tihrary of trhe theological ^mmary PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY , 503-5: THE CLAIMS . OF THE CHUECH OF ENGLAND CONSIDERED; BEING THE CLOSE OF A CORKESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE EEV. JAMES ELL Y, Of St illogan, IreUnd, AND J. N. DAEBY. LONDON : W. H. BEOOM, 34, PATEENOSTEE EOW, E.C. 1864. i i INTRODUCTION. The only thing necessary to be explained in the pub- lication of the following correspondence, is the fact of its having been pubhshed after so considerable a lapse of time. It will be seen by the correspondence itself, that one of the parties declined pursuing it farther.* The other disliking contention, and weary of it, much preferring direct edification, had this additional motive for not taking any positive step — namely, an imwilling- ness, unless by what was identified with direct edifica- tion, to raise questions in pubKc on what had the repiitation of Protestant truth, in the presence of error, which lifted up its head high enough. Some brethren in Christ who had seen the MSS. of the correspondence, urged by the actual state of things in England, desu-ed particularly the publication of the last letter, adding the last of Mr. Kelly's,f that it might be understood, or of all if that were demanded. Under the cu-cumstances, he wrote to Mr. Kelly, ac- quainting him with what has just been mentioned, and. asking permission to satisfy the wish expressed of pub- lishing the two last letters. At fii-st Mr. Kelly required the publication of the previous part of the correspond- ence, which was acquiesced in, as indeed the other party was naturally bound thereto if demanded ; but in a subsequent letter Mr. Kelly declared his mind changed in this respect, and acquiesced in the publication de- manded, the following communication being annexed. • An additional letter has since been sent, which is added at the request of Mr. Kelly. + Now the last but one. A 2 1 Digitized by the Internet Arclnive in 2014 lnttps://arclnive.org/details/claimsofclnurclnofOOkell To THE Eev. J. Daebt. Stillogan Glebe, Dublin, Jan. im, 1842. My dear Sir, In reply to your letter from Lausanne, which has just reached me, I hasten to say that since our last cor- respondence I inquired after you several times as to whether you had returned to this country, with a view formally to decline pursuing the subject of controversy between us any further; but hearing you were still abroad, I did not think the matter of sufficient import- ance to communicate with you by a foreign post. I now avail myseK of this opportunity to let you know my decision. The grounds on which I have come to it are these : First, the inutility (in many of my respected brethren's estimation) of disputing with you. Second, the accession of care and occupation connected with my appointment to this parish, which I was led to reflect afforded more profitable exercise of my little talents than carrying on a discussion with the leader of an extra- vagant class of schismatics. Third, the little hope I entertained after reading your most diSuse and inco- herent reply to mine of February 8th, 1839, of being able to bring you to the real point at issue between us. As to the publication of the letters to which you allude, I can have no objection if you see fit, although I must confess I do not attach to them the importance vi which you do. I have only to request that you will annex to them the following observations by way of explanation of some passages in my letter which you have misimderstood, and of final comment on some sentiments of your own. I remain, my dear sir, Yours in Christian truth and love, James Kelly. The observations tbemselves, alluded to in this letter of Mr. Kelly, are placed at the end, as coming then naturally in their place after the letter on which they comment. With this brief iatroduction, acquiesced in by both parties, as to what has led to the publication of them, these letters are now submitted to the reader, with the desire that the Lord may use them for the esta- bhshment of truth, the strengthening of souls in it, and the refutation of error. THE LETTEES. To THE Rev. J. Darby. Liverpool, Feb. 8, 1839. My dear Sir, Though I might recount many other adequate causes of my silence since I received your last, yet I must say my chief reason for not being more prompt has arisen from the very uninteresting reply yon have given to mine of December 12. It really appeared to me evasive of discussion. I asked you, in order that we might come to the argument of the subject at once, to allege yoiir groimds of separation from the commimion of the Church of England — a very straightforward question methinks, and the import of which was very obvious. But instead of a plain answer, as might have been ex- pected, you occupy a considerable portion of your letter in making reflections on me as " an adversary," as you call me, of whom you add " nothing " (Chris- tian I suppose you mean) " is to be expected." You then quarrel with my assuming that you have for- saken the Church of England, as though this was not the case (remember, I did not say the Church, but the Church of England) ; and, lastly, you give out 8 your impressions against the character of the Church of England, erecting them into assertions, and dilat- ing upon a new and better way, as you are pleased to think — adding in the meanwhile not one syllable, not even professing to do it, of argument to bear out your assertions. Now, my dear sir, I feel from this, as well as the loose character of your former commimications to me, that it is vaia to expect from you anything like an orderly and inteUigible vindi- cation of your views ; in this respect you seem to write as you speak. I therefore propose for the future, without waiting for such, taking up just as they come your aspersions of the Church of England, and the peculiarities of yourself and brethren as dis- senters, sifting them as the Lord may enable me, and bringing out the truth as distinctly as I can, for the perusal of aU who may see our correspondence. First, then, yoii say that the world is in the Church of England. What do you mean hj "the world" ? Is it the openly profane and vmgodly? This we deny : the Church recognizes as her members only those who are baptized into and make a solemn pro- fession of " the ti-uth as it is in Jesus," and all those who scandalize theii- profession by evil lives, are, by the discipline of the Church, to be excluded from her communion. Do you mean earthly-minded pro- fessors ? In sorrow we assent to the sorrowfrd truth of this. St. Paul wept over such in the Philippian Church, and the same, we have reason to beHeve, aboimded in the Chiu'ch of Coiinth. There never has been, and there is nowhere upon earth a pure Church in the sense of excluding false, worldly- minded professors. Or do you say that the consti- tution of our Chm-ch, looking at our articles and formularies, is worldly ? This I deny, and call upon you to prove the statement if you make it. 9 Worldly professors, then, being in the Church of England, which is all the amount of meaning that yom- (^liarge has in it, what is the duty of God's children who are also within her pale ? This is the fundamental point of difference between us ; this is the question which, troubling the consciences of our dear people, gave you the occasion — which, alas ! you have industriously improved — to separate them from us. Yon hold and teach that it is imperative on the faithful to come out from the communion in which are the unfaithful. To use your own words, they are " to cease from the evil ;" to more than this, in the first instance, it appears you do not aspire. Mr. Hargrove says, "Do you see the evil? then cease from it ; let that be your first step, — God will show you the next when you have taken that." In other words, we are to take a leap in the dark from the Established Church, not knowing where we shall land, nor why this course. Is there no evil bound up in the body of flesh which you carry about with you ? is it not even hindering the regenerate spirit, lusting against it, "a vile body," as the Scriptui-es call it, and to continue to the last ? And yet you do not recommend the withdrawal of ourselves from the body, i. c, suicide — that be far from yoi; ; but why not, according to your principle above laid down ? are we not afflicted with an evil companionship, so that by reason of it we often " caimot do the things that we would " ? To siich a proposal' as this, of course you justly reply. The word of God says we are to bear this conflict between the flesh and spirit, wrestling vsdth the foi-mer, though in the flesh not walking accord- ing to it, which, so long as we attend to, we are told it is no more we that do the evil, but " the sin that dwelleth in us." Precisely similar, then, is what the A 3 10 Scriptures say in the case you put of Christians being in a Church in which there is worldhness. Look at the declension on the part of the Jevrish Church throughout their history. Behold also the prophets testifying against the evil, hd yet remaining members of that Church : and if we turn to the New Testament Scriptures, what do we find there ? The account of Churches which had become grieTously corrupt ; even exhortations to the faithful -n-ithin their pale ; but in no instance separation enjoined. Take the Churches of Thyatira and Sardis for ex- amples : in the former it appears a false prophetess was allowed to assume to herself a commission from God, and to teach men to commit fornication, and judgment is denounced in consequence. But what is said to the remnant that preserved their allegi- ance ? Is it flee out of her — form yourselves into a new Church? This would be your remedy; but such is not the injunction of Jesus ; it is simply, "That which you have already, hold fast till I come" (Eev. ii. 25). As to Sardis, we read there were but " few names left which had not defiled their garments ;" but even here there is no recommenda- tion to separate (Quere — Is not this the secret why you and your party deny the Church of England to be a Church at all, to get rid of such passages as these?). We do find separatists indeed spoken of elsewhere (Jude 13) ; but it is ia a bad connexion — in company with " murmui'ers, complainers, and mockers" — the inscription over whom is "sensual, having not the Spirit." I can readily conceive sepa- ration to be the easy course to take — easy to flesh and blood ; just as in the degenerate Christian family, for the member who walks close with God, and is anxious that aU the domestic arrangements should be characterized by the spirit as well as the form of 11 religion — for him to withdraw himself fi'om the sphere in which his bearing and long-suffering tenderness, alternately with his faithfulness, is exer- cised, and either Uve by himself in solitary commu- nion -nath God, or imite with more kindred spirits, — all this would be comparative enjoyment, but then it would be a selfish enjoyment ; it would be a pleas- ing of himself — a "looking on his own things, not on the things of others." He has left the family circle which he should have dearly loved ; in which, as it was his duty, so God might have made it his privilege, to witness for His truth, and promote a revival of the power of vital godliness. Of course, if there were rules laid down for the regulation of the family, or doctrines professed by them at their family altar, at variance with the word of God, separation would be lawful, though even then it should be re- sorted to only after the most patient zeal in striving to effect a reformation. But I have supposed the femily only to have declined in spirit, and that their professed reverence for, and outward observance of piety stiU existed ; and under these circumstances it is plain that the rending the unity of the domestic circle would be quite inexcusable. Though separation might spare the individual in question many an ex- ercise of his grace, yet it would be wrong. Now this, I conceive, aptly represents the case of the Church of England and you separatists. There has been a lamentable degeneracy among us, though, praised be the Lord, a considerable alteration for the better is taking place. But as a Church we profess God's truth, which, handed down to us in our venerable formvdaries from apostles and martyrs who have gone before us, we have neither added to nor taken from. The deposit of Christian doctrines is with us as a Church, and our people (however 12 wayward they may walk) yet profem adherence to it. But how have you separatists acted? Instead of resting the lever of your brotherly love and Christian devotedness upon this important fulcrum of the Church's still faithful profession, and bending all your energies to effect a re\dval in the family, you have selfishly withdi-awn yourselves from us, and, aggravating the degeneracy in which you should have sjonpathized as members of the body, have con- temptuously left us under God's judicial sentence,— " imnatural sons," says Bishop Hall, " that spit in the face of the father that begot them, and the mother that bore them." Thus, my dear sir (I trust speaking the truth in love), I have alleged selfisJtness of conduct against you and your party ; may it not be possible, I would add, that there attaches pride to your procedure also ? We know how insensibly it works ; — " a sin," as some one observes, "that rises from the ashes of other sijis^" — mingled among a company whose title, many of them, to the Christian character is almost defaced, except to the eye of charity which " hopes all things," the shining graces of individuals are obscured ; but when they come out and stand apart in a little body by themselves, ah ! then they attract notice. "Wldle they remain in the Church, " serving the Lord with humihty, supportiag the weak, comforting the feeble- minded, restoring the offender in the spirit of meek- ness," Cliristians are like the convalescent patients we sometimes see in an hospital tending theii- fellow- sufferers ; but these persons, we can imagine, might get impatient of their charitable office, and, revelling in the consciousness of strength themselves, might not brook being confoimded longer with the diseased and dying, and so depart from the asylum that had been so blessed to themselves. Alas, my dear sir, 13 wHle I write it, the apprehension of something similar having to do with the course you are piir- suing, and persuading others to, growingly presncs on me. I do not say this is the case, and I heaitily pray it may not he the case with any of you ; but you must see how incident the exil is to the pro- cedure you have adopted ; and as one who is in the flesh liimself, I cannot but remark it. Would to Grod the people who have gone out from us would reflect upon this. They felt the cross of having to witness for Jesus, and keep their garments in the midst of declension and inconsistencies around them, which was the school for them, and they were thiiving in it ; but, alas, they forgot that this might be the case ; and enamoiu-ed of the prospect of purer communion (apart from the embarrassing presence of the worldly), and of the conspicuous position they would then stand in, they embarked in the enterprise of dissent. They know, perhaps with bitter disappointment, the result — that while the tares are more like wheat, they are bound up ■with them still, only closer tiiaii hefore ; and that the liberty of ministry which you have among you is a sorry substitute for the solemn re- sponsibility of office in secm-ing edification. Would to God, I say, that with the experience to which I know some, not unlike yom- party, have been brought, you woidd all " search and try your ways," and see if the flesh, with its ten thousand labyiinths, has not betrayed you into your present position. Having thus briefly vindicated the Church of England against your sweeping accusation of being a worldly system ; shown — and that even when there has a tide of corruption set in upon a Church — separa- tion is contrary to the mind of God; and ha^dug sug- gested some dangerous motives which inay he operat- ing upon you, I come to analyze for a moment your 14 improvement, as you think, upon ordinary dissent — for you must know I cannot suffer you to disclaim altogether affinity with common dissenters — the only difference I see between you and them is that, accord- ing to the genius of the day, you are more latitudi- narian. Until yom* views came out, it was thought that the dissenting bodies in this coimtry had become grievously lax in their principles in order to effect unity : the followers of John Owen, for instance, changing jjulpits with the followers of John Wesley — each party for the time being keeping in abeyance those doctrines which were obnoxious to the other. Even the heterogeneous materials of Caltinism, Socinianisin, and Popery appeared not long ago com- bined on the subject of pohtical agitation ; and at this moment, in the national system of education for poor Ireland, we see the sad spectacle of representatives of these several classes sitting in conclave to determine how much of what each maintains to be truth is to be sacrificed at the shiine of the popular idol unity. I, for my part, did not think that latitudinarianism could go beyond this; but you and your brethren have found out a stiU more comprehensive ground of union : you propose to unite all classes, not by the old-fashioned way of endeavouring to banish " erro- neous and strange doctrines " — the fruitful parent of strife — but by cushioning them, and inscribing upon your standard only one or two articles of faith as essential : and really while I admit this, that you have set your seal as a body to any truth, I do not know that I am altogether right, for where is yo\ir confession of faith to be found ? If you say in the wi'itten word — ^well, the Socinian professes to find his there too, — is he therefore admissible to your com- mimion ? I believe not ; how then do you exclude him, since you have no defined standard of truth ? 15 Why it is by using a standard stealthily and in pri- vate, bt/ secretly defining what is truth. You have your touchstone of error in each of your breasts; the leaders among you appeal to it as occasion requires, and thus the Socinian is excluded ; but, by the way, where is the security for your continuing to exclude him, ? That touchstone of unrecorded opinions within you may change, so that the sentiments which are not congenial to you to-day may become so to-morrow. Not to diverge, however, from the point — ^you do ex- clude the Socinian, though in an imsatisfactory way : do you exclude any others ? — Eoman Catholics. How do I know this ? Pascal and Fenelon — and doubt- less they have their successors in our day — would be as devotional as any of you in speaking of and extol- ling Jesus ; — if you have no other test than this, why the wafer idolaters may come among you, and be called bretkren. If indeed you have your mental touchstone to apply to their views, you are free, I will suppose, from the intrusion of both these obnoxious classes, though I leave it to you to show your consist- ency in recognizing what is truth in their cases, and then stopping short. Do you not see, my dear sir, that at the very point your recognition of truth ends, there your adinission of error begins ? and here is your latitudinarianism. Let men but profess their belief, as your phrase is, " in the blood," and then, whatever be their heterodoxy, they are admissible among you — Baptists and Psedobaptists, Ai-minians and Calvinists, Millennarians and Anti-millennarians, Quakers, &c. Your cords of union are indeed lengthened, but, alas, how superficial the truth they circimiscribe ! The ordinance of baptism, though a command, cannot be administered among you ; the doctrine of God's electing love, the second advent, the agency of the Spirit in the Church, cannot be introduced at your 16 meetings, forsootli, because the moment you touch upon these topics your boasted unity is at an end. Doubtless it has happened because of the paucity of your numbers, and their select character, beino- chiefly from the one communion, that you have had somewhat more of liberty than I have described as the tendency of your system (though, by the way, I saw myself the elements of discord working among you at Clifton) ; but according, I repeat, to your lati- tudinarian principle, coming together only as be- lievers in the atonement, this liberty you have had does not legitimately belong to you. Just as in the national system of education, when the teacher goes beyond the books of extracts he transgresses the rule, so when in yoiir assemblies for worship you touch on ground other than what is common to you as Christians of all denominations, you \'iolate your principles. The only way you can fairly get out of this bondage is by determining your views of doctrine, and authorita- tively setting them forth; then indeed your ranks will not present so party-coloured and motley a group, but they will be sadly thinned ; and if you have not your Thii-ty-nine Articles, like the Church of Eng- land, which you afiect to despise, yet will you have some " Shibboleth " which will get you the character you are now giving others. Tou see how involved you are in a dilemma : either you meet on the com- mon groimd of one or two truths, and then you can- not go beyond them in your teaching, or you have a regular system of doctrine, conformity to which is expected, and then you are inconsistent, for you repudiate all confessions and creeds. But now to another subject. Tou say that the Holy Ghost is not honoured in the constitution of our Church. Tour letter does not explain where the hindrance lies; I guess, however, what you mean, 17 from your addresses which I have heard, ana yom- brethren's pubUcations : it is because, it seems, we admit an ordained ministry among us, i.e., by ordi- nation we give authority in the Church to those whom we beheve endued with the necessary gifts, and called by the Holy Grhost. Mark, we do not an-ogate to ourselves in the first instance, as our Htm'gy testifies, the selection of our ministers ; but those who appear by their solemn profession and examination to be called by the Holy Ghost to take upon them the office, we ordain to it. Wliy, my dear sii', you do yoursehrs sometliing similar : those who commend themselves to you by their gifts, and as apt to teach, you yield submission to, and they act as pastors among you. I remember, at your late meetings at Clifton, asking Mr. Hargrove how he took upon him to expoimd Scripture to his assembled bre- thren one morning, and his answer was to this effect, " You and some two or three others had arranged it pre\'iously." You see, then, you have authority exercised among you, though in a covert way ; the difference is, that we demand from all candidates for the ministry among us, Do they believe they are moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon them the solemn office ? and so far as man can go, we see that we are not imposed upon, by requiring that they be persons well reported of, and of competent know- ledge in the word of God ; whereas )/ou, by a sort of whispering debate among those who are the managers of your party — irresponsible persons, determine who are fit to teach, and who not. There is with you no solemn examination of the individual by those who have authority given them in the Church ; there is no fasting or prayer previously, to implore the guidance of the Holy Spirit; but just according to the way the individual pleases his hearers, and it might be by 18 sparing their sins, jom selection is made ; and then it is only for the time being, for you may supersede him on the morrow — and all this most inconsistently, for he may affirm that the Spirit has moved him to speak just as confidently as you aflfirm you are moved by the Spirit to silence him. I ask, my dear sir, is God a Grod of order ; and can you say that amidst this confusion the Holy Grhost is honoured among you ? To sum up in a few words this part of the matter, there must he authoriir) used in the ordering of the Church ; and while this is conformable to the general rule laid down in the word, it is as absurd to say that this introduction of it hinders the Spirit, as it would be to contend that the use of t^-pes, ink, and paper is officious meddhng on our part to preserve the Scriptiu'es, and that it interferes with the agency of the Spirit. Authority, I repeat, must be had recourse to ; and we maintain that ours is conform- able to the general rule laid down in the word of Grod ; but while you have authority among you in a covert waj', it is capriciously exercised according to no open acknowledged standard ; and thus while our dear people whom you have got among you are taught to flatter themselves that they are free from the yoke of man, you and the other managers of your party are virtually their lords ; and if yom- 0"kti minds receive an evil impulse, God hnotrs what mis- chief you may inflict upon them ; or if you are pre- served — and I pray the Lord you may, and, further, be reclaimed from your present schismatic course — other leaders may arise among you, men of parts and ambition, who may become the worst of spiritual despots. On the whole, my dear sir, I think I have proved that your system has not originated in obedience to the word of Grod, and that its tendency is most per- 19 nicious. Here I would be content to close my letter — beseeching the Lord to open your eyes, and the eyes of oxvr dear people who have been decoyed away from us by your vain, though, I admit, sincere repre- sentations — ^but your letter turns to personal matters, upon which, lest you should be offended if I were silent, I beg to spend a few words. First. — ^You reproach me for challenging this dis- cussion; but this I leave. If I were in the strict sense of the term " the challenger," as I said before, it would be only conformable to my ordination vow. Secondly. — ^You go back to what transpired at the Chfton meetings ; aU I shall say to this is, that I am surprised at your venturing to allude to the sub- ject, after your shrinking in the manner you have done (I allude to our correspondence) fi'om, on the one hand, the vindication of yourself from the xm- charitableness which, on the testimony of yom- own brother, Hargrove, I alleged against you ; or, on the other hand, the honest confession of your fault as a follower of J esus. Thirdly. — ^You do not imderstand, you say, my regretting that this is not a vim voce discussion, — time, manner, and place being left entirely to me. On this I beg to observe that, independent of my unsettled ciiciunstances in the ministry at that time, and which occurred to disturb my original design and wish, and of this you were duly apprised, when I came matui'ely to reflect iipon the novel position I should occupy in going to Hereford, or any other place where your party was, to argue against you, as though my brethren in the ministry stationed there were not fully competent, if they approved of such a course, to enter upon it themselves, I recognized it as providential that the alternative of the press, through which without any indelicacy I could meet 20 you, was suggested by you instead of the platform. Not but that if, in the providence of God, you or any of your party broaching your schismatical views came within the sphere of labour \mder my control, I would for a moment hesitate to challenge you to oral discussion. I think it a sad pity when it is a legitimate course to adopt, that my reverend brethren do not pursue it, though, as I told you, a most valued brother said he thought it would be making too much of you. Fourthly. — With regard to the publication of our con-espondence, I shall go as far back as you please. It was really for //our sake, your first letters were so tmchristian and slovenly, as well as that they related to personal matter, that I proposed omittiag them ; and if you name any medium in England through which the whole correspondence can appear, / am perfectly content. I think the Statesman would be available for Ireland. I remain, my dear sir. Tours in Christian truth and love, James Kelly. 21 Stafford, Feb. 26, 1839. Dear Mr. Kelly, I am glad we are at last launelied in the subject ; it is a great relief to my spirit, though not a pleasant task in itself. I received your packet from Dublin in London, I suppose by private hand, and sit down at once to answer it, having ran it over as I came down again here. Your letter has completely justified to me the ground I took in my last letter to you ; satisfactory, if not to you, at least to others, whose minds were anxious on the subject. All your present letter goes on the assmnption exactly of what I refused to acknowledge in my last — no attempt beiag made on yom- part to prove it. In replying to the question. Why I left the Church of England ? I replied, not that the world was in the Church of England, as you say — no such thing at all; but that I found the system I was mixed up with to he the world, and not the Church of Ood at all. That is a very distinct thing from worldly people being in the Church. I said to you very plainly that your question assumed that the EstabUshment was the or a Church, which I did not admit. Now this is a very plain ground ; it is to me precisely the groimd of import- ance ; and a plain truth which, when once appre- hended, frees the conscience of many an anxious person. The position in which you desired to place me is also evident from the expression, you will take up " my aspersions of the Chuxch of England." I 22 have no pleasure in casting any aspersions on it ; to free my own and others' conscience from all that may be, or tend to evil, I do desire. Fm-ther, sir, I have to admit that the manifested progress of Popery, of v^'hich the system of the Church of England is the instrument, renders me less jealous and less anxious to avoid the plain expression of what one may feel parufully, and yet, from ten thousand associations, be imwilling to declare, lest some rude Edomite might suppose for a moment one felt with them. My mind has long admitted its tendency, and I have acted on it. The signs of it are too pubUcly apparent not to call forth at least some additional wamuig voice. If mine be so very feeble and despised, as I am sure it is, may the Lord give it truth and affection, and therefore His own force. The Oxford ti-acts and their prevalence cannot but have di-awn your attention, as they have of Bishops, and even newspapers; and recently we have had a very remarkable sign of the times, — the highest ecclesiastical authority in the coimtry pronoimcing a definite judgment that prayers for the dead are not inconsistent ■with the doctrines of the Church of England. Tou may say this is not right: her godly ministers protest against it. Be it so. Thej cannot help it ; and if they say, we declare it is not right, then is the judg- ment of Grod on them, because they ^^ill not plainly act on and abide by what is right, and renounce what is %vTong. What is the resource from the evil proposed by the Record ? — An appeal to the Privy Council ! What a condition for the Chm-ch of GOD to be placed in, that when a heresy comes in, and is sanctioned, its appeal is to the Privy Coimcil to get rid of it ! But I aUude to this merely as a sign ; and whether the Church exculpate herself or not, a sign it is to them that have eyes to see. 23 I believe, dear sir, this, that at the time of the Eeformation two great elements entered into the composition of the Church of England, as it is called : one, the power of the Spirit of GOD in the preached word, which was directed against the Church of Eng- land, or of Rome in England then subsisting, and which was carried on by a system of irregularities — Latimer, Bernard Grilpin, and a host of others, many whose names are better known in heaven than on earth, preaching and teaching all about the country, %vithout regard to parish or any thing — but which was the power of light against the power of darkness, and that was blest. The other element was partly through the fears of Churchmen, and mainly through the interference of the Crown and secular power — a system in which, in order to maintain unity in the whole country, and that even to conciliate Roman Catholics for political purposes, under Queen Eliza- beth, a vast mass of association with Roman Catholic forms and the value of ordinances was preserved and asserted, by which a connexion with the great apos- tacy was kept up; which, although the power of truth and the providence of Grod may have a long while hindered its effect, is now beginning distinctly and publicly to show itseK, and wiU, I have no doubt — woe isme that I should have to say it — result in this once comparatively happy coimtry being immersed in and given up to darkness and opposition to GOD. Can 3"ou suppose, sir, that this gives me satisfaction or pleasm-e in saying it? The Lord knows who grieves over it most — those who sanction the system that leads to it, or such as in sorrow of heart have gone out without the camp, though bearing his re- proach, and in word and work become a witness, however feeble. A man cannot, whUe acting in and sanctioning a 24 system which involves these evils, honestly bear -wit- ness against the evils he partakes of and upholds. The whole system is thoroughly woven together. He subscribes his assent and consent to all and every thing contained in it. Satan, imder divine permis- sion, has been allowed to force the adoption of all or none; and makes the single sentence, or word, or even fonn of apparel, as necessary to imitj^ or to living honestly in the Church, as justification by faith or any thing else. This is the position of a minister of the Estabhshment : it cannot be denied. Mr. Head, near Exeter, is a public instance lately of the truth of what I say. But though the truth might be preached by individuals, which I do not controvert, the consequence of the preservation of this Popish parochial unity was the entire forfeiture by the Establishment of the title to being a Church at all — not merely by accident, but by its very essence and system. There was a transfer of all the inhabitants of a parish to a Protestant form from a Popish, but no gathering of saints at all. It was matter of legal penalty not to go to church. The parochial centre was there ; the minister the law provided was there ; the legal right to seats was there; the whole framework of ordinances for the whole parish was there ; and, I repeat, there was a legal penalty for not attending. These are matters of historical fact. The whole population, as such, were transferred in geographical divisions to another form of worship, and there was no gathering of the saints, though there was, to a considerable extent, the truth preached. That was the system of the Church of England, not its abuse. Those who refused to come were termed Popish recusants, and dealt -nith as such ; and those whose consciences refused submission were very 26 extensively subjected to punishment and imprison- ment. Aid this is still the boasted principle of the Establishment. The toleration that there is, forced on by the consciences of others, has in nowise altered the principle of the Establishment. Her boast is, that she provides religious instruction for the whole population of the country : the truth of this we may shortly inquire, but it is her boast; but when I begin to seek what is meant by religious instruction, I find this a most deceptive and inadequate state- ment. Her system, be there instruction or not, be there bad or good, is a system of ordinances by which the whole popiilation are received as Christian, whether they believe or not, and are dealt with as such by her ordinances, with which, according to her directions, they are all bound to comply ; so that those who do not are called recusants, dissenters, and schismatics. So that it is really a provision, not for the instruction of all, but for calling all Christians, whether they are so or not. Do I go into a town or eotmtry parish, if there should not be any dissenting body, it woiild be the boast that they were all Church of England people — though a Christian minister within her pale would perhaps avow he was satisfied there was not one who was a Christian, or knew the Lord, amongst them, and would preach to them as entirely unconverted people, and often does so very faithfully. You say that discipline is to be exercised. In fact, it is not, nor could be scripturally : if it were, it would be merely to make the world decent, not to keep the Church holy ; and discipline with unbe- lievers is merely entirely deceiving the souls of all — the height of confusion and absm-dity. My assertion then is, that the Establishment is not, unless in self- assumed responsibility, the Church, or a Church at B 26 all, — is not a body that God owns as such, save for judgment. And yet she treats as schismatics those who separate from her pale. This short remark sets this clear. If a man left the Church of God, he was out of the manifested body of God's saved people altogether. But farther, if a man at Corinth left the Church of Corinth, he left the Church of God— he left God's assembly. Could that be said of the Church of England? I find no such thing as a national Church in Scrip- ture. Is the Church of England — was it ever God's assembly in England ? I read of the Churches of Galatia, which was a province or country — that is, God's assemblies in that coimtry ; but the very idea of an assembly of God is lost in the claim and boast of the Establishment. Now, dear sfr, instead of this being an aspersion on the Church of England, it is her boast. In her effort to build new Churches now — may the Lord turn it to blessing by sending the truth into them, for He is sovereign, and not tied to our ways or any but His own — her plea is to keep pace with the popu- lation, not with the growth and extension of the Church of God. Such is the practical evidence of a fact too notorious to requii-e much proof. If you refer to the Irish canons, I think the sixth (I have but my Bible with me here and a borrowed litm'gy), you wiU find that the parishioners ai-e to go to the sacrament so often, or to be forced by penalty of law. An analogous canon, but not quite so violent in form, but the same in principle, will be found in the Enghsh collection. "What has been the conse- quent history ? for I may be told that these are obso- lete ; for when we turn to fads, we are told that they are abuses ; when we tm-n to documents, we are told they are obsolete. But facts and documents aKke 27 prove that in the principle of the Establishment, " the Church and State are but different aspects of the same body," to use the expression of one of her dis- tinguished defenders. Hence I am relieved from the thought altogether, save in sorrow for the saints in her pale, of leaving the Chm'ch of God, when I cease to be of the Establishment. If you are not the Church of God in England — and such a pretence is idle — then, save the importance of avoiding the deceiving myself and others, my having nothing to say to you can be of no sort of consequence. Tou tell me to remember that you did not say the Church. If you are not, as far as England goes, the sooner I have done with what pretends to be, and is not, the better. It seems to me to be an awful thing to pretend to be the Church of England, if you are not the Church of God there. Whose Chui'ch are you ? or what new thing have you introduced ? These are questions which ought to be answered before charges of schism and dissent are laimched out so readily against those who cannot form their con- sciences on the model of a Church which is not the Church of God. How is it schism to leave you, if you are not the Church of God ? What is schism ? Would it be schism to divide Turks, or to divide Christians from them ? Would it be schism to seek the unity of all saints, apart from the world ? Were the Establishment blameless, to force a weak Christian's conscience on an indifferent point would be schism. But what do I find in the history of the Establish- ment ? Why that in order to enforce imity, or rather uniformity, and that even in apparel (and that can hardly be necessary for the xmity of the Spirit), nearly two thousand of her godly parochial ministers were rejected at once. If it be said, this was by Act of Parliament, not by the act of the Church, I answer, 28 then have you for secular reasons made yourselves the slaves, the helpless slaves, of whatever the world chooses to impose upon you ; and that in the most important point of ecclesiastical discipline. And the unhappy excuse — what a plea for one who is jealous for the actual real maintaining of Chiist's honour in the Chui-ch ! — that the Parliament and Eang are part of the Chuixh ! Who made them its judicial visitors ? But even this poor excuse is taken away now, and we have the modern evidence that Roman Catholics, Socinians — in short, the world, can dispose of the whole ecclesiastical aiTangements of the coimtry ; and a Chancellor of the Exchequer can get up and say he has considered the state of the coimtry, and it can spare ten bishoprics, and they are taken away. This may seem to your minds order; but to us the authority of Chidst over His Church seems east to tlic winds by it, and His honour despised. And I cannot but feel it preferable in ever so lowly and despised circumstances, and that without the camp, in ever so much acknowledged weakness, to wait humbly for the guidance of the Spirit, and the word of God, in the sorrow into which aU this worldHness has cast the Church of God. If I be asked by what authority I do these things, my answer is an appeal to the plain righteoiisness of the case, and the refusal on such a charge as schism to reply to the inquiry whether the Establishment is the Church of God or not, or even give a plain answer whether they consider her baptized children regenerate or not. If I be told as to the Act of Uniformity that it has ceased to be binding, I ask by what authority ? Is schism to be permitted by Act of Pai'liament ? When the Act of Unifonnity, that great public act of schism, was foimd politically intolerable, the authority which had tried to force 29 unity in a worldly way, sanctioned, according to Church notions, schism in a worldly way. Such is the history of the Church of England. To turn to Scripture or its idea of a Chui-ch, no one thing the least like it can be traced in the New Tes- tament, or Old either. When you speak of the world being in the Church, in the sense of it as referred to in Scripture, it could not be in the Esta- blishment. I admit there were false professors — but how was this ? While the Chirrch xcas in a state which Scripture recognized at all, I read of false brethren coming in unawares : this could not happen in the Establishment. There is nothing for them to come into unawares. All, false and true, are bound to go there ; and if they preserve a good worldly character, welcome in theory, and without it even in practice. In Scripture I find a within and tvithout — a direction to judge them that are within. This state of things does not exist in the Establishment. Her aim and boast is to have the whole population tvithin. I repeat, there is no pretence of being a Church at all. And really, sir, when you deny that the openly pro- fane and imgodly are in the Church of England, in your own sense of it, you make an assertion of a very strange character to those who are familiar with facts. People's consciences must answer this for themselves. Will you allow me to ask you, and beg you to read it over. Is the Commination Service intended for the members of the Church of England, or for those without ? for believers or unbelievers ? for people under the law or gospel ? But I will not suffer myself, in the Lord's mercy, to be led away from great principles. I believe it was meant in honest hatred of sin. I honour this. But on what ground it can be defended by a minister of the Church of England now, it is hard to tell. Were I 30 to use an argumentum ad hominem, I could remind you that, in the homilies, the right use of ecclesias- tical discipline is one of the three marks whereby the true Church may be known. How this consists with the Church of England being a true Church, anc' avowing what it does in the Commination Service, is hard for a simple mind to tell. You can now pretty well understand why I speak, not of the icorld being in the Chiu-ch of England, but of its being the world, and not the Church at all. It is notorious that, if they be not actually dissenters, the population of a parish, town, or county, if they be ui pitch darkness, are all members of the Church of England, so called. They would call themselves 80. They are called so, and boasted of by their ministers as such. They are entitled to be received as such, if not notoriously profligate, though they may not be able to tell you who J esus was, and deny iu their ignorance every truth of the Gospel. And that this is a fact, and not a fiction, is known to every one acquainted with the state of the coimtry : that is, the world behaving themselves so as not to shock public decency, are entitled to be received at communion, because the system rests on ordinances, not on faith. And a minister faithful as to the truth he preached would address the whole congregation in the services of the Church of England as his bre- thren and as the Church ; and when preaching to them, perhaps honestly and faithfully tell them they were all unconverted, and unless they repented they would all perish. In a word, he would address them, when he told his own mind, as faithfully serving Christ in the Spirit, as unbelieving siuners ; and when he recited the Church's forms, and told hers, as congregated saints. Which is right ? But, first, which is true ? Who is the faithful minister (I put 31 it to yoiir own conscience), the man who in a dark parish, or as to the great hody of every parish, preaches the Gospel to them as sinners — poor, lost sin- ners, or the minister who treats them all as the con- gregated Church of God ? The latter minister, on your own statement, and the clear avowal of the Prayer Book, acts in the mind of the Church of England. The truth is, you have two irreconcileable ele- ments at work within her pale — truth in the hearts of many of her ministers, and in a feeble measure in her Articles ; and a system of old bottles, which can- not bear the new wine of the kingdom. In these times of God's dealings they cannot both go on together. I say, then, that the constitution is worldly, because she contemplates by her constitution — it is her boast — the population, not the saints. If circumstances have driven many outside her pale, she treats them as dissenters and schismatics, and so do you, and therefore in principle avow and admit the charge. The man who would say that the Church of England is a gathering of saints, must be a very odd man, or a very bold one. The parishioners are bound to attend by her principles. Are they all saints in theory ? If you say yes, I answer, then it is not God's theory, and judgment is pronounced on the question. But there are other points connected with this point, of theory and discipline, which are to me very important. We are habitually told not to judge, and this sounds well ; but it is a very awful and anti-gospel, and at the same time a very hollow principle. True it is that I am not to pass a human judgment on a brother, as regards God's final estimate of him ; nor 32 to say, he being before me as such, as to Grod's pre- sent acceptance of him. This is clear ; but to treat all as christians because they have been baptized in their infancy, and connected with the formularies, is a very uncharitable deception, and you know that as a Christian minister you do not. The system of your Church may do it, but I am persuaded your heart does not. It could not if the Spirit of Christ's love be there, neither then should our acts or words. They forget that Chiistianity begins with this, " The love of Christ constrains me, because tee thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead." And if a system of ordinances have concealed these truths ; if the Church has learnt to rest in the ordinances in lieu of /;■/(' and its necessity ; it is just in the practical state of apostacy from which I have to flee, in love to my own soul and that of others. Next, I believe that the notion that I cannot recog- nize brethren, as such, is an abominable delusion of Satan, to the destruction of the grand witness of Christ on the earth. I am told not to judge who are and who are not. I answer, the practical recognition of them is the piinciple of the dispensation. Know- ing that all are dead, the recognition that any are alive w the joy of charity. Their corporate tmion and worship is Christ's witness in the earth, "that they may be one, that the world may beheve that Thou hast sent me." And though the disregard of the unity of worship of the saints, known to each other as such, may seem to a carnal man as charity, it really destroj's all the first springs of holy afiec- tion. What would come of family afl'ections if all were reduced to uncertainty as to who was a brother and who was not ? How can I greet with cordial afiection as of one heart and one mind my brethren in the Lord, if I do not and am not to know who they are ? 33 Is there not, according to Scripture, to be some set of people who are all of one heart and one mind ? Is not charity injured, and Grod's witness of love from each injured and destroyed by this cold and hearth ss doctriae, that I am not to judge who are brethren and who are not ? Love the brethren, says the Spirit of God. Nay, I am told you must not judge who are and who are not. The first precept of charity is annulled by this system, " Hereby shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." How can this great witness and test of discipleship be manifested if there be not a mutual recognition by the disciples of the Lord as such? This fair form of worldly charity is, I believe, a very evil delusion of the enemy. And is it not the fact you do judge, you preach to many as unconverted, and you converse with others as saints ? You must do so if you have the Spirit of Christ. Fiu-ther, as to disciphne, there is not othei-wise a body capable of discipline as led of the Spirit of God, by which alone it can be rightly exercised. Dis- cipline by a body of unconverted persons is ridicu- lous. A remark of your friend Mr. M'Neil is an evidence of this. He says, speaking of those who complained of mixed communion, "Have you fol- lowed the Scriptirres? If your brother has driven you from participating in this ordinance, he has cer- tainly trespassed agaiast you." This is a poor and strained way of taking a brother's trespass against me, and it is besides a piece of sophistry ; for my difficulty is not that my brother has trespassed, but that you have by your system gathered a heap of people tcJio are not brethren at all, and would reject and scorn the title of saints in heart and life, so that it is a very poor sophistry. But let that pass. " Have you gone to him alone?" says Mr. M'Neil, "then 34 taken two or tkree more ? and, if that failed, then told it to your minister ?" Why " your minister " ? because the use of the scriptuial direction would have laid bare the iaconsistent and absxird position he was in. If he had said, teU it to the Church or assembly, every straightforward person would have seen its absurdity : there was reaUy no Church to teU it to. But to be in a position which obliges one to change the word of God, is just the expression of unwilling consciousness that the word of God con- demns my position. It condemns it in the very point at issue between us. Thus holy discipline is destroyed, as well as charity, by the world being called the Church; and "put out from among yourselves that wicked person " is as impracticable as " love the brotherhood." Everybody knows the fact. Now as to one or two objections you make. First, you refer to Israel. There was abuse, you say, but they were not to leave it. In the fii-st place, we are not Jews, but Christians. Judaism was an elect nation ; there could be no such thing as leaving it : Christianity is not, but a gathering of saints. God has not recorded His name in the English nation ; but wherever two or three are gathered together in His name, there is Jesus in the midst of them. What the temple was to a Jew, the gathering of the saints is to me. My complaint of the Establishment is that it is not, and never was, a gathering of mints. If a man ceased to be a J ew, he ceased to be of God's people altogether. That nation and its ordinances were whoUy, solely, and exclusively God's people, sanctuary, and place : to leave them was to apostatize from God. They were gathered, not in spiritual worship, but to carnal ordinances, imposed not by conversion of heart, but by Jewish parentage. The 35 Cliurch of God alone is analogous in one place. The Establishment has no pretence to be what Israel was as God's only place of abode. Where Judaism and Christianity are entirely different from each other in principle, in naturalism, and obligation of carnal ordinances, there it has followed Judaism, and then uses this as an argument why it should not be left. If this argument proves anything, it proves its apostacy. Two or three gathered together in Christ's name has the authority of unity which Israel had of old, not a sorry imitation of that which the Gospel treats as beggarly elements, and now equivalent to idolatry (see Gal. iv.) and carnal ordinances. Israel, I repeat, was a national election ; Christianity is not. The laws of the country were God's own laws, the presence of God was there, and the abuses and cor- ruptions did not alter that. A person could not leave it, and be in the place of God's worship and God's ordinance. Now the place of God's worship and God's ordinance is where two or three are gathered together in Christ's name, and this the Establish- ment is not, but a provision of ordinances for the population in confessed imitation of Judaism. Next you refer to the seven Churches. Tliis there is more occasion to answer specially, as it is the common resort of argument on the question. The simple answer is, they were God's Churches or assem- blies in the place mentioned, and they could not be left ; corruptions are no ground for leaving the Church of GOD. The Church of GOD cannot be left, and a man be in the path of salvation in so doing. These were the Churches of GOD — the assemblies of GOD in those different towns — gather- ings of saints, although carelessness had introduced corruption. The Establishment is not this at aU. Were the Apostle to address an epistle to the Church 36 of GOD wliicli is at Liverpool, or London, there is no gathered body distinct from the world who could receive and act upon the letter. Where the epistle says, Ye have among you such and such, and calls for repentance, were they not to put them out, or would they otherwise have repented ? Where is the body, then, which could act thus, when you are preaching to an indiscriminate heap of unconverted people ? In a word, there was a known body which could act by the leading of the Spirit of GOD. There was no direction to leave these Churches, because they were Churches. The Establishment has no such claim, and I do not leave it properly, but have no- thing to say to it, because it is not one. The Esta- blishment does not, nor ever did, stand on the ground of these Churches or local assemblies of God at all, and has no principle of their structure, order, or con- stitution. I should think it a great sin to leave a Church of God because corruptions were foxmd in it ; but the EstabKshment is a great national, secular system, and not the Church of God at all. Another assertion you make is, I have evil in myself, and that I cannot leave, and therefore it is a hopeless thing to seek purity. This, forgive me for saying it, is an ugly argument. There is no hope : we will continue to do evil. But it is a poor piece of sophistry. I cannot leave the evil in my flesh, so I remain in the body. I can leave the evil around me, so I am to remain in that too. You will admit this is not very strong reasoning. But more plainly, the Lord says, " Come out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing ; and I wlU receive you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." He does not say. Come out from your body. The Lord says, "If a man purge himself fi'om these, he shall be a vessel made 37 unto honoTir, fit for the master's use." I cannot have done with my body, though I may mortify it and treat it as dead, through grace and infinite mercy. The Lord says, " From such withdraw thy- self." I cannot from my body. The Lord says, speaking (I believe you will agree with me) of these latter days — days it may be not fully ripened, still they are now the last days — " From such turn away." From my body I cannot turn away. The answer simply then to this is, that the Lord has commanded me to come out and be separate from the world ; He has not commanded me to come out of my body. Is yom- argument really a righteous one in this ? One only remark I believe remains in this part : your objection to ceasing to do evil before we know to do good — taking, as you call it, a leap in the dark. Is it taking a leap in the dai'k for a Christian ceasing to do known evil, because he does not yet know all the Lord's subsequent will concerning him? Are we to say, I will not act on what I do know, till you teU me all my course on to glory ? I have seen the Lord thus continually exercise His children, giving Hght enough to make a thing a matter of plain Christian obedience, and not show all the happy, and blessed, and full consequences, tiU faith acted on that. It is just a holy and excellent trial of faith. He says, in principle, I am the door. The mind may say, where to ? The Lord answers, I am the door : and wherever the soul finds Christ or the will of Christ, it, if walking in faith, trusts that, and the blessing follows. It soon goes in and out, and finds pastm-e. You seem to forget the praise of Abraham's faith was. He went out, not knowing whither he went. It is better to trust God in doing His will, than the consequences which doing His will may produce, however blessed. Now surely it is of Christ and the 38 ■will of Christ to cease from known e-vil. If you call this taking a leap in the dark, Christ's will — and surely it is His will to leave known evil — is not dark- ness to us, but light, for which our poor foolish souls are thankful. Nor shall he that foUoweth Him walk in darkness, though he may only know that in the very next footsteps Christ has gone before him. And if you woidd know our experience, sir, we have not foimd it darkness, but blessed Hght ; we have found our own weakness, and the poverty and ruin of the Church; but we have found marvellous and abundant light in the Lord, though hght affliction for a moment might accompany it. As to the Corinthians, though the principle is unaffected by it, it is perfectly plain that the worst among them was a Christian, though a fallen one. The habits of the Establishment seem to have con- founded decency of morals and deportment with the very faith of the Church of GOD. As to the Philippians, that corruption and apostacy were then rapidly flowing in on the Church of God is imques- tionable. I do not see that these people were at PhUippi, and therefore there is no consequence to be drawn from the passage. "With regard to Jude (if you do not beheve that we are wandering stars, reserved for the blackness of darkness for ever, un- godly men before ordained to this condemnation, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness), you are not — forgive the saying so — quite honest in quoting it. Do you believe this ? But there is a little cir- cumstance in this epistle to wliich this convenient word " separate themselves " seems to have blinded those who quote it in the Estabhshment ; and this is, that these persons had crej^t in, not gone out. This you will admit is a material point. They were cor- rupters come into the once pure Church, not saints 39 gone out. They feasted with them. They were spots in their feasts of charity. Tour charge against us is that we are gone out. Yea, and because we feared to feed ourselves without fear where evil was. I think if you examine the word "separate them- selves " {a-rroliopil^ovTtQ) with the context, you will find a very different force in it from that which you attach to the English one, as a convenient placard to the eye, against those whom you condemn — to a well- instructed mind one of no great difficulty. And why do you say you find separatists in bad company ? I read, " These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." Do you believe in fact, as an honest man, that these latter characters apply to the greater majority amongst ourselves, or the professed members of the Church of England ? And just allow me to ask you also, why you state m the outset that I complain of the world's being in the Church, when you, in speaking of the seven Churches, give a reason why " our party " say the Establishment is no Church at all? All the character you give yourself of alternate tenderness and faithfulness, and our comparative enjoyment by selfishly quitting the family, I pass by ; great com- parative enjoyment indeed I believe we have had, not in selfishly pleasing ourselves. But the point is, What is God's will ? One charge is, that you have called that the family which is not the family at all. And if you have lifted up your eyes and seen the plain of J ordan, that it was well watered everywhere, and then found yourselves in Sodom vexing your righteous souls, for such I admit there are, you have nothing to boast of in that sort of patience. We prefer the place of Abraham, and give it all up to you, trusting that the Lord will deliver you too ; but see no motive to follow your example, or to 40 associate ourselves witli that on wliicli the Lord's judgment is coming — and coming on it you yourself, I bless God, do not deny that it is. I have now, in reply to the earlier part of yo\ir letter, spoken of the great principle on which I rest, as an obedient servant of Clirist, in not recognizing the Establishment as the Church. I must now — a much more disagreeable and painful task — refer to the plainer facts of the case, and some of your ovm docu- ments, showing its working, and how it is mixed up with the canonical principles of the Establishment. I have preferred resting first on the great principle, partly because I am replying to your letter, which does so, and partly because the plea of there being abuses does not enter into the question. The real subject is fairly before us ; and effects, what you caU abuses, act most directly upon the conscience, and therefore are most material in this question ; for all healthful action is action by a conscience led of God's -Spirit and the Word. And if, in the whole arrange- ments of a system, there be a constant violation of the laws of Christ and His will and righteousness in the Church, it becomes impossible for a righteous man to act in it or with it. This, I repeat, is a much more painful part of the subject. It is plea- santer far — oh, how much so — to keep the soul in the imsullied regions of Christ's blessedness ; and one has to watch one's treacherous heart, lest one shoxild begin to rejoice in iniquity, because it proves one against whom we are contending to be in the wrong ; and I feel that one is not fit to speak of evil to another, imless we can bear its burden in so^tow of heart before the Lord, as our own burden in their behalf, at least for those that are saints, beloved of God, the pure and holy One. Controversy tends to destroy estimate, and to make us prove rather than 41 cover the sins. Still you have compelled me to state the facts, which are plainly inconsistent with God's righteousness in the Church of Grod. In the first place, then, pastorships, or what hold their place in the system, are publicly bought and sold, or at least the right to appoint them. At this moment the Corporation livings are on sale. I re- member a town where the next presentation to a living was sold to enable the Coq^oration to build (or pay for) a theatre. I have one now with me cojiying this, for whom a living was bought as pro- vision for him as a younger son, and he then of course to be brought up at a University for the ministry. But the placards of auctioneers and the advertise- ments of newspapers are evidence that the pastor- ships of the Church of England are bought and sold in the market like other property ; nay, if I am to believe Mr. M'Neil, they are consequently appointed because they are unfit (see his letters on the Church, in a note I think to page 104). Do you think this consistent with the order of the Church of God ? You will tell me this is an abuse. Is it not sanc- tioned by the courts of law, by the ecclesiastical com-ts, by the institution of the bishops, so that the Chm'ch of England treats any one else but the person so holding it as an intruder and schismatic ? It is the consequence of that organized connexion with the State which makes it the National Church — the Establishment. There is another thing beside that : some one has a legal secular right so to present, giving secular advantages, and therefore temporally cognizable as a right by the State. It is the horrid price you pay for your specific and formal character. I do not understand how, if all the spiritual and temporal authorities of the system treat as an intruder and a 42 schismatic any one else than the person so appointed, the appointment can be called an abuse. If you say it is, comparing it with the Church of Grod as dis- played in the word, we are agreed indeed ; but then it is in this abuse that the system and order of the Establishment are entirely, and fatally for its cha- racter as a Church, at variance with what we find in the word of God. But this is exactly what presses, and justly presses, on the consciences of the Lord's people, and compels them to disown her authoritj' and her state. You may teU me that such or such instances are abuses ; but I say that it is just as abhorrent to the principles of the Church of the living God to have a good man or a society buy up livings as to have an infidel do so. Do you think an infidel ought to have the right to present any one to the pastorship of a place ? Perhaps indeed by the system of the Establishment there may be no saint there, but by the system of the Establishment it is perfectly competent for him to do so : he may be seized of or purchase the advowson, and the bishop must admit his right, and institute his nominee, and treat all else as schismatics and intruders. You will say his nominee must be a clergjonan — be it so ; but by reason of the system of national advantage, the bishop is bound to ordain, if there be no legal reason to the contrary : and supposing the clergy to be all faultless, do you think it is the system of the Church of God that an infidel should have the right ;of choosing the pastor of a place ? How would such a system have appeared at Corinth or Ephesus ? Is it in principle — I do not talk of abuses — the system of the Church of God ? But it is the system of the Church of England. Her system is a system of pa- rochial geographical divisions, to which certain legal rights, privileges, and emoluments are attached. This 43 is lier boast as contrasted with what she calls dissent, by reason of which the appointment to these geogra- phical divisions is vested as a right or privilege in some one or another, it matters not who. Now I say this, let it be ever so well ordered, is not the system of the Church of God at all. Mr. M'Neil says this is a disgusting ingenuity of abuse. How is the legal authorized system of the Church as such ? I leave the hard words with him ; I have only to say if this be the system, it is not the system of the Church of the living God. And now, sir, will you show me one document or formulary of the Church which says the patronage of livings and other benefices, or the sale of advowsons, is an abuse, or disallowed by the Establishment ? If you can, I can only say, to gain the world's advan- tages you have reduced yourself to an impotency of doing right, and that is no place for a Christian to remain in. Further, I have heard it asserted, as a matter of triumph by evangelical ministers, that there are probably near three thousand evangelical ministers now in England — that is, ministers who, they reckoned, held the Gospel of Christ, and were Christian men. There are, I suppose, about twelve thousand ministers in England, more or less. Now what is the nature of the system which, under plea of providing instruction for all, and chargiag all not within her pale as schismatics, has, when her state was boasted of as remarkably improved and under blessing, provided that three-fourths of the population should be taught contrary to the Gospel ? and that whoever did, under the blessing of God's holy Spirit, go and preach it, these should be denounced as schismatics and intruders ? — that three-quarters of the pastors of the Church of God, according to them (if not, avow you are not the Church of God, and cease to 44 talk of scliism and dissent) should not be Cliristians at all. These are things inexpKcable as a state con- sistent with being the Church of God, to one who has read the word of God, and drawn his ideas therefrom, and not from habit or tradition. Indeed, sir, there are little expressions habitual with ministers of the Establishment which show they are not con- versant with the idea of ministering in the Church of God. I read, " our people," " our dear people," and hear, " my flock," and " why do you intrude on my flock?" Who made them your people, or your flock ? An apostle would not, nor the Spirit of God, have called them so. He would have spoken of the Lord's people, and the flock of God. How could a servant of Christ, ministering holily in what- ever gift God had given him — an ApoUos at Corinth, or Priscilla and Aquilla at Ephesus, or anyn^here else — have been intruders on the flock of Christ ? They were part of it, wherever they were, and to serve in it as able and bound so to do. But all is altered with you. Tou have not even — forgive the word — the ideas connected with it ; — ^your speech betrays you. And why ? because you are a minister, even if true, of such a parish in the Church of England — your flock perhaps not Christian, nor the Church of God at all — not a minister of the Chiirch of God. Again, sir. Who appoints the chief pastors of the Chui'ch of England ? In fact, the Prime Minister of the day, for any reason perhaps that suits his convenience ; the fact is well known, and facts, sir, ai'e important to conscience. The Church of God ought not to be trifled with by theories, while the sheep of Chi-ist are actually scattered. It seems to me to be a very evil sign, when the Spirit is pressed by the actual scatter- ing and wrong done to Christ's sheep, to be told there is such a document which shows the theory of 45 my system is quite right : these are abuses. The Spiiit of Christ cares for the sheep of Christ, dear sir, and not for neglected scraps of paper. But I take the theory, for I wish to avoid resting at all on abuses. The king appoints them. If you teU me there is a conge d^elirc, Mr. M'Neil shall answer you in the note previously quoted, that the king does really appoint, for by the theory he nominates the person to be so elected. In Ireland they are ap- pointed dii'ectly by the king's letters patent. What part of the system of the Church of God is this ? And let me here remark, that an appeal to Church of England documents is in many respects a very fallacious mode of judging, for the most material and distinctive characteristics of her system are not foimd there at all. The work of ordering, governing, and directing the Church is entrusted to persons chosen by the head of the secular authority of the country ; and here, again, the whole principle and theory of the Church of God is contravened and set aside, not by the abuses, but by the order of the EstabHshment. How can I own them as bishops (supposing me a rigid Episcopalian) appointed by God, when I know they have not been in theory so appointed ? — that the whole is a mere secular affair? You teU me they must be clergymen, and be thirty years of age. Is every clergjonan of thiiiy competent to be the chief director of the Church of God Y Is that God's theory, or is He the endower with needful gifts for His own work ? One who believes, then, God to be the author and gatherer of His own Church, and the divine orderer of its government, can find neither the body nor the guidance or order of that Church in the system of the Establishment ; and, as Mr. M'Neil jiistly says, no reform remedies this, while the principle continues. The effects shock the con- 46 science ; the principle is judged by the spiritual mind taught by and formed on the word of God. Supposing a child of God in a parish where the system of the Church of England has placed a minister who does not know the Gospel, but quite preaches the contrary ; and in the communion of the Church there is no one who owns the Gospel on which communion is founded : here are the effects which try the spirit. But the person is boimd to abide and hear error taught and souls deceived, and to own as one body, and thereby help to deceive them, those who are entirely imeon verted, because by the theory of the Chiirch of England he is Christ's minister and they are the Church. If such a person does not, he is a schismatic and dissenter. Supposing two or three in the same circumstances, and they cease to own them who hy their projhsion of doctrine are not beUevers, as ministers and the Church, and they meet because Chiist has said, " wherever two or thi-ee are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them," they would be set down as wilful /schismatics ; but according to the word of God, they j would be reaUy the Chm-ch of God ia that place, let uhem be ever so feeble, and have no minister at aU — ] despised perhaps by those who had thousands to fill Itheir aisles, and the respectability of ecclesiastical •associations to clothe their fonns, but not of God. The promise of the Lord outweighs to faith all these charms on the imagination — these goodly stones and gifts ; and how sti'ong they are my own heart well knows. I speak not, then, of abuses ; but will 3'ou say that it is the theory of the Church of God that the King should appoint the chief pastore or bishops of the Church of God by his letters patent ; or whether it be the system or principle of the Church of God, or compatible with it, that the ap- 47 pointment of the pastors should be in Landlords, Coi-porations, Universities, the Crown, or whoever may buy them; and whether you are to be content with the scattering and grieving of Christ's sheep produced by such a system — a system sought to be enforced by the seciilar arm, to the expulsion of thousands of devoted ministers; and then what is called schism tolerated by Act of Parliament, because the social effects were mischievous — a system which contemplates not the ChurcJi, of God, but tlie popu- lation, and secularizes the Church of God, by forcing the population to be all one with it ? And let me add this question : Can you, while I do not admit the propriety of staying a day in connexion with such evQ in a system, by your own confession not the Church of Ood, can you give the smallest rational hope of the change of the principle and theory from which all the evil flows — that the king nor the land- lords, shall not nominate the pastors, nor advow- sons sold ? Can you say that such a system is the system of the Church of Grod, according to the word of God ? But I have said enough to show the prin- ciple on which, in conscience before God, I act, and must disown it as standing before me as the Church of God ; and to dispel, I trust, however feeble my thought (and I admit it humbly and sorrowfully before God), the prestige of a sort of hallowed obscmity, soon to merge, I am fiilly persuaded, in j the daikness of Popery, which, perhaps, by its claims and influence, may deliver the nominal Church from , the incubus which presses down the Establishment ' as it is, and satisfy the desu-es of the Puseyite school | — men who, though I believe honest (for I know | their views well), are as inconsistent as they are i mischievous ; for the secular bondage of the Chm-ch i is a very Babylon in the mind of an honest theoretic 48 successionist. I would add a little word to them as well as to you, that^it is all butj)erfectly cer tain th at t^LiP^^ 2i tiis English succession was an uncon- secrated man. I once pursued the point with a good deal of research, and thus by their system they will be easily thro^\'n when it is pressed home, and they ripen a little, into the necessary arms of undisguised Popery. Such is the prospect which your cherished Establishment is engendering for us — ^not -willingly, I freely admit, in the minds of many of her members, but helplessly, because she has tied herself to the car of the State, not to dependence upon GOD ; and wherever its interested or careless wheels roll on, she must go, or cease to be the Establishment. Her efforts, therefore, are to control the State, not to follow God, because she is boimd and governed by it — not obedient in fi-eedom and simplicity to Him. " She is my sister, not my vdie," acquired Abraham cattle and Egj^tian riches in abimdance. I would now tiirn to the documents of the Esta- blishment on the two main points connected with the subject I am upon — the constitution and membership of the body, and the ordering of the ministry. I have already referred to the Canons, vdth which the Rubrics concur, which require the attendance of the parishioners — " every parishioner " — at the Lord's Supper so often in the year, and treat as recusants and schismatics all absenting themselves or impugn- ing any part of the system. But there is a point which lies deeper than this, and gives not its relative but positive character to the system — those docu- ments which describe its members, those within, not those without, the assumption of which was quite •necessary to the other. Now these documents show that the ecclesiastical system of the Establishment is founded on the efficacy of ordinances, not of faith, 49 and thus is enabled in theory to embrace the whole ( f population, and treat them as Christians, -without reference to faith at all ; and that any operation of ] \ the Spirit of God in the heart, save as commimicated 1 / by an ordinance, does not come within its scope 11 of instruction, or introduction to full membershipJJ If I am told it cannot judge but by fruits, be it so ; but these do not either form any part of the question of membership : a member who is a notorious evil liver, is refused communion in theory, but that is all. First, as you are aware, the child is pronounced regenerate by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it is attempted to say that this is a change of state, not of personal condition. This is an idle effort. Were I told, according to the fathers, regenerate means bap- tized — though abuse of words produces much mischief if it were merely meant to say they are baptized, and thereby personally admitted into the pale of the visible Church — my present argument would not hold : baptized persons are certainly baptized. But I say this is an idle effort. The congregation are to pray that God will grant to the child that thing which by nature he cannot have; that he may be baptized with the Holy Ghost — an expression itself full of confusion, but certainly something positive, and per- sonally spiritual : again, that he may be sanctified with the Holy Ghost, that he, being delivered from God's wrath, may be received into the ark of Chi'ist's Church, and being steadfast in faith, &c. : again. Give thy Holy Spirit to this infant, that he may be horn again, and made an heir of everlasting salvation. The congregation are told they have prayed God to release him of his sins, sanctify bim with the Holy Ghost, and give liim the kingdom of heaven and everlasting life ; and Chi-ist, they are told, has pro- mised to grant them : and passing by other consis- 50 tent expressions, after the rite, it is stated, the child is regenerate ; and they pray he may lead the rest of his life accordingly, and then give hearty thanks that it has pleased the Father to regenerate the infant with the Holy Spirit, and to receive him for His o^ti child by adoption. What other terms could you use for a saint quickened by God, and made actual par- taker of divine life ? The prayer is changed when there has been previous private baptism into "that he being bom again — Give that he may be ;" and it is then stated that he is by baptism regenerate. In the foi-mer ser%ice the expression is used, that he may receive remission of his sins by spiritual regeneration : again, confusion of thought as to an infant, but defi- nite in the extent of what is attributed to baptism. The baptism of such as are of riper years seems to me to seal the confusion, but that is not the question now to occupy us. In the Catechism the child is taught that he was made a member of Christ, a child of God, and that by baptism ; and therein it was promised he should heliece — the Scriptm-e sa;ying we are children of God by faith, not by ordinances. The child con- fesses he is boimd to believe, and keep God's holy will and commandments, which he -ftill, and thanks God he is in this state of salvation. Now hevefnith ■in certain articles, and keeping the commandments, are obligations on the child, he being (on the proxies undertaken for him) made a child of God by the baptism itself abeady, where he assented too imquali- fiedly that he would licep the conunandinents. And the promise of faith, aftei-wards they are stated to he hound to perform. The Sacrament also he is taught expressly was the means by which he received the inward and spiritual grace (are not these words plain ?) of a death imto sin, and a new birth unto righteousness ; and this, anomalous and inconsistent 51 as it is, is clearly the doctrine of the framers of these services and this system; for the strict sense and definition of a sacrament is declared in the homilies to be, that the forgiveness of sins is aitncxcd and tied to the visible sign. It is there said that absolution is not a sacrament, because though there is forgiveness of sins, there is no visible sign instituted by Christ ; ordination is not, because though there is a visible sign, there is no forgiveness of sins ; and that there ai-e only properly two sacraments, because there are only two where the forgiveness of sins is annexed and tied to the visible sign. Let me call to your memory that I am not ad- ducing these statements to prove the faults of the Litui'gy, but the principle on which the Establish- ment incorporates the whole population into Christian membershiji, believing or imbelieving, affinning them to be regenerate by the ordinance, and then making the belief of eertaia articles incumbent on them on another's promise. Next, the child is to be brought to be confirmed so soon as it can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments, in the vulgar tongue, and is able to answer the Catechism set forth for that pm-- pose. That Catechism sets forth and has taught hun that he is a child of God by baptism already, and acknowledges he is liouitd to believe and to do as has been promised for him — articles which, though of course containing facts of Christianity, tell him nothing really of the way of a sinner's salvation at all, for even in the intei-pretation he is taught that all mankind are redeemed, and clearly they are not all saved ; and he is made to rest on the promises which ruined Israel under Moimt Sinai : " All that the Lord hath spoken we will do " — an undertaking which, because of its perfection, works death to the 52 sinner ; and lie is taiiglit the Lord's Prayer. I would remark, in passing, that the instruction as to what he learns in the articles of his belief is objectionable even as articles, because creation is ascribed to the Father only as His act ; and then redemption to God the Son, as if He had no part in creation, but had only a distinct act of redemption as His. But this by-the- bye. The instructions as to duty I have nothing to remark on, save that the knowledge of the Father, as His child should know Him, is nowhere found in the Catecliism. In a word, what is properly Clrristian faith is found in it nowhere, though many topics of Christian trnth are referred to. The Sacraments I have already spoken of, save to note that it is stated that the promises of God are made to them in the sacraments, and whatever arti- f I cles may be given credence to, i^romises ix a sacra- ment are the only personal resting-place which is proposed to the chUd: he is to believe in promises made in that sacrament. This preparation being made, he is to be brought to the bishop, he ha\ing there asserted that he is bound to beUeve, and that he will keep the commandments. It is repeated that they had been regenerated with the Holy Ghost, and been given the forgiveness of all their sins ; and thus after confinnation they are introduced to the Com- munion, being now in full membership (and why not, if they are regenerate of the Holy Ghost !"), and now confirmed. And aU her members are called upon by the Establishment as Christians, as Mr. M'NeU justly agrees, to partake of the Lord's Supper. The very people to whom the same person would preach, as sinners, I believe very faithfully, to repent and turn to God, and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that they might be saved. Thus we have evidence as to the body, how the 53 population — the pariskioners — are fictitiously made the Church; and whQe individuals may preach they Gospel, the body rests on a system of ordinances \ which makes the whole body, the whole popidation, i by a fiction preserved to their burial, a body of rege- J nerate Christians. If these services be compared with the system of Popery, and the order of their administration, then not a moment's hesitation can be entertained of what (though doubtless purged of many details) the meaning and principles of them are. Of the fact that the body of commimicants are not really Christians, no question is or can honestly be maintained : but the prraciple of the Establish- ment being that aU parishioners should come, and orderly provision by her previous ser\ices being made that they should, it becomes not wrong that they should be there, but their positive fault and sin that they are not : they are boimd to come, believers or not ; and thus is the principle of the Church of God laid prostrate altogether. And Mr. M'Neil presses it as the fii'st act of obedience, should there have been previous disobedience all the week ; and the rule of the Establishment would apply to an infidel who was not a notorious evil liver, and the fiction be kept up by his presence beiag taken as profession. This then is the principle of the Establishment as to the body : the effect is to scatter the saints of God, grieve and gall theu- consciences, and then reproach them with dissent and schism. I am now to refer to the docimients, upon which I would only remark as to the former point that all the daily services go on the same principle of all the parishioners being good Christian people. It is vain to allege that a ser^ice is to be made, and must be for Chiistian people. The fact of the Establislmient is, that they have made the Christian people for the j 54 ; service, which is a matter generally left out of sight in their plea for this. Who warranted them in doing this ? or what does such a making amount to ? A reference to the homilies and canons will abimdantly confii-m the statement that this is the principle of the Establishment. But to apply myself to the docu- ments as to the ministry, we have seen, as I said, the facts (these are notorious) that the Crown and secular persons and bodies present to livings and bishoprics, and that yoimg men are brought up to them as to a lucrative profession, and that they are bought for that 43uq3ose. And you cannot show a single doctmient by which these thiugs can be shown to be an abuse : they are strictly legal by the system of the EstabUsh- ment. But the two documents I shall refer to are ' the twenty-third and twenty-sixth articles, which give the authorized form to the ecclesiastical part of it. The fii'st states that those we ought to judge lawfully called and sent, which be chosen and c aUed . j by men. Do I quote this wrongly ? Here then we g^ a principle formally laid down which makes men the choosers and callers to this work. They have ■ authority given to call and send ministers into the Lord's vineyard. Now I see the Lord directing the apostles to pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into His harvest, and it was the householder who hired the labom-ers into the vinej'ard. It is fur- ther stated, that it is not lawftd for any man to take j upon him the office without it. Provision is made for ; the consequence of this human caUing in the twenty- sixth. Sometimes CNil men have chief authority in the : ministration of the word and sacraments ; and though it may be right to see to this, yet if it be not seen to, they minister by Chi'ist's commission and authority, / and are to be attended to even in heaiing the word of I God, though perhaps what they preach is contrary to 55 all God's tnitli : and thus, to maintain the authority f of the system, and the validity of ordinances where ) there is no grace, as far as man goes, souls are - jeoparded, and the people subjected to all manner of false teaching as of Clirist's commission. Do you i believe that Christ has really sent a man to preach Tvho is not a Christian, and does not preach the Gospel at all? If not, what is the meaning of Clirist's commission ? and why this care to maintain the authority of those called and sent by man, even when they are evil, but to maintain the validity of a system of ordinances which rests on man where there is confessedly not the grace of Christ? I may be referred to the Ordination Service, where the person says he is called by the Holy Spirit. Be it so : but there are ariicles, on the one hand, to hinder any one from acting in that, unless he has man's sanction and authority for doing it ; and, on the other, if it be quite false, and the man a pretender, or careless, or a h}^DOcrite, there are articles to maintain liis autho- rity, as of equal validity by Christ's commission, as if he really were ; otherwise it would be clearly im- possible to regard him as the minister of the paiish, which by law they must, and treat those as dissenters and schismatics who have been perhaps called by the Holy Ghost, but have not submitted to avow their receiving the Holy Ghost from a bishop, whom the king or his minister has appointed. Do you believe ' every bishop the king appoints has power to confer i the Holy Ghost ? If not, surely it is an awful thing \ to pretend to receive it at his hands. We are told, ! first, the bishops are secvrrities against any not really ministers intmding, and that we are liable to this evil ; and then, where the fact is notorious that the vast body are not ministers, and are absohitely op- posed to the Gospel, are not called by the Holy 56 Ghost, but enter it as a profession, we are told that, they having avowed they are led by the Holy Ghost, through their own hypocrisy and fault, the Church has done all she can. Well, then, the plea of this security is folly — save, observe, to authenticate as ministers ; and the only lawful ministers of the place those who are not ministers at all. This is aU it does. The call of the Holy Ghost does in itself necessarily remain in the bosom of him who asseiis it, but by his ordination the man is authenticated before the truth of his calling by the Holy Ghost is proved. I have now I believe, dear sir, gone through what the doeiuneuts of the Establishment present, and her legal authorized proceedings, which do not appear upon the face of her documents, but which are just her form and constitution as an Establishment, in order to judge as to my continuance within her pale as recognizing her as the Church of God. If you avo-w she is not the Chui'ch of God, then I feel no claim upon my soul on her part at all ; but your assertion of schism or dissent in not being of her, assumes a very important character indeed, because it 2)rctends that she is. The framers of her canons and constitutions who took, if imfounded, very clear and decided ground as to this, were well aware of this, and there- fore honestly denounced and excommunicated aU who questioned or impugned it. And this is the point you must meet, if you mean to hold the consciences of God's chOdi-en. That party feeling, early habits, and natm-al associations, and in many cases personal attachment, may hold a multitude within her pale, I do not question. I do not think you can charge my letter with aspersions, nor -with evading the discussion. The groimd I have taken is clear and distinct on which 57 my mind rests, not -nithout sorrow — I should grieve if it did — but in perfect, joyful, thankful peace of conscience as to the position in which divine mercy and grace has placed me, and a clear thoughy very son-owful judgment as to the point at issue.;: Save as to the responsibility which every false as-^, sumption casts on the party making it, I cannot own'^ it as " The Chi that as the sotiroe of comfort and edification. Thf ^■Art i<, ili ii every one who wills enters on what is called the ministry ol' the Kstablishment, if he has a decent education in a college, and a decnt character, or three persons to say he has ; whereas what is condemned admits no 94 wait upon God for His blessing, which alone can prosper, and this is as compatible with dependence on God's grace, as the culture of the soU and the scatter- ing of the seed is Tvdth dependence on His providence. I perceive that, whereas I intended only a fiew short notes, I have been drawn out to write a long letter ; I shall now close, leaving you to have the last word, if you please, before going to press. If you like, by the way, you may answer to our readers the following queries : — I. — Where was the Chm-ch of God in England at the time of the Eeformation ?* and was that Church identified with the use of creeds, and an ordained ministry separate from the people ? If so, are you not separatists fr'om the Church ? II. - — How are teachers appointed among youPf Is it competent to any one who feels he has the gift to stand up and minister in the word, and then if he teach Socinianism how can you consistently silence him ? May he not saijX he speaks in the Spirit as well as you ; and thus are not all your meetings for worship and edification liable to become arenas of controversy ? And ministry tut ttat wMch flows from the gift, and presence, and power of the Holy Ghost. Which is most scriptural ? * Scattered by the wickedness of men and the vmscriptural inter- vention of princes, haTing been never in Saxon England foimded on any true basis, it was buried under the heaps of Popery, from which it never half emerged. t As in the Ephesians, Christ gave some apostles, some prophets, some pastors and teachers. What passage warrants their appoint- ment by men ? — "Let two or three speak," says the Apostle, " and let the rest judge." J The Socinian, as well as the Church of England, so called, is to be judged by the word of God. " If a man come and bring you not this doctrine, neither receive him into your house, nor bid bim God , speed." The writer seems to forget that there is a word of God by I which what men say, and all their pretensions to the Spirit, or to be J the Church of God, are to be judged of. , 96 III. — Is it a hindering of the Spirit of God to provide against this confusion by submitting the pretensions of gifted persons * to such an officer in the Church as Titus, appointed " to set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city " (Titus i. 5) ? And, IV. — Pray who is this officer among you ? A clear and concise answer to these questions will I am siu-e be acceptable to all our readers. Praying that in these times of temptation through di\ision, God may render the perusal of this corre- spondence (so humble at least on my part) profitable to His children, I remain, my dear sir. Yours in Christian truth and love, James Kelly. * It was not to such an officer that this task is allotted in the word of God. Next I deny that Titus was any constituted officer in the Church, or other than a temporary delegate of the Apostle. The 20th of Acts proves that all application of the title of diocesan epis- copacy to Timothy is utterly false, for the Apostle puts the elders on their own responsibility, without the smallest reference, and to the exclusion of any such officer. Such delegate of apostolic authority does not exist, because the Apostle is not here to delegate him, what- ever the various measure of gift may be. Episcopal pretension to it is to be avoided for a very simple reason, that the power does not exist, and the kingdom of God is in power. If those who are called bishops in the Establishment, or in Popery, examine the qtialifica- tions and source of mission of Timothy and Titus as given by the apostles, a very small share of modesty, not to say of truth, would make them resign all pretensions to being in the same position. Their service after all was very diffi^rent in its character, but in both instances temporary. Do the archbishops or bishops seriously pre- tend to confer the Holy Ghost on men marked out by prophe -y, when a bishop named by the prime minister is consecrated ? It is serious trifling with these subjects— a grave thing to pretend to give, or to have received, the Holy Ghost, and above all to take one's place in the Church of God as doing so. I tremble in thinking of the respon- sibility ; and the facts — the Lord keep me from judging. WORKS BY J. N. D. Evidence from Scripture of the Passing Away of the Pre- sent Dispensation. 3d. Divine Mercy to the Church and to Israel. 6d. Consirlerations on the Religious Movements of the Day. fid- French New Testament. A New Translation. 3s. & 4s. German Nev7 Testament. New Translation, 4s. Synopsis of Books of Bible. Vols. 1-4, cloth, each, 7s. Cd. Dialogues on the Essavs and Reviews 2nd ed. 8vo, el., 5s. Nature and Unity of the Church of Christ. 3d. Is tbe Law the Rule of the Christian's Life ? 3d. Separation from Evil God s Principle of Unity. Id. On Ministry : its Nature, Source, Power, &c. 6d. Resurrection tl)e Fundimental Truth of the Gospel. 2d. Dispensation of the Kingdom of Heaven, "id. Reflections on the Present Ruin of the Church. 2d. The Gifts of the Spirit remaining among the Saints. 2d. Christian Liberty of Preaching the Lord Jesus Christ. 2d. The Claims of tiie Church of England. Is 6d. A Letter to the saints in London, as to the Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church. 2d. Exposition of Matthew xxiv, xxv. 3d. Notes on the Book of Revelations. Cloth, 2s. Melchisedec Priesthood of Christ. 2d. The Believer entering into God's Rest Id. A Dialogue on Christian Perfection. Cd. The Irrationalism of Infidelity. Clotli, 6s. Notes anil Kxpositions. Cloth, Is. Gd. Two Warnings and an Example. Id. Substance of a Lecture on John v. Id. A Lecture on Prophecy. 2d. Gospel Sermons. Is. fid. ; cloth, gilt, 2s. God's Grace and Man's Need. Id. Inspiration of the Scriptures. New ed., with additions, fid. Discipline, ^d. On the Apos'acv. IJd. The Feasts. Ud. -^Hiat is the Church ? 3d. Father and Prodiial. Id. Superstition not Faith, '.'d. Romans viii, and ix. 2d. Types of Leviticus. 3d. Notes on the Offerings. 2d. A Collection of Tracts. 3s. Obedience 'M. Eternal Punishment. Id. On Worship. 3d. The Rapture of the Saints, fid Brethren and their Reviewers. Gd. The Righteousness of God. Gd. Further Remarks upon Righteousness and Law: with Answers to Different Objections. 6d. 6473