^mmj i^iPILOMO AND CO 5UCCE «.«>!: >-«^4 M. %5*^, .-:_^^3^ -Ji^' WITH SUGGES ■%« ISdited by *■ ^' ^Jf^. t!> jwS/ 'ivle^' ^ BV 3790 .T62 1901b How to promote & conduct a successful revival How to Promote & Con- duct a Successful Revival pf^^ mm^,^ How to Promote <£^Con- duct a Successful Revival With Suggestive Outlines EDITED BY R. A, TORREY Author of "How to Bring Men to Christ" "What the Bible Teaches," etc., etc. New York Fleming H. Revell Company London Edinburgh COPYRIGHT, I9OI, BY FLEMING H. RKVELL COMPANY INTRODUCTION TO FOURTH EDITION The first edition of this book was published the year before we began our evangelistic tour around the world. For two years or more hundreds of us had been praying together for a world-wide revival and we had reached the point where we were absolutely sure that the revival was coming, and this book was prepared as a preparation for that revival and as a help to it. I had not decided at that time to go around the world. The decision was made shortly afterwards. In looking over the book since my return home, I have been surprised to see how closely we have followed the lines of action suggested in this book, and have been rejoiced to see how God has set His seal upon the principles enunciated in the book. At the time that the book was given to the public, the editor was known more as a Bible teacher and as a pastor than as an evangelist. His evangelistic activity had been largely confined to those churches of which he himself was pastor. Since the publication of the book, God has seen fit to lead him out into the evangelistic field and he has had the privilege of applying on a very wide scale the princi- ples which he enunciates in the book and he has found that these principles work successfully, even beyond his own anticipation. I am more firmly convinced than ever of the truth of the statement found on the eighteenth page of the book : " When any church can be brought to the place where they will recognize their need of the Holy Spirit, and INTRODUCTION TO FOURTH EDITION take their eyes off from all men, and surrender absolutely to the Holy Spirit's control, and give themselves to much prayer for His outpouring, and present themselves as His agents, having stored the Word of God in their heads and hearts, and then look to the Holy Spirit to give it power as it falls from their lips, a mighty revival in the power of the Holy Ghost is inevitable." R. A. TORREY. PREFACE Revival is in the air. Thoughtful ministers and Christians everywhere are talking about a revival, expecting a revival, and, best of all, praying for a revival. There seems to be little doubt that a revival of some kind is coming, but the important question is, What kind of a revival will it be? Will it be a true revival, sent of God because His people have met the conditions that make it possible for God to work with power, or will it be a spurious revival gotten up by the arts and devices of man? A business man who is in touch with religious movements in all parts of the country said to me recently, *' There is little doubt that a revival of some kind is coming, and the revival that is coming will be either the greatest blessing or the greatest curse that has ever visited the church of Christ." There are many who are trying to promote a revival by pushing to the front doctrines that have never pro- duced a revival in all the history of the church of Christ. These doctrines are called new, but they are in reality as old as the early heresies that crept into the church. They have never had power in the past 6 PREFACE to produce conviction of sin, conversion or regenera- tion, so presumably they will not have that power to-day. Others are advocating a forward movement along lines utterly untried, and that seem to have little promise in them. Some of the methods described in this book will doubtless appear novel to many, but they are methods that have been tried and proved effective. There is absolutely no mere theorizing in the book. Men whom God has used in winning souls to Christ and building up believers, have been asked to write out of their own experience. No one who has been asked to write has declined. Such a book as this seems to be an absolute necessity of the hour. There are thousands of ministers and other Christian workers in the land longing for a true revival of God's work, but with no experimental or even theoretical knowl- edge of how to go to work to promote such a revival. It is our earnest prayer and confident expectation that this book will prove helpful to all such CONTENTS PAGB The Holy Spirit in a Revival — R. A. Torrey . 1 1 The Place of Prayer in a Revival — R. A. Torrey i 9 The Preaching Needed in Revivals — Rev. Louis Albert Banks, D.D 32 The Minister as an Evangelist — Rev. William Patterson 3^ Organizing for Revival Work — Rev Len. G. boughton 55 The Sunday-School Teacher as a Soul-Winner — Marion Lawrance 66 Decision Day in the Sunday-School — Rev. H. W. Pope 76 The Conversion of Children — Rev. E. P. Ham- mond AND R. a. Torrey 94 The Importance of Open Air Work — Rev. William Evans m The Use of Tracts and other Literature to Promote a Revival — Rev. H. W. Pope . .125 Personal Work— R. A. Torrey 145 Drawing the Net — R. A. Torrey 157 The After-Meeting — Rev. A. C. Dixon, D.D. . 162 How TO Make the Work Permanent — Rev. E. P. Goodwin, D.D 172 How TO Make a Success of the Christian Life — R. A. Torrey 184 Music in a Revival — Prof. D. B. Towner . . .191 Advertising the Meetings — A. F. Gaylord . . 198 7 8 CONTENTS PAGE How TO Win Souls for Christ — C H. Spurgeon. 207 The Great Revival of 1857-58 — C. H. Spurgeon. 227 Miscellaneous 248 The Work of the Spirit — Rev. Joshua Stans- field 248 Honoring the Holy Spirit— Rev. W. S. Har- rington, D.D 251 The Revival with a Plan — Rev, Isaac Crook, D.D ... 252 Seven Vital Paragraphs — Charles W. Baldwin 255 Praying-Bands — B. H. Hart 256 Getting Under Way — W. P. Macvey . . .257 An Important Facter in Revivals — Rev. Louis Albert Banks, D.D 258 Exalt Personal Effort— Rev. Geo. B. Wight, D.D. 258 An Unlooked-for Revival — Rev. Robert Watt, D.D 260 O for a Baptism of Prayer! — Mrs. M. N. Van Benschoten . . . , 263 Suggestive Outlines 264 Regeneration — D. L. M 264 The Gospel, I.— D. L. M 265 The Gospel, II.— D. L. M . 265 Christ as a Deliverer — D. L. M 266 Compassion of Christ — D. L. M 266 Christ's Mission to the World — D. L. M. . .267 Retribution — D. L. M 267 Love— D. L. M 268 Confessing Christ — D. L. M 268 Seeking the Lord— D. L. M. ...... 268 Grace, I.— D. L. M 269 Grace, II.— D. L. M 269 CONTENTS 9 PAOK What Will You Do with Jesus?— D. L. M. . 269 On Trusting in the Mercy of God — C. G. F. . 269 The Savior Lifted Up, and the Look of Faith —C. G. F 271 The Excuses of Sinners Condemn God — C. G. F. 273 The Spirit not Striving Always— C. G. F. .275 God's Love Commended to us — C. G. F. . .277 Salvation of the Lord— C. H. S 278 Salvation to the Uttermost — C. H. S. . . .279 The Royal Prerogative— C. H. S 280 Salvation by Knowing the Truth— C. H. S. .281 The Plain Man's Pathway to Peace— C. H. S. 282 The Great Arbitration Case— C. H. S. . . . 284 Only Trust Him! Only Trust Him!— C. H. S. 285 Jesus Only— C. H. S 287 Faith: What is it? How Can it be Obtained? — C. H. S 288 All Things are Ready. Come — C. H. S. . 290 Every Man's Need of a Hiding Place — R.A.T. 291 Refuges of Lies — R. A. T 293 A Solemn Question — R. A. T 294 What it Costs not to be a Christian — R. A. T. 295 How Shall We Escape?— R. A. T 295 To-day"— R. A. T 296 David's Sin— R. A. T. 297 What Shall We Do With Jesus?— R. A. T. .298 What Are You Waiting For?— R. A. T. . . 299 The Price of Power.— R. A. T 300 The Drama ot Life in Three Acts— R. A. T. 300 Infidelity: Its Causes, Consequences and Cure — R. A. T 301 Eternal Life, or the Wrath of God — Which — R. A. T 302 lo CONTENTS PAOB Suggestive Outlines by C. B 303 The Water of Life— C. 1 309 Repentance — C. 1 310 Forgiveness — C. I , .310 A Sevenfold View of the Love of God— C L 310 Ten Steps in the Prodigal's Life — C I ,311 Justification — C. 1 311 Redemption — C. I ,?ii Mercy — C. I sm Sin— C. I , 312 Jesus, the Friend — H. M 312 Rules for Evangelists — M. R. .... 313 Conversion — F. S 314 He Still Waits— F. S 315 A Great Conditional Promise — F. S. . . .316 Christ Our Example — F. S 316 Christ Our Mighty One — F. S 317 Christ Our Friend— F. S 317 Saving the Lost— R. A. T 317 God-Given Conviction— R. A. T 318 Saved— R. A. T 319 How to Become Sons of God — C. N. H. . .320 * 'God Calling F^/"—C. N. H 321 ** Convicted, but Not Regenerated"— C. N. H. 322 *'Salvation:" A Lawyer's View — C. N. H. 323 *'Christ or the Robber"— C. N. H 324 God's Justice and His Mercy — C. N. H. . . 325 Topics and Texts for Sermons and Bible Read- ings 326 HOW TO PROMOTE AND CON- DUCT A SUCCESSFUL REVIVAL THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A REVIVAL BY R. A. TORREY Two passages of Scripture might well form the watchwords of every true revival, watchwords that should never for a moment be forgotten. The first is a portion of Zech. 4: 6, '*Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts"; the second is, "It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing" (John 6:6$). In the conduct of any real revival, the Holy Ghost must occupy the place of supreme and absolute control. Revival is new life, and only the Holy Ghost can impart life. I. THE HOLY spirit's PART IN A REVIVAL Let us look definitely at the Holy Spirit's part in a revival, or, in other words, at what the Holy Spirit must do if there is to be a true revival, I. In the first place ^ the Holy Spirit must inspire us to and guide us in prayer. In regard to the great revival that is to come some day to Israel, God says, "I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants ot Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of sup- plication.'' So also, if there is to be a true revival in any church or community or nation, God must pour out upon them the spirit of grace and of supplication. II 12 THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A REVIVAL The work must begin with Him. We are living in a day when there are many indications that God is doing His part to do this very thing for us. Prayer is the vital breath of a true revival. Prayerless revivals are a sham. But we know not how to pray as we ought, and if there is to be acceptable and effective prayer, the Holy Spirit must help our infirmity and teach us how to pray (Rom. 8: 26, 27). We need to cry to God that He will not only pour out upon us a spirit of grace and of supplication, but that He will also by His Holy Spirit teach us how to pray. Doubtless He is already doing this in a measure, but we need a larger measure. 2. The Holy Spirit must have the superintendency and direction of all the revival activities. It was so in the apostolic church, which was a revival church. The Holy Spirit chose the officers (Acts 20: 28), He directed where His chosen servants were to preach and work (Acts 13: 1-2), He oftentimes directed in a most minute way, and in ways that those directed did not altogether understand (Acts 16:6-8). All the plans for the revival, and all the details of the plans should be sub- mitted to the Holy Spirit for His guidance; He should be the recognized chairman of every committee. 3. The Holy Spirit must give power to the preaching and to the testimony. When Jesus gave to the disciples the great commission to go out and evangelize the world. He said, "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Paul in writing to the church at Corinth said, "I was with you in weak- ness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A REVIVAL 13 of power, that your faith should not stand in the wis- dom of men but in the power of God." Again, in writing to the church in Thessalonica, *'Our Gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance." Whoever does the preaching in the revival, whether it be the pastor or the evangelist, the whole depend- ence for results from the preaching must be upon the Holy Spirit. Whoever testifies, we must look to the Holy Spirit to give power to the testimony. Many a preacher of very small gifts has been mightily used of God because he and the people looked to the Holy Spirit, and ,many a man of naturally large gifts has accomplished nothing of real and permanent value because the dependence was upon him and not upon the Holy Ghost. 4. The Holy Spirit must convict men of siii. Jesus said in promising the Holy Spirit to the disciples, "and He, when He is come, will convict the world in respect of sin. " A revival without conviction of sin, deep, pun- gent, overwhelming, is not a true revival. It is true that a great many may be converted and born again with- out the deep and overwhelming conviction of sin that others have. They may come in as quietly as Lydia, whose heart the Lord opened, but when there is a deep and true work of grace, there will be a deep and over- whelming conviction of sin on the part of many. It was so on the day of Pentecost ; as Peter preached in the power of the Holy Ghost a loud cry went up from men who were pricked in their heart, "Men and brethren, what must we do to be saved?" There has been similar conviction of sin at every genuine and lasting revival since. This is beginning to be so in 14 THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A REVIVAL the church to-day. From all directions come reports of deep conviction of sin. Now it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict men of sin, and we must depend upon Him to do it. We must ask Him to do it. We must expect Him to do it. Nothing is more futile than to try to convict men of sin by any unaided powers of reasoning that we may possess. The nat- ural heart is so blind, and especially so blind as to its own condition, that the supernatural grace of the Spirit is necessary to open the eyes of the soul to its real condition. But the Holy Spirit, where depend- ence is placed upon Him, is constantly administering His power to convict even the most careless of sin. 5. The Holy Spirit must regenerate. Revival is new life, and new life to the unsaved comes through regeneration, and it is the Holy Spirit's work to regenerate. Men are saved not through works of righteousness which they themselves have done, but according to God's mercy, who saves us by the wash- ing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). *' Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. ' ' If there is to be a mighty revival in any church, min- isters and people must look to the Holy Spirit to regenerate men. He can do it; He is doing it every day where dependence is placed upon Him. He is touching the hearts of men and women, seemingly almost beyond the reach of the grace of God, and quick- ening and transforming them by His almighty power. Let us ask Him and expect Him to do it in our own community. What He did in Saul of Tarsus in Damascus, He can do in many another Saul of Tarsus in Chicago, or in any city or village of the land. THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A REVIVAL 15 6. The Holy Spirit must sanctify, consecrate and fill. A revival means not only life for those dead in tres- passes and sins, but, furthermore, new life, life more abundant, for those who already have some life. It means complete surrender to God, a setting apart for God, a filling with God, for Christians; and all this is the Holy Spirit's work. He is the sanctifier and the filler (i Pet. 1:2; Eph. 5: 18). Many are trying to cleanse and fill themselves. No! no! Look to the Spirit to do it for you and for others. II. HOW TO SECURE THE HOLY SPIRIT'S WORK WITH POWER We have seen how much depends in a revival on the Holy Spirit's work, how, in fact, everything depends upon Him. Some one might think, then, that all we have to do is to sit down and wait for the Holy Spirit to work, but this is not so. The Holy Spirit is always willing and anxious to do His work if the proper con- ditions are supplied. It is true that the Holy Spirit, like the wind, bloweth where He willeth, but He always willeth to blow where He can consistently, that is, where certain conditions are supplied. What are these conditions, or, in other words, what must we do to secure the Holy Spirit's work with power? I. First of all, we must recognize our need of Him, The Holy Spirit only works with power when men deeply realize their need of Him. In many a so-called revival men feel that they are themselves quite suffi- cient for the work in hand. They think that if they can only have the right plans, and the right machin- ery, and the right advertising, and the right sort of singing and preaching, the desired results will follow. i6 THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A REVIVAL For <