O PRINCETON, N. J. -^^ Division.. rXu.^..vX,'^.^.. Section. ..\. Jo •^•^- S/ie//. Number I.S.P..C THE Bible Text-Book OR, THE PRINCIPAL TEXTS RELATING TO THE PERSONS, PLACES, AND SUBJECTS, OCCURRING IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. "Search the Scriptures." John S;39. American Tract Society, 150 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. COPYRIGHT, 1880, BY AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. A TEXT-BOOK OF THE . ^^^-fdi'dOS^l^d PERSONS, PLACES, AND SUBJECTS OCCURRING IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Note. — In order to save space, reference is often made to but a single verse, although the matter referred to may be contained in several verses in connection with it; therefore let reference be made to the context. AARON, son of Amram and Jochebed, of the tribe of Levi. Exod. 6:20. his marriage and children, Exod. 6:23. appointed to assist Moses, Exod. 4:14, 27. fulfils his commission, Exod. 5-12; 16:33; 17:12. chosen high priest, Exod. 28. consecrated, Exod. 29; Lev. 8:9. his first offerings, Lev. 9. not to mourn for his sons, Lev. 10:6. his neglect excused. Lev. 10:20. his sin in making the golden calf, Exod. 32. spared at Moses' request, Deut. 9:20. his sedition against Moses, Num. 12. stays the plague. Num. 16:47, 48. his rod buds. Num. 17:8. excluded from promised land. Num. 20:12. his age, death, and burial. Num. 20:23-29 ; 33:39; Deut. 10:6. his descendants, 1 Chr. 6:49-53. See priests. his priesthood inferior to Christ's, Heb. 5:7, etc. See Psa. 77:20; 99:6; 106:16. etc. AARONITES, 1 Chr. 12:27; 27:17. ABADDON (the destroyer). Rev. 9:11. ABANA (and Pharpar), rivers of Damascus, 2 Kings 5:12. ABARIM, Mts. of Moab, Num. 27:12; Deut. 32:49. ABASE, Job 40:11; Dan. 4:37; Phil. 4:12. ABBA (Father), Mark 14:36; Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6. ABDON, judge, Judg. 12:13; 1 Chr. 8:23. Micah's son, 2 Chr. 34:20. city, Josh. 21:30. ABEDNEGO, Dan. 1:7; 2:49; 3:12; see Isa. 43:2. ABEL, his birth, sacrifice, death. Gen. 4. righteous. Matt. 23:35; 1 John 3:12. blood of, Luke 11:51; Heb. 12:24. faith of, Heb. 11:4. stone of, 1 Sam. 6:18. ABEL-MEHOLAH, 1 Kings 4:12; 19:16. ABEL-MIZRAIM, Gen. 50:11. ABEL-SHITTIM, Num. 33:49. ABIAH, or Abijah, Samuel's son, 1 Sam. 8:2. , Jeroboam's son, 1 Kings 14:1. , Rehoboam's, 1 Kings 15:1; 2 Chr. 11:20; 12:16; 13:1, 2L -, a woman, 1 Chr. 2:24. , Hezekiah's mother, 2 Chr. 29:1. ABIATHAR, high priest, escapes Saul's ven> geance, l Sam. 22:20. faithful to David, 1 Sam. 23:6; 30:7; 2 Sam. 15:24; Mark 2:26. but opposed to Solomon, 1 Kings 1:19. degraded from priesthood, 1 Kings 2:26. ABIB, first month, the passover celebrated in,. Exod. 13:4; 23:15; 34:18. ABIEL, 1 Sam. 9:1; 14:51. ABIEZER, ancestor of Gideon, Josh. 17:2; Judg. 6:34; 8:2. , David's hero, 2 Sam. 23:27; 1 Chr. 11:28; 27:12. ABIGAIL, her character, 1 Sam. 25:3. intercedes for Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:24. becomes the wife of David, 1 Sam. 25:42. is taken captive, 1 Sam. 30:5, and rescued, 18. mother of Chileab, according to 2 Sam. 3:3, or Daniel, according to 1 Chr. 3:1. , David's sister, 2 Sam. 17:25; 1 Chr. 2:16. ABIHU'S trespass and death. Lev. 10:1, 2; Num. 3:2, 4; 26:3L law in consequence, Lev. 10:9. ABIJAH, or Abijam, king of Judah, his evil reign, 1 Kings, 15:1. his wars with Jeroboam, 2 Chr. 13. , son of Jeroboam, his death foretold by Abijah the prophet, 1 Kings 14:12. ABILENE, Luke 3:1. ABIMELECH, king of Gerar, reproves Abraham for denying his wife. Gen. 20:9. rebukes Isaac, Gen. 26:10. his covenant with Isaac, Gen. 26:28. , son of Gideon, Judg. 8:31. his cruelty, Judg. 9:5, 48. made king, Judg. 9:6. slain by a woman, Judg. 9:53; 2 Sam. 11:21. , a priest, 2 Sam. 8:17; 1 Chr. 18:16. ABINADAB receives the ark sent away by the- Philistines, 1 Sam. 7:1; 2 Sam. 6:3. , Saul's son, 1 Sam. 3:12. ABINOAM, Judg. 4:6; 5:1. ABIRAM rebels against Moses, Num. 16. his punishment, Num. 16:31; 26:10. , 3 ADI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ADM ABISHAG waits on Davul, 1 Kings 1:3. Adonijah slain for seeking her in marriage 1 Kings 2:13-25. ABISHAI, prevented from slaying Saul, 1 Sam. 26:8, and Shimei, 2 Sam. 16:9;19:21. his valiant deeds, 2 Sam. 21:17; 23:18; 1 Chr. 11:20; 18:12. ABLUTION, of the face and body, Ruth 3:3; 2 Sam. 12:20; Ezek. 23:40; Matt. 6:17. of the feet. Gen. 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 43:24; Judg. 19:21; 2 Sam. 11:8; Song 5:3; Luke 7:38,44: John 13:5; 1 Tim. 5:10. of the dead, Acts 9:37. of infants, Ezek. 16:4. of hands, as declaration of innocence, Deut. 21:6, 7; Psa. 26:6; Matt. 27:24. ABNER, Saul's captain, 1 Sam. 14:50; 17:55. reproved by David, 1 Sam. 26:5, 14. at first adheres to Ish-bosheth, 2 Sam. 2:8. but revolts to David, 2 Sam. 3:8. treacherously slain by Joab, 2 Sam. 3:27. lamented by David, 2 Sam. 3:31. ABOMINATION of desolation foretold, Dan. 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14. ABOMINATIONS which God abhors: graven im- ages, idolaters, Deut. 7:25; 27:15; 1 Kings 11:5; 2 Kings 23:13; Isa. 41:24; Mai. 2:11. heathenish practices, Deut. 18:12; 22:5; Isa, 66:17; Ezek. 16:50; 18:12; Rev. 21:27. things sacrificed, Lev. 7:18; Deut. 17:1; Prov. 15:8; Isa. 1:13. uncleanness. Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Deut. 24:4. the wages of sin, Deut. 23:18. frowardness, pride, Prov. 3:32; 6:16; 11:10; 16:5. injustice, fraud, Prov. 11:1; 16:12; 17:15; 20:10, 23. thoughts and worship of the wicked, Prov. 15:8: 26:25; 27; 28:9. of Jerusalem described, Isa. 1; 3: Jer. 2, etc.; Ezek. 5:11; 6:9; 7; 8; 11; 16; 23; Hos. 1, etc. of the heathen censured, Lev. 18:26; Deut. 18:9; 1 Kings 14:24; Rom. 1:18; Eph. 5:13; Col. 3:5. ABRAHAM, Abram, born, Gen. 11:27. called, Gen. 12:1. repairs to Canaan, Gen. 12:5. goes to Egypt, Gen. 12:10. denies his "wife, Gen. 12:14; 20:2. strife with Lot, and separation. Gen. 13:7. 11. receives the promise. Gen. 13:14; 15:5. rescues Lot, Gen. 14:14. blessed by Melchizedek, Gen. 14:19; Heb. 7:1. his faith and sacrifice, Gen. 15. God's covenant with him, Gen. 15:18; 17. he and his household circumcised, Gen. 17. visited by angels. Gen. 18. intercedes for Sodom, Gen. 18:23. dismisses Hagar and Ishmael, Gen. 21:14. his obedience in oncring Isaac, Gen. 22. purchases a burying-place, Gen. 23. provides a wife for Isaac, Gen. 24. his descendants by Keturah, Gen. 25. death and burial. Gen. 25:7. testimonies to his faith and works, Isa. 41:8; .51:2: John 8:31-56; Acts 7:2; Rom. 4; Gal. 3:6; Ileb. 11:8; James 2:21, etc. allusions to, Matt. 3:9; 8:11; 22:32; Luke 1:73; 13:28; 16:23; John 8:33, 56, 68; Acts 7:2; Gal. 3:7; 4:22; Heb. 7:1. ABSALOM, son of David, 2 Sam. 3:3. his personal appearance, 2 Sam. 14:25, 26. slays Amnon, 2 Sam. 13:28. his conspiracy, 2 Sam. 15-17. bis death, 2 Sam. 18:9, 14. lamented by David, 2 Sam. 18:33; 19:1. ABSALOM'S PILLAR, 2 Sam. 18:18. ACCESS TO GOD: is of God, Psa. 65:4. is by Christ, John 10:7,9; 14:6; Rom. 5:2; Eph. 2:13; 3:12; Heb. 7:19, 25; 10:19; 1 Pet. 3:18. is by the Holy Ghost, Eph. 2:18. obtained through faith, Acts 14:27; Rom. 5:2; Eph. 3:12; Heb. 11:6. follows reconciliation to God, Col. 1:21, 22. in prayer, Deut. 4:7; Matt. 6:6; 1 Pet. 1:17. See PRAYER, in his temple, Psa. 15:1; 27:4; 43:3; 65:4. to obtain mercy and grace, Heb. 4:16. a privilege of saints, Deut. 4:7; Psa. 15; 23:6; 24:3, 4. saints have, with confidence, Eph. 3:12 ; Heb. 4:16; 10:19, 22. vouchsafed to repenting sinners, Hosea 14:2; Joel 2:12. See repentance. saints earnestly seek, Psa. 27:4; 42:1; 2; 43:3; 84:1, 2. the wicked commanded to seek, Isa. 55:6; Jas. 4:8. urge others to seek, Isa. 2:3; Jer. 31:6. promises connected with, Psa. 145:18; Isa. 55:3; Matt. 6:6; Jas. 4:8. blessedness of, Psa. 16:11; 65:4; 73:28. typified. Lev. 16:12-15, with Heb. 10:19-22. exempUfied, Moses, Exod. 24:2; 34:4-7. ACCHO, or Ptolemais (now Acre), Canaanites re- mained in, Judg. 1:31. church at Acts 21 : 7. ACCURSED, what so called, Deut. 21:23; Josh. 6:17; 7:1; 1 Chr. 2:7; Isa. 65:20; Gal. 1:8. ACELDAMA, field of blood, prophesied, Zech. 11:12,13. fulfilled. Matt. 27:6-10. Judas' death there. Acts 1:18. ACHAIA, gospel preached in. Acts 18; 19:21; Rom. 16:5; 1 Cor. 16:15; 1 Thess. 1:7, 8. liberality of the disciples there commended, Rom. 15:26; 2 Cor. 9:2; 11:10. ACHAICUS visits Paul, 1 Cor. 16:17, 18. ACHAN'S trespass and punishment, Josh. 7; 22:20; 1 Chr. 2:7. ACHISH, his kindness to David, 1 Sam. 21:10; 27:2; 28:1; 29:6. See 1 Kings 2:39. ACHMETHA, Ezra 6:2. ACHOR, valley of, Achan slain there, Josh. 7:26. See Isa. 65:10; Hos. 2:15. ACHSAH'S request, Josh. 15:16; Judg. 1:13. ACHZIB, Josh. 19:29; Judg. 1:31; Mic. 1:14. ACRE, 1 Sam. 14:14; Isa. 5:10; what a yoke of oxen can plough in a day. ADAM created in the image of God, and blessed, Gen. 1:27; 2:7; 5:1. called the .son of God, Luke 3:28. placed in Eden and named, Gen. 2:8, 10. names the creatures. Gen. 2:20. calls his wife Eve, Gen. 3:20. his disobedience and sentence. Gen. 3. promise made to. Gen. 3:15. his death. Gen. 5:5. See Job 31:33; Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:22, 45; 1 Tim. 2:13. . the last. Christ, 1 Cor. 15:45. ADAMANT, Exod. 28:18; Ezek. 3:9; Zech. 7:12. ADAH, Ezra 6:15; Esther 3:7, 13; 8:12. ADD AN, a city of the captivity, Ezra 2:59. ADDER, Gen. 49:17; Psa. 58:4; Prov. 23:32. ADINO, his exploit.s, 2 Sam. 23:8. ADJURE, Josh. 6:26; Matt. 26:63; Mark 5:7; Acts 19:13. ADM AH, city of the plain, destroyed. Gen. 19; Deut. 29:23; Hos. 11:8. ADMONITION, directions concerning, Eccl. 4:13; ADO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. AFF Matt. 18:15; Luke 17:3; Rom. 15:14; 1 Cor. 10:11; Eph. 5:11; 6:4; Col. 3:16; 1 Thes. 5:12; 2 Thes. 3:15; Tit. 3:10; Heb. 3:13. See EXHORTATION. ADONI-BEZEK confesses his cruelty to be justly requited, Judg. 1:7. ADONIJAH, fourth son of David, 2 Sam. 3:4. his conspiracy, 1 Kings 1 : 5. his presumptuous request, 1 Kings 2:13. slain, 1 Kings 2:25. others, 2 Chr. 17:8; Neh. 10:16. ADONIRAM, or Adoram, collector of tribute, 2 Sam. 20:24; 1 Kings 4:6; 5:14. stoned, 1 Kings 12:18. ADONI-ZEDEC, king of Jerusalem, resists Josh- ua, Josh. 10:1. his death, Josh. 10:26. ADOPTION: explained, 2 Cor. 6:18. is according to promise, Rom. 9:8; Gal. 3:29. is by faith, Gal. 3:7, 26. isof tJod's grace, Ezek. 16:3-6; Rom. 4:16, 17; Eph. 1:5, 6, 11. is through Christ, John 1:12; Gal. 4:4, 5; Eph. 1:5; Heb. 2:10, 13. saints predestinated unto, Rom. 8 : 29; Eph. 1:5, 11. of Gentiles predicted, Hos. 2:23; Rom. 9:24-26; Eph. 3:6. the adopted are gathered together in one by Christ. John 11:52. new birth connected with, John 1:12, 13. the Holy Spirit is a witness of, Rom. 8:16. being led by the Spirit is an evidence of, Rom. 8:14. saints receive the spirit of, Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6. a privilege of saints, John 1:12; 1 John 3:1. saints become brethren of Christ by, John 20:17; Heb. 2:11, 12. saints wait for the final consummation of, Rom. 8:19,23; 1 John 3:2. subjects saints to the fatherly discipline of God, Dent. 8:5; 2 Sam. 7:14; Prov. 3:11, 12; Heb. 12:5-11. God is long-suffering and merciful towards the partakers of, Jere. 31:1, 9, 20. should lead to holiness, 2 Cor. 6:17, 18, with 2 Cor. 7:1; Phil. 2:15; 1 John 3:2, 3. SHOULD PRODUCE Ukeuess to God, Mat. 5:44, 45, 48; Eph. 5:1. child-like confidence in God, Mat. 6:25-34. a desire for God's glory. Mat. 5:16. a spirit of prayer. Mat. 7:7-11. a love of peace. Mat. 5:9. a forgiving spirit. Mat. 6:14. a merciful spirit, Luke 6:35, 36. an avoidance of ostentation, Mat. 6:1-4, 6, 18. safety of those who receive, Prov. 14:26. confers a new name, Num. 6:27; Isa. 62:2; Acts 15:17; See titles of Saints, entitles to an inheritance. Mat. 13:43; Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29; 4:7; Eph. 3:6. is to be pleaded in prayer, Isa. ^3: 16; Mat. 6:9. illustrated. Joseph's sons, Gen. 48:5 14 16 22 Moses, Exod. 2:10. Esther, Esth. 2:7.' ' typified in Israel, Exod. 4:22; Hos. 11:1; Rom. 9:4. exemplified. Solomon, 1 Chr. 28:6. ADORAM, 2 Sam. 20:24; 1 Kings 12:18. ADRAMMELECH, 2 Kings 19:37; Isa. 37:38. an idol, 2 Kings 17:31. ADRAMYTTIUM, a port of Mysia. Acts 27:2. ADRIA, the Adriatic Sea, Acts 27:27. ADRIEL marries Saul's daughter, 1 Sam. 18:19. Ms sons slain, 2 Sara. 21:8. AUULLAM, a city, Josh. 12:15; 15:35; 2 Chrou. 11:7; Neh. 11:30; Micah 1:15. , cave of, David's sojourn there, 1 Sam. 22: 1; 1 Chr. 11:15. ADULTERY, forbidden, Exod. 20:14; Lev. 20:10; Deut. 5:18; Mat. 5:27; 19:18; Mark 10:11; Rom. 13:9; 1 Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19. evils of, Prov. 6:26; Hos. 1:2. instances of, Sodomites, Gen. 19:5-8. Lot, Gen. 19:31-38. Shechem, Gen. 34:2, Reuben, Gen. 35:22. Judah, Gen. 38:1-24. Pntiphar's wife. Gen. 39:7-12. Samson, Judg. 16:1. Eli's sons, 1 Sam. 2:22. David, 2 Sam. 11:1-5. Amnon, 2 Sam. 13:1-20. Absalom, 2 Sam. 16:22. Is- raelites, Jer. 5:7-9; 29:23. Ezek. 22 : 9-11 ; 33 : 26. Herod, Mark 6 : 17, 18. Samaritan woman, John 4:18. A woman, John 8:3-11. Corinthians, 1 Cor. 5:1. Gentiles, Eph. 4:17- 19; 1 Pet. 4:3. SPIRITUAL, Jer. 3; 13:27; Ezek. 16:23; Hos. 1; 2; Rev. 2:22. ADVERSARY, Exod. 23:22; 1 Tim. 5:14. agree with. Mat. 5:25. , the devil. Job 1:7; 2:1; Zech. 3:1. to be resisted. Mat. 4:1-11; Eph. 4:27; Jas. 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:8. ADVERSITY, Heb. 13:3. See affliction. ADVOCATE, Jesus Christ, 1 John 2:1. JSNEAS healed. Acts 9:33. -^NON, John baptizes there, John 3:23. AFFECTION, instances of, Gen. 42:38; Exod. 32:32; 1 Sam. 20:41, 42; 2 Sam. 18:33; 2 Cor. 12:15; Phil. 2:17; 1 Thes. 2:8. AFFECTIONS: should be supremely set upon God, Deut. 6:5; Mark 12:30. SHOULD be set upon the commandments of God, Psa. 19:8-10; 119:20, 97, 103, 167. upon the house and worship of God, 1 Chrou. 29:3; Psa. 26:8; 27:4; 84:1, 2. upon the people of God, Psa. 16:3; Rom. l2: 10; 2 Cor. 7:13-15; 1 Thes. 2:8. upon heavenly things, Col. 3:1, 2. should be zealously engaged for God, Psa. 69:9; 119:139; Gal. 4:18. Christ claims the first place in, Mat. 10:37 ; Luke 14:26. enkindled by communion with Christ, Luke 24:32. blessedness of making God the object of, Psa. 91:14. should not grow cold, Psa. 106:12, 13; Mat. 24:12; Gal. 4:15; Rev. 2:4. of saints, supremely set on God, Psa. 42:1; 73:25; 119:10. of the wicked, not sincerely set on God, Isa. 58:1,2; Ezek. 33:31, 32; Luke 8:13. carnal, should be mortified, Rom. 8:13; 13:14; 1 Cor. 9:27; Col. 3:5; 1 Thes. 4:5. carnal affections crucified in saints, Rom. 6:6; Gal. 5:24. false teachers seek to captivate. Gal. 1:10; 4:17; 2 Tim. 3:6; 2 Pet. 2:3, 18; Rev. 2:14, 20. of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted, Rom. 1:31; 2 Tim. 3:3; 2 Pet, 2:10. AFFLICTED SAINTS: God is with, Psa. 46:5, 7; Isa. 43:2. God is a refuge and strength to, Psa. 27:5, 6; Isa. 25:4; Jer, 16:19; Nah. 1:7. God comforts, Isa. 49:13; Jer. 31:13; Mat. 5:4; 2 Cor. 1:4, 5; 7:6. God preserves, Psa. 34:20. God delivers, Psa. 34:4, 19; Prov. 12:13; Jer. 39:17, 18. Christ is with, John 14:18. AFF BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. AFF Christ supports, 2 Tim. 4:17; Heb. 2:18. Clirist comforts, Isa. 61:2; Mat. 11:28-30; Luke 7:13; John 14:1; 16:33. Christ preserves, Isa. 63:9; Luke 21:18. Christ delivers. Rev. 3:10. should praise God, Psa. 13:5, 6; 56:8-10; 57:6, 7; 71:20-24. should imitate Christ, Heb. 12:1-3; 1 Pet. 2:21-23. should imitate the prophets. Jas. 5:10. should be patient, Luke 21:19; Rom. 12:12; 2 Thes. 1:4; Jas. 1:4; 1 Pet. 2:20. should be resigned, 1 Sam. 3:18; 2 Kings 20:19; Job 1:21; Psa. 39:9. should not despise chastening, Job 5:17; Prov. 3:11; Heb. 12:5. should acknowledge the justice of their chas- tisements, Neh. 9:33; Job 2:10; Isa. 61:5-7; Lam. 3:39; Mic. 7:9. should avoid sin. Job 34:31, 32; John 5:14. should trust in the goodness of God, Job 13:15; Psa. 71:20; 2 Cor. 1:9. should turn and devote themselves to God, Psa. 116:7-9; Jer. 50:3, 4; Hos. 6:1. should keep the pious resolutions made during affliction, Psa. 66:13-15. should be frequent in prayer. Psa. 50:15; 55:16, 17, See AFFLICTIONS, prayer under, should take encouragement from former mer- cies, Psa. 27:9; 2 Cor. 1:10. examples of afflicted saints: Joseph, Gen. 39:20- 23; Psa. 105:17-19. Moses, Heb. 11:25. Eli, 1 Sam. 3:18. Nehemiah, Neli. 1:4. Job, Job 1:20-22. David, 2 Sam. 12:15-23. Paul, Acts 20 : 22-24 ; 21 : 13. Apostles, 1 Cor. 4 : 13 ; 2 Cor. 6:4-10. AFFLICTED, duty towards the: to pray for them, Acts 12:5; Phil. 1:16, 19; Jas. 5:14-16. to sympathize with them, Rom. 12:15; Gal. 6:2. to pity them. Job 6:14. to bear them in mind, Heb. 13:3. to visit them, Jas. 1:27. to comfort them. Job 16:5; 29:25; 2 Cor. 1:4; 1 The.s. 4:18. to relieve them, Job 31:19, 20; Isa. 58:10; Pliil. 4:14; 1 Tim. 5:10. to protect them, Psa. 82:3; Prov. 22:22; 31:6. AFFLICTIONS: God appoints, 2 Kings 6:33; Job 5:6,18; P.sa. 66:11; Amos 3:6; Micah 6:9. God dispenses as he will, Job 11:10; Isa. 10:15; 45:7. God regulates the measure of, Psa. 80:5; Isa. 9:1; Jer. 46:28. God determines the continuance of, Gen. 15:13, 14; Num. 14:33; Isa. 10:25; Jer. 29:10. God does not willingly send, Lam. 3:33. man is born to, Job 5:6, 7; 14:1. saints appointed to, i Thes. 3:3. consequent upon the fall. Gen. 3:16-19. sin produces, Job 4:8; 20:11; Prov. 1:31. sin visited with, 2 Sam. 12:14; Psa. 89:30-32; Isa. 57:17; Acts 13:10, 11. often severe. Job 16:7-16; Psa. 42:7; 66:12; Jo- nah 2:3; Rev. 7:14. always less than we deserve, Ezra 9:13; Psa. 103:10. frequently terminate in good, Gen. 50:20; Exod. 1:11, 12; Dent. 8:15, 16; Jer. 24:5, 6; Ezek. 20:37. tempered with niercv. Psa. 78:38, .39; 106:4.3-46; Isa. 30:18-21; Lam. 3:. 32; Mic. 7:7-9; Nah.l:12. saints are to expect, John 15:33; Acts 14:22. of saints, are comparatively light. Acts 20:23, 24; Rom. 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:17. 6 of saints, are but temporary, Psa. 30:5; 103:9; Isa. 54:7, 8; John 16:20; 1 Pet. 1:6; 5:10. saints have joy under. Job 5:17; Jas. 5:11. of saints, end in joy and blessedness, Psa. 126:5, 6; Isa. 61:2, 3; Mat. 5:4; 1 Pet. 4:13, 14. often arise from the profession of the gospel, Mat. 24:9; John 15:21; 2 Tim. 3:11, 12. exhibit the love and faithfulness of God, Deut. 8:5; Psa. 119:75; Prov. 3:12; 1 Cor. 11:32; Heb. 12:6, 7; Rev. 3:19. AFFLICTIONS, Prayer under: exhortation to, Jas. 5:13. that God would consider our trouble, 2 Kings 19:16; Neh. 9:32; Psa. 9:13; Lam. 6:1. for the presence and support of God, Psa. 10:1; 102:2. that the Holy Spirit may not be withdrawn, Psa. 51:11. for divine comfort, Psa. 4:6; 119:76. for mitigation of troubles, Psa. 39:12, 13. for deliverance, Psa. 25:17, 22; 39:10; Isa. 64:9- 12; Jer. 17:14. for pardon and deliverance from sin, Psa. 39:8; 51:1; 79:8. that we may be turned to God, Psa. 80:7; 85:4- 6; Jer. 31:18. for divine teaching and direction, Job 34:32; Psa. 27:11; 143:10. for increase of faith, Mark 9:24. for mercy, Psa. 6:2; Hab. 3:2. for restoration to joy, Psa. 51:8, 12; 69:29; 90:14, 15. for protection and preservation from enemies, 2 Kings 19:19; 2 Chr. 20:12; Psa. 17:8, 9. that we may know the causes of our trouble, Job 6:24; 10:2; 13:23,24. that we may be taught the uncertainity of life, Psa. 39:4. that we may be quickened, Psa. 143:11. AFFLICTIONS, Consolation under: God is the Author and Giver of, Psa. 23:4; Rom. 15:5; 2Cor. 1:3; 7:6; Col. 1:11; Thes. 2:16, 17. Christ is the Author and Giver of, Isa. 61:2; John 14:18; 2 Cor. 1:5. the Holy Ghost is the Author and Giver of, John 14:16,17; 15:26; 16:7; Acts 9:31. promised, Isa. 51:3, 12; 66:13; Ezek. 14:22, 23; Hos. 2:14; Zech. 1:17. through the Holy Scriptures, Psa. 119:60, 76; Rom. 15:4. by ministers of the gospel, Isa. 40:1, 2; 1 Cor. 14:3; 2 Cor. 1:4,6. is abundant, Psa. 71:21; Isa. 66 :n. is strong, Heb. 6:18. is everlasting, 2 Thes. 2:16. is a cause of praise, Isa. 12:1; 49:13. pray for, Psa. 119:82. saints should administer to each other, 1 Thes. 4:18; 5:11, 14. is sought in vain from the world, Psa. 69:20; Eccl. 4:1; Lant 1:2. to those who mourn for sin, Psa. 51:17; Isa. 1:18; 40:1,2; 61:1; Mic. 7:18, 19; Luke 4:18. to the troubled in mind, Psa. 42:6; 94:19; John 14:1, 27; 16:20, 22. to those deserted by friends, Psa. 27:10; 41:9- 12; John 14:18; 15:18, 19. to the persecuted, Deut. 33:27. to the poor, Psa. 10:14; 34:6, 9, 10. to the sick, Psa. 41:3. „ ,„ „^ to the tempted, Rom. 16:20; ICor. 10:13; 2Cor. 12:9; Jas. 1:12; 4:7; 2 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 2:10. in prospect of death. Job 19:25, 26; Psa. 23:4; John 14:2; 2 Cor. 5:1; 1 Thes. 4:14; Heb. 4:9; Rev. 7:14-17; 14:13. AFF BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. AHA under the infirmities of age, Psa. 71:9, 18. AFFLICTIONS made beneficial: in promoting the glory of God, John 9:1-3: 11:3, 4; 21:18, 19. in exhibiting the power and faithfulness of God, Psa. 34:19, 20; 2 Cor. 4:8-11. in teaching us the will of God, Psa. 119:71: Isa. 26:9; Mic. 6:9. in turning us to God, Deut. 4:30, 31; Neh. 1:8, 9; Psa. 78:34; Isa. 10:20, 21; Hos. 2:6, 7. in keeping us from again departing from God, Job 34:31, 32; Isa. 10:20; Ezek. 14:10, 11. in leading us to seek God in prayer, Judg. 4:3; Jer. 31:18; Lam. 2:17-19; Hos. 5:14, 15; Jo- nah 2:1. in convincing us of sin. Job 36:8, 9; Psa. 119:67; Luke 15:16-18. in leading us to confession of sin, Num. 21:7; Psa. 32:5; 51:3-5. in testing and exhibiting our sincerity, Job 23:10; Psa. 66:10; Prov. 17:3. in trying our faith and obedience. Gen. 22:1, 2, with Heb. 11:17; Exod. 15:23-25; Deut. 8:2, 16; 1 Pet. 1:7; Rev. 2:10. in humbling us, Deut. 8:3, 16; 2 Chr. 7:13, 14; Lam. 3:19, 20; 2 Cor. 12:7. in purifying us, Eccl. 7:2, 3; Isa. 1:25, 26; 48:10; Jer. 9:6, 7; Zech. 13:9; Mai. 3:2, 3. in exercising our patience, Psa. 40:1; Rom. 5:3; Jas. 1:3; 1 Pet. 2:20. in rendering us fruitful in good works, John 15:2; Heb. 12:10, 11. in furthering the gospel. Acts 8:3, 4; 11:19-21; Phil. 1:12; 2 Tim. 2:9, 10; 4:16, 17. exemplified, Joseph's brethren, Gen. 42:21. Jo- seph, Gen. 45:5, 7, 8. Israel, Deut, 8:3, 5. Josiah, 2 Kin. 22:19. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 32:25, 26. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:12. Jonah, Jonah 2:7. Prodigal son, Luke 15:21. AFFLICTIONS of the wicked: God is glorified in, Exod. 14:4; Ezek. 38:22, 23. God holds in derision, Psa. 37:13; Prov. 1:26, 27. are multiplied, Deut. 31:17; Job 20:5; 21:17; Psa. 32:10. are continual. Job 15:20; Eccl. 2:23; Isa. 32:10. are often sudden, Psa. 73:19; Prov. 6:15; Isa. 30:13; Rev. 18:10. are often judicially sent. Job 21:17; Psa. 107:17; Jer. 30:15. are for examples to others, Psa. 64:7-9; Zeph. 3:6, 7; 1 Cor. 10:5, 11; 2 Pet. 2:6. are ineffectual for their conversion, Exod. 9:30; Isa. 9:13; Jer. 2:30; Hag. 2:17. their persecution of saints, a cause of, Deut. 30:7; Psa. 55:19; Zech. 2:9; 2 Thes. 1:6. impenitence is a cause of, Prov. 1:30, 31; Ezek. 24:13; Amos 4:6-12 ; Zech. 7:11, 12 ; Rev. 2:21, 22. sometimes humble them, l Kings 21 :27. frequently harden, Neh. 9:28, 29; Jer. 5:3. produce slavish fear, Job 15:24; Psa. 73:19; Jer. 49:3, 5. saints should not be alarmed at, Prov. 3:25, 26. exemplified: Pharaoh and the Egyptians, Exod. 9:14, 15; 14:24, 25. Ahaziah, 2 Kings 1:1-4. Gehazi, 2 Kings 5 : 27. Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21 : 12- 19. Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:19-21. Ahaz, etc., 2 Chr. 28:5-8,22. AGABUS, predictions of. Acts 11:28. AG AG. Num. 24:7. slain by Samuel, 1 Sam. 15. AGATE, Exod. 28:19; Isa. 54:12. AGONY of Christ in the garden. Mat. 26:36; Luke 22:44, etc. AGRICULTURE, the first occupation. Gen. 2:15: I 3:23. ' ! laborious after the fall. Gen. 3:17-19. i for the support of all, Eccl. 5:9. God to be acknowledged in, Jer. 5:24; Hos. 2:8. requires wisdom, Isa. 28:26. diligence, Prov. 27:23, 27; Eccl. 11:6. toD, 2 Tim. 2:6. patience, James 5:7. persons engaged in called: tillers of the ground, Gen. 4:2. husbandmen, 2 Chr. 26:10. laborers. Mat. 9:37; 20:1. laws regarding: rest during the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, Exod. 23:10:11; Lev. 25:4-12. Sabbath to be kept during harvest, Ex. 34:21. restitution for cattle trespassing, Exod. 22:5. fruit of young trees. Lev. 19:23-25. planters of vineyards exempted, Deut 20:6. fruits blasted because of sin, Isa. 6:10; 7:23; Jer. 12:13; Joel 1:10, 11. operations in: hedging, Isa. 5:2, 5; Hos. 2:6. ploughing. Job 1:14. digging, Isa. 5:6; Luke 13:8; 16:3. manuring, Isa. 25:10; Luke 14:34, 35. harrowing. Job 39:10; Isa. 28:24. gathering out stones, Isa. 5:2. sowing, Eccl. 11:4; Isa. 32:20; Mat. 13:3. planting, Prov. 31:16; Isa. 44:14; Jer. 31:5. watering, Deut. 11:10; 1 Cor. 3:6-8. weeding, Mat. 13:28. grafting, Rom. 11:17-19, 24. pruning. Lev. 25:3; Isa. 5:6; John 16:2. mowing, Psa. 129:7; Amos 7:1. reaping, Isa. 17:5. binding. Gen. 37:7; Mat. 13:30. gleaning, Lev. 19:9; Ruth 2:3. stacking, Exod. 22:6. threshing, Deut. 25:4; Judg. 6:11. winnowing, Ruth 3:2; Mat. 3:12. storing. Mat. 6:26; 13:30. implements of: the plough, 1 Sam. 13:20. the harrow, 2 Sam. 12:31. the mattock, 1 Sam. 13:20; Isa. 7:25. the sickle, Deut. 16:9; 23:25. the pruning-hook, Isa. 18:5; Joel 3:10. the fork, 1 Sam. 13:21. the axe, 1 Sam. 13:20. the teethed threshing instrument, Isa. 41:15. the flail, Isa. 28:27. the cart, 1 Sam. 6:7; Isa. 28:27, 28. the shovel, Isa. 30:24. the sieve, Amos 9:9. the fan, Isa. 30:24; Mat. 3:12. illustrative of the culture of the chui'ch, 1 Cor. 3:9; and of the heart, Jer. 4:3; Hos. 10:12. AGRIPPA, Paul's defence before. Acts 25:22; 26. his decision. Acts 26:18, 32. AGUE, Lev. 26:16. AGUR'S confession and prayer, Prov. 30. AHAB, king of Israel, his wicked reign, 1 Kings 16:29. marries Jezebel: his idolatry, 1 Kings 16:31. meets Elijah, 1 Kings 18:17. encouraged against the SjTians, 1 Kings 20:13. condemned for dismissing Ben-hadad, 1 Kings 20:42; and taking Naboth's vineyard, 1 Kings 21:17. his repentance, 1 Kings 21:27. seduced by false prophets, 1 Kings 22:6. slain by the Syrians, 1 Kings 22:34; 2 Chr. 18. See Mic. 6:16. AHA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ALL AHAB, a false prophet, condemned, Jer. 29 :21. AHASUERDS, king of Persia, divorces Vashti, Esther l. makes Esther queen, Esth. 2:17. exalts Haman, Esth. 3. his decree against the Jews, Esth. 3:12. rewards Mordecai's fidelity, Esth. 6. punishes Haman, Esth. 7:9; 8:9, advances Mordecai, Esth. 9:4; 10. See Ezra4:6. AHAVA, a river in Babylon, Ezra 8:15, 21, 31. AHAZ, king of Judah, his evil reign, 2 Kings 16. profanes the temple, 2 Kings 16:10. chastised by Pekah, king of Israel, etc., 2 Chr. 28. Isaiah sent'to him in his trouble, Isa. 7. refuses a sign, Isa. 7:12. AHAZ I AH, king of Judah, his evil reign, 2 Kin. 8 '25 slain by Jehu, 2 Kings 9:21; 2 Chr. 22. , king of Israel, 1 Kings 22:40, 49. liis sickness and idolatry, 2 Kings 1. his death denounced by Elijah, 2 Kings 1. AHIA, high priest, 1 Sam. 14:3, with 1 Sam. 22:9, 11, 20. AHIJAH prophesies against Solomon, 1 Kings 11:31. and Jeroboam, 1 Kings 14:7. foretells Abijah's death, 1 Kings 14:12. AHIKAM, 2 Kings 22:12. protects Jeremiah, Jer. 26:24. AHIMAAZ serves David, 2 Sam. 15:27; 17:17; 18:19. AHIMELECH, high priest, for assisting David, 1 Sam. 21, slain by Doeg at Saul's command, 1 Sam. 22, AHINOAM, wife of David, 1 Sam. 25:43; 27:3: 2 Sam. 2:2. taken captive at Ziklag, 1 Sam. 30:5. mother of Ammon, 2 Sam. 3:2. AHIO, aids David in removing the Ark, 2 Sam, 6:3, 4. AHITHOPHEL'S treachery, 2 Sam, 15:31; 16:20; disgrace, and suicide, 2 Sam. 17:1, 23. See Psa. 41:9; 55:12; 109. AHITDB, 1 Sam. 14:3; 22:9. AHOLAH and AHOLIBAH, figurative of Sama- ria and Jerusalem, Ezek. 23. AHOLIAB inspired to construct the tabernacle, Exod. 35:34; 36, etc. Al, men of, at first defeat Israel, Josh. 7, after- wards subdued. Josh. 8. mentioned, Ezra 2:28; Neh. 7:32; Jer, 49:3, AIJELETH-SHAHAR (hind of the morning), Psa. 22, title. See psalm. AJALON, in Dan, Judg. 1:35. In Benjamin, 2 Chr. 11:10. In Zebulun, Josh. 10:12; Judg. 12:12. ALABASTER, Mat. 26:7; Mark 14:3. ALAMOTH, Psa. 46, title, a psalm for female voices. See psalm. ALARM, how to be sounded, Num. 10:5, ALEXANDER the Great's conquests foretold, Dan. 8:5, 21; 10:20; 11:3. , a disciple, Mark 15:21; Acts 4:6; 19:33. , the coppersmith, censured, 1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 4:14. ALEXANDRIA, Acts 6:9; 18:24; 27:6; 28:11. ALGUM or almug trees, 1 Kings 10;ll; 2 Chr. 2:8; 9:10, 11. ALIEN, Eph. 2:12; Heb. 11:34. ALLEGORY, 2 Sam, 12:1-14; GaL 4:22-31, ALLELUIAH, hallelujah, praise the Lord, or praise to the Lord, Psa, 106; 111; 112; 113; 135; 146; 147; 148; 149; 150; Rev. 19:1, 6, ALLIANCE and society with enemies of God: forbidden, Exod, 23:32; 34:12; Deut. 7:2, 3; 13:6, 8; Josh, 23:6, 7; Judg, 2:2; Ezra 9:12; Prov. 1:10, 15; 2 Cor, 6:14-17; Eph, 5:11, lead to idolatry, Exod. 34:15, 16; Num. 25:1-8; Deut, 7:4; Judg. 3:5-7; Rev. 2:20. have led to murder and human sacrifice, Psa. 106:37, 38. provoke the anger of God, Deut. 7:4; 31:16, 17; 2 Chr. 19:2; Ezra 9:13, 14; Psa, 106:29, 40; Isa, 2:6, provoke God to leave men to reap the fruits of them. Josh. 23:12, 13; Jud. 2:1-3, are ensnaring, Exod, 23:33; Num. 25:18; Deut. 12:30; 13:6; Psa. 106:36. are enslaving, 2 Pet. 2:18, 19. are defiling, Ezra 9:1, 2. are degrading, Isa. 1:23, are ruinous to spiritual interests, Prov, 29:24; Heb, 12:14, 15; 2 Pet, 3:17, are ruinous to moral character, 1 Cor, 15:33. are a proof of folly, Prov, 12:11, children who enter into, bring shame upon their parents, Prov, 28:7, evil consequences of, Prov, 28:19; Jer. 51:7. the wicked are prone to, Psa. 60:18; Jer. 2:25, the wicked tempt saints to, Neh, 6:2-4, sin of, to be confessed, deeply repented of, and forsaken, Ezra 10, involve saints in their guiltiness, 2 John 9-11; Rev. 18:4, involve saints in their punishment, Num,16:26 ; Jer, 51:6; Rev, 18:4, unbecoming in those called saints, 2 Chr. 19: 2; 2 Cor. 6:14-16; PhiL2:15, exhortation to shun all inducements to, Prov. 1:10-15; 4:14,15; 2 Pet. 3:17. exhortations to hate and avoid, Prov. 14:7; Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor, 5:9-11; Eph. 6:6, 7; ITim. 6:5; 2 Tim. 3:5, a call to come out from, Num, 16:26; Ezra 10:11; Jer, 51:6, 46; 2 Cor, 6:17; 2 Thes. 3:6; Rev. 18:4. means of preservation from, Prov. 2:10, 20; 19:27. blessedness of avoiding, Psa, 1:1. blessedness of forsaking, Ezra 9:12; Prov. 9:6; 2 Cor. 6:17, 18. saints grieve to meet with, in the world, Psa. 57:4; 120:5, 6; 2 Pet. 2:7, 8. saints grieve to witness in their brethren. Gen. 26:35; Ezra 9:3; 10:6. saints hate and avoid, Psa. 26:4, 5; 31:6; 101:7; Rev. 2:2. saints deprecate, Gen, 49:6; Psa, 6:8; 15:4; 101:4, 7; 119:115; 139:19, saints are separate from, Exod, 33:16; Ezra 6:21, saints should be circumspect when thrown into, Mat, 10:16; Col, 4:5; 1 Pet. 2:12. pious parents prohibit, to their children, Gen. 28:1. persons in authority should denounce, Ezra 10:9-11; Neh. 13:23-27. punishment of, Num. 33:56; Deut. 7:4; Josh. 23:13; Judg. 2:3; 3:5-8; Ezra 9:7, 14; Psa. 106:41, 42; Rev, 2:16, 22, 23. exemplified : Solomon, 1 Kings 11:1-8. Reho- boam, 1 Kings 12:8, 9. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 18:3; 19:2; 20:35-37. Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21:6, Ahaziah, 2 Chr, 22:3-5. Israelites, Ezra 9:1, 2, Israel, Ezek, 44:7. Judas Iscariot, Mat. 26:14-16. examples of avoiding : Man of God, 1 Kings 13:7-10, Nehemiah, etc., Neh. 6:2-4; 10:29- 31. David, Psa, 101:4-7; 119:115, Jeremiah, Jer, 15:17, Joseph of Arimathea, Luke 23:51. Church of Ephesus, Rev. 2:6. ALL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. AMM examples of forsaking : Israelites, Num. 16:27; Ezra 6:21, 22; 10:3, 4, 16, 17. Sons of the priests, Ezra 10:18, 16. examples of the judgments of God against : Korah, etc., Num. 16:32. Ahaziah, 2 Chr. 22:7, 8. Judas Iscariot, Acts 1:18. ALLON-BACHUTH, oak of weeping. Gen. 35:8; 1 Kings 13:14. ALMIGHTY, the. Gen. 17:1, etc.; Exod. 6:3; Num. 24:4; Ruth 1:20; Job 5:17, etc.; Isa. 13:6; Ezek. 1:24; Christ, Rev. 1:8, etc. See GOD. ALMONDS produced by the rod of Levi, Num. 17:8. See Eccl. 12:5; Jer. 1:11. ALMS, directions for giving, Mat. 6:1; Luke 11:41; 12:33. examples of. Acts 3:2; 10:2; 24:17. See lib- erality, POOR. ALOES mentioned, Psa. 45:8; Song 4:14; John 19:39. ALPHA and OMEGA, Rev. 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13. ALPH^US, James' and Jude's father, Mat. 10:3; Luke 6:15; Acts 1:3. , Matthew's father, Mark 2:14. ALTAR ERECTED by: Noah, Gen. 8:20. Abraham, Gen. 12:7; 13:4; 22:9; James 2:2. Isaac, Gen. 26:25. Jacob, Gen. 33:20; 35:1. Moses, Exod. 17:15; 24:4. Aaron, Exod. 32:5. Balaam, Num. 23:1, 14, 29. Joshua, Josh. 8:30; altar of witness, Josh.22:10. Gideon, Judg. 6:24. Manoah, Judg. 13:20. Israel, Judg. 21:4. Samuel, 1 Sam. 7:17. Saul, 1 Sam. 14:35. David, 2 Sam. 24:18; 1 Chr. 21:18; 22:1. Solomon, 1 Kings 3:4; 6:20; 7:48; 2 Chr. 4:1. Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12:33. Ahab, 1 Kings 16:32. Elijah, 1 Kings 18:32. Ahaz, 2 Kings 16:10. Manasseh, 2 Kings 21:3; 2 Chr. 33:3. Zerubbabel, Ezra 3:2. Athenians, Acts 17:23. cleansed by Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 29:18. cleansed bv Josiah, 2 Chr. 34:4. defiled by Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:16. a protection l Kings 1:50; 2:28. directions for making, Exod. 20:24; Deut. 27:5. of burnt-offering, Exod. 27:38. utensils of, Exod. 27:3-7. perpetual fire upon. Lev. 6:12, 13. of incense, Exod. 30:1; 37:25. in the temple, 2 Chr. 4:1. gift brought to altar, Mat. 5:23. in heaven. Rev. 8:3; 9:13. See Heb. 13:10. AL-TASCHITH (destroy not), title of Psa. 57 to 59 and 75. See 1 Sam. 26:9; Deut. 9:26. See PSALM. AMALEK, Gen. 36:12. AMALEKITE, character, Judg. 10:12; 1 Sam. 15:18, 33. Slain for killing Saul, 2 Sam. 1. AMALEKITES attack Israel, Exod. 17:8. perpetual war declared against, Exod. 17:16; Deut. 25:17. smitten by Gideon, Judg. 7:12. by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:48; 15. by David, 1 Sam. 27:8; 30:15. remnant destroyed, 1 Chr. 4:41-43. See Num. 20:20; Psa. 83:7. AM ANA, a hill near Damascus, Song 4:8. AMASA, Absalom's general, 2 Sam. 17:25. submits to David, 2 Sam. 20:4. treacherously slain by Joab, 2 Sam. 20:9; 1 Kings 2:5. See 1 Chr. 12:18. AMASAI, 1 Chr. 6:25, 35. Captain, 1 Chr. 12:18. Priest, 1 Chr. 15:24. Levite, 2 Chr. 29:12. AMAZIAH, king of Judah, at first reigns well, 2 Kings 14:1. subdues Edom, 2 Kings 14:7. his arrogance chastised by Joash, 2 Kin. 14:12. slain, 2 Kings 14:19. See 2 Chr. 25. , priest of Bethel, his judgment for accu- sing Amos, Amos 7:10-17. AMBASSADORS to Edom, Num. 20:14; to the Amorites, Num. 21:21 ; from Gibeonites, Josh. 9:4; to Ammon, Judg. 11:12; from Hiram, 2 Sam. 5:11; from Benhadad, 1 Kings 20:2; from Amaziah, 2 Kings 14:8; to Tiglath, 2 Kings 16:7; to So, 2 Kings 17:4; from Sen- nacherib, 2 Kings 19:9; from Berodach, 2 Kings 20:12; 2 Chr. 32:31; to Egypt, Ezek. 17:15. See Prov. 13:17; Isa. 18:2; 30:4; 33:7; Jer. 49:14; Luke 14:32. apostles so called, 2 Cor. 5:20. AMBER, Ezek. 1:4, 27; 8:2. AMBITION: God condemns. Gen. 11:7; Isa. 5:8. Christ condemns. Mat. 18:1, 3, 4; 20:25, 26; 23:11, 12. saints avoid, Psa. 131:1, 2. vanity of. Job 20:5-9; 24:24; Psa. 49:11-20. leads to strife and contention. Jas. 4:1, 2. punishment of, Prov. 17 : 19; Isa. 14 : 12-15; Ezek. 31:10, 11; Obad. 3:4. CONNECTED WITH pride, Hab. 2:5. covetousness, Hab. 2:8, 9. cruelty, Hab. 2:12. exemplified: AdamandEve, Gen. 3:5, 6. Build- ers of Babel, Gen. 11:4. Miriam and Aaron, Num. 12:2. Korah, etc.. Num. 16:3. Absa- lom, 2 Sam. 15:4; 18:18. Adonijah, 1 Kings 1:5. Sennacherib, 2 Kings 19:23. Shebna, Isa. 22:16. Sons of Zebedee, Matt. 20:21. Antichrist, 2 Thes. 2:4. Diotrephes, 3 John 9. AMBUSHMENT, instances of: at Ai, Josh. 8:2- 22; against Midian, Judg. 7:16-22; at She- chem, Judg. 9:34; at Gibeah, Judg. 20:29-41; by Jonathan, 1 Sam. 14:8-14; by David, 2 Sam. 5:23; by Jeroboam, 2 Chr. 13:13; by Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 20:22. Allusion to, Jer. 51:12. AMEN, form of assent. Num. 5:22; Deut. 27:15; 1 Kings 1:36; 1 Chr. 16:36; Neh. 5:13; Psa. 72:19; 89:52; Mat. 6:13; Rev. 22:20. name of Christ, Rev. 3:14. meaning "certain, sure," 2 Chr. 1:20. AMETHYST, Exod. 28:19; Rev. 21:20. AMMA, 2 Sam. 2:24. AMMINADAB, Exod. 6:23; Num. 1:7; 7:12; Ruth 4:20; 1 Chr. 2:10. , progenitor of Christ, Mat. 1:4. , others, 1 Chr. 6:22; 15:10. AMMINADIB, Song 6:12. AMMONITES, origin of. Gen. 19:38. character, Judg. 10:6; 2 Kings 23:13; 2 Chr. 20:25; Jer. 27:3, 9; Ezek. 25:3, 6; Amos 1:13; Zeph. 2:10. their possessions inviolate, Deut. 2:19. not to enter the congregation, Deut. 23:3. subdued by Jephthah, Judg. 11. conquered by Saul, 1 Sam. 11. their insult to David, 2 Sam. 10. chastised, 2 Sam. 12:26; 2 Chr. 26:8. miraculous defeat, 2 Chr. 20:5-24. vexed the Jews after captivity, Neh. 4:3, 7, 8. 9 AMN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ANG prophecies concerning, Jer. 25:21; 49:1; Ezek. 21:28; 25; Amos 1:13; Zeph. 2:8. AMNON, son of David, 2 Sara. 3:2. his wickedness and death, 2 Sam. 13. AMON, king of Judah, his wicked reign, 2 Kings 21:19; 2 Chr. 33:20. killed by his servants, 2 Kings 21:23. AMORITES, descent, Gen. 10:15, 16. character. Gen. 15:16; Josh. 24:15. of great stature, Amos 2:9. refused a passage to Israel, Num. 21:23. doomed to utter destruction, Deut. 20:17, 18. miraculous overthrow, Josh. 10:11-14. tribute exacted from, Judg. 1:34, 35. Ahab and Manasseh followed their abomina- tions, 1 Kings 21:26; 2 Kings 21:11. descent from, illustrative of man's natural state, Ezek. 16:3. AMOS declares God's judgment upon the na- tions, Amos 1; 2 ; and upon Israel, Amos 3; 4, etc. his call, Amos 7:14, 15. foretells Israel's restoration, Amos 9:11. AMPHIPOLIS, Acts 17:1. AMPLIAS, a Christian at Rome, Rom. 16:8. AMRAM. Exod. 6:18; 1 Chr. 6:3. AMRAPHEL, Gen. 14:1. AMUSEMENTS and pleasures, worldly: belong to the works of the flesh. Gal. 5:19, 21. are transitory. Job 21:12, 13; Heb. 11:25. are all vanity, Eccl. 2:11. choke the word of God in the heart, Luke 8:14. formed a part of idolatrous worship, Exod. 32:4, 6, 19, with 1 Cor. 10:7; Judg. 16:23-25. LEAD TO rejection of God, Job 21:14, 15. poverty, Pro v. 21:17. disregard of the judgments and works of God, Isa. 5:12; Amos 6:1-6. terminate in sorrow, Pro v. 14:13. are likely to lead to greater evil. Job 1:5; Mat. 14:6-8. the wicked seek for happiness in, Eccl. 2:1, 8. INDULGENCE IN, a proof Of foUy, Eccl. 7:4. a characteristic of the wicked, Isa. 47:8; Eph. 4:17, 19; 2 Tim. 3:4; Tit. 3:3; 1 Pet. 4:3. a proof of spiritual death, 1 Tim. 5:6. an abuse of riches, Jas. 5:1, 5. wisdom of abstaining from, Eccl. 7:2, 3. shunned by the primitive saints, 1 Pet. 4:3. abstinence from, seems strange to the wicked, 1 Pet. 4:4. denounced by God, Isa. 5:11, 12. exclude from the kingdom of God, Gal. 5:21. punishment of, Eccl. 11:9; 2 Pet. 2:13. renunciation of, exemplified: Moses, Heb. 11:25. ANAH, Gen. 36:24. ANAKIM described. Num. 13:33; Deut. 9:2. destroyed by Joshua, Josh. 11:21. ANAMMELECH, an idol, 2 Kings 17:31. ANANIAS and Sappliira, Acts 5. , disciple, sent to Paul, Acts 9:10; 22:12. , lugh priest, Paul brought before. Acts 23:1. rebuked by him. Acts 23:3. ANATHEMA MARANATHA, meaning accursed, Rom. 9:3; 1 Cor. 12:3; 16:22; Gal. 1:8, 9. See vows, oaths. ANATHOTH, Josh. 21:18; 1 Kings 2:26; 1 Chr. 6:60; Isa. 10; 30. , city of Jeremiah, Jer. 11:21; 29:27; 32:7. ANCHOR, Acts 27:30. of the soul, Heb. 6:19. ANCIENT of days, Dan. 7:22. ANDREW, the apostle, called. Mat. 4:18; Mark 1:16; John 1:40; Acts 1:13. his questions, Mark 13:3; John 6:8; 12:22. 10 ANDRONICUS, Rom. 16:7. ANER. Gen. 14:14-24. ANGELS: created by God and Christ, Neh. 9:6; Col. 1:16. worship God and Christ, Neh. 9:6; Phil. 2:9-11; Heb. 1:6. are ministering spirits, 1 Kin. 19:5; Psa. 68:17; 104:4; Luke 16:22; Acts 12:7-11; 27:23; Heb. 1:7,14. communicate the will of God and Christ, Dan. 8:16, 17; 9:21-23; 10:11; 12:6, 7; Mat. 2:13, 30; Luke 1:19, 28; Acts 5:20; 8:26; 10:5; 27:23; Rev. 1:1. obey the will of God, Psa. 103:20; Mat. 6:10. execute the purposes of God, Num. 22:22; Psa. 103:21; Mat. 13:39-42; Mat. 28:2; John 5:4; Rev. 5:2. execute the judgments of God, 2 Sam. 24:16: 2 Kings 19:35; Psa. 35:5, 6; Acts 12:23; Rev. 16:1. celebrate the praises of God, Job 38:7; Psa. 148:2; Isa. 6:3; Luke 2:13, 14; Rev. 5:11, 12; 7:11, 12. the law given by the ministration of, Psa. 68:17; Acts 7:53; Heb. 2:2. ANNOUNCED the conception of Christ, Mat. 1:20, 21; Lukel:3L the birth of Christ, Luke 2:10-12. the resurrection of Christ, Mat. 28:5-7; Luke 24:23. the ascension and second coming of Christ, Acts 1:11. the conception of Jolin the Baptist, Luke 1:13, 36. minister to Christ, Mat. 4:11; Luke 22:43: John 1:51. are subject to Christ, Eph. 1:21; Col. 1:16; 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:22. shall execute the purposes of Christ, Mat. 13:41 ; 24:31. shall attend Christ at his second coming. Mat. 16:27; 25:31; Mark 8:38; 2Thess. 1:7. know and delight in the gospel of Chi'ist, Eph. 3:9, 10; 1 Tim. 3:16; 1 Pet. 1:12. ministration of, obtained by prayer. Mat. 26:53; Acts 12:5, 7. rejoice over every repentant sinner, Lu. 15:7, 10. have charge over the children of God, Psa. 34:7; 91:11, 12; Dan. 6:22; Mat. 18:10. are of ditferent orders, Isa. 6:2; IThes. 4:16; 1 Pet. 3:22; Jude 9; Rev. 12:7. not to be worshipped. Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; 22:9. are examples of meekness, 2 Pet. 2:11; Jude 9. are wise, 2 Sam. 14:20. are mighty, Psa. 103:20. are holy, Mat. 25:31. are elect, 1 Tim. 5:21. are innumerable. Job 25:3; Heb. 12:22. SENT to Daniel. Dan. 8:16; 9:21; 10:11; 12:6. to Zacliiuias, Luke 1:11. to Marv, Luke 1:26. to the shepherds, Luke 2:13. to declare Christ's resurrection, Mat. 28 ; Mark 16. to Peter, Acts 12:7. to John, Rev. 19:10; 22:8. , disobedient, 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6. See DEVIL. ANGEL OF THE LORD appears to Abraham, Gen. 18; Lot, Gen. 19; Hagar, Gen. 16:7; Ba- laam, Num. 22:23; the Israelites, Judg. 2; Gideon, Judg. 6:11; Manoah's wife, Judg. 13:3; David, 2 Sam. 24:16; 1 Chr. 21:16; Eli- jah, 1 Kings 19:7; Daniel, Dan. 8:16; 9:21; 10:11, 12; Joseph, Mat. 1:20; Mary Magda- ANG BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ANO lene, Mat. 28:2, 7; Zacharias, Luke 1:11; Mary, Luke 1:26; the shepherds, Luke 2:8- 12; the apostles, Acts 5:19; Peter, Acts 12:7; Philip, Acts 8:26; Cornelius, Acts 10:3; Paul, Acts 27:23. See Psa. 34:7; 35:5; Zech, 1:11, ANGELS of churches. Rev. 1:20; 2:1, 8, 12, etc. ANGER: forbidden, Eccl. 7:9; Mat. 5:22; Rom. 12:19. a work of the flesh, Gal. 5:20. a characteristic of fools. Pro v. 12:16; 14:29; 27:3; Eccl. 7:9. CONNECTED WITH pride, Prov. 21:24. cruelty, Gen. 49:7; Prov. 27:4. clamor and evil speaking, Eph. 4:31. malice and blasphemy. Col. 3:8. strife and contention, Prov. 21:19; 29:22; 30:33. brings its own punishment, Job 5:2; Prov. 19:19; 25:28. grievous words stir up, Judg. 12:4; 2 Sam. 19:43; Prov. 15:L should not betray us into sin, Psa. 37:8; Eph. 4:26. in prayer be free from, 1 Tim. 2:8. may be averted by wisdom, Prov. 29:8. meekness pacifies, Prov. 15:1; Eccl. 10:4. ^ children should not be provoked to, Eph. 6:4; CoL 3*21 be slow'toi Prov. 15:18; 16:32; 19:11; Tit. 1:7; Jas. 1:19. avoid those given to, Gen. 49:6; Prov. 22:21. justifiable, exemplified : our Lord, Mark 3:5. Jacob, Gen. 31 : 36. Moses, Exod. 11 : 8 ; 32 : 19 ; Lev. 10 : 16 ; Num. 16:15. Nehemiah, Neh. 5:6; 13:17, 25. sinful, exemplified: Cain, Gen. 4:5, 6. Esau, Gen. 27:45. Simeon and Levi, Gen. 49:5-7. Moses, Num. 20:10, 11. Balaam, Num. 22:27. Saul, ISam. 20:30. Ahab, 1 Kings 22:4. Naa- man, 2 Kings 5:11. Asa, 2 Chr. 16:10. Uzzi- ah, 2 Chr. 26:19. Haman, Esth. 3:5. Nebu- chadnezzar, Dan. 3:13. Jonah, Jonah 4:4. Herod, Mat. 2:16. Jews, Luke 4:28. High priest, etc.. Acts 5:17; 7:54. ANGER of God: averted by Christ, Luke 2:11, 14; Rom. 5:9; 2 Cor. 5:18, 19; Eph. 2:14, 17; Col. 1:20; 1 Thes. 1:10. is averted from them that believe, John 3:14- 18; Rom. 3:25; 5:1. is averted upon confession of sin and repent- ance. Job 33:27, 28; Psa. 106:43-45; Jer. 3:12, 13; 18:7, 8; 31:18-20; Joel 2:12-14; Luke 15:18-20. is slow, Psa. 103:8; Isa. 48:9; Jonah 4:2; Na- huml:3. is righteous, Psa. 58:10, 11; Lam. 1:18; Rom. 2:6, 8; 3:5, 6; Rev. 16:6, 7. justice of, not to be questioned, Rom. 9:18-22. manifested in terrors, Exod. 14:24; Psa. 76:6-8; Jer. 10:10; Lam. 2:1-22. manifested in judgments and afflictions. Job 21:17; Psa. 78:49-51; 90:7; Isa. 9:19; Jer. 7:20; Ezek. 7:19; Heb. 3:17. cannot be resisted. Job 9:13; 14:13; Psa. 76:7; Nahum 1:6. aggravated by continual provocation. Num. 32:14. specially reserved for the day of wrath, Zeph. 1:14-18; Mat. 25:41; Rom. 2:5, 8; 2 Thes. 1:8; Rev. 6:17; 11:18; 19:15. AGAINST the wicked, Psa. 7:11; 21:8, 9; Isa. 3:8; 13:19; Nahum 1:2,3; Rom. 1:18; 2:8; Eph. 5:6; Col. 3:6. those who forsake him, Ezra 8:22; Isa. 1:4. unbelief, Psa. 78:21, 22; Heb. 3:18, 19; John 3:36. impenitence, Psa. 7:12; Prov. 1:30,31; Isa. 3:13,14; Rom. 2:5. apostasy, Heb. 10:26, 27. idolatry, Deut. 29:20, 27, 28; 32:19, 20, 22; Josh. 23:16; 2 Kings 22:17; Psa. 78:58, 59; Jer. 44:3. sin, in saints, Psa. 89:30-32; 90:7-9; 99:8; 102:9, 10; Isa. 47:6. extreme, against those who oppose the gospel, Psa. 2:2, 3, 5; 1 Thes. 2:16. folly of provoking, Jer. 7:19; 1 Cor. 10:22. to be dreaded, Psa. 2:12; 76:7; 90:11; Mat. 10:28. to be deprecated, Exod. 32:11; Psa. 6:1; 38:1; 74:1, 2; Isa. 64:9. removal of, should be prayed for, Psa. 39:10; 79:5; 80:4; Dan. 9:16; Hab. 3:2. tempered with mercy to saints, Psa. 30:5; Isa. 26 : 20 ; 54 : 8 ; 57 : 15, 16; Jer. 30 : 11 ; Micah 7:18. to be borne with submission, 2 Sam. 24:17; Lam. 3:39, 43; Mic. 7:9. should lead to repentance, Isa. 42:24, 25; Jer. 4:8. exemplified against: the old world. Gen. 7:21- 23. Builders of Babel, Gen. 11:8. Cities of the plain. Gen. 19:24, 25. Egyptians, Exod. 7:20; 8:6, 16, 24; 9:3, 9, 23; 10:13, 22; 12:29; 14:27. Israelites, Exod. 32:35; Num. 11:1, 33; 14:40-45; 21:6; 25:9; 2 Sam. 24:1, 15. En- emies of Israel, 1 Sam. 5:6; 7:10. Nadab, etc.. Lev. 10:2. The spies, Num. 14:37. Ko- rah, etc.. Num. 16:31, 35. Aaron and Miriam. Num. 12:9, 10. Five kings, Josh. 10:25. Abim- elech, Judg. 9:56. Men of Beth-shemesh, 1 Sam. 6:19. Saul, 1 Sam. 31:6. Uzzah,2Sam. 6:7. Saul's family, 2 Sam. 21:1. Sennache- rib, 2 Kings 19:28, 35, 37. ANGUISH, Gen. 42:21; 2 Sam. 1:9; Psa. 119:143; John 16:21; Rom. 2:9; 2 Cor. 2:4. ANIMALS, created and blessed. Gen. 1:20-25. perish at death, Eccl. 3:21; 12:7. instincts of, Deut. 32:11; Job 39:40, 41; Psa. 59:6; 104; Jer. 8:7; Mat. 24:28. God's control of, Psa. 91:13; Isa. 11:6, 8; 35:9; Luke 10:19. instruments of his will, Exod. 8-10; Num. 21:6; 22:28; Josh. 24:12; Jer. 8:17; Joel 1:4. ANISEordill, Mat. 23:23. ANNA prophesies of Christ, Luke 2:36. ANNAS, high priest, Luke 3:2. Christ examined by, John 18:13, 24. also the apostles, Acts 4:6. ANOINTED, the (Christ), Isa. 61:1; Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38. See Messiah. ANOINTING OIL, directions for making, Exod. 30 '22' 37:29. ANOINTING "of Aaron, etc.. Lev. 8:10; 10:7; Saul, 1 Sam. 10:1; David, 1 Sam. 16:13; Solo- mon, 1 Kings 1:39; Elisha, 1 Kings 19:16; Jehu, 2 Kings 9; Joash, 2 Kings 11:12. a mark of consecration, Gen. 28:18; 1 Kings 1'39' 19 '15. to Levltical service, Exod. 28:41; 30:23. a sign of joy, Psa. 23:5; 92:10; Eccl. 9:8; Mat. 6:17. a sign of respect and reverence. Mat. 26:6; Luke 7:37; John 12:3. for burial, Mark 14:8; 16:1; Luke 23:56. of the sick, Jas. 5:14. with oil, Psa. 92:10; with ointment, John 11:2. applied to head, Psa. 23:5; Eccl. 9:8; face, Psa. II ANO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ARA 104:15; feet, Luke 7:38, 39; John 12:3; eyes, Rev. 3:18. ANOINTING of the Holy Ghost: is from God, 2 Cor. 1:21. THAT CHRIST SHOULD KECEIVE, fOrCtOld, Psa. 45:7; Isa. 61:1; Dan. 9:24. fulfilled, Luke 4:18, 21; Acts 4:27; 10:38; Heb. 1:9. God preserves those who receive, Psa. 18:50; 20:6; 89:20-23. .saints receive. Isa. 61:3; 1 John 2:20. is abiding in saints, 1 John 2:27. guides into all truth, 1 John 2:27. typified, Exod. 40:13-15; Lev. 8:12; 1 Sam. 16:13: 1 Kings 19:16. ANTEDILUVIANS, great age of, Gen. 5; 7:6. giants among. Gen, 6:4. polygamv practised by. Gen, 4:19. religion of. Gen. 4:3, 4, 26. arts and occupations of, Gen. 4:2, 3, 20-22; 6:14-22. dwellings. Gen. 4:16-20. food. Gen. 1:29. Enoch prophesies to, Jude 14, 15. Noah preaches to, Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:18-20; 2 Pet. 2:5. wickedness and destruction of. Gen. 6:5-7; 7:1, 21-23; Job 22:15-17; Mat. 24:37-39; Luke 17:26,27; 2 Pet. 2:5. ANTELOPE. See deer. ANTICHRIST denies the Father and the Son, 1 John 2:22. denies the incarnation of Christ, 1 John 4:3; 2 John 7. spirit of, prevalent in the apostolic times, 1 John 2:18. deceit, a characteristic of, 2 John 7. his coming foretold, 2 Thes. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1. ANTIOCH, disciples called Christians there, Acts 11:26. Paul preaches there. Acts 13 : 1, 14 ; 14 : 26; 15:30. his trials there, Gal. 2:11; 2 Tim. 3:11. ANTIPAS. martyr. Rev. 2:13. ANTIPATRIS, Acts 23:31. ANTS, I'rov. 5:6; 30:25. ANVIL, Isa. 41:7. APES, 1 Kings 10:22. APELLES, saluted by Paul, Rom. 16:10. APHARSACHITES, or Apharsathchites, Ezra 4:9:5:6. See 2 Kings 17:24-41. APHEK, Josh. 13:4; 1 Sam. 4:1; 1 Kings 20:26. defeat of Saul at, 1 Sam. 29:8. APOLLONIA, Acts 17:1. APOLLOS, an eloquent disciple, instructed. Acts 18:24; 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:4. Paul's regard for him, Tit. 3:13. APOLLYON (the destroyer). Rev. 9:11. APOSTATES described, Deut. 13:13; Heb. 3:12. persecution tends to make. Mat. 24:9, 10; Luke 8:1.3. a worldly spirit tends to make, 2 Tim. 4:10. never belonged to Christ, 1 John 2:19. saints do not become, Psa. 44:18, 19; Heb. 6:9; 10:39. It is impossible to restore, Heb. 6:4-6. guilt and punishment of, Zeph. 1:4-6; Heb. 10:25-31, 39; 2 Pet. 2:17, 20-22. cautions against becoming, Heb. 3:12; 2 Pet. 3:17. Shall abound in the latter days, Mat. 24:12; 2 Thes. 2::}; 1 Tim. 4:1-3. exemplified: Saul, 1 Sam. 15:11. Amaziah, 2 Chr. 25:14, 27. Professed disciple.s, John 6:66. Uymeneus, 1 Tim. 1:19, 20. APOSTLES, Christ "The Apostle," Heb. 3:1. ordained by Christ, Mark 3:14; John 15:16. received their title from Christ, Luke 6:13. CALLED BY God, 1 Cor. 1:1; 12:28; Gal. 1:1, 15, 16. Christ, Mat. 10:1; Mark 3:13; Acts 20:24; Rom. 1:5. the Holy Ghost, Acts 13:2, 4. were unlearned men. Acts 4:13. selected from obscure stations. Mat. 4:18. sent first to the house of Israel, Mat. 10:5, 6; Luke 24:47; Acts 13:46. sent to preach the gospel to all nations, Mat. 28:19. 20; Mark 16:15; 2 Tim. 1:11. Christ always present with, Mat. 28:20. warned against a timid profession of Christ, Mat. 10:27-33. the Holy Ghost given to, John 20:22; Acts 2:1- 4; 9:17. guided by the Spirit into all truth, John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13. instructed by the Spirit to answer adversaries, Mat. 10:19, 20; Luke 12:11, 12. specially devoted to the office of the ministry, Acts 6:4; 20:27. humility urged upon, Mat. 20:26, 27; Mark 9:33- 37; Luke 22:24-30. self-denial urged upon. Mat. 10:37-39. mutual love urged upon, John 15:17. equal authority given to each of. Mat. 16:19, with Mat. 18:18; 2 Cor. 11:5. were not of the world, John 15:19; 17:16. were hated by the world. Mat. 10:22; 24:9; John 15:18. persecutions and suflferings of, Mat. 10:16, 18; Luke 21:16; John 15:20; 16:2. saw Christ in the flesh, Luke 1:2; Acts 1:22; 1 Cor. 9:1; 1 John 1:1. witnesses for the resurrection and ascension of Christ, Luke 24:33-41, 51; Acts 1:2-9; 10:40, 41; 1 Cor. 15:8. empowered to work miracles. Mat. 10:1, 8; Mark 16:20; Luke 9:1; Acts 2:43. false, condemned, 2 Cor. 11:13. See ANDREW, PETER, etc. APOTHECARY, Exod. 30:35; Eccl. 10:1. APPAREL, exhortations concerning, Deut. 22:5; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3. of the Jewish women described, Isa. 3:16. APPEAL of Paul to Caesar, Acts 25:11. APPII-FORUM, Acts 28:15. APPLE of the eye. Deut. 32:10; Psa. 17:8; Prov. 7:2; Lam. 2:18; Zech. 2:8. APPLE-TREE, Song 2:3, 5; Joel 1:12. AQUILA and Priscilla go with Paul, Acts 18:2. instruct Apollos, Acts 18:26. their constancy, Rom. 16:3; ICor. 16:19. AR, chief city of Moabites, Num. 21:1^-15; Deut. 2:9, 18, 24, 29. burned. Num. 21:26-30. prophecy of, Isa. 15:1. ARABIA, 1 Kings 10:15; Ezek. 27:21; GaL 4:25. Paul went into. Gal. 1:17. ARABIANS tributary to Solomon, 2 Chr. 9:14. to Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:11. to Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:7. prophecies concerning, Isa. 13:20; 21:13; Jer. 25:24' Acts 2:11. ARAD, Canaanltish king of a city of same name, Num. 21:1-3; 33:40; Josh. 12:14; Judg. 1:66. ARAM (Syria), Num. 23:7; 1 Chr. 2:23. ARARAT, mountain which the ark rested on, Gen. 8:4; See Jer. 51:27. ARAUNAH (Oman), sells land for the temple, 2 Sam. 24:16; 1 Chr. 21:15, 18; 22:1. ARJ; BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ART ARBA. See hebron. ARCH (galleries, marg.), Ezek. 40:16. ARCHANGEL, 1 Thes. 4:16; Jude 9. ARCHELAUS, feared by Joseph, Mat. 2:22. ARCHERS mentioned. Gen. 21:20; 49:23; 1 Sam. 31:3; 1 Chr. 10:3; Job 16:13; Isa. 22:3; Jer. 51:3. Ahab and Josiah killed by, 1 Kings 22:34; 2 Chr. 35:22. ARCHIPPUS exhorted by Paul, Col. 4:17; Phile.2. ARCTURUS, Job 9:9; 38:32. AREOPAGUS, Paul preaches there. Acts 17:19. A RET AS, 2 Cor. 11:32, ARGOB, in Bashan. See jair. ARIEL, Ezra 8:16; as Jerusalem, Isa. 29:1. ARIMATHEA, Mat. 27:57; Mark 15:43; Luke 23:51; John 19:38. ARIOCH, Gen. 14:1, 9. captain of guard, Dan. 2:25. ARISTARCHUS, fellow-prisoner of Paul, Acts 19:29; 20:4; 27:2; Col. 4:10; Phile. 24. ARISTOBULUS, his household greeted by Paul, Rom. 16:10. ARK (of Noah) described. Gen. 6:14; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20. JIRK OF MOSES, Exod. 2:3. ARK OF THE COVENANT: its structure, Exod. 25:10; 37:1. its contents, Exod. 25:16, 21; 40:20; 2 Chr. 6:11; Heb. 9:4. its use, Exod. 25:22; 30:6; 1 Chr. 13:3. the Jews' guide, and guard. Num. 10:33; 14:44; Josh. 3:4; 6:12; 1 Sam. 4:3, greatly loved, 1 Sam. 4 : 13-22; 6 : 13; 1 Chr. 15:28. profanation of it punished. Num. 4:5, 15; 1 Sam. 6:19; 1 Chr. 15:13. carried into Canaan, Josh. 3:15. taken by the Philistines, 1 Sam. 4:11. their plagues in consequence, 1 Sam. 5. restored, 1 Sam. 6. carried to Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 6:15; 1 Chr. 13; 15; 16; 2 Chr. 1:4. brought into the temple, 1 Kings 8:3; 2 Chr. 5; Psa. 132. ark in heaven. Rev. 11:19. ARKITES, Gen. 10:17; 1 Chr. 1:15. ARM OF GOD, mighty. Job 40:9 ; Psa. 89:13 ; Jer. 27:5; Luke 1:51. terrible, Exod. 15:16; Acts 13:17. saves his people, Deut. 33:27; Psa. 77:15; 98:1; , Isa. 33:2; 51:5; 62:10. ARMS, the everlasting, Deut. 33:27. ARMAGEDDON, Rev. 16:16. ARMENIA, 2 Kings 19:37; Isa. 37:38. ARMIES, 2 Chr. 13:3; 14:8, 9. COMPOSED OF archers and slingers, 1 Chr. 12:2; Jer. 4:29. cavalry, Exod. 14:9; 1 Kings 20:20. chariots, Josh. 17:16; Judg. 4:3. called the host, Deut. 23:9; 1 Sam, 28:19. of the living God, 1 Sam. 17:26, with God, all-powerful. Lev. 26:3, 7, 8; Deut. 7:24; 32:30; Josh. 1:5. without God, easily overcome. Lev. 26:17; Num. 14:42, 45. ARMOR, helmet, 1 Sam. 17:5, 38; 2 Chr. 16:38. coat of mail, breastplate, habergeon, or brigan- dine, l Sam. 17:5, 38; Exod. 28:32; Jer. 46:4; Rev. 9:9. girdle,' l Sam. 18:4; 2 Sam. 18:11. target, 1 Sara. 17:6. greaves, 1 Sam. 17:6. shield, 1 Kings 10:16, 17; 14:26, 27. buckler, 1 Chr. 5:18; Ezek. 26:8. Goliath's described, 1 Sam. 17:5. of God, Eph. 6:13; Rom. 13:12; 2 Cor. 6:7: 10:3; 1 Thes. 5:8. ARMOR-BEARER, Judg. 9:54; 1 Sam. 16:21; 31:4. ARMS: sword, Gen. 27:40; Judg. 20:17; 2 Sam. 20:8. spear, javelin, dart, lance, Num. 25:7; Josh. 8:18; 1 Sam. 18:10; Jer. 50:42. arrows, Gen. 27:3; 48:22; 1 Sam. 20 :36; Job 6:4; Psa. 18:34;38:2; 91:5; 120:4; Ezek. 21:21. sling, 1 Sam. 17:40; 1 Chr. 12:2. battle-axe, Jer. 51:20. ARNON, Num. 21:13; 22:36; Deut. 3:8; 4:48; Josh. 12:1; 13:9,16; Judg. 11:13, 18; 2 Kings 10:33; Isa. 16:2; Jer. 48:20. ARPHAXAD, Gen. 11:10. AROER, built by children of Gad, Num. 32:34. boundary of Reuben, Josh. 13:16. ARPHAD, or Arpad, a Syrian city, 2 Kin, 18:34; 19:13; Isa. 10:9; 36:19; 37:13; Jer. 49:23. ARROWS, used in battle, 1 Sam. 20:20. 36; Job 41:28; Psa. 11:2; Isa. 5:28; Jer. 50:9, 14: 51:11; Ezek. 39:3,9. Ahab killed by, 1 Kings 22:34; and Jehoram, 2 Kings 9:24. Joash shoots by Elisha's command, 2 Kings 13, 16. See ARCHERS, BOW. employed in divination, Ezek. 21:21. illustrative. Num. 24:8; Job 6:4; Lam. 3:12,13; Ezek. 5:16; Psa, 45:5; 127:4; Jer, 9:8; Heb. 3:11. ARTAXERXES (Smerdis), his decree concern- I ing the Jews, Ezra 4:6, 17. (Longimanus), his letter to Ezra, Ezra 7:11. his kindness to Nehemiah, Neh. 2. ARTEMAS, Paul's assistant. Tit. 3: 12. ARTIFICER. Tubal-Cain the first. Gen. 4:22. ARTILLERY (weapons), 1 Sam. 20:40. ARTS of the apothecary or perfumer, Exod, 30:25, 35. armorer, 1 Sam. 8:12. baker. Gen. 40:1; 1 Sam. 8:13. barber, Isa. 7:20; Ezek. 5:1. blacksmith. Gen. 4:22; 1 Sam. 13:19. brazier, Gen. 4:22; 2 Tim. 4:14, brickmaker. Gen. 11:3; Exod. 5:7, 8, 18. calker, Ezek. 27:9, 27. carpenter, 2 Sam. 5:11; Mark 6: .3. carver, Exod. 31:5; 1 Kings 6:18. confectioner, 1 Sam. 8:13. coppersmith, 2 Tim. 4:14. dyer, Exod. 25:5. embroiderer. Exod. 35:35. embalmer. Gen. 50:2, 3, 26. engraver, Exod. 28:12; Isa. 49:16; 2 Cor, 3:7. founder, Judg. 17:4; Jer. 10:9. fuller, 2 Kings 18:17; Mark 9:3. gardener, Jer. 29:5; John 20: 15. goldsmith, Isa. 40:19. husbandman. Gen, 4:2; 9:20, mariner, Ezek. 27:8, 9. mason, 2 Sam, 5: 11; 2 Chr. 24: 12. musician, 1 Sam, 18:6; 1 Chr, 15:16, potter, Isa, 64:8; Jer, 18:3; Lam, 4:2; Zech. 11:13. refiner of metaLs, 1 Chr. 28:18; Mai. 3:2, 3. ropemaker, Judg. 16:11. silversmith. Acts 19:24, stonecutter, Exod, 20:25; 1 Chr. 22:15. shipbuilder, 1 Kings 9:26, smelter of metals. Job 28 : 2. spinner, Exod, 35:25; Prov. 31:19. tailor. Exod. 28:3. 13 ARU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ASS tanner, Acts 9: 43; 10: 6. tentmaker, Gen. 4: 20; Acts 18:3. weaver, Exod. 35:35; John 19:23. wine-maker, Neh. 13:15; Isa. 63:3. writer, Judg. 5:14. ARUMAH, or Rumah, Judg. 9:41; 2 Kings 23:46. ARVAD, Gen. 10:18; Euek. 27:8, 11. ASA, his good reign, 1 Kings 15:8. his prayer against the Ethiopians, 2 Chr. 14:11. his zeal, 2 Chr. 15. wars with Baasha, 1 Kings 15:16; 2 Chr. 16. rebuked by Hanani, 2 Chr. 16:7. oppresses the people, 2 Chr. 16:10. his diseases and death, 2 Chr. 16:12. ASAHEL, his rashness; slain by Abner, 2 Sam. 2:18; 3:27; 23:24; 1 Chr. 11:26. ASAPH, a Levite, orders the temple service, 1 Chr. 6:39; 16:7; 25:1; 26:1; 2 Chr. 5:12; 20:14; 29:30; 35:15; Ezra 2:41; 3:10; Neh. 7 : 44; 11 : 17 ; 12 : 35, 46; recorder, 2 Kings 18 : 18; Isa. 36:3; seer, 2 Chr. 29:30; forest keeper, Neh. 2:8. Psalms 50, and 73 to 83, are ascribed to him. ASCENSION OF CHRIST, prophecies respect- ing, Psa. 24:7; 68:18, with Eph. 4:7, 8. foretold by himself, John 6:62; 7:33; 14:28; 16:5; 20:17. forty days after his resurrection. Acts 1:3. described, Acts 1:9. from Mount Olivet, Luke 24:50, with Mark 11:1; Acts 1:12. while blessing his disciples, Luke 24:50. when he had atoned for sin. Heb. 9:12; 10:12. was triumphant, Psa. 68:18. was to supreme power and dignity, Luke 24: 26; Eph. 1:20, 21; 1 Pet. 3:22. as the forerunner of his people, Heb. 6:20. to intercede, Rom. 8:34; Heb. 9:21. to send the Holy Ghost, John 16:7; Acts 2:33. to receive gifts for men, Psa. 68:18, with Eph. 4:8, 11. to prepare a place for his people, John 14:2. his second coming shall be in like manner as, Acts 1:10, 11. typified. Lev. 16:15, with Heb. 6:20; 9:7, 9, 12. ASENATH, wife of Joseph, Gen. 41:46. ASH, Isa. 44:14. ASHDOD, the ark carried there; men of, smit- ten, 1 Sam. 5. subdued by Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:6. prophecies concerning, Jer. 25:20; Amos 1:8; Zeph. 2:4; Zech. 9:6. ASHER, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:13. . blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:20. ' by Moses, Deut. 33:24. his descendants. Num. 1:40; 26:44; 1 Chr. 7:30. their inheritance, Josh. 19:24; Judg. 5: 17. See Ezek. 48:34; Rev. 7:6. ASHES, man likened to. Gen. 18:27; Job 30:19. used in mourning, 2 Sam. 13:19; Esth. 4:1; Job 2:8; 42:6; Isa. 58:5; Jonah 3:6, etc. Mat. 11:21. ASHIMA, an idol god, 2 Kings 17:30. ASHKELON(Askelon) taken, Judg. 1:18; 14:19; ISam. 6:17; 2 Sam. 1:20. prophecies concerning, Jer. 25:20; 47:5; Amos 1:8; Zeph. 2:4; Zech. 9:5. ASHKENAZ, son of Gomer, Gen. 10:3. , a kingdom, Jer. 51:27. ASHPENAZ, chief eunuch who had charge of Daniel, Dan. 1:3-10. ASHTORETU (plural Ashtaroth), goddess of Zi- don, 2 Kings 23:13; worshipped by Philis- tines, 1 Sam. 31:10; by Israelites, Jud. 2:13; ■ 10:6; 1 Sam. 7:3; 12:10; 1 Kings 11:33; 2 Kings 23:13. 14 ,atown, Deut. 1:4; Josh. 9:10; 12:4; 13:12: 1 Chron. 6:71. ASIA; ASIA MINOR, Acts 2:9; 6:9; 16:6; 19:10, 27; 20 : 16; 27 : 2; 1 Cor. 16 : 19; 2 Cor. 1 : 8; 2 Tim. 1:15; 1 Pet. 1:1. ASNAPPER, an Assyrian prince, Ezra 4:10. ASP, venomous serpent, Deut 32:33. dangerous to travellers. Gen. 49:17. venomous, Job 20:14, 16. not to be charmed, Psa. 58:4, 5. VENOM OP, ILLUSTRATES the speech of the wicked, Psa. 140:3; Rom. 3:13. injurious effects of wine, Deut. 32:33; Prov. 23:32. deprived of venom illustrates conversion, Isa. 11:8, 9. ASS, rebukes Balaam, Num. 22:28; 2 Pet. 2:16. used by Abraham, Gen. 22:3. lost by Saul, 1 Sam. 9:3. usedinceremonies, Jud. 10:3; 12:13; Zech. 9:9. allusions to, Gen. 49:14 ; Job 24:3; Prov. 26:3 ; Isa. 1:3; 32:20; Jer. 22:19; Luke 13:15; 14:5. laws concerning, Exod. 13:13; 23:4; Deut. 22:10. Christ rides on one (Zech. 9:9), Matt. 21; John 12:14, etc. wild, described. Job 6:5; 24:5; 39:5; Psa. 104:11; Isa. 32:14; Jer. 2:24; 14:6; Dan. 5:21; Hos. 8:9. young. Gen. 49:11; Job 11:12; Isa. 30:6, 24. white, Jud. 5:10. ASSEMBLING, for public worship enjoined, Lev. 23; Deut. 16:8; Heb. 10:25. David's love for, Psa. 27:4; 42; 43; 65; 84; 87; 118:26; 122; 134; 135. See Isa. 4:5; Mai. 3:16: Matt. 18:20. instances of, 1 Kings 8; 2 Chron. 5; 29:30; Neh. 8; Luke 4:16; John 20:19; Acts 1:13; 2:1 ; 3:1; 13:2; 16:13; 20:7. ASSHUR, Gen. 10:11, 22. , descendants, Num. 24:22, 24; Ezra 4:2; Psa. 83 : 8 ; Ezek. 32 : 22; Hos. 14 : 3. See ASSYRIA. ASSOS, a town of Mysia, Acts 20:13, 14. ASSISTANCE, divine: necessary, John 15:5; 1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 3:5; Phil. 2:13; 1 Tim. 1:12. promised, Psa. 37:4; Isa. 58:9; Jer. 29:12; Matt. 7:11; 21:22; Luke 11:9; Jas. 1:5; 1 John 5:14. instances: Eliezer, Gen. 24:12. Hannah, 1 Saio. 1. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 19. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:13-15. Job, Job 42:10. David, Psa. 3:4; 118:5; 120:1. ASSURANCE: produced by faith, Eph, 3:12; 2 Tim. 1:12; Heb. 10:22. made full by hope, Heb. 6:11, 19. confirmed by love, 1 John 3:14, 19; 4:18. is the effect of righteousness, Isa. 32:17. is abundant in the understanding of the gos- pel. Col. 2:2; 1 Thes. 1:5. SAINTS PRIVILEGED TO HAVK, OP their election, Psa. 4:3 ; 1 Thes. 1:4. their redemption, Job 19:25. their adoption, Rom. 8:16; 1 John 3:2. their salvation, Isa. 12:2. eternal life, 1 John 5:13. the unalienable love of God, Rom. 8:38, 39. union with God and Christ, 1 Cor. 6:15; 2 Cor. 13:5 ; Eph. 5:30; 1 John 2:5; 4:13. peace with God by Christ, Rom. 5:1. preservation, Psa. 3:6; 8; 27:3-5; 46:1-3. answers to prayer, 1 John 3:22; 5:14, 15. comfort in affliction, Psa. 73:26 ; Luke 4:18, 19; 2 Cor. 4:8-10, 1&-18. ASS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BAA continuance in grace, Phil. 1:6. a support in death, Psa. 23:4. a glorious resurrection, Job 19:26; Psa. 17:15; PhU. 3:21; IJohn 3:2. a kingdom, Heb. 12:28; Rev. 5:10. a crown, 2 Tim. 4:7, 8 ; Jas. 1:12. give diligence to attain, 2 Pet. 1:10, 11. strive to maintain, Heb. 3:14, 18. confident hope in God restores, Psa. 42:11. exemplified, David, Psa. 23:4; 73:24-26. Paul, 2 Tim. 1:12; 4:18. ASSYRIA, origin. Gen. 10:8-11. called the land of Nimrod, Mic. 5:6; of Shinar, Gen. 11:2; of Asshur, Hos. 14:3. idolatrous, 2 Kings 19:37. KINGS OF, Pul, 2 Kmgs 15:19. 20. Tiglath Pilezer, 2 Kings 15:29; 16:9. Shalmanezer, 2 Kings 17:3-6, 24. Sennacherib, 2 Kings 18:13-32; his army mi- raculously destroyed, 2 Kings 19:35. fall of, illustrated, Ezek. 31:3-17. prophecies concerning. Num. 24 : 22; Isa. 8 ; 10 : 12-19 ; 14 : 24 ; 30 : 31; 31:8; Hos. 11 : 11 ; Zech. 10:10, 11. participation in blessings of gospel, Isa. 19:23- 25; Mic. 7:12. ASTROLOGERS (Chaldean), their inability, Isa. 47:13 ; Dan. 2; 4:7; 5:7. ASYNCRITUS, disciple, Rom. 16:14. ATAEL, threshing-floor of. See abel-mizraim. ATHALIAH, queen, 2 Kings 8:26, seizes the gov- ernment of Judah, and destroys the royal family, 2 Kings 11 :l; 2 Chron. 22:10. slain by Jehoiada, 2 Kings 11:16; 2 Chron. 23. ATHEISTS, DENY the being of God, Job 18:21 ; Psa. 14:1; 36:1; 53:1; Prov. 30:9. his providence. Job 21:15; 22:13; 34:9; Psa. 10:11; 73:11; 78:19; 94:7. him in his works, Exod. 5:2; Job 31:28; Tit. 1:16. ATHENS, Paul preaches at. Acts 17:15; 1 Thes. 3:1. men of, described. Acts 17:21. ATONEMENT, explained, Rom. 5:8-11; 2 Cor. 5:18, 19; Gal. 1:4; 1 John 2:2; 4:10. foreordained, Rom. 3:25 (margin); 1 Pet. 1:11, 20; Rev. 13:8. foretold, Isa. 53:4-6, 8-12 ; Dan. 9:24-27; Zech. 13:1, 7; John 11:50, 51. eflfected by Christ alone, John 1:29, 36; Acts 4:10, 12; 1 Thes. 1:10; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6; Heb. 2:9; 1 Pet. 2:21. was voluntary, Psa. 40:6-8, with Heb. 10:5-9; John 10:11, 15, 17, 18. EXHIBITS THE grace and mercy of God, Rom. 8:32; Eph. 2:4, 5, 7; 1 Tim. 2:4; Heb. 2:9. love of God, Rom. 5:8; 1 John 4:9, 10. love of Christ, John 15:13; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 5:2, 25; Rev. 1:5. reconciles the justice and mercy of God, Isa. 45:21; Rom. 3:25, 26. necessity for, Isa. 59:16; Luke 19:10; Heb. 9:22. made but once, Heb. 7:27; 9:24-28; 10:10, 12, 14; 1 Pet. 3:18. acceptable to God, Eph. 5:2. reconcihation to God, effected by, Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 5 : 18-20; Eph. 2 : 13-16 ; Col. 1:20-22 ; Heb. 2:17; 1 Pet. 3:18. access to God by, Heb. 10:19, 20. remission of sins by, John 1 : 29; Rom. 2 : 25; Eph. 1:7; 1 John 1:7; Rev. 1:5. justification by, Rom. 5:9; 2 Cor. 5:21. sanctification by, 2 Cor. 5:15; Eph. 5:26, 27; Tit. 2:14; Heb. 10:10; 13:12. redemption by. Mat. 20:28; Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 2:6; Heb. 9:12; Rev. 5:9. HAS DELIVERED SAINTS PROM THE pOWer Of SiU, Rom. 8:3; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19. power of the world. Gal. 1:4; 6:14. power of the devil. Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14, 15. saints glorify God for, 1 Cor. 6:20; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:20, 21. saints rejoice in God for, Rom. 5:11. saints praise God for. Rev. 5:9-13. faith in, indispensable, Rom. 3:25; Gal. 3:13, 14, commemorated in the Lord's supper. Mat. 26:26-28; 1 Cor. 11:23-26. ministers should fully set forth. Acts 5 : 29-31, 42; 1 Cor. 15:3; 2 Cor. 5:18-21. typified, Gen. 4:4, with Heb. 11:4; Gen. 22:2, with Heb. 11:17, 19; Exod. 12:5, 11, 14, with 1 Cor. 5:7; Exod. 24:8, with Heb. 9:20; Lev. 16:30, 34, with Heb, 9:7, 12, 28; Lev. 17:11, with Heb. 9:22, under the law, Exod, 29:29, 30; Lev. 1, etc, annual day of. Lev. 16:23, 26. made by Aaron for the plague, Num. 16:46. ATTALIA, seaport. Acts 14:25. AUGUSTUS CJESAR, Luke 2:1; Acts 25:21. See C.«SAR. AVA, or Ivah, 2 Kings 17 : 24; 18 : 34 ; 19 : 13. See Ezra 4:9. AVEN, Ezek. 30:17; Hos. 10:8; Amos 1:5. AVENGER of blood, deliverance from. Num. 35:12 ; Dent. 19:6; Josh. 20; Psa. 8:2; 44:16 ; Rom. 13:4; 1 Thes. 4:6. AVm, Deut. 2:23; Josh. 13:3, See Gen. 36:35, AWL, Exod. 21:6; Deut. 15:17. AXE, Judg. 9 : 48; 1 Sam. 13 : 20; 1 Kings 6:7; 2 Kings 6:5; Mat. 3:10. AZARIAH (Uzziah), king of Judah, his good reign, 2 Kings, 14:21; 2 Chron. 26. invades the priest's office, 2 Chr. 20:16. struck with leprosy, 2 Kings 15 : 5 ; 2 Chron. 26:20. , prophet, exhorts Asa, 2 Chron. 15. , others, 1 Chron. 27 : 25; 2 Chron. 26 : 17; 31:10; Ezra 7:1; 10:21; Neh. 11:4; Jer. 43:2; Dan. 1:6. AZEKAH, a city of Judah, Josh. 15:35. five kings slain near. Josh, 10:10, 11. Goliath slain near, l Sam. 17 :i. fortified by Rehoboam, 2 Chron. 11:9. besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, Jer. 34:7. rebuilt, Neh. 11:30. AZOTUS (Ashdod), Acts 8:40. B. BAAL, worshipped. Num. 22 : 41 ; Judg. 2 : 13; 8:33; 1 Kings 16 : 32; 18 : 26; 2 Kings 17 : 16; 19:18; 21:3; Jer. 2:8; 7:9; 12:16; 19:5; 23:13; Hos. 2:8; 13:1, etc. his altar and priests destroyed by Gideon, Judg. 6 : 25 ; by Elijah, 1 Kings 18 : 40 ; by Jehu, 2 Kings 10:18 ; by Jehoiada, 2 Kings 11:18 ; by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:4; 2 Chron, 34:4. BAALATH, 1 Kings 9:18; 2 Chron, 8:6. BAAL-BERITH. See idols. BAAL-GAD, Josh. 11:17. BAAL-HAMON, Josh. 19:28; Song 8:11. BAAL-HAZOR, 2 Sam, 13:23, BAAL-HERMOX, Judg, 3:3; 1 Chron. 5:23, Sup- posed the same as Baal-Gad, BAALIS, king of Ammonites, Jer, 40:14; 41:10, BAAL-MEON, or Beth-meon, Num, 32:38; Josh. 13:17; Jer. 48:23; Ezek. 25:9. BAAL-PEOR, the trespass of Israel, concerning, Num. 25; Deut. 4:3; Psa. 106:28; Hos. 9:10. BAA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BAP BAAL-PERAZIM, David's victory at, 2 Sam. 5:20. BAAL-SHALISHA, 1 Sam. 9:4; 2 Kings 4:42. BAAL-TAMAR, Judg. 20:33. BAAL-ZEBUB, Ahaziah rebuked for sending to, 2 Kings 1:2. BAAL-ZEPHON, Exod. 14:2; Num. 33:7. BAANAH and Rechab, for murdering Ishbo- sheth, slain by David, 2 Sam. 4. BAASHA, king of Israel, destroys the house of Jeroboam, 1 Kings 15:16, 27. Jehu's prophecy against, 1 Kings 16:1. BABBLER, Eccl. 10:11; Acts 17:18. BABBLING, Prov. 23 : 29; 1 Tim. 6 : 20; 2 Tim. 2:16. BABEL, Nimrod king of. Gen. 10:10. confusion of tongues at. Gen. 11. BABES: infants, Exod. 2:6; Luke 2:12. slain at Bethlehem, Mat. 2:16. fro ward men, Isa. 3:4. weak believers, Rom. 2:20; 1 Cor. 3:1; Heb. 5:13. humble and teachable believers, Psa. 8:2; Mat. 11:25; Luke 10:21; 1 Pet. 2:2. BABYLON, built by Nimrod, Gen. 10:10. enlarged by Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4:30. fortified, Isa. 45:1, 2; Jer. 51:58. splendor of, Isa. 14:4. ambassadors from, come to Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20:12; 2 Chr. 32:31; Isa. 39. Jews carried captive to, 2 Kings 25; 2 Chr. 36; Jer 39 ■ 52. their grief in, Psa. 137:1-6. their return from. Ezra 1, etc.; Neh. 2, etc. taken by the Medes, Dan. 5:30. its fall, Isa. 13:14; 21:2; 47; 48; Jer. 25:12; 50; 51. preaching of the gospel in predicted, Psa. 87:4. church in, 1 Pet. 5:i;3. . , the Great; predictions against. Rev. 14:8; 16:19; 17; 18. BABYLONIA, or Chaldea: division and boundaries, 2 Kings 17:24; Isa. 23;12, 13; Dan. 3:1; Acts 7:4. power of, Isa. 47:5; Jer. 5:15. wealth, Jer. 51:13. rommerceof. Josh. 7:21; Isa. 43:14; Ezek. 17:4. towns of. Gen. 10:10. in plain of Dura, Dan. 2:1. rivers of. See ahava, Euphrates, chebar. idols of. See bel, merodacu, nebo, succoth- BENOTU. represented by a great eagle, Ezek. 17:3; a head of gold, Dan. 2:32, 37, 3S; a lion with eagle's wings, Dan. 7:4. BACA, valley of, Psa. 84:6. BACKBITIN(i, forbidden, Psa. 15:3; Rom. 1:30; Prov. 25:23: 2 Cor. 12:20. BACKSLIDING: is turning from God, 1 Kings 11:9. is leaving the first love, Rev. 2:4. is departing from the simplicity of the gospel, 2 Cor. 11:3; Gal. 3:1-3: 5:4, 7. God is displeased at, Psa. 78:57, 59. warnings against, Psa. 85:8; 1 Cor. 10:12. guilt and consequence of. Num. 14 : 43; Psa. 125:5; Isa. 59:2, 8, 9-11; Jer. 5:6; 8:5, 13; 15:6; Luke 9:62. brings its own punishment, Prov. 14:14; Jer. 2:19. a haughty spirit leads to, Prov. 16:18. proneness to, Prov. 24:16; Hos. 11:7. liable to continue and increase, Jer. 8:5; 14:7. exhortations to return from, 2 Chr. 30:6; Isa. 31:6; Jer. 3:12, 14, 22; Hos. 6:1. i6 pray to be restored from, Psa. 80:3; 85:4; Lam. 5:21. punishment of tempting others to the sin of, Prov. 28:10; Mat. 18:6. not hopeless, Psa. 37:24; Prov. 24:16. endeavor to bring back those guilty of. Gal. 6:1; Jas. 5:19, 20. sin of, to be confessed, Isa. 59:12-14; Jer. 3:13, 14; 14:7-9. pardon of, promised, 2 Chr. 7:14; Jer. 3:12; 31:20; 36:3. heaUng of, promised, Jer. 3:22; Hos. 14:4. afflictions sent to heal, Hos. 5:15. blessedness of those who keep from, Prov. 28:14; Isa. 26:3, 4; Col. 1:21-23. hateful to saints, Psa. 101:3. exemplifled: Israel, Exod. 32:8; Neh. 9:26; Jer. 3:11; Hos. 4:16. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:11. Sol- omon, 1 Kings 11:3, 4. Peter, Mat. 26:70-74. BADGERS' SKINS used in the tabernacle, Exod. 25:5; 26:14, etc. shoes made of, Ezek. 16:10. BAG. See PUKSE. BAHURIM, 2Sam. 3:16; 16:5; 17:18. BAKER, of Pharaoh, Gen. 40. BAKING. See bread. BALAAM requested by Balak to curse Israel, is forbidden, Num. 22:13. blesses them, Num. 23:19; 24:1. his prophecy, Num. 23:7, 18; 24. his wicked counsel. Num. 31:16; Deut. 23:4. See Josh. 24:9; Judg. 11:25; Mic. 6:5; 2 Pet. 2:15; Jude 11; Rev. 2:14. slain. Num. 31:8. BALAK, king of Moab. See Balaam. BALANCES and measures to be just. Lev. 19:36; Prov. 16:11. false, condemned, Prov. 11:1; Hos. 12:7; Amos 8:5; Mic. 6:1L figurative, Dan. 5:27; Psa.. 62:9; Job 31:(;: Rev. 6:5. BALDNESS, sign of mourning, Lev. 19:36; Isa. 3:24; 22:12; Jer. 47:5; 48:37; Ezek. 7:18. figurative, Ezek. 29:18; Mic. 1:16. BALM of Gilead, Gen. 37:25; 43:11; Jer. 51:8; Ezek. 27:17. figuratively mentioned, Jer. 8:22: 46:11. BANISHMENT, Ezra 7:26. of Absalom, 2 Sam. 14:13, 14, 24. of Jews, Acts 18:2. of John, Rev. 1:9. BANNER, figuratively mentioned. Exod. 17:15; Psa. 60:4; Song 2:4; 6:4; Isa. 13:2; Psa. 20:5. BANQUET, royal, Esth, 5:7; Dan. 5. BAPTISM, as administered by John, Mat. 3:5- 12; John 3:23; Acts 13:24; 19:4. sanctioned by Christ's submission to it. Mat. 3:13-15: Luke 3:21. adopted by Christ, John 3:22; 4:1, 2. appointed an ordinance of the Christian church, Mat. 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15, 16. to be administered in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Mat. 28:19. water, the outward and visible .sign in. Acts 8:36; 10:47. regeneration the inward and .spiritual grace of, John 3:3, 5, 6; Rom. 6:3, 4. 11. remission of sins signified by. Acts 2:38; 22:16. unity of the cimrch etfected by, 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27, 28. confession of sin necessary to. Mat. 3:6. repentance necessary to, Acts 2::58. faith necessary to. Acts 8:37; 18:8. there is but one, Eph. 4:5. ADMi.NLSTERED TO individuals. Acts 8:38; 9:18. BAP BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BEA househokls, Acts 16:15; 1 Cor. 1:16. emblematic of the intluences of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 3:11; Tit. 3:5. tvpifled, 1 Cor. 10:2; 1 Pet. 3:20, 21. BAPTISM with tlie Holy Ghost: foretold, Ezek. 36:25. is through Christ, Tit. 3:5, 6. Christ administered. Mat. 3:11; John 1:33. promised to saints. Acts 1:5; 2:38, 39; 11:16. all saints partake of, 1 Cor. 12:13. necessity for, John 3:5; Acts 19:2-6. renews and cleanses the soul. Tit. 3:5; 1 Pet. 3:20, 21. the word of God instrumental to, Acts 10:44; Eph. 5:26. typified. Acts 2:1-4. BAR and Bolt, 2 Sam. 13:17, 18. brazen, 1 Kings 4:13. iron, Isa. 45:2. wooden, Nahum 3:13. BARABBAS, a robber, released instead of Jesus, Mat. 27:16; Mark 15:6; Lu. 23:18; John 18:40. BARAK delivers Israel from Sisera, Judg. 4:5; Heb. 11:32. BARBARIANS (foreigners), Rom. 1:14; 1 Cor. 14:11. Paul kindly treated by, Acts 28. BARBER. See arts. BAR- JESUS (Elymas), smitten with blindness, Acts 13:6. BAR-JONA (Simon), Mat. 16:17. BARLEY, mentioned, Exod. 9:31; Ruth 1:22, etc.; John 6:9; Rev. 6:6. given to horses, 1 Kings 4:28. meal used in ott"erings, Num. 5:15. article of barter, 2 Chr. 2:10; Hos. 3:2; and of tribute, 2 Chr. 27:5. value of. Lev. 27:16; 2 Kings 7:1. Joab's field burned, 2 Sam. 17:30. See BREAD, HARVEST. BARN, S, 2 Kings 6:27; Job 39:12; Prov. 3:10; Joel 1:17; Mat. 6:26; 13:.30; Luke 12:18, 24. BARNABAS sells his possessions, Acts 4:36. preaches at Antioch, Acts 11:22. accompanies Paul, Acts 11:30; 12:25; 13:14; 15; 1 Cor. 9:6. their contention. Acts 15:36. his error. Gal. 2:13. BARREL, of meal, miracle of, 1 Kings 17:12-14. BARRENNESS of Sarah removed, Gen. 11:30; 16:1; 18:1; 21; of Rebekah, 25:21; of Rachel, 29:31; 30:1; of Manoah's wife, Judg. 13; of Hannah, l Sam. 1 ; of the Shunammite, 2 Kin. 4:14; of Elisabeth, Luke 1. See Psa. 113:9; Isa. 54:1; Gal. 4:27. BARSABAS, Acts 18:7. BARTER, Gen. 47:17; 1 Kings 5; 2 Chr. 2:10; Job 28:17; Hos. 3. BARTHOLOMEW the apostle. Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13. BARTIM^US' blindness cured. Mat. 20:29; Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35. BARUCH writes Jeremiah's prophecy, Jer. 32:13; 36. carried into Egypt, Jer. 43:6. comforted, Jer. 45. BARZILLAI'S kindness to David, 2 Sam. 17:27. David's gratitude, 2 Sam. 19:31; 1 Kings 2:7. BASHAN conquered, Num. 21:33; Deut. 3:1; Psa. 68:15, 22; 135:10; 136:20. bulls of, Deut. 32:14; Psa. 22:12; Ezek. 39.18; Amos 4:1. oaks of, Isa. 2:13; Ezek. 27:6; Zech. 11:2. allusions to, Isa. 33:9; Jer. 22:20; 50:19; Mic. 7:14; Nahum 1:4. BASIN. See BOWL, LAYER. BASKET, Gen. 40:16; Exod. 29:23; Lev. 8:31; Deut. 28:5, 17; Judg. 6:19; Jer. 6:9; 24:1; Mat. 14:20. BxVSTARDS not to enter the congregation, Deut. 23:2. See Heb. 12:8. BAT, Lev. 11:19; Deut, 14:18; Isa. 2:20. BATH, a measure, 1 Kings 7:26; 2 Chr. 2:10; Ezra 7:22; Isa. 5:10, etc. BATHING. See ablution, purification. BATHSHEBA, her sin with David, 2 Sam. 11; 12. her request for Solomon, 1 Kings 1:15; for Ado- nijah, 1 Kings 2:19. BATTERING-RAM, 2 Sam. 20:15; Ezek. 4:2; 21:22. BATTLE, laws concerning, Deut. 20. exemptions from, Deut. 20:5-7. several described. Gen. 14; Exod. 17; Num. 31; Josh. 8:10; Judg. 4 ; 7; 8; 11; 20; 1 Sam. 4; 11; 14; 17; 31; 2 Sam. 2; 10; 18; 21:15; 1 Kin. 20; 22; 2 Kin. 3; 1 Chr. 18-20; 2 Chr. 13; 14:9; 20; 25. , of great day of God, Rev. 16:14. BATTLE-AXE. See arms. BATTLEMENTS to be made to houses, Deut 22:8; of walls, Jer. 5:10. BAY-TREE, Psa. 37:35. BDELLIUM, Gen. 2:12; Num. 11:7. BEAR, 1 Sam. 17:34; 2 Sam. 17:8; 2 Kings 2:24; Prov. 17:12; Isa. 59:11; Amos 5:19. used figuratively, Prov. 28:15; Isa. 11:7; Lam. 3:10; Dan. 7:5; Hos. 13:8; Rev. 13:2. BExVRD, laws concerning. Lev. 19:27; 21:5. worn long by the Jews, 1 Sam. 21:13; 2 Sam. 20:9; Psa. 133:2; Ezra 5:1. disgrace to have it shaven, 2 Sam. 10:4, 5. shaved by Egyptians. Gen. 41:14. IN affliction: was neglected and untrimmed, 2 Sam. 19:24. was clipped, Jer. 48:37. was shorn, Jer. 41:5. plucked out, Ezra 9 :3. shaving illustrative of severe judgments, Isa. 7:20; 15:2; Ezek. 5:1. BEASTS created, Gen. 1:24. named. Gen. 2:20. nature and faculties, Psa. 32:9; 49:12; 73:22; Eccl. 3:19; Isa. 1:3; James 3:7; 2 Pet. 2:12; Jude 10. artected by fall, Hos. 4:3; Joel 1:18, 20; Hag. 1:11. subject to man. Gen. 1:26, 28; 9:2; Psa. 8:7. given for food, Gen. 9:3. preserved. Gen. 7:2; Psa. 36:6; 104:20; 147:9. clean and unclean, Lev. il; Deut. 14:4; Acta 10:12. clean: ox, Exod. 21:28. with Deut. 14:9. wild ox, Deut. 14:5. sheep, Deut. 7:13, with Deut. 14:4. goat, Deut. 14:4. hart, Deut. 14:5, with Job 39:1. roebuck, Deut. 14:5, with 2 Sam. 2:18. wild goat, Deut. 14:5. fallow deer, Deut. 14:5. chamois, Deut. 14:5. pygarg, Deut. 14:5. unclean: camel. Gen. 24:64, with Lev. 11:4. dromedary, 1 Kings 4:28; Esther 8:10. horse. Job 39:19-25. ass. Gen. 22:3; Mat. 21:2. wild ass. Job 6:5; 39:5-8. mule, 2 Sam. 13:29; 1 Kings 10:25. lion, Judg. 14:5, 6. 17 BEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BER leopard, Song 4:8. bear, 2 Sam. 17:8. wolf, Gen. 49:27; John 10:12. unicorn, Num. 28:22. behemoth. Job 40:15. ape, 1 Kings 10:22. fox, Psa. 63:10; Song 2:5. clog, Exod. 22:31; Luke 16:2. swine. Lev. 11:7; Isa. 66:17. hare, Lev. 16:6; Deut. 14:7. coney. Lev. 11:5; Psa. 104:18. mouse. Lev. 11:29; Isa. 66:17. mole. Lev. 11:30; Isa. 2:20. weazel. Lev. 11:29. ferret. Lev. 11:30. badger, Exod. 25:5; Ezek. 16:10. laws concerning, Gen. 9:4; Exod. 13:12; 20:10; 22; 23:4; Lev. 17:15; 27:9; Deut. 5:14; 25:4; Prov. 12:10. Daniel's vision of four, Dan. 7. John's vision, Rev. 4:7; 13, etc. Paul fought with, 1 Cor. 15:32. used figuratively, Psa. 49:20; Dan. 4:12, 21. BEATEN-WORK, of metals, Exod. 25:18. BEAUTIFUL GATE, of the temple. Acts 3:2. BEAUTY, vanity of, Psa. 39:11 ; Prov. 6:25 ; 31:30; Isa. 3:24; Ezek. 16:14; 28:17. instances of: Sarah, Gen. 12:11. Rebekah, Gen. 24:16. Rachel, Gen. 29:17. Joseph, Gen. 39:6. Moses, Exod. 2:2; Heb. 11:23. David, 1 Sam. 16:12, 18. Bathsheba, 2 Sam. 11:2, Tamar, 2 Sam. 13:1. Absalom, 2 Sam. 14:25. Abi- shag, 1 Kings 1:4. Vashti, Esth. 1:11. Es- ther, Esth. 2:7. consume th away, Psa. 39:11; 49:14. , spiritual, 1 Chr. 16:29; Psa. 27:4; 29:2; 45:11; 90:17; 110:3; Isa. 52:7; Ezek. 16:14; Zech. 9:17. BEAUTY AND BANDS, the staves, broken, Zech. 11:7. BEDS: antiquity, Gen. 47:31; Exod. 8:3. forms, Deut. 3:11; 1 Sam. 19:15; 26:7; Esth. 1:6; Job 7:13; Psa. 6:6; Prov. 7:16; Mat. 9:6. not to be taken from poor, Ex. 22:26; Deut. 24:12. used for sleeping, Job 33:15; Luke 11:7. reclining by day, 2 Sam. 4:5; 11:2. at meals, 1 Sam. 28:23; John 13:23. aUusions to. Job 17:13; Psa. 4:4; 36:4; 41:3; 139:8; 149:5; Isa. 28:20; 57:2, 7; Mic. 2:1; Rev. 2:22. BEE, Deut. 1:44; Judg. 14:8 ; Psa. 118:12 ; Isa. 7:18. BEELZEBUB, prince of devils, Mat. 10:25. Christ's miracles blasphemously ascribed to, Mat. 9:34; 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15. BEER (a well), Num. 21:16-18. , a town in Judah, Judg. 9:21. BEER-LAHAI-ROI, Gen. 16:7, 14; 24:62; 25:11. BEEROTH, Josii. 9:17; 18:25; 2 Sam. 4:2; Ezra 2:25. BEER-SHEBA, Abraham dwells there, Gen. 21:31; 22:19; 28:10. Hagar relieved there, Gen. 21:14. Jacob comforted there. Gen. 46:1. Samuel's sons judges in, 1 Sam. 8:2. idolatrous worship at, Amos 5:5. Elijah flees to, 1 Kings 19:3. BEETLE, Lev. 11:22. BEEVES (cattle). Lev. 22:19, 21. BEGGARS, and Begging, 1 Sam. 2:8; Psa. 37:25; 109:10; Prov, 20:4; Luke 16:3. Bartimeus, Mark 10:46. Lazarus, Luke 16:20-22. The blind man, John 9:8. The lame man, Acts 3:2-5. i8 BEGINNING, a name of Christ, Rev. 1:8 ; 3:14. of time. Gen. 1:1; John 1:1. of miracles, John 2. BEHEADING, of John, Mat. 14:10; of James, Acts 12:2; of martyrs. Rev. 20:4. BEHEMOTH described. Job 40:15. BEKAH, half a shekel, about 50 cts., Exod. 38:26. BEL, an idol, Isa. 46:1; Jer. 50:2. BELIAL, men of, wicked men so called, Deut. 13:13; Judg. 19:22, etc. a name of Satan, 2 Cor. 6:15. BELIEVER, Acts 5:14; 1 Tim. 4:12. See FAITH, SAINTS, CHUKCH. BELLOWS, Jer. 6:29, BELLS upon the priest's ephod, Exod, 28:33; 39:25, See Zech. 14:20. BELLY, figuratively. Job 15:35; 20:15; Prov. 20:27, 30; John 7:38; PhiL 3:19; Tit. 1:12. BELSHAZZAR'S feast and death, Dan. 5. BELTESHAZZAR, Daniel, Dan. 1:7; 4:8, etc. BENAIAH, valiant acts of, 2 Sam. 23:20; i Clir. 11:22; 27:5. establishes Solomon as king, 1 Kings 1:32. slays Adonijah, Joab, and Shimei, l Kings 2:29- 46; 4:4, -, a Levite, l Chr, 15:18; 16:6; 2 Chr. 2:14; 31:13. BENCH of ivory, Ezek. 27:6. See throne, bed. BENEDICTION by Melchizedek, Heb. 7:1-7. by Isaac, Gen. 27:23-29; 28:1-4. by Jacob, (Jen. 47:7-10; 48:15-22; 49. by Moses, Num. 10:35, 36; Deut. 33. by Aaron, Lev. 9:22, 23; Num. 6:23-27. by Balaam, Num. 23 and 24; Josh. 24:10. by Joshua, Josh. 14:13; 22:6, 7. by Eli, 1 Sam. 2:20, by David, 2 Sam, 6:18, 20; 13:25; 19:39, by Solomon, 1 Kings 8:14, 55; 2 Chr, 6:3. by Simeon, Luke 2:34. by travellers, Psa. 129:8. by priests and Levites, Deut. 10:8; 21:5. BENEVOLENCE. See liberality, love, poor. BEN-HADAD, king of Syria, his league with Asa, 1 Kings 15:18. war with Ahab, 1 Kings 20. baffled by Elisha, 2 Kings 6:8. Jjesieges Samaria, 2 Kings 6:24; 7. slain by Hazael, 2 Kings 8:7. , son of Hazael, war with Israel, 2 Kings 13:3, 24. See Jer. 49:27; Amos 1:4. BENJAMIN (Benoni), son of Jacob, Gen. 35:16. sent into Egypt, Gen. 43:13. Joseph's policy to stay him. Gen. 44. Jacob's prophecy concerning. Gen. 49:27. HIS descendants. Gen. 46:21; 1 Chr. 7:6. twice numbered. Num. 1:36; 26:38, blessed by Moses, Deut, 33:12. their inheritance, Josh. 18:11. their wickedness chastised, Judg. 20; 21. the first king chosen from, 1 Sam. 9:10. support the house of Saul, 2 Sam. 2. afterwards adhere to that of David, 1 Kings 12:21; 1 Chr. 11. the tribe of Paul, Phil. 3:5. See Psa. 68:27; Ezek. 48:32; Rev. 7:8. BERACHAH (blessing), why so named, 2 Chr. 20:26. BEREA, Paul preaches at. Acts 17:10. Bereans commended, Acts 17:11. BERECHIAH, 1 Chr. 6:39; 9:16; 2 Chr. 28:12; Neh. 3:4, 30; Zech. 1:7. BERNICE, Act8 25:13.2;i. BERODACH-HALADAN, 2 Kings 20:12. BERYL, Exod. 28:20; Song, 5:14; Ezek. 1:16; 10:9; Dan. 10:6; Rev. 21:20. BES BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BIR BESOM, Isa. 14:23. BESTIALITY, forbidden, Lev. 18 : 23. punishment of, Exod. 22:19,- Lev. 20:15. BETHAVEN, Josh. 7:2; 18:12; 1 Sam. 13:5; 14:23; Hos. 4:15; 5:8; 10:5. BETHABARA, John 1:28. BETHANY visited by Christ, Mat. 21:17; 26:6; Mark 11:1; Luke 19; 29; John 12:1. Lazarus raised there, John 11:18. Christ ascends from, Luke 24: 50. BETHARBEL, Hos. 10:4. BETH-EL (the house of God), Abram's altar at, Gen. 12:8; 13:3, 4. Jacob's vision there, Gen. 28:19; 31:13. he builds an altar at. Gen. 35:1. taken by the tribe of Joseph, Judg. 1:22. Samuel judges there in circuit, 1 Sam. 7:16. bears destroy the children at, 2 Kings 2:23, 24. Jeroboam establishes idolatry there, 1 Kings 12:28; 13: L purified by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:15. prophets dwell there, 2 Kings 2:3; 17:28. See Jer. 48:13; Hos. 10:15; 12:4; Amos 3:14; 4:4; 5:5; 7:10. BETHER, Song 2:17; 8:14. BETHESDA, pool of, miracles wrought at, John 5:2. BETH-HACCEREM, Jer. 6:1. BETH-HOROX. Josh. 10:10. BETH-LEHEM, Naomi's return to, Ruth 1:19. David anointed at, 1 Sam. 16:13; 20:6. well of, mentioned, 2 Sam. 23:15; 1 Chr. 11:17. Christ born at (Mic. 5:2; Psa. 132:5, 6), Mat. 2:1; Luke 2:4; John 7:42. children of, slain, Mat. 2:16. BETH-PEOR, Deut. 3:29; 4:46; 34:6; Josh. 13:20. BETHPHAGE, Mat. 21:1; Mark 11:1; Lu. 19:29. BETH-REHOB. See BEHOB. BETHSAIDA of Galilee, Philip, Peter, and An- drew dwell there, John 1:44; 12:21. blind man cured at, Mark 8:22. condemned for unbelief. Mat. 11:21; Lu. 10:13. Christ feeds the five thousand at, Luke 9:10-17. BETHSHAN, Josh. 17:11; Judg. 1:27; 1 Kin. 4:12; 1 Chr. 7:29; 1 Sam. 31:10, 12; 2 Sam. 21:12. BETH-SHEMESH, several towns named, Josh. 15:10; 19:22, 38; 21:16; Judg. 1:33; 2 Chron. 28:18. men of, punished for profanity, 1 Sam. 6:19. gi-eat battle at, 2 Kings 14:11. , On or HeUopolis, Jer. 43:13. BETHUEL, nephew of Abraham, Gen. 22:22. father of Rebekah, Gen. 25:20. grandfather of Leah and Rachel, Gen. 28:2. , town. Josh. 19:4; 1 Chr. 4:30. BETROTHAL, laws concerning, Exod. 21:8; Lev. 19:20; Deut. 20:7; Mat. 1:18, 19. , spiritual, Hos. 2:19; 2 Cor. 11:2. BEULAH (married), Isa. 62:4. BEZALEEL, appointed and inspired to construct the tabernacle, Exod. 31:2; 35::30. his work, Exod. 36-38. BEZEK, Judg. 1:4; 1 Sam. 11:8. BEZER, city of refuge, Deut. 4:43; Josh. 10:8 ; 21:36; 1 Chr. 6:78. BEZOR, 1 Sam. 30:9. BIBLE. See word of god. BIER, 2 Sam. 5:31; Luke 7:14. See burial. BIGOTRY, Num. 11:29; Job 13:7, 8: Jer. 7:4; ■ Luke 9:55, 56; 1 Cor. 10:27; CoL 2:16, 17. examples of: Joshua, Num. 11:27-29. Jonah, Jonah 4. Judas, Mat. 26:8, 9; Mark 14:4, 5; John 12:4, 5. John, Mark 9:38-40; Luke 9:49, 50. James and John, Luke 9:54, 55. Nathanael, John 1:46. disciples. Mat. 19:13; Mark 10:13; Luke 18:15. Pharisees, Mat. 9:3; 11:18, 19; 23:15; Luke 7:39; 11:38, 39; 19:7; John 7:52; 9:28-34; 16:2; 19:15, men of Nazareth, Luke 4:38. Samaritans, Luke 9:53. Jews, Lev. 13:1-5; John 4:9. 27; Acts 21:28, 29; 22:22; Rom. 10:2; 1 Thes. 2:15, 16. Christians at Jerusalem, Acts 10:45; 11:2,3; 21:20-24. and at Antioch, Acts 15:1-10, 24. at Galatia, GaL 5:1; 6:13. Saul, Acts 22:3, 4; 26:5, 9; Gal. 1:13, 14; PhiL 3:6. See LIBERTY, CHRISTIAN, UNCHARITABLENESS. BIGTHAN and Teresh, their conspiracy discov- ered by Mordecai, Esth. 2:21. BILDAD'S answers to Job, Job 8; 18; 25. his sacrifice. Job 42:9. See Gen. 25:2. BILHAH, Rachel's handmaid, given by her as a wife to Jacob, Gen. 29:29; 30:3, 4; 37:2. Jacob's children by. Gen. 30:5. Reuben's sin and punishment. Gen. 35:22; 49:4. BILL of Divorcement, Deut. 24:1-4; Mat. 5:31. See DIVORCE. BIRDS created and preserved. Gen. 1:20; 7:3; Psa. 148:10; Mat. 6:26; 8:20; Luke 12:24. named. Gen. 2:19. subject to man. Gen. 9:2; Psa, 8:8. instinct of. Job 12:7; 35:11. peculiar notes, Psa. 104:12; EccL 12:4; Song 2 '12' Isa. 59:11. habitations, Psa." 50:11; 102:6, 7; Isa. 14:23; 34:11; 60:8. nests, Deut. 22:6; Num. 24:21; Psa. 84:3; 104:17; Isa. 34:15; Jer. 48:28; Ezek. 31:6. clean: dove. Gen. 8:8. turtle. Lev. 14:22; Song, 2:12. pigeon, Lev. 1:14; 12:6. quail, Exod. 16:12, 13; Num. 11:31, 32. sparrow, Lev. 14:4 (marg.); Mat. 10:29-31. swallow, Psa. 84:3; Isa. 38:14. cock and hen. Mat. 23:37; 26:34, 74. partridge, 1 Sam. 26:20; Jer. 17:11. crane, Isa. 38:14; Jer. 8:7. unclean: eagle. Lev. 11:13; Job 30:27. ossifrage. Lev. 11:13. osprey. Lev. 11:13. vulture. Lev. 11:14; Job 28:7; Isa. 34:15. glede, Deut. 14:13. kite, Lev. 11:14. raven. Lev. 11:15; Job 38:41. owl. Lev. 11:16; Job .30:29. night-hawk. Lev. 11:16. cuckoo. Lev. 11:16. hawk, Lev. ll:16; Job 30:26. little owl. Lev. 11:17. cormorant, Lev. 11:17; Isa. 34:11. great owl. Lev. 17. swan. Lev. 11:18. pelican. Lev. 11:18; Psa. 102:6. gier-eagle, Lev. 11:18. stork. Lev. 11:19; Psa. 104:17. heron. Lev. 11:19. lapwing, Lev. 11:19. bat. Lev. 11:19; Isa. 2:20. ostrich. Job 39:13, 18. bittern, Isa. 14:23; 34:11. peacock, 1 Kings 10:22; Job 39:13. used in sacrifices, Gen. 15:9; Lev. 14:4; Luke 2:24. 19 BIR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BLI law concerning, Deut. 22:6. mentioned figuratively, Job 41:5; Psa. 11:1; Prov. 1:17; 6:5; 27:8; Eccl. 9:12; 10:20; Isa. 16:2; 46:11; Jer. 12:9; Amos 3:5; Mat. 13:4, 32; Rev. 18:2. BIRTHDAYS celebratecl: of Pharaoli, Gen. 40:20. of Herod, Mat. 14:6; Mark 6:21. BIRTHRIGHT, Gen. 43:33; Col. 1:18. law concerning, Deut. 21:15. Manasseh's displaced. Gen. 48:17. lost by Reuben, 1 Chr. 5:1. despised by Esau, Gen. 25:31; 27:36; Heb. 12:16. BIRTHS foretold: of Islimael, Gen. 16:11. of Isaac, Gen. 18:10. of Samson, Judg. 13:3. of Samuel, 1 Sam. 1:11, 17. of Josiah, 1 Kings 13:2. of Sliunammite's sou, 2 Kings 4:16. of John the Baptist, Luke 1:13. of Christ, Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14; Mic. 5; Lu. 1:31. BISHOP, qualifications of, 1 Tim. 3; Titus 1:7-9. See Phil. 1:1. , of souls (Christ), 1 Pet. 2:25. BIT, of a bridle, Psa. 32:9; Jas. 3:3. BITHYNIA, Acts 16:7; 1 Pet. 1:1. BITTER herbs with the passover, Exod. 12:8. water healed, Exod. 15:23. BITTERN, Isa. 14:23; 34:11; Zeph. 2:14. BITTERNESS condemned, Psa. 64:3; Rom. 3:14; Eph. 4:31; Col. 3:19; Heb. 12:15; Jas. 3:14. BLACKNESS, illustrative of grief, Job 30:30; Joel 2:6. BLASPHEMY, Christ assailed with, Mat. 10:25; Luke 22:64, 65; 1 Pet. 4:14. Charged upon Christ, Mat. 9:2, 3; 26:64, 65; John 10:33, 36. Charged upon saints. Acts 6:11, 13; 7:54. proceeds from the heart, Mat. 15:19. forbidden, Exod. 20:7; Col. 3:8. the wicked addicted to, Psa. 74:18; Isa. 52:5; Rev. 16:11, 21. idolatry counted as, Isa. 65:7; Ezek. 20:27, 28. hypocrisy counted as. Rev. 2:9. saints grieved to hear, Psa. 44:15, 16; 74:10, 18, 22. give no occasion for, 2 Sam. 12:14; 1 Tim. 6:1. against the Holy Spirit, Mark 3:28; Luke 12:10; 1 John 5:16. against the Holy Ghost, unpardonable. Mat. 12:31, 32. connected with follv and pride, 2 Kings 19:22; Psa. 74:18. punishment of, Lev. 24:16; Isa. 65:7; Ezek. 20:27-33; 35:11, 12. Sign of tiie last days, 2 Tim. 3:2; Rev. 17:3. exemplified: an Israelite, Lev. 24:11-16. Shim- ei, 2 Sam. 16:5. Gehazi, 2 Kings 5:20. Je- horam, 2 Kings 6:31. Rabshekah, 2 Kings 18:22; 19. Job's wife, Job 2:9. Peter, Mat. 26:72, 74; Mark 14:71. Jews and Herod's sol- diers. Mat. 27:26, 29^14; Mar. 3:30; Lu. 22:64, 65; 23:35-39. Herod's courtiers, Acts 12:22, 23. Jews, Acts 13:45; 18:6; 26:11; Rev. 2:9. Saul of Tarsus, 1 Tim. 1:13. Hymeneus and Alexander, 1 Tim. 1:20. BLASTUS, Herod's chamberlain. Acts 12:20. BLEMISH, offerings must be without, p]xod. 12:5, etc.; Lev. 1:3, etc.; Deut. 17:1, etc. (a type of Christ, 1 Pet. 1:19; and of the church, Eph. 5:27). the priests must be free from. Lev. 21:16. BLESSED, whom God cliooses. Psa. 65:4; Eph. 1:3,4. 20 Whom God calls, Isa. 5:12; Rev. 19:9. who know Christ, Mat. 16:16, 17. who know the gospel, Psa. 89:15. who are not ort'ended at Christ, Mat. 11:6. who believe, Luke 1:45; GaL 3:9. whose sins are forgiven, Psa. 32:1, 5; Rom. 4:7. to whom God imputes righteousness without Avorks, Rom. 4:6-9. whom God chastens. Job 5:17; Psa. 94:12. who sutfer for Christ, Luke 6:22. who have tlie Lord for their God, Psa. 144:15. who trust in God, Psa. 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; 84:12; Jer. 17:7. who fear God, Psa. 112:1; 128:1, 4. who hear and keep the word of God, Psa. 119:2; Jas. 1:25; Mat. 13:16; Lu. 11:28; Rev. 1:3; 22:7. who delight in God's commandments, Psa. 112 :L who keep God's commandments, Rev. 22:14. who Avait for the Lord, Isa. 30:18. whose strength is in the Lord, Psa. 84:5. who hunger after righteousness. Mat. 5:6. who frequent the house of God, Psa. 65:4; 84:4. who avoid the wicked, Psa. 1:1. who endure temptation, Jas. 1:12. who watch against sin. Rev. 16:15. who rebuke sinners, Prov. 24:25. who watch for the Lord, Luke 12:37. who die in the Lord, Rev. 14:13. who have part in first resurrection. Rev. 20:6. who favor saints. Gen. 12:3; Ruth 2:19. the undefiled, Psa. 119:1. the pure in heart. Mat. 5:8. the just, Psa. 106:3; Prov. 10:6. the children of the just, Prov. 20:7. the righteous, Psa. 5:12. the generation of the upright, Psa. 112:2. the faithful, Prov. 28:20. the poor in spirit. Mat. 5 : 3. the meek. Mat. 5:5. the merciful. Mat. 5 : 7. the bountiful, Deut. 15:10; Psa. 41:1; Prov. 22:9; Luke 14:13, 14. the peacemakers. Mat. 5:9. holy mourners, Mat. 5:4; Luke 6:21. saints at the judgment-day, Mat. 25:34. who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God, Luke 14:15; Rev. 19:9. See HAPPY. BLESSING, of Isaac, won by Jacob, Gen. 27:27. given by Jacolj to liis sons, Gen. 48:15; 49. of the twelve tribes by Moses, Deut. 33. and curse set before Israel. Deut. 11:26. the people, form of, given by Moses, Num. 6:22. at removing the ark. Num. 10:35. in God's name, 2 Sam. 6:18; Psa. 134:3; Rom. 15:. 33; Heb. 13:20. in name of the Trinity, 2 Cor. 13:14. in name of God and Clmst, 1 Cor. 1:3; Eph. 6:23; 2 Pet. 1:2. in name of Christ, Rom. 16:24; 2 Tim. 4:22; Rev. 22:21. BLIND. laAvs concerning. Lev. 19:14; Deut. 27:18. expelled from Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 5:6. BLINDNESS inflicted on the men of Sodom, (;en. 19:11. on Samson, Judg. 16:21. on the Syrians, 2 Kings 6:18. on Paul, Acts 9:8. on Elvmas, Acts 13:11, healed by Clirist, Mat. 9:27; 12:22; 20:30; Mark 8:22; 10:46; Luke 4:18; 7:21; John 9. See Psa. 146:8; Isa. 29:18; 42:7, etc. BL1N1)NP]SS, spiritual: explained, Jolm 1:5; 1 Cor. 2:14. BLO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BON the effect of sin, Mat. 6:23; John 3:19, 20. unbelief, the effect of, 2 Cor. 4:3, 4. uncharitableness, a proof of, 1 John 2:9, 11. a work of the devil, 2 Cor. 4:4. leads to all evil, Eph. 4:17-19. is inconsistent with communiou with God, 1 John 1:6, 7. of ministers, fatal to themselves and to the people. Mat. 15:14. the wicked are in, Psa. 82:5; Jer. 5:21. the self-righteous are in. Mat. 23:19, 26; Rev. 3:17. the wicked wilfully guilty of, Isa. 26:11; Rom. 1:19-21. judicially inflicted, Psa. 69:23; Isa. 29:10; 44:18; Mat. 13:13, 14; John 12:40. pray for the removal of, Psa. 13:3; 119:18. Christ appointed to I'emove, Isa. 42:7; Luke 4:18; John 8:12; 9:39: 2 Cor. 3:14; 4:6. Christ appoints his ministers to remove, Mat. 5:14; Acts 26:18. saints are delivered from, John 8:12; Eph. 5:8; Col. 1:13; 1 Thes. 5:4, 5; 1 Pet. 2:9. removal of, illustrated. Mat. 11:5; John 9:7, 11, 25; Acts 9:18; Rev. 3:18. exemphfled: Israel, Rom. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:15. Scribes and Pharisees, Mat. 23:16, 24. Church of Laodicea, Rev. 3:17. BLOOD, forbidden to be eaten. Gen. 9:4; Lev. 3:17; 7:26; 17:10; 19:26; Deut. 12:15; Ezek. 33:25; Acts 15:29. this law enforced by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:32. water changed into, Exod. 4:9; 7:17; Rev. 8:8; 11:6. of all men the same,- Acts 17:26. the price of, not to be consecrated. Mat. 27:6. ILLUSTRATIVE (washing the feet in): of victories, Psa. 58:10; 63:23. (building with) of oppression and cruelty, Hab. 2:12. (prepaiing unto) of ripening for destruction, Ezek. 35:6. (on one's own head) of guilt. Lev. 20:9; 2 Sam. 1:16; Ezek. 18:13. (given to drink) of severe judgments, Ezek. 16:38; Rev. 16:6. of the covenant, Exod. 24:8; Zech. 9:11; Heb. 10:29; 13:20. OP Christ, redemption by, John 19:34; Eph. 1:7; CoL 1:20; Ileb. 10:19; 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:2; 1 John 1:7; Rev. 1:5; 5:9; 12:11. TYriPiED: under the law, Exod. 12:13; 29:16; 30:10; Lev. 1:5; 4; 16:15; Heb. 9:7, etc. in the Lord's supper. Mat. 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25. BLOODSHEDDING forbidden. Gen. 9:6; Exod. 20:13. See murder. no remission from sin without, Heb. 9:22. BOANERGES (sons of thunder), James and John so called, Mark 3:17. BOAR, wild, Psa. 80:13. BOARDS of the tabernacle, how constructed, Exod. 26:15; 36:20. BOASTING reproved, Psa. 49:6: 52:1; 94:4; Prov. 20:14; 25:14; 27:1; Isa. 10:15; Jer. 9:23; Rom. 1:30; 11:18; 1 Cor. 4:7; 2 Cor. 10:12; Jas. 3:5; 4:16. of Goliath, 1 Sam. 17. of Ben-hadad, 1 Kings 20:10. of Sennacherib, 2 Kings 18; 19, etc. excluded under the gospel, Rom. 3:27; 1 Cor. 1:29; Eph. 2:9, etc. BOAT. See SHIPS. BOAZ, his kindness to Ruth, Ruth 2. Christ descended from, 1 Chr. 2:11; Mat. 1:5; Luke 3:32. (strength), pillar of the temple, 2 Chr. 3:17. BOCHBI, Israel reproved at, Judg, 2. BODY, not to be disfigured. Lev. 19:28; 21:5; Deut. 14:1. to be pure, Rom. 12:1; 1 Cor. 6:13; IThes. 4:4. of Christians, the temple of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16. dead, laws concerning, Lev. 21:11; Num. 5:2 ; 9:6; 19:11; Deut. 21:23: Hag. 2:13. to be raised again, Ezek. 37; Mat. 22:30; 1 Cor. 15:12; Phil. 3:21. See RESURRKCTIOX. of Christ, Luke 2:35; Heb. 10:5. buried by Joseph, Mat. 27:58; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:50; John 19:38. the church so called, Rom. 12:4: 1 Cor. 10:17; 12:12; Eph. 1:22; 4:13; 5:23; Col. 1:18; 2:19; 3:15. bread of the Lord's supper so called. Mat. 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:24. BOHAN, stone of. Josh. 15:6; 18:17. BOILS, the plague of, Exod. 9:10; Rev. 16:2. See 2 Kings 20:7; Job 2:7. BOLDNESS, holy: Chri.st set an example of, John 7:26. is thro' faith in Christ, Eph. 3:12: Heb. 10:19. a characteristic of saints, Prov. 28:1. PRODUCED by: trust in God, Lsa. 50:7. the fear of God, Acts 5:29. faithlulness to God, 1 Tim, 3:13. express your trust in God with, Heb. 13:6. have, in prayer, Eph. 3:12: Heb. 4:16. saints shall have, in judgment, 1 John 4:17. exhortations to. Josh. 1:7; 2 Chr. 19:11; Jer. 1:8; Ezek. 3:9. pray for, Acts 4:29: Eph. 6:19. 20. MINISTERS SHOULD EXHIBIT, IX faithfulness to their people, 2 Cor. 7:4; 10:1. preaching. Acts 4:31: PhiL 1:14. reproving sin, Isa. 58:1; Mic. 3:8. the face of opposition. Acts 13:46: 1 Thes. 2:2. exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 18:22-32. Jacob, Gen. 32 : 24-29. Moses, Exod. 32 : 31, 32 ; 33:18. Aaron, Num. 16:47, 48. David, 1 Sam. 17:45. Elijah, 1 Kings 18:15, 18. Nehemiah, Neh. 6:11. Shadrach, Dan. 3:17, 18. Daniel, Dan. 6:10. Joseph, Mark 15:43. Peter and John, Acts 4:8-13. Stephen, Acts 7: 5L Paul, Acts 9: 27, 29: 19 : 8. Barnabas, Acts 14 : 3. Apollos, Acts 18:26. BOLLED (podded), Exod. 9:31. BOLT. See bar. BOND (or vow), law concerning, Num. 30. of peace, Eph. 4:3. BONDS and yokes sent by the Lord to various kings, Jer. 27. BONDAGE of Israel in Egvpt, Exod. 1-12; Psa. 105:25; Acts 7:6. in Babylon, 2 Kings 25: Esth. 2, etc.; Neh. i, etc.; Ezra 1, etc.; 9:7; Dan. 1, etc. , spiritual: is to the devil, 1 Tim. 3:7; 2 Tim. 2:26. is to the fear of death, Heb. 2:14, 15. is to sin, John 8:34; Acts 8:23; Rom. 6.10; 7:23: 2 Pet. 2:10. deliverance from, promised. Isa. 42:6, 7. Cln-ist delivers from, Luke 4:18, 21; John 8:36; Rom. 7:24, 25; Eph. 4:8. the gospel delivers from, John 8:32; Rom. 8:2. saints are delivered from, Rom. 6:18, 22. deliverance from, illustrated, Deut. 4:20. typified. Israel in Egypt, Exod. 1:13, 14. 21 BUN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ERE BONDMAID, law concerning, Lev. 19:20; 25:44. BONDMEN, laws for, Lev. 25:39; Deut. 15:12. BONDWOMAN, cast out, Gen. 21:10; Gal. 4:23. BONES, Eve from Adam's, Gen. 2:23, Joseph's charge concerning, Gen. 50:25; obeyed, Exod. 13:19: Heb. 11:22. scattered as a judgment. 2 Kings 23:14; Psa. 53:5; 141:7: Jer. 8:1; Ezek. 6:5. vision of the dry, Ezek. 37. of the paschal lamb not broken, Exod. 12:46; also Christ's, John 19:36. BONNETS of the priests, directions for making, Exod. 28:40; 29:9; 39:28; Ezek. 44:18. See MITRE. BOOKS: probable origin. Job 19:23, 24. materials of, Lsa. 19:7; 2 Tim. 4:13. form of, lsa. 34:4; Jer. 32:2; Ezek. 2:9; Rev. 6:14. With leaves or folds. Jer. 36:23; Rev. 5:1-3. written with pen and ink, Jer. 36:18; 3 John 13. written on both sides, Ezek. 2:9, 10; Rev. 5:1. sealed, lsa. 29:11; Dan. 12:4; Rev. 5:1. antiquity of. Gen. 5:1; Job 19:23; :3l:35. numerous, Eccl. 12:12. of sorcery expensive. Acts 19:19. List of: generation of Adam, Gen. 5:1. law of Moses. Deut. 31:9, 19, 24, 26. wars of the Lord, Exod. 17:14; Num. 21:14. of Jasher, Josh. 10:13; 2 Sam. 1:18. describing Palestine, Josh. 18:9. of Samuel, 1 Sam. 10:15. of Samuel, Nathan, and Gad, 1 Chr. 29:29. of the Kings, 1 Chr. 9:1; 2 Chr. 24:27. of the Chronicles of David, 1 Chr. 27:24. of the Acts of Solomon, 1 Kings 11:41. of the Kings of Judahand Lsrael, 2 Chr. 16:11: 25:26; 27:7; 28:26; 35:27; 36:8. of the Kings of Israel, 1 Kings 14:19; 2 Chr. 20:34; 33:18. Of Jehu, 2 Chr. 20:34. of Isaiah, 2 Chr. 26:22; 32:32; lsa. 8:1. of Jeremiah, Jer. 30:2-8; 36. of Lamentations, 2 Chr. 35:25. of the Purchase, Jer. 32:12. of the Sayings of the Seei-s, 2 Chr. 33:19. of Records, Ezra 4:15; 6:1, 2; Esth. 6:1; 9:32. of Magic, Acts 19:19. of Judgment, Dan. 7:10; Rev. 20:12. found and read, 2 Kings 22:8; Neh. 8:8. destroyed by Jehoiakim, Jer. 36:20-25. bad, burned by converts, Acts 19; 18, 19. figurative: God's Book, Exod. 32:32, 33; Psa. 56:8; 139:16: Rev. 20:12; of remembrance, MaL 3:16; of life, or of the living, Psa. 69:28; Dan. 12:1; Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27; 22:19. symbohcal: Zech. 5:1; Rev. 5:1. eating, signifies studying carefully, Jer. 15:16; Ezek. 2:8; 3:1-3; Rev. 10:2-10. BOOTHS used at tlie feast of tabernacles. Lev. 23:42; Neh. 8:14. BORDERS of the land determined, Num. 34; Josh. 1:4; Ezek. 47:13. BORING of the ear, Exod. 21:6. See Psa. 40:6. BORN OF (JOD, John 1 : 13; 3 : 3; 1 Pet. 1 : 23; 1 John 3:9; 5:1. See kegenekation. BORROWING, law concerning, Exod. 22:14: Deut. 15:1; Mat. 5:42. its results. 2 Kings 6:5; Prov. 22:7. of Israel in Egypt, Exod. 3:22; 12:. 35. BOSSES (studs) of a siiield, Job 15:26. BOTTLES of skin. Josh. 9:4,13; Mat. 9:17: Mark 2:22. for water, Gen. 21:14. for milk, Judg. 4:19. for wine, 1 Sam. 1:24; 16:20; 25:18; 2 Sam. 16:1. of earthenware, lsa. 30:14; Jer. 19:1. figuratively : Psa. 56 : 8 ; 119 : 83; Job 32 : 19; 38:37; Jer. 48:12; Mat. 9:17. BOTTOMLESS pit. Rev. 9:1: 11:7; 17:8. Satan bound there. Rev. 20:1. BOUGHT witli a price, 1 Cor. 6:10. BOW in the cloud, sign of God's mercy, Gen. 9:13; Ezek. 1:28. in war. Gen. 48:22; 1 Chr. 12:2; lsa. 7:24; Zech. 9:10; 10:4. in hunting. Gen. 27:3. of steel, 2 Sam. 22:35; Job 20:24. how used, 2 Sam. 1:18; 2 Kings 9:24; Ezek. 39:3. by whom used, l Sam. 31:3; 1 Chr. 5:18; 12:2; 2 Chr. 14:8; Jer. 46:9; 49:35. used figuratively, 1 Sam. 2:4; Job 29:20; Psa. 11:2; 78:57; Jer. 9:3; Hos. 1:5; 2:18; 7:16. BOWELS of mercies, Gen. 43:30; Psa. 25:6; lsa. 63:15; Luke 1:78; Phil. 1:8; 2:1; Col. 3:12, etc. BOWING, in worship. Gen. 24:26; Exod. 4:31; 20:5; Lev. 26 : 1 ; Num. 22 : 31 ; 25 : 2 ; Josh. 23 : 7; 1 Kings 19 : 18; 2 Kings 5 : 18; 17 : 35 ; 2 Chr. 20:18; 29:29; Psa.95:6; lsa. 45:23; Mic. 6:6; Eph. 3:14; Phil. 2:10. in obeisance: Gen. 33:3, 7; 43:26; Judg. 5:27; Ruth 2:10; 1 Sam. 24:8; 28:14; 2 Sam. 9:8; 1 Kings 1:16; 2:19; 2 Kings 2:15; Esth. 3:2, 5. in submission. Gen. 37:10; 49:8; Psa. 72:9; lsa. 49:23; 51:23. BOWLS, etc., offered by the princes, Num. 7. See Zech. 4:2. BOX, 2 Kings 9:1; of alabaster. Mat. 26:7. BOX-TREE, lsa. 41:19: 60:13. BOZRAH (Bezer), prophecies concerning, lsa. 34:6; 63:1; Jer. 48:24; 49:13; Amos 1:12; Mic. 2:12. BRACELETS, Gen. 24:30; 38:18; Exod. 35:22; 2 Sam. 1:10; lsa. 3:19; Ezek. 16:11. BRAMBLE, chosen to reign, Judg. 9:14. BRANCH of the Lord, prophecies concerning, lsa. 4:2; Jer. 23:5; Zech. 3:8; 6:12. See Luke 1:78; John 15:5; Rom. 11:16. BRAND plucked from the fire, a figure, Amos 4:11; Zech. 3:2; Jude 23. BRASS, or copper, how procured, Deut. 8:9; Job 28:2. its nature. Num. 31 : 22 ; Job 40 : 18 ; Ezek. 22:18, 20. used in the tabernacle and temple, Exod. 25:3; 26:11, etc.; 1 Kings 7:14, etc.; 1 Chr. 6:13. altar of, Exod. 39:39. gates of, Psa. 107:16; lsa. 45:2. mirrors of, Exod. 38:8. serpent of. Num. 21:9; 2 Kings 18:4. cymbals of, 1 Chr. 15:19; and trumpets, 1 Cor. 13:1. shields of, 2 Chr. 12:10; and fetters, Judg. 16:21; 2 Kings 25:7. workers in, Tubal-Cain, Gen. 4 : 22 ; Hiram, 1 Kings 7:14: Alexander, 2 Tim. 4:14. illustrative: Lev. 26:19; Deut. 33:25; lsa. 48:4; Jer. 1 : 18; symbolical: Dan. 2 : 32, 39; 7 : 19; 10:6; Zech. 6:1; Rev. 1:15. mentioned figuratively Lev. 26:19; Job 6:12 ; 1 Cor. 13:1; Rev. 1:15. BREAD, man appointed to labor for, Gen. 3:19. given from heaven (manna), Exod. 16:4. of wheat, Exod. 29:2; Psa. 81:16; of barley, Judg. 7:13; John 6:9; of beans, millet, etc., Ezek. 4:9. preparation, metliodsor, Gen. 18:6; Exod. 12:34; BRE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BUR Lev. 23:17; Isa. 44:19; Jer. 7:18; Hos. 7:4; Mat. 13:33; John 21:9. forms of, Exod. 16 : 31; 29 : 23; 1 Sam. 17 : 17; 2 Sam. 6:19; 1 Kings 17:13. sold, Lev. 26:26; Ezek. 4:16; John 6:5. given, 1 Sam. 25:18; 2 Sam. 16:2; 1 Chr. 12:40, miraculously supplied, 2 Kin. 4:42; John 6, etc. a type of Christ, John 6:31; 1 Cor. 10:16. offered before the Lord, Exod. 25:30; Lev. 8:26; 24:5; Num. 4:7: 1 Sam. 21:4. at funerals, Ezek. 24:17, 22. used in the Lord's supper, Luke 22:19; 24:30; Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor. 10:16; 11:23. unleavened. Gen. 19:3; Exod. 12:8; 1 Sam. 28:24; 2 Kings 23:9; 1 Cor. 5:8. used figuratively: Deut. 8:9; Psa. 80:5; Prov. 9:5; Ezek. 16:49; Hos. 9:4; Mat. 15:26; John 6:33-35; 1 Cor. 5:8; 10:17. BREASTPLATE of the high priest described, Exod. 28:15; 39:8; Lev. 8:8. of righteousness, Isa. 59:17; Eph. 6:14. of faith and love, 1 Thes. 5:8. BREATH (Ufe), dependent upon God, Gen, 2:7; 6 : 17; Job 12 : 10; Psa. 104 : 29; Ezek. 3 7 :5; Dan. 5:23; Acts 17:25. of God, its power, 2 Sam. 22:16; Job 4:9; 33:4: Psa. 33:6; Isa. 11:4: 30:28. BREECHES, linen, Lev. 16:4; Exod. 28:42. BRETHREN, duty of, to each other: love one to another, John 13:34; 15:12; Rom. 12:10; 1 Thes. 4:9; Heb. 13:1; 1 Pet. 1:22; 3:8; 1 John 2:9. harmony, Gen. 13:8; Psa. 133; 1 Cor. 6:7. forgiveness. Gen. 50:17; Mat. 18:21. charity, Deut. 15:7; Mat. 25:40; 1 Cor. 13; 2 Pet. 1:7; 1 John 3:17. justice, Deut. 24:14. not to be angry with, Mat. 5:22. to visit. Acts 15:36. self-denial for, 1 Cor. 8. to restore the erring. Gal. 6:1. to admonish, Mat, 18:15; 2 Thes. 3:15. BRIBERY forbidden, Exod. 23:2, 8; Deut. 16:19; Job 15:34; Prov. 17:23; 29:4; Eccl. 7:7; Isa. 5:23; 33:15; Ezek. 13:19; Amos 2:6. of Delilah, Judg. 16:5. of Samuel's sons, 1 Sam. 8:3. of Benhadad, 1 Kings 15:19. of Judas, Mat. 26:14. of the soldiers, Mat. 28:12. BRICKS used in building tower of Babel, Gen. 11:3; treasure cities of Egypt, Exod, 1:11, 14; houses, I?a, 9:10; idolatrous altars, Isa, 65:3, making of, 2 Sam. 12:31: Jer. 43:9; Neh. 3:14; by Israelites, Exod. 5:17-19. BRIDE, the church so called, John 3:29; Rev. 21:2; 22:17. BRIDEGROOM, Christ so called, Mat. 9:15; 25:1; John 3:29. See Psa. 10:5; Isa, 61:10; 62:5. BRIDLE, Psa. 32:9; Prov. 26:3; Rev. 14:20. figurative: 2 Kings 19:28; Psa. 39:1; Isa. 30:28; Jas. 1:26; 3:2. BRIERS. See thorns. BRIGANDINE, Jer. 46:4: 51:3, BRIMSTONE and fire, Sodom destroved by. Gen. 19:24i Deut. 29:23, figurative of torment, Isa. 30:33; Rev. 9:17; 14:10; 19:20; 21:8. BROIDERED work, Ezek. 16:10, etc. BROOKS, mentioned. Num. 13:23; 21:14; Deut, 2 : 13; 1 Sam. 30 : 9; 2 Sam. 15 : 23; 23 : 30 ; 1 Kings 15:13; 17:3; 18:40; 1 Chr. 11:32; Psa, 83:9; John 18:1, figuratively. Job 6:15; 20:17; Psa. 110:7; Prov. 18:4. BROTH, Judg. 6:19, 20; 2 Kings 4:38; Isa. 65:4; symbolical, Ezek. 24:5. BROTHER, besides its ordinary meaning, it sig- nifies: near relative. Gen. 14:16; 29:12. one of the same nation, Xeh. 5:7; Jer. 34:9. of kindred tribe or nation, Deut. 23:7; Judg. 21:6; Obad. 10, fellow-man. Gen. 9:5; Mat. 18:35; 1 John 3:15. friend, 2 Sam, 1:26; 1 Kings 13:30; 20:33. fellow-Christian, Acts 9:17; 21:20; Rom. 16:23: ICor. 7:12; 2 Cor. 2:13. Christ calls his disciples, Mat. 12:50; 25:40; Heb. 2:11,12. BROTHERLY KINDNESS. See love. BROTHER'S widow, law concerning, Deut. 25*5' Mat 22*24 BRUISED (Christ), for us, Isa. 53:5. reed, Isa. 42:3; Mat. 12:20. Egypt so called. 2 King 18:21; Ezek. 29:6, 7. BUCKET, Num. 24:7; Isa. 40:15. BUCKLER, God is, to his people, 2 Sam. 22:31 ; Psa. 18:2; 91:4; Prov. 2:7. BUDDING of Aaron's rod. Num. 17. BUILDER, 1 Kings 5:18; Neh. 4:5; Ezek, 27:4. illustrative, Psa. 118:22; 1 Cor. 3:10; Heb. 11:10. BUILDING, the church compared to one, 1 Cor. 3:9; Eph, 2:21; Col. 2:7. BUL, the eighth sacred month (November), 1 Kings 6:38; 12:32, 33; 2 Chr. 27:11. BULL, Bullock, Ox, synonymous, Num. 7:38; 1 Kings 7:25 with Jer. 52:20. used in sacrifice. See offerings. sold in the Temple, John 2:14. sacrificed to idols, Hos, 12:11; Acts 14:13. USED in the plough, 1 Sam. 14:14; 1 Kings 19:19; Prov. 14:4; Isa. 32:20, for treading out corn, Deut. 25:4. in wagons, Num, 7:3, 7. for burdens, 1 Chr. 12:40, carried the ark from Kirjath-jearim, 2 Sam. 6:6. pieces of, sent by Saul to all Israel, 1 Sam. 11:7. goads used for, Judg. 3:31. caught when wild in nets, Isa. 51:20. laws respecting, Exod. 21 : 28-36 ; 22 : 1-10; 23:4, 12; Deut. 22:10; 25:4, illustrative, Deut. 33:17; Psa, 22:12; 68:30. symbolical, Ezek, 1:10; Rev. 4:7. BULRUSH, Job 8:11; Isa. 35:7; 58:5. ark of, Exod. 2:3, boats of, Isa, 18:2. BULWARKS, Deut. 20:20; 2 Chr, 26:15. BUNDLE of life, 1 Sam. 25:29. BURDEN, prophecy, Isa. 13:1; Nah. 1:1, etc. aflliction, Psa. 55:22; Isa. 58:6; 2 Cor. 5:4. sin, Psa. 38:4. of responsibility. Num. 11:11; Acts 15:28. of Christ light. Mat. 11:30; Acts 15:28; Rev. 2:24, borne for others, Gal, 6:2. BURIAL, preparation for, Gen. 50:26; Mat, 26:12; John 11:44; 19:39,40; Acts 9:37. attendants. Gen. 50:5-9; Jer. 9:17; Luke 7:12. ceremonies, Gen. 50:10, 11; 2 Sam. 3:33; Jer. 34:5. deprivation of, a calamity, Deut. 28:26; Psa. 79:2; Eccl. 6:3; Isa. 14:19: Jer. 7:33;. 16:4; 25:33; 34:20. Of Sarah, Gen. 23:19; of Abraham, Gen. 25:9; of Isaac, Gen. 35:29; of Jacob, Gen. 50; of Aaron, Deut. 10:6; of Joseph, Deut. 21:23; of Samson, Judg, 16:31 ; of Saul and his sons, 1 Sam. 31:13; 2 Sam, 4:12; of Abner, 2 Sam. 3:31: of Asa, 2 Chr. 16:14; of Christ, Mat. 27:57; Luke 23:50; of Stephen, Acts 8:2. 23 BUR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CAL BUEIAL-PLACES, or Sepulchres, prepared in lifetime, Geu. 50:5 ; 2 Clir. 16:14 ; Mat. 27:G0. attachment to paternal, Geu. 47:30; 49:29; 50:25: Neh. 2:3. in the house, garden, or property. Josh. 24:30, 33: 1 Sam. 25:1; 1 Kings 2:34 ; 2 Kings 21:18, 26; John 19:41. hewn in the rock, Isa. 22:16 ; Mat. 27:60. in caves, John 11:38. sealed. Mat. 27:66. of kings, in the city of David, 1 Kings 2:10 ; 2 Clir. 32:33. burying in, honorable, 2 Chr. 24:16. exclusion from, dishonorable, 2 Chr. 21 : 19 ; 24:25. of criminals, marked by stones. Josh. 7:26. of poor and strangers, "jer. 26:23. pillars and tombstones set over, with inscrip- tions, (Jen. 35:20 ; 2 Kings 23:17. painted and garnished, Mat. 23:27, 29. rebuilt, Luke 11:47. unclean. Num. 19:16, 18 ; Isa. 65:4. abode of demoniacs, Mat. 8:28. graves not visible, Luke 11:44. Bl'RNIXG BUSH, the Lord appears to Moses in, Exod. 3:2; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37; Acts 7:35. BURNING of the dead, 1 Sam. 31:12; Amos 6:10. BURNT-OFFEillNGS, the law of, Lev. 1:1; 6:8. of Noah, etc.. Gen. 8:20 ; 22:13; Exod. 18:12; 1 Sam. 7:9; Ezra 3:4 ; Job 1 : 5. See Psa. 40:6 ; 51:16 ; Isa. 40:16 ; Heb. 10:6, etc. the continual, Exod. 29:38; Num. 28:3; 1 Chr. 16:40; 2 Chr. 13:11. BUSHEL (about a peck). Mat. 5:15; Mark 4:21. BUSINESS, diligence in, Prov. 22:29; Rom. 12:11; 1 Thes. 4:11. BUSYBODIES, fools are, Prov. 20:3. the idle are, 2 Thes. 3:11; 1 Tim. 5:13. are mischievous talebearers, 1 Tim. 5:13. haiTU themselves, 2 Kings 14:10; Prov. 26:17. Christians must not be, 1 Pet. 4:15. BUTLER, or Cupbearer, Gen. 40:1, 11; 1 Kings 10:5; 2 Chr. 9:4; Neh. 1:11; 2:1. BUTTER, Gen. 18:8: Judg. 5:25; 2 Sam. 17:29. churning of, Prov. 30:33. BUYER characterized, Prov. 20:14. BUZ, Gen, 22:21; Job 32:2; Jer. 25:23. CAB, a measure, about a gallon, 2 Kings 6:25. CABIN (marg., cell or vaults), Jer. 37:16; or stocks; compare Jer. 20:2. CABUL, Josh. 19:27; 1 Kings 9:13. CiESAR: Augustus, Luke 2:1: Tiberius, Luke 3:1: Claudius, Acts 11:28; Nero, I'aul appeals to. Acts 25:11. household of, Phil. 4:22. common name to Roman emperors. Mat. 22:21. CJiiSAREA, Peter sent to. Acts 10:11. Paul visits. Acts 21 : 8. Paul sent prisoner to, Acts 23:23, 25. Piiilippi visited by Christ, Mat. 16:13; Mark 8:27. CAIAPHAS, high priest, prophesies concerning Christ, John 11:49. his counsel, Mat. 26:3. he condemns Him, Mat. 26:57; Mark 14:.53; Luke 22:54, 66: John 18:12, 19. See Acts 4:6. CAIN kills Abel, Gen. 4:8. his punishment. Gen. 4:11. See Heb. 11:4; John 3:12; Jnde 11. CAINAN, Gen. 5:9-14; Luke 3::57. CAJ.AMUS, Exod. 30:23; Song4:14; Ezek. 27:19. 24 CALDRON, 1 Sam. 2:14; 2 Chr. 35:13; Job 41:20; Jer. 52:18; Mic. 3:3. figuratively, Ezek. 11:3, 11. CALEB'S faith. Num. 13:30; 14:6. permitted to enter Canaan, Num. 26:65; 32:12; Deut. 1:36. reminds Joshua, Josh. 14:6. his possessions. Josh. 15:13; Judg. 1:12. his posterity, 1 Chr. 2:18; 4:15. CALF, golden, Aaron's transgression in making, Exod. 32; Acts 7:40. calves made by Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12:28; Hos. 8:. 5. for sacrifice. Lev. 9:2; Num. 18:17; Mic. 6:6; Heb. 9:12, 19. eaten, Gen. 18:7; 1 Sam. 28:24; Amos 6:4; Luke 15:2:3. figurative, Isa. 11:6; Ezek. 1:7; Hos. 14:2; MaL 4:2; Rev. 4:7. CALL of Noah, Gen. 6:13; of Abraham, Gen. 12; of Jacob, Gen. 28:2, 12; of Moses, Exod. 3; of Gideon, Judg. 6:11; of Samuel, 1 Sam. 3; of Elijah, 1 Kings 17; of Elisha, 1 Kings 19:16, 19; of Jonah, Jonah 1; of Isaiah, Isa. 6; of Jeremiah, Jer. 1; of Ezekiel, Ezek. 1; of Ho- sea, Hos. 1; of Amos, Amos 1; 7:14. See Mic. 1:1; Zeph. 1:1; Hag. 1:1; Zech. 1:1; of Pe- ter, etc., Mat. 4:1S; Mark 1:10: Luke 5: John 1:39; of Paul, Acts 5; Rom. 1:1; Gal. 1:1, 11; 1 Tim. 1. CALL OF GOD: by Christ, Isa. 55:5; Rom. 1:6. by his Spirit, Rev. 22:17. by his works, Psa. 19:2, 3; Rom. 1:20. by his ministers, Jer. 35:15; 2 Cor. 5:20. by his gospel, 2 Thes. 2:14. is from darkness, 1 Pet. 2:9. addressed to all, Isa. 45:22; Mat. 20:16. most reject, Prov. 1:24; Mat. 20:16. ettectual to saints, Psa. 11,0:3; Acts 13:48; 1 Cor. 1:24. not to many wise, 1 Cor. 1:26. TO SAINTS, IS of grace, Gal. 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:9. according to the purpose of God, Rom. 8:28; 9:11, 23, 24. Avithout repentance, Rom. 11:20. high, PJiil. 3:14. holv, 2 Tim. 1:9. hcaveniv. Heb. 3:1. to I'ellowship with Clirist, 1 Cor. 1:9. to holiness, i Thes. 4:7. to a prize, Phil. 3:14. to liberty, Gal. 5:1.3. to iieace, 1 Cor. 7:15; CoL 3:15. to glorv and virtue, 2 Pet. 1:3. to the eternal glory of Christ, 2 Thes. 2:14; 1 Pet. 5:10. to eternal life, 1 Tim. 6:12. partakers of, justified, Rom. 8:30. walk worthy of, Eph. 4:1: 2 Thes. 1:11. blessedness of receiving, Fvcv. 19:9. is to be made sure, 2 Pet. 1:10. l)raise God for, 1 Pet. 2:9. illustrated, Prov. 8:3, 4; Mat. 23:3-9. KEJECTION OF, LEADS TO judicial bUudncss, Isa. 6:9, with Acts 28:24-27; Rom. 11:8-10. delusion, Isa. 66:4; 2 Thes. 2:10, 11. withdrawal of the means of grace, Jer. 26:4-6; Acts 13:46: 18:6; Rev. 2:5. temporal judgments, Isa. 28:12; Jer. 6:16, 19; .35:17; Zech. 7:12-14. exclusion from gospel benefits, Luke 12:24. rcjoctiou bv God, Prov. 1:24-32; Jer. 6:19, 30. condcnmation. John 12:48; Heb. 21-3; 12:25. destruction, Prov. 29:1; Mat. 22:3-7. CAL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CAR CALNEH. Canneli, or Calno, Gen. 10:10; Isa. 10:9; Ezek. 27:23; Amos 6:2. CALVARY. See GOLGOTHA. CAMELS mentioned, Gen. 12:16; 24:19; Exotl. 9:3; IClir. 5:21: Job 1:3. their flesli is unclean, Lev. 11:4; Dent. 14:7. their characteristics. Gen. 24:11; Lsa. 30:6. possessions in them, Gen. 30:43; 2 Chr. 14:15; Jer. 49:29. uses. Gen. 24:61; 37:25; Judg. 7:12; 1 Sam. 30:17; livings 10:2; 2 Kings 8:9; Esther 8:10; figuratively, Mat, 19:24; 23:24. raiment of camel's hair, Mat. 3:4. CAMP of the IsraeUtes, its order. Num. 1:52; 2. See Exod. 14:19: Num. 24:5. to be kept holy, Exod. 29:14: Lev. 6:11; 13:4, 6; Num. 5:2; Deut. 23:10; Heb. 13:11. without tlie, place of uncleanness and separa- tion, Exod. 29:14; 33:7; Lev. 4:12, 21; 6:11; 13:46; Num. 5:3; 12:14; 15:35; 19:3, 9; Deut. 23:12; Heb. 13:11-13. CAMPHIRE, Song 1:4; 4:13. CANA, Christ's first miracle at, John 2. nobleman visits Christ at. John 4:46. birthplace of Nathanael, John 21:2. CANAAN, son of Ham. cursed for despising Noah, Gen. 9:25. , land of, promised to Abraham, Gen. 12:7; 13:14; 17:8. patriarchs dwell in, Gen. 12; 26: 37, etc. its boundaries, Exod. 23:31; Josh. 1:4. spies sent to, Num. 13. the murmurers forbidden to enter, Num. 14:22. also Moses and Aaron, Num. 20:12; 27:12; Deut. 1:37; 3:23; 31:1; 32:48. viewed by Moses, Deut. 3:27; 34:1. subdued by Joshua, Josh. 3, etc. division of. Num. 26:52; Josh. 14, etc. daughters of, Gen. 28:1, 6, 8. language of, Isa. 19:18. kingdoms of, Psa. 135:11. king of, Judg. 4:2, 23, 24; 5:19. wars of, Judg. 3:1. ITS INHABITANTS (for their wickedness, Gen. 19; 13:13; Lev. 18:3, 24, 30: 20:23), ordered to be extirpated, Exod. 23:31; 34:11; Num. 33:52; Dent. 20:16. but were not wholly so, Josh. 13:1; 16:10; 17:12; Judg. 1; 2; 3. CANDACE, queen of Ethiopia. Acts 8:27. CANDLE, figuratively mentioned. Job 18 : 6; 21:17: Psa. 18:28; Prov. 20:27. parable of, Mat. 5:15, etc.; Luke 8:16. CANDLESTICK in the tabernacle, Exod. 25:31; 37:17; Lev. 24:4; Nnm. 8:1; Heb. 9:2. in temple, 1 Kings 7:49; 1 Chr. 28:15; 2 Chr. 4:7, 20: 13:11; Jer. 52:19. in heaven, Zech. 4:2; Rev. 1:12. CANE, Sweet, or Calamus, Song 4:14. trade in, Jer. 6:20: Ezek. 27:19. used in the holy oil, Exod. 20:33; Isa. 43:24. CANKERWORM, Joel 1:4; 2:25; Nah. 3:15, 16. CANNEH. See calneh. CAPERNAUM, Christ preaches and works mira- cles at, Mat. 4:13; 8:5; 17:24; Mark 1:21; John 2:12; 4:46; 6:17. condemned for unbelief, Mat. 11:23; Luke 10:15. CAPHTOR, Deut. 2:23: Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7. CAPHTORIM, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12. CAPPADOCIA, disciples of. Acts 2:19: 1 Pet. 1:1. CAPTAIN, of the host, or general, Deut. 20:9; Judg. 4:2; 1 Sam. 14:50; 1 Kings 2:35; 16:16; IChr. 27:34. Of the guard. Gen. 37:36; 2 Kings 25:8. of thousands, Num. 31:48; 1 Sam. 17:18; 1 Chr. 28:1. of hundreds, 2 Kings 11:15. See centurion. of fifties, 2 Kings 1:9; Isa. 3:3. of the ward, Jer. 37:13. SIGNIFYING king, 1 Sam. 9:16: 2 Kings 20:5. leader, 1 Sam. 22:2; 1 Chr. 11:21. officer, 1 Chr. 12:34; John 18:12. David's captains, 2 Sam. 23; 1 Chr. 11 and 12. of Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:14-19. appointed by the king, 1 Sam. 18:13; 2 Sam. 17:25; 18:1. a name applied to the Angel of the Lord and Christ, Josh. 5:14; 2 Chr. 13:12. CAPTIVES, in war, Gen. 14:12 : 1 Sam. 30:1, 2. laws and practices in regard to, Num. 31:9-17; Deut. 20:13, 14; Josh. 8:29; 10:15-43; 11:11; Judg. 7:25 ; 8:18-21 ; 21:11, 12 ; 1 Sam. 15:3, cruelty to, Judg. 1:6, 7; 2 Kings 8:12; 15:16; 2 Clir. 25:12; Lam. 5:11-13; Amos 1:13; Zech. 14:2. imprisoned and eyes put out, Judg. 16 : 21 ; 2 Kings 25:7; Jer. 52:11. enslaved, Exod. 12:29: 2 Sam. 12:31; 2 Kin. 5:2. married by captors, Deut. 21:12, 13: Esth. 2:17. kindly treated, 2 Kings 6:22 ; 25:27-30 ; 2 Chr. 28:15; Psa. 106:46. promoted to honors, Neh. 1:11; Esth. 2; Dan. 1. settled in colonies, 2 Kings 16:9; 17:6, 24. CAPTIVITY of the Israelites foretold, Deut. 28:36; Lev. 26:33. of the ten tribes, Amos 3; 4; 7:11. fulfilled, 2 Kings 17; 1 Chr. 5:23. of Judah foretold, Isa. 39:6 ; Jer. 13:19 ; 20:4; 25:11; 32:28, etc. fulfilled, 2 Kings 25; 2 Chr. 36; Psa. 137; Jer. 39; 52; Esth. 2; Dan. 1. their return from, Ezra 1; Neh. 2, etc.; Psa. 126. future return, Psa. 14:7; 53:6; Jer. 29:14; 30:3; 31:23; 33:7; 46:27; Ezek. 16:53: 39:25; Joel 3:1; Amos 9:14; Zeph. 2:7; Luke 21:24; Rom. 11:2.5. CARBUNCLE, Exod. 28:17; 39:10; Isa. 54:12; Ezek. 28:13. CARCHEMISH, 2 Chr. 35:20; Isa. 10:9; Jer. 46:2. CARE about earthly things forbidden. Mat. 6:25; Luke 12:22, 29; John 6:27. God's providential goodness should keep us from, Mat. 6:26, 28, 30; Luke 22:35. God's promises should keep us from. Heb. 13:5. trust in God should free us from, Jer. 17:7, 8 ; Dan. 3:16. should be cast on God, Psa. 37:5; 55:22; Prov. 16:3; 1 Pet. 5:7. an obstruction to the gospel, Mat. 13:22; Luke 8:14; 14:18-20. be without. 1 Cor. 7:32: Phil. 4:6. unbecoming in saints, 2 Tim. 2:4. inutility of, Mat. 6:27; Luke 12:25, 26. vanity of, Psa. 39:6; Eccl. 4:8. warning against, Luke 21 :34. sent as' a punishment to the wicked, EzeK 4:16; 12:19. exemplified: Martha, Luke 10:41. Persons who olTered to follow Christ. Luke 9:57, etc. , in love, of the Samaritan, Luke 10:34. of Christ for his mother, John 19:26. of Paul, 1 Cor. 12:25; 2 Cor. 7:12; 8:16; Phil. 4:10. CARMEL, Josh. 15:55. country of Nabal, 1 Sam. 25. , mount. Elijah sacrifices there, 1 Kin.l8:30. Elisha dwells there, 2 Kino;s 4:25. See Song 7:5; Jer. 46:18: Amos 1:2; 9:3: Mic. 7:14. 25 CAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHA CARNAL mind condemned, Rom. 8:7; 1 Cor. 3:1; Col. 2:18. CARPENTERS, 2 Kings 12:11; Isa. 41:7; 44:13; Jer. 24:1. David hires from Hiram, 2 Sam. 5:11. Joseph, Mat. 13:55. Christ called, Mark 6:3. symbolical, Zech. 1:20. CARPUS, 2 Tim. 4:13. CARRIAGES (baggage), Judg. 18:21: 1 Sam. 17:22; Isa. 46:1; Acts 21:15. CART, S, 1 Sam. 6:7; 2 Sam. 6:3; Isa. 5:18; 28:28; Amos 2:13. CARVING, 1 Kings 6:18, 35; Psa. 74:6. of beds, Prov. 7:16. of images, Deut. 7:5; Isa. 44:9-17; 45:20; Hab. 2:18, 19. skill of Bezaleel, Exod. 31:5; and of Hiram, 2 Chr. 2:14. CASLUHIM, progenitor of the Philistines, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12. CASSIA, Exod. 30:24; Psa. 45:8; Ezek. 27:19. CASTLE, 1 Chr. 11:5, 7; Prov. 18:19; Acts 21:34. CASTOR and Pollux, Acts 28:11. CATERPILLAR, 1 Kin. 8:37; Psa. 78:46; 105:34; Jer. 51:27; Joel 1:4; 2:25. CATTLE of Israelites preserved, Exod. 9:4, 26. laws concerning, Exod. 20:10; 21:28; 22:1; 23:4; Lev. 1:2; Deut. 5:14; 22:1; 25:4(1 Cor. 9:9; 1 Tim. 5:18). referred to by Christ, Mat. 12:11; Lu. 13:15; 14:5. an example of obedience, Isa. 1:3. CAUL (braided tresses of hair), Isa. 3:18. part of the animal burnt in the sacrifices, Exod. 29:13, etc. figurative, Hos. 13:8. CAVES, for dweUing, Gen. 19:30. for concealment. Josh. 10:16; 1 Sam. 13:6; 22:1; 2 Sam. 23:13; 1 Kings 18:4; Isa. 2:19; Ezek. 33:27; Heb. 11:38; Rev. 6:15. for rest, 1 Sam. 24:3; 1 Kings 19:9. for burial. Gen. 23:19; John 11:38. haunts of robbers, Jer. 7:11; Mat. 21:13. AduUam, 1 Sam. 22:1. Engedi, 1 Sam. 23:29, with 24:1, 3. Machpelah, Gen. 23:9. Makkedah, Josh. 10:16, 17. CEDAR, used with sacrifices, Lev. 14:4-7; Num. 19:6. for building, etc.; 2 Sam. 5:11; 1 Kings 7:2; Song 1:17; 3:9; Isa. 44:14; Ezek. 27:5, 24. the temple built of, 1 Kings 5:6; 6:15. See Judg. 9:15; Job 40:17; Psa. 92:12; 104:16; 148:9; Song5:15; Isa. 2:13; 41:19; Ezek. 17:3. CEDRON. See kidron. CEILING, of rooms, 1 Kings 6:15; 2 Chr. 3:5; Jer. 22:14; Hag. 1:4. CENCHREA, church at, Acts 18:18; Rom. 16:1. CENSERS, of brass. Lev. 10:1; 16:12. of gold, 1 Kings 7:50; Heb. 9:4: Rev. 8:3. of Korah, kept as a memorial. Num. 16:.36. CENTURION, a Roman otllcer over 100 men, Mark 15:44; Acts 21:32; 24:23. , his faith commended and servant healed, Mat. 8; Luke 7. , confesses Christ at his death, Mat. 27:54; Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47. , Cornelius converted. Acts 10. , in charge of Paul, Acts 27:4;j. CEPHAS (Peter), a stone, John 1:42; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:22; 9:5; 15:5; Gal. 2:9. See petkr. CHAFF, illustrative. Job 21:18; Psa. 1:4; Isa. 5:24; 17:13; Hos. 13:3; Mat. 3:12. CHAIN: an ornament. Num. 31:50; Song 1:10; Isa. 3:10. 26 mark of honor, Gen. 41:42; Ezek. 16:11; Dan. 5:7, 16, 29. high priest's, Exod. 28:14; 39:15. fetters, Jer. 39:7; 40:1, 4; 52:11; Mark 5:3; Acts 12:6; 2 Tim. 1:16; 2 Pet. 2:4. illustrative, Psa. 73:5; Prov. 1:9; Lam. 3:7; Ezek. 7:23, 27; 2 Pet. 2:4; Rev. 20:1. CHALCEDONY, Rev. 2:19. CHALDEA, birthplace of Abram, Gen. 11:28, 31; Dan. 9:1. See babylon. CHALDEANS afflict Job, Job 1:17. besiege Jerusalem, 2 Kings 24:2; 25:4, etc.; Jer. 37-39. wise men of, saved by Daniel, Dan. 2; 4:7; 5:7. prophecies concerning, Isa. 23:13; 43:14; 47:1; 48:14; Hab. 1:5. CHALK, Isa. 27:9. CHAMBER, Gen. 43:30; Judg. 15:1; 16:9; 2 Kin. 4:11; 9:2; Neh. 13:5; Psa. 19:5; Jer. 36:10; Dan. 6:10; Mark 14:14; Acts 9:37; 20:8. of imagery, Ezek. 8:10-12. CHAMBERLAIN, 2 Kings 23:11; Esther 1:10; Acts 12:20; Rom. 16:23. CHAMELEON, Lev. 11:30. CHAMOIS, Deut. 14:5. CHANCELLOR, Ezra 4:8, 9, 17. CHAPEL, Amos 7:13. CHAPITERS, Exod. 36:38; 33:17; 1 Kings 7:16. CHARACTER of Christ: altogether lovely. Song 5:16. holy, Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27; Rev. 3:7. righteous, Isa. 53:11; Heb. 1:9. good. Mat. 19:16. faithful, Isa. 11:5; 1 Thes. 5:24. true, John 1:14; 7:18; 1 John 5:20. just, Zech. 9:9; John 5:30; Acts 22:14. guileless, Isa. 53:9; 1 Pet, 2:22. sinless, John 8:46; 2 Cor. 5:21. spotless, 1 Pet. 1:19. innocent. Mat. 27:4. harmless, Heb. 7:26. resisting temptation. Mat. 4:1-10. obedient to God the Father, Psa. 40:8; JoUa 4:34; 15:10. zealous, Luke 2:49; John 2:17; 8:29. meek, Isa. 53:7; Zech. 9:9; Mat. 11:29. lowly in heart. Mat. 11:29. merciful, Heb. 2:17. patient, Isa. 53:7; Mat. 27:14. long-suffering, 1 Tim. 1:16. compassionate, Isa. 40:11; Luke 19:41. benevolent. Mat. 4:23, 24; Acts 10:38. loving, John 13:1; 15:13. .self-denying, Mat. 8:20; 2 Cor. 8:9. humble, Luke 22:27; Phil. 2:8. resigned, Luke 22:42. forgiving, Luke 23:34. sul)ject to his parents, Luke 2:51. saints are conformed to, Rom. 8:29. CHARACTER of saints: attentive to Christ's voice, John 10:3, 4. blameless and harmless, Phil. 2:15. bold, Prov. 28:1. contrite, Isa. 57:15; 66:2. devout. Acts 8:2; 22:12. faithful, Rev. 17:14. fearing God. Mai. 3:16; Acts 10:2. following Christ, John 10:4, 27. godly, Psa. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:9. guileless, John 1:47. holy, Deut. 7:6; 14:2; Col. 3:12. humble, Psa. 34:2; 1 Pet. 5:.5. hungering for righteousness. Mat. 5:6. just, Gen. 6:9; Hab. 2:4; Luke 2:26. led by the Spirit, Rom. 8:14. CHA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHA liberal, Isa. 32:8; 2 Cor. 9:13. loving, Col. 1:4; 1 Tlies. 4:9. lowly, Prov. 16:19. loathing themselves, Ezek. 20:43. meek, Isa. 29:19; Mat. 5:5. merciful, Psa. 37:26; Mat. 5:7. new creatures, 2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10. obeclient, Rom. 16:19; 1 Pet. 1:14. poor in spirit. Mat. 5:3. prudent, Prov. 16:21. pure in heart, Mat. 5:8; 1 John 3:3. righteous, Isa. 60:21; Luke 1:6. sincere, 2 Cor. 1:12; 2:17. steadfast. Acts 2:42; Col. 2:5. taught of God, Isa. 54:13; 1 John 2:27. true, 2 Cor. 6:8. undefiled, Psa. 119:1. upright, 1 Kings 3:6; Psa. 15:2. watchful, Luke 12:37. zealous of good works. Tit. 2:14. CHARACTER of the wicked: abominable, Rev. 21:8. alienated from God, Eph. 4:18; Col. 1:21. blasphemous, Luke 22:65; Rev. 16:9. blinded, 2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 4:18. boastful, Psa. 10:3; 49:6. conspiring against saints; Neh. 4:8; 6:2; Psa. 38 ■ 12 corrupt, Mat. 7:17; Eph. 4:22. covetous, Mic. 2:2; Rom. 1:29. deceitful, Psa. 5:6; Rom. 3:13. delighting in the iniquity of others, Prov. 2:14; Rom. 1:32. despising saints, Neh. 2:19; 4:2; 2 Tim. 3:3, 4. destructive, Isa. 59:7. disobedient, Neh. 9:26; Tit. 3:3: 1 Pet. 2:7. enticing to evil, Prov. 1:10-14; 2 Tim. 3:6. envious, Neh. 2:10; Tit. 3:3. evil-doers, Jer. 13:23; Mic. 7:3. fearful, Prov. 28:1; Rev. 21:8. fierce, Prov. 16:29; 2 Tim. 3:3. foolish, Deut. 32:6; Psa. 5:5. forgetting God, Job 8:13. fraudulent, Psa. 37:21; Mic. 6:11. froward, Prov. 21:8; Isa. 57:17. glorying in their shame, Phil. 3:19. hard-hearted, Ezek. 3:7. hating the light. Job 24:13: John 3:20. heady and high-minded, 2 Tim. 3:4. hostile to God, Rom. 8:7; Col. 1:21. hypocritical, Isa. 29:13: 2 Tim. 3:5. ignorant of God, Hos. 4:1; 2 Thes. 1:8. Impudent, Ezek. 2:4. Incontinent, 2 Tim. 3:3. Infidel, Psa. 10:4; 14:1. loathsome, Prov. 13:5. lovers of pleasure, not of God, 2 Tim. 3:4. lying, Psa. 58:3: 62:4; Isa. 59:4. mischievous, Prov. 24:8; Mic. 7:3. murderous, Psa. 10:8; 94:6; Rom. 1:29. prayerless, Job 21:15; Psa. 53:4. persecuting, Psa. 69:26; 109:16. perverse, Deut. 32:5. proud, Psa. 59:12; Obad. 3; 2 Tim. 3:2. rebellious, Isa. 1:2; .30:9. rejoicing in the affliction of saints, Psa. 35:15. reprobate, 2 Cor, 13:5; 2 Tim. 3:8; Tit. 1:16. selfish, 2 Tim. 3:2. sensual, Phil. 3:19; Jude 19. sold under sin, 1 Kings 21:20; 2 Kings 17:17. stiff-hearted, Ezek. 2:4. stiff-necked, Exod. .33:5; Acts 7:51. un circumcised in heart, Jer. 9:26. unclean, Isa. 64:6; Eph. 4:19. unjust, Prov. 11:7; Isa. 26:10. unmerciful, Rom. 1:31. ungodly, Prov. 16:27. unholy, 2 Tim. 3:2. unprofitable. Mat. 25:30; Rom. 3:12. unruly. Tit. 1:10. unthankful, Luke 6:35; 2 Tim. 3:2. untoward, Acts 2:40. unwise, Deut. 32:6. CHARASHIM, 1 Chr. 4:14; Neh. 11:35. CHARGE of God to Adam, Gen. 2:16. to Moses, Exod. 3:14; 6:13. of Moses to Joshua, Deut. 31:7. of God to Joshua, Josh. 1:1. of David to Solomon, 1 Kings 2:1; 1 Chr. 22:6. of Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 19:6. of Christ to his apostles. Mat. 10; 28:18; Mark 16:15. to the seventy disciples, Luke 10. to Peter, John 21:15. of Paul to the elders of Ephesus, Acts 20:17. to Timothy, 1 Tim. 5:20; 2 Tim. 4. of Peter to the elders, 1 Pet. 5. CHARGER, Num. 7:13, 19; Ezra 1:9; Mat. 14:8; Mark 6:25; translated platter, Luke 11:39. CHARIOTS of war, Exod. 14:7; Judg. 1:19; 4:3; 1 Sam. 13:5; 2 Sam. 10:18; Psa. 20:7; Nah. 2:4; 3:2. , for travelling. Gen. 41:43; 46:29; 50:9; Exod. 14:6; 1 Kings 12:18; 2 Kings 9:21; 2 Chr. 1:14; Song 1:9; 3:9; Acts 8:22. USED by: Egyptians, Exod. 14:7 ; 2 Kings 18:24. Canaanites, Josh. 17:16; Judg. 4:3. Philistines, 1 Sam. 13:5. Syrians, 2 Sam. 10:18; 1 Kings 20:1. Assyrians, 2 Kings 19:23. Ethiopians, 2 Chr. 14:9; 16:8. Babylonians, Ezek. 23:24; 26:7. Jews, 2 Kings 8:21; 10:2. cities, of Solomon, 1 Kings 9:19; 2 Chr. 1:14; 8:6; 9:25. of fire, Elijah ascends in one, and Elisha de- fended by, 2 Kings 2:11; 6:17. See Psa. 68:17; 104:3; Song 6:12; Isa. 22:18; 66:15; Hab. 3:8; Zech. 6:1; Rev. 18:13. CHARITY explained, 1 Cor. 13:4-7. enjoined, Rom. 14:1; 1 Cor. 16:4; Col. 3:14. See LOVE TO MAN. CHARMERS. See sorcery— serpents. CHASTISEMENT. See AFFLICTIONS. CHASTITY commanded, Exod. 20:14 ; Prov. 31:3; Acts 15:20; Rom. 13:13; Col. 3:5; 1 Thes. 4:3. required in look, Job 31:1; Mat 5:28. required in heart, Prov. 6:25. required in speech, Eph. 5:3. keep the body in, 1 Cor. 6:13, 15-18. preserved by wisdom, Prov. 2:10, 11, 16; 7:1-5. saints are kept in, Eccl. 7:26. advantages of, 1 Pet. 3:1, 2. shun those devoid of, 1 Cor. 5:11; 1 Pet. 4:3. the wicked are devoid of, Rom. 1:29; Eph. 4:19; 2 Pet. 2:14: Jude 8. temptation to deviate from, dangerous, 2 Sam. 11:2-4. consequences of associating with those devoid of, Prov. 5:3-11; 7:25-27; 22:14. want of, excludes from heaven, Gal. 5:19-21. drunkenness destructive to, Prov. 23:31-33. breach of, punished, 1 Cor. 3:16, 17; Eph. 5:5. 6; Heb. 13:4; Rev. 22:15. motives for, 1 Cor. 6:19; 1 Thes. 4:7. exemplified : Abimelech, Gen. 20:4, 5; 26:10, 11. Joseph, Gen. 39:7-12. Ruth, Ruth 3:10, 11. Boaz, Ruth 3:13. 27 CHE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHR CHEBAR, the river, Ezekiel's visions at, Ezek. 1; 3:15; 10:15. CHEDORLAOMER, king of Elam, takes Lot prisoner, but subdued b^' Abraham, Gen. 14. CHEEK, Job 16:10; Song 1:10; Lam. 3:30; Mic. 5:1; Mat. 5:39; Luke 6:29. CHEERFULNESS commended, Prov. 14 : 30 ; 15:13,15: 17:22; John 16:33. See JOY. CHEESE, 1 Sam. 17:1S: 2 Sam. 17:29; Job 10:10. CHE.MARIM (idohitrous priests), 2 Kings 23:5; Hos. 10:5; Zeph. 1:4. CHEMOSH, god of Moab, Num. 21:29; Judg. 11:24: Jer. 48:7, 13, 46. worshipped bv Solomon, 1 Kings 11:7. CHENANIAn,"l Chr. 15:22, 27. CHERETHITES, 1 Sam. 30:14: Ezek. 25:1(3; Zeph. 2:5: (and I'elethites), David's guard, 2 Sam. 8:18: 20:23; 1 Chr. 18:17. CHERITH, 1 Kings 17:3-7. CHERUJiLM guard entrance of Eden, Gen. 3:24. representations of, placed in the sanctuary, Exod. 25:18; 37:7; Num. 7:89; 2 Sam. 6:2; 1 Kings 6:25; 8:6; 2 Kings 19:15; 2 Chr. 3:10. See 1 Sam. 4:4; 2 Sam. 22:11; Psa. 80:1; Ezek. 41:18; Heb. 9:5. Ezekiel's vision of, Ezek. 1: 9; 10. CHESTNUT, Gen. 30:37; Ezek. 31:8. CHIEF PRIESTS, consulted by Herod, Mat. 2:4. their persecution of Christ, Mat. 16:21; Mark 14:1; 15:31: John 7::32. CHILDBIRTH, laws of purification, Lev. 12. See Luke 2:22. CHILDHOOD, an important season, Prov. 8:17; 22:6; Eccl. 12:1. CHILDLESSNESS: of the good, Psa. 68:6; 113:9; Isa. 56:4. Of the wicked. Lev. 20:20; 1 Sam. 15:33; 2 Sam. 6:23; Jer. 22:30; Hos. 9:14. CHILDREN: a blessing, Prov. 10:1; 15:20; 17:6; 23:24; 27:11; 29:. 3. a gift from God, Gen. 30:17; .33:5; Psa. 127:3. asked of God, Gen. 25:21; 28:1, 3; 1 Sam. 1:9. promised. Gen. 17:19; 18:10; 2 Kings 4:10; Luke 1:13. favored of God, Gen. 21:17: Psa. 147:13. . blessed by Christ, Mat. 19:14; Mark 9:36; 10:14; Luke 18:15. Christ was an example to, Luke 2:51; Jolm 19:26, 27. are capable of glorifying God, Psa. 148:12, 13; Mat. 21:15, 16. SHoi'LD BE brought to Christ, Mark 10:13-16. brought e.irly to the house of God, 1 Sam. 1:24. instructed in the ways of God, Deut. 31:12, 13; Prov. 22:6. judiciously corrected, Prov. 22:15; 29:17. prayed for. Gen. 17:18,20: 2 Sam. 12:16,21; Job 1:5. SHOULD obey God, Deut. 30:2. fear (Jod, F'rov. 24:21. remember (Jod. Eccl. 12:1. attend to parental teaching, Prov. 1:8, 9. honor parents, Exod. 20:12; Heb. 12:9. fear parents. Lev. 19:3. obey parents, Prov. 6:20; Eph. 6:1. take care of parents, 1 Tim. 5:4. honor t lie aged. Lev. 19:32; 1 Pet. 5:5. not imitate i)ad ]iarents, Ezek. 20:18. of I'.etliUlifni .^-lain, Mat. 2:16 (Jer. 31:15). ClULDiniN, good: the Lord is witli, 1 Sam. 3:19. know the Scriptures. 2 Tim. 3:15. observe the law of (Jod, Prov. 28:7. 28 their obedience to parents is well-pleasing ta God, Col. 3:20. partake of the promises of God. Acts 2:39. shall be blessed, Prov. 3:1-4; Eph. 6:2, 3. show love to parents. Gen. 46:29. obey parents, Gen. 28:7: 47:30. attend to parental teaching, Prov. 13:1. take care of parents. Gen. 45:9-11; 47:12; Mat. 15:5. make their parents' hearts glad, Prov. 10:1; 23:24: 29:17. honor the aged. Job 32:6, 7. a motive for submission to God, Heb. 12:9. character of, illustrates conversion. Mat. 18:3. illustrative of a teachable spirit. Mat. 18:4. exemplified: Isaac, Gen. 22:6-10. Joseph, Gen. 45 : 9 ; 46 : 29. Jephthah's daughter, Judg. 11:34, 36. Samson, Judg. 13:24. Samuel, 1 Sam. 3 :19. Obadiah, 1 Kings 18:12. Josiah. 2 Chr. 34:3. Esther, Esth. 2:20. Job, Job 29:4. David, 1 Sam. 17:20; Psa. 71:5. Dan- iel, Dan. 1:6. John the Baptist, Luke 1:80. Children in the temple, Mat. 21:15, 16. Tim- othy, 2 Tim. 3:15. CHILDREN, wicked: know not God, 1 Sam. 2:12. are void of understanding, Prov. 7:7. are proud, Isa. 3:5. WITH KEGARD TO PARENTS hearken not to them, 1 Sam. 2:25. despise them, Prov. 15:5, 20; Ezek. 22:7. curse them, Prov. 30:11. bring reproach on them, Prov. 19:26. are a calamity to them, Prov. 19:13. are a grief to them, Prov. 17:25. despise their elders. Job 19:18. PUNISHMENT OF, FOR Setting light by parents, Deut. 27:16. disobeying parents, Deut. 21:21. mocking parents, Prov. 30:17. cursing parents, Exod. 21:17; Mark 7:10. smiting parents, Exod. 21:1.5. mocking saints, 2 Kings 2:23, 24. gluttony and drunkenness, Deut. 21:20, 21. their guilt in robbing parents, Prov. 28:24. exemplified: Esau, Gen. 26:34, 35. Sons of Eli, 1 Sam. 2:12, 17. Sons of Samuel, 1 Sam. 8:3. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:10. Adonijah, 1 Kings 1:5, 6. Children at Bethel, 2 Kings 2:2.3. Adrammelech and Sharezer, 2 Kings 19:37. CHIMHAM, 2 Sam. 19:37, 40; 1 Kings 2:7. See Jer. 41:17. CHIMNEY, llo.s. 13:3. CHIXNERETH. See CINNEROTH. CHIOS, Acts 20:15. CHISLEU, the ninth month (December), Ezra 10:9; Nell. 1:1; Jer. 36:22, 23; Zech. 7:1. CIIITTIM, prophecies concerning, Num. 24:24; Isa. 23:1, 12; Jer. 2:10; Ezek. 27:6; Dan. 11:30. CHI UN, Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43. CHLOE, 1 ("or. 1:U. CIIORAZIN, Mat. 11:21; Luke 10:13. CHOSEN OF (JOD: Chri.st, Isa. 43:10; Mat. 12:18; Luke, 23:35; 1 Pet. 2:4. Lsrael, Deut. 7:6; 14:2; Psa. 132:13; 135:4; Isa. 14:1; 41:8: 44:1. believers, John 15:16; Acts 22:14; 1 Cor. 1:27: Eph. 1:4; 2 Tlies. 2:13; Jas. 2:5. CIIinST: IS (JOD: as Jehovah, Isa. 40:3, with Mat. 3:3. a.s Jehovah of glory, Psa. 24:7, 10, with 1 Cor. 2:8; Jas. 2:1. as Jehovali our righteousness, Jer. 23:5, 6, with 1 Cor. 1:30. CHR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHR as Jehovah, above all, Psa. 97:9, with John 3:31. as Jehovah, the First and the Last, Isa. 44:6, with Rev. 1:17; Isa. 48:12-16, with Rev. 22:13. as Jehovah's Fellow and Equal, Zech. 13:7; Phil. 2:6. as Jehovah of hosts, Isa. 6:1-3, with John 12:41; Isa. 8:13, 14, with 1 Pet. 2:8. as Jehovah of David, Psa. 110:1, with Mat. 22:42-45. as Jehovah the Shepherd, Isa. 40:10, ll; Heb. 13:20. as Jehovah, for whose glory all things were cre- ated, Prov. 16:4, with Col. 1:16. as Jehovah the messenger of the covenant, Mai. 3:1, with Luke 2:27. invoked as Jehovah, Joel 2:32, with 1 Cor. 1 :2. as the eternal God and Creator, Psa. 102:24-27, with Heb. 1:8, 10-12. as the mighty God, Isa. 9:6. as the great God and Saviour, Hos. 1 : 7, with Tit. 2:13. as God over all, Rom. 9:5. as the true God, Jer. 10:10, with 1 John 5:20. as God the Word, John 1:1. as God the Judge, Eccl. 12:14, with 1 Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor. 5:10; 2 Tim. 4:1. as Emmanuel, Isa. 7:14, with Mat. 1:2.3. as King of kings and Lord of lords, Dan. 10:17, with Rev. 1:5; 17:14. as the Holy One, 1 Sam. 2:2, with Acts 3:14. as the Lord from heaven, 1 Cor. 15:47. as Lord of the Sabbath, Gen. 2:3, with Mat. 12:8. as Lord of all, Acts 10:36: Rom. 10:ll-i;3. as Son of God, Mat. 26:63-67. as the only begotten Son of the Father, John 1:14, 18; 3:16, IS; 1 John 4:9. his blood is called the blood of God, Acts 20:28. as one with the Father, John 10:30, 38; 12:45; 14:7-10; 17:10. as sending the Spirit equally with the Father, John 14:16, with John 15:26. as entitled to equal honor with the Father, John 5:23. as owner of all things equally with the Father, John 16:15. as unrestricted by the law of the Sabbath equally with the Father, John 5:17. as the source of grace equally with the Father, 1 Thes. 3:11; 2 Thes. 2:16, 17. as unsearchable equally with the Father, Prov. 30:4; Mat. 11:27. as Creator of all things, Isa. 40:28; John 1:3; Col. 1:16. as supporter and preserver of all things, Keh. 9:6, with Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3. as possessed of the fulness of the Godhead, Col. 2:9. as raising the dead, John 5:21; 6:40, 54. as raising himself from the dead, John 2:19, 21; 10:18. as eternal, Isa. 9:6; Mic. 5:2; John 1:1; Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:8-10; Rev. 1:8. as omnipresent, Mat. 18:20; 28:20; John 3:13. as omnipotent, Psa. 45:3; Phil. 3:21; Rev. 1:8. as omniscient, John 16:30; 21:17. as discerning the thoughts of the heart, 1 Kin. 8:39, with Luke 5:22; Ezek. 11:5, with Jolm 2:24, 25; Acts 1:24; Rev. 2:23. as unchangeable, Mai. 3:6, with Heb. 1:12; 13:8. as having power to forgive sins. Col. 3:13, with Mark 2:7, 10. as giver of pastors to the church, Jer. 3:15, with Eph. 4:11-13. as Husband of the church, Isa. 54:5, with Eph. 5:25-32; Isa. 62:5, with Rev. 21:2, 9. as the object of divine worship. Acts 7 : 59 ; 2 Cor. 12:8,9; Heb. 1:6: Rev. 5:12. as the object of faith, Psa. 2:12, with 1 Pet. 2:6: Jer. 17:5, 7, with John 14:1. as God, he redeems and purifies the church unto himself. Rev. 5:9, with Tit. 2:14. as God, he presents tlie church to himself, Eph. 5:27, with Jude 24, 25. saints Uve unto him, as God, Rom. 6:11, and Gal. 2:19, with 2 Cor. 5:15. acknowledged by his apostles, John 20:28. acknowledged Ijy Old Testament saints. Gen, 17:1, with Gen. 48:15, 16; 32:24-30, Avith Hos. 12:3-5; Judg. 6:22-24; 13:21, 22; Job 19:25-27. , THE MESSIAH: Dan. 9:25; John 1:41; 4:25, 26. , THE MEDIATOR: in virtue of his atonement, Eph. 2:13-18; Heb. 9:15; 12:24. the only one between God and man, 1 Tim. 2:5. of the gospel covenant, Heb. 8:6; 12:24. typified: Moses, Dent. 5:5; GaL 3:19. Aaron Num. 16:48. , THE PROPHET: foretold. Dent. 18:15, IS; Isa. 52:7; Nah. 1:15. anointed with the Holy Ghost, Isa. 42:1; 61:1, with Luke 4:18; John 3':34. alone knows and reveals God, Mat. 11:27; John 3:2, 13, 34; 17:6, 14, 26; Heb. 1:1, 2. declared his doctrine to be that of the Father, John 8:26, 28; 12:49, 50: 14:10, 24; 15:15; 17:8,26. preached the gospel and worked miracles, Mat. 4:23; 11:5; Luke 4:43. foretold tilings to come, Mat. 24:3-35; Luke 19:41_44. faithful to his trust, Luke 4: 43; John 17:8; Heb. 3:2; Rev. 1:5; 3:14. abounded in wisdom, Luke 2:40, 47, 52; Col. 2:3. mighty in deed and word, Mat. 13:54; Mark 1:27; Luke 4:32; John 7:46. meek and unostentatious in his teaching, Isa 42:2; Mat. 12:17-20. God commands us to hear, Dent. 18:15; Acts 3:22. God will severely visit our neglect of, DeuU 18:10; Acts 3:23; Heb. 2:3. See PREACHER. , THE HIGH PRIEST: appointed and called by God, Heb. 3:1, 2, 5:4, 5. after the order of Melchizedek, Psa. 110:4, with Heb. 5:6; 6:20; 7:15, 17. superior to Aaron and the Levitical priests, Heb. 7:11, 16, 22: 8:1, 2, 6. consecrated with an oath, Heb. 7:20, 21. has an unchangeable priesthood, Heb. 7:23, 28. is of unblemished purity, Heb. 7:26, 28. faithful, Heb. 3:2. needed no sacrifice for himself, Heb. 7:27. ofl'ered himself a sacrifice, Heb. 9:14, 26. his sacrifice superior to all others, Heb. 9:13, 14, 2.3, ofl'ered sacrifice but once, Heb. 7:27. made reconciliation, Heb. 2:17. obtained redemption for us, Heb. 9:12. entered into heaven, Heb. 4:14; 10:12. sympathizes with saints, Heb. 2:18; 4:15. intercedes, Heb. 7:25; 9:24. blesses. Num. 6:23-26, with Acts 3:26. on his throne, Zech. 6:13. appointment of, an encouragement to stead- fastness, Heb. 4:14. tvpified : Melchizedek, Gen. 14:18-20. Aaron, etc., Exod. 40:12-15. 29 CHR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHU , THE KING : foretold, Num. 24:17; Psa. 2:6; 45; Isa. 9:7; Jer. 23:5; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9. glorious, Psa. 24:7-10; 1 Cor. 2:8; Jas. 2:1. supreme, Psa. 89:27; Rev. 1:5; 19:16. sits ou the throne of God, Rev. 3:21. sits ou the throne of David, Isa. 9:7; Ezek. 37:24,25; Luke 1:32; Acts 2:30, is King of Ziou, Psa. 2:6; Isa. 52:7; Zech. 9:9; Mat. 21:5; John 12:12-15. has a righteous kingdom, Psa. 45 : 6, with Heb. 1:8, 9; Isa. 32:1; Jer. 23:5. has an everlasting kingdom, Dan. 2:44; 7:14; Luke 1:33. has a universal kingdom, Psa. 2:8; 72:8; Zech. 14:9; Rev. 11:15. has a spiritual kingdom, Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 15:50. liis kingdom not of this workV John 18:36. saints, the subjects of. Col. 1:13; Rev. 15:3. saints receive a kingdom from, Luke 22:29, 30; Heb. 12:28. ACKNOWLKDGED BY the WlSB Men, Mat. 2:2. Nathanael, John 1:49. his followers, Luke 19:38; John 12:13. declared by liimself. Mat. 25:34; John 18:37. written on his cross, John 19:19. is much and long opposed, Isa. 24:5; 59:13; 2 Tim. 3:1; 2 Pet. 2:1; 3:3. opposed by the man of sin, 2 Thes. 2:3. opposed by the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, Rev. 13:3; 16:13. CONSEQUENCES OP OPPOSING, to be brokcu in pieces, 1 Sam. 2:10; Psa. 2:9. to be ground to powder, Mat. 21:44; Luke 20:18. general distress, Isa. 24:1-23; 26:20; 34; Ezek. 38; 39; Zeph. 3. great scourges from heaven, Joel 3; Rev. 16; 19; 20. utter and final overthrow, Isa. 13:9; 34:2; Jer. 25:31; Mai. 4:1. the Jews shall seek unto, Hos. 3:5. saints shall behold, Isa. 33:17; Rev. 22:3, 4. kings shall adore, Psa. 72:10; Isa. 49:7. shall overcome all his enemies, Psa. 110:1; Mark 12:36; 1 Cor. 15:25; Rev. 17:14. joy in his triumph, Zeph. 3:14; Rev. 11:15; 18:20; 19. typified : Melchizedek, Gen. 14 : 18. David, 1 Sam. 16:1, 12, 13, with Luke 1:32. Solo- mon, 1 Chr, 28:6, 7. , THE SHEPHERD : foretold. Gen. 49:24; Isa. 40:11; Ezek. 34:23; 37:24. the chief, 1 Pet. 5:4. the good, John 10:11, 14. the great, Mic. 5:4; Heb. 13:20. HIS SHEEP lie knows, John 10:14, 27. he calls, John 10:3. he gathers, Isa. 40:11 ; John 10:16. he guides, Psa. 23:3; John 10:3, 4. he feeds, Psa. 23:1, 2; John 10:9. he cherishes tenderly, Isa. 40:11. he protects and preserves, Jer. 31:10; Ezek. 34:10; Zech. 9:16; John 10:28. he laid down his life for, Zech. 13:7; Mat. 26:31; John 10:11, 15; Acts 20:28. he gives eternal life to, John 10:28. typified: David, 1 Sam. 16:11. , HEAD OF THE CHURCH : predicted, Psa. 118:22, with Mat. 21:42. appointed by God, Eph. 1:22. declared l>y"himself. Mat. 21:42. as his mystical body, Eph. 4:12, 15; 5:23. has the preeminence in all things, 1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:18. commissioned his apostles, Mat. 10:1, 7 ; 28:19. instituted the sacraments, Mat. 28:19; Luke 22:19, 20. imparts gifts, Psa. 68:18, with Eph. 4:8. saints are complete in. Col. 2:10. perverters of the truth do not hold. Col. 2:18, 19. See JESUS CHRIST, CHAKACTER, COMPASSION, CONFESSING, DEATH, DENIAL, DISCOURSES, EXAMPLE, EXCELLENCY, HUMAN NATURE, HU- MILITY, LOVE, MIRACLES, PARABLES, POWER, PROPHECIES, RESURRECTION, SECOND COM- ING, TITLES, TYPES, UNION. CHRISTS, false, warnings against. Mat. 24:5, 24; Mark 13:22. CHRISTIANS, disciples first so called at Anti- OCh, Acts 11:26; 26:28. how they should sutler, 1 Pet. 4:16. CHRONICLES. See books. CHRYSOLITE and Chrysoprasus, Rev. 21:20. CHURCH : belongs to God, 1 Tim. 3:15. the body of Christ, Eph. 1:23; Col. 1:24. Christ, the foundation-stone of. Mat. 21:42; 1 Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:4, 6. Christ, the head of, Eph. 1:22; 5:23. loved by Christ, Song 7:10; John 13:1; Eph. 5:2, 25; Rev, 1:5. purchased by the blood of Christ, Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:25; Heb. 9:12; 1 John 3:16. sanctified and cleansed by Christ, 1 Cor. 6:11; Eph. 5:26, 27. subject to Christ, Rom. 7:4; Eph. 5:24. the object of Divine grace, Isa. 27:3; 2 Cor 8:1. displays the wisdom of God. Eph. 3:10. shows forth the praises of God, Isa. 60:6. is the salt and light of men. Mat. 5:13. is the pillar and ground of truth, 1 Tim. 3:15. loved by believers, Psa. 87:7; 137:5; 1 Cor. 12:25; 1 Thes. 4:9. prayed for, Psa. 51:18; 122:6; Isa. 62:6. dear to God, Psa. 87:2; Isa. 43:4. safe under his care, Psa. 46; 125. militant, Song 6:10; Phil. 2:25; 2 Tim. 2:3; 4:7; Phile. 2. God defends, Psa. 89:18; Isa. 4:5; 49:25; Mat. 16:18, God provides ministers for, Jer. 3:15; Eph. 4:11, 12. glory to be ascribed to God by, Eph. 3:21. elect, 1 Pet. 5:13. glorious, Psa. 45:13; Eph. 5:27. clothed in righteousness. Rev. 19:8. believers continually added to, by the Lord, Acts 2:47; 5:14; 11:24. unity of, Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 10:17; 12:12; Gal. 3:2S ; Eph. 4:4. privileges of, Psa. 36:8 ; 87:5. worship of, to be attended, Heb. 10:25. liarmonious fellowship of, Psa. 133; John 13:34; Acts 4:32; Phil. 1:4; 2:1; 1 John 3; 4. divisions of, to be shunned, Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 1:10; 3:3. saints baptized into by one Spirit, 1 Cor. 12:13. ministers commanded to feed, Acts 20:28. is edified by the word, Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 14:4, 13; Eph. 4:15, 16; Col. 3:16. the wicked persecute. Acts 8:1-3; 1 Thes. 2:14, 15. not to be despised, 1 Cor. 11:22. defiling of, will be punished, 1 Cor. 3:17. extent of, predicted, Isa, 2:2; Ezek. 17:22-24; Dan. 2:34, 35. See DISCIPLINE. CHU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. COM CHURCHES, the seven, in Asia, Rev. 1:4, 11, 20; 2:7,11, 17,29; 3:6, 13, 22. CHURLISHNESS, 1 Sam. 25:10. CHURNING, Prov. 30:33. CHUSHAN-RISHATHAIM, Judfr. 3:8, 9, 10. CILICIA, disciples in, Acts 15:23, 41. home of Paul, Acts 21:39; Gal. 1:21. CINNAMON, Exod. 30:23; Prov. 7:17; Song 4:14; Rev. 18:13. CINNEROTH, Josh. 11:2; 12:3; 19:35. , sea of. See Galilee. CIRCUMCISION, instituted. Gen. 17:10. performed, Gen. 21:4; 34:24; Exod. 4:25; 12:48. before entering Canaan, Josh. 5:2. its signification, Deut. 10:16; 30:6; Rom. 2:25; 3:30; 4:9 ; 1 Cor. 7:18; Gal. 5:6; 6:15; Phil. 3:3; Col. 2:11; 3:11. abolished. Acts 15; Gal. 5:2, 6, 11. the Circumcision, a name of the Jews, Acts 10:45; 11:2; Gal. 2:9; Col. 4:11; Tit. 1:10; of Christians, Phil. 3:3. CIRCUMSPECTION, exhortations to, Ex. 23:13; Eph. 5:15. See Rom. 12:17; 2 Cor. 8:21; Phil. 4:8; 1 Thes. 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:12; 3:16. CISTERN, illustrative, 2 Kings 18:31: Prov. 5:15; Eccl. 12:6. CITIES, fortified, Deut. 1:28; 3:5; Josh. 10:20 ; Judg. 9:51; 2 Chr. 11:5-10, 23; 17:2, 19; Psa. 48:12; Isa. 36:1; Jer. 4:5 ; Dan. 11:15. for chariots, 2 Chr. 1:14; 9:25. for treasures, Exod. 1:11. for stores, 2 Chr. 8:4, 6. for commerce, Isa. 23:11; Ezek. 27:3. royal. Num. 21:26; Josh. 10:2; 2 Sam. 12:26. Levitical, Lev. 25:32; Num. 35:7. for refuge, Exod. 21:13; Num. 35:6; Deut. 4:41-43; 19:2, 3; Josh. 20. CITIZEN of Rome, Acts 21:39 ; 16:37, 38; 22:25, 29; 23:27; 25:10, 12, 25, 27; 26:32; illustrative, Ephes. 2:19. CLAUD A, Acts 27:16. CLAUDIA, 2 Tim. 4:21. CLAUDIUS C^SAR, Acts 11:28; 18:2. CLAUDIUS LYSIAS rescues Paul from the Jews, Acts 21:31; 22:24; 23:10. sends him with a letter to Felix, Acts 23:26. CLAY, used for seals. Job 38:14; by the potter, Isa. 29:16; Christ anoints with, John 9:6-15; figurative, Job 4:19; 13:12; 33:6; Isa. 64:8; Jer. 18:6; Hab. 2:6. CLEAN BEASTS, etc., Lev. 11; Deut. 14:4; Acts 10:12. CLEANSING. See ablution. CLEAVE, to adhere. Gen. 2:24; Deut. 4:4; Josh. 23:8; Mat. 19:5; Acts 11:23. CLEMENCY, Acts 24:4. CLEMENT, a disciple, Phil. 4:3. CLEOPAS, his discourse with Christ, Luke 24:18. CLEOPHAS. See alph^us. CLOAK, a garment, Mat. 5:40; Luke 6: 29; 2 Tim. 4:13; figurative, Isa. 59:17; John 15:22; 1 Thes. 2:5; 1 Pet. 2:16. CLOTHING, the first, Gen. 3:7, 21. rending, a mark of grief. Gen. 37:29, 34; Num. 14:6; Judg. 11:35; 2 Sam. 1:11; 13:31; Acts 14:14. laws concerning washing, Exod. 19:10; Lev. 11:25; Num. 19:7, etc. CLOUD, pillar of, Israel guided by, Exod. 13:21; 14:19; 40:34; Num. 9:17; Neh. 9:19; Psa. 78:14; 105:39; Isa. 4:5; 1 Cor. 10:1. appearance of the Lord in a, 2 Sam. 22:12; Rev. 14:14; on Mount Sinai, Exod. 24:15; 34:5; at the tabernacle, Num. 11:25; 12:5; on the mercy-seat, Lev. 16 : 2; in the temple, 1 Kin. 8:10; Ezek. 10:4; out of the north, Ezek. 1:4; on the mount of transfiguration, Mat. 17 : 5; in the last day, Luke 21 : 27. CLOUDS, hosts, Isa. 60:8; Jer. 4:13; Heb. 21:1. CNIDUS, Acts 27 : 7. COAL, Job 41: 21; Psa. 18:8,12; Prov. 26:21; Isa. 44 :12; charcoal, Psa. 120 : 4; John 18 :18; il- lustrative, 2 Sam. 14 : 7. COAT. See dress— breastplate. COCKATRICE, Prov. 23:32; Isa. 11:8; 14:29; 59 ' 5 ' Jer 8 ■ 17 COCK-CROWING, the third watch, about three o'clock in the morning, Mark 13 : 35 ; 14 : 30, 68, 72. COCKLE, Job 31:40. COFFER, or chest, 1 Sam. 6:8, 15; Ezek. 27:24. COFFIN, Gen. 50:26. COIN. See money. COLLECTION for the saints, Acts 11:29; Rom. 15:26; 1 Cor. 16:1; 2 Cor. 8; 9. COLLEGE, 2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chr. 34:22. COLOSSIANS, commended. Col. 1. exhorted to constancy, Col. 2. and good works, Col. 3; 4. COMFORT one another, 1 Thes. 4 : 18 ; 5 : 11 ; Phil. 2:1. COMFORTER, the, promised, John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7. See HOLY SPIRIT. COMMANDMENTS, the ten : spoken by God, Exod. 20:1; Deut. 5:4-22. written by God, Exod. 32:16; 34:1, 28; Deut. 4:13; 5:22; 10:4. enumerated, Exod. 20:3-17. summed up by Christ, Mat. 22:35-40. law of, is spiritual. Mat. 5:28; Rom. 7:14. See LAW OF GOD. fulfilled, not abolished by Christ, Mat. 5:17; 19:17; 22:25; Mark 10:17-25; Luke 10:25; 18:18. COMMERCE, the barter of one commodity for another, 1 Kings 5:8, 11; for money, 1 Kings 10:28, 29. called trade. Gen. 34:10; Mat. 25:16; traffic. Gen. 42:34; Ezek. 17:4; buying and selling, Jas. 4:13. articles of, called merchandise, Ezek. 26:12; Mat. 22:5; wares, Jer. 10:17; Ezek. 27:16; Jon. 1:5. persons engaged in, called merchants, Gen. 37:28; Prov. 31:24; chapmen, 2 Chron. 9:14; traflickers, Isa. 23:8; sellers and buyers, Isa. 24:2. CARRIED ON in fairs, Ezek. 27:12, 19; Mat. 11:16; by caravans. Job 6:19; Isa. 21:13; by sliips, 2 Chr. 8:18; 9:21. by Ishmaelites, Gen. 37:25; Egyptians, Gen. 42:2-34; Ethiopians, Isa. 45:14; Ninevites, Nah. 3:16; Syrians, Ezek. 27:16, 18; people of Tarshish, Ezek. 27:25 ; Tyrians, Ezek. 28:5, 13, 16; Jews, Ezek. 27:17. ARTICLES of: blue cloth, Ezek. 27:24; brass, Ezek. 27:13; corn, 1 Kings 5:11; Ezek. 27:17; cattle, Ezek. 27:21; chests of rich apparel, Ezek. 27:24; chariots, 1 Kings 10:29; clothes for chariots, Ezek. 27:20; embroideiy, Ezek. 27:16, 24; gold, 2 Chr. 8:18; honey, Ezek. 27:17; horses, 1 Kings 10:29; Ezek. 27:14; ivory, 2 Chr. 9:21; Ezek. 27:15; iron and steel, Ezek. 27:12, 19; land. Gen. 23:13-16; Ruth 4:3; lead, Ezek. 27:12; linen, 1 Kings 10:28; oil, 1 Kings 5:11; Ezek. 27:17; per- fumes, Song 3:6; precious stones, Ezek. 27:16, 22; 28:13, 16; pm'ple, Ezek. 27:16; slaves, 31 COM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CON Gen. 37:28, 36; Deut. 24:7; silver, 2Chr. 9:21; timber, 1 Kings 5:6, 8; tin, Ezek. 27:12; wliite wool. Ezek. 27:18; wine, 2 Chr. 2:15; Ezek. 27:18. laws concerning. Lev. 19:36, 37; 25:14, 17. evil practices connected with. Pro v. 29:14; Ezek. 22:13; Hos. 12:7. denunciations for such, Isa. 23:11; Ezek. 7:12, 13; 27:32-36; 28:1&-18. illustrative. Rev. 18:3-19. COMMON, Acts 10:14; 11:8. See clean beasts. COMMUNE: to talk together. Gen. 23:8; 34:6; Exod. 25:22; 1 Sam. 18:22; 1 Kings 10:2; Job 4:2; Dan. 1:19; Zech. 1:14; Acts 24:26. with the heart, Psa. 4:4; 77:6; Eccl. 1:16. COMMUNION with God: is communion with the Father, 1 John 1:3. is communion with the Son, 1 Cor. 1:9; 1 John 1:3; Rev. 3:20. is communion with the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12:13; 2 Cor. 13:14; Phil. 2:1. reconciliation must precede, Amos 3:3. holiness essential to, 2 Cor. 6:14-16. promised to the obedient, John 14:23. SAINTS desire, Psa. 42:1; Phil. 1:23. have, in meditation. Psa. 63:5, 6. have, in prayer, Phil. 4:6; Heb. 4:16. have, in Lord's Supper, 1 Cor. 10:16. should always enjoy, Psa. 16:8; John 14:16-18. exemplifled :' Enoch, Gen. 5:24. Noah, Gen. 6:9. Abraham, Gen. 18:33. Jacob, Gen. 32:24-29. Moses, Exod. 33:11-23. COMML^^ION of saints : according to Christ's prayer, John 17:20, 21. IS WITH God, 1 John 1:3. saints in heaven, Heb. 12:22-24. each other. Gal. 2:9; l John 1:3, 7. God marks with his approval, Mai. 3:16. Christ is present in, Mat. 18:20. in public and social worship, Psa. 34:3; 55:14; Acta 1:14; Heb. 10:25. in the Lord's Supper, 1 Cor. 10:17. in holy conversation, Mai. 3:16. in prayer for each other, 2 Cor. 1:11; Eph. 6:18. in exhortation. Col. 3:16; Heb. 10:25. in mutual comfort and profit, 1 Thes. 4:18; 5:11. in mutual sympathy and kindness, Rom. 12:15; Eph. 4:32. delight of, Psa. 16:3; 42:4; 133:1-3; Rom. 15:32. exhortation to, Eph. 4:1-3. opposed to communion with the wicked, 2 Cor. 6:14-17; Eph. 5:11. exemplified: Jonathan, 1 Sam. 23:16. David, Psa. 119:63. Daniel, Dan. 2:17, 18. Apostles, Acts 1:14. The primitive church, Acts 2:42; 5:12. Paul, Acts 20:36, 38. COMMUNION of the Lord's Supper: prefigured, Exod. 12:21-28; 1 Cor. 5:7, 8. in.stituted. Mat. 26:26; 1 Cor. 11:2:3. object of, Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:24, 26. is the communion of the body and blood of Christ, 1 Cor. 10:16. both bread and wine are to be received in. Mat. 26:27; 1 Cor. 11:26. self-examination prccede.s, 1 Cor. 11:28, 31. newness of heart and life necessary to the wor- thy partaking of, 1 Cor. 5:7, 8. partakers of, siiould be wholly separate unto God, 1 Cor. 10:21. "was continually partaken of by the primitive church. Acts 2:42; 20:7. rNwoKTiiY PARTAKERS OF, are guiltv of the body and blood of Christ, 1 Cor. 11:27. discern not the Lord's bodv, 1 Cor. 11:29. are visited with judgments', l Cor. 11::jO. 32 COMPANY, evil, to be avoided, Prov. 2:12; 4:14; I Cor. 15:33. the ungodly and sinners, Psa. 1:1; Prov. 1:10. vain persons, Psa. 26:4; Prov, 12:11. evil teachers, Prov. 19:27. fooLs, Prov. 13:20; 14:7. the passionate, Prov. 22:24. men given to change, Prov. 24:21. thieves and harlots, Prov. 29:3, 24. evil-doers, Exod. 34:12; Psa. 119:115. vicious men, Rom. 1:32; 1 Cor. 5:9; Eph. 5:7. good, beneficial, Prov. 13:20; Mai. 3:16. COMPASSION AND SYMPATHY; Christ set an example of, Luke 19:41, 42. exhortation to, Rom. 12:15; 1 Pet. 3:8. EXERCISE TOWARDS tlic afflicted, Job 6:14; Heb. 13:3. the chastened, Isa. 22:4; Jer. 9:1. enemies, Psa. 35:13. the poor, Prov. 19:17. the weak, 2 Cor. 11:29; Gal. 6:2. saints, 1 Cor. 12:25, 26. inseparable from love to God, 1 John 3:17. MOTIVES to: God's compas.sion. Mat. 18:27,33. the sense of our own infirmities, Heb. 5:2. the wicked made to feel, for saints, Psa. 106:46. promise to those who show, Prov. 19:17. illustrated, Luke 10:33; 15:20. exemplified : Pharaoh's daughter, Exod. 2:6. Shobi, etc., 2 Sam. 17:27-29. Elijah, 1 Kings 17:18,19. Nehemiah, Neh. 1:4. Job's friends, Job 2:11. Job, Job 30:25. David, Psa. 35:13, 14. Jews, John 11:19. Paul, 1 Cor. 9:22. COMPASSION and sympathy of Christ: necessary to his priestly office, Heb. 5:2, 7. MAKIFESTED FOR the heavy-laden. Mat. 11 : 28-30. weak in faith, Isa. 40:11; 42:3, with Mat. 12:20. tempted, Heb. 2:18. afflicted, Luke 7:13; John 11:33, 35. diseased. Mat. 14:14; Mark 1:41. poor. Mat. 15:32; Mark 8:2. perishing sinners. Mat. 9:36; Luke 19:41. an encouragement to prayer, Heb. 4:15. saints should imitate, 1 Pet. 3:8. Christ an example of. Mat. 11:28; 15:32; 20:34; Luke 7:13, etc.; Heb. 2:18; 4:15; 5:2. , when not to be shown, Deut. 7:16; 13:8; 25:12; Ezek. 9:5. See AFFLICTED. COMPETENCY, Gen. 28:20; Prov. 30:8; 1 Tim. COMPLIANCES, Deut. 13:3; Prov. 1:10; Dan. 3:16; 6:10; 1 Cor. 9:20; Gal. 2:5, 12. CONCEIT (self-), reproved, Prov. 3:7; 18:11; 26:5; 12:15; 28:11; Isa. 5:21; Luke 18:9,14; John 7:18; Acts 5:36; Rom. 11:25; 12:16; 2 Cor. 10:18; Phil. 2:3-8; Rev. 18:7. CONCISION (a cutting), Phil. 3:2. C0NCUI5INES. secondarv wives. Gen. 22:24; 25:6; 35:22; Judg. 8:31; 19:1-29; 20:4-6; 2 Sam. 3:2-7; 5:13; 15:16; 16:21; 19:5; 20:3; 21:11; 1 Kings 11:3; 2 Chr. 11:21; Esth. 2:14; Dan. 5:2, 23. CONCUPISCENCE to be mortified. Col. 3:5; IThes. 4:5; Rom. 7:7. CONDEMNATION: the sentence of God against sin. Mat. 25:41. universal, caused by the oifencc of Adam, Rom. 5:12, 16, 18. inseparable consequence of sin, Prov. 12 : 2; Rom. 6:23. INCREASED BY impenitcnce. Mat. 11:20-24. unbelief, John ;3:18, 19. pride, 1 Tim. 3:6. oppression, Jas. 5:1-5. CON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CON hypocrisy, Mat. 23:14. conscience testifies to the justice of, Job 9:20; Rom. 2:1; Tit. 3:11. the law testifies to tlie justice of, Rom. 3:19. according to desert, Mat. 12:37; 2 Cor. 11:15. saints are deUvered from, by Christ, John 3:18; 5:24; Rom. 8:1, 33, 34. of the wicked, an example, 2 Pet. 2:6; Jude 7. chastisements to rescue us from, 1 Cor. 11:32. apostates ordained unto. Jude 4. unbelievers remain under, John 3:18, 26. the law is the ministration of, 2 Cor. 3:9. final, Mat. 25:46; John 3:18; 2 Pet. 2:6; Jude 4; Rev. 20:15. CONDESCENSION, commanded, Luke 14:13; John 13:14; Rom. 12:16. of Christ: in eating with publicans and sinners, Mat. 9:11. blessing little children, Mat. 19:14. coming to minister and be a ransom for many, Mat. 20:27; Luke 22:27. washing the apostles' feet, John 13:14. becoming obedient unto death, Phil. 2:6. taking human nature upon him, Heb. 2:16. calling men his brethren, Heb. 2:11. calUng men his friends, John 15:15. CONDUCT, Christian: beheving God, Mark 11:22; John 14:1. fearing God, Eccl. 12:13: 1 Pet. 2:17. loving God, Deut. 6:5; Mat. 22:37. following God, Eph. 5:1; 1 Pet. 1:15, 16. obeying God, Eccl. 12:13; Luke 1:6. rejoicing in God, Psa. 33:1: Hab. 3:18. believing in Christ, John 6:29; Gal. 2:20. loving Christ, John 21:15; Eph. 6:24. following the example of Christ, John 13:15; 1 Pet. 2:21-24. obeying Christ, John 14:21; 15:14. LIVING to Clirist, Rom. 14:8; 2 Cor. 5:15. godly in Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. 3:12. unto righteousness, Rom. 6:18; 1 Pet. 2:24 soberly, righteously, and godly, Tit. 2:12. ■WALKING worthy of God, 1 Thes. 2:12. Avorthy of the Lord, Col. 1:10. in the Spirit, Gal. 5:25. after the Spirit, Rom. 8:1. in newness of life, Rom. 6:4. worthy of our vocation, Eph. 4:1. as children of light, Eph. 5:8. rejoicing in Christ, Phil. 3:1; 4:4. loving one another, John 15:12; Rom. 12:10; 1 Cor. 13:3; Eph. 5:2; Heb. 13:1. striving for the faith, Phil. 1:27: Jude 3. putting away all sin, 1 Cor. 5:7; Heb. 12:1. abstaining from all appearance of evil, 1 Thes. 5:22. perfecting holiness, Mai. 5:48; 2 Cor. 7:1; 2 Tim. 3:17. hating defilement, Jude 23. following after that which is good, Phil. 4:8; 1 Thes. 5:15; 1 Tim. 6:11. overcoming the world, 1 John 5:4, 5. adorning the gospel, Phil. 1:27; Tit. 2:10. Showing a good example, 1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:12. abounding in the work of the Lord, 1 Cor. 15:58; 2 Cor. 8:7; 1 Thes. 4:1. shunning the wicked, Psa. 1:1; 2 Thes. 3:6. controlling the body, 1 Cor. 9:27; Col. 3:5. subduing the temper, Eph. 4:26; Jas. 1:19. submitting to injuries. Mat. 5:39-41; 1 Cor. 6:7. forgiving injuries, Mat. 6:14; Rom. 12:20. living peaceably with all, Rom. 12:18 ; Heb. 12:14. visiting the afflicted, Mat. 25:36; Jas. 1:27. 3 doing as we would be done by, Mat. 7:12; Luke 6:31. sympathizing with others, Rom. 12:15; 1 Thes. 5:14. honoring others, Psa. 15:4; Rom. 12:10. fulfilhng domestic duties, Eph. 6:1-8; 1 Pet. 3:1-7. submitting to authorities, Rom. 13:1-7. being liberal to others, Acts 20:35; Rom. 12:13. being contented, Phil. 4:11; Heb. 13:5. blessedness of maintaining, Psa. 1:1-3: 19:9-11; 50:23; Mat. 5:3-12; John 15:10. CONDUIT, 2 Kings 18:17; 20:20; Isa. 7:3; 36:2. CONFECTIONER, 1 Sam. 8:13. CONFESSING Christ : influences of the Holy Spirit necessary to, 1 Cor. 12:3; 1 John 4:2. a test of being saints, 1 John 2:23; 4:2, 3. an evidence of union with God, 1 John 4:15. necessary to salvation, Rom. 10:9, 10. insures his confessing us. Mat. 10:32. fear of man prevents, John 7 :13; 12:42, 4.3. persecution should not prevent us from, Mark 8:35: 2 Tim. 2:12. must be connected with faith, Rom. 10:9. consequences of not. Mat. 10:33. exemphfied : Nathanael, John 1:49. Peter. John 6:68, 69; Acts 2:22-36. Man born blind, John 9:25, 33. Martha, John 11:27. Peter and John, Acts 4:7-12. Apostles, Acts 5:29- 32, 42. Stephen, Acts 7:52, 59. Paul, Acts 9:29. Timothy, 1 Tim. 6:12. John, Rev. 1:9. Church in Pergamos, Rev. 2:13. MartjTS, Rev. 20:4. CONFESSION of sin ; God requires, Lev. 5:5; Hos. 5:15. God regards, Job 33:27, 28; Dan. 9:20, etc. exhortations to. Josh. 7:19; Jer. 3:13. promises to, Lev. 26:40-42; Prov. 28:13. SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED WITH Submission to punishment. Lev. 26:41; Neh. 9:33. prayer for forgiveness, 2 Sam. 24 : 10 ; Psa. 25:11; 51:1; Jer. 14:7-9, 2L self-abasement, Isa. 64:5, 6; Jer. 3:25. godly-sorrow, Psa. 38:18; Lam. 1:20. forsaking sin, Prov. 28:13. restitution, Num. 5:6, 7. should be unreserved, Psa. 32:5; 51:3; 106:6. judgment leads to, Hos. 5:14, 15. followed by pardon, Psa. 32:5; 1 John 1:9. illustrated, Luke 15:21; 18:13. exemplified : Aaron, Num. 12:11. Israelites, Num. 21:6, 7; 1 Sam. 7:6; 12:19. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:24. David, 2 Sam. 24:10. Ezra, Ezra 9:6. Nehemiah, Neh. 1:6, 7. Levites, Neh. 9:4, 33, 34. Job, Job 7:20. Daniel, Dan. 9:4. Peter, Luke 5:8. Thief, Luke 23:41. CONFIDENCE, through faith, Prov. 3:26; 14:26; Eph. 3:12; Heb. 10:35; 1 John 2:28; 3:21; 5:14. none in the flesh, Phil. 3:3. CONFUSION of Tongues. See babel. CONGREGATION (of Israel), all to keep the passover, Exod. 12, etc. sin-oirering for, Lev. 4:13; 16:17. to stone ofl"enders. Lev. 24:14 ; Num. 14:10; 15:35. who not to enter, Deut. 23:1. to be kept holy, Deut. 23:9. CONIAII. See jehoiachin. CONIES described, Psa. 104:18; Prov. 30:26. unclean animals. Lev. 11:5; Deut. 14:7. CONSCIENCE : Witnesses in all men, Prov. 20:27; Luke 12:57; John 8:9; Rom. 2:15. 33 CON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CON accuses of sin, Gen. 42:21; 1 Sam. 24:5; Mat. 27:3; Luke 9:7. we should have the approval of, Job 27:6; Acts 24:16; Rom. 9:1; 14:22. the blood of Christ alone can purify, Heb. 9:14; 10:2-10, 22. keep the faith in purity of, 1 Tim. 1:19; 3:9. of saints pure and good, Heb. 13:18; 1 Pet. 3:16,21. submit to authority for, Rom. 13:5. suffer patiently for, 1 Pet. 2:19. testimony of, a source of joy, 2 Cor. 1:12; 1 John 3:21. of or hers not to be offended, Rom. 14:21; 1 Cor. 10:28-32. ministers should commend themselves to that of their people, 2 Cor. 4:2; 5:11. OF THE WICKED, searcd, Jer. 6:15; 1 Tim. 4:2. defiled, Heb. 9:14; Tit. 1:15. without spiritual illumination, a false guide, Acts 23:1, with Acts 26:9 ; Rom. 10:2. will not always sleep, (Jeti. 42:21; Exod. 9:27. silences sinners, Mat. 22:11 ; Rom. 3:19. CONSCIENTIOrSNESS. See integrity. CONSECRATION, of the first-born, Exod. 13:2; 22:29: Num. 3:13; Luke 2:22, 23. of the Jewish nation, Exod. 19:6. of Aaron, etc. Exod. 29; Lev. 8. of the Levites, Num. 8:5. of believers, 1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6. See Heb. 7:8; 10:20. CONSIDERATION, exhortations to, Deut. 4:39; 32:29; Prov. 15:28; Eccl. 5:2; 1 Tim. 4:15; 2 Tim. 2:7; Heb. 7:4; 10:24. of the poor, Psa. 41:1. of our ways. Hag. 1:5, 7; 2:15-18. of our latter end. Job 23:15. of the works of God, 37:14; Psa. 8:3; Prov. 6:6; Eccl. 7:13; Mat. 6:28. of the ways of God, Psa. 50:22; Eccl. 4:1. of Christ, Heb. 3:1; 12:3. CONSOLATION. See affliction. CONSPIRACY. See KORAH, ABSALOM, BIGTHAN, ADONIJAH, etc. against Christ, Mat. 26:3; Mark 14:1; Luke 22:1; John 11: 55; 13:18. against Paul, Acts 23:12. CONSTANCY : in obedience, Psa. 119:31, 33. in friends! lip, Prov. 27:10. under suffering, Mat. 5:12; Heb. 12:5; 1 Pet. 4:1-2-16. in prayer, Luke 18:1; Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:2; IThes. 5:17. in beneficence, (Jal. 6:9. in profession, Heb. 10:23. instances: Ruth 1:14, etc.; 1 Sam. 18:1; 20:16, etc.; Rom. 16:3, 4. CONTEMPT : sin of. Job 31:1.3, 14; Prov. 14:21. folly of, Prov. 11:12. a characteristic of the wicked, Prov. 18:3 ; 2 Tim. 3:3. FORBIDDEN TOWARDS parents, Prov. 23:22. Christ's little ones. Mat. 18:10. weak lui'tliren, Rom. 14:3. young iiiiiiistcrs, 1 Cor. 16:11. believing: masters, 1 Tim. 6:2. the poor, Jas. 2:l-.3. self-righteousness prompts to, Lsa. 65:5; Luke 18:9. 11. pride and prosperity prompt to, Psa. 123:4. ministers should give no occasion for, 1 Tim. 4:12. of ministers is a despising of God, Luke 10:16; I Thes. 4:8. 34 TOWARDS THE CHURCH oftcu tumcd into rc- spect, Isa. 60:14. often punished, Ezek. 28:26. to be met with patience. 1 Sam. 10:27. causes saints to cry unto God, Neh. 4:4; Psa. 123:3. THE WICKED EXHIBIT TOWARDS Christ, PSB, 22:6; Isa. 53:3; Mat. 27:29. saints, Psa. 119:141: 1 Cor. 4:10, authorities, 2 Pet. 2:10; Jude 8. parents, Prov. 7":5, 20. the afflicted, Jou 19:18. the poor, Psa. 14:6; Eccl. 9:16. saints sometimes guilty of, Jas. 2:6. exemplified : Hagar, Gen. 10:4. Children of Behal, 1 Sam. 10:27. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:10, 11. Michal, 2 Sam. 6:16. Sanballat, etc., Neh. 2:19; 4:2, 3. False teachers, 2 Cor. 10:10. CONTENTMENT : with godliness is great gain, Psa. 37:16; 1 Tim. 6:6. SAINTS SHOULD EXHIBIT, in their respective callings, 1 Cor. 7:20. with appointed wages, Luke 3:14. with what things they have, Heb. 13:5. with food and raiment, 1 Tim. 6:8. God's promises should lead to, Heb. 13:5. the wicked want, Isa. 5:8. exemplified : Barzillai, 2 Sam. 19:33-37. Shu- nammite, 2 Kings 4:13. David, Psa. 16:6. Agur, Prov. 30:8, 9. Paul, Phil. 4:11, 12. CONTRITE HEART not despised by God, Psa. 34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57:15; 66:2. CONTRITION, instances of : David, 2 Sam. 12:13; Psa. 51. Peter, Mat. 26:75. See repent- ance. CONTROVERSIES, to be avoided, 1 Tim. 1:4; 6:4, 20; 2 Tim. 2:16: Tit. 3:9. difficult, how to be decided, Deut. 17:8; 19:16; "1:5. CONVERSATION, conduct, upright, Psa. 37;14; 50:23: Phil. 3:20: 1 Tim. 4:12: Heb. 13:5; Jas. 3:13: l Pet. 2:12; 2 Pet. 3:ll. as becometh the gospel, 2 Cor. 1:12; Gal. 1:13; Eph. 4:1; Phil. 1:27; 1 Pet. 1:15. See TONGUE. CONVERSION : by God, 1 Kings 18:37: John 6:44; Acts 21:19. by Christ, Acts 3:26; Rom. 15:18. by power of the Holy Ghost, Prov. 1:23. is of grace. Acts 11:21, with vei-se 23. follows repentance. Acts 3:19; 26:20. is the result of faith. Acts 11:21. THROUGH THE INSTRUMENTALITY OP the SCfip- tures, Psa. 19:7. ministers. Acts 26:18; 1 Thes. 1:9. self-examination, Psa. 119:59; Lam. 3:40. affliction, Psa. 78:34. OF SINNERS, A CAUSE OF JOY tO God, EZCk. 18:23; Luke 15:32. to saints. Acts 15:3; Gal. 1:23, 24. is necessary. Mat. 18:3. commanded. Job .36:10. exhortations to, Prov. 1:23; Isa. 31:6; 55:7; Jer. 3:7; Ezek. 33:11. promises connected with, Neh. 1:9; Isa. 1:27; Jer. 3:14; Ezek. 18:27. pray for, Psa. 80:7; 85:4; Jer. 31:18: Lam. 5:21. is accompanied by confes.sion of sin, and prayer, 1 Kings 8:35. danger of neglecting, Psa. 7:12; Jer. 44:5, 11; Ezek. 3:19. duty of leading sinners to, Psa. 51:13. encouragement for leading sinners to, Daa. 12:3; Jas. 5:19, 20. CON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. cuu of Gentiles, predicted, Isa. 2:2; 11:10; 60:5; 66:12. of Israel, predicted, Ezek. 36:25-27. of Paul Acts 9' 22" 26. CONVICTION of sin' produced by the Holy Spir- it, John 16:7. through seeing God aright, Job 40:3; 42:5, 6; Isa. 6:5. through divine teaching, 1 Sam. 12. through reflection, Luke 15:17. in danger, Jonah 3:4-6; Acts 16:29. under chastisement, Jer. 31:18; Dan. 9:4. by the truth. Acts 2:37; 1 Cor. 14:24. by the law, Rom. 7:9; Jas. 2:9. leads to confession, Ezra 9:6; Isa. 64:6. leads to repentance, Jer. 31:19. exempUfied : Adam and Eve, Gen. 3:8, 10. Jo- seph's brethren, Gen. 44:16; 45:3; 50:15-18. Pharaoh, Exod. 9:27, 28; 10:16, 17: 12:31-33. Egyptians, Exod. 10:7; 12:33; 14:25. Israel- ites, Exod. 20:19; 33:4; Num. 14:39, 40; 17:12, 13; 21:7: Deut. 18:16. Manoah, Judg. 13:22. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:24; 24:16-20; 26:21. David, 2 Sam. 6:9; 1 Chr. 21:30. Widow, 1 Kings 17:18. Princes of Judah, Jer. 36:16. Belshaz- zar, Dan. 5:6. Darius, Dan. 6:18. Herod, Mat. 14:2. Gadarenes, Mark 5:17. JeAvs, John 8:9. Judas, Mat. 27:3-5. Felix, Acts 24:25. CONVOCATIONS, Exod. 12:16; Lev. 23:2, etc.; Num. 28:26: 29:12. COOKING. See bread, food, furnace. COOS, Acts 21:1. COPPER and Coppersmith. See brass. COPY of the law to be written by the king, Deut. 17:18. COR, a measure of 10 ephahs or baths, about 8 bushels, 1 Kings 4:22; Ezek. 45:14. CORAL, Job 28:18; Ezek. 27:16. CORBAN, a gift. Mark 7:11. CORD. See ropes. CORIANDER, a plant, Exod. 16:31; Num. 11:7. CORINTH, Paul and ApoUos preach there, Acts 18; 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:4, etc. CORINTHIANS, their divisions, etc., censured, 1 Cor. 1, etc.; 5; 11:18; 2 Cor. 3:11-13. INSTRUCTED CONCERNING Spiritual gifts, 1 Cor. 14, and the resurrection, 1 Cor. 15. their false teachers exposed, 2 Cor. 11. exhorted to charity, etc., 1 Cor. 13; 14:1; 2 Cor. 8; 9. CORMORANT, Lev. 11:17; Deut. 14:17; Isa. 34:11; Zeph. 2:14. CORN, grain, sold. Gen. 41:57; 42:2. parched. Lev. 23:14 ; Ruth 2:14 ; 1 Sam. 17:17 ; 25:18; 2 Sam. 17:28. blasted, 2 Kings 19:26; Isa. 37:27; .loel 1:10. and Avine, emblematic of plenty, Gen. 27:18, 37; Deut. 7:13; 33:28; 2 Kings 18:32; Psa. 4:7; Isa. 36:17; Hos. 2:8, 22; Joel 2:19; Zech. 9:17. CORNELIUS, prayer of, answered. Acts 10:3. sends for Peter, Acts 10:9. baptized. Acts 10:48. CORNER-STONE, Job 38:6; Psa. 118:22; 144:12; Isa. 28:16; Eph. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:6. CORNET, 1 Chr. 15:28; Psa. 98:6; Dan. 3:5; Hos. 5:8. CORRECTION by God, Job 5:17; Pro v. 3:12. CORRUPTION, of human nature, universal, Gen. 6:11, 12; Job 14:4; Psa. 14:1; 51:5; 53:3; John 3:6; Rom. 3:10-18; 8:21 ; Gal. 5:17; Eph. 2:1, etc.; Col. 2:13: 3:5-9; 2 Pet. 1:4. COTTAGE. See booth, tent. COUNCIL of the Jews conspire against Christ, Mat. 26:3, 69; Mark 15:1; Acts 4:28. the apostles' defence before, Acts 4; 5:29. Paul's answer to, Acts 23. COUNSEL, advantage of good, Prov. 11:14; 12:15; 13:10; 15:22; 20:18; 24:6; 27:9. OF God, asked: bv Israel, Judg. 20:28. by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:37. bv David, 1 Sara. 23:2, 10; 30:8; 1 Chr. 14. See >sa. 16:7; 33:11; 73:24; Prov. 8:14; Isa. 40:13; Eccl. 8:2; Rev. 3:18. danger of rejecting, 2 Chr. 25:16; Prov. 1:25; Luke 7:30; Isa. 30:1; Jer. 23:22. of the wicked condemned, Job 5:13; 10:3; 21:16; Psa. 1:1; 5:10; 33:10; 64:2; 81:12; 106:43; Isa. 7:5; Hos. 11:6; Mic. 6:16; 7:3. COUNSELS and purposes of God: are great, Jer. 32:19. are wonderful, Isa. 28:29. are universal, Isa. 14:26: Eph. 1:11. are immutable, Psa. 33:11- Prov. 19:21; Jer. 4:28; Rom. 9:11; Heb. 6:17. are sovereign, Isa. 40:13. 14; Dan. 4:35. are perfect, Deut. 32:4; Eccl. 3:14. are eternal, Eph. 3:11. are faithfulness and truth. Isa. 25:1. none can disannul, Isa. 14:27. shall be performed, Isa. 14:24; 46:11. the sufferings and death of Christ were accord- ing to, Acts 2:23; 4:28; 13:29, men's sins in connection with, 1 Pet. 2:8; Jude 4; Rev. 17:17. include means and ends, Acts 18:9; 27:22-31: 2Thes. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:2. saints called, and saved according to, Rom. 8:28: 2 Tim. 1:9. the union of all saints in Christ is according to, Eph. 1:9, 10. the works of God according to, Eph. 1:11. should be declared by ministers. Acts 20:27. attend to, Jer. 49:20; 50:45. secret, not to be searched into, Deut. 29:29; Mat. 24:36; Acts 1:7. the wicked understand not, Mic. 4:12. despise, Isa. 5:19. reject, Luke 7:30. COUNSELLOR, a name of Christ, Isa. 9:6. COUNSELLORS, safety in nmltitude of, Piov. 11:14; 15:22; 24:6. ' COURAGE, exhortations to, Num. 13:20; Deut. 31:6: Josh. 1:6; 10:25; 2 Sam. 10:12; 2 Chr. 19:11; Psa. 27:14; 31:24; Ezra 10:4; Isa. 41:6; 1 Cor. 16:13; Eph. 6:10. See boldness, confidence. COURSES, of the Levites, established by David, 1 Chr. 23:24. of the singers, 1 Chr. 25:26. of the captains, 1 Chr. 27. COURT of the house, Esth. 1:5; Luke 5:18. • of tabernacle, Exod. 27:9: :38:9. of temple, 2 Chr. 4:9; 1 Kings 7:12; Jer. 19; 14; 26:2. COURTS of justice, have authority from God, Rom. 13:1-5. SUPERIOR court, HELD first by Moses alone, Exod. 18:13-20, aftervvards by priests and Levites, Deut. 17:9; Mai. 2:7. See Exod. 18:26; Deut. 1:17; 17:8-12; Judg. 4:4, 5. inferior courts, held in all cities at the gates. Gen. 34:20; Deut. 16:18; 21:19; 2 Chr. 19:5-7; Job 5:4. See Gen. 23:17-20; Exod. 18:21. 25, 26; Deut. 1:9-15; Ruth 4:1, 2; 2 Sam. 15:3, 4. 35 cou BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CRE Sanhedrim, or Court of the Seventy, probably derived from the seventy elders appointed by Moses, Exod. 24:9; Num. 11:16, 17, 2-4-30. See Mat. 26:57-59, 62-66; Luke 22:66; John 11:47; Acts 5:27. Roman court in Judea. See Mat. 10:17; 27:1, 2,11: Luke 22:66; John 18:28-33; 19:9: Acts 5:21; 18:12-15; 22:19, 25-29; 25:11; 26:11,32; 28:19; .las. 2:2. provided with judges, Deut. 16:18 ; officers, Deut. 16:18; Mat. 5:25; tormentors or exe- cutioners. Mat. 18:34. laws for judges, Exod. 18:13; 23:3, 6, 8; Lev. 19:15; Deut. 1:16, 17; 16:19; 19:18; 25:1; Judg. 5:10; 2Chr. 19:6-9; Pro v. 22:22; Isa. 28:6; Ezek. 44:24; Zech. 8:16; Mat. 26:65,66; 27:19; Luke 23:24; Acts 5:34-40; 24:8; 25:12, 16; 26:30, 31. customary methods of procedure. Lev. 5:1; 24:14; Num. 35:12; Deut. 17:6, 7: 19:15, 19; 25:2; Josh. 7:25: Prov. 31:8, 9; Isa. 1:17; Mat. 26:63, 67; Mark 15:15-20; .lohn 7:51; 8:17; 18:22, 23; Acts 7:58; 22:24, 29; 23:2, 3; 24:10; 26:1; 2 Cor. 13:1. bribery often practised, Isa. 10:1; Amos 5:12; 8:6. illustrative of last judgment. Mat. 19:28; Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 6:2. COURTESY, exhortation to. Col. 4:6; 1 Pet. 3:8; Jas. 3:17. examples of, Acts 27 : 3 ; 28 : 7. COVENANT OF GOD: with Noah, Gen. 6:18; 9:8. with Abraham, Gen. 15:7; 17:2 (Luke 1:72; Acts 3:25; Gal. 3:16). with Isaac, Gen. 17:19; 26:3. with Jacob. Gen. 28:13 (Exod. 2:24; 6:4; 1 Chr. 16:16). with the Israelites, Exod. 6:4; 19:4; 24: 34:27; Lev. 26; Deut. 5:2; 9:9; 26:16; 29; Judg. 2:1; Jer. 11; 31:33: Acts 3:25. with Phinehas, Num. 25:1.3. with David, 2 Sam. 23:5; Psa. 89:3. See Psa. 25:14. COVENANT, the New: Christ the substance of, Isa. 42:6; 49:8. Christ the Mediator of, Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24. Christ the Messenger of, Mai. 3:1. MADE WITH Abraham, Gen. 15:7-18; 17:2-14; Luke 1:72-75; Acts 3:25; Gal. 3:16. Isaac, Gen. 17:19, 21; 26:3, 4. Jacob, Gen. 28:13, 14, witli 1 Chr. 16:16, 17. Israel, Exod. 6:4; Acts 3:25. David, 2 Sam. 23:5; Psa. 89:3, 4. renewed under tiie gospel, Jer. 31:31-33; Rom. 11:27: Heb. 8:8-10, i:i. fulfilled in Christ, Luke 1:68-79. confirmed in Christ, (Jal. 3:17. ratified by the blood of Christ, Heb. 9:11-14, 16, 23. is a covenant of peace, Isa. 54:9, 10; Ezek. 34:25; 37:26. is unalterable, Psa. 89:34; Isa. 54:10; 59:21; Gal. 3:17. is everlasting, Psa. 111:9; Isa. 55:3; 61:18; Ezek. 16:60-63; Heb. 13:20. all saints interested in, Psa. 25:14; 89:29-37; Heb. 8:10. the wicked have no interest in, Eph. 2:12. blessings connected with, Isa. 56:4-7 ; Heb. 8:10-12. God is faithful to, Deut. 7:9; 1 Kings 8:23; Neh. 1:5; Dan. 9:4. God is ever mindful of, Psa. 105:8; 111:5; Luke 1:72. 36 be mindful of, 1 Chr. 16:15. caution against forgetting, Deut. 4:23. plead, in pra^^er, Psa. 74:20; Jer. 14:21. punishment for despising, Heb. 10:29, 30. , signs of: salt, Lev. 2:13; Num. 18:19; 2 Chr. 13:5. The Sabbath, Exod. 31:12. book of the, Exod. 24:7; 2 Kin. 23:2; Heb. 9:19. BETWEEN Abraham and xVbimelech, Gen. 21:27. Joshua and the Israelites, Josh. 24:25. David and Jonathan, 1 Sam. 18:3; 20:16; 23:18. COVETOUSNESS: comes fi-om the heart, Mark 7:22, 23. engrosses the heart, Ezek. 33:31; 2 Pet. 2:14. is idolatry, Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5. is the root of all evil, l Tim. 6:10. is never satisfied, Eccl. 5:10; Hab. 2:5. is vanity, Psa. 39:6; Eccl. 4:8. INCONSISTENT in saiuts, Eph. 5:3; Heb. 13:5. specially in ministers, 1 Tim. 3:3. LEADS TO injustice and oppression, Prov. 28:20. Mic. 2:2. foolish and hurtful lusts, 1 Tim. 6:9. departure from the faith, 1 Tim. 6:10. lying, 2 Kings 5:22-25. murder, Prov. 1:18, 19; Ezek. 22:12. theft. Josh. 7:21. poverty, Prov. 28:22. misery, 1 Tim. 6:10. domestic affliction, Prov. 15:27. abhorred by God, Psa, 10:3. forbidden, Exod. 20:17. exceedingly prevalent, Jer. 6:13; 22:17; Phil. 2:21. characteristic of the wicked, Rom. 1:29. a characteristic of the slothful, Prov. 21:26. commended bv the wicked alone, Psa. 10:3. hated by saints, Exod. 18:21; Acts 20:3:3. to be mortified by saints. Col. 3:5. woe denounced against, Isa. 5:8; Hab. 2:9. punishment of. Job 20:15; Isa, 57:17; Jer. 22:17- 19; Mic. 2:2, 3. excludes from heaven, 1 Cor. 6:10; Eph. 5:5 ; Jude 11. beware of, Luke 12:15; Heb. 13:5. avoid those guilty of, 1 Cor. 5:11. pray against, Psa. 119:36. reward of those wlio hate, Prov. 28:16. shall abound in the last days, 2 Tim. 3:2; 2 Pet. 2:1-3. exemplified : Laban, Gen. 31:41. Achan, Josh. 7:21. Eli's sons, 1 Sam. 2:12-14. Samuel's sons, 1 Sam. 8:3. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:9, 19. Ahab, 1 Kings 21:2, etc. Gehazi, 2 Kings 5:20-24. Nobles of the Jews. Neh. 5:7; Isa. 1:23. Jewish priests, Isa. 56:11; Jer. 6:i;3. Babylon, Jer. 51:13. Young man. Mat. 19:22. Judas, Mat. 20: 14, 15; John 12:6. Pharisees, Luke 16:14. Ananias, etc., Acts 5:1-10. De- metrius, Acts 19:27. Fehx, Acts 24:26. Ba- laam, 2 Pet. 2:15, with Jude 11. COW, or Kine, yoked by the Philistines in send- ing back the ark, 1 Sam. 6:7-12. sacrificed, 1 Sam. 6:14. Pharaoh's dream of. Gen. 41:2-7, 26-30. illustrative, Amos 4:1. COWARDICE. See fear of man. COZIU slain by Phiueas, Num. 25:15. CKA('KNi:i>S, 1 Kings 14:3. CRAFT, deceit, Dan. 8:25; Mark 14:1. , trade, Acts 18:3; 19:25, 27; Rev. 18:22. See ARTS. CRANE, Isa. 38:14; Jer. 8:7. CREATION described, Gen. 1 ; 2. God, the author of, Neh. 9:6; Psa. 33:6; Isa. 42:5; Heb. 3:4. CRE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CYR Christ the author of, John 1:3; Eph. 2:9; Col. 1:16. the Spirit an agent in, Gen. 1:2; Job 26:13; 33:4: Psa. 104:30. for tlie pleasure of God, Rev. 4:11. angels rejoiced at, Job 38:4, 7. displays God's wisdom, Psa. 19:1; 104:24; Prov. 3:19; Jer. 10:12. displays his power and Godhead, Rom. 1:20. groans under the curse, Rom. 8 : 22. CREATION, the new. Rev. 22. CREATURE, a new, 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15; Eph. 2:10: 4:24. See Rom. 8:19. CREATURES, hving, the vision of the, Ezek. 1:5. See Rev. 5:6; 19:4. CREDITOR, laws and customs concerning, Ex. 22:25, etc.; Dent. 15:2, etc.; 23:20; 24:10, etc.; Neh. 5:2, etc.; Ezek. 18:7, 12. parable of the, Luke 7:41. parable of two creditors, Mat. 18:23. CREDULITY, Psa. 14:15; Jer. 29:8; Mat. 24:4, 23: 1 John 4:1. CREEPING THINGS, Gen. 1:26; Rom. 1:23. were unclean. Lev. 5:2; 11:20-44; Deut. 14:19. exceptions. Lev. 11:21. 22. idolatrous representations of, Ezek. 8:10. CRESCENS goes to Dalmatia, 2 Tim. 4:10. CRETE visited by Paul, Acts 27:7; Tit. 1:5. CRETANS, their character. Tit. 1:12. CRIPPLE healed at Lystra, Acts 14:8. CRISPUS baptized. Acts 18:8; 1 Cor. 1:14. CROSS, Christ dies upon the. Mat. 27:32, etc.; Eph. 2:16; Phil. 2:8; CoLl:20; 2:14; Heb. 12:2. the preaching of the, 1 Cor. 1:17; Gal. 6:12. , implying self-denial. Mat. 10:38; 16:24; GaL 5:11; 6:12. CROWN, of the king, 2 Sam. 1:10; 2 Kin. 11:12; 1 Chr. 20:2; 2 Chr. 23:11; Esth. 1:11; 2:17; 6:8; Psa. 132:18; Prov. 27:24. of the high priest, Exod. 29:6; 39:30; Lev. 8:9. of thorns, John 19:5. of righteousness, 2 Tim. 4:8. of life, Jas. 1:12; Rev. 2:10. of glory, 1 Pet. 5:4. incorruptible, 1 Cor. 9:25. See Rev. 4:4; 9:7; 12:3; 13:1; 19:12. CRUCIFIXION, a Roman punishment, Mat. 20:19 with John 18:31, 32; of the two thieves. Mat. 27:38 ; of disciples, Mat. 23:3 ; cursed. Gal. 3:13; an offence, Gal. 5:11; illustrative. Gal. 5:24. See Christ, death of. CRUELTY condemned. Gen. 49:5; Exod. 23:5; Psa. 5:6; 27:12; 55:23; Prov. 11:17; 12:10: Ezek. 18:18. of Simeon and Levi, Gen. 34:25. of Pharaoh, Exod. 1:8. of Adoni-Bezek, Judg. 1:7. of Herod, Mat. 2:16, etc. See Judg. 9:5; 2 Kings 3:27; 10:15, 16; 15:16; 2 Chr. 21:4; 22:10; 33:6. CRUSE, 1 Sam. 26:11; 1 Kin. 14:3; 2 Kin. 2:20. CRYSTAL, a transparent stone. Job 28:17; Ezek. 1:22; Rev. 4:6; 21:11; 22:1. CUBIT, Gen. 6:16; Deut. 3:11; Mat. 6:37. See MEASURES. CUCKOO, Lev. 11:16; Deut. 14:15. CUCUMBER, Num. 11:5; Isa. 1:8. CUMMIN, Isa. 28:25, 27; Mat. 23:23. CUP, Gen. 40:11; 2 Sam. 12:3; 1 Kings 7:26; Mat. 23:25; silver. Gen. 44:2; gold, 1 Chron. 28:17; Jer. 52:19; of consolation, Jer. 16:7; of the Lord's supper, Luke 22:20; of devils, 1 Cor. 10:21; illustrative, Psa. 23:5; 73:10; 116:13; Mat. 20:22; 26:39; Rev. 14:10; 17:4. CUPBEARER. See butler. CURES, miraculous: Hezekiah, Isa. 38. plague stayed. Num. 16:50. leprosy cleansed, 2 Kings 5:14. palsv cured, 1 Kings 13:6. poison neutralized, 2 Kings 4:39; Acts 28:3. blindness removed, 2 Kings 6:20; Acts 9:17; 22:13. fever cured. Acts 28:8. lameness removed, Acts 3:6; 9:34: 14:8. See MIRACLES OF CHRIST. CURIOSITY^ forbidden, and examples of. Gen. 32:29; Exod. 19:21, 24; Num. 4:19, 20; Deut. 29:29; Judg. 13:17, 18; 1 Sam. 6:19; Prov. 27:20: Eccl. 7:21, 22; Dan. 12:9; Luke 13:23, 24; 23:8; John 21:21, 22; Acts 1:7; 17:21; CoL 2:18. CURSE upon the earth in consequence of the fall. Gen. 3:17. upon Cain, Gen. 4:11. upon the breakers of the law. Lev. 26:14; Deut. 11:26; 27:13; 28:15; 29:19; Josh. 8:34; Prov. 3 "33* Mai. 2*2. Christ 'redeems from, Deut. 21:23; 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:10, 13; Rev. 22. CURSES uttered by Noah, Gen. 9:25. by six tribes on Mount Ebal, Deut. 27:13-26. by Jotham, Judg. 9:29, 57. by Shimei, 2 Sam. 16:5-8. by Elisha on the young people, 2 Kings 2:24. by Job, Job 3:1. by David in prophecy, Psa. 109:6, etc. by Jeremiah, Jer. 20:14. CURSED, who are so called: the adulterous woman. Num. 5:21. divers classes of sinners, Deut. 27:15. covetous, Prov. 11:26. hypocrites, Prov. 27:14. disobedient, Jer. 11:3. trusters in man, Jer. 17:5. persecutors. Lam. 3:65. thief, false swearers, Zech. 5:3. deceivers, Mai. 1:14. wicked at the judgment, Mat. 25 : 41 ; Psa. 37 '22 CURSING forbidden, Exod. 21:17; Lev. 24:15; Prov. 30:11; Psa. 109:17; Mat. 5:44; Rom. 12:14; Jas. 3:10. CURTAINS, or hangings for rooms, Esth. 1:6; for tents, Song 1:5; Isa. 54:2: Jer. 4:20; 10:20; 49:29; Hab. 3:7; for groves, 2 Kings 23:7; il- lustrative, Isa. 40:22. See TABERNACLE. CUSH, Gen. 10:6, 7. See Ethiopia. CUSHI reports Absalom's death, 2 Sam. 18:21. CUSTOM, evil, the power of, Jer. 13:23. CUTHAH, 2 Kings 17:24-30; Ezra 4:10. CUTTING the flesh, forbidden. Lev. 19:28; Deut. 14:L a case of, 1 Kings 18:28. CYMBALS, made of brass, 1 Chr. 15:19, 28; ICor. 13: L used in worship, 2 Sara. 6:5; 1 Chr. 15:16, 19; 2 Chr. 5:12, 13 ; Psa. 150:5 ; Ezra 3:10, 11 ; Neh. 12:27, 36. CYPRESS, Isa. 44:14; Song 4:13 (marg.); trans- lated fir-tree, 2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Kings 5:8. CYPRUS, disciples there. Acts 11:19. Paul and Barnabas there. Acts 13:4; 21:3. CYRENE. disciples of. Acts 2:10; 11:20; 13:1. CYRENIUS, Roman governor of Syria, Luke 2:2. CYRUS, king of Persia, prophecies concerning, Isa. 44:28; 45 :L See Dan. 6:28; 10 :L his proclamation for rebuilding the temple, 2 Chr. 36:22; Ezra 1. 37 DAB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. DAV D. DABERATH, Josh. 19:12; 1 Clir. 6:72. DAGGER, Judg. 3:16-22. DAGON, national idol of the Philistines, Judg. 16:23. smitten down in temple at Ashdod, 1 Sam. 5:3, 4. Saul's head fastened in the house of, 1 Chr. 10:10. DAILY SACRIFICE, Num. 28:6. a lamb morning and evening, Exod. 29:38, 39; Num. 28:3, 4. doubled on the Sabbath, Num. 28:9, 10. peculiarly acceptable. Num. 28:8. times of offering were seasons of prayer, Ezra 9:5; Dan. 9:20, 21; Acts 3:1. aboUtion of it foretold, Dan. 9:26, 27; 11:31. ILLUSTRATIVE of Christ. John 1:29, 36; 1 Pet. 1:19. of acceptable prayer, Psa. 141:2. DALMANUTHA, Mark 8:10. DALMATIA, 2 Tim. 4:10. DAM, wlien the young to be separated from, Exod. 22:30; Lev. 22:27. D.VMAKIS cleaves to Paul, Acts 17:34. DAMASCUS in Syria, antiquity of, Gen. 14:15. garrisoned by David, 2 Sam. 8:6; 1 Chr. 18:6. Rezon reigns there, 1 Kings 11:23-25. Elisha's prophecy there, 2 Kings 8:7. reconquered, 2 Kings 14:28; 16:9. an altar there, 2 Kings 16:10. Paur.s journey to, Acts 9; 22:6; 25:12. prophecies concerning, Isa. 7:8; 8:4; 17:1; Jer. 49:23; Ezek. 27:18; Amos 1:3. DAMNATION, condemnation. Mat. 23:14 ; Mark 3 : 29; 16 : 16; John 5 : 29; Rom. 3:8; 13 : 2; 1 Cor. 11 : 29; 2 Thes. 2 : 12; 1 Tim. 5 : 12 ; 2 Pet. 2:3. DAN, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:6. his descendants, Gen. 46:23. numbered, Num. 1:38; 26:42. their inheritance. Josh. 19:40. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:16. blessed by Moses, Deut. 33:22. they take Laish, etc., Judg. 18. a golden calf .set up at, 1 Kings 12:28, 29. captured by Benhadad, 1 Kings 15:20; 2 Chr. 16:4. DANCING, as a mark of rejoicing, Exod. 15:20; Judg. 11:34; 1 Sam. 21:11; 2 Sam. 6:14; EccL 3 : 4. See Psa. 30 : 11 ; 149 : 3 ; 150 : 4 ; Jer. 31:4, of Ilerodias' daughter pleases Herod, Mat. 14:6, etc.; Mark 6:22. idolatrous and lewd, Exod. 32:19, 2'). DANIEL, captive in ihihyhm, Dan. 1. his obedience to the law, Dan. l:s. interprets Nebuchadne/zar's dreams, Dan. 2; 4; and the handwriting on tlie wall, Dan. 5:17. promoted by Darius, Dan, 6. disregards the idolatrous decree, Dan. 6:10. preserved from the lions, Dan. 6:21. his visions, Dan. 7-12. his prayer, Dan. 9:3. is encouraged, promise of return, Dan. 9:20; 10:10; 12:i:i, his name honored, Ezek. 14:14, 20; 28:. 3. DARIUS, the Mede, takes Babylon, Dan. 5:31. his rash decree, Dan. 6:4. his grief for Daniel, Dan. 6:14, Ms decree after his deliverance, Dan. 6:25. , Hystaspis: his decree concerning the re- building of the temple, Ezra 6; Hag, 1:1; Zech. 1:1, 38 king of Persia, Ezra 4:5, 24; 5:5, etc.; 6:1-15 ; Hag. 1:1, 15; 2:10; Zech. 1:1, 7; 7:L DARKNESS appointed, Gen. 1:2, 5; Isa. 45:7. supernatural, Gen. 15:12; Exod, 10:21; 14:20; Josh,-24:7; Rev, 8:12; 9:2: 16:10, at the crucifixion, Luke 23:44, J'IGURATIVE of punishment. Mat. 8:12; 22:13; 2 Pet, 2:4, 17; Jude 6. of God's unsearchableness, 2 Sam, 22:10, 12; 1 Kings 8:12; Psa, 97:2. OF THE MIND : ignorance. Job 27:19; Isa. 9:2; John 3:19. sorrow, Isa. 8:22: 42:7; Joel 2:2, sin, Prov. 2:13; John 1:5; Rom, 13:12; 1 Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor. 6:14; 1 John 2:9, Christ saves from, John 8:12; 12:33; 1 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 1:5. works of. Job 24:14; Prov. 7:6; Isa. 29:15; Ezek, 8:12; Eph, 5:11. powers of, Luke 22:53; Eph, 5:11; 6:12; CoL 1:13, See LIGHT, DART, or javelin. Num. 25:7; 1 Sam, 18:10; 2 Sam, 18:14; Job 41:29; illustrative, Eph. 6:16, DATE, fruit of the palm-tree, 2 Chr, 31:5 (marg.), DATHAN. See korah. DAUGHTERS, their inheritance determined. Num. 27:6; 36, DAVID, son of Jesse, his genealogy, Ruth 4:22; 1 Chr, 2 : Mat. 1, anointed by Samuel, 1 Sam, 16; 1 Chr, 11:3. plays before Saul, 1 Sam. 16:19. his zeal and faith, 1 Sam, 17:26, 34. kills Goliath, 1 Sam, 17:49, at first honored by Saul, 1 Sam, 18, afterwards persecuted by him, 1 Sam. 18:8, 28; 19; 20, etc. loved by Jonathan, 1 .Sam. 18:1; 19:2; 20; 23:16; and by Miclial, 1 Sam. 18:28: 19:1L again overcomes the Philistines, 1 Sam. 18:27; 19:8. flees to Naioth, l Sam. 19:18. eats of the hallowed bread, 1 Sara. 21; Psa. 52; Mat. 12:4. flees to Gath and feigns madness, 1 Sam, 21:10; Psa. 34; 56. dwells in the cave of Adullam, 1 Sam. 22: Psa, 63; 142, escapes Saul's pursuit, 1 Sam, 24:4; 26:5. his wrath against Nabal appeased by Abigail, 1 Sam, 25:21, dwells at Ziklag, 1 Sam, 27. dismissed from the army by Achish, 1 Sam. 29:9. chastises the Amalekites, 1 Sam. 30:16; 2 Sam. 1. laments Saul and Jonathan, 2 Sam, 1:17. becomes king of Judah, 2 Sam. 2:4. forms a league with Abner, 2 Sam. 3:13. laments his death, 2 Sam. 3:31. avenges the murder of Ishbosheth, 2 Sara. 4:9, becomes king of all Israel, 2 Sara, 5:3; 1 Chr. 11. his victories, 2 Sam, 5; 8; 10; 12:29; 21:15; 1 Ciir. 18-20; Psa, 60, brings the ark to Zion, 2 Sam. 6; 1 Chr, 13; 15. his psalms of thanksgiving. 2 Sam. 22; 1 Chr. 16:7; i'sa, 18: 103; 105. Seo psalms. reproves Michal for despising his religious joy, 2 Sam. 6:21; 1 Chr. 15:29, forbidden to build the temple, 2 Sam, 7:4 ; 1 Chr, 17:4. God's promises to, 2 Sam. 7:11; 1 Chr. 17:10. his prayer and thanksgiving, 2 Sam. 7 : 18 ; 1 Chr. 17:16. his kindness to Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 9, his sin concerning Bathsheba and Uriah, 2 Sam. 11; 12, DAY BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. DEA his repentance at Nathan's rebuke, 2 Sam. 12; Psa. 51. troubles in his family, 2 Sam. 13; 14. Absalom's conspiracy against him, 2 Sam. 15; Psa. 3. forsaken by Ahithophel, 2 Sam. 15:31; 16:17; Psa. 41:9; 55:12; 109. cursed by Shimei, 2 Sam. 16:5; Psa, 7. relieved by Barzillai, etc., 2 Sam. 17:27. mourns Absalom's death, 2 Sam. 18:33; 19:1. returns to Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 19:15. pardons Shimei, 2 Sam. 19:16. Sheba's conspiracy overcome, 2 Sam. 20. renders justice to the Gibeonites, 2 Sam. 21. his mighty men, 2 Sam. 23:8; 1 Chr. 11:10. his oQ'ence in numbering the people, 2 Sam. 24; 1 Chr. 21. provides for the temple, 1 Chr. 22:14; 28; 29. his last words, 2 Sam. 23. regulates the tabernacle service, 1 Chr. 23-26. his exhortation, 1 Chr. 28. appoints Solomon his successor, 1 Kings 1: Psa. 72. cliarge to Solomon, 1 Kings 2; 1 Chr. 22:6. his death, 1 Kings 2: 1 Chr. 20:26. the progenitor of Christ, Mat. 1:1; 9:27; 21:9: comp. Psa. 110 with Mat. 22:41; Luke 1 :32; John 7:42; Acts 2:25; 13:22; 15:15; Rom. 1:3; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 5:5; 22:16. prophecies connected with, Psa. 89; 132; Isa. 9:7; 22:22; 55:3; Jer. 30:9 ; IIos. 3:5; Amos 9:11. See psalms. DAY, Jewish, from sunset to sunset. Gen. 1:5, 8, 19,23,31; Lev. 23:32. natural, from sunrise to sunset, Gen. 31:39, 40; Neh. 4:21, 22. the time for labor, Psa. 104:23; John 9:4. divisions of, Neh. 9:3; Mat. 20:3, 5; John 11:9. prophetic, a year, Ezek. 4:6; Dan. 9:24-27; 12:11-13; 2 Pet. 3:8. a time of judgment called a day of anger. Lam. 2:21; wrath. Job 20:28; Zeph. 1:15, 18; Rom. 2:5; visitation, Mic. 7:4; destruction. Job 21:30; darkness, Joel 2:2: trouble, Psa. 102:2; calamity, Deut. 32:35; Jer. 18:17; adversity, Prov. 24:10; vengeance, Prov. 6:34; Isa. 61:2; slaughter, Isa. 30:25 ; Jer. 12:3 ; evil, Jer. 17:17 ; Amos 6:3 ; Eph. 6:13 ; the Lord, Isa. 2:12; 13:6. a time of mercy called a day of salvation, 2 Cor. 6:2; redemption, Eph. 4:.30; visitation, Jer. 27:22; 1 Pet. 2:12; God's power, Psa. 110:3. a time of festivity called a good day, Esth. 8:17; 9:19; a day of good tidings, 2 Kings, 7:9; a day which the Lord has made, Psa. 118:24; solemn day, Num. 10:10; Hos. 9:5; day of gladness. Num. 10;10; illustrative of spiritual light, 1 Thes. 5:5, 8; 2 Pet. 1:19; Prov. 4:18. the last, foretold. Job 19:25; Joel 2:11; Zeph. 1:14; John 6:39; 11:24; 12:48; Rom. 2:5; 1 Cor. 3:13; Rev. 6:17; 16:14; 20. of the Lord, Isa. 13:6; Jer. 46:10; Ezek. 30:3; Zeph. 2:2, 3, MaL 4:5; 1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Thes. 5:2. days, last. Isa. 2:2; Mic. 4:1; Acts 2:17; 2 Tim. 3:1; Heb. 1:2; Jas. 5:3; 2 Pet. 3:3. DAY'S JOURNEY, Exod. 3:18; 1 Kings 19:4; John 3:4. Sabbath day's journey. Acts 1:12, with John 11:18; about two miles. DAYSMAN (umpire). Job 9:33. DAYSPRING from on high, Luke 1: 78. DAYSTAR arising in the heart, 2 Pet. 1:19. DEACONS, Acts 6; Phil. 1:1. tlieir qualifications, 1 Tim. 3:8. elsewhere translated servant and minister, Mat. 23:11; John 12:26; 1 Cor. 3:5: 1 Thes. 3:2; Phoebe also called servant of the church, Rom. 16:1. DEAD, the. Job 3:18; 14:12; Psa. 6:5; 88:10; 115:17; 146:4; EccL 9:5; 12:7: Isa. 38:18. resurrection of. Job 19:26; Psa. 49:15; Isa. 26:19; John 5:25; 1 Cor. 15:12. raised by Elijah, 1 Kin. 17:17; by Elisha, 2Kin. 4:32; 13:21; by Christ, Mat. 9:24; Mark 5:41; Luke 7:12; 8:54; John 11; by Peter, Acts 9:40; by Paul, Acts 20:10. DEAD SEA, called Salt Sea, Gen. 14:3; Num. 34:3, 12; Josh. 15:5; called Sea of the plain. DeuL 3:17; 4:49; Josh. 3:16; East Sea, Joel 2:20; Former Sea, Zech. 14:8. prophecy concerning it, Ezek. 47:7-10, 18. DEAF, cursing of the. Lev. 19:14. healed by Christ, Mark 7:32; 9:25. See Exod. 4:11; Isa. 29:18; 42:18. DEAL, a measure, Exod. 29:40; Lev. 14. DEATH, natural : by Adam, Gen. 3:19; 1 Cor. 15:21, 22. consequence of sin, Gen. 2:17; Rom. 5:12. lot of all, EccL 8:8; Heb. 9:27. ordained by God, Deut. 32:39; Job 14:5. puts an end to earthly projects, Eccl. 9:10. strips of possessions. Job 1:21; 1 Tim. 6:7. levels all ranks. Job 1:21: 3:17-19. conquered by Christ, Rom. 6:9; Rev. 1:18. abolished by Christ, 2 Tim. 1:10. shall finally be destroyed by Christ, Hos. 13:14; I Cor. 15:26. Christ delivers from the fear of, Heb. 2:15. regard, as at hand. Job 14:1, 2; Psa. 39:4, 5: 90:9; 1 Pet. 1:24. prepare for. 2 Kings 20:1. pray to be prepared for, Psa. 39:4, 13; 90:12. consideration of, a motive to diligence, Eccl. 9:10; John 9:4. when averted for a season, is a motive to in- creased devotedness, Psa. 56:12, 13; 116:7-9; 118:17; Isa. 38:20. Enoch and Elijah were exempted from. Gen. 5:24, Avith Heb. 11:5; 2 Kings 2:11. all shall be raised from. Acts 24:15. none subject to, in heaven, Luke 20:36 ; Rev. 21:4. illustrates the change produced in conversion, Rom. 6:2; Col. 2:20. IS DESCRIBED AS a Sleep, Deut. 31:16; John II :n. the earthly house of this tabernacle being dis- solved, 2 Cor. 5 :1. putting off this tabernacle, 2 Pet. 1 : 14. God requiring the soul, Luke 12:20. going the way whence there is no return. Job 16:22. being gathered to our people. Gen. 49:33. going down into silence, Psa. 115:17. yielding up the ghost. Acts 5:10. returning to dust. Gen. 3:19; Psa. 104:29. being cut down. Job 14:2. fleeing as a shadow. Job 14:2. departing, Phil. 1:23. DEATH, spiritual: alienation from God is, Eph. 4:18. carnal-mindedness is, Rom. 8-6. walking in trespasses and sins is, Eph. 2:1; Col. 2:13. spiritual ignorance is, Isa. 9:2; Mat. 4:16; Luke 1:79; Eph. 4:18. unbelief is, John 6:53: 1 John 5:12. living in pleasure is, 1 Tim. 5:6. hypocrisy is. Rev. 3:1, 2. is a consequence of the fall, Rom. 5:15. 39 DEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. DEB is the state of all men by nature, Mat. 8:22; John 5:25; Rom. 6:13. the fruits of, are dead works, Heb. 6:1; 9:14. a call to arise from, Eph. 5:14. deliverance from, is tlirough Christ, John 5:24, 25; Eph. 2:5: 1 John 5:12. saints are raised from, Rom. 6:13. love of the brethren, a proof of being raised from. 1 John 3:14. illustrated, Ezek. 37:2, 3; Luke 15:24. DEATH, eternal : the necessarv consequence of sin, Rom. 6:16, 21: 8:13; Jas. 1:15. the wages of sin, Rom. 6:23. the portion of the wicked, Mat. 25:41. 46; Rom. 1:32. the way to, described. Mat. 7:13. self-righteousness leads to. Pro v. 14:12. God alone can inflict, Mat. 10:28: Jas. 4:12. IS DESCRIBED AS banishment from God, 2 Thes. 1:9. society with the devil, etc.. Mat. 25:41. a lake of fire. Rev. 19:20; 21:8. the worm that dieth not, Mark 9:44. outer darkness, Mat. 25:30. a mist of darkness for ever, 2 Pet. 2:17. indignation, wrath, etc., Rom. 2:8, 9. IS CALLED destruction, Rom. 9:22; 2 Thes. 1:9. perisliiug, 2 Pet. 2:12. the wrath to come, 1 Thes. 1:10. the second death. Rev. 2:11. resurrection to damnation, John 5:29. resurrection to shame, etc., Dan. 12:2. danmation of hell. Mat. 23:33. everlasting punishment, Mat. 25:46. shall be inflicted by Christ, Mat. 25:31, 41; 2 Thes. 1:7, 8. Clirist, the onlv way of escape from, John 3:16; 8:51. saints shall escape. Rev. 2:11; 21:27. strive to preserve others from, Jas. 5:20. illustrated, Luke 16:23-26. DEATH of Christ: foretold, Lsa. 53:8: Dan. 9:26; Zech. 13:7. appointed by God, lsa. 53:6. 10; Acts 2:23. necessary for the redemption of man, Luke 24:46: John 12:24; Acts 17:3. acceptable, as a sacrifice to God, Mat. 20:28; Eph. 5:2; 1 Thes. 5:10. was voluntary, lsa. 53:12; Mat. 26:53; John 10:17, 18. was undeserved, lsa. 53:9. MODE OF, foretold by Christ, Mat. 20:18, 19; John 12:. 32, 33. prefigured. Num. 21:8, with John 3:14. ignominious, Heb. 12:2. accursed, (ial. 3:13. exhibited his humility, Phil. 2:8. a stumbling-block to Jews, 1 Cor. 1:23. foolishness to Gentiles, 1 Cor. 1:18, 23. demanded by the Jews, Mat. 27:22, 23. mflicted by tiie (Jentiles, Mat. 27:26-35. with malefactors, lsa. 53:12, with Mat. 27:38. with preternatural signs. Mat. 27:45. 51-53. emblem of death unto sin, Rom. 6:3-8; Gal. 2:20. commemorated in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Luke 22:19, 20. DEATH of saints: a sleep in Christ, 1 Cor. 15:18; 1 Thes. 4:14. is blessed. Rev. 14:1.3. is gain, Phil. 1:21. IS FULL OP faith, Heb. 11:13. peace, lsa. 57:2. hope, Prov. 14:32. sometimes desired, Luke 2:29. 40 waited for, Job 14:14. met with resignation. Gen. 50:24; Josh. 23:14; 1 Kings 2:2. met without fear, Psa. 23:4. precious in God's sight, Psa. 116:15. God preserves them unto, I'sa. 48:14. God is with them in, Psa. 23:4. removes from coming evil, 2 Kings 22:20; lsa. 57:1. LEADS TO REST, Job 3:17; Rcv. 14:13. comfort, Luke 16:25. Christ's presence, 2 Cor. 5:8; Phih 1:23. a crown of life, 2 Tim. 4:8; Rev. 2:10. a joyful resurrection, lsa. 26:19; Dan. 12:2. disregarded by the wicked, lsa. 57:1. survivors consoled for, 1 Thes. 4:13. the wicked covet. Num. 23:10. illustrated, Luke 16:22. exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 25:8. Isaac, Gen. 35:29. Jacob, Gen. 49:33. Aaron, Num. 20:28. Moses, Deut. 34:5. Joshua, Josh. 24:29. Eli- sha, 2 Kings 13:14, 20. One thief, Luke 23:43. Stephen, Acts 7: 54. Dorcas, Acts 9:37. DEATH of the wicked: is in their sins, Ezek. 3:19; John 8:21. is without hope, Prov. 11 : 7. sometimes without fear, Jer. 34:5, with 2 Chr. 36:11-13. frequently sudden and unexpected, Job 21:13, 23; 27:21; Prov. 29:1. frequently marked by terror, Job 18:11-15; 27:19, 21; Psa. 73:19. punishment follows, lsa. 14:9; Acts 1:25. the remembrance of them perishes in. Job 18:17; Psa. 34:16; Prov. 10:7. God has no pleasure in, Ezek. 18:23, 32. like the death of beasts, Psa. 49:14. illustrated, Luke 12:20; 16:22, 23. exemplified : Korah, etc., Num. 16:32. Absa- lom, 2 Sam. 18 : 9, 10. Ahab, 1 Kings 22 : 34. Jezebel, 2 Kings 9:33. Athaliah, 2 Chr. 23:15. Haman, Esth. 7:10. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:30. Judas, Mat. 27:5, with Acts 1:18. Ananias, etc.. Acts 5:5, 9, 10. Herod, Acts 12:23. DEATH of children: first-born of Egyptians, Exod. 12:29, 30. the child of David, 2 Sam. 12:14-23. of Jeroboam, 1 Kings 14:13. of the widow, l Kings 17:17. of the Shunammite, 2 Kings 4:19, 20. of Jairus, Mat. 9:18, 24. DEATH PENALTY, the fitting punishment for murder, Gen. 4:24; 9:5, 6. INFLICTED BY THE JEWISH CODE: for murdcr, Num. 35:16. blasphemy, Lev. 24:16; 1 Kings 21:10. manstealing, Exod. 21:16. idolatry, Exod. 22:20. enticing to idolatry, Deut. 13:6. adultery, Lev. 20:10. sodomy. Lev. 20:13. incest, Lev. 20:14, 17. bestiaUty, Lev. 20:15, 16. witchcraft, Exod. 22:18. .smiting parents, Exo:i, 2. David, 1 Sam. 21:12, 13; 27:1. David's men, 1 Sam. 23:3. Obadiah, 1 Kings 18:9-44. Elijah, 1 Kings 19:1.3, 14, 18. Joash, 2 Kings 13:18,19. Jeremiah, Jer. 1:6; 32:24, 25. The disciples. Matt. S:25, 26; 17:16, 20; Mark 4:.38, 40; 16:10-14; Luke 8:25; 9:40. John the Baptist, Mat. 11:2, 3. Peter, Mat. 14:29, 31. Thomas, John 20:25. Ananias, Acts 9:13, 14. DOVE, nature and habits, Psa. 68:13; Song 1:15; 2:14; 5:12: Isa. 38:14; 59:11; 60:8; Jer. 48:28; Nah. 2:7; Mat. 10:16. sent out from tiie ark, Gen. 8:8. doves used in .sacrifices, (Jen. 15:9; Lev. 12:6: 14:22, etc. figuratively mentioned, Psa. 68:13; 74:19; Song 1:15; 2:14, etc. Holy Spirit descends like. Mat. 3:16. 46 DOUGH, ortering of, Num. 15 : 20; Neh. 10 : 37; Ezek. 44:30. DOWRY, Gen. 34:12; Exod. 22:17; 1 Sam. 18:25. DOXOLOGIES, to God, Luke 2:14; Rom. 11:36; Gal. 1:5: Pliil. 4:20; 1 Pet. 5:11. to Christ, 2 Tim. 4:18; Heb. 13:21; 2 Pet. 3:18. to God through Christ, Rom. 16:27; Eph. 3:21; Jude 25. by the heavenly host, Luke 2:14; Rev. 4:11; 7:12. DRAGON. The original signifies a poisonous serpent, Deut. 32:33; a serpent of the sea, Psa. 74:13: Isa. 27:1; a serpent of the desert, Psa. 91:13; Isa. 34:13: Jer. 9:11: 51:37; Mai. 1:3: a crocodile (symbolical of Egypt), Ezek. 29:3; 32:2; a wolf, Mic. 1:8; a name of Satan, Rev. 20:2: symbolical, Rev. 12; 13: 16:13: the Hebrew is translated great whale in Geu. 1:21; Job 7:12; serpent, Exod. 7:9. Pharaoh so called, Exod. 29:3. the enemy of the church, Isa. 27:1; 51:9. DRAM, a Persian gold coin, value about $5, IChr. 29:7: Ezra 2:69. DRAUGHTS of fishes, miraculous, Luke 5:4-6; John 21:6, 11. DREAMS, vanity of, Job 20:8; Psa. 73:20; Eccl. 5:3; Isa. 29:8; Jer. 23:28; 27:9; Zech. 10:2; Jude 8. sent by God, Job 33:15; Joel 2:28; to Abime- lech. Gen 20:3; Jacob, Gen. 28:12; 31:10; La- ban, Gen. 31:24; Joseph, Gen. 37:5: Pharaoh's servants, Gen. 40:5; Pharaoh, Gen. 41; Mid- ianite, Judg. 7:13; Solomon, 1 Kings 3:5; Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 2:4; Daniel, Dan. 7; Joseph, Mat. 1:20; 2:12; Pilate's wife. Mat. 27:19. DRESS, Deut. 22:5 ; extravagance censured, Isa. 3:16, etc.; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3. See GARMENTS. DRINK, strong, forbidden. Lev. 10:9; Num. 6:3; Judg. 13:4: Luke 1:1.5. to whom to be given, Prov. 31:6. DRINK-OFFERINGS, law concerning, Exod. 29:40; Lev. 23:13; Num. 6:17; 15:5 (Gen. 35:14). idolatrous, Isa. 57:6; Jer. 7:18; 44:17; Ezek. 20:28. DROMEDARIES. Jer. 2:23; 1 Kings 4:28; Esth. 8:10; Isa. 60:6. DROPSY healed by Christ, Luke 14:2. DROSS, wicked compared to, Psa. 119:119; Isa. 1*25' E/ek ''2*18 DROUGHT inflicted" as a punishment, Deut. 28:22; 1 Kings 17; Hag. 1:1L See FAMINE. DRUNKENNESS : forbidden, Eph. 5:18. caution against, Luke 21 :34. avoid temptation to, Prov. 6:27; 23:20, 31; Dan. 1:8; Luke 1:15. not expose others to, Rom. 14:21. is a work of the flesh, Gal. 5:21. is debasing. Isa. 28:8. is inflaming, Isa. 5:11. overcharges the heart, Luke 21 :34. takes away the heart, Hos. 4:11. LEADS TO poverty, Prov. 21:17; 23:21. strife, Prov. 23:29, 30. woe and sorrow, Prov. 23:29, 30. error, Isa. 28:7. contempt of God's works, Isa, 5:12. .scorning. Hos. 7:. 5. rioting and wantonness, Rom. 13:13. the wicked addicted to, Dan. 5:1-4, fal.se teachers addicted to, Lsa. 56:12. folly of yielding to, Prov. 20:1. 1>RU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EAS avoid those given to, Pro v. 23:20; 1 Cor. 5:11. denunciations against tliose given to, Isa. 5:11; 12; 28:1-3. tliose wlio encourage, Hab. 2:15. exclufles from heaven, 1 Cor. 0:10; Gal. 5:21. punishment of, Deut. 21:20, 21; Joel 1:5, 6: Amos 6:6, 7; Mat. 24:49-51. exemplified : Noah, Gen. 9:21. Lot, Gen. 19:33. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:36. Uriah, 2 Sam. 11:13. Elah, 1 Kin. 16:9, 10. Benhadad, 1 Kin. 20:16. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:4. Coriuthiaus, 1 Cor. 11:21. DRUSILLA, Acts 24:24. DUKES (sheikhs) of Edom, Gen. 36:15-19, 40-43; Exod. 15:15; 1 Chr. 1:51-54; of Horites, Gen. 36:21-30. DULCIMER, Dan. 3:5. DUMAH, a tribe of Ishmaelites, Gen. 25:14; IChr. 1:30; Isa. 21:11, 12. DUMB, Exod. 4:11; Prov. 31:8; Isa. 56:10. DUMBNESS cured by Christ (Isa. 35:6), Mat. 9:32; 12:22. inflicted, Luke 1:20. dumb not to be oppressed, Prov. 31:8. DUNGEON, Joseph cast into. Gen. 39; 40:15; also Jeremiah, Jer. 37:16; 38:6. DURA, plain of, Dan. 3:1. DUST, man formed of, and to return to, Gen. 2:7; 3:19; 18:27; Job 10:9; 34:15; Psa. 103:14; 104:29; Eccl. 12:7; 1 Cor. 15:47. placed on the head as a mark of grief. Josh. 7:6; Job 2:12; Lam. 2:10. emblem of debasement. Gen. 3:14; 1 Sam. 2:8; Job 42:6; Psa. 72:9; Nahum3:18. emblem of numbers, Gen. 13:16; Num. 23:10; Job 22:24; Psa. 78:27. DUTY of man, in general, Deut. 10:12; Josh. 22:5; Psa. 1:1; Eccl. 12:13; Hoseal2:6; Mic. 6:8; Zech. 7:9; 8:16; Mat. 19:18, 19; 1 Tim. 6:11, 12; 2 Tim. 2:22; Tit. 2:12; Jas. 1:27. paramount, 1 Sam. 15:22 ; Hos. 6:6: Mat. 9:13; 12:7; 22:37,38; 23:23; Luke 11:42; 17:10. DWARFS, not to minister. Lev. 21:20. DWELLING. See houses, tents, palaces. DYING SAINTS, consoled. Gen. 49:18; 2 Sam. 23:5; Job 19:25; Psa. 23:4; 31:5; 48:14; 73:24, 25; Luke 2:29; John 14:2; Rom. 8:38, 39; 1 Cor. 15; 2 Cor. 5:1; Phil. 1:21. DYEING, Exod. 25:5; 26:14; Ezek. 23:15. EAGLE, unclean. Lev. 11:13. described. Job 9:26; 39:27; Obad. 4. seen in visions, Ezek. 1:10; 17:3; Rev. 4:7. EAR, the, 2 Sam. 7:22; Psa. 45:10; 78:1; 94:9; Prov. 15:31; 20:12; 22:17; Isa. 50:4; 55:3; Mat. 10:27. EARS, he that hath, to hear, Mat. 11:15; 13:16; Mark 4:9. 23; 7:16. have, but hear not, Psa. 115:6; Isa. 42:20; Ezek. 12:2: Mat. 13:12; Mark8:18; Rom. 11:8. opened by God, Job 33:16; 36:15; Psa. 40:6; Mark 7:35. the Lord's, open to prayer, 2 Sam. 22:7; Psa. 18:6; 34:15; James 5:4; 1 Pet. 3:12. EARING (ploughing), Gen. 45:16; Exod. 34:21. EAR-RINGS, Gen. 24:22, 30; Exod. 32:2, 3; Judg. 8:24; Job 42:11; Isa. 3:20; Hosea2:13. EARLY RISING : Christ set an example of, Mark 1:35; Lu. 21 :38; .John 8:2. requisite for redeeming time, Eph. 5:16. devotion, Psa. 5:3; 59:16; 63:1; 88:13; Isa. 26:9. communion with Christ, Song 7:12. executing God's commands, Gen. 22:3. discharge of daily duties, Prov. 31:15. neglect of, leads to poverty, Prov. 6:9-11. PRACTISED BY THE WICKED, FOR deceit, PrOV. 27:14. drunkenness, Isa. 5:11. corrupting their doings, Zeph. 3:7. executing plans of evil, Mic. 2:1. illustrates spiritual diligence, Rom. 13:11, 12. exemphfled : Abraham, Gen. 19:27. Isaac, etc., Gen. 26:31. Jacob, Gen. 28:18. Joshua, etc.. Josh. 3:1. Gideon, Judg. 6:38. Samuel, 1 Sam. 15:12. David, 1 Sam. 17:20. Servant of Eli- sha, 2 Kings 6:15. Mary, etc., Mark 16:2. Apostles, Acts 5:21. EARNEST of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 1 :22; 5:5; Eph.l:14, EARNESTNESS. See spiritual diligence. EARTH created, Gen. 1:1. made fruitful. Gen. 1:11. cursed. Gen. 3:17. covered by the flood. Gen. 7:10. is the Lord's, Exod. 9:29; 1 Cor. 10:26. ideas of the ancients respecting its form, Job 11:9; 38:18; Prov. 25:3. full of minerals, Deut. 8:9; Job 28:1-5, 16-19. described as God's footstool, Isa. 66:1; Mat. 5:35. full of his goodness, Psa. 33:5; riches, Psa. 104:24; mercy, Psa. 119:64; glory. Num. 14:21; Isa. 6:3. shining with God's glory, Ezek. 43:2. trembling before him, Psa. 68:8; Jer. 10:10. melting at his voice, Psa. 46:6. burning at his presence, Nahum 1:5. corrupted by sin. Gen. 6:11, 12; Isa. 24:5. made to mourn by sin, Isa. 24:4; Jer. 4:28; 12:4; Hosea4:3. to be consumed by fire, Psa. 102:26; Isa. 51:6; 64:1: Mic. 1:4; Zeph. 1:18; 3:8; 2Thes. 1:7; 2 Pet. 3:7; Rev. 20. a new one promised, Isa. 65:17; 66:22; 2 PeL 3:13; Rev. 21:1. to be filled with the knowledge of God, Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14. saints shall inherit, Psa. 25:13; Mat. 5:5. EARTHLY, John 3:12, 31; 2 Cor. 5:1; Phil. 3:19; Jas. 3:15. EARTHQUAKES: Islands and mountainous dis- tricts liable to, Psa. 114 : 4-6 ; Rev. 6 : 14; 16:18-20. ACCOMPANIED BY volcanic eruptions, Psa. 104:32; Nah. 1:5. convulsion and receding of the sea, 2 Sara. 22:8, 16; Psa. 18:7, 15; 46:3. opening of the earth, Num. 16:31, 32. overturning of mountains, Psa. 46:2; Zech. 14:4. rending of rocks. Mat. 27:51. shaking of buildings, Acts 16:26. instances : at Mt. Sinai, Exod. 19:18. in the wilderness. Num. 16:31, 32. in strongholds of Philistines, 1 Sam. 14:15. when Elijah fled from Jezebel, 1 Kings 19:11. in Uzziah's reign, Amos 1:1; Zech. 14:5. at our Lord's death. Mat. 7:51. at his resurrection. Mat. 28:2. at Phihppi, Acts 16:26. predicted before the destruction of Jerusalem, Mat. 24:7; Luke 21 :n. at Christ's second coming, Zech. 14:4. illustrative of God's judgments, Isa. 24:19, 20; 29:6; Jer. 4:24; Rev. 8:6; and of the over- throw of kingdoms. Hag. 2:6, 22; Rev. 6:12, 13; 16:18, 19. EASE, danger of, Prov. 1:.32; Isa. 32:9; Amos 6:1; Luke 12:19. 47 EAS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ELD EAST, land of, Job 1:3. wise men from, Mat. 2:1. glory of God from, Ezek. 43:2; 47:8. EASTER (Passover), Acts 12:4. EBAL, mount, curses pronounced from, Deut. 27:13; Josh. 8:33. EBED-MELECH intercedes for and delivers Jer- emiali. Jer. 38:7. comforted, Jer. 39:16. EBEN-EZKR (the stone of help), Israelites smit- ten by Philistines at, 1 Sam. 4:1; 5:1. raised by Samuel, 1 Sam. 7:12. EBER. or Heber, Geu. 10:21-25; 11:14; 1 Chr. 1:19, 25; Luke 3:35. prophecy respecting, Num. 24:24. EBONY, Ezek. 27:15. ECONOMY. See INDUSTRY. EDAR. Gen. 35:21. EDEN described. Gen. 2:8. Adam driven from. Gen. 3:23. figuratively mentioned, Isa. 51:3; Ezek. 28:13; 31:9: 36:35; Joel 2:3. EDIFICATION : described, Eph. 4:12-16. IS AN OBJECT OF the ministerial office, Eph. 4:11, 12. ministerial gifts, 1 Cor. 14:a-5, 12, ministerial authority, 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10. the church's union in Christ, Eph. 4:16. the gospel the instrument of, Acts 20:32. love leads to, 1 Cor. 8:1. exhortation to, Jude 20:21. mutual, commanded, Rom. 14:19; 1 Thes. 5:11. all done for, 2 Cor. 12:19; Eph. 4:29. use self-denial to promote, in others, 1 Cor. 10:23, 33. the peace of the church favors. Acts 9:31. foolish questions opposed to, 1 Tim. 1:4. EDOMITES, descended from Esau, Gen. 36:9. dwelt in Mount Seir, Gen. 32:3; Deut. 2:4, 5. governed by dukes, Gen. 36:15, 30, 40-43; Exod. 15:15. afterwards by kings, Gen. 36:31-39; Num. 20:14. character, wise, Jer. 49:7; proud and self-con- fident, Jer. 49:16; Obad. 3; strong and cruel, Jer. 49:19; vindictive, Ezek. 25:12; idolatrous, 2 Chr. 25:14, 20; superstitious, Jer. 27:3, 9. carried on extensive commerce, Ezek. 27:20. their country called Mount Seir. Ezek. 35:2; Mount of Esau, Obad. 21; Dnniah, Isa. 21:11; Idumea, Isa. 34:6; Mark 3:8: Edom, Isa. 63:1. Chief cities of, Seba(Petra), Judg. 1:36; 2 Kings 14:7; 2 Chr. 25:12; Isa. 16:1. Dinhabah, or Dedan, Gen. 36:32; Jer. 49:8. Avith, Gen. 36:35. Pan, Gen. 36:39. Bozrah, Jer. 49:22; Amos 1:12. Teman, Jer. 49:7; Ezek. 25:13. Ezion-geber, a seaport, 1 Kings 9:26. remarkable persons of, Doeg, 1 Sam. 22:18. Hadad, 1 Kings 11:14, 19. Eliphaz, Job 2:11. their possessions, Deut. 2:5; Josh. 24:4. their unkindness to Israel, Num. 20:14; Judg. 11:17. admitted into the congregation, Deut. 23:8. subdued by David, 2 Sam. 8:14. revolt, 2 Kings 8:20; 2 Chr. 21:8. subdued by Amaziah, 2 Kin. 14:7; 2 Chr. 25:11. prophecies concerning, Num. 24:18; Psa. 108:9; Isa. 11:14; Jer. 25:21; 49:7,17; Ezek. 25:13; 35; .36:5; Dan. 11:41; Joel 3:19; Amos 1:11; Obad. 1-6. EDREI, a city of Bashan, Num. 21:33-35. EDUCATION, should commence early, Prov. 22:6; P.sa. 49:13; 2Titu. 1:5. by word of mouth, Exod. 10:2; Deut. 11:19; 21:18; Psa. 34:11; 78:6. 48 by institutions and ordinances, Exod. 12:25 ; 13:14; 16:32; Josh. 4:22; 22:24. by right examples, Prov. 20:7; 2 Tim. 1:5. with forbearance, Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:2. with needful correction, I^ov. 22:15; 29:15; Heb. 12:9. and coercion. Gen. 18:19; 1 Sam. 3:13; 1 Thes. 2:11. EGLON, king of Moab, oppresses Israel,Judg.3:14. slain by Ehud, Judg. 3:21. EGYPT, peopled bv Mizraim's posterity, Gen. 10:6, 13, 14. boundaries of, Ezek. 29:10. dry climate, Deut. 11:10, 11. watered by the Nile, Gen. 41:1-3; Exod. 1:22; Amos 8:8. subject to plague and famine, Deut. 7:15; 28:27, 60; 41:30. called the land of Ham, Psa. 105:23; 106:22; the South, Jer. 13:19 ; Dan. 11:14, 25 ; Sihor, Isa. 23:3; Rahab, Psa. 87:4; House of Bond- men, Exod. 13:3. 14; Deut. 7:8. celebrated for fertility. Gen. 13:10; 45:18; wealth, Heb. 11:26; literature, 1 Kin. 4:30; Acts 7:22; fine horses, 1 Kin.lO:28, 29; fine linen, Prov. 7:16; Isa. 19:9; commerce. Gen. 41:57; Ezek. 27:7. idolatrous, Exod. 12:12; Num. 33:4; Isa. 19:1; Ezek. 29:7. mode of entertaining in, Gen. 43:32-34. diet used in. Num. 11:5. mode of embalming in, Gen. 50:3. visited by Abram, Gen. 12:10. Joseph carried down to, Gen. 37:36. his stay, Gen. 39-50; Psa. 105:17; Acts 7:9. Israelites' bondage there, Exod. 1:12; 5, etc.; Psa. 105, departure from, Ex. 13:17; Psa. 78:12; 105:37: 106:7; Acts 7:9; Heb. 11:22. kings of, chastise Judah, 1 Kings 14:25; 2 Kings 23:29; 2 Chr. 12:2; 35:20; 36:3; Jer. 37:5. conquered by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Kings 24:7; Jer. 46; Ezek. 29:18. Jeremiah carried there,- Jer. 43. also Christ, Mat. 2:13 (Hos. 11:1). prophecies concerning, Gen. 15:13: Isa. 11:11; 27:12; 30:1; Jer. 9:26; 25:19: 43:8; 44:28; 46; Dan. 11:8; Hos. 9:3; 11; Joel 3:19; Zech. 10:10; 14:18. confidence in, censured, Isa. 30; 31; Jer. 42:14; 43:8, etc. when Egyptians might be received into the congregation, Deut. 23:8. ever to be a base kingdom, Ezek. 29:15. to be numbered and blest along with Israel. Isa. 19:23-25. prophetic illustration of its destruction, Jer. 43:9, 10; Ezek. 30:21. 22: 32:4-6. EHUD delivers Israel, Judg. 3:15. EKRON taken, Judg. 1:18. .smitten with emerods, 1 Sam. 5:10: 6:17. prophecies concerning, Amos 1:8; Zeph. 2:4; Zech. 9:5. ELAH, evil reign of, over Israel, 1 Kings 16:8. killed by Zimri, 1 Kings 16:10. , valley of, battle in, 1 Sam. 17:2. Goliath slain there, 1 Sam. 17:49. the father of Hoshea, 2 Kings 15:30. ELAM. son of Shem, Gen. 10:22; 14:1. (Persia), prophecies of, Isa. 21:2; Jer. 25:25; 49:34; Acts 2:9. ELATH, Deut. 2:8; 2 Kin. 14:22; 16:6; 2 Chr. 8:17. ELDAD prophesies. Num. 11:26. EliDER-S, seventy, appointed, Exod. 24:1; Num. 11:16. ELE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ELI :ll; 51:13: charge to, Deut. 29:10. officers so called, Gen. 50:7; Lev. 4:15; Deut. 21:19; 1 Sam. 16:4, etc.; Ezra 5:5; Psa. 107:32; Ezek. 8:1, etc. in the church, their qualifications, etc., Tit. 1:5; 1 Tim. 5:19; Jas. 5:14; 1 Pet. 5:1. See Acts 11:30; 14:23; 15:4, 23; 16:4; 20:17. Paul's charge to, Acts 20:17. Peter's charge to, 1 Pet. 5. twenty -four, in heaven. Rev. 4:4, etc. 14:3. ELEALEH, Num. 32:3, 37; Isa. 15:4; 16:9 ELEAZAR, son of Aaron, Exod. 6:2:3. consecrated priest, Exod. 28, 29; Lev. 8. charge to. Num. 3:32; 4:16; 16:36. succeeds Aaron, Num. 20:26, 28; 27:22; 34:17; Josh. 17:4. death of. Josh. 24:33. ■ -, son of Abinadab, l^eeps the ark, 1 Sam. 7:1. , one of David's captains, 2 Sam. 23:9; 1 Chr. 11:12. ELECT, Christ so called, 1 Pet. 2:6 (Isa. 42:1). the church, Isa. 45:4; 65:9; Mat. 24:22; 2 Tim. 2:10. lady, 2 Jolm. ELECTION: of Christ as Messiah, Isa. 42:1; 1 Pet. 2:6. of good angels, ITini. 5:21. of Israel, Deut. 7:6; 19:15; Isa. 45:4. of ministers, Luke 6:13; Acts 9:15. of churches, 1 Pet. 5:13. OP SAINTS, IS of God, 1 Thes. 1:4; Tit. 1:1. by Christ, John 13:18; 15:16. in Christ, Eph. 1:4. personal. Mat. 20:16, with John 6:44; Acts 22:14: 2 John 13. according to the purpose of God, Rom. 9:11; Eph. 1:11. according to the foreknowledge of God, Rom. 8:29: 1 Pet. 1:2. eternal, Eph. 1:4. sovereign,Rom. 9:15, 16; 1 Cor. 1:27; Eph. 1:11. irrespective of merit, Rom. 9:11. of grace, Rom. 11:5. recorded in heaven, Luke 10:10. for the glory of God, Eph. 1:6. through faith, 2 Thes. 2:13. through sanctificatiou of the Spirit, 1 Pet. 1:2; 2 Thes. 2:13. to adoption, Eph. 1:5. to salvation, 2 Thes. 2:1.3. to conformity with Christ, Rom. 8 :29. to good works, Eph. 2:10. to spiritual warfare, 2 Tim. 2:4. to eternal glory, Rom. 9:23. INSURES TO SAINTS efl'ectual calling, Rom. 8:30. divine teaching, John 17:6. belief in Christ, Acts 13:48. acceptance with God, Rom. 11:7. protection. Mat. 24:22; Mark 13:20. vindication of wrongs, Luke 18:7. working of all things for good, Rom. 8:28. blessedness, Psa. .33:12: 65:4. the inheritance, Isa. 65:9; 1 Pet. 1:4, 5. should lead to cultivation of graces. Col. 3:12. should be evidenced by diligence. 2 Pet. 1:10. saints may have assurance of, 1 Thes. 1:4. exemplified: Isaac, Gen. 21:12. Abram, Neh. 9:7. Zerubbabel, Hag. 2:23. Apostles, John 13:18; 15:19. Jacob, Rom. 9:12, 13. Rufus, Rom. 16:13. Paul, Gal. 1:15. EL-ELOHE-ISRAEL (God the God of Israel), Gen. 33:20. ELHANAN, one of David's warriors, 2 Sam. 21:19; 23:24; 1 Chr. 11:26; 20:5. 4 ELI, high priest, blesses Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:17. Samuel brought to, 1 Sam. 1:25. wickedness of his sons, l Sam. 2:22. reproved, and the destruction of his house fore- told, 1 Sam. 2:27; 3:11. the prophecy fulfilled, 1 Sam. 4:10; 22:9; 1 Kin. 2:26. his death, 1 Sam. 4:18. ELI, Eli, lama sabachthani. See eloi. ELIAB, eldest son of Jesse, 1 Sam. 16:6, 7. his displeasure at David, 1 Sam. 17:28, 29. called Elihu, 1 Chr. 27:18; 2 Chr. 11:18. ELIAKIM, son of Hilkiah, speaks with R.ii.sha- keh, 2 Kings 18:18: Isa. 36:11. sent to Isaiah, 2 Kings 19:2; Isa. 37:2. his exaltation foretold, Isa. 22:20. a type of Christ, Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3:7. (Jehoiakim), sou of Josiah, made k iig by Pharaoh, 2 Kings 23:34: 2 Chr. 36:4. his evil reign and death, 2 Kings 24:1; 2 Chr. 36:4. ELIAS, Mat. 27:47, 49; Mark 15:35, 36; Lu. 1:17; John 1:21. See ELIJAH. ELIASHIB, high priest, Neh. 3:1. censured for breaking the law, Neh. 13:4. ELIEZER, Abraham's steward. Gen. 15:2. his prayer answered. Gen. 24:12. ■, son of Moses, Exod. 18:4; 1 Chr. 23:15. , Zichri's son, 1 Chr. 17:16. , prophet, reproves Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 29:37. , Others, 1 Chr. 7:8; 15:24; Ezra 8:16; 10:18, 23, 3L ELIHU reproves Job's friends. Job 32; and Job's impatience. Job 33:8; 34:2. declares God's justice. Job 33:12; 34:10; 35:13: 36; and power, Job 33-37; and mercy, Job 33:23; 34:28. ELIJAH (EUas), prophesies a gi-eat drought, 1 Kings 17:1; Jas. 5:17. miraculously fed, 1 Kings 17:4, 16 (Luke 4:26); 19:5. raises the widow's son, 1 Kings 17:21. slays the priests of Baal, etc., 1 Kings 18:18. flees into the wilderness, 1 Kings 19; Rom. 11:2. calls Elisha, 1 Kings 19:19. denounces Ahab in Naboth's vineyard, 1 Kings 21:17. See 1 Kings 22:38; 2 Kings 9:36; 10 10. rebukes Ahaziah, 2 Kings 1:3, 16, calls down flre from heaven, 2 Kings 1:10; Luke 9:54. his writing to Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21:12. carried up into heaven, 2 Kings 2:11. appears at Christ's transfiguration. Mat. 17:3; Mark 9:4; Luke 9:30. type of John the Baptist. 2 Kings 1:8; Mat. 3:4. See Mai. 4:5; Mat. 11:14; 16:14; Luke 1:17; 9:8, 19; John 1:21. ELIM, Exod. 15:27: 16:1: Num. 33:9, 10. ELIMELECH, Ruth 1:1-3: 2:1, 3: 4:3, 9. ELIPHAZ reproves Job and declares God's judg- ment against sinners. Job 4; 5; 15; 22. his fearful vision, Job 4:12. rebuked by Ehhu, Job 32:3. God's anger against, appeased, Job 42:7. ELISABETH, mother of John, Luke 1:5. her salutation to Mary, Luke 1:42. ELISHA (Eliseus), appointed to succeed Elijah, 1 Kings 19:16. receives his mantle, 2 Kings 2:13. curses mocking children, 2 Kings 2:24. foretells the destruction of the Moabites, 2 Kin 3:13. ELI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ENQ various miracles wrought by him, 2 Kings 2:14, 20; 4; 6. raises the Shunammite's son, 2 Kings 4:32. his care for her, 2 Kings 8:1. Naaman's leprosy healed, 2 Kings 5; Luke 4:27. Gehazi condemned, 2 Kings 5:27. Syrians smitten with blindness, 2 Kings 6:18. prophesies plenty in Samaria, 2 Kings 7:1. his prophecy to Hazael, 2 Kings 8:11. sends to anoint Jehu, 2 Kings 9:1. in his sickness foretells victories over the Syri- ans, 2 Kings 13:14. death, 2 Kings 13:20. miracle wrought by his bones, 2 Kings 13:21. ELISHAH, a sou of Javan, Gen. 10:4; 1 Chr. 1 : 7. his name given to islands of the Mediterranean, Gen. 10:5; Ezek. 27:7. ELISHEBA, wife of Aaron, Exod. 6:23. ELIZAPHAN, Lev. 10:4; Num. 3:30. ELKANAH, Samuel's father, 1 Sam. 1. his kindness to Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:5; 23. ELKOSH, birthplace of Xahum, Nah. 1:1. ELLASAR, king of Arioch, Gen. 14 :l. ELM, Hos. 4:13 ; translated oak, Gen. 35:4; Judg. 6:11. ELNATHAN, Ezra 8:16; Jer. 26:22; 36:12, 25. ELOI (my God), Mat. 27:40: Mark 15:34. ELON judges Israel, Judg. 12:11. ELUL, sixth month (September), wall of Jerusalem finished in, Neh. 6:15. temple built in, Hag. 1 : 14, 15. ELYMAS. See bar-jesus. EMBALMING of Jacob, Gen. 50:2. of Joseph, Gen. 50:26. of Christ, John 19:39. learned by the Jews in Egypt, Gen. 50:2, 26. time required for, Gen. 50:3. an attempt to defeat God's purpose, Gen. 3:19. EMBLEMS of the Holy Ghost: WATER, John 3:5; 7:38, 39. cleansing, Ezek. 16:9; 36:25; Eph. 5:26; Heb. 10:22. fertilizing, Psa. 1:3; Isa. 27:3, 6; 44:3,4; 58:11. refreshing, Psa. 46:4; Isa. 41:17, 18. abundant, John 7:37, 38. free, Isa. 55:1; John 4:14; Rev. 22:17. KIRE, Mat. 3:11. purifying, Isa. 4:4; Mai. 3:2, 3. illuminating, Exod. 13:21; Psa. 78:14. searching, Zeph. 1:12, with 1 Cor. 2:10. WIND, Song 4: 16. independent, John 3:8: 1 Cor. 12:11. powerful, 1 Kings 19:11, with Acts 2:2. sensiljle in its effects, John 3:8. reviving, Kzek. 37:9, 10, 14. OIL, Psa. 45:7. heaUng, Isa. 1:6; Luke 10:34; Rev. 3:18. comforting, Isa. 61:3; Heb. 1:9. illuminating, Zech. 4:2, 3, 11-14; Mat. 25:3, 4; 1 John 2:20, 27. consecrating, Exod. 29:7; 30:30; Isa. 61:1. RAIN AND DEW, Psa. 72:6. fertilizing, Ezek. 34:26, 27; Hos. 6:3; 10:12; 14:5. refreshing, Psa. 68:9; Isa. 18:4. abundant, Psa. 133:3. imperceptible, 2 Sam. 17:12, with Mark 4:26-28. A DOVE, Mat. 3:16. gentle. Mat. 10:16, with Gal. 5:22. A VOICE, Isa. 6:8. speaking. Mat. 10:20. guiding, Isa. 30:21, with John 10:13. warning, Heb. 3:7-11. A SEAL, Rev. 7:2. impressing. Job 38:14, with 2 Cor. 3:18. .SO .securing, Eph. 1:13, 14; 4:30. authenticating, John 6:27; 2 Cor. 1:22. CLOVEN TONGUES, Acts 2:3; 6:11. EMBROIDERY, Exod. 28:39; 35:35; 38:23; Ezek. 13:18. See NEEDLEWORK. EMERALDS, Exod. 28:18; 39:11; Ezek. 27:16; 28:13: Rev. 4:3: 21:19. EMERODS threatened, Deut. 28:27. Philistines smitten with, 1 Sam. 5; 6. EMIM, giants. Gen. 14:5; Deut. 2:10. EMMANUEL, Isa. 7:14; 8:8; Mat. 1:23. See IM- MANUEL. EMMAUS, Christ's visit to, Luke 24:13. EMMER, Acts 7:16. See SHECHEM. EMULATION censured. Gal. 5:20. sometimes good, Rom. 11:14. ENCAMPMENTS, Exod. 13:20; 14:2; 18:5; Num. 1:50; 2:17; 10:31; 33:10; Josh. 4:19 ; 10:5; Judg. 6:4; 9:50; 10:17; 1 Sam. 11:1; 13:16; 2 Sam. 11:11; 12:28; 1 Kings 16:15; 1 Chr. 11:15: 2 Chr. 32:1. ENCHANTMENTS forbidden. Lev. 19:26; Deut. 18:9; Isa. 47:9. See divination. ENDOR, Saul consults a witch there, 1 Sam. 28: 7. ENEAS. See ^neas. EN-EGLAIM, a town of Moab, Ezek. 47:10. ENEMIES : Christ prayed for his, Luke 23:34. the lives of, to be spared, 1 Sam. 24:10; 2 Sam. 16:10, 11. the goods of, to be taken care of, Exod. 23:4, 5. SHOULD BE loved. Mat. 5:44. prayed for. Mat. 5:44; Acts 7:60. assisted, Prov. 25:21, with Rom. 12:20. overcome by kindness, 1 Sam. 26:21; Prov. 25:22, with Rom. 12:20. rejoice not at misfortues of. Job 31:29. rejoice not at failings of, Prov. 24:17. desire not the death of, l Kings 3:11. curse them not. Job 31:30. be kindly concerned for, Psa. 35:13. the friendship of, deceitful, 2 Sam. 20:9, 10; Prov. 26:26; 27:6; Mat. 26:48, 49. God defends against, Psa. 59:9; 61:3. God deUvers from, 1 Sam. 12:11; Ezra 8:31; Psa. 18:48. made at peace with saints, Prov. 16:7. pray for deliverance from, 1 Sam. 12:10; Psa. 17:9; 59:1; 64:1. of saints, God will destroy, Psa. 60:12. praise God for deliverance from, Psa. 136:24. ENGEDl, city, Josh. 15:62. David dwells there, 1 Sam. 23:29; 24:1. See Song 1:14; Ezek. 47:10. ENGINES of war, 2 Chr. 26:15; Jer. 6:6; Ezek. 26:9. ENGRAFTING, illustrative, Rom. 11:17-24; Jas. 1:21. ENGRAVING on stones, Exod. 28:11 ; 35:35; .38:23; 39:14,30; Zech. 3:9: 2 Cor. 3:7. EN-HAKKORE, fountain, Judg. 15:19. ENMITY, Gen. 3:15; Num. 35:21; Luke 23:12. between God and man, how abolished (Rom. 8:7; Jas. 4:4); Eph. 2:15; Col. 1:20, etc. ENOCH'S piety and translation. Gen. 5:24. his faith, Heb. 11:5. his prophecy, Jude 14. ENON. See .knon. ENOS, Gen. 4:26: 5:6-11; 1 Chr. 1:1; Luke 3:38. ENQUIRING, of God. By Rebekah, Gen. 25:22; by Israelites, Judg. 1:1; 1 Sam. 10:22; by Da- vid, 2 Sam. 2:1; 5:19, 23; 21:1; 1 Chr. 14:10, 14; by his saints, Ezek. 36:37. of the high priest. By Israelites, Judg. 20:18- 27; by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:19, 37-41; by David, ENR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EST 1 Sam. 22:10; in the temple, 2 Sam. 16:23; 1 Chr. 21:30; Psa. 27:4. of the prophets, Ezek. 14:7. By Saul, 1 Sam. 9:6-9; by David, 1 Sam. 23:2, 4; 22:5; by Jehoshaphat, 1 Kings 22:7; 2 Kings 3:11; by Benhadad, 2 Kings 8:8; by Josiah, 2 Kings 22:13; by Zedekiah, Jer. 21:1, 2; 37:7; by elders of Israel, Ezek. 20:1. ENROGEL, fountain. Josh. 15:7; 18:16; 2 Sam. 17:17; 1 Kings 1:9. ENSIGN. See banner. ENTERTAINMENTS, often great, Gen. 21:8; Dan. 5:1; Luke 5:29. preparations made for. Gen. 18:6, 7; Pro v. 9:2; Mat. 22:4; Luke 15:23. kinds mentioned: dinner. Gen. 43:16: Mat. 22:4; Luke 14:12; supper, John 12:3; ban- quet of wine, Esth. 5:6. under the master of the feast, John 2:8, 9. invitations sent, Prov. 9:1-5: Luke 14:16, 17. given in the house, Luke 5:29: in the open air, beside fountains, 1 Kings 1:9; in the court of the house, Esth. 1:5, 6; Luke 7:36, 37; in the upper room or guest-chamber, Mark 14:14, 15. guests: saluted, Luke 7:45; anointed, Psa. 23:5; Luke 7:46; had their feet washed. Gen. 18:4; 43:24; Luke 7:38, 44; arranged accord- ing to rank, Gen. 43:33; 1 Sam. 9:22; Luke 14:10; sometimes had separate dishes. Gen. 43:34; 1 Sam. 1:4; sometimes ate from same dish. Mat. 26:23. portions sent to the absent, 2 Sam. 11:8; Neh. 8:10; Esth. 9:19. offence given by declining invitation, Luke 14:18, 24. the door shut, Luke 13:24, 25. began with thanksgiving, 1 Sam. 9:13; Mark 8:6. ended with a hymn, Mark 14:26. none asked to eat or drink more than he wished, Esth. 1:8. often scenes of great intemperance, 1 Sam. 25:36; Dan. 5:3, 4; llos. 7:5. given by guests in return. Job 1:4; Luke 14:12. ENTICERS to strong drink, cursed, Hab. 2:15. to idolatry, to be stoned, Deut. 13:10. to sin, condemned, Rom. 14:13. must be avoided, Prov. 1:10-15. shall be punished, Prov. 28:10. overcome through God, Jer. 20:10. instances : enemies of the Jews, Neh. 6. Ba- laam, Rev. 2:14. ENVY: forbidden, Prov. 3:31; Rom. 13:13. comes by foolish disputations, 1 Tim. 6:4. excited by good deeds of others, Eccl. 4:4. a work of the flesh. Gal. 5:21; Jas. 4:5. hurtful to indulge, Job 5:2; Prov. 14:30. none can stand before, Prov. 27:4. shows carnal-mindedness, 1 Cor. 3:1. 3. inconsistent with the gospel, Jas. 3:14. hinders growth in grace, 1 Pet. 2:1, 2. the wicked are full of, Rom. 1:29. the wicked live in. Tit. 3:3. leads to every evil work, Jas. 3:16. prosperity of the wicked should not excite, Psa. 37:1, 35; 73:3, 17-20. punishment of, Psa. 106:16, 17; Isa. 26:11. exemplified : Cain, Gen. 4:5. Philistines, Gen. 26:14. Laban's sons, Gen. 31:1. Joseph's brethren, Gen. 37:11. Joshua, Num. 11:28, 29. Aaron, etc.. Num. 12:2. Korah, etc., Num. 16:3, with Psa. 106:16. Saul, 1 Sam. 18:8. Sanballat, etc., Neh. 2:10. Haman, Esth. 5:1.3. Edomites, Ezek. 35:11. Princes of Babylon, Dan. 6:3, 4. Chief priests, Mark 15:10. Jews, Acts 13:45; 17:5. EPjENETDS, an early convert, Rom. 16:5. EPAPHRAS, Col. 1:7; 4:12. EPAPHRODITDS, Paul's joy at his recovery, Phil. 2:25; 4:18. EPHAH, a measure, Exod. 16:. 36; Lev. 19:36; Judg. 6:19; Ruth 2:17; 1 Sam. 1:24; 17:17; Ezek. 45:10; Zech. 5:6. EPHESUS, visited by Paul, Acts 18:19. miracles there. Acts 19:11. tumult. Acts 19:24 (1 Cor. 15:32). fights with beasts there, 1 Cor. 15:32. Paul's address to the elders of. Acts 20:17; 1 Cor. 16:8. Christ's message to. Rev. 1:11; 2:1, etc. EPHESIANS, instructed by Paul concerning man's salvation, Eph. 1; the adoption of the Gentiles, etc., Eph. 2; 3; exhorted to unity and good works, Eph. 4-6. EPHOD of the priest, Exod. 28:4; 39:2. See 1 Sam. 23:6; Jfo.s. 3:4. Idolatrous, Judg. 8:27; 17:5. See 2 Sam. 6:14; 1 Chr. 15:27; Hos. 3:4. EPHPHATHA, "be opened," Mark 7:34. EPHRAIM, son of Joseph, Gen. 41:52. preferred to Manasseh, Gen. 48:14. slaughter of his children, 1 Chr. 7:21. his descendants numbered. Num. 1:10, 32; 2:18; 26:35; 1 Chr. 7:20. theii' possessions. Josh. 16:5; 17:14; Judg. 1:29. chastise the Midianites, Judg. 7:24. their quarrel with Gideon, Judg. 8:1, and Jeph- thah, Judg. 12. revolt from the house of David, 1 Kings 12:26; 2 Chr. 10:16. chastise Ahaz and Judah, 2 Chr. 28:6. release their prisoners, 2 Chr. 28:12. carried into captivity, 2 Kings 17:5; Psa. 78:9, 67; Jer. 7:15. prophecies concerning, Isa. 7; 9:9; 11:13; 28:1; Jer. 31; Hos. 5-14; Zech. 9:10; 10:7. , a name for the ten tribes. 2 Chr. 17:2; 25:6, 7. , a town north of Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 13:23; 2 Chr. 13:19; John 11:54. , Mount, a range of hills in Central Pales- tine, Josh. 17:15-18; Judg. 2:9; 1 Sam. 14:22- 27; 2 Sam. 20:21. Shechem in. See samaria. EPHRATAII, Psa. 132:6. See bethlehem, EPHRON, the Hittite, sells Machpelah to Abra- ham, Gen. 23:10. EPICUREANS, meet Paul, Acts 17:18. ER, eldest son of Judah, Gen. 38:3, 7; 46:12. ERASTUS ministers to Paul, Acts 19:22; Rom. 16:23; 2 Tim. 4:20. ESAR-HADDON, king of Assyria, 2 Kings 19:37; Ezra 4:2; Isa. 37:38. ESAU, son of Isaac, Gen. 25:25 {Mai. 1:2; Rom. 9:10). sells birthright, Gen. 25:29 (Heb. 12:16). deprived of the blessing. Gen. 27:26. his kindness to Jacob, Gen. 33. his descendants, Gen. 36; 1 Chr. 1:35. See EDOM. See also Jer. 49:8-10; Oba. 6, 18, 22; Heb. 11:20. ESEK (contention), a well dug by Isaac, Gen. 26:20. ESCHOL, fertility of. Num. 13:23. ESHTAOL, Josh. 15:33: Judg. 13:25; 16:31. ESPOUSAL. See betrothal. ESTHER, chosen queen, Esth. 2:17. fasts on account of the decree, Esth. 4:15. intercedes for her people, Esth. 7-9. SI ETA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EXC ETAM. Jutlg. 15:8-13. ETHAM, Exod. 13:20; Num. 33:6, 8. ETHAN, Psalm 89 ascribed to. See 1 Kiu. 4:31: 1 Ciir. 15:17. ETHANIM (month of streaming rivers), tlie 7th month (October). Feast of atonement and tabernacles held in, Lev. 23:24, 27. jubilee proclaimed in, Lev. 25:9. dedication of the temple in, 1 Kings 8:2. altar rebuilt and offerings renewed in, Ezra 3:1, 6. ETHIOPLA.NS, invading Judah, subdued by Asa, 2Chr. 14:9. See Num. 12:1; 2 Kings 19:9; Esrh. 1:1; Job 28:19. prophecies concerning, Psa. 68:31; 87:4; Isa. 18:20: 43:3: 45:14; Jer. 46:9; Ezek. 30:4; 38:5; Nah. 3:9; Zeph. 3:10. eunucli baptized, Acts 8:27. EUBULDS, a Roman Christian, 2 Tim. 4:21. EUNICE commended (Acts 16:1), 2 Tim. 1:5. EUNUCHS comforted, Isa. 56:3. our Lord's declaration concerning. Mat. 19:12. an Ethiopian, baptized by Plillip, Acts 8:27. See Dan. 1:3. EUODIAS, admonished by Paul, Phil. 4:2. EUPHRATES, river, historically and typically, Gen. 2:14; 15:18; Deut. 11:24: Josh. 1:4; 2 Sam. 8:3; Jer. 13:1; 46:2; 51:63; Rev. 9:14; 16:12. EUROCLYDON, a wind. Acts 27:14. EUTYCHUS, his fall. Acts 20:7. EVANGELISTS, duty of, Acts 21:8: Eph. 4:11; 2 Tim. 4:5. EVE created. Gen. 1:27: 2:18. named by Adam (Isha) woman. Gen. 2:23; and Eve (living). Gen. 3:20. beguiled bv the serpent. Gen. 3 (2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:1.3). her sentence. Gen. 3:16. promise made to, of Messiah, Gen. 3:15. her words concerning Cain, Gen. 4:1, and Seth, Gen. 4:25. children of, Gen. 5:4. EVENING, day began with. Gen. 1:5. divided into two, commencing at 3 o'clock and sunset, Exod. 12:6 (marg.); Num. 9:3 (marg.). a season for meditation and prayer. Gen. 24:63; Psa. 55:17; Mat. 14:15. 23; for exercise, 2 Sam. 11 : 2 ; taking food, Mark 14 : 17, 18; Luke 24:29, 30. EVIL COMPANY, danger of : Sodomites, Gen. 13:13; 19:9, 15. Shechemites, Gen. 34:1. Mo- abites. Num. 25; Psa. 106:28. Delilah, Judg. 16:1-21. Rehoboam's counsellors, 1 Kings 12:8. Mana.sseh, 2 Kin. 21:9. Ahaziah, 2 Chr. 20:37; 22:3-5. Solomon's wives, Neh. 13:26. Amaziah, 2 Chr. 25:7-9. EVIL-MERODACH, his kindness to Jehoiachin, 2 Kings 25:27; Jer. 52:31. EXACTION (extortion) forbidden. Lev. 25:35; Deut. 15:2: Neh. 5:1; 10:31; Prov.28:8; Ezek. 22:12: 45:9; Luke 3:13; 1 Cor. 5:10. EXAMINATION, self, Psa. 4:4; Lam. 3:40; Mat. 7:3, 5; 1 Cor. 11:28; 2 Cor. 13:5; Gal. 6:4. See also P.sa. 26:2; 77:6; 119:59; 139:23. EXAMPLE of Christ: is perfect, Heb. 7:26. CONFORMITY TO, REQUIRED, IN holinCSS, 1 Pet. 1:15, 16, with Rom. 1:6. righteousness, 1 John 2:6. purity, 1 John 3:3. love, John 13:34: Eph. 5:2; 1 John 3:16. humility, Luke 22:27; Phil. 2:5, 7. meekness. Mat. 11:29. lowliness of heart. Mat. 11:29. 52 obedience, John 15:10. self-denial. Mat. 16:24; Rom. 15:3. ministering to others. Mat. 20:28; John 13:14, 15. benevolence. Acts 20:35; 2 Cor. 8:7, 9. forgiving injuries, Col. 3:13. overcoming sin, 1 Pet. 4:1. overcoming the world, John 16:33, with 1 Jolin 5:4. being not of the world, John 17:16. being guileless, 1 Pet. 2:21, 22. suffering wrongfully, 1 Pet. 2:21-23. suffering for righteousness, Heb. 12:3, 4. saints predestinated to follow, Rom. 8:29. conformity to, progressive, 2 Cor. 3:18. EXAMPLES for warning, 1 Cor. 10:6; Heb. 4:11; IPet. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2; Jude. for imitation: the prophets, etc., Heb. 6:12; Jas. 5:10; the apostles, Mat. 5:16; 1 Cor. 4:16; 11:1; Phil. 3:17: 4:9; 1 Thes. 1:6. EXCELLENCY and glory of Christ: as God, John 1:1-5; Phil. 2:6, 9, JO. as Son of God, Mat. 3:17; Heb. 1:6, 8. as One with the Father, John 10:30, 38. as the First-born, Col. 1:15, 18. as the First-begotten, Heb. 1:6. as Lord of lords, etc.. Rev. 17:14. as the image of God, Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3. as Creator, John 1:3; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2. as the blessed of God, Psa. 45:2. as Mediator, 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 8:6. as Prophet, Deut. 18:15, 16, with Acts 3:22 as Priest, Psa. 110:4: Heb. 4:15. as King, Isa. 6:1-5, with John 12:41. as Judge, Mat. 16:27; 25:31-33. as Shepherd, Isa. 40:10, 11; John 10:11, 14. as Head of the church, Eph. 1:22. as the true Light, Luke 1:78, 79; John 1:4, 9. as the foundation of the church, Isa. 28:16. as the way, John 14:6; Heb. 10:19, 20. as the truth, 1 John 5:30; Rev. 3:7. as the hfe, John 11:25; Col. 3:4; 1 John 5:11. as incarnate, John 1:14. in his words, Luke 4:22; John 7:46. in his works. Mat. 13:54; John 2:11. in his sinless perfection, Heb. 7:26-28. in the fulness of his grace and truth, Psa. 45:2, with John 1:14. in his transfiguration. Mat. 17:2, with 2 Pet. 1:16-18. in his exaltation. Acts 7:55, 56: Eph. 1:21. in the calling of the Gentile-s, Psa. 72:17; John 12:21, 23. in the restoration of the Jews, Psa. 102 : 16. in his triumph. Isa; 63:1-3, with Rev. 19:11, 16. followed his sufferings, 1 Pet. 1:10, 11. followed his resurrection, 1 Pet. 1:21. is unchangeable, Heb. 1:10-12. is incomparable, Song 5:10; Phil. 2:9. imparted to saints, John 17:22; 2 Cor. 3:18. celebrated by the redeemed. Rev. 5:8-14; 7:9-12. revealed in the gospel, Isa. 40:5. saints shall rejoice at the revelation of, 1 Pet. 4:13. saints shall behold, in heaven, John 17:24. . of the church: derived from (iod, Isa. 28:5. derived from Christ, Isa. 60:1; Luke 2:32. result from the favor of God, Isa. 43:4. God delights in, Psa. 45:11; Isa. 62:3-5. .saints delight in, Isa. 66:11. CONSISTS IN ITS being the seat of God's wor- .ship, Psa. 96:6. being the temple of God, 1 Cor. 3:16, 17; Eph. 2:21, 22. EXC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FAI being the body of Christ, Eph. 1:22, 23. being the bride of Christ, Psa. 45:13, 14: Rev. 19:7,8; 21:2. being estabUshed, Psa. 48:8; Isa. 33:20. eminent position, Psa. 48:2; Isa. 2:2. graces of character, Song 2:14. perfection of beauty, Psa. 50:2. members being righteous, Isa. 60 : 21 ; Rev. 19:8. strength and defence, Psa, 48:12, 13. sanctification, Eph. 5:26, 27. augmented by increase of its members, Isa. 49:18: 60:4-14. are abundant, Isa, 66:11. sin obscures. Lam. 2:14, 15. EXCESS forbidden. Mat, 23:25; Eph. 5:18; 1 Pet. 4:3, etc. See drunkenness, etc. EXCOMMUNICATION: Jewish laws, Cen. 17:14; Exod. 12:15. 19; 30:33, 38; Lev. 7:20,25; 17:9, 10, 14; 19:8; 23:29; Num. 9:13; 19:13; John 9:34. Christian rules. Mat. 18:17; 1 Cor. 5:4, 13; 16:22; 2 Cor. 2:2, etc.; Gal, 1:8; 2 Thes. 3:14; 1 Tim. 1:20: 2 John 10. EXCUSES, folly of, 2 Kings 5:13; Mat. 22:5; Luke 14:18: Rom. 1:20. EXECUTIONER, Mark 6:27; Gen. 37:36 (marg.); Jer. 39:9 (marg.); Dan. 2:14 (marg.). EXHORTATION, mutual, commanded, Acts 13:15; 15:32: Rom. 12:8; 1 Cor. 14:3; 1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:2: Tit. 1:9; 1 Thes. 4:18; 5:11: Heb. 3:13; 10:25; 13:22. EXORCISTS, Acts 19:13. EXPECTATION, of the righteous, is from God, Psa. 62:5. shall not fail, Prov. 23:18; 24:14; Phil. 1:20. is blessed. Tit. 2:13; 2 Pet. 3:12. , of the wicked, shall perish, Prov. 10:28; 11:7; Zech. 9:5; Acts 12:1L is wrath, Prov. 11:23; Heb. 10:27. EXPEDIENT, many lawful things are nor, 1 Cor. 6:12. EXPERIENCE, Gen. 30:27; Eccl. 1:16: 2:1. etc. added to faith, Rom. 5:4; Jas. 1:3; 12, etc. EXPIATION. See atonement. EXTORTION. See exaction. EYE-SERVICE, Eph. 6:6; Col. 3:22. EYES of the Lord in every place, etc., Deut. 11:12; 2Chr. 16:9; Prov. 15:3. upon the righteous, Ezra 5:5; Psa. 32:8; 33:18; 34:15; 1 Pet. 3:12. of man to be guarded, Job 31:1; Psa. 119:37; Prov. 4:25; 23:31; Mat. 5:29; 18:9. See Gen. 29:17; Exod. 21:26; Deut. 10:10; 20:12; Mat. 19:24; 1 Cor. 12:16, 17. emblematic of thought, judgment, understand- ing, purpose, Deut. 15:9; 16:19; 28:56; Prov. 17:8,24; 27:20; 30:17; Eccl. 2:14; Zech. 9:1; Mat. 7:3; Eph. 1:18. an evil eye, Prov. 23:6; 28:22; Mark 7:22. blind, opened, John 9:32; 10:21. EYELIDS, Job 16:16; 41:18; Psa. 132:4; Prov. 6:4, 25; 30:13; Jer. 9:18; Ezek. 23:40. EZEKIEL, commission, Ezek. 2; 3; 33:7. HIS VISIONS of God's glory, Ezek. 1; 8; 10; 11:22. of the Jews' abominations, etc., Ezek. 8:5. of their punishment, Ezek. 9:11. of dry bones, Ezek. 37. of the house of God, Ezek. 40, etc. intercedes for his people, Ezek. 9:8: 11:13. a sign to the Jews, Ezek. 4; 5; 12; 24:15. reproves their hypocrisy, Ezek. 14:1 ; 20:1 ; 33:30. parables, Ezek. 15; 16; 17; 19; 23; 24. dumbness, Ezek. 3:26; 24:26; 33:22. rehearses Israel's rebellions, Ezek. 20. sins of Jerusalem, Ezek. 22; 23; 24. foretells her punishment, Ezek. 21, etc. prophesies concerning various nations, Ezek. 25-39. EZEL, stone of, 1 Sam. 20:19. EZION-GABER, Num. 33::35; Deut. 2:8; 1 Kings 9:26; 22:48; 2Chr. 8:17; 20:36. EZRA returns to Jerusalem, Ezra 7:8. appoints a fast, Ezra 8:21. his charge to the priests, Ezra 8:24. his prayers, Ezra 9:5. reads the law, Neh. 8. reforms corruptions, Ezra 10; Neh. 13. j FABLES, Jewish, etc., to be avoided, I Tim. 1:4; i 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4; Tit. 1:14; 2 Pet. 1:16. FACE OF GOD set against his enemies, Psa. 34:16; Isa. 59:2; Ezek. 39:23; Rev. 6:16. towards his people, Exod. 33:14; 2 Chr. 6:42; 7:14; Psa. 31:16; 80:30; 132:10; Dan. 9:17; Mat. 17:2; 1 Cor. 13:12. his favor to be sought. Num. 6:25; 1 Kin. 13:6; IChr. 16:11; Psa. 27:8: 67:1; 105:4; 119:135. liis anger to be feared. Lev. 17:10: 20:6; 26:17; Deut. 31:17; Jer. 21:10; 44:11; Ezek. 38:18; 1 Pet. 3:12, See Gen. 32:30; 33:10; Exod. .33:11; Deut. 5:4. , of man, his presence. Gen. 16:8; 35:1: Exod. 2:15; Lev. 19:32; Deut. 1:17; 2 Kings 14:8. FAIR-HAVENS, harbor of Crete, Acts 27:8, FAIRS. See markets. FAITH : is the substance of things hoped for, Heb. 11:1. is the evidence of things not seen, Heb. 11:1. commanded, Mark 11:22; 1 John 3:23. THE OBJECTS OF, ARE God, Mark 11:22; .John 14:1. Christ, John 6:29; 14:1; Acts 20:21. writings of Moses, John 5:46; Acts 24:14. writings of the prophets, 2 Chr. 20:20; Acts 26:27. the gospel, Mark 1:15. promises of God, Rom. 4:21; Heb. 11:13. IN CHRIST, is the gift of God, Rom. 12:3; Eph. 2:8; 6:23; Phil. 1:29. the work of God, Acts 11:21; 1 Cor. 2:5. precious, 2 Pet. 1:1. most holy, Jude 20. fruitful, 1 Thes. 1:3. accompanied by repentance, Mark 1:15; Luke 24:47. followed by conversion, Acts 11:21. Christ the Author and Finisher of, Heb. 12:2. is the gift of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12:9. the Scriptures designed to produce, John 20:31; 2 Tim. 3:15. preaching should produce, John 17:20; Acts 8:12; Rom. 10:14, 15, 17; 1 Cor. 3:5. THROUGH IT IS remission of sins. Acts 10:43; Rom. 3:25. justification. Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:21, 22, 28, :30; Rom. 5:1: Gal. 2:16. salvation, Mark 16:16; Acts 16:31. sanctification, Acts 15:9; 26:18. spiritual light, John 12:36, 46. spiritual life, John 20:31; Gal. 2:20. eternal life, John 3:15, 16; 6:40, 47. I rest in lieaven. Heb. 4:.j. I edification, 1 Tim. 1:4; Jude 20. i preservation, 1 Pet. 1:5. 53 FAI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FAL adoption, John 1:12; Gal. 3:26. access to God, Rom. 5:2; Eph. 3:12. inheritance of the promises, Gal.3:22; Heb.6:12. the gift of the Holy Ghost, Acts 11:15-17; Gal. 3:14; Eph. 1:13. impossible to please God without, Heb. 11:6. justification is by, of grace, Rom. 4:16. essential to the profitable reception of the gos- pel, Heb. 4:2. necessary in the Christian warfare, 1 Tim. 1:18, 19; 6:12. the gospel effectual through, 1 Thes. 2:13. excludes self-justification, Rom. 10:3, 4. excludes boasting, Rom. 3:27. works by love. Gal. 5:6; 1 Tim. 1:5; Phile. 5. PRODUCES hope, Rom. 5:2. joy, Acts 16:34; 1 Pet. 1:8. peace, Rom. 15:13. confidence, Isa. 28:16, with 1 Pet. 2:6. boldness in preaching, Psa. 116:10, with 2 Cor. 4:13. Christ is precious to those having, 1 Pet. 2:7. Christ dwells in the heart by, Eph. 3:17. necessary in prayer, Mat. 21:22; Jas. 1:6. those who are not Christ's have not, John 10:26, 27. evidence of the new birth, 1 John 5:1. BY IT SAINTS Uve, Gal. 2:20. stand, Rom. 11:20; 2 Cor. 1:24. walk, Rom. 4:12; 2 Cor. 5:7. obtain a good report, Heb. 11:2. overcome the world, 1 John 5:4, 5. resist the devil, 1 Pet. 5:9. overcome the devil, Eph. 6:16. are upheld, Psa. 27:13; 1 Tim. 4:10. saints die in, Heb. 11:13. SAINTS SHOULD be fuU of, Acts 6:5; 11:24. be sincere in, 1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:5. abound in, 2 Cor. 8:7. continue in. Acts 14:22; Col. 1:23. be strong in, Rom. 4:20. stand fast in, 1 Cor. 16:13. be grounded and settled in, Col. 1:23. hold, with a good conscience, 1 Tim. 1:19. pray for the increase of, Luke 17:5. have full assurance of, 2 Tim. 1:12; Heb. 10:22. true, evidenced by its fruits, Jas. 2:21-25. without fruits, is dead, Jas. 2:17, 20, 26. examine whether you be in, 2 Cor. 13:5. all difflculties overcome by, Mat. 17:20; 21:21; Mark 9:23. all things should be done in, Rom. 14:22. whatsoever is not of, is sin, Rom. 14:23. often tried by alfliction, 1 I'et. 1:6, 7. trial of, works patience, Jas. 1:3. the wicked often profess, Acts 8:1.3, 21. the wicked destitute of, John 10:25; 12:37; Acts 19:9; 2 Thes. 3:2. protection of, illustrated: A shield, Eph. 6:16. A breastplate, 1 Thes. 5:8. exemplified: Caleb, Num. 13:30. Job, Job 19:25. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:17. Daniel, Dan. 6:10, 23. I'eter, Mat. 16:16. Woman who was a sinner, Luke 7:50. Nathanael, John 1:49. Samaritans, John 4:39. Martha, John 11:27. The Discii)les, .John 16:30. Thomas, John 20:28. Stephen, Acts 6:5. Priests, Acts 6:7. Ethiopian, Acts 8:37. Harnabas, Acts 11:24. Sergius Paulus, Acts 13:12. Philippian jailer. Acts 16:31, 34. Romans, Rom. 1:8. Colos- sians. Col. 1:4. Thessalonians, 1 Thes. 1:3. Lois, 2 Tim. 1:5. Paul, 2 Tim. 4:7. Abel, Heb. 11:4. Enoch, Heb. 11:5. Noah, Heb. 11:7. Abraham, Heb. 11:8. 17. Isaac, Heb. 11:20. Jacob, Heb. 11:21. Joseph, Heb. 11:22. 54 Moses, Heb. 11:24, 27. Rahab, Heb. 11:31. Gideon, etc., Heb. 11:32, 33, 39. FAITH, of miracles, illustrated: in Peter on the sea. Mat. 14:29. in the fig-tree. Mat. 21:20. in the mountain removed, Mark 11:23. in divers signs, Mark 16:17; John 14:11. in heaUng the sick, Jas. 5:14. was not saving faith. Mat. 7:22; 1 Cor. 13:1; 2 Pet. 2:15. FAITHFULNESS: a characteristic of saints, Eph. 1:1; CoL 1:2; ITim. 6:2; Rev. 17:14. EXHIBITED IN the scrvicc of God, Mat. 24:45. declaring the word of God, Jer. 22:28; 2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2. the care of dedicated things, 2 Chr. 31:12. helping the brethren, 3 John 5. administering justice, Deut. 1:16. bearing witness, Prov. 14:5. reproving others, Prov. 27:6; Psa. 141:5. situations of trust, 2 Kings 12:15; Neh. 13:13; Acts 6:1-3. doing work, 2 Chr. 34:12. keeping secrets, Prov. 11:13. conveying messages, Prov. 13:17; 25:13. adversity. Job 19:21; Prov. 17:17; 27:10. all things, 1 Tim. 3:11. the smallest matters, Luke 16:10-12. should be unto death. Rev. 2:10. the mercy of God towards us, designed to lead to, 1 Cor. 7:25. ESPECIALLY REQUIRED IN ministers, 1 Cor. 4:2; 2 Tim. 2:2. the wives of ministers, l Tim. 3:11. the children of ministers. Tit. 1:6. difficulty of finding, Prov. 20:6. the wicked devoid of, Psa. 5:9. associate with those who exhibit, Psa. 101:6. blessedness of, 1 Sam. 26:23; Prov. 28:20. blessedness of, illustrated, Mat. 24 : 45, 46 ; 25:21, 23. exemplified : Joseph, Gen. 39:22, 23. Moses, Num. 12:7, with Heb. 3:2, 5. David, 1 Sam. 22:14. Hananiah, Neh. 7:2. Abraham, Neh. 9:8; Gal. 3:9. Daniel, Dan. 6:4. Paul, Acts 20:20.27. Timothy, 1 Cor. 4:17. Tychicus, Eph. 6:21. Epaphras, Col. 1:7. Onesimus, Col. 4:9. Silvanus, 1 Pet. 5:12. Antipas, Rev. 2:13. , of God : is part of his character, Isa. 49:7; 1 Cor. 1:9; 1 Thes. 5:24. DECLARED TO BE great. Lam. 3:23. established, Psa. 89:2. incomparable, Psa. 89:8. unfaiUng, Psa. 89:33; 2 Tim. 2:13. infinite, Psa. 36:5. everlasting, Psa. 119:90; 146:6. should be pleaded in prayer, Psa. 143:1. should be proclaimed. Psa. 40:10; 89:1. MANIFESTED iu his counscl.s, Isa. 25:1. in atllicting his .'^aint.s, Psa. 119:75. in fulfilling his prcjuii.ses, 1 Kings 8:20; Psa. 1:52:11; Mic. 7:20: Heb. 10:23. in keeping covenant. Deut. 7:9; Psa. 111:5. in Ills testimonies, Psa. 119:138. in executing judgments, Jer. 23:20; 51:29. in forgiving sins, 1 John 1:9. to liis .saints, Psa. 89:24; 2 Thes. 3:3. saints encouraged to depend on, 1 Pet. 4:19. should be magnified, Psa. 89:5; 92:2. FALL OF MAN : by the disobedience of Adam, Gen. 3:6, 11, 12, witli Rom. 6:12, 16, 19. FAL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FAS through temptation of the devil, Gen. 3:1-5; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim, 2:14. MAN IN CONSEQUENCE OF : made in the image of Adam, Gen. 5:3, with 1 Cor. 15:48, 49. born in sin. Job 15:14; 25:4; Psa. 51:5; Isa. 48:8; John 3:6. a child of the devil, Mat. 13:38; John 8:44: 1 John 3:8, 10. a child of wrath, Eph. 2:3. evil in heart, Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Jer. 16:12; Mat. 15:19. blinded in heart, Eph. 4:18. corrupt and perverse in his ways. Gen. 6:12 ; Psa. 10:5; Rom. 3:12-16. depraved in mind, Rom. 8:5-7; Eph. 4:17; Col. 1:21; Tit. 1:15. without understanding, Psa. 14:2, 3, with Rom. 3:11; 1:31. receives not the things of God, 1 Cor. 2:14. comes short of God's glory, Rom. 3:23. defiled in conscience. Tit. 1:15; Heb. 10:22. Intractable, Job 11:12. estranged from God, Gen. 3:8; Psa. 58:3; Eph. 4:18; Col. 1:21. in bondage to sin, Rom. 6:10; 7:5, 23; Gal. 5:17; Tit. 3:3. in bondage to the devil, 2 Tim. 2:26; Heb. 2:14, 15. constant in evil, Psa. 10:5; 2 Pet. 2:14. conscious of guilt. Gen. 3:7, 8, 10. unrighteous, Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:10. abominable, Job 15:16; Psa. 14:3. turned to his own way, Isa. 53:6. loves darkness, John 3:19. corrupt, etc., in speech, Rom. 3:13, 14. destructive, Rom. 3:15, 16. devoid of the fear of God, Rom. 3:18. totally depraved. Gen. 6:5; Rom. 7:18. dead in sin, Eph. 2:1: Col. 2:13. all men partake of the effects of, 1 Kings 8:46; Gal. 3:22; 1 John 1:8; 5:19. PUNISHMENT CONSEQUENT UPON : banishment from paradise. Gen. 3:24. condemnation to labor and sorrow. Gen. 3:16, 19; Job 5:6, 7. temporal death, Gen. 3:19; Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:22. eternal death, Job 21:30: Rom. 5:18, 21; 6:23. cannot be remedied by man, Pro v. 20:9; Jer. 2:22; 13:23. remedy for, provided by God, Gen. 3; 15; John 3:16. FALLOW-GROUND, Jer. 4:3; Hos. 10:12. FALSE CONFIDENCE, in self, Deut. 29:19 ; 1 Kings 20:11; Prov. 3:5: 23:4; 26:12; 28:26; Isa. 5:21; Rom. 12:16; 2 Cor. 1:9. in outward resources, Psa. 20:7; 33:17: 44:6; 49:6; Prov. 11:28; Isa. 22:11; 31:1-3; Jer. 48:7; Zech. 4:6: Mark 10:24. in man, Psa. 33:16; 62:9; 118:8: 146:3,4; Isa. 2:22: Jer. 17:5: Hos. 5:13; 7:11. examples : Builders of Babel, Gen. 11:4. Sen- nacherib, 2 Kings 19:23. Asa, 2 Chr. 16:7-9. Hezekiah. Isa. 22:11. Jonah, Jon. 1:5. Peter, Luke 22:33, 34; John 13:.37, 38. The Disciples, Mat. 26:35; .John 16:31, .32. FALSEHOOD. See deceit. FAME, vanity of, Psa. 49:11, etc.; Eccl. 1:11; 2:16; Luke 6:26; .Tohn5:44; 12:43; lThes.2:6. FAMILIAR SPIRITS, dealing with forbidden. Lev. 20:27; Isa. 8:19. peep and mutter, Isa. 8:19. put away by Saul, 1 Sam. 28:3; by Josiah, 2 Kings 23: 24. INQUIRED OP by Saul, 1 Sam. 28:7; 1 Chr. 10:13. by Manasseh, 2 Kings 21:6. by Egyptians, Isa. 29:4. Paul casts out. Acts 17. FAMILIES : of saints blessed, Psa. 128:3. 6. SHOULD be taught God's word, Deut. 4:9, 10. worship God together, 1 Cor. 16:19. be duly regulated, Prov. 31:27; 1 Tim. 3:4, 5, 12, live in unity. Gen. 45:24; Psa. 133:1. live in mutual forbearance, Gen. 50:17-21; Mat. 18:21, 22. rejoice together before God, Deut. 14:26. deceivers and liars should be removed from, Psa. 101:7. warned against departing from God, Deut. 29:18. punishment of irreligious, Jer. 10:25. good, exemplified : Abraham, Gen. 18:19. Ja- cob, Gen. 35:2. Joshua, Josh. 24:15. David, 2 Sam. 6:20. Job; Job 1:5. Lazarus of Beth- any, John 11:1-5. Cornelius, Acts 10:2, 33. Lydia, Acts 16:15. Jailer of Philippi, Acts 16:31-34. Crispus, Acts 18:8. Lois, 2 Tim. 1:5. FAMINE, in Canaan, Gen. 12:10. in the days of Isaac, Gen. 26:1. king of Egypt warned of. Gen. 40. in Egypt, etc., Gen. 41:56. in Israel, Ruth 1:1; 2 Sam. 21:1; 1 Kings 18:2; 2 Kings 6:25; 7; Luke 4:25. Shunammite forewarned, 2 Kings 8:1. threatened, Jer. 14:15; 15:2, etc.; Ezek. 5:12: 6:11, etc.; Mat. 24:7; Rev. 6:8; 18:8. described, Jer. 14; Lam. 4; Joel. , of God's word, Amos 8:11. FAN, Isa. 30:24; Jer. 15:7; Mat. 3:12. FARTHING. 1. Assarion, a cent and a half, the tenth part of a Roman denarius, which is in value about 15 cents. Mat. 10:29; Luke 12:6. 2. Kodrantes, the fourth part of an assarion, 4 mills. Mat. 5:26; Mark 12:42. FASTING : spirit of, explained, Isa. 58:6, 7. not to be displayed, Mat. 6:16-18. should be to God. Zech. 7:5; Mat. 6:18. for chastening the soul, Psa. 69:10. for humWing the soul, Psa. 35:13. at suitable times, Mat. 9:14: Mark 2:18; Luke 5:33. OBSERVED ON OCCASIONS OF judgments of God, Joel 1:14; 2:12. public calamities, 2 Sam. 1:12. afflictions of the church, Luke 5:33-35. afflictions of otiiers, Psa. 35:13; Dan. 6:18. private afflictions, 2 Sam, 12:16. approaching danger, Esth. 4:16. ordination of ministers. Acts 13:3; 14:23. ACCOMPANIED BY prayer, Ezra 8:23; Dan. 9:3. confession of sin. 1 Sam. 7:6; Neh. 9:1, 2. mourning, Joel 2:12. deeds of justice and charity, Isa. 58:6, 7. humiliation, Deut. 9:18; Neh. 9:1. promises, Isa. 58:8-12; Mat. 6:18. OF HYPOCRITES described, Isa. 58:4, 5. ostentatious, Mat. 6:16. boasted of, before God, Luke 18:12. rejected, Isa. 58:3; Jer. 14:12. extraordinary, exemplified : Our Lord, Mat. 4:2. Moses, Exod. 34:28; Deut. 9:9,18. Eliiah, 1 Kings 19:8. national, exemplified : Israel, Judg. 20 : 26; 2 Chr. 20:3; Ezra 8:21; Esth. 4:3, 16; Jer. 36:9. Men of Jabesh-gilead, 1 Sam. 31:13. Ninevites, Jonah 3:5-8. of saints, exemplified: David, 2 Sam. 12:16; Psa. 109:24. Nehemiah, Neh. 1:4. Esther, 55 FAT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FKA Esth. 4:16. Daniel, Dan. 9:3. Disciples of John, Mat. 9:14. Anna, Luke 2:37. Corne- lius, Acts 10:. 30. Primitive Christians, Acts 13:2. Apostles, 2 Cor. 6:5. Paul, 2 Cor. 11:27. of the wicked, exeniplifled : Elders of Jezreel, 1 Kings 21:12. Ahab, 1 Ivings 21:27. Pliari- sees. Mark 2:1; Luke 18:12. FAT not to he eaten. Lev. 3:15; 7:22; Deut. 32:38. of sacrifices to be burnt, Exod. 29:13; Lev. 3:3, etc.; Ezek. 44:7. symbolical. Gen. 27:28: Deut. 32:15; Psa. 22:29; 37:20: 63:5; Isa. 6:10: Jer. 5:28; 31:14. FATHER, the, God, l Chr. 29:10: Isa. 9:6; 63:16; 64:8; Mat. 6:9; Luke 11:2; John 20:17: 2 Cor. 6:18, etc. FATHERS, duty to children : not to provoke, but train in the fear of God, Prov. 22:6: Eph. 6:4; CoL 3:2L to punish the stubl)orn, Deut. 21:18. to instruct, Deut. 4:9; 5:31; 6:7; 11:19; Prov. 1:18. to correct, Prov. 3:12; 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13; 29:15; Heb. 12:9. to set a right example, Prov. 20:7. to provide for, Luke 11:11; 1 Tim. 5:8. FATHERLESS : find mercy in God, Hos. 14:3. <;oD WILL be a father of, Psa. 68:5. be a helper of, Psa. 10:14. hear the cry of, Exod. 22:23. execute the judgment of, Deut. 10:18: Psa. 10:18. punish those who oppress, Exod. 22:24; Isa. 10:1-3: Mai. 3:5. punish those who judge not, Jer. 5:28, 29. visit, in affliction, Jas. 1:27. let them share our blessings, Deut. 14:29. defend, Psa. 82:3; Isa. 1:17. wrong not, in judgment, Deut. 24:17. defraud not. Prov. 23:10. afflict not, Exod. 22:22. oppress not, Zech. 7:10. do no violence to, .ler. 22:3. blessedness of taking care of, Deut. 14:29; Job 29:12,13; Jer. 7:6, 7. 'iHE WICKED rob, Isa. 10:2. overwhelm. Job 6:27. vex, Ezek. 22:7. oppress, Job 24:. 3. murder, Psa. 94:6. judge not for, Isa. 1:23; Jei'. 5:28. a curse on oppressors of, Deut. 27:19. promises with respect to, Jer. 49:11. a type of Ziou in affliction, Lam. 5:3. exemplified: Lot, (Jen. 11:27, 28. Daughters of Zelophehad, Num. 27:1-5. Jotham, Judg. 9:16-21. Mephiboshcth, 2 Sam. 9:;3. Joash, 2 Kings 11:1-12. Esther, Esth. 2:7. I'ATHOM, a measure, equal to the arms extend- ed, 6 or 7 feet. Acts 27:28. I'AULTS, how to treat. Mat. 18:15; Gal. 6:1. exhortation to confess, Jas. 5:16. I'.VVOR of God : Christ the especial object of, Luke 2:52. is the source of mercy, Isa. 60:10. is the source of spiritual life, Psa. .30:5. spiritual wisdom leads to, Prov. 8:35. mercy and truth lead to, Prov. 3:3, 4. SAINTS obtain. I'rov. 12:2. cncompas.sed by, Psa. 5:12. strengthened by, Psa. .30:7. victorious through, Psa. 44:3. preserved through. Job 10:12. exalted in, Psa. 89:17. sometimes tempted to doubt, Psa. 77:7. 56 domestic blessings traced to, Prov. 18:22. disappointment of enemies an assured evidence of, Psa. 41:11. given in answer to prayer, Job 33:26. pray for, Psa. 106:4; 119:58. plead, in prayer, Exod. 33:13; Num. 11:15. to be acknowledged, Psa. 85:1. the wicked uninfluenced by, Isa. 26:10. the wicked do not obtain, isa. 27:11; Jer. 16:13. exemplified : Naphtali, Deut. 33:23. Samuel, 1 Sam. 2:26. Job, Job 10:12. The Virgin Mary, Luke 1:28, 30. David, Acts 7:46. FAVOR of men, is in (Jod's control: given to Joseph, Gen. 39:21; Acts 7:10; to Is- rael in Egypt, Exod. 3:21; 11:3; 12:36: to Neheraiah. Neh. 1:11; 2:6; to Daniel, Dan. 1:9. withheld from sinners, Deut. 28:49, 50; Josh. 11:20; Psa. 109:12. FEAR, godly: God is the object of, Isa. 8:13. God is the author of, Jer. 32:39, 40. searching the Scriptures gives the understand- ing of, Prov. 2:3-5. DESCRIBED AS hatred of evil, Prov. 8:13. wisdom. Job 28:28; Psa. 111:10. a treasure to saints, Prov. 15:16; Isa. 33:6. a fountain of life, Prov. 14:27. sanctifying, Psa. 19:9. filial and reverential, Heb. 12:9, 28. commanded, Deut. 13:4; Psa. 22:23; EccL 12:13; 1 Pet. 2:17. MOTIVES TO : the holiness of God, Rev. 15:4. the greatness of God, Deut. 10:12, 17. the goodness of God, 1 Sam. 12:24. the forgiveness of God, Psa. 130:4. wondrous works of God, Josh. 4:23, 24. judgments of God, Rev. 14:7. a characteristic of saints, Mai. 3:16. should accompany joy of saints, Psa. 2:11. NECESSARY TO the worship of God, Psa. 5:7; 89:7. service of God, Psa. 2:11; Heb. 12:28. avoiding of sin, Exod. 20:20. righteous government, 2 Sam. 23:3. administration of justice, 2 Chr. 19:6-9. perfecting holiness, 2 Cor. 7:1. THOSB WHO HAVE, afford pleasure to God, Psa. 147:11. are pitied by God, Psa. 103:13. are accepted of God, Acts 10:35. receive mercy from God, Psa. 103:11,17; Luke 1:50. are blessed, Psa. 112:1; 115:13. confide in God, Psa. 115:11; Prov. 14:26. depart from evil, Prov. 16:6. converse of holy things, Mai. 3:16. should not fear man, Lsa. 8:12, 13; Mat. 10:28. desires of, fulfilled, Psa. 145:19. days of, prolonged, Prov. 10:27. SHOULD BE prayed for, Psa. 86:11. exhibited in our callings. Col. 3:22. exhibited in giving a rea.son for our hope, 1 Pet. 3:15. constantly maintained, Deut. 14:23; Josh. 4:24; Prov. 23:17. taught to others, Psa. 34:11. advantages of, Prov. 15:16; 19:23; Eccl. 8:12, 13. the wicked destitute of, Psa. 36:1; Prov. 1:29; Jer. 2:19; Rom. 3:18. exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 22:12. Joseph, Gen. 39:9; 42:18. Obadiah, 1 Kings 18:12. Nehemiah, Neh. 5:15. Job, Job 1:1, 8. Prim- itive Christians, Acts 9:31. Cornelius, Acts 10:2. Noah, Heb. 11:7. , unholy: FEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FIR characteristic of the wicked, Rev. 21:8. PKSCRiBED AS a fear of idols, 2 Kings 17:38. iear of man, 1 Sam. 15:24; John 9:22. fear of judgments, Isa. 2:19; Luke 21:26; Rev. 6:16, 17. fear of future punishment, Heb. 10:27. overwhelming, Exod. 15:16: Job 15:21, 24. consuming, Psa. 73:19. a guilty conscience leads to, Gen. 3:8, 10; Psa. 53:5: Pro v. 28:1. seizes the wicked, Job 15:24; 18:11. surprises the hypocrite, Isa. 33:14, IS. the wicked judicially filled with, Lev. 26:16, 17; Deut. 28:65-67; Jer. 49:5. shall be realized, Prov. 1:27; 10:24. God mocks, Prov. 1:26. saints sometimes tempted to, Psa. 55:5. saints delivered from, Prov. 1:33; Isa. 14:3. trust in God, preserves from, Psa. 27:1. exhortations against, Isa. 8:12; John 14:27. exemplified: Adam, Gen. 3:10. Cain, Gen. 4:14. Midianites, Judg. 7:21, 22. PhiUstiues, 1 Sam. 14:15. Saul, 1 Sam. 28:5, 20. Adonijah's guests, 1 Kings 1:49. Haman, Esth. 7:6. Ahaz, Isa. 7:2. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:6. Pi- late, John 19:8. Felix, Acts 24:25. FEASTS, three annual, Exod. 23:14; 34:23; Lev. •2S; Num. 28; 29; Deut. 16. remarkable celebrations of passover, Exod. 12:28-50; Num. 9:5; Josh. 5:10, 11; 2 Kings 23:21-23; 2 Chr. 30:1; 35:1-18; Ezra 6:19, 20; Mat. 26:17-29. Of pentecost, 2 Chr. 8:13; Acts 2:1; 20:16; ICor. 16:8. Of tabernacles. Num. 29:12-39; 2 Chr. 7:8; Neh. 8:14-18; Ezra 3:4; John 7:2, 37. of new moon. Num. 10:10; 28:11-15; Psa. 81:3- 5. See also Isa. 66:23; Ezek. 46:1; Hos. 2:11; CoL 2:16. Of trumpets. Lev. 23:24, 25; Num. 29:1-6; Psa. 81 "3 Of Pur'im, or lots, Esth. 9:17-32. of dedication, John 10:22. of Sabbatic year, Exod. 21:2; 23:11; Lev. 25:2- 7,20-22; 26:34,43; Deut. 15:1-3, 9-12; 2 Chr. 36:20, 21; Neh. 10:31; Jer. 34:13, 14. Of Jubilee, Lev. 25:8, etc.; 27:17-24; Num. 36:4; Psa. 89:15; Isa. 61:1, 2; 63:4; Ezek. 46:17; Luke 4:18, 19. of Belshazzar, Dan. 5. of Ahasuerus, Esth. 1. of Herod, Mark 6:21, etc. private, Gen. 19:3; 21:8; 26:30; 29:22; 40:20; Judg. 14:10-17; 1 Sam. 25:36; 1 Kings 3:15; Esth. 1:3, 9; Isa. 5:12; Dan. 5:1; Zech. 8:19; Mark 6:21; Luke 5:29; John 2:8. of charity, Jude 12; 2 Pet. 2:13; 1 Cor. 11:22. FEET, washing of. Gen. 18:4: 19:2; 24:32; 43:24; 1 Sam. 25:41; 2 Sam. 11:8; Song 5:3; Luke 7:44; John 11:2; 13:5-14; 1 Tim. 5:10. uncovering, Exod. 3:5; Josh. 5:1,5. dust of, Isa. 49:23; Nah. 1:3; Mat. 10:14; Mark 6:11; Acts 13:51. ornaments of, Isa. 3:16, 18. of saints, 1 Sam, 2:9; 2 Sam. 22:34. 37; Psa. 31:8; 40:2; 66:9; 116:8; 119:105; 121:3; Luke 1:79; Eph. 6:15. Of the wicked, Job 18:8; Psa. 9:15; Prov. 1:16; 6:13, 18; Rom. 3:15. used figuratively. Gen. 49:10; Deut. 33:24; Job 12:5; Psa. 38:16; 68:23; 94:18; Isa. 18:7; Lam. 1:15; Ezek. 6:11; 25:6; Rom. 10:15; 1 Cor. 12:21; Heb. 12:13. FELIX, governor of Judea, Paul sent to, Acts 23:23. Paul's defence before. Acts 24:10. trembles at Paul's preaching, but leaves liim bound. Acts 24:25. FELLOW-CITIZENS, with the saints, Eph. 2:19. FELLOWSHIP of the saints, Acts 2:42; 2 Cor. 8:4; GaL 2:9; Phil. 1:5; 1 John 1:3, etc. See Rom. 12:13; 15:26. with evil, forbidden, 1 Cor. 10:20 ; 2 Cor. 6:14: Eph. 5:11. FENCE, Psa. 62:3; Isa. 5:2. FERRET, Lev. 11:30. FERRY-BOAT, 2 Sam. 19:18. FERVENCY, Rom. 12:11; Jas. 5:16; 1 Pet. 4:8. FESTIVALS. See feasts. FESTUS, governor of Judea, Acts 24:27. Paul brought before. Acts 25. Paul's defence before. Acts 25:8; 26. acquits Paul, Acts 25:14; 26:31. FETTERS, 2 Chr. 33:11; 36:6; Mark 5:4: of brass, Judg. 16:21: 2 Kings 25:7; of iron, Psa. 149:8: for the feet, 2 Sam. 3:34; Psa. 105:18. See CHAINS. FEVER threatened, Deut. 28:22. healed. Mat. 8:14, etc.; John 4:52. FIDELITY, showing good. Tit. 2:10. See faith- fulness, HONESTY, and sektants. FIERY SERPENTS, plague of. Num. 21:6 (Deut. 8:15). means of deliverance from, Num. 21:8. a type of Christ, John 3:14. FIGHT of faith, 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7; Hebi 10:32; 11:34; See 2 Chr. 20:17. FIGS, in Eden, Gen. 3:7. fruit of Canaan, Num. 13:2.3. dried, used for food, 1 Sam. 25:18; 30:12; 1 Chr: 12:40. Jeremiah's vision of, Jer. 24:1. employed to heal Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20:7; Isa. 38:21. figurative, Lsa. 34:4; Hos. 9:10; Nah. 3:12; Mat. 7:16; Rev. 6:13. FIG-TREE, Deut. 8:8; Psa. 105:33; Hos. 2:12- Amos 4:9; John 1:48. cursed. Mat. 21:19; Mark 11:13. parables of Mat. 24:32, etc.; Luke 13:6; 21:29. figuratively used, Judg. 9:10; 1 Kin. 4:25; Prov. 27:18: Joel 1:7; 2:22; Mic. 4:4. FIGURE (or type), Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 4:6; Heb. 9:9, 24; 1 Pet. 3:2L FILE, 1 Sam. 13:21. FILTH IN ESS of sin. Job 15:16; Psa. 14:3; lsa. 1:6; 64:6; Ezek. 24:13. purification from, Isa. 4:4; Ezek. 22:15; 36:25- Zech. 3:4; 13:1; 1 Cor. 6:11; 2 Cor. 7:1. FINGER of God, Exod. 8:19; 31:18; Dan. 5:5; John 8:6; Luke 11:20. FINGER-BREADTH, a measure, 4 equal to 3 inch- es, Jer. 52:21. FIRE, God's appearance by, Exod. 3:2; 13:21; 19:18; Ezek. 1:4; Dan. 7:10; Rev. 1:14; 4:5. sacrifices consumed by. Gen. 15:17; Lev. 9:24; Judg. 13:19: 1 Kings 18:38: 2 Chr. 7:1. on the altar perpetual. Lev. 6:13. not to be kindled on the Sabbath, Exod. 16:23; 35:3. accidental, law for, Exod. 22:6. idolatrous, Lev. 18:21; Deut. 18:10; 2 Kin. 23:10. kindled for the three Hebrew children, Dan. 3:23, etc. word of (Jod compared to, Jer. 23:29; Mat 3:11. See Acts 2:3. destruction caused by, Gen. 19:24; Exod. 9:23; Lev. 10; Num. 11:1; 16:35; 2 Kin. 1:10; Amos. 7:4; 2 Thes. 1:8: Rev. 8:7. final destruction of earth by, 2 Pet. 3:7, 10. 57 FIR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FOO FIRE, of hell, Deut. 32:22; Isa. 33:14; 66:24; Mat. 13:42; 18:8; 25:4; Mark 9:44; Jude 7; Rev. 20:10. illustrative, Deut. 4:24; 2 Sara. 22:13; Job 18:5; Psa. 39:3; 104:4; 118:12; Prov. 6:27, 28; 16:27; Isa. 4:4; 9:18; 10:17: 50:11; 65:5; Jer. 5:14; 48:45; Lam. 1:13; Ezek. 39:6; Zecli. 2:5; 13:9; Mai. 3:2; Mat. 3:10; Luke 12:49; 1 Cor. 3:13,15; Heb. 12:29; Jas. 3:6; 5:3; 1 Pet. 1:7. FIREBRAND, Judg. 15:4; Prov. 26:18; Isa. 7:4; Amos 4:11. FIRE-PANS, of tabernacle and temple, Exod. 38:3; 2 Kings 25:15. FIRKIN, nearly 8 gallons, John 2:6. FIRMAMENT created, Gen. 1:6; Psa. 19:1. See Ezek. 1:22; Dan. 12:3. FIR-TREE, Isa. 41:19; 55:13; 60:13; Hos. 14:8. wood of, used in temple, 1 Kings 6:15, 34 ; in houses. Song 1:17; for ships, Ezek. 27:5; for musical instruments, 2 Sam. 6:5. FIRST AND LAST, God is, Isa. 41:4; 44:6; 48:12. Christ is. Rev. 1:4, 8, 17; 22:13. FIRST-BORN, privileges of the, Gen. 43:33; Deut. 21:15; 2 Chr. 21:3; Col. 1:15 (Heb. 12:23). devoted to the Lord, Exod, 13:2, 12; 22:29; 34:19; Deut. 15:19. redemption of, Exod. 34:20; Num. 3:41; 8:18. of Egypt slain, Exod. 11:4; 12:29. FIRST-FRUITS, offering of, Exod. 22:29; 23:16; 34:26; Lev. 23:9; Num. 28:26. confession at, Deut. 26:5. given to priests. Num. 18:12; Deut. 18:4. See also 2 Kings 4:42; 2 Chr. 31:5; Neh. 10:35: 12:44; Prov. 3:9; Ezek. 20:40; 48:14; Rom. 8:23; 11:16; 1 Cor. 15:20; Jas. 1:18; Rev. 14:4. FISH, created. Gen. 1:20. clean and unclean, Lev. 11:9-12; Deut. 14:9, 10. sold, 2 Chr. 33:14; Neh. 13:16; Zeph. 1:10. for food, Gen. 9:2. 3; Num. 11:5; Mat. 7:10; 14:17; Luke 24:42; John 21:9. how caught, Job 41:7; Eccl. 9:12; Amos 4:2. of Egj'pt killed, Exod. 7:19. Jonah swallowed by one, Jonah 1:17. miraculous draughts of. Mat. 17:27; Luke 5:6; John 21:6. See also Psa. 8:8; Isa. 19:10; Ezek. 29:4, 5; 47:9, 10; 1 Cor. 15:39. FISHERMAN, the apostles, Mat. 4:18; Mark 1:16: Luke 5: John 21:7. FITCHES, Isa. 28:2.5, 27; Ezek. 4:9. FLAG (bulrush), Exod. 2:3, 5; Job 8:11; Isa. 19:6; Jon. 2:5. FLAGONS, raisin cake, Hos. 3:1; 2 Sam. 0:19; Song 2:. 5. FLATTERY: saints should not use, Job 32:21, 22. ministers should not use, 1 Thes. 2:5. the wicked use to others, Psa. 5:9; 12:2. to themselves, P.sa. .36:2. hypocrites use, to God, Psa. 78:36. to those in authority, Dan. 11:34. false prophets and teachers use, Ezek. 12:24, with Rom. 16:18. wisdom preserves against, Prov. 4:5. worldly advantage by, Dan. 11:21, 32. seldom gains respect, Prov. 28:23. avoid those given to, Prov. 20:19. danger of, Prov. 7:21-23; 29:5. punishment of. Job 17:5; Psa. 12:3. «xemphfled : Woman of Tekoah, 2 Sam. 14:17, 20. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:2-6. False prophets, 1 Kings 22:13. Darius' courtiers, Dan. 6:7. J'harisees, etc., Mark 12:14. Tyrians, etc.. Acts 12:22. 58 FLAX, Exod. 9:31; Josh. 2:6; Prov. 31:13; Isa. 19:9; Hos. 2:5, 9. FLEA, 1 Sam. 24:14; 26:20. FLEECE, Gideon's, Judg. 6:37. FLESH granted for food. Gen. 9:3. God manifest in the, 1 Tim. 3:16; John 1:14; 1 Pet. 3:18; 4:1. confession of this, 1 John 4:2; 2 John 7. , figuratively: is in opposition to the Spirit, John 3:6; Rom. 8:1; Gal. 5:17. they that are in, wholly sinful, Rom. 7:18, 25; 1 John 2:16. and children of wrath, Eph. 2:3. works of. Gal. 5:19. lead to death, Rom. 7:5; 8:6-13; 2 Pet. 2:20. LUSTS OP, not to be obeyed, Rom. 6:12. not to be provided for, Rom. 13:14. not to be fulfilled. Gal. 5:16. not to be conformed to, 1 Pet. 1:16. to be crucified. Gal. 5:24. , kindred. Gen. 37:27; Mat. 19:5, 6; Rom. 9:3; Eph. 5:31. FLESH-HOOKS, Exod. 27:3; 38:3; Num. 4:14; 1 Sam. 2:13, 14. golden, 1 Chr. 28:17. of brass, 2 Chr. 4:16. FLIES, plague of, Exod. 8:21, 31; Psa. 78:45: 105:31. FLINT, water from. Num. 20:11; Deut. 8:15; Psa. 114:8; 1 Cor. 10:4. FLOCK, Gen. 4:4; 29:2; 30:32; 37:2; Exod. 2:16, 17; 3:1; 1 Sam. 16:11; Prov. 27:23. figurative. Job 21:11; Psa. 77:20; 80:1; Jer. 13:17; Zeph. 2:6, 14; Zech. 10:3; Luke 12:32, Acts 20:28, 29; 1 Cor. 9:7; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3. FLOOD, threatened. Gen. 6:17. .sent, Gen. 7:11; Mat. 24:38; 2 Pet. 2:5. assuaged. Gen. 8. FLOUR, of wheat, employed in sacrifices, Exod. 29:2; Lev. 2:2. of corn (gi-ain), 2 Sam. 17:28. FLOWERS, Song 2:1, 12; 6:2, 3; Isa. 35:1; Hos. 14:5; Mat. 6:28; Acts 14:13. figurative. Job 14:2; P.sa. 103:15; Song 5:13; Isa. 28:1; 40:6, 7; Jas. 1:10; 1 Pet. 1:24. FLUTE, Dan. 3:5, 7, 10, 15. FOOD, provided for man and beast, Gen. 1:29; 9:3; Psa. 104:14; 145:10; 147:8. See OLLT- TONY. FOOLS : all men are, by nature. Tit. 3 : 3. deny God, Psa. 14 : 1; 53: 1. blaspheme God, Psa. 74: 18. reproach God, Psa. 74:22. make a mock at sin, Prov. 14:9. despise instruction, Prov. 1: 7; 15:5. despise wisdom, Prov. 1:7. hate knowledge, Prov. 1:22. delight nor in understanding, Prov. 18:2. sport in mischief, Prov. 10:23. walk in darknoss, Eccl. 2:14. hate to (h'pari from evil, Prov. 13:19. worship of, liatet'nl to (Jod, Eccl. 5:1. ARK cornipl and abominable, Psa. 14:1. seir-suiricicnt, Prov. 12:15; Rom. 1:22. self-conliilcnt, Prov. 14:16. scU-dc'ceivers, Prov. 14:8. mere professors. Mat. 25:2-12. full of words, Eccl. 10:14. given to meddling, Prov. 20:3. slanderers, Prov. 10:18. liars, Prov. 10:18. slothful, Eccl. 4:5. angry, Eccl. 7:9. FOO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FOR contentious, Prov. 18:6. a grief to parents, Prov. 17:25; 19:13. come to shame, i'rov. 3:35. destroy themselves by their speech, Prov. 10:8, 14; Eccl. 10:1-2. the company of, ruinous, Prov. 13:20. lips of, a snare to the soul, I'rov, 18:7. cUng to their folly, Prov. 26:11; 27:22. worship idols, Jer. 10:8; Rom. 1:22, 23. trust to their own hearts, Prov. 28:26. depend upon their wealth, Luke 12:20. hear the gospel and obey not. Mat. 7:26. mouth of, pours out folly, Prov. 15:2. honor is unbecoming for, Prov. 26:1, 8. God has no pleasure in, Eccl. 5:4. shall not stand before God, Psa. 5:5. avoid them, Prov. 9:6; 14:7. exhorted to seek wisdom, Prov. 8:5. punishment of, Psa. 107 : 17 ; Prov. 19 : 29 ; 26:10. exemplified: Rehoboara, 1 Kings 12:8. Israel, Jer. 4:22. Pharisees, Mat, 23:17, 19. FOOLISHNESS, the gospel so termed, 1 Cor. 1:18; 2:14, the wisdom of this world is, with God, 1 Cor. 1:20; 2:7; 3:19. FOOTSTOOL of God, the temple so called, l Chr, 28:2; Psa. 99:5: 132:7. earth, Isa. 66:1; Mat. 5:35; Acts 7:49. his enemies, Psa. 110:1; Mat. 22:44, etc.; Heb. 10 : 13. See also 2 Chr. 9 : 18 : Jas. 2 : 3, FORBEARANCE, exhortations to, Mat. 18:33; 1 Cor. 13:4; Eph. 4:2; 6:9; Col. 3:13; 2 Tim. 2:24; 1 Thes. 5:14. of God, Psa. 50:21; Isa. 30:18; Rom. 2:4; 3:25; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 3:9. Sinners abuse, Eccl. 8:11; 2 Pet. 3. FORDS, of Jordan, Josh. 2:7; Judg. 3:28; 12:5, 6, of Jabbok, Gen, 32:22. of Arnon, Isa. 16:2. of the Euphrates, Jer. 51:32. FOREKiNERS, Exod. 12:45; Deut. 15:3; Obad. 11; Eph. 2:19. FOREKNOWLEDGE of GOD, Acts 2:23; 3:18; 4:28; Rom. 8:29; 11:2; Gal. 3:8; 1 Pet. 1:2. FORERUNNER, name of Christ, Heb. 6:20. FORESTS, 1 Sam. 22:5; 1 Kings 7:2: 2 Kings 19:23; Neh. 2:8; Isa. 21:13: Ezek. 20:46; Zech. 11:2. See also Psa. 50:10; 104:20; Isa. 9:18: 29:17; 44:14, 23; Jer. 10:3. FORGETTING GOD: a characteristic of the wicked, Prov. 2:17; Isa. 65:11. backsliders guilty of, Jer. 2:32; 3:21. IS FORGETTING HIS covenant, Deut. 4:23; 2 Kin. 17:38. works, Psa. 78:7, 11; 106:13. benefits, Psa. 103:2: 106:7. word, Heb. 12:5; Jas. 1:25. law, Psa. 119:153, 176; IIos. 4:6. church, Psa, 137:5, past deliverances, Judg, 8:34; Psa. 78:42. power to deliver, Isa. 51:13-15. encouraged hj false teachers, Jer. 23:27, prosperity leads to, Deut. 8:12-14; Hos, 13:6. trials should not lead to, Psa, 44:17-20. resolve against, Psa. 119:16, 93. cautions against, Deut. 6:12; 8:11. exhortation to those guilty of, Psa. 50:22. punishment of. Job 8:12, 13: Psa, 9:17; Isa, 17:10, 11; Ezek. 23:35; Hos, 8:14, threatened. Job 8:13: Psa. 9:17; 50:22; Isa. 17:10; Jer, 2:32; Hos, 8:14, FORGIVENESS of sin. is from God, Exod. .34:7; Psa. 86:5; 103:3; 130:4; Isa. 43:25; Jer. 31:34; Dan. 9:9; Mic. 7:18; Mat. 9:6; Mark 2:7; Luke 5:21; 7:47,48. through Christ, Isa. 53:5; Mat, 1:21; 26:28; Luke 24:47; Acts 5:31; 13:38; Rom, 3:25; 1 Cor. 15:3; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14; 1 John 1:7; 2:1,2. promised on repentance, 2 Chr. 7:14; Prov. 28:13; Isa. 1:18; 33:24; 55:7; Jer, 3:12; 33:8; Mark 1:4; Luke 1:77; 3:3; 24:47; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 5:31: 11:18; 26:18; 2 Cor. 7:10; Heb. 8:12; 1 John 1:9. to be souglit for, Deut, 4:29; 1 Chr. 28:9; 2 Chr. 7:14; Psa. 119:2; Jer. 29:13; Acts 8:22. See PARDON, OF injuries: Christ set an example of, Luke 23:34. commanded, Mark 11:25; Rom, 12:19. unlimited. Mat, 18:22; Luke 17:4. characteristic of saints, Psa. 7:4. motives to: mercy of God, Luke 6:.36. our need of forgiveness, Mark 11:25. God's forgiveness of us, Eph. 4:32. Christ's forgiveness of us. Col. 3:13. a glory to saints, Prov. 19:11, SHOULD BE accompanied BY foibearauce, CoL 3:13, kindness, Gen. 45:5-11; Rom, 12:20. blessing and prayer. Mat, 5:44, promises to. Mat. 6:14; Luke 6:37. no forgiveness without. Mat. 6:15; Jas. 2:13. illustrated, Mat. 18:23-35. exempUfied : Joseph, Gen. 50:20, 21. David, 1 Sam. 24:7; 2 Sam. 18:5; 19:23. Solomon, 1 Kings 1:53. Stephen, Acts 7:60. Paul, 2 Tim, 4:16. FORK, 1 Sam. 13:21. FORMALITY condemned, Isa. 29:13; 48:1 ; Jer. 3:10; 7:8-10; 12:2; Ezek. 33:31, 32; Zech. 7:5, 6; Mat. 5:13, 20; 6:2, 16; 7:22, 23; Luke 12:1, 2; 16:15; 18:9; John 4:23, 24; Rom. 2:17,28; 2 Tim. 3:5; Tit. 1:16; 1 John 2:19: Rev. 3:1, 2, 14, etc. FORMS of prayer and praise, Exod. 15:1-20; Num. 6:22-27; 10:35,36; Deut. 21:7,8; 26:3. 5, etc, 13, etc; 31:19; 32:1, etc; Neh. 12:46; Mat. 6:9-13. FORNICATION forbidden, Exod. 22:16; Lev. 19:20; Num. 25; Deut. 22:21; 23:17; 1 Tim. 1:10; Heb, 13:4; Jude7; Rev. 21:8; 22:15. soul destroying, Prov. 2:16; 5:5; 7:23; 9:18; 22:14; Eccl. 7:26. ruinous, Prov. 6:26; 23:27; 29:3; 31:3; Hos. 4:11. from the heart. Mat. 15:19; Mark 7:21, a sin of Sodom, Gen, 19; Jude 7, a sin of the heathen. Lev. 18:3; Rom, 1:29; 1 Pet, 4:3; Rev, 2:14. abstain from. Col. 3:5; 1 Thes. 4:3. to be repented of, 2 Cor. 12:21. guilty of, to be avoided, 1 Cor. 5:9. excludes from heaven, 1 Cor. 6:9; Eph. 5:5; Rev, 21:8; 22:15. God will judge, 1 Thes. 4:3. SPIRITUAL, idolatry, etc, Ezek. 16:29; Hos. 1; 2; 3; Rev. 14:8; 17:2; 18:3; 19:2. FORSAKING GOD: idolaters guilty of, 1 Sam. 8:8; 1 Kings 11:33. the wicked guilty of, Deut. 28:20. backsliders guilty of, Jer. 15:6. IS FORSAKING his housc, 2 Chr. 29:6. his covenant, Deut. 29:25; 1 Kings 19:10; Jer. 22:9; Dan. 11:30. his commandments, Ezra 9:10. the right way, 2 Pet. 2:15. trusting in man is, Jer. 17:5. 59 FOR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FUR leads men to follow their own devices, Jer. 2:13. prosi>erity tempts to, Deut. 31:20; 32:15. wickedness of, Jer. 2:13; 5:7. unreasonableness and ingratitude of, Jer. 2:5, 6. brings confusion, Jer. 17:13. followed by remorse, Ezek. 6:9. brings down his wrath, Ezra 8:22. provokes God to forsake men, Judg. 10:13; 2Chr. 15:2; 24:20, 24. resolve against, Josh. 24:16: Neh. 10:29-39. curse pronounced upon, Jer. 17:5. sin of, to be confessed, Ezra 9:10. warnings against, .losh. 24:20; 1 Chr. 28:9. punishment of, Deut. 28:20; 2 Kings 22:16, 17; Isa. 1:28; Jer. 1:16; 5:19. exemplified: Children of Israel, 1 Sam. 12:10. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:11. Ahab, 1 Kings 18:18. Amon, 2 Kings 21:22. Kingdom of Judah, 2 Chr. 12:1, 5: 21:10: Isa. 1:4; Jer. 15:6. Kingdom of Israel, 2 Chr. 13:11, with 2 Kings 17 : 7-18. Many disciples, John 6 : 66. Phygel- lus, etc., 2 Tim. 1:15. Balaam, 2 Pet. 2:15. FORT, Fortress, towers and castles in cities, Judg. 8:17; 1 Chr. 11:7; 2 Chr. 26:15; Isa. 25:12; watch-towers, 2 Kings 9:17; Isa. 21:5; 32:14; in the desert, 2 Chr. 26:10; built for besieging a city, 2 Kings 25:1: Ezek. 17:17; 26:8; of wood, Deut. 20.19, 20; natural caves, Judg. 6:2; 1 Sam. 23:29; Isa. .33:16. illustrative, 2 Sam. 22:2; Psa. 18:2; 71:3; 144:2; Jer. 16:19; Nah. 1:7. FORTUNATUS, 1 Cor. 16:17. FORTY DAYS, as the flood. Gen. 7:17; 8:6. giving of the law, Kxod. 24:38. spying Canaan, Num. 13:25. Goliath's defiance, l Sam. 17:16. Elijah's journey to Horeb, 1 Kings 19:8. Jonah's warning to Nineveh, Jon. 3:4. fastingofour Lord, Mat. 4:2; Mark 1:13; Lu. 4:2. Christ's appearance during, Acts 1:3. FORTY STRIPES, Deut. 25:3. .save one, 2 Cor. 11:24. FORTY YEARS, manna sent, Exod. 16:35; Num. 14:33; Psa. 95:10. of peace, Judg. 3:11; 5:31; 8:28. FOUNDATION, Jesus Christ the one, Mat. 16:18 (Isa. 28:16); 1 Cor. 3:11; 1 Pet. 2:6; Eph. 2:20; Heb. 11:10. FOUNDING OF METALS, Judg. 17:4; Isa. 41:7 (marg.); Jer. 6:29; 10:9, 14. FOUNTAIN of living waters, Psa, 36:9; Jer. 2:13; Joel 3:18; Zech. 13:1; 14:8. See Isa. 12:3; 44:3; 55:1; John 4:10; Rev. 7:17; 21:6. FOURFOLD, restitution to be, Ex. 22:1; 2 Sam. 12:6; Luke 19:8. FOUR Uviug creature.s, vLsion of, Ezek. 1:5; 10:10; Rev. 4:6; 5:14; 6:6. kingdoms, Nebuchadnezzar's dream concern- ing, Dan. 2:36. Daniel's vision of, Dan. 7:3, 16. FOWLS, winged, Gen. 1:20; 7:6; Psa. 104:12; 148:10; Mat. 6:26. FOWLER, Psa. 91:3; Prov. 6:5; Hos. 9:8. FOXES, Samson's .stratagem with, Judg. 15:4. See Neh. 4:3; Song 2:15; Lam. 5:18; Mat. 8:20; Luke 13:.32. FRANKINCENSE employed in the incense, Ex. 30:.34; Lev. 2:1; .Song 3:6; Mat. 2:11. FRAUD forbidden, Lev. 19:13; Mai. 3:5; Mark 10:19; 1 Cor. 6:8; 1 The.s. 4:6. See deceit. FREEWILL-OFFKRINGS, Lev. 22:18; Num. 15:3; Deut. 16:10; Ezra 3:5. FREEDOM, natural, Exod. 21:2-11, 26, 27; Deut. 15:12-18; Jer. 34:9, etc.; Mat. 17:26; Acts 22:28; 1 Cor. 7:21-23. 6o spiritual, Isa. 61:1, 2; John 8:32, 36; Rom. 0:18; GaL4:31; 5:1; 1 Pet. 2:16. FREE-WOMAN and Bond-woman, allegory of, Gal. 4:22, etc. FRIEND of GOD, Abraham .so called (Gen. 18:17); 2 Chr. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; Jas. 2:23. Moses also, Exod. 33:11; aud beUevers, Song 5:1,16. FRIENDS, advantages of, Prov. 17:17; 18:24; 27:6, 9, 17; John 15:13. danger arising from evil, Deut. 13:6; Psa. 12:2; Prov. 22:24: 25:19; Mic. 7:5: ZecU. 13:6; Lam. 1:2. instances of true, Ruth 1:16; 2 Sam. 15:37; 16:16; 17:15; 19:32; 1 Kings 2:7; Mat. 11:19. instances of false, Judg. 4:18-22; 16:4-21; 2 Sam. 3:27: 20:9, 10; Mat. 26:48-50. the disciples so called, Luke 12:4; John 15:14; 3 John 14. FRIENDSHIP of Jonathan and David, l Sam. 18:1; 19; 20; 2 Sam. 1:26. with the world forbidden, Jas. 4:4; l John 2:15; Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 6:17. FRINGES, laws concerning, Num. 15:37; Deut. 22:12; Mat. 23:5. FROGS, plague of, Exod. 8:6; Psa. 78:45; 105:30; Rev. 16:13. FRONTLETS, Exod. 13:16; Deut. 6:8. FROWARDNESS censured, Deut. 32:20; 2 Sam. 22:27; Job 5:13; Prov. 2:12; 3:32; 4:24; 10:31; 11:20; 16:28; 17:20; 21:8; 22:5. FRUGALITY, Prov. 18:9; John 6:12. FRUITS of the ground, Gen. 4:3; Psa. 85:12; Isa. 4:2. given by God. Acts 14:17. preserved to us by God, Mai. 3:11. produced in their seasons, Mat. 21:41. to be waited for with patience, Jas. 5:7. often destroyed in (iod's anger, Deut. 28:38, 39; Jer. 7:20; Ezek.25:4. Joel 1:4, 12; Hag. 1:10. of the first three years not to be used, Lev. 19:23. blessed to the obedient, Deut. 7:13; 28:4. meet for repentance. Mat. 3:8. men known by. Mat. 7:16; Mark 4:8. he that soweth, gathereth, John 4:36; Rom. 1:13; 2 Cor. 9:10. of the Spirit, GaL 5:22; Eph. 5:9. borne through Christ, John 15:4; Rom. 7:4; PhiL 1:11. by the gospel. Col. 1:6; PhiL 4:17; Jas. 3:17. through chastening, Heb. 12:11. FRUITFULNESS, required in religion. Mat. 7:16, 19: Rom. 6:22: 7:4. in due sea.son, Psa. 1:3. in old age, Psa. 84:7; 92:12-14. as a result of God's care, Isa. 5:4; Hos. 14:5; Mat. 13:12; John 15:2. by union with Christ, John 15:5; PhiL 1:11; Col. 1:10; 2:6. by the Spirit, Eph. 5:9. FRUIT-TREES to be preserved in war, Deut. 20 : 10. See also Neh. 9 : 25. FRYING-PAN, Lev. 2:7; 7:9. FUGITIVE servant, Deut. 23:15. FULLER. See trades and professions. FULNESS, of time, Rom. 11:25; Gal. 4:4; Eph. 1:10. FURLONG, Luke 24:13; John 6:19; 11:18; Rev. 14:20; 21:16. FURNACE, or oven. Gen. 15:17; Neh. 3:11; of iron, 1 Kings 8:51; of earth, Psa. 12:6. for baking. Lev. 2:4; 7:9; 11:35; 26:26; Hos. 7:4. lor melting silver, Ezek. 22:22; Mai. 3:3; and FUT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GEB gokl, Prov. 17:3; and lead and tin, Ezek. 22:20. Shadrach, etc., cast into, Dan. 3:6-26. illustrative, Deut. 4:20; Psa. 21:9; Isa. 31:9; Lam. 5:10; Hos. 7:6, 7; Mai. 4:1; Mat. 6:30; 13:42. FUTURE STATE, mentioned or alluded to. Job 19:25; 21:30; Psa. 9:17; 16:11; 17:15; Prov. 14:32; Eccl. 3:17; 11:9; Dan. 12:13; Luke 20:34. 35; 1 Cor. 15:42, 51; Rev. 1:18; 7:15, See HEAVEN and hell. GAAL conspires, Judg. 9:26. GAASH, Josh. 24:30; brooks, 2 Sam. 23:30. GABBATHA, pavement, John 19:13. GABRIEL, sent to Daniel, Dan. 8:16; 9:21. to Zacharias, Luke 1:19. to Mary, Luke 1:26. GAD, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:11. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:19. by Moses, Deut. 33:20. his descendants. Gen. 46:16. twice numbered, Num. 1:24; 26:15. possessions of them and the Reubenites, etc., Num. 32; 34:14; Deut. 27:13; Josh. 4:12. commended by Joshua, Josh. 22:1. accused of idolatry. Josh, 22:11. their apology, Josh. 22:21. their warhke character, 1 Chr. 12:8. , seer, declares God's judgments to David, 2 Sam. 24:11; 1 Chr. 21:9; 2 Chr. 29:25. GADARENES, Gergesenes, miracle among, Mat. 8:28; Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26. GAINSAYING, Luke 21:15; Acts 10:29; Rom. 10*21 * Tit. 1 '9. GAIUS, Acts 19:29; 20:4; Rom. 16:23; 1 Cor. 1:14; 3 John, GALATIANS, Paul preaches to. Acts 16:6. reproved. Gal, 1:6; 3, etc. and exhorted. Gal. 5:6. their love to Paul, Gal. 4:14. GALBANUM, a spice in the holy oil, Exod. 20:34. GALEED, or Mizpah, Gen. 31:47, 49. GALILEE, city of refuge in, Josh. 21:32. cities in, given to Hiram, l Kings 9:ll, 12. taken by king of Assyria, 2 Kings 15:29. prophecy concerning, Isa. 9:1; Mat. 4:15. Christ dwells and preaches in, Mat. 2:22: 15:29; 26:32; 27:55; 28:7; Mark 1:9: Lu. 4:14; 23:5; 24:6; Acts 10:37; 13:31. GALILEANS killed by Pilate, Luke 13:1. of peculiar speech, Mat. 26:69, 73. disciples so called. Acts 1:11; 2:7. GALL, Mat. 27:34. figurative, Deitt. 29:18; 32:32; Job 20:14; Jer, 8:14: Lam. 3:5, 19; Acts 8:2.3, GALLIC dismisses Paul, Acts 18:12. GALLOWS, Ilaman lianged on, Esth. 7. GAMALIEL, advice of, Acts 5:34. Paul a disciple of. Acts 22:3. GAMES, public, allusions to, 1 Cor. 9:24; Phil. 3:12; lTim.6:12; 2Tim.2:5; 4:7; Heb. 12:L GAMM.IDOI (brave warriors), Ezek. 27:11. GARDEN, man placed in the. Gen. 2:8. of Gethsemane, John 18:1. Christ's burial in a, John 19:41. alluded to. Num. 24:6; Deut. 11:10; 1 Kin. 21:2; 2 Kin. 21:18; 25:4; Esth. 1:5; 7:7, 8. idolatrous rites in, Isa. 1:29; 57:5; Hos. 4:13. See Song 4:12; 5:1; 6:2; Isa. 51:3; 58:11; 61:11; Jer. 31:12; Ezek. 28:13; 36:25; Joel 2:3. GARDENING. See trades and professions. GAREB, a hill, Jer. 31:39. GARLIC, a plant, Num. 11:5. GARMENTS: upper garment, mantle, Judg. 4:18; 1 Kings 19:13,19; Ezra 9:3; Job 1:20; 2:12; Mat. 21:8. cloak (burnoose), Luke 6:29; 2 Tim. 4:13, robe, Exod. 28:4; 1 Sam. 18:4. coat (tunic). Gen. 37:3; Ex. 28:4; 1 Sam. 2:1C: Dan. 3:21; John 19:23; 21:7; Acts 9:39. girdle, Ex. 28:8; 1 Sam. 18:4; Jer. 13:1; Mat. 10:9 (purse); Acts 21:11. bonnet, Exod. 28:40; 39:28; Lev. 8:13; Eze> , 44:18; Dan, 3:21. shoe, sandal, Ex. 3:5; Deut. 25:9; 33:25; Eze:-. 24:17; Mat. 3:11; Mark 6:9; Acts 12:8. veil. Gen. 24:65; Exod. 34:33; Ruth 3:15; Isu 3:23. njaterials : linen. Lev. 6:10; Esth. 8:15; wco:- len, Prov. 27:26; Ezek. 34:3; silk, Prov. 31.- 2:'; sackcloth, 2 Sam. 3:31; skins, Ileb. 11:37, colors: Gen. 37:3; Judg. 8:26; 2 Sam. 1:24.' 13:18; Esth. 8:15; Eccl. 9:8; Ezek. 23:6,15' Dan. 5:7, 29; Luke 16:19; Rev. 3:5-, 6:11. of the priests, Exod. 28:.39. of the prophets, 2 Kin. 1:8; Zech. 13:4; Mat. 3:4. purification of unclean, Lev. 13:47. not to be made of diverse materials, Lev. 19:19 Deut. 22:11. of the sexes not exchanged, Deut. 22:5. of Christ divided, Psa. 22:18; Mat. 27:35; Johri 19:23. parable of. Mat. 9:16, etc. used figuratively, Job 38:9; Psa. 73:6; 102:26; 104:2, 6; 109:18; Prov. 30:1; Lsa. 61:3; Mat. 9:16, See also Josh, 7:21; Ezek, 16:18; Mat, 22:11: 23:5. GARNER, Mat. 3:12; Luke 3 17. GARNISH, 2 Chr, 3:6; Job -28:13; Mat. 12:44; 23:29; Rev. 21:19. GARRISON, 1 Sam. 13:3; 14:1; 2 Sam. 8:6; 23:14. GATES Of heaven, Gen. 28:17; Psa. 118:20; Isa, 26:2. Of death and hell, Psa. 9:13; Isa. 38:10; Mat. 16:18. Straight and wide, Mat. 7:13; Luke 13:24. Of cities used for business, etc.. Gen. 23:10, 1«: Deut. 16:18; Josh. 20:4; Ruth 4:1; 2 Sai;i. 15:2; 19:8; 1 Kings 22:10; Jo)) 29:7; Prov. 1:21; 31:23, 31; Jer. 17:19; Zech. 8:16. of the temple, 2 Kings 18:16; 2 Chr. 8:14; Psa. 100:4; 118:19, 20; Ezek. 44:1, 2; Acts 3:2. of Jerusalem, 2 Kings 14:13; 2 Chr, 26:19; Neh. 3:1, etc.; Jer. 31:38, 40. possessing the. Gen. 22:17; 24:60. open to conquerors, Psa. 24:7, 9; Isa, 60:11; 62:10. GATH, of the Philistines, men of, smitten with emerods, l Sam. 5:8. Goliath of, 1 Sam. 17:4. David flees to, 1 Sam. 27:4. taken by David, 1 Chr. 1S:1. by Hazael, 2 Kings 12:17. by Uzziah, 2 Chr. 23:6. GATH-RIMMON, Jo.sh. 19:45, a city of refuge. Josh. 21:24, 25; 1 Chr. 6:69. GAZA, on the border of Canaan, Gen. 10:19; Acts 8:26. Samson there, Judg. 16. prophecies concerning, Jer, 47 ; Amos 1:6; Zeph, 2:4; Zech, 9:5, GEBAL, Psa. 83:7. a Phoenician city given to Reuben, Josh. 13:5, stone-masons from, 1 Kings 5:18 (marg,), shipbuilders in, Ezek. 27:9, GEBIM, Isa, 10:31, 6r GED BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GIF GEDALIAH left as governor of Judali, 2 Kings 25:21; Jer. 39:14; 40:5. slain by Ishmael, 2 Kings 25:25 (Jer. 41). GEDEROTH, Josh. 15:41; 2 CUr. 28:18. GEDOR described, 1 Clir. 4:39. conquered by Simeonites, 1 Chr. 4:41. GEHAZI, serves Elisha, 2 Kings 4:12. his covetousness and deceit punished, 2 Kings 6:20. See 2 Kings 8:4. GEMARIAH, Jer. 29:3; 36:10-26. GENEALOGIES : generations of Adam, Gen. 5; 1 Chr. 1; Luke 3. of Noah, Gen. 10; 11; 1 Chr. 1:4. of Nahor, Gen. 22:20. of Abraham, Gen. 25; 1 Chr. 1:28. of Jacob, Gen. 29:31; 30; 46:8; Exod. 1:2; Num. 26: 1 Chr. 2, etc. of Esau, Gen. 36; 1 Chr. 1:35. of Levi, Ex. 6:16; Num. 3:17; 1 Chr. 6; 23; 24. of Judah, Ruth 4:18; 1 Chr. 2:3; 3:4. of Simeon, Exod. 6:15; 1 Chr. 4:24. of Reuben, Exod. 6:14; 1 Chr. 5:L of Gad, 1 Chr. 5:11. of Issachar, 1 Chr. 7:1. of Benjamin, 1 Chr. 7:6, 8. of Manasseh, 1 Chr. 7:14. ofNaphtali, 1 Chr. 7:13. ofEpliraim, 1 Chr. 7:20. of generations of Asher, 1 Chr. 7 :30. of Saul, 1 Chr. 8:29; 9:35. of David. 1 Chr. 3. of Christ, Mat. 1; Luke 3:23. public registers of, kept, 2 Chr. 12:15; Neh. 7:5. tables of, lost, Neh. 7:64. GENNESARET, a lake, miracles there, Mat. 4:18; 8:23; Luke 5:1. GENTILES, origin of, Gen. 10:5. their corrupt state, Rom. 1:21; 1 Cor. 12:2; Eph. 2; 4:17; 1 Thes. 4:5. prophecies relative to their conversion, Isa. 11:10; 42:1; 49:6 (Mat. 12:18; Lu. 2:32; Acts 13:47): Isa. 62:2; Jer. 16:19; Hos. 2:23; Joel 3:9; Mic. 5:8; MaL 1:11; Mat. 8:1L fulfilled, John 10:16; Acts 8:37; 10:14; 15, etc.; Rom. 9, etc.; Eph. 2; 1 Thes. 1:1. GENTLENESS, of CHRIST, 2 Cor. 10:1; Mat. 11:29 (Isa. 40:11). exhortations to. Gal. 5:22; 1 Thes. 2:7; 2 Tim. 2:24; Tit. 3:2; Jas. 3:17. GERAH, measure, Exod. 30:13; Lev. 27:25; Num. 3:47, worth about three half-pence. GERAR, Isaac's strife there. Gen. 26. Ethiopians pursued by Asa, 2 Chr. 14:13, 14. GERGESENHS. See gadarenes. GERIZIM, mount, appointed for blessing, Deut. 11:29; 27:12; Josh. 8:33. GERSHOM (Gershon), sou of Levi, Gen. 46:11, etc. the charge of his descendants, Num. 3:17; 4; 7; 10:17. ■ , son of Moses, Exod. 2:22. GESHEM, Neh. 2:19; 6:1-6. GESHUR, Absalom dwells there, 2 Sam. 13:37; 14:23 (Josh. 13:13). GETHSEMANE, garden of, our Lord's agony there. Mat. 26:36; Mark 14:32; Luke 22:39. GEZER, Josh. 10:33; 16:3,10; Judg. 1:29; 1 Kin. 9:16: 1 Chr. 6:67; 20:4. GIANTS before the flood. Gen. 6:4. in Canaan terrify the spies. Num. 13:33; Deut. 2:10; 3:11. several slain by David and his servants, 1 Sam. 17; 2 Sam. 21:16; 1 Chr. 20:4. GIBBETHON, Josh. 19:44; 21:23; 1 Kin. 15:27; 16:15,17. 62 GIBEAH, its wickedness, Judg. 19. its punishment, Judg. 20. the city of Saul, 1 Sam. 10:26; 11:4; 14:2; 15:34; 2 Sam. 21:6. GIBEON, craft of its inhabitants. Josh. 9. delivered by Joshua, Josh. 10. Saul's persecution avenged, 2 Sam. 21. God appears to Solomon there, 1 Kings 8:5; 1 Chr. 21:29; Isa. 28:21. GIDEON, Angel of the Lord appears to, Judg. 6:11. overturns Baal's altar, Judg. 6:27. his signs, Judg. 6:36. his army reduced, Judg. 7:1. his stratagem, Judg. 7:16. subdues the Midianites, Judg. 7:22. his ephod. a snare, Judg. 8:27. death, Judg. 8:32. See Heb. 11:32. GIFT of God, Christ so termed, John 3:16; 4:10; 6:32; 2 Cor. 9:15. of the Holy Ghost : by the Father, Neh. 9:20; Luke 11:13, by the Son, John 20:22. to Christ without measure, John 3:34. GIVEN according to promise. Acts 2:38, 39. upon the exaltation of Chilst, Psa. 68:18; John 7:39. through the intercession of Christ, John 14:16. in answer to prayer, Luke 11:13; Eph. 1:16, 17. for instruction, Neh. 9:20. for comfort of saints, John 14:16. to those who repent and beheve. Acts 2:38. to those who obev God, Acts 5:32. to Gentiles, Acts 10:44, 45; 11:17; 15:8. is abundant, Psa. 68:9; John 7:38, 39. is permanent, Isa. 59:21; Hag. 2:5; 1 Pet. 4:14. is fructifying, Isa. 32:15. received through faith. Gal. 3:14. an evidence of union with Christ, 1 John 3:24; 4:13. an earnest of the inheritance of the saints, 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5; Eph. 1:14. a pledge of the continued favor of God, Ezek. 39 * 29 GIFTS oif God : all blessings are, Jas. 1:17; 2 Pet. 1:3. dispensed according to his will, Eccl. 2:26; Dan. 2:21; Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 7:7. free and abundant, Num. 14:8; Rom. 8:32. SPIRITUAL, Christ the chief of, Isa. 42:6; 55:4; John 3:16; 4:10; 6:.32, 33. are through Christ, Psa. 68:18, with Eph. 4:7, 8; John 6:27. the Holy Ghost, Luke 11:13; Acts 8:20. grace, Psa. 84:11; Jas. 4:6. wisdom, Prov. 2:6: Jas. 1:5. repentance. Acts 11:18. faith, Eph. 2:8; Phil. 1:29. righteousness, Rom. 5:16, 17. strength and power, Psa. 68:35. a new lieart, Ezek. 11:19. peace, Psa. 29:11. rest. Mat. 11:28; 2 Thes. 1:7. glory, Psa. 84:11; John 17:22. eternal life, Rom. 6:23. not repented of by him, Rom. 11:29. used fur mutual profit, 1 Pet. 4:10. pray for. Mat. 7:7, 11; John 16:23, 24. acknowledge, Psa. 4:7; 21:2. TEMPORAL, life, Isa. 42:5. food and raiment. Mat. 6:25-33. rain and fruitful seasons, Gen. 27:28; Lev. 26:4, 5; Isa. 30:23. wisdom, 2 Chr. 1:12. peace. Lev. 26:6; 1 Chr. 22:9. GIH BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GLO all good things, Psa. 34:10; 1 Tim. 6:17. to be used and enjoyed, Eccl. 3:13; 5:19, 20; 1 Tim. 4:4, 5. should cause us to remember God, Deut. 8:18 all creatures partake of, Psa. 136:25; 145:15, 16. pray for, Zech. 10:1; Mat. 6:11. illustrated. Mat. 25:15-30. GIHON, Gen. 2:13; fountain, 1 Kings 1:33, 38, 45; 2Chr. 32:30; 33:14. GILBOA, mount. Saul slain there, 1 Sam. 28:4; 31; 2 Sam. 1:21. GILEAD, land of, granted to the Reubenites, etc.. Num. 32. invaded by Ammonites, Judg. 10:17. called Jabesh-Gilead, Judg. 21:8, 9; 1 Sam. 11:1, 9; 31:11; 2 Sam. 2:4; 21:12. covenant of elders of, with Jephthah, Judg. 11. See 1 Kings 17:1; Psa. 60:7; Song 4:1; Jer. 8:22; 22:6; 50:19; Hos. 6:8; 12:11; Amos 1:3; Obad. 19; Mic. 7:14; Zech. 10:10. Manasseh's grandson. Num. 26:29; Jephthah's father, Judg. 11:1, 2. GILGAL, Joshua encamps there. Josh. 4:19; 9:6. Saul made king at, i Sam. 10:8; 11:14. Saul's disobedience at, 1 Sam. 13:7; 15:12. See Hos. 4:15; 9:15; 12:11; Amos 4:4; 5:5. GIRDLE, high priest's, Exod. 28:4; 39:29 (Isa. 11:5; Eph. 6:14; Rev. 1:13; 15:6). typical, Jer. 13:1. figurative, Psa. 18:39; 30:11; Isa. 11:5; 22:21; Eph. 6:14. See GARMENTS. GIRGASHITES, Gen. 10:15; 15:21. driven out, Deut. 7:1; Josh. 3:10; 24:11. GITTITH, an instrument of music common in Gath. See TITLES OF PSALMS. GLASS, metallic mirror, Exod. 38:8; Job 37:18; Isa. 3:23. as seen through darkly, l Cor. 13:12; 2 Cor. 3:18; Jas. 1:23. the sea of. Rev. 4:6; 15:2. GLEANING, law concerning, Lev. 19:9; 23:22; Deut. 24:19. Boaz's liberality concerning, Ruth 2:15. See Isa. 17:6; 24:13; Jer. 49:9; Mic. 7:1. GLEDE, Deut. 14:13. Possibly the vulture. See Lev. 11:14. GLORIFYING God : commanded, 1 Chr. 16:28; Psa. 22:23; Isa. 42:12. due to him, 1 Chr. 16:29. FOR HIS hohness, Psa. 99:9; Rev. 15:4. mercy and truth, Psa. 115:1; Rom. 15:9. faithfulness and truth, Isa. 25:1. wondrous works, Mat. 15:31; Acts 4:21. judgments, Isa. 25:3; Ezek. 28:22; Rev. 14:7. deliverances, Psa. 50:15. grace to others. Acts 11:18; 2 Cor. 9:13; Gal. 1:24. obligation of saints to, 1 Cor. 6:20. is acceptable through Christ, Phil. 1:11; 1 Pet. 4:11. Christ an example of, John 17:4. ACCOMPLISHED BY relying on his promises, Rom. 4:20. praising him, Psa. 50:23. doing all to him, 1 Cor. 10:31. dying for him, John 21:19. confessing Christ, Phil. 2:31. suffering for Christ, 1 Pet. 4:14, 16. glorifying Christ, Acts 19:17; 2 Theg. 1:12. bringing forth fruits of righteousness, John 15:8; Phil. 1:11. patience in affliction. Isa. 24:15. faithfulness, 1 Pet, 4:11. required in body and spirit, 1 Cor. 6:20. shall be universal, Psa. 86:9; Rev. 5:13. SAINTS SHOULD lesolvc ou, Psa. 69:30; 118:28. unite in, Psa. 34:3; Rom. 15:6. persevere in, Psa. 86:12. all the blessings of God are designed to lead to, Isa. 60:21; 61:3. the holy example of the saints may lead othera to, Mat. 5:16; 1 Pet. 2:12. all, by nature, fail in, Rom. 3:23. the wicked averse to, Dan. 5:23; Rom. 1:21. punishment for not, Dan. 5:23; 30; MaL 2:2; Acts 12:23; Rom. 1:21. heavenly hosts engaged in. Rev. 4:11. exemplified: David, Psa. 57:5. The multitude, Mat. 9:8; 15:31. The Virgin Mary, Luke 1:46. Angels, Luke 2:14. Shepherds, Luke 2:20. Man sick of the palsy, Luke 5:25. Woman with infirmity, Luke 13 : 13. Leper, Luke 17:15. Blind man, Luke 18:43. Centurion, Luke 23:47. The Church at Jerusalem, Acta 11:18. Gentiles at Antioch, Acts 13:48. Abra- ham, Rom. 4:20. Paul, Rom. 11:36. GLORY : God is, to his people, Psa. 3:3; Zech. 2:5. Christ is, to his people, Isa. 60:1; Luke 2:32. the gospel ordained to be, to saints, 1 Cor. 2:7. of the gospel, exceeds that of the law, 2 Cor. 3:9, 10. the joy of saints is full of, 1 Pet. 1:8. SPIRITUAL, is given by God, Psa. 84:11. is given by Christ, John 17:22. is the work of the Holy Ghost, 2 Cor. 3:18. ETERNAL, procurcd by the death of Christ, Heb. 2:10. accompanies salvation by Christ, 2 Tim. 2:10. inherited by saints, 1 Sam. 2:8; Psa. 73:24; Prov. 3:35; Col. 3:4; 1 Pet. 5:10. saints called to, 2 Thes. 2:14; 1 Pet. 5:10. saints afore prepared unto, Rom. 9:23. enhanced by afflictions, 2 Cor. 4:17. present afflictions not worthy to be compared with, Rom. 8:18. of the church, shall be rich and abundant, Isa. 60:11-13. the bodies of saints shall be raised in, 1 Cor. 15:43; Phil. 3:2L saints shall be, of their ministers, 1 Thes. 2:19, 20. afflictions of ministers are, to saints, Eph. 3:13. TEMPORAL, is given by God, Dan. 2:37. passeth away, 1 Pet. 1:24. the devil tries to seduce by. Mat. 4:8. of hypocrites turned to shame, Hos. 4:7. seek not, from man. Mat. 6:2; 1 Thes. 2:6. of the wicked is in their shame, Phil. 3:19. ends in destruction, Isa. 5:14. , of God: exhibitedin Christ, John 1:14; 2 Cor. 4:6; Heb. 1:3. EXHIBITED IN liis name, Deut. 28:58; Neh. 9:5. his majesty. Job 37:22; Psa. 93:1; 104:1; 145:5, 12; Isa. 2:10. his power, Exod. 15:1, 6; Rom. 6:4. his works, Psa. 19:1; 111:3. his holiness, Exod. 15:11. DESCRIBED AS great, Psa. 138:5. eternal, Psa. 104:31. rich, Eph. 3:16. highly exalted, Psa. 8:1; 113:4. EXHIBITED TO Moscs, Exod. 34:5-7, with Exod. 33:18-23. Stephen, Acts 7:55. his church, Deut. 5:24- Psa. 102:16. 63 GLU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GOL enlightens the churcli, Isa. 60:1, 2; Rev. 21:11, 23. saints desire to behold, Psa. 63:2; 90:16. God is jealous of, Isa. 42:8. reverence, Isa. 59:19. plead in prayer, Psa. 79:9. declare, 1 Chr. 16:24; Psa. 145:5, 11. magnifv, Psa. 57:5. the earth is full of, Isa. 6:3. the knowledge of shall fill the earth, Hab. 2:14. GLUTTONY: Christ falsely accused of, Mat. 11:19. the wicked addicted to, Phil. 3:19: Jude 12. leads to carnal securitv, Isa. 22:13, with 1 Cor. 15:32; Luke 12:19. leads to poverty, Prov. 23:21. of princes, ruinous to their people, Eccl. 10:16, 17. is inconsistent in saints, 1 Pet. 4:3. caution against, Prov. 23:2, 3; Luke 21:34; Rom. 13:13, 14. prav against temptations to, Psa. 141:4. punishment of, Num. 11:33, 34, with Psa. 78:31; Deut. 21:21; Amos 6:4, 7. danger of, illustrated, Luke 12:45, 46. exemplified : Esau, Gen. 25:30-34, with Heb. 12:16, 17. Israel, Num. 11:4, with Psa. 78:18. Sons of Eli, 1 Sam. 2:12-17. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:1. GNAT, Mat. 23:24. GOADS, Judg. 3:31; 1 Sam. 13:21; Eccl. 12: U. GOATS, Gen. 27:9, 16; 30:32: 32:14; 37:31; Deut. 32:14; 1 Sam. 25:2; 2 Chr. 17:11; Prov. 27:26, 27. Offered in sacrifice. Lev. 1:10; 3:12; 16:5, 7; 22:19; Num. 7:17; 15:27; Ezra 6:17; Psa. 50:9; Ezek. 45:23; Heb. 9:12-19; 10:4. wild, Deut. 14:5; 1 Sam. 24:2; Job 39:1; Psa. 104:18. scapegoat, Lev. 16:8-26. figurative. Mat. 25:32. GOATS' HAIR, Exod. 25:4; 26:7; 35:6, etc.; 36:14: Num. 31:20; 1 Sam. 19:13, 16. skins, Heb. 11:37. GOD: Creator, Gen. 1:1; Exod. 20:11. is a Spirit, .John 4:24; 2 Cor. 3:17. IS DECLARED TO BE light, Isa. 60:19; Jas. 1:17; 1 .John 1:5. love. 1 John 4:8, 16. invisible, Job 23:8, 9; John 1:18; 5:37; Col. 1:15; ITim. 1:17; 6:16. unsearchable. Job 11:7; 26:14; 37:23; Psa. 145:3; Isa. 40:28; Rom. 11:33. incorruptible, Rom. 1:23. eternal, Deut. 33:27; Psa. 90:2; Rev. 4:8-10. immortal, 1 Tim. 1:17: 6:17. omnipotent. Gen. 17:1; Exod. 6:3. omniscient, Psa. 139:1-6; Prov. 5:21. heart-searching, 1 Chr. 28:9; Psa. 7:9; 44:21; 139:23; Prov. 17:3; Jer. 17:10; Rom. 8:27. omnipresent, Psa. 139:7; Jer. 23:23. immutable, Psa. 102:26, 27; Jas. 1:17. only wise, Rom. 16:27; 1 Tim. 1:17. glorious, Exod. 15:11; Psa. 145:5. incompreliensible, Job 36:26; 37:5; Psa. 40:5; 139:6; Eccl. 3:11; 11:5: Isa. 40:18; Mic.4:12. most higii, Psa. 83:18; Acts 7:48. perfect, Mat. 5:48. holy, Psa. 99:9; Isa. 5:16. just, Deut. 32:4; Isa. 45:21. true, Jer. 10:10; John 17:3. upriglit, Psa. 25:8; 92:15. lightious, Ezra 9:15; Psa. 145:17. good, Psa. 25:8; 119:68. 64 great, 2 Chr. 2:5: Psa. 86:10. gracious, Exod. 34:6; Psa. 116:5. faithful, 1 Cor. 10:13; 1 Pet. 4:19. merciful. Exod. 34:6, 7; I'sa. 86:5. long-sutrering, Num. 14:18; Mic. 7:18. jealous. Josh. 24:19; Nah. 1:2. compassionate, 2 Kings 13:23. a consuming fire, Heb. 12:29. PKEKOGATiVES OF : the Ownership of all thinss. IChr. 29:11; Psa. 50:10; Ezek. 18:4; Kov. 4:11. the control of nature, Job 38:33; Jer. 31:35; 33:25. to give law to all, Exod. 20:2; Isa. 33:22; Mat. 4:10; 22:37. to bestow grace as he sees best, Deut. 29:4; Mat. 13:10; 20:15; Mark 4:11; Rom. 9:22; 2 Tim. 2:25. to try men and prove them, Deut. 13:1; 1 Kin. 22:20; Job 2:6; 1 Cor. 11:19. to control men's hearts, Psa. 33:13; Isa. 45:5; Rom. 9:20. to use men in fulfilling his plans, 2 Kings 5:1; Job 1:21; Psa. 17:13: Isa. 10:5; Hab. 1:6. to dispose of men's life. Gen. 22:2; Deut. 20:16; 1 Sam. 16:3. to judge men and nations, 2 Kings 8:12; Ezek. 20:24; Dan. 4:17; Rom. 12:19. none beside him, Deut. 4:35; Isa. 44:6. none before him, Isa. 43:10. none like to him, Exod. 9:14 ; Deut. 33:26; 2 Sam. 7:22; Isa. 46:5, 9; Jer. 10:6. none good but he, Mat. 19:17. fills heaven and earth, 1 Kin. 8:27; Jer. 23:24. should be worshipped in spirit and in truth, John 4:24. See ANGER, CALLS, COUNSELS AND PURPOSES, FAITHFULNESS, FAVOR, FOREKNOWLEDGE, GIFTS, GLORIFYING, GLORY, GOODNESS, GR.4.CE, HOLINESS, .IKALOUSY, JOY, JUSTICE. LONG-SUFFERING, LOVE, MAJESTY, MERCY, PERFECTION, POWER, PROVIDENCE, RIGHT- EOUSNESS, TRUTH, WISDOM. GODLESSNESS, Psa. 10:4; 36:1; Eph.4:18; Jas. 4:4. See FORGETTING GOD, FORSAKING GOD. GODLINESS, exhortations to, ITim. 2:2; 4:7; 5; 6; 2 Pet. 1:3; 3:11. GODS, judges so called, Exod. 22:28; Psa. 82:1; 138:1; John 10:34; 1 Cor. 8:5. heathen, worship of, forbidden, Exod. 20:3; 34:17; Deut. 5:7; 8:19; 18:20, etc. See idol- atry. GOG and MAGOG, prophecy concerning, Ezek. 38; 39: Rev. 20:8. GOLAN, a city of refuge, Deut. 4:43; Josh. 20:8; 21:27; 1 Chr. 6:71. GOLD, found in the earth. Job 28:1, 6. abounded in Ilavilah. Gen. 2:11; Ophir, 1 Kin. 9:28; Psa. 45:9; Sheba, Psa. 72:15; Isa. 60:6; Parvaim, 2 Chr. 3:6; Uphaz, Jer. 10:9. belongs to God. Joel 3:5: Hag. 2:8. DESCRIBED AS vellow, Psa. 68:13. malleable, Exod. 39:3; 1 Kings 10:16, 17. fusible. Exod. 32:3, 4; Prov. 17:3. precious, Ezra 8:27; Isa. 13:12. valuable, Job 28:15, 16. refined and tried by fire, Zech. 13:9; 1 Pet. 1:7. the patriarchs rich in. Gen. 13:2. abundance of, in Solomon's reign, 2 Chr. 1:15. USED as money, Mat. 10:9; Acts 3:6. for overlaying the tabernacle, E.xod. 36:34, 38. for overlaying the temple, 1 Kings 6:21, 22. for sacred utensils, Exod. 25:29, 38; 2 Chr. 4:19-22. for crowns, 2 Sam. 12:30; Psa. 21:3. GOL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GRA for sceptres, Esth. 4:11. for chains, Gen. 41:42: Dan, 5:29. for rings, Song 5:14; Jas. 2:2. for earrings, .)udg. 8:24, 26. for ornaments, Jer. 4:30. for shields, 2 Sam. 8:7; 1 Kings 10:16, 17. for vessels, 1 Kings 10:21; Esih. 1:7; for idols, Exod, 20:23; Psa. 115:4; Dan. 5:4. for couches, Esth. 1:6. for footstools, 2 Chr. 9:18. kings of Israel not to multiply, Deut. 17:17; Isa. 2:7' Eccl. 2:8 11. illustrative. Job 23:10; *Dau. 2:38; 1 Cor. 3:12; 1 Pet. 1:7; Rev. 3:18. GOLDSMITH, 2Chr. 2:7, 14; Neh. 3:31,32; Isa. 40:19; 46:6. GOLGOTHA (Calvary), Christ crucified there, Mat. 27:33; Mark 15:22; Luke 23:33; John 19:17. GOLIATH, a giant, slain by David, 1 Sam. 17; 21:9; 22:10. his sons, etc., 2 Sam. 21:15; 1 Chr. 20:4. GOMER, son of Japheth, Gen. 10:2, 3; 1 Chr. 1:5, 6; his descendants, Ezek. 38:6. GOMORRAH. See sodom. GOODNESS of God: is part of his character, Psa. 25:8; Nah, 1:7; Mat. 19:17. DECLARED TO BE great, Neh. 9:35; Zech. 9:17. rich, Psa. 104:24; Rom. 2:4. abundant, Exod. 34:6; Psa. 33:5. satisfying, Psa. 65:4; Jer. 31:12, 14. enduring, Psa. 23:6; 52:1. universal, Psa. 145:9; Mat. 5:45. MANIFESTED to his church, Psa. 31:19; Lam, 3:25. in doing good, Psa. 119:68; 145:9. in supplying our wants. Acts 14:17. in providing for the poor, Psa. 68:10. in forgiving sins, 2 Chr. 30:18; Psa. 86:5. leads to repentance, Rom. 2:4. recognize, in his dealings, Ezra 8:18; Neh. 2:18, pray for the manifestation of, 2 Thes. 1:11. despise not, Rom. 2:4. reverence, Jer, 33:9; Hos. 3:6, magnify, Psa, 107:8; Jer, 33:11. urge others to confide in, Psa. 34:8. the wicked disregard, Neh. 9:. 35, GOPHER- WOOD, probably cypress, the ark made of, Gen. 6:14. GOSHEN, in Egypt, Israelites placed there. Gen. 45:10; 46:34: 47:4. free from the plagues, Exod. 8:22; 9:26. . , in Canaan, Josh. 10:41; 11:16, GOSPEL: described, Luke 2:10, 11. foretold, Isa. 41:27; 52:7, with Rom. 10:15; Isa. 61:1-3, preached under old testament, Heb, 4:2, exhibits the grace of God, Acts 14:3; 20:32. the knowledge of the glory of God is by, 2 Cor. 4:4, 6. life and immortality are brought to light by, 2 Tim. 1:10. is the power of God unto salvation, Rom, 1:16; 1 Cor. 1:18; 1 Thes. 1:5. is truth. Col. 1:5. is glorious, 2 Cor. 4:4. is everlasting, 1 Pet. 1:25; Rev, 14:6. preached by Christ, Mat. 4:23; 11:28; Mark 1:14; John 7:37. ministers have a dispensation to preach, 1 Cor. 9:17, preached beforehand to Abraham, Gen, 22:18, with Gal. 3:8. PREACHED TO the Jcws flrst, Luke 24:47; Acts 13:46. the Gentiles, Mark 13:10; Gal. 2:2. the poor. Mat. 11:5; Luke 4:18. every creature, Mark 16:15; Col. 1:23. mustbe believed, Mark 1:15; Heb. 4:2. brings peace, Luke 2:10, 14; Eph. 6:15. produces hope. Col. 1:2.3. saints have fellowship in, Phil. 1:5. fulness of ble.^sing in, Rom. 15:29. THOSE WHO RECEIVE, SHOULD adhere to the truth of, Gal. 1:6, 7: 2:14. not be ashamed of, Rom. 1:16. live in subjection to, 2 Cor. 9:13. have their conversation becoming, Phil, 1:27. earnestly contend for the faith of, Phil, 1:17, 27: Jude3, sacrifice friends and property for, Mark 10:29. sacrifice life itself for, Mark 8:35, profession of, attended by attlictions, 2 Tim. 1:8. promises to sufferers for, Mark 8:35; 10:30. be carelul not to hinder, 1 Cor. 9:12. is hid to them that are lost, 2 Cor. 4:3. testifies to the final judgment, Rom, 2:16. let him who preaches another, be accursed. Gal. 1:8. awful consequences of not obeying, 2 Tlies. 1:8, 9. IS CALLED THE dispensation of the grace of God, Eph, 3:2. gospel of peace, Eph. 6:15. gospel of God, Rom. 1:1; 1 Thes. 2:8; 1 Pet, 4:17, gospel of Jesus Christ. Rom. 1:9, 16; 2 Cor. 2:12; 1 Thes. 3:2. gospel of the grace of God, Acts 20:24. gospel of the kingdom, Mat. 24:14. gospel of salvation, Eph. 1:13. glorious gospel of Christ, 2 Cor. 4:4. preaching of Jesus Christ, Rom. 16:25. mystery of Christ, Eph. 3:4. mystery of the gospel, Eph. 6:19. word of God, 1 Thes. 2:13. word of Christ, Col. 3:16. word of grace, Acts 14:3; 20:32. word of salvation. Acts 13:26. word of reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5:19. word of truth, Eph. 1:13; 2 Cor. 6:7. word of faith, Rom. 10:8. word of life, Phil. 2:16. ministration of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 3:8. doctrine according to godliness. 1 Tim. 6:3. form of sound words, 2 Tim. 1:13. rejection of by many, foretold, Isa. 53:1, with Rom. 10:15, 16. -^ rejection of, by Jews, a means of blessing to Gentiles, Rom. 11:28. GOURD, a climbing plant which sheltered Jo- nah, Jon. 4:6-10; a kind of cucumber, poi- sonous, 2 Kings 4:39, GOVERNMENT is of divine appointment, Exod. 18:21; Deut. 16:18; 17:5; Num, 11:16; Prov. 8:15; Rom, 13:1-4. See judges, kings, etc. GOZAN, a river in Mesopotamia, 2 Kings 17:6; 18:11; 19:12; 1 Chr. 5:26. GRACE: God is the God of all, 1 Pet. 5:10. God is the Giver of. Psa. 84:11. God's throne, the throne of. Heb. 4:16. the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of, Zech. 12:10; Heb. 10:29. was upon Christ, Luke 2:40. Christ spoke with, Psa. 45:2, with Luke 4:22. Christ was full of, John 1:14. came by Clirist, John 1:17; Rom. 5:15. 65 GRA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HAG given by Christ, 1 Cor. 1:4. nches of, exliibited iu God's kindness through Christ, Eph. 2:7. glory of, exhibited in oui- acceptance in Christ, Eph. 1:6. IS DESCRIBED AS great, Acts 4:33. sovereign, Rom. 6:21. rich, Eph. 1:7; 2:7. exceeding, 2 Cor. 9:14. manifold, 1 Pet. 4:10. all-sufficient, 2 Cor. 12:9, all-abundant, Rom. 5:15, 17, 20. true, 1 Pet. 5:12. glorious, Eph. 1:6. not iu vain, 1 Cor. 15:10. the gospel declares, Acts 20:24, 32. IS THE SOURCE OF elcctiou, Rom. 11:5. the call of God, Gal. 1:15. justification, Rom. 3:24; Tit. 3:7. faith Acts 18:27. forgiveness of sins, Eph. 1:7. salvation. Acts 15:11; Eph. 2:5, 8. consolation, 2 Thes. 2:16. hope, 2Thes. 2:16. necessary to service of God, Heb. 12:28. God's work completed in saints by, 2 Thes. 1:11, 12. the success and completion of the work of God to be attributed to, Zech. 4:7. inheritance of promises by, Rom. 4:16. justification by, opposed to that by works, Rom. 4:4, 5; 11:6; Gal. 5:4. SAINTS are heirs of, 1 Pet. 3:7. are under, Rom. 6:14. receive, from Christ, John 1:16. are what thev are by, 1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 1:12. abound in gifts of, Acts 4:33; 2 Cor. 8:1; 9:8, 14. should be established in, Heb. 13:9. should be strong in, 2 Tim. 2:1. should grow in, 2 l^et. 3:18. should speak with, Eph. 4:29; Col. 4:6, SPECIALLY GIVEN to ministers, Rom. 12:3, 6; 15:15; 1 Cor. 3:10; Gal. 2:9; Eph. 3:7. to the humble. Pro v. 3:34, with Jas. 4:6, to those who walk uprightly, Psa. 84:11. gospel of, not to be received in vain, 2 Cor. 6:1, prav for, for yourself, Ueb. 4:16. pray for, for others, 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 6:24. beware lest you fail of, Heb. 12:15. manifestation of, iu others, a cause of gladness. Acts il:2;3, special manifestation of, at the second coming of Christ, 1 Pet. 1:13. not to be abused, Rom. 6:1, 15, Antinomians abuse, .lude 4, signifying beauty, .las. 1:11. signifying favor, Gen. 6:8; Ruth 2:2; Luke 2:40; John 1:16; Acts 4:33. GRAFTING. See engrafting. GRAPES, laws concerning, Lev. 19:10; Num. 6:3; Deut. 23:24; 24:21, See Jer. 31:29; Ezek. 18:2. GRASS, created. Gen. 1:11. by (Jod's care, Ueut. Il:i5; Psa. 147:8. man compared to, I'sa. 37:2; 90:5; 103:15; Isa, 40:6; Jas. 1:10; 1 Pet. 1:24, GRASSH<)I>PERS sent, Amos 7:1. GRATE, Exod. 27:4, 5; 38:4, 5, GRATITUDE to COD. See THANKFULNESS. to man. Examples of: Jethro, Exod. 2:20. Joshua, Josh. 6:22-25. Naomi, Ruth 1:8:2:19,20. Israelites, 1 Sam. 14:45. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:6; 24:16-19. Gileadites, 1 Sam. 31:11-13, with 1 Sam. 11. David, 1 Sam. 10:2; 1 Kings 2:7. Solomon, 1 Kings 2:26. Elisha, 66 2 Kings 4:13. Naaman, 2 Kings 5:15, 16. Paul, 2 Tim. 1:16-18. GRAVE, law concerning. Num. 19:16. triumphed over, Hos. 13:14: John 5:28; 1 Cor. 15:55; Rev. 20:13. GRAVITY in bishops and deacons, 1 Tim. 3:4, 8, 11; Tit, 2:2, 7. GREAT SEA. See mediterranean. GREAVES, armor for the legs, 1 Sam. 17:6. GRECIANS, or Hellenists, Jews or proselytes who spoke Greek, Acts 6:1; 11:20; opposed to the gospel. Acts 6:9-14; 9:29. GREECE, prophecies concerning, Dan. S : 21 ; 10:20; 11:2; Zech. 9:13. Paul preaches in, Acts 16, etc. GREEK, an inhabitant of Greece, or a Greek in language and customs, John 12:20; Acts 16:1; 18:17. translated Gentile, John 7:35; Rom, 2:9, 10; 3:9; 1 Cor. 10:32; 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11. GREYHOUND (raarg.), a horse, Prov. 30:31, GROVES, for worship. Gen. 21:33, idolatrous, forbidden, Deut. 16:21; Judg. 6:25; 1 Kings 14:15; 15:13; 16:33; 2 Kings 17:16; 21:3; 23:4. GRUDGING forbidden, 2 Cor, 9:7; Jas. 5:9; 1 Pet. 4:9. GUIDE, God is, of his people, Psa. 25:9; 31:3; 32:8; 48:14; 73:24; Isa. 58:11; Luke 1:79; 1 Thes. 3:11, GUILE forbidden, Psa. 34:13 ; 1 Pet. 2:1; 3:10; Rev. 14:5. See deceit. GUR-BAAL, 2 Chr. 26:7. H. HABAKKUK'S complaint, Hab, 1, the answer, Hab. 1:5: 2:2, his prayer, Hal). 3. HABERGEON, Exod. 28:32; Job 41:26, See ARMOR. HABITATIONS : dwellings or tents, Gen. 12:8; 18:1; Judg. 4:17, etc. ; 1 Kings 20:12; Song 1:5; Isa. 38:12; 40:22; Jer. 35:7; Acts 18:3, cottages or booths. Job 27:18; Isa. 1:8; 24:20; Jon. 4:5; Zeph. 2:6. houses. Gen. 19:3; Lev, 14:45; 1 Sam. 9:26; 2 Sam, 11:2; Job 24:16; Prov. 9:1; 21:9; Isa. 22:1; Jer. 22:14; 36:22; Ezek. 13:10; Amos 3:15; 6:11; Mark 2:4, See houses. interior of. Gen. 43:30; 1 Ivings 20:30; 22:25; 2 Kings 4:10; 11:2; Dan. 6:10; Mat, 23:6; Mark 14:15; Acts 9:17. HABOR, and Halah, 2 Kings 17:6; 18:11; 1 Chr. 5:26. HACHILAH, 1 Sam. 23:19; 26:1, 3. HAD AD, an Edomite, becomes an enemy to Sol- omon, 1 Kings 11:14. HADADEZER (Hadarezer) king of Zobah, Da- vid's wars with, 2 .Sam. 8; 10:15; 1 Chr. 18, HADASSAH, Esth. 2:7. HADOHAM stoned, 2 Chr. 10:18, HADRACH, Zech. 9:1. HAGAR, mother of Ishmael, Gen. 16. comforted by an angel. Gen. 16:9. dismissed with her son. Gen, 21:14, See Gal. 4:22: I'sa. 83:6. HAGARENES, Psa. 83:6. conquered by Reubenites, 1 Chr. 5:10-22. HAGGAI, prophet, Ezra 5: 6:14. reproves the Jews, Hag. 1. and encourages the rebuilding of the temple, Hag. 2. HAGGITH, David's wife, and mother of Adoni- jah, 2 Sam. 3:4; 1 Kings 1 :5, 6; 1 Chr. 3:2. HAI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HAR HAIL, plague of, Exod. 9:23; Josh. 10:11; Psa. 18:12; 78:47; Isa. 28:2; Ezek. 13:11; Hag. 2:17: Rev. 8:7: 11:19; 16:21. HAIR, 01 head. Job 4:15; Mat. 5:36; 10:30; John 11:2; 1 Cor. 11:14, 15; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3. leper's, Lev. 13:3, etc. worn long by Absalom, 2 Sam. 14:26. men condemned for wearing long hair, 1 Cor. 11:14. HALAK, a mountain. Josh. 12:7. HALLELUJAH, Rev. 19:1, 4, 6. HALL of judgment, John 18:28, 33; 19:9; Acts 23 "35 HALLOWED BREAD, given to David (Exod. 25:30; Lev. 24:5); 1 Sam. 21; Mat. 12:3; Mark 2:25: Luke 6:3. HAM, son of Noah, cursed, Gen. 9:22. his descendants, Gen. 10:6; 1 Chr. 1:8; Psa. 105:23. smitten by the Simeonites, 1 Chr. 4:40. HAMAN'S advancement, Esth. 3. hatred to Mordecai, Esth. 3:8. his fall, Esth. 7, etc. HAMATH, land of. Num. 34:8; Josh. 13:5: 2 Kin. 14:28; 17:24. conquered, 2 Kings 18:34, etc.; Isa. 37:13; Jer. 49:23. HAMMER, 1 Kings 6:7; Isa. 41:7. illustrative, Jer. 23:29; 50:23. HAMON-GOG, multitude of Gog, Ezek. 39:11, 15 (marg.), HAMOR, father of Shechem, Gen. 34. HANAMEEL, Jer. 32:7, 8. HANANEEL, Neh. 3:1; 12:39; Jer. 31:38 ; Zech. 14:10. HANANI, a prophet, imprisoned by king Asa, 2 Chr. 16:7. , brother of Nehemiah, Neh. 1:2; 7:2; 12:36. HANANIAH, a false prophet, his death foretold, Jer. 28. See shadrach. ruler of the palace, Neh. 7:2. HAND of God, for blessing, 2 Chr. 30:12; Ezra 7:9; 8:18; Neh. 2:18; Psa. 37:24; 104:28; John 10:28, 29. for chastisement, Deut. 2:15; Ruth 1:13; Job 2:10; 19:21; 1 Pet. 5:6. is glorious in power, Exod. 15:6 ; Isa. 59:1; Luke 1:66. HANDS, LAYING ON OF, in blessing. Gen. 48:14; Mat. 19:13; Rev. 1:17. in working miracles, Mark 6:5; 16:18; Luke 4:40; Acts 8:17; 28:8. in setting apart to office, Num. 27:22; Acts 6: 6; 13:3; 1 Tim. 4:14. in the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 9:17; 2 Tim. 1 : 6. washing, as mark of innocence, Deut. 21:6; Psa. 26:6; Mat. 27:24. lifting up in prayer, Exod. 17:11; Psa. 28:2; 63:4; 141:2; 143:6; 1 Tim. 2:8. in swearing. Gen. 14:22. HANDBREADTH, a measure, 1 Kings 7:26; Psa. 39:5; Isa. 48:13. Translated span, Lam. 2:20. HANDKERCHIEF, or napkin, Ezek. 13:18, 21; Luke 19:20; John 11:44; 20:7; Acts 19:12. HANGING, a punishment. Num. 25:4. the person hanged accursed, Deut. 21:22; Gal. 3:13. instances. Gen. 40:19, 22; Josh. 8:29; 10:26; 2 Sam. 4:12; 21:8; Esth. 2:23; 7:10; 9:14. , suicide by, 2 Sam. 17:23; Mat. 27:5. HANGINGS. See curtains. HANNAH'S vow and prayer, 1 Sam. 1. answered, 1 Sam. 1:19. her song, 1 Sam. 2. HANUM, king of the Ammonites, dishonors Da- vid's messengers, 2 Sam. 10:4. chastised, 2 Sam. 12:30. HAPPINESS, of saints : is in God, Psa. 73:25. only found in the ways of wisdom, Prov. 3:17, 18. DERIVED FROM fear of God, Psa. 128:1, 2; Prov. 28:14. trust in God, Prov. 16:20; Phil. 4:6, 7. obedience to God, Psa. 40:8; John 13:17. salvation, Deut. 33:29; Isa. 12:2, 3. hope in the Lord, Psa. 146:5. hope of glory, Rom. 5:2. God being their Lord, Psa. 144:15. God being their help, Psa. 146:5. praising God, Psa. 135:3. their mutual love, Psa. 133:1. divine chastening, Job 5:17; Jas. 5:11. sulTering for Christ, 2 Cor. 12:10; 1 Pet. 3:14 ; 4:13, 14. having mercy on the poor, Prov. 14:21. finding wisdom, Prov. 3:13. retaining wisdom, Prov. 3:18. is abundant and satisfying, Psa. 36:8; 63:5. , of the wicked: limited to this Ufe, Psa. 17:14; Luke 16:25. short, Job 20:5. uncertain, Luke 12:20. vain, Eccl. 2:1; 7:6. IS DERIVED FROM their wealth, Job 21:13; Psa. 52:7. their power, Job 21:7; Psa. 37:35. their worldly prosperity, Psa. 17:14; 73:3, 4, 7. gluttony, Isa. 22:13; Hab. 1:16. drunkenness, Isa. 5:11; .56:12, vain pleasure. Job 21:12; Isa. 5:12. successful oppression, Hab. 1:15. marred by jealousy, Esth. 5:13. often interrupted by judgments, Num. 11:33; Job 15:21; Psa. 73:18-20; Jer. 25:10, 11. leads to sorrow, Prov. 14 :13. leads to recklessness, Isa. 22:12. sometimes a stumbling-block to saints, Psa. 73:3, 16; Jer. 12:1: Hab. 1:13. saints often permitted to see the end of, Psa. 73:17-20. envy not, Psa. 37:1. woe against, Amos 6:1; Luke 6:25. illustrated, Psa. 37:35, 36; Luke 12:16-20; 16:19, 25. exemplified : Israel, Num. 11 : 33. Haman, Esth. 5:9-11. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:1. Herod, Acts 12:21-2.3. HAR A, 1 Chr. 5:26. HARAN, son of Terah, Gen. 11:26. land of, Abram departs from. Gen. 11:31: 12:4. Jacob fiees to, Gen. 27:43; 28:10; 29. conquered bv tlie Assyrians, 2 Kings 10:12. merchants of, Ezek. 27:2-3. idolatry in. Josh. 24:14; Isa. 37:12. HARBONAH, chamberlain of Artaxerxes, Esth. 1:10. proposes to hang Haman, Esth. 7:9. HARDENING the heart, etc., exhortations against, Deut. 15:7; 1 Sam. 6:6: 2 Chr. 30:8; Psa. 95:8: Heb. 3:8. evil consequences of, Exod. 7:13; 8:15; Prov. 28:14; 29:1; Dan. 5:20: John 12:40. HARE, Lev. 11:6; Deut. 14:7. HARETH, 1 Sam. 22:5. HARLOTS, infamous. Gen. 34:31; Lev. 19:29; 21:7; Deut. 23:17; Isa. 57:3; Jer. 3:3; 1 Cor. 6:15. priests forbidden to marry. Lev. 21:14. HAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HEA figurative of idolatry, Isa. 1 :21; Jer. 2:20; Ezek. 16:23; Hos. 2: Rev. 17:18. Solomon's judgment between two, 1 Kings 3:16. HARMLESS, Christ was. Heb. 7:26. the disciples to be, Mat. 10:16; Rom. 16:19; Phil. 2:15. HARNESS, 1 Kings 20:11. See breastplate. HAROD, Judg. 7:1. HAROSHETH, Judg. 4:2, 13, 16. HARP invented, Gen. 4:21. played on by Uavid, 1 Sam. 16:16, 23; 2 Sam. 6:o. used in public worship, 1 Chr. 25:3; Psa. .33:2; 81:2; 150:3, etc. inheaven. Rev. 14:2. See Job 30:31; Isa. 16:11; 30:32: Ezek. 26:13; Rev. 18:22. HARROW, of iron, 2 Sara. 12:31; 1 Chr. 20:.3. HART, a clean animal, Deut. 12:15; 1 Kings 4:23; Psa. 42:1; Isa. 35:6. HARVh^ST, promised, Cien. 8:22. feast of, Exod. 23:16; 34:21; Lev. 19:9; Isa. 9:3; 16:9. of the world, Jer. 8:20: Mat. 13:30, .39: Rev. 14:15. See Jer. 51:33; Joel 3:13; John 4:35. HASTE in speech, etc., Prov. 14:29; 29:20; Eccl. 5:2; Dan. 2:15. to be rich, dangerous, Prov. 28:22. HATRED: forbidden. Lev. 19:17; Col. 3:8. is murder, 1 John 3:15. a work of the flesh. Gal. 5:20. cloaked by deceit, Prov. 10:18; 26:26. leads to deceit, Prov. 26:24, 25. stirs up strife, Prov. 10:12. imbitters life, Prov. 15:17. inconsistent with the knowledge of God, 1 John 2:9, 11. inconsistent with the love of God, 1 John 4:20. liars prone to, Prov. 26:28. THE WICKED EXHIBIT towards God. Rom. 1:30. towards saints, Psa. 25:19; i'rov. 29:10. towards each other. Tit. 3:3. Christ experienced, Psa. 35:19, with John 15:25. SAINTS SHOULD expCCt, Mat. 10:22. not marvel at, 1 John 3:13. return good for, Exod. 23:5; Mat. 5:44. not rejoice in the calamities of those who ex- hibit. Job 31:29, 30; Psa. 35:1.3, 14. give no cause for, Prov. 25:17. punishment of, Psa. 34:21; 44:7; 89:23; Amos 1:11. WE SHOULD EXHIBIT, AGAINST false wavs, Psa. 119:104, 128. lying, Psa. 119:16-3. evil. Psa. 97:10; Prov. 8:13. backsliding, P.sa. 101:. 3. opposition to God, Psa. 139:21, 22. exemplified: Cain. Gen. 4:5, 8. Esau, Gen. 27:41. Joseph's brethren. Gen. 37:4. Men of Gilead, Judg. 11:7. Saul, 1 Sam. 18:8, 9. Ahab, 1 Kings 22:8. Hainan, Esth. 3:5, 6. Enemies of the Jews. Esth. 9:1, 5; Ezek. 35:5, 6. Chaldeans, Dan. 3:12. Enemies of Daniel, Dan. 6:4-15. Herodias, Mat. 14T3, 8. The Jews, Acts 23:12, 14. , to Christ: is without cause. P.sa. 69:4, with John 15:25. IS on account of his testimony against the world, John 7:7. involves hatred to his Father, John 15:2.3, 24. involves hatred to his people. .lohn 15:18. punishment of, Psa. 2:2. 9; 21:8. no escape for those who persevere in, 1 Cor. 15:25; Heb. 10:29-31. iimstriited. Luke 19:12-14, 17. exemplified: Chief priests, etc.. Mat. 27:1, 2 ; 68 Luke 22:5. Jew.s, Mat. 27:22, 23. Scribes, etc., Mark 11:18: Luke 11:5.3, 54. HAUGHTINESS censured, 2 Sam. 22:28; Prov. 6:17; 16:18; 21:4, 24; Isa. 2:11; 3:16; 13:11; 16:6: Jer. 48:29. HAVEN, Gen. 49:13; Psa. 107:30; Acts 27:8, 12. HAVILAH, Gen. 10:7. , country. Gen. 25:18; 1 Sam. 15:7. HAWK, unclean. Lev. 11:16. described. Job 39:26. HAY, Prov. 27:25: Isa. 15:6. HAZAEL, king of Syria, 1 Kings 19:15. Elisha's grief at .seeing him, 2 Kings 8:7. slays Ben-hadad and usurps the kingdom, 2 Kings 8:15. afflicts Israel, 2 Kin. 9:14: 10:32: 12:17; 13:22. HAZEL-TREE, Gen. 30:37. HAZEROTH, Num. 11::35: 12:16; 33:17, 18. HAZOR, city of Canaan, Inn-nt, Josh. 11:10; 15:25. See Judg. 4:2; 1 Kings 9:15: 2 Kings 15:29; Jer. 49:28. HEAD, covered in mourning, 2 Sam. 15:30; Esth. 6:12. in praver, 1 Cor. 11:4-16. of the church. See christ. illustrative: covered, of defence and protection, Psa. 140:7. made bald, of heavy judgments, Isa. 3:24; 15:2; 22:12: Mic. 1:16.' lifted up, of joy and confidence, Psa. 3:3; Luke 21:28; of pride, Psa. 83:2; of exaltation, Gen. 40:13; Psa. 27:6. anointed, of jov and prosperitv, Psa. 23:5; 92:10. HEADBANDS, Lsa. 3:20. HEADS of people, rulers, Exod. 18:25: Num. 1:16; 25:4; Josh. 23:2; 1 Chr. 12:32; Psa. 110:6; Mic. 3:1, 9, 11. HEALTH, a blessing. Gen. 43:28; Deut. 34:7; Psa. 91:6; PhiL 2:27; 3 John 2. figurative, Psa. 42:11; Prov. 3:8; 12:18; Isa. 58:8; Jer. 8:15: 30:17; 33:6. HEART: issues of life are out of, Prov. 4:23; Mat. 15:18. God tries. 1 Chr. 29:17; Jer. 12:3. knows, Psa. 44:21; Jer. 20:12. searches, 1 Chr, 28:9; Jer. 17:10. understands the thoughts of, 1 Chr. 28 : 9 ; Psa. 139:2. ponders, Prov. 21:2; 24:12. influences, 1 Sam. 10:20; Ezra 6:22; 7:27; Prov, 21:1; Jer. 20:9. creates a new, Ezek. 36:26. prepares, 1 Chr. 29:18; Prov. 16:1. opens. Acts 16:14. enlightens. 2 Cor. 4:6. strengthens, Psa. 27:14. estabhshes, F'sa. 112:8; 1 Thes. 3:1.3. SHOULD BE prepared for God, 1 Sam. 7:3. given to God, Prov, 23:26, perfect with (iod, 1 Kings 8:61. applied to wisdom, Psa. 90:12; Prov. 2:2. guided in the right way, Prov. 23:19. purified, Jas. 4:s, single, Eph, 6:5; CoL 3:22. tender, Eph, 4:32, kept with diligence, Prov, 4:2.3. WE SHOULD believe with Acts 8:37 ; Rom. 10:10. .serve God with all, Deut. 11:13. keep God's .statutes with all, Deut. 26:16. walk itefore God with all, 1 Kings 2:4. trust in (Jod with all, Prov. 3:5. love (ioil with all, Mat. 22:37. return to God with all, Deut. 30:2. do the will of God from, Eph. 0:6. HEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HEA sanctify God in, 1 Pet. 3:15. no man can cleanse, Pro v. 20:9. faith, the means of purifying. Acts 15:9. renewal of, promised under the gospel, Ezek. 11:19; 36:26; Heb. 3:10. when broken and contrite, not despised by God, Psa. 51:17. PRAY THAT IT MAY BE Cleansed, Psa. 51:10. incUned to God's testimonies, Psa. 119:36. sound in God's statutes, Psa. 119:80. united to fear God, Psa. 86:11. directed to the love of God, 2 Thes. 3:5. harden not, against God, Psa. 95:8, with Heb. 4:7. harden not, against the poor, Deut. 15:7. regard not iniquity in, Psa. 66:18. take heed, lest it be deceived, Deut. 11:16. know the plague of, 1 Kings 8:38. he that trusteth in, is a fool, Prov. 28:26. , character of the renewed: inclined to seek God, 2 Chr. 11:16. prepared to seek God, 2 Chr. 19:3; Ezra 7:10: Psa. 10:17. fixed on God, Psa. 57:7; 112:7. joyful in God, 1 Sam. 2:1; Zech. 10:7. perfect with God, 1 Kings 8:61; Psa. 101:2. upright, Psa. 97:11; 125:4. clean, Psa. 73:1. pure, Psa. 24:4; Mat. 5:8. tender, 1 Sam. 24:5; 2 Kings 22:19. single and sincere. Acts 2:46; Heb. 10:22. honest and good, Luke 8:15. broken, contrite, Psa. 34:18; 51:17. obedient, Psa. 119:112; Rom. 6:17. filled with the law of God, Psa. 40:8: 119:11 awed by the word of God, Psa. 119:161. filled with the fear of God, Jer. 32:40. meditative, Psa. 4:4; 77:6. circumcised, Deut. 30:6; Rom. 2:29. void of fear. Psa. 27:3. desirous of God, Psa. 84:2. enlarged, Psa. 119:32; 2 Cor. 6:11. faithful to God. Neh. 9:8. confident in God, Psa. 112:7. the abode of God, John 14:23; Rom. 8:9. sympathizing, Jer. 4:19; Lam. 3:51. prayerful, 1 Sam. 1:13; Psa. 27:8. inclined to obedience, Psa. 119:112. wholly devoted to God, Psa. 9:1; 119:10, 69, 145. zealous. 2 Chr. 17:6; Jer. 20:9. wise, Prov. 10:8: 14:33; 23:15. a treasury of good, Mat. 12:35. ■ , character of the unrenewed: hateful to God, Prov. 6:16, 18; 11:20. full of evil, Eccl. 9:. 3. lull of evil imaginations. Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Prov. 6:18. full of vain thoughts, Jer. 4:14. fully set to do evil, EccL 8:11. desperately wicked, Jer. 17:9. far from God, Isa. 29:13, with Mat. 15:8. not perfect with God, 1 Kings 15:3; Acts 8:21; Prov. 6:18. not prepared to seek God, 2 Chr. 12:14. a treasury of evil. Mat. 12:35; Mark 7:21. darkened, Rom. 1:21. prone to error, Psa. 95:10. prone to depart from God, Deut. 29:18; Jer. 17:5. impenitent, Rom. 2:5. unbelieving, Heb. 3:12. blind, Eph. 4:18. uncircumcised. Lev. 26:41; Acts 7:51. of little worth, Prov. 10:20. deceitful, Jer. 17:9. deceived, Isa. 44:20: Jas. 1:26. divided, Hos. 10:2. double, 1 Chr. 12:33; Psa. 12:2. hard, Ezek. 3:7; Mark 10:5; Rom. 2: haughty, Prov. 18:12; Jer. 48:29. influenced by the devil, John 13:2. carnal, Rom. 8:7. covetous, Jer. 22:17; 2 Pet. 2:14. despiteful, Ezek. 25:15. ensnaring, Eccl. 7:26. foolish, Prov. 12:23; 22:15. froward, Psa. 101:4; Prov. 6:14; 17:20. fretful against the Lord, Prov. 19:3. idolatrous, Ezek. 14:3, 4. mad, Eccl. 9:3. mischievous, Psa. 28:3; 140:2. proud, Psa. 101:5; Jer. 49:16. rebellious, Jer. 5:23. perverse, Prov. 12:8. stitr, Ezek. 2:4. stony, Ezek. 11:19; 36:26. stout, Isa. 10:12; 46:12. elated by sensual indulgence, Hos. 13:6. elated by prosperity, 2 Chr. 26:16; Dan. 5:20. studies destruction, Prov. 24:2. often judicially stupefied, Isa. 6:10; Acts 28:26, 27. often judicially hardened, Ex. 4:21; Josh. 11:20. HEARTH, Isa. 30:14; Jer. 36:22, 23. baking on, Gen. 18:6. HEATH, Jer. 17:6; 48:6. HEATHEN: are without God and Christ, Eph. 2:12. ignorant, l Cor. 1:21; Eph. 4:18. idolatrous, Psa. 135:15: Rom. 1:23, 25. worshippers of the devil, 1 Cor. 10:20. cruel, Psa. 74:20; Rom. 1:31. filthy, Ezra 6:21; Eph. 4:19; 5:12. persecuting, Psa. 2:1, 2; 2 Cor. 11:26. scoffing at saints, Psa. 79:10. degradation of, Lev. 25:44. HAVE evidence of the power of God, Rom. 1:19, 20. evidence of the goodness of God, Acts 14:17. the testimony of conscience, Rom. 2:14, 15. evil of imitating, 2 Kings 16:3; Ezek. 11:12. beware of imitating, Jer. 10:2; Mat. 6:7. danger of intercourse with, Psa. 106:35. emploved to chastise the church. Lev. 26:.33; Jer. ^49:14; Lam. 1:3; Ezek. 7:24; 25:7; Dan. 4:27; Hab. 1:5-9. the church shall be avenged of, Psa. 149:7; Jer. 10:25; Obad. 15. God rules over, 2 Chr. 20:6; Psa. 47:8. brings to naught the counsels of, Psa. 33:10. will be exalted among, Psa. 46:10; 102:15. punishes, Psa. 44:2: Joel 3:11-13; Mic. 5:15; Hab. 3:12; Zech. 14:18. will finally judge, Rom. 2:12-16. given to Christ, Psa. 2:8; Dan. 7:14. salvation of, foretold, Gen. 12:3, with GaL 3:8; Isa. 2:2-4; 52:10; 60:1-8. salvation provided for, Acts 28:28; Rom. 15:9-12. the glory of God to be declared among, 1 Chr. 16:24; Psa. 96:3. the gospel to be preached to. Mat. 24:14; 28:19; Rom. 16:26; Gal. 1:16, the gospel necessary for, Rom. 10:14. the gospel received by. Acts 11:1; 13:48; 15:3, 23. baptism intended for. Mat. 28:19. the Holy Ghost poured out upon. Acts 10:44, 45; 15:8. praise God for success of the gospel among, Psa. 98:1-3; Acts 11:18. pray for, Psa. 67:2-5. 69 HEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HER aid missions to, 2 Cor. 11:9; 3 John 6, 7. conversion of, acceptable to God, Acts 10:35; Rom. 15:16. HEAVEN: created by God, Gen. 1:1; Psa. 8:3; 19:1; Isa. 40:22; Rev. 10:6. everlasting, Psa. 89:29; 2 Cor. 5:1. immeasurable, Jer. 31:37. high, Psa. 103:11; Isa. 57:15. holy, Deut. 26:15; Psa. 20:6; Isa. 57:15. God's dwelling-place, 1 Kings 8:30; Mat. 6:9. God's throne, Isa. 66:1, with Acts 7:49. God is Lord of, Dan. 5:23; Mat. 11:25. reigns in, Psa. 11:4: 135:6; Dan. 4:35. fills, 1 Kings 8:27; Jer. 23:24. answers his people from, 1 Chr. 21:26; 2 Chr. 7:14; Neh. 9:27; Psa. 20:6. sends judgments from, Gen. 19:24 ; 1 Sam. 2:10; Dan. 4:13, 14; Rom. 1:18. Christ as Mediator, enters into, Acts 3:21 ; Heb. 6:20; 9:12, 24. prepares a place in, John 14:2. is all-powerful in, Mat. 28:18: 1 Pet. 3:22. angels are in, Mat. 18:10: 24:36. names of saints are written in, Luke 10 : 20 ; Heb. 12:23. saints rewarded in, Mat. 5:12 ; 1 Pet. 1:4. repentance occasions joy in, Luke 15:7. lay up treasure in. Mat. 6:20: Luke 12:33. flesh and blood cannot inherit, 1 Cor. 15:50. happiness of, described, Rev. 7:16, 17. IS CALLED a garner, Mat. 3:12. the kingdom of Christ and of God, Eph. 5:5. the Father's house, John 16:2. a heavenly country, Ileb. 11:16. a rest, Heb. 4:9; Rev. 14:13. paradise, 2 Cor. 12:2, 4. the wicked excluded from, GaL 5:21; Eph. 5:5; Rev. 22:15. Enoch and Elijah were translated to. Gen. 5:24, with Heb. 11:5; 2 Kings 2:11. the new. Rev. 21:1. See REWAKD OP SAINTS. HEAVENLY FATHER, Mat. 6:14, 15, 18; Luke 11:2,13. HEAVE-OFFERING, Exod. 29:27; Num. 15:19; 18*8 30 HEBEll, Gen. 10:21: Luke, 3:35. , the Kenite, Judg. 4:11. HKBREWS, Abraham and his descendants, Gen. 14:13; 40:15; 43:32; Exod. 2:6; 2 Cor. 11:22; PhiL 3:5. instructed concerning Christ's divinity, Ileb. 1 ; humanity, Heb. 2; priesthood. Heb. 3-8; and .sacrilice, Heb. 9; 10; and exhorted to faith and good works, Heb. 4: 6; 10:19; 12; 13; from the examples of the patriarchs, etc., Heb. 11. HEBRON, in Canaan, Abraham dwells there, Gen. 13:18; 23:2. the spies come to. Num. 13:22. taken, Josh. 10:36. given to Caleb, Josh. 14:13; 15:1.3. David reigns there, 2 Sam. 2:1; 3:2; 5:1; 1 Chr. 11; 12:38; 29:27. HEDGP]S, 1 Chr. 4:23; Mat. 21:33. figurative. Job 1:10; Prov. 15:19; Eccl. 10:8; Isa. 5:5; Ezek. 13:5; IIos. 2:6; Luke 14:23. HEEDFULNESS : commanded. Exod. 23:13; Prov. 4:25-27. NRCESSAiiy in the cai-e of the soul, Deut. 4:9. in the house and worship of God, Eccl. 5:1. in what we hoar, Mark 4:24. in how we hear, LukoS:18. in keeping God's commandments. Josh. 22:5. 70 in conduct, Eph. 5:15. in speech, Prov. 13:3: Jas. 1:19. in worldly company, Psa. 39:1; CoL 4:5. in giving judgment, 2 Chr. 19:6, 7. against sin, Heb. 12:15, 16. against unbelief, Heb. 3:12. against idolatry, Deut, 4:15, 16. against false Christs and false prophets. Mat. 24:4, 5, 23, 24. against false teachers, Phil. 3:2; Col. 2:8; 2 Pet. 3:16, 17. against presumption, 1 Cor. 10:12. promises to, 1 Kings 2:4; 1 Chr. 22:13. HEEL, figuratively. Gen. 3:15; Psa. 49:5. HEGAI, Esth. 2:8, 9. HEIFER employed in sacrifices, etc., Gen. 15:9; Num. 19:2; Deut. 21:3; Heb. 9:13. HEIR, Gen. 15:3. 4; Prov. 30:23; Jer. 49:1, 2. Christ likened to, Mat. 21:38; Heb. 1:2. HEIRS of God, etc., Rom. 8:17; GaL 3:29; 4; Eph. 3:6; lU 3:7; Heb. 1:14; 6:17; 11:7,9; Jas. 2:5; 1 Pet. 3:7. HELBON, now Aleppo, Ezek. 27:18. HELKATH-HAZZLRLM, 2 Sam. 2:16. HELL : a place of torment, Luke 16:23; Rev. 14:10. 11. DESCRIBED AS everlasting punishment. Mat. 25:46. everlasting fire. Mat. 25:41. everlasting burnings, Isa. 33:14. a furnace of fire. Mat. 13:42, 50. a lake of fire, Rev. 20:15, fire and brimstone. Rev. 14:10. unquenchable fire. Mat. 3:12. devouring fire, Isa. .33:14. prepared for the devil, etc.. Mat. 25:41. devils are confined in, until the judgmen^day, 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6. punishment of, is eternal, Isa. 33:14; Rev. 20:10. the wicked shall be turned into, Psa. 9:17. human power cannot preserve from, Ezek. 32:27. the body sufi'ersin. Mat. 5:29; 10:28. the soul sutrers in. Mat. 10:28. the wise avoid, Prov. 15:24. endeavor to keep others from, Prov. 23:14: Jude 23. the society of the wicked leads to, Prov. 5:5; 9:18. the beast, false prophets, and the devil shall be cast into. Rev. 19:20: 20:10. the powers of, cannot prevail against the church, Mat. 16:18. illustrated, Isa. 30:33. HELM, or Rudder, Acts 27:40; Jas. 3:4. HELMET, 2 Sam. 17:5; 2 Chr. 26:14; Jer. 46:4; Ezek. 23:24. Of salvation, Isa. 59:17; Eph. 6:17; 1 Thes, 5:8. HELPS, 1 Cor. 12:28, with Acts 6:1-6; Rom. 16:1, HEM of garment. Mat. 9:20; 14:36; 23:5. See Num. 15:38, .39. IIRMAN, 1 Kings 4:31; Psa. 88. HEMLOCK, Hos. 10:4; Amos 6:12. HEN, Mat. 23:37; Luke 13:34. IIEIMIZI-BAH, Israel called so, Isa. 62:4. HERALD, Deut. 20:10; Dan. 3:4. HERDS, cattle. Gen. 18:7; 47:18; Exod. 10:9; 1 Sam. 11 :5; 2 Sam. 12:4; Isa. 65:10; Hab. 3:17. swine, Mat. 8:. 30. HERDSMEN, Gen. 13:7, 8; 26:20; 1 Sam. 21:7; Amos 1:1. HERESIES censured, 1 Cor. 11:19; GaL 5:20; 2 Pet. 2:1. See Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 1:10; 3:3; 14:.33; PhiL 2:3; 4:2; Tit. 3:10; Jude 19. HERES, Judg. 1:35. HER BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HOL HERMAS and HERMES, Rom. 16:14. HERMOGENES, 2 Tim. 1:15. HERMON, mount, Deut. 4:48; Josh. 12:5; 13:5: Psa. 89:12; 133:3. HEROD (the Great) troubled at Christ's birth. Mat. 2:3. slays the children of Bethlehem, Mat. 2:16. (Antipas) beheads John, Mat. 14; Mark 6:14; Luke 3:19. desires to see Christ, Luke 9:9. derides and scourges him, and is reconciled to Pilate, Luke 23:7: Acts 4:27. (Agrippa) persecutes. Acts 12:1. pride and miserable death, Acts 12:23. HERODIAS' revenge on John the Baptist, Mat. 14; Mark 6:14; Luke 3:19. HERODL^NS, a sect, answered by Christ, Mat. 22:16; Mark 12:13. plot against him, Mark 3:6; 8:15; 12:1.3. HERODION, Paul's kinsman, Rom. 16:11. HERON, Lev. 11:19; Deut. 14:18. HESHBON, city of Sihon, taken, Num. 21:26; Deut. 2:24: Neh. 9:22; Isa. 16:8. HETH, sons of. Gen. 10:15. their kindness to Abraham, Gen. 23:7. HEZEKIAH, king of Judah, 2 Kin. 16:19 (2 Chr. 28:27). abolishes idolatry, 2 Kings 18. restores the temple service, 2 Chr. 29. celebrates the passover, 2 Chr. 30. his message to Isaiah, 2 Kings 19:1. his prayer, 2 Kings 19:14. his deliverance, 2 Kings 19:35. his life lengthened, 2 Kings 20:1. his thanksgiving, Isa. 38:9. rebuked for displaying his treasures, 2 Kings 20:16 (Isa. 39). repents at Micah's word, Jer. 26:18. death, 2 Kings 20:20. See 2 Chr. 29-32; Isa. 36-39; Pro v. 25:1. HID TREASURE, parable. Mat. 13:44. HIDDEKEL, Gen. 2:14; Dan. 10:4. HIEL rebuilds Jericho, 1 Kings 16:34. Joshua's curse fulfilled, Josh. 6:26. HIERAPOLIS, Col. 4:13. HIGGAION (meditation), a musical term, use not known. Psa. 9:16. HIGH PLACES, worship at, forbidden, Deut. 12:2; Jer. 3:6; 1 Kings 3:2; 12:31; 13:2; 14:23. HILKIAH, high priest, finds the book of the law, 2 Kings 22:8. abolishes idolatry, 2 Kings 23:4. HIN, a measure, Exod. 29:40; Lev. 19:36; Ezek. 4:11, etc. HIND, Gen. 49:21; 2 Sam. 22:34; Pro v. 5:19; Song 2:7; Hab. 3:19. See hart. HINNOM, valley of (Tophet), abominations prac- tised there (Josh. 15:8), 2 Kings 23:10; 2 Chr. 28:3; 33:6; Isa. 30:33; Jer. 7:31; 19:11; 32:35. HIRAM (Huram), king of Tyre, kind to David and Solomon, 2 Sam. 5:11; 1 Kings 5; 9:11; 10:11; 1 Chr. 14:1; 2 Chr. 2:n. , a workman of Solomon's, 1 Kings 7:13. HIRE of laborers not to be withheld. Lev. 19:13; Deut. 24:14; Jas. 5:4. HIRELING, Job 7:1, 2: 14:6; Isa. 16:14; Mai. 3:5. false minister, John 10:12, 13. HITTITES, Judg. 1:26; 3, etc. See heth. HIVITES, Gen. 10:17; Exod. 3:17, etc. their craft, Josh. 9. HOBAB asked to guide Israel, Num. 10:29. his descendants, Judg. 1:16; 4:11. HOLINESS: commanded, Lev. 11:45; 20:7. Christ desires, for his people, John 17:17. eflfects, in his people, Eph. 5:25-27. an example of, Heb. 7:26; 1 Pet. 2:21, 22. the character of God the standard of. Lev. 19:2, with 1 Pet. 1:15, 16. the character of Christ the standard of, Rom. 8:29; 1 John 2:6. the gospel the way of, Isa. 35:8. necessary to God's worship, Psa. 24:3, 4. none shall see God without, Heb. 12:14. SAINTS elected to, Rom. 8:29; Eph. 1:4. called to, l Thes. 4:7; 2 Tim. 1:9. new created in, Eph. 4:24. possess, 1 Cor. 3:17; Heb. 3:1. have their fruit unto, Rom. 6:22. should follow after, Heb. 12:14. should serve God in, Luke 1:74, 75. should yield their members as instruments of, Rom. 6:13, 19. should present their bodies to God in, Rom. 12:1. should have their conversation in, 1 Pet. 1:15; 2 Pet. 3:11. should continue in, Luke 1:75. should seek perfection in, 2 Cor. 7:1. shall be presented to God in. Col. 1:22; 1 Thes. 3:13. Shall continue in for ever. Rev. 22:11. behavior of aged women should be as becomes, Tit. 2:3. promise to women who continue in, 1 Tim. 2:15. promised to the church, Isa. 35:8; Obad. 17; Zech. 14:20, 21. becoming in the church, Psa. 93:5. the church is the beauty of, 1 Chr. 16:29; Psa. 29:2. the word of God the means of producing, John 17:17; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. IS THE RESULT OF the manifestation of God's grace. Tit. 2:3, 11, 12. subjection to God, Rom. 6:22. union with Christ, John 15:4, 5. required in prayer, 1 Tim. 2:8. MINISTERS SHOULD pOSSeSS, Tit. 1:8. avoid everything inconsistent with. Lev. 21:6: Isa. 52:11. be examples of, 1 Tim. 4:12. exhort to, Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 1:14-16. MOTIVES TO the glory of God, John 15:8; PhiL 1:11. the mercies of God, Rom. 12:1, 2. the dissolution of all things, 2 Pet. 3:11. chastisements are intended to produce, in saints, Heb. 12:10. should lead to separation from the wicked, Num. 16:21, 26; 2 Cor. 6:17, 18. hypocrites pretend to, Isa. 65:5. the wicked are without, 1 Tim. 1:9; 2 Tim. 3:2. exemplified: David, Psa. 86:2. Israel, Jer. 2:3. John the Baptist, Mark 6:20. Prophets, Luke 1:70. Paul, IThes. 2:10. Wives of Patri- archs, 1 Pet. 3:5. HOLINESS of God: is incomparable, Exod. 15:11; 1 Sam. 2:2. EXHIBITED IN HIS Character, Psa. 22:3; John 17:11. name, Isa. 57:15; Luke 1:49. words, Psa. 60:6; Jer. 23:9. works, Psa. 145:17. kingdom, Psa. 47:8. is pledged for the fulfilment of his promises, Psa. 89:. 35. his judgments, Amos 4:2. saints are commanded to imitate, Lev. 11:44, withl Pet. 1:15, 16. saints should praise, Psa. 30:4. 71 HOL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HOL sliould produce reverential fear, Rev. 15:4. requires lioly service, Josli. 24:19; Psa. 93:5. heavenly hosts adore, Isa. 6:3: Rev. 4:8. should be magnified, 1 Chr. 16:10; Psa. 48:1; 99:3, 5; Rev. 15:4. HOLY PLACE, laws concerning the priest en- tering, Exod. 28:29; Lev. 6:16; 16:2 ; 2 Chr. 29:5; Ezek. 41:4. See Heb. 9:12, 24. who may enter God's, Psa. 24:3; 46:4; 68:17,35. HOLY SPIRIT, or Holy Ghost, is God: as .lehovah, Exod. 17:7, with Heb. 3:7-9; Num. 12:6, with 2 Pet. 1:21. as Jehovah of liosts, Isa. 6:3, 8-10, with Acts 28:25. as Jehovah Most High, Psa. 78:17, 21, with Acts 7:51. being invoked as Jehovah, Luke 2:26-29; Acts 4:23-25, with Acts 1:16, 20: 2 Thes. 3:5. as called God, Acts 5:3, 4. as eternal, Heb. 9:14. as omnipresent, Psa. 139:7-13. as omniscient, 1 Cor. 2:10. as omnipotent, Rom. 15:19. as the Spirit of glory and of God, 1 Pet. 4:14. as Creator, Gen. 1:26, 27, with Job 33:4. as equal to, and one with the Father, Mat. 28:19: 2 Cor. 13:14. as sovereign Disposer of all things, Dan. 4:35, with 1 Cor. 12:6, 11. as author of the new birth, John 3:5, 6, with IJohn 5:4; Tit. 3:5. as inspiring Scripture, 2 Tim. 3:16, with 2 Pet. 1:21. as the source of wisdom, 1 Cor. 12:8. as the source of miraculous power. Mat. 12:28, with Luke 11:20; Acts 19:11, with Rom. 15:19. as appointing and sending ministers, Acts 13:2, 4, witli Mat. 9:38; Acts 20:28. as directing wliere the gospel should be preach- ed. Acts 16:6, 7, 10. as dwelling in saints, John 14:17, with 1 Cor. 14:25; 1 Cor. 3:16, with 6:19. as communing with saints, 2 Cor. 13:14. as Comforter of the church. Acts 9:31, with 2 Cor. 1::3. as sanctifying the church, Ezek. 37:28, with Rom. 15:16. as the Witness, Heb. 10:15, with 1 John 5:9. his agency in forming the body of Jesus, Mat. 1:18,20; Luke 1:35. descends upon Christ, Mat. 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32. rests with Christ, Isa. 11:2, 3; 42:1; 61:1; Luke 4:18; John 3:34. cooperates with Christ, Mat. 4:1; 12:28; Luke 4:14; 11:20; Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet. 3:18. witnesses to Christ, Jolm 15:26; Acts 5:32; Rom. 1:4: Rev. 19:10. raises Christ from the dead, Acts 2:24, with 1 Pet. 3:18; Heb. 13:20, with Rom. 1:4. is poured out from on high, Isa. 32:15; 44:3; Zech. 12:10. God baptizes with, Mat. 3:11. to be prayed for, Psa. 51:11, 12; Song 4:16; Ezek. 37:9; Acts 1:14; 2:1. given in answer to prayer, Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4; 4:31. GRANTED to: Joseph, Gen. 41:38. Bezaleel, Ex. 31:3; ;J5:31. The seventy ciders. Num. 11:17. Balaam, Num. 24:2. Joshua, Num. 27:18. Saul, 1 Sam. 10:10; 11:6; 19:2.3. Messengers, 1 Sam. 19:20. Elisha, 2 Kings 2:9. Araasai, 1 Chron. 12:18. Azariah, 2('hron. 15:1. The prophets, Neh. 9:. 30. Seel.sa. 1:6; 4H:i6;Jer. 1; Ezek. 1; ll; Dan. 4:8. Zacharias, Elisa- 72 beth, and Mary, Luke 1:41, 67. Simeon and Anna, Luke 2:25, 38. The disciples, Acts 6:3: 7:55; 8:29; 9:17; 10:45. See EMBLEMS. HOLY SPIRIT, IN CONVERSION AND SANCTlFIC.l- TION : reproves, John 16:8. convicts, Mic. 3:8; Acts 13:9. strives, Gen. 6:3; Heb. 3:7. instructs, Neh. 9:20. aids the word preached, 1 Thes. 1:5; 1 Peter 1:12; 14:1L invites to Christ, Rev. 22:17. quickens, John 6:63; Rom. 8:11. renews. Tit. 3:5. imparts love to God, Rom. 5:5. leads, Psa. 143 :10. upholds, Psa. 51:12. prevails, Zech. 4:6. sanctifies otferings, Rom. 15:16. washes and justifies, 1 Cor. 6:11. gives liberty, 2 Cor. 3:17. aids in mortifying sin, Rom. 8:13. resists the flesh, Rom. 8; Gal. 3; 5. changes from glory to glorj^ 2 Cor. 3:18. strengthens the inner man, Eph. 3:16. works unto salvation, 2 Thes. 2:13. aids in obedience, 1 Pet. 1:2, 22. in keeping God's grace, 2 Tim. 1:14. in living unto God, 1 Pet. 4:6. , THE Comforter: proceeds from the Father, John 15:26. GIVEN by the Father, John 14:16; Gal. 4:6. by Christ, Isa. 61:1-3. by Christ's intercession, John 14:16. sent in the name of Christ, John 14:26. sent by Christ from the Father, John 15: 26; 16:7. AS SUCH HE communicates joy to saints, Rom. 14:17; Gal. 3:22; 1 Thes. 1:6. edifies the church. Acts 9:31. testifies of Christ, John 15:26; 1 John 4:2. imparts the love of God, Rom. 5:3-5. imparts hope, Rom. 15:13; Gal. 5:5. teaches saints, John 14:26. witnesses with saints, Rom. 8:16; 1 John 3:24. is an earnest of heaven, 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5. gives access to the Father, Eph. 2:18. seals believers. Eph. 1:13; 4::30. imparts joy, 1 Thes. 1:6. dwells with and in saints, John 14:17. abides for ever with saints. John 14:16. is known by saints, .Tohn 14:27. the world cannot receive, John 14:17. , THE Teacher: promised, Prov. 1:23. as the Spirit of wisdom, Isa. 11:2; 40:13, 14. given in answer to prayer, Eph. 1:16, 17. given to saints, Neh. 9:20; 1 Cor. 2:12, 13. necessity for, l Cor. 2:9, 10. AS SUCH he reveals the things of God, 1 Cor. 2:10, 13. reveals the things of Christ, John 16:14; 1 Pet. 1:11. brings the words of Christ to remembrance, John 14:26. directs in the way of godliness, Isa. 30:21; Ezek. 36:27; Rom. 8:1. teaches saints to answer persecutors, Mark 13:11; Luke 12:12. teaches to wield the sword of God's word, Eph. 6:17. enables ministers to teach, 1 Cor. 12:8. guides into all truth, John 14:26; 16:13; 1 John 2:20. HOL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HOR heed the instruction of, Rev. 2:7, 11, 29. the natural man will not receive the things of, 1 Cor. 2:14. See Roni. 8. fruits of. Gal. 5:22, 23; Epli. 5:9. MUST NOT BE grieved, Eph. •1:30. resisted, Acts 7 : 51. vexed, Isa. 63:10. tempted. Acts 3:9. quenched, 1 Thes. 5:19. will not always strive. Gen. 6:3; Mat. 12:31; Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10. his final invitation. Rev. 22:17. is a promised blessing, Ezek. 36:27; 37:14; Joel 2:28; Luke 24:49; Eph. 1:13. HOLY THINGS, laws concerning, Exod. 28:38: Lev. 5:15; 10:16; 22:2; Num. 4:20; Deut, 12:17; 1 Chr. 23:28; Neh. 10:33; Ezek. 20:40; 22:8 (Heb. 8:2). HOME, keeping at. Pro v. 25:17; 27:8; Tit. 2:4, 5. HOMER, the largest dry measure equal to 10 baths or 90 gallons. Lev. 27:16; Isa. 5:10; Ezek. 45:14; Hos. 3:2. HOMICIDE, distinguished from murder, Exod. 21:13, 14; Num. 35:16-25. justifiable, described as: killing persons condemned by law. Gen. 9:6; Exod. 35:2; Lev. 24:16: a thief in the night, Exod. 22:2; enemies in battle. Num. 31:7, 8; a manslayer by next of kin, Num. 35:27; without enmity. Num. 35:22; or lying in wait, Exod. 21:13; Num. 35:22; by accident. Num. 35:23; Deut. 19:5. unjustifiable, described as: instigated by hatred, on purpose, by lying in wait, in enmity, Num. 35:20, 21. the avenger of blood might slay those guilty of unjustifiable, Num. 35:19, 37. protection atforded in cities of refuge to such. Num. 35:11,15. confinement in city of refuge till death of high priest, Num. 35:2.5, 28. punishment for unjustifiable. Num. 35:16-21. HONESTY, exhortations to, Rom. 12:17; 13:13; 2 Cor. 8:21; 13:7; PhiL 4:8; 1 Thes. 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:2; Heb. 13:18. HONEY, used for food, Exod. 16:31; 2 Sam. 17:29; Prov. 25:27; Song 4:11; Isa. 7:15; Mat. 3:4; Luke 24:42. not to be used in sacrifices. Lev. 2:11. found in rocks, Deut. 32:13; Psa. 81:6; and woods, 1 Sam. 14:25. abounded in Canaan, Gen. 43:11; Exod. 3:8; Lev. 20:24; Deut. 8:8; in Egypt, Num. 16:13; in Assyria, 2 Kings 18:32. exported from Canaan, Ezek. 27:17. proverb connected with, .ludg. 14:18. illustrative of fruitfulness, Deut. 8:8; Isa. 7:15, 22; of wisdom, Prov. 24:13, 14; holy speech of saints, Song 4 : 11 : pleasant words, Prov. 16:24; lips of a strange woman, Prov. 5:3. HONOR, to be ascribed to God, Psa. 29:2; 71:8; 145:5; Mai. 1:6; 1 Tim. 1:17; Rev. 4:11; 5:13, etc. given by liim, 1 Kings 3:13; Esth. 8:16; Prov. 3:16; 4:8; 8:18; 22:4; 29:23; Dan. 5:18; John 12:26. to be given to parents, Exod. 20:12; Deut. 5:16; Mat. 15:4; Eph. 6:2, etc. to the aged. Lev. 19:32; 1 Tim. 5:1. to the king, 1 Pet. 2:17. , false. See fame. HOOD, Isa. 3:23. HOPE: in God, Psa. 39:7; 1 Pet. 1:21. in Christ. 1 Cor. 15:19; 1 Tim. 1:1. in God's promises. Acts 26:6, 7; Tit. 1:2. in the mercy of God, Psa. 33:18. is the work of the Holy Ghost, Rom. 15:13; Gal. 5:5. OBTAINED THROUGH graCC, 2 ThCS. 2:16. the word, Psa. 119:81. patience and comfort of the Scriptures, Rom. 15:4. the gospel. Col. 1:5, 23. faith, Rom. 5:1, 2; Gal. 5:5. the result of experience, Rom. 5:4. DESCRIBED AS gOOd, 2 ThCS. 2:16. lively, 1 Pet. 1:3. sure and steadfast, Heb. 6:19. gladdening, Prov. 10:28. blessed. Tit. 2:13. makes not ashamed, Rom. 5:5. triumphs over difficulties, Rom. 4:18. is an encouragement to boldness in preaching, 2 Cor. 3:12. SAINTS are called to, Eph. 4:4. rejoice in, Rom. 5:2; 12:12. all have the same, Eph. 4:4. have in death, Prov. 14:32. should abound in, Rom. 15:13. should look for the object of. Tit. 2:13. should not be ashamed of, Psa. 119:116. should hold fast, Heb. 3:6. should not be moved from. Col. 1:23. should continue in, Psa. 71:14; 1 Pet. 1:13. connected Avith faith and love, 1 Cor. 13:13. OBJECTS of: salvation, 1 Thes. 5:8. righteousness. Gal. 5:5. Christ's glorious appearing. Tit. 2:13. a resurrection. Acts 23:6; 24:15. eternal Ufe, Tit. 1:2; 3:7. glory, Rom. 5:2; Col. 1:27. leads to purity, 1 John 3:3. leads to patience, Rom. 8:25; 1 Thes. 1:3. seek for full assurance of, Heb. 6:11. give an answer concerning, 1 Pet. 3:15. encouragement to, Hos. 2:15; Zech. 9:12. encourage others to, Psa. 130:7. happiness of, Psa. 146:5. men prisoners of, Zech. 9:12; Isa. 49:9. life is the season of, Eccl. 9:4; Isa. 38:18. the wicked have no ground for, Eph. 2:12. OF THE WICKED is in their worldly possessions, Job 31:24. shall make them ashamed, Isa. 20:5, 6; Zech. 9 • 5 Shall perish, Job 8:13; 11:20; Prov. 10:28. shall be extinguished in death, Job 27:8. illustrated by, an anchor, Heb. 6:19; a helmet, 1 Thes. 5:8; exemplified: David, Psa. 39:7. Paul, Acts 24:15. Abraham, Rom. 4:18. Thessalonians, 1 Thes. 1:3. HOPHNI AND PHLN'EHAS, sons of Eh, 1 Sam. 1:3. their great wickedness, 1 Sam. 2:12, 22. threatened, 1 Sam. 2:27; 3:11. slain, 1 Sam. 4:11. HOR. mount, Aaron's death there. Num. 20:25. HOREB (Sinai), God appears there, Exod. 3:1; 17:6; 33:6; Deut. 1:6; 4:10. law given and covenant made at. Exod. 19:20; Deut. 4:10; 5:2; 18:16; 1 Kings 8:9; Mai. 4:4. Israel's idolatry near, Exod. 32; Deut. 9:8; Psa. 106:19. . ^, ^ Moses remains there forty days twice, Exod. 24:18; 34:28; Deut. 9:9. also Elijah, 1 Kings 19:8. See Mat. 4:1. HORIM (Gen. 14:6) driven from Seir by the Edomites, Deut. 2:12, 22. 73 HOR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HOU HORITES, Gen. 14:6; 36:20-30: Deut. 2:12, 22; 1 Chr. 1:38-42. HORMAH, Num. 21:3: Jiulg. 1:17. HORN, used as a vessel, 1 Sam. 16:1; 1 Kings 1:39. illustrative of power and prosperity, 1 Kings 22:11; Psa. 92:10; 132:17. symbolical, Dan. 7:7-24; 8:3-9, 20; Hab. 3:4; Zecli. 1:18-21; Rev. 5:6; 12:3; 13:1, 11; 17:3- 16. See TRUMPET. HORNS, figuratively mentioned, 1 Sam. 2:1; 2 Sam. 22:3 ; Psa. 75:4, 10 ; 89:17, 24 ; 92:10; 112:9; Jer. 48:25; Lam. 2:3; Alic. 4:13. seen in a vision, Dan. 7:7; 8:3; Hab. 3:4; Rev. 5:6; 12:3; 13:1; 17:3. , of the altar, a place of refuge, l Kings 1:50; 2:28. HORNETS employed by God in punishment, Exod. 23:28; Deut. 7:20; Josh. 24:12. HORSE described, as strong, Job 39:19; Psa. 33:17; 147:10; swift, Isa. .30:16; Jer. 4:13; Hab. 1:8; fearless. Job 39:20, 22; fierce and impetuous, Job 30:21, 24; warlike, Jei\ 8:6; sure-footed, Isa. 63:13; wanting in under- standing, Psa. 32:9. colors of: white. Zech. 1:8; 6:3; Rev. 6:2; black, Zech. 6:2, 6; Rev. 6:5; red, Zech. 1:8; 6:2; Rev. 6:4; speckled, Zech. 1:8; bay, Zech. 6:3, 7; grizzled, Zech. 6:3, 6; pale or ash color, Rev. 6:8. used for: mounting cavalry, Exod. 14:9; ISara. 13:5; drawing chariots, Mic. 1:13; Zech. 6:2; bearing burdens, Ezek. 2:66; Neh. 7:68; hunt- ing, Job 39:18; conveying posts, 2 Kin. 9:17- 19; Esth. 8:10. governed by bit and bridle, Psa. 32:9; Jas. 3:3. urged on by whips, Pro v. 26:3. adorned with bells, Zech. 14:20. trained for war, Prov. 21:31. protected by armor, Jer. 46:4. vanity of trusting to, Psa. 33:17; Amos 2:15. dedicated to the sun by idolaters, 2 Kin. 23:11. illustrative of, beauty of the church, Song 1:9; Zech. 10:3; triumph of the church, Isa. 63:13; a dull, headstrong disposition, Psa. 32:9; im- petuosity in sin, ,ler. 8:6. HORSELEECH, Prov. 30:15. HORSEMEN, Gen. 50:9; Exod. 14:9: 1 Sam. 13:5; 2 Sam. 8:4; 10:18; 1 Kings 4:26; 2 Chr. 12:3; 16:8. HOSANNA, salutation of children to Christ, Mat. 21:9; Mark 11:9; John 12:13 (Psalm 118:25, 26). HOSEA, his typical marriage, Hos. 1. declares God's wrath against Israel, Hos. 4:7-10. and his mercy, Hos. 1:10; 2:14; 11; 13:14. HOSEX, tunic or undergarment, Dan. 3:21. HOSIIEA, last king of Israel, his conspiracy, wicked reign, and captivity, 2 Kin. 15:;i0; 17. HOSPITALITY : commanded, Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9. required in ministers, 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8. a test of Christian character, 1 Tim. 5:10. SPECIALLY TO BE SHOWN TO Strangers, Ileb. 13:2. the poor, Isa. 58:7; Luke 14:13. enemies, 2 Kings 6:22, 23; Rom. 12:20. encouragement to, Luke 14:14; Ileb. 13:2. exemplified: Melchizedek, Gen. 24:18. Abra- ham, (Jen. 18:3-8. Lot, Gen. 19:2, .3. Laban, Gen. 24:31. Jethro, Exod. 2:20. Manoah, Judg. 13:15. Samuel, 1 Sam. 9:22. David, ! 2 Sam. 6:19. Barzillai, 2 Sam. 19:;32. Shu- i nammite, 2 Kings 4:8. Nehemiah, \eh. 5:17. ! Job, Job 31:17, 32. Zaccheus, Luke 19:6. I 74 Samaritans, John 4:40. Lydia, Acts 16:15. Jason, Acts 17:7. Mnason, Acts 21:16. Peo- ple of Melita, Acts 28:2. Publius, Acts 28:7. Gains, 3 John 5, 6. HOST (entertainer), Luke 10;. 35; Rom. 16:23. HOSTAGES, 2 Kings 14:14; 2 Chr. 25:24. HOSTS. See armies. , of heaven. Gen. 32:2; Deut. 4:19; 17:3; 1 Kings 22:19; Neh. 9:6; Psa. 103:21; 148:2; Luke 2:13. , Lord of, 1 Sam. 1:11; 2 Sam. 6:2; 1 Kin. 18:15; Psa. 24:10; 46:7 ; Isa. 1:24; 6:3, 5; 47:4; Jer. 10:16; 46:18; Mai. 1:14. HOUGHING, Josh. 11:6, 9; 2 Sam. 8:4; 1 Chron. 18:4. HOURS, of the day, reckoned from sunrise to sunset, twelve in number, John 11:9; third hour. Mat. 20:3; Mark 15:25; Acts 2:15; 23:23; the sixth. Mat. 27:45; Mark 15:33; Lu. 23:44; Jolm4:6; 19:14; Acts 10:9; thenintli, Acts 3:1; 10:3. of temptation. Rev. 3:10. of judgment. Rev. 14:7; 18:10. figurative. Rev. 8:1; 9:15, HOUSES, very ancient, Gen. 12:1; 19:3. built with deep foundations, Mat. 7:24; Luke 6:48. built without foundation. Mat. 7:26; Luke 6:49; of clay, Job 4:19; bricks, Exod. 1:11-14; Isa. 9:10; stone and wood. Lev. 14:40, 42; Hab. 2:11; hewnorcutstone, Isa. 9:10; Amos 5: 11; in streets. Gen. 19:2; Josh. 2:19; on city walls, Josh. 2:15; 2 Cor. 11:33; with flat roofs, Deut. 22:8; with courts large and used as apartments, Esth. 1:5; Luke 5:10; gates or doors. Gen. 43:19; Ex. 12:22; Luke 16:20; Acts 10:17; plastered walls. Lev. 14:42, 43; with several stories, Ezek. 41:16; Acts 20:9; with many apartments. Gen. 43:30; Isa. 26:20; lighted by windows, 1 Kings 7:4; when fin- ished were dedicated, Deut. 20:5; Psa. 30 (title); were liable to leprosy. Lev. 14:34-53. illustrative of the body. Job 4:19; 2 Cor. 5:1; of the grave. Job 30:23; of the church, Heb. 3:6; 1 Pet. 2:5; of the saints' inheritance, John 14:2; 2 Cor. 5:1; (on sand) of the hope of the hypocrite. Mat. 7:26, 27 ; (on a rock) of the hope of saints. Mat. 7:24, 25; (insecurity of) of earthly trust, Mat. 6:19, 20; (building oO of great prosperity, Isa. 65:21; Ezek. 28:26; (built and not inhabited) of calamity, Deut. 28:30; Amos 5:11; Zeph. 1:13; (to inhabit those built by others) of abundant blessings. Deut. 6:10, 11. HOUSE OF GOD, temple: his earthly dwelling, Gen. 28:17. David desiring to build it, restrained, 2 Sam. 7; 1 Chr. 17. his preparations, 1 Chr. 22; 28; 29. built by Solomon, 1 Kings 6; 2 Chr. 3; 4. dedicated, and sanctified by God's glory, 1 Kin. 8; 9; 2 Chr. 6; 7. ravaged by Sliishak, 1 Kings 14:25; 2 Chr. 12:9. repaired l>y Joasli, 2 Kings 12:1; 2 Chr. 24. repaired l)y Hczi'kiah. 2 Chr. 29. profaned by Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:7. restored by Josiah, 2 Chr. 34. burned by the Chaldeans, 2 Kings 25:9; 2 Chr. 36:19. Cyrus' decree concerning, 2 Chr. 36:23; Ezra 1:2; 6::3. Darius' letter concerning, Ezra 6:7. exhortation to rebuild it. Hag. 1. its glory foretold, Hag. 2:7. rebuilt by Zerubbabel, etc., Ezra 3-8. HOU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HUN purified, Neh. 13. traffickers expelled from, by Christ, Mat. 21:12; Mark 11:15; Luke 19:45; John 2:14. its destruction foretold, Mat. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21. the apostles teach there. Acts 3, etc. exhortations to assemble there, Psa. 65: 84; 95; 100; 118; 122; Isa. 2:3. typical of Christ, John 2:21; Heb. 8:2. the church so called, 1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 10:21; 1 Pet. 4:17. HOUSEHOLD, Gen. 18:19; 45:11, 18; Josh. 7:14, 18; 2 Sam. 19:18; Prov. 31:15, 21, 27: Acts 16:15; Rom. 16:10, 11. , of faith. Gal. 6:10. , of God. Eph. 2:19. HOUSEHOLDER, Mat. 13:52; 20:1; 21:33. HOUSETOPS, had booths on them, 2 Sam. 16:22; Neh. 8:16; Prov. 21:9. often idolatrous altars in them, 2 Kings 33:12; Jer. 19:13; Zeph. 1:5. used for drying flax, etc.. Josh. 2:6j for exer- cise, 2 Sam. 11:2; Dan. 4:29; for devotion. Acts 10:9; for making proclamations, Luke 12:3; for secret conference, 1 Sam. 9:25, 26. resorted to in grief, Isa. 15:3; Jer. 48:38. accessible from the outside, Luke 5:19. HULDAH, 2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chr. 34:22. HUMAN NATURE of Christ: was necessary to his mediatorial oflice, 1 Tim, 2:5; Heb. 2:17. IS PROVED BY HIS conception in the Virgin's womb. Mat. 1:18; Luke 1:31. birth. Mat. 1:16, 25; 2:2; Luke 2:7, 11. partaking of flesh and blood, John 1:14; Heb. 2:14. having a human soul. Mat. 26:38; Luke 23:46; Acts 2:31. circumcision, Luke 2:21. increase in wisdom and stature, Luke 2: 52. weeping, Luke 19:41; John 11:35. hungering. Mat. 4:2; 21:18. thirsting, John 4:7: 19:28. sleeping. Mat. 8:24; Mark 4:. 38. being subject to weariness, John 4:6. being a man of sorrows, Isa. 53:3, 4; Luke 22:44; John 11:33; 12:27. being bufl'eted. Mat. 26:67; Luke 22:64. enduring indignities, Luke 23:11. being scourged, Mat. 27:26; John 19:1. being nailed to the cross, Psa. 22:16, with Luke 23:33. death, John 19:30. side being pierced, John 19:34. burial. Mat. 27:59, 60; Mark 15:46. resurrection, Acts 3:15; 2 Tim. 2:8. was like our own in all things except sin. Acts 3:22; Phil. 2:7, 8; Heb. 2:17. was without sin, Heb. 7:26, 28; 1 John 3:5. was submitted to the evidence of the senses. Luke24:.39; John 20:27; 1 John 1:1, 2. WAS OP THE SEED OF the woman. Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14; Jer. 31:22: Luke 1:31; Gal. 4:4. Abraham, Gen. 22:18, with Gal. 3:16 ; Heb. 2:16. David, 2 Sam. 7:12. 16: Psa. 89:3.5, 36; Jer. 23:5; Mat. 22:42; Mark 10:47; Acts 2:30; 13:23; Rom. 1:3. genealogy of, Mat. 1 ; Luke 3. attested by himself. Mat. 8:20; 16:13. confession of, a test of belonging to God, 1 John 4:2. acknowledged by men, Mark 6:3; John 7:27; 19:5; Acts 2:22. denied by antichrist, 1 John 4:3; 2 John 7. HUMILITY : necessary to the service of God. Mic. 6:8. Christ an example of. Mat. 11:29; John 13:14, 15; Phil. 2:5-8. a characteristic of saints, Psa. 34:2. THEY WHO HAVE, regarded by God, Psa. 138:6; Isa. 66:2. heard by God, Psa. 9:12; 10:17. enjoy the presence of God, Isa. 57:15. delivered by God, Job 22:29. lifted up by God, Jas. 4:10. exalted by God, Luke 14: 11; 18:14. greatest in Christ's kingdom, Mat. 18:4. receive more grace, Prov. 3:34; Jas. 4:6. upheld by honor, Prov. 18:12; 29:23. is before honor, Prov. 15:33. leads to riches, honor, and life, Prov. 22:4. SAINTS SHOULD put on, Col. 3:12. be clothed with, 1 Pet. 5:5. walk with, Eph. 4:1, 2. beware of false. Col. 2:18:23. afflictions intended to produce. Lev. 26:41 ; Dent. 8:3; Lam. 3:20. want of. condemned, 2 Chr. 33:23; 36:12; Jer. 44:10; Dan. 5:22. temporal judgments averted by, 2 Chr. 7:14; 12:6, 7. excellency of, Prov. 16:19. blessedness of. Mat. 5:. 3. exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 18:27. Jacob, Gen. 32:10. Moses, Exod. 3:11; 4:10. Joshua, Josh. 7:6. Gideon, Judg. 6:15. David, 1 Chr. 29:14. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 32:26. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:12. Josiah, 2 Chr. 34:27. Job, Job 40:4; 42:6. Isaiah, Isa. 6:5. Jeremiah, Jer. 1:6. John the Baptist, Mat. 3:14. Centurion, Mat. 8:8. Woman of Canaan, Mat. 15:27. Elisabeth, Luke 1:43. Peter, Luke 5:8. Paul, Acts 20:19. , of Christ: declared by himself, Mat. 11:29. EXHIBITED IN HIS taking our nature, Phil. 2:7; Heb. 2:16. birth, Luke 2:4-7. subjection to his parents, Luke 2:51. station in life. Mat. 13:55; John 9:29. poverty, Luke 9:58; 2 Cor. 8:9. partaking of our infirmities, Heb. 4:15; 5:7. submitting to ordinances. Mat. 3:13, 15. becoming a servant, Mat. 20:28; Luke 22:27; Phil. 2:7. associating with the despised. Mat. 9:10, 11; Luke 15:1, 2. refusing honors, John 5:41; 6:15. entrv into Jerusalem, Zech, 9:9, with Mat. 21 -.5, 7. washing his disciples' feet, John 13:5. obedience, John 6:38; Heb. 10:9. submitting to sufl"erings, Isa. 50:6; 53:7, with Acts 8:32; Mat. 26:37-39. exposing himself to reproach and contempt, Psa. 22:6; 69:9, with Rom. 15:3: Isa. 53:3. death, John 10:15; 17:18; Phil. 2:8; Heb. 12:2. saints should imitate, Phil. 2:5-8. on account of, he was despised, Mark 6:3; John 9:29. his exaltation, the result of, Phil. 2:9. HUNGER, Prov. 27:7; Isa. 29:8; Lam. 2:19; 4:9. of Israel in the wilderness, Exod. 16:3. of David's men, 2 Sam. 17:29. of Christ, Mat. 4:2; 12:1,3; 21:18. of the prodigal, Luke 15:17. of Peter in vision. Acts 10:10. of Paul, 2 Cor. 11:27; Phil. 4:12. 75 HUN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. IDO the punishment of idleness, Prov. 19:15. HUNGER after righteousness, Mat. 5:6; Lu. 6:21, figuratively mentioned, Psa. 107:5; Isa. 49:10; 55: Mat. 5:6: .Iohn6:35; Rev. 7:16. HUNGRY, to be fed, .Job 22:7; Prov. 25:21; Isa. 58:7, 10: Ezek. 18:7; Mat. 25:35. God provides for, Deut. 8:3; Psa. 107:9; 146:7; Luke 1:53. HUNTER, Nimrod the first. Gen. 10:9; Esau, Gen. 27:3. See Jer. 16:16. HUNTING, Lev. 17:13; Job 38:39; Prov. 12:27. of deer, Gen. 27:3, 5, 33. the lion, Job 10:16. HUR, son of Caleb, supports Moses' hand, etc., Exod. 17:10; 24:14; 31:2; 1 Chr. 2:19. HUSBANDS: should have but one wife, Gen. 2:24; 1 Tim. 3:2, 12. have authority over their wives, Gen. 3:16; 1 Cor. 11:3: Eph. 5:23. DUTY OF, TO WIVES: to respect them, 1 Pet. 3:7. to love them, Eph. 5:25, etc.: Col. 3:19. to regard them as themselves, (;eu. 2:23, with Mat. 19:5. to be faithful to them, Prov. 5:19; Mai. 2:14, 15. to dwell with them for life, Gen. 2:24; Mat. 19:3-9. to comfort them, 1 Sam. 1:8. to consult with them, Gen. 31:4-7. not to leave them, though unbelieving, 1 Cor. 7:11, 12, 14, 16. duties of, not to interfere with their duties to Christ, Luke 14:26, with Mat. 19:29. 24:67 Elka- good, exemplified : Isaac, Gen. nah, 1 Sam, 1:4, 5. bad, exemplified : Solomon, 1 Kings 11 : 1. Ahasuerus, Esth. 1:10, 11. — , God is, of his church, Isa. 54:5; Hos. 2; Rev. 21:2. HUSBANDMAN, figuratively mentioned, John 15:1; 2 Tim. 2:6; Jas. 5:7. parable of the husbandmen, Mat. 21:33; Mark 12:1; Luke 20:9. HUSBANDRY. See agriculture. HUSHAI, faithful to David, 2 Sam. 15:32. defeats Ahithophel's counsel, 2 Sam. 16:16; 17:5. HUSK, Num. 6:4; a scrip, 2 Kings 4:42 (marg.); a carob pod, Luke 15:16. HUZZAB (marg.), a name of Babylon; that which was established, Nah. 2:7. HYMENIUS, a false teacher, 1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 2:17. HYMNS, psalms, sung at the Passover, Mat. 26:30; xMark 14:26. exhortations concerning, Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. HYPOCRITES: God knows and detects, Isa. 29:15, 16. Christ knew and detected, Mat. 22:18. God has no pleasure in, Isa. 9:17. shall not come before God, Job 13:16. DESCRIBED AS vilc, Isa. 32:6. wilfully blind. Mat. 23:17, 19, 26. self-righteous, Isa. 65:5; Luke 18:11. covetous, Ezek. .33:31; 2 Pet. 2:3. ostentatious. Mat. 6:2, 6, 16; 23:5. censorious. Mat. 7:3-5; Luke 13, 14, 15. regarding tradition more than the word of God, Mat. 15:1-3. exact in minor, but neglecting important du- ties. Mat. 23:23, 24. having but a form of godliness, 2 Tim. 3:5. seeking only outward purity, Luke Ii::j9. professing, but not practising, EzeR. 33:31, 32; Mat. 23:3; Rom. 2:17, 23. 76 using but lip- worship, Isa. 29:13, with Mat. 15:8. glorying in appearance only, 2 Cor. 5:12. trusting in privileges, Jer. 7:4; Mat. 3:9. apparently zealous in the things of God, Isa. 58:2. zealous in making proselytes. Mat. 23:15. devouring widows' houses. Mat. 23:14. loving pre-eminence. Mat. 23:6, 7. worship of, not acceptable to God, Isa. 1:11-15: 58:. 3-5; Mat. 15:9. joy of, but for a moment. Job 20:5. hope of, perishes. Job 8:13; 27:8, 9. heap up wratii. Job 36:13. fearfulness siiall surprise, Isa. 33:14. destroy others by slander, Prov. 11 : 9. in power, are a snare. Job 34:30. the apostasy to abound with, 1 Tim. 4:2. beware of the principles of, Luke 12:1. spirit of, hinders growth in grace, 1 Pet. 2:1. woe to, Isa. 29:15; Mat. 23:13. punishment of. Job 15:34; Isa. 10:6; Jer. 42:20, 22; Mat. 24:51. illustrated. Mat. 23:27, 28; Luke 11:44. exemphfied: Cain, Gen. 4:3. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:7, 8. The Jews, Jer. 3:10. Pharisees, etc.. Mat. 16:3. Judas, Mat. 26:49. Herodians, Mark 12:1,3, 15. Ananias, Acts 5:1-8. Simon, Acts 8:13-23. HYSSOP, use of, Exod. 12:22; Lev. 14:4; Num. 19:6; Psa. 51:7; Heb. 9:19. I AM, the divine name, Exod. 3:14. See Isa. 44:6; John 8:58; Rev. 1:18, etc. IBSHAR, 2 Sam. 5:15; 1 Chr. 3:6: 14:5. IBZAN, a judge of Israel, Judg. 12:8. ICE, Job 6:16; .38:29; Psa. 147:17. ICHABOD, 1 Sam, 4:19; 14::3. ICONIUM, gospel preached there. Acts 13:51; 14:1; 16:2; 2 Tim. 3:11. IDDO, prophet, 2 Chr. 9:29. IDLENESS and sloth: forbidden, Rom. 12:11; Heb. 6:12. produce apathy, Prov. 12:27; 26:15. akin to extravagance, Prov. 18:9, accompanied by conceit, Prov. 26:16. LEADS TO poverty. Prov. 10:4; 20:13. want, Prov. 20:4; 24:.34. hunger, Prov. 19:15; 24:34. bondage, Prov. 12:24. disappointment, Prov. 13:4; 21:25. ruin. Prov. 24:30, 31; Eccl. 10:18. tattling and meddling, 1 Tim. 5:13. eiTects of, atford instruction to others, Prov. 24:30-32. remonstrance again.st, Prov. 6:6-9. false excuses for, Prov. 20:4; 22:13. illustrated, Prov. 26:14; Mat. 25:18, 26, exemplified : Watclimen, Isa. 56:10. Atheni- ans, Acts 17:21. Thessalonians, 2 Thes. 3:11. IDOLATRY: forbidden, E.xod. 20:2, 3; Deut. 5:7. CONSISTS IN making images, Exod. 20:4; Deut. 5:8. bowing down to images, Exod. 20:5; Deut. 5:7. worshipping images, Isa. 44:17; Dan. 3:5, 10. 15. sacrificing to images, Psa. 106:38; Acts 7:41. worshipping other gods, Deut. 30 : 17 ; Psa. 81:9. mentioning other gods, Exod. 23:13. walking after other gods, Deut. 8:19. speaking the name of other gods, Deut. 18:20. IDO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. IDO looking to other gods, Hos. 3:1. serving other gods, Ueut. 7:4; Jer. 5:19, fearing other gods, 2 Kings 37:35. sacrificing to other gods, Exod. 22:20. worshipping the true God by an image, etc., Exod. 32:4-6, with Psa. 106:19, 20. worshipping angels. Col. 2:18. worshipping the host of heaven, Deut. 4:19; 17:3. worshipping devils. Mat. 4:9, 10: Rev. 9:20. worshipping dead men, Psa. 106:28. setting up idols in the heart, Ezek, 14:3, 4. covetousness, Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5. sensuality, Phil. 3:19. is changing the glory of God into an image, Kom. 1:23, with Acts 17:29. is changing the truth of God into a lie, Rom. 1:25, withlsa. 44:20. is a work of the flesh, Gal. 5:19, 20. incompatible with the service of God, Gen. 35:2, 3; Josh. 24:23; 1 Sam. 7:3; 1 Kings 18:21; 2 Cor. 6:15, 16. DESCRIBED AS an abomiuation to God, Deut, 7:25. hateful to God, Deut. 16:22; Jer. 44:1. vain and foolish, Psa. 115:4-8; Isa. 44:19; Jer. 10:3. bloody, Ezek. 23:39. abominable, 1 Pet. 4:3. unprofitable, Judg. 10:14: Isa, 46:7. defiling, Ezek. 20:7; 36:18. THEY WHO PRACTISE, forget God, Deut. 8:19; Jer. 18:15. go astray from God, Ezek. 44:10. pollute the name of God, Ezek, 20:39, defile the sanctuary of God, Ezek, 5:11, are estranged from God, Ezek. 14:5. forsake God, 2 Kings 22:17; Jer. 16:11. hate God, 2Chr. 19:2, 3. provoke God, Deut. 31:20; Isa, 65:3; Jer, 25:6, are vain in their imaginations, Rom, 1:21, are ignorant and foolish, Rom, 1:21, 22, inflame themselves, Isa. 57:5. hold fast their deceit, Jer. 8:5. carried away by it, 1 Cor, 12:2, go after it in heart, Ezek, 20:16, are mad upon it, Jer. 50:38. boast of it, Psa. 97 ; 7. have fellowship Avith devils, 1 Cor. 10:20, ask counsel of their idols, Hos. 4:12. look to idols for deliverance, Isa. 44:17; 45:20. swear by their idols, Amos 8:14. objects of numerous, 1 Cor. 8:5. OBJECTS OF, DESCRIBED AS Strange gods. Gen, 35:2, 4; Josh. 24:20. other gods, Judg, 2:12, 17; 1 Kings 14:9, new gods, Deut. 32:17; Judg. 5:8. gods that cannot save, Isa, 45:20, gods that have not made the heavens, Jer, 10:11, no gods, Jer. 5:7; Gal. 4:8. molten gods, Exod. 34:17; Lev. 19:4. molten images, Deut. 27:15; Hab. 2:18. graven images, Isa. 45:20; Hos. 11:2. senseless idols, Deut. 4:28; Psa. 115:5, 7. dumb idols, Hab. 2:18; 1 Cor. 12:2, dumb stones, Hab, 2:19. stocks, Jer, 3:9; Hos, 4:12. abominations, Isa. 44:19; Jer. .32:34, images of abomination, Ezek. 7:20. idols of abomination, Ezek, 16:36. stumbling-blocks, Ezek, 14:3. teachers of lies, Hab, 2:18. wind and confusion, Isa. 41:29. nothing, Isa. 41:24; 1 Cor. 8:4. helpless, Jer, 10:5. vanity, Jer. 18:15. vanities of the Gentiles, Jer. 14:22. making idols for the purpose of, described and ridiculed, Isa. 44:10-20. obstinate sinners judicially given up to, Deut. 4:28: 28:64; Hos. 4:17. warnings against, Deut. 44:15-19. exhortations to turn from, Ezek. 14:6; 20:7; Acts 14:15, renounced, on conversion, 1 Thes, 1:9, SAINTS SHOULD keep from, Josh, 23:7; 1 John 5:21. flee from, 1 Cor. 10:14, not have anything connected with, in their houses, Deut. 7:26, not partake of anything connected with, 1 Cor. 10:19, 20. not have religious intercourse with those who practise. Josh. 23:7; 1 Cor. 5:11. not covenant with those who practise, Exod. 34:12, 15; Deut, 7:2. not intermarry with those who practise, Exod. 34:16; Deut. 7:3, testify against. Acts 14:15; 19:26. refuse to engage in, though threatened with death, Dan. 3:18. saints preserved by God from, 1 Kings 19:18, with Rom. 11:4. saints refuse to receive the worship of. Acts 10:25, 26: 14:11-15. angels refuse to receive the worship of. Rev. 22:8, 9, destruction of, promised, Ezek. 36:25; Zech. 13:2. everything connected with, should be destroy- ed, Ex. 34:13; Deut. 7:5; 2 Sam, 5:21; 2 Kin. 23:14. woe denounced against, Hab. 2:19. curse denounced against, Deut, 27:15, PUNISHMENT OF: judicial death, Deut, 17:2-5. dreadful judgments which end in death, Jer. 8:2; 16:1-11. banishment, Jer. 8:3; Hos. 8:5-8; Am, 5:26, 27, exclusion from heaven, 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Eph. 4:5; Rev. 22:15. external torments. Rev. 14:6-11; 21:8. exemplified: Israel, Exod, 32:1; 2 Kings 17:12. Philistines, Judg. 16:23. Micah, Judg. 17:4. 5. Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 12:28. Maachah, 1 Kin. 15:13. Ahab, 1 Kin. 16:31. Jezebel, 1 Kin, 18:19, Sennacherib, 2 Kin, 19:37. Manasseh, 2 Kin. 21:4-7. Anion, 2 Kin. 21:21. Ahaz, 2Chr. 28:3, Judah, Jer, 11:13. Nebuchad- nezzar, Dan. 3:1. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:23. People of Lystra, Acts 14:11, 12, Athenians, Acts 17:16. Ephesians, Acts 19:28. zeal against, exempUfied: Asa, 1 Kings 15:12, Josiah, 2 Kings 23:5. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:6. Israel, 2 Chr. 31:1. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:15. IDOLS mentioned in Scripture: Adrammelech, 2 Kings 17:31. Anammelech, 2 Kings 17:31. Ashima, 2 Kings 17:30. Ashtoreth, Judg. 2:13; 1 Kings 11:33. Baal, Judg. 2:11-13; 6:25. Baal-berith, Judg. 8:33: 9:4, 46. Baal-peor, Num. 25:1-3. Baal-zebub, 2 Kings 1:2, 16. Baal-zephon, Exod. 14:2. Bel, Jer. 50:2; 51:44. Chemosh, Num. 21:29; 1 Kings 11:33. Chiun, Amos 5:26. Dagon, Judg. 16:23: 1 Sam. 5:1-3. n IDU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. IND Diana, Acts 19:24, 27. Huzzab, Nah. 2:7. Jupiter, Acts 14:12. Mercury, Acts 14:12. Molech or Milcom, Lev. 18:21; 1 Kin. 11:5, 33. Merodach, Jer. 50:2. Nergal. 2 Kings 17:30. Nebo, Isa. 46:1. Nibbaz and Tartak, 2 Kings 17:31. Nisrocli, 2 Kings 19:37. Queen of Heaven, Jer. 44:17, 25. Remphan, Acts 7 :43. Rimmon, 2 Kings 5:18. Succoth-benoth, 2 Kings 17:30. Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14. making of, prohibited, Exod. 20:23; 34:17; Lev. 19:4; 26:1; Deut. 5:8-10; 16:22. are weak and helpless, Judg. 18:17; 1 Kings 18:25-29; 2 Kings 18:33, 34; 19:12, 13, 17, 18; Isa. 45:20: 46:1,7,8; Jer. 10:5; Hab. 2:18, 19. on eating meats offered to, Rom. 14; 1 Cor. 8. IDDMEA, land of Edom, Isa. 34:5; Ezek. 35:15; 86:5; Mark 3:8. IGXORANCE, otrerings for sins of, Lev. 4; Num. 15:22. censured, Rom. 10:3; 2 Pet. 3:5. Paul's anxiety to prevent, ICor. 10:1; 12; 2 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thes. 4:13; Heb. 5:11. , of God : ignorance of Christ is, John 8:19. EVIDENCED BY waut of lovc, 1 Johh 4:8. not keeping his commands, 1 John 2:4. living in sin. Tit. 1:16; 1 John 3:6. LEADS TO error, Mat. 22:29. idolatry, Isa. 44:19; Acts 17:29, 30. alienation from God, Eph. 4:18. sinful lusts, 1 Thes. 4:5; 1 Pet, 1:14. persecuting saints, John 15:21; 16:3. is no excuse for sin, Lev. 4:2; Luke 12:48. the wicked in a state of, Jer. 9:3; John 15:21; 17:25; Acts 17:30. the wicked choose, Job 21:14; Rom. 1:28. punishment of, Psa. 79:6; 2 Thes. 1:8. ministers should compassionate, Heb. 5:2. ministers should labor to remove. Acts 17:23. exemplified: Pharaoh, Exod. 5:2. Israelites, Psa. 95:10; Isa. 1:3. False prophets, Isa. 56:10, 11. Jews, Luke 23:34. Nicodemu.s, John 3:10. Gentiles, Gal. 4:8. Paul, l Tim. 1:1.3. ILLYRICUM, gospel at, Rom. 15:19. IMA(iES. See idols, idol.\try. IMAGINATIONS of man evil. Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Deut. 31:21; Jer. 23:17; Luke 1:51. IMMANUEL (EMMANUEL), GOD with us, Isa. 7:14: Mat. 1:23. IMMORTALITV of GOD, 1 Tim. 1:17; 6:16. of men, Rom. 2:7; 1 Cor. 15:53. IMMUTABILITY of GoD's counsel, Heb. 6:17; Rom. 11:29. IMPENITENT: called stubborn, Psa. 78:8: per- verse, Prov. 11:3; careless, Isa. 32:9; stout- hearted, Isa. 46:12; obstinate, Isa, 48:4; fool- ish, Jer. 5:21; rebellious, Ezek. 2:5; stiff- necked and uncircumcised. Acts 17:21. cannot prosper, Job 9:4; Psa. 68:21; 81:11, 12; Prov. 28:13, 14, overtaken by sudden and final destruction, Prov. 1:24-31; 29:1; Jer. 8:20; 14:10; Ilosea 4:17; Zech, 7:13; Mai. 2:2; Rom. 2:5; Rev. IMPLEMENTS and Tools. See anvil, Lsa. 41:7. awl, Exod. 21:6; Deut. 15:17. axe, Deut. 19:5; 2 Kings 6:5, 6. 78 balances. Job 31 : 6 ; Prov. 11:1. bellows, Jer, 6:29, besom (broom), Isa. 14:23. distaff, Exod. 35:25, 26; Prov. 31:19. file, 1 Sam. 13:21. fork, 1 Sam. 13:21. goad, 1 Sam. 13:21. hammer, 1 Kings 6:7; Isa, 41:7. harrow, 2 Sam. 12:31; 1 Chr. 20:3. knife, Gen, 22:6; 1 Kings 18:28. mattock, 1 Sam, 13:20, 21; Isa. 7:25. maul, Prov. 25:18. mill, Jer. 25:10; Mat. 18:6, mortar. Num. 11:8; Prov, 27:22. nail, Judg, 4:21; 1 Chr, 22:3. pen, Isa. 8:1; Jer. 8:8; 3 John 13. penknife, Jer. 36:23, plane, Isa, 44:13. plough, lsa. 28:24; 61:5. plummet, Amos 7:7, 8; Zech. 4:10. pruning-hook, Isa. 2:4; Joel 3:10. razor, Num. 6:5; Isa, 7:20. saw, 2 Sam. 12:31; Isa. 10:15. shovel, Exod, 27:3; Jer. 52:18. shuttle. Job 7:6. sickle, Deut, 16:9; Mark 4:29. sieve, Amos 9:9; Luke 22:31. snuffers, 1 Kings 7:50; Jer. 52:18. spindle. Prov, 31:19, spoons, Exod. 25:29; Num. 4:7. tongs, Exod. 25:38; 1 Kings 7:49. weaver's beam, Judg. 16:14; 2 Sam. 21:19. IMPRECATIONS, remarkable, 2 Kings 1:10; Job 3:3; Psa, 69:22-28; Jer, 20:14-18; Lam, 3:64-66, IMPUTATION, of sins to Christ, Isa. 53:6; Heb. 9:28; 1 Pet, 2:24; 1 John 3:5, of righteousness, Rom, 4:6, 22; 6; Psa. 32:2; 2 Cor. 5:19, INCENSE, Exod. 30:22; 37:29. sacred to God, Exod, 30:37. offered. Lev. 10:1; 16:12; Num. 16:46; Lu. 1:9; Rev. 7:3. See Isa. 1:13. in heaven. Rev, 8:3. INCEST forbidden, Lev, 18; 20:17; Deut. 22:30; 27:20; Ezek, 22:11; Amos 2:7. instances of. Gen. 19:33; 35:22; 38:18; 2 Sam. 13; 16:21; Mark 6:17; 1 Cor. 5:1. INCORRUPTIBLE, God, Rom. 1:23; saints, 1 Cor. 15:52,53; 1 Pet. 1:23; their inheritance, 1 Pet, 1:4. INDIA, Esth, 1:1. INDUSTRY: commanded, Eph, 4:28; 1 Thes. 4:11, required of man in a state of innocence, Gen. 2:15. required of man after the fall. Gen. 3:23. to be suspended on the Sabbath, Exod, 20:10, characteristic of godly women, Prov. 31:13, etc early rising necessary to, Prov. 31:15, requisite to supply our own wants, Acts 20:34; 1 Thes. 2:9, wants of others, Acts 20:. 35; Eph. 4:28. the slothful devoid of, Prov. 24:30, 31. LEADS TO increase of substance, Prov. 13:11. affection of relatives, Prov, 31:28. general commendation, Prov, 31:31, illustrated, Prov, 6:6-8. exemplified: Rachel, Gen, 29:9, Jacob, Gen, 31:6, Jethro's daughters, Exod, 2:16, Ruth, Ruth 2:2, 3. Jeroboam, 1 Kings 11:28. David, 1 Sam. 16:11. Jewish elders, Ezi-a 6:14, 15. Dorcas, Acts 9:39. Paul, Acts 18:3; 1 Cor. 4:12, See DILIGENCE. IND BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. INS INDWELLING of the Holy Ghost: in his church, as his temple, 1 Cor. 3:16. in the body of saints, as his temple, 1 Cor. 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16. promised to saints, Ezek. 36:27. saints enjoy, Isa. 63:11; 2 Tim. 1:14. saints full of. Acts 6:5; Eph. 5:18. IS A MEANS OF quickeuing, Rom. 8:11. guiding, John 16:13; Gal. 5:18. fructifying, Gal. 5:22. a proof of being Christ's, Rom. 8:9. proof of adoption, Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6. is abiding, 1 John 2:27. those who have not, are sensual, Jude 19. those who have not, are without Christ, Rom. 8:9. opposed by the carnal nature, Gal. 5:17. INFIDELITY. See UNBELIEF, UNBELIEVER, SCORNING. INFINITE, Psa. 147:5. INFIRMITIES, unavoidable, to be treated with consideration. Job 14:1-4; Psa. 103:14; Rom. 14:1-3; 15:1; Gal. 5:17; 6:1. human, borne by Christ, Isa. 53:4; Heb. 4:15. INGATHERING. See FEASTS. INGRAFTING, illustrative, Rom. 11:17-24. INGRATITUDE: a characteristic of the wicked, Psa. 38:20; 2 Tim. 3:2. EXHIBITED by relations. Job 19:14. by servants. Job 19:15, 16. to benefactors, Psa. 109:5; Eccl. 9:15. to friends In distress, Psa. 38:11. saints avoid the guilt of, Psa. 7 :4, 5. SHOULD BE MET WITH prayer, Psa. 35:12, 13; 109:4. faithfulness, Gen. 31:38:42. persevering love, 2 Cor. 12:15. punishment of. Prov. 17:13; Jer. 18:20, 21. exemplified: Laban, Gen. 31:6, 7. Chief butler, Gen. 40:23. Israel, Exod. 17:4. Men of Kei- lah, 1 Sam. 23:5, 12. Saul, 1 Sam. 24:17. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:5-11, 21. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:6. Joash, 2Chr. 24:22. to God: characteristic of the wicked, Rom. 1:21. inexcusable, Isa. 1:2, 3; Rom. 1:21. unreasonable, Jer. 2:5, 6, 31; Mic. 6:2, 3. exceeding folly of, Deut. 32:6. guilt of, Psa. 106:7, 21; Jer. 2:11-13. prosperity likely to produce, Deut. 31:20; 32:15; Jer. 5:7-11. warnings against, Deut. 8:11-14; l Sam. 12:24, 25. punishment of. Neh. 9:20-27; Hos. 2:8. illustrated, Isa. 5:1-7; Ezek. 16:1-15. exemplified: Israel, Deut. 32:18. Saul, 1 Sam. 16:17-19. David, 2 Sam. 12:7-9. Nebuchad- nezzar, Dan. 5:18-21. Lepers, Luke 17:17, 18. INHERITANCE of the tribes to be kept separate, Num. 36:7-9; 1 Kings 21:. 3. of the eldest son, a double share, Deut. 21:17; Luke 15:31. not to be set aside, Deut. 21:15, 16. forfeited by Esau, Gen. 27:37, 40; by Reuben, 1 Chr. 5:1. when a man died childless, the son of his wid- ow by his brother inherited. Gen. 38:7-11; Deut. 25:5-10; Ruth 4:1-17; Mat. 22:24-26. of younger sons, 2 Chr. 21:3; Luke 15:12. of daughters. Job 42:15. when there were no sons, Num. 27:4-8. an lieiress not to marry out of her tribe, Num. 36:6-8; 1 Chr. 23:22. wills made in writing, Gal. 3:15; Heb. 9:15, 16. wills made verbally, Gen. 49:1; 1 Kings 2:1. See FIRST-BORN. INHERITANCE, of the children of God, Eph. 1:11; Col. 1:12; 3:24; 1 Pet. 1:4. See heirs. INHOSPITALITY, examples of: Edom, Num. 20:18-21. Sihon, Num. 21:22, 23. Ammon- ites and Moabites, Deut. 23:3-6. Men of Gib- eah, Judg. 19:15. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:10-17. Samaritans, Luke 9:53. See HOSPITALITY. INJUSTICE: forbidden. Lev. 19:15,35; Deut. 16:19. SPECIALLY TO BE AYOIDED TOWARDS the pOor, Exod. 23:6; Prov. 22:16. the stranger and fatherless, Exod. 22:21, 22; Deut. 24:17; Jer. 22:3. servants. Job 31:13, 14. the least, condemned, Luke 16:10. there is none in God, Deut. 32:4; 2 Chr. 19:7; Job 34:12. God regards, Eccl. 5:8. approves not of, Lam. 3:35, 36. abominates, Prov. 17:15; 20:10. hears the cry of sutferers, Jas. 5:4. provoked to avenge, Psa. 12:5. brings a curse, Deut. 27:17, 19. a bad example leads to, ExocL 23:2. intemperance leads to, Prov. 31:5, covctousness leads to, Jer. 6:13. SAINTS SHOULD hate, Prov. 29:27. testify against, Psa. 58:1, 2; Mic. 3:8, 9. bear patiently, 1 Cor. 6:7. take no vengeance for. Mat. 5:39. THE WICKED deal with, Isa. 26:10. judge with, Psa. 82:2; Eccl. 3:16; Hab. 1:4. practise, without shame, Jer. 6:13, 15; Zeph. 3:5. punishment of, Prov. 11:7; 28:8; Amos 5:11, 12; 8:5, 8; 1 Thes. 4:6. exemplified : Potiphar, Gen. 39:20. Sons of Samuel, 1 Sam. 8:3. Ahab, 1 Kings 21:10, 15, 16. Jews, Isa. 59:14. Princes, etc., Dan. 6:4. Judas, Mat. 27 : 4. Pilate, Mat. 27 : 24-26. Priests, etc.. Acts 4:3. Festus, Acts 24:27. INK, Jer. 36:18; 2 Cor. 3:3; 2 John 12. INKHORN, Ezek. 9:2,3, IL INN, or Lodging-place, Gen. 42:27; 43:21; Exod. 4:24; Josh. 4:3, 8; 2 Kings 19:23; Jer. 9:2; Luke2:7; 10:34. translated guest-chamber, Mark 14:14 ; Luke 22:11. INNOCENCY, David's declaration of, Psa. 26:6; Daniel's, Dan. 6:22; Pilate's, Mat. 27:24. INNOCENTS, sacrificed to idols, 2 Kings 21:16; 24:4; Psa. 106:38; Jer. 2:34; 19:4. slain by Herod, Mat. 2:16. INQUIRING. See enquiring. INSECTS, created by God, Gen. 1:24, 25. clean. Lev. 11:21, 22. unclean, Lev. 11:23, 24. mentioned in Scripture: ant, Prov. 6:6; 30:25; bee, Judg. 14:8; Psa. 118:12; Isa. 7:18; bee- tle, Lev. 11:22; caterpillar, Psa. 78:56; Isa. 33:4; cankerworm, Joel 1:4; Nah. 3:15, 16; earthworm, .lob 25:6; Mic. 7:17; flea, 1 Sam. 24:14; fly, Exod. 8:22; Eccl. 10:1: Isa. 7:18; gnat. Mat. 23:24; grasshopper. Lev. 11:22; Judg. 6:5; Job 39:20; Eccl. 12:5; hornet, Deut. 7:20; locust, Exod. 10:12, 13; bald lo- cust. Lev. 11:22; lice, Exod. 8:16; Psa. 105:31; maggot, Exod. 16:20; moth, Job 4:10; 27:18; Isa. 50:9; Mat. 6:19; palmer-worm, Joel 1:4; Amos 4:9; spider. Job 8:14; Prov. 30:28. fed by God, Psa. 104:25, 27; 145:9, 15. 79 INS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ISH INSPIRATION of the Holy Ghost: foretold, Joel 2:28, with Acts 2:16-18. all Scripture given by, 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21. DESIGN OF: to reveal future events, Acts 1:1G; 28:25. to reveal the mysteries of God, Amos 3:7; 1 Cor. 2:10. to give power lo ministers, Micah 3:8; Acts 1:8. to direct ministers, Ezek. 3:24^27; Acts 11:12; 13:2. to control ministers, Acts 16:6. to testify against sin, 2 Kings 17:13; Nell. 9:30; Mic. 3:8; John 16:8, 9. MODES of: various, Heb. 1:1. secret impulse, Judg. 13:25; 2 Pet. 1:21. a voice, Isa. 6:8; Acts 8:29; Rev. 1:10. visions. Num. 12:6; Ezek. 11:24. dreams. Num. 12:6; Dan. 7:1. necessary to prophesying. Num. 11:25-27; 2 Chr. 20:14-17. is irresistible, Amos 3:8. despisers of, punished, 2 Chr. 36:15, 16; Zech, 7:12. INSTABILITY reproved, Gen. 49:4; Prov. 24:21; Eph. 4:14; Heb. 13:9. INSTINCT, in animals, Job 6:5; 37:6-8; 39:13-17; Psa. 104:20-22; Prov. 30:24-28; Isa. 1:3; Lam. 4:3. INSTRUCTION is from God, Job 33:16; Psa. 32:8. benefits of, Prov. 1:3; 9:9; Mat. 13:51. from parents, Deut. 4:9; 6:7; 11:19; Prov. 1:8. from ministers, Deut. 17:9-11; 2 Chr. 20:20; MaL2:7; Luke 10:16; Heb. 13:7. to be sought, Prov. 19:20; 23:12. to be heeded, Prov. 1:8: 4:13; 13:1. leads to life. Prov. 10:17; 2 Tim. 3:16. danger of neglecting, Psa. 50:17; Prov. 1:24; 5:12; 13:18; 15:32; Mat. 11:21. INTEGRITY, examples of. 1 Sam. 12:3; 2 Kings 12:15; 22:7; Job 2:3; Psa. 7:8; 26:1; 41:12; Prov. 11:3; 19:1; 20:7. INTEMPERANCE in food and drink forbidden, Deut. 21:21; Prov. 21:17; 23:1; Luke 21:34; 1 Cor. 9:25, 27; Pliil. 3:19. See gluttony, DRUNKENNESS. INTERCESSION, of Christ. Isa. 53:12; Heb. 7:25; Rom. 8:34; 1 John 2:1. See Luke 23:34. of the Holy Spirit, Rom. 8:26. to be made for kings, etc., 1 Tim. 2:1; Rom. 15:30; 2 Cor. 1:11; Eph. 1:16; 6:18; Col. 4:3; 1 Thes. 5:25; 2 Thes. 3:1; Heb. 13:18. of Abraham for Sodom, Gen. 18:23. of Lot, Gen. 19:18. of Judah for Benjamin, Gen. 44:18. of Moses, Exod. 32:11; 33:12; Num. 11:2; 12:13; 14:13; Deut. 9:18. of Samuel, l Sam. 12:23. of David, 2 Sam. 24:17. of Stephen, Acts 7:60. of Paul, Rom. 10:1; 2 Tim. 1:18; 4:16. INTERPRETERS, of languages. Gen. 42:23; 2 Chr. 32:31 (marg.); Neh. 8:8. in the Christian church, 1 Cor. 12:10, 30; 14:5, 13, 26-28. illustrative. Job 33:23. INTERPRETATION of dreams belongs to God, Gen. 40:8; Prov. 1:6; Dan. 2:27. See dreams. INVISIBLE GOD, CoL 1:15; 1 Tim. 1:17; Heb. 11:27. IRIJAH.Jer. 37:13-15. IRON, mentioned, Deut. 3:11; Job 28:2; Prov. 27:17; Ezek. 27:12. 8o described as strong and durable. Job 40:18; Dan. 2:40; fusible, Ezek. 22:20; malleable, Isa. 2:4; admits of high poUsh, Ezek. 27:19; hardened into steel, 2 Sam. 22:35; Job 20:24; of small comparative value, Isa. 60:17. made into armor, 2 Sam. 23:7; Rev. 9:9; weap- ons of war, 1 Sam. 13:19; 17:7; chariots, Judg. 4:3; implements of husbandry, 1 Sam. 13:20, 21; 2 Sam. 12:31; tools for artificers, Josh. 8:31; 1 Kings 6:7; graving tools. Job 19:24; Jer. 17:1: gates, Acts 12:10; nails and hinges, 1 Chr. 22:3; bars, Psa. 107:16; isa. 45:2; fetters, I'sa. 105:18: 149:8; yokes, Deut. 28:48; Jer. 28:13, 14; idols, Dan. 5:4, 23; bed- steads, Deut. 3:11; pillars, Jer. 1:18; rods, Psa. 2:9; Rev. 2:27. working in, a trade, Gen. 4:22; 1 Sam. 13:19; 2 Chr. 2:7, 14. an article of commerce, Ezek. 27:12, 19; Rev. 18:12. 100,000 talents of, used in temple, 1 Chr. 29:7. made to swim by Ellsha, 2 Kings 6:6. illustrative of strength, Dan. 2:33, 40; of stub- bornness, Isa. 48:4; of severe aiBiction, Deut. 4:20; Psa. 107:10; of a hard, barren soil, Deut. 28:23; of severe exercise of power, Psa. 2:9; Rev. 2:27; (seared with) of insensibility of conscience, l Tim. 4:2. IRONY, examples of, Judg. 10:14: 1 Kin. 18:27; Job 12:1; Eccl. 11:9; Amos 4:4. IRRIGATION, Deut. 11:10; Prov. 21:1; Isa. 58:11. ISAAC promised. Gen. 15:4; 17:16; 18:10. born, Gen. 21:2. deUvered from being offered. Gen. 22. marries Rebecca, Gen. 24:67. denies his wife. Gen. 26:7. covenant with Abimelech, Gen. 26:26. blesses Jacob, Gen. 27:27; 28:1; and Esau, Gen. 27:39. death. Gen. 35:29. See Kom. 9:10; Heb. 11:20. his piety and prayerfulness. Gen. 24:63; 25:21; 26:25; Mat. 8:11; Luke 13:28. ISAIAH (Esaia.s), prophet, Isa. 1:1. his vision of the glory of God, Isa. 6. sent to Ahaz, Isa. 7. and Ilezekiah, Isa. 37:6; 38:4; 39:3 (2 Kings 19:2; 20). l)ecoraes a sign, Tsa. 20. prophesies concerning various nations, Isa. 7; 8; 10: 13-23; 45-47. writes the histories of Uzziah and Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 26:22; 32:32. quoted in Mat. 3:3: 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:14; 15:7; Mark 1:2; Luke 3:4; 4:17; John 1:23; 12:38; Acts 8:32; 28:25; Rom. 9:27; 10:16; 15:12. ISHBI-BENOB, 2 Sam. 21:15-17. ISHBOSllETll, son of Saul, made king, 2 Sam. 2:8; 3:1. treacherously slain, 2 Sam. 4. ISHI (my husband), symbolical, llos. 2:16. ISHM.\EL, son of Aljram, (ien. 16. blessed and circumcised, (ien. 17:20, 23. cast out, but preserved, Gen. 21:17. deatii, Gen. 25:17. , son of Xethaniah slays Gedaliah, 2 Kings 25:7; Jer. 40:14; 41. ISHMAELITE.-^, descended from Abram's son Ishmael, Gen. 16:15, 16; 1 Chr. 1:29. divided into twelve tribes, Gen. 25:16. called Hagarites, 1 Chr. 5:10; Hagarenes, Psa. 83:6: Arabians, Isa. 13:20. were the merchants of the East, Gen. 37:25; Ezek. 27:20,21. ISH BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JAR travelled in caravans, Gen. 37:25; Job 6:19. waylaid and plundered travellers, Jer. 3:2. predictions respecting, Gen. 16:10, 12; 17:20; 21:13, 18; Psa. 72:10,15; Isa. 21:13-17; Jer. 25:23-25. probably preached to by Peter and Paul, Acts 2:11; Gal. 1:17. ISHTOB, 2 Sam. 10:6, 8. See Judg. 11:3-5. ISLANDS, Isa. 20:6 (marg.); 42:15; Jer. 25:22. mentioned in Scripture : Chios, Acts 20:15 ; Chittim, Jer. 2:10; Clauda, Acts 27:16; Coos, Acts 21:1; Crete, Acts 27:7, 12, 13, 21; Cyprus, Acts 21:3; 27:4; EUshah, Gen. 10:4, 5: Ezek. 27:7; Melita (now Malta), Acts 28:1-10; Pat- mos. Rev. 1:9; Rhodes, Acts 21:1; Samos, Acts 20:15; Samothracia, Acts 16:11. ISLES, of the Gentiles, islands of the Mediterra- nean, above mentioned, Gen. 10:5; Zeph. 2:11. ISRAEL, Jacob, Gen. 32:28; 35:10. ISRAELITES, bondage in Egypt, Exod. 1-12. keep the first passover, Exod. 12. depart from Egypt, Exod. 12:31. pass the Red sea, Exod. 14. miraculously fed, Exod. 15:23; 16; 17:1; Num. 11:20. twice numbered. Num. 1 : 26. God's covenant with, Exod. 19; 20; Deut. 29:10. journey under God's direction, Exod. 14:1, 19; Num. 9:15; Psa. 78:14. their encampment, Num. 2. their marches. Num. 10:14. their stations in the wilderness, Num. 33. their murmurings in the wilderness, Exod. 16; 17; Num. 11; 14; 16:14; 20. their various rebellions, etc., Deut. l; 2; 9; 2 Kings 17; Psa. 78; 105; 106; Ezra 9; Neh. 9; Ezek. 16; 20; 22; 23; Acts 7:39; 1 Cor. 10:5. subdue Amalek, Exod. 17. defeat the Canaanites and Midianites, Num. 21; 31. enter and subdue Canaan, Josh. 1, etc. governed by judges, Judg. 2, etc. governed by kings, 1 Sam. 10, etc. ; 2 Sam. ; 1 and 2 Kings; 1 and 2 Chr. carried captive to Assyria, 2 Kings 17. carried to Babylon, 2 Kings 25; 2 Chr. 36; Jer. 39; 52. their state there, Esth. ; Dan. ; Ezek. their return, Ezra; Neh.; Hag.; Zech. their history an example, 1 Cor. 10:6. See JEWS. ISSACHAR, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:18; 35:23. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:14; and by Moses, Deut. 33:18. his descendants, Gen. 46:13; 1 Chr. 7:1; Judg. 5:15. numbered. Num. 1:28; 26:23. his inheritance, Josh. 19:17; Ezek. 48:33; Rev. 7:7. ITALIAN BAND, Acts 10:1. ITALY, Acts 18:2; 27:1; Heb. 13:24. ITHAMAR, son of Aaron, Exod. 6:23; Lev. 10:6. his charge, Num. 4. descendants, 1 Chr. 24. ITHIEL, Prov. 30:1. ITTAI, fidelity of, 2 Sam. 15:19; 18:2. ITUREA, Luke 3:1. See 1 Chr. 1:31; 5:19. IVORY brought from Tarshish, 1 Kings 10:22; 2 Chr. 9:21; and Chittim, Ezek. 27:6, 15. Solomon's throne of, l Kings 10:18; 2 Chron. 9:17. palaces of, Psa. 45:8; Amos 3:15. benches of, Ezek. 27:6. beds of, Amos 6:4. 6 JAAZANIAH, his secret idolatry. Ezek. 8:11; 11:1. JABAL, Gen. 4:20. JABBOK, Gen. 32:22-32; Num. 21:24; Deut. 2:37; 3:16; Josh. 12:2; Judg. 11:13, 22. JABESH, 2 Kings 15:10, 13, 14. JABESH-GILEAD, men of, slain, Judg. 21. delivered from Ammon by Saul, 1 Sara. 11. their gratitude, 1 Sam. 31:11 ; 2 Sam. 21:12; 1 Chr. 10:11. blessed by David, 2 Sam. 2:5. JABEZ, prayer of, answered, 1 Chr. 4:10. JABIN, king of Hazor, subdued by Joshua, Josh. 11. by Barak, Judg. 4. JABNEEL, or Jabneh, Josh. 15:11; 2 Chr. 26:6. JACHIN (He shall establish), pillar of the tem- ple, 1 Kings 7:21; 2 Chr. 3:17. JACINTH, Rev. 9:17; 21:20. JACOB born, Gen. 25:26. obtains the birthright. Gen. 25:33; and the first blessing. Gen. 27:27. sent to Padan-aram, Gen. 27:43; 28:1. his vision and vow. Gen. 28:10. his marriages. Gen. 29. his sons. Gen. 29:31; 30. his dealings with Laban, Gen. 31. his vision at Mahanaim, Gen. 32:1. his prayer. Gen. 32:9. wrestles with the Angel, Gen. 32:24; Hos.l2:3. meets Esau, Gen. 33. builds an altar. Gen. 35:1. his love for Joseph and Benjamin, Gen. 37; 42:38; 43. goes down to Egypt, Gen. 46. brought before Pharaoh, Gen. 47:7. blesses his sons, Gen. 48; 49. his death and burial. Gen. 49:33; 50. See Psa. 105:23; Mai. 1:2; Rom. 9:10; Heb. 11:21. JACOB'S WELL. John 4:5. JAEL kills Sisera, Judg. 4:17; 5:24. JAHAZ, Num. 21:23; Josh. 13:18; 1 Chr. 6:78 (Jahzah); Isa. 15:4. JAHAZIEL comforts Jeho.shaphat, 2 Chr. 20:14. JAILER of Philippi, Acts 16:27-34. JAIR, judge, Judg. 10:3. JAIRUS, his daughter raised. Mat. 9:18; Mark 5:22; Luke 8:41. JAMES, brother of John, called, Mat. 4:21; Mark 1:19; Luke 5:10. present at Christ's transfiguration. Mat. 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28. at his death. Mat. 26:36; Mark 14:33. rebuked for ambition. Mat. 20:20; Mark 10:35; and for desiring to persecute, Luke 9:54. slain by Herod, Acts 12:2. See Mark 5:37; 13:3; Acts 1:13. , son of Alpht'us, kinsman of our Lord, Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; 6:3; Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13; 12:17. his decision concerning circumcision, etc.. Acts 15:13. See Acts 21:18; 1 Cor. 15:7; Gal. 1:19; 2:9. exhorts the believing Jews to patience, Jas. 1; 5:7; to charity, Jas. 2; and to government of the tongue, Jas. 3; and against covetousness, pride, and other vices, Jas. 4:5. J ANNA, Luke 3:24. JANNES, 2 Tim. 3:8 (Exod. 7:11). JAPHETH blessed, Gen. 9:27. his descendants. Gen. 10:1; 1 Chr. 1:4. JAREB (hostile king), Hos. 5:13; 10:6. 8i JAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JER JARED, Gen. 5:15-20; 1 Chr. 1:2; Luke 3:37. JASHER, book, Josh. 10:13; 2 Sam. 1:18. JASHOBEAM, 1 Chr. 11:11, 16. JASON persecuted, Acts 17:5; Rom. 16:21. JASPER, Exod. 28:20; Ezek. 28:13; Rev. 4:3; 21:11, 18, 19. JAVAN, Geu. 10:2. country of, Isa. 66:19; Ezek. 27:13, 19. JAVELIN, Num. 25:6; 1 Sam. 18:10; 19:10. JAWBONE, miraculous, Judg. 15:15. JAZER, Num. 32:1; Josh. 13:25; 2 Sam. 24:5; Isa. 16:8, 9. JEALOUSY, trial Of, Num. 5:11; Prov. 6:34; Song 8:6. of God, Exod. 20:5, etc., Deut. 29:20; Psa. 78:58; Ezek. 8:3; 16:38; Zeph. 1:18; Zech. 1:14; 1 Cor. 10:22. JEBUSITES, Gen. 15:21; Num. 13:29. occupy Jerusalem, Josh. 15:63; Judg. 1:21; 19:11. expelled by David, 2 Sam. 5:6. JEDEDIAH, Solomon, 2 Sam. 12:25. JEDUTHUN, musician in the temple, 1 Chr. 25:6; Psa. 39; 62; 77. JEHOAHAZ (Shallum), king of Judah, evil reign of, 2 Kings 23:31; 2 Chr. 36:1. prophecy concerning, Jer. 22:10. , king of Israel, his wicked reign. 2 Kings 10:35. his supplication heard, 2 Kings 13:4. JEHOASH, or Joash, king of Israel, son and suc- cessor of Jehoahaz, 2 Kings 13:10. defeats Syrians three times, 2 Kings 13:10-25. his parable, 2 Kings 14:8-14. defeats Amaziah, 2 Chr. 25:17-24. his death, 2 Kings 13:13; 14:16. , king of Judah. See joash. JEHOIACHIN (Coniah, Jeconiah), king of Judah, his evil reign and captivity, 2 Kings 24:6; 2 Chr. 36:8. kindness shown to, by Evil-Merodach, 2 Kings 25:27; Jer. 52:31. prophecy concerning, Jer. 22:24. JEHOIADA, high priest, slays Athaliah and makes Jehoash king, 2 Kings 11:4; 2 Chr. 23. restores the worsliip of (Jod, 2 Chr. 23. repairs the temple, 2 Kings 12:7; 2 Chr. 24:6. JEHOIAKIM, king of Judah, his evil reign and captivity, 2 Kings 23:34; 24:1; 2 Chr. 36:4; Dan. 1:2. prophecy concerning, Jer. 22:18. JEHORAM (Joram), king of Judah, his wicked reign, l Kings 22:50; 2 Kings 8:16. slays his bretliren, 2 Chr. 21:4. Elijah's prophecy to, 2 Chr. 21:12. his miserable death, 2 Chr. 21:18. (Joram), king of Israel, son of Ahab, 2 Kings 1:17. liis evil reign, 2 Kings 3. rebuked by Kiisha, and delivered from the Mo- abites, 2 Kings :j:lo. Naaman sent to, 2 Kings 5:5. dismisses Syrian captives, 2 Kings 6:21. tlireatens Kiisha, 2 Kings 6:31. delivered from the Syrians, 2 Kings 7. slain by Jehu, 2 Kings 9:24. JEUOSHAPHAT, king of Judah, his good reign, 1 Kings 15:24; 2 Chr. 17. associates with Ahab, 1 Kings 22; 2 Chr. 18; and Joram, 2 Kings 3:7. rebuked by Jehu, visits his kingdom, 2 Chr. 19. proclaims a fa.st, 2 Chr. 20. comforted by Jahaziel, 2 Chr. 20:14. delivered from the Ammonites, etc., 2 Chr. 20:22. reproved by Eliezer, 2 Chr. 20:37. 82 death, 1 Kings 22:50; 2 Chr. 21:1. JEHOSHAPHAT, valley of, Joel 3:2, 12. called valley of Decision, Joel 3:14. See to- PHET. JEHOSHEBA preserves the life of Joash, 2 Kin. 11; 2 Chr. 22:11. JEHOVAH, Exod. 6:3; Psa. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4; usually rendered by Lord (in small cap- itals). JiREH (the LoKD will see, or provide), Gen. 22:14. Nissi (the Lord my banner), Exod. 17:15. Shalom (the Lord send peace), Judg. 6:24. TsiDKENU (the Lord our righteousness), Jer. 23:6; 33:16. Shammah (the Lord is there). Ezek. 48:35. JEHOZABAD, 2 Kings 12:20, 21; 2 Chr. 24:26. JEHOZADAK, or Jozadak, 1 Chr. 6:14, 15. JEHU, son of Hanani, prophesies against Baa- sha, 1 Kings 16:1. rebukes Jehoshapliat, 2 Chr. 19:2; 20:34. , son of Nimslii, appointed king of Israel, 1 Kings 19:16. anointed, 2 Kings 9:1. kills Joram and Ahaziah, 2 Kings 9:24. cuts oir the family of Ahab, and the worship- pers of Baal, 2 Kings 10. his idolatry, 2 Kings 10:29. death, 2 Kings 10:34. JEPHTHAH, his covenant with the Gileadites, Judg. 11:4. message to the Ammonites, Judg. 11:14. his vow, Judg. 11:30, 34. his victory, Judg. 11:32. chastises the Ephraimites, Judg. 12. JEREMIAH, his call and visions, Jer. 1. mourns for Josiah, etc., 2 Chr. 35:25; Lam. 1. liis mission, Jer. 1:17; 7, etc. smitten by Pashur, Jer. 20. his complaint, Jer. 20:14. message to Zedekiah, Jer. 21:3; 34:1. foretells the seventy years' captivity, Jer. 25:8. apprehended and delivered, Jer. 26. rebukes Hananiah, Jer. 28:5. his letter to tlie captives, Jer. 29. buys a field while in prison, Jer. 32. praying, is comforted, Jer. 32:16; 33. proves the Rechabites, Jer. 35. his roll read, Jer. 36. imprisoned, Jer. 37:13; 38. released by Ebed-melech, Jer. 38:7. supplication to Zedekiah, Jer. 38:17. kindly treated by the Chaldeans, Jer. 39:11; 40. entreats Johanan, etc., to remain in Judah, Jer. 42. rebukes their hypocrisy, Jer. 43; 44. carried into Egypt, Jer. 43:4. comforts Baruch, Jer. 45. propliesies against various nations, Jer. 46-51. delivers liis propliecy to Seraiah, Jer. 51:59. See Mat. 2:17; 16:14; 27:9. JERICHO, spies sent there. Josh. 2:1. its walls fall, Josh. 6:20 (Heb. 11:30). rebuilt by Hiel, 1 Kings 16:34. See Josh. 6:26. a school of the prophets at, 2 Kings 2:5. Christ cures two blind men near, Mat. 20:29-34; Mar. 10:46; Luke 18:35. visits Zaccheus at, Luke 19:1-10. JER(JHOAM I., promoted by Solomon, 1 Kings 11:28. Ahijah's prophecy to, 1 Kings 11:29. made king, 1 Kings 12:20; 2 Chr. 10. establishes idolatry, 1 Kings 12:26. JER BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JES his hand withers, etc., 1 Kings 13. his house denounced, 1 Kings 14:7. defeated by Abijah, 2 Chr. 13. death, 1 Kings 14:19. JEROBOAM XL, his wicked yet prosperous reign, 2 Kings 14:23. JERUB-BAAL. See GIDEON. JERUEL, 2 Chr. 20:16, etc. JERUSALEM, called Jebus, Josh. 18:28; Judg. 19:10; Zion, 1 Kings 8:1; City of David, 2 Sam. 5:7; Salem, Gen. 14:18; Psa. 76:2; Ariel, Isa. 29:1; City of God, Psa. 46:4; City of the Great King, Psa. 48:2; City of Judali, 2 Chr. 25:28; Holy City, Neh. 11:1-18; City of Solemnities, Isa. 33:20. its position, .Josh. 15:8; 18:28. conquered, Judg. 1:8. Jebusites remain, Judg. 1:21. Jebusites expelled by David, 2 Sam. 5:6. the ark brought there, 2 Sam. 6. saved from pestilence, 2 Sam. 24:16. temple built, 1 Kings 5-8: 2 Chr. 1-7. its wealth in time of Solomon, 1 Kin. 10:26, 27. chosen and loved of God, 1 Kings 15:4; 2 Kings 19:34; 2 Chr. 6:6. chief priests dwelt at, 1 Chr. 9:34; John 18:15. feasts kept at, Deut. 16:16; Ezek. 36:38; Luke 2:41; John 12:20; Acts 18:21. prayer made towards, l Kings 8:38; Dan. 6:10. loved by the Jews, Psa. 122:6; 137:6; Isa. 62:1, 7. fortified by Solomon, 1 Kings 9:15. supplied with water by Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 20:20. ravaged by Shishak, l Kings 14:25; 2 Chr. 12; and by Joash, 2 Kings 14:14; 2 Chr. 25:24. delivered from Sennacherib, 2 Kings 18; 19; 2 Chr. 32; Isa. 36; 37. taken by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Kings 25; 2 Chr. 36; Jer. 39; 52. rebuilt, Ezra 2, etc., Neh. 2, etc. gates of: old gate, fish gate, sheep gate, prison gate, gate of Ephraim, Neh. 12:39; gate of Benjamin, Jer. 37:13; of Joshua, 2 Kin. 23:8; corner gate, 2 Kings 14:13; valley gate, Neh. 3:13; gate of the fountain, Neh. 3:15; water gate, Neh. 3:26; horse gate, Neh. 3:28; king's gate, 1 Chr. 9:18; Shallecheth, 1 Chr. 26:16; high gate, 2 Chr. 23:20; east gate, Neh. 3:29; Miphkad, Neh. 3:31; middle gate, Jer. 39:3; first gate, Zech. 14:10. streets of: East street, 2 Chr. 29:4; street of the House of God, Ezra 10:9; water-gate street, Neh. 8:1; Ephraim-gate street, Neh. 8:16; baker's street, Jer. 37:21. Christ brought there, Luke 2:22, 42. his public entry into. Mat. 21:1; Mark 11:1; Luke 19:29; John 12:12. he laments over it. Mat. 23:37; Lu. 13:34: 19:41. foretells its destruction, Mat. 24; Mark 13; Lu. 13:34; 17:23; 19:41; 21. gospel first preached there, Acts 2; 3. See Ezek. 16:23; also Psalms and Prophets pas- sim. persecution of the Christian church commenced at, Acts 4:1; 8:1. first Christian council held at, Acts 15:4, 6. , the new (Gal. 4:26), Rev. 21. JESHIMON, Num. 21:20; 23:28; 1 Sam. 23:19; 26:1. JESHUA (Joshua), high priest, returns from cap- tivity, Ezra 2:2; 3:2; Hag. 1:1. typically mentioned, Zech. 3:1; 6:11. JESHURUN, Israel so called, Deut. 32:15; 33:5, 26; Isa. 44:2. JESSE, father of David, Ruth 4:22. Samuel sent to, 1 Sam. 16. his descendants, 1 Chr. 2:13. JESTING, unsuitable, Eph. 5:4. JESUS CHRIST, HIS life: the Son of God, and the Son of man, John 1 ; Mat. 1; Luke 1; Heb. 1; 2, etc. genealogies, Mat. l; Luke 3:23. his conception and birth at Bethlehem, Mat. 1:18; 2:1; Luke 1:30; 2:6 (foretold, Isa. 7:14; Mic, 5:2). proclaimed by angels, Luke 2:9. visited by shepherds, Luke 2:16. worshipped by wise men from the east. Mat. 2:1 (Psa. 72:10). circumcised, Luke 2:21. flight to Egypt, Mat. 2:13 (Hos. 11:1). blessed by Simeon, Luke 2:25. questions the doctors, Luke 2:46. is subject to his parents, Luke 2:51. labors as carpenter, Mark 6:3. is baptized by John and receives the Holy Spirit, Mat. 3:13; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21; John 1:.32: 3:34; Acts 10:38, etc. (Isa. 11:2; 61:1). his temptation. Mat. 4; Mark 1:12; Lu. 4; Heb. 2:14, 18. begins to preach the gospel and heal the sick, Mat. 4:12; Mark 1:14; Luke 4:16 (Isa. 9:1; 35:5; 61:1). calls the apostles. Mat. 4:18; Mark 1:16; Luke 5:10; John 1:38. sermon on the mount. Mat. 5; 6; 7. conversation with Nicodemus, John 3. and with a woman of Samaria, John 4. heals the nobleman's son, John 4:46. restores several possessed with devils, Mark 1:21; Luke 4:31;— Mat. 8:28; Mark 5:1; Luke 8:27;— Mat. 9:32; 12:22; Luke 11:14 ;— Mat. 17:14; Mark 9:17: Luke 9:37. heals Peter's wife's mother. Mat. 8:14; Mark 1:30; Luke 4:38. cleanses the lepers. Mat. 8:1; Mark 1:39; Luke 5:12; 17:12. heals centurion's servant. Mat. 8:5; Luke 7. raises son of a widow at Nain, Luke 7:11. stills the tempest, Mat. 8:24; Mark 4:35; Luke 8:22; John 6:18. heals the paralytic. Mat. 9:1: Mark 2; Lu. 5:18. stops the issue of blood. Mat. 9:20; Mark 5:25: Luke 8:43. raises Jairus' daughter, Mat. 9:18; Mark 5:22: Luke 8:41. restores the withered arm. Mat. 12:10; Mark 3:1; Luke 6:6. cures a lame man, John 5:2. and an infirm woman, Luke 13:11. heals the Syrophenician's daughter. Mat. 15:21; Mark 7:24. restores the deaf and dumb. Mat. 9:32; Mark 9:17. and the blind. Mat. 9:27; 20:30; Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35; John 9. cures the dropsy, Luke 14:1. endues his twelve apostles with miraculous powers, and sends them out. Mat. 10 ; Mark 3:14: 6:7; Luke 6:13; 9:1. sends out seventy disciples, Luke 10. blesses them on their return, Luke 10:17. feeds four thousand and five thousand. Mat. 14:15; Mark 6:34; Luke 9:12; John 6;— Mat. 15:32; Mark 8:L refuses to be made king, John 6:15. walks on the sea, Mat. 14:22; Mark 6:45; John 6:19. rebukes his own kinsmen, John 7:3. his transfiguration. Mat. 17; Mark 9; Lu. 9:28; John 1:14; 2 Pet. 1:16. 83 JES BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JEW tlic people's opinion of him, Mat. 16:13; Mark 8:27: Luke 9:18; John 7:12. foretells his sufferings (see Psa. 22: 09; Isa. 49:7; 50:6; 52:14; 53; Dan. 9:26), Mat. 16:21; 17:22; 20:17; Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:32; Luke 9:22, 44; 18:31. reproves Simon the Pharisee, Luke 7:36. pays tribute. Mat. 17:24. reproves the apostles' ambition, Mat. 18; Mark 9:33; Luke 9:49; 22:24. goes into Juilea, Mat. 19; John 7:10. his message to Herod, Luke 13: 31. dismisses the adulterous woman, .lohn 8. rebukes Martha and commends Mary, Lu. 10:38. blesses little children. Mat. 19:13; Mark 10:13; Luke 18:15. calls Zaccheus, and is entertained by him, Luke 19. raises Lazarus, John 11. anointed by Mary, John 12:3; Mat. 26:6; Mark 14:3. rides into Jerusalem (Zech. 9:9), Mat. 21; Mark 11; Luke 19:29; John 12:12. curses the barren fig-tree, Mat. 21:19; Mark 11:12. drives the traffickers out of the temple (Psa. 69:9; Hag. 2:7; Mai. 3), Mat. 21:12; Mark 11:15; Luke 19:45; John 2:14. Greeks desire to see him, John 12:20. teaches in the temple, John 12:23; Luke 20; Mat. 22; Mark 12, etc. answered by a voice from heaven, John 12:28. the chief priests bribe Judas to betray him (Zech. 11:12; Psa. 41:9; 55:12), Mat. 27:14; Mark 14:10; Luke 22:3; John 13:18. orders the paasover to be prepared, Mat. 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7. washes the disciples' feet, John 13. institutes the Lord's supper. Mat. 26:20; Mark 14:18; Luke 22:14; 1 Cor. 11:23. warns Peter, Mat. 26:33; Mark 14:29; Lu. 22:31; John 13:36. comforts and exhorts his disciples, John 14:15. promises tlie Holy Spirit, John 16. his prayer for them, and all believers, John 17. his agony in the garden. Mat. 26:36; 14:32; Luke 22:39. betrayed by Judas, Mat. 26:47; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47; .John 18:3; Acts 1:16 (Psa, 109). heals Malchus' ear, Luke 22:51; John 18:10; Mat. 26:51; Mark 14:47. deserted by his disciples (Zech. 13:7), Mat. 26:31, 56; John 18:15. brought before Annas and Caiaphas, Mat. 26:57; Mark 14:53; Luke 22:54; John 18:13. denied by Peter, Mat. 26:69; Mark 14:66; Luke 22:54; John 18:17. brought before Pilate, scourged, and crowned with thorns. Mat. 27; Mark 15; Lu. 23; John 18:28; 19. sent to Herod, who reviles and scourges him, Luke 23:6. acquitted by Pilate, Mat. 27:23; Mark 15:14; Luke 23:13; John 18:38; 19. rejected by the Jews (Psa. 118:22), Mat. (21:42) 27; John 19:15, etc. delivered by Pilate to be crucified, Mat. 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:24; John 19. his crucifixion (Psa. 22; 69; Isa. 50:6; 52:14; 53; Dan. 9:26); Mat. 27:33; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:33; John 19:17. his garments divided by lot (Psa. 22:18); Mat. 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John 19:24. commends his mother to the care of John, John 19:25. 84 reviled by one thief, confessed by the other. Mat. 27:44; Mark 15:. 32; Luke 23:39. dies after tasting the vinegar (Psa. 69:21), Mat. 27:48: Mark 15:36; John 19:30. his bones not broken (Exod. 12:46; Psa. 34:20), John 19:33. his side pierced (Zech. 12:10), John 19:34; Rev. 1:7. occurrences at his death. Mat. 27 :51. confessed by the centurion. Mat. 27:64; Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47. buried by Joseph and Nicodemus, Mat. 27:57; Mark 15:42: Luke 23:50; Jolin 19:38. sepulchre sealed and Avatched, Mat. 27:66. his resurrection (Psa. 16:10; Isa. 26:19), Mat. 28: Mark 16; Luke 24: John 20; 1 Cor. 15. appears first to Mary Magdalene, Mat. 28:1; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:1; John 20:1. appears to his disciples at various times, Mat. 28:16; Mark 16:12; Luke 24:13, 36; John 20; 21; 1 Cor. 15. eats with them, Luke 24:42; John 21:12. his charge to Peter, John 21:15. and to all the disciples. Mat. 28:16; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:45; Acts 1:3. his ascension (Psa. 2:6; 68:18; 110:1), Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9. appears to Stephen, Acts 7:55; to Paul, Acts 9:4; 18:9; 22:6; 27:23; and to John, Rev. 1:13. his epistles to the seven churches. Rev. 2; 3. Lamb of God, .John 1:29; Acts 8:32; 1 Pet. 1:19. worshipped in heaven. Rev. 5:6; 7:9; 13:8; 14:1, etc. opens the seals, Rev. 6:1. overcomes the beast, Rev. 17:14. song of Moses and the Lamb, Rev. 15:3. the marriage of. Rev. 19:7; 21:9. See CHRIST, SUFFERINGS. JETHRO, father-in-law of Moses, Exod. 2:16-21; 3:1; 4:18. called Reuel or Raguel, Ex. 2:18; Num. 10:29. his counsel to Moses, Exod. 18. JEWELS of silver and gold, Exod. 3:22; 16:17; .35:22; Num. 31:50, 51. precious stones set in gold, Exod. 28:11; Song 5:14. for women, 2 Kings 9:30; Isa. 3:18, 20; Song 1:10; Ezek. 16:12. for men, Ezek. 23:42. illustrative, Prov. 20:15; Mai. 3:17. JEWS: descendants of Abraham, Psa. 105:6; John 8:33; Rom. 9:7. the people of God, Deut. 32:9; 2 Sam. 7:24; Isa. 51:16. separated to God, Exod. 33:16; Num. 23:9; Deut. 4:34. beloved for their fathers' sake, Deut. 4:37; 10:15, with Rom. 11:28. Christ descended from, John 4:22; Rom. 9:5. THE OB.IECTS OF God's love, Deut. 7:8; 23:5; .Ter. 31:3. God's choice, Deut. 7:6. God's protection, Psa. 106:16; Zech. 2:8. the covenant established with, Exod. 6:4; 24:6-8; 34:27. PROMISES RESPECTING, MADE TO Abraham, Gen. 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:18; 17:7, 8. Isaac, Gen. 26:2-5, 24. Jacob, Gen. 28:12-15; 35:9-12. themselves, Exod. 6:7,8; 19:6, 6; Deut. 26:18, 19. privileges of, Psa. 76:1, 2; Rom. 3:1, 2; 9:4, 5. PUNISHED FOR idolatry, Isa. 65:3-7. unbelief, Rom. 11:20. JEW BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JOH breaking covenant, Isa. 24:5; Jer. 11:10. transgressing the law, Isa. 1:4, 7: 24:5, 6. changing the oi'dinances, Isa. 24:5. killing the prophets, Mat. 23:37, 38. imprecating upon themselves the blood of Christ, Mat. 27:25. scattered among the nations, Deut. 28:64; Ezek. 6:8; 36:19. despised by the nations, Ezek. 36:3. their country trodden under foot by the Gen- tiles, Deut. 28:49-52; Luke 21:24. their houses left desolate, Mat. 23:38. deprived of civil and religious privileges, Hos. 3:4. DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST THOSE WHO CUrSCd, Gen. 27:29; Num. 24:9. contended with, Isa. 41:11; 49:2-5. oppressed, Isa. 49:26; 51:21-23. hated, Psa. 129:5: Ezek. 35:5, 6. aggravated the atHictions of, Zech. 1 : 14. slaughtered, Psa. 79:1-7: Ezek. 35:5, 6. God mindful of, Psa. 98:3; Isa. 49:15, 16. Christ was sent to. Mat. 15:24; 21:37; Acts 3:20, 22, 26. compassion of Christ for. Mat. 23:37; Lu. 19:41. the gospel preached to, first, Mat. 10:6; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8. blessedness of blessing. Gen. 27:29. blessedness of favoring, Gen. 12:3; Psa. 122:6. pray importunately for, Psa. 122:6; Isa. 62:1, 6, 7; Jer. 31:7; Rom. 10:1. saintsremember, Psa. 102:14; 137:5; Jer. 51:50. PROMISES RESPECTING, the pouviug out of the Spirit, Ezek. 39:29; Zech. 12:10. the removal of their blindness, Rom. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:14-16. their return and seeking to God, Hos. 3:5. their humiliation for the rejection of Christ, Zech. 12:10. pardon of sin, Isa. 44:22; Rom. 11:27. salvation, Isa. 59:20, with Rom. 11:26. sanctiflcation, Jer. 33:8; Ezek. 36:25; Zech. 13:1, 9. jov occasioned by conversion of, Isa. 44:23; 49:13; 52:8, 9; 66:10, blessing to Gentiles by conversion of, Isa. 2:1- 5; 60:5: 66:19; Rom. U:12, 15. reunion of, Jer. 3:18; Ezek. 37:16, 17, 20-22; Hos. 1:11; Mic. 2:12. restoration to their own land, Isa. 11:15, 16; 14:1-3; 27:12, 13; Jer. 16:14, 15: Ezek. 36:24; 37:21, 25; 39:25, 28; Luke 21:24. Gentiles assisting in their restoration, Isa. 49:22, 23; 60:10, 14; 61:4-6. subjection of Gentiles to, Isa. 60:11-14. future glory of, Isa. 60:19; 62:.3, 4; Zeph. 3:19, 20; Zech. 2:5. future prosperity of, Isa. 60:6, 7, 9, 17; 61:4-6; Hos. 14:5. 6. that Christ shall appear among, Isa. 59:20; Zech. 14:4. that Christ shall dwell among, Ezek. 43:7, 9; Zech. 2:11. that Christ shall reign over, Ezek. 34:23, 24; 37:24,25. conversion of, illustrated, Ezek. 37:1-14; Rom. 11:24. journeys of, from Egypt, Exod. 12:37: 13:20; 14:2; 15:23, 27; 16; 17; Num. 10:28; 33; Josh. 1, etc. JEWRY, Dan. 5:13: John 7:1. JEZEBEL, wife of Ahab, 1 Kings 16:31. kills the prophets, 1 Kings 18:4; 19:2, causes Naboth to be slain, 1 Kings 21. her violent death, 2 Kings 9:30. symbolical name. Rev. 2:20. JEZREEL, Naboth's vineyard there, 1 Kings 21. Avhere Joram is slain, and Jezebel eaten by dogs, 2 Kings 9:21, etc. See Hos. 1:4; 2:22. , valley of. Josh. 17:16. where Gideon defeats the Midianites. Judg. 6:33. battle of the Philistines near a fountain in, iSam. 29:1, 11; 2 Sam. 4:4. JOAB, captain of the host, 2 Sam. 8:16. contends with Abner, 2 Sam. 2:13. treacherously kills him, 2 Sam. 3:23. causes Uriah's death, 2 Sam. 11:14. subdues the Ammonites, 2 Sam. 12:26. intercedes for Absalom, 2 Sam. 14. kills him, 2 Sam. 18:14. reproves David's grief, 2 Sam. 19:5. treacherously kills Amasa, 2 Sam. 20:9. subdues Sheba, 2 Sam. 20:14. unwillingly numbers the people, 2 Sam. 24:3 (1 Chr. 21:3). supports Adonijah, 1 Kings 1:7. slain by Solomon's order, 1 Kings 2:5, 28. JOAH, 2 Kings 18:18; 2 Chr. 31:8. JOANNA, wife of Herod's steward, ministers to Christ, Luke 8:2, 3; 24:10. JOASH, father of Gideon, Judg. 6:25-31. (Jehoash), king of Israel, his evil reign, 2 Kings 13:10. See jehoash. , king of Judah, preserved by Jehosheba, 2 Kings 11; 2 Chr. 22:10. made king, 2 Kings 11:4; 2 Chr. 23. repairs the temple, 2 Kings 12; 2 Chr. 24. kills Zechariah, 2 Chr. 24:17-21. chastised by Syrians, and slain by his servants, 2 Kings 12:19; 2 Chr. 24:23. JOB, his -character. Job 1:1, 8; 2:3; Ezek. 14:14, 20. his great afflictions. Job 1:13; 2:7. his patient submission. Job 1:20; 2:10; Jas. 5:11. his complaint, Job 3. his answers to his friends. Job 6; 7; 9; 10; 12- 14; 16; 17; 19; 21; 23; 24; 26-30. declares his integrity, Job 31. his confession. Job 40:3; 42:1, his prosperity. Job 42:10. JOCHEBED, mother of Moses, Exod. 2:1; 6:20; Num. 26:59. JOEL declares God's judgments, Joel 1-3. proclaims a fast, Joel 1:14; 2. declares God's mercy to the penitent, Joel 2'12' 3 JOH AN AN warns Gedaliah, Jer. 40:8. rescues the Jews, Jer. 41:11. his pride and hypocrisy, Jer. 42; 43. takes Jeremiah to Egypt, Jer. 43:6. JOHN the Baptist, his coming foretold. Isa. 40:3; Mai. 4:5; Mat. 11:14; 17:12; Mark 9:11; Luke 1:17. his birth and circumcision, Luke 1:57. his office, preaching, and baptism, Mat. 3: Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1:6; 3:26; Acts 1:5; 13:24. baptizes Christ, Mat. 3:16, 17; Mark 1; Luke 3. sends his disciples to Christ, Mat. 11:1; Lu. 7 :18, Christ's testimony to. Mat. 11:1; Luke 7:27. imprisoned for reproving Herod, Mat. 4:12; Mark 1:14; Luke 3:20. beheaded. Mat. 14; Mark 6:14. his disciples receive the Holy Ghost, Acts 18:24; 19:1. JOHN, the apostle, called, Mat. 4:21; Mark 1:19; Luke 5:10. ordained. Mat. 10:2; Mark 3:17; 13:3; Luke 22:8; Acts 1:1.3. reproved. Mat. 20:20: Mark 10:35; Luke 9:54. Christ's love for, John 13:23; 19:26; 21:7,20, 24. 85 JOH BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JOY his care for the Lord's mother, John 19:27. accompanies Peter before the council, Acts 3; 4, etc. his vision of Christ's glory, Rev. 1:10. commanded to eat the book, Rev. 10:9. forbidden to worship the angel, Rev. 19:10; 22:8. declares the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ, John 1; 1 John 1; 4; 5. exhorts to obedience of His commandments, 1 John 2; 3. warns against false teachers, 1 John 4; 5. See 2 and 3 John. JOHN, Mark, Acts 12:12. accompanies Paul and Barnabas, Acts 12:25; 13:5. but returns home. Acts 13:13. contention concerning him. Acts 15:36. commended by Paul, 2 Tim. 4:11. JOKSHAN, Gen. 25:2, 3, 6; 1 Chr. 1:32. JOKTHEEL (subdued of God), 2 Kings 14:7. JONADAB, David's nephew, 2 Sam. 13:3-5, 32-35. (Jehonadab), son of Rechab, assists Jehu, 2 Kings 10:15. his descendants' obedience, Jer. 35:6. prophecy of his posterity, Jer. 35:16-19. JONAH, prophet, 2 Kings 14:25. disobedience and punishment, Jonah 1. his prayer, Jon. 2. preaches at Nineveh, Jon. 3. reproved for murmuring at God's mercy, Jon. 4. a type of Christ, Mat. 12:39; Luke 11:29. JONATHAN, a Levite, hired by Micah, Judg. 17:7. deserts and robs him, Judg. 18. , son of Saul, miraculously smites the Phi- listines, 1 Sam. 13:2; 14. disregards Saul's vow, 1 Sam. 14:2. 27. his love for David, 1 Sam. 18:1; 19; 20; 23:16. slain by the Philistines, 1 Sam. 31:2. David's lamentation for, 2 Sam. 1:17. , one of David's soldiers, his deeds, 2 Sam. 21:21; 1 Chr. 20:7. , son of Abiathar, 2 Sam. 15:27; 17:17-22; 1 Kings 1:42-48. JONATH-ELEM-RECHOKIM (the dove-silent- abroad), an enigmatical allusion by David to his exile in Oath; title of Psa. 56. See Psa. 38:13,14; 74:19. JOPPA, 2 Chr. 2:16; Jon. 1:3. Tabitha raised at. Acts 9:36. Peter dwells at. Acts 10:5; 11:5, JORDAN, waters of, divided for Joshua, Josh. 3; 4; Psa. 114:3. for Elijah and Elisha, 2 Kings 2:8, 13. Naaman's leprosy cured at, 2 Kings 5. Iron swims in, 2 Kings 6:4. John baptizes there. Mat. 3; Mark 1:5; Lu. 3:3. Christ baptized in. Mat. 3:13; Mark 1:9. See Job 40:23; Psa. 42:6; Jer. 12:5; 49:19; Zech. 11:3. , plain of: Lot dwelt in. Gen. 13:10-12. Israelites camped in, Num. 22:1. were numbered in, Num. 26:3, 63. addressed by Moses in, Deut. 1:1. vessels for temple cast in, 1 Kings 7:46; 2 Chr. 4:17. JOSEPH, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:24. See Psa. 105:17; Acts 7:9; Heb. 11:22. his dreams, Gen. 37:5. sold to the Ishmaelites, Gen. 37 :28. subject to Potiphar, (ien. 39. resists temptation, Gen. 39:7. interprets the dreams of Pharaoh's servants, Gen. 40. 86 and of Pharaoh, Gen. 41:25. advanced. Gen. 41 :39. prepares for the famine, Gen. 41:48. deals with his brethren. Gen. 42-45. and the Egyptians, Gen. 47:11. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 46:30; 48; 49:22. buries Jacob, Gen. 50. charge concerning his bones. Gen. 50:25. his descendants. See ephraim, and manasseh. JOSEPH, husband of Mary, an angel appears to him, Mat. 1:19; 2:13, 19; Luke 1:27. Christ subject to, Luke 2:4. , of Arimathea, buries Jesus in his own sepulchre, Mat. 27:57; Mark 15:42; Lu. 23:50; John 19:38. (Barsabas), Acts 1:23: 15:22. J OSES, Mat. 13:55; Mark 27:56. JOSHUA (Jehoshua, Oshea, Jesus), discomfits Amalek, Exod. 17:9. attends Moses, Exod. 24:13; 32:17; 33:11. sent to spy out Canaan, Num. 13:16. resists the murmurers. Num. 14:6. appointed Moses' successor. Num. 27:18; 34:17; Deut. 1:38; 3:28; 34:9. encouraged by the Lord, Josh. 1. his charge to the ofllcers, Josh. 1:10. passes Jordan, Josh. 3. erects a memorial. Josh. 4. renews circumcision. Josh. 5. takes Jericho, Josh. 6. punishes Achan, Josh. 7. subdues Ai, Josh. 8. deceived by the Gibeonites, Josh. 9. conquers several kings, Josh. 10-12. divides the land, Josh. 14-21; Heb. 4:8. charges the Reubenites, etc.. Josh. 22. exhorts the people. Josh. 23. rehearses God's benefits. Josh. 24. renews the covenant, Josh. 24:14. his death, Josh. 24:29; Judg. 2:8. his curse fulfilled, Josh. 6:26; 1 Kings 16:34. See JESHUA. , the Bethshemite, l Sam. 6:14, 18. JOSIAH, prophecy concerning, 1 Kings 13:2; fulfilled, 2 Kings 23:15. his good reign, 2 Kings 22. repairs the femple, 2 Kings 22:3. book of the law found, 2 Kings 22:8. Huldah's prophecy to, 2 Kings 22:15. causes the law to be read and observed, 2 Kings 23. his solemn passover, 2 Chr. 35. slain by Pharaoh-necho, 2 Kings 23:29. See 2 Chr. 34; 35. JOT, the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet, Mat. 5:18. JOTHAM, son of Gideon. .Tudg. 9:7. , king of Judah, his good reign, 2 Kings 15:32; 2 Chr. 27. JOY: God gives, Eccl. 2:26; Psa. 4:7. Christ appointed to give, Isa. 61:3. is a fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22. the gospel, good tidings of, Luke 2:10. God's word affords, Neh. 8:12; Jer. 15:16. the gospel to be received with, 1 Thes. 1:6. promised to saints, Psa. 132:16; Isa. 35:10; 55:12; 56:7. prepared for saints, Psa. 97:11. enjoined to saints, Psa. 32:11; Phil. 3:1. fulness of, in (Jod's presence. Psa. 16:11. vanity of seeking, from earthly things, Eccl. 2:10, 11; 11:8. EXPERIENCED BY believets, Luke 24:52; Acts 16:34. JOY BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JUD peacemakers, Pro v. 12:20. the just, Prov. 21:15. the wise and discreet, Prov. 15:23. parents of good children, Prov. 23:24. increasetl to the meek, Isa. 29:19. OF SAINTS IS in God, Psa. 89:16; 149:2; Hab. 3:18; Rom. 5:11. in Christ, Luke 1:47; Phil. 3:3. in the Holy Ghost, Rom. 14:17. for election, Luke 10:20. for salvation, Psa. 21:1; Isa. 61:10. for deliverance from bondage, Psa. 105:43; .ler. 31:10-13. for manifestation of goodness, 2 Chr. 7:10. for temporal blessings, Joel 2:23, 24. for supplies of grace, Isa. 12:3. for divine protection, Psa. 5:11; 16:8, 9. for divine support, Psa. 28:7; 63:7. for the victory of Christ, John, 16:33. for the hope of glory, Rom. 5:2. for the success of the gospel. Acts 15:3. OF SAINTS, SHOULD BE great, Zech. 9:9; Acts 8:8. abundant, 2 Cor. 8:2. exceeding, Psa. 21:6; 68:3. animated, Psa. 32:11; Luke 6:23. unspeakable, 1 Pet. 1:8. full of glory, 1 Pet. 1:8. constant, 2 Cor. 6:10; Phil. 4:4. for evermore, 1 Thes. 5:16. with awe, Psa. 2:11. In hope, Rom. 12:12. in sorrow, 2 Cor. 6:10. under trials, Jas. 1:2; 1 Pet. 1:6. under persecutions, Mat. 5:11, 12; Luke 6:22, 23; Heb. 10:34. under calamities, Heb. 3:17, 18. sung in hymns, Eph. 5:19; Jas. 5:13. afflictions of saints succeeded by, Psa. 30:5; 126:5: Isa. 35:10; John 16:20. pray for return of, Psa. 51:8, 12; 85:6. promote, in the afflicted. Job 29:13. OF SAINTS, MADE PULL BY the favor of God, Acts 2:28. faith in Christ, Rom. 15:13. abiding in Christ, John 15:10, 11. the word of Christ, John 17:13. answers to prayer, John 16:24. communion of saints, 2 Tim, 1:4; 1 John 1:3, 4; 2 John 12. saints should atford, to their ministers, Phil. 2:2; Phile. 20. MINISTERS SHOULD cstcem their people as their, Phil. 4:1; 1 Thes. 2:20. promote, in their people, 2 Cor. 1:24; Phil. 1:25. pray for, for their people, Rom. 15:13. have, in the faith and holiness of their people, 2 Cor. 7:4; 1 Thes. 3:9; 3 John 4. come to their people with, Rom. 15:32. finish their course with. Acts 20:24. desire to render an account with, Pliil. 2:16; Heb. 13:17. serve God with, Psa. 100:2. liberality in God's service should cause, 1 Chr. 29:9, 17. is strengthening to saints, Neh. 8:10. saints should engage in all religious services with, Ezra 6:22; Psa. 42:4. saints should have, in all their undertakings. Dent. 12:18. saints should be presented to God with exceed- ing, 1 Pet. 4:13, with Jude 24. the coming of Christ will atford to saints ex- ceeding, 1 Pet. 4:13. shall be the final reward of saints at the judg- ment-day. Mat. 25:21. OF THE WICKED is derived from earthly pleas- ures, Eccl. 2:10; 11:9. is derived from folly, Prov. 15:21. is delusive, Prov. 14:13. is short-lived. Job 20:5; Eccl. 7:6. should be turned to mourning, Jas. 4:9. shall be taken awav, Isa. 16:10. holy, illustrated, Isa. 9:3; Mat. 13:44. holy, exemplified: Hannah, 1 Sam. 2:1. David, 1 Chr. 29:9. Wise men. Mat. 2:10. The Vir- gin Mary, Luke 1:47. Zaccheus, Luke 19:6. Converts, Acts 2:46; 13:52. Peter, etc., Acts 5:41. Samaritans, Acts 8:8. Jailer, Acts 16:34. JOY in heaven over repentant sinners, Luke 15:7, 10. of Christ in his disciples, John 3:29; 17:13; Heb. 12:2. of Paul in the faith and obedience of the churches, 2 Cor. 1:24; 2:3; 7:13; Phil. 1:4; 2:2; 4:1; 1 Thes. 2:19; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:4; Phile. 7. also of John, 3 John 4. of God over his people: greatness of, described, Zeph. 3:17. ON ACCOUNT OF THEIR repcntauce, Lu. 15:7, 10. faith, Heb. 11:5, 6. fear of him, Psa. 147:11. praying to him, Prov. 15:8. hope in his mercy, Psa. 147:11. meekness, Psa. 149:4. uprightness, 1 Chr. 29:17; Prov. 11:20. LEADS HIM TO prospcr them. Dent. 30:9. do them good, Deut. 28:6; Jer. 32:41. deliver them, 2 Sam. 22:20. comfort them, Isa. 65:19. give them the inheritance. Num. 14:8. illustrated, Isa. 62:5; Luke 15:23, 24. exemplified: Solomon, 1 Kings 10:9. JOZACHAR, 2 Kings 12:20, 21; called Zabad, 2 Chr. 24:26. JURAL, inventor of harp and organ. Gen. 4:21. JUDAH, son of Jacob, Gen. 29:35. his supplication to Jacob, Gen. 43:3. his supplication to Joseph, Gen. 44:18; — i6:28. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:8. blessed by Moses, Deut. 33:7. his descendants, Gen. 38; 46:12; Judg. 1:1-20; 1 Chr. 2-4. numbered. Num. 1:26; 26:19. their inheritance. Josh. 15. they make David king, 2 Sam. 2:4. and adhere to his house, 1 Kings 12; 2 Chr. 10; 11. See JEWS. JUDAS (Jude, Lebbeus, Thaddeus), apostle. Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; 6:3; Luke 6:16; Acts 1:13. his question to our Lord, John 14:22. exhorts to constancy in the faith, Jude 3, 20. describes and warns against false disciples, Jude 4, etc. ISCARIOT, Mat. 10:4; Mark3:19; Lu. 6:16; .lohn 6:70. betrays his Master, Mat. 26:14, 47; Mark 14:10, 43; Luke 22:3, 47; John 13:26; 18:2. remorse and death. Mat. 27:3; Acts 1:18. foretold, Psa. 109. , surnamed Rarsabas, sent by the apostles to Antioch with Paul; his exhortation. Acts 15:22-32. , of Damascus, a Jew with whom Paul lodged. Acts 9:11. , the Galilean, his insurrection and death. Acts 5:37. See Luke 13:1. 87 JUD BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JUD JUDE A, hill country of, south of Jerusalem, Josh. 20:7; 21:11; Deut. 1:20; Luke 1:39, 65. wilderness of, west of the Dead Sea, Mat. 3:1; 4:1; Luke 3:3; Josh. 15:61. . , one of the divisions of the Holy Land under the Romans, Luke 3:1. comprised the whole of the ancient kingdom of Judah, 1 Kings 12:21-24. towns of: Arimathea, Mat. 27:57; John 19:38; Azotus or Ashdod, Acts 8:40; Bethany, John 11:1, 18; Bethlehem, Mat. 2:1, 6, 16; Beth- phage, Mat. 21:1; Emmaus, Luke 24:13; Ephraim, John 11:54; Gaza, Acts 8:26; Jeri- cho, Luke 10:30; 19:1; Joppa, Acts 9:36; 10:5, 8; Lydda, Acts 9:32, 35, 38. John the Baptist preached in. Mat. 3:1. our Lord born in. Mat. 2:1, 5, 6. tempted in the wilderness of. Mat. 4:1. frequently visited, John 11:7. often left to escape persecution, John 4:1-3. several Christian churches in, Acts 9:31; l Thes. 2:14. JUDGE of all, God, Gen. 18:2ff; Judg. 11:27; Psa. 9:7; 50; 58:11; 68:5; 75:7; 94:2; Eccl. 3:17; 11:9; 12:14; Heb. 12:23; Rev. 11:18; 18:8; 19:11. Christ the Judge. See judgment. JUDGES to be appointed, Deut. 16:18; Ezra 7:25. their duty, Exod. 18:21; 23:3; Lev. 19:15; Deut. 1:16; 17:8: 2 Chr. 19:6; Psa. 82; Prov. 18:5; 24:23; 31:8. Jehoshaphat's charge to, 2 Chr. 19:6. unjust ones, 1 Sam. 8:3; Isa. 1:23; Mic. 7:3; Luke 18:2; hateful to God, Prov. 17:15; 24:24; Isa. 5:20; 10 :L EXTRAORDINARY, raised up to deliver Israel, Judg. 2:16. during 450 years. Acts 13:20. upheld by God, Judg. 2:18. remarkable for faith, Heb. 11:32. instances, Judg. 3-16; 1 Sam. 3:19. end of their labors, Judg. 2:17-19. names of: Othniel, Judg. 3:9, 10. Ehud, Judg. 3:15. Shanigar, Judg. 3:31. Deborah, Judg. 4:4. Gideon, .ludg. 6:11. Abimelech, Judg. 9:6. Tola, Judg. 10:1. Jair, Judg. 10:2. Jephthah, Judg. 11:1. Ibzan, Judg. 12:8. Elon, Judg. 12:11. Abdon, Judg. 12:13. Samson, Judg. 12:24, 25; 16:31. Eli, 1 Sam. 4:18. Samuel, 1 Sara. 7:6, 15-17. JUDGMENT, rash, forbidden. Mat. 7:1; Luke 6:37 ; 12:57 ; John 7:24 ; 8:7; Rom. 2:1 ; 14 ; Jas. 4:11. JUDGMENT, the last: predicted in the Old Testament, 1 Clir. 16:33; Psa. i/:7; 96:13; Eccl. 3:17. a first principle of the gospel, Heb. 6:2. a day appointed. Acts 17:31; Rom. 2:16. time of, unknown to us, Mark 13:32. CALLED the day of wrath, Rom. 2:5; Rev. 6:17. revelation of the righteous judgment of (Jod, Rom. 2:5. day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men, 2 Pet. 3:7. day of destruction. Job 21:. 30. judgment of the great day, Jude 6. 88 shall be administered by Christ, John 5:22, 27; Acts 10:42; Rom. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:10. saints shall sit with Christ in, l Cor. 6:2; Rev. 20:4. shall take place at the coming of Christ, Mat. 25:31; 2 Tim. 4:1. of heathens, by the law of conscience, Rom. 2:12, 14, 15. of Jews, by the law of Moses, Rom. 2:12. of Christians, by the gospel, Jas. 2:12. SHALL BE HELD UPON all uatious. Mat. 25:32. all men, Heb. 9:27; 12:23. small and great. Rev. 20:12. the righteous and wicked, Eccl. 3:17. quick and dead, 2 Tim. 4:1; 1 Pet. 4:5. shall be in righteousness, Psa. 98:9; Acts 17:3L the books shall be opened at, Dan. 7:10. SHALL BE OF ALL actious, Eccl. 11:9; 12:14; Rev. 20:13. words. Mat. 12:36, 37; Jude 15. thoughts, Eccl. 12:14; 1 Cor. 4:5. none, by nature, can stand in, Psa. 130:3; 143:2; Rom. 3:19. saints shall through Christ, be enabled to stand in, Rom. 8:33, 34. Christ will acknowledge saints at. Mat. 25:34- 40; Rev. 3:5. perfect love will give boldness in, 1 John 4:17. saints shall be rewarded at, 2 Tim. 4:8; Rev. 11:18. the wicked shall be condemned in. Mat. 7:22, 23; 25:41. final punishment of the wicked will succeed, Mat. 13:40-42; 25:46. the word of Christ shall be a witness against the wicked in, John 12:48. its decisions final. Rev. 22:11. THE certainty OF, A MOTIVE TO rcpentauce, Acts 17:30, 3L faith, Isa. 28:16, 17. holiness, 2 Cor. 5:9, 10; 2 Pet. 3:11, 14. prayer and watchfulness, Mark 13:33. warn the wicked of. Acts 24:25; 2 Cor. 5:11. the wicked dread. Acts 24:25; Heb. 10:27. neglected advantages increase condemnation at. Mat. 11:20-24; Luke 11:31, 32. devils shall be condemned at, 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6. JUDGMENT-HALL, John 18:28; 19:9; Acts 23:3.j; called praetorium, Mark 15:16; and common hall. Mat. 27:27. JUDGMENT-SEAT, Mat. 27:19; Acts 18:12; 25:10. of Christ, Rom. 14:10. JUDGMENTS: are from God, Deut. 32:39; Job 12:23; Amos 3:6; Mic. 6:9. DIFFERENT KINDS OF: blotting out the name, Deut. 29:20. abandonment by God, Hos. 4:17. cursing men's blessings, Mai. 2:2. pestilence, Deut. 28:21, 22; Amos 4:10. enemies, 2 Sam. 24:13. famine, Deut. 28:38-40; Amos 4:7-9. famine of hearing the word, Amos 8:11. tile .sword, Exod. 22:24; Jer. 19:7. cai)tivity, Deut. 2S:41; f^zek. 39:23. continued sorrows, Psa. 32:10; 78:32,33; Ezek. 24:2:}. desolation, Ezek. 33:29; Joel 3:19. destruction, Jub 31:3; Psa. 34:16; Prov. 2:22; Isa. 11:4. INFLICTED UPON nations. Gen. 15:14; Jer. 51 :20, 21. individuals, Deut. 29:20; Jer. 23:34. false gods, Exod. 12:12; Num. 33:4. JUI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JUS posterity of sinners, ExocL 20:5; Psa. 37:28; Lam. 5:7. all enemies of saints, Jer. 30:16. sent for correction, Job 37:13; Jer. 30:11. sent for the deliverance of saints, Exod. 6:6. SENT AS PUNISHMENT FOR disobedience to God, Lev. 26:14-16; 2 Chr. 7:19, 20. despising the warnings of God, 2 Chr. 36:16; Prov. 1:24-31: Jer. 44:4-6. murmuring against God, Num. 14:29. idolatry, 2 Kings 22:17; Jer. 16:18. iniquity, Isa. 26:21; Ezek. 24:13, 14. persecuting saints. Dent. 32:43. sins of rulers, 1 Chr. 21:2, 12. manifest the righteous character of God, Exod. 9:14-16; Ezek. 39:21; Dan. 9:14. are in all the earth, l Chr. 16:14. are frequently tempered with mercy, Jer. 4:27; 5:10, 15-18; Amos 9:8. SHOULD LEAD TO humiliation, Josh. 7:6; 2 Chr. 12:6; Lam. 3:1-20; Joel 1:13; Jon. 3:5, 6. prayer. 2 Chr. 20:9. contrition, Neh. 1:4; Esth. 4:3; Isa. 22:12. learning righteousness, Isa. 26:9. a warning to others, Luke 13:35. MAY BE AVERTED BY humiliation, Exod. 33:3, 4, 14; 2 Chr. 7:14. prayer, Judg. 3:9-11; 2 Chr. 7:13, 14. forsaking iniquity, Jer. 18:7, 8. turning to God, Dent. 30:1-3. SAINTS preserved during. Job 5:19, 20; Psa. 91:7; Isa. 26:20; Ezek. 9:6; Rev. 7:3. provided for, during, Gen. 47:12; Psa. 33:19; 37:19. pray for those under, Exod. 32:11-13; Num. 11:2; Dan. 9:3. sympathize with those under, Jer. 9:1; 13:17; Lam. 3:48. acknowledge the justice of, 2 Sam. 24:17 ; Ezra 9:13; Neh. 9:33; Jer. 14:7. upon nations, exemplified: The old world, Gen. 6:7, 17. Sodom, etc.. Gen. 19:24. Egvpt, Ex. 9:14. Israel, Num. 14:29, 35; 21:6. People of Ashdod, 1 Sam. 5:6. People of Bethshemesh, 1 Sam. 6:19. Amalekites, 1 Sam. 15:3. upon individuals, exemplified: Cain, Gen. 4:11, 12. Canaan, Gen. 9:25. Korah, etc., Num. 16:33-35. Achan, Josh. 7:25. Hophni, etc., 1 Sam. 2:34. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:23. Uzzah, 2 Sam. 6:7. Jeroboam, 1 Kings 13:4. Ahab, 1 Kings 22:38. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5:27. Jezebel, 2 Kings 9:35. Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4:31. Belshazzar, Dan. 6:30. Zacliarias, Lu. 1:20. Ananias, etc. , Acts 5 : 1-10. Herod, Acts 12 : 23. Elymas, Acts 13:11. preservation during, exemplified: Noah, Gen. 7:1, 1€. Lot, Gen. 19:15-17. Joseph, etc.. Gen. 45:7. Elijah, 1 Kings 17:9. Elisha, etc., 2 Kings 4:38-41. Shunammite, 2 Kin. 8:1, 2. JULIUS, a centurion with Paul, Acts 27; 28:16. JULIA, Rom. 16:15. JUNIA, kinsman of Paul, Rom. 16:7. JUNIPER, a shrub affording shelter to Ehjah, 1 Kings 19:4, 5. used for fuel, Psa. 120:4. roots in famine used for food. Job 30:4. JUPITER, Barnabas so called. Acts 14:12;— 19:35. JUSTICE: commanded. Dent. 16:20; Isa. 56:1. Christ, an example of, Psa. 98:9; Isa. 11:4; Jer. 23:5. specially required in rulers, Deut. 1:16; 2 Sam. 23:3; Prov. 29:14; Ezek. 45:9. TO BE DONE in exccutiug judgment, Deut. 16:18; Jer. 21:12. in buying and selling, Lev. 19:36; Deut. 25:15. to the poor, Prov. 29:14; 31:9. to the fatherless and widows, Isa. 1:17. to servants. Col. 4:1. gifts impede, Exod. 23:8. God requires, Mic. 6:8. sets the highest value on, Prov. 21:3. delights in, Prov. 11:1. gives wisdom to execute, 1 Kings 3:11, 12; Prov. 2:6, 9. displeased with the want of, Eccl. 5:8. brings its own reward, Jer. 22:15. SAINTS SHOULD studv the principles of, Phil. 4:8. receive insti-uction in, Prov. 1:3. pray for wisdom to execute, 1 Kings 3:9. always do, Psa. 119:121; Ezek. 18:8,9. take pleasure in doing, Prov. 21:15. teach others to do, Gen. 18:19. promises to, Isa. 33:15, 16; Jer. 7:5, 7. THE WICKED scom, Pl'OV. 19:28. abhor, Mic. 3:9. call not for, Isa. 59:4. banish, Isa. 59:14. pass over, Luke 11:42. afflict those who act with. Job 12:4; Amos 5:12. exemplified : Moses, Num. 16 : 15. Samuel,. 1 Sam. 12:4. David, 2 Sam. 8:15. Solomon, 1 Kings 3:16-27. Josiah, Jer. 22:15. Joseph, Luke 23 : 50, 51. Apostles, 1 Thes. 2 : 10. JUSTICE of God: is a part of his character, Deut. 32:4; Isa. 45:21. DECLARED TO BE plentCOUS, JOb 37:23. incomparable. Job 4:17. incorruptible, Deut. 10:17; 2 Chr. 19:7. impartial, 2 Chr. 19:7; Jer. 32:19. unfailing, Zeph. 3:5. undeviating. Job 8:3; 34:12. without respect of persons, Rom. 2:11; Col. 3:25; 1 Pet. 1:17. the habitation of his throne, Psa. 89:14. not to be sinned against, Jer. 50:7. denied by the ungodly, Ezek. 33:17, 20. EXHIBITED IN forgiving sins, 1 John 1:9. redemption, Rom. 3:26. his government, Psa. 9:4; Jer. 9:24. his judgments. Gen. 18:25; Rev. 19:2. all his ways, Ezek. 18:25, 29. the final judgment. Acts 17:31. acknowledge, Psa. 51:4, with Rom. 3:4. magnify, Psa. 9S:9; 99:3, 4. JUSTIFICATION before God: promised in Christ, Isa. 45:i.'5; 53:11. is the act of God, Isa. 50:8; Rom. 8:33. under the law, requires perfect obedience. Lev. 18:5, with Rom. 2:13; 10:5; Jas. 2:10. under the law, man cannot attain to, Job 9:2, 3, 20; 25:4; Psa. 130:3; 143:2, with Rom. 3:20; 9:31, 32. UNDER THE GOSPEL, is not of works, Acts 13:39; Rom. 8:3; Gal. 2:16; 3:11. is not of faith and works united. Acts 15:1-29; Rom. 3:28; 11:6; Gal. 2:14-21; 5:4. is by faith alone, John 5:24; Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:20; 5:1; Gal. 2:16. isof grace, Rom. 3:24; 4:16; 6:17-21. in the name of Christ, 1 Cor. 6:11. by imputation of Christ's righteousness, Isa. 61:10; Jer. 23:6; Rom. 3:22; 5:18; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:2L by the blood of Christ, Rom. 5:9. by the resurrection of Christ, Rom. 4:25; 1 Cor. 15:17. blessedness of, Psa. 32:1, 2, with Rom. 4:6-8. frees from condemnation, Isa. 50:8, 9; 54:17> with Rom. 8:33, 34. 89 JUS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. KIN entitles to an inheritance, Tit. 3:7. insures glorification, Rom. 8:30. the wicked shall not attain to, Exod. 23:7. BY FAITH, revealed under the old dispensation, Hab. 2:4, with Rom. 1:17. excludes boasting, Rom. 3:27; 4:2; 1 Cor. 1:29, 31. does not make void the law, Rom. 3:30, 31; 1 Cor. 9:21. tjrpifled, Zech. 3:4, 5. illustrated, Luke 18:14. exemplified : Abram, Gen. 15:6. Paul, Phil. 3:8, 9. See FAITH. JUSTUS, Acts 18:7; Barsabas, Acts 1:23; Jesus, Col. 4:11. K. KADESH-BARNEA, Israel murmurs there,Num. 13; 14; Deut. 1:19; Josh. 14:6. KADMONITES, Gen. 15:19. KANAH, Josh. 16:8; 17:9. KEDAR, Gen. 25:13. See Psa. 120:5; Song 1:5; Jer. 2:10; Ezek. 27:21. prophecies concerning, Isa. 21:16; 42:11; 60:7; Jer. 49 '28. KEDEMOTH, Josh. 13:18; 21:37; 1 Chr. 6:79. wilderness of, Deut. 2:26. KEDESH, a city of refuge. Josh. 20:7; 21:32. where Barak lived, Judg. 4:6, 9. and Heber the Kenite, Judg. 4:11. taken by Tiglath, 2 Kings 15:29. , a city of Judah, Josh. 15:23. KEDRON (Cedron), brook near Jerusalem, pass- ed by David in afflictions, 2 Sam. 15:23. and by Christ, John 18:1. idols destroved at, 1 Kings 15:13; 2 Kings 23:6; 2 Chr. 29:16; Jer. 31:40. KEILAH, Josh. 15:44. delivered by David, 1 Sam. 23:1. ingratitude of, 1 Sam. 23:12. KENITES, Gen. 15:19. Moses intermarried with, Exod. 2:21, with Judg. 1:16. showed kindness to Israel in the wilderness, Exod. IH: 1 Sam. 15:6. the Rechabites descended from, 1 Clir. 2:55. Balaam's prophecy concerning, Num. 24:20; See 1 Sam. 15:6; 27:10. KENIZZITES, Gen. 15:19. KERCHIEFS, idolatrous, Ezek. 13:18. KEREN-HAPPUCII, Job 42: 14. KERIOTII, Jer. 48:24, 41; Amos 2:2. KETURAH, Abraham's descendants by. Gen. 25; 1 Chr. 1:32. KEY of David, Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3:7. KEYS of heaven, Mat. 16:19. of hell, Rev. 1:18; 9:1. KIBROTH-HATTAAVAH, quails sent to the Is- raelites at, Num. 11:31-35; 33:16, 17; Deut. 9 : 22. KID, law as to, Exod. 23:19; Deut. 14:21. used in offerings, etc., Lev. 4:23; 16:5; 23:19, etc. KIDNEYS, in offerings for sacrifices, burnt, Exod. 29:13; Lev. 3:4, etc. of wheat, Deut. 32:14. KINDNESS, exhortations to, Ruth 2; 3; Prov. 19:22; 31:26; Rom. 12:10; 1 Cor. 13:4; 2 Cor. 6:6; Eph. 4:32; CoL 3:12; 2 Pet. 1:1. See CHARITY, etc. KINE, Pharaoh's dream of. Gen. 41:2. two miraculously guided, 1 Sam. 6:7. KINGS: desired by Israelites, 1 Sam. 8. 90 their manner described, 1 Sam. 8:10. sin of Israel in asking, 1 Sam. 12:17. first given in anger, Hos. 13:11. several chosen by God, 1 Sam. 9:15; 16:1; 1 Chr. 28:4; 1 Kings 11:31: 19:15, 16; Dan. 2:2L their anointing, 1 Sam. 10:1 ; 16:13; 1 Kings 1:38; 2 Kings 9:6; 11:4. removed by God, 1 Kings 11:11; Dan. 2:21. forbidden to multiply horses, wives, or treasure, Deut. 17:16, 17. required to write and keep by them a copy of the divine law, Deut. 17:18-20. dwelt in royal palaces, 2 Chr. 9:11; Psa. 45:l."i. arrayed in royal apparel, 1 Kings 22:30; Mat. 6:29. approached with greatest reverence, 1 Sam. 24:8; 2 Sam. 9:8; 14:22; 1 Kings 1:23. right hand of, place of honor, l Kings 2:19; Psa. 45:9; 110:1. attendants stood in their presence, 1 Kin. 10:8; 2 Kings 25:19. Christ is the Prince of. Rev. 1:5. Christ is the King of. Rev. 17:14. rule by direction of Christ, Prov. 8:15. supreme judges of nations, 1 Sam. 8:5. resistance to, is resistance to the ordinance of God, Rom. 13:2. able to enforce their commands, Eccl. 8:4. numerous subjects, the honor of, Prov. 14:28. not saved by their armies, Psa. 33:16. dependent on the earth, Eccl. 5:9. SHOULD fear God, Deut. 17:19. serve Christ, Psa. 2:10-12. keep the law of God, l Kings 2:3, study the Scriptures, Deut. 17:19. promote the interests of the church, Ezra 1:2-4; 6:1-12. nourish the church, Isa. 49:23. rule in the fear of (iod. 2 Sam. 23:3. mamtain the cause of the poor and oppressed, Prov. 31:8, 9. investigate all matters, Prov. 25:2. not pervert judgment, Prov. 31:5. prolong their rule by hating covetousness, Prov. 28:16. throne of, established by righteousness and jus- tice, Prov. 1G:12; 29:14. SPECIALLY WARNED AGAINST impurity, Pl'OV. 31:3. lying, Prov. 17:7. hearkening to lies, Prov. 29:12. intemperance, Prov. 31:4, 5. the gospel to be preached to, Acts 9:15; 26:27, 28. foolish, are oppressors, Prov. 28:16. often reproved by God, 1 Chr. 16:21. must not oppose Christ, Psa. 2:2-12. WHEN GOOD, regard God as their strength, Psa. 99:4. speak righteously, Prov. 16:10. love righteous hps, Prov. 16:13. abiior wickedness, Prov. 16:12. discountenance evil, Prov. 20:8. punish the wicked, Prov. 20:26. favor the wise, Prov. 14:35. honor the diligent, Prov. 22:29. befriend the good, Prov. 22:11. are pacified by submission, Prov. 16:14; 25:15. evil counsellois should be removed from, 2 Chr. 22:3, 4, with I'rov. 25:5. curse not, even in thought, Exod. 22:28; Eccl. 10:20. speak no evil of. Job 34:18; 2 Pet. 2:10. l)ay tribute to, Mat. 22:21; Rom. 13:6, 7. KIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LAM be not presumptuous before, Prov. 25:6. SHOULD BE honored, Rom. 13:7; 1 Pet. 2:17. feared, Prov. 24:21. reverenced, l Sam. 24:8; 1 Kings 1:23, 31. obeyed, Rom. 13:l, 5; 1 Pet. 2: 13. prayed for, 1 Tim. 2:1, 2. folly of resisting, Prov. 19:12; 20:2. punishment for resisting the lawful authority of, Rom. 13:2. guilt and danger of stretching out the hand against, 1 Sara. 26:9: 2 Sam. 1:14. they that walk after the flesh despise, 2 Pet. 2:10; Jude 8. good, exemplified: David, 2 Sam. 18:15. Asa, 1 Kings 15:11. Jehoshaphat, 1 Kings 22:43. Amaziah, etc., 2 Kings 15:3. Uzziah, etc., 2 Kings 15:34. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:3. Jo- siah, 2 Kin. 22:2. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:12-16. KING OF KINGS, 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14. See Psa. 2:6: 10:16; 24:7; 110, etc.; Isa. 32:1; Zech. 9:9; Luke 23:2; 1 Tim. 1:17; Rev. 1:5; 15:3. KINGDOM of God, 1 Chr. 29:11; Psa. 22:28; 45:6; 145:11; Isa. 24:23; Dan. 2:44. of Christ. See christ the king. of heaven, Mat. 3:2; 8:11; 11:11; 13:11. parables concerning. Mat. 13:24. who shall enter. Mat. 5:3; 7:21; Luke 9:62; John 3:3; Acts 14:22; Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 6:9; 15:50; 2Thes. 1:5. KING'S DALE, Gen. 14:17: 2 Sam. 18:18. KINSMAN, right of, Ruth 3:14. performed, Ruth 4. KIR, 2 Kings 16:9; Isa. 15:1; 22:6; Amos 1:5; 9:7. KIR-HARESETH, 2 Kings 3:25; Isa. 16:7, 11. KIRIATHAIM, Gen. 14:5; Jer. 48:1, 23. KIRJATH AREA. Gen. 23:2. See hebkon. KIRJATH-HUZOTH, Num. 22:39. KIRJATH-JEARIM, Josh. 9:17; 18:14; 1 Chr. 13:6. men of, fetch the ark, 1 Sam. 7:1; 1 Chr. 13:5; 2 Chr. 1:4. KIRJATH-SANNAH, or Debir, Josh. 15:49; 21:15. KISH, Saul's father, 1 Sara. 9:1. KISHON, .Judg. 4:7, 13; 5:21; 1 Kings 18:40; pen 83 '9 KISS,' of charity, l Pet. 5:14; Rora. 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 Thes. 5:26. given as a mark of afl'ection. Gen. 27:27; 29:11; 45:15; 48:10; 1 Sam. 10:1; 20:41; Luke 7:38; 15:20; Acts 20:37. given treacherously, 2 Sam. 20:9; Mat. 26:48; Luke 22:48. idolatrous, 1 Kings 19:18; Job 31:27; Hos. 13:2. KITE, unclean, Lev. 11:14; Deut. 14. translated vulture, Job. 28:7. KNEADING-TROUGH, Exod. 8:3; 12:34. translated store, Deut. 28:5, 17. KNEELING used in prayer, 2 Chr. 6:13: Ezra 9:5; Psa. 95:6; Dan. 6:10; Acts 7:60; 9:40; 21:5; Eph. 3:14. KNIFE, Gen. 22:6; 1 Kings 18:28; Ezra 1:9. of flint, Josh. 5:2 (marg.). penknife (the knife of a writer), Jer. 36:23. KNOWLEDGE of God, etc., given by Him, Exod. 8:10; 31:3; 2 Chr. 1:12: Psa. 94:10; Prov. 2:6; Eccl. 2:26; Jer. 24:7; Dan. 1:17; 2:21; Mat. 11:25; 13:11; 1 Cor. 1:5; 2:12; 12:8. blessings resulting from, Psa. 89:15; Prov. 1:4, 7; 3:13; 4; 9:10; 10:14; Eccl. 7:12; Mai. 2:7; Eph. 4:13; Jas. 3:13; 2 Pet. 2:20. danger of the want of, Hos. 4:6; Jer. 4:22; Prov. 1:22; 19:2; Rom. 1:28; 1 Cor. 15:34. to be prayed for, John 17:3; 2 Pet. 3:18; Eph. 3:18; Col. 1:9. and sought, Prov. 12:1; 13:16; 18:15; 21:11; 1 Cor. 14:1; Heb. 6:1; 2 Pet. 1:5. abuse of, 1 Cor. 8:1. responsibility of, Nura. 15:30; Deut. 17:12; Luke 12:47; John 15:22; Rom. 1:21; 2:21; Jas. 4:17. KNOWLEDGE, vanity of human, Eccl. 1:18; Isa. 44:25; 1 Cor. 1:19; 3:19; 2 Cor. 1:12. tree of knowledge of good and evil, Gen. 2:9, etc. KOA (a prince), Ezek. 23:23. KOIIATH, son of Levi, Gen. 46:11. descendants, Exod. 6:18; 1 Chr. 6:2. their charge, Num. 4:15; 10:21; 2 Chr. 29:12: 34:12. KORAH (Core), Dathax, etc., their sedition and punishment, Num. IG; 26:9: 27:3; Jude 11. KORHITES, sons of Korah, Exod. 6:24; Num. 26:58. a family of singers, 2 Chr. 20:19; Psa. 42, 44-49 (title). LABAN, hospitality of, Gen. 24:29. gives Jacob his two daughters, Gen. 29. oppresses him, Gen. 30:27: 31:1. his covenant with him. Gen. 31:43. LABOR, appointed to man. Gen. 3:19; Psa. 104:23; 1 Cor. 4:12. when blessed by God, Prov. 10:16; 13:11; EccL 2:24; 4:9; 5:12, 19. vanity of all human, Eccl. 2:18. of the mind, etc., Jer. 51:58; Ilab. 2:13; Mat. 11:28; Heb. 4:11; Col. 4:12. LABORER, hire of, Luke 10:7; 1 Tim. 5:18. See HIKE. parable of tlie laborers, Mat. 20. LACHISH conquered, Josh. 10:31; 12:11. See 2 Kings 14:19: 18:14; Jer. 34:7; Mic. 1:13. LADDER in Jacob's vision. Gen. 28 :12. See John 1:51. LAISH taken by stratagem, Judg. 18:14; Isa. 10:30. LAKE of fire, who cast therein. Rev. 19:20; 20:10; 21:8. of Genuesaret (Galilee), Luke 5:1. LAMA SABACHTHANI (why hast thou forsaken me?), Mat. 27:46; Mark 15:34. See Psa. 22:1. LAMBS: OFFERED IN SACRIFICE, LCV. 3:7. from earliest times. Gen. 4:4; 22:7. in the Passover, Exod. 12:3, 6. every morning and evening, Exod. 29:38, 39; Num. 28:3, 4. in great numbers, 2 Chr. 35:7. by the wicked, Isa. 1:11: 66:3. shepherd's care for, Isa. 40:11. an extensive commerce in, Ezra 7:17; Ezek. 27:21. the image of, the first impression on money, Gen. 33:19 (marg.); Josh. 24:32 (marg.). ILLUSTRATIVE of Christ's purity, 1 Pet. 1:19. Christ's sacrifice, John 1:29; Rev. 5:6. people of God, Isa. 5:17; 11:6. any cherished object, 2 Sam. 12:3, 9, weak believers, Isa. 40:11; John 21:15. Christ's patience, Isa. 53:7; Acts 8:32. persecuted ministers, Luke 10:3. Israel deserted, Hos. 4:16. wicked men, Psa. 37:20; Jer. 51:40. See JESUS CHRIST. LAME, the, forbidden to exercise priest's office, Lev. 21:18. 91 LAM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LAW expelled from Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 5:8. healed by Christ, Mat, 11:5; Luke 7:22; and the apostles, Acts 3; 8:7. kindness to. Job 29:15; Luke 14:21. animals not to be offered for sacrifices, Deut. 15:21; Mai. 1:8, 13. LAMECH, descendant of Cain, his wives and sons, Gen. 4:18. , father of Noah, his prophecy, Gen. 5:25, 29. . LAMENTATION for Jacob, Gen. 50. David's for Saul and Jonathan, 2 Sam. 1:17. for Abner, 2Sam. 3:3L for Josiah, 2Chr. 35:25. for Tyrus, Ezek. 26:17; 27:30; 28:12. for Pharaoh, Ezek. 32. for Christ, Luke 23:27. for Babylon, Rev. 18:10. of Jeremiah, Lam. 1, etc. LAMP (Gen. 15:17): translated firebrand, Judg. 15:4 ; Nah. 2:4 ; Zech. 12-6: candle, Jer. 25:10; Zeph. 1:12; torcli, .lohn 18:3: lii-ht, Acts 20:8. used for lighting, the tabernacle, Exod. 25:37; private apartments. Acts 20:8; chariots of war by night, Nali. 2:3, 4; marriage proces- sions, Mat. 25:1; persons going out at night, Psa. 119:105. kept burning all night. Prov. 31:18. placed on a stand to light the whole house. Mat. 5:15. to burn perpetually, Exod. 27:20; 25:37; 30:7; Lev. 24:2, etc; Num. 8. lamps in heaven, Zech. 4:2; Rev. 4:5. parable concerning, Mat. 25:1. LAND, its redemption at the Jubilee, Lev. 25:23- 33; 27:17-24. witnesses present at buying or selling. Gen. 23:10-16; Ruth 4:3-5. a written agreement, signed, sealed, and wit- nessed, Jer. 32:9-14. the shoe loosed, Deut. 25:9; Ruth 4:7, 8; Psa. 60:8. mortgages of, Neh. 5:1-4. LANDMARKS not to be removed, Deut. 19:14; 27:17; Prov. 22:28; 23:10; .Job 24:2. L.\NGUAGES confounded. Gen. 11. gift of, by the Holy Ghost, Mark 16:17; Acts 2:7, 8; 10:46; 19:6; 1 Cor. 12:10; 14. mentioned in Scripture: of Ashdod, Neh. 13:24; Chaldee, Dan. 1:4: Egyptian, Acts 2:10; Psa. 114:1; (Jreek, Luke 23:38; Acts 21:37; Latin, Luke 23:38; John 19:20; Lycaonian, Acts 14:11; Parthian, etc.. Acts 2:9-11; Syriac, 2 Kings 18:26; Ezra 4:7; Dan. 2:4. dialects, Judg. 12:5, 6; Mark 14:70. LANTERN, John 18:3. a dark lantern, Judg. 7:16. LAODICEANS, epistle to. Rev. 1:11; 3:14. See Col. 2:1; 4:13,16. LAPWING, Lev. 11:19; Deut. 14:18. LASCIVIOUSNESS, whence proceeding, Mark 7:21; Gal. 5:19. censured, 2 Cor. 12:21; Eph. 4:19; 1 Pet. 4:3; Jude 4. LASEA, Acts 27:8. LATIN, the Roman language, Luke 23:38; Acts 2:10. LATTICE, .Tudg. 5:28; 2 Kings 1:2; Song 2:9. LAUGHTER, unsea.sonable, censured, (ien. 18:13; Eccl. 2:2; 3:4: 7:3; Prov. 14:13. LAYER of brass in the tabernacle, Exod. 30:18; 38:8; 40:7; sanctified. Lev. 8:11. ten lavers in the temple, 1 Kings 7:38, illustrative of Christ, Zech, 13:1; Rev. 1:5. 92 and regeneration, Eph. 5:26; Tit. 3:5. LAW of God: is absolute and perpetual, Mat. 6:18. GIVEN to Adam, Gen. 2:16, 17, with Rom. 5:12-14. to Noah, Gen. 9:6. to the Israelites, Exod. 20; Psa. 78:5. through Moses, Exod. 31:18; John 7:19. through the ministration of angels, Acts 7:53; Gal. 3:19; Heb. 2:2. DESCRIBED AS pure, Psa. 19:8. spiritual, Rom. 7:14. holy, just, and good, Rom. 7:12. exceeding broad, Psa. 119:96. perfect, Psa. 19:7; Rom. 12:2. trutli, Psa. 119:142. not grievous, l John 5:3. requires obedience of the heart. Psa. 51:6; Mat. 6:28; 22:37. requires perfect obedience, Deut. 27:26; Gal. 3:10; Jas. 2:10. love is the fulfilling of, Rom. 13:8, 10; Gal. 5:14; Jas. 2:8. it is man's duty to keep, Eccl. 12:13. man, by nature, not in subjection to, Rom. 7:5; 8:7. man cannot render perfect obedience to, 1 Kin. 8:46; Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:10. sin is a transgression of, 1 John 3:4. all men have transgressed, Rom. 3:9, 19. man cannot be justified by. Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:20, 28; Gal. 2:16; 3:11. gives the knowledge of sin, Rom. 3:20; 7:7. worketh wrath, Rom. 4:15. conscience testifies to, Rom. 2:15. designed to lead to Christ, Gal. 3:24. OBEDIENCE TO, a Characteristic of saints, Rev. 12:17. a test of love, l John 6:3. of prime importance, 1 Cor. 7 :19. blessedness of keeping, Psa. 119:1; Mat. 5:19; 1 John 3:22, 24: Rev, 22:14. Christ came to fulfil. Mat. 5:17. magnified, Isa. 42:21. explained. Mat. 7:12; 22:37-40. the love of, produces peace, Psa. 119:165. saints freed from the bondage of, Rom. 6:14; 7:4, 6; Gal. 3:13. freed from the curse of. Gal. 3:13. have, written on their hearts, Jer. 31:33, with Heb. 8:10. love, Psa. 119:97, 113. delight in, Psa. 119:77; Rom. 7:22. prepare their hearts to seek. Ezra 7:10. pledge tliemselves to walk in, Neh. 10:29. keep^ Psa. 119:55. pray to understand, Psa. 119:18. pray for power to keep, Psa. 119:14. should remember, Mai. 4:4. should converse about, Exod. 13:9. lament others' violation of, Psa. 119:136. THE WICKED despise, Amos 2:4. forget, Hos. 4:6. forsake, 2 Chr. 12:1: Jer. 9:13. refuse to hear, Isa. 30:9; Jer. 6:19. refuse to walk in, Psa. 78:10. cast away, Isa, 5:24. is the rule of life to saints, 1 Cor. 9:21; GaL 5:13, 14. is the rule of the judgment, Rom. 2:12. to be used lawfully, 1 Tim, 1:8. established by faith, Rom. 3:31. punishment for disobeying, Neh. 9:26, 27; Isa. 65:11-13; .ler. 9:13-10. , the Levitical, promulgated, Exod. 21^ LAW BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LIB etc.; Lev. l, etc.; Num. 3, etc.; Deut. 12, etc.; and wiitten on stone, Deut. 27 : 1 ; Josh. 8:32. placed in the ark, Deut. 31:24. read every seven years, Deut. 31:9. to be copied by the king, Deut. 17:18. publicly read by Joshua, Josh. 8:34; by Ezra, Neh. 8. abolished by Christ, Acts 15:24; 28:23; Gal. 2-6; Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14; Heb. 7. book of, found by Hilkiah, 2 Kings 22:8. read by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:2. LAW, of conscience, Rom. 1:19; 2:15. LAWGIVER, God, Isa. 33:22; Jas. 4:12. LAWSUITS censured, 1 Cor. 6:1. LAWYERS rebuked by Christ, Luke 11:46; 14:3; 10:25. LAZARUS and rich man, Luke 16:19. , brother of Mary and Martha, raised from the dead, John 11; 12:1. LEAD, Exod. 15:10. used for inscriptions. Job 19:24. traffic in, Ezek. 27:12. lead founder, Jer. 6:29; Ezek. 22:18, 20. LEAGUE. See alliance. LEAH, Jacob's sons by, Gen. 29:31; 30:17; 31:4; 33:2; 49:3L See Ruth 4:11. LEARNING, spiritual, to be increased, Prov. 1:5; 9:9; 16:21,23; Rom. 15:4. See instruc- tion, KNOWLEDGE. LEASING (falsehood), Psa. 4:2. LEATHER, used for girdles, 2 Kings 1:8; Mat. 3:4. usually translated skin. Gen. 3:21; Mark 1:6; or hide. Lev. 8:17. LEAVEN, not to be used at the Passover, Exod. 12:15; 13:7. or inmeat-otferings. Lev. 2:11: 6:17: 10:12. figuratively mentioned. Mat. 13:33; 16:6; Luke 13:20; 1 Cor. 5:6. LEBANON, mountain and forest, Deut. 3:25; Judg. 3:3; 1 Kings 5:14. cedars of, 2 Kings 14:9; 2 Chr. 2:8; Psa. 92:12; Song 3:9; Isa. 40:16; Hos. 14:5. LEBBEUS, Mat. 10:3. See jude. LEEKS, Num. 11:5. translated grass, 1 Kings 18:5; herb, Job 8:12; hay, Prov, 27:25. LEES, crust and dregs of wine, Psa. 75:8; Isa. 25:6; Jer. 48:11; Zeph. 1:12. LEFT-HANDED slingers, Judg. 20:16. LEGION (a division of the Roman army, consist- ing of 6,000 men): of devils, Mark 5:9; Luke 8:30. of angels, Mat. 26:53. LEMUEL, king, his lesson, Prov. 31. LENDING, laws concerning, Exod. 22:25; Lev. 25:37; Deut. 15:2; 23:19; 24:10. See Luke 6:34; Psa. 37:26. LENTILES, a plant used for food. Gen. 25:34; 2 Sam. 17:28; 23:11; Ezek. 4:9. LEOPARD, in visions, Dan. 7:6; Rev. 13:2. figuratively, Isa. 11:6; Hos. 13:7. LEPROSY, tokens to discern. Lev. 13. rites observed in cleansing, Lev. 14; 22:4; Deut. 24:8. in a house. Lev. 14:33. of Miriam, Num. 12:10. of Naaman, 2 Kings 5. of Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:19. healed by Christ, Mat. 8:3; Mark 1:41; Luke 5:12; 17:12. LEPERS expelled from the camp. Lev. 13:46; Num. 5:2; 12:14. four of Samaria, 2 Kings 7:3. LESHEM, Josh. 19:47; Judg. 18. LETTER and the Spirit, 2 Cor. 3:6; Rom, 2:27; 7:6. LETTERS: of David, 2 Sam. 11:14. of Elijah, 2 Cor. 21:12. of Jezebel, 1 Kings 21:9. of king of Syria, 2 Kings 5:5. of Jehu, 2 Kings 10:1. of Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 30:1. of Sennacherib, Isa. 37:10, 14. of Artaxerxes, Ezra 4:17; 7:11. of Rehum, Ezra 4:7. of Tatnai, etc., Ezra 5:6. of Mordecai, Esth. 9:20. of Jeremiah, Jer. 29:1. of the apostles, Acts 15:23. of Claudius Lysias, Acts 23:25. LEVI, son of Jacob, Gen. 29:34. revenges Dinah, Gen. 34:25; 49:5. his descendants. Gen. 46:11. , apostle. See matthew. LEVIATHAN, Job 3:8 (marg.); supposed to be a crocodile. Job 41; a serpent, Psa. 104:26. illustrative. Job 41:10; Isa. 27:1. LEVITES slay idolaters, Exod. 32:26. separated to God's service, Num. 1:47. given for the first-born. Num. 3:12; 8:16. numbered, Num. 3:15; 26:57. consecrated, Num. 8:5. entered on service at twenty-five years of age, Num. 8:24. counted ministers at thirty. Num. 4:3, 23. superannuated at fifty. Num. 8:25. appointed to less arduous duties, Num. 8:26. their charge. Num. 3:23; 4; 8:23; 18. their inheritance, Num. 35; Deut. 18; Josh. 21. duty towards, Deut. 12:19; 14:27. genealogies of, 1 Chr. 6; 9. services fixed by David, 1 Chr. 23-27. to be maintained by the nation from a month old. Num. 18:20-24; 26:62, forty-eight cities given to them. Num. 35:2-8. while in attendance lodged round the temple, 1 Chr. 9:27. punished with death for encroaching on the priestly office, Num. 18:3. punishment of Korah, Num. 16:1-35. reproved, Mai. 1; 2, LIBERALITY: pleasing to God, 2 Cor, 9:7; Heb. 13:16. God never forgets, Heb. 6:10. Christ sets an example of, 2 Cor. 8:9. characteristic of saints, Psa. 112:9; Isa. 32:8. unprofitable without love, 1 Cor. 13:3, SHOULD BE exercised in the service of God, Exod, 35:21-29, towards saints, Rom, 12:13; Gal, 6:10. towards servants, Deut, 15:12-14, towards the poor, Deut, 15:11; Isa, 58:7. towards strangers. Lev. 25:35. towards enemies, Prov, 25:21. towards all men. Gal. 6:10. in lending to those in want. Mat. 5:42. in giving alms, Luke 12:33. in relieving the destitute, Isa. 58:7, in forwarding missions, Phil. 4:14-16. in rendering personal services, Phil. 2:30. without ostentation, Mat. 6:1-3. with simplicity. Rom. 12:8. according to ability, Deut. 16:10, 17 ; 1 Cor. 16:2. willingly, Exod. 25:2; 2 Cor. 8:12, abundantly, 2 Cor, 8:7; 9:11-13, exercise of, provokes others to, 2 Cor. 9:2. 93 LIB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LIF labor to be enabled to exercise, Acts 20:35; Eph. 4:28. WANT OF, brings a curse, Pro v. 28:27. proof of not loving God, 1 .John 3:17. proof of not having faith, Jas. 2:14-16. blessings connected with, Psa. 41 : l ; Prov. 22 : 9 ; Acts 20:35. promises to, Psa. 112:9; Prov. 11:25; 28:27; Eccl. 11:1; Isa. 58:10; Luke 6:38. exhortations to, Luke 3:11; 11:41; Acts 20:35; 1 Cor. 16:1; 1 Tim. 6:17, 18. exemplified: Princes of Israel, Num. 7:2. Boaz, Ruth 2:16. David, 2 Sam. 9:7, 10. Barzillai, etc., 2 Sam. 17:28. Araunah, 2 Sam. 24:22. Shunammite, 2 Kings 4:8, 10. Judah, 2 Chr. 24:10, 11. Xehemiah, Neh. 7:70. Jews, Xeh. 7:71,72. Job, Job 29:15, 16. Nebuzar-adan, Jer. 40:4, 5. Joanna, etc., Luke 8:3. Zac- cheus, Luke 19:8. Primitive Christians, Acts 2:45. Barnabas, Acts 4:36, 37. Dorcas, Acts 9:36. Cornehus, Acts 10:2. Church of Anti- och. Acts 11:29, 30. Lydia, Acts 16:15. Paul, Acts 20:34. Stephanus, etc., 1 Cor. 16:17. extraordinary, exemplified: Israelites, Exod. 36:5. Poor widow, Mark 12:42-44. Churches of Macedonia, 2 Cor. 8:1-5. LIBERTINES, synagogue of, Acts 6:9. LIBERTY, Cliristian: foretold, Isa. 42:7; 61:1. CONFERRED by God, Col. 1:13. by Christ, Gal. 4:3-5: 5:1. by the Spirit, Rom. 8:15; 2 Cor. 3:17. through the gospel, John 8:32. confirmed by Christ, John 8 :36. proclaimed by Christ, Isa. 61:1; Luke 4:18. the service of Christ is, 1 Cor. 7:22. IS FREEDOM FROM the law, Rom. 7:6; 8:2. the curse of the law, Gal. 3:13. the fear of death, Heb. 2:15. sin, Rom. 6:7, 18. corruption, Rom. 8:21. bondage of man, 1 Cor. 9:19. Jewish ordinances. Gal. 4:3; Col. 2:20. called the glorious liberty of the children of God, Rom. 8:21. saints are called to. Gal. 5:13. SAINTS SHOULD praisc God for, Psa. 116:16, 17. assert, 1 Cor. 10:29. walk in, Psa. 119:45. stand fast in. Gal. 2:5; 5:1. not abuse. Gal. 5:13; 1 Pet. 2:16. not offend others by, 1 Cor. 8:9; 10:29, 32. the gospel, the law of, Jas. 1:25; 2:12. FALSE TEACHERS abUSC, JudC 4. promise, to others, 2 Pet. 2:19. try to destroy. Gal. 2:4. the wicked, devoid of, John 8:34, with Rom. 6:20. typified. Lev. 25:10-17; Gal. 4:22-26, 31. LIBNAH taken, Josh. 10:29; 21:13. revolts, 2 Kings 8:22. be.sieged by Assyrians, 2 Kings 19:8; Isa. 37:8. LIBYA, propliecies concerning, Ezek. 30:5; Jer. 46:9: Dan. 11:43: Acts 2:10. LICE,j)lague of, Exod. 8:16; Psa. 105:31. LIFE, natural: God is the Author of. Gen. 2:7; Acts 17:28. God preserves, Psa. 36:6; 66:9. Is in the hand of God, Job 12:10: Dan. 5:23. forfeited by sin. Gen. 2:17; 3:17-19. of others, not to be taken away, Exod. 20:13. DESCRIBED AS vaiU, ECCl. 6:12. limited. Job 7:1; 14:5. short. Job 14:1; Psa. 89:47. uncertain, Jas. 4:13-15. 94 full of trouble, Job 14:1. God's loving-kindness better than, Psa. 63:3. the value of. Job 2:4; Mat. 6:25. preserved by discretion, Prov. 13:3. sometimes prolonged in answer to prayer, Isa. 38:2-5; Jas. 5:15. obedience tends to prolong, Deut. 30:20. obedience to parents tends to prolong, Exod. 20:12; Prov. 4:10. cares and pleasures of, dangerous, Luke 8:14; 21:34; 2 Tim. 2:4. saints truly enjoy, Psa. 128:2; 1 Tim. 4:8. of saints, specially protected by God, Job 2:6; Acts 18:10: 1 Pet. 3:13. of the wicked, not specially protected by God, Job 36:6; Psa. 78:50. the wicked have their good during, Psa. 17:14; Luke 6:24; 16:25. SHOULD BE SPENT IN the fear of God, 1 Pet. 1:17. the service of God, Luke 1:75. living to God, Rom. 14:8; Phil. 1:21. peace, Rom. 12:18; 1 Tim. 2:2. doing good, Eccl. 3:12. should be taken all due care of, Mat. 10:23; Acts 27:34. should be laid down, if necessary, for Christ, Mat. 10:39; Luke 14:26: Acts 20:24. should be laid down, if necessary, for the breth- ren, Rom. 16:4; 1 John 3:16. be thankful for the preservation of, Psa. 103:4; Jon. 2:6. the supply of its wants. Gen. 48:15. the dissatisfied despise, Eccl. 2:17. we know not what is good for us in, Eccl. 6:12. be not over-anxious to provide for its wants. Mat. 6:25. the enjoyment of, consists not in abundance of possessions, Luke 12:15. IS COMPARED TO a pilgrimage. Gen. 47:9. an eagle hasting to the prey, Job 9:26. a tale told, Psa. 90:9. a swift post. Job 9:25. a swift ship, Job 9:26. a handbreadth. Psa. 39:5. a shepherd's tent removed, Isa. 38:12. a dream, Psa. 73:20. asleep, Psa. 90:5. a vapor, Jas. 4:14. a shadow, Eccl. 6:12. a thread cut by the weaver, Isa. 38:12. a weaver's shiittle. Job 7:6. a flower. Job 14:2. grass, 1 Pet. 1:24. water spilt on the ground, 2 Sam. 14:14. wind. Job 7:7. shortness of, should lead to spiritual improve- ment, Deut. 32:29; Psa. 90:12. sometimes judicially shortened, 1 Sam. 2:32,. 33; Job 36:14. miraculously restored bv Christ, Mat. 9:18, 25; Luke 7:15, 22; John 11:43. LIFE, spiritual: God, the Author of, Psa. 36:9; Col. 2:13. Christ is the Author of, John 5:21, 25; 6:33, 51- ■ 53; 14:6; 1 John 4:9. the Holy Ghost is the Author of, Ezek. 37:14, with Rom. 8:9-13. the word of God is the instrument of, Isa. 55:3; 2 Cor. 3:6; 1 Pet. 4:6. is hidden with Christ, Col. 3:3. the fear of God is, Prov. 14:27; 19:23. spiritual-mindedness is, Rom. 8:6. IS MAINTAINED BY Christ, John 6:57; 1 Cor. 10:. 3, 4. faith. Gal. 2:20. LIF BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LON the word of God, Deut. 8:3, with Mat. 4:4. prayer, Psa. 69:32. has its origin in the new birth, John 3:3-8. has its infancy, Luke 10:21; 1 Cor. 3:1, 2; 1 John 2:12. has its youth, 1 John 2:13, 14. has its maturity, Eph. 4:13; 1 John 2:13, 14. IS DESCRIBED AS a life unto God, Rom. 6:11; Gal. 2:19. a life according to God, 1 Pet. 4:6. newness of life, Rom. 6:4. living in the Spirit, Gal. 5:25. revived by God, Psa. 85:6; Hos. 6:2. shown by love to the brethren, 1 John 3:14. all saints have, Eph. 2:1, 5; Col. 2:13. should animate the services of saints, Rom. 12:1; 1 Cor. 14:15. saints praise God for, Psa. 119:175. seek to grow in, Eph. 4:15; 1 Pet. 2:2. pray for its increase, Psa. 119:25; 143:11. the wicked alienated from, Eph. 4:18. lovers of pleasure destitute of, 1 Tim. 5:6. hypocrites destitute of, Jude 12; Rev. 3:1. illustrated, Ezek. 37:9, 10; Luke 15:24. LIFE, eternal : Christ is, John 11:25; 14:6; 1 John 1:2; 5:20. revealed by Christ, John 6:68; 2 Tim. 1:10. to know God and Christ is, John 17:3. GIVEN by God, Psa. 133:3; Rom. 6:23. by Christ, John 6:27; 10:28. inChrist,l John 5:11. through Christ, Rom. 5:21; 6:23. to all given to Christ, John 17:2. to those who believe in God, John 5:24. to those who believe in Christ, John 3:15, 16; 6:40, 47. to those who hate their life for Christ, John 12:25. in answer to prayer, Psa. 21:4. revealed in the Scriptures, John 5:39. KESULTS FROM drinking the water of life, John 4:14. eating the bread of life, John 6:50-58. eating of the tree of life. Rev. 2:7. they who are ordained to, believe the gospel. Acts 13:48. SAINTS have promises of, 1 Tim. 4:8; 2 Tim. 1:1: Tit. 1:2; 1 John 2:25. have hope of. Tit. 1:2; 3:7. may be assured of, 2 Cor. 5:1; 1 John 5:13. Shall reap, through the Spirit, Gal. 6:8. shall inherit, Mat. 19:29. look for the mercy of God unto, Jude 21. should lay hold of, 1 Tim. 6:12, 19. are preserved unto, John 10:28, 29. shall rise unto, Dan. 12:2; John 5:29. shall go into. Mat. 25:46. shall reign in, Dan. 7:18; Rom. 5:17. the self-righteous seek by works, Mark 10:17. cannot be inherited by works, Rom. 2:7, with Rom. 3:10-19. THE WICKED havc uot, 1 Johu 3:15. judge themselves unworthy of. Acts 13:46. exhortation to seek, John 6:27. LIGHT created. Gen. 1:3; Jer. 31:35. figurative of God's favor, Exod. 10:23; Psa. 4:6; • 27:1; 97:11; Isa. 9:2; 60:19. God is light, 1 John 1:5; 1 Tim. 6:16. Christ the light of the world, Luke 2:32; John 1:4; 3:19; 8:12; 12:35; Rev. 21:23. God's word is, Psa. 19:8; 119:105, 130; Prov. 6:23. disciples called children of, Eph. 5:8; 1 Thes. 5:5; 1 Pet. 2:9. miraculous, Mat. 17:2; Acts 9:3. LIGHTNING sent by God, 2 Sam. 22:15; Job 28:26; 38:25; Psa. 18:14; 144:6. surrounds God's throne, Ezek. 1:13; Rev. 4:5. LIGURE, a gem, Exod. 28:19; 39:12. LIKENESS, of God, there is none, Exod. 8:10; 15:11; 1 Kings 8:23; Psa. 89:6; Isa. 40:11; 46:5; Acts 17:29. none must be made, Deut. 4:15, 16. to God, commanded. Mat. 5:48; 11:29; Rom. 13:14; Phil. 2:5; 1 Pet. 1:15. the believer's portion in heaven, Psa. 17:15; 1 John 3:2. LILY, Song 2:1 ; Hos. 14:5; Mat. 6:28 ; Luke 12:27. LIME, Isa. 33:12; Amos 2:1. translated plaster, Deut. 27:2, 4. LINEN, manufacture, 1 Chr. 4:21; by women, Prov. 31:24. brought from Egypt, Ezek. 27:7; and from Syria, Ezek. 27:16. garments made of it for men. Gen. 41:42; Esth. 8:15; for women, Ezek. 16:10, 13. girdles made of, Jer. 13:1. bedclothes, Prov. 7:16. not to be woven with wool, Lev. 19:19 ; Deut. 22:11. Christ's body wrapped in, Mark 15:46; John 20:5. employed in the priest's garments, Exod. 28:42; Lev. 6:10; 1 Sam. 2:18; 22:18. See Rev. 15:6; 19:8, 14. LIONS : characteristics: strong, Judg. 14:18; Prov.30:30; active, Deut. 33:22; courageous, 2 Sam. 17:10; fearless, Isa. 31:4; Nah. 2:11; fierce. Job 10:16; 28:8; voracious and cunning, Psa. 17:12. slain by Samson, Judg. 14:5. by David, 1 Sam. 17:34. disobedient prophet slain by, 1 Kings 13:24; 20:36. Daniel saved from, Dan. 6:18. riddle about, Judg. 14:14, 18. proverb about, Eccl. 9:4. likeness of, seen in visions, Ezek. 1:10; 10:14; Dan. 7:4; Rev. 4:7. parable of, Ezek. 19. figuratively mentioned. Gen. 49:9 (Rev. 5:5); 2 Sam. 17:10: Job 4:10. Satan compared to a lion, 1 Pet. 5:8. LITTER, Isa. 66:20. translated wagon, Num. 7:3. LIVER, Exod. 29:13, 22. wound in, mortal, Prov. 7:23; Lam. 2:11. superstitions connected with, Ezek. 21:21. LIVING God, Jehovah is, Dan. 4:34; 6:26; Acts 14:15; 1 Thes. 1:9; Heb. 9:14; 10:31. water given by Christ, John 4:10; 7:38; Rev. 7:17. (See Song 4:15; Jer. 2:13; Ezek. 47; Zech. 14:8.) LIZARDS, unclean. Lev, 11:30. LO-AMMI and Lo-Ruhamah, Hos. 1; 2. LOAVES, miracles of, Mat. 14:17; 15:32; Mark 6:35: Luke 9:12; John 6:5, etc. LOCK, Neh. 3:13, 14; Song 5:5. LOCUSTS, plague of, Exod. 10:4; Deut. 28:38; Psa. 105:34; Rev. 9:3. described, Prov. 30:27; Isa. 33:4; Joel 1:2-7; 2:3; Nah. 3:17; Rev. 9:7. used as food, Lev. 11:22; Mat. 3:4. LODGE, a shelter for keepers of gardens or vine- yards, Isa. 1:8; 24:20. LOG, a measure, Lev. 14:10, etc. LOIS commended, 2 Tim. 1:5. LONG-SUFFERING Of God : 95 . LOO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LOV is part of his character, Exod. 34:6; Num. 1-4:18; Psa. 86:15. salvation, the object of, 2 Pet, 3:15. tlirough Christ's intercession, Luke 13:8. should lead to repentance, Rom. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9. an encouragement to repent, Joel 2:13. exhibited in forgiving sins, Rom. 3:25. exercised towards his people, Isa. 30:18; Ezek. 20:17. exercised towards the wicked, Rom. 9:22; 1 Pet. 3:20. plead in prayer, Jer. 15:15. limits set to. Gen. 6:3; Jer. 44:22. THE WICKED abusc, Eccl. 8:11; Mat. 24:48, 49. despise, Rom. 2:4. punished for despising, Neh. 9:30; Mat. 24:48- 51; Rom. 2:5. illustrated, Luke 13:6-9. exemplified: Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:10-13. Is- rael, Psa. 78:38; Isa. 48:9. Jerusalem, Mat. 23:37. Paul, 1 Tim. 1:16. LOOKING-GLASS, molten, of brass, Exod. 38:8; Job 37:18; Jas. 1:23,24. LOOKING unto God, brings light, Psa. 5:3; 34:5; 123:2. marks a time of grace, Isa. 8:17; 17:7. the means of salvation, Isa. 38:14; 45:22; Mic. 7:7. LORD. See JEHOVAH. , Christ is called, Psa. 110:1, with Ileb. 1:13; Isa. 40:3, with Mat. 3:3; Jer. 23:6; Joel 2:32, with Rom. 10:13; Mai. 3:1; Mat. 7:21, 22, and in most cases tlu-oughout the New Testament. LORD'S DAY, Rev. 1:10. See sabbath. LORD'S SUPPER. See communion. LOT, his choice. Gen. 13:10. rescued by Abram, Gen. 14. entertains angels. Gen. 19:1. delivered from Sodom, Gen. 19:16. Ws wife's punishment. Gen. 19:26. See Luke 17:28, 32; 2 Pet. 2:7. , the, appointed by God, Lev. 16:8; Pro v. 16:33. Canaan divided by, Num. 26:55; Josh. 15, etc. Saul chosen king by, 1 Sam. 10:17. Christ's garments divided by, Mat. 27:35; Mark 15:24 (Psa. 22:18). Matthias chosen by. Acts 1:26. , property or inheritance, Judg. 1:3; Psa. 16:5; Dan. 12:13. LOVE of God : is a part of his character, 2 Cor. 13:11; 1 John 4:8. Christ the chief object of, John 15:9; 17:26. Christ abides in, John 15:10. DESCRIBED AS, towards men, sovereign, Dent. 7:8. great, Eph. 2:4. abiding, Zeph. 3:17. unfailing, Isa. 49:15, 16. unalienable, Rom. 8:39. constraining, IIos. 11:4. everlasting, Jer. 31:3. irrespective of merit, Deut. 7:7; Job 7:17. MANIFESTED TOWARDS perishing sinncrs, John 3:16; Tit. 3:4. his saints, John 16:27; 17:23; 2 Thes. 2:16; 1 John 4:16. the destitute, Deut. 10:18. the cheerful giver, 2 Cor. 9:7. EXHIBITED IN the giviug of Christ, John 3:16. the sending of Christ, 1 John 4:9. Christ's dying for us while sinners, Rom. 6:8; 1 John 4:10. 96 election, Mai. 1:2, 3; Rom. 9:11-13. adoption, 1 John 3:1. redemption, Isa. 43:3, 4; 63:9. freeness of salvation. Tit. 3:4-7. forgiving sin, Isa. 38:17. quickening souls, Eph. 2:4, 5. drawing us to himself, Hos. 11:4. temporal blessings, Deut. 7 : 13. chastisements, Heb. 12:6. defeating evil counsels, Deut. 23:5. shed abroad by the Holy Ghost, Rom. 5:5. saints know and believe, 1 John 4:16. saints should abide in, Jude 21. perfected in saints by obedience, 1 John 2:5. perfected in saints by brotherly love, 1 John 4:12. the source of our love to him, 1 John 4:19. to be sought in prayer, 2 Cor. 13:14. LOVE of Christ : to the Father, Psa. 91:14; John 14:31. to his church. Song 4:8, 9; 5:1; John 15:9; Eph. 5:25. to those who love him, Prov. 8:17; John 14:21. MANIFESTED IN HIS comiug to seck the lost, Luke 19:10. praying for his enemies, Luke 23:34. giving himself for us. Gal. 2:20. dying for us, John 15:13; 1 John 3:16. washing away our sins. Rev. 1:5. interceding for us, Heb. 7:25; 9:24. sending the Spirit, Psa. 68:18; John 16:7. rebukes and chastisements, Rev. 3:19. passeth knowledge, Eph. 3:19. to be imitated, Jolin 13:34; 15:12; Eph. 5:2; 1 John 3:16. TO SAINTS, IS unquenchable, Song 8:7. constraining, 2 Cor. 5:14. unchangeable, John 13:1. indissoluble, Rom. 8:35. obedient saints abide in, John 15:10. saints obtain victory through, Rom. 8:37. is the banner over his saints. Song 2:4. is the ground of liis saints' love to him, Luke 7:47. to saints, shall be acknowledged even by ene- mies. Rev. 3:9. illustrated. Mat. 18:11-13. exemplified towards : Peter, Luke 22:. 32, 61. Lazarus, etc., John 11:6, 36. His apostles, John 13:1, 34. John, John 13:23. to God: commanded, Deut. 11:1; .losh. 22:5. first and great command, Mat. 22:38. with all the heart, Deut. 6:5, with Mat. 22:37. better than all sacrifices, Mark 12:33. PRODUCED BY the Spirit. Gal. 5:22; 2 Thes 3:5. the love of (Jod to us, 1 John 4:19. answers to prayer, Psa. 116:1. exliibited by Christ, John 14:31. a characteristic of saints, Psa. 5:11. SHOULD PRODUCE joy, Psa. 5:11. love to saints, 1 John 5:1. hatred of sin, Psa. 97:10. obedience, Deut. 30:20; 1 John 5:3. perfect in obedience, 1 John 2:5. perfected, gives boldness, 1 John 4:17, 18. God faithful to those who have, Deut. 7:9. THEY WHO HAVE are known of him, 1 Cor. 8:3. are preserved by him, Psa. 145:20. are delivered by him, Psa. 91:14. partake of his mercy, Exod. 20:6; Deut. 7:9. all things work for their good, Rom. 8:28. persevere in, Jude 21. exhort one another to, Psa. 31:23. pray for, 2 Thes. 3:5. LOV BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LOV the love of the world is a proof of not having, 1 John 2:15. they who love not others are without, 1 John 4:20. hypocrites without, Luke 11:42; John 5:42. the uncharitable without, 1 John 3:17. God tries the sincerity of, Deut. l3:o. promises connected with, Deut. 11:13-15; Psa. 69:36; Isa. 56:6, 7; Jas. 1:12. LOVE to Christ: exhibited by God, Mat. 17:5; John 5:20. exhibited by saints, 1 Pet. 1:8. his personal excellence is deserving of, Song 5:9-16. his love to us a motive to, 2 Cor. 5:14. MANIFESTED IN Seeking him. Song 3:2. obeying him, John 14:15, 21, 23. ministering to him, Mat. 25:40; 27:55. preferring him to all others, Mat. 10:37. bearing the cross for him, Mat. 10:38. a characteristic of saints. Song 1:4. an evidence of adoption, John 8:42. SHOULD BE sincere, Eph. 6:24. with the soul. Song 1:7. In proportion to our mercies, Luke 7:47. supreme. Mat. 10:37. ardent. Song 2:5; 8:6. unquenchable, Song 8:7. even to death, Acts 21:13; Rev. 12:11. promises to, 2 Tim. 4:8; Jas. 1:12. increase of, to be prayed for, Phil. 1:9. pray for grace to those who have, Eph. 6:24. THEY WHO HAVE, are loved by the Father, John 14:21, 23; 16:27. are loved by Christ, Prov. 8:17; John 14:21, commune with God and Christ, John 14:23. decrease of, rebuked, Rev. 2:4. want of, denounced, 1 Cor. 16:22. the wicked destitute of, Psa. 35:19, with John 15:18, 25. exemplified: Joseph of Arimathea, Mat. 27:57- 60. Penitent woman, Luke 7:47. Certain women, Luke 23:28. Thomas, John 11:16. Mary Magdalene. John 20:11. Peter, John 21:15-17. Paul, Acts 21:13. to man: is of God, 1 John 4:7. commanded by God, 1 John 4:21. commanded by Christ, John 13:34 ; 15:12 ; 1 John 3:23. after the example of Christ, John 13:34; 15:12; Eph. 5:2. taught by God, 1 Thes. 4:9. faith worketh by. Gal. 5:6. a fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22; Col. 1:8. purity of heart leads to, 1 Pet. 1:22. explained, l Cor. 13:4-7. is an active principle, 1 Thes. 1:3; Heb. 6:10. is an abiding principle, 1 Cor. 13:8. 13. is the second command, Mat. 22:37-39. is the end of the commandment, 1 Tim. 1:5. supernatural gifts are nothing without, 1 Cor. 13:1, 2. the greatest sacrifices are nothing without, 1 Cor. 13:3. especially enjoined upon ministers, 1 Tim. 4:12; 2 Tim. 2:22. SAINTS SHOULD put OU, Col. 3:14. follow after, 1 Cor. 14:1. abound in, Phil. 1:9; 1 Thes. 3:12. continue in, 1 Tim. 2:15; Heb. 13:1. provoke each other to, 2 Cor. 8:7; 9:2; Heb. 10:24. be sincere in, Rom. 12:9; 2 Cor. 6:6; 8:8; 1 John 3:18. be disinterested in. Mat. 5:43-47; 1 Cor. 10:24; 13:5; PhiL 2:4. be fervent in, 1 Pet. 1:22; 4:8. should be connected with brotherly kindness, Rom. 12:10: 2 Pet. 1:7. should be with a pure heart, 1 Pet. 1:22. all things should be done with, 1 Cor. 16:14. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED TOWARDS SaiUtS, 1 Pet. 2:17; 1 John 5:1. ministers, 1 Thes. 5:13. our families, Eph. 5:25; Tit. 2:4. fellow-countrymen, Exod. 32:32; Rom. 9:2, 3; 10:1. strangers. Lev. 19:34; Deut. 10:19. enemies, Exod. 23:4; 2 Kings 6:22; Mat. 5:44; Rom. 12:14, 20; 1 Pet. 3:9. all men. Gal. 6:10. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED, IN mlnisteriug to the wants of others, Mat. 25:35; Heb. 6:10. loving each other, Gal. 5:13. aiding strangers, Lev. 25:35; Mat. 25:35. clothing the naked, Isa. 58:7; Mat. 25:36. visiting the sick, etc., Job 31:16-22; Jas. 1:27. sympathizing, Rom. 12:15; 1 Cor. 12:26. supporting the weak, Gal. 6:2; 1 Thes. 5:14. covering the faults of others, Prov. 10:12, with 1 Pet. 4:8. forgiving injuries, Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:13. forbearing, Eph, 4:2, rebuking, Lev. 19:17; Mat, 18:15, necessary to true happiness, Prov, 15:17, the love of God is a motive to, John 13:34; 1 John 4:11, AN EVIDENCE OF being in the light, 1 John 2: 10, discipleship with Chiist, John 13:35, spiritual hfe, 1 John 3:14, is the fulfilling of the law, Rom, 13:8-10; Gal, 5:14; Jas. 2:8, love to self is the measure of, Mark 12:33, is good and pleasant, Psa. 133:1, 2. is a bond of union. Col. 2:2. is the bond of perfectness. Col, 3:14, hypocrites devoid of, 1 John 2:9, 11; 4:20. the wicked devoid of, 1 John 3:10, exemplified: Joseph, Gen, 45:15, Ruth, Ruth 1:16, 17, Jonathan, etc, 1 Sam, 20:17, 41, 42, Obadiah, 1 Kings 18:4. Centurion, Luke 7:5, Primitive church. Acts 2:46: Heb, 10:33, 34, Lydia, Acts 16:15. Aquila, etc., Rom. 16:3, 4. Paul, 2 Cor. 6:11, 12. Epaphroditus, Phil, 2:25, 26, 30, Philippians, Phil. 4:15-19. Co- lossians, Col. 1:4. Thessalonians, 1 Thes, 3:6, Onesiphorus, 2 Tim. 1 : 16-18. Philemon, Phile, 7-9. Moses, Heb. 11:25. LOVING-KINDNESS Of God: is through Christ, Eph. 2:7; Tit. 3:4-6. DESCRIBED AS great, Neh, 9:17. excellent, Psa. 36:7. good, Psa. 69:16. marvellous, Psa. 17:7; 31:21. multitudinous, Isa. 63:7. everlasting, Isa, 54:8, merciful, Psa, 117:2. better than life, Psa. 63:3, consideration of the dealings of God gives a knowledge of, Psa. 107:43, SAINTS betrothed in, IIos, 2:19. drawn by, Jer. 31:3. preserved by, Psa. 40:11. quickened after, Psa. 119:88, comforted by, Psa. 119:76. look for mercy through, Psa. 51:1, receive mercy through, Isa, 54:8. are heard according to, Psa. 119:149, are ever mindful of, Psa, 26:3; 48:9, 97 LUC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MAG should expect, in affliction, Psa. 42:7, 8. crowned with, Psa. 103:4. never utterly taken from saints, Psa. 89:33; Isa. 54:10. former manifestations of, to be pleaded in pray- er, Psa. 25:6; 89:49, PRAY FOR THE exhibition of, Psa. 17:7; 143:8. continuance of, Psa. 36:10. extension of, Gen. 24:12; 2 Sam. 2:6. praise God for, Psa. 92:2; 138:2. proclaim to others, Psa. 40:10. LUCIFER (day star), applied to Nebuchadnez- zar, Isa. 14:12. LUCIUS of Cyrene, a teacher. Acts 13:1; Rom. 16:21. LUCRE, love of, forbidden, 1 Tim. 3:3; Tit. 1:7; IPet. 5:7. LUKE, Lucas, companion of Paul, 2 Tim. 4:11; Phile. 24: Col. 4:14 (Acts 16:12; 20:5, etc.). LUKEVVARMNESS, Rev. 3:16. LUNATICS, Mat. 4:24: 17:15. LUST, forbidden, 1 Cor. 10:6-8. after beauty. Pro v. 6:25. after woman, Job 31:1; Mat. 5:28. after meats. Num. 11:4, 34; Psa. 78:18-31; 106:14, 15. LUSTS, are of the devil, John 8:44. are of the world, 1 John 2:16. choke the word, Mark 4:19. draw away and entice men, Jas. 1:14, 15; 2 Pet. 2:18. produce wars, etc., Jas. 4:1, 2. make prayer vain, Jas. 4:3. pervert the gospel, 2 Tim. 4:3; 2 Pet. 3:3; Jude 16, 18. lead to abandonment, Psa. 81:12. down in perdition, 1 Tim. 6:9. worldly, to be denied. Tit. 2:12. deceitful, put off, Eph. 4:22. youthful, flee from, 2 Tim. 2:22. fleshly, abstain from, 1 Pet. 2:11. of the Gentiles, forsaken, 1 Pet. 4:3. LUZ (Bethel), Gen. 28:19, etc. LYCAONIA, the gospel there, Acts 14:6. LYCIA, Acts 27:5. LYDUA, disciples there. Acts 9:32. LYDIA, her faith and charity. Acts 16:14, 40. , a province peopled by descendants of Lud, Gen. 10:22. LYDIANS, or Ludim, a people of Africa, sprung from Lud, Gen. 10:13; Isa. 66:19; Jer. 46:9; Ezek. 27:10; 30:5. LYING : forbidden. Lev. 19:11; Col. 3:9. hateful to God, Prov. 6:16-19. an abomination to God, Prov. 12:22. a hinderance to prayer, Isa. 59:2, 3. the devil, tiie father of, John 8:44. Satan excites to, 1 Kings 22:22; Acts 5:3. SAINTS hate, Psa. 119:163: Prov. 13:.5. avoid, Isa. 63:8: /eph. 3:13. respect not those who practise, Psa. 40:4. reject those who practise, Psa. 101:7. pray to be preserved from, Psa. 119:29; Prov. 30:8. unbecoming in rulers, Prov. 17:7. the evil of rulers hearing, Prov. 29:12. false prophets addicted to, Jer. 23:14; Ezek. 22:28. false witnesses practise, Prov. 14:5, 26. Antinomians guilty of, 1 John 1:6; 2:4. hypocrites addicted to, Hos. 11:12. hypocrites, a seed of, Isa. 57:4. THE WICKED lOVe, Psa. 52:3. addicted to from their infancy, Psa. 58:3. 98 delight in, Psa. 62:4. seek after, Psa. 4:2. prepare their tongues for, Jer. 9:3, 5. bring forth, Psa. 7:14. give heed to, Prov. 17:4. a mark of apostasy, 2 Thes. 2:9; 1 Tim. 4:2. leads to hatred, Prov. 26:28. leads to love of evil conversation, Prov. 17:4. often joined to gross crimes, Hos. 4:1, 2. folly of hiding hatred by, Prov. 10:18. vanity of getting riches by, Prov. 21:6. shall be detected, Prov. 12:19. poverty preferable to, Prov. 19:22. excludes from heaven. Rev. 21:27; 22:15. the guilty cast into hell. Rev. 21:8. punishment for, Psa. 5:6; 120:3, 4; Prov. 19:5; Jer. 50:36. exemplified : The devil. Gen. 3:4. Cain, Gen. 4:9. Sarah, Gen. 18:15. Jacob, Gen. 27:19. Joseph's brethren. Gen. 37:31, 32. Gibeon- ites. Josh. 9:9-13. Samson, Judg. 16:10. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:13. Michal, 1 Sam. 19:14. David, 1 Sam. 21 : 2. Prophet of Bethel, 1 Kin. 13:18. Gehazi, 2 Kings 5:22. Job's friends, Job 13:4. Ninevites, Nah. 3:1. Peter, Mat. 26:72. Ananias, etc., Acts 5:5. Cretans, Tit. 1:12. LYSANIAS, Luke 3:1. LYSTRA, a cripple healed at. Acts 14:8. Paul, etc., taken for gods at. Acts 14:11. Paul stoned at, Acts 14:19. M. MAACHAH, queen, degraded for idolatry, 1 Kin. 15:13; 2 Chr. 15:16. , king of Gath, father of Achish, 1 Kings 2:39. , David's wife, mother of Absalom, 2 Sam. 3:3; 1 Chr. 3:2. a district of Syria, Dent. 3:14; Josh. 12:5; 13:11, 13; 2 Sam. 10:6, 8; 1 Chr. 19:6, 7. MACEDONIA, Paul sent to preach there, Acts 16:9; 17. churches of, Phil, and 1 and 2 Thes. their liberality, 2 Cor. 8; 9; 11:9; Phil. 4:15. MACHIR, son of Manasseh, Gen. 50:23. father of Gilead, Num. 26 : 29 ; 36 : l ; Judg. 5:14. Gilead and Bashan given to, Num. 32:39, 40; Dent. 3:15; Josh. 13:31; 17:1. MACHPELAH, field of, purchased by Abraham, Gen. 23. patriarchs buried there. Gen. 23:19; 25:9; 35:29; 49:30; .50:12. MADAI, son of Japheth, Gen. 10:2; 1 Chr. 1:5; evorvwhere else translated Medes. MADNESS feigned by David, 1 Sam. 21:13. tlireatened, Deut. 28:28. See Eccl. 1:17; 2:12; cured by Christ, Mat. 4:24; 17:15. Christ charged with, John 10:20; and Paul, Acts 26:24. MAGDALA, Mat. 15:39. MAGI, translated wise men, Mat. 2:1-12. MAGICIANS of Egypt imitate miracles, Exod.- 7:11; baffled, Exod. 8:19. of Chaldea preserved, Dan. 2; 4:7. MA(;iSTRATRS: are appointed by God, Rom. 13:1. are ministers of God, Rom. 13:4, 6. purpose of their appointment, Rom. 13:4; 1 Pet. 2:14. are a terror to the evil, Rom. 13:3. to be chosen for ability, integrity, and wisdom, MAG BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MAN Exod. 18:21; Deut. 1:13; 2 Sam. 23:3; Ezra 7:25. to be prayed for, 1 Tim. 2:1, 2. SHOULD rule in fear of God, 2 Chr. 19:7. know the law of God, Ezra 7:25. be temperate, Prov. 31:4; Eccl. 10:16; Isa. 5:22* 28:1 7. be faithful,' Dan. 6:4. enforce the laws, Ezra 7:26. promote morality and piety, 2 Chr. 14; 2 Kin. 23; Ezra 9; Neh. 1-10. hate covetousness, Exod. 18:21. reject bribes, Exod. 23:8; Deut. 16:19. defend the poor, etc.. Job 29:12, 16. judge for God, not for man, 2 Chr. 19:6. judge righteously, Deut. 1:16; 16:18; 25:1. be impartial, Exod. 23:6; Deut. 1:17. be diligent in ruling, Rom. 12:8. subjection to their autliority enjoined, Rom. 13:1; 1 Pet. 2:13, 14; 2 Pet. 2:10. disobedience to, when justified, Exod. 1:15 ; 2Chr. 10:16; Dan. 3:15; 6:7; Acts 4:18; 5:27. wicked, illustrated, Prov. 28:15. good, exemplified : Joseph, Gen. 41:46. Gide- on, Judg. 8:35. Samuel, 1 Sam. 12:3, 4; Ezra 10 : 1-9. Nehemiah, Neh. 13 : 15. Job, Job 29:16. Daniel, Dan. 6:3. wicked, exemplified : Sons of Samuel, 1 Sam. 8:3. Pilate, Mat. 27:24, 26. Magistrates in Philippi, Acts 16:22, 23. Galllo, Acts 18:16, 17. Felix, Acts 24:26. See JUDGES. MAGOG, son of Japheth, Gen. 10:2; 1 Chr. 1:5. prophecy against, Ezek. 38:2; 39:6. symbolical, Rev. 20:8. MAGOR-MISSABIB (fear round about), Jer. 20:3. MAID-SERVANTS, laws concerning, Exod. 20:10: 21:7; Deut. 15:17. MAHAL ATH, wife of Rehoboam, 2 Chr. 11:18. , a guitar or lute, title of Psa. 53. Maha- lath-Leannoth, to sing to a lute, title of Psalm 88. MAHANAIM, Jacob's vision at, Gen. 32. MAHANEH-DAN, Judg. 13:25; 18:12. MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ, prophecy con- cerning, Isa. 8:1. MAHLON and Chilion, Ruth 1. MA.IESTY of God, 1 Chr. 29:11; Job 37:22; Psa. 93; 96; Isa. 24:14; Nah. 1; Hab. 3. of Christ, 2 Pet. 1:16. See jesus christ. MAIL, coat of, 1 Sam. 17:5. MAIMED not to be otTered, Lev. 22:22. made whole by Christ, Mat. 15:30. MAKKEDAH, a city, Josh. 10:28; 12:16; 15:41. a cave, Josh. 10:10, 16-27. MAKTESH, supposed to be a part of Jerusalem occupied by merchants, Zeph. 1:11. MALACHI complains of Israel's unkindness and profanity, Mai. 1. reproves the priests and people, Mai. 2. foretells the coming of Christ and John the Baptist, Mai. 3; 4. MALCHAM, Zeph. 1:5. MALCHUS wounded by Peter, John 18:10; Mat. 26:51; Mark 14:47. healed, Luke 22:51. MALEFACTORS not to hang all night, Deut. 21:22. Christ crucified between, Luke 23:32. MALE children, commanded to be kiUed by Pharaoh, saved, Exod. 1:15. MALES to appear thrice a year before the Lord, Exod. 23:17; Deut. 16:16. MALICE : forbidden, 1 Cor. 14:20: Col. 3:8. hinders growth in grace, 1 Pet. 2:1, 2. incompatible with the worship of God, 1 Cor. 5:7, 8. Christian liberty not to be made a cloak for, 1 Pet. 2:16. saints avoid. Job 31:29, 30; Psa. 35:12-14. THE WICKED spcak With, 3 John 10. live in. Tit. 3:3. conceive, Psa. 7:14. filled with, Rom. 1:29. visit saints with, Psa. 83:3; Mat. 22:6. pray for those who injure you through. Mat. 5:44. brings its own punishment, Psa. 7:15, 16. God requites, Psa. 10:14; Ezek. 36:5. punishment of, Amos 1:11, 12; Obad. 10-15. exemplified: Cain, Gen. 4:5. Esau, Gen. 27:41, Joseph's brethren. Gen. 37 : 19, 20. Saul, 1 Sam. 18:9-11. Sanballat, etc., Neh. 2:10. Haman, Esth. 3:5, 6. Edomites, Ezek. 35:5. Presidents, etc., Dan. 6:4-9. Herodias, Mark 6:19. Scribes, etc., Mark 11:18 ; Luke 11:54. Jews, John 7:45; 8:59; 19; Acts 7:54; 23:12. Diotrephes, 3 John 10. MALLOWS, a plant. Job 30:4. MAMMON, worship of, condemned. Mat. 6:24; Luke 16:9. MAMRE, Abram dwells there. Gen. 13:18; 14:13; 18' 23*17' 35*27. MAN created. Gen. "l : 26 ; 2 : 7 ; Mai. 2 : 10. all of one blood, Acts 17:26. his original dignity. Gen. 1:27; 2:25; Eccl. 7:29. his fall. Gen. 3. his reason. Job 32:8; Rom. 1:19. mortality. Job 14; Psa. 39; 49; 62:9; 78:39; 89:48; 103:14; 144:4; 146:3; Eccl. 1-4; 12:7; Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:22; Heb. 9:27. Immortality, Eccl. 3:21; 12:7; Mat. 10:28; 22:30; Luke 20:37; John 10:27; 1 Cor. 15:53; 2 Tim. 1:10. sinfulness. Gen. 6:5, 12; 1 Kings 8:46; Job 14:4; 15:14; Psa. 14; 51; Eccl. 9:3; Isa. 43:'27; 53:6; Jer. 3:25; 17:9; John 3:19; Rom. 3:9; 5:12; 7:18; Gal. 3:10; 5:17; Jas. 1:13; 1 John 1:8. ignorance, Job 8:9; 11:12; 28:12; Prov. 16:25: 27:1; Eccl. 8:17; Isa. 59:10; Jer. 10:3; 1 Cor. 1'20' 8*2' Jas. 4:14. weakness and insufllclency, 2 Chr. 20:12; Mat. 6:27; Rom. 9:16; 1 Cor. 3:7; 2 Cor. 3:5. subjected to affliction. Job 5:7; 14:1; Psa. 39:4; Eccl. 1:8; 3:2; Acts 14:22; Rom. 8:22; Rev. 7:14. vanity of his Ufe, Psa. 49; Eccl. 1-12. his whole duty, Eccl. 12:13; Mic. 6:8; 1 John 3 ■ 23 * etc. his redemption, Rom. 5; 1 Cor. 15:49; Gal. 3; 4; Eph. 3; 5:25; PhU. 3:21; Col. 1; Heb. 1; 2; Rev. 5. MANASSEH, son of Joseph, Gen. 41:51. blessed. Gen. 48. -r , „^ his descendants numbered, etc.. Num. 1:34; 26:29; Josh. 22:1; 1 Chr. 5:23; 7:14. their inheritance. Num. 32:33; 34:14; Josh. 13*29* 17. some" fall to the house of David, 1 Chr. 9:3; 12:19; 2 Chr. 15:9; 30:11. . king of Judah, his evil reign, 2 Kings 21; 2 Chr. 33. his repentance, 2 Chr. 33:12, 18. MANDRAKES, Gen. 30:14; Song 7:13. MANEH, fifteen shekels, Ezek. 45:12. MANGER, or Crib, Job 39:9; Prov. 14:4; Isa. 1:3. Jesus laid in, Luke 2:7, 12, 16. translated stall, Luke 13:15. 99 MAN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MAS MANIFESTATION of Christ, Mat. 17; John 1:14; 2:11; lJohn3:5. of God's righteousness, Rom. 3:21; and love, 1 John 4:9, etc. of the Spirit, 1 Cor. 12:7, etc. of the sons of God, Rom. 8:19. MANNA, promised, Exod. 16:4. sent, Exod. 16:14; Deut. 8:3; Neh. 9:20; Psa. 78:24; John 6:31. an omer laid up, Exod. 16:32; Heb. 9:4. Israelites murmur at it, Num. 11:6. it ceases. Josh. 5:12. the hidden manna. Rev. 2:17. MANOAH, Judg. 13; 16:31. MANSLAUGHTER, laws respecting. Gen. 9:6; Exod. 21:12; Num. 35:6, 22; Deut. 19:4; Josh. 20:1; 1 Tim. 1:9. See murder. MANSTEALING forbidden, Exod. 21:16; Deut. 24:7; 1 Tim. 1:10. MANTLE, 1 Sam. 15:27; 28:14; 2 Kings 2:8, 13. MAON, Josh. 15:55; Judg. 10:12. Nabal's abode, 1 Sam. 25:2. wilderness of, 1 Sam. 23:24, 25. MARA, Ruth 1:20. MARAH, bitter waters healed, Exod. 15:23. MARANATHA, 1 Cor. 16:22. MARBLE, 1 Chr. 29:2; Song 5:15. MARESHAH, Josh. 15:44; 2 Chr. 11:8; 14:9, 10; 20:37. prophecy of, Mic. 1:15. MARK. See JOHN (Mark). MARKET, or Fair, Ezek. 27:13-25; Mat. 21:12; Luke 19:45; .John 2:14, 15. MARKET-PLACE, place of resort. Mat. 23:7; hiring in, Mat. 20:3; Mark 7:4; Luke 7:32. Paul brought before the judges in, Acts 16:19. Paul preached in, at Athens, Acts 17:17. at city gates. Gen. 23:10, 16; 34:20; Ruth 4:1; 2 Kings 7:1, 18. MARRIAGE instituted. Gen. 2:18, 24. commended, (ien. 2:18; Pro v. 18:22. its obligations, Mat. 19:4; Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 6:16; 7:10; Eph. 5:3L honorable, Heb. 13:4; Prov. 31:10; Psa. 128. Christ's discourse on. Mat. 19; Mark 10. Paul's advice on, 1 Cor. 7; 1 Tim. 5:14. of Isaac, Gen. 24. of Jacob, Gen. 29. of the Lamb, Rev. 19:7. mentioned in parables, Mat. 22:25. none in heaven, Mat. 22:30; Mark 12:23. unlawful marriages, Lev. 18. with unbelievers, forbidden, 2 Cor. 6:14-17. WITH HEATHEN, forbidden to the Jews, Exod. 34:16; Deut. 7:3; Josh. 23:12. instances: Judg. 3:5-8; 1 Kings 11:1-12; Ezra 9:2, 12. reformed, Neh. 13; Ezra 10. Christ's miracle at, John 2:1. forbidden by antichrist, 1 Tim. 4:1. should be "in the Lord," 1 Cor. 7:39. MARS' HILL. Acts 17:19-.32. MARTHA taught by Christ, John 11:5, 21. reproved bv him. Luke 10:38. MAR'1TR1)()M: is death endured for the word of God, and tes- timony of Christ, Rev. 6:9; 20:4. SAINTS forewarned of, Mat. 10:21; 24:9; John 16:2. should not fear. Mat. 10:28; Rev. 2:10. should be prepared for, Mat. 16:24, 25 ; Acts 21:13. should resist sin unto, Heb. 12:4. reward of. Rev. 2:10; 6:11. at the instigation of the devil. Rev. 2:10, 13. TOO the apostate church guilty of, Rev. 17:6; 18:24. of saints, shall be avenged, Luke 11: 50, 51; Rev. 18:20-24. exemplified: Abel, Gen. 4:8, with 1 John 3:12. Prophets and saints of old, 1 Kin. 18:4; 19:10; Lu. 11:50, 51; Heb. 11:37. Urijah, Jer. 26:23. John the Baptist, Mark 6:27. Peter, John 21:18, 19. Stephen, Acts 7:58. Primitive Christians, Acts 9:1, with Acts 22:4; 26:10; James, Acts 12:2. Antipas, Rev. 2:13. MARY, mother of Jesus, Gabriel sent to, Lu. 1 :26. her faith, Luke 1:38, 45; 2:19; John 2:5. her thanksgiving, Luke 1:46. Christ born of. Mat. 1:18; Luke 2. at the marriage at Cana, John 2:1. inquires after Christ, Mat. 12:46; Mark 3:31; Luke 8:19. at his crucifixion. Mat. 27:56; John 19:25. his care for, Jolm 19:26;— Acts 1:14. , Magdalene, Luke 8:2. at the crucifixion, Mat. 27:56; Mark 15:40; John 19:25. Christ first appears to. Mat. 28:1; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10; John 20: L , sister of Lazarus, commended, Luke 10:42. Christ's affection for, John 11:5, 33. anoints his feet, John 12:3; head, Mat. 26:6; Mark 14:3. mother of James the Less, wife of Cleo- phas, John 19:25. watches the sepulchre, Mat. 27:61; Mark 15:47. visits the sepulchre with spices. Mat. 28:1. , mother of John Mark, Acts 12:12. -, a Roman disciple, Rom. 16 :f MASCHIL (instruction), title of Psalms 32, 42, 44, 45, 52-54, 74, 88, 89, 142. MASON, 1 Kin. 5:18; 2 Kin. 12:12; 22:6; 1 Chr. 14:1; Ezra 3:7. MASSAH, Israel's rebellion at, Exod. 17:7; Deut. 9:22: 33:8. MASTERS: authority of. Col. 3:22; 1 Pet. 2:18. Christ set an example to, John 13:14. SHOULD, WITH THEIR HOUSEHOLDS, WOrShip God, Gen. 35:3. fear God, Acts 10:2. serve God, Josh. 24:15. keep the Sabl)ath, Exod. 20:10; Deut. 5:12. put away idols, (Jen. 35:2. should select faithful servants, Gen. 24:2; Psa. 101:6, 7. should receive faithful advice from servants, 2 Kings 5:13, 14. DUTY OF, TOWARDS SERVANTS, tO aCt jUStly, Job 31:13, 15; Col. 4:1. to deal with them in the fear of God, Eph. 6:9; Col. 4:1. esteem them highly, if saints, Phile. 16. take care of, in sickness, Luke 7:3. to forbear threatening them, Eph. 6:9. not to defraud them, Gen. 31:7. not to keep back their wages, Lev. 19:13; Deut. 24:15. not to rale over them with rigor, Lev. 25:43; Deut. 24:14. benevolent, blessed, Deut. 15:18. unjust, denounced, Jer. 22:13; Jas. 6:4. good, exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 18:19. Ja- cob, (Jen. 35:2. Joshua, Josh. 24:15. David, 2 Sam. 6:20. Centurion, Luke 7:2, 3. Corne- lius, Acts 10:2. bad, exemplified: Potiphar, Gen. 39:20. Egyp- tians, Exod. 1:13,14. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:17. Amalekite, l Sam. 30:13. MAT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MEN MATT AN, priest of Baal, slain, 2 Kings 11:18; 2 Chr. 23:17. MATTANIAH. See ZEDEKIAH. MATTHEW (Levi), apostle, called, Mat. 9:9; Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27. ordained, Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15;— Acts 1:13. MATTHIAS chosen apostle. Acts 1. MATTOCK, 1 Sam. 13:20, 21; Isa. 7:25. MAUL, Prov. 25:18. MAZZAROTH, Job 38:32. ME AH, Neh. 3:1; 12:39. MEAL. See bread. MEALS. See diet. MEANS of grace, appointed, Prov. 6:23; Mark 4:14; Luke 10:2; 1 Cor. 1:21: 3:8. necessary, Ezek. 33:8; 36:37; Rom. 10:14. use of, encouraged, Psa. 126:5; Dan. 12:3; Jas. 5:20. the right, to be used, Jer. 23:28; Luke 16:31; 2 Cor. 10:4; Heb. 4:12. made effectual, Isa. 66:8; Mark 1:17; Lu. 1:16; John 17:20; Acts 14:1; Gal. 4:19. to be used, trusting in God, Psa. 51:12, 13; Zech. 4:6; John 15:5: 1 Cor. 3:6-9; 2 Tim. 2:25. have various effects, Isa. 28:13; Mark 4:3-8; 2 Cor. 2:15; Heb. 4:2. some will not improve by, Prov. 9:7; 23:9; Mat. 7:6; 1 John 5:16. MEASURES, of capacity: log. Lev. 14:10, 15. cab, 2 Kings 6 :25. omer, or tenth deal (the tenth of an ephah), Exod. 16:36; Lev. 5:11; 14:10. hin, Exod. 29:40. bath or ephah, Isa. 5:10; Ezek. 45:11. homer or cor. Ezek. 45:14. firkin, John 2:6. , of length: handbreadth, Exod. 25:25; Psa. 39:5. span, Exod. 28:16; 1 Sam. 17:4. cubit, Gen. 6:15, 16; Deut. 3:11. fathom, Acts 27:28. mile, Mat. 5:41. UNJUST, an abomination to God, Prov. 20:10. the Jews not to use, Lev. 19:35; Deut. 25:14, 15. frequently did use, Mic. 6:10. illustrative. Job 28:23, 25; Psa. 39:4; 80:5; Isa. 5:14; 40:12; Jer. 30:11; Ezek. 4:11, 16; Eph. 4:13. MEASURING of the holy city, and New Jerusa- lem, Ezek. 40; Zech. 2:1; Rev. 11:1; 21:15. MEASURING-ROD, or Line, Jer. 31:39; Ezek. 40:3, 5; 42:15-19; Zech, 2:1. MEAT-OFFERING, Lev. 2; 3; 6:14; Num. 15; Neh. 10:33; Isa. 57:6. MEATS, clean and unclean. Lev. 11; Deut. 14; Acts 15:29; Rom. 14; 1 Cor. 8:4; 10:25; CoL 2:16: 1 Tim. 4:3. MEDAD prophesies, Num. 11:26. MEDDLING censured, 2 Kings 14: 10; Prov. 20:3; 24:21; 26:17. MEDERA, Num. 21:30; Josh. 13:9, 16; 1 Chr. 19:7-15; Isa. 15:2. MEDIA, ten tribes carried there, 2 Kings 17:6; 18:11; Esth. 1. Medes subdue Babylon (Isa. 21:2), Dan. 5:28, 31. prophecy concerning, Dan. 8:20. MEDIATOR, Christ is, Eph. 2:13; 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb, 8:6; 9:15; 12:24. See Job 9:33. MEDICINE, figurative, Prov. 17:22; Jer. 8:22; 30:13; 46:11; Ezek. 47:12. MEDITATION commended, Psa. 1:2; 19:14; 77:12; 107:43; 119:97. exhortations to. Josh. 1:8; Psa. 4:4; Prov. 4:26; 1 Tim. 4:15. See Gen. 24:63. MEDITERRANEAN SEA (this name not in Scrip- ture), called the Great Sea, Num. 34:6, 7; Josh. 1:4; 9:1; 15:12,47; 23:4; Ezek. 47:10, 15, 20; 48:28; the Sea of the Philistines, Exod. 23:31; of Joppa, Ezra 3:7; the Sea. Josh. 15:4, 46; Acts 17:14; the hinder sea, Zech. 14:8; the utmost sea, Deut. 11:24; Joel 2:20. MEDO PERSIAN KINGDOM, extended from In- dia to Ethiopia, Esth. 1:1. chief cities: Shushan, Esth. 1:2; 8:15; Achme- tha, or Ecbatana, Ezra 6:2. laws unalterable, Dan. 6:12, 15. kings of, mentioned in Scripture: Cyrus, Ezra 1:1; Ahasuerus or Cambyses, Ezra4:6; Arta- xerxes Smerdis (a usurper), Ezra 4:7; Darius Hystaspis, Ezra 6:1; Dan. 5:31; Xerxes, Dan. 11:2; Artaxerxes Longimanus or Ahasuerus, Ezra 6:14; 7:1; Esth. 1:1. celebrated for wise men, Esth. 1:13; Mat. 2:1. people warlike, Ezek. 27:10; 38:5. peculiar customs in, Esth. 1:8; 2:12, 13. predictions respecting, Isa. 21:1, 2; 44:28; 45:1- 4; Dan. 5:28; 8:4, 6, 7; 11:2, 3. MEEKNESS: Christ set an example of, Psa. 45:4; Mat. 11:29; 21:5; 2 Cor. 10:1. a fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22, 23. SAINTS SHOULD scek, Zcph. 2:3. put on, Col. 3:12, 13. receive the word of God with, Jas. 1:21. exhibit, in conduct, etc., Jas. 3:13. answer for their hope with, 1 Pet. 3:15. show to all men. Tit. 3:2. restore the erring with, Gal. 6:1. precious in the sight of God, 1 Pet. 3:4. MINISTERS SHOULD foUow after, 1 Tim. 6:11. instruct opposers with, 2 Tim. 2:24, 25. urge on their people. Tit. 3:1, 2. a characteristic of wisdom, Jas. 3:17. necessary to Christian walk, Eph. 4:1, 2. THEY WHO ARE GIFTED WITH, are prescrvcd, Psa. 76:9. are exalted, Psa. 147:6. are guided and taught, Psa. 25:9. are richly provided for, Psa. 22:26. are beautified with salvation, Psa. 149:4. increase their joy, Isa. 29:19. shall inherit the earth, Psa. 37:11. the gospel to be preached to those who pos- sess, Isa. 61:1. blessedness of. Mat. 5:5. exemplified: Moses. Num. 12 :3. David, 2 Sam. 16:9-12. Paul, 1 Thes. 2:7. MEGIDDO, Josh. 17:11; Judg. 1:27; 5:19; Zech. 12 :n. Ahaziah, 2 Kings 9:27, and Josiah, die there, 2 Kings 23:29: 2 Chr. 35:22. MELCHIZEDEK blesses A bram. Gen. 14:18. his priesthood above Aaron's, Psa. 110:4; Heb. 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7:1. MELITA, Paul wrecked at. Acts 28. MELONS, Num. 11:5. MELZAR favors Daniel, Dan. 1:11. MEMBERS of the body figurative of the church, Rom. 12:4; 1 Cor. 12:12 (Psa. 139:16); Eph. 4:25. MEMORIALS commanded, Exod. 17:14; 28:12; 30:16; Num. 16:40. offerings of. Lev. 2:2- Num. 5:15. MEMORY of the just, Prov. 10:7. of the wicked, Psa. 109:15; Isa. 26:14. MEMPHIS, in Egypt, Hos. 9:6. MENAHEM, king of Israel, his evil reign, 2 Kin. 15:14. lOI MEN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MID MENE (to number), Dan. 5: 20, 215. MEPHIBOSHETH, SOU of Jonathan, liis lame- ness, 2 Sam. 4:4. David's kindness to, 2 Sam. 9:1. Ziba's treachery, 2 Sam. 16:1: 19:24. preserved by David, 2 Sam. 21:7. MERAB, Saul's daughter, 1 Sam. 14:49; 18:17. MEilARI, son of Levi, (ien. 46:11. his descendants, Exod. 6:19; 1 Chr. 6:1; 23:21; 24:26. their charge, Num. 4:29; 7:8: 10:17. their cities, Josh. 21:7; 1 Chr. 6:63. MERATHAIM, a name of Babylon, Jer. 50:21. MEKCHANDISE, Deut. 24:7; Psa. 3:14; 31:18: Isa. 23:18; Ezek. 27:9; 28:16; Mat. 22:5; John 2:16; Rev. 18:11, 12. MERCHANTS mentioned. Gen. 37:25; 1 Kings 10:15; Neh. 13:20; Isa. 23:8; Ezek. 27. See Rev. 18:11. parable of one. Mat. 13:45. MERCIFUL, the blessed, Prov. 11:17; Mat. 5:7. MERCURIUS. Paul called, Acts 14:12. MERCY, human : after the example of God, Luke 6:36. enjoined, Hos. 12:6; Col. 3:12. to be engraved on the heart, Prov. 3:3. belongs to saints, Psa. 37:26; Isa. 57:1. SHOULD BK SHOWN Cheerfully, Rom. 12:8. to our brethren, Zech. 7:9. to the poor, Prov. 14:. 31; Dan. 4:27. to animals, Pro v. 12:10. upholds the throne of kings, Prov. 20:28. beneficial to those who exercise, Prov, 11:17. blessedness of showing, Prov. 14:21; 21:21. secures the mercy of God, Psa. 18:25; Mat. 5 7. hypocrites devoid of. Mat, 23:23. denunciations against those devoid of, Hos. 4:1, 3; Jas. 2:13. of God : is part of his character, Exod. 34:6, 7; Psa. 62:12; Jon. 4:2; 2 Cor. 1:3. DESCRIBED AS rich, Eph. 2:4. great. Num. 14:18; Isa. 54:7. manifold, Neh. 9:27; Lam. 3:32. plenteous, Psa. 86:5, 15; 103:8. abundant, 1 Pet. 1:3, sure, Isa. 55:3; Mic. 7:20. everlasting, 1 Chr. 16:34; Psa. 89:28, tender, I'sa. 25:6; Luke 1:78. new every morning. Lam. 3:23. high as heaven, Psa. 36:5; 103:11. .sovereign, Exod. .33:19; Rom. 9:15, 16. filling the earth, Psa. 119:64. over all his works, Psa. 145:9, is his delight, Mic. 7:18. MANIP'ESTED iu salvatiou. Tit. 3:5. in the .sending of Christ, Luke 1:78. in long-sull'ering. Lam. 3:22; Dan. 9:9. to his people, Deut. 32:43; 1 Kings 8:2.3. to them that fear him, Exod. 20:6; Psa. 103:17; Luke 1:50. to returning backsliders, Jer. 3:12; Joel 2:13, to repentant sinners, Prov. 28:13; Lsa. 55:7. to the aillicted, Isa. 49:13; 54:7. to the fatiierleas, Hos. 14:3. to whom lie will, Hos. 2:23, with Rom. 9:15, 18. with everlasting kindness, Isa. 54:8. aground ofiiope, I'sa. i;iO:7; 147:11. a ground of trust, Psa. 52:8. SHOULD BE sought for ourselves, Psa. 6:2. sought for others. Num. 6:25; Psa. 79:8; Gal. 6:16; 1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:18. pleaded in prayer, Psa. 6:4; 25:6; 51:1. rejoiced in, Psa. 31:7; 90:14. 102 magnified, 1 Chr. 16:34; Psa. 115:1; 118:1-4, 29; Jer. 33:11. typified, mercy-seat, Exod. 25:17. exemplified : Lot, (ien. 19:16, 19. Epaphrodi- tus, PhU. 2:27. Paul, 1 Tim. 1:13. MERCY-SEAT described, Exod. 25:17; 26:34; 37:6; Lev. 16:13; 1 Chr. 28:11; Psa. S0:1: Heb. 9:5. ME III BAH, Israel's rebellion there, Exod. 17:7; Num. 20:13; 27:14; Deut. 32:51; 33:8; Psa. 81:7. MERIT, human, an inadequate plea before God, Deut. 9:4; Prov. 16:2; lsa. 64:6; Rom. 4:2; 11:6; 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:5. MERODACH, a Babylonian idol, Jer. 50:2. MERODACH-(or Berodach-)I^ALADAN, liis em- l)assy to Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20:12; 2 Clu". 32:31; Isa. 39;— Jer. 50:2. MEROM, Josh. 11:5-7. MEROZ cursed, Judg. 5:23. MESH A, Gen. 10:. 30; 2 Kings 1:1; 3:4, 5, 21-27. MESHACH. See shadrach. MESHECH, Gen. 10:2. traders of, Ezek. 27:13: 32:26: 38:2: 39:1. MESOPOTAMIA, Abram departs from. Gen. 11:31; 12:1; 24:4,10: Acts 7:2. king of, oppressing Israel, slain, Judg. 3:8;— Acts 2 : 9. MESSENGER of the covenant, MaL 3:1, See Isa. 42:19. MESSIAH the Prince, foretold, Dan. 9:25. See John 1:41; 4:25. See Christ, METALS, dug out of the eartli, Job 28:1, 2, 6, mentioned in Scripture : gold. Gen, 2:11, 12; silver, Gen. 44:2; brass, Exod. 27:2, 4; 2 Chr, 12:10; copper, Ezra 8:27; 2 Tim, 4:14: iron, Num. 35:16; Prov. 27:17: lead, Exod. 15:10; Jer. 6:29; tin, Num. 31:32, comparative value, Isa. 60:17; Dan, 2:32, etc. often mixed with dross, Isa. 1:25. Holy Land abounded in, Deut. 8:9. freed from dross by fire, Ezek. 22:18, 20; Mai. 3:2, 3. cast in moulds, Judg. 17:4; Jer. 6:29. clay of Jordan used for moulding, 1 Kin. 7:46. an extensive commerce in, Ezek. 27:12. METHEG-AMMAil, 2 Sam, 8:1; 1 Chr. 18 :L METHUSELAH, Gen. 5:27. MICAH, his theft and idolatry, Judg, 17, his idols taken by tlie Danites, Judg. 18. , tlie propliet (Jer. 26:18), declares God's wrath against Israel's sin, Mic. 1-3; 6; 7. foretells the Messiah, Mic. 4: 5; 7. MICAIAH prophesies against Ahab, 1 Kings 22; 2 Chr. 18. MICE, golden, offered by Philistines, 1 Sam. 6:11. MICHAEL the arcliangel, protects Israel, Dan. 10:13, 21; 12:1; Jude 9. overcomes the dragon, Hev. 12:7, MICIIAIAH, Jer. .36:11-13. MICHAL, Saul's daughter, 1 Sam. 14:49. becomes David's wife. 1 Sam. 18:20. taken from him, 1 Sam. 25:44. restored, 2 Sam. 3:i;J. rebuked for despising his religious joy, 2 Sam. 6:16, 20; 1 Chr. 15:29, MICHMASH, 1 Sam. 13:5; Neh. 11:31; Ezra 2:27. pass of, 1 Sam. 13:2-23; 14:5, 31; Isa. 10:28,29. MICHTAM (mystery), title Psalm 16; 56-60. MIDIAN, son of Abraham, Gen. 25:2. HIS descendants. Gen. 25:4. their dwelling.s, Exod. 2:15; 3:1; Num. 22:1, 4; Ilab. 3:7. ensnare the Israelites, Num. 25:6. MID BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MIN spoiled, Num. 31:1. oppressing Israel, subdued by Gideon, .ludg. 6-8. See Psa. 83:9; Isa. 9:4; 10:26: 60:6. MIDIAN, land of, Moses flees there, Exod. 2 :15. See 1 Kings 11:18; Isa. 60:6; Hab. 3:7. MIDNIGHT, prayer made at, Psa. 119:62; Luke 6:12; Acts 16:25; 20:7. MID WIVES, in Egypt, Exod. 1:16. blessed by God, Exod. 1:20. MIGDOL, Ex. 14:2; Num. 33:7; Jer. 44:1; 46:14. MIGHTY men of David, 2 Sam. 23:8; 1 Chr. 11:10. MIGRON, 1 Sam. 14:2; Isa. 10:28. MILCAH, Gen. 11:29; 22:20. MILCOM, god of the Ammonites, 1 Kings 11:5, 33; 2 Kings 23:13. MILDEW, Deut. 28:22; 1 Kings 8:37; Amos 4:9; Hag. 2:17. MILETUS, Paul's address to the elders at, Acts 20:15 (2 Tim. 4:20). MILK, used as food. Gen. 18:8; Judg. 5:25. of cows, Deut. 32:14; 1 Sam. 6:7. of camels. Gen. 32:15. of goats, Prov. 27:27. of sheep, Deut. 32:14. made into butter, Prov. 30:33. and cheese. Job 10:10. figurative of fertility, .Josh. 5:6. of instruction, Isa. 55:1; 1 Cor. 3:2; Heb. 5:12; 1 Pet. 2:2. See Song 4:11; Isa. 7:22; 60:16. MILL, Jer. 25:10; Matt. 18:6. formed of two stones, Deut. 24:6; Job 41:24. women employed at, Exod. 11:5; Mat. 24:41. and captives, Judg. 16:21; Lam. 5:13. millstones not to be taken in pledge, Deut. 24:6. manna ground in. Num. 11:8. Abimelech killed by piece of millstone, Judg. 9:53. illustrative: (grinding at) of degradation, Isa. 47:1, 2; (ceasing) of desolation. Rev. 18:22. MILLENNIUM, foretold, Rev. 20:2. A TIME OF general hohness, Jer. 31:33; Zech. 14:20; Rom. 11:26, 27. peace, Psa. 72:3, 7; Mic. 4:3. knowledge, Isa. 11:9; 29:18; 33:6; Heb. 8:n. plenty, Psa. 72:7; Isa. 60:5. happiness, Isa. 25:8; 35:10. renewal of all things, Isa. 11:6; 40:4; 41:18; 55:13; 65:25. See CHRIST THE KING. MILLET, Ezek. 4:9. MILLO, house of, Judg. 9:6. MIND, God to be served with the, Mat. 22:37; Mark 12:30; Rom. 7:25. enlightened, Heb. 8:10; 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 13:n. oneness of, 1 Cor. 1:10; Phil. 2:2; 1 Pet. 3:8. willingness of, 1 Chr. 28:9; Neh. 4:6; 2 Cor. 8:12. carnal, Rom. 8:7; Col. 2:18. spiritual, Rom. 8:6. reprobate, Rom. 1:28. of the Lord, Lev. 24:12; 1 Sam. 2:33; Rom. 11:34. of Christ, ICor. 2:16. of the Spirit, Rom. 8:27. MINERALS, mentioned in Scripture: adamant, translated diamond, Jer. 17:1; alabaster, Mat. 26:7; brimstone. Gen. 19:24; chalk, Isa. 27:9; coral, Job 28:18; Ezek. 27:16; flint. Deut. 8:15; Isa. 50:7; lime, Isa. 33:12; Amos 2:1: marble, 1 Chr. 29:2; Song 5:15; nitre, Prov. 25:20; Jer. 2:22; pitch. Gen. 6:14; Exod. 2:3; Isa. 34:9; salt, Job 6:6; Judg. 9:45; slime, Gen. 11:3; 14:10. MINISTER, APPLIED TO Christ, Mat. 20:28; Rom. 15:8; Heb. 8:2, 6. holy angels, Psa. 103:21; 104:4; Dan. 7:10; Heb. 1:14. fallen angels, 2 Cor. 11:15. magistrates, Rom. 13:4, 6. MINISTERS: called by God, Exod. 28:1, with Heb. 5:4. quaUfied by God, 2 Cor. 3:5, 6. commissioned by Christ, Mat. 28:19. sent by the Holy Ghost, Acts 13:2, 4. have authority from God, 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10. authority of, 'is for edification, 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10. separated unto the gospel, Rom. 1:1. intrusted with the gospel, 1 Thes. 2:4. DESCRIBED AS ambassadoTS for Christ, 2 Cor. 5:20. ministers of Christ, 1 Cor. 4:1. stewards of the mysteries of God, 1 Cor. 4:1. defenders of the faith, Phil. 1:7. specially protected by God, 2 Cor. 1:10. necessity for, Rom. 10:14. excellency of, Rom. 10:15. labors of, vain, without God's blessing, 1 Cor. 3:7; 15:10. compared to earthen vessels, 2 Cor. 4:7. SHOULD BE humble. Acts 20:19. pure, Isa. .52:11; 1 Tim. 3:9. holy. Lev. 21:6; Tit. 1:8. patient, 2 Cor. 6:4; 2 Tim. 2:24. blameless, 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:7. wiUing, Isa. 6:8: 1 Pet. 5:2. disinterested, 2 Cor. 12:14; 1 Thes. 2:6. impartial, 1 Tim. 5:21. gentle, 1 Thes. 2:7; 2 Tim. 2:24. devoted. Acts 20:24; Phil. 1:20, 21. strong in grace, 2 Tim. 2:1. self-denying. 1 Cor. 9:27. sober, just, and temperate. Tit. 1:8. hospitable, 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8. apt to teach, 1 Tim. 3:2; 2 Tim. 2:24. studious and meditative, 1 Tim. 4:13. watchful, 2 Tim. 4:5. prayerful, Eph. 3:14; Phil. 1:4. strict in ruling their own families, 1 Tim. 3:4, 12. atfectionate to their people, Phil. 1:7; 1 Thes. 2:8, 11. ensamples to the flock, Phil. 3:17; 2 Thes. 3:9; 1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 5:3. SHOULD NOT BE lords ovcr God's heritage, 1 Pet. 5:3. greedy of filthy lucre, Acts 20:33; 1 Tim. 3:3, 8 ■ 1 Pet. 5 : 2. contentious, 1 Tim. 3:3; Tit. 1:7. crafty, 2 Cor. 4:2. men-pleasers. Gal. 1:10; 1 Thes. 2:4. easily dispirited, 2 Cor. 4:8, 9: 6:10. entangled by cares, Luke 9:60; 2 Tim. 2:4. given to wine, 1 Tim. 3:3; Tit. 1:7. should seek the salvation of their flock, 1 Cor. 10:33. should avoid giving unnecessary otfence, 1 Cor. 10:32, 33; 2 Cor. 6:3. Should make full proof of their ministry, 2 Tim. 4:5. ARE BOUND TO prcach the gospel to all, Mark 16:15; 1 Cor. 1:17. feed the church, Jer. 3:15; John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2. build up the church, 2 Cor. 12:19; Ephes. 4:12. watch for souls, Heb. 13:17. pray for their people, Joel 2:17; Col. 1:9. 103 MIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MIR strengthen the faith of their people, Lu. 22:32; Acts 14:22. teach, 2 Tim. 2:2. exhort, Tit. 1:9: 2:15. warn affectionately. Acts 20:31. rebuke, Tit. l:13: 2:15. comfort, 2 Cor. 1:4-6. convince gainsayers, Tit. 1:9. war a good warfare, 1 Tim. 1:18; 2 Tim. 4:7. endure hardness, 2 Tim. 2:3. SHOULD PREACH Cluist crucificd, Acts 8:5, 35; 1 Cor. 3:2. repentance and faith, Acts 20:21. according to the oracles of God, 1 Pet. 4:11. everywhere, Mark 16:20; Acts S:4. not with enticing words of man's wisdom, 1 Cor. 1:17; 2:1, 4. not setting forth themselves, 2 Cor. 4:5. without deceitfulness, 2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2; 1 Thes. 2:3, 5. fully, and without reserve. Acts 5: 20; 20:20,27; Rom. 15:19. with boldness, Isa. 58:1; Bzek. 2:6; Mat. 10:27, 28. With plainness of speech, 2 Cor. 3:12. with zeal, 1 Thes. 2:8. Avith constancy. Acts 6:4; 2 Tim. 4:2. with consistency, 2 Cor. 1:18, 19. with heedfulness, 1 Tim. 4:16. with good will and love, Phil. 1:15-17. without charge, if possible, 1 Cor. 9:18; 1 Thes. 2:9. woe to those, who do not preach the gospel, 1 Cor. 9:16. WHEN FAITHFUL, approvc thcmselvcs as the ministers of God, 2 Cor. 6:4. may hope to be means of saving souls, Mark 1:17: ITim. 4:10. thank God for his gifts to their people, 1 Cor. 1:4; Phil. 1:3: 1 Thes. 3:9. glory in their people, 2 Cor. 7:4. rejoice in the faith and holiness of their peo- ple, 1 Thes. 2:19, 20; 3:6-9. commend themselves to the consciences of men, 2 Cor. 4:2. are rewarded, Dan. 12:3; Mat. 24:47; John 4:36; 1 Pet. 5:4. WHEN UNFAITHFUL, described, Isa. 66:10-12; Tit. 1:10, 11. deal treacherously with their people, John 10:12. delude men, Jer. 6:14. seek gain, Mic. 3:11; 2 Pet. 2:3. shall be punished, Ezek. 33:6-8; Mat. 24:48-51. THEIR PEOPLE ARE BOUND TO regard them as God's messengers, 1 Cor. 4:1; (!al. 4:14. attend to their instructions, Mai. 2:7; Mat. 23:3. follow their holy example, 1 Cor. 11:1; Phil. 3:17. imitate their faith, Heb. 13:7. hold them in reputation, Phil. 2:29; 1 Thes. 5:13; 1 Tim. 5:17. love them, 2 Cor. 8:7; 1 Thes. 3:6. pray for them, Rom. 15:30; 2 Cor. 1:11; Eph. 6:19; Heb. 13:18. oi)ey them, 1 Cor. 16:16; Ileb. 13:17. give them joy, 2 Cor. 1:14: 2:3. help them, Rom. 16:9; Phil. 4:3. support them, 2 Chr. 31:4; 1 Cor. 9:7-11; Gal. 6:6. pray for the increase of. Mat. 9:38. faithful, exemplifled: The eleven apostles. Mat. 28:16-19. The seventy, Luke 10:1, 17. Mat- thias, Acts 1:26. Philip, .Vets 8:5. Barnabas, 104 Acts 11:23. Simeon, etc.. Acts 13:1. Paul, Acts 28:31. Tychicus, Eph. 6:21. TimoHiy. i'hil. 2:22. Epahphroditus, Phil. 2:25. Ar- chippus, Col. 4:17. Titus, Tit. 1:5. MINNI, in Armenia, Jer. 51:27. MINNITH, Judg. 11:33; Ezek. 27:17. MINT, Mat. 23:23; Luke 11:42. MIRACLES: power of God necessary to, John 3:2. DESCRIBED AS marvcllous things, Psa. 78:12. marvellous works, Isa. 29:14; Psa. 105:5. signs and wonders, Jer. 32:21; John 4:48; 2 Cor. 12:12. MANIFEST the glory of God, John 11:4. the glory of Clirist, John 2:11; 11:4. the works of God, John 9:3. were evidences of a divine commission, Exod. 4:1-5: Mark 16:20. the Messiah was expected to perform, Mat. 11:2, 3; John 7:31. Jesus was proved to be the Messiah by. Mat. 11:4-6: John 5:36; Acts 2:22. Jesus was followed on account of. Mat. 4:23- 25; John 6:2, 26. a gift of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12:10. WERE PERFORMED by the powcr of God, Acts 14:3: 15:12; 19:11. by the power of Christ, Mat. 10:1. by the power of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12:28; Rom. 15:19. in the name of Ctirist, Mark 16:17; Acts 3:16; 4:30. first preaching of the gospel confirmed by, Mark 16:20; Heb. 2:4. they who Avrought, disclaimed all power of their own, Acts 3:12. should produce faith, John 2:23; 20:30. should produce obedience. Dent. 11:1-3; 29:2, 3,9. instrumental to the early propagation of the gospel, Acts 8:-6; Rom. 15:18, 19. faith required in those who performed. Mat. 17:20; 21:21; John 14:12; Acts 3:16; 6:8. faith required in those for whom they were per- formed. Mat. 9:28; Mark 9:22-24; Acts 14:9. should be remembered, 1 Chr. 16:12; Psa. 105:5. should be told to future generations, Exod. 10:2; Judg. 6:13. Insutlicient of themselves to produce conver- sion, Luke 16:31. THE wicKKD desire to see, Luke 11:29; 23:8. often acknowledge, John 11:47; Acts 4:16. do not understand, Psa. 106:7. do not consider, Mark 6:52. forget, Nell. 9:17; Psa. 78:11. proof against. Num. 14:22; John 12:37. guilt of rejecting the evidence afforded by, Mat. 11:20-24; John 15:24. of Christ: water turned into wine, John 2:6-10. nobleman's son healetl, John 4:46-53. centurion's servant healed. Mat. 8:5-13. draught of fishes, Luke 5:4-6; John 21:6. devils cast out. Mat. 8:27-32; 9:32, 33; 15:22- 28; 17:14-18. Peter's wife's mother healed, Mat. 8:14. lepers cleansed, Mat. 8:3; Luke 17:14. paralytic healed, Mark 2:3-12. withered hand restored. Mat. 12:10-13. impotent man healed, John 5:5-9. the dead raised to life. Mat 9:18, 19, 23-25; Luke 7:12-1.5: John 11:11-44. issue of blood stopped. Mat. 9:20-22. the blind restored to sight, Mat. 9:27-30; Mark 8:2i-25: John 9:1-7. MIR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MIR the deaf and dumb cured, Mark 7:32-35. the multitude fed, Mat. 14:15; 15:32. his walking on the sea, Mat. 14:25-27. I'eter walking on the sea. Mat. 14:29. tempest stilled. Mat. 8:23-26; 14:32. sudden arrival of the ship, John 6:21. tribute money. Mat. 17:27. woman healed of infirmity, Luke 13:11-13. dropsy cured, Luke 14:2-4. fig-tree blighted. Mat. 21:19. Malchus healed, Luke 22:50, 51. performed before the messengers of John, Luke 7:21,22. many and divers diseases healed. Mat. 4:23, 24; 14:14; 15:30; Mark 1:34; Luke 6:17-19. his resurrection, Luke 24:6, with John 10:18. his appearance to his disciples, the doors being shut, John 20:19. MIRACLES through servants of God: Moses and Aaron: rod made a serpent, Exod. 4:3; 7:10. rod restored, Exod. 4:4. hand made leprous, Exod. 4:6. hand healed, Exod. 4:7. water turned into blood, Exod. 4:9, 30. river turned into blood, Exod. 7:20. frogs brought, Exod. 8:6. frogs removed, Exod. 8:13. lice brought, Exod. 8:17. flies brought, Exod. 8:21-24. flies removed, Exod. 8:31. murrain of beasts, Exod. 9:3-6. boils and blains brought, Exod. 9:10, 11. hail brought. Exod. 9:23. hail removed, Exod. 9:23. locusts brought, Exod. 10:13. locusts removed, Exod. 10:19. darkness brought, Exod. 10:22. the first-born destroyed, Exod. 12:29. the Red sea divided, Exod. 14:21, 22. Egyptians overwhelmed, Exod. 14:26-28. water sweetened, Exod. 15:25. water from rock in Horeb, Exod. 17:6. Amalek vanquished, Exod. 17:11-13. destruction of Korah, Num. 16:28-32. water from rock in Kadesh, Num. 20:11. healing by brazen serpent. Num. 21:8, 9. Joshua: waters of Jordan divided. Josh. 3:10-17. Jordan restored to its course, Josh. 4:18. Jericho taken. Josh. 6:6-20. the sun and moon stayed. Josh. 10:12-14. Midianites destroyed, Judg. 7:16-22. Samson : a lion killed, Judg. 14:6. PhiUstines killed, Judg. 14:19; 15:15. gates of Gaza carried away, Judg. 16:3. Dagon's house pulled down, Judg. 16:30. Samuel : thunder and rain in harvest, 1 Sam. 12:18. THE prophet of Judah I Jcroboam's hand withered, 1 Kings 13:4. the altar rent, 1 Kings 13:5. the withered hand restored, 1 Kings 13:6. Elijah: drought caused, 1 Kin. 17:1; Jas. 5:17. meal and oil multiplied, 1 Kings 17:14-16. a child restored to life, 1 Kings 17:22, 23. sacrifice consumed by fire, 1 Kings 18:36, 38. men destroyed by fire, 2 Kings 1:10-12. rain brought, 1 Kings 18:41-45; Jas. 5:18. waters of Jordan divided, 2 Kings 2:8. Elisha : Jordan divided, 2 Kings 2:14. waters healed, 2 Kings 2:21, 22. children torn by bears, 2 Kings 2:24. oil multiplied, 2 Kings 4:1-7. child restored to life, 2 Kings 4:32-35. Naaman healed, 2 Kings 5:10, 14. Gehazi struck with leprosy, 2 Kings 5:27. iron caused to swim, 2 Kings 6:6. Syrians smitten blind, 2 Kings 6:18. Syrians restored to sight, 2 Kings 6:20. a*^man restored to life, 2 Kings 13:21. Isaiah : Hezekiah healed, 2 Kings 20:7. shadow put back, 2 Kings 20:11. THE SEVENTY DISCIPLES : various miracles^ Luke 10:9, 17. THE APOSTLES, etc. : many miracles. Acts 2:43; 5:12. Peter : lame man cured. Acts 3:7. death of Ananias, Acts 5:5. death of Sapphira, Acts 5:10. the sick healed. Acts 5:15, 16. JEneas made whole. Acts 9:34. Dorcas restored to life, Acts 9:40. Stephen : great miracles. Acts 6:8. Philip : various miracles. Acts 8:6, 7, 13. Paul : Ely mas struck blind, Acts 13:11. lame man cured, Acts 14:10. an unclean spirit cast out. Acts 16:18. special miracles. Acts 19:11, 12. Eutychus restored to life, Acts 20:10-12. viper's bite made harmless. Acts 28:5. father of Publius healed. Acts 28:8. Paul and Barnabas : various miracles, Acts 14:3. MIRACLES, through evil agents : performed through the power of the devil, 2Thes. 2:9; Rev. 16:14. wrought in support of false religions, Deut. 13:1, 2. by false Christs, Mat. 24:24. by false prophets. Mat. 24:24; Rev. 19:20. a mark of the apostasy, 2 Thes. 2:3, 9; Rev. 13:13. not to be regarded, Deut. 13:3. deceive the ungodly, 2 Thes. 2:10-12; Rev. 13:14; 19:20. exemplified: Magicians of Egypt, Exod. 7:11, 22; 8:7. Witch of Endor, 1 Sam. 28:7-14. Simon Magus, Acts 8:9-11. MIRACULOUS gifts of the Holy Ghost : foretold, Isa. 35:4-6; Joel 2:28, 29. of difl'erent kinds, 1 Cor. 12:4-6. enumerated, 1 Cor. 12:8-10, 28. Christ was endued with. Mat. 12:28. poured out on Pentecost, Acts 2:1-4. communicated on preacliing the gospel, Acts 10:44-46. by laying on of the apostles' hands, Acts 8:17, 18; 19:6. for the confirmation of the gospel, Mark 16:20; Acts 14:3; Rom. 15:19; Heb. 2:4. for the edification of the church, 1 Cor. 12:7; 14:12, 13. dispensed, according to his sovereign will, 1 Cor. 12:11. to be sought after, 1 Cor. 12:31; 14:1. temporary nature of, 1 Cor. 13:8. WERE NOT TO BE neglected, 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6. despised, 1 Thes. 5:20. purchased, Acts 8:20. miglit be possessed without saving grace, Mat. 7:22, 23; 1 Cor. 13:1, 2. counterfeited by antichrist, Mat. 24:24; 2 Thes. 2:9; Rev. 13:13. 14. MIRIAM, sister of Moses, Num. 26:59. her song, Exod. 15:20. her sedition against Moses, Num. 12. her death. Num. 20:1. MIRTH, vanity of, Eccl. 2; 7:4. See Jer. 7:34; 16:9; Hos. 2:11. 105 MIS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MOA MISCHIEF, punishment of, Psa. 7:14: 9:15; 140:2; Pro v. 11:27; 26:27; Isa. 33:1; Acts 13:10. MISREPHOTH-MAIM, Josh. 11:8; 13:6. MISSIONARIES, all Christians should be: after the example of Christ, Acts 18:38. women and children as well as men, Psa. 8:2; Prov. 31:26: Mat. 21:15, 16; Pliil. 4:3; 1 Tim. 5:10; Tit. 2:3-5; 1 Pet. 3:1. the zeal of idolaters should provoke to, Jer. 7:18. the zeal of hypocrites should provoke to, Mat. 23:15. an imperative duty, Judg. 5:23; Luke 19:40. the principle on wMch, 2 Cor. 5:14, 15. however weak, 1 Cor. 1:27. from their calling as saints, Exod. 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:9. as faithful stewards, l Pet. 4:10, 11. in youth, Psa. 71:17; 148:12, 13. in old age, Deut. 32:7; Psa. 71:18. in the family. Deut. 6:7; Psa. 78:5-8; Isa. 38:19; ICor. 7:16. in their intercourse with the world, Mat. 5:16; PhU. 2:15, 16; 1 Pet. 2:12. in first giving their own selves to the Lord, 2 Cor. 8:5. in declaring what God has done for them, Psa. 66:16; 116:16-19. in hating life for Christ, Luke 14:26. in openly confessing Christ, Mat. 10:32. in loll omng Christ, Luke 14:27; 18:22. in preferring Christ above all relations, Luke 14:20. in joyfully suffering for Christ, Heb. 10:34. in forsaking all for Christ, Luke 5:11. in a holy example, Mat. 5:16; Phil. 2 : 15 ; 1 Thes. 1:7. in holy conduct, 1 Pet. 2:12. in holy boldness, Psa. 119:46. in dedicating themselves to the service of God, Josh. 24:15; Psa. 27:4. in devoting all property to God, 1 Chr. 29:2, 3, 14, 16; Eccl. 11:1: Mat. 6:19, 20; Mark 12:44; Luke 12:33; 18:22,28; Acts 2:45; 4:32-34. in holy conversation, Psa. 37:30, with Prov. 10:31; 15:7; Eph. 4:29; Col. 4:6. in talking of God and his works, Psa. 71:24; 77:12; 119:27; 145:11, 12. in showing forth God's praise, Isa. 43:21. in inviting others to embrace the gospel, Psa. 34:8; Isa. 2:3; John 1:46; 4:29. in seeking the edification of others, Rom. 14:19: 15:2; 1 Thes. 5:11. in admonishing, 1 Thes. 5:14: 2 Thes. 3:15. in reproving, Lev, 19:17: Eph. 5:11. in teaching and exhorting, Psa. 34:11; 51:13; Col. 3:16: Heb. 3:13: 10:25, in interceding for others. Col. 4:3; Heb. 13:18; Jas. 5:16. in aiding ministers, Rom, 16:3, 9: 2 Cor, 11:9; Phil. 4:14-16; 3 John 6, in giving a reason for their faith, Exod. 12:26, 27: Deut. 6:20, 21; 1 Pet. 3:15. in encouraging the weak, Isa. 35:3, 4; Rom. 14:1; 15:1; 1 Thes 5:14. in visiting and relieving the poor, the sick, etc., Lev. 25:35; Psa. 112:9, with 2 Cor. 9:9; Mat. 25:36; Acts 20:35: Jas. 1:27. Avith a willing heart, Exod. 35:29; 1 Chr. 29:9, 14. with a superabundant liberality, Exod. 36:5-7; 2 Cor. 8:3. ■encouragement to, Prov. 11:25, 30; 1 Cor. 1:27; Jas. 5:19, 20. io6 blessedness of, Dan. 12:3. illustrated. Mat. 25:14; Luke 19:1.3, etc. exemphfied : Hannah, 1 Sam. 2:1-10. Captive maid, 2 Kings 5:3. Chief of the fathers, etc., Ezra 1:5. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:16-18. Restored demoniac, Mark 5:20. Shepherds, Luke 2:17. Anna, Luke 2:38. Joanna, etc., Luke 8:3. Leper, Luke 17:15. Disciples, Luke 19:37, 38. Centurion, Luke 23:47. An- drew, John 1:41, 42. Philip, John 1:46. Wom- an of Samaria, John 4:29. Barnabas, Acts 4:36,37. Persecuted saints. Acts 8:4; 11:19, 20. Apollos, Acts 18:25. Aquila, etc.. Acts 18:26. Various individuals, Rom. 16. One- siphorus, 2 Tim. 1:16. Philemon, Phile. 1-6, MISSIONARY WORK by ministers: commanded, Mat. 28:19; Mark 16:15. warranted by predictions concerning the hea- then, etc., Isa. 42:10-12; 66:19. is according to the purpose of God, Luke 24:46, 47; Gal. 1:15, 16; Col. 1:25-27. directed by the Holy Ghost, Acts 13:2. required, Luke 10:2; Rom. 10:14, 15. the Holy Ghost calls to. Acts 13:2. Christ engaged in, Mat. 4:17, 23; Mat. 11:1: Mark 1:38, 39; Luke 8:1. Christ sent his disciples to labor in, Mark 3:14; 6:7. obligations to engage in, Acts 4:19, 20; Rom. 1:13-15; 1 Cor. 9:16. excellency of, Isa. 52:7, with Rom. 10:15. worldly concerns should not delay, Luke 9:59- 62. God qualifies for, Exod. 3:11, 18; 4:11, 12, 15. God strengthens for, Jer. 1 : 7-9. guilt and danger of avoiding. Jon. 1:3. requires wisdom and meekness. Mat. 10:16. be ready to engage in, Isa. 6:8. aid those engaged in, 2 Cor. 11:9: 3 John 5-S. harmony should subsist among those engaged in. Gal. 2:9. SUCCESS OF, to be prayed for, Eph. 6:18, 19; Col. 4:3. a cause of joy. Acts 15:3. a cause of praise. Acts 11:18; 21:19, 20. no limits to the sphere of, Mark 16:15; Rev. 14:6. opportunities for, not to be neglected, l Cor. 16:9. exemplified: Levites, 2 Chr. 17:8, 9. Jonah, Jon. 3:2. The seventy, Luke 10:1, 17. Apos- tles, Mark 6:12; Acts 13:2-5. Philip, Acts 8:5. Paul, etc.. Acts 13:2-4. Silas, Acts 15: 40, 41. Timotheus, Acts 16:3. Noah, 2 I'et. 2:5. MITE (half a kndrantes, about two mills), the widow's commended, Mark 12:42: Lu. 21:2. MITRE of the higli priest, Ex. 28:4; 29:G; 39:28. MITYLENE, Acts 20:14. MIZAR (a little hill), Psa. 42:6. MIZPAH (Mizpeh) (watch-tower), named by La- ban when he made a covenant with Jacob, Gen. 31 :2;3, 49. , a city of Giiead, Judg. 11:29, where Jeph- thah dwelt, 11:34. , a city of Benjamin, Josh. 18:26; 20:1, 3. fortified by Asa, 1 Kings 15:22. inhabited after captivity, Neh. 3:7, 15. , a town in plains of Judah, Josh. 15:38. , a town of Moab, 1 Sam. 22:3. valley of. Josh. 11:3, 8. MIZRAIM, son of Ham, Gen. 10:6, 13, 14; 1 Chr. 1:8, 11, 12. A name of Egypt. MNASON, a disciple. Acts 21:16. MOAB, son of Lot, Gen. 19:37. Ills descendants, and territory, Deut. 2:9, 18; 34:5. MOC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MOS not to be distressed, Deut. 2:9. their fear of Israel, Num. 22:3. why excluded from the congregation, Deut. 23:3; Neh. 13:1. subdued by Ehud, Judg. 3:12; by David, 2 Sam. 8:2; by Jehoshaphat and Jelioram, 2 Kings 1:1; 3. Israelites sojourn in their land, Ruth 1. valiant men of, slain, 2 Sam. 23:20. their miraculous ruin, 2 Chr. 20:23. they again distress Israel, 2 Kings 13:20; 24:2. prophecies concerning, Ex. 15:15; Num. 21:29; 24:17; Psa. 60:8; 83:6; Isa. 11:14, 15; 16; 25:10; Jer. 9:26; 25:21; 48; Ezek. 25:8; Amos 2:1; Zeph. 2:8. MOCKING censured, Prov. 17:5 ; 30:17 ; Jer. 15:17; Jude 18. punished. Gen. 21:9; 2 Kings 2:23. See 2 Chr. 30:10; 36:16. Of Christ, Mat. 27:29; Luke 23:11. See scorn- ing. MODERATION, exhortations to, 1 Cor. 7:29; Phil. 4:5. MODEST apparel, exhortation to, 1 Tim. 2:9; MOLE, Lev. 11:30; Isa. 2:20. MOLOCH (Molech), worship of, forbidden. Lev. 18:21; 20:2. worship of, encouraged by Solomon, 1 Kings 11:7;— 2 Kings 23:10; Jer. 32:35; Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43. MONEY, use Of, Gen. 23:9; 42:25; Jer. 32:9. originally stamped with image of a lamb. Gen. 33:19 (marg.). of the Romans stamped with the image of Cae- sar, Mat. 22:20, 21. usually taken by weight. Gen. 23:16; Jer. 32:10. PIECES mentioned in Scripture: talent of gold, 1 Kings 9:14; 2 Kings 23:33. talent of silver, 1 Kings 16:24: 2 Kin. 5:22, 23. shekel of silver, Judg. 17:10; 2 Kings 15:20. half-shekel, or bekah, Exod. 30:15. third of a shekel, Neh. 10:32. fourth of a shekel, 1 Sam. 9:8. gerah, the twentieth of a shekel, Num. 3:47. pound, Luke 19:13. penny. Mat. 20:2; Mark 6:37. farthing. Mat. 5:26; Luke 12:6. mite, Mark 12:42; Luke 21:2. love of, censured, 1 Tim. 6:10. miraculously provided. Mat. 17:27. MONEY-CHANGERS, Mat. 21:12; 25:27; John 2:14, 15. MONTHS of the Hebrews, Exod. 12:2; 13:4; Deut. 16:1; 1 Kings 6:1; 8:2. names of the twelve: first, Nisan or Abib, Exod. 13:4. second, Zif, 1 Kings 6:1, 37. third, Sivan, Esth. 8:9. fourth, Thammuz, Zech. 8:19. fifth, Ab, Zech. 7:3. sixth, Ehul. Neh. 6:15. seventh, Ethanim, 1 Kings 8:2. eighth, Bui, 1 Kings 6:38. ninth, Chisleu, Zech. 7:1. tenth, Tebeth, Esth. 2:16. eleventh, Sebat, Zech. 1:7. twelfth, Adar, Ezra 6:15. of the Chaldeans, Neh. 1:1; 2:1, etc. MONUMENTS, sacred, of Jacob, Gen. 28:18; 31:45; 35:14. of Moses, at Mount Sinai, Exod. 24:4. of Eleazar, in the desert, Num. 16:39. in Mount Ebal, Deut. 27:4. at the passage of Jordan, Josh. 4:4, 20. of Joshua, at Shechem, Josh. 24:26. of Samuel, near Mizpeh, 1 Sam. 7:12. of Absalom, 2 Sam. 18:18. MOON created, Gen. 1:16. its appointments. Gen. 1:14; Psa. 8:3; 89:37; 104:19; 148:3. feast of the new moon (Num. 10:10; 28:11), 1 Sam. 20:5; Psa. 81:3; 1 Chr. 23:31; Isa. 1:13; Hos. 2:11. worshipped, Deut. 17:3; 2 Kings 23:5; Job 31:26; Jer. 8:2; 44:17. MORDECAI discovers Bigthan's treason, Estli. 2:21. excites Haman's enmity, Esth. 3:2. his appeal to Esther, Esth. 4. honored by the king, Esth. 6. his advancement after Haman's fall, Esth. 8; 9; 10— (Ezra 2:2; Neh. 7:7). MOREH, Gen. 12:6; Deut. 11:30; Judg. 7:1. MORIAH, mount, Isaac there. Gen. 22. David's sacrifice after the pestilence, 2 Sam. 24:18; 1 Chr. 21:18; 22:1. site of the temple, 2 Chr. 3:1. MORNING, eyelids of. Job 41:18. wings of, Psa. 139:9. MORSEL, Gen. 18:5; Jiulg. 19:5; Ruth 2:14; Job 31:17; Prov. 17:1; 23:8; Heb. 12:16. MORTALITY of man to be changed, 1 Cor. 15:53; 2 Cor. 4:11; 5:4. See Job 19:26; Rom. 6:11; 8:n. MORTAR, manna pounded in. Num. 11:8. See Prov. 27:22. cement. Gen. 11:3; Exod. 1:14; Lev. 14:42, 45. untempered, Ezek. 13:10-15; 22:28. MORTGAGES mentioned, Neh. 5:3. MORTIFICATION, dying unto sin, Mat. 18:8; Rom. 6:8; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:11. MOTE, Mat. 7:3-5; Luke 6:41. 42. MOTH, figuratively mentioned, Psa. 39:11; Job 27:18; Isa. 50:9; Hos. 5:12; Mat. 6:19; Jas. 5:2. MOSES, his birth and preservation, Exod. 2 (Acts 7:20; Heb. 11:23). flees to Midian, Exod. 2:15. called by the Lord, Exod. 3. signs shown to, Exod. 4. returns to Egypt, Exod. 4:20. declares God's will to Pharaoh, accompanied by miracles, Exod. 5-12. conducts Israel out of Egypt, Exod. 14. called to the mount, Exod. 19:3 (24:18). delivers the law, Ex. 19:25; 20-23 (Heb. 12:24; John 1:17); Exod. 34:10; 35:1; Lev. 1, etc.; Num. 5; 6; 15; 27-30; 36; Deut. 13:26; 1 Kin. 8:9, etc. directed concerning the tabernacle, Exod. 25- 31; 35; 40; Num. 4; 8-10; 18; 19. descends from the mount, Exod. 32-7, 15. angry at Israel's idolatry, Exod. 32:19. his intercession, Exod. 32:11 (33:12). sees God's glory, Exod. 33:18; 34:5. again ascends the mount, Exod. 34:2. his face shines, Ex. 34:29; Deut. 9:9, 18 (2 Cor. 3:7, 13). consecrates Aaron, Lev. 8; 9. numbers the people twice. Num. 1 ; 26. his complaint, Num. 11:11. intercedes for Miriam, Num. 12:13. sends out the spies. Num. 13. intercedes for the people. Num. 14:13. withstands Korah, etc.. Num. 16. for Ms transgression, Num. 20:10, forbidden to enter Canaan, Num. 20:12; 27:12; Deut. 1:35; 3:23. leads Israel in the wilderness. Num. 20:14; 21:31. 107 MOT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MUR raises the brazen serpent, Num. 21:9 (John 3:14). charges tlie Reubenites, Num. 32:29. defines tlie land, Num. 34; 35. rehearses Israel's history, Deut. 1-3; 5; 9; 10. exhorts to obedience, Deut. 4; 6; 7; 8; 10-12; 27-31. charges .Joshua, Deut. 3:28; 31:7, 2.3. blesses the tribes, Deut. 33. his death, Deut. 34:5; Jude 9. appears at Christ's transfiguration. Mat. 17:3; Mark 9:4: Luke 9:30. his songs, Ex. 15; Deut. 32; Psa. 90; Rev. 15:3. his meekness. Num. 12:3. his dignity, Deut. 34:10. faithfulness. Num. 12:7; Heb. 3:2. See Psa. 103:7; 105:26; 106:16; Isa. 63:12; Jer. 15:1; Luke 16:29; Acts 7:20; Rom. 10:5; Heb. 11:24, etc. MOTHER of all, Eve, Gen. 3:20. MOTHERS, love of, Isa. 49:15; 66:13. examples of. Gen. 2l:l0, 16; Exod. 2; 1 Sam. 1:22; 1 Kin. 3:26; 2 Tim. 1:5; 2 John, duty towards, Exod. 20:12; Pro v. 1:8; 19:26; 23:22; Eph. 6:1, etc. God's care of. Gen. 49:25; Exod. 21:22; Deut. 7:13: 1 Tim. 2:15. MOUNTAINS, Gen. 7:19, 20; Isa. 40:12; 64:1, 3; Hab. 3:6. made to glorify God, Psa. 148:9. are sources of springs and rivers, Deut. 8:7; Psa. 104:8-10. Canaan abounded in, Deut. 11:11. volcanic fires alluded to, Isa. 64:1, 2; Jer. 51:25; Nah. 1:5, 6. mentioned in Scripture: Ararat, Gen. 8:4. Abarim, Num. 33:47, 48. Amalek, Judg. 12:15. Bashau, Psa. 68:15. Bethel. 1 Sam. 13:2. Carmel, Josh. 15:55; 19:26; 2 Kings 19:23. Ebal, Dent. 11:29; 27:13. Ephraim, Josh. 17:15: Judg. 2:9. Gerizim, Deut. 11:29; Judg. 9:7. Gilboa, 1 Sam. 31:1; 2 Sam. 1:6, 21. Gilead, Gen. 31:21, 25; Song 4:1. Hachilah, 1 Sam. 23:19. Hermon, Josh. 13:11. Hor, Num. 20:22; 34:7, 8. Horeb, Exod. 3:1. Lebanon, Deut. 8:25. Mizar, Psa. 42:6. Moreh, Judg. 7:1. Moriah. Gen. 22:2; 2 Ciir. 3:1. Nebo, Num. .32:3; Deut. 34:1. Olives, 1 Kings 11:7; Luke 21:37. Pi.sgah, Num. 21:20; Deut. 34:1. Seir, (ien. 14:6: 36:8. Sinai, Exod. 19:2, 18, 20, 22; 31:18. Sioa, 2 Sam. 5:7. Tabor, Judg. 4:6, 12, 14. abounded with minerals, Deut. 8:9; herbs, Prov. 27:25; precious things, Deut. 33:15; stone for building, 1 Kin. 5:14, 17; Dan. 2:45; forests, 2 Kings 19:23; 2 Chr. 2:2, 8-10; vine- yards, 2Chr. 26:10; Jer. 31:5; spices. Song 4:6; 8:14; deer, 1 Chr. 12:8; .Song 2:8; game, ISam. 26:20; wild beasts. Song 4:8; Hab. 2:17. ILLUSTRATIVE OF difflcultles, Isa, 40:4; Zech. 4:7; Mat. 17:20. the church of (Jod, Isa. 2:2; Dan. 2:35, 44, 45. of God's righteousness, Psa. 36:6. (breaking forth into singing) of exceeding joy, Isa. 44:23; 55:12. io8 (threshing of) of heavy judgments, Lsa. 41:15; (dropping new wine) of abundance, Amos 9:13. MOURNING, when blessed, Mat. 5:4; Luke 6:21. for the dead. Gen. 50:3; Num. 20:29; Deut. 14:1; 2 Sam. 1:17; 3:31; 12:16; 18:33; 19:1; Eccl. 12:5: Jer. 6:26; 9:17; 22:18. of the priests, Lev. 21:1; Ezek. 44:25. MOUSE, unclean, Isa, 66:17. MOUTH of fools described, Prov. 10:14; 14:3; 15:2; 18:7; 26:7. of the righteous, etc., Psa. 37:30; Prov. 10:31; Eccl. 10:12. of the wicked, Psa. 32:9; 63:11; 107:42; 109:2; 144:8; Prov. 4:24; 5:3; 6:12; 19:28; Rom. 3:14; Rev. 13:5. of babes, Psa. 8:2; Mat. 21:16. of God, Deut. 8:3; Mat. 4:4, etc MOWING, Psa. 72:6; 90:6; 129:7; Amos 7:1. MUFFLERS (a thin, spangled veil), Isa. 3:19. MULBERRY-TREES, David's victory near, 2 Sam. 5:2:3. MULK, used for riding, 2 Sam. 13:29; 18:9; 1 Kin. 1:33. for carrying burdens, 2 Kin. 5:17; 1 Chr. 12:40. conveying posts and messengers, Esth. 8:10, 14. ill war, Zech. 14:15. for tribute, 1 Kings 10:25. MURDER: forbidden, Exod. 20:13, with Rom. 13:9. why forbidden by God, Gen. 9:6. explained by Christ, Mat. 5:21, 22. hatred is, 1 John 3:15. is a work of the flesh. Gal. 5:21. comes from tlie heart. Mat. 15:19. DEFILES THE hands, lsa. 59:3. person and garments. Lam. 4:13, 14. land. Num. 35:33; Psa. 106:38. not hid from God, Isa. 26:21; Jer. 2:34. cries for vengeance. Gen. 4:10. God abominates, Prov. 6:16, 17. makes inquisition for, Psa. 9:12. will avenge, Deut. 32:43; Hos. 1:4. requires blood for. Gen. 9:5 ; Num. 35:33; 1 Kings 2:32. rejects the prayers of those guilty of, Isa. 1:15; 59:2, 3. curses those guilty of. Gen. 4:11. the law made to restrain, 1 Tim. 1:9. SAINTS specially warned against, 1 Pet. 4:15. deprecate the guilt of, Psa. 51:14. should warn others against, Geu. 37:22; Jer. 26:15. connected with idolatry, Ezek. 22:3, 4. THE WICKED filled witli, Rom. 1:29. devise. Gen. 27:41; 37:18. intent on, Jer. 22:17. lie in wait to commit, Psa. 10:S-10. swilt to commit. Prov. 1:16; Rom. 3:15. perpetrate, Job •24:14; Ezek. 22:3. have liands full of, Isa. 1:15. encourage others to commit, Prov. 1:11. characteristic of the devil, John 8:44. punishment of, Gen. 4:12-15; 9:6; Num. 35:30; Jer. 19:4-9. punishment of, not commuted under the law, Num. 35:31. of saints, specially avenged, Deut. 32:43; Mat. 23:35; Rev. 18:20,24. excludes from heaven. Gal. 5:21; Rev. 22:15. exemplified: Cain. Gen. 4:8. Esau, Gen. 27:41. Joseph's bretliren, (ien. 37:20. Pharaoh, Ex. 1:22. Abimelech, Judg. 9:5. Men of She- chem, Judg. 9:24. Amalekite, 2 Sam. 1:16. Rechab, etc., 2 Sam. 4:.'>-7. David, 2 Sam. 12:9. Absalom, 2 Sam. 13:29. Joab, 1 Kings MUR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. NAM •2:31, 32. Baaslia, 1 Kin. 15:27. Zimri, 1 Kin. 16:10. Jezebel, 1 Kings 21:10. Elders of Jez- reel, 1 Kings 21:13. Ahab, 1 Kings 21:19. Hazael, 2 Kings 8 :12, 15. Adrammelech, etc., 2 Kings 19:37. Manasseh, 2 Kin. 21:16. Isli- mael, Jer. 41 : 7. Princes of Israel, Ezek. 11 : 6. People of Gilead, Hos. 6:8. The Herods, Mat. 2:16; 14:10; Acts 12:2. Herodias and her daughter. Mat. 14:8-11. Chief priests, Mat. 27:1. Judas, Mat. 27:4. Barabbas, Mark 15:7. Jews, Acts 7:52; 1 Thes. 2:15. MURMURING : forbidden, 1 Cor. 10:10; PhU. 2:14. AGAINST God, Prov. 19:3. the sovereignty of God, Rom. 9:19, 20. the service of God, Mai. 3:14. Christ, John 6:41-43, 52. ministers of God, l^xod. 17:3; Num. 16:41. disciples of Christ, Mark 7:2; Luke 5:30. unreasonableness ol, Lam. 3:39. tempts God, Exod. 17:2. provokes God, Num. 14:2, 11; Deut. 9:8, 22. saints cease from, Isa. 29:23, 24. characteristic of the wicked, Jude 16. guilty of encouraging others in, Num. 13:31-33, with Num. 14:36, 37. punishment of, Num. 11:1; 14:27-29; 16:45, 46; Psa. 106:25, 26. illustrated. Mat. 20:11; Luke 15:29, 30. exemplified : Cain, Gen. 4:13, 14. Moses, Ex. 5:22,23. Israelites, Exod. 14:11; Num. 21:5. Aaron, etc., Num. 12:1, 2, 8. Korah, etc.. Num. 16:3. Elijah, 1 Kings 19:4, Job, Job 3:1, etc. Jeremiah, Jer. 20:14-18. Jonah, Jon. 4:8, 9. Disciples, Mark 14:4, 5; John 6:61. Pharisees, Luke 15:2; 19:7. Jews, John 6:41-43. Grecians, Acts 6:1. MURRAIN, Exod. 9:3; Psa. 78:50. MUSIC, invented. Gen. 4:21. used in religious solemnities, 2 Sam. 6:5, etc.; 1 Chr. 15:28; 16:42; 2 Chr. 7:6; 29:25; Psa. 33; 81; 92; 108; 150; Dan. 3:5. for rejoicing, Isa. 5:12; 14:11; Amos 6:5; Luke 15:25; 1 Cor. 14:7. relieves Saul, 1 Sam. 16:14. in heaven, Rev. 5:8; 14:2, etc. INSTRUMENTS OF : cymbals, 1 Chr. 16:5; Psa. 150:5; 1 Cor. 13:1. cornet, Psa. 98:6; Hos. 5:8. dulcimer, Dan. 3:5. flute, Dan. 3:5. harp, Psa. 137:2; Ezek. 26:13. organ. Gen. 4:21; Job 21:12; Psa. 150:4. pipe, 1 Kings 1:40; Isa. 5:12; Jer. 48:36. psaltery, Psa. 33:2; 71:22. sackbut, Dan. 3:5. tabret, 1 Sam. 10:5; Isa. 24:8. timbrel, Exod. 15:20; Psa. 68:25. trumpet, 2 Kings 11:14; 2 Chr. 29:27. viol, Isa. 14:11; Amos 5:23. made of fir-wood, 2 Sam. 6:5; of almond-v/ood, 1 Kings 10:12; of brass, 1 Cor. 13:1; of sil- ver. Num. 10:2; of horns of animals, Josh. 6:8; with strings, Psa. 33:2; 150:4. some of these invented by David, 1 Chr. 23:5; 2 Chr. 7:6. MUSTARD-SEED, parable of, Mat. 13:31; Mark 4:30; Luke 13:18. MUTH-LABBEN (death to the son), supposed to be the air to which Psalm 9 was to be sung. MUZZLING the ox, Deut. 25:4. figurative, 1 Cor. 9:9; 1 Tim. 5:18. MYRA, Acts 27:5, 6. MYRRH, in the anointing oil, Exod. 30:23. in embalming, John 19:39. as a perfume, Esth. 2:12; Psa. 45:8; Song 1:13, etc. presented to Christ, Mat. 2:11. wine mingled with, refused by Christ, Mark 15:23. MYRTLE, Neh. 8:15; Isa. 41:19; 55:13. vision of, Zech. 1:8. MYSIA, Acts 16:7, 8. MYSTERY of the kingdom of heaven, etc., re- vealed by Christ to his disciples, Mark 4:11; Eph. 1:9; 3:3; 1 Tim. 3:16. by them to the world, 1 Cor. 4:1; 13:2; 15:51; Eph. 6:19; Col. 2:2, etc. of iniquity foretold, 2 Thes. 2:7; Rev. 17:5. N. NAAMAN the Syrian's leprosy healed, 2 Kings 5. See Luke 4:27. his request and gratitude, 2 Kings 5:17. NABAL, his churlishness, 1 Sam. 25:10. Abigail's intercession for, 1 Sam. 25:18. his death, 1 Sam. 25:38. NxVBOTH, refusing to sell his vineyard, slain by Jezebel, 1 Kings 21. his death avenged, 2 Kings 9:21. NACHON'S threshing-floor, 2 Sam. 6:6, 7. See 1 Chr. 13:9. NADAB, son of Aaron, his trespass and death, Lev. 10. , king of Israel, his evil reign; slain by Baasha, 1 Kings 14:20; 15:25. NAHASH the Ammonite subdued by Saul, 1 Sam. 11. NAHOR, Abram's brother, Gen. 11:26; 24:10. descendants of, Gen. 22:20. NAHUM declares God's goodness and majesty, Nah. 1. foretells the fall of Nineveh, Nah. 2:3. NAILS, of wood, Judg. 4:21; of iron, 1 Chr. 22:3; of gold, 2 Chr. 3:9. translated pin, Exod. 27:19; and stake, Isa. 33:20: 54:2. figuratively mentioned, Ezra 9:8; Eccl. 12:11; Isa. 22:23. NAIN, widow's son raised at, Luke 7. NAIOTH, 1 Sam. 19:18-24. NAKED (the Avord often means partly dressed), 1 Sam. 19:24; 2 Sam. 6:14, 20; Isa. 20:2; John 21:7. NAME of GOD proclaimed, Exod. 34:5, 14. See Exod. 6:3; 15:3: Psa. 83:18. to be reverenced, Exod. 20:7; Deut. 5:11; 28:58; Psa. 111:9; Mic. 4:5; 1 Tim. 6:1, etc. and praised, Psa. 34:3; 72:17. of Jesus Christ (Isa. 7:14 ; 9:6) ; Mat. 1:21; Luke 1:31; 2:21; 1 Cor. 5:4; 6:11; Phil. 2:9; Col. 3:17; Rev. 19:16. to be confessed, 2 Tim. 2:19. prayer in, John 14:13; 16:23; Rom. 1:8; Eph. 5:20: Col. 3:17; Heb. 13:15. miracles performed in. Acts 3:6: 4:10; 19:13. baptism in. Mat. 28:19; Acts 2:38. . given to children at circumcision, Luke 1:59; 2:21. often with prophetical significance, as Seth (appointed), Gen. 4:25; Noah (rest). Gen. 5:29; Jesus (Saviour), Mat. 1:21. from circumstances connected with their birth or history; as Eve (living), Gen. 3:20: Isaac (laughter). Gen. 21:3, 6: Moses (drawn out). Exod. 2:10: Solomon (peace), 1 Chr. 22:9; Jabez (sorrowful), 1 Chr. 4:9. , value of a good, Prov. -2:1; Eccl. 7:1. 109 NAM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. NEW NAMES given by Adam, Gen. 2:20. changed by God, Gen. 17:5, 15; 32:27; 2 Sam. 12:25. by man, Dan. 1 : 7. See TITLES. NAOMI'S affliction and return to Beihlehem, etc., Ruth 1. her advice to Ruth, Ruth 3. its prosperous issue, Ruth 4. NATURE, dictates of, not to be neglected, l Cor. 11:14. NATIONS, origin of. Gen. 10. NAVY of Solomon, 1 Kings 9:26; 2 Chr. 8:17. NAI'HTALI, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:8; 35:25. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:21. and Moses, Ueut. 33:23. HIS DESCENDANTS, GCU. 46:24. numbered, etc.. Num. 1:42; 10:27; 13:14; 26:48; Judg. 1:33. subdue the Canaanites, Judg. 4:19; 5:18; 6:35; 7 "23 their inheritance. Josh. 19:32; 20:7; 21:32; 1 Kings 15:20: 2 Chr. 34:6. their liberality, 1 Chr. 12:40. carried captive, 2 Kings 15:29. prophecy on, Isa. 9:1. See Mat. 4:13. NARCISSUS, Rom. 16:11. NATHAN, the prophet, forbids David to build the temple, 2 Sam. 7. parable judging David, 2 Sam. 12:1. proclaims Solomon king, 1 Kings 1:8, etc. See 1 Chr. 29:29; 2 Chr. 9:29. , son of David, 2 Sam. 5:14; Zech. 12:12; Luke 3:31. NATHANAEL, John 1:45; 21:2. NAZARENE, applied to Christ, Mat. 2:23; to Christians, Acts 24:5. NAZARETH, Christ d\yells and preaches there. Mat. 2:23; 21:11; Luke 1:26; 2:39, 51; 4:16; John 1:45; 18:5: Acts 2:22; 3:6. wickedness of the inhabitants, Luke 4:29; John 1:46. NAZARITES, law concerning. Num. 6. Samson one, Judg. 13:7; 16:17. illustrative of Christ, Heb. 7:26; and of saints, 2 Cor. 6:17; Jas. 1:27. NEAPOLIS, Acts 16:11. NEBAIOTH, Gen. 25:13; 1 Chr. 1:29; Isa. 60:7. NEBAT, 1 Kings 11:26. NEBO, a Babylonian idol, Isa. 46:1; compound- ed in names like Nebuchadnezzar. , mount, in Moab; Pisgah one of the heights of, Deut. 32:49, 50; 34:1. , a district and town in Moab, Num. 32:3, 38; 1 Chr. 5:8. prophecies against, Isa. 15:2; Jer. 48:1, 22. NEBUCHADNEZZAR, king of Babylon, prophe- cies concerning, Jer. 20; 21; 25; 27; 28; 32; 34; Ezek. 26:7; 29:19. subdues Judea, and takes Jerusalem, 2 Kings 24; 25; 2 Chr. 36; Jer. 37-39; .52; Dan. 1:1. his kindness to Jeremiah, Jer. 39:11. his dreams interpreted, Dan. 2; 4. his idolatry and tyranny, Dan. 3. his pride, degradation, and restoration, Dan. 4:28. his confession, Dan. 4:34. NEBUZAR-ADAN, captain of the Chaldeans, 2 Kings 25, etc. his kindness to Jeremiah, Jer. 39:11; 40:1. NECESSITIES endured by the apostles, etc. 2 Cor. 6; 12:10. NECROMANCY (inquiring of the dead) forbid- den, Deut. 18:11; 26:14; Isa. 8:19. example of, l Sam. 28. no NEGINOTH (stringed instruments), title of Psa. 4, 61, 67, 76; Hab. 3:19. NEHEMIAH, his sorrow, and prayer for Jerusa- lem, Neh. 1. his request to Artaxerxes, Neh. 2:5. arrives at Jerusalem, Neh. 2:9. his exhortation, Neh. 2:17. resists the enemies, Neh. 4. rebukes the usurers, Neh. 5:6. his faith and courage, Neh. 6. comforts the people, Neh. 8:9. seals the covenant, Neh. 10. purifies the temple, Neh. 13:1. punishes Sabbath-breakers, Neh. 13:15. annuls unlawful marriages, Neh. 13:23. NEHILOTH (destinies or fortunes), title of Psa. 5. NEHUSHTAN (the brazen serpent), destroyed by Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:4. NEIGHBOR, who is our, Luke 10:36. we must love as ourselves, Lev. 19:18; Mark 12:31; Rom. 13:9; Gal. 5:14; Jas. 2:8. not bear false witness against, Exod. 20:16. be merciful to, Exod. 22:26; Ueut. 15:2. not remove his landmark, Deut. 27:17. lend to, Prov. 3:28. not to harass, Prov. 25:17. NEPHTOAH, Josh. 15:9; 18:15. NER, father of Abner, and Saul's uncle, 1 Sam. 14:50; or grandfather, 1 Chr. 8:33; 9:36,39. NERGAL, an idol, 2 Kings 17:30. NERO. See C^SAK. NET, parable of. Mat. 13:47. NETHINIM, 1 Chr. 9:2; Ezra 2:43; 7:7, 24; 8:17. NETOPHAH, 1 Chr. 9:16; Ezra 2:22: Neh. 7:26; Jer. 40; 8. NETTLES, Job 30:7; Prov. 24:31; Isa. 34:13; Hos. 9:6; Zeph. 2:9. NEW BIRTH: the corruption of human nature requires, John 3:6; Rom. 8:7, 8. none can enter heaven without, John 3:3. EFFECTED BY God, John 1:13; 1 Pet. 1:3. Christ, 1 John 2:29. the Holy Ghost, John 3:6; Tit. 3:5. THROUGH THE INSTRUMENTALITY OF the WOrd Of God, Jas. 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:23. the resurrection of Christ, 1 Pet. 1:3. the ministry of the gospel, 1 Cor. 4:15. is the will of God, Jas. 1:18. is of the mercy of God, Tit. 3:5. is for the glory of God, Isa. 43:7. DESCRIBED AS a ncw crcatiou, 2 Cor. 5:17; GaL 6:15; Epii. 2:10. newness of life, Rom. 6:4. a spiritual resurrection, Rom. 6:4-6; Eph. 2:1, 5; Col. 2:12; 3:1. a new heart, Ezek. 36:26. anew spirit, Ezek. 11:19; Rom. 7:6. putting on the new man, Eph. 4:24. the inward man, Rom. 7:22; 2 Cor. 4:16. circumcision of tiie heart, Deut. 30:6, with Rom. 2:29; Col. 2:11. partaking the divine nature, 2 Pet. 1:4. the washing of regeneration. Tit. 3:5. all saints partake of, 1 Pet. 2:2; 1 John 5:1. PRODUCES likeness to God, Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10. likeness to Christ, Rom. 8:29. knowledge of (Jod, Jer. 24:7; Col. 3:10. hatred of sin, 1 John 3:9; 5:18. victory over the world, 1 John 5:4. delight in (Jod's law, Rom. 7:22. EVINCED BY faith in Christ, 1 John 5:1. righteousness, 1 Jolm 2:29. brotherly love, John 13:35; iJohn 3:14-24; 4:7; 5:1^. NIC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. OBE connected with adoption, Isa. 43:6, 7; John 1:12, 13. the ignorant cavil at, John 3:4. manner of effecting, illustrated, John 3:8. preserves from Satan's devices, 1 John 5: IS. NIOANOR, a deacon. Acts 6:5. NICODEMCS visits Jesus, John 3:1. defends him before Pharisees, John 7:50. at Christ's burial, John 19:39. NICOLAITANES, their doctrines condemned, Rev. 2:6, 15. NICOLAS, one of the seven deacons, Acts 6:5, 6. NICOPOLIS, Tit. 3:12. NIGHT appointed. Gen. 1:5; Psa. 19:2. divided by the Romans into four watches, Mat. 14:25; Mark 13:35; into hours, Acts 23:23. figurative, J olin 9:4; Rom. 13:12; 1 Thes. 5:5. none in heaven. Rev. 21:25 (Isa. 60:20). NIGHTHAWK, Lev. 11:16; Dent. 14:15. NILE, river of Egypt, Ezek. 29:3. called The River, Isa. 11:15; 19:5-10; Amos 8:8; also Sihor, Isa. 23:3; Jex'. 2:18. NIMRIM, Isa. 15:6; Jer. 48:34. NIMROD, grandson of Ham, Gen. 10:8-10; 1 Clir. 1:10: Mic. 5:6. NINEVEH, Jonah's prophecy against, Jon. 1:1; 3:2. its repentance, Jon. 3:5 (Mat. 12:41; Lu. 11:32). its destruction foretold, Nah. 1:1; 2; 3. NISAN, month, Neh. 2:1; Esth. 3:7. NISROCH, god of Assyria, 2 Kin. 19:37; Isa. 37:38. NITRE, Prov. 25:20: Jer. 2:22. NO, in Egypt, prophecy concerning, Jer. 46:25; Ezek. 30:14; Nah. 3:8. NOADIAH, Neh. 6:14. NOAH, Lamech's prophecy of, Gen. 5:29. his character. Gen. 6:8. builds the ark. Gen. 6 :14, etc. enters it. Gen. 7:7. goes forth. Gen. 8:18. God's covenant with. Gen. 9:1. his sin. Gen. 9:20-24. curses Canaan, blesses Shem and Japheth, Gen. 9:25-27. his death. Gen. 9:29. his posterity, Gen. 10; 11; 1 Chr. 1:4, etc. See Ezek. 14:14, 20; Mat. 24:37; Luke 17:26; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5. NOB, city of the priests, destroyed by Saul for assisting David, 1 Sam. 21:1; 22:19;— Neh. 11:32; Isa. 10:32. NOBLEMAN, of Capernaum, John 4:46-53. NOD (wandering), land Cain dwelt in. Gen. 4:16. NOPH, prophecv concerning, Isa. 19:13; Jer. 2:16; 46:14>Ezek. 30:13. NORTH and South, prophecy concerning the kings of, Dan. 11. created. Job 26:7; Psa. 89:12. NOVICE (newly planted), a new convert, 1 Tim. 3:6. NUMBER, of the Beast, 666, Rev. 13:17, IS. In Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, the letters, as I, V, X, etc., were used for our figures, 1, 5, 10, etc. The number of the beast is the sum of all the letters of a name counted as figures, which must amount to 666. NUMBERING of the Israelites, by Moses, Num. 1; 26. of the Levites, Num. 3:14; 4:34. by David, 2 Sam. 24; 1 Chr. 21; 27:23. NURSES, good, Gen. 35:8; 2 Sam. 4:4. figurative, 1 Thes. 2:7. NURSING fathers and nursing mothers (kings and queens), Isa. 49:23. NUTS, Gen. 43:11; Song 6:11. NYMPHAS, CoL 4:15. O. OAK, the hill of Bashan celebrated for, Isa, 2:13. Jacob hides his family gods under. Gen. 35:4. an angel appears to Gideon under, Judg. 6:11, 19. Absalom caught in, 2 Sam. 18:9, 14. Deborah buried under. Gen. 35:8. idolatry practised under, Hos. 4:13. OAR, Isa. 33:21; Ezek. 27:29. OATH, God's covenant and purposes confirmed by, Luke 1:73; Acts 2:30; Heb. 6:17. See Gen. 22:16; Exod. 17:16; Deut. 4:21; 1 Sam. 3:14; Psa. 89:35; 95:11; 110:4: Isa. 14:24; 54:9; 62:8; Jer. 44:26. OATHS, laws concerning, Lev. 6:3; 19:12; Num. 30:2; Psa. 15:4. See Mat. 5:33; Jas. 5:12. commanded, Exod. 22:11; Num. 5:21; 1 Kings 8:31; Ezra 10:5. instances of. Gen. 14:22; 21:31; 24:2; Josh. 14:9; 1 Sam. 20:42; 28:10; Psa. 132:2. rash ones: of Esau, Gen. 25:33; of Israel, Josh. 9:19; of Jephthah, Judg. 11:30; of Saul, 1 Sam. 14:24; of Herod, Mat. 14:7; of the Jews, Acts 23:21. OBADIAH, servant of Ahab, preserves the proph- ets, etc., 1 Kings 18:1. , foretells Edom's fall, Obad. 1. and Israel's salvation, Obad. 17. OBED, son of Boaz and Ruth, Ruth 4:17. OBED-EDOM blessed while keeping the ark, 2 Sara. 6:10; 1 Chr. 13:14; 15:18, 24; 16:5. his sou, 1 Chr. 26:4. OBEDIENCE of the Rechabites, Jer. 35. of Christ, Rom. 5:19; Phil. 2:8; Heb. 5:8. of the faith, Rom. 1:5; 16:26, etc.; 2 Cor. 7:15; 1 Pet. 1:2. due to parents, Eph. 6:1; CoL 3:20. to husbands, Tit. 2:5. to masters, Eph. 6:5; Col. 3:22; Tit. 2:9. to magistrates, etc.. Tit. 3:1; Heb. 13:17. See DISOBEDIENCE. to God : commanded, Deut. 13:4. without faith, is impossible, Heb. 11:6. INCLUDES obeying his voice, Exod. 19:5; Jer. 7:23. obeying his law, Deut. 1:27; Isa. 42:24. obeying Christ, Exod. 23:21; 2 Cor. 10:5. obeying the gospel, Rom. 1:5; 6:17; 10:16, 17. keeping his commandments, Eccl. 12:13. submission to higher powers, Rom. 13:1. better than sacrifice, 1 Sam. 15:22. justification through Christ's, Rom. 5:19. Christ, an example of, John 15:10; Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. 5:8. angels engaged in, Psa. 103:20. a characteristic of saints, 1 Pet. 1:14. saints elected to, 1 Pet. 1:2. obligations to. Acts 4:19, 20; 5:29. exhortations to, Jer. 26:13; 38:20. SHOULD BE from the heart, Deut. 11:13; Rom. 6:17. with willingness, Psa. 18:44; Isa. 1:19. unreserved, Josh. 22:2, 3. undeviating, Deut. 28:14. constant, Phil. 2:12. resolve upon, Exod. 24:7; Josh. 24:24. confess your failure in, Dan. 9:10. prepare tlie heart for, 1 Sam. 7:3; Ezra 7:10. pray to be taught, Psa. 119:35; 143:10. Ill OBE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. OME promises to, Exod. 23:22; 1 Sam. 12:14; Isa. 1:19; Jer. 7:23. to be universal in the latter days. Dan. 7:27. blessedness of, Deut. 11:27; 28:1-14; Lu. 11:28; Jas. 1:25. the wicked refuse, Exod. 5:2; Neh. 9:17. punishment of refusing, Deut. 11:28; 28:15-68; Josh. 5:6: Isa. 1:20. exemplified : Noah, Gen. 6:22. Abram, Gen. 12:1-4, with Heb. 11:8; Gen. 22:3, 12. Israel- ites, Exod. 12:28: 24:7. Moses, Exod. 34:4. Caleb, etc.. Num. 32:12. Asa, 1 Kings 15:11. Elijah, 1 Kings 17:5. Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 18:6. Josiah, 2 Chr. 35:26. David, Psa. 119:16. Ze- rubbabel, etc., Hag. 1:12. Joseph, Mat. 1:24. Wise men. Mat. 2:12. Zacharias, etc., Luke 1:6. Paul, Acts 26:19. Saints of Rome, Rom. 16:19. OBEISANCE, in Joseph's dreams. Gen. 37:7, 9. fulfilled, Gen. 43:28. Moses to his father-in-law, Exod. 18:7. people to Absalom, 2 Sara. 15:5. OBLATIONS, Lev. 2: 3, etc. of the spoil. Num. 31:28. OBSERVERS of times. Lev. 19:26; Deut. 18:10, 14; 2 Kings 21:6; Gal. 4:10, 11. OBSTINACY. See stubbornnkss. ODED, a prophet, 2 Chr. 28:9. ODOR, Lev. 26:31; 2 Chr. 16:14; Dan. 2:46; John 12:3. OFFENCE: occasions of, must arise. Mat. 18:7, occasioning of, forbidden, 1 Cor. 10:32. persecution, a cause of, to mere professors. Mat. 13:21: 24:10. THE WICKED TAKE, AT the low Station of Christ, Mat. 13:54-57. Christ as the corner-stone, Isa. 8:14, with 1 Pet. 2:8. Christ, as the bread of life, John 6:48-58. Christ crucified, 1 Cor. 1:23: Gal. 5:11. the righteousness of faith, Rom. 9:32. the necessity of inward purity. Mat. 15:11, 12. blessedness of not taking, at Christ, Mat. 11:6. saints warned against taking, John 16:1. SAINTS SHOULD be witliout, Phil. 1:10. be cautious of giving, Psa. 73:15; Rom. 14:13; 1 Cor. 8:9. have a conscience void of. Acts 24:16. cut otr what causes, to themselves. Mat. 5:29, 30; Mark 9:43-47. not let their liberty occasion to others, 1 Cor. 8:9. use self-denial rather than occasion, Rom. 14:21; 1 Cor. 8:13. avoid those who cause, Rom. 16:17. reprove those who cause, Exod. 32:21; 1 Sam. 2:24. MINISTERS SHOULD be cautious of giving, 2 Cor. 6:3. remove that which causes, Isa. 57:14. all things that cause shall be gathered out of Christ's kingdom. Mat. 13:41. denunciations against those who cause, Mat. 18:7; Mark 9:42. punishment for occasioning, Ezek. 44:12; Mai. 2:8, 9; Mat. 18:6. exemplified : Aaron, Exod. 32:2-6. Balaam, etc.. Num. 31:16, with Rev. 2:14. Gideon, Judg. 8:27. Sonsof Eli, 1 Sam. 2:12-17. Je- roboam, 1 Kin. 12:26-.30. Old Prophet, 1 Kin. 13:18-26. Priests, Mai. 2:8. Peter, Mat. 16:23. OFFENCES against the Holy Gliost: exhortations against, Eph. 4:30; 1 Thes. 5:19. EXHIBITED IN tempting him, Acts 5:9. 112 vexing him, Isa. 63:10. grieving him, Eph. 4:30. quenching him, 1 Thes. 5:1«. lying to him, Acts 5:3, 4. resisting him. Acts 7:51. undervaluing his gifts. Acts 8:19, 20. doing despite unto him, Heb. 10:29. disregarding his testimony, Neh. 9:30. blasphemy against him, unpardonable, Mat. 12:31, 32; 1 John 5:16. OFFERINGS: laws of. Lev. 1, etc. TO BE OFFERED Willingly, Lev. 22:19. without blemish. Lev. 22:21; Deut. 15:21; Mai. 1:14. to God only, Exod. 22:20; Judg. 13:16. in love and charity. Mat. 5:23. with gratitude, Psa. 50:8, 14. with a right heart, Isa. 1:13; Mai. 3:3. according to abiUty, Lev. 5:7. a type of Christ. Eph. 5:2; Heb. 9:10. DIFFERENT KINDS OF: bumt, Lev. 1:3-17; Psa. 66:15. sin. Lev. 4; 6:25; 10:17. trespass. Lev. 5:6-19; 6:6; 7:1. peace. Lev. 3:1-17; 7:11. wave, Exod. 29:26; Lev. 7:30. heave, Exod. 29:27; Lev. 7; Num. 15. meat. Lev. 2; Num. 15:4. drink. Gen. 35:14; Exod. 29:40. thank. Lev. 7:12; 22:29; Psa. 50:14. freewiU, Lev. 23:38; Deut. 16:10; 23:23. incense, Exod. 30:8; Mai. 1:11; Luke 1:9. first-fruits, Exod. 22:29; Deut. 18:4. tithe. Lev. 27; Num. 18; Deut. 14. gifts, Exod. 35:22; Num. 7. jealousy, Num. 5:15. personal redemption, Exod, 30:13, 15. OG, king of Bashan, subdued. Num. 21:33; Deut. 3:1; Psa. 135:11; 136:20. OIL for the lamps, Exod. 27:20; Lev. 24:1. See Mat. 25:1. olive, Exod. 30:24; Lev. 24:2. for food, 1 Kings 17:12; Ezek. 16:13. for anointing the person, Psa. 23:5; 104:15; Luke 7:46. for anointing to office, Exod. 29:7; 1 Sam. 10:1; 1 Kings 19:16. with meat-offerings, Lev. 2:1, etc. miraculously increased, 1 Kings 17:12; 2 Kings 4:1. figurative, Psa. 23:5; 45:7; 141:5; Isa. 61:3; Zech. 4:12: Mat. 25:1. OINTMENT, the holy, directions for making, Exod. 30:23. See Psa. 133:2. poured upon Christ, Mat. 26:7: Mark 14:3; Luke 7:37; John 11:2: 12:3. OLD AGE to be honored. Lev. 19:32; Prov. 23:22; 1 Tim. 5:1; 1 Pet. 5:5. See Prov. 16:31; 17:6; 20:29. its weakness, Eccl. 12; Psa. 90:10. its duties. Tit. 2:2. OLD MAN, exhortations to put off, Eph. 4:22; Col, 3:9; Rom. 6:6. OLIVE-TREES, two seen in a vision, Zech. 4:3; Rev. 11:4. figuratively. Judg. 9:9; Psa. 52:8; Rom. 11:17. OLIVE-YARDS, Josh. 24:13; 1 Sam. 8:14; 2 Kin. 5:26; Neh. 5:11; 9:25. OLIVET (Olives), mount a.scended by David in affliction, 2 Sam. 15:.30. also by Christ, Mat. 21:1; 24:3; Mark 11:1; 13:3; Luke 21:37; John 8:1; Acts 1:12. OMEG.V, last letter of the Greek alphabet, poeti- cally used for "the la.st;" applied to Christ, Rev. 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13. OME BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PAL OMER (about two gallons). Exod. 16:16-18, 32-36. OMNIPOTENCE, Omnipresence, and Omni- science. See GOD. OMRI, king of Israel, his evil reign, 1 Kin. 16:16; Mic. 6:16. ON (sun), city of Egypt, supposed to be Heliopo- lis (city of the sun). Gen. 41:45, 50; 46:20. Bethshemesh (house of the sun), supposed to be the same, Jer. 43:13. ON AN, son of Judah, Gen. 38:4-9; 46:12; Num. 26:19. ONCE, emphatic. Hag. 2:6; Rom. 6:10; Heb. 9:26: 12:26; Jude 3. ONESIMUS, Paul's intercession for, Phile.; Col. 4:9. OXESIPHORCS, 2 Tim. 1:16. ONION, Num. 11:5. ONO, 1 Chr. 8:12; Neh. 6:2; 11:35. ONYCHA, Exod. 30:34. ONYX, precious stone, Exod. 28:20; 39:13. OPHEL, 2 Chr. 27:3; 33:14; Neh. 3:26, 27; 11:21. OPHIR, Gen. 10:29. gold of, 1 Kings 9:28; 10:11; 22:48; 1 Chr. 29:4; 2 Chr. 8:18; Job 22:24: Psa. 45:9; I sa. 13:12. OPHRAH, a town of Benjamin, .losh. 18:23. Gideon visited by the angel at, Judg. 6:11. he builds an altar there, Judg. 6:24. he is buried in, Judg. 8:32. See Judg. 9:5; 1 Sam. 13:17. OPPRESSION of emigrants, Exod. 22:21; Deut. 23:16. in traffic. Lev. 25:14; Prov. 28:8. of servants, Deut. 24:14; Jas. 5:4. of the poor, reproaches God, Prov. 14:31. prevalent, Eccl. 4:4. trust not in, Psa. 62:10. gain of, to be despised, Isa. 33:15. should be relieved, Isa. 1:17; 58:6. must not envy or imitate, Prov. 3:31. deUver from, Jer. 21:12. heritage of, Job 27:13-19. brings to want, Prov. 22:16. woe is unto it, Isa. 5:8; Mic. 2:1. is like a sweeping rain, Prov. 28:3. shortens life, Jer. 17:11. God is a refuge from, Psa. 9:9. prayers against, Psa. 17:9; 44:24; 119:121, 134; Isa. 38:14. God's aid promised against, Psa. 12:5; 72:4, 14; Jer. 50:34. God will judge, Psa. 103:6: Eccl. 5:8: Isa. 10; Jer. 22:17; Ezek. 22:7; Amos 4:1; Mic. 2:2; Mai. 3:5; Jas. 5. national, God judges, Acts 7:7. national, relieved, Exod. 3:9; Deut. 26:7; Judg. 2; 4; 6; 7; 8; 10; 2 Kings 13: Isa. 52:4. ORACLE of God, 2 Sam. 16:23; 1 Kings 6:16; 8:6; 2 Chr. 4:20; Psa. 28:2. ORACLES, the Scriptures, Acts 7:38; Rom. 3:2; Heb. 5:12; 1 Pet. 4:11. ORATOR, Isa. 3:3; Acts 24:1. ORDAINING of deacons, elders, etc., Acts 6:6; 14:23; 1 Tim. 2:7; 3; 4:14; 5:22; 2 Tim. 2:2; Tit. 1:5. of the apostles, Mat. 10:1; Mark 3:13; Luke 6:13. ORDER, to be observed in the churcli, 1 Cor. 14:40: Tit. 1:5. of the Israelites' march, Num. 10:14. ORDINANCES of God. Exod. 18:20; Lev. 18:4; Job 38:33; Psa. 119:91; Jer. 31:35, 36; Mai. 3:7, 14; Rom. 13:2; Heb. 9:1, 10. OREB, Judg. 7:25; 8:3; Psa. 83:11; Isa. 10:26. ORGAN, invented by Jubal, Gen. 4:21. used in entertainments. Job 21:12; 30:31. 8 used in praise, Psa. 150:4. ORION, Job 9:9; 38:31: Amos 5:8. translated constellations, isa. 13:10. ORNAMENTS, of dress. Gen. 24:22; Isa. 3:18, etc.; Jer. 2:32. See 1 Pet. 3:3; Prov. 1:9; 4:9; 25:12. ORNAN. See araunah. ORPAH, Ruth 1:1-14. ORPHANS. See fatherless. OSPREY, a kind of eagle. Lev. 11:13; Deut. 14:12. OSSIFRAGE, a large eagle. Lev. 11:13; Deut 14:12. OSTENTATION in prayer and almsgiving, Mat. 6:1; Prov. 25:14; 27:2. OSTRICH, Job 39:13-18; Lara. 4:3. OTHNIEL (Josh. 15:16; Judg. 1:13). delivers and judges Israel, Judg. 3:9. OUCHES, Exod. 28:11. OUTCASTS of Israel, prophecies concerning, Isa. 11:12; 16:3; 27:13; Jer. 30:17, etc.; Rom. 11. OVEN, Exod. 8:3; Lev. 2:4; 7:9; 26:26. illustrative, Psa. 21:9; Ho.s. 7:4-7; Mai. 4:1. OVERCOMETH, promises to him who, 1 John 2:13; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; 21:7. OVERSEERS in the temple, 1 Chr. 9:29; 2 Chr. 2:18. See Acts 20:28. OWL, varieties. Lev. 11:16, 17; Deut. 14:15, 16; Isa. 34:14. unclean, Lev. 11:13, 16. illustrative of mourners, Psa. 102:6. OX, laws relating to the, Exod. 21:28; 22:1; 23:4; Lev. 17:3; Deut. 5:14; 22:1; Luke 13:15. not to be muzzled, Deut. 25:4; 1 Cor. 9:9; ITim. 5:18. PADAN-ARAM, Jacob at. Gen. 28:1. PAINTING the face practised, 2 Kings 9:30; Jer. 4:30; Ezek. 23:40. PALACE of God, the temple, 1 Chr. 29:1; Psa. 48:3; 78:69; 122:7. at Babylon, Dan. 4:29; 5:5; 6:18. at Shushan, Neh. 1:1; Esth. 1:2; 7:7; Dan. 8:2. of ivory, 1 Kings 22:39: Psa. 45:8. called garden-house, 2 Kings 9:27; summer- house, Amos 3:15; winter-house, Jer. 36:22. contained royal treasures and decrees, 1 Kings 15:18; Ezra 6:2. PALACES, Jerusalem celebrated for, Psa. 48:3. 13; of David, 2 Sam. 7:2; of Solomon, 1 Kin. 7:1-12. PALESTINA, ]irophecies concerning, Ex. 15:14; Psa. 92:12; Isa. 14:29. PALESTINE, called: Canaan, Gen. 11:31. Palestina, Exod. 15:14. LAND of Israel. 1 Sam. 13:19. of the Hebrews, Gen. 40:15. of the Jews, Acts 10:39. of promise, Heb. 11:9. Holy land, Zech. 2:12. pleasant land. Dan, 8:9. glorious land, Dan. 11:16. the Lord's land, Hos. 9:3. Immanuel's land, Isa. 8:8. Beulah and Hephzibah, Isa. 62:4. , boundaries of. Josh. 16-19. DIVIDED among the twelve tribes. Josh. 14-19. into twelve provinces by Solomon, 1 Kl. 4: 7-19. into two kingdoms, Judah and Israel, 1 Kings 11:35, 36; 12:16-21. Roman provinces, Luke 3:1; John 4:4. description of. Gen. 13 : 10 ; Deut. 8 : 7-10; 11:10-12. PALM-TREE, Exod. 15:27. "3 PAL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PAR at festivals, Lev. 23:40; John 12:13: Rev. 7:9. the city of palm-trees, Deut. 34:3; Judg. 1:16; 3:13; 2Chr. 28:15. illustrative, Psa. 92:12; Song 7:7, 8; Jer. 10:5; Rev. 7:9. PALMER-WORM, a kind of locust, Joel 1:4; 2:25; Amos 4:9. PALSY cured by Christ, Mat. 4:24; 8:6; 9:2; Mark 2:3: Luke 5:18. by his disciples, Acts 8:7; 9:33. PAMPHYLIA, Paul preaches there. Acts 13:13; 14:24. PANNAG (sweet cake), a place growing wheat, Ezek. 27:17. PAPER-REEUS of Egypt, Isa. 19:7. See 2 John 12. PAPHOS visited by Paul, Acts 13:6. Elymas struck blind, Acts 13:11. PARABLES. (See Num. 23:7; Job 27:1; Psa. 78:2; Prov. 26:7.) of Jotham, Judg. 9:7. ofNathan, 2Sam. 12:L of the woman of Tekoa, 2 Sam. 14:5. of a prophet, 1 Kings 20:39. of Joash, 2 Kings 14:9; 2 Chr. 25:18. of the prophets, Isa. 5:1 (Jer. 13:1; 18; 24; 27); Ezek. 16; 17; 19; 23; 24; 31; 33; 37, etc. of Christ: wise and foolish builders, Mat. 7:24-27. children of the bride-chamber, Mat. 9:15. new clotii and old garment. Mat. 9:16. new wine and old bottles. Mat. 9:17. children in the market-place, Mat. 11:16-19. siieep fallen in a pit, Mat. 12:11, 12. unclean spirit, Mat. 12:43. sower. Mat. 13:3, 18; Luke 8:5, 11. tares, Mat. 13:24-30, 36-43. mustard-seed, Mat. 13:31, 32: Luke 13:19. leaven. Mat. 13:33; Luke l3:-.i0, 21. treasure hid in a field. Mat. 13:44. pearl of great price, Mat. 13:45, 46. net cast into the sea. Mat. 13:47-50. wise householder, Mat. 13:51, 52. meats, defiling not. Mat. 15:10-15. unmerciful servant. Mat. 18:23-35. laborers hired, Mat. 20:1-16. two sons. Mat. 21:28-32. wicked husbandmen. Mat. 21:33-45. king's marriage feast. Mat. 22:2-14. fig-tree leafing. Mat. 24:3'2-34. man of the house watching, Mat. 24:43. faithful and evil servants, Mat. 24:45-51. ten virgins, Mat. 25:1-13. talents, Mat. 25:14-30. children of bride-chamber, Mark 2:18-20. kingdom divided against itself, Mark 3:24. house divided against itself, Mark 3:25. strong man armed, Mark 3:27; Luke 11:21. seed growing secretly, Mark 4:26-29. liglited candle, Mark 4:21; Luke ll::}3-36. childien's bread, Mark 7:27-29. Mian taking a far journey, Mark 13:34-37. blind le;iding tlie blind, Luke 6:39. beam and mote, Luke 6:41, 42. tree and its fruit, Luke 6:43-45. creditor and debtors, Luke 7:41-47. good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-37. importunate friend, Luke 11:5-9. ricii fool, Luke 12:16-21. ^ waiting servants, Luke 12:36-40. wise steward, Luke 12:41-48. cloud and wind, Luke 12:54-57. barren fig-tree, Luke 13:6-9. men bidden to a feast, Luke 14:7-11. great supper, Luke 14:15-24. 114 builder of a tower, Luke 14:28-30, 33. king going to war, Luke 14:31-33. savor of salt, Luke 14:34, 35. lost sheep, Luke 15:3-7. lost piece of silver, Luke 15:8-10. prodigal son, Luke 15:11-32. unjust steward, Luke 16:1-8. rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31. unprofitable servants, Luke 17:7-10, importunate widow, Luke 18:1-8. Pharisee and publican, Luke 18:9-14. pounds, Luke 19:12-27. wind blowing where it lists, John 3:8. good shepherd, John 10:1-6. door, and hireling, John 10:7-16. vine and branches, John 15:1-5. woman in travail, John 16:21. PARADISE (garden of Eden) described, Gen. 2:8 (Rev. 2:7). man expelled from. Gen. 3:22. See Luke 23:43; 2 Cor. 12:4. PARAN, mount, Ishmael reared near, Gen. 21:21. Israel's journey to. Num. 10:12; 12:16; 13:26: Deut. 33:2; Hab. 3:3. PARCEL, translated field, 2 Sam. 14:30; piece, 2 Sam. 23:11; portion, 2 Kings 9:21; plat, 2 Kings 9:26. PARCHMENTS, 2 Tim. 4:13. PARDON : promised, Isa. 1:18; Jer. 31:34, with Heb. 8:12; Jer. 50:20. none, without shedding of blood, Lev. 17:11, with Heb. 9:22. legal sacrifices inetfectual for, Heb. 10:4. outward purifications ineffectual for. Job 9:30, 31; Jer. 2:22. the blood of Christ alone is eflicacious for, Zech. 13:1, with 1 John 1:7. IS GRANTED by God alone, Dan. 9:9; Mark 2:7. by Christ, Mark 2:5; Luke 7:48. through Christ, Luke 1:69,77; Acts5:31; 13:38. through the blood of Christ, Mat. 26:28; Rom. 3:25; Col. 1:14. for the name's sake of Christ, 1 John 2:12. according to the riches of grace, Eph. 1:7. on the exaltation of Christ, Acts 5:31. freely, Isa. 43:25. readily, Neh. 9:17; Psa. 86:5. abundantly, Isa. 55:7: Rom. 5:20. to those who confess their sins, 2 Sam. 12:13; Psa. 32:5; 1 John 1:9. to those who repent, Acts 2:38. to those who turn to God, Isa. 55:7. to those who believe. Acts 10:43. should be preached in the name of Christ, Luke 24:47. . EXHIBITS THE compassiou of God, Mic 7:18, 19. grace of God, Rom. 5:15, 16; Heb. 2:9. mercy of (Jod, E.xod. 34:7; Psa. 51:1. goodness of God, 2 Chr. 30:18; Psa- 86:5. forbearance of God, Rom. 3:25. loving-kindness of God, I'sa. 51:1. justice of God, 1 John 1:9. faithfulness of God, 1 John 1:9. Exi'itESSKD BY covering sin, Psa. 32:1. forgiving transgression, I'sa. 32:1. removing transgression, Psa. 103:12. blotting out transgression, Isa. 43:25. being merciful to unrighteousness, Heb. 8:12. blotting out sin, Isa. 44:22; Acts 3:19. ca.sting sin behind the back, Isa. 38:17. casting sins into the sea, Mic. 7:19. not imputing sin, Rom. 4:8. cleansing from sin, Isa. 1:18; Jer. 33:8. PAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PAT not mentioning transgression, Ezek. 18:22. remembering sins no more, Heb. 10:17. all saints enjoy, Col. 2:13; 1 John 2:12. blessedness of, Psa. 32:1, with Rom. 4:7. SHOULD LEAD TO returning to God, Isa. 44:22. loving God, Luke 7:47. fearing God, Psa. 130:4. praising God, Psa. 103:2, 3. ministers are appointed to proclaim, Isa. 40:1, 2; 2 Cor. 5:19. pray for, for yourselves, Psa. 25:11,18; 51:1; Mat. 6:12; Luke 11:4. pray for, for others, Exod. 32:31; Num. 14:19; Luke 23:34; Jas. 5:15; lJohn5:16. encouragement to pray for, 2 Chr. 7:14. WITHHELD FROM the Unforgiving, Mark 11:26; Luke 6:37. the unbeUeving, John 8:21, 24. the impenitent, Luke 13:2-5. blasphemers against the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12:32; Mark 3:28, 29. apostates, Heb. 10:26, 27; 1 John 5:16. illustrated, Luke 7:42; 15:20-24. exemplified: Israelites, Num. 14:20. David, 2 Sam. 12:13. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:13. Hez- ekiah, Isa. 38:17. The paralytic, Mat. 9:2. The penitent, Luke 7:47. PARENTS: receive their children from God, Gen. 33:5; 1 Sam. 1:27; Psa. 127:3. THEIR DUTY TO THEIR CHILDREN IS tO lOVC them. Tit. 2:4. to bring them to Christ, Mat. 19:13, 14. to train them up for God, Prov. 22:6: Eph. 6:4. to instruct them in God's word, Deut. 4:9; 11:19; Isa. 38:19. to tell them of God's judgments, Joel 1:3. to tell them of the miraculous works of God, Exod. 10:2; Psa. 78:4. to command them to obey God, Deut. 32:46; IChr. 28:9. to bless them. Gen. 48:15; Heb. 11:20. to pity them, Psa. 103:13. to care for their safety, Gen. 19:14. to provide for them, Job 42:15; Luke 11:11; 2 Cor. 12:14; 1 Tim. 5:8. to rule them, 1 Tim. 3:4, 12. to correct them, Prov. 13:24; 19:18; 23:13; 29:17; Heb. 12:7. not to provoke them, Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21. not to make unholy connections for them. Gen. 24:1-4; 28:1, 2. wicked children, a cause of grief to, Prov. 10:1; 17:25. illresultsof partiality, Gen. 21:10; 25:28; 37:3. SHOULD PRAY FOR THEIR CHILDREN, for their spiritual welfare, Gen. 17:18; 1 Chr. 29:19. when in temptation, Job 1:5. when in sickness, 2 Sam. 12:16; Mark 5:23; John 4:46, 49. when faithful, are blessed by their children, Prov. .31:28. when faithful, leave a blessing to their children, Psa. 112:2; Prov. 11:21; Isa. 65:23. sins of, visited on their children, Exod. 20:5; Isa. 14:20; Lam. 5:7. negligence of, sorely punished, 1 Sam. 3:13. WHEN WICKED, instruct their children in evil, Jer. 9:14; 1 Pet. 1:18. set a bad example to their children, Ezek. 20:18; Amos 2:4. bring evil on their children, Exod. 20:5: 34:7; Num. 14:18, 33; Job 21:19; Jer. 32:18. See 2 Sam. 12:14, 15. good, exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 18:19. Ja- cob, Gen. 44:20, 30. Joseph, Gen. 48:13-20. Mother of Moses, Ex. 2:2, 3. Manoah, Judg. 13:8. Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:28. David, 2 Sam. 18:5,33. Shunammite, 2 Kings 4:19, 20. Job, Job 1:5. Mother of Lemuel, Prov. 31:1. No- bleman, John 4:49. Lois and Eunice, 2 Tim. 1:5. bad, exemplified: Mother of Micah, Judg. 17:3. Eli, 1 Sam. 3:13. Saul, 1 Sam. 20:33. Atha- liah, 2 Chr. 22:3. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:6. He- rodias, Mark 6:24. PARENTS, duty to. See children. PARMENAS, one of the seven deacons. Acts 6:5. PARRICIDE, instance of, 2 Kings 19:37. PARTHIANS, Acts 2:9. PARTIALITY forbidden, in judging, Lev. 19:15; Deut. 1:17; 16:19; Prov. 18:5; 24:23; Mai. 2:9. among brethren, 1 Tim. 5:21. to the rich, Jas. 2:4; 3:17; Jude 16. PARTRIDGE, 1 Sam. 26:20; Jer. 17:11. PARVAIM, a gold country, 2 Chr. 3:6. PASHUR, prophecy against. Jer. 20. PASSION, suffering, applied to Clirist's death, Acts 1:3. PASSOVER, the paschal lamb: a type of Christ, Exod. 12:3; 1 Cor. 5:7. a yearling male, Exod. 12:5; Isa. 9:6. without blemish, Exod. 12; 1 Pet. 1:19. taken of the flock, Exod. 12; Heb. 2:14, 17. previously chosen, 1 Pet. 2:4. killed by the people, Acts 2:23. at the temple, Deut. 16:2-7; 2 Chr. 35:1; Luke 13:33. in the evening, Exod. 12:6; Mark 15:34. its blood sprinkled. Exod. 12:22; Heb. 9:13; 10; 22; 1 Pet. 1:2. not a bone broken, John 19:36. not eaten raw, 1 Cor. 11:28, 29. roasted with fire, Psa. 22:14, 15. eaten with bitter herbs, Zech. 12:10. with unleavened bread, Exod. 12:39; 1 Cor. 5:7, 8; 2 Cor. 1:12. in haste, Exod. 12:11; Heb. 6:18. with loins girt, Luke 12:35; 1 Pet. 1:13. staff in hand, Exod. 12:11; Psa. 23:4. with shoes on, Exod. 12:11; Eph. 6:15. in the house, Exod. 12:46; Eph. 3:17. the residue burned. Mat. 7:6; Luke 11:3. , the festival, Exod. 12:13. laws concerning. Lev. 23:4; Num. 9; 28:16; Deut. 16. observed by Joshua, Josh. 5:10. by Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 30. by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:21; 2 Chr. 35. by Ezra, Ezra 6:19. by Christ, Mat. 26:19, etc.; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7; John 13. PASTORS of the Jews censured, Jer. 2:8; 10:21; 23. PASTURE, figurative, Psa. 23:2: 74:1; 79:13; 95:7; 100; Ezek. 34:14; John 10:9. PATARA, Paul visits. Acts 21:1. PATHROS, in Egypt, Isa. 11:11; Jer. 44:1, 15; Ezek. 29:14; 30:14. PATIENCE: God is the God of, Rom. 15:5. Christ, an example of, Isa. 53:7, with Acts 8:32; Mat. 27:14. enjoined. Tit. 2:2; 2 Pet. 1:6. should have its perfect work, Jas. 1:4. trials of saints lead to, Rom. 5:3; Jas. 1:3. produces experience, Rom. 5:4. produces hope, Rom. 15:4. suffering with, for well-doing, is acceptable with God, 1 Pet. 2:20. 1^5 PAT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PEA TO BE EXEKCisED IN ruuiiiug the race set be- fore us, Heb. 12:1. bringing forth fruits, Luke 8:15. weU-doing, Rom. 2:7; Gal. 6:9. waiting for God, Tsa. 37:7; 40:1. waiting for Christ, 1 Cor. 1:7; 2 Thes. 3:5. waiting for the hope of the gospel, Rom. 8:25; Gal. 5:5. waiting for God's salvation, Lam. 3:26. bearing the yoke. Lam. 3:27. tribulation, Luke 21:19; Rom. 12:12. necessary to the inheritance of the promises, Heb. 6:12, 15; 10:36. exercised towards all, 1 Thes. 5:14. they who are in authority, should exercise, Mat. 18:26; Acts 26:3. ministers should follow after, 1 Tim. 6:11. ministers approved by, 2 Cor. 6:4; 12:12. SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY godUuess, 2 Pet. 1:6. hope, Rom. 8:25. faith, 2 Thes. 1:4; Heb. 6:12; Rev. 13:10. temperance, 2 Pet. i : 6. long-sutrering and joyfulness, Col. 1:11. saints strengthened unto all. Col. 1:11. commended, Eccl. 7:8; Rev. 2:2, 3. illustrated, .las. 5:7, 8. exemplified: Job, Job 1:21; Jas. 5:11. Simeon, Luke 2:25. Paul, 2 Tim. 3:10. Abraham, Heb. 6:15. Prophets, Jas. 5:10. John, Rev. 1:9. PATMOS, John banished to. Rev. 1:9. PATRIARCHS, Acts 2:29; 7:8,9; Heb. 7:4. history of, Gen. 5. PATTERN, of the tabernacle, Exod. 25:9, 40; of temple, Ezek. 43:10. See Heb. 8:5: 9:23. PAUL (Saul, Acts 13:9), born at Tarsus, a free Roman citizen, educated by Gamaliel, Acts 22:3, 25-29. persecutes the church. Acts 7:58; 8:1; 9:1; 22:4; 26:9; 1 Cor. 15:9; Gal. 1:13; Phil. 3:6; ITim. 1:13. his miraculous conversion, Acts 9:3; 22:6; 26:12. PREACHES at Damascus, Acts 9:19 (2 Cor. 11:32; Gal. 1:17). at Jerusalem, Acts 9:29. at Antiocli, Acts 13:1, 14. at Salamis, Acts 13:5. at Iconium, Acts 14:1. at Lystra, and stoned. Acts 14:8, 19 (2 Tim. 3:11). returns to Jerusalem, Acts 15 {Gal. 2:1). rebukes Peter, Gal. 2:14. contends with Barnabas, Acts 15:36. persecuted at Philippi, Acts 16. preaches at Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens, Acts 17. at Corinth, Acts 18. tlie Holy Ghost given by his hands. Acts 19:6. preaches at Ephesus, Acts 19:21. celebrates the Lord's supper atTroas, Acts 20:7. raises Eutychus, Acts 20:10. his charge at Miletus, Acts 20:17. liis journey to Jerusalem, Acts 21. l)ersocuted tliere, Acts 21:27. Ills ])i:fence before tiie people, Acts 22. iK'fore the council, Acts 23. before Felix, Acts 24. before Festus, Acts 25. before Agrippa. Acts 26. his voyage and shipwreck. Acts 27. miracles at Melita, Acts 28:3, 8. arrives at Rome, Acts 28:14. reasons with the Jews, Acts 28:17. ii6 his suflerings, 1 Cor. 4:9; 2 Cor. 11:23: 12:7; Phil. 1:12; 2 Tim. 2:11, etc. divine revelations to, 2 Cor. 12:1. his love to the churches, Rom. 1:8; 15; 1 Cor. 1:4; 4:14, etc.; 2Cor. 1; 2; 6; 7, etc.; PhiL 1; CoL 1, etc. maintains his apostleship, 1 Cor. 9; 2 Cor. 11; 12; 2 Tim. 3:10. intercedes for Onesimus, Phile. commends Timothy, etc., 1 Cor. 16:10; Phil. 2:19: IThes. 3:2. commends Titus, 2 Cor. 7:13; 8:23. Peter's testimony to, 2 Pet. 3:15. See Romans, Corinthians, etc. PAVEMENT, or Gabbatha, John 19:13. PAVILION, 2 Sam. 22:12. a refuge, Psa. 27:5; 31:20. PEACE: God is the Author of, Psa. 147:14; Isa. 45:7; 1 Cor. 14:33. RESULTS FROM licaveuly wisdom, Jas. 3:17. the government of Christ, Isa. 2:4. praying for rulers, 1 Tim. 2:2. seeking the peace of those with whom we dweU, Jer. 29:7. necessary to the enjoyment of life, Psa. 34:12, 14, with 1 Pet. 3:10, 11. God bestows upon those who obey him. Lev. 26:6. please liim. Pro v. 16:7. endure his chastisements, Job 5:17, 23, 24. is a bond of union, Kph. 4:3, the fruit of righteousness should be sown in, Jas. 3:18. the church shall enjoy, Psa. 125:5; 128:6; Isa. 2:4; Hos. 2:18. SAINTS should love, Zech. 8:19. seek, Psa. 34:14, with 1 Pet. 3:11. follow, 2 Tim. 2:22. follow what makes for, Rom. 14:19. cultivate, Psa. 120:7. speak, Esth. 10:3. Uve in, 2 Cor. 13:11. have with each other, Mark 9:50 ; 1 Thes. 5:13. endeavor to have with all men, Rom. 12:18; Heb. 12:14. pray for that of the church, Psa. 122:6-8. exhort others to, Gen. 45:24. ministers should exliort to, 2 Thes. 3:12. advantages of, Prov. 17:1; EccL 4:6. blessedness of, Psa. 133:1. blessedness of promoting. Mat. 5:9. THE wicked hypocritically speak, Psa. 28:3. speak not, Psa. 35:20. enjoy not, Isa. 48:22; Ezek. 7:25. opposed to, Psa. 120:7. hate, Psa. 120:6. shall abound in the latter days, Isa. 2:4; 11:13; 32:18. exemplified: Abraham, (ien. 13:8, 9. Abime- lech, (Jen. 26:29. Mordecai, Esth. 10:3. Da- vid, Psa. 120:7. , spiritual: God is the God of, Rom. 15:33; 2 Cor. 13:11; 1 Thes. 5:23; Heb. 13:20. God ordain.s, Isa. 26:12. God speaks to his saints, Psa. 85:8. Christ is the Lord of, 2 Thes. 3:16. Christ is the Prince of, Isa. 9:6. Christ gives, 2 Thes. 3:16. Christ guides into the way of, Luke 1:79. Christ is our, Eph. 2:14. is through the atonement of Christ, Isa. 53:5; Eph. 2:14, 15; Col. 1:20. PEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PER bequeatlied by Christ, John 14:27. PREACHED by Christ, Eph. 2:17. through Christ, Acts 10:36. by ministers, Isa. 52:7, with Rom. 10:15. announced by angels, Luke 2:14. follows upon justification, Rom. 5:1. a fruit of the Spirit, Rom. 14:17: Gal. 5:22. divine wisdom is the way of, Prov. 3:17. ACCOMPANIES faith, Rom. 15:13. righteousness, Isa. 32:17. acquaintance with God, Job 22:21. the love of God's laAv, Psa. 119:165. spiritual-mindedness, Rom. 8:6. established by covenant, Isa. 54:10; Ezek. 34:25; Mai. 2:5. PROMISED TO the church, Isa. 66:12. the Gentiles, Zech. 9:10. saints, Psa. 72:3, 7; Isa. 55:12. the meek, Psa. 37:11. those who confide in God, Isa. 26:3. returning backsliders, Isa. 57:18, 19. we should love, Zech. 8:19. the benediction of ministers should be, Num. 6:26; Luke 10:5. SAINTS have, in Christ, John 16:33. have, with God, Isa. 27:5; Rom. 5:1. enjoy, Psa. 119:165. repose in, Psa. 4:8. blessed with, Psa. 29:11. kept in perfect, Isa. 26:3. ruled by. Col. 3:15. keptbv, PhiL4:7. die in, Psa. 37:37; Luke 2:29. wish, to each other. Gal. 6:16; Phil. 1:2; Col. 1:2; IThes. 1:1. OF SAINTS, great, Psa. 119:165; Isa. 54:13. abundant, Psa. 72:7; Jer. 33:6. secure, Job 34:29. passeth all understanding, Phil. 4:7. consummated after death, Isa. 57:2. the gospel is good tidings of, Rom. 10:15. THE WICKED kuow not the way of, Isa. 59:8; Rom. 3:17. know not the things of, Luke 19:42. promise, to themselves, I>eut. 29:19. are promised, by false teachers, Jer. 6:14. there is none for, Isa. 48:22; 57:21. supports under trials, John 14:27; 16:33. PEACE-OFFERINGS, Exod. 20:24; 24:5; Lev. 3: 6; 7:11; 19:5, etc. offered by the princes. Num. 7:17. by Joshua, Josh. 8:31. bv David. 2 Sam. 6:17: 24:25. PEARLS, spoken of, Mat. 7:6; 13:45. See 1 Tim. 2:9: Rev. 17:4. PEACOCK, 2 Chr. 9:21; Job 39:13. PECULIAR people, Israel, Deut.l4:2; Psa. 135:4. See Tit. 2:14; 1 Pet. 2:9. PEKAH, king of Israel, his conspiracy and evil reign, 2 Kings 15:25. great slaughter in Judah, 2 Chr. 28:6. prophecy against, Isa. 7:1. PEKAHIAH, king of Israel, his evil reign, 2 Kin. 15:22. PEKOD, a name of Babj^on, Jer. 50:21; Ezek. 23:23. PELATIAH, Ezek. 11:1, 13. PELEG (division), Gen. 10:25. PELETHITES. part of David's guard, 2 Sam. 8:18; 20:7, 23; 1 Kings 1:38; 1 Chr. 18:17. faithful in Absalom's rebellion, 2 Sam. 15:18. PELICAN, unclean. Lev. 11:18; Deut. 14:17. See Psa. 102:6. PENIEL (Penuel), Jacob's wrestling with an an- gel there, Gen. 32:22. chastised by Gideon, Judg. 8:8. See 1 Kings 12:25. PENNY (a Roman coin, equal to 15 cents). Mat. 20:2, etc.; Mark 12:15: Rev. 6:6. PENS, Judg. 5:14; Psa. 45:1; Isa. 8:1; Jer. 8:8; 17:1; 3 John 13. PENTECOST, feast of weeks, laws concerning it. Lev. 23:15; Deut. 16:9. descent of the Holy Ghost at. Acts 2. See Acts 20:16; 1 Cor. 16:8. PEOPLE of God: are chosen of him, Deut. 7:6; Psa. 33:12; Acts 15:14; Rom. U. are his portion, Deut. 32:9. are known by him. Gal. 4:9; 2 Tim. 2:19. are loved and blessed by him, Deut. 33; Psa. 3:8. are holy to him, Deut. 7:6; 1 Pet. 1:15. are redeemed by him, 2 Sam. 7:23; Psa. 77:15; Rev. 5:9. are his sheep, Psa. 100:3. are kept by him, Psa. 121; 125. are happy, Psa. 144:15. are peculiar. Tit. 2:14: 1 Pet. 2:9. shall dwell with him. Rev. 21:3. he pities them, Joel 2:18. he forgives them, Psa. 85:2. he feeds them, Psa. 95:7. he takes pleasure in, Psa. 149:4. he comforts, Isa. 49:13. he pleads their cause, Isa. 51:22. he saves from sins. Mat. 1:21. he gives .strength and peace, Psa. 29:11; 85:8. he will not forsake, 1 Sam. 12:22; Psa. 94:14. he has a rest for them, Heb. 4:9. PEOR, mount, Israel's sin at, Num, 23:28; 25:18; Josh. 22:17. PERDITION, what leads to, PhiL 1:28: 1 Tim. 6:9: Heb. 10:39; 2 Pet. 3:7; Rev. 17:8. the son of, John 17:12; 2Thes. 2:3. PERES (to divide), Dan. 5:28. PEREZ-UZZAH (breach of Uzzah), 2 Sam. 6:8; 1 Chr. 13:11. PERFECTION of GoD, Deut. 32:4; 2 Sam. 22:31; Job 36:4; Mat. 5:48. of CHRIST, Heb. 2:10: 5:9; 7:28. of God's laws, Psa. 19:7; Jas. 1:25. of saints: is of God, Psa. 18:32; 138:8. all saints have, in Christ, 1 Cor. 2:6; Phil. 3:15; Col. 2:10. God's perfection the standard of, Mat. 5:48. implies entire devotedness. Mat. 19:21. implies purity and holine.ss in speech, Jas. 3:2. saints commanded to aim at. Gen. 17:1: Deut. 18:13. saints claim not. Job 9:20; Phil. 3:12. saints follow after, Prov. 4:18: Phil. 3:12. ministers appointed to lead saints to, Eph. 4:12; Col. 1:28. exhortation to, 2 Cor. 7:1; 13:11. impossibility of attaining to, 2 Chr. 6:36: Job 9:20; Psa. 19:12; 119:96; Eccl. 7:20; Mat. 6:12; 1 John 1:8. the word of God is the rule of, Jas. 1:25. designed to lead us to, 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. charity is the bond of. Col. 3:14. patience leads to, Jas. 1:4. pray for, Heb. 13:20, 21; 1 Pet. 5:10. the church shall attain to, John 17:23; Eph. 4:13. blessedness of, Psa. 37:37; Prov. 2:21. PERFUME, sacred, Exod. 30:34. PERGA, Paul at. Acts 13:14: 14:25. PER(;AM0S, epistle to the church of, Rev. 1:11; 2:12. 117 PER BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PET PERIZZITES, Gen. 13:7: 15:20. subdued, Judg. 1:4; 2 Chr. 8:7. PERJURY forbidden, Ex. 20:16; Lev. 6:3; 19:12; Deut. 5:20; Ezek. 17:16; Zech. 5:4; 8:17; ITim. 1:10. PERSECUTION: Christ suffered, Psa. 69:26; John 5:16. Christ voluntarily submitted to. Isa. 50:6. Christ was patient under, Isa. 53:7. saints may expect, Mark 10:30; Luke 21:12; John 15:20. saints suffer, for the sake of God, Jer. 15:15. of saints, is a persecution of Christ, Zech. 2:8, with Acts 9:4, 5. all that live godly in Christ suffer, 2 Tim. 3:12. ORIGINATES IN ignoraucc of God and Christ, John 16:3. hatred to God and Christ, John 15:20, 24. hatred to the gospel. Mat. 13:21. pride, Psa. 10:2. mistaken zeal. Acts 13:50; 26:9-11. is inconsistent with the spirit of the gospel. Mat. 26:52. men by nature addicted to. Gal. 4:29. preachers of the gospel subject to. Gal. 5:11. is sometimes unto death. Acts 22:4. God forsakes not his saints under, 2 Cor. 4:9. God deUvers out of, Dan. 3:25, 28; 2 Cor. 1:10; 2 Tim. 3:11. cannot separate from Christ, Rom. 8:35. lawful means may be used to escape, Mat. 2:13; 10:23; 12:14, 1.5. SAINTS SUFFERING, SHOULD commit thcmselvcs to God, 1 Pet. 4:19. exhibit patience, 1 Cor. 4:12. rejoice. Mat. 5:12; 1 Pet. 4:13. glorify God, 1 Pet. 4:16. pray for deliverance, Psa. 7:1; 119:86. pray for those who inflict. Mat. 5:44. return blessing for, Horn. 12:14. the hope of future blessedness supports under, 1 Cor. 15:19, 32; Heb. 10:34, 35. blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake, Mat. 5:10; Luke 6:22. pray for those suft'ering, 2 Thes. 3:2. hypocrites cannot endure, Mark 4:17. false teachers shrink from, Gal. 6:12. THE WICKED addicted to, Psa. 10:2; 69:26. active in, I'sa. 143:3; Lam. 4:19. encourage each other in, Psa. 71:11. rejoice in its success, Psa. 13:4; Rev. 11:10. punishment for, Psa. 7:13; 2 Thes. 1:6. illu.strated, Mat. 21:3:5-39. spirit of, exemplified: Pharaoh, etc., Kx. 1:8- 14. Saul, 1 Sam. 26:18. Jezebel, 1 Kin. 19:2. Zedekiah, etc., Jer. 38:4-6. Chaldeans, Dan. 3:8, etc. Pharisees, Mat. 12:14. Jews, John 5:16; 1 Thes. 2:15. Herod, Acts 12:1. Gen- tiles, Acts 14:5. Paul, Phil. 3:6; 1 Tim. 1:1.-}. suffering of. exemplified : Micaiah, 1 Kings 22:27. David, Psa. 119:161. Jeremiah, Jer. 32:2. Daniel, Dan. 6:5-17. Peter, etc.. Acts 4:3. Apostle.s, Acts 5:18. The prophets. Acts 7:52. Primitive church. Acts 8:1. Paul and Barnabas, Acts 13:. 50. Paul and Silas, Acts 16:23. Hebrews, Ileb. 10:33. Saints of old, Heb. 11:36. PERSEVERANCE: an evidence of reconciliation with God, Col. 1:21-23. an evidence of belonging to Christ, John 8:31; Heb. 3:6, 14. a characteristic of saints, Prov. 4:18. TO BE MANIFESTED IN Seeking God, 1 Chr. 16:11. waiting upon God, Hos. 12:6. ii8 prayer, Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18. well-doing, Rom. 2:7; 2 Thes. 3:13. continuing in the faith. Acts 14:22; CoL 1:23; 2 Tim. 4:7. holding fast hope, Heb. 3:6. MAINTAINED THROUGH the pOWOr Of God, Psa. 37:24; Phil. 1:6. the power of Christ, Jolin 10:28. the intercession of Christ, Luke 22:31, 32; John 17:n. the fear of God, Jer. 32:40. faith, 1 Pet. 1:5. promised to saints. Job 17:9. leads to increase of knowledge, John 8:31, 32. in well-doing: leads to assurance of hope, Heb. 6:10, 11. in well-doing: is not in vain, 1 Cor. 15:58; GaL 6:9. ministers should exhort to. Acts 13:43; 14:22. encouragement to, Heb. 12:2, 3. promises to. Mat. 10:22; 24:13; Rev. 2:26-28, blessedness of, Jas. 1:25. WANT OP, excludes from the benefits of the gos- pel, Heb. 6:4-6. punished, John 15:6; Rom. 11:22. illustrated, Mark 4:5, 17. PERSIA, kingdom of, succeeds that of Babylon, 2 Chr. 36:20; Dan. 6; Esth. 1:3, etc.; Ezek. 27:10; 38:5. prophecies concerning, Isa. 21:2; Dan. 5:28; 8:20; 10:13; 11:2. PERSIS commended, Rom. 16:12. PERSONALITY of the Holy Ghost: HE creates and gives life. Job 33:4. appoints and commissions ministers, Isa. 48:16; Acts 13:2; 20:28. directs ministers where to preach. Acts 8:29; 10:19, 20; and, not to preach. Acts 16:,., 7, instructs them what to preach, 1 Cor. 2:13. spoke in, and by, the prophets. Acts 1:16; 1 Pet. 1:11, 12; 2 Pet. 1:2L strives with sinners, Gen. 6:3. reproves, John 16:8. comforts, Acts 9:31. helps our infirmities, Rom. 8:26. teaches, John 14:26; 1 Cor. 12:3. guides, John 16:13. sanctifies, Rom. 15:16; 1 Cor. 6:11. testifies of Christ, John 15:26. glorifies Christ, John 16:14. has a power of his own, Rom. 15:13. searches all things, Rom. 11:33, 34, with 1 Cor. 2:10, 11. works according to his own will, 1 Cor. 12:11. dwells with saints, John 14:17. can be grieved, Eph. 4:.S0. can be vexed. I.sa. 63:10. can be resisted, Acts 7:51. can be tempted. Acts 5:9. PERSONS of men not regarded by God, Deut. 10:17; 2 Chr. 19:7; Job 34:19: Acts 10:34: Rom. 2:11; GaL 2:6; Eph. 6:9; CoL 3:25; 1 Pet. 1:17. See partiality. PERVERSENESS, Prov. 11:3; Isa. 59:3; Ezek. 9:9. PESTILENCE threatened for disobedience. Lev. 26:25; Num. 14:12; Deut. 28:21; Jer. 14:12; 27:13; Ezek. 5:12; 6:11; 7:15, etc., Mat. 24:7; Luke 21:11. inflicted. Num. 14:37; 16:46; 25:9; 2 Sam. 24:15; Psa. 78:50. stayed. Num. 16:47; 2 Sam. 24:16. PETER, the apostle, called. Mat. 4:18; Mark 1:16; Luke 5; John 1:35. ordained. Mat. 10:2: Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14. PET BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PIL walks on the water, Mat. 14:29. his confession of Christ, Mat. 16:16: Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20. present at the transfiguration. Mat. 17; Mark 9; Luke 9:28; 2 Pet. 1:16. his confidence reproved, Lu. 22:31; John 13:36. he wounds the high priest's servant, Mat. 26:51; Mark 14:47; Luke 22:50; John 18:10. his denial of Christ, and repentance, Mat. 26:69; Mark 14:66; Luke 22:54; John 18:15. his address to his disciples, Acts 1:15. preaches to the Jews, Acts 2:14; 3:12. his boldness before the council. Acts 4. rebukes Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5; and Si- mon the sorcerer, Acts 8:18. raises Tabitha, Acts 9:32. sent to instruct Cornelius, Acts 10. rebuked by Paul, Gal. 2:11-14. released by an angel. Acts 12. liis advice concerning the law, Acts 15:7. testifies of Paul, 2 Pet. 3:15. death foretold, John 21:18; 2 Pet. 1:14. comforts the dispersed disciples, and exhorts them to charity and good works, 1 Pet. 1; 2; 2 Pet. 1; and to obey magistrates, etc., 1 Pet. 2:13. shows the duty of wives, etc., 1 Pet. 3. exhorts the elders, 1 Pet. 5. foretells the wickedness and punishment of false teachers, 2 Pet. 2. and the burning of the world, 2 Pet. 3. PETHOR, Num. 22:5; Deut. 23:4. PHALTI, or Phaltiel, 1 Sam. 25:44; 2 Sam. 3:1.5. PHARAOH, king of Egypt, reproves Abram, Gen. 12:18. , his dreams interpreted by Joseph, etc., Gen. 40, etc. his kindness to Jacob, Gen. 47. , oppresses the Israelites, Exod. 1:8; Acts 7:2L , God's message to, Exod. 4:21, etc. miracles shown to, Exod. 7, etc. pursuing Israel, drowned in the Red sea, Ex. 14:8. See Rom. 9:17; Neh. 9:10; Psa. 135:9; 136:15. , Solomon's affinity with, 1 Kings 3:1. he receives Hadad, 1 Kings 11:19. Necho. provoked to war by Josiah, 2 Kin. 23:29; 2 Chr. 35:20. his destruction foretold, Jer. 46. dethrones Jehoahaz, 2 Kings 23:33; 2 Chr. 36:3. HOPHRA, prophecy concerning, Jer. 44:30; Ezek. 29; 30:20; 31; 32 (Isa. 19:11; 30:2). PHAREZ, son of Judah, Gen. 38:29; Ruth 4:18. ancestor of Christ, Mat. 1:3; Luke 3; 33. PHARISEE and publican, Luke 18:10. PHARISEES censured by Christ, Mat. 5:20; 16:6; 23; Mark 8:15; Lu 11:37: 12:1; 14; 15; 18:9. Christ's controversies with. Mat. 9:34; 19:3; Mark 2:18; Luke 5:30; 11:39; 16:14; John 5; 6; 7. rebuke Nicodemus. John 7:52. excommunicate the man cured of blindness, John 9:13. conspire against Christ, John 11:47, etc. contend with the Sadducees, Acts 23:7. PHARPAR. See abana, 2 Kings 5:12. PHEBE commended, Rom. 16:1. PHENICE, a city of Crete, Acts 27:12. PHENICIA, or Phenice, a province Paul and Barnabas passed through. Acts 11:19; 15:3; 21:2-4. PHICHOL of Gerar, Gen. 21:22. PHILADELPHIA, church of, commended. Rev. 1:11; 3:7. PHILEMON, Paul's letter to, Phile. 1-25. PHILETUS censured, 2 Tim. 2:17. PHILIP, the apostle, called, John 1:43. ordained. Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14; John 12:22; Acts 1:13. reproved, John 14:8. , deacon and evangelist. Acts 6:5. baptizes the eunuch. Acts 8:26. his daughters prophesy. Acts 21:8. , brother of Herod, Mat. 14:3; Mark 6:17; Luke 3:1, 19. PHILIPPI, Paul persecuted at. Acts 16:12. church at, commended, Phil. 1; 4:10. exhorted to love and good works, Phil. 2:3. PHILISTIA, Gen. 21:34; Exod. 13:17; Josh. 13:2; 2 Kings 8:2. PHILISTINES, Gen. 10:14; Deut. 2:23; 1 Chr. 1:12; Jer. 47:4. distress Isaac, Gen. 26:14. not subdued by Joshua, Josh. 13:2; Judg. 3:3; Psa. 83:7. oppressing Israel, subdued by Shamgar, Judg. 3:31; by Samson, Judg. 14, etc.; by Samuel, 1 Sam. 4; 7; by Jonathan, 1 Sam. 14; by Da- vid, ISam. 17; 18; 19:8. David's stay with, 1 Sam. 27-29. war with Israel, 1 Sam. 28; 29. Saul, etc., slain by, i Sam. 31; 2 Chr. 21:16. prophecies concerning, Isa. 2:6; 9:12; 11:14; Jer. 25:20; 47; Ezek. 25:15; Amos 1:6; Obad. 19; Zeph. 2:7; Zech. 9:5. See Psa. 60:8; 83:7; 87:4; 108:9. PHILOLOGUS, Julia and others, Rom. 16:15. PHILOSOPHY, vanity of human, Acts 17:18; 1 Cor. 1:19; 2:6; Col. 2:8. PHINEHAS, son of Eleazar, Exod. 6:25. his zeal commended, Num. 25:7, 11; Psa. 96:30. sent to the war. Num. 31:6. sent to the Reubenites, etc.. Josh. 22:13. inquires of the Lord concerning the Benjamites, Judg. 20:28. , son of Eli, his great wickedness, 1 Sam. 1:3; 2:22. killed by the Philistines, 1 Sam. 4:11. PHRYGIA, Paul in. Acts 16:6; 18:23. PHYGELLUS, 2 Tim. 1:15. PHYLACTERIES, Mat. 23:5. See Exod. 13:9, 16; Num. 15:38. PHYSICIAN, Mat. 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 4:23; 5:3L See Jer. 8:22. Luke, the beloved. Col. 4:14. PICTURE, figure or image, Lev. 26:1 (marg.); Num. 33:52; Pro v. 25:11; Isa. 2:16. PIECE of silver, 1. Hebrew Kesitah, about four shekels. Gen. 33:19; Josh. 24:32; Job 42:11. 2. Greek drachme, equal to a Roman penny, or 15 cents, Luke 15:8, 9. PIETY at home, 1 Tim. 5:4. See holiness. PIGEONS offered after childbirth, etc.. Lev. 1:14; 12:6; Luke 2:24; Num. 6:10. PI-HAHIROTH, Exod. 14:2. PILATE, the Roman governor, Luke 3:1. punishes the Galileans, Luke 13:1. declares Christ's innocence. Mat. 27:24; Luke 23:13; John 18:38. his wife's intercession, Mat. 27:19. delivers Christ to be crucified. Mat. 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:16, 24; John 19. delivers His body to Joseph, Mat. 27:57; Mark 15:42; Lu. 23:50: John 19:38. See Acts 3:13; 4:27; 13:28; 1 Tim. 6:13. PILGRIMS and strangers: described, John 17:16. saints are called to be. Gen. 12:1, with Acts 7:3- Luke 14:26, 27, 3-3. 119 PIL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. POL all saints are, Psa. 39:12; 1 Pet. 1:1. saints confess themselves, 1 Chr. 29:15; Psa. 39:12; 119:19: Heb. 11:13. SAINTS AS, have the example of Christ, Luke 9:58. are strengthened by God, Dent. 33:25; Psa. 84:6, 7. are actuated by faith, Heb. 11:9. have their faces towards Zion, Jer. 50:5. keep the promises in view, Heb. 11:13. forsake all for Christ, Mat. 19:27. look for a heavenly country, Heb. 11:16. look for a heavenly city, Heb. 11:10. pass their sojourning in fear, 1 Pet. 1:17. rejoice in the statutes of God, Psa. 119:54. pray for direction, Psa. 43:3; Jer. 50:5. have a heavenly conversation, Phil. 3:20. hate worldly fellowship, Psa. 120:5, 6. are not mindful of this world, Heb. 11:15. are not at home in this world, Heb. 11:9. shine as lights in the world, Phil. 2:15. invite others to go with them. Num. 10:29. are exposed to persecution, I'sa. 120:5-7; John 17:14. should abstain from lusts, 1 Pet. 2:11. should have their treasure in heaven, Mat. 6:19; Luker2:.33; Col. 3:1, 2. should not be over-anxious about worldly things. Mat. 6:25. long for their pilgrimage to end, Psa. 55:6; 2 Cor. 5:1-8. die in faith, Heb. 11:13. the world is not worthy of, Heb. 11:38. God is called their God, Heb. 11:16. typified: Israel, Exod. 6:4; 12:11. exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 23:4; Acts 7:4, 5. Jacob, Gen. 47:9. Saints of old, 1 Chr. 29:15; Heb. 11:13, 38. David, Psa. 39:12. The apos- tles, Mat. 19:27. PILLAR of salt. Lot's wife becomes. Gen. 19:26; Luke 17:32. PILLARS, supports of a building, made of mar- ble, Esth. 1:6; wood, 1 Kings 10:12; iron, Jer. 1:18: brass, 1 Kings 7:15: silver, .Song 3:10. used as memorials, and made of a single stone. Gen. 28:18; or a heap of stones, Josh. 4:8, 9, 20. in honor of idols. Lev. 26:1. often anointed, (Jen. 28:18; .31:13. often had inscriptions. Job 19:24. erected by Jacob, Gen. 28:18; 35:20. by Absalom, 2 Sam. 18:18. in the temple, 1 Kings 7:21; 2 Chr. 3:17. See Gal. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 3:12. of cloud and fire, Ex. 13:21; 33:9; Neh. 9:12; Psa. 99 ■ 7 illustrative, 1 Sam. 2:8; Job 26:11; Psa. 75:3: Song 5:15; Jer. 1:18; (;al. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 3:12; 10:1. PILLOW, or Bolster, Gen. 28:11, 18; 1 Sam. 26:7. 11,16; 1 Kings 19:6; Ezek. 11:18,20; Mark 4:38: of goat's hair, 1 Sam. 19:13, 16. PILOT, Ezek. 27:8, 27-29; translated shipmaster, Jon. 1:6. PIN. See NAIL. PINNACLE of the temple. Mat. 4:5; Luke 4:9. PINE-TREE, Isa. 41:19; 60:1.3. PIPE, a musical instrument, Jer. 48:.36; Mat. 11:17; ICor. 14:7. PIPERS, Rev. 18:22; translated minstrels, Mat. 9:23. PIRATIION, .Tudg. 12:13-15; 1 Chr. 11:31. PISGAH, mount. Num. 23:14. Moses ascends, Deut. 3:27: 34:1. PISIDIA, Paul in, Acts 13:14; 14:24. 120 PISON, a river. Gen. 2:11. PIT, the grave, death. Job 17:16; 33:18; Psa. 28:1; 30:9; 88:4; 143:7; Isa. 14:15; 38:17; Ezek. 26:20; 32:18. a prison, Isa. 24:22; Zech. 9:11. PITCH, Gen. 6:14; Exod. 2:3. See Isa. 34:9. PITCHERS, Gideon uses, Judg. 7. PITHOM, a treasure city in Egypt, Exod. 1:11. PITY. See COMPASSION. PL.VCES built by Solomon, etc., for idolatrous worship, 1 Kings 11:7; 12:31; 13; Psa. 78:58; Ezek. 16:24. destruction threatened upon. Lev. 26:30; Ezek. 6:3. executed, 2 Kings 18:4; 23; 2 Chr. 14:3; 17:6; PLAGUES, of Eg} pt, Exod. 7-12. inflicted on Israel, Num. 11:33; 16:46. threatened, Lev. 26:21; Deut. 28:59; Rev. 8; 9; 11: 16. See PESTILENCE. PLANE, Isa. 44:13. PLANETS, 2 Kings 23:5. PLANT, Psa. 128:3; 144:12: Song 4:13; Isa. 5:7; 53:2: Jer. 2:21: Ezek. 34:29; Mat. 15:13. PLATTER, Mat. 23:25: Luke 11:39. PLEADING of God with Israel, Isa. 1; 3:13; 43:26; Jer. 2-6; 13; Ezek. 17:20; 20:36; 22; Hos. 2, etc.; Joel 3:2: Mic. 2, etc. Job desires to plead with God, Job 9:19; 16:21. PLEASURES, vanity of, Eccl. 2, etc. exhortations against, Luke 8:14; 16:19; Phil. 3:19; 2 Tim. 3:4: Tit. 3:3; Heb.ll:25; Jas. 5; 1 Pet. 4; 2 Pet. 2:13. PLEDGES, what forbidden to be taken as, Ex. 22:26; Deut. 24:6. See Job 22:6; 24:3; Ezek. 18:7: Amos 2:8. PLEIADES, a group of stars. Job 9:9; 38:31; translated seven stars, Amos 5:8. PLENTY, the gift of God. Gen. 27:28; Deut. 16:10; 28:11: Psa. 65; 68:9; 104:10; 144:13: Joel 2:26; Acts 14:17, etc. foretold by Elisha, 2 Kings 7:1. takes place, 2 Kings 7:16. PLOUGHING, law relating to, Deut. 22:10. See 2 Cor. 6:14. figuratively mentioned. Job 4:8; Hos. 10:13; Luke 9:62: 1 Cor. 9:10. PLOUGHSHARES beaten into swords, Joel 3:10. the reverse, Isa. 2:4: Mic. 4:. 3. PLUMB-LINE and plummet, vision of, Amos 7:8; Zech. 4:10. Sec 2 Kings 21:13; Isa. 28:17. POETS, heathen, quoted. Acts 17:28 (1 Cor. 15:33): Tit. 1:12. POISON of serpents, Psa. 58:4; 140:3; Rom. 3:13; Jas. 3:8. POLLUTIONS imder the law. Lev. 5; 11; 13:15: 21; 22: Num. 5; 9:6: Deut. 21:23: Ezek. 22. of the heathen, Lev. 18:24; 19:31; 20:3; Acts 15:20. of the Sabbath, Neh. 13:15; Isa. 56:2; Ezek. 20:1.3. of God's altar, etc., Exod. 20:25; 2 Chr. 33:7; 36:14: Ezek. 8:6; 44:7; Dan. 8:11; Zeph.3:4; Mai. 1:7. of sin, Ezek. 16:6; 22; Zeph. 3:1. of the world, 2 Pet. 2:20. POLLUX. See castor. Acts 28:11. POLYGAMY forbidden, Deut. 17:16, 17; Mai. 2:15; Mat. 19:4, 5; Mark 10:2-8; 1 Tim. 3:2, 12. examples of: Lamech, Gen. 4:19; Abraham, Gen. 16; Esau, Gen. 26:34: 28:9; Jacob, Gen. 29:30; Ashur, 1 Chr. 4:5; Gideon, Judg. 8:30; Elkanah. 1 Sam. 1:2: David. 2 .sam. 3:2-5; Solomon. 1 Kings 11:1-8; Rehoboam. 2 Chr. 11:18-23; Abijah, 2 Chron. 13:21; Jehoram, POM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. POW 2 Chr. 21:14; Joash, 2 Clir. 24:3; Ahab, 2 Kin. 10:1: Jehoiacliin, 2 Kings 24:15; Belsliazzar, Dan. 5:2. law respecting the first born, Deut. 21:15-17. POMEGRANATE, a kind of apple. Song 4:3; 6:7. wine made from, Song 8:2. cultivated in Palestine, Song 4:13; Joel 1:12. witti bells on the priest's robe, Ex. 28:33; 39:24. on the pillars of the temple, 1 Kin. 7:18; 2 Kin. 25:17; 2 Chr. 3:16. PONTUS, Acts 2:9: 1 Pet. 1:1. POOLS. See WELLS. POOR, the: made by God, Job 34:19; Pro v. 22:2. are such by God's appointment, 1 Sam. 2:7; Job 1:21. CONDITION OF, OFTEN BESULTS FROM SlOth, Prov. 20:13. bad company, Prov. 28:19. drunkenness and gluttony, Prov. 23:21. God forgets not, Psa. 9:18.' * regards equally with the rich, Job 34:19. hears, Psa. 69:33; Isa. 41:17. maintains the right of, Psa. 140:12. delivers, Job 36:15; Psa. 35:10. protects, Psa. 12:5: 109:31. exalts, 1 Sam. 2:8; Psa. 107:41. provides for, Psa. 68:10; 146:7. despises not the prayer of, Psa. 102:17. is the refuge of, Psa. 14:6. shall never cease out of the land, Deut. 15:11; Zeph. 3:12; Mat. 26:11. MAY BE rich in faith, Jas. 2:5. liberal, Mark 12:42; 2 Cor. 8:2. wise, Prov. 28:11. upright, Prov. 19:1. Christ lived as one of. Mat. 8:20. Christ preached to, Luke 4:18. Christ delivers, Psa. 72:12. ort"erings of, acceptable to God, Mark 12:42-44; 2 Cor. 8:2, 12. SHOULD rejoice in God, Isa. 29:19. hope in God, Job 5:16. commit themselves to God, Psa. 10:14. when converted, rejoice in their exaltation, Jas. 1:9. provided for under the law, Exod. 23:11; Lev. 19:9. 10. NEGLECT TOWARDS, IS a Dcglect of Christ, Mat. 25:42-45. inconsistent with love to God, l John 3:17. a proof of unbeUef, Jas. 2:15, 17. rob not, Prov. 22:22. wrong not, in judgment, Exod. 23:6. take no usury from. Lev. 25:36. harden not the heart against, Deut. 15:7. shut not the hand against, Deut. 15:7. rule not with rigor. Lev. 25:39, 43. oppress not, Deut. 24:14; Zech. 7:10. despise not, Prov. 14:21; Jas. 2:2-4. reheve. Lev. 25:35; Mat. 19:21. defend, Psa. 82:3, 4. do justice to, Psa. 82:3; Jer. 22:3, 16. A CARE FOR, is Characteristic of saints, Psa. 112:9, with 2 Cor. 9:9; Prov. 29:7. is a fruit of repentance, Luke 3:11. should be urged, 2 Cor. 8:7, 8; Gal. 2:10. GIVE TO, not grudgingly, Deut. 15:10; 2 Cor. 9:7. liberally, Deut. 14:29; 15:8, 11. cheerfully, 2 Cor. 8:12; 9:7. without ostentation, Mat. 6:1. specially if saints, Rom. 12:13; Gal. 6:10. pray for, Psa. 74:19, 21. THEY WHO IN FAITH RELIEVE, are happy, Prov. 14:21. are blessed, Deut. 15:10: Psa. 41:1; Prov. 22:9; Acts 20:35. have the favor of God, Heb. 13:16. have promises. Prov. 19:17; 28:27; Luke 14:13, 14. by oppressing, God is reproached, Prov. 14:31. by mocking, God is reproached, Prov. 17:5. THE WICKED carc not for, John 12:6. oppress. Job 24:4-10; Ezek. 18:12. vex, Ezek. 22:29. regard not the cause of, Prov. 29:7. sell, Amos 2:6. crush, Amos 4:1. tread down, Amos 5:11. grind the faces of, Isa. 3:15. devour, Hab. 3:14. persecute, Psa. 10:2. defraud, Amos 8:5, 6. despise the counsel of, Psa. 14:6. guilty of defrauding, Jas. 5:4. PUNISHMENT FOR Oppressing, Prov. 22:16; Ezek. 22:29, 31. spoiling, Isa. 3:13-15; Ezek. 18:13. refusing to assist. Job 22:7, 10; Prov. 21:13. acting unjustly towards. Job 20:19, 29; 22:6, 10; Isa. 10:1-3: Amos 5:11, 12. oppression of, illustrated, 2 Sam. 12:1-6. care for, illustrated. Luke 10:33-35. exemplified: Gideon, Judg. 6:15. Ruth, Ruth 2:2. Widow of Zarephath, 1 Kings 17:12. Prophet's widow, 2 Kings 4:2. Saints of old, Heb. 11:37. regard for, exemplified: Boaz, Ruth 2:14. Job, Job 29:12-16. Nebuzaradan, Jer. 39:10. Zac- cheus, Luke 19:8. Peter and John, Acts 3:6. Dorcas, Acts 9:36, 39. Cornelius, Acts 10:2. Church at Antioch, Acts 11:29, 30. Paul, Rom. 15:25. Churches of Macedonia and Achaia, Rom. 15:26: 2 Cor. 8:1-5. POOR, the, in spirit blessed. Mat. 5:3; Luke 6:20: Isa. 66:2. POPLAR-TREE, Gen. 30:37; Hos. 4:13. PORCH, Judg. 3:23; 1 Chr. 28:11: 2 Chr. 29:17; Mat. 26:71. PORTERS, 1 Chr. 9:17-32; 23:5; 2 Chr. 35:15; Neh. 12:25. PORTIONS given to children, Gen. 25:5, 6; 48:21, 22; Deut. 21:15-17. POSTS (runners), 2 Chr. 30:6, 10; Esth. 3:13, 15; 8:10, 14; Job 9:25; Jer. 51:3L POTIPHAR, an Egyptian, Joseph's subjection to. Gen. 39. POTIPHERA, father of Joseph's wife. Gen. 41:45. POTSHERD, Job 2:8; Isa. 45:9. POTTAGE, birthright sold for. Gen. 25:29. healed by Elisha, 2 Kings 4:38. POTTER, a type of God's power, Isa. 64:8; Jer. 18:2; Rom. 9:21. POTTERS, ancient, 1 Chr. 4:23. POUND 1. (Heb. maneh), 100 shekels, about 4 lbs., 1 Kings 10:17 ; 2 Chr. 9:15, 16. 2. (Gr. mina), about £3 10s.; Luke 19:13. 3. (Gr. Utra), about 12 oz., John 12:3; 19:39. POURING out of God's wrath, Psa. 60:24; 79:6;, Jer. 10:25; Hos. 5:10; Ezek. 7, 8, etc. of the vials. Rev. 16. of the Holy Spirit, Prov. 1:23; Isa. 32:15: 44:3; Ezek. 39:29; Joel 2:28; Zech. 12:10; Acts 2;. 10:45. POWER of God: is one of his attributes, Psa. 62:11. EXPRESSED BY THE voice of God, Psa. 29:3, 5;. 68:33. finger of God, Exod. 8:19; Psa. 8:3. hand of God, Exod. 9:3, 15; I.'^a. 48:13. 121 POW BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRA arm of God, Job 40:9; Isa. 52:10. thunder of his power, etc., Job 26:14. DESCRIBED AS great, Psa. 79:11; Nah. 1:3. strong, Psa. 89:13; 136:12. glorious, Exod. 15:6; Isa. 63:12. mighty, Job 9:4; Psa. 89:13. everlasting, Isa. 26:4; Rom, 1:20. sovereign, Rom. 9:21. effectual, Isa. 43:13; Eph. 3:7. irresistible, Deut. 32:39; Dan. 4:35. incomparable, Exod. 15:11, 12; Deut. 3:24; Job 40:9; Psa. 89:8. unsearchable, Job 5:9; 9:10. inconipreheusible, Job 26:14; Eccl. 3:11. all tilings possible to, Mat. 19:26. nothing too hard for, Gen. 18:14; Jer. 32:27. can save by many or by few, 1 Sam. 14:6. is the source of all strength, 1 Chr. 29:12; Psa. 68:35. EXHIBITED IN creatlou, Psa. 102:25; Jer. 10;12. establishing and governing all things, I'sa. 65:6; 66:7. the miracles of Christ, Luke 11:20. the resurrection of Christ, 2 Cor. 13:4; Col. 2:12. the resurrection of saints, 1 Cor. 6:14. making the gospel effectual, Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 1:18, 24. delivering his people, Psa. 106:8. the destruction of the wicked, Exod. 9:16; Rom. 9:22. SAINTS long for exhibitions of, Psa. 63:1, 2. have confidence in, Jer. 20:11. receive increase of grace by, 2 Cor. 9:8. strengthened by, Eph. 6:10; Col. 1:11. upheld by, Psa. 37:17; Isa. 41:10. supported in affliction by, 2 Cor. 6:7; 2 Tim. 1:8. delivered by, Neh. 1:10; Dan. 3:17. exalted by. Job 36:22. kept by, unto salvation, 1 Pet. 1:5. exerted in behalf of saints, 2 Chr. 16:9. works in, and for saints, 2 Cor. 13:4; Eph. 1:19; 3: -20. tlie faith of saints stands in, 1 Cor. 2:5. SHOULD BE acknowledged, 1 Chr. 29:11; Isa. 33:13. pleaded in prayer, Psa. 79:11; Mat. 6:13. feared, Jer. 5:22; Mat. 10:28. magnified, Psa. 21:13: Jude25. efficiency of ministers is through, 1 Cor. 3:6-8; Gal. 2:8; Eph. 3:7. is a ground of trust, Isa. 26:4; Rom. 4:21. THE WICKED know Dot, Mat. 22:29. have against them, Ezra 8:22. shall be destroyed l)y, Luke 12:5. the heavenly host magnified. Rev. 4:11; 5:13; 11:17. POWEIl, which God gives to his people, Isa. 40:29; Acts 6:8; Rom. 15:18; 1 Cor. 5:4; 2 Cor. 12:8; Eph. 1:19. of Christ : as the Son of God, is the power of God, John 5:17-19; 10:28-30. as man, is from the Father, Acts 10: 38. DESCRIBED AS suprciuc, Eph. 1:20, 21; 1 Pet. 3:22. unlimited, Mat. 28:18. over all fiesh, John 17:2. over all things, John 3:35; Eph. 1:22. glorious, 2 Thes. 1:9. everlasting, 1 Tim. 6:16. Ls able to subdue all things, Phil. 3:21. EXHIBITED IN creation, John 1:.3, 10; Col. 1:16. upholding all things, Col. 1:17; Ileb. 1:3. 122 salvation, Isa. 63:1; Heb. 7:25. his teaching. Mat. 7:28, 29; Luke 4:32. working miracles. Mat. 8:27; Luke 5:17. enabling others to work miracles, Mat. 10:1; Mark 16:17, 18; Luke 10:17. forgiving sins. Mat. 9:6; Acts 5:31. givmg spiritual life, John 5:21, 25, 26. giving eternal life, John 17:2. raising the dead, John 5:28, 29. rising from the dead, John 2:19; 10:18. overcoming the world, John 16:33. overcoming Satan, CoL 2:15; Heb. 2:14. destroying the works of Satan, 1 John 3:8. ministers should make known, 2 Pet. 1:16. SAINTS made willing by, Psa. 110:3. succored bj% Heb. 2:18. strengthened by, Phil. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:17. preserved by, 2 Tim. 1:12; 4:18. bodies of, shall be changed by, Phil. 3:21. rests upon saints, 2 Cor. 12:9. present in the assembly of saints, 1 Cor. 5:4. shall be specially manifested at his second com- ing, Mark 13:26; 2 Pet. 1:16. shall subdue all power, 1 Cor. 15:24. the wicked shall be destroyed by, Psa. 2:9; Isa. 11:4; 63:3; 2 Thes. 1:9. POWER of the Holy Ghost: is the power of God, Mat. 12:28, with Lu. 11:20. Christ commenced his ministry in, Luke 4:14. Christ wrought his miracles by, Mat. 12:28. EXHIBITED IN crcatiou. Gen. 1:2; Job 26:13; Psa. 104:30. the conception of Christ, Luke 1:35. raising Christ from the dead, 1 Pet. 3:18. giving spiritual life, Ezek. 37:11-14, with Rom. 8:11. working miracles, Rom. 15:19. making the gospel efficacious, 1 Cor. 2:4; IThes. 1:5. overcoming all difficulties, Zech. 4:6, 7. promised by the Father, Luke 24:49. promised by Christ, Acts 1:8. SAINTS upheld by, Psa. 51:12. strengthened by, Eph. 3:16. enabled to speak the truth boldly by, Mic. 3:8; Acts 6:5, 10; 2 Tim. 1:7,8. helped in prayer by, Rom. 8:26. abound in hope by, Rom. 15:13. qualifies ministers, Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8, 9. God's word the instrument of, Eph. 6:17. POWERS of heaven. Mat. 24:29; Eph. 3:10. of this world, submission to be rendered to, Rom. 13; Tit. 3: 1 Pet. 2:13. See MAGISTRATES, CtC. PRAISE: God is worthy of, 2 Sam. 22:4. Christ is worthy of. Rev, 5:12. God is glorified by, Psa, 22:23; 50:23. offered to Christ, John 12:13. acceptable through Christ, Heb, 13:15. IS DUE TO GOD ON ACCOUNT OF his majcsty, Psa. 96:1, 6; Lsa. 24:14, his glory, Psa. 138:5; Ezek, 3:12, his excellency, Exod, 15:7; Psa, 148:13. his greatness, 1 Chr. 16:25; Psa. 145:3. his holiness, Exod. 15:11; Isa. 6:3. his wisdom, Dan. 2:20; Jude 25. his power, Psa. 21:13. his goodness, Psa. 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer. 33:11. his mercy, 2 Chr. 20: 21; Psa. 89:1; 118:1-4; 136. his loving-kindness and truth, Psa, 138:2, his faithfulness and truth, Isa. 25:1, his .salvation, Psa, 18:46; lsa. 35:10; 61:10; Luke 1:68, 69. PRA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRA his wonderful works, Psa. 89:5; 150:2; Isa. 25:1. his consolation, Tsa. 42:5; Isa. 12:1. his judgment, Psa. 101:1. his counsel, Psa. 16:7; Jer. 32:19. fulfilling of his promises, 1 Kings 8:56. pardon of sin, Psa. 10.3:1-3; Hos. 14:2. spiritual health, Psa. 103:3. constant preservation, Psa. 71:6-8. deliverance, Psa. 40:1-3; 124:6. protection, Psa. 28:7; 59:17. answering prayer, Psa. 28:6; 118:21. the hope of glory, 1 Pet. 1:3, 4. all spiritual blessings, Psa. 103:2; Eph. 1:3. all temporal blessings, Psa. 104:1, 14; 136:25. the continuance of blessings, Psa. 68:19. IS OBLIGATORY UPON angels, Psa. 103:20; 148:2. saints, Psa. 30:4; 149:5. Gentiles, Psa. 117:1, with Rom. 15:11. children, Psa. 8:2, with Mat. 21:16. high and low, Psa. 148:1, 11. young and old, Psa. 148:1, 12. small and great. Rev. 19:5. all men, Psa. 107:8; 145:21. all creation, Psa. 148:1-10; 150:6. is good and comely, Psa. 33:1; 147:1. SHOULD BE OFFERED With the Understanding, Psa. 47:7, with 1 Cor. 14:15. with the soul, Psa. 103:1; 104:1, 35. with the whole heart, Psa. 9:1; 111:1; 138:1. with uprightness of heart, Psa. 119:7. with the lips, Psa. 63:3; 119:171. with the mouth, Psa. 51:15; 63:5. with joy. Psa. 63:5; 98:4. with gladness, 2 Chr. 29:30; Jer. 33:11. with thankfulness, 1 Chr. 16:4; Neh. 12:24; Psa. 147:7. continually, Psa. 35:28; 71:6. during life, Psa. 104:33. more and more, Psa. 71:14. day and night. Rev. 4:8. day by day, 2 Chr. 30:21. for ever and ever, Psa. 145:1, 2. throughout the world, Psa. 113:3. in psalms and hymns, etc., Psa. 105:2; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. accompanied with musical instruments, 1 Chr. 16:41, 42; Psa. 150:3-5. is a part of public worship, Psa. 9:14: 100:4; 118:19, 20; Heb. 2:12. SAINTS SHOULD show forth, Isa. 43:21; 1 Pet. 2:9. be endued with the spirit of, Isa. 61 :3. render, under affliction. Acts 16:25. glory in, 1 Chr. 16:35. triumph in, Psa. 106:47. express their joy by, Jas. 5:13. declare, Isa. 42:12. invite others to, Psa. 34:3; 95:1.- pray for ability to offer, Psa. 51:15; 119:17' posture suited to, 1 Chr. 23:30; Neh. 9:5. CALLED THE fruit of the lips, Heb. 13:15, voice of praise, Psa. 66:8. voice of triumph, Psa. 47:1. voice of melody, Isa. 51:3. voice of a psalm, Psa. 98:5. garment of praise, Isa. 61:3. sacrifice of praise, Heb. 13:15. sacrifices of joy, Psa. 27:6. calves of the lips, Hos. 14:2. the heavenly host engaged in, Isa. 6:3; Luke 2:13; Rev.' 4:9-11; 5:12. exemplified: Melchizedek, Gen. 14:20. Moses, etc., Exod. 15:1-21. Jethro, Exod. 18:10. Is- raelites, 1 Chr. 16:36. David, 1 Chr. 29:10-13; Psa. 119:164. Priests and Levites, Ezra 3:10, 11. Ezra, Neh. 8:6. Hezekiah, Isa. .38:19. Zecharias, Luke 1:64. Shepherds, Luke 2:20. Simeon, Luke 2:28. Anna, Luke 2:38. Mul- titudes, Luke 18:43. Disciples, Luke 19:37, 38. The Apostles, Luke 24 : 53. First converts. Acts 2:47. Lame man. Acts 3:8. Paul and Silas, Acts 16:25. PRAISE of man, vanity of, Prov. 27:2; Mat. 6:1: 2 Cor. 10:18; GaL 5:26; PhiL 2:3. PRAYER : commanded, Isa. 55:6; Mat. 7:7; Pliil. 4:6. TO BE OFFERED to God, Psa. 5:2; Mat. 4:10. to Christ, Luke 23:42; Acts 7:59. to the Holy Ghost, 2 Thes. 3:5. through Christ, Eph. 2:18; Heb. 10:19. God liears, Psa. 10:17; 65:2. God answers, Psa. 99:6; Isa. 58:9. IS DESCRIBED AS bowiug the knees, Eph. 3:14. looking up, Psa. 5:3. lifting up the soul, Psa. 25:1. lifting up the heart. Lam. 3:41. pouring out the heart, Psa. 62:8. pouring out the soul, 1 Sam. 1:15. calling upon the name of the Lord, Gen. 12:8; Psa. 116:4; Acts 22:16. crying unto Gotl, Psa. 27:7; 34:6. drawing near to God, Psa. 73:28; Heb. 10:22. crying to heaven, 2 Chr. 32:20. beseeching the Lord, Exod. 32:11. seeking unto God, Job 8:5. seeking the face of the Lord, Psa. 27:8. making supplication, Job 8:5; Jer. 36:7. acceptable through Christ, John 14:13, 14; 15:16: 16:23, 24. ascends to heaven, 2 Chr. 30:27; Rev. 5:8. quickening grace necessary to, Psa. 80:18. THE Holy Ghost promised as a Spirit of. Zech. 12:10. as the Spirit of adoption, leads to, Rom. 8:15; GaL 4:6. helps our infirmities in, Rom. 8:26. an evidence of conversion. Acts 9:11. of the righteous, availeth much, Jas. 5:16. of the upright, a delight to God, Prov. 15:8. SHOULD BE OFFERED UP in the Holy Ghost, Eph. 6:18; Jude 20. in faith. Mat. 21:22; Heb. 11:6; Jas. 1:6. in full assurance of faith, Heb. 10:22. in a forgiving spirit. Mat. 6:12; Mark 11:25. with the heart, Jer. 29:13; Lam. 3:41. with the whole heart, Psa. 119:58, 145. with preparation of heart. Job 11:13. with a true heart, Heb. 10:22. with the soul, Psa. 42:4. with the spirit and understanding, John 4:22- 24; 1 Cor. 14:15. with confidence in God, Psa. 56:9; 86:7; 1 John 5:14. with submission to God, Luke 22:42. Willi paramount regard to God's glory, 1 Kin. 18:36; Psa. 79:9; Isa. 37:20. with unfeigned lips, Psa. 71:1. with deliberation, Eccl. 5:2. with holiness, 1 Tim. 2:8. with humility, 2 Chr. 7:14; 33:12. with truth, Psa. 145:18; John 4:24. with desire to be heard, Neh. 1:6; Psa. 17:1; 55:1,2; 61:1. with desire to be answered, Psa. 27:7; 102:2; 108:6; 143:1. with boldness, Heb. 4:16. with earnestness, 1 Thes. 3:10: Jas. 5:17. with importunity, Gen. 32:26; Luke 11:8, 9; 18:1-7. 123 PRA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRA with perseverance, Psa. 40:1; Eph. 6:18. night and day, 1 Tim. 5:5. without ceasing,! Thes. 5:17. in everything, Phil. 4:6. everyvvliere, I Tim. 2:8. for temporal blessings, Gen. 28:20; Prov. 30:8; Mat. 6:11. for spiritual blessings, Mat. 6:33; Col. 3:1. for grace in time of need, Heb. 4:16. model for. Mat. 6:9-13. vain repetitions in, forbidden. Mat. 6:7. ostentation in, forbidden. Mat. 6:5. ACCOMPANIED WITH repentance, l Kings 8:33; .ler. ;i6:7. confession, Neh. 1:4, 7; Dan. 9:4-11. self-abasement. Gen. 18:27. weeping, Jer. .31:9; Hos. 12:4, fasting, Neh. 1:4: Dan. 9:3: Acts 13:3. watchfulness, Luke 21:36; 1 Pet. 4:7. praise, Psa. 66:17. thanksgiving, Phil. 4:6; Col. 4:2. obedience, John 9:31; 1 John 3:22. beneficence, Prov. 21:13; Isa. 58:7, PLEAD IN, THE promiscs of God, Gen. 32:9-12; Exod. 32:13: 1 Kings 8:26; Psa. 119:49, covenant of God, Jer. 14:21. faithfulness of God, Psa. 143:1. mercv of God, Psa, 51:1; Dan. 9:18. righteousness of God, Dan. 9:16. rise early for, Psa. 5:3; 119:147. seek divine teaching for, Luke 11:1. faint not in, Luke 18:1. continue instant in, Rom. 12:12. avoid hindrances in, 1 Pet. 3:7. suitable in affliction, Isa. 26:16; Jas. 5:13. shortness of time a motive to, 1 Pet. 4:7. POSTURES in: standing, 1 Kin. 8:22; Mark 11: 25. bowing down, Psa. 95:6. kneeling, 2 Chr. 6:13; Psa, 95:6; Luke 22:41; Acts 20:36, falling on the face. Num. 16:22: Josh, 5:14; 1 Chr. 21:16; Mat. 26:.39. spreading forth the hands, Isa. 1:15. lifting up the hands, Psa, 28:2; Lam, 2:19; 1 Tim. 2:8. the promises of God encourage to, Lsa. 65:24; Amos 5:4; Zech. 13:9. the promises of Christ encourage to, Luke 11:9, 10: John 14:13, 14. experience of pa.st mercies an incentive to, Psa. 4:1; 116:2. NEGLECTED BY the wickcd, Job 21:15. the proud, Psa. 10:4. workers of iniquity, Psa. 14:4; 53:4. backsliders, Isa. 43:22: Dan. 9:13. I'UAYEKofthe hypocrite condemned, Psa. 109:7; Prov, 1:28; 28:9; Mat, 6:5. , private: Christ was constant in. Mat. 14:23; 26:36, 39; Mark 1:35; Luke 9:18, 29, commanded. Mat. 6:6. SHOULD BE OFFERED at evening, morning, and noon. Psa. 55:17. day and night, Psa. 88:1. without ceasing, 1 Thes. 5:17. shall be heard. Job 22:27, rewarded openly. Mat, 6:6, an evidence of conversion. Acts 9:11. nothing should hinder, Dan. 6:10. exemplified: Lot, Gen. 19:20. Eliezer, Gen. 24:12. Jacob, Gen. 32:9-12. Gideon, Judg. 6:22, .36, 39. Hannah. 1 Sam. 1:10. David, 2Sam. 7:18-29, Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 20:2. Isaiah, 2 Kings 20:11. Matiasseli. 2 Chr. ;33:18, 19. Ezra, Ezra 9:5, 6. Nehemiah, Neh. 2:4, Jer- 124 emiah, Jer. 32:16-25. Daniel, Dan. 9:3, 17. Jonah, Jon. 2:1. Habakkuk, Ilab. 1:2. Anna, Luke 2:37. Paul, Acts 9:11. Peter, Acts 9:40; 10:9. Cornelius, Acts 10:30. PRAYER, social and family: promise of answers to. Mat. 18:19. Christ promises to be present at. Mat. 18:20. punishment for neglecting, Jer. 10:25. exemplified: Abram, Gen. 12:5, 8. Jacob, Gen. 35:2,3,7. Joshua, Josh. 24:15. David, 2 Sam. 6:20. Job, Job 1:5. The disciples, Acts 1:13, 14. Cornelius, Acts 10: 2. Paul and Silas, Acts 16:25. Paul, etc., Acts 20:36; 21:5. , public: acceptable to God, Isa. 56:7. God promises to hear, 2 Chr, 7:14, 16. God promises to bless in, Exod. 20:24, Christ sanctifies by his presence, Mat. 18:20. attended, Mat, 12:9; Luke 4:16. promises answers to. Mat. 18:19. instituted form of, Luke 1:12. should not be made in an unknown tongue, 1 Cor. 14:14-16. saints delight in, Psa. 42:4; 122:1. exhortation to, Heb. 10:25. urge others to join in, Psa. 95:6; Zech, 8:21. exemplified: Joshua, etc, Josh, 7:6-9, David, 1 Chr, 29:10-19. Solomon, 2 Chr. 6. Jehosh- aphat, etc., 2 Chr. 20:5-13. Jeshua, etc., Neh. 9. Jews, Luke 1:10. Primitive Christians, Acts 2:46: 4:24; 12:5, 12. Peter, etc.. Acts 3:1. Teachers and prophets at Antioch, Acts 13:3. Paul, etc.. Acts 16:16. , intercessory: Christ set an example of, Luke 22:32; 23:34; John 17:9-24. commanded, 1 Tim. 2:1; Jas. 5:14, 16. SHOULD BE OFFERED UP FOR kiugs, 1 Tim. 2:2. all in authority, 1 Tim. 2:2. ministers, 2 Cor. 1:11; Piiil. 1:19. the church, Psa. 122:6; lsa. 62:6, 7. all saints, Eph. 6:18. all men, l Tim. 2:1. masters. Gen. 24:12-14. servants, Luke 7:2, 3. children. Gen. 17:18; Mat. 15:22. friends, Job 42:8. fellow-countrymen, Rom, 10:1, the sick, Jas. 5:14. persecutors. Mat, 5:44. enemies among whom we dwell, Jer. 29:7. those who envy us. Num. 12:13. those who forsake us, 2 Tim. 4:16. those who murmur against God, Num. 11:1, 2; 14:13-19. by ministers for their people, Eph. 1:16; 3:14- 19; Phil. 1:4. encouragement to, Jas. 5:16; 1 John 5:16. beneficial to'the olTerer. Job 42:10, sin of neglecting, 1 Sam. 12:23. seek an interest in, 1 Sam. 12:19; Heb. 13:18. unavailing for the obstinately impenitent, Jer. 7:13-16: 14: U". 11. exemplified : Abraham, Gen. 18:23-32. Abra- ham's servant, (;en. 24:12-14. Moses, Exod. 8:12; 32:11-13. Samuel, 1 Sam. 7:5. Solo- mon, 1 Kings 8:30-36. Elisha. 2 Kings 4:33. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 30:18. Isaiah, 2 Chr. 32:20. Nehemiah, Neh. 1:4-11. David, Psa. 25:22. Ezekiel, Ezek. 9:8. Daniel, Dan. 9:3-19. Ste- pheiL Acts 7:60. Peter and John, Acts 8:15. Church of Jerusalem, Acts 12:5. Paul, Col. 1:9-12; 2 Thes. 1:11. Epaphras, CoL 4:12. Philemon, Phile. 22. , answers to: PRA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRE God gives, Deut. 4:7; Psa. 99:6; 118:5; 138:3. Christ gives, John 4:10, 14; 14:14. Christ received, John 11:42; Heb. 5:7. GRANTED through the grace of God, Isa. 30:19. sometimes immediately, Isa. 65:24; Dan. 9:21, 23; 10:12. sometimes after delay, Luke 18:7. sometimes differently from our desire, 2 Cor. 12:8, 9. beyond expectation, Jer. 33:3; Eph. 3:20. promised, Isa. 58:9; Jer. 29:12; Mat. 7:7. promised especially in times of trouble, Psa. 50:15; 91:15. RECEIVED BY THOSE WHO seek God, Psa. 34:4. seek God with all the heart, Jer. 29:12, 13. wait upon God, Psa. 40:1. return to God, 2 Chr. 7:14; Job 22:23, 27. ask in faith, Mat. 21:22; Jas. 5:15. ask in the name of Christ, John 14:13. ask according to God's will, 1 John 5:14. call upon God in truth, Psa. 145:18. fear God, Psa. 145:19. set their love upon God, Psa. 91:14. 15. keep God's commandments, 1 John 3:22. call upon God under oppi-ession, Isa. 19:20. call upon God under affliction, Psa. 18:6; 106:44; Isa. 30:19, 20. abide in Christ, John 15:7. humble themselves. 2 Chr. 7:14; Psa. 9:12. are righteous, Psa. 34:15; Jas. 5:16. are poor and needy, Isa. 41:17. SAINTS are assured of, 1 John 5:15. love God for, Psa. 116:1. bless God for, Psa. 66:20. praise God for, Psa. 116:17; 118:21. a motive for continued prayer, Psa. 116:2. DENIED TO THOSE WHO ask amiss, Jas. 4:3. regard iniquity in the heart, Psa. 66:18. live in sin, Isa. 59:2; John 9:31. offer unworthy services to God, Mai. 1 : 7-9. forsake God, Jer. 14:10, 12. reject the call of God, Prov. 1:24, 25, 28. hear not the law, Prov. 28:9; Zech. 7:11-13 are deaf to the cry of the poor, Prov. 21:13. are bloodshedders, Isa. 1:15: 59:3. are idolaters, Jer. 11:11-14; Ezek. 8:15-18. are wavering, Jas. 1:6, 7. are hypocrites, Job 27:8, 9. are proud. Job 35:12, 13. are self-righteous, Luke 18:11, 12, 14. are the enemies of saints, Psa. 18:40, 41. cruelly oppress saints, Mic. 3:2-4. exemplified : Abraham, Gen. 17:20. Lot, Gen. 19:19-21. Abraham's servant. Gen. 24:15-27. Jacob, Gen. 32:24-30. Israelites, Exod. 2:23, 24. Moses, Ex. 17:4-6, 11-13: 32:11-14. Sam- son, Judg. 15:18, 19. Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:27. Samuel, 1 Sam. 7:9. Solomon, 1 Kings 3:9, 12. Man of God, 1 Kings 13:6. Elijah, 1 Kin. 18:36-38; Jas. 5:17, 18. Elisha, 2 Kings 4:33- 35. Jehoahaz, 2 Kin. 13:4. Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 19:20. Jabez, 1 Chr. 4:10. Asa, 2 Chr. 14:11, 12. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 20:6-17. Manasseli, 2 Chr. 33:13,19. Ezra, etc., Ezra 8:21-23. Nehemiah, Neh. 4:9, 15. Job, Job 42:10. Da- vid, Psa. 18:6. Jeremiah, Lam. 3:55, 56. Dan- iel, Dan. 9:20-23. Jonah, Jon. 2:2, 10. Zach- arias, Luke 1:13. BUnd man, Luke 18:38, 41- 43. Thief on the cross, Luke 23:42, 43. Apos- tles, Acts 4:29-31. Cornelius, Acts 10:4, 31. Primitive Christians, Acts 12:5, 7. Paul and Silas, Acts 16:25, 26. Paul, Acts 28:8. refusal of, exemplified: Saul, 1 Sam. 28:15. Elders of Israel, Ezek. 20:3. Pharisees, Mat. 23:14. See affliction. PRAYERS of Christ: in a mountain, Mat. 14:23; Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12; 9:28. in Gethsemane, Mat. 26:36; Mark 14:32; Luke 22:45. the Lord's prayer. Mat. 6:9; Luke 11:1. before day, Mark 1 : 35. in distress, John 12:27; Heb. 5:7. in the wilderness, Luke 5:16. for Peter, etc., Luke 22:31; John 14:16. after the supper, John 17. PREACHER, the, Eccl. 1:1, etc. PREACHER and prophet, Christ: FORETOLD AS like Moses, Deut. 18:18; Acts3:22. preaching righteousness, Psa. 40:9. a great light, Isa. 9:2: 42:6. the Counsellor, Isa. 9:6. publishing peace, Isa. 52:7; Luke 4:18. witness to the people, Isa. 55:4. preaching glad tidings, Isa. 61:1. Sun of righteousness, Mai. 4:2. EXERCISKD HIS PROPHETIC OFFICE BY inspiring Old Testament prophets, 1 Pet. 1:10, 12. speaking by them, Mat. 23:37; Luke 13:33, 34. being the Word of God, John 1:1. being the light of the world, John 1:5; 8:12. revealing the Father, Mat. 11:27. preaching the gospel, Luke 4:43; 6:20. speaking the words of God, John 3:34. teaching the doctrine of God, John 7:16; 12:50; 14:24: 15:15. proclaiming salvation, Heb. 2:3. HIS PREACHING WAS With authority. Mat. 7:28. itinerant. Mat. 4:23. astonishing for wisdom, Mat. 13:54. unsurpassed, John 7:46. convicting, Isa. 11:3; John 4; 8:9. attractive, Luke 4:20-22. by parables. Mat. 13:34. with exposition, Mark 4:34. we must hear, Luke 9:35. See DISCOURSES of Christ. PREACHING of repentance, by Jonah, Jon. 3. by John the Baptist, Mat. 3; Mark 1:4; Luke 3. of the Gospel, by the apostles, Mat. 28:19; Mark 16:15; Luke 9:60; 24:47; Acts 2:14; 3:12; 4:8; 10:42: 13:16, etc. See Rom. 10:8; 1 Cor. 1:17; 2, etc.; 15:1; Gal. 1; Eph. 1-3, PREcioUSNESS of Christ: to (Jod, Mat. 3:17; 1 Pet. 2:4. to saints, Song 5:10; Phil. 3:8; 1 Pet. 2:7. ON ACCOUNT OF HIS gooducss and beauty, Zech. 9:17. excellence and grace, Psa. 45:2. name. Song 1:3; Heb. 1:4. atonement, 1 Pet. 1:19, with Heb. 12:24. words, John 6:68. promises, 2 Pet. 1:4. care and tenderness, Isa. 40:11. as the corner-stone of the church, Isa. 28:16, with 1 Pet. 2:6. as tlie source of all grace, John 1:14; Col. 1:19. unsearchable, Eph. 3:8. illustrated, Song 2:3; 5:10-16; Mat. 13:44-46. PRECIOUS STONES, dug out of the earth. Job 28:5, 6. brought from Ophir and Sheba, 1 Kings 10:1, 2, 11; 2 Chr. 9:10; Ezek. 27:22. of great variety, and divers colors, 1 Chr. 29:2; Rev. 21:11, 19, 20. mentioned in Scripture: agate, Exod. 28:19; Isa. 54:12. amethyst, Exod. 28:19; Rev. 21:20. beryl, Dan. 10:6; Rev. 21:20. 125 PRE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRI carbuncle, Exod. 28:17; Isa. 54:12. coral, Job 28:18. chalcedony, Rev. 21:19. chrysolite. Rev. 21:20. chrysoprasus, Rev. 21:20. diamond, Exod. 28:18; Jer. 17:1; Ezek. 28:13. emerald, Ezek. 27:16; Rev. 4:3. jacinth. Rev. 9:17; 211:20. jasper, Rev. 4:3; 21:11, 19. onyx, Exod. 28:20; Job 28:16. pearl. Job 28:18; Mat. 13:45, 46; Rev. 21:21. ruby. Job 28:18; Prov. 8:11; Lam. 4:7. sapphire, Exod. 24:10; Ezek. 1:26. sardine or sardius, Exod. 28:17; Rev. 4:3. sardonj'X, Rev. 21:20. topaz. Job 28:19; Rev. 21:20. art of engraving upon, early known to the Jews, Exod. 28:9, 11, 21. art of setting, known, Exod. 28:20: Song 5:12. illustrative, Isa. 28:16; 54:11,12; Ezek. 28:13- 16; Mai. 3:17: 1 Cor. 3:12; 1 Pet. 2:6; Rev. 17:4; 18:16; 21:11, 19. PREDESTINATION of saints, Rom, 8:29; 9; 10; 11: Eph. 1:5. PREPARATION-DAY, the day before the Sab- bath, Mat. 27:62; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; Johnl9:14, 31, 42. PRESBYTERY, 1 Tim. 4:14. PRESENCE of God described, 1 Chr. 16:27; Psa. 16:11; 18:7; 68:8; Isa. 64:1; Jer. 5:22; Ezek. 1; Dan. 7:9: Nah. 1; Hab. 3; Rev. 1. Adam driven from. Gen. 3:8, 24. the redeemed brought into, Heb. 9:24; Jude24; Rev. 7: 14:1. angels stand in, Luke 1:19; Rev. 5:11. OF Christ with his people: where two or three meet. Mat. 18:20. to the end of the world. Mat. 28:20. with such as love him, John 14:21. to comfort them, John 14:18. to protect them. Acts 18:10; 23:11. to commune with them, 1 Johnl:3. to sup with them. Rev. 3:20. to help them preach the gospel to every crea- ture. Mat. 28:20; 2 Tim. 4:17. in death. Acts 7:59; Phil. 1:23. PRESENT with Christ, believers shall be, John 17:24; Col. 3:4; 1 Thes. 4:17; Rev. 3:4, 21: 14:4. PRESENTS given at marriages, Gen. 24:53; Esth. 2:18; Psa. 45:12. on restoration to health, 2 Kings 20:12; Job 42:10, 11. on parting from friends. Gen. 45:22, 23. at pubhc lejoiciiigs, Esth. 9:19. to confirm covenants. Gen. 21:28-30; 1 Sam. 18:3, 4. to propitiate favor. Gen. 32:20; Prov. 21:14. to reward service, Dan. 5:7. CONSISTED OP cattle and horses, Gen. 32:14, 15. food, Gen. 43:11, 34; 1 Kings 14:3. garments, weapons, and armor, Judg. 14:12; 1 Sam. 18:4; 2 Kin. 5:5; Esth. 6:8; Dan. 5:7. gold and silver, 1 Kings 10:25. jewels. Gen. 24:22, 53. land. Gen. 48:22. money. Job 42:11. servants. Gen. 20:14. spices, 1 Kings 10:2. GIVEN to prophets, 1 Sam. 9:7; 2 Kings 4:42. to judges, Prov. 17:23; Amos 2:6. to kings, 1 Kings 15:18. by kings to each other, 1 Kin. 10:10, 25; 2 Chr. 9:23, 24; Psa. 72:10. 126 receiving of, a token of good will, 1 Sam. 25:35; Mai. 1:8. instances of. Gen. 32:13: 33:10; 43:11; Judg. 3:15; ISam. 9:7; 2 Kings 8:8; 20:12; Mat. 2:11, etc. PRESERVER of men, Josh. 24:17; 2 Sam. 8:6; Job 7:20; Psa. 31:23; 36:6; 37:28; 97:10; 116:6: 145:20; 146:9; Prov. 2:8; Lam. 3:22; 1 Thes. 5:23. See goodness, mercy. PRESUMPTION: a characteristic of the wicked, 2 Pet. 2:10. a characteristic of antichrist, 2 Thes. 2:4. EXHIBITED IN opposiug God, Job 15:25, 26. wilful commission of sin, Rom. 1:32. self- righteousness, Hos. 12:8; Rev. 3:17. spiritual pride, Isa. 65:5; Luke 18:11. esteeming our own ways right, Prov. 12:15. seeking precedence, Luke 14:7-11. planning for futurity, Luke 12:18; Jas. 4:13. pretending to prophecy, Deut. 18:22. pray to be kept from sins of, Psa. 19:13. saints avoid, Psa. 131:1. punishment for. Num. 15:30; Rev. 18:7, 8. exemplified: Builders of Babel, Gen. 11:4. Is- raelites, Num. 14:44. Korah, etc.. Num. 16:3, 7. Men of Beth-shemesh, l Sam. 6:19. Uz- zah, 2 Sam. 6:6. Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 13:4. Ben- hadad, 1 Kings 20:10. Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:16. Sennacherib, 2 Chr. 32:13, 14. Theudas, Acts 5:36. Sous of Sceva, Acts 19:13, 14. Diotre- phes, 3 John 9. PRESUMPTUOUS sins censured, Exod. 21:14; Num. 15:30; Deut. 17:12. See 2 Pet. 2:10. prayer against, Psa. 19:13. PRETORIUM, Mark 15:16; translated common hall, Mat. 27:27: judgment-hall, John 18:28, 33; 19:9; the palace itself. Acts 23:35. PREVARICATION, Gen. 12:11; 20:2,9; 26:7,18; 2 Kings 5:25; Acts 5:1, etc. See lying. PRICE, the blood of Christ the price of redemp- tion, 1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23; 1 Pet. 1:19. See Zech. 11:12. PRIDE: is sin, Prov. 21:4. hateful to God, Prov. 6:16, 17; 16:5. hateful to Christ, Prov. 8:12, 13. OFTEN ORIGINATES IN scLf-righteousness, Luke 18:11, 12. religious privileges, Zeph. 3:11. unsanctified knowledge, 1 Cor. 8:1. inexperience, 1 Tim. 3:6. possession of power. Lev. 26:19; Ezek. 30:6. possession of wealth. 2 Kings 20:13. forbidden, 1 Sam. 2:3; Rom. 12:3, 16. defiles a man, Mark 7:20, 22. hardens the mind, Dan. 5:20. SAINTS give not way to, Psa. 131:1. respect not, in others, Psa. 40:4. mourn over, in others, Jer. 13:17. hate in others, Psa. 101:5. a hindrance to seeking (iod, Psa. 10:4; Hos. 7:10. a hindrance to improvement, Prov. 26:12. A CHAHACTKRisTic OF the dcvil, 1 Tim. 3:6. the world, 1 John 2:16. false teachers, 1 Tim. 6:3, 4. the wicked, Hab. 2:4, 5; Rom. 1:30. comes from the heart, Mark 7:21-23. the wicked encompassed with, Psa. 73:6. LEADS MEN TO contempt and rejection of God's word and ministers, Jer. 43:2. a persecuting spirit, Psa. 10:2. wrath, Prov. 21:24. contention, Prov. 13:10; 28:25. self-deception, Jer. 49:16; Obad. 3. PRI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRI exhortation against, Jer. 13:15. IS FOLLOWED BY Shame, Prov, 11:2. debasement, Prov. 29:23; Isa. 28:3. destruction, Prov. 16:18: 18:12. shall abound in the last days, 2 Tim. 3:2. woe to, Isa. 28:1, 3. THEY WHO ARE GUILTY OF, SHALL BE reSlStCd, Jas. 4:6. brought into contempt, Isa. 23:9. abased, Dan. 4:37, with Mat. 23:12. recompensed, Psa. 31:23. marred, Jer. 13:9. subdued, Exod. 18:11; Isa. 13:11. brought low, Psa. 18:27; Isa. 2:12. scattered, Luke 1:51. punished, Zeph. 2:10, 11; Mai. 4:1. exemplified: Ahithophel, 2 Sam. 17:23. Heze- kiah, 2 Chr. 32:25. Pharaoh, Neh. 9:10. Ha- man, Esth. 3:5. Moab, Isa. 16:6. Tyre, Isa. 23:9. Israel, Isa. 28:1; Hos. 5:5, 9. Judah, Jer. 13:9. Babylon, Jer. 50:29, 32. Assyria, Ezek. 31:3, 10. Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 4:30; 5:20. Belshazzar, Dan.5:22, 23. Edom, Obad. 3. Scribes, Mark 12 : 38, 39. Herod, Acts 12 : 21- 23. Laodiceans, Rev. 3:17. See HUMILITY. PRIEST, HIGH, his appointment, and office, Exod. 28; 39; Lev. 16. consecration, Lev. 8. return of the manslayer at his death, Num. 35:25; Josh. 20:6. condemns Christ, Mat. 26:66; Luke 22:71. See AARON, ELEAZAR, etC. ol the most higli God, Melchizedek, Gen. 14:18; Heb. 7, etc. PRIESTHOOD of Christ compared with Aaron's and Melchizedek's (Psa. IIO), Heb. 2:17; 3; 5; 7, etc.; Rom. 8:34; 1 John 2:1. PRIESTS, first notice of persons acting as, Gen. 4:3, 4. during patriarchal times, heads of families act- ed as. Gen. 8:20; 12:8; 35:7. after the exodus, young men (the first-born) deputed to act as, Exod. 24:5, with 19:22. the sons of Aaron appointed by perpetual stat- ute, Exod. 20:9; 40:15. Levitical chosen, Exod. 28:1. their garments, Exod. 28; Lev. 8, etc. their office, Lev. 1, etc.; Num. 3; Deut. 31:9; Josh. 3; 4: 1 Kings 8:3. their consecration, Exod. 29; Lev. 8. their first olTering, Lev. 9. their mourning, marriages, etc., Lev. 21. their uncleanness. Lev. 22. their revenues. Num. 18; Deut. 18:3. their residence. Num. 35:1-8; 1 Chr. 6:57-60. special laws concerning. Lev. 21:1-7: 22:1-12. punishment for invading the office, Num. 16:1- 35; 18:7; 2 Chr. 26:16-21. slain by Saul, 1 Sam. 22:17. ordered by David, 1 Chr. 24, etc. return from captivity, Ezra 2:36; 6; Neh. 12. censured by the prophets, Jer. 1:18; 5:31, etc.; Hos. 5; 6; Mic. 3:11; Mai. 2, etc.; Zeph. 3:4, etc. Christians so called, 1 Pet. 2:5; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6. of Baal, slain, 1 Kings 18:40; 2 Kings 10:19; 11:18. PRINCE of peace, Isa. 9:6. of life, Acts 3:15. of this world, .Tohn 12:31; 14:30; 16:1L of the power of the air, Eph. 2:1. of devils, Mat. 9:34. PRINCES of the tribes, Num. 1:5. their offerings. Num. 7. PRINCIPALITIES, Christ the head of all, Eph. 1:21; Col. 1:16; 2:10. PRISCILLA. See aquila. PRISONS, antiquity of. Gen. 39:20. kinds of, mentioned: stateprison. Gen. 39:20. common prison. Acts 5:18. inner prison. Acts 16:24. dungeon, Jer. 38:6; Zech. 9:11. USED FOR criminals, Luke 23:19. heretics. Acts 4:3; 5:18; 8:3. suspected persons. Gen. 42:19. debtors, Mat. 5:23; 18:30. captives, Judg. 16:21; 2 Kings 17:4; Jer. 52:11. persons under the king's displeasure, 1 Kings 22:27; 2 Chr. 16:10; Mark 6:17. PERSONS CONFINED IN WERE placed in dun- geons, Jer. 38:6; Acts 16:24. bound with fetters, Gen. 42:19; Ezek. 19:9; Mark 6:17. chained to soldiers. Acts 12:6; 28:16, 30. kept to hard labor, Judg. 16:21. subjected to great suffering, Psa. 79:11; 102:20. fed on bread and water, 1 Kings 22:27. clothed in prison garb, 2 Kings 25:29. sometimes visited by friends. Mat. 11:2; 25:36; Acts 24:23. Often executed in. Gen. 40:22; Mat. 14:10. KEEPERS OF, responsible lor prisoners. Acts 12:6, 19; 16:23, 27. sometimes severe, Jer. 37:16, 20; Acts 16:24. sometimes kind. Gen. 39:21; Acts 16:33, 34. illustrative, Psa. 142:7; Isa. 42:7; 49:9; 61:1; Rev. 20:7. PRIVILEGES of saints: abiding in Christ, John 15:4, 5. partaking of the divine nature, 2 Pet. 1:4. access to God by Christ, Eph. 3:12. being of the household of God, Eph. 2:19. membership with the church of the first-born, Heb. 12:23. Christ for their Shepherd, Isa. 40:11, with John 10:14. 16. Christ for their intercessor, Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25: 1 John 2:1. the promises of God, 2 Cor. 7:1; 2 Pet. 1:4. the possession of all things, 1 Cor. 3:21, 22. all things working together for their good, Rom. 8:28: 2 Cor. 4:15-17. their names written in the book of life, Rev. 13:8; 20:15. HAVING GOD FOR THEIR king, Psa. 5:2; 44:4; Isa. 44:6. glory, Psa. 3:3; Isa. 60:19. salvation, Psa. 18:2; 27:1. father, Deut. 32:6; Isa. 64:8. redeemer, Psa. 19:14; Isa. 43:14. friend, 2 Chr. 20:7, with Jas. 2:23. helper. Psa. 33:20; Heb. 13:6. keeper, Psa. 121:4, 5. deliverer, 2 Sam. 22:2; Psa. 18:2. strength, Psa. 18:2; 46:1. refuge, Psa. 46:1, 11; Isa. 25:4. shield, Gen. 15:1; Psa. 84:11. tower, 2 Sam. 22:3; Psa. 61:3. light, Psa. 27:1; Isa. 60:19. guide, Psa. 48:14; Isa. 58:11. lawgiver, Neh. 9:13, 14; Isa. 33:22. habitation, Psa. 90:1; 91:9. portion, Psa. 73:26; Lam. 3:24. union in God and Christ, John 17:21. committing themselves to God, Psa. 31:5; Acts 7:59; 2 Tim. 1:12. calling upon God in trouble, Psa. 50:15. 127 PRI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRO surtering for Christ, Acts 5:41; Phil. 1:29. profiting by chastisement, Heb. 12:10, 11. pleading the covenant, Jer. 14:21. being secure during pubhc calamities, Job 5:22, 23; Psa. 91:5-7. interceding for others. Gen. 18:2:3-33; Isa. 62:7; Jas. 5:10. PRIZE, illustrative, 1 Cor. 9:24; Phil. 3:14. PROCHORUS, one of the seven deacons, Acts 6:5. PROCLAMATION, made by king's letters, 2 Chr. 30:1-10; Ezra 1:1-4; Esth. 1:22; 8:10-14; or by a herald Esth. 6:9; Dan. 5:29. of Cyrus for the building of temple, 1 Chr. 36:22; Ezek. 6:3. illustrative, Isa. 40:3, 9. PROCRASTINATION : condemned by Christ, Luke 9:59-62. saints avoid, Psa. 27:8; 119:60. TO BE AVOIDED IN hearkening to God, Psa. 95:7, 8, With Heb. 3:7, 8. seeking God, Isa. 55:6. glorifjing God, Jer. 13:16. keeping God's commandments, Psa. 119:60. making offerings to God, Exod. 22:29. performance of vows, Deut. 23:21; Eccl. 5:4. MOTIVES FOK AVOIDING : the prcscut the ac- cepted time, 2 Cor. 6:2. the present the best time, Eccl. 12:1. the uncertainty of life, Prov. 27:1. danger of, illustrated, Mat. 5:25; Luke 13:25. exemplified: Lot, Gen. 19:16. Fehx, Acts 24:25. PRODIGAL son, Luke 15:11. PROFANITY forbidden. Lev. 18:21; 19:12; Neh. 13:18: Kzek. 22:8; Mai. 1:12. PROFESSION of religion, by open avouchment, Deut. 26:17; Isa. 44:5. by confessing Christ, Mat. 10:32; Mark 8:38; Rom. 10:9; 1 John 4:15. by church ordinances. Mat. 26:27; Mark 16:16; Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:26. by holy living. Mat. 5:14; 2 Tim. 2:12. before manv witnesses, 1 Tim. 6:12. we must hold fast, Heb. 4:14; 10:23. considering Christ, Heb. 3:1. PROGNOSTICATORS, publishers of monthly prophetic almanacs, Isa. 47:13. PROMISES of God: contained in the Scriptures, Rom. 1:2. made in Christ, Eph. 3:6; 2 Tim. 1:1. MADE TO Christ, Gal. 3:16, 19. Adam, Gen. 3:15. Noah, Gen. 8:21; 9:9. Abraham, Gen. 12:7; 13:14; 15; 17; 18:10; 22:1.5. (See Luke 1:55, 73; Rom. 4; Gal. 3:8, 16; Heb. 11:8, etc.) Hagar, Gen. 16:10; 21:17. Isaac. Gen. 26:2-4. Jacob, Gen. 28:13; .31:3; 32:12; 35:14; 46:3. David, 2 Sam. 7:11; 1 Chr. 17:10; Psa. 89:35, 36. Solomon, 1 Kings 9; 2 Chr. 1:7; 7:12. the fathers, Acts 13:32; 28:6, 7. all who are called of (Jod, Acts 2:39. those who love Him. Jas. 1:12; 2:5. confirmed by an oath. Psa. 89:3, 4; Heb. 6:17. the covenant established upon, Heb. 8:6. God is faithful to. Tit. 1:2; Heb. 10:23. God remembers, Psa. 105:42; Luke 1:54, 55. are good. 1 Kings 8:56. are holy, Psa. 105:42. exceeding great and precious, 2 Pet. 1:4. confirmed in Christ, Rom. 15:8. yea and amen in Christ. 2 Cor. 1:20. fulfilled in Christ, 2 Sam. 7:12, with Acts 13:23; Luke 1:69-73. 128 through the righteousness of faith, Rom. 4:13,16. obtained through faith, Heb. 11:33. given to those who believe. Gal. 3:22. inherited through faith and patience, Heb. 6:12, 15; 10:36. performed in due season, Jer. 33:14; Acts 7:17; Gal. 4:4. not one shall fail. Josh. 23:14; 1 Kings 8:56. the law not against, Gal. 3:21. the law could not disannul. Gal. 3:17. SUBJECTS of: Christ, 2 Sam. 7:12, 13, with Acts 13*22 23 the Holy Ghost, Acts 2:33; Eph. 1:13. the gospel, Rom. 1:1, 2. life in Christ, 2 Tim. 1:1. a crown of life, Jas. 1:12. eternal life. Tit. 1:2; l John 2:25. the life that now is, 1 Tim. 4:8. adoption, 2 Cor. 6:18, with 2 Cor. 7:1. preservation in affliction, Isa. 43:2. blessing, Deut. 1:11. forgiveness of sins, Isa. 1:18; Heb. 8:12. putting the law into the heart, Jer, 31:33, with Heb. 8:10. second coming of Christ, 2 Pet. 3:4. new heavens and earth, 2 Pet. 3:13. entering into rest, Josh. 22:4, with Heb. 4:1. should lead to perfecting holiness, 2 Cor. 7:1. the inheritance of the saints is of, Rom. 4:13; Gal. 3:18. SAINTS children of, Rom. 9:8; GaL 4:28. heirs of. Gal, 3:29; Heb. 6:17; 11:9. Stagger not at, Rom. 4:20. have implicit confidence in, Heb. 11:11. expect the performance of, Luke 1:38, 45; 2 Pet. 3:13. sometimes, through infirmity, tempted to doubt. Psa. 77:8, 10. plead, in prayer, Gen. 32:9, 12; 1 Chr. 17:23, 26; isa. 43:26. should wait for the performance of. Acts 1:4. Gentiles shall be partakers of, Eph. 3:6. man, by nature, has no interest in, Eph. 2:12. scoffers despise, 2 Pet. 3:3, 4. fear, lest ye come short of, Heb. 4:1. of Christ to his disciples. Mat. 6:4, 33; 7:7; 10; 11:28; 12:50; 16:18, 24; 17:20; 19:28; 28:20; Luke 9-12; 12:32; 22:29; John 14-16; 20:21, to the poor, Psa. 12:5; 72:12; 109:31. to the destitute, Psa. 102:17. to the fatherless, Prov. 23:11; Jer. 49:11. of sustenance, Exod. 23:25; Psa. 37:3; Isa. 33:16; Mat. 6:25. of peace. Lev. 26:6; Isa. 32:18. of plentv. Lev. 26:10; Psa. 34:10; Prov. 3:10; Phil. 4*^:19. of safety, Psa. 91; 112; 121. fruitfuliiess, Psa. 128. of tlie life that now is, 1 Tim. 4:8. PROMOTION proceeds from God, Psa. 75:6. See JOSEPH, SAIL, DAVID, DANIEL, CtC. PROPHECY: is the foretelling of future events. Gen. 49:1; Num. 24:14. God is the author of, Isa. 44:7; 45:21. God gives, through Christ, Rev. 5:1. a gift of Christ, Eph. 4:11; Rev. 11:3. a gift of the Holy (Jhost, 1 Cor. 12:10. came not by the will of man, 2 Pet. 1:21. given from the beginning, Luke 1:70. is a sure word, 2 Pet. 1:19. TUEv WHO UTTERED, raised up by God, Amos 2:11. ordained by God, 1 Sam. 3:20; Jer. 1:5. PRO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRO sent by God, 2 Chr. 36:15; Jer. 7:25. sent by Christ, Mat. 23:34. filled with the Holy Ghost, Luke 1:67. moved by the Holy Ghost, 2 Pet. 1:21. spoke by the Holy Ghost, Acts 1:16; 11:28; 28:25. spoke in the name of the Lord, 2 Chr. 33:18; J as. 5:10. spoke with authority, 1 Kings 17:1. God accomplishes, Isa. 44:26; Acts 3:18. Christ the great subject of, Acts 3:22-24; 10:43; 1 Pet. 1:10, 11. fulfilled respecting Christ, Luke 24:44. gift of, promised, Joel 2:28, with Acts 2:16, 17. is for the benefit of after-ages, 1 Pet. 1:12. is as a light in a dark place, 2 Pet. 1:19. is not of private interpretation, 2 Pet. 1:20. despise not, 1 Thes. 5:20. give heed to, 2 Pet. 1:19. receive in faith, 2 Chr. 20:20; Luke 24:25. blessedness of reading, hearing, and keeping, Rev. 1:3: 22:7. guilt of pretending to the gift of, Jer. 14:14; 23:13, 14; Ezek. 13:2, 3. PUNISHMENT FOR not giving ear to, Neh. 9:30. adding to, or taking from, Rev. 22:18, 19. pretending to the gift of. Dent. 18:20; Jer. 14:15; 23:15. is sometimes uttered through unconverted men. Num. 24:2-9; 1 Sam. 19:20-23; Mat. 7:22; Jolm 11:49-51; 1 Cor. 13:2. how tested, Deut. 13:1-3; 18:22. PROPHECIES FULFILLED : Israel in Egypt, Gen. 15:13;— Exod. 2:23; 6; 12:40. birth of Isaac, Gen. 18:10;— 21:1. Joseph's dream, Gen. 37:5;— 42:6. the builder of Jericho, Josh. 6:26;— 1 Kings 16:34. the sons of Eli, 1 Sam. 2:34:— 4:11. defeat and death of Saul, 1 Sam. 28:19:— 31:2. of a prophet in Bethel, 1 Kings 13;— 2 Kings 23. the house of Jeroboam, 1 Kings 14:10; — 15:29. the house of Baasha, 1 Kings 16:3;— 11:12. three years' drought, 1 Kings 17:1;— 18:41. return of king of Syria, 1 Kings 20:22,-26. death of Ahab, etc., 1 Kings 21:19;— 22: 38; 2 Kings 9:34; 10:11. miraculous freshet, 2 Kings 3:17,-26. plenty in Samaria, 2 Kings 7:1,-18. family of John. 2 Kings 10:30;— 15:12. death of Rab-shakeh, 2 Kings 19:7,-37. captivity in Babylon, 2 Kings 20:17;— 24:13; 25:13. binding of Paul, Acts 21:11;— 33. RESPECTING CHRIST: as the Son of God, Psa. 2:7;— Luke 1:32, 35. as the seed of the woman. Gen. 3:15:— Gal. 4:4. as the seed of Abraham, Gen. 17:7; 22:18;— Gal. 3:16. as the seed of Isaac, Gen. 21:12;— Heb. 11:17-19. as the seed of David, Psa. 132:11; Jer. 23:5;— Acts 13:23; Rom. 1:3. his coming at a set time. Gen. 49:10; Dan. 9:24, 25;— Luke 2:1. his being bom of a virgin, Isa. 7:14;— Mat. 1:18; Luke 2:7. his being called Immanuel, Isa. 7:14;— Mat. 1:22, 23. his being born in Bethlehem of Judea, Mic. 5:2; —Mat. 2:1: Luke 2:4-6. great persons coming to adore liim, Psa. 72:10; —Mat. 2:1-11. the slaying of the children at Bethlehem, Jer. 31:15;— Mat. 2:16-18. 9 his being called out of Egypt, Hos. 11:1;— Mat. 2:15. his being preceded by John the Baptist, Isa. 40:3; Mai. 3:1;— Mat. 3:1, 3; Luke 1:17. his being anointed with the Spirit, Psa. 45 :7 ; Isa. 11:2; 61:1;— Mat. 3:16: John 3:34: Acts 10:38. his being a Prophet like unto Moses, Deut. 18:15-18;— Acts 3:20-22. his being a Priest after the order of Melchize- dek, Psa. 110:4:— Heb. 5:5, 6. his entering on his pubhc ministry, Isa. 61:1, 2;— Luke 4:16-21, 43. his ministry commencing in Galilee, Isa, 9:1, 2;— Mat. 4:12-16, 23. his entering publicly into Jerusalem, Zech. 9:9;— Mat. 21:1-5. his coming into the temple. Hag. 2:7,9; Mai. 3:1;— Mat. 21:12; Luke 2:27-32; John 2:13-16. his poverty, Isa. 53:2;— Mark 6:3; Luke 9:58. his meekness and want of ostentation, Isa. 42:2;— Mat. 12:15, 16, 19. his tenderness and compassion, Isa. 40:11; 42:3;— Mat. 12:1.5, 20; Heb. 4:15. his being without guile, Isa. 53:9;— 1 Pet. 2:22. his zeal, Psa. 69:9;— John 2:17. his preaching by parables, Psa. 78:2;— Mat. 13:34, 35. his working miracles, Isa. 35:5, 6;— Mat. 11:4- 6; John 11:47. his bearing reproach, Psa. 22:6; 69:7, 9, 20;— Rom. 15:3. liis being rejected by his brethren, Psa. 69:8; Isa. 53:3;— John 1:11; 7:5. his being a stone of stumbling to the Jews, Isa. 8:14:— Rom. 9:32; 1 Pet. 2:8. his being hated by the Jews, Psa. 69:4; Isa. 49:7;— John 15:24, 25. his being rejected by the Jewish rulers, Psa. 118:22:— Mat. 21:42; John 7:48. that Jews and Gentiles should combine against him, Psa. 2:1, 2;— Luke 23:12; Acts 4:27. his being betrayed by a friend, Psa. 41:9; 55:12- 14;— John 13:18, 21. his disciples forsaking him, Zech. 13:7;— Mat. 26:31, 56. his being sold for thirty pieces of silver, Zech. 11:12:— Mat. 26:15. his price being given for the potter's field, Zech. 11:13:— Mat. 27:7. the intensity of his sutferings, Psa. 22:14, 15;— Luke 22:42, 44. his sufl'erings being for others, Isa. 53:4-6, 12; Uan. 9:26;— Mat. 20:28. his patience and silence under sufl"erings, Isa. 53:7;— Mat. 26:63; 27:12-14. liis being smitten on the cheek, Mic. 5:1;— Mat. 27 :30. his visage being marred, Isa. 52:14; 53:3;— John 19:5. liis being spitted on and scourged, Isa. 50:6;— Mark 14:65: John 19:1. his hands and feet being nailed to the cross, Psa. 22:16;— John 19:18; 20:25. his being forsaken by God, Psa. 22:1;— Mat. 27:46. his being mocked, Psa. 22:7, 8;— Mat. 27:39-44. gall and vinegar being given him to drink, Psa. 69:21:— Mat. 27:34. his garments being parted and lots cast for his vesture, Psa. 22:18;— Mat. 27:35. his being numl)ered with the transgi-essors. Isa. 53:12:— Mark 15:28. his intercession for his murderers, Isa. 53:12;— Luke 23:34. his death, Isa. 53:12;— Mat. 27:50. 129 PRO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRO that a bone of him shoukl not be broken, Exod. 12:46; Psa. 34:20;— John 19:33, 36. his being pierced, Zech. 12:10:— John 19:34, 37. . his being buried with the rich, Isa. 53:9;— Mat. 27:57-60. his flesli not seeing corruption, Psa. 16:10;— Acts 2:31. his resurrection, Psa. 16:10; Isa. 26:19;— Luke 24:6,31,34. his ascension, Psa. 68:18;— Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9. his sitting on the right hand of God, Psa. 110:1;— Heb. 1:3. his exercising the priestly office in heaven, Zech. 6:13;— Rom. 8:34. his being the chief corner-stone of the church, Isa. 28:16;— 1 Pet. 2:6, 7. his being King in Zion, Psa. 2:6;— Luke 1:32; John 18:33-37. the conversion of the Gentiles to him, Isa. 11:10; 42:1;— Mat. 12:17,21; John 10:16; Acts 10:45, 47. his righteous government, Psa. 45:6, 7; — John 5:30; Rev. 19:11. his universal dominion, Psa. 72:8; Dan. 7:14;— Phil. 2:9, 11. the perpetuity of his kingdom, Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:14;— Luke 1:32, 33. PROPHECIES UTTERED BY CHRIST : heaven to be opened, John 1:51. his departure, Luke 17:22; John 7:33; 8:21; 13:33; 16. defection of his disciples. Mat. 26:21; Mark 14:27; John 16:32. Peter's denial. Mat. 26:34; Luke 22:34. Peter's martyrdom, John 21:18, 19. his own sufferings. Mat. 17:22; Luke 9:44; 13:32; 17:25. arrangements for the supper, Mark 14:13. his crucifixioii, Mat. 20:17; 26:1: John 12:32. his death and resurrection. Mat. 16:21; Mark 9:31; Luke 9:22. his mocking, etc., Mark 10:32; Luke 18:31. his betrayal. Mat. 26:21; Mark 14:18; Luke 22:21; John 13:10. his burial. Mat. 12:39; John 12:7. his resurrection. Mat. 26:32: John 2:19. success of the gospel, Mark 13:10; 16:17. false Christs, Mat. 24:4, 23; Mark 13:5. destruction of Jerusalem, Mat. 24; Mark 13. stability of the gospel, Mat. 24:34; 26:13; Mark 13:31; 14:8. the baptism of the Spirit, Acts 1:5. the reasons of his predictions, John 13:19; 14:29; 16:4. PROPHETS: (Jod spoke by, Hos. 12:10; Heb. 1:1. messengers of God, Isa. 44:26; Jer. 25:4. moved by the Holy Spirit, Luke 1:67; 1 Pet. 1:21. WEKE REQUIRED TO BE bold, EZCk. 2:6. attentive, Ezek. 3:10. exact, Deut. 18:20; Jer. 26:2. WERE SENT TO Tcprove siuuers and exhort to repentance, 2 Kings 17:13; 2 Chr. 24:19; Jer. 25:4, 5. denounce kings, 1 Sam. 15; 2 Sam. 12. encourage obedience, 2 Chr. 15. predict the fall of nations, Isa. 15; 17; Jer. 47-51. foretell Christ, Luke 24:44; John 1:45. mighty through faith, Heb. 11:32. patient in suilering, Jas. 5:10. avenged by God, 2 Kings 9:7; Mat. 23:35. See TKorHECY. 130 PROPHETS, false: pretended to come from God, Jer. 23. used to prove Israel, Deut. 13. led by evil spirits, 1 Kings 22:21. PROPHESIED falsely, Jer. 5:31: 14:14. out of their own heart, Jer. 23:16. in the name of idols, Jer. 2:8. peace, when there was no peace, Jer. 6:14; 23:17; Ezek. 13:10. mode of detecting, Deut. 13:1; 18:2L deceive Ahab, 2 Chr. 18:5. denounced, Isa. 9:15: Jer. 6:13; 14:13; 23:9, 34; 29:31; Ezek. 13:3; 14:9. punislied, Jer. 28:15; 29:20. foretold to arise in the church. Mat. 7 : 15; 24:11: 1 John 4:1; 2 Pet. 2:1. PROPHETESSES. See MIRIAM, DEBORAH, HAN- NAH, HULDAH, ANNA. false, denounced, Ezek. 13:17. Jezebel, Kev. 2:20. PROPITIATION for sin, Rom. 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 4:10. PROSELYTES, described, Esth. 8:17; Isa. 56:3. were required to give up heathen practices, Ezra 6:21; heathen associates, Ruth 1:16; 2:11; Psa. 45:10; Luke 14:26. to be circumcised, Gen. 17:13; Exod. 12:48. to observe the law of Moses as Jews, Ex. 12:49. from the Ammonites and Moabites, forbidden to hold office in congregation, Deut. 23:3. from the Egyptians and Edomites, forbidden to hold office till the third generation, Deut. 23:7, 8. were entitled to all privileges, Exod. 12:48; Isa. 56:3-7. many embraced the gospel. Acts 6:5; 13:43. were called devout Greeks, John 12:20, with Acts 17:4. PROSPERITY, no proof of God's blessing: FOR robbers, etc., prosper. Job 12:6; Psa. 17:10; 73; Eccl. 8:14; 9:2. the triumph of the wicked is short. Job 20:5. their ruin is sudden. Job 21:13; Psa. 37:36; 73:19. their destruction is for ever, Psa. 92:7; Luke 16:19. the sufferer is not alwavs the most guilty, Luke 13:2. its danger, Deut. 6:10; Pro v. 1:32; 30:8; Luke 6:24; 12:16; Jas. 5:1. PROTECTION: God is able to give, 1 Pet. 1:5; Jude 24. God is faithful to afford, 1 Thes. 5:23, 24; 2 Thes. 3:3. OF God is indispensable, Psa. 127:1. seasonable, Psa. 46:1. unfailing, Deut. 31:6: Josh. 1:5. effectual, John 10:28-30; 2 Cor. 12:9. uninterrupted, Psa. 121:3. encouraging, Isa. 41:10; 50:7. perpetual, Psa. 121:8. often affords through means inadequate in themselves, Judg. 7:7; 1 Sam. 17:45, 50; 2 Chr. 14:11. IS AFFORDED TO those who hearken to God, Prov. 1:33. returning sinners, Job 22:23, 25. the perfect in heart, 2 Chr. 16:9. the poor, Psa. 14:6; 72:12-14. the oppres.sed, Psa. 9:9. the church, Psa. 48:3; Zech. 2:4, 5. preserving them, Psa. 145:20. strengthening them, 2 Tim. 4:17. upholding them, Psa. 37:17, 24; 63:8. keeping their feet, l Sam. 2:9; Prov. 3:26. PRO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRU keeping them from evil, 2 Thes. 3:3. keeping them from falling, Jude 24. keeping them in the way, Exod. 23:20. keeping them from temptation. Rev. 3:10. providing a refuge for them, Prov. 14:26; Isa. 4:6; 32:2. defending them against their enemies, Deut. 20:1-4; 33:27; Isa. 59:19. defeating the counsels of enemies, Isa. 8:10. in temptation, l Cor. 10:13; 2 Pet. 2:9. amid persecution, Luke 21:18. amid calamities, Psa. 57:1; 59:16. in all dangers, Psa. 91:3-7. in all places. Gen. 28:15; 2 Chr. 16:9. in sleep, Psa. 3:5; 4:8; Prov. 3:24. in death, Psa. 23:4. SAINTS acknowledge God as their, Psa. 18:2; 62:2; 89:18. pray for, Psa. 17:5, 8; Isa. 51:9. praise God for, Psa. 5:11. "WITHDRAWN FROM THE disobedient, Lev. 26:14- 17. backsliding, Josh. 23:12, 13; Judg. 10:13. presumptuous, Num. 14:40-45. unbelieving, Isa. 7:9. obstinately impenitent. Mat. 23:38. NOT TO BE FOUND IN idols, Deut. 32:37-39; Isa. 46:7. man, Psa. 146:3; Isa. 30:7. riches, Prov. 11:4, 28: Zeph. 1:18. hosts. Josh. 11:4-8, with Psa. 33:16. horses, Psa. 33:17; Prov. 21:31. illustrated, Deut. 32:11; Psa. 125:1, 2; Prov. 18:10; Isa. 25:4; 31:5; Luke 13:34. exemplified: Abraham, Gen. 15:1. Jacob, Gen. 48:16. Joseph, Gen. 49:23-25. Israel, Josh. 24:17. David, Psa. 18:1, 2. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:28. Daniel, Dan. 6:22. Peter, Acts 12:4-7. Paul, Acts 18:10; 26:17. PROVERBS of Solomon, Prov. 1-25. collected by the men of Hezekiah, Prov. 25-29. use of, Prov. 1, etc. various, 1 Sam. 10:12; 24:13; Luke 4:23; 2 Pet. 2:22, See 1 Kings 4:. 32. concerning moral virtues and their contrary vices, Prov. 10-20. PROVIDENCE OF God: is his care over his works, Psa. 145:9. IS EXERCISED IN preserving his creatures, Neh. 9:6; Psa. 36:6; Mat. 10:29. providing for his creatures, Psa. 104:27, 28; 136:25; 147:9; Mat. 6:26. the special preservation of saints, Psa. 37:28; 91:11; Mat. 10:. 30. prospering saints. Gen. 24:48, 56; 39:21. protecting saints, Psa. 91:4; 140:7. delivering saints, Psa. 91:3; Isa. 31:5. leading saints, Deut. 8:2, 15; Isa. 63:12. bringing his words to pass. Num. 26:65; Josh. 21:45; Luke 21:32, 33. ordering the ways of men, Prov. 16:9; 19:21; 20:24; 21:1. ordaining the conditions and circumstances of men, 1 Sam. 2:7, 8; Psa. 75:6, 7. determining the period of human life, Psa. .31:15; 39:5; Acts 17:26. leading to good designs, Ezra 7:27. defeating wicked designs, Ex. 15:9-11; 2 Sam. 17:14, 15; Psa. 33:10. overruling wicked designs for good. Gen. 45:5- 7; 50:20; PhiL 1:12. preserving the course of nature, Gen. 8:22; Job 26:10; Psa. 104:5-9. directing all events. Josh. 7:14; 1 Sam. 6:7-10, 12; Prov. 16:33; Isa. 44:7; Acts 1:26. ruUng the elements. Job 37:9-13; Isa. 50:2; Jon. 1:4, 15; Nah. 1:4. ordering the minutest matters, Mat. 10:29, 30; Luke 21:18. IN RESPECT TO the hearts of men, Prov. 6:1; Zech. 12:1; Acts 16:14. national affairs, Ex. 3:7, 8; Deut. 2:30; 2 Sam. 24:1; 1 Chr. 5:26. moral evils, Exod. 14:8, 17; Josli. 10:19: Isa. 29:10; 44:18; 45:7. delusions, 1 Kings 22:23; Ezek. 14:9; 2 Thes. 2:10-12. religious privileges, etc., Luke 10:21; John 12:39; Rom. 11:7, 8. his motives in, different from men's. Gen. 45:4; 50:20; Isa. 10:5-7, 12; Mark 15:9, with John 3:16: Acts 2:23. men act freely under. Gen. 42:21; Exod. 8:32; 9:27; 2 Sam. 24:1, 10. Objectors against, reproved, Job 40:2; Isa. 45:9; Mat. 20:15; Rom. 9. is wonderful, Exod. 15:11; Deut. 4:32. is righteous, Psa. 145:17; Dan. 4:37. is ever watchful, Psa. 121:4; Isa. 27:3. is all-pervading, Psa. 139:1-5. sometimes dark and mysterious, Psa. 36:6; 73:16; 77:19; Rom. 11:33. ALL THINGS ARE ORDERED BY, fOr hiS glOry, Exod. 8:22; 9:14; Isa. 63:13. for good to saints. Deut. 4:37; Rom. 8:28. the wicked made to promote the designs of, Isa. 10:5-12; Acts 3:17, 18. TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED in prosperity, Deut., 8:18; 1 Chr. 29:12. in adversity, Job 1:21; Psa. 119:75. in public calamities, Amos 3:6. in our daily support. Gen. 48:15. in all things, Prov. 3:6. cannot be defeated, 1 Kin. 22:30, 34; Prov. 21:30. man's efforts are vain without, Psa. 127:1, 2; Prov. 21:31. SAINTS SHOULD trust In, Mat. 6:33, 34; 10:9,. 29-31. have full confidence in. Psa. 16:8; 139:10. submit to, 1 Sam. 3:18; 2 Sam. 16:10: Job 1:21; Psa. 39:9. commit their works unto, Prov. 16:3. encourage tliemselves in, 1 Sam. 30:6. pray in dependence upon. Acts 12:5. pray to be guided by, Gen. 24:12-14; 28:20, 21; Acts 1:24. result of depending upon, Luke 22:35. connected with the use of means, 1 Kin. 21:19, with 1 Kings 22:37, 38; Mic. 5:2, with Luke 2:1-4; Acts 27:22, 31, 32. danger of denying, Isa. 10:13-17; Ezek. 28:2- 10; Dan. 4:29-31; Hos. 2:8, 9. PROVINCE, 1 Kin. 20:14; Ezra 4:15; 6:2; Esth. 1:1; Acts 23:34; 25:1. PRUDENCE: exhibited in the manifestation of God's grace, Eph. 1:8. exemplified by Christ, Isa. 52:13; Mat. 21:24- 27; 22:15-21. intimately connected with wisdom, Prov. 8:12. the wise celebrated for, Prov. 16:21. THEY WHO HAVE, get knowledge, Prov. 18:15. deal with knowledge, Prov. 13:16. look well to their goings, Prov. 14:15. understand the ways of God, Hos. 14:9. understand their own ways, Prov. 14:8. crowned with knowledge, Prov. 14:18. not ostentatious of knowledge, Prov. 12:23. foresee and avoid evil, Prov. 22:3. are preserved by it, Prov. 2:ii. 131 PRU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PUN suppress anger, etc., Prov. 12:16; 19:11. regard reproof, Prov. 15:5. keep silence in the evil time, Amos 5:13. saints act with, Psa. 112:5. saints should specially exercise, in their inter- course with unbelievers, Col. 4:5. virtuous wives act ^vith, Prov. 31:16, 26. the young should cultivate, Prov. 3:21. OF THK WICKED lails in the times of perplexity, Jer. 49: 7. keeps tliein from the knowledge of the gospel, Mat. 11:25. denounced by God, Isa. 5:21; 29:15. defeated by God, Isa. 29:14; 1 Cor. 1:19. necessity for, illustrated, Luke 14:28-32. exempUtied: Jacob, Gen. 32:3-23. Joseph, Gen. 41:39. Jethro, Exod. 18:19, etc. Gideon, Judg. 8:1-3. David, 1 Sam. 16:18. Aged counsellors of Rehoboam, 1 Kings 12:7. Sol- omon, 2 Chr. 2:12. Nehemiah, Neh. 2:12, 16; 4:13-18. Gamaliel, Acts 5:34-39. Sergius Paulus, Acts 13: 7. Paul, Acts 23: 6. PRUNING-HOOKS or knives, Isa. 2:4; 18:5; Joel 3:10. illustrative, John 15:2. PSALMS, book of (Acts 1:20). I. PRAYEKS. 1. forpardonofsin, Psa. 6; 25; 32; 38; 51; 130; 143. 2. under deep affliction, Psa. 6; 7: 10; 13; 17; 22; 31; 35; 39; 41-43; 54-57; .59; 64; 69-71; 77; 86; 88; 94; 102; 109: 120; 140-143. 3. of the church under persecution, Psa. 44; 60; 74; 79; 80; 83; 89; 94; 102: 123; 137. 4. relative to public worship, Psa. 26; 27; 42; 43; 63; 65; 84; 92; 95-100; 118; 122; 132; 144; 145. 5. expressing trust in God, Psa. 3-5; 11; 12; 16; 20; 23; 27; 28; 31; 42; 43; 52; 54; 56; 57; 59; 61-64; 71; 77; 86; 108; 115; 118; 121; 125; 131; 138; 14L 6. declaring the Psalmist's integrity, Psa. 7; 17; 26; 35; 101; 119. II. THANKSGIVINGS. 1. for mercies shown to the Psalmist, Psa. 9; 18; 30; 32; 34; 40; 61-63; 75; 103; 108; 116; 118; 138; 144. 2. to the church, Psa. 33; 46; 47; 65; 66; 68; 75; 76; 81; 85; 87; 95; 98; 105; 106; 107; 124; 126; 129; 134-136; 149. III. PSALMS OF PRAISE. 1. declaring God's goodness and mercy, Psa. 3; 4; 9; 16; 18; 30-34; 36; 40; 46; 65-68; 84; 85; 91; 99; 100; 103; 107; 111; 113; 116; 117; 121; 126; 145; 146. 2. God's power, majesty, and glorv, Psa. 2; 3; 8; 18; 19; 24; 29; 33; 45-48; 50; 65-68; 76; 77; 89; 91-100; 104-108; 110; 111; 113-118; 135; 136; 139; 145-150. IV. PSALMS OF INSTRUCTION. 1. Showing the blessings of God's people and the misery of his enemies, Psa. 1; 3-5; 7; 9-15; 17; 24; 25; 32; 34; 36; 37; 41; 50; 52; 53; 58; 62; 73; 75; 82; 84; 91; 92; 94; 101; 112; 119; 121: 125; 127-129; 133; 149. 2. excellence of God's law, Psa. 19; 119. 3. the vanity of human life, etc., Psa. 14; 39; 49; 53; 73; 90. V. PROPHETICAL AND TYPICAL PSALMS. Psa. 2; 16; 22; 24; 31; 35; 40; 41; 45; 50; 55; 68; 69; 72; 87; 88; 102; 109; 110; 118; 132. VI. HISTORICAL PSALMS. Psa. 78; 105; 106; 135; 136. titles of: Aijeleth-Shahar, Alamoth, Al-Taschith, Degrees, Gittitli, iiiggaion, Jeduthun, Jonath- 132 elem-recliokim, Leannoth, Mahalath, Mascliil, Michtam, Muth-Labben, Neginoth, Nehilulii, Selah, Sheminith, Shiggaion, Shoshannim. PSALTERY, a kind of harp, 1 Sam. 10:5: 2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Chr. 13:8; 2 Chr. 5:12, 13. made of almug-wood, 1 Kin. 10:12; 2 Chr. 9:11. used in idol-worship, Dan. 3:5, 7, 10, 15. employed in praise, Psa. 33:2; 57:8; 81:2; 150:0; translated viol, Isa. 5:12; 14:11; Amos 5:23; 6:5. PTOLEMAIS, Paul at. Acts 21:7. PUBLICANS, two grades: chief, or commission- er, as Zaccheus, Luke 19:2; and collector of taxes, as Matthew, Mat. 10:3; Luke 5:27. their character. Mat. 5:46; 9:11; 11:19; 18:17; Luke 3:12. some believe in Jesus, Mat. 21:32; Luke 5:27; 7:29: 15:1; 19:2. publican and Pharisee, Luke 18:10. PUBLIUS entertains Paul, Acts 28:7. his lather healed, Acts 28:8. PUL, king of Assyria, Israel subjected to, 2 Kin. 15:19: 1 Chr. 5:26. PULSE (vegetables), Dan. 1:12. 16. PUNISHMENT of the wicked: ' is from God, Lev. 26:18; Isa. 13:11. ON ACCOUNT OF THEIR siu. Lam. 3:39. iniquity, Jer. 36:31; Amos 3:2. idolatry. Lev. 26:30; Isa. 10:10, 11. rejection of the law of God, Hos. 4:6-9. ignorance of God, 2 Thes. 1:8. evil ways and doings, Jer. 21:14; Hos. 4:9; 12:2. pride, Isa. 10:12; 24:21. unbelief, Rom. 11:20; Heb. 3:18, 19. covetousness. Isa. 57:17; Jer. 51:13. oppressing, Isa. 49:26; Jer. 30:16, 20. persecuting, Jer. 11:21, 22; Mat. 23:34-36. dis()be3'ing God, Neh. 9:26, 27; Eph. 5:6. disobeying the gospel, 2 Thes. 1:8. is the fruit of their sin, Job 4:8; Prov. 22:8; Rom. 6:21; (Jal. 6:8. is the reward of their sin, Psa. 91:8; Isa. 3:11; Jer. 16:18; Rom. 6:23: Heb. 2:2. often brought about by their evil designs, Esth. 7:10; Psa. 37:15; 57:6. approved by saints, Exod. 15:1; Psa. 94:2; Rev. 6:9; 15:3; 19:1. often commences in this life, Prov. 11:31. does not reform them. Rev. 16:9. IN THIS LIFE BY sickncss, Lcv. 26:16; Psa. 78:50. famine. Lev. 26:19, 20, 26, 29; Psa. 107:34. noisome beasts. Lev. 26 :22. war. Lev. 26:25, 32, 33; Jer. 6:4. deliverance unto enemies, Neh. 9:27. fear. Lev. 26:36, 37; Job 18:11. trouble and distress, Isa. 8:22; Zeph. 1:15. cutting oir. I'sa. 94:23. bringing tlown their ))ride, Isa. 13:11. future, shall be awarded by Christ, Mat. 16:27; 25:31, 41. FUTURE, DESCRIBED AS hell, Mat. 5:29; Lu. 12:5. darknes.s. Mat. 8:12; 2 Pet. 2:17. resurrection of damnation, John 5:29. rising to shame and everlasting contempt, Dan. 12:2. everlasting destruction, Psa. 52:5; 92:7; 2 Thes. 1:9. everlasting fire. Mat. 25:41; Jude 7. eternal death, Rom. 6:23; Rev. 21:8. danniation of hell, Mat. 23:33. eternal damnation, Mark 3:29. blackness of darkness, 2 Pet. 2:17; Jude 13. everlasting burnings, Isa. 33:14. wine of the wrath of God, Rev. 14:10. PUN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. RAI torment with fire, Rev. 14:10. torment for ever and ever, Rev. 14:11. the righteousness of God requires, 2 Thes. 1:6. promotes God's glory, Exod. 9:16; I'sa. 83:17; Rom. 9:17-24. often sudden and unexpected, Psa. 35:8; 64:7; 73; 19; Prov. 29:1; 1 Thes. 5:3. SHALL BE according to their deeds, Mat. 16:27; Rom. 2:6, 9; 2 Cor. 5:10. according to the knowledge possessed by them, Luke 12:47, 48. increased by the neglect of privileges, Prov. 5:11; Mat. 11:21-24; Luke 10:13-15. without mitigation, Luke 16:23-26. accompanied by remorse, Isa. 66:24, with Mark 9:44. no combination avails against, Prov. 11:21. deferred, emboldens them in sin, Eccl. 8:11. should warn others. Num. 26:10; Jude 7. consummated at the day of judgment, Mat. 25:31, 46; Rom. 2:5, 16; 2 Pet. 2:9. PUNISHMENT: scourging. Lev. 19:20; Deut. 25:1; Mat. 27:26, etc.; Acts 22:25, etc. stoning. Lev. 20:2; 24:14; 1 Kings 21:10, etc. hanging, Gen. 40:22; Deut. 21:23; Ezra 6:11; Esth. 2:23, etc. burning, Gen. 38:24; Lev. 20:14; 21:9; Dan. 3:6. crucifying, Mat. 20:19; 27:31, etc. exposing to wild beasts, Dan. 6:16, 24; 1 Cor. 15:32. throwing from a rock, 2 Chr. 25 :12. mutilation and torture, Judg. 1:5-7; 16:21; 1 Sam. 31:10; Isa. 50:6; Ezek. 23:25; Acts 23:2. fines^Exod. 21:22, 30, 32, 36; Deut. 22:18, 19, 29. punishment like the offence, Exod. 21:22-25; Lev. 24:17-22; Deut. 19:19-21. restitution, Exod. 21:33-36; 22:1-14; Lev. 6:4, 5. banishment, Ezra 7:26; Rev. 1:9. confiscating property, Ezra 7:26. drowning, Mat. 18:6. beheading, 2 Kings 6:31; 10:7; Mat. 14:10, etc. SeeHeb. 11:36, etc. sometimes deferred till God was consulted, Num. 15:. 34. sometimes long deferred, 1 Kings 2:5-9. INFLICTED BY the wituesscs, Deut. 13:9; 17:7; Acts 7:5, 8. the people, Num. 15:35, 36; Deut. 13:9. soldiers, 2 Sam. 1:15; Mat. 27:27-35. PURCHASES of land, etc.. Gen. 23; 33:19; IChr. 21:22; Ruth 4; Jer. 32:6. PURIFICATION, laws concerning. Lev. 13-16; Num. 9:4; 31:19-24 (Mai. 3:3; Acts 21:24; Heb. 9:13). of women, Lev. 12: Esth. 2; Luke 2:22. of the heart by faith. Acts 15:19; 1 Pet. 1:22: 1 John 3:3. See Dan. 12:10. PURIM, a feast, instituted. Esth. 9:20. PURITY, of character and life: a trait of the spiritual, Gal. 5:16. becometh saints. Eph. 5:3; 1 Pet. 2:11. essential for ministers, 1 Tim. 5:22. an object of endeavor, 1 John 3:3. of God's word and law, Psa. 12:6; 19:8; 119:140; Prov. 30:5. PURPLE, curtains and cloths of tabernacle of, Exod. 25:4; 26:1; Num. 4:13. used by the rich and by kings for clothing, Esth. 8:15: Prov. 31:22; Jer. 10:9; Dan. 5:7 (marg.); Mark 15:17; Luke 16:19. an article of merchandise, Acts 16:14. PURSE, or Bag, for money, Prov. 1:14; 7:20; Isa. 46:6; Luke 10:4; 12:33; 22:35, 36. when sealed, contained a fixed sum, 2 Kings 5:23; 12:10, with Job 14:17. for containing weights, Deut. 25:13; Prov. 16:11; Mic. 6:11. called a scrip, 1 Sam. 17:40; Mat. 10:10. sometimes a fold of the girdle. Mat. 10:9; Mark 6:8. PUTEOLI, Acts 28:13. PYGARG, supposed to be a gazelle, Deut. 14:5. Q. QUAILS, Israel fed with, Exod. 16:12. sent in wrath. Num. 11:31; Psa. 78:27; 105:40. QUARRELLING. See strife. QUARRIES, Judg. 3:19, 26. QUARTUS, Rom. 16:23. QUATERNION, a detachment of four soldiers. Acts 12:4. QUEEN of heaven, idolatrous worship of, Jer. 44:17, 25. QUEENS. See athaliah, Esther, sheba, jez- EBEL. etc. QUICK and dead to be judged. Acts 10:42; 2 Tim. 4:1; 1 Pet. 4:5. QUICKENING of the church by the Father, Psa. 71:20; 80:18. etc.; Rom. 4:17; 8:11; Eph. 2:1, etc.; 1 Tim. 6:13. by the Son, John 5:21; 1 Cor. 15;45. by the Holy Spirit, John 6:63; Rom. 8:11; 2 Cor. 3:6; 1 Pet. 3:18, etc. QUICKSANDS, the Syrtis, Acts 27:17. QUIETNESS promised to God's people, Prov. 1:33; Isa. 30:16; 32:17, 18. exhortation to seek, 1 Thes. 4:11; 2 Thes. 3:12; 1 Tim. 2:2; 1 Pet. 3:4. QUIVER, Gen. 27:3; Job 39:23; Psa. 127:5; Isa. 49:2; Lam. 3:13. R. RAAMAH, Gen. 10:7; Ezek. 27:22. RABBAH (Rabbath), besieged and taken by Joab, 2 Sam. 11; 12:26. prophecies concerning, Jer. 49:2; Ezek. 21:20; 25:5; Amos 1:14. RABBATH-MOAB, Num. 21:28; Isa. 15:1. See AR. RABBI, RABBONI (Master), Christ so called, John 1:38; 3:2; 20:16. the disciples not to receive the title. Mat. 23:8. RABSHAKEH, his blasphemous speech, 2 Kings 18:19; 19:4; Isa. 36:4. RACA (vain fellow. 2 Sam. 6:20), the use of the word censured. Mat. 5:22. RACE figuratively mentioned, Psa. 19:5; Eccl. 9:11; ICor. 9:24; Heb. 12:1. RACHEL meets Jacob, Gen. 29:10. becomes his wife, Gen. 29:28. her envy. Gen. 30:1. takes Laban's images. Gen. 31:19, 34. death, Gen. 35:16. See Ruth 4:11; Jer. 31:15; Mat. 2:18. RAGE censured, 2 Kings 19:27; Psa. 2:1; Prov. 14:16. See anger. RAHAB receives the spies, Josh. 2. preserved through faith, Josh. 6:22; Heb. 11:31; and works, Jas. 2:25. Christ descended from, Mat. 1:5. , Egypt, Psa. 87:4; 89:10; Isa. 51:9. RAILING forbidden, 1 Cor. 5:11; 1 Tim. 6:4; 1 Pet. 3:9; 2 Pet. 2:11; Jude 9. instances of, 1 Sam. 25:14; 2 Sam. 16:7; Mark 15:29 etc. RAIMENT promised, Mat. 6:25-30. 133 RAI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. REB miraculously provided, Gen. 3:21; Deut. 8:4; Neh. 9:21. RAIN sent in wrath, Gen. 7; Exod. 9:34; 1 Sam. 12:17: Psa. 105:32. withheld as a punishment, 1 Kin. 17; Jas. 5:17; Zech. 14:17. desolation in consequence, Jer. 14, etc. a type of God's blessing, Lev. 26:4; Deut. 32:2; 2 Sam. 23:4; Psa. 68:9; Hos. 10:12. RAINBOW, sign of God's covenant with Noah, Gen. 9:12; i-:zek. 1:28. seen in heaven. Rev. 4:3; 10:1. R.VISINS, an ordinary article of diet, 1 Sam. 25:18; 30:12; 2 Sam. 16:1; 1 Chr. 12:40. RAM, used in sacrifices. Gen. 15:9; 22:13; Exod. 29:15; Lev. 9; Num. 5:8, etc. type of the Median and Persian power, Dan. 8:20. , employed in sieges, Ezek. 4:2; 21:22. RAM'S horns, as trumpets, Josh. 6:4. RAMAH, of Benjamin, .Josh. 18:25; Judg. 4:5. Samuel dwells there, 1 Sam. 1:19; 7:17; 8:4; 19:18; 25:1. prophecies concerning, Isa. 10:29; Jer. 31:15; Hos. 5:8. RAMATHAIM-ZOPHAIM, residence of Elkanah, ISam. 1:1. RAMATH-LEHI (lifting up of the jawbone), Judg. 15:17. RAMESES, a district in Egypt inhabited by the Israelites, Gen. 47:11. a treasure city built by them, Exod. 1:11. the point from which they departed in the exo- dus, Exod. 12:37: Num. 33:3-5. RAMOTH-GILEAD, Deut. 4:43. Ahaii's war concerning, 1 Kings 22; 2 Chr. 18. Joram's war, 2 Kings 8:28: 2 Chr. 22:5. Jehu anointed there, 2 Kings 9:1. RANSOM, Christ is the, for his church. Mat. 20:28; 1 Tim. 2:6. See Job 33:24; Isa. 35:10; Jer. 31:11; Hos. 13:14. RASHNESS censured, Prov. 14:29; Eccl. 5:2; Acts 19:36. fatal, 2 Sara. 6:7. RAVENS unclean, Lev. 11:15; Deut. 14:14; Prov. 30:17. one sent out by Noah, Gen. 8:7. alluded to by Christ, Luke 12:24. See Job 38:41; Psa. 147:9. Elijah fed by, 1 Kings 17:4. RAZOR, Num. 6:5; Psa. .i2:2; Isa. 7:20; Ezek. 5:1. translated penknife, Jer. 36:23. READING of the law in public by Moses, Exod. 24:7. by Joshua, Josh. 8:34. by command of Josiah, 2 Kings 23. by Ezra, Neh. 8; 9. of the prophets, Luke 4:16. of the epistle-s, Col. 4:16; 1 Thes. 5:27. See Acts 13:15. REAPING, laws concerning, Lev. 19:9; 23:10, 22; 25:5, 11; Deut. 23:25. liberality of Boaz in, Ruth 2. figurative, Job 4:8; Psa. 126:5; Prov. 22:8; Mat. 13:30; John 4:.36; 1 Cor. 9:11; 2 Cor. 9:6; Gal. 6:7; Rev. 14:15, etc. REARWARD (defence), God is of his people, Isa. .52:12; 58:8. REASON, natural understanding, Dan. 4:36. to be applied to religion, Isa. 1:18; 1 Cor. 10:15; 1 Pet. 3:15. not a sufficient guide in human affairs, Deut. 12:8; Prov. 3:5: 14:12. rea.sonlng of the Pharisees. Luke 5:21, 22; 20:5. of Paul, Acts 17:2; 18:4,19; 24:25. REBEKAH, Gen. 22:23. meets .Vbraham's steward, Gen. 24:15. becomes Isaac's wife. Gen. 24:67. her policy for Jacob, Gen. 27:6. dismisses him in fear, Gen. 27:43. her burial, Gen. 49:31. See Rom. 9:10. REBELLION against God : forbidden, Num. 14:9; Josh. 22:19. provokes God, Num. 16:30; Neh. 9:26. provokes Christ, Exod. 23:20, 21, with 1 Cor. 10:9. vexes the Holy Spirit, Isa. 63:10. EXHIBITED IN unbelief, Deut. 9:23; Psa. 106:24, 25. rejecting his government. 1 Sam. 8:7. revolting from him, Isa. 1:5; 31:6. despising his law, Neh. 9:26. despising his counsels, Psa. 107:11. distrusting his power, Ezek. 17:15. murmuring against him. Num. 20:3, 10. .refusing to hearken to him, Deut. 9:23; Ezek. 20:8; Zech. 7:11. departing from him, Isa. 59:13. rebelling against governors appointed by him, Josh. 1:18. departing from his precepts, Dan. 9:5. departing from his instituted worship, Exod. 32:8,9; Josh. 22:16-19. sinning against light, Job 24:13. walking after our own thoughts, Isa. 65:2. CONNECTED WITH stubbomuess, Deut. 31:27. injustice and corruption, Isa. 1:23. contempt of (iod, Psa. 107:11. man is prone to, Deut. 31:27. the heart is the seat of, Jer. 5:23: Ileb. 3:12. THEY WHO ARE GUILTY OF, aggravate their sin by. Job 34:37. practise hypocrisy to hide, Hos. 7:14. increase in, though chastised, Isa. 1:5. persevere in, Deut. 9:3, 24. warned not to exalt themselves, Psa. 66:7. denounced, Isa. 30:1. have God as their enemy, Isa. 63:10. have God's hand against them, 1 Sara. 12:15, with Psa. 106:26, 27. impoverished for, Psa. 68:6. brought low for, Psa. 107:11, 12. delivered to enemies for, Neh. 9:26, 27. cast out in tlieir sins for, Psa. 5:10. cast out of tiie churcli for, Ezek. 20:38. restored through Christ alone, Psa. 68:18. heinousness of, 1 Sam. 15:23. GUILT OP, aggravated by God's fatherly care, Isa. 1:2. aggravated by God's unceasing invitations to return to him, Isa. 65:2. to be deprecated. Josh. 22:29. to be confessed. Lam. 1:18, 20; Dan. 9:5. God alone can forgive, Dan. 9:9. fiod is ready to forgive, Neh. 9:17. religious instruction designed to prevent, P.'^a. 78:5, 8. promises to those who avoid, Deut. 28:1-13; 1 Sam. 12:14. forgiven upon repentance, Neh. 9:26, 27. MINISTERS cautioned against, Ezek. 2:8. sent to those guilty of, Ezek. 2:3-7; 3:4-9; Mark 12:4-8. should warn against. Num. 14:9. should testify against, Isa. 30:8,9; Ezek. 17:12; 44:6. should remind their people of past, Deut.9:7; 31:27. punishment for. Lev. 26:14-;59; 1 Sam. 12:15; Isa. 1:20; Jer. 4:16-18; Ezek. 20:8, 38. REB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. REJ punishment for teaching, Jer. 28 : 16. ingratitude of, illustrated, Isa. 1:2, 3. exemplified: Pharaoh, Exod. 5:1, 2. Korah, etc., Num. 16: 11. Moses and Aaron, Num. 20:12, 24. Israelites, Deut. 9:23, 24. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:9, 23. Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12:28-33. Zedekiah, 2 Chr. 36:13. Kingdom of Israel, Hos. 7:14; 13:16. REBUKE (and reprove), Luke 17:3; Eph. 5:11. RECHAB, one of Saul's captains, 2 Sam. 4. RECHABITES, 1 Chr. 2:55: Jer. 35:6-19. RECONCILIATION with God: predicted, Dan. 9:24, with Isa. 53:5. proclaimed by angels, Luke 2:14. blotting out the handwriting of ordinances is necessary to, Eph. 2:16; Col. 2:14. EFFECTED FOR MEN by God in Christ, 2 Cor. 5:19. by Christ, as high priest, Heb. 2:17. by the death of Christ, Rom. 5:10; Eph. 2:16; Col. 1:21, 22. by the blood of Christ, Eph. 2:13; Col. 1:20. while alienated from God, Col. 1:21. while enemies to God, Rom. 5:10. the ministry of, committed to ministers, 2 Cor. 5:18, 19. ministers in Christ's stead, should beseech men to seek, 2 Cor. 5:20. effects of: peace with God, Eph. 2:16, 17. access to God, Eph. 2:18. union of Jews and Gentiles, Eph. 2:14. union of things in heaven and earth, Col. 1:20, with Eph. 1:10. a pledge of final salvation, Rom. 5:10. necessity for, illustrated. Mat. 5:24, 26. typified. Lev. 8:15; 16:20. See ATONEMENT. RECORD of God, 1 John 5:7, 10. RECORDER, historian, 2 Sam. 8:16; 2 Kings 18:18; 2 Chr. 34:8; Neh. 12:22. RED heifer. Num. 19. a type of Christ, Heb. 9:12-14. horse, vision of, Zech. 1:8; 6:2; Rev. 6:4. dragon, Rev. 12:3. RED SEA, Israel's deliverance there, Ezek. 14; 15. called Egyptian Sea, Isa. 11:15. Solomon's ships on, 1 Kings 9:26; 10:22; 2 Chr. 8:17, 18. wilderness of, Exod. 13:18. REDEEMER, the Lord, Job 19:25; Psa. 19:14; 78:35; Prov. 23:11; Isa. 41:14; 47:4; 59:20; 63:16; Jer. 50:34, etc. REDEMPTION : defined, 1 Cor. 7:23. is of God, Isa. 44:21-23, with Luke 1:68. is by Christ, Mat. 20:28; Gal. 3:13. is bv the blood of Christ, Acts 20:28; Heb. 9:12; 1 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 5:9. Christ sent to effect, Gal. 4:4, 5. Christ is made, unto us, 1 Cor. 1:30. IS FROM all evil. Gen. 48:16. the bondage of the law. Gal. 4:5. the curse of the law. Gal. 3:13. the power ol sin, Rom. 6:18, 22. the power of the grave, Psa. 49:15. all troubles, Psa. 25:22. all iniquity, Psa. 130:8; Tit. 2:14. this present evil world, Gal. 1:4. vain conversation, 1 Pet. 1:18. enemies, Psa. 106:10, 11; Jer. 15:21. death, Hos. 13:14. destruction, Psa. 103:4. man cannot effect, Psa. 49:7. not by corruptible things, 1 Pet. 1:18. PROCURES FOR US justification, Rom. 3:24. forgiveness of sin, Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14. adoption. Gal. 4:4, 5. purification. Tit. 2:14. the present life, the only season for, Job 36:18, 19. DESCRIBED AS prccious, Psa. 49:8. plenteous, Psa. 130:7. eternal, Heb. 9:12. subjects of: the soul, Psa. 49:15; 71:23. the body, Rom. 8:23. the life, Psa. 103:4; Lam. 3:58. the inheritance, Eph. 1:14. MANIFESTS THE power of God, Isa. 50:2. grace of God, Isa. 52:3. love and pity of God, Isa. 63:9. a subject for praise, Isa. 44:22, 23; 51:11. Old Testament saints partakers of, Heb. 9:15. THEV WHO PARTAKE OF, are the property of God, Isa. 43:1; 1 Cor. 6:20. are first-fruits unto God, Rev. 14:4. are a peculiar people, 2 Sam. 7:23; Tit. 2:14, with 1 Pet. 2:9. are assured of, Job 19:25: Psa. 31:5. are sealed unto the day of, Eph. 4:30. are zealous of good works. Tit. 2:14. walk safely in holiness, Isa 35:8, 9. shall return to Zion with joy, Isa. 35:19. alone can learn the songs of heaven. Rev. 14:3, 4. commit themselves to God, Psa. 31:5. have an earnest of the completion of, Eph. 1:14, with 2 Cor. 1:22. wait for the completion of, Rom. 8:23. pray for the completion of, Psa. 26:11; 44:26. praise God for, Psa. 71:23; Rev. 5:9. should glorify God for, 1 Cor. 6:20. should be without fear, Isa. 43:1. typified: Israel, Exod. 6:6. First-born, Exod. 13:11-15; Num. 18:15. atonement-money, Exod. 30:12-15. bond-servant. Lev. 25:47-54. See ATONEMENT, RECONCILIATION, etC. REDEMPTION of land, etc., Lev. 25; Neh. 5:8. of the first-born, Exod. 13:11; Num. 3:12. REED orCane, Job 40:21; Isa. 19:6, 7; 35:7. used at trial and crucifixion of Christ, Mat. 27:29, 30, 48. translated pen, 3 John 13. figurative of weakness, 2 Kings 18:21; Isa. 42:3; Mat. 11:7. , a measure of six cubits, or nearly eleven feet, Ezek. 40:3; Rev. 11:1; 21:15. REFINER, the Lord is, of his people, Isa. 48:10; Zech. 13:9; MaL 3:2. REFUGE, God is, for his people, Deut. 33:27; 2 Sam. 22:3; Psa. 9:9; 46:1; 48:3, etc.; Heb. 6:18. Cities of, appointed. Num. 35; Deut. 4:41; 19; Josh. 20. REGENERATION, Tit. 3:5. See Mat. 19:28, etc. ; John 1:13; 3:3. See new birth. REGISTER, Ezra 2:62; Neh. 7:5, 64. REHOB, Num. 13:21: Josh. 19:28; 21:31. REHOBOAM, king of Judah, 1 Kin. 11:43 (2 Chr. 9:31). ten tribes revolt from, 1 Kings 12 (2 Chr. 10). forbidden to attack Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12:21 (2 Chr. 11). chastised by Shishak, 1 Kings 14:25 (2 Chr. 12). REHOBOTH, Gen. 26:22. RE HUM, the chancellor, Ezra 4:8-24. REINS, meaning heart. Job 16:13. figurative. Psa. 7:9; 26:2: 73:21; Rev. 2:23. REJECTION of heretics. Tit. 3:10. REJ BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. REP bv God for impenitence, Psa. 81:12; Prov. 1:29; "Mat. 7:23: Murk 16:16; Kom. 1:24; 2 Tlies. 2:11: Rev. 3:16. RKJOICING of God's people: at their festivals, Lev. 23:40; Deut. 16:11. in the promised land, Deut. 12:10. in seeking the Lord, 1 Clu-. 16:10. in goodne.ss, 2 Chr. 6:41; Phil. 3:1. in (iod, Psa. 32:11; Phil. 3:1; 4:4. in his protection, Psa. 5:11; 68:4. through Christ, Rom. 5:11. BECAUSE OF HIS works, Psa. 33. judgments, Psa. 48:11; Isa. 41:16; Rev. 12:12; 18:20. holiness, Psa. 97 :12. mercy, I^sa. 103; Zech. 10:6, 7. bounty, Joel 2:23. constantly, Psa. 89:16; PhiL 4:4. forever, 1 Thes. 5:16. notwithstanding adversity, Hab. 3:18. with those who rejoice, Rom. 12:15. See JOY. RELEASE, year of, Exod. 21:2; Deut. 15:1; 31:10. See Jer. 34:14. RELIEF sent to the brethren. Acts 11:29; 24:17. RELIGION, iu outward life, pure and undefiled, Jas. 1:27. REMEMBERING God: as great and terrible, Neh. 4:14. occasions fear, .lob 21 : 6. as an almighty protector, Psa. 20:7. in the night watciies, Psa. 63:6. in times of sorrow, Psa. 42:6; 77:10; Jon. 2:7; Zech. 10:9. characterizes saints, Isa. 26:8. leads to praise, Psa. 63:5. in the days of vouth, Eccl. 12:1. REMISSION of sins, accomplished, Mat. 26:28, etc.; Heb. 9:22; 10:18. preached, Mark 1:4; Luke 24:47; Acts 2:38; 10:43, etc. See FORGIVENESS, RECONCILIATIOX, etC. REMPHAN, an idol-god. Acts 7 :43. RENDING the clothes. Gen. 37:34; 2 Sara. 13:19; 2 Chr. 34:27; Ezra 9:5; Job 1:20; 2:12; Joel 2:13, etc. REPENTANCE: commanded to all by God, Acts 17:30. commanded by Christ, Rev. 2:5, 16; 3:3. given by God, Acts 11:18; 2 Tim. 2:25. Christ came to call sinners to. Mat. 9:13. Christ exalted to give, Acts 5:31. by the operation of the Holy Ghost, Zech. 12:10. called repentance unto life. Acts 11:18. called repentance unto salvation, 2 Cor. 7:10. WE SHOiTLi) BE LED TO, BY the long-sutfcring of (Jod. Gen. 6:.3, with 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 3:9. the goodne.ss of God, Rom. 2:4. the chastisements of God, 1 Kin. 8:47; Rev. 3;19. godly sorrow works, 2 Cor. 7:10. necessary to the pardon of sin, Acts 2:38; 3:19; 8:22. conviction of sin necessary to, 1 Kings 8:38; Acts 2:37, 38. PREACiiED by Christ, Mat. 4:17; Mark 1:15. by John tlie Fiaptist, Mat. 3:2. by the apostles, Mark 6:12; Acts 20:21. in the name of Christ, Luke 24:47. not to be repented of, 2 Cor. 7:10. the present time the season for, Psa. 95:7, 8, with Heb. 3:7, 8; 4:7. there is joy in heaven over one sinner brought to, Luke 15:7, 10. ministers should rejoice over their people on their, 2 Cor. 7:9. 136 should be evidenced by fruits, Dan. 4:27; Mat. 3:8; Acts 26:20. SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY humllitv, 2 Chr. 7:14; Jas. 4:9, 10. shame and confusion, Ezra 9:6-15; Jer. 31:19; Ezek. 16:61, 63; Dan. 9:7, 8. self-abhorrence. Job 42:6. confession. Lev. 26:40; Job 33:27. faith. Mat. 21:32; Mark 1:15; Acts 20:21. prayer, 1 Kings 8:33; Acts 8:22. conversion. Acts 3:19; 26:20. turning from sin, 2 Chr. 6:26. turning from idolatry, Ezek. 14:6; IThes. 1:9. greater zeal in the path of duty, 2 Cor. 7:11. exhortations to, Ezek. 14:6; 18:30; Acts 2:38; 3:19. THE WICKED avcrsc to, Jer. 8:6; Mat. 21:32. not led to, by the judgments of God, Rev. 9:20, 21; 16:9. not led to, by miraculous interference, Luke 16:30, 3L neglect the time given for. Rev. 2:21. condemned for neglecting. Mat. 11:20. danger of neglecting. Mat. 11:20-24; Luke 13:3, 5; Rev. 2:22. neglect of, followed by swift judgment. Rev. 2:5, 16. denied to apostates, Heb. 6:4-6. illustrated, Luke 15:18-21; 18:13. true, exemplified : IsraeUtes, Judg. 10:15, 16. David, 2 Sam. 12 : 13. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33 : 12, 13. Job, Job 42:6. Nineveh, Jonah 3:5-8; Mat. 12:41. Peter, Mat. 26:75. Zaccheus, Luke 19:8. Thief on the cross, Luke 23:40, 41. Corinthians, 2 Cor. 7:9. false, exemplified : Saul, 1 Sam. 15 : 24-30. Ahab, 1 Kings 21:27-29. Judas, Mat. 27::3-5. REPETinONS, vain, in prayer, forbidden, Mat. 6:7. REPHAIM, giants. Gen. 14:5: Josh. 13:12; 17:15; 1 Sam. 17:4, .50; 2 Sam. 21:15. , valley of, Josh. 15:8; 2 Sam. 5:18, 25; Isa. 17:5. REPHIDIM, Amalek subdued, Exod. 17. REPROACHES cast upon the church, borne by Christ, Psa. 69:9; Rom. 15:3. See Luke 6:22; 2 Cor. 12:10; Heb. 10:33; 1 Pet. 4:14, etc. REPROBATE, who, Jer. 6:30; Rom. 1:28; 2 Tim. 3:8; Tit. 1:16. See 2 Cor. 13:5. REPROOF : God gives, to the wicked, Psa. 50:21; Isa. 51:20. Christ sent to give, Isa. 2:4; 11:3. the Holy Spirit gives, John 16:7, 8. Christ gives, in love, Rev. 3:19. ON ACCOUNT OF iuipenitcnce. Mat. 11:20-24. not understanding. Mat. 16:9, ii; Mark 7:18; John 8:43. hardness of heart, Mark 8:17; 16:14. fearfulnes.s, Mark 4:40; Luke 24:37, 38. unbelief. Mat. 17:17, 20; Mark 16:14. hypocrisy. Mat. 15:7; 23:13, etc. reviling Christ, Luke 23:40. unruly conduct, 1 The.s. 5:14. oppressing our brethren, Neh. 5:7. sinful practices, Luke 3:19. the Scriptures are profitable for, Eph. 5:13; 2 Tim. 3:16. WHEN FROM GoD, is for Correction, Psa, 39:11. is despised l)y the wicked, Prov. 1:30. should not discourage saints, Heb. 12:5. pray that it be not in auger, Psa. 6:1. should be accompanied i)y exhortation to re- pentance, 1 Sam. 12:20-25. DECLARED TO BE better than secret love, Prov. 27:5. RE] BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. RES better than the praise of fools, Eccl. 7:5. an excellent oil, Psa. 141:5. profitable to saints, Prov. 17:10. a proof of faithful friendship, Pi-ov. 27:6. LEADS TO understanding, Prov. 15:32. knowledge, Prov. 19:25. wisdom, Prov. 15:31; 29:15. honor, Prov. 13:18. happiness, Prov. 6:23. eventually brings more respect than flattery, Prov. 28:23. of those who offend, a warning to others, 1 Tim. 5:20. hypocrites not qualified to give. Mat. 7:5. ministers are sent to give, Jer. 44:4. ministers are empowered to give, Mic. 3:8. MINISTERS SHOULD GIVE, Openly, 1 Tim. 5:20. fearlessly, Ezek. 2:3-7. with all authority. Tit. 2:15. with long-suffering, etc., 2 Tim. 4:2. unreservedly, Isa. 58:1. sharply, if necessary, Tit. 1:13. with Christian love, 2 Thes. 3:15. they who give are hated by scorners, Prov. 9:8; 15:12. hatred of, a proof of brutishness, Prov, 12:1. hatred of, leads to destruction, Prov. 15:10; 29:1. contempt of, leads to remorse, Prov. 5:12. rejection of, leads to error, Prov. 10:17. SAINTS SHOULD give, Lev. 19:17; Eph. 5:11. give no occasion for, Phil. 2:15. receive kindly, Psa. 141:5. love those who give, Prov. 9:8. delight in those who give, Prov. 24:25. attention to, a proof of prudence, Prov. 15:5. exemplified : Samuel, 1 Sam. 13:13. Nathan, 2 Sam. 12:7-9. Ahijah, 1 Kings 14:7-11. Eli- jah, 1 Kings 21:20. Elisha, 2 Kings 5:26. Joab, 1 Chr. 21:3. Shemaiah, 2 Chr. 12:5. Hanani, 2 Chr. 16:7. Zechariah, 2 Chr. 24:20. Daniel, Dan. 5:22, 23. John the Baptist, Mat. 3:7; Luke 3:19. Stephen, Acts 7:51. Peter, Acts 8:20. Paul, Gal. 2:11. See ADMONITION. REPTILES, created by God, Gen. 1:24,25. for his praise and glory, Psa. 148:10. placed under dominion of man. Gen. 1:26. unclean and not eaten, Lev. 11:40-43. mentioned in Scripture: chameleon. Lev. 11:30. cockatrice or basilisk, Isa. 11:8; 59:5. lizard. Lev. 11:30. tortoise. Lev. 11:29. snail. Lev. 11:30; Psa. 58:8. frog, Exod. 8:2; Rev. 16:13. horse-leech, Prov. 30:15. scorpion, Deut. 8:15. serpent. Job 26:13; Mat. 7:10. flying fiery serpents, Deut. 8:15; Isa. 30:6. dragon, Deut. 32:33; Job 30:29; Jer. 9:11. viper, Acts 28:3. adder or asp, Psa. 58:4; 91:13; Prov. 23:32. worshipped by Gentiles, Rom. 1:23. Jews condemned for worshipping. Ezek. 8:10. REPUTATION, good, to be desired, Prov. 22:1; Eccl. 7:1; 10:1; Luke 6:26; 2 Cor. 8:21; 3 John 12. RESEN, Gen. 10:12. RESIGNATION : Christ set an example of. Mat. 26:39, 42; John 12:27; 18:11. commanded, Psa. 37:7; 46:10. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED IN submissiou to the will of God, 2 Sam. 15:26; Mat. 6:10. submission to the sovereignty of God in his purposes, Rom. 9:20, 21. the prospect of death. Acts 21:13. loss of goods, Job 1:15, 16, 21. loss of children, Job 1:18, 19, 21. chastisements, Heb. 12:9. bodily suffering, Job 2:8-10. the wicked are devoid of, Prov. 19:3. motives to: God's greatness, Psa. 46:10. God's love, Heb. 12:6. God's justice, Neh. 9:33. God's wisdom, Rom. 11:32, 33. God's faithfulness, 1 Pet. 4:19. our own sinfulness. Lam. 3:39; Mic. 7:9. exemplified : Jacob, Gen. 43:14. Aaron, Lev. 10:3. Israelites, Judg. 10:15. Eli, 1 Sam. 3:18. David, 2 Sam. 12:23. Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 20:19. Job, Job 2:10. Stephen, Acts 7:59. Paul, Acts 21:13. Disciples, Acts 21:14. Pe- ter, 2 Pet. 1:14. RESPECT, to the aged. Lev. 19:32. to rulers, Prov. 25:6. to a host, Luke 14:10. to one another, Rom. 12:10; Phil. 2:3; 1 Pet. 2:17. RESPONSIBILITY, personal, Ezek. 18:20, 30; Mat. 12:37; John 9:41; 15:22-24; 1 Cor. 3:8, 13-15; Gal. 6:5; Rev. 2:23. according to privilege, Amos 3:2; Mat. 10:14; Luke 12:47, 48; John 3:19: Rom. 2:9-12. See PARABLES, Isa. 5:1-6; 28:24-28; Mat. 21:33- 36; 25:14-30. REST, of the Sabbath. See sabbath. a future rest promised, Heb. 3:11; 4. See Isa. 11:10: 14:3; 30:15; Jer. 6:16: Mat. 11:28. RESTITUTION commanded, Exod. 21:33; 22:1; Lev. 5:16; 6:4: 24:21; Num. 5:5. compelled, Job 20:10, 18. performed by Zaccheus, Luke 19:8. RESURRECTION: a doctrine of the Old Testament, Job 19:26; Psa. 49:15; Isa. 26:19; Dan. 12:2. a first principle of the gospel, Heb. 6:1, 2. expected by the Jews, John 11:24; Heb. 11:35. denied by the Sadducees, Mat. 22:23; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8. explained away by false teachers, 2 Tim. 2:18. called in question by some in the primitive church, 1 Cor. 15:12. is not incredible, Mark 12:24; Acts 26:8. is not contrary to reason, John 12:24; 1 Cor. 15:35-44. assumed and proved by our Lord, Mat. 22:29- 32; Luke 14:14; John 5:28, 29. preached by the apostles, Acts 4:2; 17:18; 24:15. credibility of, shown by resurrection of individ- uals. Mat. 9:25; 27:53; Lu. 7:14; John 11:44; Heb. 11:35. certainty of, proved by the resurrection of Christ, 1 Cor. 15:12-20. EFFECTED BY THE POWER OF God, Mat. 22:29. Christ, John 5:28, 29; 6:39, 40, 44. the Holy Ghost, Rom. 8:11. shall be of all the dead, John 5:28; Acts 24:15; Rev. 20:13. SAINTS IN, SHALL ilsc through Christ, John 11:25; Acts 4:2; 1 Cor. 15:21, 22. rise first, 1 Cor. 15:23; 1 Thes. 4:16. rise to eternal life, Dan. 12:2; John 5:29. be glorified with Christ, Col. 3:4. be as the angels. Mat. 22:30. have incorruptible bodies, 1 Cor. 15:42. have glorious bodies, 1 Cor. 15:43. have powerful bodies, 1 Cor. 15:43. have spiritual bodies, 1 Cor. 15:44. 137 RES BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. REV have bodies like Christ's, Phil. 3:21. be recompensed, Luke 14:14. saints should look forward to, Dan. 12:13; Phil. 3:11. of saints shall be followed by the change of those then alive, 1 Cor. 15:51, with 1 Thes. 4:17. the preaching of, caused mocking. Acts 17:32. the preaching of, caused persecution, Acts 23:6; 24:11-15. blessedness of the first, Rev. 20:6. of the wicked, shall be to shame and everlast- ing contempt. Dan. 12:2. of the wicked, shall be to damnation, John 5:29. illustrative of the new birth, John 5:25. illustrated, Ezek. .37:1-10: 1 Cor. 15:36, 37. RESURRECTION OF CHRIST: foretold by the prophets, I'sa. 16:10, with Acts 13:34, 35'; Isa. 26:19. foretold by himself, Mat. 20:19; Mark 9:9; 14:28; John 2:19-22. WAS NECESSARY TO the fulfilment of Scripture, Luke 24:45, 46. forgiveness of sins, 1 Cor. 15:17. justification, Rom. 4:25; 8:34. hope, 1 Cor. 15:19. the efficacy of preaching, 1 Cor. 15:14. the efficacy of faith, 1 Cor. 15:14, 17. a proof of "his being the Son of God, Psa. 2:7, with Acts 13:.33; Kom. 1:4. EFFECTED BY thcpowcr of God, Acts 2:24; 3:15; Rom. 8:11: Eph. 1:20; Col. 2:12, his own power, John 2:19; 10:18. the power of the Holy Ghost, 1 Pet. 3:18. on the first day of the week, Mark 16:9. on the third day after his death, Luke 24:46; Acts 10:40; 1 Cor. 15:4. THE APOSTLES at first did not understand the predictions respecting, Mark 9:10; John 20:9, very slow to believe, Mark 16:13; Luke 24:9, 11, 37, .38. reproved for their unbelief of, Mark 16:14. HE APPEARED AFTER, TO Mary Magdalcuc, Mark 16:9; John 20:18. the women, Mat. 28:9, Simon Peter, Luke 24:34. two disciples, Luke 24:13-31. apostles, except Thomas, John 20:19, 24. apostles, Thomas being present, John 20:26. apostles at the sea of Tiberias, John 21:1. apostles in Galilee, Mat. 28:16, 17. above five hundred brethren, 1 Cor. 15:6. James, 1 Cor. 15:7. all the apostles, Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9; 1 Cor. 15:7. Paul, 1 Cor. 15:8. fraud impossible in. Mat. 27:63-66. he gave many infallible proofs of, Luke 24:35, 39,43; John 20:20, 27; Acts 1:3. WAS ATTESTED BY augcls, Mat. 28:5-7; Luke 24:4-7, 23. apostles, Acts 1:22; 2:.32; 3:15; 4:33, his enemies, Mat, 28:11-15. asserted and preached by the apostles. Acts 25:19; 26:2.3. SAINTS begotten to a lively hope by, l Pet. 1:3, 21. desire to know the power of, Phil. 3:10. should keep in remembrance, 2 Tim. 2:8, shall rise in the hkeness of, Rom. 6:5; 1 Cor. 15:49, with Phil. 3:21. is an emblem of the new birth, Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12, the first-fruits of our resurrection, Acts 26:23; 1 Cor, 15:20, 23. 138 the truth of the gospel involved in, 1 Cor. 15:14, 15. followed by his exaltation. Acts 4:10, 11; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20: Rev. 1:18. an assurance of the judgment. Acts 17:31. typified: Isaac, Gen. 22:13, with Heb. 11:19. Jonah, Jon. 2:10, with Mat. 12:40. RETURN from captivity promised, Jer. 16:14; 23: 24; 30-32; etc.; 50:4,17,33; Amos 9:14. fulfilled, Ezra 1, etc.; Neh, 2, etc; Hag, l; Zech. 1, REUBEN, son of Jacob, Gen. 29:32; 30:14; Dent. 33:6, for his transgression. Gen, 35:22, loses his birth- right, Gen, 49:4; 1 Chr, 5:1, intercedes for Joseph, Gen. 37:21; 42:22. entreaty to Jacob, Gen. 42:37. REUBENITES numbered, etc.. Num. 1:21; 2:10; 26:5; 1 Chr. 5:18. their request, and possessions, Num. 32; Deut. 3:12; Josh. 13:15. Moses' charge to. Num. 32:20, blessed by him, Deut, 33:6. Joshua's charge to. Josh. 1:12, commended and dismissed, Josh, 22:1. build an altar of witness, Josh. 22:10. justify themselves. Josh. 22:21. subdued by Hazael, 2 Kings 10:32. carried into captivity, 2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chr. 5:26. See Ezek. 48:6; Rev. 7:5. remarkable persons of: Dathan, Abiram, and On, Num. 16:1; 26:9, 10; Adina, 1 Chr. 11:42. REVELATION OF Jesus CHRIST: to John of his glory and majesty. Rev. 1. of his will to the churches, Rev. 2: 3. of the glory of God in heaven, Rev. 4; 5. of the seven-sealed book, Rev. 6: 8. of the sealing of God's servants, Rev. 7. of seven trumpets, Rev. 8; 9; 11:15. of the seven thunders, Rev. 10:4. of the two witnesses. Rev. 11. of the woman, the red dragon, the beast, etc., Rev. 12; 13. of the glory and fall of Babylon, Rev. 14; 17; 18; 19. of the seven vials. Rev. 15; 16. of tlie marriage of the Lamb, Rev. 19. of the last judgment. Rev, 20. of the new .lerusalem, etc., Rev. 21; 22. REVELATIONS FROM God: belong to us, Deut. 29:29, made in dreams. Job 33:16. of his glorv, Isa, 40:5; 1 Pet. 4:13. of his arm, Isa. 53:1, of almndance of peace, Jer. .33:6. of deep and secret things, Dan. 2:22; Amos 3: 7. made to babes. Mat. 11:25. to Simon i'eter, Mat, 16:17. by his Spirit, 1 Cor, 2:10. to Paul, 2 Cor. 12; Gal. 1:12. of our errors, Phil. 3:15. of his salvation, 1 Pet. 1:5. of wrath to his enemies, Rom. 1:18; 2:5; 2Tlies. 1:7. See GOSPEL, REVENGE: forbidden, Lev, 19:18; Prov, 24:29; Rom. 12:17, 19; 1 Thes. 5:15; 1 Pet. 3:9. Ciirist an example of forbearing, 1 Pet, 2:23. rebuked by Christ, Luke 9:54, 55. inconsistciit with a Christian spirit, Luke 9:55. proceeds from a spiteful heart, Ezek. 25:15. IN.STEAD OF TAKING, WE SHOULD trUSt iU God, Prov. 20:22; Rom. 12:19. exhibit love. Lev. 19:18: Luke 6:35. give place unto wrath, Rom. 12:19. REV BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. REW exercise forbearance, Mat. 5:38-41. bless, Rom. 12:14. overcome others by kindness, Prov. 25:21, with Rom. 12:20. keep others from taking, 1 Sam. 24:7; 25:24- 31; 26:9. be thankful for being kept from taking, 1 Sam. 25:32, 33. the wicked are earnest after, Jer. 20:10. punishment for, Ezek. 25:15-17; Amos 1:11, 12. exemplified : Simeon and Levi, Gen. 34:25, Samson, Judg. 15:7, 8; 16:28-30. Joab, 2Sam. 3:27. Absalom, 2 Sam. 13:23-29. Jezebel, 1 Kings 19:2. Ahab, 1 Kings 22:26. Haman, Esth. 3:8-15. Edomites, Ezek. 25:12. I'hilis- tines, Ezek. 25:15. Herodias, Mark 6:19-24. James and John, Luke 9:54. Chief priests, Acts 5:. 33. Jews, Acts 7:54, 59; 23:12. REVERENCEduetoGod, Exod. 3:5; Lev. 19:30; Psa. 89:7; 111:9; Heb. 12:28. to rulers, Rom. 13:1; Exod. 22:28, etc. to husbands, Eph. 5:33, etc. See honor, ma- gistrates, etc. REVILING AND reproaching: forbidden, 1 Pet. 3:9. of rulers specially forbidden, Exod. 22:28, with Acts 23:4, 5. THE WICKED UTTER, AGAINST God, Psa. 74:22; 79:12. Christ, Mat. 27:39; Luke 7:34. saints, Psa. 102:8; Zeph. 2:8. rulers, 2 Pet. 2:10, 11; Jude 8, 9. of Christ, predicted, Psa. 59:9, with Rom. 15:3; Psa. 89:51. the conduct of Christ under, 1 Pet. 2:23. SAINTS endured, 1 Tim. 4:10; Heb. 10:33. endure for God's sake, Psa. 69:7. endure for Christ's sake, Luke 6:22. sliould expect. Mat. 10:25. should not fear, Isa. 51 : 7. sometimes depressed by, Psa. 42:10, 11; 44:16; 69:20. may take pleasure in, 2 Cor. 12:10. supported under, 2 Cor. 12:10. trust in God under, Psa. 57:3; 119:42. pray under, 2 Kings 19:4, 16; Psa. 89:. 50. return blessings for, 1 Cor. 4:12; 1 Pet. 3:9. ministers should not fear, Ezek. 2:6. happiness of enduring, for Christ's sake, 1 Pet. 4:14. blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake. Mat. 5:11; Luke 6:22. excludes from heaven, 1 Cor. 6:10. punishment for, Zeph. 2:8, 9; Mat. 5:22. exemplified : Joseph's brethren. Gen. 37:19. Goliath, 1 Sam. 17:4.3. Michal, 2 Sam. 6:20. Shimei, 2 Sam. 16:7, 8. Sennacherib, Isa. 37 : 17, 23, 24. Moabites and Ammonites, Zeph. 2 : 8. Pharisees, Mat. 12 :24. Jews, Mat. 27 : 39, 40; John 8:48. Malefactor, Luke 23:. 39. Athe- nian philosophers. Acts 17:18. REVIVALS, in the early church, Acts 2:41-47; 4:4; 5:14; 11:19-24: 14:1. through eflfusions of the Spirit, Isa. 32:15; Joel 2:28; 1 Pet. 1:12. to be prayed for, Isa. 62:6; Hab. 3:2. REVOLT, instances of: cities of the plain, Gen. 14:1. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, Num. 16:1. Israel from heathen tribes, Judg. 3:9, 15, 31; 4:4; 6; 11; 15. Ishbosheth, 2 Sam. 2:8. Abner, 2 Sam. 3. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:10. Adonijah, 1 Kings 1:5; 2:13. Hadad and Rezen, 1 Kin. 11:14, 23. ten tribes, 1 Kings 12:19; 2 Chr. 10:19, Moab, 2 Kings 1; 3; 5; 7. Libnah, 2 Kings 8:20; 2 Chr. 21:10. Edom, 2 Kings 8:22; 2 Chr. 21:4. Jehu, 2 Kings 9:11. Hoshea, 2 Kings 17:4. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:4. Jehoiakim, 2 Kings 24:1. Zedekiah, 2 Kings 24:20; 2 Chron. 36:13; Jer. 52:3. Theudas, Acts 5:36. Judas of Galilee, Acts 5:37. REWARD OF SAINTS: is from God, Col. 3:24; Heb. 11:6, is of grace, tlirough faith alone, Rom. 4:4, 5, IG; 11:6, is of God's good pleasure, Luke 12:32, prepared by God, Heb. 11:16. prepared by Christ, John 14:2, as servants of Christ, Col. 3:24. not on account of their merits, Rom. 4:4, 5. DESCRIBED AS being with Christ, John 12:26; 14:3; PhiL 1:23; 1 Thes. 4:17, beholding the face of God, Psa. 17:15; Mat. 5:8; Rev. 22:4. beholding the glory of Christ, John 17:24. being glorified with Christ, Rom. 8:17, 18; CoL 3:4. sitting in judgment with Christ, Luke 22:30, with 1 Cor. 6:2. reigning with Christ, 2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 5:10; 20:4, reigning for ever and ever. Rev. 22:5. a crown of righteousness, 2 Tim. 4:8. a crown of glory, 1 Pet. 5:4. a crown of life, J as, 1:12; Rev, 2:10. an incorruptible crown, 1 Cor. 9:25, joint heirship with Christ, Rom. 8:17, inheritance of all things. Rev. 21 : 7. inheritance with saints in light. Acts 20:32; 26:18; CoL 1:12. inheritance eternal, Heb. 9:15. inheritance incorruptible, etc., 1 Pet, 1:4. a kingdom. Mat, 25;. 34; Luke 22:29. a kingdom immovable, Heb, 12:28. shining as the stars, Dan. 12:3. everlasting light, Isa, 60:19, everlasting life, Luke 18:30; Rom. 6:23. an enduring substance, Heb. 10:34. a house, eternal in the heavens, 2 Cor. 5:1. a city which hath foundations, Heb. 11:10. entering into the joy of the Lord, Mat. 25:21, with Heb. 12:2. rest, Heb. 4:9; Rev. 14:13. fulness of joy, Psa. 16:11. the prize of the high calling of God in Christ, PhiL 3:14. treasure in heaven. Mat. 19:21; Luke 12:33. an eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. 4:17. is great. Mat. 5:12; Luke 6:35; Heb. 10:35. is full, 2 John 8. is sure, Prov. 11:18. is satisfying, Psa. 17:15. is inestimable, Isa, 64:4, with 1 Cor. 2:9. saints may feel confident of, Psa. 73:24; 2 Cor. 5:1: 2 Tim. 4:8. hope of, a cause of rejoicing, Rom. 5:2. be careful not to lose, 2 John 8. THE PROSPECT OF, SHOULD LEAD TO diligence, 2 John 8. pressing forward, Pliil. 3:14. enduring sutfering for Christ, 2 Cor. 4:16-18; Heb. 11:26. faithfulness uuto death, Rev, 2:10, 139 REW BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. RIG present afflictions not to be compareil witli, Rom. 8:18. shall be given at tlie second coming of Christ, Mat. 16:-2T; Rev. 22:12. REWARD OF THE wicked: judgments on those that hate God, Deut. 32:41. ou the enemies of liis people, Psa. 54:5. on riotous sinners, 2 Pet. 2:13. according to their wickedness, 2 Sam. 3:39; Psa. 109; Obad. 15: Rom. 2:8. the righteous shall witness, Psa. 91:8. final ruin. Rev. 20:15; 22:15. REZEPH, 2 Kings 19:12; Isa, 37:12. REZIN, king of Syria, sent against J udali, 2 Kin. 15:3"; 16:5: Isa. 7:1. slain, 2 Kings 16:9. REZON, of Damascus, enemy of Solomon, 1 Kin. 11:23. RHEGIUM, Acts 28:13. RHINOCEROS described. Job 39:9, 10. RHODA, Acts 12:13-15. RHODES, passed by Paul, Acts 21:1. RIBAND, Num. 15:38; translated lace, Exod. 28:28; and bracelets, Gen. 38:18. RIBLAH, in Syria, 2 Kings 23:33; 25:6; Jer. 39:5; 52:9. RICHES: God gives, 1 Sam. 2:7; Eccl. 5:19. God gives power to obtain, Deut. 8:18. the blessing of the Lord brings, Prov. 10:22. give worldly power, Prov. 22:7. DESCRIBED AS temporary, Prov. 27:24. uncertain, 1 Tim. 6:17. unsatisfying, Eccl. 4:8; 5:10. corruptible. J as. 5:2; 1 Pet. 1:18. fleeting, Prov. 23:5; Rev. 18:16, 17. deceitful, Mat. 13:22. liable to be stolen. Mat. 6:19. perishable, Jer. 48:36. thick clay, Hab. 2:6. often an obstruction to the reception of the gos- pel, Mark 10:23-25. deceitfulness of, chokes the word. Mat. 13:22. the love of, the root of all evil, 1 Tim. 6:10. OFTEN LEADS TO pride, Ezck. 28:5; Hos. 12:8. forgetting God, Deut. 8:1.3, 14. denying God, Prov. 30:8, 9. forsaking God, Deut. 32:15. rebelling against God, Neh. 9:25, 26. rejecting Christ, Mat. 19:22; Mark 10:22. self-sutnciency, Prov. 28:11. anxiety, Eccl. 5:12. an overbearing spirit, Prov. 18:23. violence, Mic. 6:12. oppression, Jas. 2:6. fraud, Jas. 5:4. sensual indulgence, Jas. 5:5. hfe consists not in abundance of, Luke 12:15. be not over-anxious for, Prov. 30:8. labor not for, Prov. 23:4. TUEY wno COVET, fall into temptation and a snare, 1 Tim. 6:9. fall into luirtful lusts, 1 Tim. 6:9. err from the faith, 1 Tim. 6:10. use unlawful means to acquire, Prov. 18:20. bring trouble on themselves, 1 Tim. 6:10. bring trouble on their families, Prov. 15:27. profit not in the day of wrath, Prov. 11:4. cannot secure prosperity, Jas. 1:11. cannot redeem the soul, Psa. 49:6-9; 1 Pet. 1:18. cannot deliver in the day of God's wrath, Zeph. 1:18; Rev. 6:15-17. THEY WHO POSSESS, SHOULD ascribe them to God, 1 Chr. 29:12. not trust in them, Job 31:24; 1 Tim. 6:17. 140 not set the heart on them, Psa. 62:10. not boast of obtaining them, Deut. 8:17. not glory in them, Jer. 9:23. not hoard them up, Mat. 6:19. devote them to God^s service, l Chr. 29:3. give to the poor, Mat. 19:21; 1 John 3:17. use them in promoting the salvation of others, Luke 16:9. be liberal in all things, 1 Tim. 6:18. esteem it a privilege to be allowed to give, 1 Chr. 29:14. not to be high-minded, 1 Tim. 6:17. when converted, rejoice in being humbled, Jas. 1:9, 10. heavenly treasures superior to, Mat. 6:19, 20. of the wicked laid up for the just, Prov. 13:22. THE WICKED oftcu iucrcase in, Psa. 73:12. often spend their days in. Job 21:13. swallow down, Job 20:15. trust in the abundance of, Psa. 52:7. heap up. Job 27:16; Eccl. 2:26. keep, to their hurt, Eccl. 5:13. boast themselves in, I'sa. 49:6. profit not by, Prov. 13:7; EccL 5:11. have trouble with, Prov. 15:6. must leave to others, Psa. 49:10. vanity of heaping up, Psa. 39:6; EccL 5:10, 11. guilt of trusting in. Job 31:24, 28. guilt of rejoicing in. Job 31:25, 28. DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST THOSE WHO get, by vanity, Prov. 13:11. get unlawfully, Jer. 17:11. increase, by oppression, Prov. 22:16; Hab. 2:6-8; Mic. 2:2, 3. hoard up, EccL 5:13, 14; Jas. 5:3. trust in, Prov. 11:28. receive their consolation from, Luke 6:24. abuse, Jas. 5:1, 5. spend, upon their appetite, Job 20:15-17. follv and danger of trusting to, illustrated, Lukel2:16-2L danger of misusing, Luke 16:19-25. examples of saints possessing : Abram, Gen. 13:2. Lot, Gen. 13:5, 6. Isaac, Gen. 26:13, 14. Jacob, Gen. 32:5, 10. Joseph, Gen. 45:8, 13. Boaz, Ruth 2:1. Barzillai, 2 Sam. 19:32. Shunammite, 2 Kings 4:8. David, 1 Chr. 29:28. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:5. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 32:27-29. Job, Job 1:3. Joseph of Arimathea, Mat. 27:57. Zaccheus, Luke 19:2. Dorcas, Acts 9:. 36. examples of wicked men possessing : Laban, Gen. 30:30. Esau, Gen. 36:7. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:2. Haman, Esth. 5:11. Ammonites, Jer. 49:4. Tyrians, Ezek. 28 : 5. Young man. Mat. 19:22. RIDDLE, given by Samson, Judg. 14:12. Ezekiel's, Ezek. 17:2. of the queen of Sheba (hard questions), 1 Kin. 10:1; 2 Chr. 9:1. translated dark sayings or sentences, Psa. 49:4; 78:2; Prov. 1:6; Dan. 8:23. translated proverb, Hab. 2:6. RIGHTEOUSNESS: is obedience to God's law, Deut. 6:25, with Rom. 10:.5. God loves, Psa. 11:7. God looks for, Isa. 5:7. Christ is the Sun of, MaL 4:2. loves, Psa. 4.t:7, with Heb. 1:9. was girt with, Isa. 11:5. put on, as a i»reastplate, Isa. 59:17. wa.s sustained by, Isa. 59:16. pnached. Psa. 40:9. fulfilled all. Mat. 3:15. RIG BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. RIG is made, unto his people. 1 Cor. 1:30. is the end of the law for, Rom. 10:4. has brought in everlasting, Dan. 9:24. shall judge with, Psa. 72:2; Isa. 11:4; Acts 17:31; Rev. 19:11. sliall reign in, Psa. 45:6; Isa. 32:1; Heb. 1:8. shall execute, Psa. 99:4: Jer. 23:5. none, by nature have, Job 15:14; Psa. 14:3, with Rom. 3:10. cannot come by the law, Gal. 2:21; 3:21. no justification by works of, Rom. 3:20; 9:31, 32; Gal. 2:16. no salvation by works of, Eph. 2:8, 9: 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:5. unregenerate man seeks justification by works of, Luke 18:9; Rom. 10:3. the blessing of God is not to be attributed to our works of, Dent. 9:5. SAINTS have, in Christ, Isa. 45:24; 54:17; 2 Cor. 5:21. have, imputed, Rom. 4:11, 22. are covered with the robe of, Isa. 61 : 10. receive, from God, Psa. 24:5. are renewed in, Eph. 4:24. are led in the paths of, Psa. 23:3. are servants of, Rom. 6:16, IS. characterized by. Gen. 18:25: Psa. 1:5, 6. know, Isa. 51:7. do, lJohn2:29; 3:7. work, by faith, Heb. 11:33. follow after, Isa. 51:1. put on. Job 29:14. wait for the hope of. Gal. 5:5. pray for the spirit of, Psa. 51:10. hunger and thirst after. Mat. 5:6. walk before God in, 1 Kings 3:6. offer the sacrifice of, Psa. 4:5; 51:19. put no trust in their own, Phil. 3:6-8. count their own, as filthy rags, Isa. 64:6. should seek, Zeph. 2:3. should live in. Tit. 2:12; 1 Pet. 2:24. should serve God in, Luke 1 : 75. should yield their members as instruments of, and servants to, Rom. 6:13, 19. wear the breastplate of, Eph. 6:14. shall receive a crown of, 2 Tim. 4:8. shall see God's face in, Psa. 17:15. of saints endures for ever, Psa. 112:3, 9, with 2 Cor. 9:9. an evidence of the new birth, 1 John 2:29. the kingdom of God is, Rom. 14:17. the fruit of the Spirit is in all, Eph. 5:9. the Scriptures instruct in, 2 Tim. 3:16. judgments designed to lead to, Isa. 26:9. chastisements yield the fruit of, Heb. 12:11. has no fellowship with unrighteousness, 2 Cor. 6:14. MINISTERS SHOULD be prcachcrs of, 2 Pet. 2:5. reason of. Acts 24:25. follow after, 1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 2:22. be clothed with, Psa. 132:9. be armed with, 2 Cor. 6:7. pray for fruit of, in their people, 2 Cor. 9:10: Phil. 1:11. keep saints in the right way, Prov. 11:5; 13:6. judgment should be executed in. Lev. 19:15. THEY WHO WALK IN AND FOLLOW, are right- eous, 1 John 3:7. are the excellent of the earth, Psa. 16:3, with Prov. 12:26. are accepted with God, Acts 10:35. are loved by God, Psa. 146:8; Prov. 15:9. are blessed by God, Psa. 5:12. are objects of God's watchful care, Job 36:7; Psa. 34:15; 1 Pet. 3:12. are tried by God, Psa. 11:5. are exalted by God, Job 36:7. dwell in security, Isa. 33:15, 16. are bold as a lion, Prov. 28:1. are delivered out of all troubles, Psa. 34:19; Prov. 11:8. are never forsaken by God, Psa. 37:25. are abundantly provided for, Prov. 13:25. are enriched, Psa. 112:3; Prov. 15:6. think and desire good, Prov. 11:23; 12:5. know the secret of the Lord, Prov. 3:32. have their prayers heard, Psa. 34:17; Prov. 15:29: 1 Pet. 3:12. have their desires granted, Prov. 10:24. find it with life and honor, Prov. 21:21. shall hold on their way. Job 17:9. shall never be moved, Psa. 15:2, 5; 55:22: Prov. 10:.30; 12:3. shall be ever remembered, Psa. 112:6. shall flourish as a branch, Prov. 11:28. shall be glad in the Lord, Psa. 64:10. bring its own reward, Prov. 11:18: Isa. 3:ia. tends to life, Prov. 11:19; 12:28. the work of, shall be peace, Isa. 32:17. the ett'ect of, quietness for ever, Isa. 32:17. is a crown of glory to the aged, Prov. 16:31. THE WICKED are far from, Psa. 119:150; Isa. 46:12. are free from, Rom. 6:20. are enemies of. Acts 13:10. leave otT, Amos 5:7, with Psa. 36:3. follow not after, Rom. 9:30. do not, 1 John 3:10. do not obey, Rom. 2:8, with 2 Thes. 2:12, love lying rather than, Psa. 52:3. make' mention of God not in, Isa. 48:1. though favored, will not learn, Isa. 26:10. with Psa. 106:43. speak contemptuously against those who fol- low, Psa. 31:18. hate those who follow, Psa. 34:21. Slav those who follow, Psa. 37:32: 1 John 3:12, with Mat. 23:35. shall break off their sins by, Dan. 4:27. should awake to, 1 Cor. 15:34. should sow to themselves in, Hos. 10:12. vainly wish to die as those who f(;llow. Num. 23:10. the throne of kings estabUshed bv, Prov. 16:12; 25:5. nations exalted by, Prov. 14:34. BLESSEDNESS OF having, imputed without works, Rom. 4:6. doing, Psa. 106:3. hungering and thirsting after. Mat. 5:6. suffering for, 1 Pet. 3:14. being persecuted for. Mat. 5:10. turning others to, Dan. 12:3. promised to the church, Isa. 32:16; 45:8; 61:11; 62:1. promised to saints, Isa. 60:21; 61:3. exemplified: Jacob, Gen. 30:33. David, 2 Sam. 22:21. Zacharias, etc., Luke 1:6. Abel. Heb. 11:4. Lot, 2 Pet. 2:8. RIGHTEOUSNESS OF God: is part of his character, Psa. 7:9; 116:5; 119:137. described as very high, Psa. 71:19. abundant, Psa. 48:10. beyond computation, Psa. 71:15. everlasting, Psa. 119:142. enduring for ever, Psa. 111:3. the habitation of his throne, Psa. 97:2. Christ acknowledged, John 17:25. Christ committed his cause to, 1 Pet. 2:23. angels acknowledge. Rev. 16:5. 141 RIG BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ROC EXHIBITED IN liis testimonies, Psa. 119:138, 144. his commandments, Deut. 4:8; Psa. 119:172. his judgments, Psa. 19:9; 119:7, 62. his word, Psa. 119:123. his ways, I'sa. 145:17. his acts, Judg. 5:11: 1 Sam. 12:7. his government, Psa. 96:13; 98:9. the gospel, F^sa. 85:10, with Rom. 3:25, 26. the final judgment. Acts 17:31. the pimishment of the wicked, Rom. 2:5; 2Tlies. 1:6: Rev. 16:7; 19:2. shown to the posterity of saints, Psa. 103:17. show openly before the heathen, Psa. 98:2. God delights in the exercise of, Jer. 9:24. the heavens shall declare, Psa. 50:6; 97:6. SAINTS ascribe, to him. Job 36:3: Dan. 9:7. acknowledge, in his dealings, Ezra 9:15. acknowledge, though the wicked prosper, Jer. 12:1, with Psa. 73:12-17. recognize, in the fulfilment of his promises, Neh. 9:8. confident of beholding, Mic. 7:9. upheld by, Isa. 41:10. do not conceal, Psa. 40:10. mention, onlv, Psa. 71:16. talk of, Psa. 35:28; 71:15, 24. declare, to others, Psa. 22:31. magnify, Psa. 7:17: 61:14; 145:7. plead, in praj^er, Psa. 143:11; Dan. 9:16. leads him to love righteousness, Psa. 11:7. WE SHOi'LD PKAY to be led in, Psa. 5:8. to be quickened in, Psa. 119:40. to be delivered in, Psa. 31:1; 71:2. to be answered in, Psa. 143:1. to be judged according to, Psa. 35:24. for its continued manifestation, Psa. 36:10. his care and defence of his people designed to teach, Mic. 6:4, 5. the wicked have no interest in, Psa. 69:27. illustrated, Psa. 36:6. RIGHTEOUSNESS IMPUTED: predicted, Isa. 46:13; 51:5; 56:1. revealed in the gospel, Rom. 1:17. is of the Lord, Isa. 54:17. DESCRIBED AS the righteousuess of faith, Rom. 4:13; 9:30; 10:6. the righteousness of God, without the law, Rom. 3:21. the righteousness of God by faith in Christ, Rom. 3:22. Christ being made righteousness unto us, ICor. 1:30. our being made the righteousness of God, in Christ, 2 Cor. 5:21. Christ is the end of the law for, Rom. 10:4. Christ called the Lord our righteousness by reason of, Jer. 23:6. is an everlasting righteousness, Dan. 9:24. is a free gift, Rom. 5:17. never to be abolished, Isa. 51:6. the promises made through, Rom. 4:13, 1&. saints have, on believing, Kom. 4:5, 11. 24. clothed with, Isa. 61:10. made righteous by, Rom. 5:19. justified Ijy, Rom. 3:26. e.xalted in, Psa. 89:16. desire to be found in, Phil. 3:9. glory in having, Isa. 45:24, 25. exhortation to seek, Mat. 6:33. the Gentiles, attained to, Rom. 9:30. blessedness of those who have, Horn. 4:6. the wicked ignorant of, Rom. 10:3. stumbled at, Kom. 9:32. submit not to, Rom. 10:3. excluded from, Psa. 69:27. 142 exemplified: Abraham, Rom. 4:9, 22; Gal. 3:6. Paul, Phil. 3:7-9. RIMMON, a Syrian god, 2 Kings 5:18. RING, given as a mark of honor. Gen. 41:42; Esth. 3:10; Luke 15:22. made of gold and set with precious stones, Num. 31:50, 51; Song 5:14. WORN on the hands, Gen. 41:42; Luke 15:22. on the arms, 2 Sam. 1:10. in the ears. Job 42:11; Ezek. 16:12; Hos. 2:13. in the nose, Isa. 3:21. used for sealing decrees, Esth. 3:12; 8:8, 10. rings employed in the tabernacle, Exod. 25:12; 26:29, etc. seen in a vision, Ezek. 1:18. RIOTING and revelUng forbidden, Prov. 23:20; 28:7; Luke 15:13; Rom. 13:13; 1 Pet. 4:4; 2 Pet 2 '13 RIVERS, God's power over unlimited, Isa. 50:2; Nah. 1:4. useful. Gen. 2:10; Ex. 2:5; Isa. 23:3; Jer. 2:18. baptism performed at. Mat. 3:6; Acts 8:36. of Canaan, abounded with fish, Lev. 11:9, 10. gardens made beside. Num. 24:6. cities built beside, Psa. 46:4; 137:1. mentioned in Scripture: of Eden, Gen. 2:10. of Jotbath, Deut. 10:7. of Ethiopia, Isa. 18:1. of Babylon, Psa. 137:1. of Egypt, Gen. 15:18. of Damascus, 2 Kings 5:12. of Ahava, Ezra 8:15. of Judah, Joel 3:18. of Philippi, Acts 16:13. Abana, 2 Kings 5:12. Arnon, Deut. 2:36; Josh. 12:1. Chebar, Ezek. 1:1, 3; 10:15, 20. Euphrates, Gen. 2:14; Jer. 13:1. Gihon, Gen. 2:13. Gozan, 2 Kin. 17:6; 1 Chr. 5:26. Hiddekel, or Tigris, Gen. 2:14. Jabbok, Deut. 2:37: Josh. 12:2. Jordan, Josh. 3:8; 2 Kings 5:10. Kanah, Josh. 16:8. Kishon, Judg. 5:21. Pharpar, 2 Kings 5:12. Pison, Gen. 2:11. Ulai, Dan. 8:16. illustrative, Isa. 32:2; 43:2; Ezek. 47; Rev. 22. RIZPAH, 2Sam. 21:8-11. ROAD (inroad), 1 Sam. 27:10. ROADS, public liighways, Lev. 26:22; Judg. 20:31. king's highway. Num. 20:17. marked by stones, 1 Sam. 20:19; Jer. 31:21. prepared for kings, Isa. 40:3,4: 62:10; Mai. 3:1. made to the cities of refuge, Deut. 19:2, 3. ROBHERY forbidden. Lev. 19:13; Psa. 62:10; Prov. 21:7; 22:22; 28:24; Isa. 10:2; 61:8; Ezek. 22:29; Amos 3:10; 1 Cor. 6:8; 1 Thes. 4:6. See stealing. ROBES, white, given to the redeemed. Rev. 6:11; 7:9. Christ clothed in a purple robe. Mat. 27:28; Luke 23:11; John 19:2. See garments, EPHOD. ROCKS, water miraculously brought from, Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:10; 1 Cor. 10:4. other miracles upon, Judg. 6:21; 1 Kings 19:11; Mat. 27:51. places of safety in danger, 1 Sam. 13:6; Isa. 2:19; Jer. 16:16; Rev. 6:16. tombs hewn out of. Isa. 22:16; Mat. 27:60. important events engraved on, Job 19:24. ROD BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SAB mentioned in Scripture : Adullam, 1 Chr. 11:15. Bozez, 1 Sam. 14:4. Engedi, 1 Sam. 24:1, 2. Etam, Judg. 15:8. Horeb, Exod. 17:1-6. Meribah, Num. 20:1-11. Oreb, Judg. 7:25; Isa. 10:26. Rimmon, Judg. 20:45. Seneh, 1 Sam. 14:4. Sela-liammahlekoth, 1 Sam. 23:25, 28. Selah, 2 Kings 14:7; 2 Clir. 25:11, 12. man's industry in cutting tlirough. Job 28:9, 10. hammers used for breaking, Jer. 23:29. God the Rock of his people, Deut. 32:4, 15; 2 Sam. 22:2; 23:3; Psa. 18:2; 28:1; 31:2; 61:2, etc.; Isa. 17:10; 26:4; 32:2. See Mat. 7:24. ROD of Moses changed, Exod. 4. ROD of Aaron buds. Num. 17: Heb. 9:4. ROE, 2 Sam. 2:18; 1 Chr. 12:8; Prov. 6:5; Song 2:9, 17; Isa. 13:14. ROLL of prophecy, Isa. 8:1; Jer. 36:2; Ezek. 2:9; 3:1; Zech. 5:1. See book. ROMAN EMPIRE: prophetic visions of, Dan. 2:33; 7. Rome, the capital of. Acts 18:2; 19:21. called the world, Luke 2:1. Judea, in the New Testament, a province of, Luke 3:1; Acts 23:24; 25:L life and death in the power of its governors, John 18:31, 39; 19:10. citizenship of. Acts 16:37; 22:25-28. judicial customs of. Acts 22:24; 23; 25:11, 16; 26:32. emperors of, mentioned: Augustus, Luke 2:1. Tiberius, Luke 3:1. Claudius, Acts 11:28. Nero, Phil. 4:22; 2 Tim. 4:23. ROMANS INSTRUCTED BY PAUL CONCERNING the gospel, Rom. 1:16. the condemnation of the Gentiles, Rom. 1:18; and the Jews, Rom. 2. God's judgment against all sin, Rom. 2:6; 3. justification by faith in Jesus Christ, Rom. 3:24; 4; 5. the faith of Abraham, Rom. 4. the fruits of faith, Rom. 5-7. the works of the flesh and the Spirit, Rom. 8. God's supreme power over all, Rom. 9; 11. the righteousness of the law and of faith, Rom. 10. EXHORTED to humility, love, and good works, Rom. 12. to obey magistrates, Rom. 13. to mutual forbearance, Rom. 14; 15. requested to greet various brethren, Rom. 16. ROME, Jews expelled from. Acts (2:10) 18:2. Paul arrives at. Acts 28:16. he preaches there. Acts 28:17. ROOT of Jesse and David, Isa. 11:1,10; Rev. 5:5; 22:16. ROPES, and Cords, Josh. 2:15, 21; Judg. 16:11, 12; Jer. 38:6-19. threefold, Eccl. 4:12. USED for tents, Isa. 54:2; Jer. 10:20. for binding sacrifices, Psa. 118:27. for carts, Isa. 5:18. for boats. Acts 27:32. put on the head in token of submission, 1 Kings 20:31, 32. illustrative. Job 36:8; Psa. 2:3; Prov. 5:22; Isa. 5:18; Hos. 11:4. ROSE, Isa. 35:1; Song 2:1. RUBY, Job 28:18; Prov. 3:15; 8:11: 31:10. RUE, a plant, Luke 11:42. RUFUS, Mark 15:21; Rom. 16:13. RULERS appointed by Moses, Exod. 18:25. See KINGS, MAGISTRATES, CtC. RUSH, Job 8:11; Isa. 35:7. RUTH, her constancy, Ruth 1:14. favored by Boaz, Ruth 2:8; 3:8. becomes his wife, Ruth 4:9. Christ descended from, Mat. 1:5. RYE, Exod. 9:32; Isa. 28:25. SABAOTH (hosts), the Lord of, Rom. 9:29; Jas. 5:4. SABBATH: instituted by God, Gen. 2:3. why Instituted, Gen. 2:2, 3; Exod. 20:11. the seventh day observed as, Exod. 20:9, 10, made for man, Mark 2:27. God blessed. Gen. 2:3; Exod. 20:11. sanctified. Gen. 2:3; Exod. 31:15. hallowed, Exod. 20:11. commanded to be kept. Lev. 19:3, 30. commanded to be sanctified, Exod. 20:8. will have his goodness commemorated in the observance of, Deut. 5:15. shows favor in appointing, Neh. 9:14. shows considerate kindness in appointing, Exod. 23:12. a sign of the covenant, Exod. 31:13, 17. a type of the heavenly rest, Heb. 4:4, 9. Christ is Lord of, Mark 2:28. was accustomed to observe, Luke 4:16. taught on, Luke 4:31; 6:6. servants and cattle should be allowed to rest upon. Exod. 20:10; Deut. 5:14. no manner of work to be done on, Exod. 20:10; Lev. 23:3. no purchases to be made on, Neh. 10:31; 13:15- 17. no burdens to be carried on, Neh. 13:19; Jer. 17:2L divine worship to be celebrated on, Ezek. 46:3; Acts 16:13. the Scriptures to be read on, Acts 13:27; 15:21. the word of God to be preached on, Acts 13:14, 15, 44; 17:2; 18:4. works connected with religious service lawful on. Num. 28:9; Mat. 12:5; John 7:23. works of mercy lawful on, Mat. 12:12; Luke 13:16; John 9:14. necessary wants may be supplied on. Mat. 12:1; Luke 13:15: 14:1. called the Sabbath of the Lord, Exod. 20:10; Lev. 23:3: Deut. 5:14. the Sabbath of rest, Exod. 31:15. the rest of the Holy Sabbath, Exod. 16:23. God's holy day, Isa. 58:13. the Lord's day, Rev. 1:10. first day of the week kept as, by primitive church, John 20:26; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2. saints observe, Neh. 13:22. honor God in observing, Isa. 58:13. rejoice in, Psa. 118:24; Isa. 58:13. testify against those who desecrate, Neh. 13:15, 20,21. observance of, to be perpetual, Exod. 31:16, 17, with Mat. 5:17, 18. blessedness of honoring, Isa. 58 :13, 14. blessedness of keeping, Isa. 56:2, 6. denunciations against those who profane, Neh. 13:18; Jer. 17:27. punishment of those who profane, Exod. 31:14, 15; Num. 15:32-36. the wicked mock at, Lam. 1:7. 143 SAB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SAL pollute. Isa. 56:2; Ezek. 20:13, 16. profane, Neh. 13:17: Ezek. 22:8. wearied by, Amos 8:5. hide their Ves from, Ezek. 22:26. do their own pleasure on, Isa. 58:13. bear burdens on, Neh. 13:15. work on, Xeh. 13:15. traffic on, Neh. 10:31; 13:15, 16. sometimes pretend to be zealous for, Lu. 13:14; John 9:16. may be judically deprived of. Lam. 2:6; Hos. 2:11. honoring of, exemplified : Moses, etc., Num. 15:3-2-34. Nehemiah, Neh. 13:15, 21. The women, Luke 23:56. Paul, Acts 13:14. Dis- ciples, Acts 16:13. John, Rev. 1:10. dishonoring of, exemplified: Gatherers of man- na, Exod. 16:27. Gatherer of sticks. Num. 15:32. Menof Tyre, Neh. 13:16. Inhabitants of Jerusalem, Jer. 17:21-23. SABBATH-DAY'S JOURNEY, supposed to be about 2,000 cubits. Acts 1:12. SABBATICAL year, Exod. 23:10; Lev. 25. SABEANS afflict Job, Job 1: Isa. 45:14. SACKBUT, a kind of harp, Dan. 3:5, 7, 10, 15. SACKCLOTH, employed in mourning. Gen. 37:34; 2 Sam. 3:31; 1 Kings 20:. 32; Neh. 9:1; Esth. 4:1; Psa. 30:11; 35:13; Jon. 3:5, etc. worn by prophets, 2 Kings 1:8; Isa. 20:2; Mat. 3:4; Rev. 11:3. Illustrative of severe judgments, Isa. 50:3; Rev. 6:12. SACRIFICES to be without blemish, Lev. 22:19; Deut. 17 :L types of Christ, Heb. 9:10. See offerings, ABEL, NOAH, ABRAHAM, CtC. SACRILEGE, Rom. 2:22. SADDUCEES, tempting Christ, rebuked, Mat. 16:1. their denial of the resurrection confuted. Mat. 22:23; Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8; 1 Cor. 15. SAFFRON, Song 4:14. SAINTS, COMPARED to: the sun, Judg. 5:31; Mat. 13:43. stars. Dan. 12:3. lights, xMat. 5:14; Phil. 2:15. mount Zion, Psa. 125:1, 2. Lebanon, Hos. 14:5-7. treasure, Exod. 19:5; Psa. 135:4. jewels, Mai. 3:17. gold, Job 23:10; Lam. 4:2. vessels of gold and silver, 2 Tim. 2:20. stones of a crown, Zech. 9:16. lively stones, 1 Pet. 2:5. babes. Mat. 11:25; 1 Pet. 2:2. little children. Mat. 18:3; 1 Cor. 14:20. obedient children, 1 Pet. 1:14. members of the body, 1 Cor. 12:20, 27. soldiers, 2 Tim. 2:3, 4. runners in a race, 1 Cor. 9:24; Ileb. 12:1. wrestlers, 2 Tim. 2:5. good servants. Mat. 25:21. strangers and pilgrims, 1 Pet. 2:11. sheep, Psa. 78:52; Mat. 25:33; John 10. lambs, I.sa. 40:11; .lohn 21:15. calves of the .stall, Mai. 4:2. lions, Prov. 28:1; Mic. 5:8. eagles, Psa. 103:5; Isa. 40:31. doves. I'sa. 68:13: Isa. 60:8. thirsting deer, Psa. 42:1. good fishes, Mat. 13:48. dew and showers. Mic. 5:7. watered gardens, Isa. 58:11. unfailing springs, Isa. 58:11. 144 vines. Song 6:11; Hos. 14:7. branches of a vine, John 15:2, 4, 5. pomegranates. Song 4:13. good figs, Jer. 24:2-7. lilies. Song 2:2; Hos. 14:5. willows by the water-coHrses, Isa. 44:4. trees planted by rivers, Psa. 1:3. cedars in Lebanon, Psa. 92:12. palm-trees, Psa. 92:12. green olive-trees, Psa. 52:8; Hos. 14:6. fruitful trees, Psa. 1:3; Jer. 17:8. corn, Hos. 14:7. wheat. Mat. 3:12; 13:29, 30. salt. Mat. 5:13. See RIGHTEOUSNESS. SALAMIS, Acts 13:5. SALATHIEL, 1 Chr. 3:17: Mat. 1:12. SALEM, Gen. 14:18: Heb. 7:1. SALIM, John baptized at, John 3:23. SALMONE, Acts 27:7. SALOME, wife of Zebedee, at Christ's crucifix- ion, etc., Mark 15:40; 16:1. SALT, used in sacrifices, Lev. 2:13; Ezek. 43:24; Mark 9:49. in ratifying covenants. Num. 18:19; 2 Chr. 13:5. Lot's wife a pillar of, Gen. 19:26. salt of the earth, who are, Mat. 5:13; Luke 14:34. See Col. 4:6. city of. Josh. 15:62. valley of, 2 Sam. 8:13; 2 Kings 14:7. sea. Gen. 14:3; Num. 34:12; Deut. 3:17; Josh. 3:16; 12:3; 15:2. SALUTATIONS, antiquity of. Gen. 18:2; 19:1. occasions, Gen. 47:7; 1 Sam. 17:22; 30:31; Mat. 10:12. sent by messenger or letter, 1 Sara. 25:5; Rora. 16:21-23. expressions used: Peace be with thee, Judg. 19:20, Peace to thee, and peace to thy house, and peace unto all that thou hast. 1 Sam. 25:6. Peace be to this house, Luke 10:5. The Lord be with you. Ruth 2:4. The Lord bless thee, Ruth 2:4. The blessing of the Lord be upon you, we bless you in the name of the Lord, Psa. 129:8. Blessed be thou of the Lord, 1 Sam. 15:13. God be gracious unto thee. Gen. 43:29. Art thou in health. 2 Sam. 20:9. Hail, Mat. 26:49: Luke 1:28. All hail, Mat. 28:9. accompanied often by : falling on the neck and kissing, Gen. 33:4; 45:14, 15; Luke 15:20. bowing frequently to the ground. Gen. 33:3. falling prostrate on the ground, Esth. 8:3; Mat. 2:11; Luke 8:41. embracing and kissing the feet, Mat. 28:9; Luke 7:. 38, 45. touching the hem of the garment. Mat. 14:36. kissing the dust, Psa. 72:9; Isa. 49:23. SALVATION : is of God, Psa. 3:8: 37:39; Jer. 3:23. is of the purpose of God. 2 Tim. 1 :9. is of the appointment of God, 1 Thes. 5:9. God is willing to give. 1 Tim. 2:4. Is by Christ, Isa. 63:9: Eph. 5:23. is by Christ alone, Isa. 45:21, 22; 59:16; Acts 4:12. announced after the fall. Gen. 3:15. of Israel, predicted, Isa. 35:4; 45:17; Zech. 9:16: Rom. 11:26. of the Gentiles, predicted, Isa. 45:22; 49:6; 52:10. SAL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SAM revealed in the gospel, Eph. 1:13; 2 Tim. 1:10. came to the Gentiles through the fall of the Jews, Rom. 11:11. Christ the Captain of, Heb. 2:10. the author of, Heb. 5:9. appointed for, Isa. 49:6. raised up for, Luke 1:69. has, Zech. 9:9. brings with him, Isa. 62:11; Luke 19:9. mighty toefl"ect, Isa. 63:1; Heb. 7:25. came to ett'ect. Mat. 18:11; 1 Tiin. 1:15. died to effect, John 3:14, 15; Gal. 1:4. exalted to give. Acts 5:31. is not by works, Rom. 11:6; Eph. 5:9; 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:5. is of grace, Eph. 2:5, 8; 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 2:11. is of love, Rom. 5:8; 1 John 4:9, 10. is of mercy, Psa. 6:4; Tit. 3:5. is of the long-suffering of God, 2 Pet. 3:15. is through faith in Christ, Mark 16:16; Acts 16:31; Rom. 10:9; Eph. 2:8; 1 Pet. 1:5. reconciUation to God, a pledge of, Rom. 5:10. IS DELIVERAKCE FROM SiU, Mat. 1:21, With 1 John 3:5. uncleanness, Ezek. 36:29. the devil. Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14, 15. wrath, Rom. 5:9; 1 Thes. 1:10. this present evil world, Gal. 1:4. enemies, Luke 1:71, 74. eternal death, John 3:16, 17. confession of Christ necessary to, Rom. 10:10. final perseverance necessary to, Mat. 10:22. regeneration necessary to, 1 Pet. 3:21. DESCRIBED AS great, Heb. 2:3. glorious, 2 Tim. 2:10. common, Jude 3. from generation to generation, Isa. 51:8. to the uttermost, Heb. 7:25. eternal, Isa. 45:17; 51:6; Heb. 5:9. searched into and exhibited by the prophets, 1 Pet. 1:10. the gospel is the power of God unto, Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 1:18. preaching the word is the appointed means of, 1 Cor. 1:21. the Scriptures are able to make wise unto, 2 Tim. 3:15; Jas. 1:21. now is the day of, Isa. 49:8; 2 Cor. 6:2. from sin, to be worked out with fear and trem- bling, Phil. 2:12. SAINTS chosen to, 2 Thes. 2:13: 2 Tim. 1:9. appointed to obtain, 1 Thes. 5:9. are heirs of, Heb. 1:14. have, through grace, Acts 15:11. have a token of, in their patient suffering for Christ, Phil. 1:28,29. kept by the power of God unto, 1 Pet. 1:5. beautified with, Psa. 149:4. clothed with, Isa. 61:10. satisfied by, Luke 2:30. love, Psa. 40:16. hope for, Lam. 3:26; Rom. 8:24. wait for. Gen. 49:18; Lam. 3:26. long for, Psa. 119:81, 174. earnestly look for, Psa. 119:123. daily approach nearer to, Rom. 13:11. receive, as the end of tlieir faith, 1 Pet. 1:9. welcome the tidings of, Isa. 52:7, with Rom. 10:15. pray to be visited with, Psa. 85:7; 106:4; 119:41. pray for assui'ance of, Psa. 35:3. pray for a joyful sense of, Psa. 51:12. evidence, by works, Heb. 6:9, 10. ascribe to God, Psa. 25:5; Isa. 12:2. 10 praise God for, 1 Chr. 16:23; Psa. 96:2. commemorate, with thanks, Psa. 116:13. rejoice in, Psa. 9:14; 21:1; Isa. 25:9. glory in, Psa. 21:5. declare, Psa. 40:10; 71:15. godly sorrow worketh repentance unto, 2 Cor. 7:10. all the earth shall see, Isa. 52:10; Luke 3:6. MINISTERS give the knowledge of, Luke 1:77. show the way of. Acts 16:17. should exhort to, Ezek. 3:18; Acts 2:40. should labor to lead others to, Rom. 11:14. should be clothed with, 2 Chr. 6:41 ; Psa. 132:16. should use self-denial to lead others to, 1 Cor. 9:22. should endure suffering that the elect may obtain, 2 Tim. 2:10. are a sweet savor of Christ, unto God, in those who obtain, 2 Cor. 2:15. the heavenly host ascribe, to God, Rev. 7:10; 19:1. sought in vain from idols, Isa. 45:20; Jer. 2:28. sought in vain from earthly power, Jer. 3:23. no escape for those who neglect, Heb. 2:3. is far otr from the wicked, Psa. 119:155; Isa. 59:11. ILLUSTRATED BY a rock, Dcut. 32:15; Psa. 95:1. a horn, Psa. 18:2; Luke 1:69. a tower, 2 Sam. 22:51. a helmet, Isa. 59:17; Eph. 6:17. a shield, 2 Sam. 22:36. a lamp, Isa. 62:1. a cup, Psa. 116:1.3. clothing, 2 Chr. 6:41; Psa. 132:16; 149:4; Isa. 61:10. wells, Isa. 12:3. walls and bulwarks, Isa. 26:1; 60:18. chariots, Hab. 3:8. a victoiy, 1 Cor. 15:57. typified. Num. 21:4-9, with John 3:14, 15. See REDEMPTION, etc. SAMARIA, capital of Samaria, built by Omri, 1 Kings 16:24; 2 Kings 1:3. a residence of kings of Israel, 1 Kings 16:28; 2 Kings 1:3; 3:1, 6; 13:13. besieged by the Syrians, 1 Kin. 20:1; 2 Kin. 6:24. miraculously delivered, 2 Kings 6:25; 7. Ahab's sons slain there, 2 Kings 10:1. taken by Shalmanezer, 2 Kings 17:5; 18:9. repeopled from Assyria, 2 Kings 17:24. visited by Christ, Luke 17:11; John 4. gospel preached there. Acts 8. See Isa. 7:9; 8:4; Jer. 23:13; Ezek. 16; 23; Amos 4, etc.; SAMARITANS oppose the rebuilding of Jerusa- lem, Ezra 4:1; Neh. 4. Christ's discourse with one, John 4. parable of one, Luke 10:33. Christ called one, John 8:48. SAMOS, Acts 20:15. SAMOTHRACIA, Acts 16:11. SAMSON, his birth foretold, Judg. 13. his marriage, Judg. 14. subdues the Philistines, Judg. 15:7. betrayed to them, Judg. 16:21. his revenge and death, Judg. 16:30. SAMUEL born, 1 Sam. 1:19. presented to the Lord, 1 Sam. 1:26. ministers to the Lord, 1 Sam. 3. Eli's judgment revealed to, 1 Sara. 3:11. dehvers and judges Israel, 1 Sam. 7: 8. declares the nature of a king, 1 Sam. 8. anoints Saul king, 1 Sam. 10:1. exhorts the people and king, 1 Sam. 12. 145 SAN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SCO rebukes Saul for disobedience, 1 Sam. 13:13; 15:16. anoints David, 1 Sam, 16; 19:18. his death, 1 Sam. 25:1: 28:3. appears to Saul, l Sam. 28:12. See 1 Chr. 9:22; 26:28; Psa. 99:6; Jer. 15:1; Acts 3:24; 13:20; Heb. 11:32. SANBALLAT opposes Nehemiah, Neh. 2:10; 4; fi*2" 13*28 SANCTIFICATION : is separation to the service of God, Psa. 4:3; 2 Cor. 6:17. EFFECTED BY God, Ezek. 37:28; 1 Thes. 5:23; Jude 1. Christ, Heb. 2:11; 13:12. the Holy Ghost, Rom. 15:16; 1 Cor. 6:11. in Christ, 1 Cor. 1:2. through the atonement of Christ, Heb. 10:10; 13:12. through the word of God, John 17:17, 19; Epli. 5:26. Christ made, of God, unto us, 1 Cor. 1:30. saints elected to salvation through, 2 Thes. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:2. all saints are in a state of. Acts 20:32; 26:18; 1 Cor. 6:11. the church made glorious by, Eph. 5:26, 27. .'Should lead to mortification of sin, 1 Thes. 4:3, 4. should lead to holiness, Rom. 6:22; Eph. 5:7-9. offering up of saints acceptable through, Rom. 15:16. saints fitted to the service of God by, 2 Tim. 2:21. God wills all saints to have, 1 Thes. 4:3. MINISTERS should pray that their people may enjoy complete, 1 Thes. 5:23. set apart to God's service by, Jer. 1:5. should exhort their people to walk in, 1 Thes. 4:1, 3. none can inherit the kingdom of God without, 1 Cor. 6:9-11. typified, Gen. 2:3; Exod. 13:2; 19:14; 40:9-15; Lev. 27:14-16. of the Sabbath, Gen. 2:3. of the first born, Exod. 13:2. of the people, Exod. 19:10; Num. 11:18; Josh. 3:5. of the tabernacle, etc., Exod. 29; 30: Lev. 8:10. of Mie priests. Lev. 8:30; 9; 2 Chr. 5:11. SANXTUARY. See tabernacle, house of god. God is the Sanctuary of his people, Isa. 8:14; Ezek. 11:16. See Psa. 20:2; 63:2; 68:24; 73:17; 77:13; 78:54; 96:6; 134; 150; Heb. 8; 9. SAND of the sea, figurative. Gen. 22:17; Hos. 1:10; Heb. 11:12; Rev. 20:8. SANDALS, Mark 6:9; Acts 12:8. SANHEDRIM, or Council, the supreme council of the Jewish nation, Num. 11:16; Mat. 16:21; 26:3, 57. called senate. Acts 5:21. and elders. Acts 22:5; Mat. 2:4. presided over by the high priest. Mat. 26:62- 65: John 11:49. not allowed, under the Romans, to inflict capi- tal punishment, John 18:31. persecuted Christ, Mat. 26:59; Mark 14:55; 15:1; Luke 22:66; John 11:47. and the apostles. Acta 4:1-22; 7:54-60; 22:30; 24:20. SAPPHIRA, Acts 5:1-11. SAPPHIRE, Exod. 24:10: 28:18; Ezek. 1:26; 10:1: 2S:13; Rev. 21:19, etc. SARAH (Sarai), denied by Abraham, Gen. 12:14; 20:2. dismisses Hagar, Gen. 16:5. 146 blessed, her name changed. Gen. 17:15. her joy at Isaac's birth. Gen. 21:6. causes Hagar's expulsion. Gen. 21:9. her death and burial. Gen. 23. See Isa. 51:2: Gal. 4:22; Heb. 11:11; 1 Pet. 3:6. See ABRAHAM. SARDINE, Rev. 4:3. SARUIS, church of, rebuked and threatened, Rev. 1:11: 3:1. SARDIUS, Exod. 28:17: Ezek. 28:13; Rev. 21:20. SARDONYX, Rev. 21:20. SAREPTA, or Zarephath, 1 Kings 17:9-24; Luke 4:26. S ARGON, king of Assyria, Isa. 20:1. SATAN. See devil. SATYR, Isa. 13:21; 34:14. idols in form of a goat. Lev. 17:7; 2 Chr. 11:15. SAUL, sent out by his father, 1 Sam. 9:1. entertained by Sanmel, 1 Sam. 9:19. anointed, 1 Sam. 10:1; Acts 13:21. prophesies, 1 Sara. 10:9 (19:24). acknowledged king, 1 Sam. 10:24. rescues Jabesh-Gilead, 1 Sam. 11. his disobedience. 1 Sam. 13:9; 15. his rash charge, 1 Sam. 14:24, 38. subdues Israel's enemies, 1 Sam. 14:31, 47. rejected by the Lord, 1 Sam. 15. troubled by an evil spirit, 1 Sam. 16:14. discouraged by Goliath, 1 Sara. 17:11. at first honors David, 1 Sam. 18. afterwards persecutes him, 1 Sam. 18:10; 19; 20; 23; 24; 26. kills the priests at Nob, 1 Sam. 22:9. visits the witch of Endor, 1 Sam. 28:7. his ruin foretold, 1 Sam. 28:15. his death, 1 Sara. 31; 1 Chr. 10. David's lamentation for, 2 Sam. 1:17. his descendants, 1 Chr. 8:33. , Acts 7:58, etc. See PAUL. SAVIOUR, God alone, Isa. 43:3, 11: Jer. 14:8; Hos. 13:4; Luke 1:47. See prkserver. Jesus the Saviour, Luke 2:ii; John 4:42; Acts 5:31; 13:23; Eph. 5:23; 2 Pet. 1:1; 3:2; IJohu 4:14, etc. ; Jude 25. See jesus Christ. SAVOR, a sweet, of the sacrifices. Gen. 8:21; Exod. 29:18, etc., type of Christ, 2 Cor. 2:14, 15; Eph. 5:2. SAW, 2 Sam. 12:31: Isa. 10:15. SCAB threatened, Deut. 28:27; Isa. 3:17. law concerning, Lev. 13:1. SCALES, of fishes. Lev. 11:9; Deut. 14:9. on the eye. Acts 9:18. , balances, Isa. 40:12. SCAPEGOAT, Lev. 16:20; Isa. 53:6. SCARLET, color of robes of honor, Dan. 5:7, 10, 29; Mat. 27:28; Rev. 18:12, 16. symbolical. Rev. 17:3, 4. SCEPTRE, symbol of power. Gen. 49:10; Num. 24:17; Esth. 5:2: Psa. 45:6; Heb. 1:8. SCEVA, seven sons of, Acts 19:13-17. SCHISM in the church condemned, 1 Cor. 1; 3; 11:18: 12:25: 2 Cor. 13:11. SCIENCE, 1 Tim. 0:20. SCHOOLMASTER, the law compared to. Gal. 3:24. SCHOOLS, Of prophets, 1 Sam. 19:18-24; 2 Kings 2:3, 5; 4:23. of Tyrannus, Acts 19:9. SCORNING AND mocking: the sufferings of Christ by, predicted, Psa. 22:6-> 8; Isa. 53:3: Luke 18:32. Christ endured. Mat. 9:24; 27:29. SAINTS KNDURE, ON ACCOUNT OP being Children of God, Gen. 21:9, with (Jal. 4:29. their uprightness. Job 12:4. SCO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SCR their faith, Heb. 11:36, their faithfulness in declaring the word of God, Jer. 20:7, 8. their zeal for God's house, Neh. 2:19. THE WICKED INDULGE IN, AGAINST the SCCOnd coming of Christ, 2 Pet. 3:3, 4, the gifts of the Spirit, Acts 2:13. God's threatenings, Isa. 5:19; Jer. 17:15. God's ministers, 2 Chr. 36:16. God's ordinances. Lam. 1:17. saints, Psa. 123:4; Lam. 3:14, 63. the resurrection of the dead, Acts 17:32. all solemn admonitions, 2 Chr. 30:6-10. idolaters addicted to, Isa. 57:3-6. drunkards addicted to, Psa. 69:12; Hos. 7:5. THEY WHO ARE ADDICTED TO, delight in, Prov. 1:22. are contentious, Prov. 22:10. are scorned by God, Prov. 3:34. are hated by men, Prov. 24:9. are avoided by saints, Psa. 1:1; Jer. 15:17. walk after their own lusts, 2 Pet. 3:3. are proud and haughty, Prov. 21:24. hear not rebuke, Prov. 13:1. love not those who reprove, Prov. 15:12. hate those who reprove, Prov. 9:8. go not to the wise, Prov. 15:12. bring others into danger, Prov. 29:8. shall themselves endure, Ezek. 23:32. mark the latter days, 2 Pet. 3:3; Jude 18. woe denounced against, Isa. 5:18, 19. . punishment for, 2 Chr. 36:17; Prov. 19:29; Isa. 29:20; Lam. 3:64-66. exemplified: Ishmael, Gen. 21:9. Children at Bethel, 2 Kings 2:23. Ephraim and Manas- seh, 2 Chr. 30:10. Chiefs of Judah, 2 Chr. 36:16. Sanballat, Neh. 4:1. Enemies of Job, Job 30:1, 9. Enemies of David, Psa. 35:15. 16. Rulers of Israel, Isa. 28:14. Ammonites, Ezek. 25:3. Tyrians, Ezek. 26:2. Heathen, Ezek. 36:2, 3. Soldiers, Mat. 27:28-30; Luke 23:36. Chief priests, etc.. Mat. 27:41. Phari- sees, Luke 16:14. The men who held Jesus, Luke 22:63, 64. Herod, etc., Luke 23:11. Peo- ple and rulers, Luke 23 : 35. Some of the mul- titude. Acts 2:13. Athenians, Acts 17:32. SCORPIONS, Deut. 8:15; 1 Kings 12:11 ; Luke 10:19; 11:12. typical instruments of the divine wrath, Rev. 9:3, 5, 10. SCOURGING, Lev. 19:20. limited, Deut. 25:3; 2 Cor. 11:24. of Christ, Mat. 27:26; Luke 23:16. See punish- ments. SCRIBES, officers under David, etc., 2 Sam. 8:17; 20:25; 1 Chr. 37:32; 1 Kin. 4:3; 2 Kin. 19:2; 22:8: Ezra 7:6; Jer. 36:26. , doctors of the law censured and silenced by Christ, Mat. 15:2; 23:2; Mark 2:16; Luke 20:1; 11:53. convicted of blasphemy, Mark 3:22; Lu. 11:15. conspire against him, Mark 11:18; Luke 20:19; 22:2, etc. accuse him, Luke 23:10. persecute Stephen, Acts 6:12. See Pharisees. SCRIP. See PURSE. SCRIPTURES: given by inspiration of God, 2 Tim. 3:16. given by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, Acts 1:16; Heb. 3:7; 2 Pet. 1:21. Christ sanctioned, by appealing to them. Mat. 4:4; Mark 12:10; John 7:42. Christ taught out of, Luke 24:27. first delivered to the Jews by Moses, etc., Luke 16:31; Rom. 3:2; 9:4. afterwards by Christ, Heb. 1:2. fulfilled by Christ, Mat. 5:17; Luke 24:27; John 19:24. taught by the apostles, Acts 2; 3; 8:32; 17:2; 18:24; 28:23. ARE CALLED THE word, Jas. 1:21-23; 1 Pet. 2:2. word of God, Luke 11:28; Heb. 4:12. word of Christ, Col. 3:16. word of truth, Jas. 1:18. holy Scriptures, Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15. Scriptures of truth, Dan. 10:2L book, Psa. 40:7; Rev. 22:19. book of the Lord, Isa. 34:16. book of the law, Neh. 8:3; Gal. 3:10. law of the Lord, Psa. 1:2; Isa. 30:9. sword of the Spirit, Eph. 6:17. oracles of God, Rom. 3:2; 1 Pet. 4:11. contain the promises of the gospel, Rom. 1:2. reveal the laws, statutes, and judgments of God, Deut. 4:5, 14, with Exod. 24:3, 4. record of divine prophecies, 2 Pet. 1:19-21. testify of Christ, John 5:39; Acts 10:43; 18:28; 1 Cor. 15:3. are full and sufficient, Luke 16:29, 31. are an unerring guide, Prov. 6:23; 2 Pet. 1:19. are able to make wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. 3:15. are profitable both for doctrine and practice, 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. will be fulfilled, Isa. 40:8; Mat. 5:17; Lu. 16:17; 24:44; John 10:35. DESCRIBED AS puro, Psa. 12:6; 119:140; Prov. 30:5. true, Psa. 119:160; John 17:17. perfect, Psa. 19:7. sure, Psa. 93:5. precious, Psa. 19:10. quick and powerful, Heb. 4:12. written for our instruction, Rom. 15:4. intended for the use of all men, Rom. 16:26. nothing to be taken from, or added to, Deut. 4:2; 12:32. the rule of final judgment, John 12:48; Rom. 2:16. one portion of, to be compared with another^ 1 Cor. 2:13. DESIGNED FOR regenerating, Jas. 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:23. quickening, Psa. 119:50, 93. illuminating, Psa. 119:130. converting the soul, Psa. 19:7. making wise, Psa. 19:7; 2 Tim. 3:15. sanctifying, John 17:17; Eph. 5:26. producing faith, John 20:31. producing hope, Psa. 119:49; Rom. 15:4. producing obedience, Deut. 17:19, 20. cleansing the heart, John 15:3; Eph. 5:26. cleansing the ways, I'sa. 119:9. keeping from destructive paths, Psa. 17:4. supporting life. Deut. 8:3, with Mat. 4:4. promoting growth in grace, 1 Pet. 2:2. building up in the faith. Acts 20:32. admonishing, Psa. 19:11; 1 Cor. 10:11. comforting, Psa. 119:82; Rom. 15:4. rejoicing the heart, Psa. 19:8; 119:111. work eflfectually in them that believe, 1 Tlies. 2:13. the letter of, without the spirit, killeth, John 6:63, with 2 Cor. 3:6. ignorance of, a source of error. Mat. 22:29; Acts 13:27. Christ enables us to understand, Luke 24:45. the Holy Ghost enables us to understand, John 16:13; 1 Cor. 2:10-14. no prophecy of, is of any private interpretation, 2 Pet. 1:20. ^47 SCR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEC everything should be tried bv, Isa. 8:20; Acts 17:11. danger of rejecting, John 12:48; Heb. 2:3; 10:28; 12:25. SHOULD BE the standard of teaching, 1 Pet. 4:11. believed, John 2:22. appealed to, 1 Cor. 1:31; 1 Pet. 1:16. read, Deut. 17:19; Isa. 34:16. read publicly to ALL, Deut. 31:11, 13; Neh. 8:3; Jer. 36:6; Acts 13:15. known, 2 Tim. 3:15. received, not as the word of men, but as the word of God, 1 Thes. 2:13. received with meekness, Jas. 1:21. searched, John 5:39; 7:52. searched daily. Acts 17:11. laid up in the heart, Deut. 6:6; 11:18. taught to children, Deut. 6:7; 11:19; 2 Tim. 3:15. taught to ALL, 2 Chr. 17:7-9; Neh. 8:7, 8. talked of, continually, Deut. 6:7. not handled deceitfully, 2 Cor. 4:2. not only heard, but obeyed, Mat. 7:24, with Luke 11:28; Jas. 1:22. used against our spiritual enemies, Mat. 4:4, 7, 10, withEph. 6:11, 17. all should desire to hear, Neh. 8:1. mere hearers of, deceive themselves, Jas. 1:22. advantage of possessing, Rom. 3:2. SAINTS love exceedingly, Psa. 119:97, 113, 159, 167. delight in, Psa. 1:2. regard, as sweet, Psa. 119:103. esteem, above all things, Job 23:12. long after, Psa. 119:82. stand in awe of, Psa. 119:161: Isa. 66:2. keep in remembrance, Psa. 119:16. grieve when men disobey, Psa. 119:158. hide in the heart, Psa. 119:11. hope in, Psa. 119:74, 81, 147. meditate in, Psa. 1:2; 119:99, 148. rejoice in, I^sa. 119:162; Jer. 15:16. trust in, Psa. 119:42. obey, Psa. 119:67; Luke 8:21; John 17:6. speak of, Psa. 119:172. esteem as a light, Psa. 119:105. pray to be taught, Psa. 119:12, 18, 33, 66. pray to be conformed to, Psa. 119:13.3. plead the promises of, in prayer, Psa. 119:25, 28, 41, 70, 169. they who search, are truly noble. Acts 17:11. blessedness of hearing and obeying, J^u. 11:28; Jas. 1:25. let them dwell richly in you. Col. 3:16. THE WICKED corrupt, 2 Cor. 2:17. make of none effect through their traditions, Mark 7:9-13. reject, Jer. 8:9. stumble at, 1 Pet. 2:8. obey not, Psa. 119:158. frequently wrest to their own destruction, 2 Pet. 3:16. denunciations against those who add to, or take from. Rev. 22:18, 19. destruction of, punished, Jer. 36:29-31. See LAW, PROPHETS, etc. SCROLL, the heavens compared to, Isa. 34:4; Rev. 6:14. SCYTHIANS, Col. 3:11. SEA, God's power over, Exod. 14:16; 15; Neh. 9:11; Job 38:11; Psa. 65:7; 66:6; 89:9; 93:4; 107:23; 114; Prov. 8:29; Isa. 50:2; 51:10; Nah. 1:4. shall give up its dead at the last day, Rev. 20:13. 148 the renewed earth shall be without. Rev. 21:1. calmed by Christ, Mat. 8:26; Mark 4. the molten, in the temple, 1 Kings 7:23; 2 Chr. 4:2. Of glass in heaven. Rev. 4:6; 15:2. illustrative, Isa. 11:9; 48:18; 57:20; Jer. 6:23; Hab. 2:14; Jas. 1:6. SEALING of the twelve tribes. Rev. 7. figurative, circumcision, Rom. 4:11. of the Holy Ghost: Christ received, John 6:27. saints receive, 2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 1:1.3. is unto the day of redemption, Eph. 4:30. the wicked do not receive, Rev. 9:4. judgment suspended until all saints receive, Rev. 7:3. typified, Rom. 4:11. SEALS used. Gen. 38:18; Exod. 28:11; 1 Kings 21:8; Job 38:14; Song 8:6; Jer. 32:10; Mat. 27:66. inscriptions upon, alluded to, 2 Tim. 2:19. Daniel's vision sealed, Dan. 12:4. sealed book in heaven, Rev. 5; 6. the seven thunders sealed, Rev. 10:4. SEARCHER of hearts, 1 Chr. 28:9; 29:17; Psa. 7:9; Jer. 17:10. SEASONS, appointed. Gen. 1:14; Psa. 104:19. continuance of. Gen. 8:22. SEAS, mentioned in Scripture: Adriatic, or Sea of Adria, Acts 27:27. Mediterranean, or Great Sea, Num. 34:6; Deut. 11:24; 34:2; Zech. 14:8. Red Sea, Exod. 10:19; 13:18; 23:. 31. Sea of Joppa, or of the Philistines, Ezra 3:7. Salt or Dead Sea, Gen. 14:3; Num. 34:12. Seaof Galilee, Mat. 4:18; 8:32; John 6:1. Seaof Jazer, Jer. 48:32. SEBAT, the eleventh month, February, Zech. 1:7. SECOND COMING ofChkist: time of, unknown. Mat. 24:36; Mark 13:32. CALLED THE times of refreshing from the pres- ence of the Lord, Acts 3:19. times of the restitution of all things. Acts 3:21, with Rom. 8:21. last time, l Pet. 1:5. appearing of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 1:7. revelation of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 1:13. glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Tit. 2:13. coming of the day of God, 2 Pet. 3:12. day of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 1:8. FOKETOLD BY proplicts, Dau. 7:13; Jude 14. himself. Mat. 25:31; John 14:3. apostles. Acts 3:20; ITim. 6:14. angels. Acts 1:10, 11. signs preceding. Mat. 24:3, etc. THE MANNEK OF: iu clouds. Mat. 24:30; 26:64; Rev. 1:7. in the glory of his Father, Mat. 16:27. in his own glory, Mat. 25:31. in naming tire, 2 Thes. 1:8. with power and great glory. Mat. 24:30. as he ascended, Acts 1:9, 11. with a shout and tlie voice of the archangel, etc., 1 Thes. 4:16. accompanied by angels. Mat. 16:27; 25:31; Mark 8:38; 2 Thes. 1:7. with his saints, 1 ITies. 3:13; Jude 14. suddenly, Mark 13:36. unexpectedly. Mat. 24:44; Luke 12:40. as a thief in the night, 1 Thes. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10; Rev. 16:15. as the lightning. Mat. 24:27. the heavens and earth shall be dissolved, etc., at, 2 Pet. 3:10, 12. SEC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEE they who shall have died in Christ shall rise first at, IThes. 4:16. the saints alive at, shall be caught up to meet him, 1 Thes. 4:17. is not to make atonement, Heb. 9:28, with Rom. 6:9, 10, and Heb. 10:14. THE PURPOSES OP ARE TO complete the salva- tion of saints, Heb. 9:28; 1 Pet. 1:5. be glorified in his saints, 2 Thes. 1:10. be admired in them that believe, 2 Thes. 1:10. bring to light the hidden things of darkness, etc.,1 Cor. 4:5. judge, Psa. 50:3, 4, with John 5:22; 2 Tim. 4:1; JudelS; Rev. 20:11-13. reign, Isa. 24:23; Dan. 7:14; Rev. 11:15. destroy death, 1 Cor. 15:23, 26. every eye shall see him at, Rev. 1:7. should be always considered as at hand, Rom. 13:12; Phil. 4:5; 1 Pet. 4:7. blessedness of being prepared for, Mat. 24:46; Luke 12:37, 38. SAINTS assured of. Job 19:25, 26. love, 2 Tim. 4:8. look for, Phil. 3:20; Tit. 2:13. wait for, 1 Cor. 1:7; 1 Thes. 1:10. haste unto, 2 Pet. 3:12. pray for. Rev. 22:20. should be ready for. Mat. 24:44; Luke 12:40. should watch for, Mat. 24:42; Mark 13:35-37; Luke 21:36. should be patient unto, 2 Thes. 3:5; Jas. 5:7, 8. shall be preserved unto, Phil. 1:6; 2 Tim. 4:18; IPet. 1:5; Jude 24. shall not be ashamed at, 1 John 2:28. shall be blameless at, 1 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thes. 3:13; 5:23; Jude 24. shall be like him at, Phil. 3:21; 1 John 3:2. shall see him as he is at, 1 John 3:2. shall appear with him in glory at. Col. 3:4. shall receive a crown of glory at, 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Pet. 5:4. shall reign with him at, Dan. 7:27; 2 Tim. 2 : 12 ; Rev. 5:10; 20:6; 22:5. faith found unto praise at, 1 Pet. 1:7. THE WICKED scoflf at, 2 Pet. 3:3, 4. presume upon the delay of. Mat. 24:48. shall be surprised by. Mat. 24:37-39; 1 Thes. 5:3; 2 Pet. 3:10. shall be punished at, 2 Thes. 1:8, 9. the man of sin to be destroyed at, 2 Thes. 2:8. illustrated. Mat. 25:6; Luke 12:36, 39; 19:12, 15. SECOND DEATH, Rev. 20:14. SECRET things belong to God, Deut. 29:29; Job 15:8. revealed by him, Psa. 25:14; Prov. 3:32; Amos 3:7; Mat. 11:25; 13:35; Rom. 16:25; 2 Cor. 3:13. all secrets known to him, Psa. 44:21; 90:8; Eccl. 12:14; Mat. 6:4; Mark 4:22; Rom. 2:16. SECRETS of others not to be revealed, Prov. 25:9; Mat. 18:15. SECTS. See HERODIANS, PHARISEES, SADDU- CEES, NICOLAITANS. SECUNDUS, Acts 20:4-6. SECURITY, false, promises peace and long Ufe, Job 29:18. is ignorant of God and truth, Psa. 10:5; 50:21. trusts in lies, Isa. 28:15; Rev. 3:17. is inconsiderate and forgetful, Isa. 47:7. relies on earthly treasures, Jer. 49:4, 16. is deceived by pride, Obad. 3: Rev. 18:7. puts otrthe evil day, Amos 6:3. leads to increased guilt, Eccl. 8:11. its refuges shall be scattered, Isa. 28:17. ruin shall overtake it, Isa. 47:8; Amos 9:10. God is against it, Jer. 21:13; Ezek. 39:6; Amos 6:1. SEDITION forbidden, Gal. 5:20; 2 Pet. 2:10. See KORAH, etc. SEED of the woman, prophecy concerning. Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12. of Abraham, Gen. 12:7; 13:16, etc.; Rom. 1:3; 4:16; Gal. 3:16. of the serpent. Gen. 3:15. , every herb, tree, and grass, yields its own, Gen. 1:11, 12, 29. each kind has its own body, 1 Cor. 15:38. not to be mingled in sowing. Lev. 19:19; Deut. 22:9. parables concerning, Mat. 13; Luke 8. illustrative, Eccl. 11:6; Hos. 10:12; 2 Cor. 9:6; Gal. 6:7, 8. sowing of, type of burial of the body, 1 Cor. 15:36-38. SEEKING God: commanded, Isa. 55:6; Mat. 7:7. INCLUDES SEEKING his name, Psa. 83:16. his word, Amos 8:12. his face, Psa. 27:8; 105:4. his strength, 1 Chr. 16:11; Psa. 105:4. his commandments, 1 Chr. 28:8. his precepts, Psa. 119:45, 94. his kingdom, Mat. 6:33. Christ, Mai. 3:1; Luke 2:15, 16. honor which comes from him, John 5:44. by prayer. Job 8:5; Dan. 9:3. in his house, Deut. 12:5; Psa. 27:4. SHOULD BE immediate, Hos. 10:12. evermore, Psa. 105:4. while he may be found, Isa. 55:6. with diligence, Heb. 11:6. with the heart, Deut. 4:29; 1 Chr. 22:19. in the day of trouble, Psa. 77:2. INSURES his being found, Deut. 4:29; 1 Chr. 28:9; Prov. 8:17; Jer. 29:13. his favor. Lam. 3:25. his protection, Ezra 8:22. his not forsaking us, Psa. 9:10. life, Psa. 69:32; Amos 5:4, 6. prosperity. Job 8:5, 6; Psa. 34:10. being heard of him, Psa. 34:4. understanding all things, Prov. 28:5. gifts of righteousness, Hos. 10:12. imperative upon all, Isa. 8:19. afflictions designed to lead to, Psa. 78:33, 34; Hos. 5:15. none, by nature, are found to be engaged in, Psa. 14:2, with Rom. 3:11. SAINTS especially exhorted to, Zeph. 2:3. desirous of. Job 5:8. purpose, in heart, Psa. 27:8. prepare their hearts for, 2 Chr. .30:19. set their hearts to, 2 Chr. 11:16. engage in, with the whole heart, 2 Chr. 15:12; Psa. 119:10. early in. Job 8:5; Psa. 63:1; Isa. 26:9. earnest in, Song 3:2. characterized by, Psa. 24:6. is never in vain, Isa. 45:19. blessedness of, Psa. 119:2. leads to joy, Psa. 70:4; 105:3. ends in praise, Psa. 22:26. promise connected with, Psa. 69:32. shall be rewarded, Heb. 11:6. THE WICKED are gone out of the way of, Psa. 14:2, 3, with Rom. 3:11, 12. prepare not their hearts for, 2 Chr. 12:14. refuse, through pride, Psa. 10:4. not led to, by affliction, Isa. 9:13. sometimes pretend to, Ezra 4:2; Isa. 58:2. 149 SEE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEL rejected, when too late in, Prov, 1:28. they who neglect, denounced, Isa. 31:1. punishment of those who neglect, Zeph. 1:4-6. exemplified: Asa, 2 Chr. 14:7. Jehoshaphat, 2Chr. 17:3, 4. Uzziah. 2 Chr. 26:5. Hezeki- ah, 2 Chr. 31:21. Josiah, 2 Chr. 34:3. Ezra, Ezra 7:10. David, Fsa. 34:4. Daniel, Dan. 9:3, 4. SEER, 1 Sam. 9:9; 2 Sam. 24:11, etc. See PROPHET. SEETHE, boil, Exod. 16:23; 23:19. SEIR, mount, inheritance of Esau, Gen. 14:6; 32:3; 36:8, 20; Josh. 24:4. Israel not to attack, Deut. 2:5; 2 Chr. 20:10. subdued by Ammonites, etc., 2 Chr. 20:23; 25:11. prophecies concerning. Num. 24:18; Deut. 33:2; Isa. 21:11; Ezek. 25:8; 35:2. SELA, or Selah (the rock), by the Greeks called Petra. 2 Kings 14:7; Isa. 16:1. SELAH (pause), a musical term; it occurs above 70 times in Psalms; Hab. 3:3. SELEUCIA visited, Acts 13:4. SELF-DELUSION: a characteristic of the wicked, Psa. 49:18. prosperity frequently leads to, Psa. 30:6; Hos. 12:8; Luke 12:17-19. obstinate sinners often given up to, Psa. 81:11, 12; Hos. 4:17; 2 Thes. 2:10, 11. EXHIBITED IN THINKING THAT OUr OWU WayS are right, Prov. 14:12. we should adhere to established wicked prac- tices, Jer. 44:17. we are pure, Prov. 30:12. we are better than others, Luke 18:11. we are rich in spiritual things. Rev. 3:17. we may have peace while in sin, Deut. 29:19. we are above adversity, Psa. 10:6. gifts entitle us to heaven, Mat. 7:21, 22. privileges entitle us to heaven, Mat. 3:9; Luke 13:25, 26. God will not punish our sins, Jer. 5:12. Christ shall not come to judge, 2 Pet. 3:4. our lives shall be prolonged, Isa. 56:12; Luke 12:19; Jas. 4:13. frequently persevered in, to the last. Mat. 7:22; 25:11, 12; Luke 13:24, 25. fatal consequences of. Mat. 7:23; 24:48-51; Lu. 12:20; 1 Thes. 5:3. exemplified: Ahab, 1 Kings 20:27, 34. Israel- ites, Hos. 12:8. Jews, John 8:33, 41. Church of Laodicea, Rev. 3:17. SELF-DENIAL: Christ set an example of. Mat. 4:8-10; 8:20; Rom. 15:3; 2 Cor. 8:9; PhiL 2:6-8; Ileb. 12:2. a test of devotedness to Christ, Mat. 10:37, 38; Luke 14:27, 33. NECESSARY in following Christ, Luke 9:23, 24. in the warfare of saints, 2 Tim. 2:4. to the triumph of saints, 1 Cor. 9:25. ministers especially called to, 2 Cor. 6:4 5. SHOULD BE EXERCISED IN denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, Rom. 6:12; Tit. 2:12. controlling the appetite, Prov. 23:2. abstaining from fleshly lusts, 1 Pet. 2:11. no longer living to lusts of men, 1 Pet. 4:2. mortifying sinful lusts, Mark 9:43; Col. 3:5. mortifying deeds of the body, Rom. 8:13. not pleasing ourselves, Rora. 15:1-3. not .seeking our own profit, 1 Cor. 10:24, 33; 13:5; PhiL 2:4. ' preferring the profit of others, Rom. 14:20, 21; 1 Cor. 10:24, 3.3. assisting others, Luke 3:11. even lawful things, 1 Cor. 10:23. 150 forsaking all, Luke 14:33. taking up the cross and following Christ, Mat. 10:38; 16:24. crucifying the flesh, GaL 5:24. being crucified with Christ. Rom. 6:6. being crucified unto the world, GaL 6:14. putting off the old man which is corrupt, Eph. 4:22; CoL 3:9. preferring Christ to all earthly relations. Mat. 8:21, 22; Luke 14:26. becomes strangers and pilgrims, Heb. 11:13- 15; 1 Pet. 2:11. danger of neglecting, Mat. 16:25, 26; 1 Cor. 9:27. reward of. Mat. 19:28, 29; Rom. 8:13. happy result of, 2 Pet. 1:4. exemphfied: Abraham, Gen. 13:9; Heb. 11:8,9. Widow of Zarephath, 1 Kings 17:12-15. Es- ther, Esth. 4:16. Rechabites, Jer. 35:6, 7. Daniel, Dan. 5:16, 17. Apostles, Mat. 19:27. Simon, Andrew, James, and John. Mark 1:16- 20. Poor widow, Luke 21:4. Primitive Chris- tians, Acts 2:45; 4:34. Barnabas, Acts 4:36, 37. Paul, Acts 20:24; 1 Cor. 9:19, 27. Moses, Heb. 11:24, 25. SELF-EXAMINATION: enjoined, 2 Cor. 13:5. necessary before the communion, 1 Cor. 11:28. cause of difficulty in, Jer. 17:9. SHOULD BE ENGAGED IN With holy awe, Psa. 4:4. with diligent search, Psa. 77:6; Lam. 3:40. with prayer for divine searching, Psa. 26:2; 139:23, 24. With purpose of amendment, Psa. 119:59; Lam. 3:40. advantages of, 1 Cor. 11:31; GaL 6:4. SELFISHNESS: contrary to the law of God, Jas. 2:8. the example of Christ condemns, John 4:34; Rom. 15:3; 2 Cor. 8:9. God hates, MaL 1:10. EXHIBITED IN being lovers of ourselves, 2 Tim. 3:2. pleasing ourselves, Rom. 15:1. seeking our own, 1 Cor. 10:33; Phil. 2:21. seeking after gain, Isa. 56:11. seeking undue precedence. Mat. 20:21. living to ourselves, 2 Cor. 5:15. neglect of the poor, 1 .lohn 3:17. serving God for reward, Mai. 1:10. performing duty for reward, Mic. 3:11. inconsistent with Christian love, 1 Cor. 13:5. inconsistent with the communion of saints, Rom. 12:4, 5, with 1 Cor. 12:12-27. especially forbidden to saints, 1 Cor. 10:24: Phil. 2:4. the love of Christ should constrain us to avoid, 2 Cor. 5:14, 1.5. ministers should be devoid of, 1 Cor. 9:19-23; 10:33. all men addicted to, Phil. 2:21. saints falsely accused of. Job 1:9-11. characteristic of the last days, 2 Tim. 3:1, 2. exemplified : Cain, Gen. 4:9. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:3, 11. Haman, Esth. 6:6. Priests, Tsa. 56:11. Jews, Zech. 7:6. James and John, Mark 10:37. Multitude, John 6:26. See CO VETO rsN ESS. SELF-RKJHTEOrSNESS: man is prone to, Prov. 20:fi; 30:12. hateful to God, Luke 16:15. IS VAIN BECAITSE OUR RIGHTEOUSNESa 19 bUt external. Mat. 23:25-28; Luke ll:.39-44. hut partial. Mat. 23:25; Luke 11:42. no better than filthy rags, Isa. 64:6. SEL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SER ineffectual for salvation, Job 32:1; 42:5; Mat. 5:20, with Rom. 3:20. unprofitable, Isa. 57:12. is boastful. Mat. 23:30. THEY WHO ARE GIVEN TO auclaciouslv approach God, Luke 18:11. seek to justify themselves, Luke 10:29. seek to justify themselves before men, Luke 16:15. reject the righteousness of God, Rom. 10:3. condemn others. Mat. 9:11-13; Luke 7:39. consider their own way right, Prov. 21:2. despise others, Isa. 65:5; Luke 18:9. proclaim their own goodness, Prov. 20:6. are pure in their own eyes, Prov. 30:12. are abominable before God, Isa. 65:5. folly of. Job 9:20. saints renounce, Phil. 3:7-10. warning against, Deut. 9:4. denunciation against, Mat. 23:27, 28. illustrated, Luke 18:10-12. exemplified: Saul, 1 Sam. 15:13. Young man, Mat. 19:20. Lawyer, Luke 10:25, 29. Phari- sees, Luke 11:39; John 8:33; 9:28. Israel, Rom. 10:3. Church of Laodicea, Rev. 3:17. SELF-WILL AND stubbornness: forbidden, 2 Chr. 30:8; Psa. 75:5. proceed from unbelief, 2 Kings 17:14. pride, Neh. 9:16, 29. an evil heart, Jer. 7:24. God knows, Isa. 48:4. EXHIBITED IN refusing to hearken to God, Prov. 1:24. refusing to hearken to the messengers of God, 1 Sam. 8:19; Jer. 44:16; Zech. 7:11. refusing to walk in the ways of God, Neh. 9:17; Isa. 42:24; Psa. 78:10. refusing to hearken to parents, Deut. 21:18, 19. refusing to receive correction, Deut. 21:18; Jer 5*3" 7*28. rebelling against God, Deut. 31:27; Psa. 78:8. resisting the Holy Ghost, Acts 7:51. walking in the counsels of an evil heart, Jer. 7:24, with Jer. 23:17. hardening the neck, Neh. 9:16. hardening the heart, 2 Chr. 36:13, going backward and not forward, Jer. 7:24. heinousness of, 1 Sam. 15:23. MINISTERS SHOULD be without. Tit. 1:7. warn their people against, Heb. 3:7-12. prav that their people may be forgiven for, Exod. 34:9; Deut. 9:27. Characteristic of the wicked, Prov. 7:11; 2 Pet. 2:10. the wicked cease not from, Judg. 2:19. punishment for, Deut. 21:21; Prov. 29:1. illustrated, Psa. 32:9; Jer. 31:18. exemplified: Simeon and Levi, Gen. 49:6. Is- raelites, Exod. 32:9; Deut. 9:6, 13. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:19-23. David, 2 Sam. 24:4. Josi- ah, 2 Chr. 35:22. Zedekiah, 2 Chr. 36:13. SELLING, rules for, Lev. 19:13; 25:14; Prov. 11:1; 16:11; 20:10, 2-3. SENATE, the Sanhedrim. Acts 5:21. SENATOR, an elder, Psa. 105:22. SENEH, 1 Sam. 14:4. SENNACHERIB invades Judah, 2 Kings 18:13. his blasphemous letter, 2 Kings 19:9. his army destroyed, 2 Kings 19:35. slain by his sons, 2 Kings 19:37. See 2 Chr. 32; Isa. 36; 37. SENSUALITY condemned, Amos 6:4; Luke 16:19; 1 Cor. 15:32; .las. 5:5. SEPARATION from the congregation, laws con- cerning, Lev. 12, etc. ; Num. 5. SEPHAR, Gen. 10:30. SEPHARAD, Obad. 20. SEPHARVAIM subdued by the Assyrians, 2 Kin. 17:24; 18:34; 19:13. SEPULCHRE, one purchased by Abraham, Gen, 23; Acts 7:16. of Moses unknown, Deut. 34:6. of Christ, Mat, 27:60; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:55; John 19:41. figurative. Mat. 23:27. SERAIAH, the high priest, slain by Nebuchad- nezzar, 2 Kings 25:18-21. conspires against GedaUah, 2 Kin. 25:23: Jer. 40:8, 9. , a chamberlain of Zedekiah, intrusted with a prophecy of Jeremiah, Jer. 51:59-64. SERAPHIM, Isa. 6:26. SERGEANT (rod-holder or lictor). Acts 16:. 35, 38. SERGIDS PAULUS, Acts 13: 7. SERMON on the mount. Mat. 5-7; Luke 6:20. SERPENT, created by God, Job 26:13. subtle and crooked. Gen. 3:1; Isa. 27:1; Mat. 10:16. deceiving Eve, cursed, Gen. 3:14; 2 Cor. 11:3 (Rev. 12:9). Moses' rod turned into, Exod. 4:3; 7:9, 15. the brazen. Num. 21:8 (John 3:14). why destroyed, 2 Kings 18:4. power over given to the disciples, Mark 16:18; Luke 10:19. illustrative, Psa. 140:3; Prov. 23:31, 32; Isa, 14:29; Jer. 8:17; Mat, 23:33; Rev. 20:2. SERUG, Gen. 11:22-26. SERVANTS: Christ condescended to the ofl3ce of, Luke 22:27; John 13:5; Phil. 2:7. are inferior to their masters, Luke 22:27. should follow Christ's example, 1 Pet. 2:21. DUTIES OF, TO MASTERS: to pray for them. Gen. 24:12. to honor them, Mai. 1:6; 1 Tim. 6:1. to revere them the more, when they are be- lievers, 1 Tim. 6:2. to be subject to them, 1 Pet. 2:18. to obey them, Eph. 6:5; Tit. 2:9. to attend to their call, Psa. 123:1. to please them well in all things. Tit. 2:9. to sympathize with them, 2 Sam. 12:18. to prefer their business to their own necessary food. Gen. 24:33. to bless God for mercies shown to them, Gen. 24:27, 48. to be faithful to them, Luke 16:10-12; 1 Cor. 4:2; Tit. 2:10. to be profitable to them, Luke 19:15, 16, 18; Phile. 11. to be anxious for their welfare, 1 Sam. 25:14- 17: 2 Kings 5:2, 3. to be earnest in transacting their business. Gen. 25:54-56. to be prudent in the management of their affairs. Gen. 24:34-49. to be industrious in laboring for them, Neh. 4:16, 23. to be kind and attentive to their guests, Gen. 43:23. 24. to be submissive even to the froward, Gen, 16:6, 9; 1 Pet. 2:18. not to answer them rudely, Tit. 2:9. not to serve them with eve-service, as men- pleasers, Eph. 6:6; Col. 3:22. not to defraud them, Tit. 2:10. should be contented, 1 Cor. 7:20, 21. sliouUl be compassionate. Mat. 18:33. SER BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEV SHOULD SERVE for conscieuce towards God, 1 Pet. 2:19. in the fear of God, Eph. 6:5: Col. 3:22. as the servants of Christ, Eph. 6:5, 6. heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men, Eph. 6:7; Col. 3:23. as doing the will of God from the heart, Eph. 6:6. in singleness of heart, Eph. 6:5; Col. 3:22. with good will, Eph. 6:7. when patient under injury are acceptable to God, 1 Pet. 2:19, 20. ■WHEN GOOD are the servants of Christ, Col. 3:24. are brethren beloved in the Lord, Phile. 16. are the Lord's freemen, 1 Cor. 7:22. are partakers of gospel privileges, l Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Eph. 6:8; Col. 3:1L deserve the confidence of their masters, Gen. 24:2, 4, 10: 39:4. often exalted, Gen. 41:40; Pro v. 17:2. often advanced by masters, Gen. 39:4, 5. to be honored. Gen. 24:31; Prov. 27:18. bring God's blessing upon their masters. Gen. 30:27, 30; 39:3. adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things. Tit. 2:10. have God with them, Gen. 31:42; 39:21; Acts 7:9, 10. are prospered by God, Gen. 39:3. are protected by God, Gen. 31:7. are guided by God, Gen. 24:7, 27. are blessed by God, Mat. 24:46, are mourned over after death. Gen. 35:8. See marginal note. shall be rewarded, Eph. 6:8; Col. 3:24. the property of masters increased by faithful. Gen. 30:29, 30. "WHEN WICKED are eye-servants, Eph. 6:6; CoL 3:2-2. are men-pleasers, Eph. 6:6; CoL 3:22. are deceitful, 2 Sam. 19:26; Psa. 101:6, 7. are quarrelsome, Gen. 13:7; 26:20. are covetous, 2 Kings 5:20. are liars, 2 Kings 5:22, 26. are thieves, Tit. 2:10. are gluttonous and drunken. Mat. 24:49. are unmerciful to their fellows, Mat. 18:30. will not submit to correction, Prov. 29:19. do not bear to be exalted, Prov. 30:21, 22, with Isa. 3:5. shall be punished. Mat. 24:50, good, exemplified: Eliezer, Gen. 24. Deborah, Gen. 24:50, with Gen. 35:8. .Jacob, Gen. 31:36- 40. Joseph, Gen. 39:3; Acts 7:10. Servants of Boaz, Ruth 2:4. .Jonathan's armor-bearer, 1 Sam. 14:6, 7. David's servants, 2 Sam. 12:18. Captive maid, 2 Kings 5:2-4. Ser- vants of Naaman, 2 Kings 5:13. Servants of Centurion, Mat. 8:9. Servants of Cornelius, Acts 10:7. Onesimus after his conversion, I'hile. 11. bad, exemplified : Servants of Abraham and Lot, Gen. 13:7. Servants of Abimelech, Gen. 21:25. Absalom's servants, 2 Sam. 13:28, 29: 14:30. Ziba, 2 Sam. 16:1-4. Servants of Shimei, 1 Kings 2:39. Jeroboam. 1 Kings 11:26. Zimri, 1 Kings 16:9. Gehazi, 2 Kings 5:20. Servants of Amon, 2 Kings 21:23. Job's servants. Job 19:16. Servants of the high priest, Mark 14:65. Onesimus before his conversion, Phile. 11. See BONDMEN. SERVILE work forbidden during the feasts, Lev. 23:7; Num. 28:18; 29:1. SERVING God: commanded, Deut. 6:13. a chief duty, Deut. 10:12, 13. due to him alone. Mat. 4:10. MUST BE from the heart, Eph, 6:6. in singleness of heart, Eph. 6:5. with a perfect heart, 1 Chr. 28:9. with all the heart, Psa. 119:69. with humility. Acts 20:19; 26:7. in sincerity and truth. Josh. 24:14, 31. in holiness and righteousness, Luke 1:75. in newness of spirit, Rom. 7:6. with a pure conscience, 2 Tim. 1:3. wuth godly fear, Psa. 2:11; Heb. 12:28. with gladness, Psa. 100:2. constantly. Acts 26:7; Rev. 7:15. with watchfulness, Luke 12:37. characterizes saints, Psa. 102:28; Isa. 54:17; Joel 2:29; Rom. 1:1; Rev. 7:3. BLESSINGS promised TO : temporal supplies, Exod. 23:25. covenant mercies, 1 Kings 8:23. security, and justification, Isa. 54:17. salvation, Jer. 30:10, 11. the Holy Spirit, Joel 2:29. favor in the Judgment, Mat. 24:45; 25:21; Rev. 7:3; 19:2. God forgives his servants, 2 Sam. 24:10. hears their prayer, Neh. 1:11. reveals himself to them, Psa. 31:16. is compassionate to them, Psa. 69:17; 90:13; 135:14; Dan. 3:17. woes threatened for not: to serve enemies, Deut 28:47. the judgment of God, MaL 3:14, 18; Mat, 24:50; 25:30; Luke 12:47. SETH, son of Adam, Eve's saying concerning, Gen. 4:25; 5:3. ^ SEVEN, number of perfection. days. Gen. 2:3; 7:4, 10: 8:10, 12; Exod. 7:25; 1 Sam. 11:3; 13:8; Ezek. 3:15; Acts 20:0; 21:4; 28:14. feasts lasted, Exod. 12:15; Lev. 23:34, 42. priests and altars consecrated, Exod. 29:30, 35, 37. defilement lasted. Lev. 12:2; 13:4. fasting, 1 Sam. 31:13. mourning, Gen. 50:10; Job 2:13. and feasting, Esth. 1:5. weeks, Dan. 9:25. Sabbaths for Pentecost, Lev. 23:15, Sabbaths of years for jubilee. Lev, 25:8. years, service. Gen. 29:18. plenty and famine. Gen. 41:29, 30. madness of Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4:23. TIMES, blood sprinkled. Lev. 4:6; 14:7. priests encompass Jericho, Josh. 6:4. Elijah's servant goes, 1 Kings 18:43. Naaman dips in Jordan, 2 Kings 5:10. bowing, Gen. 33:3. praising God, Psa. 119:164, punishment. Lev, 26:18, 21, restoration, Prov, 6:31, forgiveness 70 times, Mat. 18:22. furnace heated, Dan. 3:19. wise men, Prov. 26:16. women, Isa. 4:1. poor men, Eccl. 11:2. ways of fleeing, Deut. 28:25. troubles. Job 5:19. sins, Prov. 6:16; 24:16. pillars, Prov. 7:1. streams, Isa. 11:15. lamps, Exod. 25:37; Rev. 1:12. evil spirits, Mat. 12:45. devils, Mark 16:9. SEV BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SHI spirits. Rev. 1:4; 3:1. eyes, Rev. 5:6. stars, Rev. 1:16. seals, Rev. 5:1. angels with trumpets, Rev. 8:2. last plagues, Rev. 15 :i. thunders, Rev. 10:3. heads, crowns, and mountains, Rev. 12:3; 17:9, 10. SEVENTY elders appointed, Exod. 18:25; 24; Num. 11:16. disciples sent out, Luke 10, etc. weeks, Daniel's prophecy concerning, Dan. 9:24. years' captivity foretold, Jer. 25:12; end- ing, Ezra 1. SHAALBIM, Josh. 19:42; Judg. 1:35; 2 Sam. 23:32; 1 Kings 4:9. SHADOW, figurative of protection, Psa. 17:8; 36:7; 63:7. of fragility, 1 Chr. 29:15; Job 8:9. (a type), the Levitical law, Heb. 8:5; 10:1. SHADRACH, Meshach, and Abednego, their cap- tivity and abstinence, Dan. 1:3-16. their promotion, Dan. 1:19. their faith and deliverance, Dan. 3:8. SHALIM, or Salim, Gen. 33:18, 34. , land of, 1 Sam. 9:4. SHALISHA, 1 Sam. 9:4; 2 Kings 4:42. SHALLUM, king of Israel, his evil reign, 2 Kings 15:10. SHALMANESER, king of Assyria, carries ten tribes captive, 2 Kings 17; 18:9. SHAMBLES, 1 Cor. 10:25. SHAME, consequence of sin. Gen. 2:25; 3:10; Ex. 32:25. See Prov. 3:35; 11:2; 13:5; Ezek. 16:63; Rom. 6:21. subdued by hope, Rom. 5:5. everlasting shame of God's enemies, Psa. 40:14; 109:29; Ezek. 7:18; Dan. 12:2. SHAMGAR delivers and judges Israel, Judg. SHANIN, Josh. 15:48; Judg. 10:1, 2. SHAMMAH, his valor, 2 Sam. 23:11. SHAPHAN appointed to repair the temple, 2 Kings 22:3; 2 Chr. 34:8. SHAPHAT, Num. 13:5; 1 Kings 19:16; 1 Chr. 3 '22* 5*12 SHARON, " 1 "chr. 5:16; 27:29; Song 2:1; Isa. 33:9; 35:2; 65:10. SHAVEH, Gen. 14:17, 18. Absalom's pillar in, 2 Sam. 18:18. SHAVING the head, when commanded. Lev. 13:33; 14:8; Num. 6:9; 8:7. See Job 1:20; Ezek. 44:20; Acts 21:24; 1 Cor. 11:5. the beard. Lev. 21:5. SHEARING sheep, feast at, 1 Sam. 25:4; 2 Sam. 13:23. SHEAVES, Joseph's dream concerning, Gen. 37:7. of the first-fruits. Lev. 23:10. left in reaping, Deut. 24:19; Job 24:10. figurative of the last judgment, Psa. 126:6; Mic. 4:12; Mat. 13:30. SHEBA, Gen. 25:3; Job 6:19; Psa. 72:10; Jer. 6:20; Ezek. 27:22; 38:13. queen of, visits Solomon, 1 Kings 10; 2 Chr. 9. , rebellion and death of, 2 Sam. 20. SHEBNA the scribe sent to Rabshakeh, 2 Kings 18:18; Isa. 36:3. sent to Isaiah, 2 Kings 19:2: Isa. 37:2. prophecy against, Isa. 22:15. SHECHEM, the Hivite, his offence and death, Gen. 34. city of, Josh. 17:7; Psa. 60:6. Joshua's charge to Israel assembled there. Josh. 24. treachery of its men, Judg. 9:1. chastised by Abimelech, Judg. 9:41. SHEEP, employed in the sacrifices. Gen. 4:4: 8:20; 15:9; Exod. 20:24; Lev. 1:10; 1 Kings 8:63; 2 Chr. 30:24. constituted a great part of patriarchal wealth. Gen. 24:35; 26:14. used as food, flesh and milk, Deut. 32:14; 1 Kin. 1:19; 4:23. used for clothing, skins and wool. Job 31:20; Prov. 31:13; Heb. 11:37. flocks attended by members of the family. Gen. 29:6; Exod. 2:16; 1 Sam. 16:11. attended by servants, 1 Sam. 17:20: Isa. 61:5. kept in folds, 1 Sam. 24:3; John 10:1. led to richest pastures, Psa. 23:2. fed on mountains, Exod. 3:1; Ezek. 34:6, 13. fed in valleys, Isa. 65:10. watered daily. Gen. 29:8-10; Exod. 2:16, 17. made to rest at noon, Psa. 23:2; Song 1:7. followed the shepherd, John 10:4, 27. fled from strangers, John 10:5. the church compared to, 2 Sam. 24:17; Psa. 74:1; 79:13; 95:7; 100:3; Ezek. 34: 36:38; Mic. 2:12; Mat. 15:24; 25:32; John 10:2: iPet. 2:25, etc. a type of Christ. Isa. 53:7; Acts 8:32. SHEKEL, as money, weight, etc.. Gen. 23:15; Exod. 30:13; Josh. 7:21; 2 Sara. 14:26; 1 Kin. 10:16; Neh. 5:15; Jer. 32:9; Ezek. 4:10. in value in silver, about 60 cents ; in weight, about 10 dwt. SHELAH, son of Judah, Gen. 38:5. SHEM, blessed. Gen. 9:26. his descendants. Gen. 10:21: 11:10; 1 Chr. 1:17. SHEMAIAH the prophet forbids Rehoboam to attack Jeroboam, l Kings 12:22; 2 Chr. 11:2. rebukes Rehoboam, 2 Chr. 12:5. denounced for opposing Jeremiah, Jer. 29:24. SHEMEBER, Gen. 14:2-12. SHEMER, 1 Kings 16:24. SHEMINITH (octave or bass), 1 Chr. 15:2i; title of Psalms 6, 12. SHEPHATIAH, Jer. 38:1-6. SHEPHERD (of Israel), Psa. 23:1; 77:20; 80:1; Ezek. 34:11. Christ the good Shepherd, John 10:14; Heb. 13:20; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:4. SHEPHERDS, early. Gen. 4:2. the patriarchs were, Gen. 13:5; 30:37. male and female. Gen. 29:6; 1 Sam. 16:11. hireling, 1 Sam. 17:20: John 10:12. know their sheep, John 10:14. seek good pasture, 1 Chr. 4:39. number their sheep, Jer. 33:13. watch over them. Gen. 31:40: Luke 2:8. defend their sheep, 1 Sam. 17:34; Amos 3:12. cherish the feeble. Gen. 33:13; Psa. 78:71. seek the lost, Ezek. 34:12; Luke 15:4. SHERIFF, Dan. 3:2, 3. SHESHACH, Jer. 25:26; 51:4L SHESHAN, 1 Chr. 2:31-35. SHESHBAZZAR, made governor of the Jews by Cyrus, Ezra 1:8; 5:14. SHETH (tumult). Num. 24:17; Jer. 48:45. SHETHAR-BOZNAI. See tatnai. SHIBBOLETH, made a test, Judg. 12:6. SHIELD, God is to his people. Gen. 15:1; Deut. 33:29; Psa. 33:20; 84:11; li5:9; Prov. 30:5. of faith, Eph. 6:16. Goliath's, 1 Sam. 17:6, etc. SHIELDS made by Solomon, etc., 1 Kings 10:17; 2 Chr. 11:12; 26:14; 32:5. 153 SHI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SIC SHIGGAION, a song or psalm, title of Psalm 7; Hab. 3:1. SHILOAH, Isa. 8:6. SHILOH, Christ, prophecy concerning, Gen. 49:10. , the tabernacle erected there. Josh. 18:1; ISam. 1:3; 2:14; 3:21. virgins of, carried off, Judg. 21:23. forsaken, Psa. 78:60; Jer. 7:12; 26:6. SHIMEI curses David, 2 Sam. 16:5. his acknowledgment, 2 Sam. 19:16. slain for disobedience, l Kings 2:36. SHINAR, Gen. 10:10; 11:2; Dan. 1:2. SHINING of God's face upon Israel, prayer for, Num. 6:25; Psa. 31:16; 67:1; 80:1; Dan. 9:17. of God's glory, Deut. 33:2; Psa. 50:2; Ezek. 43:2. of Christ's glory, Mat. 17:2; Acts 9:3; Rev. 1:16. of Moses' face, Exod. 34:29; 2 Cor. 3. of the light of the gospel, Isa. 9:2; 2 Cor. 4:4. See GOSPEL, of the light of Christians in this world, Mat. 5:16; John 5:35; Phil. 2:15. and in that to come, Dan. 12:3; Mat. 13:43, SHIPS,' first mentioned. Gen. 49:13; Num. 24:24; Judg. 5:17. parts of, mentioned in Scripture: the forepart, or foreship. Acts 27:30, 41. the hinder part, or stern. Acts 27:29, 41. the hold, Jon. 1:5. the mast. Pro v. 23:34; Isa. 33:23; Ezek. 27:5. the sails, Isa. 33:23; Ezek. 27:7. the tackling, Isa. 33:23; Acts 27:19. the rudder or helm, Jas. 3:4. the rudder-bands. Acts 27:40. the anchors. Acts 27:29, 40. the boats, Acts 27:30, 32. the oars, Isa. 33:21; Ezek. 27:6. a navy formed by Solomon, 1 Kings 9:26. by Jehoshaphat, 1 Kings 22:48. of Tarshish, Psa. 48:7; Isa. 2:16; 23:1; 60:9; Ezek. 27:25. etc. merchant, 1 Kings 10:11, 22; 2 Chr. 8:17; 9:21; Prov. 31 : 14. of war. Num. 24:24: Dan. 11:30, 40. in storms, Jon. 1; Mat. 8:23; 14:24; Mark 4:37; Luke 8:22; .John 6:18: Acts 27. care of Providence for, Psa. 107:23; Acts 27:21. SHIPMASTER, Jon. 1:6; Rev. 18:17. SillPWRECK, Paul's, Acts 27. See 2 Cor. 11:25. SHISHAK, king of Egypt, invades Jerusalem and spoils the temple, 1 Kin. 14:25: 2 Chr. 12. SIIITTIM-wood in constructing the taljernacle, Exod. 25:5, etc.; 27:1, etc. , in Moab, Num. 25; 33:29; Mic. 6:5. spies sent from, Josh. 2:1. vale of, Joel 3:18. SIIOCOH, or Sochoh, Josh. 15:35; 1 Sam. 17:1; 2 Chr. 11:7; 28:18. SHOE TAKEN OFF in reverence, Exod. 3:5; Josh. 5:15. in resigning the power of redeeming the land, Deut. 25:9: Ruth 4:7. in humiliation, 2 Sam. 15:30. SIIOSHANNIM, or Shushan, a musical instru- ment resembling a lily; Shoshanniiii Eduth, lyric pipe, title of Psalms 45, 60, 09, so. SHOULDER in sacrifices, law concerning. Exod. 29:22, 27; Lev. 7:34; 10:14; Num. 6:19. SHOUTING, in war, Josh. 6:5; 1 Sam. 4:5; 2 Chr. 13:15. In worship, 2 Sam. 6:15; Ezra 3:11; Psa. 47:1; Zeph. 3:14, etc. SHOVEL, Exod. 27:3; Jer. 52:18. com winnowed with, Isa. 30:24. SHOWBREAD, twelve cakes of fine flour. Lev. 24:5. called hallowed bread, 1 Sam. 21:4. placed in two rows on the table by the priests, Exod. 25:30; 40:23; Lev. 24:6. changed every Sabbath-day, Lev. 24:8. after removal given to the priests. Lev. 24:9. not lawful for any but priests to eat, except in extreme cases, l Sam. 21:4-6; Mat. 12:4. illustrative of Christ, the bread of life, John 6:48, and the church, 1 Cor. 5:7; 10:17. table of, description, Exod. 25:23-30. set in the Holy Place, Exod. 40:22; Heb. 9:2. made by Solomon, 1 Kings 7:48, 50; 2 Chr. 4:19. SHRINE, Acts 19:24. SHULAMITE, Song 6:13. SHUNEM, Josh. 19:18; 1 Sam. 28:4. Elisha's miracles there, 2 Kings 4:8. SHUR, or Etham, desert, Exod. 15:22. Hagar wanders in. Gen. 16:7. , a city, Gen. 16:7; 25:18; 1 Sam. 15:7; 27:8. SHUSHAN, city and palace of Artaxerxes, Neh. 1:1; Esth. 2:8; 3:15, etc. SHUTTLE, Job 7:6. SIBMAH. Num. 32:38; Josh. 13:19; Isa. 16:8, 9; Jer. 48:32. SICKLE, laws concerning, Deut. 16:9; 23:25. typical of judgment, Joel 3:13; Mark 4:29; Rev. 14:14. SICKNESS: sent by God, Deut. 32:39; 2 Sam. 12:15; Acts 12:23. the devil sometimes permitted to inflict, Job 2:6, 7; Luke 9:39; 13:16. often brought on by intemperance, Hos. 7:5. often sent as a punishment of sin. Lev. 26:14- 16; 2 Chr. 21:12-15; 1 Cor. 11:30. God promises to heal, Exod. 23:25; 2 Kings 20:5. heals, Deut. 32:39; Psa. 103:3; Isa. .38:5, 9. exhibits liis mercy in healing, Phil. 2:27. exhibits his power in healing, Luke 5:17. exhibits his love in healing,. Isa. 38:17. often manifests saving grace to sinners du- ring. Job 33:19-24. permits saints to be tried by. Job 2:5, 6. strengthens saints in, Psa. 41:3. comforts saints in, Psa. 41:3. hears the prayers of those in, Psa. 30:2; 107:18-20. preserves saints in times of, Psa. 91:3-7. abandons the wicked to, Jer. 34:17. persecutes the wicked bv, Jer. 29:18. healing of, lawful on the Sabbath, Lu. 13:14-16. Christ compassionated those in, Isa. 53:4, with Mat. 8:16, 17. Christ healed, being present, Mat. 4:23; Mark 1:31. not being present. Mat. 8:1.3. by imposition of hand-s, Mark 6:5; Lu. 13:13. with a touch. Mat. 8:3. through the touch of his garment. Mat 14:35, 36; Mark 5:27-34. with a word, Mat. 8:8, 13. faith required in those healed of, by Christ, Mat. 9:28, 29; Mark 5:34; 10:52. often incurable by human means, Deut. 28:27; 2 Chr. 21:18. the apostles were endued with power to heal, Mat. 10:1; Mark 16:18, 20. SAINTS acknowledge tliat, comes from God, Psa. .38:1-8; Isa. :i8:12. 15. are resigned under, Job 2:10. mourn under, with prayer, Isa. 38:14. SID BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SIN pray for recovery from, Isa. 38:2, 3. ascribe recovery from, to God, Isa. 38:20. praise God for recovery from, Psa. 103:1-3; Isa. 38:19; Luke 17:15. thank God publicly for recovery from, Isa. 38:20; Acts 3:8. feel for others in, Psa. 3o:l3. visit those in, Mat. 25:36. visiting those in, an evidence of belonging to Christ, Mat. 25:34, 36, 40. pray for those afflicted with, Acts 28:8; Jas. 5:14, 15. THE WICKED have much sorrow, etc., with, Eccl. 5:17. do not seek the aid of God in, 2 Chr. 16:12. forsake those in, 1 Sam. 30:1.3. visit not those in. Mat. 25:43. not visiting those in, an evidence of not belong- ing to Christ, Mat. 25:43, 45. illustrative of sin, Isa. 1:5; Jer. 8:22; Mat. 9:12. SIDDIM, vale of, Gen. 14:3-10. SIDON. See ziDON. SIEGE, by entrenchments, Deut. 20 : 20; Isa. 37:33. by battering-rams, 2 Sam. 20:15; Ezek. 4:2; 26:8-12. by emptying moats, Isa. 19:6; 37:25. by raising forts, Isa. 29:3. examples: Siege of Jericho, Josh. 6; Rabbah, 2 Sam. 11:1; Abel, 2 Sam. 20:15; Samaria, 1 Kings 20:1; 2 Kings 6:24; 17:5; Tirzah, 1 Kings 16; 17; Gibbethon,! Kings 15:27; Je- rusalem, 2 Kin. 16:5; 24:10, 11; 25:1-3; 2 Chr. 32:3-6. illustrative, Psa. 139:5; Isa. 1:8; Mic. 5:1. SIEVE, Amos 9:9. illustrative, Isa. 30:28; Luke 22:31. SIGNS: the rainbow. Gen. 9:12. circumcision. Gen. 17:11 (Rom. 4:11). the Sabbath, Exod. 31:13. Jonah, Mat. 12:38; Mark 8:11, etc. See Gen. 1:14; Exod. 3:12; 4:9; 1 Kings 13:3; Isa. 7:11; 8:18; 20:3; Ezek. 24:24. false ones, Deut. 13: i; Mat. 24:24; 2 Thes. 2:9. SIHON, king of the Amorites, subdued. Num. 21:21; Deut. 1:4; 2:26; Psa. 135:11; 136:19. SIHOR, the Nile, Josh. 13:3; 1 Chr. 13:5; Isa. 23" 3' Jer 2*18 SIHOR-LIBNATH, Josh. 19:26. SILAS (Silvanus), companion of Paul in perse- cution, etc., Acts 15:22; 16:19; 17:4. See 2 Cor. 1:19; 1 Thes. 1:1; 1 Pet. 5:12. SILENCE, through grief. Job 2:13; Psa. 39:2, 9. enjoined upon women in the church, 1 Tim. 2:11. See Prov. 10:19; 11:12; 17:28; Jas. 1:19. in heaven. Rev. 8:1. SILK, Prov. 31:22; Ezek. 16:10. SILOAM, pool of, John 9:7. SILVER, employed in the tabernacle, Exod. 26:19; Num. 7:13. as money, Gen. 23:15; 44:2; Deut. 22:19; 2 Kin. 5:22, etc. made into cups. Gen. 44:2; dishes and bowls. Num. 7:13, 84; thin plates, Jer. 10:9; chains, Isa. 40:19; wires, Eccl. 12:6; candlesticks and tables, 1 Chr. 28:15, 16; beds or couches, Esth. 1:6; idols, Psa. 115:4; Isa. 2:20; 30:22; personal ornaments, Exod. 3:22. illustrative, Psa. 12:6; 66:10; Prov. 3:14; 8:19; 10:20; 16:16; Isa. 1:22, 23; Jer. 6:30; Ezek. 22:18; Zech. 13:9. Christ betrayed for, Zech. 11:12; Amos 2:6; Mat. 26:15. SILVERLING. Isa. 7:23. SILVERSMITH, Acts 19:24. SIMEON, son of Jacob, Gen. 29:33. avenges Dinah, Gen. 34:7, 25. detained by Joseph, Gen. 42:24. Jacob's prophecy concerning. Gen. 49 5. his descendants, Gen. 46:10; Exod. 6:1 j; 1 Chr. 4:24; 12:25. numbered. Num. 1:22; 26:12. reduced by a plague. Num. 25:9. theirinheritance, Josh. 19:1; Deut. 27:12; Judg. 1:3; 2 Chr. 15:9; 34:6; Ezek. 48:24; Rev. 7:7. blesses Christ, Luke 2:25. SIMILITUDE, Deut. 4:12, 15; 2 Chr. 4:3; IIos. 12:10. SIMON (kinsman of Jesus), Mat. 13:55; Mark 6:3. (the Canaanite, Zelotes), apostle. Mat. 10:4; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15. (a Pharisee), reproved, Luke 7:36. (a leper), Christ anointed in his house. Mat. 26:7. Mark 14:3. (of Cyrene), bears the cross of Jesus, Mat. 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26. (a tanner), Peter's vision in his house. Acts (9:43); 10:6. (a sorcerer), baptized. Acts 8:9. rebuked by Peter, Acts 8:18. PETER. See peter. SLMPLICITY; is opposed to fleshly wisdom, 2 Cor. 1:12. necessity for. Mat. 18:2, 3. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED in prcachiug the gospel, 1 Thes. 2:3-7. in acts of benevolence, Rom. 12:8. in all our conduct, 2 Cor. 1:12. concerning our own wisdom, 1 Cor. 3:18. concerning evil, Rom. 16:19. concerning maUce, 1 Cor. 14:20. exhortations to, Rom. 16:19; 1 Pet. 2:2. THEY WHO HAVE THK GRACE OF, are made wise by God, Mat. 11:25. are made wise by the word of God, Psa. 19:7; 119:130. are preserved by God, Psa. 116:6. made circumspect by instruction, Prov. 1:4. profit by the correction of others, Prov. 19:25; 21:11. beware of being corrupted from that, wliich is in Christ, 2 Cor. 11:3. illustrated, Mat. 6:22. exemplified: David, Psa. 131:1, 2. Jeremiah, Jer. 1:6. Primitive Christians, Acts 2:46; 4:32. Paul, 2 Cor. 1:12. SIMPLE, the (fools), exhortations to, Prov. 1:22; 8:5. See Prov. 1:32: 7:7; 14:15. SIN (Zin), wilderness of, quails and manna given there, Exod. 16; Num. 13:21; and water from the rock, Num. 20; 27:14. SIN: is the transgression of the law, 1 John 3:4. is of the devil, 1 John 3:8, with .lohn 8:44. all unrighteousness is, 1 John 5:17. omission of what we know to be good is, Jas. 4:17. whatever is not of faith is, Rom. 14:23. the thought of foolishness is, Prov. 24:9. all the imaginations of the unrenewed heart are. Gen. 6:5; 8:2L DESCRIBED AS comiug from the heart. Mat. 15:19. the fruit of lust, Jas. 1:15. the sting of death, 1 Cor. 15:56. rebellion against God, Deut. 9:7; Josh. 1:18. works of darkness. Eph. 5:11. dead works, Heb. 6:1; 9:14. SIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SIN the abominable thing that God hates, Prov. 15' 9' Jer. 44:4 11. defiling, Prov. 30:12; Isa. 59:3. deceitlul, Heb. 3:13. disgraceful, Prov. 14:34. often very great, Exod. 32:30; 1 Sam. 2:17. often mighty, Amos 5:12, often manifold, Amos 5:12. often presumptuous, Psa. 19:13. sometimes open and manifest, l Tim. 5:24. sometimes secret. Psa. 90:8; 1 Tim. 5:24. besetting, Ileb. 12:1. like scarlet and crimson, Isa. 1:18. reaching unto heaven, Rev. 18:5. entered into the world by Adam, Gen. 3:6, 7, with Rom. 5:12. all men are conceived and born in. Gen. 5:3; Job 15:14; 25:4; Psa. 51:5. all men are shapen in, Psa. 51:5. Scripture concludes all under, Gal. 3:22. no man is without, l Kings 8:46; Eccl. 7:20. Christ alone was without, 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15; 7:26; lJohn3:5. God abominates, Dent. 25:16; Prov. 6:16-19. marks, Job 10:14. remembers, Rev. 18:5. is provoked to jealousy by, 1 Kings 14:22. is provoked to anger by, 1 Kings 16:2. alone can forgive, Exod. 34:7; Ban. 9:9; Mic. 7:18: Mark 2:7. recompenses, Jer. 16:18; Rev. 18:6. punishes, Isa. 13:11; Amos 3:2. THE LAW is transgressed by every, Jas. 2:10, 11, with 1 John 3:4. gives knowledge of, Rom. 3:20; 7:7. shows exceeding sinfulness of, Rom. 7:13. made to restrain, 1 Tim. 1:9, 10. by its strictness stirs up, Rom. 7:5, 8, 11. is the strength of, l Cor. 15:56. curses those guilty of. Gal. 3:10. no man can cleanse himself from, Job 9:30, 31; Prov. 20:9; Jer. 2:22. no man can atone for, Mic. 6:7. God has opened a fountain for, Zech. 13:1. Christ was manifested to take away, John 1:29; 1 John 3:5. Christ's blood redeems from, Eph. 1:7. Christ's blood cleanses from, 1 John 1:7. SAINTS made free from, Rom. 6:18. dead to, Rom. 6:2, 11; 1 Pet. 2:24. professes to have ceased from, l Pet. 4:1. cannot live in, 1 John 3:9; 5:18. resolve against, Job 34:32. ashamed of having committed, Rom. 6:21. abhor themselves on account of, Job 42:6; Ezek. 20:43. have yet the remains of, in them, Rom. 7:17, 23, with Gal. 5:17. the fear of God restrains, Exod. 20:20; Psa. 4:4; Prov. 16:6. the word of God keeps from, Psa. 119:11. the Holy Ghost convinces of, John 16:8, 9. if we say that we have no, we deceive our- selves, and the truth is not in us, 1 John 1 :8. if we say that we have no, we make God a liar, 1 John 1:10. confusion of face belongs to those guilty of, Dan. 9:7, 8. SHOULD BE confessed, Job 33:27; Prov. 28:13. grieved for, 2 Chr. 6:29; Mark 3:5. mourned over, Psa, 38:18; Jer. 3:21. hated, Psa. 97:10; Prov. 8:13; Amos 5:15. abhorred, Rom. 12:9. put away, Job 11:14. departed from, Psa. 34:14; 2 Tim. 2:19. 156 avoided even in appearance, l Thes. 5:22. guarded against, Psa. 4:4; 39:1. striven against, Heb. 12:4. mortified, Rom. 8:13; Col. 3:5. wholly destroyed, Rom. 6:6. specially strive against besetting, Heb. 12:1. aggravated by neglecting advantages, Luke 12:47; John 15:22. guilt of concealing, Job 31:33; Prov. 28:13. WE SHOULD PRAY TO GoD to scarch for, in our hearts, Psa. 139:23, 24. to make us know our. Job 13:23. to forgive our, Exod. 34:9; Luke 11:4. to keep us from, Psa. 19:13. to deliver us from. Mat. 6:13. to cleanse us from, Psa. 51:2. prayer hindered by, Psa. 66:18; Isa. 59:2. blessings withheld on account of, Jer. 5:25. THE WICKED servants to, John 8:34; Rom. 6:16. dead in, Eph. 2:1. guilty of, in everything they do, Prov. 21:4; Ezek. 21:24. plead necessity for, 1 Sam. 13:11, 12. excuse. Gen. 3:12, 13; l Sam. 15:13-15. encourage themselves in, Psa. 64:5. defy God in committing, Isa. 5:18, 19. boast of, Isa. 3:9. make a mock at, Prov. 14:9. expect impunity in, Psa. 50:21; 94:7. cannot cease from, 2 Pet. 2:14. heap up, Psa. 78:17; Isa. 30:1. encouraged in, by prosperity, Prov. 10:16. led by despair to continue in, Jer. 18:12. try to conceal from God, Gen. 3:8, 10, with Job 31:33. throw the blame of, on God, Gen. 3:12; Jer. 7:10. throw the blame of, on others. Gen. 3:12, 13; Exod. 32:22-24. tempt others to, Gen. 3:6; 1 Kings 16:2. delight in those who commit, Rom. 1:32. shall bear the shame of, Ezek. 16:52. shall find out the wicked. Num. 32:23. ministers should warn the wicked to forsake, Ezek. 33:9; Dan. 4:27. LEADS TO Shame, Rom. 6:21. disquiet, Psa. 38:3. disease. Job 20:11. the ground was cursed on account of, Gen. 3:17, 18. toil and sorrow originated in, Gen. 3:16, 17, 19, with Job 14:1. excludes from heaven. Gal. 5:19-21: Eph. 5:5; Rev. 21:27. against the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12:31; Mark 3:28; Luke 12:10. See Heb. 6:4; 10:26; 1 John 5:16. when finished brings forth death, Jas. 1:15. death the wages of, Rom. 6:23. death the punishment of. Gen. 2:17; Ezek. 18:4. SINS, national: often pervade all ranks, Isa. 1:5; Jer. 5:1-5; 6:1.3. often caused and encouraged by rulers, 1 Kin. 12:26-33; 2 Chr. 21:11-13. oft€n caused by prosperity, Deut. 32:15; Ezek. 28:5. DEFILE the land, Lev. 18:25; Isa. 24:5. the people, Lev. 18:24; Ezek. 14:11. national worship. Hag. 2:14. aggravated by privileges, Isa. 5:4-7; Ezek. 20:11-13; Mat. 11:21-24. lead the heathen to blaspheme, Rom. 2:24. are a reproach to a people, Prov. 14:34. SHOULD BE repented of, Jer. 18:8; Jon. 3:5. SIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SLA mourned over, Joel 2:12. confessed, Judg. 10:10. turned from, Isa. 1:16; Jon. 3:10. saints especially mourn over, Psa. 119 : 136; Ezek. 9:4. MINISTERS SHOULD moum ovcr, Ezra 10:6; Ezek. 6:11; Joel 2:17. testify against, Isa. 30:8, 9; Ezek. 2:3-5; 22:2; Jon. 1:2. try to turn the people from, Jer. 23:22. pray for forgiveness of, Exod. 32:31, 32; Joel 2:17. national prayer rejected on account of, Isa. 1:15; 59:2. national worship rejected on account of, Isa. 1:10-14; Jer. 6:19,20. cause the withdrawal of privileges, Lam. 2:9; Amos 8:11. bring down national judgments, Mat. 23:35, 36; 27:25. denunciations against, Isa. 1:24; 30:1; Jer. 5:9; 12:17. punishment for, Isa. 3:8; Jer. 12:17; 25:12; Ezek. 28:7-10. Ijunishment for, averted on repentance, Judg. 10:15, 16; 2 Chr. 12:6, 7; Jon. 3:10. exemplified: Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen. 18:20; 2 Pet. 2:6. Children of Israel, Exod. 16:8; 32:31. Nations of Canaan, Deut. 9:4. King- dom of Israel, 2 Kings 17:8-12; Hos. 4:1, 2. Kingdom of Judah, 2 Kings 17:19; Isa. 1:2-7. Moab, Jer. 48:29, 30. Babylon, Jer. 51:6, 13, 52. Tyre, Ezek. 28:2. Nineveh, Nah. 3:1. SINAI, mount, Deut. 33:2; Judg. 5:5; Psa. 68:8, 17. See HOBEB. SINCERITY : Christ was an example of, l Pet. 2:22. ministers should be examples of. Tit. 2:7. opposed to fieshly wisdom, 2 Cor. 1:12. SHOULD CHARACTERIZE OUr lOVC tO God, 2 Cor. 8:8, 24. our love to Christ, Eph. 6:24. our service to God, Josh. 24:14. our faith, 1 Tim. 1:5. our love to one another, Rom. 12:9; 1 Pet. 1:22; 1 John 3:18. our whole conduct, 2 Cor. 1:12. the preaching of the gospel, 2 Cor. 2:17 ; 1 Thes. 2:3-5. a characteristic of the doctrines of the gospel, 1 Pet. 2:2. the gospel sometimes preached without, Phil. 1:16. the wicked devoid of, Psa. 5:9; 55:21. exhortations to, 1 Cor. 5:8; 1 Pet. 2:1. pray for, on behalf of others, Phil. 1:10. blessedness of, Psa. 32:2. exemplified : Men of Zebulun, 1 Chr. 12:33. Hezekiah, Isa. 38:3. Nathanael, John 1:47. Paul, 2 Cor. 1:12. Timothy, 2 Tim. 1:5. Lois and Eunice, 2 Tim. 1:5. SINGING used in divine worship, Exod. 15; 1 Chr. 6:31; 13:8; 2 Chr. 20:22; 29:30; Neh. 12:27; Mat. 26:30, etc. exhortations to, l Chr. 16:9; Psa. 33; 66; 67; 95; 96; 98: 100; 105, etc.; l Cor. 14:15; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Jas. 5:13. SINGLENESS of heart. Acts 2:46; Eph. 6:5; Col. 3:22. SINIM (China), prophecy of, Isa. 49:12. SINITES, Gen. 10:17; 1 Chr. 1:15. SIRION, mount, Deut. 3:9; Psa. 29:6. SISERA oppresses Israel, Judg. 4:2. slain by Jael, Judg. 4:21; 5:24; 1 Sam. 12:9; Psa. 83:9. SITNAH (hatred), Gen. 26:21. SI VAN, third month, June, Esth. 8:9. SKIN, coats of, Gen. 3:21. covering for the tabernacle, Exod. 25:5; Num. 4:8-14. SLANDER : an abomination unto God, Prov. 6:16, 19. forbidden, Exod. 23:1; Jas. 4:11. INCLUDES whispering, Rom. 1:29; 2 Cor. 12:20. backbiting, Rom. 1:30; 2 Cor. 12:20. evil surmising, 1 Tim. 6:4. talebearing, Lev. 19:16. babbling, Eccl. 10:11. tattling, 1 Tim. 5:13. evil speaking, Psa. 41:5; 109:20. defaming, Jer. 20:10; 1 Cor. 4:13. bearing false witness, Exod. 20:16; Deut. 5:20; Luke 3:14. judging uncharitably, Jas. 4:11, 12. raising false reports, Exod. 23:1. repeating matters, Prov. 17:9. is a deceitful work, Psa. 52:2. comes from the evil heart, Luke 6:45. often arises from hatred, Psa. 41:7; 109:3. idleness leads to, 1 Tim. 5:13. the wicked addicted to, Psa. 50:20; Jer. 6:28; 9:4. hypocrites addicted to, Prov. 11:9. a characteristic of the devil, Rev. 12:10. the wicked love, Psa. 52:4. they who indulge in, are fools, Prov. 10:18. they who indulge in, not to be trusted, Jer. 9:4. women warned against, Tit. 2:3. ministers' wives should avoid, 1 Tim. 3:11. Christ was exposed to, Psa. 35:11; Mat. 26:60. rulers exposed to, 2 Pet. 2:10; Jude 8. ministers exposed to, Rom. 3:8; 2 Cor. 6:8. the nearest relations exposed to, Psa. 50:20. saints exposed to, Psa. 38:12; 109:2: 1 Pet 4:4. SAINTS should keep their tongues from, Psa. 34:13, with 1 Pet. 3:10. should lay aside, Eph. 4:31: 1 Pet. 2:1. should be warned against. Tit. 3:1, 2. should give no occasion for, 1 Pet. 2:12; 3:16. should return good for, 1 Cor. 4:13. blessed in enduring. Mat. 6:11. characterized as avoiding, Psa. 15:1, 3. should not be listened to, 1 Sam. 24:9. should be discountenanced with anger, Prov. 25:23. EFFECTS of: Separating friends, Prov. 16:28; 17:9. deadly wounds. Prov. 18:8; 26:22. strife, Prov. 26:20. discord among brethren, Prov. 6:19. murder, Psa. 31:13; Ezek. 22:9. the tongue of, is a scourge. Job 5:21. Is venomous, Psa. 140:3: Eccl. 10:11. is destructive, Prov. 11:9. end of, is mischievous madness, Eccl. 10:13. men shall give account for. Mat. 12:36. punishment for, Deut. 19:16-21; Psa. 101:5. illustrated, Prov. 12:18; 25:18. exemplified: Laban's sons. Gen. 31:1. Doeg, 1 Sam. 22:9-11. Princes of Ammon, 2 Sam. 10:3. Ziba, 2 Sam. 16:3. Children of Belial, 1 Kings 21:13. Enemies of the Jews, Ezra 4:7-16. Gashmu, Neh. 6:6. Haman. Esth. 3:8. David's enemies, Psa. 31:13. Jeremiah's enemies, Jer. 38:4. Chaldeans, Dan. 3:8. Dan- iel's accusers, Dan. 6:13. Jews, Mat. 11:18, 19. Witnesses against Christ, Mat. 26:59-61. Priests, Mark 15:3. Enemies of Stephen, Acts 6:11. Enemies of Paul, etc.. Acts 17:7. Ter- tuUus, Acts 24:2, 5. 157 SLA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SOR SLAYER without malice, Num. 35:11; Deut. 4:42; 19:3; Josh. 20:3. SLEEP, deep, sent by God, Gen. 2:21; 15:12; 1 Sam. 26:12; Job 4:13. too much, Prov. 6:4; 19:15; 20:13. figurative, Psa. 13:3; Dan. 12:2; Mark 13:36; Rom. 13:11; 1 Cor. 11:30; 15:20; IThes. 4:14. SLIME (asphalt or bitumen) used for Noah's ark, (Jen. 6:14. used at Babel, Gen. 11:3. Moses' ark daubed with, Exod. 2:3. vale of Siddim full of, Gen. 14:10. SLING, skill in its use, Judg. 20:16. Goliath slain by, 1 Sam. 17:49. See 2 Kin. 3:25; 2Chr. 26:14. figurative, 1 Sam. 25:29; Prov. 26:8. SLOTHFULNESS censured, Prov. 12:24, 27; 15:19; 21:25; 26:13-16; Mat. 25:26; Rom. 11:8. leads to want, Prov. 18:9; 19:15; 20:4; 24:30; Eccl. 10:18. magnifies obstacles, Prov. 15:19; 22:13. in ministers, Isa. 56:10; Ezek. 34:2. exhortations against, Prov. 6:4; Rom. 12:11; 13:11; IThes. 5:6; Heb. 6:12. See idleness. SLUGGARD described, Prov. 6:6; 10:26; 13:4; 20:4; 26:16. SMITH, 1 Sam. 13:19; 2 Kings 24:14; Isa. 54:16; Jer. 24:1. SMYRNA, church of, comforted under persecu- tion. Rev. 2:8. SNAIL, unclean. Lev. 11:30. SNARE, or gin, Amos 3:5. illustrative, Job 18:8, 10; Psa. 91:3; Jer. 52:18. SNOW, in Palestine, 2 Sam. 23:20; in Uz, Job 6:16; 9:30; on Lebanon, Jer. 18:14. SNUFFERS of gold, Exod. 25:38; 37:23. SO, king of Egypt, 2 Kings 17:4. SOAP, Jer. 2:22; Mai. 3:2. SOBRIETY: commanded, 1 Pet. 1:13; 6:8. the gospel designed to teach, Tit. 2:11, 12. with watchfulness, 1 Thes. 5:6. with praver, 1 Pet. 4:7. BEQUiRED IN ministers, 1 Tim. 3:2, 3; Tit. 1:8. wives of ministers, 1 Tim. 3:11. aged men, Tit. 2:2. young men, Tit. 2:6. young women, Tit. 2:4. all saints, 1 Thes. 5:6, 8. women should exhibit, in dress, 1 Tim. 2:9. we should estimate our character and talents with, Rom. 12:3. we should live in, lit. 2:12. motives to, 1 Pet. 4:7; 5:8. SOCKET, Exod. 26:19, 25, 37; 27:10, 12. SODOM, wickedness of its inhabitants. Gen. 13:13; 18:20; 19:4; Deut. 23:17; 1 Kin. 14:24, etc. their captivity, and deliverance by .Vbraham, (Jen. 14. God's judgment on, and Abraham's interces- sion for, Gen. 18:17. Lot's deliverance from. Gen. 19. awful destruction of, (Jen. 19:24. a type of God's wrath, Deut. 29:23; .32:32: Isa. 1:9; 13:19; Lam. 4:6, etc.; Mat. 10:15; Luke 17:29; Jude 7; Rev. 11:8. SOLDIERS, levies of. Num. 31:4: Judg. 20:10. sometimes mercenaries, Judg. 9:4; 2 Sam. 10:6; 1 Chr. 19:7, 8; 2 Chr. 25:6. men twenty years old to serve, Num. 1:3; 20:2. exemptions, Deut. 20:5-9; 24:5. discipline. Mat. 8:9; 2 Tim. 2:3,4. instructed by John the Baptist, Luke 3:14. 158 their conduct to Christ, John 19. bribed by the priests. Mat. 28:12. a devout soldier. Acts 10:7. guard prisoners. Acts 12:4-19. rescue Paul, Acts 21:32;— 27:31. SOLOMON, king, born, 2 Sam. 12:24. prophecy concerning, 2 Sam. 7:12; 1 Chr. 22:9; Mat. 1:6. proclaimed king, 1 Kings 1. exhorted by David, 1 Kings 2; 1 Chr. 28:9; 29. executes justice upon Adonijah, Joab, etc., 1 Kings 2:24. his choice of wisdom, 1 Kings 3:5; 2 Chr. 1:7. his wise judgment, 1 Kings 3:16. his officers, 1 Kings 4. message to Hiram, 1 Kings 5; 2 Chr. 2. builds the temple (2 Sam. 7:12; 1 Chr. 17:11); 1 Kings 6: 7; 2 Chr. 3-5. his prayer at the dedication, 1 Kin. 8; 2 Chr. 6. God's covenant with him, 1 Kin. 9; 2 Chr. 7:12. his great wisdom, 1 Kings 4:29. visited by the queen of Sheba, 1 Kin. 10; 2 Chr. 9; Mat. 6:29; 12:42. his idolatry, 1 Kiugs 11:1; Neh. 13:26. rebuked by God, 1 Kings 11:9. his adversaries, 1 Kings 11:14. Ahijah's prophecy, l Kings 11:31. his death, l Kings 11:41; 2 Chr. 9:29. See Psa. 72; Prov. 1:1; Song 1:1; EccL 1. SON, USED FOR grandson, 2 Sam. 19:24. descendant, Mat. 1:1, 20. as a name of affection, 1 Sam. 3:6; 1 Tim. 1:2; and of humility, 2 Kings 8:9. , son of the morning, Isa. 14:12. , son of Belial, 1 Sam. 2:12. SON OF GOD. See JESUS CHRIST. SON OF MAN: applied by Christ to himself, Mat. 8:20; 9:6; 10:23; 11:19; 12:8. to Christ as seen in vision, Dan. 7:13; Rev. 1:13; 14:14. SONS OF GOD, angels, Job 1:6; 38:7. Christians, John 1:12; Rom. 8:14; 2 Cor. 6:18; Heb. 2:10; 12:5; Jas. 1:18; 1 John 3:1. obligations of, Eph. 5:1; PliiL 2:15; 1 Pet. 1:13; 2:9. SONS of Israelites proscribed by Pharaoh, Exod. 1:16. purification for, Lev. 12:6. punishment of rebellious, Deut. 21 :18. See ADOPTION, CHILDREN, FIKST BOKN. SONGS: of Moses, Ex. 15; Num. 21:17; Deut. 32; Rev. 15:3. of Deborah, Judg. 5. of Hannah, l Sam. 2. of David, 2 Sam. 22; Psalms, of Mary, Luke 1:46. of Zacharias, Luke 1:68. of the angels, Luke 2:13. of Simeon, Luke 2:29. of the redeemed. Rev. 5:9; 19. SOOTHSAYER. Isa. 2:6; Dan. 2:27; 5:7,11; Mic. 5:12: Acts 16:16. SOP, a bit or morsel, John 13:26, 27. SOPATEK or Sosi|)ater, Acts 20:4, 6; Rom. 16:21. SORCKRY, consulting cups. Gen. 44:5; dreams, Jer. 29:8; Zech. 10:2; entrails of animals and arrows, Ezek. 21:21, 22: familiar spirits, Isa. 8:19; 19:3; images, 2 Kings 23:24; the dead, Deut. 18:11; 26:14. books of. Acts 19:19: with muttering, Isa. 29:4; for money. Acts 16:16. all kinds forbidden, and threatened with pun ishment. Lev. 19:26, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9-14. punished with death by the law, Exod. 22:18; Lev. 20:27; Deut. 13:5. SOR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. STA examples: Joseph, Gen. 44:4, 15; Pharaoh's magicians, Exod. 7:11, 22; Halaam, Num. 23; Philistines, 1 Sam. 6:2-9; Saul, 1 Sam. 28; Jezebel, 2 Kings 9:22: Israel, 2 Kings 17:17; Manasseh, 2 Kings 21:6: Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 2:2; 4:7; Belshazzar, Dan. 5:7, 15; Nin- evites, Nah. 3:4, 5; Simon Magus, Acts 8:9- 11; Elymas, Acts 13:8; damsel at Philippi, Acts 16:16; sons of Sceva and Ephesians, Actsl9:13, 14, 18, 19. SOREK, Judg. 16:4. SORROW, godly and worldly, contrasted, 2 Cor. 7:10; 1 Thes. 4:13. See affliction. SOSTHENES, Acts 18:8, 17; 1 Cor. 1:1. SOUL, or spirit, of man, proceeds from God, Gen. 2:7; Job 32:8; Zech. 12:1. its inestimable value. Mat. 16:26; Mark 8:37, etc. existence after death, Eccl. 12:7; Mat. 10:28; 22:32; Luke 16:22; 23:43; 2 Cor. 5:6, 8; Rev. 20:4. its condemnation, Psa. 49:8; Prov. 13:2; 22:3; Mat. 25; Luke 12:4; 16:23; Rev. 20:13, etc. its redemption, Lev. 17:11; Psa. 33:19; 34:22; 49:16. See redemption. SOUR GRAPES, proverb concerning, Jer. 31:29; Ezek. 18:2. SOUTH, the king of, Daniel's vision concerning, Dan. 11. SOWER, parable of, Mat. 13:3; Mark 4:3; Luke 8:5. reaps whatever he sows. Gal. 6:7. reaps sparingly, or bountifully, as he sows, 2 Cor. 9:6. shall reap with joy, Psa. 126:5, 6. should labor always, trusting in God, Eccl. 11:6. SPAIN, Rom. 15:24, 28. SPAN, a measure, Exod. 28:16. SPARROW, Psa. 84:3; 102:7; translated bird; used in sacrifice. Lev. 14:4-53 (marg.). two sold for a farthing. Mat. 10:29. SPEAR, Josh. 8:18; 2 Sam. 23:8, 18. Goliath's, 1 Sam. 17:7, etc. Christ pierced with one, John 19:34. SPEECH, evil, described and condemned, Psa. 64:3, 4; 140:3; Prov. 16:27; 26:21, 22; Mat. 12:36; Eph. 4:29, 31; 5:4; Jas. 3:5-10. Wise commended, Prov. 12:25; 15:23; 16:24; 25:11; IPet. 1:15; Col. 4:6. SPICES, for the anointing oil, etc., Exod. 25:6; 30:23, 34; 37:29. for purification, Esth. 2:12; Psa. 45:8. for embalming, etc., 2 Chr. 16:14; Mark 16:1; Luke 23:56; John 19:40. SPIDER, Job 8:14; Prov. 30:28; Isa. 59:5. SPIES sent into Canaan, Num. 13:3. their instructions. Num. 13:17. report often of them, Num. 13:26. their punishment. Num. 14:35; Deut. 1:22; Heb. 3:17. two sent to Jericho by Joshua, Josh. 2:1. preserved by Rahab, Josh. 2:4. their covenant with her. Josh. 2:17. their report to Joshua, Josh. 2:23. their oath performed. Josh. 6:17, 23. See Heb. 11:31; Jas. 2:25. sent by the Danites, Judg. 18:2. sent by Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:10. SPIKENARD, Christ anointed with, Mark 14:3; Luke 7:37; John 12:3. SPINDLE. Prov. 31:19. SPINNING, by women, Exod. 35:25, 26; Prov. 31:19. SPIRIT OP God. See holy spirit. SPIRIT of Antichrist, 1 John 4:3. of bondage, Rom. 8:15. of divination. Acts 16:16. of dumbness, etc., Mark 9:17. of fear, 2 Tim. 1:7. of jealousy. Num. 5:14. of slumber, Rom. 11:8. SPIRITS, to be tried, 1 John 4:1. unclean cast out; see devils. SPIRITUAL body, 1 Cor. 15:44; Phil. 3:21: IJohn 3:2. gifts, regulations concerning, 1 Cor. 12; 14; Rom. 1:11. house, and sacrifices, 1 Pet. 2:5. songs, Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. things to be compared, 1 Cor. 2:13. SPIRITUALITY, described as the great and en- during good, Luke 10:42. as love and devotion to God, Deut. 6:5; Josh. 22:5; 1 Kings 8:23; Psa. 1:2; 51:6. BRINGS peace, Isa. 26:3; Jer. 33:6; Rom. 8:6; 14:17. indifference to worldly good, 1 Cor. 7:29-31; Col. 3:1 3. thirst for heavenly blessings. Mat. 5:6; John 6:27. is produced by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, John 14:16, 17; Rom. 8:4. SPITTING in the face a reproach, Num. 12:14; Deut. 25:9; Job 30:10. endured by Christ (Isa. 50:6), Mat. 26:67; 27:30; Mark 10:34; 14:65: 15:19. SPOIL, its division. Num. 31:27. enforced by Joshua and David, Josh. 22:8; 1 Sam. 30:24. SPOONS, Exod. 25:29: Num. 4:7. SPRING, promise of. Gen. 8:22. described, Psa. 65:10; Prov. 27:25; Song2:ll-13. SPRINGS. See wells. SPRINKLING of blood, of the passover, Exod. 12:22; Heb. 11:28. Of the covenant, Exod. 24:8; Heb. 9:13. of the sin-offering ou the day of atonement, Lev. 16:14. on the altar, Exod. 29:20. of people and priests, Exod. 24:8; 29:21; Lev. 8:30; Heb. 9:19. in cleansing the leper, etc.. Lev. 14:7. of the blood of Christ, Heb. 10:22; 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:2. of the water of purifying. Num. 8:7. of the water of separation, Num. 19. of oil. Lev. 14:16. STACTE, an unknown spice, Exod. 30:34. STANDARDS of the twelve tribes. Num. 2; Psa. 20:5; Song 6:4, 10; Jer. 4:21. STANDARD-BEARER, Song 5:10 (marg.); Isa. 10:18. illustrative. Song 2:4; Isa. 5:26; 11:10. STAR, Balaam foretells, Num. 24:17. seen by the wise men. Mat. 2:2. one falls from heaven, Rev. 8:10; 9:1. morning Star, Christ, Rev. 2:28; 22:16. STARS created. Gen. 1:16; Job 38:7. show God's power, Psa. 8:3; Isa. 40:26. made to praise God, Psa. 148:3. differ in glory, 1 Cor 15:41. worship of, forbidden. Lent. 4:19. typically mentioned. Gen. 15:5; Heb. 11:12; Jude 13; Rev. 8:12; 12:1. STATURE, examples of great. Num. 13:32; 2 Sam. 21:20. cannot be increased by human wish. Mat. 6:27. spiritual, Eph. 4:13. STATUTE, Exod. 15:25: 29:2; Lev. 3:17. STATUTES of God. See law. 159 STA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. STR STAVES, for the tabernacle, Exod. 25:13; 37:15; 40:20: Num. 4:6. STEADFASTNESS : exhibited by God in all his purposes and ways, Dan. 6:26; Heb. 2:2; 6:10. commanded, Phil. 4:1; 2 Thes. 2:15. godliness necessary to. Job 11:13-15. SECURED BY the powcr of God, Psa. 55:22; 62:2. the presence of God, Psa. 16:8. trust in God, Psa. 26:1. the intercession of Christ, Luke 22:31, 32. a characteristic of saints, Job 17:9; John 8:31. SHOULD BE MANIFESTED in clcaving to God, Deut. 10:20; Acts 11:23. in the work of the Lord, 1 Cor. 15:58. in continuing in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, Acts 2:42. in holding fast our profession, Heb. 4 : 14; 10:23. in holding fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope, Heb. 3:6, 14. in keeping the faith. Col. 2:5; 1 Pet. 5:9. in standing fast in the faith, 1 Cor. 16:13. in holding fast what is good, 1 Thes. 5:21. in maintaining Christian liberty, Gal. 5:1. in striving for the faith of the gospel, Phil. 1:27, with JudeS. even under affliction, Psa. 44:17-19; 1 Thes. 3:3. saints pray for, Psa. 17:5. saints praise God for, Psa. 116:8. MINISTERS exhorted to, 2 Tim. 1:13, 14; Tit. 1:9. should exhort to. Acts 13:43; 14:22. should pray for, in their people, 1 Thes. 3:13; 2 Thes. 2:17. encouraged by, in their people, 1 Thes. 3:8. rejoiced by, in their people. Col. 2:5. the wicked devoid of, Psa. 78:8, 37. principle of, illustrated. Mat. 7:24, 25. want of, illustrated, Luke 8:6, 13; 2 Pet. 2:17; Jude 12. exemplified: Caleb, Num. 14:24. Joshua, Josh. 24:15. Josiah, 2 Kings 22:2. Job, Job 2:3. David, Psa. 18:21, 22. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:18. Daniel, Dan. 6:10. Primitive Chris- tians, Acts 2:42. Corinthians, l Cor. 15:1. Colossians, Col. 2:5. STEALING forbidden, Exod. 20:15: 21:16; Lev. 19:11; Deut. 5:19; 24:7; Psa. 50:18; Zech. 5:4; Mat. 19:18; Rom. 13:9; Eph. 4:28; 1 Pet. restitution to be made, Exod. 22:1; Lev. 6:4; Prov. 6:30, 31. See THEFT. STEEL, 2 Sam. 22:35; Job 20:24; Psa. 18:34; Jer. 15:12. STEPHANDS, 1 Cor. 1:16; 16:15, 17. STEPHEN, one of the seven deacons. Acts 6:5. his arrest, defence, and martyrdom. Acta 6:8- 15; 7; 8:2. STEWARD, parable of, Luke 16:1. a bishop compared to, Tit. 1:7. See 1 Cor. 4:1; 1 Pet. 4:10. STIFFNECKED, Exod. 32:9; 33:3; Deut. 10:16; Acts 7:51. STOCKS, figurative of punishment. Job 13:27; 33:11; Prov. 7:22. Jeremiah put in the, Jer. 20:2. also Paul and Silas, Acts 16:24. STOICS deride Paul, Acts 17:18. STOMACHER, a wide mantle, Isa. 3:24. STONE of the corner, Christ so named (Psa. 118:22; Isa. 28:16); Mat. 21:42; Mark 12:10; 1 Pet. 2:6. i6o I STONES, precious, in the breastplate, Exod. I 28:17; 39:10-14. I employed in the temple, 1 Chr. 29:2; 2 Chr. i 3:6, etc. I in the new Jerusalem, Rev. 21:11, 19. STONING, as a punishment, Lev. 20:2; 24:14; Deut. 13:10; 17:5; 22:21, etc. of Achan, Josh. 7:25. of Naboth, 1 Kings 21. of Stephen, Acts 7:58. of Paul, Acts 14:19; 2 Cor. 11:25. STOOL, 2 Kings 4:10. translated seat, 1 Sam. 1:9. STORE-CITIES, Of Solomon, 1 Kin. 9:19; 2 Chr. 8:4. Of Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:12. STOREHOUSE, Mai. 3:10; Luke 12:24. STORK, the, mentioned, Psa. 104:17; Jer. 8:7; Zech. 5:9. unclean, Lev. 11:19; Deut. 14:18. STORMS, remarkable. Gen. 19:24; Exod. 9:23; Josh. 10:11; Acts 27:18, 20. STRANGE WOMEN, Solomon's sin concerning, 1 Kings 11:1. warnings against, Prov. 2:16; 5:3, 20; 6:24; 23:27. STRANGERS (dwelling among Israelites), not to be oppressed, Exod. 22:21; 23:9; Lev. 19:33; Deut. 1:16; 10:18; 23:7; 24:14; Mai. 3:5. not to eat of the passover, etc., until circum- cised, Exod. 12:43; Lev. 22:10; Num. 1:51, etc.; Ezek. 44:9. not to take the priest's or king's office, Num. 18:7; Deut. 17:15. marriage with, forbidden, Exod. 34:16; Deut. 7:3; 25:5; Ezra 10:2; Neh. 13:27. subject to the laws. Lev. 17:10; 24:16; Num. 19:10; 35:15; Deut. 31:12; Josh. 8:33. See HOSPITALITY. STREET, of Damascus, called Straight, Acts 9:11. of Jerusalem. See Jerusalem. STRENGTH of Israel, the Lord, Exod. 15:2; 1 Sam. 15:29; Psa. 27:1; 28:8: 29:11; 46:1; 81:1, etc.; Isa. 26:4; Joel 3:16; Zech. 12:5. made perfect in weakness, Psa. 8:2; 2 Cor. 12:9: Heb. 11:34. of sin, the law, Rom. 7; 1 Cor. 15:56. STRIFE : Christ an example of avoiding, Isa. 42:2, with Mat. 12:15-19. forbidden, Prov. 3:30; 25:8. a work of the flesh, Gal. 5:20. an evidence of a carnal spirit, 1 Cor. 3:3. existed in primitive church, 1 Cor. 1:11. excited by hatred, Prov. 10:12. pride, Vvov. 13:10; 28:25. wrath, Prov. 15:18; 30:33. frowardness, Prov. 16:28. a contentious disposition, Prov. 26:21. talebearing, Prov. 26:20. wine-drinking, Prov. 23:29, 30. lusts, Jas. 4:1. curious questions, 1 Tim. 6:4; 2 Tim. 2:23. scorning, Prov. 22:10. difficulty of stopping, a reason for avoiding it, Prov. 17:14. shameful in saints, 2 Cor. 12:20; Jas. 3:14. saints should avoid, Gen. 13:8. avoid questions that lead to, 2 Tim. 2:14. not walk in, Rom. 13:13. not act from, Phil. 2:3. do all things without, Phil. 2:14. submit to wrong rather than engage in, Mat. 5:39, 40; 1 Cor. 6, 7. STR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SWA seek God's protection from, Psa. 35:1; Jer. 18:19. praise God for protection from, 2 Sam. 22:44; • Psa. 18:43. saints kept from tongues of, Psa. 31:20. MINISTERS SHOULD Evoid, 1 Tim. 3:3; 2 Tim. 2:24. avoid questions that lead to, 2 Tim. 2:23; Tit. 3:9. not preach through, Phil. 1:15, 16. warn against, 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Tim. 2:14. reprove. 1 Cor. 1:11, 12; 3:3; 11:17, 18. appeased by slowness to anger, Prov. 15:18. it is honorable to cease from, Prov. 20:3. hypocrites make religion a pretence for, Isa. 58:4. fools engage in, Prov. 18:6. evidences a love of transgression, Prov. 17:19. LEADS TO blasphemy. Lev. 24:10, 11. injustice, Hab. 1:3, 4. confusion and every evil work, Jas. 3:16. violence, Exod. 21:18, 22. mutual destruction. Gal. 5:15. temporal blessings imbittered by, Prov. 17:1. excludes from heaven. Gal. 5:20, 21. promoters of, should be expelled, Prov. 22:10. punishment for, Psa. 55:9. strength and violence of, illustrated, Prov. 17:14; 18:19. danger of joining in, illustrated, Prov. 26:17. exemplified: Herdmen of Abram and of Lot, Gen. 13:7. Herdmen of Gerar and of Isaac, Gen. 26:20. Laban and Jacob, Gen. 31:36. Two Hebrews, Exod. 2:13. Israelites, Deut. 1:12. Jephthah and Ammonites, Judg. 12:2. Judah and Israel, 2 Sam. 19:41-43. Disciples, Luke 22:24. Jews, John 6:52: 10:19. Juda- izing teachers. Acts 15:2. Paul and Barna- bas, Acts 15:39. Pharisees and Sadducees, Acts 23:7. Corinthians, i Cor. 1:11; 6:6. STRIPES, number of, limited, Deut. 25:3; 2 Cor. 11:24. STUBBLE, Exod. 5:12. figurative. Job 21:18; Mai. 4:1; 1 Cor. 3:12. STUBBORNNESS forbidden, 2 Chr. 30:8; Psa. 32:9; 75:4. punishment of, Deut. 21:18; Prov. 1:24; 29:1. of the Jews, 2 Kin. 17:14; Jer. 5:3; 7:28; 32:33. See DISOBEDIENCE. STUDY, Prov. 15:28; EccL 12:12; 1 Thes. 4:11; 2 Tim. 2:15. STUMBLING-BLOCK placed before the blind. Lev. 19:14; Deut. 27:18. figuratively, Rom. 14:21: 1 Cor. 8:9. Christ one to the Jews, 1 Cor. 1:23. this foretold, Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:32: 1 Pet. 2:8. STUPIDITY of sinners, Psa. 94:5; Jer. 4:22; 8:7; Hos. 7:11; Eph. 4:19. SUBJECTS, duties of, Ezra 6:10; Prov. 25:6; Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-17. rights. Acts 16:37; 25:16. SUBMISSION to God commanded. Lev. 26:41; Jas. 4:7. to magistrates, etc., Eph. 5:21; Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 2:13; 5:5. See husbands, wives, pa- rents, CHILDREN, masters. SERVANTS, etC, SUCCOTH, in Canaan, Gen. 33:17; Josh. 13:27; 1 Kings 7:46: Psa. 60:6. why punished by Gideon, Judg. 8:5, 16. , in Egypt, first-born sanctified there. Ex. 12:37; 13:20. SUCCOTH-BENOTH, a Babylonian idol, 2 Kings 17:30. SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST: foretold, Isa. 50:6; 53; Dan. 9:26. he was tempted of Satan, Mat. 4:1. he hungered, Mat. 4:2; 21:18. he thirsted, John 4:7; 19:18. he was weary, John 4:6. he was grieved, Mark 3:5. he wept, John 11:35. he was troubled, John 12:27. his soul was sorrowful. Mat. 36:37. he was in an agony, Luke 22:44. he was homeless. Mat. 8:20. he was despised and rejected, Isa. 53:3; Mat. 27:23: Luke 19:14; 23:18; John 1:11; 18:40. he was hated, John 7:7; 15:18. he was slandered. Mat. 11:19; 12:24; John 5:16: 9:16, 24; 10:20, 33. he was mocked, Mat. 27:29; Lu. 16:14; 23:11, 35. he was persecuted, .lohn 5:16, 18. he was conspired against. Mat. 12:14. he was sold and betrayed. Mat. 26:14, 47. he was forsaken, Mark 14:50. he was denied, Mat. 26:70. he was scourged. Mat. 27:26. he was beaten. Mat. 27:30. he was spit upon. Mat. 26:67. he was condemned, Luke 23:24. he was crucified, Mat. 27. he died, Mark 15: John 19. tasted death for every man, Heb. 2:10. all were for sinners, Isa. 53:12; Heb. 13:12; 1 Pet. 2:21-24; 3:18. SUFFERINGS of the apostles. Acts 5:40; 12; 13:50; 14:19; 16:23; 20:23; 21; 22; 1 Cor. 4:11; 2 Cor. 1:4; 4:8; 6:4; 11:23; Phil. 1; ITim. 4:10; 2 Tim, 3:10. exhortations concerning, 1 Pet. 1:6, 13; 2:19; 3:14; 4:12. of patriarchs and prophets, Heb. 11. SUKKIIM, 2 Chr. 12:3. SUMMER, yearly return of. Gen. 8:22. illustrative of the season of grace, Prov. 6:8; 10:5; 30:25; Jer. 8:20. SUMMER-HOUSE, Judg. 3:20, 24; Amos 3:15. SU^ created, Gen, 1:14; Psa. 19:4; 74:16; 136:8; 1 Cor. 15:41. worship of, forbidden, Deut. 4:19; Job 31:26; Jer. 8:2; Ezek. 8:16. stands still miraculously. Josh. 10:12. shadow of, returns by request of Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20:9. darkened at Christ's death, Luke 23:44. of righteousness, Mai. 4:2. figurative, Judg. 5:31; Psa. 84:11; Isa. 60:20; Song 6:10; Dan. 12:3; Joel 2:31; Amos 8:9; Mat. 17:2; Rev. 1:16; 10:1. SUPERSCRIPTION, on money. Mat. 22:20. over the cross, Luke 23:38. SUPERSTITION censured, EccL 11:4; Jer. 10:2; Acts 17:22, 23; Gal. 4:10. examples of: Micah, Judg. 17:13. Israelites, 1 Sam. 4:3. Philistines, 1 Sam. 5:5. Syrians, 1 Kings 20:23. Jews, Jer. 44:18. Sailors, Jon. 1:7. Thedisciples, Mat. 14:26; John 9:2. Phar- isees, Mark 7:2-5, 8, 9. Rhoda, Acts 12:14, 15. Melitians, Acts 28:3. Ephesians, Acts 19:18, 19. SUPPER, parable of the, Luke 14:16. marriage supper of the Lamb, Rev. 19:9. Lord's supper. See communion. SURETYSHIP, evils of, Pi'ov. 6:1; 11:15; 17:18; 20:16; 22:26; 27:13. SURNAMES, Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:16; Luke 22:3; Acts 1:23; 12:12. SUSANNA, Luke 8:3. SWADDLE, Lam. 2:22; Ezek. 16:4; Luke 2:7. SWALLOW, its habits alluded to, Psa. 84:3; Prov. 26:2; Isa. 38:14; Jer. 8:7. i6i SWA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TAB SWAN, an unclean bird. Lev. 11:18; Deut. 14:16. SWEARING falsely: forbidden, Lev. 19:12; Num. 30:2; Mat. 6:33. hateful to God, Zech. 8:17. we should not love, Zech. 8:17. fraud often leads to. Lev. 6:2, 3. saints abstain from. Josh. 9:20; Psa. 15:4. blessedness of abstaining from, Psa. 24:4, 5. THE WICKED addicted to, Jer. 5:2; Hos. 10:4. plead excuses for, Jer. 7 : 9, 10. shall be judged on account of. Mat. 3:5. shall be cut off for, Zech. 5:3. shall have a curse upon their houses for, Zech. 5:4. false witnesses guilty of, Deut. 19:16, 18. exemplified: Saul, 1 Sam. 19:6, 10. Shimei, 1 Kings 2:41-43. Jews, Ezek. 16:59. Zede- kiah, Ezek. 17:13-19. Peter, Mat. 26:72, 74. , profane: of all kinds is desecration of God's name, Mat. 5*34 35' 23*21 22 forbidden, Exod'. 20:7; Mat. 5:34-36; Jas. 5:12. saints pray to be kept from, Prov. 30:9. THE WICKED addicted to, Psa. 10:7; Rom. 3:14. love, Psa. 109:17. clothe themselves with, Psa. 109:18. guilty of, Exod. 20:7; Deut. 5:11. woe denounced against, Mat. 23:16. nations visited for, Jer. 23:10; Hos. 4:1-3. punishment for. Lev. 24:16, 23; Psa. 59:12; 109:17, 18. exemplified: Joseph, Gen. 42:15, 16. Son of Is- raelitish woman. Lev. 24:11. Saul, 1 Sam. 28:10. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5:20. Jehoram, 2 Kin. 6:31. Peter, Mat. 26:74. Herod, Mark 6:23, 26. Enemies of Paul, Acts 23:21. See OATHS. SWINE, an unclean animal. Lev. 11:7; Deut. 14:8; Isa. 65:4. figurative of unbelievers and apostates, Mat. 7:6; 2 Pet. 2:22. the devils sent into, Mat. 8:32; Mark 5:13; Luke 8 "33 SWORD, guarding Eden, Gen. 3:24. early use of. Gen. 34:25; 1 Sam. 13:19. turned to ploughshares, Isa. 2:4; Mic. 4:3. made of ploughshares, Joel 3:10. sent as a punishment. Lev. 26:25; Dent. 32:25; Ezra 9:7: Psa. 78:62. a sore judgment of God, Ezek. 14:21. of the Lord, Judg. 7:18; 1 Chr. 21:12; Isa. 66:16; Jer. 47:6. of Christ the King, Psa. 45:3. of the gospel. Isa. 49:2; Rev. 1:16. of just execution, Rom. 13:4. of divine justice, Deut. 32:41; Zech. 13:7. of divine protection, Deut. 33:29. of endless calamity, 2 Sam. 12:10. SYCAMIN'E-TKEE (the mulberry), Luke 17:6. SYCAMORE-TREE mentioned, 1 Kings 10:27; Amos"7:14; Luke 19:4. SYCHAR (drunkard), John 4:5. See Isa. 28:1, 7. SYCIIEM. SeeSHECIIEM. SYENE, Ezek. 29:10; 30:6. SYMBOLS, types: tree of life, Gen. 2:9; 3:24; Rev. 22:2. rainbow. Gen. 9:12, 13. circumcision. Gen. 17:11; Rom. 4:11. passover, Exod. 12; 1 Cor. 5:7. pillar of cloud, Exod. 13:21, 22. sprinkling of blood, Exod. 24:8. smitten rock, Exod. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4. cherubim over the mercy-seat, Exod. 37:7-9; Psa. 80:1; Heb. 4:16. brazen serpent. Num. 21:8, 9: John 3:14. 162 praying towards the temple, 1 Kings 8:29; Dan. 6:10. Isaiah's children, Isa. 8:18. Isaiah walking naked and barefoot, Isa. 20:2-4. shadow on the dial, Isa. 38:8. almond rod, Jer. 1:11. breaking potter's vessel, Jer. 19. good and bad figs, Jer. 24. yokes sent to king of Edom, Jer. 27:1-11. book cast into Euphrates, Jer. 51:63. digging through a wall, Ezek. 12:1-16. boiling pot, Ezek. 24:1-5. two sticks, Ezek. 37:15-38. handwriting on the wall, Dan. 5:5, 24-28. star in the East, Mat. 2:2. SYMPATHY. See compassion. SYNAGOGUES of the Jews, Christ and the apos- tles teach in, Mat. 12:9; Luke 4:16; John 6:59; 18:20; Acts 13:5; 14:1; 18:4. translated assembly, Jas. 2:2. services: reading the Scriptures, Acts 15:21; addresses and preaching. Luke 4:15-23; Acts 13:5, 15-44; prayer. Mat. 6:5. several in Jerusalem, Acts 6:9. in Damascus. Acts 9:2, 20. in foreign cities. Acts 14:1; 17:1; 18:4. one built by Jairus, Luke 7:5. Christ healed in. Mat. 12:9-13. alms given in, Mat. 6:2. chief ruler of. Acts 18:8, 17. chief seats in. Mat. 23:6. seats. Acts 13:14; Jas. 2:3. courts of justice, Luke 12:11; Acts 9:2. had power to scourge and imprison, Mat. 10:17; Acts 26:11. had power to excommunicate, John 9:22, 34; 12:42; 16:2. each sect had its own. Acts 6:9. SYRIANS, Gen. 25:20; Deut. 26:5. subdued by David, 2 Sam. 8: 10. tributary to Solomon, 1 Kings 10:29. revolt, 1 Kings 11:25. besieging Samaria, defeated, 1 Kings 20. Ahab slain by, 1 Kings 22:34; 2 Chr. 18:33. again besiege Samaria, 2 Kings 6:24. their sudden flight, 2 Kings 7. See 2 Kings 8:13; 13:7; 16:6. employed to chastise Joash, 2 Chr. 24:23. See 2 Chr. 28:23; Isa. 7:2; Ezek. 27:16: Hos. 12:12; Amos 1:5. the gospel preached to. Mat. 4:24; Acts 15:23, 41: 18:18; Gal. 1:21. SYROPHENICIAN woman's faith, Mark 7:25; her daughter healed, Mark 7:30. 9:22. Exod. Num. TAANACH, Josh.l2:21; 21:26; Judg. 6:19; IKin. 4:12. TARERAH (burning), Num. 11:1-3; Deut, TABERNACLE, directions for making, 25-27. its construction. Exod. 36-38. its setting up, Exod. 40: Num. 10:11, 12. covered by the cloud, Exod. 40:34; 9:15. anointed by Moses. Lev. 8:10: Num. 7:1. mode of its removal. Num. 1:50; 9:18. the Levites' charge. Num. 1:53; 3; 4; 18:2; 1 Chr. 6:48. set up in Shiloh, Josh. 18:1. love for, Psa. 27; 42; 43; 84: 132. typical of Christ, Heb. 8:2; 9:2. human body compared to, 2 Cor. 5:1; 2 PeL l:ia TAB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TEM TABERNACLE of witness, Num. 17:7; 18:2; 2Chr. 24:6; Acts 7:44. . in heaven, Rev. 15:5. TABERNACLES, feast of, Lev. 23:34; Num. 29:12; Deut. 16:13: 2 Chr. 8:13. its observance, Ezra 3:4; Zech. 14:16; John 7:2. TABLE of the Lord, in the tabernacle, Exod, 25:23; 31:8; 37:10: 40:4; Ezek. 41:22. the showbread placed thereon, Exod. 25:30; Lev. 24:6; Num. 4:7. its profanation condemned, Mai. 1:7, 12; 1 Cor. 10:21. See communion. TABLES of stone containing the law, written by God, Exod. 24:12; 31:18. broken by Moses at the people's idolatry, Exod. 32:19: Deut. 9:15. renewed, Exod. 34; Deut. 10. TABLET (necklace), Num. 31:50; Isa. 3:20. , used for writing on, Isa. 30:8; Hab. 2:2; Luke 1:63. illustrative, Prov. 3:3; Jer. 17:1; 2 Cor. 3:3. TABOR, mount, Canaanites discomfited there, Judg. 4:14. See Judg. 8:18; 1 Sam. 10:3; Psa. 89:12; Jer. 46:18; Hos. 5:1. TABRET, musical instrument, Gen. 31:27; 1 Sam. 18:6; Isa. 5:12. TACHES, loops or hooks, Exod. 26:6. TADMOR (Palmyra), built by Solomon, 1 Kings 9*18. TAHAPHANES, Jer. 2:16; 43:7-11; 46:14; Ezek. 30:18. TAHPENES, wife of Pharaoh, l Kings 11:19, 20. TALEBEARING forbidden. Lev. 19:16; Prov. 11:13; 18:8; 26:20; Ezek. 22:9; 1 Tim. 5:13; 1 Pet. 4:15. TALENT, of gold, Exod. 25:39, etc., value, $25,415. of Silver, 1 Kings 20:39, value, $1,590. of lead, Zech. 5:7, weight, 113 lbs. TALENTS, parable of the. Mat. 25:14; Lu. 19:12. TALKING, vain, censured, iSam. 2:3: Job 11:2; Prov. 13:3; 24:2; Eccl. 10:14; Ezek. 33:30; 36:3; Eph. 5:4; Tit. 1:10. See TONGUE. TALMAI, 2 Sam, 3:3; 13:37; 1 Chr. 3:2. TAMAR, Gen. 38; 1 Chr. 2:4. , daughter of David, 2 Sam. 13; 1 Chr. 3:9. TAMMUZ, weeping for, Ezek. 8:14. TANNER, Acts 10:6. TAPESTRY, Prov. 7:16; 31:22. TAPPUAH, Josh. 12:17; 16:8; 17:8. TARES, parable of the, Mat. 13:24. TARGET. See shield. TARSHISH (Gen. 10:4), dealings of the Jews with, 1 Kings 10:22: 2 Chr. 9:21; 20:36; Jer. 10:9; Ezek. 27:12; 38:13. Jonah's flight to, Jon. 1:3. prophecies concerning. Psa. 48:7; 72:10; Isa. 2:16; 23; 60:9; 66:19. TARSUS, Paul's city, Acts 9:11; 11:25; 21:39. TARTAR, an idol, 2 Kings 17:31. TARTAN, an Assyrian general, 2 Kings 18:17; Isa. 20 '1 TASKMASTERS, Egyptian, cruelty of, Exod. 1:11; 6:6. TATNAI and Shethar-boznai oppose the build- ing of the temple, Ezra 5:3. their letter to Darius, Ezra 5:6. made to assist the Jews, Ezra 6:6, 13. TAXATION, under Jehoiakim, 2 Kings 23:35. under Augustus, Luke 2:1. TEACHERS appointed in Israel, Num. 11:25; 2 Chr. 17:7; Ezra 7:10, etc. in the Christian church. Acts 13:1; Rom. 12:7; 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11; Col. 1:28; 3:16; ITlm. 3; Tit 1:5. duty towards, 1 Cor. 9:1-14; Gal. 6:6; 1 Tim. 5:17. FALSE. See DOCTRINES. TEACHING which proceeds from God, Psa. 71:17; Isa. 54:13; Jer. 31:34; John 6:45; Gal. 1:12; Eph. 4:21; 1 Thes. 4:9; 1 John 2:27. of Christ, Mat. 5. See prophets. TEBETH, the tenth month (January), Esth. 2:16; Ezek. 29:1. TEIL-TREE, Isa. 6:13; elsewhere translated oak. See OAK. TEKEL, Dan. 5:25. TEKOAH, a wise widow of, intercedes for Absa- lom, 2 Sam. 14 (Jer. 6:1). See 1 Chr. 2:24; 4:5. TEL-ABIB, Ezek. 3:15. TELEM, Josh. 15:24; 1 Sam. 15:4. TEM A, Gen. 25:15; Job 6:19; Isa. 21:14; Jer. 25:23. TEM AN, Gen. 36:11. prophecies concerning, Jer. 49:7, 20; Ezek. 25:13; Amos 1:12; Obad. 9; Hab. 3:3. TEMPERANCE, exhortations to, Prov. 23:1; 1 Cor. 9:25; Gal. 5:23; Eph. 5:18; Tit. 1:8; 2:2; 2 Pet. 1:6. TEMPLE, built by Solomon, 1 Kings 6; 2 Chr. 3:4. second temple, Ezra 3-8. described by Ezekiel, Ezek. 40-48. figurative, Psa. 11:4; 18:6; John 2:19, 21; ICor. 3:16, 17; Eph. 2:21. symbolical. Rev. 11; 14:15,17; 15:5-8; 16:1-17. idolatrous: of Dagon at Ashdod, 1 Sam. 5:2; of the calves at Bethel, 1 Kings 12:31-33; of Rimmon at Damascus, 2 Kings 5:18; of Baal at Samaria, 2 Kings 10:21, 27; at Babylon,, 2 Chr. 36:7; Dan. 1:2; of Diana at Ephesus^ Acts 19:27. See HOUSE OF god. TEMPORAL blessings, prayer for, examples: Abraham, Gen. 15:2-4; Abraham's servant,. Gen. 24:12; Laban, Gen. 24:60; Isaac, Gen. 25:21; Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:11; Elijah, 1 Kings. 17:20,21; 18:42,44; Ezra, Ezra 8:21-23; Ne- hemiah, Neh. 1:11; 2:4; 6:9. TEMPTATION : God cannot be the subject of, Jas. 1:13. does not come from God, Jas. 1:13. comes from lusts, Jas. 1 : 14. comes from covetousness, Prov. 28:20; 1 Tim. 6:9. the devil is the author of, 1 Chr. 21:1; Mat. 4:1; 1 Thes. 3:5. evil associates, the instruments of, Prov. 1:10; 16:29. OFTEN ARISES THROUGH poverty, Prov. 30:9; Mat. 4:2, 3. prosperity, Prov. 30:9: Mat. 4:8. worldly glory. Num. 22:17: Mat. 4:8. to distrust of God's providence, Mat. 4:3. to presumption. Mat. 4:6. to worshipping the God of this world. Mat. 4:9. often strengthened by the perversion of God's word, Mat. 4:6. permitted as a trial of faith, 1 Pet. 1 : 7. permitted as a trial of disinterestedness. Job 1:9-12. always conformable to the nature of man, 1 Cor. 10:13. often ends in sin and perdition, l Tim. 6:9; Jas. 1:15. Christ endured, from the devil, Mark 1:13. endured, from the wicked. Mat, 16:1; 22:18; Luke 10:25. endured same kind of, as man, Heb. 4:15. 163 TEM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. THA endured, yet without siu, Heb. 4:15. resisted by the word of God, Mat. 4:4-10. overcame. Mat. 4:11; John 16:33. sympathizes with those under, Heb. 4:15. is able to succor those under, Heb. 2:18. intercedes for his people under, Luke 22:31, 32; John 17:15. God will not let saints be exposed to, beyond their power to bear, 1 Cor. 10:13. God will make a way for saints to escape out of, ICor. 10:13. God enables saints to bear, 1 Cor. 10:13. God knows how to deliver saints out of, 2 Pet. 2:9. Clirist keeps faithful saints from the hour of, Rev. 3:10, saints may be in heaviness through, 1 Pet. 1:6. SAINTS SHOULD rcsist, in faith, Eph. 6:16; 1 Pet. 5:9. watch against, Mat. 26:41; 1 Pet. 5:8. pray to be kept from, Mat. 6:13; 26:41. not occasion, to others, Rom. 14:13. restore those overcome by. Gal. 6:1. avoid the way of. Prov. 4:14, 15. the devil will renew, Luke 4:13. has strength through the weakness of the flesh, Mat. 26:41. hypocrites fall away in time of, Luke 8:13. blessedness of those who meet, and overcome, Jas. 1:2-4, 12. exemplified: Eve, Gen. 3:1, 4, 5. Joseph, Gen. 39:7. Balaam, Num. 22:17. Achan, Josh. 7:21. Uavid, 2 Sam, 11:2. .Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 15:30. Peter, Mark 14:67-71, Paul, 2 Cor, 12:7, with Gal. 4:14. TEMPTATION, or trial, of Abraham, Gen. 22. of Israel, Deut. 8:2. of David, 2 Sam. 24; 1 Chr. 21. of Hezekiah, 2 Chr, 32:31. of Job, Job 1, etc. of Daniel, Dan. 6, of all saints, Psa. 66:10; Dan. 12:10; Zech. 13:9; Luke 22:31, 40; Heb, 11:17; Jas, 1:12; 1 Pet. 4:12. TEMPTER, Mat. 4:3: 1 Thes. 3:5, TEN-STRINGED instruments, Psa, 92:3: 144:9, TENTS, patriarchs dwell in. Gen, 9:21; 12:8; 25:27, etc.; Heb. 11:9, separate for females of the family. Gen, 24:67, for servants, Gen. 31:. 33. custom of sitting or standing in door of. Gen, 18:1; Judg, 4:20. TEIIAH, father of Abraham, Gen. 11:24-32. worshipi)e(l iilols, Josh. 24:2, 14. TERAPllLM, images. Gen. 31:34. of Micali, Judg. 17:5; 18:14; 1 Sam. 19:13. TERKSH, Hsth. 0:2. TKRTIUS, Rom. 16:22. TKRTULLUS accuses Paul, Acts 24. TESTAMENT, the new, shown in the Lord's Supper, Mat. 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25. superior to the old, 2 Cor. 3; Heb. 7:22; 8:7; 9; 10; 12:24. See COVENANT. TESTATOR, Heb. 9:16, 17, TESTIMONY, the two tables of stone placed In the ark, Exod. 25:16, 21, See tablks. altar raised by Reubenites and Gadites, Josh, 22:10. of the apostles. Acts 22:18; 2 Thes. 1:10; 2 Tim, 1:8: Rev. 1:2; 11:7; 12:17, TESTIMONIES of God, blessedness of keeping, etc, Psa. 119:2. TETRARCH, Mat. 14:1; Luke 3:1; Acts 13:1. 164 THADDEUS. See JUDAS. THANKSGIVING : Christ set an example of, Mat. 11:25; 26:27; John 11:41, the heavenly host engage in, Rev. 4:9; 7:11, 12; 11:16, 17. commanded, Psa. 50:14. is a good thing, Psa. 92:1. SHOULD BE OFFERED tO GOd, Psa. 50:14. to Christ, ITim, 1:12. through Christ, Rom. 1:8; Col. 3:17; Heb. 13:15. In the name of Christ, Eph. 5:20. in behalf of ministers, 2 Cor. 1:11. in private worship, Dan. 6:10. in public worship, Psa. 35:18. in everything, 1 Thes. 5:18, upon the completion of great undertakings, Nell, 12:31, 40. before taking food, John 6:11; Acts 27:35, always, Eph. 1:16: 5:20; 1 Thes. 1:2, as the remembrance of God's holiness, Psa, 30:4; 97:12. for the goodness and mercy of God, Psa. 106:1; 107:1; 136:1-3. for the gift of Christ, 2 Cor. 9:15. for Christ's power and reign, Rev, 11:17. for the reception and effectual working of the word of God in others, 1 Thes. 2:i:j. for deliverance through Christ, from indwell- ing sin, Rom. 7:23-25. for victory over death and the grave, 1 Cor. 15:57, for wisdom and might, Dan, 2:23, for the triumph of the gospel, 2 Cor, 2:14, for the conversion of others, Rom. 6:17. for faith exliibited by others, Rom, 1:8; 2 Thes. 1:3, for love exhibited by others, 2 Thes, 1:3. for the grace bestowed on others, 1 Cor, 1:4; Phil. 1:3-5; Col. 1:3-6, for the zeal exhibited by others, 2 Cor, 8:16. for nearness of God's presence, Psa. 75:1. for appointment to the ministry, 1 Tim. 1:12. for willingness to otfer our property for God's service, 1 Chr. 29:6-14. for the supply of our bodily wants, Rom. 14:6, 7: 1 Tim. 4:3, 4. for all men, 1 Tim. 2:1. for all things, 1 Cor. 9:11; Eph. 5:20. should be accompanied by intercession for oth- ers, 1 Tim, 2:1; 2 Tim. 1:3; Phile. 4, should always accompany prayer, Neh, 11:17: Phil. 4:6; Col, 4:2. Should always accompany praise, Psa, 92:1; Heb, 13:15. expressed in psalms, 1 Chr. 16:7. ministers appointed to offer, in public, 1 Chr. 16:4, 7; 23:30: 2 Chr. 31:2. SAINTS exhorted to, Psa. 105:1; Col, 3:15. resolve to offer, Psa, 18:49; 30:12, hal)itually offer, Dan, 6:10, offer sacrifices of, Psa. 116:17, abound in the faith with. Col, 2:7. magnify God by, Psa. 69:30. come before God with, P.sa. 95:2. should enter God's gates with, Psa. 100:4. of hypocrites, full of boasting, Luke 18:11. the wicked averse to, Rom. 1:21, exemplified : David, 1 Chr. 29:13, Levites, 2 Chr, 5:12, 13. Daniel, Dan, 2:23. Jonah, Jon. 2:9, Simeon, Luke 2:28, Anna, Luke 2:38, Paul. Acts 28:15. THANKSGIVINGS, Levites appointed for, 1 Chr. 16:4; 23:30; Neh, 11:17; 12:8, 3L THE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TIM at the Lord's supper, Mat. 26:27; Mark 14:23; Luke 22:17; 1 Cor. 11:24. See PSALMS, PRAISE. THEATRE at Ephesus, Paul's clanger there. Acts 19:29. THEBEZ, Judg. 9:50-56; 2 Sam. 11:21. THEFT : is an abomination, Jer. 7:9, 10. forbidden, Exod. 20:15, with Mark 10:19; Rom. 13:9; IThes. 4:6. from the poor specially forbidden, Prov. 22:22. includes fraud in general. Lev. 19:13. includes fraud concerning wages. Lev. 19:13; Mai. 3:5; Jas. 5:4. proceeds from the heart. Mat. 15:19. defiles a man. Mat. 15:20. THE WICKED addicted to, Psa. 119:61; Jer. 7:9. store up the fruits of, Amos 3:10. lie in wait to commit, Hos. 6:9. commit, under shelter of the night, Job 24:14; Obad. 5. consent to those who commit, Psa. 50:18. associate with those who commit, Isa. 1:23. may, for a season, prosper in. Job 12:6. plead excuses for, Jer. 7:9, 10. repent not of. Rev. 9:21. destroy themselves by, Prov. 21:7. connected with murder, Jer. 7:9; Hos. 4:2. shame follows the detection of, Jer. 2:26. brings a curse on those who commit it, Zech. 5:3: Mai. 3:5. brings a curse on the family of those who com- mit it, Zech. 5:4. brings the wrath of God upon those who com- mit it, Ezek. 22:29, 31. brings down judgment on the land, Hos. 4:2, 3. excludes from heaven, 1 Cor. 6:10. thev who connive at, hate their own souls, Prov. 29:24. they who connive at, shall be reproved of God, Psa. 50:18, 21. Mosaic law respecting, Exod. 22:1-8. SAINTS warned against, Eph. 4:28: 1 Pet. 4:15. pray to be kept from, Prov. 30:7-9. repudiate the charge of, Gen. 31:37. all earthly treasure exposed to, Job 5:5; Mat. 6:19. heavenly treasure secure from, Mat. 6:20; Luke 12:33. woe denounced against, Isa. 10:2; Nah. 3:1. illustrates the guilt of false teachers, Jer. 23:30; John 10:1, 8, 10. exemplified: Rachel, Gen. 21:19. Achan, Josh. 7:21. Shechemites, Judg. 9:25. Micah, Judg. 17:2. Gehazi, 2 Kings 5:20-24. Two thieves, Mat. 27:38. Judas, John 12:6. Barabbas, John 18:40. THEOPHILUS, Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1. THESSALONICA, Paul at, Acts 17. DISCIPLES THERE commendcd, 1 Thes. 1; 2; 3; 2Thes. 1:3. exhorted, 1 Thes. 4; 5; 2 Thes. 3. instructed concerning the last times, 1 Thes. 5; 2 Thes. 3. Paul's earnest love for them. 1 Thes. 3, etc. THEUDAS, sedition of. Acts 5:36. THIEF, punishment of, Exod. 22:2; Deut. 24:7; Zech. 5:4; 1 Cor. 6:10; 1 Pet. 4:15. his conduct described, Job 24:14; Jer. 2:26; 49:9; Luke 10:30; John 10:1. Christ's second coming typified by. Mat. 24:43; Luke 12:39; 1 Thes. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10; Rev. 3:3; 16:15. THIEVES, Christ crucified between two, Mat. 27:38; Mark 15:27. one of them confesses him, Luke 23:40. THISTLES, Gen. 3:18; Job 31:40; translated thorns, 2 Clir. 33:11; brambles, Isa. 34:13. parable of, 2 Chr. 35:18. THOMAS, apostle, ordained. Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15;— Acts 1:13. his zeal, John 11:16. his unbelief and confession, John 20:24. THORNS used for chastisement, Judg. 8:7, 16. hedge of, Mic. 7:4. figurative, Num. 33:55; 1 Cor. 12:7. a crown of, put on Christ, Mat. 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2. THREE TAVERNS, Acts 28:15. THRESHING, 1 Chr. 21:20. was performed with instruments of wood, 2 Sam. 24:22; of iron, Amos 1:3; havmg teeth, Isa. 41:15; treading with cattle, Deut. 25:4; Hos. 10:11; by bruising with a cart- wheel, Isa. 28:27, 28. illustrative, Jer. 51:53; Mic. 4:12, 13. THRESHING-FLOOR, of Atad, Gen. 50:10, 11. of Gideon, Judg. 6:37-40. of Boaz, Ruth 3:2-14. of Nachon, 2 Sam. 6:6. of Araunah, 2 Sam. 24:16-25. THRONE, 1 Kings 2:19. near the city gate, 1 Kings 22:10. Solomon's, of ivory, 1 Kings 10 :l8-20. sitting on, signifies, rule and honor, 1 Kings 1:13; Zech. 6:13; Rev. 20:4. figurative, Psa. 9:4, 7; Jer. 17:12; Mat. 25:31; Rev. 3:21. symbolical, Ezek. 1:26; 10:1; Rev. 4:2-10; 20:11. THUMMIM. See urim. THUNDER, sent as a punishment, Exod. 9:23; 1 Sam. 7:10; Psa. 78:48. sent in harvest, as a sign, 1 Sam. 12:18. See Exod. 19:16; Rev. 4:5; 16:18. THUNDERS, the seven. Rev. 10. THYATIRA (Acts 16:14), epistle to, Rev. 1:11; 2:18. THYINE, an aromatic wood, Rev. 18:12. TIBERIAS, city of, John 6:1, 23. sea of, John 21:1. TIBERIUS (Caesar), Luke 3:1. TIBNI, his conspiracy, 1 Kings 16:21. TIDAL, Gen. 14:1-16. TIGLATH-PILESER (Tilgath-pilneser, 1 Chr. 5:6, 26), distresses the Jews, 2 Kings 15:29; 16:7; 2 Chr. 28:20. TIMBREL, or Tabret (a tamborine), USED by Miriam, Exod. 15:20, 21. by Jephthah's daughter, Judg. 11:34. by prophets, 1 Sam. 10:5. by women going to meet Saul, 1 Sam. 18:6. by David, in bringing up the ark, 2 Sam. 6:5. in dances and feasts. Job 21: 12; Isa. 5:12; 24:8. in praise, Psa. 81:2: 149:3. made by Tyrians, Ezek. 28:13. TIME for all things, Eccl. 3. the heavenly bodies appointed for computing. Gen. 1:14. the sundial early invented for pointing out, 2 Kings 20:9-11. in prophetic language means a prophetic year, or 365 natural years, Dan. 12:7; Rev. 12:14. to be redeemed, Eph. 5:16; Col. 4:5; Psa. 39:4; 90:12; Eccl. 12:1; Isa. 55:6; Mat. 5:25; Luke 19:42; John 9:4; 12:35; Rom. 13:11; 2 Cor. 6:2; Gal. 6:9. the end of. Rev. 10:6. TIMES, the last, signs of, to be observed. Mat. 16:3; Acts 3:21; 1 Thes. 5:1; 2 Thes. 2; iTim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:1. 165 TIM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TIT TIMNATH, Gen. 38:12-14; Josh. 15:10; Judg.14; 2Chr. 28:18. TIMNATH-HERES, or Serah, .Josli. 19:50; 24:30; Judg. 2:9. TIMON, one of the seven deacons, Acts 6:5. TIMOTHEUS (Timothy) accompanies Paul, Acts 16:3; 17:14,15; Rom. 16:21; 2Cor. 1:1, 19. commended, 1 Cor. 16:10; Phil. 2:19. sent to Thessalonica, 1 Thes. 3. released from confinement, Heb. 13:23. reminded by Paul of his charge; exhorted to fulfil it; comforted, and encouraged by Paul's own example, 1 Tim. 1; 5; 6; 2 Tim. 1; 2; 4. INSTKUCTED CONCERNING publiC WOrsllip, 1 Tim. 2. the qualifications of bishops and deacons, 1 Tim. 3. the«igns of the last times, 1 Tim. 4; 2 Tim. 3. TIN, Num. 31:22; Isa. 1:25. TIPHSAH, 1 Kings 4:24; 2 Kings 15:16. TIRKS, crescent-shaped ornaments, Isa. 3:18; Bzek. 24:17, 23. TIRHAKAH, king of Ethiopia, Sennacherib's war with, 2 Kings 19:9. TIRS HATHA (governor), Ezra 2:63; Neh. 7:70, TIRZAH(Josh. 12:24), kingsof Israel dwell there, 1 Kings 14:17; 15:21; 16:8,15; 2 Kings 15:16; Song 6:4. TITHKs paid by Abraham to Melchizedek, Gen. 14:20: Heb. 7:6. the tenth of any tiling, 1 Sam. 8:15, 17. promised by Jacob, tien. 28:22. claimed by the Lord, Lev. 27:30; Pro v. 3:9. granted to the Levites, Num. 18:21; 2Chr. 31:5; Neh. 10:37; Heb. 7:5. the Jews slow in giving, Neh. 13:10. reproved for withholding, MaL 3:8. for the feast, Deut. 14:23. for the poor, Deut. 14:28. TITLES AND NAMES OP CHRIST: Adam, 1 Cor. 15:45. Almighty, Rev. 1:8, Amen, Rev. 3:14. Alpha and Omega, Rev. 1:8; 22:13. Advocate, 1 John 2:1. Angel, Cen. 48:16; Exod. 23:20, 21. Angel of the Lord, Exod. 3:2: .Judg. 13:15-18. Angel of (Jod's presence, Isa. 63:9. Apostle, Heb. 3:1. Arm of the Lord, Isa. 51:9; 53:1. Author and Finisher of our faith, Heb. 12:2, Ble.ssed and only Potentate, 1 Tim. 6:15. Beginning of the creation of God, Rev. 3:14. Branch, .)er. 23:5; Zech. 3:8: 6:12. Bread of life, John 6:. 35, 48. Breaker, Mic. 2:13. Captain of the Lord's host, Jo.sh. 5:14, 15. Captain of salvation, Hel). 2:10. Chief Slieplierd, 1 Pet. 5:4. Christ of (iod, Luke 9:20. Consolation of Israel, Luke 2:2.'). — Chief ( orner-.stone, Eph. 2:20; i Pet. 2:6. Commander. Isa. 55:4. Counsellor, Isa. 9:6. David, Jer. :50:9; Ezek. 34:23. Day spring, Luke 1:78. Deliverer, I.sa. 59:20; Rom. 11:26. Desire of all nations. Hag. 2:7. Door, .John 10:7. Elect of God, Isa. 42:1. Emmanuel, Isa. 7:14, with Mat. 1:23. Eternal life, 1 .John 1:2; 5:20. Everlasting Father, Isa. 9:6. Faithful Witness, Rev. 1:5; 3:14. i66 First and Last, Rev. 1:17; 2:8. First-begotten of the dead, Rev. 1:5. Forerunner, Heb. 6:20. God, Isa. 40:9; John 20:28. God blessed for ever, Rom. 9:5. God's fellow, Zech. 13:7. Glory of the Lord, Isa. 40:5. | Good Shepherd, John 10:14. Great High Priest, Heb. 4:14. Governor, Mat. 2:6. Head of the Church, Eph. 5:23; CoL 1:18. Heir of all things, Heb. 1:2. Holy ChUd Jesus, Acts 4::i0. Holy One, Psa. 16:10, with Acts 2:27, 31. Holy One of God, Mark 1:24. Holy One of Israel, Isa. 4i:i4. Horn of salvation, Luke 1:69. 1 AM, Exod. 3:14, with John 8:58. Jehovah, Isa. 26:4; 40:3. Jesus, Mat. 1:21: 1 Thes, 1:10. Judge of Israel, Mic. 5:1. Just One, Acts 7:52. King, Zech. 9:9, with Mat. 21:5. King of Israel, John 1:49. the Jews, Mat. 2:2. saints, Rev. 15:3, kings, 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14. Lawgiver, Isa. 33:22; Jas. 4:12. Lamb, Rev. 13:8. Lamb of God, John 1:29, 36. Leader, Isa. 55:4. Life, Johnl4:6; CoL 3:4; 1 John 1:2. Light of the world, John 8:12. Lion of the tribe of Judah, Rev. 5:5. Lord of glory, 1 Cor. 2:8. Lord of all. Acts 10:.36; Rom. 10:12. Lord our righteousness, Jer. 23:6. Lord God of the holy prophets, Rev. 22:6, 18* Lord God Almighty, Rev. 15:3. Mediator, 1 Tim. 2:5. Messenger of the covenant, Mai. 3:1. Messiah, Dan. 9:25; John 1:41. Mighty God. Isa. 9:6. Mighty One of Jacob, Isa. 60:16. Morning-star, Rev. 22:16. Nazarene, Mat. 2:23. Offspring of David, Rev. 22:16. Only-begotten, John 1:14. Our Passover. 1 Cor. 5:7. Plant of renown, Ezek. 34:29. Prince of life, Acts 3:15. peace, I.sa. 9:6. the kings of the earth. Rev. 1:5. Prophet, Luke 24:19; John 7:40. Ransom, 1 Tim. 2:6. Redeemer, Job 19:25; Isa. 59:20; 60:16. Resurrection and Life, John 11:25. Rock, 1 Cor. 10:4. Root of David, Rev. 22:16. Root of Jesse, Isa. 11:10. Rose of Sharon, Song 2:1. Ruler in Israel, Mic. 5:2. Saviour, 2 Pet. 2:20; 3:18. Seed of Abraham, Gal. 3:16. Seed of the woman, Gen. 3:15, Servant. Isa. 42:1. Shepherd and Bishop of souls, 1 Pet, 2:26. Shiloh, Gen. 49:10. Son of the Blessed, Mark 14:61. God, Luke 1:35; .John 1:49. the Highest, Luke 1:32. David, Mat. 9:27. man, John 5:27; 6:27. Star, Num. 24:17. Sun of righteousness, Mai. 4:2. TIT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TIT Surety, Heb. 7:22. True God, lJohn5:20. True Light, John 1:9. True Vine, John 15:1. Truth, John 14:6. Way, John 14:6. Wisdom, Prov. 8:12. Witness, Isa. 55:4. Wonderful, Isa. 9:6. Word, John 1:1; 1 John 5:7. of God, Rev. 19:13. of life, 1 John 1:1. TITLES OF THE Holy Ghost: Breath of the Almighty, Job 33:4. Comforter, John 14:16, 26; 15:26. Eternal Spirit, Heb. 9:14. Free Spirit, Psa. 51:12. God, Acts 5:3, 4. Good Spirit, Neh. 9:20; Psa. 143:10, Holy Spirit, Psa. 51:11; Luke 11:13. Holy Spirit of God, Eph. 4:30. Holy Spirit of promise, Eph. 1:13. Lord, the, 2 Thes. 3:5. Power of the Highest, Luke 1:35. Spirit, the. Mat. 4:1; John 3:6: 1 Tim. 4:1. Spirit of the Lord God. Isa. 61:1. the Lord, Isa. 11:2; Acts 5:9. God, Gen. 1:2; 1 Cor. 2:11. the Father, Mat. 10:20. Christ, Rom. 8:9; 1 Pet. 1:11. the Son, Gal. 4:6. life, Rom. 8:2; Rev. 11:11. grace, Zech. 12:10; Heb. 10:29. prophecy, Rev. 19:10. adoption, Rom, 8:15. wisdom, Isa. 11:2; Eph. 1:17. counsel, Isa. 11:2. might, Isa. 11:2. understanding, Isa. 11:2. knowledge, Isa, 11:2. the fear of the Lord, Isa. 11:2. truth, John 14:17; 15:26. holiness, Rom. 1:4. revelation, Eph. 1:17. judgment, Isa. 4:4; 28:6. burning, Isa. 4:4. glory, 1 Pet. 4:14. Seven Spirits of God, Rev. 1:4. Voice of the Lord, Isa. 6:8. OF THE Church : Assembly of the saints, Psa. 89:7. Assembly of the upright, Psa. 111:1. Body of Christ, Eph. 1:22, 23: Col. 1:24. Branch of God's planting, Isa. 60:21. Bride of Christ, Rev. 21:9. Church of God, Acts 20:28. Church of the Living God, 1 Tim. 3:15. Church of the first-born, Heb. 12:23. City of the Living God, Heb. 12:22. Congregation of saints, Psa. 149:1. Congregation of the Lord's poor. Psa. 74:19. Dove, Song 2:14; 5:2. Family in heaven and earth, Eph. 3:15. Flock of God, Ezek. 34:15; 1 Pet. 5:2. Fold of Christ, John 10:16. General assembly of the first-born, Heb. 12:23. Golden candlestick. Rev. 1 :20. God's building, 1 Cor. 3:9. God's husbandry, 1 Cor. 3:9. God's heritage. Joel 3:2; 1 Pet. 5:3. Habitation of God, Eph, 2:22. Heavenly Jerusalem, Gal. 4:26; Heb. 12:22. Holy city. Rev. 21:2. Holy mountain, Zech. 8:3, Holy hill, Psa, 15:1. House of God, i Tim. 3:15; Heb. 10:21. the God of Jacob, Isa. 2:3. Christ, Heb, 3:6. Household of God, Eph. 2:19. Inheritance, Psa. 28:9; Isa. 19:25. Israel of God, Gal. 6:16. King's daughter, Psa. 45:13, J,ainb's wife. Rev. 19:7; 21:9. Lot of God's inheritance, Deut. 32:9. Mount Zion, Psa. 2:6; Heb. 12:22. Mountain of the Lord of hosts, Zech, 8:3. Mountain of the Lord's house, Isa. 2:2. New Jerusalem, Rev, 21:2, Pillar and ground of the truth, 1 Tim, 3:15, Place of God's throne, Ezek. 43:7. Pleasant portion, Jer. 12:10, Sanctuary of God, Psa. 114:2. Sister of Christ, Song 4:12; 5:2. Spiritual house, 1 Pet, 2:5. Spouse of Christ, Song 4:12: 5:1. Strength and glory of God, Psa. 78:61. Sought out, a city not forsaken, Isa. 62:12. Tabernacle, Psa. 15:1. The Lord's portion, Deut. 32:9. Temple of God, 1 Cor. 3:16, 17. Temple of the Living God, 2 Cor. 6:16. Vineyard, Jer. 12:10; Mat. 21:41. TITLES OF Ministers : Ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5:20. Angels of the church. Rev. 1:20; 2:1, Apostles, Luke 6:13: Rev. 18:20. Apostles of Jesus Christ, Tit. 1:1. Elders, 1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Pet. 5:1. Evangelists, Eph. 4:11; 2 Tim. 4:5. Fishers of men. Mat. 4:19; Mark 1:17. Laborers, Mat, 9:38, with Phile. 1. Laborers in the gospel of Christ, 1 Thes, 3:2. Lights, John 5:35. Men of God, Deut. 33:1; 1 Tim. 6:11. Messengers of the church, 2 Cor. 8 :23. Messengers of the Lord of hosts, Mai. 2:7. ministers OF God, 2 Cor. 6:4. the Lord, Joel 2:17. Christ, Rom. 15:16; 1 Cor. 4:1. the sanctuary, Ezek. 45:4. the gospel, Eph. 3:7; Col. 1:23. the word, Luke 1:2. the new testament. 2 Cor. 3:6. the church. Col. 1:24,25. righteousness, 2 Cor. 11:15. overseers. Acts 20:28. Pastors, Jer. 3:15; Eph. 4:11. Preachers, Rom. 10:14; 1 Tim. 2:7. Preachers of righteousness, 2 Pet. 2:5. Servants of God, Tit. 1:1; Jas. 1:1. the Lord, 2 Tim. 2:24. Jesus Christ, Phil. 1:1; Jude 1. the Church, 2 Cor. 4:5. Shepherds, Jer. 23:4. Soldiers of Christ, Phil. 2:25; 2 Tim. 2:3, 4. Stars, Rev. 1:20; 2:1. Stewards of God, Tit. 1:7. the grace of God, 1 Pet. 4:10. the mysteries of God, 1 Cor. 4:1. Teachers, Isa. 30:20; Eph. 4:11. Watchmen, Isa. 62:6; Ezek. 33:7. Witnesses, Acts 1:8; 5:32; 26:16. Workers together with God, 2 Cor. 6:1. OF Saints : Believers, Acts 5:14; 1 Tim. 4:12. Beloved of God, Rom. 1:7. Beloved brethren, 1 Cor. 15:58; Jas. 2:5. Blessed of the Lord, Gen. 24:31: 26:29. Blessed of the Father, Mat. 25:. 34. Brethren, Mat. 23:8; Acts 12:17. 167 TIT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TIT Brethren of Christ, Luke 8:21; John 20:17. Called of Jesus Christ, Rom. 1:6. CHILDREN OF the Lord, Deut, 14:1. God, John 11:52: 1 John 3:10. the Living God, Rom. 9:26. the Father, Mat. 5:45. the Highest, Luke 6:35. Abraham, Gal. 3:7. Jacob, Psa. 105:6. promise, Kom. 9:8; Gal. 4:28. the free-woman, Gal. 4:31. the kingdom, Mat. 13:38. Zion, Psa. 149:2: Joel 2:23. the bride-chamber, Mat. 9:15. light, Luke 16:8; Eph. 5:8. the dav, 1 Thes. 5:5. the resurrection, Luke 20:36. Chosen generation, 1 Pet. 2:9. Chosen ones, 1 Chr. 16:13. Chosen vessels, Acts 9:15. Christians, Acts 11:26; 26:28. Counsellors of peace. Pro v. 12:20. Dear children, Eph. 5:1. Disciples of Christ, John 8:31: 15:8. Elect of God, CoL 3:12; Tit. 1:L Epistles of Christ, 2 Cor. 3:3. Excellent, the, Psa. 16:3. Faithful brethren in Christ, Col. 1:2. Faithful, the, Psa. 12:1. Faithful of the land, the, Psa. 101:6. Fellow-citizens. Eph. 2:19. Fellow-heirs. Eph. 3:6. Fellow-servants, Rev. 6:11. Friends of God, 2 Chr. 20:7; Jas. 2:23. Friends, Song 5:1; John 15:15. Godly, the, Psa. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:9. Heirs of God, Rom. 8:17; Gal. 4:7. the grace of life, 1 Pet. 3:7. the kingdom, Jas. 2:5. promise, Heb. 6:17; Gal. 3:29. salvation, Heb. l;14. Hidden ones, Psa. 83:3. Holy brethren, 1 Thes. 5:27; Heb. 3:1. and mighty people, Dan. 8:24. nation, Exod. 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:9. people, Deut. 26:19; Isa. 62:12. priesthood, 1 Pet. 2:5. seed, Isa. 6:13. Joint-heirs with Christ, Rom. 8:17. Just, the. Prov. 20:7: Hab. 2:4. Kings and priests unto God, Rev. 1:6. Kingdom of priests, Exod. 19:6. Lambs, Isa. 40:11: John 21:15. Lights of the world. Mat. 5:14. Little children, John 13:33; 1 John 2:1. Lively stones, 1 Pet. 2:5. Members of Christ, 1 Cor. 6:15; Eph. 5:30. Men of God, Deut. 33:1; 1 Tim. 6:1L Obedient children, 1 Pet. 1:14. Peculiar people, Deut. 14:2; Tit. 2:14. Peculiar treasure, Exod. 19:5; Psa. 135:4. People of (Jod, Heb. 4:9; 1 Pet. 2:10. of CJod's pasture, Psa. 95:7. of inheritance, Deut. 4:20. near unto God, Psa. 148:14. prepared for the Lord, Luke 1:17. saved by the Lord, Deut. .33:29. Pillars in the temple of God, Rev. 3:12. Ransomed of the Lord, Isa. 35:10. Redeemed of the Lord. Isa. 51 :n. Righteous, the, Psa. 1:6; Mai. 3:18. Royal priesthood, 1 Pet. 2:9. Salt of the earth. Mat. 5:13. Seed of Abraham, Psa. 105:6. Seed of the blessed of the Lord, Isa. 65:23. i68 Servants of Christ, 1 Cor. 7:22; Eph. 6:6. the Lord, Deut. 34:5; Isa. 54:17. the most high God, Dan. 3:26. rigliteousness, Rom. 6:18. Sheep of Christ, John 10:1-16; 21:16. the flock, Mat. 26:31. God's hand, Psa. 95:7. God's pastures, Psa, 79:13. Sojourners with God, Lev. 25:23; Psa. 39:12. Sons of God, John 1:12; Phil. 2:15. Sons of the Living God, Hos. 1:10. Special people, Deut. 7:6. The Lord's freemen, 1 Cor. 7:22. The Lord's people, 1 Sam. 2:24; 2 Kings 11:17. Trees of righteousness, Isa. 61:3. Vessels unto honor, 2 Tim. 2:21. Vessels of mercy, Rom. 9:23. Witnesses for God, Isa. 43:10; 44:8. TITLES OF the wicked: Adversaries of the Lord, 1 Sam. 2:10. Children of Belial, Deut. 13: 13; 2 Chr. 13:7. the devil. Acts 13:10; 1 John 3:10. the wicked one. Mat. 13:38. hell, Mat. 23:15. the bond-woman. Gal. 4:31. basemen, Job30:8. fools. Job 30:8. strangers, Isa. 2:6. transgression, Isa. 57:4. disobedience, Eph. 2:2; CoL 3:6. the flesh, Rom. 9:8. iniquity, Hos. 10:9. pride. Job 41:34. this world, Luke 16:8. wickedness, 2 Sam. 7:10. wrath, Eph. 2:3. in whom is no faith, Deut. 32:20. that will not hear the law of the Lord, Isa. 30:9. that are corrupters, Isa. 1:4. Cursed children, 2 Pet. 2:14. Enemies of God, Psa. 37:20; Jas. 4:4. the cross of Christ, Phil. 3:18. all righteousness. Acts 13:10. Evil-doers, Psa. 37:1; 1 Pet. 2:14. Evil men, Prov. 4:14; 2 Tim. 3:13. Evil generation, Deut. 1:35. Evil and adulterous generation, Mat. 12:39. Fools, Prov. 1:7; Rom. 1:22. Froward generation, Deut. 32:20. Generation of vipers. Mat. 3:7; 12:34. Grievous revolters, Jer. 6:28. Haters of God. Psa. 81:15; Rom. 1:30. Impudent children, Ezek. 2:4. Inventors of evil things, Rom. 1:30. Lying children, Isa. 30:9. Men of the world, Psa. 17:14. People laden with iniquity, Isa. 1:4. Perverse and crooked generation, Deut. 32:5; Mat. 17:17; Phil. 2:15. Rebellious children, Isa. 30:1. people, Isa. 30:9; 65:2. nation, Ezek. 2:3. house, Ezek. 2:5, 8; 12:2. Reprobates, 2 Cor. 13:5-7. Scornful, the, Psa. 1:1. Seed of falseliood. Isa. 67:4. the wicked, Psa. 37:28. evil-doers, Isa. 1:4; 14:20. Serpents, Mat. 23:33. Servants of corruption, 2 Pet. 2:19. Servants of sin, John 8:34; Rom. 6:20. Sinful generation, Mark 8:38. Sinners, Psa. 26:9; Prov. 1:10. Sons of Belial, 1 Sam. 2:12; l Kings 21:10. ^ TIT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TON Sottisli children. Jer. 4:22. Strange children, Psa. 144:7. Stubborn and rebellious generation, Psa. 78:8. Transgressors, Psa. 37:38; 51:13. Ungodly, the, Psa. 1:1. Ungodly men, Jude 4. Unprofitable servants. Mat. 25:30. Untoward generation, Acts 2:40. Vessels of wrath, Horn. 9:22. Wicked of the earth, Psa. 75:8. transgressors, Psa. 59:5. servants, Mat. 25:26. generation. Mat. 12:45; 16:4. ones, Jer. 2:33. doers, Psa. 101:8; Prov. 17:4. Workers of iniquity, Psa. 28:3; 36:12. TITLES OP THE Devil: Abaddon, Rev. 9:11. Accuser of our brethren. Rev. 12:10. Adversary, 1 Pet. 5:8. Angel of the bottomless pit, Rev. 9:11. ApoUyon, Rev. 9:11. Beelzebub, Mat. 12:24. Belial, 2 Cor. 6:15. Crooked Serpent, Isa. 27:1. Dragon, Isa. 27:1; Rev. 20:2. Enemy, Mat. 13:39. Evil Spirit, 1 Sam. 16:14. Father of lies, John 8:44. Great red Dragon, Rev. 12:3. Leviathan, Isa. 27:1. Liar, John 8:44. Lying Spirit, 1 Kings 22:22. Murderer, John 8:44. Old Serpent, Rev. 12:9; 20:2. Piercing Serpent, Isa. 27:1. Power of darkness. Col. 1:13. Prince op this world, John 14:30. the devils. Mat. 12:24. the power of the air, Eph. 2:2. Ruler of the darkness of this world, Eph. 6:12. Satan, 1 Chr. 21:1; Job 1:6. Serpent, Gen. 3:4, 14; 2 Cor. 11:3. Spirit that worketh in the children of disobedi- ence, Eph. 2:2. Tempter, Mat. 4:3; 1 Thes. 3:5. The god of this world, 2 Cor. 4:4. Unclean Spirit, Mat. 12:43. Wicked one. Mat. 13:19, 38. TITUS, Gal. 2:3. Paul's love for, 2 Cor. 2:13; 7:6, 13. why sent to Corinth, 2 Cor. 8:6; 12:18; 2 Tim. 4:10. reminded by Paul of his office, instructed con- cerning the quaUfications of bishops, 1 Tim. 1; and exhorted to fulfil his charge with boldness, 1 Tim. 1:18; 2; 3. TOB, Judg. 11:3-5. TOBIAH, the Ammonite, vexes the Jews, Neh. 4:3; 6:1, 12, 14; 13:4. TOBIJAH, Zech. 6:9-11. TOGARMAH, Gen. 10:3; Ezek. 27:14. TOI, 2 Sara. 8:9, 10; called Tau, 1 Chr. 18:9. TOLA, a judge, Judg. 10:1, 2. TOLL, tribute, Ezra 4:13, 20; 7:24. TOMB, Job 21:32; Mat. 23:29; 27:60; Mark 5:2, 3; 6:29. See burial, grave. TONGS, for the tabernacle, Exod. 25:38; Num. 4:9. for the temple, l Kings 7:49. TONGUE, the: an index of the heart, Isa. 32:6; Mat. 12:35; Luke 6:45. death and life in power of, Prov. 18:21. safety dependent on, Prov. 21:23; Amos 5:13. benefits of governing, 2 Chr. 10:7; Prov. 12:14; 15:23; 18:20. evils of ungoverned, Prov. 12:13. good and evil contrasted, Prov. 10; 14:3; 15; EccL 9:17; 10:12; Jas. 3. prudent restraint of, Prov. 30:32; Eccl. 10:20; Mic. 7:5; Jas. 1:19. AN evil, is deceitful, Psa. 55:21; Jer. 9:8. mischievous, Psa. 10:7; 52:2. untamable, Jas. 3:7, 8. hypocritical, Psa. 57:4; Prov. 11:9. full of poison, Rom. 3:13; Jas. 3:8. blasphemous, Luke 22:65. nattering. Job 17:6; Psa. 12:2. perverse, Prov. 4:24. froward, Prov. 6:12; 10:31. a world of iniquity, Jas. 3:6. set on fire of hell, Jas. 3:6. a sharp sword, Psa. 57:4. a burning fire, Prov. 16:27. A GOOD, is gracious, Eccl. 10:12; Luke 4:22. right and forcible. Job 6:25. wise and just, Psa. 37:30. sound. Tit. 2:8. peace-making, Prov. 15:1. seasonable, and fit, Prov. 15:23; 25:11. kind, Prov. 31:26. healthful, Prov. 12:18. guileless, 1 Pet. 2:21; 3:10. modest, Job 32:11. truthful, Psa. 15:2; Prov. 8:7. as a tree of life, Prov. 15:4. as a well of life, Prov. 10:11. as a flowing brook, Prov. 18:4. as choice silver, Prov. 10:20. as a honeycomb, Prov. 16:24. as a precious jewel, Prov. 20:15. IS WRONGLY used IN lying, Psa. 15:2; 34:13. swearing. Mat. 5:34; Jas. 5:12. false witnessing, Prov. 25:18. profanity, Exod. 20:7; 2 Tim. 2:16. privy slander, Psa. 101:5. backbiting, Psa. 15:3; Rom, 1:30. needless reproach, Prov. 24:28. rash censure, Mat. 7:1; Jas. 4:11. evil-speaking. Tit. 3:2; l Pet. 2:1. railing, 1 Pet. 3:9; Jude 9. reviling, 1 Cor. 6:10; Jude 8. filthy words. Col. 3:8; 2 Pet. 2:7. murmuring, 1 Cor. 10:10. talebearing. Lev. 19:16; Prov. 18:8. scoffing, Psa. 123:3; Jude 18. foolish talking, Eccl. 10:13. jesting, Prov. 26:18; Eph. 5:4. self-praise, I'rov. 25:14, 27. loquacity, Prov. 10:19; 29:11. boasting, Prov. 25:14. cursing and bitterness, Rom. 3:14. unprofitable disputes, l Tim. 1:4. THE RIGHT USE OF, IS prayer to God, Psa. 27:7; 28:2; Mark 10:47. in praise, Psa. 71:23; Heb. 13:15. in confessing sin. Job 33:27. giving a reason of our hope, 1 Pet. 3:15. blessing. Gen. 47:10; 2 Sam. 6:18. cheering. Mat. 9:2; 14:27. rebuking sin. Lev. 19:17: 1 Tim. 5:20. teaching, Prov. 9:9; 10:20; 15:2, 7; 16:23; MaL 13:52. edifying, Eph. 4:29. consoling. Job 16:5. exhorting, 1 Thes. 5:11. giving counsel, Job 29:21. defending the right. Job 29:12: Psa. 72:12. 169 TON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TRE Christian fellowship, Mai. 3:16. always with grace, Col. 4:6. punishment of wicked, Psa. 52:4. TONGUES, confusion of, Gen. 11. gift of, Acts 2:a-18; 10:46; 19:6. regulations concerning its exercise, 1 Cor. 12:10: 13:1; 14:2-40. TOPAZ, Exod. 28:17; Rev. 21:20. TOPHET defiled by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:10. See Isa. 30:33; Jer. 7:31; 19:11. TORCH. Zeph. 12:6; Nah. 2:3, 4; John 18:3. See LAMP. TORMENT, Mat. 4:24; 8:29; Mark 5:7; Luke 16:23; Rev. 9:5: 14:11; 18:7, 10. TORN beasts, flesh of, not to be eaten, Exod. 22:31: Lev. 22:8; Ezek. 4:14; 44:31. TORTOISE, unclean. Lev. 11:29. TOUCHING Christ's garment in faith, many healed by, Mark 5:28; 6:56; Luke 6:19. TOW, Judg. 16:9; Isa. 1:31. See flax. TOWEL, John 13:4, 5. TOWER, God is, of his people, 2 Sam. 22:3, 51; Psa. 18:2; 61:3. Of Babel, Gen. 11. of Penuel, Judg. 8:17. of Shechera, Judg. 9:46. of Thebez, Judg. 9:50. 51. ol David, Song 4:4. of Lebanon, Song 7:4. of the furnaces, Neh. 3:11. ofMeah, Neh. 12:39. of Jezreel, 2 Kings 9:17. of Hananeel, Jer. 31:38; Zech. 14:10. of Syene, Ezek. 29:10; 30:6. of Siloam, Luke 13:4. of Jerusalem, remarkable for number, strength, and beauty, Psa. 48:12. TRACHONITIS, Luke 3:1. TRADES, or Professions. See arts. TRADERS in Tyre described, Ezek. 27. See Rev. 18:11. TRADITIONS Of men, observations of, censured. Mat. 15:3; Mark 7:7; Gal. 1:14; Col. 2:8; Tit. 1:14. TRAITOR, Judas so called, Luke 6:16. TRANCE of Balaam, Num. 24:4, 16. of Peter, Acts 10:10; 11:5. of Paul, Acts 22:17. TRANSFIGURATION of Christ, Mat. 17; Mark 9:2: Luke 9:29: John 1:14; 2 Pet. 1:16. TRANSLATION of Enoch, Gen. 5:24; Heb. 11:5. of Elijah, 2 Kings 2. TRANSFORMATION of Satan, Gen. 3; 2 Cor. 11:3, 14. and his ministers, 2 Cor. 11:13, 15. TRANSGRESSIONS. See sin. TRAP, Josh. 23:13; Job 18:10; Jer. 5:26. TRAVELLERS, called wayfaring men, Judg. 19:17; Isa. 35:8. went, on foot. Gen. 28:10; on asses or camels, Gen. 24:64: Num. 22:21; in chariots, 2 Kings 5:9; Acts 8:27. 28. carried food and water. Gen. 21:14; 1 Sam. 9:7. were treated with hospitality. Gen. 18:3-8; Ex. 2:20; Heb. 13:2. estimated the length of their journey by the time it occupied, Gen. 31:23; Deut. 1:2; 2 Kin. 3:9. Jews forbidden to take long journeys on the Sabbath, Exod. 20:10; Acts 1:12. people of rank had running footmen, 2 Sam. 15:1; 1 Kings 18:46. •commenced their journey in the morning, Judg. 19:. 5. rested at noon, Gen. 18:1, 3: John 4:6. 170 halted at even. Gen. 24:11. TREACHERY of Simeon and Levi, Gen. 34:13. of Shechemites, Judg. 9. of Doeg, 1 Sam. 21:7; 22:9; Psa. 52. of David, 2 Sam. 11:14. of Ziba, 2 Sam. 16. of Joab, 2 Sam. 3:27; 20:9. ^ of Jezebel, 1 Kings 21:5. of Jehu, 2 Kings 10:18. of Haman, Esth. 3, etc. of Judas, Mat. 26:47; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47; John 18:3. TREASON of Absalom, 2 Sam. 15-18. of Sheba. 2 Sam. 20. of Adonijah, etc.. 1 Kings 1. of Zimri. 1 Kings 16:10. of Athaliah, 2 Kings 11 ; 2 Chr. 22:10. of Shallum, etc., 2 Kings 15:10. of Bigthan and Teresh, Esth, 2:21. TREASURY of the Lord, things devoted belong to, Josh. 6:19. Levites have charge of, 1 Chr. 9:26; 28:11; Neh. 13:13. gifts cast into, Mark 12:41; Luke 21:1. TREE of life. Gen. 2:9; 3:22; Prov. 3:18; 11:30; Ezek. 47:7, 12; Rev. 2:7; 22:2, 14. of knowledge, eating of, forbidden. Gen. 2:17; the command broken. Gen. 3. TREES, laws concerning, Lev. 19:23; 27:30; Deut. 16:21; 20:19. Jotham's parable of the, Judg. 9:8. Nebuchadnezzar's vision of, Dan. 4:10. shall praise God, 1 Chr. 16:33. fruitfulness of, in God's control. Lev. 26:4, 20; Ezek. 34:27; Joel 2:22. mentioned in Scripture: almond. Gen. 43:11; Eccl. 12:5; Jer. 1:11. almug, or algum, l Kings 10:11, 12; 2 Chr. 9:10, n. apple. Song 2:3; 8:5; Joel 1:12. ash, Isa. 44:14. bay, Psa. 37:35. box, Isa. 41:19. cedar, 1 Kings 10:27. chestnut, Ezek. 31:8. Cyprus, Isa. 44:14. fig, Deut. 8:8. fir, 1 Kings 5:10; 2 Kings 19:23; Psa. 104:17. juniper, 1 Kings 19:4, 5. lign-aloes. Num. 24:6. mulberry, 2 Sam. 5:23, 24. myrtle, Isa. 41:19; 55:13; Zech. 1:8. mustard. Mat. 13:32. oak, Isa, 1:30. oil, Isa. 41:19. olive, Deut. 6:11. palm, Exod. 15:27. pine, Isa. 41:19. pomegranate, Deut. 8:8; Joel 1:12. shittah, or shittim, Exod. 36:20; Isa. 41:19. sycamore, 1 Kings 10:27; Psa. 78:47; Amos 7:14; Luke 19:4. teil, isa. 6:13. vine, Num. 6:4; Ezek. 15:2. willow, Isa. 44:4; Ezek. 17:5. ILLUSTRATIVE OF saiuts, Num. 24:6; Psa. 1; Isa. 65:22; Jer. 17:8; Mat. 7:17. an unchanging state, Eccl. 11:3. man on probation. Mat. 3:10. sinners, Hos. 9:16; Mat. 7:17; Luke 3:9; 23:31; Jude 12. earthly glory, Psa. 37:35; Ezek. 31; Dan. 4:10. Chri.st, Song 2:3; Luke 23:31; Rom. 11:24. TRENCH, 1 Sam. 17:20; 26:5; 1 Kings 28:32; Luke 19:43. TRE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TRU TRESPASS-OFFERINGS, laws concerning, Lev. 5; 6; 12; 14; 15; Num. 5. TRIAL, of the heart, God's prerogative, 1 Chr. 28:9; 29:17; 2 Chr. 32:31; Psa. 7:9; 11:4; 26:2; Prov. 17:3; Jer. 11:20; 17:10; 1 Thes. 2:4. of faith, Heb. 11:17; Jas. 1:3; Zech. 13:9; Job 23:10; 1 Pet. 4:12; Rev. 3:10. See TEMPTATION. TRIBES of Israel blessed, Gen. 49; Num. 23:20; 24; Deut. 33. their order in the camp. Num. 2. in their march. Nam. 10:14. numbered by Moses, Num. 1; 26. by David, 2 Sam. 24; 1 Chr. 21. number of those sealed. Rev. 7:4. location in Canaan, Josh. 13; 15-17. TRIBULATION connected with the gospel. Mat. 13:21; 24:21; John 16:33; Acts 14:22; 1 Thes. 3:4; Rev. 7:14. See affliction. TRIBUTE commanded to be paid. Mat. 22:21; Mark 12:13; Luke 20:25; Rom. 13:6; 1 Pet. 2:13. often exacted in labor, 1 Kin. 5:13, 14: 9:15, 21. In produce of land, 1 Sam. 8:15; 1 Kings 4:7. in gold and silver, 2 Kings 23:33, 35. kings of Israel forbidden to levy unnecessary or oppressive, Deut. 17:17. priests and Levites exempted from, Ezra 7:24. Christ's example, Mat. 17:24. TRINITY : doctrine of, proved from Scripture, Mat. 3:16, 17; Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 12:3-6; Eph. 4:4-6; 1 Pet. 1:2; 1 John 5:7; Jude 20, 21. divine titles applied to the three Persons in, Exod. 20:2, with John 20:28, and Acts 5:3, 4. EACH PERSON IN, DESCRIBED AS eternal, Rom. 16:26, with Rev. 22:13, and Heb. 9:14. holy, Rev. 4:8; 15:4, with Acts 3:14, and 1 John 2:20. true, John 7:28, with Rev. 3:7, and 1 .lohn 5:6. omnipresent, Jer. 23:24, with Eph. 1:23, and Psa. 139:7. omnipotent, Gen. 17:1, with Rev. 1:8, and Rom. 15:19; Jer. 32:17, with Heb. 1:3, and Luke 1:35. omniscient. Acts 15:18, with John 21:17, and 1 Cor. 2:10, 11. Creator, Gen. 1:1, with Col. 1:16, and Job 33:4; Psa. 148:5, with John 1:3, and Job 26:13. sanctifier, Jude 1, with Heb. 2:11, and 1 Pet. 1:2. author of all spiritual operations, Heb. 13:21, with Col. 1:29, and 1 Cor. 12:11. source of eternal life, Rom. 6:23, with John 10:28, and Gal. 6:8. teacher, Isa. 54:13, with Luke 21:15, and John 14:26; Isa. 48:17, with Gal. 1:12, and 1 John 2:20. raising Christ from the dead, 1 Cor. 6:14, with John 2:19, and 1 Pet. 3:18. Inspiring the prophets, etc., Heb. 1:1, with 2 Cor. 13:3, and Mark 13:11. supplying ministers to the church, Jer. 3:15, with Eph. 4:11, and Acts 20:28; Jer. 26:5, with Mat. 10:5, and Acts 13:2. salvation the work of, 2 Thes. 2:13, 14; Tit. 3:4- 6; 1 Pet. 1:2. baptism administered in name of. Mat. 28:19. benediction given in name of, 2 Cor. 13:14. saints are the temple of, 2 Cor. 6:16, with Eph. 3:17, and 1 Cor. 3:16; Eph. 2:22, with Col. 1:27, and 1 Cor. 6:19. saints have fellowship with, 1 John 1:3, with Phil. 2:1. sin, a tempting of, Deut. 6:16, with i Cor. 10:9, and Acts 5:9. the Israelites in the wilderness tempted, Exod. 17:7, withl Cor. 10:9, and Heb. 3:7, 9. TRIUMPH of the wicked short. Job 20:5; Psa. 37:10. TROAS visited by Paul, Acts 16:8; 20:5; 2 Cor. 2:12; 2 Tim. 4:13. TROGYLLIUM, Acts 20:15. TROOP, Gad so called. Gen. 30:11; 49:19. TROPHIMUS, companion of Paul, Acts 20:4; 21:29; 2 Tim. 4:20. TRUMPETS, directions for their use. Num. 10; ^ Josh. 6:4; Psa. 81:3; Ezek. 7:14; 33:3; Joel2:l. employed in worship, 1 Chr. 13:8; 15:24; 2 Chr. 5:12; 29:27; Psa. 98:6. feast of. Lev. 23:24; Num. 29. use of, memorable instances: at mount Sinai, Exod. 19:16; 20:18. at Jericho, Josh. 6:20. by Gideon, Judg. 7:16-22. sounding of seven. Rev. 8: 9; 11:1.5. the last, 1 Cor. 15:52; 1 Thes. 4:16. TRUST : God is the true object of, Psa. 65:5. the fear of God leads to. Prov. 14:26. ENCOURAGEMENT TO : the everlasting strength of God, Isa. 26:4. the goodness of God, Nah. 1:7. the loving-kindness of God, Psa. .36:7. the rich bounty of God, 1 Tim. 6:17. the care of God for us, 1 Pet. 5:7. former deliverances, Psa. 9:10; 2 Cor. 1:10. should be with the whole heart, Prov. 3:5. should be from youth up, Psa. 71:5. OF SAINTS IS not in the flesh, Phil. 3:3, 4. not in themselves, 2 Cor. 1:9. not in carnal weapons, 1 Sam. 17:38, 39, 45; Psa. 44:6; 2 Cor. 10:4. in God, Psa. 11:1; 31:14; 2 Cor. 1:9. In the word of God, Psa. 119:42. In the mercy of God, Psa. 13:5; 52:8. in Christ, Eph. 3:12. through Christ, 2 Cor. 3:4. grounded on the covenant, 2 Sam. 23:5. strong in the prospect of death, Psa. 23:4, fixed, 2 Sam. 22:3; Psa. 112:7. unalterable, Job 13:15. despised by the wicked, Isa. 36:4, 7. at all times, Psa. 62:8. for ever, Psa. 52:8; Isa. 26:4. saints plead in prayer, Psa. 25:20; 31:1; 141:3. the Lord knows those who have, Nah. 1:7. exhortations to, Psa. 4:5; 115:9-11. LEADS TO being compassed with mercy, Psa. 32:10. enjoyment of perfect peace, Isa. 26:3. enjoyment of all temporal and spiritual bless- ings, Isa. 57:13. enjoyment of happiness, Prov. 16:20. rejoicing in God, Psa. 5:11; 53:21. fulfilment of all holy desires, Psa. 37:5. deliverance from enemies, Psa. 37:40. safety in times of danger, Prov. 29:25. stability, Psa. 125:1. prosperity, Prov. 28:25. KEEPS FROM fear, Psa. 56:11; Isa. 12:2; Heb. 13:6. shding, Psa. 26:1. desolation, Psa. 34:22. to be accompanied by doing good, Psa. 37:3. blessedness of placing, in God, Psa. 2:12; 34:8; 40:4: Jer. 17:7. OF THE WICKED is uot iu God, Psa. 78:22; Zeph. 3:2. 171 TRU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TUR is in idols, Isa. 42:17; Hab. 2:18. is in man. Judg. 9:26; Psa. 118:8, 9. is in their own heart, Pro v. 28:26. is in their own righteousness, Luke 18:9, 12. is in their reUgious privileges, Jer. 7:4, 8; Mic. 3:11; John 8:33. is in oppression, Psa. 62:10; Isa. 30:12. is in wickedness, Isa. 47:10. is in vanity, Job 15:31; Isa. 59:4. is in falsehood, Isa. 28:15; Jer. 13:25. is in earthly alliances, Isa. 30:2; Ezek. 17:15. is in fenced cities, Jer. 5:17. is in chariots and horses, Psa. 20:7. is in wealth, Psa. 49:6; 52:7; Pro v. 11:28; Jer. 48:7: Mark 10:24. is vain and delusive, Isa. 30:7; Jer. 2:37. shall make them ashamed, Isa. 20:5; 30:3, 5; Jer. 48:13. shall be destroyed, Job 18:14; Isa. 28:18. woe and curse of false, Isa. 30:1, 2; 31:1-3; Jer. 17:5. of saints, illustrated, Psa. 91:12; Pro v. 18:10. of the wicked, illustrated, 2 Kings 18:21; Job 8:14; 18:21. Of saints, exempUfled : David, 1 Sam. 17:45; 30:6. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:5. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 20:12. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:28. Paul, 2 Tim. 1:12. of the wicked, exemplified : Goliath, 1 Sam. 17:43-45. Benhadad, 1 Kings 20:10. Senna- cherib, 2 Clir. 32:8. Israelites, Isa. 31:1. TRUTH: God is a God of, Deut. 32:4; Psa. 31:5. Christ is, John 14:6, with John 7:18. Christ was full of, John 1:14. Christ spake, John 8 :45. the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of, John 14:17. the Holy Ghost guides into all, John 16:13. the word of God is, Dan. 10:21; John 17:17. God regards, with favor, Jer. 5:3. the judgments of God are according to, Psa. 96:13: Rom. 2:2. SAINTS SHOULD worship God in, John 4:24, with Psa. 145:18. serve God in. Josh. 24:14; 1 Sam. 12:24. walk before God in, 1 Kings 2:4; 2 Kings 20:3. keep religious feasts witli, 1 Cor. 5:8. esteem, as inestimable, Prov. 23:23. love, Zech. 8:19. rejoice in, 1 Cor. 13:6. speak to one another, Zech. 8:16; Eph. 4:25. execute judgment with, Zech. 8:16. meditate upon, Phil. 4:8. bind, about the neck, I'rov. 3:3. write, upon the tables of the iieart, Prov. 3:3. God desires, in the heart, Psa. 51:6. the fruit of the Spirit is in, Eph. 5:9. MINISTERS SHOULD spcak, 2 Cor. 12:6; Gal. 4:16. teach in, 1 Tim. 2:7. approve themselves by, 2 Cor. 6:7, 8. magistrates should be men of, Exod. 18:21. kings are preserved by, Prov. 20:28. THEY WHO SPEAK, show forth righteousncss, Prov. 12:17. shall be established, Prov. 12:19. are the delight of God, Prov. 12:22. THE WICKED destitute of, Hos. 4:1. speak not, Jer. 9:5. uphold not, Isa. 59:14, 15. plead not for, Isa. 59:4. are not valiant for, Jer. 9:3. punished for want of, Jer. 9:5, 9: Hos. 4:1, 3. THE GOSPEL AS, Came by Christ, John 1:17. Christ bare witness to, John 5:33. 172 is in Christ, l Tim. 2:7. John bare witness to, John 5:33. is according to godliness, lit. 1:1. is sanctifying, John 17:17, 19. is purifying, 1 Pet. 1:22. is part of the Christian armor, Eph. 6:14. revealed abundantly to saints, Jer. 33:6. abides continually with saints, 2 John 2. should be acknowledged, 2 Tim. 2 : 25. should be believed, 2 Thes. 2:12, 13; 1 Tim. 4:3. should be obeyed, Rom. 2:8; Gal. 3:1. should be loved, 2 Thes. 2:10. should be manifested, 2 Cor. 4:2. should be rightly divided, 2 Tim. 2:15. the wicked turn away from, 2 Tim. 4:4. the wicked resist, 2 Tim. 3:8. the wicked destitute of, 1 Tim. 6:5. the church is the pillar and ground of, 1 Tim. 3:15. the devil is devoid of, John 8:44. TRUTH OF God: is one of his attributes, Deut. 32:4; Isa. 65:16. always goes before his face, Psa. 89:14. he keeps, for ever, Psa. 146:6. DESCRIBED AS great, Psa. 57:10. plenteous, Psa. 86:15. abundant, Exod. 34:6. inviolable. Num. 23:19; Tit. 1:2. reaching to the clouds, Psa. 57:10. enduring to all generations, Psa. 100:5. united with mercy in redemption, Psa. 85:10. EXHIBITED IN HIS counsels of Old, Isa. 25:1. ways. Rev. 15:3. works, Psa. 33:4; 111:7; Dan. 4:37. judicial statutes, Psa. 19:9. administration of justice, Psa. 96:13. word, Psa. 119:160; John 17:17. fulfilment of promises in Christ, 2 Cor. 1:20. fulfilment of his covenant, Mic. 7:20. dealings with saints, Psa. 25:10. deliverance of saints, Psa. 57:3. punishment of the wicked, liev. 16:7. remembered towards saints, Psa. 98:3. is a shield and buckler to saints, Psa. 91:4. WE SHOULD confide in, Psa. 31:5; Tit. 1:2. plead in prayer, Psa. 89:49. pray for its manifestation to ourselves, 2 Chr. 6:17. pray for its exhibition to others, 2 Sam. 2:6. make known, to others, Isa. 38:19. magnify, Psa. 71:22; 138:2. IS DENIED BY the devil, (ien. 3:4, 5. the self-righteous, 1 John 1:10. unbelievers, 1 John 5:10. exemplified towards Abraham, Gen. 24:27. Ja- cob. Gen. 32:10. Israel, Psa. 98:3. TRYPHENA and TRYPHOSA, Christian women, Rom. 16:12. TUBAL, Gen. 10:2; Isa. 66:19; Ezek. 27:13; 32:26; 38; 39. TUBAL-CAIN, inventor of the art of forging metals. Gen. 4:22. TUMULTS about David, 2 Sam. 20:1. concerning Rciioboam, 1 Kings 12:16. concerning Christ, Mat. 27:24, etc. concerning Paul, Acts 14:5; 17:5; 18:12; 19:24; 21:27. TURNING TO God: commanded, 2 Kin. 17:13; Isa. 31:6; Jer. 18:11; Hos. 14:1. encouraged: God will deliver, l Sam. 7:3. build up, Job 22:23. abundantly pardon, Isa. 55:7. remit his anger, Jer. 3:12. repent of the evil, Jer. 18:7; Joel 2:13. TUR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. UNB let the sinner live, Ezek. 18:21; 33:11. heal and bind up, Hos. 6:1; 14:1. enforced by threats, 2 Kings 17:13; Psa. 7:12; Jer. 15:7; Mat. 18:3. asked in prayer. Psa. 80:3; 85:4; Jer. 31:18; Lam. 5:21; Acts 3:26; 11:21. ministers persuade to, Ezek. 3:19; Dan. 12:3; Luke 1:16; Acts 26:17. TURTLE-DOVE, used for offerings. Gen. 15:9; Lev. 1:14, etc.; 12:6: Num. 6:10; Luke 2:24. TWELVE, the, Mark 3:14. TYCHICUS, companion of Paul, Acts 20:4; 2 Tim. 4:12; Tit. 3:12. commended, Eph. 6:21; Col. 4:7. TYPES OF Christ: Aaron, Exod. 28:1, with Heb. 5:4, 5; Lev. 16:15, with Heb. 9:7, 24. Abel, Gen. 4:8, 10, with Acts 2:23; Heb. 12:24. Abraham, Gen. 17:5, with Eph. 3:15. Adam, Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:45. ark, Gen. 7:16, with 1 Pet. 3:20, 21. ark of the covenant, Exod. 25:16, with Psa. 40:8; Isa. 42:6. atonement, sacrifices offered on the day of. Lev. 16:15, 16, with Heb. 9:12, 24. brazen altar, Exod. 27:1, 2, with Heb. 13:10. brazen serpent, Num. 21:9, with John 3:14, 15. burnt ott'erings, Lev. 1:2, 4, with Heb. 10:10. cities of refuge, Num. 35:6, with Heb. 6:18. David, 2 Sam. 8:15, with Ezek. 37:24; Psa. 89:19, 20, with Phil. 2:9. Eliakim, Isa. 22:20-22, with Rev. 3:7. first-fruits, Exod. 22:29, with 1 Cor. 15:20. golden candlestick, Exod. 25:31, with John 8 '12 golden altar, Exod. 40:5, 26, 27, with Rev. 8:3, and Heb. 13:15. Isaac, Gen. 22:1, 2, with Heb. 11:17-19. Jacob, Gen. 32:28, with John 11:42; Heb. 7:25. Jacob's ladder. Gen. 28:12, with John 1:51. Joseph, Gen. 50:19, 20, with Heb. 7:2.5. Joshua, Josh. 1:5, 6, with Heb. 4:8, 9; Josh. 11:23, with Acts 20:32. Jonah, Jon. 1:17, with Mat. 12:40. laver of brass, Exod. 30:13-20, with Zech. 13:1; Eph. 5:26, 27. leper's offering, Lev. 14:4-7, with Rom. 4:25. manna, Exod. 16:11-15, with John 6:32-35. Melchizedek, Gen. 14:18-20, with Heb. 7:1-17. mercy-seat, Exod. 25:17-22, with Rom. 3:25; Heb. 4:16. morning and evening sacrifices, Exod. 29:38-41, with John 1:29, 36. Moses, Num. 12:7. with Heb. 3:2: Deut. 18:15, with Acts 3:20-22. Noah, Gen. 5:29; 2 Cor. 1:5. paschal lamb, Exo. 12:3-6, 46, with John 19:36; 1 Cor. 5:7. peace-offering. Lev. 3:1, with Eph. 2:14, 16. red heifer, Num. 19:2-6, with Heb. 9:13, 14, rock of Horeb, Exod. 17:6, with 1 Cor. 10:4. Samson, Judg. 16:30, with Col. 2:14, 15. scape-goat. Lev. 16:20-22, with Isa. 53:6, 12. sin-offering, Lev. 4:2, 3, 12, with Heb. 13:11, 12. Solomon, 2 Sam. 7:12, 13, with Luke 1:32, 33; 1 Pet. 2:5. tabernacle, Exod. 40:2, 34, with Heb. 9:11; Col. 2:9. table and showbread, Exod. 25:23-30, with John 1:16: 6:48. temple, 1 Kings 6:1, 38, with John 2:19, 21. tree of life, Gen. 2:9, with John 1:4; Rev. 22:2. trespass-offering, Lev. 6:1-7, with Isa. 53:10. veil of the tabernacle and temple, Exod. 40:21; 2 Chr. 3:14, with Heb. 10:20. Zerubbabel, Zech. 4:7-9, with Heb. 12:2, 3. TYRANNUS, Acts 19:9. TYRANNY of Pharaoh, Exod. 1:5, etc. of Saul, 1 Sam. 22:9. of Solomon and Rehoboam, 1 Kings 12:4. of Ahab, 1 Kings 21. of Jehoiakim, Jer. 26:20. of Herod, Mat. 2; Acts 12. See OPPRESSION. TYRE, Josh. 19:29; Isa. 23:7. a strong city, 2 Sam. 24:7; Zech. 9:3. commercial, Isa. 23:2; Ezek. 27:3. alliance with, 1 Kings 5; 9; 2 Chr. 2:3. Christ alludes to, Mat. 11:22. Christ visits. Mat. 15:21; Mark 7:24. disciples at, Mark 3:8; Acts 21:3. prophecies respecting, Isa. 23; Ezek. 26; 28. U. UCAL, Prov. 30:1. ULAI, Dan. 8:2. UNBELIEF: is sin, John 16:9. defilement inseparable from. Tit. 1:15. all, by nature, concluded in, Rom. 11:32. PROCEEDS FROM an cvil heart, Heb. 3:12. slowness of heart, Luke 24:25. hardness of heart, Mark 16:14; Acts 19:9. disinclination to the truth, John 8:45, 46. judicial blindness, John 12:39, 40. not being Christ's sheep, John 10:26. the devil blinding the mind, 2 Cor. 4:4. the devil taking away the word out of the heart, Luke 8:12. seeking honor from men, John 5:44. impugns the veracity of God, 1 John 5:10. EXHIBITED IN rejecting Christ, John 16:9. rejecting the word of God, Psa. 106:24. rejecting the gospel, Isa. 53:1; John 12:38. rejecting evidence of miracles, John 12:37. departing from God, Heb. 3:12. questioning the power of God, 2 Kings 7:2; Psa. 78:19, 20. not believing the works of God, Psa. 78:32. staggering at the promise of God, Rom. 4:20. rebuked by Christ, Mat. 17:17; John 20:27. was an impediment to the performance of mir- acles, Mat. 17:20; Mark 6:5. miracles designed to convince those in, John 10:37, 38; 1 Cor. 14:22. the Jews rejected for, Rom. 11:20. believers should hold no communion with those in, 2 Cor. 6:14. THEY WHO ARE GUILTY OF, havc uot the word of God in them, John 5:38. cannot please God, Heb. 11:6. malign the gospel, Acts 19:9. persecute the ministers of God, Rom. 15:31. excite others against saints. Acts 14:2. persevere in it, John 12:37. harden their necks, 2 Kings 17:14. are condemned already, John 3:18. under the wrath of (iod, John 3:36. shall not be established, Isa. 7:9. shall die in their sins, John 8:24. shall not enter rest. Heb. 3:19; 4:11. shall be condemned, Mark 16:16; 2 Thes. 2:12. shall be destroyed, Jude 5. shall be cast into the lake of fire. Rev. 21:8. warnings against, Heb. 3:12: 4:11. pray for help against, Mark 9:24. the portion of, awarded to all unfaithful ser- vants, Luke 12:46. exemplified: Eve, Gen. 3:4-6. Moses and Aa- 173 UNB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. UNI ron. Num. 20:12. Israelites, Deut. 9:23. Naa- man, 2 Kings 5:12. Samaritan lord, 2 Kings 7:2. Disciples, Mat. 17:17; Luke 24:11, 25. Zacliarias, Luke 1:20. Chief priests, Luke 22:67. The Jews, John 5:38. Brethren of Christ, John 7:5. Thomas. John 20:25. Jews of Iconium, Acts 14:2. Thessalonian Jews, Acts 17:5. Ephesians, Acts 19:9. Saul, 1 Tim. 1:13. People of Jericho, Heb, 11:31. UNBELIEVERS, communion with, to be avoid- ed, Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 6:14; Phil. 3:2; iTim. 6:5. their punishment, Mark 16:16; John 3:18; 8:24; Rom. 11:20; Eph. 5:6; 2 Thes. 2:12; Heb. 3:19; 4:11; 11:6; Jas. 5; 2 Pet. 2; 3; Jude 5; Rev. 21:8. UNCHARITABLENESS to the poor, condemned, Prov. 29:7; Isa. 32:7, shown by acts, Jas. 2:15, 16. Inconsistent with the love of God, 1 John 3:17. shows a hard heart, Deut. 15:9. brings a curse, Prov. 11:26; 21:10, 13, 26; 28:27. UNCIRCUMCISION, a name given to the Gen- tiles, Eph. 2:11. UNCLE ANNESSES, laws relating to. Lev. 5; 7; 11; 12; 15; 22; Num. 5; 19; Deut. 23:10; 24:1. typical of sin, Zech. 13:1; Mat. 23:27. UNCLEAN spirits. See devils. UNCLEAN animals, Lev. 11: 20:25; Deut. 14:3. UNCTION (anointing), figurative, 1 John 2:20, 27. UNDERSTANDING, natural, an insufficient guide, Prov. 3:5: 1 Cor. 1:19-31; 3:19-2L wicked destitute of. Rom. 1:31. promoted by obedience to God, Deut. 4:6. Solomon's prayer for, 1 Kings 3:9. given by God, Prov. 2:6; 9:10; Eph. 1:18. UNFEIGNED, love and faith, 2 Cor. 6:6; 1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:5: 1 Pet. 1:22. UNFRUITFULNESS, condemned and punished. Mat. 3:10; 13:12; John 15:2. parable of vineyard, Isa. 5:1-7. parable of the talents. Mat. 25:14-30. the barren fig-tree, Luke 13:6-9. UNGODLINESS described, Psa. 18 : 4 ; Prov. 16:27; 19:28; Jude 18. vain babblings lead to, 2 Tim. 2:16. abuses grace, Jude 4. must not be aided, 2 Chr. 19:6. leads to temporal prosperity, but eternal ruin, F'sa. 73. will meet God's wrath, Psa. l; Rom. 1:18; 2 Pet. 2:5; 3:7; Jude 14. UNICORN mentioned. Num. 23:22; Deut. 33:17; Job 39:9; Isa. 34:7. UNION WITH Chkist: as Head of the church, Eph. 1:22, 23; 4:15, 16; Col. 1:18. Christ prayed that all saints might have, John 17:21, 23. described as Christ being in us, Eph. 3:17; Col. 1:27. described as our being in Christ, 2 Cor. 12:2; 1 John 5:20. includes union with the Father, John 17:21; 1 John 2:24. is of God, 1 Cor. 1:30. MAINTAINED BY faith, Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:17. abiding in him, John 15:4, 7. his word abiding in us, John 15:7; 1 John 2:24; 2 John 9. feeding on him, John 6:56. obeying him, 1 John 3:24. the Holy (Jhost witnesses to, 1 John 3:24. 174 the gift of the Holy Ghost is an evidence of, 1 John 4:13. SAINTS have, in mind, 1 Cor. 2:16; Phil. 2:6. have, in spirit, 1 Cor. 6:17. have, in love, Song 2:16; 7:10. have, in sufferings, Phil. 3:10; 2 Tim. 2:12. have, in his death, Rom. 6:3-8; Gal. 2:20. have assurance of. John 14:20. enjoy in the Lord's supper, 1 Cor. 10:16, 17. identified with Christ by. Mat. 25:40, 45; Acts 9:4, with Acts 8:1. are complete through. Col. 2:10. exhorted to maintain, John 16:4; Acts 11:23; Col. 2:7. necessary to growth in grace, Eph. 4:15, 16; Col. 2:19. necessary to fruitfulness. John 15:4, 5. beneficial results of: righteousness imputed, 2 Cor. 5:21; Phil. 3:9. freedom from condemnation, Rom. 8:1. freedom from dominion of sin, 1 John 3:6. being created anew, 2 Cor. 5:17. the spirit aUve to righteousness, Rom. 8:10. confidence at his coming, 1 John 2:28. abundant fruitfulness, 1 John 15:6. answers to prayer, John 15:7. they who have, ought to walk as He walked, 1 John 2:6. false teachers have not. Col. 2:18, 19. is indissoluble, Rom. 8:35. punishment of those who have not, John 15:6. illustrated: Vine and branches, John 15:1, 5. Foundation and building, 1 Cor. 3:10, 11; Eph. 2:20, 21; 1 Pet. 2:4-6. Body and members, ICor. 12:12, 27: Eph. 5:30. Husband and wife, Eph. 5:25-32. UNITY of the church, John 10:16; Rom. 12:5; ICor. 10:17; 12:13i Gal. 3:28; Eph. 1:10: 2:19; 4:4; 5:23, 30. exhortations to, Psa. 133; Rom. 12:16; 16:5: 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 13:11; Eph. 4:3; Phil. 1:27; 2:2: 1 Pet. 3:8. OP God: a ground for obeying him exclusively, Deut. 4:39, 40. a ground for loving him supremely, Deut. 6:4, 5, With Mark 12:29, 30. ASSERTED BY God himself, Isa. 44:6, 8; 46:18, 21. Christ, Mark 12:29; John 17:3. Moses, Deut. 4:39; 6:4. apostles, 1 Cor. 8:4, 6: Eph. 4:6; 1 Tim. 2:5. consistent with the deity of Christ and of the Holy Ghost, John 10:30, with 1 John 5:7; John 14:9-1L EXHIBITED IN his gTeatucss and wonderful works, 2 Sam. 7:22; Psa. 86:10. his works of creation and providence, Isa. 44:24; 45:5-8. his being alone possessed of foreknowledge, Isa. 46:9-11. his exercise of uncontrolled sovereignty, Deut. 32:39. his being the sole object of worship in heaven and earth, Neh. 9:6: Mat. 4:10. his being alone good. Mat. 19:17. his being the only Saviour. Isa. 45:21, 22. his being the only source of pardon, Mic. 7:18, with Mark 2:7. his unparalleled election and care of his peo- ple, Deut. 4:32-35. the knowledge of, necessary to eternal life, John 17:3. all saints acknowledge, in worshipping him, 2 Sam. 7:22; 2 Kings 19:16; 1 Chr. 17:20. UNK BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. VAL all should know and acknowledge, Deut. 4:35; Psa. 83:18. may be acknowledged without saving faith, J as. 2:19, 20. UNKINDNESS. See poor. UNKNOWN GOD, altar to. Acts 17:23. UNSELFISHNESS, examples of: Abraham, Gen. 13:9; 14:23, 24. King of Sodom, Gen. 14:21. Children of Heth, Gen. 23:6, 11. Judah, Gen. 44:33, 34. Moses, Num. 11:29; 14:12-19. Gid- eon, Judg. 8:22, 23. Saul, 1 Sam. 11:12, 13. Jonathan, 1 Sam. 23:17, 18. David, 1 Sam. 24:17; 2 Sam. 15:19, 20; 23:16, 17; 1 Chr. 21:17; Psa. 69:6. Araunah, 2 Sam. 24:22-24. Nehemiah, Neh. 5:14-18. Jews, Esth. 9:15. Daniel, Dan. 5:17. Jonah, Jon. 1:12, 13. Jo- seph, Mat. 1:19. Paul, 1 Cor. 10:33: Phil. 1:18; 4:17 1 2Thes. 3:8. Philemon, Phil. 13, 14. Priscilla and Aquila, Rom. 16:3, 4. UNLEAVENED bread, when to be used, Exod. 12:39; 13:7; 23:18; Lev. 2:4; 7:12; 8:26; Num. 6:19. typical, 1 Cor. 5:7. UNMARRIED, Paul's exhortation to, 1 Cor. 7:8, 11, 32. UPHARSIN, Dan. 5:25. UPHAZ, gold of, Jer. 10:9; Dan. 10:5. UPRIGHTNESS: God is perfect in, Isa. 26:7. God has pleasure in, 1 Chr. 29:17. God created man in, Eccl. 7:29. man has deviated from, Eccl. 7:29. SHOULD BE IN heart, 2 Chr. 29:34; Psa. 125:4. speech, Isa. 33:15. walk, Prov. 14:2. judging, Psa. 58:1; 75:2. ruUng, Psa. 78:72. the being kept from presumptuous sins is ne- cessary to, Psa. 19:13. with poverty, is better than sin with riches, Prov. 28:6. with poverty is better than folly, Prov. 19:1. THEY WHO WALK IN, fear God, Prov. 14:2. love Christ, Song 1:4. countenanced by God, Psa. 11 : 7. delighted in by God, Prov. 11:20. their prayers delighted in by God, Prov. 15:8. prospered by God, Job 8:6; Prov. 14:11. defended by God, Prov. 2:7. upheld in it by God, Psa. 41:12. recompensed by God, Psa. 18:23, 24. find strength in God's way, Prov. 10:29. obtain good from God's word, Mic. 2:'7. obtain light in darkness, Psa. 112:4. guided by integrity, Prov. 11:3. walk surely, Prov. 10:9. direct their way, Prov. 21:29. kept by righteousness, Prov. 13:6. scorned by the wicked. Job 12:4. hated by the wicked, Prov. 29:10; Amos 5:10. abominated by the wicked, Prov. 29:27. persecuted by the wicked, Psa. 37:14. praise is comely for, Psa. 33:1. a blessing to others, Prov. 11:11. the truly wise walk in, Prov. 15:21. the way of, is to depart from evil, Prov. 16:17. THEY WHO WALK IN, SHALL pOSSCSS gOOd things, Prov. 28:10. have nothing good withheld, Psa. 84:11. dwell in the land, Prov. 2:21. dwell on high and be provided for, Isa. 33:16. dwell with God, Psa. 15:2; 140:13. be blessed, Psa. 112:2. be delivered by righteousness, Prov. 11:6. be deUvered by their wisdom, Prov. 12:6. be saved, Prov. 28:18. enter into peace, Psa. 37:37: Isa. 57:2. have dominion over the wicked, Psa. 49:14. have an inheritance for ever, Psa. 37:18. a characteristic of saints, Psa. 111:1; Isa. 26:7. saints should resolve to walk in, Psa. 26:11. THE WICKED havc uot, in heart, Hab. 2:4. leave the path of, Prov. 2:13. do not act with, Mic. 7:2, 4. pray for those who walk in, Psa. 125:4. reprove those who deviate from. Gal. 2:14. UR, land of, Abram brought from, Gen. 11:28; 15:7. URBANE, Rom. 16:9. URIAH the Hittite, David's treachery to, 2 Sam. 11; 1 Kings 15:5: Mat. 1:6. URIJAH (prie.st), idolatry of, 2 Kings 16:10-16. (prophet), slain by Jehoiakim, Jer. 26:20. URIM AND THUMMIM,'part of the high priest's breastplate, Exod. 28:30; Lev. 8:8. God to be consulted by. Num. 27:21. instances of their use, Judg. 1:1; 20:18; 1 Sam. 23*9* 28*6* 30*7. their absence, Ezra2:63; Neh. 7:65. illustrative of the light and perfection of the great High Priest, Deut. 33:8; John 1:4; 9:17; CoL 2:3. USURY forbidden, Psa. 15:5; Prov. 28:8; Ezek. 18:8, 13, 17; 22:12. towards the poor, Exod. 22:25; Lev. 25:36. towards brethren, Deut 23:19. repressed by Nehemiah, Neh. 5. UZ, country Job dwelt in. Job 1:1; Jer. 25:20; Lam. 4:21. See Gen. 10:23; 22:21; 36:28; 1 Chr. 1:17, 42. UZZAH, his trespass and death, 2 Sam. 6:3; 1 Chr. 13:7. UZZIAH. See AZARIAH. UZZIEL, sonof Kohath, Exod. 6:18; Num. 3:19. V. VAGABOND, Cain, Gen. 4:12. See Psa. 109:10. VALLEYS, many in Canaan, Deut. 11:11. abounded with fountains and springs, Deut. 8:7; Isa. 41:18. rocks and caves, Job 30:6; Isa. 57:5. trees and flowers, 1 Kings 10:27; Song 2:1. birds, Prov. 30:17; Ezek. 7:16. well-tilled and fruitful, 1 Sam. 6:13; Psa. 65:13. often the scenes of idolatrous rites, Isa. 57:5. scenes of great contests, Judg. 5:15; 7:8, 22, 1 Sam. 17:19. mentioned in Scripture: Achor, Josh. 7:24; Isa. 65:10; Hos. 2:15. Ajalon, Josh. 10:1*2. Baca, Psa. 84:6. Berachah, 2 Chr. 20:26. Bochim, Judg. 2:5. Charashim, 1 Chr. 4:14. Elah, 1 Sam. 17:2; 21:9. Eschol. Num. 32:9; Deut. 1:24. Gerar, Gen. 26:17. Gibeon, Isa. 28:21. Hebron, Gen. 37:14. Hinnom or Tophet, Josh. 18:16; 2 Kin. 23:10; 2 Chr. 28:3; Jer. 7:3-2. Jehoshaphat or decision, Joel 3:2, U. Jericho, Deut. 34:3. Jezreel, Hos. 1:5. Jiphthah-el, Josh. 19:14, 27. Keziz, Josh. 18:*21. Lebanon, Josh. 11:17. ^1S VAN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. VIN Megiddo, 2 Chr. 35:22; Zech. 12:11. Moab, where Moses was buried, Deut. 34:6. Passengers or Hamon-gog, Ezek. 39:11. Rephaim, or giants, Josh. 15:8; 18:16; 2 Sam. 5:18; Isa. 17:5. . Salt, 2 Sam. 8:13; 2 Kings 14:17. Shaveh, orKing'sdale,Gen.l4:17; 2Sam.lS:18. Shittim, Joel 3:18. Siddim, Gen. 14:3, 8. Sorek, Judg. 16:4. Succoth, Psa. 60:6. Zared, Num. 21:12. : Zeboim, l Sam. 13:18. Zephatliah, 2 Chr. 14:10. miracles connected with, Josh. 10:12; 2 Kings 3:16, 17, 22, 23. illustrative, Num. 24:6; Isa. 40:4. VANITY: a consequence of the fall, Rom. 8:20. every man is, Psa. 39:11. every state of man is, Psa. 62:9. man at his best estate is, Psa. 39:5. man is hketo, Psa. 144:4. the thoughts of man are, Psa. 94:11. the daj's of mau are, Job 7:16; Eccl. 6:12. childhood and youth are, Eccl. 11:10. the beauty of man is, Psa. 39:11; Prov. 31:30. the help of man is, Psa. 60:11; Lam. 4:17. man's own righteousness is, Isa. 57:12. worldly wisdom is, Eccl. 2:15, 21; 1 Cor. 3:20. worldly pleasure is, Eccl. 2:1. worldly anxiety is, Psa. 39:6; 127:2. worldly labor is, Eccl. 2:11; 4:4. worldly enjoyment is, Eccl. 2:3, 10, 11. worldly possessions are, Eccl. 2:4-11. treasures of wickedness are, Prov. 10:2. heaping up riches is, Eccl. 2:26; 4:8. love of riches is, Eccl. 5:10. unblessed riches are, Eccl. 6:2. riches gotten by falsehood are, Prov. 21:6. all earthly things are, Eccl. 1:2. foolish questions, etc., are, 1 Tim. 1:6, 7; 6:20; 2 Tim. 2:14, 16: Tit. 3:9. the conduct of the ungodly is, 1 Pet. 1:18. the religion of hypocrites is, Jas. 1 :26. the worship of tlie wicked is, Isa. 1:13; Mat. 6:7. lying words are, Jer. 7:8. false teaching is but, Jer. 23:32. mere external religion is, 1 Tim. 4:8; Heb. 13:9. almsgiving without charity is, 1 Cor. 13:3. faith without works is, Jas. 2:14. idolatry is, 2 Kings 17:15; Psa. 31:6; Isa. 44:9, 10; Jer. 10:8; 18:15. wealth gotten i)y, diminishes, Prov. 13:11. SAINTS hate the thoughts of, Psa. 119:113. pray to be kept from, Psa. 119:37; Prov. 30:8. avoid, Psa. 24:4. avoid those given to, Psa. 26:4. THE WICKED especially characterized by, Job 11:11. thougli full of, atrect to be wise. Job 11:12. love, Psa. 4:2. imagine, Psa. 2:1; Acts 4:25; Rom. 1:21. devise, Psa. 36:4. See margin. speak, Psa. 10:7; 12:2; 41:6. count God's service as, Job 21:15; Mai. 3:14. allure others by words of, 2 Pet. 2:18. walk after, Jer. 2:5. walk in, Psa. 39:6; Eph. 4:17. inherit, Jer. 16:19. reap, I>rov. 22:8; Jer. 12:13. judicially given up to, Psa. 78:33; Isa. 57:13. fools follow those given to, Prov. 12:11. following t-hose given to, leads to poverty, Prov. 28:19. 176 they who trust in, rewarded with, Job 15:31. VAPORS mentioned, Job 36:27; Psa. 135:7; 148:8; Jer. 10:13. VASHTI, queen, divorced, Esth. 1. VEIL (of women), mark of subjection. Gen. 24:65; Ruth 3:15; 1 Cor. 11:10. used by Moses, Exod. 34:33; 2 Cor. 3:13. of the tabernacle and temple, directions for making, Exod. 26:31; 36:35; 2 Cor. 3:14. See Heb. 6:19; 9:3; 10:20. rent at the crucifixion, Mat. 27:51; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45. VENGEANCE belongs to God, Deut. 32:35; Psa. 94:1; 99:8; Isa. 34:8: 35:4; Jer. 50:15; Ezek. 24: 25; Nah. 1:2; 2 Thes. 1:8; Heb. 10:30; Jude 7. VENISON, Isaac's love for. Gen. 25:28; 27:3. VESSELS of the temple made by Solomon, 1 Kings 7:40. carried into Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Kin. 25:14. profaned by Belshazzar, Dan. 5. restored by Cyrus, Ezra 1:7. VESTRY (wardrobe), 2 Kings 10:22. VESTURE, lots cast for Christ's, Mat. 27:35; John 19:24. See Psa. 22:18; Rev. 19:13. VEXING strangers forbidden, Exod. 22:21; Lev. 19*33 VIALSofoil, iSam. 10:L translated box, 2 Kings 9:1, 3. full of odors. Rev. 5:8. the seven vials of God's wrath, Rev. 15:7. poured out. Rev. 16. VICES, various, enumerated. Mat. 15:19, 20; Mark 7:21, 22; Rom. 1:29-31; 1 Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:2-4; Rev. 21:8. VICTORIES of Israel proceeded from God, Exo. 17:8; Josh. 6; 8; 10, etc.; Judg. 4; 7; 8; 11, etc.; 1 Sam. 14; 17, etc.; 2 Chr. 14:8; 20:22. VICTORY over death, Isa, 25:8; 1 Cor. 15:54. by faith, 1 John 5:4. VILENESS of sin, 1 Sam. 3:13; Psa. 12:8; 15:4; Rom. 1:26. confessed, Ezra 9:6; Job 40:4. VILLAGES, unwalled towns, Deut. 3:5; Josh. 15:44-47; Nell. 11:25, 30. law respecting. Lev. 25:31. VINE, often found wild, 2 Kin. 4:39: Hos. 9:10. cultivated. Gen. 9:20; Psa. 128:3: Jer. 31:5. needed to be dressed and pruned. Lev. 25:3; Isa. 18:5. the dwarf and spreading vine particularly es- teemed, Ezek. 17:6. often degenerated, Isa. 5:2; Jer. 2:21. probably produced two crops yearly, Num. 13:20. perfumed the air with its fragrance, Song 2:13. God made fruitful as a reward of obedience, Joel2:22; Zech. 8:12. unfruitful as punishment, Jer. 8:13; Joel 1:7; Hag. 2:19. Nazarites forbidden to caf any part of. Num. 6:;?, 4. places celebrated for: Eschol, Num. 13:23, 24. Sibmah, Isa. 16:8, 9. Lebanon, Hos. 14:7. Egypt, Psa. 78:47; 80:8. of Sodom, fruit unfit for use, Deut. 32:32. figurative of Israel, Jer. 2:21; Ezek. 15; 17; Hos. 10; Rev. 14:18. of Christ, John 15. VINEGAR given to Christ on the cross. Mat. 27:34, 48; Mark 15:36; Luke 23:36; John 19:29. See Psa. 69:21. figuratively mentioned, Prov. 10:26; 25:20. VIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WAL VINEYARD of Noali, Gen. 9:20. of Nabotli, treacherously obtained by Aliab, 1 Kings 21. parables of the vineyard, Mat. 20:1; 21:33; Markr2:l: Luke 20:9. laws concerning vineyards, Exod. 22:5; 23:11; Lev. 19:10; 25:3; Deut. 20:6; 22:9; 23:24; 24:21. VINTAGE, Jer. 6:9. atim^of joy, Judg. 9:27; Isa. 16:10; Jer. 48:33. VIOL, psaltery, Isa. 5:12; 14:11; Amos 5:12; 6:5. VIPER, Job 20:16; Isa. 30:6; 59:5. fastens on Paul's hand, Acts 28:3. iUustrative, Mat. 3:7; 23:33. VIRGIN, Christ born of one, Mat. 1:18; Luke 1:27. See Isa. 7:14. VIRGINS, parable of the ten, Mat. 25:1. Paul's advice concerning, 1 Cor. 7:25. VIRTUE, exhortations to, Phil. 4:8; 2 Pet. 1:5. VIRTUES and their contrary vices, proverbs concerning, Prov. 10-29. VISIONS sent by God, Gen. 12:7; Num. 24:4; Job 7:14; Psa. 89:19; Isa. 1:1; Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17; 2 Cor. 12:1. of Abram, Gen. 15:12. of Jacob. Gen. 28:10. of Pharaoh, Gen. 41. of Micaiah, 1 Kings 22:19. of Isaiah, Isa. 6. of Ezekiel, Ezek. 1; 10; 11; 37; 40. of Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 2; 4. of Daniel, Dan. 7, etc. of Zechariah, Zech. 1, etc. of Paul, Acts 9: 16; 18; 22; 27; 2 Cor. 12. of Peter, Acts 10:8. of John, Rev. 1; 4-22. VOICE of God proclaims the law, Exod. 19:19; 20:1. its majesty and power. Job 37:4; 40:9; Psa. 18:13; 46:6; 68:33; Joel 2:11. HEARD by Elijah, 1 Kings 19:12. by Ezekiel, Ezek. 1:24; 10:5. by Christ, at his baptism, etc., Mat. 3:17; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 12:28. by the apostles at his transfiguration. Mat. 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35; 2 Pet. 1:18. by Paul, Acts 9:7. by John, Rev. 1:10. VOLCANO, Jer. 51:25; Nah. 1:5, 6. symbolical. Rev. 8:8. VOWS, laws concerning. Lev. 27; :14. :i; Num. 6:2; 30; 66:13; 76:11; Deut. 23:21. See Psa, 116:18; Eccl. 5:4; Mai. 1 of Jacob, Gen. 28:20. of Israelites, Num. 21:2. of Jephthah, Judg. 11:30. of Hannah, l Sam. 1:11. of Saul, ISam. 14:24. of David, Psa. 132:2. See Jonah 1:16; Acts 18:18; 21:23. VOYAGE, Paul's, Acts 27. VULTURE, unclean. Lev. 11:14; Deut. 14:13, See Job 28:7; Isa. 34:15. w. WAFERS, used as ofl'erings, Exod. 29:2, 23; Lev. 2:4; 8:26; Num. 6:15. WAGES of laborers not to be detained, Lev. 19:13; Deut. 24:15; Jas. 5:4. of sin is death, Rom. 6:23. WAILING, Esth. 4:3; Jer. 9:10, 18; Ezek. 27:31; Mark 5:38. WAITING UPON God: as the God of providence, Jer. 14:22. as the God of salvation, Psa. 25:5. as the Giver of all temporal blessings, Psa. 104:27, 28; 145:15, 16. FOR MERCY, Psa. 123:2. pardon, Psa. 39:7, 8. the consolation of Israel, Luke 2:25. salvation, Gen. 49:18; Psa. 62:1, 2. guidance and teaching. Psa. 25:5. protection, Psa. 33:20; 59:9, 10. the fulfilment of his word, Hab. 2:3. the fulfilment of his promises. Acts 1:4. hope of righteousness by faith. Gal. 5:5. coming of Christ, 1 Cor. 1:7; 1 Thes. 1:10. is good, Psa. 52:9. God calls us to, Zeph. 3:8. exhortations and encouragements to, Psa. 27:14; 37:7; Hos. 12:6. SHOULD BE with the soul, Psa. 62:1, 5. with earnest desire, Psa. 130:6. with patience, Psa. 37:7: 40:1. with resignation. Lam. 3:26. with hope in his word, Psa. 130:5. with full confidence, Mic. 7:7. continually, IIos. 12:6. all the day, Psa. 25:5. specially in adversity, Psa. 59:1-9; Isa. 8:17. in the way of his judgments, Isa. 26:8. saints resolve on, Psa. 52:9; 59:9. saints have expectation from, Psa. 62:5. saints plead, in prayer, Psa. 25:21; Isa. 33:2. the patience of saints often tried in, Psa. 69:3. THEY WHO ENGAGE IN, Wait upou him ouly, Psa. 62:5. are heard, Psa. 40:1. are blessed, Isa. 30:18; Dan. 12:12. experience his goodness, Lam. 3:25. shall not be ashamed, Psa. 25:3; Isa. 49:23. shall renew their strength, etc., Isa. 40:31. shall inherit the earth, Psa. 37:9. shall be saved, Prov. 20:22; Isa. 25:9. shall rejoice in salvation, Isa. 25:9. shall receive the glorious things prepared by God for them, Isa. 64:4. predicted of the Gentiles, Isa. 42:4; 60:9. illustrated, Psa. 123:2; Luke 12:36; Jas. 5:7. exemplified: Jacob, Gen. 49:18. David, Psa. 39:7. Isaiah, Isa. 8:17. Micah, Mic. 7:7. Jo- seph, Mark 15:43. WALKING WITH God: according to his commands, Deut, 5:33; Psa. 1; Jer. 7:23. in his ways, Deut. 28:9; Josh. 22:5. in the old paths, Jer. 6:16. as taught by him, 1 Kings 8:36; Isa. 2:3; 30:21. uprightly, Prov. 2:7. in his statutes and judgments, Ezek. 37:24. in newness of life, Rom. 6:4. not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, Rom. 8:1; Gal. 5:16. honestly, as in the day, Rom. 13:13. by faith, not by sight, 2 Cor. 5:7. in love, following Clirist, Eph. 5:2. worthy of the Lord, Col. 1:10. in Christ, Col. 2:6. by the gospel rule, Phil. 3:16. in the light, as God is, 1 John 1:7. in white raiment. Rev. 3:4. in the light of heaven. Rev. 21:24. examples: Enoch, Gen. 5:24. Noah, Gen. 6:9. WALLS, designed for separation, Ezek. 43:8; and defence, 1 Sam. 25:16. made of stone and wood, Ezra 5:8; Hab. 2:11. strengthened with iron and brass, Jer. 15:20; Ezek. 4:3. OF cities: high, Deut. 1:28. 177 WAN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WAS strongly fortified, Isa, 25:12. with towers, Psa. 48:12; Song 8:10. houses on them, Josh. 2:15. broad for walking and resort, 2 Kin. 6:26, 30; Psa. 55:10. strongly manned in war, 2 Kings 18:26. kept by watchmen night and day, Song 5:7; Isa. 62:6. were battered by besieging armies, 2 Sam. 20:15: Ezek. 4:2, 3. sometimes burned, Jer. 49:27; Amos 1:7. custom of dedicating, Neh. 12:27. spies let down from. Josh. 2:15. Paul let down from. Acts 9:24, 25. illustrative, Psa. 62:3; Pro v. 18:11; Song 2:9; 8:9, 10; Isa. 5:5; 26:1; 60:18; Jer. 15:20; Ezek. 13:10-15; Zech. 2:5; Acts 23:3; Eph. 2;14. WANTONNESS censured, Isa. 3:16; Rom. 13:13; 2 Pet. 2:18. WAR: laws concerning, Deut. 20; 23:9; 24:5. early prevalence of, Gen. 6:11. proceeds from lusts, Jas. 4:1. the spirit of, condemned by the gospel, Lev. 19:18; Mat. 26:52; 1 John 3:15. not pleasing to God, 1 Chr. 22:8. AVOID OCCASIONS OF, Pl'OV. 17:14. by friendliness, Prov. 18:24. by faith and beneficence, Psa. 37:3. by pleasing God, Prov. 16:7. by kindness to foes, Prov. 25:15; Rom. 12:20. by forbearance. Mat. 5:38. by justice, Jer. 27:13, 14. inevitable, Mat. 24:6. sometimes is of God, 1 Chr. 5:22; Isa. 9:11; 13:3; 34:2. ^ to punish national sins, Ezek. 25:12; 35:5; Amos 1:11. commanded, Num. 25:16; 31; Deut. 2:24; 25:17. of extermination, Deut. 7; 1 Sam. 15. stratagems in, Josh. 8; Judg. 7; 20. God can prevent, 2 Chr. 17:10; 20:29. defensive, Esth. 8:11. not to be undertaken but by the will of God, Deut. 1:41; 2:5, 9, 19: 2 Chr. 11:3. victory in, from God, Deut. 7:23; 20:4. defeat in, from God, Josh. 10:10; 2 Chr. 24:24. miracles in. Josh. 6. in time of, trust in God, Deut. 1:20; 20:21; Isa. 26:20. shall cease under the gospel, Psa. 46:8; Isa. 2:4; Mic. 4:3. Warfare of saints: is not after the flesh, 2 Cor. 10:3. is a good warfare, 1 Tim. 1:18, 19. called ilie good fight of faith, 1 Tim. 6:12. IS AGAINST tlie devil. Gen. 3:15; 2 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:12; Jas. 4:7: 1 Pet. 5:8: Rev. 12:17. the flesh, Rom. 7:23: 1 Cor. 9:25-27; 2 Cor. 12:7; Gal. 5:17; 1 Pet. 2:11. enemies, Psa. 38:19: 56:2; 59:3. the world, John 16:33; 1 John 5:4, 5. death, 1 Cor. 15:26, with Heb. 2:14, 15. often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives, Mic. 7:6; Mat. 10:35. 36. TO BE CAKHiED ON Under Christ, as our Cap- tain, Heb. 2:10. nnder the Lord's banner, Psa. 60:4. with faith, 1 Tim. 1:18, 19. with a good conscience, 1 Tim. 1:18, 19. with steadfastness in the faith, 1 Cor. 16:13; 1 Pet. 5:9, with Ileb. 10:23. with earnestness, Jude 3. with watchfulnes.s, 1 Cor. 16:13; 1 Pet. 5:8. With sobriety, l Thes. 5:6; 1 Pet. 5:8. 178 with endurance of hardness, 2 Tim. 2:3, 10. with self-denial, 1 Cor. 9:25-27. with confidence in God, Psa. 27:1-3. with prayer, Psa. 35:1-3: Eph. 6:18. without earthly entanglements, 2 Tim. 2:4. mere professoi-s do not maintain, Jer. 9:3. SAINTS are all engaged in, Phil. 1:30. must stand firm in, Eph. 6:13, 14. exhorted to dihgence in, 1 Tim. 6:12; Jude 3. encouraged in, Isa. 41:11, 12; 51:12: Mic. 7:8; 1 John 4:4. helped by God in, Psa. 118:13; Isa. 41:13, 14. protected by God in, Psa. 140:7. comforted by God in, 2 Cor. 7:5, 6. strengthened by God in, Psa. 20:2; 27:14; Isa. 41:10. strengthened by Christ in, 2 Cor. 12:9; 2 Tim. 4:17. delivered by Christ in, 2 Tim. 4:18. thank God for victory in, Rom. 7:25; 1 Cor. 15:57. ARMOR FOR, a girdle of truth, Eph. 6:14. the breastplate of righteousness, Eph. 6:14 preparation of the gospel, Eph. 6:15. shield of faith, Eph. 6:16. helmet of salvation, Eph. 6:17; 1 Thes. 5:8. sword of the Spirit, Eph. 6:17. called armor of God, Eph. 6:11. called armor of righteousness, 2 Cor. 6:7. called armor of light, Rom. 13:12. not carnal, 2 Cor. 10:4. mighty through God, 2 Cor. 10:4, 5. the whole, is required, Eph. 6:13. must be put on, Rom. 13:12; Eph. 6:11. to be on right hand and left, 2 Cor. 6:7. VICTORY IN, is from God, l Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 2:14. through Christ, Rom. 7:25; 1 Cor. 15:27; 2 Cor. 12:9; Rev. 12:11. by faith, Heb. 11:33-37; 1 John 5:4, 5. over the devil, Rom. 16:20; 1 John 2:14. over the flesh, Rom. 7:24, 25; Gal. 5:24. over the world, 1 John 5:4, 5. over all that exalts itself, 2 Cor. 10:5. over death and the grave, Isa. 25:8; 26:19; Hos. 13:14: 1 Cor. 15:54, 55. triumphant, Rom. 8:37: 2 Cor. 10:5. THEY WHO OVERCOME IN, SHALL eat of the hid- den manna. Rev. 2:17. eat of the tree of life. Rev. 2:7. be clothed in white raiment. Rev. 3:5. be pillars in the temple of God, Rev. 3:12. sit with Christ in his throne, Kev. 3:21. have a white stone, and in it a new name written, Rev. 2:17. have power over the nations. Rev. 2:26. have the name of God written upon them by Christ, Rev. 3:12. have God as their God, Rev. 21:7. have the morning-star. Rev. 2:28. inherit all things, Rev. 21:7. be confessed by Christ before God the Father, Rev. 3:5. be sons of God, Rev. 21:7. not be hurt by the second death. Rev. 2:11. not have their names blotted out of the book of life. Rev. 3:5. illustrated, Isa. 9:5; Zech. 10:5. WARNING must be given, 2 Chr. 19:10; Ezek. 3:17; 33:3; 1 Thes. 6:14. Paul's example, Acts 20:31; 1 Cor. 4:14; Col. 1:28. WASHING, enjoined by the law, Ex. 29:4; Lev. 6:27; 13:54; 14:8; Deut. 21:6; 2 Chr. 4:6. traditional, Mark 7:3; Luke 11:38. WAS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WEL the feet, a mark of hospitality and reverence, Gen. 18:4; 24:32; 43:24; 1 Sam. 25:41; Luke 7:38; 1 Tim. 5:10. Christ washes the disciples' feet, John 13. the hands as token of innocence, L»eut. 21:6; Psa. 26:6; Pilate an instance. Mat. 27:24. figuratively mentioned, Job 9:30; Isa. 1:16; 4:4; Tit. 3:5; Heb. 10:22. through the blood of Christ, 1 Cor. 6:11; Rev. 1:5; 7:14. WASTE forbidden by Christ, John 6:12. WATCHES, divisions of time, Ex. 14:24; 1 Sam. 11:11; Mat. 14:25; Mark 6:48. WATCHFULNESS : Christ an example of. Mat. 26:38, 40; Lu. 6:12. commanded, Mark 13:37; Rev. 3:2. exhortations to, 1 Thes. 5:6; l Pet. 4:7. God especially requires in ministers, Ezek. 3:17, with Isa. 62:6; Mark 13:34. ministers exhorted to. Acts 20:31; 2 Tim. 4:5. faithful ministers exercise, Heb. 13:17. faithful ministers approved by, Mat. 24:45, 46; Luke 12:41-44. SHOULD BE with prayer, Luke 21:36; Eph. 6:18. with thanksgiving. Col. 4:2. with steadfastness in the faith, 1 Cor. 16:13. with heedfulness, Mark 13:33. with sobriety, 1 Thes. 5:6; 1 Pet. 4:7. at all times, Prov. 8:34. in all things, 2 Tim. 4:5. saints pray to be kept in a state of, Psa. 141:3. motives to: expected direction from God, Hab. 2:1. uncertain time of the coming of Christ, Mat. 24:42; 25:13; Mark 13:35, 36. incessant assaults of the devil, 1 Pet. 5:8. liability to temptation, Mat. 26:41. blessedness of, Luke 12:37; Rev. 16:15. unfaithful ministers devoid of, Isa. 56:10. the wicked averse to, 1 Thes. 5:7. danger of remissness in. Mat. 24:48-51; 25:5, 8, 12; Rev. 3:3. illustrated, Luke 12:35, 36. exemplified: David, Psa. 102:7. Anna, Luke 2:37. Paul, 2 Cor. 11:27. WATCHMEN, their duty, 2 Sam. 18:25; 2 Kings 9:17; Psa. 127:1; Song 3:3; 5:7; Isa. 21:5, 11; 52:8; Jer. 6:17; 31:6; Ezek. 3:17; 33; Hab. 2:1. evil described, Isa. 56:10. WATCH-TOWERS, 2 Chr. 20:24; Isa. 21:5. WATER, formed, etc., Gen. 1:2, 6, 9. flood of, poured on the earth. Gen. 7:1. miraculously supplied. Gen. 21:19; Exod. 15:23; 17:6; Num. 20:7; Judg. 15:19; 2 Kings 3:20. divided at the Red Sea, Exod. 14:21. and at Jordan, Josh. 3:14; 2 Kings 2:8, 14. iron made to swim in, 2 Kings 6:6. Christ walks on, Mat. 14:25; Mark 6:48; John 6:19. in the trial of jealousy. Num. 5:17. in baptism, Mat. 3:11; Acts 8:36; 10:47, etc. changed into wine, John 2:3. changed into blood, Exod. 7:19; Psa. 78:44; 105:29; Rev. 16:6. healing powers imparted to, 2 Kings 5: 14; John 5:4; 9:7. of Jericho healed, 2 Kings 2:19. vision of healing waters, Ezek. 47. purification, law of, Num. 8:7; 19. ILLUSTRATIVE OF death, 2 Sam. 14:14. providential bounty, Psa. 65:9. gifts of the Spirit, Isa. 41:17; 44:3; Ezek. 36:25; John 7:38. freeness of the gospel, Isa. 55:1. cleansing from sin, Zech. 13:1. regeneration, John 3:5; 4:10. heavenly bliss, Rev. 7:17; 21:22. sore affliction, Psa. 66:12; 69:1; Isa. 30:20; 43:2. ' instability. Gen. 49:4; Jas. 1:6. the course of sinners. Job 24:18; Psa. 58:7. spread of the gospel, Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14. WATERSPOUTS, Psa. 42:7. WAVERING, exhortations against, Heb. 10:23; Jas. 1:6. WAVE-OFFERING, Exod. 29:24; Lev. 7:30; 8:27; 23:11, 20; Num. 5:25; 6:20, etc. WAX, Psa. 22:14; 68:2; 97:8; Mic. 1:4. WAY, the, Christ so called, John 14:6; Heb. 10:20. WAYFARING man, Judg. 19:17; 2 Sam. 12:4; Isa. 35:8; Jer. 9:2; 14:8. WEAK in the faith, exhortations concerning, Rom. 14; 15; 1 Cor. 8; 1 Thes. 5:14; Heb. 12:12. . Paul's example, l Cor. 9; 22. WEANED child, figuratively mentioned, Psa. 131:2; Isa. 11:8; 28:9. WEAPONS. See armor. of the Christian not carnal, 2 Cor. 10:4. WEASEL, unclean. Lev. 11:29. WEAVER mentioned, Exod. 35:35. figuratively, Job 7:6; Isa. 38:12. WEB, spider's. Job 8:14; Isa. 59:5. WEDDING, parable of the. Mat. 22. See Luke 12:36; 14:8. WEEKS: the word signifies seven, origin of, Gen. 2:2. feast of, Exod. 34:22; Deut. 16:9; Acts 2:1. seventy, prophecy of, Dan. 9:24. WEEPING of Hagar, Gen. 21:16. of Esau, Gen. 27:38. of Jacob and Esau, Gen. 33:4. of Jacob, Gen. 37:35. of Joseph, Gen. 42:24; 43:30; 45:2, 14; 46:29; 50:1, 17. of Israelites, Num. 11:4; 14:1; Deut. 34:8; Judg. 2:4; 20:23; 21:2. of Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:7. of Jonathan and David, 1 Sam. 20:41. of David, 2 Sam, 1:17; 3:32; 13:36; 15:23, 30; 18 '33 Of Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20:3; Isa. 38:3. of Jesus, Luke 19:41; John 11:35. of Peter, Mat. 26:75; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:62. of Mary, Luke 7:38; John 11:2, 33; 20 :n. of Paul, Acts 20:19; Phil. 3:18. for sin, Jer. 50:4; Joel 2:12. while sowing, Psa. 126:5, 6. for others' sins, Jer. 9:1. for Sarah, Gen. 23:2. for Saul, 2 Sam. 1:24. of professional mourners, Eccl. 12:5; Jer. 9:17. for captivity, Jer. 22:10. for divers judgments, Amos 5:16. forbidden to Ezekiel, Ezek. 24:16. for a damsel dead, Mark 5:39. for Lazarus, John 11:33. for Christ, John 20:13. none in heaven. Rev. 7:17; 21:4. exhortations concerning, Rom. 12:15; 1 Cor. 7 : 30 ; 1 Thes. 4:13. See Luke 6 : 21 ; Joel 2 : 17. WEIGHTS, just, commanded. Lev. 19:35; Deut. 25:13; Prov. 11:1; 16:11; 20:10, 23; Ezek. 45:10; Mic. 6:10. See balance. WELLS dug by Abraham, Gen. 21:25-30; and Isaac, Gen. 26:15-22. Jacob's well, John 4:6. for watering flocks. Gen. 24:10-20. 179 WEL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WIL for fish, Song 7:4: Isa. 19:10. public property, Gen. 24:13: 2 Kings 20:20. private property, Gen. 21:25, 30; 2 Sam. 17:18. ILLUSTRATIVE OF: ordinances of the church, Isa. 12:3. the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, Song 4:15; John 4:14. wells without water, 2 Pet. 2:17. WELL-SPRING, of life, Prov. 16:22. of wisdom, Prov. 18:4. WHALE (or great fish), mentioned, Gen. 1:21; Job 7:12; Ezek. 32:2. Jonah swallowed by one, Jon. 1:17; Mat. 12:40. WHEAT, offerings made of, Exod. 29:2, etc. Tyre supplied with, from Israel, 1 Kings 5:11; Ezek. 27:17. parable concerning. Mat. 13:25. WHEELS, vision of the, Ezek. 1:15; 3:13; 10:9. WHELPS (lion's), parable of, Ezek. 19; Nah. 2:12. WHIP, 1 Kings 12:11; Prov. 26:3; Nah. 3:2. WHIRLWINDS express God's power and glory, Job .37: 9; 38:1. foreshow and attend his coming, 1 Kings 19:11; Job 38:1; Isa. 66:15; Ezek. 1:4. Elijah taken up in one, 2 Kings 2:1. defend God's people, Zech. 9:14. execute his wrath, Jer. 23:19. he hath his way in, Nah. 1:3. illustrate the suddenness of sinners' ruin, Psa. 58:9; Prov. 1:27; Isa. 17:13; 40:24. WHISPERING forbidden, Prov. 16:28; 26:20; Rom. 1:29; 2 Cor. 12:20. See slander, tale- bearers. WHITE raiment of angels, Mat. 28:3; Mark 16:5. of Christ at the transfiguration, Mat. 17:2; Mark 9:3; Luke 9:29. ofthe redeemed. Rev. 8:5; 4:4; 7:9; 19:8,14. cloud, Rev. 14:14. horse. Rev. 6:2; 19:11. throne. Rev. 20:11. WHORE, the great. Rev. 17; 18. WHOREDOM forbidden. Lev. 19:29; Deut. 22:21; 23:17. spiritual, Ezek. 16; 23; Jer. 3; IIos. l; 2. See IDOLATRY. WHOREMONGERS condemned, Eph. 5:5; ITim. 1:10; Heb. 13:4; Rev. 21:8; 22:15. WICKED MEN, ARE COMPARED TO: abominable branches, Isa. 14:19. ashes under the feet, Mai. 4:3. bad fishes, Mat. 13:48. beasts, Psa. 49:12; 2 Pet. 2:12. blind, the, Zeph. 1:17; Mat. 15:14. bra.ss and iron, etc., Jer. 6:28; Ezek. 22:is, briers and thorns, Isa. 55:13: Ezek. 2:6. bulls of Hashan, Psa. 22:12. carcasses trodden under feet, Isa. 14:19. chaif, Job 21:18; P.sa. 1:4; Mat. 3:12. clouds without water, Jude 12. corn blasted, 2 Kings 19:26. corrupt trees, Luke 6:43. deaf adders, Psa. 58:4. dogs, Prov. 26:11; Mat. 7:6; 2 Pet. 2:22. dross, Psa. 119:119; Ezek. 22:18, 19. early dew that passeth away, IIos. 13:3. evil figs, Jer. 24:8. fading oaks, Isa. 1:30. fiery oven, Psa. 21:9; Hos. 7:4. fire oftliorns, Psa. 118:12. fools building upon sand. Mat. 7:26. fuel of fire, Isa. 9:19. garden without water, Isa. 1:30. goats, Mat. 26:32. i8o grass, Psa. 37:2; 92:7. grass on the housetop, 2 Kings 19:26. green bay-tree, Psa. 37:35. green herbs, Psa. 37:2. heath in the desert, Jer. 17:6. horses rushing into the battle, Jer. 8:6. idols, Psa. 115:8. lions greedy of prey, Psa. 17:12. melting wax, Psa. 68:2. morning clouds, Hos. 13:3. moth-eaten garments, Isa. 50:9; 51:8. passing whirlwinds, Prov. 10:25. potsherds, Prov. 26:23. raging waves of the sea, Jude 13. reprobate silver, Jer. 6:30. scorpions, Ezek. 2:6. serpents, Psa. 58:4; Mat. 23:33. smoke, Hos. 13:3. stony ground. Mat. 13:5. stubble, Job 21:18; Mai. 4:1. swine. Mat. 7:6; 2 Pet. 2:22. tares, Mat. 13:38. troubled sea, Isa. 57:20. visions of the night, Job 20:8. wandering stars, Jude 13. wayward children. Mat. 11:16. wells without water, 2 Pet. 2:17. wheels, Psa. 83:13. whited sepulchres. Mat. 23:27. wild ass's colts, Job 11:12. WIDOW, counsels David, 2 Sara. 14. Elijah sustained by one, 1 Kings 17. parable of the importunate, Luke 18. the widow's mite, Mark 12:42; Luke 21:2. figurative, Isa. 47:9; 54:4; Lam. 1:1. WIDOWS: character of true, Luke 2:37; 1 Tim. 5:5, 10. God relieves, Psa. 146:9. surely hears the cry of, Exod. 22:23. judges for, Deut. 10:18; Psa. 68:5. establishes the border of, Prov. 15:25. will witness against oppi'essors of, Mai. 3:5. exhorted to trust in God, Jer. 49:11. SHOULD NOT BE atflicted, Exod. 22:22. oppressed, Jer. 7:6; Zech. 7:10. treated with violence, Jer. 22:3. deprived of raiment in pledge, Deut. 24:17. SHOULD BE pleaded for. Isa. 1:17. honored, if widows indeed, 1 Tim. 5:3. relieved by their friends, 1 Tim. 5:4, 16. relieved by the church, Acts 6:1; 1 Tim. 5:9. visited in affliction, Jas. 1:27. allowed to share in our blessings, Deut. 14:29; 16:11, 14; 24:19-21. though poor, may be liberal, Mark 12:42. 43. when young, exposed to many temptations, 1 Tini. 5:11-14. SAINTS relieve. Acts 9:39. cause joy to, Job 29:13. disappoint not. Job 31:16. THE WICKED vex, Ezck. 22:7. do no good to, Job 24:21. send away empty. Job 22:9. take pledges from. Job 24:3. reject the cause of, Isa. 1:2.3. make a prey of, Isa. 10:2; Mat. 23:14. slay, Psa. 94:6. curse for perverting judgment of, Deut. 27:19. woe to those who oppress, Isa. 10:1, 2. those wlio relieve, blessed, Deut. 14:29. a type of Zion in affliction. Lam. 5:3. laws relating to their marriages, Deut. 25:5; Mark 12:19; Lev. 21:14; Ezek. 44:22. See 1 Cor. 7:8. WILDERNESS, the Israelites' journeys in, Exod. WIL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WIS 14; Num. 10:12, etc.: 13:3; 20; 33; Deut.l:19; 8:2; 32:10: Neh. 9:19; Psa. 78:40; 107:4. Hagar's flight into, Gen. 16:7. Elijah's, 1 Kings 19:4. of Judea, John preaches in, Mat. 3, etc. WILL of God, irresistible, Dan. 4:17, 35; John 1:13: Rom. 9:19; Epli. 1:5; Jas. 1:18. fulfilled by Christ (Psa. 40:8), Mat. 26:42; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42; Heb. 10:7; John 4:34; 5:30. how performed, John 7:17; Eph. 6:6; Col. 4:12; 1 Thes. 4:3; 5:18; Heb. 13:21; 1 Pet. 2:15; 4:2; 1 John 2:17; 3:23. to be submitted to, Jas. 4:15. See Mat. 6:10; Acts 21:14; Rom. 1:10: 15:32. of man, in contrast to that of God, John 1:13; Eph. 2:3; Rom. 9:16; 1 Pet. 4:3. WILLOW, Lev, 23:40; Psa. 137:2; Ezek. 17:5. WIMPLE, a veil, Isa. 3:22. WIND, mii'aculous effects of, Gen. 8:1; Exod. 15:10; Num. 11:31; Ezek. 37:9; Jon. 1:4. rebuked by Christ, Mat. 8:26. mentioned in Scripture: North, Prov. 25:23; Song 4:16. South, Job 37:17; Luke 12:55. East, Job 27:21; Ezek. 17:10: Hos. 13:15. West, Exod. 10:19. Euroclydon, Acts 27:14. Simoom, 2 Kings 19:7, 35; Jer. 4:11. the whirlwind, Job 37:9. figuratively mentioned, Job 7:7; 8:2; John 3:8; Jas. 1:6; 3:4. WINDOWS, Gen. 6:16; 8:6; 26:8; Josh. 2:15, 21; Judg. 5:28. figurative, Gen. 7:11; 8:2; Mai. 3:10. WINE made by Noah, Gen. 9:20. presented to Abram, Gen. 14:18. employed in offerings, Exod. 29:40; Lev. 23:13; Num. 15:5. in the Lord's supper. Mat. 26:29. forbidden to Nazarites, Num. 6:3; Judg. 13:14; and to priests. Lev. 10:9. prescribed as medicine, 1 Tim. 5:23. abstained from by Rechabites, Jer. 35. abstained from for others' good, Rom. 14:21. See 1 Cor. 8:13. water changed to, by Christ, John 2. its lawful use, Judg. 9:13; 19:19; Psa. 104:15; Prov. 31:6; Luke 10:34. excess of, forbidden, Eph. 5:18. bad effects of. Gen. 9:20; 1 Sam. 25:37; Prov. 20:1; 23:29,34; 31:4; Isa. 28:7: Hos. 4:n. ILLUSTRATIVE OF plenty, Joel 2:19. the blood of Christ, Mat. 26:27. gospel blessings, Prov. 9:2, 5; Isa. 25:6; 55:1. God's wrath, Psa. 60:3; 75:8. See DRUNKENNESS. WINE-PRESS of the wrath of God, Rev. 14:19; 19:15. See Isa. 6:2; 63:3; Lam. 1:15; Mat. 21 "32 WINNOWING. Ruth 3:2; Isa. 30:24. WINTER, Gen. 8:22: Psa. 74:17; Prov. 20:4; Song 2:11; Acts 27:12; 28:11; Tit. 3:12. WINTER-HOUSE, Jer. 36:22; Amos 3:15. WISDOM: GIVEN BY God, 1 Chr. 22:12; 2 Chr. 1:10; Prov. 2:6; Ezra 7:25; Eccl. 2:26; Dan. 2:20; Acts 6:10. to Joseph, Gen. 41:3.3, 38; Acts 7:10. to artificers, Exod. 31:3; 36:1. to Solomon, 1 Kings 3:12; 4:29. to Ezra, Ezra 7:26. to Daniel, Dan. 1:17; 5:14. to Paul, 2 Pet. 3:16. DESCRIBED AS hid With God, Job 28:12. obeying God, Deut. 4:6: Prov. 28:7. consisting in the fear of God, Job 28:28: Psa. 111:10; Prov. 9:10. understanding one's way, Prov. 14:8. surpassingly excellent, Eccl. 2:13; 9:13. a source of strength, Eccl. 7:19. the knowledge of God, Jer. 9:24. building upon the rock, Mat. 7:24. characterized by meekness, Jas. 3:13. learned from numbering our days, Psa. 90:12. needed by ministers, Mat. 10:16. should regard what is good, Rom. 16:19. shown in the life, Eph. 5:15; Jas. 3:13. leads to salvation. Mat. 25:1; 2 Tim. 3:15. increases learning, Prov. 1:5. happy is he that finds, 1 Kings 10:8; Prov. 3:13. is better than rubies, Prov. 8:11. is better than gold and silver, Prov. 16:16. buildeth one's house, Prov. 24:3. bringeth a rcAvard, Prov. 24:14; Eccl. 7:11. its words are efficacious, Eccl. 12:11. obtained in answer to prayer, by Solomon, 1 Kings 3:9; by Daniel, Dan. 2:23; by those who earnestly desire it, Prov. 2:3. given to such liberally, Jas. 1:5. personified, Prov. 1:20; 8; 9. danger of despising, Prov. 1:24; 2:12; 3:21; 5:12; 8:36; 9:12; 10:21; 11:12. apparent in the works of God, Psa. 104:1. 24: 136:5; Prov. 3:19; 6:6; Jer. 10:12; Rom. 1:20; 11:33, etc. WISDOM OF men: is a snare to them. Job 5:13. is vanity. Job 11:2; Eccl. 2. is imaginary, Prov. 3:7: Isa. 5:21. cannot save, Jer. 8:9; Zech. 9:2. knows not the things of God, Mat. 11:25. not used by the apostles, 1 Cor. 1:17; 2:4. is foohshness with God, 1 Cor. 3:19. is called fleshly, 2 Cor. 1:12. is eartlily, sensual, devilish, Jas. 3:15. a desire for it ruinous. Gen. 3:6. OF God: is one of his attributes, 1 Sam. 2:3; Job 9:4. DESCRIBED AS perfect. Job 36:4; 37:16. mighty. Job 36:5. universal. Job 28:24; Dan. 2:22; Acts 15:18. infinite, Psa. 147:5; Rom. 11:33. unsearchable, Isa. 40:28; Rom. 11:33. wonderful, Psa. 139:6. beyond human comprehension, Psa. 139:6. incomparable, Isa. 44:7; Jer. 10:7. underived. Job 21:22; Isa. 40:14. the gospel contains treasures of, 1 Cor. 2:7. wisdom of saints is derived from, Ezra 7:25. all human wisdom derived from, Dan. 2:21. saints ascribe to him, Dan. 2:20. EXHIBITED IN liis works, Job 37:16; Psa. 104:24; 136:5; Prov. 3:19; Jer. 10:12. his counsels, Isa. 28:29; Jer. 32:19. his foreshowing events, Isa. 42:9; 46:10. redemption, l cor. 1:24; Eph. 1:8; 3:10. searching the heart, 1 Chr. 28:9. understanding tlie thoughts, 1 Chr. 28:9; Psa. 139:2; Heb. 4:13. EXHIBITED IN KNOWING the heart, Psa. 44:21; Prov. 15:11; Luke 16:15. the actions. Job 34:21; Psa. 139:2, 3. the words, Psa. 139:4: Mai. 3:16. his saints, 2 Sam. 7:20; 2 Tim. 2:19. the way of saints. Job 23:10; Psa. 1:6. the wants of saints, Deut. 2:7; Mat. 6:8. the afflictions of saints, Exod. 3:7; Psa. 142:3. the infirmities of saints, Psa. 103:14. the minutest matters, Mat. 10:29, 30. i8i WIS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WOM all sacred things, Eccl. 12:14; Mat. 6:18. the time of judgment, Mat. 24:36. the wicked, Neh. 9:10; Job 11:11. the works, etc., of the wicked, Isa. 66:18. nothing is concealed from, Psa. 139:12. the wicked question, Psa. 73:11; Isa. 47:10. should be magnified, Rom. 16:27; Jude 25. WISE MEN, Gen. 4:18; Mat. 2:1. WITCHES, Ex. 22:18; Lev. 20:27; Deut. 18:10, 11. of Endor, 1 Sam. 28:7-25. WITCHCRAFT forbidden, Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:26, 31; 20:6. 27; Deut. 18:10; Mic. 5:12; Mai. 3:5; Gal. 5:20; Rev. 21:8; 22:15. abolished by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:24. PKACTiSED by Saul, 1 Sam. 28. by Manasseh. 2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chr. 33:6. by Israel, 2 Kings 17:17, etc. by Simon of Samaria, Acts 8:9. by Philippians, Acts 16:16. by Ephesians, Acts 19:19. WITHERED hand of Jeroboam healed, 1 Kin. 13. one healed by Christ, Mat. 12:10; Mark 3; Lu. 6:6. WITNESS, God invoked as, Gen. 31:50; Judg. 11:10; 1 Sam. 12:5; Jer. 42:5; Mic. 1:2; Rom. 1:9; IThes. 2:5. borne to Christ, by the Father, Mat. 3:16; Lu. 3:22; John 5:37; 12:28; Heb. 2:4; 1 John 5:7. by the prophets. Acts 10:43; 1 Pet. 1:10, etc. by the apostles. Acts 1:8; 2:32; 4:33; 5:32; 10:41; 22:15; 26:16, etc.; 1 Pet. 6:1; Rev. 20:4. Christ the faithful and true. Rev. 1:5; 3:14. OF THE Holy Ghost: is truth, 1 John 5:6. to be implicitly received, l John 5:6, 9. BORNE TO Christ as Messiah, Luke 3:22, with John 1:. 32, 33. as coming to redeem and sanctify, l John 5:6. as exalted to be a Prince and Saviour to give repentance, etc.. Acts 5:31, ;32. as pei-fecting saints, Heb. 10:14, 15. as foretold by himself, John 15:26. in heaven, 1 .lohn 5:7, 11. on earth, 1 John 5:8. the first preaching of the gospel confirmed by. Acts 14:3, with Heb. 2:4. the faithful preaching of the apostles accompa- nied by, 1 Cor. 2:4; 1 Thes. 1:5. GIVEN TO SAINTS on believing. Acts 15:8; 1 John 5:10. to testify to them of Christ, John 15:26. as an evidence of adoption, Rom. 8:16. as an evidence of Christ in them, 1 John 3:24. as an evidence of God in them, 1 John 4:13. borne against all unbelievers, Neh. 9:30; Acts 28:25-27. , false, forbidden, Exod. 20:16; 23:1; Deut. 5:20; Prov. 12:17; 25:18; Jer. 7:9; Zech. 5:4; Luke 3:14. to be punished, Deut. 19:16; Prov. 19:5, 9; 21:28; Zech. 5:4. the Lord hates, Prov. 6:19. against Nabal, 1 Kings 21:13. against Christ, Mat. 26:60; Mark 14:56. Wl I'NESSES, two or three required. Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:6; 19:15; Mat. 18:16; 2 Cor. 13:1; 1 Tim. 5:19. , the two, visions of. Rev. 11. WIVES : not to be selected from among the ungodly. Gen. 24:3; 26:34, 35; 28:1. duties of, to their husbands : to love them. Tit. 2:4. 182 to reverence them, Eph. 5:33. to be faithful to them, 1 Cor. 7:3-5, 10. to be subject to them, Gen. 3:16; Eph. 5:22, 24: 1 Pet. 3:1. to obey them, 1 Cor. 14:34; Tit. 2:5. to remain with them for life, Rom. 7:2, 3. SHOULD BE ADORNED not With omaments, 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3. with modesty and sobriety, 1 Tim. 2:9. with a meek and quiet spirit, 1 Pet. 3:4, 5. with good works, 1 Tim. 2:10; 5:10. GOOD, are from the Lord, Prov. 19:14. are a token of the favor of God, Prov. 18:22. are a blessing to husbands, Prov. 12:4; 31:10, 12. bring honor on husbands, Prov. 31:23. secure confidence of husbands, Prov. 31:11. are praised by husbands, Prov. 31:28. are diligent and prudent, Prov. 31:13-27. ai-e benevolent to the poor, Prov. 31:20. duty of, to unbelieving husbands, J Cor. 7:3, 14, 16; IPet. 3:1, 2. should be silent in the churches, 1 Cor. 14:34. should seek religious instruction from their husbands, 1 Cor. 14:35. of ministers should be exemplary, 1 Tim. 3:11. good, exemplified: Wife of Manoah, Judg. 13:20. Orpah and Ruth, Ruth 1 :4, 8. Abigail, 1 Sam. 25:3. Esther, Esth. 2:15-17. Elisabeth, Luke 1:6. Priscilla, Acts 18:2, 26. Sarah, 1 Pet. 3:9. bad, exemplified: Samson's wife, Judg. 14:15- 17. Michal, 2 Sam. 6:16. Jezebel, 1 Kings 21:5. Zeresh, Esth. 5:14. Job's wife. Job 2:9. Herodias, Mark 6:17. Sapphira, Acts 5:1, 2. Levitical laws concerning, Exod. 21 : 3, 22; 22:16; Num. 5:12; 30; Deut. 21:10, 15; 24:1; Jer. 3:1; Mat. 19:3. the wife a type of the church, Eph. 5:23; Rev. 19:7; 21:9. obtained by the Benjamites, Judg. 21. WIZARD, Lev. 20:27. WOES PRONOUNCED AGAINST covetousnsss, Isa. 5:8, etc. oppression, Isa. 10:1; Zeph. 3:1. secret sinners, Isa. 29:15. those who trusted in Egypt. Isa. 31:1. those who strive with God, Isa. 45:9. injustice, Jer. 22:13. those at ease in Zion, Amos 6:1. those who devise iniquity, Mic. 2:1. the idol sliepherd, Zech. 11:17. the betrayer of Christ, Mat. 26:24. the rich, etc., Luke 6:24-26. mocking sensualists, Jude 11. the inhabitants of the earth. Rev. 8:13; 9:12; 11:14. unbelief. Mat. 11:21; 23:13; Luke 10:13; 11:42. WOLF, the: rapacious nature of. Gen. 49:27. particularly fierce in the evening when it seeks its prey, Jer. 5:6; Hab. 1:8. destructive to flocks of sheep, John 10:12. ILLUSTRATIVE of the wicked, Mat. 10:16; Luke 10:3. of wicked rulers, Ezek. 22:27; Zeph. 3:3. of false teachers. Mat. 7:15; Acts 20:29. of the devil, John 10:12. of the tribe of 15cnjamin, Gen. 49:27. of fierce enemies. Jer. 5:6; Hab. 1:8. (taming of) the cliange effected by conversion, Isa. 11:6; 65:25. WOMAN: origin and cause of the name. Gen. 2:23. WOM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WOR OKiGiNALLY MADE by Go(l in liis own image, Gen. 1:27. from one of Adam's ribs, Gen. 2:21, 22. for man, 1 Cor. 11:9. to be a helpmeet for man. Gen. 2:18, 20. subordinate to man, 1 Cor. 11:3. to be the glory of man, 1 Cor. 11:7. deceived by Satan, Gen. 3:1-6; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:14. led man to disobey God, Gen. 3:6, 11, 12. curse pronounced on, Gen. 3:16. salvation promised through the seed of. Gen. 3:15. See Isa. 7:14. safety in childbirth promised to the faithful and holy, 1 Tim. 2:15. CHARACTERIZED AS Weaker than man, 1 Pet. 3:7. timid, Isa. 19:16; Jer. 50:37; 61:30: Nah. 3:13. loving and affectionate, 2 Sam. 1:26. tender and constant to her offspring, Isa. 49:15; Lam. 4:10. to wear her hair long as a. covering, 1 Cor. 11:15. good and virtuous described, Pro v. 31:10-28. virtuous held in high estimation, Kuth 3:11; Prov. 31:10-30. FREQUENTLY foud of Self - indulgence, Isa. 32:9—11. subtle and deceitful, Prov. 7:10; Eccl. 7:26. silly and easily led into error, 2 Tim. 3:6. zealous in promoting superstition and idola- try, Jer. 7:18; Ezek. 13:17, 23. active in instigating to iniquity, Num. 31:15, 16; 1 Kings 21:25; Neh. 13:26. generally wore a veil in the presence ,of the other sex, Gen. 24:65. generally lived in a separate apartment or tent, Gen. 18:9; 24:67; Esth. 2:9, 11. submissive and respectful to husbands, 1 Pet. 3:6, with Gen. 18:12. : YOUNG, gay, and mirthsome, Judg. 11:34; 21:21; Jer. 31:13; Zech. 9:17. kind and courteous to strangers. Gen. 24:17. fond of ornaments, Jer. 2:32. must learn from their elders, Tit. 2:4. could not marry without consent of parents. Gen. 24:3, 4; 34:6; Exod. 22:17. not to be given in marriage considered a ca- lamity, Judg. 11:37; Psa. 78:63; Isa. 4:1. often taken captive. Lam. 1:18; Ezek. 30:17, 18. punishment for seducing when betrothed, Deut. 22:23-27. punishment for seducing when not betrothed, Exod. 22:16, 17; Deut. 22:28, 29. often treated with great cruelty in war, Deut. 32:25; Lam. 2:21; 6:11. were required to hear and obey the law. Josh. 8:35. had a court of the tabernacle assigned to them, Exod. 38:8; 1 Sam. 2:22. allowed to join in the temple-music from the time of David, 1 Chr. 25:5, 6; Ezra 2:65; Neh. 7:67. must be silent in church, 1 Cor. 14:34; 1 Tim. 2:11. OFTEN ENGAGED IN domestic employments, Gen. 18:6; Prov. 31:15. agriculture, Ruth 2:8; Song 1:6. tending sheep. Gen. 29:9; Exod. 2:16. drawing and carrying water. Gen. 24:11, 13, 15, 16; 1 Sam. 9:11; John 4:7. grinding corn, Mat. 24:41; Luke 17:35. spinning, Prov. 31:13, 19. embroidery, Prov. 31:22. celebrating the victories of the nation, Exod. 15:20, 21; Judg. 11:34; 1 Sam. 18:6. 7. attending funerals as mourners, Jer. 9:17, 20. vows of, when married not binding upon the husband, Num. 30:6-8. unfaithfulness of, when married found out by the waters of jealousy. Num. 5:14-28. punishing for injuring, when with child, Exod. 21:22-25. to be governed by, considered a calamity by the Jews, Isa. 3:12. to be slain by, considered a great disgrace, Judg. 9:54. considered a valuable booty in war, Deut. 20:14; 1 Sam. 30:2. often treated with great cruelty in war, 2 Kings 8:12; Lam. 5:11; Ezek. 9:6; Hos. 13:16. benevolence of, Prov. 31:20; Mark 12:43. love to Christ of. Mat. 27:55; Luke 10:39; 24:1; John 11. Christ the seed of, Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4. ILLUSTRATIVE (gloriously arrayed) of the Church of Christ, Psa. 45:13; Gal. 4:26, with Rev. 12 :L (delicate) of backsliding Israel, Jer. 6:2. (chaste and holy) of saints. Song of Solomon; 2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 14:4. (lewd) of the Roman apostasy. Rev. 17:4, 18. (wise) of saints, Mat. 25:1, 2, 4. (foolish) of mere professors. Mat. 25:1-3. (at ease and careless) of a state of carnal secu- rity, Isa. 32:9, 11. (forsaken) of the church of Israel in her cap- tivity, Isa. 54:6. See APPAREL, WIVES. WONDERFUL, prophetic name of Christ, Isa. 9:6. See Judg. 13:18. WONDERS in Egypt, etc. See plagues, mira- cles, etc. WOOL spun for clotliing, Lev. 13:47-52; Ezek. 34:3; Hos. 2:5, 9. not to be mixed with linen, Deut. 22:11. exported from Damascus, Ezek. 27:18. first fleece given to priest, Deut. 18:4. WORD of God, a name of Christ, John 1:1, 14. 1 John 1:1; 5:7; Rev. 19:13. See scrip- tures. WORDS, men to be judged for, Eccl, 5:2; Ezek. 35:13; Mai. 2:17; 3:13; Mat. 12:37. WORKS of God, their greatness and majesty, Job 9; 37-41; Psa. 8; 19; 89; 104; 111; 145; 147; 148; Eccl. 8:17; Jer. 10:12. of the law, insufficiency of, Rom. 3:20; 4:2; Gal. 3, etc. , good: Christ an example of, John 10:32; Acts 10:38. CALLED good fruits, Jas. 3:17. fruits meet for repentance. Mat. 3:8. fruits of righteousness, Phil. 1:11. works and labors of love, Heb. 6:10. are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God, Phil. 1:11. they alone who abide in Christ can perform, John 15:4, 5. wrought by God in us, Isa. 26:12; Phil. 2:13. the Scripture designed to lead us to, 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Jas. 1:25. to be performed in Christ's name. Col. 3:17. heavenly wisdom is full of, Jas. 3:17. justification unattainable by, Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:16. salvation unattainable by, Eph. 2:8,9; 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:5. SAINTS created in Christ unto, Eph. 2:10. preordained to walk in, Eph. 2:10. exhorted to put on, Col. 3:12-14. are full of, Acts 9:36. are zealous of. Tit. 2:14. 183 WOR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ZEA should be furnished unto all, 2 Tim. 3:17. should be rich in, 1 Tim. 6:18. should be careful to maintain, Tit. 3:8, 14. should be established in, 2 Thes. 2:17. should be fruitful in. Col. 1:10. should be perfect in, Heb. 13:21. should be prepared unto all, 2 Tim. 2:21. should abound to all, 2 Cor. 9:8. should be ready to all. Tit. 3:1. should manifest, with meekness, Jas. 3:13. should provoke each other to, Heb. 10:24. should avoid ostentation in. Mat. 6:1-18. bring to the light their, John 3:21. followed into rest by their. Rev. 14:13. holy women should manifest, l Tim. 2 : 10 ; 5:10. God remembers, Neh. 13:14, with Heb. 6:9, 10. shall be brought into the judgment, Eccl. 12:14, with 2 Cor. 5:10. in the judgment, will be an evidence of faith. Mat. 25:34-40, with Jas. 2:14-20. ministers should be patterns of. Tit. 2:7. ministers should exhort to, 1 Tim. 6:17, 18; Tit. 3:1, 8, 14. God is glorified by, John 15:8. designed to lead others to glorify God, Mat. 5:16; 1 Pet. 2:12. a blessing attends. Jas. 1:25. the wicked reprobate unto. Tit. 1:16. illustrated, John 15:5. WORLD, the, created. Gen. 1 ; 2. See John 1 : 10 ; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2, etc. corrupt by the fall, Rom. 5:12; 8:22. exhortations against conformity to, Rom. 12:2; Gal. 6:14; Jas. 1:27; 4:4; 1 John 2:15. WORLDLINESS, described, Eccl. 2:1, 3, 10; 11:9; 1 John 2:1.5, 16. condemned, Isa. 32:10; Amos 6:3-7. warnings against. Mat. 16:26; Luke 21:34; 1 Cor. 7:29, 30. WORM, man compared to. Job 17:14; 25:6; Mic. 7:17. WORMWOOD, figurative, Deut. 29:18; Prov. 5:4; Lam. 3:15. a star so called. Rev. 8:11. WORSHIP to be rendered to God alone, Exod. 20:1: Deut. 5:7; 6:13; Mat. 4:10; Luhfi 4:8; Acts 10:26; 14:15: Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; 22:8. exhortations to, 2 Kings 17:36; 1 Chr. 16:29; Psa. 29; 95:6; 99:5; 100, etc. God's presence in, Lev. 19:30; Psa. 77:13; 84:4; Isa. 56:7; Heb. 10:25. loved by his people, Psa. 27:4; 84:1-3, 10; Zech. 8:21. sincerity required in, Psa. 29:2; John 4:24. examples of: Abraham, Gen. 21:33. Jacob, Gen. 32; 35:14, 15. Israelites, Deut. 26:10; Josh 18:1. Elkanah, 1 Sam. 1:3. Samuel and people, 1 Sam. 7. David, 2 Sam. 6; 1 Chr. 29:10-20; Solomon, 2 Chr. 1-7. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 20:3-18. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 30:12, 13, 22, 23. Ezra, Nehemiah, and Jews, Ezra 3; Neh. 8-10. Greeks, John 12:2. Apostles in Jeru- salem, Acts 1:14; 2:1, 42, 46; 12:12. Ethio- pians, Acts 8:27. of other gods forbidden. See idolatry. WRATH of God. See angkr. WREATHS, Ex. 28:14; 1 Kin. 7:17; 2 Chr. 4:12. WRESTLING, Jacob's, Gen. 32:24. WRITING, of God, Exod. 31:18; 32:16; Dan. 5:5. See scRirxrRES. on the wall against Belshazzar, expound- ed, Dan. 5. on the heart, Prov. 3:3; 7:3; Jer. 31:33. Heb. 8:10. 184 YARN, 1 Kings 10:28; 2 Chr. 1:16. YEARS: the sun and moon appointed to mark out, Gen. 1:14. early computation ol time by, Gen. 5:3. DIVIDED INTO seasous, Gen. 8:22. months. Gen. 7:11; 1 Chr. 27:1. weeks, Dan. 9:27; Luke 18:12. davs, Gen. 25:7; Esth. 9:27. length of, during the patriarchal age, Gen. 7:11, and Gen. 8:13, with Gen. 8:24, and Gen. 8:3. commencement of, changed after the exodus, Exod. 12:2. remarkable: sabbatical. Lev. 25:4. jubilee, Lev. 25: 11. in prophetic computation, days reckoned as, Dan. 12:11, 12. ILLUSTRATIVE (comiug to) of mauhood, Heb. 11:24. (well stricken in) of old age, Luke 1:7. (being full of) of old age. Gen. 25:8. (acceptable) of the dispensation of the gospel, Isa. 61:2: Luke 4:19. (of the right hand of the Most High) of pros- perity, Psa. 77:10. (of the redeemed) of redemption by Christ, Isa. 63:4. (of visitation) of severe judgments, Jer. 11:23; 23:12. (of recompenses) of judgments, Isa. 34:8. Y^OKE of Christ, easy, Mat. 11:30; 1 John 5:3. YOKES sent to various kings by God, Jer. 27. YOUNG, the, exhortations to. Lev. 19:32; Prov. 1:8; Eccl. 12:1. Christ's example, Luke 2:46, 51; Tit. 2:4; IPet. 5:5. ZACCHEUS, call and confession of, Lu. 19:1-10. ZACHARIAH, fourteenth king of Israel, 2 Kings 14:29; 15:8-12. others of the name, 2 Chr. 24:20-22; Zech. 1:1, 7: Mat. 23:3.5. ZACHARIAS, father of John the Baptist, com- mended, Luke 1:5. his unbelief and dumbness, Luke 1:11. his prophetic song, Luke 1:62. ZADOK, priest, 2 Sam. 8:17. faithful to David, 2 Sam. 15:24; 20:25. anoints Solomon king, 1 Kings 1:39. appointed higli priest, 1 Kin. 2:35; 1 Chr. 16:39. ZALMON, or Salmon, Judg. 9:48; Psa. 68:14. ZAMZUMMIN, Deut. 2:20, 21. ZARAH, Gen. 3S::i0; 1 Chr. 2:6. ZAREPHATH, Elijah sent there, 1 Kings 17:9. a widow's child raised, 1 Kings 17:17. ZARETAN, Josh. 3:16; 1 Kin. 4:12; 7:46; 11:26. ZEBAH and Zalmunna slain by Gideon, Judg. 8:5, 21; Psa. 83:11. ZEBEDEE left by his sons. Mat. 4:21; Mark 1:20. ZEAL: Christ an example of, Psa. 69:9; John 2:17. godly sorrow leads to, 2 Cor. 7:10, 11. of saints, ardent, Psa. 119:139. provokes others to do good, 2 Cor. 9:2. suouLD BE EXHIBITED in spirit, Rom. 12:11. in woU-doing, Gal. 4:18; Tit. 2:14. in desiring the salvation of others. Acts 26:29; Rom. 10:1. in contending for the faith, Jude 3. in missionary labors, Rom. 15:19, 23. for the glory of God. Num. 25:11, 13. for the welfare of samts. Col. 4:13. ZEB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ZUZ against idolatry, 2 Kings 23:4-14. sometimes wrongly directed, 2 Sam. 21:2; Acts 22:3, 4; Phil. 3:6. sometimes not according to knowledge. Acts 21:20; Rom. 10:2; Gal. 1:14. ungodly men sometimes pretend to, 2 Kings 10:16; Mat. 23:15. exhortations to, Rom. 12:11; Rev. 3:19. holy, exemplified: Phinehas, Num. 25:11, 13; Psa. 106:30. Josiah, 2 Kings 23:19-25. Apol- los, Acts 18:25. Corinthians, 1 Cor. 14:12. Epaphras, Col. 4:12, 13. ZEBOIM, Gen. 14:2. destroyed with Sodom, Gen. 19:25; Deut. 29:23; Hos. 11:8. ZEBUL, ruler of Shechem, assists Abimelech, Judg. 9:28, 30. ZEBULON, born. Gen. 30:20; 35:23. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:13. blessed by Moses, Deut. 33:18. liis descendants numbered, Num. 1:30; 26:26. their inheritance. Josh. 19:10. their ready valor, Judg. 4:6; 5:14,18; 6:35. come to Hezekiah's passover, 2 Chr. 30:11, 18; Psa. 68:27; Ezek. 48:26; Rev. 7:8. Christ first preaches in the land of (Isa. 9:1), Mat. 4:13. ZECHARIAH, son of Jehoida, reproving Joash, is slain, 2 Chr. 24:20; Mat. 23:35. the prophet, exhorts to repentance, Zech. 1; 7; 8; 10, etc. foretells the coming, sufi'erings, and kingdom of Christ, Zech. 9:9; 11; 12; 13; 14. his visions, Zech. 1-6. ZEDEKIAH, a false prophet, 1 Kin. 22:11; 2 Chr. 18:10, 23. , punished in Babylon, Jer. 29:22. (Mattaniah), king of Judah, his evil reign, 2 Kings 24:17; 2 Chr. 36:10. Jeremiah sent to, Jer. 37:6. releases Jeremiah from the dungeon, Jer. 37:16; 38. carried captive to Babylon, 2 Kings 25; 2 Chr. 36:17; Jer. 39; 52. ZEEB, Judg. 7:25; 8:3; Psa. 83:11. ZELOPHEHAD'S daughters. Num. 27:1-11; 36; Josh. 17:3-6. ZEMARIM, 2 Chr. 13:4. ZEN AS, the lawyer. Tit. 3:13. ZEPHANIAH, priest, letter to, Jer. 29:25. sent to Jeremiah, Jer. 37:3. , prophet, foretells God's judgment upon Judah, Zeph. l; 3; upon the Philistines, Mo- ab, Ammon, Ethiopia, and Assyria, Zeph. 2; and the restoration of Jerusalem, Zeph. 3:9. ZEPHATHAH, Josh. 15:44; 2 Chr. 14:9-15. ZERAH the Ethiopian overcome by Asa, 2 Chr. 14:9; 16:8. ZKRESH, Esth. 5:10-14; 6:13. ZERUBBABEL (Zorobabel), prince of Judah, Ezra 2:2. restores the worship of God, Ezra 3:1; Neh. 12:47; Hag. 1:1,14. encouraged by the Lord, Hag. 2:1; Zech. 4:6. See Mat. 1 :12. ZERfJIAH,2Sam. 2:18; 3:39; 16:9, 10; 17:25; 1 Chr. 2:16. ZIBA, 2 Sam. 9; 16:1-4; 19:26-29. ZICHRI, 2Chr. 28:7. ZIDON, first-born of Canaan. Gen. 10:15. , a seaport, the border of Zebulon, Gen. 49:13. Canaanites defeated there. Josh. 11:8. a city of idolaters, Judg. 10:16; 1 Kings 11. a commercial city, Judg. 18:7; Ezra 3:7; Ezek. 27:8, 17; Acts 12:20. Elijah sent to that region, Luke 4:26. prophecies concerning, Isa. 23; Jer. 25:22; 27:3; 47:4; Ezek. 28:21; 32:30; Joel 3:4; Zech. 9:2. See Luke 10:13. ZIP, the second month (May), 1 Kings 6:1, 37. ZIKLAG given to David, 1 Sam. 27:6; 1 Chr. 12:1. burnt by the Amalekites, 1 Sam. 30:1; 2 Sam. 1:1. ZILPAH, Leah's handmaid, Gen. 29:24. mother of Gad and Asher, Gen. 30:9-13; 35:26; 37:2; 46:18. ZIMRI, a chief of Simeon, Num. 25:6-8, 14. , fifth king of Israel, 1 Kings 16:9-13; 2 Kings 9:31. his wickedness and death, 1 Kings 16:16-20. ZIN, Num. 13:21; 20:1: 27:14; 33:36; 34:3, 4. ZION, mount, taken by David and called his city, 2 Sam. 5:7; 1 Kings 8:1. the name used typically, Psalms, Isaiah, Jere- miah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, etc., passim; Rom. 11:26; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 14:1. ZIPH, wilderness of. Josh. 15:55; 2 Chr. 11:8. David hides in, 1 Sam. 23:14-24; 26:1. title to Psalm 54. ZIPPORAH, wife of Moses, Exod. 2:21; 4:20. ZIZ, 2 Chr. 20:16. ZOAN, in Egypt, Num. 13:22; Psa. 78:12. ZOAR, Gen. 14:2. preserved, Gen. 19:22 (Isa. 15:6); Deut. 34:3; Jer. 48:34. ZOBAH, kings of, subdued, 1 Sam. 14:47; 2 Sam. 8:3; 1 Kings 11:23. ZOPHAR reproves Job (Job 2:11); 11. shows the state and portion of the wicked, Job 20. reproved. Job 42:7. ZORAH, city of Samson, Josh. 19:41; Judg. 13; 16:31. ZUPH, land of, 1 Sam. 9:5; l Chr. 6:35. ZUR, Num. 25:15, 18; Josh. 13:21. ZUZIM, giants, smitten, Gen. 14:5. .85 INDEX TO THE FOUR GOSPELS BY T. B. BISHOP. Abba, Father, Mark 14:36. Abel, blood of. Matt. 23:35; Luke 11:51. Abide in me, John 15:4. Abide with us, Luke 24:29. Abomination of desolation. Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14. Abomination with God, Luke 16:15. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Matt. 8:11; 22:32; Luke 13:28. Abraham rejoiced to see my day, John 8:56. Abraham's seed, John 8:33; (Matt. 3:9; Luke 3:8.) Abundance of heart, the mouth speaketh, Matt. 12:34; Luke 6:45. Adulteress, John 8:3. Adversary, agree with thine, Matt. 5:25; Luke 12:58. Against me, he not with me is, Matt. 12:30; Luke 11:23. All power in heaven and earth, Matt. 28:18; (Luke 10:22.) Alms in secret. Matt. 6:4: (Luke 11:41; 12:33.) Always those things that please him, John 8:29. Andrew, John 1:40; Mark 1:29; 13:3; John 6:8: 12:22. Angels ascending and descending, John 1:51. Angels behold the face of my Father, Matt. 18:10. Anna, prophetess, Luke 2:36. Annas, Luke 3:2; John 18:13. Anointing the sick, Mark 6:13. Anointing of Jesus, Luke 7:36; Matt. 26:6; Mark 14:3; John 12:3. Archelaus, Matt. 2:22. Ascended to heaven, no man hath, John 3:13. Ashamed of me. Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26. Ask me nothing, in that day, John 16:23. Ask, and it shall be given. Matt. 7:7; Luke 11:9. Austere man, Luke 19:21: Matt. 25:24. Authority, by wliat, doest thou. Matt. 21:23; Mark 11:28; Luke 20:2. Authority, he taught as one having, Matt. 7:29; Mark 1:22; (Luke 4:36.) Babes and sucklings, Matt. 21:16. Backward, and fell to the ground, John 18:6. Baptism of John, whence was it? Matt. 21:25; Mark 11:30; Luke 20:4. Baptism to be baptized with, Luke 12:50; Matt. 20:22; Mark 10:38. Barabbas, Matt. 27:17; Mark 15:11; Luke 23:18; John 18:40. Bartholomew, Matt. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke6:14. (Sec Nathanael.) Beelzebub, Matt. 10:25; 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15; (Matt. 9:34.) Behold tlie man, John 19:5. Believe me for works' .sake, John 14:11; 10:38. Believeth and is baptized, Mark 16:16. i86 Believeth on the Son hath life, John 3:36; 6:47; (20:31.) Beloved Son, this is, Matt. 3:17; 17:5; Mark 1:11; 9:7; Luke 3:22; 9:35. Beware of scribes, Mark 12:38; Luke 20:46. Bind and loose, Matt. 16:19; 18:18. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, Matt. 12:31; Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10. Blasphemy, Jesus accused of. Matt. 9:3; 26:65; Mark 2:7; Luke 5:21; John 10:33. Blessed are the poor, etc., Matt. 5:3; Luke 6:20. Blessed are your eves, Matt. 13:16; Luke 10:23. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, Luke 1:68. Blessed is the womb, Luke 11:27: (Luke 1:28.) Blessed, eat bread in the kingdom of God, Luke 14:15. Blessed is he that cometh. Matt. 23:39; Luke 13:35; (Matt. 21:9, etc.) Bhnd lead the blind, Matt. 15:14; Luke 6:39. Boanerges, Mark 3:17. Born again, John 3:3; (John 1:13.) Bottles, new wine, Matt. 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37. Bread of Life, John 6:35. Brethren of Jesus believed not, John 7:5. Bridegroom and his friend, John 3:29. Brother divide inheritance, Luke 12:13. Brother trespass against thee. Matt. 18:15; Luke 17:3. Bruised reed, Matt. 12:20. Builders, stone rejected by, Matt. 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17. Building a tower, Luke 14:28. Caiaphas, Matt. 26:3; John 11:49; 18:14. Camel, eye of needle, Matt. 19:24; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25. Candle under a bushel. Matt. 5:15; Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16; 11:33. Carcase, eagles, Matt. 24:28; Luke 17:37. Carpenter, is not this the? Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3. Cast out, I will in no wise, John 6:37. Casting out devils in thy name, Mark 9:38: Luke 9:49. Centurion at the cross, Matt. 27:54; Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47. Caesarea Philippi, Matt. 16:13; Mark 8:27. Children in the markets, Matt. 11:16; Luke 7:32. Children of this world marry. Luke 20:34. Cho.sen you, 1 have, John 15:16. Circumcision, Moses gave, John 7:22. Cleopas, Luke 24:18; John 19:25. Come unto me. Matt. 11:28. Come, ye blessed, Matt. 25:34. Comforter promised, John 14:16; 15:26; 16:7. Condemnation, this is the, John 3:19. Confess me before men. Matt. 10:32; Luke 12:8. Converted, except ye be. Matt. 18:3. INDEX TO THE FOUR GOSPELS. Convinceth me of sin? John 8:46. Corn of wheat fall into the ground, John 12:24. Cornfields on Sabbath, Matt. 12:1; Mark 2:23; Luke 6:1. Council of the Pharisees. Matt. 12:14; John 11:47. Cross to betaken up, Matt. 10:38; 16:24; Mark 8:34:10:21; Luke 9:23; 14:27. Crown of thorns. Matt. 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2. Cup of cold water, Matt. 10:42; Mark 9:41. Cup pass from me, Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42. Daughters of Jerusalem, Luke 23:28. David calleth him Lord, Matt. 22:45; Mark 12:37; Luke 20:44. Day and hour knoweth no man, Matt. 24:36; 25:13; Mark 13:32. Dead bury their dead, Matt. 8:22; Luke 9:60. Dead shall hear voice, John 5:25. Death, Christ foretold his. three times: (1.) Matt. 16:21; Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22. (2.) Matt. 17:22; Mark 9:31; Luke 9:44. (3.) Matt. 20:17; Mark 10:33; Luke 18:31. See also John 3:14; 7:33; 8:28; 12:32; 14:19; 16:5; 16:28. Death, some shall not taste. Matt. 16:28; Mark 9:1; Luke 9:27. Deceive the very elect, Matt. 24:24; Mark 13:22. Dedication, feast of, John 10:22. Deflleth a man, Matt. 15:11; Mark 7:20. Den of thieves. Matt. 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46. Depart from me, ye cursed. Matt. 25:41. Devil, he hath a. Matt. 11:18; Luke 7:33; John 7:20; 8:48; 10:20. Devils are subject to us, Luke 10:17. Die in your sins, ye shall, John 8:21. Discern face of sky. Matt. 16:3; Luke 12:56. Disciple known to high priest (John), John 18 :15. Disciple Jesus loved, John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7. Disciples, twelve ordained, Matt. 10:2; Mark 3:14; Luke 6:13. Disciples, twelve, sent forth, Matt. 10:1; Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1. Disciples of .lohn fast. Matt. 9:14; Mark 2:18; Luke 5:33. Disciples dispute which greatest. Matt. 18:1: 20:24; Mark 9:33; Luke 9:46; 22:24. Disciples, some doubted. Matt. 28:17. Disciples understood not, Mark 9:32; Luke 2:50; 9:45; 18:34; John 8:27; 10:6; 12:16. Disciples remembered afterwards, Luke 24:8; John 2:22; 12:16; 14:26; 16:4; (Luke 24:45.) Disciples, many go back, John 6:66. Do unto others. Matt. 7:12; Luke 6:31. Doctrine is not mine, John 7:16. Doeth evil, hateth light, John 3:20. Draweth nigh with their mouth. Matt. 15:8; Mark 7:6. Dust from feet, shake oflf. Matt. 10:14; Mark 6:11; Luke 9:5; 10:11. Ears to hear. Matt. 11:15; 13:9; Mark 4:9; 7:16; Luke 8:8; 14:35. Eat flesh of Son of Man, John 6:53. Egypt, flight into, Matt. 2:13. Elect's sake, for the, Matt. 24:22: Mark 13:20. Elias must first come. Matt. 17:10; Mark 9:11. Elisabeth, Luke 1:5. Emmanuel, Matt. 1:2.3. Emmaus, Luke 24:13; Mark 16:12. Endure unto the end. Matt. 10:22; 24:13; Mark 13:13. Enemies, love your. Matt. 5:44; Luke 6:27. Ephraim, John 11:. 54. Eunuchs, Matt. 19:12. Example, 1 have given you an, John 13:15. Eye for an eye, Matt. 5:38. Faith commended: Faith hath saved thee, Matt. 9:22; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; 17:19. According to faiih, be it, Matt. 9:29; (Matt. 8:13.) Seeing their faith, Matt. 9:2. So great faith, Matt. 8:10. Great is thy faith. Matt. 15:28. Faith defective: Except ye see signs and wonders, John 4:48. Where is your faith? Luke 8:25. Only beheve, Mark 5:36. Miracles hindered by unbelief, Matt. 13:58. Thou of little faith. Matt. 14:31. Ye of little faith, Matt. 16:8; (Matt. 6:30; Luke 12:28.) Faithless generation. Matt. 17:17. If thou canst believe, Mark 9:23. Dost thou believe? John 9:35. II thou wouldst believe, John 11:40. Be not faithless, John 20:27. Faith as a grain of mustard seed. Matt. 17:20; Luke 17:6; Matt. 21:21; Mark 11:23. Faithful also in much, Luke 16:10; Matt. 25:21. Faithful and wise servant, Matt. 24:45; Luke 12:42. False Christs and prophets. Matt. 24:5, 24; Mark 13:22; Luke 21:8. Fasting, Matt. 6:16; 9:14; Mark 2:18; Luke 5:33; Matt. 17:21; Mark 9:29. Father, forgive them, Luke 23:34. Father himself loveth you, John 16:27. Father or motlier (Corban), Matt.l5:5; Mark 7:11. Father worketh hitherto, John 5:17. Fear not them that kill body. Matt. 10:28; Luke 12:4. Feast day, not on the, Matt. 26:5; Mark 14:2. Feast, when thou makest a, Luke 14:13. Feed my sheep, John 21:16. Few that be saved, Luke 13:23. Fields white to harvest, John 4:35. Fig-tree putting forth leaves. Matt. 24:32; Mark 13:28; Liike 21:29. Finished, it is, John 19:. 30. Fire from heaven to consume them, Luke 9:54. Fishers of men. Matt. 4:19; Markl:17; Luke5:10. Forgive men their trespasses, Matt. 6:14; 18:35; Mark 11:25; Luke 6:37. Forgive sins, who but God? Mark 2:7; Luke 5:21; 7:49; (Matt. 9:2.) Forsaken all and fohowed thee. Matt. 19:27; Mark 10:28; Luke 18:28. Foxes have holes. Matt. 8:20: Luke 9:58. Free, if the Son make you, John 8:36. Friends, ye are my, John 15:14. Gabriel, Luke 1:19, 26. Gadarenes, Matt. 8:28; Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26. Galileans, Luke 13:1: John 4:45. Generation shall not pass. Matt. 24:34; Mark 13:30: Luke 21:32. Gentiles, in his name shall trust. Matt. 12:21. Gethsemane, Matt. 26:36; Mark 14:32; Luke 22:39; John 18:1. Gift before the altar. Matt. 5:24. Glorious things done by him, Luke 13:17. Go and teach all nations. Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15. God is a Spirit, John 4:24. God so loved the world, John 3:16. 187 INDEX TO THE FOUR GOSPELS. God service, will think he doeth, John 16:2, Gods, j-e are, John 10:34. Good gifts to vour children, Malt. 7:11; Luke 11:13. Gospel preached in all the world, Matt. 24:14; 26:13; Mark 13:10; 14:9; 16:15. Grapes of thorns, Matt. 7:16: Luke 6:44. Great commandment. Matt. 22:36; Mark 12:28. Great things God hath done for thee, Mark 5:19; Luke 8:39. Greater love hath no man, John 15:13. Greater works shall he do, John 14:12. Greeks desire to see Jesus, John 12:20. Green tree, if these things done in, Luke 23:31. Happy are ye if ye do them, John 13:17. Hard saying, this is, John 6:60. Harvest is plenteous, Matt. 9:37; Luke 10:2. Hate father and mother, Luke 14:26; Matt. 10:37. Hated of all men. Matt. 10:22; 24:9; Mark 13:13; Luke 21:17; John 15:18. Hath, to him shall be given. Matt. 13:12; 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26. Hearing ve shall hear, Matt. 13:14; Mark 4:12; Luke'8:10; John 12:40. Heart was hardened, Mark 6:52; 8:17. Hem of garment touched, Matt. 9:20; 14:36; Mark 6:56. Herod (the Great), Matt. 2:1. Herod (Antipas), Matt. 14:3; Mark 6:17; Luke 3:19; 9:7: 13:31; 23:7. Herod will kill thee, Luke 13:31. Herod hears of Jesus, Matt. 14:2; Mark 6:14; Luke 9:7. Herodians, Matt. 22:16; Mark 12:13; 3:6. Herodias, Matt. 14:3. Hid from wise and prudent. Matt. 11:25; Luke 10:21. Hid, nothing, that shall not be known. Matt. 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17; 12:2. Hosanna, Matt. 21:9; Mark 11:9; John 12:13. Hour not yet come, John 2:4; 7:6, 30; 13:1; 17:1. Householder bringing out of his treasure. Matt. 13:52. Housetops, proclaimed upon, Luke 12:3; Matt. 10:27. Humbleth himself shall be exalted. Matt. 23:12; Luke 14:11; 18:14. Idle word. Matt. 12:36. If ye love me keep my commandments, John 14:15; 15:10. James, son of Zebedee, Matt. 4:21; 17:1; Mark 5:.37: 10:35; 13:3; 14:33; Luke 9:54. James, son of Alphaeus, Matt. 13:55; Mark 15:40; Luke 24:10; (Acts 15:13; Gal. 1:19.) Jerusalem, Christ's entry into. Matt. 21:1; Mark 11:1; Luke 19:29; John 12:12. Jerusalem, that killest prophets, Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:. 34. Jesus Christ— Birth, Matt. 1:25; Luke 2:7. Circumcision, Luke 2:21. Jesus at 12 years old, Luke 2:41. Baptism, Matt. 3:13; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21; John 1:32. Temptation, Matt. 4:1; Mark 1:12; Luke 4:1. Transfiguration, Matt. 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28. Betrayal of Jesus, Matt. 26:47; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47; John 18:3. Trial of Jesu.s, Matt. 26:57; Mark 14:53; Luke 22:54; John 18:19. i88 Crucifixion, Matt. 27:35; Mark 15:25; Luke 23:33; John 19:18. Resurrection, Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1. Ascension, Mark 16:19; Luke 24: 50; Acts 1:4. Jesus only, Matt. 17:8; Mark 9:8. Jews sought to kill him, John 5:16; 7:1; Luke 19:47; John 11:53. John the Baptist- Birth of, Luke 1:57. Ministry of, Matt. 3:1; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:1; John 1:6. Imprisoned, Matt. 4:12; Mark 1:14; Luke 3:20; John 3:24. Beheaded, Matt. 14:6; Mark 6:21: Luke 9:9. Character of. Matt. 11:7; Luke 7:24; John 6:35. His testimony to Christ, John 1:19; 3:27. John did no miracle, John 10:41. John's disciples, visit of, Matt. 11:2; Luke 7:19. John, son of Zebedee, John 1:37; Matt. 17:1; Mark 5:37; 10:35: Luke 9:54; 22:8; John 13:23: 18:15: 19:26, 35; 20:8; 21:7, 23. Joseph, Matt. 1:18; 2:13; Luke 1:27; John 1:45; 6:42. Joseph of Arimathea, Matt. 27:57; Mark 15:43: Luke 23:50; John 19:38. Judas, brother of James (Jude, Thaddeus, Leb- basus). Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3; John 14:22. Judas Iscariot, John 6:71; 12:4; 13:2: Matt. 26:14; John 13:26; Matt. 26:25; John 13:30; 18:2; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:48; Matt. 27:3. Judas knew the place, John 18:2. Judge not. Matt. 7:1; Luke 6:37; (John 7:24.) Judgment committed to the Son, John 5:22. Justified by thy words, Matt, 12:37. Key of knowiedge, Luke 11:52. Kind to unthankful and evil, Luke 6:35; (Matt. 5:45,) King, people would make him a, John 6:15. King going to war, Luke 14:31. Kingdom divided against itself, Matt. 12:25; Mark 3:24; Luke 11:17. Kingdom of God not with observation, Luke 17:20. Kingdom not of this world, John 18:36. Kings of Gentiles exercise lordship, Luke 22:25; Matt. 20:25: Mark 10:42, Knew what was in man, John 2:25, Laborer worthv of his hire, Luke 10:7. Lamb of God, John 1:29. Last shall be first. Matt. 19:30; 20:16; Mark 10:31; Luke 13:30. Law and prophet.s. Matt. 11:13; Luke 16:16; Matt. 22:40; 7:12. Law, not come to destroy. Matt. 5:17. Lawver who tempted Jesus, Matt. 22:35; Luke i0:25. Lay down my life and take it again. John 10:17. Lazarus, John ll:l: 12:2,10; (I.uke 16:20.) Least commandments. Matt. 5:19. Leaven of Pharisees, Matt. 16:6; Mark 8:15; Luke 12:1. Leisure, none so much as to eat, Mark 6:31; (3:20.) Let not your heart be troubled, John 14:1, 27. Letters, how knoweth this man, John 7:15. Liar, and the father of it, John 8:44. Life eternal, this is, John 17:3. Life, whoso loveth his, Matt. 10:39; 16:25; Mark 8:.3o; Luke 9:24; 17:33; John 12:25. Lifted up from earth, John 12:32; 8:28; 3:14. Light of body is the eye. Matt. 6:22; Luke 11:34. INDEX TO THE FOUR GOSPELS. Light of the world, John 1:4; 3:19; 8:12; 9:5; 12:46; Matt. 4:16; Luke 2:32; (Matt. 5:14.) Light shine before men, Matt. 5:16. LiUes of the held, Matt. 6:28; Luke 12:27. Little child, Matt. 18:2; Mark 9:36; Luke 9:47. Little ones that believe, Matt. 10:42; 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2. Loins girded, lights burning, Luke 12:35. Lord, lord, one that saith. Mat. 7:21; (Luke 6:46.) Lord, open unto us. Matt. 25:11; Luke 13:25. Lord's prayer. Matt, 6:9; Luke 11:2. Lord's Supper, Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19. Lot, days of, Luke 17:28. Lot's wife, Luke 17:32. Love one another, John 13:34; 15:12. Lovedst me before the world, John 17:24. Lowest room, Luke 14:9. Magdala, Matt. 15:39. Mammon, Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:13. Many believed, John 2:23; 4:39; 7:31; 8:30; 10:42; 11:45; 12:42. Many called, few chosen. Matt. 20:16; 22:14. Many mansions, John 14:2. Marriage, Matt. 5:31; 19:3; Mark 10:2; Luke 16:18. Man-iage and the resurrection. Matt. 22:23; Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27. Martha, Luke 10:38; John 11:1; 12:2. Mary, mother of Jesus, Luke 1:27, 46; Matt. 1:20; Luke 2:19, 51; John 2:1; Matt. 12:46; 13:55; Mark 6:3; John 19:25. Mary Magdalene, Luke 8:2; Matt. 27:56; 28:1; Mark 16:1, 9; John 20:16. Mary of Bethany, Luke 10:39; John 11:20; 12:3. Massacre of innocents. Matt. 2:16. Masters, neither be ye called. Matt. 23:10. Matthew (Levi), Matt. 9:9; Mark 2:14; Luke 5:29. Meat is to do the will, John 4:34. Meat which perisheth, John 6:27. Merciful, be ye, Luke 6:36. Mercy and not sacriflce, Matt. 9:13: 12:7. Miracles, though he had done so many, John 12:37. Moses and the prophets, Luke 16:29; 24:27. Moses at the bush, Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37. Moses lifted up the serpent, John 3:14. Moses wrote of me, John 5:46. Mote in brother's eye. Matt. 7:3; Luke 6:41. Mother and brethren. Matt. 12:47; Mark 3:32; Luke 8:20. Mountain cast into sea, Matt. 17:20; 21:21; Mark 11:23. Mountains fall on us. Luke 23:30. Murderer from beginning, John 8:44. My soul doth magnify, Luke 1:46. Naaman, Luke 4:27. Names written in heaven, Luke 10:20. Xathanael, John 1:45; 21:2. Nation rise against nation. Matt. 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:10. Nazarene, Matt. 2:23. Nazareth, Matt. 2:23; Luke 1:26; 2:51; 4:16; John 1:46; Matt. 13:54; Mark 6:1. Never man spake hke this man, John 7:46. New cloth on old garment, Matt. 9:16; Mark 2:21; Luke 5:36. New commandment, John 13:34; 15:12. Nicodemus, John 3:1; 7:50; 19:39. Nineveh, men of, Matt. 12:41; Luke 11:32. Noah, days of. Matt. 24:37: Luke 17:26. Nobleman went to receive the kingdom, Luke 19:12; Mark 13:31. Not far from kingdom of God, Mark 12:34. Offences must come. Matt. 18:7; Luke 17:1. One with the Father, John 10:30; 17:11, 21. Ought not Christ to suffer, Luke 24:26, 46. Parables, why Jesus spake in, Matt. 13:10; Mark 4:11; Luke 8:9; (Matt. 13:35.) Pass away, my word shall not, Matt. 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:.33; (Matt. 5:18; Luke 16:17.) Passed from death to life, John 5:24. Passover, first, John 2:13; second, John 5:1; third, John 6:4; fourth. Matt. 26:2; Mark 14:1; Luke 22:1; John 13:1. Passover prepared by disciples. Matt. 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7. Patience possess your souls, Luke 21:19. Peace, I came not to send, Matt. 10:34; Luke 12:51. Peace I give unto you, John 14:27; 16:33. Pearls before swine, Matt. 7:6. Perdition, son of, John 17:12. Perfect be ye. Matt. 5:48; (Matt. 19:21.) Pharisees condemned. Matt. 5:20; 15:14; 16:6; 23:4,13; Luke 11:39; 16:15; Jolm 8:44; 9:41. Philip, John 1:43; 6:5; 12:21; 14:8. Physician, heal thyself, Luke 4:23. Physician, whole need not. Matt. 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:3L Pilate, Pontius, Luke 3:1; 13:1: Matt. 27:2: John 18:31,38; 19:1; Luke 23:6; Mark 15:9; Matt. 27:24: John 19:19; Mark 15:44. Pilate's wife. Matt. 27:19. Plant, heavenly Father not planted. Matt. 15:13. Ploughman looking back, Luke 9:62. Possible, all things, with God, Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27. Potter's field bought. Matt. 27:7. Power of tlie Lord present to heal, Luke 5:17. Praise of men, they loved, John 12:43. Prayer, encouragements to. Matt. 6:6; 7:7; 18:19; 21:22; Mark 11:24; Luke 11:5, 9; 18:1; John 14:13; 15:7,16; 16:23. Prayer and fasting. Matt. 17:21; Mark 9:29. Prayer, our Lord's habit of. Matt. 14:23; 19:13; 26:36, 53; Mark 1:35; 6:46; Luke 3:21; 4:42; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 29; 11:1; 22:32, 44; John 11:22; 14:16; 17:9. Preach the gospel to the poor, Matt. 11:5; Luke 4:18. Preached in their synagogues, Matt. 4:23; 9:35; 13:54; Mark 1:39: 6:2; Luke 4:44. Prince of this world, John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11. Prophesied in thy name. Matt. 7:22. Prophet, Jesus called a. Matt. 21:11, 46; Mark 6:15; Luke 1:76; 7:16; 24:19; Jolm 4:19; 6:14; 7:40; 9:17. Prophet not without honor. Matt. 13:57; Mark 6:4; Luke 4:24; John 4:44. Prophet's reward. Matt. 10:41. Publicans and harlots before you. Matt. 21:31. Queen of the South, Matt. 12:42; Luke 11:31. Rachel weeping. Matt. 2:18. Raise him up at the last day, John 6:40. Ravens neither sow nor reap, Luke 12:24. Receive honor one of another, John 5:44. Receiveth you, receiveth me. Matt. 10:40; 18:5; Luke 9:48: 10:16: John 13:20. Rejoice in spirit, Luke 10:21. Restore kingdom to Israel, Acts 1:6. l8q INDEX TO THE FOUR GOSPELS. Resurrection and life, I am the, John 11:25. Rich voung ruler, Matt. 19:16; Mark 10:17; Luke 18:18. Rich hardly enter heaven, Matt. 19:23; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25. Right hand and right eye. Matt. 5:30; 18:8; Mark 9:43. Rigliteous shine forth as the sun. Matt. 13:43. Rising from the dead should mean, Mark 9:10. Romans will take away our nation, John 11:48. Rulers, have any believed? John 7:48. Rulers know this is very Christ? John 7:26. Rumors of wars, Matt. 24:6; Mark 13:7. 1, the: Disciples pluck corn, Matt. 12:1; Mark 2:23; Luke 6:1, Jesus healed on. Matt. 12:10; Luke 13:14; 14:3; John 5:9: 9:14. Jesus to tauglit on, Luke 4:16; 4:31; 6:6; 13:10. Women rested on, Luke 23:56. Made for man, Mark 2:27. Sou of Man Lord of, Matt. 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5. Salome, Mark 15:40; 16:1; Matt. 20:20; 27:56. Salt of the earth, Matt. 5:13; Mark 9:50; Luke 14:34. Salvation is of the Jews, John 4:22. Samaria, Matt. 10:5; Luke 9:52; 17:11; John 4:4. Samaritan, thou art a, John 8:48. Samaritan village, Luke 9:52. Sanctify through thy truth, John 17:17. Satan as lightning fall, Luke 10:18. Saved others, himself he cannot save, Matt. 27:42; Mark 15:31; Luke 23:35. Search the Scriptures, John 5:39. Second coming. Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; Matt. 10:23; 16:27; 19:28; 25:31; 26:64; Mark 8:38; 9:1; Luke 9:27; 12:40; 17:24; 18:8; John 5:28; 14:3. Seek and save the lost, Luke 19:10; Matt. 18:11; (Luke 9:56.) Seek first the kingdom of God, Matt. 6:33; Luke 12:31. Sepulchres of prophets, Matt. 23:29; Luke 11:47. Sermon on the Mount, Matt. 5:1; Luke 6:20. Servant coming from the field, Luke 17:7. Servant not greater than the lord. Matt. 10:24; John 13:16: 15:20; Luke 6:40. Servant who knew liis lord's will, Luke 12:47. Servant who beat his fellows. Matt. 24:49; Luke 12:45. Seven brethren married one woman, Matt. 22:25; Mark 12:20: Luke 20:29. Seventy sent forth, Luke 10:1. Seventy times seven. Matt. 18:22; Luke 17:4. Sheep having no shepherd, Matt. 9:36; Mark 6:34. Sheep in midst of wolves, Matt. 10:16; Luke 10:3:. Sheep and goats. Matt. 25:32. Shepherds of Hethlehem, Luke 2:8. Show us the Father, John 14:8. Sign requested by Jews, Matt. 12:38; 16:1; Mark 8:11; Luke 11:16; John 2:18; 6:30. Sign of thy coming. Matt. 24:3; Mark 13:4. Signs and wonders, except ye see, John 4:48. Signs shall follow them that believe, Mark 16:17. Siloam, tower and pool, Luke 13:4; John 9:7. Simeon, Luke 2:25. Simon Peter: Named Cephas, John 1:42. Walks on the water. Matt. 14; 29. 190 Peter's confession. Matt. 16:16; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20; (.John 6:68.) Peter and the keys. Matt. 16:19. Peter rebuked. Matt. 16:23: Mark 8:33. Washing his feet, John 13:6. Peter's protestations, Matt. 26:33; Mark 14:29; Luke 22:31; John 13:37. Cuts off Malchus' ear. Matt. 26:51; Mark 14:47; Luke 22:50; John 18:10. Denial of Christ, Matt. 26:69; Mark 14:66; Luke 22:56; John 18:17. Tell his disciples and Peter, Mark 16:7. Lovest thou me? John 21:15. Simon the Cyrenian, Matt. 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26. Simon the Canaanite (Zelotes), Matt. 10:4; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15. Simon the leper, Matt. 26:6; Mark 14:3. Simon the Pharisee, Luke 7:40. Sin, no cloak for their, John 15:22. Sin no more, lest a worse thing, John 5:14. Sins remitted unto them, John 20:23. Slow of heart to believe, Luke 24:25. Smite the shepherd, Matt. 26:31; Mark 14:27. Smite thee on right cheek. Matt. 5:39; Luke 6:29. Sodom and Gomorrah, Matt. 10:15; 11:24; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:12. Soldiers at sepulchre bribed, Matt. 28:12. Solomon, Matt. 6:29; Luke 12:27; Matt. 12:42; Luke 11:31; John 10:23. Son can do nothing of himself, John 5:19. Son of God, art thou then, Luke 22:70. Son of man came to minister. Matt. 20:28; Mark 10:45. Son of man cometh when ye think not. Matt. 24:44; Luke 12:40. Son of man coming in clouds. Matt. 24:30; 26:64; Mark 13:26; 14:62; Luke 21:27. Son of man find faith, Luke 18:8. Soul is exceeding sorrowful, Matt. 26:38; Mark 14:34. Soul lost, world gained. Matt. 16:26; Mark 8:36; Luke 9:25. Sparrows, two for a farthing, Matt. 10:29; Luke 12:6. Spirit by measure, John 3:34. Stone Jesus, Jews tried to, John 8:59; 10:31. Stone rejected. Matt. 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17. Stone will grind to powder, Matt. 21:44; Luke 20:18. Stones Avould cry out, Luke 19:40. Strain at a gnat, Matt. 23:24. Strait gate. Matt. 7:13; Luke 13:24. Stranger and ve took me in. Matt. 25:35. Strong man armed, Luke 11:21; Matt. 12:29; Mark 3:27. Sufl'er little children, Matt. 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16. Sun rises on evil and good, Matt. 5:45. Sun shall be darkened. Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25; (Luke 23:45.) Supper at Pethany, Matt. 26:6; Mark 14:3; John 12:1. Swear by the temple. Matt. 23:16. Swear not at all. Matt. 5:34. Swine, devils sent into, Matt. 8:30; Mark 5:11; Luke 8:32. Sword, sell garment to buy, Luke 22:36. Tabernacles, feast of, John 7:2. Take no thought for life. Matt. 6:25; Luke 12:22. Take no thought what ye shall speak, Matt, 10:19; Mark 13:11; Luke 12:11; 21:14. INDEX TO THE FOUR GOSPELS. Taught in our streets, Luke 13:26. Tell no man, he charged them. Matt. 8:4; 9:30; 12:16; 16:20; 17:9; Mark 3:12; 5:43; 7:36; Luke 5:14. Temple cleansed at first passover, John 2:13. Temple cleansed at fourth passover, Matt. 21:12; Mark 11:15; Luke 19:45. Temple, destroy this, John 2:19; Matt. 26:61; 27:40; Mark 14:58; 15:29. Temple shall be thrown down. Matt. 24:2; Mark 13:2; Luke 21:6. Testimony of two men true, John 8:17. Testimony, no man receiveth his, John 3:32. Thief in the night, Matt. 24:43; Luke 12:39. Thief on the cross. Matt. 27:44; Mark 15:32; Luke 23:39; John 19:18. Things concerning me have an end, Luke 22:37. Thirst, if any man, John 7:37: 4:14; 6:35. Thomas, John 11:16; 14:5; 20:24,26; 21:2. Times and seasons, not for you to know. Acts 1:7. Tithe mint and cummin, Matt. 23:23; Luke 11:42. Told Jesus, Matt. 14:12. Transfiguration, Matt. 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28; (John 1:14.) Treasure in heaven. Matt. 6:20; 19:21; Mark 10:21; Luke 12:33; 18:22. Trees known by their fi'uits, Matt, 7:17; 12:33; Luke 6:44; (Matt. 3:10; Luke 3:9.) Tribute to Csesar, Matt. 22:17; Mark 12:14; Luke 20:22; 23:2; (Matt. 17:24.) Trusted he should have redeemed Israel, Luke 24:21. Truth shall make you free, .John 8:32. Twelve hours in the day, John 11:9. Twelve legions of angels. Matt. 26:53. Twelve thrones. Matt. 19:28; Luke 22:30. Two or three gathered together. Matt. 18:20. Two women grinding. Matt. 24:41; Luke 17:35. Tyre (and Sidon), Matt. 11:21; Luke 10:13; Matt. 15:21; Mark 7:24; 3:8; Luke 6:17. Unbelief, miracles prevented by, Matt. 13:58; Mark 6:5. Unprofitable servants, Luke 17:10; Matt. 25:30. Veil of temple rent, Matt. 27:51; Mark 15:38. Violent, take it by force. Matt. 11:12; Luke 16:16. Voice from heaven, Matt. 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22; Matt. 17:5; Mark9:7; Luke 9:35; John 12:28. Washing the disciples' feet, John 13:5. Washing of hands, Matt. 15:2; Mark 7:5; Luke 11:38. Watch, Matt. 24:42; 25:13; 26:38; Mark 13:35; 14:34. Watch and pray, Matt. 26:41; Mark 13:33; 14:38; Luke 21:36. Water of life, John 4:10; 7:37. Way, truth, and life, John 14:6. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matt. 8:12; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28 Well, he hath done all things, Mark 7:37. What think ye of Christ? Matt. 22:42. Whatsoever ye ask, Matt. 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 14:13; 15:16; 16:23. Whited sepulchres. Matt. 23:27. Whom do men say I am? Matt. 16:13; Mark 8:27; Luke 9:18. Widow's mite, Mark 12:42; Luke 21:2. Wisdom justified, Matt. 11:19; Luke 7:35. Wise as serpents. Matt. 10:16. Wise men of the east, Matt. 2:1. Woe to scribes and Pharisees, Matt. 23:13; Luke 11:42. Woe unto Chorazin, Matt. 11:21; Luke 10:13. Wolves in sheep's clothing, Matt. 7:15. Woman of Samaria, John 4:7. Word made flesh, John 1:14. Word was with power, Luke 4:32. Work of God is to believe, John 6:29. Work while it is day, John 9:4. Works bear Avitness of me, John 5:36; 10:25, 38; (John 3:2; 15:24.) Works, reward every man according to, Matt. 16:27. World hateth you, John 15:18; 17:14. World, I have overcome the, John 16:33. World is gone after him, John 12:19. World would not contain all the books, John 21:25. Worm dieth not, Mark 9:44. Yet a little while, John 7:33; 12:35; 13:33; 14:19: 16:16. Yoke is easy, Matt. 11:30. Young man having linen cloth, Mark 14:51. Zaccheus, Luke 19:2. Zeal of thy house, John 2:17. Zebedee's children, Matt. 20:20; Mark 10:35. MIRACLES (arranged in order of time). FIKST YEAR. Water made wine, John 2:3. Nobleman's son of Capernaum, John 4:46. Passing unseen through multitude, Luke 4:30. (See also John 8:59.) Miraculous draught of fishes, Luke 5:4. Demoniac in the synagogue, Mark 1:23; Luke 4:33. Peter's wife's mother, Matt. 8:14; Mark 1:30; Luke 4:38. Leper (I will, be thou clean). Matt. 8:2; Mark 1:40; Luke 5:12. Paralytic let down through the roof, Matt. 9:2; Mark 2:3; Luke 5:18. SECOND YEAR. Man at the Pool of Bethesda, John 5:2. Withered hand, Matt. 12:10; Mark 3:1; Luke 6:6. Centurion's servant, Matt. 8:5; Luke 7:2. Son of the widow of Nain, Luke 7:12. Demoniac blind and dumb. Matt. 12:22. The tempest stilled. Matt. 8:23; Mark4:35; Luke 8:22. The Gadarene demoniacs (legion). Matt. 8:28; Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26. Woman with issue of blood, Matt. 9:20; Mark 5:25: Luke 8:43. Daughter of Jairus, Matt. 9:18; Mark 5: 22; Luke 8:41. Two blind men. Matt. 9:27. Dumb demoniac, Matt. 9:32; Luke 11:14. Five thousand fed. Matt. 14:15; Mark 6:35; Luke 9:12; John 6:5. Christ walks on the water. Matt. 14:25; Mark 6:48; John 6:19. Ship immediately at destination, John 6:21. THIRD YEAR. Daughter of SjTophoenician woman. Matt. 15: 22; Mark 7:25. Deaf and dumb man (Ephphatha), Mark 7:32. Four thousand fed, Matt. 15:32-. Mark 8:1. 191 INDEX TO THE FOUR GOSPELS. Blind man of Betlisaida, Mark 8:22. The transflguration, Matt. 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28. The demoniac boy, Matt. 17:14; Mark 9:14; Luke 9:38. Tribute money provided, Matt. 17:27. Ten lepers, Luke 17: 12. Man born blind, John 9:1. Raising of Lazarus, John 11:1-46. Woman eighteen years infirm, Luke 13:11. Man with dropsv, Luke 14:2. Blind Bartimeus and another, Matt. 20:30: Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35. Barren fig-tree. Matt. 21:19; Mark 11:13. Ear of Malchus, Matt. 26:51; Mark 14:47; Luke 22:50; John 18:10. The resurrection. Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1: John 20:1. Great draught of fishes after resurrection, John 21:6. Manv healed. Matt. 4:23; 8:16; 9:35; 11:4; 12:15; 14:14; 15:30; 21:14; Mark 1:34, 39; 3:10; Luke 6:19; 7:22; 9:1L PARABLES (arranged in order of time). SECOND YEAK. :47. House built on a rock. Matt. 7:24; Luke Two debtors, Luke 7:41. Strong man armed, Matt. 12:29; Mark 3:27; Luke 11:21. Seven wicked spirits, Matt. 12:43; Luke 11:24. Rich fool, Luke 12:16. Return from wedding, Luke 12:35. Barren fig-tree, Luke 13:6. The sower. Matt. 13:3; Mark 4:3; Luke 8:5. The tares. Matt. 13:24. Seed cast into the ground, Mark 4:26. Mustard seed, Matt. 13:31; Mark 4:31; Luke 13:19. The leaven, Matt. 13:33; Luke 13:21. Hid treasure, Matt. 13:44. Pearl of great price. Matt. 13:45. Net cast into the sea. Matt. 13:47. THIRD YEAR. Merciless servant, Matt. 18:23. Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30. Importunate friend, Luke 11:5. Good shepherd, John 10:1. Great supper, Luke 14:16. Lost sheep, Matt. 18:12; Luke 15:4. Lost coin, Luke 15:8. Prodigal son, Luke 15:11. Unjust steward, Luke 16:1. Rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19. Unjust judge, Luke 18:2. Pharisee and publican, Luke 18:10. Laborers in the vineyard, Matt. 20:1. The ten pounds, Luke 19:12. LAST PASSOVER WEEK. The two sons, Matt. 21:28. Vineyard let to husbandmen, Matt. 21:33; Mark 12:1; Luke 20:9. Marriage feast. Matt. 22:2. Wedding garment. Matt. 22:11. Servant who beat his fellows, Matt. 24:46; Luke 12:42. Ten virgins. Matt. 25:1. The talents, Matt. 25:14. Sheep and goats. Matt. 25:31. The true vine, John 15:1. 1^2 THE Bible Students Manual CONTAINING Chronological Index to the Bible page 2 Scripture Arranged as One Connected History 6 Synopsis of Robinson's Harmony of the Gospels -- 1 Parables of Christ, and of the Old Testament 15 Miracles of Christ : Other Miracles 16 Index of First Line of each Psalm 1 7 Names and Titles Applied to Christ - 19 Prophecies and Allusions to Christ in the Old Testament -- 21 Proper Names of Scripture : Meaning and Pronunciation 23 Chronology of the Patriarchs 36 Tables of Hebre^A^ Times and Festivals 37 Table of Bible Weights, Measures, and Money --- 38 Physical Features of Palestine 40 COPYRIGHT, 1879, BY AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. American Tract Society, ISO NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX TO THE BIBLE PERIOD I. FROM THE CREATION TO THE DELUGE, CONTAINING 1,656 YEARS. A.M. B.C. 1 1 4004 2 4002 3 4001 129 3875 130 3874 ! 622 3382 ' 687 3317 930 3074 987 3017 1042 2962 1056 2948 1536 2468 1656 2348 The creation of the world - -- Fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve, from holiness and hap piness, by disobeying God. Promise of a Saviour - - Cain born-- j Abel born - Abel murdered by his brother Cain ' Seth born, his father, Adam, being 130 years old Enoch born Methuselah born Adam dies, aged 930 years - Enoch translated, aged 365 jears Seth dies, aged 912 years Noah born : The Deluge threatened, and Noah commissioned to preach re- pentance during 120 years-- Methuselah dies, aged 969 years In the same year Noah enters into the ark, being 600 years old- 1:2. 3. 4: 4: 4: 5: 5: 5; 5: 5: 5; 5; 6: 1 Pet. 3 ; 2 Pet. 2 : Genesis 5 ; 7; 1. 2. 8. 3. 18, 19. 21. 5. 24. 8. 28, 29. 3-22. 20. 5. 27. 6, 7. PERIOD II. FROM THE DELUGE TO THE CALL OF ABRAHAM, CONTAINING 427 YEARS. A.M. 1657 B.C. 2347 1770 1770 1771 2234 2234 2233 1816 2006 2008 2188 1998 1996 Noah, with his family, leaves the ark after the deluge, and) offering sacrifices, he receives the covenant of safety, of which J the rainbow was the token ) Babel built The confusion of languages, and dispersion of mankind Nimrod lays the first foundation of the Babylonian or Assyrian monarchy - Mizraim lajs the foundation of the Egyptian monarchy Noah dies, aged 950 years Abram or Abraham "born - Genesis 8: 18, 20. 9: 8,17. 11. 11. 10 : 8-11. 10 :13. 9 :29. 11 :26. PERIOD III. FROM THE CALL OF ABRAHAM TO THE EXODUS OF ISRAEL FROM EGYPT, 430 YEARS. Abram called from Chaldean idolatry, at 60 years of age Abram's second call to Canaan Abram's victory over the kings, and rescue of Lot Ishmael born, Abram being 86 years old God's covenant with Abram, changing his name to Abraham; circumcision instituted— Lot delivered, and Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim destroyed by fire on account of their abominations - Isaac born, Abraham being 100 years old Abraham offers Isaac as a burnt sacrifice to God J Genesis 11:31. 12:1-4. 14:124. 16. 17-19. Genesis 21. 22. Heb. 11:17-19. Ja-s. 2:21. PERIOD III.— Continued. A.M. B.C. 2145 1859 2148 1856 2168 1836 2183 1821 2245 1759 2258 1746 2265 1739 2275 1729 2288 1716 2298 1706 2315 1689 2368 1636 2430 1574 2433 1571 2473 1531 2513 1491 Sarah, Abraham's wife, dies, aged 127 years Isaac raarries Rebecca - Jacob and Esau born, Isaac being 60 years old Abraham dies, aged 175 years - Jacob goes to his uncle Laban in Syria, and marries his daugh- ters, Leah and Rachel- Joseph born, Jacob being 90 years old Jacob returns to Canaan - Joseph sold as a slave by liis brethren--- He explains Pharaoh's dreams, and is made governor of Egypt- - Joseph's brethren settle in Egypt - Jacob foretells the advent of Messiah, and dies in Egypt, aged 147 years - Joseph dies, aged 110 years Aaron born - Moses born - - - - - Moses flees into Midian ■ Moses commissioned by God to deliver Israel Genesis 23: 1. 25:26. 25: 7, i Exod. 28. 30:23, 24. 31; 32. 37. 41. 43; 44. 49. 50:26. 1:20; 7:7. 1:1-10. : 11-13. .:2. PERIOD IV. FROM THE EXODUS OF ISRAEL FROM EGYPT TO THE BUILDING OF SOLOMON'S TEMPLE, 487 YEARS. A.M. 2513 2514 2552 B.C. 1491 1490 1452 2553 1451 2561 2849 2888 2909 2919 1443 1155 1116 1095 1085 2941 1063 2949 1055 2956 1048 2957 1047 2969 1035 2970 1034 2971 2981 2989 1033 1023 1015 2990 3000 1014 1004 Miraculous passage of the Red sea by the IsraeUtes The law deUvered on Sinai - Miriam, sister of Moses, dies, aged 130 years Aaron dies, aged 123 years - - - - Moses dies, aged 120 years, Joshua being ordained his successor - The Israelites pass the river Jordan, the manna ceases, and Jer- icho is taken Joshua dies, aged 110 years - Samuel born - - Eli, the high-priest, dies. Ark of God taken by the Philistines- - - Saul anointed king of Israel - David born David anointed to be king, and slays Goliath Saul is defeated in battle, and in despair kills himself. David acknowledged king by Judah - Ishbosheth, king of Israel, assassinated, and the whole kingdom united under David - Jerusalem taken from the Jebusites by David, and made the royal city - --- David commits adultery with Bathsheba, and contrives the death of her husband Uriah David brought to repentance for liis sin by Nathan the prophet, sent to him by the Lord --- Solomon is born - - - Absalom rebels against his father, and is slain by Joab David causes Solomon to be proclaimed king, defeating the re- bellion of Adonijah — - - - David dies, aged 70 years Solomon's temple finished, after seven years building - - - Exod. 14 : 15. 19-40. Num. 20 : 1. " 20 : 28, 29. Deut. 34. Josh. 1-6. " 24. 1 Sam. 1 : 19. " 4:1. " 10 ; 11 : 12. ( " 16:13. \ " 17:4,9. " 31. 2 Sam. 1. 2 Sam. 5. " 11. " 12. " 12 : 24. " 15 ; 18. 1 Kings 1. 2. 6 : 7. PERIOD V. FROM THE BUILDING OF SOLOMON'S TEMPLE TO THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM AND CAPTIVITY OF THE JEWS IN BABYLON, 412 YEARS. 975 955 953 918 914 KINGS OF JUDAH BEGAN TO REIGN. Rehoboam Abijah, or Abijam Asa - Jehoshaphat KINGS OF ISRAEL BEGAN TO REIGN. Jeroboam I. Nadab{954) Baasha - Elah Zimri. Omri. Ahab Ahijah, Shemaiah. Azariah. Hanani. Jehu. Elijah, 910-896. Micaiah. PERIOD v.— Continued. 885 884 878 857 839 825 810 784 773 772 761 759 758 742 730 726 641 610 KINGS OF JUDAH BEGAN TO REIGN. Jehoshaphat Jehoram - - - AhaziaU Athaliah Joash, or Jelioahaz - - Amaziah - Uzziah, or Azariah- - - (I Jotham - - - Ahaz Hezekiah - Manasseli Amon Josiah Jelioahaz, or Shallum Jehoiakini --- Jehoiachin, or Coniati Zedekiah. Babylonian captivity- KINGS OF ISRAEL BEGAN TO REIGN. Jehu Jehoahaz - - - Jehoash. Jeroboam II. Anarchy, 11 years--- Zechariah-- Shallum ; Menahem. Pekahiah Pekah. Hoshea. (Captivity, 721) Ahaziah Jehoram, or Joram i J ahaziel. Elisha, 896-838. Jehoiada. Jonah, 856-784. Amos, 810-785. Hosea, 810-725. Joel, 81O-C60. Isaiah, 810-698. Micah, 758-699. Oded. Nahum, 720-698. Zephaniah, G40-609. Jeremiah, 628-586. Habakkuk, 612-598. Daniel, 606-534. Obadiah, 588-583. PERIOD VI. FROM THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM BY NEBUCHADNEZZAR, TO THE BIRTH OF CHRIST, 588 YEARS. 538 536 534 529 520 518 515 510 484 464 457 445 423 335 332 323 320 277 170 167 166 HISTORICAL EVENTS. Destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, and captivity of the Jevvs- Babylon taken by Cyrus Proclamation of Cyrus ; Zerubbabel and Joshua. Foundation of the temple. Artaxerxes (Cambyses) forbids the work. Favorable decree of Ahasuerus (Darius Hystaspis) Esther made queen The second temple finished. Haman's plot frustrated Xerxes, king of Persia. Artaxerxes Longimanus. Ezra sent to govern Jerusalem. Nehemiah sent as governor. Darius Nothus Alexander the Great invades Persia, and establishes the Macedonian or Grecian empire. Jaddus high-priest. Alexander dies. Ptolemajus Lagus surprises Jerusalem. Septuagint version made by order of Ptolemseus Philadelphus. Antiochus Epiphanes takes Jerusalem. His persecution. Judas Maocabaeus governor. 161 i Jonathan governor. 152 143 135 107 88 63 40 28 19 18 4 4 He becomes liigh-priest. Simon : treaty witli the Romans and Lacedemonians. John Hyrcanus. Judas (Aristobulus) high-priest and king. Anna tlie prophetess l)orn. Jerusalem taken by Pompey, and Judea made a Roman province. Herod made king. Augustus Caesar emperor of Rome. The poet Virgil dies. Herod hegius to rebuild the temple. John the Baptist born. Christ born, 4 years before the era known as a. d. PROPHETS. Ezekiel, 595-536. Haggai, 520-518. Zechariah, 520-518. Malachi, 436-420. PERIOD VII. FROM THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST TO THE END OF THE FIRST CENTURY, A.D. 1 12 70 97 100 Nativity of Jesus Christ -- - Jesus visits Jerusalem Pilate sent from Rome as governor of Judea John Baptist begins his ministry ■ --- Jesus baptized by John Jesus Christ crucified, and rose from the dead - - - Saul converted - Conversion of tlie Gentiles - James beheaded by Herod : Peter liberated by an angel Paul sent a prisoner to Rome The Jewish war begins. The Roman general raises the siege of Jerusalem, by which an opportu- nity is afforded for the Christians to retire to Pella beyond Jordan - - - Paul suffers martyrdom at Rome by order of Nero Jerusalem besieged and taken by Titus Vespasian, according to the pre- dictions of Christ - - - Jerusalem and its temple razed to their foundations John banished to the isle of Patmos, by Domitian John writes the Revelation. John liberated from exile, and writes his gospel, John, the last surviving apostle, dies, about 100 years old. Luke 2 : 1-16. u 2: 41-52. " 3: 1. Matt. 3 : 1. " 3: 1. " 27 ; 28. Acts 9 ; 13:9. " 10. " 12 1-19. " 26 28. Matt. 24 : 16-20. 2 Tim. 4 :6, 7. Luke 19 : 41-44. Matt. 24 :2. Rev. 1 : 9. CHRONOLOGICAL SYSTEMS COMPARED. In the following table the dates of leading events by Usher's system are compared with those of other Chronologists. Creation of Adam The Deluge Abram leaves Haran The Exodus -- Foundation of Solomon's Temple Destruction of Solomon's Temple B. 0. 4004 2348 1921 1491 1012 588 B. C. 5411 3155 2078 1648 1027 586 B. C. 5362 3100 2084 1654 1014 587 B. C. 20000 10000 1320 1004 586 TABLE OF THE BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. NAMES OF BOOKS. Gospel of Matthew, written first in Hebrew 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians Galatians 1 Corinthians Romans --- 2 Corinthians James Gospel of Mark Ephesians Philippians Colossians Philemon - - Hebrews Gospel of Luke Acts of the Apostles 1 Timothy - IPeter Titus 2Peter Jude ■ 2Timothy --- 1 John - Revelation 2 and 3 John Gospel of John Matthew Paul (1 James -- Mark --- Paul---- Paul?--- Luke Paul — Peter — Paul — Peter — Jude — Paul — John — WHERE WBITTEN. Judea Corinth - Ephesus Corinth - Macedonia, or Philippi Judea - Unknown Rome- Rome Italy - Greece Macedonia - Babylon -- Macedonia Babylon Unknown Rome Probaljly Ephesus Patmos Ephesus Ephesus - SUPPOSED DATE. A. D. --- 37 or 38 52 ---- 52 -- 57 or 58 57 58 - - 58 61 Between 60 and 63 -- 62 62 ---- 62 --- 62 63 63 or 64 .- 63 or 64 64 - 64 ---- 65 67 ----64 or 65 67 -- 95 - 96 - 97 Probably in 96 or 97 5 THE BOOKS OF SCRIPTURE ARRANGED TO BE READ AS ONE CONNECTED HISTORY. PERIOD I. Fkom the Creation to the Deluge, The creation. Gen 1 ; 2 : 4-25. The institution of the Sabbath. Gen. 2 : 1-3. The fall of man. Gen. 3. The history of Adam and his descendants. Gen.4. Genealogy of the patriarchs. Gen. 5. State of the world immediately preceding the deluge. Gen. 6 ; 7 : 1-5. The deluge. Gen. 7 : 6-22 ; 8 : 1-14. The covenant with Noah. Gen. 8: 15-22 ; 9: 1-17. Noah prophesies the fate of his sons. Gen. 9 : 18-27. PERIOD II. From the Building of Babel to the Exodus. The building of Babel, confusion of tongues and dispersion of mankind. Gen. 11 : 1-9 ; 10 ; 11 : 10-26. The life and trials of Job. Book of Job. The life and travels of Abraham. Gen. 11 : 27-32; 12:1 to 22:19; 23; 22:20-24; 24; 25:1-6, 19-28, 7-10. Transactions from the death of Abraham to the selling of Joseph. Gen. 25: 11; 26: 1; 25: 29-34; 26; 25:17, 18, 12-16; 27; 33; 38:1-6; 34; 35:1-28; 37. History of Joseph and his family in Egypt. Gen. 39:1-6; 38:6-30; 39:7-23; 40; 35:29"^; 41:1 to 47:28. Death of Jacob and the patriarchs. Gen. 47: 29- 31; 48:1. Oppression of the Israelites by Pharaoh. Exod. 1 : 8-22. PERIOD III. From the Birth to the Death op Moses. The birth and early life of Moses. Exod. 2. Tlie mission of Moses to Pharaoh. Exod. 3 ; 4: 1-28. His interference with Pharaoh. Exod. 4:29 to 7:13. The infliction of the firat eight plagues. Exod. 7:14 to 10: 20. Institution of the passover. Exod. 12: 1-20. Conclusion of the ten plagues. Exod. 10:21-27; 11:1-7; 10:28, 29; 11:9, 10; 12:21-30. The exodus of the IsraeUtes from Egypt. Exod. 12: 31-36, 40-42. They journey from Rameses to Succoth. Num. 33:1-5; Exod. 12: .37-39, 43-51; 13:1-19. From Succoth to Etham. Num. 33:6; Exod. 13:20-22. From Etham to Pihahiroth. Num. 33:7; Exod. 14: 1-18. From Pihahiroth, through the Red sea, to Marah. Num. 33:8; Exod. 14:19-31; 15:1-26. From Marah to EUm. Num. 33:9; Exod. 15:27. From Elim to the Red sea. Num. 33: 10. 6 From the Red sea to the Wilderness of Sin. Num. 33:11; Exod. 16. From Sin to Dophkah, Alush and Rephidim. Num. 33:12-14; Exod. 17. From Rephidim to Sinai. Num. 33:15; Exod. 19; 40; Lev. 1:10; Num. 9:1-14; Lev. 11 to 27; Num. 1 to 8; 10:1-10; 9:15-23; Exod. 18. From Sinai to Kibroth-Hattaavah. Num. 33: 16; 10:11-36; 11. From Kibroth-Hattaavah to Hazeroth. Num. 33:17; 12:1-15. From Hazeroth to Rithmah, Paran or Kadesh- barnea. Num. 33:18; 12:16; 13; 14; Psa. 90; Num. 15 to 19. From Ritmah to Kadesh. Num. 33 : 19-36 ; 20:1-21; 21:1-3. From Kadesh to the plains of Moab. Num. 33:37; 20:22-28; 33:38,39; 20:29; 33:41; 21: 4-9, 33:42,43; 21:10; 33:44; 21:11; 33:45; 21:12-17, 21-35; 33:46,47; 21:18-20; .33:48; 22to24. From the plains of Moab to Abel-Shittim. Num. 33:49; 25; 27:1-11; 36; 28-35; Deut. 1; 2:1; 10:6-9; 2:2-37; 3; 10:5; 10:10-22; 11 to 30; Num. 36:13; 27:12-26; Deut. 31 to 34. PERIOD lY. From the Entrance into Canaan to the Death of Canaan. The Conquest of Canaan. Josh. 1:1-9; 2; 1:10-24; 3; 4:5:1-12; 6:1; 5:13-27; 6:2-27; 7; 8:1-29; 9 to 11; 9:30-35; 22. General division of the country. Josh. 12; 13:1-14; 14:1-5; 13:15-33; 14:6-15; 15:13-19; 15:1-12, 20-63; 16:1 to 21:42. Last exhortation and death of Joshua. Jo.sh. 22 to 24. Interregnum after the death of Joshua. Judg. 1; 2:1-13; 17 to 21; 2:14-23; 3:1-4. Government of the Judges. Judg. 3:5-31; 4:5; 6: 1-6. The Book of Ruth. Judg. 6: 7-40; 7 to 12; 1 Sam. 1; 2: 1-21; 3; Judg. 14: 15-19; 1 Sam. 2:22-36; Judg. 16; 15:20; 1 Sam. 4 to 8. The Reign of Saul. Saul made king over Israel. 1 Sam. 9; 10. Wars of Saul. 1 Sam. 11 to 16. David anointed secretly as future king. 1 Sam. 15: 1-13. David overcomes Goliath. 1 Sam. 17:1-40, 55, 56, 41-54, 57, 58; 18:1-4; Psa. 9. History of David till he flies from the court of Saul. 1 Sam. 18:5-9; 16:14-23; 18:10-30; 19:1-3; Psa. 11; 1 Sam. 19:4-17; Psa. 59. Flight of David. 1 Sam. 19:18-21; Psa. 56; 34; 1 Sam. 22: 1; Psa. 142; 1 Sam. 22: 1, 2; 1 Chron. 12:8-18; 2 Sam. 23:13-17; 1 Chron. 11:15-19; 1 Sam. 22:3-19; Psa. 52; 109; 17; 140; 35; 64; ISam. 23:1; 22:20 to 23:12; Psa. 31; 1 Sara. 33:13-23; Psa. 54; 1 Sam. 23:24-29; 24; Psa. 57; 58; 63. Death of Samuel. 1 Sam. 25: 1. Flight of Davlcl continued, and death of Saul. 1 Sam. 25 to 27:1; Psa. 141; 1 Sam. 27:2-7; 1 Chron. 12:1-7; 1 Sam. 27:8-29; 1 Chron. 12:19-22; 1 Sam. 30; 31; 1 Chron. 10:13, 14; 2 Sam. 1; 1 Chron. 10: 1-13. The Reign of David. David make king in Hebron. Civil war in Israel. 2 Sam. 2 to 4. David made king over all Israel. Invasion of the PhiUstines. 2 Sam. 5:1-3; 1 Chron. 13:1-4; Psa. 139; 1 Chron. 12:23-40; 2 Sam. 23:8-12; 1 Chron. 11:20-47; 2 Sam. 5:4-10; 1 Chron. 11:1-14; 2 Sam. 23:18-39; 2 Sam. 5:11-25; 1 Chron. 14:17,1-16. Removal of the ark to Jerusalem. 2 Sam. 6: 1-11 ; Psa. 68; 1 Chron. 15:1-14; Psa. 132; 2 Sam. 6:12-19; 1 Chron. 15:15-29; 16; Psa. 105; 106; 96; 2 Sam. 6:20-23; 1 Chron. 13:5-14. David commanded not to build the temple. 2 Sam. 7; 1 Chron. 17; Psa. 2; 45; 22; 16; 118; 110. War with surrounding nations. 2 Sam. 8:1-12; 1 Chron. 18:12; 2 Sam. 8:14-18; 13; 1 Kings 11:15-20; Psa. 60; 108; 1 Chron. 18:1-11, 13-17. Kindness of David to the house of Saul. War with the Ammonites. 2 Sam. 9; 10; Psa. 20; 21; 1 Chron. 19. David's adultery. 1 Chron. 20:1; 2 Sam. 11; 12:1-15; Psa. 51; 32; 33; 103; 2 Sam. 12:15-23; 1 Chron. 20:1; 2 Sam. 12:26-31; 1 Cliron. 20:2, 3. Domestic History of David. Ammon and Tamar. 2 Sam. 13:1-20. Birth of Solomon. 2 Sam. 12: 24, 25; 13: 21-39. Revolt of Absalom. 2 Sam. 14: 1-7, 15-17, 8-14, 18-33; 15:1-30; Psa. 3; 2 Sam. 15:30-37; 16:1-14; Psa. 7; 2 Sam. 16:15-23; 17; Psa. 42; 43; 55; 4; 5; 62; 143; 144; 120; 121; 2 Sam. 18:1 to 20:3. Revolt of Sheba. The famine. 2 Sam. 20: 1, 2, 4-26; 21:1-14. Last war with the PhiUstines. 2 Sam. 21: 15-22; 22; Psa. 18; 1 Chron. 20:4-8. David numbers the people. 2 Sam. 24:1-10; 1 Chron. 21:6, 7; 27:23, 24; 2 Sam. 24:10-15; 1 Chron. 21:15, 16; 2 Sam. 24:17; 1 Chron. 21: 17-30; Psa. 30; 1 Chron. 21: 1-5, 8-14; 2 Sam. 24:16; 1 Chron. 21:17; 2 Sam. 24:18-25. Last six months of David's reign. Da\ad pre- pares to build the temple. 1 Chron. 22. Adonijah's rebeUion. 1 Kings 1. First assembly of the people. 1 Chron. 23:1; 28:1-10; Psa. 91; 145. Preparations for the service of the temple. 1 Chron. 23:2-32; 24 to 27:22, 25-34; 28:11-21. Psalms of David of which the dates and occa- sions are unknown. Psa. 40; 41; 61; 65; 69; 78; 6; 8; 12; 19; 23; 24; 28; 29; 38; 39; 86; 95; 101; 104; 120; 121; 122; 124; 131; 133. Second assembly of the people. 1 Chron. 29: 1-19; Psa. 72; 1 Chron. 29:20-25. Charge to Solomon. 1 Kings 2:1-9. Last words of David. 2 Sam. 23: 1-7. Death of David. 1 Chron. 29:26-30; 1 Kings 2: 10, 11. PERIOD V. The Reign op Solomon. Reign of Solomon before the dedication of the temple, l Kings 2:12; 2 Chron. 1:1; 1 Kings 3:3; 2 Chron. 1:2-6; 1 Kings 3:5-28; 2 Chron. 1:13; 1 Kings 2: 13-38; 11:21, 22; 3:4; 2 Chron. 1: 7-12; 1 Kings 4: 1-25; 2 Chron. 2: 1, 2; 1 Kings 6:1-12; 2 Chron. 2:3, 16; 1 Kings 5:13-18; 2 Chron. 2:17, 18; 1 Kings 2: 39-46; 3:1, 2. The building of the temple. 2 Clu-on. 3:1; 1 Kings 6:1; 2 Chron. 3:2-9; 1 Kings 6:4-8, 15-28; 2 Chron. 3:13, 14; 1 Kings 6:29-36; 7:13-22; 2 Chron. 4:1; 1 Kings 7:23-51; 2 Chron. 4:8-10; 1 Kings 6:9-14, 37, 38, 23; 2 Chron. 3:10-13, 15-17; 4:2-7, 11-22. The dedication of the temple. 2 Chron. 5; 7:4-7; 6:1-39; 1 Kings 8:50-61; 2 Chron. 6:40-42; 7:1-3, 8-10; Psa. 47; 97 to 100; 135; 136; 1 Kings 8:1-53, 62-66. The other buildings and magnificence of Solo- mon. 1 Kings 7:1-12; 2 Chron. 7:11-22; 1 Kings 9: 1-14; 2 Chron. 8: 1-11; 1 Kings 9: 24; book of Canticles. Greatness of Solomon and visit of the queen of Sheba. 1 Kings 9:15, 16; 2 Chron. 8:12-16; 1 Kings 9:25-28; 2 Chron. 8:17; 1 Kings 10:14-29; 4:26-28,34; 10:1-13; 9:17-23; 2 Chron. 8:18; 9:13-28; 1:14-17; 9:1-12. The wisdom of Solomon. 1 Kings 4:29-31, 33, 32; the book of Proverbs. Offence of Solomon. 1 Kings 11:1-14, 23-40; book of Ecclesiastes. Death of Solomon. 1 Kings 11:41-43; 2 Chron. 9:29-31. PERIOD VI. Fkom Rehoboham to the Babylonish Cap- tivity. The reign of Rehoboam. 1 Kings 14:21; 12:1-24; 2 Chron. 11:5-23; 12:1; 1 Kings 14:22-24; 2 Chron. 12:2-16; 10; 11:1-4; 1 Kings 14:21, 25-31. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 1 Kings 12:25-33; 13. Reign of Abijah, king of Judah. 2 Chron. 13:1-21; 1 Kings 15:3-8; 2 Chron. 13:22; 1 Kings 15:1, 2. Reign of Asa, king of Judah. 2 Chron. 14:1; 1 Kings 15:9-11; 2 Chron. 14:1-3; 1 Kings 15:12-15; 2 Chron. 14:4-15; 2 Chron. 15:1-15, 18, 19; 1 Kings 15:16-22; 2 Chron. 16:7-14; 1 Kings 15:23, 24; 2 Chron. 16:1-6; 15:16, 17. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 1 Kings 14:1-20; 15; 16. Reign of Jehoshaphat. 1 Kings 22:41-44, 46, 47; 2 Chron. 17:2-19; 18:1, 2; 19:1-7; Psa. 82; 2 Chron. 19:8-11; 20:1-26; Psa. 115; 46; 2 Chron. 20:27-30, 35-37; 1 Kings 22: 49; 2 Kings 8:16; 2 Chron. 20:31-34; 1 Kings 22:45, 50; 2 Chron. 17:1; 1 Kings 22:48. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 1 Kings 17 to 22:40; 2 Chron. 18:3-34; 1 Kings 22:51-53; 2 Kings 1; 3:1-5; 2; 3:6-27; 4; 5:6-23. Reign of Jehoram, king of Judah. 2 Chron. 21:1, 5-7, 2-4, 11-15, 8-10, 16-20; 2 Kings 8:23. 24, 17-22. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 6:24-33; 7; 8:1-6. Reign of Ahaziah, king of Judah. 2 Kings 8:25; 2 Chron. 22:1-9; 2 Kings 9:27-29; 8:26-29. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 8:7-15; 9; 10:1-28. Reign of Athaliah. 2 Chron. 22:10-12; 24:7-11; 23:1-15; 2 Kings 11:1-16. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 10:29. Reign of Joash, king of Judah. 2 Kings 11; 21; 12:1-3; 2 Chron. 23:16-21; 24:3-5; 2 Kings 12:'J^6; 2 Chron. 24:6; 2 Kings 12: 7-14; 2 Chron. 24:12-14; 2 Kings 12:15-18; 2 Chron. 24:15-26; 2 Kings 12:20, 21; 2 Chron. 24:27; 2 Kings 12:19; 2 Chron. 24:1, 2; 2 Kings 11:17-20. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 10:30-36; 2 Kings 13:1-10, 14-21. Reign of Amaziah. 1 Kings 14:1-6; 2 Chron. 25:5-11; 2 Kings 14:7; 2 Chron. 25:12-16; 2 Kings 14:8-14; 2 Chron. 25:27, 28, 25, 26, 1-4, 17-24; 2 Kings 14:19, 20, 17, 18. 7 Contemporary events in tlie kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 13:22-25; 11 to 13; 14:15, 16, 23, 24. Reign of Uzziah. 2 Chron. 26:1-4; 2 Kings 15:1; 2 Chron. 26 : 5-14 ; tlie propliecy of Joel ; 2 Chron. 26:1&-21; Isa. 1:1: 6; 2 to 5; 2 Chron. 26:22, 23; 2 Kings 14:21, 22; 15:2-7. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 14:25-27; Hos. 1 to 3; Amos 1 to 7:9; Jonah; 2 Kings 14:28; Amos 7:10-17; 8; 9; 2 Kings 14:29; Hos. 4; 2 Kings 15:8-27. Reign of Jotham. 2 Kings 15:32; 2 Chron. 27:1, 2: 2 Kings 15:35; Micah 1; 2; 2 Chron. 27:3-9; 2 Kings 15:37, 33-36, 38. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 15:27-29. Reign of Ahaz. 2 Kings 16:1-5; Isa. 7 to 10:4; 17: 2 Chron. 28:4-19; Obadiah; isa. 1:2-31; 2 Kings 16:6-9; Isa. 28; 2 Chron. 28:20-23; 2 Kings 16:10-18; 2 Chron. 28:24, 25; Hos. 5:6; 2 Chron. 28:26, 27; Isa. 14:28-32; 2 Chron. 28:1-3; 2 Kings 16:19, 20. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 15:30, 31; 17:1, 2. Reign of Hezekiah. 2 Kings 18:1-6; 2 Chron. 29:3-36; 30; 31; Isa. 15; 16; Micah 3 to 7; 2 Kings 18:7, 8; Isa. 18; 19; Nah. 1 to 3; Isa. 23; 10:5 to 15:28; 24 to 27; 22:1-14; 21; 2 Chron. 32:1-8; 2 Kings 18:13-16; Isa. 20; 29 to 31. The sickness of Hezekiah. 2 Chron. 32:24-26; 2 Kings 20:1-11; Isa. 32 to 35; 38:9-20. Hezekiah congratulated by the king of Babylon on his recovery. Events in the reign of Heze- kiah continued. 2 Kings 20:12-19; 2 Chron. 32:9-23; 2 Kings 18:17-37; 19:1-7; Psa. 44; 2 Kings 19:8-19; Psa. 73; 2 Kings 19:20-35; Psa. 75; 76; 2 Kings 19:36, 37; Isa. 40 to 66; 2 Chron. 32:27-33; 29:1, 2; Isa. 36 to 39; 2 Kings 20:20. 21. Contemporary events in the kingdom of Israel. 2 Kings 17:3, 4; Hos. 7 to 14; 2 Kings 17:5, 23; 18:9-12. Reign of Manasseh. 2 Kings 21 : 1-16 ; Isa. 22:15-25; 2 Chron. 33:11-20; 2 Kings 21:17, 18; 2 Chron. .33:1-10. State of the provinces formerly possessed by the ten tribes during the reign of Manasseh. 2 Kings 17:24-41. Reign of Amon. 2 Kings 21:19-26; 2 Chron. 33:21-25. Reign of Josiah. 2 Kings 22:1, 2; 2 Chron. 34:3-7; Jer. 1 to 3:5; 2 Chron. 34:8-32; Zeph. 1 to 3; 2 Kings 23:4-20; 2 Chron. 34:33; 35:1-19; Jer. 3:6-25; 4 to 6; Hab. 1 to 3; Jer. 7 to 12; 2 Chron. 35:20-24; 2 Kings 23:25-27; 2 Chron. 35:25-27; 34:1, 2; 2 Kings 22:3-20; 23:1-3, 21-24, 28-30. Reign of Jehoahaz. 2 Chron. 36:1-4; 2 Kings 23:31-35. Reign of Jehoiakim. 2 Kings 23:36, 37; Jer. 14 to 20; 22:1-23; 26; 27; 46:1-12; 35; 25; 36:1-8; Jer. 45; 2 Kings 24:1; 2 Chron. 26:5-8; Dan. 1:1,2; 2 Kings 24:1-6. PERIOD VII. The Babylonish Captivitt. Events at Jerusalem from the commencement of the captivity to the burning of the temple. Jer. 36:9-32; 2 Kings 24:1, 2; 2 Chron. 36:5; 2 Kings 24:5; 2 Chron. 36:8; 2 Kings 24:6-9; Jer. 22:24-30; 23; 2 Kings 24:10-16; 2 Chron. 36:9, 10; Jer. 52:1-3; 24; 29:1-14, 16-20, 15, 21-32; 30; 31; 27; 28; 48 to 51; 2 Chron. 36:11-21; 2 Kings 25:1, 2; Jer. 39:1; 37:1-4; 34:1-10; 32; 33; 37:5; 47; 37:6-10; 34:11-22; 37:11-21; 21; 38;39:15-18; 52:5,6; 39:3; 52:7-11; 39:11-14; 52:24-27. The burning of the temple of Jerusalem, and lamentations of Jeremiah over the desolation of his country. Jer. 52:12-14, 17-23, 15, 16; 39:10; Psa. 79; 74; 83; 94; 2 Chron. 36:11; 8 2 Kings 24:17-20; Jer. .39:2, 4-10; 2 Kings 25:3-21. The book of Lamentations. Events at Babylon during the same period. Dan. 1:8-21; Ezek. 1 to 24; 29:1-16; 30:20-26; 31. History of that portion of the Jews who were not carried captive to Babylon after the de- struction of the temple. 2 Kings 25:2.3-26, 22; Jer. 40; 41; 43: 46:13-28; 44; 52:28-30. Events at Babylon between the destruction of Jerusalem and the return from captivity. Ezek. 33:21-33; 25 to 28; 32; 33:1-20; 34; 48; 29:17-21; 30:1-19; Dan. 2 to 4; Jer. .52:31-34; Dan. 7; Psa. 137; 130; 80; 77; 37; 67; 49; 53: 50; 10; 13 to 15; 25 to 27; 36; 89; 92; 93; 123;' Dan. 5; 8; 9; Psa. 102; Dan. 6; Ezra 1:1-5; Psa. 126; 85; 2 Chron. 36:22, 23. PERIOD VIII. From the Babylonish Captivity to the Com- pletion OF THE Canon of the Old Testa- ment. From the decree of Cyrus to the dedication of the second temple. Ezra 1:5 to 3:7; Ps. 107:87; 111 ; 114 ; 116 ; 117 ; 125 ; 127 ; 128 ; 134 ; Ezra3:8-13; Psa. 84; 66; Ezra 4:1 to 5:24; Psa. 129; Dan. 10 to 12; Ezra 5:2; Hag. 1:12-15; 2:10; Zech. 1:1-6; Hag. 2:10-23; Zech. 1:7-21; 2-6; Ezra 5:3-17; 6:1-14; Ps. 138; Zech. 7; 8; Ezra 6:14-22; Psa. 48; 81; 146; 150. From the dedication of the temple to the death of Haman. Ezra 4:6-24; Esth. 1; 2:1-15; Ezra 7 ; 8 ; Esth. 2:15-20 ; Ezra 9 ; 10 ; Zech. 9 to 14 ; Esth. 2:21-23 ; 3 to 10. From the reformation by Nehemiah to the close of the canon. Neh. 1 to 6 ; 12:27-43 ; 7 to 12:9, 44-47; 13:1-3; Psa. 1; 119; Mai. 1 to 3:16; Neh. 13:4-31 ; Mai. 3:16-18 ; 4 ; 1 Chron. 1 to9 ; Neh. 12:10-26. PERIOD IX. The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ. The introduction of the evangelists. Matt. 1:1 ; Mark 1:1 ; Luke 1:1-4 ; John 1:1-5. The relatives and birth of John the Baptist. Luke 1:5-25. 57-80. The birth of Christ announced to Mary. Luke 1:26-38. Mary's visit to Elisabeth. Luke 1:39-56. Her danger, and Joseph's dream. Matt. 1:18-25. Genealogy of Christ. Matt. 1:1 ; Luke 3:23-38 ; Matt. 1:2-17. The nativity of Jesus Christ. Matt. 1:25 ; Luke 2:1-20. His circumcision and presentation in the temple. Luke 2:21-40. He is worshipped by the magi, and flees into Egypt. Matt. 2:1-15. His childhood. Luke 2:41-52. John's ministry and the baptism of Christ. Matt. 3; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3:1-23; John 1:6-34. The temptation of Christ. Matt. 4:1-11 ; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-13. John's testimony of Christ, and some disciples called. John 1:19-51. Christ's first miracle at Cana, celebration of the passover, etc. John 2. His discourse with Nicodemus, and John's last testimony to Christ. John 3. His journey and tran.sactions in Galilee. John 4:1-42; Matt. 4:12-25 ; Mark 1:14-20; Luke 4:14; John 4:43-54; Luke 4:15-30; Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16. His sermon on the mount. Matt. 5 to 7; Luke 6:17-49. He performs various miracles anrt departs from Capernaum. Matt. 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16; Matt. 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10; Matt. 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41; Mark 1:35-39. He raises the widow's son at Nain. Luke 7:11-17. Various miracles and public instructions. Luke 5:1-11; Matt. 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5; Matt. 12:9-21; Mark 3:1-12; Luke 6:6-11; Matt. 12:22-50; Mark 3:22-35; Luke 8:19-21; 11:14-37; 12:12; Matt. 13:1-53; Luke 8:4-18; Matt. 8:18-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25; 9:57-62; Matt. 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39; Matt. 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; 5:21; Luke 5:17-26; Matt. 9:9-17; Mark 2:13; 22; Luke 5:27-39; Matt. 9:18-26; Mark 5:22-43; Luke 8:40-56; Matt. 9:27-34. Christ sends out his apostles, answers the in- quiries of John and comes to Nazareth. Matt. 9:35; 11:1; Mark 6: 7-13; Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-24; Matt. 11:2-19; Luke 7:18-35; Matt, 11:20-30; Luke 7:37-50; 8:1-3; Matt. 13:54-58; Mark 5:1-6. Herod, having beheaded John, knows not what to think of Christ. Matt. 14:1-12; Mark 6:14-29; Luke 9:7-9. Transactions at a festival in Jerusalem. John 5. Five thousand men fed, and other miracles. Matt. 14:13-26; Mark 6:30-56; Luke 9:10-17; John 6. Discourses on washing of hands, and of clean and unclean meats. Matt. 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23. Christ performs various miracles, feeds four thousand men. Matt. 15 : 21-28 ; Mark 7 : 24-30 ; Matt. 15:29-39; Mark 7:31; 8:10. Answers those who require a sign, and com- mands his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. Matt. 16:1-12; Mark 8:11-21. Restores a blind man to sight. Mark 8:22-26. Peter's testimony of Christ. Matt. 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke9:18-2L Christ foretells his death and is transfigured. Matt. 16:21-28; Mark 8:31-38; Luke 9:21-27; Mark 9:1; Matt. 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36. Various miracles, discourses and events till after the period of the feast of dedication. Matt. 17:14-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-42; Matt. 17:22, 23; Mark 9:30-32; Luke 9:43-45; Matt. 17:24^27; 18:1-20; Mark 9: 33-50; Luke 9: 46-50; 17:1-4; Matt. 18:21-35; Luke9:51-56; 10:25-42; 11:1-13; 12:13-59; 13 to 18:14; Matt. 19:1-12; Mark 10:1-12; Matt. 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17; Matt. 19:16 to 20:16; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30; Matt. 20:17-19; Mark 10:32-34; Luke 18:31-34; Matt. 20:20-28; Mark 10:35-45; John 7 to 10. Christ raises Lazarus, returns to Ephraim, visits Zacchaeus, is anointed by Mary, triumphantly enters Jerusalem, drives the sellers out of the temple, and discourses upon various topics. John 11; Matt. 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43; 19; Matt. 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8; Matt. 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19; Matt. 21:12-22; Mark 11:11-26; Luke 19:45-48; Matt. 21:23-46; Mark 11:27 to 12:12; Luke 20:1-19; Matt. 22:15-22; Mark 12:13-17; John 20:20-26; Matt. 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40; Matt. 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34; Matt. 22:41-46; Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44; Matt. 23; Mark 12:38-40; Luke 20:45-47; Mark 12:41-43; Luke 21:1-4. His prophetic instructions on Mount Olivet. Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-38; Matt. 25; 26:2. Some Greeks desire to see Christ; his discourses on that occasion. John 12. Judas engages to betray Christ. Matt. 26:3-5, 14-16; Mark 14:10, 11; Luke 22:3-6. Preparation for the passover. Matt. 26:17-19; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-13; John 13:1-20. The feast of the passover and institution of the Lord's Supper. Matt. 26:20-25; Mark 14:17-21; Luke 22:14-18; Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:19-23; John 13:21-30; Luke 22:24-30. Christ goes into the garden of Gethsemane; his consolatory discourse by the way; his appre- hension and condemnation. Matt. 26:30-35; Mark 14:26-31; Luke 22:31-38; John 13:31 to 17:26: Matt. 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46; Matt. 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-12; Matt. 26:57-75; Mark 14:53-72; Luke 22:54-71; John 18:13-28; Matt. 27:1-10; Markl5:l; Luke 23:1; Matt. 27:11-23; Mark 15:2-14; Luke 23:2-22; John 18:29 to 19:12; Matt. 27:24-31; Mark 15:15-20; Luke 23:23-25; John 19:13-16. Crucifixion of Christ and its attendant scenes. Matt. 27:32-38; Mark 15:21-28; Luke 23:26-35; John 19:17-24; Matt. 27:39-49; Mark 15:29-37; Luke 23:36-43; John 19:25-30; Matt. 27:50-54; Mark 15:38-41; Luke 23:44-49; John 19:31-37; Matt. 27:55-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-55; John 19:38-42; Matt. 27:62-66. His resurrection, appearances to his disciples, and their commission. Mark 16:1; Matt 28:1-10; Mark 16:2-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-10; Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-18; Matt. 28:11-15; Mark 16:12, 13; Luke 24:13-35; Mark 16:14-18; Luke 24:36-49; John 20:19-31; 21; Matt. 28:16-20. PERIOD X. From the Ascension op Christ to the Close OF THE Canon of the New Testament. The ascension of Christ, etc. Acts 1. Circumstances at the feast of Pentecost. Acts 2. Miracles and sufferings of Peter and John. Acts 3; 4. Punishment of Ananias and Sapphira. Acts 5. The appointment of seven deacons. Acts 6:1-7. Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Acts 6:8 to 7. Persecution of the church, and the preaching of the apostles. Acts 8 to 11. Herod's murder of James, and his own miserable death. Acts 12. Journeyings, etc., of Paul and his associates. Acts 13 to 18. Paul's two Epistles to the Thessalonians. Consequences of his preaching at Ephesus. Acts 19. His first Epistle to the Corinthians. His labors in Greece and Asia. Acts 20. His first Epistle to Timothy. His Epistle to Titus. His second Epistle to the Corinthians. His Epistle to the Romans. His persecution at Jerusalem and defence before Agrippa at Caesarea. Acts 21 to 26. His voyage to Malta, and thence to Rome. Acts 27 to 28:16. His residence at Rome. Acts 28:17-31. His Epistle to the Galatians. His second Epistle to Timothy. His Epistles to the Ephesians, Phihppians and Colossians, to Philemon, and also to the Hebrews. The Epistle of James to the twelve tribes. Peter's two Epistles. The Epistle of Jude. The three Epistles of John. The Revelation. SYNOPSIS OF ROBINSON'S HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF OUR LORD. TIME, ABOUT THIRTEEN AND A HALF YEARS. Preface to Luke's gospel An angel appears to Zacharias. Jerusalem - - - An angel appears to Mary. Nazareth Marj' visits Elisabeth. Juttah - Birth of John the Baptist. Juttah An angel appears to Joseph. Nazareth The birth of Jesus. Bethlehem An angel appears to the shepherds. Near Bethlehem - The circumcision of Jesus, and his presenta- tion in the temple. Bethlehem. Jerusalem - The magi. Jerusalem. Bethlehem The flight into EgyiJt- Herod's cruelty. The return. Bethlehem. Nazareth --- At twelve years of age Jesus goes to the Pass- over. Jerusalem - - Genealogies - --- MATTHEW. MARK. 1:18-25 2ii-i2 2:13-23 1:1-17 LUKE. 1:1-4 1:5-25 1:26-38 1:39-56 1:57-80 2:1-7 2:8-20 2:21-38 2:39, 40 2:41-52 3:23-38 ANNOUNCEMENT AND INTRODUCTION OF OUR LORD'S PUBLIC MINISTRY. TIME ABOUT ONE YEAR. The ministry of John the Baptist. The desert. The Jordan - The baptism of Jesus. The Jordan - - The temptation. Desert of Judea Preface to John's gospel - - Testimony of John the Baptist to Jesus. Beth- abara beyond Jordan Jesus gains disciples. The Jordan. Galilee ?- - The marriage at Cana of Galilee 3:1-12 3:13-17 4:1-11 1:1-8 1:9-11 1:12, 13 3:1-18 3:21-23 4:1-13 1:1-18 1:19-34 1:35-51 2:1-12 OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL THE SECOND. TIME, ONE YEAR. At the Passover Jesus drives the traders out of the temple. Jerusalem Our Lord's discourse with Nicodemus. Jeru- salem - - Jesus remains in Judea, and baptizes. Fur- ther testimony of John the Baptist John's imprisonment - Jesus' departure into Galilee Our Lord's discourse with the Samaritan woman. Many of the Samaritans believe on him. Shechem or Neapolis - ■ Jesus teaches publicly in Galilee Jesus again at Cana, where he heals the son of a nobleman lying ill at Capernaum. Cana of Galilee lO MATTHEW. MARK 14:3-5 4:12 6:17-20 1:14 3:19, 20 4:14 JOHN. 13-25 1-21 22-36 1-3 4-42 43-45 4:46-54 Jesus at Nazareth: lie is there rejected, and fixes his abode at Capernaum The call of Simon Peter and Andrew, and of James and John, with the miraculous draugiit of fishes. Near Capernaum - The healing of the demoniac in the synagogue. Capernaum - - The healing of Peter's wife's mother, and many others, Capernaum Jesus with his disciples goes from Capernaum throughout Galilee - The healing of a 1 eper. Galilee The healing of a paralytic. Capernaum The call of Matthew. Capernaum- MATTHEW, 4:13-16 LUKE. [ JOHN. 4:10-31 5:1-11 4:31-37 4:38-41 4:42-44 5:12-16 5:17-26 5:27, 28 OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER, AND SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL THE THIRD. TIME, ONE YEAR. The Pool of Bethesda; the healing of the in- firm man; and our Lord's subsequent dis- course. Jerusalem -- The disciples pluck ears of grain on the Sab- bath. On the way to Galilee ? The healing of the withered hand on the Sab- bath. Galilee Jesus arrives at the sea of Tiberias, and is fol- lowed by multitudes. Lake of Galilee Jesus withdraws to the mountain, and chooses the Twelve; the multitudes follow him. Near Capernaum - - The sermon on the mount. Near Capernaum- - The healing of the centurion's servant. Caper- naum, - The raising of the widow's son. Nain John the Baptist in prison sends disciples to Jesus. Galilee. Capernaum? Reflections of Jesus on appeaUng to his mighty works. Capernaum While sitting at meat with a Pharisee, Jesus is anointed by a woman who had been a sinner. Capernaum ? - - Jesus, with the Twelve, makes a second cir- cuit in GaUlee The healing of a demoniac. The scribes and \ Pharisees blaspheme. Galilee j The scribes and Pharisees seek a sign. Our Lord's reflections. Galilee - The true disciples of Christ his nearest rela- tives. Galilee - - At a Pharisee's table, Jesus denounces woes against the Pharisees and others. Galilee - Jesus discourses to his disciples and the mul- titude. Galilee The slaughter of certain Galileans. Parable of the barren fig-tree. Galilee - - Parable of the sower. Lake of Galilee. Near Capernaum ? Parable of the tares. Other parables. Near Capernaum ? - - - Jesus directs to cross the lake. Incidents. ) The tempest stilled. Lake of Galilee j The two demoniacs of Gadara. Southeast ) coast of the lake of Galilee ) Levi's feast. Capernaum The raising of Jairus' daughter. The woman with a bloody flux. Capernaum - Two blind men healed, and a dumb spirit cast out. Capernaum --- Jesus again at Nazareth, and again rejected- A third circuit in Galilee. The Twelve in- 1 structed, and sent forth. Galilee j Herod holds Jesus to be John the Baptist, whom he had just before beheaded. Gal- ilee ? Perea MATTHEW. MARK. LUKE. 12:1-8 2:23-28 6:1-5 ! 12:9-14 12:15-21 3:1-6 3:7-12 6:6-11 10:1-4 5:1; 8:1 3:13-19 6:12-19 6:20-49 8:5-13 7:1-10 7:11-17 11:2-19 7:18-35 11:20-30 7:36-50 8:1-3 (11:14, 15, \ 17-23 12:22-37 3:19-30 12:38-45 12:46-50 11:16, 24-36 8:19-21 3:31-35 11:37-54 12:1-59 13:1-9 13:1-23 4:1-25 8:4-18 13:24-53 8:18-27 8:28-34 ) 9:1 9:10-17 4:26-34 4:35-41 5:1-21 (8:22-25 \ 9:57-62 8:26-40 2:15-22 5:29-39 9:18-26 5:22-43 8:41-56 9:27-34 13:54-58 9:35-38 ) 10:1-42 i 11:1 j 6:1-6 6:6-13 9:1-6 14:1-12 (6:14-16, [ 21-29 9:7-9 5:1-47 The Twelve return, and Jesus retires with them across the lake. Five thousand are fed. Capernaam. Northeast coast of the lake of Galilee- - - Jesus walks upon the water. Lake of Galilee. Gennesarelh --- - Our Lord's discourse to the multitude in the " sj'nagogue at Capernaum. Many disci- ples turn back. Peter's profession of faith. Capernaum MATTHEW. 14:13-21 14:22-36 : 30-44 : 45-56 9:10-17 6:1-14 6:15-21 6:22-71 7:1 FROM OUR LORD'S THIRD PASSOVER UNTIL HIS FINAL DEPARTURE FROM GALILEE AT THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. TIME, SIX MONTHS. Our Lord justifies his disciples for eating with unwashen hands. Pharisaic traditions. Capernaum - - - - The daughter of a Syrophenician woman is healed. Region of Tyre and Sidon - A deaf and dumb man healed; also many) others. Four thousands are fed. TheK Decapolis - ) The Pharisees and Sadducees again require ) a sign. Near Magdala I The disciples cautioned against the leaven of the Pliarisees, etc. Northeast coast of the lake of Galilee A blind man healed. Bethsaida (Julias) - - Peter and the rest again profess their faith in Christ. Region of Cesarea Philippi Our Lord foretells his own death and resur- rection, and the trials of his followers. Region of Cesarea Philippi - The transfiguration. Our Lord's subsequent discourse with the three disciples. Region of Cesarea Philippi The heahng of a demoniac, whom the disciples could not heal. Region of Cesarea Philippi- Jesus again foretells his own death and resur- rection. Galilee - - The tribute-money miraculously provided. Capernaum The disciples contend who should be the great- est. Jesus exhorts to humility, forbear- ance, and brotherly love. Capernaum The Seventy instructed and sent out. Caper- naum - Jesus goes up to the festival of tabernacles. His final departure from Galilee. Incidents in Samaria - Ten lepers cleansed. Samaria - - MATTHEW. MARK. LUKE. 15:1-20 7:1-23 15:21-28 7:24-30 15:29-39 17:31-37 18:1-9 15:39 ) 16:1-4 / 8:10-12 16:5-12 8:13-21 8:22-26 16:13-20 8:27-30 9:18-21 16:21-28 (8:31-38 19:1 9:22-27 17:1-13 9:2-13 9:28-36 17:14-21 9:14-29 9:37-43 17:22, 23 9:30-32 9:43-45 17:24-27 9:33 18:1-35 9:33-50 9:46-50 10:1-16 9:51-56 17:11-19 :2-10 THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL IN BETHANY, SIX DAYS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER. TIME, SIX MONTHS, LESS SIX DAYS. Jesus at the festival of tabernacles. His pub- 1 lie teaching. Jerusalem ) The woman taken in adultery. Jerusalem Further public teacliing of our Lord. He re- proves the unbelieving Jews, and escapes from their hands. Jerusalem A lawyer instructed. Love to our neighbor defined. Parable of the good Samaritan. Near Jerusalem Jeeus in the house of Martha and Mary. Beth- any The disciples again taught how to pray. Near Jerusalem - The Seventy return. Jerusalem 12 10:25-37 10:38-42 11:1-13 10:17-24 JOHN. (7:11-55 8:1 8:^-11 8:12-59 A man born blind is healed on the Sabbath. Our Lord's subsequent discourses. Jeru- salem - - - Jesus in Jerusalem at the festival of dedica- tion. He retires beyond Jordan. Jerusa- lem. Bethabara beyond Jordan - - - - - The raising of Lazarus. Bethany The counsel of Caiaphas against Jesus. He retires from Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Eph- raim Jesus beyond Jordan is followed by multi- tudes. The healing of the infirm woman on the Sabbath. Valley of Jordan. Perea- Our Lord goes teaching and journeying tow- ards Jerusalem. He is warned against Herod. Perea - - - Our Lord dines wiih a chief Pharisee on the Sabbath. Incidents. Perea - What is required of true disciples. Perea Parable of the lost sheep, etc. Parable of the prodigal son. Perea Parable of the unjust steward. Perea The Pharisee reproved. Parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Perea --- Jesus inculcates forbearance, faith, humility. Perea - Christ's coming will be sudden. Perea Parables: the importunate widow; the Phar- isee and publican. Perea - - Precepts respecting divorce. Perea Jesus receives and blesses little children. Perea The rich young man. Parable of the laborers ) in the vineyard. Perea - j Jesus a third time foretells Ms death and res- urrection. Perea James and John prefer their ambitious re- quest. Perea- - - - The healing of two bUnd men near Jericho - - - The visit to Zaccheus. Parable of the ten pounds. Jericho Jesus arrives at Bethany six days before the ) Passover. Bethany - J MATTHEW. 19:1, 2 19:3-12 19:1.S-15 19:16-30 20:1-16 20:17-19 20:20-28 20:29-34 10:2-12 10:13-16 10:17-31 10:32-34 10:35-45 10:46-52 13:10-21 13:22-35 14:1-24 14:25-35 15:1-32 16:1-13 16:14-31 17:1-10 17:20-37 18:1-14 18:15-17 18:18-30 18:31-34 18:35-43 19:1 19:2-28 9:1-41 10:1-21 10:22-42 11:1^6 11:47-54 111:55-57 12:1,9-11 OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER. TIME, FOUR DAYS. Our Lord's public entry into Jerusalem. Beth- ) any. Jerusalem ) The barren fig-tree. The cleansing of the ) temple. Bethany. Jerusalem ) The barren fig-tree withers away. Between Bethany and Jerusalem - - Christ's authority questioned. Parable of the two sons. Jerusalem - - - Parable of the wicked husbandmen. Jerusa- lem - - - Parable of the marriage of the king's son. Jerusalem - - - Insidious question of the Pharisees: tribute to Caesar. Jerusalem- - Insidious question of the Sadducees: the res- urrection. Jerusalem A lawyer questions Jesus. The two great com- mandments. Jerusalem - - - - - - How is Christ the son of David ? Jerusalem- - - Warnings against the evil example of the scribes and Pharisees. Jerusalem Woes against the scribes and Pharisees. Lam- entation over Jerusalem. Jerusalem The widow's mite. Jerusalem Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus. Jerusalem - Reflections upon the ixnbelief of the Jews. Jerusalem MATTHEW. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. 21:1-11, ) 14-17 ) 21:12,13) 18,19} 11:1-11 19:29-44 12:12-19 11:12-19 (19:45-48 121:37,38 21:20-22 11:20-26 21:23-32 11:27-33 20:1-8 21:33-46 12:1-12 20:9-19 22:1-14 22:15-22 12:13-17 20:20-28 22:23-33 12:18-27 20:27-40 22:34-40 22:41-46 12:28-34 12:35-37 20:41-44 23:1-12 12:38, 39 20:45, 46 23:13-39 12:40 12:41-44 20:47 21:1-4 12:20-36 12:37-50 Jesus, on taking leave of the temple, foretells its destruction, and the persecution of his disciples. Jerusalem. Mount of Olives The signs of Christ's coming to destroy Jeru- salem, and to put an end to the Jewish state and dispensation. Mount of Olives- - Transition to Christ's final coming at the day of judgment. Exhortation to watchful- ness. Parables: the ten virgins; the five talents. Mount of Olives Scenes of the judgment-day. Mount of Olives The rulers conspire. The supper at Bethany Treachery of Judas. Jerusalem. Bethany Preparations for the Passover. Bethany. Jeru salem - - MAITHEW. MAKK. LUKE 24:1-14 13:1-13 21:5-19 24:15-42 13:14-37 21:20-36 24:4^-51) 25:1-30 1 25:31-46 26:1-16 14:1-11 22:1-6 26:17-19 14:12-16 22:7-13 12:2-3 THE FOURTH PASSOVER, OUR LORD'S PASSION, AND THE ACCOMPANYING EVENTS UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. TIMK, TWO DAYS. The Passover meal. Contention among the ) Twelve. Jerusalem - - I Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. Jeru- salem - - - Jesus points out the traitor. Judas withdraws. Jerusalem - - - - - Jesus foretells the fall of Peter, and the dis- persion of the twelve. Jerusalem - The Lord's Supper. Jerusalem Jesus comforts his disciples. The Holy Spirit promised. Jerusalem - - Christ the true vine. His disciples hated by the world. Jerusalem --- - - - Persecution foretold. Further promise of the Holy Spirit. Prayer in the name of Christ. Jerusalem — Christ's last prayer with his disciples. Jeru- salem - - - - The agony in Gethsemane. Mount of Olives ■ - Jesus betrayed and made prisoner. Mount of Olives - - - - Jesus before Caiaphas. Peter thrice denies ) him. Jerusalem ) Jesus before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrim. He declares himself to be the Christ; is con- demned and mocked. Jerusalem - - The Sanhedrim lead Jesus away to Pilate. Jerusalem - - - Christ before tlie governor. Jerusalem Jesus before Herod. Jerusalem Pilate seeks to release Jesus. The Jews de- mand Barabbas. Jerusalem --- Pilate delivers up Jesus to death. He is scourged and mocked. Jerusalem Pilate again seeks to release Jesus. Jerusalem Judas repents and hangs himself. Jerusalem- - Jesus is led away to be crucified. Jerusalem- - The crucifixion. Jerusalem The Jews mock at Jesus on the cross. He commends his mother to John. Jerusa- lem Darkness prevails. Christ expires on the cross. Jerusalem- - - • The veil of tlie temple rent, and graves) opened. Judgment of the centurion. J The women at tlie cross. Jerusalem ) The taking down from the cross. The burial Jerusalem The watch at the sepulchre. Jerusalem MATTHEW. 26:20 26:21-25 26:31-35 26:26-29 26:30, 36-46 26:47-56 26:57. 58, 26:59-68 27:1, 2 27:11-14 27:15-26 27:26-30 27:3-10 27:31-34 27:35-38 27:39-44 27:45-50 27:51-56 27:57-61 27:6-i-66 MARK. 14:17 14:18-21 14:27-31 14:22-25 14:26, 32-42; 14:43-52 14:53, 1 54,66-72] 11:56-65 15:1-5 15:6-15 15:15-19 15:20-23 15:24-28 15:29-32 15:33-37 15:38-41 15:42-47 LUKE. 22:14-18, 24-30 22:21-23 22:31-38 22:19. 20 22:47-53 22:54-62 22:63-71 23:1-5 23:6-12 23:13-25 23:26-33 23:33, 34 (23:35-37, \ 39-43 23:44-46 (23:45, t 47-49 13:1-20 13:21-35 13:36-38 (ICor. (11:23-26 14:1-31 15:1-27 16:1-33 17:1-26 18:1 18:2-12 (18:13-18 \ 25-27 18:19-24 18:28-38 18:39, 40 19:1-3 19:4-16 (Acts U:18, 19 19:16, 17 19:18-24 19:25-27 19:31-42 OUR LORD'S RESURRECTION, HIS SUBSEQUENT APPEARANCES, AND HIS ASCENSION. TIME, FORTY DAYS. The morning of the resurrection. Jerusalem- Visit of the women to the sepulchre. Mary Magdalene returns. Jerusalem Vision of angels in the sepulchre. Jerusalem- The women return to the city. Jesus meets them. Jerusalem -- - Peter and John run to the sepulchre. Jerusa- lem, - -- Our Lord is seen by Mary Magdalene at the sepulchre. Jerusalem Report of the watch. Jerusalem - Our Lord is seen by Peter. Then by two dis- ciples on the way to Emmaus. Jerusalem. Emmaus - - - Jesus appears in the midst of the apostles, Thomas being absent. Jerusalem Jesus appears in the midst of the apostles, Thomas being present. Jerusalem - - The apostles go away into Galilee. Jesus shows himself to seven of them at the sea of Tiberias. Galilee Jesus meets the apostles and above five hun- dred brethren on a mountain in Galilee. Galilee - - Our Lord is seen of James; then of all the ) apostles. Jerusalem j The ascension. Bethany- - Conclusion of John's gospel -- MATTHEW. 28:2-4 28:1 28:5-7 28:11-15 28:16 28:16-20 16:2-4 16:5-7 16:9-11 16:12, 13 16:14-18 24:1-3 24:4-8 24:9-11 24:12 24:13-35 24:36-49 20:1, 2 20:3-10 20:11-18 1 Cor. 15:5 30:19-23 20:24-29 21:1-24 1 Cor. 15:6 1 Cor. 15:7 Acts 1:3-8 (20:30,31 1 21:25 PARABLES OF CHRIST. Barren fig-tree, Luke 13:6-9. Beam and mote, Luke 6:41, 42. BUnd leadiug the blind, Luke 6:39. Builder of a tower, Luke 14:28-30, 33. Children in the market-place. Matt. 11:16-19. Children of bride-chamber. Matt. 9: 15; Mark 2:18, Children's bread, Mark 7:27-29. Cloud and wind, Luke 12:54-57. Corn of wheat, John 12:24. Creditor and debtors, Luke 7:41-47. Door, and the hireling, John 10:7-16. Faithful, and evil servants. Matt. 24:45-51. Fig-tree leafing, Matt. 24:32-34. Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-37. Good shepherd, John 10:1-6. Great Supper, Luke 14:15-24. House divided against itself, Mark 3:25. Importunate friend, Luke 11:5-9. Importunate widow, Luke 18:1-8. Kingdom divided against itself, Mark 3:24. King going to war, Luke 14:31-33. King's marriage feast. Matt. 22:2-14. Laborers hired. Matt. 20:1-16. Leaven, Matt. 13:33; Luke 13:20, 21. Lighted candle, Mark 4:21; Luke 11:33-36. Lost piece of silver, Luke 15:8-10. Lost sheep, Luke 15:3-7; Matt. 18:12-14. Man of the house watching. Matt. 24:43. Man taking a far journey, Mark 13:34-37. Meats defihng not. Matt. 15:10-15. Men bidden to a feast, Luke 14:7-11. Mustard^eed, Matt. 13:31, 32; Luke 13:19. Net cast into the sea, Matt. 13:47-50. New cloth and old garment, Matt. 9:16. New wine and old bottles. Matt. 9:17. Pearl of great price. Matt. 13:45, 46. Pharisee and publican, Luke 18:9-14. Pounds, Luke 19:12-27. Prodigal son, Luke 15:11-32. Rich fool, Luke 12:16-21. Rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31. Savor of salt, Luke 14:34, 35. Seed gi-owing secretly, Mark 4:26-29. Sheep fallen in a pit, Matt. 12:11, 12. Sower, Matt. 13:3-23; Luke 8:5, 11. Strong man armed, Mark 3:27; Luke 11:21. Talents, Matt. 25:14-30. Tares, Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43. Ten virgins. Matt. 25:1-13. Treasure hid in a field. Matt. 13:44. Tree and its fruit, Luke 6:43-45. Two sons, Matt. 21:28-32. Unclean spirit. Matt. 12:43. Unjust steward, Luke 16:1-8. Unmerciful servant. Matt. 18:23-35. Unprofitable servants, Luke 17:7-10. Vine and branches, John 15:1-5. Waiting servants, Luke 12:35-40. Wicked husbandmen. Matt. 21:33-45, Wind blowing where it lists, John 3:8. Wise and foolish builders. Matt. 7:24-27. Wise householder. Matt. 13:51, 52. Wise steward, Luke 12:41-48. Woman in travail, John 16:21. THE MIRACLES OF CHRIST. Water turned into wine. Galilee Nobleman's sou healed. Galilee First draught of fishes. Capernaum - - - AH manner of diseases healed - - - Demoniac healed. Capernaum Peter's wife's mother healed. Capernaum Leper healed. Galilee-- - Paralytic healed. Capernaum Impotent man healed. Jerusalem - - - Withered hand restored. Galilee - - - Centurion's servant healed. Capernaum Raising the widow's son. Nain Cures before John's messengers Devil c^st out. Galilee Tempest stilled. Sea of Galilee - Two demoniacs healed. Gadara Jairus' daughter raised. Capernaum Issue of blood healed. Capernaum - - Two blind men healed. Capernaum A devil cast out, and dumb man cured. Caper- naum Many sick persons healed. Capernaum Feeding of the five thousand. Capernaum Jesus walks upon the water. Sea of Galilee - - Peter walking on the sea - - — Vessel's sudden arrival at the shore Syrophenician woman's daughter healed. Tyre and Sidon Deaf and dumb man healed. DecapoUs Many sick healed. DecapoUs The feeding of four thousand. DecapoUs Blind man healed. Bethsaida - - Devil cast out. Cesarea Philippi Tribute money provided. Capernaum Ten lepers cleansed. Samaria - - Blind man healed on the Sabbath. Jerusalem - Raising of Lazarus. Bethany - - - Healing of the multitudes. Beyond Jordan Woman healed of infirmity. Perea Dropsy cured. Perea Blind Baitimeus and one other healed. Jericho Fig-tree blighted. Bethany - Malchus' ear healed. Mount of Olives - - - Graves opened, and dead raised - Veil of the temple rent — Resurrection of Jesus - His appearance, the doors being shut. Jeru- salem Second draught of fishes. Sea of Galilee His ascension. Bethany Paul's conversion MATTHEW 4:18-22 4:23, 24 8:14-17 8:1-4 12:9-14 8:5-13 11:4, 5 12:22, 23 8:23-27 8:27-32 9:23-26 9:20-22 9:27-31 9:32, 33 14:14 14:15-21 14:24-27 14:29 15:29-31 15:32-39 17:14-18 17:24-27 20:29-34 21:17-20 1:16-20 1:34 1:21-28 1:29-34 1:40-45 2:1-12 3:1-6 4:35-41 5:1-15 5:35-42 5:25-34 6:34-44 6:45-51 7:24-30 7:32-35 8:1-9 8:22-26 9:14-27 10:46-52 11:12-14,20 15:38 5:1-11 6:17-19 4:31-37 4:38-41 5:12-16 5:17-26 6:6-11 7:1-10 7:11-17 7:21 11:14,15 8:22-25 8:26-35 8:49-55 8:43-48 9:12-i: 9:37-42 17:11-19 13:10-13 14:2-4 18:35-43 23:45 24:1-6 24:36-40 24:50, 51 I JOHN, j 2:6-12 4:46-54 6:5-9 6:1-13 6:19 6:21 9:1-7 11:17-44 20:19 21:3-7 Acts 1:9 Acts 9. OTHER MIRACLES. OLD TESTAMENT. Creation, Gen. 1; 2:21, 22. The Deluge, Gen. 7; 8. Confusion of tongues. Gen. 11:7-9. Pharaoh's house plagued, Gen. 12:17. Sodomites struck blind. Gen. 19:11. Destruction of Sodom, etc., Gen. 19:23-28. Moses' rod — a serpent, Exod. 4:2-4. Moses' hand, Exod. 4:6, 7. Aaron's rod, Exod. 7:10-12. The ten plagues, Exod. 8 to 10. First-born destroyed, Exod. 12:29, 30. Pillar of cloud and fire, Exod. 13:21, 22. The Red sea, Exod. 14:19-31. Waters ofMarah, Exod. 15:25. Daily supply of manna, Exod. 16:13-31, 35. Manna on the Sabbath, Exod. 16:23, 24. i6 Water from the rock, Exod. 17:5, 6. Ainalek overcome, Exod. 17:10-13. Giving of the law, Exod. 19:16-20. Forty days' fast, Exod. 34:28. Shining of Moses' face, Exod. 34:29-35. Aaron's sacrifice burnt, Lev. 9:23, 24. Nadab and Abilui judged. Lev. 10:1, 2. Quails supplied; plague sent. Num. 11:31-33. Miriam's leprosy. Num. 12:10-15. Judgment of Korali, etc.. Num. 16:27-35. Plague on the Israelites, Num. 16:45-50. Aaron's rod blossoms. Num. 17:6-8. Water from tiie rock. Num. 20:11. The brazen serpent, Num. 21:9. Balaanrs ass speaks, Num. 22:23-3.3. Passage of the Jordan, Josh. 3:14-17; 4:18. Fall of Jericho, Josh. 6:20. Araorites defeated, Josh. 10:11. Sun and moon stand still. Josh. 10:12-14. Gideon's ott'ering, Judg. 6:19-21. Gideon's fleece, Judg. 6:37-40. Manoab and the angel, Judg. 13:19, 20. Samson supplied with water, Judg. 15:19. His achievements, Judg. 14 to 16. Fall of Uagon, 1 Sam. 5:3, 4. Philistines smitten, l Sam. 5:6-12; 7:10. The ark at 13eth-shemesh, 1 Sam. 6:7-12; 19. Thunder and rain sent, 1 Sam. 12:16-18. Apparition of Samuel, 1 Sam. 28:11-19. Uzzah slain, 2 Sam. 6:6, 7. Pestilence in David's time, 2 Sam. 24:15-25. Altar rent; hand witliered, 1 Kings 13:4-6. Disobedient prophet, 1 Kings 13:24-26. Elijah fed by ravens, 1 Kings 17:6. The widow's meal and oil, 1 Kings 17:12-16. Widow's son raised, l Kings 17:17-23. Fire from heaven at Carmel, 1 Kings 18:31-39. Elijah strengthened, 1 Kings 19:5-8. Two captains of fifty slain, 2 Kings 1:9-12. Elijah divides the Jordan, 2 Kings 2:8. The chariot of flie, 2 Kings 2:11. Elisha divides the Jordan, 2 Kings 2:14. The fountain healed, 2 Kings 2:19-22. Moabites defeated, 2 Kings 3:15-24. The widow's oil, 2 Kings 4:1-7. Widow's son raised, 2 Kings 4:32-37. Poisoned pottage healed, 2 Kings 4:39-41. Food multipUed, 2 Kings 2:4-2-44. Naaman's leprosy cured, 2 Kings 5:14. Gehazi detected and smitten, 2 Kings 5:26, 27. Iron made to swim, 2 Kings 6:6. War plans revealed, 2 Kings 6:12. Servant's eyes opened, 2 Kings 6:17. A host struck bUnd, 2 Kings 6:18. Siege of Samaria, 2 Kings 7:1, 2, 17-20. A dead man raised, 2 Kings 13:20, 21. Assyrians slain, 2 Kings 19:35. Shadow on the sun-dial, 2 Kings 20:9-11. Solomon's sacrifice, 2 Chron. 7:1-3. Shadrach, etc.. deUvered, Dan. 3:23-27. Writing on the Wall, Dan. 5:5, 25-28. Daniel delivered, Dan. 6:19-23. The sea calmed, Jonah 1:15. Jonah and the fish, Jonah 1:17; 2:10. Jonah and the gourd, Jonah 4:6, 7. NEW TESTAMENT. The star at Christ's birth. Matt. 2:1, 2, 9. Darkness and earthquake. Matt. 27:45, 51-53. Earthquake at resurrection. Matt. 28:2; Mark 16:4. Zacharias' dumbness, Luke 1:20, 64. The sick cured; Spirits cast out, Mark 6:13; Acts 2:43; 5:12, 15, 16; 6:8; 8:7, 13. Cures by the Seventy, Luke 10:17. Lame man cured. Acts 3:2-11. Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5:5, 10. Peter delivered from prison, Acts 5 : 19-23 ; 12:6-11. Miracles wrought by Stephen, Acts 6:8. Philip transported, Acts 8:39, 40. Dazzling light at Damascus, Acts 9:3. Paul's blindness. Acts 9:8, 18. ^neas cured, Acts 9:34. Dorcas raised. Acts 9:40. Herod smitten by the angel. Acts 12:23. Elymas struck blind. Acts 13:11. Cures by Paul and Barnabas, Acts 14:3. A cripple healed, Acts 14:10. Evil spirits and the sick. Acts 16:18; 19:11, 12; 28:8, 9. Paul and Silas released. Acts 16:26. Eutychus raised to life. Acts 20:9-12. Paul and the viper, Acts 28:5. Publius' father healed, Acts 28:8. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE FIRST LINE OF EACH PSALM. As the hart panteth 42 Be merciful unto me, God : for man 56 Be merciful unto me, O God, be - - 57 Behold, how good and how pleasant 133 Behold, bless ye the Lord- - 134 Bless the Lord, my soul; and all 103 Bless the Lord, O my soul, Lord 104 Blessed are the undeflled in the way 119 Blessed be the Lord my strength 144 Blessed is every one that feareth 128 Blessed is he that considereth - - - - - - 41 Blessed is he whose transgression 32 Blessed is the man that walketh not 1 Bow down thine ear, Lord -- --- 86 By the rivers of Babylon - -- 137 Deliver me from mine enemies - 59 Deliver me, Lord, from the evil man 140 Do ye indeed speak righteousness 58 Except the Lord build the house 127 Fret not thyself because of evil doers 37 Give ear, O my people, to my law 78 Give ear, Shepherd of Israel - - - 80 Give ear to my prayer, God - - - 55 Give ear to my words, Lord 5 Give the king thy judgments 72 Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty 29 God be merciful unto us, and bless us 67 God is our refuge and strength 46 God standeth in the congregation 82 Great is the Lord, and greatly — 48 Have mercy upon me, God 51 Hear me when I call, God - 4 Hear my cry, God; attend unto 61 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let- - 102 Hear my prayer, Lord ; give ear - - 143 Hear my voice, God, in my prayer- - 64 Hear the right, Lord, attend 17 Hear this, all ye people; give ear - - - 49 Help, Lord; for the godly man ccaseth 12 He that dwelleth in the secret place 91 His foundation is in the holy moniitains 87 Hold not thy peace, O God 109 How amiable are thy tabernacles 84 17 How long wilt thou forget me 13 I cried unto God with my voice 77 I cried unto the Lord with my voice 142 If it had not been the Lord --- 124 I love the Lord because he --- 116 In Judah is God known --- 76 In my distress I cried unto the Lord 120 In the Lord do I put my trust - 11 In thee, Lord, do I put my trust; let 31 In thee, Lord, do I put my trust - - 71 I said, I will take heed to my- 39 It is a good thing to give thanks 92 I waited patiently for the Lord 40 I was glad when they said unto me - 122 I will bless the Lord atr all times 34 I will extol thee, my God, King 145 I will extol thee, Lord ; for thou 30 I will lift mine eyes unto the hills- 121 I will love thee, Lord, my strength 18 I will praise thee, Lord, with 9 I will praise thee with my whole heart 138 I will sing of mercy and judgment 101 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord - - 89 Judge me, God, and plead 43 Judge me, Lord; for I have walked 26 Keep thou not silence, O God — 83 Let God arise, let his enemies 68 Lord, how are they increased - 3 Lord, I cry unto thee; make haste- 141 Lord, my heart is not haughty - 131 Lord, remember David, and all - - - 132 Lord, thou hast been favorable 85 Lord, thou hast been our dwelhng-place 90 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle 15 Make a joyful noise unto God- - 66 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord - - - 100 Make haste, God, to deliver me 70 Many a time liave they afflicted me 129 My God, ray God, why hast thou - - - 22 My heart is inditing a good matter 45 Not unto us, Lord, not unto us 115 O clap your hands, all ye people 47 O come, let us sing unto the Lord 95 give thanks unto the Lord ; call - - - 105 O give thanks unto the Lord ; for Ae 107 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he --- 118 O give thanks unto the Lord; for Ae 136 O God, my heart is flxed - 108 O God, the heathen are come into - - - 79 O God, tliou art my God ; early 63 O God, thou ha.st cast us off - 60 O God, why hast thou cast us off 74 O Lord God of my salvation 88 O Lord God, to whom vengeance - 94 O Lord my God, in thee do I put--- 7 Lord our Lord, how excellent - - - 8 O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger 6 O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath 38 Lord, thou hast searched me - - - 139 praise the Lord, all ye nations 117 sing unto the Lord a new song; for 98 sing unto the Lord a new song; sing 96 Out of the depths have I cried ISO Plead my cause, Lord - - - - - 35 Praise waiteth for thee, God - 65 Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is he 112 Praise ye the Lord, for it is good 147 Praise ye the Lord. I will praise - - - 111 Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks 106 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in 150 Praise ye the Lord. Praise, ye - - - 113 Praise ye the Lord. Praise the - 146 Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord — 148 Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the name — 135 Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto - - - 149 Preserve me, God; for in thee 16 Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous - - 33 Save me, God, by thy name 64 Save me, God ; for the waters 69 Sing aloud unto God our strength — 81 The earth is the Lord's, and the 24 The fool hath said in his heart - - - 14 The fool hath said in his heart 53 The heavens declare the glory of God 19 The king shall joy in thy strength - - 21 The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble — 20 The Lord is my light and my salvation 27 The Lord is my shepherd 23 The Lord reigneth ; he is clothed - - 93 The Lord reigneth ; let the earth 97 The Lord reigneth ; let the people 99 The Lord said unto my Lord- - 110 The mighty God, even the Lord - - - 60 The transgression of the wicked 36 They that trust in the Lord — 126 Truly God is good to Israel 73 Truly my soul waiteth upon God 62 Unto thee lift I up mine eyes 123 Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks - - 76 Unto thee, Lord, do I lift up---- 25 Unto thee will I cry, O Lord 28 We have heard with our ears, O God 44 When Israel went out of Egypt 114 When the Lord turned again 126 Why boasteth thou thyself 62 Why do the heathen rage - 2 Why standest thou afar off, Lord 10 i8 NAMES AND TITLES APPLIED TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Adam, The First, 1 Cor. 15:45. Advocate, 1 John 2:1. Almighty, Rev. 1:8. Alpha and Omega, Rev. 1:8. Amen, Rev. 3:14. Angel of the Lord, Gen. 16:7-11. Anointed, Psa. 2:2. Apostle, Heb. 3:1. Arm of the Lord, Isa. 51:9, 10. Author of Eternal Salvation, Heb. 5:9. Author of Faith, Heb. 12:2. Beginning and End, Rev. 22:13. Beginning of the Creation of God, Rev. 3:14. Beloved, Matt. 12:18. Beloved Son, Matt. 3:17; Luke 3:22. Blessed and only Potentate, 1 Tim. 6:15. Branch, Zech. 6:12. Branch of Righteousness, Jer. 33:15. Bread, John 6:41. Bread from Heaven, John 6:51. Bread of God, John 6:33. Bread of Life, John 6:35. Bright and Morning Star, Rev. 22:16. Brightness of the Father's glory, Heb. 1:3. Captain of Salvation, Heb. 2:10. Carpenter, Mark 6:3. Carpenter's Son, Matt. 13:55. Chief Corner-stone, 1 Pet. 2:6. Chiefest among Ten Thousand, Sol. Song 5:10. Child, Isa. 9:6. Child Jesus, Luke 2:27, 43. Chosen of God, 1 Pet. 2:4. Christ, John 6:69. Christ, a King, Luke 23:2. Christ Jesus, Heb. 3:1. Christ Jesus our Lord, 1 Tim. 1:12. Christ of God, Luke 9:20. Christ, the Chosen of God, Luke 23:35. Christ the Lord, Luke 2:11. Christ, the Son of God, Acts 9:20. Christ, Son of the Blessed, Mark 14:61, Commander, Isa. 55:4. Consolation of Israel, Luke 2:25. Corner-Stone, Isa. 28:16. Counsellor, Isa. 9:6. Covenant, Isa. 42:6. David, their King, Jer. 30:9. Day-Spring, Luke 1:78. Deliverer, Rom. 11:26. Desire of all Nations, Hag. 2:7. Door, John 10:9. Door of the Sheep, John 10:7. Elect, Isa. 42:1. Emmanuel, Matt. 1:23. Ensign, Isa. 11:10. Everlasting Father, Isa. 9:6. Faithful, and True, Rev. 19:11. Faithful Witness, Rev. 1:5. Faithful and True Witness, Rev. 3:14. Finisher of Faith, Heb. 12:2. First and Last, Rev. 22:13; 1:17. First Begotten, Heb. 1:6. First Begotten of the dead. Rev. 1:5. First-born among brethren, Rom. 8:29. First-born from the dead. Col. 1:18. First-born of every creature, Col. 1:15. First-fruits, 1 Cor. 15:20. Forerunner, Heb. 6:20. Foundation, 1 Cor. 3:11. Fountain opened, Zech. 13:1. Friend of Sinners, Matt. 11:19. Gift of God, John 4:10. Glory of Israel, Luke 2:32. God blessed for ever, Rom. 9:5. God manifest in the flesh, 1 Tim. 3:16. God of Israel, the Savioui-, Isa. 45:15. God of the whole earth, Isa. 54:5. God our Saviour, 1 Tim. 2:3. God's dear Son, Col. 1:13. God with us. Matt. 1:23. Good Master, Matt. 19:16. Governor, Matt. 2:6. Great Shepherd of the Sheep, Heb. 13:20. Head of every man, 1 Cor. 11:3. Head of the Church, Col. 1:18. Head of the Corner, Matt. 21:42. Heir of all things, Heb. 1:1, 2. High Priest, Heb. 3:1. High Priest of good things to come, Heb. 9:11. Holy Child Jesus, Acts 4:30. Holy One, Psa. 16:10. Holy One of God, Mark 1:24. Holy One of Israel, Isa. 41:14; 54:5. Holy Thing, Luke 1:35. Hope, Our, 1 Tim. 1:1. Horn of Salvation, Luke 1:69. I AM, John 8:58. Image, express, of God's person, Heb. 1:3. Image of God, 2 Cor. 4:4. Immanuel, Isa. 7:14. Jesus, Matt. 1:21. Jesus Christ, Matt. 1:1. Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Titus 3:6. Jesus of Nazareth, Mark 1:24. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, John 19:19. Jesus, the King of the Jews, Matt. 27:37. Jesus, the Son of God, Heb. 4:14. 19 Jesus, the Son of Joseph, John 6:42. Judge, Acts 10:42. Just, Acts 3:14. Just Man, Matt. 27:19. Just One, Acts 7:52. Just Person, Matt. 27:24. King, Luke 19:38. King of Glory, Psa. 24:7-10. King of Israel, John 1:49. King of kings, 1 Tim. 6:15. King of the Jews, Matt. 2:2. King of Zion, Matt. 21:5. King over all the earth, Zech. 14:9. Lamb, Rev. 5:6. Lamb of God, John 1:29, 36. Lamb that was slain. Rev. 5:12. Leader, Isa. 55:4. Life, John 14: 6. Life, Our, Col. 3:4. Light, Everlasting, Isa. 60:20. Light of the Avorld, John 8:12. Light to the Gentiles, Isa. 42:6. Light, True, John 1:9. Lion of the tribe of Judah, Rev. 5:5. Living Bread, John 6:51. Livingstone, 1 Pet. 2:4. Lord, Matt. 22:43. Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. 1:11. Lord Christ, Col. 3:24. Lord from Heaven, 1 Cor. 15:47. Lord Jesus, Acts 7:59. Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Thess. 3:6. Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Titus 1:4. Lord of All, Acts 10:36. Lord of Glory, Jas. 2:1. Lord of Hosts, Isa. 44:6. Lord of lords. Rev. 19:16. Lord, Mighty in Battle, Psa. 24:8. Lord of the dead and living, Rom. 14:9. Lord of the Sabbath, Mark 2:28. Lord over All, Rom. 10:12. Lord's Christ, Luke 2:26. Lord. Strong and Mighty, Psa. 24:8. Lord, The, our Righteousness, Jer. 23:6. Lord, your Holy One, Isa. 43:15. Lord, your Redeemer, Isa. 43:14. Man, Mark 15:39. Man Christ Jesus, 1 Tim. 2:5. Man of Sorrows, Isa. 53:3. Master, Matt. 23:10. Mediator, 1 Tim. 2:5. Mediator of the New Covenant. Heb. 12:24. Messenger of the Covenant, Mai. 3:1. Messiah, the Prince, Dan. 9:25. Messias, John 1:41. Mighty God, Isa. 9:6. Mighty One of Israel, Isa. 30:29. Mighty One of Jacob, Isa. 49:26. Mighty to save, Isa. 63:1. Morning Star, Rev. 22:16. Most Holy, Dan. 9:24. Most Mighty, Psa. 45:3. Nazarene, Matt. 2:23. Offspring of David, Rev. 22:16. Only-Begotten of the Father, John 1:14. Only-Begotten Son, John 1:1S. Passover, 1 Cor. 5:7. Plant of Renown, Ezek. 34:29. Potentate (only), 1 Tim. 6:15. Power of God, 1 Cor. 1:24. I*reciou8 Corner-Stone, Isa. 28:16. Priest, Heb. 7:17. Prince, Acts 5:31. Prince of Life, Acts 3:15. 20 Prince of Peace, Isa. 9:6. Prince of the kings of the earth, Rev. 1:5. Prophet, John 6:14. Propitiation, 1 John 2:2. Rabbi, John 1:49. Rabboni, John 20:16. Redeemer, Job 19:25. Redemption, 1 Cor. 1:30. Resurrection, John 11:25. Righteous Branch, Jer. 23:5. Righteous Judge, 2 Tim. 4:8. Righteous Servant, Isa. 53:11. Righteousness, 1 Cor. 1:30. Rock, 1 Cor. 10:4. Rock of Offence, 1 Pet. 2:8. Root of David, Rev. 5:5. Root of Jesse, Rom. 15:12. Rose of Sharon, Sol. Song 2:1. Ruler in Israel, Micah 5:2. Sanctification, 1 Cor. 1:30. Saviour, Luke 2:11. Saviour of the body, Eph. 5:23. Saviour of the world, 1 John 4:14. Sceptre, Num. 24:17. Second man, 1 Cor. 15:47. Seed of David, 2 Tim. 2:8. Seed of the woman, Gen. 3:15. Servant, Matt. 12:18. Servant of Rulers, Isa. 49:7. Shepherd and Bishop of Souls, 1 Pet. 2:25. Shepherd, Chief, 1 Pet. 5:4. Shepherd, Good, John 10:11. Shepherd, Great, Heb. 13:20. Shepherd of Israel, Psa. 80:1. Shiloh, Gen. 49:10. Son Jesus Christ, 1 John 3:23. Son of David, Matt. 21:9. Son of God, Rev. 2:18. Son of Joseph, Luke 3:23. Son of man, John 3:13. Son of Mary, Mark 6:3. Son of the Blessed, Mark 14:61. Son of the Father, 2 John 1:3. Son of the Highest, Luke 1:32. Son of the Living God, Matt. 16:10. Son of the Most High God, Mark 5:7. Stone, Matt. 21:42. Stone of Stumbling, 1 Pet. 2:8. Sun of Righteousness, Mai. 4:2. Sure Foundation, Isa. 28:16. Surety of a better testament, Heb. 7:22. Teacher, John 3:2. The Beloved, Eph. 1:6. The Man, John 19:5. The Only Wise God, our Saviour, Jude 25. Tried Stone, Isa. 28:16. True, Rev. 19:11. True God, 1 John 5:20. True Vine, John 15:1. Truth, John 14:6. Unspeakable Gift, 2 Cor. 9:15. Very Christ, Acts 9:22. Vine, John 15:5. Way, John 14:6. Which is, which was, which is to come, Rev. 1:4. Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1:24. Wisdom, Our, 1 Cor. 1:30. Witness to the People, John 18:37. Wonderful, Isa. 9:6. Word, John 1:1. Word of God, Rev. 19:13. Word of Life, 1 John 1:1. Young Child, Matt. 2:8, 13. PROPHECIES AND ALLUSIONS TO CHRIST IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. The First Series describes Christ in his human nature and history. The Second Series describes his character and offices, human and divine. The Third Series gives special predictions. FIRST SERIES. I. THE SEED OF THE WOMAN. Gen. 3:15. Gal. 4:4. II. Matt. BORN OF A VIRGIN. Isa. 7:14; 49:1. Micah 5:3. Jer. 31:22. 1:23. Luke 1:26-35. III. OF THE FAMILY OF SHEM. Gen. 9:26. Heb. 11:16. IV. OF THE RACE OF THE HEBREWS. Exod. 3:18. Phil. 3:5. 2 Cor. 11:22. V. OF THE SEED OF ABRAHAM. Gen. 12:3; 18:18; 22:18. Matt. 1:1. John 8:56. Acts 3:25. VL OF THE LINE OF ISAAC. Gen. 17:19; 21:12; 26:4. Rom. 9:7, 8. Gal. 4:23-28. Heb. 11:18. VII. OF JACOB OR ISRAEL. Gen. 28:4-14. Exod. 4:22. Num. 24:7-19. Psa. 135:4, etc. Isa. 41:8; 49:6. Jer. 14:8. Luke 1 : 68 ; 2 : 32. Acts 28 : 20. Vm. OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. Gen. 49:10. 1 Chron. 5:2. Micah 5:2. Matt. 2:6. Heb. 7:14. Rev. 5:5. IX. OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID. 2 Sam. 7:12-15. 1 Chron. 17:11-14. Psa. 89:4-36; 132:10-17. 2Chron.6:42. Isa. 9:7; 11:1; 55:3, 4. Jer. 23:5, 6. Amos 9:11. Matt. 1:1. Luke 1:69; 2:4. John 7:42. Acts 2:30; 13:23. Rom. 1:3. 2 Tim. 2:8. Rev. 22:16. X. BORN AT BETHLEHEM, CITY OF DAVID. Micah 5:2. Matt. 2:6. Luke 2:4. John 7:42. XL HIS PASSION OR SUFFERINGS. ' Gen. 3:15. Psa. 21:1; 22:1-18; 31:13; 89:38-45. Isa. 53:1-12. Dan. 9:26. Zech. 13:1, 6, 7. Matt. 26:31. Luke 24:26. John 1:29. Acts 8:32-35; 26:23. XII. HIS DEATH ON THE CROSS. Numb. 21:9. Psa. 16:10; 22:16; 31:22; 49:15. Isa. 53:8, 9. Dan. 9:26. John 3:14; 8:28; 12:32, 33. Matt. 20:19; 26:2. 1 Cor. 14:3. Col. 2:14. Phil. 2:8. XIII. HIS BURIAL AND EMBALMMENT. John Isa. 53:9. Matt. 12: 40; 26:12. Mark 14 12:7; 19:40. 1 Cor. 15:4. XIV. HIS RESURRECTION ON THE THIRD DAY. Psa. 16:10; 17:15; 49:15; 73:24. Jonah 1:17. Matt. 12:40; 16:4; 27:63. John 2:19. Acts 2:27-31; 13:35. 1 Cor. 15:4. XV. HIS ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN. Psa. 8:5, 6; 24:7; 47:5; 68:18; 1:11; 2:33. John20:17. Eph.4:8 2:9. Rev. 12:5. 110:1. Acts -10. Heb. 1:3; XVI. HIS FUTURE TRIUMPHS. Isa. 40:10. Dan. 2:44; 7:13, 14, 27. Hos. 3:5. Micah 4:1-7. XVIL HIS LAST APPEARANCE AT THE END OF THE WORLD. Psa. 50:1-6. Job 19:25-29. Eccles. 12:14. Dan. 12:2, 3. Matt. 25:31-46. John 5:28, 29. Acts 17:31; 24:25. Rev. 20:11-15. I. THE SON OF GOD. 2 Sam. 7:14. 1 Chron. 17:13. Psa. 2:7; 72:1. Prov. 30:4. Dan. 3:25. Mark 1:1. Luke 1:35. Matt. 3:17; 17:5. John 1:34-50; 3:16-18; 20:31. Heb. 1:1-5. Rom. 1:4. 1 John 4:14. Rev. 1:5, 6. 11. THE SON OF MAN. Psa. 8:4, 5. Dan. 7:13. John 1:51; 3:13; 5:27. Matt. 16:13; 26:64. Heb. 2:7. Rev. 1:13; 14:14. SECOND SERIES. THE HOLY ONE, OR SAINT. in. Deut. 33:8. Psa. 16:10; 89:19. Isa. 6:1-3, 9, 10; 9:6; 10:17; 29:23; 49:7. Hoseall:9. Hab. 1:12; 3:3. Mark 1:24. Luke 1:35; 4:34. John 12:^1. 1 John 2:20. IV. THE SAINT OF SAINTS. Dan. 9:24. V. THE JUST ONE, OR RIGHTEOUS. Zecti. 9:9. Jer. 23:5. Isa. 41:2. Psa. 34:19, 21. Luke 1:17. Matt. 27:19-24. Luke 23:47. Acts 3:14; 7:52; 22:14. 1 Jolm 2:1, 29. Jas, 5:6. VI. THE WISDOM OF GOD. Prov. 8 : 22-30. Matt. 11 : 19. Luke 11 : 49. 1 Cor. 1:24. VIL THE ORACLE (OR WORD) OF THE LORD OR OF GOD. Gen. 15:1-4. 1 Sam. 3:1-21. 2 Sam, 7:4. 1 Kings 17:8-24. Psa. 33:6. Isa. 40:8. Micah 4:2. Jer. 25:3. John 1:1-14; 3:34. Luke 1:2. Heb. 11:3; 4:12. 1 Pet. 1:23. 2 Pet. 3:5. Rev. 19:13. VIII. THE REDEEMER OR SAVIOUR. Job 19:25-27. Gen. 48:16. Psa. 19:14. Isa. 41:14; 44:6; 47:4; 59:20; 62:11; 63:1-9. Jer. 50:34. Matt. 1:21. John 1:29; 4:42. Luke 2:1L Acts 5:31. Rom. 11:26. Rev. 5:9. IX. THE LAMB OF GOD. Gen. 22:8. Isa. 53:7. John 1:29. Acts 8:32-35. 1 Pet. 1:19. Rev. 5:6; 13:8; 15:3; 21:22; 22:1. X. THE MEDIATOR, INTERCESSOR, OR ADVOCATE. Job 33:23. Isa. 53:12; 59:16. Luke 23:34. 1 Tim. 2:5. Heb. 9:15. l John 2:1. Rev. 5:9. XI. SHILOH, THE APOSTLE. Gen. 49:10. Exod. 4:13. Matt. 15:24. Luke 4:18. John 9:7; 17:3; 20:21. Heb. 3:1. XIL THE HIGH PRIEST. Psa. 110:4. Isa. 59:16. Zech. 6:13. Heb. 3:1; 4:14; 5:10; 9:n. XIII. THE PROPHET LIKE MOSES. Deut. 18:15-19. Luke 24:19. Mark 6:15. John 1:17-21; 6:14. Acts 3:22, 23. XIV. THE LEADER, OR CHIEF CAPTAIN. Josh. 5:14. 1 Chron. 5:2. Isa. 55:4. Micah 5:2. Dan. 9:25. Matt. 2:6. Heb. 2:10. XV. THE MESSIAH, CHRIST, KING OF ISRAEL. 1 Sam. 2:10. 2 Sam. 7:12. 1 Chron. 17:11. Psa. 2:2; 45:1, 6; 72:1; 89:38. Isa. 61:L Dan. 9:26. Matt. 2:2-4; 16:16. Luke 23:2. John 1:41-49; 6:69. Acts 4:26, 27; 10:38. XVL THE GOD OF ISRAEL. Exod. 24:10, 11. Josh. 17:19. Judg. 11:23. 1 Sam. 5:11. 1 Chron. 17:24. Psa. 41:13. Isa. 45:3. Ezek. 8:4. Matt. 15:31; 23:37. John 20:28. XVII. THE LORD OF HOSTS, OR THE LORD. 2 Sam. 7:26. 1 Chron. 17:24. Psa. 24:10. Isa. 6:1-5. Mai. 1:14. Rom. 12:19. Phil. 2:9-11. XVIII. KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Psa. 89:27; 110:1. Dan. 7:13, 14. Matt. 28:18. John 3:35; 13:3. 1 Cor. 15:25. Eph. 1:20-22. Col. 3:1. Rev. 19:16. THIRD SERIES. The date of his coming. Gen. 49:10. Dan. 2:44; 9:20. 24, 25. Hag. 2:7. Mai. 3:1. The messenger to precede him. Isa. 40:3. Mai. 3:1; 4:5. Matt. 11:10, 14. To be worshipped by the wise men. Psa. 72:10, 15. Isa. 60:3, 6. Matt. 2:11. The massacre at Bethlehem. Jer. 31:15. Matt. 2:17, 18. The flight to Egypt and return. Hos. 11:10. Matt. 2:15. He is to preach the word. Psa. 2:7. Isa. 2:3; Cl:l. Micah 4:2. Luke 4:18. The spirit of wisdom. Isa. 11:2; 42:1; 62:1. John 1:32. He will work miracles. Isa. 35:5. Matt. 15:30. He will cast the buyers out of the temple. Psa. 69:9. John 2:17. He will be rejected by his own. Isa. 8:14; 53:1^. John 1:10, 11. He will be persecuted. Psa. 22:6; 35:7, 12; 109:2. Isa. 49:7; 53:3. Jews and Gentiles join against him. Psa. 2:1; 22:12; 41:5. His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Psa. 8:2. Isa. 62:11. Zech. 9:9. Matt. 21:5, 11. Sold for thirty pieces of silver. Zech. 11:12. Matt. 26:15. Betrayed by a friend. Psa. 41:9; 55:12-14. Forsaken by his disciples. Zech. 13:6, 7. Accused by false witnesses. Psa. 27:12; 35:11; 109:2. Dumb before his accusers. Psa. 38:13. Isa. 53:7. Matt. 26:63. Insulted, butfeted, and spit upon. Psa. 35:15,21. Scourged. Isa. 50:6. Gull and vinegar given him. Psa. 22:15; 69:21; John 19:29. Mocked by his enemies. Psa. 22:16; 109:25. Matt. 27:39. He will pray for his enemies. Psa. 109:4. Luke 23:34. A bone of him shall not be broken. Psa. 34:20. John 19:36. He will die with malefactors. Isa. 53:9, 12. He will be cut off in the midst of his days. Psa. 89:45; 102:24. The potter's field bought. Zech. 11:13. Matt. 27:9,10. He is to be the Corner-stone. Isa. 28:16. He is the Eternal King. Psa. 2:6; 72:8; 89:27, 36, 37; 110:1, 8, 17. Isa. 32:1. Dan. 2:44; 7:14. He is the Judge of men. Psa. 96:13. Isa. 2:4; 9:7; 35:4; 40:10. He is to enlighten the Gentiles. Isa. 42:6. He is the Witness to the truth. Isa. 55:4. John 18:37. Rev. 1:5. He is the Desire of all nations. Hag. 2:7. Mai. 3:1. Ho is the Anointed One— Messiah. Psa. 45:7. Dan. 9:25. John 1:41; 4:26, 29, 42. PROPER NAMES IN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, WITH THEIR MEANING AND PRONUNCIATION. Note. The pronunciation of many Proper Names, especially those of Hebrew origin, is very diflacult to determine, and in many cases high authorities disagree. Our effort has been, to desig- nate first the modes best authenticated by analogy of language, general usage, and the judgment of learned men; and to add any mode sanctioned by higli authority. The same general rules have been followed in designating the meaning of Bible Proper Names — which is often found more doubtful than the true pronunciation. In many cases in the following table, a word receives several nearly synonymous meanings ; in many others the sense assigned by one lexicographer is totally different from all others. In pronouncing these words observe the division into syllables, and the accent. Final i when a syllable by itself, is pronounced long; ai when one syllable, as in aid; iah, when one syllable, is pronounced yah, as I-sa'yah. In Hebrew names, g is always pronounced hard, as in Gethsemane, Gilead. In Genesis, a Greek word, it is soft. In both Hebrew and Greek words pronounce ch hard, like k; except in Rachel, cher'ub, cher'u-bim. Cherub, a city, is pronounced Ke'rub. A'a-ron, ar'on, a teacher; or lofty. A-bad'don, the destroyer. A-bag'tha, fortune-giver. Ab'a-na, perennial. Ab'a-rim, regions beyond. Ab'da, a servant, or servitude. Ab'di, my servant, or bondman. Ab'di-el, the servant of God. Ab'don, servile. A-bed'ne-go, a servant of Nego. A'bel, vanity, breath, vapor. A'bel (a city), mourning, or a meadow. A'bel-beth-ma'a-chah, meadow of the house of Maachah. A'bel-ma'im, meadow of the waters. A'bel-me-ho'lah, meadow of the dance. A'bel-miz-ra'im, mourning of Egyptians. A'bel-shit'tim, meadow of acacias. A'bez, lustre, or tin. A'bi, my father. A-bi'ah, the Lord is my Father. A-bi-al'bon, father of strength. A-bi'a-saph, father of gathering. A-bi'a-thar, father of abundance. A'bib, green fruits, or ears of corn. A-bi'dah, father of knowledge. A-bi'dan, the father of judgment. Ab'i-el, God my father, or father of strength. A-bi-e'zer, father of help. Ab'i-gail, the father's joy. Ab-i-ha'il, the father of might. A-bi'hu, he (God) is my father. A-bi'hud, father of renown. A-bi'jah, the Lord is my father. A-bi'jam, father of the sea. Ab-i-le'ne, land of meadows. A-bim'a-el, father of Mael. A-bim'e-lech, the king's father, royal father. A-bin'a-dab, father of nobleness. A-bin'o-am, father of grace. A-bi'ram, a high father. Ab'i-shag, father of error, inconsiderate. A-bish'a-i, father of a gift. A-bish'a-lom, the father of peace. A-bish'u-a, father of welfare. Ab'i-shur, father of the wall. Ab'i-tal, father of the dew. Ab'i-tub, father of goodness. A-bi'ud, father of praise. Ab'ner, father of light. A'bram, a high father. A'bra-ham, father of a great multitude. Ab'sa-lom, father of peace, peaceful. Ac'cad, a band, or fortress. Ac'cho, ak'ko, sun-heated. A-cel'da-ma, the field of blood. A-cha'i-a, grief or trouble. Archa'i-cus, a native of Achaia, ch like k. A'chan, or A'char, one that troubleth. Ach'bor, gnawing, a mouse. A'chim, preparing, or revenging. A'chish, angry. Ach'me-tlia, a city. A'chor, trouble. Ach'sah, ankle-chain. Ach'shaph, fascination. Ach'zib, liar, lying. Ad'a-dah, festival, or boundary. A'dah, ornament. A-da-i'ah, adorned of Jehovah. A-da-li'a, a fire-god. Ad'am, red; earthy man. Ad'a-mah, red earth, or of blood. Ad'a-mi, my man, red, earthy, human. 23 A'dar, high or eminent. Ad'be-el, finger; or offspring of God. Ad'dan, strong; or calamity. Ad'dar, mighty one. Ad'di, ornament. Ad'don, lord. A'di-el, ornament of the Lord. A'din, voluptuous, dainty. Ad'i-na, slender, pliant. A-di-tha'im, double ornament. Ad'la-i, just. Ad'mah, earthy, red, or bloody. Ad'ma-tha, given by the Highest. Ad'nah, rest, or testimony eternal. A-do-ni-be'zek, the lord of Bezek. A-do-ni'jah, Jeiiovah is my master. A-do-ni'kam, lord of the enemy. A-do-ni'ram, lord of height. A-do-ni-ze'dek, lord of justice, or just lord. A-do'ram, their beauty, their power. A-do-ra'im, two mounds. A-dram'me-lecli, splendor of the king. A-dra-myt'ti-um, the court of death. A'dri-a, the Adriatic sea. A'dri-el, nock of God. A-tlul'lam, justice of the people. A-dum'mim, place of blood. ^-ne'as, or ^'ne-as, or E'ne-as, laudable. Ag'a-bus, a locust. A'gag, flame. A'gar. See Hagar. A-grip'pa, one who causes pain at his biith. A'gur, stranger, gathered together. A'hab, uncle, or father's brother. A-har'ah, after the brother. A-har'hel, beiiind the breastwork. A-lias'ba-i, blooming. A-has-u-e'rus, prince, lion-king. A-ha'va, water. A'haz, one that takes and possesses. A-ha-zi'ah, held by the Lord. Ah'ban, discreet. A'hi, brother. A-hi'ah, brother of the Lord. A-hi'am, father's brother. A-hi'an, brotherly. A-hi-e'zer, brother of assistance. A-hi'hud, friend of union, of praise. A-hi'jah, friend of Jehovah. A-hi'kam, a brother who raises up. A-hi'lud, a brother born. A-him'a-az, brother of anger. A-hi'man, brother of the right hand. A-him'e-lech, brother of the king. A-hi'moth, brother of death. A-hin'a-dab, brotiier of liberality. A-hin'o-am, brother of grace. A-hi-o, his brother, his brethren, brotherly. A-hi'ra, brother of evil, unlucky. A-hi'ram, brother of height. A-his'a-mach, brother of help. A-hish'a-han, brother of the dawn. A-hi'.shar, brother of song, a singer. A-hith'o-phel, brother of folly. A-hi'tub, brother or friend of goodness. Ah'lab, fat, or fertile. Ah'lia, ornamental. A-ho'ah, brotherly. A-ho'lah, her tabernacle, her tent. A-ho'li-ab, the father's tent. A-hol'i-bah, my tabernacle in her. A-hol-i-ba'mah, my tabernacle is exalted. A-hu'mai, brother of water. A-hu'zam, A-huz'zoth, possessions. A'i, Ha'i, A-i'oth, heap, ruins. Ai'ah, clamor. Ai'je-leth-slia'har, hind of the dawn. A'in, fountain, or eye. A'ja-lon, or Ai'ja-lon, place of gazelles. Ak'kub, insidious. 24 Ak-rab'blm, scorpions. A-lam'me-lech, king's oak. A'la-moth, virgins. Al'e-meth, a covering. Al-ex-an'der, helper of men. Al-le-lu'ia, praise ye the Lord. Al'lon, an oak; or strong., Al'lon-bach'uth, the oak of weeping. Al-mo'dad, measure. Al'mon, concealed. Al'mon-dib-la-tha'im, covering of two cakes. Al'pha, first letter of the Greek alphabet. Al-phae'us, changing. Al-tas'chith, destroy not. A'lush, a crowd of men. Al'vah, evil. A'mad, stable. A'mal, toil. Am'a-lek, a people that licks up. A-ma'na, a covenant, confirmation. Am-a-rl'ah, the Lord says. Am-a'sa, or Am'a-sa, a burden. A-mas'a-i, burdensome. Am-a-zi'ah, the strength of the Lord. A'men', faithful, truth. A-mit'ta-i, true. Am'mah, head; or a cubit. Am'mi, my people. Am'mi-el, people of God. Am-mi'iiud, people of praise. Am-min'a-dib, my people is liberal. Am-mi-shad'da-i, people of the Almighty. Aqi'mon, sons of renown. Am'non, faithful. A'mon, builder. Am'o-rite, a mountaineer. A'mos, weighty, a burden. A'moz, strong, robust. Am-pliip'o-lis, a city encompassed by sea. Am'pU-as, large, extensive. Am'ram, an exalted people. Am'ra-phel, keeper of the gods. Am'zi, strong. A'nab, grape-town. A'nah, one who answers; or afflicted. A-Kai'ah, whom Jehovah answers. A'nak, pi. An'a-kim, long-necked. A-nam'me-lech, image of the king. An-a-ni'ah, An-a-ni'as, protected by God. A'nath, an answer. An'a-thoth, answers to prayer. An'drew, manly. An-dro-ni'cus, man-conqueror. A'nem, two springs. A'ner, a boy. An na, gracious, or one who gives. An'nas, one who answers; or humble. An'ti-christ, an adversary to Christ. An'ti-ocli, an opponent. An'ti-pas, against all. An-tip'a-tris, against the father. A-perie.s, called. A'phek, strength. A'phik, strong. A-pol-lo'ni-a, city of Apollo. A-pollos, given by Apollo. A-pol'ly-on, one who exterminates. Ap'phi-a, productive, fruitful. Ap'pi-i Fo'rum, market-i)lace of Appius. Aq'ui-la, an eagle. Ar, a city. A-ra'bi-a, wild and desert. Arad, a wild iiss. A'rah, wayfaring. Aram, high. A ran, a wild goat. Ar'a-rat, holy ground. A-rau'nah, nimble, strong. Ar'ba, city of the four; or hero of Baal. Ar-che-la'us, the prince of the people. Ar-chip'pus, ruler of horses. Arc-turus, bear-keeper. A'rd, Ar'don, one that descends. A-re'li, heroic. A-re-op'a-gus, the hill of Mars. Ar'e-tas, graver. Ar gob, the stony. A'ri-el, altar; lion of God, lion-like. Ar-i-ma-the'a, the double height. A'ri-och, venerable. Ar-is-tar'chus, the best prince. Ar-is-to-bu'lus, the best counsellor. Ar-ma-ged'don, mountain of Megiddo. Ar-me'ni-a, land of Aram. Ar non, a roaring stream. Ar'o-er, laid bare. Ar'pad, support. Ar-phax'ad, a healer of desolation. Ar-ta-xer'xes, the great king. Ar'te-mas, given by Diana. Ar'vad, Avandering. Asa, physician, or cure. As'a-hel, work or creature of God. As-a-i'ah, the Lord hath wrought. A'saph, who assembles the people. As'e-nath, worshipper of Neith. A'shan, smoke. Ash'dod, a stronghold. Ash'er, happiness. Ash'i-ma, a hairless goat. Ash'ke-naz, a fire that spreads. Ash to-reth, pi. Ash'ta-roth, a star. Ash'ur, black. A'sia, orient. As'ke-lon, migration. As-nap'per, leader. As'sir, prisoner, fettered. As'sos, approaching, coming near. A-syn'cri-tus, incomparable. As-syr'i-a, a step; a hero; or level. A 'tad, a thorn. At'a-roth, crowns. Ath-a-h'ah, afflicted of the Lord. Athens, the city of Athene, or Minerva. At-ta-li'a, named from its founder, Attains. Au-gus'tus, venerable, majestic. A'ven, iniquity, nothingness. Az-a're-el, Az-a-ri'ah, whom the Lord helps. A-ze'kah, dug over. Az'gad, strength of fortune. A-zi'za, and Az'mon, strong. Aznoth-ta'bor, the ears (peaks) of Tabor. A-zo'tus, the same as Ashdod. A'zur, A'zor, and Az'zur, he that assists. Ba'al, or Bel, lord, master. Ba'a-lah, and Ba'a-lath, mistress. Ba'al-be'rith, lord of the covenant. Ba'al-gad', lord of fortune or of felicity. Ba'al-ha'mon, who rules a multitude. Ba'al-her'mon, possessor of Heimon. Ba a-li, my lord. Ba'a-lim, lords, masters. Ba'a-lis, a rejoicing; or a proud lord. Ba al-me'on, master of the house. Ba al-pe'or, master of the opening. Ba'al-per'a-zim, god of divisions. Baal-shal'i-sha, lord of Shalisha. Ba'al-ta'mar, master of the palm-tree. Ba'al-ze'bub, god of the fly. Ba'al-zeph'on, lord of the "north, or Typhon-Baal. Ba'a-nah, son of affliction. Baa-shah, he that seeks, or lays waste. Ba bel, Bab'y-lon, confusion or mixture. Ba'ca, weeping; or a mulberry-tree. Ba-hu'rim, young men. Ba'jith, a house. Ba'laam, not a people; or lord of the people. Ba'lak, waste or empty. Ba'mah, pi. Ba'moth, a high place. Ba'ni, built. Ba-rab'bas, son of Abba. Bar'a-chel, Bar-a-chi'as, God has blessed. Ba'rak, lightning. Bar-je'sus, son of Jesus or Joshua. Bar-jo'na, son of Jona, or of a dove. Bar'na-bas, son of exhortation or comfort. Bar'sa-bas, son of Sabas, or of rest. Bar-thol'o-mew, son of Tolmai. Bar-ti-mse'us, son of Timai. Ba'ruch, who is blessed. Bar-zil'la-i, iron. Ba'shan, light soil. Bash'e-math, perfumed, fragrant. Bath'-she-ba, daughter of seven, or of the oath. Be'cher, a young camel; or first-born. Be'dad, alone, solitary. Be dan, son of Dan, or of judgment. Be-el'ze-bub. See Baal-zebub. Be'er, and Be-e'rah, a dug well. Be'er-la-hai'roi, well of the Living and Seeing. Be'er-she'ba, the well of an oath, or of seven. Be'kah, cleft; half a shekel. Be'la, a swallowing up. Be'lial, worthlessness, lawlessness. Bel-shaz'zar, prince of Bel. Bel-te-shaz'zar, whom Bel favors. Be-na'iah, built or made by the Lord. Ben-am 'mi, son of my people. Ben'ha-dad, son of Hadad, or of noise. Ben'ja-min, son of the right hand. Be-no'ni, son of my sorrow or pain. Be 'or, burning, a torch. Be-ra'chah, blessing. Be-re'a, heavy: or well-watered. Ber-e-chi'ah, blessed of Jehovah. Be'red, hail. Beri'ah, in evil: or a gift. Be'rith, covenant. Ber-ni'ce, one that brings victory. Be'sor, glad news; or cool. Be'tah, confidence. Beth-ab'a-ra, house of the passage, or ford. Beth'a-ny, house of dates, or of affliction. Beth-a'ven, house of vanity or iniquity. Beth-bir'e-i, the house of my creation.' Beth '-car, the house of the lamb. Beth-da'gon, the house of Dagon. Beth-dib-la-tha'im, house of fig-cakes. Beth'-el, the house of God. Be'ther, division. Be-thes'da, house of mercy, or of flowing. Beth-e'zel, a neighbor's house. Beth-ga'mul, house of the weaned; or camel- house. Beth-hac'ce-rem, the house of the vineyard. Bethhog'la, partridge-house. Beth-ho'ron, house of the hollow. Beth-jesh'i-moth, house of deserts. Beth'-le-hem, the house of bread. Beth-Pe'or, house of Peor, or of the opening. Beth'pha-ge (g hard), the house of figs. Beth-sa'i-da, the house of fish. Beth'shan, or Beth-she'an, house of rest. Beth'-she-mesh, house of the sun. Be-thu'el, filiation of God. Beth'zur, house of rock. Beu'lah, maiTied. Be-zal'e-el, in the shadow of God. Be'zek, lightning. Be'zer, gold ore. Bich'ri, first-born, youthful. Bid'kar, son of stabbing. Big'than, fortune-given. Bildad, son of contention. Bil'hah, confused, faltering. Bir'sha, son of wickedness. Bi-thi'ah, daughter of the Lord. 25 Bith'ron, division, a craggy gorge. Blas'tus, that buds and brings forth. Bo-a-ner'ges, sons of thunder. Bo'az, or Bo'oz, alacrity. Bo'chira, weepers, the place of weeping. Bo'zez, shining; or height. Boz'rah, enclosure, fold, or fortress. Bui, rain. Buz, despised. Bu'zi, my contempt. Ca'bul, a border; or displeasing. Cae'sar, cut (from the womb). Ca'ia-phas (ka'ya-fas), depression. Cain, possession, or a lance. Cai'nan, possessor; or forgeraan. Ca'lah, completion, old age. Ca'leb, a dog. Cal'neh, and Cal'no, the fort of Anu. Cal'va-ry, the place of a skull. Ca'mon, full of grain. Ca'na, a place of reeds. Ca'naan, merchant; low, or bowed down. Can'da-ce, pnnce of servants. Ca-per'na-um, the village of Nahum. Caph'tor, a sphere, or crown. Cap-pa-do'cia, province of good horses. Car'cas, severe. Car'che-mish, fort of Chemosh. Car'mel, park, or garden. Car'mi, vinedresser. Car'pus, fruit, or fruitful. Ca-siph'i-a, in silver, or wliitish. Ce'dron, black, or sad. Cen'chre-a, millet, small pulse. Ce'phas, a rock or stone. Chal'col, who nourishes, ch like k. Char'ran. See Haran. Che'bar, length. Che-dor-la'o-mer, handful of sheaves; or, Kedar the Red. Chem'a-rim, a name of the priests of Baal. Che'raosh, subduer. Che-na-ni'ah, established by the Lord. Cher'eth-im, who cut away, axe-men. Che'rith, cutting, separation. Ches'a-lon, and Che-sul'Ioth, hopes. Che'sed, increase. Chil'e-ab, protected by his father. Chil'i-on, a pining. Chil'mad, enclosure. Chim'ham, longing. Chi'os, snowy. Chit'tim, those that bruise. Chi'un, a statue, perhaps Saturn. Chlo'e, green herb. Chu'shan-rish-a-tha'im, blackness of Iniquity; or cliief of two governments. Chu'za, possession; or, the seer. Ci-lic'i-a, the land of Cilix. Clau'da, Clau'di-a, lame. Clem'ent, mild, good, merciful. Cle'o-pas, of a renowned fatlier. Co-ni'ah, appointed by the Lord. Cor-ne'li-us, of a horn. Coz'bi, a liar, false. Cres'cens, growing, increasing. Crete, chalk. Cris'pus, curled. Cush, black. Cush'an, Cush'i, blackness, heat. Cy-re'ni-us, spearman, warrior. Cy'rus, the sun. Dab'ba-sheth, hump, a hill-place. Dab'e-rath, pasture. Da'gon, a flsh. Dam'a-ris, a heifer. Da-mas'cus, activity. Dan, judgment, or a judge. 26 Dan'i-el, judgment of God. Da'ra, and Dar'da, pearl of knowledge. Da-ri'us, possessor, lord. Da'than, belonging to a fountain. Da'vid, well-beloved, dear. De'bir, oracle, sanctuary. Deb'o-rah, a bee. De-cap'o-lis, the ten cities. De'dan, low couutry; or sport. Ded'a-nim, the descendants of Dedan. Ue-li'lah, languishing. De'mas, governor of the people. De-me'tri-us, belong to Ceres. Deu'el, knowledge or invocation of God. Ueu-te-ron'o-my, the second law. Di-a'na, luminous, or perfect. Dib-la'im, two cakes. Di'bon, a pining; or river-place. Di'bon-gad, Dibon of Gad. Did'y-mus, a twin, or double. Di'mon, where it is red. Di'nah, judged, or acquitted. Din'ha-bah, concealment, or robber's den. Di-o-nys'i-us, devoted to Bacchus. l)i-ot're-phes, nourished by Jupiter. Di'shan, and Di'shon, antelope. Do 'do, loving. Do'eg, fearful. Dor, a habitation. Dor'cas, female antelope or gazelle. Do' than, or Do-tha'im, two wells. Dru-sil'la, watered by the dew. Du'mah, silence. Du'ra, a circle or dwelling. E'bal, stone; bare mount. E'bed, a servant or slave. E-bed'-me-lech, king's servant or minister. Eb'en-e'zer, the stone of help. E'ber, the region beyond. E-bl'a-saph, a father that gathers. Ec-cle-sl-as'tes, tlie preacher. Ed, witness. E'dar, and E'der, a flock. E'den, pleasure or delight. E'dom, red, earthy, or of blood. Ed're-l, strong. Eg'lah, a heifer. Eg'la-lm, two ponds. Eg'lon, of a calf. E'gypt, land of the Copts. E'hud, union. Ek'ron, uprooted, torn away. E'lah, strength, an oak. E'lam, endless duration. El'a-sah, whom God made. E'lath, a grove. El-beth'el, the God of Bethel. El'dad, favored of God, love of God. E-le-a'leh, the ascending of God. E-le-a'zar, help of God. El-e-lo'he Is'ra-el, God the God of Israel. El-ha'nan, grace, gift, mercy of God. E'li, ascension. Eli, Eli, my God. my God. E-li'ah, God is my fatlier. E-li'a-da, known or cared for by God. E ll-a'kim, raiseil up by God. E-li'am, the people of God. E-li'as. See Elijah. E-li'a-shib, whom God restores. Eli'athah, to whom God comes. E-li-e'zer, God is his help. Eli-ho'reph, God his reward. E-li'hu, whose God is He (Jehovah). E-li'hud, God is my praise. E-ll'jah, my God is Jehovah. E-li'ka. rejected of God. E'lim, strong trees. E-lim'e-lech, my God is king. E-li-0-e'na-i, toward Him are mine eyes. E-liph'a-let, the God of deliverance. El'i-phaz, or E-li'pliaz, Gotl is his strengtli. E-lis'a-beth, E-lish'e-ba, the oath of God. E-U'sha, God his salvation. E-lis'hah, God that gives help. E-lish'a-mah, God hearing. El-ish'u-a, or E-li-shu'a, God is my salvation. E-li'zur, God is my rock. El-ka'nah, or El'ka-nah, God provided. El'mo-dam, measure. El-na'than, God hath given. E-lo'i, my God. E'lon, an oak. E'loth, trees. E'lul, vine-gleaning. E-lu'za-i, God is my praise. El'y-mas, a wise man. E'mim, fears, terrors. Em-ma'us, or Em'ma-us, warm liaths. Em'mor, an ass. En'dor, fountain of Dor, or of the house. E-ne'as. See ^-ne'as. En-eg-la'im, fount of the two calves. En-gan'nim, fount of the gardens. En'ge (li, fount of the kid. En-hak'ko-re, fount of the caller. En-ha'zor, fount of Hazor, or of the village. En-mish'pat, fountain of judgment. E'noch, dedicated, or initiated. E'non, or jE'non, springs. E'nos, mortal man. • En-ro'gel, fountain of the foot, or the fuller. En-she'mesh, fountain of the sun. Ep-ae'ne-tus, praiseworthy. E-paph-ro-di'tus, Venus-like. E'phah, and E'phai, darkness, gloomy. E-phes-dam'mim, cessation of blood. ' Eph'e-sus, permitted. Eph'pha-tha, he opened. E'phra-im, fruitful; or twin-land. Eph'ra-tah, or Eph-ra'tah, fruitful field. Eph'rath, the same as Ephratah. E'phron, fawn-like. Ep-i-cu'rus, a helper. Er, and E'ri, watchful. E-ras'tus, lovely, amiable. E'rech, length. E-sa'ias. See Isaiah. E'sar-had'don, gift of fire; or victor. E'sau, hairy, rough. E'sek, contention. Esh'-ba-al, Baal's man. Esh'col, bunch of grapes. Esh'ta-ol, a pass; retreat; or petition. Esh-te-mo'a, and Esh'te-moh, obedience. Es'rom, enclosed. Es'ther, star of fortune. E'tam, lair of wild beasts. E'tham, bound of the sea. E'than, perpetual, constant. Eth'a-nim, perennial streams. Eth'ba-al, with Baal. E'ther, abundance. E-thi-o'pi-a, blackness, burnt countenance. Eubu'lus, prudent, good counsellor. Eu-ni'ce, good victory. Eu-o'di-as, a prosperous journey. Eu-phra'tes, good and abounding river. Eu-roc'ly-don, an easterly tempest. Eu'ty-chus, happy, fortunate. Eve, living, enlivening. E'vil-me-ro'dach, the fool of Merodach. Ex'o-dus, the departure, going out. Ez'bon, working. E-ze'ki-el. the strength of God. E'zel, going abroad. E'zi-on-ge'ber, the man's backbone. Ez'ra, Ez'rah, and E'zer, help. Fe'lix, happy, or prosperous. Fes'tus, festival, or joyful. For-tu-na'tus, prospered, fortunate. Ga'al, contempt or loathing. Ga'ash, commotion, earthquake. Gab'ba-tha, high, elevated. Ga'bri-el, God is my strength. Gad, fortune; or a troop. Gad-a-rene', surrounded, walled. Gad'di, my happiness. Gad'di-e), "fortune of God. Ga'ius, lord; an earthv man. Ga-la'ti-a, land of theGalli. Gal'e-ed, the heap of witness. Gal'i-lee, a circle. Gal'lim, heaps; or fountains. Gal'li-o, milky. Ga-ma'li-el, recompense of God. Gam 'ma-dim, dwarfs; or garrison. Ga'reb, scabby. Ga'tam, puny; or a burnt valley. Gath, a wine-press. Gath-he'pher, Git'tah-he-pher, press on the hill. Gath-rim'mon, press of the pomegranate. Ga'za, strong, fortified. Ge'ba (g hard), or Ga'ba, a hill. Ge'bal, mountain. Ge'ber, a man, manly. GQ'hiva. (g hard), grasshoppers; or cisterns. Ged-a-li'ah, God is my greatness. Ge'der, and Ge'dor, a wall. Ge-de'rah, pi. Ge-de'roth, a sheep-fold. Ge-ha'zi, valley of sight. Gem-a-ri'ah, accomplished by the Lord. Gen'e-sis (^r soft), generation,' origin. Gen-nes'a-ret {g hard), garden of the prince. Ge-nu'bath, theft; or belonging to Kneph. Ge'ra, and Ge'rah, a grain. Ge'rar, a place of sojourn. Ger-ge-sene', dweller in Gergesa. Ger'i-zim, cutters. Ger'shom, a stranger there. Ger'shon, banishment. Ge'shem, and Gash'mu, rain. Ge'shur, a bridge. Ge'ther, fear. Geth-sem'a-ne, oil-press. Ge'zer, and Ga'zer, cut off, a precipice. Gi'ah, breaking forth. Gib'be-thon, and Gib'e-ah, a hill. Gib'e-on, hill city. Gid'e-on, and Gid-e-o'ni, he that cuts down. Gi'hon, a gushing stream. Gil-bo'a, a boiling spring. Gil'e-ad, a hard rocky region. See Galeed. Gil 'gal, wheel, revolution. Gi'loh, exile; or circle. Gir'ga-shite, dwelling on a clayey soil. Git'tite, of Gath. Gob, cistern, pit. Gog, roof, or mountain. Go'lan, exile; or circle. Gol'go-tha, a skull. Go-li'ath, an exile. Go'mer, completion. Go-mor'rah, submersion. Go'zan, quarry ; or ford. Gur, a whelp, the young of a beast. Ha-bak'kuk, or Hab'ak-kuk, an embrace. Ha'bor, joined; or beautiful banks. Hach-a-li'ah, whom the Lord enlivens. Hach'i-lah, or Ha-chi'lah, darksome. Ha'dad, mighty. Ha'dade'zer, Hadad is his help. Ha'dad-rim'mon, named for Hadad and Rinmion. Ha-das'sah, myrtle. Ha-do'ram, Hadar is exalted. Ha 'gar, a stranger; or flight. 27 Hag'ga-i, festive. Hag'gith, rejoicing. Ha'lak, smooth. Ha'li, necklace. Hal-le-lu'iah, praise ye Jehovah. Ham, hot, sunburnt. Ha'man, magnificent. Ha'math, fortress. Ham' math, warm spring. Ha-mo'nah, multitude. Ha'mon-gog, the multitude of Gog. Ha'mor, an ass. Ha-mu'tal, relative of the dew. Ha-nam'e el, Ha-nan'e-el, the grace of God. Ha-na'ni, and Han-a-ui'ah, gift of the Lord. Han'nah, grace, favor. Ha'noch, dedicated. Ha'nun, gracious, favored. Ha'ran, mountaineer; and parched land. Har-bo'nah, ass-driver. Ha'rim, flat-nosed. Ha'rod, palpitation, fear. Ha-ro'sheth, workmanship. Hash-a-bi'ah, whom God regards. Hash-mo'nah, fatness. Ha'tach, verity. Hav'i-lah, or Ha-vi'lah, circle, region. Ha'voth-ja'ir, the villages of Jair. Ha'za-el, or Ha-za'el, whom God sees. Ha'zar-e'nan, village of fountains. Ha'zar-ma'veth, court of death. Ha'zar-shu'al, village of the jackal. Haz-e'roth, villages, or hamlets. Haz'e-zon-ta'raar, pruning of the palms. Ha'zor, court, or castle. He'ber, community; or a spell. See Eber. He brews, the descendants of Eber. Hebron, society, alliance. Heg'a-i, or He'ga-i, eunuch. He'lam, fortress; or abundance. Hel'bon, fat, fertile. Hel'da-i, worldly. He'li, ascending, or climbing up. Hel'kath-haz'zu-rim, field of the strong, or of rocks. He'man, faithful. Hen, grace, quiet, or rest. Heph zi-bah, my delight is in her. Her'mas, and Her'mes, Mercury. Her-mog'e-nes, begotten of Mercury. Her'mon, a projecting peak. Her'od, hero-hke. Hesh'bon, intelligence; or stronghold. Heth, trembling, or fear. Heth'lon, wrapped up. Hez-e-ki'ah, Jehovah strengthens. Hez'ra-i, and Hez'ron, enclosed. Hid'de-kel, the rapid Tigris. Hi'el, God lives, the life of God. Hi-e-rap'o-lis, holy city. Hig-ga'ion, meditation, consideration. Hil-ki'ah, God is my portion. Hil'lel, praise. Hin'nom, gracious, or abundant. Hi'rah, and Hi ram, nobility, high-born. Hit'tite, son of Heth. Hi'vite, dweller in camp, or in the interior. Ho'bab, favored and beloved. Ho'bah, secrecy, hiding-place. Hodi'ah, Ho di'jah, majesty of Jehov.ih. Hog'lah, a partridge. Hoph'ni, a pugilist; or a client. Hor, mountain. Ho'reb, desert, dry. Horha-gid'gad, the hill of felicity. Hor 'm ah, devoted, destruction. Ho-ro-na'im, two caverns. Hor'o-nite, of Horonaira, or Beth horon. Ho-san'na, save now. 28 Ho-se'a, Ho-she'a, saviour, or deliverance. Hul, a circle. Hul'dah, a weaseL Hur, a hole. Hu'shah, Hu'shai, Hu'sham, Hu'shim, hasting, silence . Huz'zab, molten; or fixed. Hy-me-nae'us, belonging to marriage. Ib'har, election, or he that is chosen. Ib'le-am, people waster. Ib'zan, illustrious. Ich'a-bod, where is the glory ? I-co'ni-um, little image. Id'do, timely; loving; or a mishao. I-du-mas'a, red, earthy, bloody. I'gal, avenged. Ig-da-U'a, the greatness of the Lord. I'im, I'je, and I'jon, ruins. Im'lah, plenitude, or replenishes Im-man'u-el, God with us. Im'mer, and Im'ri, talkative, eloquent. I-o'ni-a, land of Ion. I'ra, Tram, wakeful; or of a city. I'rad, runner. I-ri'jah, seen by the Lord. I'saac, laughter. I-sa'iah, the salvation of the Lord. Is'cah, one Avho looks forth. Is-car'i-ot, a man of Kerioth. Ish'bak, left behind. Ish'bi-be'nob, he that dwells'at Nob. Ish'bo-sheth, or Ish-bo'sheth, a man of shame. Ish'i, my man; and salutary. Ish'ma-el, heard by God. Is'ra-el, soldier of God. Is'sa-char, reward, or recompense. It'a-ly, land of calves; or of Italus. Ith'a-mar, island of the palm-tree. Ith'i-el, God with me. Ith're-am, excellence of the people. It'ta-i, near; or possession. I-tu-rae'a, land of Jetur. I'vah, ruin. Ja'a-lah, wild goat. Ja'a-lam, hidden. Ja-az-a-ni'ah, whom the Lord will hear. Ja-a'zer, or Ja'zer, helper. Ja'bal, which glides away. Jab'bok, evacuation, pouring out. Ja'besh, dryness. Ja'bez, sorrow, or trouble. Ja'bin, he that understands. Jab'ne-el, building of God. Ja'chin, he will make steadfast. J a' cob, supplanter. Jad'du-a, a knowing one. Ja'el, a wild goat. Jah, the abbreviated form of Jehovah. Ja'haz, Ja-ha'za, Jali'zah, trodden down. Ja'ir, and Ja-i'rus, enlightener. James, the same with Jacob. Ja'min, right hand. Jan'na, flourishing. Ja-no'ah, and Ja-no'liah, rest. .la'phetli, wide-spreading; or fair. Ja-phi'a, spleiidid. Ja'reb, and Ja'rib, contentious; or avenger. Ja'red, he that descends. Jar'mnth, height. Ja'sher, ui)riglit. Ja-sho'be-am; to whom the people turns. Ja'son, he that cures. Jat'tir, preeminent. Ja'van, the young. Ja'zer, assistance, or helper. Je'bus, trodden down. Jec'o-ni-ah, and Je-hoi'a-chin, God-appointed. Je-cli'dah, well-beloved, amiable. Jed-i-di'ah, beloved of the Lord. Je-du'thun, who gives praise. Je'gar-sa-ha-du'tha, the heap of witness. Je-ha'le-el, praiser of God. Je-hi'ah, and Je-hi'el, God lives. Je-ho'a-haz, whom the Lord sustains. Je-ho'ash, given by the Lord. Je-hoi'a-da, Jehovah knows. Je-hoi'a-kim, Jehovah has raised. Je-hoi'a-rib, whom God will defend. Je-hon'a-dab, to whom God is liberal. Je-ho'ram, exaltation of the Lord. Je-hosh'a-phat, God judges. Je-hosh'e-ba, Jehovah's oath. Je ho'vah, I am. Je-ho'vah-ji'reh, God will see or provide. Je-ho'vah-nis'si, the Lord my banner. Je-ho'vah-sha'lom, the Lord send peace. Jeho'vah-sham'mah, the Lord is there. Je-ho'vah-tsid-ke'nu, the Lord our righteousness. Je-hoz'a-dak, Jehovah justifies. Je'hu, the living; Jehovah is He. Jehu-di'jah, the praise of the Lord. Je-i'el, God takes away. Je mi'ma, a dove; or like the day. Jeph'thah, he that opens. Je-phun'neh, he that beholds. Je'rah, the moon. Je rah'me-el, mercy of God. Jer e-mi'ah, the Lord throws down. Jer'i-cho, place of fragrance. Jer'i-moth, and Jer'e-moth, heights. Jer o-bo'am, whose people are many. Je-ro'ham, cherished. Je rub'ba-al, contender with Baal. Je rub'be-sheth, contender with the shame. Je-ru'el, founded by God. Je-m'sa-lem, possession or vision of peace. Je-ru'sha, possessed. Je-sha'iah, deliverance of Jehovah. Je sha'nah, old. Jesh'i-mon, a wilderness. Jesh'u-a, a saviour. Jesh'u-run, upright, or righteous. Jes'se, living; manly. Jes'u-i, who is equal, or flat country. Je'sus, Saviour. Je'ther, abundance. Jeth'ro, excellence. Je'tur, an enclosure. Je'ush, assembler. Jew, a man of Judah. Jez'e-bel, untouched, chaste. Jez ra-hi'ah, produced by Jehovah. Jez're-el, seed of God. Jid'laph, he that distils water, tearful. Jiph'thah-el, God opens. Jo'ab, paternity of God. Jo'ah, brother of the Lord. Jo-an'na, grace or gift of the Lord. Jo'ash. or Je-ho'ash, to whom God hastens. Job. persecuted. Jo'bab, desert-dweller. Joch'e-bed, whose glory is Jehovah. Jo'el, Jehovah is his God. Jo-e'zer, Jehovah assists. Jo'ha, Jehovah gives life. Jo-ha'nan, God's gift or favor. John, the grace or gift of the Lord. Jok'ne-am, possessed by the people. Jok'shan, fowler. Jok'tan, shall be diminished. ' Jok'the-el, subdued by God. Jo'nah, or Jo'nas, a dove. Jon'a-than. given of God. Jop'pa, beauty or comeliness. Jo'ram, elevated. Jor'dan, the descender. Jo'seph, increase; or remover. Jo'ses, and Jo'se, whom the Lord helps. Josh'u-a, Jehovah his help, or the Saviour. Jo-si'ah, whom Jehovah heals. Jot'bah, Jot'ba-thah, goodness. Jo'tham, the Lord is upright. Joz'abad, Jehovah justifies. Ju'bal, music. Ju'bi-lee, rushing, a joyful clangor. Ju'dah, and Ju'das, praised, celebrated. Ju-dae'a, land of the Jews. Ju'dith, the praised woman. Ju'lia, and Ju'lius, soft-haired, downy. Ju'pi-ter, the father that helpeth. Jus'tus, just, or upright. Jut'tah, stretched out. Kab'ze-el, the congregation of God. Ka'desh, holy, sacred. Ka'desh-bar'ne-a, sacred desert of wandering. Kad'mi-el, before God. Kad'mon-ite, eastern; or ancient. Ka'nah, reedy. Kar'ka-a, and Kar'kor, floor, foundation. Ke'dar, black, of dark complexion. Ked'e-mah, oriental. Ked'e-moth, antiquities, beginnings. Ke'desh, a sanctuary. Kei'lah, a citadel. Ke-mu'el, God's assembly. Ke'nath, possession. Ke'naz, hunter. Ken'ite, a smith. Ke'ren-hap'puch, the horn of beauty. Ker'i-oth, the cities. Ke-tu'rah, incense; or girdled. Ke-zi'a, cassia. Ke'ziz, end, abrupt. Kib'roth-hat ta'a-vah, the graves of lust. Kib'za-im, junction of two streams. Kid'ron, obscure, turbid. Kir, a wall, or fortress. Kir-ha'resh, Kir-har'e-seth, brick fortress. Kir'iath-a'im, and Kir'ja-tha'im, the two cities. Kir'jath, city. Kir'jath-ar'ba, the city of Arba. Kir'jath-a'rim, city of forests. Kir jath-ba'al, the city of Baal. Kir'jath-hu'zoth, city of streets. Kir'jath-je-a'rim, the city of woods. Kir'jath-san'nah, and Kir'Jath-seph'er, the city of books or letters. Kish, a ti-ap; or bow. Ki'shon, winding. Kit'tim, the Hittites. Ko'hath, congregation. Ko'rah, baldness; or ice. Ko're, a partridge. La'a-dah, La'a-dan, order, arranger. La' ban, white. La'chish, impregnable; or smitten. Lah'man, their bread. Lah'mi, my bread; or of Bethlehem. La'ish, a lion. La'ma, for what? La'mech, taster; or vigorous. La-o-di-cae'a, justice of the people. Lap'i-doth, lamps, torches. La-sae'a, (in Crete; meaning unknown.) La'sha, a chasm. Laz'a-rus, assistance of God. Le'ah, weary, or tired. Le-an'noth, for answering. Leb'a-non, white. Le-ba'otli, lionesses. Leb-be'us, a man of heart. Le-i)o'nah, frankincense. Le'ha-bim, flames. Lu'bim, or Lybians. 29 Le'lii, a jawbone. Lem'u-el, to God; or by God. Le'shem, a gem. Le-tu'shim, hammered. Le-um'mim, peoples. Le'vi, twiued, associated. Le-vi'a-tliau, a jointed monster. Le-vit'i-cus, relating to Levites. Lib'er-Unes, freedmen. Lib'nah, wliiteness, transparency. Lib'ni, white. Lib'y-a. See Lehabim. Li'nus, from flax. Lo-am'mi, not my people. Lo 'de-bar, no pasture. Lo'is, better; agreeable. Lo-ru-ha'mah, not pitied. Lot, a veil, or covering. Lu'bim, of a thirsty land; Lybians. Lu'cas, Luke, of Lucania. Lu'ci-fer, light-bringer. Lu'cius, belonging to the light. Lud, pi. Lu'dim, progeny; or tortuous. Luz, separation, departure. Ly-ca-o'ni-a, land of Lycaon, or wolf-land. Lyc'ia (lish-ea), land of Lycus. Lyd'da, strife. Lyd'i-a, land of Lydus. Ly-sa'ni-as, that drives away sorrow. Lys'i-as, Lys'tra, dissolving. Ma'a-chah, oppression. Ma'a-leh, the ascent, or pass. Ma'a-rath, desolation, bareness. Ma-a-sei'ah, work of the Lord. Ma-a-zi'ah, consolation, or strength, of God. Mac-e-do'ni-a, land of Macedo. Mach-be'nah, a cloak. Ma'chir, sold. Mach-pe'lah, double; or a portion. Mad-man'nah, Mad'men, or Mad-me'nah, a dung- hill. Ma'don, strife. Mag'da-la, a tower. Mag-da-le'ne, of Magdala. Ma'gog, region of Gog. Ma'gor-mis'sa-bib, fear round about. Ma-ha-lal'e-el, praise of God. Ma'ha-lath, a lyre, or guitar. Ma-ha-na'im, two camps, or armies. Ma'her-sha'lal-hash'baz, he hasteth to the spoil, he seizeth the prey. Mah'lah, disease. Mah'li, and Mah'lon, sick. Mak-ke'dah, herdsmen's place. Mak'tesh, a mortar or deep hollow. Mal'a-chi, messenger of Jehovah. Mal'cham, their king. Mal-chi'ah, and Mal'chi-el, Jehovah's king. Mal-chi-shu'a, a king of help. Mal'chus. and Mal'luch, counsellor; or reigned over. Mam'mon, riches. Mam're, fat. Man'a-en, a comforter. Ma-na'hath, rest. Ma-nas'seh, that causes forgetfulness. Ma'neh, a portion (by weight). Man'na, what is this? Ma-no'ah, rest. Ma'on, a habitation. Ma'ra, and Ma'rah, bitter, bitterness. Ma'ran-a'tha, our Lord comes. Mar'cus, and Mark, manly. Ma-re'shah, at the head. Mar'tha, a lady. Ma'ry. See Miriam. Mas'chil, instructing: a song of wisdom. Mas're-kah, a vineyard. Mas'sa, a lifting up; a burden. 30 Mas'sah, temptation. Mat'ri, rain; or expectant. Mat'tan, and Mat-ta'nah, a gift. Mat-ta-ni'ah, gift of Jehovah. Mat-ta-thi'as, the gift of the Lord. Mat'that, gift, or he that gives. Matth'ew, given by Jehovah. Mat-thi'as, Mat-ti-tlu'ah, gift of Jehovah. Maz-za'roth, the twelve signs. Me'ah, a hundred. Me-a'rah, a cave. « Me'dad, love. Me'dan, contention. Med'e-ba, waters of quiet. Me'di-a, land of the sons of Madai. Me-het'a-bel, or -beel, favored of God. Me-hu'ja-el, smitten by God. Me-hu'nim, people of Maon. Me-ko'nah, a base; a place. Mel'chi, my king, my counsel. Mel-chiz'e-dek, king of justice. Mel'i-ta, afl'ording honey. Mel'zar, steward, or butler. Mem'phis, haven of the good. Me-mu'can, high in dignity or power. Men'a-hem, comforter. Me-ne', counted. Me-on'e-nim, enchanters. Me-pha'ath, splendor; height. Me-phiiyo-sheth, exterminating the shame, i. e., Baal ; or renown of Baal. Me'rab, increase. Me-ra'iah, Me-ra'ioth, rebellion, rebellious. Me-ra'ri, bitter, unhappy. Mer-cu'ri-us, (the herald of the gods). Me'red, rebellion. Mer'e-moth, heights. Mer'i-bah, dispute, chiding. Me-rib'-ba-al, he that resists Baal. Me-ro'dach, warlike; man-consumer. (Bal'a-dan, Bell is lord.) Me'rom, eminence, elevation. Me'roz, asylum. Me'sha, safety; or a recess. Me'shech, a drawing out. Mesh-ele-mi'ah, whom Jehovah repays. Me-shul'lam, fem., Me-shul'le-meth, friend. Mes-o-po-ta'mi-a, between two rivers. Mes-si'ah, anointed. Me'theg-am'mah, bi-idle of the mother-city. Me-thu'sa-el, man of God. Me-thu'se-lah, man of sending forth. Mez'a-hab, waters of gold. Mib'har, choice; or a youth. Mib'sam, sweet odor. Mib'zar, fortress. Mi'cah, Mi'cha, Mi-ca'iah, Mi-cha'iah, Mi'chaei, and Mi'chal, who is Uke God? Mich'mash, hidden. Mich'tam, a golden psalm; a jewel. Mid'i-an, strife. Mig'dal-El'. tower of God. Mig'dol, tower; or many hills. Mig'ron, steep places. Mil'cah, queen; or counsel. Mil'com, their king. Mi-le'tuin, and Mi-le'tus, red, scarlet. Mil'lo, fulness. Mir'i-am, strong one; or rebellion. Mis 'gab, a high region. Mish'a-el, who is what God is? Mis're-photh-ma'im, burnings of waters. Mith're-dath, given by or to Mithra. Mit-y-le'ne, mutilated. Mi'zar, little. Miz'pah, and Miz'peh, a watch-tower. Miz'ra-im, Egypt; red soil. Mna'son, remembering. Mo'ab, of his father. Mol'a-dah, birth, generation. Mo'lech, or Mo'loch, king. Mor'de-cai, little man; or servant of Merodach. Mo'reh, teacher. Mo're-sheth-Gath', possession of Gath. Mo-ri'ah, God has made it seen. Mo-se'ra, pi. Mo-se'roth, bands. Mo'ses, taken out of the water. Mu'shi, withdrawn. My'ra, flowing, pouring. Mys'ia, land of beech-trees. Na'am, Na'a-mah, and Na'a-man, sweet; pleas- antness. Na'arah, Na'a-rath, a maiden; juvenile. Na'bal, fool, or senseless. Na'both, fruit; or preeminence. Na'dab, free, liberal. Nag'ge, brightness. Na-har'i, my nostrils; snorer. Na'hash, serpent. Na'hor, snorting. Nah'shon, Na-a'shon, enchanter. Na'hum, comfort. Na'in, beauty; or grass-plot. Na'ioth, habitations. Na'o-mi, agreeable; pleasantness. Na'phish, refreshed. Naph'ta-li, my wrestling. Nar-cis'sus, the daffodil. Na'than, given; God is a giver. Na-than'a-el, the gift of God. Na'than-me'lech, the gift of the king. Na'um, comfort. Naz-a-rene', of Nazareth. Naz'a-reth, a shoot or scion. Ne-ap'o-lis, the new city. Ne-a-ri'ah, servant of Jehovah. Ne-bai'oth, heights. Ne'bat, aspect. Ne'bo, prophet. Neb'u-chad-nez'zar, Nebo, protector from mis- fortune. Neb'u-zar'a-dan, chief whom Nebo favors. Neg'i-nath, Neg'i-noth, song to stringed instru- ments. Ne-hel'a-mite, son of Nehelam. Ne-he-mi'ah, consolation of the Lord. Ne'hi-loth, pipes or flutes. Ne-hush'ta, brass. Ne-hush'tan, brazen. Ne'keb, cavern. Neph-to'ah, opening. Ner, and Ne're-us, a light or lamp. Ner'gal, a hero. Ner'gal-sha-re'zer, Nergal, prince of fire. Ne'ri, my light; or lamp of Jehovah. Ne-ri'ah, light, lamp of the Lord. Neth-a-ni'ah, the gift of the Lord. Neth'i-nim, given or dedicated. Ne-to'phah, dropping, distillation. Ne'zib, fixed. Nib'haz, barking. Ni-ca'nor, a conqueror, victorious. Nic-o-de'mus, conqueror of the people. Nic-o-la'i-tans, the followers of Nicolas. Nic'o-las, victory of the people. Ni-cop'o-lis, the city of victory. Ni'ger, black. Nim'rah, pi. Nim'rim, leopard; or sweet water. Nim'x'od, rebellion; or the valiant. Nim'shi, rescued; drawn out. Nin'e-veh, abode of Ninus. Ni'san, of flowers; or new day. Nis'roch, the great eagle; or a board of Noah. No, abode of men. No-a-di'ah, whom Jehovah meets. No'ah, repose, rest, consolation. Nob, prophecy, or prospect. No'bah, that barks or yelps. Nod, flight. Noph, the good abode. Nun, a fish; or posterity. Nym'phas, spouse or bridegroom. 0-ba-di'ah, servant of the Lord. O'bal, stripped, bare. O'bed, serving, i. e., God. O'bed-e'dom, servant of Edom, O'bil, chief of the camels. O'both, bottles of skin. O'chim, bowlings. Oc'ran, disturbed. O'ded, restoring, lifting up. Og, bent, round; or gigantic. O'hel, tent, tabernacle; or brightness. 0-lym'pas, of Olympus, heavenly. O'mar, he that speaks. O'me-ga, last letter of the Greek alphabeL Om'ri, pupil of Jehovah; or bound. On, force, ability. See Aven. O'nan, strong. 0-nes'i-mus, profitable, useful. On-e-siph'o-rus, who brings profit. O'no, strong; rich. O'phel, elevated place, hill. O'phir, fertile; or red. Oph'rah, a fawn, a young hind. O'reb, a raven. O-rl'on, (a constellation so named). Or'nan, active; or a hero. Or'pah, the neck; or a young hind. O'she-a, or 0-she'a, salvation. Oth'ni, Oth'ni-el, the lion of Jehovah. O'zem, power. O-zi'as, strength from the Lord. Pa'a-rai, opening. Pa'dan-a'ram, the plain of Aram or Syria. Pa'don, deliverance. Pa'gi-el, event of God. Pa'hath-mo'ab, governor of Moab. Pal-es-ti'na, land of strangers. Pal'ti, Pal'ti-el, whom Jehovah delivers. Pam-phyl'ia, of every tribe. Pa'phos, the city of Paphus. Pa'rah, the mouse. Pa'ran, beauty, glory, ornament. Par'bar, outer portico. Par'me-nas, that abides, or is permanent. Pa'rosh, a flea. Par-shan'da-tha, given by prayer. Par'thi-ans, exiles. Pa-ru'ah, flourishing, blossoming. Pash'ur, prosperity everywhere. Pat'a-ra, city of Patarus. Path'ros, abode of Hather (Egyptian Venus). Path-ru'sim, men of Pathros, Upper Egypt. Pat'ro-bas, walking in his father's steps. Pa'u, a bleating, a lowing. Paul, Paul'us, small, little. Pe-da'hel, and Pe-da'iah, preserved of God. Ped-ah'zur, stone of redemption. Pe'kah, open-eyed; or oversight. Pek-a-hi'ah, the Lord opened his eyes. Pe'kod, visitation, appointment. Pe-la'iah, distinguished by Jehovah. Pel-a-ti'ah, deliverance of the Lord. Pe'leg, division. Pe'let, deliverance. Pe'leth, swiftness. Pel'e-thites, couriers; or a Philistine tribe. Pe-ni'el, Pe-nu'el, face or vision of God. Pe-nin'nah, coral; or pearl. Pen'te-cost, the fiftieth day. Pe'or, opening, cleft. Pe'rez, pi. Pe-ra'zim, a breach. Per'ga, very earthy. Per'ga-mos, height, elevation. Per'iz-zites, agricultural villages. Pe'ter, a rock or stone. 31 Peth-a-hi'ah, set free by God. Pe'thor, interpretation. Pe-thu'el, man of God. Pha'lec. See Peleg. Phal'lu, admirable, distingruislied. Plial'ti, and Plial'ti-el, deliverance of God. Pha-nu'el, face or vision of God. Pha'raoh {fa'ro), the sun; or the king. Pha'rez, division, rupture. Phar'par, rapid. Phe'be. See Phoebe. Phe-ni'ce. See Phoenice. Phi'col, the mouth of all; or strong. Phil-a-del'phi-a, love of a brother. Phi-le'mon, afl'ectionate. Phi-letus, amiable, beloved. Phil'ip, a lover of horses. Phi-lip'pi, city of Philip. Phil-is'ti a, wandering, migration. Phi-lis'tines, those that dwell in villages. Phi-lol'o-gus, a lover of letters. Phin'e-as, and Phin'e-has, utterance, brazen mouth. Phleg'on, zealous, burning. Phoebe, pure, radiant. Phoe-ni'ce, purple. Phce-ni'cia, palm-land; purple; or sons of Anak. Phryg'i-a, parching. Phu'rah, bough, branch. Phut, or Put, the bow. Phy-gel'lus, fugitive. Pi-be'seth, devoted to Bast. Pi-ha-hi'roth, the place of reeds. Pi'late, armed with a dart. Pil'dash, a flame. Pi'non, darkness. Pir'a-thon, chief, princely. Pi'ron, like a wild ass. PLs'gah, a fragment, or part. Pi'son, overflowing, streaming. Pi'thom, the mouth, valley, or abode of Ateem. Pi'thon, harmless. Ple'ia-des, the seven stars. Po-che'reth, snaring. Pon'tius, of the family of PontiL Pon'tus, the sea. Po-ra'tha, given by lot. Pot'i-phar, and Po-tiph'e-rah, belonging to the sun. Pris'ca, and Pris-cil'la, ancient. P*roch'o-rus, leader of the choir. Pu'ah, utterance; or gracefulness. Pub'li-UH, of the people. Pu'dens, shamefaced. Pul, border; or king (Assyrian). Pu'non, ore-pit; darkness. Pur, pi. Pu'rim, a lot. Pu-te'o-li, little wells. Pu'ti-el, afllicted of God. Quar'tus, the fourth. Ra'a-mah, a trembling. Ral)'bah, great, powerful. Rab'bi, master, my master. RaJi'mag, chief priest. Rab'-sa-ris, grand-master of the eunuchs. Rab'-sha-keh, cup-bearer of the king. Ra'ca, vain or worthless fellow. Ra'chal, traftlc. Ra'chel {ch as in child), a ewe. Ra'gau, and Ra'ges, a chasm. Ra-gu'el, or Re-u'el, friend of God. Ra'hab, insolent, (a name of Egypt.) Ra'hab, large, wide; (name of a woman.) Rak'kath, the shore. Rak'kon, thinness. Ram, Ra'mah, Ra'math, high, high place. Ra-ma-tha'im-zo'phim, the two heights of the watchers, or Zuphites. 32 Ra'math-le'hi, height of Lehi, or the jawbone. Ra me'ses, or Ra-am'ses, thunder, or son of the sun. Ra'moth, eminences, high places. Ra'pha, quiet; or tall. Ra'phu, cured, comforted. Re ba, four. Re-bek'ah, a noosed cord, ensnarer. Re'chab, a horseman. Re e-la'iah, whom God makes tremble. Re'geni {g soft), friend. Re-gem'me-lecli (g sofi), friend of the king. Reha-bi'ah, whom Jehovah enlarges. Re'hob, breadth, area; street. Re-ho-bo'am, enlarger of the people. Re-ho'both, spaces, wide places. Re'hum, merciful, compassionate, Re'i, my companion, social. Re'kem, variegated. Rem-a-li'ah, whom the Lord adorns, Rem'mon, a pomegranate. Rera'phan, the idols Renpu and Ken. Re-pha'iah, and Reph'a-el.whom Jehovah heals. Reph'a-im, giants. Re-phi'dim, or Reph'i-dim, beds, places of rest. Re'sen, a bridle or bit. Resh, the head. Re-u', his friend. Reu'ben, or Re-u'ben, behold a son; or my afflic- tion. Reu'el, the friend of God. Reu'mah, lofty, sublime. Re zeph, a stone or pavement. Rez'in, firm; prince; or dominion. Rez'on, prince. Rhe'gi-um, rupture, fracture. Rhe'sa, perhaps Rosh, prince. Rho'da, and Rhodes, a rose, or rosebush. Rib'lah, fertility. Rim'mon, pomegranate. Ri'phath, a breaking in pieces; terror. Ris'sah, watering, distillation; or a ruin. Rith'mah, juniper-trees, or broom. Riz'pah, coal, fire-stone. Ro'ge-lim, washers, fullers. Ro-mam'ti-e'zer, exaltation of help. Rosh, the head, top, beginning, or chief. Ru'fus, red. Ru-ha'mah, having obtained mercy. Ru'mah, exalted, sublime. Ruth, a female friend. Sa-ba'oth, armies. Sab' bath, rest-day. Sa-be'ans, men of Seba. Sab'te-cha, wounding; terror. Sa'car, hire, reward. Sa'doc, just, justified. Sad'du-cees, followers of Zadoc, or of righteous- ness. Sa'lah, a shoot; extension. Sal'a-mis, beaten by the waves. Sa-la'thi-cl, asked of God. Sal'cah, or Sal'chah, moving, wandering, Sa'lem, complete, perfect, peace. Sa'lim. See Shalim. Sal'ma, or Sal'man, a garment; clothed. Sal'mon, shady. Sal-mo'ne, northeast extremity of Crete. Sa-lo'me, peaceful. Sa-ma'ri-a, the city of Shemer; or a watch-post. Sam'lah, a garment. Sa'mos, a height. Sam-o-thra'cia, the height of Thrace. Sam'son, sun-like; strong; or child of awe, Sam'u-el, heard of God, asked of God. San-bal'lat, a chestnu^t^ee; or strength to the army. San'he-drim, assembly, council. San-san'nah, palm-branch. Sii'phir, fair. Sap-phi'ra {saffi'ra), beautiful; or a sapphire. Sa'rah, lady, princess, Sa'ra-i, contentious; or my princess. Sar'tlis, the sun. Sa-rep'ta, goldsmith's shop, or smelting-house. Sar'gon, prince of the sun. Sa'ron. See Sharon. Sar'se-chim, master of the eunuchs. Sa'ruch, branch, layer, twining. Sa'tan, adversary. Saul, asked for. Sce'va {se'vah), disposed, prepared. Sc yth'i-an {sith), of Scythia, or a barbarian. Se'ba, a drunkard. Se'gub, raised. Se ir, hairy, rugged. Sei rath, the hairy, or a she-goat. Ne'la, the rock. Se'lah, for ever; or elevation; or Praise ! Se-leu'cia, city of Seleucus. Sem'e-i. See Shimei. Se-na'ah, thorny. Sen'eh, bush. Sen-na-che'rib, Sin (or the moon) adds brothers. Se-nei'ah, bristling. Se'phar, book; or census. Seph-ar-va'im, Sippara of the sun. Se'rah, abundance. Ser-a-i'ah, warrior of the Lord. Ser'a-phim, elevated; or burning ones. Se'red, fear. Se'rug, branch, layer, twining. Seth, put, or appointed. Slia'a-lab'bin, or Sha-al'bim, place ol foxes. Sha'aph, division. Sha-a-ra'im, two gates. Sha-ash'gaz, servant of the beautiful. Shab'be-thai, Sabbath-born. Sha'drach, circuit of the sun; or royal one. Sha'lera, safe, whole. Sha'lim, fox-land. Shal'1-sha, the third land. Shal'lum, retribution. Shal'man, or Shal-ma-ne'zer, fire-worshipper. feham'gar, cup-bearer; or fleeing. Sham'huth, desolation, destruction. Sha'mir, a thorn, a sharp point. Sham'mah, and Sham'mai, loss, desolation. Sham-mu'ah, renowned. Sha'phan, the coney. Sha'phat, a judge. Sha'pher, goodly, pleasant. Sha'rai, beginning; or release. Sha-re'zer, prince of fire. Shar'on, the plain. Sha'shai, whitish. Sha'shak, eagerness. Sha'ul, longing. Sha'veh, the plain. She-arti-el, I have asked God. She-ari'ah, whom the Lord estimates. She'ar-ja'shub, the remnant shall return. She'ba, seven; or an oath. Slie'ba, or Se'ba, the red man. Slieb-a-ni'ah, whom Jehovah built up. She'ber, a breaking; Sheb'a-rim, breaches. Sheb'na, youth. Shech-a-ni'ah, friend of Jehovah. She'chem, shoulder. .<^"lied'e-ur, darting of fire. ►^he hari'ah, Jehovah seeks. {•lie'lali, petition. i liel-e-mi'ah, whom Jehovah repays. t he'leph, who draws out. ^ hel'o-mith, or She-lo'mith, peaceful. Slie-lu'mi-el, friend of God. Sliem, name, sign. She'ma, and She-ma'ah, rumor. bhem-a-i'ah, whom the Lord has beard. Shem-a-riah, God is my guard. She-me'ber, soaring aloft. She'mer, kept; lees of Avine. She-mi'da, fame of knowledge. Shem'i-nith, or She-mi'nith, the eighth. She-mir'a-moth, name most high; or heaven most high. Shen, tooth, sharp rock. She-na'zer, fiery tooth. She'nir, or Se'nir, coat-of-mail. Sheph-a-ti'ah, whom Jehovah judges or defends. She'phi, She'pho, a bare hill; smoothness. She'rah, a kinswoman. Sher-e-bi'ah, heat of Jehovah. She'shach, the moon-god (Babylon). She'shai, whitish. She'shan, lily; or city. Shesh-baz'zar, fire-worshipper (Zerubbabel). She'thar-boz'na-i, star of splendor. She'va, vanity, elevation, fame, tumult. Shib'bo leth, stream; or ear of corn. Shib'mah, coolness; or fragrance. Shi'cron, drunkenness. Shig-ga'ion, a song of trouble; or of praise. Shig'i-o-noth, variable songs. Shi'hon, a ruin. Shi'hor, black, turbid. Shi'hor-lib'nath, river of glass. Shil'him, armed men; or fountains. Shil'lam, requital. Shi-lo'ah, sending forth. Shi'loh, sent; or pacific. Shi'loh {a city), peace, rest. Shim'eah, -am, and -eth, rumor. Shim'e-i, renowned. Shim'rath, watch, guard. Shim'ri, Shim'rith, vigilant. Shim'ron, watch-height. Shim'shai, sunny. Shi'nab, father's tooth. Shi'nar, land of two rivers. Shiph'rah, brightness; beauty. Shi'shak (Sheshenk I., king of Egypt). Shit'tah, and Shit'tim, acacia. Sho'a, rich. Sho'bab, rebellious. Sho'bach, pouring; or a free one. Sho bai, and Sho'bi, taking captive. Sho'bal, flowing; or a shoot. Sho'co, Sho'coh, Sho'choh, branches. Sho'mer, a keeper. Sho-shan'nim, lilies. Shu 'a, riches; noble. Shu'ah, a pit. Shu'al, fox, or jackal. Shu'lam-ite, peaceable. Shu'nem, two resting-places Shu'ni, quiet. Shur, a wall. Shu'shan, a lily. Shu'shau-e'duth, lily of testimony. Shu'the-lah, or Shu-the'lah, noise of breaking. Sib'be-chai, a thicket. Sib'mah, coolness; or fragrance. Si'don, fishing, fish-town. Si'hon, rooting out, sweeping away. Si'hor, black, trouble. (The river Nile.) Sl'las (contracted from Silvanus). Sil'la, twig; basket. Si-lo'ah, or Si-lo'am, sent; a dart; or branch. Sil-va'nus, who loves the forest. Sim'e-on, Si'mon, that hears; listening. Sin, clay, mire. Si'nai, jagged; or thombush. Si'on, lofty. Sir'i-on, a breastplate. Sis'e-ra, battle array. Sit'nah, accusation. Si'van, a bush or thorn. Smyr'na, myrrh. 33 So'cho, So'choh, So'coh, branches. So'di, a confidant. Sodom, burning; vineyard; or fortified. Sol'o-mon, peaceable. So'pa-ter, So-sip'a-ter. who defends a father. So'rek, a choice viae or wine. Sos'the-nes, preserver of strength. Spain, coney-land. Sta'chys {kis), spike of grain. Stac'te, a drop. Steph'a nas, and Stephen, a crown. Suc'coth, tents, booths. Succotlibe'noth, tents of young women. Suk'ki-im, booth-men. Sur, removed, driven away. Su san na, a lily. Su'si, horseman. Sy'char, falsehood; or drunkard. Sy chem, shoulder, ridge. Sy-e'ue, opening, key. Syn'ty-che, concurrence, atfable. Syr'a-cuse (named from a marsh Syraco). Syr'i-a, Tyre-land; or Shur. Sy'ro-phoeni'cian, a Phoenician Syrian. Ta'a-nach, sandy soil; or a castle. Tab'ba-oth, rings. Tab'bath, celebrated. Ta'be-al, and Ta'be-el, God is good. Tab'e-rah, or Ta-be'rah, burmng. Tab'i-tha, a roe, female gazelle. Ta'bor, the height. Tab'ri-mon, good pomegranate; or good is Rim- mon. Tad'mor, the palm-tree. Ta-hap'a-nes, Tah-pan'hes, Te-liaph'ne-hes, a city of Egypt. Tah'pe-nes, wife of Pharaoh. Tah-re'a, or Ta-re'a, cunning; or fiight. Ta-li'tha-cu'mi, young woman, arise. Tal raai, furrowed. Tal'mon, oppressed. Ta'mah, laughter. Ta'mar, a palm-tree. Tam'muz, burning; Adonis. Tan-hu'meth, consolation. Ta'phath, a drop. Tap-pu ah, an apple. Tar'shish, or Thar'shish, on the sea; or breaking. Tar'sus, wiHged, palm of the hand. Tar'tak, deep darkness, or prince of darkness. Tar' tan, star-form; or commander. Tat'na-i, a gift. Te'bah, slaughter. Te'beth (the tenth month), winter. Te'kel, weight. Te-ko'a, a trumpet; or tent-pitching. Tel-a bib, corn-lull. Te lali, a breach. Te-la'im, young lambs. Te-las sar, Assyrian hill. Te'lem, oppression. Tel-har'sa, hill ol the wood. Tel-me'lah, heap of salt. Te'ma, and Te'man, right hand, or south. Te'rah, a station. Ter'a-phiin, images, household gods. Te'resh, austere. Ter'ti-us, and Ter-tul'lus, the third. Te'trarcli, governor of a fourth part. Thaddaj'us, courageous. Tha'hash, a badger or seal. Tha'mah, laughter. The'bez, brightness. The-la'zar, hill of Asshur. Tlu'-oph'i-lus, friend of God. Thes sa lo ni'ca, victory over Thessaly. Theu'das, acknowledgment Thom as, a twin. Thya-ti ra, daughter's city. 34 Ti-be'ri-as, city of Tiberias. Ti-be'ri-us, a son of the Tiber. Tib'ni, intelhgent; or building of God. Ti'dal, reverence, renown. Tig'lath-pi-le'ser, lord of the Tigris. Ti-mae'us, highly prized; or polluted. Tim'nah, Tim'nath, portion. Tim'nath-he'res, portion of the sun. Tim'nath-se'rah, portion of abundance. Ti'mon, honorable, worthy. Ti-mo'the-us, or Tim'o-thy, honoring God. Tiph'sah, passage, ford. Ti'ras, longing. Tir'ha-kah, exalted. Tir'sha-tha, or Tir-sha'tha, dread sovereign. Tir'zah, delight. Tish'bite, of Thisbe; or the stranger. Ti'tus, honorable. To'ah, incUned, lowly. Tob, good, goodness. Tob'a-do-ni'jah, good is Adonijah. To-bi'ah, To-bi'jah, goodness of Jehovall. To-gar'mah, tribe of Armenia. To'hu, lowly. To'i, who wanders, error. To'la, a worm. To lad, posterity. To'phel, lime. To'phet, tabret-grove; or spitting. Trach-o-ni'tis, a rugged region. Tro'as, of Troy. Tro-gyl'li-um, a city in the isle of Samos. Troph'i-mus, nourished. Try-phe'na, delicious, delicate. Try-pho'sa, luxurious. Tu'bal, flowing forth. Tych'i-cus, casual, fortunate. Ty-ran'nus, a prince, one that reigns. Tyre, or Ty'rus, a rock. U'cal, consumed; sorrowful. U'lai, pure water. U'lam, the porch, or front. Uria, yoke. Um'mah, gathering. Un'ni, depressed. Ur, fire, light; or a castle. Ur'bane, refined, a citizen. U'ri, fiery. U-ri'ah, or U-ri'jah, the Lord is my light. U'ri-el, fire of God. U'rim, and Thum'mim, light and perfection. U'thai, Jehovah succors. Uz, light soil, fertile. U'zal, going forth. Uz'zah, strength. Uz'zen-she'rah, ear or corner of Sherah. Uz'zi, and Uz-zi'ah, strength of Jehovah. Uz'zi-el, or Uz-zi'el, strength of God. Vash'ni, Jehovah is strong. Vash'ti, a beauty. Voph'si, fragment, or appendage. Za'a-na'im, or Za-a-nan'nim, removals. Za'a-nan, place of flocks. Za'bad, gift. Zab'bai, and Zac'cai, innocent Zab'di, Jehovah gave. Zab'di-el, gift of God. Za'bud, given. Zac-chae'us, pure, just Zac'cur, Zac'chur, mindful. Zach-a-ri'ah, and -as, remembered by Jehovah. Za'cher, memorial. Za'dok, just, righteous. Za'ham, loathing. Za'ir, little, few. Zal'mou, and Zal-mo'nah, shady. Zal-mun'na, shelter is denied. Zam-zum'mim, noisy. Za-no'ah, marsh. Zapn'nath-pa-a-ne'ah, world-preserver. Za'phon, north. Za'rah, east, brightness. Zar'e-phath, smelting-honse. Zeb-a-di'ah, gift of the Lord. Ze'bah, victim, sacrifice. Ze-ba'im, antelopes, roes. Zeb'e-dee, Jehovah's gift. Ze-bo'im, hyenas. Ze'bul, and Zeb'u-lun, a habitation. Zech-a-ri'ah, Jehovah remembered. Ze'dad, a steep side. Zed-e-ki'ah, the justice of the Lord. Ze'eb, a wolf. Ze'lah, a rib, a side. Ze'lek, cleft. Ze-loph'e-had, first rupture. Ze-lo'tes, full of zeal. Zel'zah, shade from the sun. Zema-ra'im, double forest. Ze-mi'ra, a song. Ze'nan, place of flocks. Ze'nas, love-given. Zeph-a-ni'ah, whom God has concealed. Zeph'ath, and Ze'pho, watch-tower. Ze'rah, a rising. Zer-a-hi'ah, whom God made to spring forth. Ze'red, Za'red, exuberant. Ze-re'da, cooling. Ze'resh, gold. Ze'ror, a pebble. Ze-ru'ah, leprous; wasp, or hornet. Ze-rub'ba-bel, scattered at Babylon. Zer-u-i'ah, cleft. Ze'thar, a star. Zi'ba, a statue; or foundling. Zib'e-on, dyed. Zib'i-ah, a roe. Zich'ri, remembered, famous. Zi'don, fishing, fish-town. Zif, brightness, bloom. Zi'ha, thirsty. Zik'lag, a winding; or outpouring. Zil'lah, a shadow. Zil'pah, distillation. Zil'thai, shadow of Jehovah. Zim'mah, plan; purpose. Zim'ran, and Zim'ri, sung, celebrated. Zin, a low palm-tree. Zi'on, a sunny mount. Zi'or, smallness. Ziph, pinnacle; or melting-place. Ziph'ron, a sweet odor. Zip'por,/ejn.. Zip-po'rah, a sparrow. Zith'ri, protection of Jehovah. Ziz, flower, brightness. Zi'za, abundance. Zo'an, motion of tents; or a low region. Zo'ar, smallness. Zo'bah, a station. Zo'har, whiteness. Zo'he-leth, that creeps, or conducts. Zo'heth, corpulent, strong. Zo'phar, rising early; or a sparrow. Zo'phim, droppings; or watchmen. Zo'rah, and Zo're-ah, hornet's town; or low ground. Zo-rob'a-bel. See Zerubbabel. Zu'ar, smallness. Zuph, honey-comb; or watcher. Zur, stone, rock. Zu'ri-el, my rock is God. Zu'ri-shad'da-i, the Almighty is my rock, Zu'zim, mighty men; or wanderers. 35 CHRONOLOGY OF THE PATRIARCHS. i|i Cj > « 00 a; >> 2 .a >. ** ^ 03 .2 S |J CJ C o .=: 03 «3 C^ -* 2 O . 0) o) n a> > o fe fc- CO >» "S g o £^ S S ° a c3 aj 5 i " S o oi a .s -o .Q S 2 o ■= ;s xs 1 £ a ^ « "^ « ai u x: 36 is 1 1 ill c^ i i §5 11 1 1 e5 c5c5 cq55e3 II 1 i li 1 ii 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1800 1819 1849 1878 1 § 1 M i 1 1 § Deluge 'g J5 2 A. M. 1656. 2 S II Deluge B. c. 2348. 1 1500 1558 1 1400 1422 1 1 1 II § 1200 1235 1290 1 1100 1140 1 1000 1042 J 1 1 1 i So 35 8 i 1 00 w 1 1 i ||ii 1 i 1 1 1 1 s i i irt M i 8 1 1 |1§ 11 i Cd ^ 1 • 3' QC ver." 39 PHYSICAL FEATURES OF PALESTINE. SHOWING THE PROGRESS OF THE SEASONS, THE PREVAILING WINDS AND WEATHEB FOR EACH MONTH IN THE YEAR. PROGRESS OF THE SEASONS. WIND. WEATHER. p Country verdant with young grain, groves and meadows adorned with many tlowers. Oranges begin to ripen. N. W., N., N. E. Heavy rains; thunder storms. Occasionally snow, and thin ice; ground never frozen. ^ ' Almond-tree and peach-tree in blos- a som : in the lower and warmer parts, P" , orange-tree laden with ripe fruit. Heavy rains, etc., in January N. w., N., N. E. and February, called by the ! Arabs the " fathers of rain." g AH trees in full leaf, many in bloom. p In the lowlands, orange and lemon 3 trees laden with fruit. Palm-tree F i blossoms: barley ripening. w. Rain, hurricanes, sometimes snow; rivers much swollen. ■ Fruits of oleaster and white mulberry ripen. Barley harvest. Wheat liar- vest beginning. s. Occasionally rain; sometimes Sirocco from the southeast. Principal harvest month, especially of wheat. Apricots and apples ripen. (In Jordan vaUey vegetation with- ered and bm-nt up.) s. Rain very seldom; from this to September no rain occurs. Almonds ripe. (Beyrouk honey of the Jordan valley collected in May, June, and July.) Grapes begin to ripen. E. Frequent hot winds (Simooms); air motionless. 1 Various friiits : apples, pears, plums, ^ etc. Grapes fully ripe. Pumpkins. c; Harvest of corn in the higher moun- • 1 tains. E. Greatest heat in general; sky serene. > Principal fruit month. Grapes, figs, (^ 1 etc. ; in the plains, walnut and olive. E. Dews begin to fall; at times large and dense clouds (Nile clouds). ] gi ' Commencement OF Vintage. Harvest •d 1 of the dourra and maize. Cotton ^ j and pomegranate begin. N. E. Much lightning without thun- der; very rarely rain. o < End of Vintage. Gathering of cot- ton. Ploughing and sowing com- mence. Pistacliio-uuts ripen. N. E. Dews very heavy; autumnal rains begin. Month of ploughing and sowing. Rice harvest. Fig-tree laden with fruit. Orange and citron-tree in bloom. N. W., N., N. E. Rainy month. Thunderstorms. Rains from the west or south- west. j^ Trees lose their leaves. The brown and desolate plains and deserts be- come green pastures. N. W., N , N. K. Rainy, etc. In December, Jan- uary, and February, greatest amount of rain in the year. 40 Old T^shtmtttf nmms in hai-k Ultirs Si * TujtumaU luams in. ^man ■■ JJodtni minus in Itnii/: STl^E^ Upptr and MiddJt As I TVaTR. Piraf.a. Ehasiatnn A.SS'h.'U.T Descendants of Noah. Su (Hnuls X«* Chajiiir llll^ilt A/ rica 4 S.WAraUa Assyrians kTp'h a . 7 .au5. Xortfi Assyna IftiV, XtaTV Pnmi/ivi ■Pt-Uo M %T !f.« ShtUirtv, HoiarroavtMx. LJSfSft \S\«1UU.\V^T ^g^TO InHVnlv fT" .\a\io.\> CintMl and Arabia l.'O.Q. Zyt/ians in Asia Minor Lkxam .fyria. M'wpotoLinla y J rail a tart of Sr/om y. or Pnhstiiit E. of Armenia X A'.TQna I 80)0. *. of Egypt l^avV\n\v S,.tfW. of SaWo\v R- Arabia. 3t ^j^(£E i| ( 6r. Japfhii) £nro) GOTneX Cimnurtajts, Gaula. Ci MWitcnni coasts aftht £artn SoowubR" East Arahia I S>«\><]L Weal Arabia \ "Bulw\ W + S. A rahia SabUdvoK A friea nairmimthofBai. Sea yVmvoA Flam of Sfuruir ' MV-.Ta-Vm. £r/yplia^u, ViuAinv Star Ai\om\m V. of Egypt \.c\va\>y\«v cooLSt W. of Egypt 'S »pW\A\\m .. 3'. .. YoVVyrggynv iipptr or S. Egypt ' Cag\u\\v nv" K.E. r.oast of Y\uU»Vvm Caiman RViautfh. X.4-X oZ-tA, . Toqarnvoiv ATTnx/ito i^ Coat Ito-eOg E .)iF.E. ofthtlnxtnt ^Z^2X_MtAes. and tarfy Eir JSirVSLlV, Jonzajw. Grttks tiV\3Ko.\v firttci. Ptlopoimt. ^\tttov Cyprtu. Italf Oc \>0.\t» I ^^,ran^^u^' * InduVtrih |Bnmo3Hu )t"» ( I \rvadt\>« J>"ot< JfUs tuilt prtatnta the I prinvtii-i naUonb whir./t npning I ductudiuits of Noah . so far rvs f) i iiLlhiBUik. Thi lutnu. of mans tribw.up, I nni AJhra is lutrfrtmn. . American Tract Socxtt^ \ ^ \ Brtt) 1 ^^ >?^ ^:, ^ f^\ ^ Ur •■•■■•... or Urdu) N ' H 44 Ter^dmo'^--^ \4-8 :i. 1 1 I S(? 50 Nassau St. New York THE RO>IAN EMPIRE UNDER AUGUSTUS. ArruriAMiL lyacl 6'ociely I HO Xtussau St X'.m York ^mtrUati Treul Society iiO \tbssaa -Sf. A'ev* York tim:e of chris^ — hitxJz by Dayid ^u- __ l^tah by HezrkiaJi et PLAJS" OF THZ TEMPLE j,- ii iiiiii i i'iiii i ii" i ii"iiniiiTMm A The Hph of HoU^s B Thue HoirPloc C Tlie Kasi of Burnt ofkVrinJs D The braien Lmrr E The court of the Triest* F The cctirt of Urnel G The rtte Nicanov O Ap H The court of the Women I The g"«le BeauofuJ J The cotirt of the Gentiles K The EMtem op Shudum Gate J, $oloixu>nB Forch or Colonnade M Tte RotkI Porch N nurouler VTiOl FLAN OF THE 'pVBERNACLr . COURT or >• A-tof thb .,-'f^.;en'^t|or i.U.*,ofLceu.c "i^^^. '^ in the time of Chri.fr ^ V -■■■■-' Ami ri cart Tract S'ucitly ( (irftnnich ,so r-(frnrirh Xnssaa St. New York. r^