^r\r\r^ f-V^ ^f^f^ m mm \ j^ ^^ ^ I^i^l %f^'^^.f^. ^,!^ •A^t^^^^i oi *t ^i««%.-«jr Sf.,,.^ PRINCETON, N. J. '>^, Presented by Mr. Samuel Agnew of Philadelphia, Pa. SOI A^^?iezv Coll. on Baptism, No. 4-t i O ^ A'^ ^-^.r-^ AAf .^m^ '^- /^•' N'^\^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/inquiryintousage AN OaUIEY THE USAGE OF BAnTIZll, AND THE NATTJKB OF JUDAIC BAPTISM, AS SHOWN BT JEWISH AND PATEISTIC WEITINGS. JAMES W/DALE, D.D., PA8I0B OF THE MEDIA PBESBYIEBIAN CHURCH, DELAWABE CODNIT, PA. ®^irb ^Mtifltt. BdnTifffia vjv rb "fouSa'ixdv, rd punwv cwfiaTixaJv anaXXdrTov, 06 tBv xazd TO Guv£i8bq dfiapTTjiJ.dTwv. Chbtsostom. PHILADELPHIA: WM. RUTTER & CO. 1873. " The rsal difficulty has been, not that the subject has been discussed too much, but that the discussion Jias not been sufficiently radical and exten- sive ; that much very important evidence has been sparingly used, if used at all." Beeches. " If I speak with confident boldness from my own conviction, iet Mm contradict still more boldly whom I do not convince." Stieb. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S69, By James W. Dale. In the deck's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of PennsylTania. OAXION FB£SS OF SHEBMAN & 00., PHILASELPHIA. .^.""^^^^ GENERAL VIEW OF COl^TENTS. r'T^i 1. PAQI Criticisms op Classic Baptism. By The Christian Press, The National Baptist, The Examiner and Chronicle, The New Englander, The Keligious Herald, and The Baptist Quarterly, stated and answered, 19-58 2. Jewish Writers. Josephus, Philo, Jesus the Son of Sirach, . ... 61-128 3. Old Testament. As interpreted by Patrists, 129-342 4. Apocrypha. II Maccabees 1:19-36; Judith 12: 7-9, .... 343-375 5. New Testament. Jewish Baptisms, ... 377-388 6. Josephus. Judaic and Johannic Baptisms, . «... * 889-390 7. Eesults. I. Material for judgment. 2. Usage of Jew and Greek harmonious. 3. Jewish baptisms not dippings. 4. The theorists made apologists. 5. Classic Baptisn\ confirmed. 6. Appropriation — Ceremonial puri- fication, 391-400 (iii) BAPTISMS EXAMmED. JEWISH WEITEKS. Condition of Intttsposition and Condition "without Intitsposition. 1. Baptized, sword. Jewish War, ii, 18, 2. " ship. Life of Josephus, ^ 3, 3. " " Jew. Ant., ix, 10, 4. " " " iii, 9, . 5. " drowned. " iii, 10, 6. " killed. " iii, 10, 7. " drowned. " xv, 3, . 8. " " " i, 22, . 9. " ship. " iii, 8, . 10. " " Jewish War, ii, 20, 11. " killed. " i, 27, 12. " city, Jotapata. Jewish War, iii, 7 13. " " Jerusalem. " iv, 3 14. " reason. Philo, 15. " made drunk. Philo, 16. " " Jew. Ant., X 17. " stupefied. " iv, 4, 18. " purified ceremonially. Sirach, 34 : 30, 19. " John's and Jewish. Jew. Ant., xviii, 6, PAGE 61 64 64 64 65 65 66 66 69 71 74 76 78 83 84 92 100 112 389 Old Testament. 20. Baptism of the waters, change of condition. Gen. 1 : 2, 28. 29. 30. . 134 Ex. 15 : 23-25, . 143 Gen. 6 : 13, . . 148 II Kings, 5:14, . 154 John 5:4, . .164 Levit. 15:5, . . 169 Ezek. 16 : 4, 9, . 172 condition, Ezek. 36 : 25, 26, . 195 by washing hands and feet, change of condition, Ex. 40 : 30-33, . 175 by sprinkling, change of condition, Levit. 14:4-7, . 184 by washing and sprinkling, change of condition, Ps. 51 : 2, 7, . . 186 21. of a fountain 22. by deluge. 23. of Naaman, 24. by Bethesda, 25. by washing, 26, i( 27. by pouring ai (iv) BAPTISMS EXAMINED. P&GE 81. Baptism by circumcision, change of condition, , Joshua 5: 3, 9, 206 32. by drops of blood 1 (( Exod. 12 : 7, 12, 13, 216 33. by flaming sword (( Gen. 3 : 24, . 222 34. by a coal of fire, I( <( Isaiah 6 : 5-7, 239 35. by water, spirit. and fire. , change of condition. 1 Isaiah 4:4, 248 36. of iron and by sins. , change of condition, II Kings 6 : 5, 6, . 251 37. by pollution, (< (( Job 9: 30, 31, 268 38. by suff"ering, u 11 Ps. 69:1,2, . 272 39. by sincerity, (( (( Cant. 5 : 12, . 274 40. by repentance, (( (( Isaiah 1 : 16, 17, . 277 41. by iniquity. (( (( Isaiah 21 : 4, . 284 42. by sea and cloud, ti (( Ex. 14:19,31, 289 43. into Moses, u It I Cor. 10 : 2, . 305 44. by the Jordan, 262 Trouble, 262 Faith, 262 Kepentance, 277 Iniquity, 284 Baptism anb Mibacle. Bed Sea, j . 289 Jordan divided, 315 Passage of the Jordan, 320 Altar of Carmel, ^ .... 328 Temple fire rekindled, 845 Baptisms Cbremoniallt Ptjeipting. Baptism from heathen camp, 352 Baptism from diverse defilements, 379 Symbol Baptism. Ceremonially Purifying Baptism a Symbol of Spiritual Purification. Judaic and Johannic baptism in contact, 389 PATEISTIC IKTERPEETERS. Gi:kicsis 1 : 2. PASS TertuUian, Did3niivis Alexandrinus, Ambrose, Jerome, and Basil Magnus, 134 ExoDTis 15 : 23-25. Ambrose, 143 Genesis 6 : 13 ; 7 : 1, 18, 22. Tertullian, Cyprian, Ambrose, Basil, Didymus Alexandrinus, . . 148 II Kings 5 : 14. Septuagint, Ambrose, 164 John 6:4. Ambrose, Didymus Alexandrinus, 164 Leviticus 15 : 6. Chrysostom, Clemens Alexandrinus, 169 EzEEiEL 16 : 4, 9. Jerome, ' 172 EzEKiEL 36 : 25, 26. Jerome, Hilary, Didymus Alexandrinus, Cyril of Jerusalem, Origen, Cyprian, 196 Exodus 40 : 30-83. Cyril of Jerusalem, Origen, Clemens Alexandrinus, .... 175 Leviticus 14 : 4-7. Ambrose, 185 (X) PATRISTIC INTERPRETERS. XI Psalm 51 : 2, 7. PASS Ambrose, Cyril, Gregory Nazianzen, . 186 Joshua 5:3, 9. Justin Martyr, Gregory Nazianzen, Cyril, Origen, .... 207 ExoDxrs 12:7, 12, 13. Chrysostom, Gregory Nazienzen, Theophylact, Cyprian, Tertullian, , 216 Genesis 3 : 24. Ambrose, Origen, Basil, 222 Isaiah 6 : 5-7. Ambrose, Origen, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Eusebius, .... 239 Isaiah 4 : 4. Basil Magnus, 248 II Kings 6 : 6, 6. Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Irenaeus, Chrysostom, Ambrose, . . 261 Job 9: 30, 31. Aquila, 269 Psalm 9 : 15. Jerome, 270 Psalm 69 : 1, 2. Symmachus, Jerome, 272 Canticles 5 : 12. Ambrose, . ■ 274 Isaiah 1 : 16, 17. Justin Martyr, Hippolytus, Jerome, 277 Isaiah 21 : 4. Septuagint, 284 Exodus 14 : 19-31. Ambrose, Basil Magnus, John of Damascus, Didymus Alexandrinus, 290 Xll PATRISTIC INTERPRETERS. I Cor. 10 : 2. PAOB Paul, . .• . .305 II Kings 2:8. Origen, Cyril, . 315 Joshua 3 : 16, 17. Origen, • .... 321 I Kings 18 : 32-38. Origen, Basil Magnus, Gregory Nazianzen, Ambrose, . . . 828 APOCETPHA. II Maccabees 1 ; 19-36. Ambrose, 345 Judith 12 : 5-9. Septuagint, 352 NEW TESTAMENT. Hebre-ws 9 : 9, 10. Hilary, Ambrose, Basil, Chrysostom, Justin Martyr, Gregory Nazi- anzen, 379 c ^Q:n^ PASSAGES OF SCRIPTUEE Al^D OF THE APOCRYPHA EXAMINED, WITH THE PAGE WHERE THEY MAY BE EOUND. r«<'" PAGE PAGE Genesis 1 : 2, . 134 Psalm 9:15, 270 Genesis 3 : 24, . 222 Psalm 51 : 2, 187 Genesis 6 : 13, . 148 Psalm 69 : 1, 272 Exodus 12 : 7, . 216 Canticles 5 : 12, . 274 Exodus 14 : 19, . 290 Isaiah 1 : 16, 277 Exodus 15:23, . 143 Isaiah 4:4, 248 Exodus 40 : 30, . 175 Isaiah 6:5, 239 Leviticus 14 : 4, . 185 Isaiah 21 : 4, 284 Leviticus 15 : 5, . 169 Ezekiel 16 : 4, . 172 Joshua 3 : 16, . 321 Ezekiel 36 : 25, . 196 Joshua 5 : 3, . 207 John 5:4,. 164 I Kings 18 : 32, . 328 I Cor. 10 : 2, 305 II Kings 2 : 8, . 315 Hebrews 9:9, 379 II Kings 5 : 14, . 154 II Maccabees 1 : 19, 245 II Kings 6 : 6, . 251 Judith 12 : 5, . 352 Joh 9 : 30, . . 269 Sirach 34 : 30, . 112 ( "" ) AUTHORS AND WORKS QUOTED. Ambrose, Anastasius, Aristeas, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Aquila, Baptist Quarterly, Basil Magnus, Beecher, President, Bekker, Blair, Dr., Bonfrer, Booth, Buxtorf, Calvin, John, Campbell, Principal, Carson, A., LL.D., Christian Press, Chrysostom , Clemens Alexandrinus, Clemens Komanus, Conant, Dr., Cox, Dr., Cyprian, Cyril of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Dagg, Dr., Didymus, Alex., Donnegan, Erotianus, Eusebius, Ewing, Prof., Examiner and Chronicle, Eairbairn, Principal, Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, Fuller, Dr., ( ^tiv ) Fiirst, Gale, Dr., Gesenius, Godwin, Prof., Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Hamilton, Sir William, Halley, President, England, Hesiod, Hilary, Hippocrates, Hippolytus, Homer, Hudson, Principal, Oxford, Ingham K., London, Irenseus, Jerome, John of Damascus, Josephus, Justin Martyr, Kames, Lord, Kendrick, A. C, D.D., Kiihner, Lowenthal, Kev., Lucian, Matthies, Mercurialis, Migne, Abbe, Miller, Eev. Samuel, D.D., Milton, Morrell, National Baptist, New Englander, Nourry, Alex. D. Le, Origen, Ovid, AUTHORS AND WORKS QUOTED. XV Philo, Plato, Plutarch, Quintillian, Eeligious Herald, Eipley, Prof., Eosenmiiller, Scott, Sir Walter, Septuagint, Shakspeare, Son of Sirach, Smith, Dr. W., Stewart, Kev. Charles, Stourdza, Alex, de, Struzius, Stuart, Professor, Symmachus, TertuUian, Theophylact, Tholuck, Professor, Valesius, Webster, Noah, LL.D., Worcester, Sam'l, LL.D., Wilkinson, Sir J. Gardner, Wilson, Professor, Belfast, Williams, Kev. Koger, Williams, Dr. Edward, Xenophon. JUDAIC BAPTISM. (17) JUDAIC BAPTISM CONSIDERED IN ITS NATUEE AND AS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE USAGE OF B A n T I z n. Judaic Baptism properly denotes a baptism which is dis- tinctively Jewish. Under this title, however, will be intro- duced all baptisms of whatever kind spoken of by Jewish writers, as well as those facts and observances recorded in the Jewish Scriptures, which are declared by Patristic writers, to be baptisms. The Apostle Paul speaks of a baptism connected with the miraculous division and passage of the Red Sea, although there is no such verbal statement in the original narrative. In like manner, the Patrists speak of many facts in the Jewish history and of many ritual observances in the Jewish ceremonial as baptisms, making interpretation not of words but of things. This course of Paul and of Patrist furnishes us with an exceedingly valuable help to determine the mean- ing of the Greek word. To many of the Patrists the Greek language was their native tongue. The use of a Greek word, by them, has equal authority for determining its meaning as its use by Plato or Plutarch. There is, also, this vantage- ground secured in the application of the word to Jewish history and ceremonial, — the facts are thoroughly known, and the nature and mode of the ordinances are minutely de- scribed. Thus we have no blank to fill up by our precon- ceptions or fruitful imaginations. We are fast bound by facts. If this field of inquiry has been explored, to any extent, I am not aware of it. While, therefore, it will have some- (19) 20 JUDAIC BAPTISM. what of freshness, it will, I think, be also found to possess a very clear and imperative authority for determining the meaning of this contested word. NO DEPARTURE FROM THE RADICAL MEANING. This investigation will present no antagonism to the radi- cal meaning of /?a:rr:Tw as developed by Classical usage. On the contrary, we shall sternly and always insist on that mean- ing. The word, carried into the history of God's covenant people, will, indeed, be found in a new atmosphere. And when applied to the pure and purifying rites of revelation, it will be found to assume another coloring from that with which it was invested when found amid the Bacchanalian orgies of heathenism. The radical meaning of the word re- mains the same; the laws of language development remain the same; and the distinctive result, although without ex- emplification amid the utterly alien facts of heathenism, has the most absolute indication in the principles and actual de- velopments of Classical usage. It being, then, very foreign from our purpose to lay a new foundation whereon to establish a Judaic meaning for this word, but proposing to stand squarely on that already laid in the Classics, it will be of interest and not without instruc- tion, to learn what Baptist writers think of that foundation. Classic Baptism had its severe limitations attached to it, for the purpose of securing the attention of all, and more especially of Baptist scholars, to a single point, — the classical use, and the frank and full expression of sentiment upon it. The result has proved happy, so far as scholars generally are concerned ; but only limitedly as relates to the representa- tives of Baptist sentiment. Among these there has been an unexpected and unwonted reticence. Still, some have spoken, and these sufficiently indicate the course of future sentiment. As many have not had the opportunity to see the state- ments of Baptist criticism, who would feel an interest to do so, I will furnish a synopsis of them, as not without value in their bearing on our continued inquiry. BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 21 BAPTIST CKITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. THE CHRISTIAN PRESS. The criticisms, first in order of time, are those of " The Christian Press." I give the remarks of this periodical be- cause Baptists may feel a pride in them, although others may be at a loss to know why. This is their tenor : 1. " The author of the book shows himself to be an igno- ramus, to stand up in the face of scholars and say that the classic meaning of the word is to sprinkle and pour." This statement (aside from the " ignoramus " part of it, which every day makes mie feel is too true) bears the most conclusive internal evidence that the writer had never seen even so much as the outside covering of Classic Baptism. He evidently thought with Sydney Smith, that to read a book before criticizing it, was only a hamper to genius. 2. " Professor Stuart, and men of that class, have published to the world, that the classic use of the word in all cases, and in all places where the Greek word is used, is to immerse, dip, overwhelm." Unwilling to receive the sentiments of my old instructor through this new channel, I turned to Prof. Stuart's treatise, and there found this statement (p. 16), "The words ^dnru) and ^aizTiZu) have, in the Greek classical writers, the sense of dip, plunge, immerge, sink, &c. But there are varia- tions from this prevailing and usual signification." In this statement the meanings of the two verbs are thrown together; the first two belonging to jSaTrrcu, the last two to (iar^riZo). On p. 22, "In all the derived and secondary meanings of these words, it would seem plain, that the Greek writers made a diverse and distinct use, never confounding them." Then, there are "derived and secondary meanings." And on p. 34, "Both the classic use and that of the Septuagint show, that washing and copious affusion are sometimes signified by this word. Consequently, the rite of baptism may have been performed in one of these ways," And now let me ask, whether these extracts do not show that the critic had no more seen Prof. Stuart's treatise than he had seen Classic Baptism ? 22 ^ JUDAIC BAPTISM. -3. " Of what auttiority is a mere pastor, whose business it is to preach, and especially one whose life has been spent in a small country village" — It was my lot to hear in a Baptist church, a Baptist preacher advocate a Baptist Bible, on this wise : " I argued in the pul- pit of a Baptist minister, not favorable to a new Version, the necessity of a new Translation, because there were words in the old not understood. I quoted, in illustration, 'Jacob sod pottage.' Why, said he, Brother B., I know what that means; I've dug sods many a time! He then pressed his point by appealing to his own case, sa^dng, I was preaching from the text, ^thej that are alive shall not prevent them that sleep,' and having some peculiar views on the resurrection, sustained them by 'prevent' in the sense to hinder. After service a friend said to me, Brother B., ' prevent' dont mean to hinder; but I replied. Think I dont know what prevent means? It does mean to hinder. However, I found out afterward, that prevent does not mean to hinder. So I prove to you we must have a new Version." If these friends of the critic were the kind of men he puffs at, as " mere pastors, whose business is to preach," as it is a family affair, I have nothing to say. But as this good writer seems to appreciate only a certain style of evidence, and assured that it will make him look with admiration on Classic Baptism, should he ever have the good fortune to see its cover, I will give him the im- portant information, that the "country village" in which the greater part of the life of its author was spent, contains only something less than a million of souls. 4. " It is too late in the day for any upstart with his pedantry" — " We sincerely pity any such pretender, and consider the lunatic asylum more befitting for him." "His words are powerless among all scholars, of all names, and his name is branded for the ignorance and audacity which attach to it." . So endeth the first criticism of the pedantry, and pretence, and lunacy, and ignorance, and presumption, and audacity, and impudence, of the upstart and ignoramus. BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 23 The man who writes in this style must look out for the Quaker, who said to the cursing sailor, " That's right, friend, spit it all out ; thee can never go to heaven with such trash on thy stomach." THE NATIONAL BAPTIST. The tone of this article is, happily, different from that of the preceding. The ignoramus and the upstart, the pedant and pretender, the lunatic and the presumptuous, the auda- cious and the impudent, becomes converted into " an author of no small ability," whose " work is worthy of careful atten- tion," while "the deliberateness and fulness of the investi- gation challenge our admiration." 1. Embarrassment is expressed at the statement, " that the word immerse expresses not act, but condition. It is a fundamental point with Mr. Dale. "We wish we knew more clearly what he means?" It is with the greatest pleasure that I seek to relieve this embarrassment. It arises from an oversight. The position of Classic Baptism is not adequately stated by the language, "Immerse expresses not act, but condition," — much less by the statement, "Immerse is a transitive verb, just as the corresponding Greek word is, and it is sheer nonsense to insist that it signifies only condition." This statement not only represents inadequately the view of Classic Baptism, but so misrepresents it as, indeed, to convert it into " sheer nonsense." I have not the slightest disposition to charge this to the art of the controversialist, but sincerely believe that it is attributable to oversight, however remarkable that oversight may be. In the paragraph but one preceding this statement, the reviewer quotes this definition: "Baptizo, in primary use, expresses condition, characterized by com- plete intusposition, without expressing, and with absolute in- difference to the form of the act by which such intusposition may be effected, as, also, without other limitations." Surely there is nothing in this definition which " signifies only con- dition." There is act in the verb, but the form of the act is 24 JUDAIC BAPTISM. not expressed, while the condition, effected by the implied act, is directly expressed. Take a parallel word — '•'■Envelop the package." The com- mand expresses no form of act ; it implies act, while express- ing a condition of covering in which the package is to be put. Envelop, like merse, expresses condition, while the form of the act involved is unexpressed. This, I am sure, the reviewer will not consider " sheer nonsense ;" nor will he feel at liberty to say, " Mr. Dale as- sures us, that here is a transitive verb which does not and cannot express action, but only condition." 2. " Mr. Dale frequently implies, and in more than one in- stance expresses, a conviction that Baptist writers on this subject are not honest." This charge is not a matter of indifference to me. It is very j^inful. I hold the flinging of such charges into the faces of Christian opponents in contemptuous abhorrence. If they appeared in Classic Baptism I would blush to own it as any production of mine. Such utterances betoken weak- ness and wickedness. When I have to resort to them I will stop writing. 3. " Mr. Dale puts a new meaning on the word immerse, and refuses to receive the meaning which dictionaries and all English literature assign to it." No meaning, new or old, has been put on " immerse." Report has been made of that meaning put on it by " all English literature." Courts of law require, that the best evidence within reach shall be adduced to sustain any cause brought before them, under peril of the conclusion, that if adduced it would be unfavorable. The best evidence within reach, or which can exist, has been adduced, — the usage of accredited writers. If this is not accepted, let it be rebutted by testimony of equal authority. 4. The reviewer thinks it disingenuous to say, " In this definition, by the use of 'to put' — 'put into or under' — Dr. Conant gives a greater breadth and freedom to baptize than any of his friends who have preceded him. They have in- sisted that it meant to dip, to plunge, and nothing else. Dr. BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 25 Conant says, {in this definition hy the use of put — put into or under,) " it no more means to dip, to plunge, than does to put; that is, it means no such thing." He asks, "Is this fair and honorable dealing ? Does Dr. Conant say, ' It no more means to dip, to plunge, than does to put?' " This statement is so plain and so obviously true, that it is hard to imagine how the idea of " disingenuousness " has arisen in the mind of this respected reviewer. If ^oKriZu) has a meaning so broad as to be faithfully represented by "put into or under," then, it is simply impossible that it can have the narrow modal meaning " to dip, to plunge, and nothing else." And, thus, Dr. C. says, (by his definition,) "that the word no more means to dip, to plunge, than does to put." 5. After some general remarks, to show that dip and im merse are equivalents, the reviewer answers himself by say- ing, " We are free to say that Mr. Dale's labors cannot be worthless or unimportant. He has examined the passages in Greek classical authors and classified them, and has es- tablished a difference in use between fidTzrw and ^anrH^ai. His statement of that difference seems to us defective, but that there is a difference is evident. He has, also, brought clearly out what our own examination had before proved, that the word ^aitriZio does not of itself involve the lifting out from the fluid of that which is put in. In other words, that it is in that respect exactly equivalent to the English word immerse." But if immerse never takes its object out, and dip always takes its object out, how is it possible that they can be "equivalent?" The Baptist view of the word, as heretofore advocated, is not only seriously but fatally erroneous. EXAMINER AND CHRONICLE. The critical complaint of this periodical is made on the ground of a lack of submission to dictionaries. 1. " This interchanging of the words dip and plunge and immerse is the common and established use of the words. 26 JUDAIC BAPTISM. The author himself is the transgressor. Standard lexicog- raphers use them to define each other." To go back to dictionaries in this discussion is to go back to a battle-ground that has been fought over a thousand times without beneficial result. The critic gives the definition of Webster, "To dip. To plunge or immerse for a moment or short time." And that of Worcester, "To dip. To immerse; to plunge into any liquid." Who, now, shall be umpire between Webster, who says momentary continuance belongs to this act, and Wor- cester, who says nothing of any such element? He, also, gives Webster, " Immerse. To put under water ot other fluid; to plunge, to dip," and Worcester, "Immerse. To put under water or other fluid ; to plunge into, to im- •merge, to overwhelm, to dip." Suppose, now, I take the general definition, in which, there is no form of act and no limitation of time, and insist upon that as the true meaning; while some one else seizes on a particular defining word, dip, for example, in which there is both definite form and limited duration, and insists upon that as the true exposition ; who shall decide ? Is it not most unreasonable to turn from an inquiry into the meaning of a word, by exhausting the cases of its use, to dictionaries, among whose tens of thousands of words per- haps not one has had its meaning so determined? It is only surprising that dictionaries have that general correctness which they do possess. Controversial writers who would accurately define the meanings of single words, can never do their work by enter- ing into the labors of the general lexicographer. Baptists have defined the word in question with the severest limita- tions. And when the supreme authority of usage is shown to condemn such definition, a cry for help is made upon lexicographers. The statement that dip, and plunge, and immerse, as ex- pressing the same idea, are interchanged in critical, or any other rational writings, is most incorrect. There is such an interchange in Baptist writings, and too much in all writings BAPTIST CRITICISMS OP CLASSIC BAPTISM. 27 on the subject of baptism. But there is a special reason for this. It is found, mainly, in the original confounding to- gether of pdizTcj and ^arM^u) as absolute equivalents. Thus dipping, and dyeings and plunging, and mersing, formed an undivided common heritage. When dyeing was claimed, and surrendered, as exclusive property, dip was still left in common. Demand is now made for it as the sole property of ^dnro). When this demand is met, the partnership be- tween these words will be thoroughly dissolved, and ^ar^ri^u) will take its place among that class of verbs to which it be- longs, and the mixing up of a definite act of momentary con- tinuance, and of a condition unlimited in continuance, will come to an end. Having tasted of the good wine, we cannot go back to the worse. 2. In a second article this periodical adduces a second objection, which is regarded as of sufficient importance to engross the entire article. It is directed against the final summary statement, and is presented as follows: " We have reviewed the Rev. Mr. Dale's book, but we refer to it again. The conclusion is this: 'Whatever is capa- ble of changing the character, state, or condition of any ob- ject, is capable of baptizing that object; and by such change of character, state, or condition, does in fact baptize it.' " A definition is usually made more clear and forcible by examples. The first illustration that occurs to us after read- ing this definition, is the baptism of gunpowder by a match. How thoroughly the condition of the powder is changed in that case ! Was it the Emancipation Proclamation of Mr. Lincoln, or was it the surrender of Lee, that baptized millions of negroes from chattels into freemen ? What a famous baptizer the stomach is? How thoroughly it changes the character and condition of meat, fruits, and vegetables! Some baptisms are very gradual. How long it takes, for instance, to baptize an acorn into an oak ! The baptism of fire — how plain and pregnant that expression becomes, in the light of Mr. Dale's definition ! Yes, fire is a great baptizer. It baptizes water into steam, dough into bread, wood and coal into ashes and smoke. Oar fire-places, and 28 JUDAIC BAPTISM. stoves, and furnaces, what are they but baptisteries? Our great factories, what unwearied and efficient administrators of baptism they are ! What quantities of wool or cotton they baptize into cloth every day! Our chemists and apothe- caries, too, what expeditious and thorough baptizers they are!" The Examiner, no doubt, believes that there is substantial logic under this dash of wit and ridicule, or it would not have put it into type. Classic Baptism must be prepared to stand fire, even though it be " wild fire," which any one may choose to direct against it. Any assault, within the limits of goodbreeding, whether under the mask of Comus or with the open and frowning front of Tragedy, will receive both toleration and welcome from its author. It is, also, obvious, that "the conclusion" must be shown to be invulnerable to assaults of every character. This is the more important because the aspect of baptism therein presented is not familiar, and, consequently, forms of thought not heretofore regarded as baptisms, or as capable of being thrown into such a form, might be received with embarrassment or be entirely rejected. I will, therefore, resist the temptation to " answer the unwise according to their unwisdom," and will give a sober reply to these sug- gestions of the Examiner. 1. As to the gunpowder baptism. In so far as this may be sp^oken of as a baptism, at all, it is nothing more nor less than martyr baptism by fire. The flesh and bones of a "witness" for Jesus subjected to the influence of fire are changed into ashes. Gunpowder subjected to the influence of fire is changed into sulphurous vapor. The baptisms are not distinctively the same. Martyr fire effects not merely a destructive baptism, but also, a purifying baptism. A lighted match eflfects only a destructive baptism. 2. Baptism into freedom. The Examiner ought to be familiar with the historical baptisms of bondsmen, "in the name of a freeman," when about to be released from slavery. And I hope that, before long, it will also understand, that BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 29 the millions of Israel were by the proclamation of Jehovah, and the issue of the struggle of the Egyptian hosts in the rushing sea waters, baptized, from a condition of bondage to Pharaoh, into a condition of freedom-subjection to Moses. 8. " What a baptizer the stomach is 1" Yes, even beyond what the wit of the Examiner has discovered. (1.) The stomach baptizes pork and cabbage (as the receptacle down into which they are swallowed), as the ship and her crew are baptized, swallowed up, by the gaping mouth of old ocean. This baptism the Examiner does not like ; it lasts too long. (2.) The stomach baptizes its contents by thoroughly chang- ing their condition through its peculiar influences, just as ocean by its briny waters disintegrates the oaken timber and iron bolts of the ship, as well as the flesh and bones of her hapless crew. (3.) The stomach, when it fails to baptize pork and cabbage, baptizes the body and the mind through this leaden burden which it carries. It is of escape from this baptism through the stomach, Plutarch says, " A great resource truly for a pleasant day is a good temperament of the body unbaptized and unburdened." (Classic B., p. 338.) Is there more here of stomachic baptism than the Examiner bargained for? " "What a famous baptizer the stomach is !" 4. Acorn baptism. " How long it takes to baptize an acorn into an oak!" Yes, quite long; yet not near so long as to baptize " all nations." The Examiner will not deny that a burial is a baptism. An acorn buried in the ground is baptized, then. How long does this baptism last? The burial baptism of the acorn brings with it sweet influences from earth and air and sky, by which it receives a baptism into life, whose new condition is the oak. After all, this baptism is not so funny. 5. " Fire is a great baptizer." A very true statement, and one of which the Examiner will hear more, if Judaic Baptism should be read. Baptism by any influence imports \ the subjection of the baptized object to the full controlling power of that influence. " There are some things which exert over certain objects a definite and unvarying influence. Whenever, therefore, ^aizriZu) is used to express the relation 30 JUDAIC BAPTISM. between such agencies and their objects, it gives develop- ment in the comj)letesi manner to that specific influence." (C. B,, p. 316.) The specific influences of fire are : 1. A power to destroy. 2. A power to purify. When fire is used to bake bread, or to boil the kettle, it is used for the development of neither of these influences. They are not, therefore, cases of baptism. Where fire is used to consume fuel, it is inappropriate to speak of it as a case of baptism by fire, because the object is not to destroy the fuel, but to give warmth to those around it. But if any one chooses to set his woods, or his house, or his bonds and mortgages, on fire, he will secure what the classics would thoroughly understand by a baptism of fire. It is a blundering use of language, however, to say that the object burned is " baptized into ashes." There is neither truth nor sense in saying, that a burned object is "baptized into ashes." " Ashes" constitute the object itself in another form. You cannot put a thing into itself. The proper ex- pression is, as everywhere through the Classics, baptized hy fire. This carries its own explanation with it. If it is a combustible body, then we know that it is destroyed. If it is a metallic ore, then we know that it is purified from its dross. If it is the "impure lips" of Isaiah, then we know that they are purified from defilement. "Eire is a great baptizer." 6. "Our fire-places, and stoves, and furnaces, what are they all but baptisteries?" But the Examiner is superficial in his examination. Why not complete the catalogue? Let me help the critic by authority more unquestionable than that which has furnished the fire-place, stove, and furnace baptistery. What are our grog-shops, with their bad whisky, but bap- tisteries ? (C. B., pp. 289, 319.) What are our eating-houses, with tough beef and half-baked pastry, but baptisteries ? (C. B,, p. 338.) What are our apothecary-shops, with their soporifics, and sedatives, and stimulants, but baptisteries? (C. B., p. 318.) What are our pest-houses, reeking with malaria, but baptisteries? (C. B., p. 304.) What are our BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 31 fortune-telling establishments, with their lying arts, but bap- tisteries? (C. 'B.,idem.) "What are our schools, that "cram" the brain of childhood, but baptisteries? (C. B., p. 308.) What are our college-halls, where hard questions "stump" the modest and "flunk" the Freshman, but baptisteries? (C. B., p. 334.) What ^^ Tene manum," do you say? Well, be it so, we will leave the catalogue incomplete; only adding, when the theory of water dipping shall have brought itself into harmony with these classic baptisteries, "the con- clusion " will take care of those of the " fire-place, the stove, and the furnace." 7. " Our great factories — Lowell, Lawrence, and Manches- ter — what baptizers!" These great establishmeuts use alto- gether too "much water" for Classic Baptism to run them. If the Examiner will put on sufiiciently good glasses he will see, that the conversion of cotton and wool, by machinery, into sheeting and broadcloth, neither changes the condition of its object by putting it within a physical element, nor does its work by an infiuence. They, therefore, do not belong to us. We remand these machinery Baptists back to the Ex- aminer's office. In a third article, the Examiner makes a draft for its criti- cisms upon THE NEW ENGLANDER, The first quotation has reference to figurative use. 1. " The Greek word is used in many cases where there is no literal physical submergence. Mr. Dale has not over- looked these uses; he gives them a great deal of attention; but it is much to be regretted, and it is the great defect of the book, that his treatment of them is, in important respects, unnatural and arbitrary. It may be difficult to determine, in some cases, whether the primary meaning is wholly lost in the secondary, or whether something of the former remains to give picturesqueness and vivacity to the latter. But very few, we think, will agree with the author of this work in the extent to which he assumes a complete obliteration of pri- mary meaning and a consequent loss of figurative character." 32 JUDAIC BAPTISM. I have no novelties to offer on the subject of ligurative language. I do not speak ex cathedra, but will take my place at the feet .of any one who will give me instruction. The subject has its difficulties, as any one will feel who reflects upon it, or who will read those who have done so. But, as to this critic, there seems to be no principle separating us. It is a question of "extent" only. And if this be "the greatest defect of the book," then it will answer very well the purpose for which it was written. The principles which have governed my interpretation of language not used in physical relations, have been mainly these : 1. Familiar and long-continued use wears out the original physical allusion. 2. Where there is no evidence that the writer has the physical application in his mind, and a meaning is promptly and clearly attained without any such reference, that mean- ing should be regarded not as borrowed, but as its own ; not as figurative, but as literal, secondary. 3. Long absolute use of a word, in like connection, com- municates to that word a specific meaning growing out of such relations. These principles are neither singular nor questionable. Campbell, the Principal of Marischal College, and regarded by Dr. Carson as the Prince of Rhetoricians, says : "And as to ordinary metaphors, or those which have already received the public sanction, and which are commonly very numerous in every tongue, the metaphorical meaning comes to be as really ascertained by custom in the particular language, as the original, or what is called the literal, meaning of the word. . . . One plain consequence of this doctrine is, that there will be in many words a transition, more or less rapid, from their being the figurative, to their being the proper signs of certain ideas. The transition from the figurative to the proper, in regard to such terms as are in daily use, is indeed inevitable. . . . They cannot be considered as genuine metaphors by the rhetorician. I have already assigned the reason. They have nothing of the effect of metaphor upon BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 3d the hearer. On the contrary, like proper terms, they suggest directly to his mind, without the intervention of any image, the ideas which the speaker proposed to convey by them." Allow me to call especial attention to the following state- ment: "Again, it ought to be considered, that many words which must appear as tropical to a learner of a distant age, who acquires the language by the help of grammars and dic- tionaries, may, through the imperceptible influence of use, have totally lost that appearance to the natives, who con- sidered them purely as proper terms." — Philosophy of Bhet, iii, 1. In writing Classic Baptism, I had not looked into Camp- bell ; but the views here presented are the same which rule there. I am not aware that they differ from other accredited writers. Dr. Carson has written a Treatise on the Figures of Speech, to supply " a deficiency in our language to this day." In that work he can find no writer, from Quintillian to Blair, to satisfy him as to the definition of Figure. E'or does he know any " author, ancient or modern, that has, with philo- sophical accuracy, drawn a line of distinction between the territories of common expression and those of figurative language." In his conception of metaphor, he declares his rejection of "the doctrine of Quintillian, Lord Kames, Dr. Campbell, and Dr. Blair." These writers all agree in the definition given by the Roman, — "Metaphor is a shorter similitude." Carson says, " Metaphor always asserts what is manifestly false. Metaphor asserts not only a falsehood, but an absurdity, — that one object is another." He insists upon it, that not a comparison, but a naked declaration, is made in the statement, "Achilles is a lion." He admits likeness to be the ground of the statement, and, therefore, objects to the metaphor, " Steep me in poverty to the very lips," saying, "It is here supposed that there is a likeness between being in great poverty and being steeped in water. We cannot say that the likeness is faint, for there is no like- ness at all." Dr. Carson's peculiar ideas led him to put the 3 34 JUDAIC BAPTISM. man spoken of, in vxder to the lips ; which being done, he found no ground for the figure. And no wonder, for the figure is designed to develop the influence of 'poverty to a degree which shall be only short of destroying life, and to put a man in water to the lips produces no evil influence; but if you will put any absorbent into a liquid until it shall become, with a small exception, penetrated by its peculiari- ties, you will have the basis of the figure. We, then, come back to the man and poverty, and interpret the language as expressive of the influences of poverty in an extreme degree. For the same reason, Dr. C. carries a man baptized by ques- tions, or by sleep, or by wizard arts, into the water, with which such a one has nothing to do ; but the language is grounded in the resemblance of influence which may be found, not between the man beioildered, sleepy, or possessed with the devil, and a man under water, but between such a one as to the controlling influence to which he is subjected, and any ob- ject under the influence of a liquid by mersion. Against such interpretations of metaphor Classic Baptism protests. And it may be that it is the unreserved rejection of this " Achilles is a lion " metaphor, introducing ever more picture figures of dipping men, and cities, and continents, into water, which the New Englander has unwittingly termed " unnatural and arbitrary." I have spoken to this criticism, because while it is not essential to the issue, yet it has its interest and importance. . I only add a word as to the " extent" to which the denial of figure is carried. 1. It embraces a single class of phrases in which a grammatical form (the dative without a preposi- tion), not found in the other class of baptisms, expresses agency, and in which there is no direct or incidental evi- dence of a physical scene beiug present to the mind of the writer. 2. The absolute use of the word in the same re- peated connection. This is the " extent" of my ofifending, no more. And a thorough examination of the merits of the case will, I think, make that extent a vanishing quantity. 2. The Examiner introduces a second criticism from this periodical thus: " Remarking on the assertion that any BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 35 thorough change of condition is a baptism, the reviewer ob- serves"—- Allow me to observe, that this statement makes a perfect metamorphosis of the statement of Classic Baptism. It does not say that " any thorough change of condition is a bap- tism," but, "Whatever" (act or influence) "is capable of thoroughly changing the character, state, or condition of any object^ is capable of baptizing that object," (according to the nature of the case, if an " act," by putting it into the new condition of intusposition, with or without influence, or, if an " influence," by assimilating its condition to itself by a controlling power.) " Thorough change of condition" is a genus, with its species and their individuals. Classic Baptism does not treat of the genus, but of species, two, to wit, 1. Such thorough change of condition as results from the intusposition of ob- jects within physical elements; and, 2. Such thorough change of condition as results from a controlling assimilative influ- ence. Wine, opiate, grief, debt, excessive study, &c., &c., controlling the conditions of their objects, so as to bring them into a new condition, assimilated to their several in- fluences. The two statements, " an^/ thorough change of condition," and the thorough change of condition of ^^ a.ny object " needs but to be made in order that their utter diversity may be ap- prehended. But it is this transference (inadvertent no doubt) of " any," from its true connection with. " objects," to a false connec- tion with " condition," which makes the foundation for the "funny" baptism of the Examiner, and the erroneously con- ceived baptism of the ISTew Englander, now to be noticed. " He does not say, that a surgeon, who by a successful amputation saves a dying patient, baptizes that patient ; or that a whetstone, when it makes a dull knife into a sharp one, baptizes the knife; or that the sun, when it dries up a stream in summer, baptizes the stream. But we are left to suppose that he would regard these and others like these, as natural and appropriate expressions." 36 JUDAIC BAPTISM. If left, heretofore, to such inference, let me try to place an effectual guard against it hereafter. After what has been already said, this, perhaps, can be best done by a case. A man having a child sick with some internal disease, falls on a medical work treating on this sub- ject, and presenting this conclusion : " A sovereign remedy for this disease, is a thorough drenching with oil and rhu- barb. If restive under the application, he must be quieted by tightly twisting the upper lip and nose." Having read " the conclusion," and thus diplomatized for practice, he prepares a bucketful of the mixture, and at the bedside of his child prepares to " drench " him from head to foot. His restiveness is stilled by a tourniquet for lip and nose, but not without outcry. A passer by looks in, to whom the scene is ex- pounded through the disease and " the conclusion." The newcomer turns over the volume and exclaims, " Why, this book treats of the diseases of horses ! And it says, that ' to drench^ is to empty a bottleof the stuff down a horse's throat !' " [Exeunt omnes.) If now the Examiner and the New Englander had not hur- ried into practice on a hasty preparation from " the conclu- sion," but had taken a full course of reading in the volume, they would have discovered, if not that " drench " is double- faced, yet, that " character, state, or condition," is more than bi-frons, and would have felt it desirable to conform their professional practice to that aspect presented in the book, and not have concluded that " he " meant child, instead of horse, and "drench" meant a dash of a bucketful of the mixture, instead of the swallowing of a cathartic. If the machinery of Lowell, or the whetstone, or the knife of "the universal whittler" can put forth an "act" intro- ducing its object into a fluid element, then it can perform a baptism of the first class, changing condition by intusposition with or without influence; or, if they are able to send forth "influences" which shall pervade a bale of wool, a mower's scythe, or a bit of shingle, thereby controlling or assimila- ting them to their own nature, then they can perform bap- tisms of the second class, changing condition by influence. BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 37 " But all this is not stated in ' the conclusion.' " No more is horse stated in " the conclusion," and yet "he" is there. And, so, all this, and a great deal more, is in " the conclu- sion," for the Examiner, says, " It is the conclusion of 354 pages of critical discussion." There are three hundred and iifty-four pages in " the conclusion." 3. The Examiner says, " still more :" and quotes : " The English word immerse, according to our author, has nearly the same primary meaning as the Greek ^a-Krif^w^ and it ex- presses, as Mr. Dale says, 'thorough influence of any kind.'" Let the reader observe the Avords, " of any kind,'' and say whether we are not authorized to affirm, that " whatever is capable of thoroughly changing the character, state, or con- dition of any object, is capable oiimmersing ihsii object; and by such change of character, state, or condition, does in fact immerse it." We do not see how this conclusion is to be avoided, though we fear the Baptist enemy may take ad- vantage of it to murmur with the little breath our author has left him : " Baptizing, then, is immersing, and immersing is baptizing." When I read the statement, " Mr. Dale says immerse ex- presses influence of any kind. Let the reader observe the words of any kind," I said to myself, Well, you have nodded here, if not in the conclusion, and prepared myself to confess, with as good a grace as might be, a slip in the too great breadth of the language. However, on turning to C. B., p. 212, 1 read, " It expresses thorough influence of any kind ; the nature determined by the adjunct." I, then, smiled at my fears and sighed over the unreliability of quotations. And it becomes my turn to say, " Let the reader observe the words," the nature determined by the adjunct. Does not this limit, in the sharpest manner, " any kind of influence ?" It can develop no kind of influence, but that which belongs to its "adjunct." And it can have no "adjunct" but what use attaches to it. And use can attach no adjunct to it, but such as may receive appropriate development through the word. Suppose we laugh at use, and take some of the " funny" 38 JUDAIC BAPTISM. adjuncts to which we have been just introduced, and see how the " any kind" of influence is developed. " A dull knife immersed in a whetstone becomes very sharp." " A dying man immersed in a surgeon's scalpel springs into life." "A summer pool immersed in solar beams scuds through the sky." " A bag of wool immersed in a p)ower-loom is influenced into broad- cloth !" Whetstones, scalpels, «fec., &c., are "funny" adjuncts of ^anrc^cu. I believe the statement may stand without the need of pleading for grace. Immerse must have a fit adjunct, and the adjunct determines the nature of the influence. It is farther to be observed, that the inference from the fact, that because immerse passes through the same general phases of usage, with ^anTc^w, it must, therefore, have the same specific meanings, is not well grounded. Immerse has meanings which the Greek word has not; and the Greek word has meanings which immerse has not. The grammatical combinations of the two words diflfer. In secondary use, immerse in is the almost invariable form ; while in secondary use, baioiize by, is, so far as I remember, the absolutely invariable form. This diversity of form is indicative of diversity both of conception and of meaning. The difference of conception is ingrained in the terms. The difference of meaning is, sometimes, most obvious. " Jm- merscd in business" indicates active, earnest, and constant engagement in business pursuits ; while " baptized by busi- ness" indicates an embarrassed condition resulting from mul- tiplied engagements. '■'■Immersed, in study " indicates thorough engagedness in student life; while " bajjtized by study" indi- cates mental prostration as the resultant condition of study. The inference, therefore, of the entire sameness of these words is not correct. But on the supposition that these words were fac similes in meaning, it would hardly be worth while for "the enemy" to waste their " spent breath " in saying, " immersing is bap- tizing and baptizing is immersing," inasmuch as " immers- ing" must first have secured all the meanings shown by Classic Baptism to belong to baptizing, in which case the BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 89 hard breathing would be wasted on the tautology, "baptizing is baptizing, and baptizing is baptizing." We cheerfully make over to "the Baptist enemy," (espe- cially as we have not heretofore had much opportunity to show them favor,) all right, title, and privilege, which may appertain to this discovery. THE RELIGIOUS HERALD. The book has been reviewed by the Religious Herald, in four consecutive numbers, embracing nine columns. I am indebted to its editors for the privilege of reading those articles, and it is with no ordinary pleasure that I say, that there is no discourteous word in those nine columns. They do not intimate that they have found any such word in Clas- sic Baptism. I have no such words for Christian brethren. With those who use them, I wish to have nothing to do. If there are any whose errors need such chastening, I turn them over to the discipline of others. The Herald " declines to discuss the meaning oi ^amiZu) as to its discriminating meaning, but limits itself to the argu- menium ad hominem and reduciio ad absurdum." Any weapon, undipped in poisonous bile, which an opponent thinks best adapted to his purpose, is welcome to the lists. 1. The Herald says, " Baptist writers have maintained, in common with the most jdistinguished lexicographers and critics, that fianril^u) signifies dip, plunge, or immerse; that it is a modal term, denoting a specific act, and not an effect re- sulting from an act : that it has the same meaning as fidnrut, except that of dge or smear." To sustain the lexicographical part of this statement, it is said, "Donnegan defines it: To immerse repeatedly into a liquid; to submerge, to soak thoroughly, to saturate; hence to drench with wine, meiaphoricallg to confound totally." Does the Herald, in its gentle courtesy, mean that in ex- changing friendly buffets, we should, like Friar Tuck and Richard, take turn about, and therefore quote this definition to give me, too, a chance for the argumentam ad hominem? 40 JUDAIC BAPTISM. The Herald says, through Donnegan, that ^oKri^u) means *' to submerge," in which there is no modal act; yet it says in proper person, it does mean " a modal act;" how is this? The Herald says, through Donnegan, /Janrtt*" means "to soak thoroughly," in which there is no specific act; yet it says in proper person, it does mean "a specific act;" how is this? The Herald says, through Donnegan, ^ar^ziZut means "to satu- rate," which expresses not an act, but an effect resulting from an act; yet it says in proper person, it does mean "an act, and not an effect proceeding from an act;" how is this? Was the Herald napping when it wandered into the land of 1 exicography ? Besides, Donnegan says, /Sarrn^o; means, liierally, " to drench with wine," (to make drunk), and also, literally, in secondary (metaphorical) use, "to confound totally." If a more suicidal blow was ever given to any cause than is given to the Baptist theory by the proffer of this defini- tion, I cannot conceive when, or where, or how, it was done. This definition suggests the farther remark: to look to dictionaries as authority to settle this controversy is foll}^ Will the Herald, or the Baptist world, accept the very first (which ought to be the very best) definition given by this, undoubtedly learned, lexicographer, to wit: "To immerse repeatedly into a liquid?" This definition, in common with other errors, as to the meaning of this word, is now rejected by scholars of every name. Plow, idle the complaint, then, that Classic Baptism is not filled with lexicons. But Classic Baptism has not refused to consider lexical definitions because they were inimical. It is far otherwise. Every position of Classic Baptism can be deduced from this definition of Doiniegan. 1. It utterly rejects modal act as the meaning of the word. 2. It shows, in the most absolute manner, the meaning to be, a condition effected by an un- expressed act. 3. Further, it sustains the distinctions made: (1.) "Intusposition without influence." This is done by the naked submerge. (2.) " Intusposition with influence." This is expressed by ifo saturate. (3.) " Intusposition for influence." This is evidently in to soak thoroughly. (4.) " Influence with- BAPTIST CllITICISMS OP CLASSIC BAPTISM. 41 out intusposition." This is, as clearly, in to drench (make drunk) with wine. And (5.) " Influence without intusposition, in the case of elements not physical." This is exemplified by a particular case, to confound totally ; which is undoubtedly derived from the case of the youth mentioned in Classic Baptism (p. 334), who was baptized, bewildered, " totally confounded " by questions. Donnegan and Classic Baptism are in full accord. It is most unaccountable that any one should say, that the Baptist theory of this word and lexical 'definitions agree together. And it is no less groundless to say, that *'the views of Classic Baptism are not less opposed to those of lexicographers than they are opposed to those of Baptists." But the special reason for this quotation from the Herald, is, that the views held by Baptists as to the meaning of this word, (" one meaning, modal term, specific act, same as ^d-nrw, dyeing excepted,") may be before us on the high authority of the Herald ; for respondents are already beginning to deny that such views are held by our Baptist friends. They feel their old ground slipping from under them, and they are casting about for some surer resting-place. 2. The argumentum ad hominem. — This is not formally stated, but we are left to conclude, from a supposed warrant in the exhibited use of immerse, that this word has only a literal, primary meaning, and from its (supposed) stated relation to baptize, farther to conclude, that baptize has but one, literal, primary meaning throughout its usage. I would like to state the case in all its strength, but, really, when I attempt to raise it out of the types, it so falls to pieces that I am embarrassed. " Mr. Dale gives numerous instances of the figurative use of baptize — ' baptized by evils, by anger, by misfortune, by wine, by taxes, by midnight, &c.' — In these passages there is not a new meaning assigned to the word, but simply a figurative use of the term, in which it derives all its perti- nency and force from the literal and well-known import. . . . Baptize and immerse are similar terms. Every child knows 42 JUDAIC BAPTISM. that immerse means to put into or under a fluid, and it is im- possible by any sophistry or figurative meanings to blind his understanding on the subject. The same sophistry which shows that baptism, mersion, may be efi'ected" (in unphysi- cal matters) " without putting under a fluid, would show that immersion may be effected " (in unphysical matters) " with- out putting under a fluid; while every man, woman, and child in the land, knows immersion means to put under fluid," (in physical elements.) The language of the Herald is given in a condensed form, and the enclosed words are introduced in order to show, that the reasoning breaks down through the admixture of things unphysical and physical. To show that " immerse undergoes no change of meaning," the following extracts from Classic Baptism are made : " ' The Secretary of War is immersed in business ; immersed in traffic; immersed in calculations ; immersed in politics; immersed among worm-eaten folios;' — in these passages the word immerse does not change its meaning. It has reference, in every case, to its settled import. There is a resemblance between the condition of an object placed within or under a fluid, and that of the persons said in the above quotations to be immersed. "Whether the person using the term figura- tively thinks of its tropical " (literal ?) " sense, is of no conse- quence; the analogy is the ground of its use in this applica- tion. Does this figurative use of the word cast any doubt on its meaning " (to put in or under a fluid) ? " 'Not the slightest." The pointblank contradiction in this language is so patent, that it is truly remarkable that it should have escaped the notice of the Herald. We are first told, that "m these pas- sages immerse does not change its meaning," i. e., it retains its literal meaning to put in or under. Next we are told, " it has reference to its settled import." Is a ''reference" to a thing the same as the thing itself? And, again, we are told that there is a " resemblance" between, &g. How does the resemblance of one thing to another thing make it that thing, or is it consistent with being that thing ? In John BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 43 Smith, the son, there may be a "reference" to John Smith, the father, because his name is taken from him. But this does not make John Smith, the son, John Smith, the father. There may be a " resemblance " between these parties, in feature, form, size, gait, character, and yet John Smith, the son, is another person from John Smith, the father. ITow, there^may be a " reference," and a " resemblance," between immerse figurative and immerse literal, and they not be the same thing; but, on the contrary, because there is a " refer- ence," and a " resemblance," their distinct existence and character is proven beyond all controversy. We are farther told, that " it is of no consequence whether the person using the term figuratively thinks of its tropical" (literal) " sense ; the analogy is the ground of its use." But if the literal sense (" tropical," I presume, has slipped in through inadvertence, and would settle the matter by the admission of a " turned " sense) is not in the mind of the speaker or writer, then " the ground of the analogy " has vanished, and the residuum left behind is the new meaning cut loose from its literal relationship. In conformity with this, all writers on figurative language unite in saying, that when the literal use ceases to find any place in the mind, the figurative use has secured a meaning of its own, and thenceforth ceases to be properly designated as figure. Take this illustration : A carpenter in my em- ploy says he has been putting a bonnet over my parlor win- dow. The ground of this use is obvious; but that ground had utterly slipped from out of the mind of this uneducated mechanic, and with him, in carpentry, "bonnet" meant di- rectly, and of its own proper force, a wooden covering to protect a window from sun and rain. But the Herald thinks that shame is cast on this doctrine, by every child who knows that immerse has but one literal meaning, and that no sophistry can blind his understanding. Let us experiment with this child. A parent says to him, " My child, you are entering upon your education, and I wish you to be immersed in your books." On going, sub- sequently, to this student's room, and calling for him, he is 44 JUDAIC BAPTISM. answered from " in and under" spelling books, geographies, grammars, dictionaries, and systems of rhetoric, logic, and philosophy, " Here I am, father." On being asked what he is doing there, he replies, from out of his in-under immer- sion, " You wished me to be 'immersed in my books,' and here I am in under the pile." " But, my child, do you not know that 'immersed in books' means to be thoroughly en- gaged in their study?" "Oh no, sir! Every child knows that immerse means ^^w^ in, under, and nothing else; for I read it in the Herald, and ' no sophistry can blind my under- standing.' " So much for " child" knowledge. Another test may be applied to the position of the Herald, that immerse, in these relations, undergoes no change of meaning. It is this : the meaning of a word can always be intelligibly substituted, in every use of that word, for the word itself. Apply this test: " immersed \i\=^jput in or under'' business, traffic, calculations, politics, worm-eaten folios, &c., &c. Does it answer ? Is it possible in fact ? Is it conceivable in imagi- nation ? Try the baptisms by the same test : " baptized by = thoroughly subject to the influence of evil, anger, misfortune, wine, taxes, midnight," &c., &c. Could adaptation be more perfect ? In this interpretation the physical investiture is rejected, (as not having the matter of " reference " or " resemblance,") and thorough subjection to influence, which has the needed "re- semblance," and is the effect of such investiture, is taken. To insist that a word, which has been used in one class of relations, and has secured a meaning from use in such relations, must carry that meaning into essentially different relations, and maintain it there unchanged by new influences, is to war against the philosophy of language, against facts in every department of the physical, intellectual, moral, and social world, and is, on its face, absurd. A hundred stones thrown together make, in such relation, a pile. The same stones laid in consecutive order make, in such relation, a line. When builded together in a half circle they make, in such relation, an arch. BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 45 The digits, without relation to each other, have an in- dependent value, which value is immediately changed on entering into arithmetical relations. A cipher, which is a nothing, independently, becomes of prodigious value on en- tering into such relations. It converts a unit (1) into a mil- lion (1,000,000). So, by the unity of relationship established by such bonds as these— (3+3) =6; (3— 3) = 0; (3x3)=9; (3-4-3)=:l — the same characters, which have a settled inde- pendent value, become utterly and diversely changed. In like manner, every vowel, which has an independent value, has that value changed by entering into relation with other letters, as mar, map, man, mate, &c. So, letters, forming words expressive of thought, by a change of relation among themselves, change entirely the thought, e. g., the same let- ters which, in a certain relation, express time, in another re- lation express emit, and in another item, and in another mite, and in another I met, and in yet another me it. A simple change of relation produces all these changes of thought. The same is true in the relation of words. Some of these relations are of simple order, as " he is here," or " here he is," without change of thought; some involve a change in grammatical construction, as " the boy ate the pig," and " the pig ate the boy;" some relations of words are organic, and the several words cannot be interpreted, except in their organic relations to each other, without destroying the life, which is the result of the union. If a child asks, What is light ? and is pointed to the rain- bow and told, " Light is red, and orange, and yellow, and green, and blue, and indigo, and violet," has he received a truthful answer ? J^o. Light is neither red, nor orange, nor yellow, nor green, nor blue, nor indigo, nor violet; nor is it red, and orange, and yellow, and green, and blue, and indigo, and violet; but it is a new result from the interac- tion of these colors when placed in certain relations to each other; each communicating and receiving a modifying in- fluence. So it is with words in organic thought-relations. Independent life is sacrificed to a new organic life. ' In the words — "the entire crew were baptized" — there is 46 JUDAIC BAPTISM. no definite, common thought-life. Phraseological combina- tions of words must not be interpreted disjunctly, but con- junctly. You may galvanize the article and adjective, noun and verb, and you will get no answer. They are dead as to all power to utter any complete thought. It is only the man who knows what " sod" means, because he has " dug sods many a time," that will think otherwise. The sentence must be vitalized by union with an adjunct to the verb. If that adjunct should be — hy a destructive iemjyesi, then we will have a fearful life imparted to the words. If it should be — bi/ ex- cessive ivine-driiiJdng, then we should have a very shameful life communicated to them. But whether fearful or shame- ful, "baptized" cannot be interpreted disjunctly, but must retain its organic union with and receive its life from its adjunct, unless we would stumble over " Jacob sod pottage," or " hinder the resurrection." The Herald will, I trust, perceive that the condemnatory ad hominem, drawn from the representation made by Classic Baptism of baptize and immerse, has not hurt, and I am sure its esteemed editors will accept the rebounding blow in all good nature. 3. The argumenium ad absurdum. — The ad absurdum part of the review relates to "the conclusion." It belongs to the same class with the Lowell machinery and whetstone. To these are, however, added "birth" and "a dose of ipecac;" there is not added a big jnnch of snuff, nor stuwiring a sore toe. Enough has been said of this " absurdity," (mine or theirs,) and I add no more. I must notice, however, one remarkable error in this con- nection. It is the idea that literal baptisms are limited to those mentioned on page 235, and are " without influence." The literal baptisms extend through the fifty following pages, aud these are all with influence. On this error is based the more important one, " We suppose the author ascribes the power of 'thoroughly changing the character, state, or con- dition of an object,' not to literal, but to figurative baptism." This is very far from being the case. The conclusion era- BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 47 braces both the acts of literal baptism and the influences of figurative baptism. All literal, primary baptisms change the condition of their objects by placing them in a condition of intusposition. Of these baptisms there are two classes : (1.) Such as are not influenced by their intusposition, as a rock. (2.) Such as, in addition to simple intusposition, also, receive influence therefrom, as a sponge, &c. It is on this latter class of literal baptisms, and, specifically, on the thorough influence proceeding from them, that bap- tisms of thorough change of condition efifected by influence without intusposition, are grounded. Slips like this, though on a large scale, are readily ac- counted for by the weekly recurring editorial baptism. 4. Concessions. — 1. '■^ It is conceded that, if 'a state of puri- fication' is baptism, then it is baptism whether induced by sprinkling, magnetism, fire, or anything else. But if it be so, it does not follow that sprinkling is baptism. Baptism, in the case supposed, denotes the effect of sprinkling and not the sprinkling itself." All of which is most orthodox and quite to the purpose. 2. " It is conceded that, figuratively, baptism was employed by Greek authors to denote any strong controlling influence by which an object was mersed or whelmed ; or in which there was a resemblance between the object under such in- fluence and an object baptized, mersed, intusposed. It does not follow, that because an object under a controlling, trans- forming, overwhelming influence is said to be baptized, that every influence that changes ' character, state, or condition,' baptizes it." Thank you kindly for this truly welcome aid and comfort. To what class of influences does the "emetic" belong? 3. "ii! is conceded that the Greeks called drunkenness bap- tism; and in this baptism there was no envelopment. An intoxicated man was baptized by wine. It was not the drinking of wine, nor the operation of it, but the condition — the intoxication resulting from its use — that was called the baptism." 48 JUDAIC BAPTISM. If the author of Classic Baptism be not content with these sweeping concessions, he must be one of the hardest of men to please. They cover, directly or indirectly, all that Classic Baptism was written to establish, and the Baptist theory is, by them, numbered among the things that were. The Herald concludes, " We can only promise, that should life, strength, and opportunity be allowed us, and should we be able to procure the forthcoming volumes, we will give them a candid notice. Here, for the present, we take re- spectful leave of Mr. Dale." THE BAPTIST QUARTERLY. The Baptist Quarterly for April, 1869, contains an article (27 pp.) entitled "Dale's Classic Baptism. By Prof. A. C. Kendrick, D.D., Rochester, New York." There may be some who would wish to know what would be said from such a quarter. A theological seminary and its professorate, are naturally suggestive of a pure and loving atmosphere, while a Quarterly lifts up the thoughts to what is weighty with truth and dignified in bearing. How the practical outworking of things harmonizes with their popu- lar estimation, may be learned from the following QUOTATIONS. " Philological thimble-rigging, tricks of legerdemain, dex- terous, or would-be dexterous manipulation, — of these feats of petty sleight of hand Mr. Dale's book is full ; an elaborate and persistent efibrt to trick jSaTtTi^oj out of its honest mean- ing. — "Without learning, without philosophy, and without can- dor. — As ignorant as if he lived in another planet. — ^Either ignorance scarcely less than disgraceful, or something less complimentary. — The slenderest acquaintance with critics and commentators. — As barren verbal criticism as it was ever our misfortune to read, or any sensible man to write. — Such pitiful drivel, and the book is plethoric with it. — Phastasma- goria of contradictions. — Strange compound of folly and ir- reverence. — Incredible puerility. — Is there another living man out of the idiot's asylum. — Impertinent and insulting. — BAPTIST CKITICISMS OP CLASSIC BAPTISM. 49 Spare his scoffings. — Has not taken a single honest step. — Largely false and scientifically worthless. — Pure superfluity and grand impertinence. — Humanity has stood him instead of knowledge. — Sense or nonsense. — Verbal manipulations. — Skilful avoidance of correctness, elegance, and sense. — By such a one as Mr. Dale. — Descend a great many degrees before getting near the level of the expounder of Classic Baptism. — A man who has neither taste nor scholarship. — Dreary and barren criticism. — His feeble ridicule recoils on the captious critic. — Monstrous doctrine. — An absurdity too great to need a moment's argumentation. — Uniform render- ing intentionally false, or intentionally unmeaning. — The doctrine is unphilosophical and false. — A spirit of narrow and bitter partisanship. — A scholarly attitude is apparently beyond the conception of Mr. Dale. — His book one half false, one half irrelevant. — Partly false and partly nonsense. — With his accustomed insolence." It is not necessary to eat an entire joint of meat to learn whether it is tainted or not. These morceaux are enough to test the quality of this "joint." Boiled down they leave this twofold residuum : 1. Mr. Dale is a fool. 2. His book is a lie. QUOTATIONS IN ANOTHER DIRECTION. "l^obody doubts that ^dnru) may mean to dip. BanriCio be- came naturally applied ordinarily to immersions of a more formal and longer character, while ^dnTU} ordinarily denoted the lighter and the shorter. — Thus arose the distinction sug- gested by Dr. Dagg, giving a partial foundation for the dogma of Mr. Dale. — "We repeat, none will deny the partial truth of Mr. Dale's distinction. — The submersion of wine (710 matter how, by pouring, if Mr. Dale pleases) in sea-water. — It is not a dipping that our Lord instituted. — He did not command to put people into the water and take them out again, but to put them under the water. "We repeat, with emphasis, for the consideration of our Baptist brethren : Christian bap- tism is no mere literal and senseless " dipping," assuring the 4 oO JUDAIC BAPTISM. frighteiied candidate of a safe exit from the water. — Grant- ing that ^dr.rat always engages to take its subject out of the water (which we do not believe) and that ISanziCu* never does engage to take its subject out of the water, (which we readily admit.) — We let /Sarrr^T"' take us into the water, and can trust to men's instinctive love of life, their common sense, their power of volition and normal muscular action, to bring them safely out. — The law of God in Revelation sends the Baptist down into the waters of immersion; when it is accomplished, the equally imperative law of God in nature brings him safely out." Subjecting these passages to a sublimation we get this result : 1. " There is an annoying streak of truth (got in there, somehow, by the help of the devil, or of Dr. Dagg), running through 'that lie.' " 2. " Make all haste to square up your notions of baptism by this streak of truth. Baptist brethren ! I warn you, once and again, that you must get rid of di2?. Dip puts into the water and takes out; baptize never takes out of the water what it onc^ 'puts in. Abandon dipping and go down under the water, trusting to 'nature and muscle' to bring you out. Then, when ' this fool ' comes along with his thunder we will be ready for him." One of my theological professors, with whom a universal courtesy was as the breath of his life, once said to me: " If the devil were to pass me and salute me courteously, I would courteously return the salute." He did not say, that if the devil came with horns down, and tail up, and hoof stamping, and breath sulphurous, that he would have any salutation for him. I suppose he would get out of his way. I do not know that I can do better than to follow his example. I have, therefore, no salutation for the " Professor of the Bap- tist Theological Seminary, of Rochester, Il^ew York," (not even "a railing accusation,") but proceed to get out of his way. BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 51 Having, therefore, no further need for this double distil- lation of "Dale's Classic Baptism, by A. C. Kendrick, D.D., Professor of Greek, Baptist Theological Seminary, Roches- ter, 'New York, — Philadelphia, American Baptist Publica- tion Society, 530 Arch Street," I make it over, all and par- ticular, to whom it may concern, not forgetting, in especial, "his accustomed insolence." CRITICISMS FOUNDED IN MISCONCEPTION. Any one who will look through the criticisms now pre- sented, will perceive, that, so far as they relate to any mate- rial point, they are directed not against the positions of Classic Baptism, but against something else widely difierent from them. There are controversial artifices for converting granite ob- stacles into straw figments; but I do not believe that they have been used in this case. N^or will I say, that the miscon- ception is due wholly to others, and in no wise to myself; but to Avhomsoever it may belong, it is desirable that all ground for its continuance should, if possible, be removed. Let me, then, advert to the more important points, and indicate their true import. 1. It is objected, that ^oKTiZm is made to express condition only, all act being eliminated. The true position as taken is, the word expresses condition of intusposition, involving some act adequate for its accom- plishment, but not expressing or requiring any particular form of act. And in this there is no singularity. It is com- mon to all words of the same class. 2. It is objected, that one word has been used to translate BaizriZio throughout, and therefore, it must have one meaning. The truth is, that one word is used in all cases where the one Greek word is used, not as its translation, but as its rep- resentative. It being distinctly stated, that neither this word (merse), nor any other word in the English language, can, in one meaning, translate the Greek word ; that this will be manifest to every reader, who will, therefore, be required to modify th e meaning of this one word to meet the exigency 52 JUDAIC BAPTISM. of the passage, and so, be made to feel that the one Greek word has, in usage, undergone a correspondent change. It was farther stated, that the unusual word " merse" was taken, because it would be more readily susceptible of such modi- fications than any word already familiar in a fixed meaning. (See pp. 129-134, C. B.) 3. It is objected, that Classic Baptism disregards the gene- rally received interpretation of language, by assigning a di- rect meaning to phraseology, which should be understood figuratively. The objection is groundless. There is no departure from the principles laid down by accredited writers on figurative language. Metaphorical language is as truly subject to laws and interpretation as is literal language. It has, also, a meaning as distinct, and as susceptible of development, as language used in physical relations. In a metaphor there is an untruth stated according to a purely disjunct verbal interpretation. But this mode of in- terpretation is as false as is the conception deduced by its operation. *' Achilles is a lion," is an untrue statement only under an erroneous interpretation. Every metaphor is self- corrective in its terms. Achilles and lion qualify each other. In their relation as the utterance of a sane man to sane men, they say, — The meaning is not that a man is a wild beast; but that there is something in this peerless warrior, which resembles something in this king of the forest ; which thing you are to find out and receive as the meaning designed to be conveyed by this language. In the metaphor, ^' Great Britain has a watery bulwark ; " there is an inconsistency between "water" and " bulwark" interpreted independently; but qualified by their relation to Great Britain in its island character, the upraised stone or earth disappears from bul- wark, and the residual idea of lyrotection remains, and assim- ilates with flowing water. And the meaning of the phrase is, and is nothing else, than that Great Britain has a protection in its surrounding seas.. In such language the mind finds pleasure in the boldness of the statement, in being aroused to consider and deduce BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 53 the truth designed, latent amid incongruities, in its dis- covery of that sought for, and with its adaptation to the end required. There is a conundrum character belonging to the metaphor, which the hearer or reader is called upon to solve. It may be put in this form : " Why is Achilles like a lion ? " " Why may Great Britain be said to have a watery bulwark ? " " Why is the London Times the thunderer ? " But as every conundrum has a definite solution which is its meaning, so, every metaphor has its solution and definite meaning, which cannot be allowed to evaporate in undefined shadow, or to speak erroneously under a mistaken interpretation. Every metaphor presents to us terms between which there are many incongruities, and one (at least) point of resemblance. The incongruities are to be thrown aside as nothing to the pur- pose ; and the resemblance, alone, to be taken as the residual grain of gold required. Classic Baptism (pp. 294, 299), refers to the following cases of baptism : " Cnemon, perceiving that he was deeply grieved and baptized by the calamity, and fearing lest he may do himself some injury, removes the sword privately." "The relation of your wanderings, often postponed, as you know, because the casualties still baptized you, you could not keep for a better time than the present." The objectors say, that these baptisms must be interpreted as figure. Well, Classic Baptism does not say, that they may not be so interpreted, in a common sense way. Its denial is, that any sound interpretation will put these parties under water in fact or in figure. It does not deny, that the true meaning of the passage may be reached by tracing a resemblance in some respect, between the condition, of an object induced by a state of mersion, and the condition of these persons induced by calamity and casualty. But in any interpretation, it must be noted at the outset, that these baptized conditions were not transient, but pro- tracted through days, weeks, or months. This settles the matter as to these living men being regarded as being, through these periods, under water, oil, milk, blood, or marsh- 64 JUDAIC BAPTISM. mud. The resemblance is between something in their con- dition not thus covered, and something in the condition of an object which is so covered. A farther point settled is, that the resemblance is not to the covered condition of a bap- tized object, for there is no such existent condition effected by calamity. The resemblance, then, must be sought in some effect produced by a covered condition, and some effect pro- duced in the condition of one affected by calamity. l!^ow, the specific effects of a covered condition in water, oil, milk, blood, marsh-mud, &c., are various; and as the metaphorical condition is one, the resemblance cannot be to all. It is just as clear, that the reference cannot be to any specific influence ; because there is no reference to one more than to another. E^either can the resemblance be to that effect which is common to them all, namely, the suffocation of a human being by protracted mersion ; for there is no cor- responding suffocation to which such effect should be like. There is but one other point in which fluids, semi-fluids, and readily penetrable substances, unite in common effect upon enclosed objects, and that is a controlling influence stripped of specialty. Such an efi'ect finds its correspond- ence in the completest manner in both parties spoken of by Heliodorus. They have long been in a condition induced by the complete influence of " calamity" and " casualty." And baptize is not only not used to express a covered condition, real or imaginary, on the part of these sufferers, but it is not used to express the covered condition of the object; the sentiment of the metaphor has nothing to do with covering, but with the effect resulting from such covering. Thus, if this phraseology be treated as designed figure, we are compelled to cast away everything but controlling influ- ence. "Whether it ought to be so treated, or whether it should be interpreted as directly expressive of influence, is another question. Some might choose to interpret as metaphor the state- ments, "A people enlightened by education are capable of self- government," ^'' Established in rectitude by Christianity, they BAPTIST CRITICISMS OF CLASSIC BAPTISM. 5d live in peace." But, I presume, there are not many who would quarrel with those who should prefer to say, metaphor has vanished from such language ; and it conveys its senti- ment not through a resemblance to sunlight, or a building founded on a rock, but makes direct announcement of the influences of education and Christianity. There is no more ground for complaint, when it is de- clared, "baptized by calamity," and "by casualty," &c. &c., express directly, and not merely through resemblance, their legitimate influence. These Avere every-day expressions among the Greeks, and we must remember, " There is very little, comparatively, of energy produced by any metaphor that is in common use, and already familiar to the hearer. Indeed, what were origi- nally the boldest metaphors, are become, by long use, virtu- ally, proper terms." (Whately, Rhetoric, p. 195.) "And as to ordinary metaphors, and which are commonly very numer- ous in every tongue, the metaphorical meaning comes to be as really ascertained by custom in the particular language, as the original, or what is called the literal, meaning of the word." ' ' They have nothing of the effect of metaphor upon the hearer. On the contrary, they suggest, like proper terms, directly to the mind, without the intervention of any image, the ideas which the speaker intended to convey by them." " The invariable effect of very frequent use being to convert the metaphorical into a proper meaning." (Campbell, Philosophy of Ehetoric, pp. 344, 348.) Campbell farther states, (p. 346,) "It is very remarkable, that the usages in different languages differ, insomuch that the same trope will suggest opposite ideas in different tongues." [N'ow, both the verbal form and thought of the metaphor under consideration diflers in the Greek and English languages. "Immersed m calamity" makes calamity the element and inn ess the basis of the thought; but "baptized 6?/ calamity," makes calamity the agency and controlling power the basis of the sentiment. Inness is neither expressed nor necessarily implied. "Bap- tized in a storm" denotes destruction ^ouw, like our word bathe, applied to animal bodies only." This position, having been refuted by an amount of evidence which could not be gainsayed, was with- drawn, and this new position taken, — " But none of the ex- amples prove that the thing so washed was not covered with the water; this is all we want." Everything cannot be disproved at once. And when Bap- tist writers flee from their present falling house, to some other refuge, and cry, " But you have not shaken down this," we can only answer, Get fixed in your new quarters and wait your turn. 120 JUDAIC BAPTISM. This Greek verb Carson has translated, in the same pas- sage, dlj)^ and bathe, and wash, and immerse, and now exults in there being, at all events, " a covering with water, which is all we want." This position must take its turn, and bide the decision of a court of last resort. The challenge thrown out is this: "All cases of bathing described by this word (AoDw) among Greeks and Scythians, Egyptians and Indians, were cases of bathing by immer- sion." In testing the defensive merits of this new position, we present, first, the following extract from Professor Wilson, occupying the Chair of Biblical Literature, Belfast, Ireland, contained in his work on Baptism (pp. 156-168): "In the age of Homer, the vessel for bathing went by the name of aaaixivOoq, and among Greeks, of a somewhat later age, it was called TiOs^oq. Dr. W. Smith, in his Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, in the article on Baths, presents us with the following clear and important statement respecting the mode of using the aaaim^oq ; 'It would appear, from the de- scription of the bath administered to Ulysses in the palace of Circe, that this vessel did not contain water itself, but was only used for the bather to sit in while the Avarni loater was poured over him, which was heated in a large caldron or tripod, under which the fire was placed, and when sufficiently warmed was taken out in other vessels, and poured over the head and shoulders of the person who sat in the aVa/ztV^oc.' From this pregnant instance the advocate for dipping may learn an instructive lesson. It is no proof of immersion, that a party is represented as going into the bath, and coming out of the bath. " In the case of Ulysses, the descent and the ascent are both distinctly recorded; while the author expressly informs us, that the ablution was performed by p)Ouring or affusion, and not by immersion. This testimony must tell on every dis- cerning mind. Dr. Smith farther says : ' On ancient vases, on which persons are represented bathing, we never find any- thing corresponding to a modern bath, in which persons can stand or sit; but there is always a round or oval basin, resting on BAPTISM FROM THE DEAD. 121 a stand, by the side of which those who are bathing are rep- resented standing undressed, and washing themselves.' "This was one of the ordinary pubhc baths of Greece. Where is the ' immersion ?' These basins were called Xounjpsq, as also similar basins at the porticos of Christian churches, in the earlier centuries, for washing the hands. " It is not, then, a matter of fact, though Dr. Carson has stated it in strong and unequivocal terms, ' that immersion is almost always the way of bathing.' It may be so in our own age and country, and if this furnished the standard of comparison, no doubt his cause would be triumphant. But, in regard to the baths of the ancient Greeks, his statement utterly fails, and, failing in that quarter, it is nothing to his purpose. " The common practice of Greece is incidentally, but very strikingly, referred to by Plutarch, in his Ethical Treatise against Colotes. After stating that you may see some per- sons using the warm-bath, others the cold, he adds: 'Ot /xiv yap (pu^pdv 6i dk 6ep/j.ov iTTc^dXkecv xeXsuouai ; ' For some give Orders to apply it cold, others hot.' The force oi iTzifidkhiv strongly corroborates the views which we advocate, and indeed con- stitutes an independent attestation. The value of this testi- mony is greatly enhanced by its exact correspondence with the representations on the Greek vases. The ordinary sys- tem of bathing in ancient Greece knew no immersion, and em- braced no covering of the body with water. "Among th'e paintings in an ancient tomb at Thebes is one containing a representation of a lady enjoying the luxury of a bath, and attended by four domestic servants. This pre- cious relic of former art is thus described by Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson, in his elaborate work on The Manners and Cus- toms of the Ancient Egyptians, iii, 338 : ' One attendant re- moves the jewelry and clothes she has taken off", or suspends them to a stand in the apartment; another /^oztrs water from a vase over her head, as the third rubs her arms and body with her open hands; and a fourth, seated near her, holds a sweet- scented flower to her nose, and supports her as she sits (on a carpet or mat).' 122 JUDAIC BAPTISM. " ' The same subject,' Wilkinson adds, ' is treated nearly in the same manner, on some of the Greek vases, the water being poured over the bather, who kneels or is seated on the ground.' The mode of bathing in Egypt is thus identified with that of ancient Greece. This course of research will convince those who prosecute it, that their understandings are trifled with, and that speech is abused, when pouring water on the bather, the mode practised in the public baths of Greece, is referred to merely as a possible way of bathing." How evidently and how fatally these facts penetrate the centre of the " new position " needs no supplementary words to indicate. The evidence, however, might be much ex- tended, did it not seem like inviting the remark, — "And thrice he slew the slain." Still, one more fact, developing, in the most unmistakable and instructive manner, the mode of bathing by a people widely separated, geographically, from those hitherto spoken of, may be adduced. Facts, like diamond points, will make their mark when all else fails. Dr. Carson refers to the bathing of the East Indians as sup- porting an "immersion" bath. The following statement of fact by the Rev. Mr. Lowenthal, missionary in India, is con- clusive, in more than one direction, against unqualified as- sertions based on absolute assumptions. This missionary (eminent for talent, learning, and devotion, murdered at his post) says, — "The Hindoos use a small urn, called lota, with which they bathe at the river, pouring water over the body." How often have we been told, that when a man " goes to a river," to bathe or to baptize, idiocy only could deny that he must go for an " immersion." And yet here is the prac- tice of a people (appealed to for the purpose of sustaining an immersion bath) who do not only bathe by " pouring water over the body," like Greeks and Egyptians, but who '^ go to the river" for this purpose, taking up the water by means of a " small urn." Assertions and assumptions should have a very small place in controversial writings. Having no knowl- edge of the Sanscrit, I rely upon others, when I say, Allava, in that language, means to bathe, to wash. Lota, the vessel used in bathing, would seem to stand in the same relation BAPTISM FROM THE DEAD. 123 to allava as ^ourijp to ^ouw, and" laver to lave (lavo); and that lota, kouryjp^ and laver were vessels not for bathing in, but for holding the water with which, when poured out or drawn out, the bathing or washing might be effected. The Septuagint uses the term Xour-qp for the brazen laver placed in the tabernacle for ritual purification. There was no immersion in this laver. It contained water with which, when drawn out, the hands and feet of the priests were washed ; thus fulfilling the same ofiice as the Xouz^p of the Grecian baths, from which water was taken to be poured over the bathers, as also that of the. "lota" of the Hindoos. The Scripture direction is, — " Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet, with water, out of it" — Ka\ vicpsrai. 'Aapcbv xai ol uloc. abroo i^ abrov ra^ ^sTpaq, xal roibq izodaq udart. (Exod. 30 : 19.) I add but one more fact on this subject of Indian bath- ing. The Rev. Charles Stewart, chaplain U. S. l!T., (who was on board the man-of-war appointed to convey back to their country the Japanese ambassadors to the United States gov- ernment,) states, that the mode of bathing by these ambas- sadors, on board the ship, was by having water taken out of a small vessel, and spirted over them by an attendant, while they were seated on the floor. The fixedness of Eastern customs carries these modes of bathing, on the river-bank and in mid-ocean, by "pouring" and by " spirting," far back to the ages of Grecian vases, and Egyptian paintings, and Mosaic institutions. If ever a crushing blow was delivered, such facts go right through the assertion, that ^oucj, lourpov^ washing, bathing, re- quire the " immersion or the complete covering " of the object. Cleansing. — But we may go farther and say, ^oom is used when water is not employed at all, or not employed to effect any physical washing; the effect contemplated being one cleansing in its nature. It is thus used both in the Septuagint aod ]^ew Testament. When Isaiah says, "Wash {kouw) you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings, cease to do evil, learn to do 124 JUDAIC BAPTISM. well," he issues no command for the use of water, much less for its modal use by " immersion, complete covering." He contemplates a result (cleansing), and the mode for its ac- complishment he expressly states, " cease to do evil, learn to do well." If, after being thus cleansed, they should re- turn to their evil-doing, the prophet might well ask, in the language of the Son of Sirach, " Of what profit was your cleansing or ' washing?' " In the I^ew Testament, the redeemed are said to be "washed" [Xovw) by the blood of the crucified Saviour. The only definite mode in which Christ's blood is repre- sented as applied to his people is that of sprmJding, the same as that in which the tj^pical ashes were applied. IsTow, the least particle of these ashes had all the cleansing power be- longing to the entire mass. The same is true of the blood of the slain Lamb. This great truth (antagonistic to the notion of a greater good in quantity) is implied in the mode of use employed — by " sprinkling." Inasmuch as these sprinklings were competent to produce the most absolute cleansing, (ceremonial and typical in the one case, spiritual and real in the other,) there is the most entire propriety in representing such sprinklings as wash- mge=thorough cleansings. And if the sprinkling of the blood of Christ is spoken of as a ''Avashing," why not the typical sprinkling of the ashes, also, be spoken of as a washing (;.ouT/?ai) ? Is it not entirely gratuitous to disconnect this term from the purifying effect of the ashes, in order to bring in a sequent washing, having nothing to do with the distinctive purification of the rite? If loorpat may he applied to the ashes purification, we say it must 7iot be applied to anything else. It is in proof that ^aitzi'^u} refers to the state of purification induced not by water, but by ashes; and this being so, there is a logical necessity that ^ourpuj should refer to the same state of purification. Dr. Carson endeavors to show, that "sprinkling" and " washing," as applied to the blood of Christ, denote two modes of its use; the one for sprinkling, and the other for immersion. But there is no ground whatever, in Scripture, BAPTISM FROM THE DEAD. 125 for the idea that one soul is " immersed" in the blood of the Lamb, much less the universal church of all ages. There are few, outside of the theorists, who will not be intellectu- ally and morally shocked in attempting to give embodiment to such a conception. If it were necessary, under such cir- cumstances, to go to the literal application of the word, Dr. C. and his friends ought to know, right well, that the wash- ing with water of a very limited part of the body was suffi- cient to purify the whole; and that touching with blood the tip of the ear, the thumb, and the toe, had efficacious cleans- ing power extending to the whole body, without " immer- sion" in blood. But it is not necessary to go back to the primary use of the word. In such cases, the idea of cleansing is directly conveyed, without regard to the extent or the manner of application. The efficacy of the blood of Christ depends on neither quan- tity nor mode. And when the terms sprinkle and wash are applied to it, distinction of mode is not to be pressed, but that in which they agree, namely, — power to cleanse. " "Washed by his blood," — " blood of sprinkling," call our attention not to modes of operation, but to efficacious influence. That Xoorpiu maj^ be used, in the passage under considera- tion, as expressive of the result reached by sprinkling^ is made certain by its use, with the purification of Ariantheus, by sprinkling, on his dying-bed, who, thus, was baptized "with the bath, washing, cleansing — Xourpu) — of regeneration." [Basil, iv, 1001.) This death-bed sprinkling, Basil being witness, effected a " washing." The sprinkling of the blood of Christ effects a washing. The sprinkling of heifer ashes effected a washing in precisely the same general sense, — a cleansing from impurity. 'Now, shall we adopt this well-established in- terpretation, meeting all the features of the case, or shall we leave out the sprinkling and the ashes, (the alpha and the omega of the rite,) and introduce " immersion" and "bath- ing," (not a syllable for which can be found in the law,) on the ground that "superstition" may have introduced them (Carson)? Ambrose (ii, 1583) speaks of a washing, cleans- ing, ablution without water, indeed of water itself, — ^^ablutce 126 JUDAIC BAPTISM. per carnem Chrisii." If the " flesh " of Christ can wash, ashes, representing the blood of Christ, can " wash." And this "washing" is .a cleansing from which w^ater has disappeared, not only as to " covering," but in every other form. Syntax. — The syntax of this passage is unusual and claims attention. Any essential change of syntax in the structure of a sentence is admitted to be evidence of some change of thought and of the meaning of words. President Halley, of England, adduces the phrase 6i rr,v Tzopifupav jSanrovTsq — '• those dyeing the purple" — as conclusive evidence of a change of meaning in /Sa-rw. " The syntax is so varied as to make not the thing colored, but the color itself, the object of the verb; the secondary sense has re- nounced all dependence on the primary, and established itself by a new law of syntax, enacted by usage to secure its undisturbed possession." Professor Wilson, of Belfast, after examining and reject- ing the explanations of Gale and Carson on Daniel 4 : 30, ind TYjq dpoaou — ipdcfrj^ " wet from the dew," based on the primary meaning — dip, says: "The construction with d.~b is inexplicable on the principle of a literal, primary interpre- tation. But if the verb, divorced from mode, takes the meaning to wet, then a literal exegesis is both practicable and natural." Professor Stuart, of our country, quotes a similarly con- structed passage from Leviticus 4 : 17, y-a\ ftd£t 6 kpsug rdv ddy.TuHuv d-d zou alimToc, — " Aud the priest shall moisten or smear over his finger from the blood," as indicating, by its change of syntax, a change in the meaning of the verb. Precisely the same syntactical form, as in the last two pas- sages, occurs in the passage under consideration — /Sa/rrj^o/^evo? d-Tzb vey.pob, " being baptized from the dead;" there can be no translation of this passage, as it stands, on the basis of a dip- ping, an immersing, or a covering over ; but if we adopt that meaning which has been shown to be the legitimate produc- tion of the laws of language — to make pure — the translation is direct and facile, '■'■ being purified from a dead bod}^" And just as " dye" and " wet" are the natural advance meanings BAPTISM FROM THE DEAD. 127 of dip, so " to purify " is the natural advance meaning of ^aTzriZm in religious rites. Thus the result of language-development is sustained oy modified form in the relation of words to meet modified meaning of words. When we come to usage like this, we feel the necessity, in writings intended for general circulation, to introduce a second word in translation. The Greeks employed ^dnrco to denote a dipinng, and also the far-oft' idea of a bloodied face. They reached this second meaning legitimately, but our language has not travelled in that direction, certainly not to that point, and probably never will; if, therefore, we wish to translate from the Greek any- thing respecting " a bloodied face," (or " bloodied finger,") we will use some other word than dip. The Greeks also used ^aTtriZu) to express to merse, and also the far-removed idea to make drunk, reached, however, by methods most legitimate ; but we have no such usage, and therefore, to be intelligible, must use a second word. The Jews used /Ja^mtw, like the Greeks, in the sense to merse, and (by a development which the Greeks had not followed out, but on the same principles which they had followed to other issues) they used it to express the idea to make ceremonially pure. We have nothing to do with Jewish or any other ceremonial purity, and have no such nieaniog attached or readily attachable to the word, and, consequently, are under obligation to use another word, or introduce some caveat against misconception. The Jew would have been no less embarrassed, in speaking of the Duke of Wellington and of ISTelson's flag-ship, by the same designation — a'^rjp TzoleiuaTrjq. Having such phrase rigidly fixed to express the warlike char- acter of a David or a Goliah, and having no counterpart to the "Victory" and her thundering cannon, (any more than we have to Jewish defilements and ritual purifications,) they would not be likely to engraft upon their language by a lite- ral translation, "man-of-war" for a fighting-ship, but would give it expression by some word or phrase in harmony with their own use of language. 128 JUDAIC BAPTISM. In Classic Baptism, having represented the one Greek word ^anriZut by the one word vierse^ (indicating, in other ways than by the translation, the difi'erences of meaning, and pointing out their legitimate outgrowth from the radi- cal idea,) I will no longer do violence to our very different language position by retaining always the same verbal form. Feeling justified in believing that proof has been adduced that the Classic Baptism, 'par eminence, was a state of intoxi- cation, and that, by like eminence, a state of ceremonial imriji- caiion was Judaic Baptism, I shall feel at perfect liberty to translate and to speak accordingly. Much attention has been given to this passage because of its importance, both direct and indirect. When it shall have been closely compared with the ritual law; with Josephus, Philo, and Cyril ; with the usage of ^-oocu in the Septuagint and New Testament; with the classical development of ^aTzzi^u)-, and when the absolute use of ^ar.ri^oixv^oi;^ and its peculiar syntax shall have been duly considered; I think that there will be few who will not admit it as proving, that the sprink- ling of heifer ashes reveals the agency and the mode by which this baptism was efiected, and that the resultant condition — ceremonial purification, was Judaic Baptism. Abundant evidence confirmatory of this conclusion will be, hereafter, met with. OLD TESTAMENT BAPTISMS. (129) PATEISTIC INTEEPEETATION OF PASSAGES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, EXPOUNDED AS JUDAIC BAPTISMS AND FIGURES OF CHRISTIAl^r BAPTISM, SHOWiura their conceptioit op B A n T I z n. The passages taken from the Old Testament Scriptures, now about to be examined, do not, of course, exhibit the Greek word in the original (Hebrew) text; nor is this word often found in the Greek (Septuagint) translation. This, however, far from being a disadvantage, is a manifest ad- vantage. The use of a word belonging to one language as the equivalent of a word in another language, or as exposi- tory of an idea resultant from many words, or as declarative of an effect accomplished by an act or combination of acts and influences, all sharply defined and well understood, leaves but little material to be desired for a proper under- standing of such word. The propriety and the value of such usage find their vindi- cation in the employment by the inspired Apostle of ^anriZut to describe the relation established between the Israelites and Moses by the miraculous passage of the Red Sea. In the Hebrew text there is no verbal form which is represented by the Greek — elqrbv Mwffrjv if^aTzriaavzo ; it is no translation, but an independent, authoritative statement or interpretation, which may or may not be found in the narrative by Moses. (131) 132 JUDAIC BAPTISM. But whether in the verbal record as originally made through the Holy Ghost, or not, it was in the transaction. The his- torical narrative of occurring events may be varied, but the events themselves cannot be changed. Paul's statement, if not found among the words of Moses, will be found among the facts of the transaction or their outwrought results. The record by Moses and by Paul has equally the stamp of divine authority. Justly expounded, the different forms of phraseology will give welcome and valuable aid in reaching the meaning of words, and a fuller understanding of the transaction. When Patristic writers, not professing to trans- late the Hebrew text, but to expound the nature of minutely described rites, or the results of historically detailed transac- tions, pronouDce them baptisms, their statement has no divine authority, as has Paul's, but it has the highest human au- thority. These writers had, unquestionably, a perfect knowledge of the Greek word, as classically used, as also of its capabili- ties for development, and the laws of the Greek language, under which such development should be made. Their au- thority for the use of a Greek word is as unimpeachable as is that of Homer or of Xenophon, so far as meaning and fitness of application are concerned. The exposition of the Old Testament, in reference to bap- tism by Patrists, must be made from their own standpoint, as to the nature of Christian and Judaic Baptism ; and, in interpreting their interpretation, we must occupy the same position. They may err in their understanding of the nature of these baptisms, but they cannot err in their understanding of the nature, abstractly, of a baptism. When they say that the nature or value, intrinsic or rela- tive, of Judaic Baptism, of John's Baptism, of Christian Baptism, was this or that, they may be right or wrong, and are subject to peremptory challenge; but when they say that a certain rite, by means of a drop of water falling from the finger's tip, effects a baptism; or, that the act by which the hand of the priest is laid upon the head, effects a baptism; or, that influe'ice, proceeding from any source, without con- FIGURES OP CHRISTIAN BAPTISM. 133 tact, effects a baptism, they are beyond impeacbment from us. They are arbiters, without appeal, as to the capability of the word for such usage. Such use, is, in itself, a final decree in the case. Again, when these writers declare of certain transactions, that they are "figures" of baptism, we are at liberty to ques- tion whether there was any such " figure " designed by the inspired writer; or we may question the soundness of judg- ment which finds such figure ; or we may challenge on the ground of the abstract merits of the case; but it is beyond our province to raise a question as to the existence of resem- blance to baptism, as it has become concrete in the minds of these writers. Whenever they put their finger upon a fact, or indicate a conception, and say " that resembles baptism," we have nothing to do but to accept such fact or conception as an image in the glass shadowing forth the reality in their minds. The great value of these "figures" and "images" is that they are fixed quantities, not like the ever-varying "figures" — trope, and metaphor, and hyperbole, and cata- chresis, and metonomy, and synecdoche — which wait, as an ever-ready band of servitors, upon the theory; nor like the pictures of "pools, and floods, and torrents," into which debt- ors and tax-payers are dipped, or by which ships and cities are whelmed. Such things may give exercise to the imagi- nation, but will furnish very little satisfaction to thoughtful men, as introduced into this subject by Baptist writers. If, in the examination of the many and varied appeals to "figure," by Patristic writers, we do not find one instance of " a dipping," one instance of "a torrent," one instance of " a covering over," as exhibiting a resemblance to baptism, but, on the contrary, find constant reference to resemblances in things which are as far removed from dippings, whelmings, coverings, as is the east removed from the west, what must we conclude to be the Patristic estimation of the theory which makes baptism " a dipping, and nothing but a dip- ping, through all Grreek literature ?" If there were no other ruinous evidence against the dip- ping theory than that furnished by these Old Testament 134 JUDAIC BAPTISM. baptisms and figures of baptism, brought to view by Patris- tic writers, this alone would be sufficient to insure its death and burial, without hope of resurrection. Let us now look at some of them. BAPTISM OF THE WATEES BY QUALITY IMPARTED. Genesis 1 : 2. " And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Baytism of the Waters by the Spirit of God. " Sed ea satis prsecerpsisse, in quibus et ratio Baptismi recog- noscitur prima ilia, qua jam tunc etiam ijDso habitu prsenotabatur ad Baptismi figuram, Dei Spiritum, qui ab initio superveetabatur super aquas, intinctos reformaturum. Sanctum autem utique super sanctum ferebatur; aut ab eo quod superferebatur, id quod ferebat, sancitatem mutuabatur. Quoniam subjecta quseque ma- teria, ejus quse desuper imminet, qualitatem rapiat necesse est, maxime corporalis spiritalem, et jDcnetrare et insidere facilem per substantise suse subtilitatem. Ita de sancto sanctificatae na- tura aquarum, et ipsse sanctificare concepit." "But it is siifficient to have premised these things, Tvhereby also may be recognized that prime nature of baptism, by which, even then, by its very dress, was foreshown by a figure of bap- tism, that the Spirit of God, which from the beginning was upborne above the waters, would transform the imbued. But, indeed, the holy was borne above the holy, or that which bore received sanctity from that upborne. Since whatever substance is beneath, receives, of necessity, character from that which rests above, especially is a physical substance pervaded hy a spiritual, through the subtlety of its nature. So the nature of the waters was sanctified by the Holy, and itself received the power to sanctify." — Tertullian, i, 1203. Didymus Alexandrinus (692), speaks of this passage in terms so closely resembling those of Tertullian, that they almost ap- pear to be a translation. ^H ddiaipsTO^ y.al app-qroe; Tpta^^ upoopwaa k^ aUhvoc; rod dyOpcuncvoo ftioo ra oXiffdrjpd, uparu) Tzapayayeiv ix prj ovrcuv zr^v vypav obaiav^ Tjvrpintasv BAPTISM OF THE WATERS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD. 135 dvffpconoig TTjv iv ToTg udacrtv cafftv. Totydprot ttj iauroo h-icpopa rb Syiov Uveufxa kx tots dyidffav aorct, xdl ^ojoyovov drzoTeXiffav (paivzTat. UavrX ■fd.p TzpodrjXov biidp^ei^ dx; xai Td vnepxsi/isvov fai VTzepxetp-ivo) rij? olxeiaq fi£Tadtd(offcv, IV' ouTwq eiTto), tzocottjto^, xai Tzaaa v-Koxetixivq uXrj, TT^q too inusifiivoo fot so much a deluge, as a baptism, occurred. Baptism it clearly was, because, with sinners, iniquity was taken away; with ISToah, righteousness was preserved." — iv, 650. *< 'The Lord inhaUteth the flood.'' (Ps. 28 : 10.) A flood is an over- flow of water, covering all that is under it, and purifying every defilement. Therefore he calls the grace of baptism a flood; so that the soul washed from sin, and cleansed from the old man, may be, afterwards, a fit habitation of God, by his Spirit." — Basil, i, 304. " The deluge foretold the purification of sins." — Bidy. Al., 696. MUCH WATER AND THE THEORY. Here is an abundance of water. What will the friends of the theory do with it ? There is " a complete covering." Will that answer the purpose? Dr. Carson thinks that he can get a dipping out of this deluge, by the help oi figure. But, observe, his figure is a very different affair from that of Patrist exposition. They make one baptism, by its essen- tial nature, to figure another baptism to which it is generic- 150 JUDAIC BAPTISM. ally related; but Carson calls on figure to help him make a baptism. As the facts of the deluge stand, outtopping the highest mountains by fifteen cubits, there is no dipping, and therefore (according to the theory) no baptism, for "baptism is dipping, and dipping is baptism." Kow, Carson calls on figure to help him to change the facts, and claims a transac- tion — whose record contradicts his theory — as all on his side, after it has been made something else than it is. This ever recurring demand on figure to help a false theory out of trouble, reminds us of the constant necessity of the old astronomers to add cycle and epicycle to work on with their mistaken conception. There is difterence, however, in the two cases; the astronomer hung appendages to his theory, to meet the facts, while the Baptist hangs append- ages to the facts, to meet his theory. This flood of waters, covering its object for a large portion of a year, lends but little comfort to those who accept some modification of the action, yet insist on a momentary cover- ing. The subject of baptism can no more be mastered with "momentary covering" for a starting-point, than can un- shorn Samson be bound with seven green withes. Baptist argumentation is not susceptible of being amended. It must go back and start, ah initio^ with a new element of thought, and follow it through its developments. Old facts will, then, assume new aspects, and this deluge baptism will be quite intelligible. Figure and epicycle, alike, may be thrown aside when the true central thought has been secured. Besides the dipping of the world into the flood, by the help of figure, Carson speaks, repeatedly, throughout his book, of the baptism of ISToah in the fiood. This is his language: "What! ISToah not immersed, when buried in the waters of the flood ? Are there no bounds to perverse- ness? Will men say everything rather than admit the mode of an ordinance of Christ, which is contrary to the command- ments of men?" (p. 388.) "What could be a more expres- sive burial in water than to be in the ark, when it was floating? As well might it be said that a person is not buried in earth, when lying in his coffin covered with earth. MUCH WATER A WD THE THEORY. 151 May not a person in a ship be said figuratively to be buried in the sea? They who were in the ark were deeply im- mersed." (p. 418.) " Noah and his family were saved by being buried in the water of the flood; and after the flood they emerged as rising from the grave." (p. 462.) Will any one expect a sober answer to erratic imaginings like these? The expositor who is willing to follow a rigid theory to issues like these, and indorse to bankruptcy its demands on common sense, must look for the issuing, at the next session of the court, of a writ de lunaiico inquirendo. "Much theory doth make thee mad," honest though not courteous, truth-loving though not sober-minded, Carson! It is a reproach to truth to admit the claims of so poor a counterfeit, even to a hearing. "IToah and his family" (beasts, birds, and creeping things,) "buried in the flood and emerging" (on the summit of Ararat) "as from the grave!" What next? SPECIAL VALUE. There is an especial value in this case of Deluge Baptism as enabling us to point out, within itself, some of the "many kinds of baptisms." 1. If we regard the earth merely as a physical body and the water as encompassing it, we have an illustration of a simple mersion (baptism) icithout influence. 2. If we regard the earth as having cultivated fields, houses, cities, works of art, then this universal deluge becomes a mersion (baptism) with influence, ruinous in its character. 3. If we take into view men, inhabiting the world and nnrepenting sinners against God, for whose punishment this flood of waters was sent, then, it becomes a mersion (bap- tism) /or influence, designed to destroy — to drown men. 4. But neither of these is the baptism contemplated, and drawn out from the case, by the Patrists. They regarded the earth as defiled and needing to be purified — O aqua, quse humano aspersum sanguine, ut prsesentium lavacrorum figura prsecederet, orbem terrarum lavisti ! [Ambrose, ii, 1815.) The world is here represented as polluted by murder, 152 JUDAIC BAPTISM. being "sprinkled with human blood," and as cleansed by being " washed " bj the deluge waters. This, then, was con- ceived of, not as a physical mersion, but as a baptism for religious purification, accomplished by water through its quality, divinely communicated, to purge and sanctify. But it may be asked. Was not the water, in fact, used in the form of mersion ? Undoubtedly, yet not as a necessity, but accident, which may or may not be in such baptism. Cloth dyed (^fid-ziu) may be dyed by dipping {pd-rm) : yet "dip- ping" is not an essential to " dyeing," but an accident which may or may not be present. In a baptism for pwijication, mersion, in like manner, may or may not be present. And whenever present it is not to be regarded as a feature, much less the feature of the baptism; any more than dipping, when it chances to be the form, is to be regarded as the dyeing. Proof of this may be found in a perfectly analogous case from Chrysosiom, ii, 409. ''ETZs.idij Tzaaa rj yr/ xo-s. d/Adapro'z ^v and rod xaTzvou, xai t^? xvi aijiari. — " and they Stained the COat (Joseph's) with the blood." Our Version is, " they dipped the coat in the blood." Whichever translation be preferred, two things are certain : 1. The Greek translators believed that the Hebrew word had more than one meaning. 2. The object of the verb is not necessarily covered by the action of the verb, and therefore no immersion, no baptism takes place. Joseph's coat could not be covered by the blood of a kid, any more than the lake by the blood of a frog. An im- mersion of the whole body is not necessarily got out of a dip- ping. The word, of itself, neither dips nor covers Naaman. But still farther. In I Chronicles 26 : 11, we find this Hebrew word in combination with that of Jehovah, as a proper name, the import of which, as given by Gesenius, is, "Whom Jehovah has immersed, i. e., has purified." Now, inasmuch as this eminent Hebraist finds the meaning of purification growing out of this modal verb, used in ritual purification ; and inasmuch as the Greek translators (in Ps. 50 : 9) find the modal verb sprinkle, expressive of purification; and inasmuch as the correspondent Latin modal verb tingo — sparsa aqua ^m^ere corpus — is used to express purification; and Inasmuch as, in this passage, the Greek translators have 158 JUDAIC BAPTISM. represented this modal verb by a word which has been proven to express purification in connection with Jewish rites, is he not a bold man who will affirm that this word could not have secured to itself the idea of purification, but must signify a naked dipping? But Dr. Carson is not satisfied with assertion which makes nothing of facts like these. He must make the divine ve- racity depend upon his judgment of a Hebrew word. " That l^faaman was immersed, is as certain as the word of God speaks truth." When the theorists make the *' Christian honesty" of the general church to kick the beam, weighed against their knowledge of a Greek word, I have nothing to say. When the Tubbermore Theorist birches "the angel Gabriel," and "sends him to school "•for ignorantly difi'er- ing from him in matters of exegesis, I am quite satisfied that they should settle their own quarrel. But when any man makes God's truthfulness to depend on his Hebrew knowl- edge, or any other knowledge, then I indignantly fling in his face those words which the Holy Ghost teacheth, " Let God be true, but every man a liar .'" 4. But one other point remains to be considered. " K a word is proved to dip one object, it may dip another," (pro- vided it is of a like character.) I can readily understand what is done when it is said, " He dips his pen in the ink;" "He dips his hand in the water;" but when it is said, "JSTaa- man dipped himself in the water," I confess that I do not find, in the words, any such distinct statement as to what was done. Can a man dip himself as he dips his hand ? Can you possibly tell from the Hebrew word what was done in a self-dipping? If, in effecting a self- dipping, the whole transaction must be modified in comparison with the dip- ping of anything else, may it not be true that there is such a modification of meaning that there is no dipping at all ? May not the object of the verb be something else than the person of ISTaaman ? Is it not unusual to employ this word in connection with a dipping of the whole person? Is there any other case of the kind in the Bible? Is it not unusual in any other language to use this word to express a dipping BAPTISM BY THE JORDAN. . 159 of the entire person? Is not, strictly speaking, self-dipping an impossibility? Is there not strong reason to believe that this disease was local? (See v. 11.) May not this dis- eased spot (well understood between the prophet and JSTaa- man, and therefore not mentioned) have been the object of the verb, both in the command and in the execution of the command ? But farther. He was to dip "seven times;" and Carson says, "from head to foot." Did he come out of the water each time, and go in afresh, until the seventh time? Or, having gone into the water, and having dipped what was out of water, more or less, did he, remaining in the water, dip again and again, head, &c., seven times? If this was the process, then it must be admitted that he did not dip himself, "from head to foot," seven times, and that, after all, this dipping was but that of a part of the person. When we examine this case, interpreted as self-dipping, there is much about it which the theory leaves unillumined. There may have been good reason why the translators re- jected the simply modal character of the word, and gave, as its representative, one which never means " dip," but is al- ways expressive of condition, and, Judaically, of a purified condition, which is just what the case demands. But Dr. Carson objects: " If /Sajrrt'Cw here expresses puri- fication, then there were seven purifications." A reference to Psalm 12 : 7, "The words of the Lord are pure, .... as silver 'purified seven times," will show that such conjunc- tion of words is allowable. Tertullian, ii, 575, is not alarmed by seve7i purifications. He represents the case as showing forth power to cleanse the seven capital sins of the Gen- tile nations: "Idololatria, blasphemia, homicidio, adulterio, stupro, falso testimonio, fraude. Quapropter septies quasi per singulos titulos in Jordane lavit, simul et ut totius heb- domadis caperet expiationem; quia unius lavacri vis et pleui- tudo Christo soli dicabatur." " Wherefore he washes" (not dips) " in the Jordan seven times, as if for the several sins, and that he might receive expiation from all seven at once; for the power and fulness of one washing belonged to Christ alone." 160 JUDAIC BAPTISM. Dr. Fuller, justly honored with high position among his brethren, has written on baptism, and examined this par- ticular passage. He thus pleads for fair dealing: " Should any one review this argument, I only ask that he will quote me fairly, and show me as a brother where the flaw is, and I will confess it." I cannot review his book, but will try to quote " fairly " his words. To prove the facility and accuracy with which /?«7rT£Cw can be translated he says: "In short, the trcms- lators of our Bible have, themselves, exposed the pretext that there is any difficulty as to the luord baptizo. In the case of JSTaaman, the Septuagint uses baptizo, and the translation renders it 'dip.' Then went he down and dipped (ebaptisato)" (p. 11). The italics are Dr. Fuller's. I have read this statement over once, twice, thrice, and twice thrice, feeling that it could not possibly mean, what on its face it seemed to mean; but there were the staring words charging a band of men, "of whom the world was not worthy," with coldly planned hypocrisy, and basing that charge upon the statement of a fact, not one syllable of which, as relating to those men, was true. As to the first of these charges — '■'■pretext of difficulty in translating baptizo " — I will quote the words of a Baptist scholar (after reading Classic Baptism), whom Dr. Fuller would cheerfully confess to have but few peers among Baptist scholars; they are as follows: " You have certainly shown how DIFFICULT it is to frame a definition of the act of baptism., that shall be free from objection, and satisfactory even to Baptists themselves.''^ If this authority is not sufficient to suifuse with shame the charge of "pretext of difficulty," then let me refer Dr. F. to Classic Baptism, (pp. 242-4,) where he will find sufficiently "exposed" the pretext that there is no difficulty in translat- ing fianriZu), in the case of the Eev. Richard Fuller, D.D. As to the second statement: that "dip" in II Kings 5: 14, is a translation of ^aTzriZui, out of the Septuagint; a statement made in, and for, an important issue, it is simply shocking. Dr. Carson knew that it was not true. Dr. Fuller knew that it was not true. Did they, then, design to sustain their cause by a designed appeal to an untruth ? By no means. The case is illustrative of the ruinous eflects of assumption and BAPTISM BY THE JORDAN. 161 presumption. These writers assume identity of value be- tween the Hebrew word and the Greek word, and then presume that it is of no consequence whether they speak of the translation of one word or the other. The assumption is false; the presumption is monstrous. I am sorry to say, that this style of argumentation by friends of the theory is not limited to the present case. They write as though they were absolved from all the laws of language which interfere with their idolized theory, and not satisfied with saying that "idiocy" and " childhood" confess the truth of their princi- ples, go on to proclaim, that if men, and angels, aye, and the Deity, too, do not say '■Hi is so" it is because there is no truth in them ! I do not present this error of fact as a " flaw in the argu- ment ; " it is a bottomless pit, down into which the whole statement plunges out of sight. This case is resumed (p. 38) thus : "The instance where it occurs literally is in the history of l!^aaman. . . . Here, in a work known by Jesus, and cited by him, we find baptizo, and it is admitted on all hands to mean immerse. Jesus uses the same word, and thus comir l^l is the very same act. 'Naaman went down and dipped himself seven times (ebap- tizato) in the Jordan.' All concede that this was immersion. Kow Jesus commands this very act. . . . The Septuagint says, I^Taaman ^ebaptisato en to lordane.' ... In Matthew 3: 6 we are told that the people, ' ebaptizonto en to lordane,* the very same expression." Review of argument. — 1. "When Dr. Fuller says, "it occurs literally," i. e. in primary physical sense, he assumes a vital point. It is in proof that the word is used otherwise. The assumption of a particular use, determinative of the question, is " flaw" number one. 2. "It is admitted on all hands to mean immerse." It is not admitted to mean " immerse" in the sense to dip. It is not admitted to mean "immerse" as representing any defi- nite act. It is not admitted to mean " immerse," only, or, at all, in the Baptist use of that word. This second assump- tion is " flaw " number two. 11 162 JUDAIC BAPTISM. 3. "Jesus uses the same word, and thus commands tie very same act." The assum.ption that the use of the same word must convey the same idea, embodying the assumption that the word did convey but one idea in the days of the Septuagint translators, and the farther assumption that it did continue for centuries after to convey but one idea, is "flaw" number three. "Commands the very same act." The as- sumption that any form of act was ever commanded, being utterly groundless, is "flaw" numher four, Dr. Fuller being himself judge; for (p. 29) he tells us, no form of act is com- manded, "it matters not how the immersion is eftected." 4. "All concede that this was immersion." The assump- tion of such concession being without foundation, constitutes "flaw" number ^'ye. 5. " ITow Jesus commands this very act." The assumption in this assertion placing Dr. F., again, in antagonism with Dr. F., as well as with the anti-theorists, we have "flaw" number six. 6. "The Septuagint says, 'baptized en to lordane;' the New Testament says, 'baptized en to lordane;' the very same expression." The assumption that the same expression in a limited phrase, carries with it sameness in all governing particulars, though the usage be separated by centuries, is without warrant in common sense or exegetical law. "The wool was bapted in the dyehouse to free it from all greasy quality." "The wool was bapted in the dyehouse a scarlet color." Dr. Fuller will admit that the same phrase, here, does not carry with it the same meaning. To assume that "baptized in the Jordan" in connection with a miracu- lous cure of leprosy, must mean the same thing when used generations after, under another dispensation, and in con- nection with a religious rite, is "flaw" number seven. Perhaps we ought to thank Dr. Fuller that he has not taken under his patronage — ^'■went down and dipped seven times in Jordan," (as assumption number eight,) the usual argument of his friends — "went down into the water /^ and thus proved (?) a dipping. This sevenfold dipping baptism suggests the following BAPTISM BY THE JORDAN. 163 problem: If N'aaman was baptized seven times il thfe Jordan and benefited by it, how many times must Aristobulus have been baptized in the fish-pool to have been drowned b}^ it? We commit this question to the charge of the arithmetical section of the friends of the theory. Jewish translators. — Having looked at this passage from the Baptist point of view, one that turns on the performance of an act, I now remark that it is of importance to bear in mind that the translators of the Septuagint were Jews. The Jews used the word Pa-ri^o) in their religious rites to express, as has been proved, a change of condition irrespective of the per- formance of any particular act. ISTow, in this transaction we have a change of condition identical with that, removal of leprosy, secured by some of their religious rites; and for such change of condition the ordinary use o^ ^ar.riZu), express- ing a purified condition, is appropriate. It is proper to at- tribute its appearance in the passage to such national use, rather than to make it the translation of a word, with which, in its primary meaning, it is never, in the Septuagint nor in the Classics, used as an equivalent. Patrists. — The Patristic view of the passage sustains this conclusion. Ambrose (ii, 426,) says: Diximus figurara prse- cessisse in Jordane, quando iTaaraan leprosus ille mundatus est. . . . Ergo habes unum baptisma. "We have said that a figure of baptism preceded in the Jordan, when E'aaraan, that leper, was cleansed. . . . Thus you have one kind of baptism." The baptism is made to centre in the changed condition, — the healing and consequent cleansing. And this changed condition is attributed to a peculiar power of the water, and not to the manner of using it. Quid ergo signi- ficat? Yidisti aquam ; sed non aqua omnis sanat; sed aqua sanat, quae habet gratiam Christi. (422.) " What, then, does it signify? Thou hast seen the water; but all water doe& not heal, but that water heals which has the grace of Christ." The healing of Naamau did not depend upon the manner of his using the waters of the Jordan, but upon the divinely imparted power. The prophet specified no form of use. In whatever form he used them, had he used them in a different 164 JUDAIC BAPTISM. form, they would have been equally efficacious. The Pa- trists make the baptism consist in the effect produced, not in the manner of use, and thus agree with the Septuagint translators. • Mode of use being neither enjoined nor of con- trolling value. We conclude then; if there was any dipping in this case, it belongs exclusively to the Hebrew word; which word no more controls the meaning of ^ar.ri'^ut, than does ^d-ru) to which, and not to ^ar.riZui^ it is related in all its Hebrew use. DISEASED CONDITION CHANGED TO CONDITION OP HEALTH. BETHESDA HEALING. John 5:4. " For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water; whosoever then first after the troubhng of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had." '^0 oZv -KpaJToiz ^p.jjd'; jxera. rijv rapayjrjv rob udazo^ uytrj<; lyivsro. Figure of JBaptism. Tunc curabatur unus, nunc omnes sanantur. Non sanat bap- tismus perfidorura, non mundat, sed polluit. Ergo et ilia piscina in figura : ut credas quia in hunc fontem vis divina descendit. Habes quartum genus (baptismatis) in piscina, quando move- batur aqua. — Ambrose, iii, 395, 426. "Then one was cured, now all are healed. The baptism of the unbelieving does not heal, it does not cleanse, but pollutes." " Then, that pool is for a figure : that you may believe that a divine power descends into this fountain." " You have a fourth kind of baptism in the pool, when the water was troubled." — Ambrose, iii, 395, 426. BAPTISM BY THE POOL OF BETHESDA. Although this transaction is recorded in the ITew Testa- ment, it belongs to the Jewish economy and not to the BAPTISM BY THE POOL OF BETHESDA. 165 Christian. It is introduced here because of i/s essential unity with that class of baptisms now under consideration. A purgative power, beyond that merely physically washing quality which belongs to all water, was attributed to the Deluge. To the Jordan water, as used by Naaraan, was communicated a curative power, not belonging to Arbana or Pharpar, or inherently to the Jordan itself. The same is true with regard to the waters of Bethesda. The usual qualities of water belonged to them at all times; but " at a certain season" an additional quality was divinely imparted to them, by means of which they exercised a controlling in- fluence over any disease subjected to their power, relieving the sufferer and restoring him to perfect soundness of body. Special Points. — 1. If there is anything determined beyond controversy, as to this pool, it is that its power to baptize was limited to a certain time. Ambrose is entirely explicit on this point: "You have a fourth kind of baptism in the pool, when the water was troubled.^' E"ow there was not one particle of water added to the contents of the pool at the time of this troubling. Its capability for baptism, therefore, did not arise from increased depth of water. If it had capacity for physi- cal mersion at this time, it had the same capacity every day in the year. But it could baptize at this time, and it could not baptize at any other time. IsTo water being added in the one case, and none being subtracted in the other, it follows, therefore, with the same rigid necessity, as does the conclu- sion in any demonstrated mathematical proposition, that the baptism spokeii of cannot be a physical mersion. 2. This conclusion is sealed by fact, superadded to logic, showing that no physical mersion took place when this soli- tary baptism took place. The baptism was effected, neither by the party dipping himself, nor by being dipped by any one else, but by " stepping in " [kiJ. (3ac:) the troubled water. Whether these waters reached to "the ankles," or to "the knees," or to "the loins," as in Ezekiel's vision, we are not told ; but we are told that, entering in — though it wet but the soles of the feet, as of the priests bearing the ark through Jordan — effected a baptism, thoroughly changed the dis- 166 JUDAIC BAPTISM. eased condition, and brought into a condition of health. But some earnest friend of the theory may cry : " Hold ! l!^o dipping? Why, for what else did he 'enter in' the water, but for a dipping ? Could he not have been sprinkled out of the water? And, as for one to do the dipping, where was the angel? Did not he, too, 'go down into the water" — both the angel and the sick man — and why, if not to dip into the water? i!To dipping! What but 'a lack of Christian honesty' could resist such convincing evidence?" Well, I will con- cede this much: the evidence for this angel dipping, is quite as convincing as in some other cases, which we may look at by and by. 3. A third point, claiming to be brought into bolder relief by distinct mention, is the presence, in this transaction, of a thorough change of condition. Proof is needless. It is i\iQ sine qua non feature of the whole affair, as it is also of every bap- tism. Its presence is full justification for Ambrose in call- ing it " a fourth kind of baptism." 4. The position occupied by this "troubled" water, in relation to the baptism, is that of efficient agency, and not of a receiving element. If this point be established, the theory at once vanishes into thin air. In every primary physical mersion, there are always present a baptizer, or a baptizing agency, a baptized object, and a receiving element, within which the baptized object finds its rest, and enters upon its changed condition. The Baptist theory affirms that ^anzf^ui represents nothing but a definite form of action, carrying its object within the element, and, without resting there, bringing it out again. This notion has been so utterly ground into impalpable pow- der, between the millstones of facts, that we may let it go, for the present, to the winds. But some theorist may say: "Suppose the definite act be abandoned as an error, still there remains a covering over, and here, as our final refuge, we fight our last battle." To this we reply: It is necessary to determine whether this "covering over" is essentially transient or of indefinite continuance. If the former, then we are brought back to a dippiiig under another name. If BAPTISM BY THE POOL OF BBTHESDA. 167 the latter, then all the radical results flowing from this new position, must be accepted. But, whether accepted or not, as we aim, not merely at the overthrow of a mistaken theory of a word, but to establish truth, we proceed to show that a baptism is not limited, as the amended theory w^ould affirm, to the enclosure of an object within a fluid, but that a fluid, present in a baptism, may be there, not as a receiving ele- ment, but as an efficient agency, efiecting a baptism — change of condition without any enclosure. In support of this position, I appeal, 1. To those multi- plied cases adduced in Classic Baptism, in which study, grief , questions, disease, are represented as agencies in efiecting bap- tisms, where physical covering is impossible, and where im- aginary covering is never stated nor intimated. 2. To those cases mentioned in Classic Baptism, where a fluid element is employed as the agency in effecting the baptism, without any covering, (1.) Hot iron, baptized by water, as agency, without covering, bringing it into a cold condition (p. 325). (2.) Intoxicating wine, baptized by water, as agenc}'^, not covering it, but mixed through it, and bringing it into an unintoxicating condition (p. 339). (3.) Water, itself, im- pregnated with an intoxicating principle, and baptizing, as an agency, by drinking, bringing into a changed condition, resembling that of a drunken man (p. 330). (4.) Wine, as an agency, baptizing men by its intoxicating quality without covering, by drinking, bringing into a condition of drunken- ness (pp. 316-342). 3. To the case in hand, where the water is impregnated, not with an intoxicating principle, but with a sanative power, the influence of which was to be developed, not by drinking, but by contact. A baptism is effected; the condition of the diseased man is thoroughly changed ; there is no "covering over;" the result is not due to water as a fluid, but as a vehicle through which divine power is com-» municated, which divine power is exerted without calling into exercise the covering quality of water. If these facts do not establish the position, that water, wine, or any other fluid, (possessed of a quality capable of controlling condition without mersion,) is capable of baptizing 168 JUDAIC BAPTISM. as an agency, without acting as a receiving element, then evidence has lost its power to control conclusions. But if they do suffice to establish this position, then, the amended theory, " covering over" — last refuge of its friends — perishes without remedy. 5. This baptism by — not dipping m, nor covered with — Bethesda water, proves that I^Taaman was baptized by the in- fluence communicated through the water of Jordan, and that his baptism consisted in his changed bodily condition as to the leprosy, and not in his dipping — supposing that to have been present in the transaction. The same is true as to the baptism of the world by the deluge water. There was a bap- tism here of the world in the waters ; but it is not that baptism to which attention is directed, but the cleansing of the world from its sin-defilements, by the agency of these world-em- bracing waters. Therefore Ambrose (iii, 426) groups them all together: " Ergo habes unum baptisma (quando Naaman leprosus ille mundatus est), aliud in diluvio, habes tertium genus, quando in mari Rubro baptizati sunt patres, habes quartum genus in p>iscina, quando movebatur aqua." All these are baptisms by changes of condition, through water as the agency, and not as a receiving element. And they are of "one," and "another," and a "third," and a "fourth" genus of baptism. ^'' Malta sunt genera baptismaiumj' 6. We have the clearest proof that the ground on which Ambrose rests, in calling all these cases baptisms, is the change of condition, which is the central truth presented in each. And it is this feature of their baptism — a thoroughly changed condition — which, in Ambrose's view, qualifies a purified w-orld, a purified Israel, a purified ISTaaman, a puri- fied Bethesdaite, to be a "figure " of that higher, holier, per- fect baptism, effected through the water impregnated with the purifying and soul-regenerating influences of the Holy Spirit, in which he and other Patrists so fully believed. BAPTISM BY WASHING. liO WATEE APPLIED TO THE BODY WITH DIVEESITY OP EOKM AND EXTENT. BAPTISM BY WASHING. Levitictts 15 : 5. "And whosoever toucheth his bed, shall cleanse his clothes and wash himself with water, and be unclean until the even." Interpretation. Tivo(; dk evexev ^tt^ to ^dmt(T!J.a Bpyerai 6 Xptard'; dvayxaiov e^Tretv, xal im Ttolov spheral ^aTzrcff/ia .... Bditnaixa yjv to 'loudalxov^ rd pvTziov ffiofiarixaiv anaXXdrrov ^ ou rcbv xard to auveidbq diiaprTj/jLartjuv .... Aouffsrat, yap rd awjia ahrou udari xa^apu). " But it is necessary to say why Christ comes for baptism, and for what baptism he comes. For this is as necessary to know as that. And it is necessary to teach your love the latter first, because from the latter you may learn the former. The baptism was Judaic; that which takes away bodily defilement; not that which takes away sins of conscience. For if one should commit adultery, or be guilty of theft, or should transgress in any such way, it would not take away his guilt; but if any one should touch the bones of the dead, if any one should taste food not appointed by the law, if any should be near corruption, if any one was in company with lepers, he washed and was unclean until evening, and then was clean. For it is said, ' He shall wash his body with pure water, and shall be unclean till even- ing, and then he shall be clean.' " (Lev. 15 : 5, seqq.) — Chrysostom, ii, 366. Ou8e prjv rdv d-Ko t^c xard auZoyiav xotVjjc, 6p.0Kuq a>c 7:dXai, ^an- Ti^£f7{^ac xal vuv Trpoffrdaasi ij deia did Kupiou Tzpdvoia .... to noXXd Mu)uaicoq di ivbz nepiXa^cbv ^aizriffiiaroq. "Divine pi-ovidence, through the Lord, does not now, as for- merly, command to be baptized from the conjugal bed . . . em- bracing, by one baptism, the many baptisms of Moses." — Clemens Alex., i, 1184. 170 JUDAIC BAPTISM. JUDAIC BAPTISM BAPTISM FROM THE BED. " For what baptism he comes." This statement implies a diversity of nature in baptisms. Ambrose, as we have seen, expressly affirms this: '■'■ Multa sunt genera baptismatum." There are many kinds of baptisms. Chrysostom tells us "what kind" of baptism this was, and says, that "the kind of baptism " which the Saviour received, will explain why he received baptism at all. The nature of some baptisms w^as such as to cause embarrassment at the thought of the Saviour receiving them. Such a baptism was that by which "sins of conscience" were taken away; and this was the baptism claimed to be administered in Chrysostom's day. But the Saviour had no such sius to take away. How then could he receive this kind of baptism; and, if he did not re- ceive this kind of baptism, what kind did he receive ? Such difficulties and queries could not but arise under Patristic teaching, and "the Golden Mouth" Bishop sets himself to answer them. In doing so, he declares that the baptism which Christ received was not Christian baptism, nor Jo- hannic baptism, nor Classic baptism, but ^^ Judaic baptism." He then expounds the distinguishing peculiarity of this kind of baptism. He does not make the difference to lie in dip- ping forward, or backward, or sideways, or standing, or kneeling; nor yet in being " wholly covered" by a sweeping torrent, or rising flood, or falling wave. Fortunatelj', or un- fortuna.tely, this modern theory of diverse baptism was un- known to this eloquent and learned Grecian. His explana- tion turns on the different influences possessed, and the different conditions, ceremonial and spiritual, induced by the elements operative in Judaic and Patristic baptism. The former takes away " bodily defilement,' ' the latter takes away "sins of conscience." "But we can escape this difficulty," exclaims the theorist. " When Ambrose and Chrysostom say there are ' many kinds of baptisms,' they do not mean what they say; they mean that there is but one kind. They speak figuratively of dif- ferent effects under one cause, or the diversities of a whole BAPTISM FROM THE BED. 171 are embraced in the use of one of its parts." But the text does not speak of a dip'ping being in "the whole " as a part. "Very true; but we escape that difficulty, too, by 'figure.' Washing is the requirement, and as dipping is one paode of washing, and the greater includes the lesser, a dipping must be included in the washing." Certainly, the theory does cut quite a figure in its exposition, especially as being received on sufierance into the home of washing, like the pleading wolf into the home of the lamb, it incontinently devours its confiding host. After all, we prefer believing that Chrysostom means what he says, that baptisms differ, though dippings do not, and that Judaic baptism changes the condition of the body by removing ceremonial defilement, while Patristic baptism was imagined to change the condition of the soul, by re- moving "sins of conscience." The baptism of Christ was (as taught) ^^ Judaic baptism." As to the manner of using the water for this washing, there is no intimation, whatever, of any particular mode. It is admitted that the word (Xouu)) carries no one mode with it, nor do any incidental directions or circumstances point to any modal use. It is not necessary that the object washed should be in the water. This has been proved. And it is in proof, in respect to this particular washing, that neither the Septuagint nor Chrysostom believed that the body was required to be dip- ped in, or put in the water in any way, for the language they employ — Xouaexat udari — allows the body to be washed out of the water as well as in the water, the requirement being to wash with water. This Judaic baptism of ceremonial puri- fication, no more self-evidences the quo modo of its execution by dipping, pouring, or sprinkling, than does the Classic baptism of intoxication give its own proof as to the mode in which the wine was received — at one draught, by fre- quent sipping, or by sucking through a straw. Clement. — The extract from Clement shows that this waa one, only, of the "many baptisms" of Moses. It also ex- hibits two points irreconcilable with the theory. 172 JUDAIC BAPTISM. 1. The greater power of Patristic over Judaic baptism, and 2. The phraseology, " baptized /rom the conjugal bed." As to the first of these points, Clement is in accord with other Patrists'in attributing greater power to Christian bap- tism, over all other baptisms; but if baptism was understood by them to mean a dipping, no "power" can be attributed to one dipping over any other dipping. If baptism is ex- pressive of condition, then there is titness in saying that a Jewish or Christian rite had more or less power to produce a given effect. In relation to the second point, it is obvious that " dip- ping from " defilement, is not such form of language as we would expect, while " to purify from," harmonizes with the idea. This form of expression we have met with before under similar circumstances — " baptizing /rom a dead body" — and we shall meet with it again. Such established usage can only be satisfactorily explained by the propriety of its form to express the nature of a baptism — purification from defilement. BAPTISM BY WASHING. EzEKiEL 16 : 4, 9. " And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born . . . thou wast not washed in water. Then washed I thee with water." Sepiuagini. Kai iv udari ovx iXouGQrjq .... xai iXouad ae iv odari xai k'^pcffd as iv kXaiu}. Interpretation. " Cruenta infantium corpora, statim ut emittuntur ex utero lavari solent; ita et generatio spiritualis lavaero indiget salutari. . . . Multaque sunt lavacra quse Ethnici in mysteriis suis polli- centur; qui omnes lavant: sed non lavant in salutem. Quod quidem non solum de haereticis, sed de Bcclesiasticis inteliigi potest, qui non plena fide accipiunt baptismum salutare. De- quibus dicendum est, quod acciperint aquam, sed non acciperint BAPTISM BY WASHING. 173 Spiritum ; si cut et Simon ille Magus, qui pecunia volebat redimere gratiam Dei, baptizatus quidem in aqua, sed nequaquam bap- tizatus est in salutem." " ( Verse 9.) ' Et lavi te aqua . . . . et unxi te oleo.' .... " Et lavi te, inquit, aqua baptismi salutaris. . . . de quo baptismate et Isaias loquitur, dicens : Lavabit Dominus sordes filiorum et filiarum Sion." — Jerome, v, 127, 131. "The bodies of iufants, stained with blood, are washed as soon as born. So, also, spiritual birth needs the salutary washing. The heathen practise many washings in their mysteries; who wash all; but they do not wash into salvation. Which indeed may be understood not only of heretics, but of those connected with the church, who do not receive with full faith the salutary baptism. Of whom it may be said, they receive the water, but do not receive the spirit; as also, Simon, the Magician, who wished to purchase the grace of God with money, was baptized, indeed, with water, but by no means, baptized into salvation." Versed. "Andl washed thee with water .... and I anointed thee with oil." "And I washed thee," he says, "with the water of salutary baptism. . . . Concerning which baptism, Isaiah, also, speaks : The Lord will wash the uncleanness of the sons and daughters of Zion."— Jerome, v, 127, 131. SPECIAL POINTS. 1. Infant washing. — Not one new-born babe in a million is put under the water in washing. But the theory says : " IJnder the water, baptism ; not under the water, no bap- tism." 2. Washing is baptism. — No new-born babe was ever washed by a simple dipping into or covering with water. Birtb im- purity is not thus cleansed. Soul impurity is not to be washed away by a mere dipping into simple water. Wash- ing and baptism are, both, more than a dipping. Washing is baptism because it is more than a dipping. Baptism is washing because it is more than a dipping. Dipping is neither a washing nor a baptism, because it is nothing but a dipping. Washing is more than (and may be performed without) either sprinkling, or pouring, or dipping. Dr. Fuller 174 JUDAIC BAPTISM. (p. 15), says: "A command to wash is a command to wash, and nothing else." Doubtless J^aaman thought so too. 3. Salutary washing. — That washing which is more than a dipping, yet no dipping, frees the new-born babe from its impurities, and brings it into a salutary, healthful condi- tion. That washing which the Holy Spirit effects through power imparted to the water, frees the soul from its impuri- ties and brings it into a salutary condition — one of spiritual health and salvation — baptizes " into salvation." So Patrists thought. 4. Simple water cannot baptize. — Simon Magus was baptized, [dipped Jerome, probably, supposed,) yet was not baptized. Just as Ambrose says: "Baptismata sunt gentium, sed non sunt baptismata." It may be called a baptism because avowedly a religious purification ; but it was no baptism, in fact, because no purification of the soul took place, the power of the Holy Spirit not being incorporated with the water. He received the water; he did not receive the Spirit. JSTo change of condition took place. He did not pass out of a state of impurity and condemnation, into a state of purity and salvation ; therefore no baptism took place. 5. This washing was with water and not in water. — It is true that the Septuagint introduces the preposition with the da- tive; but it is hardly necessary to say, that this is done, almost times without number, with instrumentality as Avell as locality. That it should be so regarded in this passage is shown, 1. By the fact that the preposition is omitted in Jerome's version. 2. That the preposition is used in the same verse, by the Septuagint with "oz7," where inness is out of the question, — "I anointed thee iDith, not in, oil." In which case, also, Jerome omits the preposition. 3. In de- scribing the use of oil, immediately after, he expresses the mode of use, by pouring — olei infusione linivit. The use of water, in the same baptism, both as instrumental means and receiving element, is as impossible as to use wine at the same time for baptizing one by making him drunk by drink- ing, and for drowning by putting him in it. The theory can find neither aid nor comfort in this washing. BAPTISM BY WASHING THE HANDS AND FEET. 175 BAPTISM BY WASHING THE HANDS AND FEET. Exodus 40 : 30-33. (Exodus 29 : 4 ; 30 : 18-20.) (Numb. 8:5; 19 : 20.) "And he set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar, and put water there to wash withal. "And Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet thereat. "When they went into the tent of the congregation, and when they came near unto the altar they washed; as the Lord com- manded Moses." Septuagint. Uoirjffov XouTTjpa ^aXxouv — ware vinrea6ai — xdX ix^eTi^ e^c aurov udcup. Kai vi(peTat "Aapibv xru oi u[u\ aurou i^ abrou rdq ^sTpac;^ xai rou? noda^ '6daTt. (Ex. 30 : 18, 19.) .... xai /.uuffscg aurohq udarc. (Ex. 40 : 12.) Interpretation. llpmrov 6 dp^rtspebq Xousrac, e^Lza 6u/iia .... Traig ydp ivey^wpei raJv dikXujv, umpeuysffSac ; rov dt" udazo'; ounu) xexaiapiffpAvov ; xai abii^okov exeiro rod ^aTrrtV/jtaroc, Xouzi]p k'vdov aTzoxsliievoq t^? axyjVY^q, " The high priest first washes, then sacrifices ; for Aaron was first washed, then became high priest. For how could be be permitted to pray for others who was not first cleansed by water? And the laver placed within the tent was a symbol of baptism." — Cyril of Jerusalem^ 433. " Interanea sane cum pedibus aqua dilui jubet sermo prsecepti, sacramentum baptismi sub figurali prsedicatione denuntians. "Igitur sacrificium, pro quo haec omnia sacrificia in typo et figura prascesserant, unum et perfectum, immolatus est Christus." " The word of the precept, truly, with the feet, orders the washing with internal water, announcing, figuratively, the sac- rament of baptism. " Therefore Christ was sacrificed, the one perfect sacrifice, for which all these sacrifices in type and figure went before." — On- gen, ii, 410, 442. 176 JUDAIC BAPTISM. 'Apieta 8k kart ippovslv offca' xai dij xat yj ehwv too ^aTtTta/iaTot; efoy dv xai Tj kx Mojufficoi; Tzapadsdop-ivTj rol<; ■Kon^Tolq wdi Tzwr;. 'H 5' o8pi\>a[j.ivr] y.aSapd ^pol I/iara i-^ouaa, 'H nevsXoTZT] i-\ riju iu^vjv spheral. T7j?.i/ia^uf: 8s, Xe'ipaq i^c(pdfj.£vo<; Tzokivjq aAo?, euysr 'ABtjvtj. ^E6oq Touro 'Iou8aicDv, d)q xai to TzokXdxiq kn\ xotrrj ^aTzri^eaSai. EZ youv xdxelvo e'cpjjrar "Iffii pi] Xourpip, dXXd vou) xaSapo'^. Clem. Alex., i, 1352. " Purity is to think purely. An image of this baptism was communicated to the poets, from Moses, thus — ' Having washed, and being clothed with clean vestments, Penelope conies to prayer.' ' But Telemachus, Having washed his hands of the hoary sea, prays to Minerva.' " This is a custom of the Jews to baptize often upon the couch. Therefore, it is well said, < Be pure, not by washing, but by thinking.' " Clemens Alex., i, 1352. BAPTISM OP THE WHOLE BODY BY WASHING A PART. Washing. — Dr. Carson insists that if these washings are called baptisms, they must have been "immersions." At the same time he says, " That the word (Aouw) does not neces- sarily express mode, I readily admit. This must be deter- mined by circumstances. All I contend for from this word is, that the object to which it is applied is covered with the water. The application of this word to baptism shows that the rite was a bathing of the whole body; and as immersion is the usual way of bathing, baptism must have been an immersion." (p. 486.) Dr. C. here distinguishes between "bathing" and "immersion," yet insists that in either case, equally, the object bathed or immersed shall be "covered with the water." There is such a careless and groundless mixing up of important words, having essentially diverse WASHING THE HANDS BAPTIZES THE BODY. 177 meanings, bj this writer, that one cannot tell what he means. Does he mean that an object not in water, but rubbed by a wetted hand or cloth, is "bathed," "covered with water?" He speaks of the wounded thigh of Adonis being bathed, covered with water. If he was not "immersed," which is not said, how else could his wounded thigh have been "bathed" but by rubbing with the hand? So, unquestion- ably, the stripes of Paul and Silas were washed — bathed. But if this is the "covering with water" which Dr. C. con- tends for, what becomes of his conclusion of immersion-dip- ping when this Greek word is used ? The fullest proof has been adduced to show that Xovco, lavo, wash, bathe, do not require their objects to be in the water. And as to the mode of applying the water, Carson (p. 493) admits — "the water might be applied by sprinkling, or by pouring, or in any way." Tertullian speaks of one as ex- posed "lavacro Jovis," to "the washing of Jupiter," efi'ected " imbribus et pluviis," by " showers and rains," Would this meet the idea of "bathing and covering with water?" A line of poetry reads, " The rose had been washed, just washed in a shower;" is this washing, bathing, covering, by sprink- ling? If this is his meaning, I do not know who will find much fault, unless it be the friends of the theory. And with this meaning, what becomes of the logic which infers these washings into immersions? And why is not Calvin (Harm, of Pent, ii, 210) justified, not merely by the merits of the case, but by Carson himself, in saying, — " Moses, before he consecrates the priests, washes them bi/ the sprinkling of water?" Carson says, (p. 471,) " A purification performed by pouring or sprinkling a few drops of water, would not be a louiron." This statement overlooked the truth that religi- ous purification does not depend for its extent on the extent of the application of the purifying element. The purifica- tion eflPected may embrace the entire person, although but a few drops of the purifying element may fall on the body. It is to this complete purification that the term Xourpov, washing, is applied. Thus Chrysostom speaks of martyrs " washed {Xouovrai) by 12 178 JUDAIC BAPTISM. their own blood." And Origen speaks of be.ng "washed (loti) bj our own blood," Blood, of itself, has no "wash- ing" quality; it defiles. It is not used, here, for washing physically any part. Sacrificial blood cleanses the whole of that to which it is applied, irrespective of the extent of its application. This was martyr blood, and it washed the whole man — body and soul — though applied but in sprinkled drops. It is to this universal cleansing, this condition of purity, to which lourpov is applied, and applied without any possibility of just questioning. And Calvin is right in saying, (ii, p. 186,) "The washing of the hands and feet denoted that all parts of the body were infected with uncleanness; for since Scripture often uses the word 'hands' for the actions of life, ' and compares the whole course of life 1o a way or journey, it is very suitable to say, by synecdoche, that all impurity is purged away by the washing of the hands and feet." Dr. Carson's plea for immersions because of washings, (baptisms,) is all in the air. The brazen laver. — This laver, Cyril tells us, was "the sym- bol of baptism." It was not the wsymbol of dipping. Aaron and his sons did not wash in this vessel. Would not a com- mand for several persons to wash their hands and feet in the same vessel, be, at any time, incredible? Would it not be pre-eminently incredible, that after oue had washed hia feet in a vessel of water, another should be required to wash his hands in the same vessel for a religious purification? But we are not left to reject, by inference, this singular conception; we are most distinctly told that the water was to be taken out of the laver — ^1 duzou — uSarc — "wash with water out of it." But Dr. Carson would immerse the priests in the brazen sea, (p. 444,) — " Such things as they ofiered for burnt ojQfering, they washed in them; but the sea loasfor the 'priests to wash in. Are not these immersions? Are not these different immer- sions even in the temple?" That is to say, he would make the priests climb up over these " twelve oxen," and then climb up five cubits higher, and plunge into twenty thousand gal- lons of water to wash ! How many times a da}' this was done; or, how many this water purified before it became WASHING THE HANDS BAPTIZES THE BODY. 179 irapnre, and had to be drawn off, and supplied with tif enty thousand gallons of fresh water, we are not told. The theory needs a courageous advocate, and it has one in Dr. Carson. But " the sea" will not serve for immersion. The Hebrew uses two words (neither of modal act) to ex- press these laver and sea washings. The Septuagint em- ploys three words — ttAuvw, nepr/.XvZu)^ vinrw — the last (applied to hand and/ee^ washings) denoting the washing of the priests. Thus, the highest testimony, that of Jews who had full knowledge of the facts, denies an immersion in the " sea." Baptism in Figure. — ^When Cyril speaks of the laver, at which the hands and feet were washed, as " a symbol of baptism;" and when Origen speaks of feet- washing as "bap- tism in figure ;" and when Clement speaks of the washing of hands as an "image of baptism," they all mean to declare that these washings were baptisms, without any regard to the modal action by which the washing was effected. There is no hint as to the manner of the washing. It is said, (by the use of S\a with the genitive, and by the use of oSan without a preposition,) that the water was used as a means to effect the baptism, and not as an element to receive an ob- ject put into it. The baptism effected was one in fact, and not of mere imagination. It was not the absurdity of a physical baptism of a hand or a foot. How would such a baptism fit the priest for his duties? It is not his hands or his feet that he needs to be made pure, but his entire per- son. And this is accomplished by applying water, merely, to the hands and feet. This baptizes the whole person; brings the whole man into a condition of ceremonial purity, which is the baptism. This change of condition, from im- purity into purity, is a fact, as truly as is the change of con- dition in a mass of lead passing from the atmosphere into the depths of the sea. This change, in the ceremonial con- dition of the whole man, by the local application of water, is called symbol of, figure of, image of, baptism, because it is a baptism which resembles some other baptism, and is in- tended so to resemble it. As these symbols, figures, images, are connected with a 180 JUDAIC BAPTISM. great variety of modes in the use of the agency in the bap- tism — water, blood, ashes, &c, — it is important to establish the fact that, under all these forms, they are not merely called, for some known or unknown* reason, but truly are bona fide baptisms. For this purpose I call attention to the use of the same terms, "type and figure," in the extract from Origen, in reference to sacrifices which preceded "the one and perfect sacrifice." Although these sacrifices difi:ered greatly among themselves, and still more from the " perfect sacrifice," still, they agreed generically among themselves, and in their resemblance to " the one sacrifice," in this, namely: that, in every case, there was a substitutionary victim. With great variety in the victims, and in the modal arrangements, they were all true sacrifices, " typifying and figuring" one which was like, and infinitely unlike. These baptisms, amid diversity of object and modal execution, were as real baptisms as these sacrifices were real. As Ori- gen says, there were many sacrifices, yet only "one sacri- fice." So Ambrose says : "Multa sunt genera baptismatum sed unum baptisma." Let no one suppose that the terms "symbol, figure, image," detract, in any wise, from the sub- stantive character of these baptisms. Jewish Custom. — Clement had been engaged in a discussion designed to enforce the great superiority of mental purity — right thinking — over ceremonial purity, water-washing. This leads him to speak of baptism, water-washing, as practised by Jew and Gentile. He supposes that the heathen poets may have received "the image of baptism" from Moses. Among the baptisms enjoined by Moses, he appears to have had especially in mind the washing of hands, as he quotes a case of this kind as practised by Telemachus; and also refers to the Jewish custom of washing hands at meals, "upon the couch." And in view of this widespread water- washing, and its ceremonial purity, presses, again, the great superiority of a pure mind over a ceremonial washing. To fasten this truth in the mind, is his single and earnest pur- pose. Inasmuch as dipp'ng into water, or covering over with WASHING THE HANDS BAPTIZES THE BODY, 181 water — one reclining upon a dining-coiich — would be both untimely and embarrassing, Baptist writers have sought to introduce quite another scene. Thus Dr. Carson (p. 492) says: "The passage refers to the nightly pollutions, after which bathing was prescribed by the law of Moses. They were immersed on accout of the bed ; that is, pollutions con- tracted there." (Levit. 15 : 16-48.) This is only another of those extravagances of interpreta- tion, constantly exhibited in the attempt to sustain a ground- less theory, by cutting off and stretching out the facts of usage. The interpretation is extravagant, 1. Because there is not a single point of contact between it and the context. There is neither statement of, nor hint at', sexual intercourse, in the remarks of Clement. Such conception cannot be made to mingle with the train of thought, any more than oil with water. It is an alien thing. 2. It is ridiculously absurd to suppose that "the poets" would learn "the image of bap- tism " from post-concubital washings ! 3. It is a gross im- peachment of Clement, to suppose that he would place, in juxtaposition, the purifications for prayer by Penelope and Telemachus, with sexual uncleanness. 4. It is an extrava- gance, most extravagant, to suppose that, out of the multi- plied washings of the Jews, Clement would select a washing of this class, to hold it up before the world as illustrative of Jewish " custom." What is the ground on which this interpretation is based? 1. The assumption that xoirri must mean a sleeping couch. 2. The assumption that reference is made to Leviticus 15 : 16-18, and its remarkable washing. 3. The assumption that this washing was by "immersion." 4. The assumption that It^^ has an unusual meaning. Not one of these assump- tions has been proved, or can be proved. As to the first, it is disproved by President Beecher, most conclusively: — "Xenophon, in his Memorabilia, authorizes the usage (din- ner-couch). Speaking of the marks of honor due from the younger to the elder, he mentions ' rising up in their pres- ence, honoring them with a soft couch — zotVj fiaXax^ — and 182 JUDAIC BAPTISM. giving them the precedence in speech.' This interpretation is sustained by Struzius, in his Lexicon Xenophonteum, who describes it as 'lectus quietis et convivii,' a couch of repose and feasting: Morell, in his Lexicon Prosodaicum, gives xklvri and y-oir-q as synonyms." The comment of Hervetus, a translator of Clement, on this passage, is: " The Jews washed themselves, not only at sacrifices, but also at feasts, and this is the reason why Clem- ent says that they were purified or washed upon a couch, that is, a dining-couch or triclinium. To this Mark refers, eh. vii, and Matt., ch. xv. TertuUian also refers to it when he says, Judeeus Israel quotidie lavat." The second assumption is sufiiciently refuted when con- fronted with the passage. We may add, however, additional disproof, taken from Clement himself He does refer to the washing in Levit. 15, in i, 1184, but in very difi'erent terms: d.Tzo T^ might be omitted, (imo would, in its absence, be most imperatively required to be retained, in a reference to the baptism contemplated. Its absence, alone, is disproof of the assumed reference. The third assumption has been met with so frequently, heretofore, and is in such constant demand as a stafi" on which the theory may lean, that no, present, formal dis- proof is needed. The fourth assumption is dismissed by the truth, that no WASHING THE HANDS BAPTIZES THE BODY. 183 unusual meaning can take the place of a usual meaning, when that meaning fully meets the exigencies of the case. The usual meaning meets all the demands of the present passage, most perfectly. It is in proof, that the washing of hands constituted a baptism of the entire person. It is in proof, that the washing of hands did take place, for the pu- rification of the person, at meals. It is, therefore, in proof, that baptisms might take place, as Clement affirms, " upon the couch." And, this being in proof, the theory is again disproved, for hand-<:/^)^/)^7?^, as a door of retreat, is both locked and bolted. The hands were no more defiled than any other part of the body, and if the purifying influence of the water extended no farther than its physical application, then the man, hands excepted, remained in all his impurity. But the man was purified, and consequently the purifying influence of the water extended beyond its application. Wine, drank,, does not baptize — make drunk — raerelj' the mouth, and throat, and stomach, which the liquid touches, but the whole man, from head to foot. So, purifying water does not merely baptize — make pure — the hands and the feet, with which it comes into contact, but the entire person, reached through these members of the body. When we meet with a heathen or a Jew, who believes that that part only of the body is baptized to which the water or the ashes is applied, we will listen to a hand-baptism as being some- thing else than a baptism of the entire person. Hand-wash- ing, " upon the couch," however efi'ected, was no dipping of the person into water, but it was a baptism of the entire man. There is strong reason to believe that Clement, instead of referring to Leviticus 15, had his eye on Mark 7 : 2, 3. In addition to general considerations, very strong special evi- dence for this may be found in the use oi ruiXXdxiq, It is well known that the use of ttm^/^^, in Mark, has been a cause of embarrassment to translators. The Vulgate, Luther, and the English Bible, translate '■'■frequently,''' "many times," " often," and it is quite probable that Clement obtained his "frequently" from the same source. Certainly the word has thus a reason for its use, while, on the Baptist hypothe- 184 JUDAIC BAPTISM. 818, it must be confessed that it is a very remarkable ad- dendum. Alex. D. Le I^ourrj (Dissert, ii, in Clementem) makes the following" remark on the passage under consideration: "JSTostri porro sacri baptismatis imaginem non solum apud Judseos, sed etiam Gentiles fuisse Clemens noster ostendit. Et apud Gentiles quidem in eo, quod de Penelope et Tele- macho cecinit Homerus Odyss. A' et ^'. Apud Judaeos autem, quia mos eorum erat, ut ssepe in lecto tingerentar. Sed scite Clemens monet hsec plane imperfecta fuisse baptismata qnandoquidem non lavacro, sed animo mundi purique esse debemus." On this passage we may ask: 1. Can the irrationality of theory go beyond the making washing post concubitum., the image ^'■nosiri sacri baptismatis T' 2. When the theory insists that tingo, used with baptism, proves a dipping, how does it manage to effect a dipping " in lecto?" Clement, a native of Athens, knew somewhat of Greek, but clearly he knew nothing of the dipping theory. BAPTISM BY SPEINKLING. Leviticus 14 : 4-7. "Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed, two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop: "And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water. "As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water : "And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose in the field." Sepiuagint. Kai Tzeoio^avet Itu. rbv xaSapiadivra and rr^q Xinpaq inrdxtq xai xa6apdq iarai. - BAPTISM BY SPRINKLING. 185 Interpretation. . . . . " Bt intingens passerem vivum in aquas, in quibus san- guinem immolati passeris decurrere fecerat, cum ligno cedrino, lana coccinea, et iiyssopo aspergeret septies leprosum, et tunc rite mundaretur. . . . Per lignum vero eedrinum Pater, per hyssopum Filius ; per lanam autem coccineam, quse fulgorem ignis habet, Spiritus sanctus designatur. lis tribus, qui rite mundari volebat, aspergebatur; quia nuilus per aquam baptis- matis a lepra peccatorum mundari potest, nisi sub invocatione Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus sancti. . . . JSTosque a peccatis nostris, qui per leprosum desiguamur, per eorum invocationem, et per aquam baptismatis abluit." " The Loi'd also commanded Moses that if any leprous person would be cleansed, he should come to the priest and offer two sparrows to the priest. Of which he killing one should make its blood flow into living water, and dipping the living sparrow into the water in which he had made the blood of the slain sparrow to flow, with cedar wood, scarlet wool and hyssop, he should sprinkle seven times the leprous person, and then he would be properly cleansed. . . . "But by the cedar wood the Father, by the hyssop the Son, but by the scarlet wool, which has the brightness of fire, the Holy Spirit is designated. Whoever wished to be cleansed in proper form was sprinkled by these three; because no one can be cleansed from the leprosy of sin by the water of baptism, ex- cept under the invocation of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. . . . And he cleanses us, who are designated by the leper, by their invocation and by the water of baptism." — Ambrose, iv, 829. BAPTISM BY SPRINKLING. Ambrose, here, draws out in minute detail the points of resemblance between the figure baptism and the figured baptism. The resemblances are 1. The leper and the sinner. 2. Leprosy and sin. 3. The mingled water and blood, and the water of baptism. 4. The cedar wood, the hyssop, and the scarlet wool, designating the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 186 JUDAIC BAPTISM. 5. The removal of the leprosy and the purification of the soul from sin. Where these elements were present, the cleansing, the baptism, was' duly performed. But the theory cries out, "Stop, where is the dipping?" Alas, here as everywhere else, it is lacking. The fact is that all through the Patristic interpretations of Jewish baptisms, it is written in characters so plain, that "a wayfaring man, though a fool, need not err therein," that a dipping or a covering with water never enters into their thoughts as a requisite for baptism. And this, not because they did not know that ^anriZw had power to effect a physical intusposition unlimited by form of act, or time of duration, thus essentially changing the condition of its object; but because they knew this well, and because they knew more, namely, that this word was able to throw aside this limited application to a condition of physical investment, and to advance into a broader and nobler field, indicative of thorough change of condition under any competent influence. This places the Patrists in full accord with the Classics, and expounds with the most entire facility, all their language. These Jewish baptisms have nothing to do with physical investments. They belong to baptisms whose change of condition is due to influences which do not invest externally, but pervade internally. Hence this bap- tism was by sprinkling, and it operated as an agency con- trolling the condition of the sprinkled object; as Ambrose says, "by {-per) the water of baptism." Ambrose believed in baptism by sprinkling, though not in dipping by sprinkling. BAPTISM BY WASHING AND SPEINKLING. Psalm 51 : 2, 7. " Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. " Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean : wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." BAPTISM BY WASHING AND SPRINKLING. 187 Septuagint. ^EniTzXelov TzXuvov pe And t^? &vo[iiaq fiou, xal drrd tjJc d/jLaprlaf^ [loo xaSdptffov fie. ''PavTLei'^ fj-s uffffWTtu) xai xaSapcffSijaofiac, Tt}.uv£2<; fie xal uizkp ^:6va Xeuxdv dyjaofiat. (Ps. 50 : 4, 9.) Inierpreiation. "Renovamur enim per lavacri regenerationem ; renovamur per Spiritus sancti effusionem ; renovamur etiam per resurrec- tionem. . . . Qaomodo renovemur, audi : Asperges me hyssopo, et mundabor. (Ps. 50:9.) . . . Recte renovatur qui de tenebria peccatorum in lucem virtutum mutatur et gratiam. — Ambrose^ i, 827. " Non tam ssepius quam plenius lavari petit, ut conceptam sordem possit eluere. Noverat secundum legem pleraque mun- dandi esse subsidia, sed nullum plenum et perfectum. Ad illud ergo perfectum tota intentione festinat, quo justitia omnia ira- pletur, quod est baptismatis sacramentum, sicut ipse docet Dom- inus Jesus (Matt. 3 : 15). i, 867. "Qui enim baptizatur, et secundum Legem et secundum Evan- gelium videtur esse mundatus; secundum legem, quia hyssop! fasciculo Moyses aspergebat sanguinem agni : secundum Evan- gelium, quia Christi erant Candida vestimenta sicut nix, cum resurrectionis suae gloriam in Evangelio demonstraret. Super nivem ergo dealbitur cui culpa dimittitur. (iii, 399.) " Per hyssopi fasciculum aspergebatur agni sanguine qui mun- dari volebat typico baptismate." — Ambrose, i, 875. — 8id Touc fiiXXovraq vaawniu /Savrt^effSac, xai xaSapi^eaSat baadiTZoi tut voTjTOJ rfj duvdfiei rou xard to TtdSoq uaadiTtu) xai xaXdiiu)%:oTta6ivroq. — Cyfil, 425. BaTZTiffSSifxev oZv, cva vcxTJaajfiev p.eTd vjiaq^ xai S(ba(D up.Tv xapdlav xacvijv, xai Ttveu/ia xaivov dwau) iv u/xlv. Interpretation. ^'Eteffundam (siveaspergam) super vosaquammundam . . . . ita ut super credeutes, et ab errore conversos, effunderem aquam mundam baptisjii salutaris, etmundarem eos ab abominationibus 196 JUDAIC BAPTISM. Buis .... et darem eia cor Bovum ut crederent in P ilium Dei, et spiritum novum, de quibus David loquitur: Cor mundum crea in me, Deus, et spiritum rectum innova in viseribus meis (Ps. 50 : 21). Et considerandlim, quod cor novum, et spiritus novus detur per effusionem et aspersionem aquse." '' And I will pour out (or sprinkle) upon you clean water .... so that upon the believing and those converted, I will pour out the clean water of saving baptism, and I will cleanse them from their abominations and from all their errors, with which they have been possessed, and I will give to them a new heart, that they may believe upon the Son of God, and a new spirit, of which David speaks : Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me (Ps. 50 : 21). And it is to be observed, that a new heart and a new spirit may be given by the pouring and- sprinkling of water." — Jerome^ v, 341, 342. " Adspersio autem secundum legem emundatio peceatorum erat, per fidem populum sanguinis adspersione purificans (Ps. 50:9); sacramentum futurje ex Domini sanguine adspersionis, fide interim legis sanguine holocaTistomatum repensante." — HO- ary, i, 238. " But sprinkling according to the law was the cleansing of sin, through faith purifying the people by the sprinkling of blood (Ps. 50 : 9); a sacrament of the future sprinkling by the blood of the Lord, faith, meanwhile, supplementing the blood of the legal sacrifice." — Hilary, i, 238. Kai yj eixwv abrrj zoo (3anTi£t'a ayiu) T:\)sb[xari j3ej3aT:Ti(TfJiiv(i). "What, then, is the word of circumcision to me, having re- ceived testimony from God ? What need is there of that bap- tism to one baptized by the Holy Spirit ?" BAPTISM BY CIRCUMCISION. 207 ^Exeh'oq Xiyerac Seuripav izepnoixy^v . . . . rji; Tzeptireixev i][ia.q diuroq *Irjaouq XpiffToq. " He is said to have circumcised the people with a second cir- cumcision, by stony knives, which was an announcement of this circumcision with which Jesus Christ himself circumcises us from stones and other idols." — Justin Martyr^ 437; 757. IlepcTOfiij, ruTCixTJ ohaa aifpaylq. "For it is better to be sanctified unconsciously, than to depart unsealed and imperfect. And the evidence to us, of this, is cir- cumcision on the eighth day, being a typical seal, and adminis- tered to those without intelligence." — Gregory IVasianzen, ii, 400. Tijv 7:veu[iaTurjV Xap-ftdvofxev GcppayWa dyiu) UveupLarc dtd too Xouvpou nepiTspvdpLsvoc. . . . 'Ev rfj itepiropiTJ rod Xptarou. " Therefore, by the likeness of the faith of Abraham, we come into adoption. And, then, after faith, like to him, we receive the spiritual seal, being circumcised through washing by the Holy Spirit. .... By the circumcision of Christ, being buried with him by baptism." — Cyril^ 513. ** Videamus tamen quale sit hoc ipsura quod dicitur, quia ho- die abstuli opprobrium a filiis Israel. Omnes homines etlamsi ex lege veniant, etiamsi per Moyses eruditi sint, habent tamen opprobrium vEgypti in semet ipsis, ojiprobrium peccatorum. . . . Sed ex quo venit Christus, et dedit nobis secundam circumcisi- onem per baptismum regenerationis, et purgavit animas nostras, abjecimus haec omnia, et pro iis assumpsimus conscientiae bonao astipulationem in Domino. Tunc per secundam circumcisionem ablata sunt nobis opprobria ^gypti, et purgata sunt vitia pecca- torum. . . . Audis quia hodie abstulit a te opprobrium ^gypti." "We may see, however, what means that saying: 'To-day, I have taken away reproach from the children of Isi-ael.' All men, even though they may come from the law, even though they may have been taught by Moses, have, notwithstanding, in themselves, the reproach of Eg3'^pt, the reproach of sins. . . . But since Christ came and gave to us the second circumcision b}'' the baptism of regeneration, and purged our souls, we have cast away all these things, and in their stead have received the answer of a good conscience in the Lord. Then, by the second 208 JUDAIC BAPTISM. circumcision the reproaches of Egypt have been taken away from us, and the vices of our sins have been ■ purged. Thou hearest that to-day he takes from thee the reproach of Egypt." —Origen, ii, 8'50, 852. Circumcision is a Baptism. JUSTIN MARTYR. Justin Martyr explicitly declares that circumcision is a baptism. This declaration is marked neither by hesitation nor by qualification. He makes no explanation of the use as though it were unusual and needed apology; but simply and absolutely, as though well understood, he speaks, cur- rente verbo, of circumcision as a baptism. This use of the word is too palpable to be denied. Is, then, univocalism abandoned ? The promise was that it would be when one case of sprinkling was called baptism. Such case has been adduced, and now we present another quite as far removed from a dippuig as is sprinkling. Dr. Carson boasts that " no case has been adduced where the word must have any other meaning than dipping." Does circumcision mean dipping ? But what does Dr. Carson say of this case ? This (p. 490) : " He sometimes, also, speaks of circumcision as a baptism, or agreeing in the emblem, though altoii^ether different in the things and in the words that designate them. Study this, and it will show how the Fathers can call various things by the name of baptism, without importing that they are iucluded in the meaning of the word." " Study this," the Doctor says. Another development of his penchant for sending folks " to school." But some things cannot be studied out, in school, without the help of " the master," and this Delphic utterance is, surely, one of them. Dr. Carson has written a book of half a thousand pages, to prove that baptism is a modal act — and nothing but a modal act, and claims that if there is any truth in axioms he has settled such to be its meaning; and yet, a case, ad- mittedly called " baptism " by a highly cultivated Greek BAPTISM BY CIRCUMCISION. 209 philosopher, in which the act done differs fiom the act claimed to be proved by axioms, as far as pole from pole, and as absolutely as a straight line from a circle, is dismissed in five sphynxic lines thrown out for " study ! " Every de- feated leader has a right to choose his own method and line of retreat. It is generally done under the cover of thick darkness ; and so it is here. While I do not understand these lines and give up their "study," there are some things in them and about them of which we may speak. ■ 1. "He sometimes speaks of cutting around (circumcision) as a dipping (baptism)." Does any one believe that Justin. Martyr ever spoke of the act of" cutting around" as an act of "dipping?" Has such a statement, enunciated by any one, a claim to anything but silent incredulity? 2. Where does Dr. C. get that addendum. — " or agreeing in the emblem ? " There is not one syllable of it in the words of Justin ; nor one to justify its introduction. Justin calls circumcision a baptism, and baptism it must remain in spite of any attempt by light-handedness to change it into some- thing else. 3. But what is meant by — "or agreeing in the emblem?" It, of course, flatly denies that circumcision is a baptism; which Justin had straitly affirmed; but, apart from this, after the Martyr's statement has been murdered, w^hat usurper is appointed to its place ? On this same page we are told that the converted Greek philosopher believed that baptism was immersion, and that he believed that immersion was em- blematical of death, burial, and resurrection; now does cir- cumcision agree with immersion as an emblem of death, burial, and resurrection? Dr. Carson might say in unravelling — "study this" — cer- tainly this is its emblem: the flesh cut off dies; who can deny that it was buried ? The burden of proof does not lie with me; that it may be buried is enough for my purpose; proof after so many ages cannot be asked ; and, as for resurrection, "who that has a soul" cannot see it in the life of the babe, beautifully developing after the "death" and "burial "of 14 210 JUDAIC BAPTISM. its own flesh ! Or, with less of rhetoric, but more of learn- iug, th3 "student" might be instructed thus: "Circum" means around; and, if dimly yet beautifully, shadows forth the waters which are ai^ound every immersed disciple; while the act of "scision" cannot go "around" without first de- scending and then ascending, and as a downward movement and an upward movement are involved in every case of " dip- ping," what could be a more beautiful emblem of this act ? Circum-cision, therefore, is a beautiful emblem of dipping and surrounding with water! Undoubtedly. How surprising that things made palpable, under a competent teacher, by a few luminous words, should otherwise remain, hid for ages! Why this, before incomprehensible emblem of death, burial, and resurrection in circumcision, is, now, just as plain as the death, burial, and resurrection of E'oah in the flood, of Israel walking between the water-walls, and of the disciples in the wind! "Not so much light as Christian honesty," must be wanting in the man who cannot see a demonstration so plain as this! Having suflSciently admired at these profundities in the school of Tubbermore, let us now turn in another direction. 4. Admitting, or certainly not questioning, the exegesis to which we have just attended, we are under the necessity of putting its remarkable light "under a bushel," inasmuch as there is no " emblem " in, nor introducible into, the state- ment of Justin. This is absolutely certain. This attempt to ally the circumcision baptism of Justin with the ritual baptism of the theory, is all in the air. It is as foundation- less as a dream of the night. The statement is: "Of what use to me is circumcision baptism, having been baptized by the Holy Spirit?" What " emblem " is there here? What room is there for its introduction by the most heated imagi- nation ? Is there any death, burial, resurrection, or dipping, in "baptism by the Holy Spirit?" Is not the statement simply and clearly this : Having received a perfect baptism, what need have I of an imperfect baptism ? Dr. Carson, instead of raising the question, "May I not have mistaken the nature of a baptism?" when he meets BAPTISM BY CIRCUMCISION. 211 with the word in circumstances irreconcilable with his con- ception of it, sets to work to cloud the inconsistency, so that its rude outlines may be as little repulsive as possible. I do not say that he does this consciously, to evade truth; for I believe that his ideas upon this subject were so fully regarded as absolute truth, that he would, in very deed as he says that he would, have told the Angel Gabriel, denying it, to sit down at his feet and " study this." This writer, after affirming with all the emphasis of which language is capable, that " baptize " must always, everywhere, mean dip ; and after resorting to all sorts of figures to bring it "dimly" out, where it confessedly was not, in fact; and after subjecting common sense to torture, (so that with its dislocated members it was no longer recognizable,) in order to secure some cry that might sound like " dip," is now com- pelled to admit, that here is a case in which there is no dip- ping, in which figure can form no shadow of dipping, and in which common sense presents no bone unbroken by which, on the rack, a groan might be extorted to save a dipping. We leave the case, in extremis, to be medicated by any heroic remedies which the wit of the fast friends of the theory may suggest. In the meanwhile we seek an exposition of the passage under other auspices. Justin was a Greek. He spoke and wrote the language of Homer and Plato. He had the knowledge to speak it correctly; he had the right to use it with the same breadth of freedom ; and he has authority in his usage equal to that of any Classic. Classic usage has been examined. It has been proved to the satisfaction of Greek scholars, (between whose attainments, and those of Dr. Carson, I wish not to make invidious comparisons,) that ^anriZu) does not make de- mand for a definite act, as Dr. C. declares, but for condition: 1. With inness of position. 2. Condition, controlled by in- fluence, without intusposition. Or, stated in terms suffi- ciently comprehensive to embrace both classes: "Whatever act or influence is capable of thoroughly changing the char- acter, state, or condition of an object, is capable of baptizing that object, and by such change of character, state, or con- 212 JUDAIC BAPTISM. dition, assimilating that condition to itself, does in fact, baptize it." Classic usage presents such an endless variety in the forms of action and in the natures of condition, that no limitation can be assigned to either, beyond that in the statement now made. Apply, now, that result reached, by a detailed study of every known case of Classic Baptism, to the case in hand. Is it capable of expounding it ? If not, there must be error or imperfection, for a complete definition must fairly cover every case of usage, without exception. In reply, we may pass by the form of the act, for with this baptism has nothing to do, and limit our evidence to the competency of the act or influence to thoroughly change the condition of its object. This, then, is the determining question: "Does circumcision change the character, state, or condition of the circumcised person?" Can the most devoted friend of the theory answer this question in the negative ? Is not every circumcised per- son, man or babe, taken by circumcision out of an uucove- nanted condition, and brought into a covenanted condition? It is not necessary to raise here the question as to the nature of this covenant, whether it embraced spiritual blessings, or was limited to those which were temporal; either answers our purpose perfectly well. The condition demanded by the word requires nothing beyond completeness and assimi- lation. Circumcision, as a covenant seal, brings into a new condition as to the promises of God, whatever the character of those promises may be. If there is any authority in Classic usage, Justin is over- shadowed by all the fulness of that authority, when he calls circumcision a baptism. One square foot does not more fully cover another square foot than does the definition cover this case of usage. Consider, now, the defiance which it ofiers to all the manipulations of the theory, to bring it under the control of its errors, and can there be any doubt as to the answer which should be given to the inquiry, "What is truth?" The theory is bankrupt. Circumcision by Stony Knives. — Carson says: "In like man- BAPTISM BY CIRCUMCISION. 213 ner Justin speaks of Christians as having the spiritual cir- cumcision of which Greeks, and those like him, were par- takers, though they had nothing that literally resembled what was imported by the word." This admission springs a mine beneath the Doctor's theorizing, which makes it a hopeless wreck. In scores of cases, in Classic usage, he has attempted to find out a resemblance — where there was none — to the literal meaning of the word, as claimed by him. Thus he hunts up some figure by which he can convert the covered and uncovered sea-shore into a beautiful case of "dipping." "In like manner " water poured upon an altar is converted into a dipping. " In like manner " drunkenness becomes a dip- ping, sleep becomes a dipping, sickness becomes a dipping, magical arts become a dipping, hard study becomes a dip- ping, an overloaded stomach becomes a dipping, &c., &c., &c. And for what is all this irrational procedure? Why, in good Booth, to establish a philological miracle; to show that a word of physical form of act (so claimed) carries that form of act with it out of the physical into the metaphysical world, and where the act is drinking, hearing, seeing, eating, thinking, still it is "dipping!" Can the history of philology parallel so wild an assumption of the infinite credulity of men ? And all this rather than accept that so universal principle, of a secondary meaning to words, as applicable to this word. But after trampling under foot confessedly contradictory facts, and transmuting, by some Rosicrucian principle, "one form of act into another form of act;" and after ransacking imagination to discover " a resemblance " to the physical form, or, at least, some shadowy picture, we have at lust the confession, that a word which literally expresses a definite form of action, may be applied to cases in which there is " nothing that literally resembles what was imported by the word." It is hardly necessary to say, that under such cir- cumstances either the word has lost all meaning, or it has acquired a secondary meaning. But while Dr. Carson abandons, incontinently, all attempt to discover a " cutting around," real or pictured, in the cir- cumcision by Christ received by Justin, he challenges angela 214 JUDAIC BAPTISM. and men to deny that there was a " dipping," in the baptism by the Holy Spirit^ received bj this same Justin. If it should be said, that the admission of Dr. Carson that circumcision has lost its form of act, does not imply that baptism has lost its form of act, I answer: 1. There is no form of act in bap- tism, to lose. 2. Any one who admits that "circumcision" has lost its form of act in circumcision by Christy and denies that "baptism" has lost its form of act in baptism by the Holy Spirit^ has certainly lost his reason. This rejection of what is vital to a word in its primary use, and the adoption of some associated idea in secondary use, is of constant development. "I am an American," means, primarily, I am born on American soil. But one born on the other side of the globe may say, "I am an American," re- jecting claim to birth, and claiming to hold the principles which distinguish American citizens. Paul says of uncir- cumcised Christians, ye are the circumcision, because they held the principles which appertained to circumcision; and he denies that the circumcised Jew was of the circumcision, be- cause they rejected those principles. The same thing is ex- hibited in the declaration, "They are not all Israel which are of Israel." In such usage there is a modification of the primary meaning, and the development of a conception which was subordinately in the primary meaning, or which had become an outgrowth of it, or an accretion around it. So ftaTtri^o} rejects the form of condition belonging to its lit- eral, primary use, and develops the idea of controlling influ- ence, growing out of such form of condition. Justin's baptism " by the Holy Spirit" rejects form of con- dition and expresses the controlling influence of the Divine Spirit; just as "circumcision by Christ" rejects the form of act and confers the reality exhibited by that act. I do not enter upon any detailed examination of "baptism by the Holy Spirit," as here spoken of, (it will come up in its place,) but merely remark, that as there is no more of dipping or covering in this baptism than there is in baptism by circumcision ; so, if the theory stumbles at the one, it ought to fall down discomfited before the other. BAPTISM BY CIRCUMCISION. 215 GREGORY NAZIANZEN. Circumcision, tyioical Bajpiism. — This writer teaches that cir- cumcision was a typical seal or baptism ; and as this type baptism was administered to infants eight days old, when intelligence was yet undeveloped, so the antitype seal, or baptism should be administered to those who were in danger of dying, whether infants or adults, as was the common practice. It should be observed, that while Justin speaks of baptisni by circumcision, he contrasts it, as to efficacy, with baptism by the Holy Spirit, while Gregory makes circum- cision baptism a type of ritual baptism. If the Fathers had regarded Christian baptism as only a type or symbol bap- tism, they could not have made these Judaic baptisms types of it, for there cannot be a type of a type; but they believed it to be an efficacious baptism, one of divine power over the condition of the soul, and therefore, could, consistently, make it the antitype of Old Testament typical purifications. Justin Martyr was more orthodox than those that came after him, and he refers type baptism to baptism by the Holy Spirit, without the intervention of water. CYRIL. Circumcised by Washing. — " Circumcised by the Holy Spirit through washing." In this circumcision, the prime, efficient agent is the Holy Spirit, the efficient, instrumental agency is "the washing," and the result is an unfleshly, spiritual nature. We have here, proof, 1. Of the type character of circum- cision; that it was a purification of the flesh, and therefore was called a baptism which was suitable to foreshadow that spiritual purification which cleansed the soul, and was the work of the Holy Spirit. 2. The Holy Spirit operated through the water to take away sin. Mem. — Cyril, Gregory, and Justin forgot to point out the resemblance to death, burial, and resurrection, in this type baptism. 216 JUDAIC BAPTISM. BAPTISM BY DKOPS OF BLOOD. Exodus 12 : 7, 12, 13. '* And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts, and on the upper door-post of the houses. " For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt. "And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are; and when I see the blood I will pass over you." Interpretation. "Pascha nostrum pro nobis immolatus est Christus Deus." ^EiTza^e yap to ai/ia olko zyjc; TzXeupaq iiu. tyjv yyjv, xal tov fioXuffpov abrjjq aTzavra t^exd6rjp£v. . . . Aia T7f<; i'^opokoyTQffSioq iy.dSrjpev tauzov zou ^unou zihv dpapzTj/j.dzu}v, "Christ the Lord, our Passover, was slain for us. Why was he slain without the city, and on a high place, and not under some roof? This was not without reason, but that he might purify the nature of the air. For this reason was he slain on high and not beneath a roof, but with the heavens stretched over him instead of a roof, that the whole heavens might be purified. Therefore the sky was purified, and the earth was purified. For the blood from his side dropped upon the earth, and purged away all its defilement. . . . He (the thief) did not dare to say, 'Eemember me' until that by confession he purified himself from the pollution of sins. . . . For the strength of con- fession is great, and it has great power. For he confessed, and behold he found Paradise opened ; he confessed, and he, who was a robber, received boldness to ask a kingdom." — Chrysostom, ii, 406, 409. Kal zauza jSaTzztao/iev ] . . . ax; dk xai ij zw'^ ^Xicov ^pi(7«;, dcd zcav dvaiadrjZiov tpuldzzouaa zd Tzpuizozo/.a. "And shall we baptize these (infants) ? Certainly; . . . the evidence of this is circumcision, which is a typical seal .... and in like manner, the smearing of the door-posts, protecting, through these insensible things, the first-born." — Gregory Nazi- anzen, ii, 400. BaKZiapnv utq xaOapruo'j 6vza ndvzcvv i]pu)v. BAPTISM BY DROPS OF BLOOD. 217 ** He calls his death baptism as being a purging of us all." — Theophylact, Matt. 22. " Hos duo baptismos de vulnere perfossi lateris emisit." " These two baptisms he shed forth from the wound of his pierced side." — Tertullian, 357; Paris, 1634. "Baptisma publicaa confessionis et sanguinis proficere ad sa- lutem potest. . . . Sanguine suo baptizatos et passione." "The baptism of a public confession and of blood may avail for salvation, (but not to a heretic out of the church.) The Lord declares in the Gospel, that those baptized by his blood and passion are sanctified and attain the grace of the divine prom- ise, when he speaks to the thief believing and trusting in the very passion, and promises that he shall be with him in Para- dise."— Cx/pnan, 1123, 1124. To ai;j.a rod Tzpof^drou Turzoq rod alixaroq rou XpiffTou. " The blood of the lamb is a type of the blood of Christ." — Basil, M. iv, 124. Baptism of " the First-born." This passage, and the interpretations directly and indi- rectly connected with it, establishes in the most conclusive manner, that there is a class of baptisms with which neither the act of dipping, nor a covering, efiected in any way, has anything to do. And more than this; it is established that the source of the baptizing power need not even be in con- tact with the baptized object. Gregory ITazianzeu speaks of circumcision as typical of baptism, "and in like manner" the blood smeared on the door-posts of the families of Israel. The argument which he extracts from them is this : Inasmuch as typical circum- cision was able to influence the condition of the child, which was all unconscious of the transaction, and inasmuch as typical blood upon the door-posts destitute of all intelligence, was capable of influencing the condition of the child, un- conscious of the transaction and untouched by the blood, yet on whose behalf that blood was sprinkled by parents in the way appointed by God ; therefore, infant children with- 218 JUDAIC BAPTISM. out any intelligence as to the ordinance, may receive antitype baptism, and be changed as to their condition by receiving a more perfect purification through the antitype, than type circumcision could effect; and a more perfect salvation than the type blood of the passover lamb could bring to " the first-born." This was Patristic reasoning; and whatever else it may show, it does show conclusively, that, in their view, type baptisms shadowed forth the cleansing of the soul from sin and its redemption unto eternal life, by puri- fications of the body, and the preservation of the natural life, and did not shadow forth " a dipping" or "a covering." When the root idea of all baptisms, (thorough change of condition,) is apprehended, not only can no embarrassment arise from the absence of a dipping or a covering, but, also, no embarrassment can arise from a baptism declared to be effected by a baptizing substance which does not touch the baptized object. Whether water, blood, or ashes shall be used in divine worship is a matter of sovereign appointment. How they shall be used, and what shall be their value, are matters of the same pure sovereignty. That blood, blood of a lamb, should be used in the Passover; that it should be used by "striking;" that this striking should be against the door- posts; that the transaction should enure to the benefit of "the first-born," were all matters pertaining, not to the nature of things, however wise and fit they may have been, but to the good pleasure of Israel's God. It being thus determined that the condition of "the first-born" should be changed, not by dipping them into water, nor by covering them with blood; but by God-fearing parents striking the family door-posts with the bloodied hyssop branch, thus bringing them out of a condition of impending death, into a condition of unimperilled life, this change of condition, with- out the slightest regard to the mode of its accomplishment, is Classically as well as Patristically called a BajjUsm. They were baptized into a condition of safety by the sprinkled blood. Any attempt to solve such baptisms by " a dip- ping" of these little ones must be made under protest from BAPTISM OP THE EARTH, AIR, AND SKY. 219 philology and common sense; not made very loud, but enough to clear their skirts against any charge that might be made hereafter of their being guilty participants, even by silence, in such unwisdom. It will be observed that I use the phraseology out of one condition into another condition, although there is no move- ment "out of" anything, or "into" anything. There is no change of position. The reason is, 1. The poverty of lan- guage. 2. Analogical fitness in some respects. In physical ihrngQ, change involves movement; and movement ow^ o/one thing into another thing, involves complete change; when, therefore, there is " a change," not of position but condition, it may be expressed by a word immediately declaring move- ment, but implying, necessarily, the idea of "change;" and when the change is a complete one, we may introduce "out of" and " into," because of what they involve, {thorough change,) and not because of what they directly and of them- selves express; thus giving them, in such usage, a real secondary value, while movement has disappeared. "The first-born" passed out of one condition into another condition, as the destroying angel passed over them, with- out passing, for one moment, from the quiet shelter of their mother's bosom. BAPTISM OF THE EARTH, AIR, AND SKY. Chrysostom in speaking of the results attendant upon the sacrifice of our Passover Lamb, Christ the Lord, declares, without using directly the word, that the earth, and the air, and the sky were thereby baptized. No one, who remem- bers by what varied terms and descriptions the Patrists set forth baptism, will hesitate to acknowledge a baptism as taught, (though the word should not appear,) merely on the ground of the absence of that word. That a baptism is here designed is shown, 1. By the baptizing power attributed to the person of Christ. 2. By the pre-eminent power attributed to his shed blood. 3. By the sameness of phraseology em- ployed, as when avowedly describing a baptism. 4. By the express use of the word " baptism" by other writers in con- 220 JUDAIC BAPTISM. nection with this transaction. 5. By the baptism ascribed to the repentant thief. The propriety of attributing a baptism to the earth, air, and sky, by the crucifixion of Christ, on the summit of Cal- vary, beneath the heavens, and with his blood dropping upon the earth, is found in the claim, that their condition was thoroughly changed thereby. Chrysostom tells us, that before this great transaction the world at large was impure and unfit for divine worship, Judea and the temple only being sanctified to this end; but by the death of Christ outside of the city, " lifted up with no covering roof, the whole earth became sanctified;" so that men could "lift up holy hands, acceptable to God, everywhere." lie expounds his "lifting up" upon the cross as designed "to purify tlie nature of the air," therefore, ef- fectually to change its condition. So, of the overhanging heavens, "purified." As to the competency of a few drops of blood from the pierced side of the Son of God " to baptize " this whole earth, no one who reads the Patrists can have any doubt that they believed in such efficacy, or that they could consistently em- ploy such language. The justification of such usage is found in the true nature of /SaTTTt'^w, which they well understood, and use in this case, as might be expected, with the utmost propriety. It is but a short time since the friends of the theory ridi- culed a bapiing by a few blood-drops. They have learned better; and now admit that a few drops (to express it pre- cisely in English as in Greek) can dip. Hippocrates says, ^E-KsiSdv kruGrd^rj Ijidzia (idr^rerai. "When it dvops upou the gar- ments they are dipped (dyed)." Chrysostom uses the same verb and the same preposition to express the dropping blood from the Redeemer's side, by which he saj's the world was baptized, changed as to its con- dition, being purified and sanctified universally to the service and worship of God. Theorists now believe that the Father of Medicine wrote good Greek when he said "coloring drops can dip (dye)." BAPTISM OF THE PENITENT THIEF. 221 We wait for their confession that "the Golden Mouth" understood Greek as well, when he claims the purging of the world, by blood-drops from the cross, to be a baptism. BAPTISM OP THE PENITENT THIEF. The baptism of the penitent thief is another exemplifica- tion of the truth of the principles relied upon for the inter- pretation of baptisms. In it there is neither "dipping" nor " covering," any more than in the baptism of "the earth, and air, and sky." IsTor are there even a few drops of blood which hyperbole might magnify into a pool; for those blood-drops upon him are not of "a witness" for Christ, but witnesses of his guilt as a thief. Nor do "those two baptisms shed forth from the Saviour's side," of which TertuUian speaks, reach his firmly nailed body. How then, was he baptized? Chrysostom and Cyril both answer by " the baptism of confession." This baptism was grounded in the Saviour's declaration — " He that confesseth me before men, him will I confess before my Father in heaven." Hence the '■^ power " of confession became a subject for eulogy. The former of these two winters says, that the thief "purified himself from the pollutions of sin by confession.'^ He declares that " the strength of confession is great and has great power." "He confessed, and behold he found Paradise opened." How entirely removed is the conception of these writers and their associates as to the nature of a baptism, from that presented by the theory, is manifest from their speaking of "confession," and "blood," and "water" as possessed of '■'■power" and therefore competent to baptize. There is not a syllable which likens them to pools, floods, or torrents. 'Eo such elements of thought are introduced by them into the explanation of these baptisms. This antagonism of view between the modern theory and these Greeks is, alone, suf- ficient to convict of error, unless, indeed, these ancient worthies also, are to be "sent to school." Such course, in this case, might prove dangerous, for Chrysostom has the credit of having overmastered his master, (the most cele- 222 JUDAIC BAPTISM. brated of his day,) while yet in his teens. That measuring- rod at Tubbermore which we are told is applied, as a matter of conscience, to the talents of everj^ opposer of the theory might prove too short. The "baptisma confessionis" without dipping; without "pouring long enough to cover;" without "washing, which may be by bathing and therefore by immersion ;" without a cleansing of the feet, "which may be done by putting them into it, which is an immersion as far as it goes;" without an ark or a fishing-boat, which might then " dimly shadow forth a burial and a resurrection;" without any element of deep emotion, which then might be converted into " an overflow- ing torrent;" without mental solicitude, which then might be made "a burden to sink in deep waters;" without any help whereby a figure or a picture can be wrought out, this "baptisma confessionis" cannot but be a stumbling-block to the theory. " Confession," through the influence of blood- drops from the cross, baptizes the penitent sinner and fits him for Paradise ! BAPTISMS OF FIKE. BAPTISM BY THE FLAMING SWORD. Genesis 3 : 24. " So he drove out the man : And he placed at the east of the garden of Eden, cherubims and a flaming sword, which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." Interpretation. "Non unum est baptisma: unum est quod hie tradit Ecclesia, per aquam et Spiritum Sanctum quo necesse est baptizari cate- chumenos. Est et aliud baptisma, de quo dicit Dominus Jesus: ' Baptisma habeo baptizari, quod nos nescitis,' (Luke 12 : 10.) Et utique jam baptizatus in Jordane fuerat, sicut superiora de- clarant; sed sit hoc baptismum passionis, quo etiam sanguine suo anusquisque mundatur. "Est etiam baptismum in paradisi vestibulo, quod antea non BAPTISM BY FIRE. 223 erat: sed posteaquam peccator exclusus est, ccepit esse romphgea ignea, quam posuit Deiis, quse antea non erat, quando peccatum non erat. " Culpa coepit, et baptismum coepit : quo purificentur, qui in paradisum redire cupiebant, ut regressi dicerent : ' Transivimus per ignem et aquam.' (Ps. 66 : 12.) Hie per aquam, illic per ignem. Per aquam, ut abluantur peccata : per ignem ut exu- rantur. . . . " Quis est qui in hoc igne baptizat? . . . Ille de quo Johannes ait : ' Ipse vos baptizabit in Spiritu sancto et igne.' . . . Veniet ergo Baptista Magnus, sic enim eum nomino quomodo nominavit Grabi'iel dicens, (Luc. 1:32,) 'Hie erit Magnus,' videbit multos ante paradisi stantes vestibulum, movebit rompbseam versati- lem, dicet iis qui a dextris sunt, non habentibus gravia peccata: 'Intrate qui prsesumitis, qui ignem non timetis.' . . . Intrate in requiem meam ; ut unusquisque nostrum ustus romphoea ilia flammea, non exustus, introgressus in illam paradisi amoeni- tatem, gratias agat Domino suo, dicens: 'Induxisti nos in re- frigerium.' " (Ps. 66 : 12.) " Baptism is not one : that is one kind which the Church gives by water and the Holy Spirit, wherewith it is necessary that catechumens be baptized. "And that is another Baptism, of which the Lord Jesus says: * I have a baptism to be baptized with, which ye know not.'. (Luke 12 : 10.) And as he had already been baptized in Jordan, as previously stated, this must be the Baptism of Passion by which, through his blood, every one of us must be cleansed. " There is, also, a baptism at the entrance of Paradise which formerly did not exist; but after the transgressor was excluded, the flaming sword began to be, which God established, which was not, before, when sin was not. Sin began and baptism began; by which they might be purified who desired to return, that having returned they might say: ' We have passed over by fire and water.' (Ps. 66: 12.) Here by water, there by fire. By water, that sins may be washed away; by fire, that they may be consumed. . . . "Who is it that baptizes by this fire? . . . He of whom John says, ' He shall baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.' . . . Then shall come the Great Baptizer, (for so I call him as Gabriel called him, saying, (Luke 1 : 32,) ' He shall be Great,') he will 224 JUDAIC BAPTISM. see many standing before the entrance of Paradise, he will wave the sword turning every way. He will say to those on the right hand, not having weighty sins, 'Enter ye, who are of good courage, who, fear not the fire.' . . . "Enter into my kingdom: So every one of us burned (puri- fied) by that sword, not consumed, having entered into the delights of Paradise, may give thanks to his Lord, saying, (Ps. 66:12,) ^ Thou hast brought us into rest.'" — Ambrose, ii, 1227, 1228. "Statuit igneam romphceam, et cherubim custodire viam ligni vitse. . . . Audi Salvatorem ratione ignis et ferri in duobus locis significantem. In alio loco ait: ^ Non veni mittere pacem super terram, sed gladium.' In alio vero : ' Ignem veni mittere super ter- ram, et utinam jam ardeat.' Igitur defert utrumque Salvator, gla- dium et ignem, et baptizat qu^ non potuerunt Spiritus Sancti purificatione purgari." " He places a flaming sword and cherubim to guard the way of the tree of life. And as if a sword, sharp and hot, be struck against the body, it causes double pain, of burning and of cut- ting, so, also, the sword which is'mentioned as placed as a guard of Paradise, produces double torment, it burns and it cuts. Stu- dents of the medical art say that some diseases require not only the cutting of the knife, but, also, burning. Cancers require that the putrid flesh shall be cut out and their roots burned. Dost thou think that our cancer, as I may call it, has a like viciousness, so that neither the mere sharpness of the knife nor the mere burning of fire can suflBce, but both must be applied, that it may be both burned and cut ? Hear the Saviour show- ing the use of fire and knife, in two passages: In one place he says : ' I have not come to send peace on the earth hut a sivord.' But in another place he says: 'I have come to send fire upon the earth, and I wish it were already kindled.' Therefore the Saviour brings both, sword and fire, and baptizes those things WHICH could not be purged by the purification of the Holy Spirit." — Origen (translated by Jerome), iii, 704. Sh de Tzwq kitaviXdTjq elz rbv Tzapddziaov, [xij (7(ppayLadsiq ru) (iaizTiffiiazi] "H oox «I<5ai?, on rinJdings (water, blood, ash.es), and of washings (body, feet, hands); and of spiritual pu- rifications, mediate (water imbued with divine power, martyr blood, flaming sword), and immediate, (Holy Spirit.) These are only some of the "Multa genera baptismatum" which make up that wide " Class," characterized by thorough change ofccndition. They are sufficient to sustain the position, "Baptism is not one," and to show that its contradictory BAPTISM BY FIRE. 227 "Baptism is one," is a position neither proven nor prova- ble. Classic Baptism is right when it says, "Baptism is a myriad-sided word." ^'Baptism by water and the Holy Spirit.'^ Ambrose pro- ceeds to cite some particular kinds of baptism, in order to sustain his assertion that "Baptism is not one." I do not enter into a discussion of this baptism. It is not within my present plan so to do. I only observe, as to its distinctive character: 1. It does not belong to the class of mere symbol baptisms; it effects a spiritual puriticatiou. 2. Whatever may have been the manner of using the water, its position in the baptism is that of agency. The ''''power'' to effect the baptism is with the water. It is not a recipient element. This is the Patristic view. " Baptisma passionis." The baptism of passion, or of cruci- fixion, experienced by our adorable Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is declared by Ambrose to be another kind of bap- tism from that just mentioned, namely, Baptism by water and the Holy Spirit. We have thus specific examples fur- nished to illustrate the general statement, "Baptism is not one." What, now, is the unity, or what are the unities, which make both baptisms; and what the diversity or diver- sities which make them baptisms not of the same kind ? 1. As to the forms of act. In the one case, it is applying water to the body in varying forms, and "the operation" of the Holy Spirit on the soul; in the other case, it is striking with a hammer and thrusting with a spear. 2. As to the agen- cies. In the former case it is water impregnated with a di- vine power, in the latter case it is the agonies of the cross. 3. As to the results. In the first case there is a wetting of fehe bod}' and (supposedly) a purification of the soul; in the last case there is a penal death, " the just for the unjust." There is no unity in the forms of the act. none in the nature of the agency, none in the characters of the result. There is neither a dipping nor a covering to be found whereby they can be interlinked. Why then have they the common name of bap- tism ? I answer, because a baptism is never dependent upon any specific form of action, upon any specific nature in the 228 JUDAIC BAPTISM. instrumentality, or upon any specific character in the result; but is the production of any act, or of any agency, which is capable of thoroughly changing the condition of its object. Friends and rejecters of the dipping theory will alike ad- mit, that the sinner baptized with water impregnated with divine influence, had (according to the Patristic faith) there- by his moral condition thoroughly changed. And all will, equally, acknowledge that the "baptism of passion" thor- oughly changed the condition of the Sufferer in his relations to the law, having forever satisfied its claims; and his rela- tions to his people, being now and thus, now in fact, thus "from the foundation of the world," the slain Lamb of God, able to take away their sins; as well as his own personal condition, changing his condition of life into a condition of death, on which changed condition all else hung suspended. By the power of this central truth, we fling ofi' those alien elements, "dipping" and "covering," while we bring into order and harmony all those multiplied diversities which enter into the " multa genera baptismaium." The theory has ever stumbled at the unity and charity in- culcated by the cross, and has thus been deservedly " broken ;" the baptism of the cross now falls upon it, and it is "ground to powder." And so perish, speedily, all error which sepa- rates the people of God! Before leaving this case of baptism, I would call attention to the form and force of the phrase "Baptisms passionis." What is the grammatical and logical relation between these two words? Very few, perhaps none, will differ in their answer to this question. For that very reason it is desirable to raise it now^ as we shall meet with it hereafter, when out- side influences may cause more embarrassment in its deter- mination. The only point to be settled, is the character of the geni- tive. Is it subjective or objective f Is the baptism produced by "passion," as its source, or has baptism "passion" for its end ? If there should be any hesitancy in auswering this inquiry, aid may, perhaps, be found in referring to a similar phrase, which has already been before us: "Baptisma con- BAPTISM BY THE FLAMING SWORD. 229 fessionis." None, I presume, will regard "confession" as the end of Martyr baptism; but all will say, Martyrdom pro- ceeds from " confession." In other words, the case is a geni- tive subjective, and not objeciive. The similar phrase, "Bap- tisraa passionis," should, unquestionably, be determined in the same manner. The atoning sorrows of the blessed Re- deemer on the cross, were the source whence his baptism came, not the end to which it tended. " Passion " baptized the atoning Redeemer into death. I pass oyer this amazing baptism, now, as lightly as its presentation by Ambrose will allow. Its consideration will demand a most central position when we come to speak of Christian Baptism. Baptism of the Flaming Sword. — A third baptism, differing from the other two, is adduced to sustain the same general position, "Baptism is not one." This is a baptism which takes place at the gates of Paradise. When Aaron was baptized by Moses at the door of the congregation. Dr. Carson insisted that it must be by im- mersion. If Ambrose had merely said : " There is, also, a baptism at the entrance of Paradise," or, if those words only had come down to us without any explanation as to the quo modo of the baptism, this thrice honest believer in dipping would have gone to the stake sooner than he would have admitted, that there was or could be any other than a dip- ping baptism. He would have asked, in triumph, "Is there not a river flowing in the Paradise of God ? And if one be not enough, where are the Pison, and the Gihon, and the Hiddekel, and the Euphrates?" Fortunately, however, more has been told us concerning it; and it appears that there was no dipping, no covering, no water, in the transac- tion. The baptism was by a '■'■ Flaming Sword." Had the statement been merely, that the baptism was by fire, all that entered Paradise would have been very promptly dipped into the fire; but, alas ! the statement is "a her}' sword;" and how shall the seekers of Paradise be dipped into a sword? I am sure I cannot tell; but I am just as sure that the theory will cut out, to order, an ex- 230 JUDAIC BAPTISM. planation so plain that "any child can see it;" and if, per- chance, any man should fail to do so, it must be because "he has no soul for rhetoric." Perhaps the device will be, that the strokes' of the sword, descending and ascending, (like the flooding and the ebbing tide,) shall " beautifully repre- sent « c/?2>pz??^ ;" while in "turning every way," its strokes come down before, behind, right, left, above, betoken a rushing torrent and a covering flood; and what could be more plain than that, (as the sword is the image of death, and burial is involved in death, while entering Paradise is proof of a resurrection,) we have "death, burial, and resur- rection" as well as a dipping and a covering? Who will not justify the theorist in saying, (while standing at the gates of Paradise with the whole truth of baptism made luminous by "the Flaming Sword,") that he who will not accept its strokes for " dipping," its flashes for " covering," its emblem- atic character for "death and burial," and the Paradise it guards for "resurrection," "compels our charity to struggle against the conviction which forces itself upon us, that upon this subject it is not light that is most wanted, but religious honesty.'^ (Carson, xxxvii.) Some may hesitate to receive these fruits of a warm imagi- nation because they leave out of view the baptism of Am- brose — the eradication of sin which prepares for entrance through the gate into Paradise; and because they have failed to show how the "dippings" of a swordblade would fit for the kiugdom of heaven ; to do which thing this baptism was Patristically got up. Others may object, that the exposition does not tally with the illustration given by Origen of the cancer, with the knife and the cautery burning its roots. This suits well with the idea of a baptism which effectually purifies the soul; but not so well with a water dipping or with a flood covering. All this may be true; but then, Ambrose and Origen may not know what a baptism is, (not having yet gone to school at Tubbermore;) or, they may not have known what sort of baptism they had in their own minds, and so may have blundered in its explication. At any rate there is so much BAPTISM BY THE FLAMING SWORD. 231 of simplicity and good sense in the death, burial, and resur- rection of IlToah in the ark, of Israel in the dried-up sea, and of the Apostles iu the sound like wind, that we can feel little disposition to yield anything to these Patrists, as against death, burial, and resurrection in the Flaming Sword! In any case, however, there is much to justify the state- ment, that as a baptism it is not quite like either of the other two. And it is hard to resist the conclusion, that the theory is certainly scorched, if not burned up, by contact with the Flaming Sword. I need hardly say, that inasmuch as the Patrists attribute to the sword, in its cutting character and in its liery element, a doubly purifying power, fully competent under divine con- trol to accomplish its mission — thoroughly to change the condition of those seeking admission into Paradise — it meets, in the most perfect manner, that which we claim to be the true and only essential characteristic of a baptism. " The Great Baptizer." Ijfot the least important part of this interpretation relates to the baptizer at the gates of Paradise. This is of so much importance that Ambrose, himself, raises the question : "Who is it that baptizes by this fire?" And he gives the answer: "He of whom John said, 'He shall baptize by the Holy Ghost and by fire.' " To this person is given the title of "the Great Baptizer." Now the question arises, Why was the Lord Jesus Christ called " the Great Baptizer?" We pro- pound this question to the theorists and await their answer. Is it replied by some one more zealous than thoughtful, "You must not obscure the truth by using untranslated words. He is called ' the Great Dipper,' because he dipped so many into the water." To such speech enough of his dipping friends will say : "Don't speak so fast; you blunder; Christ never dipped into water." He might, however, re- spond : " I thought that baptize always meant to dip, and if he is 'the Great Dipper' and did not dip mio water, what did he dip into ?" "Well, perhaps it means. He dipped into the Holy Ghost and into fire." Here let me interpose a word 232 JUDAIC BAPTISM. and say, 1. This latter baptism cannot now be discussed on its merits, because out of place. 2. The answer, as to the reason of this title, must be such as will meet the views of him who gives the title, not of him "who undertakes to ex- pound it. And the reason assigned will not answer; for Ambrose no more believed that the Lord Jesus dipped men into the Holy Ghost and into fire, than he believed that he dipped them into water. It is no sentiment of the Patrists, that the Holy Ghost is a receiving element into which men are to be dipped whether literally or figuratively; on the con- trary, He is always represented as an agent operating on the soul and so baptizing it. It is the purest absurdity to attribute to Ambrose the giving of a title grounded on the abundant doing of that which he did not believe was ever done at all. And as for " dipping into fire," it may be observed, 1. The use of the preposition m by no means determines any such idea; for it is most freely used in Patristic writings with the instrument. 2. The instrument is used subsequently with- out an}^ preposition. 3. The fire, here, was not of a nature to allow of a dipping into it. 4, It is expressly stated that the act accomplishing the baptism was not a dipping into the flaming sword, but by waving it. Let it be remembered, that we are interpreting an expression not of somebody else taken up by Ambrose, and which has a value extrinsic to him, but an expression which originates with himself; and which, consequently, must be interpreted by his own senti- ments as bearing upon it. And in view of them we say, the title "Great Dipper" never originated from any notion that the Lord Jesus dipped into fire. But supposing that there was such a phrase as "dipping into the Holy Ghost," which there is not, and "dipping into fire," which there is not, still every one not demented must admit that there is, in fact, no dipping in such expressions. Plere, then, arises the question. How could the title of a "Dipper" be taken out of phrases in which no dipping exists, in fact, to be conferred on one Avho never dips ? Is not the whole thing, (as is usual with such explanations under the theory,) full, from first to last, of conceptions untenable and unreasonable? BAPTISM BY THE FLAMING SWORD. 233 But this title, "the Great Baptizer," given bj Ambrose to the Lord Jesus Christ means something, nay, must mean very much. What is it? If some votary of the wine cup were to call Bacchus "the Great Baptizer," would not the interpretation "Great Dipper'^ be regarded as a great joke? And would not " Great coverer over" prove them tipsy who gave such title ? Could it mean anything else, in such rela- tion, than ^^ the Great drunkard maker?" Would not every native-born Greek so understand it? But what this title means as applied to the Lord Jesus Christ, (now given for the first time and, so far as I remem- ber, never employed but on this occasion,) we must learn from the character of him who bears it, and from the cir- cumstances and tenor of the context out of which it origi- nates. It would be most irrational to suppose otherwise, as it would be irrational- to introduce into the text, to con- trol the interpretation, any other element than that which is already there. Neither water nor wine, not water any more than wine, has any place in the interpretation. What is the ruling thought of the passage? Is it not purification ? Is not purification inseparable from Paradise ? Is not " the flaming sword" placed at the gateway to prevent the introduction of impurity ? Is not " the sword and the fire" represented as possessed of purifying power ? Are not souls represented as seeking to enter Paradise, and yet " with some lighter sins" which still require purification? Is not the Lord Jesus, here and everywhere in connection with baptism, represented as a Purifier? Does he not take the flaming sword for the purpose of purifjdng completely, those "on his right hand?" Does he not do it, and in so doing, give them welcome into that Paradise within which " nothing that defileth" can enter? And is he not, in view of all this, and because of all this, called " the Great Baptizer?" The interpretation, I repeat, must be gathered from the passage. In that passage there is not the remotest hint of a dipping or a covering; and to introduce them as expounding ele- ments is "a folly to be punished by the judges." It might as well be said, that nobility and a title taken from the field 234 JUDAIC BAPTISM. of battle and conferred upon a victorious soldier, must be expounded by reasons sought in the four corners of the earth and not in that hardfought field — its prisoners taken, its cannon captured, opposing standards stricken down — as to say that the title given by Ambrose, in view of the great work accomplished on earth and at the gates of Para- dise, was not to be expounded by that work. Thus ex- pounded, "the Great Baptizer" can mean nothing but "the Great Purifier," and we ofier it to Dr. Carson as an addi- tional case where it cannot mean the Great Dipper ! I say Dipper and not Immerser, because I enter an impera- tive denial of the right of any under the dipping theory to make use of immerse or of any of its derivatives, so long as they identify dip and ^ar.ri^u). When they reject this error we will cheerfully give them the benefit of it, and will hold them to other responsibilities. In the meanwhile we must affirm, that the two words, dip and immerse, difier essentially. Their power differs widely, deeply, universally; their relations to words and thoughts differ; their development, from primary thought, exhibits the same continued and magnified difference. If these state- ments are not true, let their error be shown. If they are not disproved, is it rational to suppose that, in a discussion turning on these differences, these terms can be allowed to be tossed about, at will, as may suit the pleasure or ends of one of the parties? If the friends of the theory have grown distrustful of dip, and think that immerse can do them more valiant service, let them frankly confess their change of ground, and stick to it with all its consequences, and no one will impose upon them their once trusted, but, at length, discarded favorite. But until this is done, we cannot allow a white horse and a black horse to be imposed upon us as matches. ORIGEN. What does the Great Baptizer baptize f When the theorists have been hard pressed with the evi- dence against the dippings of the priests in Judaic baptisms, BAPTISM BY THE FLAMING SWORD. 235 they have answered: "Parts of the sacrificial victims, or the utensils, may have been dipped, and such dippings would account for its being said that there were baptisms in the temple service." Dr. Halley says that he is not satisfied with the fitness of this answer, but as he cannot disprove the existence of such dippings, or demonstrate their incon- gruity with the baptisms designed, he will not press the argument. This attempt to save the theory in the face of condemning facts, by the supposition of some rhetorical speech, or extra- ordinarj^ figure, or some possible fact, is characteristic of the believers in "dipping, and nothing but dipping." Every one who gives attention to the subject will, at once, be aware what facilities are at hand, by large drafts on rhetoric, figure, imagination, and the rich storehouse of possibilities, for throwing back a secondary meaning on the primary, by one who is disposed, at all hazards, to reject a secondary sense. To demonstrate the impossibility of the primary sense against all these, lawful and unlawful modifying and coloring ap- pliances, so as to compel the assent of a determined and thoroughly committed opponent, is a difficult if not imprac- ticable task. The theorists take this double position: 1. No second meaning to ^anTlZio^ dip and nothing but dip. 2. JSTo surrender, except to blank impossibility of such meaning, after the exhaustion of all conceivable opposing appliances. A rule in itself may not be an improper one, but the inter- pretation of evidence under it may be very exceptionable. Dr. Carson, who lays down this law for the opponents of the theory, refuses to govern his own action hy the inter- pretation of the law which he would bind on others. In adducing evidence for a secondary meaning to /Jajrrw, there is not a case brought forward in proof, which could endure a single stroke from the machinery which he gets up to batter down, or undermine, or overtop, or circumvent, or blow up, whatever sustains a secondary meaning of ^anri'^u). I make no protest against the rule; but I do protest against an insane judgment of the rule, or of evidence under the rule. Proof, to the full of all rational requirement, under the 236 JUDAIC BAPTISM. rule has already been repeatedly presented. We have such testimony renewedly furnished by the extract from Origen, and which I now present ; "Igitur defert utrumque Salvator, gladium et ignem, et baptizat qu^ non potuerunt Spiritus Sancti puriiicatione purgari." — " Therefore, the Saviour brings forth both the sword and the hre, and baptizes what [defilements, faults, sins) could not be purged by the purifica- tion of the Holy Spirit." The argument from this passage is: 1. "The purification of the Holy Spirit" is, in Patristic conception, baptism bi/ water impregnated with the quality of the Holy Spirit; and the object of this baptism, as stated, is to baptize the pol- lutions of the soul; therefore baptize cannot mean to dip, because "pollutions" cannot be dipped. But, no doubt, this argument, though clear as the sun, will be "pufi'ed at," on the ground of the use of the phrase "purification of the Holy Spirit," being used instead of the word baptize. Well, then, as I do not believe in charging people with " wanting Christian honesty more than wanting light," (though they may appear to me to be madly set upon a theory,) we will pass out of the light of one sun into the light of seven suns. 2. Origen, through his translator Jerome, both of unim- peachable authority, gives us in the former part of the sen- tence, totidem Uteris, the very word — baptizat. The objection, then, on the ground of the absence of the word, is at an end. Now, as to the meaning in which the word is used. What was baptized? Priests, Levites, disciples? No. "Shoulckrs, breasts, legs of sacrificial victims?" No. "Basins, pots, uten- sils of any kind?" No. What then? Defilements, faidts, sins, "which could not be purged by the purification b^^ the Holy Spirit." Now test the primary meaning attributed to iSanriZw, (to dip,) by the case, and we have : " Therefore the Saviour brings forth both sword and fire, and dips what {defilements, faults, sins) could not be purged by the purification of the Holy Spirit." Is it a possibility, or an impossibility, to dip " defilements, faults, and sins?" Is it a possibility, or an impossibility, to dip such things by "sword and fire?" BAPTISM BY THE FLAMING SWORD. 237 If any friend of the theory in Europe, Asia, Africa, or America, (whom a jury under a writ de lunaiico shall pro- nounce sane), will declare that it is possible " to dip defile- ments, faults, and sins," then I will give up the case, and pray that a like writ be taken out for myself; for if such a one be not demented, I must be. The passage furnishes an experimentum crucis for the theory. If Origen (the most learned and the most voluminous Greek writer of his day,) understood Greek; if Jerome (thoroughly taught in the Greek Classics before he became a Christian,) understood Greek; if these most learned men had any just understanding of what they themselves wrote; then, the theory is brought face to face with a case of usage in which the meaning " to dip," is an absolute impossibility. That the force of this evidence may be felt, if possible, yet more deeplj'-, I will quote an analogous case adduced by President Halley, (Sacraments, i, 454,) as the highest possible proof to determine a secondary meaning for ISdnzio. "Although Dr. Carson has said enough to satisfy his brethren that ^oltztoj has to dye as a secondary meaning, he has not, I think, produced the most decisive evidence which the idiom of the language supplies. The best proof of a com- plete change of the meaning, is a corresponding change of the syn- tax accommodating itself to the deflection of sense. ... In the phrases to dip the wool, and to stain the m^ooI, the syntax is the same. But if the syntax is so varied as to make not the thing colored, but the color itself, the object of the verb, — as when we say to dye a pui^le, — the secondary sense has then renounced all dependence upon the primary, and established itself by a new law of syntax, enacted by usage to secure its undisturbed possession. . . . This is illustrated by the pas- sage idv ri Tii; aXXa -/^ptoixara ^OTcrrj, idv ri xai raura. * ^iV^hether any one dye other colors or these also.' Here XP^I^^ has gained in the syntax the place of the material subjected to the pro- cess; and therefore pleads a law of language that ^anTut in the passage does not, and cannot mean to dip, as the color cannot bo dipped, whatever may be done with the wool. Another case is found in Lucian [Cynic, p. 1106), olrrjvr.op- 238 JUDAIC BAPTISM. ISdTTTovTsz, 'those dj'eing the purple.' This syntax I hold to be demonstrative of a secondaiy meaning." Professor Wilson, Royal College, Belfast, speaking of this principle and its value as testimony to a secondary mean- ing, says : " That /5a-Tw denotes to dye, without regard to mode, and even where immersion is in terms excluded, the preceding, examples place beyond the pale of candid dispu- tation. There remains, however, an additional element of proof, which, if not more convincing in its nature, is at least calculated to afibrd higher gratification to the mind of the true philologist. We allude to the interesting fact, that the secondary meaning, instead of hanging loosely on the out- skirts of clauses and sentences, has seized upon their most intimate connections, and entered deeply into the structural fabric of the Greek language. As Dr. Halley, so far as we are aware, was the first to direct public attention to the ex- istence and value of this branch of evidence, we shall present in his own words the statement and illustration of its char- acter." We have here the testimony of two most competent wit- nesses to the principle, that a radical change in the syntax is the highest proof of a radical change in the meaning of the word. This principle was not enunciated to meet a controversial exigency. The Baptists had already accepted a secondary meaning to par.ru). It may, therefore, be re- ceived without suspicion, and acknowledged as a universal principle ingrained in the elements of language. We can say, dip wool, but we cannot say, dip purple, and use the verb in the same sense in both cases; for " purple" is of such a nature as to be insusceptible of the action of which " wool" is the object. The syntax, therefore, is proof of a change of meaning. Wool may be dipped; purple can, only, be dyed. So we may say, dip (supposing this to be, as claimed, the meaning of [ianTiZiu) the sinner; but we cannot say, dip the sin, and use the word in the same sense, because "sin," by its nature, does not admit of being dipped. But Origen does say that the Lord Jesus dips (baptizes) sins, (represented BAPTISM BY A COAL OP FIRE. 239 in "qu83"); it follows, therefore, by a necessity of the laws of language, that he uses the verb in such case with a sec- ondary meaning. Sins may he purged; they cannot be dip- ped. If proof needed to be heaped on proof, it would be found in the means used for this dipping by the Great Bap- tizer; " sword and fire" can no more dip, than " sins" can be dipped by them. " Sword and fire" can purge; sins can be purged; the Great Baptizer does purge; and ^ami'^u) means TO PURGE. The theory perishes by the Flaming Sword in the hands of the True as well as " the Great Baptist." BAPTISM BY A COAL OP FIKB. Isaiah 6 : 6-7. "Then said I, Woe is me ! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of un- clean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. "Then flew one of the Seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar : "And he laid it upon my mouth and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips ; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is purged." Interpretation. "Lege mandata Legis, et invenies scriptum : Quia vivens si mortuum contigerit, inquinatur (Numb. 19 : 11). . . . Indigemus ergo purgatione, quia tetigimus mortuos (Numb. 19 : 1). , . . Omnes conligimus mortuum. Quis enim gloriabitur castum se habere cor, aut quis audebit dicere mundum se a peecatis ? Sit aliquis fortassc qui in sermone non deliquerit .... tamen in medio peccatorum versatur, necesse habet etiam ipse purificari. Unde Esaias, cum dixisset (6 : 5-7), statim descendit unum de Seraphim, et contigit labia ejus carbone, et immunda ejus labia mundaret. " 14. Non unum est baptismum." " Eead the commandments of the Law, and you will find it written, — Whosoever shall touch the dead, becomes defiled (Numb. 240 JUDAIC BAPTISM. 19 : 11). . . . Therefore we need purgation, because we have touched the dead (Numb. 19 : 1). . . . We all touch the dead. For who will boast that he keeps his heart pure, or who will dare to say that he is clean from sins ? There may be some one, possibly, who has not sinned in word, although such a one is rare, of whom God may say, as of holy Job: He has not sinned with his lips (Job 22 : 10) ; however, he could not always have the thoughts of his heart pure, the devil injects himself into the heart of man. Whoever keeps constant and vigilant guard over his heart, nevertheless lives in the midst of sinners, and even he has need to be purified. Hence Esaias, when he had said, (6 : 5-7,) immediately one of the Seraphim came down and touched his lips with a coal, and cleansed his unclean lips. "14. Baptism is not one." — Ambrose, ii, 1126, 1127. "Et sumet plenum batillum caibonibus ignis de altari, quod est contra Dominum (Leviticus 16 : 12). Legimus et in Isaia, quia igne purgatur propheta per unum ex Seraphim, quod mis- sum est ad eum, cum accepit forcipe carbonem unum ex his qui erant super altare, et contigit labia prophetse, et dixit: 'jEcce absiuli iniquitates tuas.' Mihi videntur mystica hsec esse, et hoc indicare, quod unicuique secundum id quod peccat, si dignum fuerit purificari eum, inferantur carbones membris ejus. Nam quoniam dicit propheta hie: ^ Imtnunda labia habeo, in medio quoque popidi immunda labia habentis habito,' idcirco carbo for- cipe assumptus a Seraphim, labia ejus mundat, qui bus soils se mundum non esse profitetur. . . . Nos autem, si redeat unus- quisque ad conscientiam suam, nescio si possumus aliquod mem- brum corporis excusare, quod non igni indigeat." "And he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the Lord (Leviticus 16 : 12). We read also in Isaiah, that the prophet is purged by fire by one of the Sera- phim, sent to him, when he took with the tongs a live coal from those which were upon the altar, and touched the lips of the prophet and said, ^Behold I have taken away thine iniquities.' These things seem to me to belong to the mysteries, and to in- dicate this, that to every one according to that which he sins, if he shall be worthy to be purified, burning coals shall be put upon his members. Eor since the prophet says : ' I have unclean lips, also 1 dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips,' there- fore, a live coal having been taken by the Seraphim with tongs, BAPTISM BY A COAL OF FIKE. 241 he purifies his lips, by which only he professes himself to be not clean. . . . But we, if every one would examine his conscience, 1 know not if we could excuse any member of our body, that it should not need the fire. ... I fear lest we deserve the fire not for particular members, but for the whole body. . . . All are not purged by that fire which is taken from the altar. Aaron is purged by that fire, and Isaiah, and if there are any like them» But others who are not as they, among whom I reckon myself,, will be purged by another fire. I fear lest by that of which it is written : 'A fiery stream ran before him.' (Dan. 7 : 10.) This fire is not frona the altar. The fire which is from the altar is the fire of the Lord, but that which is not from the altar, is not of the Lord, but is of the sinner himself., concerning which it is said, ' Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched.' (Isaiah 66 : 24.) Therefore, this fire is theirs who kindled it, as it is elsewhere written : 'Walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled.' But his own fire is not applied to Isaiah, but the fire of the altar which purged around his lips." — Origen, ii, 517, 519. Bdnrcffov [it^ rbv [xiXXovra j^anri^etv zohq Trcffreuovraq di vdaroq, xal nv£Ufiaro<;, xai Tzvpdiz' vdari duvafiivu) d-onXuvai raJv ap.apriwv rov jSopfSopov nveufiari, duya[j.ivu) tou^ ^o'uouq, Tzveujiaruovq dizepyaffaaOar Tzup), Tts^uxorc xaraxaiscv rag raiv dvo/njp.dTwv dxAvOaq. "Baptize me, who am about to baptize them that believe, by water, and Spirit, and fire ; by water, possessing power to wash away the filth of sins; by Spirit, possessing power to make the earthl}^ spiritual ; by fire, possessing a nature to burn up the thorns of transgressions." — Gregory Thaumaturgus, x, 1188. Zeprivoq — ov [lerd TcXeiffTTjv jSaadvajv vtzoixovtjv, xe^aX^<: dTTOTofirj xoXoffSrjvac Xoyoiq e'/si. Kai yuvauuJv dk "Hpa'iq ert. xara^/^ouiiivi], to ^dT:riff[ia, &q nou (pyjaiv auroq, to did Ttupt^ Xa^ouaa rov ^iov i^sXi^XuSev . " Serenus — who, after the endurance of great torments, is said to have been beheaded. And of women, Herais, yet a catechu- men, received that baptism which is by fire, as elsewhere related, and departed out of this life." — Eusehius, ii, 532. AMBROSE. The purification fi'om the defilement contracted by touch- ing a dead body, required by the ceremonial law, and spoken 16 242 JUDAIC BAPTISM. of by Jews and Patrists as a baptism, is here applied by Am- brose to those who live among, and become defiled by con- tact with those who are '■^dead in trespasses and sins." As the one required baptism, so the other required baptism. Special application is made to the case of Isaiah, who con- fesses himself to be "a man of unclean lips, and to dwell among a people of unclean lips." The first baptism was effected by the purifying power of sprinkled lieifer ashes; the second baptism was effected by the purifying power of a burning coal. In neither case is the word baptism used, but in both cases the descriptive terms identify with baptism, as proved to be held by Jew and Patrist. To make an argu- ment on the mere absence of a word, as fatal to the existence of a baptism, is what no intelligent man will do. To deny the applicability of the terra baptism to a case evidently made out for such application, and so used by competent writers, because we have not been accustomed to such ap- plication, is to rebel against supreme authority. Suppose a child has advanced so far in the knowledge of words as to understand, among other rudimentary terms, the names and application of words to designate colors, and bringing a handful of berries from the garden, is told by a parent, not to eat them for they are green. The child looks up in wonder, and exclaims: " Surely they are not 'green;' they are red all over." When the answer is returned: "Yes, they are 'red:' but being 6focZ;berries, they are green because they are red." With what an access of wonder and of blank incredulity will the child listen to all this. The same hand- ful of berries are "red," and " black," and " green," at one and the same time. What shall he do ? Set up his child- knowledge against the knowledge of his parent? and the testimony of his own eyes against the testimony of his pa- rent? Shall he stoutly affirm, that red berries cannot be black- berries; but if red berries could be blackberries, certainly they could not be green berries; but if red could be black, or could be green, most assuredly they could not be red, and black, and green I And if father and mother say so, "I will order them to go to school." BAPTISM BY A COAL OF FIRE. 243 The friends of the theory have learned, as they suppose, that " a baptism is a dipping, and nothing but a dipping;" and when they are told, by Jews, that a baptism is eflected by the sprinkling of heifer ashes; they answer, " It cannot be." And when they are told, by Gentiles, that a baptism is ef- fected by laying a burning coal upon the lips; they redouble their cry, "It cannot possibly be." Do we not know that "dipping" is baptism? How then can sprinkling be a bap- tism? , But if sprinkling can be baptism, how is it post>ible that laying a coal of fire on the lips can be baptism? No; such things cannot be ; and " if the Angel Gabriel, himself, were to tell us so, we would order him to school." The point made by this illustration is, not a likening of the knowledge of these ardent theorists to child-knowledge — this would be as untrue as it would be unbecoming — but it is to show the great embarrassment and strong resistance which any one must make, when a word has been iixed with a single and exclusive meaning in the mind, when that word is presented in circumstances which create meanings the most opposite and inconsistent with that meaning which we have believed to be exhaustive of the capabilities of the word. It is not strange, that those who have put unquestioning faith in Dr. Carson's statement, "My dissertation has forever settled the meaning of /Sarrttw, if there be truth in axioms, to be dip, and nothing but dip," should be startled on finding Josephus and Justin, Clement and Chrysostom, Ambrose and Gregory, Basil and Origen, and a host of others, unite in calling sprinklings, pourings, washings, coals of fire, flam- ing swords, &c., &c., &c., agencies eflecting baptisms. But what is best to be done under such circumstances? Is it best still to follow a leader who has shown himself to be utterly mistaken as to the meaning in question, and cry, " To school, to school, Gabriel!" or, to have faith to believe that, in some way or other, (not apprehended by us,) the same object, at the same time, may be even red, black, and green ? After Ambrose had spoken of the baptism, by a coal of 244 JUDAIC BAPTISM. lire, without using the word, he shows jhat his mind was fall of the thing, by commencing the immediately following paragraph with the words, "Baptism is not one," and intro- duces the baptism of the flaming sword, which has just been considered, as another illustration of fire baptism. There can then be no doubt, that^this writer regarded a single coal of fire as competent, not, certainly, to dip, but to baptize — purifying from defilement incurred by utterances of the mouth. While such a baptism burns up the theory, it does not leave even "the smell of fire" on the principle, that bap- tisms are eftected by controlling influences without regard to form in the action, or covering in the condition. ORIGEN. Censer of Burning Coals. — Origen believed that the censer of burning coals, taken by the high priest into the holy of holies, and the burning coal applied to Isaiah's lips, were of mystical import. He interprets that meaning as teaching, a baptism of fire applied to whatever member of the body may be the cause of defilement through transgression. He sup- poses the sin of the prophet to consist in wrong utterances, and therefore the baptizing power was applied to the lips. Origen does not teach that the defilement was in the lips; but the whole man was defiled through the lips. Therefore be says, " Thy iniquities are taken away." So he argues afterward, that any other member — eyes, hands, feet — that should engage in doing wrong, and thus defile us, "would need the fire." This shows, conclusively, that Origen did not believe in the idea that a baptism was limited to a cover- ing any more than to a dipping ; for his doctrine applied fire, the baptizing agency, to the lips, the hand, the foot, while the baptism, the purifying influence, extended throughout the entire defiled person. He also speaks of those who give their whole bodies to sin, instead of giving them to the Lord, and of needing baptism by a difl'erent fire. This fire, he says, may be that "fiery stream" which was seen by BAPTISM BY A COAL OP FIRE. 245 Daniel to run before the Lord. But here he says nothing about dipping into this flowing fire. But whether the theory will, in the absence of informa- tion as to the depth of this stream, think it worth while (in view of sprinkling, and pouring, and sword baptisms) to put in a plea, " if there was a baptism the word would prove, even in a desert, that there was enough water (fire) for a dipping," or not, I cannot tell. I suppose, however, not many would volunteer "to go down into " the fiery stream, to ofiiciate at the dipping. But in what way soever the bap- tism may have taken place in this fire-river, if they were put beneath the glowing flood, nothing is more certain than that such a feature had nothing to do (beyond any other accident which might or might not be present) in constituting the baptism. Origen most distinctly recognizes as baptism, the very limited application of the fire to any member of the body. This is his language: "I fear lest we deserve the fire not for particular members, but for the whole body." Some were baptized by fire, by a limited application, others by a general application. The character of the sins determined the extent of application of the fire. " Another fire." K^ot only was "baptism by fire" a distinct genus among baptisms, but there were varieties among fire- baptisms. This is distinctly taught by Origen, in making a broad distinction between baptism by " fire from off the altar," and that which was by fire not from the altar. The first is "fire of the Lord," the last is "fire of the sinner." Liasmuch as these fires are agencies, and their effect upon sin and the sinner must depend upon their own character, real or putative, it is obvious that the influence produced by fire of the Lord and "fire of the sinner," cannot be the same. It follows, therefore, that the resultant conditions (baptisms) produced by these alien influences, must be alien from each other. And this brings us back again to the loudly-pro- claimed truth: " Baptism is not one." GREGORY THAUMATURGUS. Power of Baptism — The extract from Gregory Tbaumatur- 246 JUDAIC BAPTISM. gus, brings out vividly the truth that, in these secondary baptisms, there is no receiving element into which the bap tized object passes, but the baptism is effected by, and exists in the effect of the power belonging to the agency. This is exhibited appropriately by the simple dative. But as this case is used in a local (with preposition) as well as instru- mental sense, advantage has been taken of this (sometimes with unexampled violence) to insist on a conversion of the agency into a local element. Bat such mischievous interpretation is effectually arrested by the sutts-atutiou of the genitive in the place of the dative. That is the case here. The baptism is effected SI uSazuq — msviiaroq — r.upd';. There is uo possibility of transforming this water, spirit, fire, into anything else than agenc3\ Accumu- late water over the baptized object until it is submerged five hundred fathom deep, and yet you have made no progress toward the conversion of ^^ odaroq into iv udart- let a diseased imagination envelop the soul and body "in the spirit" poured out and rising up around it until it out-tops the mountains, and dtd meu/jLaToq is no more iv Tzvsu/xau than is a circle a square; deepen the fire-river until its bed rests on the centre of the globe, and dip the hapless sinner into its lowest depths, and Sid -upoq is as far removed from t'-> Ttupt as 6j/ is from in. The whence case and the where case are in- convertible. This point receives additional evidence, of the strongest possible kind, by the conjunction of Suva/iivat with these terms. To be baptized " by the power of water," " by the power of the Spirit," " by the riature of fire," as expres- sive of simple enclosure in water, in Spirit, in fire, is impossible and absurd phraseology. But if water, and Spirit, and fire are agencies accomplishing baptisms by their peculiar power, naturally or specially conferred, then, this quali tying term is most appropriate, and the theory is robbed of her receiv- ing element; that palladium which being lost, all is lost. This usage is most entirely coincident with that of the Classics. In all baptisms kindred to those which are now under consideration, they invariably use the dative, without a preposition, instrumeutally. Wine is not the element in BAPTISM BY A COAL OF FIRE. 247 which the baptism is effected, but the means hy which. Drugs are not the element in which the man is put to sleep (bap- tized), but hy which. Questions, magical arts, hard study, taxes, debts, grief, famine, 2iYQ not elements in lohich men are bap- tized, but means by ivhich they are brought under their seve- ral peculiar and controlling powers. Classic, Jewish, and Patristic writings show that the theo- rists, unwarned by the blunder of Gale, (in making the nude dative local, in order to make /5a7rrcy dip, and eo get the lake in the blood of the frog, instead of accepting a secondary meaning as indicated by the instrumental form, and dyeing the lake by blood), have perpetuated that error in their in- terpretation of these baptisms. To correct the error is to take the underpinning from the theory. EUSEBIUS. Baptism by the fire of martyrdom. — Herais, a female cate- chumen and yet unbaptized by water, was put to -death by fire, as a disciple of Christ. But the historian says : " She received that baptism which is by fire." Water baptism, ordinarily, w^as essential to salvation, because it was believed that there was a " power "in the water to take away sin from the soul. It WAQ, however, agreed, that this power was not limited to water, but belonged, also, to "confession" of Christ by martyrdom. This was called sometimes, generi- cally, " baptism of martyrdom," " baptism of confession," and sometimes, specifically, "baptism of blood," "baptism of fire." The baptism had nothing, whatever, to do with the mode or extent of the application of the blood or fire to the body. These things were only the signs, or means of death. In death by fire the body was, more or less, enveloped by the flames, perhaps never absolutely, but this v^as no part of the baptism; that centred in dying for Christ. In this same extract we have a reference to a martyr who was beheaded. How much of his body was " enveloped" by the sword ? It was as much a baptism of the sword as that at the gate of Paradise. How much of his body was "covered" by his 248 JUDAIC BAPTISM. blood ? If the headlesss trunk spouted forth, its blood so that not one drop fell upon it, it was as much a baptism by blood, as if it had been sunk in the Nile when, under Moses' rod, its billows rolled in one crimson tide of blood. In every aspect in which the subject is presented we find nowhere a baptism in a receiving element; we find every- where, under every form of action, baptisms efi'ected by agencies possessed of power to control comijleiely the condition of their objects. A fiery stream, or a coal of fire, is equally suitable, as agencies, to effect a baptism. Isaiah, baptized by the seraphim with a burning coal, wit- nesses with pure and glowing lips that "the theory" is of earth and not from heaven. BAPTISM BY WATEE, BY SPIEIT, AND BY FIKE. Isaiah 4 : 4. "When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof' by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning." Septiiagint. "On ixnkuysT xvpioq rhv pu-^ov tcov olaJv xal rcSv Soyaripwv Zcojv, xal to aipa txxadapiel Ix niaou aurcov^ ^v nvsu/iari xpiffscog xai ~v£u/j.a~i xauaeux;. Interpretation. ^ Eizsi yoov aiicpoTtpa au'^r^^'^v 6 Kupco^, t6 ts i^ udaTo^ £l<; fX£Tdyoiav, xai to ^x Ily£U[j.aTuq el^ dvayiw^r^ffcv, xai 6 Xoyoq alvcffffsrac dpfo- Tspa TO. (ia-ziffpa-a. MrjTtore rptTq eiatv al enhotai rou jSa-Tt^paro':, o T£ TOO ^UTZOU xadapiffpoq, xai ;y bid too Uveuparoq dyayivvTiaiq, xai rj cv rw itup\ T^ Tcopi becomes Sia too Tzupoq, and t^- Tou 7:up6<:; iv 7zveu[j.ari xauaewq becomes Slol rr^q too meuiiaroq y.avaewq; and all this in a single paragraph. No wonder the theory makes a hard tight here. The con- version of these datives into agencies, like the burning light- ning, withers its life to the very roots. Basil does his work well. Three meanings. — This able commentator says that bap- tism (as presented in this passage, not absolutely,) has three meanings or phases of development. It has been said (and I think the evidence to substantiate it given) in Classic Bap- tism, that " baptism is myriad-sided;" and, here, in a single passage, we are told, by a most accomplished Greek writer, that there is a threefold development of the word. And it is of this word the theory says: "It means dip, and nothing but dip, through all Greek literature." It will be observed, in this threefold baptism, that condi- tion is an ever-present element, and dipping, never. 1. Purification: a condition of purity induced, by the ap- propriate means, from either Judaic ceremonial impurity, or from the defilement of "lis-hter" sins. 2. Regeneration: a condition of new spiritual life; the re- sult of a radical change in that condition pertaining to birth by nature. 3. Trial by fire of judgment: a final test of our condition of preparation to enter into the Paradise of God. "Attic salt" has been freely sprinkled upon those who talked of a " religious " meaning belonging to ^ar.ri'^oj. And yet the Archbishop of Csesarea, the first among Greek Pa- triarchs, furnishes us with something that looks very much BAPTISMS MENTAL AND MORAL. 251 like a religious meaning of this word. Certainly there is but little which resembles, in nature, that Classic use which has heretofore engaged our attention. Religious purification is the ground-thought, as presented in these three baptisms; this elementary idea receiving coloring from the specialties of each case. Religious usage has given a religious mean- ing, or fact is fiction. But while there is a religious element and a religious meaning here present, it is reached without the slightest de- parture from the principles of language, and without laying aside the original fundamental thought of condition, charac- terized by completeness. The difference exists only in the char- acter of the agencies, and the ends to which they are ad- dressed. Take wine, as a baptizing agency, and you have a Classic baptism of one kind. Take a drugged drink, as a baptizing agency, and you have a Classic baptism of another kind. "Baptism is not one," is a doctrine as much believed by the Classics as by the Patrists. Among the " multa genera baptismatum," the genus treated of by Basil and his friends, differed from that treated of by Plutarch and his as- sociates. These Jire baptisms throw their light far and wide; but their light is darkness to the theory. BAPTISMS— MENTAL AND MOKAL. BAPTISM BY HEAVY IRON AND BY HEAVIEST SINS. II Kings 6 : 5, 6. " But as one was felling a beam, the axe-head fell into the water; and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was bor- rowed. ''And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he showed him the place. And he cut down a stick and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim." 252 JUDAIC BAPTISM. Interpretation. SbXov ' Ehffffaloq jSaXihv iig rov ^lopddvvjv noranbv avyjveyxs rbv mdrjpov TTji; d^{v7j(;, iv tJ TzeTtopeu/xivot Tjaav 61 uloi t(ov Ttpocpr^rwv x6(lia>. . . . wr; xai r][w.q [is^aTiTiaixivouq rate; ^apordraiq dp-apriaiq aq iirpd^aixev did zoo ffzau- pwOrjvac ^m zou ^uXou xal di odazoq dyvtaai 6 Xpiazoq vjiiibv iXuzpaxrazo. " Elisha casting a stick into the river Jordan, brought up the iron of the axe with which the sons of the prophets had gone forth to cut wood ... as also Christ hath redeemed us, mersed by heaviest sins which we have committed, through the cruci- fixion upon the wood, and purification through water." — Justin Martyr, 681. " Bxiliit ferrum, et mersura est in flumiue, . . . accepto ligno, et misso in eum locum, ubi subraersum fuerat ferrum, statim supernatavit Quid manifestius hujus ligni sacramento? quod duritia hujus sgeculi mersa in profundo erroris, et a ligno Christi, id est passionis ejus, in baptisrao, liberatur, ut quod perierat olim per lignum in Adam, id restitueretur per lignum Christi." "Moreover we read in the book of Kings that the sacrament of this word is celebrated. For when the sons of the prophets were cutting wood wath axes over the river Jordan, the iron fell off and was mersed in the river; and so the j^rophet Elisha, com- ing up, the sons of the prophets ask from him that he would draw out the iron which had been mersed in the river. Elisha hav- ing taken a piece of wood, and east it into the place where the iron had been submersed, immediately it floated. . . . By which the}'' understood that the spirit of Elijah was present again in him. What is more clear than the sacrament of this wood? that the hardness of this age, mersed in the depth of error, is delivered by the wood of Christ." — TertuUian, ii, 636. ^Onep ^v ariixeiov dvaycvyrji; (pu^^aJv did ^bXou, k.(p o7) iziitov^ev 6 (pu'/^dq dvdysiv duvd[ievoq, dxoXouSvvcraq dvodcu zrj iaozoo. " Which was a sign of the bringing up of souls, through the cross, upon which he suffered, who is able to bring up souls fol- lowing in the way of his ascending." — Irenosus, 1243. OZzog ((J Gzaopb'z) ditb zoo ^0600 z^c xaxiaq ijiiaq dvdarcdffaq. "This (the cross) drawing us up from the depth of deprav- ity." — Chrysostom, ii, 407. n BAPTISM OF THE AXE. 253 " Invocavit Eliseus Domini nomen, et de aqua fefrum securis ascendit quod demersum fuerat. Ecce aliud genus baptisraatis. Quare? Quia omnis homo ante baptismum quasi ferrum pre- mitur, atque demergitur, ubi baptizatus fuerit, non tanquam fer- rum, sed tanquam jam levior fructuosi ligni species elevatur. . . . Vides, ergo, quod in cruce Christi omnium hominum leva- tur infirmitas." "Elisha called upon the name of the Lord, and the iron of the axe which had been demersed ascends from the water. Behold, another kind of baptism ! Why ? Because every man before baptism, like iron, is pressed down and demersed; when bap- tized, not like iron, but like some lighter kind of fruitful wood, he is raised up. . . . Thou seest, therefore, that by the cross of Christ the infirmity of all men is lightened." — Ambrose, in, 427. BAPTISM OF THE AXE. The mersion of the axe in Jordan has special interest, because it brings us back into a purely classic atmosphere. Heathen writers give us abundant cases in which heavy bodies, going down to the bottom of rivers, lakes, marshes, and seas, and remaining there unrecovered, are in a state of baptism. A ship, a fishing-spear, a breastplate, a man in armor, sunk in river or sea, is baptized, lost, in a ruined condition. The natural, unavoidable application in secondary use, of the word expressive of such condition, would be to such things as exhibit a condition of suffering or ruin. Thus, a man who had lost the control of his intellect by hard study, or bewilderment, or idiocy; who had lost the control of his property by debt or misfortune ; who had lost his happiness through some great sorrow; who had lost his health by dis- ease ; who had lost his consciousness through intoxication ; was freely called a baptized man. The classic, secondary use of the word did not pass, at all or but little, beyond this range of application to conditions of injury, loss, and ruin. Josephus frequently employs the word after the usage of the classics, and also carries it into another sphere, namely, that of religion, as expressive of a condition of ceremonial puri- 254 JUDAIC BAPTISM. fication. In doing this, he neither departs from the funda- mental character of the word, nor from the principle of classic usage in its extension to cases of controlling influ- ence, where" there is no physical envelopment. While a very hirge number of cases of mersion result in injury or destruction, this is not the case with every mersion. The nature of the condition resultant from a phj'sical mer- sion will depend: 1. On the nature of the element within which the mersion takes place ; and, 2. On the nature of the object raersed. Time of continuance cannot be introduced as an additional element determiiiino- the condition to which mersion may be applied, because mersion has no limitation of time, and to introduce such an element would be to intro- duce what is foreign to its nature. A mersed condition may be changed by ibreign influences, but it has no element of change within itself. Baptism, therefore, can only be ap- plied to such conditions as are either absolutely permanent, or which left to themselves would be so. Historically we have, as elements of mersion, water, (in various forms, fresh, salt, pure, impure, hot, cold, as also impregnated with various qualities,) oil, milk, wine, blood, vinegar, mud, marsh, the human body, &c. As mersed ob- jects we have, rocks, metals, salt, sponge, a crown,' a pickle, human beings, a dolphin, an ape, clean things, unclean things, &c. &c. Now it is obvious, that the mersion of the same object into difterent elements would be productive of conditions widely different. Take, for instance, a piece of limestone and im- merse it, first in water and then in vinegar, and how different the resultant conditions. Take any object and immerse it in water or in oil, in milk or in blood, and how different the result. Take a vegetable and immerse it in syrup or in vinegar, and you have a preserve or a pickle. Mersion in clean water or dirty water has not the same issue. If you take different objects and use the same element, you still have a diversity of conditions. The mersion of a dolphin and an ape in water, is a condition of life in the one case and of death in the other. The mule of the fable found out, BAPTISM OP THE AXE. 255 that the condition resultant from the mersion of a bag of salt or of a bag of sponge, in the same element, was widely diverse. Merse clean linen into pure water and muddy water; is the result the same? J^othing can be more evident, than that Classic Baptism, with its wide range of elements and of objects, could never be restricted, by any necessity of its own, to the designation of condition limited by injury or ruin. It is perfectly adapted to this end; but no less so to express condition, endlessly varied, under the ruling thought of controlling influence. When this Greek word was introduced within the sphere of revealed religion it met, everywhere, the demand for a con- dition of complete ceremonial purification. It met with in- fluences proceeding, by divine enactment, from water, blood, heifer ashes, &c., competent to effect such condition. To se- cure such condition, modes of use — washing, pouring, sprink- ling, (but never the dipping of men and women into water,) — were found divinely enacted. Under these circumstances Jewish writers took this word and applied it, without vary- ing one jot or tittle from the principle of Classic usage, to a condition resultant from controlling influence; the specific condition being — complete ceremonial purijicaiion. Patristic writers, while thoroughly accepting both Classic and Jewish usage, carry on the idea through ceremonial rites and types to the consummation of a complete spiritual purification, through agencies which they believed were fully competent to control the result without dipping or covering, any more than Classic usage, in parallel cases, required dipping or covering. Let us now attend to the manner in which this axe-bap- tism, so separated from Judaism and so exclusively Classical in its character, is treated by the Theorists and the Patrists respectively ; as, also, to its bearing on their principles. Dr. Carson lays hands on this transaction with a smile of joy and claims it all his own. But why. Doctor ? Is this baptism to be marshalled under — "Modal act, dip and noth- ing but dip, through all Greek literature ?" Was the axe " dipped " into the Jordan ? " Although there i's no exempli- 256 JUDAIC BAPTISM. fication of the act of dipping in the axe falling, yet the wovd expresses the act, and was designed to express it, as much as in any case of dipping, as I have proved, (to my entire satisfaction,) in the sea-coast baptism, where ' overflow ' is put, by catachresis, for dipping, just as 'fall' is here put for dipping. The axe, when it fell into the water, was covered, and when it was brought up by the prophet it was uncovered, just as the sea-coast is covered and bare at high and low tide. In both cases one form of act is, by figure, put for another form of act; and any one who has a soul for poetry can see the beauty of the figure." But your friends. Fuller, and Ripley, and Conant, having read your explana- tion of catachristic baptism, say, they cannot see the poetry, and that "overflow" must remain orerfloiv, and "fall" must remain /«^?, just as in plain prose. "Then, what are they contending for; they give up the question; baptizing is dip- ping, and dipping is baptizing?" Well, I have been trying to find out where they are since they have slipped anchor from the dipping ground; but I cannot say. But, Doctor, it seems that the axe was a good while under water ; and if it had been a son of the prophet who got this baptism in the Jordan instead of the axe, and he had lain on the bottom until they went after the prophet, and told the story, and brought him to the spot, and he had cut a stick, and thrown it in, it would not have done him much good to have brought him up again. Like Aristobulus he would have " remained under too long." This axe-baptism, so thoroughly Classic, confronts the theory with two projecting and very sharp horns; on the one is written — "No dipping in me; " on the other — "IN"© taking out of Jordan by me." This axe of the sons of the prophets cuts up the theory even on the very banks of Jordan. Perhaps it could not be put to better service. Its trenchant blows are irresistible. "Modal act," "catachresis," ^^ temporary covering," can no more resist its blows, than the turbaned head of the Saracen the blows of the battle-axe of Richard. The theory is brained, and dies (with poetical justice) by the loved banks of the river. BAPTISM BY HEAVIEST SINS. 257 "W"e will now look at the theory in the light of that " ether kind of baptism" which the Patrists deduce from this literal and Classic baptism. JUSTIN MARTYR. Justin, originally a Greek philosopher, familiar with all its schools of learning, and then, a Christian, Patrist, and Martyr, says, " So, also, we are baptized by heaviest sins." This, cer- tainly, is "another baptism" from enveloping water, and yet it is a true baptism if we may rely upon the testimony of one who was a Greek of the Greeks. What is the resemblance between the two baptisms, and what is the justification in carrying over the name from the one to the other? 1. The baptisms resemble each other in that neither re- quires a modal act for its accomplishment. As a matter of fact the axe was baptized hy falling, and " falling " is a modal act; but I have never understood that the theory took the ground that "falling was baptizing and baptizing was fall- ing." As a matter of fact our first parents were "baptized by heaviest sin " through the eating of the forbidden fruit. And " eating " is a modal act ; yet, I presume we will not be required to identify the modal act of eating with the modal act oi falling, or be shut up to the proof that " eating is bap- tizing and baptizing is eating." I think we may safely assume that Justin's baptism does not forfeit its title, because the act, by which the soul is bap- tized through sin, is not of the same modal form as that by which the axe passes to its baptism on the bottom of the Jordan. 2. These baptisms resemble each other in that both are characterized by completeness of condition. The one of fact, a complete water envelopment ; the other not of fact, nor of imagination, but of verbal suggestion. The theory does not require that physical envelopment should be shown in sin-baptism, as a fact, but demands the inefiable absurdity that the sinner should, by a lively imagination, be dipped into water! There is no such rhetorical bathos in Justin's "other baptism." Verbal suggestion of envelopment, more 17 258 JUDAIC BAPTISM. or less according to circumstances, is all that belongs to the word at any time in this secondary use ; and oftentimes, as to the design of the writer or the fitness of the case, this suggestion has no existence. And for this there is the most substantial reason. These secondary baptisms are not de- duced from those primary baptisms in which there is mere envelopment; but from a very different class, namely, those in which the envelopment is overshadowed by its result, and is of no value except as causative of that result. To illus- trate : Suppose one of the sons of the prophets had picked up a pebble and thrown it into the river; there would have been a baptism, a complete envelopment, and that would have been all. The baptism would not have been causative of injury to the pebble, or of loss and grief to the son of the prophet. ITow if such baptism (of mere envelopment), had been exhaustive of literal baptisms, we would never have heard of grief baptisms, and debt baptisms, and sleep bap- tisms, and drunken baptisms, among the Classics; nor of purification baptisms, and sin baptisms, among Jews and Patrists. A man who would make a pebble baptism the basis of a "baptism for the soul in sin" would be a laughing-stock for the common sense of the world. What would be the re- semblance ? " The envelopment." But there is no envelop- ment in sin. "True, but we imagine it." And whj^, for its own sake? "No, not for the mere envelopment, but for " Well, for what ? " Why, I suppose to show how fully at every point, the soul is subject to the influence of sin." Very well ; will you now be so kind as to point out the fulness of influence exerted at every point, by water, over a flint pebble ? " If not made soaking Avet, it is damj) outside." It is unnecessary to say, that there is no more basis in bap- tisms of naked envelopment on which to ground secondary baptisms of influence, than there was to be found a -ou araj for Archimedes to lift the world. I repeat, therefore, that the baptism of Justin is founded on another class of baptisms, namely, the baptism of a world, of a ship, of a human being, issuing in loss, ruin, and death. In such baptisms envelop- BAPTISM BY HEAVIEST SIiSIS. 259 ment is subsidiar}'^ to influence ; and, therefore, in secondary baptisms based upon them, the formal cause may disap- pear, while correspondent influence appears in boldest relief. This truth Dr. Carson is compelled to admit. In answer to the objection, that there is no resemblance of envelopment between these secondary and primary baptisms, he replies (p. 493) : " Is not the resemblance in the effects ?" How this consists with the theory it is no business of ours to show; but it relieves us, by the confession of an opponent, of the necessity for shoAving any resemblance, or any existence of envelopment in the case of secondary baptisms, if we can show existence and resemblance of " effects." 3. I proceed, then, to show : That these baptisms resemble each other in their resultant "effects." The baptism of the axe brought it into a lost condition. There was nothing in baptism to change that condition; the son of the prophet could not recover it, and he was affected with grief, exclaim- ing, "Alas ! master it was borrowed." The borrower cared nothing for the covering water save as it brought his axe into a lost condition. It was not the envelopment that he cared for, but the effect of that envelopment. Had the axe fallen into shallow water where he could see it and pick it up, effect, lost condition, would not have existed ; and Justin would have lost the opportunity to ground his sin baptism upon it. It is the lost condition of an object lying at the bot- tom of a river, which suggests to this Greek, (who still wears the mantle of a philosopher,) the lost condition baptism of the souls of men, through sin. Now, what need, or fitness, or practicability is there of introducing envelopment in this baptism? The axe was lost, completely lost; the soul is lost, completely lost; the axe is baptized, completely under the influence of the waters as separating it from the loser; the soul is baptized, completely under the influence of sin, which separates it from God, Herein is Justin's justifica- tion in deducing sin baptism from this axe baptism. 4. There is another point of resemblance in these bap- tisms, which is essential. They are both without limitation in tlieir continuance. The axe would have continued at the 260 JUDAIC BAPTISM. bottom of Jordan, until this hour, had it been left to its baptism. The Greek word never takes its object out of that condition into which it has once placed it. Souls have con- tinued baptized by sin through thousands of years, and, alas! some will continue " baptized by heaviest sins" through all eternity. 5. These baptisms resemble each other, in that both may be changed by ah extra influence. The axe may be brought out of its baptism by the prophet; the soul may be brought out of its baptism by the cross of Christ. But without foreign influence baptisms are fixed. !N^one can doubt but that Justin's baptism is fitly termed a baptism, not because of any form of act done, nor because of an envelopment the result of some act of any kind ; but because of a condition without any self-changing element, and characterized by controlling influence. Compare, now, with this Jordan baptism, the baptism of the theory. 1. The theory calls for a definite act. " The word, with- out one exception, signifies simply to dip." (Carson, p. 103.) "Well, was " the axe " dipped ? " In any particular instance, where this word is applied to an object lying under water, but not actually dipped, the mode essentially denoted by it, is as truly expressed as in any other instance of its occur- rence. Indeed, the whole beauty of such expressions con- sists in the expression of a mode not really belonging to the thing expressed. The imagination," &c., (p. 21.) We will not follow Dr. Carson's "imagination." Can demonstration be more absolute in proof that Dr. C. had no just conception of the meaning of ^anriZwl Was the axe, baptized in the Jordan, "dipped?" Will any sane "imagination" under- take the task of converting the fall of a piece of iron to the bottom of a river, into a dipping ? Yet the theory imposes this hard task upon its disciples, 2. The theory makes no provision for state or condition of the baptized object. If the son of the prophet had " dipped" his axe into the Jordan, would he have changed its state or condition? The dipping of no object can, by any possibility. BAPTISM BY HEAVIEST SINS. 261 give it a status within the element into which it is clipped; because it cannot be dipped without being brought out, without tarrying, from the element into which it has been introduced. But the very essence of a baptism is the bring- ing of an object into a new state or condition; and, without this, there can be no baptism. The dipping of an axe, there- fore, is no baptism. 3. The theory makes no provision for complete influence. The act of dipping is, proverbially, a trivial act. The dip- ping of an object can produce but a trivial impression upon it. So thoroughly ingrained is this characteristic in all that pertains to the physical sphere of this word, that it forms the basis for its secondary use, to express trivial operations and influences of the mind. IsTo word is more thoroughly re- moved from the sphere of ^oktU^w^ whether in primary or secondary baptisms, than this dapper word " dip." And yet Dr. Carson makes this word his battle-flag, while strangely shouting, amid the din of arms, "complete subjection to in- fluence." Hear him : " Is not the likeness between complete subjection to the influence of sleep, and the complete subjec- tion of an object to the influence of a liquid when immersed (?) in it ?" (p. 80.) One knows not whether to laugh or frown at the lawless introduction here of "immerse," heaven-wide difi'erent in meaning from dip^ for which he avowedly con- tends. Its substitution, however, proves our position, that "dip " can never bring an object in "complete subjection to the influence of a liquid." It is therefore utterly? incapaci- tated to expound secondary baptisms, which all exhibit some powerful controlling influence, or to be the basis of primary baptisms, on which secondary are grounded. Justin would have talked more like a scholastikos than like a philosopher, had he deduced a e,in-dipping from the axe lost in the river depths. Brought face to face with this Classic-Patristic Baptism, "the theory" breaks down at all points. Justin and Carson are at opposites in their notions of bap- tisms. But, alas! so much the worse for Justin. I suppose he will have to become a fellow-pupil with the Angel Gabriel. 262 JUDAIC BAPTISM. TRANSLATION. ^^ Heaviest Sins." Justin Martyr, in speaking of men as baptized by a bap- tism analogous to that of the lost axe, uses this language — df<; xai rj/idg ^siSannff/xivouq ralg ^apurdracq d[iap-(aL<^. This phrase- ology is not only of great value, as showing the true nature of baptism, by placing primary baptism and secondary bap- tism (the secondary being the direct offspring of the primary) side by side, but the phraseology itself has special claim to our attention. In the person of this writer, the heathen Classic and the christian Patrist meet together. The forms of expression which he employs, must therefore be of truly Grecian parentage, and any new mental conception, derived from the Christian atmosphere, into which he has been in- troduced, must have its fittest Grecian dress in the words with which he invests it. In comparing the language of Justin, on this occasion, with that of other Classic Greek writers, we notice, 1. That both employ the nude dative with ^ar.zilm, 2. That both em- ploy this nude form to express the agency by which the bap- tism is effected, and not the element into which the object is introduced. 3. That neither, in these secondary baptisms made any verbal statement of an enveloping element. 4 That neither, certainly, felt the need of any such suggestion and probably, never formed any such mental conception How, now, is this language of Justin treated by the theory ? It is translated by Carson, "immersed in the greatest sins;' "baptized in the most grievous sins." The Greek word neither means "greatest " nor " most grievous," but heaviest. Justin employs this term because it is adapted to express, clearly and forcibly, what he wished to express, namely, an agency of baptism; and, also, because his cultivated mind enabled him to see the fitness of taking this term from the heaviness of the iron, which was causative of the baptism of the axe. Carson rejects this term because it was not adapted to express an element for a dipping, for which his erring theory evermore cries out. BAPTISM IN THE DEPTH OF ERROR. 263 The heavy waters of the Dead Sea are not well suited for dipping. The heaviness of the iron, certainly, was not the element into which the axe was dipped. What must be thought of the theory of a word whose in- exorable demands require the sacrifice of grammatical forms, the disregard of the evident design of a writer, and the meta- morphosis of heavy iron into an element for dipping? I bring no charge of designed wrong against Dr. Carson, His theory, conscientiously and tenaciously held, demands a dipping, and he w^ill " make it find him one in the sands of the desert." E^o wonder, then, when this Classic Patristic writer gives him none, he " makes " his theory find one. It is as easy to turn heavy iron, or heavy sins, into a pool of water, as desert-sands. But Hercules may perish through exhaustion. And the theory, which amuses itself with such freaks of power, will hardly live forever. TERTULLIAN. " Mersed in the Depth of Error J^ Tertullian here introduces us to the element in which, by verbal suggestion, the baptism takes place. It is important that it should receive attention. It is as obvious that Ter- tiillian speaks of the eleruent, as that Justin speaks of the agency. The latter takes weight out of the iron agency, in the first baptism, and attributes it to "sin," the agency in the second baptism; the former takes "depth" out of the river-element, and attributes it to " error," the element, by verbal suggestion, in which the "hardness " (taken out of the axe) "of the age is mersed." How is this language to be treated ? We start out with the admission, by all, that there is no mersion in fact, and, on my own responsibility, I add, that there is no mersion in error possible in imagination. What process of interpreta- tion shall be used ? The theory says: Convert "error" into a pool of water, and all runs smoothly. Let us see. If we are to have a water-pool, then all its accessories must come along with it. 264 JUDAIC BAPTISM. We must have something to be dipped. What is it? Is it replied, "the hardness of the age ?" Very welL And now that this "object" is deposited by the pool, pray tell us, as a help to our imagination, what it is like; what is its shape, color, weight, and size? "Error" having been transformed into water, there is now embarrassment in getting "hardness of the age " dipped into it. Into what shall this be transformed to meet the exigency? Into a stone? into a stick of wood? into a lump of iron? That would meet the "hardness" of the age ; but it should not be too large, for then it would be too heavy to be dipped. Shall it be a human being? ]!^ot an infant; that could be dipped, but the theory don't like the baptism of little children. Then let it be a fall-grown adult, and he can help dip himself by that peculiar mode, known to the theory, oi walking into the water. But this Mr. " Hard- ness of the Age " must not walk too far into the water, for while walking will answer for dipping the feet, it will not answer for dipping the head — at least so we are told. Then we must have a dipper. Who shall it be ? Will some friend of the theory answer ? If not, we must apply to old Justin. He says, "sin " is tlie dipper. But " sin " can no more put "hardness of the age" (metamorphosed into a ^'•Mister'") into the water, than "hardness of the age" could get into the water without such metamorphosis. If" Sin " is to offici- ate as a dipper into waier of Mr. " Hardness of the Age," then "Sin" must also take shape. What shall it be? " Before the gates there sat On either side a formidable shape : The one seemed woman to the waist and fair, But ended foul in many a scaly fold Voluminous and vast, a serpent arm'd With mortal sting: about her middle round A cry of Hell hounds, never ceasing, bark'd With wide Cerberean mouths full loud, and rung A hideous peal: yet when they list, would creep, If aught disturbed their noise, into her womb. And kennel there, yet there still bark'd and howl'd, Within unseen. . . . and me they caWd Sin! " Fearful administratrix this ! But, alas ! none other can BAPTISM IN THE DEPTH OF ERROR. 265 officiate at the baptism of the " hardness of the age." We have now got the element, and the object, and the adminis- tratrix. What next? The baptism. What is a baptism? " The complete subjection of an object to the influence of a liquid." (Carson, p. 80.) By what act is this to be secured? Letting pass, now, the impracticable and piebald character of a union of baptism and dipping, I would inquire what is the final result of dipping Mr. Hardness of the Age, by Mistress Sin, into a pool of water ? " He is completely sub- jected to the influence of water." In what respect ? Is he drowned? "No." Is he washed? "jSTo." Is he made very wet? " That depends upon what suit he wore." Well, I do not know what other complete influence of water there is; but make it what you will it is the full influence of water. Then, pray tell us what bearing the full influence of water , brought to bear by "sin," on a "hard age" has to do with the baptism in ^^ error" spoken of by Tertullian? Was there ever a greater rhetorical and logical blunder than the conversion of " error" into a pool of water? This " error" of Tertullian is as unalterable as the poles; around it every attendant conception must revolve. It is placed there by the writer as a despot on his throne, and every word must bow down in reverence to his sovereign power. " Sin " and " age " are, also, unalterable words. " Hardness," " heaviest," " depth," " mersion," " in," may all receive modification; but "error," "sin," and "age" must abide. When these words are used with words directly expressive of manifestly impracticable forms, it is equivalent to saying, " Be on your guard ; take out from these words the thought adapted to the case." In the phrase — "the age, by sin, is mersed in error" — we see, at a glance, that in its literality there is an impracticable statement. But it comes from an intelligent source, and we know that there is a rational thought in it. We examine the wording and perceive that "age," "sin," and "error" must be fixed quantities. This conclusion compels us to seek a solution of the thought in " mersed in." We glance over its usage in relations where its literal demand is met, 266 JUDAIC BAPTISM. and mersion, envelopment, intusposition takes place, and nothing more. We take our discovery and apply a mersion- envelopment to solve the difficult}'. But we find that it will not answer.- The nature of" error" is not such as to allow an object to get within it, so as to be enveloped by it. We try again; and find objects " mersed in" a great variety of elements in which, beside the envelopment, there is the additional feature of controlling influence proceeding from the enveloping element over its object, and, farther, that in such cases the envelopment is simply a means to an end. We return with our spoils and try again. Having already found that envelopment is, ex necessitate rei, out of the case, we apply that which is the invariable attendant upon certain mersions, and is the sole end for which certain other mer- sions are sought, namely, controlling influence. The phrase then reads — "the age, by sin, mersed in=siibjeci to the con- trolling injluence of error." "Mersed in" is suggestive of envelopment as the source of the influence; but envelop- ment is not, itself, usable, and we throw it aside for that which is demanded, namely, influence. Is not this process simple, intelligible, satisfactory in its results, and harmonious with the laws of language develop- ment? " Mersos in caligine^' — " in peceato" — "m blasjohemia" — " in dementia." Souls mersed in darkness — in siii — in blasphemy — in dementia — are other cases of baptism spoken of by Ter- tullian, which demonstrate the ineptness of a water-pool for such baptism. Here are specific influences, most marked in character and most diverse from each other. Mersion in water is not calculated to show forth any one of them; for there is nothing in water influence which resembles spiritual darkness, or sin, or blasphemy, or dementia. If it is said that it is not because of resemblance between the influence of water and these influences that the ]30ol is introduced, but for the sake of the mersion, then the case is, if possible, made worse; for no resemblance can be here, for no intusposition in spiritual darkness, or sin, or blasphemy, or dementia, ANOTHER KIND OF BAPTISM. 267 exists in fact, or can exist in conception. There is no mer- eiou in any one element which can shadow forth these varied baptisms. It is impracticable to get a varied element ap- propriate to each. We repudiate, therefore, the whole thing as a search after truth where it is not to be found ; and take the grand feature of controlling influence, uncolored by any specific quality, and submit it for the stamp of character to any and every particular case, whether it be "soul dark- ness," " sin," in general, " blasphemy" in particular, mental " imbecility," or what not. If in the development of language any word ever lost an element which was originally characteristic of it, such a word is ^aTZTiZu). And if ever /3d7rrw lost in the course of usage the act of dipping, (originally its grand and sole characteristic,) then, ^aizriZu) has, as certainly, lost in the course of usage the condition of envelopment, which was, originally, its grand and sole characteristic. If the one word came by varied steps of progression to express, directly, dyeing ; the other came, by a similar process, to express, directly, controlling influence. " Aliud genus Baptismaiis.'* "When Ambrose speaks of "another kind of baptism," he is not speaking, like Justin, of a baptism which, while differ- ing: in nature and in all other attendant features from the mersed axe, still, resembles it in its most essential feature, namely, that of lost condition ; but he speaks of a wholly different kind of baptism from both of these; a baptism which is grounded on the passing of the axe out of a lost condition into a saved condition. If a seal were needed to be afluixed to the tomb of this thrice slain theory of " dipping and nothing but dipping through all Greek literature," we have it here furnished to our hand. The image stamped upon this seal is that of "Ambrose;" the superscription is — ■ "Aliud genus baptismatis." Was anything ever m.ore ut- terly removed from a dipping than the ascent of an axe from the bottom of a river to its surface ? But, still more, we have here the most absolute proof that 268 JUDAIC BAPTISM. it is not act of any kind which characterizes a baptistn, but condition marked by completeness and indefinite continu- ance. Tlie axe hj falling passes into a lost condition caused by enveloping waters. The axe by rising up passes into a saved condition not caused by any enveloping medium. Thus we see that a complete change of condition, without envelopment, is, and is well termed a baptism. Similar baptisms with this latter one may be found in Classic Bap- tism (pp. 325, 829). The first is like this, a baptism of iron ; but of red hoi iron, brought into a condition of coldness by the application of water, without envelopment. The second is a baptism of wine by pouring water into it; by which it passes out of an intoxicating into an unintoxicating condi- tion. It is not true, then, that, even in phj^sical things, an envelopment is essential to a baptism. Completeness of condition, with indefiuiteness of continuance, is essential, in all baptisms, whether physical or unphysical. The axe is brought into a thoroughly saved condition without limitation of time, through the influence of the wood; the hot iron is brought into a thoroughly cold condition through the heat- quenching influence of water, without limitation of time; and the wine is brought into a thoroughly unintoxicant con- dition, without limitation of time, through the attempering influence of water. The soul is brought out of one baptism, indefinitely long and i:uinous in its nature, into another baptism, indefinitely long and saving in its nature; both of them without en- velopment. Ambrose is sustained in his views by the ex- tracts from Irenseus and Chrysostom. BAPTISM OF POLLUTION. Job 9: 30, 81. "If I wash myself with snow-water, and make my hands never so clean, " Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me." BAPTISM BY POLLUTION. 269 Translation. Kai TOTS iv diafOopa /Sanriffsi'^ jie. "Even then thou wilt baptize me with pollution." — Aquila. Interpretation. There is no Patristic interpretation of this passage, as a baptism, so far as I know. The usage, here, shows that while the Greek appropriates the word to drunkenness and the Jew to purification, its sphere embraces, no less, sobriety and pollution. Adjuncts qualify. I have given the transla- tion of the passage, as it appears in the Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures, by Aquila. His translation seems to have been governed more by the moral intent of the passage, than by its wording. Neither ^aTtTiZm nor dtafdopd is a verbal trans- lation of the Hebrew. Yet the spirit of the passage is well represented. Rosenmiiller states it thus: " Quantumvis me purum esse et innocentem ostendere voluero, Deus tamen me impurissimum et injustissimum ostendet (in loc.)." A condition "most impure and most unrighteous," is truly and forcibly represented by — "thou wilt baptize me with pollu- tion " — make me thoroughly polluted. It is unusual for the Classics to associate h with the ele- ment within which a mersion takes place. And as it is quite common for Jewish writers to employ this preposition with a dative agency, I have regarded it as so used here. The Hebrew verb is used both for dipping and dyeing, or smearing. It is the same as employed in expressing the staining or smearing of Joseph's coat withv blood, and is there translated, in the Septuagint, by a word expressive of this latter sense, and not of a dipping. Introduction into a ditch or pit, containing mud and water, would very thor- oughly "smear with filth." The translation by the Septuagint is : 'I/.avwq iv punw fie i^ansac;. Here havwq seems to qualify rather an efifect — that of smear- ing, than an act — that of dipping. The use of ^v instead of sk strengthens the conclusion, that the object was not to be dipped into filth, but to be polluted by it. 270 JUDAIC BAPTISM. BAPTISM OF DESTEUCTION. Psalm 9: 15. "The hea-then are sunk down in the pit that they made." Translatioyi. i:j3a7ZTt(Td-^(Tav. "Demersse sunt gentes in interitu quem fecerunt." — Jerome, ix, 1133. Inierpreiaiion. The Greek translator who here employs l3a--iX(o to repre- sent the Hebrew word, is unknown, but his translation is discriminatingly made. The Hebrew word is not the same with that which is, almost without exception, translated in the Septuagiut by iSdnTw. The Hebrew has two words, 72\D and j/j^, more nearly resembling each other, both in form and in sound, than do ^d-Tuj and l^a-Ti^u). These Hebrew words present the same parallelism of differences, in their usage, with that exhibited by the Greek words, as also with that of the Latin words iingo and mergo, and the English words dq^ and immerse. It is obvious that the word in this passage could not pos- sibly be represented by ^dnrco^ or tingo, or dip. Such words not merely fail to represent the sentiment, but they misrep- resent it. They give a contradictory sentiment. What is intended to be profound, the}^ make superficial ; what is in- tended to be thorough, they make trivial; what is intended to issue in a condition unlimited in time of continuance, they make evanescent as the execution of the form of an act. Jerome recognizes all this when he translates — " demersae sunt in interitu — theg were demersed in destruction.'^ Gesenius, in speaking of the relation of this word to words in other languages, says: "The primary sjdlable is here DD, which, in the occidental languages, also has the signification ^f depth and of immersing. Compare the Gothic diup, the German tief^ and the English deep.'' While the Hebrew, and the Greek, and the Latin, has BAPTISM OF DESTRUCTION. 271 eacli two native words to express the two diverse ranges of thought, unhappily the English has not. The former He- brew word, and the Greek ^dnrw^ the Latin iingo, and the Enghsh dip, are as like to each other as though they were all Shaksperian Dromios. But when the latter Hebrew word is mated with /ianziZo} and mergo, the English language cannot offer any like-featured, native-born Antilochus, as their counterpart. Hence the embarrassment of translating ^aTtriZu)^ especially in some as- pects of its usage. To remedy this language-deficiency, we have borrowed a word from the Latin, and that, unfortu- nately, in a compound instead of a simple form. But, in borrowing a word, we cannot borrow its varied usage. That is made by the exigencies of a people. And it originates pe- culiarities of meaning among different nations, and among the same people in different ages, in the use of words having the same thought in their first use. Of all influences modi- fying the usage of words, none is more powerful than the religious conceptions of a people. And, of all religions, none can parallel the demand which must be made by a re- vealed religion introducing conceptions to which the minds of men, before, were strangers. Is it surprising, under these circumstances, that there should be some embarrassment in finding a perfect representation, in English, of a Greek word, borrowed out of heathenism, to denote Jewish religious con- ceptions, and then used to convey Christian religious thought, which in some respects was essentially diverse from the Jew- ish? If we have found it necessary to enlarge the language of common life, by borrowing immerse from the Latin, is it strange that we should find no usage among us of this for- eign word which meets the religious application of the Greek word? And who should complain if, instead of forcing a new rfile of duty upon this Latin stranger, we should bor- row, again, for religious usage, baptize from the Greek? If, however, the theorists should persist in affirming, that "the suggestion of difficulty in the translation is all a pre- tence," we will maintain our equanimity by gazing on their desperate floundering amid dip, and plunge, and sink, and 272 JUDAIC BAPTISM. flow, and bathe, and whelm, immerse and immerge, demerge and submerge, and compassionately saying [s(Ato voce), "Poor sufferers, they are baptized in this dark abyss of words, find- ing no standing-place, because their mother tongue gave them no word to rest their foot upon !" BAPTISM OF SUFFEEING Psalm 69 : 1, 2. " Save me, O God! for the waters have come in unto my soul. "I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me." Translation. 'E^anriffffTjv el<; dazepavrour; xaTaduffai';, xai oux eari ardaig. " I am baptized into boundless depths, and there is no standing, " I have come into the depths of the waters, and the flood has overflowed me." — Symmachus. ^EveTzdpjv eiq D.ov (ju6ou . . . xai xaraiy\q xarsTZOvTiai fie. " I am brought into the mud of the abyss, and there is no stand- ing-place under me. "I have come into the depths of the sea, and a tempest has engulfed me." — Septuagint. "Infixus sum in limo profundi . . . et tempestas demersit me." "I am infixed in the mud of the deep, and there is no solid ground. I have come into the depth of the sea, and the tempest has demersed me." — Jerome, v, 468. Inierpretaiion. The Hebrew word, with which we have to do in this pas- sage, is the same as in the passage just considered. It is, therefore, well represented by (iaTz-ciZm. It could, by no pos- sibility, be represented by /JaTrrw. The Septuagint does not use (ian-riZu) in translating, but it repudiates ^ditroi by employing a word which brings its ob- ject into a changed condition, where there is certainly every BAPTISM OF SUFFERING. 273 opportunity for a complete influence to be exerted over it, cmd leaves it there. In other words, the substitute does every- thing which the principal would have done. It performs a baptism just as well as /3a7rr:t<" could have done, and, in ad- dition, is so complaisant as to tell us how it was done, on which point /Sa^rrc'Cw is ever dumb with silence. The mode used in this case is the same as that used by the theorists, who bring into the water their disciples, but who strangely say, that "this is not baptism, it is only immersion." And what is baptism? "Baptism is the dipping of the nobler part (head and shoulders), with invocation of the Trinity." Indeed! I thought that the new version of the theory was, that "baptism was immersion, and that immersion was bap- tism;" but it seems that "immersion" has a non-religious meaning, "bringing" the more ignoble part of the body "into the water;" while "baptism" has a religious mean- ing, bringing tVie more noble part of the human form into the water, by dipping and invocation. It seems then, after all, that the Latin-English word has a vulgar meaning, and that the Greek will find his way into the religious vocabulary. The translation by Jerome says nothing about the mode in which the baptism was accomplished; neither does he translate by mer^o expressing condition; but he employs a word which gives position to the baptized object. This posi- tion ^dizTUi could never give, (for it can give " position " to nothing, as dipping is an unresting movement,) but iSanTt^aj (primary,) always gives position to its object together with condition, which position and condition are " fixed," as Je- rome says, until some foreign influence shall disturb them. Figure. Those friends of ours who have been so often chidden for stretching out their dipping-wand toward every object in air, and earth, and sea, and under the sea, to transmute it into figure, may here feast on figure, unforbidden — should it prove to their liking. Dr. Carson, after waiting by the sea-coast twelve hours, watching 'he flow and reflow of its tidal waves, exclaims, 18 274 JUDAIC BAPTISM. " Figure ! covered and bare, a dipping." David is now in a "covered" condition of baptism; he wishes to be made " bare." "What help can the theory bring him ? If he is undergoing a dipping merely, his "covering" will last but a moment. If he is dipped catachrestically by the ocean tide, he will be made " bare," certainly, in twelve hours. But David has gone down to the bottom of the sea, and he is there " infixed in its mud." Will it be of much comfort to say to such a one — " You are only baptized, and to baptize is to dip and nothing but dip through all Greek literature ; and to dip is to cover and make bare; therefore, don't be discouraged, you will soon be un-dipped." Whether these comforting words were drowned in the roaring of the stormy billows, or not, I cannot undertake to sny; but they do not seem to have given David much comfort. In the anguish of his imperilled and helpless condition he cries, " Save me, God, for the waters have come in unto my soul ! " Because baptism in water is, of its own proper force, deadly, David employs it in figure to express his condition, by reason of troubles, as one that must speedily issue in his destruction, without Divine intervention. The theorist who would convert this baptism into a dip- ping must either transcend, beyond all measuring-lines, the wisdom of the Son of David, or fall so far below, that, — well, he should not use too hot words in " sending Gabriel to school," if that angel should modestly enter a caveat against a too dogmatic enunciation of " the theory." BAPTISM OF SINCEKITT. Canticles 5 : 12. " His eyes are as the eyes of doves, by the rivers of waters, washed with milk and fitly set." Interpretation. " Baptizat in lacte Dominus, id est, in Sinceritate. Et isti sunt qui vere baptizantur in lacte, qui sine dolo credunt, et BAPTISM OF SINCERITY. 275 puram fidem deferunt, ut immaculatam induant gratiam. Ideo Candida Sponsa ascendit ad Christum; quia in lacte baptizata est." " The Lord baptizes with milk, that is, with Sincerity. And they are those who ai'e truly baptized with milk, who believe without hypocrisy, and offer a pure faith, that they may put on unspotted grace. Therefore the Spouse ascends to Christ clothed in white, because she was baptized with milk." — Am- brose, ii, 1431. " Denique de ipsa anima dicitur : Quce est hcec, quee ascendit dealbata (Cant. 8:5)? Antequam baptizaretur, ipsa est quae dicebat: Nigra sum — Erat enim nigra, tenebrosa, peccatorum horrore deformis : sed postea . . . dealbata." . . . "Finally, it is said of the soul, itself: 'Who is this, that ascends made white V It is the same that said, before baptism, *I am black.' . . . For it was black, gloomy, and deformed by the dreadfulness of sin ; but after that, having been cleansed by baptism, it merited the remission of sins; made white it ascends to Christ." — Ambrose, i, 875. Translation. I have translated " in lacte," with milk, 1. Because the Patrists use the preposition in this sense, times v^ithout number. 2. Because it is a baptism of the soul, and there- fore could not be " in milk." 3. Because the baptizer is the Lord, who never baptizes in milk, or in water, or in any other physical substance. The use of the term "milk" is purely formal, suggested by the use in the text, and is not designed to carry the thought over to a physical fluid, but to the " sincere rnilk of the word." Irenseus (931), speaking of the corrupters of divine truth, likens them to those who mix gypsum with water and offer it for milk, deceiving through the similarity of color, and adds : " In Dei lacte gypsum male miscetur. It is a bad thing to mix gypsum (error) with God's milk (truth)." On the next page, Irenseus shows, most unmis- takably, the use of the preposition "in," as here translated. "In Christi, enim, nomine subauditur qui unxit, et ipse qui unctus est, et ipsa unctio in qua unctus est. Et unxit quidem 276 JUDAIC BAPTISM. Pater, unctus est vero Filius, in Spiritu, qui est unctio . . . significaus et iinguentem Patrem, et unctum Filium, et unc- tionem, qui est Spiritus." If it is contrary to all reason to say, that the" Messiah was inducted into his Kingly, Priestly, and Prophetical offices, by being anointed i?i, and not with, the anointing oil — that the Father anointed the Son in, not with the Spirit — then it is " contrary to all reason " to deny that the usage claimed does truly exist. And here, as sug- gested by this anointing, I may quote a passage from a more modern writer, contained in a note in Cyril of Jerusalem (597) — '* refert eos non in aqua, sed in oleo baptizasse. Id Priscillianistis in Hispania forsan peculiare — he relates that they baptized, not ivith water, but with oil. This, perhaps, was peculiar to the Priscillianists in Spain." If it is not likely that any persons dipped, or immersed, men and wo- men in oil (!), then it is likely that "in" means " with," and, rejecting water, these heretics were "baptized with oil." Besides, we are told (1075), that the Greek churches anointed the whole body with oil (ex oleo), while the Latin churches anointed only parts of the body, and, especially, " in Spain only the ears and the mouth — in Hispania aures et OS." N^ow, I cannot say whether these " Spanish" heretics followed the practice of the Greek church, or of the Latin, in their use of oil in baptism, but in neither case would they find a dipping into oil. Interpretation. Milk is used (verbally) in this baptism as the fit symbol of sincerity. It is not employed because it was adapted for dipping, but because of its color ; just as snow is referred to in Scripture because of its whiteness. Milk could not be used because of its cleansing qualities; for it is not so used in fact, nor is it, by its nature, adapted to such use. It is perfectly adapted by its uncolored color to represent unadul- terated sincerity. " The Lord baptizes with milk, that is with sincerity, into unspotted grace." In any case it will be observed, that this baptism is intended to set forth simply and solely a complete change of condition. This is strikingly BAPTISM OF REPENTANCE. 277 Bet forth by Ambrose in the second quotation. Before this baptism the soul is " black," afterwards it is " made white." The Lord is the baptizer; the absence of hypocrisy and the presence of a pure faith is the means, and the patting on of unspotted grace is the new, changed, baptized condition. This condition is not capable of being represented by an evanescent dipping, nor a momentary covering; but is of un- limited continuance. Whether "the Great Baptizer" emplo3's " milk," or "the flaming sword," to effect his baptism, he brings all who are the subjects of it into a thoroughly changed condition, which, in its nature, has no limitation of time for its continuance, and which no foreign influence can change. Until some one can be found, mightier than he, to undo what he has done — able " to pluck those whom the Father has given him out of his hand " — the baptism of the Lord will bring his people into a condition of holy purity which shall never, no never, have an end. BAPTISM OF KEPENTANCE. Isaiah 1 : 16, 17. " Wash ye, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; "Learn to do well; seek judgment; relieve the oppressed; judge the fatherless ; plead for the widow." Interpretation. Aia TOO Xourpdb, oov t^? iieTavo\a^ tutto? ttjv iffo/iivi^v ydptv -Kpouizeffij- p.atv£. " But the sea and the cloud, at that time, induced faith through amazement ; but, as a type, it signified, for the future, the grace that should be after." — Basil Magnus, iv, 124. To did T^g OaXdffOT}'^ xai rijc vecpihjq. "That baptism which is by the cloud and sea." — John of Da- mascus, i, 261. Paris, 1712. Td 8k uSara, ix^aiTeoffavra ru) XaSES. 305 is changed for a word expressing, by original use, the mean- ing which the Greek word had secured, only, through appro- priation to religious rites. DIDYMUS ALBXANDRINUS. In common with all others, Didymus makes "the waters" the instrumental means of salvation, and, therefore, signifi- cant of Christian baptism, which he believed to be the in- strument in saving the soul. That salvation by the passage of the sea, as an instrument, without regard to mode, is the truth which allies it to Christian baptism, is conclusively shown by the additional statement, that not only this par- ticular transaction, but "all, else, pertaining to their journey from Egypt is a type of salvation by baptism." There is not a Patristic writer that hints at a dipping, or covering, or immersion, or burial, or resurrection, in this Red Sea baptism. With one voice they term it a baptism of salvation, in which the cloud and sea were the agencies; typifying the Holy Spirit and water, the agencies in salva- tion, by Christian baptism. The conceptions of this baptism, as entertained by the theorists and the Patrists, differ from each other toto ccelo. INSPIKED INTERPEETATION OF THE EED SEA BAPTISM. "Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; "And were all baptized into Moses by the cloud and by the sea." Kai TzdvTsq df; t6v Mwuarjv i^oTzriaavTo iv r^ ve^iX-q xat iv ttj iaXdafftj. 1 Cor. 10 : 2. Baptism into Moses. Before entering upon the interpretation of the special passage with which we are concerned, it will be well to glance at the connection in which it stands. The apostle says: 1. All our fathers were under the cloud. 20 306 JUDAIC BAPTISM. 2. All passed through the sea. 3. All were baptized into Moses. 4. All ate the spiritual meat. 5. All drank the spiritual drink. Here are five distinct facts stated in which all the Jewish fathers participated. They are all facts of successive chro- nological development, unless the apostle, after having car- ried them through the sea in the most absolute manner, (using a double d^d, with noun and verb,) brings them back again into the sea for the purpose of baptizing them. The historical narrative says : 1. They were under the cloud which passed over them before they commenced their march. 2. They passed from under the cloud to pass through the sea; the cloud remaining behind. 3. They are now over the sea, and being over are " bap- tized into Moses;" or the narrator has made a chronological slip, and has got to go back, and tell us what happened in the sea, before they "passed through." If the baptism was before the "passing through," why not say so? If the baptism and the passing through were one and the same thing, why make distinct statements of them, in precisely the same form as of events in the same list, which are distinct in character and successive in development? 4. The eating spiritual meat was subsequent to the pass- ing through the sea, and, 5. The drinking of the spiritual rock was after the eating of the spiritual meat. It will, I think, be admitted by every one, that unless there should be a compelling necessity to place the baptism before the passing through the sea, it must stand, chrono- logically, as the apostle has placed it, in fact, subsequent to and, also, a result of the passage through the sea. We will now proceed to a particular consideration of this deeply interesting statement of the Apostle. Translation. 1. The translation — "and were all baptized into Moses by the cloud and by the sea" — ^presents all the elements which enter into a baptism of tha"^ class to which the theory says BAPTISM INTO MOSES. 307 this baptism balongs (physical), and which must appear in any formally-stated figurative baptism, based on this class of baptisms. We have: (1.) The object — " all Israel." (2.) The agency — " cloud and sea." (3.) The element (by ver- bal suggestion) — "into Moses." On the other hand, the translation of the theory gives us neither the agency, nor the element; but merely an object and a locality. To secure an agency they have to resort to what, alone, is within their reach — the act of marching. To obtain an element, they construct a building — baptistery or sepulchre — in the sea, and fill it with the baptizing element, to wit, — nothing at all. Having made this provision to sup- plement the deficiencies of the inspired narrative, the trans- lation reads: "And were all baptized unto Moses, in the cloud and in the sea, into nothing at all, by marching." This is no caricature. It is no exposition of mine. It is the elaborate exposition of the sternest and ablest friend of the theory. If any one should complain — with Booth — " this makes our theory ridiculous;" it is no fault of mine. The translation which we ofter is not condemnable on the score of lacking any of the elementary features of a baptism. 2. The translation of ^v. — That with, or by, may be a true translation of iv, is admitted by Dr. Carson: "It may be sur- prising that, after all that has been said on the subject, I should still lay any stress on the preposition kv, in. I may be asked. Do you deny that it may be translated with? I do not deny this, yet I am still disposed to lay stress upon it." (p. 121.) " The preposition is often to be translated with, but in the sense by, grammarians themselves acknowledge it to be rare." (p. 330.) Patristic writers — Greek and Latin — use ^v, and in, with an instrumental sense, much more fre- quently than do Classic writers. The same usage is exhib- ited in the Septuagint. In E'ehemiah 9 : 12: "Thou leddest them in the day by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a pillar of fire." And Ps. 78 : 14: "In the daytime, also, he led them loith a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire." And in Ps. 77 : 20: "Thou leddest thy people like a flock, by the hanr? of Moses and Aaron." In all these passages the 308 JUDAIC BAPTISM. agency of the cloud and fire, of Moses and Aa.ion, u indi- cated by iv. 3. Unless this translation be correct, and ^v points out the agency, there is no agency. But there can be no baptism without a baptizing agency, therefore we are shut up to this translation. I may add, that Pliny uses the phrase " in nube," when wiihinnesg, as to the cloud, is impossible : '■'■neque in nube neque inflatu cadunt rores." Dew never falls within a cloud. The influence of cloud and wind prevents the formation of dew. " Dews do not fall during a cloudy or windy night." 4. The translation accords with the historical facts. The cloud and the sea were agencies, truly magnificent agencies, employed in this transaction. The divided sea, furnishing its dry pathway, and the cloud, casting preternatural dark- ness over the camp of Pharaoh, while illuminating the night- march of Israel, were the miraculous agencies brought into operation. The use of miracle, to affect and to iufiuence men, is in harmony with the steadily maintained purpose of God. To this end miracles were used in Egypt, in the wilderness, throughout the Jewish economy, during the life of the Redeemer, and in the establishment of Christianity. This agency, then, was no strange thing. The influence of these miracles on Israel could not, in the nature of things, have its development until their full consummation. And this consummation neither did, nor could, take place until Israel was placed, in safety, on the farther side of the sea, and their enemies had been swallowed up in the miracu- lously returning waters. Then, and not till then, does the narrative say that this influence had its development, effect- ing an entire change in the condition of the Israelitish mind toward Moses. That translation which usage allows, history demands. " Cloud and sea" were not elements to be dipped into. They were agencies in which was " the hiding of God's power." 5. Historical facts do not allow the adverse translation — "m the cloud, m the sea." There is no historical evidence to show that the millions of Israel were now, or were at any other time, " in the cloud." There is historical evidence to BAPTISM INTO MOSES. 309 the contrary. There is no historical evidence to show that Paul uses iv rrj iaXdaarj^ out of its usual sense including water, but excludes water, and limits his meaning to the bed of the sea. There is historical evidence to show that such cannot be his meaning. Dr. Carson says: "He will make the word (/Sa^rrt'Cw) find him water in the desert." Here he has the word, and yet he cannot find, with it, a drop of water "in the sea." These are some of the considerations which vindicate the translation, so far as this preposition {iv) is concerned. 3. The translation of d<:. — (1.) The translation "into," is re- quired in order to indicate the element (verbally suggested) of the baptism. There are classes of baptism in which the mersing element is wholl}^ lost. It has no more place in imagination than it has in fact. But in all such cases an element may be verbally introduced. In some cases this is very important in order to give precision to a statement which, otherwise, would be vague and uncertain. In other cases it is imperative, as without it we could never be cer- tain of the nature of the baptism designed. If I am told that a man is " baptized by wine," I may conclude with much confidence, that the meaning is, he loas made drunk; but of this I cannot be confident; for, while this is the natural and ordinary influence of wine, it also induces a condition of stupor, shame, poverty, &c. If the statement is, " baptized by wine into drunkenness," doubt is at an end. The verbal suggestion of the element, has settled the matter. If I do not know the nature of wine, then to be told that a man is "baptized by wine" conveys to me no definite information whatever. isTow, the influence of a miracle is not limited, by its nature, to one result; neither are miracles always wrought for the accomplishment of one uniform result. "Baptism by miracle," therefore, is not specific in its in- formation. What baptism would be eflfected by the mir- acles at the Red Sea, could never be known, definitely, ex- cept by specific statement. The Egyptians were baptized into terror, by the divine intervention troubling their chariots, and witnessnig the inrolling of the waters, before they were 310 JUDAIC BAPTISM. baptized into the flood. "We never could have known that these miracles would issue in the baptism of Israel "into Moses," unless we had been told so; for he had wrought many miracles before without any such result. But we do know that such was the result, now, because inspiration so informs us, in terms than which language has none more explicit. "All were baptized into Moses." (2.) Usage demands this translation. — There is not an instance in Classic literature in which ek stands thus related to ISanri^w, but that the friends of the theory translate by, into. "We have made no objection to this. But we insist, that what was right then, cannot be wrong now. "Into " must remain into. When JosephuS wrote, ^e^anriaiiivov eiq d.'^ai(T6-/j(Tcav xal umov — it was a "baptism into stupor and sleep." (Conant.) The translation must stand, though " stupor and sleep " give place to "Moses." When the Christian Patrist, Clemens Alex., wrote, elq r.opvdwj ^oKxi^ooGi — the translation found a baptism '■'■into fornication." (Conant.) When the inspired Apostle writes, ££C tov Mcjar^v i^anriaavro, — I know of nothing in inspiration to change the force of a preposition, and there- fore still read, "they were baptized into Moses." (3.) The translation, '■'■unto Moses," is not satisfactory. It may be so translated very frequently in other relations. It may be so interpreted, here, as to give the true sense. But it does not present the form of the original, nor lead to that method of interpretation which the form suggests. It is also objectionable, because in phrases of the same grammatical form, the subject-matter being changed, the same translation would not answer. If Eupolis must be baptized into the sea, and not unto the sea, that he may be brought under its in- fluence — drowned ; — then Israel must be baptized into Moses, and not unto Moses, that they may be brought thoroughly under his influence — subject to his headship. (4.) To these considerations may be added the very pointed testimony of some of the Patrists. Origen, ii, 330, says: "He calls this baptism into Moses" — baptismum hoc nominat in Moyse — " accomplished by the cloud and by the sea, that thou, also, who art baptized into INTERPRETATION OF THE RED SEA BAPTISM. 311 Christ, by the water and by the Holy Spirit, mayest know that the Egyptians are following after thee." . . . Basil M., iii, 428 : " That Israel was baptized into Moses, by the cloud and by the sea, exhibiting types and delineating for thee the truth about to be revealed in these last times; but thou dost shun baptism, not typified by the sea, but per- fected by the truth; not by the cloud, but by the Spirit; not into Moses, a fellow-servant, but into Christ, the Creator — ovx ei'; MwOffr/V rov 6;j.6doL)).ov, diXX^ elq XpcffTov tgv Troiyjaavra." Basil M., iv, 121-5, writing of the Holy Spirit, states an ob- jection against the equality of the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son, thus: Objector, "But although we are baptized into him — ^ann^ofxeSa £i<; abro — it is not proper that, on that account, he be ranked with God; for some were baptized into Moses : ei'? rov MwvarjV Tcve<; iidaTZTCffSTjffav." He concludes, after argument, "So, although any one be baptized into Moses — Tjc ej'c Miooffr^v e^aTzriahj — the grace which is from the Spirit at baptism, is not small." " It is customary for the Scriptures to speak of Moses as the Law — thus : ' they have Moses and the prophets.' Therefore speaking of the legal baptism — rb vo[iudv j3dnTifffjia — he says : 'They were baptized into Moses' — ijSanTMrjffav elc; rov Mwvavjv." " Moses was a type, not of the Spirit, but of Christ." 1^0 one I think can doubt but that these learned Grecians believed in a baptism into Moses. "While there is no evidence that they had ever heard of a baptism into emjpty space, there is conclusive testimony that they were familiar with the bap- tism of Israel into their great Leader. Interpretation. But what interpretation is to be given to the phrase "bap- tized into Moses?" It is obvious that the basis of the interpretation must be found in the literal use of similar phraseology. In turning to the literal use of ^anrcZo) we find several classes of baptisms presenting material diversities. 1. There are baptisms of influence without intusposition whether of fact, or imagination, or verbal suggestion. The 312 JUDAIC BAPTISM. phraseology before us cannot be grounded in baptisms of this class, because there is nothing to meet its verbal form. 2. Other baptisms are of intusposition merely; they have no attendant influence. This cannot be the baptism we wish, for we must have influence. 3. Another class of baptisms have both intusposition and influence; but the influence is an accident, unsought, un- cared for. We will not take such a baptism if we can find a better. 4. A better is found in yet another class of baptisms in which intusposition is sought, solely for the sake of the in- fluence thence resulting. For example, " They baptize into the water a pole covered with pitch," /or the sake of catching floating particles of gold. " Baptizing them into the lake,^' for the jjurpose of drowning them. " Baptize it into milk," for the sake of its emollient influence. "Baptizing it into blood," for the purpose of securing the means wherewith to write. (See Classic Baptism, p. 266.) In all these cases intus- position is for the sake, and solely for the sake of influence. This influence in every case is diverse in its nature, but com- plete in its measure. The method of securing that influence is an accident due to the nature of the case. In applying these baptisms to that which is in hand, we reject, of course, those things in which they differ; as respects 1. The agencies in the baptism. 2. The forms of action introducing into the baptism. 3. The objects to be baptized. 4. The ele- ments within which the baptism takes place. 5. The nature of the influence sought. In none of these particulars do these baptisms agree. Hence we see, how patent is the error which makes baptism to consist in the performance of a form of action; and, also, the error, in interpreting figurative baptisms, by converting the source of influence into a pool of simple water. Why not convert it into water impregnated with golden particles, or into a vessel filled with milk, or into a pool of blood ? The fact that intusposition in simple water, drowns — in gold water, gilds — in milk, makes emollient — in blood, makes red — is proof that figurative baptisms cannot be interpreted by INTERPRETATION OF THE RED SEA BAPTISM. 313 making any of these things the menstruum within which its object is to be placed. All the peculiarities of any medium must be eliminated. The conception must be made abstract. "We thus secure the general idea of influence from intuspo- sition. When, with this idea, we confront the phrase ei'? MwuffTjv^ we at once recognize the purpose to express the thought of such influence (as to its measure), as results from the intusposition of an object within an enveloping medium. It does not mean that Moses is such a medium in fact. It does not mean that we shall imagine Moses to be such a medium ; that we shall imagine two million men to be put within him, or within a pool of water, milk, or blood, repre- senting him, for the writer is not a lunatic. But it means, by the verb and the preposition, to suggest an idea inherent in these words in certain relations, and apply that idea to the peculiarities of the case with which it is here connected. In doing this we use the thought of intusposition merely to reach that of influence, and having done so, throw it aside like a scaffolding, as having served its purpose. These suggestive words having fulfilled their function, we enter upon ours as interpreters of the Apostle, and say : He declares, that Israel was made subject to the controlling in- fluence of Moses, by means of their miraculous deliverance ; even as an object is made subject to the controlling influence of any medium by which it is enveloped through an indefi- nitely prolonged period of time. The resemblance is in the measure of influence, not in the mode of accomplishment. This interpretation is precisely what the exigency of the case demands. Moses had j ust been appointed, as he claimed, by divine authorit}'^ to be l»ead of an unorganized nation. Their position was one of the greatest possible embarrass- ment and peril. They had no established confidence in him. It was essential that they should have the firmest conviction of his divine mission. Under him they were to be organized into a nation. Through him they were to receive a code of stringent laws. By him they were to be introduced into a highly developed religious system. With him they were to encounter a long series of privations, perils, marches, and 314 JUDAIC BAPTISM. battles. As no other people in this world, before or since, it was necessary that Israel should have confidence in their Moses. The infinitely wise God selected this juncture to accomplish this end, so essential to all his purposes in the future. None could be more thoroughly adapted to the purpose. The liberty and life of these millions are quiver- ing in the balances. In their judgment the scales had already gone down on the side of bondage and death. In their anguish they cry to Jehovah. In their despair they upbraid their Leader. Then, in that hour when all hope had fled, that leader's rod is stretched over the sea and deliverance bursts upon them. The cloud-witness to their Leader plants itself between them and their enemies. The dreaded sea opens a passage for them. Safe on the farther side, (the waters closed, their enemies enclosed in them,) baptized into Moses ^ through this divinely attesting miraculous deliverance by sea and cloud, voice and timbrel proclaim Jehovah to be God, and Moses to be his servant ! We are now ready to answer Dr. Carson's question: "If it was not a dry baptism into empty space, between water- walls and under cloud-roof, what was the baptism?" It was a baptism in which Jehovah was the baptizer; the cloud and the sea were the conjoint agency; Israel's millions were the subjects ; and Moses, (as claiming to be the Legate of Je- hovah,) is the verbal element. In a word, this baptism de- clares that Israel was, hereby, made subject to the controlling injluence of Moses in his divine mission. In making this declaration the apostle mprely repeats, in other terms, the identical sentiment uttered by Moses himself, "And the jjeople believed the Bord and his servant Moses." Who would take the " dry baptism" of the theory, rather than this grand baptism of inspiration ? Let others choose as they may, I will choose, with the apostle, the baptism of the fleshly Israel into the type-prophet Moses, shadowing forth the baptism of the spiritual Israel into the antitype Prophet — Christ the Lord ! Such is the clear, rational and God-glorifying baptism at the Red Sea as interpreted by inspiration through Paul. BAPTISM BY THE JORDAN. 315 THE EIVEE DIVIDED BY MIEACLB. BAPTISM BY THE JORDAN. II Kings 2 : 8. *< And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together and emote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground." Interpretation. . . . 'Ev TO) 'lopddvTj Panrt.ad!J.£voq^ knel zrjv di" o5aToc Tzapado^oripav did^aacv ^dizriaiia^ wq Tzponaps6iiJ.e6a^ (h'^paaev 6 IlauXoq. , . . " But this, also, is to be observed, that Elias, when about to be received up into heaven, having taken his mantle, and wrap- ped it together, he smote the water, which divided hither and thither J and they both passed through, to wit, he and Elisba; for he is made more fitted to be taken up, having baptized himself by the Jordan, seeing that Paul called, as we have be- fore-shown, a more wonderful passage through water, baptism. Through this same Jordan Elisha passes to receive the gift, by Elias, which he desired, saying: 'Let a double measure of thy spirit rest upon me.' And perhaps, for this reason, he received doubly the spirit of Elias, because he twice passed through the Jordan, once with Elias and a second time when, having received the mantle of Elias, he ' smote the water, and said. Where is the God of Elias ? And he smote the waters, and they divided hither • and thither.' " — Origen, iv, 280. . . . ^Hliaq dvaXa[j.jjdveTat, dXX" 6o y_uip\z udazoq ' TzpaJrov yap 8ca- fiatvet xov Uopddvyjv* elra cnnjjXaTel rov oupavov. . . . "If any one desires to know why grace is given by means of water and not by means of any other of the elements, search- ing the divine Scriptures he will find out. For water is some great thing and the best of the four visible elements of the world. Heaven is the dwelling-place of angels, but the heavens are of the waters. The earth is the home of men, but the earth is of the waters, and before everything, of the things which were made during the creation of the six days, the Spirit of God was upborne above the water. Water was the beginning of the world, and the Jordan was the beginning of the Gospels. 316 JUDAIC BAPTISM. Deliverance to Israel from Pharaoh was by means of ((Jtct) the sea, and deliverance of the world from sin is by means of (^ta), the washing of water, by (iv) the word of God. Wherever there was a covenant with any persons, there was water. After the flood a covenant was made with Noah. A covenant was made with Israel out of Mount Sinai, but with water, and scarlet wool and hyssop. Elias was taken up, but not without water, for first he passes through {dia^aivei) the Jordan, then rides by horses to heaven. The high priest is first washed, then sacrifices. Aaron was first washed, then was high priest. For how shall he enter in to pray for others, who is not yet purified by means of (pta) water. And the laver placed within the tabernacle was a symbol of baptism." — Cyril^ 433. Translation. The translation of h raJ UopddvTj is made "6^ the Jordan," because the case seems to demand it. 1. The baptism was effected by a peculiar influence, attributed to water, and not by water, as a simple fluid. 2. The baptism was effected by Jordan, as a whole, and not by any portion of it. But if the translation "m the Jordan," be insisted upon, then, 1. The phrase iv tw 'Iop8d)^7j does not, of any necessity, involve a particle of water. 2. More than this: (SaTtrt^^m may be conjoined with the phrase ^v r dXrjiwi; yXuxei xai TzorifKU norafiu), 7:oXXd k'^ei 7ra/5 ixelvo i^aipera. . . . 'j&v ydp tu) ^anriffaffSat e^c 'iTjffouv yvwaofieOa, on d£b, which is expressive of controlling influence, without intusposition as the indu- cing cause. The word, out of whose demand the controlling influence originally proceeded, is still retained to express the condition resultant from influence when exerted under modes of development other than that with which it was originally associated. If the friends of the theory seek to take the life of this word in secondary development, hy the aid of monster beau- ties in poesy and rhetoric, the answer is: The same troop of " beauties " will as readily murder /?«7rrw, second, or any other word that has passed to a secondary meaning. What proves too much, proves nothing. The condition of Judith was changed from that of cere- monial impurity to one of ceremonial purity, by the influ- ence of" living water;" and this change, without intusposi- 372 JUDAIC BAPTISM. tion, ^anriZw is competent, and is, in fact, used to express. The circumstances and the phraseology of the statement unite to declare that the word is so used here. To enforce this conclusion against the dogmatic assertion of Dr. Carson and friends, I will adduce an exemplification of the unreliability of his judgment as to words, in attribut- ing to them one unswerving meaning. llepixXoZu). There was a washing of Judith previous and preparatory to her going to the camp of Holofernes. This washing is expressed by the word -KepuXb^u). It is the same word used to express the washing of Tobias at the river Tigris: " And when the j^ouug man went down (to the river) {r^epuXbaaaSat') to wash himself" (Tobit 6: 2.) This passage having been quoted by President Beecher, Dr. Carson thus comments (p. 445): "But Mr. B.'s criticism on the Greek word xXb%u>^ here employed for washing, is en- tirely false. He expounds the word as signifying a washing all round, just as a man stands in a stream and throws the water all over his body, and w^ashes himself by friction. Mr. B. criticizes from imagination, not from a knowledge of the language. Has he justified his criticism by a single ex- ample ? He seems better acquainted with the different cir- cumstances in the operation of bathing, than with the occur- rences of the word on which he undertakes to criticize. The simple word signifies to deluge, to overwhelm, to inundate, to flow over anything, and is generally applied to water flow- ing or rolling in a horizontal manner. . . . There is no fric- tion nor hand washing in this word. It performs its purpose by running over, either gently or with violence. The word does not signify that the young man, in bathing, splashed about like a duck, or rubbed himself like a collier, but that he threw himself into the river that the stream might flow over him. He was then baptized, indeed, and much more than baptized." This criticism is in the usual Carsonic style: supercilious BAPTISM BY SPRING WATER. 37-3 toward the utterances of others; self-complacent in his own, as the embodiment of absolute truth. In reply, Dr. Beecher refers, among other quotations, to the washing of a child — vdan mpcxkuZeiv (Aristotle); and the wetting by spray — d^pu) mpcxXu^^o/jievov. (Lucian.) Such pas- sages do effectually take the underpinning from beneath the claims of Dr. C. to critical accuracy. No less so does this washing of Judith, related 10 : 2: "She rose and went down " (not into the river or fountain, but) "into the house, and washed her body all around with water — TzepiexXuaaro to awp-a odari — and anointed herself with precious ointment." JN^ow, what becomes, in the presence of this statement, of the dictum, that it is " entirely false " to expound the word as meaning a "washing all around?" What is the worth of the declaration, "the word signifies that he threw him- self into the river, that the stream might flow over him ?" Does this same word, also, signify that Judith, in her house, " threw herself into the river, that the water might flow over her?" Or, does the word " signify " that the water " deluged, overwhelmed, inundated, flowed or rolled over her in a hori- zontal manner ?" Does it " signify " that Judith was in the water (85aT£, with water) at all? "Most assuredly; ignorance itself should know that the word will supply the water." Well, when the word cries out, under the tutorage of Dr. C, for water to deluge and roll over the lady Judith, what is the response from the Bethulians? Here it is: "All the vessels of water fail all the inhabitants of Bethulia. And the cis- terns are emptied; and we have not water to drink our fill for one day; for we give drink by measure. Therefore our young children are out of heart, and our women and young men faint for thirst, and fall down in the streets of the city and b}^ the passages of the gates, and there is no longer any strength in them. And all the people assemble, both young men and women and children, and cry with a loud voice, and say, 'Deliver the whole city for a spoil to Holoferues and to all his army. For it is better for us to be made a spoil unto them, than to die for thirst.'" 374 JUDAIC BAPTISM. And, in the midst of this wailing from parched lips and tongues cleaving to the roofs of their mouths, Dr. C. would have us believe, that this Jewess "throws herself into a water- bath, that .the water may flow horizontally over her!" The Jew Apelles may believe this; the Bethulian Jew will not. Dr. Carson may " make ^oktI^u) find water in a desert," but he cannot make T.^pi/lb^m find "a deluge, and an inunda- tion, and an overwhelming, and a flowing over" of water in Bethulia, whose people are dying of thirst. Judith must be left quietly in her house, " to wash her body all around with water," using so much as she may be able to get, notwithstanding the faith of Carson should de- clare all such action, under itzpuXu^m^ to be " entirely false." WASHING FOR PRAYER. This washing having been stained by the defilements of the idolatrous camp, Judith goes to renew her purification at the fountain of Bethulia. At her previous washing, in her house, we are expressly told, that "she pulled off ihe. sack- cloth which she had on, and put off the garments of her widowhood, and washed, . . . and put on the garments of gladness." Here is the whole process of disrobing and enrobing. Where is all this, or anything like this, at the theory dip- ping, when "she baptized, in the camp, at the fountain?" Homer makes Telemachus "wash his hands, of the hoary sea, before prayer to Minerva." Hesiod inculcates " the washing of hands, in pure water, before prayer." Ovid teaches "the washing of hands, and the sprinkling of the head with water, before prayer." The Jewish priesthood washed their hands and feet before engaging in religious worship. Aristeas says: "It is customary for all Jews to wash their hands with sea-water, when they would pray to God." Philo declares, "It is the custom of nearly all others to sprinkle themselves for purification wnth pure water, many with that of the sea, some with that of rivers, and some with BAPTISM BY SPRING WATER. 376 that which, in vessels, they have drawn up from wells." But when this Jewish heroine comes to the running water to bap- tize (purify) herself for prayer, she finds encamped there a troop, under the bold leadership of "the theory," who de- fend the passage, and refuse to recognize any permit from Holofernes, or from " an angel from heaven," except the shibboleth- — "no dipping no baptism" — be first accepted, and the lady be pledged " to wash her entire person in the fountain," (or, at her option, purify (?) herself in the horse- trough,) the garrison of heathen soldiery being witnesses to the faithful performance of the requirement ! The theory is more pitiless than the Assyrian Holofernes. - And, now, having gone through, in detail, the features of this last case of baptism in the Apocryphal writings of the Jews, it might be well asked, (if the theory were not full of castles in the air,) Could anything be more foundationless than the attempt to dip this fair Jewess, nightly, in the camp, at a fountain surrounded by its special garrison of soldiers ? But, where interpretation is so generally phenomenal, any new case ceases to awaken surprise. The Apocryphal writers fully agree with the interpreters of the Canonical Scriptures as to the usage of BAUTIZQ. NEW TESTAMENT. ( 877 ) JEWISH BAPTISMS. It was my purpose to have introduced, here, all the cases of Judaic baptism mentioned in the New Testament; but have concluded to defer those practised during John's min- istry until his baptism shall be under consideration. Paul interprets the Jewish ordinances, and calls them "baptisms," just as do the Patrists, without the slightest re- gard to any modal act of dipping into or covering over with water, or anything else. An illustration of this statement will now engage our at- tention. And although more than a century has elapsed since the record of Judith's baptism, we will find the usage of the Greek word unchanged. "YAEIOTJS KINDS OF BAPTIZINGS." Hebrews 9 : 9, 10. " Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience j "Which stood only in meats and drinks and diverse baptiz- ings; carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation." Movov in). ^p(6p.a(Ti xai Tio/xaffc, xai dia Uiivfiv""), " into milk (ekydXa yovauo^"), " into the blood (ek rd alfxa"). In all these cases there is intusposition for an in- RESULTS. 393 definitely prolonged time of the object within the water, the lake, the milk, and the blood; and in all of these cases the intusposition is not an end, but a means to an end, namely, to secure a full development of influence; and in each case the influence developed is peculiar. The pole smeared with pitch, mersed into water impregnated with an aurifer- ous quality, becomes incrusted with gold. Human beings mersed, in simple water of the lake, are drowned. A medi- cal prescription mersed, in woman's milk, becomes emollient. A hand mersed, in the bloody pool of the battle-field, be-- comes fitted to write, in gory characters, " vanquished, not conquered." It is most obvious, that there can be no inter- change among these enveloping elements, substituting the one for the other. " Woman's milk" cannot be substituted for " gold impregnated w^ith water," into which a pitch- smeared pole may be mersed in order that it may be gilded. Nor can gold-water be substituted for woman's milk, in order that a mersed blister or pessary may be made more sooth- ing. Lake-water cannot be substituted for blood, that a hand mersed into it may write a battle record. ITor can the crimson flowings of gory wounds be substituted for lake waters, in which a vanquished host may be mersed, and drowned. No more can the ^c<; dvacffdrjffcav xai uTtvov of Josephus (into which Gedaliah was baptized) be transformed into gold- water, lake-water, woman's milk, human blood, or anything else whatever. There is as much of irrationality in putting Gedaliah, by imagination, into a water-pool, as there is in putting a pitched pole into woman's milk to extract gold. " Insensibility and sleep" must remain insensibilUy and sleep; just as "gold-water" must rem.am gold-water ; and "woman's milk" must remain woman's milk. But it may be said, a man cannot be put within "insen- sibility and sleep ; " must we not then convert (in imagina- tion) these things into fluids, that Gedaliah may be put within them?. I answer, no; (1.) Because it is beyond the power of imagination to convert " insensibility" or "sleep" into distinctive fiuids. (2.) To imagine them to be fluids without a distinctive character, would be as irrational as to 394 JUDAIC BAPTISM. confound gold-water and woman's milk. (3.) To put Geda- liah within any fluid would never answer Josephus's purpose ; but would put him into that sleep "which knows no wak- ing." Josephus never meant to put the imagination under bonds to accomplish the impossible absurdity of putting a man within a liquefied insensibility and sleep ; nor yet the im- possible conception of putting him within them under any condition. Is it asked, "Why then does Josephus use the phraseology, ' baptized into insensibility and sleep ' ? " I answer, because he means to express a condition characterized by the controlling influences of " insensibility and sleep." For this purpose he conjoins these things with ISanrc'Cuj elq; phraseology used in physics to secure the development of any distinctive influ- ence belonging to its adjunct. Thus (^anri'^u) dq with gold- water, with lake-water, with woman's milk, with human blood, indicates the full influence distinctively attaching to these several elements over an object mersed in them for an indefinitely prolonged period. And when conjoined with "insensibility and sleep," it denotes the full influence dis- tinctivel}' belonging to these elements over the object brought within their control, not by mersion within them, (for this is impossible whether of reality or of imagination,) but in that way which is appropriate to the case, and which is expressly stated by Josephus, namely, by excessive wine-drinking. The ofl5ce, then, of the phrase [^aizri'^u) hq, is to conduct us, in thought, to those cases where influence is sought as the end, and mersion is used as the means; while its adjunct, " insensibility and sleep," teaches us that the end only is to be retained, and the form for securing that end is to be re- jected as unsuited to the case. In all this, the Jew is in perfect accord w.ith the Greek. It has been abundantly shown in Classic Baptism, that con- dition resultant from controlling influence, and secured with- out mersion, was placed, without hesitation or discrimina- tion, among baptisms. Josephus exhibits this truth in the clearest and strongest manner, by using the complete phrase- RESULTS. 895 ology of verbal figure. The hand is bapied, not by dipping, (the mode ia rejected,) but hj 'pressing a berry; the body and the mind are baptized, not by mersion, (the mode is rejected,) but by drinking wine. (4.) The Jew employs this Greek word, like Classic writers, absolutely, and appropriatedly, to denote a specific baptism. The Greeks thus used it to express a condition of drunk- enness; the Jew used it, on the same principles, to express a condition of ceremonial religious purity. There was the same right to appropriate to the one use or the other. Alien as is drunkenness from purity, the word, in itself, was equally susceptible of application in the one direction or the other. The baptism of the god Bacchus (C. B., p. 324), and of the demi-god Silenus (p. 330), was effected by drinking, and not by mersion. The baptism of Jehovah was effected by sprink- ling ashes, blood, and water, and not by mersion. This bap- tism was, by eminence. Judaic baptism. ■ Jewish Baptisms not Dippings. 3. Jewish baptisms were effected generally neither by dippings nor by envelopings, but by influential agencies, variously applied, usually by sprinkling. This fact stands out in the boldest relief, and governs the whole course of Patristic interpretation. This development is only a repetition of that in Classic Baptism. There, in score after score of baptisms, there is not one word said of dipping or of envelopment, l^othing appears but an influ- ential agency, changing the condition, after its own nature, and thus effecting a baptism. The Classics recognized a " power '^ in wine, and in a drug, and in a thousand other things, to baptize. They speak of water impregnated with a quality — '■Hncerto medicamine" — by which it was able to change the condition of those com- ing in contact with it, just as Bethesda's water received a "quality," by which it was able to change the condition of those coming under its power. Let it be pointedly noted, that it was not the fluid, as such, 396 JUDAIC BAPTISM. which effected the baptism, but a foreign " quality," im- parted, to it, whose "power" to baptize was not restricted to any modal use. While th'C Classics use one class of agencies to effect their baptisms, the Jews use those of a different character to effect their distinctive baptism. The ashes of a red heifer, sacri- ficial blood, and living water, have, with them, a power to baptize (to change the ceremonial condition from defilement to purity), so as other ashes, blood, or water, have not. This shows, demonstrably, that the baptism does not consist in a dipping, or in an envelopment, but in an effect produced. The Patrists, in like manner, make the baptism to depend not on the receptivity of the element, but on a " vis," or " qualitas," not inherent in it and not dependent on any modal use of it, for its development. A coal of fire, or a flaming sword, therefore, can baptize as readily and as legiti- mately, as any or. as any amount of fluid element. A Jew, riiually sprinkled by ashes, (to which, by divine ap- pointment, was communicated a power to cleanse from cere- monial defilement,) was as truly baptized, as was Aristobulus drowned in the fish-pool. The evidence is overwhelming, in support of the posi- tion, that Jewish baptisms were effected by influential agencies, usually, developing their power over the object baptized by the act of SPRINKLING. The Theorists made Apologists. 4. The facts of these Jewish baptisms, and their inter- pretation by most learned Grecians, force the theorists into an unvarying apologetic attitude. Any one who has passed over the course through which we have been led, by Jew and Patrist, must profoundly feel, that nowhere along the route is aid or comfort to be found for the theory which ascribes to /?a-rttw " one meaning, dip, and nothing but dip, through all Greek literature." In the baptism of the sword, mersed into Simon's body, there is no dipping. In the baptism of the ship, sunk into RESULTS. 397 the sea, there is no dipping. In the baptism of Aristobulus, drowned by the Galatians, there is no dipping. In the bap- tism of the human race in the deluge waters, there is no dipping. In the baptisms by washing, by sprinkling, and by pouring, there is no dipping. In the baptism by the waving sword, and by the touch of the coal of fire, there is no dipping. In the baptism by suffering, and terror, there is no dipping. Everywhere the theory is called upon to apologize for the absence of " the only meaning," and to construct, by some extravagance of rhetoric or imagination, a grotesque substi- tute for it. On the other hand, we confidently appeal to the theorist himself, who may think our view to be but a counterfeit of the truth, and ask him, Whether counterfeit was ever more like the truth ? "Whether the truth itself ever met more squarely every fact, resolved every difficulty, and moved on more harmoniously with the laws of language ? If the theory is to be sustained, it must be on some other ground than that which is covered by Judaic baptism. Here, there is but repudiation of its postulations, and a deaf ear for its apologies. Classic Baptism Confirmed. 5. The farther investigation, now instituted, confirms the conclusion reached in Classic Baptism, that condition of in- tusposition involving complete influence, and not modal act, is the fundamental idea of the word; while it advances to a secondary use, in which intusposition (as the form by which the influence is effected) is lost, and influence, in whatsoever way operative, (if capable of thoroughly changing the con- dition of its object and subjecting it to itself,) takes the place of intusposition. The illustrations vindicating these positions furnished by Judaic Baptism, are, if possible, more explicit and more utterly coucludiug repl}^, than those found in Classic Bap- tism. What can be more out of the reach of all rational 398 JUDAIC BAPTISM. opposition, than the baptism by the sprinkling of heifer ashes, as announced by Josephus ? or by the sprinkling of the blood of the lamb, as declared by Ambrose? What should be more conclusive of all controversy as to a dipping or an envelopment being essential to a baptism, than a bap- tism efiected by the waving of a flamincj sword, or by the inur- ing of water upon an altar, or ih& bapiisrii of sin itself? I cannot venture to believe that these conclusions will be accepted by the present friends of the theory; but I do dare to believe that there is such a self-evidencing power in truth, that those who come after them, with minds less preoccupied with mistaken conceptions, will accept them as truths from which there is no escape, and from which, I am happy to be- lieve, they will not wish to escape. Ajypropriatmi — Ceremonial Purificaiion. 6. Finally, in connection with Jewish ritual purifications, ^oKxi^u) secures the meaning to "purify ceremonially. "Whether, in other relations, it ever expresses a purification broader and higher than that which is merely ceremonial, is not now a question. Dr. Edward Williams, more than a century since, and President Beecher and Professor Godwin, more recently, have argued with eminent ability and accom- plished scholarship, to show that this word means to "purify. They failed to establish, fully, their views in the minds of thoughtful persons, not because there was not great and evi- dent truth in many of their positions, but because the funda- mental idea of the word not having been clearly traced out, and the development of this specific meaning thence de- duced, the truth, while seen, was not seen without a pen- umbra, and its boundaries not always accurately indicated. They, consequently, put in claim for this meaning, in some cases where such claim could not be satisfactorily estab- lished, and thus threw doubt over those claims which were well grounded. If I were to say, /Sarrntw means to make drunk, and then were to apply this meaning to all cases of stupefaction, an opponent, who should show that some par- RESULTS. 399 ticular case of stupefaction was produced, not by an intoxi- cant, but by an opiate, might shake confidence, not merely in that particular application, but in the general position. It is essential, to intelligent conviction, that the origin of meanings claimed, should be clearly traced, and the limits of their dominion be rightfully defined. When this is done, conviction of the truth sooner or later is sure to follow. In claiming that this word means " to purify ceremonially," we acknowledge our obligation to show how this meaning may originate under the laws of language, and to show its actual development by facts of usage. This obligation we have at- tempted to meet. 1^0 one questions, but that a sentence of many words, each with a distinct thought, may be absorbed by some single word of such sentence, which word will express a thought the result of the whole. Thus : " He drinks intoxicating liquor until he becomes drunk," is abbreviated into, "He drinks intoxicating liquor;" and then into, "He drinks;" when "drinks" has absorbed the entire sentence, and ex- presses the resultant condensed thought of the whole, viz. : " He gets drunk." And when I say of one: "He is like a drinking man;" drinking does not express the act of swallowing a liquid, but the condition of a man who is in the habit of getting drunk. A new meaning has been secured for the word. So in the sentence, " Baptized by wine into drunkenness," abbrevia- tion drops "into drunkenness," and then " by wine;" while " baptized " remains the sole representative of the whole, and expresses the entire resultant thought. Thus: "I am one of those baptized," (0. B., p. 317,) means, "I am one of those made drunk." And, " He is like one baptized," (C. B., p. 330,) means, " He is like one made drunk." The word has secured a new^ meaning. Under precisely the same conditions of the laws of lan- guage and the facts of usage, frequent in occurrence, and reaching through centuries of continuance, ^anriZu) secures the meaning to purify ceremonially. No theorist can deny the fitness of the language, "Bap- 400 JUDAIC BAPTISM. tized by heifer ashes, by sacrififia! blood, by living water, into ceremonial purity." Neither can he fleiiy the lawful abbreviation, "baptized by heifer ashes," or that of the single word, "baptized;" which word shall embody, within itself, the one thought wliich is the joint product of the several parts of the sentence, to wit, mach ceremonially pure. And when Josephus speaks of ^^ baptizing by heifer ashes," he speaks of maJdruj ceremowially pure by this agency. And when the Son of Sirach speaks of one '■'■baptized from the dead," he speaks of one made ceremonialhj pure. And when, two centuries afterward, the Jew wondered that the Sa- viour did not "first baptize before eating," he expressed his wonder that he did not ceremonially purify himself. Such had become the direct meaning of the word, as shown by its absolute use, for centuries, in connection with ritual purifications. The conclusion, then, of our inquiry is this: Judaic Baptism is a condition of Ceremonial Purification effected by the washing of the hands or feet, by the sprinkling of sacrificial blood or heifer ashes, by the pouring upo7i of water, by the touch of a coal of fire, by the waving of a flaming sword, and by divers other modes and agencies, dependent, in no wise, on any form of act or on the covering of the object. With such evidence, deduced from language development, sustaining the previous conclusion of Classic Baptism, that the word makes demand for a condition and not for a modal act; and with such varied, explicit, and authoritative evi- dence sustaining the present conclusion of Judaic Baptism, that the word makes demand for a condition of ceremonial purity; any attempt to overthrow these conclusions can have but little happier issue than an attempt to overturn this solid globe of ours, while no answer comes to the despairing cry — '' /los Moi nor im." INDEX. JUDAIC BAPTISM. Agency nsr Baptism : In baptisms the agency must be carefully distinguished from the receiving element. In Ju- daic baptism the agencies are: water {per), Holy Spirit {per), 222 ; fire {per, and Ablative without preposition), 223 ; flaming sword (Ablative), 223 ; (ISTominative), 224 ; pa- tristic view, 227; "confes- sion," 221 ; "passion" (Gen- itive), 228 ; water, Spirit, fire (Genitive with 6id, Dative without preposition), 241, 246 ; t/c, Sia, 250 ; 6ia, 252 ; hy heavy sins, a ligno, per lig- num, 252 ; spring water, heif- er ashes, blood, 385. !N". B. — A baptism with agency, having a characteristic thoroughly changing condition, is a fully ex- pressed baptism. Ambrose : religious washing (= cleansing) without water, or by water, or anything having power to cleanse, applied in any way ; water, a whole river, "washed " by a touch of the body of Christ (per carnem Christi), 125, 126, 141 ; water does not heal (= baptize) without the Holy Spirit, 143 ; tree sweetens (= baptizes) a fountain, 144; the deluge a baptism, because washes the world defiled by blood, 148, 151 ; Kaaman's baptism a type baptism, because cleans- ing, 163 ; four diverse bap- tisms, 168 ; multa genera hap- tismatum sed unum (143), 180, 380 ; sprinkling baptizes, 185 ; baptism by sprinkling, 189; harmonizes with the principle of classic baptism, 193 ; aliud genus baptismatis (from that of the axe), 267 ; passage of the Eed Sea a type baptism, because the Israelites {= Christians) were saved and the Egyptians (= sins) and Pharaoh (= Satan) perished, 301 ; baptism by pouring, 329 ; interpretation, 340 ; altar sprinkled a type bap- tism, 350 ; sprinkling blood one of the "diverse baptiz- ings," 387. Apocrypha : baptisms of, 345-375. Ariantheus : baptized by sprinkhng =" wash- ing {'Aovrpcp) of regeneration," 125. Aristobtjltts : baptized (drowned), 66-70. Ashes, Heifer : give new quality (ceremonially ( 421 ) 422 INDEX. purifying, Numbers 19, Heb. 9:13) to water, 101; heifer ashes water sprinkled bap- tizes (=: purifies), brings into a new condition, 106 ; ashes are the agency, water is the vehicle, 107 ; to make drunk by drinking, a meaning of /JaTTTt'Cu legitimately deduced by Greeks, and to make cere- monially pure by sprinkling, a meaning no less legitimately deduced by Jews, 107 ; cover- ing or bathing in these puri- fying ashes both impossible and absurd, 110. "difference as compared with jia-Tu established " (ISTational Baptist), 25 ; definition criti- cized and answered, 27-31 ; conclusion amplified, 57 ; re- stated, 211 ; to put into or under (Conant), 24 ; Baptist view, e confesso, erroneous, 25 ; in Baptist use a variable quantity, 79 ; secured the meaning to make drunk, 84- 91 ; modal action unknown to its usage, demands state, condition, judgment of scho- lars, 102 ; penetrating and pervading influence, 103 ; an- alogous condition without in- tusposition, 105 ; means to make ceremonially pure, le- gitimately evolved from use in Jewish rites, 107 ; preg- nant word, 113 ; appropriated meaning, 114 ; to purify, the naturally developed meaning, 127 ; any other meaning than " to purify " impossible, 234- 239. Bajrri^'w e«f • this phrase indicates (when etf is in regimen with^ the receiv- ing element) that the baptized object passes out of one con- dition into another condition (either physical or ideal), and imports that the person or thing baptized is made fully subject to the influence of the real or ideal receiving element : jSeiSaTTTiaiiEvov eIq avaa'dijalav nal i-TTVOV, 92. N. B. — This ideal usage of (iarr- r following ^anri^u show how carefuUy every INDEX. 423 case of such usage should be con- sidered. The Kew Testament presents examples of the first class — locality, place where the baptism took place, h epr//.iu, tv 'lopdavT] (see Johannic Bapt.), and of the fourth class — the condition in which were the baptizers, and thus indicating the nature of their baptisms; "He (Christ) was kv IlvsvimTL 'Ayicj, and therefore bap- tized, changed the condition of the soul by divine power, that is, regeneratively ;" "I (John) being £v wvei'juaTC Kal 6vvnfisi 'HPu'on, and therefore my power to baptize ex- pressed as {h Man) in a symbol, can only symbolly baptize." The murderers of Aristobulus professed to be "in sport," and therefore sportively to baptize. Alcibiades was in wrath, and therefore declared his purpose murderously to baptize. Timon was in hatred, and therefore pro- claimed his purpose to drown in baptizing. The conditions in which these men were indicate the condition of their baptism. The condition in which was the Lord Jesus Christ indicates the condition of his baptism — the purification and regeneration of the soul. The condition of John, a servant, pre- paring the way of his Lord, indi- cates the condition of his baptism — symbolizing that of his Lord's regenerative baptism. The fifth class, where h denotes the baptized object as being al- ready in and continuing in a con- dition of baptism, does not appear in the jSTew Testament ; it only appears in connection with the Passive voice, and could not by any possibility have any place in ritual Christian baptism. It fol- lows, therefore, that in the New Testament h following /Javrr/^w never indicates the receiving ele- ment in which the baptized object rests. And to translate (ianTiaei kv Tlvevfiari 'Ajlu he shall haptize (persons) within the Holy Ghost is not only to translate without au- thority, but against aU authority. The phrase, adjunct to the verb, does not express the receiving ele- ment, but qualifies the nature of the baptism, by expressing the power with which the baptizer is invested, and might be translated adverbially — "He shall baptize divinely,'''' just as fiaTCTLL,ovTEg kv ■Kaidia might be translated " bap- tizing sportively.'''' So in jianT'i.'C,u kv MaTL the adjunct phrase does not express the receiving element, but qualifies the nature of the baptism, by expressing the power with which the baptizer is in- vested. It would be a thought- less error to regard v6aTt as a simple fluid ; it appears here in the character of a symbol fluid, adversative as to power and ex- pository as to nature of HvEvjiarc 'A/iw, and in this symbol (tv Uarc) is the limitation of John's power to baptize ; therefore he baptizes symbolly, "with water," as his Lord baptizes divinely, "with the HolyGrhost." And in like man- ner Herod's suborned murderers professed to baptize sportively, kv ■naidia, "with sport." If v6aTL represented the receiving element (remember the verb, in the Kew Testament, is in the Active voice), then, as it was said of Aristobu- lus, " being baptized (Passive), kv 424 INDEX. Kolvfij3v0pa TsTievTa, in the pool, he died," so it must have been said of every disciple of John, " being baptized in .water, he died." To change a baptizing into a dipping is to repudiate Greek ; to change a "baptism into repentonce" into a dipping into water is to repu- diate the word of God. as a last storm, 71 ; the city, 76 ; "he would sink or epibaptize the city" (Carson), 77. BcLTZTKy/Lia '. is never used to express a cov- ering in water ; the word first appears in the 'New Testament where it is never found in physical relations, but inva- riably in spiritual relations expressed or understood, as fiaTTTiGfia fieravolag^ fiaTrrtCfia £^ 222 ; but wliile so de- nying the postulate of the theory, he immediately affirms, ' ' icnum est quod tradit Ecde- sm,"222 ; secutum eratverum illud unum, 143. N. B. Baptism has endless di- versities, considered generically ; Christianity has "one baptism," considered specifically. In relation to this "one bap- tism" Baptists have fallen into the sad mistake of substituting baptism by water for baptism by the Holy Ghost, the difierence be- tween which is , as Basil says, ' ' as great as the difference between the Holy Ghost and water, or between the truth and a dream," They further mistake in supposing that a dipping into simple water is the baptism which. pairTLi^u demands, while it never did acknowledge it to be any baptism at all ; but de- clares it to be as far removed from its true demand as a dream is from the truth. They farther mistake in supposing that this dream-bap- tism (which has no existence in fact) is the commanded " one bap- tism." The "one baptism" of Chris- tianity is the baptism "into the Lord Jesus," the crucified Ee- deemer, "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, " effected by the Holy Ghost, which baptism (thoroughly changing the condition of the soul) is symbolly exhibited and illustrated by pour- ing or sprinkling pure water upon the body, while announcing ver- bally the real baptism by the Holy Ghost, which is symbolized by the water. The substitution of a dipping into " simple " water for this baptism by the Holy Ghost into Christ, and its symbolization by pure water, is destitute of all authority from the Greek word, from the teachings of the Church (even where covering in "salu- tary" water was practiced), as well as from the Holy Scriptures, which give no sanction to it by word or deed. Any one who, after examining the baptisms of Greek writers, and Jewish writers, and Patristic writers, shall say: /JaTrr/i^w demands "one baptism," and that one bap- tism is a dipping into water, naay have strong claims on the kind offices of some medical school, but cannot be a candidate for honors in any exegetical school. The theory says baptism is one, 225. Okgastic Phrase : a combination of words consti- tuting by their relation a unity of idea, and which cannot be interpreted disjunctly, but must be accepted in their unity of relation, 45. Obigen : meaning of ?iovTp6v, 119 ; many sacrifices in type and figure, but one perfect sacrifice — Christ (so, "multa sunt gen- era baptismatum sed unum baptisma clamat Apostolus," 143), 180 ; martyrs washed by their own blood, baptism of blood, 197 ; the Great Bap- tizer is the Lord Jesus Christ, 444 INDEX. he baptizes (= purifies) sins by the sword and by fire, 224; dipping baptism impossible, 234-239; Elijah baptized (= purified) by passing through the divided Jordan without touching its waters, 315 ; this baptism was a thorough change of condition fitting for heaven, 317 ; no allusion to dipping or water covering, 319 ; harmony with classic teaching, 320 ; altar baptized by pouring, 328 ; interpreta- tion, 338. Overwhelm, To : abundantly used where no cov- ering in fact, expressing efiect, vaguely used by Conant, 85, 86; "the classical meaning of (ia7TTi:.u is in no instance overwhelm '>'> (Carson), 90; no bond of union between the meanings — "dip " and " over- whelm, "285; may translate baptize, why ? 285 ; called on to express the baptism of Isaiah 21 : 4, 285. Ovid: fountain of Salmacis possessed of peculiar quality ("vis") expressed by tingo^ effected by a drug (medicamen) put into it, communicated this quality by drinking, 148 ; analogy with the fountain Myrrha, and generally with the waters of baptism, to which a quality (vis, 6vvaiur) was, or was sup- posed to be, imparted, with "power" to impart again, 143. K. B. — This use of lingo to ex- press neither to dip nor to dye, but the communication of a quality without color, changing the con- dition of the fountain and ena- bling it to effect a like change (in conformity with this new quality), is entirely analogous to the exten- sion of jia-aTu to dye, to express, through lianrlCu, a chaDge of con- dition by quality without color, and also the baptizing of water with a new quality, and so ena- bling it to baptize in conformity with such quality. Passover : sprinkled blood upon the door- posts a type baptism and proof that infants should be baptized, 216. Patrists : call Jewish rites baptisms, 19 ; quotations from Paris edition, by the Abbe Migne, 58 ; quo- tations limited to the first four centuries and writers ex- tending into the fifth century, 58. Philo : ashes put into water communi- cate to it a new qualit}'^, so as to be able, when sprinkled uj)on the ceremonially defiled, to change their condition, to purify, to baptize, 101 ; bap- tism of the intellect, by glut- tony, 76 ; drunken baptism, 84 ; conclusive proof that liair- Ti^u has the direct meaning, to make drunk, 85-88. Plestt: in, with the meaning during^ '•'■in nube, neque in flatu, ca- dunt rores," 308. Plutarch : j Greek bathing not by immer- i sion, 121. i Pregnant "Word : I, absorbs a phrase of which it was INDEX. 445 a member, and expresses, by itself, the idea of the entire phrase, 114 ; ^anT'iC,u so used by classics, Jews, and Chris- tians, 398-400. Quaker, The : and the cursing sailor, 23. Ebligious Herald : criticism of Classic Baptism, 39; declines to discuss the dis- criminating meaning of ^a^a- Ti^u, 39 ; jiaiiTL^u a modal term, specific act not effect, same as jianru to dip, 39; Don- negan quoted ; Herald nap- ping. Lexicons not final arbi- ters, not inimical to Classic baptism, are to the theory, 40 ; slipping away from the Her- ald definition, 41 ; no new meaning in figure, yet in fifty- one out of sixty-four cases of figurative use given by Co- nant, he translates whelm while in one only out of eighty- six cases of physical use he translates whelm (see Classic Baptism, 302), 41 ; error in using immerse, 42 ; reference or resemblance does not make figurative use the same as physical, 43 ; immersed in books, in politics, 44 ; rela- tions of words affect mean- ing, 45 ; organic phrases to be interpreted as a unity, not by disjunct words, 46 ; all baptisms are thorough changes of condition, all thor- ough changes of condition are not baptisms, 47; concessions: 1, if a condition of purifica- tion be baptism, then baptism may be by sprinkling ; 2, bap- tism expressed figuratively by strong controlling influence ; 3, Greeks called drunkenness baptism, 47 ; these conces- sions cover all C. B. was writ- ten to establish, 48. EeLIGIOUS MEANING OF Ba7VTi(jfj.a: definition by Basil, 141 ; three meanings, 250 ; first occurs in K. T., and always in spir- itual relations. See Johan- nic Baptism, 140-145. Ked Sea Baptism : "dry" baptism of the theory unheard of until after the lapse of 3000 years, 293 ; Pentecost and Eed Sea dry baptism, 294 ; attesting faith (!) in Moses, 295 ; figure bur- ial and resurrection (!) 296 ; construction of the baptist- ery, 296-299 ; theory repudi- ates theory, 300 ; Patristic interpretation, 301-304 ; no hint at a dipping, or burial, or resurrection, 305 ; inspired interpretation, 305 ; transla- tion of ev, 307, 308 ; transla- tion of ek, 309-311 ; meaning of "baptized into Moses," 311-313; subjection to the type Head of Israel, Moses the prophet, foreshadowing subjection to the antitype Head of his redeemed, Christ the Lord, 314. Eesults : The principle in using ^aTrr/fo) by Jew and Greek the same, 391 ; no dipping in Jewish use ; baiDtism without limit of time ; verbal figure {into ideal element) expresses the source and nature of influence ; /Jctt- TLi^u used absolutely to express well-known baptism = cere- 446 INDEX. monial purification, Jewish religious baptisms by sprink- ling, 391-396. Keview ; of Carson's argument on ITaa- man's baptism, 155 ; of Ful- ler's, 160. SAjSTO: synonym with jia~-iC,o)^ 143, 163, 164. Septuagint : uses (3aTrri^u to translate tdbal, introducing the idea of cleans- ing^ purifying (like the Syriac) from the command "to wash, " 154, 155 ; not a close transla- tion (Fairbairn), 155 ; Eng- lish Bible not translation of Septuagint (Carson), 155 ; Fuller, 160 ; translates ad sensum, 284, 288. Salmacis, FouNTAnsr of : had power to change sex (Quis- quis in hos fontes vir venerit, exeat semivir, Ovid TV, 12, 115) by entering into or drink- ing of (Lempriere, Art. Sal- macis), 148. K.B. The virtue ("vis"), as- cribed to this and other waters, which was parted with by drink- ing and otherwise, changing the condition of those using them in conformity with the several char- acteristics, is of great value as illustrating the use of fluids to change condition (= baptize) by drinking (wine, opiate, fountain of Silenus), or the changed (bap- tized) condition of fluids, by put- ting into them a fluid (water in- to wine), or any "medicamen," '■'■ cfiapimKov,''^ as appears in Greek baptisms ; and by the addition of red heifer ashes, and blood, to water in Jewish baptisms, and by the (supposed) addition of the Holy Spirit to the water of Patristic baptisms, by which a qualitas, vir- tus, vis, dvvaiMc, was communicated to the water, and on which its power to baptize was absolutely dependent. Beside the quality attributed to the fountain Salmacis, 0\dd (XV, 320-330) speaks of Ethiopian wa- ters which when drunk induced a profound stupor (like the stupefy- ing baptism by a drug, (papuuKu), Classic Baptism, p. 318) ; also, of the fountain Clitorius, which changed the condition as to taste for wine-drinking — Quicunque sitim de fonte levarit vina fugit ; seu vis est in aqua, calido contra- riavino, sive . . . purgamina mentis in illas misit aquas odiumque meri permansit in undis : this is the opposite effect from that induced by drinking from the fountain of Silenus ; there is, however, other waters (the river Lyncestius) to supply its place : Huic fluit effectu dispar Lyncestius amnis, Quern quicunque parum moderate guttere traxit ; Haud aliter titubat, quam si mera Tina bibisset. The effect of using these waters is a thorough change of condition in accordance with the character- istic and the waters, and is iden- tical with the baptism declared to be effected by drinking of the fountain of Silenus, of wine, of drugged wine, etc. ; as, also, with the baptism of the waters of Lake Myrrha, and of Bethesda (shown in their own changed condition and power to change that of others) in Jewish history ; as, also, with INDEX. 447 the baptism of water (that ifc might be able to baptize) among the Patrists. Changes in the meaning of words and in their syntax, are also shown to be the same. Thus, in the case of the Homeric lake, we have — 'E/3a7rrero 6' al/uaTi Alfivr/^ the lake was dyed with blood. Gale, insisting that (ianru could mean nothing but dip, and disre- garding the syntax with alfian, translated this — "the lake was dipped into the blood;" but Car- son, moved by the irrationalism of such a translation, came out fore- most, among Baptists, to accept a new meaning for fid-nru (= to dye), and translated, "The lake was dyed with blood." Mark the change in the prepositions with the change in the verbs. Ovid says (lY, 12, 117) : Fecit, et in- certo fontem medicamine tinxit. The syntax corresponds with that of the Greek passage, and the verb {tinxit) is, also, correspondent with the Greek verb. Gale should translate: "He dipped the foun- tain into a transforming drug ;" but all without a theory to sup- port will be obedient to the syntax, and recognize another meaning in " tinxit " than cZip. And here it is of special importance to recog- nize, that the meaning to dye, cannot (as in the Greek passage) be substituted for "dip " (tinxit) ; there is no coloring of the fountain ; we must therefore seek a meaning beyond "to dye" ( = to change condition by coloring), and accept a meaning in which condition is changed by a quality communi- cated without color. " The foun- tain was tinctured by (not ' dijpped into ' nor ' dyed by ') a trans- forming drug." And this brings us face to face with fia-nrli^u and its derivation from (ia-rrru to fulfil that office here performed by ' ' tinctus, ' ' viz., to express a thorough change of condition by any quality with- out coloring. And, in accordance with this extension of the mean- ing of (icLTTTU (through iSa-nrriCo)) to express a change of condition by quality imparted, without color, we have the agency conjoined with this verb without a preposition. These fluids (lake, and fountain, and river baptisms) changing con- dition by drinking, afford new and conclusive testimony, that /3a7rric,'« has a meaning which is utterly divorced from all water covering, as well as dipping. SiLENTJS, FOUKTAIK OF : baptism at the fountain of Si- lenus by drinking, 361 ; foun- tain of Salmacis imparted its virtue by drinking, or by en- tering into, 148. K.B. St. Ronan's well became impregnated with a sulphuric " virtue " by the saint dipping the devil into it (Sir "W. Scott), which virtue was imparted by drinking. This legend has a parallelism with the baptism of Cupid into wine to impart to it his amorous qualities, which were afterwards imparted to the drinker of the wine, so baptizing him, which is expressed by the drinker feel- ing within him "his titillating wings. ' ' SiMosr Magus : baptized by " simple " water, therefore not Christianly bap- tized at all, 173, 174. 448 INDEX. Simple Water : cannot baptize : Keque enim aqua lavat animam sed prius lavatuj: a Spiritu, ut alios lavare spiritualiter possit . . . baptisma non esse sine Spiritu sancto . . . et tu mihi aqua simiylici^ quasi de balneo, ani- mam lotam producis ? 140. Smith, Rev. Sidney : reading before criticizing hamp- ers genius, 21. Smith, Dr. W. : on baths, 120. Sprinkle, To : baptizing by sprinkling heifer ashes, 100; competent to bring out of one condition into an- other =^ to baptize, 102, 125 ; competent to wash (= to cleanse), to purify the body, 139; sprinkling (tingere sparsa aqua) to purify, 139 ; sprink- ling baptizes from the leprosy, 185 ; renewing (== baptizing) by sprinkling, 187; sprink- lings and baptisms identified, 190, 198 ; Carson on sprink- ling, 205, 216 ; sprinkling bap- tizes, 346 ; "baptizing (= pu- rifying) by this ashes they sprinkled " — " sprinkling ■' was the act, "baptizing" ex- pressed the purifying effect, the changed condition in tak- ing out of ceremonial im.pu- rity, and introducing into ceremonial purity, 887, 388. Stewart, Key. Charles : Japanese bathing not by dip- ping, or immersing, or cover- ing in water, 123. Stoiirdza, Alex, de : error of, 347; "baptism by as- persion" not "absurd," but most rational, 850. Stuart, Prof. Moses : does not say, classic meaning in " all cases " is dip^ plunge^ 21 ; are variations, derived and secondary meanings ; washing and copious affusion, 21 ; on change of syntax, 126. Struzius : Koirri, a dining couch, 182. Sword, The Flaming : baptizes, 222 ; at the entrance of Paradise, 229 ; no dipping in this baptism ; does change condition, 230. Symbol Baptism : the Laver, because for cleans- ing, 175 ; John's rite a sym- bol baptism ( Josephus), 389. Symmachus : translates Ps. 69 : 1, 2, by jia-n- TL^U^ 272. Synonyms : the synonyms of ISaTr-i^u (those used as substitutes and equiv- alents) express thorough change of condition : temjpero, 144 ; purgo, diluo, 148 ; Ka- Oa-fju, 152 ; lavacri vis, 159 ; sano, 162 ; mundo, 164 ; abluo, 185 ; renovo, 187 ; dealbo, 187 ; lavo, 197 ; purifico, 223 ; aippayl^u, 224 ; ayvi^u^ 252 ; la- vacrum regenerationis, 278. Syntax, Change of : shows change of thought and change in meaning of words haptized from the dead, 126 hajjUzed from the bed, 169 compare with, '■'■purifiedfrora'''' the leprosy, 184 ; ' ' wash from " sin, 187 ; " dip colors,^^ 237 ; " baptize frow. " anger, 277. Tabal : Buxtorf, 157 ; does not answer to (iaTTTiCc), 157, 270. INDEX. 449 Tempero : changes condition; baptism of wine tempered by water, 144. Tertullian : " emerge " (= come out of one condition . and pass into an- other condition) "into the the light," 95; baptism (= change of condition) of the waters at creation, 134 ; " sim- ple" water cannot baptize, 142 ; the deluge a baptism, because a purification, 148 ; purified seven times, from seven principal sins, 159 ; the power of one (Christian) wash- ing, 159; two baptisms (= purifications) from the Sa- viour's side, 217; '■'■ferrum mersum est in flumine . . . du- ritia seculi mersa in profunda erroris,''^ 252, 263. K. B. This last quotation has great illustrative value. The verb [mersum est), in the passive voice and past tense, indicates the condi- tion demanded by mergo (physical envelopment, in literal use) as ac- complished, and the object as being and abiding in that condi- tion, to wit, '''■ in flumine.'''' The form ' ' in flumine ' ' does not belong to the act (whatever that may be, mergo expresses no specific act) by which the mersion was effected, but to the resultant condition, which only is the demand of the verb. If by "flumine" is ex- pressed not the river as a whole — banks, channel, water — but limit- edly water onlj'-, then "ferrum mersum est in flumine " can only express the condition in which the iron was and was abiding, namely, on the bottom of the river and enveloped by its waters. Look, now, at a like Greek con- struction from "Josephus (Jew, Antiq. iii, 10), 63, 64 ; aal avv avroig k^aTTTiC,0VTO GKafeaL kv rw 'lopdavri itarafiu, and were baptized with their vessels in the river Jordan (= in lake Gennesareth, the expan- sion of the Jordan)." Here, the verb in the passive voice and past tense shows not the baptizing as being done, but the baptism, the condition demanded by the verb, as accomplished, and the objects as being in and abiding in that condition, to wit, on the bottom of the river Jordan, at its expan- sion in the lake Gennesareth, en- veloped in its waters. Whenever mergo, or (3aTTTli;u, are used in the passive voice ai:(d past tense, with the Latin in, or the Greek ev, in regimen with the re- ceiving element, then the changed condition (demanded alike by both these verbs) is represented as al- ready accomplished, and the object as resting and abiding in such con- dition. And there, in its mersion (except the power of mergo had been broken by a miracle) the axe would have remained unto this day, just as the vessels with their crews do remain in their baptism in the depths of Jordan — Gennes- areth, held there by the power of (iaiTTi^u, until now. To these in- terpretations I know of no excep- tions in fact or by possibility. Look, now, at another passage presenting great likeness and greater unlikeness — e/Ja-WCof-o irdvTec h' ru 'lopddvy iroraiutl) (Mark 1:5). The verbal likeness in es- sential elements — the same verb, the same voice, the same tense, the same preposition, the same subject 29 450 INDEX. of regimen— is complete ; and yet the unlikeness is still more com- plete ; the transaction is neither a "woodchopping nor a naval battle, but a religious ordinance ; the sub- jects of the baptism are neither an iron axe slipping from its helve, nor fighting ships crushed by the beaks of a hostile fleet, but guilty men weeping for their sins ; the design is neither to destroy prop- erty nor to drown enemies, but to express symbolly purity of soul induced by the Holy Ghost through godly sorrow for sin. These are the resemblances and the differences. Does " e/3a7rr/Covro iv" exhibit these weeping peni- tents as lying, in common with the axe and the crushed ship with its crew, in the Jordan upon the bot- tom of its channel ? If h be re- la,tedto'lop6dP7i TTGra/LiC) as limitedly expressing water (the receiving ele- ment into which the baptized ob- ject is to pass, and therein to rest, which resting in is expressed by £v), then it must be so ; such con- struction is inexorable in its de- mands. But this is morally im- possible, and untrue in fact. There must, then, be an error somewhere. Where is it V It is admitted by Carson that h 'lopcViv?? wotcc/kI' may mean not limitedly water, but comprehensively the wholeness en- tering into a river (banks, channel, stream), and thus ev.may indicate the space between the banks, within which (without touching the water) the baptism may have taken place. Try now the pas- sage under this admission, "They were all baptized within the banks of the river Jordan. " This saves these weeping penitents from lying alongside of the axe and the crushed ship so far as h 'lopdavy TTOTaiiQ is concerned. But what is to be done with ejSaiTTL^ovro ? Whatever ma-y be done with it, this is certain, under Carson's ad- mission that h 'lop^avy Tr.orft/'wmay express locality, place, where all connection between this verb and this phrase as expressive of a re- ceiving element is forever ended. But still the question returns, what is to be done with it V Turn, then, to the parallel passage, Matt. 3 : 11, and see if a suitable ahvTayiia for ifiaTTTii^ovTo (in a religious ordi- nance and in relation with men weeping for sin) cannot be found in e'lg uETavoiav, as the ideal receiv- ing element, and water used as a symbol agency betokening the pu- rifying nature of a passing out of a condition of impenitence into a condition of penitence, in which condition fiaTZTii^u will keep the soul abiding just as it keeps the axe abiding in the Jordan and the crushed ship abiding in Gennesa- reth. Thus, we meet every demand of philology and of syntax, while we deliver penitent sinners from the fate of the chopping axe and of the fighting ship. On the other hand, to assume that the re- ceiving element in the inspired baptism of penitent sinners is the same as that of the axe, and of the ship, and that the verb in each case retains its proper force, the conclusion confronts us with a re- ductio ad ahsurdum. To change the character of the verb, taking it out of the class expressive of condition and putting it into the class expressive of definite act, INDEX. 451 and changing it still farther from the class of verbs which ex]press no limit of time, to that class which makes a sharp limitation of time, as does dip, is both to sin against the laws of language and the authority of God's word. But if this were done, there is no such syntax as /?a7rrtfw kv to be found expressing the execution of a bap- tism out of one thing into another ; nor is there such syntax to be found as k/SairTiCovTo ev without ex- pressing that the baptized object is already in and abiding within the receiving element, when such element is associated with h. But the instruction to be gatli- ered from this language of Tertul- lian will not be complete without looking at that other phrase, "du- ritia sseculi mersa in profundo er- roris. ' ' We have here an ideal ele- ment ("depth of error") substi- tuted for the physical element (wa- ter of Jordan), and in this element (the passing into it not being stated but implied) "the hardness of the age" is represented as abiding in a mersed condition, enveloped in profound error. In like manner the New Testa- ment substitutes an ideal element (in John's ministry, repentance, re- mission of sins) for a physical ele- ment (Jordan water, Gennesareth water), and represents the subject of baptism as passing into the ideal element — repentance, remis- sion of sins, and impliedly (from the nature of (SaTTTi^u) abiding in such condition, and changed in conformity with the character of the ideal element through the con- trolling influence of its penetrat- ing and pervading quality. The water in New Testament baptism^^ not being the receiving element, but the symbol agency. Touch, To : may baptize, 141 ; without so much as touching, 216 ; pass- ing through water without contact, 315 ; see Johannic Baptism, 220. Theorists, The : constant apologists, their views being opposed to facts, and their interpretations unknown to the most learned Greeks, 396 ; rhetoric extravagant, and figures grotesque, 397 ; theory overthrown by the facts of Judaic Baptism, 398. Thief, The Penitent : baptized by "confession," hap- tismapublicm confessionis, 221. Tholuck, Professor : " Calvin merges himself in Paul, and becomes one with him," 325. TiMON : baptism by : water floods may imperil without baptizing, 78. TiNGO : expresses change of condition in the waters of a fountain through a new quality (with- . out color, without dipping) imparted to them, and ena- bling them to impart like quality, 139 ; incerto medica- mine fontem tinxit, 148 ; com- pare water baptized to give power to baptize, 197. Torrents : appealed to as ground for figu- rative baptisms by the theory, but not by the Classics or Pa- trists, 133 ; figure pools and torrents, 205. 452 INDEX. . Triptolemtjs : immersion (= thorough, wetting) by sprinkling (Sir Walter Scott), 349. Type Bapt^ism : typico baptismate, 187 ; a type must exhibit, in some aspect, the characteristic of its anti- type, 191 ; the exigencies of the theorists to meet the sup- posed demand, X>rove the ne- cessity to meet the real de- mand, 191 ; the act of sprink- ling cannot be a type of the act of dipping ; sprinkling the blood of the lamb baptized (= purified), and this lower baptism (= purification) was the type of the higher baptism (= purification) by the blood of the Lamb of God, 192; Gale, Carson, Fuller, at con- traries in interpreting their "figurative" baptisms, 192; circumcision, a ty^Q seal, 207 ; baptism into Moses a type of baptism into Christ the anti- type, 292 ; baptism into Joshua, a temporal Saviour, type of baptism into Jesus, the antitype spiritual Saviour, 324 ; Carmel altar purified by pouring water on it, a type baptism, 329 ; water poured and sprinkled upon the altar, consuming the sacrifice by miracle, "baptisma signifi- cari," 345 ; in no type baptism spoken of by Patristic writers (and they are many and vari- ous) is any form of act made the type of any form of act in an antitype baptism, nor is any covered condition in any type baptism made the type of some other covered condi- tion in an antitype baptism ; but in every type baptism there is some thorough change of condition (very varied as to specific character) which is made the type of that highest change of condition of the soul effected by Christian bap- tism through the power of the Holy Ghost, 350 ; while the changes of condition effected ^y typs baptisms were various in their nature, they were or- dinarily from ceremonial im- purity to ceremonial purity, showing direct and intimate relationship with, and meet- ness to become types of, that one perfect antitype baptism of the soul, purification by the blood of the divine Lamb as apphed by the divine Spirit, 351. Ulysses : "went into" and ".came out of" a bath which was bypour- iu(/, 120. Vis Baptismatis : Patristic baptism is neither a dipping, nor a covering in wa- ter, but a thoroughly changed condition of soul effected by a divine j)ower [vis] communi- cated to and through the wa- ter, a Sjnritu, 140 ; the " pow- er" of baptism attributed to a touch of the body of Christ, per carnem CJiristi . . . jus hapj- tismatis, 141 (Johan. Bapt., 220) ; dvva/MC ~ov i3a-7iauaTo^^ is "the power of dipping" in- telligible language ? 141 ; aqua sola non potest purge sin and sanctify (= baptize) without INDEX. 453 the Holy Spirit, 142 ; operatic (= vis baptismatis) Spiritus sancti est, 143 ; rfjv bJ.riQfi tov TLvEvnaTog Pa(p7/v, 143 ; valet baptisma, 144 ; gratia tem- peravit, 144 ; unius lavacri vis, 159 ; quse habet gratiam Christi, 163 ; in liunc fontem vis divina descendit, 164 ; rri dwd/nec^ 187 ; 6'uvaiiiv ayLorrj-oq^ 194 \ dvva/iicv ^arrTia/iaTOg^ 200 ; "power" to baptize, 204; baptizing "power" develop- ed through sprinkling, 205 ; water and blood are "two baptisms, " not because an ob- ject may be dipped into them, but because they have the "vis baptismatis" = power to cleanse from sin, 217 ; mar- tyr fire has "vis baptismatis," 247 ; broken cisterns (= Jew- ish rites) have power to cleanse (= baptize) the body only, 278 ; TTJv laxvv ISaiTTlG/iaTog^ 329 ; " spiritalis gratia (= vis bap- tismatis) burns up {per ignem) and cleanses {per aquam) our sins," 346. Valesitjs : translation from Josephus, 888. Wash, to : it is a radical error to carry the conception of " wash," as de- veloped in ordinary physical use, as to action, extent of application, and end sought, into its use in religious rites. Its meaning in these relations is, broadly, to cleanse (effect, not process), and the intro- duction of questions as to mode of action, extent of ap- plication, and limitation of cleansing to the extent of ap- plication, is pure error : a re- ligious washing (= cleansing) has nothing to do with the cleansing material, or the mode, or the extent of appli- cation ; washing with blood (hands, face, body) outside of religion is most defiling ; yet washing with sacrificial blood, with martyr blood, with aton- ing blood (within the religious sphere) is language expressive of the most perfect moral pu- rification, and as this blood- washing is cleansing, purify- ing, not defiling, so this wash- ing may be by sprinkling, and one drop touching will suffice to wash (=: cleanse, purify) the whole man ; or the blood may not touch or be touched by so much as one drop, and yet, received by faith in its power to cleanse, the whole soul may be " washed by the blood of the Lamb." in washing religiously covering not required, 115 ; Gale and Carson wrong in their position as to Aovu and lovrpov^ 117 ; the sacrifice on the altar "needed washing" {Seoiieva lovrpov), yet not a physical washing, but a religious wash- ing {= ceremonial cleansing), as Origen declares, "that it might be fitted for burning when the Lord should appear in fire," 119, 328; covering not needed to wash, outside of religion, 120-122 ; still less within this sphere, 123-126 ; "water washes (=ir cleanses) the soul, but is first washed (= cleansed) by the Spirit, that it may be able to wash 454 INDEX. (r= cleanse) others spiritu- ally," 140; waters washed (= cleansed) by touching the body of Christ, 141 ; "simple water,""" sole water," cannot baptize (=: wash, purge, sanc- tify) the soul, 140, 142 ; what- ever can cleanse religiously, can wash religiously, 178 ; washings, especially religious washings, not immersions, 176-178 ; washing (= cleans- ing) without water by ceasing to do evil and learning to do well, 278 ; washing before prayer — sprinkling the head (Hesiod), sprinkling for puri- fication (Philo), such sprink- ling was religious washing {= cleansing, purifying), 374. N. B. Proof that ?iovw, lava, wash, in common use for physical cleans* ing, requires application of the washing element as broad as the physical defilement, has no logical application to their religious use, where the washing element has no actual, but only putative washing j)ower. Here the eflFect may be broader than the application. Water Baptized : water baptized (=^ cleansed, pu- rified, sanctified) in the begin- ning of creation by the Hol}'^ Spirit, 134 ; in this baptism water was the object baptized, but was made competent to become afterward the agency in religious baptizings, i. e., to communicate the quality which it had received, as wa- ter which has received a new quality of color (dyed purple) will give again to other ob- jects that same quality of color (will dye them purple). 137 ; baptized water baptizes by sprinkling, just as dj^ed water dyes by sprinkling, 139 ; "simple" water, however used, by dipping into it, or by covering with it, cannot patristically baptize, 140 ; wa- ter to wash (=: cleanse) the soul must first be washed (= cleansed) by the Spirit, 140 ; water haa power to baptize (= cleanse), because washed (= cleansed) by being touched by the body of Christ, 141 ; "sole," like "simple," water cannot purge sin (= baptize), 142 ; water does not heal (= baptize) without the Holy Spirit, 143 ; " non omnis aqua sanat ; sed aqua sanat, quae habet gratiam Christi," 163 ; Tu Tiovrpu not by "simple" water, is by sprinkling, 188, 194 ; " it is necessary that the water be first purified and sanctified by the priest, that it may be able hy its own bap- tism to take away the sins of the man baptized by it. " This passage of itself destroys the theory, 1. BaTrri^u means to dip ; 2. Baptism is a covering in water ; for here is a baptism in which there is neither dip- ping nor covering, in fact or by possibiUty, 197, 204 ; " two baptisms" = the water, and the blood coming from the Saviour's side ; this water does not baptize by any natu- ral quality, but by a super- natural quality communicated to it, by which it baptizes = changes the condition of the soul, takes away sin, so the Patrists believed ; so blood is INDEX. 45.' a "baptism," and like water, not by natural quality, which fits it to be a receiving ele- ment for anything "dipped" into it {reddening it all over), but against natural quality whitening its object through the supernatural quality com- municated to it — "These are they that have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." As water colored by murex is changed in its condition and becomes a dye, with power {vis) to dye by pouring or sprinkling, so water, or blood, or tears, imbued with this spiritual quality, is changed in its condition, and becomes a "baptism " with power {vis) to baptize (= to change con- dition) conformably with the characteristic of the imparted spiritual quality. That Chris- tian baptism consisted in a dipping into water, or blood, or tears, by reason of the act of dipping, or by reason of the consequent momentary covering, is an idea which never entered into the mind of any Patristic writer for half a thousand years after Christian baptism was estab- lished. This I say with con- fidence after personal exami- nation. The same, I presume, is true for thrice five hundred years, until friends of this modern theory arose amid the agitations of the sixteenth century. The twofold basis on which this theory rests, viz., 1. BanTl^u has but one meaning, a definite act, to dip ; 2. The covering of naked men and women in water practiced for centuries, and supposed by the theorists to be done in obedience to the meaning of (SaTTTl^u, and this act, or this momentary covering being farther supposed to con- stitute Christian baptism, is, in definition and in supposi- tion, as absolute error as was ever adopted by honest men, 217, 221. Water Floods : not image of baptism, but of distress and peril, SO •, Co- nant's appeal to the " deep waters " not ad rem, 78, 80. Webster, IToah : definition of dip, immerse, 26. Wellington, Duke of : " man of war," 127. Worcester, Joseph E. : definition of dip, immerse, 26. Whelm : and overwhelm, used to express resistless influence, without covering, 89 ; the ground of the use in effect, the character determined by the adjunct, 90, 91 ; Conant's remarkable translations, 302, WiLKiKSON, Sir J. Gardiner : Egyptian bathing not immer- sion, 121. Williams, Dr. Edward : to purify ceremonially, 398. Wilson, Prof. Egbert : Greek bathing not immersion, 120 ; change of syntax, 126, 238. Xenophon : icoirn, a dining couch, 181. FOURTH EDITION. Uy James W. Dale, Pastor of the Media Presbyterian Church, Delaware Co., Penn. " EXHAUSTIVE "—" OEIGINAL"—" UN ANSWEKABLE. " "It BANKS WITH Edwards ON THE Will," .... Episcopalian. "Tt IS REALLY AN EXTRAORDINARY BOOK," .... W. Christian Advocate. *'LoGic OP Chillingworth; WIT OF Pascal," . . . N. Y. Evangelist. "It COMES IN LIKE Blucheb AT Waterloo, ". . . . Congregational Review. "The ABLEST Treatise on the subject in the English Language," Central Presbyt^n •'It 13 A Marvel," Dr. H. A. B. "It is a master-piece," Dr. T.J.W. Congregational Retiew. " A work of great research, scholarly fidelity, and immense labor. Mr. Dale's treatment of Baptist authorities ia comprehensive, liberal, critical, and dissecting, occupying about one hundred pages. About sixty pages are given to the import of ffaTTTCJ- These pages are a beautiful specimen of scholarly, contro- yersial. and kind writing, sprinkled, and even at times immersed, in the good humor of the author's nature and style. Mr. Dale devotes the rest of his noble volume, one hundred and fifty pages, to the meaning of ffarTTi^oi- This book cornea in as Blucher at Waterloo, and the bellum philologicum ought to cease." Presbyterian Banner. " To the minister and the man of letters it is a great armory from which weapons of defence may be drawn. Its perusal and study will prove to be a delightful and invigorating mental discipline. When "this series shall have been completed, it will at once take the place of the noted writings hitherto produced by this controversy." The Presbyterian, Montreal, Canada. " ' Classic Baptism ' dispels the illusion that the strength of the philological argument is on the side of our opponents. More perhaps than any other writer, Mr. Dale has settled the vexed question as to the meaning of^aTrrifu." Christian Advocate, Hamilton, Canada. •'We are fully convinced that the author has forever settled the question of modal baptism by proving, to a demonstration, that Patrri^o} does not express a definite act of any kind, much less that of dipping, but that, in its primary use, it expresses condition without limitations." Protestant Churchman. "It is thoroughly exhaustive, and exhibits a complete mastery of the subject. If the other volumes equal this in force and in learning, and we can scarcely doubt that they will, the author must, we think, be ac- counted master of the position." The Episcopalian. "In the prosecution of the undertaking nothing is left unnoticed, nothing is left nnsaid which it is de* sirable to view or to produce. The book may be fairly ranked with Edwards on ' The Will,' Gaussen on 'Inspiration,' and Goode on 'Orders.' Keplies to all will be equally difScult, and in every case just as un- satisfactory." Western Christian Advocate. " As a philological treatise on this subject, there is nothing we know of in our language to compare with it. The most industrious and independent scholarship has been brought to bear upon the subject, and an invaluable addition has thus been made to theological literature. It is really an extraordinary book." Western Presbyterian. "This is not simply a new hook; it is a new worfc, and one of extraordinary ability and originality- originality in the whole conception and investigatiou. His masterly approaches have crumbled the Baptist stronghold in ruins. Proof is carried to the point of actual demonstration. The marked features of thia work are thoroughness, candor, firmness, freedom from asperity (a Christian spirit and genial humor flow- ing through every part of it), and a singular ability and acuteness in the study of words. Procure this hook." The Presbyter. " This is one of the most remarkable books which has ever appeared in opposition to those who hold that SaTrri^di always means to immerse or its equivalent. It is an original and exhaustive work." The Evangelist. "The author does not follow the furrows of others ; he holds and handles a subsoil plough of his own. The manner in which Baptist advocates are shown to be at variance with each other is admirable. It is in tracing the shifting of the terms used to translate Pairrl^w that the author makes perfect havoc of Baptist scholarship. His style of doing this ia sometime,^ positively entertaining. Our Baptist brethren are placed by this volume in a sad dilemma. The treatise combines the thorough and sifting argumentation of Chil- lingworth with much of the wit of Pascal." Free Christian Commonwealth. "Remarkable skill in philology, dry and imperturbably quiet humor carries the reader along unconscious of weariness. We have seldom met with a more manly, keeu, vigorous, and every way effi-ctive specimen of dialectics. Humor exudes from his dialectic falchion as fragrance from the Damascus blade, by reason of the intensity of its tempering and polish. Certainly no writer ever impressed us more with his peculiar genius as a philologist, especially his keen powers of discrimination of the various shades of thought as ex- pressed by symbol words." Judflm^nt of ^^thoIarH IN MORE THAN TWENTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES, UNITERSITIES, AiVD COLLEGES EPISCOPAL AND UNIVEESITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. " Classic Baptism" embodies an immense amount of research and learning. The opinions of Professors Goodwin and Hare establish its merits. Kt. Kev. Bishop Lee, Delaware, The pages which I have read assure me that the subject is one wholly within the grasp of a sound scholar and a deep and close thinker, who will treat it with all tho learning and argument which the importance of the question demands. Et. Eev. Bishop Stevens, Pennsylvania. I have read your work on "Classic Baptism," with a satisfaction amounting almost to admiration. If it has any fault, it is that the discussion is too thorough and radical to be generally appreciated. But it is a work for scholars ; and, in fact, just such a discussion is what was needed. It has long been my conviction that the Baptist controversy is practically narrowed down to this one point : their allegation, that the Greek ySit^T/^a means absolutely and always, ex vi termini, "to dip" or "to immerse," and nothing else. If this position is turned, the Baptist cause 's irrecoverably lost. Your book will reflect credit, not only on your Alma Mater, but on the scholarship of the country. I am many degrees prouder of the University of Pennsylvania than I was before reading it. Daniel E. Goobwin, D.D., Provost of the University of Penn'a and Prof, of Theol. Divinity Scliool. I am much impressed by the research which the pages of your book exhibit, and trust that its success will be equal to its scholarship. G. Emlen Hare, D.D., Divinity School, "West Philadelphia. Any tenant of the Greek chair must feel complimented to have hi?, critical judg- ment asked upon an inquiry so elaborate as yours. ... I can fairly do no more than express my sincere admiration of the exhaustive character of your examination of passages from the entire range of classical literature, and of the singular acutenes& with which you have scrutinized the phenomena of language thus presented. . . Your treatise, when published, will be sure to attract the attention of classical schol- ars as well as of theologians. George Allen, Professor of Greek, University of Pennsylvania. METHODIST. I regard the work as a very valuable acquisition to theological literature. Joseph Ctjmmings, D.D., LL.D., President, &c., Wesleyan University. I have read "Classic Baptism" with great interest and profit. It is altogether the most thorough and exhaustive discussion ot the topic that I have ever met with, and I doubt if its equal can anywhere be found. The author settles beyond perad- venture, the question as to the meaning of /Jdirrw and Panriiu in classic usage. The treatise is full of argument and illustration compactly and systematically arranged, forming for the preacher and the theological student the most perfect handbook on this topic extant. It gives me great pleasure to commend the work with unqualified approbation. F. H. Nevthall, D.D., Wesleyan University. I heartily indorse Dr. Newhall's estimate of " Classic Baptism." C. S. Harrington, Wesleyan University. I have but glanced at "Classic Baptism." I anticipate the pleasure of reading it more thoroughly. Allow me to congratulate you on the very encouraging and com- plimentary notices which your labors have won from so many distinguished sources. D. P. Kidder, D.D., Garrett Biblical Institute. mmip ?mi^j^- 30 COLLEGES, UNIVEKSITIES, THEOLOGICAL SEMINAEIES, SAY: "THE BAPTIST THEOEY IS OVEETHEOWK" "All the strongholds op the theory demolished," . "a most masterly philological discussion," . " Appeal TO USAGE MUST SETTLE THE CONTROVERSY," . "Happy and successful vindication op the truth," "Despair cannot, logically, continue the controversy,' Prof. B. M. Smith. Prof. J. C. Moffat. Prof. J. Packard. Prof. J. T. Cooper. Prof. W. J. Beecher. Peikcetok Theological Seminaet. — Frof. J. C. Moffat, D.D. " If there is to be an end to controversy on a point of philology, this is the way to reach it. I have gone over the whole of the sheets sent me. Finished in the style of what is already done, your work will be one of the most masterly philological discussions in our language." Thbolooical Semikaet, TJ. V.—Prof. J. T. Cooper, S.D. " I cannot refrain from congratulating you on the happy and successful manner in which you have vindicated the truth in relation to John's Baptism. If any regard is to be paid to reason and argu- ment, your work should bring this controversy to an end." Theological Seminaet, Columbia.— Pro/. J. H. Wilson, D.D. " The sheets have interested me exceedingly. In every instance your interpretation of Scripture appears to me eminently fair. You have strained nothing. Your discussion of the preposition h is the very best I have seen in connection with this controversy. I have been greatly instructed, too, by the manner in which you handle the Iv Ylvtifian 'Ayi'tj as furnishing the leading parallelism with which to understand the iv viari. I heartily approve, too, of the disposition you make of Iv Xpi(TTcp, and of Christ's (and others) being kv Uvsvitan 'avi'm. This is capital. In short, you send to me for criticism, I reply by eulogy. The series taken together constitute a chain." . , . From Prof. Wm. S. Plwmer, D.D. " Dr. Dale's work on John's Baptism will be very able and meet with the cordial approval of the great body of the Christian Church, except only those who contend that baptism cannot be rightly administered but by the application of the person to the water." Deew Theolooical Seminaey.— Prof. James Strong, D.D. " I heartily concur In the general conclusions of Johannic Baptism, and rejoice that the assump- tions of the theory are so thoroughly refuted." Theological Seminaet (Lctheean), Getttsbueo.— Pro/. S. S. ScTivmcJcer, D.D. " Johannic Baptism is a work of very superior scholarship, of much logical acumen, and of im- portant results. The author's investigations are singularly far-reaching, exhaustive, and satisfac- tory. The concrete form in wliicli he has presented much of the discussion, cannot fail to give it additional interest to the popular reader, whilst the genial spirit which pervades it, makes it pleas- ant to all. It is to be hoped, in view of these investigations aad results, that our Baptist brethren will soon cease to magnify. We cordially recommend this volume to all who feel an interest in radical and learned investigation." "Assumptions of thb theory THOROuoHLr reputed," . Prof. James Strong, D.D. " Interpretation OP Scripture eminently fair,". . Prof. J. R. Wilson, DI?. •'CoRDiAi, APPROVAL OF THE Christian Church," . , Prof. W. S. Plumer, D.D, "Fully proved your point ninety-nine times," . . Prof. . i. "The THEORY is EXPOSED AND DEMOLISHED," , . . Pres. WUUs Lord, D.D. Theological SEMtNABT, Episcopal, Alexasdeia. — Frof. J. Packard, D.D. " Johannic Baptism is characterized by the same exhaustive appeal to the usage of /?airri?&), and the prepositions connected with it, as your previous works. This appeal to usage mast settle the controversy, if anything can. I shall commend all your works." Theological Seminaet, Hampden Stdket.— Pro/. B. M. Smith, D.D. " Your scholarly and discriminating view of John's Baptism leaves nothing to he desired, whether for sustaining your great proposition as to the true meaning of the word in its religious as well as tropical meaning, or the interpretation of the particles which are combined with its usage. I have been particularly gratified by your triumphant exhibition of the local force of Iv when connected with Pa-nrisoi, and your clear and forcible presentation of the power of d^. You are doing a great and good work both for Scripture exegesis and for settling on irrefragable grounds the meaning of this long-discussed word." Westekn Theological Semiitaet.— Pro/. S. J. Wilson, D.D. " I have examined the points to which you directed my attention, and it seems to me these points are made good. Your discussions open up .to me a new world on that subject. To me your argument is intensely interesting and carries conviction with it. My appreciation of your work increases with every volume." Adbuek Theological Semiwakt. — Prof. W. J. Beecher. " You have invested this discussion with fresh interest and increased light. The view given of Mark 7 : 4 is tenable, and the translation of John 1 : 25 is vindicated. PdirrKrfia has not, in my judgment, any physical usage in the New Testament. And the usage of the phrase (iaizricua ;ji£Tai>0Lag proves that neravoia is the differentia characterizing John's baptism as distinguished from other baptisms. It is imperative that si; a(p€aiv ajiapiroiv be taken as the verbal or ideal element de- manded by 0d7TTiaiia. Your reasoning is complete as against the current Baptist syllogism, '■(iavTi(,oi requires an enveloping element : that element can be nothing else than water : therefore the water must be an enveloping element.' You have conclusively proved that something else not only may be, but is, the enveloping element. That lia-Kri'^w so controls the use of the water as to demand en- velopment within it, you have, indeed, exposed as pure error. In view of your discussion, either with or without the emendations which my present views would require, I unhesitatingly answer your final question, ' Can despair prolong the controversy?' Not logically.'''' WoosTEE tJifiVEEsiTT. — President W. Lord, D.D. " I cannot tell you with how deep an interest I have read the third part of your great work on Baptism. In my view, the Theory, as you gently name it, is exposed and demolished, as it never has been before. If truth can end it, it will perish. The completion of your work, in the manner in which it has been so far done, ought to secure you the gratitude of the whole Church of Christ." , Professor of Greek. '■ Johannic Baptism, from its very extensive and minute research, its closeness and keenness of logic, and its corruscations of humor and wit, I have found very interesting. I have truly marvelled at your patience in stopping against the ' immersionists ' every actual, probable, possible, imaginary, improbable, and impossible hole ; and when you had proved a point ninety-nine times, still proving it the hundredth lest some one should fancy that your work was not otherwise quite complete. The general views which yon present of the uses of /Janrija) and ev (also si;), it seems to me, cannot be refuted." ^WM. RUTTER & CO., Publishers, Setenth and Cherry Sts., Philadelphia. Price, $4.00; to Ministers $3.50. " Frank, siraig ktforwar.i, never intentionally unfair.'''' 1 HAVE BEEN PASCINATET) WITH YOUR WORKS," Rt. Rev. A. O. OONB, D.D, " For the cause of truth a most valuable work." . . . . N. L. Rice, L T). "Your volumes mark an epoch in this controversy," . . . H. A. Bdardman, D.D. "It should be in the library op every clergyman," .... Bishop Simpson, D.D. " M ASSAsippi you have found your match," Rev. J. W. Moore. " Pages spiced with wit are agreeable, sometimes amusing," United Presb. Review. >' The water is taken from under them. They are stranded," Congregational Review. Kt. Eev. a. Cleveland Coxb, D.D., Bishop of "Western New York. " I have been so fascinated with Classic and Judaic Baptism, that I have road, in spite of myself, until I am forced to lay them down, and write at once, to thank you Your work must force our Baptist brethren, for very shame, to give up their extreme ideas on this point. Their enterprise of reforming our dear old English Bible, just at this time, makes your works very opportune, and they annihilate the pretences of the scheme so effectually, that I trust it will be given up. I will commend j'our books to my Keverend brethren, and I am grateful that they will find such an armory in your pages." Bishop Simpson, D.D., Methodist Episcopal Ckicrch. "I have examined your work on Judaic Baptism, and have been greatly pleased. The work evinces great industry and research, and is exhaustive in its character. It should be in the library of every clergyman." N. L. EiCE, D.D., President of Westminster College, Missouri. " You have done for the cause of truth a most valuable work — evidently the result of long and patient labor. Your criticisms on the terms — Greek, Latin, and Eng- lish — involved in the controversy, are, in my judgment, sound and of great value. These two works, as it seems to me, go far toward settling the controversy with im- partial minds. I do not know that 1 should differ from your views in any important point." Henrt a. Boaedman, D.D., Philadelphia, Penn'a. " I am greatly impressed with the thoroughness and ability of Judaic Baptism. The publication of your volumes marks an epoch in this protracted controversy. You have laid upon our Baptist brethren a task beysnd their strength. Why did you not go about your work ten years sooner, and save them the labor, vexation, and ex- pense of their ' New Version?' " W. Henry Green, D.D., Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey. " These and similar cases, Baptist writers, by means of dexterous manipulation and an adroit change of terms, are in the habit of claiming as though they made in their favor. But Dr. Dale will not allow any shuffling ; he holds them to the strict terms of the bond, and with a great amount of good humored banter, but with clinching force, shows that " dip " will not answer in a single case." Kev. J. "W. Moore, Austin, Arkansas. " For almost forty years I have been in conflict with Baptists and Campbellites. The immersionists made war upon me on my first arrival in ' the Territory.' Judge from these facts of ray interest in Judaic Baptism. Dr. Miller, of Princeton, told me of an old negro who looked, for the first time, on a steamboat stemming the mighty current of the Mississippi, and, after gazing for some time in mute astonish- ment, exclaimed: ' Well, old MASSAsippi, you have found your match at last.' Your book forcibly reminds me of this speech." Key. J. H. Barnard, Waukesha, "Wisconsin. " I was forced lately into a discussion of Baptism. I purchased your works, and spent many days and nights over them. They gave me such a thorough insight into the subject as I never had before. Many who were unsettled have come to thank me for the entirely satisfactory view which I had given them, and I, in turn, thank you for the valuable treatment of the subject j^ou Jiave given to the church and the world. I can, now, speak intelligently and with confidence on the subject. Some of the advocates of the theory, here, are completely demoralized. Again, I thank you for the invaluable aid received from your two volumes." Congregational Review. " Judaic Baptism has the same learning and skill that marked Classic Baptism. These two volumes must attract great attention. They form a work of great pow&r. Dr. Dale has most eflectively shown the absurdity of the Baptist position. It is, now, a matter of doubt, whether they have any position. He has fairly taken away the ground, or rather the water, from under them. They are stranded. " Calm, self-poised, patient, master of the situation." " The same cleae discrimination and lucid expeession," Peof . Moffat. "YOUE SERVICES IN THIS INQUIEY ARE OF THE HIGHEST VALUE," .... PeOF. ShEDD. " I CONGEATULATE YOU ON THE SUCCESS OF TOUE LAEORS," PeOF. B. M. SmITU. "LEAENED, INSTEUCTIVE, EXHAUSTIVE, MASTEELY," PrOF. JeWETT. "Be AMPLY eewaeded fok laboe on the aegument," Albert Barnes. "Great eeseaech and wondeeful oeiginality," So. Peesb. Eeview- " Great ability, originality, patience, fairness," Biblioth.-Sacra. PbofessoS James C. Moffat, Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jeeset. ... I have carefully read the passage on pp. 224-239, and it seems to me that the secondary mean- ing of Pa-Ti^cj is fully made out and forcibly presented. I find in all that I have read the same clear discrimination, and lucid expression, which gratified me so much in the former volume. Professor W. G. T. Shedd, Union Theological Seminary, New York. Your services in this department of inquiry I regard, as do others, of the highest value. Professor George B. Jewett, Amherst College, Massachusetts. You are moving forward grandly in your work. The more I study your books the greater and more unqualified becomesmy admiration of them. It is impossible to turn yourmain positions. Your noble work is equally learned, instructive, exhaustive and masterly. Rev. Albert Barnes, Philadelphia, Penna. I hope you will be amply rewarded for the labor which you have bestowed on the argument. I write this by the aid of a machine, and in the dark. Rev. H. L. Polins, Pennshoro, West Virginia. In two discussions, extending through several days, I have made free use of Classic and Judaic Baptism. They have proved themselves to be unanswerable. Rev. J. G. D. Stearns, Clearwater, Minnesota. I have read Classic and Judaic Baptism with delight and admiration, and for the first time feel that I understand the subject, although I had previously read everything on both sides that I could lay my hands on. President Edward Beecher, Galeshurg, Illinois. ... I have read Classic and Judaic Baptism with greatcare and with deep interest. Some of your proofs of this secondary sense (purification) have been previously adduced by me ; others I had Been but did not find room to adduce ; others still, and those of great power and value, I had not seen, and I feel much indebted to you for producing them. . . . United Presbyterian Review. ... A most important contribution to the cause of truth, and will serve largely to bring about the proper mode of administering the initiatory rite of the Christian church. . . . Theological Medium {(Quarterly of Cumberland Presbyterian Church). These are works of the most profound research, and in scholarship evince extraordinary ability. Dr. Dale, with rare acumen, parfect courtesy, and good-humored raillery, traces ffa-nTi^oi . . . Every position he sustains by the careful citation of authorities. His purely classic style, freedom from ac- rimony, and display of conscious strength, give him advantage over his opponents. These works are invaluable. The results may be used with full confidence and with triumphant success. . . . / Southern Pbesbttbrian Review. The extraordinary ability of Classic Baptism won for its writer a deserved distinction among philological scholars, and raised him to a position of absolute pre-eminence among the controversial- ists who had hitherto occupied the field of his choice. . . . The meanings of (iairTw and jSanrtsu are traced with rare skill and with the acutest criticism, with inferences perfectly crushing to all immer- sionists. . . . Judaic Baptism erects a superstructure of which Classic Baptism is the immovable foun- dation ; for Dr. Dale here proceeds upon the classical usage of /3a7rri<,'tJ, established by his own labors, in a manner never before even attempted, to investigate by labors .equally great and equally new, its usage in Jewish and Patristic writings. The success is complete. . . . Nothing can exceed the strength of the proof but the force of the conclusion. Bibliotheoa Sacra, And(yver, Massachusetts. The subject treated in these volumeshas been herediscussed with more thoroughness and breadth of research than have before been brought to it in this country. . . . The discussion indicates great ability, originality, patient investigation, fair-mindedness, clear discrimination, and has done invalu- able eervice to the cause in whose defence it was undertaken. . . . Octavo, pp. 400. Price, $3.50 ; Clergymen, $3.00. WM. RTJTTER & CO., Publishers, Skventh and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia. The treatment of the subject is beautifully exhaustive. Conceding all that you do for the primary sense of the words under discussion, your conclusions yet seem to me irrefragable. The work is a valuable contribution to philological literature, and cannot fail to have a weighty bearing in the application of the argument to the mode of Christian baptism. I shall look with much interest for the succeeding volumes that are promised. H. M. Johnson, D.D., LL.D., President of Dickinson College. LUTHEEAN. My delay in replying to your favor, is to be accounted for only by the absorbing Interest of the work you did me the honor of placing in my hands. I have endeav- ored, as you requested, "to look over it," but have found that next to impossible. My attention has been fixed by every part of it, so that I have had to go into the reg- ular study of it. Its rare originality of plan, the extensive reading indicated, the ac- curacy of discrimination everywhere met with, the honest impartiality observed, and the quiet, pleasant humor that every now and then looks out, altogether combine to mark it as a work of unusual attractiveness, and destined, I doubt not, to exert a commanding influence upon the general subject of this famous controversy. The conclusion so aptly stated in page 354, is clearly made out, and, as I consider, nothing but the spirit of determined adherence to mere traditionary usages could manage to Btand out against it. C. W. ScHAEFFER, D.D., Lutheran Theological Seminary. I am thankful that you wrote " Classic Baptism. " Page after page exhibits the wea- pons I knew were needed, but which I did not know were forged. One-half on our side are not aware of the grand array which this book shows we can make on classic grounds. I mean to read it again, as Dr. Schaefifer says he did. W. Jesse Kniselt, Ohio. DUTCH EEPOEMED. I have examined your " Classic Baptism" carefully, and with absorbing interest. I thank you for the privilege. I believe that you have done more to settle the vexed question, anent the meaning of /?an-ri?a), than any writer who has preceded you. The discussion interests and satisfies. I have given your book a warm recommen- dation to the middle and senior classes in the Seminary. I am glad to see the pros- pectus of the Judaic and Johannic Baptisms. God bless you and spare you to write many more good books. J. F. Beeq, D.D., Professor of Theology, &c. OOMEEGATIONAL. If I were to utter my first impressions, I should break out in unfeigned admiration. That one, occupied with the ordinary duties of the pastorate, should have the leisure, patience, and mental energy for an inquiry seldom surpassed as respects thorough research, is to me a marvel. I can give emphatic testimony to the analytic' power and acuteness which the treatise exhibits, as well as to its marked perspicuity and directness of statement The theory that /janri^M expresses a definite act, — "mode and nothing but mode," — is shown to be pitiably helpless when applied to " all Greek literature." .... J, Henry Thayer, Andover Theological Seminary. I admire the energy, perseverance, and unwearied diligence which the author has put forth in his work. There is no other way of dealing with such a subject satis- factorily ; but how few there are capable of taking it up in this way 1 Let us have faci instead of declamation; and fact is what Mr. Dale has given us. Out of this forest of philological learning I should hope there might be, in due time, a little grove selected for the security and comfort of the unlettered Christian. C. E. Stowe D.D., late of Lane and Andover Theol. Seminaries. I have looked over the work carefully, and find no imperfections to be corrected. You have made a very decided advance in the literature of the subject. I am much interested in the numerous quotations which you make from classical writers. 1 have never seen this thing done so thoroughly and so well. Your book ought to do much toward settling the disputed question as to the mode of " Baptism." Enoch Pond, D.D., Bangor Theological Seminary. Perhaps it is too much to expect that your work will finally settle the controver- sies of centuries upon the word under discussion, but it is safe to say, that what you have written will not be easily answered. I think you may well be congratuliilcd on finding time and opportunity, while engaged in the practical duties of ihc min- istry, to produce a work like this, — evincing so much learned research, so valuable to the Biblical student and so creditable to American scholarship. Leonard Woods, D.D., (Late) President of Bowdoin College. 1 want to thank you for eminent service rendered to the Church of Christ by your "Classic Baptism." No treatise has so pleased me. No one has so laboriously and carefully covered the old Greek authors. Having run over about two hundred vol- umes on the subjects and mode of baptism in Harvard College Library, you can see how I should enjoy your treatise. I shall wait, with deep interest. Judaic and Jo- hannic Baptism. "W. Barrows, D.D,, Beading, Mass. PEESBYTEEIAN (N. S.) I congratulate you on your able and convincing treatise on " Classic Baptism." It if thorough and original — the last a merit hardly to have been expected in a new work on so old a controversy. I shall recommend it to our students. I trust you will gc on with your labors. Your last proposition (p. 354), expresses the result of classic usage, — which is all you aim at in this volume Henry B. Smith, D.D., Union Theological Seminary. I thank you very heartily for "Classic Baptism;" a rare philological achieve- ment, which ought to prove a quietus to sectarian strife, about the necessity of im- mersion. I do not see that you have left anything to be said to clear the meaning of PaTTTiZu, or how you can be answered ; and success here is the conclusion of the matter. I marvel, with Professor Thayer, at the labor and ability with which you have prosecuted your masterly discussion. Thomas H. Skinner, D.D., Union Theological Seminary. You have certainly shown that ^a-rTi^m does not, like BaTrrai, mean dip. EoswELL D. Hitchcock, D.D., Union Theological Seminary. In my humble judgment it is exhaustive, convincing, and irrefutable. I do not see how any intelligent reader could fail to get the solution there of any doubt as to the mode of baptism, or how any minister could fail to get the arguments needed to refute the riiualism of our Baptist brethren. I deem it of the highest value to the whole Church. It is worthy of all the commendation it has received. I do not see "anything which strikes me as error, or imperfection, or which might be better put." I hope you will go on to complete the Judaic and Johannic Baptisms. ■ Wm. E. Moore, Pastor, Westchester, Pa. You have done an excellent work for the Church in dissolving the fancied claims of Xmmersionists to the support of the Classics. This has been long needed. You have done the work thoroughly. Your acute analysis has brought out conclusions very nearly like my own, written years ago and never yet read by any one. W. EuFUS PowKKs, Lysander, N. Y. I (and my associates, Professors Ballantine, Smith, and Evans) have read your work with deep interest. I had supposed tUe classical word fia-^ri^oi leaned strongly toward the Baptist view of the subject, but I cannot see how your position can possi- be answered D. H. Allen, D.D., Lane Theol. Sern., Ohio. PEESBTTEEIAN ^0. S.) I fully concur in the favorable judgment of your work on Baptism wnich has been expressed by Dr. Green. Charles Hodge, D.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Tour book is one of great research and discrimination, and, contrary to ordinary expectations of etymological controversy, animated and entertaining. It certainly . disposes of the Baptist argument, in as far as that relics upon an unvarying mean ing of the words in question. The reasoning, also, is of such a nature that the un learned reader may follow it with understanding and pleasure. . . . Irrespective of the theological question at stake, such a work is of great value in view of lexicography. It is not often that we meet with such a careful exposition of a word. I shall look with interest for your final conclusion. James C. Moffat. D.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. I regard your work as of great value on account of its complete collection of pas- sages in which the contested words occur, and the searching examination to which Baptist assertions in respect to them have been subjected. I know of nothing to take its place in that portion of the controversy to which it belongs. The industry and patient research displayed in it are above all praise. W. Henky Gkeen, D.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. i" examined very carefully your manuscript on Baptism. I was much interested ia the discussion. The work evinces much industry and research. To me your po- sitions seem to be well chosen and strongly fortified. I believe that the publication of your work will be a valuable acquisition to theological literature. . . . In my humble judgment, the issue reached is correct. S. J. Wilson, D.D., Western Theological Seminary. More and more of late our Baptist brethren have appealed to Philology. I have wondered at this. There is no weaker point in the argument for their practice, as Scapula's Lexicon would enable any one to see, as Dr. Eice in his debate with the Eev. Alexander Campbell sufiiciently showed, and as Mr. Dale here proves beyond all reasonable doubt in my mind. The work is very timely, as Dr. Conant's recent work evinces. Wm. S. Plummer, D.D., Columbia Theological Seminary. I can truly say, that for thorough investigation, clear and logical discussion and scholarly and discriminating exegesis, few works have ever afforded me as much un- mingled satisfaction. Mr. Dale has succeeded most decidedly in overturning one of the strongholds of Immersionists ; and while the course of reasoning and investiga- tion is thorough and conclusive, the btyle, in courtesy and quiet humor, presents a most incomparable specimen of polemical discussion. The book ought to have a wide circulation among all who love truth rightly presented. I shall await with great interest the other works promised on Judaic and Johannic Baptism. B. M. Smith, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Virginia. So far as relates to all the leading terms pf the inquiry, you might with better rea- son even than Ammonius name your tractate, IlepibiioC(ovKaLSta(pi:po}v Xifcui/; for I know of nothing in any language which can compare with it in what Professor Williams has so felicitously characterized as " the refined and subtle metaphysics frequently em- ployed in tracing the derivation and transition of signification of words, and in ap- plying the results to the words employed in the Baptistic controversy." I regard all branches of the Church of Christ as laid under obligations to you. Egbert W. Landis, D.D., Danville Theological Seminary. . I send with this my best judgment of your great work You have left nothing to be desired as to "Classic Baptism." So wide is the research, so thorough is the analysis, as to entitle the work to be called an Encyelopcedla in this branch of learning. I believe the general conclusion of the work to be inevitable. I rejoice in its appearance. Edward P. Humphrey, D.D., Danville Theological Seminary. My special thanks are dtte for the copy of your "Classic Baptism." I have read It with uncommon interest. Your positions are maintained, it seems to me, with the clearness and conclusiveness of demonstration. Our Baptist friends can do nothing but unconditionally surrender /Jaartjcj — as modal. They are utterly routed — Gale, Carson, Fuller, Conard, and all. I sincerely hope that you will go on with your Baptismal labors, according to the announcement in the first part. Your whole design, carried out with the success of this portion, will make a work on Baptism without a parallel, and lay theology and the Church under great obligations. "Willis Lord, D.D., Northwestern Theological Seminary. I have read, in part, " Classic Baptism," and I am delighted. Hope it will be fol- lowed by the other volumes. David McKinnet, D.D., Librarian Presb. Book Eooms, Pittsburg. "What with the thoroughness of your research and the rigor of your analysis, you have left our Baptist friends no foothold within the domain of Classic literature. More than this, the admirable tone and temper of your exhaustive treatise cannot fail to commend the work even to those who will here find one of their foundations so effectively subverted. By all means go on with your inquiries and settle this question. H. A. BoARDMAN, D.D., Philadelphia. After a careful examination of your work, I can most cordially indorse the judg- ment of my old friend and associate in Miami University, Prof. Moffat. Opinion." may be answered, facts cannot. Your book is demonstration. W. C. Anderson, D.D., 1st Presb. Church, San Francisco. A really valuable book and a fine specimen of thorough philosophical analysis. A capital book for our young men to study, as a specimen of the way in which the true meaning of words is to be elicited. It has given me clearer and more definite views and more especially shown the broad and firm ground of those views. J. B. Eamsay, D.D., Lynchburg, Va. A singularly astute and searching investigation. I have read it with that zest with wnich 1 used to read the "Diversions of Purley." It is a centre shot to the very heart of Baptist ritualism. If the bottom has not been knocked out of the Baptist tub, it has been made too leaky to hold water enough to immerse anybody in. Stuart Eobinson, D.D., Louisville, Kentucky. UNITED PEESBTTEEIAN. It becomes necessary to meet our Baptist brethren on their own ground. This you have done. And by fair criticism and an appeal to the masters of the Greek lan- guage, you have clearly demonstrated, that their argument in favor of immersion, drawn from the alleged classical meaning of PairTl^cj, rests upon a foundation of sand. John T. Pressly, Theological Seminary, U. P. EEFOEMED PEESBYTEEIAN. I regard " Classic Baptism" as a master- piece. The enlarged scope, the thorough- ness, the candor, the excellent temper, and the sprightly wit, make it as agreeable and interesting as it is exhaustive. So far as I am aware there is nothing equal to it. Our Baptist brethren will, I think, find it to be unansioerable. T. "W. J. "Wylie, D.D., Theological Seminary, Kef. Presb. OHUECH OF SCOTLAND, CANADA. I am delighted with your book. It seems to me to settle the guesiio vexaia. Irre- fragable, to a free and unprejudiced mind, must be the conclusion reached in the closing sentences of your work. Equal success in Judaic and .Johannic Baptism will confer upon Ptedo-Baptist churches a benefit incalculable and lasting. I congratulate you on the literary triumph whi^h, in the midst of pastoral anxieties and labor, you have achieved. John Jenkins, D.D., St. Paul's, Montreal. " Jewet.t arid Dale, 'whom nobody k)iows,' use heavy ffuiis.^^ "Criticisms on Classic Baptism he takes occasion to gibbbt," Princeton Review. "Far above any like work in English literature," . . Southerii Presb. Review "Admirably arranged, transparently worded,'' .... Sumdord of the Cross. "In the jiost gp:ntle and pleasant spirit," Christian Instructor. "One of the must striking and effective of this age," . Episcopalian. 'It is a woNbEitFUL BOOK," W. Christian Advocate ' His TWO VOLUMES REALLY MARK AN ERA IN THIS CONTROVERSY," American Presb. Revuw. Southern Presbyterian Review, South Carolina. This remarkable book has attracted much attention among American scholars. Its contents ar« unique. They constitute a body of suggestive and most luminous hints, easily pursued to the overwhelm- ing conclusion to which they point. It stands, as a controversial work, far above any we are acquainted with in the whole i ange of Ensjlish literature upon this subject. It is old and it is new. It is trite and it is original. It is short and it is thorough. It is moderate and it is conclusive. Christian Observer andFbbe Christian Commonwealth, Kentucky. If there is any wisdom in the maxim, "Fight the devil with fire," there is equal wi.sdom in Dr. Dale's practice oi fighting the, Baptists with water. And never did steam fire-engine play its vigoroua stream upon a mob to its scattering more effectually than Dr. Dale with the vigorous stream of hl.s water criticism, upon those who have been so noisily assailing their brethren. .Judaic Baptism is every way worthy of the author of Classic Baptism. It has the same excellent temper, the same remarkable genius for philology, the same vigorous argument, the same remarkable scholarship and fine literary discrimination. Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, New Jersey. . . . But Dr. Dale will not allow any shufBing; he holds them to the strict tTms of the bond, and with a great amount of good-humored bantering, but with clinching force, shows that "dip" will not answer in a single instance. From this primary, physical sense of ' intusposition," without limitation of manner or duration, the word passed in classic Greek to a secondary use, that of describing a conditiot of complete subjection to some controlling power or influence, particularly a ruinous or destructive sub- jection. The word has reached a secondary sense which has passed beyond the mere region of trope and conscious figure or figurative application, and has become a new and veritable meaning. The Baptists endeavor to extract some image or emblem to sustain their theory, but Dr. Dale pertinaciously meets them at every turn, and, in the most provoking manner holds the theory up to merited ridicule. The fundamental idea in Judaic Baptism is the subjection of an object to some foreign controlling influence, not, however, for its destruction, but for its purification and salvation. Dr. Dale has, in these volumes, put the Baptists on the defensive, instead of merely repelling their attacks. His arf/uments are not to be put aside by vituperation. The criticisms on his former volume he takes occa.sion to gibbet in the beginning of this. These volumes constitute an armory which no minister can well afford to be without. Frank and straightforward, never intentionally unfair, with an overplus almost of pleasant raillery, but without harsh words and abusive epithets, these books are an important contribution to the (Sanri^d) controversy. American Presbyterian Review, New York. The previous work of Dr. Dale commanded very general attention, and fully sustained his positiona as to the significance of /SoirriJ&j. Many Baptist critics were quite at a loss what to make of it, and several dismissed it with evasive or abusive notice. Dr. Dale commences his present volume with a summary view of their utterances, exposing the shallowness of their criticisms or the contemptuous ignorance which they display. It is very evident that }ns conclusions are not to be set aside by any criticisms that have yet been offered. He cites passages from the Jewish writers and from the Christian Fathers, and with the same rare sagacity and keen discrimination of which he has shown himself to be so thorough a master, he demonstrates that Pairri^oj cannot have the exclusive meaning ■' dip." He estahlislies his position, that all through the Patristic interpretations of Jewish baptisms, it is written in characters so plain " that a way- faring man, though a fool, need not err therein," that a dipping or a covering with water never enters into their thoughts as a requisite for baptism. Indeed, the incongruity that results from a logical applica- tion of "the theory" he opposes, becomes sometimes absolutely ludicrous. As an intellectual discipline, this work will invite and reward study. His two volumes really mark an era in the controversy. Central Presbyterian, Virginia. We rejoice in the progress of this great undertaking. The present volume is in every respect equal to the first. While Dr. Dale is necessarily controversial, we have never seen a more thoroughly good- uatured antagonist. If he takes hold of Baptists and pinches them sorely under an iron grip, it is not for the satisfaction of hurting them, but because it cannot be helped. One of the most pleasant parts of the present volume is in the sixty pages in which he reviews the criticisms they have attempted on his former work. It is a first-rate specimen of masterly, keen, but good-tempered controversy. He is always gentlemanly, and, therefore, never descends to the use of ungentlemanly language, even when most strongly provoked by its application to himself by others. This may be seen in the answer given to Prot Kendrick. . . . All who furnish themselves with these volumes will be finely repaid. Western Christian Advocate, Ohio. We close our brief notice of Judaic Baptism, by saying it is a wonderful book. Get it and read it, and you Will neither regret the time nor the money thus employed. Advance, Illinois. Baptists have long desired an adversary to grapple with the Greek terms. Dr. Dale is the man for them. He insists on Greek, nothing but Greek. His conclusion is a bombshell in Vie Baptist camp. It has brought out both respectful and vituperative answers. The work is able, thorough, and convincing. The Pacific, California. A year or more ago the Baptist world was astonished at the appearance of Classic Baptism. A second edition was called for in four months. Its author received a Doctorate. We do not see how any one can dispute the learning, thoroughness, and real critical ability shown in these volumes, nor how the con- clusions reached can be impugned. When Prof. Jewett criticised the Baptist Bible, they asked, '■ Who is this Jewett? " When Dr. Dale wrote Classic Baptism, he was said to be an "upstart," one "who had spent hiB life in a country village." Jewett and Dale, " whom nobody knows," use pretty heavy guns I " Judaic Baptism is ivortky of the author of Classic Baptism. ' "A TUORCCGHLY GOOD-NATURED ANTAGONIST," Central Presbyterian. "A BOMBSHELL IN THE BAPTIST CAMP," Advance. "Conclusions cannot be impugned," Pacific. "Arms from head to foot against Immersionists," . . . . Standard of the Cross, "Intellectual task inviting to the Scholar," .... Evangelist. "This is a work for the age," Methodist Recorder. "Complete armory for Scriptural Baptism," Presbyterian,. Congregationalist and Boston Recorder, Mass. Dr Dale attaches great importance to showing how the meaning "to purify" could originate. It is of much greater importance to show that it did. in fact, originate. This fact Dr. Beecher and others bad alreaay proved, and Dr. D,ale has added new evidence of great value. Judaic Baptism will be a valuable storehouse of facts and evidence. The Episcopalian, Pennsylvania. Our expectations are fully realized in "Judaic Baptism." Sprinkling and pouring are proved to be modes of baptizing. The importance of the deci.sions of this point cannot be overestimated. The extent of research, the patience in invesiigation, the closeness of comparipon, and the candor and strength of judgment make this treatise one of the most striking and effective which has appeared in this age. Presbyterian, Pennsylvania. This volume opens with some keen replies to criticisms on Classic Baptism. He simply lumps together ft number of the abusive sentences of Dr. Kendrick, with which he filled his review in the Baptist Quarterly, and lets them stand as condemning the whole article. He treats with great thoroughness all bapttsmB spoken of by Jewish writers, inspired and uninspired. This volume will be more interesting to the mass of readers than Classic Baptism. Beyond all question, Dr. Dale is furnishing a complete armory in behalf of the Scriptural mode of baptism. The Standard of the Cross, Ohio. If any clergyman wishes to be clad from head to foot against all the sophistries of the Immersionists, he has only to master this one book. Such stores of classical learning, so condensed and admirably arranged and transparently worded, are seldom found packed away in a volume of 35U pages. It is no wonder that the University of Penn.sylvania hastened to lay a Doctorate at the learned author's feet. Religious Telescope, Ohio. If any one wishes to read a work written in an interesting style, with clearness and ability, in oppo- sition to able Baptist writers, he will find Judaic Baptism such a woik. It is a perfect feast for those whose special delight is in polemics. Chbistian Instructor and United Presbyterian, Penna. Classic Baptism is, and the more it is studied the more it will be found to be, the book that will go far to settle this question. It is written in the most gentle and pleasant spirit. A third edition has already been called for. Judaic Baptism is a complete presentation of the subject. It is always marked with peculiarly good temper. This work will be welcome, convincing, and eminently satisfactory. Herald and Presbyter, Ohio. No book of the age has been more highly commended than Classic Baptism. Judaic Baptism is des- tined to enjoy a reputation equally flattering Ko man has equalled Dr. Dale in the thoroughness and ability with which he has discussed the mode of baptism. Every theologian should /lave these two volume. Christian Intelligencer, New York. The author seems determined to give no quarter to our Baptist brethren. Those interested in the Baptist controversy will, of course, examine for themselves the grounds of the author's argument. They ■can scarcely fail, we think, if open to conviction, to acknowledge its correctness. An exclusive meaning is the Baptist Gibraltar. Hence, we expect a lively controversy from this vigorous attack upon it. Methodist Recorder, Ohio. This is a work for the age. The positions claiming the same meaning for Pa-rrToi and Parri^ai, and dip as the invariable meaning of (3 awrt^cii, are demonstrated to be impossible. Those who differ in sentiments ATO fairly, kindly, and bravely met on their own chosen ground. The most learned in the land pronoanc« it a MABT£BPIEC£. The Evangelist, New York. He shows himself a thorough master of his subject, and his discrimination of meanings and shades ol meaning is itself a study which, even as an intellectual task, is inviting to the scholar. It is frequently amusing to see how completely be turns the tables on his opponents, and how summarily he routs them from their slmngholds. Dr. Dale insists that the word makes demand for a condition and not for a modal act, and with this view every impartial and intelligent reader must accord. Western Presbyterian, Kentucky. Dr. Dale's method of investigation is the proper one. Opponents sre bound to show that he fias mis- quoted or misinterpreted Oie wnlcrs to whom he appeals. If they decline to do this, they confess themselves vanquished. If they make the attempt and fail, their cause is lost. We wait losee what Baptist scholars will do. They have made a beginning. The Baptist Chriftian J'ress thinks the author to be an " ignoramus," an "upstart," and a " lunatic.'' Prof. A. C Kendrick, D.D .if the BHptist Theological .-eminary, Rochester, N. Y., thinks that he is "a philological thimble rigger." and a good many other equally complimentary things. While the Nal.irmal Baptist thinks Dr. Dale is "an author of no small abil.ty," whose scholar-y work "challenges our admiration." Wo think these volumes will compel the Itrini'-rsioaists to abandon their stronghold. There are signs of this alreadj'. Dr. Kendrick, in the Baptid Quarterly, tosses dip overboard, saying : "It is not a dipping that onr Lord instituted. Bnptizo never does engage to take its subjects out of the water." Now, some honesi Baptist {dipper) will open his eyes at this, and ask. •• What, then, are we to do? " Kendrick says, you must get out uf the water on your '■ normal muscular action.'' (!) This is somerhiun for these who have thought that they knew what Baptizo meant — '•dip,and ruitking but dip, through all Greek literature" — to think about. We leave it with them. T> J J J J ) J ) I ) SECOND EDITION. JUDGMENT OF SCHOLAES IN ALL DENOMINATIONS. '■'■Fraught with, humor and good humor." "Thorough — Candid — Conclusive," Prop. Packard, Episcopalian. "Vindication — Thorough — Overwhelming," . . . Prop. B'E.Kd, Dutch Reformed. "Thorough — Exhaustive — Convincing," .... Prof. Lindsay, iVfe/A. Epismpal. "Learned — Thorough — Decisive," Prof. Pond, Congregntionol. "Sound, Jddicious, Conclusive," Prop. Coleman, PrKshyterian. "Patient, Vigilant, Complete," Prof. Lord, Presfn/ffrian. "Analytic, Exhaustive, Unique," President Edwards, P resb'yterian. The judgment given hy these scholars is entirely independent ; no one having seen or heard of that of the other. Dk. J. F. Berg, Prof. Theol., New Brunswick, New Jersey. TVhen I say that Judaic Baptism is as thorouaih and overwhelming a yindication of our mode of baptism, B= Classic Baptism was conclusive as to the meaning of PairTi^o}, I can express no higher appreciation of yonr Work. Dr. James Strong, Drew Theol. Sent., New Jersey. The order which you have pursued is the only just one in the case. Your argument, as developed in Classic and Judaic Baptism, I consider as perfectly conclusive. Dr. E. Pokd, Theol. Sem., Bangor, Maine. I have read the book throuaih with great interest. Like the previous work, it is learned, thorough, ex- hau.-itive, and decisive. It seems to me that, of ffaTrTii^o} and its derivatives, nothing more need be said. The doctrine of exclusive immersion is refuted. Dk. Willis Lord, Theol. Sem., Chicago, Illinois. Judaic Baptism is of the same remarkably analytic and exhaustive character as Classic Baptism. I can scarcely conceive of anything more unique than such a triad as Classic, Judaic, and Christian Baptism, or inore likely to be a permanent benefaction to the coming generation. Dr. J. W. Lindsay, Theol. Sem., Boston, Mass. I have been deeply interested in examining Juda4c Baptism. ITour treatment of the subject is so thorough, exhaustive, and convincing, that biblical scholars must feel you have placed them under great obligation. Dr. J. Packard, Theol. Sem., Alexandria, District of Columbia. In maintaining that flaTrri^o} always means to immerse or dip totally under water, Baptists have main, tained their ground by the ■most forced and strained interpretation, and in defiance of usage, and with the greatest violence to language. Dr. Dale has determined the usage of /Janrijo) by Jewish writers in the Sep- tuagint, Apocrypha, Josephus, &c., and has, we think, shown conclusively that the word means to purify ceremonially. His works deserve a place in every clergyman's library. Db. S. J. Wilson, Theol. Sem., Allegheny, Penna. I have examined the use of £i; by Josephus with the exposition, pp. 92-95 ; also, as used by the Apostle Panl, p. 305 ; and by Origen, p. 320. I believe your interpretation is correct I am more than ever impressed with the labor and research which your book evinces, and of the value of the contribution to theological literature which you have made. Dr. T. W. J. Wtlie, Theol. Sem., Philadelphia, Penn. I wish that all who can feel the power of truth were baptized with the truth which your book presents. Equal in argument and in spirit to its predecessor, it can have no higher encomium. These works mark an era in the discussion of this subject. Henceforth I hope the discussion will be put on the ground where you have placed it. Tnere the defence is impregnable. Dk. Charles Elliott, Theol. Sem., Chicago, Illinois. A very able and exhaustive treatise. Your former treatise on Classic Baptism is, I think, a demonstration of the point which you attempt to establish. In regard to the use of £15 by Josephus, p. 92, and the like use by Paul, p. 305, and Origen, p. 320, 1 refer you to Harrison's work on Greek Prepositions. Prof. Harrison fully supports your view on p. 211, and establishes it by numerous quotations. See. also, Jeirs Qrammar, II.. p. 297, s. V. £ij. Your argument to prove a secondary meaning of 0anri^txh 88 used by Origen, p. 224, 1 consider as conclusive. You may say with Joab: "I have fought against Rabbah, and have taken the city of waters." Dr. L. Coleman, La Fayette College, Easton, Penna. The Judaic, like the Classic Baptism, is in my estimation a marvel of industry and patient research, sound, judicious, and conclusive. These two volumes will remain an exhaustive the.«aurus of authorities and argument on the vexed question of the mode of baptism, an invaluable aid to all who may be drawn inio the hapless controversy. President Jon. Edwards, D.D., Baltimore, Maryland. T know of no such works on baptism as these. 1 have rarely in any controversial literature met with urgumentation so sound, patient, persistent, vigilant, and complete, while, at the same time, so frsnght with humor and good humor. You have made it abundantly manifest that " the theory " results from a superficial investigation compounded with the anachronism of interpreting ancient and oriental by modern and occidental customs. "It deals a blow from which 'the theory^ can never recover.^' *N«5BLE ClTRISflAN BEARING TOWARD YOUR OPPONENTS," BiSHOP L. ScOTT, D.D. " Recommended TO STUfiRNTS AS ABLEST IN THE LANGUAGE," Prof. J. T. Presslv, D.D. " All the world acknowledge your great success," President A. D. Smith, D.D "A PRODIGY OF philological LABOR," PrOF. T. H. SkiNNER, D.D. "Beyond the possibility op successful assault," . . Prof. S. Yerkes, D.D. "You have fought and taken the city of waters," Prof. C. Elliott, D.D. "The testimonials are not at all exaggerated," . Rt. Rey. T. M. Clark, DD Rev. L. Scott; D.D. , Bishop of the Mftkodist Episcopal Church, DeIjA-WAJib. I am more than pleased with .luilaic Baptism. I am dflighted. Your patient toil, your discrimina- tion, your skilful uianaaiemeut of materials so various and so vast, your thoroughnnss even in minutias, and your noble Christian bearing toward your opponents, fill me with admiratiou. The work is the most scholarly, thorough, and .'satisf.ictory discussion of Judaic Baptism I have ever seen. Indeed, I know of nothing that can be compared with it in its e-xhaustive completeness. It deals a blow from which the theory can never recover. Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Clark, D.D., 5w/jo;;o/ Rhode Island. Tour work on Jud.aio Baptism richly deserves attention. I have mad^ myself sufficiently acquainted with it to be satisfit'd of i_t^ very great valu-^. I do not tbink th tt any of the testimonials given in its favor are at all exaggerated. Rt. Rev. George D. Cummins, D.D., Assistant Bishop of Kentucky. I have been deeply interested in your work on .Judaic Baptism, and regard it as an e.xceedingly valua- ble contribution to the literature of this important subject. It is just the work that is most needed in this region. I trust it may have an extensive circulation among us. President Asa D. Smith, D.D.. Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. Such a confluence of laudatory and approving voices have fallen upon your ear that mine may be lost in it. You need no word of praise from me. The learninj. ability, and industry which reveal them- selves at a glance, all the world are acknowledging. I congratulate you on this great success. William Blackwood, D.D., Philadelphia, Penna. Dr. Dale has produced the most learned, accurate, and thoroughly unanswerable argument on the point on which his book bears, that the world has ever seen. Dr. Dale has the satisfaction to see his book taking rank in the libraries of educated men. John T. Pressly, D.D., Theol. Sem., Alleghany, Penna. I have just finished my lectures on the subject of bapti.'sm, and hnve recommend.d your work to the students as the ablest, on the meaning of the word, in the English language. President Q. Wilson McPhaill, D.D. , Davidso7i College, N. Carolina. Ton bring cumulative evidence to the truth of your previous proposition, .-md show conclusively that Judaic Baptism is effected by washing the hands, by sprinkling, and by pouring. In fsict, after reading your book, I am led more thaa ever to doubt whether baptism was ever performed by immersion after the manner of the Baptists. Their case seems to invoU-e the singular error of contending for almost the only possible mode in which baptism was never performed. Certainly, after candidly reading Judaic Baptism, Baptists must be satisfied if they can find sufficient evidence to show that total immersion is one of the various allowed modes. Stephen Yerkes, D.D., Danville Theol. Sem., Kentucky. You are giving the question by far the most thorough and scholarly sifting it has ever received. Your works are an honor to the scholarship of the country, and a lasting monument to your patience of research, your skill in philology, and your power and vigilance in the conduct of a difficult and intricate argument. I believe you have established, b-yond the possibility of successful assault, the position taken in this vol- ume. And as the conclusion here reached is but the logical development of the general proposition main- tained in Classic Baptism, and is itself so indubitably certain, it is confirmatory of that proposition. Com- plete your original plan, and thus, by a third volume, crown your admirable contributions to the theo- logical literature of the age. Thomas H. Skinner, D.D., Union Theol. Sem., New York. Judaic Baptism is a very searching book and requires close reading. It is a prodigy of philologica. labor. In English literature it is without a parallel. When or where was so much written on A word? The learning, the logic, the style, the spirit, and, I may add, the effectiveness of your book, give it an esti- mation unsurpassed by any book of the same class, that I have ever read. The narrowness of our Baptist brethren has nothing to rest on, and I think they will renounce it. But other topics beside baptism are illustrated by your book. Noone can intelligently read it without being indebted to you for enlargement, if not tor correction of his views, on not a few points of high importance. I congratulate you on your great success as an author. May the Lord hold you as a star in His right hand, and cause you to shine more and more brightly to the glory of His holy name 1 Rt. Rev. J. Johns, D.D., Bishop o/ Virginia. Your work has, indeed, commended itself to our ablest biblical scholars. I promise myself much pleasure and profit from a careful study of its valuable contents. I have no doubt that the happy influ- ence of the volume will more than compensate you for the time and labor bestowed on its preparation, and hope that it will encourage you to make the church yet more largely your debtor. Rev. S. Bowers, Bedford, Indiana. With great interest have I both read and studied " Classic Baptism." In my humble judgment it will do more toward settling the question of mode than any other uninspired book yet published. Rev. S. F. Milliken, Morrison, Illinois. I am under ten thousand obligations to you for your Classic Baptism. GERMAN EEFOEMED. I thank you for your scholarly work on Baptism. It is very evident, on a cursory glance, that you have bestowed a vast amount of labor and research on your book, and every theologian must wish you health and strength to finish the two other vol- umes, both in the interest of truth and for the honor of American scholarship. I hope to have leisure, after awhile, to revise my volume of the History of the Apos- tolic Church, and then I shall revert to your labors with interest and pleasure. ..Philip Schaff, D.D., Professor, &c. Cause for serious complaint has been given by theologians and ecclesiastical histo- rians by concessions far beyond philological and archeological fact. Your able and thorough treatise has confirmed my convictions on this point. Baptists have pro« fessed a willingness to stand or fall by their interpretation of /SajrrtCo). Your work will put their integrity to a severe test. I had thought the philological argument exhausted. " Classic Baptism" shows that the material has been but meagerly used and not to the best advantage. J. H. A. BoMBEKGEE, D.D., Philadelphia. OOLLEaES. The most elaborate and exhaustive discussion of the classic use of the words ffarra »nd Panri^M, with the corresponding terms in the Latin language, that has fallen un- der my notice ; evincing tireless research, conscientious thoroughness and candor, with acute discrimination and subtle analysis in the investigation of these contro- verted terms. Lyman Coleman, D.D., Lafayette College. . . . It is the most elaborate discussion of a single word that I have ever seen. It interested me much more than I expected. It is full of subtle analysis ; but it is all so perspicuous and earnest that it holds the attention throughout. . . . Fran. A. March, Lafayette College. The main point of the treatise, the specific use of the word contended for, seems to me to be made out with perfect clearness and conclusiveness, so as to settle the question, in as far as the question rests upon merely philological grounds. Another feature that struck me, was the refined and subtle metaphysics frequently employed in tracing the derivation and transition of signification of words, and in applying the results to the words involved in the Baptistic controversy. . . . Apart from its direct relation to the great Baptistic controversy, I think that the work would be regarded by all competent readers as possessing great interest and value as a contribution to philology. I doubt whether there exists another so long and elaborate investigation of a single word. D. E. Williams, "Western University. I am glad, for the truth's sake, that your book is so well and ably constructed. I cannot too highly express my sense of the patience, good humor, sound logic, and breadth of view which characterize it. If your promised continuations in the Judaic and Johannic branches of investigation be as satisfactory, you must be congratulated as furnishing the most complete, unanswerable, and at the same time, amiable treat- ise the Church possesses on this point. J. Edwards, D.D., Prest. of Washington and Jefierson College. . . . I have sometimes spent an hour upon a line of Greek, but here are yonrs spent upon a word. The result seems to me perfectly conclusive as to the use and meaning of the words under discussion. . . . H. C. Cameron, Professor of Greek, Princeton College. American Peesbttebian and Theological Review. "After two or more centuries of controversy upon a pintle word, who would have expected a truly origiual and deeply iut' i fating volume upon it? Yet this is what Mr. Dale has given to the world, takinc: up for the present, only the clas.^ic usage of (iaiTTi^ai, to be followed by similar treatises on Judaic and .lohannic Bap- tisms. He comes to the subject from new points of view, with the largest philoIoL'ica! inductions, and the acutest critici-indoubtedly shed light on many important points, and given new and valuable interpretations to passages of Scripture, and to the patristic usage. Even where he may have spiritualized the sense of the word to a greater degree than we have been wont to do, he has still opened the way to needful investigations. It is an indispensable work to all who engage in this controversy ; and we bespeak for it a cordial reception. -We propose to have it noticed in our Preview at some future time, more fully, hy a competent critic." Church and State (Episcopal), New Yorh. "Christie and Patristic Baptism is the fourth of a remarkable series of books In discussing a subject rather dry and dreary to most readers, he gives a life and pleasantness to the discussion bj^ un- swerving good humor and suavity of manner. He is always gentlemanly ; he indulges in no bitterness of tone or language ; and though he does keenly expose contradictions, illogical absurdities and strange confusion of words and ideas in the Baptist Confessions and standard defences, yet he does not perform his work in a boastful or unkind spirit. If one must be confuted in an important controversy, he might well wish to be handled by such an antagonist as Dr. Dale. Considered as a propugnaculuni contra Bap- tlstas these volumes are invaluable. The author has received from every quarter the most gratifying assurances of complete success His interpretations of various passages of Scripture are fre- quently adverse to the views adopted by our church in her services and standards, especially the bap- tisimal service and the catechism The Fathers were, of course, wrong according to Dr. Dale; but he does not, on this account, think it necessary to use harsh or improper language in regard to them." The Advance (Congregational), Illinois. "Dr. Dale has gained a well-earned repute as the most thorough investigator of the meaning and implications of the Greek word pairTilw, that has yet appeared in the ranks of biblical scholars. .... Christie and Patristic Baptism concludes his scholarly inquiries. The discussion is conducted with exceeding care and thoroughness, and with a rigorous adherence to Greek usage. He riddles ' the theory' of our Baptist brethren through and through While his general exposition will meet with acceptance and must eventually make a deep impression on scholarly Baptists, his explanations of specific passages will occasion more doubt. We are not yet convinced that he is correct But while on such points he makes a more difficult argument to answer than many would anticipate, and possibly may yet revolutionize current ideas, his main positions are in no wise dependent upon his success in these cases. They only show his independence of mind and his anxiety to gain the Scriptu- ral conception and to maintain Greek usage Patristic Baptism Dr. Dale finds to involve curious additional points. He sheds much light on this matter. . . . Dr. Dale has virtually finished the contro- versy on this subject, and in time ' the theory ' for wliich Baptists have unhappily contended with such misguided consciences, will die out of intelligent minds." The Christian Intelligencer (Pweformed [Dutch]), Neiu York. "This massive volume completes Dr. Dale's series of learned volumes on baptism The most cursory glance at these two works (Chrislic and Patristic Baptism), in one volume, suffices to show the writer's laborious and extended learning, his logical power, and his critical skill. We do not wonder that our Baptist friends find it difficult to answer his powerful arguments. The 'Country Pastor' of Pennsylvania, has garnered full sheaves from the literature of more than a thousand years. These volumes constitute the most complete thesaurus of this controversy accessible to English readers." The Congregationalist, Massachusetts. "A divine, in the middle of the phlegmatic state of Pennsylvania has been, by Classic, Judaic, •Tohannic, Christie and Patristic Baptism, troubling the Baptist Israel It is our impression that the policy of ignoring these repeated onslaughts of this 'country pastor' has been found to be, on the whole, easier than to try to answer them — they certainly have not been answered. The time ha« now come, however, when something will have to be done about it, or confession made that 'the theory ' has no logical ground to rest upon. Dr. Dale shows that the notion 'that Christian baptism consisted in a water dipping,' was a novelty unheard of in the history of the Church for more than fifteen hundred years, and is an absolute abandonment of the baptism of inspiration. This result must be rather stun- ning to those who have nursed the idea that they were the only really baptized persons in the Christian world It remains for our Baptist brethren to overturn the patient and solid reasoning of these tremendous volumes — if they can. Not to undertake it will be to confess judgment; and to succeed they have to do their work so that it will stand the judgment of impartial philology." Central Christian Advocate (Methodist), 3Iissouri. " ' The Cup and the Cross,' an exposition of the Baptism of Calvary, was presented by Dr. Dale, before the Synod of Philadelphia, and published at their request. The author has already won a deservedly great reputation by his treatises on Baptism. We advise the purchase of these books." Pacific Christian Advocate (Methodist), Oregon. " Let none suppose these volumes a mere compilation. Some years ago we had occasion to ' read up' on this subject, and not only do we consider Dr. Dale's works the most learned and exhaustive, but the most original and readable of the scores of works we have met with. They will do more to settle the question of mode, than any other uninspired works ever published." Richmond Christian Advocate (Methodist), Virginia. "We should like to copy 'The Cup and the Cross; or, the Baptism of Calvary,' bodily into our columns, to enlarge its influence, and to give to thousands of our readers some of the pleasure its perusal has given to us. The author's thorough study of the subject is already given in four learned volumes. These works push immersionists and their doctrines to the extreme of unclassical, unscriptural and illogical pretension The conclusions of the author are elaborately argued and well sustained." Inquiry Completed. Judgment of Scholars. 'Thesaurus." "Masterly." "Standard." "Final" Professor "Willis J. Beecher, D.D., Auburn Theol. Sem., New York. " I have just finished reading your book. Thanks for the pleasure and the profit of it. I am inter- ested in tracing througli the discussion a certain generic difference of view between us, combined with what seems to me an absolute identity of view in regard to the main question. . . . You have certainly demonstrated, that the intusposition demanded by Pa-n-ri^o} is without self-limitation as to time and without limitation as to the form of the act; that PaTrriZco st~ brings into a new condition, which in the New Testament is never water, or any other purely physical element or condition ; that the dative, with or without £u, as an adjunct of PanrKw in the active voice, expresses agency and not receptive element. . . . The Fathers certainly use /Jairn'so) characteristically to express a thorough change in the condition of the baptized person, and not a mere covering in the water. I regard the evidence adduced by you as substantiating the following Summary Results: "1. BAITTIZiZ belongs to that class of verbs {to cover, to hury; to dye, to imbue) which expresses con- dition to be effected by some act, the form of the act being left at will. This word demanding, in general, a thorough change of condition, and, in particular, (1.) A thorough change of condition by intusposition ; (a.) within a permeable element, (6.) without limitation of time, (c.) by any competent act ; thus bringing the baptized object, in the fullest degree, under the characteristic quality or power of the investing element. (2.) A thorough change of condition without intusposition; (a,) by any act (pouring water on hot iron) or influence (wine drunk) which exerts a penetrating, pervading, and assim- ilating power over its object conforming it to the characteristic quality of the baptizing agency ; (&.) by any agency which has a legal power {sprinkled blood, heifer ashes), or putative power (Patristic water) thoroughly to change the condition ; (c.) by a divinely appointed symbol {pure water) without legal or putative power to change the condition in fact, but whose characteristic (physically purifying) fitly symbolizes a spiritually purifying agency, and therefore, in a rite, symbolly changes the condition in conformity with the characteristic of the symbolized agency. " 2. BAHTIZil BIS, in organic relation, expresses the passing of the baptized object into a new ele- ment (real or ideal) without withdrawal, and therefore expresses the subjection of the baptized object, in the fullest degree, to the characteristic influence of such element. " 3. BA IITIZii EN in combination does not exhibit the verb in the active voice with the preposition indicating the receiving element, in ordinary and characteristic use. This preposition with the verb in the passive voice indicates the baptized object as already within and abiding within the receiving element. In the New Testament this preposition never indicates the complementary idea of the verb, but points out the agency (real or symbol) by which the baptism is effected. " 4. BAHTISM A originates in the New Testament and never expresses physical covering, but always (directly or by association) thoroughly changed spiritual condition. " 5. Christian Baptism is a thoroughly changed condition of the soul effected by the Holy Ghost through the efiicacy of the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. " 6. EiTUAL Christian Baptism is real Christian Baptism symbolized (as purifying the soul) by pure ■water applied to the body (by pouring or sprinkling or other equivalent modes; and presenting a visible seal of the promises of God under the conditions of the covenant. It is in itself the technical passing into a thoroughly changed condition of outward personal relation to the visible kingdom of God. "7. A DIPPING INTO WATER is not Christian Baptism noT, as such, any 'Ba.Tptisva. Such use of the ritual water can only be recognized, in Christian charity, by rejecting the dipping as no element in the Christian rite and basing the validity solely on the presence and use of pure water. In fine, your investigation seems to me to be a complete scientific study of the subject and, in its main results, final. I am confident that your work, now completed, is standard, and will circulate more widelj^ as it becomes better known." Professor Leonard Bacon, D.D., New Haven Theol. Sem., Connecticut. "If any man would study the subject of Baptism thoroughly, minutely, and exhaustively, he can find no h&tteT thesaurus of learning and of suggestive thought than you have provided for him in these volumes. I admire your industry, the force of your argumentation, the freshness, and oftentimes the originality of your views. ... I thank you heartily for your great contribution to the literature of a subject on which good men have differed so long." President J. F. Hurst, D.D., Drew Theol. Sem., New Jersey. " Your masterly work on Christie Baptism covers the entire subject. Your extensive researches, your profound sympathy with the theme, and your method of treatment, have enabled you to produce a work which not only meets a great want, but will, I trust, occupy a permanent place in American theology. I congratulate you on your success." " Monumentum cere per ennius.'' PROFESSOR LYMAN COLEMAN, D.D., Lafayette College. " I have read with some care and with great interest your elaborate and exhaustive treatise on Patristic Baptism. Your main position, that PaTrrtW does not express or imply ' water covering^^ iTnmersion, is undeniably established by your induction of patristic authorities. " Your views respecting ' simple water' and ' impregnated water ' are some- what novel to me. Whether this term impregnated'^ is the best expression of the patristic meaning may be an open question ; but you have certainly shown that it implied a change of state, condition, or character, wrought either by the water or symbolized by it. . . . Grant, for the sake of argument, all that the friends of the theory claim for the meaning of /?a7rri?&), and yet it can be shown, by your induction of authorities, that \n patristic usage it is impossible to give it this meaning in baptisms of tears, blood, etc. You have virtually said all this, but it might be brought out still more fully. " I am not quite clear that burial in baptism has its parallelism in Christ's burial in the tomb. I rather take to the metaphorical parallelism of commen- tators without being very positive on that point. [Patristic writers interpreted separately might favor the one view or the other. — D.] " Your books are to be standard references for all time — ^monumentum cere perennius ' — thorfore make a full index, so that each volume can be consulted for every particular author, passage, and word." * " Impregnated water" expresses a divine influence communicated to "simple water" (co- action of water and the Holy Spirit), an idea abounding (most mistakenly) among patristic writers. — D. Patristic Baptism was intended for a separate volume. But its important relation to Christig Baptism, both in likeness and unlikeness, together with the desirableness of a ready comparison of the one with the other, has induced their incorporation in one volume. This volume, therefore, has [by smaller type and increased pages) double the amount of matter in either of the preceding volumes. The price while increased is relatively less. To those inexperienced in publication I may say : It is a cause of sincerest regret that all these books could not be furnished at a much less price. The cost has not been fixed for pecuniary gain, but by inexorable necessity. Neither for labor expended nor for money invested has the Author received one dollar. "Buy the truth and sell it not." D. Octavo, pp. 680, price $-5.00 ; to clergymen, $Jf,.00. WM. BUTTER ^ CO., Publishers, SEVENTH AND CHEBBY STS., PHILA-DELPHIA. ;^^ A^^ youm ^n Vm.f^