l*u 1 FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 5^B vsrr Section Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/psalmshymnsOObost .<..<>....<>.....<>..•.■<>..••<>.— <>-.<>"-<>"<* JVi,. j'P S A LlPf, I Hymns &SpiritualSongs } O F T H E f OA/ and New Testament,! Faithfully tranflated inco I Engliflo Metre. \ f Being the New-England Pfalm-Boolc | I Revifed and Improved \ By an Endeavour t I after a yet nearer Approach to the I ^j i infpired Original, as well as to the | fej ii«/^ of Poetry. j JO* With an Addition of "*" Cl fe i /V/ty otherHYMNS on the mqft important Snbjcfls \ '<$. ^ of Chrifiianity ; with their Titles, placed i« 1 |fc I Grder, from — 7"^ /*// c/" Angels and Men, ' ± to — Heaven after the General judgment. h The Second Edition. 7 Co!, iii. 16. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly f $ in all Wifdom $ teaching and admoniiliing one another S i in Pfalms and Hymn?, and Spiritual Songs j Singing with 1 i Gcace in your Hearts to the Lord. 7 iT/>i>. v. 19. Speaking to yourfelves in Pfalrr.5, and Hymns, f * and Spiritual Songs, finging and making Melody in your ■» i Hearts to the Lord. * I James v. 13. Is any among you afflicted ? let him Pray. I Is any merry ? let him fing Pfalms. t ■ 7 I BOSTON, New-England : T f Printed by Thomas and John Fleet, ** I At the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, 1773. i J^J^-4K--<>--<>--»-<»--<>-<>--<>-^ -o-.o— <>—<>■-<> •••■<>..■•«>. -<>-....<>..0^ C i J The PREFACE. Section I. Hi/toryoftbeNEW-ExGLAKD Pfalm-Book. THE Firji Settlers of the New-England- Colonies; who came to Plymouth in 1620 ; to Salem, with //$/•?(? Minijlers for the Majj'a- chufetts, and 0//? for Piymouth, in 1629; and with the Majfachufetts Charter, Governour, Deputy-Go- vernour, Affiftant$,/c«r Minijlers, and 1500 People* to B often and the Neighbouring Towns in 1630; were* efteem'd in England, as fome of the mod eminent for Scripture-Knowledge, Piety and Uriel Adherence to the Word of GOD, as any in their Day. They wifely made the Divine Oracles the only Rule of their Religion : and their great and noble Defign was to fpread the holy Kingdom of C hr i st in its Scripture- Purity, Light and Power in this New World ; and tar fet up Churches for their Matter, Form, Worfhip, JLiberty,Watch, Government andDifcipIine, as near as- pomble to what they were, under the Conduct of Infpiration, in the dpojlles Days, By 1636 there werecome over hither near thirty pious and learned Minijlers, educated in the Univerjities of England: and from the fame exalted Frinciple of Scripture Purity in Religious V/orJhip, they fet them- felves to tranflate the PJahns and other Scripture Songs into Englijh Metre, as near as poffible to the infpir ' d Original. They committed this Work efpecially to the Rev. Mr. Richard Mather of Dorchefter ; the Rev, Mr. Thomas Weld, and the Rev. Mr. John Eliot of Roxbury ; well acquainted with the Hebrew, in which the Old Teftament, and with the Greek, in which the New were originally written. They £nilhed the PJahns in 1640 : which were firft Printed by Mr. Day, ih?.z Year, at our Cambridge % and had the Honour of being the Firft Book printed in North -Am erica, and as far as I find, in This whole New World. a 2. I 11 The P R E FA C E. I havefeen another Edition in 1647 (and I conclude at Cambridge too, there being no other Prefs in/Wau- England then) with fome Amendments. But for a further Improvement, it was committed to the Rev. Mr. Henry Dunjhir, Prefident of Harvard College, one of the gre.ueft Mailers of the oriental Languages that has been known in thefe Ends of the Earth : who was helped as to the Poetry, by Mr. Richard Lyon, an in- genious Gentleman, probably brought up at one of the Univerfities in England, fent ovei by Sir Henry Mild- way as a Tutor to his Son* at Harvard College, and i elided in Mr. Dunflars Houfe. By an original Ma- nufcript of Heads of Sermons written after Mr. Lyon in 1650, 1 find He us'd to take his Turn with the Pre~ Jident to preach to the Congregation at Cambridge in the Interval between Mr. Shepard's Death, and Mr. Mitchell Ordination": And in thofe Heads appear the Traces both of Experimental Piety and Ingenuity. In t. f to JEHOVAH cry'd, who from His holy hill me anfwered. fSe/j/.J si $ I ?. Kneel ari kifs his Hard in r:>k(rn of oorC'j'A and Litirs PSA.L M IV. § r I lay down, flept, ar-d then awak'd ; For up JEHOVAH did me bear : 6 Tho' people round againft me let, Ten thousands of them til not fesx. 7 O LORD my God, to fave me rife \ For all my foes have felt thy ftreke Upon their faces, and the teeth Of the ungodly Thcu haft brcke. 8 Salvation wholly to the LORD, Does and mall ever appertain ;. And on thy people evermore . Thy blefling does and mall remans, PSALM IV. A Pfahi of David. r f~^ OD of my rightcoufnefs to me, \JX while calling, * bend thine ear : Thou hail enlarg'd me when diftreiYd ; me pity ; hear my pray'r. 2 Ye fons of men, how long will ye my glory villify ? How long love vanity will ye ? and how long feek a lie, ( ' Selah. ) 3. But know, the LORD hath fet apart the pious for his own : The Lord will hear me when to him I make my humble moan. 4 Stand ye in awe, and fin no more ; confider ferioufly, Within your hearts with iilence dee*?,. a3 on your beds ye lie. 5 The facriiice of righteonfr.efs let freely off'red be ; And therewith place your confidence upon the LORD do ye, 6 While multitudes enquiring are, who'll caufe us good to fee ? The light, LORD, of thy countenance let on us lifted be. B 3 7 The" 6 P S A L M V. 7 Thou giv'ft * more gladnefs in my heart than their's in times wherein Their harveft-com and their new winey have much increafed been. $ In 'peace with Him I will lie down, and I my fleep will take ; For me m confidence to dwell, Thou, LORD, alone doit make* P S A L M V. A Pfalm of David. i TEHOVAH, to my words give ear ; J 'My folemn meditation weigh : a O hear my cry, my king, my God, For I to Thee alone, will pray. 3 In early morning Thou my voice Wilt, O JEHOVAH kindly hear ; For in the morning PJ1 look up, .And wi j l to thee direel my pray'r. 4 For Thou art not a God who doft Allow the leaft iniquity ; Neither mall evil dwell with Thee ; Nor fools fhal! ftand before thine eye* 5 Thou all ill doers doft abhor ; Wilt them deftrov who utter lies : 6 JEHOVAH loatbs the bloody man, And thofe who fraudful arts devife. 7 But in thy many mercies now Enter into thy houfe will I, And in thy fear will bow my felf Before thy houfe of fanclity. 8 Becaufe of my obferving foes, LORD lead me in thy righteoufnefs ; Direct me in thy perfect way, And make it plain before my face. 9 For in their mouth there is no truth ; Their heart full of iniquities ; An open fepulchre their throat ; Their tongue is mov'd with flatteries. PSALM VL 7 !0 O GOD, Thou wilt them quite deftroy, By their own counfels make them fall, And in their many * Sins caft out ; For they to thee are rebels all. ii But let all thofe who truft in Thee, For ever fhout with joyful noife, For thou defendeft them ; and thofe Who love thy name, in Thee rejoice. 12 For to the righteous, Thou, O LORD, Wilt caufe thy bleffing to extend ; As with a fhield, thy favour, them Wilt crown and round about defend. P S ALM VI. A Pfalm of David, 3 /"\ LORD, rebuke me not in wrath, \J Nor in thine anger cbaften me : a LORD, pity ; I am weak : Lord heal ; My bones are vex'd exceedingly. 3 My foul is alfo in diftrefs : How long delay, LORD, wilt Thou mafce } 4 Return, O LORD ; my foul relieve ; O fave me for thy mercies fake. 5 Shall the dead praife Thee in the grave ? Of Thee no memVy there have they. 6 I'm tir'd with groans : by night my bed With tears fwims, and my couch by day. 7 Mine eye confum'd with grief grows old^, Becaufe of all mine enemies : 8 But now depart away from me, All ye who work iniquities ; Becaufe JEHOVAH now hath heard The voice of my lamenting tears : 9 The LORD hath heard my humble fuir, JEHOVAH will accept my pray'rs. 2 Let all my fees be put to mame, Aad greatly troubled let them be. Yea let them' be returned back, And made afhamed fpeedily. B 4 PSALM 3 P S A L M VII. PSALM VII. A Pfalm f of David, wJ/VJ hi fang to the Lord concerning Cum the Btnjamite. 1 S^ LORD my God, I wholly place \J my confidence in Thee j From all my perfecuting foes, ~ fave and deliver me. 2 Lett like to rending lions they my foul in pieces tear ; A r i when they tear, to refcue me there mould not one appear. 3 O thou JEHOVAH, O my God, if this thing done have I ; If in thefe hands of mine there be wrongful iniquity ; 4 If I have rendred ill to him ; was at peace with mc ; • ea inther I releafed have toy caufelefs enemy ;) 5 Thcrj let the foe purfue my foul, and feize it as a prey ; Let him my life tread to the earth, in duft my honour Jay. (Selah.) 6 LORD, rife in wrath ; lift up thy fclf ; my raging fees witbftand ; Wuke for me to the judgment thou doft rightfully command. 7 So the great congregation mall enebmpafs thee with joy ; O therefore for their fa^e return, to thy bright feat on high. 8 The LORD will ail the people judge : ' JEHOVAH judge thou me According to my righteoufneis, j| and mine integrity. [ 2 Part. 3 •f- So the Septuagint. [j i. t. The Righteoufnefs c( his Caufe and Condufi, with refpeft to his Neighbour, PSALM VIII. p [ 2 Part. ] g Let end the wicked's wickednefs, bat the juft ratify, Becaufe O thou the righteous GOD, the hearts and reins doft try. io In GOD is my defence, who faves the right in heart and way : 11 But GOD the righteous judge is wroth> with dnners ev'ry day. 12 Unlefs that turning they repent, his fword he iharp will whet:' Yea has already bent his bow r and has it ready fet. 13 Againft the perfecutors made his arrows ready hath ; He ready has prepared for them the inflruments of death. 14 Behold they travail as in birth with vain iniquity : Behold how mifchief they conceive, and then bring forth a lie. i£ He dig d a pit, and dig'd it deep> the innocent to take ; But he is falFn into the pit, which he himfelf did make, 16 Return on his mifchievous head his mifchief furely fhall ; And on his crown, his violence * in righteoufnefs fhall fall. 17 According to his righteoufnefs, JEHOVAH praife will I ; And to his name a pfalm I'll Cmg 3 . who is the LORD moft high. PSALM VIII. A Pfalm of David, * f\. LORD, our Lord, in all the earth K^r how does thy name excel ! Who high above the heav'ns haft jfet thy majeity f - to dwell. B 5 2 From t The Hebrew ilgnifles both Majefy, Magnificence and Gk r y ... to P S A L M IX. 2 From mouths of babes and fucklings thou dofl pow'r and praife ordain ; That thou may'ft ltill thine enemies, and fpiteful foes reftrain. 3 When I thy glorious heav'n9 behold, thy fingers work divine, The moon and fears which thou haft fet in order as they mine ; 4 O what is wretched man * that thou fhould'ft have him in thy mind, And Adam's fon, * that thou fhould'ft be to vifit him fo kind ? 5 For than the Angels thou haft hin> but little lower made ; With glory and with majefty thou crowned haft his head. 4 To Him dominion Thou haft giv'n over thy works below ; Under his feet haft put them all, to him haft made them bow. 7 Both all the tamer flocks and herds,. wild beafts that range more free, $ Swift ra the air the fowls that fly, and fifties of the fea. p Yea thofe that make great paths along. the fea, and pafs the fame. % O LORD, our Lord, in all the earth, how excellent thy name ! P S 4 L M IX. A Pfalm ef David. j T ORD I'll Thee praife with all my heart, j j thy wonders all proclaim. 3 O Thou moft high, in Thee I'll joy, exult, and £ng. thy name. 3 M 3T t T« «he Cbsldee h i3 with gteat Beauty and Propriety explained * Thus Ar.dthe Leviathans, i. e. Whales and Crocodiles; who t*/fing thro' the Seas, nukr great Paths. >afs thro" them, and leave them /hining alon* behind them 3 alluding to tbofe fyia *ad note Pafofcw in W **>♦ lh 3* PSALM IX. » 3 My foes in turning backward fall, and perifh at thy fight ; For thou maintained my juft caufe, enthron'd thou judgeft right. 4 The heathen thou rebuked haft, the wicked overthrown - r 5 Thou blotteft out their name, that thej may never more be known. 6 Thy defolations, O thou foe, are ended utterly ; Who many cities haft deftroy'd 9 and made their mem'ry die, 7 But now JEHOVAH ever mail endure and ever reign ; His throne He hath eftablifhedp juft judgment to maintain. 8 Yea, he the univerfal world mall judge in righteoufnefs ; And to all people f judgment givs in perfed J uprightnefs. 9 A refuge high * for the opprefs'd JEHOVAH will become ; He is to them a refuge fafe in feafons troublefome. 2Q And they who duly know- thy name a in Thee their truft will place ; Beeaufe Thou, LORD, haft never left the: feekers of thy face. II O ling ye praifes to the LORD* who does in Zion dwell ; His wondrous doings all abroad among his people tell; t2 For when he after blood enquires^ he minds them carefully : Of thofe who meek and humble are- he. ne'r forgets the cry. [> Part] •fc Hebu — People— m the Plural Number : i. e* a U People* j J *l^-—Upngbtnetf(i is tbc Plural Number, i, e, Perfetl U$rtgbtntft t . la PSALM IX. [ 2 Part. ] 1 3 LORD, pity me, and weigh my grief, which I from foes fuftain ; And from the op'ning gates of death O raife me up again. 24 That I in Zion's daughter's gates may mew forth all thy praife : And my triumphant fhouts of joy in thy falvation, raife. ^5 The heathen people are fi*nk down into the pit they made ; Their foot is taken in the net which fecretly they laid. 16 By judgments which He executes more known JEHOVAH is ; 111 men are caught in their own fnarts ; deeply confide r this. |) (Sclah.) 17 Thofe who continue wicked, mall be turned down to hell ; Where all the nations of the earth who GOD forget, mall dwelL 1$ Thy needy, tho' diftrefs'd a while, mall never be forgot ; The expectations of thy poor, defer'd, yet perifh not* 39 O let not wretched man * prevail ; but O JEHOVAH rife j The heathen people in thy light let judged be likewife. 10 O thou JEHOVAH, ftrike them all with trembling fear ; and then Thou wilt the natians make to know, thay are but wretched men. * (Se/ahJ PSALM I This Vm is the MtaniAf of the Word— #/#*«*» PSALM X 13 PSALM H. 1 TTTHerefore JEHOVAH fhndeft thou VV away from us fo far ? And wherefore hideft thou thy felf when times fo troublous are ? 2 Becaufe the wicked in their pride the needy make a prey^ They mall be taken in the plots which they for others lay. 3 The wicked in their heart's deiire do glory ; and they praife The worldly man as bleft ; but they JEHOVAH's anget raife. 4 The wicked thro 1 their lofty pride on God refufe to call ; And in their multitude of thoughts there is no GOD at all. 5 Their ways at all times grievous are? thy judgments are on high Above their light : at all their foes they blow difdainfully. 6 Within their heart they vainly fay* *' we mov'd mall never be, ** Nor yet in any time to come " adverfity (hall fee." 7 His mouth with curling filled is,. with wiles*v deceit and wrongs And mifchief and iniquity lie hid beneath his tongue^ % la coverts near the villages they fit ; the harmless flay ; And for the poor who pafs along with hidden eyes they lay, 9 As lions in their coverts watch, the feeble to furprife 5 As fowlers draw them in their net, and oa a fuddea feize. 10 At »4 P S A L M X. 10 As maim'd* and crouching they will feera ; that numbers of the poor At unawares may fall into their paws of cruel power. ii In heart they fay, " God has forgot " thefe things eternally ; , " He wholly hides his face away, " and them will never fee." [ 2 Part. ] 12 JEHOVAH rife thou up; O God, lift up thine hand on high ; Call not the meek afflicted ones out of thy memory. *3 O why do wicked men provoke the mighty GOD, and fay Prefumptuoully within their heart, ' Thou never wilt repay.' 14 But fpite and mifchief thou doft fee 5 thy hand will them reward : The poor commits himfelf to Thee;. Thou art the orphan's guard. 15 The wicked's arm wilt wholly breaks and of the evil one ; And fearch out his impieties until thou findefl none ; 16 JEHOVAH King of ages* is and of eternity :.* Out of his land the heathen tribes are perifh'd utterly. 17 The meek, afflicted ones defire- JEHOVAH thou doft hear; Thou doft prepare their heart, *fid thejl give thine attentive car. i* To PSALM XL ?l 1 8 To judge and help the fatherlefs, the feeble and the poor ; That earthly men may not deftroy $ nor vex them any more. PSALM XL i T In JEHOVAH place my truft: X why therefore fay do ye To my poor foul, "like frighted birds " to your high ' mountain flee." % For lo, the wicked bend their bows* and on the firing prepare, Their arrows in the dark to moot at thole who upright arc- 3 But if the great foundations of our Hate they overthrow ; [Which are thy facred /anus and truths ; J what (hall the righteous do l 4 JEHOVAH'S in his holy place, f and in the heav'ns* on high JEHOVAH's throne : his eyes obfcrve^ men's fons his eye-lids try. 5 The men who truly righteous are JEHOVAH does approve: His foul the wicked hates, and then* who violence do love. 6 Snares, fire and brimftone, dreadful ftQTim?, on finners He will rain : This is the portion of the cup He does for them ordain. 7 Becaufe the LORD, who righteous is*. all right'oufnefs does love y His countenance the upright one,, beholding does approve. PSALM" J So the Syriack. renders it ; the. Cbaldee- — break ; the Englifil — opfrefi ; Buxtorf — violently ufe r and the Hebrew may ceon-rehend them all. •f Heb Falirce ;-. a* in PfaL xlr. g. cxliv. 12. Prev. xxx. 28.. and by a Figure — 1e*r.fle> both on Earth sod in. Heavsn^ * Hcb, — not Sky, but Heavem \6 PSALM XII. XIII. PSALM XIL A Pfalm of David, i TTELP, O JEHOVAH now, becaufr JT1 the godly man doth ceafe, And from among the fons of men the faithful men decrease. 2- The moft, now, to their neighbours fpeak deceitful vanities ; With flatt'ring lips they fmoothly fpeak, with double hearts and lies/ 3 But every ' flatt'ring lip the LORD will cut off certainly ; And all proud tongues that utter forth words boafting, great and high : 4 Who thus declare, • We with our tongues * prevailing pow'r will gain : • Are not our ' lips our own ? and who ' Lord \ over us mail reign ? ' 5 For poor opprefs'd and needy fighs, the LORD fays, now I'll rife,. And them in fafety I will 'fet from th'ofe who them defpife. 6 JEHOVAH's words are words moft pure* they are as filver try'd In earthen furnaces o'er fire, and fev'n times purify'd. 1 JEHOVAH, thou wilt fafely keen the upright-hearted poor, And from this generation them- preferve for evermore; I Tho' wicked walk on every fide, grow bold and multiply • And vile ones by the fons of men exalted be on high. PSALM XIII. > TTOW long wilt thou forget me, LORD? X~l~ fhall it for ever be ? Jjow long wilt thou fo fadly hide, thy face away from me? z How PSALM XIV. 17 2 How long within my foul confult, and grieve in heart fhall I ? How long exalted over me mall be my enemy ? 3 O LORD my God, confider me and anfwer to me make"; Mine eyes enlighten, left the fleep of death me overtake. 4 Left my proud foes in boafting fay, againft him we prevail ; Left thofe who trouble me rejoice, to fee me wholly fail. 5 But as 1 fet my confidence upon thy bounteous grace ; My heart in thy falvation fhall rejoice with thankful piraife. 6 Yea to JEHOVAH fongs of praife 1*11 fing melodioufly ; Who in his kifidnefs deals with me exceeding ..bounteoufly. PSALM XIV. A Pfalm of David. 1 UOOLS in their hearts fay, there's no ■ GO'Dj JL and fo corrupt they grow, Abominable fms commit, and nothing good they do. 2 From heav'n JEHOVAH looked dow» on fons of men, to fee If any who do underftand, or feek to GOD there be. 3 They altogether filthy are ; they all are backward* gone ; There are not any that do good, no verily, not one. 4. The workers of iniquity, do they not, know at all ? That they my people eat as btead, nor on the LORD will call. | Yet * Hebrew and Cbaldee, 18 P S A L M XV. 5 Yet they (hall with a grievous fear appalled greatly be, When GOD among the righteous race they once mail come to fee. 6 The counfel of the poor opprefs'd, ye mock'd and-try'd to fhame ; Becaufe the LORD their refuge j| is, and they hope || in his name. 7 Who will from Zion Ifr'el fave ?* when back the LORD (hall bring His captives ; Jacob will rejoice, and Ifr'el gladly fing. PSALM XV. A Pjalm. of David. 1 T ORD, in thy tabernacle, who I J a fojourner mail be ? And who is he inhabit mail thy mount* of fan&ity* ? 2 Who walks in his integrity, who acls in righteoufnefs ; And who the trnth within his heart does uprightly exprefs. 3 Who with his tongue will not backbite^ nor do bis neighbour hurt ; Nor yet againft his neighbour will take up an ill report. 4 Whofe eyes the vile, tho' great, contemn ; but all the LORD who fear, He honours ; and he changes not, tho' to his hurt he fwear . 3 Who to opprefling ufury, his money hath not lent ; Who takes not a reward or bribe againft the innocent. 6 Who j} Cccceiut, Gejer, and the Evglijb, tranflate it Refuge j the Syriack with Pijcator and Cajlalio— Trust } all the othar nci