m^¥my'-^ OF THE c » Theolog-iQal Seminary -PRINCETON, N.J. r.^>M>l Sherf,<'f^}OJ Sect, Book, Nq,.,, ^?c;;.-W mm^ .^l^:-:^:^:,f. fS-''V4iy .V^^V' .-Jfv?', Uf, """" m ■^; m' *.' ■'.•'^•^•>-.V<>-'' ^M^vr^'^^W**?^ri^: TWELVE SERMONS PREACHED IN ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL, AND Before the University of Oxford, BY THE REV. HENRY PARRY LIDDON, I>.D.. TJ.C.L., Canon of St. Paul's, and Professor of Exegesis, Oxford. ;Reprinted from Church Sermons by Eminent Clergymen.) .f PEIITOETOH ^^ bonbon : PUBLISHED BY REEVES, SON & CO., PLAYHOUSE YARD, LUDGATK HILL, E.G. CSn^rg ^>i^mong % Sermon REV. CANON LIDDON, D.D., D.C.L., Z?^«« Ireland's Professor of Exegesis^ Utiiversiiy ,vf QxfprO^ I D HI G '^ ^'^ PREACHED AT ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL, LONDON, On Sunday Afternoon, DECeMgER 3^ .1871. ^^^^^ ^^^ •i** "^w