but are not able to kill the foul ; but rather tear him who is able to dcftroy both body and foul in hell; And withLw^e i?.4?.And Jtiusfaidunto him, to diy (hslc thoube with me in Parsdife^ (9) G€n,t4i7 So Gad created man in his own Image, ia the fmjgeof God created he him, u.ile and female created he them, (f) Ce/ ^to. And hare put on the new man,whirb is re- newed in knowledge after the Imigc of Him that created him. (q) Eph. 4«i4,And that ye put on tbencw man,which after God is created iia righteoulncffc and true holine(rr,(r)Row« 2. 1 4,M,^ot when the Gentiles who have not the La w,do by nature the things contained in the L»«sthele having not the Law , area Law unto themfelvcs; which (hew the work o£ »he Law writtch in their hearts,their confciencealfo bearing witncfs.and their thoughts the mcaa while sccufing , or elfe excufing one another. (/) Ecclcf, 7. t^. Lo this only ha»e t found} that Cod bath made ipan uprigbt^but they have (ou^ht out inatix.ioy'9^^°"'' ' ' with^ (129) with Dominion over the creatures t,ytt fubjed; to fall n, (0 gtn. i. »8, AndGodblcf' (cd cbetn.and faid wnto theai,Be fruitfuljand multtplyjind repUniOi the eartb,and fubduc it, and have dominion over (be fi(h ef the fca.and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth, (u) Otn.^. 6, Aadnhcaihe woman iavr that the tree wassoodfor food,and plcaUnt to the cyes,and a tree to be dtlitcd to make one wife,(he took of the fruit thcreof,and did ear,and give alfo unto her husband with bcr,and he did eat. Eccl, 7.Z9.L0 thti only hav^ I faund«thac Ggd made man upngbt, but they have (ou^hc out many iaveociont. Q^What are Gods works of Vrovidence 1 A' Gods works ot Providence are his moft holy^, wife ?c, * Bfal.i/^^.xj, and powerful prcfervingj', and governing all his creatures s, The Lord is ordering them and all their aftions a. to his own glory b* "8'^«o"* <" ■ ' " ' all his wayeSi and holy in all bis works, (x) P/d/.i04. 24. Lord how manifold are thy works 1 in wifdoin haft thou made them a]! ; the earth is full of thy xichtsjfa. a8. z9.This alfo comcth fr^m the Lordof hofts,who is wonderful in counrdling.and excellent in workin2.(j') Heb.i,;.Who being the brigfatncfs of bis glory, and the exprefs image of his perfon, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when be had by himlcit purged our fins, fat down on the rightbandof theMajefiyonhigb. (^) P/«/. loj.ip. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens.and his Kingdom lulcth oyer all. (a) Mat.\o,i^^iOtiuktt. not two fpirrows Xold for a farthing,and one of thca fliall not fall to the gcouud without your Father i but the very hairs of your head are ali nnmbred. Fear not therefore, ye are of more value then many fpatrows- Gen.4f .y.And God fcot me before you,to preferve ycu a pofterity in the earth,and to (ave your lives by a great deliverince. {b) 2^om«ii.. ^ tf For of him« and through him , and to him ate all things ; to whom be j^tory for ever, Amen. I/ . , («) I r/«.^l^.nc(^e e, imploying them all/ , ac his pleafurc m the admiiH- X cbarje ihce (^rgtion of his power, mercy, and juftice^. a*nTthe Lord Jefus Cbrift, *Bd tfac (left sAtgdh^htt thou obfcrvc Chefe ttinjs, without pro^ ferrinz one before anotbcr.doir^g nothing by partiality. M'tff 8 j8.Wbofoever therefore ihilJ be aihamed of mc ,and of my word$,i« tbis adulterous and finful generation,of him al(o (hsU the Son of man beafeamed when he comes in the glory of his Father, with tht b»lj AngUs» H«& »{.t2.Bm ye are come unto Mount Sion,and unto the City of the living God, the faea< ^t&\^)ttv^t^ta^^iti^ 0;(7<» 1.8- -^.The Proyidcnccof God toward man in the eftate wherein he ic,i6.i^nd the was created, wa«, the placing him in Paradifc, appointing him to l.ord t^lanreda dccffe it, giving him liberty to eat of the fruit oUhc earth h , putting Gicdcn Eaft» the aeaturcs under his dominion «, and ordaining marriage for hit ward in Eden, hclpi^»aftbrdi'flg him communion with himfelf //mftitutingth? Sab- Md there he j^^j^ ^^gntring into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of f ut the min perfonal,perfcS,atid perpetual obedience w,of vwhich theTrce ofiife whom he had ^ pkdgc , and forbidding to eat of the Tree of knowlcdgeof tormed-v. 15. ' r n And the Lord took the man.and pm Mm into the latitn of Eden to iteffe it And keep it. And the Lord God cotrmanded the man, faying, pfevtrj tret ofthegardtn theu mayeft jrtely eah (/) ae»,i»x8. And God blefled them, and faid unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and r«- flcniih 'the earth, and fubdue it and have dominion over tht fi(hofthefea,and over the fowE of the air, and uver every living thing that moveth upon the earth, (ICjGen.i.i^. And the Lord God faid, It is not good that the man (hould be alone, J will make bim en btlpmeetfof Mm. (OGea. 1.16,17,18,19. And God faid, Let us make man iu our ov» image.after our &)^e. »«^j,and let him have dominion over the fifti of the fta,and ovctthe fow I o{ the air, and over the catile,and over all the earth,and over every creeping thing thai crccpeth upon the earthj- fo God created man in his own image,fR the image of God treated he bim , male and female «ea-:ed he tbem. And God bltffei th«m, a«d {aid unto tbem. Be fruitful^ and multiply^md rc- * pleniQi the eartb,&c And Godjaid^Bebold I have givenyou every herb bearing fced.up- on lie face of the earth , and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding fced.to you it (hall be for meat. Gen. ?.8.And thtv beflrd tbe voice »j the Lord walking in the girdin, in the flool of the dayj and Adm and his wife hid ihemfelvr s /rowi theprejenceoftbt Lar4,amongfe tbe trees of tbe garden. {m)gen. i. 5. And Goiblefjed tbe (evcntb day, and (andified tt,becaure tbat in it he bad refted-frcm all his work, which God cresred and ir.adc. (n)G an^ tiifi ucc o| knowUdgo of good and cviU 03« ) good and evil, upon piin of dcac hp. 00 ^^^^^^^ ofkBowl«(1geofgoodtDd«ril, (hoo fhiU not eiV 6f It , for In the day then citcft thereof, rhoo ftiiU farc!y die. Q^ Did mm cgntinue in that epte ffiherfin God at fir ft created him V J, Our firft Parents being Icfc to the freedom of their own wiH» through the tenipcation of Sactn, tran(grcffcd the Commandment of <^od, in eating the torbidden fruit, and thereby fell from the f^ate of irinocency, wherein they were created f . iq)Gen. 5 6,7, 8 — 13. And when the woman faw the tree was£ood for food,aDd pleafaot to the fighr, and a tree to be dcHi ed to make oat wife, (he rook of the froit thereof, and did cat, aud f ave alfo onto her hufband wwh h«r,aod he did ear. And rhe cyei of them both were optocd^ and they kocw they were oikcd ■, and they fewcd Fig-leares together, and tivadc ihccD- felvet aproDt. And they heard the voice of rhe Lord walkiug io the gardcn,iD the coot of the day y aod Adam and hi» wife hid thctnfelvcs from the prcfcDCc cf the Lord , a. «ioD|f\ the trees f hegirdco. — V.13J And the Lord God faid oDfo the wotpao, What i% ihii that tlvoo haft dose .^ aod the wownnfaid,r*e Serpent beguiled ne^trsA I did car*- EccL 7.29.L0 thn only have I foond.that God masti mao iipngbr,b^f thty have fooght 001 laatjy iuveniiooi* 2 Cor. 11. 9, Bot I fear left by aoy tDcaosat the Serpent begoilcd £ir throDgh hiS fobiiity, fo your minds be corrupted from the fimpliciiy that it \^ Chrift. Q_ T^^(^ <^^l mankimdfall in that firjl tranfgreffion t A* The Covenant being made with AAtm as a publick perfoni not for himfclfonly, but for hij poftcriiy, aU mankind dcfccnding from him byordinary generation '»finaed in him,and fell with him, ki that firft traiilgreffioH /". CO ^^' '»7 2^^ And. batb made- tf one blood aS natitns of metiy for to dwell on the face of the earth, aod hath dctci mined the timctbeforc appoio(cd, 20. Wherefore at by one man fin cotrred into the worlH, and death by fin, >nd fo death pafTed opoo aU meo,forthat all have fiDoed, — V.iS. Therefore ai by the c^coce of ooe,;udgcmeQt came upon all to condemnation \ trcn fo — V. ip. For at by one maoi difobedieoce many were made (innert j fo by the obedience, ^c. — Aod with i Cor. i$> 21,2a. For ftflcc by man came death,hy maocamr alfo the rciarrcdioo of the dead. Bot at ID Adam all dtc,cvcD fo io Chrift (hall all be made ali?8« Qj^Into what eflate did the Fall bring mankind ? A' The Fall brought mankind into an eflate of Hn and mi- (cry t, (O^ewj.ia, wherefore a& by oac mao fio entered into the world, and death by (10, aod fo death paired upon all mco, for that allhavc fioqcdt /Icm. 3, 2 j. For all have fioiKd, and come (her: ofthr flory of God* T ^ * Q^U^af QJVhitis Sin> (m") 1706.9.4. A* Sinisany want of conformity unto, or tranrgrcfllon of whoiocvcr any [^aw of God, ^stvi as a rule to the reafonable creature »• c5ni(tcth fio, waofgrclTsth «lfo the Uw i for fiou the traofgreflioo of the Law.(r4/. 3. 10 — 12. For «t tnaoy at arc of the wotk» of the Liw,arc under the carfc s for it i» written, Curftd » every odc that coDtioaeth not in all things which arc written in the book of the Law CO do them — AndthcLiw it ootoffaich} but the man that doth them fhall Utciq thcoD* Q:JFherein confijieth the finfuinefs of that ejiate ffhereinto man fell "*. A^ The finfulncfs of that eftatc whcreinto man fell, con- *Roin-5.li— fiftcth in the guile of Mams fir ft fin *, the want of that righ- ip.Whcieforc teoufne(s wherein he was created, and the corruption of his asbyonc man nature, whereby he is utterly indifpofed, difabled, and made ^h *w "id^aod oppo^^^^ ""^o all that isfpiritually goodjand wholly inclined ieat^°by (in , to all evil, and that continually x, which is commonly called and fo death Origindl fxnitnd from which do proceed all aftual tranrgref- paffcdupanallgons y. men, for that all have fioned — V. 19 1 For ai by one maoi difobcdieoce many were made fioners j fo by the obedience of one (hall many be made tighteou*. Cx^ Rom,^. from v. 10. to v, 20. As it i» written, There i» nonerighteoui, no not one. V. 11 J There is none that an* dcrftandcth, there is none that fecketh after God. V. 1 2 3 They are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become unprofitable, there it none (hit doth good, no noc one. Vi 1 3 3 Their throat is an open fcpalchcr, with their toogoes they have ofed dc* ccit,the poifoa of Afpes is under their lips. V. 143 Whofe mouth is foil of curfirg and bittcroef!* V. i5 j Thcjrfeei arc fwift to Ihed blood. V.16.] Deftrodionand n ifiry arc in their wayes.V. 17] Aod the way of peace have they not known. V. 18 J There is no fear of God before their eyti.V. 19 ~\ Now we koow that what things focver the Law faith, it faith to them who arc under the Law j that every mouth may be flopped, and all the world may become goiity before God. Eph. 2 j, 2, 3. And you hath he quickncd,who were dead in trefpafTctand fios : wherein io timcspaft ye walked, accor> diog to thccoorfeof thit world,accordirg to the Prince of the powcrof the air, the fpitic that DOW wotktih io the children otdifobcdieocc; among whom alfo weall h»d ourconverfation in timespaft, in ihclcflt ofour flcfh, folfilling ihcdefires ofthef^ifh andof themind, and were by nature the children of wraihcvcoasothcri. Rom. 5 6, For when we were yet without ftrcDgth,!a due time Chii.l died for tic ungodly. Rom. .8. 7, 8. Bccaofc the carnal miod is eomiry agaJofl God j for it is not fobjeit to the Law of God.acithcrindctdcinbc-, fb ihrnthey that are in the flfli cannot pltafc God. Geo. 6. 5. Aod God fa w that the wickcdncfsof man was great in the earth , «nd that every imaginatiooofihc ihoughtjofhii heart wasoolyevilcontiDually. (;") ]im. 1.14,15, But everv man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own luft and eDrii:ed. Then when luft hath conceiTcd, itbringeth forth fin, and fin when itis BaMhcd, britigeth^ ifofth death. Mat. i5. 19, For out of the heart proceed evil thooghti,muidcri,aduhe» xies, fornications, ihtf{$,f life- witnefsjbUfphcmies, - -}.t vi*- Q^How isOriginalfin conveyei from our frfi?arents unto their. _ jiojlerity .? A, Original fin is conveyed from our firft Parents unto their their pofierity by natunl gcnergcion, fo as all that proceed (t^Pfj. ulf* from them in that way, are conceived and born in fin z. Behold I was uispcn in ini- quity; and in (in did my mother conceive me. }ob. J4. 4. Who can bring a cle^n thing out of an unclean I doc one, }ob, i (. Mt Wbit is man that he fhould be clean, and be that is born of a wsman that he (hould be rigbccous ? }ob. 3,6. That which is botn of the ficih is Bt(h» and that which is born of the Spirit is Spittt, Q^fVhat mifery did the Fall bring upon mankind 1 itf. The fall brought upon mankmd the lots of communi- on with God rf, his difplcafare and curfc , fo as we are (tf;G«n.?8— by nature children of wrath b , bond flaves to Sathanc, 10 — 14. And and juftly liable to all puftilhments ia this world, and that tbeyhcsrd the which is to come rf. T^^^/ !?' ing in the Garden in the cool of the day} and Adam and hti wife hid them (elves from the preCcncc ot the Lord, amongft the trees of the garden — V, lO] And he faid I heard thy voice in the Garden, and 1 was afraid, bccaufe I was naked $ and I hid my felf — V.i4]So be drove out the man,and he placed at the Eift of the garden of Eden Cherubims and a film- ing (word , which turned every way , to keep the way of the tree of Ji <. (fc) Epb, 2. i, j.- Whereio in times paft ye walked, according tothecourfe of this world, according to the Prince ofthepower of the air, the Spirit that now worketh in the children of difobediencrs: amongft whom alfo we all had our converlation in times paft, in the lufts of our flefti, ful«- filling the defires of the flefti , and of the mind , and were by nature the children of wrath even as others. (O tTim, it i6. And that they may recover themlelves outof thefnareof the D«vi!,who are taken captive by him a< his will, (i) Gcn.i,i7. But ot the tree of know- ledge of good and evil, thou Quit not eat of it » for in the day chou eaceft thereof thou (bale fareiy dir. Lam. ?. 39. Wherefore doth a living man comp'ain.amanfortbepuniftimentof hh fins ? Rom. 6. i J. The wages of fin is death j but the gift of God is eternal life thrcogia ]cfus Chtift our Lord. Mat. 15. 41. — 46. Then ftiall he (ay alfo to them on the left hand,, depart from roe ye curfed into evelafting fire, prr pared for the Devil and his Angels V^ 46 And thefe (hall go away into everlafting puniihmcnt: btt the righteous into life eternal,. Judev. 7. Evtn as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cicies about them, in like minnergi»- ving tbcmlelves over to fornication, and going after i^range flcflj, arc let lor.h for ancxam;- ple, foffsring the vengeance of eternal fire, Q^lVhat are the punijhmevts of fin in this world ? A The puniflimencs ot lin in this world, arc cither inward, as blindnefs of mind e, a reprobate fenfc/, ftrong delufions ;(?, (e) Eph 4! %Zi hardnefs of heart h , horour of confcience i, and vile Havingtheun. derflandirg darkened, being alienated from the life of God, through the ignorance that is in them, bf"- . caufe of the blmdnefs of his heart. (/) Rom. x. a8 Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate nsind, and to do thole things w bich ate not convenient, (g) a Tbtf a. 11. And for this caufe God (hall fend them ftrong delufions, that they (hould believe a lie* (ij Rom, 1,5. But after thy hardnefs and impenitent heart,, trc*fure(\ up unto thy (elf wrath againit the day of wr.v b , and revelation of the righteous judgement of God. (i Ifai. 33. i^^Tbefinntrs in Zion are afraid 1 fearfulnefs hath fur- prized the hypocrites. Who among ui ihall dwel with devouring fire ? wboamorgusfhali dwell witheverUftingbmningsi' Gen.4. ij And Cain faid unto the Lord, my puiii(bmeBt is greater then I can bear.Mar.17. 4,, — Saying,l have betrayed innocent blotJiliind they faid,, VVjatiithaiious? fee ihou 10 thaN affcfli. (JOX.om.i.2&.iffQSk\om 1^, or outward^as the carfc of God upon the crea- oTdiJie^thm^^^^ for our fakes /, and all other evils that befall us in our 2^ to vile^^^^^i na,aies, eliates^ rela€ions, and imployments m^ co^e- 'tffeSms: fotthcr with Dcacti it felf /2. Cftpcheirwo- mcD did change their Qitaril ore into that which it agiinftMtore.C/) Gen 3. 17. Airf OBto Adam he fiid, BcciDfc thoa hafi harkcDcd ddco the Toice of thjr wife, and hiH ea- tCD of the tree, of which I cotntnanded thee, faying, Thoa fhalt not cat of it *, Corfcd if ihc ground for thy fike, in forro w (h alt thou eat of it all the dayi of thy lifc.(OT) Deu, 20.I5. to the end. Bat if it (kail come to paftifthoo wtlc not heaikco unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to ob[er?e to do all hii Coaitnandcnents and his Statatci which I hare commaoded thee thi« day,that all thefe curfei (hall come upon thce.and overtake theej Curfcd (halt thou be ia the City, aodcorfed (halt thou be in the Field .• corfcd Ihall be thy basket and thy ftore. Carfad (hill be the fruit of thy body, and of thy land, S'c — fn) Rom. 6. 21^-2^. What fruit had ye then in thofe things whereof ye arc now afhatncd/fonhecod of thofe thingiii death — V. 25. For the wages of fin ii death, but the gift of God is erernal life through jcfus Chri(t cur Lord. QJVbat are the fumjhmems of fm in the world to come ? j1. The punifhments of fin in the world to come, are everlaAing reparation from the comfortable prefence olGod, (0) i Thcf. I. ■"'^ ruoil grievous torments in Soul and Body without ia- ^. who (hall termiflion, in Hell fire, for ever 0. be poni(hed with cverhftine deftradion from the prefence of theLord,and the glory of his powar^ Mark 9 44 — 46 — 48. to go into H:!!, w^c e their worm dicth nor, and the fire is not quenetitd. Lake 16. 24. And hecrycd aadifai'j,Fji(hcr Abraham, have otcrcy upon oic, and fend Lizarus 'odip the tip of his fiogerio water, and cool my tongue j for Ian tormented in this tiimc j^ (Doth God leave all ntinliwdtd peylfh in the (late of fin andmifery } A. God will not live all men toperifti in thecftite of (in, (?)*J^*^'5-9- and miferyp, into which they fell by the breach of the fir^ not appointed ^°^^''*"''5 commonly called the Covenant of works q, but of n« to wrath ^'^ mcer love and mercy, delivercth hiselcftout q£_jjp, and bat to obtain bringeth them into anefiate of falvation by the (econd Co- falvation by venantjccmmonly called the Covenant of Grace r. our Lard Jc* fusChrift. (9) Gal. 9. 10, 12. For at many as arc of (he works of thcLivir, are nbdct thecarfc, for it is written, Corfed is every one tharcominBethnoiioaU things which are written in the b->ok ofthcLaw to do thern. V.i2 3[And the law is notof Fanh,bae the tnanthardcth chtm (hail live in them, (r) Tit. 5. 4, 5 6, 7. But after that thekiotf- nefsaod love of God our Saviour, toward cninappcared.V. 5. Notbywohsof rJgh- te/)ufncfi which we have done, but according to hit mercy he favcd nt by the wafhiog of regeneration, and the renewing of the hoiy Ghoft* V, 6. ] Which he (hed on ui «. bondantly ihrotgh Jcfut Chnfi our Saviour. V. 7 3 Th) Jdw.i'iS, %%, Yea a man may fay, Tbou baft faitb, and I have works, (hew me thy faitb without thy works, and I will (hew thee my faitb by my works. v,ia.]5eeil thou bow faith wrought with bis works , and by works was faitb made pe rfeft. (c) X Cor. 5.14,15. For the love of Chrift cunftraineth us, becaufe we thus judge, that if one died forailjtben were all dead, v.i? ] And tbat.be died for all,that they which live (houTd not henceforth live unto ibemlclvc$,buc unto him which died for them, and rofe again, {d) Epb. x.to.For we are bis wotkmanfh p created in Chrift Jcfus, unto good works, which God haih before ordained that ne fliould walk in (hem. V " QJTaf QjVas thg Covenant of Grace al»ayes adminijlred after one and the fame manner 1 A. The Covenant of Grace was not alwayes tdminiftrcd (e) 1 cor,i. 6i after the fame majiner,but the adminiftrations ofit under the 7,8,9.Whoal- OldTcftament, were different from thofc under the New e» io batb made us able Miniftcrsof the New Teft»mcnt,nci of the Iettcr,but of the fpirit, for the letter kil^ Ictb.but the fpirit |iveth life, v.j.l But if the Miniftiation of death, written and ingraven inftontswi$gloriGUs,fothitihe c*iiIdrenof Ifrael could not ftedfaftly behold the face of Mo V^fot the jlory of hii countenance,' which glory was to be done away. v. 8.J How thta fliiii fjot the miniftratioD of the Spirit be rather glorious?v,9.For if the miniftration of con- de;nn>.'.ionbeglorious,bcw much more doch tbctiuoiftration ofri^htcoufnefscscced ia Q^Uoff v^as the Covenant of Gract adminijired under the Old tejiament, tf)Xm,iK^ i4. The Covenant of Grace was adminiftred under the Now lily that Old Teftamcnt ^ by Promifes f. Prophecies^ , Sacrifices j^, Jcfus Cttiift Circumcifion i, the Paffovcr^, and other Types andOrdi- wasaMin.ftcr nances, which did all fore (ignifie Chrift then to come , and *ifion for "the *^*"* f^^ '^*^ '^™^ fufficient to build up the Eled in faitb tru^h*of°God^ in thepromifed Median I, by whom they then had full remif- tocof^fi m the (ion of fin j and eternal iilwgt'ionm. promifes madt unto (he Faibtrs, (g) «/4^, j.ao 24. And be fhaU fend Jcfus Chrift which was preached HOta you,yes,«nd >lli the Prophets fiom Samuel, and tbofe that follow after, as many as have fpo* ken^bavc like wife foretold of thcfc days, (h) HtA.to.i.Fcr the law having a (haddow of good things to cQme,noc the very image of the tbinj^s, can never with thofc facrifiees which thef cf&r year by year continually, make the comers theicunto perf€a.(<) R9m,^. 1 1, And he re- ceived the Hgn of Circumcifionja fca] of the rightccufmfs of faith which he bad , being yet uncircumciled, that he might be the father of all them (bat bciieve,tbougb they be not cir* cumcifed, that rightenurncTs might be imputed unto tbcts alto. ('^)iCor*( 7. Purge cut tbti-tfore the old Icven, that yc miy be a new lump, as ye are unleivened , for even Chrift eurP.«proverisfacrificedfor ui. (/}i^c3. 8,9. and so. Chapters. Hc&.n.i^Theieall died in faitb, rot having received the promifes, but having fecnrhem afar off , and were perfwadcd of thefn,3nd embraced thtm, and confciTed, that they were ffrangers , and pilgrims on the earth, I'ro) Ga/,? 7,8,9 -14 Know yc therefore that they who ate offaith are the children of m/ibrabam. And ibe Scriptures foreleeing that God would jufliBe the heathen through faith, p eachcd before the Gofpei unco ^^raf^iim,. flying. In thee fhall all nations bt blefled. So then thev who be of (aith,arc bhflcd with faithful Abraham. v,i4.]That the bleHing of tAbrabam might come on the Gentilcs,tbiough Jcfus Chiifi y that we might receive tbe ^lOBiifc of the Spirit through faith* Q_Hoff> is theCovenant of Grace adtninijired under the New tejiainent I An Under the New Teftament , when Chrift the fubftancc was exhibited , the fame Covcnjnt of Grace was and flill is is to be adminiftred in the preaching of the word /?, indthc Ci,]%faf < . mdminiftration of the Sacraments of Baptifm &, and the Lords And he /aid Supper/), in which Grace and falvarion is held forth in more umothcm.Go lulner!9,evidence,and etticacy, to all Nitions q, ye intoalUhe , , ^ r . f \ %, t, wcrld , and peAch ibe Gif^tl w every creature. Co) W^t.aS, 19,40, Go ye tbcrefoic , and tcatb ail nati. cnsjbiptizing tbcm in the name of the FJther.and of the Son.and of the Holy Ghoa, teach- ing them to obferve all things whatfoevcr I have commanded you : and lo I am with you aU wayes unto the end of ihc wDrid. (p) iCoMi i?,i4.i5. For I bdve received of the Urd that which I alfo dtlivered untojou, that the Lord ^e(us,tbe fame night wherein he was betrand took bresd,tnd when he had given thank$,bc bf akc ir, and laid, 1 akc, ear.tbi* is my body which was broken for you j this do in remembrance of me. After the (amc manner alio he took the cup when he had fupped.iayuig.This cup it tht Nt w Teftamcnt in my blood;tfc« do ye as eft M ye irinkitiin remembrance of me. a ) iGor.i 6. ro tht end of the chapter. Who hath alfo made us able mini(ters of the Ne» Ttftament,not of the letter Jiut of the ipirit t ftr the Utter {iU lethbut the Spirit giveth life Mt if the minijtratien of death written and engraven in itones, wa$glorious,&c rfieb.S 6.— lO.ii.For finding fault wiih him, he faith , Beloved the dayescomr, faith the Lord, when i will md^etf »iw Cownant with the houle o\ Kracl , and judab v.io.]Fot thisiuhe Covenant thit I will make with the houfc of Ifrael , after thofedayes faith the Lord, I fi't\l put my lam$ into their mindt, ind mite them in their beartu and \fii^\btto them aGodt ind tbty Jhall be to mt a people, v. ii.] And they (hall not teach every man his neighbour, an*l every tban his brother, faying, Know the Lord : for all (hall knew me from the leafi to the greatcfl Hit, x8.ij.Go ye therefore and teach aU nationtMUt' ingtbmintbenmeof,0'Ct ■ QJfPho is the Mediator of the Covenant of Grace "i A, The only xMediator of the Covenant of Grace is the CO 1 Tim,t,s. Lord JcfusChriftr, who being the eternal Son of God, of one ^of t'^^'* »« fubftancc,and equal with the Father/, in the (ulnefs of iime°"*^°'^ '.'"** became manf, and fo wis and coniniie^ to be God and Man tetweat'^^God in two intire diflinft natures,and one perfon for ever h. ^vd nan, the Man Chrift ^e- fus\'{{)]ob,i,t:i4AD tbe beginning was the word : and the word was with God, and the word wat (jod V.I4.] And the word was ma- c fltih,«nd dwelt among us^and we beheld his g|ory,rbc glory as of the only begotten of the Fathf • , ful I of grace and trutb.Jefc.io jo.I and my father are out. F;!?//.k.6 Who being in tbcferm of God thought it no rolbtry to be t^uat with god.{t)Gat 4.4 But when the fulnclscf time na cr ni<, God untjorib hit ion made of a wo* maH,mide under the Law.(w) Lu^ei.j^.And the Augcl ^nlwered and laid unto hcr.The Ho- ly Ghoft ftull come upon tbee.-ind the power ot the Higbe ft (hall ovcr«(hjdow thecTfacre- forealfo thatboty thing whicbfhallbe bornoftbee.ChiW be tailed the Son of god JRom 9.5.Wbofe are the Fathcrs.and of whom,a$ concerning the Rt Qtfibrift came, who is over ali.Goi blejjed forever,Amen. Col a. 9. For in him dweUtthall thejulntjle of tbe Godhead bodily, Hib 7 x^, x^.batthismiD^hecauJtbecottinuetbever, hithanunca-ngeablc Pcicft>bood. Whereiore be tsableaifoto lave tbcm to the uttcrmoft, that come unto Gudbyhim, ice irg Ibc ever livttb to make intercdfion for them, QJlovp did Chriji^being God^hecome Man? A» Chrift the Son of God became Man , by taking to V 2 I»m- * Job» I. i4« hiTifeH 1 true body.ittd a rcafonaWe foul *, bciiig coftceivcd by the hod the word power of the Holy Ghoft, in the vvomb of the Virgin Marryi of ivrr wiitnade flcfti fubftanltc, and born of her y. yet without fin > and dwelt a* mooga«,iod we beheld bis glory, the glory ai of the only begotteoof the Father, foil ofgracc and truth. Mat. 2^. 38. Then faith b< onto them, My foal is cxceediog for- rowfol e?eD msto death ; tarry ye here, and watch with tne.^xj Lck. i 27—31—9$— 42.1E'oavirgine(poDfed to a man whofe name was ]oreph,of thchouic ofI>jTid,aDi thtVirtioioaotJc was Mary. — V. 31] AndbehoM, thoo fhilt conceive in thy wotnb^ and bflivg forth a Son, and flislt call his name, JefoJ. —V. 353 And the Angel anfwcred and faid unto her, the Holy Ghoft fhallcoroc upon thee, and thcpower ofthc highcft fliall Ofer-(hadow thec.Thercfore alfo that holv thiog,which (hall bebornofthcc,(hal bccalledtheSoDofGod— V. 4* 3 And f E/r:^ ^''^ ^i re^uifite that the Mediator Jhould he God } (zJ AB 2. 24, A. It was requifitc that the Mediator fhould be God>that he might 2 3. Whom fuftain and keep the humane nature from finkitrg under the infinite God hath raif- yvrath of God.and the power of deathi^.give worth and efficacy co «d ap> having j^j rufFcringSj0bcdicnce,8: intcrcefion7 24. 2$. But thit man becaufe he coDrfj our yieiUtor called Jefm ? - ^. Our Mediator was called Jcfus, bccaufc he favcth his people U) Mat, I. ti. from their fins q . Andftjc (hill bring forth a (on,& thoo (halt call his name Jefusjfor he (hell favc bis people from their fins Q^ Why "S^ai our MedUtor called Chri/l > ^) Jolj. ?«?4« ^.Our Mediator v»a$ called Chrif^.becaufc be was anointed with i°^ u r/'°'" thcHolyChoft above mearurc>',& fo fctapart,& fully Turn )flied with Seakcth t'hJ *" authority & ability Ato execute the Offices of Prophet ^Pticft«^ words of Godi for God givech not the Spirit by mcafure unto him. Pfal. 4^7. Thou loveft tigbtcoufnefs^and hatcft wicketinefs 1 therefore God, thy God, bath anointed (bee with the -oyl of giadnefs above thy fellows. (/) }ohn 6, 17. Labour not for the meat that periihetb, but for that meat which endureth to cveriailing life, which the 5on of Man (hall give unto you : for him hath God the Father fealedi Mac. iS, t8, 1^, lo. ]do\ civoe and (pake unto thein,(aying,All power i'-. given unto me in heaven and in earth ^ Go ye therefore atid teach all nationsjbspiizjng them in the name of the F3ther,and of the Sopjjnd of the Holy Ghofl, teaching them to obferve all things wbatfoeverl have commanded youjand to,I am with you always even unto the end of the world, Amen. (_r) ASts {.ti,ii. Whom the beavcismuft receive until the times of rcftjrution of all things, which God hath (pukcn of by the mouth of all his holy Propbcti fioce the world began.For ^ofes truly (aid unto the Fathrrs» k Pro- phet (hall the Lord your God raife up unto you of your brethren, like unto me, him (hall ye hear in all things whatfoevcr he (hall fay unto ycu. Luke 4. 18 — ti.The Sp«t«t of the Lord is upon me, becaufc fee hath anointed tne to preach the Gofpe] to the poor, he hitb fent me 10 heal the broken in heart, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of (igh: to tbeblind, tolet at liberty them that are bruifed. — V. 11 And be began to fay unto ihem. This dsy is this Scripture fuliiiled in your ears. («) Hcb. j, ?,^, 7, So alio Cbrift gloti(icd not hirofelf tobc made an High»Piieft, but he that (aid unto him, Thou art my Son, today have I brgotteo thee. Ashe (airh alfo in another placCjthou art a Prieff (or ever after the or- der ot Me/ WMf fife } who in thediysof hisfle(h, when he had offered up prayers and (up- plications with (^rorg cryei arid tears, unto him that was able to favc him from death, and was heird in that hs reared, Heb.4,i4,i 5. Seeing then that we have a great High.Pritft that is pjfled into the heavens, Jefus the Jonof Godjet usbold faft ourprof«flRrtu For wt have not an High- Prieft that canno: be touched with the feeling of our in(irtnitic>,but was in all p«intii tcffipced like as ne are, yet without (in, and and King of hisChurch^iin the eftatc both of his Humiliition * Pfi.2.0 Y«t ind E«ltatioa. Il*'* * ^'l "lH holy hill of Sioo. M«,t< 2!.$. Tell yc the dicght^r of Sion, Behold thy Kiog coincth nor CO thec,cacck,>od ri(tiDgopooaDa(i» sodupooscolc (he foal ofaoali. iCai: 9.6,7. foruoto QsachildiibAro, uixtousiSoo iigjveo, aod the gcvcroHicot fliallbcupoo bit (hoaldcr, and hit oaoac (hall be called Wobdcrfal, Couniclior , the tnighty God, the cvcrUftiog bather, the Prince of peace. Of the eocrcafc of h;s GoverDincot and peace there fhafl be no cod,opoa the throoc ofO»nd aod upoo hi» Kingdom io order ir, and tocAabliHi it with judgemciit and with juAtce, from hejocc forth cfen forever. The zeal of the Lord of hoftt will perform thii. Bhtl, 2. 8,9, 10, 11. Aodbcing foupd iafalhiooatanian,he humbled h mfeifaod became obedient onto death,cvo/r^;'/'tf»>fr, iothebeaurieiof holiocfstfrom trjcwomb of themoroirg; thou haft thedcwof thy yooth. (^) £p6 4.11,12. And hegavefotne Apofllcs, and fome Pro- phets, and fotneEvang^lilts, and fotne P«ftor» and Teachers, for the per'e^jrg of rhs Sainrs, for the work of the Miniftry, for the edifying cf the body of Chrift. iCor, I2. 28 And Godharhfctfomeio theChurch.fiift Apoftle»,fccoai1arily Prophets, third- ly Teachcr«,afrer that Miracles, then gifrs of healiog,htlpi, governments, divcrfities of Ch)Ifai,^l 22. For the Lofdtj our jadgc, the Lord is our Law giver, the tongocf Lord them as in iii-aitjcii iiiari,aiiu a r uu" •!•■ » • ' •' j i i»y uun' jr vrmn ..-.. ry uv >/>.r ^w y^,^»>« KiHM vii ca/ lU, jhall be boundin heaven^ andwhaifoever yejhaUhofe on earth, JhaS be J oof ed in heaven, » Cor. s, 4, 5. In the name of our Lorrf Je/«j C*r/jff,wh"n ye are gathf red tcgcth*r,aDd my fpirit with the ~ — r -* ^-1 1 r_ ,ou,iA .-. j^u— . f„ 1, «- • ,._ thedcOro^ioi isoarKitfgi he will fave uj» {i)Mat. 18.17,18- Andifhc(h*llnfgleft to hear , ell it to the Church-, bat ifh-ncg'eft to hear the Church, let him be onto thee heathen man,and a Fob 'f-anVf rily 1 dy orro yoa^Whatfoever ye /hall bind on earthy hcpywer ofoorLord Jefcs Chrift, to deliver fa banooe unroSitao, for wv.ooof the flcfh, thit the fpirit tray be favcd in the day of the Lord Jefas. ik) AUs 5.31. Him hath God exaWed with his rjght hind robe a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to !rrael,and forgivenoefs oTfios. (/^ilev. 22. 12. And behold I Come qmcklv.and tny rewird is with me,to give every n>ao according as his work ftiill be. Rev. 2. 10. Fear none of ihofe thing* which thoo (halt foffer ; behold the Devil (hail ciftforoeof yooioto pr jfon,that ye may be tried,aod ye (hall have tribalatinoren days; be thoo faithfal onto death, and 1 will give thee a crown of life, (m) Rev.%, *9. As mam as Jlovelrebuk? andcbajttn -, be zcaloot tliercforc and rfpent. temptations temptations and fufferings w, reitraining and overcoming all Of) V<'i, ^j.p; their enemies <7, and powerfully ordering all things for his In a" their af« own glorjt p^ and their own good q , and alfo in taking ven- ^J?'2"i** ""! geancc on the reft who know not God , and obey not the the Angd of Gofpelr. his prcfcnce Uved them J in bis love and in his Pity he redeemed them,ind he bare them and carried them all the dayes of old. Co) I Cor. 1 5. X J. For he nuft reign till he hath put ail his enemies under his feet.P^J^, iio.tbrougbout. The Lord faid unco my Lord,Sic thou at my right hand, until! I have made thine enemies thy footflool, totheend. — C J; Row. 14,10, 11. But why doft thou judge thy brother, or why doft thou fct at naogbt thy brother f Wc (hall all ftand before the judgment teat of Chrift, For it is written. As I live faith the Lord , every knee (hill bow to me, an4 every tongue ihall confefs toGod«Cj) Kom.S.iS.Weknow that all things work together fot good to them who love God , to tbccn who are c'lled according to bis purpofe. (r) x Thef.t, 8,p. In (liming 6re,taking vengeance on them that know not God , and chat obey not the GD(pel of our Lord ]e(us Chtift. Who (lull be punKhed with everhftingdcllrudioo from the prefcnccof the Lord, and from the glory of his power. P/a/.i.S.j.Ask of mc and I dial! (ive thee the Heathen for thipe inheritance, and the uttermott partsof the earth for thy poC; fc(G jn. Tboullislc break thecEiwuh a cod of Iron, thou (halt d](h cbetn in pieces like a pot* tersvclTel. , ; Q^ fVhat was theftate ofChrifis hmniliation > " A, ThS^cftate of Chrifts humiliation was, that low condi- tion, wherein hCjfor our fakesjcmptyihg himfeif of his glory, took Mpon him the form of a (ervant in his Conception and Birth, Life, Death, and after his death untill his refur- (/^PW/.i 6,7, reftion/. 8, Who bemg in the form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal with God, but made hi jfjfelf of no reputation , and took upon him the form of a (ervant, and was made in the likcncfs of men, aod being found in fi(hion as a man, he buosblcd himfelf and became obedient anco death, even the death of the Croft. Luljie t.; t. And heboid thou (halt conceive in thy womb , and bring forth a Son, and (hilt call bis name Jcfus. i Cof.8.9.For ye know the grace of our. Lord Jclus Chrifl.that though he was ricb,yei tor your fakes he became poor , that ye through his poverty might be rich. Affc 2.t4.Whoas God hath raiicd up, having loofed the pains of death, becauU u waa v not po(rible that he (hould be holdcn of ir. CL How did Chrifi humble himfelf in his Conception and Birth? A. Chn(l humbled himfelf in his Conception , in that being from all eternity the Son of God , in tlic Bofoni of the Father, he was pleafed in the fulnefs of time to be- come the Son of Man , made of a Woman of low eftite J and to be born of her , with divers Circum- X ftancea y}hJfXif^-i^' fiances of more then ordinary abifement r. 5ai maiefitlh, and dwelt among UJ (and *e btbcld his glory, the glory aj cftbe only hegntttn af nbe Fdifrcf Ifull of ^ra<* tnd rratli — v.f 8] No man bwh (een God at any tive, the only betottcnSonjwWcfr "MJ*«6(>/«»c iJ/l&« Filter, be faath declared Wro, gi\.^.4, Eucwbcn the fulnefs of time y»3s come, G«i/cnt/ertfefcJiSe», madeofa woman, mai< unitr tbt Uw, -Laifee 1.7, And jie brought forth berfirfi born lon^ani wruffsd him infvfadling-chitbs^iai tail n TGaT ' i<. Chrift humbled himfclf in his life by ii\b)z(k'tfig himfelf Bm whenVc ^o the Law «, which he perfeaiy fulfilled*, and by confliaing fulncfsof time with the indignities of the world x.ccmptations of Satanjjand was come, ^ei infirmities inhis flefh,whether common to the nature ofmai^ fent fmb Wjorpji-ticuiarlyaccompanyinethat bis low condition z. Son,nt(idtofa *^ ^ r / » . woman, made mdtr the Law^ * Mai^ij.ThlnVMtihitXdm come to deftre/ tbt Law^or the PfOphtWi I am not come to dtlkToy^buttofttlfiU.Idin j.ip.^or a»by one mans difbbedieoce many were made finners,(o by the obedience of one (hill many be made righteous, [x] Pfsl, at.-6,8ut lama worm^and no man, a reproach of men, and deffiftd of tbe people. Heb, n.i,^ Lookmg unto jefus the aethor ind finilher of our faitb.whofor tbe joy that was (ct before himjendured the Croft ^defpifin^ tbe Jbame, indii fet down at the right band of ti)e throne of God . for confider him thatenduredjjwib mtradiSlion of Jinners againfl himftlf , lett ye be wearied and faiot in your min'ds. C)'} il/** 4 Cfl]MdM7.4, . A* Ghrilt humbled himCelf in. his death , in that hiving Siying, I ba?e bccn betrayed by Judas rf, forfaken by his D»fcip!es b, fcorn- Cnnedinthitl gj andrejeftcd by the World c, condemned by Pilate , and h&vi. betrayed ' the imotent blood iir\d they faidy What is that to ui?fee tbou tothat. [6] W«.i^,^6.ButaII ibiswasdone that the Scrip ures of the Prophets might be fulfilled j tbenall tbe 'Difciplet for(ookbim andfled. [c] Ifai 5 j.a,j.Forhe Qiallgrow up before him asa lenderplant.andas a root out of a dry ground ; he hath no form nor com lint jj'e , and when we (hall fee him, there imo beauty that we fhou'.d defirebim. Htis defpHed and rejtHed of men,* man of forrows, and acquainted witbgricf^aod we bid as it wue, our faces itomhimtHvuis deffifed, andwt tfiiemtd bim mt,. 5ormcutcd ChsJ tormented by hw Perfccutdrrrf-, having alfb confliarcd with (i) M4ti »/; the terrors oi^ death , and the powers of darknel» , felt and icum v,ttf tov. born the weight of Gods wrath e, he laid down his life an S©* Then re- offering for fin/, enduring the painful, ftiameful. and carfed I'l?? **' ^'*'" death of thecrols^,^ £i„,-- .';;.' 7 tebad fiourged Jefut, bt delivered bim fo it ttucijln^' And be- ing in an agony be prayed more carocftly , and bis fweat was as it were greac drops of blood, falling down to the ground. Mat. i7..46». And abcuctl^c ninth hour jf fus cried with a loud voice, faying, EL/ ELI LAMA SA'BACTHAtil, tbatistoJajyMygod.my Gedttebj hafttbtufarfakenmef (/)I/l«.yj.io.Yct itpleifcdtbe Lordtobruilcaim jbc batbputhim CO grief. When tboufbalc make bisfoulancfleringfor (in, be (hallfee bis feedtheOiall pro- long hisdays.and tbepleafurc of the Lord (hill pr^fpec in bis hand, (g) ?bil 2.S.Aad being found in faHiion as a man , he buoibUd hia\rclf,and became obedient unto death , even the death of tbecrofs. He&;i a. ». Looking uptpjefut the author and Bni(ber of our faicb^ who for the joy that was fetbefote him, endured the crof5,derpi(iDg the (hame, and is fet down at the righthandof the throne of God, G4/.j,ij.Cbrift baih redeemed us from the caifeof the LaW|being made a curfe fot ui: for it is wtictenjCutfcd is everyone that haogeth on the tree. Q. Wherein confijied Chrifls htimiliatm after his death ? A. Chi ifts humiliation after his death, confifted in his be- ing buried fe, and continuing in the ftate of the dead, and un- fj/ ?defi^*** der the power of death till the third day i, which hath been ^^ un^Q *"„ otherwile exprelTed in thcfc words, Vie defcended into Hell, firftofali that which I alio receivedjhow that Chrift died for our Gns according to the Scriptures, and that he was buri^ cd,and that he t*fe sgain the third day, according to the Scriptures, (i) Tfal, i5.io.For thou wiltnotleavemytoulinhcli, neither wilt thou fuffer thine Ho!y One to fee corruption. Compared ¥iubeASifi.i^,i^,i6iij.-ii. Whom God bath rdifed up,having loofed the painsof death, becaufeir was not polTiblethit he (hould beholden ofir. v.a^'] For David (pcakech concerning him, I forefaw the Lord always before my face , for he is on my right band that I fliould not be moved— -v. 26.3Tberefore did my heart rejoyce,ind my tongue was glad , my flefh alio (hall reft in hopc»v.S7^Becaurc ibou wilt not leave my foul in the . grave, nor wilt thou fuffcr thine holy one to fee corruption — v,ji3He(ceing tbisbcforf^ fpake of the refurrc^ ion of Cbrift, that his foul was not left in bell, neither did his fl; fh tee corruption.R0n<.6.9. Knowing that Cbrift being jraifed fron^ the dead, dietb no more, death bath no more domini,on over him. M^dt.ia,4X>. Foras^«sdi Wis three daycs and three nights ' in the whales bclly|(o (hall the Son of mao be three dayca and three oigbtsin the heart of thecactb. •.->■, f ■• Q^Whit was the eflafe ofChrip exaltationt A' TUeeftaxe of Chrifts exaltation coroprehendeth his (W»C«Mj,4« refurrefkion i, Afccruion /, fitting ac the right hand of the ^"'l *''" ^^ ^ w. » wa$buried,ana that he rofe again the third day,according to the Scripture. (0 M^ir^, t^, t9.So then after the Lord bad fpokcn unto tbem^hc tvastercivedup into hcavcnj^ fat ^pibe right hapd of God> X 2 "'" 'father Ch6) fmj Ep^. I. Father m, and his coining again.co judge the world n, icwToog^tioChrift whcohe raifed htm from the dead, and fet hrai at hit owd right h*nd in irte hcaveoly places. («) Ad. 1. 1 1.— Who alfo (aid, Ye men of Gililee, why ft*od ve gi-iing op into heaven? Thit fame Jefoi who it taken from yoo op into hcaveo, ^ fhiU fo come, in like manner a« ye ha?e feen him go into heaven. Aft* 17. 31. Becaufe be hith ippoinced a day in which he will judge the world iorighfeoufoefs.by ihit man whom he hath ordain«d, whereof he hith given affarancc onto a|l men , in thai be hath raifed'him from the dead* Q^Borc V(ts Chrifi exalted in Us refurreGion ? A. Chrift was exalted in bis rcfurreftion, inrhat, not having fecn corruption in death, of which it wasnotpof- (0^ Aft. 2. fibletorhim to beheld^, and having the very fame body 24 27 .Whom jjj ^][i\z\i he fuffered , with the effcntial properties there- ?e*d*a^'hav^Dg of p 9 but without mortality -and other common in- ^ loofcd' the firniities belonging to this life, really united to his foul q^ paioj of death he rofc again from the dead the third day, by his own becaufeii wa» power r, whereby he declared himfclfto be theSon ofGody^ hc^flKS^Q^ld'^be to have fati^fied divine jufticef , to have vanquifhed death be ho°ldcn of and him that had the power o( it « , and to be Lord of k — V. 27. j quick and dead*, all which he didasa publick perfon x, Bccaufe thou (ijehead of his Church j*, for their juftificationz, quickning wilt not lea?c fnyfoDi in hel, neither wilt thoo fufferthioe Holy One to icecorrnption. (^;JL'.k. 24 39 Behold my handi and my feet, that it i» I my felf : handle me and fee me, for a fpirit hith nor fleihandbonejatyefecmchave. CqJ Rom. 6. 9. Koowiog ihatChnft being raifcd from the dead,dieth do more, death hath no more dctninjon over him. Rev. 1 . 1 8. 1 am he thatlivcih and waidead j and behold I am alive for evermore, i4ffi in that having after hii rcfurrc^ion often appeared unto , and convcrfed with his Apoftlcsj fpcakinR to them ot the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God d, [f^ ^^' * 2,5, and giving them commiflion to Preach the GofpeJ to all nations e, H°"' '*»« d*y fourty dayes after his rcfurreftion, he, in our nature, asour head/,U',,^-i."^'' ^^ triumphing over enemies^, vifibly went up into the higbcfl hca- ,ftcr that "if ' yens, there to receive gifts! for men K to raifc up our aftcaions thi- through the iherr, and to prepare a place for us ^, where himfclf is, and ftiail Holy cboft continue, tiU his fecond coming at the end of the world/. hadgiveocom- Bt»o the Apofllei,whom he had chofer ; To whom alfo he flicked himfelfrlive'afr'er his pa{lion,by many infallible proofi, being feen of them f u* ty dayi, and fpeaftj-g of the things pertainiof to the kingdom of God. (0 Mat. 28. 19, 20 Go ye therefore and teach all tiations.bi^inirig themin the name of the Father, and of the Sod and of the HolyGhoft, teaching them to obfetTe all thiogtwharfocircr I ha^^c commanded yrn • «ndlp, lamwith yoaal^afayenro theendofthcworld* (/) JJeb,6.2o. Whither the fore'Yunnerisfor m entered, e^en^da*, m»de an High-Priell for ever after the order of Mekhifedeck: ft) ^pfJA 8. Wherefore he fairh.wheo he afceoded op on hig'i he led captivity cipiive,*od gave g f.$ unto men. (A) A^Ij i. 9, io,„. And when he hid fuo- ktnthcfcthiDgs while they beheld, he was taken tjp, and a clood received him oct of their fjghr. And while they looked ftcdfaflly lowardi heaven, as he went up behold two men flood by them in white apparel i who alfo faid,Ye rr.en of GiliJee whv nand ye gtzing up into heaven? the fame jcfus which is taken up foTi you into heiren (hall fo come in like manner as y< hivc feeo him go into heaven. Epb. 4 lo.He that defccorf ed is the fame alfo that afcctded opfar above all heavens, thjt he ro-cht fill all »hfrD«' Ffa/. 68.18. Th^ohaft afcended on high.thoo hafl led captivj.y capiive thonhaftS* ceivcd gifts for men-, yea for the rebellious aifo.that the Lord God might'dwell arrnnJ them. rOCo/.3;i,2.1fyetheobe rifen withChrift, fetk thofe tlficg, wh'cTa"? above,wheieChr.flfittcth at the tight hand of Godifetyonr«»rman he is advanced to the higbeft favour with alfo hath high* Qq^ tf^g Father /;2,with all fulnefs of joy Wjglory ^, and power aS<£ivenbm °^^^ *^^ things in heaven and earth j), and doth gather atld d name which defend his Churchj and fubdue their enemies, furnithetli hi's it above every Miniftersand people tvith gifts and graces ^, and makech in- name.(ji')Aa. terceflion for them r. 2.28. Thou hafi made known co rac the ways of life; Thoo fhilt make loc full of joy with thy coua* tcnaocc. Compared withPfd/. i5.t{.Thoa wilt fhcw mc the path of life; in thy pre« fcQce ii fulocfs of joy, and at thy right hand there arc pleafarei for tvtivaott. foj Job. 17. 5* Aod now O Faiher,glorifie thdu (tie,with thine own fc!f, with the gloty which I had with thee before the world was. CvJ ^P^' *• ^^' ^^"^ ^^^^ P"t all thiagt under h!sfcet,and gave hioi to be the head oter all things to the Chorch. j Fet. ^.22.whoi% (oncitito hcaveD,andii ooihs right hand of God,AogcIt,aDd Auihoritiei, and Powers being made fdbjed unto him. fqj Eph./^.to,n^i2.iic that dcfcended, it the fame alfo that afcendcd op far above all heavcns.that he might 611 all thirgi. And he give fomc Apo(lkt,and fomc Prophets,ind fomc f^vangeliftt, and fomc PaAors and Teachers} For theperfeding of-theSaints,for the work of thcMiniflecy, forche edifyiogof thebody of Chrifi. Ffai.no. throoghont.TheLord faid onto my Lord,Sit thoo at my righ t hand, till, ^c. — to the end. (r) Aow.S. 34. Whoi$hethatcooderore»h? it it Chrift that diedj yea rather that is rilen again, who is even a& the right hand of God, w bo alfo iDikcthincerccnrioDfor us. Q, Ho'df doth Chri/i maf^ intercejjion ? {J)Heb9U— -^i Chrift makcth intcrccflion, by hii appearing in ournature 24.Neither by continually before the Father in heaven /*, in the merit of his obedi- the blocd of cnce and facrifice on earth * I declaring his will to have it applied h°*h^"'''^* to all believers «, anfwcringall accufations a^ainft them"*", pro- Wo d h °*^° curing for £hcm quiet of confcicncc noiwithftanding daily fail- trcd io once into the holy place,having obtained eternal repemptionforiis.— V.24.For Chrift is not entered in th' holy places tnade with haDdf,whi(h arc the figures of the trae,but into heaycoit felf,now to appear in theprcfcoce ofGodforoi. ftjffeb.i,^. Who being the brightnefs of his glory, acd the exprtfs image of his pcrfop, anti u^* holding all things by the word of hi! power, when he had by himfclf purged our fins, fare down on the right hind of the MajeHy on high, fuj Joh ^ 16, For God lo loved the world, that he gave hit only bcgotr«n Son,that whofotver bclieveth in him, might not pecifhfbut have everlafliog life. /oA. 17.9.— 20— 24. I pray for thtm, I pray aoc for the world.but for them which thou hift giveo me,for they are mine — V. 20. Nei- ther pray I for thefe alone , bot for them alfo that (hall believe on me through their word — V.24 Father I will thit they alfo w'iom thon haft given me, may be wi,ih me 5Mhcre I am,nhaf^ given me*, for thoo kvedft tnebeforethefono^atiooof the world. (*) /low. 8. 59 34. Who p:iaU lay any thing to the charge of God i eleff .' it is God that jujfifies^who ii he that condemncth i it iiChiift thitdied, yea.rath:rthtt isrifeoagiiD, whoise^CQ at the right haadof God, who ii^ fomskcth iaicrcefTioofor ut« ings, C H9 ) i^s ;?, acccft with boldnefe to tbe throne of grace ^j andac- (,x)v,om. i.t, ctptancc of their pcrions z^and lerviccs a. btin)"mcd by fiiith, ^ehiTcpMce with God, throogh oar.Lord Jtfai Chrift.bjr whom ilfo we bavcicccftbyfaith'ioto ihU grace wherein we ftiod, aod rejoyce in hope of fhc glcry ofGod. 1 Joh. a.i,3. MytUfUtchildreathefc thiof* write laoto you.that yefiPDfif.- Aodifaoy maofin.wehiTeio Adrocate with the Faihtr, JcfoiChrifl the tighieous} And hci< »ht proptciattonioroBcfms, aodaotfor ogrt ooiy, bot alfo for the (ids of tlte whole world.(j')Hcb.4«i^.l'«c oj there come boldly onto the ihf odc of grace,thit wc may obtato mercy, and find grace to help io time of occd. {tQ Eph. i> 6. To the BMife of the glory of hiigrace^hcfeia he h»th made us acceptable io the beloved. («) I Pet. 2. 5' Yc alfo as lively (\ooe«are builrop a^pititaal houle,ao holy P(i(.(\hood,to tfF:r up fpiMtual facrifiqts accept^i^blc to God by Jcfo«,Chrift. Q:Ho» is C^rifi toBeexaited itihifQomvijr?^ ^4^)fi tJ>iii4&l theworldl ^.Chiift is to be exalted in his coming again to'Judgc the r vrorld,in that he who was iinjiiftly-)udgcd and eohd great glory* (.9'i*' with all other benefits of the Covenant of Grace h. Neither by ihe blood of goats and calves, bot by his wn blood he entrcd io oocc into the holy place, haviog obtain*^ cd eicroal redemption for or* (^/')aCor. i. 20. For all thcpromifcsofGod in hioi arc, yea, and in him, Amen^ unto the Glory of God by qs; CL Hoi? •Q. Ho^ do Ta>« come to he made partdkers of the lenejits t^hicb Chn[l hath procured ? A. We are made partakers of the beneBcs which Chrift hath procured, by the application of them unto us i, which It) Job. I. II. is the work efpecially of God the Holy Ghoft ^. 12. Hs catnc Doto hit owo.tod his own received hitn not-Bot as mtny as rcceired hitn.to them give he power to become the foo* of God.even to them thit believe in his naaoe. Qk)Tii,^i 5,6. Not by works of rightcoufoefs which we have doDe,bDt according to his mercy he fivcd us, by the wafhiogofregeoeratioo, ani renewing of the Holy Ghoft ; which he (hcd on as abundantly through Jefus Chrift oor Saviour. Qj, W(>o are made partakers ofKeiemptlori through chrijl ^ AiRcdcmption is certainly applycd and cfFcftually coramunica- (OEph. 1. 1 J, ted to all thofe for whom Chrirt hath purchafcd ic / > who are in 14, In whom (}„,£ jjy [\^^ Holy Ghoft inablcd to believe in Chrift according 10 yealfotruftedth QQf 1,^^ after ihai ye ^ » heard the word of Trnth^rjijB GoXPd of yoQQj(aIvatioo;ia whom alfo after ye believed, ye were fealed wicn thai holy, f-Ui^i^t of prootife , which is the earocft of ODrinheri- tance, uotill the redemption of tnepurchafedpo(T(flioo unto the praife of his glory. John 6, 37—39. Ail (hat thei^atherg^eth meftiallcoroeDntome,and him that com\ mcthanto me I will in no wiftdaftout. — V.29 ]And thjsis the Fathers will who hath (cnt me, that of all which he hath given mc I Ihuuld lofe nothing, butfhoald raifcic up again ac the lift day; ]ohn, 10. i $, 16. As the Father knoweih mc, even fo know I the Father, and I lay down my life for the fhecp. And other fhecp I have, which are not of this fold; them alfo I i^u|li bring, and thty (hall hear my voice, and there (hill be one fold and one ihepherd. T^ j Epht 2. 8. For by grace ye are favcd through faith, and thatnot of yoar felvcs.it is the gift o< God. 2 Cor. 4 13. Wc having ihe fimefpi- rit offaich, according IS it it written, I believed, and therefore have! fpokeo ; we alfo bdieve, and therefore fpcak. Q. Giff they who hctve if ever heard the Gofpeh dr?d/o kt^ow riot Jepts Chrifl, nor helieve in himibe faved by their living ac- cordlnf> to the light of nature .? fnj Rom.io. ^ Thty who having riever heard the Gofpcl n^ know IhJ^t^lKy call "^^ J^^"^ Chrift Il die in your Cins.Mirk i6»i6 He that believetb and ii baptiied,(ha)i be faved j but he that believetb not (hall be dimncd.(f) i tfeM.io,ii,ii,i5,i4.wfaere is the wife i where is the Scribe? where is the Difputer of (bis worlds Hath not God made foolilh the wi(r dom of tbii world fT. xi] For after that in the wifdocnoFGod, the world through wKdooi knew not God»it pleafed God by the fooliftinefs of preaching to (ave them that believc^T.xa j I^or the Jem require a fign, and the Greei^s feck after wifdoro. v.xj] But we preach Chrift crucifiedjto the Jews a ftutnbling.block , and unto the Greeks fooliflinefs. v.i4] But unco them who are calied,both Jews, and Greek*, Cbriil the power of God, and the wifdom of God. (r; ]obtt 4* XX. Ye worlhip ye know not what ; we know what we wotftiip , for falvar tion iiof the ]ews.2^om.9.{i,{£. Buti/f4r/ which followed after the law ofrighteoufnefs, hath not attained to (be law of righceoufnefs. Wherefore? BecauCethey fought it not by faitb,but as it were by the works of the Law^ for they ftumbled at that ftumbliog liont,Pbit* J 4, to lo.Though I might alfo hive confldcnce in the 6e(h j if any other man tbinketfa that be bath whcreot he might trufl in the flcfh,! more* n,^'] Circumcifed the eighth day,of the fiock of Ifraeljof the tribe of Senjamin, an Hebrew of Hebrews,as touching the law,a PhaV rifee. v.6.Concerning zeal, persecuting the Church, touching the rigbteoufnefi which is ia the Iaw,blamele(re,v,7]But what things were a giintome.thoie I counted lofs for Chrift. V.8] Yea doubtl(fs,and I account all things but lofs for the excellency of the knowledge of Chrift Jcfus my Lord, for whom I have luffeted the lofs of all things, and do account tbetn but dung, that I may win Chrift. v.pj And be found in bitn, not having mine own rightc- oufnelSjwbich is of the law, but chat which is through the faith of Cbrift, the righteoufaefs whichisof God by faithi (() ASit.^ ix.Neithet is there falvition in any other i for there is no other name under heaven given amongft men,whereby we muft be faved.(t) Efft.j.xi. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Chrift is (he head of the Church, and he is the Saviour of the body. Q^ Are ail they faved ivho hear the Gofpeh <*«^ live in the Church > A, All that hear the Gofpel, and live in the vifiblc Church, are not faved, but they only who arc true members («) iF«&.ii.j8, of the Church invi(ible«. 39i 40* That the faying of £(aiii the Prophet might be fulfilled which he (pike. Lord, who bath believed our report ? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed f therefore they could not believe, be- caufe that E/i!(/tfiraidagain,He hath blinded their eyes, and bardnrd their heart, that they (bould not fee with thir cyes,nor underftand with their hearr, and be convcrted,and I (hould heal thtm.Ko« 9 6.Not as though the word of God bath taken none tffcdi for they are not all Ifrael, who are of Ifratl. ;W«.iz.i4. Fof many ate called, but few are ctofen. Mat^j.^u Not every one that faith unto mc.Lord, Lord, (hall enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doth the will of myFather wbifb is in heaven.Acw.i i 7. What then? Ifrael hath not obtained that which he leeketh for I but ihe eleftion hath obiained it , and the rcftwcic blinded; Y QJf'hat Q^ What ii the UJtbU Church } {*) I (Jo'-.T. *. J. The vifible Church is a focicty rtwdc up of all fuch as in all Unto the ages and places of the World do ptofcfs the crue Religion % and of Church ofGod their children x which is at Corincb,to tbeoi that are Tandifitd laChtiR }eru$, called to be Saints, viitball that in every place call upoD the name of Jefus Cbcifi our Lord,botb theirs and outt,tC»r. ti, 13. For by one fpif it are we all baptised into one body, whether «vc be Jews or Gentiles , whether we be bond or free , and have been ail made to drink into one Spirit. 7(*m.i^. 9, iOjii,it,Aa4 chat vhe Gentiles mi(ht j^oriBe God for bis mercy, as it tt wricten,For this caufe I will con* fefs to thceamoog the Gcatiles,and finstuico thy Qimc.v,ie*}And again he faith ,Rejoyce ye Gentiles with his people, v. n. And again, Praife ye the Lord all ye Gentiles, and laud bica all yc peopie,v.i2] And again E/iUAi fatth.There (hall be a root oi ftjje,*nd he that (haU tik to reign over the Gtntiles,in bim (hall (be Gentiles truft. Rev^j^^.hfttt this I beheld, and lo a great multitude whicb no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds,and peo- ple,and tongues, flood before the throne and before the lamb, clothed with white robs, and palms in tbeir bands. P/d/.2.8,Askof mr^and I (ball give thee.tbe heathen for thine inbe- eitance,and the uttermoflpattsof the earth for iby poflcffion, Ff.ix^xj, to }2, All the ends of the world (hall retnerrber, and turn unto the Lord, andall the kindreds of the eanb (hail wor&ip before tbee.v.i8]For the Kingdom is the Lords,and he is tbeGovernour among the sationso.v.z9]All they that be fat upon the earth (ball eat and woidiip : all that go down to the duft (haiibow bcfote him,and none cas keep alive his own foul. v. jo} A feed (hall feive £iim, it (hail be accounted to the Lord for a gencration.v. j i] They tha] I come and kitW d<« date bis rigbteoufnefs. Pial ^i, 17* I will make thy name to be remembred in all generati« eas ^.therefore (hall the people praife tbee for ever and ever. MdMS. 19,10.60 ye there fore,^ and teach all nations, baptizing tbcm in the name of the Father) and of the Son, and of the Holy Gboft, teaching them io obferve all things wfaatfoever I have commanded you:and Ic I am with you always unto the end oftbe world, Amen.£(df. 59.au As for me this is my Cove* aaiflt with tbem,(aith the Lord,My (pirii which is upcn thee, and my words which I have put in thy moutb,fhal 1 not depart out of thy moutb,nor out of the mouth of tby fce^toor out ®f the mouth of thy feeds feed, Oitb the Lord, from henceforth and for ever, (»)i Cor 7,14. ¥q7 the unbelieving buiband is fanAified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is fanfi^fied by the husband j elfe were your Cbi Idrcn unclean,but now tbcy are holy, Alls 1^9. For tfa^ Ftomife is to you and to your Cbi'dren,and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God (hall call. Rom, 1 1. ^.For if the firft- fruits be holy, the lump is alfo bo]y,aod if the root be holy, foarc thebranche*. G(it 17^7. And I will efttblifh my Covenant between me and tbee, and tby feed after tbee, in their generations for an cveiiafiingCovtnant}to be a Sod unco thee,and to tby (eed after tbce^ Q_ l^at are the /fecial privikdges of the vifihle Church I A The vifibic Church hath the privilcdge of being un- 0)J^*,4. « cod. Hai, 91.4, 5. For thus hath the Lord fpolen unto me { like as the lion and the young lion roaring on bis prcy,wbcn a multitude ofSbcpberds are called fortb sgainft i]im,be will not be afraid of their voicc,nor abaft! himfclf for the noifc ot them j fo (hall the Lord of hofts come dofintofght JW mount Sion, and for the fc/// thereof, vi^]A$ birds f^yicgjo will the Lord of hofts dij\ni ^«r«/a/c/ii,defcnding alfo, he will deliver ;r,and paffing over, he will ptfirve it. Zeih, 1 x.t, j,4— 8,9. Behold, I will make Jtrw/i/em acuf oj trembling unto all the f topic round zhouxy when they (hall be in the)7eg«,both ajainft Judah and JcrufalcBJ ?.?] And in that dat will I make JerufaUtn a burthenfemjiont for al I people ; all that burthen thttnfelus with it, jhall be tut in f «<«, though all the people of the earth be gathered together dgaivfi it. v. 4. In tbac day, raith the Lord, I niWfmite every horfe with afionipMentf and his ridtt with madptQe } and I will open mine eyes upon the hculc of JMifl*, and will fmitc every horfe of the people with blindmffe — v.8] In that day (hall the Lord dejeni the inbahitanti of Jirufalevi, and he that is Jeeble among chcm, at that day (hall be as Z}tfwi,and the houfe of David (ha.l be at God , as they4itge/ofthe Lor<( before chcm< v.p] And it fiiall come to pars in that day , that I will feck to deftroy aU the nations that conteagaiiift}eru[altm. (a) AS 1.19— /^i* For the promifc ii to you and to ycur cbildren,and to all that arc afar off , even as msny as the Lord our God (hall call — Ml] And ihtjcovtimed (tcdfaltiy in the Apoftles DoSlrine, and infelltw^fhip, ard inbrealjiingofbreadtind inprcyitt. (b^Tfal.t^-j.ig^to Ht fhemib hit words unto]«o&, h t ftatuvcs and bis judgements uDio Ijrael. He bath not dealt (o with any nation, and as foe his judgcmcntSjtfaey bave not known tbemj praife ye the Lord,7(ew.9.4. Who are Ifraelite$| »<» wiboro /)trW/««6 the adopt icn.and the g!ory,and lifr« C«W»tf«i , and the giving of the Law, and the feivice of God, and tbepromifet. £pi'.4.ij,i j.And he gavefome Apoftles , and fome VtopbitiiiDd (omc Evang(li(t.fy,nd iomc VaSiors and Teachers, for the perfeliing 0} the Stints, for the worli of the mtniJtcry,iot the ediffing oj tbt bodjofCbrift,Mar.i6. 15,16. And he [aid un- to them, Goje into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptised ihi\\ be faved^but he that believeth not (hall be damned, ( e)}ob.6.^y. All that the father giveih me (hall come unto me, and him that (ometb to tut I will in no wife toft out, Q. What is the irf^iji^Ae Church } /. The iftvifihlc Church is the whole number ofrhe cleft , that have bccn,arc>oi (hail be gathered into one»underChrift ihf Head d, {i)Eph i.io.i za.xj.Thatin the difpcnfatioii of the fulnels of timcj,he might gather together in OBCtf/Zifcifr^i in C&ri/J, both which are i»fcMVf», and which are 00 earth, evrninbim- — v.ai] Ard bath put ail things under bi» feef,and gave him to be head ovir aUthivgs to tbt Church, w hich is hi^ bodyi the tulntlTc of bim tha? filleth all in all. )oh. \o,i6. And other (heep I have which are not of this fold I tbim alfo I rr.ufi brivgMid they fl:>all bear my voice, and there ft^all be cne fold , and onefhepherd. ]obn n f.Thc A, the Members of the Invifiblc Church by Chrift enjoy (je) ]o6.i7.2j. Union and Communion with him in grace and glory e, Thatclicy all Biay be odc^ at thoo Fither arc m vat, aod I in thee, that they alfo m&y be ooe ia uf^ ttHt the world may believe chat than halt fcot ine.Eph. 2. 5, 6. Even whco we were dead in fiDt, hath ^aickned nt together with Chrilt ( by g-acc ye arc fared J And haiti raifcd u< op (ogcther,aod haih made us fit together io heiveiily placet io Ch id }c(us« John 17. 24. Father,! will that they alfo whom thoo haft given (nc,be with cne where I am* that they may behold itiy glory which thou bii^gtveo me j for thou lovcdft mc before the foDDdacioo of the worldi QJfhat if that Vnhn which the Eled have with Chrifi f A. The Union which the Eleft have with Chrift, is the rf)Eph.i.a2. work of Gods grace/, whereby they arc Spiritually and my- Aod hath pat (licilly, yet really and infeparably joyned to Chrift, as their all things on- head and husband ;o,which is done in their effcftual Calling^, dec his feet, and give him to be head over all things to the Church. Eph. 2. 5, 7 , 8. And hath rai" fed Ds up together, and made us fit together in htavcoly placet io Chrift Jcfus. V. 7 3 That in the agci to conre hetnight flic w the exceeding richei of his grace in hit kiad- Defs towards us ia Chrift Jcfui. V. 8^ For by grace arc ye fjvcd, through faith, and that not of your felves, it is the gift of God. (g) i Cor. 6. fj. But he that it joyoed to the Lord rt one Spirit. John 10. 28. Aod I give noto them eternal life, and they fhaH Dcvcr periftl, neither ftiall any man pluck them out of my hand. Eph. S« 2; — ^o. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Chrift it the head of the Church ; and he ia ihc Saviour of the body — V. 30. For we are members of his body, of his flefti, aod of liis bones, (^hj 1 Pet. 5.10. Bat the God of all grace who hath called cs into his crer» oal glory by Chrift ]cfas,af[er that ye have faffercd a while, make yoo perfeA, ftablifti, ftrcDgihcn, fettle you. i Cor. 1.9. God is faithful, by whom ye were called ojito the fcllowftiip of his Soit Jefui Chrift our L9rd. CL Whdt if effe^ml Calling ? A. Effedtuai Calling is the work of Gods almighty rOT°h.^.2$. power and grace i, whereby, out of his free and efpciat Verily, verily Jove to his Ele£t, and from nothing in them moving him I fay unto yon, the hoDc is coming, and now is, when the dead (hall hear the voice of the Son of Oad,and they that hear ftiall live. Eph. i. 18, ip, 20. The eyes of your uodetfl^andipg being eolightoed, that yc may know whatii the hope of hitciiliog,aod what the riches of the glory of hit inheritance in the Saiats.V.19. And whit isrheexeccdicg greatnefsof his power to us«vvard who belicv*, according to the working of his mighty power , which he wrooght ioChlft when he raifcd him from^ the dead, aod fechisn at his own right hand, in the heavenly places. 2 Tim. 1.8,9. Be not thoo there* fore iflurned of the ttftjmony of our Lord,nor of me bit prifoHer,bur be thoo partaker oftheatfliftiont of the Gofpcl, aecording to thepowcrof God. V. 9"] Who hath faved u«, and called OS with aaholy calling, not according to oar works, but according to bis owD parpofe, and grace which was gi? cq.as in Chrift Jcfus before the world began. thereunto (15$) thereunto ^, he doth in his accepted time invite and draw them to (/j) fcf J44, fl JcfusCh^iftby his Word and Spirit /, favingly inlightning their But after that Blinds »», rcncwingand powerfully determining their wills «, foag the kindneffe they, although in themfelves dead in fin , are hereby made willing "n** 'ove of and able freely to anfwcr his call, and to accept and imbrace ihc G°*^ °"f ^^v'T grace offered and conveyed therein tf. our towards min appeared) not by works of rijhtcoufncfs which we have done.bur according to his mercy hefavcd u», by the waftiing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy G holt. Eph.x,^ j-7,8,9. But God who is rich in mttcyyfw bis grtat love vobttemthbc hvedui. V 5] Even when we were dead in fins,hatb quickned ui together wirh Chnft {h} gractye are(avei)—V .jA That in the ages to came he might ft) :w the exceeding ricfccsof his grace, in biskindnefs towarda us through Chrift Jefus V. 8 ] For by grace ye are faved,thiougfa fii£b,aod that not of your felvcs } it IS the gttt of God, V. 9.] Not of works, Itft any man ftiould boaft, Rom 9. 1 1,] For the children being not yc( botn, ntitber having done any good or eyilt that the purpote of God according to cledion might fland,not of works.but of him that calleth.— (/) i Cor. 5: 10. Now (hen we are Ambanadours for Chrift,as though God did befeech you by us, we pray you in Chrifts ftead,be ye reconciled to God. Compaicd with x Or. i, i. We then as workers together with him, befeech you alfo that ye receive not the grace of God in vain j for he faith,! have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of falvation have I (uccoured thee J Behold BOW is the accepted time, behold now is the day of falvation. gpofee 44. No man can come to m< except the Father who hath fent me draw him ; and I will rai(e him up at the laft day. x Tbef, 2, t j, 14, But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of tfa« Lord.be caufc God hath from the beginning cholen yeu to falvation, through fanftification of the Spirit, andbeiiefof the truth : Whereuotohe bath c»llfdyou by our Gofpcljto the obtaining ofthe glory of our Lord JcfusCbrift. (m) e/^^ji6.i8. To open their eyes,and to turn them from darknels to light, and from the power of Satan unto God I that they may receive forgi«nnefi of fins, and an inheritance among tbem which are Unfti&ed by faith which is in me. 1 Cor. x,io.-ix. But God bath rcvealea them unto u» by bis Spitit : for the Spirit featcheth all things,yca even the dc

A. The Communion in Grace, which the Members of the ff\fi0fn.% JO, Tnvilible Church have with Chnft, is, their partaking of the Moreover wbo virtue of his Mediation, in their Ju(tification f, Adoption «, he did prede. Sanftitication, and whatever clfe in this life nianifeiis their flinate, thera U;^ion with him*. he alfo called, and whom hecalled, them hralfojdftified, and wbomhe juRffied, them be alfo glorified^ («) Epb' i.y. Having predeitinncd us to the adoption of children bj- J fusCfcrift, tohim- felf, according to thf good picafurc of his wil'. *i C«r.i.?o. Butof hm are yc inCbriftJe- (u$,whoofGcdis madeunco us wifdom, and rigbceouriufs, andfandificacion, andiedcm; ption. Q_ fFhat is Juliification .? (x) Rm. ?, ^. Juflificacionis an a6lofGods free grace ufito finners >? , in a2— Z4, 15. ^.fiich he pardoneth all their (ins, accepteth and accountech Eventfce ttgb- Houfnefi of God which it hy faith of^efus Cbrift,anto alljand upon all that believe ; for there is no diiJcrcnce- V. 24. t Being juitificd freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in}e(usChrift. V. ij] Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation through faith in bis blood.rodeclarc b's righicoufncfs for the remi(fien of (ins that arc paft,tbrougb the forbear* anceofGod. Rom.^i^, But tobim that worketbnot, but bclicveihtjn him that jufiificth he ungodly; hi: !aiih is accouQted for lightco^fncfs. iht,ic their pcrfons righteous ift his fight jf, not for afty thtnf» wrought in CO » Cor. 5. lhcm> or done by them ;<> but only for the pcrfeft obedience and 19 ~2i. To full fatisfai^ion of Chrift, by God imputed to them <», and leceived ^'«. «h" God b,F.Uh.lo„cJ. rTcrnfnV the world ooto hitnfeir, not impotiog their trcfpaiTet nato theoivaod hath commhccd unto as the word of rccoocil tattoo — .y. 21 ~\ For he hath Eoade him to be (id for us, who kn^w tin fin, that wc retghcbc made thcrighttoufoeftof God id him.Roni. 3 224 — 24> 25 — 27,2Ss Even the nghtcoafocfi of God which is by the faith of JefusChtift noco 4ll, aod upoo ail that believe » for there ii 00 differetcc — V. 24 ] Bcmg juft.ficd freely by his grace through theredctnptioo thatis in JefoiChrilt. V. 25 ] Wh^tnGcd bath fet forth to be a propitfatioothrnogh faith io his blood, to declare his r'ghteoQf* Befsfor iherctrMffioDof (ids thai«rep>A, throQgh the forbearance of G d~ V. 27]] Where IS boaHicg then/ ir is excluded. By what law \ Ofwoik: \ N^y^bLi by thr Law ofFaithi V.283 Therefore we conclotic thatacoanis )u(\ificciby iat>h, wi-hnut ihe dccdsof the Law. (0^''- 3' 5* Not by woikiof righteoufoefi whi h Wf hav^dooe,, bat accordiog to his mercy he tared ni, by the waftitog of regeneration, aod rcuewirtg oftheholy Ghoft. Eph. |. 7, In whom we have redctnprioo through iiisblcoti, the forgircoeisof fins according to the riches of hi$ grace. Q«») Rom. 5 I7f 18. 19. There- fore if any man be in Chrift he is a new creature, uld things arc paft away, bt hold, all thii»gs arebccoiseoew. V. 183 And all things are cfGor, who hath recent tied d> to hitDfelf by }efu« ChrtO,«nd haib given to us the minidry ofrccoociliatior-.V. 19 ^ ^® wit.ihat God was in Chrti^,rcconciliDg the world unto himfelf,Dot imputing their tref- pafTesaoto them, aocf hath committed unto us the word of recooctliat'on. Rom<4 ^i 7,8. Even as D«n;ri alfo defcribes ihebleffedrefsof thcmanocto whom Godiirputeth righceoufncft wnhoat works. V.7] Saving, bleflcd are they whofc loiquitics are forgi> »CD, aod whofc fins are covered. V. 8 ^ BlclTcd u the man to whom the Lord will not knpute fin. (3) i A, Although Chrift by his Obedience and Death, did make a proper, real, and full fatUfaftion to God^^ Juflice, in the behalf of them that are juftified c, yet, in as much CO ^"w- 1.8; »s God accept eth the fatisf«£kion from a Surety^ which he Go'dcommeot might havedemandedof them, did provide this Surety, his deth his love towards ni,in< that while wt were yet finoers, Chrift died for ns. V. 9 ] Much more being now )ofti» fled by his blood, we (hall be faved from wrath through him. V. 1 o 3 For if when we were enemies, wc were reconciled to God by the death of hii Son, much more being rca> conciied fhall we be faved by his life — V. 19 3 For as by one maos difobsdicocc vaAVf; were made fioacrs, fo by ibc obedience of one ihall maoy be made righteous. OWO^ fi^ TiTi. a. ^^^^ °^'y ^^" ^' imputing tiis righteoufncfs to them ?, and 5 6,For thert requiring nothing of them for their Juftification, but Faith /, 1$ one God, which alfoishis giff^, their Juftification is, to them, of free ami one Medi- gfjce h» »ior betwcea God and men, theMinChrift jefas. Who gave himfcif araofomefor all, tobe tcHifi* ed in doc time. Heb, lo.io. By the which will we irc faodified through the ofFcriog of the body ofjcfusCtiridooce for ail- Mat. 20.28. Eveaat the Son of man came 00c to be tninilf red unto, bat to tniaincr, and to give hit life a ranfome for oiiny. Dao. p. 24 — 26. Seventy weeks are deccrmincd opon thy people, and upon thy holy City, to finifli ihc rraufgrcflioo, and to make an end of (ioi, and to tnakc reconciliation for ini- quiiy, and to bring in c?criaftiog rightcoofneft, aud to fcal up the rifion and prophe- fie, and to annoint ths moft Holy— V. 26 ] And afttr thrcefcorc and two weeks ftiall ^fe]/i46becat off, batnot forhimfelf, and the people of'the Prince that fliallcome, fhdidcftroy the City and the SanAuary, and the end thereof ftitll be with a flood, &c. Efa. $$• 4, $,<5 — 10, 11,12. Sorely he haih born oor griefs, and carried oar forrows ; yet we did cdcemhimftrickeo, foatttcnof God,aad affliSed. V. $~] But he was woun- ded for oar traofgreffions, he waibruifedforooriotqaitics) thechiflifemeot of our peace was ttpon him, and with hii ftripei we arc healed. V. 6 3 ^'' ^' ''^* fhecp have gone aftray j we hive torned every one to hit own way, and the Lord hath hid on him the iniquity of as all — V. 10 ] Yet it pleafcd the Lord to brnife him, he hath pat him to gtiefj when thou (hilt make his foul as ofl^erin' for fia,he (hail fee his feed, he ihall prolong hit dayes, and the pleafarc of the Lor ' ^rofpcr in his hands. V. lO He ihall fee of the travel of his fotil, and be fatished .* by hii knowledge fhill cny righte* oot fervant juOihe many r, for he (hall bear their iniquities. ^. 1 23 Therefore will I di- vide hitn a portion with the great, and he fhill divide the fpoil with theftroog \ be* caufc he hath poured out his fool unto death .* and he was nombrcd with the tranf- grelTorf , and he bare the fin of many, and made ioterccffion for the traofgrcffors. Hcb.7. 22. By {omuch was Jefusmidea Surety of a better Tefiameor. Roro. 8. 32. He that fparcdnot hitownSon,bat deliveredhimupforosall, how (hill he not with him al* fo freely give us all things, i Per. 1. 18, 19. For as much as ye know that ye were Bot redeemed with corraptibie thiogi,as filver and gold,from your vain cooverfatioo, received by traditionfrom yourfathcri. V 19 ] But with the precious blood of Chrifl, asof a latti^ without blemifh, and without (pot. (e) 2 Cor. 5. 21. For he hath made him to be fin for us, who knew do fin, that we m g'u be made therightcoufoefs of God in him. (/) Rom. 5,24,25, Being juAsfied freely by his grace, through the rc- dempiioo that is in Jefas Ctinft. V. 2 5^WhotT)God hith fct forth to be a propitiation through faiih in his blood, to declare his ri^hteoufacft for theremiflioo offioi that are paft, through the forbearance of God. f'^)Eph. 2.8 For by grace are ye faved through faith,and that ror of yonrfelves,it is the gift of God. {h) Eph. 1.7. [o whom we have redemption through hh blood, the forgivcneU of (ia», according to the riches of his grace. 0)Hcbio.39. ^JVhdt isjuftlfyingFahhl Barwearetjot ^^ Juilifying Faith is a faving Grace/, wrought in d.aw*^ackro ^^* ^tivt of a Sinner by the Spirit^, and word of perditiun.butof them who believe to the faving of the foul. (^)2.Cor 4. i^. We ha- ving the fame fpirir of Faith,according as it it written, I believed, and ihnefore hive I fpaKen, wcalfo believe and therefore fpcak. Eph i«i7>i8 19, That the God of oUr Lord jcfus Chr!ft,ihe Father of glory,may give aato you tlie Spirit of wifdom,8nd rTvclati- oa in ihc knowledge of hioi V. 18J The eyes of your undetflacding being cohghtned, that ye may know what i« the hopeof hiicallicg, and what the riches of the glory of hit inheritance in ths Saints. V. 19J And what is the exceeding greatnefs of his power lous ward,who believe according to the working of his ipighty po,ver. Gad, God /, whereby hc,being convinced of his fin and raifcry,and (i)Ro«.io,f4; of the difability in himlclfand all other creatures to reco- Howthenlhil verhim out of his loft conditions, not only affenteth to *^'y "1' °" the truth of the promife of the Gofpel /?, but receivcth and ^l^ °." *''^°"* refteth upon Chrift and his rightcoufnefs therein held forth, ieli«ed7 a"nd for pardon of fin Oj and for the accepting and accounting of bow ftiallihey his pcrfon righteous in the fight of God for falvation p. believe in hiaa of whom (hey have not heard? and how (hall they hear without a prcaeber f (m) All.t,^?. Now wfcen they Beard thiJ, they were pricked in their hearts, and faid unto Pecer, and to the reft of the A* poftle8,Mcn and brethreo.what fliall wc do to be faved f Al{.i6,io. And brought them oof, and faid, Sirs, What muft we do to be (aved ? J0&.16.8 9, And when he is come he will con- vince the worjd of {in,and of rightcoufnefs , and of judgement. Of fin, becaufe they believe not in me-3i()»i.5.6.F or when we were yet without ftrcngthjn due timeCfarift died for the angodly.Ep&. i.i.And you hath he quickned who were dead in trefpalTcs and Cins,ASli 4. 1 ». Neither ii there [alvation in any other 5 for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we muft be faved. (n) Epb.ui^, [n whom yc a!fo trutied after that ye heard the word of truth.the Gafpcl of yottr [alvation,in whom alfo after ye believed ye were fealcd with that holy Spirit of promile, (p;^o&,i.ix.Buta$manyas received him, to them gave he power to became the fons of God,even to them that believe on his naa\c, ASis 16. ji. And they faid, Bdieveon the Lord JcfosChtift, and thou ihalt be faved and thine houfe. Alts Io.4^ To him give al] the P.'opbets witnefs, that through his namc,whofoevet belicv- eth in him (hall receive remiffion of fio$.{ f)Pbil,i.g And be found in hiro,oot having mine ogirn righceoufncfs which isby the Law , but that which is through the faith of ChnR, the «igfateoufnc(s which is of God by faith. Acft is.ir.Bucwe believe that through the grace of our Lord Jefus Chri{l,we (hail be faved even as tbey« (y . Hovf doth faith jujiifie a Sinner in th^ fioht of God ? A* Faith juftifies a finncr in the fight bi God, not be- caufe of thofe other graces which do always accompany itjOr of good works that arc the fruits of it q^ nor as if the grace (?)^^' J» "• of Faith 5 or any aft thereof , were imputed to him for bh ^"* —Si r^ juftificationr , but only as it is an Inftiument , by which he ^/bnfae Uw rcceiveth and applieth Chrift and his righteoulhcfs/, in jhc (ight of dent : for the juft (hall live by faith. Row. j.j8. Therefore we conclude that a man is juft.fi- ed by faith without the deeds of the law, (r) Rom. 4. j. Bat to him that wotkctb not but be- lifveth on him that juftificth the ungodly, b having the feeds of Repentance unto life, and of all iionoftheT»orld^ that vfejhouldbeboly,iniviitbo\nhhmi before him in love, i Cof. 5, m," And fucfa wtre fomc of you', but ye arc waflicdjbut ye arefanSHfitd^bm yc are juftiBed,in the namcoftheLord Jefusjand by the spirit of our God, zTbef.xt 13. But we are bound to give thanks to God a| way for you brethren, beloved of the Lord, becaufc God bath from the be> ginning ciio/twjfoM JO faivs cjcn , through fancitfication of the Spirit t andbclief of the truth. (^e) 2(6j7i 6^4 5, 6. Therefore we are buried xfith him by 'Bnptifm unto death , that like as Qbrift vpasraifedupfrom the iwiby the glory of tbe Father, evcn/owefl//()(i.ould walkinncw- nefsof life. v^5]For if we have been planted together in the li^enejs of his dcatb^nt duW be alfo in the li\ene(s of bis tefurrcSlion, v.6J Knowing this, that our old man is true ified mth him, that the body of (in might be deftroyed 1 that henceforth we {hould not (rrve Cm, (d) Eph.4.1 ? , 14. And be tenemd in the Spirit of your mind \ and that yc put os tbtmw man^ vbicb after ggi is created in rightauftitfle and truMmgei^ other (i6i) other favinggracei put into their hearts e I ahdthofe graces foftir- (t)sAS{,M»i9^ red up,increafcd,and ftrengthened/, as that they rtiore and more die When they unto fin,and rife unto nevi nefs of life^. ^'*^^ *^'^* things they held their peace, and glorified God, faying, Then hath ^od alfo to the OeuiiUs gravted rtptn* tanee unto life,\ fob, j,9.Who(oevet is born of God dorb not commit (in j for bis feed remain* ttbiti jb/m,and he cannot Cm becaufe he is born of God. (/)^Kie.v.ao.But ye beloved, build' ing up your [elvts in jourmojt boljfaitb , praying in the Holy Ghoft. Heb. 6.ir, 1 1. And we deiirc that every one of you do Jhew tbe fame diligence to tbe full ajjurdnee ofbope unto the cndj V. ix.^That ye be not /lotbjul , bm followers oftbem who through faith and patience in« heric the protni{es.Ep&.;,i5,l7,i3,i9.Tbac he fhould grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be flrtngtbened with might, bjbisSpirit in tbe inner man. v. 17] That Chrifl may dwell in your hearts by faith, thatyc btin^reoied and grounded in Uve'S.ii"] nnay be able to comprehend with all Saints, wh^t is the breadth and deptb,and lengtb,and height. v,!^] And to know the love of Chrift with paifeth knowledge, that ye might be filled mtb all ibe fuU tte(s o/^('i.Co/.i«to,ii.That ye might wa!k worthy of the Lord,unto all plcafing, being fruit' full in iverf good vforii , and increafingin tbe l^nowledgeof God, vm"] Strengthened with all might, iccordin^ to his glorious power, unto all pitiencc and long' fuf^cring with joyfulnefle. (£j2^ow,6.4— 6-14. Therefore we arc buried withhimbybaptifm unto death , that like as Chriii was caifed up from the dead by the glory of the Father j fo we alio fhould walfi in tiewnejje of life v.6] Knowing this that our«/i man is crucified witbbim,thit the body of fin might be deftrojed.iixti bencefonb we fhould not fervefin, v. t^.^otfmjhaU not have dominion overj/ou; for ye are not under the la w, but under grace. Ga/. 5, 24. And they that ace Cbriftsj have crucified tbcflsfhtrnth tbe afftStiont and lufis, Q. VFhat is repentance unto life i ^Repentance unto lifc,is a faving Grace h, wrought in the heart (h)iTim.%,i^, of a (inner by the Spirit^, and word of God 4» whereby out of the f" mcekneffe fight and fenfe not only of the danger /, but alfo of the fihhincfsand '"^/"^'"g thole that op* pole tbemfelves , if God peradventure may give them repentance to tbe acknowledging of the (ruth.(i)Z((6.iiao. And I will pour upon the boufc of Z7 and a great number believed and turned to theLord,(/) Ei|;<<[. 18. z8-jo-ji. Bccaafeheconfidetcth and turneth away from alibis -tranfgrcdioos that he hitb com knitted, he (hall (urcly live, he (hill not die, — v. 30] There* fore i will j'udgcyoH, O houfe of Ifriel, every one according to bis wayes, faith the Lord God, Repent and turn ycfur (elves from all your tranfgrcffions, fo iniquity Ihall not be your tuine v.ji] For I have no pleature in the death ot him that dies, laitb tbe Lord God : whctcfore turn your fcives,and live ye.LM^4tion,yea what fear,yea what vthcment dcfire, yea what zcal,vei what reveogc.in all thiogi ye have approved your fclvcs to be clear ia this matter. (^5^ ^^' ^^' 18. To open t!ieireyci,and to turnthttn frcmdarknefJto Hght.and'from the power of Satan uneoGod, that they may receive forgivcncfjof fior, andaniDheritaDce,ainoT)gihcni that arc fanftficd by faith that is in mc. Ezck. 14 6, Therefore fay nnto thchoufeoflfracl, Thus faith the Lord God, Repent and tnroyot>r feivcs from your Idols, and turn away your faces froon all your abotninatioos. 1 Kio. 8. 47,43. Yet if they (h»l! bethink therofelvcs in the land whither thf y were carried e8ptjv^!»,«nd repent, & make (application to thcc in the land of iheai that carried ihetn CAprive$,fiyiog,Wehavc fioncd and done perverfly, we havecontunitied wickeJn«f»s V, 45] Aod fo return unto thee with all their heart, and wirh »|J their frml — frj; ifal. 119 6 — 58. — 28. Then (hall not I be alhime^ when I have rcfptft unto all thy coQimaudcncnts. V. $3 ] I intreated thy favour with my whole heart •, be merciful nn« JO me according to thy word — V. 28 ] My foul roclteth for hcavioefi i Orcnthen thm. me according unto thy word. Luke ii6. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the cotnm«ndcnenti,and ordinances of the Lord,bIaiPclcfi: 2 Kiog.23.25# And hk: nnto him wii there no Kmg bifore him, that turned co the Lord with all hi», heart, aod with all hii fool, and with all his might, according to all the Law of ^o/e^, neither afiet him arc f« there any like him, Qj^ Wherein do Jujlifictttion MdSAnUlflcAtm differ } A, Although Sans^ificatiort be infepavably joyficd' with Juftification /, yet they differ . in that God ia (/) rCor. 6-n. Juftification imputeth th? righteoufnefs of Chrift f , in S*n6lifi- Aad fuch were ^.j^jjon his Spirit infufeth grace* and cnablcr.h to the excrcife feme of yoD, but ye are ws(h:d,bnt y« arefan6tifTed,bUt ye are juAjficdin the name of the Lord ]<• ftts,and by theSpJritof our God. 1 Cor. i^ 30. But of him are yc in Chrift Jtfusi wh<5 of Gjd it made >.ioto us wifdom, artd righteoDrocfs,ll nor h;!»e doininionorcryoD,for ye are not under the law, bat under grace, {y^ Rom 8,95 94. V/ho (hall lay any thing 10 the charge ofGodt elrft ? It it God that juftafieth, wfio is he that ccndttnneth ?* It isChrif^ that died, yea, rather, ihatis rifrn agiin, who is CTeo at the right hand of God, who alfo tnakeih interceflTion for us. (0 ^ John 2. j2, 13,14. 1 write onto you, Ilttlcchildcen, bccaafc your fiot arc forgiven yoo, for his names fikc.V. 13] I write onto you,Fathcri,becaufe ye have koowo him that!* from the beginning, I write unto you.youBgmen.bccaofe ye have overcome the wikcd one. I write unto yoo, lialc children, becaufc ye hare known the Father. V. 14 j 1 hare writtcounto you, fathers, bccaofe ye have known him that h from the bcgtncipg. I have wtittennnto you, young men, becaafe ye are firotig, and the word ofGodabl* dethiD yon, and ye have overcome the wicked one. H^b. $. 12, 13, 14. For, when for the time ye onght to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again, which be the firf^ principles of the Oracles of God, and are become fuch as have need of milk, and not offtrorg meat. V. 19 ] For every one thit ufethmilk is arjfkilfol in the word of rfgh* teoofncU, for he is a babe. V. 14 ] But ftrong meat beloegeth to them that are of full age, even thofe who by reafon of ofe, hive their fenfcs exc rcifcd to difoern be ih good and evil. (Si9iio« ^oc a fmall moment have I for(akcn thee, bu( with great metcics will I gather cbec« V. 8^] In s little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment » but with everlafting kindnefs will I have mercy on thee , faith the Lord thy Re- deemer- V.9.] For this is as tbe waters of [2y^o& unto me 1 for as I have fworn (bat the wa- ters of T{oib lliall no more go over the earth,fo have I (worn that I would not be wroth w iih thee,nor rebuke chee. V. 10 J For the mountains (hall depart, and the hills (hall be remoY- eJ i but my kindnefs (hall not depart from tbee , neither (hill the covenant of my peace be (cmovedjfiitb the Lord that hath mercy on thee. Q^JFhjt is the communion in glory vphich the members of the Invisible Chnrch have with Chriji ? (*) xCor.j.iS A. The communion in glory which the members ofthc But wealliriilb Invilible Church have with Chrift is, in this life *, immedi- 0penfa6ebebol- aCely after death x, and at lall perfe^ed at the refurreftion ding, as in a and day of Judgement y. glafi^ tbe glory / ^ J a J 9ftbe Lori.are changed into the fame imagc,from glory to glory.evtn as by the Spirit ofthc Lord, (x) Lulie i?.4?. And Jtfus faid unto bim,Verily I fay unto thee,r&jf day /halt thou be witb me in Paradife. (j) i Tbeff.^.t?* Then we who are aUvc,and remain,(liall be caught up together witb them in the doudsj to meet the Lord in the air, and (o (hall we cvci be witb the Lord, Q^ Ifhat is the communion in Glory, mth Chrift^ which the members of the Invisible Church enjoy in thU life ? (x)Epbi.u6' A- The members of the Invifibie Church have communi- Even when we cated to tljcm in this life,the firft fruits of glory with Chrifl-, were i^eld in ^g (f^gy ^pg members of him their head, and (o, in hirr, are L^'il'/io^c'lber '"^^''^ft*^^ »f» f "»t §l"''y. ^^^^^ he is fully pofTefTed ofz, and vitbcbrijl (by ^^^^ eatnefl thereof jcnjoy thefenfe of Gods loverf,peace of grice yr ?rc fi. conlcicncejjoy in the Holy Ghoft,and hope of glory b : as, on vcd)-', And hatb ^ raHidmuptcgttber^andmadeuifittogctbitinbiivsnljplacainChri^'iefus, (a) Row j.^, And hope makctfa not 3(himed,bcc3u(f the love of God is ihed abroad incur heartj, by the Holy Gboft which is g vcn to us. Compared witb i Cot^ 1. 11, Who hath alio fealcd us, and givrn the earneft of the Spirit in our faeirt?. (^) Raw. ?. 1, 2, Therefore bsirgjuftifi- cd by faith, wc have peace with God ihrougb our Lord Jefus Chrift, V, t.] Bywbomalfo wc baveaccefsby faith inco the grace w herein wc ftand, and repycc in hope of the glory of God, %om. 14. 17. For the kingdom of God is not meat and dtink, but righccou!ncf$,aBd peace, and) 5y in ibe Holy Gbolt* ^ the ( i<^7 ) the contrary fenfe of Gods revenging wrath, horror of con- fcienct: , and a fearful exjwcftation of judgement , are to the wicked , the beginning of their torments which they (hall en- CO Qefi'^* if* dure after death c. And Cain fiid unto the Lord, ftf; fu}ti(hmcnt is greater then I can hear. Mat. 27.4 — ZiylagiJ have finned i» that I have *<• trajed innocent bloods And they faid, Whac is that to us? fee thou to 'u,Heb,io, 27 — Buc a ccr- taia fearful looking for of judgement, snd fiery indignaiion,wbich fhill dtvout.the adwerfj- ries. Row.*. 9. Tribulation and anguifh upon every foul of man that doth evil, of the Jew Bril , and alfo the Gentile, Mir^f, 44, Where theic wotm diech not , aad the fire is noc quenched* Q^ shall all men die ? A. Death being threatncdas the wages cf fin f/, it isap- (d)R9md.i}. pointed unto all men once to die f.for chat all have finned /. For the wage* of Gais death: but the gift of God is etcrm! life through Jefus Chrift our Lord/c) Hefr .9,17, And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement. (f)Rom.s- it. Wherefore as by one man fin entred into the world, and death bjr fm.anifl fo death fa^td upn all men , for that aUbave finned, Q/peath being thewagei of fin , vphy are not the righteous delivered from death^feeino all their fws are forgiven in Chrift "i ^. The righteous (hall be delivered from death it felfat thelaft day , and even in death are delivered from the fling and curfe of it^, fo that, although they die, yet it is out of (g) 1 Cor, ij. Gods love ^ J to free them perfectly from fin and mifery i, '^ -55- '^'^" and to make them capable of further communion with !f^,/fc*7//*'" Chrift in glory, which they then enter upon /^ edh death -- V. f y.] deatb ■mhere is thy [ling f &c, fieb. a. i y. And deliver them who through fear of death ;eetre all tbtir life- time [ubjeH to bondage, (^b) I fa, S 7, tfZ.Thc righteous pcrillictb,and nomanlaycsitiofceartj and merciful men arc taken away, none confidering that the righteous is taken away from the evtl to come. v. a] He (hill enter into peace, they ihiH reft in their brcis,e2ch one walking in hisuprightneflc.i I(^/n£,ii. 20. Behold therefore I will gather thee unto thy fafhcrj , and thou (hill be gathered into thy grave in peace.and thine eyes (hall not fee all the evil which I will bring upon this place, (i) Kcv. 14.1j.And I heard a voice from heaven, laying unto me, write, blcffed arc the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, yra, faith the Spirit, that they may reft from their Ubours,3nd their works do follow them . Epfc.f . 17. Thar be might prefcnt it to himielf a gloriousCburch,not having fpot or wrinkie,or any (ucb thirg,but that it Chould be holy and wuhout blemifh- (^) Z,o(;e 2J.4?, And Jelus (aid unto him, Verily I fay uniotbfc, This day (halt thcube with me in Paradifc, Pb/7.i.2j. For I am ina {height bj- iwixttwo, having a dcfire to depart , and tobc withChtift,whicb i»«ir betccr, A a Q^lVhat - (i62) Q^ IPhjt is the Communion in Giory with Chrifl, i»hich the members if the invifible Church enjoy immediately after death} A' The communion in Glory with Chrift,which the mem- bers of the invifible Church enjoy immediately after death, (J.)Hth 11,23. is, in that their fouls arc then madcperfeft inholincfs /, and To (he gene- received into the higheft heavens m^ where they behold the A r^^^^u% face oi God in light and glory », waiting for the full re- tbe fira.born u^mption of their bodies 0, wlucn even in death continue whicb are united toChriftpjand reft in their graves as in their beds ^jtill written in the la(^ day they be again united to their fouls r : whereas heaven, and CO the fouls of the wicked are at death caft into hell , where ^°^.*'''>*J^B* they remain in torments and utter dafknef8,and their bodies the $*pi!h$ of '^^P*^ *" ^^^^^ graves, as in their prifona , till the refurreftion juft men made a^^ judgement of the great day f, p«rf«ft. (m) % Cw.j 1—6 — 8, For wcknowjtfaatifourestcblyfaoufe of {his tabernacle were difTolved^ wf have a bmlding ofGoi^an bouje not viadt with bind$i eternal in tbs heavens — y.6] rherefore wt are aiiraycs conR Jcnt,knoffing that while we are prefent in the body, we are abfent from the Lord — v.8 jWe are confidentj I fay,and willing rather to be abfent from tbi body and pre* ftntwitb the Lord. Pbiiiii, For lam in a ftrait btiw xt two, having adeiirctodc- parr,3nd tobe with Ghriy, which isfarbcttcr, Cotnpiied with e/4c?j i-it^tPbomth heavens mtfl tcctive.umiU the timei of rt5itutm of all tbhgt, which God hath fpokcn by the moutJ^ ©fall hisProphetSjlincethc world bsjan. And ituaEfb^ lO. He that defc?nr tic Ai&^iiM,to wit the Redemfiion of our hiij, P/a/.i^.p.Thcrefore my heart is gbd , and my g'lJfy rejoyccth : myfiefhal.ofJM reftinbape, Qp) i Tbef. 4' «4« P^r if we belieye that J:fut diedjind rofe 3g3in,tvcn fo them alfo whuh jletp in^i(us will God bring with him. (j) //4, 57- i.Me (hall enter into peaccjiiSf^ j?)4//re^i'B «^e/rkii, each one walking in hit upright* ncfs.(t) Jfli [9. 16^ 17, And though after my skin, worms deftroy this body , jtt in my Heff/ fhali I fee god, v.27]Whom I flvU fee for my fclfjand mine eyes ^allbeboldyind not another, though my reins be coTifumed w ithin me. ( f)tufii s6. i j j J4,And in bell be lift uf hit eyer, being hi tormenHj-xnd fecth nAbraham afaroff.anJ \.a\arus in hisbofoHic. v. 14] And he cried and(ji(^,^ather^ifi64WJ,have mercyonmcjand fend Lii!j;4rwi that he may dip the tip of hi» fiog-irifi wattr and cool my tongoe, for lam tormented in this flmt. ^^/i.if.Thatbemay l5ke part in this Mintltery, and ApoftIe(hip, from which Juias by tranfgreflion fell,that he snigbr gT to hisown place. ]ude v 6,7. And the Angels which kept not cheir fitft eilatf,but ]e(t their own habitation! be hath refer ved in evettafiing chains under darkncOt , unto the judgement of the great day. v,7] Even as Sodom and Geroorrhj,and the Cities round about them in like manncr,givin| chcmfclves over to forBication, and going after firange flefti,aie Set forth fct an cxamplc/uiFcting the vengeafice of eternal fire, Q^ What are we to believe concerning the Kefurre^ion > A,Wo (169) jf. We are to believe that at the laft day there (hall be a general rcfurreftion of the dead. both of the juft and unjuft t, when they that ($)/i(ft i^.x^^ arc then found alive, (hall in a moment be changed; and the felf And ba?c hope famciDodics, of the dead which were laid in the Rravc, being then towards Cod, again united to their fouls for ever , (hall be raifcd up by the power wl>«cfa »faejr ofCbrift«5 the bodies of the juft, by the Spirit ofChrift , and by tbeoifclvcs aU vcrtueofhisrcfurrcftion, as their head, Qiall be raifed in power, fo»l'ow, that fpititual, incorruptible, and made like to his glorious body*, tbtre (hill be and the bodies of the wicked fhall be raifcd up in difho- S "[""*?'? nour,by him.as an offended Judge x. ^[^^^^^ ^»^*^ juft,and unjuft. (u) i (Jem j. ji.jf i.jj.Behold I {hew you a myflsry,we (hall not all flccp,but trc fhall all bt changed ;v,$i] In a momenr, in the twinkling of an eyc,>t the laft (rump(for the ttumpet (hall (ound.and the dead (hall be raifed incorruptible, and we (hail be changed; ) v^f } ]For this corrnptible muft put on incorruptton,and this mortal muft put en itnciorca. lity, I Tbt^^^.i^,i6i\7 ,For this we fay unto you by the word of the Lord, that we who are a]ive,andtcmain unto the coming of the Lor(bal| not prevent them who are a deep. v. itfj Far the Lord bimfeif(haUdcfccnd from heaven with3(hout, with the voice of the Arcb« angcl,and with the trump of God 3 and the dead in Cbrift (hall rife fitft. v.iy.Then we who are alive.andremiin^fliaU be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord inthcair^aBdrodiall wecverbc with theLoidi ^tb. 5.18,29, Marviil not at tbif • for the hour iscoroiog in the which all that are in tbt graves Jhall btarhisvoiu. v.:^9] And (hiU come fortb,they that have done good.unto tht refurtc&icn of life & they that have done t\ilt unto the refurredion of damnation, *e OMf.»i»ia,24— 44,43544 For (ince by roan came death.by man came alfo the refurreftion of the dead, v.2»]Fof as in Adam all die, even io in Chri(t (ball allbe made alive.Vja 3]But every manin his own order,Cbri(t the firH fi uits,»f ter- wards tbtjr that arechriflsat hiscomiog— v.4a]Soa)(o in therefurrcdlionortfae dcadjit is fown in corruption, it it raifcd in incorruption. v.4;] It is fown in di(honcui-, it h raifcd in glory:it is fown in wrakners,it is raifed m power) v.44] Ir is fown a natural body,it is raifcd a Spiritual body,Plb//< ?;ki.Who (hall change our vile body,tbat it may be fifhioned like unto his glorious body,scccrding ta the woiking,whereby he is able tofubdu al) things unto him« felf.fx)3Fo^»5«*7»28,i9. And hath given him authority to execute jadgemtnt aUo, becauJe be is the fon of man, V i8JMirvailnotatthis,forthebour is coming in wb:cball tbatare in the graves, (hill hear his voice, v.aj] And (hall come forth, they that have done good.unto iherelurredionof life, and they that have done evil unto the rcfurrcftion of damnitioo, 0)f4(.i5< ^{•And he (hall fet thefheep on bis right band, but'tbe goats on the left* Q^ What (hall immediately folU"^ after tberefurrdiion } ,/f. Immediately after the refurrcftion (hall follow the gc- (;'^2P«. t. 4; ncral and final judgement of Angch and men y , the day and Vorijgoifpr- ei not the Ari- gels that (inned , but cafl them down to bell,and delivered tbem into chains of dstknefs to berefervtdunto judgement.??«4c v.6,7 — 14, 15. And the Angels which kept not their firft fiation,but left thiir own babitaticn \ be hath tcferved in cverhfting chains under datknrls, uato the judgement of the great day v.7]Ercnas Sodom and Gcmorr3h,?nd the cities abcuc them in like tr.inncr,giving themfclves uv;r to fornication.snd going aiier fir^nge Hefli,3rC fet forth for aneximpic,fuffjring:be vengeance of eternal fire, v, 4.And Enoch alo, the feventh from Adam ptciphtfiedot tfacfc, l3yirg,Bchold,ihc lord comeib with ten tbcufan»' of his Ssints, V, 15] To execute judgement upon all, and to cotivmce all that are ungo ,$ among them,of all their ungodly decdi which they baveungodly crmmitted, and of all' dly hard Ipeecbei which ungodly (inners have (poken, againff him. Hat,x^.t6, And thor .beir go away intocveilLaiiing puniflimenr, but the righteous into life eicna!. < fliaJl Aa a hour hour whereof no man knoweth, that all may watch andpray, (t)M«. t4. 1 6 and be ever ready for the coming of the Lord z, —41—44. But 44l coaaeib» Lukext iKx^6 Porasifnireftijllitcoaieoa illtbcmthwdweil 00 the face of tb« whole earth v ?i 1 Watcb yc therefore and pray alwayes, that ye may be accoontcd wotiby to eUape all thctc ihinji that ftiall come to pafs, and to ftand before the Son of man* dJFhat Jhall be done to the mc\ed at the day of Judgment > A. At the day of Judgement the wicked (hill be fet on r*)Af«.if.3? Chrifts left hand tf, and upon clear evidence , and full con- And he ft^all viftion of their own confciences^, (hall have the fearful, buc fct the flisep \^^ fcntence of condemnation proaounced againft them c ; en fa" f '8^^ and thereupon (hall be ca ft out from the favourable pre- *'*"''' on thi f«nce of God, and the glorious fellowfhip withChrift, his kft'cM^Row^i Saint?jind all his holy Angels, into hell, to be puniflied with i?,*i6. Which unspeakable torments both of body and foul, with the E>evil ftjcw the work ^^d his Angels for ever d* of ifac^ Law written in their hearts, their confcienccsalfo bearing witntfs, and their thoughts the mean while accuGog,or ctcuGnj one another. V. 16,] In the day when he (hall judge the fecrets of mcn,by Jefus Chrift according to my Gofpel. (e) Mat, 2 5. 4 ». 4i« 4 ?• Then (hail hefay alfo 10 them on the left hand.depart fcom mc ye cur[cd,into evetlalling fire prepared for the Devil and his Angeh, v. 41.] For 1 was an hungred and ye gave me no meat, 1 was thirfiy, and ys save rae no drink, v. +?.! I was a (Granger, and yt took mcflot in j naked, and ye clothed me noijfick.and in prilon.and ye vifucd mc nor.f ght hind there ate plealurcs for evermore. (/) Hcb. 12 it, a? But je arc come unto moun^Sion, and unto the city of the living God, rhe heavenly Jetu- tom:ettheLordintbeair, and fo (hill we ever be with the Loidj V. 18 iWheretore comfort one another with iheie words, '-^ A« 3 Hapwg Hdvin^feettf what the Scriptures principaliy teach m tol^e* lieve concerning God i itfollowfte confider^ whattbey re- quire as the duty of man* Qucft.T T THiif is the duty that Godrequireth of man "i VV ^.The duty whicb God req«iirech of maiijig, (^ii)Rom. 12. obcdieHce to his rcvcslcd will n, 1,2. Ibefcech jon therefore, brethreo,by the mercies of God, thit ye prefent your bodie» • Imng f4n crificc, holy, acceptable onto God, which it your reafooable fervice. V. 2 !] And be doc cooformcd to this world,bDt be ye traoiformcd by the rcncwiog of yoor mind, that yc may prore what it that good,that acceptable and perfect will ofGod. Mic» 6.8. He hath (hewed thee, OiDafi,\Yhat h good ^ and what doth theLordreqnircof thc<,but to do JQitly, and to lo?e mercy, and to walk hambly with thy God. iSam. I5< az* ktidSamuel raid, Hath the Lord at great delight in borBt-ofFecicgt at}d facriftcet, at io obcyiog the voice of the Lord f Behold, co obey, it better then facrificc j and to hearken, ihea the fat of rams* Q^ What did God at firfi reveal unto man as the rule of his obedience ? A, The rule of obedience revealed to Adam intheeftatc of innocenceiand to all mankind in him,beride a fpecial com- CO Geo. 1.25, mandj not to eat of the fruit ofthc tree of the knowledge of 27. And God gQ^j andeviLwas, the Moral Law 0. laid. Let us" ' ' make man ID our image, after onr likeDeff, and let them have dpmioioo over thefifh of thefea, and over the fowl cf the air, and over the cattle, and overall the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepcth opoo the face of the earth. V. 27]5o God crea« ted mao in hit own image, iq the image of God created he him, male and female crea- ted he them. Rom. a. 14,15. For when thcGeotiiei who hive not the law, do by na« turc the ihiogs contaiocd in the Law, thcfe having not the Law, are a la w nnro them* felvetj V. 15. which (hew the woikt of the Law written in their hearts, their coofci: ence alfo bearing witncri,and their thocghtt the mean while accofiiig or elfe excafiog Qpe another. Rom. 10. $. For Mofctdefcribeth the righteoofnefs which ii of the law, that the mao which doth thcfe thing « ftiali live by them. Geo. 2. 17. But of the tree of knowledge of good and cvil,thoo ftiilt 00c cat of ii: foe in the day thou catcfl there* of, thounialcfurelydic. Q. IVhat if the Moral Law > A. The Moral Law is the declaration of the will of God to mankind , direfting and binding every one to perfonal, perfcft, and perpetual conformity and obedience thereunto, in Cm) iff the frtme and dirpoHcion of the vihole man , foul and bo- dy p, and in performance of all thofc duties of holincfsand /-. » jn - rightcoufnefs which he owech to God and man q ; pi omifing 2 V -.2". a'f.* life upon the fuIHiling, and threatnlng death upon the breach AadMofesc^. of it r. iare of ihe work* of the Lawarcunder th« corfc} for it it written, Curfcd ft every 00c thitcontinoeth not inail thirg th't are written in the book oftheLtw to do them — V. iz'] And the law is oot of faith, bus the man that doth them (hall live iothem, ^7/ there any ufe of the Moral Law to man^fince thefalP, ^.Although no ni9n,fifiee the fail, can attain to "g^fcoulYrx^^^ g nef$ and life by the Moral Law/, yet there is great ufe there- por whit 'the of, as well common to all men, as peculiar cither to the un- law cold not lo regenerate, or the regenerate t, for that it wai weak throogh thetl A* The Moral Law is of ufe to all men, to inform them C «74> , ': (ic')Lev.ii.44i of the holy nature and will of God «, atid of their duty* bloditig 55. For I am them to walk accordingly * ; to convince thena of their difability to r he Lord yoor j^^^p j^^ ^^^ of the finful pollution of their nature* hearts and lives x, th*^ 'fore (an- '° ^^'"n^blc them in fenfc of their (in and mifcry y, and thereby help ftift^c °your ' ^^^"^ ^^ * clearer fight ofthe need they have of Chrift ^, and of the fcivcj andyc perfeftion of his obedience <«. I (htJ be holy, foe I am holy, oeiihrr (hill ye defile yoor felres , with aoy manocr of crecpiog thing thJt crccpsth a,joo the earth, V. 4$ ~\ For I am the Lord that bringeth you ap out trf the land of Egypt, tp be yoor Ood, ye (hall therefore be holy, for l am holy . Lev. 20.7, 8. S*od'fi* you;fclvc« therefore, and be ye holy : for laaithe Lord yoar God, V. 8. ^j And ye (hall keep my Statatet, and do them :Iam the Lord which faodinc yoa. Roau 7.12. Wherefore the Law it holy, aod the commaodmcot holy,JQA and goocf. * Mich. 6. 8. H; hath (hev^ed thee, O mao, whit U good i aod whst doth the Lord reqoire of thee, but to do juAly, and to love mercy, aod to walk huoibly with thy God. Jatn.2. 10,11, For-whofoeverfliall keep the whole law, aed yet offend iootie point, he is guilty of all. Y.113 For he that faid.Do not commit adDhery,faidairo, Do not kill. Now iffhoa commit 00 adQltery,yet ifthoa kill, thou art become a (raofgrtfTorof the Liw^("x) FfaL 19. n, 12. Moreover by themii thy fervant warned, and io keeping of thtfn'ihcre II great rewird. V. i?. Who can under ft and his err ours ? cJcinfe thoume from fccrct fault*. Rom. 3. 20. Therefore by the decdi ofthe Uw (hall coflcfti bcja- fiificdin hii fight i for by the Law it the knowledge of fio. Rom. 7. 7. What (hall we fiy then ? I« the law (ia /God forbid. Nay I had notknowDfio,but by thcLiw, fori hid ntfi known lo(\, except the law had faid, Thoo (halt not covet. (>) Rom. 3 9— a?- What then .'are we better then they .' No, in no wife-, for we have before proved both ]cw* and Gentiles that they are all under fin, —V. 23. For all have finned, and come(hortof the glory of God. (j^) Gal. 3,21,22. Ii the Ljw thcoagairil^ the promife of God .' God forbid, for if there had been a law given, which could have given Iifc,V6- fjly righieoufoefi (h luld hsvc been by the law. V. 22 ] But the Scripture hath conclu- ded all ander fin, that the promifeoffairh by jcfus Chrinniighcbcgirct} to them that believe. {/) Rom 10. 4 For Chrift is the end of the Law, for righieoufoefi 10 every onethatbelievcth. QWh:tt particular ufe U there ofthe Moral lavp to unrege- nerate men ? A' The Mora! Lawisof ufe to unrcgenerate mtn, to r^Aj^jPfjjp^ awaken their confciences to fly from wrath to corned, and 10. Koowjog to drive them to Chrift cj orjupon their continuance in the thii that the cftateand way of fin, to Icive them inexcufable rf, and under Law it not made for a ri|hteou$ mao.bGt f^r thclawlcfj^and djfobcdicor.forthe ungodly aod fin- nm, for unholy, sod profane, for murderers of fjiibc^t , and morderers of mothers, for mao-fltyers. V. Jo^ For whore.moDgcrs, for th^rn that dcfie thtcnfslve* with, mankioi, for roenfiealc-s, for Itars, for per jured perf'tx, »o:liftb?re be aoy other fhJng that J!f coDt.'^ary to foand dortiinc. (c) Gal, 3. 24- Wherefore the Law »va5 our School-Mificr to bring utancoChrift, that wc might be iu(\ified by faith, {dj Rom. i. 20 Kor the invjfible thingi of him from the cmtioo of the world are cUerfy (een,bsicg undcrftoodby the thtngt thit arc made, c^cn his eternjl pnw,T and Gad -head, fo that thsy arc wirhont excufe. Compared wifh.R-m. 2.1$, Which (h-w the work ofthe L^w wrjttcninthcif heart* , thtir coufcicnces alfobcsfir'g vsitncU, aiid jhcir thought* the tteaa while acccfiog one another, the (in) ch€ curfc thereof e» (<) GaU j. iti For as many as «t«ofthe works of the law, are under the curfe tforit is written, Curfed is every one that conttnucch not in all things which are written in the book of (be Law, to do tbcm. QJThat fpecial ufe is there of the Moral Lnvpy to the rege- nerate > A. Although they that are regenerate, and believe in Chriftj be delivered (rom the Moral Law as a Covenant of works /,fo as thereby they are neither juftificd^,norcondem- (t) 3l«w.^.i4. ned^, yet befide the general ufes thereof common to them ^°' fin (hall with all men , it is ot tpecial ufe, to ftiew them how much U^onom you- they are bound to Ghrill for his fulfilling it , and enduring forye arc noc the curfe thereof in their flead , and for their good ;; and under the law, thereby to provoke them to more thinkfulnels k^y and to but undec exprefs the (amc in their greater care to conform thcmfelves t«"acp« ^'w* 7* * ° 4.6«Whcrefore my brctbreD,ye alfo are become dead to the law.by the body of Cbriftstbat ye fiiould be mar* ried CO another , even to him who is raifed from the dead, that we fliould bring forth fruit unto God — v.6]But now we are delivered from the law,tbat being dead wbercm we were beld|(hat we (houla ferve in newneSe of fpiritjaitd not in the oldn:fs of the letter.G4>Giv(ing thanks unto the father who hath made us meet to be partaken of the inbericance of tbe Saints in light, v. ij) Who bath delivered us from the power of darknefs, and bath tranOaied us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, V*i4] In whom we have rcdcoip* (ion through his blood^cvcn the forgivcnncfs of fin% B b thereunto Q)Kovi.7,ii. thereunto as the rule of their obedience /• For I delijbt in the law of God after the inward man.K^m.iz.t. And be not conformed to this world,but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds, tbat ye may ptove what i$ that good, tbac acceptable and perfeft will of God. rit.i,ii,i2,i;)i4.¥or the grace of God that brxogcth faU vation hathjppearedtoall men, v.ia] Teaching usthat denying utjgodiinefs and worldly luSs, we (hould live foberly, righ£eoL(].y,ind godly in this preftnt evil world, v.ij ] Looking fur tbat bleflcd hope,3nd the giotious appearing ot the great God,and our Lord jelus Cbrii^. v«!4]WhD gave himfelf for us y that he might redeem us from all iniquicy} and puiiHe luiio iiimiclf a peculiar people zealooi of good works*. QJVhere is the Moral Law fummarily comprehended? A.Ti\t Moral Law is fummarily comprehended in the Ten CommandnicntSjWhich were delivered by the voice of God (w) 2Jw/i iQ. upon mount Sinai,and written by him in two tables offtone nty ^, And be mote anjjre recorded in the twentieth chapter of Exodus j the auordittitotte ^'^^^ ^'^^ Commandments containing our duty to God , and firji wr/j/w^, the othsr fisourduty tomanw- t^tf ten Cem- mandmentSiWbhb the Ltrd fpake untoycu in tbe Mount, out of the midft of the Gre, in the day of tbeaflembly,and tSeLordgsvethem untome,£x5i.?4,i,i,j,4. And the Lordfiid unto MofejjHcw ihectwoTablesof ftonelikeuntotbefirft, andJ mil mitt upon ibe(e Tables :he words that were mthefirft Tables which thou brakeft.v.s] And be ready in tbe tnornine, and come up into mount Sinai, and prefcnt thy felf there to ir.e in the top of tbe mounr. v.gT And no man (hsltcomeup with thee^&c, — v.4] Andheheved mo Tables of jione like the firft ,. and rofe early in the morning , and went up into Mounr Sina!,a.Y the Lord had com. Cfjanded hiir»,fl«abbitb, that we may /er jonb wheat t making the Ephih fmall, tnd the fiel^el great , and falfrymg 'he billanccs by deceit. Proo.i.ipSo are the wayes of every one that is greedy of gain , »i?bich takcth away the life oi the owners thcrcof.i Tim 6.10. For the loveof mon^y, isttjercotof allevil,, which while fomc have 27,28.ScC (7"J before V. 273 Ye hare heard that is hath been faid of oH, Thou (halt not coin- mu adaltery ; Bui I fay antoyoa, whofoc?cr lorkcihon a woman 10 luft after hcri hithcooiniutcd atahery with her already io hii heart. Mat. 15. 4, 5.6. For God com* roaoded, iayfog, Hooour the Fathrr and thy mother^ aod he that ciirfeth hit father and hiimoiher,leihi(Bdie the death. V. 5 J But yefay, that whofoever (hall fay to hi» f«- ther or mothei ,Ii is a gift by whatfoe»cr thoo uitghtcA be profited by cne.aDd honour Dot hit father aod his tnother,hc fhati be frec,thos have yc made the commaodcncOt ^^ God of none eftedby yoor iraditioo. Hcb. 10 24,2$. And let us confidcr one another to provoke unto lore, and onto good woikt. V. 2$^ Not forfikiog theafTcrBblicg ^f oar felvei together as the raanacr of fome ii, bat exhjrtiog one another, and fo miich the more »» ye fee the day approaching. 1 Thef. 5 22. Abftainfiom all appearance of erii.Judev 23 And others fave wuh fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment, fpotted by the fttfh. Col. $. 26. Let us not be defircons of rain glory, pro- roking one another, envying one auoiher. Col. 3. 21. Fathers provoke not yonr chil- drcn to anger, lcai\ they bcdircooragcdt 7. That what i« forbidden or cotnmatidcd to our fclvcsy we are (aJExod. 20, bound, according to our places to endeavour that it may be avoid- 10— But the ed or performed by others, according to the duty of their places a, levcnth day it thcSabbathof the Lord thy God, init thocfhalt dooo tnanncrofwork, thou, nor thy fon,nor thy daoghter, nor thy maO'fervant, nor thy maid'f(rvant,nor thy cartel, nor the Onnger that is within thy gates— Lev, 19, 17. Thou fh»lt not hate thy brother in thy hcarr,, thoo fhill in any wife rebuke thy neighour, anrl not fuffcr fin opoo hitn, Gtn. 18. 1$. For I know him that he will Command his children and hi'^ hrufhold after him , and they fhill keep the way of the Lord, to do juflice and judgement, that the Lord may brirgupon Abraham that which he hath fpokin of him. Joih.24 »5' Andjfitfcem evil to yon to fcrve the Lord,chnfs you this day whoniyc will fervk— butasfor me and my honfe we will ferve the Lord. Dta. 6.(5,7. And thefc words which I command rhee this day (hall be in thy heartland thoo fhalr teach them diligently to thy children, and (hilt talk of them when thoo fitteft in thine hoQfe,aod when ihoo wa^kcfi by the way, and whco^thou lieQ down, and whcn.thou rifcft up, 8. That, in what is commanded to others, we are bound accor* ding to our places and our caUings to be helpful to thtm b, andio CO^Cor J.24 take heed of partaking with others in what is forbidden them c. '^°' '°'" •'^" wehavedomi* nion over your faith, bat are helpers of yoar joy— (c) iTimi$,22, Lay hands fud^^ denly onnoman, neither be partaker of other mens fins jkcep thy felf pure. Eph. 5 n,. And have 00 fello wfliip with the unprofitable works of daikncfs , bat rather reprove them. QJVh^t /pecial things are we toconftderin the ten Commandi mints ^ I Al Wc A. We arc to confider in the ttn Commandments, tfjc Preface , the fubftance of the Commandments themfelves, and feveral reafons annexed to fome of them, the more to inforce them. Q^ What is the Freface to the Commandments ? A. The Preface to the Commandments is contained in thefe words [I am the Lord thy God^which have brought thee {i)Exolio.i, out of the land of Egypt ^ out of the houfe of bondage d;'] where- in God manifefteth his Sovcraignty, as being Jehovah, the (e) lfai,44.6^ Eternal, Immatable, and Almighty God ^, having his Beeing Lord the K**'' in and of himfelf/, and giving beeing to all his words^, and of Ifricl and ^^^^^ ^i ^"^ ^^at he is a God in Covenant, as with Ilraei of fats Redeemer ^^^> ^^ ^>^h ^11 his people z, who as be brought them out of thtLordof hoftft their bondage in Egypt , fo he delivereth us from our Spiri- I am the firft, tual thraldom ^; and that therefore we are bound to take ri ^ ju rj^ him for our God alone,snd to keep all his Commandments /. lalt,andoefides '■ methtreitnoGoi. (f)Rxod. i*U. And God faid unto SHiofes , 1 AM THAT 1 AM, and he faid, Tbus (lialc cbou fly unco tbe children of Ifrael, I AM hatb Cent me unto you. (g) Exod,6. ?, And I appeared unto tAbrahantt and J[aa(,*nd ^acob, by the mmc of God Almighty; butbjmynameJebovabwasInotfiMowntetbem* {h)ASis 17.24— 18, God that made the world,andall things therein, fcein|tbat beisLordof beaven,andofeartb,dweI* letb not in temples made with hands. — V. x8t For in bim we live, and mcve, and have our beeing, ascertain aUoGfyourov»nPoetsbav<:faid,For wearcalloii bis of/-ipring. {i)Gen, 17* 7> And I will eftablith my Coveoant between tne and thee, and tby litcd after thee in tbeir generations) for an everlalling Covenant, to be a God unto thee, and 'otby {eedaftet thee. RtfOT. J. 29. Is he the God of the Jews only ? is be not alfoof the Gentiles? Yes, of tbe Gentiles alfo. (i^) Lui^e i. 74, 7$. That be would grant unto u<;, that wc being deliver- ed out ofthchsndsofour enemies, might ferve him without fear. V«7^,'J In hoiinefsand rigbteoufnefs before him ail the days of cur life. {l)i?et 1,1^,1^,17,18. But as he who fcatb called you is holy, fo be ye holy in all manner of convcrfation. V. 16 ] Bccaufe it is written, Be jehol]/,forI am holy. V.17/] And if yc call on the Father who (i^itboutrefpc^ ofperfons judgctfa according to every mans work, ftfs tit time cj your fcjeurniiig here in fear, V, 1 8.] Foralmucb asyc know that ys were not redeemed with corruptible th;n|s,3s filver and gold,from your vain converfationreccivtdby tradition from your fathers. Lev. 18. }o Toereforc (htll jc keep mine Ordinances, tbar ye commit not any of tbefc abominable cut ftomcs which were committed before ynu, that ye defile no^ your fclves therein: I am the LordyourGod. L«t/.i9 ^7. Therefore (hall ye obfcrvc all my Ihtutes, andall myjudgCr Q)cnrs,anddotbem: I am the Lord. CL, IFhat is the fum of the four CommmdmentSi which cdn- tain our duty to God ? A. The Turn of the four Commandments contjining our diiry to God, i?, to love the Lord our God wirh a!i our heart, and with all our foul, and with all our ftrcngth, and with r«8o wrth all our mind m» (m) i «^.io. 17 ting faid unto him, ThoH{haU love the Lord thy Goi with dU thj hurt, mi with ai, Sec. QjlVhich is the firfi Commandment > A. The fiiit Commandment is, Jhoujhalt have no other Gods before me n. (»;) ExoI 20. 5 Q^JVhat are the duties required in the firfl.Commandment p A, The duties required in the fitft Commar.dracnt,are,thc kt^ovv- ingandackiiovvleclgingofGodto bethconlytrueGod, and our God 0; & to woiffiip and glorifie him accordingly /?, by thinking f, (0) « Qof.x^ 9, medicaung ^',remembring /jhighlyeftccmingf, honor ingWjadoring *, -^^'^^ fhou5"o/o. choofiing x,loving>,dc(iring ^,fearing of him rf, believing in him /\ '"'^ "*? ^''"> Cod of tbyfatbef find ktst bim witb a pcrfcft hcart,and with a willing mind j tor the Lord fcaccbccball bearcs, andundcrftandcih ail the imaginatsooi of the tboughtot ittbouieck him, he will be found of thee ; but if thou forfakc hiaijhc will caft thee off o. cvf r, T>cut. 26. 17. Tbouhaftavouchsdtbe'Loro thisday tobetby God, and to walk in his way», and to keep bis ftatutes, andbiscommandm.nts, and bis judgccnents, and tobeaiktn umo bit voice. Efni. 4j. 10. Ye are my witoe(lcj,faith the Lord, and my fervent whom 1 bsve cbo- fenj that jicmiy know and believe mc,3ndundcrftand that 1 am be, before me there was no God formed, neither (hail there be after me, J«f. 14. 21. Are there any aiuong the vani, ticsof the Gentiles that cinciufe rain? orcan the heavens give ihowcts/ Art not tbcu bf, O Lord our God/ therefore we will wait upon thee, for thou haft midc ail thefc tbiogv (p)P/i/.9J.6,7, O come let uiwotfhip and bow down, let us kneel before tbc Lord our Maker. V.j.] Far be is our God, and we are the people of his p^ftuic, and the fherpcfbis hands. Mat. 4. to. Then faid Jcius unto him, Get thee hence Satan, for it is written, Thou (hilt worfliip the Lord thy God, and him only (halt tbouCcrve. Vial. 19 x. Give unto tfae Lord the glory due unto his Name j worfhip the Lord in the beauty of bolintls. (q ) Mai, 3.15. Then they that feared the Lord fpake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book ofremembrancewss written before bim, for them that feared tfae Lord,and thought upon his name* {r) P(al.6i.6, When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watch. (JjEecU(.it,i. Rcmembernow thy Creator in the days of thy youth, (s'f» (0 PM7«'>9« ^hy righttoulnefi aUo, O God> is very high, who baft done great things, O God, who is like unto thee i («) SMat 1. 6, A fon faonouteth his father, and a fcrvant his mafter i if then I be a father, where eMt. 6, ;. And thou (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy bcarr, and with all thy loui, and with all thy might. [^] Pfalyi, 2 j. Whom have I in heaven but thee ? and there is none upon earth that I defirebcfiJcs thee, [a] //a/, 8. ij. Sanftifie the Lord of holts himlelf, and let him be your fear, and let bim be ycur dread, L^] Exoi. 14. 31, Andlfracl faw the great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptian;, and the people fcaicd the Lot dj, and believed tbc Lord and bis lervaotk^ff^i;!. trufling,, (ej\(i, 26. 4. trufting Cy hopiirg d, delighting e, rcjoycing in him f, being TroftyeiD the zealous for him g, calling upon him , giving all praife and foVnithcLord ^^^'^^^ ^> *"^ yielding all obedience and fubmiflion to him, Jtlwrah i« with the whole man i , being carefull in all things to pleafc cTcrliniog him k^ and forrowful when in any thing he is offended /, and flrergth, (rfj walking humbly with him m* Pf. i3o.7»Lct ^ ' Ifraci hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there fi mercy, mi with hicn is pleateoDi rcdcnoptioD. (e) Plal. 3% 4. Delight thyfelfalfo in the Lord,»ni he fti«ll gire thee the dcfircs of thioe heart. (/)Pral. 32.11. Be gl^ie in the Lord^andrepyce ytrighttooif andfhoutforjoy all ye that are cpright in heart. (g^Rom. 12. ii.Notflothful ia ba- fincft, fervent in fpirir, fervitig t^c Lord, Compared withiS^m. 2$ ii.PhJneatthttoA of El ea:(^ar the (oB of Aaron the Priejl^ hath turned my ^rathaway from the children of Ifraet ("while he wai zealous for my f«ke amongft them) that I confamcd them not iomy jcaloufie. ("A) Phil. 4 6. Becarefaliforaothing, bat in crery thing, by prayer and fupplication, with thanksgiving let yonr rcqueAs be made known unto God. fij Jer.T.^i, Butthii thing commanded [ them, faying, Obey my voice, and! will be your God, and ye (hall be my people, and walk ye in all the wayet thiil hare commanded you, that it may be well withyou. Jam. 4. 7. Sobaiit your fclv ei therefore to God,re. fift the Devil and he will fl jc from yon. Ck^ ' Joh- 9 ^'^ And whatfoever we afk we receive of him, becaafc we keep hit comoiandmenr, and do thofc things that are pica- fing in his fight. (/)]<''' S^* *^-I havefarcly heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelf thai, Thoa hafl chafltfed (ne,aod I was chai\ifcd,at a bollock unaccoftomed to the yoak,roro thou me, and I fhall be turned, thou art the Lord my God. Pfal. 119. 135 Rivers of waters ton down mine eye«,bccaufe men keep not thy Law. (m)Mioh 6 8. He hath ihcwcd thcc, O man, whit is good ', and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to A'i /uAlce, and to iovc mercy, and to walk hambly with thy God i Q^What are the (in t forbidden in the fit jl CommandmeMt ? ji. The fins forbidden in the firft Commandment , arr, f"?i*h'^^h Pj A^^^^'^''^ *n denying, or not having a God«, Idolatry, in ha- •in^ hjs heaVr ^^"8» ^'^ worfhipping more Gods then one,orany withjorin. Th-rc is no ftcadof the true God ; the not having and avouching him God— Eph.2 for God, and our God p\ the omiflion or ncgleft iz.Thitai thatof any thing due to him required in this Command- time ye were / w without Chi(\,bcing aliens from the Comtron wealth of !frae),«Dd ftrargers from the Covenant of ^romifc, having no hope, and wjrhoat God in the world. (o")]er.2. 27 28. Saying to a ftock, thoa art my father, and to a ftooe, Thoo haft brought inc forth } for they have turned thtic back upon me,aod not their face-, but in the time of their trouble they will fiy arife and faveui.V. 28J Bat where arc thy Gods that thou h»ft mide thee? let them anfc, if they can fave thee m the time of thy trouble, for according to the mmbcrof thy Cities arc thy God',o7«i:^{j^MOiys G02)i whom iherefote ye ignoranily wotftiip ; him I declare unto you v. 19] For as much then, as wc arc the ofl-fpting ol God,we ought nor to think that theGodhf ad is like unto gold.or fil vcr, ot ftone graven by art, or mans dcviae. (u) Ifai,^o,i 8. To whom then will ye liken God ct what likcnefs will ye compare unto him ? * ?/<»/. 50. ii.Thefc things baft thou done, and* 1 kept filcnce,thou thoughtctt I was altogether fuch a one as tby lelfj but 1 will reprove thee, and let them in order before thine eyes. («) T>eut. i^,ig,iecnt things belong unto the Lord out God;but ihofe things that are revealed belong unto us, and f© our children for cver,thac wc may do all the words of the law.(;; Fit, i,i6.Thty profefi they know God.but in wotks they deny bim,bcing abominable,dilobedienf,and to every good woi k reprobate. Hf^. 1 2.>5. Left there be among you any fornicator, or profane perfon, as Efau, who for one morle! of meat lold his birtb»rigbt. (%) Rom. I. ^o.Backbitets.harers of God, dcfpightful, prcud, boa^ fiers,8ce, (a) iTim.j.t. Fo. men (hill be lovers of ihcmfelvrs, covetoui,boattrrs, proud, bla(phtaicr$,dirobcdient to parent»,unthankfuI,unholy,(&)pfr/7,2.i i .for all feck their own not the things that are Jtlus Chrifts. (<) 1 J«*,i.«y, i6. Love nor tbe world nor the things of the wotld. If any man love the world,'be love of the Father is not in bim. v, 1^] For a|i that is iB the world, the iaft of the flc(h , the iuft of the eyes , and tbe pride or Mte,is not of the Father, but is of the world, 1 i'rfm.x.ij.Whcrcfcre kick ye army (acnfice.and* at mine o9.:ring which I have commanded in my habitation , and bonoureft thy fon» above mr tv> make your feives fit with the chiefcft of all tbe offerings of Ifrael my people? Co/, j.2, J~ <, Set your arteftions on thing* above, not on things on tfaecarth-v.y] For though I am ab> fent in the flt(h, yet I am with you in the Spirit, joying and bcbojdirg your order , and the ftedfaftncfsof yourfaithinChrift. (4; i ]ob,^, 1, Bcloved.believe noi every (pirir, but try the Ipi. it$,whether tby be of God,bec»u(e many fajfe Prophetsare gone out into thr world. ^e)Hc&.j.u, Take heed, brethren, left there be in any of you an evil heart of unbciitf in departing from the living God. (f) Gal. ^xo. Idolatry, Witch-craft, Hatred, Vanancf, Emulation, WraibjStrifCjSeditions, Herrfies.T/i.j.io.A man that is an berctick, after the firft.and fecond admonition, te\ea/(i)Aci. 16,9. 1 verily thought with my fclf.tbai I ooghi to do many things contrary to tbe name of Jclus of Naxarctbi Cq diftruft ri84j ib) Tfal. 78. diftruft J,derpairl, incorrigiblcncfs^ infcnfiblcflers uhder judee. ,V: ur A '"^""^hardners of heart w, pride «,prefumpnon o.carnal fccurkv^ noTin'S "^"P^'"8°^G°,^t..fng.""l^^ful means., and trufting n Uwfu po r aftcd in l^^^*"^./^^^'^"* t'^^,^\^ l?^"'^ corrupt,blind,and indifcrceczeal" . (i) ge« 4 ^ ^^^^«' »"^ apoftatumg frorti God >, praying, or giving any rdigi- And cahi ia.d °"^ "'^'^^^'P ^^ Saints,Angcls,or any other crcamrcs ^.all compaas, unto the Lord.Wj* punijhment isgreaitr than f c^s &edr,rie) Ur.^ ,.0 L ord are nn. ,l.Jn upon the eruch / ,A.« <,./i^,Me« ,ft.«. *«, ,i., have nltlnJi^'^,^^^^^^^^ Xr »*pfetfvf «/-«/.rf ,0 r«.m c(,mff«s,chcy have ojJdr .be ;T face* h,t^^ refuted to return [/] r« 42.»5. Therefore he hatb poured upon hirthefl y ofVi^^^^^^^^^ an ^the «^rn£tb ot battkpnd n hath^«6m wjfr* round abo ' ,ti fc.J&n'rrn^l i K ei &m,,« ht laid u m to bean, [«] Rom. ..j-Buc after thy bJncI^ 1 ZtVutZmt^L r«T P//z? l^^Vi •;• ""^y'*"«^g'>"nfc ».rpro«4 for the Lord Lb Men ir' ovrr ine,,dtnniUI I be upright & innoicmfrom the jtti. .rJnf|,cffion.l tl Zitb 1 it And !/ r?/u?/ 7*7' l^'hjhatfajm thir beam. The Lord will not do good, neLwllbTdl do eml that good may come.^bofe damnation isjuft. [/] ftr .7. ? .Tbus faub the Lo'd C«r/e J be she fnanthaurujiewin man.avd fnakcthhufit(hl^Ari, anV.hofc be r? depaS from Ihc LordCMr/«,^5 4 Trutor,,he.dy.h,|b.tr.,noed./^^^^ # I ^ '5 A*? ^'^ V ^-^ "ff'^^o^'^''*"'* W*a>vea they wou.d exclude you ,hat ye m Jehe IT/T? V^- *°'''^°' i ''«" tfa"" ••eccrd that they have a uat of God, but not auordht «nlc ehou that «e comm.nd/r. «««ei.*«/r.« Lv.n, andlnfume theCrvVn ,, £1° , ^K«y.3,i6. So then becaufe thou j they bfad ii fick &^ ('»(-*«». r, V -"—,-7 "■"'; ' jcwmrtvoif more ana more, the whole ireittir^a^nr/rl.n rK?^;r?l. '^f i? ^'^(^^^ »"'° " '^» ^"d worft^ipped, and fcrvcd th« tnd coflfult'iHg with the devil tf> and hearkehiag to his fuggcftlon 5, (a) Lev, lo6^ making men the Lords ofour faith and Confciencefjflighcing and And the foul defpifingGod* and his commands turnetb fpiritftdifcontent.and impatience at his difpcnfations, charging him «/**'' f^'^ */ foolifhly for chc evils he mflifts on us f ; and afcribing the praife of *'***. f<^^ili- any good we cither are> have, or can do, tofonunc^i Idols /8», our «*''/?"'" i <"** fc)«s,.otanyo%WiiCttioit baft thou dclpifed tbe commandment of the Loi d,to do evil in bis figbc / thou bail killed Vriab the Hittite witb tbe fword, and faafi taken his wifetobe tbywite,&c. frcv.i?. i}. Wbofo defpifetb the word (halt be deMroyedj but be tbat fcatetb the commandment fhall be reward* ed«(0*^^<7*Sl»Joolijh wai l^and ignorant % I w^scvcn ata beaft b fore tbec.^06 i.2a.ln sit this Jo^Hnned not ^ nor ibaiged God Joolijhly, {g) i iatn 6.7,9,9 Now tberciore make a new carr,3nd take two milcb kine,on which there bath came no yoak, and tie tbe kinc to tbe cart,&bring tbe calves home from them,v.8]And take thcjirtioJthtLordt and lay ir upon tbe cart, Sc put tbe jewels of gold,wh!ch ye return bim for a irelpafs^rHcMng, in a coffer by tbe fide tbereof.and fend it away tbat it may go.v.9] And fee, ifitgoetb en by the way of bit own coajl toBethnieme(b,tibeRJbeib<»6 doneus this great evilibui if not then we fhall l(Uuwtb(it It is not his band tbat fmocc oSy it was a ibante that hapftnti to 11$. (J})T>an.^,ii, But bait lifted up tby fclfagainft the Lord of beavcn, andtbey bave brought the vtflelsof his boofc before tfoee^ and ifaou, and^by Lords, tby wives and tby concubines bave dtunk wine in tbem, and thou ba(lfrdi(ed the Gods offilver,ofbrajtjTon,wood andflove; which ftenotf norbear^ncr linow j and tbe God in whole band tby breath is , and whole are all tby wayef, half thru not glorified f (i) Z>eu( 8,i7.And thou fay in thy bearr, m) power, and tbe might 0} my band bath gotten me this wealth. "Dan./itio.Tbcl^itJgfpike, and laid, h not ihts gnat Baby- lon that I bave built for tbe houfe of the Kingdom, by tfce might of my fewer, and tor the hon» our of my Mijerty, (li) Heb. 1,16. Therefoie they (acrifite unto their net, and burn inceii(tvnt$ thtirdragi bccaufe r>y cbcm (btir portion is fatjand their meat plenteous. Cc a aiFhat f i8^ > CL J^^^ ^^^ *"* efpecially taught By thefe mrds [ before me] in theprji Commandment i A' Thefe words before me^ or before my face, in the firft Commandment, teach us, that God who fceth all thing?^ talces fpecial notice of, and is much difpleafed with the fin of having any other Godj that Co it may be an argument ta rilEre^.^,^* diffwadc from it, and ta aggravate it, as a moft impudent totheend.Ttitn provocation / ; as alfo to perfwade us to do , as iu^his fight, raid he ooto what ever we do in his fervice m, Irft up thine eytt now the way towardi the north j fo I lift up mine cyei, tod behoM le ihe gate of the Altar,thi$ image of Jealoufie in the entry. And he faid fo on. Pfa, 44.20,21. But if wc have forgotten the oiooe of oar God, or ftretchrdoutoor haodiio a ftrangc God ; ftiall not God fcarch thi$ oot .' for he kooweth the fccrets of the hearts Cmy I Chron 28,9. And thoo Solomon my fon, know then the God of thy father, and fcrve him with a perfe^ heart, and with a willing mind*, for the Lord fcarcheth all heartf, and undcrAtndethall the imagioationiof thethooghti*, if thoo feck him, ho wyllbefoandofthec ; hoc if thoo forfakehim.he will caft thee oif for c?er. Q^^lThkh is the fecond Commandment > A. The fecond Commandment is, [ Thou Jhalt not mc^ unto thee any graven image^ or any lik^enefs of any thing that is in heaven ahoveiOr that is in the earth beneath^ or that is in ihe water under the earth } thou Jha/t not bow dewn to thenfy nor ferve them : for I the Lord thyGodam ajealom God, vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the chiidreni unto the third anck fourth generation of them that hate me j and Jhewing mercy unto thoufands of them that love me^ andl^eep my Command* ln)Kxod.io,4iments tuj U^. CL ^hat are the duties required in the fecond Command- ment .? J, The duties rfquired in the fecond Comroandment* are the receiving, obfcrving, and keeping pure and cntiro , all fuch re- (•) Tieut, S^ligious vvorfliip and Ordinances as God hath appointed in his ? V' ^o\h^ ^^^ " ' particularly , Prayer and Thinklgiving in the Name Set yoor hearii onto all the words which I teft'fie among yon this day, which ye (hall commani your children to obfcrve todo all the wordsofthitliw. V.473 For it it not a vain ihingforyoo i bccanfeit ityoarlifc, and through thie thing ytfliall prolong ]fOiir days in the land whither ye go over Jordan to polTcfs it. Mat. 2%. to. Teaching thtm to obfcrfc all things whaifoevcr I have commanded yon *, ani lo I am with yoa alway unto th: end of the world* Ails 2. 42. And they continued ftedfsAiy in the A- poHtct Do6tfioe,aodfcllowniip, aod in breaking af bread, and in prayer, i Tim.6,1^^ 14. ! give thee ch»rgc in the fight of God,who qoickcDcth all things and before Chrift Jcfui,who btfore Pontius ?ilate witmHcd a good conf therMdiflg,preaching, and heiring of the word f j the (p) mi. 4, ^l adminiftration and receiving of the Sacraments r, Church- govern- Be careful fo? menc and Difcipline/t the MiniAccy and maintenance thereof^ re* no(hin{,bu( in ligious faBing «, fwearing by the name of God *,tnd vowing un(o **«' X ^^^^l ^f him « : As al(o the difapproving, dctcfting, oppofiog all fai(c wor- P"^" *"^ ^V^* (hipjl J and,accotding to each ones place and calling> rjcmoving it, P'<^«''°n wiih ibaalcfgiving, Ice your reqaeftsbc made known to God. Cfft.f . ta. Gifing thanks always, for all tbing^, unto God,and the Father.in the name of our Lord JclusChrill, (f)2)««t. 17,18,19. And it (hall be when be fittetb opon the throne of bis kingdom, that he (hati write bitn a copy o{ this law inabookjoucortbac which is before the Pricfts and Levites. v.19] And it (hall be with bim.and be fliall read therein ail the days of his life, that he may learn to fesr the Lord bis God,to keep al I ibe words of this taw,and ihcfe Hatutes ro do thcm.^^i i ^ . n. For Mofct of old time hath in every city them that preach him,bring read in the Synagogues every Sab- bath day, I riw.4.1. Ptwib tbc word.be inftant, infeafon.om offeafott^ reprove, rtbukey exhort, with alUong-fuft'cring and doarinc.^dw. I. ii,n. Wherefore lay apart all filrhinefs.andfu* perfiuity of naugbtincls,and receive with metl^te/i the ingrafted wori.wbieb is able ufavtjou? fouls, f,2 x]Bu« be ye doers of the word.and not hearers only,df ctiving your own fcives.^^, lo.ii. Immediatly thcretorc 1 fent unto thee, and thou baM well done, that thou art comr^ Now therefore arc wc all here pefent before God, to hear alf things that are commanded thee of God. (r)Mat,%%,i9-Go ye therefore and teach all nations.baptiiingthem^CiT-c.— I Cor, I i . a J 10 V . j o. For i bavt received of the Lord,that wbieb alio l delivered unto jou^ that the Lorci Jefus the lame night wherein be was bctraycd,tcok bread,— jind (0 on, (Jj Mat. 18. «J>«^i«7-Morcover if thy brother trcfpafs againft thee,go and tell him bis lauU between thee and bim alnne $ if be fhajl hear thee,(bou bail gained thy btother, v. 1 6] But H be will not bear,then take wtth ihee one or two more,thit m the mouth of two or three witntffes every word may be eftablMhed, v.17 And it he (hall negied to bear them.tcll it to the Cburcb,bat if he will not htartheChurcb,/.ij. (w)Jw/a.ia,ij. Thcreforcalfonow, (aiib the Lord, Turn ye even to me with all your heart.and with fafiinj,iTid wer pin|,and tncurnirg. T.I 3] And rent your bearti,and not your garmenti,3od turn unto tbe Loid your Godj for he is gracious and merciful, &c, — iCorj.^. Defraud ye not one thf other, except it be with eonfent for a iime,thatye may give your felves to fafting & praycr,&c. — *Z)CM»,6.tj.Thou' flialt fear the Lard thy God,and ferve him.and (hilt fwear by his name. Cx) lfa\g.ti. And tbe Lord (hall be known to£gypt,and the Egyptians (hall know theLord in that day,& (hail do facrificc and oblatiun,yea thej (hall vow a vow unto the Lotd,and perform if. P|4 7 Bat that (hall . , . ye de«l with them, ye fhall dcftroy their aIt*r»,aDd break down their lOitfes, and cat dowa thcii grovM,iodburo their graven image* with fire. Tfai* 90.22. Yc (hjii defile »\(o the corerirg of thy gravca i tnagei ot filver,aDd the ornamcDt of thy noltto iin»g ot by ic < j the making ihe Comand- of any reprefcntation of feigned Deities ^ , and all worQiip of them, Lord * and do °^ ^<^f vice belonging to them /,all fuperftir.ioui devices w.corrupting thscn*aodthat '^^ worfiiipof God «, adding to ictaking from it 0, whether inven- yc feekoot af ted & taken up of our (elves ^or received by tradition from others f, ter yoorowo though under the tide of Antiquity r, Co(tomey^ Devotion ft good hcart,andyou Intent, or any other pretence whatfoever «, fimony *,facriledge X|»ll owoeycs, af negleft^i contempt^, hindering <» and op poling the Worfhip and ter which yc Ordinances which God hath appointed K ufe to go a whoriog. (/>)De«r.i3 6,7,8, If thy brother the foo of rhy mother, or thy roD,or thy daughter, ot the wife of thy bofomc^ or thy friend, which is at thine own fool, eorice theefecrctlyjfayiogiL^^M^ifo and ferve other gods ^yfhkh thon hift not known, thou, nor thy fathen, V. 7 ] Namely of the gods of the people which arc roood aboot !hc«, or far off from thec,from the one cod of the earth to the other. V. 8. ^ Thoo (hilt not coofcot onto him, nor hearken onto him, nor (hall thine eye pity him, nor (bale tb^a fpare, nor (halt thoo conceal him. CcJ ^f- 5- 1 1. Ephfaim isoppefiedaud brtken in judgement^btctXih he willingly walked atfcr the Commandment. Mic.6.i6. For the f^a» tutcsof Omr/ are kept, andall the workiof thehoafeof i4^46 ; and ye Wilk in their coaofch, that I (hoald make thee adefolaiion, and the inhabitants thererf aohifTiog *, therefore ye (hall bear the reproach of my prople. (d") 1 Kings 11. 33. Bccaufe that ihey hare forfaken mr,and woffhipped A/htaroth the goddeft of the Stdonians^ Chemc/b the god of the Moabites^ and Milcom the god of the children of Ammon, and hive not walked in my ways, to do thit which is right in mine eyes, and to keep my Aaiutciand jadgcmenr^, as did D4t;/, (ayinp, how did thcfc nations fcr^e their gods ? even Co will I do likewife. V 31. J Thou (hihnotdo foonro the Lord thy God, for every abornination to the Lord wtaich he hateih have they doce umo their gods; for even their foos and their daughters have they bornt in the fire to their godi.V;32'3 Wbatfocver F command yoa,obftryc to do-, rhoo (halt not adrle thereto, Dordimmtfn from it. CfJDcut 13 from v«r. 6. to ve<-. 12. If thy brother the (od of thy mother, or^ gjc? — .Vide {^b']Zech.i^ 2, 3. Afklh (hallcorre to pafsinthat day, faith the Lord of hods, thai I will c u off the names of the idoFJ out ofthelaDd,tnd they (hall 00 more beremcmbrcd ; atid I wi lalfocaofe the Prop' er?^ and the nncltan ffirit topafs oatof th^ land. V. 3.^ And it (h»ll come to pafi that when any (h*!l ycr prop; cfje, then hfs father a&d mother that bcgit hia} (hiil (ay to him, Thoo (hilt oot live : for thoo fpeak^ cfl lies in the Dime of the Lord j and his father «nd his mother that brgit him, fhatl throfthioa through whcoheprophefieth Rev.2.2.-i4.i$— 20. | know thy woikiaod . thy liboDr, and thy patience, and how .-hoiiCanA not bc«i »hem which arc evil , and thuo haft ;ricd them who fay they arc aii Apotllcsand arc nor, ano hafk fonnd ihcm li< «ri-"V. i4 ] Bat I have * few th;; g, ^g*ni\ thcc, bccaofc thoo haft there th«wcit, arc ten Kings, which hare receiTcd no Kingdom asyct, but rccctr* power as Kn^gs one hour with the beaft.—y. 16 J And the ten boroj which thoo fawcft upon ihv b.-ft, thtie ILiW h»tt he whore, and make her defol'ir, acd ualicd, and car hcf flf fb, and borc htr wtrh fire. V- 17 ") F^r God haih put in ihcir h««rn to fuifill bi» wil,,and to ffree^^r.^givr their Kingdom unto the beaft, un- till thewordf ofGodJhall be fulfilled (|' Ueu. 4 1 $ 16 17,18,19. Tal^e ye therefore good heed unto your felvet {fcfyejaw no manner J fimt lit ude on the day that the Lord jfake unto you in /{'ireb,0Qtoi the midltof th.: fiic.) V idJUfl yr d coriopt yonr fclTCiand mike youagi»vcn Image. 8tc.— V. ip^ And left ihou lift tip thine eycstinto heaven, and when thoD fftft the Sun, Moon, acd Stars, e»cn alt iht htft of heiven, (honldft be dri- rtoton>o)P}ipthem^ and ferve them, vvhu ih< Lord God hith dirided unto ail tiatioo* under the whole hca»cn. .<45. 17. 29 Forafmnch ihcnaj weare thecff-fpringof God, we ought not to thitk thai the God*htad it like to gold or filvcr, or O.onc graven by art and oiaoi device. Rom.i. 21,22, 23—25 Bccaufe ihar whtnihey knew God, they glorified him not aiGod,cor wtre th«y ihnkfal but became *ijain in their imaginations^ and their foolilh heart wii darkofd V.S23Profc)l>*t*'i 18 B^ f ifnot,be it kno«onnto thef,0 Kirg,hat we will not fetTC (hy Gortj, tior woiflup thy golden In>agevih\ch thoo haft fei op. Gal. 4 8. Howbcjt then when ye knew no. GoH,y< riidfcivice unto them which by nature arc no Gcdt (f) Exodus 22. 5-8. And when haron faw ft,he boilt an Altar br fore it, and made procJa- mation.aod faid. To moirow iiatcaft to the, Lord. — V 8 'J They hive toroedafide qoi'kly out of the way which I commanded thtmithcy have aide them a molten ralf, aod hive woifhipp«dit,and harefartificed thereunto, and faid,Thcfe be thYG«di,0 Ifracl, which have brought thee op out tf the liadcfEgyp». (/J i Kirgs \Z. 26—28, A' d ihey took the hallo k,ind dreffcd it.and called upon thr titn e of Baal, from mor» Ding to noon, faying, O Baaly hear ni jbut there wa« no vo ce, nor any that infwered^, and rhcy leapt upon the Altar which waj m»de.— V, 28 ] Aod ;h«y cried loud, and cut themfclvci wuh knives, &c.~ifai. 65 n Bo ye are they that foi f»k« the Lor d, that foigct my holy mountain, that prepare a tabic for the troop, that fornifh the drink'Of* feriogonto the nDn.berY"'»»)Aa.i7. 22. Then Ftfu/ftotd in the midft of iV^r/ *///,aod faid, Yr men of Aihens^X pc rceivr rhat in all thingt ye are too fi*pcfnttious. Col. 3. sjk 32.25. (ro«f*no», r<«/?f fot, handle net. V.22] Which all are to pcrifti with the ufir^) aftei the con mandmtois, and deft. ine^c/mta. V. 23 3 Which thio|s have indeed a Ihcw ofwifdominWill-worfhip, an-l hninjii.y, md neklfftjrg of ihebody,not inaoy honoorro thefatisfying ofthe fl«lh.(n) Mai. 1 7,8-14 Ye offer pollnted bread opoo mine Altar, aod yc f*y. Where have wc pointed ihet? In that ye fiy, The table of the Lord isconteiT.ptible.V. 8 ^ And ifyeofFcr the Llind for a facrifice,ii it not evil I and If the lame and fick, is it not eril ^ O&r it now to thy CcTcroour, will he be pleafcxJ wiiij' ( ipo ) with thee, •t accept thy perfoo, faith the Lord of hon«— V. 14 [] Bat corfed be the dcccirer, who hath in his flock a maie^aod vowethand facrificcthoato the Lord t cor* rupt things for I am a great King, f«uh the Lord of hofti, aad tny dittic is dreadfol a* moDg the hcathea. (0) 0«u. 4. 2. Te fhaS net ttdd unto the word xpliich I command yon^nof jhallje iminijh tught from it^ that ye may keep thecomtnaDdincDis of the Lord yoor God whichi cooicnantt yoD.(/'3 Pfal- Jo5. 59. Thus were they defiled with their owa works, and went a whoring with their own inventions (^) Mat. 15. 9.- Bat in vain do tbey worjhrp me^ teaching for doSrine the commandments of men, fr^ i Per. i. 18, Forafipoch at ye k therifOMr Kings ^ and our Princes in the Cities of Judah^ and inthejfreets ofjerufalem^ for then wc bad plenty of TidQals,and were weII,aod faw bo evil. Ct) Ifa. 6$. 3,4, 5. A people that frovokfth me to anger ,c and property in ui ei A, The third Gommandmen* requires, that the Name of (^) mt,6>^ God, his titles^attributes ^, ordinances /jthc word iw, Sacra- Afurthisnaih mcnts ff^prayer (>jOaths/^,vowesg,lots r,hjs works/iand what- nef tbetefore foever elfe there is whereby he makes himfelf known , be ho- - Iki'wm^"' '*'^ ^^^ reverently ufed in thought t, meditation a, word *, in beavea , ballowedbt thy Btfue.iDfttr.xS.jS.If thouwiFt tiox oWcrw to do all the words of this lawjwriiten in this book, that ihcumayeft fear this ^'oiious and fearful name, THE LORD Thy god. P(t thy mt^Qthtoeaufe thy Befh to fmi neither [ay thou before the Angel, that it was an errour. Wbcrefortfiiould Godbeangryat thy voice, and deftroy the work of thine hand ? (f) ASis I *-J4,»6. And they prayed, and faid,Thou,Lord,whoknoweft the hearts of all men, (hew whether of tbcJetiffo thou haft cbofen — v.adjAnd they gave forth their lots.and the lot fell upon Muthiaj, and he was numbred with the eleven Apoftles.(f ^ Jei. j6. 24. Remember ebat tboamsgn^Be bis work, which men behold^ (t) M&i^\.i6. Then they that feared the Lord,fp3ke often one to another : and the Lord hearkened, and beard it j and a book of re* membrance was written before him , for them that feared the Lord, and thought upon bit - Namc.Ca)Ty(ii.8.throughout,0 Lord,ow Lord,bow excellent is thy Name throoghoutthc larthl — fQ the end. *, mifintcrpretiiig;aot that he hath : btokeojjtrcn ii willIf«coaig«qce opoohis owahcjd. CO Mirk. 6. a^. And ihc King > WW Cm) wai exceeding forryiVct for hii oaih » fike, &c —i S«n. 24. « 2-33, ^, So^ aod more •Ifodo GoduQco the cocn)ieiofDaTid,ifI leave of lil hatpcrtaiQ ta hiaa,by the mora- icg light, &c. -V.^a ] And David U\d to i4i/f - to yoo.faytrg, ye ftiall not lay,The burden of iht Lord, ihtrefore I will utterly forge 5= and forfike you, 8tc. — {d^ 1 Tim. 1, 4 — 6, 7, Neither give heed to f»blei,a«d end led genealogies, which roinifterQueftioni, rather then good edtfyiDf,which is infaiihifo do — V 6. ]From wh«ch(faith Jforoehanogfwcrvfd, have joroedafidc unto vain- jiogling. V f] DtfiritJg to be teachers oftheLaWjondeiltiodiag neither what they fay, nor .whereof they affirm, i Titn.6 4, 5 — 20. He is proud, kao wing nothing, bcr do° ting aboDrqa«fiioiJi and flrifes of words, 8tc: — V. 5] Peivcrfcdifpotiogtof menof corrupt minds, and deftitote of the troth, foppofiog that gain is Godlincfs, fromfoch withdraw thv felf — V. 20. O Tmotby, keep that which is cemmitred to thy »tQft, a- voidiig profane, and vain babliogs, and oppofition* of fcience. falfly facalled. 2 Tim. 2. 14. Of thcfe thingi put them in reroembcrance, charging them bcfoie the Lord that they fill ive not about words to no profit, bpt to the fobverticg of the hearers. Tit. 3, p. Avoid fooli(h qoeftions,and genealogies, 9ic.--CO Deo. i3, 10,11,1 3,13,14 There flliU not b« found amopg you any one that maketh hts foo, or daughter paflc throogh the (ire, or that ofeth Divination, or an obferver of times, or an inchanier, or a witch, and fo on to V. 1$. Ads 19, i^. Then certain of the vagabond Jews, cxorcifts, took op- 00 them to call over them who had evil fpirits the Name of the Lotd Jtfus, fayinw' We adjure you by ]efu$,whom F/Jw/Prciched. (fj 2 Tim. 4. 3* 4. For the time will come when ihey will sot endare foaod dofttiDesbot after ihcu c wo lisAi (hal they heap •to thctnWf esTeichen, haviog itching eiri ; V. 4 3 And they (hill toTO «wiy tlielr «ar» from the truth, aod (hall be turned unto fablei. Rom. 13. 13,14. Let at wilk ho- Deftly a« in the day, not io rioting and drtinkcno oyicg the only Lord God, and our Lord ]efai Chrift. fgj Aft* i ?. 45._ Bat when the }ewt (aw the moltitodes, they were filled with envy, and (pake againn thofe things that were fpokea by P) IJai.S.4, What coold have been dotie moie to my vio. For if ihefe thiogs be io yoo, nd aboandfthcy m>kcyoD that ye (hill neither be bairtooor unfruitful 10 the koowlcdgc of our Lord J^fat Chrift. V 93 ^^^ ^* that lackech thefc thicgt is b)iod,and cannot fee afar off,aD(i hith forgotten th4t he was purged from his old fins, fqj R(m>2. 23,24, Thoothacmakeit t!':.y boaflof rheLaw, through breaking the Law c^ifhonourcA ihoa God .' V. 24"] For the name of God it blarphcinert among the Gtntilcs through you as it ii written. CrJGa/.^. 1,-5. Ofool!(hG. V. 59] Then the Lord will make thy plagues won* derfol.and the plaguei of thy fced.evcn great plagae»,aod of looj; coorinoancci and fore fickneffes, andoflongcominuancc. Zech,$ 2, 5^4. And hefaid onto me, Whatfeefi thoo? and I anfwercd, I fee a flying roll, the length thereof twenty cubitj, and ihei breadth thereof thirty cubits. V.^]Thenfaid heuntome,This is the corfe that goeth forth over the face of the wholeearth: for everyone that ftealeth Hull be cot cfF, as on this fide according to it \ and every one that fweareth fhall be cot off,as on that fide, according to it. V.43 I will bring it form, faith the Lord of hoft«, and it fhall en tef' &(o the houfc of the (hief> aadiDio the hoofe of him ttut fwcircth falfly by my oaanx. (*)iy A, The fourth Commandinent h^[Kememher the Sabbath day to keep it holy: fix daysjhalt thou bbour^and do aU thy fPorl{: but the jevemh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God', in it thoujhalt not do any wor\y thoti^nor thy [on ^ nor thy daughter, thy man'fervanti nor thy maid fervanty nor thy battel, nor thy granger that is within thy gates : for infix days the Lord made heaven andearth^the fea^and all that in them U^andrefledthe fe- venth day j wherefore the Lordbleffed the sabbath day^ and hal' 9, 10, 1 1. Qjfhat is required in the fourth Commandment > A. The fourth Gomandment requireth of all men, the fan^i- 0) Di«».j.!t, fyingjor keeping holy toGod/uch fet time as he hath appoin- y^tPdl*/ « ^^^ '" ^^^ Wordjexprcfly one whole day in reven,ivhich was the {anUifie it , as Seventh from the beginning of the world to the refurrcftion of the Lord thy Chrift,tnd the fiift day of the week ever fince,& fo to continue Godhathcom- to the end of the world j which is the Chriftian Sabbath ji, mandcd ther, j„j jjj ([^^ j^g^ Tcftament called the Lords day z. v.i3'J»i«d3y$ ihalt thou labour,3nd do all tfay work. V, (4] But the fcvrnth day is the Sabbath of the Lord tbyGodi in it thou flult no; do any wQfk,tiiou,nor thy fon^nor thydaagb(rr,nortby man- fcrvant,nottbymaid.fervant,nortbinc ox,nor thineafSjCi;'* — Gen. %. a,}. And on the fe- venth day God rnded bi« work which be baH made : and be rcfted on the fcvenih day from all the work which be made, V. j] And God bleifed the fevemb day, and landiBtdic ; becaufe that in it he refted from all bis wotk which God created and made, i Cor* 16. i , 2. Now concerning the colledion for the Sainis.as I have given order to tbtCburcbes of Gala* lia, fodoye. V. r.] The fiftdiyof the wctkletevery one of you hyby him in ftore, as God bath profpued bim,tbat there be no gatherings when I cotnt. ASis :o.7. And upot) rhe firft d»y ©F the wcek,when the difciples came togerher to break bread.PrfM/prcacbcd to them, ready todrpartonthemorrowj&c. Mit j.!7,i8.Tbink not tbatlcometodefiroytbe Law, Or theProphet'il >m noicomc to dellroyjbut to fulfiUv.18] For verily,! fsy unto yoo,t ill hea- ven and earth pals, &c.—//<«.56'i— 4-6,7, BlefTed is tbe man that doth this, andtbefonof man thatlayeth holdon it i that kcepttb tbeSibbitbi &c.— V. 4] For thusfiith the Lord unto the Eunuchs that keep my SibbithSj&c, -V.6] Alfo the fons of the^ranger tbst joya ihemfclvcs to the Lord,to fcrvc bim, and to lovetbename ofifaeLord, &c. — V.7] Even them will I bring to my holy raountain.and make tbH not your fathers thus i and did not God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this (,'ity t yet ye bring more wrath upon Kraei by profaning the Sabbath. v.ipjAnd ic came to paffc tbac when tbe gates of JerulaIcO beganco be dark before thcSabbacb,! commanded that tbe gates (hculd be (hue, and charged tha: (hey (hould not be opened till after the Sabbitfa} and fome of my ferrants Ket at the gates.tbat there (hould be no burden brought in on tbeSabbatb day.v.2e^ So the merchants & tellers of all forts of warciwere lodged without Jcrufalcm once or twice* V. »»] Then telf ificd I Jg linft themiraying, Why lodge ye about the wall f If ye do fo again,! wililJy hands on you.Ffom that time forth came they no marc on the Sabbath, v.ix] And I cnmmanded che Levitts that they (hould cicanfc themfelves , and come and keep tbe gates, ;o fanft.fie the Sabbatht Remember mc, O my God, concerning this airo,&c. — Jcr.i/.i i, 21. Thus faith the Lord, Take heed to your fclves, and bear no ourden on the Sabbath day, neither bring it in by the gates of }erula|em. v. i »jNcitbcr carry forth a burden out of youc boulc on the Sabbath, nor do ye any work,bu€ hallow ye the Sabbath day , as I commanded yourfatheri, (c) Mdt.u. from v.i. to v.i{, Actbat time Jefus went on the Sabbathday through the corn,and bis di(c'Z5,i5fa5»And it came topaflc on tbe fixtb day tbey catbered twice as mucb bread, two Omers for one aian:and ail tbe Rulers of tbe Congrega- lion cftaie arvd toldMe/M«— v,i5] AndAftf/«faid,Eat tba^ to day j fctoday is ■ Sabbat b^ unto tbe Lord, to day ye (hall not find it in tbe Beld. T.25]SiiXdayes(ballyegatber it, but on tbe fevencb day, wbicb is tbe Sabbatb ; tbereihall be none.— v.ipJScc tor ibat tbe Lord batb given you the Sabbatb } therefore be gif eth you on chc Hxtb day (be bread cf two dayes: abide you every man in bis places let no man go out of bis place on the fevcnth day. Neb. i^, i^kud it csme to pafle that when the gates oiferufaltm began to be dark before tbtSabbatb, I commanded that the gates fhould be (hut , and charged that they Ihould not be opened till after the Sabbatb. And fome of my fcrvants (at xt the gates , that there (houlu be no burden brought in on tbe Sabbath day, Q^ IFhy is the charge of keeping the Sahhath^ more fpeciah ly direded to governours of families , and other fMferiours ? A* The charge of keeping the Sabbath is more fpecialty direfted to governours of families,ani other fupcrlours,be- caufe they are bound not only to keep it themfclves, but to fee that it be obferved by all thofe that are under their (/)Exoi.to.io. charge; and becaufe they are prone oft times to binder them —In it thou by imploymentsoftheir own /. flialt do no ' *^ '' manner of worfcithou nor tby fon.nor thy daughter, nor tby manfervantjnor tby maid.fer • vantinor tby cittle,nor tby irangcr that is within thy gates. )oJh. 14. 1 5— but as for me icwj houfei we will lervc tbe Lord, titb.i^. 1 5-17 Id ihofe dayet (aw I in Judah fooic rreading tbe winepre(Tcs,&c — See above in [b] fer. 17.10,11,22 And fay unto tfaem,Hear tbe word of the Lord,ye Kings of Judab^and ail]udab,and all the inbabitanttof }eru(aUm,tbat enter in by tbefe gates.v. ii] Thus faith the Lord,Take beed to your fel ves.and bear no burden on tbe Sabbatb diy- &c. Sccabovein[2>]£xoi. a}, iz.Six dayes (hilt thou do tby work, an| on the (cventb day thou (halt rcil ; that thine ose and thine afle may teft,and the fon of ihinc hand- maid and the ftraogci may be lefrclhedy CL ^f^^t are thijftns forbidden in the fourth Commandment > A' The fins forbidden in the fourth Commandment, are, ig) "Bifk' it* all omiflions of the duties required g, all carcl€fs,negligent, have violated my law,and profaned mine holy things : they have put no difference betweea the holy and profane, neither have tbey (hewed difference between the unclean and cleans |bey have hid their eyes from my Sabbatbs,and 1 am profaned among ihcm» f 201 J and unprofitable performing of them , and being weary of w^^- th€m h, all profaning the day by idlenefs, and doing that l. And Ln whicn is in it felf linful i,at)dby all ncedJe(s workSjWordSjand thcfirftday of thoughts about our worldly imployments and recreations j^. the week, when thcDiU ctplcs came tojctfaet to break btead,Ttf«/ Preached unto them, ready to depart on the mor- row, and continued his fptech until midnighf, — v.p , And tbcrc fat in a wind m a certain youog man t\tmcdEutycbuiMi»italUn into a deepjleep^and d^Paul mat long peatbitig hefuni down withfi(€pt and fell down from the third loft^dnd vtas tai^en up dead. E^t/i. j }• JOi J ii J ». Ailo thou Ion of man, the children of tbjr people itill are talktnj againft thee by the walls, andinthcdooriofthehoufe», and fpeak one to another, every one to his brocher, fayinr, Come.I pray you and hear what is the word that comcth forth from the Lord.v. ^i] And they come unto tbec,a$ the people cometb,and fir before thee as my people, and bear my wtrds, but tbtj mil not do tbem ; for with tbeir mutb tbej/fbem mutb Itvi , but tbcir heart runnctb after thit(Ovetou',ne(», v.Jt] And lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely fong of one that hath a ple^lini votctf, and can play well on an inftrumcnt \ for they bear tby wordi.but tbey do tbem Mt. Amos 8.^, Saying.Jf 6 A. The Reafon* annexed to the fourth Commindmenr,the more to enforce it, are taken from the equity of it, God al- lowing us fix daycsof feven fur ourownaffiirsjand leferving but one for himfelf, in thefe woids, [Sixdayej JJ-j.t/t thoH la- (/) Exod to. 9; bour^ anddoail thy «?orl^/,]from Gods challenging a fpecial propriety in that day, \7he feventh day is the Sabbath of the (m)Ex,io,i<^ Lord thy God m"] from ttic exim^ile oi God, who in fx dayes ' '^' wade heaven and earthy thefea, and all that in them z> , and rejied the feventh day j and from that blefling which God put upon tbat day , not only *in fanftifying it to be a day for his f«ryicc,but in ordaining it to be a means of ble(fing to E c 2 us (-202; us in our fanftifylng 'm[wherefore the Lordblejfed the Sabbath (fl)Exoi.io,tt. dayand hallowed it n.'\ QjFby is the word Remcmbcrjy^r in the beginning of the fourth Commandment > A» The word 'Hememhery\% fet in the beginfting of the fourthCom- ^•) Ex«i.to.8. niindmcnc o , partly becaufc of the great benefit of remcmbring it; (i)Ex9\S,ii. wc being thereby helped in our preparation to keep it/>> and in And be faid keeping it,better co keep all the reft of the Commandments q, and to H!?J? . *^*°"' continue a thankful remembrance of the two great benefits of Crca- ^°.'*, '* *°" tion, and Redemption, which contain a fliort abridgement of Reli- hith fs'id r« f?i°" *" • *"^ P^i^^'y becaufc we arc very ready to forget it/; for that mmw i$ the there is lefs light of nature for it«, and yet it reftraineth our tjaiural nil of ibe holy liberty in things at other times lawful u, that it cometh but once in labbitb unto feven dayc3 , and many worldly bufinclTes come between , and too tht Lord : bike often cake off our minds from thinking of it, cither to prepare for it, tbdt wbUb ft miltbii[C, to i4/,ind fcsth what ye will feetb,and that which remiincth over, lay up for you, to be kept till morning. Lwi^e I?. 54-|6.e/4wiib(»»iM»e»,3nd the fabbath ^rcw on — v.f6]And tbey returned and prepared Ipica^ and ointments, andrtftcdtbtfabbatb injiaccordingto the commandment. Comptred with diiar.i^^.nu And now when the even was comcjbecaafs it was the preparation, that is, the day before the fabbath. Ne^.ij.rj. And it came to ptfle^ thai when the gates of ]e(u(alem began to be dark,bebre the Sabbath , I com- manded that the gates (hould be (hur , and charged that tbey (hould not be opened till after the Sabbitii —(f) ?(al.9uTix\c.*A Pjalmorfong for the [abbatbday.com fared with v.i^i4; Thofe tbitbc planted in the houfc of the Lord , fhaUflturip, in the Ceurti of our god. v. 14} Hbey fhiUJiill bring forth fruit in old agcthey (htll be fic and flourilhing-Ei^e^. 10. 1 1-19.10. Moreover ajfo tgavt tbm my (ahbstbi»to be a fign betxveen me ani them , that tbty might {n90 that I imtbeLordtb£tfanSlifietbem-^.i9'] I amihc Lord yiur God : walk in my Aatutes, and keep my judgemems.and do them, v.zo] And hallow my fabbathstind they fttall be a Ggn between me and you.thscyemay know that i am the Lord your God.(r) Cen.t. a, {.And on the feventb day God ended bis work which he bad made , and be reHed on the feventh day, from all bis work which be had made, v.j JAnd God bitted tbeftvcntbday, tni janHified if 5 iecaufe that in it he bad rejitdfrom all hit worfi, which God created and made, Pfal, i i8,»t— t^.Thejtone vebitb t.e builders refufedjs become the bead ftone of the corner. — v.2<»] This ft the dy which tbe Lordb4thmaie,tic9n\\ rejjyceandbegiad inir. COMpa^ei wiib AUi 4,^01 ii.Be it known unco you all, md unto all the people of lirael|thac by tbcName ofJcfusCbtift of Nazareth, whom ye crucified,whom God raricd from the dead^even by him doth this maa fiand here before you wbotcv.u] This is the ftone which was fet at naught, by you builders, which is become the head of the cciner. Kev« i , 10, 1 was in the Spirit on the Lords day, and beard behmd me a voice as of a Trumpet, {j) E^elt ii.»6,Her Pr iefts have violated my Law, andprrfaned my holy thingst they havefut no difference between the holy and profane, the unclean and the (lean, and have bid their eyes from my Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. (^t>) Heb. 9, 1 4 And madeft known unto them the holy Sabbacb, and (ommand» edft them piccr pis, and fiatutes, and l3ws,by the band of Moles thy fcrvant./u) Exod.i^. ai. Six dayes Oiilt thcu woi;k,bat on tbc &yemb day tbo» flult icft ^ ip c»ing liaic,. and in bac; left ibottftuli itft, or ( 203 ) or to ran£^ifie ic^i and chat Satan with hisiaflruments much "^Dtot. $.14, labour to blot out the glory, and even the memory of ir^ to iSv Bot ibc bring in all irreligion and impiety x. fcTcoth diy i« ^ ° ' ' the Sabbath cf the Lord, &c. — V. i $ "[J Aod remeinber that ihoa wafl a TcryiDt in the land of Egypt, aod that the Lord thy God broogbt ihee out thciKc through i mighty hand, and by a ftretched out arm : therefore the Lord, thy God cOmtriaiidcd thee to keep the Sabbath day. Amos 8. $. Sayitig, Wheu will the ocw moon be gone, that wc may feH cota, aod the Sabbath, that wc may fet forth whear, making ih* EpbahimzW^ and the fkckel great, and falfify«Dg the balaocci by deceit .' (i) Lam. i. 7, JcrofaUm remembrcd in ihcdayctof her affitdioo, aodof her mifericsali hct plcifant things that (he had io the dayet of old, when her people fell in the hand of tht cncmy.atid none did help her; the adverfatfe* faw her, and did meek at her fabbaihs. Jen 17.21,22,23, Thus faith the Lord,T«ke heed to yoor felvci, aod bear do burdco oo the Sabbath day, nor brio| it in by the gates of Jcrofalem. V 22. jNeither carry forth aburdcBOot of yoorhoofeson thcSatbiih day.nor do ye any work.bot hallow ye theSabbath day,as I commaodtd yoor fatheri.V.23]Bur they obeyed not, neither ioclioed their ear, bat made ihetr neck ftiflF, that th«y Wight not hear, nor receive inftroaioo. Neh. 13, from fi5.10T.23, lothofc daycs faw I in }udab, fome treading wine preflei on theSabbath day, &c: ^What is the fum of the fix Commandment Sy ^hich contain our duty to man ? A. The (iim ot the fix Commandtnents, which contain our duty toman, is, to love our neighbour as our felvcsj/, and (;)M3t.22 35, to do to others what we would have them do to us z. And ihclecood is like DOto ir. Thou fliall lore thy neighbour as thy fclf. (i^ J Mat 7. 12. Therefore all things whaf focTcr ye woold that men Ihould do ouco yoo, do ye CTeo to them : for thi^it the Liw and the Prophets. ^Jfhich if the fifth Commandment > A. Tuc fifth Commandment is, Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy dayef may be long upon the land, which the Lord thy God oive^h thee a. (^) £x.2o,i2. Q^JVhoare meant by Father, and Mother Jn the fifth Com- mandment ? A. By Father and Mother in the fifth Commandment, are meant, not only natural parents b, but all fuperi- (^)Pr. 23.22- a 5. tiearkfii to tbji father that be£at tbee^ aod defpife not thy mother i»hcn flic is old. — V- 25. 3 Thy father and mother Oiall be glad,]nl (he iha; bare thee (hatlrcjoycc. E|.h. 6.1. 2. Cbil» dten obey youi parents in thr Lord : for this is right. V. 2 3 Hoooar ihy father and thy BDoihcr ( which it ihe fiid CommaBdmeDi with promifc. J ours. C204; (<) ifiw.j.ijx ours in age c,and gifts ^/jand especially fuch as by Gods ordi- Rtbuke not an nince arc over us in place of authority, whether in Family e^ E/icr, but at' church f, or Common- wealthy. treat him as a ^ fatber,xDd tbc youn|er men as bretfiren, v, x] The cider women as mothers, the younger as fifters.witb all purify, (i) 5?cn,4,»o,xi,J z* And Adabbatt ]fl&j/,be wis the father of fuch as dwell in tents, and of (u< a as have cattcl» v. ti] And his brothers n»me was Jubal, he was tbc fuher of all fuch as handle the Harp, and Organ; v. 22] hacZiUab (h: alio bare Tubal Can, an inftruftcr of every Artificer in Brafs and Iron, &c — Gen. 45. 8. So now it was not you that fcnc me faitber,but God .• he bath made me a father to Pbaraobfiod Lord of all his houfc, and Ruler throughout all the land of Eg;pi. (e) i lyings ^.1^, ADdhisler- vant came near, and fpake unco him, Mffatbeft if the Prophet had bid tbce do fome great . thiDg,&c— (/) ilO'n. x»r ^^ And Elijha faw it.ind he cxy ti^My father jmj faiberithc cbariot of Ifrael, &c.— 2 K'^JI.^J* '4- NowE/iV^d was fallen fickof hisfitkncfs whereof he died | and Jo«/fe the King of Ifract came down to him,and wept over his facCjandfaic.Ow,; /niter, mj fatherfthi chariot of irrael,3nd the horfmen thereof ! ^al,^,\^t Mj little children of v/bom 1 travel in birth again, until Cbrift be ftrmed in jm (g) Ifa, 49, » j, And l^tng$jhaU be tbj nurfingfatbers^iad Queens the nurfingmotbtrs i they QiiUbow down totheewub tneufacc coward the eatifajand lick up the dutt of thy iect,and thou (halt knaw that I am ths Lord — CL ^h ^^^ Superiours filled father and Mother ? A. Superiours are ftiled Father and Mothcr^both to teach them in all duties towards their infeiiours, like natural Pa- rents, to exprefs ioveandtendernefs tothem, according to Q)) E^h. 6i 4. their feveral relations fc, and to work inferiours to a greater And ye fathers, willingncfs and chearfulnefs in performing their duties to their ffoMe «o«;o«r Supgriours as to their Parents i, ehtldren to '^ vrathibutbrittgtbem up in the nurture and admonition oftbe Lord, t Cor. ix. 14. For the (bildren ought notto lay upjortbefarents, buttbe partntsfortbe children. 1 Thtf. t. 7, 8, 11. But we arc gentle amongfl: you, even as a nurfe cherifhetb her children, v 8] So being iSc Aionatly de(irousof you, if we wete willingto have imparted to you, not ibcGofpel of God only, but alfo out own fouls $ becaufe ye were dear unto us — v. n] As y« know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you,as a father doth his children. Numb. J 1 . n ,1 X, And SMofesfaidunto the Lord, wherefore hafl thou affiSied thj/fervant. and mbereferc have I not found favour m tby fights that thou lay eft the burden of all this people upon me ? v. 1 x.] Have I conceived alt this people f Have I begotten them ? that thoo ftiou^dcft (ay onto me. Carry them in thy bofome, as a nu((ing father bcareth a fucking child, uoto the land which thou (warefl unto their fathers. ( i\) 1 Cff 4. 14, 1 5i I^> I write not thcfe things to (hi^me you, but as my beloved fons I warn you. v. 15] For though ye have ten tboufand infirufters in Chrift, yet have ye not mmy fathers ; for in Cbrift Jclus I have begotten you through the Gofpel. v. i6j Wherefore I befeecb yeu be ye followers of me. 1 K'^i^ 5- ij« And hit tef* vant J caaie near, and fpike unto fajW) and faid, My father, &c, — - Q. IFhittit the general fcofe of the fifth Commdndment > A, The A. The general fcopeof the fifth Commandment, is, the perfor- (fe) Ep&.f. *i. mJinccofthofcdutics which we mutually owe in our fcveral rcia- Suhmmiv^ivf tions, as Intericurs, Supcriours, Equals ^ /f'w/ «»« « ... niitUf 1% m fmofGoi. 1 Pet. i,h» Honour all men J Love the brotherhood, FciitGed. Hoooorthe King. Hew. II. 10. Be kindjy afFeaioned one to another, with brotherly love, in honour ptefcrctn^ one another. Q^What U the honour that Inferhurs onpe to their Superiours ? J» The honour which Infcriours owe to their Supcriours, is, all due revcrcnce,in heart /,wordw,and behaviour «,• prayer & ihankf- Ci)Mtl,i,6»k giving for them »» imitation of their vertucs and graces/; willing ^°" honcureth obedience to their lawful commattds,and counfcls ^, due fubmiflton ''" ^"*''''> ^^ , a fcrvanc his mitter j If then I be a father,wfaf re ti mine honour t and if I be a maftcr, where is my fear, faith the Lord of bofts unto ycu,0 Princes, that defpile my Name? and yet fay, Wherein have we dclpifed thy Name? Lour th} Jal tbcnni mther (wbitfa is the firft Commindment with promife) v. 53 Servants, be tjbcdicnt to them that ate your m«ft« rsaccording to the fitft),with fe«r and trembling in (Tnglenefs of beart,a$untoChrifti v.6] Not with eye.fetvice, as mcn.p!e»fcrj, but as thelcrvantsof Chrift,doingifac wi.l of God tromibt heart, v. 7 j With good will, doing fervicc as to the Lcid.andnottomen. i Fc». z.i?,i4 Jubmitycurfelvarniafteri,with =llfcir,Qoi only to thegood aodgcndcjbm alfo to the frowird. v.193 For this ij thi»^V.worthy, if acnao for coo- fcieocc towards God eodoreg'^ief, foffxr wrongfully, r. 20J For whar glory ii it, if when ye beboffeied forycm faulrs,yc (hal) tike it patiently i but if when ye do wet/, aodfofl^crfor it,yc takcit patiently, rhit ft acceptable with God. (/')Tir.2.p, 10 Exhort fervaott to be obedient to their own cnafteri,and to pleafe them well in ali thiogt, not anfweringthetn again, v. loj Not parloyning,bor (hewing all g^od fiJeIify,that they may adorn thedoftrine of God oarSa»iour in all thing*. (r)iS4m. 25.15,16. And Da* vid faid to Abner,Att not thou a ▼aliaot man ? and who it 1 kc to thee in Ifracl ? where- fore then had thou not kept thy Lord the King/ for there came one of the people io todeftroy the King, thy lord. r. i<5 ] Thti thing it not good which thoo haft c!one. At the Lord liveth , yeare worthyiodir.hecatifeye have not keptyonrMafter, thcLordt anointed.— 2 S4;n< 18,3 Bat the people aofwered, Thoo (halt not go forth j for if we flee away, they will not care for oi; neither if h^lf of 01 die, will they care for ni ; bat now thoo art worth ten thooOod of at, thtrefore now it it better that thoo foccoorotoui of the City, Efth.6.2. And it wat found written that Afordecai had told of Bigthanaind Terefh, iwo of the King* Chacnberliint, the keepcri of the door,who fought to lay haodt OnKing Ahafuerus. ^^«) iVJti22. 21. They fay on- to him^Cefars. Then faith he onto them, Render untoCefar the things which are Cefars, and unto God the thitigt which are Gods, Rotn. 13.6,7. ¥orthis caufe pay ye tribute alfo i For th:y arc Gods Mioiftcrt, attending continually upon thit rcry thing, v.7. jRcodtr therefore onto all iheir dueivribute,to whom tribore it due,cof\ome, ?o who ciiftoice, fear, to whom fear, honour, to whom horonr. iTim S.17 18. Let the E'dcrt that rn!e wellbeconoted worthy of double hoooDr,ffpecially they who labour it* the Word and Dodrine. t.i8^ For the Scriptore fahb, Thou (halt not mozzlc rheOxe that tread- cthoat the corn.' and,The labourer it worthy of his reward. GaI.6.6. Let him that it taught in the Word commtinicate to him that teacheth in all good thingt. Gen.^^.ii. And there will Inoorifhthee ('for yeithere arefive yeirtoffamiorj left thou and thy hou(hold,aad all that 'hoo ha(^,coa)e to porerty. Gen. 47 1 2. And Jofepb oonrifh' ed hit father ,and hii brethren.and ail hit fathert hoQlhold with brcad,accofdiDg to their famili'Tt. * 1 Pet. 2. 18. Servantt be fabjeft to your maftcr* wijh all fear, nor only to the good and gentle, but alfo to thcfroward. Prov. 23. 22. H-irken onto thy father whtchbegitthee,aoddefpifeootthymother wheo(h« itold. Gen 9 23. And S hem ani Jafhet took a garment and laid ir upon ihcir (h iulderj,and went backwjrdt^and cover- ed the nakidnefi of their father ; and their facet wete backward, sod they faw not their fafhert nakednefj— (*)P/"/i/.i27.3,4,5 Lo,childrenarean inhetitancerf rhc Lord,and the fruit of the womb is his reward, v. 4.3 Ai arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, foare children of the youth, r. 5] Happy it the man that hath his qutirerfuli of thetr.; they (ball not be afhamed, but (hail (peak with ihecnemiet in the gate. Prov. 31. 23. Her hufbiod it known in the gatej, when he fiiteth among the Eiden of ibc land. Q^What are the fins of Infer iours agMnji their Suferiours > A. The ^. The fins of Infcriours againft 'their Supcriours i areillne- (j)Mat.i$^4, glcdofthc duties required toward them)'; envying at ;<. contempt 5,6. For God of 4, and Rebellion ^, againft their perfonsf, and places rcproYing,ittd chaftifing fuch as do ill/; protcfting (,and feda^tbe Con- providing for them, all thing neccffary for foul «, and body* j and gregationoflf- by grave* wife, holy, and exemplary carriage, to procure glory to uet wi:h a Qodx, honour to therofclvesj' , andfoto prefervc that authority loud voice.fiiy- ^ich God hath put upon them ar- (ed be (be LordGod^tbit bath given reft to bis people Ifraeljaccording to ail that be pro* mtfed ; there bach not faiied,&c — Hcb 7.7. And without nW contrididtioOitbe Ufs isbU^ei 0ftheguaur,gin.^^,iZ.K\\ tbefe are the twelve Tribes of Krael.ind (bis is it tbatt6(ir/tf- tberjpelie umotbm^ and bltjjtd tbtniy tvtry one according to bis bitjjing , heblcQed tbem, (w) 2}eutt6'6,7, And tocfe words which 1 command :bee this day,fl>ai| be in thy bcart.v.7] And tbou jhilt teach tbtm diligcntl) uuto thy ebildrtn.ind (halt talk^oftbm when tbQu fitttft in tbint boufe^ind YfhcQ tbou vpaltieft by the way, ind when thou lj){^ down, and when thou riftft up, (8)Cp6. 15.4. And ye fathers,provoke not your children to wratb,but bting them up in the nur* lute and admonition of (he Lord. Co) 1 Fct,{.7.Lilcewife,yc husbands, dwell with them ac* cording to knowledge ,giving honour unto the wife,as unto the weaker veffel , and as being beirs together of the grace ol life, that your prayers be not bindred. (]p) i Pcf.t. i4.0r unto • govctnourSias unto them that are fent by bia),for the punilhment of evil docrs^and (be praifc of theaa that do weU.%om«iji}. For Rulers are not a terrourto good works , but to the evil* Wilt thou (hen tioi be afraid of the power ? do that which is good, and thou (halt have praifc of the (a me {q) E^b.S, i . And the King faid, What honour and dignity hath been done to Hordecai for this ? Then faith the Kings fervants, There is nothing done for bio), (r) Rovii iii^]4 For Rulers are not a terror to good works,biu to the evil — v<4] For he is the Mini- Her of God to thee for good .* but if thou do evil, be afraidi for he bearetb not the (word in vaini for be is the tninifler of God, a revenger, to execute wrath upon him that doth evi]« {() Vrov 19 t5.Tbe Rod and Reproof give wifdom, butachildlefc tofatmfelf bringetbbis mothtttofliime^i Pe^.i.i^.Sec above in [p] («)J#6 X9.ia,to 18. Bccaufel delivered tbc poor that crycd, (be fatberlers. and htm that bad none to help him. v. i ; 3 "^hc blefling of him that was ready to perifh came upon me ; and I caufed the widows heart tofingfoc joy.v. 14]! put on righteoufnefsjand itci0(bed mej my judgemem was a robe and a diadcnt. V i5]{ was eyes to the blind, and feet was 1 to (be lame, v.i6]l was a father to the poor.and the caufe which I knew nor, I fearcbed out. v. 17] And I brake the jmes of (be wicked, and plucked (hefpoiloutof bis mouth.l/'<(S.MO,-i7 Hear the voice of the Lord,ye Rulers of So« dom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah- — v.17] Learn to do Well, feek jadgement, relieve the opprtiTcd, judge the fathcr]cf!,plcad for the widow, (u) Eph^6.4, And ye fathers,provoke not your childtcn,but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. * 1 rim. j8;But if any provide not for bT$ own, and efptcially for tbofe of bis own boofe,be bath denyed tbc faith,and is worfe then an Infidel.(x) ir»n.4>ia.Lct no man defpife thy youth { but be thou an example of all the believers, to word, inconverfation, ia chirity.in Spirir,infaitb,in purity. rit.x.j,4,5The aged women likewifc, that they be in behaviour as becometb bolincr$,not faUe ac(ufcrs,not given to much wine, teachers of good ' tbings.v 43Tbat they may teach tbc young women to be (ober,to love their husbaods,to love rhcit ebiidren.v.f . To be difcreet, cha ft, keepers at home, goodt obedient to their own buf- bandstthat the word of God be not blafphemed. (/) iK'^g* ^^8. Andall Ifrael beard of the judgement which the King had judged j and tbey feared the King, for they faw that the wifdome of God was in him,to do judgement, (i^ Tit.xa^Jkkdi things fpcik and exhort, and rebuke with all aacbority : let no man defpife (h(c« Qj^ WhAtdretheJtmof^upemun ? ^. The fins of Supctiours , ire , befidc ilie ncglcft of the (a)E»th. u.2 duties required of ihem^, an inordinate feeking of themfclvcs ^, j.4.Sonofwi«* their own glory c, eafe , profit, or pleafure d ; commanding fropfrsfy tfg«*/f things unlawful f, or not in the power of Infcriours to perform/"; thejhefbtrdt^of cOunfclling^ » encouraging fe i or favouring them in that which '/'«*f»y ""»° in that which is good {,; corrcfting them unduly/, carelcfs 'A^" » T**"! uiibtbe Lord God unto the (hf pbcrd»,i»o be to the pjepberdi of lfracl,tbn do feed themfclvcs ; fheuld uot tbt ^fbetdtft€dtbtflocltsf v.?]Y« en the far, and cloith you with the wool, ye kill tbern tfcat attgooiibutjejcednot tbeftotk. v.4]r*e diftafedhavtye notftrembned, norbtvcyc htaltd tbat vbicb watfuk, nor bound up tbat wbicb was brolittt, nor brought again tbac wbicb was driv(n awtyi notfougbt that which wa$lo^,but with force and cruelty have ye ruled them^{b)HH.z, 2i.ForaUfcik.tbeiropen.not the tbingi which ace JerasCbrifls.(e) ^o(.5.44.How*can yc be- lief e,wfco receive honour one of another. &. fetk not the honour that cometh fromGod oo\yf}obi 7.18, Hetbatfpeakttbojhimfelj, (eti(eth bit own glo^y : bu;betbac(cekeib hii glory wbo lent bim.tbc faa>e is true,aod no unngbtcourncf} is in b'im,{d) lfai.%$,\Oyi\,Hi$ ttaicbmtu arc blindjthey are all ignorant.they are all dumb dogs ^ they cannot bark, jletping, lying down, lovingto fiumber.y.uyiet^they are greedy dtgt , which can never have enougfa, andtbeyarc (bepberds tbat cannot undetftandjibey aUloeiitotbeiroiin.tverTiont for his gain from his quay- ttr. Vtut.x'] .ij.lifitber fhail he multiply wives to ib/w/f//,tbat his heart turn not a wayj netthef fh*U bt greatly multiply to bimfelf ftlvtr and £eo« rvithfcorftons. V. 1 5] Where- fore the King hcarkcDcd not to the people j for the caufe wii frooi the Lord— V. i5 "j So when all Ifrael fawjr that the Kiog hcaikencd not to them, the people atifwered the Kin«, faying, what portion ha?c wc in David ? neither have wc inheritance io the fon of JfjfT^ ; 10 yoor t J. The Ri;a(cn annexed to the fifth Commandment, in i-hefe woidi", [ 7hat thy dayer may be lor/o ufon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee y ] is an cxprcls promile of long (y)Ex.2o.i2i life and profperity, as far as it (ball ferve for Gods glory,and their own good, to all fuch as keep this Commandment z. (0 Deu.5 16. Honour thy father aod thy mother, ai the Lord thy God bath commanded thee,that thy diyes va»j be prolonged, aod thilit miygo well with thee, in the land whiih the Lord ihy God giveth thee, i Kiogi8.25. Therefore now, Lord God of Ifrael,keep withthy fervant David. my father,thai which thou promifcdft him,faying,There (hall not fail thee a man in thy fight to fit onihe throne cflfrael, fo that thy children take heed to their way, . that they walk before tne as thou haft walked before me. Eph 6. 2, 3 Hooonr thy fa* ther and thy moiherTwhich it the fii ft Commandment wirh prcroile.) V. 3^ That it- may be well with thee, and ihoQ maiftlive long 00 the earth. Q^Which is the fixth commandment > ji. The fixth Commandment is, [ 'thou (halt not \iU a. ] (d^Exo.ao.jj. ^ What are the duties required in the fixth Commandment> A- The duties required in the fixt?hCommandment,ar€ all careful ftudies, and lawful endeavours to preferve the life of ourfelves h^ and others c, by refifting all thoughts and pur- (*) Eph. 5128*^ ap. So ought men to love their own wire* ai their own bodiet . He that loveth hit wife, loveth him- felf. V. 25> ] For no man ever hated his own fl«(h,but oourifhcth and cheriftic th it, even as the Lord the Church, (c) 1 Kog.iS. 4. Forit waifo,whta Jezabel cot cfFihe Pro. - phcti of the Lord, that Obadiati took an hoDdrcd Prophet* and hid them by fiftj io «* cavcofQdfedcheniwi^h.bfeidjod water. . pofesy . I 212 1 16. Bat know temptations^, and praftifcs, which Lt^dfo /^^^^^ ycfor ccrco. kmg away The life of any 1 by t^ft dcUc theLfT/-'a thcfe wardi io your c rVv' % Then f id rhc PnnV« W-!7%°°'° ^^^^ !2 ^P"*^ •" n« m,n is not lortby to d Mi Erin. rhi. ;„«„„' ^''^ J ^'*'=° P*"' ""«'^ «>d« of hch.th.ccrt.ioXg™\" i":fvl'te nicD, which hiTcbooJd themfelvci with ao oath ^h.r .^Vnl ^"" T" »^"»^o"y king for a promife froai thee V. Ty 1 "h?* mi'o wirTlE^n^r'^K^^'^^ '"^^ ' '°°- harc beet) killed of them .- then c.mVl wit^an ,^7I,^'*;?f^^^^^ "** «'°°''* flood thit he was a RotiaD. (0 Eph. 4.25.27. Be 5T«.?v 7nd fin « "°», ^'"'"^ ^"'t'^- go do wo opoo yotir wrath V. 2? ] Ncith« k^eyiac^t?! " deJ^^I ° rn i Tl'^.' ^" M?J*l"^'*^'i?"'° '° Af.hcI,Tu^rt,thecaf.dtfrS^fo lowU^^^^^^^ ^(llrTfto^M I fmit* thee to the eroond ? ftc.-.Deu 22 8 wh,r.,hlr,u,, r.* wherefore lliould «hoa (halt make . bftrlemc^ fo thy o'o"tba't tS briD. Sor°K ' '"="' 1°°?' V*^" any m*ti fall from rhence. (A Mar wV 6 7 AnVf^? u * oot bfood opoo thy hoofe.if God, cad thy felf do "o ftc -_V 7 luT^^clil^ "m ° ^'"'' ^^ "'''° ^' '^'^ S^° o' (hair oor rem'pc theZd th* God7pry ]iTn-Ti6^Z\ /oi if'fi'"" '«"'"* \^°" coDfent thoa oor. V. ,1 1 {f they fav come with ll L^^,''^^''?"* ""*^« tf^f*. with them, refrain tbv foot frotn the"? p.^h V .6 1 Jn/.i ? 7"'^ "''' '''°° '" '^* ^«y haft to (hed blood, m , S m. 24 12 The Tird l^o. h " ^"' "" '° •'"'•"•* "»»^« I^orda^eDgetneofehSc^botminJ^h^^^^^^ Aod Dav.d faid ooto Abifliai.Dtftroy htm nor- for who cji> ftrVrri f C u u ^'J^' ' '«' the Lord* aooioted.and be goilrFefi' V. lol Dirid 7»iArn.u ^^^^fl*"* ^lod aginft the Lord fliaH fmrre him or hU div fh.i. ^nm i^ ^arthermore as the Lord liveth. .odperifh, V .;" T;?LLttd^^ ^To; d\';:;cbfoV^ ^-^•i!'-' Lordi aooiDred—Gfr. 27 2f 22 And Rp. K^n u- j • Ji ""°* ''"'* '^""^ the their haods, aod faid/U^os oot kHl h^ V ?, . "^'p'".** ^l '^'^'*'''"^ ^«" °°^ °f blood,bat caft him n\o thirpk that » in rb.!:H. ^ ^"1 ^'^^ ^»*d '« 'hem, Shed do i'/o.24.r.rVH.oo4Todd^^^^^^^^ thit are ready to be flaio. V. /2. H ff/hoo falft T.ioN f '*''" °°'° ''"^'^^ "^ »hofe P^aderrth the heart coofider it''/ od he that' kl^i^h '''}'''." 1° 'l'*°^'^ "^' '^'^ '*'« ^ &c.-iSjai. 14,45 AodrhcDeoDlefJ^^^nnJo. '^f^',h/hy fool, doth oot he koo^v ir / , this great f^lv'afion it, Kraf/f Godtrbi^° a7 he Lo d°?i '"*." ?*^'^^ ''"" "''^''P''' ' of hi, head fall to the g.-oood for he hifi «lVn, ^"f'^J'^^'h there ftafl not one hair refcued Jooathao, tha^t he died oSr^ [ij ^« f 7 7'o f^'/'^i '''' .^^ '^.' P'°P'« brethren, aoto the coming of the Lord - bdi«!d rhi h.!iL J ' ^^ P*"*"* therefore, cioD. f, ait of Che earth, aod h.eh long p/rieSe '^i'^' V s'^r'"" ^/^''^^^^ ^Jfe pre- your bcartf.for the coming of the Lord d aws n|ph v'J\ ^^7"'^° P'»'«»^. ft»«'ft» rher, brethren, left ye becondemnrd-hSi ^ i J 9] Grodgenot one againft aoo- fo ] Take my brethrenX ProThm iXnhlilr' ^'^^^ ^'J"^*'^ ^^f°^* 'ht dOor. V. rxiinpic of fuffcring afl ftion.V 1 1 Vb hold ^^5'°''", '° 'i' ^'"^ °f 'he Lord, for ao h«ard of the patience of JoMad haie feen the end°n7rh ^'/^"^ '^" "''"•"Y' h.^« m.re.we hrre had father! of oor S who rn"^^^^^^^ Wd,grc-H.i.i2.p Farther- fl-nll wc oot moch rather be irfabirSi^n ? 'l?r?.ll"''"'*-^« g*^"^ 'hem rerrreoce: miod /jchcirfulftcfsoffpirkw, afobcrufcofmeacw, drink ff, phy- (i) \Thef.4Ai$ fick />, flccp qt labour r, and recreation*/; by chariiabic thoughts h Aod ihit ye Iovc«» compaflion*, racckocflc, gcntleneflc, kindncffcx, peace- '^".'^y to *« ablcv, ttiild,and courteous fpccchcs and behaviours, forbiarancci ^l**"'** '*/*® ^ your owoba* fificrt ,&c. I ?et, 9,4— v.iij He hath made every thing beautiful in his time j alfo he hath fet the world in their heari,&c.— (r) 1 Sam 19.4,5.. And Jondr^onfpake good ofD».22.i;,i4> And S'^Wfaid unto him. Why haveyecoo(pucd agaipflme, thoo and the fon of7(/?e,in that thoo hal\ given him bread. and a (Vvord,&c.— v.143 ^od Abimtltcb lofwetcd the King, and faid, And »ho is fo faithful among all thy feivants, at D4v/rf, which is the Kings fon.io-law, and goes at thy bidding ? &c. — («)iloin.i3.lo,. Love woi keth no ill to his ncighbonr : therefore love is the fulfilliog of the law> '' Luk, 10 33,14»95 Bat a certain Samariianas he Jooriityed,c«me wherehe was,aod whcnhc faw him, he had compaflBon 00 him; v. 343 Aod went to hicn.and boond up hit wooods, ftc. — [x^Col. ? 12,1?' Pot 00 thertforc.as the eleft ol Gi)d,holy aod be|oved,bowel$ of mcrcy,kiadoefs,humbleners of mind,mcekocri, Ioog>foffcring. v.i^'J Forbcaiiog one «notbcr,aod forgiving one anothcr,if any man hath a qoarrel agaioft aoy,even as Chfifl forgave yoa,(o alfo do ye. (>)7 A. The fins forbidden in theiixth commandment, (c^ASl6 8 *^*' all taking away the life of our fclvesc, or of Others r/5 ButPaoI cried "ceptincifc ofpublick Juftice e, lawful war/, or neceffa- with a load ^7 defence^ ; the neglefting or withdrawing the lawful and voice, faying, ncceflary means of prefervation of life k finfui anger L ha- Do thy felf ' & » no harm s for we are all here.f ^^Gen.p.^. Whofo (he^deth wtns blood, by man Ihill his blood be fhed :for n the image of God made he man. {ej Nam. 35 3 1-33; More- over, ye (hall takcnofitiifaflioofor the life of a murderer, which is gojlty of deaih: but he fliill fnrely be pot to death. — V.3 3 ] So ye fliall not pollute the Ud4 wherein ye are.' for blood, it dcfileth the LanH^ and ^hc land cannot be ciranfcd from the blood that is (hcd therein, bat by the blood of him that (hcdit. T/J Jer.48. lo Coifed be he that doth the woik of the Lord deccrtfollyiandcorred be he that kcepcth hitfword from blood. Dea. 20 Chip, throoghour. (^^_) £a:o. 22 2,3. If a rhicf be found brea- king up, and be fmitcn that hcdie,there flull be no blood (W for him. V. 3']!/ the fun be rifen upon him,there ftiill be bhod fhe-i for him ^ for he rtiould mskc tuU refti* turioniif heharenothiog.theohc (hall befoldforhis th«ft.(A)Mar.2 5 45.43 F^r I was jn huDgrcd, and ye gave me no meat •, thirfty and yc gave mc no drjtk. V. 43 3 1 w»s a flranger acd ye took me net ir; o»ked, and ye cloathcd mc not; fjcl{,»Dd in pnroD,and ye vifited ccenor.jam 2,iS i<5. If abrothcr,or fiftcr be naked and dcftrtote of daily food; V' 16 J And one of you fiy to them, depart in peace, be ye warmed, and filled \ not* withftaodiogyegiveihettj not thole things which are needful to the body ; whatdnth it profit /Eccl, 6. 1,2. There it ao evil under the Sun, and it is common aoiODg men V. 2. 3 A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth and honoar, fo that he wantt no- thing for his fool of all that he dcfjreth ; y t Gad gives him not power to eat thereof, bctaftrangereatethit. This ii vanity, and an evil difcafe. f OMar. 5. 22, But I fay on- to you,thit whcfoever is angry wiih his bro;hcr without 1 caufe, IhalJ be in danger of the ; jclgemcDt j and whofocvccr, &c. tredi wed ^. envy /»dcfireofrcvcngeM, all (!xccfnr«pa(riofts»,diflrafti(igW « )»h, j.' c»rcs ^.immoderate ufe of meat,drink/', labour q, and recreations r j 'f. Whofoevcr provoking VTords/iopprcflion ^quarrelling «iftriking,v»ounding *, fa'tcthhisbro- and whatfocvcr elfc tends to the dettruftion of the life of any x. ^^^^ '* * '""'" therer ; tnd ye know that no tnurthcrer hicb eternal life abiding in bi'm. Lev. 19 17. Tbou (halt not bate iby brotber in thy beart,tbou Qialt io any wi(e rebiike tby ncigiibour, and not fuffcr fin upon hxvn.il) FrtfV.i4.?o. A found heart it the life of the flefli^but envy the rottennefj of the bonei, (w )a(o»i, IX. 19. Dearly belovedjtvenge not your felvei i but rather give place unto wratb, lor it is written,vcngeance is mine : I will repay ,fiith the Lord,Q«;Eplb.4,j i. Let all bicter- iK{5,and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and eviUfpeaking be put away from you, with all malice* (•)itf« .6.3 i-j4,TheteFore take no thought, faying, whitfhall wecat ? or what fhill we drink ? or wherewith fhili we be clothed ? v, J4] 'l ake therefore no thought for the morrow,for the morrow (hall take thought for the things of it felf, (ufticient unto the day is the evil thereof, (f) L«^e»i.j4.And take heed toyourfelvei, left at any time your heartf beover.chargedwithfutfeting, and drunkennefs, and the cares of this life, and fo that day comeuponyouunawarei.T^om.ij.ij.Letus walkhoneftlyasintheday ,not intiotingand drunkennefs, not in chambering and wantonnefs^not in ftrife and envying, ffl) Ewf.ia,ii» Furthermore, by thcfe.my fon.be admoDi(hed,of makingmanybooks there isnoend', and much ftudy is a wearinelTe of the flcfli.Ec(/e/',a.i2,2 j^Fotwhat hath a man of all bis labour, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein be hath laboured under the Sun i v,2 } IFor all bit dayes are forrow.and his travel grief, yea, his heart taketb not refl in the night ; This it aUo f anity. (r) Ifl*. f .12 And the harp, and the viol, and the tabret,and the pipe, and wine are itk their fcjfti.'but they regird not the work of theLord,nor conlidet the operation of his baadt. (/) Prow.ij.t A foftanlwertutneth away wrath j but grievous words ftir up anger.Prow. 12. i8.There is that fpeaketh like the piercings of » fword^ but the tongue of the wife is health, CO Et«'t.'8.»8.Ai for hit father, becaule he cruelly opprefled and fpoilcd his brother by Violence,* did that which was not good among his peoplc,Io even he fhall die in his iniqui- ty. E«0d. f . 1 4. And they made their lives bittti with bondage,in mortat & brick,3nd all roan; ner of ferv ice, in the field: all their fervice wherein they made them ferve was with rigour* (m)G A. Th€ (evcnth Commandment is , \_1houJhalt notcom- mit adultery y,'] _ (7)Ex«rf,lo.^ Q^fVhat are the duties required in the feventh Command" went > -rfr-The duties required in the feventh Commandment, Gg . are, ry]iTbtf.^.'^. arcChaftity In body » mind, aflrcftioftj;^, words'*, tnd behivl- That everyone out &; and the prcfervation of it in our fclvcs and others c ; watch- of you (hould fulncfs over the cycS) and all the fcftfcs d j temperance e j keeping of know bow to chaft company/, modefty in apparel ^.marriage by tbofc that have pojftft bis ve^tl not t^g gift of continency h ; conjugal love i, and cohabitation i^, di- ittfanSlifitition [\^^nt labour in our callings /,ftiunning all occalions of uncleanncfs» and honour.)ob ^^^ refifting temptations thereunto m, gi. 1. I havt nideaCovtnttn$mtbmineej€Sj »hytbtnJhouldItbittliupeitamaid f i r«r. 7, ^4. Therfe is a difference aifo between a wife and a virgin ; tbeunmarried wcman caretbfor tbi tbingt $f tbc Lorditbatjbe may be holf^botb in b^djand ffirit-.bixt the that i:- married carcth for cbe thrngs ot the world,how (he miy pleaie her huihxni,(a) Col^ 6,let jour /fetch bt tUmajt wi*b gractt ftijontd with \dlt ; chat ye may know how yc ooght toaniwer e«eiy man. {b) i Vet. ? . i,— While they behold your chaft conveilation coupled wiib fear,(«)i Ctf.y.i — j 5 )6.Never« thelc{sjro avoid jornicauon, lit everj man bane bis own vfijetdjtd every woman bet own hut band* ^V.J5]/VndthisI speak for your profit , not that I may caft afnart upon you, butior chat which iscomely,and that ye may attend upon the Lord without i0 y* ons. thoughts, purpofe and afteftionsr I all corrupt or filthy com- ^1>»''^"" » '"** munications, or liftenmft thereunto /^j wanton looks t, impudent, or y^*^!! /^ light behaviour ; immodeft apparel u ; prohibiting of lawful *, and mmb(o^Heb difpenfing with uniaful marriages x, allowiBg,toIerating,keeping of Marriage ftewesind reforting to themjijmtangling vowes of fiople life^; un- i, honourable due delay of marriage a , having more wives or husbands then one, in all , and the at the fame time ^juajuft divorce f ,or difertion rf; idlcnefsj gluttony, bed undefiled.* drunkennerse,unchafl company /.lafcivious fongs.books, pictures, but whoremon* dancings, ftage-playes^ » and all other provocations to, or a6ts of girs and aiul- uncIcanHefs either in our fclvcs or others h, tents god mil judgt.oai.^.tgt Noif the worket oftbefitjh are manifcft wbtcb are tbefc* Aiulury, Ftrnuaueu^ uncleanneft, Lafcivioufncis, &c. (p) t Sani.i}j4.Howbetc be (vi^.ifmnoA) would not hearken unco bee VOtcc,but being ftronger cben (be,forced bcr,3nd lay wiib ber^ i Qot.^^ult is reported com* monly that tbere is fotntcaiion among you , and fucb fornication as is not (o much as to be named among the Gentiles, tbat one (hould bavc bis fathers wife, (f) Rom«i,z4 — x6| 27* Wherefore God alfo gave tbem up to uncleannels, through the lufts of tbcir own hearts , to diflionour their own bodies between themfclvcs — v. 16] For this caufe God gave them up unto vile affcdions} for even their women did change their natural u(c into tbat wrbich is a* (ainft nature.v. 27] And likewife alfo the men,Uaving the natural ufe of the womao,burDed in their luft one towards another, men with men working tbat which is unkceroly, and re* ceiving in themfelvcs tbatrecompence of tbcir error which was meet.Lev.20«i {,i6«And if a man lie with a beaft.be null furcly be put co death, and ye (hall (liy the beaft. v. 16] If a wo^ man approach unto any beaft,and !ye down tbereto,tbou ft^alt kill the wom3n,3nd the beaft : they (hall furcly be put to death: their blood ihali be upon them,Cr)Mdt. 5. tS^Bac I fay unto you,(bat wboloevcr looketb on a woman to luft after her, bath committed aduUciy with bee already in his heart. Afkip\ei fay unto him,Il the ca(e oftnemsnbefo with hii wiftyit is not good to marry V'liJBucfccfaid unto tb{m,.5.8,Rcmove tby way far from her,and come not neer the door of her houfe [g]£fl;.4 j. — Neither (ilthinefs, nor foolifh talking, nor jeff ings, which are not convenient, but rather givingof thanks. E^e^«zj.i4>tf |i6. And that (he encreafcd her wbotedom}(or when (he (aw men pourtrayed upon the wall, the images of Chaldeans pouttrayed with vcrmilioo. v.15] Girded with girdles upon tbrir loyns, exceeding in djred attire upon their heads,all of ibetn Princes to look to.afcer the manner of the Bab^lonians^of Chalde,the land of their nativity. V. 16. And as Coon asfhefaw them with her eyes,' (he doted upon ihetr., and (cmmefTengers unto them in to(»4/i«i.f/(i.t3.i$,i6,i7. And it (hall ccme to pafs in that day,tba(ryre (hall be forgottten 70^ years,iccording to the daycs of one King : after the end of /o.ytars (hall T)r4 (ing as an h3tloi.v.i6]Take aa Harp,go about the city, thou barlot,thou haft been forgotten» make make rwcct melody, fiof mioy foots that tho6 maiefi be rcncnbrcd* V. 17 3 And it (hall cOmc to pafi after ihceod of 70 ycars,that the Lord will Tifit Tyrc.^Dd (he (hall toro to her hire, and coininit forDicaiico with all the kingdoms of the world opot) the face of the earth. Ifa, 3.16. Moreover, the Lord faith, Bccanfe the daughters of Sicn afffhaoghty ,8twatk wi.hOretched forihnrik(,aDd wanton cyeswalkicg and miDcing aithcy go,andintkirg a tiockliTig with their feet. Maik 6. \z And wheo thedaoghtcr of thefaid Hcrodiascaine lo.aod danced and plcafc(iH-rod,aod them that fat with him, chcKtog faid unto the dacDfcl, A^kof me wha (bevcr thoo wilt, and I will give it thee, ....ftc. Rom. i)t M Ler at wal. hooeOly,ai in the day, not io rioting and dronkcnocfs, not io chambering and waotonntfs, nor, 8cr.iPcr,4. ^.For the ritnc pail ofoor life may foiiice at to have wrought ihf w;Ji of theGcotilet, when wc walked io larcivioofQefTr, iaflt, cxceftof wioe, revelliDgt,baDqae(tiog«, and abominable idolatriet. fb") 2 King.9. 90. And when Jcbu was come to Jczrcel, jezabcl heard of it.and fhe painted her face, lod tired her head,aDd look:d oQt at a window. Compared wiih]cr.4. jo. And wheo thou irt fpoilcd, what wilt thoo do.' chcogh thoocloathvA thy felfwiihcrimfoo, thoogh thondeckcA thee with oroan^ on rf gold, thooghthoo rcotcfl thy face with painting, in vaio (bait thou make thy fdf f^ir v < by lovert will dcfpjfc thee,they will feck thy life: and with E^^k 2). 40. And furthermore, ye have feot for men to come from far,oDto whoma (Bcflcogtr watfeot; and I > ihcy came , for whom thoo didft wi(h thy fclf, paioitdft thioc eyct, aod derkcdft chy filf with oroameotst Q; Jfhich if the eiorlieth righteoafoefi, and fpe akcth the truth io hit heart, •— V 4 3 — He th*t (weareth (o hia own hart, aodchanjiethoor.Zrch. 7 4.— 10 ThfO came the word of the Lord ffh«fti onto mc faying.— V. loj And opprefs not the widow nor tbefatherteft.ner the ({ranger^ ncr the poor, 4nd let none of yok imagine evil agaitft his brother in your heart Zech. €. i6, 17, Thefcrechc thirgt that y« (hall do,Spcak every man the rrorh to hit neighbour, exe» cote ihcjudgcmcotof truth and peace inyourgatcT. V. 17 1 And Irr none of yoo ima- gine evil inyoor hearts agairfi hii neighbour, ardlnve oo/a|ft oath, forall theleare ihiifigi that I hue, fiiththe Lord. (/)Rom, 13 7. Render the tfore to all their does j tribure 10 whom tribute it doe, caftomc to whom ci flomr,.ftar to whom fear, honour to whom honour, (m) Lev. 6. 2, 3,4, $. If afoul fio and commit a trcfpartigaioft the lor l,and lie to hit neighbour i n that which wa» dclircred him to kf c p.rr io fel lowfhip, orinaoy thing taken away by violeorc,t)r hath deceived hii neighbour; V. 3 ") Or have found that \» hich wat lofl, aoil lieih cooceroing it, and fwcare'h falfly -, in any of all tbcfe that amaodoih,rtoDioe therein * V. 4 ] Thenit fhallbc bccaofe he hathfiooedy and it guilty, that he (hall report that whii h he took violeotly away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that whtL.h was delivered him to keep, or the lofl thing which he found. V. 5] Or all that aboot which he hathfwornfslfl}*, he fhtlleveo reftorcit io theprificipal, and (hall add the fifth part more thereto, and give it onto hicn to whom it appertaiocth.io the day of thisTiefp»fi.riferiog Compared withLoke 19, 8. And Zachcoj flood and faidooto the Lord, Behold, Lcrd^the half of my good* I give to the pooivSc if I have taken any thing from aoy man by filfc accofatioo,! rcftorc bitn four fold. cording^ C ozz ) , , cording to our abillcics,ind the nccefliclcs of others »5modcritiofi of zSGivetoV'e oi^ri^dgcmcncs, wills and afFeftions,conc«rning worldly goods o ; rymantbatask * Provident care and ftudy to gct|>,kcep,ufc,and difpofe thofe chingj ethofthee, and which arc ncccffary and convenient for the fuftentacion of our rwi- cfhimihitu* turei and fuitable to our condition ji lawful calling »•, anddili- k«h aw«y thy gence in it fi fruftility f, avoiding uancccffary law-fuits «, and fure- goodi ask the liOiip.or other like ingig;cmenis *; and an endeavour by all j[iii,St Dot ag«jn-v. iiyipful means, to procurc> prcfervc, and further the wealth and ouc- 58 J Give, and it fliill be girco anro yoD, gnod tncaforc, prrfTed down, lod (haken together, and rao- iog orcr Hiall men give into yoor bofomc s for with the fame oieafaro that yoD mere, ic (hillbetneafarcdto yoa agaio.ijoh. 3.17. But whofo htth this worlds good.and feeth hiibrotherhatb oe(d,aad ihatteth op his bowels of compafliin frotn hiai,how dwellcth the lore of God in hitn ? Eph. 4. 28. Let hitn that Aolc ftcal no more, bat rather let him laboor, working with his hands the thing that is good , that he tiiay ha?e to give to him that ocederh. Gal. 6. 10, As we have therefore opportunity, let qs do good on- to all mcD,erprcia|!y onto them that are of the honfhold of faith, ("o) iTimt 6. 6, 7, B,9.Batgodlioefs wich cooicotiDcDt is great gain. V* 7 '] For we brought nothing iD> to this (voild.and it is certain we can carry nothing out. V.83 And having food and ra^ mcnt, let as be therewith content. V. 9 ] But they that will be rich fall into teroptaiioo, and a fnarc, and into many fooliih and hartful lofts, which drown men in dcftto^ioo and perdition. Gal. 6. 14. Bat God forbid that I (hoold glory fare in thi Crofs of one Lord )ffas Chrid, by whom the world is crncified to me, and I onto the world, fp) i Tim. 5. 8, But if any provide not for his own, efpccially for thofe of his own houfc, he hath denied the faith, and is worfe then an infidel, f"^) Pro. 37. from r. 23. to the end. Be thou diligent to know the iiatc of thy flncks.and lock well to thy herdf. V. 24] For riches are not for ever, — be. Ecd. 2. 24. There is nothingbctter for a man, thea that befhonld eat and dtink, and make his fnal enjoy good in his labonr : This alfo I faw Wisfrom thehandofGod.Eccl.9. 12, <; 1 know that there is no good in them, bat for a man to re Joyce and do good lu his life, V. 1^3 And alfo that every man fliooM eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labourtiit ii the gift ofGod.iTim.^. 17, 18. Charge them that arc rich in this world, thit thcybenot high minded, nor traft in uncertain richei,bat in the living God,who giveth os richly all things to enjoy. 'V. 18 j That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready todiltribnte, wil< ling to commooicatc. If*. 984 i. In thofe dayrs was Hczekiah fick unto death*, and Ifai- ah the Prophet came to him, and faid, Thus faith the Lord , Set thine hoofe in order, for thou fhih die, and not live. Mat. it. 8 — Behold, they that wear fcft cloathing are in kings hoofes. fr') 1 Cor. 7. 20. Let every man abide in the fame calling wherein he wtscailed. Gen. a. 15. And the Lord God took the man, and pot him into the Garden c{E(ien,tQ drefs itjand to ketp it.G«a. 3. 9. In the fweat of thy face fh«lt thoo eat bread, tillthon rctarnantothcgroood,&c. (/JE^h. 4 28 Let him that ftole,ftcal 00 more, but rather Icihim labonr, working with his hands the thing that is goo(i,(hat he may hjvc to give toJiim that needeth. Pro. 10 4, Hebecomcth poor thatdeaieth witha Hack hand i hot the hand of the diligent makethrich. ft) Job, 6. 12. When ihcy were hllcd.h; faid onto hit Difciples, Gather op the fragments that remain, that BOthingbc loft. Pro.21. 20. There is treafure to be dcfirtdaod oil in the dwellings of the wife*,bntafo!li(h raanfpendcth itop.(») iCor.<5. from v. i. to v.p, Dare any of you having a matter agaioft another, go to law before the uojtjft, & not before the Saints?— and fo on, * Pro. ^» Fro"™ "• »' to Vi 6. My foD,if thoa be furery for thy friend, if thou haft ftricken thy haftd with I ftfinger, tlionarr foared wkh the words ofihyrooofh, ftc. Pro. 11 15, He that is fnrcty for a ftringcr (hill fmirt for it,aDd he that hateih iurctiftiip ii furct . (221) vvard eftate of others, u well as our own x» (x) UvW^.^i, And ij tty brO" iber he wixtn fo9r, indftlUn tt deedy with thett ^otn mu fhilt ttUeu hintj yea, though be be a ftranjer or a fojoumtr, that be maj live witb tbee. 2)f«r, lu i»2,?,4, Tkcu/halt net (tethy brothel 9x, or hufhttf go afiray, and bidt tby (elf inn thm j tbnu Jhalt in any cafe bring them latliagainuntt tby brother, Yi i] And if thy brother be notni^b unto thee, or if tbou know him not, then tbuu fhalt briRg ic into ebinc own boulci and it (hail bf with tbee un:il tby brother feck after it^nd •.faou &'l( rtAore it to him tgaii). v.;] In like manner (halt tbou do with bis a(s, and with bis raimenr, and with all left things of tbybrcberstbatibnu bift found; thou maift not hide tby Itlf. v. 4] Tbou Jhalt not fee ibfbrotben ox crbis a(f fall down by the vpdf, and hide thy (elf from them ; thou fhalt (urely btlp him t A. The fins forbidden in the eighth Commandment, be- Cdes the ncglcft of the duties required j*, arc theft Zy rob- ... bery 4, man*ficaling ^^ and receiving any thing that is [^ j/ "J,'* u^ ftolne c 5 fraudulent dealing rf, falfc weights and mcafure? ?, or'fifier be n" removing landmarks/; Injuitice and unlaithfulneffe in ked,and dcfli- contra^s between man and man p ^ or in matters of trufl h. ^^^< o^ ^^^'ly food. V, 16. 1 And one of you (ay to them, depart in peace* be ye warmed, and filled, but give them not tbofe things which are needful to cbt body, what dotb it prcEt i 1 Job, i . 17. But whoio batb this worlds good and feeib bis brothfr barb need, and fttuttccbup bisbowclsofcoropafCon from him, bow dwelleth tbe love of God in bim ? {\) Eph^4. 18. Let him that floie fteal nomore.but rather|&c«'-(.. 10. Tfuft not in opprcflion, become not vain in rob* bery, &c. {b) i Tim, 1 10. [ The law was made J For whoremongfra, for dcfilers of tfaem- fclveswitb mankind, for men ftralrrs, for I yers &:. and if there be iny other thing «»IMry to (ound TtcHme. {<) Protap, 14. IVbofo is firtntr with a ibitf hatetb bit own foul t he beateth eurfifig,»nd bewrayeth it nor, Pfal.so. 18. Wccn ihou lawtft a ibni ^theucvfnftnttifi wil\;,h'my &c. {d) 1 Ther.4.6« That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in anv Matter ■ becsufc tbe lord is the avenger of all fucb, as we alio b»ve forwarntd ycu y,,^ ttfti'fied CO Pro 11 1 •^ falfe ballanu it an abomination t« the Lord , bw a juft w:.gi,t is his delight.' Pro^ ao. loj Divetfe weights, and divetfe meafures, bcthof thvm are alike .bominaticnto the Lord. [/]Dcut. i5>. 14. Thou (halt not remove thy ncigbboor's land mark ; which tbeyofoW time have fet in thine inheritance, &c. Pro.» j.,o. Rtmovc not the old land.matkj and enter not into the Eclds of the Fathetlcfi. f^] Amoi 8. 5._ Saying, When will the new Woon be gone that we tray fell corm »nd the Sabbnh, that we may Ut forth wbeatj making the tpbabmal,Md tbejh(kdgreat,andfalfiffing the ballawes by deceit hi, 37. 21. Tbe wi!ked borrowtth & payetb not again. (fcjLuk 16. .0 h^u.Hc that is faithful in that which is Jeafl, as faithful alfo m much ; and he that is uniufl in the leaft, is unjuft alfo in n uch, V 11 "1 If the.tfore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous Mammon, whQ Vrlicoo^mi.'to your •SSli^M';-"/''''"^^-'^^ t"^ '^^ ^''' '"' ^"" f'"'»^"l '« cW wfciTb »nX Jan, |»holhall give you that whtchijvoujcwn? ' -twiusiu.i., C222) (ilS.it.2i 2$. opprefliott ^extortion ^,ufury /.bribery w, vexatious liVf-fui« »,utt« The people •fjjft jnclofures, and depopuUtionj o ; ingroffing commodities to in- * r%*'°'* '^ff' hincc the price />! unlawful callings^, and all other unjuft, or finful OD a^d «er- v»ayes of taking » or with -holding from our neighbour w hac cifed robbery' belongs to him,or of inriching our felves r: covetoufnefs^ inordinate aod rexcd the prizing and aflfc^ing worldly goods t } diftruftful and diftra- poor aal occ- fting cares andftudies in getting > keeping , and ufing them «, cn- dy; ye* they hive oppreflcd the ftraogcf wroQgfully.Lev.25,i7.Ye (hall therefore not oppreh one aoothcr;bat thoa (h«lc fear ihyGod:for I am theLord yourGod.(^)Mir,25.25 Wo onto yooS Tibet aod Phirirccs,hypocritet} for yc make clean the out fide of the cup & plat- ter, Sec. Ezek 22.12. In thee have they tikeo gifts* to Ihed blood: thouhifl (akcoaro' ry and iocreafe, and thou htft greedily gained of thy ncighbonri by extortion, and hift forgotten me, fiith the Lord. (/) Pfal. i$.$. He thit puttcth not out hit money to ofory, nor taketh a reward againft the innocent i he that, Sec. —(w) Job. 15 ?4. Por the coogrcgacioQ of hypocritrt fhali be dcfojate, aod fifc.Qiili confume the Tabernacle of bribery, (nj i Cor 6. 5,7,8. Bur brother goeih to law with brother, md thac before theonbclieveri, Sec. — to V.93 P*"?*?- 29.?oDefifenot efil igiion thy ncighboar, feeing he dwellethfccorely by 'hee.V.So'J Strirc not with a m»nwithoat caofe.if he have done thee no harm* ^0) Ifa. $ ^,Wo Mnto them thatjoyn houfe to boufe^ unci lay field to field,tjll there be no j)/<»ce,that they may be placed alone io the midft of the earth, tMc, 2.2. And they coret fields, and take them by fiolcnce ; and hoafct, and take then away ', fo they oppreft a man and hii houfe, c?cn a man and hit heritage, (p) Pro. i\,26. He 'hat withhoKleth corn , the people ihall curfe him; bot blcfTiog (hall be npoo the head of him that felleth it. QqJ Ad.19,19. — 24,2$. Many alfo of them which nfed ca- rioutarti, brought their books together aod burned them before all men-, and they counted the price of them, and found it $0000 picceM>f filvcr. — V.24 ^ For a certain roan named DfmerriMf,aSilvcr>fmiih,whoniadefilTer (brines foiDiana,brought oofmal gain unto the Craft»-meB. V.25'] Whom he called together, with the workmen of like occupirioo, and faid, 5irf, ye know that by this craft we hive our wealth. (r)Job.2o, 19. B^caufchehathopprciTcdandforfakcnthe poor, becaufe he hath violently taken away an houfe which he built not. Jam. $.4. Behold the hire of the laboarcrs which have reaped down your fi flis.which it of you kept back by fraud,crvethi and the crye» of them which have reaped are cntrcd into the ears of the Lord of Sabba1h.Prov.2i 5. Thegctriogof treafuresby alying toDgae,is a vanity toffcd too 8e fro of them that fetk death. (/") Lok. 12. »5. Aod he faid onto them, rake hced,aod beware of Covetoofoefs: foramina life confifteth not io the abundance of the things that he poircdeth. {j') i Tim. 6, 5. Perverfe difpotiegt of men of corropt minds,and dcOitote of the troth, fop" pcfiog that gain is Godlineft .• from fuch withdraw thy felf. Col. 3. 2 S:t yonr af« feftiont on thiogt above,oot 00 things on the earth. Pfov,a5 5. Wilt thoo fet thine e^e% upon that which is not .' for riches certainly make themf«|vcs wingt j they flte away ajs an Eagle towards heaven. Pfal. i 2, io. —If riches iocreafe, fet not your heart upon them. r«) Mat 6. 2$,-3r,—?4 Therefore I fay unto yop,t4ke 00 thought for your life, what ye (hall cat, or wnat ye (hall drick, nor yet for your body, what ye (hall put on } is not the life more then meat.'and the body then raiment ?— V.31 ^ Therefore take no thought,, faying , what (hall we eat/ or, Sec — V. 34 ] Take therefore no thought for the morTow,for the morrow (hall rake thoughtior the thingtof itfelf •, fufficient to the day is the evil thereof. Eccl.5. 12 Thcntepofa labooring roanisfweet, whct ther he eat iictle or machj but the abnodancc of the rich will not foffcr him to fleep. vying vying at the profperity of others * : as likewifc idlenefs pc, * PK 7h ?■ ing oar icives oi ine auc uic inu coiuiuit ui cnac cnatc (aw tbeprofpt- whichGod hathgiv«nus. «. rity of the wicked. P(al. 37.i-7.Fret not tbyfclfbecaure of evil doers, nor be thou cnvyous againfl the workers of iniquity — v.7]Reft in the Lord, and wait paticntjy for him j fret not iby fcif becaufcof bim who prcfpcrctb in bis way, brcaufeof the man wbo bringeth wicked devices to pafs. (x) iTbef.^.iit^or fit bear that there arc fome wbo walk amon{ you difordcrly , woiking not at alltbut are bufic* bodies. Prov, 18^9. He alfo that is flotbful in bis work, is a brother to bim that is a great wafter.(j) Prov. a i . i7'He that lovetb pleafure fliail be a poor man^be ibat lovcth wine and oi! fliall r ot be rich , Pftfp.zj.zo^ai. Be not among wine.bibbers , among tiotcus eaters ot flefh. v.ii]]For the drunkaid and glutton (hall come to poverty, and drowfi* Dcfsfliallclothamdn wiib rags* Prov.iS, 19, He that tillethbis land (hiil have plenty of brcad:but he that tolloweth jftcr vain perl'ons ftiall have poverty enough. (^)Cfc/,4 S.There is one alone, aod there is not a fecond, yra be haib neither child nor brother \ yet there is no end of ail his labour, nor is his eye fatii Bed with riches , neither (aith he for whom dol la. bour,and bereave sny foul of good/ This is aifo vanity ? yea it isaforeevil.Ea/r6.a. k man to whom God faaih given riches,wealib and honour, (o that be wanicth nothing for bis foul of all that he dc(iretb,yct God givrrh him not power to eat thereof , but a ftranger eateth ir. Thtsis vanity,andancvildir(a(e. 1 TiVn $.8. But if any man provide not for his own, and cfpccially for tbofe of his own bcufcjhe hatb d.nyed the faitb,and is wctfc then an infidsl. Q^Which is the ninth Commandment > A. The ninth Commandment is , [ thoHJhalt not bear f'alfe witnefs againji thy neighbour. (j) Extf.»o.i6. Qi. What are the duties required in the ninth Command- ment ? A. The duties required in the ninth Commandment arc, the pre- fcrving and promoting; oftru-:h between man and man b , and the ^^^ 2tcb.^*\6. good name of our nciphbour as well as our ownf : appearing '^'?«^^ *^' '°* and ftanding fornly^ truch» ma^tttetM AndJ^/Ktffefaid of judgement and jufticc^j and in all other things whacfoevcr /j a unto A&iB, charitable eftccra of our neighbours wi, loving, defiringjand rcjoyc- av h* *'? ^"^ ^" '^^^"^ ^°^^ "^^'^ "' forrowin&for o> and covering of their iq- fy to thVLord ^f'^^^"/' » ^^cely acknowledging their gifts and graces^, defending God of Urn] ^^^^^ innoccHcy r ; a ready receiving of a good report/, and unwil- and mike confeffion unto faim^ind tell one now what thou haft done j hide it not &Qip,{t)i "*"*♦"• i4.i8> 19, t0;Then the King infwcredjand faid unto the wouian,Kide ivotfrpm mc, I pray ihcc, the tbiog that I (hall ask the«. And the woman (aid. Let my Lord th« King now fpcak,v»i9jAnd the King faid»Is not the handof ^5. Ttf fiall do na unrigbteoufnefs in judgtmsnt: thou ihal t not tefpcd the petfon of the poor,nor hon» our the pct[onoiihcm%bty>bw in rigbum adeuitfulwitne{i fpeaketb ljKS.{l)t Cor i,i7,i8.When 1 therefor* was tbus winded, and the righteous according to the work like their bow, of the wicked (h) ; forgery CO , concealing the truth, undue filence for lyes: but in a juft caufc (^ » and holding our peace when iniquity cal- theyarenotva-icth for cither a reproof from our rclvcs(/), or complaint to others liant for the ^^j. fpgjikingthe truth unfcafonably (w) or,malicioufly to a wrong truth upon the ^.jj ;^\ qj perverting it to a wrong meaning (Pj , or in doubtful earth : for they n / * r proceed from evil to cvil.tnd know not me,faith the Lord-v.y] And they will deceive every one his neighbour,ind will not fptsli the trutb'j they have taught their tongue to ffeati lies, and weary themrcjvet to commit iniquity. a/4^.X4. i— 5; And when he was called forth, TeftuUus began to sccufe him,faying,&c.-v.5]For we have joundtbis man a pefiilent fellow,tnd a mo- verofjeditiommongik ail the Jews throughout the world,and a ring leader of the fed of the Nazarens.P/ii/tU },4.Thc LordftiaJi cutrffa!! ^ittctirghps, tnd iht tongue tbatffeaketb jro«i «feingi.v*&c— I.M^.16 5,6 7. So he caljtd every ODcffaisLotdsiffetor* unto him, & (aid unto the firft, how rrucb Oweft ibou unto my Lord? V.6] And he faid an hundred meaiurcs of oil. And be (aid unto bim,Tal^e tbj bill^and write fifty ^ V.7]rbcnla:d be to another, &c,(V;Le» f i, And if a Sou' fin,and hear the voice of Iwearsng, and jsa wunefi whether he bath It en or known oflt, ij be do not utter it, tbenht jhaUbtarbit iviquity,Deut,ii.S — Thou ftult not conftnt untohicn.nor hearken unto him,nor {hall thine eye pity hirfl.nor dnlt thou (^ite^norjhalt tbou conceal bim.A^,^.i"S^g3\M'teter kid, Ana- tias. if by bath Satan filled thy hcart,tc lyt to ibe holy Gbo(t,8c tofieep baek fart of the price of the landfv.i1 And Pfter anfwered unto her,tell mt whether ye fold the land for fo mucbi Andjhe faidytafor fo wMcfr.v.g] Then Teter faid uiito her. How is it that ye have agreed together, to terpt the Spirit of the Lord:Beho|d the feet olj&c—? r/w»4.i6. At my firft tnlner, no man fioodtoitbmi^but oilmen forfoolime.l pray God that it may not be laid to their charge, (/j t ^ittg 1.6 And bis father bad not diffUafed bim at any time in (a)ing,why ha(i thou donefo f Leu, kg i7.Thou (h3ltnot hate thy brother in thine bc3rr.theu(haltinanf vsife rebuke tby brother, aod not fufFcr fin upon bim. {m)lfa.^9.^.None called for iujticeynor any pleadetbfortrutbitbcy rruft in vanity,><.'C — (n)?rev i^iH AfooluttaetbaUbismindtbuti wile man keepeth it till afterw3rds.(o3if) P/.5(S.6.Every day they wrcft my woidS(3ll their thoughts are againft me for evil.Joi'.i f^Jcfus anfwetcd^ and faid unto tbem,Dcftroy this Temple, and in three dayes I wilt raife it up-.tompared wiib Mat.i6.6o,6i. — At tbelaft came twoialfe witneiTes.v 6i3And faid, This fellow laid> I am able to deftxoy the Temple of God,and to build it in three dayes* and (227) •tid cquiyocal exprcfliotis to the prejudice of truth or jafticcf /peak- rq) oen. a < ing untruth r , lying ^ flandering^ backbiting «, dctraiSting*, f-orGod'doih talc- bearing X, vvhifpcringjf, fcoffing^, reviling 4, rafti ^, harfti know thjtio f, and partial ccnfuring <^, mifconftruing intentions* words the day yce«i anci anions e, flattering/, vain glorious boafting ^ , thinking 'hereof, thco or fpeaking too highly or too meanly of our fclves or y^^^'^y**^** bcopened.aod ye (hill be at God» koowiog good and erih GeD.25.7-9.And the OQCD o( the pUce ask* cd hitn of hi» wife, aod he faid, She k my Sifter ; for he f-ared to fay fhe ii my wife, Ieft,&c.(rJ Ifi. 59.»3'Ia«'^*if|'c{rugjadlv!ng4£as born after the Sprit even fo it i» now,(4//,that thou maieftbe their King, according to thefe wordj. T.7] And thoa haft alfo appoin* red Prophets to preach of thee at Jerafalem, faying, There is a King io judah and now (hallitbereportedto thcKing, according to thrfe words. Come now therefore, and let us take counfcl togccher. v.8]Then I fcot unto him faying,Thefc are no fach things done ai thoo faift,butthonfaineft them out of thine own heart. Rom. 3. 8. And not ra- ther as we be flandcroufly reported.and as fome affirm thirwc fay, Let mdo evil that good may come, whofedamnatson is juft. Pfal. 69 10 Wh:al wepcand chaftened my Soul with fading, that was to my reproach, i Sam. i 1 3, 1 4, 15. No^v Hannah' (he fpa\e in the heart, only her lips moved, bot her voice was not h ard : thcrcf -re Eli thought /be had been drunken, v. 1 4 ;] And Eli faid unto her, hin> long wilt thou be drunken ? put away thy wine from thee. v. 1 5 '\ And Hannah anjweredandfaid. No, my Lord, I am a woman of a forrowfol fpirir,l have drunk neither wine, 8tc. 2 Jam. 10.3. And the Prin- ces of thechildreo o(Ammon faid uotoHanun their Lord,Thiokeft thou that David doth honour thy father,that he hath fcnt comforter* unto thee .<' hath not David rather fcnt his fervant onto thee to fearch the city, and to fpy it oot,and to overthrow it '(/)Pfal. i2. 2. 3. They fpeak vanity every man with his neighbour, fec.-v. 3 ] The Lord ihall cat ofFall flattering lipi, and the tongue that fpeaketh proud thingi. fi) 2 Tiro. 3 2. For raenflfuUbc lovers of themfclvci, covetous, boadei 5. &c. others fh^ifh i2 0- either* ^> Whcoci cotnef^ thou GebiaTii ? And he faid, Thy ferviot went no whither. Geo 4 9; And tht Lord faid ■DcoCain,Wnereis Abel thy brother? And hefaidjkoowoor ', An 1 my brothers keeper .' (jnj Geo. 922; And Cham the father of Canaan faw the oii« kednes of his fathcr,«ad told his two brcthreo withoar.Pro.25. 9,10. Debate thy caore with thy neighbour himfelf, and difcover oot a fecrct to another, v. lo "] Leift he that hearcih it ptit thee to fhaaie,and thine infamy torn oot away. (^n)Exo. 23.1. Thou {halt not raife a falfe report : pot not thy hand with the wicked to bean unrightcoos witneff.- (0) Prov. 29. 12. If a Rater heatktn to lies, all his fcrviots are wicked, fp^ Aft. 7. $6^ 57. And Stephjo faid, Behold, t fee the heavens opened, ftr. — v 57 ^ Thcii they cryed out with a loud voice, and Aopped their ears, fee — Job. 31. 1 3, 14. if I didi dcfpife thecaofeofmy mao'fervant or maid fcrVaor,when they contended with meif, 143 What thtnfhallldb, whenGotirireihop.'' ftc. {qj i Cor. i?.5. Ccliarify ]dofh not behave if felfonfecmlf, feekcth not hcrowo, is not eafily provoked, thiokcfhoo evil, I Tim. 6, 4, He is proud •, koowiog oothing,bot doting about qn«ftiooi,and Arifcs of words, &c. — (^rJNum/ 11. 29. And Mofes faid onto hira,Envieft thou for my fake.^ WooldGod that all the Lords people were Prophets, and that the Lord would pour out his Spirit upon them. Mat. 21. 15. And whtmhcchiefi Pritfls aod Scribes, faw thfe wandeiful thiogs that he did, asd ihechildrto crying io thcTcmpre,«D(ifayiO£,iFiofaCf ni rn ^^^r C/->n nrr\.«.J .Viai. >«.ir> r^r^ AiCr\}4<^(»A ( 2«P ) to impiir it /jfejoycing in their difgraceand infamy f, fcorn. (/) E^ra 4. i;, ful contempt «, fond admiration *, breach of lawful promi- '3 ^«'^ '^»<'»'« ie« Xf negledingfuch things as are of good reportj^, apd pra- /?""*/ y'"^' aifing or noc avoiding our (elvcs^or not hindering, wlut we ^jjj [aml'^Xp can in others, fuch things as procure an ill name z. /row /A? f to us, are come unto Jernfalem^ builditiitbe rebellions and bAdCJt)!^ lod havefctnp thewjll$, &c. ?. 13.] 3e ic kaqwo oow anto the King, th^t if this Ciiy be boilr, and the walls Tct ifp igtiD, they yvill oot ixay tolc,tribax<,aod cQAo(ne,4iidfo thou (halt eodamage the revenue of the Kings. (j:)Jer.^9.Z!j» For wiSDot Itrada derifionaoto thee / was he (ounA a* oong thieves I for fioce tho^i fpa.kcft of hiqi, tljoo fkippeft for joy. («) F/35. i ^,16— ar. Butin miDcadrerfity they tejoyced, i^od gathered themfeWci together ; yfi, the abjcfti gaihcrtd th«inf A* The tenth Commindmcnt is, {^houjhdt not covet thy neighbours houfe^ thou {halt not covet thy neighbours mfe^ nor hUmanfervanti nor hit maid- fervant, nor his ox^ norhis afsy nor any thing that is thy neighbours a.] r ^k d Q^What are the duties required in the tenth Command- v.'*>^*''V®-'7 ment 1 A* The duties required in the tenth Commandment are, fuch a full contentment with our own condition />, and fuch (b) mb, 13,5, a charitable frame of the whole foul toward our neighbour, Let yonr con' as that all our inward motions and affeftions touching him v A, The fins forbidden in the tenth Commandment, are, (<0 iK'tng.w difcontentment with our own eftatcrfj envying e^ andgricv- 4. And Ahab ing at the good of our neighbours/, together with allinor- came into his dinate motions and affcftions to any thing that is his Q» hoDfchea?y& " * difpleafed, bccaufe of the word which Nabotb had fpokcn to him ; for he had faid, I will not girc thee the inheritance of my fathers') aoJ he laid him down upon his bed, aod tnrned away his face, and woold cat no bread. Bfth.<>,\-^. Yet all this availeihmc Dothingffo Jong as I fee Merdecai the Jew fitting at the Kings gate, i Cor. 10. lo. Nei« ther murroureyc, as fomc of them alfo mnrmured,aDd were dcftroyed oi the dcriroycr< Ce)G4/.5 ad. Let nsnotbe defironsofvain glory,provokingoneanother,en»yingone another^ Jdw 3.14 — 16, Bat if you hare birter envying and flrife in your hcartf,gJo- ry not, and lye not agiinft the troth. — ?. 16. For whete en»ying and ftrife is, there ii confofion, and every evil woik. CfJ P/tf/.n 29,10. He haih difperfed,hc hath gircD to the poor', hiirt|hteoufncfserdotcthfore»er, his horn fhall be CKalted for ever. ▼. lo] The wicked fhall fee it,and be grieved ; he fhall gnifh his tccth,and nclt iwaj; thedcfireof the wicked fhallperifh.A^fi&.2.io.Wheo Sanballat the Hrronitr, and To- biah the fervint of thcAmwo«/>e heard of it.it grieved them exceedipgly,thar there was come a man to fc A. No man is able j either of himfclf &, or by any grace ^j^^ j^^; v ,^ received in this life , perfef^ly to keep the Commandments For in many of Godi , but doth daily break them in thought ^, word, thingi wc of- anddeed/. fcndalMfan; min otteod not in word,tbe fame is a perfcd tnsn.and able alfo to bridle the whole body, Jtfli'.i {.^.I ant the vine, ye are the branches i be that abidecb in me , and I in biro, the fame bringeth fortb macb fruic: for withour me ye can do nothing, 3^om.8, j.For what the Law could not do , in thit it was weak through the fleih, God fending his own Son inibe likcnefs oflinfulfiefli* and for fin, condemned Hn in the fleOi. (i) E A. All tranfgrcflions of the Law of God are not equally hainous: but fome fins in tbemfelves,and by reafon of feveral /- \ t 1, , aggravations , are more hainous in the fight of God then jjfus anfw«- oihers ;». ej ^ Thou couldft have no power at ajl againft me,except it were given thee from above j thctef ore he that delivered me unto thee hath thegreater fin,E^e%,i 6.-i}-iy. Butturntfi:e ytt again, and thou (halt fee greater abominations— y.i j 3Turn thee yet again,& thcu (hilt fee greater abcminations that tbey do v.i 5"J Turn ihec yet again,3nd thcu fl alt fee greater abominations then tbefe.i Je6.?.i6,If any min fee bis brother fin a fin which is not unto deatb,be (hall ask,ind be dull give him life for them that fin noton odeaib.There is a fin nrto death 1 do not fay that be (hall pray for it,P/tf/,78. J7, — jr — 56. And they finned yet more againft him , by provoking the moft High in the wildernefs — v.? i]For all this they fioned ftill,&c— v»563 Yet they teaap bim twice, (q) ? San i i,)4Mowbet,brcau(e by this deed thou haft given great cccaficn to the enemies of the Lord tob)a$phcme,thc child that is born unto thcc (ball furely die. 1 Cor, 5, 1 ,It is reported comaionly,'bjt there is fornication among you,and fuch fornication as is not fo much as named among the Gentiles,' bat one (houit! have his fathers viiie,{r)^am.4, i7.Thereforciohimtbat knoweth todogood,and doth itnot,to bim itis (io.Luk.12,47.48, And that fervinr,that knew his matters will, and prepared not bimfelf, nor did accordingly, &i%\\ be bearen with many ftripes v.9] And the anger of the Lord was kindled againft them, and he departed. I la. i.^.- the cbtldjhall behave himfelf proudly ^gm/ithe ancient, and tbebafea- giinjt the honourable^ (g) Prov jo.17.The eye that motfieth at bit father, and dcfpifeth to obey bis mothcr,the Ravens of the valleys thall pick it out.and the young Eagles Qull eat it. x Cor. I i.i 5. And I wiii very gladly fpend and be fptnr for you , though the more abundanty 1 love you.thelefsl be loved, P^S5.«»,«i, 14.1?. For it was not an entmy that reproached me then I could have born it -. neither waj u be that bared me, that did magnific bimfclf againft me, ibcn I would have hid my fcif from him.v.ij] 'Emit wutbou,i mtn^mine taual,my guide.isT tnj aciuaintance.y.^-]We took fccret counlej tcgtthcr,& wakrd,& ,v ij]Letdeatb feiieupon ihcm and let tbem go down quickly into bcli.&c— (h) Zeph.tS - 10,11. / have heard the re- preach of Moab, ind the nviUngs of the ch:Idrcn of Ammon,whercby tkty have pToveked my peo- ffe,&c— v.io] rbts fhall they have for their pride.beciufc they hove reproached, andmagnijiei tbmfelves agaivji the people of the Lord ofhsjiuv.iq the Lord wiU bt terrible unto tbem &c. £WaM»,6.But whofo fhall off nd one of tbeie Jittlc ones which believe in me, it were better f jr him that a milftooe were barged about his neck,&c.i Cof.6,8.Nay you do wrong.and de- traud.and that your brethren. T^iv 17.6. And I faw the woman drunken with the blood of forr judfte one another any morttbut judge this ratber.'bat no man put ■ fiumbling block.or an occafion to fall in bisbroihers w»y~y. i y] But if thy brother be grieved with cby meat, no« walkcft thou not charitably.Deftroy not bim with thy tr.ea, for «hrmChriR died v.njltugoodneirbertoeatflcih.nortodrinkwine, nor any thing nbtrcby thy brother ftumaktb.or is o iicndcdjOr is made weak. li x iJ^j!$ * (k)Exckf^i*i9' fouls of them,or atty other ^,and che common gcodofall,or mafiy/. And will ye pol- lute me among my people for bandfuls of barky, and for pieces of bttid^tojl^ the fouls t&dl fiiould not die,tad to five the (ouh alive that (hould net live, by your lying to my people tbac bear your lies 1 1 Cor, 8. 1 2.But when you do (o agaioft the brethren, and wound their weak confcicnces,ye fin ajiinft €hrift. Kev.xS.ii.lThe »crcbandixcof^oliJ Andcinamon, ani odours.and ointments^and wine,andoil,& wbea(,3nd b:.-ifts,3nci th- .p,& horfe$,& chariots, and flivej.ind fouU of men. ^dts^.i;. tf^oumo )ou Stribctaad Pbariffts^ hypocrites » for yc cotnpafs fca and land 10 make one profclice, aaa when he is made, ye make fatm two«foid more the child of bell then yoor fd ve$.(0 I'^M* i» 1 5,t6.WfJO both killed the Lord Jefuf.and their own Propbets,and have perfecmed ui , and ch,fcandali2e others ^,and admit of no repa- fteM tolawfii bis f«ul,»bett be it hungry. v,}i]Bu: if hebefoundbe (hillreflore feven fold, &c.v,^']But ifbolo commute th tdulterj with a mmatt, lacketh underffanding -y be tbac doth ic dtftroyttb bit 9wnfoiil^,ll\\ wound and diihonour (hall be get,and bis reproach (hall not be wiped away, &c — rB^^E?M.9iio »i,i a»And now.O our God,wbat (hail we fay after tbisi' for we bavefof' fiken tbj Q ing.The land un- to which y« go ii an unclean land with fiU inffsof thtpeopJc,&c.v.i2JNow therefore give notyour daughters to their (cn$.nor,&c— i l^ingt 11.9,10. And the Lord nisangrjf witbS»r lomon becaufe WMheanftAituttted attay irom \h^- Loi^Godoilifiit\iWb»badafptaTed.tobink smcei v.io] s/4«4 hid commanded him concerning tbii thing, that he ihould noc go after other gods i. biu be ticpt not that xtbicb the Lord tommanded bim. (0) CW.j.f.Mottific tbereiore your m^einbers which are upon the earth, fornication,uncieannels, innrci;na(c ^Scdion, evil con* cupifccnct,and tovetoufnefstxebich is Idolatry, 1 Tim.6* lo.For ibe love of money is the root of alt sviJ} which white fome hive coveted after, they have erred from the faiib, and pi(Tced them* filves through mtb manji forroWi,Prov.$.8, to 1^. Remove thy way f« from her, and come not nighthedoorofbethoufe.v.9]L) gF^w, 1. 14,1 5' But every man is tempred when be is dr^wn a way ot bis own lulls , and cnticcd.v i53Th«n when lutt hath conceived.it bringeth forth fin, and fin when it is fini(h- ed bringeth torth death. Mat.i.iu^nt. I fay unto you that whofoevtr is angry with bis bro- ther wiibout a csurcsfnsll be in danger of the judgment 5 and whofoever (haUfay to bis bro- ther Racfctf, (hali be in danger of the Council j but whofoever (hall fay.thou fool, (hall be i» dangcrofbcll ficc,Af/c&. a i.Wo unto them that dcvife inic^uity , that work evil upon theic beds; when the morning is light they praftilc it , bccaule it is in the power of their hand. iq) Mat.iS.y, Wo to the world bccaule of offences » for it muft needs be that offences come, but wo to that man by whom the offence cometh. Rom.r. 2 j,i4. Tbou that makeft thy boaft of the Law.through breaking the law difnonoureft thouGod, v,242 For the name of God is blafphtmcd among the Geat Jles through you, as it U wti«cn» ??»«? ratioA^; iftgainftmeiftsA mercies ^ judgements « , light of (rV/i a a. a 2. if nature '^ > convii^ion of confcience x- publick or private a tr.aobcfoood adtnoftltion > , ccnfurcs of the Church s^, civil puniQi- iyiog whh « merits <« 1 and our own prayers , purpofcs, pro- w<^»»o nittti- cdto ao hoi- baod, chco tlicy fhall both of them dye : So (hale thoD put a>vsy evil from Ifrael. Com* pared with v. 28. 29. If a man fiod a damfel that is avirfio whichit tiot betrothed, aod lay hold 00 hir, and ly with her, and they be fouod, ▼. 2$ 3 Then the niso that lay whh her (hall give to the damfcls father fifty fhciilcs of filver^aod (he HijI) be his wife, becaofe he hath hucnblcd her > he may not pot her away all his diyti. Fro. 6. 32, jz, ^4,}5. Bat whofo couKDirteth adultery with a woinao,Iacke(h under Astiding; he that doth it, deftroyethhuown foul. v. 333 A wound anddiflhooou. (hali hcget.and hit reproach (hall not be wiped away . v. 34 ] For jcaloufie ii the rage of a roao : therefore be will not fparc in the day of vcogcaDce. V. 35 ] He will not regard acy ranfotne, nor fefVcontenr, though thoo gi'tft n.any gifts, (fj Mat. 1 1. 21,22,23,24, Wo onto thee Corax.in,v/o unto thee Betbfaida; for if the mighty woiks which were done io yoa,had been done inTyre andSidoo,they would hive repented long ago in fickcloath and a(hei» V. 22 "J Bat I fay noto you, it ftiill be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon, &c. T.22'] And thoo Capernaom that art lifted up to h«aveo,(hall be brought down to hell j fur it the mighty works which liave been dentin thee, had been dcce in Sodom, it would hive remained until this day. v. 24 J Bat I fay unto you, that it (hill be more tole* table for Sodom, &«;. — Joh. i5. 22. if I had not come and fpokcountu them, they had not h»d fin i but now they hive 130 cloak for their fin. (r) Ifai. i, 3. The oxe koowetb his owner, and the affc knoweth his maArrs crib,but Ifrael doth not knowj my people doth not confider. Dfu. 32 6. Do ye thus requite the Lord,Ofooli(h people, aod iTn- wife.-' u not he thy father that hith bought thee / hath he not made thee,& cftsbhfhed thee .'(m) Amos. 4.8, 9, 10, n. So two or three cities waodfcdnoto oneary to drink water jbot they w«ienot fattlhcd: yet have they not returned Dr;to mejajth the Lord, T. 93 IhivcfmitenytQ wi-hbUftiDgaod wi;hajil.dew,&c. Yet have ye not retor. DeduDtome,faith iheL id.v.iojl hivcfcnt amotgyou the Ptftijenccaficr the manner ^i Egypt, y«>ui y locg mtu have I flun with the fwcrd,&c.y£t have ye not, &c.v.iil I have overthr wa f^cue of yoo,»s I overthrew Sodom,and Gonsorrah.aod ye were at a fire-brand pluckt out of the burnir;g,yct have ye not returned unto mc,Vaith the Lord. Jer. 5 3 O Lord, are not thioe eyes open the troth/ thou hal^ finckto ihcro,bot they have not gfievcii j thoo hift coofuoied thetr, but they have rtfufed to receive corredi- on-,ihsy have made thcii face harder then a rock, and refo fed to return. (*)Roro |i 26 i7.Forthiicaafe God g»vc rhcm up to vile ifFidioniifor even their women did r'hitge the oatuial ufe juto that which is agncfl nnure. v.ij 'J And iikewife the men leaviot the natural ufe of the wonaeo, &c. — aod receiving in ihccnfclvjs that 1 ecompcnce of their errour .hit was meet, ("«) R^tn. i. 24. Who kaowiog the judgement of God, that they who do fach thiog»are woithy of diath,oot only do the faitie, but have pleafore in chtm that do thim. Dan 5. 22. And thoo, O BelflmT^^ei his foo, haft not homb'ed thy htart, though thou kot-wcii il; ,hu. Tit. 3, 10, n. A roan ibii isao hcrctick, for the fiiftaDdfec.ndalmonitioD, rcjeft. v. 11 ] Koowing that he that is fuch.is fubver- ted,aDd finotth.beiog,coDdcmocd of hitrfelf. (/J Pro. 29. 1. He that being often re. proved hardneih iiis neck, (hill fuddeoly be dcftroyed, and that without remedy, (r^ Tit. 3« lO. A man that IS an hefetlck after the fi;(\ and fecond admonition, rejcft. Ma,u 18. 17. Aod if he Ihall ncgleft to hear them, tell it to the Church : but if he negleft to hear the Ghuich.let him be as an Heithsn man, aod a publican. ( 3^, j|9, That they have committed adultery, and blood i$ in tfaeii handf, and with their idols have they committed, &c— V.38J Moreover this they have done unto mc, They have defiled my S>n« ftmry inthefimeday,andhave profaned my Sabbaths, v. :!9] For when thty badflain ibtir children to their ufb|s,tben they came the Ume day into my sanftuaiy to profane it j and lo, thus hive they done in the midft of my boufe, (11) //4. 58. j, 4,5. Whcretore have we fafte d, fay (hty,3nd thou feeft not ? wherefore have we affiiftcd cur (elvt$,Jn.i ihou fikeft no know- ledge ? Beholdin the day of your fall ye find pleafure, and exad all year labours, v. 4] Be- hold ye faft for fltife and debate,and to fmite with the fifts of wickctintfs j ye fliall noi fafl as ye do this day, to make your voice 10 be heard on high. v. 5] Is itfuch a faft that I have cbof»n ? adayfora man toaftiiftbisfoul/' Is it 10 bow down ibe bead as a bull-rufh, and to fptcad f'jckcloth and allies under him ? Wilt thcu call thij a fcO, and an acceptable day to- the Lord ? A^ttw. 15. 6, 7. And behold one of the children oHfiot 1 c;me and brrugbr unto bis brethren a Midianitijh woman inthefigbt of Mofes and oj ali thi covgrcguion of the cbildrtn- cflfrael, wbo were meefing before tbe door of tbe Tabernacle 0} tbt Longrtgation, v, 7] And when Fbineas the fon ot E/w^ar.tbe fon of nAaron the \\u[\ faw ir, he lofe up from among the Congrcgation,»nd took a Jivelin in his hand— (*) i Cor.i i.io.ti When ye come toge- ther therefore into one place,thisisnot to eat tbe Lores Suppcrv.ti. For an cjring,every one laketh before another his own fuppc r j&c- (x) fi.r 7 8,9, jo, Behold ye trulf in lying words tbat cannot profit, v 9] Will ye Ileal, piurthcr, &c,— v.io] And ccme and ffjndbefore mr in this faoufe which is called by my name ? &c. — Fro,7M4,ij. I have pcace.offtrings with me,thisday 1 havcpaid my vows. v.i 5, ] Therefore came I forth to meet ihee diligently, to tolcek thyface, andl have found thee. Jet.i 3.17.- jo. And after the lop Satan tntred into him. Theofaid Jelusunto bim.what rhou doff, do quickly,— v.io] He then having leceivfd the fop, went immcdiatly ogtj&r, (;) E^rtfp.ij,!^, And afitfr all tbat is come upon us for our evil deeds, &>:,-v. 14] Should wc again break thy Cominjndaicn:$, and joyn in affinity wicbtbt people Qfibofc abominations? &c, in (X) xSdnuiS. in publick, or in theprefence of others who are thereby likely »2. So they to be pi'ovokcd or defiled z. ij^Tttd Abfalom t tent upon the top of the boak^tniAbfalom went in unto bis fathers concubines in the Hght of all Ifrael^ i Sam. 2,zt,iiit^. Now Eli was very old,3nd beard all that his Tons did un^ to all Ifrael, and bow they lay with the womsn that aflcmbled at the door of the tabernacle, &c> v« 2 $3 ^°^ ^^ ^*^^ ""^° then), why do ye fuch thin{s f for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people, v. 24] Niyi my Tons } for it is no good report that I hear, ye make the Lords people to iranfgtefs. Q^ IJ^bat doth every fin deferve at the hands of God > if. Every fin, even the leaf), being againfl the foveraign* {(t) f dm, 1. 10, ty a^ goodnefs ^, and holinefs of God r, and, againft his righ- II. Fotwbofo. teous law d , deferveth his wrath and curfew, both in this ever (hall keep y^^^ r j ^^^^ which is to come S'y and cannot be expiated. tbewboleiaw, , V l li j r^^L 'a 1 r » and yec offend but by the blood of Chrift h. in one point, be ij guilty of all. v.ii] For be that faid, Do not commit adultery, faid alfo, Da not killi Now, &c, (b) Exoi. »o. i, t. God (pake all thefe word», faying, v.i] I am the Lord thy God who broDgbt tbee out of the land of Egypc.om of the boufe of bondage* (e') Ho^.i.ij. Tbeu art of furertjft then to heboid iv'ti,andca7ift notice^ on ini^uitj: wherefore lookcft thou upon them tfaat deal creacberouCy, and boldclttby tcngue whtn the wicked devourcththe man that is more righteous rhen be i Lev,io,}.ThenMo/(rj faid unto i4tut,i%,fromv if. M tibe f ni. But it (hall come to pafs, if tbou wilt net hearken to the voice of the Lord thy Ged, toobfcrve todoall bis commandment', and ftiiutes which I command (face thisday, that all tbe(e curfes (hall come upon chee, and overtake thee — v. 10,] Curfed (halt tbou be in the city, and curfed in the fifld.carfed in tby basket and (^orc, &c'. — (g) Mat aj. 41, — 'Depart from me ye turf- eiinto (Virlafiingfireyfre^artdfortbe devilandhis angels, (h) mb.^.n. And almoft all the iHjngs arc by the law purged ?vjch blood, and without Jj.edding of blood there it no rimif" fun,. I Tft. 1,18,19. Foriis rr.uch ssye know thai ye vf (re not rediemed with corruptible things, asfdver and gold, from jour vain ccnverfation, rrceive d by tradition from your fathers j v.ij] But with tbe precious blood of ChtiRj as of a lamb withcut blcmifh and without fpor. CV fVhat doth God require ofus that we may efcape his wrath and curfe dm to us by reafon of the tranfgrefton of the Law > A> That ( 239 ) A. That wemay efcape the wrath and curfe of God due to us by rcafon of the tranfgreflioa of the Law, he requircch of us repentance toward God , and Faith coward our Lord Jefus Chrift i, and the diligent u(c of the outward means (i) AH 20.ii, whereby Chrift communicates to us the benefits of his me- Ttflifyingboih J. . I to tbcjcws,3nd gretkt,refentinee toward God.andfaitb Hvifhi our Lord Jtfus Chriji.Mdt.^.jfi.^^i wbtn he law many of the Pbarifccs and Sadducees come to hisBapci(tn,be faid unto tbcin,0 generati- on of vipers.wbo hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come ?v. 9']Brittgfortbtbtrtfm fruits tntafor rtfentance. ASl.tS ?o,ji./Vnd he (the Jay lor) brought tbeai out, and faid, Sirs, what (hill I do to be faved f v. ? i] And they faid, 3elitve on the Lord ]tfus Chrift , and thou fhiltbciaved^indtbinehouie* Jo&.{.i6 — |U. For God fo loved the world»tfaathe gave his on« ly begotten Son , that whcfotvcr belitvttb on him might mt }iri^^ but have tverlafting life — V. i8] He that believeth on bim is not condennned,buc he that believctb not is condemned al- ready,bccauft,&c {li)?rov. i.jrom.v.itov.6,My fon,if thou wilt receive my word$,and hide my Commandments with thee, v zj So that thou ituline thine eat unco wifdom , and apply thy heart to unde.-ftanding.v.^jYea, if thou crieft after |inowUd|e, and iifceft up tby voice forunderftanding. v.4]If tboufeekeftheras fiIvcr,aodrearcbcfl for her as for btd treafure, v.j] Then Ihalt thou undctttand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God,Pro«. 8. m,i/^,$^fi6.He£ripftTuSlion,and bewife, and refufe it not.v.j4] Bleffed it tbt man that btaretbme , waiebing daitj at mj gateSfWaitingat the pofts of my d»ors,yMi%']^ot f^^io f^^^' eth me,fittictblife,i>id (hall obtain favour of the Lord. v.j6]But he that finoctb againft mc, wrongetb his own Soul j all cbey that hate mCjlovc dcathi CL ^^^^ ^''^ '^^ outward means whereby Ghrifl communi' cates to us the benefits of his mediation ? A. The outward and ordinary means whereby Chrift com- municates to his Church the benefits of his mediation, are, all his ordinances j efpecially the Word , Sacraments , and prayerjall which are made eficftual to rheele£l;for their Sal- (l)!Mat.iS,t9, vation/. ^o.GoJetbfrt• fore and teatb all nations,bapti'itng them inthenameof tbeFatber,andoftfaeSon,3nd of the holy Gbol^j V 10] Teacbing them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded ycu ; and lo, I am with you alwaies.cven unto the end of the world. >l^.ti4t— 46,47. And they continued ftcd> fiftly in the Apoftles dodrine,and fellow(hip,and in breaking of bread,)nd in prayers- v.46. And tbey^coDtinuing daily witb one accord in the Temple , and breaking bread from boufe tobculc, did eat their meat witb gladncls, and (inglenels of heart. v.47j(^rat(ingGod,and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the Cburcb daily, lucb ai (bould be fayed. Q^How if the word made fffe&ual to Salvation f A. The Spirit of God maketh the Reading , but efpecially the Pleaching of the word, an cffcdual means of cnligfit- K k ning (m) Hth. 8. y. ning w, cotiTincidg.attd humbling finneri », of driving iftcra oat of Sotbej' ««s for tbe King of Judab^, wbofent youioenquireof (bcLord,ro (hall ye fay unto him, Thus faith the Lord God uf lfrael,concerning the words which thou bait beatd^v.jy^Becaufe tby heart »jfas tender , and tboudidlt bumble thy fclf before God , i»htu tbou beardfi biswordi againfl this plate , and humblcdll thy felf before me, &didlt rent thy clotbes,and wctpbefotcmt,! have beard thcc alfojfiitb tbe Lord.v.a8]Bebold I will gather tbee to thy fathers $ and thou fhjlt be ga'hrted to thy grave in peace, &c- (0) ASt. i, ?7-4i. Now mbtn tbij heard tbh, tbt) wert pricked i* tbcirbeaitSj^nd laid unto Peter and the reft of the Apoftlts, Men and brethren, nbatjhallw* do te be fiweii' v;4 1] Then tbcy that g}adiy received bis word were baptized ; and tbe fame day there were added unto tbem about jo:;o. Souls. ASl.^,jtomv. a7>(0i^-J9* And b«:holda manof B biopia« an Eunuch of great authority,&c. wasreturDing,and Gtf.ng nhiscbarior, r<-ad Efai^s the Prophet, v 19] Then tbe Spirit faid to Philip, Go neer, and joyn tby feU to tbisChariot. v. jo] And PH//p ran thither to him, and faid ,Und(r{landeft ihouwhattbcu rcadeft' &c— v.??]Tbfn WiUp bfganatthe fame Scripture, ble/oi' doclrsne,for nproofyfor correclionjor inftru^ion in rigbteetsfnefs, v.ijj That the manof Ciod miibtptrj(^^tbrougbly[urnifl)idunto all good worfiSi. and^ »fid eftablifbiflg their lieirts m holinefs and comfort through (t)7ii»a.i6.til faith unto falvationf. Nov» to bim that isofpow* tr to efiablijhjou dceorJih^ U my Gofpel,ani the ptacbini ofjefai {J&r/yf .accordiog to the r eve* lationof rhemyftery, wbicb wiskcpcfecret fincethe world btgan-i Tbef.^ i — lo ii — i J. And Tent Timatbetet our brocber and minifter of God, and cur fellow labourer ii> tbc Gc* fpelof Cbriftjio eftabupjfOttfandMmfortyouconeerningjiourfattb.yAo^Night and day praying exceedingly tbat we might lee your face , and ftrfeSi what is Ucfiittg in jcur faith — v.i i] Now God himfelf.ind our FiifaeT,and our Lord JcfasGhrift dircd our way unto you-v.ij j Totbetndbe maj tpabUP) jour btarts unblimtible inbolincfs before God.&c.R»m. 15 4.For wbatfoevcr tbingt were written aforc-time^werc written foe our lcarDing,that through pa> tience & comfort of the Scriptures we migUt bavebope.K0m.1o.13 to |8 For wbofocver fhall call upoii the name of the Lord (hall be (avcd. v. 14] How cbcn (hall they call on bim, on whom they have flot believed / and how (hall they believe inbimofwijom they have not heard?& how (hall they bear without aPreacher^v.if.And how (hall they preach,cxce^tthey be fent f as it is writccn* How beautiful are the feet of tbem that preach the Gofpci of peace, andbringgladtidingsof good things? Vji6]But they have not ail obeyed tbeGofpel , for EfaiOt raith,Lord,wbo hath believed our report I v.173 So then faith cometh by hearing,aod hearing by tbe word of God. Rom. t.t6. For I am not afhamed of the Gofpel of Chrift, for it ii tbe power of God unto Salvation, to every one that beiievctb , to tbe jew firft and alfo to tbe Greek. Q^Is the Word of God to he read hj all .? ^.Although all arc not to be pcfmitted to read the (k) Z)«Mt. gi. Word publickly to the Congrpgation «,yct all forts of people 9— "'> »»> M« arc bound to read it apart by tbemfeivcs ^ . and with their- ^°** ^*t** wrote this Law,4»rf delivered it unto tbe Priefft tbe font ofLevi^ which bate the Aik of tbc Covenant of tbe Lord,& unto all the ciders of Ifrael — v.ii^When all Ifrael is come to appear before the Lord thy God,in the place which he (hall chufe , tboujhilt read tbis law bejore all Ifrael in tbcir bearing.^, 1 1 \Gnh*it the psople to(cthcr,mcn,and womcn,and cfaildrcn,20d thy (hmgcr tbat is within thy gates, thac they may heir, and learn, and fear the Lord your Gcd, and ob< ftrvetodoall the words of this la ^, v.i{]4nd that their children which baye net known any thing, may hear, and leirn to fear the Lord your God,as long as ye live in ^be |and,&c* A'eb.8. t,i(. And E^ra the Vriefi brought tbe law btfart tbe congregation , both of men and wo- men,and all tbat could hear wich underftandmg.v. j] And he read therein before tbe ftreet that was before tbc warer-gate, from morning till noon , before the mto and women , and tbofe that could underftand, and tbc cart of all the people were attentive unto tbe book of tbe law. Nelb,9.j,4iy.'4»''^&<7/^«'"'«M» ibcirflaie^ and reed ^ tbe book of the law of the ^ordtbeir God, one fourth part of the day,3nd another fourth part of tbe day tbcy contctTcd , and wor* (hiped the Lord tbeir God. ¥,4] Then Hood up upon tbe (fairs of tbc Lcvitcs, ftjhua, and B(jni &c,and cried with a loud voice unto tbe Lord their God. v,^] Then tbe LcvJic$,3f/i»d, andlC'''^frtie/,&c,(aid.ftand upland blefs tbe Lord yout God.&c. (*)T)eutA7 ij.Aod it Ihall be n lib hita,ind be jhall read therein all tbt'Dajie I Qj hit life I that bemayic^rn to fear tbe Lord his God,to kcrp all the words of tbis law,and thefe Haiutfs to do tbcm. JR(V,i.3,2/<]/ei 4s he tbat readetb^ and tbtj that bear the wordi of this Prophecy , and keep thole things which are written therein, for tbe time is at hand, JC&.5. jp. iarcb tbe Scriptures , for in tbtm ye think ye have eternal life,and they are they which tr«ifie of me, /fd.54.i6.S«'^/f ««t of the book ^fffft Lord,ani read, no one of tbeie (hall fail,$cc, Kk 2 families f \n 4 jt ^"*i^'«* *' to which ctid the holy Scriptures ace to be tratiflated out B9Aodthfr °^^^ Oiigiatl into vulgar languages >♦ vfcrds wchich I commtoi tJiee thii d*y {hall be in thine hearf j?.7 3 And thou /halt teach them diligently to thy children.^ and thco (halt talk of ihcin when thou ficteft in thine hoafe , and when thoo walked by the way , and when thou lyeft down , aod riftft up. r. 8 ] And thou fhalt bind them for a fun cpon thy band, and they ihall be at fronttets between thine cyef. v. p.^ And thou Qiait write them npon the pofti of thy hoofe , and upon thy gates. Gen. 18. 17—19. And the Lord faid, (hal I hide if otfi Abraham the thing which I do /—v. 19 '_} Fori know him, that he will command hss children, and hii hoofhold after hN,aDd they (hall keep the way of the Lord, &c. Ff*!. 78. 5,6, 7. For he eiVabliHicd a Tcfiitnony in Jacob,and appointed a Law in Ifrael, which he commanded our fathers that they (hcnid make known to ihtir children, v.6 j Thac the generations to come might know them, e»en the Children which flioold be born, who Ihould arifc and declare them to their children j v, 7 ] That they might fee their hope in God, and not fcrget the work* of God, bot keep hi* Commandments, (y) iXor, 14. 6—9 — 11,12—15.16-2^—27,28. Now,breihren,if I come unto yoo,fpeak» log with tongues, what fhall I profit yoc,cxccpt I fhill fpeak to yon either by rcvela* (ion, or by koowledge, or by prophecy iDg, or by dodritic / — ▼. 9 3 So likewife, ex- ccptye utter by the tongoe words eifie to be DndsrHood, how fhall it be known what is fpok«n i for ye fhall (peak into the air. — v. 1 1 ] Therefore if I know not the mean. ing of the voice,! fhall be unto him that fpealfcth a 6arbarian,and he that fpciketh fh^i be a Biibarian onto me. r. 12 'j Evcu (o yc, for as much as ye are zealons of Spiritual 8»fi«,fcck that ye may excell to the edifying of the Church- — v. 153 What is it then t l;wiil pray with the Spirit, and will pray witht^ndcrOandingalfo-, I will fmg with the Spirir,.and with uoderflatidiDi alfo. ?. \6 '] Elfe when thou Aialt blcfs with the Spirit, how fhall he that occupteth the room of the unlearned, fay, Amcnat thygirtogof thaxkt, feeing he underflaodeth not what thou fayefi/ — ▼•24'] But if all prophecy, and there come in one thaibelieveth not.oroneoolearned.he is convinced ofall, heis judged of all — v. 27 ^If any man fpeak in an ut known tongor, let it be by two, oral nocftby three, and that by coorfe, and let one interpret, v. 28 J Eot if there be no in- terprcter,let hiro keep filcnce in the Church, and let him fpeak to himfclf and to God* (z) Pf. 10 ,0, ^' ^^^ " '^^ '^^''^ of God to heread ? More lobe dt- '^' The holy Scriptures are to be rcad,v»ith an high>aftd reverend fired are they cftcem of them ^; with a firm pcrfwafion that they arc the very thengolt^.yta vVcffd of Godtf, and that he only can enable us to undcrftand jhen much finegol jiwecter alfo then the honey, and the hooey comb.Nch.8. from v. ^ to V. 10. Aod he read therein from moroiUg rill noon, &c.and the cart'cf the people were atteotivenoto the bockcf iht Liw.V. 4^ And Ezra the Scribe (^ocS upon a pal- pit of wood, which hey had rriadc for the fame purpofe, fee. v. 5 J A«)d he opened the book, &c. V.6 3 And he bK fled the Lord the great God •, and all the people anfwered, Amen^Amen^ with liftiog up their h?Dd«,aDd they bowed their htadi and woifh pped jhe Lord with their faces to the ground,8£C.-Exo. 24.7.And he [ Mofes] took the book of the Covenant, and read in the audience of the people ; and thty faid. All that the Lord hath faid will we do, and be obedient. 2 Chr.54 27.BccaDfc thiiie hearr wat ten* dcr, and thou didfi humblethy felf before God, when thou heardrt his words againft this place,.and humblcdfl thy felf bifore me,ac:d didf^ tent thy cloathj,»Dd wept before tnc. I have heard thee alfo, faith the Lord. I fa. 66. 2 -But to this man will Hook, even to him that is p&or, and of a contrite fpirit, and rremblethatmy word. (<»)2Pet. i.'p, 20, 2i, We have a!fo a more furc word of Prophecy, wherennto you do well that you take heed as onto a Hghtthat fhineth in a dark place, till the day dawn, and the day- flap arife in your heat t«. v. 20 "J Knowing this firfl, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation, v, 2 1 3 For the Prophecy came not in old time by the wJlIofni8n,bj]t holymeoof God fpake at they weretnovcdby the Holy Ghofl. (24?) them h,mih defire to lcftow,bclieve and obey the will of(§od reveal- {b)lQ]i24 4^^ cd in chcmf.wiih diliftcncc5 3Bjicvcn to thii day, when Mofesit read, the rail ii upon thcic hcirr»T. 16 \ Ncvertnclcfiwhenit (hall turn to the Lirdjtheva 1 (hall be taken away. (cJDcut. 17. P,23' And itlhillbc wiihhitn, and he (hill read therein all the dayes of nii hfe,f hat he tniy Itam to fear the Lord hi» God, to ker p all the word* of thii law, and thcfc ftifutei to do them. v.?o]That hi« heart be not lifted up above hii brethren, and that he tare not afide ftotn tbe Comn7aDdineDt,tc the right hand.or to the left ; totheendihatheooighiprolonghitdayesin, 8rc. (rf)Aa. 17. II, Thcfe ( Bereani ) were more noble then thofe in Theffilonica -, in that they received the word with all readinefi of miod, ind fcarchcd the fcriptotcj daily whether thcfe thiogi were fo. C^J Aa»8 20— 54. and FA///p ran thither to hiro and heard hio! read the Prophet Efaiaii and he fjid, uoderftandcft thoo what thoo rcad^ft ? — .▼34] And the Euouch faid to Philip, I pray thee of whom fpcaketh the Prophet thii, ofHimfelf, or offotne other tnan ? Lok 10. 25, 27, 28, What it written in the law i how rcadcft thou ? v. 27 ] And hcaDfwcr'if5g,faid,thou fli»lt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy ftreDgth,and with all thy tnind, and thy neighbour as thy felf, r. 28 1 And he faid to hicn.Thou haft anfvvered right; this do and thoo (halt live. (/) Pfjl 1.2. B'3t hiidei ght is in the Law of the LQrd,aDdin that law doth he meditate day and night. PfaK up. 97,0 how love I thy law'.it iimy meditation all the day.(gj2Chr. 24. 2i,Go,enquiueof tht Lord for me, and for them that are lcftinlfrael,and Jodah* conccrDing the word* of the book that i« foandjfor great is the wrath of the Lord that it poored out opoDUi.becaufe oar father* have not kept the word of theLord,to do ail that i* written in thi* book. (A)P»'o 5.5 Trtjftinthc Lord withall thine heart,and lean not to thine own uoferftanding. Det]t.33'B«Yea he loved the peoplc-,all hi* fainti are in thy hand-, an-l they fat down at thy feet, every one (hall receive of thy words. (;j jPro.a 1,2,3 4,5,6. My foo, if tboa wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thtf. T.*2 3 So thaithoococlioc thine ear to wifdomand apply thy heart to an* derlwith the laying one of the hands of the Presbycery« iTim.$. 22. Lay hands faddco* ly 00 00 cnao \ neither be partaker of other mens fins, &c, Q^ HoVt « the VVori of God to he preached by tbofe that are called thereunto ? (»n)Tit.2.i..8. j^ They that are called CO labour in the miniftry of the Word, fb^thVlithat ^^^ ^° preach found doftrine m, diligently n ; in feafon and out of hecom" f<^nd (""^0" ' ? pl»inly /> , not in the enticing words of mans wifdptn, doilrine—f.S^ but in demonftration of the Spirit, and power ^; faithfully r, Sound fpeecb making known the whole counfdofGod /"; wifely ^ applying thatcunnot be thcmfelves CO the neceduies and capacities of the hearers m, coniimned^that he who It ofthe contrary part may bcifhimed,ha»ing do evil thing to fay of yon. (n) AB. 18.25. Thismanwai intruded in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in the Spirir, he (pake and taught dil-gentlv the ihingt of the Lord.&c. (0) 2Tim.4.2. Preach the word ;bc iof\ant in feafon, out of feafon j rcbofec, reprove, exhort, wiihall long fatferingaoddortrine. (pj iCor.14 fp. Yet in the Chnrchl had rather fpeak fice words with my ondcrftaoding, that by my voice I might teach othertalfo, then ten thoufand words in anaokaown longoe. (5) 1 Cor. 2* 4. And my fpeech, and my preaching was not with enticing words of mans wif lom,but in demonftration of the Spirir,aod pow- er. CO jcr* 23 28. The Prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream, and he that hath my \vord,lct him fpeak my word faithfully: Whit it the chaff to the wheat.faith the Lard ? t Cor. 4 1,2. Let a man (o accoont of as at of the minifteri of Chrift, and ftcwardf of the royft<-rics of God. v. 2] M'lreover ir it required in (fcwardt, that a man be found fiithfa'. (/) Aft»2o.i7^ For \ have not fhonDcd to declare unto you the whole counfel of Gad, (r) Col. i . 28. Whom vve preach, warning every man.and teaching eve- ry man in all wifdom, thsr we may prcfcnt every manpcrfcd inChrif) )efas. 2 Tim. 2. i^.Stndy to (hew thy fclf»pprovcd onto God, a woik man that needeth not to be a(hamed,ri|hrty di»iding the word of trujh. («)iCor. 5.2. I hsve fed you with milk, and not with meat •, for hitherto ye were noi'able to bear ir, neither yet bow are ye able. Hcb, 5. 12, 13,14. For when for the time ya ought to be tcachers.ye haveneed that one teach you again, which be the fi[(\ principles of the O aclei of God, and are become fuch as htve need of milk, and not of flrongmcat. t. 13 J For every one that ufethmilkitocfk Ifolinthe word of tighteoufuefi i for he it a babe. v. 143 But ftrong meat bclorgah to them that are of full age, even thjfe who by reafonof u(c have their fcofttexercifcd to dtfcero both good and evil.Luke.12. 42, And the Lord faid, Who then is thit faithfal acd wife ftcward,whoro hisLord (hall a>jkc ruler orer hii houfliold, to give cheni their portion of meat indue feafoo^ zca- iciloufly *, with fervent love to God x, and the fouls ofOAlt,iB.3$. bis people J' i fincerelyz, liming ic his g\oty a , and their Jh'*'""^^?* converfion ^, edification c, and Salvation d, Ihe w«y of the Lord, and being ferfcDt io fpirit he (pike tnd r>oghr diligrotly the ihiogt of the Lord, Itc. (x)2 Cor. S- 1 3, 14* For wbcthei wcbc btfidei oQrfeivei,ic is to God, or whether wcbefcber, it it for your ciule. .v.r4. ^ For ihe lore ofChrift cnoHnineth ns > be- c«Dfc wc thus jadgffthai if oiiedicd for jtl,then were alldeid. FA;/.r.i$,i6,i7. Some ifidcedprcachChnft out of envy and flrifc,iod feme out of good will. T.i6]Theonc preachChr fl of coniei)tioo,ooi finccrcly,fappofing to adde iffliflion to my bond».T.i7]] But the other of Iotc, knowing that I am fct for the defence of the Gofpel. (y) Cct. 4. 1 2. Epipbrai who is one of you,a fervant cf Chrif>, falutcth you, alwayet laboatiog fcrvectly for you in prayers, that yc may Atod petfcft and compleat in all the wiU of God. 2 Cor»i2 15. And f will very gladly fpcnd,and be fpcnt for yoo,thoogh the more abundantly I love you.the lefs I be loved. (;^) 2 Cor.2.J7.For we are nor as many,who corrupt (he word of God.but asof rioccrity,bar as of God,in the fight ofGod,fp