HYMNS F O NEW-YEAR's-DAY. ** t BRISTOL: PR#TED BY WILLIAM P I N T E, M.DCC.LXXH. [ 3 ] HYMN FOR NEW-YEARs-DAY. HYMN I. WISDOM afcribe, and might and praife, To God who lengthens out our days, Who fpares us yet another year, & appy, and wire, the time redeem, And live, my friends, and die to him. A 2 H< II Y M N S FOR 2 How often when his arm was bar'd, Hath he our finful Ilrael fpar'd • Lei them alone his mercy cry'd, And turn'd the vengeful bolt afide, Indulg'd another kind reprieve, And frrangely fufferd us to live. 3 Laid to the root with confeious ?.wc, But now the threatr.ing axe we Taw, We (aw when Jefus ftept between, To part the punifhment and iin, He pleaded for the blood-bought race. And God vouchfaf'd a longer fpacc! 4 Still in the doubtful balance vveigh'd, We trembied while the remnant pray'd : The Father heard his Spirit groan, And anfwer'd mild, It is my Son I He let the pray'r of faith prevail, And mercy turn'd the hovering fcale. £ Merciful God, how fhall we raife Our hearts to pay thee all thy praifc? Our hearts fhall beat for thee alone, Our lives fhall make thy goodnefs known, Our fouls and bodies fhall be thine, A living facjincc divine. 6 I and .my houfe will ferve the Lord, Led by the Spirit and the Word ; We plight our faith, aflembled here, Tc fcrve our God th' cnluing year; And vow, when time fhall be no more, Through all eternity t' adore. H .Y M N NEW- YEAR'S- DAY Y PI Y M N II. E worms of earth, arife, Yc creatures of a day, Redeem the time, be hold, be wile, And caft your bonds au- '.v : Shake off the chains of (in, Like us affembled here, With hymns of praile to ufher in The acceptable year. The year of gofnel grace Like us rejoice to fee, And thankfully in Chrift embrace YOi:r proffer' d liberty: Pardon and peace are nigh, Which ev'ry foul may prove; The Lord, who now is pa fling by, Makes this the time of love. Saviour, and Lord Mall, Thy proffer we Obedient to thy gofpel call, ?fl That bids us turn, and . Our former years mrHfrnw, Though late, we deeply mourn, And foften'd by thy grace repent, And to thy aims return. With fear, and grief, and lhamc, Our folly we bemoan, But wonder at the patient Lamb, Who lets us flill alone : II YMNS FOR ■ Thy patience lifts us up, Thy free unbounded grace, And all our fear is loft in hope, And all our grief in praife. To thee, by whom we live, Our praife and lives we pay, Praife, ardent, cordial, conftant give, And fhout to fee thy day : Thy day o£ Caving grace, 'i hy con fee rated year, When the bright Son of Righteoufnefs, Doth to our world appear. Rifen, we know, thou art, With healing in thy wings, We feel, we feel it in our heart, The life thv prcfence brings! The feal and earneft this, Our pardon we receive, And look with thee in glorious blifs Eternally to live. II Y M N III. B LOW ye the trumpet, blow. The gladly lolem found, Let all the nations know, To earth's remoteft bound, The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye raufom'd linners, home ! Jefus, N.EW-Y EAR's -DAY. Jefus, our great high-piicfi, Hath full atonement made; Yc weary fpirits, reft ; Yc mournful louls, be glad ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home ! Extol the Lamb of God, The all-atoning Lamb ; Redemption in his blood Throughout the world proclaim: The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home ! Yc flavcs of fin and hell, Your liberty receive, And fafc in Jefus dwell, And bleft in Jefus live : The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom'd iinners, home! Ye who have fold for nought Your heritage above, Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jefu's love : The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home ! The gofpel trumpet hear, The news of hcr.venl) grace, And fav'd from earth, appear Before your Saviour's lace : The year of jubilee is come ; Return to your eternal home ! HYMN HYMNS FOR HYMN IV. AL L praife to the Lord, Whofe trumpet we hear, Which fpeaks in his word The feftival year : The loud proclamation Of freedom from thrall, And gofpel falvation Is publifh'd to all. The year of releafe Ev'n now is begun, And pardon and peace With Jefus fent down : Eternal redemption Through him we obtain, And prefent exemption From paffionate pain. Ye fpirits enflav'd, Your liberty claim, Believe, and be fav'd Through Jefus's name : That infinite lover Of finners embrace, And gladly recover His forfeited grace. W T ith jovfulleft news Your prifons refound, Your fetters are loofe, Your fculs are unbound : NEW-YEAR's-DAY. Refume the pofleflion For which ye were born, From Satan's opprefiion To heaven return. H Y M N V. CO M E, let us anew Our journey purfuc, R.0II round with the year, And never (land flill. till the Mafler appear j His adorable will Let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. Our life is a dream, Our time as a flream Glides fwiftly away, And the fugitive moment refufes to itay : The arrow is flown, The moment is gone, The milennial year Rufhcs on to our view, and eternity's here! O that each in the day Of his coming might fay, " I have fought my way thro', "I have finifh'd the work thou did ft give me to do!" O that each from his Lord May receive the glad word, « Well and faithfully done, " Enter into my joy, and fit down on my throne! " H Y M X HYMNS FOR T HYMN VI. I E Lord of earth and fky, The God of ages praife, Who reigns enthron'd on high, Antient of endlefs days, Who lenghchens out our (rial here, And ("pares us yet another year. Barren and wither'd trees We cumber'd long the ground, ^ No fruit of holinefs On our dead fouls was found ; Yet doth he us in mercy fpare Another, and another year. When juftice bai'd the fword To cut the fig-tree down, The pity of our Lord Cried, let it ftill alone! The Father mild inclines his ear, And fpare;, us yet another year. Jefus, thy fpeaking blood From God obtain'd the grace, Who therefore hath beftow'd On us a longer fpace, Thou didft in our behalf appear, And lo, we fee another year ! Then dig about our root, Break up our fallow ground, And let our gracious fruit To thy great praife abound, Olet us all thy praife declare, And fruit unto perfection bear. II Y M N N E W - Y E A R ' s - D A Y. HYMN VII. 1 CI N G to the great Jehovah's praife ! •^ All praife to him belongs, Who kindly lengthens out our days, Demands our choiceft fongs : Whofe providence has brought us thro* Another various year, We all with vows and anthems new Before our God appear. 2 Father, thy mercies paft we own, Thy ftill-continued care, To thee prefenting thro' thy Son Whate'er we have,' or are; Our lips and lives fhall gladly fhew The wonders of thy love, While on in Jefu's fteps we go, To fee thy face above. 3 Our refidue of days or hours Thine, wholly thine, fhall be, And all our corfecrated powers A facrifice to thee: Till Jefus in the clouds appear, To faints on earth forgiven, And bring the grand fabbatic year, The jubilee of heav'n. FINIS.