mmA ^>^fm^ige in like phrases, e. g. sons of men, children of men, never of man.) VI. 3 The rendering "in their transgression they are flesh" is adopted by so many of the best authorities, several of whom regard it as the only correct translation, that it is surely entitled to admission into the margin, which is all that we asked for it. 16 marg.3 should certainly be expunged ; no one imagines that roof can possibly be the meaning of the Hebrew word. X. 4 Kittim— Chittim 6 Phut — Put (as uniformly elsewhere) 11 Asshur — Assyria XI. 3 morter — mortar (accepted in Lev. xiv. 42) XII. 16 entreated Abram well — dealt well with Abram ("entreated" is nowhere else the rendering of this verb, and is generally used both in the A. V. and in popular language in a different sense) XIV. 19 We would prefer to retain the marg. Or, maker XV. 2 the steward of my house is — the possessor ol my house will be (if not admitted to the text, which we prefer, this ought certainly to be placed in the margin, as required by the connection see vs. 3, 4, and justified by the cognate word in Zeph. ii. 9) 5 tell — number (6is) "tell" is ambiguous, is used in an unfamiliar sense, and is not the usual rendering of the Hebrew word. In the A. V. it was explained to ordinary readers by the following verb, a benefit of which the revision deprives them. XVIII. 5 "for therefore" should be placed in the margin as not only a possible rendering of the particles, but one which some authori- ties regard as the only admissible one (so also xix. 8) XXI. 30 We prefer to omit " For" as the Hebrew particle merely intro- duces the indirect quotation. XXIV. 33 meat— food 55 a few days, about ten — ten or more days (this slight inversion relieves the awkwardness of the expression, substitutes a familiar phrase and gives the exact sense of the Hebrew.) XXV. 16 castles — encampments (adopted in the British revision of I. Chron. vi. 54) 18 '' Or, spread himself " should certainly be dropped from the mar- gin. The verb suggests no such sense even in Judg. vii. 12 which is appealed to. It is here simply the German sichnieder- lassen. XXV. 27 We object to the marg. Heb. 'perjtci that the word is here used without reference to moral character, and in the purely nega- tive sense of one who is harmless or inolfensive, as opposed to Esau's fierce and turbulent disposition ; simple merely repeats "plain" which is already in the text. We prefer as a margin Or, quiet. XXVI. 10 shouldest — wouldest (preferred) guiltiness — guilt (preferred) 14 a great household— many servants. (The A. V. here conveys the correct idea, which is obscured by the revision. The marg. Or, husbandry suggests a meaning which no one now attaches to the phrase, and ought to be omitted) XXVII. 15 If the plurals "were" and "them," which are not in the Hebrew, are insisted upon, why not substitute " garments " for " raiment," rather than introduce a grammatical anomaly into the translation, which is not in the original? 39 We prefer " away from " in the text and " of" in marg. to " from " as a substitute for both ; since it would not be understood to convey the negative sense which the connection demands. XXIX. 3 his place — its place (as required by the principle adopted by the British company in i. 11, 12) XXX. 3 This margin can only be intended to show the peculiar form of the Hebrew expression, not to suggest a sense different from that in the text. If this be so, " Heb." is to be preferred to "Or." 11 With fortune! — Fortunate! (and add marg. Heb. In fortune!) 13 With my happiness — Happy am I (as A. V.) and add marg. Heb. In my happiness will call — call (preferred as the Heb. verb is in the past tense implying that they were already aware of her joy) XXXI. 18 for to go — to go (we object to the former phrase not on account of its archaic quality, but because it is now reckoned a vulgar- ism) r 30 We prefer the A. V. because of the reference to the past, required by the Hebrew. XXXII. 31 halted — went halting (as first British revision) " halted " will convey a wrong sense to most readers. XXXIII. 13 give suck — have their young (we much prefer this rendering adopted Isa. xl. 11) 4 XXXIV. 30 to stink — a stench (as a much less offensive word) XXXVI. 15 ff. dukes — chiefs {so passim) this word is rendered " chieftains " in the British revision of Zech. ix. 7, xii. 5, 6 XXXVII. 3 the son of his old age — a son of his old age (the Hebrew is indefinite) 25 ladanum — myrrh (as A. V.) and put "ladanum" in the margin 35 the grave — Sheol 36 Medanites — Midianites (add marg. Heb. Medanites) XXXIX. 9 there is none greater — he is not greater (this rendering is required by the suffix) XL. 10 it budded and her blossoms (these pronouns should be made to correspond: unless it is thought proper to say " she budded," it ought to be " its blossoms." 17 bakemeats for Pharaoh — food for Pharaoh, the work of the baker XLI.5 corn — grain (so passim) we respectfully urge it as a consideration which should have weight in aversion intended for the English- speaking world, that while " grain " is equally intelligible in England, " corn " is misleading on this continent. 57 for to buy — to buy XLII. 38 the grave— Sheol XLIII. 17, 18 into Joseph's house — to Joseph's house (preferred as more exactly expressing the force of the Hebrew form, and preserving the strict order of the narrative, see vs. 19, 24) XLVI. 9 Phallu — Pallu (as uniformly elsewhere.) 13 Phuvah — Puah (conform to Num. xxvi. 23 and correct marginal note to 1 Chron. vii. 1 accordingly) XLIX. 4 We prefer to substitute the marg. " Bubbling over " for the text : as it is confessed that " unstable " does not express the meaning of the Hebrew. , 20 "We know of no various reading to justify the margin added in the second British revision L. 23 We prefer to read "saw Ephraim's children unto the third gener- ation." EXODUS. I. 10 Dele marg.i (see note on Gen. iv. 8) 16 dele from marg. Or, as otherwise read, children (we know of no such various reading) 21 prefer marg. to "houses" Or, households II. 22 have been — am become (preferred) III. 15 the Lord— Jehovah (so 16, 18) IV. 11 read " who maketh dumb, or deaf or seeing or blind " (an entirely different sense and one which the Hebrew requires) 18 If the variant orthography is to be noted, will it not be better to put the customary form " Jethro " in the text and in the marg. Heb. Jether f V. 22, 23 evil entreated — done evil to (why multiply a rendering that occurs but twice in the A. V. and is so foreign to modern usage ?) VI. 19 Mahali— Mahli (as Num. iii. 20) 28 the paragraphing should be corrected here and indeed subjected to a careful revision throughout. VII. 14 Is it certain that stubbornness is exactly what is expressed by "heavy" applied to the heart? May it not be stupidity or insensibility ? Will it not be better to retain the familiar ren- dering " hardened " in the text, and to put the exact rendering "heavy" in the margin without piesuming to expound the metaphor too precisely ? (so in all like passages) IX. 17 exaltest thou — thou exaltest (preferred in order to prevent its being mistaken for a question) XII. 5 of the first year — a year old (see the conclusive argument of Knobel in loc.) 19. 48 one that is native — a native (see British revision of Num. ix. 14) XIII. 18 harnessed — armed (as the A. V. in every other passage in which it occurs ; there is no specific reference in the word to the " har- ness " which is moreover obsolete in this sense. The margins should also be omitted because it certainly does not mean " mar- shalled," and there is no good reason for believing that it " girded.") XIII. 27 his strength — its strength (see note on Gen. i. 11 ; unless the next clause be read " the Egyptians fled against him."j XV. 9 lust— desire 15 dukes — chiefs amazed — dismayed (preferred because " amazed " in ordinary Eng- lish expresses surprise rather than consternation.) XVII. 14 a book— the book XIX. 2 pitched .... camped (these represent the same word and should be conformed to one another. We prefer " encamped ") XX. 5 fourth — upon the fourth XXI. 29 but that— but (preferred) XXII. 2 We prefer to omit " where he is," as the word expresses not the place but the act of " breaking in." 29 the choicest of thy fruits — thine abundant fruits 30 his — its (the pronoun should be conformed to that which precedes and follows.) XXIII. 5 read " thou shalt forbear to leave him, thou shalt surely release it with him." 21 of him — before him (preferred) XXV. 4 We prefer to omit marg. Or, silk, as it was omitted by the Brit ish revisers from Gen. xli. 42 (so xxviii. 39, xxxv. 6) 17 We prefer to omit marg. Or, covering, as the Piel form of the verb from which the word is derived is never used in the physical sense of covering but always has relation to the pardon or removal of sin (so xxxvii. 6) 29 dele marg.'* Or, covers dele marg.i Or, to cover withal 38 tongs — snuffers (we prefer that this should stand in the text, bull if not, that it should at least be put in the margin, (so xxxvii. 23) I XXVI. 24 read " and they shall likewise be entire unto the top thereof' in respect to the one ring" (see the satisfactory explanation ofi Keil in loc.) 32 their hooks of gold— with their hooks of gold (as less abrupt and more intelligible) XXVII. 4 If according to ver. 7 the staves are to be put into the rings and be upon the two sides of the altar, the four rings cannot have been in the centre of the sides or anywhere but at the "corners." Hence "ends" must in this verse" mean corners and can mean nothing else, (so xxxviii. 5) 21 order it — keep it in order (comp. xl. 23) XXVIII. 11 ouches — settings (so passim) 36 Holiness — Holy (so xxxix. 30) 39 quilt the coat with — weave the coat in checker work of XXIX. 38 of the first year — a year old XXX. 4 ribs— flanks (so xxxvii. 27) XXXII. 13 We see no good reason why the simple pronoun should be translated by so eimphatic a form as " thine own self" 20 strawed — strewed (preferred) 25 add marg. to " broken loose " Or, naked (from text of A. V.) add marg. to " let them loose " Or, made them naked (from text of A. V.) XXXIV. 6 mercy — lovingkindness (so 7) 13 Asherim — statues of wood (as last British revision of Dt. xii. 3, xvi. 21) 15 go a whoring — play the harlot (and in all like cases as a less offensive expression) XXXVI. 29 read " and they were likewise entire unto the top thereof in respect to the one ring " XXXVII. 16 dele marg.2 XXXVIII. 8 read " ministering women who ministered " (preferred as suggestive of religious duty rather than menial service.) XXXIX. 23 habergeon — coat of mail LEVITICUS, II. 14 corn — grain {bis) IV. 10 ox — bullock (preferred here and in like cases, and so rendered in A. V. when used of sacrifices) V. 7 his means suffice not for — he be not able to get (as ver. 11, see XXV. 28) so xii. 8 VI. 3 all these— all these things (as v. 5, 13) 9 read "the burnt offering shall' be on the hearth" (the Hebrew pronoun ;s used as the copula, or it may be in emphatic apposi- tion with the subject " It, viz. the burnt offering.") VII. 9 We prefer to omit " or, slice" from the marg. VIII. 33 go out of the door — go out from the door (they were at the door of the tabernacle ver. 35 but not within it) IX. 2 bull calf — calf of the herd (see Deut. xxi. 3) 3 of the first year — a year old (so xii. 6) X. 6 insert text of A. V. in marg. Or, uncover not your heads. XIII. 45 add marg. Or, his head shall be uncovered 52, 55 in the fire— with fire (see ver. 57) this phrase occurs 30 times in the Pentateuch ; 27 times it is rendered " burn with fire;" only here and Dt. xii. 31 "burn in the fire." XVI. 8 marg. dismissal — removal (as suggesting the taking away of sin, not sending away the goat) 10 add marg. to " for him " Or, over him 24 with water — in water (so xxii. 6) as uniformly elsewhere after " bathe ;" see xiv. 9, xv. 16, xvi, 4 27 " with fire " was changed in the last British corrections to " in the fire " contrary to usage ; see on xiii 52 XVII. 7 satyrs — exchange text and margin go a whoring — play the harlot (so xx. 5, 6 2ind passim) XVIII. 25 it . . . itself . . . her (these pronouns should be of the same gender) XIX. 4. if marg.i is retained, the reference should be to Jer. xiv. 14 XX. 3 did . . . abhorred — have done . . . have abhorred (not spoken of as absolutely past, but as reaching into the present) XXI. 10 add marg. Or, uncover his head XXII. 22 add marg. to " a wen " Or, sores (unless this is substituted for the text, which we prefer) 10 NUMBERS. I. 2 pitch, ver. 3 encamp ; this word should be rendered uniformly throughout the chapter. 3 are able to go — go (preferred) II. 3, 4 We prefer to render as a continuous sentence : " And those that encamp, etc., shall be the standard of the camp of Judah accord- ing to their hosts, and Nahshon, the son of Amminadab, prince of the children of Judah, and his host and those that were num- bered of them threescore, etc., etc., (see Luther, DeWette and others) so throughout the chapter IV. 20 If it is thought worth while to retain this margin, should not " being" be erased? 49 add marg. to " thus were they numbered " Or, and his appointed things (comp. vs. 27, 32) V. 18 uncover the woman's head — let the hair of the woman's head go loose (conformably to the rendering adopted elsewhere) and put text in marg. VII. 59 of the first year— a year old (as vs. 17, 23 and repeatedly in this chapter) 86 Why should " twelve " stand after " golden spoons " here and before it in ver. 84 where the Hebrew order is the same ? VIII. 2 add marg. to "settest up" Or, lightest (see Ex. xxvii. 20, Lev. xxiv. 2) XL 1 add marg. to "murmur" Or, complain of evil in the 6 We would prefer some substitute for light, such as rest or fall 8 add to marg.2 Or, oil-cakes 19 what cities they be — what the cities be (or, what manner of cities they be. The point is not to identify the cities, but to ascertain their character ; see the preceding clause.) 11 XIV. 18, 19 mercy — lovingkindness 25 by the way of — on the way to (the former phrase would suggest the precise opposite of the meaning in this place : the wilderness was on the route to the Red sea, not vice versa) 27 continue in that which they murmur — continue to murmur (lit. how long to this evil congregation that they murmur.) XV. 3, 8 in making a special vow — to accomplish a vow (we prefer this in the text as Lev. xxii. 21, or at least in the margin) 39 use to go a whoring — play the harlot (or, if it is preferred, use to play the harlot) XIX. 9, 13, 20, 21 of separation — for impurity (either in teat or margin) so xxxi. 23 XX. 4 we — us (the change of construction from the A. V. makes this necessary) XXI. 3 We prefer as marg. That is. Devoted to destruction 30 marg. see note on Gen. iv. 8 XXII. 1 beyond the Jordan of Jericho — beyond Jordan ?iear Jericho (preferred as equally exact and more familiar and intelligible and as having the authority of the A. V. see xxvi. 3, xxxiii. 48) so xxxiv. 15. XXIII. 3 We prefer to omit the marg. which gives a sense that no one now attributes to the words 10 dele marg.i ; see note on Gen. iv. 8 19 perform — do it (as A. V. and more vigorous) 20 when he blesseth — he hath blessed (preferred) 21 add marg. to " perverseness " Or, trouble 23 We do not understand whether our suggestions in relation to the last two lines of this verse were accepted or not. If not put in the text, they should at least be in the margin XXVIII. 3, 9, 11, 19, 27 of the first year— a year old (so xxix. 2, 8, 13, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 36) XXXI. 10 castles — encampments (see note on Gen. xxv. 16) 12 DEUTERONOMY. I. 19 the way of— the way to (preferred as making the meaning clearer) so ver. 40, ii, 1, 8 28 fenced — walled (as A. V. preferred) or fortified II. 31 inherit — possess (preferred as in preceding clause) III. 2-4 God — Jehovah (so ix. 26, and in like cases) 25 prefer to add marg. to " mountain " Or, hill-country IV. 29, 30 prefer our former suggestion ; the language is not conditional but prophetic 41 severed — separated (as xix. 2) V. 7 none other gods — no other gods (the language is identical with Ex. XX. 3) 21 covet — desire (preferred as A. V.) desire — covet (preferred as A. V.) VII. 2 devote them — devote them to destruction 6 We prefer " people peculiar unto himself," which will convey the thought of specially belonging to him; "peculiar people" is popularly misunderstood as meaning strange or singular, (so xiv. 2) 9 mercy — lovingkindness 13 corn — grain (so xi. 14 and passim) VIII. 9 it is " copper" rather than " brass" which is dug out of the hills. XI. 6 all the living substance — every living thing (preferred) 23 possess — dispossess (preferred), so xii. 2, and in such connections XIII. 13 Certain men, sons of Belial — Base men (and add marg. Heb. sons of worthless iiess) 15 devoting it — devoting it to destruction 13 XIV. 2 peoples — the peoples (preferred) 6 hath a hoof — parteth the hoof 23 corn — grain XV. 4 howbeit there shall be — only that there may be (preferred in text: but at any rate it should not be excluded from the margin as in the A. V. since it is rendered necessary by ver. 11) XVI. 9 corn— grain XVII. 1 blemish — a blemish (preferred) evil-favouredness — evil thing (preferred) 8 there arise a matter — a matter be (preferred) 9 shew — declare to (preferred) so 10, 11 15 in any wise — surely XVIII. 4 corn — grain 14 hearkened — hearken (the reference is not to something wholly past, but to a usage that still continued) 20 prefer to omit " same " as needlessly emphatic XX. 3 affrighted at — terrified by (preferred ; see A. V.) 17 devote them — devote them to destruction 20 meat — food XXI. 4 eared— tilled XXII. 4 by the way— in the way (preferred) 7 in any wise — surely (preferred) 14 bring up — bring (preferred) 19 amerce him in — fine him (as more intelligible to ordinary people ; comp. revision Ex. xxi. 22) XXIII. 4 Aram-naharaim — Mesopotamia (so Gen. xxiv. 10) 8 borne — born 11 with water — in water 12 abroad — without 16 liketh him best — pleaseth him 17 we prefer that the margins should be omitted 25 corn — grain XXIV. 9 by the way — in the way (preferred) 11 abroad — without {bis) preferred out — forth (preferred) XXV. 4 corn — grain 9 loose — take off (preferred) from off — from (preferred) 10 loosed — taken off (preferred) 17, 18 by the way— in the way (preferred) 14 XXVI. 1 in unto— into (preferred) 3 profess — declare 6 evil-entreated— dealt ill with (preferred) XXVII. 19 and widow— or widow (preferred) XXVIII. 22 dele marg.i ; see note on Gen. iv. 8 26 meat — food the air— heaven fray — fright 27 the emerods — tumors 30 make it common — use the fruit thereof {us xx. 6) 51 corn — grain 53 straitness . . . straiten— distress . . . distress (so 55, 57) preferred XXIX. 2 have seen, 3 saw (these verbs should be in the same tense) 3 temptations — trials 12 shouldest — may est . ^ XXX. 3 we would prefer to transpose the text and margin XXXI. 16 go a whoring — play the harlot 21 go about, even now — frame this day XXXII. 5 read " not his children, but a blot upon them " 17 no God — not God (so 21) preferred 21 no people — not a people (preferred) 22 pit— Sheol 27 misdeem— judge amiss (in addition to other objections, " misdeem " nowhere occurs in the A. V.) 33 dragons — serpents 39 have wounded — wound (if the strict force of the tense is not ad- hered to in the following verb, it is better with the A. V. to render both in the present) XXXIII. 6 And— Nor (and add marg. Or, but) preferred 8 add marg, to " godly " Or, one whom thou favour est (as Ps. Ixxxvi. 2) 14 precious things of the growth of the moons — precious things brought forth by the moon (and add marg. Heb. moons) ,17 " ])ush the peoples together" will be misunderstood; we therefore prefer " all the peoples " CONTENTS. Page. Genesis, .--....-... i Exodus, ---.--.--_. 5 Leviticus, . . 8 Numbers, ----------- 10 Deuteroxomy, ---------- 12 I KINGS. tl. [N. B.— It is proposed that the rendering which follows the dash take tlie place of the one which precedes it.] I. The number omitted at beginning of chap. i. 3 coasts — borders 6 a very goodly man — of a very goodly form 8 which— who (so 48) 9 dele marg.2 called— invited (so 10, 19 bis, 25, 26) as 1 Sam. ix. 24, 2 Sam. xiii. 23 17 swarest— didst swear (to remove the ambiguity of tense to the ear) thine handmaid — thy handmaid 18 my lord the king — thou, (?) my lord 0 king (as 20) ^ ._,,-., 21 counted loffenders — icounted offenders A* */»■• 'V' ^^^ .; 23 ground — earth . ^ -^y / > ijii- fdt'^^C 25 God save— Long live (so 34, 39) ^^ '-^'- '0-^^^ Co~;T»-r/.- ^^^ ..._,. ,, . 27 shewed — made known Exchange text and marg2 should sit — shall sit 34 dele "with" (as ver. 39, Judg. vii. 18 etc.) 36 read "so say the Lord etc." 49 guests that were with — guests of 52 shew himself — become an hair — a hair 53 thine house — thy house 3 dele "and" (after " statutes") add marg. to " prosper " Or, do wisely, 6 marg. 3 in text 8 which — who (so 21) 9 marg i in text 10 So— And 12 And— So 13 Then— And 16 deny me not — say me not nay (as 17, 20 etc.) 24 set me — made me to sit an house — a house (so 36) II. 26 barest — didst bear (to remove ambiguity) hast been — wast 33 (second clause) upon — unto (4 times) 39 servants be — servants are 41 come again — come back 42 protested — protest 44 thine heart — thy heart is privy to — knoweth III. 9 so great a — great 15 to all— for all 16 should begin a paragraph 19 overlaid — lay upon 20 thine haiidmaid — thy handmaid 26 Let it be— It shall be thine, — thine; (dele "but") IV. 5 Exchange text and -marg.e dele "and" 7 which— tb at 10 to him pertained — he had (so 13 bis) 11 dele margj *'* 12 Zarethanah — Zarethan (the paragogic letter is no part of the name) the place that is over against — the other side of 13 dele "also" (the region is identical, see Dt. iii. 4, ji|) 19 country — land (bis) as in the last clause of the verse. 23 an hundred — a hundred beside — besides 24 on this side — beyond (bis) 28 dele marg.i 33. cedar tree — cedar 34 which — who V. 1 had heard — heard 3 how that— that an house — a house '^^ ^' dele marg.2 4 oceurrent — occurrence (not adjective but noun) 6 can skill — knoweth how Sidoninns — Zidonians 7 which — who 8 hearkened to the message — heard that, and I will — I will raarg.i in text 10 Hirom — Hiram (so 18) it is needless to reproduce petty variations in Hebrew orthography fir^-cypress V. 11 marg.4 in text 15 dele "0/ stone " 16 which— that (6is) 17 hewed — took wrought — hewn \l. 4 dele marg.3 6 without he made rebatements — he made offsets on tiie outside (see vii, 93 7 marg.i in text 8 dele marg.2,3 side-chambers — side-chamber with winding — by winding ^ 12 in building — building 15 dele marg.s cieling(?)(see also 2Chron. iii. 5, Jer. xxii. 14, Ezek. xli. IG.Hag. i. 4) marg.6 in text 16 dele margj- 8, 9 \ t ^ !a. • 20 before the oracle (reserved) v \'^«'^'"*'^ 29 an— a {his) "^"^ XL 1 strange — foreign (so 8) ^^^ ^ a_. 7 in the hill — on the hill f 8 which — that 9 which— who (so 18, 23) 15 dele marg.2 18 an house — a house 37 according to — over :il. 6 that I may— -to 8 which stood- -that stood 9 dele " may " f ,^ dele "did" 17 which— that (so 21, 31) 21 an hundred— -a hundred again — back ,/^- >^- 28 Ye have gone up long enough unto — It is too much (or you to go up to (as A. V.) 30 one, even — one _ _ , 31 an house — a house w-<--<-'- ~ '" 32 marg.2 in text, dele marg. 33 marg.'* in text {his) . t»4>ura— "arB4-baii3red (reserved) XIII. 2 child— son L ^'^x,Lt»^^ '^ "^ 8 thine house — thy house (so 18) 9 Eat— Thou shalt eat 11 marg.i in text works — work . I 12 dele marg.2 ^ t%. which— that d- ^ * t■<^- J(,-< 24 by the way — in the way by it, — by it ; 34 dele marg.i XIV. 2 which— who J,--: 3 cracknels — cakes "^ 10 read " Jeroboam every male" 11 the air — heaven 12 thine house — thy house 14 dele marg.i 15 For— And 18 dele "the hand of" (as xii. 15, xv. 29, xvi. 12; conform all simi- lar passages) 27 which— that XV. 6 dele marg.'* 13 an abominable — a frightful 20 lion — lion (asT4^-VTT4ifee--Ahiia4i, Alwam, etc.) XVI. 4 the air — heaven 7 dele " the hand of" against — concerning (bis) so 12 for all — because of a;ll Jeroboam : — Jeroboam, . 9 which — who 1^ ^i^"*^ 11 read " he left him not a male " 24 dele marg.i 25 But— And 31 dele marg.2.3 XVII. 1 dele marg.i 10 of sticks — sticks 11 Bring — Fetch (as twice before) thine hand^thy hand 12 a barrel — the iar IV ftiv -• ft, ,, a cruse — the cruse A,- ^ 7i(fu sLt^L'r -'■^ yi-'c^^o me — out to me < ^ 14 barrel— jar (so 16) 17 so sore that — exceeding sore so that 18 art thou — thou art call — bring (as changed in Ezek. xxi. 23) son ? — son, ;^ ^vJ... <■; '.. [J-. ■■■'.: XVIII. 3 whi"ch— 'wKo •*■•■" ' 4 an hundred — a hundred (so 13) 10 found thee not — could not find thee 12 am gone — go 19 which eat at — that eat of (not seated at the same table with Jeze- bel, but supplied by her) ■ ^1 ,, /, 21 the Lord— Jehovah (so 22, 24, 31, 32, 36, 37 hh, 38, 39 Ui) 26 hear — answer (from marg.i ) XVIII. 27 Cry— Call is gone aside — hath withdrawn himself 28 cried — called 29 sacrifice— oblation (as 2 Kin. iii. 20) so 36 neither voice — no voice (as 26) to answer — that answered (as 26) ^ ^ ,' djvt*-*^'*'''" 32 dele margi ; text reserved ^ (9«w»)- 9 dele " away " (see 10) 10 dei*>**wk-e«>" it shall be — let it be 11 dele 'that" "*. 13 took up also — also took up 14 dele marg.2 15 which — who ground — earth 16 there be — there are strong — valiant 18 again — back 19 naught- — l^ad marg 2 in text 21 marg.3 in text 22 saying — word 23 littld children — young lads 24 read " tare of them forty and two children." III. 4 read " the wool of a hundred thousand lambs and a hundred sand rams;" put text in marg. 11 which — who 17 dele " both" 18 fenced — fortified 21 And— Now 10 III. 21 in the border— on the border 23 slain — smitten (as A. V.) 25 beat — threw 27 should have reigned — should reign marg.2 in text IV. 2 Thine handmaid — thy hanlmaid (so 16) 3 borrow thee — ask for thyself borrow — ask 7 live thou — thou shalt live 9 an holy — a holy which — who 10 build— make (as A. V.) chamber — chamber on the wall (as A. V.) dele marg i 13 dele marg.2 14 child— son (as 16) 16 according to the time of life— in the next year (text in marg.) so 1' 22 again— back (so 31) 23 shall be— is 24 an ass — the ass 26 read " now, run etc." 27 hill — mount vexed — bitter (from marg.2 ) 29 thine hand — thy hand 37 ground — earj:h 38 dearth — famine seethe — boil (as vi. 29) 39 shred them — cut them up 40 0 thou— 0 42 corn — graui scrip — sack 43 servitor— .servant (as vi. 15) an hundred — a hundred V. 1 honourable — honoured (marg.* in text) 7 but — but only a quarrel — an occasion (see Ju the murderers — them that had slain him 6 slew not — put not to death 10 thine heart — thy heart shouldest — wilt to thy hurt, that thou shouldest fall — with evil and fall dele '• even" 11 would not hear — did not hearken /j>,.^^25 the entering in of Hamath — reserved • ,^5.u,'> dele " the hand of " i> ■'J^xy. 5 a several — the separate ^ L'' '•/ marg,i read Or, house of freedom, or infirmary XVI. 6 dwelt— have dwelt 9 for — and / 17 marg.i in text tUi^-^ 18 r€s«f<5* ,- , /;// CnJi^t^ rU XVII. 6 Habor on the river of Gozan — reserved with xviii. 11 ' fLe 9 those things — the things fenced — fortified 25 the Lord— j:efe^v»h- (^is) so 28,- 32, 33, 34-fris, 35, 36, 39. 41- 34 manners — manner XVIII. 13 fenced— fortified ,^ ,.^^ ._^.»v ^«'-'^ ^%^ 18 which — who **- 19 ye now — , I pray you, confidence — trust 20 1 have — there is 22 the LoBD — Jehovah 23 give pledges — pledge thyself dele marg.5 24 away — back 25 read " Is it now without the Lord that I am come up etc.'' ^ The Lord said — It is ihe Lord that said " ., '^ 31 make an agreement — reserved 14 XIX. 2 which — who 3 the children — chihJren 4 reprove him for — rebuke 7 in him — within him rumour — tidings 11 destroying utterly — devoting to destruction 15 whicli dwellest — who sittest (as Ps. Ixxx. 1.) ^ ^ _, thou hast — it is thou that hast f^(&^*'Acttv ' '■ ' ■■ ^^v*^-' heaven and earth — the heaven and the earth 18 therefore- — and 19 out of — from (as in Isai.) art the Lord — Jehovah, art 20 Whereas— That which thee— <]ele 22 exalted — raised. (Conform the question to A. V.) 23 fir trees— cypresses his farthest — its farthest the forest .... field — its forest' garden 24 have — have myself strange — foreign 25 heard, — heard ? how &c — Lege, Long ago I did this and purposed it irom ancient times : fenced — fortified 26 Therefore— And were {bis) — are confounded — put to shame were as — are become as grass of the — herb of the green herb — green grass be — is 27 But— And abode — sitting down rage— raging (so 28) 31 they &c — Lege ^^ in Isai. out of Mount Zion tliey that escape 32 into — unto shield — a shield mount — mound 33 he shall — Lege, unto this city he shall not come 34 For— And defend — protect 35 they were — these were XX. 5 captain — prince (as 1 Kin. xiv. 7, xvi. 2) 6 defend — protect 9 degrees (6is) — steps (text put in marg.) 10 degrees — steps 15 XX. 11 brought etc — Lege, caused the shadow to return backward the ten steps by which it had gone down on the steps of Aliaz. 13 the house — all the house 14 came — come 15 thine . . mine — thy, my 17 tliine — thy 18 whicli— whom away — dele 19 Then said Hez — And Hez. said And — Moreover (as in Isaiah) Yet surely — Return to A. V. XXI. 11 heathen whom — nations which 3 built up — built 5 And— Yea 6 c conform to Jer. Iji.- 7- 9 man's — i«e«^^ed- 11 fell away.. . . fell to — reserved 17 chapiter — i^eeerrrd Ca • 19 which (bis) — who city : — city. 20 and Nebuz. — So Nebuz. 29 before him — in his presence 17 I CHRONICLES. I. 23 these were— these are (so ii. 21, 33, 50, iii. 1, iv. 3, 5, vii. 17, 40, viii. 10, 38, 40, ix, 44) II. 3 Begin a paragraph (as at i. 35) III. 1 which — who IV. 10 coast . . . thine — border . . . thy 11 which — whom (so 18) s^3 -*? genealogy — genealogy was according thereto 38 increased greatly — spread abroad exceedingly (as Gen. xxviii. 14, XXX, 30) 43 dwelt— have dwelt V. 2 Cliief ruler— prince (so ix. 11, 20, xi. 2, xii. 27, xiii. 1, xxvii. 4, 16, xxviii. 4) 11 children — sons 18 able to bear — bearing buckler — shield (as passim) to shoot with — bending the out to war — forth in the host (as vii. 11) 21 an — a 25 went a whoring — played the harlot VI. 10 House — house 17 be — are 32 waited on . . . office — performed . . . service order — ordinance 33 waited — performed service 54 coasts — borders (so 66, xxi. 12) VII. 11 fit to go out — that went forth 40 for service — with the host IX. 18 hitherto waited — were hitherto 19 put margins in the text (so 23) entry — entrance . 22 set office — trust 26 a set office — trust 2 // fiH ' 4 18 IX. 28 certain — some for by tale etc — Lege, for by count they brought them in and by count they took them out* 29 Some — Some 31 had the set office — were in trust ^ 33 nim dwelt— were and were — dele employed — dele XI. 2 In — Moreover in thou wast he — it was thou that Thou — It is thou that and thou — and thou that 14 slew — smote ' - I oC^ victory — saksaiioa ^r, ■ ■ 16 hold— stronghold, (as 7) so xii. 8, 16 18 of it— it 19 shall . . . jeopardy — res££V^-GOftform~with Lev. xvii. 14 22 'ft*-l(vO— insert same marg. (as 2 Sam. xxiii. 20) Vb XII. 2 could use — used 8 to the wilderness — in the wilderne that could handle — handling 14 captains — chiefs (so 18) l[y^LUL [Ca 1^] 15 his — its 17 mine {bis) — my 18 thine— thy 19 there fell some — some iwent over ( iHeb. fell) fall — go over 20 fell — went over "1 tf^Jt' 29 kept the w<^d— reserved /(^ ir. J~ '0 33 could set— set (so 35) 5 36 able to— that 37 an — a 38 could order— ®j!4ei!«4- 40 provision — bread XIII. 11 d.s,.leased— aHger^i-asift'^-SiiHm-ir^) \ \2 huiiio to— tfer "to ^ ^ XIV. 10. mine . . . thine— my . . . thy XV. 3 his— its ,^i J- an— a (so 7, ^) 22 over the burden— na^BteT-offche-song (fts_E.ogers-l'ynd.) I'eserved burden — 8©og-(etK27) 24 with— dele tale " in 1 Sam. xviii. 27, to be changed to " number " 19 XVI. 9 sing psalms — make melody Talk ye of— meditate on (as Ps. cv. 2) 17 And hath — And 19 bnt a few men — few (as in Ps.) 20 went about — went 24 Tell out— Declare 26 idols — add marg. Or, nothings 23 — 3B Put Jehovah for Lord throughout 33 Lord ; — Lord, 35 And to— To •10 gave in commandment — commanded XVII. 1 an— a (so 4, 6, 10, 12) ^ 2 thine — thy —^-"^ 14 mine — my (so 16) 17 for thou— but thou (as in 2 Sam.) great while to come — time which is afar oft' IS can — shall XVIII. 4 an— a _g^^,^ / ^^ ^ 6 gave victory to— preserved (as A. V. and 2 Sam) m l.S ,y7V<-^- ' /^ 17 about the king — at the king's hand XIX. 7 pitched — encamped 9 put the battle — set themselves (as 2 Sam. x. 8) 1/^ / / XXIV. 27 camt — were ' * 2^ came — was ^ » / XXV. 1 should prophesy — prophesied XXVI. 15 storehouse — storehouse (so 17) XXVII. 22 princes — captains 23 like to— like , a J - : •,-■/.. .-- ,«in(lx-«'*ra^cL*-«^ XXVIII. 1 princes — captains / ^-^ ' companies — courses rulers — captains by course — dele 2 an— a (so 3, 10) had — dele for the building — to build 3 war — wars 4 before — out of i . ( u^ux',' 'u.'t'-f-^ I of the house — in the house 7 constant — strong 8 audience — hearing seek out — seek (as in Ps.) fL.r your— to your , (J-^lU^ 12 he had by the spirit — was-by-t-he-epirit-with-4wHi ^-^^ t^jM-i^trr^^"^^ of the courts— 7or the courts of all the — for all the of the treasuries (his) — for the treasuries ^ , 15 Eeserved "./-'•■ ' - '^ ' 'f S'^^'' 18 covered — cover 19 Reso^vad 21 skilful man — man with the wisdom princes — captains XXIX. 2 I have, &c. — with all my might I have prepared 3 set my affection to — have delight in 5 to be made — dele And who — Who 6 princes {bis) — captains f Se "i-H t rulers — captains 10 before — in the presence of 12 thine (6is)— thy (so 16 bis) 16 an — a comtih of — is from 17 mine — ray which — wi)« Tuftt* 19 these things — dele 20 Now bless — Bless, I pray you, worshipped the Lord and the king — rcocrved wit-h-prepos-af-toTea^ 1,1^ /i.ivwn-before tbe-Lortl^ao^th-e krnff.-" ^^- <■ ■yU*^' 27 years — dele 28 honour — glory 21 II CHRONICLES. I. 2 Then— And . ■ / At, 3 tabernacle of congregation — r-ese¥¥«d istjiof- ft\.iU>-'j '^*' ^ / 11 thine — thy honour — glory (so 12) 17 an [his) — a II. 1 an (Sis)— a (so 3, 4, 6 his, 12 6is, 17) (^^ . Co,^ .. f'< eL 6 save only — xea^wred- 7 cunning (Jis) — wise can skill — knoweth how (as 1 Kin. v. 6) 8 cedar trees — cedars fir trees — cypresses 9 wonderful great — great and wonderful 13 cunning — wise (so 14 bis) 17 strangers — sojourners III. 4 an— a (so 16) 5 fir tree — cypress IV. 3 ten in a cubit — reserved V. 13 gave thanks unto— praised (as A. V.) 12 an— a VI. 2 an— a (so 5, 7, 8) 4 which — who (so 9, 14, 15) 5 ruler— prince 8 thine {bis)— thy (so 15) 14 nor — or (as 1 Kin. viii. 23) 15 for — yea (as 1 Kin.) 16 yet so that — if only (as 1 Kin.) 18 built— builded (as 1 Kin.) so 33 21 when — which (as 1 Kin.) 23 own — dele (as 1 Kin.) 24 turn again — return (as 1 Kin.) 25 again — back 26 turn from — turn away from when thou dost aiSict — because thou afilictest (as 1 Kin.) 22 A^I. 27 when . . . taught — because thou teachest (as 1 Kin.) send rain — give rain (as 1 Kin.) 28 caterpillars — grasshoppers (Amer. Rev., in 1 Kin.) 29 then ... or of — Lege, what prayer, &c , supplication soever be made by any man or by (as 1 Kin.) which— that (so 32) shall spread — spread (as 1 Kin.) 30 render unto — give to (as 1 Kin) thou only — thou even thou only (as 1 Kin.) 32 stranger — foreigner (so 32) as Amer. Rev. in 1 Kin. but cometh — when he shall come (as Amer. Rev. in 1 Kin.) 33 and may — that they may (as 1 Kin.) 34 to war — to battle (as 1 Kin.) by the w^y that — by whatever way (as 1 Kin) which I — that I (as 1 Kin.) 36 which— that (as 1 Kin.) over before — to (as 1 Kin.) and they — so that they (as 1 Kin.) 37 bethink — shall bethink (as 1 Kin.) are carried — were carried (as 1 Kin.) turn — repent (Amer. 1st Rev., turn) dealt wickedly— committed wickedness (as 1 Km.) 38 if they return — and they return (as 1 Kin.) whither &c — Lege whither they carried them away captive, (conf. 1 Kin.) 39 which — that (as 1. Kin.) 42 marg. good deeds — gracious deeds VII. 5 an— a (so 12) 18 ruler — prince 20 peoples — the peoples 22 which— that VIII. 5 fenced— fortified (so xi. 10, 23, xii. 4, xiv. 6, xvii. 2, 19, xxi. 3, xxxii. 1, xxxiii. 14, 17 fetched— took IX. 4 meat — food 7 which — who (so 8) 14 chapmen and merchants — merchants and traders (to conform to 1 Kin. X. 15) 12 went away — went '7u- J' /i-^f, ■ '■,. X. ' 15 a thing brought about — Reserved with corresponding passage in I Kings «40 shall be— is, (as 1 Kin.) 16 would not &c — hearkened not (1 Kin.) and we have none — neither have we (1 Kin.) 23 XI. 1 an— a again — back XII. 4 princes — captains (so 6) 14 mar g. set^ixed {a,s A. Y.) , ; '7, M,..)- -fc....^ a^-^ ^o /i'f. j-^; •'« XIII. 4 Mount Ephraim— the hill country of Ephraim (so xv. 8, xix. 4) 7 sons of Belial — pe»ei>e^ 8 be — are 10 which — who 17 with a — with slew — smote (as xxviii. 5) XIV. 2 Strange — foreign 9 host — army (as same word is m 8) 10 the battle — themselves array — array for battle 11 cried — called rest— lean (as Isai. x. 20, 1. 10) 14 spoiled — despoiled XV. 4 turned — returned 5, 6 vexations, vexed — te&&c»e^r i /^ . ^ ,-.■») XVI. 3 There is . . . and between — Let there be ... as between 7 thine— thy (so 8) 14 prenared . . . .aj't — reserved XVII. 6 lifted up— high (with marg. of A. V.) 18 an — a 0 8) ^ . L -* ^ r . art— reserved - C^^ /JT «-^-3lO ■ ^^ ' XVIII. 9 entering in — entrance 33 a certain — a a bow — his bow thine — thy 3-5 sun going down — going down of the sun (as Josh. x. 27) XIX. 3 thine — thy (conform marg. to xii. 14) XX. 6 thine— thy 7 gavest— give 8 have built — built 22 ambushmentf? — liers in wait (as Josh ) XXI. 11 go a whoring — play the harlot (so 13) M %j-; .; /-.,',. - \^-.- , ,' ■- ^ XXIII. 13 entering in — entrance princes — captains blew with — blew the 15 entry — entrance 19 which was — that was /■ I 1^ Q J_5t. II! ;i5c (fW^/v^-^-oC ^ C*^ .J, XXIV. 15 an— a 11 to its place again — back to its place 19 them again — them back XXV. 3 which had killed — who had smitten 6 an — a ' l^-.^ 12 carry away — take captive XXVI. 3 al8o— dele 15 cunning — skilful (itev4eed--by-^B«B,--of-4s«£Htrion-i^ XXVII. 5 an— a ' XXVIII. 9 before— to meet (as xiv. 6, xv. 2) 11 which — whom 15 which — who XXIX. 10 mine — my 31 free— wiUing (as Ex. xxxv. 5, 22, 1 Chr. xxviii. 21) heart — heart, (as ellipsis demands) 36 because of that which — (returned to A. V.) 32 an— a XXX. 5 in . . . was — with a multitude as it is written n turn again — return 7 which — who 9 if ye turn again — when ye return before — in the presence of come again — come back 18 was written — is written 22 were well skilled — had good understanding, (to follow usual render- ing of Heb. and leave " skilful " for other Heb. words) 25 strangers — sojourners (as xv. 9) XXXI. 1 cut down — cut off brake down — beat down 15 set office — trust (from marg.) so 18 XXXII. 7 of a— of (as I. Chr. xxii. 13. xxviii. 20) 13 mine — my 14 mine (bis) — my 15 mine (6is)— my 17 mine (bis) — my 18 cried — called 27 goodlj^ vessels — desirable things 32 good — gracious XXXIII. 2 heathen whom — nations which (so 9) 6 practised augury — observed augury 13 again — back 25 slew — smote XXXIV. 3 purge— cleanse. (Former found only in this chap. & Ezek. xxiv. 13, latter more than 50 times) so 5, 8 12 could skill of — were skilful with (as I. Chr. xxv. 7) 16 the king . . . again — back word to the king, (so 28) 23 will bring— am bringing (as I. Kin. xxii. 8.) so 28 27 thine— thy hast rent — didst rend wept— weep 28 neither . . . eyes — and thine eyes shall no^(as I. Kings xxii. 20) XXXV. 21 come— am 22 would not turn — turned not away 26 was written — is written good deeds — gracious deeds XXXVI. 3 an-a 13 turning — returning 14 heathen — nations 23 is there — there is (to avoid ambiguity of there) The rendering of A. V. in xiv. 10 & xv. 2 " to meet " is thought to justify a change of II. Sam. xx. 8 into, And Amasa went (or came) to meet them. ADDENDA. Josh. vi. 26 should be conformed to 1 Kin. xvi. 34 1 Sam. xvii. 44, 46 the air — heaven 2 Sam. xxi. 16 the air — heaven Isa. xxxvi. 22, xxxvii. 2 house — household (as 2 Kin. xviii. 37 ..ix. 2) Ezek. xl. 40 entry — entrance. CONTENTS. Page. I Kings, ----------- l II Kings, ------ 9 I Chronicles, . . - - 17 II Chroniclks, ---------- 21 EZRA. [N. B.— It is proposed that the reading which follows the dash take the place of the one which precedes it.] I. 2 he hath — he himself hath an — a 4 that is — which is (as at end of vs. 3.) II. 1 which — that (so vs. 59) 2 which — who (so vs. 61) 3 an— a (so in vss. 18, 21, 23, 27, 30, 41, 42.) 69 drams — darics. pounds — manehs (as Ezek. xlv. 12) III. 1 were in the cities : and the — being in the cities, the 2 stood — rose 7 meat — food 9 together — as one man 10 Dele marg.3 12 Dele marg.4 IV. 2 came — drew near (as ix. 1) yet — and (in marg. 5) which — who 3 an — a 7 set forth in — translated into 13 endamage — be hurtful unto (as vs. 15.) 15 moved — made (as vs. 19.) 19 decreed — made a decree 20 which — who 22 be not slack — fail not marg.2 in text 23 main force — force and power Dele marg.l V. 3 make up — finish (so vs. 9) 4 Dele marg." 5 came to Darius ; and then they returned — should come to Darius, and they should then return 6 which — who 8 Judea — Judah 12 because that — because (so vs. 13) VI. 3 Dele "strongly" 4 row — course Dele marg.2 6 which— who 9 which— that (so vs. 21) 17 an — a 21 heathen — nations VII. 13 which— who (so vss. 25, 27) 14 thine— thy (so vs. 25) 22 an — a (four times) 23 lest —why should . . . . ? (as iv. 22) 24 singers — musicians VIII. 3 an— a (so vss. 10, 12, 26 bis) 16 which — who 31 river of Ahavah — river Ahavah (as vs. 21) 35 which — that IX. 3 astonied — astonished (so vs. 4) 4 sacrifice — oblation (so vs. 5) 6 guiltiness is grown up — guilt is beconae 8 Dele " Or, pin:" in marg.i 11 unclean — impure uncleanness — impurity 12 prosperity — welfare 13 Dele marg.4 X. 1 assembled — was assembled (see ix. 4) 4 the matter belongeth unto thee — upon thee is the matter 6 Dele marg.2 10 stood — rose 14 which — who 17 wives — women (so vs. 44, and marg.4 ) 22 Nethaneel— Nethanel X. 25 Izziah — Izzijah 41 Azareel — Azarel 44 taken — married rnarg.4 in text (substituting "women" for " w-yes") Note.— In Num. i. 8 ; ii. 5; vii. 18, 23 ; x. 15 ; 1 Chron. ii. 14; xv. 24; xxiv. 6; ixvi. 4; 2 Chron. xvii. 7; xxxv. 9; Neh. xii. 21, 36, Nethaneel should in the same manner be changed to Nethanel. In 1 Chron. xii. 6 ; XXV. 18; xxvii. 22; Neh. xi. 13; xii. 86, Azareel should be changed to Azarel. If the same treatment were applied to Asareel (1 Chron. iv. 16 ;) and Bezaleel {passim) in addition to those which occur in Nehemiah, it is thought that consistency would be secured. NEHEMIAH. I. 1 Dele marg.i Change inarg.2 to marg.l castle — palace. Add marg.2 Or, castle. 2 which — who 6 thine ear now — now thine ear (to avoid temporal sense) hear — hearken unto 9 turn — return II. 8 let me through— let me pass through 12 had put — put III. 1 Hananeel — Hananel (so ch. xii. 39 ; as Jer. xxxi. 38) 4 Meshezabeel — Meshezabel (as x. 21 ; xi. 24) IV. 4 to spoil— for a spoil (less ambiguous) 12 which — who (so vs. 14) 16 Dele " both " 17 which — that 23 Dele marg.3 V. 2 corn — grain (so vss. 3, 10, 11) 8 which — who heathen — nations (so vs. 9) 17 an— a Dele marg 5 VI. 10 Mehetabel. Conform Gen. xxxvi. 39. heathen — nations VII. 5 mine — my which — that .(so vs. 61) 8 an— a (so vss. 24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 44, 45) 63 which — who VIII. 4 stood him — him stood Malchiah — Malchijah (so xi. 12; xii. 42, as in iii. 11, etc. Con- form 1 Chr. vi. 40; Jer. xxi. 1; xxxviii. 1) 7 Hodiah— Hodijah (so ch. x. 9, 13, 18) 9 which — who 14 how that — how IX. 12 by the night— by night 17 Dele marg.2 19 shew — give (as m vs. 12) 21 wilderness, that they lacked nothing ; — wilderness ; they lacked nothing ; 23 niarg.2 in text 25 fenced — fortified 30 forbear — bear with 31 gracious and merciful God — gracious God and full of compassion (see vs. 17) X. 26 Ahiah — Ahijah (so passim) 29 the Lord our Lord — Jehovah our Lord 31 ware — wares (so ch. xiii. 16, 20) forgo — forego XI. 4 Mahalalel. Conform Gen. v. 12, 13, 15, 16, 17; 1 Chr. i. 2. 11 house, — house 14 an — a (so vs. 19) 25 at J. and in the — in J. and the XII. 8 which— who ESTHER. I. 1 which — who (so vss. 13, 14, 18) an — a 10 eunuchs — Ichamberlains marg.l Or, eunuchs. 11 people — peoples 12 eunuchs — chamberlains (so vs. 15) 15 First clause : read " What according to law shall be done unto etc. 16 answered — said 17 come — go 18 Dele marg.l 20 published — heard II. 3 Dele marg4 4 which — that (so vs. 21) 6 captivity which had been — captives that were had carried — carried 9 which — who (so vs. 14) meet — chosen 10 showed — told of (so vs. 20; to avoid ambiguity) 13 margl in text 14 again into the house — into the second house (as A. V.) and that — and 22 shewed— told told — spake to (as iv. 10) 23 tree — igallows marg 1 Heb. tree. III. 3 which— that 6 shewed him — told him of 8 therefore — and marg.l in text 12 rulers — princes by posts — by the posts 14 marg.4 in text 15 marg.5 in text IV. 11 such — those 12 Dele "to" V. 1 gate — entrance 3 What wilt thou— What wouldest thou (as Jud. i. 14) 12 Dele "did" 14 Dele "of" VI. 2 which— that 9 withal — therewith VII. 4 marg.l recoynpensed — made compensation for Dele " or, for our, etc." VIII. 6 or how — yea, how 8 Write ye also to — And do ye write concerning marg 1 Or, to. liketh — seemeth good to (or, pleaseth, as in Deut. xxiii. 16 ; Am. iv. 5) 9 rulers — princes an — a IX. 10 enemy — enemy, CONTENTS. PAGE Ezra, -- 1 Nehemiah, - 4 Esther, 6 Third American Revision, i88^. I AND II SAMUEL; I and II KINGS; I and II CHRONICLES EZRA : NEHEMIAH : ESTHER. I. SAMUEL. I. 27 For " lent him " read " yielded him up " 28 For " lent " read " yielded up " II. 20 For "loan . . . lent to " read "petition . . . asked for " 21 Marg.'' For " The Heb. has For" read " Ileb. For" 24 t)mit marg.*^ 26 For " was in " read " increased in " 28 For "go up unto " read " offer upon " III. 2 For laid down " read " lain down " (so in 3.) 13 Return to A. V. in the last clause, i;^ Put niarg.''' ''expiated" in the text. 15 For " to shew " read " to tell " \TI. 3 Omit marg.'^ 8 For " that he will save " read " that he save " VTII. 13 For " confectionaries " read "perfumers" I>^ 5 For " take thought for " read " be anxious about " 14 For "against" read "toward" 21 For "tribes" read "tribe" with marg. Heb. tribes 26 For "spring" read "dawning" X. 2 P'or " the caring of " read " off caring for " For " taketh thought for " read " is anxious about " 3 For " bottle" read "skin bottle" (so in xvh. 20 ; 2 i) 4 For " as occasion serve thee" read "whatsoever thy hand findeth to do " omitting marg.'* 24 Vox " God save " read " Long live " XII. 12 For " he may send " read " he send " XIII. I In marg.' for "old" read " old in his reigiiiui^" XIV. 14 Put marg.' in the text. 47 Put marg.' in the text. XV. 17 Omit marg.' 25. 30, 31 For " turn again " read " return " 32 Put marg.- in the text. XVII. 7 Omit marg.'' 12 Omit marg.' XVII. II F'or " avoided out of" read " turned away from XX. 24 For " .sal him down " read " sat down " XXI. 13 P'or " scrabbled " read " scrawled " XXII. 9 For " stood by " read " was set over " XX III. 7 Omit marg.' XXIV. 10 Omit "had" before "delivered" II For " soul " read " life " XXV. II For " stuff " read "baggage" (See xvii. 22.) 22 Omit marg.'-* (so ver. 34.) 31 For " causeless " read " without cause " XXVI. 19 Omit marg.'-' 23 Omit marg.' XXVII. 7, 8. 10 Omit margins. 16, 17 Omit margins. XXX. 13 For " agon e " read " ago " SAMUEL. "be shepherd of" (so y .^.22C3^ and XV VIII. -•ataiik" iCacf "were become odious xix. 6) So in Gen. xxxiv. 10. 12 For " men " read " man " X I . S^Ii'py " moo.T ii/"//n;;/Vjejj,lJ' pieKFnt-^' X II . 24 Omit marg.'" '<*^ rKf^^^-^ XIII. 8 For " was laid ' read " was lying " j /»' 13 Omit marg.'- XIV. 5 I^»a«»^i.^.-ir|fuy ■mj^rnnn " rpnHf-*^vvif"Tf7tv " 7 Fni- ^ thoy ■■^gid " jcad " they iiay ''- 21, 22 Omit margins ' and '* 26 For " polled " read " shaved " (three times.) , XV. 7, 8, 12 Omit margins ', '- and ■*. ^ - -^ -'^ XVI. 10, i*-0mit -margins •■ ; '■* . XVII. 8 For " chafed in their minds " read " in bitterness of soul" (as I Sam. I. 10.) 16 Omit marg.'^ 23 Omit "-htHwe-" XVIII. 12, 13 Om+t-*Hai--gi-n*^ and ■* 28, 29 Omit raargins-^,--=^"aTiti--' XIX. 26, 28 Omit margkis-'-aTnt^ 42 For " of the king's cost " read "at-the king's cost " ii^-r!J^ 23^mit marg;.' 1 6 Omit margins - and-J^- 21 OmJMHarginSj' and '■■' 27 Omit-marg.' 33> 34> 37 Omit margins ^ ', ''. 44 For " the nations " read "nations" 46, 51 Omit margins ^ and ■* ■^ 8 Omit marg.^ 20, 37 Omit margins ' and ■* 13 For " advite thee and consider " read " consider and see ' 14 For " fall now " read " fall, I pray," 20 Omit iiiarg.' 22 For " yokes " read " furniture ' '' I. KINGS. Chron. ii 7, 8.) 4 For " occurrent " read " occurrence " 6 For " can skill " read " knowest how" (so 6 For " rebatements " read "offset" 20 For ' 'belly -'-'-fead ' ' swelling " 28r-For--"-4^re were- borders "read " the parrels were " 28,-ag— Ft3r"'bnrdeTS-" read '■ panels " Omit marg. -^ and ^ 33 For " turn again" read "return " (so in 47.) 15 For " chapmen " read "traders " (so in 11 Chron. ix. 14. 17 For " pound " read " manehs " (so in Ezik. xlv. 12.) 3 For " cracknels " read " cakes " 24-Omit marg.'-' > ■ <• , . , . ,^ I3v*4-i6 For-"-jat'-'-pead- ■"- bar r-ei--- I ^T-ag-J^or " chambeF"^Tead-"-trpper chamber "' " answer" read " retired " 33, Omit marg>i.. 10 Omit marg.'^ ,- 34 For " harness " read " armour " 38 For " washed themselves " read " bathed " Omit marg. 26 For '-'■ jiear " read 27 For " gone aside ' II. KINGS. 19, 21, 23 Put margins ', '^ and '' in the text. 22 For-'^cofne a:gain " read ' ' return " 16 For " spoiled " read " made spoil of " 19 Omit marg.'* 26 For "plat" read "plot" (twice) as ir I Chron. xi. 13, 14. 0/? a^ For " tired " read " attired " 32 For " eunuchs " read " officers " with marg. Heb. eunuchs. Sam. xxiii. 12; so o \^ ^ XII. lo For " told " read " counted " XV. 5 For " several " read " separate " with marg. Or, house of freedom or, infirmary (so in ii Chron. xxvii. 21.) XVI. 6 Omit marg.-^ XVII. 6 For " in Hafbor, on the" read "on the Ha|bor, the" So xviii. II. 21 Omit marg.' 34 For " manners " read " manner " XVIII. 23 For '-'give- pledges " read " pledge thyself " and omit marg.-* XI.\. 23 For " reproached " read " defied " 35 For "these . . . corpses" read "these . . . bodies" Omit margins ', '■\ ". on page 131. XX. 5 For " Turn again " read " Return " 13 Omit marg." / XXII. 4 Put marg.' in the text. So xxiii. 4. 9 For "the king word again" read "brought back word to the kiag-'-' XXIII. 10 Omit marg.-* 33 For "bands" read "bonds" I. CHRONICLES. I\\ 43 For " dwelt " read " have dwelt " \'I. 32 For " order " read " ordinance " VII. 27 For" Non . . . Jehbshua " read " Nun.-r-r-feslwra'" I.\. 17, 18, 24, 26 For "porters" read "doorkeepers" r\ 21, 22 For "porters" read "keepers" ' J ' ig Put margins - and ^ in the text. So 22 marg.' and 23 marg.-' 28 For " tale" read "count " (twice.) XI. 8 Omit marg.' 11 Omit marg.'' 20 Omit-maTg.'-^ XII. 15 For " overflown " read " overflowed " 18 Omit marg.^ XIII. " ShihOrJ' should correspond with the reading in Joshua xiii. 3. XX. 4 Omit marg.' 6 Omit marg.' 12 For " coasts " read " borders " 13 For " fall now " read " fall, I pray," XXII. "/ 6 Omit marg.' XXVIII. 12 For " spirit " read " Spirit " XXIX. 20 For " Now bless" read " Bless, I pray you, II. CHRONICLES. I. 3 For "tabernacle o£..the congregation of (lod " read "tent of meeting with God " (omitting marg.') 5 Omit marg.'-' 5 II. 9 i'or " wonderful great" read "great and wonderful " IV. I In marg.° omit " perhaps," V. 6 For " told " read " counted " VI. 41 For"" rest " read " resting plaee " XIII. 7 For " vain " read " worthless " Omit marg.'* ig Omit marg.' y' XIV. 14 For " spoiled " read " made spoil of " • XV. 5 P'or " vexations " read " tribulations " -— ^ XVI. 2 Omit marg.'' 14 For " apothecaries " read " perfumers " as in Exodus. XVIII. 8 For " eunnch " read " officer" with marg.-* Or, eunuch. 33 For " harness " read " armour " XX. I Omit marg.'^ XXI 13 Omit marg.* i4-0mit^nafgr*" XXII. 6 Retain in marg.'' only the reference to 11 Kings. XXIII. 4 For " porters " read " keepers " Put marg.* in the text. XXVK' 23 Omit marg.i C^ . ya 12 ]'"or " tribes" read " tribe" adding marg. " Heb. tribes" RUTH. II, 12 For " Turn again " read " Return ' [T For "virtuous'.' read "worthy" 7 For "changing" read " exchanging" I. SAMUEL. 27 For " lent " read " yielded " So in 21. 20 For " loan . . . lent to" read " petition . . . asked of " 26 For " was in " read " increased in " 5 For " take thought for" read " be anxious about " 14 For " against " read " toward " 21 (2d clause) For " tribes of Benjamin " read " tribe of Ben- jamin" with marg. Heb. tribes 2 For " the care of " read " off caring for " For " taketh thought for " read " is anxious about " 7 For "as occasion serve thee" read " whatsoever thy hand findeth to do" omitting marg* 24 F"or " God save" read " Long live" I In marg.' for ''old'' read " old in his reigning" 14 Omit "a furrow of" (as marg.') 47 For " vexed them " read " put them to the worse" (as marg.') 25, 30 For "turn again" read "return" (So I Kings viii. 33, 47 ; n Kings i. 6 ; iv. 22 ; xx. 5 ; II Chron. xxx. 6, g.) 31 For "turned again " read " returned " 32 Put marg."'' " cheerfully" in the text. 9 For " stood by " read " was set over " 7 Omit marg.' lO XXIV. XXV. XXX. II For " soul " read 13 For " stuff" read ' life ' ^i. Omit marg, (So ver. 34.) 31 For "causeless " read " without cause " T3 For " agone " read " ago " II. SAMUEL. V. 2 For " feed" read "be shepherd of" (So vii. 7 ; I. Chron. xi. 2 and xvii. 6.) X. 6 For "stank" read "were become odious to" 12 Por " men " read " man " XIV. 5 For " widow woman " read " widow " 21, 22 Omit margins ' and *. 26 Read " And when he cut the hair of . . he cut it : because it was ... he cut it : I. KINGS. V. VI. VII. X. XIV. -KVII. XVIII. XXII. 4 For 6 For ' occurrent " read " occurrence ' rebatements ' read "offsets" 20 For "belly" read "swelling)' 28, 29 For " borders " read " panels " 15 For "chapmen'" read "traders" (So II Chron. ix. 14.) 17 For " pound " read " pounds " 3 For "cracknels" read "cakes" 12, 14, 16 For "barrel" read "jar" 26 For " hear " read " answer " 34 For " harness " read " armour' (So II Chron. xviii. 33. II KINGS. II. IV. VII. IX. X. XV. 23 Put marg."* ''young lads" in the text. 22 For " come again " read " return " 16 For " spoiled" read " plundered " (So II Chron. xiv. 14.) 30 For " tired " read " attired " 32 For "eunuchs" read "officers" with marg. Heb. eunuchs. 5 For " several " read " separate " with marg.* Or, infirmary (So in II Chron. xxvi. 21 ) 6 For "in Habor, on the" read "on the Habor, the" So xviii. IX. 34 For "manners" read "manner" 23 For "reproached" read "defied " 35 For " they . . . corpses " read "these . . bodies " 9 For " the king word again " read " brought back word to the king" (So TI Chron. xxxiv. 28.) I CHRONICLES. 27 For " Non . . . Jehoshua " read " Nun . . . Joshua " iq Put margins ^ {threslwld) and ^ {tent) in the text. So 22 marg. ' and 23 marg.^ 28 For " tale " read " count " (twice) 15 For " overflown " read " overflowed " 5 For " Shihor " read " the brook " 4 Omit marg'' 6 Omit marg. ' 12 F'or " spirit " read " Spirit " II CHRONICLES. 3 For " tabernacle of the congregation of God " read " tent of meeting with God " (omitting marg.') 6 For " feed " read " be shepherds of " 22 For " were well skilled " read " had good understanding " 12 For " could skill of " read " were skillful with " 3 For " amerced " read " fined " 17 For " ancient " read " hoary headed " EZRA. 6g F"or "drams" read " darics " So in Neh. vii. 70, 71, 72. 3 For " mantle " read "robe" (So 9; also in Job i. 20; 12 ; Ps. cix. 29 ; and for " cloke " in Is. lix. 17.) ESTHER. VIII. 8 For " liketh " read " seemeth good to " British Third Revision. COMPLETED IN JULY, 1884. The ' spaces ' throughout the Pentateuch are removed everywhere — except where they are specially retained. GENESIS. [N. B. The rendering which stands first in the following notes is that which has been adopted by the English Old Testament Comp:iny at their second revision. The second, separated by a — is that finally adopted.] In title insert 'commonly' before ' called,' and so elsewhere, I. 2 For marg. Or, 7aas brooding upon II fruit tree — rrm/ fruit tree 20, 21 Swarm A. V. restored (text in margin) Omit marg. ' 22 the fowl — fowl 26 heaven — air (and passivi) 28 fill-replenish (A. V.) II. 23 A. V. restored III. I N. P. 6 And the woman saw. ..and she took — And when the woman saw... she took 16 No N. P. 17 No N. P. On ' toil ' put margin, Or, sorroio (and so in 29) 20 In marg. 7/avvah (as Havilah &c.) to marg. IA',nng Add Or, Life 22 No space IV. I from &c.— with the help of the Lord (and omit marg. 3) 3 Omit marg. ^ 7 shalt thou not be accepted ?— in maig. shall it not be lifted up? Add margin on ' shaU be &c.' Or, is its desire, Imt thou shouldest rule over it 8 Add. marg. on 'told Abel.' Heb. said unto Abel 13 Marg. ° Or, Mine iniquity Marg. '^ Or, thai: ean be forgiven 15 Omit marg." 16 N. P. 18 Methusael — Methushael 22 Add to margin, Or, copper, and «o elsewhere 23 I have slain — / will slay in place of marg." 25 N. P. Marg.' substitute Heb. Shetli and on 'appointed' add marg. Heb. slidtli 26 Enos — Enosh (and vv. 6, 7, 9, 10, as i Chr. i. i; V. 2 a son - (7 son g, 10 Cainan — Kenan (as in i Chr. i. 2) 12, 13, 15, 17 Mahalaleel— Mahalalel. 29 Marg. on ' because of the ground,' Or, which cometh from the ground VI. I N. P. 2, 4 man — men 3 Add to marg. " Or, according to many ancient versions, abide in Add marg. on 'for that. ..flesh,' Or, in their going astray they are Jlesh Add marg. on 'yet,' Or, tliciefore 5 No N. P. 9 in his times — in his generations 16 Add marg. on ' upward ' — from above 21 Omit 'thou shalt ' VII. I, 6 N. P. 3 female; — female: 4 substance — thing (and in 23) 21 Add margin on ' creeping.. .creepeih,' Or, swarming... swarmeth 23 And he blotted. ..substance &c. A. V. restored substan- tially. Marg.^ Or, And he blotted out every living thing VIII. I N. P. I asswaged — assuaged 7 the laven — a raven. 3 the dove — a dove 22 Omit marg. - IX. 2 heaven, even all. ..sea; into — with all that creepeth... sea, into In marg.-' for ' Or,' read ' Heb.' that moveih upon the ground — wherewith the ground teemeth 4 the blood— 7,'///<7/ is the blood (A. V.) 5 your blood of your lives — your blood, the blood oi your lives 5 require it, will — require it: and at the hand of man, the hand of every man's brother, will 9 you : — you; 10 Omit marg. ^ 13 my bow have I set — I do set my bow (as A. V.) Marg. Or, / have set 20 N. P. 24 Add marg. to ' youngest ' — Or, younger 2? No N. P. X I Noah;— Noah. 2 N. P. 3 Ashchenaz — Ashkenaz 4 Chittim — Kittim 5 Add marg. on 'isles,' Or, coast lands. 6 Phut — Put 10 Omitrnarg. •'* 11 Asshur — Assyria 14 from whence came Philistim — whence the Philistines went forth (and marg. Or, Pelishliw ) 22 Arphaxad — Arpachshad 32 N. P. XI. 2 east — Margin Or, on the east 4 tower... heavens — tower, whose top may reach unto heaven, g Omit marg. ' 12-15 Salah— Shelah. 27 N. P. putting full stop at Terah XII. 6 In marg. for oakgrove read terebinth 8 with 'Q^\\\^\ -having Bethel {h. V.) 9 Add marg. on ' the South ' Heb. Negeh the southern tract of Judah 10 grievous — sore 13 and my soul — and that my soul XIII. I N. P. 7 dwelled there 9 if to... or if to — if thoit wilt take... or if thou take 10 Marg. 1 Circuit — Circle. Omit marg. - 18 oaks. Add marg. Or, terebinths No space after this verse XIV. 2 the same is Zoar — (the same is Zoar) And similarly in vv. 3, 17 3 joined together in Add marg. Or, Joined themselves together against 7 field— country (cf i Sair. vi. i) Hazezon-tamar — Hazazon-iamar 10 fell— they fell (referring to the army, not the kings) 13 Hebrew; for he dwelt — Hebrew; now he dwelt (see v. 12) 17 meet him — meet him, Aner : — Aner ; 23 that I will not take &c. 24 save only Add marg. let thire he nott/ing for me, only that &c. XV. I shield, thy— shield, and thy (A. V.) 2 go — Add marg. Or, go hence the steward — he that shall be possessor is... Damascus — is Dammesek Eliezer (with marg. The Chald. and Syr. have, Elicztr the Damascene) XVI. Marg.i for 'Or' read ' Heb.' 7 the fountain — a foun- tain 12 a wild-ass — as a wild-ass. 12 against — shall he against Add marg. to ' in the presence of ' — over against Or, to the east of 13 Thou God of vision — Thou art a God that seeth (with marg. Heb. ' Elroi,' that is, God of seeing) Do. — Have I here looked after him that seeth me? Omit mar.- and in marg.-'' omit The well of the living one, tny vision Put margin^ in text 14 Omit hyphen in marg. •' El-roi XVII. I Marg. " omit hyphen 5 Omit marg. " 7 in — throughout (and in 10, 12, as in Ex. xii. 14, 17) thee, and — thee and *. 16 become — be a mother of (A. V. and so x.xiv. 60) 17 Omit 'shall one' 18 O— Oh 19 in marg.^ read ' From the Heb. word meaning to laugh ' Omit 'See Gen. xxi. 6.' 23 house; and — house, and. 27 No space following. XVIII. 3 My Lord— My lord marg. Or, O Lord (and xix. 18) 5 Add marg. on 'forasmuch as,' Or, for therefore {z.nA zX xix. 8, xxxviii. 26 &c.) 10, 14 according to the time of life — when the season cometh round (marg. Heb. liveth Or, revive th) II well — rt;/(/well 14 Add marg. on 'hard,' Or, ivondtrful. 16 N. P. 20 Add margin on ' Because, .because' Or, ]'erily... verily 24 destroy — consume (as xix. 15, 17, Num. xvi. 26) 28 Peradventure — peradventure (and in 30, 31, 32) XIX. I N. P. 4 Read, Before they lay down, the men of the city, even&Lc. 6 doorway — door (and in 11) 19 the evil — evil (Deut. xxxi. 29, Judg. xx. 34, 40, i Sam, xxiii. 9, xxv. 17). In marg. Or, the evil 28 behold (a misprint) — beheld 29 N. P. and at 30 XX. 12 yet indeed she is — moreover she is indeed 14 Abraham ; and he — Abraham, and 16 to thee — for thee. 16 unto — to thee, and with. ..reproved — thee; and in respect of all art thou righted i6 Read for mar^.^, /;/ respect of all. Or, before all men Last part of mars.* in text 6 hath made me to laugh — A/arc. Or, hath prepared laughter for me 8 N. P. XXI. 14 Add marg. on 'bottle,' Or, skin 18 with— in (A. V.) 20 Add marg. on ' became an archer ' — Or, became, as he gre-w up, an archer 29 What are — What mean (Gen. xxxiii. 8, Deut. vi. 20) 30 For these — These 31 Omit marg.' 33 tree — tamarisk tree. 33 Omit marg.* XXII. 13 behold a ram behind — behold, behind him a ram Marg.* for one read a (Heb. one^ 14 it shall be provided — he shall be seen 17 blessing... multiplying — in blessing... in multiplying (A. V.) 18 Add marg. on 'be blessed' Or, bless themselves XXIII. 2 Put ' the same is Hebron ' in brackets as in xiv. 7, 8 6 Exchange text and margin. 10 And — Now 13 I give — I will give 16 money — T?ioney 18 even all — before all XXIV. I well — .///(Z well (as Josh. xiii. i) 7 kindred — nativity (as xi. 8) 10 camels of — camels, of and all.. .hand — having all goodly things of his master's in his hand Marg. Or, for all the goods of his master were in his hand. Aram-naharaim — Mesopotamia. (Harmonize with Judg. iii. 8) 15 son — the son (as 24) 21 wondered at her ; holding — looked steadfastly on her, holding 22 Marg. ■ For hekah read beka and for 6 read 26 27 I being. — as for me, the Lord hath led me in the way 43 virgin — maiden 55 about ten— at the least, ten (A. V.) 60 become thou — be thou the mother of (as xvii. 16) 62 Add marg. to ' from the way of.' The LXX. has, through the wilderness to XXV. 4 Abidah — Abida. 8 full of years — full of years 15 Hadar — Hadad. 16 castles — encampments 18 For marg.* substitute, Or, settled, Heb. fell 20 Marg. ^ Aramite — Aramean Padan-aram— Paddan-aram (and elsewhere). 22 Why am I thus ? — wherefore do I live ? 23 from — even from 25 Add marg. on ' red', Or, ruddy 27 In marg. omit Heb. perfect, and for simple read quiet Or, hartnless 30 ' this red, this red.' Restore A. V. and put the text^in marg. 31 this day — Marg. Or, even tiotu 32 what is a birthright— what profit shall the birthright do 34 lentiles — lentils No space following XXVI. 4 Add marg. on ' be blessed,' Or, bless themselves 9 For — because, g because of — for 15 And — now 19 living — springing (marg. Heb. living) 22 Marg. ■' read Broad places. Or, Room 26 army — host (as xxi. 22) 33 Shebah — Shibah XXVII. 3 Omit marg. 12 deceiver — Margin Or, mocker 24 Thou art... Esau. — Art thou. .Esau? 27 As the smell— Restore A. V. 33 blessed shall he be. Restore A. V. 36 Is it because, &c. Restore A. V. 40 burst loose — break loose. 40 break — shake XXVIII. 2 Padan-aram — Paddan aram (and in 5, 6, 7) assembly — company (and in xxxv. ii, xlviii. 4) 19 but... first- but the name of the city was Luz at the first (order as A. V.) XXIX. I Add margin on ' went on his journey,' Heb. lifted up\his feet 9 sheep : — sheep ; 16 Rachel — was Rachel. 31 N. P. XXX. I N. P. 3 For marg. 1 Heb. htiilded by her 8 Exchange text and margin II With fortune! — Fortunate! (marg. Heb. With for- tune ! ) 13 With my happiness ! — Happy am I ! (marg. Heb. With my happiness !) 25 N. P. 27 eyes — I — eyes, tarry : for I 30 spread abroad into — increased unto (A. V. and see ver. 43 and Hos. iv. 10) since my coming — whithersoever I turned 32 such— of such 33 shall be. — if found ^n\\.\\ me shall be &c. 37 Omit margins •' and * 40 the sheep — the lambs. 41 rods. — rods; 43 Omit comma after ' menservants ' and ' camels ' XXXI. I N. P. I marg. on 'glory,' Or, wealth 13 kindred — nativity (as xi. 28) 18 Padan-aram — P ddan-aram 19 flock — sheep (A. V.) 19 For margj 'See ver. 30, 34' 20 Put marg-. ref. at 'stole,' and i.i marg. stole the heart &c. Add to marg.-' ' /// ■ Aramean ' 21 river — River (and in marg. That is, the Euphrates) 26 daughters, as — daughters as 27 In marg.* read didst steal me mirth, and — mirth and tabret, and — tabret and 30 And now. ..wherefore — Restore A. V. 37 set— Set 41 Thus, .years — These twenty years have I been 43 sons — children. 43 as to my daughters &c. Restore A. V. 46 upon — by 53 the God of their father — In mar;;. Or, gods 55 Add in marg. Chap, xxxii. i in Heb XXXII. 2 the camp of God — God's host Restore A. V. in xxxii, xxxiii. as regards 'host' and ' company '. 13 omii marg.'- iS Thy — 7'//tT /v thy 21 he — he himself 22 N. P. 24 Omit marg. ^ 28 had power zvith — In margin striven 7oitli (see Hos. xii. 3) Marg. ^ read. He who striveth with God ox, God striveth Omit marg. '^ In marg.-' add. The LXX. and Vulg. have, Thou has prevailed against God, and thou shall also prevail against men. 30 for — for, said he XXXIII. I N. P. I was coming — came 5 camp — company 10 hast accepted — wast pleased with (A. V.) 11 blessing — gift (marg. Heb. Or, blessing) all — enough (marg. Heb, all) 13 a single — one (A. V. as in i Sam. xxvii. i) 25 Exchange text and marg. ^ 28, 29 Delete comma after flocks, herds, city, wealth, and little ones spoiled ; — spoiled, even all &c. 30 I am few. ..and they — i being few., they (A. V,) against me, — against me XXXV. 5 Exchange text and margin. 6 the same is Beth-el (iii brackets) 8 beneath — below. 8 In marg.* The oak II an assembly — a company 12 gave — gave unto 17 this... thee — now thou shalt have another son 18 for she died (in brackeisl 19 the same is Belh-lehem (in brackets) 22 After this no space 24, 26 Omit the commas after Joseph, Dan, Gad. 27 the same is Hebron (in brackets) 29 After this no space XXXVI. I the same is Edom (in brackets) 2 Aholibamah — Oholibamah (and in 5. 14, 18, 25, 41) Add marg. on " the daughter of Zibeon,' Some ancient authorities have son. See v. 24 (and so v. 14) Add marg. on ' dukes,' Or, chiefs Omit 'both ' Add marg. on ' Dishon,' Heb. Dishan In marg. -^ read Hamrau. 27 In marg." read Jaakan after — according to (and in 40) Temanite — Temanites. 37 river — River Add to marg. after i Chr. i 50, ' and some ancient au- thorities ' 39 Mezahab — Me-zahab XXXVII. 2 ^\i^n-being {h. V.) 8 us? shalt — us? or shalt 13 Are. ..feeding — Do. ..feed (A. V.) 16 am seeking — seek (A. V.) 25 was coming — came (A. V.) spicery — (in marg. Or, gwn tragacanth Or, storax) ladanum— myrrh (A. V.) and in marg. Or, ladamim balm — in marg. Or, mastic 35 Read, go down to the grave to my son mourning 36 Medanites — Midianites (Heb. Medanites in marg.) ' After this no space XXXVIII. 8 Marg. or, ' perform,' ' See Deut. xxv. 5.' 12 after many days — in process of time (A. V.) 14 Enayim — Enaim (and 21) 17 If thou wilt give me — Wilt thou give me (A. V.) 29 Wherefore... breach ! — Wherefore hast thou made a breach for thyself? Omit marg. 1 Pharez — Perez. 30 a — the XXXIX. 4 served — ministered unto (and xl. 4) 6 fair to look upon — well favoured 9 there is none — in marg. he is not 10 to be — or to be XL. I the baker— //?> baker (A. V.) 10 her— its 19 yet within — within yet 23 After this no space XLI. 8 Add marg. to ' ma'.;icians,' Or, sacred scribes XLII. XLIII. XLIV. XLV. XLVII. XLVI. 1 lo do remember — in margin, Or, will make mention of In margin, Or, / loas restored... ami he was hanged What — what 38 Spirit — spirit Add marg. on ' fine linen,' Or, cotton Abrech — Bow the knee For marg.', abrech, probably an Egyptian word similar in sound to the Hebrew word meaning to kneel. Omit marg.- 51. For — ior, said he, N. P. 12. are ye — ye are house : but- house ; but the interpreter was — there was an interpreter food {or — corn for When they and their father saw &c. N. P. if I do not bring— if I bring him not (A.V.) then. ..thee — then let me bear the blame (A. V. see I K. i. 21 and xliv. 32) be so now — must be so then balm...spicery (as xxxvii. 25) brother,— brother. 15 N. P. your money came to me — Restore A. V. Is it well.. .man — (Restore) A. V. It is. ...father — Thy servant our father is well he took and sent messes — in margin Or, messes were taken N. P. They were — .-/«(/ when they were (A. V.) when Joseph— Joseph he doth indeed divine — he indeed divineth made search; heb?gan — searched, ««^/ began is not — is not with ns 16, N. P. by a great deliverance — In margin Or, to he a great com- pany that escape N. P. the Cnaanites — a Canaanitish woman Marg.* Add 'Num. xxvi. 13' Pharez — Perez {bis^ Add to marg. ^ ' See Num. xxvi. 24 ' On ' Ziphion ' put inari^. ' In Num. xxvi. 15 Zephon ' Add margin on ' Jezer,' ' In i Chr. vii. 13, Jahziel and Shalinm she bare these — these she bare (as 18) 13, 28 N. P. that I have— (restore A. V.) from before — from the presence of (as xli. 46) And the money. ..and all — And when the money. ..all lO -for ^?^r -money faileth 15 for money is at an end- 16 be at an end — fail 21 Add marg. on ' to the cities,' Or, according to Iheir cities 22 not; for. ..them : — not: f or... them ; 24 the four — four 29 nigh — near. 31 After this no space XLVIII. 5 as Reuben.. .mine — Ephraim and Manasseh, even as Reuben and Simeon, shall be mine 6 hast be otten — begettest 7 by me — In margin Or, to my soi-row the same is Beth-lehem (in brackets) 12 knees, — knees; 16 Omit marg. =^ 16 Omit marg. - 19 know — know it 20 In the — In margin Or, By thcc (see xii. 3) 22 For marg. ■* read, Ov, mountain slope Weh. j-Z/c^/^fw, a shoul- der XLIX. 3 Add margin on 'beginning,' 'Or, firstfruits 4 Unstable., .excellency — Boiling over as water, thou shalt not have the excellency (margin. Or, have not thou) 6 mine honor — my glory (as in Psalms) 8 thou. ..thee — thee shall ihy brethen praise 9 whelp: — whelp; 10 the ruler's staff In marg. Or, a la~vgiver (and in Num. xxi. 18) 10 Add to marg. " or, Another ancient rendering is, till he come -whose it is, cr'c. Add to marg. ^or, having the obedience of the peoples. Or, as read by the Sept., imtil that which is his shall come, 13 sea ;— sea ; marg. to ' upon ' Or, by 18 Marg. ^' ■ Heb. gad, to press.' 22 Joseph is a fruitful bough 23 have sorely 24 (From thence. ..Israel,) 25 bless thee; — bless thee 25 womb : — womb 26 In marg.^ after desire add (Or, desirable thin}>s) him that was separate from — In marg. Or, him that is prince among 27 Space afier 27 33 And Jacob. ..and he — and when Jacob.. .he L. I, 14, 22 N. P. 3 Marg. 1 in text 5 Add marg. on ' have digged,' Or, bought 11 Omit marg.~ and put marg. on ' mourning,' Heb. Ebel 25 born to Ephraim the children of— Ephraim's children of (A. V.) EXODUS. 2 Judah, — Judah ; 3 Benjamin, — Benjamin ; 4 Dan, and — Dan and 4 Gad, and — Gad and 9 Add Marg. Or, too maity and too mighty fo?- tis 10 go to — come. Omit margin 12 were grieved because of — In margin, Or, abhorred 14 mortar, and — monar and 14 brick, and — brick and 15 N. P. 16 look upon the birth — and see them upon the birthstool 22 After this no space 11 N. P. 12 turned — looked 15 the well — a well (cf. in. 2, iv. 20) 19. Omit 'even ' 25 knew — took knowledge of them I Omit marg. ^ 14 Add in marg.i Or, / will he that I jvill be 15 Marg.- insert ' Or, I will be ' before Heb. Ehyeh 3 Margin on 'serpent,' Heb. iiahash 6 leprous as — leprous as white as 7 And he put... flesh (in brackets) 10 O Lord — Oh Lord 11 Omit 'the' four times, and read 'Who maketh a man dumb', &c. 13 whom — him whom (A. V.) 16 speak for thee — be thy spokesman (A. V.) a god — as God. 17 After this no space 18 Jether— Jethro (marg. Heb. Jether) 25 made it touch — cast it at (comp. Is. xxvi. 5, Lam. ii. 2) Marg. Heb. made it touch 26 blood — blood art thou After this no space 6 Omit marg. 1 13 a day's task in its day )'<'//r daily tasks (A. V.) 14 were asked — demanded (A. V.) 19 Marg. Or, were set on mischief, when they said 20 had... way — stood in the way (A. V.) 3 In marg.i EL-SHADDAIm Italic. 3 as to—hy I was not known — In marg. Or made known Omit marg. ^ 8 lift up— lifted 13 No N. P. 15 the Canaanitess — a Canaaniiish woman. 17 Libni, — Libni 19 Mushi: these — Mushi. These 20 aunt — father's sister 23 daughter — the daughter sister — the sister Nadab, — Nadab Eleazar, — Eleazar 28 N. P. VII. I No N. P. 5 and I will bring — and bring. 7 After this no space II Add marg. on 'magicians,' 'See Gen. xli. 8.' 13 In marir.- read ivus for zvaxed (and so in 22 marg., viii. 19. &c.) 19 Harmonise with Is. xix. 6. canals— streams Marg. Or, canals (and in viii. 5) 19 gatherings — ponds VIII. I said— spake. 4 A. V. restored 9 honour — glory 15 the respite — respite A. V. restored made his heart stubborn — hardened his heart (marg. Heb. made Iicavy.) And so in 32, ix. 34, x. I 16 land — earth (and in 17) In marg. Or, sandflies, ox fleas 21 marg.^ omitted 23 put a division — Marg. Or, set a sign oi deliverance 24 was corrupted — Marg. Or, destroyed IX. 4 a very— there shall he a very (A. V.) 7 And — But. 9 boils— a boil 10 man, — man 16 stand — to stand 17 go : 'behold — go? Behold 19 every — for every. 21 After this no space 24 Marg. on ' flashing' Or, mingled 7i'ith 28 that it. ..more — for there hath been enough oi these 35 in marg. strong for stout as vii. 13, 22, viii. 19, &c. X. 2 in— upon g have— must hold 19 Omit marg. ^ 20 After this no space 21 In margin read men for one 29 well, I — well ; I 29 No space after this XII. 3 tenth— terbth day (see 14) 8 roast with fire, and unleavened bread ; with &c. 9 his — its (twice). 11 your loins — with your loins 11 Punctuate 'hand: and. ..haste; it is ' 12 this — in that (as 8). 17 Put ' feast of ' in Italic 19 Omit ' even.' 19 native of — born in (and so 48) 20 After this no space 21 Add margin on 'Draw out,' Or, Go forth 22 Not one — none. 32 .Also take — Take both 42 Add margin on ' a night,' &c., Or, a night of watching unto the Lord this. ..observed of — In margin Or, this same night is a night of UHitclimg unto the Lord for &c. 51 No N P. After this no space XIII. 3 N. P. 7 thee in — thee, in 12 Add marg. on 'set apart,' Heb. cause to pass over 13 12 womb, and every firstling. .Lord's — womb: and every firstling which thou hast that cometh of a beast ; the males shall be the Lord's 13 his — its 18 harnessed — armed (as in Josh. i. 14, iv. 12, Judg. vii. 11, and delete the margm in these cases.) 21 marg. * in text, night — by night 22 After this no space XIV. 4 In margin for 'Or' read ' Heb.' (and elsewhere) 6 chariot — Margin, Or, chariots 9 all the hors"e...Pharsoh and— all the horses and chariots, &c. 13 In margin /<;;- — whereas 21 hac\i— back 23 horse — horses 24 forth toward — forth upon camp — host 25 margin ^ in text After this no space 27 to his — to its 31 mighty hand wherewith — great work which (A. V.) 31 wrought against — did upon (x. 2) XV. 2 Omit margin^. 6 glorious — is glorious S heap, — heap ; Print as three lines, ending ' overtake'. ..them ;...them. 15 mighty men — (in marg. Heb. rams.) them; — them: 16 Add margin on ' purchased,' Ov, gotten ig horse — horses 26 them, and — ihem ; and he sight — eyes XVI. I N. P. And they took,..Elim, and all the &c. came 2 and Aaron — and against Aaron 15 What is this ?— What is it ? This— It 16 eating, — eating ; persons ; take ye — persons shall ye take it. 23 that — that which (twice) 28 No N. P. 31 ma.d.&— made (A. V.) 32 omer-full — omerful (and 33.) have fed — fed 36 After this no space XVII. I Marg. on 'journeys,' Or, stages 2 did chide — strove chide — strive 4 yet a little and they will stone — they be almost ready to stone 7 chiding — striving After this versc no space 13 discomfited — (marg. Web. prostrated) 14 No N. P. that— In margin Or, for 16 Ahand upon — The Lord hath sworn In margin 1 add is M XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXI r. l6 Add to margin- against the throne of the Lord Heb. hand is lifted up upon the throne of Jah Omit margin ^ After this verse no space I Full point at ' Egypt' 4 For margin' Heb. El, God. and ezer. help. 13 in (a misprint; — it 19, 20 that thou mayest bring &c. — and bring 27 After this no space text and text 3n • trumpet', m margin. Heb. ram's horn (different 19 Put margin^ Add margin fiom 16) And ihe voice... Moses — And when the voice of the trum- pet went on and waxed exceeding loud, Moses went on... loud — waxed louder and louder Omit margin- 4 N. P. For margin- read, Or, beside vie or any form, that — nor the likeness of any form that and fourth — and upon the fourth (as xxxiv. 7) me, and — me and In margin* read, for vanity or falsehood After this no space 13 not kill — do no murder 18 Omit first part of marg. 23 silver, or — silver or gold — gold 24. all places — every place (as Gen. xx. 13, Deut. xi. 24) Add margin on 'record', Or, cause my name to be re- membered 26 After this no space 2 N. P. Add margin on ' servant ', Or, bondman 5 And— But 7 Add margin on 'maidservant'. Or, bondivottian 8 Transpose text and margin^ 12 be surely — surely be (and in 20) 18 strive together — contend 20 Put marg. Or, his bondman or his bo)td-:voinan 22 strive — strive together pay it — pay Omit marg. ^ 27 After this no space 33 pit, and — pit and dead — dead beast (as 34) 2 Omit ' where he is ', In margin', put blood ior bloods 3 make full — make surely (and in 6, 14) 15 For margin^ read. Or, it is reckoned its hire 18 witch — sorceress (see vii. 11, Duet, xviii. 10) 19 N. P. (Heb. comet h into) XXIV. XXV. 20 Marg. on 'utterly destroyed', Heh. devofec/. See Lev. xxvii. 29. 25 an usurer — a creditor 29 the choicest... liquors: — of the abundance of thy fruits... liquors Add margin, Heb. iJiy fulness aud thy tear : the firstborn — . The firsiborn 30 his — its (and in 19) me ; neither shall ye — me : therefore ye shall not 2 speak — In margin Or, hear :cit/iess 5 26, No iV. P., and wouldst...with him — In margin. Or, (7nd wouldst for bear to release it for him, thou shall surely release it with hitTi. 8 Add margin on ' words'. Or, cause 10, 14, 18 N. P. 11 let it rest, &c. In margin Or, release it and let it be fallow See Deut, xv. 2 12 thou shalt rest — In margin Or, thou shall keep sabbath 15 for... Egypt (in brackets) After this no space (nor after 33) 21 Add margi.T on 'provoke', &c. Or, be not rebellious against him 22 Omit margin' 24 images— pillars Marg. Or, obelisk 31 In margin, the Euphrates I. 2 off. And — off: and 2 nigh: — near; 8 concerning ..words — In margin Or, upon all these condi- tions 12 commandment which — commandment, which law, — law 4 In margiii=^ iov silk read cotton (as Gen. xli. 42) 5 Mare.'' in text wood. — wood ; 6 incense. — incense; 7 Add margin on ' onyx', Or, ber)'l 9 In margin for 'Or', read 'Heb.' the furniture -all the furniture II crown — cornice (with margin. Or, moulding ior Or, cornice. So in verses 11, 25, and xxx. 3) 14 by— on 17 the length — shall be the length 18 gold, — gold ; Omit 'Or, solid' in margin' (and elsewhere) 19 In margin* for ' Or ' read ' Heb.' (and elsewhere) 22 After this na space i6 23 cubits — cuhns s/1/7// it- 27 be for — be, for 29 Omit marg ^ Omit margin 1 30 After this no space 31 made: its — made, even its shaft,— shaft ; 32 and six — and there shall be six 33 that go— going 37 Margin'' ' light ' in text (see xxvii. 20, xl, 4) For margin", Or, set tip. Omit margin' XXVI. I Margin on 'tabernacle.' See xxv. 8, 9. 4 Put reference^ to ' coupling', and change the position of the marginal note 10 which is the — which is outmost in the 13 side -side, 14, 15 wood — wood, 17 For margin- read, Or, morticed 22 Omit margin'', as in xxxvi. 27 24 and in like manner they shall be entire unto the top thereof unto one imarg. Or, the first') ring 32 their hooks — their hooks shall be (A. V.) 33, 34 most holy place 37 hanging — screen (as 36) XXVII. 2 the same — one 4 ends — corners, marg. Heb. ends. 7 margin on 'sides', Heb. ribs 11 rods — fillets (and in 17) of silver — shall he of silver 17 joined with — filleted with 20 to burn — In margin. Or, to set up a lamp. bring — bring unto 21 meeting without the veil, — meeting, without the veil In margin^ read ' See Ex. &c.' statute — marg. Or, due XXVIII. 4 broidered cost — cost of chequer work. Add margin on ' mitre'. Or, turban 8 the embroidered band — the cunningly woven band (and in 27, 28, &c.) 9 Add margin on 'onyx,' Or, beryl ii stones— stones, enclosed — inclosed (and in 20) 12 for stones — to be stones 13 of gold, — of gold: 14 Omit margin^. 15 No N. P, 18 diamond— sardonyx (in margin) 19 ligure — jacinth (with margin. Or, ambei') 20 beryl— chalcedony (^in margin) 22 Omit margin 1. 25, 27 toward — in 39 quilt. ..with — weave the coat in chequer work of &c. 17 XXIX. 2 tempered — mingled (as 40) 13, 22 Omit margin 1. 14 hide — skin 18 fire offering — offering made by fire (A. V. restored everywhere) 27 shoulder — Margin, Or, thii^h 28 by a statute — as a due 33 Omit margin ^ 36 Marg. on 'cleanse'. Or, ptirgd 36 when thou makest — Marg. Or, by thy makitig 37 it; and. ..holy: — it: and. ..holy; (Omit margin^) 40 part — part of an e/>hah (and omit marg.^) 43 Israel, — Israel; it — the tent 44 I will... sons — Aaron also and his sons will I sanctify XXX. 8 Exchange text and margin"* 10 for — In margin. Or, upon After this no lead 16 assign it to — appoint it for (A. V.) After this no space 21 After this no space. 24 Margin on 'cassia'. Or, costus 32 proportions — composition (and in 37) 34 Add margin on 'stacte'. Or, opohalsamum XXXI. 2 Bezaleel— Bezalel. 6 Aholiab— Oholiab 6 Dan: — Dan; thee; — thee: 7 Tent,— tent; 10 garments of service — finely wrought garments (marg. Some ancient versions x^v\^&x garments of service) After this no space 15 in — on (as 17) XXXII. I N. P. 11 power, — power 15 written — that were written 18 Restore A. V. 19 calf,— calf 24 then — and 25 Margin on 'derision', Heb. 7ukispenng 29 yea,. ..that he — In marg.,_/('r every man hath been against his soti and his brother, that he 34 Therefore — And I visit— I visit. XXXIII. 5 Read, ' if 1 go up... there for one moment,' 7 And. ..called — Now Moses used (see xxi. 36, A. V.) to take the tent and to pitch it... camp; and he called 9 he — the Lord 12 Add margin on ' whom ', Or, hl*i( "whom 13 way — ways to the end — to the end that 16 Is it not... earth... — Is it not in thy going with us, so that we be separated, . ? (and omit marg.) XXXIV. 5 and stood. ..and proclaimed — In margin Or, and he stood... and called upon 7 plenteous in mercy (all other passages made to agree with this verse so altered). See Ps. xxv. 10, xl. 10, 11, Ixi. 7, Ixxxv. 10, Ixxxvi. II, Ixxxix. 14. i8 XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. 7 sins — sin lo Omit marg.- 13 Order as in Deut. vii. 5 In margin- read ' Probably the wooden symbols of the goddess Asherah, which were set up beside the altars of Baal ' In margin^ read ' a goddess AsheraJi ' 15 thee, and — thee and 20 But — And and if. ..neck — and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break its neck (as in xiii. 13) 22 In margin on 'end', read Heb. revolution (2,% 2 Chron. xxiv. 23) 27 NoN. P. 29 N. P. Marg. on ' by reason of &c.', Or, 7vJiile he talked 30 And Aaron. ..and behold — And when Aaron... behold 33 And Moses. ..and he put — And when Moses had done... he put 34, 35 came out. And. .commanded. And — cameout; and... commanched; and 2 Add marg. ref. to xxxi. 15 2 work —any work (as xxxi. 15) 5, &c. As in XXV. 2, &c. Add marg. ref. 7 badgers' skins (as before) 11-I9 A semicolon at the end of each verse ig garments of service (as in xxxi. 10). 20 N. P. 21 they brought — brought 22 hooks — brooches armlets — marg. Or, necklaces 29 Order as in A. V. 30 N. P. Add marg. ref. to xxxi. 1-6 34 Aholiab — Oholiab (and elsewhere) 35 engraver — craftsman (in margin) 2, 35 N. P. 8 Add marg. ref. to xxvi. i 14 8 of the work — the work (as xxvi. i, 31, xxxvi. 35) 14 No N. P. 20 Marg. ref. to xxvi. 15-29. 35 Marg, ref. to x.xvi. 31-37 37 Tent — tent, I Marg. ref. to xxv. 10-20 10 Marg. ref. to xxv. 23-29 17 Marg. ref. to xxv. 31-39 its base — even its base 29 As xxvi. 24 19 ig, 21 that go — going (A. V. and i8) 25 Ref. to XXX. 1-5 26 Margins as xxx. 3 27 ' ribs ' as xxx. 4 29 Ref. to xxx. 23, 24 I Ref. to xxvii. i — S. 2 Transpose text and margin. 8 Ref. to xxx. IS. In margin omit company of g Ref. to xxvii. 9— IQ 21 Insert ' even' before ' the tabernacle' son to — the son of 23 Marg. on ' an engraver', Or, a craftsman 26 bekah — beka 1 N. P. garments of service (as xxxi. 10) 4 Ref. to xxviii. 6 — 12. 5 See xxviii. 8 6 made. ..inclosed — wrought the onyx stones inclosed (A.V.) with — according to (xxviii. 11) 7 stones as — to be stones 8 Ref. to xxviii. 15 — 28. 15 Omit margin 22 Ref. to 20 xxviii. 31 — 34. 27 Ref. to xxviii. 39, 40, 42 30 Ref. to xxviii. 36, 37. 32 No space 33 A semicolon at the end of each verse 2 set — rear. 4 Set it in order — set in order the things that are upon it 12 wash— shalt wa^h 14 clothe them with coats. See xxix. 8 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33. No N. P. 28 set up — put of the tabernacle — to the tabernacle 29 put — set 31 Ref. to xxx. 19, 20. 33 No space LEVITICUS. 2 bringeth. . .bring — offereth. . . offer 3 N. P. 5 bring — present 6 his — its (and elsewhere) 9 fire sacrifice. As in Exodus 14 bring — offer 17 he shall not — btd shall not 2 it as — // as 5 In marg. omit 01. Omit or slice 7 caldron — fryingpan (A. V.) 11 bring — offer 12 firstfruits — first/rwiV.f (A. V.) I Margin on ' peace offerings,* Or, thank offerings 4 flanks — loins (as Ps. xxxviii. 7.) So also in 10, 15, vii. 4 caul (See Ex. xxix. 13) Om. margin 4 with the kidneys, shall he take away — which he shall take away by the kidneys (in margin) 17 for.. .throughout — throughout... in (uniformly) IV. 2 In margin read through error 11 hide — skin 20 And he.. .bullock as — Thus shall he do with the bullock ; as (See Ex. xl. 16) 28 him: — him, 35 Omit margin. See iii. 5 In margin read after the manner of V. I utter it — declare the thing 4 one of these — one of these things 6 concerning — as concerning (iv. 26) ID offer — Marg. Or, prepare 12 it, as — it as In margin- Or, after the manner of 13 it — the remnant (as A. V.) 16 amends — restitution VI. 9 It is. ..on the hearth — the burnt offering shall be, &c Omit marg. ^ Add margin to 'on the hearth', Or, on its firewood 13 ever be... altar — be kept burning upon the altar contin- ually 18 of it. It... fire sacrifices — of it, as a due for ever through- out your generations from the offerings of the Lord made by fire: whosoever, &c. 21 On ' baking-pan' put marg. See ii. 5 Omit margin (and at vii. 12) Add margin on ' baken' ' The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain ' 22 the anointed priest — the anointed priest that shall lie it is.. .burnt — by a statute for ever it shall be wholly burnt unto the Lord 25 In — in VIL 8 hide — skin. 15 his offering it — his oblation 20 Omit ' even' (and in 27) 22, 35 N. P. 26 Moreover, &c — And ye shall eat, &c. (as A. V.) 34 by a statute for ever — as a due for ever 36 statute — due VIII. I Put ref. to Ex. xxix. and harmonise 7 See Ex. xxviii. 8 9 Marg. on ' mitre'. Or, turban 16 caul (as before, and so in 25) 18 brought — presented (and in 22.) 25 shoulder (as before) 33 out of — out from (as x. 7) Marg. on ' consecrate', Heb. fill your hand 34 he hath done — hath been done IX. 9 brought — presented 14 did wash — washed 15, 16, 17 brought — presented 24 and all — and when all shouted — they shouted X. I N. P. 3 come nigh — Marg. Or, are nigh Order of A. V. restored 6 Margin. Some ancient versions render, Uucovei- not your heads 10 and that ye may — Marg. Or, and ye shall 15 Lord; Lord: 16 N. P. 17 Margin on ' to bear'. Or, to take away 20 Restore A. V. When Moses heard that XL 3 Omit margin^ In Marg.- for 'Or' read ' Heb.' 5 coney — add to margin, Or, rockbadger and omit ' prob- ably' 9, 13 N. P. 13-18 Semicolons at the end of the verses 13 ossifrage — gier eagle 14 vulture... kite — kite... falcon his — its (and in 15, 16, 19, 22, 29) 16 night hawk In margin — Heb. tahmas, of uncertain meaning 18 ibis — horned owl. gier eagle — vulture (so Arab.) 19 heron — In margin Or, this 20, 24, 41, 46 N. P. 22 In margin after ' locusts' add ' or grasshoppers' 30 Margin on 'gecko, &c.' Words of uncertain meaning, but probably denoting four kinds of lizards 32 Marg. in text so it shall be cleansed — then shall it be clean (as else- where, xvii. 15, &c.) 34 Of all. ..cometh shall — All food which may be eaten, on which water cometh, shall 36 Margin on ' pit' Or, cistern Margin on ' that which ' Or, he who 37 any part — aught {a,s 25) 42 among — even 44 ye shall... holy — sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy (as xx. 7) 45 bringeth — brought (xxii. 33, xxv. 38) 46 the beast. ..the fowl — beasts.. .fowl XII. 4, 5 blood of her purifying XIII. 5, 6, 23, 28 anc/— and 23, 28 inflammation — scar 45 N. P. 48 Margin on ' warp, or woof,' Or, jvoven or knitted s/uff 49 Omit ' and' 55 spread, : XIV. 5, 6, 50, 51 living — running (Marg. Heb. living) ID tenth deals — tenth parts (as in Ex. xxix. 40) 23 he shall... day — on the eighth day he shall bring them 36 Omit margin 54 N. P. XV. 4 Omit margin. 9 In margin read carriage 13 living — running (A. V.) 24 all the bed — every bed (as 26, or vice versa) 31, 32 N. P. XVI. 6, 9, II, 20 bring — present 8 Omit first part of margin 10 for him — Marg. Or, over him 12 his censer full — a censer full 16 in — even (and in 20) 21 Restore A. V. A man that is in readiness 24 with water — in water himself, and — himself and 29 N. P. 33 reconcile. ..reconcile; and — make atonement for the holy sanctuary, and he shall make atonement for the tent of meeting and for the altar ; and XVII. 4 offer— offer it Lord; — ^Lord: 7 For margin, Or, satyrs g, 10, 13 Omit ' even ' 10, 13 N. P. 14 is for the life — is all one with the life (see Gen. ix. 4) XVIII. 7 and — even 17 Margin on 'wickedness'. Or, enormity (and at xix 29, XX. 14) 18 wife — woman to vex her — to be a rival to her 24 N. P. 28 nations that were — nation that was XIX. 9 N. P. 19 Read ' Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind : thou shalt not sow thy field with two kinds of seed: neither shall... a garment of two kinds of stuff mingled together' 23, 33 No N. P. then ye... shall it be — ye shall count the fruit thereof as their uncircumcision : three years shall they be 23 24 for giving praise unto XX. 22, 27 N. P. 25 As Gen. ix. 2 XXI. I people : — people; 2 but — except brother, — brother: 3 husband; — husband, 4 Transpose margin and text 7 profane — marg. Ox, polluted 13 Margin on 'that is consecrated,' Heb. whose hand is filled 12 Margin on ' crown', Or, conseci-ation 15, 23 I the Lord do — I am the Lord which 18 Margin on 'fiat', Or, slit XX I L 3 among — throughout 4 any thing — In margin, Or, any one 6 with water — in water 7 clean, and. ..things; — clean; and. ..things, 9, 16 I the Lord do — I am the Lord which 10 of the priest — oi the priest's (Ed. of 161 1) 11 the priest — a priest it, and he that is — it; and such as are 21 to make a special vow, or a — to accomplish a vow, or for a 22 a wen — In marg. Or, sores 24 which is — which hath its stones sacrifice them — do thus (marg. Or, sacrifice them) XXIII. 7, 8,21. 25, 35, 36 servile work— In margin work of labour 8 convocation: — convocation; 12 sheaf — sheaf, XXIV. I Add marg. ref. to Ex. xxvii. 20, 21, and conform the ren- derings 3 in — throughout 8 Omit in margin all after ' from' 9 After this a space 16 Name — name of the Lord (A. V.) XXV. 6 hired servant, and for thy stranger, that — hired servant, and for thy stranger that with thee, and — with thee ; and II vine — vines 15, 16 thee ; according — thee. According 16 it : for — it ; for 17 So shall ye not — And ye shall not 22 store, until. ..year; until. ye — store; until. ..year, until,, ye 23 perpetuity: for. ..mine ; — perpetuity ; for. ..mine: 25, 26, 35, 39, 47 wax — be waxen 34 26, 35. 47 Omit margins 33 In margin* purchase of — recfeem from 35 thee ; — thee, 36 increase: but fear thy God ; — increase ; but fear thy God: 47 or sojourner — or sojourner XXVI. I, 46 N. P. 2 No space / 10 Marg. on, 'because of,' Or, from before 16 even appoint. ..consumption — appoint... even consump- tion 23 unto — In margin Or, by 30 idols, and — idols ; and 34 all the days it — as long as it 35 As long as it.. .it shall have rest ; even the rest &c. 36 you — you, enemies; — enemies : 39 consume (twice) — pine (A. V.) See Ez. iv. 17 43 — 45 Put full stops at the end of verses 42, 43, 45. 44 Restore A. V. with ' reject them ' for ' cast them away ' 44, 45 then will I — but I will XXVII. 2 make a special vow — accomplish a vow (text in margin) Read in margin Ox, according to thy estimation of persons unto the Lord, then thy estimation,' &c 8 presented — set 9 bring — offer 10 then it — then both it (as 33) 11 present — set 14, 16, 26, 28, 30, 34 N. P. 16 a field — the field (as 22) a homer of barley seed — the sowing of a homer of barley 18 remain, even unto — remain unto the jubile — jubile (and in 23, 24) 23 estimation, even unto — estimation unto 26 of the beasts — among beasts 28 Notwithstanding — Notwithstanding, NUMBERS. 3 Israel : — Israel, 13 Ocran — Ochran (and ii. 27) 18, 19 polls, as. ..and he — polls. As.. .so he (Ex. xvi. 24) 47 N. P. 48 No N. P. 50 vessels — furniture (as in Ex. xxxi. 8, 9) 25 II. 7 the tribe — awa' the tribe III. 8 vessels — furniture (as before) 9 out of— on the behalf of Marg. Or, from 10 appoint — Marg. Or, number 12 Israel :...inine; — Israel ;...mine : 13 shall they — they shall (i6ii) 21 33, N. P. Shimites— Shimeites 28 In. ..were — According to. .there were 32 with — and have 36 the appointed charge— In margin Or, the office of the charge (A. V.) vessels — instruments (as in iv. 32) Margin on ' for'. Or, even (of. ix. 15, xviii, ri) 46 Margin in text ' And lor the redemption of the two hun- dred ' (text in margin) 47 the shekel of twenty gerahs (as Ex. xxx. 13) 48 the odd number... is to be ransomed — the overplus of them is redeemed Omit marg.* 49 Omit margin. 51 the money of them that were ransomed — the redemption money (with text in margin) The technical terms as in Exodus IV. 3 Add to margin, ' and so in 30, 35, 39, 43 4, 5 things : and when — things : when 5 come — go in 12, 13 frame : and — frame. And 15 vessels — furniture (and 16) 11 sanctuary — Marg. Or, holy things 26 Omit margins 30 entereth into — entereth upon (as 3, 39) 34, 42, 46 N. P. 49 burden : thus were they numbered of him, — In margin Or, burden and his duty V. 3 camps — camp^ 4 No space 8 Omit margin. Read in text ' the restitution for guilt which is made unto the Lord shall be the priests' ' 9 bring — present 19, 20 and if thou hast... and if thou — and if thou, being un- der thy husband, hast not gone aside to uncleanness, be thou free... but if thou, being under thy husband, hast gone aside, and if thou (with text in margin) 21 Margin on ' cursing' and 'curse'. Or, adjuration 22 amen — Amen (Neh. viii. 6) 24, 27 for bitterness — and become bitter (A. V.) 29 when a wife. ..husband — when a woman, being under her husband, goeth aside 26 VI. 13 N. P. 16 bring — present 17 his meal offering and his drink offering — ttie meal offer. ing thereof and the drink offering thereof. 18 the peace offerings — peace-offerings 20 with— together with 20 shoulder — thigh 21 and of^and of 23 say — ye shall say VII. I vessels — furniture (the first time) 3 brought them — presented them 15 &c. a year old — the first year 72 Ocran — Ochran (and in 77, x. 26) 84 by — In margin Or, at the hands of 86 golden spoons twelve — twelve golden spoons VIII. 2 Harmonise with Ex. xxv. 37 in front of — so as to gtve light in front of 3 Margin as in ver. 2 4 unto... thereof was — a>id unto. ..thereof, it was 7 Sprinkle — sprinkle g, 10 bring — present 11 from among — on the behalf of (Marg. Or, from) may do — may be to do (vii. 5) 17 every— all the 19 when th6 children of Israel come nigh — In margin Or, through the children of Israel comino; nigh 20 concerning — touching 24 For of read /w IX. 7 Omit margin 13 even the same — that (xix. 20) 14 the native of — him that is born in 15 that day (misprint) — the day 21 until morning, — until morning; 21 whether by day or by night — or if it continued by day and by night X. 2 calling — the calling of g the oppressor that oppresseth — the adversary that op- presseth 12 took their journeys — set forth according to their journey- ings 28 Such— Thus 33 N. P. Omit 'in the' XI. I as those that murmur, which was evil — as murmurers speaking evil Marg. Or, which was evil and the Lord ..and his — and when the Lord. ..his 2, 20, 25 Omit margins 4 N. P. lusted exceedingly — fell a lusting 27 6 our eyes. .manna — we have nought save this manna to look to (see Ps. cxxiii. 2) 8 For margin* put ' Or, cakes baked with oil' 25 gave it unto — put it upon (29) 33 yet. ..yet — restore A. V. omitting ' And ' wrath — anger (as xii. 9) XII. 4 ,14 No N. P. 5 the pillar — a pillar 6 make, .speak — will make., will speak 7, 8 house. With — house : with 8 plainly — manifestly 10 as snow — as white as snow XIII. 17 Margin on 'by', Or, into (and in 22) 17 mountain — mountains (as 29) 21 as men come to — to the entering in of (xxxiv. 8, Josh xiii. 5) 23 some — they brought XIV. I N. P. 6 Nun, — Nun 14 Margin on ' face to face', Heb. eye to eye 21 deed — deed 25 by the way of — by the way to 27 How long &c. — restore A. V. 32 your carcases, even yours, — as for you, your carcases 33 bear — shall bear 40 here we are — We be here (A. V.) that we may — and we will 45 Omit comma at 'them', XV. 3 in making. ..vow — to accomplish a vow (and in 8) Text in margin 4 unto the Lord bring — offer unto the Lord bring — offer (and 9) 10 bring — offer 10, 13 sacrifice, of — sacrifice of 24 his meal offering, and his drink offering — the meal offer- ing thereof and the drink offering thereof 25 it shall be forgiven them — they shall be forgiven them; f or... error : and they shall bring — them: for it was an error ; and they have brought 26 it shall. ..Israel — all the congregation of the children of Israel shall be forgiven 27 bring — offer 27, 35 No N. P. 38 Margin in text, corners — borders tassels — fringes tassel — fringe corner — border Margin on fringes Or, tassels in the comers 39 tassel — fringe XVI. 5. II congregation — company 5 hath chosen — shall choose 6 Take — take 7 he is holy — he shall be holy 9, 13 is it too small &:c. Restore A. V. 23, 44 No N. P. 27 gat up — gat them up 28 that it is not — for/ have not done them (A. V.) 31 Restore A. V. 32 houses — households 38 In margin ' iox peril had cost Omit margin^ 40 congregation — company 46 put on incense — lay incense thereon XVII. 3 shall be— there shall be 10 No N. P. 13 shall die... utterly? — dieth : shall we perish all of us ? Margin on ' dieth ' Or, shall die XVIII. 8 by a statute for ever — as a due for ever (and in 11, 19) 10 Read ' As the most holy things ' Omit margin 12 new wine — vintage them have I given thee— to thee have I given them 15 bring — offer ransom — redeem (and in 16, 17) 16 Read in margin. ' And as to their redemption money, from a month old shalt thou redeem them 18 shoulder — thigh 31 for your — in return for your (as 21) 32 that ye die not — In margin Or, neither shall ye die XIX. 2 heifer without spot — In margin perfect (see Lev. xxii. 21 5 hide — skin 9 of separation — In margin Or, of impurity {^.ndi in 13, 20, 21, xxxi. 23) 12 with it — therewith and on the seventh day he shall be clean &c. — In margin Or, and on the seventh day, so shall he be clean; but if he purify... day and on the seventh day, he shall not be clean 17 living — running (A. V.) XX. 7, 12 No N. P. 13 was sanctified — In margin Or, shewed himself holy 19 (it is nothing)— Restore A. V. 29 So all.. .and they wept — And when all... they wept (A. V.) XXI. 4 way of — way to 5 by — because of (Marg. Or, in) 5 light — In margin Or, vile 8 serpent — serpent (as A. V.) 29 II Ije-abarim — lye-abarim 18 went — journeyed {2.% i\, 10 — 13) Well— The well The nobles— Which the nobles sceptre, with— sceptre, fl« against me and I will <^c. See Ecclus. xlvi.19. 19 added unto... sins tJiis evil, to ask, &c 21 Margin on ' and turn ye not aside', The LXX has, and turn ye not aside after the vanities tvhich &c aside : for.... things — aside : f or. ... after vain things which &c vanity — vain XIII. 6 margin on 'holds'. Or, holes margin on ' pits'. Or, cisterns 14 commanded — appointed [see i Kings i. 35] 20 mattock : — mattock; 21 Add to margin, The Hebrew text is obscure, axes, — axes; XIV. 14 read ' half a furrow's length in ' 21 In margin ' The LXX reads, they also turned to be' 24 for Saul had adjured — but Saul adjured 25 to — into 26 into — unto marg. on ' the honey dropped'. Or, a stream of honey 30 margin on ' for now &c.' Or, for had there not been now a much greater slaughter &c.? [A. V.j 37 asked— counsel [A. V.] 41 Omit marg. - Shew the right — Give a perfect lot\^A. V.] in margin Saul and Jonathan — Jonathan and Saul 44 No N. P. 45 redeemed — rescued marg. Heb. ransomed 47 vexed them — vexed them Margin Or, ' them ' (Roman) Add to marg. ^ The Sept has, he luas victorious [comp. 2 Sam. viii. 6] 49 Ishni — Ishvi [as in Gen. xlvi. 17] 51 And Kish was....Abiel — Margin 'According to some ancient authorities, Attd Kish the father of Saul and were sons of Abial ' XV. 7 Margin in text [see ch. xxvii. 8] 17 Israel,— Israel ? Israel ? And — ^Israel; and 23 marg. on ' idolatry', or, iniquity margin on ' teraphim', see Gen. xxxi. 19, 34 XVI. 4 trembled at his coming — came to meet him trembling 18 marg, on 'prudent', Or, skilful matters — speech Add margin Or, business XVII. I Omit margin^ and margin^ 3 the valley was — there was a valley [Josh. viii. 11] 47 12 7vas — was (Roman) Margin 'The LXX omits vv. 12-31 and 55— xviii. 5' Omit margin^ 17 this ephah of — an ephah of this 22 Omit margin^ 32 margin to ' because of ' Or, within 38 head; — head, 52 margin on ' Sh laraim'. Or, the two gates XVIII. 6 as David— when David [A. V.] 7 sang one to another, in marg. Or, answered one another [see Ex. xv. 21] as they played — in their play 15 was afraid — stood in awe [see ver. 12] 18 what is my life. In marg., Or, who are my kinsfolk 21 Omit margin' XIX. 9 marg. on ' an evil spirit &c', Or, the spirit of the Lord was evil towai'd 13 pillow — in margin Or, y So in II. Chron. xxvi. 21. XVII. 6 For "in Habor, on the" read "on the Habor, the" So in xviii. 11. 34 For " manners" read "manner" XIX. 4 For " reproach " read "defy" with corresponding change in verses 22, 23. So in Is. xxxvii. 4, 17, 23, 24. 7 For "a rumour" read "tidings" So in Is. xxxvii. 7; Jer. x. 22 ; li. 46 (3 times). 35 For " they... corpses " read " these. ..bodies " So in Is. xxxvii. 36. I. CHRONICLES. IX, ig Substitute margs. - (•' t/iirs/io/ds") and •' ("/fw/") for the text. So marg. ^ on ver. 22 and marg. ■' on ver. 23. 28 For " tale were they " read " count were these " (twice) XII. 15 For " overflown " read " overflowed " XX. 4, 6 Omit margins. XXVIII. 12 For "spirit" read "Spirit" II. CHRONICLES. 'were well skilled" read "had good understanding" ' could skill of " read "were skillful with " ' amerced " read " fined" ancient " read " hoary headed " EZR.^. IX. 3 For "mantle" read "robe" So in ver. 5 ; also in Job i. 20 ; ii. 12 ; Ps. cix. 29 ; and " mantle " for " cloke " in Is. lix. 17. ESTHER. II. 17 For "grace" read "favour" JOB. I. I For " eschewed " read " turned away from " 6 For "there was a day .... and Satan " read " it came to pass on the day when .... that Satan " So in ii.i. S For " escheweth " read " turneth away from " So in ii. 3. XXX. 22 For XXXIV. 12 For XXXVI. 3 For 17 For 22 For "with foolishness" read "foolishly," and add marg. Or, attributed folly to God III. 4 For "regard it from above" read "from above seek for it" 11 For " when I," etc., read " when my mother bare me ? " 19 For " great " read " the great " 34 For "roaring" read "'groaning" and add marg. " Heb. roaring'' and make corresponding change in Ps. xxii. i; xxxii. 3. IV. 4 For "confirmed " read " made firm " 6 Read " And the integrity of thy ways thy hope ?" VI. 2 Read in the 2d line " And all my calamity laid in the balances ! " 10 Read "And be it still my consolation. Yea let me exult," &c. 3d line. Substitute the marg. (" That") for the text. 13 For "effectual working" read "wisdom'' and omit marg. 1 25 Read "But your reproof, what doth it reprove?" 26 For " imagine " read " think " VII. 4 Substitute marg.^ (" IV/n-n shall I arise, and the night In- gone ?") for the text. 7 For " wind " read " a breath " 17 For "thine heart" read "thy mind" VIII. 17 For " heap " read " jA'«(-heap " IX. ig Substitute marg.' {"//we speak of stretigth, lo he is mighty!"^ for the text. For " who will appoint me a time?" read " \}\\o, saith Tie, will summon me?" X. 22 1st line; read "The land dark as midnight ; " 2d line; for "A land'" read " The land" 3d line; for "darkness" read "midnight" and add marg. Heb. thick darkness XI. 6 For " That it " read " For he " For "effectual working" read "understanding" and omit marg. So in xii. 16. 12 Read " But vain man is void of understanding ; Yea, man is born as a. wild ass's colt." XII. 4 2d line; read " I who called upon God and he answered:" 23 For "destroyeth" read "he destroyeth " 2d line; read " He enlargeth the nations, and he leadeth them captii'c" and omit marg.-' 24 For "the heart of" read "understanding from " XIII. 8 For "respect his person " read "show partiality to him " and omit marg. ' 10 For " respect persons " read "show partiality" and omit marg. •» 11 For "excellency" read "majesty" So in xxxi. 23. 15 Read "Behold, he will slay me ; I have no hope " and substitute the present text for marg. ' i6 Substitute marg.' (" T/t/'s]") and i" (" 77/,7/"){or the text, substituting a comma for the following semicolon. XIV. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XXI. XXII. XXIV. XXVIII. XXIX. i8 For 27 For' 10 For II For 19 For 8 For II 2dli '■ ordered my cause " read " set my cause in order " So in xxiii. 4. ' drawest thee a line about ' ' read ' ' settest a bound to '' " wasteth away " read " is laid low " "decayeth" read "wasteth" "And " read " So " "restrain" read "limit" ne; read " Even the word that is gentle toward thee " 12 For " wink " read " flash " 27 For " made collops of fat on his flanks " read " gathered fat upon his loins " 29 Let niarg. " {" theij- possessions" etc.) and the text exchange places. 2 For " abideth in " read " dwelleth upon " 6 For "He hath made me also" read " But he hath made me " For " And I am become an open abhorring " read " And they spit in my face " and omit marg.- 12 Let marg. •' {" af his side ") and the text exchange places. 13 Read " The members of his body shall be devoured " 17 For "children of my inot/iei' s womh" read "children of mine own mother " 25 26 Read (25) " But as for me, I know that my redeemer liveth, And at last he shall stand up upon the earth ; (26) And after my skin, even this M/r, is destroyed. Then without my flesh shall I see God : " and put the present text of ver. 26 in the marg. 27 For "Whom I " read " Whom I, even I," Let marg. ^" " on my side" and the text exchange places. Substitute marg. 1* {"as a stranger") for the text. 28 Substitute marg. i- (" And that") for the text. 14 For " Yet they said " read " And they say " 21 Omit " in the midst " 32 For " And shall keep " read " And men shall keep " 14 Substitute marg.' {"on the vault") iov the text. 4 For "hide themselves together" read "all hide them- selves " 10 For an hungered " read " hungry " 12 For " imputeth it not for folly " read " folly " 4 Omit " that pas set h by " 17 For "the exchange thereof be" read for" 6 For "rivers'' read "streams" So Prov. v. 16 ; Is. xxxii. 2 ; Lam. regardeth not the 'it be exchanged n Ps. cxix. 136 ; ii. 48. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XXXVIII. lo i8 30 For "of God from above " read " from God above " For "of the Almighty from on high" read "from the Almighty on high " For " I have been her guide " read " her have I guided " For " satisfied " read " filled " So in Ps. civ. 13. For " flesh " read " meat " Omit marg. ''' For "belly" read "breast" and omit marg.' Transpose " alike " to the beginning of the line. 1st line ; for " doest " read " effectest " Read " For let not wrath stir thee up against chastise- ments " and put the present text in the marg. For " At this also " read " Yea, at this " For " Hearken ye unto" read " Hear, oh, hear" For " cleanseth " read "cleareth " For "prescribed for it my decree" read "marked out for it my bound '" and omit marg. " For "the breadth of the earth" read " the earth in its breadth " Substitute marg. ^ ( " hide tlu'iitsek